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German Pages 76 [78] Year 1983
U N T E R M I T W I R K U N G V O N E. B E C K E R • H. B E C K E R T • L. B E R G • L. B I T T N E R • L. C O L L A T Z W. F I S Z D O N • H . G A J E W S K I • H . G Ö R T L E R • J. H E I N H O L D • H . H E I N R I C H • K. H E N N I G J. H U L T • A. JU. I S C H L I N S K I • R. K L Ö T Z L E R • P . H . M Ü L L E R • H. N E U B E R • K . O S W A T I T S C H A. S A W C Z U K • L. S C H M E T T E R E R • J.W.SCHMIDT • H.SCHUBERT • G.G. T S C H O R N Y H. U N G E R • F. W E I D E N H A M M E R U N D F. Z I E G L E R H E R A U S G E G E B E N V O N G. S C H M I D T , B E R L I N C H E F R E D A K T E U R : G. S C H M I D T
R E D A K T E U R E: W. H E I N R ICH, H. W E I N E RT
1982 AUS
H A U P T A U F S Ä T Z E J . Perkkiö: The Newtonian Two-Fluid Model and Stationary Flow in Cylindrical Tubes of Varying Radius / Y. Shindo / T. Himemiya: Singular Stresses in an Elastic Sphere Having an Annular Crack/S. Itou: Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors around a Rectangular Crack in a Half-Space under Impact Load / G. H. Sotiropoulos: The Transcendental Eigenvalue Problem of the Exact Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of Linearly Elastic Plane Frames / J . Szopa: Response of a Multidegree-of-Freedom System of Variable Coefficients to Random Excitation / H. Stachel: Bemerkungen über zwei räumliche Trilaterationsprobleme K L E I N E
A K A D E M I E - V E R L A G ZAMM EVP 18,-M
Bd. 62
Nr. 7
S. 285-356
B E R L I N Berlin. Juli 1982
INHALT Hauptaufsätze
J. Perkklö: The Newtonian Two-Fluid Model and Stationary Flow in Cylindrical Tubes of Varying Radius . . . . Y . Shlndo/T. H i m e m i y a : Singular Stresses In an Elastic Sphere Having an Annular Crack S. Itou: DynamicStress Intensity Factors around a Rectangular Crack in Half-Space under Impact Load G. H . Sotiropoulos: The Transcendental Eigenvalue Problem of the Exact Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of Linearly Elastic Plane Frames J. Szopa: Response of a Multidegree-of-Freedom System of Variable Coefficients to Random Excitation H . Stachel: Bemerkungen Überzwei räumlicheTrilaterationsprobleme
285 291 301 313 321 329
Kleine Mitteilungen F. A . Emmerling: Nichtlineare Biegung von geschlitzten dünnwandigen Rohren 343 K.-F. F i s c h e r / H . G ö l d n e r / W . G ü n t h e r / W . S ö r g e l : On the Relationship between Notch Stress Analysis and Crack Fracture Mechanics 345 Buchbesprechungen
Eingegangene Bücher
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Printed in the G e r m a n Democratic Republic.
J. PKKKKIÖ: Flow Cylindrical Tubes of Varying ßadius
285 Z A M M 62, 285 -200 (1982)
The Newtonian Two-Fluid Model and Stationary Flow in Cylindrical Tubes of Varying Radius Us wird die stationäre laminare Strömung zweier unmischbarer Newtonscher Flüssigkeiten mit derselben Dichte und verschiedenen Viskositäten in Rohren mit veränderlichem Radius untersucht. Die Schubspannung an den Rohrwänden und der Strömungswiderstand, werden berechnet. Die Resultate werden auf eine Strömung in örtlich eingeschnürten Rohren angewendet, zum Beispiel auf die Strömung des Blutes in Adern mit Stenosis. The stationary and laminar flow of two immiscible Newtonian fluids with equal density and different viscosities in cylindrical tubes with varying radius is considered. The expressions of the wall shearing stress and the flow resistance are calculated. The results are applied to flow through locally constricted tubes, for example to the flow of blood in blood vessel with stenosis.
PaccMarpMHaeTCH cTannoiiapiioe Jia,Mnnapnoe re'ienwe «uyx HecMeiiiHBaioiiiiixeii HMOTOHOBCKHX >KHAKOCTeii OJIHHaKOBOH 1IJ10TH0CTH H HeO«HHaKOBOiI BH3K0CTM B TpyÖaX C HeilOCTOHHHbIM Te'ieiiHe.M. KaCaTejlbnoe HanpHiKeHne Ha cxeHKax TpyöoK H rimpojiHHaMn'iecKoe conpoTHBJieHHe BM^IHCJIHIOTCH. Pe3yjii>TaTM npHMeHHiOTCH K T6IIGHHIO B ji0KaJibH0 CTHHyTbix Tpyöax, nanpHMep K TCTeHHio KpoBH B KpoBHHHbrx cocynax IipH CTCII03e.
1. Introduction I n recent years the flow of viscous incompressible fluid in tubes of varying cross-section has been extensively studied [ 1 — 9 ] . The study of S H U K L A et al. [8] seems to be the only one in which the two-fluid character of blood flow has been considered. In this studj' we have modified the method of R A M A C I I A N D K A R A O and D I O V A N A T H A N [6] to take into account the two-fluid aspects of blood flow. The effects of the fluid layer adjacent to the wall on the wall shearing stress and on the flow resistance are studied especially in the case of locally constricted tube.
Tlio equations of motion The stationary and lanunar flow of two immiscible Newtonian fluids with equal density g and kinematic viscosities j»! and v2 in a cylindrical tube with varying radius is considered. The fluids 1 and 2 flow in the regions r^(z) < r < < R{z) and 0 < r < ?'/J(z), respectively, where R(z) is the radius of the tube (Fig. 1). The cross-section of the tube is supposed to be constant as z — oo (R{z) JR0 and r^{z) -> rp). The equations of motion and the continuity equation are in cylindrical coordinates vlt, d,v
CJW, 2 =
+ Vi {— 8 r (r0,i; 4j r ) —
— — 0ZJ3 +
J— 8,(r 8 r v i i Z ) lr
and ~ 8 r (rv Ur ) + 82t>M = 0 .
Here vt, and viz (i = 1, 2) are the components of the velocity of the two fluids, p is the pressure and 6 r = etc. ' ' The equations (1) and (2) lead to the equation vt j^t'j,
8rctjL -
— d22ojt| = y d2ifi 8ra>i — y 8,yt 82tOt — y 8 c o
when the pressure is eliminated. In (4) the streamfunctions are defined by the equations Vi,r =
8zWi ,
Vt a = — drWi r
and the vorticities are rot =
drv.iiX -
= y 8„ifli — y2 8 T f i + y d a y / t .
The solution of the problem can m principle be obtained from Eqs. (4) and (6) with appropriate boundary conditions. 20 Z. aiigoiv .Math. u. Jlccli., 13d. 62, 11 7
J. PEEKKIÔ : Flow in Cylindrical Tubes of Varying Radius
The equations (4) and (6) can be written in dimensionless form j 6 „ ! P , - 1 6f!P ( + a 2 8 „ y t = Q t
and i Di - J 8eQt -
- a2