International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 85 2016 9783110681437, 9783110681291

Every year, the Bibliography catalogues the most important new publications, historiographical monographs, and journal a

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Table of contents :
R Asia
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization)
T America (esp. to its colonization)
U Oceania (esp. to its colonization)
Recommend Papers

International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 85 2016
 9783110681437, 9783110681291

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VOLUME LXXXV 2016 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori

De Gruyter Oldenbourg

The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.

ISBN 978-3-11-068129-1 e-ISBN 978-3-11-068143-7 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-068148-2 ISSN 0074-2015 Bibliographie Information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at © 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: CPI books GmbH, Leck

General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library † Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilém PREČAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIĆ, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) Ida BRANCACCIO, Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento (Ancient history) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations) Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Damiano GAROFALO, Università degli studi di Padova (Modern history)


Gabriela GOLASOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography) Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Bieżącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Old Rus') Andreas IACARELLA, Rome (African and Middle East historiography) Shunsuke KATSUTA, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Marina A. KURYSHEVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Byzantine studies) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Ljudmila S. OKOUNEVA, MGIMO, Moscow, (Russian historiography, Latin America) Ol'ga V. OKOUNEVA, Instistute of General History of RAS, Moscow (Modern history, discoveries, international relations) Katri OJANIEMI, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Marija A. PETROVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Modern history of Russia) Gloria RAPONI, Rome, (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern religious and cultural history) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Eva ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, (Czech historiography) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Andrea TAGLIABRACCI, Pesaro, (Ancient history) Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Samuil B. VOLF'SON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, North America and international relations) Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Michael ZEMLIAKOV, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Consulting editors Agnese ACCATTOLI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen


Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris † Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Paris-Sorbonne Pietro VANNICELLI, Sapienza università di Roma André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Daniele MASTROGREGORI, Rome Gloria RAPONI, Rome

CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................


SCHEME ........................................................................................................................................................


GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................


INDEX OF NAMES .......................................................................................................................................


GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................................


FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies. Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly.



By this conception, the I. O. B. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXXV, 2016 mentions the works published with the date 2016, in the following languages (in order of appearance): Italian, French, Latin, Hebrew, Romanian, English, German, Castilian Spanish, Dutch, Persian, Hungarian, Swedish, Latvian, Arab, Portuguese, Serbian, Finnish, Danish, Slovak, Polish, Croatian, Russian, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Greek, Turkish, Japanese, Catalan, Czech, Lithuanian, Chinese, Korean, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kurdish, Swahili. The works' titles are transcribed into Latin characters when required and accompanied by a translation. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ć, č, ś, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.




§ 1. Palaeography. 1-14. – § 2. Diplomatics. 15-25. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 26-74. – § 4. Chronology. 75-80. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 81-108. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 109-112. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 113-127.– § 8. Linguistics. 128-145. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 146-202. – § 10. Iconography and images. 203-221.


§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 222-262. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 263-488. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 489529. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 530-540. – § 5. General history. 541-593. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 594-603. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 604-617. – § 8. Economic and social history. 618-683. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 684-721. – § 10. History of art. 722-735. – § 11. History of religions. 736-772. – § 12. History of philosophy. 773-784. – § 13. History of literature. 785-796.

C PREHISTORY (p. 35-40)

§ 1. General. 797-811. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 812-835. – § 3. Neolithic. 836-862. – § 4. Bronze age. 863-894. – § 5. Iron age. 895-911.



D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 41-50)

§ 1. General. 912-931. – § 2. The Near East. 932-972. – § 3. Egypt. 973-1031. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 1032-1073. – § 5. Hittites. 1074-1080. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1081-1150. – § 7. Iran. 11511169.

E GREEK HISTORY (p. 51-69)

§ 1. Classical world in general. 1170-1185. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1186-1218. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1219-1287. – § 4. General and political history. 1288-1340. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1341-1355. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1356-1393. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1394-1531. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1532-1568. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1569-1652.


§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1653-1672. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1673-1690. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1691-1783. – § 4. General and political history. 1784-1858. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1859-1896. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1897-1957. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1958-2065. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2066-2097. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2098-2145. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 21462178.


§ 1. Sources. 2179-2265. – § 2. General. 2266-2273. – § 3. Special studies. 2274-2356. – § 4. Hagiography. 23572365.



H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 101-107)

§ 1. Sources. 2366-2425. – § 2. General. 2426-2436. – § 3. Special studies. 2437-2513.


§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2514-2565. – § 2. General works. 2566-2584. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2585-2708. – § 4. Jews. 2709-2726. – § 5. Islam. 2727-2769. – § 6. Vikings. 2770-2787. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2788-2820. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2821-2927. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2928-3111. – § 10. History of art. 3112-3177. – § 11. History of music. 3178-3200. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3201-3245. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3246-3450. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3451-3484.


§ 1. General. 3485-3524. – § 2. History by countries. 3525-4651.


§ 1. General. 4652-4682. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4683-4761. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4762-4770. – § 4. Protestantism. 4771-4837. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 4838-4882.




§ 1. General. 4883-4996. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4997-5046. – § 3. Education. 5047-5110. – § 4. The Press. 5111-5196. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5197-5275. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technology. 5276-5416. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5417-5538. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5539-5616. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5617-5717.


§ 1. General. 5718-5761. – § 2. Political economy. 5762-5765. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 5766-5870. – § 4. Trade. 5871-5945. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5946-5992. – § 6. Money and finance. 59936104. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6105-6184. – § 8. Social history. 6185-6614. – § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. 6615-6680.


(p. 281-288) § 1. General. 6681-6693. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6694-6712. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 67136740. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6741-6843. – § 5. International law. 6844-6864.


§ 1. General. 6865-6917. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6918-7098. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 7099-7147. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7148-7170. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7171-7239. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7240-7360. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7361-7480. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7481-7742.



R Asia

(p. 325-330) § 1. General. 7743-7744. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7745-7751. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 77527758. – § 4. China. 7759-7827. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7828-7875. – § 6. Korea. 7876-7878.

S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 331)

Nos 7879-7902.

T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 333)

Nos 7903-7920.

U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 335)

Nos 7921-7924.

GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria]. Österreichische Historische Bibliographie. Austrian Historical Bibliography 2013. [2012. Cf. bibl. 2015, no I.] Bearb. von Martha JAUERNIG und Bettina LOITSCH. Graz, Wolfgang Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio Press, 2016, 757 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België. 2014 (Avec compléments des années antérieures. Met aanvullingen uit voorafgaande jaren) [2013. Cf. bibl. 2015, no II.] Sous la dir. de Romain VAN EENOO. Red. S. ONGHENA, onder leiding van L. FRANÇOIS, M. GALAND, G. VANTHEMSCHE, K. VELLE. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire ‒ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2016, 94, 2bis, p. 1*-607*. III. [Czech Republic]. Bibliografie dějin Českých zemí. (Bibliography of the history of the Czech lands). Praha. Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2016, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no III.] IV. [Denmark]. Dansk Historisk Bibliografi. (Danish Historical Bibliography). København, Royal Library, Research Department, 2016, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no IV.] V. [France]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de France (BHF). Sous la dir. de Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KERIVEN, Florence GALLI-DUPIS et Marilyne DELBÈS. Paris, Bibliothèque de France, online [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no V.] VI. [Germany]. Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2015. [2014. Cf. bibl. 2015, no VI.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinscheft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2016, [s. p.] (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). ‒ Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Datenbank-Online. Hrsg. von der Berlin-Branderburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag [Cf. bibl. 2015, no VI.] VII. [Great Britain] Bibliography of British and Irish history (Online, Institute of historical research). [Cf. bibl. 2015, no VII.] VIII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografía internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXXXI, 2012. [Vol. LXXX, 2011. Cf. bibl. 2015, no VIII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with contribution of a number of scholars. München, K.G. Saur, 2016-2017, XVIII-382 p. IX. [Ireland]. Irish history online. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2016, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no IX.] X. [Italy]. Bibliografia storica nazionale. Roma, Giunta centrale degli studi storici, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no X.] XI. Literaturdokumentation zur Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas. Marburg, Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung – Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, 2016, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no XI.] XII. [Netherlands]. Digitale Bibliografie Nederlandse Geschiedenis. (The online bibliography of Netherlands history). Amsterdam, Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2016, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2015, no XII.] XIII. [Poland]. Bibliografia historii Pomorza Wschodniego i Zachodniego oraz krajów regionu Bałtyku za rok 2014 wraz z uzupełnieniami z lat poprzednich. [2013. Cf. bibl. 2015, no XIII.] Opracowali: Adam BIEDRZYCKI i Urszula ZABORSKA. Współpraca: Wojciech SZRAMOWSKI. Toruń, Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2016, 378 p. (Zapiski Historyczne, 81).


§ 1. Palaeography. 1-14. – § 2. Diplomatics. 15-25. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 26-74. – § 4. Chronology. 75-80. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 81-108. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 109-112. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 113-127.– § 8. Linguistics. 128-145. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 146-202. – § 10. Iconography and images. 203-221. § 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB: bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990 / raccolti dal 13 novembre 2015 al 1. novembre 2016. Vol. 24. [Vol. 23. Cf. Bibl. 2015, no 1.] Roma, Viella, 2016, 389 p. ** 2. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 87, Italy 59, Lucca 16. Publ. by Clelia GATTAGRISI e Corinna DRAGO. Part 95, Italy 67, Milano 2. Publ. by Annafelicia ZUFFRANO. Part 96, Italy 68, Milano 3. Publ. by Lorenza IANNACCI. Part 109, Switzerland 12, Sankt Gallen 10. Publ. by Peter ERHART, Bernhard ZELLER und Karl HEIDECKER. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2016, 4 vol., 156 p., 152 p., 144 p., 152 p. ______________________

3. BUAT (Nicolas), VAN DEN NESTE (Evelyne). Manuel de paléographie française. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016, 313 p. (ill.). (Collection sources). 4. CAVALLO (Guglielmo). Il cosiddetto "Leggendario di Torino". Qualche riflessione di carattere codicologico e paleografico. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, 2016, 128, 1, p. 157-161. 5. Intersezioni: Incontri tra storia e paleografia. A cura di Simone COLLAVINI e Antonino MASTRUZZO. Quaderni storici, 2016, 152, 2, p. 345-470. 6. KREFT (Robertina-Alexandra). Die romanoiden ACS von 4000 v. Chr. – 1400 n. Chr. Entdeckung - Katalogisierung – Anwendung. Solingen, Kreft-Verlag, 2016, 83 p. 7. Manu propria: vom eigenhändigen Schreiben der Mächtigen (13.–15. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. v. Claudia FELLER und Christian LACKNER. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 316 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 67).

8. MARCOS GARCÍA (Juan José). Manual ilustrado de paleografía griega. Madrid, Dykinson, 2016, 558 p. (ill.). (Colección Clásicos Dykinson). 9. MUGRIDGE (Alan). Copying early Christian texts: a study of scribal practice. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, XX-558 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 362). 10. NUVOLONI (Laura). Palaeography, manuscript illumination and humanism in Renaissance Italy: studies in memory of A. C. De la Mare. Ed. by Robert BLACK and Jill KRAYE. London, Warburg Institute, 2016, XIII475 p., (16 pl., portrait, ill.). 11. Roman London's first voices: writing tablets from the Bloomberg excavations, 2010–2014. Ed. by Roger TOMLIN and S. M. WRIGHT. London, Museum of London Archaeology, 2016, XV-309 p. (col. ill., maps, plans). (MOLA monograph series, 72). 12. Ruling the script in the Middle Ages: formal aspects of written communication (books, charters and inscriptions). Ed. by Sébastien BARRET, Dominique STUTZMANN and Georg VOGELER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, VIII-545 p. (Utrecht studies in medieval literacy, 35). 13. SYMONS (Victoria). Runes and Roman letters in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016, 230 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, 99). 14. Träger der Verschriftlichung und Strukturen der Überlieferung in oberitalienischen Kommunen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Hagen KELLER und Marita BLATTMANN. Münster, Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2016, VIII-504 p. (Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster, Reihe X, 25). Cf. nos 15-25, 2514-2565 § 2. Diplomatics. ** 15. FIANU (Kouky). Promettre, confesser, s'obliger: devant Pierre Christofle, notaire royal à Orléans



(1437). Paris, École des Chartes, 2016, 466 p. (col. ill.). (Mémoires et documents de l'École des Chartes, 103). _______________________

16. ADAMSKA (Anna). Urkundenformeln im Kontext: Formen der Schriftkultur im Ostmitteleuropa des Mittelalters (13.–14. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. v. Sébastien ROSSIGNOL. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 207 p. (b/w ill., maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 65). 17. Autografie dell'età minore lettere di tre dinastie italiane tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento. A cura di Monica FERRARI, Isabella LAZZARINI e Federico PISERI. Roma, Viella, 2016, 268 p. (ill.). (Libri di Viella, 232). 18. LANDI (Walter). Otto Rubeus fundator. Eine historisch-diplomatische Untersuchung zu den karolingischen und ottonischen Privilegien für das Kloster Innichen (769–992). Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2016, 226 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs, 39). 19. LAZZARINI (Isabella). Lettere, minute, registri: pratiche della scrittura diplomatica nell' Italia tardomedievale fra storia e paleografia. Quaderni storici, 2016, 51, 152, p. 449-470. 20. PATT (Sarah). Studien zu den 'Formulae imperiales'. Urkundenkonzeption und Formulargebrauch in der Kanzlei Kaiser Ludwigs des Frommen (814–840). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, XXXIV-348 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien und Texte, 59). 21. TERENZI (Pierluigi). "In quaterno communis". Scritture pubbliche e cancelleria cittadina a L'Aquila (secoli XIV–XV). Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, 2016, 128, 2, p. 499-510. 22. WAAL (Willemijn J. I.). Hittite diplomatics. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, 620 p. (Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten, 57). 23. WIDDER (Ellen). Kanzler und Kanzleien im Spätmittelalter. Eine Histoire croisée fürstlicher Administration im Südwesten des Reiches. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2016, XCIV-602 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 204). 24. ZAVACKÁ (Marína). Diplom ako záručný list. (The Diploma as a Letter guarantee). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 679-682. 25. ZWIERLEIN (Susanne). Studien zu den Arengen in den Urkunden Kaiser Ludwigs des Frommen (814–840). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, XXXIV-472 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien und Texte, 60). Cf. nos 1-14, 2514-2565 § 3. History of the book. _______________________

a. Manuscripts 26. Auchinleck (The) manuscript: new perspectives. Ed. by Susanna FEIN. York, York Medieval Press, 2016, 253 p. (Manuscript culture in the British Isles).

27. Bibles (Les) atlantiques: le manuscrit biblique à l'époque de la réforme de l'église du XIe siècle. Éd. par Nadia TOGNI. Firenze,. SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2016, XXXI-578 p. (Millennio medievale, 110. Strumenti e studi, 42). 28. Book and text in France, 1400–1600: poetry on the page. Ed. by Adrian ARMSTRONG and Malcolm QUAINTON. London, Routledge, 2016, 240 p. 29. CHRISTENSEN (Mark Z.). The Teabo manuscript. Maya christian copybooks, Chilam Balams and native text production in Yucatan. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016, XV-321 p. (The Linda Schele series in Maya and pre-Columbian studies). 30. COUSSEAU (Marie-Blanche). Étienne Colaud et l'enluminure parisienne sous le règne de François Ier. Tours, Presses universitaires François Rabelais et Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 373 p. 31. Culture religieuse méridionale: les manuscrits et leur contexte artistique. Éd. par Michelle FOURNIÉ, Daniel LE BLÉVEC et Alison STONES. Toulouse, Éditions Privat, 2016, 575 p. (ill.). (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 51). 32. GANZ (David). Visionen der Endzeit: die Apokalypse in der mittelalterlichen Buchkunst. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern, 2016, 150 p. (ill.). 33. Geschichte der Buchkultur. Bd. 5/1. Gotik. Hrsg. v. Christine BEIER. Graz, Austria Akademische Drucku. Verlagsanstalt. 2016, 312 p. (ill., tab.). 34. Libro miniato (Il) a Roma nel Duecento: riflessioni e proposte. A cura di Silvia MADDALO ed Eva PONZI. Roma. Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2016, 2 vol., XXVIII-987 p. (pl., ill.). (Nuovi studi storici, 100). 35. Libro miniato (Il) e il suo committente per la ricostruzione delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche del Medioevo italiano (secoli XI–XIV). A cura di Alessandra PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE, Giuseppa Z. ZANICHELLI, Teresa D'URSO. Padova, Il poligrafo, 2016, 509 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di arte, 11). 36. MAC KENDRICK (Scot), DOYLE (Kathleen). The art of the Bible: illuminated manuscripts from the medieval world. London, Thames and Hudson, 2016, 336 p. (ill.). 37. Making the book of Fenagh: context and text. Ed. by Raymond GILLESPIE, Salvador RYAN and Brendan SCOTT. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2016, X-158 p. (ill., 1 map). 38. Manuscrit (Le), entre écriture et texte. Première partie. Deuxième partie. Pecia. Le livre et l'écrit, 2016, 17 (2014), 232 p.; 2016, 17 (2015), 227 p. (ill.). 39. MILLSTONE (Noah). Manuscript circulation and the invention of politics in early Modern England. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2016, XVI-358 p. 40. One-volume libraries: composite and multipletext manuscripts. Ed. by Michael FRIEDRICH and Co-

§ 3. History of the book sima SCHWARKE. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, VI-380 p. (ill.). (Studies in manuscript cultures, 9). 41. RUDY (Kathryn M.). Piety in pieces: how medieval readers customized their manuscripts. Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2016, 416 p. 42. SCHINDLER (Robert). Die bebilderte Enea Silvio Piccolomini Handschrift des Charles de France: ein Beitrag zur Buchmalerei in Bourges und zum Humanismus in Frankreich. Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, 280 p. (ill.). (Ars nova, 17). 43. THOMSON (R.M.). A descriptive catalogue of the Medieval manuscripts in the Library of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2016, 230 p. 44. Tracing manuscripts in time and space through paratexts. Ed. by Giovanni CIOTTI and Hang LIN. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 320 p. (ill.). (Studies in manuscript cultures, 7). 45. VERWEIJ (Sebastiaan). The literary culture of early Modern Scotland: manuscript production and transmission, 1560–1625. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, XVIII-304 p. b. Printed books 46. Aldo Manuzio: la costruzione del mito. A cura di Mario INFELISE. Venezia, Marsilio, 2016, 397 p. (7 pl., ill.). 47. ALEXANDER (Jonathan James Graham). The painted book in Renaissance Italy 1450–1600. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2016, XI-444 p. (ill., maps). 48. BOLDAN (Kamil). Úřední jednolistové tisky jagellonského věku [= Official single-page prints of the Jagiellonian age]. Praha Národní knihovna České republiky, 2016, 176 p. (col. ill.). 49. BOLTON (Claire M.). The fifteenth-century printing practices of Johann Zainer, Ulm, 1473–1478. Oxford, Oxford Bibliographical Society, 2016, XV-289 p. (b/w ill.). (Oxford Bibliographical Society publications. Third series, 8. Publication Printing Historical Society, 18). 50. BOULAIRE (Cécile). Les Petits Livres d'or. Des albums pour enfants dans la France de la Guerre froide. Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2016, 246 p. (Iconotextes). 51. COHEN (Anouk). Fabriquer le livre au Maroc. Paris, Karthala, 2016, 411 p. (ill.). (Collection Terres et gens d'islam). 52. Colitti (I) di Campobasso, tipografi e editori tra '800 e '900. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2016, 241 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche di storia dell'editoria, 68). 53. COLOMBO TIMELLI (Maria). Le roman français dans les premiers imprimés. Éd. par Anne SCHOYSMAN ZAMBRINI. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016, 196 p. (Rencontres, 147. Série Civilisation médiévale, 17). 54. DONDI (Cristina). Printed books of hours from fifteenth-century Italy: the texts, the books and the sur-


vival of a long-lasting genre. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2016, XLVIII-707 p. (32 pl., col. ill.). (Biblioteca di bibliografia, 204). 55. FASSANELLI (Benedetto). Vigilare, illuminare, immunizzare. Progetti di riforma della censura librorum del Sant'Uffizio (1934–1939). Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 1066-1099. 56. International exchange in the early modern book world. Ed. by Matthew MAC LEAn and Sara BARKER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, XXI-383 p. (ill.). (Library of the written word, 51. The handpress world, 38). 57. Jewish books and their readers: aspects of the intellectual life of Christians and Jews in early Modern Europe. Ed. by Scott MANDELBROTE and Joanna WEINBERG. Leiden, Brill, 2016, 384 p. 58. KLIMMT (Reinhard), RÖSSLER (Patrick). Reihenweise. Die Taschenbücher der 1950er Jahre und ihre Gestalter. Hrsg. v. Jane LANGFORTH, Mirko SCHÄDEL, Andrea VAN DÜLMEN, Georg C. BERTSCH und Thomas NAGEL. Butjadingen, Achilla Presse Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2016, 2 vol., 935 p. (ill.). 59. KNIELING (Nina). Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli. Collezionismo librario e diffusione delle idee illuminate alla corte di Pietro Leopoldo. Archivio storico italiano, 2016, 174, 647, p. 107-140. 60. KOVAČ (Miha), GREGORIN (Rok). Ime česa je konec knjige: skrivnostne sile knjižnega trga [= The name of what is the end of the book: the mysterious forces of the book market]. Ljubljana, Cankarjeva založba, 2016, 213 p. (ill.). (Zbirka Bralna znamenja). 61. Książka i technologie [= Book and technologies]. by Dariusz KUŹMINA a. Mikołaj OCHMAŃSKI. Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Aspra-JR", 2016, 169 p. (ill.). 62. LEWY (Guenter). Harmful and undesirable. Book censorship in Nazi Germany. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XI-268 p. 63. Libro (Il): editoria e pratiche di lettura nel Settecento. A cura di Lodovica BRAIDA e Silvia TATTI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2016, XVIII-433 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del XVIII secolo, 29). 64. Lost books: reconstructing the print world of pre-industrial Europe. Ed. by Flavia BRUNI and Andrew PETTEGREE. Leiden, Brill, 2016, XVII-523 p. (ill.). (Library of the written word, 46. The handpress world, 34. European history and culture e-books online. Collection 2015-2). 65. MARTELLOZZO FORIN (Elda). Flessibilità medioevale: i cartolai padovani nel secolo dell'invenzione della stampa. Saonara, Il prato, 2016, 2 vol., 288 p. (ill.). (Documenti di bottega, 1). 66. Materialität und Formation: Studien zum Buchdruck des 15. bis 17. Jahrhunderts: Festschrift für Monika Unzeitig. Hrsg. v. Karin CIESLIK, Helge PERPLIES u. Florian SCHMID. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2016, 235 p. (ill.). (Presse und Geschichte. Neue Beiträge, 102).



67. RAMRATTAN (Lall), SZENBERG (Michael). Revolutions in book publishing: the effects of digital innovation on the industry. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 165 p. (ill.). (Palgrave Pivot).

1465 al 2016. Lima, Instituto de Estudios HistóricoMarítimos del Perú, 2016, 492 p. (Publicaciones del Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Marítimos del Perú. Serie Historia).

68. REPUCHO (Ewa). Typografia kompletna: kultura książki w twórczości Leona Urbańskiego [= Complete typography: book culture in the works of Leon Urbański]. Wrocław, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2016, 328 p. (ill., facs).

79. REDDY (William M.). The Eurasian origins of empty time and space: modernity as temporality reconsidered. History and theory, 2016, 55, 3, p. 325-356.

69. SÁNCHEZ DEL BARRIO (Antonio). El comercio del libro entre los Países Bajos y España durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Valladolid, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Cátedra Simón Ruiz, 2016, 196 p. (ill., facs.). (Historia y sociedad. Colección Cátedra Simón Ruiz, 2). 70. SOCHA (Klaudia). Typografia publikacji pochodzących z drukarń Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 1674– 1819 [= Typography of publications from printing houses of the Jagiellonian University, 1674–1819]. Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2016, 659 p. (ill.). 71. Stampa romana (La) nella città dei papi e in Europa. A cura di Cristina DONDI, Andreina RITA, Adalbert ROTH e Marina VENIER. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 2016, XV-356 p. (Studi e testi, 506). 72. Tibetan printing: comparisons, continuities and change. Ed. by Hildegard DIEMBERGER, Karl EHRHARD a. Peter F. KORNICKI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, XIII-596 p. (ill., maps). (Brill's Tibetan studies library, 39). 73. Tipográfia régtől fogva: a nagyváradi nyomdászat 450 éves története [= Typography from a long time ago: the 450-year history of printing in Oradea]. Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Argumentum Kiadó, 2016, 158 p. (ill.). 74. TONRY (Kathleen Ann). Agency and intention in English print, 1476–1526. Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, XV241 p. (Texts and transitions, 7). Cf. nos 241-249, 5111-5196, 6682

80. SCHMIDT-NEKE (Michael). Chronologie eines albanischen Vierteljahrhunderts (1990–2015). Hrsg. v. Robert ELSIE. London, Centre for Albanian Studies, 2016, 3 vol., 335 p., 329 p., 317 p. (Albanian studies, 31, 32, 33). § 5. Genealogy and family history. ** 81. Haushalten und konsumieren. Die Ausgabenbücher der Salzburger Kaufmannsfamilie Spängler von 1733 bis 1785. Hrsg. v. Reinhold REITH, Luisa PICHLER-BAUMGARTNER, Georg STÖGER [et al.]. Salzburg, Stadtgemeinde Salzburg, 2016, 328 p. (Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Stadt Salzburg, 46). ______________________

82. AMADO GONZÁLEZ (Donato). La descendencia de Don Cristóbal Paullo Ynga y sus privilegios: documentos de probanza y testamentos del siglo XVI–XVII. Lima, Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, 2016, 559 p. (Libros y manuscritos raros del Perú). 83. BALÁŽOVÁ (Barbora). Písomné a obrazové pramene k banskoštiavnickej rodine Reutter ako východisko pre konštrukciu kultúrneho sveta meštianskych elít stredoslovenských banských miest v závere 16. a prvej polovici 17. storočia. (Written and pictorial sources on the Reutter family of Banská Štiavnica as a basis for reconstruction of the cultural world of the elite in the central Slovak mining towns in the late 16th and first half of the 17th centuries). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 2, p. 249266. 84. Büchners (Die) und Amerika: Briefe und Aufsätze von Georg Büchners Weggefährten und Geschwistern. Hrsg. v. Agnes SCHMIDT. Darmstadt, Luise Büchner-Gesellschaft, 2016, 280 p.


85. CASANOVA (Cesarina). Per forza o per amore: storia della violenza familiare nell'età moderna. Roma, Salerno, 2016, 157 p. (Aculei, 23).

75. FORMICA (Marina). "Sacrastronomia". Riforma del calendario e controllo del tempo agli inizi del XVIII secolo. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 2, p. 422-471.

86. COULMONT (Baptiste). Changer de prénom, de l'identité à l'authenticité. Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2016, 152 p.

76. Kontinuitäten, Umbrüche, Zäsuren: die Konstruktion von Epochen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit in interdisziplinärer Sichtung. Hrsg. v. Thomas KÜHTREIBER und Gabriele SCHICHTA. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016, 355 p. (ill.). (Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, 6).

87. DERIX (Simone). Die Thyssens. Familie und Vermögen. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2016, 544 p. (Familie – Unternehmen – Öffentlichkeit: Thyssen im 20. Jahrhundert, 4).

§ 4. Chronology.

77. NASCIMENTO (Manueldo). Histoire du Portugal: une chronologie. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 621 p.

88. Familias empresariales en Mexico: sucesión generacional y continuidad en el siglo XX. Coordinadores Araceli ALMARAZ y Luis Alfonso RAMÍREZ. Tijuana, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2016, 333 p.

78. NAVARRO PANTAC (Esperanza). Cinco siglos del destino marítimo del Perú: cronología y efemérides de

89. FERRARI (Monica), LAZZARINI (Isabella), PISERI (Federico). Autografie dell'età minore: lettere di tre di-

§ 7. Numismatics and metrology nastie italiane tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento. Roma, Viella, 2016, 269 p. (Libri di Viella, 232).


103. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim). Freudenberg. Ein Familienunternehmen in Kaiserreich, Demokratie und Diktatur. München, Beck, 2016, 640 p.

90. GAUGUSCH (Georg). Wer einmal war. Das jüdische Großbürgertum Wiens 1800–1938: L–R. Wien, Amalthea Signum, 2016, XXVI-1429 p. (Jahrbuch der Heraldisch-Genealogischen Gesellschaft "Adler". Dritte Folge, 17).

104. STANLEY (Liz). Settler colonialism and migrant letters: the Forbes family and letter-writing in South Africa 1850–1922. History of the family, 2016, 21, 3, p. 398-428.

91. GRANGE (Cyril). Une élite parisienne. Les familles de la grande bourgeoisie juive, 1870–1939. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2016, 547 p.

105. SUZOR (Caroline). Le groupe Empain en France: une saga industrielle et familiale. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2016, 504 p. (Histoire de l'énergie, 9).

92. HÄBERLEIN (Mark). Aufbruch ins globale Zeitalter. Die Handelswelt der Fugger und Welser. Darmstadt, Theiss, 2016, 256 p.

106. TREVES (Cristina). L'oblio e il ricordo: l'identità ritrovata. Storia di una famiglia ebraica fra tradizione e assimilazione. Firenze, Giuntina, 2016, 517 p.

93. HVIDT (Kristian). Det mousserande element: en jødisk bankierslægt gennem fem generationer. (Cinq générations d'une famille de banquiers juifs [les Henriques]) au Danemark). København, Vandkusten, 2016, 231 p. (ill.).

107. ULRICH (Conrad). Die Familie Ulrich von Zürich. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 1028 p.

94. KEKEZ (Hrvoje). Pod znamenjem propetog lava: povijest knezova Babonića do kraja 14. stoljeća. (Under the sign of upstanding lion: history of the Babonić's counts to the end of 14th century). Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2016, 428 p. 95. MARINACHE (Oana). Familia Bibescu-Basarab Brâncoveanu între Paris şi Bucureşti. (The Bibescu-Basarab Brâncoveanu family between Paris and Bucharest). Mogoşoaia, Editura Centrul Cultural Palatele Brâncoveneşti, 2016, 542 p. 96. Mendes Benveniste: uma família sefardita nos alvores da modernidade. Coordenação Susana Bastos MATEUS e Carla VIEIRA. Lisboa, Catedra de Estudos Sefarditas "Alberto Benveniste", Universidade de Lisboa, Letras Lisboa, 2016, 159 p. 97. MORI (Elisabetta). L'archivio Orsini: la famiglia, la storia, l'inventario. Roma, Viella, 2016, 317 p. (Carte scoperte, 4). 98. NOOTENS (Thierry), BÉRUBÉ (Julie). Billes de pin, capitalisme et famille: le parcours en justice des Baptist, entrepreneurs forestiers de la Mauricie (Québec), 1852–1911. Canadian historical review, 2016, 97, 2, p. 195-221. 99. PRZYGODE (Dieter). Von Bramsche nach Buenos Aires: auf den Spuren der jüdischen Familie Voss. Berlin, Hentrich und Hentrich, 2016, 193 p. 100. Reframing the history of family and kinship: from the Alps towards Europe. Ed. by Dionigi ALBERA, Luigi LORENZETTI and Jon MATHIEU. Bern, Peter Lang, 2016, 272 p. (Population, famille et société). 101. RODRIGO Y ALHARILLA (Martín). Los Goytisolo: una próspera familia de indianos. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2016, 384 p. (Memorias y biografías). 102. Rothschild (Les): une dynastie de mécènes en France. Sous la dir. de Pauline PREVOST-MARCILHACY. Paris, Louvre éditions/BnF éditions/Somogy éditions d'art, 2016, 3 vol., 319 p., 383 p., 495 p.

108. WENDT (Gunna). Die Bechsteins: eine Familiengeschichte. Berlin, Aufbau, 2016, 301 p. § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. _______________________

109. BÜCHNER (Robert). Das Münchner Boten- und Wappenbuch vom Arlberg (Hs. des Kgl. Bayer. Hausritterordens vom Hl. Georg). Edition des Textes mit einer Einleitung, biographischen Anmerkungen zu den Wappeninhabern und Spendern, Beschreibung und Nachweisen der Wappen. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2016, 460 p. 110. FRAGALE (Luca Irwin). Microstoria e araldica di Calabria Citeriore e di Cosenza: da fonte documentarie inedite. Italia, TheWriter, 2016, 316 p. 111. PAOLUCCI (Alberto). Scrittura e simboli del potere pontificio in età moderna: lapidi e stemmi sui muri di Roma. Roma, Artemide, 2016, 244 p. 112. TIRON (Tudor-Radu), ATANASIU (Mihai-Bogdan). An armorial souvenir of the Byzantine Empire: The Cantacuzino (Kantakouzenos) family's doubleheaded eagle's presence in today's Romanian civic heraldry. Revista Istorică, 2016, 27, 5-6, p. 463-494. § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________

113. ALRAM (Michael). Das Antlitz des Fremden: die Münzprägung der Hunnen und Westtürken in Zentralasien und Indien. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2016, 166 p. (Schriften des Kunsthistorischen Museums, 17). 114. BERMOND (Daniel), JACQUELINE (Claude). Des rois et des monnaies: une histoire de France. Arles, Errance, 2016, 205 p. 115. BISHOP (Jennifer). Currency, conversation, and control: political discourse and the coinage in MidTudor England. English historical review, 2016, 131, 551, p. 763-792. 116. CAMPANA (Alberto), SANTELLI (Giovanni). L'imperatore Otone: storia e monete. Cassino, Diana e



Associazione culturale Italia numismatica, 2016, 95 p. (Nummus et historia, 31). 117. CANTILENA (R.). La moneta, segno e specchio della polis. In: Poleis e politeiai nella Magna Grecia arcaica e classica [cf. no 1333], p. 137-148. 118. ECKHARDT (Benedikt). Eine neue Prägung: Innovationspotentiale von Münzen in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, 229 p. (Philippika, 102). 119. GORINI (Giovanni). Rane e monete greche. In: Mille volti (I) del passato [cf. no 577], p. 669-680. 120. HAYMANN (Florian), HOLLSTEIN (Wilhelm), JEHNE (Martin). Neue Forschungen zur Münzprägung der Römischen Republik: Beiträge zum internationalen Kolloquium im Residenzschloss Dresden 19.–21. Juni 2014. Bonn, Habelt, 2016, 439 p. (Nomismata, 8). 121. IULA (Raffaele). Introduzione alla numismatica salernitana. Cassino, Diana, 2016, 111 p. (Nummus et historia, XXX). 122. KUCHENBUCH (Ludolf). Versilberte Verhältnisse. Der Denar in seiner ersten Epoche (700–1000). Göttingen, Wallstein, 2016, 238 p. (Figura. Ästhetik, Geschichte, Literatur, 4). 123. Médailles (Les) de Louis XIV et leur livre. Ed. par Yvan LOSKOUTOFF. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2016, 511 p. 124. MICHON (Sylvain). Les monnaies féodales bléso-chartraines (919–1315). Wetteren, Moneta, 2016, 200 p. (Moneta, 196). 125. MITTAG (Peter Franz). Griechische Numismatik. Eine Einführung. Heidelberg, Verlag Antike, 2016, 271 p. (Alte Geschichte Forschung). 126. PICARD (O.). La monnaie, sceau et miroir de la polis. In: Poleis e politeiai nella Magna Grecia arcaica e classica [cf. no 1333], p. 119-136. 127. Sylloge of coins of the British Isles, 67. British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Coins. Part II. NAISMITH (Rory). Southern English coinage from Offa to Alfred, c.760– 880. London, British Museum Press, 2016, 317 p. Cf. nos 203-221 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________

128. ANDEA (Avram). Scrisul vernacular în primele documente şi însemnări româneşti din Transilvania (1578–1600). (The vernacular writing in the first Romanian documents and notes from Transylvania, 1578–1600). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "George Barițiu" din Cluj-Napoca, 2016, 55, p. 47-64. 129. CARAYON (Céline). "The gesture speech of mankind": old and new entanglements in the histories of American Indian and European sign languages. American historical review, 2016, 121, 2, p. 461-491.

130. Cours comme lieux (Les) de rencontre et d'élaboration des langues vernaculaires à la Renaissance (1480–1620) / Höfe als Laboratorien der Volkssprachigkeit zur Zeit der Renaissance (1480–1620). Sous la dir. de Jean BALSAMO et Anna Kathrin BLEULER. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 565). Genève, Droz, 2016, 456 p. 131. DICKEY (Eleanor). Learning Latin the Ancient Way. Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XII-187 p. 132. EULER (Wolfram). Sprachenvielfalt der Indogermania im Wandel der Geschichte: Sprachaufgliederung, Sprachwandel, Sprachbeeinflussung und Sprachkonvergenz. Wien, Praesens, 2016, 223 p. (Studia interdisciplinaria Ænipontana, 24). 133. GRANGE (Cyril). Nommer: enjeux symboliques, sociaux et politiques. Annales de démographie historique, 2016, 131, 1, p. 5-11. 134. HADDAD (Élie). Noms de famille et noms de terre dans la noblesse française à l'époque moderne. Annales de démographie historique, 2016, 131, 1, p. 1336. 135. KABATEK (Johannes). Lingüística de corpus y lingüística histórica iberorrománica. Berlin y Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 2016, 455 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 405). 136. Latin (The) of the grammarians. Reflections about language in the Roman world. Ed. by Rolando FERRI and Anna ZAGO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, 453 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Lingua patrum, 8). 137. NOVETZKE (Christian Lee). The quotidian revolution. Vernacularization, religion and the premodern public sphere in India. New York, Columbia U. P., 2016, XXIV-402 p. 138. Origini (Alle) della lessicografia politica in Italia: con la ristampa del Disinganno nelle parole ai popoli della Europa tutta (1797) e del Nuovo vocabolario filosofico-democratico (1799). A cura di Antonio VINCIGUERRA. Firenze, France Cesati, 2016, 434 p. (Strumenti di linguistica italiana, 10). 139. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.). The early history of the Greek alphabet: new evidence from Eretria and Methone. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1238-1254. 140. PÉREZ (Manuel). Libros desde el Paraíso: ediciones de textos indianos. Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2016, 230 p. (Paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo). 141. Saberes (in)útiles: el enciclopedismo literario áureo entre acumulación y aplicación. Ed. por Mechthild ALBERT y Ulrike BECKER. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2016, 354 p. (Biblioteca Aurea hispańica, 112). 142. SCHLOSSER (Horst Dieter). Die Macht der Worte. Ideologien und Sprache im 19. Jahrhundert. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 308 p.

§ 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries 143. TRUSCHKE (Audrey). Culture of encounters. Sanskrit at the Mughal court. New York, Columbia U. P., 2016, XIII-362 p. (South Asia across the disciplines). 144. ULIČNÝ (Ferdinand). Latinské etnonymá Slovákov v stredoveku a novoveku: Sclavi, Pannoni, Slavi. (The Latin ethnonyms of the Slovaks in Medieval and Modern times: Sclavi, Pannoni, Slavi.), Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 3, p. 497-509. 145. VIZAUER (Victor). Antroponimia din comitatele Arad și Bihor la cumpăna secolelor XII–XIII. Studiu de caz: numele locuitorilor de pe proprietățile Capitlului arădean. (Anthroponymy from Arad and Bihor counties at the turn of the 12th–13th centuries. Case study: the names of the inhabitants of the Arad chapter's properties). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Barițiu din Cluj-Napoca, 2016, 55, p. 237-254. § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. ** 146. Diary (The) of Heinrich Witt. Ed. by Ulrich MÜCKE. Leiden, Brill, 2016, 10 vol., CLXXXIV-7014 p. ______________________

147. APPELBAUM (Nancy P.). Mapping the country of regions: the Chorographic Commission of nineteenthcentury Colombia. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2016, XIV-304 p. 148. BAʻĪR (Hudá). Cartographie et représentations de l'espace en Tunisie au XIXe siècle: 1830–1881. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2016, 207 p. (Histoire). 149. BASSI (Ernesto). An aqueous territory: sailor geographies and New Granada's transimperial greater Caribbean world. Durham, Duke U. P., 2016, XIII-345 p. 150. Brill's companion to Ancient geography. The inhabited world in Greek and Roman tradition. Ed. by Serena BIANCHETTI, Michele R. CATAUDELLA and HansJoachim GEHRKE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, XVIII490 p. (Brill's companions on classical studies). 151. BUBB (Alexander). The meaning of things: Kipling's formative journey 'Home' in 1889 and the late Victorian imperial tour. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2016, 44, 3, p. 373-396. 152. CAREAGA VILIESID (Lorena). Invasores, exploradores y viajeros: la vida cotidiana en Yucatán desde la óptica del otro 1834–1906. MéridaConsejo Editorial de la Secretaría de la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán, 2016, 382 p. (Libro abierto. Katunes). 153. CARRASCO GONZÁLEZ (Guadalupe), GULLÓN ABAO (Alberto José), MORGADO GARCÍA (Arturo Jesús). Las expediciones científicas en los siglos XVII y XVIII. Madrid, Síntesis, 2016, 271 p. 154. CHANG (David A.). The world and all the things upon it. Native Hawaiian geographies of exploration. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, XIX320 p. 155. CONSOLATI (Isabella). La prospettiva geografica: spazio e politica in Germania tra il 1815 e il 1871.


Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2016, XVI-226 p. (Studi sulla comunicazione politica, 8). 156. DALTON (Heather). Merchants and explorers: Roger Barlow, Sebastian Cabot, and networks of Atlantic exchange 1500–1560. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIV-241 p. 157. DAVIES (Surekha). Renaissance ethnography and the invention of the human: new worlds, maps, and monsters. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XXIII355 p. (Cambridge social and cultural histories). 158. DÉBARRE (Ségolène). Cartographier l'Asie Mineure: l'orientalisme allemand à l'épreuve du terrain (1835–1895). Louvain, Peeters, 2016, 406 p. (Turcica, XXI). 159. DEBBECH (Ons). Les voyageurs tunisiens en France au XIXe siècle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 214 p. (Études arabes). 160. ERBIG (Jeffrey A. Jr.). Borderline offerings: Tolderías and mapmakers in the eighteenth-century Río de la Plata. Hispanic American historical review, 2016, 96, 3, p. 445-480. 161. ETHERINGTON (Norman). Big game hunter: a biography of Frederick Courteney Selous. Marlborough, Robert Hale, 2016, 224 p. 162. FRATTOLILLO (Oliviero). Pellegrinaggio alle antiche chiese d'Italia. Politicizzazione del viaggio e speculazione filosofica in Watsuji Tetsurō. Storia urbana, 2016, 39, 151, p. 87-98. 163. FREDERIKSEN (Kurt L.). Kungen af Thule: en biografi om Knud Rasmussen. (Le roi de Thulé. Biographie de Knud Rasmussen [1879–1933]). København, Gyldendal, 2016, 437 p. (ill.). 164. FÜTTERER (Pierre). Wege und Herrschaft: Untersuchungen zu Raumerschließung und Raumerfassung in Ostsachsen und Thüringen im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. Regensburg, Schnell + Steiner, 2016, 2 vol., 1112 p. (Palatium, 2). 165. GALEOTTI (Laura R.). Rifā'a Rasī al-Ṭahṭāwī in viaggio per scoprire, studiare ed imparare i segreti della modernità europea. Storia urbana, 2016, 39, 151, p. 6386. 166. GELLÉRI (Gábor). Philosophies du voyage. Visiter l'Angleterre aux 17e–18e siècles, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation et University of Oxford, 2016, 297 p. (Oxford University studies in the Enlightenment). 167. GIORGI (Piero), CICIONI (Carla). L'Italia di mezzo: la cartografia storica del Centro Italia dal XVI al XIX secolo. Perugia, Volumnia, 2016, 350 p. 168. GREEN (Nile). The love of strangers. What six Muslim students learned in Jane Austen's London. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2016, XVI-388 p. 169. HAVARD (Gilles). Histoire des coureurs de bois. Amérique du Nord, 1600–1840. Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2016, 885 p.



170. HENZE (Dietmar). Deutschlands Anteil an der geographischen Erforschung der außereuropäischen Erdteile im 20. Jahrhundert. Teil 1. Von 1900 bis zum Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2016, 466 p. 171. HERRERA ÁNGEL (Marta). El conquistador conquistado: Awás, Cuayquer y Sindaguas en el Pacífico colombiano, siglos XVI–XVIII. Bogotá, Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Historia, 2016, XXI-326 p. (General). 172. Inland seas (The). Towards an ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Ed. by Tønnes BEKKER-NIELSEN and Ruthy GERTWAGEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 419 p. (Geographica historica, 35). 173. IORI (Luca). La Grecia occidentale nella geografia storica del secolo XVII. Thomas Hobbes e gli Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre. In: Sulle sponde dello Ionio: Grecia occidentale e Greci d'Occidente [cf. no 1182], p. 387-408. 174. ITURRIAGA DE LA FUENTE (José N.). Viajeros extranjeros en el estado de Zacatecas siglos XVI al XXI. México, Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura "Ramón López Velarde", 2016, 216 p. 175. LEVANTIS (Laetitia). Venise, un spectacle d'eau et de pierres. Architecture et paysage dans les récits de voyageurs français (1756–1850). Grenoble, Ellug, 2016, 290 p.

184. PINET (Simone). The task of the cleric: cartography, translation, and economics in thirteenth-century Iberia. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2016, XL191 p. 185. Pluma (La) y la lente: viajeros europeos por Argentina durante el siglo XIX, entre el orden de la escritura y el orden de la mirada. Director Mario Sebastían ROMÁN. Entre Ríos, EDUNER, 2016, 218 p. (Académica). 186. RANKIN (William). After the map. Cartography, navigation, and the transformation of territory in the twentieth century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016, VII-398 p. 187. REBELO (Fernando). Viajando por Angola em 1969: caderno de campo de um geógrafo: transcrição, ilustração, notas e comentários. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2016, 130 p. (Geografias). 188. ROBINSON (Michael F.). The lost white tribe: explorers, scientists, and the theory that changed a continent. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIII-306 p. 189. ROSENBAUM (Adam T.). Bavarian tourism and the modern world, 1800–1950. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XV-280 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 190. SAFIER (Neil). La medicioń del Nuevo Mundo: la ciencia de la Ilustracioń y Ameŕica del Sur. Madrid, Fundacioń Jorge, 449 p. (Ambos Mundos).

176. LIBARDI (Massimo). "Ein halb Asien": la mutevole frontiera fra Europa e Asia. Storia urbana, 2016, 39, 151, p. 147-180.

191. SCHILLINGS (Pascal). Der letzte weiße Flecken. Europäische Antarktisreisen um 1900. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2016, 448 p.

177. LINDAMAN (Dana). Becoming French: mapping the geographies of French identity, 1871–1914. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2016, VII-180 p.

192. SCHMIDT (Dorothee). Reisen in das Orientalische Indien: Wissen über fremde Welten um 1600. Köln, Böhlau, 2016, 288 p.

178. MAC ARTHUR (Julie). Cartography and the political imagination: mapping community in colonial Kenya. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2016, V-340 p. (New African Histories).

193. SCHULZ (Raimund). Abenteurer der Ferne. Die großen Entdeckungsfahrten und das Weltwissen der Antike. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2016, 654 p.

179. MAIER (Charles S.). Once within borders. Territories of power, wealth, and belonging since 1500. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2016, XIII-387 p. 180. MARCOCCI (Giuseppe). Indios, Cinesi, falsari: le storie del mondo nel Rinascimento. Roma, Laterza, 2016, XI-212 p. (Storia e società). 181. MILANESI (Marica). Vincenzo Coronelli. Cosmographer (1650–1718). Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2016, 472 p. (Terrarum Orbis, 13).

194. SITZIA (Simonetta). Il Voyage de Siam del gesuita francese Guy Tachard. Storia urbana, 2016, 39, 151, p. 99-130. 195. STALLER (Jared). Rivalry and reformation politics: reflections on Andrew Battell's Jaga materials printed by Samuel Purchas from 1613 to 1625. History in Africa, 2016, 43, p. 7-28. 196. STOCK (Paul). America and the American Revolution in British geographical thought, c.1760–1830. English historical review, 2016, 131, 548, p. 64-91.

182. OUTRAM-LEMAN (Sven D.). Alexander Scott: constructing a legitimate geography of the Sahara from a captivity narrative, 1821. History in Africa, 2016, 43, p. 63-94.

197. Struggle (The) for the South Atlantic: the Armada of the Strait, 1581–1584. Ed. by Carla Rahn PHILIPS. London, Routledge, for the Hakluyt Society, 2016, XIV203 p. (Works issued by the Hakluyt Society, third series, 31).

183. PÉAUD (Laura). La géographie, émergence d'un champ scientifique: France, Prusse et Grande-Bretagne (1780–1860). Lyon, ENS, 2016, 274 p. (Sociétés, espaces, temps).

198. THRUSH (Coll). Indigenous London. Native travelers at the heart of empire. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2016, XII-310 p. (Henry Roe cloud series on American Indians and modernity).

§ 10. Iconography and images 199. TROCHET (Jean-René). De l'Empire à la tribu: États, villes, montagnes en Albanie du Nord: VIe–XVe siècle. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2016, 325 p. (Géographie). 200. Voyages (Des) vers l'inconnu entre 1630 et 1880. Articles rassemblés par Florence D'SOUZA. LouvainLa-Neuve, EME, 2016, 164 p. (Histoire en mouvement). 201. VUILLEMIN (Pascal). Une itinérance prophétique. Le voyage en Perse d'Ambrogio Contarini (1474– 1477). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016, 226 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, 16). 202. ZYTNICKI (Colette). L'Algérie, terre de tourisme. Histoire d'un loisir colonial. Paris, Vendémiaire, 2016, 269 p. § 10. Iconography and images. ______________________

203. "Chargez ! La caricature contre l'homme d'État". Sous la dir. de Guillaume DOIZY et Pascal DUPUY. Cahiers d'Histoire. Revue d'Histoire critique, 2016, 131, 234 p. 204. CORDERO FERNÁNDEZ (Macarena). Institucionalizar y desarraigar: las visitas de idolatrías en la Diócesis de Lima, siglo XVII. Santiago, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, y Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2016, 433 p. (Publicación del Instituto Riva-Agüero, 316). 205. DAFFON (Alexandre). Colosse du Nord ou feu follet? Portraits croisés du tsar Alexandre chez Jean de Montenach et Anna Eynard-Lullin (1814–1815). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2016, 66, 2, p. 301316. 206. DÍAZ PATIÑO (Gabriela). Católicos, liberales y protestantes: el debate por las imágenes religiosas en la formación de una cultura nacional (1848–1908). Ciudad de México, El Colegio de México, 2016, 435 p. 207. GERBRON (Cyril). L'Adoration de l'Enfant de Callisto Piazza à Crema, ou le corps vivant de l'Église. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, 2016, 128, 1, p. 183-200.


210. IHL (Olivier). Une histoire de la représentation. Louis Marie Bosredon et le Paris de 1848. Vulainessur-Seine, Éd. du Croquant, 2016, 421 p. 211. Images of rupture between East and West. The perception of Auschwitz and Hiroshima in Eastern European arts and media. Ed. by Urs HEFTRICH, Robert JACOBS, Bettina KAIBACH and Karoline THAIDIGSMANN. Heidelberg, Universitatverlag Winter, 2016, 547 p. 212. KNÜSEL (Ariane). Les caricaturistes européens et le dragon chinois au XIXe siècle: l'évolution d'une représentation de l'ennemi. Relations internationales, 2016, 167 (3), p. 53-72. 213. KUNZLE (David). Chesucristo. Die Fusion von Che Guevara und Jesus Christus in Bildern und Schriften. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, 383 p. (Zurich studies in the history of art, 20/21). 214. LIGNEREUX (Yann). Les rois imaginaires. Une histoire visuelle de la monarchie de Charles VIII à Louis XIV. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 372 p. 215. MARKSCHIES (Christoph). Gottes Körper. Jüdische, christliche und pagane Gottesvorstellungen in der Antike. München, Beck, 2016, 900 p. 216. MARTIN (Barbara). Zwischen Verklärung und Verführung. Die Frau in der französischen Plakatkunst des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Bielefeld, transcript, 2016, 450 p. (Image, 78). 217. SPERLING (Jutta Gisela). Roman charity. Queer lactations in early Modern visual culture. Bielefeld. Transcript Verlag, 2016, 430 p. (Image, 87). 218. STEPHENSON (Paul). The serpent column. A cultural biography. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, XXII-275 p. (Onassis series in Hellenic culture). 219. TAYLOR (William B.). Theater of a thousand wonders: a history of miraculous images and shrines in New Spain. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2016, XXVI654 p.

208. HARSLØF (Olav), FOLMER (Mods). Den lille havfrue, en biografi. (La Petite Sirène: une biographie culturelle. Histoire d'une icône nationale). København, Gyldendal, 2016, 177 p. (ill.).

220. WEGMANN (Susanne). Der sichtbare Glaube: das Bild in den lutherischen Kirchen des 16. Jahrhunderts. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, VIII-370 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 93).

209. Historische Perspektiven auf den Iconic Turn. Die Entwicklung der öffentlichen visuellen Kommunikation. Hrsg. v. Stephanie GEISE, Thomas BIRKNER, Klaus ARNOLD, Maria LÖBLICH und Katharina LOBINGER. Köln, Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2016, 340 p.

221. WITAMWAS (Birgit). Geklebte NS-Propaganda. Verführung und Manipulation durch das Plakat. München, de Gruyter, 2016, 292 p. Cf. nos 113-127, 722-735, 3552


§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 222-262. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 263-488. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 489529. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 530-540. – § 5. General history. 541-593. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 594-603. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 604-617. – § 8. Economic and social history. 618-683. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 684-721. – § 10. History of art. 722-735. – § 11. History of religions. 736-772. – § 12. History of philosophy. 773-784. – § 13. History of literature. 785-796.

§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums. ______________________

a. Archives ** 222. Scrigni della memoria: arquivos e fundos documentais para o estudo das relações luso-italianas. Orgs. Nunziatella ALESSANDRINI, Mateus SUSANA BASTOS, Mariagrazia RUSSO, Gaetano SABATINI. Lisboa, Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas Alberto Benveniste, 2016, 287 p. (Alberto Benveniste, 8). 223. Archival transformations in early modern Europe [Special issue]. Introduction by Filippo De Vivo, Alessandro Guidi and Alessandro Silvestri. European history quarterly, 2016, 46, 3, p. 421-589. [Contents: DE VIVO Filippo, GUIDI Andrea, SILVESTRI Alessandro). Archival transformations in early Modern European History. – SILVESTRI (Alessandro). Archives of the Mediterranean: Governance and record-keeping in the crown of Aragon in the long fifteenth century. – GUIDI (Andrea). The Florentine archives in transition: government, warfare and communication (1289–1530 ca.). – HARDING (Vanessa). Monastic records and the dissolution: a Tudor revolution in the archives? – HEAD (C. Randolph). Configuring European archives: spaces, materials and practices in the differentiation of repositories from the late Middle Ages to 1700. – DE VIVO (Filippo). Archives of speech: recording diplomatic negotiation in late Medieval and early Modern Italy. – CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Antonio). The new culture of archives in early Modern Spain. – FRIEDRICH (Markus). Being an archivist in provincial enlightened France: the case of Pierre Camille Le Moine (1723–1800).] 224. Archives princières (Les), XIIe–XVe siècles. Sous la dir. de Xavier HÉLARY, Jean-François NIEUS, Alain PROVOST et Marc SUTTOR. Arras, Artois Presses Université, 2016, 334 p. (Histoire).

225. BLASCHKE (Estelle). Banking on images. The Bettmann archive and Corbis. Leipzig, Spector Books, 2016, 224 p. 226. BRIAN (Amber). Alva Ixtlilxochitl's native archive and the circulation of knowledge in colonial Mexico. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2016, XI-196 p. 227. CAVAZZANA ROMANELLI (Francesca). Storia degli archivi, storia della cultura: suggestioni veneziane. Venezia, Marsilio, 2016, 318 p. (Saggi). 228. COUTAZ (Gilbert). Archives en Suisse. Conserver la mémoire à l'ère numérique. Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2016, 125 p. (Le savoir suisse). 229. DONATO (Maria Pia). Archivi e politica sotto Napoleone. I documenti vaticani a Parigi e l'uso della storia. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 1, p. 149-176. 230. Écrire en guerre, 1914–1918: des archives privées aux usages publics. Sous la dir. de Paule RENÉBAZIN et Philippe HENWOOD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 198 p. (Histoire). 231. FLAIANI (Enrico). Storia dell'Archivio della Rota romana. Città del Vaticano, Archivio segreto Vaticano, 2016, 277 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 100). 232. Fonti per la storia degli archivi degli antichi stati italiani. A cura di Filippo DE VIVO, Andrea GUIDI, Alessandro SILVESTRI. Roma, Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo, Direzione generale archivi, 2016, LXII-630 p. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Fonti, 49). 233. Geschichte(n), Repräsentationen, Fiktionen. Medienarchive als Gedächtnis- und Erinnerungsorte. Hrsg. v. Sascha TRÜLTZSCH-WIJNEN, Alessandro BARBERI und Thomas BALLHAUSEN. Köln, Herbert von Halem



Verlag, 2016, 217 p. (Jahrbuch Medien und Geschichte, 3).

lioteche medievali dal secolo VI al 1520, 2. Texts and studies. Biblioteche e archivi, 30).

234. Handbuch Archiv. Geschichte, Aufgaben, Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Marcel LEPPER und Ulrich RAULFF. Redaktion und Bibliographie: Tanja KUNZ, Simone WAIDMANN, Julia Katharina WALTKE. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2016, X-294 p.

246. LIEBRENZ (Boris). Die Rifa'iya aus Damaskus: Eine Privatbibliothek im Osmanischen Syrien und ihr kulturelles Umfeld. Leiden u. Boston, Brill, 2016, 437 p. (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, 10).

235. HIRIBARREN (Vincent). Why researchers should publish archive inventories online: the case of the Archives of French Equatorial Africa. History in Africa, 2016, 43, p. 375-378. 236. Histoire et archives de Djibouti et de sa région: perspectives et enjeux. Sous la dir. de Hassan Ali ADAWA. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 153 p. 237. OROSOVÁ (Martina). Ochrana osobných údajov podľa zákona o archívoch a registratúrach – problém prístupu k informáciám pri výskume. (The protection of personal data according to the act on archives and registers – the problem of access to the information during research). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 639644. 238. Ränder des Archivs. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf das Entstehen und Vergehen von Archiven. Hrsg. v. Falko SCHMIEDER und Daniel WEIDNER. Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2016, 240 p. (Literatur Forschung, 30). 239. SCHMIDT (Sarah). Das Staatsarchiv Hamburg im Nationalsozialismus. Hamburg, Hamburg U. P., 2016, 170 p. (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, 24). 240. Social history (The) of the archive: recordkeeping in early modern Europe. Intr. by Alexandra WALSHAM. Past & present, 2016, 230 (suppl. 11), 359 p. b. Libraries 241. Bibliothèque (La) de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art. Sous la dir. de Guy BOYER. Paris, Société française de promotion artistique, 2016, 42 p. (Connaissance des arts. Hors-série, 726). 242. Bibliothèques et lecteurs dans l'Europe moderne (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles). Sous la dir. de Gilles BERTRAND, Anne CAYUELA, Christian DEL VENTO et Raphaële MOUREN. Genève, Droz, 2016, 536 p. 243. BOULOGNE (Arlette). Des livres pour éduquer les citoyens: Jean Macé et les bibliothèques populaires (1860–1881). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 213 p. (Histoire et mémoire de la formation). 244. DE MARIA (Carlo). Le biblioteche nell'Italia fascista. Milano, Biblion, 2016, 355 p. (Storia, politica, società, 37). 245. FIESOLI (Giovanni), LAI (Andrea), RICCI (Luigi), GIOVANNI (Giuseppe). Libri, lettori e biblioteche nella Sardegna medievale e della prima età moderna (secoli VI–XVI). Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2016, 436 p. (Repertorio di inventari e cataloghi di bib-

247. NICOLÒ (Anna), PACE (Domenico). Trasformazione e arruolamento: alunnato e volontariato nelle biblioteche governative dall'Unità alla fine del XIX secolo. Archivio storico italiano, 2016, 174, 648, p. 249-280. 248. PEDRAZA GRACIA (Manuel José), REYES GÓMEZ (Fermín de los). Atlas histórico del libro y las bibliotecas. Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 2016, 302 p. 249. Pierre le Grand et ses livres. Les arts et les sciences de l'Europe dans la bibliothèque du Tsar. Ed. par Olga MEDVEDKOVA. Paris, Alain Baudry & Cie, 2016, 747 p. Cf. nos 46-74 c. Museums 250. ALONSO GONZÁLEZ (Hilda María). El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes: en la política cultural del estado cubano, 1940–1961. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2016, 100 p. 251. BENDL (Eva). Inszenierte Geschichtsbilder. Museale Sinnbildung in Bayerisch-Schwaben vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Nachkriegszeit. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2016, 324 p. (ill.). (Bayerische Studien zur Museumsgeschichte, 2). 252. DÖPFNER (Anna). Frauen im Technikmuseum. Ursachen und Lösungen für gendergerechtes Sammeln und Ausstellen. Bielefeld, transcript, 2016, 222 p. (ill.). (Edition Museum, 21). 253. Erinnern an Demokratie in Deutschland. Demokratiegeschichte in Museen und Erinnerungsstätten der Bundesrepublik. Hrsg. v. Thomas HERTFELDER, Ulrich LAPPENKÜPER und Jürgen LILLTEICHER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016, 344 p. 254. FÖRSTER (Larissa), STOECKER (Holger). Haut, Haar und Knochen. Koloniale Spuren in naturkundlichen Sammlungen der Universität Jena. Weimar, Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2016, 126 p. (Laborberichte, 9). 255. Gegen den Stand der Dinge. Objekte in Museen und Ausstellungen. Hrsg. v. Martina GRIESSER, Christine HAUPT-STUMMER, Renate HÖLLWART, Beatrice JASCHKE, Monika SOMMER, Nora STERNFELD und Luisa ZIAJA. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, 221 p. (Edition Angewandte). 256. Handbuch Museum. Geschichte, Aufgaben, Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Markus WALZ. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2016, 417 p. 257. Haus? Geschichte? Österreich? Ergebnisse einer Enquete über das neue historische Museum in Wien. Hrsg. v. Thomas WINKELBAUER. Wien, New Academic

§ 2. History of historiography Press, 2016, 300 p. (Austriaca. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Österreichkunde). 258. LANGWAGEN (Kerstin). Die DDR im Vitrinenformat: zur Problematik musealer Annäherungen an ein kollektives Gedächtnis. Berlin, Metropol, 2016, 315 p. 259. Museen im Nationalsozialismus. Akteure – Orte – Politik. Hrsg. v. Tanja BAENSCH, Kristina KRATZ-KESSEMEIER und Dorothee WIMMER. Köln, Böhlau, 2016, 411 p. 260. RABINOWITZ (Richard). Curating America. Journeys through storyscapes of the American past. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2016, 382 p. 261. REDMAN (Samuel J.). Bone rooms. From scientific racism to human prehistory in museums. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2016, 373 p. 262. Szenerien und Illusion. Geschichte, Varianten und Potenziale von Museumsdioramen. Hrsg. v. Alexander GALL und Helmuth TRISCHLER. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2016, 471 p. (Deutsches Museum. Abhandlungen und Berichte – Neue Folge, 32). Cf. no 5785 § 2. History of historiography. ______________________

a. General * 263. SHEPARD (Jonathan). Back in Old Rus and the USSR: archaeology, history and politics. English historical review, 2016, 131, 549, p. 384-405. 264. 20. Jahrhundert erzählen (Das). Zeiterfahrung und Zeiterforschung im geteilten Deutschland. Hrsg. v. Franka MAUBACH und Christina MORINA. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2016, 508 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 21).


New Academic Press, 2016, 460 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Holocaustforschung des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien, VWI, 2). 270. ARNALDI (Girolamo). Cronache e cronisti dell'Italia comunale. A cura di Lidia CAPO. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2016, XLVI-634 p. (Collectanea, 33). 271. Art (The) of history. Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography. Ed. by Vasileios LIOTSAKIS, Scott FARRINGTON. Berlin a. Boston, de Gruyter, 2016, VIII-321 p. (Trends in Classics, 41). 272. ASSMANN (Aleida). Formen des Vergessens. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2016, 224 p. (Historische Geisteswissenschaften. Frankfurter Vorträge, 9). 273. ATTAL (Frédéric), LEYMARIE (Michel). Historiographie politique: les historiens italiens et la France (XIXe–XXe siècles). Revue historique, 2016, 677, 1, p. 113-118. 274. Bečki kongres 1814./1815.: historiografske refleksije o 200. obljetnici. (The Congress of Vienna 1814/ 1815: Historiographical Reflections on the Occasion of its 200th anniversary). Eds. Marko TROGRLIĆ, Edi MILOŠ. Zagreb i Split, Leykam international and Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za povijest, 2016, 227 p. 275. BERGER (Stefan). Nordic national histories in comparative European perspective. Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2016, 1, p. 67-96. 276. BERGHOLZ (Max). Violence as a generative force. Identity, nationalism and memory in a Balkan community. Ithaka, Cornell U. P., 2016, 464 p. 277. Between dispersion and belonging. Global approaches to diaspora in practice. Ed. by Amitava CHOWDHURY and Donald HARMAN AKENSON. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2016, XVI-368 p. (McGillQueen's studies in ethnic history, 40).

265. AALTO (Sirpa). "Minnets möbler". Toponymer som representationer av kollektivt och kulturellt minne inom sagaforskningen. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 2016, 1, p. 4-25.

278. BICHLER (Reinhold). Studien zur griechischen Historiographie. Hrsg. von Robert ROLLINGER und Kai RUFFING. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016, 271 p.

266. ABBOTT (Andrew). L'avenir des sciences sociales. Entre l'empirique et le normatif. Annales, 2016, 71, 3, p. 575-596.

279. BLACK (Russell C.). Ósvalds saga, its Sources and the Transmission of Oswald's Bridal Quest in Northern Europe. Studi medievali, 2015, 1, p. 127-148.

267. ADDE-VOMÁČKA (Éloïse). La Chronique de Dalimil. Les débuts de l'historiographie nationale tchèque en langue vulgaire au XIVe siècle. Avec une préface de Jacques LE GOFF. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016, 458 p. (Textes et documents d'histoire médiévale, 12).

280. BLACKBOURN (David). Landschaften der deutschen Geschichte. Aufsätze zum 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016, 392 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 217).

268. ADLER (Eric). Classics, the culture wars, and beyond. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2016, XII-292 p. 269. Als der Holocaust noch keinen Namen hatte. Aufarbeitung des NS-Massenmordes an den Juden Zur frühen / Before the Holocaust had its name. Early confrontations of the Nazi mass murder of the Jews. Hrsg. v. Regina FRITZ, Eva KOVÁCS und Béla RÁSKY. Wien,

281. BLOMQVIST (Anders E. B.). De nationella berättelsernas kraft: Avsaknaden av genuina uppgörelser i Ungern och Rumänien och historikernas roll. (The power of national narratives: the lack of genuine efforts to come to terms with the past in Hungary and Romania, and the role of historians). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2016, 3, p. 441-470. 282. BONACINA (Giovanni). Paura di Allah? Un arabista tedesco e l'islam in Europa oggi. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 1, p. 296-317.



283. BONFRESCHI (Lucia). La France de la Ve République dans les Études italiennes. Revue historique, 2016, 677, 1, p. 169-178. 284. BRADLEY (Kevin), PURI (Anisa). Creating an oral history archive: digital opportunities and ethical issues. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 75-91. 285. BRITSCHE (Frank). Historische Feiern im 19. Jahrhundert. Eine Studie zur Geschichtskultur Leipzigs. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016, 258 p. 286. BURKE (Peter). What is the history of knowledge? Oxford, Polity Press, 2016, 127 p. 287. CAMPBELL (Timothy). Historical style. Fashion and the new mode of history, 1740–1830. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, X-363 p. (Material texts).

III. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016, 413 p. (Bild und Text). 300. DITTRICH (Lisa). Propuestas para una interpretación europea del anticlericalismo en el siglo XIX: historia cultural, identidad y secularización. Historia social, 2016, 84, p. 113-139. 301. DJORDJEVIC LÉONARD (Ksenija). Les mots de la guerre: mémoire du conflit yougoslave et résilience. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2016, 263 (3), p. 91-104. 302. Doing history. Performative Praktiken in der Geschichtskultur. Hrsg. v. Sarah WILLNER, Georg KOCH und Stefanie SAMIDA. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2016, X-258 p. (Edition Historische Kulturwissenschaften, 1).

288. Capitalism. The reemergence of a historical concept. Ed. by Jürgen KOCKA und Marcel VAN DER LINDEN. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, X-282 p.

303. DROHSEL (Karsten Michael). Das Erbe des Flanierens. Der Souveneur – Ein handlungsbezogenes Konzept für urbane Erinnerungsdiskurse. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2016, 283 p. (Urban studies).

289. CARTER (Laura). The Quennells and the 'History of everyday life' in England, c. 1918–69. History workshop, 2016, 81, p. 106-134.

304. EALHAM (Chris). La historia social, el (neo)revisionismo y el mapa de la izquierda española de los años 30. Historia social, 2016, 86, p. 133-157.

290. CASSINA (Cristina). Les historiens italiens devant le court XIXe siècle français. Revue historique, 2016, 677, 1, p. 119-128.

305. EDER (Jacob S.). Holocaust Angst. The Federal Republic of Germany and American Holocaust memory since the 1970s. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, XX296 p.

291. ÇELIK (Zeynep). About antiquities: politics of archaeology in the Ottoman Empire. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016, X-268 p. 292. CHAPMAN (Adam). Digital games as history. How videogames represent the past and offer access to historical practice. London, Routledge, 2016, XII-290 p. (ill.). (Routledge advances in game studies, 7). 293. ČIČAJ (Viliam). Historiografia v preprojektizovanom svete. (Historiography in an over-projectized world). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 713-718. 294. COELLO DE LA ROSA (Alexandre), ATIENZA DE FRUTOS (David). Sobre amnesias y olvidos: Continuidades y discontinuidades en la (re)construcción de la memoria colectiva en Guam (islas Marianas). Historia social, 2016, 86, p. 25-46. 295. COMBE (Sonia). À quoi sert l'érudition sans réflexion critique? Les Archives nationales et "le grand récit national". Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2016, XX, p. 9-12. 296. Connected past (The): challenges to network studies in archaeology and history. E. by Tom BRUGHMANS, Anna COLLAR and Fiona COWARD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XVIII-200 p. 297. DECLERCQ (G.). History, memory and remembrance in early Cartularies and Libri Traditionum. Studi medievali, 2016, 62, 3, p. 1-22.

306. Ehrregime. Akteure, Praktiken und Medien lokaler Ehrungen in der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Dietmar von REEKEN und Malte THIEßEN. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2016, 350 p. (Formen der Erinnerung, 63). 307. ELDRIDGE (Claire). From empire to exile: history and memory within the Pied-Noir and Harki communities, 1962–2012. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2016, XIV-337 p. 308. Erinnerungsorte in Bewegung. Zur Neugestaltung des Gedenkens an Orten nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen. Hrsg. v. Daniela ALLMEIER, Inge MANKA, Peter MÖRTENBÖCK und Rudolf SCHEUVENS. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2016, 390 p. (ill.). (Architekturen, 28). 309. ĖRLIKH (Sergeĭ). Voĭna mifov. Pamiatʹ o dekabristakh na rubezhe tysiacheletiĭ. (The war of myths. The memory of the Decembrists at the turn of the millennium). Moskva a. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istoriia, 2016, 550 p. 310. Étrusques (Les) au temps du fascisme et du nazisme. Actes des journées d'études internationales des 22 au 24 décembre 2014 (Amiens). Ed. par MarieLaurence HAACK. Textes réunies avec la collaboration de Martin MILLER. Bordeaux, Ausonius Éditions, 2016, 337 p. (Ausonius Èditions, Scripta Receptoria, 7).

298. DELPIANO (Patrizia). Schiavi, illuministi e storici. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 891-920.

311. Faiseurs d'histoire. Pour une histoire indisciplinée. Sous la dir. de Philippe GUMPLOWICZ, Alain RAUWEL, Philippe SALVADORI. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2016, 280 p.

299. DIDI-HUBERMAN (Georges). Atlas oder die unruhige Fröhliche Wissenschaft. Das Auge der Geschichte

312. FLAIG (Egon). Memorialgesetze und historisches Unrecht. Wie Gedächtnispolitik die historische

§ 2. History of historiography Wissenschaft bedroht. Historische Zeitschrift, 2016, 302, 2, p. 297-339. 313. For the sake of learning: essays in honor of Anthony Grafton. Ed. by Ann BLAIR and Anja-Silvia GOEING. Leiden, Brill, 2016; 2 vol., LXXVII-1082 p. 314. FORLENZA (Rosario) THOMASSEN (Bjørn). Italian modernities. Competing narratives of nationhood. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, XII-296 p. (Italian and Italian American studies). 315. FRISCH (Michael). Oral history in the digital age: beyond the raw and the cooked. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 92-107. 316. Future (The) of the past. New perspectives on Ukrainian history. Ed. by Serhii PLOKHY. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2016, X-506 p. 317. GALIMI (Valeria). Le regard des historiens italiens sur la France de la fin du XIXe siècle à Vichy. Revue historique, 2016, 677, 1, p. 139-146. 318. GERVASONI (Marco). Les années noires dans l'historiographie italienne. Revue historique, 2016, 677, 1, p. 147-158. 319. GINIO (Eyal). The Ottoman culture of defeat. The Balkan Wars and their aftermath. London, Oxford U. P., 2016, 360 p. 320. GORDON (David M.). (Dis)embodying sovereignty: divine kingship in Central African historiography. Journal of African history, 2016, 57, 1, p. 47-67. 321. GOSWAMI (Manu), HECHT (Gabrielle), KHALID (Adeeb), KRYLOVA (Anna), THOMPSON (Elizabeth F.), ZATLIN (Jonathan R.), ZIMMERMAN (Andrew). History after the end of history: reconceptualizing the twentieth century. [AHR Conversation]. American historical review, 2016, 121, 5, p. 1567-1607. 322. GRUA (David W.). Surviving Wounded Knee. The Lakotas and the politics of memory. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, IX-276 p. 323. GUENÉE (Bernard). Comment on écrit l'histoire au XIIIe siècle. Primat et le Roman des roys. Éd. par JeanMarie MOEGLIN. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2016, 296 p. 324. HALL (Catherine). Writing history, making 'race': slave-owners and their stories. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 3, p. 365-380. 325. Handbook of cliometrics. Ed. by Claude DIEand Michael HAUPERT. Berlin, Springer, 2016, XXII-590 p.


326. Handbuch Chroniken des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Gerhard WOLF, Norbert H. OTT. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 1050 p. (De Gruyter Reference). 327. Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Hrsg. v. Marten DÜRING, Ulrich EUMANN, Martin STARK und Linda von KEYSERLINGK. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2016, 211 p. (Schriftenreihe des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts Essen zur Methodenforschung, 1).


328. HAULTAIN-GALL (Matthew). Bean, the third battle of Ypres and the Australian narrative of the First World War. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 135-151. 329. HAYES (Ingrid). Quel usage des sources radiophoniques en histoire sociale? Cheminement à partir d'une démarche empirique: le cas de Radio Lorraine Cœur d'Acier (Longwy, 1979–1980). Le mouvement social, 2016, 256, p. 117-137. 330. HAYNES (Christine). Remembering and forgetting the first modern occupations of France. Journal of modern history, 2016, 88, 3, p. 535-571. 331. HEUMAN (Johannes). Moralisk rannsakan och historieforskning: Förintelsen och fransk-judisk historiografi, 1945–1950. (Moral reflections and historical research: the Holocaust and French-Jewish historiography, 1945–1950). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2016, 3, p. 472-493. 332. HIRDMAN (Yvonne). Medan jag var ung: egohistoria från 1900-talet. (Essai d'ego-histoire au 20e siècle). Stockholm, Ordfront, 2016, 367 p. (ill.). 333. Histoire (L') de France vue d'ailleurs. Sous la dir. de Jean-Noël JEANNENEY et Jeanne GUÉROUT. Paris, Les Arènes, 2016, 610 p. 334. Histoires pragmatiques. Ed. par Francis CHAet Yves COHEN. Paris, Éditions Ehess, 2016, 385 p. (Raisons pratiques, 25).


335. HOLEC (Roman). Historický prameň a etika (na stole, pod stolom a kdesi inde). (Historical source and ethics – on the table and somewhere else). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 597-609. 336. How empire shaped us. Ed. by Antoinette BURTON and Dane KENNEDY. London a. New York, Blooms-

bury Academic, 2016, XII-216 p.

337. Independencia peruana (La) como representación: Historiografía, conmemoración y escultura pública. Ed. por Alex Loayza PÉREZ. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2016, 397 p. 338. Istoricheskaia bolgaristika: k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia professora L. B. Valeva. (Historical Bulgarian studies: on the centenary of the birth of professor L. B. Valeva). Ed. by Elena VALEVA and Tatʹiana Viktorovna VOLOKITINA. Moskva, Institut slavianovedeniia RAN, 2016, 391 p. (ill.). 339. Istorie şi istorici la Universitatea din Bucureşti: dimensiuni instituţionale - proiecte intelectuale. (History and historians at the University of Bucharest: institutional dimensions - intellectual projects). Coordonatori: Florentina NIŢU, Florin MÜLLER, Remus NICĂ. Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2016, 168 p. 340. JINKS (Rebecca). Representing genocide. The holocaust as paradigm? New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, VII-269 p. (Comparative genocide). 341. Josephinismus zwischen den Regimen. Eduard Winter, Fritz Valjavec und die zentraleuropäischen His-



toriographien im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Franz Leander FILLAFER und Thomas WALLNIG. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 328 p. (Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 17). 342. JOUVENET (Morgan). Contextes et temporalités dans la sociologie processuelle d'Andrew Abbott. Annales, 2016, 71, 3, p. 597-630. 343. KARAKATSANIS (Leonidas). 'We', 'they' and the 'human' in the middle: foreign interventions for 'humanitarian reasons' during the nineteenth century in Turkish historiography. Middle Eastern studies, 2016, 52, 2, p. 233-259. 344. KEIL (André). The Preußenrenaissance revisited: German–German entanglements, the media and the politics of history in the late German Democratic Republic. German history, 2016, 34, 2, p. 258-278. 345. "Kildekunst": historiske og kulturhistoriske studier. Festskrift til John T. Lauridsen. (Etudes d'histoire et d'histoire culturelle. Mélanges offerts à John T. Lauridsen). Red. Sofie Lene BAK [et al.] København, Det kongelige bibliotek, Museum Tusculanum, 2016, 2 vol., 639 p., 628 p. (ill.). (pl.). (Danish humanist texts and studies, 55). 346. KIRBY (James). Historians and the church of England: religion and historical scholarship, 1870– 1920. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, 257 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 347. Knowing future time in and through Greek historiography. Ed. by Alexandra LIANERI. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, VI-443 p. (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes, 32). 348. KOELTZSCH (Ines), OTA (Konrád). From "Islands of democracy" to "transnational border spaces". State of the art and perspectives of the historiography on the first Czechoslovak Republic since 1989. Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder, 2016, 56, 2, p. 285-327. 349. KOLAR (Fabio). Memorias en acción. Un niño en la revolución mexicana de Andrés Iduarte Foucher. Historia mexicana, 2016, 66, 1, p. 299-357. 350. KOLLER (Guido). Geschichte digital. Historische Welten neu vermessen. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2016, 157 p. 351. KÖYMEN (Mehmet Altay). Türk tarihinde araştırma metodu. (Research method in Turkish history). Kızılay (Ankara), Berikan Yayınevi, 2016, XIII-70 p. (ill.). 352. KUČERA (Rudolf). Facing Marxist orthodoxy: Western Marxism, the making, and the communist historiographies of Czechoslovakia and Poland, 1948–1990. International Review of Social History, 2016, 61, 1, p. 35-50. 353. KÜHLING (Gerd). Erinnerung an nationalsozialistische Verbrechen in Berlin. Verfolgte des Dritten Rei-

ches und geschichtspolitisches Engagement im Kalten Krieg 1945–1979. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2016, 581 p. 354. Land – Geschichte – Identität. Geschichtswahrnehmung und Geschichtskonstruktion im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert – eine historiographiekritische Bestandsaufnahme. Hrsg. v. Holger Th. GRÄF, Alexander JENDORFF und Pierre MONNET. Darmstadt, Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt u. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2016, X-269 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, 174). 355. Lebensbilder. Klassische Archäologen und der Nationalsozialismus, Bd. 2. Hrsg. v. Gunnar BRANDS und Martin MAISCHBERGER. Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2016, IX-436 p. (Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen. ForschungsCluster, 5. Geschichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts im 20. Jahrhundert, 2). 356. LENGYELOVÁ (Tünde). Historik a médiá v dobe povrchnosti. (The historian at the media in an age of superficiality). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 611617. 357. Listening for history [Forum]. Hispanic American historical review, 2016, 96, 2, p. 211-258 [Contents: BRONFMAN (Alejandra), EHRICK (Christine). Forum introduction: listening for history, p. 211-215. – EHRICK (Christine). Comedy and aural modernity in Argentina: Tomás Simari's "Un viaje en ómnibus", p. 217223. – BRONFMAN (Alejandra). Biography of a sonic archive, p. 225-231. – PORRAS-KIM (Gala). Whistling and language transfiguration: Zapotec tones as contemporary art and strategy for resistance, p. 233-237. – DORE (Elizabeth). Hearing voices: Cuban oral history, p. 239-247. – HERTZMAN (Marc A.). Toward and against a sounded history, p. 249-258.] 358. LOCKMAN (Zachary). Field notes. The making of Middle East studies in the United States. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2016, XXI-351 p. 359. MAIER (Felix K.). Chronotopos. Erzählung, Zeit und Raum im Hellenismus. Klio, 2016, 98, p. 465-494. 360. MAYORGAS (Ana Rodríguez). History and memory in Roman thinking of the past. Historia and Memoria in Republican literature. Quaderni di storia, 2016, 83, p. 51-76. 361. Mehr als eine Erzählung. Zeitgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf die Bundesrepublik. Festschrift für Axel Schildt. Hrsg. v. Frank BAJOHR, Anselm DOERINGMANTEUFFEL, Claudia KEMPER [et al.] Göttingen, Wallstein, 2016, 406 p. 362. Memory in ancient Rome and early Christianity. Ed. by Karl GALINSKY. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, XIV-406 p. [Cf. no 1851.] 363. MERCER (Ben). Specters of fascism: the rhetoric of historical analogy in 1968. Journal of modern history, 2016, 88, 1, p. 96-129. 364. MIRANDA (Ricardo). Musicología e historia cultural: a propósito de los papeles para Euterpe. Historia mexicana, 2016, 66, 1, p. 359-401.

§ 2. History of historiography 365. MÜNCH (Fabian). Der Erste Weltkrieg in der australischen Geschichtskultur. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Edition, 2016, 416 p. [Kulturwissenschaft(en) als interdisziplinäres Projekt, 11]. 366. NAGLE (Shane). Peripheries and contested regions in nationalist imaginations: Irish–German comparisons, 1850–1930. European history quarterly, 2016, 46, 1, p. 27-47.


378. RAYNER (Michelle). The radio documentary and oral history: challenges and opportunities. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 108-117. 379. REICHARDT (Sven). Einführung: Überwachungsgeschichte(n). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2016, 42, 1, p. 5-33. 380. REID (Andrew). Constructing history in Uganda. Journal of African history, 2016, 57, 2, p. 195-207.

367. Neue Vielfalt. Medienpluralität und -konkurrenz in historischer Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Thomas BIRKNER, Maria LÖBLICH, Alina Laura TIEWS und Hans-Ulrich WAGNER. Köln, Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2016, 331 p. (Öffentlichkeit und Geschichte).

381. Résistance (La) dans le Sud-Ouest au regard d'autres espaces européens (1940 à nos jours). Sous la direction de Laurent JALABERT et Stéphane LE BRAS. Pau, Éditions Cairn, 2016, 205 p. (Guerres et sociétés dans le Midi Aquitaine).

368. NGUYEN (Viet Thanh). Nothing ever dies: Vietnam and the memory of war. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2016, 384 p.

382. Reviewing digital history. AHR exchange. Intr. by Alex LICHTENSTEIN. American historical review, 2016, 121, 1, p. 140-186. [Contents: LICHTENSTEIN (Alex). Introduction, p. 140-142. – STERNFELD (Joshua). Harlem crime, soapbox speeches, and beauty parlors: digital historical context and the challenge of preserving source integrity, p. 143-155. – ROBERTSON (Stephen). Digital mapping as a research tool: digital Harlem: everyday life, 1915–1930, p. 156-166. – ZACEK (Natalie A.). Reading the rebels and mining the maps: digital humanities and cartographic narratives, p. 167-175. – BROWN (Vincent). Narrative interface for new media history: slave revolt in Jamaica, 1760–1761, p. 176-186.]

369. NORDMAN (Daniel). À propos d'une Histoire du Maroc: l'espace et le temps. Annales, 2016, 71, 4, p. 923950. 370. OLICK (Jeffrey K.). The sins of the fathers. Germany, memory, method. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016, X-517 p. (Chicago studies in practices of meaning). 371. Oral history i Danmark. (L'histoire orale au Danemark). Red. Sofie Lene BAK. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2016, 215 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 532). 372. Palgrave handbook of research in historical culture and education. Ed. by Mario CARRETERO, Stefan BERGER and Maria GREVER. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 856 p. 373. PETERS (Florian). Revolution der Erinnerung. Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Geschichtskultur des spätsozialistischen Polen. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2016, 513 p. (Kommunismus und Gesellschaft - Reihe des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, 2). 374. POLIAN (P. M.). Istoriomor, ili trepanatsiia pamiati. Bitvy za pravdu o gulage, deportatsiiakh, voĭne i Kholokoste. (Hystorycide, or trepanation of memory. Battles for the truth about gulag, deportations, war and Holocaust). Moskva, AST, 2016, 623 p. (ill.). (Angedoniia). 375. Portraying the prince in the Renaissance. The humanist depiction of rulers in historiographical and biographical texts. Ed. by Patrick BAKER, Ronny KAISER, Maike PRIESTERJAHN [et al.] Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, IX-491 p. (Transformationen der Antike, 44). 376. PRIEMEL (Kim Christian). The betrayal. The Nuremberg trials and German divergence. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIV-481 p. 377. RAO (Velcheru Narayana). Text and tradition in South India. Delhi a. New Delhi, Orient Blackswan, 2016, 490 p.

383. RHEA (John M.). A field of their own. Women and American Indian history, 1830–1941. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2016, XVIII-293 p. 384. ROBERTS (David D.). Fascist interactions. Proposals for a new approach to fascism and its era, 1919– 1945. New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, IX-319 p. 385. ROOS (Neil). South African history and subaltern historiography: ideas for a radical history of white folk. International review of social history, 2016, 61, 1, p. 117150. 386. ROSSI (Benedetta). The Agadez chronicles and Y Tarichi: a reinterpretation. History in Africa, 2016, 43, p. 95-140. 387. ROSSIGNOL (Sébastien). Doit-on encore parler de colonisation allemande au Moyen Âge? Réflexions sur l'historiographie récente concernant l'Europe du Centre-Est aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Revue historique, 2016, 680, 4, p. 905-940. 388. RUBIN (Eli). Amnesiopolis: modernity, space and memory in East Germany. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, 208 p. 389. Ruin or renewal? Places and the transformation of memory in the city of Rome. Ed. by Marta GARCÍA MORCILLO, James H. RICHARDSON and Federico SANTANGELO. Roma, Quasar, 2016, 299 p. 390. Sacrifice and rebirth. The legacy of the last Habsburg War. Ed. by Mark CORNWALL and John Paul NEWMAN. New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, 306 p. (ill.). (Austrian and Habsburg studies, 18).



391. Sattelzeit. Historiographiegeschichtliche Revisionen. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth DÉCULTOT and Daniel FULDA. Berlin, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2016, VII-306 p. (Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung, 52). 392. SCHIEßL (Sascha). "Das Tor zur Freiheit". Kriegsfolgen, Erinnerungspolitik und humanitärer Anspruch im Lager Friedland (1945–1970). Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2016, 477 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des zeitgeschichtlichen Arbeitskreises Niedersachsen, 31). 393. SCHMID (Alfred). Die Geburt des Historischen aus dem Geiste der Politik. Zur Bedeutung frühgriechischer Geschichtsschreibung, mit einem Seitenblick auf Altchina. Basel, Schwabe, 2016, 596 p. (Schwabe interdisziplinär, 9). 394. SCHMIDT (Regin). Mordet på præsident Kennedy i den kollektive erindring. (The assassination of President Kennedy in the collective memory). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2016, 116, 1, p. 97-131. 395. Second generation (The). Émigrés from Nazi Germany as historians. Ed. by Andreas W. DAUM, Hartmut LEHMANN and James J. SHEEHAN. New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, XIII-473 p. (Studies in German history, 20). 396. SERFASS (David). Occupation japonaise et collaboration chinoise: tendances historiographiques récentes. Revue historique, 2016, 680, 4, p. 941-966. 397. SERGI (Giuseppe). Soglie del Medioevo: le grandi questioni, i grandi maestri. Roma, Donzelli editore, 2016, X-347 p. (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). 398. SKÖLD (Johanna), SANDIN (Bengt). Att delta eller att stå bredvid: Upprättelseprocesser och historikerns risker och möjligheter. (To participate or stand aside: redress processes and historians' risks and contributions). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2016, 3, p. 383410. 399. STANLEY (Amy). Maidservants' tales: narrating domestic and global history in Eurasia, 1600–1900. American historical review, 2016, 121, 2, p. 437-460. 400. STÖCKMANN (Jan). Studying the international, serving the nation: the origins of International Relations (IR) Scholarship in Germany, 1912–1933. International history review, 2016, 38, 5, p. 1055-1080. 401. STOLER (Ann Laura). Duress. Imperial durabilities in our times. Durham, Duke U. P., 2016, XII436 p. (John Hope Franklin Center book). 402. Storia della filologia classica. A cura di Diego LANZA e Gherardo UGOLINI. Roma, Carocci, 2016, 408 p. (Studi superiori). 403. Storia internazionale, transnazionale, globale: una discussione. A cura di Mario DEL PERO e Guido FORMIGONI. Bologna, il Mulino, 2016, [s.p.] (Numero monografico di "Ricerche di storia politica", 3/2016). 404. ŠVORC (Peter). Etika bádateľa vo vzťahu k minulosti a súčasnosti. (The ethics of the researcher in

relation to the past and present). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 631-638. 405. TALBOT (Cynthia). The last Hindu emperor. Prithviraj Chauhan and the Indian past, 1200–2000. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, X-316 p. 406. TAUBITZ (Jan). Holocaust Oral History und das lange Ende der Zeitzeugenschaft. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2016, 332 p. (ill.). 407. TEIGROB (Robert). Living with war. Twentiethcentury conflict in Canadian and American history and memory. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2016, X471 p. 408. "Témoins de l'immédiat" (Les). Autour du projet Écrits de guerre et d'occupation (EGO 1939–1945) [Dossier]. Introduction de Laurent JOLY et Françoise PASSERA. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2016, 263 (3), p. 3-64. [JOLLY (Laurent), PASSERA (Françoise). Se souvenir, accuser, se justifier: les premiers témoignages sur la France et les Français des années noires (1944–1949). – REZGUI (Abdelhakim). Le journal des années noires revisité. – RIOUL (René). L'aire du témoignage.] 409. THAXTON (Ralph A.). Force and contention in contemporary China. Memory and resistance in the long shadow of the catastrophic past. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XXI-468 p. (Cambridge studies in contentious politics). 410. THOMASCHKE (Dirk). Abseits der Geschichte. Nationalsozialismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg in Ortschroniken. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2016, 356 S. (ill.). (Formen der Erinnerung, 60). 411. THOMSON (Alistair). Australian generations? Memory, oral history and generational identity in postwar Australia. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 41-57. 412. TIKHONOV (V. V.). Ideologicheskie kampanii "pozdnego stalinizma" i sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka: seredina 1940-kh-1953 g. (The ideological campaigns of "late Stalinism" and Soviet historical science: mid1940s–1953). Moskva a. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istoriia, 2016, 424 p. 413. TOMANN (Juliane). Geschichtskultur im Strukturwandel. Öffentliche Geschichte in Katowice nach 1989. Berlin, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2016, VIII-437 p. (Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert, 6). 414. TOMCZUK (Sara Jean). Contention, consensus, and memories of communism: comparing Czech and Slovak memory politics in public spaces, 1993–2012. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2016, 57, 3, p. 105-126. 415. Uncertain futures: essays about the Irish past for Roy Foster. Ed. by Senia PAŠETA. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, 300 p. 416. VARSORI (Antonio). Dalla storia delle relazioni internazionali alla storia globale? Il caso italiano fra tra-

§ 2. History of historiography dizione e cauta innovazione. Ricerche di storia politica, 2016, 3, p. 269-284. 417. VOREL (Petr). Hodnocení výsledku vědy a výzkumu v oboru "Historie" v České republice v letech 2013–2016. (Evaluation of the results of science and research in the field of "History" in the Czech Republik 2013–2016). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 699-712. 418. WAMHOFF (Laura Sonja). Isländische Erinnerungskultur 1100–1300: altnordische Historiographie und kulturelles Gedächtnis. Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2016, 260 p. (b/w ill., col. map). (Beiträge zur nordischen Philologie, 57). 419. War, demobilization and memory. The legacy of war in the era of Atlantic revolutions. Ed. by Alan FORREST, Karen HAGEMANN and Michael ROWE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, XVIII-416 p. 420. WENDORFF (Jean-Jaques). Der Boxeraufstand in China 1900/1901 als deutscher und französischer Erinnerungsort. Ein Vergleich anhand ausgewählter Quellengruppen. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang/Frankfurt am Main, 2016, 240 p. 421. WHITE (Geoffrey M.). Memorializing Pearl Harbor. Unfinished histories and the work of remembrance. Durham, Duke U. P., 2016, XI-340 p. 422. Writing the Nigeria-Biafra war. Ed. by Toyin FALOLA and Ogechukwu EZEKWEM. Rochester, James Currey, 2016, XX-491 p. 423. YALE (Elizabeth). Sociable knowledge. Natural history and the nation in early Modern Britain. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, VIII346 p. (Material texts). 424. ZIELSDORF (Frank). Militärische Erinnerungskulturen in Preußen im 18. Jahrhundert: Akteure, Medien, Dynamiken. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2016, 305 p. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der frühen Neuzeit, 21). 425. ZIEMANN (Benjamin). La violencia como objeto de estudio en las investigaciones recientes sobre la primera guerra mundial. Historia social, 2016, 84, p. 141159. 426. ZIINO (Bart). The First World War in Australian history. Australian historical studies, 2016, 47, 1, p. 118-134. Cf. nos 2750, 4205, 5048


430. BLOCH (Marc). Carnets inédits (1917–1943). Édition établie par Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Torino, Aragno, 2016, VIII-392 p. 431. WALSHAM (Alexandra). John Bossy. Past & present, 2016, 233, p. 3-11. 432. BORUTTA (Manuel). Braudel in Algier. Die kolonialen Wurzeln der "Méditerranée" und der "spatial turn". Historische Zeitschrift, 2016, 303, 1, p. 1-38. 433. DIETRICH (Pitt). Die Zeitdiagnose Jacob Burckhardts – entschlüsselt. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2016, 66, 3, p. 427-438. 434. ARTIFONI (Enrico), GUGLIELMOTTI (Paola). Intervista a Paolo Cammarosano. Reti medievali, 2016, 17, 1, p. 565-618. 435. ADDANTE (Luca). Nuove tendenze negli studi libertini. Jean-Pierre Cavaillé e la crisi del paradigma pintardiano. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 11371157. 436. FRANGIONI (Andrea). Intorno a due volumi chabodiani. Archivio storico italiano, 2016, 174, 648, p. 341-368. 437. DE FELICE (Renzo). Scritti giornalistici. Vol 1. Dagli ebrei a Mussolini 1960–1974. Milano, Luni Editrice, 2016, XVIII-245 p. 438. Social relations, politics, and power in early Modern France: Robert Descimon and the historian's craft. Ed. by Barbara B. DIEFENDORF. Kirksville, Truman State U.P., 2016, 312 p. 439. DIONISOTTI (Carlo), POZZI (Giovanni). Una degna amicizia, buona per entrambi. Carteggio 1957– 1997. A cura di O. BESOMI. Roma, edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, 320 p. (Carteggi di Carlo Dionisotti). 440. GUERRA (Francesco). Conjunge et imperabis: Einheit e Freiheit nel pensiero politico di Johann Gustav Droysen. Bologna, il Mulino, 2016, XVI-310 p. (Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, 66). 441. REBELLO CARDOSO (Hélio Jr.). Peirce and Foucault on time and history: the tasks of (dis)continuity. History and theory, 2016, 55, 1, p. 25-38. 442. TOENJES (Christopher). Islam, the Turks and the making of the English Reformation. The history of the Ottoman Empire in John Foxe's Acts and monuments. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2016, 466 p.

b. Special studies

443. FOWDEN (Garth). Gibbon on Islam. English historical review, 2016, 131, 549, p. 261-292.

427. Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl and his legacy. Ed. by Galen BROKAW and Jongsoo LEE. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2016, VI-306 p.

444. NICCOLI (Ottavia). Paura reverenza terrore. Per una discussione su un libro di Carlo Ginzburg. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 1, p. 258-273.

428. WILLIAMS (Kelsey Jackson). The antiquary: John Aubrey's historical scholarship. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, XIV-191 p.

445. Companion (A) to Gregory of Tours. Ed. by Alexander Callander MURRAY. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2016, 667 p. (Brill's Companions to the Christian tradition, 63).

429. AUERBACH (Eric). Filologia come arte critica (1947). Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2015, 19, p. 23-56.

446. Retter der Antike. Marquard Gude (1635–1689) auf der Suche nach den Klassikern. Hrsg. v. Patrizia



CARMASSI. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, 576 p. (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 147). 447. BALANDIN (Rudol'f Konstantinovich). Lev Gumilëv. Taĭna passionarnosti. (Lev Gumilyov. The secret of passionarity). Moskva, "Veche", 2016, 318 p. (ill., maps). (Mify i taĭny sovremennoĭ nauki). 448. PELLING (Christopher). Herodotus, Polycrates – and maybe Stesimbrotus too? Journal of Hellenic studies, 2016, 136, p. 113-120. – RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Die große Herausforderung. Herodot, Thukydides und die Erfindung einer neuen Form von Geschichtsschreibung. Historische Zeitschrift, 2016, 302, 3, p. 593-622. – SERGUEENKOVA (Valeria). Counting the past in Herodotus' histories. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2016, 136, p. 121-131. 449. CRONIN (Stephanie). Noble robbers, avengers and entrepreneurs: Eric Hobsbawm and banditry in Iran, the Middle East and North Africa. Middle Eastern studies, 2016, 52, 5, p. 845-870. 450. Inca Garcilaso and contemporary world-making. Ed. by Sara CASTRO-KLAREN and Christian FERNÁNDEZ. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016, IX-382 p. (Illuminations: cultural formations of the Americas).

schaft. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016, 391 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 90). 459. Megasthenes und seine Zeit / Megasthenes and His Time. Hrsg. v. Josef WIESEHÖFER, Horst BRINKHAUS und Reinhold BICHLER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, VI-230 p. (Classica et Orientalia, 13). 460. KEßLER (Mario). Alfred Meusel. Soziologe und Historiker zwischen Bürgertum und Marxismus (1896– 1960). Berlin, Karl Dietz Verlag, 2016, 207 p. 461. GENTILE (Saverio). Sergio Mochi Onory e l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (1941–1953). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2016, 89, p. 389-405. 462. MOMIGLIANO (Arnaldo). Pagine ebraiche. Con un'intervista ad Arnaldo Momigliano. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2016, 334 p. (Argomenti, 4). 463. FREI (Norbert). Sensibler Skeptiker und streitbarer Geist Hans Mommsen 1930–2015. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2016, 42, 3, p. 535-547. 464. SCHERMAUL (Sebastian). Theodor Mommsen und seine Leipziger Zeit 1848–1851. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2016, 38, 3-4, p. 173-192.

452. NILSSON (Astrid). Johannes Magnus and the Composition of Truth. Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus. Lund, Lund Universitetsförlag, 2016, 322 p.

465. ELGABSI (Natan). Var ligger historikerns ansvar? Benny Morris och Ilan Pappé om forskningspraxis, ångerpolitik och frågan om en ansvarsfull relation till det israeliska samhället. (To whom are historians responsible? Benny Morris and Ilan Pappé on researchpraxis, politics of regret, and the question of a responsible relation to the Israeli society). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2016, 3, p. 412-439.

453. Companion (A) to Josephus. Ed. by Honora Howell CHAPMAN and Zuleika RODGERS. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, XVI-466 p. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World).

466. PARMEGGIANI (Riccardo). Dal carteggio Benvoglienti-Muratori: la condanna postuma dell'usuraio Vanni da Montepulciano (1314). Archivio storico italiano, 2016, 174, 650, p. 713-736.

454. Nikolaĭ Karamzin i istoricheskie sud'by Rossii: k 250-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. (Nikolai Karamzin and the historical fate of Russia: on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of his birth). Ed. by Aleksandra Fedorovna IAKOVLEVA, A. A. KARA-MURZA and Veronika Leontʹevna SHAROVA. Moskva, Akvilon, 2016, 397 p.

467. KOLOVOU (Foteini). Der gefangene Gelehrte und sein nächtlicher Gast. Geschichtskonzeption und Phantasie in Nikephoros Gregoras' Rhomaike Historia. Leipzig, Verlag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig u. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 43 p. (Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-historische Klasse, 141/4).

451. SCHWARTZ (Daniel R.). Between Jewish posen and scholarly Berlin. The life and letters of Philipp Jaffé. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, XIV-380 p.

455. LIEBRECHT (Johannes). Fritz Kern und das gute alte Recht. Geistesgeschichte als neuer Zugang für die Mediävistik. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2016, VIII-161 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 302).

468. SCHLUNKE (Olaf). Eduard Norden. Altertumswissenschaftler von Weltruf und "halbsemitischer Friese". Berlin, Hentrich und Hentrich, 2016, 75 p. (Jüdische Miniaturen, 194).

456. KONRAD (Helmut). Erkundungen. Zur Zeitgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Stefan BENEDIKT, Margit FRANZ, Nicole-Melanie GOLL. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 508 p.

469. PAVONE (Claudio). Aria di Russia. Diario di un viaggio in Urss [1963]. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2016, 224 p. (I Robinson. Letture).

457. Kuhn's structure of scientific revolutions at Fifty. Reflections on a science classic. Ed. by Robert J. RICHARDS and Lorraine DASTON. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016, 202 p.

470. DALE (Gareth). Karl Polanyi. A life on the left. New York, Columbia U. P., 2016, IX-381 p.

458. SCHNEIDER (Barbara). Erich Maschke. Im Beziehungsgeflecht von Politik und Geschichtswissen-

471. BOLDT (Andreas Dieter). Das Leben und Werk von Leopold von Ranke. Oxford, Bern u. Berlin, Lang, 2016, VIII-355 p. – RANKE (Leopold von). Gesamtausgabe des Briefwechsels von Leopold von Ranke. Hrsg.

§ 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history im Auftrag der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Gerrit Walther. Band 1. 1810–1825. Neu bearb. v. Dietmar GRYPA. Berlin, München u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016, L-892 p. 472. SCHÄBLER (Birgit). Moderne Muslime. Ernest Renan und die Geschichte der ersten Islamdebatte 1883. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2016, 286 p. 473. KOCKA (Jürgen). Behutsamer Erneuerer: Gerhard A. Ritter und die Sozialgeschichte in der Bundesrepublik. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2016, 42, 4, p. 669684. 474. SALVATORELLI (Luigi). Casa Savoia nella storia d'Italia. Introduzione di Gabriele TURI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2016, 126 p. 475. ABEL (Esther). Kunstraub – Ostforschung – Hochschulkarriere. Der Osteuropahistoriker Peter Scheibert. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2016, 285 p. 476. THUE (Fredrik W.). Å bemektige seg fortiden Jens Arup Seips metodologiske modernism. (To conquer the Past: Jens Arup Seip's methodological modernism). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2016, 1, p. 97-131. – THUE (Fredrik W.). En modernist krysser sitt spor - Jens Arup Seips nittende århundre. (A modernist crosses his tracks: Jens Arup Seip's nineteenth century). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2016, 2, p. 209-244. 477. BERARDI (Caterina C.). Linee di storiografia ecclesiastica in Sozomeno di Gaza. Bari, Edipuglia, 2016, 179 p. (Auctores nostri, 16). 478. VOßGRÖNE (Gabriele). Johann Carl Bertram Stüve (1798–1872). Ein untypischer Bürger. Münster, Aschendorff, 2016, 244 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 26). 479. SANTANGELO (Federico). Ronald Syme oltre la Rivoluzione romana. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 1011-1032. 480. KIRBY (James). R.H. Tawney and Christian social teaching: Religion and the rise of capitalism reconsidered. English historical review, 2016, 131, 551, p. 793-822. 481. Global E.P. Thompson (The). Special theme. Introduction by Gabriel Winant, Andrew Gordon, Sven Beckert, Rudi Batzell. International review of social history, 2016, 61, 1, p. 1-116. [Contents: WINANT (Gabriel), GORDON (Andrew), BECKERT (Sven), BATZELL (Rudi). Introduction: The Global E.P. Thompson. – LINDENBERGER (Thomas). From Structuralism to Culturalism: The Protracted German Reception of The Making of the English Working Class and its Actuality Reassessed from a Post-Cold War Perspective. – KUČERA (Rudolf). Facing Marxist Orthodoxy: Western Marxism, The Making, and the Communist Historiographies of Czechoslovakia and Poland, 1948–1990. – ICHIHASHI (Hideo). The Reception of E.P. Thompson in Japan: The New Left, The Making, and "Moral Economy". – POY (Lucas). Remaking The Making:


E.P. Thompson's Reception in Argentina and the Shaping of Labor Historiography. – HYSLOP (Jonathan). E.P. Thompson in South Africa: The Practice and Politics of Social History in an Era of Revolt and Transition, 1976–2012.] – STEEDMAN (Carolyn). Threatening letters: E. E. Dodd, E. P. Thompson, and the making of 'The crime of anonymity'. History workshop, 2016, 82, p. 50-82. 482. NOVO (Andrew R.). Where we get Thucydides wrong: the fallacies of history's first "Hegemonic" war. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2016, 27, 1, p. 1-21. 483. TREMPÉ (Rolande). Souvenirs et histoire, la traversée d'un siècle (1916–2016). Le mouvement social, 2016, 255, p. 137-159. 484. Hugh Trevor-Roper: the historian. Ed. by Blair WORDEN. London, I.B.Tauris, 2016, XVI-352 p. 485. VIARENGO (Adriano). Fra testimonianza e "aristocratica superbia". Roberto Vivarelli e la "Rivista Storica Italiana". Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 975-1010. – ZUNINO (Pier Giorgio). Roberto Vivarelli e le origini del fascismo. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 3, p. 921-974. 486. Cambridge companion (The) to Xenophon. Ed. by Michael A. FLOWER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XX-520 p. (Cambridge Companions to literature). – NICKEL (Rainer). Xenophon. Leben und Werk. Marburg, Tectum - Der Wissenschaftsverlag, 2016, 252 p. 487. Ernst Walter Zeeden (1916–2011) als Historiker der Reformation, Konfessionsbildung und 'deutschen Kultur': Relektüren eines geschichtswissenschaftlichen Vordenkers. Hrsg. v. Markus GERSTMEIER und Anton SCHINDLING. Münster, Aschendorff, 2016, 252 p. b. Addendum 2014 488. Muʾarriẖ (al-) Nāṣir al-Dīn Saʿīdūnī. Rāʾid aldirāsāt al-ʿuṯmāniyyaẗ fī al-Ǧazāʾir. (L'historien Saidouni. Précurseur des études ottomanes en Algérie). Ed. by Ouddène BOUGHOUFALA. Al-Ǧazāʾir, Maẖbar albuḥūṯ al-iǧtimāʿiyyaẗwa al-tārīẖiyyaẗ-Ǧāmiʿaẗ Maʿaskar, 2014, 674-51 p. [Cf. no 6843.] § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. _______________________

489. BARASH (Jeffrey Andrew). Collective memory and the historical past. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016, X-268 p. 490. BOUTON (Christophe). The critical theory of history: rethinking the philosophy of history in the light of Koselleck's work. History and theory, 2016, 55, 2, p. 163-184. 491. ČAPKA (František). Contemporary didactics of history in the Czech Republic. Czech-Polish historical and pedagogical journal, 2016, 8, 1, p. 36-42. 492. CAUVIN (Thomas). Public history: a textbook of practice. New York, London, Routledge 2016, XV282 p.



493. CONNELLY (James). Italian triangulations: R.G. Collingwood and his Italian colleagues. Journal of the philosophy of history, 2016, 10, 2, p. 305-324.

508. LE BIHAN (Jean), MAZEL (Florian). La périodisation canonique de l'histoire: une exception française ? Revue historique, 2016, 680, 4, p. 785-812.

494. CONRAD (Sebastian). What is global history? Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2016, 299 p. 495. DECAUX (Alain), NORA (Pierre). L'histoire médiatique, Paris, Gallimard, 2016, 77 p. (Le Débat).

509. Methoden geschichtsdidaktischer Unterrichtsforschung. Hrsg. v. Holger THÜNEMANN und Meik ZÜLSDORF-KERSTING. Schwalbach am Taunus, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2016, 254 p. (Geschichtsunterricht erforschen, 5).

496. DODIER (Nicolas), BARBOT (Janine). La force des dispositifs [dans la vie sociale]. Annales, 2016, 71, 2, p. 421-450.

510. MORSEL (Joseph). Traces? Quelles traces? Réflexions pour une histoire non passéiste. Revue historique, 2016, 680, 4, p. 813-868.

497. FALAIZE (Benoît). L'histoire à l'école élémentaire depuis 1945. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 331 p.

511. MÜLLER (Ernst), SCHMIEDER (Falko). Begriffsgeschichte und historische Semantik. Ein kritisches Kompendium. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2016, 1027 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 2117).

498. GHIO (Adalberto F.). El peronismo en la escuela: un análisis lingüístico-discursivo de los manuales de historia argentina. Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2016, 232 p. (Cuadernos de lingüística aplicada). 499. Han'guk kwa Togil, t'ongil yŏksa kyoyuk ŭl mal hada: hakcha, chŏnmun'ga, kyosadŭl i hamkke t'oron hago chesi hanŭn t'ongil yŏksa kyoyuk. (Korea and Germany talk about unification history education: academics, experts, and teachers discuss and present unification history education). Ed. by Ch'un-sik KIM. Kyŏnggido Koyang-si, Nŭt'isup, 2016, 334 p. 500. HEINRICH (Tobias). Leben lesen. Zur Theorie der Biographie um 1800. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 199 p. (Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 18). 501. Historisierung. Begriff – Geschichte – Praxisfelder. Hrsg. v. Moritz BAUMSTARK und Robert FORKEL. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2016, VIII-290 p.

512. NAIR (Janaki). Textbook controversies and the demand for a past: public lives of Indian history. History workshop, 2016, 82, p. 235-254. 513. Paradigmatische Fälle. Konstruktion, Narration und Verallgemeinerung von Fall-Wissen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Ruben HACKLER und Katharina KINZEL. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2016, 173 p. 514. PEKÁR (Martin). Historik medzi mlynskými kameňmi. (Analýza aktuálnych kritérií hodnotenia kvality výstupov vysokoškolského výskumu v oblasti historických vied na Slovensku a ich praktické dôsledky). [An historian between millstones. (An analysis of the current criteria for evaluation of the quality of university research in the field of the historical sciences in Slovakia and their practical results)]. Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 683-698.

502. Inklusion im Geschichtsunterricht. Zur Bedeutung geschichtsdidaktischer und sonderpädagogischer Fragen im Kontext inklusiven Unterrichts. Hrsg. v. Christoph KÜHBERGER und Robert SCHNEIDER. Bad Heilbrunn, Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, 2016, 161 p.

515. PESHKOV (Alekseĭ Adol'fovich). Voprosy filosofii istorii v otechestvennoĭ konservativnoĭ i liberal'noĭ mysli: izbrannye personalii. (Questions of the philosophy of history in Russian conservative and liberal thought: selected personalities). Nizhniĭ Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaia Dukhovnaia seminariia, 2016, 255 p.

503. JANSEN (Harry). In search of new times: temporality in the enlightenment and counter‐enlightenment. History and theory, 2016, 55, 1, p. 66-90.

516. Prospect (The) of global history. Ed. by James BELICH, John DARWIN, Margret FRENZ and Chris WICKHAM. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIV-222 p.

504. KIM (Ki-bong). Hisŭt'oria, K'uo padisŭ. T'algŭndae, yŏksahak ŭn ŏdi ro kanŭn'ga. (Historia, quo vadis. Where is the postmodern, historical science going?). Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si, Sŏhae Munjip, 2016, 352 p. (ill.).

517. PUTNAM (Lara). The transnational and the textsearchable: digitized sources and the shadows they cast. American historical review, 2016, 121, 2, p. 377-402.

505. KOVÁČ (Dušan). Veda, historiografia a etika. (Science, historiography and ethics). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 579-586. 506. LACAPRA (Dominick). Trauma, history, memory, identity: what remains? History and theory, 2016, 55, 3, p. 375-400. 507. LANDWEHR (Achim). Die anwesende Abwesenheit der Vergangenheit. Essay zur Geschichtstheorie. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2016, 374 p.

518. RIEFF (David). In praise of forgetting. Historical memory and its ironies. London, Yale U. P., 2016, 160 p. 519. SABBATINI (Renzo). La storia è sempre in costruzione: a proposito di Writing history in the global era di Lynn Hunt. Archivio storico italiano, 2016, 174, 647, p. 141-152. 520. SHOGIMEN (Takashi). On the elusiveness of context. History and theory, 2016, 55, 2, p. 233-252. 521. SKODO (Admir). The afterlife of idealism: the impact of new idealism on British historical and politi-

§ 5. General history cal thought, 1945–1980. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 301 p. 522. ŠKVARNA (Dušan). Otázniky nad vysokoškolským štúdiom histórie. (Questionmarks over the university study of history). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 669-677.


535. HENDERSON (Lizanne). Witchcraft and folk nelief in the age of enlightenment Scotland, 1670–1740. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, XV-382 p. (Palgrave historical studies in witchcraft and magic).

523. Storia, storie, romanzo: per una filosofia delle narrazioni. A cura di Massimo A. BONFANTINI. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2016, 254 p. (Semiosis, 16).

536. KARLSSON (Andreas), KARLSSON (Anna). Trollkvinnor, spågubbar och kloka gummor: halländska trolldoms- och vidskepelsemål. (Sorcières, devins et sages vieilles femmes: les procès en sorcellerie et en superstition dans la province du Halland). Halmstad, Utblick Media, 2016, 416 p. (ill.).

524. ŠUCH (Juraj). Konštruktivistické chápanie histórie a jej etické dimenzie. (The constructivists understanding of history and its ethical dimension). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 587-595.

537. Physical evidence for ritual acts, sorcery and witchcraft in Christian Britain: a feeling for magic. Ed. by Ronald HUTTON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 261 p.

525. UDOD (Oleksandr). Ukraïnsʹka istorychna dydaktyka: akademichnyĭ dyskurs: do 80-richchia Instytutu istoriï Ukraïny. (Ukrainian historical education: the academic discourse: up to the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian History Institute). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2016, 213 p. (ill.). (Studiï z instytutsionalʹnoï istoriï).

538. PUCHNER (Walter). Die Folklore Südosteuropas: eine komparative Übersicht. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 486 p.

526. Ungewissheit (Die) des Zukünftigen. Kontingenz in der Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Frank BECKER, Benjamin SCHELLER und Ute SCHNEIDER. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2016, 262 p. (Kontingenzgeschichten, 1).

540. HALAYQA (Issam). Traditional agricultural and domestic tools in Palestinian arabic: an ethnological and lexical study. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014, XXVI-217 p. (Semitica viva).

527. VÖRÖS (László). Sociálna funkcia historického poznania a vedecké písanie dejín v 21. storočí. (The social function of historical knowledge and scholarly history writing in the 21st century). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 4, p. 619-629. 528. WILSON (Ross). The language of the past. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, 248 p. 529. Zugänge zur Zeitgeschichte: Bild – Raum – Text. Quellen und Methoden. Hrsg. v. Lisa SPANKA, Julia LORENZEN und Meike HAUNSCHILD. Marburg, Tectum - Der Wissenschaftsverlag, 2016, 320 p. § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. ______________________

530. BELLAKHDAR (Jamal). Que mangeaient les lotophages? Contribution de l'ethnobotanique maghrébine à l'interprétation d'un passage de l'Odyssée. Revue des études anciennes, 2016, 118, p. 5-27.

539. Sensing the city. A companion to urban anthropology. Ed. by Anja SCHWANHÄUßER. Basel, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2016, 192 p. (Bauwelt Fundamente, 155). § 4. Addendum 2014.

Cf. nos 682, 4823 § 5. General history. 541. 911–2011, penser les mondes normands médiévaux: actes du colloque international de Caen et Cerisy (29 septembre–2 octobre 2011). Éd. par David BATES et Pierre BAUDUIN. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2016, 566 p. (Symposia). 542. ALTER (Peter). Nationalismus. Ein Essay über Europa. Stuttgart, Kröner, 2016, 190 p. (Einsichten, 1). 543. Amāzīgh (al-). Mawsūʻat tārīkh duwal alMaghrib al-ʻArabī: tārīkh qabāʼil al-Amāzīgh fī Lībyā wa-Tūnis wa-al-Jazāʼir wa-al-Maghrib. (The Berbers. Encyclopedia of the history of the Arab Maghreb countries: the history of the Berber tribes in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco). Ed. by Usāmah JAWHARĪ. AlJīzah, Dār Halā lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2016, 2 vol.

531. BOHN (Thomas). Der Vampir. Ein europäischer Mythos. Köln, Böhlau, 2016, 368 p.

544. Ashgate research companion (The) to secession. Ed. by by Aleksandar PAVKOVIC and Peter RADAN. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, X-223 p. (Ashgate research companion).

532. ELMER (Peter). Witchcraft, witch-hunting and politics in early modern England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, X-369 p.

545. BiografiA: Lexikon österreichischer Frauen. Hrsg. v. Ilse KOROTIN. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 4 vol., 4248 p.

533. GALEOTTI (Giulia). Il velo: significati di un copricapo femminile. Bologna, EDB, 2016, 223 p.

546. BROPHY (David). Uyghur nation. Reform and revolution on the Russia-China frontier. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2016, 347 p.

534. GOMES (Armindo Jaime). Ovimbundu pré-coloniais: contribuição ao estudo sobre os planálticos de Angola. (Pre-colonial Ovimbundu: contribution to the study on the plateaus of Angola). Luanda, Centro Académico Cultural Umbombo, 2016, 352 p. (Onjango).

547. Bündnisse und Friedensschlüsse in Hessen. Aspekte friedenssichernder und friedensstiftender Politik der Landgrafschaft Hessen im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Andreas HEDWIG, Christoph KAMP-




und Karl MURK. Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, 2016, 357 p. (Schriften des Hessischen Staatsarchivs Marburg, 32).

564. EPPEL (Michael). A people without a state: the Kurds from the rise of Islam to the dawn of nationalism. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016, 188 p.

548. CACCIARI (Massimo), PRODI (Paolo). Occidente senza utopie. Bologna, il Mulino, 2016, 141 p. (Intersezioni, 464).

565. Frauen in Sachsen-Anhalt: ein biographischbibliographisches Lexikon vom Mittelalter bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Eva LABOUVIE. Köln, Böhlau, 2016, 422 p.

549. CALIC (Marie-Janine). Südosteuropa. Weltgeschichte einer Region. München, Beck, 2016, 704 p. 550. CARDINI (Franco). Il califfato e l'Europa. Dalle crociate all'Isis: mille anni di paci e guerre, scambi, alleanze e massacri. Torino, UTET, 2016, 246 p. 551. Companion (A) to Ostrogothic Italy. Ed. by Jonathan J. ARNOLD, M. Shane BJORNLIE and Kristina Sessa. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, 563 p. (Brill's companions to European history, 9). 552. Companion (A) to Roman Italy. Ed. by Alieson E. COOLEY. Chichester, Wiley, 2016, XVI-560 p. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). 553. Companion (A) to South Asia in the Past. Somerset, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 808 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology Ser). 554. Companion (A) to the Etruscans. Ed. by Sinclair BELL and Alexandra A. CARPINO. Oxford a. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, XXVIII-493 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Ancient history). 555. Companion (A) to the Flavian age of imperial Rome. Ed. by Andrew ZISSOS. West Sussex, WileyBlackwell, 2016, 627 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 556. CRUZ (Afonso). Enciclopédia da estória universal: mil anos de esquecimento. Lisboa, Alfaguara, 2016, 211 p. (Enciclopédia da estória universal). 557. Dicionário da expansão portuguesa, 1415–1600. Direção Francisco Contente DOMINGUES. Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2016, 2 vol., 1099 p. 558. Dictionnaire de la Méditerranée. Sous la dir. de Dionigi ALBERA, Maryline CRIVELLO et Mohamed TOZY. Arles, Actes Sud, 2016, 1694 p. 559. DONÍS RÍOS (Manuel Alberto). Guayana profunda: un acercamiento a la Guayana Profunda a través de algunos personajes emblemáticos, siglos XIX y XX. Caracas, Universidad Metropolitana, 2016, 312 p. 560. DRIESSEN (Christoph). Geschichte der Niederlande. Von der Seemacht zum Trendland. Regensburg, Pustet, 2016, 309 p. 561. DUINDAM (Jeroen). Dynasties. A global history of power, 1300–1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XX-384 p.

566. Friedensforschung, Konfliktforschung, Demokratieforschung. Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Gertraud DIENDORFER, Blanka BELLAK, Anton PELINKA und Werner WINTERSTEINER. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 395 p. 567. Geschichte der Welt. Hrsg. v. Akira IRIYE und Jürgen OSTERHAMMEL. Band 4. Wege zur modernen Welt 1750–1870. Hrsg. v. Sebastian CONRAD und Jürgen OSTERHAMMEL. Mit Beiträgen v. Cemil AYDIN, R. Bin WONG, Sebastian CONRAD, Jürgen OSTERHAMMEL. München, Beck, 2016, 1002 p. 568. GRAFF (David A.). The Eurasian way of war. Military practice in seventh-century China and Byzantium. New York, Routledge, 2016, X-208 p. (Asian states and empires, 11). 569. Great strategic rivalries. From the Classical World to the Cold War. Ed. by James LACEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, 662 p. 570. Historisches Handbuch der jüdischen Gemeinschaften in Westfalen und Lippe. Hrsg. v. der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen und dem Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte an der Universität Münster, Organisation und Koordination Susanne FREUND, Franz-Josef JAKOBI und Peter JOHANEK. Red.: Anna-Therese GRABKOWSKY, Franz-Josef JAKOBI und Rita SCHLAUTMANN-OVERMEYER. 4. Die Ortschaften und Territorien im heutigen Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg. Hrsg. v. Frank GÖTTMANN. Red.: Wilfried REININGHAUS, Burkhard BEYER und Rita SCHLAUTMANNOVERMEYER. Münster, Ardey, 2016, 860 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen, 45: Quellen und Forschungen zur jüdischen Geschichte in Westfalen, 2; Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen, NF., 12). 571. KISSANE (Bill). Nations torn asunder. The challenge of civil war. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, IX285 p. 572. KRÄMER (Gudrun). Der Vordere Orient und Nordafrika ab 1500. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2016, 664 p. (Neue Fischer Weltgeschichte, 9). 573. Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas. Hrsg. v. Holm SUNDHAUSSEN und Konrad CLEWING. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 1102 p. (10 maps).

562. Encyclopedia of Chinese history. Ed. by Michael DILLON. New York, Routledge, 2016, X-861 p.

574. LEYSER (Henrietta). A short history of the AngloSaxons. London, I.B. Tauris, 2016, 256 p. (I.B. Tauris short histories).

563. Encyclopedia of Early Modern history. Vol. 1. Ed. By Friedrich JAEGER and Graeme DUNPHY. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, 818 p.

575. MACINTYRE (Stuart). A concise history of Australia. Port Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XI-374 p. (Cambridge concise histories).

§ 6. Theory of the state and of society


576. Mellem brødre: Dansk-norsk samliv i 600 år. (600 ans de confraternité dano-norvégienne). Rasmus GLENTHØJ. København, Gad, 2016, 326 p. (ill.).

589. STONE (Gerald). Slav outposts in Central European history: the Wends, Sorbs and Kashubs. London, Bloomsbury Academic P., 2016, 398 p.

577. Mille volti (I) del passato. Scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini. A cura di Jacopo BONETTO, Monica SALVADORI, Andrea Raffaele GHIOTTO, Paola ZANOVELLO e Maria Stella BUSANA. Roma, Quasar edizioni, 2016, 1158 p. [Cf. nos 119, 951, 1026, 1168, 1408, 1574, 1576, 1578-1580, 1593, 1594, 1614, 1625, 1632, 1636, 2112, 2126.]

590. Storia dei partiti italiani: dal 1848 a oggi. A cura di Paolo POMBENI. Bologna, il Mulino, 2016, 328 p. (Manuali. Storia).

578. MISAGAWA (Akihiro). Doitsu: Sono kigen to zenshi. (Germany: its origin and prehistory). Tokyo, Sobunsha, 2016, 225 p. 579. MORRISON (Susan Signe). A medieval woman's companion: woman's lives in the European Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2016, VIII-244 p. (ill.). 580. NORTH (Michael). Zwischen Hafen und Horizont. Weltgeschichte der Meere. München, Beck, 2016, 340 p. 581. ORTU (Leopoldo). Storia della Sardegna: identità e specificità dei Sardi dalla preistoria ad oggi. Cagliari, CUEC, 2016, 385 p. (Scuola e società). 582. Oxford handbook (The) of European history 1914–1945. Ed. by Nicholas DOUMANIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, 672 p. (Oxford handbooks). 583. Oxford handbook (The) of Roman Britain. Ed. by Martin MILLETT, Louise REVELL and Alison MOORE. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, 944 p. (Oxford handbooks). 584. Past societies (The). Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the Early Middle Ages. Vol. 5. 500 AD–1000 AD 5. Warszawa, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016, 341 p. (ill., maps). 585. Routledge history handbook (The) of medieval revolt. Ed. by Justine FIRNHABER-BAKER and Dirk SCHOENAERS. London, Routledge, 2016, 398 p. (Routledge history handbooks). 586. Schleswig Holstein: contested region(s) through history. (Le Schleswig-Holstein: un espace régional contesté à travers l'histoire). Red. Michael BREGNSBRO, Kurt VILLADS JENSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2016, 339 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 520). 587. Seemacht, Seeherrschaft und die Antike. Hsrg. v. Ernst BALTRUSCH, Hans KOPP, Christian WENDT. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 348 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 244). 588. SIMONSEN (Maria). Den skandinaviske encyklopædi: udgivelse og udformning af Nordisk Familjebok & Salmonsens konversationsleksikon. (L'encyclopédie scandinave: édition et mise au point du "Nordisk Familjebok" et du "Salmonsens konversationsleksikon"). Göteborg, Makadam, 2016, 327 p. (ill.). (Centrum för Öresundsstudier, 37).

591. Victoria history (The) of the counties of England: a history of the County of Oxford. Vol. XVIII. Benson, Ewelme and the Chilterns (Ewelme Hundred). Ed. by Simon TOWNLEY. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer for the Institute of Historical Research, 2016, 481 p. 592. WETTERBERG (Gunnar). Skånes historia I. 11500 f. Kr.–1375 e. Kr. (Histoire de la Scanie. Tome 1. 11 500 avant JC–1375 après JC.). Stockholm, Bonnier, 2016, 639 p. (ill.). 593. WILSON (Peter H.). Heart of Europe. A history of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2016, XII-941 p. Cf. nos 3485-3524 § 6. Theory of the state and of society. _______________________

594. AUDERSET (Juri). Transatlantischer Föderalismus. Zur politischen Sprache des Föderalismus im Zeitalter der Revolutionen, 1787–1848. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016, (Ordnungssysteme. Studien zur Ideengeschichte der Neuzeit, 48). 595. BHATTACHARYA (Sabyasachi). The colonial state: theory and practice. New Delhi, Primus Books, 2016, 228 p. 596. CARTLEDGE (Paul). Democracy. A life. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XXVI-383 p. 597. FRIEDEBURG (Robert von). Luther's legacy. The Thirty Years War and the modern notion of 'state' in the empire, 1530s to 1790s. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, 441 p. 598. GAMPER (Michael). Der große Mann. Geschichte eines politischen Phantasmas. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2016, 432 p. 599. KLOPPENBERG (James T.). Toward democracy: the struggle for self-rule in European and American thought. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2016, XIV-892 p. 600. MANNING (Roger B.). War and peace in the Western political imagination: from classical Antiquity to the age of reason. London, Bloomsbury, 2016, XXV364 p. 601. Politics (The) of counsel in England and Scotland 1286–1707. Ed. by Jacqueline ROSE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, IX-303 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 204). 602. Qu'est-ce que l'autorité? France-Allemagne(s), XIXe–XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Emmanuel DROIT et Pierre KARILA-COHEN. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2016, 249 p.



603. TUCK (Richard). The sleeping sovereign. The invention of modern democracy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XIII-295 p. (The Seeley Lectures). § 7. Constitutional and legal history. _______________________

604. BUTZERT (Clemens). Investitionen und ihre Risiken. Zur Lage nicht geschäftsführender Anleger in Unternehmen des Späten Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit in Italien und Deutschland. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2016, 386 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 177). 605. Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200–1900. The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years. Ed. by Clifford ANDO. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 261 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 54). 606. DAMLER (Daniel). Rechtsästhetik. Sinnliche Analogien im juristischen Denken. Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 2016, 408 p. 607. DI RENZO VILLATA (Maria Gigliola). Family law and society in Europe from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era. Berlin, Springer, 2016, 394 p. (Studies in the history of law and justice, 5). 608. Justice without the state within the state. Judicial self-regulation in the past and present. Ed. by Peter COLLIN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2016, X374 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 295. Moderne Regulierungsregime, 5). 609. KÄSTLE-LAMPARTER (David). Die Welt der Kommentare. Struktur, Funktion und Stellenwert juristischer Kommentare in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 416 p. (Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft, 30). 610. LANDAU (Peter). Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte im Kontext Europas. 40 Aufsätze in vier Jahrzehnten, versehen mit Addenda, Register und einer Gesamtbibliographie des Autors. Badenweiler, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2016, 10150 p. 611. MEINCKE (Jens Peter). Römisches Privatrecht. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2016, 154 p. 612. Oxford handbook (The) of Roman law and society. Ed. by Paul J. Du PLESSIS, Clifford ANDO and Kaius TUORI. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XVIII-728 p. 613. SCHUSTER (Peter). Verbrecher, Opfer, Heilige. Eine Geschichte des Tötens 1200–1700. Stuttgart, KlettCotta, 2016, 416 p. 614. SKOU (Kaare R.). Lov og land: en fortælling om Danmarks grundlove gennem 800 år. (La loi et le territoire: les lois fondamentales du Danemark du Moyen Age à nos jours). København, Gad, 2016, 435 p. (ill). 615. Spatial and temporal dimensions for legal history. Research experiences and itineraries. Ed. by Massimo MECCARELLI and María Julia SOLLA SASTRE. Frankfurt am Main, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 2016, VI-294 p. (Global perspectives on legal history, 6).

616. Thémis en diplomatie: droit et arguments juridiques dans les relations internationals de l'Antiquité tardive à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Ed. par Nicolas DROCOURT et Éric SCHNAKENBOURG. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 332 p. (Histoire). 617. Vorrücken (Vom) des Staates in die Fläche. Ein europäisches Phänomen des langen 19. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Jörg GANZENMÜLLER und Tatjana TÖNSMEYER. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 315 p. § 8. Economic and social history. ______________________

618. ALFANI (Guido), FRIGENI (Roberta). Inequality (un)perceived: the emergence of a discourse on economic inequality from the Middle Ages to the Age of Revolution. Journal of European economic history, 2016, 45, 1, p. 21-66. 619. Aménagement et environnement. Perspectives historiques. Sous la dir. de Patrick FOURNIERET et Geneviève MASSARD-GUILBAUD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 299 p. 620. BANG BOESEN (Erik). De fremmede og os. Invandringens historie i Danmark. (Les étrangers et nous. Histoire de l'immigration au Danemark). Nordenstedt, Books on Demand, 2016, 396 p. 621. Bâtards et bâtardises dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne. Sous la dir. de Carole AVIGNON. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 560 p. (Histoire). 622. BERNHARDT (Christoph). Im Spiegel des Wassers. Eine transnationale Umweltgeschichte des Oberrheins (1800–2000). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 569 p. (Umwelthistorische Forschungen, 5). 623. BONNEUIL (Christophe), FRESSOZ (Jean-Baptiste). The shock of the Anthropocene. The earth, history and us. London, Verso, 2016, 320 p. 624. British almshouse (The): new perspectives on philanthropyca 1400–1914. Ed. by Nigel GOOSE, Helen CAFFREY and Anne LANGLEY. Milton Keynes, FACHRS Publications, 2016, VII-407 p. 625. CASARI (Marco), LISCIANDRA (Maurizio). Gender discrimination in property rights: six centuries of commons governance in the Alps. Journal of economic history, 2016, 76, 2, p. 559-594. 626. CHIPER (Mihai). Pe câmpul de onoare: o istorie a duelului la români. (On the field of honor: a history of the duel at the Romanians). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2016, 360 p. 627. CLARK (Samuel). Distributing status: the evolution of state honours in Western Europe. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2016, XII-508 p. 628. COGNEAU (Denis). Histoire économique de l'Afrique: renaissance ou trompe-l'œil? Annales, 2016, 71, 4, p. 879-896. 629. Conceptualising early colonisation. Ed. by Lieve DONNELLAN, Valentino NIZZO and Gert-Jan BURGERS.

§ 8. Economic and social history Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2016, 246 p. (Artes, 6). [Cf. nos 911, 1078, 1297, 1304, 1305, 1308, 1309, 1319, 1327, 1329, 1366, 1385, 1587, 1592, 1597, 1603, 1648.] 630. Connecting the ancient world. Mediterranean shipping, maritime networks and their impact. Ed. by Christoph SCHÄFER. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2016, XI248 p. (Pharos, 38). 631. COSTA (Leonor Freire), LAINS (Pedro), MI(Susana Münch). An economic history of Portugal, 1143–2010. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XII-406 p. RANDA

632. Crisi finanziarie (Le): Gestione, implicazioni sociali e conseguenze nell'età preindustriale / Financial crises: their management, their social implications and their consequences in pre‐industrial times. A cura di Giampiero NIGRO. Firenze, Firenze U. P, 2016, VIII555 p. [Cf. no 4014.] 633. Cycling and recycling. Histories of sustainable practices. Ed. by Ruth OLDENZIEL and Helmuth TRISCHLER. New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, VII-248 p. (ill.). (The environment in history: international perspectives, 7). 634. "Dádivas, dones y dineros": Aportes a una nueva historia de la corrupción en América Latina desde el imperio español a la modernidad. Ed. por Christoph ROSENMÜLLER y Stephan RUDERER. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2016, 249 p. (Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana). 635. DAVIES (Jeremy). The birth of the Anthropocene. Oakland, University of California Press, 2016, IX234 p. 636. DECOCQ (Guillaume), KALAORAET (Bernard), VLASSOPOULOS (Chloé). La forêt salvatrice. Reboisement, société et catastrophe au prisme de l'histoire. Ceyzérieu, Champ Vallon, 2016, 187 p. 637. DIDRY (Claude). L'institution du travail. Droit et salariat dans l'histoire. Paris, La Dispute, 2016, 245 p. 638. DOMMANN (Monika). Alles fließt. Soll die Geschichte nomadischer warden? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2016, 42, 3, p. 516-534. 639. EBERHARDT (Jakob). Verdenshistoriens største epidemier. (Les plus grandes épidémies de l'histoire du monde). København, FADL, 2016, 264 p. 640. Économie (L') de l'esclavage en Méditerranée médiévale et moderne. Sous la dir. de Ivan ARMENTEROS MARTÍNEZ et Mohamed OUERFELLI. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2016, 197 p. 641. Emergence (The) of humanitarian intervention: ideas and practice from the nineteenth century to the present. Ed. by Fabian KLOSE. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2016, 364 p. 642. Entrepôts et trafics annonaires en Méditerranée Antiquité-Temps modernes. Sous la dir. de Brigitte MARIN et Catherine VIRLOUVET. Rome, École française de Rome, 2016, 406 p.


643. FELLI (Romain). La grande adaptation. Climat, capitalisme et catastrophe. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2016, 238 p. 644. FINGS (Karola). Sinti und Roma. Geschichte einer Minderheit. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2016, 128 p. 645. GIMÉNEZ CARRILLO (Domingo Marcos). Los caballeros de las Órdenes Militares castellanas: Entre Austrias y Borbones. Almeria, Editorial U. de Almeria, 2016, 448 p. 646. Gouden eeuwen. Stad en samenleving in de Lage Landen (1100–1600). Eds. Anne-Laure VAN BRUAENE, Bruno BLONDÉ, Marc BOONE. Gent, Academia Press, 2016, 344 p. 647. Grundzüge der Agrargeschichte. Hrsg. v. Stefan BRAKENSIEK, Rolf KIEßLING, Werner TROßBACH [et al.]. Band 1. KIEßLING (Rolf), KONERSMANN (Frank), TROßBACH (Werner). Vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1350–1650). Mit einem Beitr. v. Dorothee RIPPMANN. Band 2. PRASS (Reiner). Vom Dreißigjährigen Krieg bis zum Beginn der Moderne (1650–1880). Hrsg. u. eingel. v. Stefan BRAKENSIEK mit einem Beitr. v. Jürgen SCHLUMBOHM. Band 3. MAHLERWEIN (Gunter). Die Moderne (1880–2010). Hrsg. v. Clemens ZIMMERMANN. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 3 vol., 704 p. 648. Handbuch Staat und Migration in Deutschland seit dem 17. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Jochen OLTMER. Berlin, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2016, XII-1058 p. (ill.). (De Gruyter Reference). 649. HEIDENBLAD (David Larsson). Ett ekologiskt genombrott? - Rolf Edbergs bok och det globala krismedvetandet i Skandinavien 1966. (An ecological breakthrough? Rolf Edberg's book and knowledge of the global ecological crisis in Scandinavia in 1966). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2016, 2, p. 245-266. 650. Historia, medio ambiente y áreas naturales protegidas en el centro-norte de México: Contribuciones para la ambientalización de la historiografía mexicana, siglos XVIII–XXI. Ed. por Sergio CAÑEDO y Cynthia RADDING. San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2016, 256 p. 651. History (A) of the global economy: 1500 to the present. Ed. by Joerg BATEN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XIV-369 p. 652. HOWKINS (Adrian). The Polar regions. An environmental history. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2016, 248 p. 653. Hrady a hradné panstvá na Slovensku. Majitelia, prostredie. (Castles and castle estates in Slovakia history, owners, environment). Ed. Diana DUCHOŇOVÁ, Anna FUNDÁRKOVÁ. Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV VEDA, 2016, 239 p. 654. Jaktens historia i Sverige: vilt, människa, samhälle, kultur. (Histoire de la chasse en Suède: gibier, hommes, société, culture). Red. Kjell DANELL, Roger



BERGSTRÖM, Leif MATTSSON, Sverker Stockholm, Liber, 2016, 375 p. (ill.).


655. KERZUM (Andreĭ Paulʹevich), LEĬKIND (O. L.), SEVERIUKHIN (D. Ia.). Blagotvoritelʹnostʹ v SanktPeterburge, 1703–1918: istoricheskaia ėntsiklopediia. (Charity in St. Petersburg, 1703–1918: historical encyclopedia). Sankt-Peterburg, Liki Rossii, 2016, 750 p. (ill.). 656. Kinder und Krieg. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Alexander DENZLER, Stefan GRÜNER und Markus RAASCH. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, VI-414 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, 68). 657. Kvalita života v minulosti našich miest. (The quality of life in the past of our cities). Ed. Viliam ČIČAJ, Michal BADA. Bratislava, Igor Iliť - Rádio Print, 2016, 255 p. 658. Männlichkeit. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Stefan HORLACHER, Bettina JANSEN und Wieland SCHWANEBECK. Stuttgart 2016, J.B. Metzler Verlag, VI-382 p. 659. MARCU (George). Doamne şi domniţe: prinţese şi regine în istoria românilor. Mic dicţionar. (Ladies and young ladies: princes and queens in Romanian history. Small dictionary). Prefață de acad. Răzvan THEODORESCU. Bucureşti, Editura Meronia, 2016, 208 p. 660. Marriage in Europe, 1400–1800. Ed. by Silvana SEIDEL MENCHI with Emlyn EISENACH. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2016, 405 p. 661. MATHIEU (Jon), BACKHAUS (Norman), HÜRLIMANN (Katja), BÜRGI (Matthias). Geschichte der Landschaft in der Schweiz. Von der Eiszeit bis zur Gegenwart. Zürich, Orell Füssli Verlag, 2016, 384 p. 662. MISIANI (Simone), SANSA (Renato). Fondazioni urbane nei processi di colonizzazione interna come elemento di lunga durata nella storia mediterranea. Storia urbana, 2016, 39, 150, p. 5-10. 663. Naissance et petite enfance à la cour de France, Moyen Âge–XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Pascale MORMICHE et Stanis PEREZ. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2016, 232 p. 664. NEAL (Larry). Concise history of international finance: from Babylon to Bernanke. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, 376 p.


New York, Berghahn Books, 2016, 554 p. (Protest, Culture & Society, 17).

669. REIF (Heinz). Adel, Aristokratie, Elite. Sozialgeschichte von Oben. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016, VIII-341 p. (Elitenwandel in der Moderne / Elites and Modernity, 13). 670. ROSEN (Wolfgang). Die Ökonomie des Kölner Stifts St. Aposteln. Strukturen und Entwicklungen vom Mittelalter bis 1802. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 947 p., 1 CD-Rom. (Rheinisches Archiv, 158). 671. Routledge companion (The) to marketing history. Ed. by D.G. Brian JONES and Mark TADAJEWSKI. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XIX-475 p. (Routledge companions in business, management and accounting). 672. Routledge companion (The) to philanthropy. Ed. by Tobias JUNG, Susan PHILLIPS and Jenny HARROW. London, Routledge, 2016, XIX-532 p. (Routledge companions in business, management and accounting). 673. Routledge handbook of global economic history. Ed. by Francesco BOLDIZZONI and Pat HUDSON. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XVI-471 p. 674. SANDEN (Annika). Bödlar. Liv, död och skam i svenskt 1600-talet. (Les bourreaux: vie, mort et opprobre dans le 17e siècle suédois). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2016, 355 p. (ill.). 675. SPULEROVÁ (Jana), DOBROVODSKÁ (Marta), ŠTEFUNKOVÁ (Dagmar), PISCOVÁ (Veronika), PETROVIČ (František). História vzniku a vývoja historických štruktúr tradične obhospodarovanej poľnohospodárskej krajiny. (History of the origin and development of the historical structures of traditional agricultural landscape). Historický časopis, 2016, 64, 1, p. 109-126. 676. THURMOND (David L.). From vines to wines in classical Rome. A handbook of viticulture and oenology in Rome and the Roman West. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, XI-274 p. 677. TRENTMANN (Frank). Empire of things: how we became a world of consumers, from the fifteenth century to the twenty‐first. London, Allen Lane, 2016, XVIII-862 p.

665. Oxford handbook (The) of banking and financial history. Ed. by Youssef CASSIS, Richard S. GROSSMAN and Catherine R. SCHENK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XVIII-537 p.

678. VAN BAVEL (Bas), RIJPMA (Auke). How important were formalized charity and social spending before the rise of the welfare state? A long‐run analysis of selected western European cases, 1400–1850. Economic history review, 2016, 49, 1, p. 159-187.

666. PETRILĂ (Dora). Dictatorii României şi bolile lor. (Dictators of Romania and their diseases). Bucureşti, Editura Viaţa Medicală Românească, 2016, 336 p.

679. VAN BAVEL (Bas). The invisible hand? How market economies have emerged and declined since AD 500. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, 330 p.

667. POLEY (Jared). The devil's riches. New York, Berghahn 2016, 215 p. (Spektrum. Publications of the German Studies Association, 11).

680. VASOLD (Manfred). Hunger, Rauchen, Ungeziefer. Eine Sozialgeschichte des Alltags in der Neuzeit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 432 p.

668. Protest cultures: a companion. Ed. by Kathrin FAHLENBRACH, Martin KLIMKE and Joachim SCHAR-

681. VINCENT (David). Privacy. A short history. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2016, VIII-204 p.

§ 9. History of civilization, sciences and education 682. Violences de guerre, violences de masse: une approche archéologique. Sous la dir. de Jean GUILAINE et Jacques SÉMELIN. Paris, La Découverte, 2016, 341 p. 683. ZILBERSTEIN (Anya). A temperate empire. Making climate change in Early America. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XI-264 p. Cf. nos 81-108, 5718-5761 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. ______________________

684. AMATO (Joseph A.). Everyday life. How the ordinary became extraordinary. London, Reaktion Books, 2016, 256 p. 685. Anfang und Ende. Vormoderne Szenarien von Weltentstehung und Weltuntergang. Hrsg. v. Marion GINDHART und Tanja POMMERENING. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern Verlag, 2016, 143 p. (Sonderbände der Antiken Welt. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie). 686. Ashgate research companion (The) to the globalization of health. Ed. by Ted SCHRECKER. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XXI-360 p. (Ashgate research companion). 687. BROBERG (Gunnar). Nattens historia: nordiskt mörker och ljus under tusen år. (Histoire de la nuit: un millénaire de ténèbres et lumières nordiques). Stockholm, Natur & Kultur, 2016, 432 p. 688. BROCKLISS (L.W.B.). The University of Oxford: a history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XL-871 p. 689. CABANTOUS (Alain), WALTER (François). Noël. Une si longue histoire… Paris, Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2016, 399 p. 690. Cambridge companion (The) to medievalism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XII-242 p. (Cambridge companions to culture). 691. Cambridge companion (The) to Newton. Ed. by Rob ILIFFE and George E. SMITH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XVIII-637 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 692. Companion (A) to science, technology and medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome. Ed. by Georgia L. IRBY. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 2 Bänden, XXIX-1067 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 693. Companion (A) to the history of American science. Ed. by Georgina M. MONTGOMERY and Mark A. LARGENT. Chichester a. Malden, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, XVII-692 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to American history). 694. Companion (A) to the history of science. Ed. by Bernard LIGHTMAN. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 620 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to World History). 695. Concept (Le) de pathocénose de M. D. Grmek. Une conceptualisation novatrice de l'histoire des mala-


dies. Sous la dir. de Joël COSTE, Bernardino FANTINI et Louise L. LAMBRICHS. Genève, Droz, 2016, 336 p. 696. Emozioni, passioni, sentimenti: per una possibile storia. A cura di Alessandro ARCANGELI, Tiziana PLEBANI, Giuseppe RICUPERATI. Rivista storica italiana, 2016, 128, 2, p. 472-723. [Contiene: Prefazione, p. 472-480. – BOQUET (Damien), NAGY (Piroska). Una storia diversa delle emozioni, p. 481-520. – CHAMPION (Michael), GARROD (Raphaële), HASKELL (Yasmin), FEROS RUYS (Juanita). But were they talking about emotions? Affectus, affectio, and the history of emotions, p. 521-543. – ROSSI (Maria Clara). A partire dai testamenti. Materiali e spunti metodologici per una storia dei sentimenti nel medioevo, p. 544-564. – BERTOLINI (Manuel). Pathos e anomalia. Linee di ricerca sugli affetti musicali nel Cinquecento, p. 565-580. – RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Note sulle scritture autobiografiche e biografiche: specchi di sentimenti e di passioni nel Settecento e oltre, p. 581-621. – PLEBANI (Tiziana). L'energia della vita affettiva: una questione per la Storia, p. 622-641. – TARANTINO (Giovanni). Fires, emotions and cultures: the unexpected wink of Shiba Kokan (1738–1818), p. 642-666. – ARCANGELI (Alessandro). Storia culturale e storia della vita affettiva, p. 667-676. – VIDOR (Gian Marco). Fotografia e approcci storiografici alle emozioni, p. 677-693. – LORETELLI (Rosamaria), Per una storia culturale dell'empatia: storia e neuroscienze, p. 694-723.] 697. Enzyklopädie der slowenischen Kulturgeschichte in Kärnten/Koroška: von den Anfängen bis 1942. Hrsg. v. Katja STURM-SCHNABL und Bojan-Ilija SCHNABL. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 3 vol., 1603 p. 698. FRIED (Johannes). Dies irae. Eine Geschichte des Weltuntergangs. München, Beck, 2016, 368 p. 699. Gender, material culture and emotions in Scandinavian history. Intr. by Jacqueline VAN GENT and Raisa Maria TOIVO. Scandinavian journal of history, 2016, 41, 3, p. 263-474. [Contents: VAN GENT (Jacqueline), TOIVO (Raisa Maria). Introduction. Gender, material culture and emotions in Scandinavian history, p. 263270. – ERIKSSON (Ann-Catrine). Materiality, rhetoric and emotion in the Pietà. The Virgin Mary in images of piety in 15th-century Sweden, p. 271-288. – TOIVO (Raisa Maria). Religion and emotion. Rosaries as objects and the associated emotions in 17th-century Finland, p. 289-305. – ILMAKUNNAS (Johanna). Embroidering women and turning men. Handiwork, gender, and emotions in Sweden and Finland, c. 1720– 1820, p. 306-331. – SJÖGREN (Åsa Karlsson). Negotiating charity. Emotions, gender, and poor relief in Sweden and the turn of the 19th century, p. 332-349. – LARSEN (Eirinn), BANIK (Vibeke Kieding). Mixed feelings. Women, Jews, and business around 1900, p. 350-368. – STARK (Laura). Emotional causality in dynamistic Finnish–Karelian folk belief, p. 369-387. – VAN GENT (Jacqueline). Masculinities, affective networks and Chinese porcelain in 18th-century Sweden, p. 388-409. – LINDBLOM (Ina). The botany of friendship and love. Flowers and emotional practices in the Gjörwell family, c. 1790–1810, p. 410-426. – RÄISÄNEN-SCHRÖDER



(Päivi). Books, dress, and emotions in the memoirs of the clergyman Johan Frosterus (1720–1809), p. 427-446. – BROOMHALL (Susan). Face-making. Emotional and gendered meanings in Chinese clay portraits of Danish Asiatic Company men, p. 447-474.] 700. Histoire de la conscience européenne. Sous la dir. de Antoine ARJAKOVSKY. Paris, Salvator, 2016, 512 p. 701. Humanity. A history of European concepts in practice from the 16th century to the present. Ed. by Fabian KLOSE and Mirjam THULIN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016, 324 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 110). 702. JAUMANN (Herbert), STIENING (Gideon). Neue Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Handbuch. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 901 p. (De Gruyter Reference). 703. JUUL (Gunvor Maria). Danmarks ældste kogebog 1616: en gastronomisk tidsrejse. (Le plus ancien livre de cuisine du Danemark: un voyage gastronomique en 1616). Hillerød, Koustrup &Co, 2016, 189 p. (ill.). 704. LAINE (Mathieu). Dictionnaire amoureux de la liberté. Paris, Plon, 2016, 834 p. 705. LEIKAUF (Roland). "Welcome to my bunker". Vietnamkriegserfahrung im Internet. Bielefeld, transcript, 2016, 470 p. (Locating media / Situierte Medien, 11). 706. LUṭF (ʻUmar Muṣṭafá). Ḥikāyat al-taʻlīm fī Miṣr al-Islāmīyah. (The story of education in Islamic Egypt). Al-Qāhirah, Wizārat al-Thaqāfah-al-Hayʼah alʻĀmmah li-Quṣūr al-Thaqāfah, 2016, 160 p. (Silsilat Ḥikāyat Miṣr). 707. MALM (Andreas). Fossil capital: the rise of steam power and the roots of global warming. Londres, Verso, 2016, 496 p. 708. MEISEL (Martin). Chaos imagined. Literature, art, science. New York, Columbia U. P., 2016, XVI585 p. 709. New companion (A) to digital humanities. Ed. by Susan SCHREIBMAN, Ray SIEMENS, and John UNSWORTH. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 680 p. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). 710. ÖSTERBERG (Eva). De små då. Perspektiv på barn i historien. (Et les petits alors: perspectives sur les enfants dans l'histoire). Stockholm, Natur & Kultur, 2016, 422 p. 711. PARZINGER (Hermann). Abenteuer Archäologie. Eine Reise durch die Menschheitsgeschichte. München, C. H. Beck, 2016, 255 p. 712. Qu'est-ce qu'une sépulture ? Humanités et systèmes funéraires de la préhistoire à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Michel LAUWERS et Aurélie ZEMOUR. Antibes, Éd. APDCA, 2016, 494 p.

713. RAGGIO (O.). Prove e realtà a rischio. Storia e storie culturali dell'alpinismo. Quaderni storici, 2016, 51, 152, p. 589-602. 714. RAUCH (André). Luxure, une histoire entre péché et jouissance, Paris, Armand Colin, 2016, 238 p. 715. REULECKE (Anne-Kathrin). Täuschend, ähnlich. Fälschung und Plagiat als Figuren des Wissens in Künsten und Wissenschaften. Eine philologisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Studie. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2016, 469 p. (ill.). (Trajekte). 716. ROSENWEIN (Barbara H.). Generations of feeling. A history of emotions, 600–1700. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XX-368 p. 717. Transmortale. Sterben, Tod und Trauer in der neueren Forschung. Hrsg. v. Moritz BUCHNER und Anna-Maria GÖTZ. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2016, 259 p. 718. TROYANSKY (David G.). Aging in world history. London, Routledge, 2016, XVII-152 p. (Themes in world history). 719. VOGLER (Petra). Sprache und Bild in der indischen Bildungstradition: zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung philologischer und performativer indischer Lehrund Lernformen. Beschreibung der gesamtgeschichtlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel der südindischen Variante der Spannung zwischen klassischer Bildungskultur und performativer Theaterkunst. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2016, XVII-390 p. 720. ZECHNER (Johannes). Der deutsche Wald. Eine Ideengeschichte zwischen Poesie und Ideologie 1800– 1945. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern, 2016, 446 p. 721. Zeit in den Wissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang KAUTEK, Reinhard NECK und Heinrich SCHMIDINGER. Wien, Böhlau, 2016, 262 p. (Wissenschaft – Bildung – Politik, 19). § 10. History of art. ______________________

722. CARRIER (Jean-Pierre). Dictionnaire du cinéma documentaire. Paris, Vendémiaire, 2016, 2016, 563 p. (Dictionnaire). 723. Château (Le) des ducs de Bretagne. Entre grandeur et renouveau. Huit siècles d'histoire. Sous la dir. de Bertrand GUILLET et Aurélien ARMIDE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 621 p. 724. Companion (A) to Chinese art. Ed. by Martin J. POWERS and Katherine R. TSIANG. West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 797 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Art History). 725. Companion (A) to Dada and Surrealism. Ed. by David HOPKINS. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 613 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to art history). 726. Companion (A) to digital art. Ed. by Paul CHRISTIANE. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, XVIII-608 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to art history, 9).

§ 11. History of religions 727. Companion (A) to public art. Ed. by Cher Krause KNIGHT and Harriet F. SENIE. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 591 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Art History, 11). 728. Companion (A) to Russian Cinema. Ed. by Birgit BEUMERS. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 764 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas, 6). 729. Companion to music in the age of the Catholic monarchs. Ed. by Tess KNIGHTON. Boston a. Leiden, Brill, 2016, XVI-744 p. (Companions to the musical culture of medieval and early modern Europe, 1). 730. Enciclopedia del Románico en Aragón. Vol. 3. Huesca I. Jacetania. Vol. 4. Huesca II. Alto GállegoSobrarbe. Aguilar de Campoo, Fundación Santa Marìa la Real del Patrimonio Histórico, 2016, 2 vol., 440 p., 460 p. (ill.). 731. PAUL (Gerhard). Das visuelle Zeitalter. Punkt und Pixel. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2016, 760 p. (Visual History: Bilder und Bildpraxen in der Geschichte, 1). 732. Routledge companion (The) to cinema and politics. Ed. by Yannis TZIOUMAKIS and Claire MOLLOY. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XXII-528 p. (Routledge companions). 733. SALDARRIAGA ROA (Alberto). Hábitat y arquitectura en Colombia: modos de habitar desde el prehispánico hasta el siglo XIX. Bogotá D. C., UTADEO, 2016, 265 p. 734. WALKER (Rose). Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the early Middle Ages: routes and myths. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U.P., 2016, 408 p. 735. Westminster. I. The art, architecture and archaeology of the Royal Abbey. II. The art, architecture and archaeology of the Royal Palace. Ed. by Warwick RODWELL and Tim TATTON-BROWN (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions 39, parts 1 and 2). Leeds, Maney Publishing, for the British Archaeological Association, 2016; 2 vol., pp. 415, 269 p. Cf. no 791 § 11. History of religions. ______________________

736. Ashgate research companion (The) to world Methodism. Ed. by William GIBSON, Peter FORSAITH and Martin WELLINGS. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XII-537 p. (Ashgate research companion). 737. Cambridge companion (The) to Reformed theology. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XI-345 p. (Cambridge companions to religion).


2016, XIX-661 p. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 72). 740. Companion (A) to Lollardy. Ed. by J. Patrick HORNBECK, Mishtooni BOSE and Fiona SOMERSET. Leiden, Brill, 2016, X-251 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 67). 741. Companion (A) to the Huguenots. Ed. by Raymond A. MENTZER and Bertrand VAN RUYMBEKE. Leiden, Brill, 2016, XV-481 p. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 68). 742. Companion (A) to the Medieval papacy: growth of an ideology and institution. Ed. by Keith SISSON and Atria A. LARSON. Boston, Brill, 2016, 424 p. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 70). 743. Companion (A) to the Swiss Reformation. Ed. by Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, 681 p. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 72). 744. Danzetsu to shinsei: Chūkinsei Yōroppa to Isurāmu no shinkō, shisō, tōchi. (Rupture and rebirth: religion, thought and governance in Medieval and early Modern Europe and Islamic world). Ed. Tadaaki KANAZAKI. Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2016, 263 p. 745. Genre (Le), une nouvelle approche du fait religieux. Sous la direction de Magali DELLA SUDDA, François DUMASY et Xenia von TIPPELSKIRCH. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, 2016, 128, 2, p. 201-311. [DELLA SUDDA (Magali), TIPPELSKIRCH (Xenia von). Introduction. – HUFTON (Olwen). Faith, hope and gender. Women's religious experiences in the early modern period. – JUSSEAUME (Anne). Les archives des congrégations religieuses féminines: nouvelles sources et nouveaux objets pour l'histoire sociale à l'époque contemporaine. – DUVAL (Sylvie). Pour une relecture de la vie religieuse féminine chrétienne en Occident à la fin du Moyen Âge. – LAQUA-O'DONNELL (Simone). Sex, honour and morality: about the precarious situation of servant girls in post-Tridentine Münster. – GUYARD (Nicolas), MULLER (Caroline). Croire et Ressentir. Pour une approche du fait religieux à travers les émotions. – SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCCI (Daniela). Genre, controverses religieuses et direction spirituelle: l'affaire Charlotte Dubois (Paris-Sedan, 1630). – PERA (Isabella). Relazioni spirituali tra obbedienza e desiderio di autonomia nel percorso di Adelaide Coari (1881–1966). – TAFURO (Azzurra). "Femmes pleines de virilité". Le "Mères Chrétiennes" tra conversione e lotta alla modernità (1850–1870). – GAZZETTA (Liviana). Innovazione nella conservazione. Elena Da Persico e la costruzione dell'azione cattolica femminile in Italia.]

738. Cambridge history (The) of religions in Latin America. Ed. by Virginia GARRARD-BURNETT, Paul FRESTON and Stephen C. DOVE. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2016, XXII-830 p.

746. Germania Sacra. 3. Folge, 11. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier, 13. Die Benediktinerabtei St. Maximin vor Trier. Bearb. v. Bertram RESMINI. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2 vol., 2016, XXVI-1461 p.

739. CAMPI (Emidio), BURNETT (Amy Nelson). A companion to the Swiss Reformation. Leiden, Brill,

747. GIANNINI (Massimo Carlo). I domenicani. Bologna. Il Mulino, 2016, 236 p. (Universale paperbacks, 711).



748. HAHN TAPPER (Aaron Joshua). Judaisms: A Twenty-First-century Introduction to Jews and Jewish Identities. Oakland, University Of California, 2016, XII261 p.

mit der antiken Welt. Band 27. Hrsg. v. Georg SCHÖLLStuttgart, Anton Hiersmann, 2016, p. VIII-653.


749. Hajj (The). Pilgrimage in Islam. Ed. by Eric TAGLIACOZZO and Shawkat M. TOORAWA. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XV-343 p.

762. Religious competition in the Greco-Roman world. Ed. by Nathaniel P. DESROSIERS and Lily C. VUONG. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2016, XVIII-327 p. (Writings from the Greco-Roman world supplement series, 10).

750. Handbook of global contemporary Christianity: movements, institutions, and allegiance. Ed. by Stephen HUNT. Boston, Brill, 2016, 488 p. (Brill handbooks on contemporary religion, 12).

763. Roma kloster och cistercienserna. (Le monastère gotlandais de Roma et les Cisterciens). Red. Eva SELIN, Cathrin EMDEN. Visby, Fornsalens förlag, Gotlands museum, 2016, 279 p. (ill.).

751. ḤASAN (Muḥammad Khalīfah). Tārīkh al-adyān: dirāsah waṣfīyah muqāranah. (History of religions: a comparative descriptive study). ʻĀbidīn (al-Qāhirah), Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2016, 487 p.

764. Routledge companion (The) to Christianity in Africa. Ed. by Elias Kifon BONGMBA. London, Routledge, 2016, XVII-577 p. (Routledge religion companions).

752. HEALE (Martin). The abbots and priors of late Medieval and Reformation England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, VIII-452 p.

765. SALAYMEH (Lena). The beginnings of Islamic law. Late antique islamicate legal traditions. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XIII-242 p.

753. JULIA (Dominique). Le voyage aux saints. Les pèlerinages dans l'Occident moderne, XVe–XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS et Gallimard et Éd. du Seuil, 2016, 365 p.

766. SCHAMA (Simon). L'histoire des juifs. Trouver les mots de 1000 avant notre ère à 1492. Paris, Fayard, 2016, 524 p.

754. JÜTTE (Daniel). 'They shall not keep their doors or windows open': urban space and the dynamics of conflict and contact in premodern Jewish–Christian relations. European history quarterly, 2016, 46, 2, p. 209237. 755. Landscapes of the Islamic world: archaeology, history and ethnography. Ed. by Stephen MAC PHILLIPS and Paul D. WORDSWORTH. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, 253 p. 756. LODBERG (Peter). Danskernes tro gennem 1000 år. (La religion des Danois depuis un millénaire). København, Kristelig Dagblad, 2016, 269 p. (ill.). 757. Maribo Domkirke: kloster-, by- og domkirke gennem 600 år. (La cathédrale de Maribo depuis 600 ans: abbatiale, église paroissiale et cathédrale). Red. Henrik B. FREDERICKSON. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2016, 149 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 522). 758. Mecklenburgisches Klosterbuch. Handbuch der Klöster, Stifte, Kommenden und Prioreien (10./11.–16. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. v. Wolfgang HUSCHNER, Ernst MÜNCH, Cornelia NEUSTADT [et. al.] Rostock, Hinstorff, 2016, 2 vol., 1481 p. 759. Monastische Kultur als transkonfessionelles Phänomen. Beiträge einer deutsch-russischen interdisziplinären Tagung in Vladimir und Suzdal'. Hrsg. v. Ludwig STEINDORFF und Oliver AUGE. Berlin, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2016, IX-446 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Moskau, 4).

767. TEMPELHOFF (Jana). Marienborn – Wallfahrtsort, Frauenkloster und adeliges Damenstift. Eine geistliche Kommunität im Spiegel ihrer Chronistik (1191– 1910). Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2016, 171 p. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur Mitteldeutschlands, 4). 768. Theologie und Sklaverei von der Antike bis in die frühe Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Nicole PRIESCHING und Heike GRIESER. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2016, XXI-308 p. (Sklaverei – Knechtschaft – Zwangsarbeit, 14). 769. Wiley Blackwell companion (The) to ancient Israel. Ed. by Susan NIDITCH. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 593 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion). 770. Wiley Blackwell Companion (The) to religion and politics in the U. S.. Ed. by Barbara A. MAC GRAW. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 710 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion, 65). 771. Wiley-Blackwell companion (The) to World Christianity. Ed. by Lamin SANNEH. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 860 p. (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion Ser). 772. WINTER (Stefan). A history of the 'Alawis: from Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2016, XIII-307 p. Cf. nos 4652-4682 § 12. History of philosophy. ______________________

760. PIERCE (Matthew). Twelve infallible men. The imams and the making of Shiʿism. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2016, IX-254 p.

773. Cambridge companion (The) to Fichte. Ed. by David JAMES and Günter ZÖLLER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XX-419 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy).

761. Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums

774. Cambridge companion (The) to Popper. Ed. by Jeremy SHEARMUR and Geoffrey STOKES. New York,

§ 13. History of literature Cambridge U. P., 2016, X-394 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 775. Cambridge companion (The) to the Summa theologiae. Ed. by Philip MCCOSKER and Denys TURNER. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XVII-368 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 776. Companion (A) to Giles of Rome. Ed. by Charles F. BRIGGS and Peter S. EARDLEY. Leiden, Brill. 2016, 319 p. 777. Companion (A) to Locke. Ed. by Matthew STUART. Chichester a. West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 560 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, 59). 778. Companion (A) to Medieval Christian humanism: essays on principal thinkers. Ed. by John P. BEQUETTE. Leiden, Brill, 2016, VIII-354 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 69). 779. Dictionnaire critique de l'utopie au temps des Lumières. Sous la dir. de Bronislaw BACZKO, Michel PORRET et François ROSSET avec la collaboration de Mirjana FARKAS et Robin MAJEUR. Genève, Georg éditeur, 2016, 406 p. 780. JAY (Martin). Reason after its eclipse. On late critical theory. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2016, XV-245 p. (George L. Mosse series in modern European cultural and intellectual history). 781. Pythagorean Knowledge from the Ancient to the Modern World: Askesis, Religion, Science. Ed. by Almut-Barbara RENGER and Alessandro STAVRU. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016, IX-579 p. (Episteme in Bewegung, 4). [Contents: RENGER (Almut-Barbara), STAVRU (Alessandro). Introduction. – I. Orphika. BERNABÉ (Alberto). Transfer of afterlife knowledge in Pythagorean eschatology. – BORDOY (Francesc Casadesús). The appropriation of the figure of Orpheus and Orphic doctrines: an example of Pythagoras' artful knavery (kakotechnie)? – BRISSON (Luc). The making of Pythagoreanism: Orpheus, Aglaophamus, Pythagoras, Plato. – II. Metempsychosis. MAC KIRAHAN (Richard). Philolaus on the soul. – CHRYSAKOPOULOU (Sylvana). Is Parmenides a Pythagorean? Plato on theoria as a vision of the soul. – CORNELLI (Gabriele). Aristotle and the Pythagorean myths of metempsychosis. – ROLING (Bernd). Pythagoras and Christian eschatology: the debate on the transmigration of souls in early Scholasticism. – III. Tropos tou biou. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio). Aristoxenus and Timaeus on the Pythagorean way of life. – MONTEPAONE (Claudia), CATARZI (Marcello). Pythagorean askesis in Timycha of Sparta and Theano of Croton. – RAMELLI (Ilaria). The sentences of Sextus and the Christian transformation of Pythagorean asceticism.– FOTINI VILTANIOTI (Irini). Porphyry's letter to Marcella: a literary attack on Christian appropriation of (Neo)Pythagorean moral wisdom? – ARCARI (Luca). Reinventing the Pythagorean tradition in PseudoJustin's Cohortatio ad Graecos.– BALTZLY (Dirk). Transformations of Pythagorean wisdom and psychic askesis in Proclus' Timaeus commentary. – PALMER (Ada). The active and monastic life in humanist biographies of


Pythagoras. – BREMMER (Jan N.). Richard Reitzenstein, Pythagoras and the Life of Anatomy. – IV. Dietetics and Medicine. KOULOUMENTAS (Stavros). The Pythagoreans on medicine: religion or science? – BARKER (Andrea). Pythagoreans and medical writers on periods of human gestation. – BARTOŠ (Hynek). Iamblichus on Pythagorean dietetics. – V. Music. PROVENZA (Antonietta). The Pythagoreans and the therapeutic effects of the Paean between religion, Paideia, and politics. – SPINELLI (Emidio). "Are flute-players better than philosophers?" Sextus Empiricus on music, against Pythagoras. – VI. Number and harmony. ZHMUD (Leonid). Greek arithmology: Pythagoras or Plato? – AFONASIN (Eugen). Pythagorean numerology and Diophantus' Arithmetica: a note on Hippolytus' Elenchos I 2. – IZDEBSKA (Ana). The Pythagorean metaphysics of numbers in the works of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā' and al-Shahrastāni. – JOOST-GAUGIER (Christiane L.). Pythagoras and the "Perfect" Churches of the Renaissance. – SCHMIDT-BIGGEMANN (Wilhelm). Kabbalah as a transfer of Pythagorean number theory: the case of Johannes Reuchlin's De Arte Cabalistica. – GALSON (Samuel). Unfolding Pythagoras: Leibniz, myth and mathesis. – VII. Refractions. IREMADZE (Tengiz). The Pythagorean doctrine in the Caucasus. – LA SALA (Beate Ulrike). Ibn Sīnā's and Al-Ghazālī's approach to Pythagoreanism. – ROBICHAUD (Denis). Marsilio Ficino and Plato's divided line: Iamblichus and Pythagorean Pseudepigrapha in the Renaissance. – NEUMANN (Hanns-Peter). Pythagoras refracted: the formation of pythagoreanism in the early Modern period. – Appendix: Three Texts on Pythagorean way of life: Pythagoras, the wandering ascetic: a reconstruction of the life of Pythagoras according to al-Mubashshir ibn Fātik and Ibn Abī U ̣saybiʻa (ed. Emily Cottrell). – Two humanist lives of Pythagoras (ed. Ada Palmer).] 782. Routledge companion (The) to Islamic philosophy. Ed. by Richard C. TAYLOR and Luis Xavier LÓPEZFARJEAT. New York, Routledge, 2016, XVII-433 p. (Routledge philosophy companions). 783. STUART (Matthew). A companion to Locke. Ed. by Matthew STUART. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 560 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, 59). 784. Thomas Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Volker LEPPIN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, XIV-523 p. (Handbücher Theologie). Cf. nos 5197-5275 § 13. History of literature. _______________________

785. BROCKELMANN (Carl). History of the Arabic written tradition. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, 1047 p. (Handbook of Oriental studies. Section one, The Near and Middle East, 117). 786. Cambridge companion (The) to slavery in American literature. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XX-276 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).



787. Cambridge companion (The) to the postcolonial novel. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, IX-273 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).

792. KORENJAK (Martin). Geschichte der neulateinischen Literatur. Vom Humanismus bis zur Gegenwart. München, C.H. Beck, 2016, 304 p.

788. Companion (A) to modern Chinese literature. Ed. by Yingjin ZHANG. West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 592 p. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture).

793. RAFAEL (Vicente L.). Motherless tongues. The insurgency of language amid wars of translation. Durham, Duke U. P., 2016, XII-255 p.

789. DIAMANTOPOULOU (Lilia). Griechische visuelle Poesie: von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2016, 499 p. (Studien zur Geschichte Südosteuropas, 18). 790. Handbook (A) to Eddic poetry: myths and legends of early Scandinavia. Ed. by Carolyne LARRINGTON, Judy QUINN, Brittany SCHORN. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 424 p. 791. Handbuch Nachkriegskultur: Literatur, Sachbuch und Film in Deutschland (1945–1962). Hrsg. v. Elena AGAZZI und Erhard SCHÜTZ. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, XV-708 p. (De Gruyter Handbook).

794. Routledge companion (The) to Native American literature. Ed. by Deborah L. MADSEN. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XXVI-524 p. (Routledge companions). 795. STENUIT (Bernard). Le commentaire aristotélicien de l'Art poétique d'Horace à la Renaissance. Les études classiques, 2016, 84, p. 105-115. 796. TROISE RIODA (Barbara). Il banchetto e le sue rappresentazioni: analisi di un topos artistico e letterario. Roma, Carocci, 2016, 109 p. (Lingue e letterature Carocci, 220).


§ 1. General. 797-811. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 812-835. – § 3. Neolithic. 836-862. – § 4. Bronze age. 863-894. – § 5. Iron age. 895-911. § 1. General. ______________________

797. ALAURA (Silvia). Significance of the Gavur Lake elephant for the history of Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 264-274. 798. BERNAL-CASASOLA (Darío), GARDEISEN (Armelle), MORGENSTERN (Peggy), KOLSKA HORWITZ (Liora), PIQUÉS (Gäel), THEODOROPOULOU (Tatiana), WILKENS (Barbara). Ancient whale exploitation in the Mediterranean: the archaeological record. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 914-927. 799. BLANCO-GONZÁLEZ (Antonio). Microhistorias de la Prehistoria Reciente en el interior de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 73, 2016, p. 47-67. 800. CERILLI (Eugenio), ROSSI (Fabio), PETITTI (Patrizia). Paleo-environment and archaeological context: the case of Latera Caldera. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 123-141. 801. FONTANALS (Núria Rafel), MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio), SORIANO (Ignacio), DELGADO-RAACK (Selina). L'activité minière préhistorique dans le Nord-Est de la péninsule Ibérique. Étude sur la Coveta de l'Heura et l'exploitation du cuivre à la Solana del Bepo (Tarragone, Espagne). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 95-129. 802. HEIMLICH (Geoffroy). The anthropology and history of rock art in the Lower Congo in perspective. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1270-1285. 803. INADA (Takashi). Bifacial reduction sequences observed on the Solutrean large 'laurel leaves' from Volgu (Rigny-sur-Arroux, Saône-et-Loire). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 475-500. 804. Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria. Attività 2016. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 305315. 805. LEHOËRFF (Anne). Préhistoires d'Europe. De Néandertal à Vercingétorix, 40000–52 avant notre ère. Paris, Belin, 2016, 604 p.

806. MAZZIERI (Paola), DAL SANTO (Nicola). La frequentazione di VBQ I nel sito pluristratificato di Benefizio: evidenze strutturali e cultura materiale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 25-60. 807. PERLÈS (Catherine). La technologie lithique, de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 221-240. 808. RUFO (Ettore), BORRELLI (Lucia). I manufatti litici preistorici molisani del Museo di Antropologia del Centro Musei dell'Università Federico II di Napoli. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 5-24. 809. SANSONI (Umberto). Caratteri di versante e d'area nel contesto rupestre della Valcamonica: note sulla distribuzione tematica e di fase. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 217-251. 810. TSIRTSONI (Zoï), MALAMIDOU (Dimitra). Une nouvelle phase d'occupation à Dikili Tash. Le Néolithique/Chalcolithique Final (fin du Ve–début du IVe millénaire av. J.‑C.). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2016, 139-140, p. 487-541. 811. YAR (Nadire Mine), PARENTI (Fabio), ALBAY(Ebru), KÖYSU (Coskun). The elephant remains from Gavur Lake (south-eastern Turkey). Restoration and display. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 243-263.


§ 2. Paleolithic and Mesolithic. _______________________

812. ALLEN (Michael J.), CHAN (Ben), CLEAL (Ros), FRENCH (Charles), MARSHALL (Peter), POLLARD (Joshua), PULLEN (Rebecca), RICHARDS (Colin), RUGGLES (Clive), ROBINSON (David), RYLATT (Jim), THOMAS (Julian), WELHAM (Kate), PARKER PEARSON (Mike). Stonehenge's avenue and 'Bluestonehenge'. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 991-1008. 813. BAHN (Paul G.). L'art de l'époque glaciaire. Arles, éditions Errance, 2016, 356 p. 814. BYNOE (Rachel), DIX (Justin K.), STURT (Fraser). Of mammoths and other monsters: historic ap-



proaches to the submerged Palaeolithic. Part of: Zooarchaeology. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 857-875.

premiers résultats. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 429-474.

815. CHIRICA (Vasile), CHIRICA (Valentin-Codrin), BODI (George). Viaţă şi moarte în paleoliticul superior, epipaleoliticul şi mezoliticul Europei: spiritualitatea înmormântărilor. (Life and death in Europe's upper Palaeolithic, Epipaleolithic and Mesolithic: the spirituality of burials). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2016, 352 p.

825. MASSET (Caroline), COSTAMAGNO (Sandrine), COCHARD (David), LAROULANDIE (Véronique). La fracturation osseuse: du fait technique à l'essai d'interprétation sociétale: l'exemple de l'antilope saïga du gisement magdalénien de Saint-Germain-la-Rivière (Gironde). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 691-712.

816. DESCHAMPS (Marianne), CLARK (Amy), CLAUD (Émilie), COLONGE (David), HERNANDEZ (Marion), NORMAND (Christian). Approche technoéconomique et fonctionnelle des occupations de plein air du Paléolithique moyen récent autour de Bayonne (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 659-689.

826. OSYPIŃSKI (Piotr), MORLEY (Mike W.), OSY(Marta), KOTARBA-MORLEY (Anna M.). Affad 23: settlement structures and palaeoenvironments in the Terminal Pleistocene of the Middle Nile Valley, Sudan. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 894-913.

817. DU (Shuisheng), LI (Xuan), ZHOU (Li), PANG (Haijiao), BAR-YOSEF (Ofer), WU (Xiaohong). Longquan Cave: an early upper palaeolithic site in Henan Province, China. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 876-893. 818. FERRARI (Sonia), FONTANA (Federica). Il Mesolitico in Emilia e il complesso culturale Castelnoviano. Dinamiche insediative e sistemi tecnici litici. Oxford, BAR, 2016, V-265 p. (BAR international series, 2807). 819. GARATE (Diego), RIVERO (Olivia), LABARGE (Aude), NORMAND (Christian). Le pilier gravé de la grotte d'Isturitz (Saint-Martin-d'Arberoue, PyrénéesAtlantiques): cent ans après sa découverte. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 501522. 820. Garm Roud, une halte de chasse en Iran. Paléolithic supérieur. Sous la dir. de Gilles BÉRILLON et Asghar ASGARI KHANEGHAH. Prigonrieux et Téhéran, Archéo-é, IFRI, 2016, 312 p. (50 ill.). (Bibliothèque iranienne, 84). 821. GÓMEZ COUTOULY (Yan Axel). Migrations and interactions in prehistoric Beringia: the evolution of Yakutian lithic technology. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 9-31. 822. GOURC (Laura), LANGLAIS (Mathieu), SITZIA (Luca), CAUX (Solène), BELBEOC'H (Gwénolé), LENOIR (Michel). La Honteyre (Le Tuzan, Gironde): une occupation de chasseurs-collecteurs magdaléniens en contexte de désert sableux. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 713-735. (Auréade), BOBOEUF (Marc). 823. HENRY Environnement ligneux et gestion du bois de feu au cours du Mésolithique au Clos de Poujol (Campagnac, Aveyron). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 5-30. 824. KOEHLER (Héloïse), WEGMÜLLER (Fabio), DETREY (Jean), DIEMER (Simon), HAUCK (Thomas), PÜMPIN (Christine), RENTZEL (Philippe), SÉVÊQUE (Noémie), STOETZEL (Emmanuelle), WUSCHER (Patrice), AUGUSTE (Patrick), BOCHERENS (Hervé), LUTZ (Mathias), PREUSSER (Frank). Fouilles de plusieurs occupations du Paléolithique moyen à Mutzig-Rain (Alsace):


827. PUTZER (Andreas), FESTI (Daniela), OEGGL (Klaus). Was the Iceman really a herdsman? The development of a prehistoric pastoral economy in the Schnals Valley. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 319-336. 828. RADINI (Anita), BUCKLEY (Stephen), ROSAS (Antonio), ESTALRRICH (Almudena), DE LA RASILLA (Marco), HARDY (Karen). Neanderthals, trees and dental calculus: new evidence from El Sidrón. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 290-301. 829. SEONG (Chuntaek), BAE (Christopher J.). The eastern Asian 'Middle Palaeolithic' revisited: a view from Korea. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1151-1165. 830. SHAW (Andrew), BATES (Martin), CONNELLER (Chantal), GAMBLE (Clive), JULIEN (Marie-Anne), MCNABB (John), POPE (Matt), SCOTT (Beccy). The archaeology of persistent places: the Palaeolithic case of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1437-1453. 831. TOMASSO (Antonin). Une unité de façade: évolution des systèmes techniques épigravettiens entre l'Allerød et le Dryas récent au sud des Alpes. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 241-264. 832. VENDITTI (Flavia), LEMORINI (Cristina), BORDIGONI (Magda), ZAMPETTI (Daniela), AMORE (Mario), TAGLIACOZZO (Antonio). The role of burins and their relationship with art through trace analysis at the upper Palaeolithic site of Polesini cave (Latium, Italy). Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 7-30. 833. WALKER (M.J.), ANESIN (D.), ANGELUCCI (D.E.), AVILÉS-FERNÁNDEZ (A.), BERNA (F.), BUITRAGO-LÓPEZ (A.T.), FERNÁNDEZ-JALVO (Y.), HABERURIARTE (M.), LÓPEZ-JIMÉNEZ (A.), LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ (M.), MARTÍN-LERMA (I.), ORTEGA-RODRIGÁÑEZ (J.), POLO-CAMACHO (J.L.), RHODES (S.E.), RICHTER (D.), RODRÍGUEZ-ESTRELLA (T.), SCHWENNINGER (J.L.), SKINNER (A.R.). Combustion at the late Early Pleistocene site of Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar (Murcia, Spain). Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 571-589. 834. WELKER (Wolfgang). First Palaeolithic rock art in Germany: engravings on Hunsrück slate. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 32-47.

§ 3. Neolithic 835. WILLIS (Christie), MARSHALL (Peter), MAC KINLEY (Jacqueline), PITTS (Mike), POLLARD (Joshua), RICHARDS (Colin), RICHARDS (Julian), THOMAS (Julian), WALDRON (Tony), WELHAM (Kate), PARKER PEARSON (Mike). The dead of Stonehenge. Part of: Bioarchaeology. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 337-356. § 3. Neolithic. ______________________

836. Archaeology (The) of Grotta Scaloria. Ritual in Neolithic southeast Italy. Ed. by Ernestine S. ELSTER, Eugenia ISETTI, John ROBB and Antonella TRAVERSO. Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2016, 418 p. (Monumenta Archaeologica, 38). 837. ARD (Vincent), MENS (Emmanuel), PONCET (Didier), COUSSEAU (Florian), DEFAIX (Jérôme), MATHÉ (Vivien), PILLOT (Lucile). Life and death of Angoumoisin-type dolmens in west-central France Architecture and evidence of the reuse of megalithic orthostats. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 737-764. 838. AUDOUARD (Lorena). Économie préhistorique des îles bretonnes (France): apports des industries lithiques du Néolithique récent et final. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 571-586. 839. BOSTYN (Françoise), HACHEM (Lamys), JOSEPH (Frédéric), HAMON (Caroline), MAIGROT (Yolaine). L'apport du site d'habitat de Conty "ZAC Dunant" (Somme) à la connaissance de la culture de Cerny. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 291-332. 840. BRAMI (Maxime), HOREJS (Barbara), OSTMANN (Felix). The ground beneath their feet: building continuity at Neolithic. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 1-16. 841. ESPEJEL ARROYO (Fernando). Significado de la glíptica de los sellos prehistóricos de Anatolia oriental y al-Yazira. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 17-36. 842. Fonctions, utilisations et représentations de l'espace dans les sépultures monumentales du Néolithique européen. Sous la dir. de Guillame ROBIN, André D'ANNA, Aurore SCHMITT et Maxence BAILLY. Aixen-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2016, 372 p. 843. FURHOLT (Martin). Settlement layout and social organisation in the earliest European Neolithic. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1196-1212. 844. GALIPAUD (Jean-Christophe), KINASTON (Rebecca), HALCROW (Siân), FOSTER (Aimee), HARRIS (Nathaniel), SIMANJUNTAK (Truman), JAVELLE (Jonathan), BUCKLEY (Hallie). The Pain Haka burial ground on Flores: Indonesian evidence for a shared Neolithic belief system in Southeast Asia. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1505-1521. 845. GUIRY (Eric J.), HILLIER (Maria), BOAVENTURA (Rui), SILVA (Ana Maria), OOSTERBEEK (Luiz), TOMÉ (Tiago), VALERA (António), CARDOSO (João Luís), HEPBURN (Joseph C.), RICHARDS (Michael P.). The


transition to agriculture in south-western Europe: new isotopic insights from Portugal's Atlantic coast. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 604-616. 846. HOLL (Augustin F. C.). Aquí vienen las novias: leyendo las pinturas neolíticas de Uan Derbuaen (Tasili n'Ajer, Argelia). Trabajos de prehistoria, 73, 2016, p. 211-230. 847. JORDAN (Peter), GIBBS (Kevin), HOMMEL (Peter), PIEZONKA (Henny), SILVA (Fabio), STEELE (James). Modelling the diffusion of pottery technologies across Afro-Eurasia: emerging insights and future research. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 590-603. 848. JOUSSAUME (Roger). Palets et minches de Gargantua. Mégalithisme dans le Centre Ouest de la France. Chauvigny, Association des publications chauvinoises, 2016, 388 p. (Memoria momenti, 39). 849. LANGGUT (Dafna), YAHALOM-MACK (Naama), LEV-YADUN (Simcha), KREMER (Eitan), ULLMAN (Micka), DAVIDOVICH (Uri). The earliest Near Eastern wooden spinning implements. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 973-990. 850. MAC CLATCHIE (Meriel), BOGAARD (Amy), COLLEDGE (Sue), WHITEHOUSE (Nicki J.), SCHULTING (Rick J.), BARRATT (Philip), MAC LAUGHLIN (T. Rowan). Farming and foraging in Neolithic Ireland: an archaeobotanical perspective. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 302-318. 851. OMS (F. Xavier), GIBAJA (Juan F.), MAZZUCCO (Niccolò), GUILAINE (Jean). Revisión radiocarbónica y cronocultural del Neolítico antiguo de la Balma Margineda (Aixovall, Andorra). Trabajos de prehistoria, 73, 2016, p. 29-46. 852. REMOLINS (Gerard), GIBAJA (Juan F.), ALLIÈSE (Florence), DUBOSCQ (Stéphanie), FONTANALS (María), MARTIN (Patricia), MASCLANS (Alba), MAZZUCCO (Niccolo), MOZOTA (Millán), OLIVA (Monica), OMS (F. Xavier), SANTOS (Francisco J.), TERRADAS (Xavier), SUBIRA (María E.), LLOVERA (Xavier). La nécropole néolithique de la Feixa del Moro (Juberri, Andorre): examen et nouvelles données. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 265-289. 853. REY (Pierre-Jérôme), MARGUET (André). Caractérisation technique et culturelle de la céramique du site lacustre de Conjux 3 (lac du Bourget, Savoie): le Néolithique final des avant-pays savoyards en question. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 57-94. 854. ROSENBERG (Danny), GLUHAK (Tatjana). Trade me an axe? Interpretive challenges of the distribution and provenance of Neolithic basaltic bifacial tools in Israel. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 48-63. 855. ROUSTAEI (Kourosh). An emerging picture of the Neolithic of Northeast Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 21-55. 856. SÉVIN-ALLOUET (Christophe). Temps, espace et mémoire dans les sépultures collectives de Grande-



Bretagne: une approche théorique. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 31-56. 857. SHIRAI (Noriyuki). The Desert Fayum at 80: revisiting a Neolithic farming community in Egypt. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1181-1195. 858. SOŁTYSIAK (Arkadiusz), FAZELI NASHLI (Hassan). Evidence of late Neolithic cremation at Tepe Sialk, Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 1-19. 859. STYRING (Amy), MAIER (Ursula), STEPHAN (Elisabeth), SCHLICHTHERLE (Helmut), BOGAARD (Amy). Cultivation of choice: new insights into farming practices at Neolithic lakeshore sites. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 95-110. 860. TEKIN (Halil). The state of the late Neolithic pottery of Domuztepe in the Turkish Eastern Mediterranean. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 31-52. 861. THIRAULT (Éric), LÉA (Vanessa), LEPÈRE (Cédric), VANNIEUWENHUYSE (Dorcas). Un nouveau "très grand site" du IVe millénaire dans le Sud de la France: l'apport du chantier "Cazan l'Héritière 2008" à Vernègues (Bouches-du-Rhône). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 523-570. 862. VIDAL (Aixa), PÉREZ (Martina). Pottery technology, settlement and landscape in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina). Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 12861301. § 4. Bronze age. _______________________

863. AGRESTI (Giorgia), PELOSI (Claudia), SANTAMARIA (Ulderico). Spectroscopic investigation of metal and amber objects from the Bronze Age site of Fondarca. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 157-161. 864. ARANDA JIMÉNEZ (Gonzalo), LOZANO MEDINA (Águeda), ESCUDERO CARRILLO (Javier), SÁNCHEZ ROMERO (Margarita), ALARCÓN GARCÍA (Eva), FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN (Sergio), DÍAZ-ZORITA BONILLA (Marta), BARBA COLMENERO (Vicente). Cronología y temporalidad de los recintos de fosos prehistóricos: el caso de Marroquíes Bajos (Jaén). Trabajos de prehistoria, 73, 2016, p. 231-250. 865. BĂLAN (Gabriel), QUINN (Colin P.), HODGINS (Gregory). The Wietenberg culture: periodization and chronology. DACIA. Revistă de Arheologie și Istorie Veche, 2016, 60, p. 67-92. 866. BORDAS (Francis). Trois nouveaux fragments de chaudrons des types de Cloonta et de Portglenone découverts dans le Nord-Ouest de la France: notes préliminaires sur la découverte du dépôt de la Chapelle des Roches (Le Châtellier, Orne), Bronze final atlantique, 3. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 131-152. 867. BROCATO (Giorgio), BOZZO (Filippo), MORESI (Federico), PASTURA (Giancarlo), GALLO (Emilia). Geo-

logy and topography at Grotta delle Nottole. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 139-148. 868. BUNIMOVITZ (Shlomo), LEDERMAN (Zvi). Opium or oil? Late Bronze age Cypriot Base Ring juglets and international trade revisited. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 15521561. 869. CERDEÑO (Maria Luisa), SAGARDOY FIDALGO (Teresa). La necrópolis de Herrería I y II. Las fases culturales del Bronce Final II–III. Madrid, Ediciones de La Ergástula, 2016, 324 p. (307 ill.). (Serie Arqueología y Patrimonio, 11). 870. CHEN (Kunlong), MEI (Jianjun), REHREN (Thilo), ZHAO (Congcang). Indigenous production and interregional exchange: late second-millennium BC bronzes from the Hanzhong basin, China. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 665-678. 871. COHEN (Susan). Peripheral concerns. Urban development in the Bronze Age southern Levant. Sheffield a. Bristol, Equinox Publishing, 2016, XIII-173 p. 872. COSTA (Patrizia), MARANO (Francesco), PIZZO (Elena), ROSSI (Fabio). Pottery in Grotta delle Nottole. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 133-138. 873. DE MARINIS (Raffaele Carlo). Il ripostiglio o i ripostigli di San Lorenzo in Noceto, Forlì. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 97-122. 874. DI NOCERA (Gian Maria). The fondarca cave and cavities used as a cult place during the Bronze Age in central Italy. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 119-132. 875. FERRARA (Silvia), BELL (Carol). Tracing copper in the Cypro-Minoan script. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 10091021. 876. GESTOSO SINGER (Graciela). Amber exchange in the late Bronze Age levant in cross-cultural perspective. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 251-264. 877. GIBLIN (Julia I.), YERKES (Richard W.). Diet, dispersal and social differentiation during the Copper Age in eastern Hungary. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 81-94. 878. GÜRSAN-SALZMANN (Ayşe). The new chronology of the Bronze Age settlement of Tepe Hissar, Iran. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum, 2016, 408 p. (University Museum Monographs, 142). 879. HSU (Yiu-Kang), BRAY (Peter J.), HOMMEL (Peter), POLLARD (A. Mark), RAWSON (Jessica). Tracing the flows of copper and copper alloys in the Early Iron Age societies of the eastern Eurasian steppe. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 357-375. 880. HUNG (Hsiao-chun), CHAO (Chin-yung). Taiwan's early Metal Age and Southeast Asian trading systems. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1537-1551. 881. IANNÌ (Filippo). L'età del Rame nella Sicilia centro-meridionale: nuovi dati dalla valle del Salso. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 61-76.

§ 5. Iron age 882. LERA (Petrika), TOUCHAIS (Gilles), OBERWEI(Cécile). Bassin de Korçë, Kallamas. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2016, 139-140, p. 10291045.


883. LULL (Vicente), MICÓ (Rafael), RIHUETE HER(Cristina), RISCH (Roberto). La Bastida y Tira del Lienzo (Totana, Murcia). Murcia, Integral, Sociedad para el Desarrollo Rural, 2016, 239 p. RADA

884. MASCELLONI (Azzurra). Faunal analysis. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 149-156. 885. MORONI (Adriana), ARRIGHI (Simona). Socioeconomic relations and settlement dynamics in the Upper Tiber Valley during the Bronze Age: the case-study of Gorgo del Ciliegio, Tuscany – Italy. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 181-193. 886. NALLIER (Renaud), SIMONIN (Daniel). Découvertes anciennes de l'âge du Bronze dans la plaine de la Varenne à Melun (Seine-et-Marne). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 587-598. 887. OLIVA MOMPEÁN (Juan Carlos). Hurro-Akkadian from late Bronze Age Syria reconsidered: Qatna TT1 and A1.T. 297. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 139148. 888. PAILLER (Yvan), NICOLAS (Clément). Des dalles ornées durant le Campaniforme et l'âge du Bronze ancien en Bretagne: mythe ou réalité? Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 333-371. 889. PFOH (Emanuel). Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age. An anthropology of politics and power. London a. New York, Routledge, 2016, XV-213 p. 890. PUTZOLU (Cristiano). La valle del Taro nell'età del Bronzo. Insediamenti ed organizzazione territoriale. Oxford, BAR, 2016, XXXVIII-261 p. (BAR international series, 2814). 891. SORIANO (Elena), SCALA (Serenella), NAPOLI (Gilda), ARCURI (Flaminia), DI MAIO (Giovanni), ALBORE LIVADIE (Claude), ESPOSITO (Elisa). Influssi balcanici e genesi del Bronzo antico in Italia meridionale: la koinè Cetina e la facies di Palma Campania. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2016, 66, p. 77-95. 892. VIANO (Maurizio). The economy of Emar III. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 149-171. 893. WILSON-WRIGHT (Aren M.). Athtart. The transmission and transformation of Goddes in the late Bronze Age. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, p. I-XV-179. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 2. Reihe, 90). 894. ZIMMERMANN (Thomas), ÖZEN (Latif). The early Bronze Age figurine from Hasanoğlan, central Turkey: new archaeometrical insights. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 17-22. § 5. Iron age. ______________________

895. Armas de la Hispania prerromana. Actas del Encuentro Armamento y arqueología de la guerra en la


Península Ibérica prerromana (s. VI–I a. C.): problemas, objetivos y estrategias. / Waffen im vorrömischen Hispanien. Akten der Tagung Bewaffnung und Archäologie des Krieges auf der Iberischen Halbinsel in vorrömischer Zeit (6.–1. Jh. v. Chr.): Probleme, Ziele und Strategien. Ed. por Raimon GRAELLS I FABREGAT y Dirce MARZOLI. Mainz, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2016, X-350 p. (ill.). (Tagungen, 24). 896. CARDIEL (Jorge García). Los discursos del poder em el mundo ibérico del sureste (siglos VII–I a.C.). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2016, 334 p. (106 ill., 2 tabs., 12 maps). 897. CAROFF (Martial), GRALL (Bertrand), MOYSAN (Marine), LE GALL (Bernard), CHEREL (Anne-Françoise). Aires d'extraction et façonnage des stèles de l'âge du Fer de Cornouaille (Finistère, France): apports de la pétrographie et de l'analyse structurale des roches. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 765-784. 898. FORGET (Mathilde C.L.), SHAHACK-GROSS (Ruth). How long does it take to burn down an ancient Near Eastern city? The study of experimentally heated mud-bricks. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1213-1225. 899. FRANZIN (Marta), VIDALE (Massimo). Attività artigianali e costumi funerari nel mondo veneto dell'Età del Ferro. Archeologia veneta, 2016, 39, p. 11-35. 900. HERRMANN (Virginia R.), HOUT (Theo van den), BEYAZLAR (Ahmet). A new hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Pancarlı Höyük. Language and power in early Iron Age Samʾal-YʾDY. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 53-70. 901. KLIMSCHA (Florian). Pietrele 1: Beile und Äxte aus Stein; Distinktion und Kommunikation während der Kupferzeit im östlichen Balkangebiet. Bonn, R. Habelt, 2016, 382 p. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Archäologie in Eurasien, 34). 902. LULL (Vicente), MICÓ (Rafael), RIHUETE HER(Cristina), RISCH (Roberto), CELDRÁN BELTRÁN (Eva), FREGEIRO MORADOR (María Inés), OLIART CARAVATTI (Camila), VELASCO FELIPE (Carlos). La Almoloya (Pliego, Murcia). Integral, Sociedad para el Desarrollo Rural. Murcia, 2016, 143 p. RADA

903. MORDEGLIA (Lucia). Rozza ceramica d'impasto. La ceramica ligure nell'Età del Ferro. Roma, Officina, 2016, 422 p. (Officina etruscologia, 12). 904. NASSERI (Reza), MALEKZADEH (Mehrdad), NA(Ali). Gūnespān. A late Iron Age site in the median heartland. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 103-139.


905. NICOLAS (Clément). Flèches de pouvoir à l'aube de la métallurgie de la Bretagne au Danemark (2500– 1700 av. n. è.). Leyde, Sidestone Press, 429 p. (230 ill., 54 tab.). 906. OLDENBURGER (Freerk). Højgård: iron graves in southern Jutland. (Sépultures de l'âge de fer à Højgård dans le Jutland méridional). Haderslev, Museum



Sønderjylland, 2016, 136 p. (ill.). (Skrifter fra Museum Sønderjylland, 13). 907. ROLLEFSON (Gary O.), ATHANASSAS (Constantin D.), ROWAN (Yorke M.), WASSE (Alexander M.R.). First chronometric results for 'works of the old men': late prehistoric 'wheels' near Wisad Pools, Black Desert, Jordan. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 939-952. 908. SKIBO (James M.), MALAINEY (Mary E.), KOOI(Susan M.). Early pottery in the North American Upper Great Lakes: exploring traces of use. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1226-1237. MAN

909. STRAUSS (André), OLIVEIRA (Rodrigo E.), VILLAGRAN (Ximena S.), BERNARDO (Danilo V.), SALAZAR-GARCÍA (Domingo C.), BISSARO (Marcos C.), PUGLIESE (Francisco), HERMENEGILDO (Tiago), SANTOS (Rafael), BARIONI (Alberto), CASTRO DE OLIVEIRA (Emiliano), MORENO DE SOUSA (João Carlos), JAOUEN

(Klervia), ERNANI (Max), HUBBE (Mark), INGLEZ (Mariana), GRATÃO (Marina), ROCKWELL (H.), MACHADO (Márcia), DE SOUZA (Gustavo), CHEMALE (Farid), KAWASHITA (Koji), O'CONNELL (Tamsin C.), ISRADE (Isabel), FEATHERS (James), CAMPI (Claudio), RICHARDS (Michael P.), WAHL (Joachim), KIPNIS (Renato), ARAUJO (Astolfo), NEVES (Walter). Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1454-1473. 910. TREMBLAY-CORMIER (Laurie), MILLE (Benoît). Étude archéométallurgique de parures hallstattiennes en alliage cuivreux du Rhin supérieur. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2016, 113, p. 785-808. 911. YNTEMA (D.). Greek groups in southeast Italy during the Iron Age. In: Conceptualising early colonisation [cf. no 629], p. 209-224.


§ 1. General. 912-931. – § 2. The Near East. 932-972. – § 3. Egypt. 973-1031. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 1032-1073. – § 5. Hittites. 1074-1080. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1081-1150. – § 7. Iran. 11511169. § 1. General. ______________________

* 912. CHARPIN (Dominique). Chroniques bibliographiques 18. Les débuts des relations diplomatiques au Proche-Orient ancien. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 127-186.

tamian literature. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, XX244 p. 921. MULLER (Béatrice). Maquettes antiques d'Orient. De l'image d'architecture au symbole. París, Editorial Picard, 2016, 296 p. (Collection Antiqua, 16).

913. ARRUDA (Ana Margarida). O touro da necrópole de Cinco Reis 8 (Beja, Portugal). Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 371-380.

922. Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXXXI (The). Ed. by J. H. BRUSUELAS and C. MECCARIELLO. London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2016, XII-167 p. (12 pl.). (GraecoRoman memoirs, 102).

914. BACHVAROVA (Mary R.). From Hittite to Homer. The Anatolian background of ancient Homeric epic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XXXIX-649 p. (4 tab., 26 ill., 3 maps).

923. PEDRAZZI (Tatiana). L'età (non più) oscura dei commerci: riflessioni sugli scambi tra l'Oriente e il Mediterraneo centro-occidentale agli inizi del I millennio a.C. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 129-144.

915. CHARLES (Michael B.). Elephant size in antiquity. DNA evidence and the battle of Raphia. Historia, 2016, 65, p. 53-65. 916. Cosmopolitanism and empire. Universal rulers, local elites, and cultural integration in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Ed. by Myles LAVAN, Richard E. PAYNE and John WEISWEILER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XI-282 p. (Oxford Studies in Early Empires). 917. FANTALKIN (Alexander), LYTLE (Ephraim). Alcaeus and Antimenidas. Reassessing the evidence for Greek mercenaries in the Neo-Babylonian army. Klio, 2016, 98, p. 90-117.

924. POMA (Luana). Alcuni temi iconografici greci sugli "stampi per focaccia" punici. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 219-232. 925. REICHMANN (Sirje). Bei Übernahme Korrektur? Aufnahme und Wandlung ägyptischer Tradition im Alten Testament anhand der Beispiele Proverbia 22–24 und Psalm 104. Münster, Ugarit Verlag, 2016, X-205 p. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 428). 926. RIBICHINI (Sergio). Giù dalle mura: da Tiro a Cartagine, visitando altri luoghi. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 145-154.

918. Habitat et Environnement. Prospections dans les marges arides de la Syrie du Nord. Sous la dir. de Marie-Odile ROUSSET, Bernard GEYER, Pierre-Louis GATIER, Nazir AWAD. Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2016, 370 p. (TMO 71. Conquête de la steppe, 4).

927. Tempus et Tempestas. Ed. par Pierre Sylvain FILLIOZAT et Michel ZINK. Paris, Inscriptions, 2016, p. 420.

919. HAGEDORN (Anselm C.). What kind of love is it? Egyptian, Hebrew, or Greek? Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 90-106.

929. TRONCHETTI (Carlo). Ancora su Fenici, Etruschi e Sardegna. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 233-240.

920. MILSTEIN (Sara J.). Tracking the master scribe. Revision through introduction in biblical and Mesopo

928. THONEMANN (Peter). The HellenisticAge. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIII-152 p.

930. VAN BUYLAERE (Greta). Neo-Elamite Hara(n) and its (non)relation with biblical Hara and uru. har(.ki), Dur-Abi-Hara and Hara' in neo-Assyrian and



neo-Babylonian sources. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 134-151. 931. VAN DER TOORN (Karel). Ethnicity at Elephantine. Jews, Arameans, Caspians. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 147-164. § 2. The Near East. _______________________

932. AÏM (Emmanuel). Le changement w>y en Syriaque. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 85–102. 933. Between Tarhuntas and Zeus Polieus. Cultural crossroads in the temples and cults of Graeco-Roman Anatolia. Ed. by María-Paz DE HOZ, Juan Pablo SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Carlos MOLINA VALERO. Leuven, Paris a. Bristol, Peeters, 2016, XIX-255 p. (Colloquia Antiqua, 17). 934. BRYCE (Trevor). The land of Hiyawa (Que) revisited. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 67-79. 935. CHRUBASIK (Boris). Kings and usurpers in the Seleukid empire. The men who would be king. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XXIV-308 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 936. DALLA ROSA (Alberto). From exploitation to integration. Imperial quarries, estates and freedmen and the integration of rural Phrygia. Studi ellenistici, 2016, 30, p. 305-330. 937. DANA (Madalina). Nysa et ses hommes célèbres: le destin culturel d'une cité d'Asie Mineure. Revue des études grecques, 2016, 129, p. 267-304. 938. DESIDERI (Paolo). I Getica di Dione fra etnografia e ideologia. Studi ellenistici, 2016, 30, p. 331-345. 939. FENOALTEA (Stefano). Understanding the ancient Near Eastern economy: a note from the sidelines. Rivista di storia economica, 2016, 32, 3, p. 403-416. 940. FONTAINE (Élise). De Τροιη à Taruisa: regard critique sur les hypothèses d'une étymologie commune. Les études classiques, 2016, 84, p. 3-18. 941. GÖSTA (Gabriel). How design thinkers could help ancient Near Eastern studies. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 211–214. 942. HEFFRON (Yağmur). Stone stelae and religious space at Kültepe-Kaneš. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 23-42. 943. HERRMANN (Peter). Kleinasien im Spiegel epigraphischer Zeugnisse. Ausgewählte kleine Schriften. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang BLÜMEL. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, XIV-718 p. 944. HOLZMAN (Samuel). Tortoise-shell lyres from Phrygian Gordion. American journal of archaeology, 2016, 120, p. 537-564. 945. JAMIESON (Andrew). Community engagement and Near Eastern archaeological collections. The SyrianAustralian Archaeological Research Collaboration Project. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 196-202.

946. KHOLOD (Maxim M.). The cults of Alexander the Great in the Greek cities of Asia Minor. Klio, 2016, 98, p. 495-525. 947. KUNISCH (Norbert). Funde aus Milet. Teil 3. Die attische Importkeramik. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2016, X-221 p. (Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahr 1899, 5). 948. Making pictures of war. Realia et imaginaria in the iconology of the ancient Near East. Ed. by Laura BATTINI. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016, p. XII-88. (Archaeopress ancient Near Eastern archaeology, 1). 949. MANUELLI (Federico), MORI (Lucia). "The king at the gate". Monumental fortifications and the rise of local elites at Arslantepe at the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 209-242. 950. MATTHIAE (Paolo). Une hypothèse sur la déesse à l'iconographie hathorienne dans la glyptique paléosyrienne. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 43-50. 951. MENEGAZZI (Alessandra), SALEMI (Giuseppe), FARESIN (Emanuela). Un insolito punto di vista: osservazioni sulla testa mb92 tra reale e virtuale. In: Mille volti (I) del passato [cf. no 577], p. 1101-1110. 952. MOYA COBOS (Laura). Los Fenicios y los oficios del mar. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 123-137. 953. MURPHY (Elizabeth A.), POBLOME (Jeroen). A late antique ceramic workshop complex: evidence for workshop organisation at Sagalassos (southwest Turkey). Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 185-199. 954. Palmyrena. City, hinterland and caravan trade between Orient and Occident. Proceedings of the Conference Held in Athens, December 1–3, 2012. Ed. by Jørgen Christian MEYER, Eivind Heldaas SELAND, Nils ANFINSET. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016, VI-186 p. 955. Patara. Lykiens Tor zur römischen Welt. Hrsg. v. Havva İŞKAN, Christof SCHULER, Şevket AKTAŞ, Denise REITZENSTEIN, Andrea SCHMÖLDERVEIT, Mustafa KOÇAK. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern, 2016, 143 p. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt). 956. PAYNE (Annick), WINTJES (Jorit). Lords of Asia Minor. An introduction to the Lydians. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, 156 p. (Philippika, 93). 957. POPOVA (Olga V.). Cuneiform orthography of the stops in Alalaḫ VII Akkadian. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 62–90. 958. Role (The) of women in work and society in the ancient Near East. Ed. by Brigitte LION and Cécile MICHEL. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, XI-574 p. (35 ill.). (Studies in ancient near eastern records, 13). 959. SELAND (Eivind Heldaas). Ships of the desert and ships of the sea. Palmyra in the world trade of the first three centuries CE. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, VIII-112 p. (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 101).

§ 3. Egypt 960. Seleukid royal women. Creation, representation and distortion of Hellenistic queenship in the Seleukid empire. Ed. by Altay COŞKUN and Alex MAC AULEY. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2016, 322 p. (Historia-Einzelschriften, 240). 961. SIMON (Zsolt). Ist die Possessivkonstruktion im Kizzuwatna-Luwischen kontakbedingt zustande gekommen? Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 325-334. 962. SIMONSOHN (Uriel). Communal membership despite religious exogamy. A critical examination of East and West Syrian legal sources of the late Sasanian and early Islamic periods. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 249-266. 963. STINSON (Philip). The Civil Basilica. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2016, XIV-149 p. (Aphrodisias, 7).


975. BOJOWALD (Stefan). Zu einigen Beispielen für den ägyptischen Wegfall von "ἰ" in der Mitte des Wortes. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 245-249. 976. BOUSSAC (Marie-Françoise), DHENNIN (Sylvain), REDON (Bérangère). Plinthine et la Maréotide pharaonique. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 15-36. 977. BRESCIANI (Edda). Le feste del "ritorno della natura" nell'Egitto antico. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 105-108. 978. BREYER (Francis). Punt. Die Suche nach dem 'Gottesland'. Leiden, Brill, 2016, XII-800 p. (Culture and history of the Ancient Near East, 80).

964. STOL (Marten). Women in the ancient Near East. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016, X-696 p.

979. CANEVA (Isabella). Domestic livestock, pastoral nomadism and complex societies in the Nile Valley. Reflections on old questions. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 101-118.

965. SULLIVAN (Richard D.). Near eastern royalty and Rome, 100–30 Bc. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2016, 576 p.

980. CAUVILLE (Sylvie). Hathor "en tous ses noms". Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 37-76.

966. TAYLOR (Michael J.). The Attalid victory at Magnesia on a lost plaque from Pergamon. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 81-90.

981. CHERPION (Nadine). Chronologie d'un "surpeint": le cartouche de la TT 116. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 77-84.

967. VAESSEN (Rik). Cosmopolitanism, communality and the appropriation of Mycenaean pottery in western Anatolia. Anatolian studies, 2016, 66, p. 43-65.

982. COBB (Matthew). The decline of Ptolemaic elephant hunting. An analysis of the contributory factors. Greece & Rome, 2016, 63, p. 192-204.

968. VIRGILIO (Biagio). La lettera di Filetero a Kyme Eolica e i decreti della città relativi a una fornitura di armamenti per la phylakè. Studi ellenistici, 2016, 30, p. 617-238.

983. CONNOR (Simon). Quatre colosses du Moyen Empire "ramessisés" (Paris A 21, Le Caire CG 1197, JE 45975 et 45976). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 85-110.

969. WATSON (Wilfred G. E.). Ugaritic onomastics. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 335-358.

984. COSTA (Salvador). KB 316 scene of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, an iconographic exception. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 9-15.

970. WESTSTEIJN (Johan). Wine, women and revenge in near eastern historiography: The tales of Tomyris, Judith, Zenobia and Jalila. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 91–107. 971. World (The) of Palmyra. Ed. by Andreas KROPP, Rubina RAJA. København, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2016, 246 p. (Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica. 4,6. Palmyrene Studies, 1). 972. ZAHRNT (Michael). Alexander in Kleinasien und die feldzugbegleitende Propaganda. Hermes, 2016, 144, p. 18-42. § 3. Egypt. ______________________

973. BASSIR (Hussein). On the so-called transmission of Schriftkultur in the self-presentations of Payeftjauemawyneith. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2016, 102, p. 41-53. 974. BETRÒ (Marilina). La più antica menzione delle Colonne d'Ercole? Il testo sui Ba occidentali nella tomba di Ramses VI in Egitto. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 99-104.

985. COUSSEMENT (Sandra). "Because I am Greek". Polyonymy as an expression of ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt. Leuven, Peeters Publishers, 2016, XIX-429 p. (Studia Hellenistica, 55). 986. CRUZ-URIBE (Eugene). The demotic graffiti from the temple of Isis on Philae Island. Atlanta, Lockwood Press, 2016, XVI-321 p. (Material and visual culture of ancient Egypt, 3). 987. DARNELL (John C.). The rituals of love in ancient Egypt. Festival songs of the eighteenth dynasty and the Ramesside love poetry. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 22-61. 988. DILS (Peter), POPKO (Lutz). Zwischen Philologie und Lexikographie des ägyptisch-Koptischen. Akten der Leipziger Abschlusstagung des Akademienprojekts "Altägyptisches Wörterbuch". Stuttgart u. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 2016, p. 220. (Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig- Philologischhistorische Klasse, 84). 989. DOBREV (Vassil), LAVILLE (Diane), ONÉZIME (Olivier). Nouvelle découverte à Tabbet el-Guech



(Saqqâra-sud). Deux tombes de prêtres égyptiens de la VIe dynastie. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 111-144. 990. DONNAT (Sylvie). Le papyrus hiérat. 69 de la BNU de Strasbourg. Un billet contre la chaleur-séref. Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 1-31. 991. ELLIOTT (Colin P.). The Antonine plague, climate change and local violence in Roman Egypt. Past & present, 2016, 231, p. 3-31. 992. EL-SHAL (Omaïma). La stèle d'Ioutjéni et les liturgies processionnelles de la fin du Moyen Empire (CGC 20476, GEM 4439). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 455-470.

1005. LICITRA (Nadia). Une plaque en alliage cuivreux aux noms du premier prophète Menkhéperrê et du prêtre Horemakhbit. Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 3353. 1006. LIPPERT (Sandra L.). Varia demotica d'Hermonthis. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 231-264. 1007. LUISELLI (Maria Michela), DORN (Andreas). Carry along divine protection as a gift. The exceptional case of O. Birmingham 1969W71. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2016, 102, p. 97-109.

993. EMERIT (Sibylle). Le chant du harpiste: une porte ouverte sur l'au-delà? Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 153-178.

1008. MARTINET (Émilie). La structure administrative du 14e nome de Haute Égypte et le développement de l'administration supra-provinciale sous la VIe dynastie. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 299-324.

994. EVANS (Linda), WOODS (Alexandra). Further evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2016, 102, p. 55-72.

1009. MERLINA BORTOLANI (Ljuba). Magical hymns from Roman Egypt. A study of Greek and Egyptian traditions of divinity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, XXI-467 p.

995. FOX (Michael V.). Rereading the song of songs and the ancient Egyptian love songs thirty years later. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 8-21.

1010. MIZRACHY (Yosef). Hatshepsut at Serabit elKhadim. Historical implications of documented finds from the archives of the Tel Aviv university expedition. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 165-187.

996. GIDDI (Lisa). The survey of Memphis, IX: Kom Rabi'a. The objects from the late middle Kingdom installations (levels VI–VIII). London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2016 p. 295. (Excavation memoir, 115). 997. Greco-Egyptian interactions. Literature, translation, and culture, 500 BCE–300 CE. Ed. by Ian RUTHERFORD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, XIII-393 p. 998. HAGEN (Fredrik), RYHOLT (Kim). The antiquities trade in Egypt 1880-1930. The H.O. Lange papers. Copenhagen, Det Komgelige Videnskabernes Selskab, 2016, 335 p. (Scientia Danica, Series H, Humanistica 4, 8). 999. HARPER (Kyle). People, plagues, and prices in the Roman world: the evidence from Egypt. Journal of economic history, 2016, 76, 3, p. 803-839. 1000. HASSAN (Khaled). Some 18th Dynasty Hieratic Ostraca from Deir el-Bahri. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 179230. 1001. IMHAUSEN (Annette). Mathematics in ancient Egypt. A contextual history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2016, 248 p. (ill., tab.). 1002. JANSEN-WINKELN (Karl). Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der 21. Dynastie. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2016, 102, p. 73-96. 1003. KEYSER (Paul T.). Venus and Mercury in the grand procession of Ptolemy II. Historia, 2016, 65, p. 3152. 1004. KILANI (Marwan). A new tree name in Egyptian: r-b-r-n = "juniper" in the tale of Wenamun. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 43-52.

1011. MUHS (Brian). The ancient Egyptian economy. 3000–30 BCE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2016, X-394 p. 1012. MÜLLER (Matthias). Among the priests of Elephantine Island. Elephantine Island seen from Egyptian sources. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 213-243. 1013. NEUMANN (Mathias). (El) Šadday – A Plea for an Egyptian derivation of the god and its name. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 244-263. 1014. OLETTE-PELLETIER (Jean-Guillaume). Sur la réunion de deux fragments d'une stèle de la fin du Moyen Empire (Bodmer 20 et Rouen AEg. 348). Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 55-75. 1015. PELEGRIN (Jacques), ANDREU-LANOË (Guillemette), PARISELLE (Christine). La production des ostraca en calcaire dans la nécropole thébaine. Étude préliminaire. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 325-352. 1016. PERDU (Olivier). Un témoignage inédit sur un grand dignitaire saïte. Le précepteur Horirâa. Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 77-139. 1017. POLIS (Stéphane), RAZANAJAO (Vincent). Ancient Egyptian texts in context. Towards a conceptual data model (the thot data model — tdm). Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2016, 59, p. 24-41. 1018. POWER (Ronika K.), TRISTANT (Yann). From refuse to rebirth: repositioning the pot burial in the Egyptian archaeological record. Antiquity, 2016, 90, p. 1474-1488.

§ 4. Mesopotamia 1019. QUACK (Joachim Friedrich). Where once was love, love is no more? Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 62-89. 1020. SAMBIN-NIVET (Chantal), CARLOTTI (JeanFrançois). Trois autres portes des premiers Ptolémées à Médamoud. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 373-454. 1021. SAMBIN-NIVET (Chantal). Une Ouabet de Philadelphe à Médamoud. Essai d'interprétation de l'arrièretemple. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 353-372. 1022. Sapientia Felicitas, Festschrift für Günter Vittmann zum 29. Februar 2016. Hrsg. v. Sandra L. LIPPERT, Maren SCHENTULEIT und Martin A. STADLER. Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry, 2016, p. 548. (CENiM, 14). 1023. SPENCER (Patricia). Amara West, III. The scenes and texts of the Ramesside temple. Ed. by Aidan DODSON. London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2016, 250 p. (Excavation memoir, 114). 1024. STARING (Nico). The tomb of Ptahemwia, "great overseer of cattle" and "overseer of the treasury of the Ramesseum", at Saqqara. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2016, 102, p. 145-170.


1033. BONECHI (Marco). A passive and therefore prized, Bride. New Proposals for the Queen's Wedding in the Ebla Royal Rituals. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 53-78. 1034. BRENIQUET (Catherine). Que savons-nous exactement du kaunakès mésopotamien? Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 1-22. 1035. CAMPBELL (Dennis). Hurrian šug=am ("to unite") and its context in Ch. S. I/1 41. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 339-347. 1036. CECCHINI (Serena Maria). Osservazioni sugli avori assirizzanti di Nimrud. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 51-60. 1037. CRISOSTOMO (C. Jay). Multilingualism and formulations of scholarship. The Rosen vocabulary. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 22-32. 1038. DE BOER (Rients). From the Yaḫrūrum Šaplûm archives. The administration of harvest labor undertaken by soldiers from Uruk and Malgium. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 138-174. 1039. DE MARTINO (Stefano). The tablets of the Itkalzi ritual. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 202-212.

1025. STAUDER (Andréas). L'origine du pronom sujet néo-égyptien (twi, twk, sw, etc.). Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 141-155.

1040. DE RIDDER (Jacob Jan), ZOMER (Elyze). The middle Assyrian letter order VS 1, 105 (VAT 5385). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 38-44.

1026. STRASSI (Silvia). P. Tebt. Pad. inv. 173: alcune lettere dell'alfabeto greco a Tebtynis. In: Mille volti (I) del passato [cf. no 577], p. 791-796.

1041. DONBAZ (Veysel). Middle Assyrian texts from Assur at the Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi in Istambul. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, X-102 p. (74 pl.). (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, 146. Keilschriftexte aus mittelassyrischer, 11).

1027. THOMA (Marianna). Women's role in domestic economy of Roman Egypt. The contribution of the Gnomon of Idios Logos (BGU V 1210). In: Material sides (The) of marriage. Women and domestic economies in Antiquity [cf. no 1177], p. 145-152. 1028. UGGETTI (Lorenzo). The God Djeme. Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 157-177. 1029. ULJAS (Sami). On Adjunct Clause Positioning in Earlier Egyptian. Revue d'égyptologie, 2016, 67, p. 179-197. 1030. VALBELLE (Dominique). Où et comment les Égyptiens ont-ils commémoré leurs campagnes militaires contre Kerma? Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2016, 115, p. 471-486. 1031. WOJCIECHOWSKA (Agnieszka). From Amyrtaeus to Ptolemy. Egypt in the Fourth Century B.C. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, 172 p. (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 97). § 4. Mesopotamia. ______________________

1032. BENATI (Giacomo), LECOMPTE (Camille). From field cards to cuneiform archives. Two inscribed artifacts from archaic Ur and their archaeological context. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 1-15.

1042. DUBOVSKÝ (Peter). Assyrians under the walls of Jerusalem and the confinement of Padi. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 109-126. 1043. FINCKE (Jeanette C.), OSSENDRIJVER (Mathieu). BM 46550 – a late Babylonian mathematical tablet with computations of reciprocal numbers. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 185-197. 1044. GODDEERIS (Anne). The old Babylonian legal and administrative texts in the Hilprecht Collection Jena. With a contribution by Ursula SEIDL. Part 1. Texts, seal impressions, studies. Part 2. Indexes, bibliography, plates. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, XIV-VIII-542 p. (146 ill.). (Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection of Babylonian Antiquities im Eigentum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 10). 1045. GORDIN (Shai). The cult and clergy of Ea in Babylon. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 177–201. – IDEM. The Illil-mukīn-apli Dossier: a case study from the Murašû Archive in the context of taxation. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 37-55. 1046. GRUBER (Martin), ROAF (Michael). Alternative interpretations of the early Mesopotamian building



plan on RTC 145. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 35-52. 1047. HADDAD (Lanah), MANN (Sarah Nina). The Assyrian empire as a board game in Arabic and Kurdish. Using strategy board games to connect the Iraqi people with their heritage. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 208-210. 1048. HUSSEIN (Muzahim Mahmoud). Nimrud. The Queens' tombs. Translated and ed. by Mark ALTAWEEL and Gibson MCGUIRE. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2016, XXVI-186 p. (218 pl.). 1049. MÁRQUEZ ROWE (Ignacio). Two middle Babylonian Atra-ḫasīs tablets from Babylon. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 57-70. 1050. MEYER-LAURIN (Vera). Zur phonologischen Rekonstruktion von "Schin" ('Š')im frühen Akkadisch (sargonische bis altbabylonische Zeit). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 77-146. 1051. MIGLUS (Peter A.). Ein Felsrelief in der Schlucht Darband-i Ramkan nahe Rania und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 91-99. 1052. MILLER (Naomi F.), JONES (Philip), PITTMAN (Holly). Sign and image. Representations of plants on the Warka vase of early Mesopotamia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 53-74. 1053. MONTERO FENOLLÓS (Juan Luis), SANJURJOSÁNCHEZ (Jorge). Nuevas investigaciones sobre la cerámica de Uruk en el Medio Éufrates sirio: los cuencos con borde biselado o "bevelled rim bowls": resultados preliminares. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 293-311.

1061. QAYSĪ (Muḥammad Fahd). Tārīkh Bilād mā Bayna al-Nahrayn: al-tahjīr al-qasrī mundhu al-alf althālith qabla al-mīlād ḥattá al-alf al-thālith baʻdah. (History of Mesopotamia: forced displacement since the third millennium BC to the third millennium). Dimashq, Tammūz lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2016, 272 p. (ill.). 1062. RENDU LOISEL (Anne-Caroline). When gods speak to men. Reading house, street and divination from sound in ancient Mesopotamia (1st millenium bc). Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 291-309. 1063. ROCHBERG (Francesca). Before nature. Cuneiform knowledge and the history of science. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016, 392 p. 1064. RUTZ (Matthew). Anti-witchcraft prescriptions from Ḫattuša and Nippur. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 42-61. 1065. SAPORETTI (Claudio). Qualche pensiero sulla discesa di Ištar agli Inferi. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 31-42. 1066. SAZONOV (Vladimir). Die Assyrischen Königstitel und -Epitheta, SAAS 25. Winona Lake, The NeoAssyrian Text Corpus Project, 2016, XIII-137 p. 1067. THAVAPALAN (Shiyanthi), STENGER (Jens), SNOW (Carol). Color and meaning in ancient Mesopotamia. The case of Egyptian blue. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 198-214. 1068. VAN DE MIEROOP (Marc). Philosophy before Greeks. The pursuit of truth in ancient Babylonia. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2016, 312 p.


1069. WEE (John Z.). A late Babylonian astral commentary on Marduk's address to the demons. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 127-167.

1055. NADALI (Davide), POLCARO (Andrea). The early stages of the Sumerian city at Tell Zurghul. New results from recent excavations. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2016, 39, p. 75-100.

1070. WERNER (Peter). Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016, XI-185 p. (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen OrientGesellschaft. 145. Ausgrabungen der Deutschen OrientGesellschaft in Assur. Baudenkmäler aus assyrischer Zeit, 15).

1054. NADALI (Davide), POLCARO (Andrea), VERDE(Lorenzo). New inscriptions of Gudea from Tell Surghul/Niĝin, Iraq. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 16-21.

1056. OUYANG (Xiaoli). The mixture of sexagesimal place value and metrological notations on the Ur III Girsu tablet BM 19027. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 23-41. 1057. OWEN (David I.). Garšana Notes. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 23-34. 1058. OZAKI (Tohru). On the calendar of Urusaĝrig. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 127-137. 1059. PETERSON (Jeremiah). UET 6/1, 74, the hymnic introduction of a Sumerian letter-prayer to Ninšubur. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 33-41. 1060. PIC (Marielle). Les Assyriens au musée du Louvre ou à la Bibliothèque impériale? Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 89-106.

1071. WISNOM (Laura Selena). Bringing Assyria to the stage. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 203-207. 1072. ZIEGLER (Nele). Aqba-Hammu et le début du mythe d'Atram-hasis. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 107-126. 1073. ZILBERG (Peter), HOROWITZ (Wayne). A medico-magical text from the Otago tablets, Dunedin, New Zealand. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 175-184. § 5. Hittites. ______________________

1074. BARSACCHI (Francesco G.). KBo 20.64. A Hittite invocation ritual mentioning the thunder. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 1-16.

§ 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world


1075. CAJNKO (Mojca). "I took you up, Ḫukkana, the lowly dog...". Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 17-37. – EADEM. Akkadographic analytic case markers in Hittite. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2016, 106, p. 215-231.

1089. DUNSETH (Zachary C.), JUNGE (Andrea), FUCHS (Markus), FINKELSTEIN (Israel), SHAHACKGROSS (Ruth). Geoarchaeological investigation at the intermediate Bronze Age Negev highlands site of Mashabe Sade. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 43-75.

1076. CORDANI (Violetta). The development of the Hittite iron industry. A reappraisal of the written sources. Die Welt des Orients, 2016, 46, p. 162-176.

1090. DVORJETSKI (Estēe). From Ugarit to Madaba. Philological and historical functions of the marzēaḥ. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 17-39.

1077. KUDRINSKI (Maksim), YAKUBOVICH (Ilya). Sumerograms and akkadograms in Hittite. Ideograms, logograms, allograms or heterograms? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 53-66.

1091. EIN MOR (Daniel), RON (Zvi). 'Ain Joweizeh. An Iron Age royal rock-cut spring system in the Naḥal Refa'im valley, near Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 127-146.

1078. MORRIS (O.). Indigenous networks, hierarchies of connectivity and early colonisation in Iron Age Campania. In: Conceptualising early colonisation [cf. no 629], p. 137-148.

1092. ELAYI (Josette). L'impact de la guerre navale sur l'économie des cités phéniciennes. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 73-80.

1079. TORRI (Giulia). The Goldsmith Zuzu(l)li and the find-spots of the inventory texts from Ḫattuša. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2016, 43, p. 147-156. § 5. Addendum 2015. 1080. YAMAMOTO (Hajime). The Hittites concept of treaty and engagement: A study of išhiya- 'to bind' and hamenk- 'to tie'. Orient, 2015, 57, 2, 2015, p. 2-15. Cf. no 22 § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. ______________________

1081. AMADASI GUZZO (Maria Giulia). Note su un'iscrizione fenicia da Kharayeb. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 81-98. 1082. AUBET (María Eugenia). Las estelas de Tiro en su contexto arqueológico. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 67-72. 1083. BARTOLONI (Piero). Una brocca fenicia e la cronologia di Sulky. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 241-252. 1084. BERNARDINI (Paolo). Maschere e teste tra Sulci e Monte Sirai. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 253262. 1085. BONETTO (Jacopo). Vecchie e nuove conoscenze per lo studio delle necropoli fenicie e puniche di Nora. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 263-274. 1086. CAVALIERE (Paola), PIACENTINI (Danila). Iscrizioni didascaliche e esplicative nel mondo punico. Il progetto Scrittura su argilla e ceramica nell'ambito del sacro. In: Instrumenta inscripta VI [cf. no 1717], p. 177-186. 1087. CZAJKOWSKI (Kimberly). Justice in client kingdoms. The many trials of Herod's sons. Historia, 2016, 65, p. 473-496. 1088. DE SIMONE (Rossana). Instrumenta inscripta: documenti epigrafici fenici e punici. In: Instrumenta inscripta VI [cf. no 1717], p. 187-204.

1093. ELITZUR LEIMAN (Rivka), LEIBNER (Uzi). An amulet from Khirbet Wadi Ḥamam. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 220-231. 1094. ELIYAHU-BEHAR (Adi), SHAI (Itzhaq), REGEV (Lior), BEN-SHLOMO (David), ALBAZ (Shira), MAEIR (Aren M.), GREENFIELD (Haskel J.). Early Bronze Age pottery covered with lime-plaster. Technological observations. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 27-42. 1095. FABIANI (Fabio), GUALANDI (Maria Letizia). Usi e riusi a Nora: da vani di servizio a vani residenziali nell'isolato sulla via del porto. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 289-294. 1096. FANTAR (M'hamed Hassine). Les institutions puniques après la chute de Carthage. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 167-174. 1097. FERNÁNDEZ (Jordi H.), LÓPEZ-GRANDE (María José), VELÁZQUEZ (Francisca), COSTA (Benjamí), MEZQUIDA (Ana). Un escarabeo procedente del poblado de Sa Morisca (Santa Ponça, Mallorca). Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 351-370. 1098. FRENDO (Anthony J.). Burning Issues. Mlk revisited. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 347364. 1099. FREUD (Liora). A note on sixth-century BCE Phoenician chalice-shaped vessels from Judah. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 177-187. 1100. FRUMIN (Suembikya I.), TCHEKHANOVETS (Yana). Plant imprints on pottery reveal fig tree in Hellenistic Jerusalem. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 188-201. 1101. GALILI (Ehud), YAROSHEVICH (Alla), ROSEN (Baruch), GETZOV (Nimrod), ORRELLE (Estelle), MILEVSKI (Ianir), KOLSKA HORWITZ (Liora). Figurative representations from Neveh Yam and other sites in Israel. Markers of the late Neolithic/early Chalcolithic South levant cultures. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 129-150. 1102. GARBINI (Giovanni). Appunti di epigrafia fenicio-punica. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 109-114.



1103. GEIGER (Joseph). The Bar-Kokhba revolt: the Greek point of view. Historia, 2016, 65, p. 497-519.

their polities. Society and Biblical Literature, 2016, 886 p. (Archaelogy and biblical studies, 13).

1104. GIANNATTASIO (Bianca Maria). Bracieri e thymiateria dal pozzo dell'area C di Nora. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 275-288.

1119. LICHTENBERGER (Achim). Terrakotten aus Beit Nattif. Eine Untersuchung zur religiösen Alltagspraxis im spätantiken Judäa. Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, XII-298 p. (Contextualizing the Sacred, 7).

1105. GIGLIO CERNIGLIA (Rossella). Mozia 2015: novità dalle ricerche archeologiche nel territorio, valorizzazione del tofet, nuovo allestimento e sostegno antisismico della statua del "giovane". Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 201-218. 1106. GONZÁLEZ PRATS (Alfredo). Cerámicas de procedencia centro-mediterránea en la colonia fenicia de La Fonteta. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 319-328. 1107. GUBEL (Eric), BOSCHLOOS (Vanessa). Sous les étoiles de Thot. Le dieu lunaire dans l'art phénicien. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 87-98. 1108. HALLVARD KORSVOLL (Nils), INGEBORG LIED (Liv). Enoch and Baruch. Unusual suspects in a Syriac amulet. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2016, 75, p. 349360. 1109. HARDY (Humphrey H., II). Whence come direct object markers in Northwest Semitic? Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 299-318. 1110. HECKL (Raik). Neuanfang und Kontinuität in Jerusalem. Studien zu den hermeneutischen Strategien im Esra-Nehemia-Buch. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 417 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 104).

1120. LIPIŃSKI (Edward). Rereading the inscriptions of the "throne of Astarte" and the Sidonian obelisk. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 319-325. – IDEM. Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics IV. Leuven, París a. Bristol, Peeters, 2016, 286 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 250). 1121. LOPEZ CASTRO (José Luis), FERJAOUI (Ahmed), FERRER ALBELDA (Eduardo), PARDO BARRIONUEVO (Carmen Ana), JERBANIA (Imed Bem), ROMO (Victoria Peña). Edificios monumentales fenicio-púnicos en Útica. Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 265-292. 1122. LOPEZ CASTRO (José Luis), FERJAOUI (Ahmed), MEDEROS MARTIN (Alfredo), MARTINEZ HAHNMÜLLER (Víctor), JERBANIA (Imed Bem). La colonización fenicia inicial en el Mediterráneo Central: nuevas excavaciones arqueológicas en Utica (Túnez). Trabajos de prehistoria, 73, 2016, p. 68-89. 1123. MACINTOSH (A.A.). The meaning of Hebrew formula. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 365-387. 1124. MANFREDI (Lorenza Ilia). Le miniere, la metallurgia e il sacro nel Nord Africa fenicio-punico. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 175-186.

1111. HENSHKE (Yehudit). The orthography of rabbinic texts. The case of the vowel [i] in MS Cambridge of the Mishnah. Revue des études Juives, 2016, 175, p. 225-249.

1125. MARÍN CEBALLOS (María Cruz), BELÉN (María), JIMÉNEZ FLORES (Ana María). El "gesto del velo" en terracotas votivas de es Culleram (Ibiza). Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 339-350.

1112. ISRAEL (Felice). Materiali su Moloch II: il viaggio di Moloch nel Mediterraneo, come, quando e perché. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 115-128.

1126. MAZUZ (Haggai). The Midrashic sources of Sa'īd b. Ḥasan. Revue des études Juives, 2016, 175, p. 6781.

1113. KLEIMAN (Assaf), KAPLAN (Adam), FINKELSTEIN (Israel). Building 338 at Megiddo. New evidence from the field. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 161-176. 1114. KLEIN (Eitan), SHAI (Itzhaq). Burial caves from the late Bronze and Iron Ages at Horvat Lavnin in the Judean Shephelah. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 221-238. 1115. KNAUF (Ernst Axel), GUILLAUME (Philippe). A history of biblical Israel. The fate of the tribes and kingdoms from Merenptah to Bar Kochba. Sheffield a. Bristol, Equinox, 2016, 266 p. 1116. KOCH (Ido). Notes on three South Canaanite sites in the el-Amarna correspondence. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 91-98. 1117. LANCIA (Sara). Alcune riflessioni sulle più antiche testimonianze dai santuari fenici in Andalusia. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 329-338. 1118. LAWSON YOUNGER (K. Jr.). A political history of the Arameans. From their origins to the end of

1127. MOR (Uri), PAT-EL (Na'ama). The development of predicates with prepositional subjects in Hebrew. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 327-346. 1128. NA'AMAN (Nadav). Arpad and Aram: Reflection of a Dimorphic Society in the Sefîre Treaty. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2016, 110, p. 79-88. – IDEM. The lmlk seal impressions reconsidered. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 111-125. 1129. NERIYA-COHEN (Nava). Rashbam's understanding of the carpe diem passages in Qoheleth. Revue des études Juives, 2016, 175, p. 27-46. 1130. OLIVA (J.). Gabba and kali-Ma in the Akkadian Alalakh IV texts. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 1-15. 1131. ORNAN (Tallay). Sketches and final works of art. The drawings and wall paintings of Kuntillet 'Ajrud revisited. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 3-26. 1132. PARK (Grace J.). Stand-alone nominalizations formed with ' ăšer and kî in biblical Hebrew. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 41-65.

§ 7. Iran 1133. QUICK (Laura). "To hear and to accept". A word-pair in the Tell Fakhariyah bilingual inscription. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 413-429. 1134. REVELL (E.J.). Terminal markers in the Masoretic text. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 6784. 1135. RUIZ MATA (Diego). Las ciudades fenicias del Castillo de Doña Blanca y Cádiz durante el siglo VIII a.C. Mi visión actual según los datos recientes arqueológicos. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 305-318. 1136. RUSSELL (Stephen C.). The syntax of the legal metaphor in Hosea 2:4. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 389-402. 1137. SADER (Hélène). A Phoenician "incense altar" from Tell el-Burak, Lebanon. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 61-66. 1138. SALES (Frederick M.), GRASSI (Giulia F.). L´aramaico antico. Storia, grammatica, testi comparati. Udine, Forum, 2016, 296 p. 1139. SAMET (Inbal), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf). Patterns of pottery usage in middle Bronze Age Canaanite Palaces. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 76-90. 1140. SINGER-AVITZ (Lily). Khirbet Qeiyafa. Late Iron Age I in spite of it all – once again. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 232-244. 1141. SPATAFORA (Francesca). Identità di genere nella necropoli punica di Palermo: indicatori archeologici e dati antropologici. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 187-200. 1142. SURIANO (Matthew J.). Wine shipments to Samaria from royal vineyards. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 99110. 1143. TIRABASSI (Livia). Il "colle di Tanit". Per una lettura delle evidenze strutturali della Nora fenicia e punica. Rivista di studi fenici, 2016, 44, p. 295-304. 1144. TROPPER (Amram). Rewriting ancient Jewish history. The history of the Jews in Roman times and the new historical method. London, Routledge, 2016, VIII-220 p. (Routledge studies in ancient history, 10). 1145. VAINSTUB (Daniel), BEN-SHLOMO (David). A Hebrew seal and an ostracon from Tel Hebron. Israel exploration journal, 2016, 66, p. 151-160.


tectonic and ceramic sequence from southern Phoenicia. Tel Aviv, 2016, 43, p. 188-220. 1150. ZEWI (Tamar). Proper nouns in the samaritan version of Saadya Gaon's translation of the Pentateuch. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 139-155. § 7. Iran. _______________________

1151. BIONDI (Ennio). Mégabyze de Zopyros et le roi Artoxerxès Ier. Klio, 2016, 98, p. 139-157. 1152. CHARLES (Michael B.), ANAGNOSTOU-LAOU(Eva). Athenaeus, Clearchus and the dress of the Persian apple bearers. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 149164.


1153. CHARLES (Michael B.). The Achaemenid Chiliarch par excellence. Commander of guard infantry, cavalry or both? Historia, 2016, 65, p. 392-412. 1154. FARJAMIRAD (Mahdokht). Funerary objects from a Sasanian burial jar on the Bushehr peninsula. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 301-311. 1155. KAIM (Barbara). New evidence of Zoroastrian iconography of the late Parthian period. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 201-213. 1156. KHATCHADOURIAN (Lori). Imperial matter. Ancient Persia and the archaeology of empires. Oakland, University of California Press, 2016, XXXVIII288 p. 1157. MINARDI (Michele). The hellenistic Chorasmian ketos of Akchakhan-Kala. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 165-200. 1158. NEELY (James A.). Parthian and Sasanian settlement patterns on the Deh Luran Plain, Khuzistan province, Southwestern Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 235-300. 1159. OLBRYCHT (Marek Jan). Vologases I, Pakoros II and Artabanos III. Coins and Parthian history. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 215-233. 1160. OVERTOOM (Nikolaus Leo). The power-transition crisis of the 240s BCE and the creation of the Parthian state. International history review, 2016, 38, 5, p. 984-1013.

1146. WALLER (Daniel James). The fabulist's art. Some brief remarks on Solomon's lions (1 kings 10:18– 20) with a minor reception history. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 403-411.

1161. Parthian (The) and Early Sasanian empires. Adaptation and expansion. Ed. by Vesta SARKHOSH CURTIS, Elizabeth J. PENDLETON, Michael ALRAM and Touraj DARYAEE. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2016, X-132 p. (Archaelogical monographs, V).

1147. WEBB (Peter). Imagining the Arabs: Arab identity and the rise of Islam. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2016, IX-403 p.

1162. PIRART (Eric). La composition de l'Introduction du Zaraθušt Nāmag (Dk 7.0). Aula Orientalis, 2016, 34, p. 313-324.

1148. WEINSTEIN (Joshua I.). Between polis and imperium. The early rabbinic concept of Mĕdînâ. Journal of Semitic studies, 2016, 61, p. 431-448.

1163. ROUGEMONT (Georges). Que sait-on d'Antioche de Perside? Studi ellenistici, 2016, 30, p. 197-216.

1149. YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), PRESS (Michael D.), ARIE (Eran). Rethinking Tel Achziv. An Iron II archi-

1164. SAMUELS (J. Troy). A camel driver in the Achaemenid Persian empire. Social network analysis of a non‐elite professional and the Persepolis fortifica-



tion archive. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2016, 59, p. 1-23.

of Esfarayen, Northeastern Iran, 2012. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 85-101.

1165. SOLEIMANI (Nader A.), SHAFIEE (Mojgan), ESKANDARI (Nasir), SALEHI (Hekmatollah M. Khaje Askar). A 4th millennium BC cemetery in Bam, Southeastern Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 57-84.

1168. VIDALE (Massimo), SIDOTI (Giancarlo). Green, Yellow and Blue: a rare vessel from south-eastern Iran, 3rd Millennium BC. [With a watercolour by Silvia TINAZo ZO]. In: Mille volti (I) del passato [cf. n 577], p. 10491062.

1166. TAVERNIER (Jan). Elamite suku-. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 141-147. 1167. VAHDATI (Ali A.). A preliminary report on the first season of excavation at Jayran Tepe in the plain

1169. WEBER (Ursula). Hormezd II., König der Könige von Ērān und Anērān. Iranica antiqua, 2016, 51, p. 313-360.


§ 1. Classical world in general. 1170-1185. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1186-1218. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1219-1287. – § 4. General and political history. 1288-1340. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1341-1355. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1356-1393. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1394-1531. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1532-1568. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1569-1652. § 1. Classical world in general. ______________________

1170. BERG (Ria). Introduction. Oeconomicus: women, marriage and economy in the Ancient world. In: Material sides (The) of marriage. Women and domestic economies in Antiquity [cf. no 1177], p. 47-62. 1171. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Statuto del corpo e annuncio di salvezza: prolegomeni. Studi ellenistici, 2016, 30, p. 259-290. 1172. Civil war in Ancient Greece and Rome: contexts of disintegration and reintegration. Ed. by Henning BÖRM, Marco MATTHEIS and Johannes WIENAND. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 437 p. (Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, 58). [Cf. nos 1806, 1808, 1809, 1813, 1839, 2441.] 1173. Disability in antiquity. Ed. by Christian LAES. Abington, Routledge, 2016, XVI-490 p. (Rewriting antiquity). 1174. Elite und Krise in antiken Gesellschaften / Élites et crises dans les sociétés antiques. Hrsg. v. Lennart GILHAUS, Stephanie KIRSCH, Isabelle MOSSONG, Franziska REICH, Sebastian WIRZ. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016, 182 p. (Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, 5). [Cf. no 1824.] 1175. Emotion and persuasion in classical antiquity. Ed. by Ed SANDERS and Matthew JOHNCOCK. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2016, 321 p. (Ancient history). 1176. Hope, joy and affection in the classical world. Ed. by Ruth R. CASTON and Robert A. KASTER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2016, XII-282 p. (Emotions of the past). 1177. Material sides (The) of marriage. Women and domestic economies in Antiquity. Ed. by Ria BERG. Roma, Quasar, 2016, 258 p. (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 43). [Cf. nos 1027, 1170, 1347, 1364, 1377, 1389, 1591, 1596, 1602, 1623, 1686, 1721,

1888, 1901, 1909, 1911, 1923, 1925, 1933, 1935, 1955.] 1178. MEISTER (Klaus). Der Hellenismus. Kulturund Geistesgeschichte. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2016, VI292 p. 1179. New worlds from old texts: revisiting ancient space and place. Ed. by Elton T. E. BARKER, Stefan BOUZAROVSKI, C. B. R. PELLING and Leif ISAKSEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2016, 400 p. 1180. Popular medicine in Graeco-Roman antiquity: explorations. Ed. by William V. HARRIS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2016, XV-319 p. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 42). [Cf. nos