Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik: Volume 70, Number 9 [Reprint 2021 ed.] 9783112571064, 9783112571057

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Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik: Volume 70, Number 9 [Reprint 2021 ed.]
 9783112571064, 9783112571057

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Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik


• • v



Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Founded by Richard von Mises in 1921

Edited at Institute of Mechanics Academy of Sciences of the G.D.R. Editor-in-Chief: G. Schmidt Editorial Board G. Alefeld (Karlsruhe) H. Beckert (Leipzig) L. Berg (Rostock) L. Bittner (Greifswald) L. Collatz (Hamburg) M. S. El Naschie (Epsom) W. Fiszdon (Warsaw) H. Gajewski (Berlin) P. Germain (Paris) H. Günther (Chemnitz) J. Heinhold (Munich) H. Heinrich (Kiel) K. Hennig (Berlin)

Akademie-Verlag • Berlin

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Volume 70 1990 Number 9

Editorial Office Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Institute of Mechanics Prof. Dr. Günter Schmidt • Elke Herrmann • Or. Dieter Ullmann - Dr. Horst Weinert

The aim and scope of ZAMM is, in agreement with the intentions of its founder Richard von Mises, one of the outstanding scientists of our century in both Mathematics and Mechanics: to publish new results and review articles, the proceedings of the annual GAMM conferences, book reviews and information on applied mathematics (mainly on numerical mathematics and various parts and applications of analysis, in particular numerical aspects of differential and integral equations), on the whole field of theoretical and applied mechanics (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics) and on mathematical physics. The journal is of interest for persons working in applied mathematics and mechanics as well as on mathematical or mechanical questions in other sciences, for instance mechanical and civil engineering, electrotechniques, and chemistry.

In Übereinstimmung mit den Zielstellungen des Begründers der ZAMM, Richard von Mises, eines der bedeutendsten Wissenschaftler unseres Jahrhunderts auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik und Mechanik, publiziert die Zeitschrift neue Ergebnisse und Übersichtsartikel, die Vorträge auf den jährlichen GAMM-Tagungen, Buchbesprechungen und Informationen über Angewandte Mathematik (hauptsächlich über numerische Mathematik und verschiedene Teile sowie Anwendungen der Analysis, insbesondere numerische Aspekte bei Differential- und Integralgleichungen), über das gesamte Gebiet der theoretischen und angewandten Mechanik (Festkörpermechanik, Strömungsmechanik, Thermodynamik) und über mathematische Physik. Die Zeitschrift wendet sich an Vertreter der Angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik wie auch an Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure, die sich mit mathematischen oder theoretisch-mechanischen Fragen auf anderen Gebieten, z. B. Maschinenbau und Technik, Elektrotechnik und Chemie, befassen.

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BAUER, H. F.: Response of a Viscous Liquid Column

ZAMM - Z. angew. Math. Mech. 70 (1990) 9, 359 - 369

Akademie-Verlag Berlin

BAUER, H . F .

Response of a Viscous Liquid Column to Axial Excitation in Zero-Gravity Dedicated to Prof. Dr. E R N S T


on the occasion of his 65th birthday

Das Antwortverhalten einer viskosen Flüssigkeitssäule wurde analytisch behandelt, wobei zur vereinfachten Lösung die Haftbedingung am oberen und unteren Ende der Flüssigkeitsbrücke unberücksichtigt blieb. Die freie Oberflächenauslenkung, die radiale und axiale Geschwindigkeitsverteilung wurden als Vergrößerungsfunktionen des Erregerfrequenzparameters üa /v für verschiedene Oberflächenspannungsparameter oa/ßv2, Streckungsverhältnisse l/a an verschiedenen Stellen der Flüssigkeitssäule dargestellt. Dabei konnte eine endliche, aber scharfe erste Resonanzerhöhung festgestellt werden. The response of a viscous liquid column to axial excitation has been determined analytically. For a simplified analytical treatment the no-slip condition at the top and the bottom of the liquid column has been abandoned, while the normal condition could be satisfied. The free liquid surface elevation, the radial- and axial velocity distribution have been presented for various surface tension parameters oa/ßv2, aspect ratios IIa and at various locations inside and along the liquid bridge as functions of the forcing frequency parameter da2/v. It could be noticed that due to viscosity the resonance amplitudes are finite and that the lowest resonance is sharply tuned. Omeem e/tsicoeo MCUÖKOIO cmoAÖKa m ocesoe eoißyjicdeHue onpedeMtemcx anajumunecKyM oöpasoM. HAH ynpoutemoü aHOjtumunecKoü o6pa6omxu noKudaemcn ycAoeue npwturumun na eepxe u m due ncudKoeo cmoAÖKa, Koeda oöwmoe ycAoeue ydoejiemeonemcH iwane. Bosabtuienue ceoöoduoü noeepxuocmu ncydieocmu u pacnpedeAeuue paducuuMoü KOK U oceeoü CKopocmu npedcmasAnemcH dan paSAUUHbix napauempoe noeepxHocmuozo HarruaiceHwt oa/ßv2, omHocumeAbrtbix ydAuuehuü l/a u Ha pa3AUUHbix HaxootcdeuuHX e npedeAax u edoAb DKUÖKOZO cmoAÖxa e eude ffiywcifuü om napa/nempa tacmomti eoiöyncdeHUH Oa2/v. MOMCHO 6UAO JOMemumb, umo ÖAaeodapx ensKocmu peionoHCHhie aMnAumydt* neAmom KonenHbiMU a umo caMbiü HU3KUÜ pe30uaHC ommoiHeHHO Hacmpousaemcn.

Introduction The vibration of cylindrical liquid bridges under micro- or even zero-gravity environments has recently become of quite some interest in manufacturing processes in space, where a cylindrical liquid column is the most favored geometry. Such oscillations may have detrimental effects on experiments and on products of a manufacturing process. Due to the lack of gravity the liquid bridge is held together by liquid surface tension, which also acts in case of disturbances as the restoring force. The knowledge of the magnitude of the natural frequencies and the decay of the motion, as well as the response of the column due to harmonic axial excitations is of quite some interest to the experimenter. For this reason an experiment on the German D-2-Spacemission will be performed under the title "Liquid Column Resonances" (LICORE), in order to establish experimentally the natural frequencies and the response of the liquid to axial excitation. To support these experiments the necessary theoretical knowledge of the liquid behavior of a column and experiments with small liquid bridges on ground have to be performed before any useful flight experiments shall be executed. Only this way useful, efficient and conclusive results may be obtained from experiments in orbit. Since the liquid zone is held together by surface tension, its free liquid surface may perform oscillations, if disturbed. These oscillations may be damped, which means that a decaying oscillatory motion occurs, or they may be unstable, which is manifested by a motion with increasing amplitude. But there also may appear a non-oscillatory decaying (aperiodic) motion or a diverging instability. It was found [1, 2, 3], that the liquid becomes unstable, if the wave length in the axial direction for the axisymmetric motion (m = 0) is equal or larger than the circumference of the liquid column. This result holds for frictionless [4], viscous [1] and visco-elastic liquids [5]. For viscous and visco-elastic liquids, however, there exists a certain range of axial wave-length, for which (depending on the surface tension parameter aa/Qv2) no damped oscillation occurs anymore, i.e. for which just an aperiodic behavior appears in the liquid motion, if disturbed [6]. The response to harmonic excitations of an otherwise stable liquid bridge is of quite some importance. For this reason a liquid column is axially excited with an excitation amplitude z0 and a forcing frequency ß. This renders finally the response of the damped free liquid surface displacement and the response of the radial- and axial velocity. 2. Basic equations A liquid column of finite length / and diameter 2a consisting of viscous and incompressible liquid is between two walls in a zero gravity environment. If disturbed the liquid column will perform a damped oscillation, in which the free liquid surface tension acts as restoring force. Such a viscous column shall, if subjected harmonically to an axial excitation exhibit a certain response, which we shall investigate. To determine this response the Navier-Stokes equations have to be solved together with the continuity equation and the appropriate boundary conditions. Assuming small velocities and free surface displacement, the basic equations may be linearized and are with the velocity v = uer + wk and the exterior acceleration 25»


ZAMM • Z. angew. Math. Mech. 70 (1990) 9

g given by Stokes equation 0®


h - grad p + v curl curl ® = g




and the continuity equation div « = 0 . (2) In component writing this yields with g = — Q2z0 e""*, where z 0 is the excitation amplitude of the walls and (2 the forcing frequency of the harmonic axial excitation for axisymmetric motion 0U

1 dp


1 du


Q 8z


r 0r

02 J

0 2 tf|

0t 0W Ôt



and 0M U 0W - + - + — = 0. or r 02


The boundary conditions are at the top and bottom of the liquid column given by u = 0


w = 0


z = ± —, 2


while at the free liquid surface it is „ 0«





and 0C u = — at 0t

r = a


with C — C ( z . 0 as the free surface displacement above the equilibrium location r = a. In addition the shear stress xrz vanishes at the free liquid surface, i.e. Sw or


0U oz



r = a.


Applying the vector operation "divergence" upon eqn. (1) yields the Laplace equation for the pressure, i.e. 02p 2


1 dp


r dr



3. Method of solution for the axisymmetric case Since we treat the linearized behavior of the liquid due to axial excitation the liquid will respond in its axisymmetric modes (m = 0). Assuming pressure- and velocity distribution in the form p(r, z, t) = P(r, z) e"*, t0t

w(r, 2, t) = W(r, z) e ,

u(r, 2, t) = U(r, z) eiat C(z, t) = Z(z) e'«1

yield the Stokes equation in the form iQ rr 1 dP d2U 1 dU — U + - — = —2 + - V ti dr dr r dr

U d2U r2 + — T2 > r dz

iQ „, 1 dP d2W 1 dW d2W z0Q2 — w + - — = —=- + - — + - T - — v ij dz dr* r dr oz v and the continuity equation dU



(9a) (9b)


F.: Response of a Viscous Liquid Column


which have to be solved with the boundary conditions

I J dW dU 8r dz

r= a

— + — = 0 at and

(10a) (10b)

dU ff r , 0 1/1 iQP - 2iriQ — +2— \U + a22 —- =0 at r = a. ' dr a 1 dz J


With the transformation

W(r,z) = W*(r,z) + iQz0


equation (9 b) renders the expression

1dP d2W* 1 dW* d2W* - W * + - — = —h + —. v t\ 0z dr r 0r Sz iQ , .


Equation (9a), (12), (9c) have to be solved now with the new boundary conditions (10c) and

W* = -iQz0 at z= ± y , dW* dU + — dr dz


= 0 at r = a .


If we abandon the adhesive condition U = 0 at z = and permit slipping in radial direction, eqns. (9a) and (12) may be solved with the streamfunction ?*(r, z) satisfying with 1 05*




r dz


1 05*


r dr

the continuity condition (9 c). This yields - — >pj = o where the operator A =

2 2 d 10 d —2 H -. The solution of this partial differential equation is given by dr r dr dz2





+ B r ) +

= +

r r / , Kin - l)2 n2a2 ifl? A

ix ? f ,


iv „ B



£ r

K 1 a (1/ ((2n - 1) no r \ 1

+ 12 — ' a ) f{2n - l)?tz\

(17) a —a {—T—a)\C0S ( l ) where A, B and A2„-lf B2n-1 are integration constants depending on the forcing frequency Q. It may be noticed that the

streamfunction (17) has been chosen in such a way to satisfy the upper- and lower normal velocity boundary condition 1 Q2 (13),if B=-— z0. 2 v

The expression U and W* are then with (15) given by






n=i I

iv(2N -


L)N „









1) JIA r \ ]

l = l , 2 , 3


As has been pointed out by SPENCER and RIVLIN [10,11], a polynomial tensor-valued function (5) of three symmetric, second order tensor variables