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English Pages 439 [440] Year 2006
VOLUME LXXI 2002 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori w i t h the c o n t r i b u t i o n of a n u m b e r of s c h o l a r s , under the a u s p i c e s of t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m i t t e e of Historical S c i e n c e s
MÜNCHEN 2 0 0 7
The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 - 61) was edited by Michel F r a n c i s and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glenisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 - 1992) on behalf o f the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.
© Printed on acid-free paper / Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier © 2007 by Κ. G Saur Verlag, München An Imprint of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG Printed in Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher / Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Erlaubnis des Verlags ist unzulässig Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printed and Bound by Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach ISSN 0074-2015 1SBN-13: 978-3-598-20434-0 · ISBN-10: 3-598-20434-5
General editor Massimo ΜASTROGREGORI, Universitä di Roma "La Sapienza" Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome t Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow t Wieslaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk Läszlo BIRO, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Academia Belgica, Rome Luciano CANFORA, Universitä di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library Jean GLENISSON, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Universitä di Roma "La Sapienza" Vilem PRECAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris t Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Abdeljellil TEMIMI, Fondation Temimi, Tunis §erban TURCU$, Universitä "Babe$-Bolyai", Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIC, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDIYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Kira E. AGEEVA, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora (Portuguese historiography) Vassili Ν. BABENKO, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Historiography) f Wieslaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) Läszlo BIRO, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) Vera Β RENO V A, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations)
Laura DE GIORGI, Universitä di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Ekaterina V. GORBUNOVA, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Biezqcej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Libby KAHANE, The Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Historiography of Israel) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Mauro LENZI, Societä Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Universite Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Universitä di Roma "La Sapienza" (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIC, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Marco SANTUCCI, Universitä di Roma "La Sapienza" (Ancient history) Evgeny E. SAVITSKI, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Alzbeta SEDLIAKOVA, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) A. SLIVA, Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Moskva (Russian historiography) Natale SPINETO, Universitä di Torino (History of religions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Universitä di Roma "La Sapienza" (Ancient history) §erban TURCU§, Universitä "Babe§-Bolyai", Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Samuel B. VOLFSON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Alec VUIJLSTEKE, Academia Belgica, Rome (Belgian historiography) Galina A. YANKOVSKAYA, Perm State University, Perm (Russian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDIYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Universite de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Universitä di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Universitä di Lecce
Pietro VANNICELLI, Universitä di Urbino Andre VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant
Michele VOLLARO, Rome
FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. Β. Ο. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. Β. Ο. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. Β. Ο. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. Β. Ο. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.
Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. Β. Ο. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. Ο. Β. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXI, 2002 mentions the works published with the date: 2002. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance c, c, s, s are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, 0, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies ..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, Μ § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4 , 1 § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. Β. Ο. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.
A AUXILIARY SCIENCES (p. 1-12) § 1. Palaeography. 1-25. - § 2. Diplomatics. 26-34. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 35-155. - § 4. Chronology. 156-160. - § 5. Genealogy and family history. 161-183. - § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 184-200. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 201-213 - § 8. Linguistics. 214-234. - § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 235-271. - § 10. Iconography and images. 272-279.
MANUALS, GENERAL WORKS AND WORKS ON LARGE PERIODS (p. 13-45) § 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 280-355. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 356-586. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 587-649. - § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 650-700. - § 5. General history. 701-759. - § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 760-798. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 799-822. - § 8. Economic and social history. 823839. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 840-876. - § 10. History of art. 877-910. - § 1 1 . History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 911-1034. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1035-1054. - § 13. History of literature. 1055-1105.
c PREHISTORY (p. 47-52) § 1. General. 1106-1131.-§ 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 1132-1181.-§ 3. Neolithic. 1182-1210.-§ 4. Bronze age. 1211-1237.-§ 5. Iron age. 1238-1249.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states (p. 53-60)
§ 1. General. 1250-1264.-§ 2. The Near East. 1265-1311.-§ 3. Egypt. 1312-1359.-§ 4. Mesopotamia. 1360-1421. § 5. Hittites. 1422-1428. - § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1429-1458. - § 7. Iran. 1459-1476.
GREEK HISTORY (p. 61-74) § 1. Classical world in general. 1477-1508. - § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1509-1523. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1524-1548. - § 4. General and political history. 1549-1584. § 5. History of law and institutions. 1585-1602. - § 6. Economic and social history. 1603-1630. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1631-1785. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 1786-1799. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1800-1864.
F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE (P- 75-91) § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1865-1875. - § 2. The Etruscans. 1876-1887. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources, (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1888-1935. - § 4. General and political history. 1936-2014. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 2015-2052. - § 6. Economic and social history. 2053-2112. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2113-2216. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 2217-2240. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2241-2289. - § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2290-2310.
G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT (p. 93-98) § 1. Sources. 2311-2357. - § 2. General. 2358-2366. - § 3. Special studies. 2367-2460. - § 4. Hagiography. 2461-2466.
BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 99-103) § 1. Sources. 2467-2501. - § 2. General. 2502-2521. - § 3. Special studies. 2522-2592.
HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES (p. 105-147) § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2593-2688. - § 2. General works. 2689-2734. - § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476-900; c. 900-1300; d. 1300-1500). 2735-2823. - § 4. Jews. 2824-2844. - § 5. Islam. 2845-2873. - § 6. Vikings. 2874-2892. - § 7. History of law and institutions. 2893-2938. § 8. Economic and social history. 2939-3032. - § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology ; d. Education). 3033-3326. - § 10. History of art. 3327-3370. - § 1 1 . History of music. 3371-3381. - § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3382-3453. - § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3454-3604. - § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3605-3632.
MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS (p. 149-199) § 1. General. 3633-3757. - § 2. History by countries. 3758-4912.
L MODERN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (p. 201-214) § 1. General. 4913-4958. - § 2. Roman Catholicism {a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4959-5106. - § 3. Orthodox Church. 5107-5120. - § 4. Protestantism. 5121-5211. - § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 5212-5241.
HISTORY OF MODERN CULTURE (p. 215-254) § 1. General. 5242-5453. - § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 5454-5518. - § 3. Education. 5519-5572. - § 4. The Press. 5573-5618. - § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5619-5667. - § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5668-5766. - § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5767-5944. - § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5945-6037. - § 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting. 6038-6164.
MODERN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY (p. 255-277) § 1. General. 6165-6214. - § 2. Political economy. 6215-6242. - § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 62436312. - § 4. Trade. 6313-6333. - § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 6334-6374. - § 6. Money and finance. 6375-6428. - § 7. Demography and urban history. 6429-6481. - § 8. Social history. 6482-6644. - § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6645-6703.
MODERN LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY (p. 279-286) § 1. General. 6704-6743. - § 2. History of constitutional law. 6744-6766. - § 3. Public law and institutions. 67676814. - § 4. Civil and penal law. 6815-6870. - § 5. International law. 6871-6873.
HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (p. 287-323) § 1. General. 6874-6938. - § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6939-7102. - § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500-1648; c. 1648-1789). 71037166. - § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7167-7183. - § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7184-7250. - § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7251-7332. - § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7333-7531. - § 8. From 1945. 7532-7749.
R ASIA (p. 325-332) § 1. General. 7750-7751. - § 2. Western and central Asia. 7752-7756. - § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 77577760. - § 4. China. 7761-7898. - § 5. Japan (before 1868). 7899-7934. - § 6. Korea. 7935-7938.
s AFRICA (esp.
to its colonization) (p. 333)
Nos 7939-7944.
to its colonization) (p. 335)
Nos 7945-7958.
u OCEANIA (esp.
N';" 7959-7967.
to its colonization) (p. 337)
I. [Austria], Bibliographie zur oberösterreichischen Geschichte, 1996-2000. Herausgegeben vom Oberösterreichischen Landesarchiv. Bearb. von Johannes WUNSCHHEIM. Linz, Oberösterreichischen Landesverlag, 2002, 630 p. (Ergänzungsbamd zu den Mitteilungen des Oberösterreichischen Landesarchivs, 11). - Österreichische historische Bibliographie. Austrian historical bibliography 2000. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2001, η 0 /.]. Hrsg ν. Günther HÖDL und Wolfdieter BlHL. Graz, Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio, 2002,677 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Belgie 2000. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° //.]. Ed. par Romain VAN EENOO, Jean BOVESSE [et al.]. Revue Beige de philologie et d'histoire - Belgisch Tijdschrifl voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2002, 80, 2*, [s. p.]. III. [Czechoslovak Republik], Bibliografie dejin Ceskych zemi za rok 1997. (The bibliography of the history of the Czech Lands for the year 1997). [1996. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° III.] Ed. Väclava HORCÄKOVÄ, Jana MAKESOVÄ, Kristina RF.XOVÄ, Libor SlMEK. Praha, Historicky ustav AV CR, 2002, 512 p. (Präce HU AV CR. Rada D - Bibliographie, 11). IV. [Denmark]. Fra tid til anden: historiske og historiografiske afhandlinger. (Les theses d'histoire et d'historiographie au Danemark). Red. par Helge GAMRATH. Aalborg, Historiestudiet, Aalborgs universitet, 2002, 383 p. (ill.). V. [Finland], ANTIN (Kirsti). Finländsk historisk litteratur 2000 i bibliografiskt urval. (La litterature historique de la Finlande. Une selection bibliographique. 2000). [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2001, nc /V.] Historisk tidskriftför Finland, 2002, 82, p. 112-142. VI. [France], Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du Ve siecle ä 1958. Vol. 47. Annee 2001. [Vol. 46. 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° V.] Redigde par Martine SONNET, Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KERIVEN et Claude GHIATI. Paris, E d . d u C . N . R . S., 2 0 0 2 , 1 3 4 4 p .
VII. [Germany], Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2001 [2000. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° VI.] Hrsg. von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2002, 1094 p. - Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 53. Jahrgang 2001. Mit Nachträgen. [52. Jahrgang 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° VI.] Hrsg. von der Berlin-Brandeburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2002, LXVII-1532 p. VIII. [Great Britain], Annual bibliography of British and Irish history. Publications of 2001. [2000. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° VII.] Ed. by Austin GEE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, 694 p. - Annual bulletin of historical literature, 2002, 86, VII-261 p. [2001. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° VII.] - Research on British history in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1998-2000: an annotated bibliography. Edited by Regina PÖRTNER. London, German Historical Institute, 2002, 191 p. - Royal Historical Society bibliography of British and Irish history. Edited by Austin GEE. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2002, Cd-rom. IX. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografia internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia intemazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXVI, 1997 [Vol. LXV, 1996. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° VIII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with the contribution of a number of scholars. München, Κ. G. Saur, 2002, XVIII-397 p. X. [Mexico]. Bibliografia historica mexicana. Publ. Anual del Centra de estudios historicos, Collegio de Mexico. Vol. 32 [Vol. 31. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° X.] Mexico, Collegio de Mexico, 2002, [s. p.], X I . [ N e t h e r l a n d s ] V A N DER PLAAT ( G . N . ) , DE KEUNING ( M . ) , VAN HERWIJNEN ( G . ) , VAN VLIET ( C . ) . K r o n i e k .
Lijst van de voornaamste in 2001 versehenen boeken en artikelen op het terrein van de Nederlandse geschiedenis. [2000. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° XI.] Den Haag, Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, 2002, [s. p.], ΧΠ. [Norway], Norsk bokfortegnelse. (The Norwegian National Bibliography. Historical works published in Norway, 2002) [2001. Cf. Bibl. 2001, η0 XII.] Oslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket, 2002, [s. p.], ΧΠΙ. [Slowakia], SEDLIAKOVÄ (Alzbeta). Slovenskä historiografia 2000. Vyberova bibliografia. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° XIII.] (Historiography in Slovakia. Selected Bibliography). Historicky casopis, 2002, 50,4, p. 699-754.
XIV. [Spain], Indice historico espanol. Publication semestral del centro de estudios historicos internacionales. Ed. p o r P e r e MOLAS RIBALTA y R o s a ORTEGA CANADELL. V o l . 3 8 , η . 113, A n o 2 0 0 1 . [ V o l . 3 7 , 2 0 0 0 . C f . B i b l . 2 0 0 1 ,
n° XIV.} Barcelona, Publicacions de la Universität de Barcelona, 2002, 464 p. Cf. nas 3913, 4535, 4536
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-25. - § 2. Diplomatics. 26-34. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 35155. - § 4. Chronology. 156-160. - § 5. Genealogy and family history. 161-183. - § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 184-200. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 201-213.- § 8. Linguistics. 214-234. - § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 235-271. - § 10. Iconography and images. 272-279.
§ 1. Palaeography.
7. BRAZHNIKOV (M.V.). Russkaia pevcheskaia paleografiia. Sankt-Peterburg, SPbGK, 2002, 260 p.
* 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. A cura della scuola di specializzazione per Conservatori di beni archivistici librari della civilta medievale. Universita di Cassino. Vol. 10. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990, raccolti da) 1° luglio 2001 al 30 giugno 2002. [Vol. 9. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° 1.] Roma, Viella, 2002, 240 p.
8. Corpus epistularum Latinarum papyris tabulis ostracis servatarum (CEL). V. 3. Collegit, commentario instruxit Paulus CUGUSI. Firenze, Gonnelli, 2002, XI261 p. (Papyrologica Florentina).
* 2. Bulletin codicologique, publie par le Centre International de Codicologie. [2001. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° 2.] Scriptorium, 2002, 56, [s. p.]. * 3. PALMA (Marco). Bibliografia degli scritti di Armando Petrucci. Roma, Viella, 2002, 111 p. (I libri di Viella, 32). ** 4. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series. Ninth century. Part 60. Italy ΧΧΧΠ. Verona II. Edited by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAI; published by Francesca SANTONl. Part 61. Italy XXXIII. Siena I. Edited by Guglielm o CAVALLO a n d G i o v a n n a NLCOLAJ; p u b l i s h e d by
Vincenzo MATERA. Part 72. Italy XLIV. Lucca I. Edited by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NlCOLAJ; published by Clelia GATTAGRISI. Zürich, Graf, 2002, 3 vol., 148 p., 136 p., 160 p. ** 5. Lingvisticheskoe istochnikovedenie i istoriia russkogo iazyka 2001: sbornik statei. Otvetstvennye redaktory A . M . MOLDOVAN, V. S. GOLYSHENKO.
Moskva, Drevlekhranilishche, 2002, 276 p. 6. Asupot ketavim Tvriyim mi-Yeme-ha-Benayim. "Arakh Mal'akhi BET-ARYEH be-hishtatfut "Ednah ENGEL, 'Adah YARDENI. Yerushalayim, ha-Akademyah ha-le'umit ha-Yisre'elit le-mada~im, 2002, [s. p.]. (Kitve ha-Akademyah ha-le'umit ha-Yisre'elit le-mada~im).
9. DOGAN (Ismail). Dogu Avru pa'daki Göktürk (Runik) isaretli yazitlar. Ankara, Türk Dil Kurumu, 2002, X-259 p. (Türk Dil Kurumu yayinlari, 798. Göktürk (Runik) yazili beige, yazit va anitlari albümü projesi, 2). 10. DZHUROVA (Aksinia). Ukrasata na Vatikanskiia kirilski palimpsest Vat. gr. 2502. (Enluminure du palimpseste cyrillique du Vatican: Vat. gr. 2502). Sofiia, Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2002, 306 p. (Monumenta Slavico-Byzantina et Mediaevalia Europensia, 16). 11. KRÜGER (Kristina). Archäologische Zeugnisse zum mittelalterlichen Buch- und Schriftwesen nordwärts der Mittelgebirge. Bonn, Habelt, 2002, XIII-273 p. (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 91). 12. LAWSON (Eleanor). Studies in the dialect and palaeographical materials of the medieval West Country. Ph. D. thesis submitted to the Department of English Language. Glasgow, University of Glasgow Press, 2002, 588 p. 1 CDRom. 13. Libri, documenti, epigrafi medievali: possibilitä di studi comparativi. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio dell'Associazione italiana dei paleografi e diplomatisti, Bari (2-5 ottobre 2000), edizione a cura di Francesco MAGISTRALE, Corinna DRAGO e Paolo FiORETTI. Spoleto, Centra italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2002, XIV-713 p. (Studi e ricerche, 2). 14. MARCHAND ( V a l e r e - M a r i e ) . L e s alphabets d e
l'oubli: signes and savoirs perdus. Paris, Ed. Alternatives, 2002, 158 p. (Ecritures).
15. MUNBY (Lionel), HOBBS (Steve), CROSBY (Alan).
Reading Tudor and Stuart handwriting. Alphabet drawn by Philip JUDGE. Chichester, British Association for Local History, 2002, 56 p. 16. PALUMBO (Giovanni). Un nuovo manoscritto de Les Trais Fils de Rois e alcune riflessioni su David Aubert copista. Medioevo Romanzo, 2002, 26, 2, p. 161-217. 17. PETRUCCI (Armando). Prima lezione di paleografia. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2002, VIII-137 p. (Universale Laterza, 811). 18. SCHMID (Anne). Roms karolingische Minuskel im neunten Jahrhundert. Hamburg, Kovac, 2002, VI-183 p. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Mittelalters, 15). 19. Script and seal use on Cyprus in the Bronze and Iron age. Ed. by Joanna S. SMITH. Boston, Archaeological Institute of America, 2002, XV-248 p. (Colloquia and conference papers, 4). 20. Segni: per Armando Petrucci. A cura di Luisa MLGLLO e Paola SUPINO. Roma, Bagatto, 2002, 295 p. 21. SEMKOWICZ (Wladyslaw). Paleografia lacinska. (Lateinische Paläographie). Zweite Ausgabe. Poprawione. Krakow, TWiAPN "Universitas", 2002, 541 p. 22. Splitter aus der Gegend von Turfan: Festschrift für Peter Zieme anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags. Hrsg. von Mehmet ÖLMEZ und Simone-Christiane RASCHMANN. Istanbul, M. Ölmez, 2002, 417 p. (Türk dilleri arastirmalari dizisi, 35). 23. STONE (Michael E.), KOUYMJIAN (Dickran), LEH-
MANN (Henning). Album of Armenian paleography. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2002, 544 p. 24. Talking to the text: marginalia from papyri to print, proceedings of a conference held at Erice, 26 September-3 October 1998, as the 12th course of International School for the Study of Written Records. Edited by Vincenzo FERA, Giacomo FERRAU and Silvia RIZZO. Messina, Centra interdipartimentale di studi umanistici, 2002, 2 vol., XII-VI-1054 p. (ill.). (Percorsi dei classici, 4-5). 25. THOMPSON (Edward Maunde). An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography. Oxford a. Chicago, Oxbow Books and Powell's, 2002, XVI-600 p. Cf. nos 69, 292, 2593-2688 § 2. Diplomatics. 26. BLATTMANN (Marita). Prolegomena zur Untersuchung mittelalterlicher Protokollaufzeichnungen. Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2002, 36, p. 413-432. 27. Vacat. 28. CHASTANG (Pierre). Lire, ecrire, transcrire: le travail des redacteurs de cartulaires en Bas-Languedoc, XI-XIII e siecles. Paris, CTHS, 2002, 459 p. (CTHS histoire, 2).
29. ERTL (Thomas). Studien zum Kanzlei- und Urkundenwesen Kaiser Heinrichs VI. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2002, 189 p. (Denkschriften - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 303). 30. Ny väg tili medeltidsbreven: frän ett medeltidssymposion i svenska Riksarkivet 26-28 nov. 1999. (Nouvelles approches de diplomatique medievale. Actes du colloque tenu aux Archives nationales suedoises les 26-28 novembre 1999). Red. par Roger ANDERSSON, Kerstin ABUKHANFUSA et Claes GEJROT. Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2002, 443 p. (ill.). (Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet, 18). 31. PEQUIGNOT (Stdphane). Enregistrer, ordonner et contröler: les documents diplomatiques dans les Registra secreta de Jacques II d'Aragon. Anuario de estudios medievales, 2002, 32, 1, p. 431-479. 32. Publication (De la). Entre Renaissance et Lumieres. Ed. par Christian JOUHAUD et Alain VIALA. Paris, Fayard, 2002, 368 p. 33. STRAUCH (Ingo). Die Lekhapaddhati-Lekhapancasika: Briefe und Urkunden im mittelalterlichen Gujarat. Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Glossar (SanskritDeutsch-Englisch). Berlin, Reimer, 2002, 526 p. (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, 16). 34. Svenskt diplomatarium. Bd 10. Η 3. 1374 juli1375 (Diplomatarium suecanum. Tome 10, fascicule 3. Juillet 1374-1375). Ed. par Claes GEJROT. Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2002, 205 p. Cf. n0> 288, 858, 2593-2688 § 3. History of the book. a. Manuscripts 35. ABELLAN PEREZ (Juan). Libreros, encuadernadores y guamecedores de libros en la Sevilla de los Reyes Catolicos. Anuario de estudios medievales, 2002, 32, 1, p. 401-414. 36. ALEXANDER (Jonathan J.G.). Studies in Italian manuscript illumination. London, Pindar, 2002, V-422 p. 37. ARNALL Ι JUAN (M. Josepa). EL llibre manuscrit. Barcelona, Servei de Llengua catalana de la Universität de Barcelona, 2002, 337 p. (ill.). (Diccionaris d'especialitat, 4). 38. BECEDAS (Margarita). Tesoros de la antigua librerfa de la Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2002, 68 p. (Historia de la universidad, 67). 39. BLAMIRES
Romance of the Rose illuminated. Manuscript at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2002, XXXVII-137 p. 40. Cambridge (The) Genizah collections: their contents and significance. Edited by Stefan C. REIF, with
the assistance of Shulamit REIF. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2002, XIV-239 p. (Cambridge University Library Genizah series, 1). 41. CARLQUIST (Jonas). Handskriften som historiskt vittne: fornsvenska samlingshandskrifter: miljö och funktion. Stockholm, Sällskapet Runica et Mediaevalia, 2002, 156 p. (Runica et mediEEvalia. Opuscula, 6). 4 2 . CAVALLO (Guglielmo). Dalla parte del libro: storie di trasmissione dei classici. Urbino, Quattro venti, 2 0 0 2 , 3 1 5 p. (Ludus philologiae, 1 0 ) . 4 3 . CLARK (James G . ) . Thomas Walsingham reconsidered: books and learning at late-medieval St. Albans. Speculum, 2002, 77, 3, p. 832-860.
44. Collection (A) of papers: Proceedings from the June 2000 conference celebrating the installation and opening of the Bernard C. Middleton collection of books on the history and practice of bookbinding. Includes reproductions of covers of Morgan mss. M.569, M.570, M.573, M.574, M.603, M.633 and of photographs from the Morgan Library Archives. Rochester, Melbert B. Cary, jr.-Graphics Arts Collection-Wallace Library-Rochester Institute of Technology, 2002,103 p. 4 5 . DENNISON (Lynda), ORR (Michael T . ) , SCOTT (Kathleen L.). An index of images in english manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c. 1380-c. 1509: the Bodleian Library, Oxford 3: MSS e MusaeoWood. London-Turnhout, Brepols, 2 0 0 2 , 1 4 1 p.
46. Dizionario illustrato della legatura. Edizione a cura di Federico MACCHI e Livio MACCHI in collaborazione con Milena ALESSI, introduzione di Michel WITTOCK, prefazione di Piccarda QUILICI ALESSIANI. Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2002, XXIX-617 p. 47. FEES (Irmgard). Eine Stadt lernt schreiben. Venedig vom 10. bis 12. Jahrhundert. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2002, XI-437 p. (Bibliothek des DHI in Rom, 103). 48. Fragmenta ne pereant: recupero e studio dei frammenti di manoscritti medievali e rinascimentali riutilizzati in legature. Α cura di Mauro PERANI e Cesarino RUINI. Ravenna, Longo, 2002, 266 p. (Le tessere, 4). 49. Goldene Bulle (Die). König Wenzels Handschrift. Codex Vindobonensis 338 der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Kommentar v. Armin WOLF. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 2002, 127 p. (Glanzlichter der Buchkunst, 11). 50. GULLATH (Brigitte). Ottheinrichs deutsche Bibel: der Beginn einer grossen Büchersammlung (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Ausstellung 22. März-18. Mai 2002; Staatliche Bibliothek Neuburg an der Donau, Ausstellung in der Städtischen Galerie im Rathausfletz, 24. März-20. Mai 2002). München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 2002, 58 p. (Schatzkammer). 51. H Ä N D L (Claudia). II rapporto fra testo e immagine nella tradizione eroica tedesca. I manoscritti e le edizioni a stampa dello "Jüngerer Sigenot". Studi Medievali, 2002,43, 1, p. 165-202.
52. H A N N A (Ralph). A descriptive catalogue of the Western Medieval Manuscripts of St. Jonh's College, Oxford. Using materials collected by the late Jeremy GRIFFITHS, with photographs by Christopher PHILLIPS. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2002, XXXIV371 p. 53. HÄSE (Angelika). Mittelalterliche Bücherverzeichnisse aus Kloster Lorsch: Einleitung, Edition und Kommentar. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2002, 417 p. (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 42). 54. HERMANS (Jos M.M.), PASTOOR (Aline). De Oudheid in handen: Klassieke handschriften in de Provinsjale en Buma Biblioteek fan Fryslän. Photography by Erik and Petra HERSMERG. Leeuwarden, Provinsjale en Buma Biblioteek fan Fryslän, 2002, 127 p. 55. Images du savoir: une bibliothdque medievale i n s p i r e des lumieres. 23 septembre-25 octobre 2002, Bibliotheque interuniversitaire de Montpellier, Section Medecine. Paris, FFCB, 2002, 111 p. (Mois du patrimoine ecrit). 56. JUROT (Romain), GAMPER (Rudolf). Katalog der Handschriften der Abtei Pfafers im Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2002, 128 p. 57. KHORIKHIN (Vjacheslav V,). Rukopisnye teksty Domostroja XVI-XVIII vv.: Istorija izdanija i izuchenija. (The 16lh and 17th -century manuscripts of Domostroi [the Russian lö^-century rule for households]: a history of their publication and study). Sergiev Posad, Sergievo-Posadskij gumanit. in-t., 2002, 247 p. (bibl. incl.). (Habent sua fata libelli). 58. KWAKKEL (Erik). Die dietsche boeke die ons toebehoeren: de kartuizers van Herne en de productie van Middelnederlandse handschriften in de regio Brüssel (1350-1400). Leuven, Peeters, 2002, X-316 p. (Miscellanea neerlandica, 27). 59. MANIACI (Marilena). Archeologia del manoscritto: metodi, problemi, bibliografia recente. Roma, Viella, 2002, 292 p. (Libri di Viella, 34). - EADEM. Costruzione e gestione della pagina nel manoscritto bizantino. Cassino, Ed. dell'Universita degli studi di Cassino, 2002, 366 p. (Studi). 60. Manuscripts and their makers in the English Renaissance. Papers from the 2 nd annual conference held in June 2001. Edited by Peter B E A L and Grace LOPPOLO. London, British Library, 2002, 247 p. (ill.). (English manuscripts studies, 1100-1700, 11). 61. MAUGER (Michel). Bretagne chatoyante: Enluminures et histoire. Rennes, Apogee, 2002, 111 p. 62. Medieval (The) and renaissance manuscripts in the Grey Collection of the National Library of South Africa, Cape Town. 1. Manuscripts 2.a.l6 - 3.C.25. 2. Manuscripts 3.d.30 - 48.b.4-5. Edited by Carol STEYN. Salzburg, Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2002, XV-244 VII-220 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 180).
63. Moyen (Le) Äge en lumiere: manuscrits enlumines des bibliotheques de France. Sous la direction de Jacques DALARUN, par Francois BOESPFLUG [et al.], en
collaboration avec Jean-Baptiste LEBIGUE [et al.]. Paris, Fayard, 2002, 397 p. 1 CD-Rom. 64. OLSON (Mary C.). Fair and varied forms: visual textuality in medieval illuminated manuscripts. New York, Routledge, 2002, XXV-232 p. (Studies in medieval history and culture, 15). 65. RUIZ GÄRCIA (Elisa). Introduction a la codicologia. Madrid, Fundacion German Sanchez Ruiperez, 2002,447 p. (Biblioteca del libra). 66. SANDGREN (Eva Lindqvist). The book of hours of Johannete Ravenelle and Parisian book illumination around 1400. Uppsala, Uppsala University Library, 2002, 167 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Figura, nova ser. 28). 67. SCOTT (Kathleen L.). Dated and datable English manuscript borders, c.1395-1499. London, British Library in association with the Bibliographical Society, 2002, 132 p. 68. SLRAT (Colette). Hebrew manuscripts of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2002,232 p. 69. Svodnyj katalog slavjano-russkikh rukopisnykh knig, khranjashchikhsja ν Rossii, stranakh SNG i Baltii. XIV vek. (Catalogue of Slavonic and Russian manuscripts in the libraries of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The 14th century). Vol. 1. Apokalipsis - Letopis' Lavrent'evskaja. With addenda and corrigenda to the catalogue of the manuscripts of the 1 Ι^-Π" 1 centuries. Ed. Anatolij A. TURILOV. RAN, In-t
slavjanovedenija, Arkheograficheskaja komissija. Moskva, Indrik, 2002, 766 p. (ind. p. 668-766). 70. THAKER (Jayant P.). Manuscriptology and text criticism. General editor, Mukund Lalji WADEKAR. Vadodara, Oriental Institute, 2002, XV-244 p. 71. WILLIAMS (John). The Illustrated Beatus: a corpus of the illustrations of the commentary on the Apocalypse. 4. The eleventh and twelfth centuries. London a. Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, 356 p. 72. WLLLLMAN (Daniel), CORSANO (Karen). Early provenances of Latin manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Vaticani latini and Borghesiani. Cittä del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2002, XIX-173 p. (Studi e testi, 405). 73. YARJDENI (Ada). The book of Hebrew script: history, palaeography, script styles, calligraphy and design. London, British Library a. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 2002, IX-355 p. Cf. nm 69, 76, 316, 323, 858, 3149, 6240 b. Printed books * 74. Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries. (ABHB). Vol. 29. [Vol. 28. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 83.] Ed. by the Department of spezial
collections of Koninklijke bibliotheek. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 2002, 698 p. - Bibliographie der Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte (BBB). Vol. 20. 2000. [Vol. 19. 1999. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° 110.] Hrsg. v. Horst MEYER. Bad Iburg, Bibliographischer Verlag Dr. Horst Meyer, 2002, [s. p.]. * 75. Bibliografia da historia do livro em Portugal: seculos XV a XIX. A cura do Paula GONGALVES [et al.], coordenagao do projecto do Diogo Ramada CURTO. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 2002, 213 p. * 76.
bibliografija ν Rossii XVIII-XX vv. Peterburgskij period. (State bibliography in Russia. Saint-Petersburg period). Vol. 1. 1710-June 1907. Vol. 2. July 1907-June 1920. Ros. gos. biblioteka. Moskva, Pashkov dom, 2002, 2 vol., 222 p., 149 p. (fig.; bibl. p. 189-217, 127-144). ** 77. Avtory, izdateli, knigoprodavtsy: mezhdunarodnye akty, soglasheniia, deklaratsii: sbornik normativnykh i rekomendatel'nykh dokumentov dlia rabotnikov bibliotek, izdatel'stv i knigotorgovykh organizatsii. S o s t a v i t e l i V . V . GRIGOR'EV, E . I . KUZ'MIN, V . R . FLR-
SOV; otvetstvennyi redaktor O.R. BORODIN. Moskva, Libereia, 2002, 302 p. ** 78. Otrechennoe chtenie ν Rossii XVII-XVIII vekov. (The forbidden reading in Russia in the 17th— 18th centuries: [Texts]). Eds. Andrej L. TOPORKOV, Anatolij A. TURILOV. Moskva, Indrik, 2002, 583 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 553-571). (Traditsionnaja dukhovnaja kul'tura slavjan). 79. ADRYSIAK (Ewa). Ruch bibliofilski w Kaliszu. Historia i wspoiczesnosc. (Die Bewegung der Bücherliebhaber in Kalisz. Geschichte und Gegenwart). Kalisz, Kaliskie Tow. Przyj. Nauk, 2002, 229 p. 80. Adventurers all: tales of Blackwellians of books, bookmen, and reading and writing folk. Compiled and retold by Rita RlCKETTS. Oxford, Blackwell, 2002, XVII-327 p. 81. ANSELMO (Artur). Livros e mentalidades. Lisboa, Guimaräes, 2002, 191 p. 82. Arte della legatura a Brera: storie di libri e biblioteche, secoli XV e XVI. Milano, Biblioteca nazionale Braidense, 18 April-22 June, 2002. Catalogo a cura di Federico MACCHI, introduzione di Giorgio MONTECCHI, saggi di Christian COPPENS, Angela Nuovo, JeanEudes GLROT, Franca ALLOATTI e Guido MURA. Cre-
mona, Linograf, 2002, XIII-246 p. 83. Association internationale de bibliophilie: ΧΧΓ congres, Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, 1999. Actes et communications edites par Anthony HOBSON. Madrid, Ed. EI viso pour l'Association internationale de bibliophilie, 2002, 109 p. 84. Autor al (Del) lector: libros y libreros en la historia. Coordinadora Carmen CASTANEDA, con la e l a boration de Myrna CORTES. Mexico, Centra de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social
(CIESAS), Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT) y M. A. Pornia, 2002, 473 p. (Sociedades, historias, lenguajes).
NIETO. Alcalä de Henares, Universidad de Alcali, Centro Intemacional de Estudios Historicos Cisneros, 2002, 256 p.
85. BARBIER (Frederic). Lumieres du nord: imprimeurs, libraires et "gens du livre" dans le nord au XVIII6 siecle (1701-1789); dictionnaire prosopographique. Avec la collaboration de Sabine JURAT1C et de Michel VANGHELUWE. Geneve, Droz, 2002, 350 p. (Histoire et civilisation du livre, 25).
99. Colloquium capensis 2002: the catalogues and papers of the colloquium of the Association internationale de bibliophilie. Colloquium (2002, Cape Town). Edited by Andrew LAMPRECHT for the Society of Bibliophiles in Cape Town. Cape Town, The Association, 2002, 193 p.
86. BARJAU (Santi Rico), PASCUET (Victor Oliva). Barcelona, art i aventura del llibre: la impremta Oliva de Vilanova. Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2002, 471 p.
100. Ecrivain (L') editeur. Volume realise sous la direction scientifique de Frangois BESSIRE. V. 2. XIX e et XX e siecles. Boulogne, Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Littiraire et Geneve, Droz, 2002, 42 p. (ill.). (Travaux de litterature, 15).
87. BARTH (Susanne). Mädchenlektüren: Lesediskurse im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2002,312 p. 88. BECARES BOTAS (Vicente). Avance para una guia del mundo del libro salmantino del siglo XVI. Zamora, V. B'ecares Botas, 2002, 147 p. 89. Book (The) history reader. Edited by David FlNKELSTEIN and Alistair MAC CLEERY. N e w York a.
London, Routledge, 2002, X-390 p. 90. Book (The). Edited by Suzanne EBEL and Kevin MILLER. Edinburgh, The Scottish Centre for the Book a. Napier University, 2002, 1 CD-Rom. 91. Books and bibliography: essays in commemoration of Don McKenzie. Ed. by John THOMSON. Wellington, Victoria U. P., 2002, 216 p.
101. Estudos sobre historia do livro e da leitura em Portugal 1995-2000. Ed. Paula GONQALVES, Dulce FIGUEIREDO, coordena?ao
apresenta^äo Fernanda Maria Guedes de CAMPOS. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 2002, 31 p. (Bibliografias BN).
102. Exilio espanol (El) y el mundo de los libros. Edition por Armida GONZALEZ DE LA VERA y Alvaro MATUTE. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2002, 242 p. 103. FAHY (Conor). Two centres of production: Genoa and Toscolano. Studying sixteenth-century paper; Largepaper copies of Aldine editions, 1500-1550. [S. I.], C. Fahy, 2002, 67 p. (Sandars lectures, 2).
92. BROOMHALL (Susan). Women and the book trade in sixteenth-century France. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2002, VIII-282 p. (Women and gender in the early modern world).
104. FINKELSTEIN (David). The house of Blackwood: author-publisher relations in the Victorian era. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2002, VIII199 p. (Pennsylvania State series in the history of the book).
93. BURIN (E.). Manuscript illumination in Lyons (1473-1530). Turnhout, Brepols a. Cheltenham, European Schoolbooks, 2002, X-470 p.
105. Foreign-language printing in London, 15001900. Edited by Barry TAYLOR. Boston, British Library, 2002, VII-273 p.
94. CALLEGARI (Marco). Dal torchio del tipografo al banco del libraio: stampatori, editori e librai a Padova dal XV al XVIII secolo. Padova, II prato, 2002, 183 p. (Quademi dell'artigianato padovano).
106. Gudrun Zapf von Hesse: bindings, handwritten books, typefaces, examples of lettering and drawings. West New York, Mark Batty, 2002, 224 p.
95. Cambridge (The) history of the book in Britain. Edited by John BARNARD and Donald Francis MAC KENZIE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2002, XXVII891 p. 96. CARPENTER (Kenneth E.). The dissemination of "The wealth of nations" [by Adam Smith] in French and in France, 1776-1843. New York, Biographical society of America, 2002, LXIII-255 p. 97. CHIA (Lucille). Printing for profit: the commercial publishers of Jianyang, Fujian (1 l' h -17 lh centuries). Cambridge a. London, Harvard University Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Institute, 2002, XXI-442 p. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 56). 98. Civitas librorum = La ciudad de los libros: Alcalä de Henares 1502-02. Direction de Santiago AGUADE
107. ΗΕΝΚΕ (Rudolf Maria), WINKLER (Gerhard). Geschichte des Buchhandels in Linz. Linz, Archiv der Stadt Linz, 2002, 319 p. (Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz, 1999/2000). 108. Historia de la cultura escrita: del proximo Oriente antiguo a la sociedad informatizada. Coordinador Antonio CASTILLO G0MEZ. Gijon, Trea, 2002, 460 p. (Biblioteconomia y administration cultural, 58). 109. Holzschnittbücher (Die) des 16. Jahrhunderts: Büchersammlung K. und U. Schulz, eine Ausstellung in der Badischen Landesbibliothek. Ausstellung und Katalog von Ulrich SCHULZ. Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, 2002, 222 p. 110. Jost Amman: book illustrations. Pt. 1-4. Compiled by Gero SEELIG, edited by Giulia BARTRUM and Maijolein LEESBERG. Rotterdam, Sound and Vision,
2002, 4 vol., 268 p., 270 p., 279 p., 276 p. (The New Hollstein German engravings, etchings and woodcuts, 1400-1700).
123. MAMMAH (Richard). The history and prospects of the Nigerian book. Lagos, Mace Books, 2002, VI9 4 p.
111. KENDEROVA (Stoianka). Knigi, biblioteki i chitatelski interesi sred samokovskite miusiulmani: XVIII - purva polovina na XIX vek (Livres, bibliotheques et centres d'interets chez les musulmans de la ville de Samokov). Sofiia, NBKM, 2002, 352 p.
124. MANSI (Maria Gabriella), TRAVAGLIONE (Agnese). La stamperia reale di Napoli, 1748-1860. Presentazione di Mauro GIANCASPRO. Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale di Napoli, 2002, 211 p. (ill.). (Quademi della Biblioteca nazionale di Napoli, 9, 3).
112. LAFAYE (Jacques). Albores de la imprenta: el libro en Espana y Portugal y sus posesiones de ultramar, siglos XV-XVI. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2002, 196 p. (Section de obras de historia).
125. Mestiere (II) di leggere: la narrativa italiana nei pareri di lettura della Mondadori (1950-1971). A cura di Annalisa GlMMl. Milano, II Saggiatore, 2002, 316 p. (Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori).
113. LEHMANN-HAUPT (Hellmut). Peter Schöffer aus Gernsheim und Mainz. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Monika ESTERMANN. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 2002, XXIV-102 p.
126. Miszellen zur Erfurter Buch und Bibliotheksgeschichte: Vorträge vor der Neuen Erfurter Bibliotheksgesellschaft von 1997 bis 2000. Hrsg. von Kathrin PAASCH. Bucha bei Jena, Quartus, 2002, 140 p. (Reihe Palmbaum Texte. Kulturgeschichte, 11).
114. Library-keeper's (A) business. Essays by Roger Ε. STODDARD, selected and edited by Carol Z. ROTHKOPF, preface by Stephen WEISSMAN. New Castle, Oak Knoll, 2002, XVII-480 p. 115. Libros (De), librerias, imprentas y Iectores. Dirigido por Pedro M. CÄTEDRA y Maria Luisa L0PEZVIDRIERO, edition al cuidado de Pablo Andrds ESCAPA. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2002, 537 p. (El libro antiguo espanol, 6). 116. Light on the book trade: essays in honour of Peter Isaac. Edited by Barry MAC KAY, John HINDS and Maureen BELL. New Castle, Oak Knoll a. London, British Library, 2002, XVI-244 p. (Print networks, 6). 117. Lives in print: biography and the book trade from the Middle Ages to the 21s1 century. Ed. by Robin
127. MORET (Xavier). Tiempo de editores: historia de la edition en Espana, 1939-1975. Barcelona, Destino, 2002, 397 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Imago mundi, 19). 128. NAPOLI (Maria Consiglia). Letture proibite: la censura dei libri nel regno di Napoli in etä borbonica. Milano, F. Angeli, 2002, 142 p. (Studi e ricerche di storia dell'editoria, 16). 129. NESHEV (Georgi). Za knigata "Abagar", za avtora i vremeto i: po sluchai 350 godini ot izdavaneto i ν Rim. Sofiia, Slaviansko druzhestvo ν Bulgariia, 2002, 104 p. (Slavianska biblioteka - Slaviansko druzhestvo ν Bulgariia). 130. NOVA (Giuseppe). Stampatori, librai ed editori bresciani in Italia nel Quattrocento. Brescia, Fondazione Civiltä bresciana, 2002, 189 p. (Strumenti di lavoro, 7).
MYERS, M i c h a e l HARRIS a n d G i l e s MANDELBROTE.
New Castle, Oak Knoll Press a. London, British Library, 2002, XIV-208 p. (Publishing pathways). 118. Livre (Le) d'architecture, XV e -XX e siecle: edition, representations et bibliotheques. Sous la direction de Jean-Michel LENIAUD et Beatrice BOUVIER. Paris, Ecole des chartes, 2002, 335 p. (Etudes et rencontres de Γ Ecole des chartes, 11). 119. Livre (Le). Edit par Hubert NYSSEN [et al.]. Toronto, Trintexte, 2002, 278 p. (Texte). 120. LOEWENSTEIN (Joseph). The author's due: printing and the prehistory of copyright. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2002, X-349 p. 121. LUENGO PACHECO (Ricardo). Libros y Iectores en Plasencia (siglos XVI-XVIII). Cäceres, Universidad de Extremadura-Servicio de Publicaciones, 2002, 377 p. (Coleccion Extremos). 122. MAC KENZIE (Donald Francis). Making meaning: "Printers of the mind" and other essays. Ed. by Peter D. MAC DONALD and Michael F. SUAREZ. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2002, X286 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the book).
131. OCIECZEK (Renarda). Studia ο dawnej ksi^zce. (Studien zum Buch der vergangenen Jahrhunderte). Katowice, Gnome, 2002, 182 p. 132. Oü va le livre? Direction de Jean-Yves MOLLIER, contributions de Alban CERISIER [et al.]. Paris, La Dispute, 2002, 349 p. (Etats des lieux). 133. PAISEY (David). Catalogue of German printed books to 1900. London, British Museum Press, 2002, 129 p. 134. PELLEGRINI (Paolo). Pierio Valeriano e la tipografia del Cinquecento: nascita, storia e bibliografia delle opere di un umanista. Udine, Forum, 2002, 191 p. (ill.). (Libri e biblioteche, 11). 135. PERALES OJEDA (Alicia). La cultura bibliogräfica en Mexico. Presentation de Ernesto DE LA TORRE VLLLAR. Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de M e x i c o , 2 0 0 2 , 261 p .
136. Perspectives on American book history: artifacts and commentary. Ed. by Scott E. CASPER, Joanne D. CHAISON and Jeffrey D. GROVES. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, Worcester, American Antiquarian Society a. Washington, Center for the Book of
the Library of Congress, 2002, IX-461 p. + 1 CD-Rom (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 137. PETERSON (BO). Brödrafolk och syskonfejder: förlag och bokhandel i Norden 1750-2000. (Peuples freres et querelies fratricides: iditeurs et libraires en Scandinavie entre 1750 et 2000). Stockholm, Stockholms universitetsbibliotek, Svenska Förläggareföreningen, 2002, 78 p. 138. Printed matters: printing, publishing and urban culture in Europe in the modem period. Edited by Malcolm GEE and Tim KIRK. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2002, XIII-209 p. (Historical urban studies). 139. RAVEN (James). London booksellers and American customers: transatlantic literary community and the Charleston Library Society, 1748-1811. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2002, XXII-522 p. (Carolina lowcountry and the Atlantic world). 140. Rise (The) of the image: essays on the history of the illustrated art book. Edited by Rodney PALMER and Thomas FRANGENBERG. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2002, XII-274 p. (Reinterpreting classicism). 141. ROSTENBERG (Leona), STERN ( M a d e l e i n e B.).
From revolution to revolution: perspectives on publishing and bookselling, 1501-2001. New Castle, Oak Knoll, 2002, I X - 1 8 9 p.
142. ROWELL (Margit), WYE (Deborah). The Russian avant-garde book, 1910-1934. With essays by Jared ASH [et al.]. New York, Museum of Modern Art-Abrams, 2002, 304 p. 143. SATTERFIELD (Jay). The world's best books: taste, culture, and the Modern library. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2002, IX-240 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 144. SCHAD (Petra). Buchbesitz im Herzogtum Württemberg im 18. Jahrhundert: am Beispiel der Amtsstadt Wildberg und des Dorfes Bissingen/Enz. Stuttgart, Thorbecke, 2002, 274 p. (Stuttgarter historische Studien zur Landes- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 1). 145. SCOTTI (Mario), CRISTIANO (Flavia). Storia e bibliografia delle edizioni nazionali. Prefazione di Francesco SICILIA. Milano, Bonnard, 2002, 595 p. 146. SLMECEK (Zdenek). Geschichte des Buchhandels in Tschechien und in der Slowakei. Übersetzt von Armin HETZER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2002, XII225 p. (Geschichte des Buchhandels, 7).
THIERRY [et al.], traductions d e J e a n - L i o n MULLER.
Paris, Musee des arts et metiers et Imprimerie nationale, 2002, 511 p. 149. UPDIKE (Daniel Berkeley). The well-made book: essays and lectures. Edited by William S. PETERSON. West New York, Mark Batty, 2002, XXI-383 p. 150. VAN MELIS (Urban). Die Buchgemeinschaften in der Weimarer Republik: mit einer Fallstudie über die sozialdemokratische Arbeiterbuchgemeinschaft Der Bücherkreis. Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 2002, IX-330 p. (Bibliothek des Buchwesens, 13). 151. VILLAR (Jorge). Las edades del libra: una crönica de la edicion mundial. Madrid, Debate Editorial, 2002, 235 p. (Temas de Debate). 152. WANKA (Danuta). Swiat kaliskiej ksi^zki pod zaborem rosyjskim (1815-1914). (Die Welt des Buches in der Stadt Kalisz im Zeitalter der Herrschaft der russischen Teilungsmacht, 1815-1914). Kalisz, Tow. Przyj. Nauk, 2002, 246 p. 153. WEST (Anthony James). The Shakespeare First Folio: the history of the book. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, XXIX-411 p. 154. WOLKENHAUER (Anja). Zu schwer fur Apoll: die Antike in humanistischen Druckerzeichen des 16. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz in Kommission, 2002, 451 p. (Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, 35). 155. Women's writing and the circulation of ideas: manuscript publication in England, 1550-1880. Ed. by George L. JUSTICE and Nathan TINKER. Cambridge, C a m b r i d g e U . P., 2002, X - 2 4 5 p.
Cf. nm 305-331,
5573-5618 § 4. C h r o n o l o g y .
156. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Tempo delle origini e misurazione del tempo. Quaderni di storia, 2002, 28, 55, p. 55-66. 157. ROMANOVA (Anastasija Α.). Drevnerusskie kalendamo-khronologicheskie istochniki XV-XVII vv. (The Old Russian calendar and chronological documents, c. 1400-c. 1700). Sankt-Peterburgskij gos. un-t, Istor. f-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2002, 430 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 391-424).
147. SLODOWSKA (Elzbieta). Produkcja i rozpowszechnianie wydawnictw w Krolestwie Polskim 18151830. Warszawa, Biblioteka Narodowa, 2002, 290 p. (Z dziejow kultury czytelniczej w Polsce, 15).
158. Tempo sacro e tempo profano: visione laica e visione cristiana del tempo e della storia. A cura di Lietta DE SALVO e Angelo SINDONI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2002, 377 p. (Storia sociale e religiosa della Sicilia e del Mezzogiomo d'ltalia, 3).
148. Trois (Les) revolutions du livre: catalogue de l'exposition du musee des arts et metiers, 8 octobre 2002-Janvier 2003. Musee des arts et metiers, sous la direction de Alain MERCIER, avec des etudes de Frangoise DEMANGE, Beatrice ANDRE-SALVINI, Frar^ois
159. Zeit und Geschichte. Kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Erhard Chvojka, Andreas SCHWARCZ und Klaus THIEN. Wien u. München, Oldenbourg, 2002, 276 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 36).
160. Zeitbegriff: Zeitmessung und Zeitverständnis im städtischen Kontext. Hrsg. v. Willibald KATZINGER im Auftrag des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Stadtgeschichtsforschung. Linz/Donau, Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Stadtgeschichtsforschung, 2002, XVI135 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas, 17). § 5. Genealogy and family history. * 161. Bibliographie des ouvrages gcncalogiqucs au Quebec, 1990-2000. Sous la direction de Marcel FOURNIER et Micheline PERREAULT. Saint-Foy, Federation quebecoise des societes de genealogie, 2002, 348 p. 162. Agorianos no Brasil: historia, memoria, genealogia e historiografia. Organizadora Vera Lucia MACIEL BARROSO; nota introdutoria Alzira SILVA, mensagem do editor Rovflio COSTA. Porto Alegre, EST Edigoes, 2002, 1152 p. 163. Vacat. 164. Bibiena (I): una famiglia in scena: da Bologna all'Europa. A cura di Daniela GALLINGANI. Firenze, Alinea, 2002, 192 p. (ill.). (Saggi e documenti, 188). 165. BRAMSEN (BO). Huset Glücksborg: Europa svigerfader og hans efiterslaegt. (La dynastie Glücksborg: le beau-pere de l'Europe et ses descendants). K0benhavn, Forum, 2002, 524 p. (ill.). 166. BULL (I.). Inheritance in family business: the "Long" merchant family: problems concerning generation change. Scandinavian journal of history, 2002, 27, 4, p. 193-210.
167. DABROWSKI (Dariusz). Rod Romanowiczow ksiqzqt halicko-wolynskich. (Romanovicen, das Fürstengeschlecht von Halitsch-Wolhynien). Poznan, Wroclaw, Wydaw. Hist., 2002, 347 p. (Biblioteka Genealogiczna, 6). 168. Delia Rovere (I). Nell'Italia delle Corti. V. 1. Storia del ducato. A cura di Bonita CLERI [et al.]. V. 2. Luoghi e opere d'arte. A cura di Bonita CLERI [et al.]. V. 3. Cultura e letteratura. A cura di Bonita CLERI [et al.]. V. 4. Arte della maiolica. A cura di Gian Carlo BOJANI. Convegno "I Della Rovere nell'Italia della Corti" (1999: Urbania, Italy). Urbino, QuattroVenti, 2002, 4 vol., 161 p., 287 p., 237 p., 190 p. (ill.). 169. Familia, transmision y perpetuacion: siglos XVI-XIX. Ed. por Antonio IRIGOYEN L0PEZ y Antonio L. PEREZ ORTIZ. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2002, 291 p. (Coleccion Seminario Familia y Elite de Poder, siglos XV-XIX). 170. Family memoirs from Verona and Vicenza (15th—16th centuries). Ed. by James S. GRUBB. Roma, Viella, 2002, 189 p. (Fonti per la storia della terraferma veneta, 17). 171. FORNASARI (Massimo). Famiglia e affari in etä moderna: i Ghelli di Bologna. Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, 225 p. (Percorsi).
172. Genealogie und Genetik: Schnittstellen zwischen Biologie und Kulturgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Sigrid WEIGEL. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2002, 308 p. (ill.). (Einstein Bücher). 173. HECK (Kilian). Genealogie als Monument und Argument: der Beitrag dynastischer Wappen zur politischen Raumbildung der Neuzeit. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2002, 327 p. (ill., maps). (Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 98). 174. Jagiellonen (Die): Kunst und Kultur einer europäischen Dynastie an der Wende zur Neuzeit. Herausgegeben von Dietmar POPP und Robert SUCKALE. Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 2002, 464 p. (Wissenschaftliche Beibände zum Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 21). 175. KERMINA (Frangoise). Les Montmorency: grandeur et diclin. Paris, Perrin, 2002, 306 p. (ill.). 176. LIBERSKI-ΒAGNOUD (Danouta). Les dieux du territoire: penser autrement la genealogie. Paris, CNRS editions, Edition de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2002, 244 p. (ill., maps). (Chemins de l'ethnologie). 177. MORISHITA (Toru). Mibunteki-shüenron no keihu to höhö. (The genealogy and theories on the marginal social status in early modern Japan). Buraku Mondai Kenkyu, 2002, 161, p. 2-17. 178. MORONI (Andrea). Ricordanze, genealogie e identitä storica della famiglia Niccolini di Firenze. Archivio storico italiano, 2002, 160, 592, p. 269-320. 179. O'TOOLE (James Μ.). Passing for white. Race, religion, and the Healy family, 1820-1920. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2002, XII-284 p. 180. Oxford companion (The) to local and family history. Ed. by David HEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, IX-517 p. (Oxford paperback reference). 181. POLS (Robert). Family photographs, 1860-1945. Richmond, Public Record Office, 2002, X-166 p. (ill.). (Public Record Office genealogist's guides). 182. SEVERIDT (Ebba). Familie, Verwandtschaft und Karriere bei den Gonzaga: Struktur und Funktion von Familie und Verwandtschaft bei den Gonzaga und ihren deutsche Verwandten (1444-1519). Leinfelden-Echterdingen, DRW-Verlag, 2002, X-341 p. (Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landeskunde, 45). 183. WOLFERS (Michael). Genealogy and genetic history, 2151 international conference on Jewish genealogy, London, 8-13 July 2001. (Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain). History workshop journal, 2002, 53, p. 279-280. § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. * 184. ADAMS (Alison), RAWLES (Stephen), SAUNDERS (Alison). A bibliography of French emblem books. Vol. 2. Geneve, Droz, 2002, XXII-759 p. (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 362).
185. ALDRIGHETTI (Giorgio). L'araldica e il leone di San Marco: le insegne della Provincia di Venezia. Venezia, Marsilio, 2002, 189 p. (ill.). 186. ANDERSEN (Michael), TEGNER (Goran). Middelalderlige seglstamper i Norden. (Les empreintes medievales de sceaux en Scandinavie). Roskilde, Roskilde Museums Forlag, 2002, 162 p. (ill.). 187. ARBIZZONI (Guido). "Un nodo di parole e di cose": storia e fortuna delle imprese. Roma, Salerno, 2002, 203 p. (ill.). (Studi e saggi, 26). 188. BRUCK-ANGERMUNDT (Jacob von). Emblemata politica. Hildesheim, Olms Verlag, 2002, 224 p. (ill.). (Emblematisches Cabinet). 189. Ceskä panovnicä a stätni symbolika, vyvoj od stredovfiku do soucasnosti = Czech sovereigns' and state's symbols / their evolution from the middle ages up to the present: exhibition of the Central State Archives in Prague. Author: Pavel SEDLÄCEK; editor: Eva GREGOROVICOVA. Praha, Stätni listredni archiv ν Praze, 2002, 149 p. 190. Heraldique (L') et le livre. Avant-propos de Michel PASTOUREAU. Sous la direction de Matthieu DESACHY. Toulouse, Service interetablissements de cooperation documentaire de Toulouse et Paris, Somogy, 2002, 141 p. (ill.). 191. Heraldry, pageantry and social display in medieval England. Ed. by Peter COSS and Maurice KEEN. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2002, X-278 p. 192. Heraldyka i okolice. (Heraldik und Dazugehörendes). Hrsg. v. Andrzej RACHUBA, Slawomir G0RZYNSKI u n d H a l i n a MANIKOWSKA. W a r s z a w a ,
2002, 539 p. 193. HOOD (Susan). Royal roots - Republican inheritance: the survival of the Office of Arms. Dublin, Woodfield Press in association with the National Library of Ireland, 2002, XXVI-285 p. 194. Jornadas de Heräldica Espanola (I, 1997: Almeria, Espana). Heräldica local. Editores: Maria de los
NAVARRO GAMEZ. Almeria, Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, Diputacion de Almeria, 2002, 107 p. (ill.). (Colecciön Actas, 45).
199. MENENDEZ PIDAL DE NAVASCUES ( F a u s t i n o ) .
II messaggio dei sigilli. Cittä del Vaticano, Scuola vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica e archivistica, 2002, 1 2 7 p. 200. PANFIL (Tomasz). Lingua symbolica. Ο pochodzeniu i znaczeniu najstarszych symboli heraldycznych w Polsce. (Lingua symbolica. Über die Herkunft und Bedeutung der ältesten heraldischen Symbole in Polen). Lublin, Red. Wydawnictw KUL, 2002, 344 p. (KUL. Wydz. Nauk. Humanist.).
§ 7. N u m i s m a t i c s a n d m e t r o l o g y . 201. ALDER (Ken). The measure of all things. The seven-year Odyssey and hidden error that transformed the world. New York, Free press, 2002, X-422 p. 202. FENNA (Donald). A dictionary of weights, measures, and units. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2002, X331 p. (Oxford paperback reference). 203. HUANG (Jianhui). Shanxi piaohao shi. (History of the traditional money orders in Shanxi province). Taiyuan, Shanxi jingji chubanshe, 2002, 2, 7, 533 p. 204. ICHIMARU (Tomoko). Gen-dai kahei no Kanbun-Teiryö tan'i no betsu ni tsuite: Kokujö shutsudo oyobi Kishü keiyaku monjo wo chushin to shite. (The distinctive uses of two monetary units, guanwen and dingliang, in Yuan China [1260-1368] as recorded in 'Heicheng chutuwenshu' and 'Huizhou qiyuewenshu'). Shakai-Keizaishi-gaku, 2002, 68, 3, p. 3-24. 205. JEDRZEJEWSKI (Franck). Histoire universelle de la mesure. Paris, Ellipses, 2002, 416 p. (ill.). 206. LESIUK (Wieslaw), KUJAT (Janusz Adam). Pieni£|dz zastgpczy na Sl^sku w latach 1914—1924. (Die Ersatzwährung in Schlesien in den Jahren 1914-1924). Opole, MS, 2002, 239 p. 207. LOHFF (Brigitte), WAHRIG (Bettina), "...über Sekunden lacht man nicht": Über die Folgen der Anwendung von Genauigkeit und Präzision in den Wissenschaft. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2002, 25, 2, p. 71-79.
195. KEEN (Maurice). Origins of the English gentleman: heraldry, chivalry, and gentility in medieval England, c. 1300-c. 1500. Stroud, Tempus, 2002,192 p. (ill.).
208. MUNTEANU (Mihail). Provincia Dacia pe monedele Romei imperiale. (Dacia province on the Roman imperial coins). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mediamira, 2002, 117 p.
196. Königliche Tochterstämme, Königswähler und Kurfürsten. Hrsg. v. Armin WOLF. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2002, VIII-498 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 152).
209. Poids, measures, monnaies et cours du change dans les principales localites de 1'Empire ottoman ä la frn du XIX e siecle. Istanbul, Isis, 2002, 79 p. (Carnets du Bosphore, 7).
197. MAC CARTHY (Michael Francis). Heraldica Collegii Cardinalium: a roll of arms of the College of Cardinals. Vol. 1. 1198-1799 with a supplement. Darlinghurst, Thylacine, 2002, XIV-588 29 p.
The big problem of small change. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2002, XXI-405 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western world).
198. MANNING (John). The emblem. London, Reaktion, 2002, 398 p. (ill.).
211. SCHUPPENER (Georg). Die Dinge fassbar machen: Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der Maßbegriffe im
2 1 0 . SARGENT ( T h o m a s J.), VELDE ( F r a n g o i s R . ) .
Deutschen. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 2002, 516 p. (Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte, 22).
SZILÄGYI et Barnabas LÖRINCZ. Wien, Phoibos Verlag, 2002,210 p.
212. SHALEV (Zur). Measurer of all things: John Greaves (1602-1652), the Great Pyramid, and early modern metrology. Journal of the history of ideas,
224. Person und Name: methodische Probleme bei der Erstellung eines Personennamenbuches des Frühmittelalters. Hrsg. v. Dieter GEUENICH, Wolfgang HAUBRICHS und Jörg JARNUT. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2002, X-319 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 32).
2 0 0 2 , 6 3 , 4 , p. 555-575. 2 1 3 . VEGA MARTIN (Miguel), ΡΕΝΑ M A R ™ (Sal-
vador), FERIA GARCIA (Manuel C.). El mensaje de las monedas almohades: numismätica, traduction y pensamiento islämico. Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2002, 348 p. (ill.). (Escuela de Traductores de Toledo, 10). m
Cf. n
272-279 § 8. Linguistics.
214. AKBAYAR (Nun). Osmanh Yer Adlan Sözlügü. (Dictionnaire des toponymes ottomans). [S. 1.], Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yaymlan, 2002, 262 p. 215. DROIXHE (Daniel). L'etymon des dieux: mythologie gauloise, archeologie et linguistique ä l'äge classique. Geneve, Droz, 2002, 320 p. (ill.). (Titre courant, 21).
2 1 6 . DURAND (Guillaume), LOGOSSAH (Kinvi). Les
noms de familie d'origine africaine: de la population martiniquaise d'ascendance servile. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2002, 354 p. (ill., map). 217. FURRER (Norbert). Die vierzigsprachige Schweiz: Sprachkontakte und Mehrsprachigkeit in der vorindustriellen Gesellschaft (15.-19. Jahrhundert). Zürich, Chronos, 2002, 2 vol., 699 p., 478 p. (ill.). 218. ISAAC (G. R.). The Antonine itinerary land routes: place-names of Ancient Europe and Asia Minor. Aberystwyth, CMCS, 2002, 1 optical disc; col + 4 % in. 219. Latin (Le) dans le texte. Theme coordonne par Monique GOULLET et Nathalie BOULOUX. Saint-Denis, Universite Paris VIII, 2002, 189 p. (ill.). (Supp. Medievales, 42). 220. Lingua (La) nella storia d'ltalia. A cura di Luca SERIANNI. Firenze, Dante Alighieri, 2002, VIII787 p. 221. MICHAEL (Robert), DOERR (Karin). NaziDeutsch/Nazi-German: an English lexicon of the language of the Third Reich. Forewords by Paul ROSE, Leslie MORRIS and Wolfgang MIEDER. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2002, XX-480 p. 222. Naming, society and regional identity: papers presented at a symposium jointly arranged by the Marc Fitch Fund and the Department of Engish Local History, University of Leicester. Ed. by David POSTLES. Oxford, Leopard's Head, 2002, XXIII-271 p. 223. Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum (OPEL). Vol. IV. Quadratia - Zures. Ed. Andräs M0CSY, Reinhardo FELDMANN, Elisabetha MARTON, Maria
225. Personal name studies of medieval Europe: social identity and familial structures. Edited by George T. BEECH, M o n i q u e BOURIN et Pascal CHAREILLE. Kala-
mazoo, Western Michigan University, 2002, XVI-205 p. (Studies in medieval Culture, 43 - Medieval Institute Publications). 226. PRAXENTHALER (Martin). Die Sprachverbreitungspolitik der DDR: die deutsche Sprache als Mittel sozialistischer auswärtiger Kulturpolitik. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2002, XVI-372 p. (Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft = Duisburg papers on research in language and culture, 47). 2 2 7 . QUEFFELEC ( A m b r o i s e ) [et al.]. L e fran9ais e n
Algerie: lexique et dynamique des langues. Montreal, AuF, 2002, 590 p. (Champs linguistiques. Universities francophones. Actualites linguistiques francophones). 228. "Regula" bilingue (La) della Scuola dei calzolai tedeschi a Venezia, del 1383. A cura di Lorenz BÖNINGER, con uno studio linguistico di Maria Giovanna ARCAMONE. Venezia, II Comitato editore, 2002, XLV68 p. (Fonti per la storia di Venezia - Fondi van). 229. ROSETTI (Alexandra). Histoire de la langue roumaine: des origins au XVII e siecle. Ed. de DanaMihaela ZAMFIR. Cluj-Napoca, Clusium, 2002, 855 p. (ill.). 230. SANCHEZ SALOR (Eustaquio). D e las "elegan-
cias" a las "causas" de la lengua: retörica y gramatica del humanismo. Presentation de Jose Maria MAESTRE MAESTRE; prologo de Luis GIL FERNANDEZ. Alcaniz, Instituto de Estudios Humanisticos, 2002, 607 p. (ill.). (Palmyrenus. Serie Textos, 1). 2 3 1 . SKVAJRS [SQUIRES] (Ekaterina R.), FERDINAND
(Svetlana N.). Ganza i Novgorod: Jazykovye aspekty istoricheskikh kontaktov. (The Hanseatic League and Novgorod: The linguistic aspects of historical contacts). Moskovskij gos. un-t im M.V. Lomonosova, Filol. f-t. Moskva, Indrik, 2002, 366 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 344-359; ind. p. 333-343). 232. Slovar' drevnerusskogo jazyka (XI-XIV vv.). (A dictionary of the Old Russian language of the 1 1 4
t h
centuries). Ed. R. I. AVANESOV, I. S. ULUKHA-
NOV. Vol. 5. Molim'-Obut'n'. RAN, In-t russkogo jazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova. Moskva, IRJa RAN, 2002, 645 p. 233. SPACK (Ruth). America's second tongue. American Indian education and the ownership of English, 1860-1900. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2002, IX-231 p.
9. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES 234. THIER (Katrin). Altenglische Terminologie für Schiffe und Schiffsteile: Archäologie und Sprachgeschichte 5 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 . O x f o r d , A r c h a e o p r e s s , 2 0 0 2 , 2 5 7 p.
(ill., maps). (BAR international series, 1036). Cf. nos 69, 820, 822, 2891, 2975, 3606, 3608, 3612, 5437, 6447 § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. * 2 3 5 . CASTIGLIONE MINISCHETTI (Vito), DOTOLI
(Giovanni), MUSN1K (Roger). Bibliographie du voyage frangais en Italie du Moyen Age ä 1914. Fasano, Schena et Paris, Presses de Γ University de Paris-Sorbonne, 2002, 541 p. (Biblioteca della ricerca. Bibliographica, 3). * 236. KAINBACHER (Paul). Die Erforschung Afrikas: die Afrika-Literatur über Geographie und Reisen, 1500-1945. Eine Bibliographie von Α bis Z. Baden, Versandantiquariat Dr. Paul Kainbacher, 2002, 471 p.
Venedig-Bildes und der Reisebeschreibung. Geneve, Droz, 2002, 298 p. (Kölner romanistische Arbeiten, n. F., 82). 248. DOWNEY (Gregory J.). Telegraph messenger boys. Labor, technology, and geography, 1850-1950. New York, Routledge, 2002, XIV-242 p. 249. Earth sciences, geography and cartography. Ed. by Goulven LAURENT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, 189 p. (De diversis artibus, 53, 16. Proceedings of XXth International Congress of History of Science [Liege, 20-26 July 1997], 10). 250. GEYKEN (Frauke). Gentlemen auf Reisen. Das britische Deutschlandbild im 18. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus Verlag, 2002, 357 p. (Campus Forschung, 845). 2 5 1 . HERRERO FABREGAT ( d e m e n t e ) . L a g e o g r a f i a
militar en Espafia (1819-1936). Granada, Grupo Editorial Universitario, 2002, 214 p. (ill., maps).
** 237. DE ACOSTA (Jose). Natural and moral history of the Indies. Ed. by Jane E. MANGAN. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2002, XXVIII-535 p.
252. I§IK (§evket). Karaburun Yanmadasi'nin Tarihsel Cografyasi. (Geographie historique de la presqu'ile de Karaburun). Izmir, Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2002, VIII-80p.
238. AÖARI (Murat). islam Cografyaciligi Ve Müslüman Cografyacilar: Doguju-Gelijimi Ve Temsilcileri. (La geographie dans les pays d'Islam et les geographes musulmans). Istanbul, Kitabevi Yayinlan, 2002, 429 p.
253. Istoricheskie pamjatniki Vtoroj Kamchatskoj ekspeditsii. (Culture heritage of the second Kamchatka expedition, [1733-1743, the results of excavations]).
239. Vacat. 240. ARNAUD (Vicente Guillermo). Las Isias Malvinas en el Portulano de Pili Reis de 1513. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanli Tarihi Ara$tirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 2002, 13, p. 127-184. 241. BARENDSE (Rene J.). The Arabian seas. The Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century. Armonk a. London, Μ. E. Sharpe, 2002, XVI-588 p. 242. BARTON (Gregory Allen). Empire forestry and the origins of environmentalism. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2002, XIII-192 p. (Cambridge studies in historical geography, 34). 243. BOULANGER (Philippe). La geographie militaire frangaise (1871-1939). Paris, Economica, 2002, 620 p. (Bibliotheque Strategique). 244. BRENNAN (Michael G.). English Civil War travellers and the origins of the Western European Grand Tour. London, Hakluyt Society, 2002, 32 p. (ill.). (Annual lecture, The Hakluyt Society, 2001). 245. CHEN (Yexin). Liang Han shiqi houqi zhuangkuang de lishixue zai kaocha. (A historical re-investigation of climatic conditions during the Western and Eastern Han). Lishi yanjiu, 2002, 4, p. 76-95. 246. CLOC (Mark). The Rhine. An eco-biography, 1815-2000. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2002, ΧΠΙ-263 p. (Weyerhaeuser environmental books). 247. CLADDERS (Brigitta). Französische VenedigReisen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert: Wandlungen des
A u t h o r s : I. I. ELKINA, S. M . EPISKIN, V . N . ZVJAGIN, V . N . KALJAKIN, N . S h . NASYROVA, A . K. STANJUKOVICH, V . F. STARKOV, P. J u . CHERNOSVITOV. M o s k v a ,
Nauchnyj mir, 2002,216 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 204-215). 254. JOHNSON (Nuala C.). Ireland, the Great War and the geography of remembrance. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2002, IX-192 p. (Cambridge studies in historical geography, 35). 255. KUITENBROUWER (J. J. V.). The crowning chapter of geography: the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and the scramble for Africa 1884—1893. Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2002, 116 p. 2 5 6 . LOPEZ-DAVALILLO LARREA (Julio). A t l a s d e
historia contemporänea de Espafia y Portugal. Madrid, Editorial, 2002, 255 p. (ill.). 257. MEDYNSKA-GULIJ (Beata). Mapy ksi^stw sl^skich swidnickiego, jaworskiego i legnickiego ζ II polowy XVII wieku Fryderyka Khünoviusa. (Fryderyk Khünovius' Landkarten der schlesischen Herzogtümer: Herzogtum Schweidnitz, Jauer und Liegnitz aus der II. Hälfte des XVII. Jahrhunderts). Wroclaw, Gajt, 2002,133 p. 258. MONINA (Giancarlo). II consenso coloniale. Le Societä geografiche e l'Istituto coloniale italiano (18961914). Roma, Carocci, 2002, 285 p. 259. MURPHY (David Thomas). German exploration of the polar world. A history, 1870-1940. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2002, X-373 p. 260. ODELL (George H.). La Harpe's post. A tale of French-Wichita contact on the eastern plains. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2002, XX-369 p.
261. PODOSINOV [Podossinov] (Aleksandr V.). Vostochnaja Evropa ν rimskoj kartograficheskoj traditsii: Teksty, perevod, kommentarij. (Eastern Europe in Roman cartographic tradition: Texts, translations, commentary). RAN, Institut vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Indrik, 2002, 487 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 379401; ind. p. 484). (Drevnejshie istochniki po istorii narodov Vostochnoj Evropy). [English summary] 262. REICHLER (Claude). La decouverte des Alpes et la question du paysage. Geneve, Ed. Georg, 2002, 256 p. 263. RELANO (Francesc). The shaping of Africa: cosmographic discourse and cartographic science in late medieval and early modem Europe. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2002, X-271 p. (ill.). 264. RICHARD (Yann). La Bielorussie: une geographie historique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2002, 310 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Geographie et cultures. Serie Etudes culturelles et regionales). 265. SCHENK (Frithjof Benjamin). Mental Maps. Die Konstruktion von geographischen Räumen in Europa seit der Aufklärung [Literaturbericht]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2002, 28, p. 493-518. 266. SEMOTANOVÄ (Eva). Historickä geografie ceskych zemi. (Historical geography of the Bohemian Lands). Praha, Historicky ustav AV CR, 2002, 279 p. (mp.). 267. Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums, 7, 1999. zu Wasser und zu Land. Verkehrswege in der antiken Welt. Hrsg. v. Eckart OLSHAUSEN und Holger SONNABEND. Stuttgart, Frank Steiner Verlag, 2002, 492 p. (ill., maps). (Geographica historica, 17). 268. Transit (In): travel, text, empire. Ed. by Helen GILBERT and Anna JOHNSTON. New York, P. Lang, 2002, VI-286 p. (Travel writing across the disciplines, 4). 269. VAN DER CRUYSSE (Dirk). Le noble desir de courir le monde: voyager en Asie au XVIF siecle. Paris, Fayard, 2002, 562 p. 270. WOODWARD (David). Cartografia a stampa nell'Italia del Rinascimento: produttori, distributori e destinatari. A cura di Emanuela CASTI. Milano, S. Bonnard, 2002, 132 p. (ill., maps, port.). (U sapere del libro).
271. ZULUETA (Jesus M.). Viajeros hispanoamericanos por la Espana de Fin de siglo, 1890-1904. Cadiz, Universidad de Cadiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, Ayuntamiento de Cadiz, 2002, 190 p. § 10. Iconography and images. 272. DLDL-HUBERMAN (Georges). L'image survivante: histoire de Γ art et temps des fantömes selon Aby Warburg. Paris, Editions de Minuit, 2002, 592 p. (ill.). (Paradoxe). 273. Iconography (The) of the fantastic. Ed. by Attila KISS, M ä r t a BAR0TI-GAAL and G y ö r g y Ε. SZONYI.
Szeged, JATEPress, 2002, 347 p. (Acta Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila Jozsef Nominatae. Papers in English and American studies, 10. Studia poetica [Jozsef Attila Tudomänyegyetem], 11. Eastern and Western traditions of European iconography, 2). 274. Images of ancestors. Ed. by Jakob Münk H0JTE. Aarhus a. Oxford, Aarhus U. P., 2002, 308 p. (ill.). (Aarhus studies in Mediterranean antiquity, 5). 275. JORDAN (Alyce Α.). Visualizing kingship in the windows of the Sainte-Chapelle. Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, XI-263 p. (Publications of the International center of Medieval Art, 5). 276. LOVEN (Lena Larsson). The imagery of textile making: gender and status in the funerary iconography of textile manufacture in Roman Italy and Gaul. Göteborg, Department of classical archaeology and anciet history, Göteborg University, 2002, 175 p. (ill.). 277. PARBLY (Geraldine Anne). St Luke as an artist: the evolution of a legend and its relevance to the development of the iconography of the Virgin and Child. London, [s. n.], 2002, 40 p. (ill.). [Thesis (MA) - University of London], 278. PLOKHY (Serhii). Tsars and Cossacks: a study in iconography. Cambridge, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2002, 102 p. (ill.). (Harvard papers in Ukrainian studies). 279. WEILL-PAROT (Nicolas). Les "images astrologiques" au moyen äge et ä la Renaissance: speculations intellectuelles et pratiques magiques (XIF-XV C siecle). Paris, Champion, 2002, 988 p. (Sciences, techniques et civilisations du Moyen Äge ä l'aube des Lumieres, 6). Cf. nos 201-213, 877-910, 2009, 2751
M A N U A L S , G E N E R A L W O R K S A N D W O R K S ON L A R G E P E R I O D S
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 280-355. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 356-586. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 587-649. - § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 650-700. - § 5. General history. 701-759. - § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 760-798. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 799-822. - § 8. Economic and social history. 823839. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 840-876. - § 10. History of art. 877-910. - § 1 1 . History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 911-1034. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1035-1054. - § 13. History of literature. 1055-1105.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums. a.
* 280. Archivo Historico de la Casa Nacional de Moneda. Archivo Historico de Potosi; Banco Central de Bolivia. Fundacion Cultural. Potosi, Archivo Historico, Casa Nacional de Moneda, 2002, 240 p.
281. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Cultura Escrita. Ed. Carlo SÄEZ y Antonio CASTILLO GÖMEZ. Vol. 1. La correspondencia en la historia: modelos y practices de escritura popular. Vol. 2. Libros y documentos en la alta Edad media. Los libros de derecho. Los archivos familiares. Madrid, Calambur, 2 0 0 2 , 2 vol., 601 p., 516 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca litterae, 3-4). 282. Arkhivokhranilishche dokumentov politicheskoj istorii Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Murmanskoj oblasti: Putevoditel'. (The archival stock of the documents for the political history of the State Archives of the Murmansk Region [Russia]: a guide). Ed. Sergej G. RUDENKO. Gos. arkhiv Murmanskoj oblasti. Moskva, Z v e n ' j a , 2002, 247 p. (bibl. p. 246-247; ind. p. 207-239). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). 283. Av kärlek till arkiv: festskrift till Erik Norberg. (Pour Γ amour des archives, Melanges offerts ä Erik Norberg). Red. par Kerstin ABUKHANFUSA. Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2002, 576 p. (ill.). (Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet, 20). 284. Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv. Reichskammergericht Band 9. Nr. 3228-3883 (Buchstabe F). Bearb. v. Manfred HORNER und Margit KSOLL-MARCON. M ü n chen, Generaldirektion der staatlichen Archive Bayerns, 2002, X-862 p. (Bayerische Archivinventare, 50/9, zu-
gleich Inventar der Akten des Reichskammergerichts, 19, 9). 285. BLODIGOVÄ (Alexandra). Fondy a sbirky byvalych archivu U V KSC a Ü M L a jejich nynejäi zacleneni ve fondech SUA ν Praze. (Funds and collections of the archives of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the Institute of marxism-leninism, and their current placement in the funds of the State Central Archive in Prague). Vestnik grantu KSC α radikälm socialismus ν Ceskoslovensku 1918-1989, 2002, 3, p. 45-55. 286. BONFIGLIO-DOSIO (Giorgetta). La politica archivistica del comune di Padova dal XIII al XIX secolo: con l'inventario analitico del f o n d o "Costituzione e ordinamento deH'archivio". Con un saggio di Andrea DESOLEI. Roma, Viella, 2002, 151 p. 287. BouCEK (Jaroslav). Κ historii Ruskeho zahranicniho historickeho archivu. (Zur Geschichte des Russischen historischen Auslandsarchivs). In: Pocta Josefu Kollmannovi. Ed. Alena PAZDEROVÄ. Praha, [s. n.], 2002, p. 71-83. 288. Charters, cartularies and archives: the preservation and transmission of documents in the Medieval West. Proceedings of a colloquium of the Commission International de Diplomatique (Princeton and New York, 1 6 - 1 8 September 1999), edited by A d a m J. KOSTO and Anders WLNROTH. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2002, X-185 p. (Papers in Mediaeval Studies, 17). 289. DEL CORSO (Lucio). I documenti nella Grecia classica tra produzione e conservazione. Quaderni di storia, 2002, 56, p. 155-189. 290. DUBÄNEK (Martin). Zpnstupneni novych archivnich fondü ve Vojenskem ustfednim archivu. (The open-
ing of new archive collections in the Military Central Archives). Historie a vojenstvi, 2002, 51, 3, p. 736-743. 291. Gosudarstvennyj arkhiv Novosibirskoj oblasti: Putevoditel'. (The State Archives of the Novosibirsk Region [Russia]: A guide). Ed. Ν. N. VYSHATKO. Kom. gos. arkhiv. sluzhby Adm. Novosibirskoj oblasti. Moskva, Zven'ja, 2002, 959 p. (bibl. p. 956-959; ind. p. 950-955). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). 292. GRAFINGER (Christine Maria). Die Ausleihe vatikanischer Handschriften und Druckwerke, 18. Jahrhundert. Τ. 1. Biblioteca vaticana. T. 2. Archivio segreto vaticano. Cittä del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2002, 2 vol., XL-375 p., XXXVI-521 p. (Studi e testi). 293. HOZÄK (Jan), SEKYRKOVÄ (Milada). Archiv pro dejiny obchodu, prümyslu a technicke prace po 70 letech. (Das Archiv für Geschichte des Handels, der Industrie und der technischen Arbeit nach 70 Jahren). Archivni casopis,
2 0 0 2 , 5 2 , 4 , p. 201-210.
294. KALISTA (Zdenök). Cesty historikova mysleni. Prameny k modemi ceske historiografii. Sv. 1. (The paths of an historian's thought. Sources on modern Czech historiography. Vol. 1). Ed. Zdenök BENES. Praha, Garamond, 2002,285 p. (Historica).
2002, 2 vol., 855 p., 871 p. (bibl. vol.2, p. 868-871; ind. vol.1, p. 854-855, vol.2, p. 570-867). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). 302. YANG (Xiaohong). Zhongguo dang'an shi. (History of Chinese archives). Shenyang, Liaoning daxue chubanshe, 2002, 2, 5, 461 p. 303. ZACCARIA (Raffaella Maria). Studi sulla trasmissione archivistica: secoli XV-XVI. Lecce, Conte Editore, 2002, VI-280 p. (Attraverso la storia, 8). 304. ZALA (Sacha). II segreto di stato e la censura dei documenti diplomatici nel XIX e XX secolo. Storica, 2002, 8, 23, p. 72-92. Cf. ns 69, 4457 b. Libraries 305. ADUNKA (Evelyn). Der Raub der Bücher: Plünderung in der NS-Zeit und Restitution nach 1945. Wien, Czernin, 2002, 309 p. (Die Bibliothek des Raubes, 9). 306. Antike Bibliotheken. Hrsg. v. Wolfram HOEPFNER. Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2002, 137 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Antike Welt. Sonderbände).
295. LODOLINI (Elio). Storia dell'archivistica italiana: dal mondo antico alia metä del secolo XX. Milano, F. Angeli, 2002, 316 p. (Temi di storia, 23).
307. Archivi di biblioteche: per la storia delle biblioteche pubbliche statali. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2002, CXLVII-342 p. (Sussidi eruditi, 55).
296. PALMIERI (Stefano). Degli archivi napolitani. Storia e tradizione. Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, 655 p.
308. Barroco e Ilustracion en las bibliotecas privadas espanolas del siglo XVIII: discurso leido el dia 17 de marzo de 2002 en la reception publica de Luis Miguel
297. Resourcing sources. Ed. by K. S. Β. KEATSROHAN. Oxford, Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2002, 207 p. (Occasional publications of the Oxford Unit for Prosopographical Research, 7). 298. Spravochnik po fondam Arkhiva vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federatsii, 1917-1962. (A guide to the Archives of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, 1917-1962). Ministerstvo inostrannykh del Rossijskoj Federatsii. Moskva, Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2002,415 p. (ind. p. 392-410). 299. Tsentr dokumentatsii novejshej istorii Tambovskoj oblasti: Putevoditel'. (The archives for the recent history of the Tambov region [Russia]: a guide). Eds. Aleksandr L. AVREKH, Τ. M. NASHCHEKINA. Arkhivn. otd. Tambovskoj oblasti. Moskva, Zven'ja, 2002, 439 p. (bibl. p. 437-439; ind. p. 262-436). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). 300. Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam. (The central archives of Moscow: a guide). Ed. Irina G. TARAKANOVA. Mos. gor. ob'ed. arkhivov. Vol.5. Moskva, Mosgorarkhiv, 2002, 166 p. (bibl. p. 122-161). 301. Tsentral'nyj gosudarstvennyj arkhiv SanktPeterburga: Putevoditel'. (The Central State Archives of Saint-Petersburg: a guide). Eds. Ν. I. DERING, Nadezhda Ju. CHEREPNINA. Vol. 1-2. Moskva, Zven'ja,
ENCISO RECIO; y c o n t e s t a t i o n p o r V i c e n t e PALACIO
ATARD. Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, 2002, 216 p. 309. Besondere Bibliothek (Die), oder die Faszination von Büchersammlungen. Hrsg. von Antonius JAMMERS, Dietger PFORTE und Winfried SÜHLO; Redaktion, Martin HÜLLENDER. München, K. G. Saur, 2002, XV-344 p. 310. Biblioteche nobiliari e circolazione del libro tra Settecento e Ottocento: atti del Convegno nazionale di studio, Perugia, Palazzo Sorbello, 29-30 giugno 2001. A cura di Gianfranco TORTORELLI. Bologna, Pendragon, 2002,430 p. (Sfere). 311. CASSON (Lionel). Bibliotheken in der Antike. Zürich u. Düsseldorf, Artemis & Winkler, 2002, 220 p. 312. CÄTEDRA (Pedro M.). Nobleza y lectura en tiempos de Felipe II: la biblioteca de Don Alonso Osorio, Marques de Astorga. Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y Leon, Consejeria de Education y Cultura, 2002, 646 p. (ill.). (La imprenta, libros y libreros, 10). 313. Dictionnaire encyclopedique du Ii vre. 1. A-D. Sous la direction de Pascal FOUCHE, Daniel PECHOIN, Philippe SCHUWER, et la responsabilite scientifique de Pascal FOUCHE [et al.], preface de Henri-Jean MARTIN. Paris, Ed. du Cercle de la Librairie, 2002, ΧΧΧΠΙ-900 p.
314. FLOWER (Derek Adie). I lidi della conoscenza: la storia dell'antica biblioteca di Alessandria. Prefazione di Mohsen ZAHRAN. Roma, Bardi, 2002, 189 p. 315. Humanistes (Les) et leur bibliotheque: actes du Colloque International, Bruxelles 26-28 aoüt 1999. Ed. par Rudolf DE SMET = Humanists and their libraries: proceedings of the International Conference [Brussels, 26'" to 28th August 1999]. Ed. par Rudolf DE SMET. Leuven, Peeters, 2002, 286 p. (Travaux de l'lnstitut Interuniversitaire pour Γ Etude de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme, 13). 316. KOCK (Thomas). Die Buchkultur der Devotio moderna: Handschriftenproduktion, Literaturversorgung und Bibliotheksaufbau im Zeitalter des Medienwechsels. Frankfurt u. New York, P. Lang, 2002, 471 p. (Tradition - Reform - Innovation, 2). 317. Libraries in times of Utopian thoughts and social protests: the libraries of the late 1960-ies and the 1970-ies: proceedings of the conference; University College of Boras, Boras, May 27-29, 2002. Ed. by Magnus TORSTENSSON. Boras, University College Boras, 2002, 176 p. (Journal of Swedish library research, 14, 3). 318. Libri, biblioteche e cultura nell'Italia del Cinque e Seicento. A cura di Edoardo BARBIERI e Danilo ZARDIN. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2002, X-460 p. (Storia. Ricerche). 3 1 9 . MÄRQUEZ MACI'AS ( R o s a r i o ) . E l t r a s v a s e c u l -
tural a America: las bibliotecas privadas de los emigrantes espanoles en el siglo XVIII. Sevilla, Aconcagua Libros, 2002,92 p. (ill.). (Coleccion La otra America, 5). 3 2 0 . MISSERE FONTANA ( F e d e r i c a ) . L a
deH'Accademia nazionale di scienze, lettere e arti: (secoli XVIII-XX): contribute alia storia della bibliofilia modenese. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2002, XV-216 p. (ill.). (Monografie sulle biblioteche d'ltalia, 10). 321. PARADA (Alejandro E.). De la biblioteca particular a la biblioteca publica: libros, lectores y pensamiento bibliotecario en los orenes de la Biblioteca Publica de Buenos Aires: 1779-1812. Buenos Aires, Institute de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, UBA, Ediciones Errejotape, 2002, 200 p. (ill.). 322. PECH (Christian). Nur was sich ändert, bleibt! Die österreichische Parlamentsbibliothek im Wandel derZeit, 1869-2002. Wien, Parlamentsdirektion, 2002, 150 p. (ill.). 323. PEDRALLI (Monica). Novo, grande, coverto e ferrato: gli inventari di biblioteca e la cultura a Milano nel Quattrocento. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2002, LVI752 p. (Bibliotheca erudita, 19). 324. REBELO (Carlos Alberto). Α difusäo da leitura publica: as bibliotecas populäres (1870-1910). Porto, Campo das Letras, 2002, 230 p. (ill). (Campo da educaς ΐ ο , 10). 325. REX (Joachim). Die Berliner Akademiebibliothek: die Entwicklung der Bibliothek der Akademie der
Wissenschaften in drei Jahrhunderten, anhand der Quellen dargestellt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2002, XIII-295 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 44). 326. SCHÄFER (Hans-Michael). Die kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg: Geschichte und Persönlichkeiten der Bibliothek Warburg mit Berücksichtigung der Bibliothekslandschaft und der Stadtsituation der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts: eine Station auf den Wanderwegen des Geistes. Berlin, [s. n.], 2002, XVIII-393 p. (ill.). [Thesis (Ph. D.) - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin], 327. SCHWARCZ (Lilia Moritz), DE AZEVEDO (Paulo Cesar), MARQUES DA COSTA (Angela). Α longa viagem da biblioteca dos reis: do terremoto de Lisboa ä indipendencia do Brasil. Säo Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2002, 558 p. 328. TESCHE (Doreen). Ernst Steinmann und die Gründungsgeschichte der Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rom. München, Hirmer Verlag, 2002, 307 p. (ill.). (Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 15). 329. TRANIELLO (Paolo). Storia delle biblioteche in Italia. Dall'Unitä ad oggi. Con scritti di Giovanni GRANATA, C l a u d i o LEOMBRONI e G r a z i a n o RUFFINI. B o -
logna, il Mulino, 2002, 531 p. 330. TROMBETTA (Vincenzo). Storia e cultura delle biblioteche napoletane: librerie private, istituzioni francesi e borboniche, strutture postunitarie. Napoli, Vivarium, 2002, 704 p. (Crisopoli, 2). 331. VATANEN (Piijo). Säaty-yhteiskunnan kiijastosta kansalaisyhteiskunnan kitjastoksi. Yleisten kirjastojen murroskausi 1890-luvulta 1920-luvulle. (From a society of estates to a society of citizens. Finnish public libraries become American). Helsinki, SKS, 2002, 212 p. (ill., Eng. summary). (Bibliotheca historica, 74). Cf. n s 74 -155 c. Museums 332. AGO (Renata). Collezioni di quadri e collezioni di libri a Roma tra XVI e XVIII secolo. Quaderni storici, 2002, 37, 110, 2, p. 379-404. 333. Appropriating Antiquity. Saisir l'Antique: collections et collectionneurs d'antiques en Belgique et en Grande-Bretagne au XIXC siecle. Ed. by Athena TSINGARIDA and Donna KURTZ. Bruxelles, Livre Timperman, 2002, 359 p. (ill.). (Lucernae Novantiquae, 2). 334. BASSEGODA IHUGAS (Bonaventura). El Escorial como museo: la decoration pictorica mueble en el monasterio de El Escorial desde Diego Velazquez hasta Frederic Quilliet (1809). Bellaterra, Universität Autönoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publications, 2002, 407 p. (ill., plans). (Memoria artium). 3 3 5 . BLANK ( M e l a n i e ) , DEBELTS
(Julia). W a s
ein Museum? Eine metaphorische Complication. Wien, Turia + Kant, 2002, 206 p. (Museum zum Quadrat, 9).
336. EICHBERGER (Dagmar). Leben mit Kunst, Wirken durch Kunst: Sammelwesen und Hofkunst unter Margarete von Österreich, Regentin der Niederlande. Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, XIV-527 p. (ill., ports.). (Burgundica, 5). 337. Filial gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Jaroslavskoj oblasti - Tsentr dokumentatsii novejshej istorii: Putevoditel'. (The Branch of the State Archives of the Yaroslavl' Region [Russia] - the Center for the Documents for the recent history: a guide). Eds. Sergej A. GVOZDEV, G. A. KAZARINOVA. Moskva, Zven'ja, 2002, 391 p. (bibl. p. 388-391; ind. p. 284-387). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). 338. GLORIEUX (Guillaume). Ä I'enseigne de Gersaint. Edme-Frangois Gersaint, marchand d'art sur le pont Notre-Dame (1694-1750). Seyssel, Champ Vallon,
350. SPALDING (Julian). The poetic museum: reviving historic collections. München a. London, Prestel, 2 0 0 2 , 1 8 4 p.
351. TEUBER (Jan). H0jdepunkter i dansk naturvi denskab. (Les grandes heures de la science danoise). K0benhavn, Gad, 2002, 191 p. (ill.). (Danmarks Naturog Laegevidenskablige Bibliotek). 352. TROILO (Simona). Sul patrimonio storicoartistico e la nazione del XIX secolo. Storica, 2002, 8, 2 3 , p. 1 4 7 - 1 7 8 .
353. TRUNK (Markus). Die 'Casa de Pilatos' in Sevilla: Studien zu Sammlung, Aufstellung und Rezeption antiker Skulpturen im Spanien des 16. Jhs. Mit Fotos von Peter WITTE. Mainz am Rhein, P. von Zabem, 2002, VI-321 p. (ill.). (Madrider Beiträge, 28). 354. VIATTE (Germain),
2 0 0 2 , 5 9 8 p.
339. GRABMANN (Barbara). Prozesse der Konstitution kollektiver Identität im Vergleich: Museen in Schottland und Bayern. Marburg, Tectum, 2002, 552 p. 340. Het verdwenen museum: natuurhistorische verzamelingen, 1750-1850. Edited by Bert C. SLIGGERS and Marijke H. BESSELINK. Blaricum, V+K; Haarlem, Teylers Museum, 2002, 207 p. 341. MAIRESSE (Francois). Le musee temple spectaculaire: une histoire du projet museal. Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2002, 215 p. (ill.). (Collection Museologies).
Le palais des colonies: histoire du Musee des arts d'Afrique et d'Oceanie. Paris, Reunion des musees nationaux, 2002, 239 p. (ill.). 355. WINKLER (Kurt). Museum und Avantgarde: Ludwig Justis Zeitschrift "Museum der Gegenwart" und die Musealisierung des Expressionismus. Opladen, Leske + Büdlich, 2002, 475 p. (ill., ports.). (Berliner Schriften zur Museumskunde, 17). Cf. ri" 118, 688, 5231, 5825
§ 2. History of historiography.
342. MAURIES (Patrick). Cabinets de curiosites. Paris, Gallimard, 2002, 259 p. (ill.).
a. General
343. Memoria (La) del mundo: cien anos de museologia, 1900-2000. Ed. por Maria BOLANOS. Gijon, Ediciones Trea, 2002, 413 p. (ill.). (Biblioteconomia y administration cultural, 60).
* 356. Bollettino di storiografia. 2001-2002. [20002001. Cf. Bibl. 2001, n° 422.] Dir. da Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e poligrafici Internazionali, 2002 78 p. (Storiografia, supplemento critico e bibliografico, 6).
344. OLMI (Giuseppe). Uno "strano bazar" di memorie patrie. II Museo civico di Trento dalla fondazione alia Prima guerra mondiale. Trento, Museo storico in Trento, 2002, 220 p. 345. RAGGIO (Osvaldo). Statue antiche e lettere di cambio. Gusto e credito a Genova nel Seicento. Quaderni storici, 2002, 37, 110, 2, p. 405-424. 346. RAPPAPORT (Erika). Art, commerce, or empire? The rebuilding of Regent Street, 1880-1927. History workshop
2 0 0 2 , 53, p. 9 4 - 1 1 7 .
347. REID (Donald Malcolm). Whose pharaohs? Archaeology, museums, and Egyptian national identity from Napoleon to World War I. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2002, XV-409 p. 348. REUTER (Τ.). The Reich and its neighbours a thousand years ago: historical exhibitions in Magdeburg and Mannheim. German history, 2002, 20, 2, p. 211-220. 349. SHEEHAN (James J.). Geschichte der deutschen Kunstmuseen. Von der fürstlichen Kunstkammer zur modernen Sammlung. München, Beck, 2002, 368 p.
* 357. RUBNER (Heinrich). Sammelbericht Neue Literatur zur europäischen Forstgeschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Mitteleuropas (1990-2000). Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2002, 89, 3, p. 307-316. 358. Ad Fontes. Europäisches Forum junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker Wien 2001. Hrsg. v. Birgit FELDNER [et al.]. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2002,411 p. 359. Afrikanistika XX veka: vremja, ljudi, vzgljady: Materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (African studies in the 20th century: Proceedings of an international conference, 13-14 September, 2001). Ed. Aleksandr S. BALEZIN. Moskva, Institut vseobshchej istorii RAN, 2002, 241 p. (bibl. p. 215-238 and incl.). [Text partly in English; English summaries] 360. Aimi (Antonio). La "vera" visione dei vinti: la conquista del Messico nelle fonti atzeche. Roma, Bulzoni, 2002, 190 p. (Pubblicazione del Gruppo di studio delle culture letterarie dei paesi anglofoni,
francofoni e iberofoni del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche). 361. ALLENOVA (Valerija Α.). Istoricheskaja nauka ν rossijskoj provintsii ν kontse ΧΙΧ-nachale XX v.: Tambovskaja uchenaja arkhivnaja komissija. (Historical knowledge in the Russian province, the late 19th and the early 20th century: the Learned Archival Commission of Tambov). Rjazan', P. A. Tribunskij, 2002, 376 p. (bibl. p. 350-360; pers. ind. p. 367-375). (Novejshaja rossijskaja istorija: Issledovanija i dokumenty, 3). 362. ALONSO-NUNEZ (Jose Miguel). The idea of universal history in Greece: from Herodotus to the age of Augustus. Amsterdam, Gieben, 2002, 152 p. (Amsterdam classical monographs, 4). 363. AMADO (Μ. T.). Rhetoric and historical discourses in the Iberian peninsula (16,h and 17lh centuries). Storiografia, 2002, 6, p. 131-170. 364. AMATO (Joseph Α.). Rethinking home. A case for writing local history. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2002, XVI-245 p. 365. Annäherungen an eine europäische Geschichtsschreibung. Hrsg. ν. Gerald STOURZH; mit der Mitarb. v. Barbara HAIDER und Ulrike HARMAT. Wien, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2002, XX-175 p. (Archiv für österreichische Geschichte, 137). 366. ANTOINE (Annie). Le paysage de l'historien. Archeologie des bocages de l'ouest de la France ä l'epoque moderne. Rennes, Presses universitäres de Rennes, 2002, 340 p. 367. AYD1N (Suavi). Aydinlanma Ve Tarihselcilik Problemleri Arasinda Türk Tarihyazicihgi: Feodalite Ömegi. (L'historiographie turque entre le probleme de l'eclaircissement et celui de l'historicisme). Toplum Ve Bilim, 2002, 91, p. 39-80. 368. BACH (Rainer). Der Ritterschaft in Ehren. Das Bild des Krieges in den historiographischen Schriften niederadliger Autoren des 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2002, XI-224 p. (Imagines Medii Aevi, 10). 369. BAGGE (Sverre). Kings, politics, and the right order of the world in German historiography, c. 950-1150. Leiden, Boston a. Köln, Brill, 2002, XII444 p. (Studies in the history of christian thought, 103). 370. BENLiSOY (Foti), BENLiSOY (Stefo). Milliyct^i Tarihyazimi Ve ' Azgelijmijlik Bilincf: Yunan Tarihyaziminda Ge?mi$ Algilan. (L'historiographie nationale et 'la concience de sousdeveloppement': les perceptions de passe dans l'historiographie grecque). Toplum We Bilim, 2002, 91, p. 242-279. 371. BEN-YEHUDA (Nachman). Sacrificing truth. Archaeology and the myth of Masada. Amherst, Humanity Books, 2002, 275 p. 372. BEYEN (Marnix). Oorlog en verleden: nationale geschiedenis in Belgie en Nederland, 1938-1947. Amsterdam, Amsterd U. P., 2002, 606 p.
373. BIRA (Shagdaryn). Mongolian historical writing from 1200 to 1700. Bellingham, Center for East Asian Studies, Western Washington University, 2002, XXII-249 p. (Studies on East Asia, 24). 374. Vacat. 375. BRACCO (Barbara). Memoria e identita dell'Italia della Grande Guerra. L'Ufficio Storiografico della Mobilitazione (1916-1926). Milano, Unicopli, 2002, 200 p. 376. BROKLOVÄ (Eva). Dezinterpretace dejin prvni Ceskoslovenske republiky. (Reinterpretation of history of the First Czechoslovak Republic). In: Transformace ceske a slovenske spolecnosti na prahu noveho milenia a jeji liloha ν soucasnem globälnim svet