Zeitschrift für Psychologie: Band 187, Heft 3 1989 [Reprint 2021 ed.]
 9783112580127, 9783112580110

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ISSN 0044-3409 . Z. Psychol. . Leipzig . 197 (1989) 3 • S. 229-340


PSYCHOLOGIE mit Zeitschrift für a n g e w a n d t e P s y c h o l o g i e

Schriftleitung F r i e d h a r t K l i x (Berlin) • W i n f r i e d H a r k e r ( D r e s d e n ) • E l k e v a n der Meer (Berlin) Redaktion:


J ü r g e n M e h l (Berlin) • F r i e d r i c h K u k l a (Berlin)



J . E . Azcoaga (Buenos Aires) P . B. B a l t e s ( B e r l i n / W e s t ) N . Bischof (Zürich) A. A. B o d a l j o w (Moskau) H. Dörner (Bamberg) J. Engelkamp (Saarbrücken) P . Fraisse ( P a r i s ) H . - G . Geißler (Leipzig) D . J . H e r r m a n n (New Y o r k ) A. Kossakovvski (Berlin) D. K o v â c ( B r a t i s l a v a ) B. F . L o m o w f

D . Magnusson ( S t o c k h o l m ) K. Pawlik (Hamburg) P. Petzold (Jena) T. Radil (Prag) H . - D . Rosier ( R o s t o c k ) E. R o t h (Salzburg) H . - D . S c h m i d t (Berlin) L. S. S v e t k o v a (Moskau) H . S y d o w (Berlin) M. W e r t h e i m e r (Boulder) G. d ' Y d e w a l l e ( L e u v e n )


Inhalt Krause, B. (Berlin). Problems and Approaches in Computer-Aided Problem Solving. With 16 fig.


Haack, U.; Hahn, K . ; Wagner, K.-U. (Marburg). Programmieren als schematisches Problemlösen. 6 Abb


Raykov, T. (Berlin). Reserve Capacity of the Elderly in Aging Sensitive Tests of Fluid Intelligence: A Reanalysis via a Structural Equation Modelling Approach. With 13 fig


Rückert, J . (Berlin). Maßbesonderheiten intraindividueller und gruppendifferentieller Veränderungen in derselben Merkmalsdimension als Reliabilitätsproblem. Mit 6 Abb


Weiss, T . ; Beyer, L . ; Hansen, Ellen; Wolf, A n t j e ; Haschke, W. (Jena). Möglichkeiten der Objektivierung des Aktivierungsverlaufes beim ideomotorischen Training. Mit 10 Abb


Ferreres, A. R . (Buenos Aires). Analyse der Konsonantsubstitutionen bei Anarthrikern und spanisch sprechenden Broca-Aphasikern des La-Plata-Gebietes. Mit 3 Abb



282, 313, 328

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Band 197, 1989

Heft 3

mit Zeitschrift fur angewandte Psychologic Z. Psychol. 197 (1989) 2 2 9 - 2 4 6

Band 103 V E B J . A. Barth, Leipzig

F r o m the Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universitv Berlin

P r o b l e m s a n d A p p r o a c h e s in C o m p u t e r - A i d e d P r o b l e m S o l v i n g 1 By B. Krause With 16 figures

1. Introduction Computer-aided problem solving (CAPS) denotes a special kind of human-computerinteraction (HCI) that can be characterized by the following two aspects: (i) the aspect of (classical) problem solving: the problem task and the human problem solver who tries to solve the problem. (ii) the aspect of the availability of new tools for solving the problem, i.e. the use of computers: the expanded capacity of its memory and the possibilities of automatical information processing (by a program). Classical examples of CAPS are programs like " E L I Z A " (Weizenbaum, 1966) or " S T U D E N T " (Bobrow, 1964) that also mark starting points for generating artificial intelligence. Thus it is well-known, that the ELIZA-program contains a fixed list of word phrases and an algorithmic program that uses parts of the input to generate answers. So it is possible to ask the computer for a problem and to use the generated answers for earring on a dialogue. The " S T U D E N T " program is more appropriate for our purpose as it is able to solve linear equations by means of an implemented algorithm (cf. Birkenbihl, 1987). Both programs demonstrate the advantages which computers would offer in solving a problem. These include the high speed of information processing, the permanent memory with the high capacity and the progam control. Therefore the general question arises how these advantages can be utilized for problem solving. More precisely this leads to the question for possible forms of work division in this situation. In order to discuss this question in greater detail we at first try to characterize different kinds of CAPS. 2. Kinds of computer-aided problem solving In differentiating types of CAPS we try to clarify the possibilities forming the situation. In terms of HCI we characterize CAPS globally by the following scheme of three main components: (i) the human problem solver, (ii) the computer system and (iii) the interface as a transmitter medium (see fig. 1). 1 Englarged version of a paper given on the U N E S C O - s e m i n a r " T h e influence of computer science and artificial intelligence on modern p s y c h o l o g y " , Berlin, march 25—29, 1988.


Z. Psychol. 197-3


Z. P s y c h o l . 197 ( 1 9 8 9 ) 3

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