International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 65 1996 9783110950427, 9783598204203

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International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 65 1996
 9783110950427, 9783598204203

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VOLUME LXV 1996 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori w l t h the c o n t r l b u t i o n of a n u m b e r of scholars, under the a u s p l c e s of the International C o m m i t t e e of Historical S c i e n c e s



The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 - 61) was edited by Michel Fran^ois and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glenisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 - 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G Saur Munich.

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme International bibliography of historical sciences : Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften = Bibhografia intemacional de ciencias historicas / Ed. by Massimo Mastrogregori - München : Saur ISSN 0074-2015 Erscheint jährl. Vol. 45/46. 1976/77 ff.-1980 ff. Auf der Haupttitels, auch: Comite International des Sciences Historiques.- Bis Vol. 43/44. 1974/75 im Verl. Colin, Paris.

Printed on acid-free paper / Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier ©2001 by K. G Saur Verlag GmbH, München Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher / Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Erlaubnis des Verlags ist unzulässig Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printed and Bound by Strauss Offsetdruck GmbH, Mörlenbach ISSN 0074-2015 ISBN 3-598-20420-5

General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Roma Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Roma Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Institute superior de novas profissöes, Lisboa Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Roma Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Wieslaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk Läszlö BIRÖ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Academia Belgica, Rome Luciano CANFORA, Universitä di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Jean GLENISSON, Comite International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Universitä di Roma „La Sapienza" Vilem PRECAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zürich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Abdeljellil TEMIMI, Fondation Temimi, Tunis §erban TURCU§, Universitä di Cluj Napoca, Romania Ilse VAHAKYRO, Turku University Library, Finland Nenad VEKARIC, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDIYLDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Maria Tereza AMADO, Institute superior de novas profissoes, Lisboa {Portuguese historiography) Wieslaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk {Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien {Austrian historiography) Läszlö BIRÖ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest {Hungarian historiography) Vera BRENOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague {Czech historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina {Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA {History of international relations) Gaetana COVIELLO, Universitä di Roma „La Sapienza" {Ancient history)

Laura DE GIORGI, Universitä di Venezia {Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, {Norvegian historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow {Russian historiography) Dario IPPOLITO, Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, Napoli {Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modem history, Modem economic and social history, Modem legal and constitutional history) Libby KAHANE, The Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem {Historiography of Israel) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo {Japanese historiography) Mauro LENZI, Uni versita di Milano {Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Roma {Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modem history, Modem economic and social history, Modem legal and constitutional history) Stjepan MATKOVIC, Hrvatski Institut za povijest, Zagreb {Croatian historiography) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana {Slovenian historiography) Evgeny E. SA VITS KI, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow {Russian historiography) Alzbeta SEDLIAKOVÄ, Slovenskej akademie vied, Bratislava {Slovak historiography) Natale SPINETO, Universitä di Torino {History ofreligions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana {Slovenian historiography) §erban TURCU§, Universitä di Cluj Napoca, Romania {Romanian historiography) Ilse VAHAKYRO, Turku University Library, Finland {Finnish historiography) Nenad VEKARIC, Institute of historical sciences, Dubrovnik {Croatian historiography) Amedeo VISCONTI, Roma {Ancient history) Alec VUIJLSTEKE, Academia Belgica, Rome {Belgian historiography) Galina A. YANKOVSKAYA, Perm State University, Perm {Russian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDIYLDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara {Historiography ofTurkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Universite de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Comell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Universitä di Lecce Pietro VANNICELLI, Istituto per gli studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici, CNR, Roma Andre VAUCHEZ, Ecole Frangaise de Rome Special Assistant editor Dario IPPOLITO













FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner


In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concem of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or State, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In Order to justify its existence as a working Instrument of a high scientific Standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Likewise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new Clements of Information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stenciiled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the Solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.



Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. B. O. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXV, 1996 mentions the works published with the date: 1996. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin aiphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance c, c, s, s are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, 0, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: «Congress (Fourteenth) of the Leamed Societies...» At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b) and those of Saints (G § 4 , 1 § 13 d); in both cases, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concemed. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, conceming the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G, H and I, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the conmiemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the tiüe, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the L B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the State of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the «collation» of works is concemed, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by «Cf. n°...», have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.



AUXILIARY SCIENCES (p. 1-12) § 1. Palaeography. 1-18. - § 2. Diplomatics. 19-36. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 37-134. - § 4. Chronology. 135-146. - § 5. Genealogy. 147-156. - § 6. Sigillography and heraldiy. 157-167. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 168-187. - § 8. Linguistics. 188-235. - § 9. Historical geography and history of geography. 236-275. - § 10. Iconography. 276-287.

B MANUALS, GENERAL WORKS AND WORKS ON LARGE PERIODS (p. 13-43) § 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 288-348. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 349-561. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 562-649. § 4. Ethnology and folklore. 650-685. - § 5. General history. 686-785. - § 6. Theory of the State and of society. 786-804. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 805-821. - § 8. Economic and social history. 822-870. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education (a. Civilization; b. Sciences and education). 871-910. - § 10. History of art. 911-934. - § 11. History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 935-1043. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1044-1078. - § 13. History of literature. 1079-1114.

PREHISTORY (p. 45-48) § 1. General. 1115-1137. - § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 1138-1152. - § 3. Neolithic. 1153-1168. - § 4. Bronze age. 1169-1191,-§5. Iron age. 1192-1206.



D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 49-57) § 1. General. 1207-1219. - § 2. The Near East. 1220-1244. - § 3. Egypt. 1245-1308. - § 4. Mesopotamia. 1309-1349. § 5. Hittites. 1350-1373. - § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1374-1427. - § 7. Iran. 1428-1454.

E GREEK HISTORY (p. 59-75) § 1. Classical world in general. 1455-1481. - § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1482-1502. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). - Addenda 1995. 1503-1584. - § 4. General and political history. 1585-1629. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 1630-1655. - § 6. Economic and social history. 16561706. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). - Addenda 1995. 1707-1857. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 1858-1895. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1896-1938.

HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE (p. 77-91) § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1939-1957. - § 2. The Etruscans. 1958-1974. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1975-2047. - § 4. General and political history. 2048-2126. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 2127-2172. - § 6. Economic and social history. 2173-2216. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2217-2268. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 2269-2290. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2291-2347. - § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2348-2364.

EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT (p. 93-99) § 1. Sources. 2365-2413. - § 2. General. 2414-2428. - § 3. Special studies. 2429-2530. - § 4. Hagiography. 25312543.

H BYZANTINE HISTORY (Since Justinian) (p. 101-107) 1. Sources. 2544-2589. - § 2. General. 2590-2605. - § 3. Special studies. 2606-2714.



I HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES (p. 109-150) § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources) - Addenda 1995. 2715-2823. § 2. General works. 2824-2890. - § 3. Political history {a. General; b. 476-900; c. 900-1300; d. 1300-1500). 28912970. - § 4. Jews. 2971-2989. - § 5. Islam. 2990-3020. - § 6. Vikings. 3021-3030. - § 7. History of law and institutions (a. Sources; b. Studies). 3031-3058. - § 8. Economic and social history. 3059-3155. - § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilisation; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 31563457. - § 10. History of art (a. General; b. Special studies). 3458-3530. - § 11. History of music. 3531-3549. § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science {a. Sources; b. Studies). 3550-3611. - § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3612-3718. - § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3719-3739.

K MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS (p. 151-193) 1. General. 3740-3823. - § 2. History by countries. 3824-4797. - § 3. Discoveries. 4798-4819.

MODERN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (p. 195-209) § 1. General. 4820-4899. - § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious Orders; e. Missions). 4900-5075. - § 3. Orthodox Church. 5076-5090. - § 4. Protestantism. 5091-5170. - § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 5171-5207.

M HISTORY OF MODERN CULTURE (p. 211-245) § 1. General. 5208-5382. - § 2. Academies and intellectual organizations. 5383-5399. - § 3. Education. 5400-5478. § 4. The Press. 5479-5527. - § 5. Philosophy. 5528-5681. - § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5682-5778. - § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5779-5975. § 8. Art and Industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, populär and industrial art). 5976-6132. - § 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting. 6133-6261.



N MODERN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY (p. 247-273) § 1. General. 6262-6462. - § 2. Political economy. 6463-6492.- § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 64936561. - § 4.Trade. 6562-6586. - § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 6587-6627. - § 6. Money and finance. 6628-6692. - § 7. Demography and town-planning. 6693-6718. - § 8. Social history. 6719-6933. - § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6934-6971.

o MODERN LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY (p. 275-281) § 1. General. 6972-7013. - § 2. History of constitutional law. 7014-7038. - § 3. Public law and institutions. 70397106. - § 4. Civil and penal law. 7107-7136. - § 5. International law. 7137-7141.

HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (p. 283-321) § 1. General. 7142-7247. - § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 7248-7375. - § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500-1648; c. 1648-1789). 73767430. - § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7431-7462. - § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7463-7516. - § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7517-7619. - § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military Operations; d. Resistance). 7620-7816. - § 8. From 1945. 7817-8110.

R ASIA (p. 323-333) § 1. General. 8111-8116. - § 2. Western and central Asia. 8117-8124. - § 3. South Asia. 8125-8126. - § 4. Southeast Asia. 8127-8133. - § 5. China. 8134-8323. - § 6. Japan (before 1868). 8324-8370. - § 7. Korea. 8371-8378.

AFRICA (to its colonization) (p. 335-336) N"' 8379-8406.


T AMERICA (to its colonization) (p. 337) 8407-8419.

u OCEANIA (to its colonization) (p. 339) 8420-8425.


GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria] Österreichische historische Bibhographie. Austrian historical bibliography. 1994. [1993. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° XV7.] Hrsg. v. Günther HÖDL U. Wolfdieter BIHL. Bearb. v. Ulrike WINKLER, Elfriede SIEDLER, Uta HÖDL U. Bettina KUTTIN. Graz, Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio, 96, 680 p. II. [Belgium] Bibhographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Belgie 1994. [1993. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° //.] Ed. par Romain VAN EENOO, Jean B O V E S S E [et alii]. Revue Beige de Philologie et d'Histoire Belgisch Tijdschrifl voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 96, 74, 2bis, p. l*-299*. III. [Finland] ANTIN (Kirsti). Finländsk historisk litteratur 1994. Bibliografiskt urval. [1993. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° V.] (Bibliographie choisie d'ouvrages d'histoire publies en Finlande en 1994). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 96, 81, p. 122-148. IV. [France] Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France, du V si^cle ä 1958. Ann6e 1995. [1994. Cf Bibl. 95, n° V/.] R6d. par Martine SONNET et Brigitte KERIVEN. Paris, Ed. du C.N.R.S., 96, LXXXVI-1116 p. V. [Germany] Historische Bibliographie. Berichtsjahr 1995 [1994. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° VII.] Hrsg. von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 96, 794 p. - Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 46. Jahrgang 1994. Mit Nachträgen. [45. Jahrgang 1993. Cf. Bibl. 95, n" VII.] Hrsg. von der Beriin-Brandeburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Beriin, Akademie Vertag, 96, 845 p. VI. [Great Britain] Annual bibliography of British and Irish history. Publications of 1995. [1994. Cf Bibl. 95, n° VIII.] General editor: Austin GEE, for the Royal Historical Society and in association with the Institute of Historical Research. London, Oxford U. F., 96, X-279 p. - GRAHAM (T. W.). A list of articles on Scottish history published during the year 1995. Scottish historical review, 96, 75, p. 235-245. - GRANT (Alexander J.). A list of essays on Scottish history in books published during the years 1994-1995. Scottish historical review, 96, 75, p. 235-245. VII. International Committee of Historical Sciences. Comite International des Sciences Historiques, Lausanne-Paris. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografia intemacional de ciencias histöricas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia intemazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXI, 1992. [Vol. LX, 1991. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° X ] Ed. with the contribution of the national committees by Jean GLENISSON a. Michael KEUL. Published with the assistance of Unesco and under the patronage of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies. München, New Providence, London a. Paris, K. G. Saur, 96, XXIV-498 p. VIII. [Ireland] Major Accessions to Repositories [in Great Britain and Ireland] Relating to Irish History, 1994. [1993. C f Bibl. 95, n° XI.] Irish Historical Studies, 96, 30, p. 120-124. IX. [Italy] Emeroteca storica italiana. Rassegna bibliografica annuale degli articoli di argomento storico pubblicati in Italia su riviste ed atti di convegni. Vol. III. A cura di Claudia RIZZARDI. Verona, Ediz. Emeroteca Storica Italiana, 96, X-624 p. X. [Netherlands] Repertorium van boeken en tijdschriftartikelen betreffende de geschiedenis van Nederland. (Repertoire de livres et articles concemant l'histoire des Pays-Bas). 1992. [1991. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° XV.] Samengest, door Th. S. H. BOS en M . E. J. VAN WEERT-GAALMAN m. m. v. M. T. A. SCHOUTEN en A. H. SLINGS. D e n Haag,

Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 96, [s. p.] (R. G. P.). XI. [Norway] BALSVIK (Randi R0nning). Norsk forskning pä ikke-europeisk historie. (Norwegian research in non-European history). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 96, 75, 1-2, p. 117-157. XII. [Poland] Bibliografia historii polskiej za rok 1994. (Bibliographie de l'histoire polonaise pour l'annee 1994). Auteurs: Wojciech FRAZIK, Stefan GASIOROWSKI, Anna GRUCA, Zbigniew SOLAK. Red. Wieslaw BIENKOWSKI. Krakow, Wydawn. Profesjonalnej Szkoly Biznesu, 96, VIII-485 p. (Pol. Akad. Nauk, Inst. Historii, Zakl. Bibliografii Biez^cej). XIII. [Romania] Bibliografia istoricä a Romäniei. Vol. 8. 1989-1994. Bibliografie selectivä. (Historical bibliography of Romania. Vol. 8. 1989-1994. Selected bibliography). Coordonator: Gheorghe HRISTODOL. Autori: Felicia



HRISTODOL, Gheorghe HRISTODOL, Stelian MÄNDRUT, Simona NICOARA 51 Lucia TURC. Cu o addenda de Venera ACHIM. Collaboratori: Ludovic BATHORY, Corael CRACIUN, Gheorghe LANCU, lolanda KAROLY, Delia MARGA, Nicolae PAUN ji Liviu JÄRÄU. Traducere tn limba francezä Ligia MOLNAR. Bucuresti, Editura Academiei Romane, 96,459 p. XIV. [Russia] Novaya literatura po sotsial'nym i gumanitamym naukam: Istoriya, arkhelogiya, etnographiya: Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel'. (La nouvelle litterature sur les sciences sociales: Histoire, archeologie, ethnologie: Bibliographie). Ed. p a r V . N . BABENKO. R e d i g e p a r S. N . BELYAEVA, T . M . DEMINA, N . G . ORDZHONIKIDZE [et al.].

Ros. akad. nauk, In-t nauchnoy informatsii po obshchestvennym naukam. Moskva, INION, 96, [50], 6 vol., 134 p., 152 p., 165 p., 165 p., 174 p., 148 p., 113 p. XV. [Slovakia] SEDLIAKOVÄ (Alzbeta). Historiografia na Slovensku 1994. (Historiography in Slovakia, 1944). Historicky casopis, 96, 44, 4, p. 741-779. XVI. [Spain] Indice histörico espanol. Publicaciön semestral del centro de estudios histöricos intemacionales. Ed. p o r R o s a ORTEGA CANADELL y P e r e MOLAS RIBALTA. Vol. 34, n. 105-106, 1996. [1995. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° XX//.]

Barcelona, Publicacions de la Universität de Barcelona, 9 6 , 2 vol., [s. p.], 375 p. XVII. [Switzerland] Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Suisse. 1993. [1992. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° XIX.] Bearb. v./ gtablie par Pierre Louis SURCHAT. Hrsg. v. Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek./ publ. par la Bibliotheque Nationale Suisse. Bern, Eidgenössische Drucksachen- und Materialzentrale, 96, [s. p.]


§ 1. Palaeography. 1-18. - § 2. Diplomatics. 19-36. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 37134. - § 4. Chronology. 135-146. - § 5. Genealogy. 147-156. - § 6. S i g i l l o p p h y and heraldry. 157-167. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 168-187. - § 8. Linguistics. 188-235. - § 9. Historical geography and history of geography. 236-275. - § 10. Iconography. 276-287.

§ 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. A cura della Scuola di specializzazione per conservatori di beni archivistici e librari della civiltä medievale, Universitä di Cassino. Vol. 4. [Vol. 3. Cf. Eibl. 95, n° 1.] Raccolti da Daniela AMICUCCI [et al.] ed elaborati da Francesco BIANCHI e Antonio MAGI SPINETTI. R o m a , V i e l l a , 9 6 , 3 0 3 p.

* 2. Bulletin codicologique. 1996. [1995. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 2.] Red. par Pierre COCKSHAW. Scriptorium, 96, 60, l , p . 1*-111*.

3. BROWN (Virginia). N e w C.L.A. membra disiecta in Naples and Rome. Mediaemi Studies, 96, 58, p. 291303.

4. CALVET (L.-J.). Histoire de L'ecriture. Paris, Plön, 96, 296 p. (ill.). 5 . CÄRCEL ORTI ( M i l a g r o s ) . L a e n s e ü a n z a d e la p a -

leografia y diplomätica. Centros y cursos. Valencia, Artes Gräficas Soler, 96, 257 p. 6. Chartae Latinae antiquiores; facsimile-edition of the Latin charters prior to the ninth Century. Ed. by JanOlof TJÄDER, Robert MARICHAL, Tiziano DORANDI a. Albert BRÜCKNER. Vol. 44. Austria IL Vol. 45. Austria III. Published by Tiziano DORANDI and Jan-Olof TJÄDER. Zürich, Graf, 96, 2 vol., VIII-66 p., VIII-72 p. (facs.).

9. Epigraphie et iconographie. Actes du Colloque tenu ä Poitiers les 5 - 8 octobre 1995. Sous la dir. de Robert FAVREAU. Poitiers, Universite de Poitiers, Centre d'fitudes superieures de Civilisation mediövale, 96, 273 p. (carte, ill.) (Colloques de civilisation medievale, 2). 10. Frisian runes and neighbouring traditions: proceedings of the First International Symposium on Frisian Runes at the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, 2 6 - 2 9 January 1994. Ed. by Tineke LOOIJENGA a. Arend QUAK. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 96, 246 p. (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur alteren Germanistik, 45). 11. GLASER (Elvira.). Frühe Griffelglossierungen aus Freising: ein Beitrag zu den Anfängen althochdeutscher Schriftlichkeit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 9 6 , 6 6 0 p. (ill.). 12. HERRENN (M. W.). Latin letters in early Christian Ireland. Aldershot, Variorum, 96, 360 p. (Collected studies series, 527). 13. OESER (Wolfgang). Raoulet d'Orieans und Henri di Trevou, zwei französische Berufsschreiber des 14. Jahrhunderts und ihre Schrift. Archiv fir Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 42, 96, p. 7-31. 14. OZTURK (Said). Osmanli Arsiv belgelerinde siyakat yazisi ve tarihi gelisimi. Istanbul, Osmanli Arastirmalari Vakfi, 96, 487 p. (facs.) (Osmanli Arastirmalari Vakfi yayinlari, 12).

7. CRISCI (Edoardo). Scrivere greco fuori d'Egitto. Ricerche sui manoscritti greco-orientali di origine non egiziana dal IV secolo a. C. all'VIII. d. C. Firenze, Gonnelli, 96, XII-249 p. (tav.) (Papyrologica florentina, 27).

15. Plus (Les) anciens documents originaux de l'abbaye de Cluny conserv^s ä la Bibliothfeque nationale de France. Publ. par H. ATSMA et J. VEZIN. T. 1. Collection de Bourgogne. Tumhout, Brepols, 96, 96 p. (Monumenta palaeographica Medii Aevi ad fidem originalium transcripta et photographice depicta. Series Gallica, 1).

8. DAVIS (C.). Celtic omament: art of the scribe. Additional text and calligraphy by F. GRAHAM-FLYNN. London, Blandford, 96, 96 p. (ill.)

16. RAFTI (Patrizia). «Lumina dictionum». Interpunzione e prosa in Giovanni Boccaccio. I. Studi sul Boccaccio, 24, 96, pp. 59-121 (tav.).


17. SIVAGANESAMURTI (Ar. Es). Introduction to manuscriptology. Delhi, Sharada Pub. House, 96, XVI236 p. (ill.). 18. Von der Faszination der arabischen Kalligraphie. Hrsg. V. Abu-r-Rida' Muhammad IBN AHMAD IBN RASSOUL. Köln, Islamische Bibliothek, 96, 124 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 1-18, 2657,


§ 2. D i p l o m a t i c s .

19. ARNAUX (Mathieu). Essor et döclin d'un type diplomatique: les acts passes coram parrochia en Normandie ( X i r - X I I F sifecles). Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Charles, 96,154, 2, p. 313-357. 20. BISCHOFF (Frank M.). Urkundenformate im Mittelalter. Große, Format und Proportionen von Papsturkunden in Zeiten expandierender Schriftlichkeit (11.-13. Jahrhundert). Marburg an der Lahn, Institut für historische Hilfswissenschaften, 96, 211 p. (taf.) (Elementa diplomatica, 5). 21. BUDDE (Hans). Die Transfixe des Schöffen von Kempen im Jahre 1348. Eine diplomatische Studie. Archiv ßr Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 42, 96, p. 375-393. 22. CORDASCO (P.). Contributo allo studio del notariato meridionale (secc. XII-XIV). Bari, Levante editore, 96, 9 0 p. 23. DOHMEN (Stefan). Exemplarische Untersuchungen zur Rechtskraft des Privilegs. Die gerichtliche Handhabung von Privilegienurkunden in England von König Stefan bis König Johan. Archiv ßr Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 96, 42, p. 3 3 - 2 2 4 .

24. GASPARRI (Frangoise). Suger de Saint-Denis. Pratiques, formes, langages d'une culture ecrite au XIT sifecle (ä propos d'une Charte originale jusqu'ici inconnue: Arch. nat. 2247 n. 3). Scrittura e Civiltä, 96, 20, p. 111135 (tav.). 25. Graphische Symbole in mittelalterlichen Urkunden. Beiträge zur diplomatischen Semiotik. Hrsg. v. Peter RÜCK. Sigmaringen, Jan Thorbecke, 96, 824 p. (III.; Faks.; graph. Darstellungen) (Historische Hilfswissenschaften, 3). 26. GUYOTJEANNIN (Olivier). Les methodes de travail des archivistes du roi de France (Xlll'-d^but X V r siöcle). Archiv ßr Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegelund Wappenkunde, 96, 42, p. 295-373 (ill.; tab.). 27. HAGENEDER (Othmar). Kanonisches Recht, Papsturkunde und Herrscherurkunde. Überlegungen zu einer vergleichenden Diplomatik am Beispiel der Urkunden Friederichs III. Archiv ßr Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 96, 42, p. 419443.

28. KASHTANOV (Sergey Mikhaylovich). Iz istorii russkogo srednevekovogo istochnika: Akty X - X V I vv. (Essays on Russian diplomatics from lO"" to 16"' Century, with an edition of unpublished charters of IS"" and 16 centuries). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t rossiyskoy istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 265 p. (bibl.). 29. LEHTOVIRTA (Jaakko). „Maasta on pitkä matka taivaaseen": henkilökohtaiset konfliktit ja livana IV:n ylemmyysvaatimus Ruotsin-diplomatiassa. („As far as heaven is from earth": personal problems and Ivan IV's demand for a position of superiority towards Sweden). Faravid, 96, 18-19, p.105-131 (Eng. summary). 30. Libri e documenti d'Italia: dai Longobardi alla rinascita delle citta. Atti del convegno nazionale dell'Associazione italiana Paleografi e Diplomatisti, Cividale 5 - 7 ottobre 1994. A cura di C. SCALON. Tavagnacco (Udine), Arti grafiche friulane, 96, 256 p. (ill.) (Libri e biblioteche, 4). 31. MATERA (Vincenzo). Un interessante caso di documentazione signorile normanna: Defensor e Riccardo signori di Vaccarizza. Nuovi Annali della Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, 96, 10, p. 57-82. 32. MAYER (Hans Eberhard). Die Kanzlei der lateinischen Könige von Jerusalem. Hannover, Hahn, 96, 2 vol., 1700 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Schriften, Bd. 40). 33. Notariato (II) tra Belgio e Paesi Bassi. Dalle origini ai nostri giomi. A cura di M. AMELOTTI. Milano, Giuffrfe, 96, VIII-248 p. (Per una storia del notariato nella civiltä europea, 3). 34. Ostarrichi-Urkunden (Die), Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, München, Kaiserselekt 869. Kommentar von A. WANDRUSZKA. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Veriagsanstalt, 96. Faksim. 480 x 570 mm; 1 t., 24 p. 35. RÜCK (Peter). Bildberichte von König: Kanzlerzeichen, königliche Monogramme und das Signet des salischen Dynastie. Marburg-an-der-Lahn, Institut für historische Hilfswissenschaften, 96, 193 p. (taf.) (Elementa diplomatica, 4). 36. Supplikenregister (Die) der päpstlichen Pöenitentiariae aus der Zeit Pius II, 1458-1464. Hrsg. v. Ludwig SCHMUGGE, Partick HERSPERGER U. Böatrice WIGGENHAUSER. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Veriag, 96, 273 p. (Bibliothek des Deutschen historischen Instituts in Rom, 84). Cf. n" 1-18,


§ 3. H i s t o r y of the b o c k . a. Manuscripts. * 37. ZOTTER (H. u. H.). Bibliographie faksimilierter Handschriften: von den Anfängen bis Ende 1992. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 96, 2. Auflage auf 3"-Diskette.

3. HISTORYOF THE BOOK 38. AEXDRISIO (Antonio Maria). Dinamiche librarie cistercensi: da Casamari alla Calabria. Origine e dispersione della biblioteca manoscritta dell'abbazia di Casamari. Casamari, Abbazia di Casamari, 96, 124 p. (ill.) (Bibliotheca Casaemariensis 1). 39. AUGSTYN (W.). Der lateinische Hamilton-Psalter im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett (78 A 5). Hildesheim u. Zürich, Olms u. Weidmann, 96, 450 p. (ill.) (Spolia Berolinensia, 9). 40. BACKHOUSE (Judith). The Hastings hours [London, British Library, Add. 54872]. London, British Library a. San Francisco, Pomegranate Art-books, 96, 64 p. (ill.).

772 usque ad 1190. Wratislawiae, Institutum Ossolinianum, et Varsaviae, Officina editoria Academiae scientiarum Polonae, 96, XVIII-534 p. 52. Codex (Der) im Gebrauch. Hrsg. v. Christel MEIER, Dagmar HUPPER u. Hagen KELLER. München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 96, 255 p. (plates, ill.) (Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften, Bd. 70). 53. Conservation (La) des manuscrits et des archives au Moyen Age, x r colloque du Comitfi international de palöographie latine, Bruxelles, 1995. Actes editös p a r P. BOURGAIN et A . DEROLEZ. Bruxelles, C e n t r e

d'6tude des manuscrits [Scriptorium, 50, 2, 96], 230 p. (36 pl.).

41. BAKER (J. H.). Catalogue of English legal manuscripts in Cambridge University Library. With codicological descriptions of the early manuscripts by J. S. RINGROSE. Woodbridge, Boydell, 96, 544 p.

54. Corpus of British medieval library catalogues. T. 5. Dover Priory. Ed. by T. WEBBER a. A. G. WATSON. London, the British Library in assoc. with the British Academy, 96, 256 p. (ill.).

42. Bibbia (La) di Borso d'Este [Modena, Biblioteca Estense, mss Est. lat. 422^23]. Facsimile. Modena, F. C. Panini, 96, 3 vol., [s. p.]

55. CROSATTI (R.). II codice Brescia, Biblioteca capitolare 13: Liber antiphonarius divinorum officiorum cum notis musicis scriptus circa saeculum 13. Studio codicologico-liturgico-musicale dei piü antico antifonario della Cattedrale di Brescia. Cremona, Tunis, 96, XIV-548 p. (ill.).

43. Books and collectors, 1200-1700: essays presented t o A n d r e w WATSON. Ed. by J. P. CARLEY and

C. G. C. TITE. London, Bristish Library, 96,502 p. (ill., fac-sim.) (The British Library studies in the history of the book). 44. Books of hours. London, Phaidon, 96,160 p. (ill.). 45. BRAUN-NIEHR (B.). Der Codex Vaticanus Rossianus 181: Studien zur Erfurter Buchmalerei um 1200. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 96, 250 p. (ill.). 46. Buch (Das) der Welt. Die sächsische Weltchronik: Ms. Memb. I 90, Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha. Luzem, Faksimile-Verf., 96, [332 p.] (ill., fak-sim.). 47. CATALDI PALAU (A.). C a t a l o g o dei manoscritti

greci della Biblioteca Franzoniana, Genova (Urbani 2140). Roma, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 96, 236 p. (ill.) (Supplementi al „Bollettino dei classici", 17). 48. Catalogo dei piü antichi manoscritti della Biblioteca Giovardiana di Veroli. Roma, Gruppo editoriale intemazionale, 96, LX-172 p. (50 tav.) (Quademi dell'Assessorato alla Cultura, sezione Biblioteche e beni librari, 1). 49. Catalogo dei fondo Lanfranchi della Biblioteca civica di Palazzolo sull'Oglio. T. 1. Gli incunaboli e i manoscritti. A cura di R. ZILIOLI FADEN. Milano, Regione Lombardia, Servizio biblioteche e beni librari e documentari e Palazzolo sull'Oglio, Comune, 96, IV130 p. 50. Catalogue of manuscripts of Al-Aqsä Mosque library [Jerusalem]. Comp, by K. I. SALAMAH. London, Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 96, 3 vol., [s. p.] 51. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi Latinorum, qui in Bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae [Kraköw] asservantur. T. 6. Numeros continens inde a

56. Deutschen (Die) Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Pars 7. Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften aus Cgm 4001-5247. Neu beschr. von K. SCHNEIDER. Ed. altera. Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 96, 736 p. (Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis. Ser. nov., t. 5, pars 7). 57. Domestic (The) accounts of Merton College Oxford: 1 august 1482-1 august 1494. Ed. by John M. FLETCHER a. Christopher A. UPTON. Oxford, Historical Society, 96, XX-616 p. (Oxford Historical Society. N.S., 34). 58. FOHLEN (J.), PETITMENGIN (P.). L ' „ancien f o n d s "

Vatican latin dans la nouvelle Bibliotheque Sixtine (ca. 1590-ca. 1610): reclassement et concordances. Cittä dei Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 96, 116 p., (pl.) (Studi e testi, 362; Studi e documenti sulla formazione della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2). 59. HAGENMAIER (W.). D i e a b e n d l ä n d i s c h e n


zeitlichen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau. Freiburg im Breisgau, Universitätsbibliothek, 96, XXII-338 p. (Die Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Bibliotheken in Freiburg im Breisgau und Umgebung, 5. Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, 1). 60. Historische Kataloge der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München: Münchner Hofbibliothek und andere Provenienzen. Verz. von S. KELLNER u. A. SPETHMANN. Wiesbaden, O. Hairassowitz, 96, 624 p. (ill.) (Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis, 11). 61. HOLTER (K.). Buchkunst, Handschriften, Bibliotheken: Beiträge zur mitteleuropäischen Buchkultur


vom Frühmittelalter bis zur Renaissance. Hrsg. v. G.







österreichischer Musealverein, Gesellschaft für Landeskunde, 96, 2 vol., XXVIII-1292 p. (ill.). 62. Jahrhundert (Ein) akademische Bibliothek: Paderborn. Zur Geschichte des Buches in der mitteldeutschen Kirchenprovinz. Mit einem Verzeichnis der mittelalterlichen Handschriften in Paderborn. Hrsg. v. K. HENGST. Paderborn, H & S Verl., 96, 192 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der mitteldeutschen Kirchenprovinz, 10). 63. KNOBLICH (Isabel). Die Bibliothek des Klosters St. Maximin bei Trier bis zum 12. Jahrhundert. Trier, WVT-Wissenschafüicher Verlag Trier, 96, 348 p. (ill.). 64. KÖNIG (E.). Das liebentbrannte Herz: der Wiener codex [Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, ms 2597] und der Maler Barthelemy d'Eyck. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstah, 96, 204 p. (ill.). 65. KRISTELLER (P. O.). Iter italicum. Accedunt alia itinera. A fmding list of uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued humanistic manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other libraries. T. VI: Italy, III and alia itinera, IV; Supplement to Italy (G-V); Supplement to Vatican and Austria to Spain. Index and Addenda. London, The Warburg Institute, 96, X-140 p. 66. Laienlektüre und Buchmarkt im späten Mittelalter. Hrsg. V. T. KOCK, R. SCHLUSEMANN. Frankftirt am Main, P. Lang, 96, 296 p. (ill.). (Gesellschaft, Kultur und Schrift. Mediävistiche Beiträge, 4). 67. Liber Ardmachanus / The Book of Armagh [Dublin, Trinity College, ms 52]. With an introd. and append. by J. GWYNN. Repr. of the Dublin 1913 ed., with a new introd. by D. DUMVILLE. Aldershot, Scolar Press, 96,814 p.

del Galluzzo, 96, XXIV-109 p. (88 pl.) (Manoscritti datati d'Italia, 1). 73. Manoscritti (I) del fondo Certosa di Calci nella Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze. A cura di G. MURANO. Firenze, Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 96, 110 p. (21 pl.) (Toscana beni librari, 6. Inventari e cataloghi). 74. Medicina antiqua: Codex Vindobonensis 93 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [Wien]. Kommentar von H. ZOTTER. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstah, 96, 394 p. (Glanzlichter der Buchkunst, 6). 75. Medieval manuscripts of the Latin classics: production and use. Proceedings of the Seminar in the history of the book to 1500, Leiden 1993. Ed. by C. A. CHAVANNES-MAZEL a. M . M . SMITH. LOS A l t o s H i l l s ,

Anderson-Lovelace a. London, Red Gull Press, 96, XVI-256 p. (ill.). 76. MEEHAN (B.). The Book of Durrow: a medieval masterpiece at Trinity College [ms 57], Dublin. Dublin, Town House, 96, 94 p. (ill.). 77. NEWHAUSER (R.). A catalogue of Latin texts with material on the vices and virtues in manuscripts in Hungary. Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 96, XII-126 p. (Gratia: Bamberger Schriften zur Renaissanceforschung, 29). 78. ORNATO (Ezio). La face cach^e du Ii vre medieval. Etudes d'Ezio ORNATO, ses amis et ses coll&gues. Roma, Viella, 96, 550 p. 79. OVERGAAUW (E.). Die mittelalteriichen Handschriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster. Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 96, 300 p. (ill.).

68. Livres et biblioth^ques (XIII'-XV sifecle). Fanjeaux, Centre d'etudes historiques de Fanjeaux et Toulouse, Ed. Privat, 96, 566 p. (ill.) (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 31).

80. Parma (The) Psalter: a thirteenth-century illuminated Hebrew book of Psalms. With a commentary by Abraham IBN EZRA: [a facsim. ed. of ms 1870 of the Biblioteca Palatina, Parma, and] a companion volume. London, Facsimile editions, 96, 2 vol., 552 p., 276 p. (ill.).

69. Magyarorszägi szläv kfeiratok / Slawische Handschriften in Ungarn. T. 3. Szerk. es a lei'räsokat keszi'tette H. TÖTH Imre. Budapest, ELTE, Szläv Filolögiai Tanszek Muhelyeben, 96, 34 p.

81. PRUNAI FALCIANI (M.). I manoscritti della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 96, 204 p. (Indici e cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane).

70. MALAGUZZI (F.). De libris compactis: legature di pregio in Piemonte. T. 2. II Biellese. Torino, Centro studi piemontesi e Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alia cultura, 96, 174 p. (pl., ill.).

82. Ramsey-Psalter (Der): Stiftsbibliothek St. Paul I. Lavanttal, Codex 58/1 und The Pierpont Morgan library New York, Ms. M. 302. Interimskommentar von Lucy FREEMAN SANDLER. Graz, Akademische Druck, 96, faksimile und 1 t., 173 taf, 40 p. (ill.) (Codices selecti).

71. MANIACI (M.). Terminologia del libro manoscritto. Roma, Istituto centrale per la patologia del Libro e Milano, Editrice bibliografica, 96, XX-484 p. (ill.) (Addenda: studi sulla conoscenza, la conservazione e il restauro del materiale librario, 3). 72. Manoscritti (I) datati della provincia di Trento. A c u r a di M . A . CASAGRANDE MAZZOLI, L . DAL POZ, D . FRIOLI, S . GROFF, M . HAUSBERGHER, M . PALMA,

C. SCALON e S. ZAMPONI. Firenze, Sismel ed Edizioni

83. REIF (S. C.). Hebrew manuscripts at Cambridge University Library: a description and introduction. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 650 p. (ill.) 84. REYNAERT (J.). Catalogus van de middelnederlandse handschriften in de Bibliotheek van de Universiteit te Gent. T. II, 1. De handschriften verwovren na 1852. Gent, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, 96,


370 p. (Werken uitgegeven door de Faculteit van letteren en wijsbegeerte).

Ufficio centrale per i Beni librari, le Istituzioni culturali e l'Editoria).

85. ROLAND (M.). Buchschmuck in Lilienfelder Handschriften: von der Gründung des Stiftes bis zur Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Niederösterreichisches Institut für Landeskunde, 96, 196 p. (ill.) (Studien und Forschungen aus dem Niederösterreichischen Institut für Landeskunde, 22).

95. VELLEKOOP (K.). Liber Ordinarius Sancte Marie Traiectensis / The Ordinal of St. Mary's church, Utrecht (London, Brit. Libr., Add. 9769). With a codicological description by G. GERRITSEN-GEYWITZ a. an index of incipits by B. J. VAN DER VEEN. Utrecht, Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 96, 434 p. (ill.) (Bouwstenen, 6).

86. RUDOLF (H. U.). „Ein Buch von Gold und Silber": das Berthold-Sakramentar aus Weingarten (1215-1217). Einblicke in die schönste Handschrift aus dem Kloster Weingarten (heute MS 710 der Pierpont Morgan Library New York). Ravensburg, Oberschwäbische Verl.-Anst. Drexler, 96,126 p. (ill.). 87. Stefan Lochner Gebetbuch 1451: sämtliche Miniaturen der Handschrift 70 der Hessischen Landesund Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt. Hrsg. v. H. STAUB; mit einem Kommentar v. M. WOELK u. einem Beitrag v. H. STAUB. Wiesbaden, L. Reichert, 96 166 p. (ill.). 88. Studies on Anglo-Saxon manuscripts and their heritage, 10'^-12'^ cenUiry. Ed. by P. PULSIANO a. E. TREHARNE. Aldershot, Scolar Press, 96, 300 p. 89. Sultan, shah and Great Mughal. Catalogue of the exhibition, Copenhagen, 1996. Ed. by K. von POLSACH, T. L U N D B ^ K a. P . MORTENSEN. C o p e n h a g e n ,

The National Museum of Denmark, 96,464 p. (ill.). 90. TELESKO (Werner). Göttweiger Buchmalerei des 12. Jahrhunderts. Studien zur Handschriftenproduktion eines Reformklosters. St. Ottilien, EOS Veriag Erzabtei St. Ottilien, 96, 195 p. (taf., facs.) (Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige, 37). 91. Thesaurus Austriacus: Europas Glanz im Spiegel der Buchkunst, Handschriften und Kunstalben von 800 bis 1600. Millenniums-Ausstellung, der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [Wien], 1996. Hrsg. v. E. IRBLICH. Wien, Österreichische NationalbibUothek, 96, 336 p. (ill.). 92. Trfcs riches heures des Jean Duc de Berry (Die) im Mus^e Conde Chantilly [ms. 65]: Vorwort von M. MEISS. Einf. und Bilderi. von J. LONGNON u. R. CAZELLES. Sonderausgabe. München, Prestel, 96, 196 p. (ill.).

96. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Bd. 21. Koptische Handschriften. 3: Die Handschriften der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. Addenda und corrigenda zu Teil 1, von L. STORK. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 96, 128 p. 97. WEITZMANN (Kurt). Die byzantinische Buchmalerei des IX. und X. Jahrhunderts. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1935 und Veröffentlichung von Addenda und Appendices. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 96, 2 vol., VIIIXVI-94 p., 106 p. (pl., ill.) (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 243-244; Veröffentlichungen der Kommission fiir Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters; Reihe IV. Monographie, 2, 1-2). 98. Wenzelsbibel (Die): vollständige Faksimileausgabe und Dokumentation der Codices Vindobonenses 2759-2754 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [Wien]. Erläuterungen zu den illuminierten Seiten v. M . KRIEGER U. G . SCHMIDT; u n t e r M i t a r b . v. E. GAÄL

u. K. HRANITZKY. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Veriagsanstalt, 96,, 230 p. (ill.). 99. Windesheim, 1395-1995: kloosters, teksten, invloeden: voordrachten gehouden tijden het internationale congres „600 jaar kapitel van Windesheim", 1995, Zwolle. Nijmegen, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 96,224 p. (ill.). (Middeleeuwse Studies, 12). 100. WOUDHUYSEN (H. R.). Sir Philip Sidney and the circulation of manuscripts, 1558-1640. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, XVI-516 p. (pl.). 101. Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart. Das Sakramentar der Fürstlichen Fürstenbergischen Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen Cod. Don. 191. Bearb. V. K . BIERBRAUER, F . HEINZER, H . SPILLING. B e r i i n ,

Kulturstiftung der Länder, 96, 106 p. (30 pl.) (Patrimonia, 85).

93. Umanesimo e Padri della Chiesa: manoscritti e incunaboli di testi patristici da Francesco Petrarca al primo Cinquecento. Catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, 1996). A cura di S. GENTILE. Firenze, Rose, 96, XXII-434 p. (ill.) (Bimillenario di Cristo. Lettere e fede, 1996-1997).

102. ZALUSKA (Y.). L'evangeliaire de Remiremont [Musee Charles-Friry, (s.n .).]: une oeuvre canoniale des annöes 1200. Tumhout, Brepols, 96, 112 p.

94. Vedere i Classici: l'illustrazione libraria dei testi antichi dall'eta romana al tardo medioevo. A cura di M. BUONOCORE. Catalogo della mostra, Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 1996-1997. Roma, Fratelli Palombi Ed., 96, XXIV-596 p. (ill.) (Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana. Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali.

* 103. ABHB. Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries. Ed. by the Department of Special Collections of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. Vol. 24. Publ. Of 1993 and additions for the proceeding years [Vol. 23. Cf. Bibl. 94, n° 63.] Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 96, X-509 p.

b. Printed books.



* 104. Bibliographie der Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte (EBB). Vol. 14. 1994 (mit Nachträgen aus den jähren 1980 bis 1993) [Vol. 13. 1993. Cf. Bibl. 95, n" 194.] Hrsg. v. Horst MEYER. Bad Iburg, Bibliographischre Verlag Dr. Horst Meyer, 9 6 , 6 1 2 p.

105. Archivio (L') Magliabechiano della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. A cura di Paola PIROLO e Isabella TRUCI. Firenze, Regione Toscana, Giunta Regionale, 96, 303 p. (Toscana Beni librari, Inventari e cataloghi, 7). 106. ASCARELLI (F.). La tipografia cinquecentina italiana. Firenze, Le Lettere, 96, 2 6 2 p. (Biblioteca bibliografica italica). 107. BALDACCHINI (L.). Incunaboli e cinquecentine in Romagna. La Biblioteca Piana e la Biblioteca de! Seminario di Sarsina. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 96, 154 p. (Biblioteche di Romagna, 2). 108. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Katalog 1501-1840. München, K. G. Saur, 9 6 , 1 CD-ROM und 1 FD, 11. 109. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. Codices vaticani graeci: codices 2 6 4 4 - 2 6 6 3 . Ree. S. LILLA. In Civitate Vaticana, Bibliotheca Vaticana, 96, XIV-190 p. (Bibüotecae apostolicae Vaticanae codices manu scripti recensiti). 110. Bibliotheca Wittockiana. Ed. Paul CULOT [et al.]. Bruxelles, Gemeentekrediet, 96, 128 p. (ill.) (Musea nostra, 38). 111. Bibliothä]ue nationale de France, catalogue des incunables. T. 1. Fase. 2. B. Par Ursula BAURMEISTER et Denise HILLARD, avec le concours de MarieMadeleine SABY. Paris, Bibliothfeque nationale de Frace, 96, 241 p. (pl.).

117. DAVIES (M.). The Gutenberg Bible [Mainz, 1454]. London, British Library a. San Francisco, Pomegranate Art-books, 9 6 , 6 4 p. (ill.). 118. DOIZY (M.-A.). D e la dominoterie ä la marbrure: histoire des techniques traditionnelles de la d6coration du papier. Paris, Arts et mötiers du livre, 96, 256 p. (ill.). 119.


120. ETZKORN (G. J.). Iter Vaticanum Franciscanum: a description of some one hundred manuscripts in the Vaticanus Latinus collection. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 96, XII-302 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 50). 121. Historia ilustrada del libro espanol. Bajo la direcciön de Hipolito ESCOLAR. La ediciön modema. Siglos XIV y XX. Madrid, Fundaciön German Sanchez Ruiperez, 96, 602 p. (ill.). 122. Incunaboli (Gli) della Biblioteca civica e dell'Accademia degli Agiati di Rovereto: catalogo a cura di A. GONZO e W. MANICA. Trento, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Servizio Beni librari e archivistici, 96, 200 p. (ill.) (Patrimonio storico e artistico del Trentino, 20). 123. Kiijahistoria: johdatus vanhan kiijan tutkimukseen. (The history of the books, an introduction to imvestigate old books). Toim. Tuija LAINE. Helsinki, SKS, 96, 276 p. (ill.). (Suomal. Kirjall. Seuran toim., 647). 124. MIDDLETON (B. C.). A history of English craft bookbinding technique. London, British Library and N e w Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 96, XIV-372 p. (ill., facsim.) [4th rev. ed.].

113. Catalogues regionaux des incunables des biblioth^ues publiques de France. T. 14. Regions PoitouCharentes et Limousin. R6d. par H. RICHARD et P. CAMPAGNE. Paris, Klincksieck, 96, 3 4 2 p. (pl.).

125. Mundus librorum: kiija- ja oppihistoriallisia tutkielmia: bok- och lärdomshistoriska uppsatser: Essays on books and the history of leaming: Buch- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien. Juhlakiija Esko Häklin täyttäessä 60 vuotta 30 marraskuuta 1996: Festskrift tili Esko Häkli pä hans 60-ärsdag den 3 0 november 1996: A festschrift in honour of Esko Häkli on his 60"' birthday on 30 November 1996. Helsinki, Helsingfors, 96, 4 9 6 p. (Heisingin yliopiston kiijaston julk.: Helsingfors universitetsbiblioteks schrifter: Publ. of the Helsinki University Library, 62) (ill.). [Cf n'" 251, 334, 5663.]

114. Catalogum librorum Johannis Lodoici Toletani. Reproduction en fac-simile de l'^dition de 1546. Avec une Präsentation de Marie-Josfephe BEAUD-GAMBIER et Sylvie POSTEL-LECOCQ. Paris, Paris-Mus6es, 96, 52 p.

126. ODRIOZOLA (A.). Catälogo de libros litürgicos, espafioles y portugueses, impresos en los siglos X V y XVI. Prep, par J. MARTIN ABAD y F. ALTfis L AGUILÖ. Pontevedra, Museo de Pontevedra, 96, 558 p.

115. CHARTIER (Roger). Culture 6crite et societe: l'ordre des livres (XIV'-XVIII' sifecles). Paris, Albin Michel, 96, 240 p. (Bibliotheque Albin Michel de l'histoire).

127. Pagine dall'Oriente. Libri cinesi e giapponesi della Biblioteca nazionale. Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Roma, 13 marzo-30 aprile 1996. Roma, Bardi, 96, 141 p. (ill.).

116. Compleat (The) binden Miscellanea in the honour of Roger Powell. Ed. by J. SHARPE. Tumhout, Brepols, 96, 344 p. (Bibliologia, 14).

128. Papiergeschichte(n). Papierhistorische Beiträge: Wolfgang Schlieder zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. F. SCHMIDT im Auftr. des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für

112. Bononia Manifesta. Catalogo dei bandi, editti, costituzioni e provvedimenti diversi, stampati nel XVI secolo per Bologna e il suo territorio. A cura di Zita ZANARDL Firenze, L. S. Olschki Editore, 96, XXXIV-571 p. (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 142).


Papiergeschichte. Wiesbaden, O. Hairassowitz, 96, 320 p. (ill.) (Veröffentlichungen des Luzemer Arbeitskreises zur Geschichte des Buchwesens; Schriften und Zeugnisse zur Buchgeschichte, 9). 129. SMEUERS (F.). Counterpunch: making type in the sixteenth Century, designing typefaces now. Ed. by R. KINROSS. London, Hyphen, 96, 192 p. (ill., facsim.). 130. Universitätsbibliothek Wien. Katalog der Inkunabeln. ZusammengesteUt von H. ALKER. Bd. 2. Durchgesehene und erweiterte Aufl. Hrsg. v. L. CORNARO. Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 96, XVI280-XLVIp. (ill.). 131. WALSH (J. E.). A catalogue of the fifteenthcentury printed books in the Harvard University Library [Cambridge (MA)]. T. 4. Books printed in France, the Netherlands, the Iberian peninsula, England and Montenegro; Hebraica and supplementary entries. Binghamton, Center for Medieval and early Renaissance Studies and State University of New York, 96, XVIII-332 p. (pl.) (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 150). 132. WOODWARD (D.). Catalogue of watermarks in Italian printed maps (1540-1600). Firenze, L. S. Olschki a. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 96, 206 p. (ill., graf.) (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 141).

sources. Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL. Institut orientaliste, 96, 287 p. 139. MAIELLO (Francesco). Storia del calendario: la misurazione del tempo, 1450-1800. Torino, Einaudi, 96, IX-235 p. 140. O'MALLEY (Michael). Keeping watch: a history of American time. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 96, XIV-384 p. 141. PARISOT (Jean-Paul). Calendriers et Chronologie. Paris, Masson, 96, VIII-209 p. 142. POULSEN (E.). „Saeculum confiisionis". The calendar reforms in Denmark-Norway in the year of 1700 and the year of 1743. Historisk tidsskrijft, 96, 96, p. 349-367. 143. SHERMAN (Stuart). Telling time: clocks, diaries, and English diumal form, 1660-1785. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 96, XV-323 p. 144. SOLANA PUJALTB (J.). U n e p r i m i t i v a r e d a c c i ö n

del 'De correctione anni mensiumque Romanorum' de Juan Gines de Sepülveda en un manuscrito florentino. Rinascimento, 96, 36, p. 299-318. 145. TERRACÖ (L.). El calendario latino del Sinai': smtomas hispänicos. Cisterciim, 96, XLVM, 863-890 p. 146. WOLFE (Robert). Revolution in time: the case for a new calendar. New York, J-REP, 96,176 p.

133. ZAPPBLLA (Giuseppina). Manuale del libro antico. Guida allo studio e alla catalogazione. Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 96, XI-1265 p. (ill.) (Bibliografia e biblioteconomia. Fuori collana).

§ 5. Genealogy.

134. Zw AHR (Hartmut). Inszenierte Lebenswelt: Jahrhundertfeiern zum Gedenken an die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Buchgewerbe, Buchhandel und Wissenschaft Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 96, 22, 1, p. 5-18.

147. Augsburger Eliten des 16. Jahrhunderts: Prosopographie wirtschaftflicher und politischer Führungsgruppen 1500-1620. Hrsg. v. W. REINHARD. Beriin, Akademie Vertag, 96, LIV-1173 p.

Cf. n"' 5479-5527 § 4. Chronology.

135. BRfiVART (F. B.). Chronology and cosmology. A German 'Volkskalender' of the XV* Century. Princeton University Library chronicle, 95-96, 57, p. 225265. 136. CASTINEIRAS (Manuel A.). El calendario medieval hispano: textos e imagenes (siglos XI-XIV). Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y Leon, Consejeria de Educacion y Cultura, 96, 335 p. 137. CHERNYKH ( N . B . ) . D e n d r o k h r o n o l o g i y a i ar-

kheologiya. (Dendrochronology and Archaeology: Theory and Application in Eastem Europe). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, NOX, 96, 215 p. (plates, graphics, bibl.). 138. DE CALLATAY (Godefroid). Annus Platonicus: a study of world cycles in Greek, Latin and Arabic

148. BOSWORTH (Clifford Edmund). The new Islamic dynasties: a chronological and genealogical manual. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 96, XXVI-389 p. 149. Formazione e strutture dei ceti dominanti nel Medioevo: marchesi, conti e Visconti nel Regno italico, secc. IX-XII (atti del secondo Convegno di Pisa, 3 ^ dicembre 1993). Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 96, 441 p. 150. Genealogia. Rola zwi^zköw rodzinnych i rodowych w zyciu publicznym w Polsce sredniowiecznej na tle poröwnawczym. (Genealogie. Role des liens familiaux et de souche dans la vie publique en Pologne mediövale sur les fonds comparatifs). Red. Andrzej RADZIMIIQSKI et Jan WRONISZEWSKI. Torun, Uniw. M. Kopemika, 96, 330 p. (Eng. summary). 151. Grandi famiglie italiane (Le): le 61ites che hanno condizionato la storia d'Italia. A cura di V. REINHARDT. Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 96,703 p. 152. JASINSKI (Kazimierz). Prace wybrane z nauk pomocniczych historii. (Ouvrages choisis des sciences auxiliaires d'histoire). Toruh, Uniw. M Kopemika, 96,416 p.


153. KUBY (Erich). Lauter Patrioten: eine deutsche Familiengeschichte. München, C. Hanser, 96, 234 p. 154. MOORE (Marjorie). Sources for Scottish genealogy in the library of the Society of Genealogists. London, Society of Genealogists, 96, VI-58 p. 155. PISKORSKI (Jan Maria). O legendzie dynastycznej Hohenzollemöw. (Sur la legende dynastique des Hohenzollems). Rocm. hist., 96, 62, p. 127-142. (Deutsche Zsfassung). 156. VAN POPPEL (F.), POST (W.), VAN IMHOFF (E.),

KRUSE (E.). Teilen met parentelen. Een reconstructie van de omvang en samenstelling van het familienetwerk in Nederland in het recente verleden met behulp van genealogische gegevens. Jaarboek van het Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, 96, 50, p. 224-264. Cf. n" 3011

§ 6. Sigillography and heraldry.

167. VAHL (W.). Beschreibung und Auswertung mittelalterlicher Siegel. Archiv ßr Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- u. Wappenkunde, 96, 42, p. 489523.

Cf. n" 1309

§ 7. Numismatics and metrology.

168. Actes des Joumees numismatiques de Lyon (31 mai-2 juin 1996). Bulletin de la Societe frangaise de numismatique, 96, 51, 6, p. 97-164. 169. Anciennes mesures locales (Les) du Sud-Ouest d'apr&s les tables de conversion. Ed. par A. POITRINEAU. Clermont-Perrand, Institut d'etudes du Massif central, Universite Blaise-Pascal, 96,240 p. 170. BELAUERE (Jean). Dictionnaire de numismatique m6di6vale. Paris, Le Leopard d'Or, 96, 151 p. 171. BENDALL (Simon). Byzantine weights. An introduction. London, Lennox Gallery, 96, 68 p.

157. CARVALHO (Sergio). Inicia^äo a heraldica portuguesa. Lisboa, Grupo de Trabalho de Ministerio da Educacao para as Comemoraföes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 96, 211 p.

172. CHENG (Minsheng), ZHANG (Ruisheng). Lun Songdai qianmo zhi. (The coinage system under the Song). Zhongguo shiyanjiu, 96, 3, p. 74-82

158. CHOTZAKOGLU (C.). Die Palaiologen und das früheste Auftreten des byzantiniscen Doppeladlers. Byzantinoslavica, 96, 57, p. 60-68.

173. Coin fmds and coin use in the Roman world: the thirteenth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History (25.-27.3.1993). Zusammengestellt v. C. E. KING U. D. G. WIGG. Berlin, Mann, 96,460 p.

159. FOX-DAVIES (Arthur Charles). The Wordsworth complete guide to heraldry. Ware, Wordsworth, 96, X-647 p. 160. FRIAR (Stephen). Heraldry for the local historian and genealogist. Stroud, Sutton, 96, X-271 p. 161. HELSEN (I.). De private zegels van de Tumhoutse schepenen (Iste helft XVde eeuw). Taxandria, 96,LXVIII, 303-330 p. 162. LEHTONEN (Juhani U. E.). Itä ja länsi suomalaisissa kunniamerkeissä. (Osten und Westen in den finnischen Ehrenzeichen). Suomen museo, 96, 103, p. 7786 (Dt. Zfassung).

174. CUNZ (Reiner). Numismatik zwischen Haushistoriographie und fürstlicher Sammellust: dargestellt am Beispiel der Geschichte des ehemaligen königlichen Münzkabinetts zu Hannover und seiner Betreuer 1745-1945. Hamburg, Musuem für Hamburgische Geschichte, 96, 395 p. 175. Drevneyshie gosudarstva Vostochnoy Evropy, 1994 god: Novoe v numizmatike. (The earliest states of Eastem Europe: Papers for 1994: New in numismatics). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t rosiyskoy ist. Ed. A. P. NOVOSEL'TSEV. Moskva, Arkheograficheskiy tsentr, 96, 286 p. (bibl.).

163. NIEDERAU (K.). Genealogisch und heraldisch Bemerkenswertes aus Düsseldorfer Kirchen (Kreuzherrenkirche). Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch, 96, 67, p. 219249.

176. Friesacher (Die) Münze im Alpen-Adria-Raum [Akten der Friesacher Sommerakademie Friesach (Kärnten), 14. bis 18. September 1992]. Hrsg. v. R. HÄRTEL. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 96, XV-512p.

164. PFERSCHY-MALECZBK (B.). Der Nimbus des Doppeladlers. Mystik und Allegorie im Siegelbild Kaiser Sigmunds. Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 96, 23, p. 433-471.

177. GALANI-ERIKOU (Mina) [et al.]. Coins & numismatics. Athens, Hellenic Ministry of Culture a. Numismatic Museum, Athens, 96, 215 p.

165. STEHLIKOVÄ (D.). Cistercian seals in Bohemia and Moravia from 1220 to 1520. Oteaux, 96,47, p. 329342.

166. TAMAYO (Alberto). Archivistica, diplomatica y sigilografia. Madrid, Catedra, 96, 334 p.

178. KLEIN (R.). Der Luxenburger Denar zur Zeit der Grafen Heinrich VI. (1282-1288) und Heinrich VH. (1288-1310). Hemect, 96,48, p. 73-81. 179. KREITZER (Larry Joseph). Striking new images: Roman Imperial coinage and the New Testament world. Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 96, 258 p.


180. NARASIMHA MURTHY (A. V.). Studies in Kar-

nataka numismatics. Mysore, Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, 96, VIII-215 p. 181. PASSI (Leena). Ilmiö mitallitaide: 1960-luvulla valetut suomalaiset mitallit. (The phenomenon of metal art). Jyväskylä, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 96, 290 p. (ill.. Eng. summary). (Jyväskylä studies in art, 53). 182. Vacat. 183. lungen schen Vereins

SCHULZKI (H.-J.). Numismatica Palatina. Sammpfälzischer Münzen und Medaillen im deutMünzhandel. Mitteilungen des Historischen der Pfalz, 96, 94, p. 219-231.

184. SPERBER (Erik). Balances, weights and weighing in Ancient and early medieval Sweden. Stockholm, Archaeologcial Research Laboratory, 96, 125 p. 185. SRIVASTAVA (Prashant). Aspects of ancient Indian numismatics. Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, 96, XXXIX-392 p. 186. VALLADIER-CHANTE (R.). Mesures agraires du Bas-Vivarais. Revue du Vivarais, 96, 100, p. 159-169. 187. YANNOPOULOS (P. A.). Le 82° canon du 'Quinisexte' et l'iconographie mon6taire. Note complementaire. Byzantion, 96, 66, p. 531-535.

cura di Sergio DARIS. Supplemente 2 (1987-1993). Bonn, R. Habelt, 96, 247 p. 196. CALZOLARI (Mauro). Introduzione allo studio della rete stradale dell'Italia romana: l'Itinerarium Antonini. Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 96, p. 370-520 (Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche). 197. CHADWICK (J.). Lexicographica Graeca. Contributions to the lexicography of ancient Greek. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 343 p. 198. CHEVALIER (Jean-Claude). Les linguistes fran9ais et les pays d'Europe de l'Est de 1918 ä 1931. In: Langue et nation en Europe centrale [Cf. n° 209], p. 5774. 199. CLEMENTS (J. Clancy). The genesis of a language: the formation and development of Korlai Portuguese. Amsterdam a. Philadelphia, J. Benjamins Pub. Co, 96, XII-281p. (Creole language library). 200. CORDONER (Carmen). Evoluciön en los diccionarios de Antonio de Nebrija, 1492-1512. Historiographia linguistica, 96, 23, 3, p. 267-285. 201. DE PLATT (Lyman). Hispanic sumames and family histoiy. Baltimore, Genealogical Pub., 96,349 p.

Cf. n" 1222

§ 8. L i n g u i s t l c s .

188. ALI MAKKI (Mahmud). Introducciön para el estudio de los toponimos de origen arabe en Espaüa. Presentaciön Soliman EL-ATTAR. Madrid, Institute Egipcio de Estudios Islamicos, 96, 62 p. (Publicaciones del Institute Egipcio de Estudios Islamicos en Madrid). 189. ALINEI (Mario). Origini delle lingue d'Europa. La teoria della continuitä. Bologna, Mulino, 96, 779 p. 190. ANDERSON (Judith Helena.). Words that matter: linguistic perception in Renaissance English. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, XI-338 p. 191. ARIKAN (Zeki). Tahrir Defterierinde Gefen Deyimler. (Termes employes dans les registres cadastraux ottomans). Osmanli Ara^tirmalan, 96, 16, p. 1-13. 192. AYRES-BENNETT (Wendy). A history of the French language through texts. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, VI-304 p. (ill.). 193. BALDELLI (Ignazio). Dante e la lingua italiana. Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 96, 31 p. 194. BLAKE (Norman Francis). A history of the English language. Basingstoke, Macmillan, 96, XV382 p. 195. CALDERINI (Aristide). Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell'Egitto greco-romano. A

202. HÄKKINEN (Kaisa). Suomalaisten esihistoria kielitieteen valossa. (The origin of the Finns in the light of linguistics). Helsinki, SKS, 96, 224 p. (Tietolipas, 147). 203. HAMBLENNE (Pierre). Le vocabulaire latin de la fmance et du commerce, d'apres les auteurs comiques preciceroniens [article bibliographique]. Revue beige de Philologie et d'histoire, 96,74, 1, p. 165-176. 204. HERNÄNDEZ (Esther). Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana de Fray Alfonso de Molina. Estudio de los indigenismos lexicos y registro de las voces espafiolas intemas. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientiTicas, 96, XXIV-450 p. 205. HOCK (Hans Henrich). Language history, language change, and language relationship: an introduction to historical and comparative linguistics. Berlin a. New York, Mouton a. de Gruyter, 96, XV-602 p. 206. jQzyk polski czasu drugiej wojny swiatowej (1939-1945). (La langue polonaise pendant la deuxieme guerre mondiale, 1939-1945). Red. Irena BAJEROWA. Auteurs: Krystyna KLESZCZOWA [et al.]. Warszawa, Energia, 96, 507p. (phot., dessins). 207. KIEL (Michael). The Vakfname of Rakkas Sinan Beg in Kamabat (Karin-Abat) and the Ottoman Colonization of Bulgarian Thrace (XIV^-XV*^ Century). Osmanh Ara^tirmalan Dergisi, 96, 16, p. 15-32. 208. KUNSTMANN (Heinrich). Die Slaven: ihr Name, ihre Wanderung nach Europa und die Anfänge der russischen Geschichte in historisch-onomastischer Sicht. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 96, 347 p.



209. Langue et nation en Europe centrale et Orientale du XVIIP sifecle ä nos jours. (Actes du Colloque de rinstitut de linquistique et des sciences du language, Lausanne). Cahiers de l'ILSL, 96, 8, 358 p. [Cf. n° 198.] 210. Lexikon der lateinischen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen dokumentarischen Texten Ägyptens mit Berücksichtigung koptischer Quellen. Hrsg. v. I.-M.





Wien, Hollinek/Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 96, 132 p. (Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer], 27). 211. Manuscrits (Les) des lexiques et glossaires de l'Antiquit^ tardive ä la fm du moyen äge. (Actes du Colloque international organise par le „Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture). Erice, 23-30 sept. 1994). Ed. par J. HAMESSE. Tumhout, Brepols et Louvain-la Neuve, F6d6ration Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes M6dievales, 96, XIII-723 p. (Fed6ration internationale des Instituts d'Etudes medievales. Textes et etudes du Moyen Age, 4). 212. MAYER MODENA (Maria). Le parlate giudeoitaliche. In: Storia d'Italia. Annali 11 [Cf. n° 5204], p. 940-963.

221. Roman onomastics in the Greek East: social and political aspects. Proceedings of the International Colloquium organized by the Finnish Institute and the Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity (Athens 7-9 September 1993). Ed. by A. D. RIZAKIS. Athens, Kentron Hellenikes kai Romaikes Archaiotetos, Ethnikon Hidryma Ereunon a. Paris, Diffusion de Boccard, 96, III277 p. (Meiethemata, 21). [Cf n " 2049, 2113,2165,2205,2210.] 222. RUSCONI (Carlo). Vocabolario del greco del Nuovo Testamento. Bologna, Dehoniane, 96, XIV-386 p. 223. SCHWYTER (J. R.). Old English legal language: the lexical field of theft. Odense, Odense U. P., 96, IV197 p. (North-Westem European Language Evolution. Supplement, 15). 224. SEIBICKE (Wilfried). Historisches deutsches Vomamenbuch. Berlin, De Gruyter, 96, [s. p.]. 225. SMITH (Jeremy J.). An historical study of English: function, form and change. London, Routledge, 96, XVII-225 p. 226. Sociolinguistics and language history: studies based on the corpus of early English correspondence. Ed. by T. NEVALAINEN a. H . RAUMOLIN-BRUNBERG.

Amsterdam a. Atlanta, Rodopi, 96, 213 p.

213. MEISENBURG (Trudel). Romanische Schriftsysteme im Vergleich: eine diachrone Studie. Tübingen, Narr, 96, XII-437 p.

227. SOLIN (H.). Die stadtrömischen Sklavennamen: ein Namenbuch. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 3 vol., 727 p. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, 2).

214. MILLS (Anthony David). A dictionary of English place names. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XXIV-388 p.

228. TONER (Gregory). Place-names of Northern Ireland. General editor Gerard STOCKMAN. Vol. 5. County Derry I, Moyola Valley. Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies, the Queen's University of Belfast, 96, XIX-283 p.

215. MUHR (Kay). Place-names of Northern Ireland. General editor Gerard STOCKMAN. Vol. 6. County Down IV, North-West Down/Iveagh. Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies, the Queen's University of Belfast, 96, XXII-422 p. 216. Nazwy miejscowe Polski. Historia, pochodzenie, zmiany. (Noms de lieux polonais. Histoire, origine, changements.). R6d. Kazimierz RYMUT. T. 1. A-B. Auteurs: Urszula BUAK [et al.]. Krakow, Wydawn. Inst. jQzyka Pol. Pol. Akad. Nauk, 96, XLI-483 p. 217. NICOLAS (C.). Utraque Lingua. Le calque s6mantique: domaine gräco-latin. Louvain et Paris, Editions Peeters, 96, 301 p. 218. OSBORNE (Michael J.), BYRNE (S. G.). T h e f o r -

eign residents of Athens: an annex to the Lexicon of Greek personal names: Attica. Leuven, Peeters, 96, XXXVI-479 p. (Studia Hellenistica, 33). 219. PETRUCCI (Livio). II volgare nei carteggi tra Pisa e i paesi arabi. In: Studi offerti a Luigi Blasucci dai colleghi e dagli allievi pisani. A cura di L. LUGNANI, M. SANTAGATA e A. STUSSI. Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazzi Ed., 96, p. 413-426. 220. Principal family and estate collections. Family names A-K. Ed. by Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. London, H.M.S.O., 96, [s. p.] (Guides to sources for British history, 10).

229. TOPOROVA (Tatiyana Vladimirovna). Kul'tura v zerkale yazyka: Drevnegermanskie dvuchlennye imena sobstvennye. (Culture in the mirror of language: The Old Germanic Compound proper names). Moskva, Shkola „Yazyki russkoy kul'tury", 96, 253 p. (Eng. summary). 230. TÖTH (Istvän György). LatinSina ako hovorenä rei V Uhorsku v 17. a 18. storoii so zretel'om na Slovensko. (Latin as a spoken language in Hungary of XVII'^ and XVIIl"' centuries with focus on Slovakia). Historicky casopis, 96, 44, 1, p. 102-113. 231. TRASK (Robert Lawrence). Historical linguistics. London, Arnold, 96, XVII-430 p. 232. VAN DURME (LUC). G a l l o r o m a n i a e Neerlandi-

cae submersae fragmenta. Gent, Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 96, 650 p. (Reeks III, 43). 233. VENY (Joan). Onomastica i dialectologia. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 96, 232 p. (Biblioteca Serra d'or, 166). 234. Words, names and history: selected writings of Cecily Clark. Ed. by Peter JACKSON. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 96, ZXVIII-447 p.

9. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF GEOGRAPHY 235. ZIMMERMANN (Karin). Der Heidelberger Rotulus aus dem Jahre 1401 (UAH XII, 2 Nr. 33): Studien zu den Personennamen. Heidelberg, Winter, 96, 412 p. (Beiträge zur Namenforschung. Beiheft, 48). Cf. n" 666, 3256, 3257

§ 9. Historical geography and history of geography. * 236. CRISTEA (Ovidiu). Bibliografia istoricä romäneascä a Märii Negre. (The Romanian historical bibliography of the Black Sea). Bucure§ti, Editura Enciclopedicä, 96,160 p.

237. ARMSTRONG (L.). Benedetto Bordon, „miniator", and cartography in early XVI^-century Venice. Imago mundi, 96, XLVIII, 65-92 p. 238. BÄICAN (Vasile). Geografia Moldovei reflectat ä in documentele cartografice din secolul al XVIII-lea. (Moldavian geography mirrored in cartographic documents from the XVIIl"' Century). Bucurejti, Editura Academiei Romane, 96, 200 p. 239. BALLO ALAGNA (S.). Recenti orientamenti degh studi geografico storici sulle esplorazioni e suU'immagine dei mondo nei secoli XV e XVI. Atti dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 96, 7, p. 311-322. 240. BARRADAS (Manoel). Tractatus tres historicogeographici (1634). A seventeenth Century historical and geographica! account of Tigray, Ethiopia. Ed. by R. PANKHURST. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Vertag, 96, XX-218 p. (Aethiopistische forschungen 43). 241. BLiß (Winfried). Allgemeine Kartensammlung Provinz Ostpreußen. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, BöhlauVeriag, 96, XII-406 p. (Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 43). 242. BÜRDEN (Philip D.). The mapping of North America: a list of printed maps, 1511-1670. Rickmansworth, Raleigh Publications, 96, XXXIV-568 p. 243. CONLEY (Tom). The self-made map: cartographic writing in early modern France. Minneapolis a. London, University of Minnesota Press, 96, XrV-372 p. 244. CRAMPTON (Richard), CRAMPTON (Ben). Atlas of Eastem Europe in the twentieth Century. London, Routledge, 96, XV-297 p. 245. ENGLISCH (B.). Erhard Etzlaub's projection and methods of mapping. Imago mundi, 96,48, p. 103-123. 246. GAUTIER DALCHE (P.). Pour une histoire du regard g^ographique. Conception et usage de la carte au XVe sifecle. Micrologus, 96,4, p. 77-103. 247. Geographie fran5aise ä l'epoque classique (La), ( 1 9 1 8 - 1 9 6 8 ) . S o u s la dir. de P. CLAVAL et A.-L. SAN-

GUIN. Paris, L'Hamiattan, 96, 345 p.


248. Grenzen und Raumvorstellungen (11.-20 jh.). Frontiferes et conceptions de l'espace (XI'-XX' siecles). Hrsg. v. G. P. MARCHAL. Zürich, Chronos, 96, 346 p. 249. GROVE (Richard H.). Green imperialism. Colonial expansion, tropical island edens and the origins of environmentalism, 1600-1860. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XIV-542 p. 250. Irish historic towns atlas. Vol. 1. Ed. by Anngret SIMMS, H . B. CLARKE a. R a y m o n d GILLESPIE.

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 96, 224 p. 251. KOCH (Hans-Albert). Geographica aus Gotha: zu Geschichte und Zukunft des Sammlungen der geographischen und kartographischen Verlagsanstalt Justus Perthes Gotha. In: Mundus librorum [Cf n° 125], p. 257-266. 252. LESTER (Alan). From colonization to democracy: a new historical geography of South Africa. London, I. B. Tauris, 96, 276 p. (International library of African studies). 253. LOZOVSKY (N.). Carohngian geographical ttadition: was it geography? Early medieval Europe, 96, V, 25-43 p. 254. LUISI (Guido). La descrizione dei territorio pugliese tra medioevo ed etä modema. Bari, Cacucci, 96, 270 p. 255. MAC EWAN (Cheryl). Paradise or pandemonium? West African landscapes in the travel accounts of Victorian women. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22, l , p . 68-83. 256. MARQUES (Alfredo Pinheiro). A cartografia portuguesa do Japäo (seculos XVI-XVII): catalogo das cartas portuguesas. Lisboa, Fundagäo Oriente, 96,254 p. 257. MUNDY (Barbara E.). The mapping of new Spain. Indigenous cartography and the maps of the Relaciones Geogräficas. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 96, XXIII, 281p. 258. PALSKY (Gilles). Des chiffres et des cartes: naissance et d^veloppement de la cartographie quantitative fran9aise au XIX" siMe. Paris, CTHS, 96, s. p. 259. PINOL (Jean-Luc). Atlas historique des villes de France. Paris, Hachette, 96, 318 p. 260. POSTNIKOV (A. V.). Karty zemel' rossiyskikh: Ocherk istorii geograficheskogo izucheniya i kartografirovaniya nashego otechestva: iz sobraniya Rossiyskoy gosudarstvennoy biblioteki. (A survey of geographical study and cartography of Russia: on the base of the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow). Moskva, Nash Dom & L'Age d'Homme, 96, 192 p. (ill., portr., maps). (Kul'tumoe nasledie Rossii). 261. Quand la montagne aussi a une histoire: melanges offerts ä Jean-Fran^ois Bergier. Sous la dir. de M. KORNER et F. WALTER. Berne, P. Haupt, 96,480 p.



262. RODRIGUEZ ESTEBAN (Jose A.). Geografi'a y colonialismo: la Sociedad Geografica de Madrid (1876^ 1936). Madrid, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 96, 412 p. 263. RUDOLF (Davorin). Povijest drzavnih granica na moru od 15. stoljeca do danas. (History of the State Maritime Boundaries from the IS"" Century). Split, [s. n.],96, [s.p.]. 264. RYAN (Simon). The cartographic eye: how explorers saw Australia. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 9 6 , X I - 2 3 5 p. 2 6 5 . SCHACH ( A n d r e a s ) . C a r l R i t t e r


Naturphilosophie und Geographie: erkenntnistheoretische Überlegungen, Reform der Geographie und mögliche heutige Implikationen. Münster, Lit Verlag, 96, 197 p. 266. SCHWARTZ (Joan M.). The 'Geography Lesson': photographs and the construction of imaginative geographies. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22, l , p . 16-45. 267. SEAVER (Kirsten A.). The frozen echo: Greenland and the exploration of North America, ca. A.D. 1000-1500. Stanford a. London, Stanford U. P., 96, XVI-407 p. (ill.). 268. SHAW (Denis J. B.). Geographica! practice and its significance in Peter the Great's Russia. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22, 2, p. 160-176. 269. STOBART (Jon). The spatial Organization of a regional economy: central places in North-west England in the early-eighteenth Century. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22,2, p. 147-159. 270. Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums, 5, 1993: „Gebirgsland als Lebensraum". Hrsg. V. E. OLSHAUSEN U. H. SONNABEND. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 96, VIII-409 p. (Geographica historica). 271. TERLOUW (Kees). A general perspective on the regional development of Europe from 1300 to 1850. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22, 2, p. 129-146. 272. Topographical writers in south-west England. Ed. by M. BRAYSHAY. Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 96, XlV-200p. 273. TOWNER (John). An historical geography of recreation and tourism in the Western World (15401940). Chicheste, John Wiley, 96, VIII-312 p. 274. VARGAS MARTINEZ (Gustavo). America en un mapa de 1489. Mexico, Sociedad cooperativa de produccion „Taller Abierto", 96, 135 p. 275. WHITHELD (Peter). The charting of the oceans: ten centuries of maritime maps. London, British Library, 96, 136 p.

§ 10. Iconography.

276. ANDREZ GONZALEZ (Patricia). Iconograffa de la venerable Maria de Jesus Ägreda. Boletm del seminario de estudios de arte y arqueologia, 96, 62, p. 447466. 211. BASCHET (Jeröme). Inventivite et s6rialite des images m6di6vales. Pour une approche iconographique 61argie. Annales, 96, 51, 1, p. 93-133. 278. CAVINESS (Madeline H.). Typologie des sources du moyen age occidental. Fondateur, L. GENICOT; directeur, R. NOEL. Tumhout, Brepols, 96, 86 p. (Fase. 76. Stained glass windows). 279. COTTIN (Jeröme). Loi et Evangile chez Luther et Cranach. Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 96,76, p. 293-314. 2 8 0 . D E LUIS MARTIN




ZÄLES (Luis). Iconografia obrera: imägenes y si'mbolos visuales del 1° Mayo en „El Socialista" (1886-1936). Revista de Histöria das Ideias, 96, 18, p. 63-114. 281. DINZELBACHER (Peter). Angst im Mittelalter: Teufels-, Todes- und Gotteserfahrung: Mentalitätsgeschichte und Ikonographie. Paderborn, F. Schoningh, 96, 295 p. 282. FAIK-NZUJI MADIYA (Clementine). Tracing memory: a glossary of graphic signs and symbols in African art and culture. Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 96, 217 p. (Paper / Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, 70. Mercury series). 283. MONDZAIN-BAUDINET (Marie-Jose). Image, icone, economie: les sources byzantines de l'imaginaire contemporain. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 96, 295 p. (L'Ordre philosophique). 2 8 4 . MORTARA OTTOLENGHI ( L u i s a ) . ' F i g u r e e i m a -

gini' dal secolo XIII al secolo XIX. In: Storia d'Italia. A n n a l i 11 [Cf. n" 5 2 0 4 ] , p . 9 6 7 - 1 0 0 8 .

285. TERRIEN (Samuael). The iconography of Job through the centuries. Artists as biblical Interpreters. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 96, 308 p. 286. TOUBERT (H^ene). La Vierge et les deux sagesfemmes: l'iconographie entre les Evangiles apocryphes et le drame liturgique. In\ Georges Duby: l'^criture de l'histoire [Cf. n" 509], p. 401-423. 287. VINCENT (J.). DU cheminement de la feminite dans l'iconographie grecque. Revue Historique, 96, 296, 599, p. 3-12. - IDEM. Jusqu'ä quel point se recoupaient image et realite dans l'iconographie hellönistique? Revue Historique, 96, 296, 599, p. 13-28. Cf n" 9. 2511, 2617, 3473, 6113


§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums {a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 288-348. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 349-561. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 562-649. § 4. Ethnology and folklore. 650-685. - § 5. General history. 686-785. - § 6. Theory of the State and of society. 786-804. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 805-821. - § 8. Economic and social history. 822-870. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education (o. Civilization; b. Sciences and education). 871-910. - § 10. History of art. 911-934. - § 11. History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 935-1043. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1044-1078. - § 13. History of literature. 1079-1114.

§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums.

a. Archives.

295. GEARY (P. J.). La memoire et L'oubli Ä la fm du Premier mill6naire. Paris, Aubier, 96, 339 p. 296. GÖKCE (Turan). Makedonya'daki Osmanli Evraki. (Les archives Ottomanes en Macedoine). Türk Dünyasi incelemeleri Dergisi, 96, 1, p. 253-256.

288. Archivi (Gli) dei partiti politici. Atti dei Seminari di Roma, 30 giugno 1994, e di Perugia, 25-26 ottobre 1994. Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, 96,419 p.

vedenie. (Comment travailler aux archives: Le manuel). Moskva, Norma, 96, 220 p.

289. Arkheograficheskiy ezhegodnik: 1994. (Annual studies in archaeography). Sb. st. (Coli, of articles). Ros. akad. nauk, Otd-nie istorii, Arkheograficheskaya komisssiya. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 380 p. (ill.).

298. MARINELLI (Roberto). Memoria di provincia: la formazione dell'Archivio di Stato di Rieti e le fonti storiche della regione Sabina. Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, 96, 315 p.

290. BARTOSEK (Karel). Les aveux des archives. Prague - Paris - Prague 1948-1968. Paris, Ed. du Seuil,

299. MARTIN (Jean-Clement). Violences sexuelles, etude des archives, pratiques de l'histoire. Annales, 96, 51, 3, p. 643-661.

9 6 , 4 5 8 p.

291. BENESOVÄ (Emilie). Fotosbi'rka Stätnfho üstfedniho archivu v Praze. (The photo collection of the State Central Archive, Prague). In: 18. mezinarodnf sympozium fototechniky. Cesky Krumlov, [s. n.], 96, p. 6 1 - 6 9 .

292. BUZATU (Gheorghe). Romänii in archivele Kremlinului. (The Romanians in the Kremlin Archives). Bucure§ti, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 96, 3 9 5 p. 293. FILANGERI (R.). L'Archivio di Stato di Napoli durante la seconda Guerra Mondiale. A cura di S. PALMIERI. Napoli, Arte Tipografica, 96,41 p. 2 9 4 . GAUBERT (Sonia), C O H U (Rosine). Archives d'architectes. Etat des fonds XIX°-XX° siede. Paris, Direction des Archives de France et la Documentation franfaise, 96, 320 p.

2 9 7 . KRAYSKAYA (Z. V.), CHELLINI (E. V.). A r k h i v o -

300. MATELSKI (Dariusz). Zrodla do dziejöw Niemcöw w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej w zasobach archiwöw i bibliotek polskich. (Les sources pour l'histoire des Allemands sous la Deuxifeme Republique Polonaise dans les ressources des archives et bibliotheques polonaises). Inter finitimos, 96, 9, p. 11-16. 301. NIR (Roman). Polskie zbiory archiwalne w Stanach Zjednoczonych [XlX'-XXe s.]. (Les archives polonaises aux Etats-Unis). Archiwa, Bibliot. Muzea Kose., 96, 65, p. 289-347. (Deutsche Zsfassung). 302. PARINET (Elisabeth). Gli editori francesi contemporanei ed i loro archivi. Archivio storico italiano, 96, 154,569, p. 523-534. 303. Recherche historique en archive (La): XIX' et XX' sifecle, de 1789 ä nos jours. Sous la dir. de P. DELSALLE. G a p , O p h r y s , 9 6 , 3 1 2 p.



304. VAN DER HEYDEN (Ulrich). The archives and library of the Berlin Mission Society. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 411-427. 305. WOLF (Ursula). Litteris et Patriae. Das Janusgesicht der Historie. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 516 p. (Frankfurter Historische Abhandlungen, 37). 306. WOSZCZYNSKI (Boleslaw). Dokumentacja partyjna w polskich archiwach panstwowych. (Documentation de parti dans les archives d'Etat). Archeion, 96, 96, p. 38-49. (Eng. Summary, R6s. fran9.) 307. WRIGHT (John). Making the James Stuart archive. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 333-350. 308. ZANGHERI (Isabella). L'archivio del Sacro Collegio Padovano dei Medici e Filosofi da un inventario del 1565. Quademi per la storia dell'universitä di Padova, 96,29, p. 111-126. 309. ZANOLINI (Giovanni). L'archivio visto da dentro: interventi di conservazione ed ordinamento nell'archivio del Comune di Bagolino nel corso della seconda meta del XIX secolo. Storia in Lombardia, 96, 16, 3,

318. GARCIA GOMEZ (Maria). El arzobispo de Va-

lencia Folch de Cardona: analisis de una biblioteca eclesiastica del siglo XVIII. Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, 96, 128 p. 319. GNEUSS (Helmut). Books and libraries in early England. Aldershot, Variorum, 96, VI-424 p. 320. Greci in occidente (I). La tradizione filosofica, scientifica e letteraria delle collezioni della Biblioteca Marciana. Catalogo della mostra. A cura di Gianfranco RACCADORI e Paolo ELEUTERL Venezia, II Cardo, 96, LXXV-92 p. 321. HERKENHOFF (Paulo). Biblioteca Nacional: a historia de uma cole9äo. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Salamandra, 96, 263 p. 322. HERNANDEZ (Vicente Stabile). History of books and libraries in the Philippines, 1521-1900: a study of the sources and chronology of events pertaining to Philippine library history from the sixteenth to the end of the nineteenth Century. Manila, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 96, XVI-248 p. 323. INNOCENTI (Pietro). Collocazione materiale e ordinamento concettuale in biblioteche pre-modeme. Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia, 96, 64, 3, p. 21-46.

p. 137-156.

Cf. n" 1311 b. Libraries. * 310. Biblioteca (La) delle cittä europee. Bibliografia per la storia delle biblioteche d'Europa. A cura di Aurelio SANDAL MARENGONI. Bergamo, Stamperia Stefanoni, 96, 151 p.

311. ALLAUDDIN (Shaikh), ROUT (R. K.). Libraries and librarianship during Muslim rule in India. New Delhi, Reliance Publishing House, 96, 298 p. 312. BIAGETTI (Maria Teresa). Biblioteconomia italiana dell'Ottocento: catalografia e teoria bibliografica nella trattatistica italiana. Roma, Bulzoni, 96, 177 p. (II bibliotecario). 313. BLACK (Alistair). A new history of the public library: social and intellectual contexts, 1850-1914. London, Leicester U. P., 96, VII-368 p. 314. BLANCO (Luigi). Universitä e biblioteche in Italia: un profilo storico. Archivio trentino di storia contemporanea, 96,44, 3, p. 51-76. 315. BREITWIESER (Markus). Die Stadtbibliothek Lindau im Bodensee: eine Untersuchung zu Geschichte und Funktion. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 96, VI-151 p. 316. DOGLIANI (Patrizia). La democratizzazione della lettura: le biblioteche pubbliche nel mondo occidentale tra Otto e Novecento. Mem. Ric., 96, 7, p. 1 1 ^ . 317. ERÜNSAL (tsmail). The development of Ottoman libraries from the conquest of Istanbul (1453) to the emergence of the independent library. Belleten, 96, 60, 227, p. 93-125.

324. LEHMANN (Carl-Matthias). Geschichte der Universitätsbibliothek Eriangen von 1844 bis 1924: Organisation, Bestand und Benützung. Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, 96, 312 p. 325. MOSKALSKA (Grazyna). Biblioteka obozowa na Wyspach Solowieckich. (Bibliotheque du goulag des lies de Soloveck). Roczn. bibl, 96, 40, 1-2, p. 7582. (R6s. fran^ais). 326. OLSON (Michael P.). The Odyssey of a German national library: a Short history of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, the Deutsche Bucherei and the Deutsche Bibliothek. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 96, 122 p. 327. PIDLYPCZAK-MAJEROWICZ (Maria). Biblioteki i bibliotekarstwo zakonne na wschodnich ziemiach Rzecypospolitej w X V I I - X V m wieku. (Les bibliothöques et la bibliothöconomie religieuses sur les territoires de l'ancienne Republique de Pologne aux XVIPXVIIP sifecle). Wroclaw, Ed. de l'Universitö de Wroclaw, 96, 193 p. 328. Pouvoir des bibliotheques (Le): la memoire des livres en Occident. Sous la dir. de M. BARATIN et C. JACOB. Paris, A. Michel, 96, 338 p. (Bibliotheque Albin Michel de l'histoire). 329. ROMANI (V.). Biblioteche romane del sei e settecento. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 96, 120 p. (Bibliografia, bibliologia e biblioteconomia. Studi). 330. ROSSI (M.). Bibliofilia, bibliografia e biblioteconomia alla Corte dei Granduchi di Toscana Ferdinando i n e Leopolde II, itinerari esplorativi fra cataloghi e documenti della Biblioteca Palatina lorenese. Roma, Vecchiarelli, 96, 242 p. (Studi e testi del Dipartimento




di storia e culture del testo e del documento, Universitä della Tuscia, Viterbo, 2).

poration Galleries, 1854-1888. Journal ofthe

331. SLODKOWSKA (Elzbieta). Biblioteki W Krölestwie Polskim 1815-1830. (Les bibliothfeques dans le Royaume Polonais 1815-1830). Warszawa, Eibl. Narod., 96, 259 p. (Z dziejöw kultury czytelniczej w Pol.,

345. PRIDMORE (Jay). Inventive genius: the history of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Chicago, The Museum, 96, XVII-190 p.


346. SCHNITTER (Claude). Le developpement du MusÄum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris au cours de la seconde moitie du XIX° siede: "se transformer ou p6rir". Revue d'histoire des sciences st de leurs appli-

332. TRANIELLO (Paolo). Un istituto dell'autonomia locale. La biblioteca pubblica contemporanea nella sua genesi storica. Bollettino AIB. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze delt'informazione, 96, 36, 3, 275-287 p. 333. VICAIRE (M.-H). Livres et bibliothfeques: X n F XV° sifecle. Toulouse, Editions Privat et Fanjeaux, Centre d'etudes historiques de Fanjeaux, 96, 565 p. (ill.) (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 31). 334. VOLODIN (Boris). Die Russische Nationalbibliothek als Forschungsbibliothek europäischer Natur. In: Mundus librorum [Cf. n" 125], p. 371-382. 335. ZAPATA AGUILAR (Gerardo). Bibliotecas antiguas de Nuevo Leon. Monterrey, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, 96, 195 p.

of collections,



96, 8, 1, p. 93-102.

9 6 , 4 9 , 1, p. 53-97.

347. VOCOTOPOULAS (P.). Museums and collections of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art in Greece. Byzantine Studies, 96, 37, 2, p. 207-234. 348. ZILCZER (Judith). Artist and patron: the formation of the Hirshhom Museum's Willem de Kooning collection. Journal of the history of collections,

96, 8, 1, p. 117-126.

Cf n" 1914, 5719

§ 2. History of historiography.

Cf. ri" 3646, 8083 c. Museums. 336. Ad Alessandro Conti (1946-1994). A cura di F. CAGLIOTI, M . FILETI MAZZA e U. PARRINI. Pisa,

Scuola Normale Superiore, 96, 319 p. (Quademi del Seminario di storia della critica d'arte, 6) 337. Berlin (From the) Museum to the Berlin Wall: essays on the cultural and political history of modern Germany. Ed. by D. WETZEL. Westport a. London, Praeger, 96, X-212 p. 338. GABORIT (J.-R.). Sculpture hors contexte. Paris, La Documentation franfaise, 96, 168 p. 339. GINZKEY PULOY (Monika). High art and national socialism. Part L The Linz Museum as ideological arena. Journal ofthe history of collections, 96, 8, 2, 201-216 p. 340. Grosvenor Gallery (The): a palace of art in Victorian England. Ed. by S. P. CASTBRAS a. C. DENNEY. New Häven a. London, Yale U. P., 96, XII-209 p. 341. HAERTINGER (Pia). John Ruskin und das Museum: Portrait eines Pioniers und einer Museumsepoche. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, P. Lang, 96, 4 1 3 p. 342. KRIGER (Colleen E.). Museum collections as sources for African history. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 129-154. 343. Making histories in museums. Ed. by Gaynor KAVANAGH. Leicester, Leicester U. P., 96, XV-285 p. 344. MORRISON (John). Victorian municipal patronage: the foundation and management of Glasgow Cor-

a. General. * 349. BLAGINI ( H u g o E.), CLEMENTI (Hebe), B o u

(Marilü). Historiographia Argentina: la decada de 1980. Buenos Aires, Editores de America Latina, 96, 99 p. * 350.Research on British history in the Federal Republic of Germany 1989-1994: an annotated bibliography. Ed. by Ulrike JORDAN. London, German Historical Institute London, 96, 219p * 351. SEDLIAKOVÄ (Alzbeta), CICAJ (Viliam). Vyberovä bibliografia k dejinäm miest na Slovensku za roky 1990-1995. (Selected bibliography on the history of towns in Slovakia in the years 1990-1995). Historicke Studie, 96, 37, p. 141-178. ** 352. GOUBERT (Pierre). Un parcours d'historien. Souvenirs, 1915-1995. Paris, Fayard, 96, 315 p.

353. AnCBO (A. E.). The anthropology and historiography of Central-South Nigeria before and since Igbo-Ukwu. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 1-15. 354. AGUIRRE ROJAS (C. A.). Los A n n a l e s y la his-

toriografia francesa. Tradiciones cnticas de Marc Bloch a Michel Foucalt. Mexico, Ediciones Quinto Sol, 96, 248 p. 355. ALEKSEEV (L. V.). Arkheologiya i kraevedenie Belarusi XVI v.-30-e gody XX v. (Archaeology and local history in Bielorussia, 1500-1940). Ed. by B. A. RYBAKOV. ROS. akad. nauk, In-t arkhaeologii; Vitebsk. obl. ist.-kraevedch. muzey. Minsk, Belarus. Navuka, 96, 206 p. (ill., portr.).



356. ALINGS (Reinhard). Monument und Nation. Das Bild von Nationalstaat in Medium Denkmal - Zum Verhältnis von Nation und Staat im deutschen Kaiserreich 1871-1918. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 96, XIV642 p. (Beiträge zur Kommunikationsgeschichte, 4). 357. AMBROSIO (A.). La storia religiosa nei secoli X m - X V . Quademi medievali, 96, 41, 1, p. 179-184. 358. America in the world: the historiography of American foreign relations since 1941. Ed. by Michael J. HOGAN. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96,619 p. 359. Am6rica Latina. Ed. por Carlos BARROS y Carlos AGUIRRE ROJAS. Santiago de Compostela, Historia a debate, 96, 314 p. 360. AMPOLO (Carmine). Per una storia delle storie greche. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 1015-1084. 361. ANGELINI (Massimo). L'invenzione epigrafica delle origini famigliari (Levante ligure, secolo XVIII). Quademi storici, 96, 31, 93, p. 653-682.

Barbara A. HANAWALT a. David WALLACE. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 96, XII-242 p. (Medieval cultures, 9). 372. BORDONE (Renato). II medievo nell'immaginario deirOttocento italiano. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf n°485],p. 109-150. 373. BRECHENMACHER (Thomas). Großdeutsche Geschichtsschreibung im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Die erste Generation (1830-1848). Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 96,533 p. (Berliner Historische Studien, 22). 374. CARDINI (Franco). II medioevo in Gabriele D'Annunzio. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf n° 485], p. 151166.

375. CATTARUZZA (Marina). Storia delle donne e storia di genere in Austria: "L'Homme Geschichtswissenschaft" (1990-1995). Quademi storici, 96, 31, 92, p. 495-504.

362. ANTOUAK (Stjepan). Renesansa hrvatske historiografije. (Renaissance of Croatian Historiography). Pazin, Nasa sloga, 96, 119 p. (Knjiznica Povijesna djela, 1).

376. CECCARELLI LEMUT (Maria Luisa), SODI (Stefano). Un "falso documento" falso. Erudizione, riscrittura della storia e aspirazioni socio- politiche in Pisa al tempo della guerra contro Firenze (1494-1509). Quademi storici, 96, 31, 93, p. 607-630.

363. ARNALDI (Girolamo). L'Istituto storico per il medio evo e la ristampa dei RIS. In'. Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 1-16.

377. CHARTER (Roger). L'histoire culturelle. In: Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales [Cf n° 386], p. 73-92.

364. BAGGE (Sverre). Udsigt og innhogg. 150 ärs forskning om eldre norsk historie. ("Udsigt og Innhogg". 150 years of research in early Norwegian history). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 96, 75, 1-2, p. 37-77.

378. Chinese historiography in comparative perspective. Ed. by Axel SCHNEIDER a. Susanne WEIGELINSCHWIEDRZIK. Middletown, Wesleyan University, 96, 122 p. (History and theory: studies in the philosophy of history. Theme issue, 35. History and theory, 96, 35,4).

365. BAHAR (Hasan). Osmanli Tahrir Defterleri gahsmalanndaki Gelijmeler Üzerine Gözlemler. (Considdrations sur le developpement dans les recherches concemant les registres cadastraux ottomans). Osmanli Ara^tirmalan, 96, 16, p. 61-66. 366. BENZONI (Gino). Appunti sulla storiografia seicentesca in Italia. Atti dell'Islituto veneto di scienze, lettere e arti. Classe di scienze morati, teuere ed arti, 9 6 , 154, p. 7 8 7 - 8 3 4 .

367. Vacat. 3 6 8 . BERGGREN (L.), SJOESTEDT (L.). L ' o m b r a d e i

grandi. Monumenti e politica monumentale a Roma (1870-1895). Roma, Artemide, 96, XVI-300 p. 369. BETTANIN (Fabio). La fabbrica del mito: storia e politica nell'URSS staliniana. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 96, 266 p. 370. Black Athena revisited [on Martin BERNAL], E d . b y M a r y R . LEFKOWITZ a. G u y M A C LEAN ROG-

ERS. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 96, XXI-522 p. 371. Bodies and disciplines. Intersections of literature and history in fifteenth-century England. Ed. by

379. CHRIST (K.). Griechische Geschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 238 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 106). 380. Clovis chez les historiens. Et. r6unies par Oliver GUYOTJEANNIN. Paris et Geneve, Droz, 96, VII239 p. (Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des chartes, 154/1). 381. Cui Bo "Piao hai lu" yanjiu. (Researches on Choe Pu's "Records of the Floating through the Sea"). Edited by Ge ZHENJIA. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 96, 285 p. 382. D'ELIA (Costanza). Supplicanti e vandali. Testi scritti, testi non scritti, testi scritti dagli storici. Quademi storici, 96, 31, 92, p. 459-486. 383. Dialog so vremenem: Istoriki v menyayushchemsya mire. (Le dialogue avec le temps: Les historiens dans le monde changeant). Sb. st. (Coli, of articles). Sous la dir. de Larina Petrovna REPINA. Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii. Moskva, IVI RAN, 96, 212 p. 384. DIRLIK (Arif). Chinese history and the question of orientalism. History and Theory, 96, 35, 4, p. 96118.


385. Dizionario di storiografia. Milano, B. Mondadori, 96, XVI-1131 p. (I dizionari). 386. Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales. De la v r section ä 1'Ecole des Hautes Emdes en Sciences Sociales. Textes rassembles par Jacques REVEL et Nathan WACHTEL; avant propos de Marc AUGE. Paris, Ed. du Cerf et EEHESS, 96,554 p. (Sciences humaines et religions). [Cf. n " 377,425,429,465,489.] 387. ERSANLI BEHAR (Busra). Iktidar ve Tarih: Türkiye'de Resmi Tarih Tezinin Olujumu (1929-1937). (Le Pouvoir et l'histoire: La fomiulation de la thfese historique officielle dans la Turquie, 1929-1937). Istanbul, Afa Yayinlan, 96, 262 p. 388. Forging the collective memory: govemment and international historians through two Worid Wars. Ed. by Keith WILSON. Providence a. Oxford, Berghahn, 96, IV-300 p. 389. FREI (Norbert). Vergangenheitspolitik. Die Anfänge der Bundesrepublik und die NS-Vergangenheit. München, Beck, 96,464 p. 390. FREND (William H. C.). The archaeology of early Christianity. A history. London, Geoffrey Chapman, 96, XIX-482 p. 391. FRIED (Johannes). Der Löwe als Objekt. Was Literaten, Historiker und Politiker aus Heinrich dem Löwen machten. Historische Zeitschrifl, 96, 262, p. 673-694. 392. FUHRMANN (Horst). Die Monumenta Germaniae Historica und die Frage einer textkritischen Methode. In-, Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 17-30. IDEM. "Sind eben alles Menschen gewesen". Gelehrtenleben im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Monumenta Germaniae Historica und ihrer Mitarbeiter. Unt. Mitarb. v. Markus WESCHB. München, Beck, 96, 218 p. 393. FULDA (Daniel). Wissenschaft aus Kunst. Die Entstehung der modernen deutschen Geschichtsschreibung (1760-1860). Beriin u. New York, de Gruyter, 96, IX-547 p. (European cultures. Studies in literature and arts, 7). 394. GAUCHER (E.). Les joutes de Saint-Inglevert: perception et ecriture d'un evenement historique pendant la guerre de Cent Ans. Mayen Age, 96, 102, 2, p. 2 2 9 - 2 4 4 .

395. GEARY (Patrick J.). Medieval Germany in America. With a comment by Otto Gerhard OEXLE. Washington, German Historical Institute, 96, 44 p. (Annual lecture series, 8). 396. GEIGER (Susan). Tanganyikan nationalism as 'Women's Work': life histories, collective biography and changing historiography. Journal of African History, 96, 37, 3, p.465-478. 397. Geschichtsdenken, Bildungsgeschichte, Wissenschaftsorganisation. Ausgewählte Aufsätze von Laetitia


Boehm anläßlich ihres 65. Geburtstages. Hrsg. v. Gert MELVILLE, R a i n e r A . MÜLLER u. W i n f r i e d MÜLLER.

Beriin, Duncker & Humblot, 96, 911 p. (Historische Forschungen, 56). 398. Geschichtsforschung in Sachsen. Von der Sächsischen Kommission für Geschichte zur Historischen Kommission bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig 1896-1996. Hrsg. v. Reiner GROSS, H e l m a r JUNGHANS, M a n f r e d UNGER u. G e r a l d

WIEMERS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 203 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur sächsischen Geschichte, 14). 3 9 9 . GIMENO BLAY ( F r a n c i s c o M . ) . A l c a z a r la v e r -

dad. La erudiciön decimonönica espaüola estudia los testimonios ecritos medievales. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf.n° 485], p. 31-64. 4 0 0 . HERRERO ( A l e j a n d r o ) , HERRERO ( F a b i a n ) . L a s

ideas y sus historiadores. Un fragmento del campo intelectual en los aüos noventa. Santa Fe, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 96, 284 p. 4 0 1 . HEULLANT-DONAT (Isabelle), IRACE (Erminia).

"Amici d'istorie". La tradizione erudita delle cronache di Gualdo e la memoria urbana in Umbria tra Medioevo ed etä modema. Qmdemi storici, 96, 31, 93, p. 549-582. 402. Historikeme som historie: rapport fra HIFOseminaret 1995. (Historians as history). Ed. by Anne Kristine B0RRESEN, Jan Eivind MYHRE a. Ola Svein STUGU. Trondheim, Historisk institutt, Norges teknisknaturvitenskaplige universitet. Den norske historiske forening, 96,200 p. (Skriftserie fra Historisk institutt, 14). 403. Historiograffa francesa. Corrientes temäticas y metodolögicas recientes. Comp. Guillermo ZERMENO. Mexico, Instituto Mora/Universidad Iberoamericana, 96, 165 p. 404. History-making: the intellectual and social formation of a discipline: proceedings of an international conference, Uppsala, September 1994. Ed. by Rolf TORSTENDAHL a. Irmline VEIT-BRAUSE. Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets, historie och antikvitets akademien, 177 p. (Konferenser, 37). 405. HOBSBAWM (Eric J.). El historiador entre la büsqueda de lo universal y la büsqueda de la identidad. Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 81-90. - IDEM. El Grupo de Historiadores del partido comunista. Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 61-80. 406. Istoricheskie issledovaniya v Rossii: Tendentsii poslednikh let: [Sb. st.]. (Historical research in Russia: the most recent tendencies: a coli, of art). Ed. by G. A. BORDYUGOV, Assots. issled. ros. obshch. XX v. Moskva, AIRO-XX, 96,463 p. 407. Istoriki Rossii: XVIII-nachalo XX veka. (Russian Historians, from XVIIl"" to the beginning of XX*^ Century). Ed. A. N. SAKHAROV. ROS. akad. nauk, In-t rossiysicoy istorii. Moskva, Skriptoriy, 96, 687 p. (bibl.).



408. Italia 1939-1945: storia e memoria. A cura di Anna Lisa CARLOTTI; prefazione di Franco DELLA PERUTA. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 96, LXXI-651 p. 409. IWAIVFCZAK (Wojciech). Rewolucja husycka w historiografii polskiej XIX wieku. (La revolution hussite dans l'historiographie polonaise du XIX° sifecle). ^Iqski Kwart. Hist. Sobötka, 96, 51, 4, p. 529-537. 410. JACOBS (Wilbur R.). The fatal confrontation: historical studies of American Indians, environment, and historians. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 96, XVI-214 p. (Historians of the frontier and American West).

XX"^ centuries and Czech-Slovak relations). Historicky casopis, 96,44, 2, p. 281-294. 419. KUKLICK (Bruce). Puritans in Babylon. The ancient Near East and American intellectual life, 18801930. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96, XlI-253 p. 420. Kulturgeschichte Heute. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Hans-Ulrich W E H L E R . Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 96, 333 p. (Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 16). H A R D T W I G U.

421. LA ROCCA (Cristina). Le molte vite di Pacifico di Verona, arcidiacono carolingio. Quademi storici, 96,31,93, p. 519-548.

411. JACOBSON (Jon). On the historiography of Soviet foreign relations in the 1920s. International history review, 96, 18, 2, p. 336-357.

422. LAKE (Marilyn). Feminist history as national history: writing the political history of women. Australian Historical Studies, 96, 27, 106, p. 154-169.

412. KACZMAREK (Jarmila Elzbieta). Organizacja badah i ochrony zabytköw archeologicznych w Poznaniu (1720-1958). (Organisation des recherches et de protection des monuments arch6ologiques ä Poznan, 1720-1958). Poznan, Muzeum Archeolog., 96, 439 p. (phot., flg., dessins, cartes, Deutsche Zsfassung). (Bibl. Fontes Archeolog. Posnanienses).

423. LEEKER (J.). La pr6sence des auteurs classiques dans l'historiographie des pays romans ( X l i r au XV' siecles). Classica et mediaevalia, 96, p. 325-357. 424. Legitimität (Die) der Erinnerung und die Geschichtswissenschaft. Hrsg. V. Clemens WISCHERMANN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 221 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Alltags, 15).

413. Vacat. 414. KÄRNY (Miroslav). Otazky historiografie koncentraönich täboru. (Questions conceming the historiography od concentration camps). In: CeSi v nacistickych koncentraCm'ch täborech, käznici'ch a veznici'ch [Cf. n" 7633], p. 25-37. 415. KELLEY (Donald R.). The old Cultural History. History and the Human Sciences, 96, p. 101-26 416. KOCKA (Jürgen). Annäherung und neue Distanz. Historiker und Sozialwissenschaftler seit den fünfziger Jahren. In: Nation und Gesellschaft in D e u t s c h l a n d [ C f . n° 4 1 6 1 ] , p . 1 5 - 3 1 . - IDEM. R e l a t i o n -

ship between university-based and extra-university research: a central problem of reform in former communist countries. In\ Zukunft (Die) der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Ländern Mittelosteuropas unter Berücksichtigung von Erfahrungen aus dem deuts c h e n E i n i g u n g s p r o z e ß [Cf. n° 4 9 6 ] , p. 3 5 - 4 3 . - IDEM.

Schwierige Anfänge: Der Forschungsschwerpunkt Zeithistorische Studien 1992-1995. Potsdamer Bulletin

425. LEPETIT (Bemard). Les Annales. Portrait de groupe avec revue. In: Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales [Cf n° 386], p. 31-48. 426. LIM (Jie-Hyun). Poland Sahoijooui Woondongsa Yongooui Bansunggwa Junmang. (A critical Sketch on the historiography of Polish socialist movement). Critical Review of History, 96, 32, [s. p.]. 427. LIN (Ganquan). Ershi shiji de Zhongguo lishixue. (Chinese historiography in the twentieth Century). Lishi yanjiu, 96, 2, p. 5-25 428. LIU (Li'an). Wusi shiqi xiezhe du shixue gongneg de renshi. (May Fourth's scholars understanding of the role of historiography). Lishi yanjiu, 96, 3, p. 82-95 429. LORAUX (Nicole). 'Back to the Greeks?' Chronique d'une exp6dition lointaine en terre connue. In: Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales [Cf n° 386], p. 275-298.


430. LOSURDO (Domenico). II revisionismo storico; problemi e miti. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 281 p.

Strukturgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte nach 1989. In: Über die Offenheit der Geschichte. Colloquium der Mitglieder des Historischen Kollegs 20. und 21. November 1992. Hrsg. v. Stiftung Historisches Kolleg im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Mün-

431. Lu (Zhongfeng). Lun Dao Feng yilai de wenhua zouxiang yu chuantong xueshu shi de bianxiu. (On cultural trend and compilation of traditional academic history since the reign of Daoquang and Xianfeng under the Qing). Zhongguo shi yanjiu, 96, 3, p. 43-52




9 6 , 6, p. 1 3 - 1 8 . -

c h e n , [s. n.], 9 6 , p . 2 7 - 3 4 .

417. KOENIGSBERGER (H. G.). The past and the future history of nationalism. European History Quarterly, 9 6 , 2 6 , 4 , P . 5 9 1 - 6 0 2 .

418. KovÄC (Duäan). Slovenskä historiografia na prelome 19.-20. storocia a fiesko-slovenske vzfahy. (Slovak historiography on the tum of the XK"* and

432. LUHDEN (Kare). Historieskrivinga - sosial relevans. (Historiography - social relevance). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 96, 75, 3, p. 380-382. 433. MAC LACHLAN (Alistair). The rise and fall of revolutionary England: an essay on the fabrication of seventeenth Century history. London, Macmillan, 96, 431 p.



434. Making of modern Irish history (The). Revisionism and the revisionist controversy. Ed. by D. G. BOYCE a. Alan O'DAY. London, Routledge, 96, Vin-245 p. 435. MANN (Wolfgang-Rainer). The origins of the modern historiography of ancient philosophy. History and Theory, 96, 35, 2, p. 165-195. 436. MANNTEUFFEL (Tadeusz). Warunki rozwoju nauki historycznej w dziesi^cioleciu 1948-1958. Do druku podal Stanislaw TRAWKOWSKl. (Circonstances du döveloppement de la science historique dans la d6cennie 1948-1958. Pröpare par Stanislaw TRAWKOWSKl.). Przegl. hist. , 95 (96), 87, 3-4, p. 269-283. 437. MASON (John Hope). Materialism and histoiy: Diderot and the 'Histoire des deux Indes'. European review of history, 96, 3, 2, p. 151-160. 4 3 8 . MASONEN (Pekka), FISHER ( H u m p h r e y J.). N o t

quite Venus from the waves: the Almoravid conquest of Ghana in the modern historiography of Western Africa. History inAfrica, 96, 23, p. 197-231. 439. MEIN ANDER (Henrik). Kriget, ansvaret och historiens domstol: krigsansvarighetsprocessens historiografi. (War, scope of responsabilities and the court of history: a historiography). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 96, 81, p. 191-220 (ill.). 440. MIKHAL'CHENKO (S. I.). Kievskaya shkola v rossiyskoy istoriografii (shkola zapadno-russkogo prava). ("Kievan School" in Russian historiography: Studies in legal history of Western Russia, 2"^ half of 19* and the beginning of 20"' Century). Mosk. gos. ped. in-t im. V. I. Lenina. Moskva, Prometey; Bryansk, IzdvoBGPU, 96, 186 p. (bibl.). 441. MODZELEWSKI (Karol). Europa romana, Europa feudale, Europa barbara. In: Stadi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento


448. Nationalism, politics, and the practice of arc h a e o l o g y . Ed. by P. L . KOHL and C . FAWCETT. C a m -

bridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96,329 p. 449. NEDKVITNE (Amved). Annales-skolen - en tradisjon i oppl0sning? (The Annales school - a tradition in dissolution?). Historisk tidsskrifi (Norway), 96, 75, 3, p. 361-369. 450. Nouvelle historiographie de l'URSS (Pour une). Sous la dir. de N. WERTH. Les Cahiers de l'IHTP, 96, 35,210 p. 4 5 1 . ORTEGA NORIEGA (Sergio). Historiografia del

noroeste novohispano. Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autönoma de M6xico/Instituto de Investigaciones Histöricas, 96, 107 p. 452. PETROCELLI (Corrado). Eliano, Varia Historia XIV. 45 e una congettura troppo fortunata del Perizonius. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,44, p. 165-176. 453. PLAZA (Elena). La idea de naciön en la historiografia poh'tica venezolana del siglo XIX. Anuario de Estudios Bolivarianos, 96,5, 5, p. 229-351. 454. POMATA (Gianna). "Observatio" ovvero "historia". Note SU empirismo e storia in eta modema. Quademi storici, 96, 31,91, p. 173-198. 455. POMIAN (Krzysztof). Histoire culturelle, histoire des sömiophores. In: Pour une histoire culturelle [Cf.n''458],p. 73-100. 456. Postätfiovänf, profesionalizace a mecenäästvi' ve vfide ceskych zemf 1860-1945. (State-fiinding, professionalization, and financial Support of scholarship in the Bohemian Lands, 1860-1945). Ed. by Jan JANKO. Praha, Institut zäkladü vzdelanosti UK, 96, 81 p. (Studie z dJjin techniky, 2). [Cf. n° 3976.]

Dio. Quademi storici, 96, 31, 92, p. 449-458.

457. POULOT (Dominique). 'Surveiller et s'instruire': la Revolution franjaise et l'intelligence de l'heritage historique. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 96, XI-591 p. (Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth Century, 344).

443. MORALES MOYA (Antonio). La historiographia espaiiola del siglo XVIII. Revista de Histöria das Ideias, 96, 18, p. 7-43.

458. Pour une histoire culturelle. Ed. par J. P. RLOUX et J. F. SIRINELLI. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 96, [s. p.]. [Cf. n° 455.]

444. MOULIS (Vladislav). Ve svfraji'ci'm objeti Ideologie (1945-1963). (In the stranglehold of ideology, 1945-63). In: Ruske a sovStski däjiny v Ceske poväleöne historiografii [Cf. n° 469], p. 37-44.

459. POUWELS (Randall L.). The Pate chronicles revisited: nineteenth-century history and historiography. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 310-318.

[Cf. n° 485], p. 377-409. 4 4 2 . MONACI CASTAGNO (Adele). II plagiario di

445. Muri della storia (I). Storici e storiografia dalle dittature alle democrazie, 1945-1990. A cura di Gustavo CORNI. Trieste, Lint, 96,221 p. 446. MYHRE (Jan Eivind). I historiens hus er det mange rom. (Main trends in Norwegian historical research 1970-1995). Historisk tidsskrifi (Norway), 96, 75, 1-2, p. 3-35. 447. NAITANA (Filippo). La Ragusa medievale tra annalistica e storiografia. Archivio storico italiano, 96, 1 5 4 , 5 6 9 , p. 4 1 1 - 4 3 6 .

460. Pozzi (Regina). Tra storia e politica. Saggi di storia della storiografia. Napoli, Morano, 96, 286 p. (Nobiltä dello spirito, 42). 461. PRECAN (Vil6m). Das Institut für Zeitgeschichte und das Archiv des Bürgerforums in Prag. In: Das Gedächtnis der Parteien. (The Memory of the parties). Ed. by Günter BUCHST AB. Sankt Augustin, [s. n.],96, [s. p.] 462. Reading beyond words: contexts for native history. Ed. by Jennifer S. H. BROWN a. Elizabeth VlBERT. Orchard Park, Broadview, 96, XXVII-519 p.



463. Recherche historique en Russie (La). Les tendences de ces demiferes ann^es. (Istoriöeskie issledovanija V Rossii. Tendencii poslednih let). Dir. par Gennadij A. BORDJUGOV. Moskva, AIRO-XX, 96,463 p. 464. REINPRECHT (Christoph). Nostalgie und Amnesie: Bewertungen von Vergangenheit in der Tschechischen Republik und in Ungarn. Wien, Verl. für Gesellschaftskritik, 96, 232 p. (Österreichisches Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik, 61).

historie (Ruhrgas), 1985-1995. [Intemationahsation of historiography: the German-Norwegian scholarship Programme for history (Ruhrgas), 1985-1995]. Historisk tidsskrifl (Norway), 96,75, 1-2, p. 158-184. (Eng. summary). 478. SIMON (Christian). Historiographie. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart, Ulmer, 96, 320 p.

465. REVEL (Jacques). L'histoire sociale. In: Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales [Cf. n° 386], p. 49-72.

479. SIMON] (Fiorella). Oriente ed Occidente d'Europa nella cultura europea dell'Ottocento. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n" 485], p. 331-376.

466. ROMERO (Luis Alberto). La historiografia argentina en la democracia. Los problemas de la construcciön de un campo profesional. Entrepasados. Revista de historia, 96, 10, 6, p. 91-108.

480. SOLCHANY (Jean). Vom Antimodemismus zum Antitotalitarismus. Konservative Interpretationen des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland 1945-1949. Vierteljahreshefte ßr Zeitgeschichte, 96,44, 3, p. 313-294.

467. ROOWAAN (Ries). Nationaldenkmäler zwischen Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte. Archiv ßr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 453-466.

481. Sovetskaya istoriografiya. (Historiography in Soviet Russia). Gen. ed. Yuri N. AFANASIEV; ed. Aleksandr P. LOGUNOV. Moskva, Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t, 96, 591 p. (Rossiya, XX vek, 2).

468. Rossiya v XX veke: Sud'by istoricheskoy nauki: [Sb. st.] (The fortunes of historical science in XX'''-century Russia: A coli, of articles). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t rossiyskoy istorii; Nauch. sovet Ros. akad. nauk po istoriografii i istochnikovedeniyu. Gen. ed. A. N. Sakharov. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 720 p.

482. SPEITKAMP (Winfried). Die Verwaltung der Geschichte. Denkmalpflege und Staat in Deutschland 1871-1933. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 96, 509 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtwissenschaft, 114).

469. Ruske a sovetske dfijiny v ceske povälecne historiografii. (Russian and Soviet history in Czech history after 1945). Ed. by Vaclav VEBER. Praha, Karolinum, 96, 94 p. [Cf. 444, 3971.]

some obstacles to the further development of the linguistic approach to history in the 1990s. History & Workshop, 96, 42, p. 19-36.

470. SAUNDERS (Kay), EVANS (Raymond). Visibility Problems: concepts of gender in Australian historical discourses. Australian Historical Studies, 96, 27, 106, p. 142-153.

484. STOLLBERG-RILLINGER (B.). Väter der Frauengeschichte? Das Geschlecht als historiographische Kategorie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 96, 262, p. 39-72.

471. SCHFFIRA (Pierangelo). Sviluppo delle scienze sociali e studio del medioevo nell'Ottocento. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n" 485], p. 65-108.

485. Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento. A cura di Girolamo ARNALDI e Paolo DELOGU. Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 95-96, 100, 412 p. [Cf. 363, 372, 374, 392, 399,441,471,479, 501, 502, 518, 529, 542.]

472. SCHULIN (Emst). 'The most historical of all peoples': nationalism and the new construction of Jewish history in nineteenth-century Germany. London, German Historical Institute, 96, 34 p. (Annual lectures of the German Historical Institute London, 1995). 473. SCHWARTZ (Benjamin). History in Chinese culture: some comparative reflections. History and Theory, 96, 35,4, p. 23-33. 474. SERRANO (Carlos). Historia cultural: un genero en perspectiva. Historia Social, 96, 26, p. 97-111. 475. SICHTERMANN (Hellmut). Kulturgeschichte der klassischen Archäologie. München, Beck, 96, 438 p. 476. SIERPOWSKI (Stanislaw). Historia najnowsza Wtoch w historiografii polskiej. (Histoire r^cente de ritalie dans l'historiographie polonaise). Poznan, Inst. Historii Uniw. im. A. Mickiewicza, 96, 69 p. 477. SIMENSEN (Jarle). Intemasjonalisering i historiefaget: Det tysk-norske stipendieprogrammet for

483. STEDMAN JONES (Gareth). T h e determinist fix:

486. SvÄTEK (Frantiäek). L'historiographie tchfeque des annfies 80. In: Histoire et pouvoir en Europe mediane. Sous la direction d'Antoine MARES. Paris, L'Harmattan, 96, p. 45-79. 487. TAZBIR (Janusz). Stan i perspektywy nauki historycznej w Polsce. (Etat et perspectives de la science historique en Pologne). Nauka Pol., 96, 5, p. 9-21. 488. ULRICH (Bernd). "Militärgeschichte von unten". Anmerkungen zu ihren Ursprüngen, Quellen und Perspektiven im 20. Jahrhundert Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 96, 22,4, p. 473-503. 489. VALENSI (Lucette), WACHTEL (Nathan). L ' a n -

thropologie historique. In: Ecole (Une) pour les sciences sociales [Cf. n" 386], p. 251-274. 490. VERNIER (Bemard). Theorie de l'inceste et construction d'objet. Fran9oise Heritier, la Grece antique et les Hittites. Annales, 96, 51, 1, p. 173-200.



491. "Vies" (Les) d'artistes. Ed. par M. WASCHEK. Paris, Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts, 96, 303 p. 492. WEGELER (Cornelia), "...wir sagen ab der internationalen Gelehrtenrepublik". Altertumswissenschaft und Nationalsozialismus. Das Göttinger Institut für Altertumskunde 1921-1962. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 96,427 p. 493. WELKER (Karl H. L.). Rechtsgeschichte als Rechtspolitik. Justus Möser als Jurist und Staatsmann. 2 Teilbde. Osnabriick, Verein für Geschichte und Landeskunde von Osnabrück, 96, XL-VI-1217 p. (Osnabrücker Geschichtsquellen und Forschungen, 28). 494. Yu (Pei). Waiguo shixue liun de yinru he huixiang. (The introduction of foreign historiographic theories and its repercussions), Lishi yanjiu, 96, 3, p. 145-160 495. ZUBILLAGA (Carlos). Los desaffos del historiador: historia y sociedad en el Uruguay contemporaneo. Montevideo, Universidad de la Republica, Departamento de Publicaciones, 96, 134 p. 496. Zukunft (Die) der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Ländern Mittelosteuropas unter Berücksichtigung von Erfahrungen aus dem deutschen Einigungsprozeß. Hrsg. v. Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzil. Symposium Halle (Saale) 1 . ^ . November 1995. Bonn, [s. n.], 96, [s. p.]. (Schriftenreihe des DAAK, Symposien, Bd. 3). [Cf n° 416.] Cf. 2232, 2878, 3373, 5160, 6248,

n"' 135-146, 305, 627, 648, 1408, 2250, 2281, 2455, 2482, 2548, 2900, 3149, 3157, 3300, 3342, 3422, 3425, 3802, 4124, 4157, 5223, 5238, 5354, 5365, 5590, 6259, 7333, 7733, 8302

1630, 2614, 3352, 4298, 6196,

1728, 2798, 3360, 4665, 6217,

b. Special studies 497. DELLE DONNE (R.). Storiografia ed "esperienza storica" nel medioevo: rAnonimo romano. Storica, 96,6, p. 97-118. 498. Vacat. 499. ARCANGELI (Bianca). Storiografia a confronto: Marc Bloch e la storiografia italiana. Societä e storia, 96, 71, p. 155-175. - BLOCH (Marc). Rois et serfs et autres ecrits sur le servage. Post face par D. BARTHELEMY. Paris, La Boutique de l'histoire, 96, 334 p. FRIEDMAN (Susan W.). Marc Bloch, sociology, and geography. Encountering changing disciplines. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96, XII-258 p. (Cambridge Studies in historical Geography, 24). GOUTHIER (G.). Marc Bloch e la Gran Bretagna. Un percorso nelle lezioni del 1940-1941. Qmdemi medievali, 96, 42, 2, p. 106-128. - Marc Bloch et ses Cleves: lettres ä Robert Boutrouche. Ed. par E. BLOCH et B. MÜLLER. Cahiers Marc Bloch, 96, 4, p. 25-98.


500. AGUIRRE ROJAS (C. A.). Fernand Braudel y las ciencias humanas. Barcelona, Montesinos, 96, 216 p. - BRAUDEL (Fernand). Autor de la Mediterranee. Edition etablie et present^e par Roselyne DE AYALA et Paul BRAUDEL; preface de Maurice AYMARD. Paris, Ed. de Fallois, 96,535 p. 501. Voci (Anna Maria). Harry Bresslau, l'ultimo allievo di Ranke. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 235-296. 502. HELBLING (Hanno). Das Mittelalter im Geschichtsbild Jacob Burckhardts. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento (Cf n°485], p. 193-212.- KARGE (Henrik). "Die Kunst ist nicht das Maass der Geschichte". Karl Schnaases Einfluß auf Jakob Burckhardt. Archiv fUr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 393-432. - Some reflection on Jiacob Burckhardt's historiography. With ess. by J. R. HINDE, K. GROSSEKRACHT. Storia della storiografia, 96, 30, p. 107-34. 503. RIGNEY (Ann). The untenanted places of the past: Thomas Carlyle and the varieties of historical ignorance. History and Theory, 96, 35, 3, p. 338-357. 504. BATES (David). Rediscovering Collingwood's Spiritual history (in and out of context). History and Theory, 96, 35, 1, p. 29-55. - DRAY (W. H.). History as Re-enactment: R. G. Collingwood's idea of history. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, [s. p.]. 505. RONEY (John B.). The inside of history. Jean Henri Merie d'Aubigne and romantic historiography. Westport, Greenwood, 96, VI-214 p. (Studies in historiography, 3). 506. SCHNEIDER (Axel). Between Dao and history: two Chinese historians in search of a modern identity for China. History and Theory, 96, 35, 4, p. 54-73. 507. DELCORNO (Cario). Don Giuseppe De Luca e gli studi recenti sulla letteratura religiosa medievale. Archivio italiano per la storia della pietä, 96, 9, p. 325337. 508. DE ROSA (Gabriele). Augusto Del Noce e la storia dell'ateismo. Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa, 96,49, p. 209-218. 509. Georges Duby: bibliographie (1946-1993). In: Georges Duby: l'ecriture de l'histoire, p. 467-487. Georges Duby: l'ecriture de l'histoire. Sous la dir. de C . DUHAMEL-AMADO et G . LOBRICHON. B r u x e l l e s , D e

Boek Univ., 96, 492 p. [Cf n° 286.] VAUCHEZ (Andr6). La rose et le reseda: Georges Duby historien du christianisme medieval. In: Georges Duby: l'ecriture de l'histoire, p. 455-465. 510. CORCELLA (Aldo). "Ecateo di Mileto cosi dice". Quademi di storia, 96, 22, 43, p. 295-302. 511. MALERBA (Jurandir). Sobre Norbert Elias. In: Velha historia (A) [Cf n" 639], p. 73-92.



512. KRÖGER (Martin), THIMME (Roland). D i e G e -

schichtsbilder des Historikers Karl Dietrich Erdmann. Vom Dritten Reich zur Bundesrepublik. Mit einem Vorw. V. Winfried SCHULZE. München, Oldenbourg, 96, 160 p. 513. THOMPSON (Norma). Herodotus and the origins of the political Community. Arion's leap. New Häven, Yale U.P., 96, XIV-193 p. 514. DALL'OCO (Sondra). Bartolomeo Facio e la tecnica deir«excursus» nella biografia di Alfonso d'Aragona. Archivio storico italiano, 96, 154, 568, p. 207-252.

522. George Grote reconsidered. A 200"^ birthday celebration with a first edition of his essay "Of the Athenian Government". Ed. by William M. CALDER III a. Stephen TRZASKOMA. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 96, X-97 p. 523. RESSING (Manfred). Zur Methodologie und Geschichtsschreibung des preußischen Historikers Otto Hintze. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Lang, 96, 243 p. (Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 714). 524. CASTELLS (Luis). Eric J. Hobsbawm: ^El liltimo marxista de oro? Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 159-177. GONZALEZ DE MOLINA (Manuel). L o s m i t o s de la

515. FEBVRE (Lucien). "Honneur et Paüie". Texte etabli, presente et annote par Th6r^se CHARMASSON et Brigitte MAZON; preface de Charles MORAZE. Paris, Perrin, 96, 310 p. - WESSEL (Marlene). Honneur ou patrie? Lucien Febvre et la question du senument national. Genises, 96, 25, p. 128-142. 516. LONGO (Pier Giorgio). Tra archivi e storia. L'erudito novarese Carlo Francesco Frasconi (17541836). Quademi storici, 96, 31, 93, p. 683-708. 517. LOSSAU (Manfred). Von Christian August Lobeck bis Ludwig Friedländer. Das große Jahrhundert der Königsberger Philologie. Archiv ßr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 207-224. 518. ARTIFONI (Enrico). Scienza del sabaudismo. Prime ricerche su Ferdinando Gabotto storico del medioevo (1866-1918) e la Societa storica subalpina. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n" 485], p. 167-192. 519. Ragione e immaginazione. Edward Gibbon e la storiografia europea del Settecento. A cura di Girolamo IMBRUGLIA. Napoli, Liguori, 96, 292 p. [Contiene: GHOSH (Peter). Gibbon e la concezione del 'Decline and Fall', p. 5-53. - IMBRUGLIA (Girolamo). "My ecclesiastical history". Gibbon tra Hume e Raynal, p. 55-101. - ABBATTISTA (Guido). Alla ricerca deir"ordine del tempo e dello spazio". Erudizione francese e geografia "razionale" nella cultura storica di Edward Gibbon, p. 103-187. - TORTAROLO (Edoardo). Gibbon e la liberta naturale. 6 possibile trasformare la libertä naturale in liberta politica? p. 189-214. - MlNUTI (Rolando). Gibbon e I'oriente barbarico. Osservazioni sulle fonti francesi del 'Decline and Fall', p. 215250. - WOMERSLEY (David). Gibbon e i "guardiani della cittä Santa": religione e revisione dell'opera nel 'Decline and Fall', p. 250-283]. 520. Gombricb on art and psychology. Ed. By R. WOODFIELD. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 96, 271 p. 521. ZABBIA (Marino). II "Chronicon" di Domenico Gravina. Aspetti e problemi della produzione storiografica notarile nel Mezzogiomo angioino. Annali dell'Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, 95-96, 13, p. 285-360.

modemidad y la protesta campesina. A propösito de "Rebeides primitivos" de Eric J. Hobsbawm. Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 113-157. - JUNCO (Jose Alvarez). Hobsbawm sobre nacionalismo. Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 179-187. - MARTINEZ GALLEGO (Francesc A n -

dren). Smtesis, globalidad e interpretaciön: la teti-alogia contemporänea de E. J. Hobsbawm. Historia Social, 96, 25, p. 91-112. 525. HANSSEN (Leon). Huizinga en de troost van de geschiedenis: verbeelding en rede. Amsterdam, Balans, 96, 500 p. 526. HICKS (Philip). Neoclassical history and EngUsh culture. From Clarendon to Hume. New York, St. Martin's Press press, 96, VIII-289 p. (Studies in modern history). 527. CALDER (William M. HI), BRAUN (Maximilian).

'Teil it Hitler! Ecco!" Paul Friedländer on Werner Jaeger's Paideia. Quademi di storia, 96, 22, 43, p. 211248. 528. AUSTEN (Ralph A.), JANSEN (Jan). History, oral transmission and structure in Ibn Khaldun's chronology of Mali rulers. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 1728.

529. BARONE (Giulia). Karl Lamprecht: un'ereditä difficile. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 213-234. 530. GRENIER (Jean-Yves). Bemard Lepetit (19481996). Annales, 96, 51, 3, p. 519-523. 531. MAHAN (Harold E.). Benson J. Lossing and historical writing in the United States, 1830-1890. Westport, Greenwood, 96, 142 p. (Studies in historiography, 4). 532. LEÖN (Pablo Sänchez). Otra vuelta de tuerca para la sociologi'a y la historia: Michael Mann y sus fuentes del poder social. Historia Social, 96, 26, p. 113127. 533. IGLESIAS (C.). Spagna e Europa nella storiografia di Maravall. Intersezioni, 96, 16, 1, p. 95-120. 534. MITZMAN (Arthur). Michelet and social Romanticism: religion, revolution, nature. Journal of the History ofldeas, 96, 57, 4, p. 659-683.


535. MOMIGLIANO (Amaldo). Face e libertä nel mondo antico. Lezioni a Cambridge: gennaio-marzo 1940. A cura di Riccardo DL DONATO. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 96, XXXVI-172 p. - PHILIPS (Mark Salber). Reconsiderations on history and antiquarianism: Amaldo Momigliano and the historiography of eighteenth-century Britain. Journal of the History of Ideas, 96, 57,2, p. 297-316. 536. William Morris on history. Ed. by N. SALMON. Scheffield, Scheffield Academic Press, 96, 181 p. 537. BLOK (Josine H.). Proof and persuasion in Black Athena [by Martin Bemal]: the case of K. O. MfiUer. Journal of the History of Ideas, 96, 57, 4, p, 705-724. 538. FERRARY (Jean-Louis). Onofrio Panvinio et les Antiquites romaines. Rome, Ecole fran^aise de Rome, 96, XII-256 p. 539. PASQUIER (Etienne). Les recherches de la France. Edition critique comment6e par Marie-Luce DEMONET [et al.]. Paris, H. Champion, 96, 2275 p. (Textes de la Renaissance, 11). 540. LANCHESTER (Fulco). Perticone e la storia costituzionale. Politico, 96, 1, p. 77-94. 541. GANDINI (M.). Emesto de Martine e Raffaele Pettazzoni: dall'incontro dei primi anni Trenta all'autunno del 1959. Rivista di storia della storiografia modema, 96, 1-3, p. 137-142. - SPINETO (Natale). «Vos problfemes sont mes probtömes»: i rapporti tra Raffaele Pettazzoni e Mircea Eliade. Rivista di storia della storiografia modema, 96, 1-3, p. 15-58.


sonders im Übergang von früher Neuzeit zur Moderne. Berliner Jahrbuch für Osteuropäische Geschichte, 96, 1, p. 333-378. 547. NASS (Klaus). Die Reichschronik des Annalista Saxo und die sachsische Geschichtsschreibung im 12. Jahrhundert. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 96, LVIII-472 p. (Schriften der Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 41). 548. Joseph A. Schumpeter historian of economic thought. Ed. by L. S. MOSS. New York, Routledge, 96, XI-324 p. (Perspectives on the history of economic thought). 549. VENTURI (Franco). Emesto Sestan e la «Rivista storica italiana». (Un inedito). Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 502-506. 550. CARTER HETT (Benjamin). "Goak here": A. J. P. Taylor and "The Origins of the Second Worid War". Canadian Journal of History, 96, 31, 2, p. 257-?. 551. THIERRY (Augustin). R6cits des temps M6rovingiens: les concubines des fils de Chloter, amours de Merowing et de Bmnehilde, cruautes et d6portements de Fredegonde, le pofete Fortunatus au monastere de Radegonde. Bruxelles, Complexe, 96, 339 p. (Historiques 94). 552. CORFIELD (Penelope). Intervista a E. P. Thompson. Quademi storici, 96, 31, 92, p. 405-428. 553. MITCHELL (Harvey). Individual choice and the structures of history. Alexis de Tocqueville as historian reappraised. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96, XIII-290 p.

542. DELOGU (Paolo). Alle origini della "tesi Pirenne". In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 297-326. TOLLEBEEK (Jo). 'Au point sensible de l'Europe': Huizinga en Pirenne. Revue beige de philologie et d'hi-

554. PERRY (Marvin). Amold Toynbee and the Westem tradition. New York, Peter Lang, 96, XII-145 p. (American university studies. Series V, Philosophy, 169).


555. BIEFANG (A.). Der Streit um Treitschkes "Deutsche Geschichte" 1882/83. Zur Spaltung des Nationalliberalismus und der Etabliemng eines nationalkonservativen Geschichtsbildes. Historische Zeitschrifl, 96,262, p. 391-422.

96, 74, 2, p. 403-434. - VLOLANTB (Cinzio).

L'Europa come soggetto deir"Histoire de l'Europe" di Henri Pirenne. In: Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento [Cf. n° 485], p. 327-330.

543. BERG (Maxime). A woman in history: Eileen Power, 1889-1940. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XV-292 p. - MELMAN (Billie). Under the westem historian's eyes: Eileen Power and the early feminist encounter with colonialism. History & Workshop, 96, 42, p. 147-168. 544. PARENTE (Fausto). Emest Renan ovvero del razionalismo "imperfetto". Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa, 96, 32, 1, p. 55-95. 545. NORTIER (E.). La feodalite en crise. Propos sur «Fiefs and Vassais» de Susan Reynolds. 1. La these. 2. La discussion. Revue Historique, 96, 296, 600, p. 253348.

546. NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang). Hans Rotheis' Weg zur vergleichenden Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas be-

556. RAGONE (Giuseppe). Quäle fme per Tucidide? Quademi di storia, 96, 22,43, p. 249-268. 557. Lorenzo Valla: a symposium [Articles by W. J. CONNELL, S . L CAMPOREALE, C . TRINKAUS, R .


DELPH a. R. FUBINI]. Joumal of the History of Ideas, 96, 57, 1, p. 1-86. - VALLA (Lorenzo). Le Postille air"institutio oratoria" di Quintiliano. A cura di Rino AVESANI, Giuseppe BILLANOVICH, Mirella FERRARI e

Giovanni POZZI. Padova, Antenore, 96, CXVI-305 p. (Medioevo et Umanesimo, 91). 558. BACZKO (Bronislaw). Textes, hommes et id6es: entre "Le vrai systeme" et "La jeunesse de Diderot". Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 732-741. BEALES (Derek). Franco Venturi and Joseph II's grande progetto. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 742-750. - BERENGO (Marino). Franco Venturi e la



biografia. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 717726. - DE MADDALENA (Aldo). Lumi e monete. Breve premessa ad un saggio. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 830-835. - DIAZ (Furio). II Settecento di Franco Venturi: dalla storia deirilluminismo alla storia del mondo. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 649-677. - GALASSO (Giuseppe). Vico nel Settecento di Venturi. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 678-716. - HUGHES (H. Stuart). Franco Venturi and the Untamed. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 727-731. - LITCHFIELD (R. Burr). The English translation of "Settecento riformatore" and its AngloAmerican reception. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 755-770. - MIZUTA (Hisroshi). Franco Venturi in Japan - with a personal recollection. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 789-791. - MORTIER (Roland). Franco Venturi et sa Jeunesse de Diderot. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 751-754. - PuGACEV (V. V.). La polemica di Franco Venturi con Nikolai Michajlovic Druzinin (1962-64) e la storiografia sovietica. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 771-788. - RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Categoria e identitä. Franco Venturi ed il concetto di Illuminismo. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 550-648. - VALIANI (Leo). Una testimonianza. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 507-549. 5 5 9 . SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCCI (Daniela). S c r i v e r e la

propria storia. Memoria familiare e servizio del principe nel «libro» di Gasparo Venturini da Massa. Archivio storico italiano, 96, 154, 567, p. 123-154. 560. BRUHNS (Hinnerk). Max Weber, reconomie et l'iiistoire. Annales, 96, 51, 6, p. 1259-1287. - KAELBER (Lutz). Weber's lacuna: medieval religion and the roots of rationalization. Journal ofthe History ofldeas, 96, 57, 3, p. 4 6 5 - 4 8 6 . - MOMMSEN ( W o l f g a n g J.). D i e

Siebecks und Max Weber. Ein Beispiel für Wissenschaftsorganisation in Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaftlern und Verlegern. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 96, 22, L,P. 19-31.

561. DILLERY (John). Xenophon and the history of his times. New York, Routledge, 96, XII-337 p. Cf. n°' 1548, 1719, 1725, 1730, 1742, 1788, 2351, 2619, 2636, 2803, 3236, 3264, 3304 § 3. M e t h o d o l o g y , philosophy, and teaching of history.

562. ADENAIKE (Carolyn Keyes). Contextualizing and decontextualizing African historical photographs. History inAfrica, 96, 23, p. 429-437. 563. ASSMANN (L. R. N.). Texts, traces, trash: the changing media of cultural memory. Representations, 96, 56, p. 123-134. 564. BÄRTA (Miloä). The use of sociological knowledge and methods in the study of history. Czech Sociological Review, 96, 4, 2, p. 247-251.

565. BARTOS (Josef). Historie a ekologie. (History and environmental conservation). Dissertationes historicae, 96, 5, p. 41-48. 566. BESSMERTNY (Yuriy L'vovich). Chastnaya zhizn': stereotipnoe i individual'noe. V poiskakh novykh resheniy. (Private life: the stereotipical and individual in the human behaviour. In search of new solutions). In: Chelovek v krugu sem'i: Ocherki po istorii chastnoy zhizni v Evrope do nachala Novogo vremeni [Cf. n° 697], p. 11-19. (Eng. summary). 567. BISK (Izrair Yakovlevich). Vvedenie v pisatel'skoe masterstvo istorika: Literatumaya forma istoricheskogo truda: Uchebnoe posobie. (La forme litteraire des 6crits historiques: Le manuel). Ivanovo, Ivanovskiy gos. un-t, 96, 144 p. 568. BIZZOCCHI (R.). Storia debole, storia forte. Storica, 96, 5, p. 93-114. 569. BOUTIER (J.), BOUTRY (Ph.). L'invention historiographique. Autour du dossier de Menocchio. Enquete, 96, 3, p. 165-176. 5 7 0 . CASTELLI GATTINARA (E.). E p i s t e m o l o g i a


storia. Un pensiero all'apertura nella Francia fra le due guerre mondiali. Milano, Angeli, 96. 265 p. (Collana di Filosofia, 79). 571. D'ORSI (A.). Alla ricerca della storia. Teoria, metodo e storiografia. Torino, Scriptorium, 96, 350 p. 572. DANCEL (Brigitte). Enseigner l'histoire ä l'ecole primaire dans la III" Republique. Paris, PUF, 96, 264 p. 573. DODIER (Nicolas). Les sciences sociales face ä la raison statistique. Annales, 96, 51, 2, p. 409-428. 574. DUBY (G.). L'art, l'ecriture et l'histoire. Debat, 96, 92, p. 174-191. 575. Ego-Dokumente. Annäherung an den Menschen in der Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Winfried SCHULZE. Berlin, Akademie, 96, 348 p. (Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit. Quellen und Darstellungen zur Sozial- und Erfahrungsgeschichte, 2). 576. EICKHOFF (Georg). La historia como arte de la memoria. Mexico, Universidad Iberoamericana, 96, 162 p. 577. ERNST (Andreas). Öffentlichkeit - das unsichtbare Wesen mit der grossen Wirkung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte, 96, 46, 1, p. 60-80. 578. FLUME (Giovanna). Paradigma giudiziario e storia politica della mafia. Quademi storici, 96, 31, 93, p. 757-766 579. FRIED (Johannes). Wissenschaft und Phantasie. Das Beispiel der Geschichte. Historische Zeitschrift, 96,263, p. 291-316. 580. Gender and Memory. International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories. Vol. 4. Ed. by S. LEY


DESDORFF, L. PASSERINI a. P. THOMPSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P . , 2 2 0 p . 581. Gender reversals and gender cultures. Anthropological and historical perspectives. Ed. by Sabrina Petra RAMET. London a. NewYork, Routledge, 96, XIII-231 p. 582. Geschichte und Vergleich. Ansätze und Ergebnisse international vergleichender Geschichtsschreibung. Hrsg. Heinz-Gerhard HAUPT U. Jürgen KOCKA. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 96, 338 p. [Cf. n " 588, 615, 3813.] 583. GÖYÜNC (Nejat). Timar Ruznam9e Defterlerinin Biyografik Kaynak Olarak Önemi. (L'importance des petits joumaux du compte-courant en tant que sources des biographies). Belleten, 96, 60, 227, p. 127138. 584. GRABSKI (Andrzej Feliks). Idea "rozumienia" w historiografii ojcow zalozycieli "Annales". O pewnym sposobie wyjasniania w historii. (L'idee de la "compr6hension" dans Thistoriographie des pferes fondateurs des "Annales". Sur une certaine maniere d'exphquer dans I'histoire). Historyka, 96, 26, p. 21-34. (Eng. summary). 585. GRIBBOHM (Jan). Eine strukturale Methode für die Geschichtswissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 9 6 , 2 4 6 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften). 586. GUREVICH (Aron Yakovlevich). "Territoriya istorika". ("Historian's territory": [On the specific "chronotopos" uniting the present of the author of the historical source and the present of the historian]). In: Odissey: Chelovek v istorii, 1996: Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka [Cf. n° 613], p. 81-109. (Eng. summary). 587. GUYOTJEANNIN (O.). De la surinterpretation des sources diplomatiques medievales. Enquete, 96, 3, p. 153-162. 588. HAUPT (Heinz-Gerhard), KOCKA (Jürgen). Historischer Vergleich: Methoden, Aufgaben, Probleme. Eine Einleitung. In: Geschichte und Vergleich [Cf. n° 582], p. 9-45. 589. HEIKKINEN (Antero). Menneisyyttä rakentamassa. (Rebuilding the past: research methods in history). Helsinki, Yliopistopaino, 96, 191 p. 590. Historia y testimonios orales. Dir. por C. VELASCO. Mexico, Institute Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 96, 209 p. (Serie Historia). 591. Historismus in den Kulturwissenschaften. Geschichtskonzepte, historische Einschätzungen, Grundlagenprobleme. Hrsg. V. Otto Gerhard OEXLE U. Jörn RÜSEN. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 96, VI-414 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichtskultur, 12). 592. History and biography: essays in Honour of Derek Beales. Ed. by Timothy Charles William BLANNING a. David CANNADINE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, VIII-298 p. [Cf. n° 7475.]


593. Idea a idealizace v dejinäch a v soucasnosti. (Idee und Idealisierung in der Geschichte und in der Gegenwart). Liberec, Technickä univerzita, 96, 259 p. 594. IMHOF (Kurt). «Öffentlichkeit» als historische Kategorie und als Kategorie der Historie. Schweizerische Zeitschriftftir Geschichte, 96,46, 1, p. 3-25. 595. ISKENDEROV (Akhmed Akhmedovich). Istoricheskaya nauka na poroge XXI veka. (The science of history at the eve of the 21"" Century). Voprosy istorii, 9 6 , 7 0 , 4 , p. 3-31. 596. Jeux d'echelle. La micro-analyse a l'^xperience. Ed. par Jacques REVEL. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 96,243 p. 597. KELLEY (Donald R.). Philodoxy: mere opinion and the question of history. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 96, 34, p. 117-132. - IDEM. The Archeology of Wisdom. European Legacy, 96, 1, p. 2037-2054 598. KOCKA (Jürgen). Um retomo ä narra9äo ? Em defesa de uma argumenta9äo histörica. Historia: Questöes & Debates, 96, 13, p.56-77. 599. KOLASA (Agnieszka). Socjologia historycznaproblemy przedsi^wziQcia interdyscyphnamego. (Sociologie historique-problemes de l'entreprise interdisciplinaire). Historyka, 96, 26, p. 3-20. (Eng. summary). 600. LAHIRE (Bemard). La Variation des contextes en sciences sociales. Remarques epistßmologiques. Annales, 9 6 , 5 1 , 2 , p. 381-407. 601. LEPETIT (Bemard). Le travail de I'histoire. Annales, 96, 51,3, p. 525-538. 602. LEVINSON (A. G.). Massovye predstavleniya ob "istoricheskikh lichnostyakh". (The mass notion of "historical persons"). In: Odissey. Chelovek v istorii. 1996. Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka [Cf. n" 613], p. 252-267. (Eng. summary). 603. LOWENTHAL (David). Possessed by the past: the Heritage Crusade and the spoils of history. New York, Free Press, 96, Xni-338 p. (bibl.). 604. MALI (J.). Real narratives: myth, history and mythistory. Storia della storiografia, 96, 30, p. 3-18. 605. Marvick [Arthur] / White [Hayden] debate continues (The). With ess. by Ch. LLOYD, B. SOUTHGATE a. W. KANSTEINER, G. ROBERTS. Journal ofcontemporary history, 96, 1, p. 191-227. 606. Matematicheskie modeli istoricheskikh protsessov: Sb. st. (Mathematical models of historical processes: A coli, of articles). Ed. L. I. BORODKIN. ASsotsiatsia "Istoriya i komp'yuter"; Lab. informatiki Istoriceskogo fak-ta Mosk. gos. un-ta im. M. V. Lomonosova. Moskva, [s. n.], 96, 251 p. (ill.). 607. MAZZELLA (S.). La ville-memoire. Quelques usages de "La memoire collective de M. Halbwachs". Enquete, 96, 4, p. 177-190. 608. MENDES DE ALMEIDA (Angela). Notas de leitura sobre uma visäo histörica do campo. Revista do Instituto de Estudios Brasileiros, 96, 40, p. 13-29.



609. MORENO (Diego). Domestico vs. selvatico. Annotazioni su tassonomia e storia locale. Quademi storici, 96, 31,91, p. 87-104.

623. PROCHASKA (David). History as literature, literature as history: Cagayous of Algiers. American Historical Review, 96, 101, 3, p. 670-711.

610. MUKHERJEE (Soumyendra Nath). Citizen historian: explorations in historiography. New Delhi, Manohar, 96, XIV-148 p. (Sydney studies in society and culture).

624. PROST (Antoine). Douze le^ons sur l'histoire. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 96, 330 p. (Points. Histoire). IDEM. Histoire, v6rite, methodes. Des structures argumentatives de l'histoire. Debat, 96, 92, p. 127-140.

611. NUHUIS (Ton). Structuur en contingentie: over de grenzen van het sociaaal-wetenschappelijk verklaringsideaal in de Duitse geschiedschrijving. Assen, Van Gorcum, 96, X-239 p. (Speculum historiale).

625. Pursuit of local history (The): readings on theory and practice. Ed. by C. KÄMMEN. Walnut Creek a. London, AltaMira Press, 96, 240 p. (American Association for State and Local History book series).

612. NOIRIEL (Gerard). Sur la 'crise' de l'histoire. Paris, Belin, 96, 343 p.

626. RAPHAEL (Lutz). Die Verwissenschaftlichung des Sozialen als methodische und konzeptionelle Herausforderung für eine Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 96, 22, 2,

613. Odissey: Chelovek v istorii, 1996: Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka. (Odisseus: Man in history, 1996: Historian's craft to the end of the twentieth Century). Sb. st. (A miscellany). Ed. by Aron Yakovlevich GUREVICH. ROS. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii. Moskva, Coda, 96, 366 p. (bibl.). [Eng. summaries], [Cf. n" 586, 602, 627, 640, 648, 3671.] 614. OEXLE (Otto Gerhard). Geschichtswissenschaft im Zeichen des Historismus. Studien zur Problemsgeschichte der Moderne. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 96, 315 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 116). 615. OSTERHAMMEL (Jürgen). Sozialgeschichte im Zivilisationsvergleich. Zu künftigen Möglichkeiten komparativer Geschichtswissenschaft. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 96, 22, 2, p. 143-164. - IDEM. Transkulturell vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft. In'. Geschichte und Vergleich [Cf. n° 582], p. 271-313. 616. PASSERON (J. C.). L'espace mental de L'enquete. Enquete, 96, 3, p. 89-126. 617. PATOCKA (Jan). O filosofii döjin. (The philosophy of history). Kriticky sbomik, 96, 16, 2, p. 47-51. 618. PAUNESCU (Ilie). L'Entree dans la posthistoire: critferes de d6fmition. History and Theory, 96, 35, 1, p. 56-79. 619. PERRIN (Jean-Fran^ois). Le chant de l'origine: la memoire et le temps dans les Confessions de JeanJacques Rousseau. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 96, IX250 p. (Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth Century, 339). 620. POLANCO ALCÄNTARA (Tomas). La biografia como instrumento de la historia. Boletm de la Academia Nacional de la Historia de Venezuela, 96, 79, 316, p. 119-130. 621. POMPER (Philip). Historians and individual agency. History and Theory, 96, 35, 3, p. 281-308. 622. POWELL (J. M.). Historical geography and environmental history: an Australian interface. Journal of historical geography, 96, 22, 3, p. 253-273.

p. 1 6 5 - 1 9 3 .

627. REPINA (Lorina Petrovna). Istoriya zhenshchin segodnya: Istoriograficheskie zametki. (Woman's history today. Historiographical notes). In: Chelovek v krugu sem'i. Ocherki po istorii chastnoy zhizni v Evrope do nachala Novogo vremeni [Cf. n° 697], p. 3573. (bibl). (Eng. sunimary). - EADEM. Vydelenie sfery chastnoy zhizni kak istoriograficheskaya i metodologicheskaya problema. (Is private life a separate sphere? Opinions in historiography). In: Chelovek v krugu sem'i. Ocherki po istorii chastnoy zhizni v Evrope do nachala Novogo vremeni [Cf. n° 697], p. 20-34. (Eng. summary). - EADEM. Vyzov postmoderinizma i perspektivy novoy kul'tumoy i intellektual'noy istorii: dostizheniya i predely. (Challenge of postmodemism and the prospects of the new cultural and intellectual history). In: Odissey: Chelovek v istorii, 1996: Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka [Cf. n° 613], p. 2538. (Eng. summary). 628. ROBERTS (Clayton). The logic of historical explanation. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 9 6 , X I - 3 2 0 p.

629. RONIKIER (Jerzy). Historia mentalnosci a metodologia nauk historycznych. (Histoire de la mentalitö et methodologie des sciences historiques). Historyka, 96, 26, p. 53-62. (Eng. summary). 630. RÜSEN (Jörn). Some theoretical approaches to intercultural comparative historiography. History and Theory, 96, 35, 4, p. 5-22. 631. SAZBÖN (Jose). Historia y Experiencia. Entrepasados. Revista de historia, 5, 10, 96, p.23-44. 632. SCHNEIDER (D.). Peut-on modöliser la question des confreries professionelles? Etüde ä partir d'un cas lorrain. Revue Historique, 96, 295, 598, p. 281-298. 633. Social class and Marxism: defences and challenges. Ed. by N. KIRK. Aldershot, Scolar, 96, IX-243 p. 634. Sovremennye metody prepodavaniya noveyshey istorii: Materialy iz tsikla seminarov pri podderzhke TACIS. (Les methodes modernes de l'enseignement de l'histoire contemporaine). Sb. st. (Coli, of articles). Ed.


p a r A . O . CHUBAR'YAN, L . P. REPINA, E . A . DOBROVA.

Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii. Moskva, IVI R A N , 96, 347 p. 635. SPITZER (Alan B.). Historical truth and lies about the past. Reflections on Dewey, Dreyfus, De Man, and Reagan. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 96, 162 p. 636. TANG (Xiaobing). Global space and the nationalist discourse of modemity. The historical thinking of Liang Qichao. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, VIII289 p. 637. TESn (Amaldo). II passato in pubblico: un dibattito sull'insegnamento della storia nazionale negli Stati Uniti. Storica, 96, 6, p. 7-53. 638. VANSINA (Jan). Quilombos on Sao Tom, or in search of original sources. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 453-459. - IDEM. Sources vs. text: an integrated edition of sources. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 461-465. 639. Velha histöria (A): teoria, mötodo e historiografia. Ed. por Jurandir MALERBA. Campinas, Papirus, 96,208 p. [Cf. n° 511.] 640. VIZGIN (V. P.). Poststrukturalistskaya metodologiya istorii: dostizheniya i predely. (Poststuctural methodology of history: achievements and limits). In: Odissey: Chelovek v istorii, 1996: Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka [Cf. n° 613], p. 39-59. (Eng. summary). 641. VON BORRIES (Bodo). Imaginierte Geschichte. Die biografische Bedeutung historischer Fiktionen und Phantasien. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 96, X-198 p. 642. Walter Benjamin and the demands of history. Ed. by Michael P. STEINBERG. Ithaca, Comell U. P., 96, VII-252 p. 643. WILLIS (Justin). Two lives of Mpamizo: understanding dissonance in oral history. History in Africa, 96, 23, p. 319-332.

644. WINDSCHUTTLE (Keith). The killing of history. How a discipline is being murdered by literary critics and social theorists. Paddington, Macleay, 96, 298 p. 645. YEO (Aileen Janes). The contest for social science. Relations and representations of gender and class. London, Rivers Oram Press, 96, XX-396 p. 646. ZANFARINO (Antonio). Una filosofia per la storia. Padova, Cedam, 96, VI-132 p. 647. ZHUROV (Yuriy Vasil'evich). Problema metodologii istorii. (Problems of methodology of history; Problems of the Russian 20'''-century history; The average duration of a human life as a criterion of the historical progress). Bryanskiy gos. ped. un-t im. I. G. Petrovskogo. Bryansk, [s. n.], 144 p. (bibl.). 648. ZVEREVA (Galina Ivanovna). Real'nost' i istoricheskiy narrativ. Problemy samorefleksii novoy intellektual'noy istorii. (Reality and historical narrative: Problems of self-reflection of new intellectual history).


In: Odissey: Chelovek v istorii, 1996: Remeslo istorika na iskhode XX veka [Cf. n° 613], p. 11-24. (Eng. summary). 6 4 9 . ZWETTLER ( O t t o ) , VACULFK ( J a r o s l a v ) , CAPKA

(Frantiäek). Üvod do studia däjepisu a technika historikovy präce. (Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft und die Technik der Arbeit des Historikers). Brno, Masarykova univerzita, 96, 119 p. Cf n"' 137, 424, 670,1585, 5590, 7333 § 4. Ethnology and folklore. * 650. BOHLMAN (Philip Vilas). Central European folk music: an annotated bibliography of sources in German. Nevi^ York a. London, Garland, 96, XXn-316 p. (Garland library of music ethnology). \b04 * 651. [IVANOVA T. G.] Russkiy fol'klor: Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel', 1800-1855. (Russian folklore: A bibliography, 1800-1855). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t russkoy literatury (Pushkinskiy dom). Ed. by A. A. GORELOV. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitry Bulanin, 96, 262 p. (ind.). ** 652. [CHEREPANOVA (O. A.).] Mifologicheskie rasskazy i legendy Russkogo Severa. (Mythological stories and legends from the North of Russia). SanktPeterburgskiy gos. un-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd. S.Peterb. un-ta, 96, 211 p. (bibl.).

653. ADAMS (Vincanne). Tigers of the snow and other Virtual Sherpas: an ethnography of Himalayan encounters. Princeton a. Chichester, Princeton U. P., 96, XIV-304 p. 654. ALCINA (Francisco Ignacio). Una etnografi'a de los indios bisayas del Padre Alzina. Ed. por V. YEPES. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 96, XXV-331 p. (Colecciön Biblioteca de historia de America) 655. ANIKIN (Vladimir Prokop'evich). Teoriya fol'klora: Kurs lektsiy. (The theory of folclore: a lecture course). Moskovskiy gos. un-t in M. V. Lomonosova, Filologicheskiy fak-t. Moskva, [s. n.], 96,404 p. (bibl.). 656. ASLAN (Betul). I.Dünya Savaji Esnasmda Azerbaycan Türkleri'nin Erzurum Ahalisine Yaptigi "Karda? Kömegi". (Yardimlan). (Les concours des Turcs de TAzerbaidjan au peuple d'Erzurum). Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Ara^tirmalan Enstitüsü Dergisi, 96, 6, p. 161-178. 657. AVKSENT'EV (V. A.). Etnicheskaya konfliktologiya. (Ethnic conflictology: ethnic conflicts in the worid from 1960s to the first half of 1990es). Parts 1 2. Ed. by V. A. SHAPOVALOVA. Stavropol'skiy gos. un-t. Stavropol', [s. n.], 96, 2 vol., 153 p., 168 p. (bibl.).



658. CHEN (Weiming). Gudai Huanan shaoshu minzu de sangzang wenhua. (Burial practices of the ethnic nationalities in ancient Southem China). Zhongguo shi yanjiu, 96, 2, p. 152-159.

670. KUPRIANOV (A. I.). Istoricheskaya antropologiya v Rossii: Problemy stanovleniya. (Historical anthropology in Russia: Problems of Coming into being). Otechestvennaya istoriya, 96, 40, 4, p. 86-99.

659. Composing ethnography: alternative forms of qualitative writing. Ed. by C. ELLIS a. A. P. BOCHNER. London, SAGE, 96, 350 p. (Ethnographie alternatives series).

671. KURTCEPHE (israfil), AKGÜL (Suat). Rusya'nm I. Dünya Savaji Öncesinde Kürt Ajiretleri Üzerindeki Faaliyetleri. (Les influences de la Russie sur les tribus kurdes ä la veille de la Premifere Guerre Mondiale). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanli Tarihi Ara^tirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 96, 6, p. 249-256.

660. Culture/contexture: explorations in anthropology a n d literary studies. E d . b y E. V . DANIEL a. J. M . PECK.

Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 96, VI-410p. 661. DUBOVA (Nadezhda Anatol'evna). Formirovanie antropologicheskogo sostava naseleniya Sevemogo Tadzhikistana. (Physical anthropology and forming of the population of Northern Tajikistan). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t etnologii i antropologii im. N. N. MiklukhoMaklaya. Moskva, Staryy sad, 96, 246 p. (ill., bibl.. Eng. summary, text partly in English). (Etnicheskaya antropologiya Sredney Azii, 1). 662. Ethnography in French literature. Ed. by B. NORMAN. Amsterdam a. Atlanta, Rodopi, 96, X-227 p. 663. Ethnography of European traditional cultures: Society, cultural tradition, built environment. Ed. By E. KARPODINI-DIMITRIADI. Athens, Institute of Cultural Studies of Europe and the Mediterranean, 96, 374 p. 664. Force of habit: exploring everyday culture. Ed. by J. FRYKMAN a. O. LOFGREN. Lund, Lund U. P., 96, 172 p. (Lund studies in European ethnology). 665. Handbuch zur "Völkischen Bewegung" 18711918. Hrsg. V. Uwe PuscHNER, Walter SCHMITZ u. Justus H. ULBRICHT. München, New York u. London, Saur, 96, XXVII-978 p. 666. Imya i etnos: Sbomik. (Name and ethnicity: Collected papers on the relationships between onomastics and ethnology). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t etnologii i

672. LINDHOLM (Charles). The Islamic Middle East: an historical anthropology. Cambridge, Blackwell, 96, XXVII-324 p. 673. MALCHOW (H. L.). Gothic images of race in nineteenth-century Britain. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, XII-335 p. 674. Marginality and modemity: ethnicity and change in post-colonial Balochistan. Ed. by P. TITUS. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XXVIII-331 p. 675. MYL'NIKOV (A. S.). Kartina slavyanskogo mira: vzglyad iz Vostochnoy Evropy. Entogeneticheskie legendy, dogadki, gipotezy, protogipotezy X V I nachala XVIII vv. (Le tableau du monde slave vu de l'Europe Orientale: Les legendes, les soup9ons, les hypothfeses et les protohypotheses concemants la genfese des nations slaves, XVI-debut du XVIII si^cles). Ros. akad. nauk, Muzey antoropologii i etnografii im. Petra Velikogo (Kunstkamera). SanktPeterburg, Tsentr "Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie", 96, 314 p. (ill.. Eng. summary). (Slavica Petropolitana, 1). 676. Ocherki po istorii Kubani s drevneyshikh vremen po 1920 g. (Essays on the history of Kuban region from the earliest times to 1920). Ed. by V. N. RATUSHNYAK. Krasnodar, Sovetskaya Kuban', 96, 625 p. (ill., portr., maps, bibl.).

SHINKAREV. Moskva, lEA, 96, 188 p. (ill., bibl.).

677. Origins, ancestry and alliance: explorations in Austronesian ethnography. Ed. by J. J. Fox a. C. SATHER. Canberra, Australian National University, 96, VIII336 p.

667. KONAKOV (N. D.). Traditsionnoe mirovozzrenie narodov komi: okruzhayushchiy mir, prostranstvo i vremya. (Traditional ideology of the Komi peoples: Their notion of milieu, space and time). Ros. akad. nauk, Ural'skoe otd., Komi nauch. tsentr, In-t yazyka, literatury i istorii. Syktyvkar, [s. n.], 96, 131 p. (bibl.).

678. PANESH (E. Kh.). Etnicheskaya psikhologiya i mezhnatsional'nye otnosheniya: Vzaimodeystvie i osobennosti evolutsii: na primere Zapadnogo Kavkaza. (Ethnic psychology and relations between peoples: the Adygs of the Western Caucasus). Sankt-Peterburg, Evropeyskiy Dom, 96, 303 p. (bibl.).

6 6 8 . KOTOV ( O . V . ) , ROGACHEV ( M . B . ) , SHABAEV

(Yu. P.). Sovremennye komi. (Komi people nowadays). Ros. akad. nauk, Ural'skoe otd., Komi nauch. tsentr, In-t yaz., lit. i ist. Ekaterinburg, [s. n.], 96, 178 p. (plates, bibl.).

679. Prostranstvo i vremya v arkhaicheskikh i traditsionnykh kul'turakh. (Space and time in archaic and traditional cultures: A coli, of art). Ed. by I. V. SLEDZEVSKIY a. D. M. BONDARENKO. ROS. akad. nauk, In-t Afriki. Moskva, [s. n.], 96, 234 p. (bibl.).

669. KOZLOVA (M. S.). Evolyutsionnaya antropologiya v Rossii (seredina XlX-konets XX vekov). (Evolutionary anthropology in Russia, from 1850 tili nowadays). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki im. S. I. Vavilova. Moskva, [s. n.], 96, 123 p.

680. RESHINA (Marina Isaakovna). Frizy: problemy etnokul'tumogo razvitiya. (Frisians: problems of ethnic and cultural development, from the end of 4'^ to the end of 20"^ Century). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t etnologii i antropologii im. N. N. Miklukho-Maklaya. Moskva, lEA, 96, 315 p. (ill., bibl.. Eng. summary).

a n t r o p o l o g i i . E d . b y R . S h . DZHARYGASINOVA a. V . N .



681. ROON (Tat'yana P.). Uyl'ta Sakhalina: Istorikoetnograficheskoe issledovanie traditsionnogo khozyaystva i material'noy kul'tury XVIII-serediny X X veka. (The Uilta of Sakhalin: their traditional economy and material culture, 1700-1950). Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin. obl. knizhn. izd.: Sakhalin. obl. kraevedch. muzey, 96, 175 p. (ill., bibl.).

693. BLACK (Jeremy). Cambridge illustrated atlas of Warfare. Renaissance to Revolution, 1492-1792. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 192 p.

682. Simvoly i atributy vlasti: Genezis, semantika, funktsii. (Symbols and attributes of power: genesis, semantics, ftinctions). Sb. st. (Coli, of articles). Ed. by V. A. POPOV. Sankt-Peterburg, Muzey antropologii i etnografii,96, 319 p.

695. British population history. From the Black Death to the present day. Ed. by Michael ANDERSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96,421 p.

683. SPINEI (Victor). Ultimele valuri migratoare la nordul Märii Negre al Dunärii de Jos. (The last migratory waves in the north of the Black Sea and the lower Danube). la^i, Editura Helios, 96, 328 p. 684. TAYLER (Donald). Embarkations: ethnography and shamanism of the Choco Indians of Colombia. Oxford, Pitt Rivers Museum, 96, XVlI-219 p. 685. TKHAGAPSOVA (G. G.). Narodnaya meditsina adygov: istoriko-etnograficheskiy aspect. (The populär medicine of the Adygs). Adyg. resp. in-t gumanit. issled. Maykop, [s. n.], 96, 156 p. (ill., bibl.). Cf. n" 1117, 1585, 4554, 6127, 6885, 6933, 8129, 8152, 8375

§ 5. G e n e r a l history. * 686. Bibliography of Japanese history to 1912. Ed. by P. KORNICKI. Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies, 96, 91 p.

687. ADAMEC (Ludwig Warren). Dictionary of Afghan wars, revolutions, and insurgencies. Metuchen, Scarecrow, 96, XVII-364 p. 688. Arkheologiya Kareiii. (The Archaeology of Karelia: [A collective monograph]). Karel. nauch. tsentr Ros. akad. nauk, In-t istorii, yazyka i literatury. E d . b y M . G . KOSMENKO a. S . I. KOCHKURINA. P e -

trozavodsk, [s. n.], 96,415 p. (ill., bibl.).

689. ARZE AGUIRRE (Rene Danilo). Breve historia de Bolivia. Sucre, Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, 96, 128 p. 690. BASSETT (Jan). The Oxford illustrated dictionary of Australian history. Melbourne a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, V-304 p. 691. BEUCH (James). Making peoples. A history of the New Zealanders. From Polynesian settlement to the end of the nineteenth Century. London, Allen Lane a. Penguin Press, 96,487 p. 692. BENVENISTI (Meron). City of stone: the hidden history of Jerusalem. Berkeley, University of California Press, 96, 274 p.

694. BRANDSTETTER (Gerfried). Chronologisches Lexikon der europäischen Integration: 1945-1995. Wien, Verlag Österreich, 96, 287 p.

696. Cambridge illustrated history of the Islamic worid (The). Ed. by F. ROBINSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XXIII-328 p. 697. Chelovek v krugu sem'i: Ocherki po istorii chastnoy zhizni v Evrope do nachala Novogo vremeni. (Man within his family circle: Essays on the history of private life in Europe before the modern times). Sb. st. (Coli, of articles). Ed. Yuriy L'vovich BESSMERTNY. Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii. Rossiysk. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, Rossiysk. gos. gumanit. un-t, 96, 376 p. (Eng. summaries). [Cf. n°' 566, 627, 1698, 3060, 3071, 3095, 3114, 6919.] 698. CHEN (Manna). Zhongguo chuantong shehui zhengzhi jiegou ji qi zai jindai de zhuanxing (The traditional Chinese social political structure and its transformation in modern times). Shixue yuekan, 96, 2, p. 44-51. 699. Chypre hier et aujourd'hui, entre Orient et Occident: echanges et relations en Mediterranee Orientale (Actes du colloque tenu ä Nicosie, 1994). Sous la dir. de F. METRAL, M. YON et Y. LOANNOU. Lyon, Maison de r Orient mediterranen, 96, 186 p. 700. COMMINS (D.). Historical dictionary of Syria. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 96, XXXVI-300 p. (Asian historical dictionaries). 701. D'AGOSTINO (Guido). Poteri, istituzioni e societa nel Mezzogiomo medievale e modemo. Napoli, Liguori, 96, VIII-212 p. 702. DAVIES (Norman). Europe. A history. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U, P., 96, XVII-1365 p. 703. DAWSON (Doyne). The origins of war: biological and anthropological theories. History and Theory, 96, 35, l , p . 1-28. 704. DEMANDT (Alexander). Statt Rom. Ein historisches Gedankenspiel. Quademi di storia, 96, 22, 44, p. 71-94. 705. DEWALD (Jonathan). The European nobility, 1400-1800. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., XVII-209 p. 706. Dictionary of national biography (The), 19861990. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XVI-607 p. 707. Dictionnaire biographique du Judaisme fran5ais aux XIX° et XX' siede. Archives juives, 96, 29, 1, p. 104-116; 2, 115-126 p.




708. Dictionnaire de l'Ancien Rögime. Royaume de France, X V P - X V I i r sifecle. Sous la dir. de L . BfiLY. Paris, PUF, 96, 1384 p. 709. Dizionario biografico degli italiani. Vol. 46. Feducci-Ferrerio. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 96, XV-816 p.

723. GRUZINSKI (Serge). Histoire de Mexico. Paris, Fayard, 96,454 p. 724. HERMAND (Jost). Gedanken zur deutsch-jüdischen Symbiose. Archiv ßr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 467-482.

710. Dizionario storico dell'Italia unita. A cura di Bruno BONGIOVANNI e Nicola TRANFAGLIA. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, V I 1 H 0 3 1 p.

725. Hilo de Ariadna (El). Del tardoantiguo al tardomedioevo. Comps. Hugo ZURUTUZA, Horacio BOTALLA y Francisco BERTELLONI. Rosario, Homo Sapiens, 96, 253 p.

711. DUCZMAL (Malgorzata). Jagiellonowie - leksykon biograficzny. (Les Jagellons - lexique biographique.). Kraköw, Wydawn. Liter., 96, 656 p. (flg., desseins).

Houndsmills a. London, Macmillan, 96, XIIl-367 p.

712. Encyclopedia of the modern Middle East. Vol. I IV. Ed. by Reeva S. SIMON, Philip MATTAR a. Richard W . BULLIET. N e w York, Macmillan, 96, lX-2182 p.

726. HIRO (Dilip). Dictionary of the Middle-East.

727. Historical dictionary of States. States and Statelike communities from their origins to the present. Ed. by P. TRUHART. München, N e w Providence, London a. Paris, K. G. Saur, 96, X X X I V - 8 7 2 p.

713. Feminism and history. Ed. by Joan Wallach SCOTT. Oxford a. N e w York, Oxford U. P., 96, K - 6 1 1 p. (Oxford readings in feminism).

728. History of Romania ( A ) . Ed. by Kurt W . TREPTOW. N e w York, Columbia U. P., 96, X X V - 7 2 4 p. (ill.).

714. Fins de Si&cle. How centuries end, 1400-2000. Ed. by Asa BRIGGS a. Daniel SNOWMAN. N e w Häven a. London, Yale U. P., 96, 248 p.

729. HOFFMANN (Jürgen). Politisches Handeln und gesellschaftliche Struktur. Grundzüge deutscher Gesellschaftsgeschichte. V o m Feudalsystem bis zur Vereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten 1990. Dreizehn Vorlesungen. Münster, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 96, 593 p.

715. FLORES (Moacyr). Dicionärio de historia do Brasil. Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 96, 544 p. (Colegäo Historia). 716. Foundations of Turkey (The). Edited by Zekäi BALOGLU. Istanbul, Türkiye Ücüncü Sektor Vakfi Yaymi, 96, [s. p.].

730. Hrvatske zupanije kroz stoljeca. (Croatian Counties through the Centuries). Zagreb, [s. n.], 96, [s. p.].

717. Französen und Deutsche. Orte der gemeinsamen Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Horst MÖLLER U. Jacques MORIZET. München, Beck, 96, 308 p.

731. HUTCHINGS (Raymond). Historical dictionary of Albania. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 96, XVl-277 p. (European historical dictionaries).

718. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Storia d'Europa. Vol. 1. Antichitä e medioevo. Vol. 2. Etä modema. Vol. 3. Etä contemporanea. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 3 vol., XXIX-360 p., XIX-438 p., XXI-524 p.

732. Imperial Germany: a historiographical companion. Ed. by Roger CHICKERING. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 96, VII-538 p.

719. GEREMEK (Bronislaw). The common roots of Europe. Cambridge, Blackwell, 96, 194 p. 720. GILBERT (Martin). Jerusalem in the twentieth Century. London, Chatto & Windus, 96, XVI-400 p. 721. GOODY (Jack). The East in the West. Cambridge, N e w York a. Oakleigh, Cambridge U. P., 96, X-295 p. 722. Greci (1). Storia, cultura, arte, societä. Vol. 1. N o i e i Greci. Vol. 2. Una storia greca. Parte I. Formazione. A cura di Salvatore SETTIS. Torino, Einaudi, 96, 2 vol., 1150 p., 1409 p. [Cf. n " 360, 1224, 1237, 1242-1244, 1456, 1457, 1462, 1464, 1467, 1470, 1471, 1477-1479, 1497, 1500, 1502, 1505, 1535, 1589, 1600, 1610, 1611, 1613, 1614, 1617, 1619, 1631, 1633, 1634, 1636, 1647, 1650, 1660, 1662, 1666, 1672, 1679, 1683, 1687, 1688, 1691, 1705, 1712, 1728, 1747, 1752, 1805, 1811, 1821, 1827, 1832, 1837, 1845, 1852, 1853, 1862, 1863, 1870, 1871, 1874, 1887, 1894, 1907, 1909, 1912, 1920, 1933, 1937.]

733. Istoriya Danii s drevneyshikh vremen do nachala X X veka. (L'histoire de Danemark des origines jusqu'ä la fm du X X siöcle). Sous la dir. de O. V. CHERNISHEVA. Auteurs: Elena A . MEL'NIKOVA, Ada A . SVANIDZE, V. E. VOZGRIN [et al.]. Ros. akad. nauk, Int vseobshchey istorii, Tsentr istorii i kul'tury Sevemoy Evropy. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 502 p. (ill.). 734. Italian regionalism. History, identity and politics. Ed. by Carl LEVY. Oxford a. Washington, Berg, 96, XVI-197 p. 735. JÄCKEL (Eberhard). Das deutsche Jahrhundert. Eine historische Bilanz. Stuttgart, Deutsche VerlagsAnstalt, 96, 366 p. 736. JOHNSON (Lonnie R.). Central Europe: enemies, neighbors, friends. N e w York, Oxford U. P., 96, 339 p. 737. KAJZER (Leszek). W s t g j do archeologii historycznej w Polsce. (Introduction ä l'archeologie historique en Pologne, X ° - X V I i r ) . Lodz. Wydawn. Uniw. Lödzkiego, 96, 265 p. (dessins, cartes). (Eng. summary).


738. KARIHMAN (Ferid). Hrvatsko-boänjacke teme. (Croatian-Bosnian themes). Zagreb, Hrvatska sveucilisna naklada, 96, 223 p. (Hrvatska sveucilisna naklada. Biblioteka Istrazivanja, 7. Biblioteka Hrvatska Dijaspora). 739. KEEGAN (John). Histoire de la guerre. Du Neolithique ä la guerre du Golfe. Paris, Dagomo, 96, 498 p.


tions by Piotr WRÖBEL a. Richard J. KOZICKI. Forew. by Alexsander GEYSZTOR. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 96, XXV-750p. 749. LEWIS (Bemard). The Middle Hast: a brief history of the last 2000 years. New York, Scribner, 96, 448 p. 750. LYNN (John A.). The evolution of Army style in the modern West, 800-2000. International history review, 96, 18, 3, p. 505-545.

740. Kholodnyy dorn Rossü: Dokumenty, issledovaniya, razmyshleniya o regional'nykh prioritetakh Evropeyskogo Severa. (The North of European Russia: documents and studies). Pomorskiy mezhdunar. ped. un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova. Arkhangel'sk, Izd-vo PMPU im. M. V. Lomonosova, 96, 316 p. (ill., facs.; maps; bibl.).

751. LYUBAVSKIY (M. K.). Obzor istorii russkoy kolonizatsii s drevneyshkh vremen i do XX veka. (A history of Russian colonization, from the earliest times to the 20"^ Century). Ed. a. intr. by A. Ya. DEGTYAREV. Moskva, Izd. Mosk. un-ta, 96, 682 p. (ind. p. 572-672).

741. KLESSMANN (C.). Opposition und Resistenz in zwei Diktaturen in Deutschland. Historische Zeitschrift, 96, 262, p. 453-479.

752. MAC CARTHY (Justin). The Ottoman Türks: an introductory history to 1923. New York, Longman, 96, XV-406 p.

742. Koushu. (Oral history). Vol. 8. Edited by the Committee for Oral History of the Modem History Research Institute of the Central Research Institute. Taibei, Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Jindaishi Yanjiusuo, 96, 238 p.

753. MAGOCSI (Paul Robert). A history of Ukraine. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 96, XXVI-784 p.

743. Köza Sekaishi. 9. Kaihö no Yume: Taisen-go no Sekai. 10. Daisan Sekai no Chösen: Dokuritsu-go no Kuno. 11. Kiro ni tatsu Gendai Sekai: Konton wo Osereru-na. 12. Watakushitachi no Jidai. (Lectures in modern World history. 9. Dreams of liberation. Rekishigaku: the worid after the Second Worid War. 10. The challenge of the Third World: agonies after independence. 11. Today's worid at the crossroads: do not fear a chaos. 12. Issues confronting the worid today). Ed. by Rekishigaku-Kenkyü-Kai. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 96, 4 vol., 384 p., 384 p., 401 p. 498 p. 744. Kronologija: Hrvatska, Europa, svijet. PolitiJka i vojna povijest, religija, knjizevnost, umjetnost, znanost i tehnologija, glazba, film i sport. (Chronology: Croatia, Europe and the worid. Political and military history, religion, literature, arts, science and technology, music, film, and sport). Ed. by Ivo GOLDSTEIN. Zagreb, [s. n.], 96, [s. p.]. 745. KUNERT (Andrzej Krzysztof). Ilustrowany przewodnik po Polsce podziemnej 1939-1945. (Guide illustre de la Pologne clandestine 1939-1945). Warszawa, Wydawn. Nauk PWN, 96, 618 p. (phot., flg., dessins, cartes). 746. KYI WIN (May), SMITH (Harold E.). Historical dictionary of Thailand. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 96, XLVIII-340 p. (Asian historical dictionaries). 747. LEFKOWITZ (Mary). Not out of Africa. How Afrocentrism became an excuse to teach myth as history. New York, Basic books of Harper-Collins, 96, XVII-222 p. 748. LERSKI (George Jan). Historical Dictionary of Poland, 966-1945. With special editing and emenda-

754. Malheurs de la guerre (Les). Tome 1. De la guerre ä l'ancienne ä la guerre regime. Paris, Editions du CTHS, 96, 322 p. 755. MANSEL (Philip). Constantinople: city of the worid's desire, 1453-1924. New York, St. Martin's Press, 96, XVI-528 p. 756. MANSINGH (Suijit). Historical dictionary of India. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 96, XL-511 p. (Asian historical dictionaries). 757. MARGETIC (Lujo). Istra i Kvamer: izbor studija. (Istria and Kvamer: selection of studies). Rijeka 1996 758. MIJATOVIÖ (Andelko). Iz riznice hrvatske povijesti i kulture. (From treasure ehest of Croatian history and culture). Zagreb, Skolska knjiga, 96, 560 p. (ill.). 759. MINAHAN (James). Nations without states: a historical dictionary of contemporary national movements. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 96, XXIV-692 p. 760. Ocherki istorii kul'tury slavyan. (A history of culture of Slavonic peoples). Vol. 1. Ros. akad. nauk, In-t slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki. Ed. by V. K. VOLKOV. Authors: V. V. SEDOV, A. F. ZHURAVLEV, N. I. TOLSTOY [et al.]. Moskva, Indrik, 96, 463 p. (ill., facs., bibl.. Eng. summary). 761. Origins of the State in Italy (The), 1300-1600. Ed. by Julius KIRSHNER. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 96, 212 p. 762. Osteuropäische Geschichte in vergleichender Sicht. Verantw. Michael G. MÜLLER [et al.]. Beriin, Akademie Verlag, 424 p. (Berliner Jahrbuch für osteuropäische Geschichte, 1996/1).




763. Oxford classical dictionary (The). Ed. B y S. HORNBLOWER, A. SPAWFORTH. Oxford a. N e w York, Oxford U. P., 96, 1640 p.

Polonais. Perception et stereotypes reciproques). Warszawa, Wydawn. Nauk. PWN, 96, 243 p. (Deutsche Zsfassung).

764. Oxford illustrated history (The) of Tudor and Stuart Britain. Ed. by John MORRILL. Oxford, Oxford U. F., 96, X V - 4 8 7 p. [Cf. 7381, 7389.]

778. Transitions to Empire: essays in Graeco-Roman history in honor of E. Badian. Ed. by R. W. WALLACH a. Edward M. HARRIS. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 96, X-498 p.

765. PLUT-PREGEU (Leopoldina), ROGEL (Carol). Historical dictionary of Slovenia. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 96, XXVII-345 p. (European historical dictionaries). 766. Polski slownik biograficzny. (Dictionnaire biographique polonais). RM. en chef Henryk MARKffiWlcz. T. 36 fasc. 4, T. 37 fasc. 1-2. Warszawa-Kraköw, Fundusz Nauki Pol., 9 6 , 4 8 2 - 6 4 0 , XI; 320 p. 767. Power elites and State building. Ed. by Wolfgang REINHARD. N e w York, Clarendon Press of Oxford U. P., European Science Foundation, 96, XV-316 p. (The origins of the modern State in Europe, thirteenth to eighteenth centuries). 768. RAPPAPORT (Uriel). Les Juifs et leurs voisins ä l'epoque perse, hellenistique et romaine. Annales, 96, 51, 5, p. 955-974. 769. Re nudi (I): congiure, assassini, tracolli ed altri imprevisti nella storia del potere. Atti del Convegno di studio della Fondazione "Ezio Franceschini", Firenze, 19 novembre 1994. A cura di Glauco Maria CANTARELLA e Francesco SANTI; premessa di Ovidio CAPITANI. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 96, XVII-181 p. 770. REYNEBEAU (Marc), Het klauwen van de leeuw: de Vlaamse identiteit van de 12de tot de 21ste eeuw. Leuven, Van Halewyck, 96, 306 p. 771. RICHE (Pierre). Dictionnaire des Francs. Les temps merovingiens. Etr6pilly, Bartillat, 96, 369 p. 772. SCHIAVONE (Aldo). La storia spezzata. Roma antica e Occidente modemo. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 262 p. (Quadrante, 82).

779. TREPTOW (Kurt W.), POPA (Marcel). Historical dictionary of Romania. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow Press, 96, LXV-311 p. (European historical dictionaries). 780. URWIN (Derek W.). A dictionary of European history and politics 1945-1995. London a. N e w York, Longman, 96, V-423 p. 781. Warfare in the Western Worid. Ed. by Robert A. DOUGHTY a. Ira D. GRUBER. Lexington, Heath, 96, 2 vol., 1012 p. 782. Wielka historia powszechna. Wydawnictwo zbiorowe ilustrowane. (Grande histoire universelle. Edition collective illustree). Red. Jan DABROWSKI. Vol. 1. Partie 1 ^ . Pradzieje ludzkofci i histoija pahstw Wschodu. (Prehistoire de l'humanite et histoire des Etats de l'Est). P. 1. Auteurs: Jan CZEKANOWSKI, Jözef KOSTRZEWSKI et Jerzy SMOLENSKI. Avant-propos: Ludwik FINKEL. P. 2. Auteurs: Jan JAWORSKI, EUgeniusz SLUSZKIEWICZ. P. 3, Auteurs: Jözef BROMSKI et Stefan PRZEWORSKI. P. 4. Auteurs: Teofil NAROLEWSKI et Stefan PRZEWORSKI. Vol. 2. P. 1: Dzieje greckie. (Histoire grecque). Auteurs: Tadeusz WALEKCZERNECKI et Stanislaw WITKOWSKI. Poznan, „Kurpisz", 96, 5 vol., 242 p., 258 p., 229 p., 239 p., 350 p. (phot., flg., dessins, cartes). 783. WILS (Lode). Histoire des nations beiges. Ottignies, Quorum, 96, 360 p. (ill.). 784. Zarys dziejöw Afryki i Azji 1869-1996. Historia konfliktöw. (Precis d'histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Asie 1869-1996. Histoire de conflits). Ouvrage collectif. red. par Andrzej BARTNICKI. Warszawa, „Ksi^zka i Wiedza", 96, 518 p.

773. SCHREIBER (Jean-Philippe). L'immigration juive en Belgique du Moyen Age ä la Premiere Guerre mondiale. Bruxelles, Ed. de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 96, 324 p. (ill.).

785. ZUREK (Jolanta). Jak Polacy widz^ Niemcöw. Wyniki badah polskich stereotypöw narodowych. (Comment les Polonais per5oivent-ils les Allemands. Resultats des ötudes sur les stereotypes nationaux polonais). Inter finitimos, 96, 10, p. 7-11.

774. SCHULZE (Hagen). Nations and nationalism. From the middle ages to the present. Oxford, Blackwell, 96, XIII-376 p.

Cf. n"260, 3823, 6624

775. Storia d'Europa. Vol. 5. L'etä contemporanea. Secoli X I X - X X . A cura di Paul BAIROCH e Eric J. HOBSBAWM. Torino, Einaudi, 96, X X I X - 1 4 8 9 p. [Cf. n" 3746, 3769, 3772, 3799, 5436, 5749, 6275, 6452, 6 5 3 7 , 6 8 2 5 , 6870.] 776. SUCHLICKI (Jaime). Mexico: from Montezuma to NAFTA, Chiapas, and beyond. Washington, Brassey, 96, 240 p. 777. SZAROTA (Tomasz). Niemcy i Polacy. Wzajemne postrzeganie i stereotypy. (Les Allemands et les

678, 858, 1116, 1248, 1431, 2993,


§ 6. Theory of the State and of society. ** 786. SPINELLI (Altiero). La rivoluzione federalista: scritti 1944-1947. A cura di Piero GRAGLIA. Bologna, 11 Mulino, 96, 384 p.

787. BERGERON (Gerard). Tout 6tait dans Montesquieu. Una relecture de L'esprit des lois. Paris, l'Hannattan, 96, 269 p.


788. BOESCHE (Roger). Theories of tyranny from Plato to Arendt. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. F., 96, X-494 p. 789. FRFIMONT (Christiane). Leibniz: le modöle europeen contre la monarchie ä la fran9aises. In\ Etat classique (L') [Cf. nMOSl], p. 161-178. 790. GABBA (Emilie). L'ereditä classica nel pensiero di John Adams. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 872-896. 791. GIDDENS (Anthony). Capitahsm and modern social theory: an analysis of the writings of Marx, Dürkheim and Max Weber. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XVII-261 p. 792. HARTOG (Franfois). Fondements grecs de l'idee d'Europe. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,43, p. 5-18. 793. HINDESS (Barry). Discourses of power: from Hobbes to Foucault. Oxford a. Cambridge, Blackwell Publishers, 9 6 , 1 8 3 p.

794. HOFFMANN (Paul). Theories et modfeles de la liberte au X V I i r sifecle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 96,467 p. 795. KESSOUS (Naaman). Two French precursors of Marxism: Rousseau and Fourier. Aldershot, Avebury, 96, 122 p. 796. KLINCK (David). The French counterrevolutionary theorist Louis De Bonald (1754-1840). New York, Peter Lang, 96, VIII-301 p. (Studies in modern european history, 18). 797. OBER (Josiah), HEDRICK (Charles). Demokratia. A conversation on democracies, ancient and modern. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96,466 p. 798. SABINE (George). Historia de la teoria poh'tica. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Econömica, 96, 697 p. 799. SEUNG (T. K.). Plato rediscovered: human value and social order. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 96, XVIII-325 p. (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy). 800. SHEEHAN (Michael). The balance of power. History and theory. London a New York, Routledge, 96, X-226 p. 801. STRAUSS (Leo), CROPSEY (Joseph). Historia de la filosoffa poh'tica. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Econömica, 96, 904 p. 802. WEBER (Wolfgang). Ratio status, et quae eo pertinent. Die praktischen Dimensionen der Staatsräson im Spiegel der Bibliotheca statistica (1701) des Caspar Thurmann. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 145178. 803. ZARKA (Yves Charies). Hobbes et la pensee politique moderne. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 96, 308 p. 804. ZUCKERT (Michael P.). The natural rights republic: studies in the foundation of the American po-


litical tradition. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 96, XI-298 p. (Frank M. Covey Jr., Loyola Lectures in Political Analysis).


§ 7. C o n s t i t u t i o n a l a n d l e g a l h i s t o r y .

805. AKGONDÜZ (Ahmet). Osmanh Kanunnameleri ve Hukuki Tahlilleri (Les codes Ottomans et leurs explications juridiques). Istanbul, Osmanli Arajtirmalan Vakfi Yaymlan, 96,9, 736 p. 806. AYDIN (M. Akif). Islam ve Osmanh Hukuku Arajtirmalan (Recherches sur le droit musulman et ottoman). Istanbul, tz Yaymlan, 96, 312 p. 807. BEST (Heinrich), WEEGE (Wilhelm). Biographisches Handbuch der Abgeordneten der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung 1848/49. Düsseldorf, Droste, 96, 496 p. (Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 8). 808. BOONE (Marc). Droit de bourgeoisie et particularisme urbain dans la Flandre bourguignonne et habsbourgeoise (1384-1585). Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 96,74, 3/4, p. 707-726. 809. CONDORELLI (Mario). Scritti di storia e di diritto. Milano, Giuffre, 96, LXVIlI-669 p. 810. Contributi alla storia parlamentare europea (secoli XllI-XX). Atti del 43° Congresso dell'lnternational Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions, Camerino, Palazzo Ducale 14-17 luglio 1993. Introduzione di Maria Sofia CORCIULO. Camerino, Universitä degli Studi, 96, XII392 p. 811. CORONAS GONZALEZ (Santos). Manual de his-

toria del derecho espaüol. Valencia, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 96,486 p. 812. CRESCENZI (Victor). «Esse de maiori consulto». Legittimitä civile e legittimazione politica nella Repubblica di Venezia (secc. XII-XVI). Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 96, XVIII-462 p. (Nuovi studi storici, 34). 813. DIMOCK (Wai Chee). Residues of justice. Literature, law, philosophy. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 96, XI-278 p. 814. Etat ou le roi (L'). Les fondations de la modemite monarchique en France (XIV'-XVII® siede). Ed. par Neithard BULST, Robert DESCIMON et Alain GUERREAU. Paris, Edition de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 96, 169 p. 815. FELL (A. London). Origins of legislative sovereignty and the legislative State. Vol. 5. Modem origins, developments, and perspectives against the background of "Machiavellism". Westport a. London, Praeger, 96, XIX-466 p.



816. History (The) of English law: centenary essays on 'Pollock and Maitland'. Ed. by John HUDSON. Oxford a. New York, published for the British Academy by Oxford U. F., 96, XII-288 p. (pl., ill., port.) (Proceedings of the British Academy, 89). 817. Infrajudiciaire du Moyen Age (L') ä l'^poque contemporaine. (Actes du colloque de Dijon, 5-6 octobre 1995). Sous la dir. de Benoit GARNOT. Dijon, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 96,480 p. 818. Institutions of confinement: hospitals, asylums, and prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1 5 0 0 - 1 9 5 0 . E d . b y R. JUTTE a. N . FINZSCH. C a m -

bridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, lX-369 p. 819. IVANIUC (Florenla). Jurämäntul/blestem - cutumä §i procedura in jurisdicjia Järii Romänejti (sec. XIV-XVIII). (Oath/Curse - Custom and procedure in Wallachian legislation. The XlV^-XVIir centuries). Revista Istoricä, 96, 7, 11-12, p. 867-887. 820. Serfdom and slavery. Studies in legal bondage. Ed. by M. L. BUSH. New York, Longman, 96, VI-358 p. 821. Women, the family, and divorce laws in Islamic history. Ed. by Amira EL AZHARY SONBOL. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 96, XVI-357 p. Cf. n" 6972-7013

* 822. Bibliographies on European urban history: Ed. by



830. ^IZAKCA (Murat). A comparative evolution of business partnerships: the Islamic world and Europe, with specific reference to the Ottoman archives. Leiden, Brill, 96, XXIV-232 p. (tabs., map.) 831. DFEZCANO (L. Santiago). iCiudad "levi'tica" o ciudad diferente? En tomo a la historia urbana de la Espafia interior. Historia Social, 96,26, p. 63-77. 832. Dizionario di storia della salute. A cura di G . COSMANCINI, G . GAUDENZI e R . SATOLLL T o r i n o ,

Einaudi, 96, XXVI-678 p. (Saggi). 833. DOCHERTY (J. C.). Historical dictionary of organized labor. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 96, XVIII-356 p. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements). 834. Du (Fangqin). Faxian funü de lishi. Zhongguo funü shi lunji. (Discovering women's history: essays on Chinese women's history). Tianjin, Tianjin Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 96, 256 p. 835. GARNOT (B.). La perception des delinquants en France du XIV' au XIX' sifecle. Revue Historique, 96, 296,600, p. 349-364.

§ 8. Economic and social history.


829. pgEK (Kemal). Osmanlilar'dan Önce Akdeniz Dünyasxnda Yapilan Tahrirler Hakkinda Bazi Gözlem1er. (Quelques observations sur des recensements faits dans le monde mfiditerranöen avant des Ottomans). OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanli Tarihi Aroftirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 96,6, p. 51-89.


P. STABEL. Gent, Universiteit Gent, 96, 291 p. (Studia Historica Gandensia).

823. BENNETT (Judith M.). Ale, beer, and brewsters in England. Women's work in a changing world, 13001600. New York, Oxford U. P., 96, XIV-260 p. 824. BRÜGGEMEIER (Franz-Josef). Das unendliche Meer der Lüfte. Luftverschmutzung, Industrialisierung und Risikodebatten im 19. Jahrhundert. Essen, Klartext, 96, 344 p. 825. BUNTAK (Franjo). Povijest Zagreba. (History of Zagreb). Zagreb, Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 96, 819 p. (ill.).

836. GATES (Hill). China's motor. A thousand years of petty capitalism. Ithaca, Comell U. P., 96, X-3265 p. 837. GAUBATZ (Piper Rae). Beyond the great wall. Urban form and transformation on the Chinese frontiers. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, XVII-378 p. 838. Germany. A new social and economic history. Vol. 1. 1450-1630. Vol 2. 1630-1800. Ed. by Sheilagh OGILVIE a. Bob SCRIBNER. London, New York, Sidney a. Auckland, Arnold, 96, 2 vol., XII-399 p., XIV-426 p. 839. Giving. Western ideas of philanthropy. J. B. SCHNEEWIND. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 96, XVI-230 p. 840. GLAHN (Richard von). Fountain of fortune. Money and monetary policy in China, 1000-1700. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 96, XII-338 p.

826. Capital cities and their hinterlands in early modern Europe. Ed. by Peter CLARK a. Bemard LEPETIT. Aldershot, Scolar press, 96, XVl-249 p. (Historical Urban studies).

841. GREILSAMMER (Myriam). Exploitation, segrögation et r6volte urbaine au Moyen Age et au debut des Temps Modernes. A propos de deux ouvrages r^cents. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 96, 74, 2, p. 435443.

827. CHAMPAKALAKSHMI (Radha). Trade, ideology and urbanization: South India 300 BC to AD 1300. Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, X-485 p.

842. Histoire du sport feminin. Histoire et identite. Dir. par Pierre ARNAUD et Thierry TERRET. Paris, L'Harmattan, 96, 2 vol., 234 p., 271 p.

828. CHITTOLINI (Giorgio). Citta, comunita, feudi negli stati deU'Italia centro-settentrionale (secoli XIVXVI). Milano, Edizioni Unicopli, 96, 261 p.

843. Immigrants (Les) et la ville. Insertion, Integration, discrimination (XII'-XX' sifecles). Ed. par Denis MENJOT et Jean-Luc PINOL. Paris, L'Harmattan, 96,


232 p. (Universit6 des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg). 844. JOHNSON (Matthew). An archaeology of capitalism. Oxford, Blackwell, 96, XIV-244 p. 845. KIESEWETTER (Hubert). Das einzigartige Europa. Zufällige und notwendige Faktoren der Industrialisierung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 96,279 p. 846. KUBAN (Dogan). Istanbul, an urban history: Byzantion, Constantinopolis, Istanbul. Istanbul, Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey, 96, XV-485 p. 847. LARGUIER (Gilbert). Le drap et le grain en Languedoc. Narbonne et le Narbonnais. 1300-1789. [S. 1.], Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 96, 3 vol., 1368 p. (Etudes). 848. LlU (Xinru). Silk and religion: an exploration of material life and the thought of people, AD 6 0 0 1200. New York, Oxford U. F., 96, VIII-235 p. 849. Miasto i kultura ludowa w dziejach Bialorusi, Litwy, Polski i Ukrainy. (La ville et la culture populaire dans l'histoire de la Bi61orussie, Lithuanie, Pologne et Ukraine). R6d. Jerzy WYROZUMSKI. Krakow, Mi^dzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 96, 368 p. (phot., flg., dessins). (Nauka, 5). 850. Moderne Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Eine Einführung für Historiker und Ökonomen. Hrsg. v. Gerold AMBROSIUS U. Dietmar PETZINA. München, Oldenbourg, 9 6 , 4 7 0 p. 851. MOHEBBI (Parviz). Techniques et ressources en Iran du T au 19° siede. Teheran, Institut Fran^ais de Recherche en Iran, 96, 273 p. 852. PlPES (Richard). Ideas of property: ancient and medieval. Rivista storica italiana, 96, 108, 2-3, p. 857871. 853. Popolazione italiana dal medioevo a oggi (La). Saggi di Lorenzo DEL PANTA, Massimo Livi BACCI, Giuliano PINTO e Eugenio SONNINO. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, VIII-334 p. 854. Power, profit and urban land: landhownership in medieval and early modern northem European towns. Ed. by Finn-Einar ELIASSEN a. Geir ATLE ERSLAND. Aldershot, Scolar Press, 96, XIV-277 p. (ill.). (Historical urban series). 855. REBUFFAT (Franfois). La monnaie dans l'Antiquite. Paris, Picard, 96, 271 p. 856. Rural Images. Estate maps in the old and new worids. Ed. by D. BUISSERET. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 96, XII-184 p. 857. SCHILDT (Gerhard). Die Arbeiterschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 96, XII155 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 36). 858. SHABARSHOV (I. A.). Istoriya russkogo pchelovodstva. (A history of Russian apiculture). Moskva, PAIMS,96, 589 p. (16 f. ill.).


859. Storia dell'economia mondiale. Vol. 1. Permanenze e mutamenti dall'antichitä al medioevo. A cura di Valerio CASTRONOVO. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, XII-581 p. 860. Strutture del potere ed elites economiche nelle citta europee dei secoli XII-XVI. A cura di Giovanna PETTI BALBI. Pisa, GISEM, e Napoli, Liguori, 96, XXVIII-395 p. (Europa mediterranea. Quademi, 10). 861. Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu'da Konut ve Yerle^me. Housing and settlement in Anatolia. A historical perspective. Istanbul, Türkiye Ekonomik Ve ToplumsalTarihVakfi,96, [s. p.]. 862. TEULON (Frgderic). Chronologie de l'Äconomie franjaise. Paris, Seuil, 9 6 , 6 1 p. 863. TRAUB (Valerie). The perversion of 'lesbian' desire. History & Workshop, 96, 41, p. 19-50. 864. TRICARD (Jean). Les campagnes limousines du XIV° au X V r sifecle. Originalit6 et limites d'une reconstruction rurale. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 96, 287 p. (Histoire ancienne et medievale, 37). 865. Ville (La) et la transmission des valeurs culturelles au bas Moyen Age et aux temps modernes. Actes du XVIP Colloque international, Spa, 16-19. mal 1994. Bruxelles, Cr6dit communal, 96, 365 p. (Credit communal, Collection Histoire, 96). 866. Wirtschaftliche und soziale Integration in historischer Sicht. Arbeitstagung der Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte in Marburg 1995. Hrsg. V. Eckart SCHREMMER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 364 p. (Vierteljahrschrift ftir Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 128). 867. XLN (Deyong). Gudai jiaotong yu diU wenxian yanjiu. (Researches on ancient communication and geography). Beijing, Zhonghua Shuju, 96, 354 p. 868. YANTE (Jean-Marie). Le Luxembourg lan. Productions et echanges commerciaux, 1560. Bruxelles, Accademie royale de Belgique, des Lettres, 96, 538 p. (tab., cartes, graph., fiches).

mosel1200Classe micro-

869. YUAN (Zuliang), YAN (Sheng). Zhongguo gudai renkou shi yanjiu huigu yu fawang (Researches on the demographic history of China: a retrospect and prospects). Lishi yanjiu, 96, 5, p. 144-160 870. ZHANG (Peiyuan). Zhongguo lishi qihou bianhua. (Climatic changes in Chinese history). Jinan, Shandong Kexue Jishu Chubanshe, 96, 533 p. Cf. n" 5697, 6262-6462,


§ 9. H i s t o r y of c i v l l i z a t i o n , s c i e n c e s a n d education.

a. Civilization. 871. Begegnung mit dem Fremden (Die). Wertungen und Wirkungen in Hochkulturen von Altertum bis



zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Meinhard SCHUSTER. Stuttgart, Leipzig, Teubner, 96, 296 p. [Cf. n " 1337,1659.] 872. Civilization of crime (The). Violence in town and country since the middle ages. Ed. by Eric A. JOHNSON a. Eric H. MONKKONEN. Champaign, University of Illinois Press, 96,290 p. 873. Dictionnaire des intellectuels fran^ais. Les personnes, les lieux, les moments. Sous la dir. de J. JULLIARD et M. WINOCK. Paris, Seuil, 96, 1264 p. 874. EISENSTADT (S. N.). Japanese civilization. A comparative view. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 96, XII581 p. 875. ETLIN (Richard A.). In defense of humanism. Value in the arts and letters. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96, XX-283 p. 876. FEST (Joachim). Fremdheit und Nähe. Von der Gegenwart des Gewesenen. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 96, 344 p. 877. GEUSS (Raymond). Kultur, Bildung, Geist. Histoiy and Theory, 96, 35, 2, p. 151-164. 878. HE (Shaoming). Jindai Zhongguo wenhua bashouzhuyi shulun. (Cultural conservatism in modern China). Jindai shi yanjiu, 96, 5, p. 40-66

887. Storia dell'infanzia. Vol. 1. Dall'antichitä al Seicento. Vol. 2. Dal Settecento a oggi. A cura E. BECCHI e D. JULIA. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, XXVn-419 p., 493 p. 888. SUN (Yujie). Zhongguo Yisilan wenhua yu Zhonghua minzu jingsheng wenmin de lishi fazhan. (Islamic culture and the historical development of the culture and ideology of the Chinese nation). Shixue yuekan, 96, 3, p. 8-12 889. WELZ (Gisela). Inszenierungen kultureller Vielfalt. Frankfurt am Main und New York City. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 96, 415 p. (Zeithorizonte. Studien zu Theorien und Perspektiven Europäischer Ethnologie, 5). Cf.n° 3141 b. Sciences and education. * 890. Bibliografia italiana di storia della scienza. Vol. 12-13 (1993-1994) [Vol. 11. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1321.] A cura di Massimo BUCCIANTINI e Anna Corinna ClTERNESI. Firenze, Olschki, 96, 357 p. (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 139).

879. HERMAND (Jost). Judentum und deutsche Kultur. Beispiele einer schmerzhaften Symbiose. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Bühlau, 96, 266 p.

891. AMUNDSBN (Darrel W.). Medicine, Society, and faith in the ancient and medieval worlds. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U.P., 96, XV-391 p.

880. HILDEBRANDT (Hans-Jürgen). Selbstwahmehmung und Fremdwahmehmung. Ethnologisch-soziologische Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte unf Theorienbildung. Mit zwei Beitr. v. Lothar PÜTZSTÜCK u. Martin BENNHOLD. Mammendorf, Septem artes, 96, 294 p.

892. BERNABEO (Raffaele). L'arte della medicina: da empirismo a scienza applicata. Bologna, Esculapio, 96, XII-285 p.

881. Literaten - Kleriker - Gelehrte. Zur Geschichte der Gebildeten im vormodemen Europa. Hrsg. v. Rud o l f W . KECK, E r h a r d WIRSING u. K l a u s WITTSTADT.

Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 96, 305 p. (Beiträge zur historischen Bildungsforschung, 15). 882. MATSUDA (Matt K.). The memory of the modern. New York, Oxford U. P., 96, VI-255 p. 883. OCAK (Ahmet Ya^ar). Türk Süfiligine Baki^lar: Türkiye'de Tarihin Saptirilmasi Sürecinde. (Regards Sur le soufisme turc dans le processus du detoumement de l'histoire dans la Turquie). Istanbul, ileti§im Yayinlan, 96, 264 p. 884. PRAZNIAK (Roxann). Dialogues across civilizations. Sketches in world history from the Chinese and European experiences. Boulder, Westview of Harper Collins, 96, XII-212 p. (Essays in worid history). 885. SCHWARTZ (Hillel). The culture of the copy, striking likeness, unreasonable facsimiles. New York, Zone Book, 96, 566 p. (ill.). 886. SPERBER (Dan). La contagion des idees. Theorie naturaliste de la culture. Paris, Editions Odile Jacob, 96, 245 p.

893. CULLEN (Christopher). Astronomy and mathematics in ancient China: the Zhou Bi Suanjing. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XIV-241 p. 894. Cultures of natural history. Ed. by Nicholas JARDINE, J a m e s A . SECORD a. E m m a C . SPARY. C a m -

bridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XXI-501 p. 895. Encyclopedia of the history of Arabic science. Ed. by Regis MORELON and Roshdi RASHED. London, Routledge, 96, 3 vol., VII-1105 p. (ill.). 896. Europe mathematique (L'). Histoires, mythes, identites. S o u s la dir. d e C . GOLDSTEIN, J. GRAY e t

J. RITTER. Paris, Editions de la MSH, Librairie europeenne des Idees, 96, 575 p. 897. HAH«LTON (Richard F.). The social misconstruction of reality. Validity and verification in the scholarly Community. New Häven, Yale U.P., 96, XlII-289 p. 898. History of humanity: scientific and cultural development. Vol. 2. From the third millennium to the seventh Century BC. Ed. by A. H. DANI a. J-.P. MoHEN; co-edited by J. L. LORENZO [et al.]. London, Routledge, 96, XXVII-569 p. (ill.). (Routledge reference). [Cf. n° 1028.] 899. Hledäni kontinuity vedeckeho poznäni na Moravfi a ve Slezsku. Soubor rozsifenych abstrakt ke



kolokviu. (Suchen nach der Kontinuität der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis in Mähren und Schlesien). Brno, Moravske zemske muzeum, 96, 149 p. 900. KARTTUNEN (Hannu). Vanhin tiede: ttitiedettä kivikaudesta kuunlentoihin. (The eldest science: astronomy from Stone Age to moon flights). Helsinki, Ursa, 96,526 p. (ill., maps). 901. LINDBERG (David C.). Theories of vision: from al-Kindi to Kepler. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 96, 336 p. 902. LLOYD (Geoffrey E. R.). Cognition et culture: science grecque et science chinoise. Annales, 96, 51, 6, p. 1185-1200. 903. Loisirs et l'heritage de la culture classique (Les). Ed. par J.-M. ANDRE [et al.]. Bruxelles, Latomus, 96, 712 p. (Collection Latomus 230).


912. Antike Spolien in der Architektur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Hugo BRANDENBURG u. Joachim POESCHKE. München, Hirmer, 96, 368 p. (ill., map). 913. Art espagnol ( L ' ) . Ed. p a r X . BARRAL I ALTET.

Paris, Bordas, 96, 576 p. 914. ASLANAPA (Oktay). Osmanli Mimarisi. (L'architecture turque). Ankara, Türkiye i? Bankasi Yaymlan, 96, 142 p. 915. Citta gioiosa (La). A cura di Cario BERTELLI. Milano, Scheiwiller, 96, XVI-432 p. (ill.).(Civitas europaea).[Cf. n " 2293, 2625.] 916. CLEBERT (Jean-Paul). Dictionnaire du realisme. Paris, Seuil, 96,608 p.


917. Diccionario de arte espaüol. Dir. por A. VERGARA. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 96, XIV-833 p.

9 0 4 . NEEDHAM (J.), DANIELS (Ch.), MENZIES (N. K.).

Science and civilization in China. Vol. 6. Biology and biological technology. Part 3. Agro-industries and forestry. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96, XXVII-740 p.

918. DuvAL (N.), [et al.]. Les premiers monuments chretiens de la France. Vol. 2. Sud-Ouest et Centre. Paris, Picard, 96, 201 p.

905. REUTIN (Mikhail Yur'evich). Narodnaya kul'tura Germanii: Pozdnee srednevekov'e i Vozrozhdenie. (Populär culture of Germany: late Middle ages and Renaissance). Rossiysk. gos. gumanit. un-t, In-t vyssh. gumanit. issledovaniy. Moskva, Rossiysk. gos. gumanit. un-t, 96, 217 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteka studenta).

919. EARLS (Irene). Baroque art; a topical dictionary. Westport a. London, Greenwood, 96, XV-332 p.

906. Task of healing (The). Medicine, religion and gender in England and the Netherlands, 1450-1800. Ed. by Hilary MARLAND a. Margaret PELLING. Rotterdam, Erasmus Publishing, 96, 317 p. 907. TERZIOGLU (Arslan). Beiträge zur Geschichte der türkisch-islamischen Medizin, Wissenschaft und Technik. Istanbul, Isis, 96, [s. p.] 908. VATIN (Nicolas). Oral et ecrit dans le monde turco-ottoman. Aix-en-Provence, Edisud, 96, 314 p.

920. Enciclopedia dell'architettura Garzanti. Milano, Garzanti, 96, 1039 p. (ill.). 921. FAGIOLO (Marcello), GLUSTI (Maria Adriana). Lo specchio del paradiso. L'immagine del giardino dall'antico al Novecento. Cinisello Balsamo, Amilcare Pizzi/Silvana Editoriale, 96, 259 p. 922. LEVEY (Michael). De Giotto ä Cezanne. Une histoire de la peinture. Paris, Thames and Hudson, 96, 324 p. 923. Vacat. 924. MOLLETT (J. W.). Dictionary of art and archaeology. London, Bracken Books, 96, 350 p. 925. MURRAY (Peter), MURRAY (Linda). The Ox-

909. VEINSTEIN (Gilles). Les Ottomans et la mort: permanences et mutations. Leiden a. New York, E. J. Brill, 96, 324 p. (Ottoman Empire and its heritage).

ford companion to Christian art and architecture. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XI-596 p.

910. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Aufklärung. Geschichte der Mädchen und Frauenbildung. Band 1. Hrsg. V. Elke KLEINA U. Claudia OPITZ. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 96, 588 p.

que. Ed. par S. GEORGOUDI e J.-P. VERNANT. Paris,

Cf. n" 685 § 10. H i s t o r y of art. * 911. BHA. Bibliography of the History of Art. Bibliographie de l'Histoire de l'Art. Vol. 6, 1 ^ , 1996. [Vol. 5, 1 ^ , 1995. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1367.] Ed. by Michael RINEHART and Marise BIDEAULT. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique a. Santa Monica, The J. Paul Getty Trust, 96, 4 vol., XXV-433 p., XXV449 p., XXV-447 p., XXV-475 p.

926. Mythes grecs au figure, de l'antiquite au baroGallimard, 96, 240 p. 927. NUTI (Lucia). Ritratti di cittä; visione e memoria tra Medioevo e Settecento. Venezia, Marsilio, 96,273 p. 928. ROSS (Leslie). Medieval art: a topical dictionary. Westport a. London, Greenwood, 96, XXIV-292 p. 929. RYKWERT (Joseph). The dancing column. On Order architecture. Cambridge a. London, MIT Press, 9 6 , 6 1 6 p. 930. SALARIS (Claudia). Dizionario del futurismo: idee provocazioni e parole d'ordine di una grande avanguardia. Roma, Editori riuniti, 96, 182 p. 931. SCHMITT (Jean-Claude). La culture de l'imago. Annales, 96,51, l , p . 3-36.



932. SHIMIZU (Christine). L'art chinois. Paris, Flammarion, 9 6 , 7 6 p. 933. SNODDY (Theo). Dictionary of Irish artists: 20'^ Century. Dublin, Wolfhound Press, 96, 595 p. 934. Trompe-l'oeil (Le), de l'antiquitö au XX' sifecle. Ed. par P. MAURIES. Paris, Gallimard, 96, 320 p. Cf. n"' 1966, 5258 § 11. H i s t o r y of r e l i g i o n s .

a. General. * 935. Chroniques bibliographiques. Hieras, 96, 1, p. 35-65. * 936. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae cura E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. ^TIENNE, A . HAQUIN, M . LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, F. NEIRYNCK, B . WILLAERT. T o m u s L X X I I .

[Tomus LXXI. Cf. Eibl. 95, n° 1377.] Leuven, Peeters, 96, 680 p. * 937. Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique. Bibliographie. Tome 91. 1996. [Tome 90, 1995. Cf. Bibl, 95 n° 1378.] Ed. par M. HAVERALS. Louvain-la-Neuve, Bureaux de la R. H. E., Bibliotheque de l'universite, 96, p. l*-648*.

938. ALILI (Rochdy). Qu'est-ce que l'Islam? Paris, La Dicouverte, 96, 367 p. 939. Annuaire des sciences religieuses de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Resume des conferences et travaux. T. 103,1994-95. Paris, EPHE, 96, 551 p.

947. DANCA (Viliu). Mircea Eliade. Defmitio sacri. II sacro come "il significativo" e "il destino" e la sua relazione col metodo storico-fenomenologico nell'opera di Mircea Eliade. Roma, Bucurejti e Ia§i, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 96, 302 p. 948. DAWES (Gregory W.). Theology and religious studies in the university: 'Some ambiguities' revisited. Religion, 96,26, p. 49-68. 949. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de giographie ecclesiastique. T. 26. F. 151. Isle-Izvorov. F. 152-153. Izvorov-Japon. Sous la dir. de R. AUBERT. Paris, Letouzey & An6, 96, 512 col. 950. EDWARDS (Douglas R.). Religion and power: Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greek east. New York, Oxford U. P., 96, X-234 p. 951. Enciclopedia delle religioni. Diretta da Mircea ELIADE. Edizione tematica europea a cura di Dario M. COSI, L u i g i SAIBENE e R o b e r t o SCAGNO, d a u n p r i m o

progetto di tematizzazione di loan P. COULIANO. Vol. 3. L'esperienza. Vita religiosa, individuale e collettiva. Settimo Milanese, Marzorati e Milano, Jaca Book, 96, 716 p. 952. FAYE (Jean Pierre), DE VILAINE (Anne-Marie). La deraison antisemite et son langage: dialogue sur l'histoire et l'identiti juive. Arles, Actes Sud, 96,376 p. 953. FLOOD (Gavin). An introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XVIIl-341 p. 954. FRANK (Karl S.). Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Alten Kirche. Paderborn, Schöningh, 96, XXVII-476 p. 955. GLADIGOW (B.). Religionswissenschaft: Historisches, Systematisches und Aktuelles zum Stand der Disziplin. Berliner Theol. Zeitschr., 96, 13, p. 200213. 956. Historical dictionary of Methodism. Ed. By

940. Atlante delle religioni. Ideazione e realizzazione di Charles BALADIER. Edizione italiana a cura di Giovanni FILORAMO. Torino, UTET, 96, VI-610 p.

C . YRIGOYEN Jr. a n d S. E . WARRICK. L a n h a m a. L o n -

941. BENAVIDES (Gustavo). Religion, reductionism, and the seduction of epistemology. Religion, 96, 26, p. 275-281.

957. Historien et la foi (L'). Sous la dir. de Jean DELUMEAU. Paris, Fayard, 96, 354 p.

9 4 2 . BOESPFLUG ( F r a n 9 o i s ) , DUNAND (Fran9oise),

WILLAIME (Jean-Paul). Pour une memoire des religions. Paris, La Decouverte, 96, 204 p. 943. BONNER (Gerald). Church and faith in the patristic tradition: Augustine, Pelagianism, and early Christian Northumbria. Aldershot a. Brookfield, Variorum, 96, 330 p. 944. BROWNING (W. R. F.). A dictionary of the Bible. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U.P., 96, XV-413 p. (ill.). 945. BURKERT (W.). Creation of the sacred: tracks of biology in early religions. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 96, XII-255 p. 946. Corps de Dieu en fStes (Les). Sous la dir. De A. MOLINIE. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 255 p.

don, Scarecrow Press, 96, XXV-299 p. (Historical dictionaries of religion, philosophies, and movements)

958. JEFFREY (D.). Nouveau regard sur les ritualitös religieuses. Theologiques, 9 6 , 4 , 1, p. 95-100. 959. KINSLEY (D. R.). Health, healing, and religion: a cross-cultural perspective. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 96, XI-212 p. 9 6 0 . LANGLOIS ( C l a u d e ) , TACKETT ( T i m o t h y ) ,

V a

VELLE (Michel). Atlas de la Revolution fiM9aise. Vol. 9. Religion. Paris, EHESS, 96, 103 p. 9 6 1 . LUNDIN (G. E.), LUNDIN (A. H.). C o n t e m p o -

rary religious ideas: bibliographical essays. Englewood, Libraries Unlimited, 96, XXXIV-538 p. 962. MAC NAMARA (JO Ann Kay). Sisters in arms. Catholic nuns through two millennias. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 96, Xl-751 p.


963. MESLIN (Michel). Pourquoi et comment faut-il enseigner l'histoire des religions? Impacts, 96, 3, p. 4564. 964. Meines et monastferes dans les sociötes de rite grec et latin. Actes du colloque tenu ä Paris du 11 au 13 septembre 1995, röunis pour Jean-Loup LEMAITRE, Michel DMITRIEV et Pierre GONNEAU. Genfeve, Droz, 96, IX-505 p. (cartes; pl.) (Hautes etudes medi^vales et modernes, 76). 965. MORINI (Enrico). La Chiesa ortodossa: storia, disciplina, culto. Bologna, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 96, 510 p. (Storia e cultura, 1). 966. Oxford (The) encyclopedia of Reformation. Ed. in Chief Hans J. HILLERBRAND. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96,4 vol., [s. p.]. 967. Päli Buddhism. Ed. by F. J. HOFFMAN and M. DEEGALLE. Richmond, Curzon Press, 96, X-233 p. 968. PALS (D. L.). Seven theories of religion. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, IX-294 p. 969. PARENTE (Fausto). La Chiesa e il Talmud. In: Storia d'Italia. Annali 11 [Cf. n° 52(M], p. 524-643. 970. Penseur (Le), la violence, la religion (Actes du Colloque international de Bruxelles, 20-22 octobre 1994). Problemes d'histoire des religions, 96, 7, 160 p. 971. PETERSON (Michael), GOLITZIN (Alexander), PROKURAT (Michael). Historical dictionary of the Orthodox Church. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow Press, 96, XVII-439 p. (religions, philosophies, and movements). 972. PROSPERI (Adriano). Incontri rituali: il papa e gli ebrei. In: Storia d'Italia. Annali 11 [Cf. n° 5204], p. 497-522. 973. Religioni nella geostrategia mondiale. Risultati e impegni di un Colloquio. Religioni e Societä, 96, 11, p. 3-98. 974. RIES (Julien). Fondement et but de la comparaison en histoire des religions. Studi e materiali di Storia delle religioni, 96, 62, p. 459-470. 975. RUDHARDT (Jean). Le fictif et le faux, l'authentique et le vrai dans l'histoire des religions. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 96,213, p. 5-23. 976. Sacred and Its scholars: comparative methodologies for the study of primary religious data. Ed. By T. A. IDINOPULOS a. E. A. YONAN. Leiden, New York a. Köln, Brill, 96, VII-192 p. (Studies in the History of Religions, 73). 977. SCHATZ (Klaus). Papal primacy, from its origins to the present. Collegeville, Liturgical Press, 96, X - 1 9 7 p. 978. SCHMIDT (Francis). L'aranger, le Temple et la Loi dans le judaisme ancien (Präsentation). Annales, 9 6 , 5 1 , 5, p. 939-953.


979. Spirituel: pluralite et unite. Actes du Symposium. Cahiers d'anthropologie religieuse, 96, 5, p. 5-159. 980. STARK (Rodney). The rise of christianity. A sociologist reconsiders history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96, XIV-246 p. 981. Storia delle religioni. A cura di Giovanni FLLORAMO. Vol. 4. Religioni dell'India e dell'Estremo Oriente. Islam. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 704 p. 982. THEISSEN (Gerd), MERZ (Annette). Der historische Jesus: ein Lehrbuch. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 96, 557 p. 983. Voies d'Allah (Les). Les ordres mystiques dans l'Islam des origines ä aujourd'hui. Ed. par Alexandre POPOVIC et Gilles VEINSTEIN. Paris, Fayard, 96, 711 p. 984. WATT (W. Montgomery). A short history of Islam. Oxford, Oneworid, 96, 156 p. 985. WEXLER (Paul). The non-jewish origins of the Sephardic jews. Albany, State Univeristy of New York Press, 96, XVIII-321 p. (SUNY series in anthropology and Judaic studies). 986. WILHELM (Claudia). Shinrans Vorstellung von der Rettung der Menschheit: eine Untersuchung seiner Hauptwerke. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 96, VII-168 p. Cf. n°' 4820-4899

b. Special studies. * 987. Bibliographia Intemationalis Spiritualitatis. T. 28, 1993. [T. 27, 1992. Cf Bibl. 95, n° 1421.] Director: Juan Luis ASTIGARRAGA. Roma, Edizioni del Teresianum, 96, XXXII-548 p. * 988. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexicon. Band. 11. Stoss, Veit - Tieffenthaler, Joseph. [Bd. 9-10. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1422.] Hrsg. v. T. BAUTZ. Herzberg, Traugott Bautz, 96, XXXIX-1600 c d . * 989. Bulletin de bibliographie biblique. N. 16. Avril 96, IV-68 p. N. 17. Juillet 96, V-103 p. N. 18. Dec. 96, VI-121 p. [N"» 13-15. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1423.] * 990. Index Islamicus 1994. Ed. by G. J. ROPSER a. C. H. BLEANEY. Cambridge, Bowker a. Saur, 96, XXXVII-740 p. * 991. Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete. International Review of Biblical Studies. Revue internationale des etudes bibliques. Bd. XLI 1994-1995. [Bd. XL. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1425.] Düsseldorf, Patmos Verlag, 96, XIV-494 p. * 992. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 40. [Vol. 39. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1426.] Cambridge, College School of theology, 96,612 p. * 993. NORTH (Robert). Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography. Vol. 9, 1993. [Vol. 8, 1992. Cf. Bibl. 95, n" 1427.] Roma, Ed. Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 96, 1210 p.



* 994. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 19. [Vol. 18. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1428.] Washington, Catholic University of America, 96, 609 p.

1008. Eschatologie und Hussitismus. Hrsg. v. Alexander PATSCHOVSKY U. F. SMAHEL. Praha, Historisches Institut, 96, 186 p.

** 995. Briefwechsel (Der) zwischen Adolf von Hamack und Martin Rade. Theologie auf dem öffentlichen Markt. Hrsg. v. Johanna JANTSCH. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 96, VI-923 p.

1009. Fete dans les civilisations orientales (La). Feasts in the Oriental Civilisations. Acta Orientalia Belgica, 95-96, 10, 234 p. 1010. FEYS (J.). A mythical history of religion. Sevartham,

996. Actes du "La religion et classique", tenu Kemos, 96,9, p. 9 9 7 . BELTZ

V Colloque international du CIERGA la cite dans la Grece archai'que et ä Athenes du 26 au 28 mai 1995. 17-256. (W.).



Hans Jonas. Zeitschrift für Religions Geistesgesch., 96, 48, p. 68-80. 998. BENNETT (C.). In search of the sacred: anthropology and the study of religions. New York, Cassell, 96, VI-218p. 999. BORGEAUD (Philippe). La Mere des dieux: de Cybfele ä la Vierge Marie. Paris, Seuil, 96, 261 p. (ill.).(La librairie du XX' siede). 1 0 0 0 . BOTTERO ( J e a n ) , HERRENSCHMIDT ( C i a r i s s e ) ,

VERNANT (Jean-Pierre). L'Orient ancien et nous. L'ecriture, la raison, les dieux. Paris, Albin Michel, 96, 226 p. 1 0 0 1 . CARTRY ( M i c h e l ) , DETIENNE ( M a r c e l ) . D e s -

tins de meurtriers. Paris, & o l e Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 96, 315 p. 1002. Catholicisme hier aujourd'hui demain. Encyclop6die publice sous le patronage de 1'Institut Catho-

96, 21, p. 69-91.

1011. FILORAMO (Giovanni). In memoria di Ugo Bianchi. Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa, 96, 32, p. 487-489. 1012. GANDINI (Mario). Raffaele Pettazzoni dalla libera docenza nell'Universita di Roma all'incarico nell'Ateneo bolognese (1913-1914). Strada maestra, 96,40, p. 63-205. 1013. GELLER (Stephen A.). Sacred enigmas: literary religion in the Hebrew Bible. London, Routledge, 96, VIII-224 p. 1014. GEYER (C.-F.). Mythos: Formen, Beispiele, Deutungen. München, Beck, 96, 99 p. 1015. HANEGRAAFF (Wouter). New age religion and Western culture. Esotericism in the mirror of secular thought. Leiden, New York a. Köln, Brill, 96, XIV580 p. 1 0 1 6 . HEININEN ( S i m o ) , HEIKKILÄ ( M a r k k u ) . S u o -

men kirkkohistoria, piispa Henrikistä naispappeuteen. (History of the Finnish Church from the 11 Century until today). Helsinki, Edita, 96, 285 p. (ill.). 1017. Identites religieuses en Europe. Ed. par G. DAVIE et D. HERVIEU-LEGER. Paris, La Decouverte, 96, 335 p.

l i q u e d e L i l l e p a r G . MATHON, G . H . BAUDRY. V o l . 14.

Fase. 67: Tapper-Theologie. Fase. 68: TheologieTimothee. Paris, Letouzey & Ane, 96, col. 770-1023; 1026-1272.

1018. KELLER (Carl). Approche de la mystique dans les religions occidentales et orientales. Paris, Albin Michel, 96, 435 p.

1003. CHERCHI (Placido). II peso dell'ombra. L'etnocentrismo critico di Emesto de Martino e il problema dell'autocoscienza culturale. Napoli, Liguori, 96,164 p.

1019. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirke. Fünfter Bd. Hermeneutik-Kirchengemeinschaft. Hrsg. v. Walter KASPER [et al.]. Freiburg, Basel, Roma u. Wien, Herder, 96, 14p.-1514coL

1004. CHIDESTER (David). Anchoring rehgion in the World: a Southern African history of comparative religion. Religion, 96, 26, p. 141-159. 1005. Concept of the Goddess (The). Ed. by S. BILLINGTON a. M. GREEN. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, XIV-192 p. 1006. Cybele, Attis and related cults: essays in memory of M. J. Vermaseren. Ed. by N. LANE. Leiden, New York a. Köln, E. J. Brill, 96, VI-441 p. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 131). 1007. Encyclopaedia of Islam (The). New Edition. Encyclopedie de 1'Islam. Nouvelle edition. Index of Subjects to Volumes I-VIII and to the Supplement, Fascicules 1-6. Index des matieres des tomes I-VIII et du Supplement, Livraisons 1-6. Leiden, New York a. Köln, Brill, 96, VII-272 p.

1020. LINCOLN (Bruce). Gendered discourses: the early history of mythos and logos. History of Religions, 96, 36, p. 1-12. 1021. Louis Massignon et le dialogue des cultures. Actes du Colloque organise ä l'UNESCO, 17-18 decembre 1992. Ed. par D. MASSIGNON. Paris, Cerf, 96, 371 p. 1022. MARCOS (S.). A report on the XVII"^ International Congress for the History of Religions. Numen, 96,43, p. 99-103. 1023. Omaggio a Dario Sabbatucci. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, p. 3-690. 1024. Philosophy, religious studies, and myth. Ed. by R. SEGAL. New York a. London, Garland, 96, XIV411 p. (Theories of Myth, 3).



1025. Presenza francescana (La) fra Medioevo e modemitä. A cura di M. CHESSA e M. POLL Firenze, Vallecchi, 96,486 p.

1041. Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Hrsg. v. G. MÜLLER. Band 26. Paris-Polen. Beriin u. New York, De Gruyter, 96, 816 p.

1026. RENNIE (Bryan). Reconstructing Eliade: making sense of religion. Albany, State University of New York Press, 96, XII-293 p.

1042. Ugarit, religion and culture: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ugarit, Religion and Culture, Edinburgh, July 1994. Essays Presented in Honour of Professor John C. L. Gibson. Münster, Ugarit-Vertag, 96, XIV-448 p. (Ugaritisch-BibUsche Literatur, 12).

1027. RICOEUR (Paul). Una corrispondenza senza pari. Pettazzoni e Eliade (1926-1959). Rivista di storia della storiografia moderna, 96, 1-3, p. 7-14. IDEM. Une correspondance hors pair: Pettazzoni-Eliade (19261959). Revue des sciences religieuses, 96, 70, p. 394399. 1028. RIES (Julien). The development of religion. In: History of humanity. Scientific and cultural development. Vol. 2: From the third millennium to the seventh Century b. C. [Cf. n° 898], p. 98-106. 1029. ROSCOE (Will). Priests of the goddess; gender transgression in ancient religion. History of Religions, 96, 35, p. 195-230. 1030. ROUILLARD (Philippe). Histoire de la penitence des origines ä nos jours. Paris, Cerf, 96, 210 p. 1031. SAGGIORO (Alessandro). La storia delle religioni nella scuola italiana. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 96, 92 p. (Storia delle religioni, 13). 1032. SANJEK (Franjo). Kräcanstvo na hrvatskom prostoru-pregled religiozne povijesti Hrvata, 7.-20. st. (The christianity in Croatian lands. A survey of religious history of the Croats from the 7"" until 20"' Century). Zagreb, [s. n.], 96, [s. p.]. 1033. SFAMENI GASPARRO (Giulia). Chaos e dualismo: esempi della dialettica Chaos-Kosmos nello gnosticismo. Cassiodoms, 96, 2, p. 9-40. 1034. SINISCALCO (Paolo). La genesi dell'insegnamento di storia delle religioni in Italia. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, p. 609-620. 1035. STEPHENSON (G.). Wege und Grenzen der vergleichenden Perspektive: Die Religionswissenschaft im Kreise der Kulturwissenschaften. Saeculum, 96, 47, p. 300-340. 1036. STIETENCRON (Heinrich von). La pluralitä del divino: costellazioni politeistiche. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, p. 667-675. 1037. STRENSKI (I.). Between theory and speciality: sacrifice in the 90s. Religious Studies Review, 96, 22, p. 10-20.

1043. World religions: eastem traditions. Ed. By W. G. OXTOBY. Toronto, New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, V-554 p. § 12. H i s t o r y of p h i l o s o p h y . * 1044. Bibliografia filosofica italiana, 1994. [1993. Cf Bibl. 95, n° 1506.] A cura di Carlo SCALABRIN. Firenze, Olschki, 96, 224 p. (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 140). * 1045. Bibliography of philosophy = Bibliographie de la philosophie: a quarterly bulletin. Vol. 43, 1996. Fase. 1 ^ . [Vol. 42, 1995. Cf Bibl. 95, n° 1507.] Paris, Vrin, 96, [s. p.]. * 1046. International philosophical bibliography = Repertoire bibliographique de la philosophie. Vol. 48, 1996. [Vol. 47, 1995. Cf Bibl. 95, n° 1508.] Louvain, Ed. de ITnstitut Superieur de Philosophie, 96, [s. p.].

1047. ABELLÄN (Jose Luis). Historia del pensamiento espaüol. Madrid, Ed. Espasa-Calpe, 96, 648 p. 1048. ADORNO (Francesco). Pensare storicamente: quarant'anni di studi e ricerche. Firenze, Olschki, 96, XVIII-370 p. 1049. Aristotle, Kant and the Stoics: rethinking happ i n e s s a n d d u t y . E d . b y S. ENGSTROM a. J. WHITING.

Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, IX-310 p. 1050. Biographical dictionary of twentieth-century philosophers. Ed. by S. BROWN, D. COLLINSON a. R. WILKINSON. London, Routledge, 96, XX-947 p. 1051. Blackwell companion (The) to philosophy. E d . b y N . BUNNIN a n d E . P . TSUI-JAMES. O x f o r d a.

Cambridge, Blackwell Reference, 96, XIV-786 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy)

1038. STRICKMAN (Michel). Mantras et mandarins. Le bouddhisme tantrique en Chine. Paris, Gallimard, 9 6 , 5 6 0 p.

1052. BRUNSCHWIG (Jacques), LLOYD (Geoffrey). Le savoir grec. Dictionnaire critique. Avcc la coli, de Pierre PELEGRIN. Paris, Flammarion, 96, 1095 p.

1039. Study of Religions. Journal of Dharma, 21, p. 128-209.

1053. Cambridge companion (The) to Bacon. Ed. by M. PELTONEN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 372 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy)


1040. Supplement au Dictionnaire de la Bible. Sous la direction de Jacques BRIEND, Edouard COTHENET. Fase. 70. Sexualite-Sichem. Fase. 71. Sichem-Songe. Paris, Letouzey & Ane, 96, col. 1025-1280; 1281-1544.

1054. Cambridge companion (The) to Hobbes. Ed. by T. SORELL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XII404 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy).




1055. Cambridge companion (The) to Nietzsche. Ed. by B. MAGNUS a. K. HIGGINS. C a m b r i d g e , C a m -

bridge U. P., 96, IX-403 p. 1056. Cambridge companion (The) to Plotinus. Ed. by L. P. GERSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 496 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 1057. Cambridge companion (The) to Spinoza. Ed. by Don GARRETT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XIII-465 p.

ledge, 96, 2 vol., XX-1211 p. (Routledge history of philosophy) 1072. Idea di libertä (L'). A cura di I. CARTER e M. RICCIARDI. Milano, Feltrinelli, 96, 206 p. 1073. MAUTNER (Thomas). A dictionary of philosophy. Oxford, Blackwell Reference, 96, XIII-482 p. 1074. Metzler Philosophie Lexikon: Begriffe und Definitionen. Hrsg. v. P. PRECHTL U. F.-P. BURKARD.

Stuttgart, Metzler, 96, XIII-593 p.

1058. Cambridge companion (The) to Wittgenstein. Ed. by H . SLUGA a. D . G. STERN. C a m b r i d g e , C a m -

bridge U. P., 96, IX-509 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 1059. Companion (A) to philosophy of law and legal theory. Ed. by D. PATTERSON. Cambridge, Blackwell Publishers, 96, XII-602 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy).

1075. Scepticism in the history of philosophy. A Pan-American dialogue. Ed. by R. H. POPKIN. Dordrecht, Boston a. London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 96, XXII-285 p. 1076. SCHMIDT (C.). Aufstieg und Fall der Fortschrittsidee in Rußland. Historische Zeitschrift, 96, 263, p. 1-30.

1060. CROMBIE (A. C.). Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought. Rio Grande, Hambledon Press, 96,XV-516p.

1077. SCHULTZ (H.). Mythos und Aufklärung. Frühformen des Nationalismus in Deutschland. Historische Zeitschrift, 96,263, p. 31-68.

1061. DES CHENE (Dennis). Physiologia: natural philosophy in late Aristotelian and Cartesian thought. Ithaca a. London, Comell U. F., 96, XI-426 p.

1078. URVOY (Dominique). Les penseurs libres dans rislam classique: l'interrogation sur la religion chez les penseurs arabes ind6pendants. Paris, Albin Michel, 96, 261 p.

1062. Dictionary (A) of cultural and critical theory. Ed. M. PAYNE. Oxford, Blackwell Reference, 96, XII6 4 4 p. 1063. Dictionnaire de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Sous la dir. d e R. TROUSSON et F. S. EIGELDINGER. Paris,

H. Champion, 96, 961 p. (Dictionnaires & references). 1064. Dictionnaire de philosophie politique. Sous la dir. d e P. RAYNAUD et S. RIALS. Paris, P U F , 96, 7 7 6 p.

1065. Difference and dissent: theories of toleration in Medieval and early modern Europe. Ed. by Cary J. NEDERMAN a. John Christian LAURSEN. Lanham a. Boulder, Rowman & Littlefield, 96, X-240 p. 1066. Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies. Vol. 7. Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. Ed. by K. H. POTTER. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 96, X-636 p. 1067. FENKE (H.), MERTENS (D.), REINHARD (W.),

ROSEN (K.). Geschichte der politischen Ideen. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Frankfurt, Fischer, 96,669 p. 1068. Geschichte der philosophischen Traditionen Osteuropas. Hrsg. v. Helmut DAHM U. Assen IGNATOW. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 96, XIX-695 p. 1069. GROSHOLZ (Emily). Plato and Leibniz against the materialists. Journal of the History ofldeas, 96, 57, 2, p. 255-276. 1070. HEIN (D.). Zwei Typen modemer politischer Willensbildung. Historische Zeitschrift, 96, 263, p. 6998. 1071. History of Islamic philosophy. Ed. by S. H. NASR. and O. LEAMAN. London a. New York, Rout-

Cf. n" 1289, 1801, 1818, 1846, 2444, 5528-5681 § 13. History of literature. * 1079. BIGLI. Bibliografia generale della Ungua e della letteratura italiana. Vol. 4,1994. Tomi 1-2. [Vol. 3, 1993. Tomi 1-2. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1525.] Diretta da Enrico MALATO. Roma, Salemo, 96, 2 vol., 836 p., 288 p. (Pubblicazioni del "Centro Pio Rajna").

1080. BOURDIEU (Pierre). The rules of art: genesis and structure of the literary field. Cambridge, Polity Press, 96, XVIlI-410 p. 1081. BRANCA (Vittore). 'Con amore volere'. Narrar di mercanti fra Boccaccio e Machiavelli. Venezia, Marsilio, 96, 136 p. 1082. Bufere e molli aulette. Polemiche letterarie dallo Stilnovo alla "Voce". A cura di M. G. PENSA. Milano, Guerini, 338 p. 1083. Cambridge companion (The) to Hemingway. Ed. by S. DONALDSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 336 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 1084. Cambridge companion (The) to Joseph Conrad. Ed. by J. H. STAPE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XX-258 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 1085. Cambridge companion (The) to Renaissance humanism. Ed. by Jill KRAYE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P.,96,XVIII-320p.



1086. Cambridge companion (The) to the eighteenthcentury novel. Ed. by J. RICHETTI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XIII-283 p. (Cambridge companions to literatare). 1087. Cambridge paperback guide to literature in English. Ed. by I. OUSBY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 9 6 , 4 3 6 p. 1088. DAVIS (Cynthia J.), WEST (Kathryn). Women writers in the United States: a timeline of literary, cultural and social history. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XVI-488 p. 1089. DE PAULA (Joao). A modemidade aprisionada. Locus.Revista de histöria, 96, 2, 1, p. 51-65. 1090. DELON (Michel), MALANDAIN (Pierre). Lit-

terature fTan9aise du XYIIT si^le. Paris, PUF, 96, [s. p.]. 1091. Dicionärio de literatura portuguesa. Dir. por A. M. MACHADO. Lisboa, Editorial Pi«sen9a, 96,567 p. 1092. German Baroque writers, 1580-1660. Ed. by J. HARDIN. Detroit, Gale Research, 96, XIX-459 p. (Dictionary of literary biography). 1093. GOULEMOT (Jean Marie), MASSEAU (Didier), TATIN-GOURIER (Jean-Jacques). Vocabulaire de la litterature du X V I i r siede. Paris, Minerve, 96, 240 p. 1094. GOYET (Francis). Le sublime du lieu commun: l'invention rhötorique dans l'Antiquitö et ä la Renaissance. Paris, Champion, 96,785 p. 1095. KERMODE (Frank). Not entitled: a memoir. London, Harper Collins, 96, 263 p. 1096. KIPLING (Rudyard). Writings on writing. Ed. by Sandra KEMP a. Lisa LEWIS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, XXVIlI-213 p. 1097. LAVEZZI (Gianfranca). Manuale di metrica italiana. Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 96, 382 p. 1098. Literary history and the challenge of philology: the legacy of Erich Auerbach. Ed. by Seth LERER. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, XII-301 p. (Figurae). 1099. Literatur und Nation. Die Gründung des Deutschen Reiches 1871 in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Hrsg. V. Klaus AMANN U. Karl WAGNER. Köln, Wieimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 96, 507 p. (Literatur in der Geschichte, Geschichte in der Literatur, 36). 1100. Literaturgeschichte Österreichs: von den Anfängen im Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. H. ZEMAN. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 96, VIlI-604 p.

langue fran9aise: de Marie de France a Marie Ndiaye. Paris, Karthala, 96,641 p. 1102. MATHIEU-CASTELLANI (Gisfele). La scfene judiciaire de l'autobiographie, Paris, PUF, 96, 229 p. 1103. Nouvelle (La): Boccace, Marguerite de Navarre, Cervantes. Ed. par J. BESSERE et P. DAROS. Paris, H. Champion, 96, 155 p. 1104. Oxford companion (The) to Irish literature. Ed. by R. WELCH. Oxford, Clarendon, 96, XXV-614 p. 1105. Oxford companion (The) to twentieth-century literature in English. Ed. by J. STRINGER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 96, XXI-751p. 1106. PLASENCIA DE LA PARRA (Enrique).


memoraciön de la hazana epica de los niüos heroes: su origen, desarollo y simbolismos. Historia Mexicana, 96,45, p. 241-279. 1107. PUCCI (Pietro). Enigma, segreto, oracolo. Pisa, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici intemazionali, 96, 208 p. (Filologia e critica, 77). 1108. ROSE (Jacqueline). States of fantasy. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, VIII-188 p. 1109. SAFTY (Essam). Les sources greques et latines des principaux "topoi" des consolations contre la mort dans la poesie baroque. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 96, 23, 44, p. 303-328. 1110. SALWA (Piotr). Raccontare in breve. Cinque studi sul racconto. [La litterature italienne, X1V° XVI" s.]. Varsavia, Upowszechnianie Nauki Oswiata „Un-O", 96, 56 p. (Accad. Pol. dello Scienze, Bibl. e Centro di Studi a Roma, Conferenze, 107). 1111. Slownik pseudonimöw pisarzy polskich XV w 1970 r. (Dictionnaire des Pseudonymes des ecrivains polonais, XW S.-1970). Elab. par l'equipe de Joanna KRÖL [et al.]. sous la red. d'Edmund JANKOWSKI. [Vol. 2. Cf. Bibl. 95, n° 1563.] Vol. 3. R-Z. Vol. 4. A-Z. Nazwiska (Noms) Wroctaw, Zakl. Narod. im. Ossolinskich, 96, 720 p., 820 p. 1112. STÄUBLE (Antonio). Le sirene eteme. Studi sull'ereditä classica e biblica nella letteratura italiana. Ravenna, Longo, 96, 206 p. 1113. VIDAL ALCOVER (Jaume). Estudis de Literatura medieval i modema. Palma de Mallorca, Editorial Moll, 96, 5 7 1 p . 1114. Walter Benjamin; theoretical questions. Ed. by David S. FERRIS. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 96, XII246 p.

1101. MAKWARD (Christiane P.), COTTENET-HAGE

(Madeleine). Dictionnaire litteraire des femmes de


Cf. n"' 5258, 5361


§ 1. General. 1115-1137. - § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 1138-1152. - § 3. Neolithic. 1153-1168. - § 4. Bronze age. 1169-1191.-§ 5. Ironage. 1192-1206.

§ 1. General.

1123. FEDER (Kenneth L.). The past in perspective. An introduction to human prehistory. Mountain View, Mayfield P.C., 96,510 p.

1115. Absolute chronology. Archaeological Europe 2500-500 BC. Ed. by Klavs RANDSBORG. K0benhavn, Munksgaard, 96, 335 p. (Acta Archaeologica, 67).

1124. GLUSTI (Francesca). La nascita dell'agricoltura. Aree, tipologie e modelli. Roma, Donzelli Editore, 96, XIII-224 p.

1116. ALEKSEEV (Anatoliy N.). Drevnyaya Yakutiya: neolit i epokha bronzy. (Ancient Yakutia: the New Stone and Bronze Age). Ed. by V. E. LARICHEV. Yakut. gos. un-t etc. Novosibirsk, Izd. In-ta arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 96, 143 p. (ill., plates., bibl.. Eng. summary). (Istoriya i kul'tura Vostochnoy Azii). IDEM. Drevnyaya Yakutiya: zheleznyy vek i epokha srednevekov'ya. (Ancient Yakutia: the Iron Age and the Medieval Epoque). Ed. V. E. LARICHEV. Yakut. gos. un-t etc. Novosibirsk, Izd. In-ta arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 96, 95 p. (ill., plates, bibl.. Eng. summary). (Istoriya i kul'tura vostoka Azii).

1125. GÖMEZ RAMOS (Pablo). Homos de reducciön de cobre y bronce en la Pre y Protohistoria de la Penmsula Iberica. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 1, p. 127143.

1117. Approaches to the study of ritual. Italy and ancient Mediterranean. Accordia specialist studies on the Mediterranean. Vol. 2. Ed. by John B. WILKINS. London, Accordia Research Centre, 96, 183 p. 1118. Archaeology of human ancestry. Power, sex and tradition. Ed. by James STEELE a. Stephen SHENNAN. London a. New York, Routledge, 96,446 p. 1119. BARICH (Barbara E.). Post processual archaeology and scientific objectivity. Implications for rock art research. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96, 20, p. 7-16.

1126. LOVINO (Maria Rosa). La funzione dell'ossidiana: un approccio sperimentale al problema. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96,20, p. 71-107. 1127. KOZLOVSKAYA (M. V.). Ekologiya drevnikh plemen lesnoy polosy Vostochnoy Evropy: Antropologicheskiy ocherk. (The ecology of the ancient tribes of the forest zone of Eastem Europe, Mesolithic and Neolithic: Anthropological survey). Moskva, Grekolatinskiy kabinet Yu. A. Shichalina, 96, 243 p. (bibl.). 1128. LLOBERA (Marcos). Exploring the topography of mind: GIS, social space and archaeology. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 612-622. 1129. LUOLI (Francesca), VIDALE (Massimo). Making and using ceramics: on the role of technical events in the generation of functional types. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96, 20, p. 351-382. 1130. MORALES





1120. BELL WOOD (Peter). Phylogeny vs. reticulation in prehistory. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 881-890.

sideraciones teöricas en tomo a la fauna como indicadora de espacios agrarios en la Prehistoria. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 2, p. 5-17.

1121. Colloquia of the XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (Forli, 8-14 September) (The). Forli, A.B.A.C.O. Edizioni, 96, [s. p.].

1131. MOSER (Stephanie). Science, stratigraphy and deep sequence: excavation vs. regional survey and the question of gendered practice in archaeology. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 813-823.

1122. CRIADO BOADO (Felipe). El futuro del arqueologta, ^la arqueologia del futuro? Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 1, p. 15-35.

1132. NUNEZ (Milton). The early settlement of Northern Fennoscandia: when and whence. Faravid, 96, 18-19, p. 5-13(maps).



1133. Origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia (The). Ed. by David R. HARRIS. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 96, 594 p. 1134. "Pyrdnees prehistoriques, arts et societ^s". Actes du 118 congres national de soci6tes historiques et scientifiques. Ministfere de l'Education nationale, de l'Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche. Ed. par Heri DELPORTE et Jean CLOTTES. Paris, Editions du Comite des Travaux historiques et scientifiques, 96, 6 1 3 p. 1135. RYSIEWSKA (Teresa). Struktura rodowa w spolecznofciach pradziejowych. Cmentarzyska z epoki br^zu i wczesnej epoki zelaza w pohadniowej Polsce. (Structure familiale dans les societ6s prehistoriques. Cimetiferes de Tage du bronze et de l'epoque precoce de fer en Pologne du Sud). Wroclaw „Leopoldinum", 96, 268 p. (cartes. Eng. summary). (Monogr. Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Ser. Humanistyczna). 1 1 3 6 . TAYLOR ( R . E . ) , VANCE HAYNES ( C . ) , STUI-

VER (Minzer). Clovis and Folsom age estimates: stratigraphic context and radiocarbon calibration. Antiquity,

9 6 , 7 0 , 269, p. 515-525.

1 1 3 7 . VINCENT GARCIA ( J u a n M a n u e l ) , MONTERO

Rufz (Ignacio), RODRIGUEZ ALCADE (Angel L.), MAR-

Valley; report on 1995 survey season. Anatolian Studies, 9 6 , 4 6 , p. 5 3 - 8 1 .

1144. KUCHERA (S.). Drevneyshaya i drevnyaya istoriya Kitaya: Drevnekamennyy vek. (The prehistory of China: Paleolithic). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vostokovedeniya. Moskva, Vostochnaya literatura, 96, 432 p. (ill., bibl.. Eng. summary). 1145. MARTINI (Fabio), CUBITO (Antonino). Rocca del Corvo-Castelluccio: industria del Paleolitico inferiore in Sicilia. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 959 6 , 4 7 , p. 3-32.

1146. MARTINI (Fabio). Analisi formale di due pietre dipinte del Riparo Villabruna-A: segni, forme, contenuti. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 169209.

1147. MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana). Pila: L'industria acheuleana della collezione Bellucci al Museo Archeologico di Perugia. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche,

9 5 - 9 6 , 4 7 , p. 3 3 - 7 7 .

1148. PERESANI (Marco). Sistemi tecnici di produzione litica nel Musteriano d' Italia. Studio tecnologico degli insiemi litici delle unitä VI e II della Crotta di San Bemardino (Colli Berici, Veneto). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 79-167.

TINEZ NAVARRETE ( M . ' I s a b e l ) , CHAPA BRUNEI ( T e -

resa). Aplicaciön de la imagen multiespectral al estudio y conservaciön del arte rupestre postpaleolftico. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 2, p. 19-35.

1149. SCHULTING (Rick J.). Antlers, bone pins and flint blades: the Mesolithic cemeteries of Teviec and Hoedic, Brittany. Antiquity, 96, 70, 268, p. 335-350. 1150. SCHULZ (Hans-Peter). Pioneerit pohjoisessa: Suomen varhaismesoliittinen asutus arkeologisen aineiston valossa. (Die ftühmesolitische Besiedlung Finnlands im Lichte neuer archäologischer Daten). Suomen museo, 96, 103, p. 5-33 (ill., maps. Dt. Zfassung).

Cf. n" 137, 355, 661, 669, 679, 688

§ 2. Palaeolithlc and Mesolithic.

1151. SCHYLE (Daniel), UERPMANN (Hans-Peter). 1138. ADOVASIO





KLIMA (Bohuslav). Upper Palaeolithic fibre technology: interlaced woven finds from Pavlov I, Czech Republic, c. 26, 000 years ago. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 526-534. 1139. BACHECHI (Luca). Industria mesolitica in localitä Fontanelle (Arezzo). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 211-238.

Das Epipaläolithikum des Vorderen Orients. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 96, 2 Vol., 758 p. 1152. ZVELEBIL (Marek). Ideology, society and economy of the Mesolithic communities in temperate and Northern Europe. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 9 6 , 2 0 , p. 39-70.

Cf. n° 1127

1 1 4 0 . CHILARDI (S.), FRAYER ( D . W . ) , GIOIA (P.),

§ 3. Neolithic.

MACCHIARELLI (R.), MUSSI (M.). Fontana Nuova di Ragusa (Sicily, Italy): southemmost Aurignacian site in Europe. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 553-563. 1 1 5 3 . BERNABEI ( M a r c o ) , GRIFONI CREMONESI ( R e -

1141. CLOTTES (Jean). Thematic changes in Upper Palaeolithic art: a view from the Grotte Chauvet. Antiquity, 96,70, 268, p. 276-288.

nata). I culti delle acque nella preistoria deU'Itaiia peninsulare. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47,

1142. DENNEL (Robin), ROEBROEKS (Wil). The ear-

1154. BERNABEU AUBAN (Joan). Indigenismo y migracionismo. Aspectos de la neolitizaciön en la fachada oriental de la Penmsula Iberica. Trabajos de Pre-

liest colonization of Europe: the Short chronology revisited. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 535-542. 1143. GARRARD (Andrew), CONOLLY (James), MO-

LONEY (Norah), WRIGHT (Katherine). The early Prehistory of the Sak^agözü Region, North Levantine Rift

p. 3 3 1 - 3 6 6 .

historia, 96, 53, 2, p. 37-54. 1 1 5 5 . BOSCH ARGILAGÖS ( J o s e f ) , ESTRADA MAR-

TIN (Alicia), NOAIN MAURA (Mana Jose). Mineria neo-




Iftica en Gavä (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 1, p. 59-71. 1156. CATALDO (Lucia). La tomba di Casal Sabini e i rinvenimenti funerari tra Eneolitico ed Etä del Bronzo nel territorio di Altamura (Bari): le facies culturali indigene e i contatti transadriatici e con il Mediterraneo Orientale. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96, 20, p. 109-164. 1157. DE ANGELIS (Maria Cristina). La struttura tombale di Casanuova di S. Biagio della Valle (Marsciano, Perugia). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 397-410.

Cambridge U. P., 96, 443 p. (Cambridge World Archaeology). Cf. n" 1116, 1127 § 4. Bronze age. * 1169. COM§A (Eugen). Bibliografia epocii bronzului pe teritoriul Romäniei. (The bibliography of the Bronze Age on the Romanian territory). Ed. by Dragomir Popovici. Bucure^ti, Museul National de Istorie a Romäniei, 96, 256 p.


(Georges), FELDSTEIN (Amir). Wild olive (olea Europaea) stones firom a Chalcolithic cave at Shoham, Israel and their implications. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 2, p. 135-142. 1159. MAC GEEHAN LIRITZIS (Veronica). The role of metallurgy in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Greece. Jonsered, P. Astroms Forlag, 96, 417 p. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, 122).

1160. MONTERO Rulz (Ignacio), RUIZ TABOADA (Arturo). Enterramiento colectivo y metalurgia en el yacimiento neolftico de Cerro Virtud (Cuevas de Almanzora, Almena). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 2, p. 55-75.

1161. NETCHITAILO (A. L.). Evropeyskaya stepnaya obshnost' v epokhu eneolita. (The European steppes Community in the eneolitics). Rossiyskaya arkheologiya, 96, 54, 4, p. 18-30. (bibl.. Eng. summary). 1162. PRESCOTT (Christopher). Was there really a Neolithic in Norway? Antiquity, 96, 70, 267, p. 77-87. 1163. SARTI (Lucia). Cronostratigrafia del Campaniforme in area fiorentina: dati preliminari dall'insediamento di Lastruccia. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 9 5 - 9 6 , 4 7 , p. 239-259.

1164. STEINBERG (John M.). Ploughzone sampling in Denmark: isolating and interpreting site signatures from disturbed contexts. Antiquity, 96, 70, 268, p. 368392.

1165. THOMAS (Julian). Time, culture and identity. An interpretative archaeology. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, 267 p. (Material Cultures). 1166. Trrov (Valeriy Semenovich). Neolit Karpatskogo basseyna: Issledovaniya i materialy. (The late Stone Age of the basin of the Carpathians). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 284 p. (ill., bibl.). 1167. VEITH (Ulrich). Studien zum Problemen der Siedlungsbestattung im europäischen Neolithikum. Münster u. New York, Waxmann, 96, 418 p. (Tübinger Schriften zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie). 1168. WHITTLE (Alasdair





Neolithic. The creation of new worlds. New York,

1170. AMBROSI (Augusto Cesare), PERAZZI (Paola). Due nuovi frammenti di statue stele rinvenuti in Luigiana. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 411422. 1171. ANDREOTTI (Augusto), ZANINI (Alessandro).

L'insediamento di Fossa Nera di Porcari (Lucca). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96,47, p. 291-330. 1172. Antica eta del Bronzo (La). Atti del Congresso di Viareggio (9-12 gennaio 1995). Ed. da Daniela CoccHl GENICK. Firenze, F. Cantini Editore, 96, 639 p. 1173. BORGCXjNINI TARLI




(Alessandro), MINOZZI (Simona), SCATTARELLA (Vito), TUNZI SISTO (Anna Maria). Resti scheletrici umani provenienti dall'ipogeo monumentale di Madonna di Loreto (Trinitapoli, Foggia). Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96,20, p. 329-350. 1174. BRENTJES (Buchard). Bemerkungen zum Silberbecher von Karaäamb und seinem Umfeld. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 181-194. 1175. CÄMARA SERRANO (Juan Antonio), CONTRE-

RAS CORTfis (Francisco), PEREZ BAREAS (Cristöbal), LIZCANO PRESTEL (Rafael). Enterramientos y diferenciaciön social IL La problemätica de la Edad del Bronce en el alto Guadalquivir. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, l , p . 91-108. 1176. COCCHI




(Chiara). Classificazione dei motivi decorativi dell'antica etä del bronzo nell'Italia centrale. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 261-298. 1177. CSORBA (Mrea). The Chinese Northern frontier: reassessment of Bronze Age burials from Baifu. Antiquity, 96, 70, 269, p. 564-587. 1178. FnroN (J. Lesley). The discovery of the Greek Bronze Age. Cambridge, Harvard U.P., 96, 212 p. 1179. GONZALEZ PRATS (Alfredo). La evoluciön de la metalurgia prehistörica en la provincia de Alicante. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96,53, 1, p. 109-126. 1180. GOPHNA (Ram), LIPHSCHITZ (Nili). The Ashkelon trough Settlements in the early Bronze Age I: new evidence of maritime trade. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 2, p. 143-153.




1181. GUIDI (Alessandro), BELLITANI (Paolo). Gli abitati "palafitticoli" dell'Italia settentrionale. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96, 20, p. 165-231. 1182. MAC OMISH (David). East Chisenbury: ritual and rubbish at the British Bronze Age-Iron Age transition. Antiquity, 96, 70, 267, p. 68-76.

the impact of long-distance trade. Ann Arbor, UMI Dissertation Services, 96, 160 p. 1193. BIDDULPH (Joseph). A handbook of West Country Brythonic. The forgotten Celtic tongue of South-West England. Prontypridd, J. Biddulph, 96, 36 p.

1183. MEDDENS (F. M.). Sites from the Thames estuary wetlands, England, and their Bronze Age use. Antiquity, 96, 70, 268, p. 325-334.

1194. BURNS (Bob). Guemsey. An Island Community of the Atlantic Iron Age. Oxford, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, 96, 129 p. (Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph, 43).

1184. MEDEROS MARTIN (Alfredo). La conexiön levantino-chipriota. Indicios de comercio atläntico con el Mediterräneo oriental durante el Bronce Final (1150950 AC). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 2, p. 95-115.

1195. DAL RI (Lorenzo). I ritrovamenti presso il rifugio Vedretta di Ries/Rieserfemer nelle Alpi Aurine (2850 m. s.l.m.). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 95-96, 47, p. 367-396.

1185. MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio), TENEISHVILI (Tamara O.). Estudio actualizado de las puntas de jabalina del dolmen de La Pastora (Valenciana de La Concepciön, Sevilla). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 1, p. 7390.

1196. HEWITT (John). Ancient armour and weapons. From the Iron Age to the thirteenth Century. London, Bracken Books, 96, 387 p.

1186. ORLANDO (Medica Assunta). I livelli alla base della Serie stratigrafica del cantiere 3 di Otranto nel quadro del Bronzo Finale dell'Italia meridionale. Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria, 96, 20, p. 233-327. 1187. PRYAKHIN (A. D.). Mosolovskoe poselenie metallurgov-liteyshchikov epokhi pozdney bronzy. (The Mosolovo settlement of metallurgists of the Late Bronze age). Vol. 2. App. by A. S. SAVRASOV a. V. I. BESEDIN. Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezh. un-ta, 96, 176 p. (ill., bibl., Eng. summary).

1197. HUGHES (Gwilym). The excavation of a late prehistoric and Romano-British settlement at Thomwell Farm, Chepstow, Gwent, 1992. Oxford, Tempus Reparatum, 96, 125 p. (BAR, British Series, 244). 1198. Iron Age in Britain and Ireland (The). Recent trends. Edd. by T. C. CHAMPION, J. R. COLLIS. Sheffield, Sheffield Academic, 96, 161 p. 1199. KURZYNSKI (Katharina von). "... und ihre Hosen nennen sie bracas". Textilfunde und Textiltechnologie der Hallstatt- und Latenezeit und ihr Kontext. Espelkamp, M. Leidorf, 96, 127 p. (Internationale Archaeologie, 22).

1188. PRYOR (Francis). Sheep, stockyards and field systems: Bronze Age livestock populations in the fenlands of eastem England. Antiquity, 96, 70, 268, p. 313324.

1200. LEHMANN (Gunnar). Untersuchungen zur späten Eisenzeit in Syrien und Libanon. Stratigraphie und Keramikformen zwischen ca. 720 bis 300 v. Chr. Münster, Ugarit, 96, 548 p.

1189. RODRI'GUEZ DE LA ESPERANZA (Marfa Jesus). Metalurgia en la Edad del Bronce: el sur de la Cuenca Media del Ebro. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 96, 53, 2, p. 77-93.

1201. MAY (Jeffrey). Dragonby. Report excavations at an Iron Age and Romano-British settlement in North Lincolnshire. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 96, 677 p. (Oxbow Monograph, 61).

1190. VANDKILDE (Helle). From stone to bronze. The metalwork of the Late Neolithic and Earliest Bronze Age in Denmark. Moesgard, Jutland Archaeological Society, 96, 493 p. (Jutland Archaeological Society Publications, 32).

1202. PARKER PEARSON (Mike), SHARPLES (Niall), MULVILLE (Jacqui). Brochs and Iron Age society: a reappraisal. Antiquity, 96, 70, 267, p. 57-67.

1191. VERLAECKT (Koen). Between river and barrow. A reappraisal of Bronze Age metalwork found in the province of East-Flanders (Belgium). Oxford, Tempus Reparatum, 96, 165 p. (BAR. International Series, 632). Cf. n" 1116, 1310, 1329

§ 5. Iron age.

1192. BAU (Anna). An interdisciplinary perspective of urbanization in La Tene Central Gaul. A reassessment of the opida, aspects landscape Organization and

1203. PERONI (Renato). LTtalia alle soglie della storia. Roma, Laterza, 96,650 p. (Collezione Storica). 1204. STOLLNER (Thomas). Die Hallstattzeit und der Beginn der Latenezeit im Inn-Salzach-Raum. Salzburg, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, 96, [s. p.]. 1205. WIELAND (Gunther). Die Spätlatenezeit in Württemberg. Forschungen zur jüngeren Latenkultur zwischen Schwarzwald und Nordlinger Ries. Stuttgart, Kommissionverlag, 96, 340 p. 1206. WILLIAMS (Robert John). Wavendon Gate. A Late Iron Age and Roman settlement in Milton Keynes. Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society, 96, 292 p. (The Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society Monograph Series, 10). Cf. n" 1116

D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included)

§ 1. General. 1207-1219. - § 2. The Near Hast. 1220-1244. - § 3. Egypt. 1245-1308. - § 4. Mesopotamia. 1309-1349. § 5. Hittites. 1350-1373. - § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1374-1427. - § 7. Iran. 1428-1454.

§ 1. General.

1217. NOVÄK (Mirko). Der Landschaftsbezug in der orientalischen Palastarchitektur. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96,23, 2, p. 335-379.

1207. BECKER (Andrea). Der Kalif Härün ar-RasTd im Spiegel der europäischen Kunst. Istanbuler Mit-

1218. Religion in the ancient worid. New themes and approaches. Ed. by Matthew DILLON. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 96, 547 p. [Cf. n " 1864, 1867, 1869, 1888, 1895.]


9 6 , 4 6 , p. 293-296.

1208. BELARDI (Walter). Consonanze mediterranee e asiatiche con il nome dei Centauri. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 23-53. 1209. BERLIN (Adele). Religion and politics in the ancient Near Hast. Bethesda, Maryland U.P., 96, 150 p. (Studies and texts in Jewish History and Culture).

1219. SAYKO (E. V.). Drevneyshiy gorod: Priroda i genezis. Blizhniy Vostok, IV-II tys. do n. e. (The most ancient city: nature and genesis: Near East, 4000-1000 B.C). Ros. akad. nauk, Nauch. sovet po istorii mirovoy kul'tury. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 204 p. Cf.n^öJg,


1210. CHIRASSI COLOMBO (Ileana). Divagazioni su

un'ultima dea. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni,

§ 2. The Near East.

9 6 , 6 2 , 1-2, p. 161-173.

1211. FOSTER (Karen Polinger), RITNER (Robert K.). Texts, storms, and the Thera eruption. Journal of Near Eastem Studies, 96, 55, 1, p. 1-14. 1212. FRANKFORT (Henri). The art and architecture of the ancient Orient. New Häven a. London, Yale U. F., 9 6 , 4 8 3 p.

1220. AKURGAL (Ekrem). Tanzender Satyr als Stützfigur eines Kandelabers aus Alt-Smyma. Istanbuler Mitteilungen,

9 6 , 4 6 , p. 203-212.

1221. AKURGAL (Meral). Ein früharchaisches Brunnenhaus in Alt-Smyma. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 131-134.

1213. FRENDO (A. J.). The capabilities and limitations of ancient Near Eastem nomadic archaeology. Orientalia, 96, 65, 1, p. 1-23. 1214. HESS (R. S.). Asherah or Asherata? Orientalia, 9 6 , 6 5 , 2 , p . 2 0 9 - 2 1 9 .

1215. MARTI'NEZ GARCI'A (Fr. Javier). Problemas y

usos de los bancos de datos lingüi'sticos. A proposito de un tesoro de lenguas indoeuropeas: el proyecto TITUS. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14,2, p. 181-197. 1216. NIEHOFF-PANAGIOTIDIS (Johannes). GräkoArabica 2: Ein griechischer Vulgarismus in arabischer Übersetzung. Die Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 45-50.

1222. ASHTON (R.). Studies in ancient coinage from Turkey. London, Royal Numismatic Society a. British Institue of Archaeology at Ankara, 96, 160 p. 1223. CORMACK (Sarah H.). The Roman-period necropolis of Ariassos, Pisidia. Anatolian Studies, 96, 4 6 , p. 1 - 2 5 . 1224. CRAIK (Elizabeth M.). Le isole. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 885-901. 1225. DEN DRIESCH (Angela von). Faunenhistorische Untersuchungen am prähistorischen Tierknochenmaterial vom Sirkeli Höyük, Adana, Türkei. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 27-39.




1226. GATES (Marie-Henriette). Archaeology in Turkey. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 2, p. 277-335.

Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 945-973. - IDEM. New studies on the Black Sea littoral. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 96, 161 p. (Colloquia Pontica, 1).

1227. GRAEVE (Volkmar von). Der Kuros aus Tekirdag. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 103-109.

§ 3. E g y p t .

1228. GÜNTHER (Wolfgang). Dydymea Reperta: Zu zwei wiedergefundenen Inschriften. Istanbuler Mitteilungen,


p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 0 .

1229. HASELBERGER (Lothar). Eine «Krepis von 200 Fuß gestreckter Länge». Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96,46, p. 153-178. 1230. HÖCKMANN (Olaf). Brettspiele im Didymeion. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 251-262. 1231. KLEISS (Wolfram). Bemerkungen zum «Pyramid Tomb» in Sardes. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 135-140. 1232. KLINKOTT (Manfred). Raster, Raum und Sichtverbindungen im Stadtensemble von Milet. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96,46, p. 179-186. 1233. KOENIGS (Wolf). «Rundaltäre» aus Milet. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 141-146. 1234. KYRIELEIS (Helmut). Der Tänzer vom Kap Phoneas. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 11-121. 1 2 3 5 . LAMBRIANIDES





DAR (S.), GÜMÜS (H,). The Madra Cai delta archaeological project, first preliminary report. Anatolian Studies,

9 6 , 4 6 , p. 1 6 7 - 2 0 0 .

1236. RADT (Wolfgang). Archaische Löwen aus der Umgebung von Pergamon. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 83-92, 1237. RAGONE (Giuseppe). La lonia, l'Asia Minore, Cipro. In-, Greci (1). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 9 0 3 - 9 4 3 .

1238. RIEKEN (Elisabeth). Beiträge zur anatolischen Sprachgeschichte. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 2 3 , 2 , p. 2 8 9 - 2 9 7 .

1239. RUMSCHEID (Frank). Eine schliffverzierte Glasschale aus Didyma. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 263-269. 1240. SCHATTNER (Thomas G.). Das frühantoninische Privatbildnis aus Didyma. Istanbuler Mitteilungen,

96, A6, p. 2 7 1 - 2 7 6 .

1241. SMITH (R. R. R.), RATTÖ (Christopher). Archaeological research at Aphrodisias in Caria, 1994. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 1, p. 5-33. 1242. SNODGRASS (Anthony M.). 1 caratteri dell'etä oscura nell'area egea. In: Greci (1). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 191-226.

* 1245. Annual Egyptological Bibliography, 1996. Edd. by W. HOVESTREYDT, L.M.J. ZONHOVEN, M.W. KEUKBN. Leiden, International Association of Egyptologists a. Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 96, 334 p.

1246. ABD EL-GELIL (M.), SHAKER (M.)., RAUE (D.). Recent excavations at Heliopolis. Orientalia, 96, 65, 2, p. 136-146. 1247. Aspects of early Egypt. Ed. by J. SPENCER. London, British Museum Press, 96, 174 p. 1248. ASSMANN (Jan). Ägypten. Eine Sinngeschichte. München u. Wien, Carl Hanser Vertag, 9 6 , 5 5 0 p. 1249. Berenike 1995. Preliminary report of the 1995 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the survey of Eastem Desert. Ed. by Steven E. SLDEBOTHAM a. Willemina Z. WENDRICH. Leiden, Research School CNWS a. School of Asian, African a. American Studies, 96,483 p. 1250. BONGRANI FANFONI (Luisa). L'escatologia della piramide. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 55-63. 1251. BROZE (Michele). Mythe et roman en Egypte ancienne: les aventures d'Horus et Seth dans le papyrus ehester Beatty I. Leuven, Peeters, 96, 304 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 76). 1252. CAMPAGNO (Marcelo). Caos y Orden. Acerca de dos paletas del Predinästico Tardfo. Aula Orientalis, 96,14, 2,p. 151-162. 1253. CLMMINO (Franco). Sesostris. Storia del Medio Regne Egiziano. Milano, Rusconi, 96, 425 p. 1254. COULSON (William D.E.). Ancient Naukratis. Vol. 2. The survey at Naukratis and environs. Part I. The survey at Naukratis. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 96, 202 p. 1255. DEPUYDT (L.). The function of the Ebers calendar concordance. Orientalia, 96, 65, 2, p. 61-88. 1256. DONADONI (Sergio). Neith a Esna. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 175177.

1243. TOUCHAIS (Gilles). L'Egeo prima dei Micenei. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 47-75.

1257. DU QUESNE (Terence). Black and gold god. Colour symbolism of the god Anubis. With observations on the phenomenology of colour in Egyptian and comparative religion. London, Da'th Scholarly Services a. Darengo Publications, 96, III p.

1244. TSETSKHLADZE (Gocha R.). La colonizzazione greca nell'area del Ponto Eusino. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2.

1258. FISCHER-ELFERT (Hans-W.). Two oracle petitions addressed to Horus-Khau with some notes on the



oracular amuletic decrees (P. Berlin P. 8525 and P. 8526). Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 129-144.

1275. KRAUSS (Rolf). The length of Sneferu's reign and how long it took to build the 'Red Pyramid'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 43-50.

1259. FLEISCHER (Robert). Kleopatra Philantonios. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 237-240.

1276. KRUCHTEN (J.-M.). Deux cas particuliers de phrase coupee sans l'operateur enonciatif 'in. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 51-63.

1260. FORMAN (Werner), QUIRKE (Stephen). Hieroglyphs and afterlife in Ancien Egypt. London, Britisch Museum Press, 96, 192 p. 1261. GNIRS (Andrea Maria). Militär und Gesellschaft. Ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte des Neuen Reiches. Heidelberg, Heidelberg Orientverlag, 96, 257 p. 1262. GOEDICKE (Hans). Harhummim. Orientalia, 96, 65, 1, p. 24-30. - IDEM. The Thutmosis I inscription near Tomas. Journal ofNear Eastem Studies, 96, 55,3, p. 161-176. 1263. GOELET (Ogden). A new 'Robbery' Papyrus: Rochester Mag 51.346.1. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology,

9 6 , 82, p . 1 0 7 - 1 2 7 .

1264. GRAINDORGE (Catherine). La quete de la lumifere au mois de Khoiak: une histoire d'oies. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 83-105. 1265. HAASE (Richard). Bodenrecht im altägyptischen und keilschriftlichen Rechtsbereich. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96,23, 2, p. 284-288. 1266. HENDRICKX (Stan). Two Protodynastic objects in Brüssels and the origin of the bilobate cultsign of Neith. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 23-42. 1267. HIGGINBOTHAM (Carolyn). Elite emulation and Egyptian govemance in Ramesside Canaan. Tel Aviv,

9 6 , 2 3 , 2, p . 1 5 4 - 1 6 9 .

1268. JACQ (Christian). Les Egyptiennes. Portraits de femmes de l'Egypte pharaonique. Paris, Perrin, 96, 335 p. 1269. JÄNOSI (Peter). Die Pyramidenanlagen der Königinnen. Untersuchungen zu einem Grabtyp des Alten und Mittleren Reiches. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 96, 194 p. 1270. JANSSEN (Rosalind), JAC (J.). Getting old in Ancient Egypt. London, Rubicon Press, 96, 167 p. 1271. JOHNSON (Raymond). Amenhotep III and Amama: some new considerations. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 65-82. 1272. KAMIL (Jill). The ancient Egyptians. Life in the Old Kingdom. New and completely revised. Cairo, American University in Cairo Press, 96, 196 p. 1273. KAMPF (Friederike). Die thebanische Nekropole. Zum Wandel des Grabgedankens von der XIII. bis zur XX. Dynastie. Maiz am Rhein, Verlag Phillip von Zabem, 96,490 p. 1274. KITCHEN (K. A.). Ramesside Inscriptions. Vol. 2. Ramesses II. Royal Inscriptions. Oxford, Blackwell, 96, 618 p.

1277. LALOUETTE (Ciaire). Les hommes illustres du temps des pharaons. Paris, Flammarion, 96, 248 p. 1278. LASKOWSKA-KUSZTAL (Ewa). Elephantine XV. Die Dekorfragmente der ptolemäisch-römischen Tempel von Elephantine. Mainz, Verlag Phillip von Zabem, 96, 175 p. 1279. LEAHY (Anthony). The adoption of Ankhnesneferibre at Kamak. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 145-165. 1280. LECLANT (J.), CLERC ( G . ) . F o u i l l e s e t t r a v a u x

en Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Orientalia, 65, 3, p. 234-356.


1281. LEITZ (C.). Die Schlangenspriiche in den Pyramidentexten. Orientalia, 96,65, 2, p. 381-427. 1282. LESKO (Barbara S.). The remarkable women of ancient Egypt. Providence, Scribe Publications, 96, 68 p. 1283. LITVINENKO (Yu. N.). O "kolonial'nom" sel'skom khozyaystve v ptolemeevskom Egipte. ("Colonial" agriculture in Ptolemaic Egypt). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 4, p. 17-28. (Eng. summary). 1284. MAC DONALD (John). House of etemity. The Tomb of Nefertari. Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute a. Paul Getty Museum, 96, 116 p. 1285. MANGANZANI (L.). La funzione dell'horiodeiktes nell'Egitto romano. Index, 96, 24, p. 229-249. 1286. MAT'E (Militsa Edvinovna). Izbrannye trudy po mifologii i ideologii drevnego Egipta. (Travaux sur la mythologie et Ideologie de l'ancien Egypte). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vostokovedeniya. Moskva, Vostochnaya literatura, 96, 326 p. (ill., bibl.). (Issledovaniya po fol'kloru i mifologii Vostoka). 1287. MONTSERRAT (D.). Sex and society in GraecoRoman Egypt. London a. New York, Kegan Paul International, 96, 238 p. 1288. NA'AMAN (N.), Looking for the Pharaoh's judgment. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96,40, 2, p. 145-159. 1289. NORDH (Katarina). Aspects of Ancient Egyptian curses and blessings. Conceptual background and transmission. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 96, 232 p. 1290. NUNN (John). Ancient Egyptian medicine. London, British Museum Press, 96, 240 p. 1291. O'MARA (P. F.). Was there an Old kingdom historiography? Is it datable? Orientalia, 96, 65, 2, p. 197-208.




1292. PARTRIDGE (Robert). Transport in Ancient Egypt. London, Rubicon Press, 96, 150 p. 1293. PILGRIM (Cornelius von). Elephantine XVIII. Untersuchungen in der Stadt des Mittleren Reiches und der Zweiten Zwischenzeit. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabem, 96, 364 p. 1294. QUACK (Joachim Friedrich). Ägyptisch f (.T) "Kleie" und ein angeblich semitischer Personenname. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 5-8. 1295. REEVES ( N i c h o l a s ) , WILKINSON ( R i c h a r d H . ) .

1307. WILKINSON (Toby A. H.). State formation in Egypt. Chronology and society. Oxford, Tempus Reparatum, 96, 122 p. (Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology, 40; BAR International Series, 651). 1308. ZECCHI (Marco). A study of the Egyptian god Osiris Hemag. Imola, La Mandragora, 96, 145 p. Cf n"' 195, 1487

§ 4. Mesopotamia.

The complete Valley of the Kings. Tombs and treasure of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs. London, Thames & H u d s o n , 9 6 , 2 2 4 p.

1296. ROEDER (Hubert). Mit dem Augen sehen. Studien zur Semantik der Herrschaft in der Toten- und Kulttexten. Heidelberg, Heidelberger Orientverlag, 96, 358 p. 1297. RONSECCO (Paolo). Due Libri dei Morti del principio del Nuovo Regno. II lenzuolo funerario della principessa Ahmosi e le tele del Sa-Nesu Ahmosi. Torino, Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali e Soprintendenza al Museo delle Antichitä Egizie, 96, 278 p. 1298. ROWLANDSON (J.). Landowners and tenants in Roman Egypt. The social relations of agriculture in the Oxyrhynchite nome. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 384 p. (Oxford Classical Monographs). 1 2 9 9 . SAGONA ( A n t o n i o ) , ERKMEN ( M u s t a f a ) , SA-

GONA (Claudia), THOMAS (lan). Excavations at Sos Höyük, 1995: second preliminary report. Anatolian Studies, 96,46, p. 27-52. 1300. SCHENKEL (W.). "Living in the past?" Orientalia, 96, 65, 2, p. 147-156. 1301. SEIDEL (Matthias). Die königlichen Statuengruppen. Vol. 1. Die Denkmäler von Alten Reich bis zum Ende der 18. Dynastie. Hildesheim, Gerstenberg Verlag, 96,274 p. 1302. SHERKOVA (T. A.). "Oko Khora": Simvolizm glaza V dodinasticheskom Egipte. ("The eye of Horns". The symbolism of the eye in the pre-dynastic Egypt). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 4, p. 96-114. (Eng. summary). 1303. SIDEBOTHAM (Steven E.). Newly discovered sites in the Eastem Desert. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 181-192.

1309. AMIET (P.). Observations sur le sceaux de Haft-Tepe (Kabnak). Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 2, p. 135-143. 1310. AVILOVA (L. I.). Metall Mesopotamii v rannem i srednem bronzovom veke. (Mesopotamian metal in the early and middle Bronze age). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59,4, p. 68-80. (Eng. summary). 1311. BATTINI (L.). La localisation des archives du palais sud-ouest de Ninive. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 33-40. 1312. BÖCK (Barbara). "Wenn du zu Nintinuga gesprochen hast". Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1,p. 3-23. 1 3 1 3 . BOESE ( J o h a n n e s ) , SALLABERGER ( W a l t h e r ) .

Apil-kln von Mari und die Könige der III. Dynastie von Ur. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 2439. 1314. CAGNI (Luigi). Le datazioni di 16 testi neobabilonesi. Collazioni a beneficio dei Testimoni di Geova. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 1, p. 5-9. 1315. CIVIL (Miguel). Literary text about Ur-Namma. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 2, p. 163-167. 1316. COLBOW (G.). Altbabylonische Abrollungen in der Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes. Die Glyptik des sep-sm-Archivs und weitere zeitgleiche Abrollungen aus Larsa. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 61-78. 1317. D'YAKONOV (Igor' Mikhaylovich). Shumery i afraziytsy glazami istorika. (Sumerians and AfroAsians through the eyes of a historian). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59,4, p. 81-88. (Eng. summary). 1318. FINKEL ( I r v i n g L.), READE ( J u l i a n E . ) . A s -

1304. TOOLEY (Angela). Osiris Bricks. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 96, 82, p. 167-179.

syrian Hieroglyphs. Zeitschriftßr 2, p. 244-268.

Assyriologie, 96, 86,

1305. WALKER (James H.). Studies in ancient Egyptian anatomical terminology. Warminster, Ans and Phillips, 96, 347 p.

1319. GRAYSON (Albert Kirk). Assyrian rulers of the early first millennium BC. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 96, 265 p.

1306. WEGNER (Josef W.). The nature and chronology of the Senwosret III-Amenemhat III regnal succession: some considerations based on new evidence from mortuary temple of Senwosret III at Abydos. Journal ofNear Eastem Studies, 96, 55, 4, p. 249-279.

1320. HEIMPEL (Wolfgang). Maroccan locusts in Qattunan. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 2, p. 101-120. - IDEM. Sutäwüm und äutaptüm. Zeitschrift ßr Aisyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 163-169. - IDEM. The river Ordeal in Hit. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 7-18.

5. HITTITES 1321. HOLLOWAY (S. W.). Porch lights in NeoAssyrian temples. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 2732. 1322. HUEHNERGARD (John). A Byblos letter, probably from Kämid el-Löz. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 86, [s. p.]. 1323. HUNTER (E. C. D.). Incantation bowls: a Mesopotamian phenomenon? Orientalia, 96, 65, 3, p. 220233.

1324. JAS (Remko). Neo-Assyrian judicial procedures. Helsinki, Neo Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 96, 116 p. 1325. KCX:H (Johannes). Zur Bedeutung von uätänih in den Lunareklipsen-Omina von Enüma Anu Enlil. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 192-206. 1326. KONONENKO (E. I.). Stilisticheskie osobennosti akkadskoy gliptiki. (Stylistic pecularities of the Akkadian glyptics). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 3, p. 89-98. (Eng. summary). 1327. KREBERNIK (Manfred). Fragment einer Bilingue. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 170176 [Akkadi]. 1328. KUPPER (J.-R.). Kirrum dans les textes de Mari. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 2, p. 97-100. 1329. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY (Clifford Charles). Beyond the Tigris and Euphrates. Bronze Age civilizations. Beer Sheva, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press a. Jerusalem, Bialik Institute, 96, 286 p. 1330. LIEBIG (Michael). Nochmals zur Geographie des 8. Feldzuges Sargons II. von Assyrien. Zeitschrift ßr


9 6 , 8 6 , 2, p . 2 0 7 - 2 1 0 .


1338. SALLABERGER (Walther). Der Babylonische Topfer und seine Gefasse. Nach Urkunden altsumerischen bis altbabylonischen Zeit sowie lexikalischen und literarischen Zeugnissen. Ghent, University of Ghent, 96, 163 p. (Mesopotamian History and environment, 3). - IDEM. Zu einiger Jahresdaten Enlil-bänis von Isin. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 177191.

1339. SALVINI (M.). The Hibiru Prism of King TunipTesäup of Tikunani. Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Intemazionali, 96, 132 p. (Documenta Asiana, 3). 1 3 4 0 . SJÖBERG ( Ä k e W . ) . U E T 7 n o . 9 3 . A l e x i c a l

text or a commentary? Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 8 6 , 2, p. 2 2 0 - 2 3 7 .

1341. STEINKELLER (Piotr). The Organization of crafts in third millennium Babylonia: thr case of potter. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 2, p. 232-253. 1342. TAMMUZ (O.). The location of Lagaba. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 19-25. - IDEM. Two small archives from Lagaba. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 2, p. 121-133. 1343. TANRET ( M . ) , DEKIERE (L.). U n e s c l a v e e s t

vendu. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 2, p. 161-169. 1344. TYBOROWSKI (Witold). The third year of Nabuchadnezzar II (602 B.C.) according to the Babylonian Chronicle BM 21946 - an attempt at an Interpretation. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 211216. 1345. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (Jasper P.). Word Order Variation in the letters of Mayarzana of Hasi. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 111-131.

1331. MAYER (W. R.). Zum Pseudo-Lokativadverbialis im Jungbabylonischen. Orientalia, 96, 65, 4, p. 428-434.

1346. WASSERMAN (N.). An old Babylonian medical text against the kurärum disease. Revue d'Assyriologie,

1332. Mesopotamian poetic language. Sumerian and

1347. WESTENHOLZ (Joan Goodnick). Legends of the kings of Akkade. The texts. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 96,410 p. (Mesopotamian Civilizations, 7).

A k k a d i a n . E d . b y M . E . VOGELZANG a. H . L . J . VAN-

STIPHOUT. Groningen, Styx Publications, 96, 236 p. 1333. NEUMANN (Hans). Zum privaten Werkvertrag im Rahmen der neusumerischen handwerklichen Produktion. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 2, p. 254264.

1334. PISI (Paola). L"'ascensione" di Sulgi. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96,62,1-2, p. 401-435. 1335. POTTS (Daniel T.). Mesopotamian civilization. The material foundations. Ithaca, Comell U.P., 96, 366 p. 1336. RENGER (Johannes). Handwerk und Handwerker in alten Mesopotamien. Altorientalische Forschungen, 9 6 , 2 3 , 2, p . 2 1 1 - 2 3 1 .

1337. RÖLLING (W.). Deportation und Integration. Das Schicksal von Fremden im assyrischen und babylonischen Staat. In: Begegnung mit dem Fremden (Die)[Cf.n'' 871], p. 100-114.

9 6 , 4 0 , L,P. 1-5.

1348. ZACCAGNINI (C.). TEX.BI = m i t h ä r u / m i t h ä r i ä

at Emar and elsewhere. Orientalia, 96,65,2, p. 89-HO. 1349. ZAWADZKI (Stefan). Two Neo Babylonian documents from 562 B.C. Zeitschrift ßr Assyriologie, 9 6 , 8 6 , 2 , p. 217-219.

§ 5. H i t t i t e s . * 1350. Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie, 1915-1995. Teilband 1. Allgemeines, ArchäologieAnthropologie-Sammlungen, Schrift-Epigraphik-Schrifttum. Teilband 2. Sprachen und Philologie-Ethnika, Geographie, Soziale Verhaltnisse. Teilband 3. Geschichte, Religion, Kulturgeschichte, Register. Zusammengestellt unte Einschluss der einschlägigen Rezensionen von Vladimim SOUCEK U. Jana SIEGELOVA. Praha, Narodni Muzeum, 96, 3 vol., 343 p., 330 p.,



448 p. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Abt. 1. Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. Supplement).

1367. NEYE (Peter). Schalensteine und Schalenfelsen in Bogazköy-Hattuäa (2. Teil). Istanbuler Mitteilungen,

1351. BEAL (Richard H.), COLLINS (Billie Jean). Hittite pankur, a new suggestion. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96,23, 2, p. 308-315. 1352. BECKMAN (Gary M.). Hittite diplomatic texts. Atlanta, Scholars Press, 96, 206 p. (Writings from the Ancient World, 7). 1353. BOEHMER (Rainer Michael). Nochmals zur Datierung der Glyptik von Karahöyük Schicht I. Istanbuler Mitteilmgen, 96,46, p. 17-22. 1354. DARDANO (Paola). Textindex zum Chicago Hittite Dictionary, L-N, 1890-1989. Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 96, 87 p. 1355. DE MARTINO (Stefano). L'Anatolia occidentale nel medio regno ittita. Firenze, II Vantaggio, 96, 122 p. (Eothen, 5). 1356. GLORGFFIRI (Mauro), MORA (Clelia). Aspetti della regalitä nel XIII secolo a.C. Como, Edizioni New Press, 96, 124 p. (Biblioteca di Athenaeum, 32). 1357. GRODDEK (Detlev). Fragmenta Hethitica dispersa III. IV. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 101-110; 23, 2, p. 2 9 8 - 3 0 7 .

1358. HAAS (Volkert). Marginalien zu hethitischen Orakelprotokollen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 76-94. 1359. HAASE (Richard). Überiegungen zur ertaubten Tötung eines Menschen in der hethitischen Rechtssammlung. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 36-44.

9 6 , 4 6 , p. 41-56.

1368. PARKER (Victor). Bemerkungen zur mittelhethitischen Geschichte: Madduuattaä und seine Zeit. Klio, 96, 78, 1, p. 7-27. 1369. POPKO (Maciej). Bezeichungen für Brotbehälter im Hethitischen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 2 3 , L , P . 9 8 - 1 0 0 .

1370. SCHWEMER (Daniel). Hethitisch mad- "widerstehen" und hieroglyphen-luwisch mariianinzi "Rebellen" in der Karatepe-Inschrift. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 30-35.

1371. ÜNAL (Ahmet). Hethitische Tontafelfragmente aus München. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 96, 86, 2, p. 238-243. - IDEM. The Hittite ritual of Hantitassu from the city of Hurma against troublesome years. Ankara, Turldsh Historical Society Printing House, 96, 1 1 9 p. 1372. YOSHIDA (Daisuke). Untersuchungen zu den Sonnengottheiten bei den Hethitern. Schwurgotteriiste, helfende Gottheit, Feste. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 96, 391 p. (Texte der Hethiter, 22). 1373. ZAWADZKI (Stefan). Ze studiöw nad Chronologie Babilonii. Koniec Vll-pocz^tek V wieku przed Chr. (Etudes sur la Chronologie de Babylonie. Ein VIPdebut V siede av. J.-C.). Poznan, Wydawn. Poznahskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Nauk, 102 p. (Deutsche Zsfassung). (Pozn. Tow. Przyj. Nauk., Wydz. Historii i Nauk Spol. Prace Komisji Hist., 53). Cf n" 1487

1360. HouwiNK TEN GATE (Philo H.J.). The Hittite dynastic marriages of the period between ca. 1258 and 1244 B.C. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 40-75.

§ 6. Jewish and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world.

1361. KLENGEL (Horst). Handwerker im hethitischen Anatolien. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 2, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 7 .

1374. BARKAY (Gabriel), VAUGHN (Andrew G.). LMLK official seal impressions from Tel Lachish. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 1, p. 61-74.

1362. KOSAK (Silvin). Ein hethitisches ghost word entgeistert. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1,

1375. BARKAY (Gabriel). A balance beam from Tel Lachish. Tel Aviv, 96,23,1, p. 75-82.

p. 95-97.

1363. MAC QUEEN (James G.). The Hittites and their contemporaries in Asia Minor. London, Thames a. Hudson, 96, 176 p.

1376. BAR-KCX:HVA (B.). Pseudo-Hecataeus on the Jews. Legitimizing the Jewish Diaspora. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 96, 396 p. (Hellenistic Culture and Society).

1364. MARAZZI (M.). Hethitische Lexikographie: CHD L-N Fasz. 4. Orientalia, 96,65, 2, p. 157-165.

1377. BECK (Pirhiya). Horvat Qimit revisited via iEn Hazeva. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 1, p. 102-114.

1365. NA'AMAN (Nadav). Ammishtamru's letter to Akhenaten (EA 45) and Hittite chronology. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 2, p. 251-257.

1378. BIKAI (Patricia M.), EGAN (Virginia). Archaeology in Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 3, p. 507-535.

1366. NEU (Erich). Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung I. Untersuchungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus Hattusa. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 96, 596 p.

(Asaf). Philistine and Israelite pottery: a comparative approach to the question of pots and people. Tel Aviv, 96,23, l , p . 88-101.

1 3 7 9 . BUNIMOVITZ




1380. DATTILO (Marina). Le preposizioni in, mi-in, mi-nu nel rituale di intronizzazione di Ebla. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 2, p. 169-179. 1381. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). Once again on the Divine Names of Ugaritic Kings. A reply. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, l , p . 11-16. 1382. Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical period. 450 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. Ed. by Jacob NEUSNER a. William SCOTT GREEN. Peabody, Hendrickson, 96, 693 p. 1383. DORIVAL (Gilles). «Dire en grec les choses Juives». Quelques choix lexicaux du Pentateuque de la Septante. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 527-547. 1384. FELDMAN (L. H.). Studies in hellenistic Judaism. Leiden, Brill, 96, 677 p. 1385. FINKELSTEIN (Israel). The stratigraphy and chronology of Megiddo and Beth-Shan in the l l * 1 c e n t u r i e s B.C.E.. Tel Aviv, 96,23, 2, p. 170-184. 1386. FISCHER (Moshe), TAL (Oren). Two ceramic assemblages from Hellenistic Apollonia. Tel Aviv, 96, 2 3 , 2 , p. 213-234.

1387. FOX (Joshua). A sequence of vowel shifts in Phoenician and other languages. Journal ofNear Eastem Studies, 96, 55, 1, p. 37-47. 1388. GARBINI (Giovanni). Milkashtart. L re dell'Elisio fenicio. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 9 6 , 6 2 , 1 - 2 , p . 1 7 9 - 1 8 7 . - IDEM. P a l m i r a c o l o n i a f e -

nicia. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 2, p. 81-94. 1389. GEBBIA (C.). Presenze giudaiche nella Sicilia antica e tardoantica. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 96, 97 p. (Testimonia Siciliae Antiqua, 1,13. Supplement Kökalos, 11). 1390. GIANTO (A.). What's new in North-West Semitic lexicography and Palmyrene studies? Orientalia, 96, 6 5 , 4 , p. 440-449.

1391. GRIMTHS (J. Gwyn). Triads and Trinity. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 96, 362 p. 1392. HELTZBR (Michael). Grafts in the West (Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, ca. 1500-331 BCE). Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 2, p. 278-283. 1393. HOFFMANN (Adolf). Grabstele, Altar oder Votivgabe? Vermischtes aus Gadara. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 227-236. 1394. Jewish life and thought among Greeks and Romans. Ed. by Louis H. FELDMAN a. Meyer REINHOLD. Edinburgh, T&t Clark, 96, 436 p. 1 3 9 5 . JOANNES (F.), LEMAIRE ( A . ) . C o n t r a t s b a b y l o -

niens d'epoque achemenide du btt-abi-räm avec une epigraphe arameenne. Revue d'Assyriologie, 96, 40, 1, p. 4 1 - 6 0 .

1396. KUGLER (Robert A.). From patriarch to priest. The Levi-priestly tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi. Atlanta, Scholars Press, 96, 255 p. (Early Judaism and its Literature, 9).


1397. LEVY (Abraham H.). On the casting of a bronze door hinge. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 1, p. 83-87. 1398. MATILLA SEIQUER (Gonzalo). Teil Jamis: informe preliminar de las tres primeras campanas de excavaciones (1992-1994). Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 2, p. 199-247. 1399. MEYER (Jan-Waalke). Offene und geschlossene Siedlungen. Ein Beitrag zur Siedlungsgeschichte und historischen Topographie in Nordsyrien während des 3. und 2. Jts. V. Chr. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, l , p . 132-170. 1400. MILLER (Geoffrey P.). Verbal feuds in the Hebrew Bible: Judges 3: 12-30 and 19-21. Journal of NearEastem Studies, 96, 55, 2, p. 105-117. 1401. MOORTGAT-CORRENS (Ursula). Zwei unveröffentlichte Fundstücke vom Teil Fecherije aus den Jahren 1927 und 1929. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23,2, p. 316-334. 1402. MOSCATI (Sabatino). La bottega del mercante. Artigianato e commercio fenicio lungo le sponde del Mediterraneo. Torino, Societä Editrice Intemazionale, 96, 166 p. 1403. MÜLLER (H.-P.). Der phönizisch-punische mqm 'Im im Licht einer althebräischen Isoglosse. Orientalia, 96,65,2, p. 111-126. 1404. NAEF (Silvia). Un reformiste chiite -Muhammad Husayn Ä1 Kääif al-Gita'. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 51-86. 1405. NOEGEL (Scott B.). Wordplay and translation technique in the Septuagint of Job. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, l , p . 33-44. 1406. NOETHLICHS (Karl-Leo). Das Judentum und der römischen Staat. Minderheitenpolitik im antiken Rom. Darstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 96, 250 p. 1407. OLÄVARRI ( E m i l i o ) , VALDES ( C a r m e n ) . E x -

cavaciones en Teil Qara Qüzäq. Informe provisional: campaflas quinta y sexta (1993-1994). Misiön Arqueolögica de la Universidad de Barcelona en Siria. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 1, p. 45-54. 1408. OPPENHEIMER (Aharon). L'elaboration de la halakha apres la destruction du Second Temple. Annales, 96, 51,5, p. 1027-1055. 1 4 0 9 . PPLLOCK ( S u s a n ) , POPE ( M e l o d y ) , COURSEY

(Cherly). Household production at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraq. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100,4, p. 683-698. 1410. RAURELL (F.). «Doxa» en la teologia i antropologia dels LXX. Barcelona, Editorial Herder, 96, 491p. 1411. RÖHL (David M.). A text of time. Vol. 1. The Bible: from myth to history. London, Century, 96,425 p.



1412. SEMINARA (Stefano). II "lugalato" da Ebla a Emar. Sopravvivenze emarite della terminologia e della prassi eblaite della gestione del potere. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, l , p . 79-92. 1413. SlöBERG (Äke W.). The Ebla list of animals MEE 4, no. 116. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 9-24. 1414. SLY (D. I.). Philo's Alexandria. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, 200 p. 1415. Soglie della classicita (Alle): il Mediterraneo tra tradizione e innovazione. Studi in onore di Sabatino Moscati. Ed. da Enrico ACQUARO. Pisa, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 96, 3 vol., 1321 p. 1416. STEIN (Gil J.), BERNBECK (Reinhard), COUR-

SEY (Cheryl), MAC MAHON (Augusta), MILLER (Naomi F.), MISIR (Adnan), JEFFREY (Nicola), PTTTMAN (Holly),

POLLOCK (Susan), WRIGHT (Henry). Uruk colonies and anatolian communities: an Interim report on the 19921993 excavations at Hacinebi, Turkey. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 1, p. 205-260. 1417. TAL (Oren). A salvage excavation at Herzliya Beth. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 2, p. 235-243. 1418. TEISSIER (Beatrice). Egyptian iconography on Syro-Palestinian cylinder seals of the Middle Bronze Age. Fribourg, U.P. a. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 96, 234 p. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 11). 1419. TSEVAT (M.). Three early rabbinic cardinal principles: reasons of the Commandments. Orientalia, 96, 6 5 , 4 , p. 4 3 5 - 4 3 9 .

1420. USSISHKIN (David). Excavations and restoration work at Tel Lachish 1985-1994. Third preliminary report. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 1, p. 3-60. 1421. VELDHUIS (Niek). The Ugarit lexical text RS 13.53. Welt des Orients, 96, 27, p. 25-29. 1422. WASTON (Wilfred G.E.). Final -m in Ugaritic yet Again. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 2, p. 259-268. IDEM. Ugaritic onomastics. Aula Orientalis, 96, 14, 1, p . 107-126.

1423. WEITZMAN (Steven). The shifting syntax of numerals in Biblical Hebrew: a reassessment. Journal ofNearEastern Studies, 96, 55, 3, p. 177-185. 1424. WEXLER (Lior), GILBOA (Gabi). Oil lamps of the Roman period from Apollonia-Arsuf. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, L,P. 115-131.

1425. WOLFF (Samuel R.). Archaeology in Israel. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 4, p. 725768. 1426. XELLA (Paolo). II «capro espiatorio» a Ebla. Sülle origini storiche di un antico rito mediterraneo. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 677-690. 1427. YANNAI (Eli). A new approach to levels VI-V at Tel Beth-Shan. Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 2, p. 185-194.

§ 7. Iran.

1428. Art and archaeology of ancient Persia. New light on the Parthian and Sasanian empires. Ed. by Vesta SARKHOSH CURTIS, R o b e r t HILLENBRAND a.

Michael ROGERS. London, I.B. Tauris a. the British Institute of Persian Studies, 96, [s. p.]. 1429. BOSWORTH (A. B.). Alexander and the East. The tragedy of triumph. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 218 p. 1430. BRIANT (P.). Histoire de l'empire perse de Cyrus ä Alexandre. Paris, Librairie Arthöme Fayard, 96, 1247 p. 1431. BRIDGES (M.), BÜRGEL (J. C.). T h e


lematics of power. Eastem and westem representations of Alexander the Great. New York, Peter Lang, 96, 2 3 6 p. 1432. BROSIUS (Maria). Women in ancient Persia, 559-331 b. C. New York, Oxford U. P., 96, XX-258 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 1433. DUCHESNE-GUE,LEMIN (Marcelle). Les Instruments de musique dans l'antiquit^. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 213-238. 1434. FRÄSER (P. M.). Ciües of Alexander the Great. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 263 p. 1435. GALLWITZ (Klaus). «Heereszüge Alexanders des Großen». Ein Bild von Anselm Kiefer. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 309-313. 1436. GARRISON (Mark B.). A Persepoli fortification seal on the tablet MDP 11 308 (Louvre Sb 13078). Journal ofNearEastern Studies, 96, 55, 1, p. 1535. 1437. GNOLI (Gherardo). Über das iranische *huarnah-: lautliche, morphologische und etymologische Probleme. Zum Stand der Forschung. Altorientalische Forschungen, 96, 23, 1, p. 171-180. 1438. GORDON (R.). Image and value in the GraecoRoman world. Studies in Mithraism and religious art. Aldershot, Variorum, 96, 338 p. (Collected Studies Series). 1439. HATZOPOULOS (M. B.). Aigeai: la localisation de la premiere capitale macedonienne. Revue des Stüdes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 264-269. - IDEM. Macedonian institutions under the kings. Vol. 1. A historical and epigraphic study. Vol. 2. Epigraphic appendix. Athens, Research centre for Greek and Roman antiquity, 96, 2 vol., 554 p. (MELETEMATA). 1440. HERRERO (P.), GLASSNER (J. J.). H a f t - T e p e :

choix de textes IV. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 51-82. 1441. JACOBS (Bruno). Kyro der Grosse als Geisel am medischen Königshof. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 83100.




1442. JAMZADEH (Parivash). The Achaemenid throne-leg design. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 101-146.

considered. A rediscovery at the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 179-211.

1443. KAIM (Barbara). Sztuka Starozytnego Iranu. (Art de l'Iran antique). Warszawa, Wydawn. Uniw. Warsz., 96, 227 p. (phot., flg., carte).

1449. PASTOR (L. B.). Mitridates Eupätor, rey del Ponto. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 96, 507 p.

1444. LITVINSKIY (B. A.). Genezis arkhitektumoplanirovochnykh skhem vostochnoiranskogo ellinizma. (Genesis of architectural schemes of East Iranian hellenism). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 4, p. 3-16. (Eng. summary). 1445. MARTINEZ GARCIA (Fr. Javier). El lipo proterodinämico en los temas en -u del avSstico. Aula Orientalis,

96, 14, 1, p. 17-31.

1450. STEWART (Devin J.). Notes on the migration of 'Amili scholars to Safavid Iran. Journal of Near Eastem Studies, 96, 55,2, p. 81-103. 1451. TOUROVETS (A.). La glyptique de Babi Surmah, Pusht-I Kuh-Luristan. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 19-45.

1452. TUBACH (Jürgen). Addä und die Schwester der Königin von Palmyra. Altorientalische Forschun-

1446. MASTROCINQUE (Attilio). Una gemma mitriaca dimenticata e un rilievo del Museo Maffeiano. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 309-314.

gen, 9 6 , 2 3 , 1, p . 1 9 5 - 2 0 8 .

1447. MOUSAVI (Ali). Early archaeological adventures and methodological problems in Iranian archaeology: the evidence from Susa. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 1-17.


1453. VENCO RICCIARDI (R.). Wall paintings from building A at Hatra. Iranica Antiqua, 96, 31, p. 1471454. WOLSKI (Jözef). Quelques remarques concernant la Chronologie des debuts de l'etat Parthe. Iranica Antiqua,

96, 3\,p.

1448. OVERLAET (Bruno), DE JONGHE (Daniel),

DAEMEN (Sonja). Pfister Sassanian cocks tapestry re-




§ 1. Classical world in general. 1455-1481. - § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1482-1502. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). - Addenda 1995. 1503-1584. - § 4. General and political history. 1585-1629. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 1630-1655. - § 6. Economic and social history. 16561706. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). - Addenda 1995. 1707-1857. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 1858-1895. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1896-1938.

§ 1. Classical world in general. * 1455. Ann6e (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquitÄ gr6co-romaine (fondee par J. Marouzeau). Puhl, par la Soci6t6 Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, sous la dir de Juliette ERNST, Pierre-Paul CORSEIN, Viktor PÖSCHL, Lisa D. CARSON et Franco MONTANARI. Tome LXIII. CF Bibl. 94, n" 1719.] Tome LXIV. Bibliographie de l'annöe 1993 et complÄments d'ann6es anterieures. Paris, Les Belies Lettres, 96, XXXlX-1242 p.

1462. CARTLEDGE (Paul). La politica. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n" 722], p. 39-72. 1463. CARVER (Martin). On archaeological value. Antiquity, 96,70, 267, p. 45-56. 1464. CASSOLA (Filippo). Chi erano i Greci? In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 5-23. 1465. DARBO-PESCHANSKI (Catherine). Condition humaine, condition politique. Fondements de la politique dans la Grece archaique et classique. Annales, 96, 51,4, p. 711-732. 1466. Vacat.

1456. AMPOLO (Carmine). II sistema della «polis». Elementi costitutivi e origini della cittä greca. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 297-342. IDEM. Tra Greci e tra 'barbari' e Greci: cronache di massacri e tipologia dell'eccidio nel mondo ellenico. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,44, p. 5-28. 1457. ASHERI (David). Colonizzazione e decolonizzazione. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 73-115. 1458. BALLERIAUX (O.). Eug6nios, pfere de Themistios et philosophe neoplatonicien. L'Antiquite Classique,96, 45, p. 135-160. 1459. BRODERSEN (Kai), MEHL ( A n d r e a s ) , SCHNEI-

DER (Wolfgang Christian), SCHOLL (Reinhard), SCHUBERT (Charlotte). Die antike griechische Stadt als Lebenswelt (Vorträge auf dem 40. Historikertag in Leipzig 1994). Archiv ßr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 1-66. 1460. BRULFI (Pierre). La cite en ses composantes: remarques sur les sacrifices et la procession des Panathenees. Kemos, 96,9, p. 37-63. 1461. CANFORA (Luciano). II viaggio di Aristea. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, XVI-128 p. (Quadrante, 83).

1467. FORSTER (Kurt W.). L'ordine dorico come diapason dell'architettura modema. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n" 722], p. 665-706. 1468. Greeks and us (The). Essays in honour of A . W . H . A d k i n s . E d . b y R . B . LOUDEN a. A . W . H .

SCHOLLMEIER. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 96, 264 p. 1469. HAMILAKIS ( Y a n n i s ) , YALOURI ( E l e a n a ) . A n -

tiquities as symbolic capital in modern Greek society. Antiquity, 96, 70, 267, p. 117-129. 1470. HARTOG (Fran^ois). II confronto con gli antichi. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 337. 1471. IACONO (Alfonso M.). L'utopia e i Greci. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 883-900. 1472. Klassische Staatsentwürfe. Außenpolitisches Denken von Aristoteles bis heute. Hrsg. v. Jürgen BELLERS. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 96, 257 p. 1473. Kommunikation in politischen und kultischen Gemeinschaften. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 96, 288 p. (Stätten und Formen der Kommunikation im



Altertum, 5; Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, 24).

Eastem Mediterranean). Mockva, Vostochnaya literatura, 96, 328 p. (bibl.. Eng. summary).

1474. LEFKA (Aikaterini). Au Service des dieux et des hommes: 6tre pr6tre dans la cite de Piaton. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 1129-143.

1488. HAGGIS (Donald C.). Excavations at Kalo Khorio, East Crete. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100,4, p. 645-681.

1475. More studies in the ancient Greek polis. Ed. by M. H. HANSEN, K. RAAFLAUB. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 196 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 108).

1489. HERDA (Alexander). Rindergestaltige Gewichte der späten Bronzezeit aus griechischen Heiligtümern. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96,46, p. 67-82.

1476. MOUTSOPOULOS (E.). La cite grecque: modele historique, entit6 religieuse et valeur politique. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 17-20.

1490. Kommos. An excavation on the south coast of Creta. Vol. 1. The Kommos Region and houses of the Minoan town. Part II. The Minoan Hilltop and Hillside houses. Ed. by J. W. SHAW a. M. C. SHAW. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96,713 p.

1477. PRONTERA (Francesco). II Mediterraneo come quadro della storia greca. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 25-45. 1478. SCHNAPP (Alain). Cittä e campagna. L'immagine della «polis» da Omero all'etä classica. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n" 722], p. 117-163. 1479. SCHNEIDER (Lambert). II classico nella cultura postmodema. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 707-741. 1480. SINN (Ulrich). Olympia. Kult, Sport und Fest in der Antike. München, Beck, 96, 124 p. 1481. SONNABEND (Holger). Die Freundschaften der Gelehrten und die zwischenstaatliche Politik im Klassischen und hellenistischen Griechenland. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms-Weidman, 96, 352 p. Cf. n" 7, 320, 379, 429 § 2. Prehellenic epoch.

1482. ANDREOU (Stelios), FOTIADIS (Michael), KOTSAKIS (Kostas). The Neolithic and Bronze Age of Northern Greece. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 3, p. 5 3 7 - 5 9 7 . 1483. BAXFIVANL-KOUZIONI (Katarina),


LAKI (Stavroula). Une tombe ä chambre MR III a Pankalochori (nome de Rethymnon). Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 641-703. 1484. DUCREY (Pierre), PICARD (Olivier). Recherches ä Lat6. VII. La rue Ouest, habitations et defense. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 5 4 .

1485. FINKELBERG (Margalit), UCHITEL (Alexander), USSISHKIN (David). A Linear A inscription from Tel Lachish (LACH ZA 1). Tel Aviv, 96, 23, 2, p. 195208. 1486. GETZ-GENTLE (P.). Stone vessels of the Cyclades in the early Bronze Age. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 96, 114 p. 1487. GINDIN (Leonid A l e k s a n d r o v i c h ) , TSYMBUR-

SKIY (Valim Leonidovich). Gomer i istoriya Vostochnogo Sredizemnomor'ya. (Homer and the history of the

1491. KOUROU (Nota), STAMPOLIDIS (Nikos).


propos d'une amphore g6om6trique pansue du type ä trois mdtopes de cercles concentriques. Reconsideration d'un cadre thiorique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120,2, p. 705-719. 1492. LAMBECK (Kurt). Sea-level change and shoreline evolution in Aegean Greece since Upper Palaeolithic time. Antiquity, 96,70, 269, p. 588-611. 1493. LANG (Franziska). Archaische Siedlungen in Griechenland. Struktur und Entwicklung. Berlin, Akademie Vertag, 96, 307 p. 1494. LEHMANN (G. A.). Umbrüche und Zäsuren im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und Vorderasien zur Zeit der "Seevölker"-Invasion um und nach 1200 v. Chr. Neue Quellenzeugnisse und Befunde. Historische Zeitschrift, 96,262, p. 1-38. 1495. MOLCHANOV (A. A.). Prirodnye kataklizmy i stikhiynye bedstviya v istorii Egeidy II tys. do n. e.: Vospriyatie i reaktsiya sovremennikov. (Natural cataclysms and disasters in the history of Aegeis of the 2"'' millennium B. C.: Perception and reaction of contemporaries). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 1, p. 6169. (Eng. summary). 1496. MOMIGLIANO (Nicoletta). Evans, Mackenzie, and the history of the palace at Knossos. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96, 115,p. 166-179. 1497. NIEMEIER (Wolf-Dietrich). Nascita e sviluppo del mondo miceneo. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 77-102. 1498. RUUD (I. M.). Minoan religion. A bibliography. Jonsered, Paul Ästrom, 96, 124 p. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, Pocket-book, 141). 1499. TSYMBURSKIY (Vadim Leonidovich). Ankhizzmey. K regeneratsii rannefrakiyskogo motiva v "Eneide" Vergiliya. (Anchises-Serpent. On the regeneration of an early Thracian motif in Virgil's Aenaeis). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59,4, p. 29-42. (Eng. summary). 1500. UCHITEL (Alexander). Preistoria del greco e archivi di palazzo. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 103-132.



1501. ULF (Christoph). Wege zur Genese griechischer Identität. Die Bedeutung der früharchaischen Zeit. Beriin, Akademie Vertag, 96, 323 p. 1502. VAGNETTI (Lucia). Espansione e diffusione dei Micenei. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 133-172.


Tanais). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 4, p. 54-67. (ill.. Eng. summary). 1514. MATTINGLY (H. B.). The Athenian empire restored. Epigraphie and historical studies, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 96,561 p. 1515. SEG: Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. E d . b y H . W . PLEKET a. R . S. STROUD. A m s t e r d a m , J. C .

§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources.

a Epigraphical sources. * 1503. [FROLOVA (N. A.)]. Unikal'nyy klad bosporskikh monet III v. do n. e. -238 g. n. e. iz drevney Gorgippii (Anapa, 1987 g.). (A unique hoard of Bosporian coins of the S"' c. B. C. -238 A. D. from Gorgippia, Anapa, 1987). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 2, p. 44-72. (ill.). (Eng. summary). * 1504. [SOLOMONIK (E. I.)]. Grecheskie nadpisi Khersonesa: Nakhodki poslednikh let. (Greek inscriptions from Chersonesus: recent fmds). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59,4, p. 43-53. (ill.). (Eng. summary).

Gieben, 96, 230 p. 1516. SEVE (Michel). Un enterrement public dans une epigramme d'Aigialfe d'Amorgos (IG XII 7, 477). Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 683-688. 1517. THREATTE (L.). The grammar of Attic inscriptions. Vol. 2. Morphology. Berlin a. New York, W. de. Gruyter, 96, 839 p. 1518. VINOGRADOV (YU. G.). Novoe dokumental'noe dos'e imperatorskoy epokhi iz Khersonesa: O prevratnosti sudeb khersonesitov i ikh lapidamogo arkhiva. (A new documentary dossier of the imperial epoch from Chersonesus: The vicissitudes of life of the Chersonesians and their lapidary archives). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 1, p. 48-60. (Eng. summary). SVENTSITSKAYA (Irina Sergeevna). Eshche raz o novom Khersonesskom dekrete. (Once again about the new Chersonesian decree). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 1, p. 137-140. (Eng. summary).

1505. AGOSTINIANI (Luciano). Lingua, dialetti e alfabeti. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1141-1180.

1519. VOUTIRAS (Emmanuel). A propos d'une tablette de mal6diction de Pella. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 678-682.

1506. ARENA (Renato). Per la lettura di un'iscrizione di Megara Iblea. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 1, p. 4648. 1507. BESCHI (Luigi). Aitas. La Parola del Passato, 9 6 , 6 1 , 2, p . 1 3 2 - 1 3 6 .

1508. CHAMOUX (Fran9ois). Epigraphie et litterature: Mel6agre de Gadara fut-il un plagiaire? Revue des Stüdes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 35-43. 1509. DETTORI (Emanuele). Testi 'orfici' dalla Magna Grecia al Mar Nero. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 4, p. 292-310. 1510. GAUTHIER (Philippe). Bienfaiteurs du gymnase au Letöon de Xanthos. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 1-34. 1511. GRANDJEAN (Catherine). Le kappa de l'inscription IG V 1, 1532 et les fractions du chalque en Messenie ä l'epoque hellenistique. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 689-695. 1 5 1 2 . HATZOPOULOS (M. B.), LOUKOPOULOS (L. D.).

Recherches sur les marches orientales des Temenides (Anthemonte-Kalindoia). Parte II. Athens, Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 96, 159-448 p. (MELETEMATA, 11). 1513. IL'YASHENKO (S. M.). Ob odnoy kategorii dipinti na svetloglinyanykh amforakh iz Tanaisa. (On a certain cathegory of dipinti on light-clay amforae from

b. Literary sources. 1520. [Aeschylus] HALL (E). Aeschilus; Persians. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 96, 201 p. (Classical Texts). 1521. [Alexander Aphrodisiensis] Alessandro di Afrodisia: L'Anima. Traduzione, introduzione e commento. Ed. da P. ACCATTINO e P. DONINL. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 324 p. (Biblioteca Universale Laterza, 447). 1522. [Apollonias Rhodius] Apollonios von Rhodos: Das Argonautenepos. Vol. 1. Erstes und zweites Buch. Vol. 2. Drittes und Viertes Buch. Hrsg. v. R. GLEI U. S. NATZEL-GLEL Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 96, 2 vol., 139 p., 233 p. (Texte und Forschung, 63,64). 1523. [Aristophanes] Aristofane: Le Nuvole. Ed. da G. GUIDORIZZI, D. DEL CORNO. Milano, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Amaldo Mondadori, 96, 387 p. (Scrittori greci e latini). 1524. [Aristophanes] Aristophanes: Frogs. Ed. By A. H. SOMMERSTEIN. Warminster, Arris & Phillips, 96, 299 p. (The Comedies of Aristophanes, 9. Classical texts). 1525. [Aristoteles] Aristotle: Physics. Ed. by R. WATERHBLD a. D. BOSTOCK. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 301 p. (Oxford World's Classics).




1526. [Aristoteles] GALLOP(D.). Aristotle: On sleep and dreams. Warminster, Ans & Phillips, 96,202 p.

dro, Epitr. 795. Quademi 96, 54, 3, p. 103-1-7.

1527. [Aristoteles] WHITAKER (C. W. A.). Aristotle'S De Interpretatione: contradiction and dialectic. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 235 p. (Oxford Aristotle Studies).

1542. [Herodianus] Herodian: Geschichte des Kaisertums nach Marc Aurel. Ed. by F. L. MÜLLER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 359 p.

1528. BERNARDI (Jean). Remarques sur le texte et RInterpretation de quelques passages des discours 42 et 43 de Gregoire de Nazianze. Revue des Etudes Grec-

D . W . TANDY a. W . C . NEALE. B e r k e l e y , L o s A n g e l e s

ques, 9 6 , 109, L , P . 2 7 5 - 2 8 1 .

1529. BIRASCHI (Anna Maria). Kalyka peghe in Pausonia VI 6, 11? A proposito del dipinto di Temesa. La Parola del Passato, 96, 6 1 , 4 , p. 442-456.

urbiruiti di cultura


1543. [Hesiodus] Hesiod's Works and Days. Ed. by a. London, University of California Press, 96, 149 p. 1544. [Hippocrates] Hippocrate. Vol. 2. Parte II. Airs, Eaux, Lieux. Ed. par J. JOUANNA. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, 374 p. (Collection des Universites de France publice sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Bude).

1530. BRAVI (Luigi). Nota al P. Oxy. 3838. Quademi urbimti di cultura classica, 96,53, 2, p. 61-65.

1545. [Homerus] Homer: Iliad. Books VIII and IX. Ed. by C. H. WILSON. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 96, 253 p. (Classical Texts).

1531. [Callimachus] Callimaco. Vol. 1. Inni, Epigranuni, Ecale. Vol. 2. Aitia, Giambi e altri frammenti. Ed. da G. B. D'ALESSIO. Milano, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 96, 792 p. (Classici della BUR, 1104, 1105).

1546. [Homerus] Inni Omerici. Ed. da G. ZANETTO. Milano, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 96, 314 p.

1532. [Callimachus] G. MASSIMILLA. Callimaco: Aitia. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento. Pisa, Giardini, 96, 2 vol., 507 p. (Biblioteca di Studi Antichi, 77). 1533. CARNES (Jeffrey S.). Why should 1 mention Aiakos? Myth and politics in Pindar's Nemean 8 [Part III]. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, 1, p . 8 3 - 9 2 .

1534. DESCLOS (Marie-Laurence). Que Ton ne doit pas blämer les cites sans gardiens ou mal gardees. Le serment des rois atlantes (Critias, 119c-120c). Kemos, 9 6 , 9 , p. 311-326. 1535. DI DONATO (Riccardo). Omero: forme della narrazione e forme della realtä. Lo scudo di Achille. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 227253. 1536. [Dionysius Halicamassensis] Das klassizistische Manifest des Dionys von Halikamass. Die Praefatio zu De oratoribus veteribus. Hrsg. v. T. HIDBER. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 96, 157 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 70). 1537. [Euripides] Euripides: Heracles. Ed. by S. A. BARLOW. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 96, 195 p. 1538. [Euripides] R. SEAFORD. Euripides: Bacchae. With an introduction, translation and commentary. Warminster, Aris a. Phillips, 96, 270 p. (Classical Texts). 1539. FERRARI (F.). Minima Pindarica. Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 2, p. 129-136. 1540. GARGIULO (Tristano). Mare e vino nei Persiani: una congettura a Timoteo, fr. 791, 61-62 Page. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 73-81. 1541. GIACOMONI (Agnese). La panourghi'a di Fedra e di Abrotono. Nota ad Euripide, Hipp. 642 e a Menan-

1547. [Homerus] VAN THIEL (H.). Homeri Ilias. Hildesheim, Zürich a. New York, 96, 492 p. (Bibliotheca Weidmanniana, 2). 1548. HORNBLOWER (S.). A c o m m e n t a r y o n T h u -

cydides. Vol. 2. Books IV-V. 24. Oxford, Oxford Clarendon Press, 96, 520 p. 1549. IKONOMAKOS (Constantin). Nicandre, Alexipharmaques 338 (embrochtheisa non embrychtheisa). Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 270-274. 1 5 5 0 . KYRIAKOU ( P o u l c h e r i a ) . A Variation of t h e

Pindaric break-off in Nemean 4. American Journal of Philology,

9 6 , 117, 1, p. 17-35.

1551. LAPINI (Walter), LURAGHI (Nino). La genealogia degli Emmenidi nella scolastica pindarica. Note di lettura a Schol. Pind. Pyth. 6. 5A. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 3, p. 213-220. 1552. LEIDL (C.). Appians Darstellung des 2. Punische Krieg in Spanien (Iberike c. 1-38, §l-158a). München, Editio Maris, 96, 330 p. (Münchener Arbeiten zur Alten Geschichte, 11). 1553. [Libanius] RUSSEL (D. A.). Libanius. Imaginary speeches: a selection of declamations translated with notes. London, Duckworth, 96, 232 p. 1554. LOMIENTO (Liana). Pindaro, Nem. 6, 32 e Cercida, Mel. 3, 7: itinerario di due metafore. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 67-71. 1555. LUDWIG (Paul W.). Politics and eres in Aristophanes' speech: Symposium 191e-192a and the comedies. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 4, p. 537-562. 1556. MAYER (Kenneth). Helen and the Diös boule. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, l , p . 1-16. 1557. [Menander] Menander II. Ed. by W. G. ARNOTT. Cambridge and London, Harvard U. P., 96, 501 p. (Loeb Classical Library, 459).


1558. MERIANI (Angelo). Euripide, Cycl. 608 ss. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96,53,2, p. 67-72. 1559. MILLER (A. M.). Greek lyric: an anthology in translation. Indianapolis a. Cambridge, Hackett ^ b lishing Company, 96, 258 p. 1560. MONTANA (F.). L'Athenaion Politeia di Aristotele negli scholia vetera ad Aristofane. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Intemazionali, 96, 301 p. (Biblioteca di studi Antichi, 80). 1561. Oxyrhynchus Papyri (The). Vol. 63. Ed. By J. R. REA. London, Egypt Exploration Society, 96,214 p. (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, 83). 1562. PALMISCIANO (Riccardo). Simonide 531 P. Testo, dedicatario e genere letterario. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 39-53. 1563. [Parmenides] M. CONCHE. Parmdnide. Le Pofeme: fragments. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 96, 289 p. (Epimethte). 1564. [Pindarus] Pindar. Selected Odes: Olympian One, Pythian Nine, Nemeans Two and Three, Isthmian One. Ed. by S. INSTONE. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 96, 213 p. (Classical Tedxts). 1565. [Plato] Plato: Ion; Hippias Minor; Laches; Protagoras. Ed. by R. E. ALLEN. New Häven a. London, Yale U. P., 96, 234 p. (The Dialogues of Plato, 3). 1566. [Plato] Plato on poetry. Ion; Republic 376e389b9; Republic 595-608 blO. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 96, 256 p. (Cambridge Greek a. Latin Classics).


1575. TESSIER (A.). Una congettura di Gottfried Hermann (Soph. Oed. Col. 1574). Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 1, p. 71-76. 1576. THILLET (P.). La peche au trou dans Aristote, Ma^rologiques (I 12, 348 b 30-349 a 3). Une nouvelle Interpretation. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 89-110. 1577. VALLOZZA (Maddalena). Metafore agonistiche e terminologia retorica (Arist. Rhet. 1416a 2). Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 53,2, p. 123-135. 1578. VANHOVE (D.). Aristote et les mines du Laurion, Ä propos de la Costitution d'Athfenes XLVII. 2 L'Antiquite Classique, 96,45, p. 243-249. 1579. VENTURI BERNARDINI (Ippolita). II "mistero"

dell'aedo alla corte di Agamennone rivisitato. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 635(Al. 1580. VETTA (Massimo). Aristofane, Vespe 340343. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 53, 2, p. 105-111. 1581. VILLARI (Elisabetta). Une hypothfese sur les sources d'Atheneee (Deipn. I 20 e-f) et de la Vita Sophoclis (§§ 3-5): Aristoxfene, musicien et biographe. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 696-706. 1582. [Xenophon] Xenophon: The shoter Socratic writings. Apology of Socrates to the Jury, Oeconomicus, and Symposium. Ed. by Robert C. BARTLETT. Ithaca a. London, Comell U. P., 96, 201 p. Cf. n" 510, 513, 556, 561

1567. [Plato] Plato; Parmenides. Ed. by M. L. GILL a. P. RYAN. Indianapolis a. Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, 96, 175 p.

Sources and criticism of sources. Addenda 1995.

1568. [Plutarchus] Plutarque: Oeuvres morales. Vol. IX. Parte III. Propos de Table: Livres VII-IX. Ed. par F. FRAZIER, J. SIRINELLI. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, 4 3 8 p.

1583. CALLIERI (Pierfrancesco). Une bonne-i-routiere grecque de la region de Persepolis. CRAI, 95,1, p. 65-95.

1569. [Plutarchus] S.-T. TEODORSSON. A commentary on Plutarch's Table Talks. Vol. 3. Hooks 7-9. Gothenburg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 96, 426 p. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 62).

1584. DuBOIS (Laurent). Une nouvelle+inscription archaique de Selinonte. RPh, 95, 69, 1, p. 127-144.

1570. RIEDDLBERGER (Peter). Skalpieren bei den Skythen. Zu Herodot IV 64. Klio, 96,78, 1, p. 53-60.

§ 4. General and political history.

1571. SERRA (Giuseppe). Greste in giardino. Vicende arabe in Euripide, Greste 255-257; 258-259. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 53, 2, p. 97-103. 1572. [Sophocles] Sophocles III. Fragments. Ed. by H. LLOYD-JONES. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 96,434 p. (The Loeb Classical library, 483). 1573. [Strabo] Strabon; Geographie. Vol. 6. Livre K . Ed. par R. BALADIE. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96,456 p. 1574. [Strato] GONZÄLEZ RINCÖN (M.). Estratön d e

Sardes: Epigramas. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 96, 3 4 2 p.

1585. ANDREEV (Yu. V.). Greki i varvary v Severnom Prichemomor'e: Osnovnye metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemy mezhetnicheskikh kontaktov. (Greeks and barbarians in the Northern Black Sea region: Main methodological and theoretical aspects of interethnic contacts). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 1, p. 3-17. (Eng. summary). 1586. BLOEDOW (Edmund F.). The speeches of Hermocrates and Athenagoras at Syracuse in 415 B. C.: difficulties in Syracuse and in Thucydides. Historia, 96, 45, 2, p. 141-158.




1587. BOLGOV (Nikolay Nikolaevich). Zakat antichnogo Bospora: Ocherki istorii Bosporskogo gosudarstva pozdneantichnogo vremeni, IV-V vv. (The decline of Ancient Bospor: Essays on the history of Bosporian State in the late antiquity, 300-600 A. D). Belgorodskiy gos. ped. un-t im. M. S. Ol'minskogo; Belogorodskoe otd. Ros. assots. Antikovedov. Belgorod, [s. n.], 96, 179 p. (maps; bibl.. Eng. summary). 1588. BRUN (P.). Les archipels egeens dans L'antiquitö grecque (V°-IP siwles av. notre fere). Annales Litteraires de l'Universite de Franche-Comte, 96, 251 p. 1589. BUCK (Robert J.). La Grecia centrale tra 900 e 500 a. C. In-, Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 869-884. 1590. BUCKLEY (T.). Aspects of Greek history 7 5 0 323 BC: a source-based approach. London a. New York, Routledge, 96,-542. 1591. CARLIER (Pierre). Le IV' sifecle avant J. -C. Approaches historiographiques. Paris, Boccard, 96, 383 p. (Etudes Anciennes). 1592. CAVANAUGH (M. B,). Eleusis and Athens. Documents in finance, religion and politics in the fifth Century B. C. Atlanta, Scholars Press, 96, 238 (APA American Classical Studies, 35). 1593. CHAMPION (Craige). Polybius, Aetolia and the Gallic attack on Delphi (279 B. C.). Historia, 96, 45, 3, p. 315-328.

1594. CHANIOTIS (A.). Die Verträge zwischen kretischen Poleis in der hellenistischen Zeit. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96,523 p. (Habes, 24). 1595. COHEN (David). Law, violence, and Community in classical Athens. New York, Cambridge U. P., 96, XII-214 p. (Key themes in ancient history). 1596. CULASSO GASTALDI (E.). I Filaidi tra Milziade e Cimone. Per una lettura del decennio 490-480 a. C. Athenaeum, 96, 84, 2, p. 493-526. 1597. DEMAND (N.). History of ancient Greece. New York, Overture Books, 96, 397 p.

1604. HAMMOND (Nicholas G. L.). Sparta at Thermopylae. Historia, 96,45, 1, p. 1-20. 1605. HILLMAN (Th. P.). Cinna, Strabo's army, and Strabo's death in 87 B. C. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 45, p. 81-89. 1606. KEAVENEY (A.). Persian behaviour and misbehaviour: some Herodotean examples. Athenaeum, 96, 84,1, p. 23-48. 1607. L'HOMME-WfiRY (Louise-Marie). La notion d'harmonie dans la pensee politique de Solon. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 145-154. - EADEM. La perspective eleusinienne dans la politique de Solon. Liege, Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Universite de Liege, 96, 391 p. (Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Universite de Liege, 268). 1608. LE RIDER (Georges). Antiochos II ä Mylasa (BCH 114 [1990], p. 543-551). Note additionnelle. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 773775. 1609. LEFFEVRE (Fran9ois). Antiochos le Grand et les Etoliens ä la fm du IIP siede. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120,2, p. 757-771. 1610. LORAUX (Nicole). Clistene e i nuovi caratteri della lotta politica. Im Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1083-1110. - EADEM. Ne de la terre. Mythe et politique ä Athenes. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 96, 249 p. (La librairie du XX= siede). 1611. MADDOLI (Gianfranco). L'Occidente. Im Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 995-1034, 1612. MÖLLER (Astrid). Überiegungen zur ktisis von Maroneia. Klio, 96, 78, 2, p. 315-324. 1613. MOSSE (Claude). Due miti politici: Licurgo e Solone. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1325-1335. 1614. MURRAY (Oswyn). La Grecia degli «eroi»: mito, storia, archeologia. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 173-188.

1598. DONELLY CARNEY (Elizabeth). Alexander and Persian women. American Journal of Philology,

1615. PICCIRILLI (Luigi). L'ostracismo di Callia, figlio di Didimia. Klio, 96,78, 2, p. 325-328.

96, 1 1 7 , 4 , p. 5 6 3 - 5 8 3 .

1616. PUGLIESE CARRATELLI (Giovanni). Kymaika. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 4, p. 289-291.

1599. FRERE (Jean). Politique et religion ä Ephöse entre 550 et 450. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 87-94. 1600. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim). La Grecia settentrionale. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n= 722], p. 976-994. 1601. GRAINGER (John D.). Antiochos III in Thrace. Historia, 96,45, 3, p. 329-343. 1602. GRAY (Vivienne J.). Herodotus and the Images of tyranny: the tyrants of Corinth. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 3, p. 361-389. 1603. HAMMOND (Nicholas G. L.), ROSEMAN (L. J.).

The construction of Xerses' bridge over the Hellespont. Journal ofHellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 88-107.

1617. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Solone, la nuova Atene e l'emergere della politica. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n" 722], p. 1035-1081. 1618. RUSSO (Lucio), MEDAGLIA (Silvio M.). Sulla presunta accusa di empietä ad Aristarco di Samo. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 53, 2, p. 113121. 1619. SALMON (J. B.). Sparta, Argo e il Peloponneso. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 847-867. 1620. SAPRYKIN (Sergey Yur'evich). Pontiyskoe tsarstvo. Gosudarstvo grekov i varvarov v Prichemo-


mor'e. (The Pontic kingdom: A State of the Greeks and the barbarians in the Black sea littoral). Ros. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii, Tsentr sravnitel'nogo izucheniya drevnikh tsivilizatsiy. Moskva, Nauka, 96, 348 p. (ill.). 1621. SCHACHTER (Albert). Costituzione e sviluppo dell'ethnos beotico. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52,1, p. 7-29. 1622. SHEEDY (Kenneth A.). The origins of the Second Nesiotic League and the defence of Kythnos. Historia, 96,45,4, p. 423-449. 1623. STIBBE (Conrad M). Das andere Sparta. Hrsg. V. Herbert POST. Mainz, von Zabem, 96, 316 p. (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt, 85). 1624. SZEMLER (G. J.), CHERF (W. J.), KRAFT (J. C.). Thermopylai: myth and reality in 480 BC. Chicago, Ares, 96, 131 p. 1625. THOMMEN (L.). Lakedaimonion Politeia. Die Entstehung der Spartanischen Verfassung. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96,170 p. (Historia Einzelschrift, 103). 1626. TODD (S. C.). Athens and Sparta. London, Bristol Classical Press, 96, 83 p. (Classical World series). 1627. VALLET (G.). Le monde grec colonial d'Italie du Sud et de Sicile. Roma, Ecole Fran^aise de Rome, 96, 552 p. (Collection de I'Ecole Franjaise de Rome, 218). 1628. VALZANIA (Sergio). L'esercito spartano nel periodo dell'egemonia: dimensioni e compiti strategici. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,43, p. 19-72. 1629. WILLIAMS (Frank). Xenophon's Dana and the passage of Cyrus' army over the Taurus Mountains. Historia, 96, 45, 3, p. 284-314.


1635. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Conflicting authorities. Asyha between secular and divine law in the classical and hellenistic poleis. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 65-86. 1636. DAVIES (John K.). Deconstructing Gortyn: when is a code a code? In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 33-56. IDEM. Strutture e suddivisioni delle «poleis» arcaiche. Le ripartizioni minori. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 599-652. 1637. DE MARTINO (F.), TALAMANCA (M.), CASAVOLA (F. P.), GIGANTE (M.). Nömos basileüs. Index, 96, 24, p. 355-375. 1638. DEBRUNNER HALL (M.). Even dogs have Erinyes: sanctions in Athenian practice and thinking. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf n° 1643], p. 73-89. 1639. DMITRIEV (S. V.). Probol6 and antiprobole in electoral procedure in Oinoanda. Latomus, 96, 55, 1, p. 112-126. 1640. DOENGES (Norman A.). Ostracism and the boulai of Kleisthenes. Historia, 96,45,4, p. 387-404. 1641. FOXHALL (L.). The law and the lady: women and legal proceedings in classical Athens. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 133-152. 1642. GAGARIN (M.). The torture of slaves in Athenian law. Classical Philology, 96, 91, p. 1-18. 1643. Greek law in its political setting: justifications not justice. Ed. by L. FOXHALL a. A. D. E. LEWIS. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 172 p. [Cf

1636, 1638, 1641, 1649, 1651-1653.] 1644. HALLOF (Klaus). Das Bürgerrecht der aus dem Exil heimkehrenden Samier. Klio, 96, 78, 2, p. 337346. 1645. MUCCIOLI (Federico Maria). Eupätor nella titolatura ellenistica. Historia, 96,45, 1, p. 21-35.

§ 5. History of law and institutions.

1646. MUSTI (Domenico). Regole politiche a Sparta: Tirteo e la Grande Rhetra. Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 3, p. 257-281.

1630. BUTTI DE LIMA (F.). L'inchiesta e la prova. Immagine storiografica pratica giuridica e retorica nella Grecia classica. torino, Einaudi, 96, 201 p. (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 635).

1647. NAGY (Gregory). Aristocrazia: caratteri e stili di vita. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 577-598.

1631. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Leggi orali e leggi scritte. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [CF n" 722], p. 561-576.

1648. RIGSBY (K. J.). Asylia. Territorial inviolability in the Hellenistic world. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 96, 672.

1632. CAREY (C.). Nomos in Attic rhetoric and oratory. Journal ofHellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 33-46.

1649. SAUNDERS (T. J.). Plato and the treatment of heretics. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 91-100.

1633. CARLIER (Pierre). La regalitä: beni d'uso e beni di prestigio. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n" 722], p. 257-294.

1650. STEIN-HÖLKESKAMF (Elke). Tirannidi e ricerca deir«eunomia». In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 653-679.

1634. CARTLEDGE (Paul). La nascita degli opliti e l'organizzazione militare. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 681-714.

1651. THOMAS (R.). Written in stone? Liberty, equality, orality, and the codification of law. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 9-31.



1652. THÜR (G.). Oaths and dispute settlement in ancient Greek law. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 57-72.

1666. CANFORA (Luciano). La trasmissione del sapere. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf n° 722], p. 637-663.

1653. TODD (St.). Lysias against Nikomachos: the fate of the expert in Athenian law. In: Greek law in its political setting [Cf. n° 1643], p. 101-131.

1667. CARINS (Douglas L.). Hybris, dishonour, and thinking big. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 132.

1654. TULIN (A.). Dike phonou. The Right of prosecution and Attic honiicide procedure. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 96, 135, p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 76).

1668. CECCARELLI (Paola). L'Athenes de P6riclfes: un "pays de cocagne"? L'id^ologie d6mocratique et l'autömatos bi'os dans la comedie ancienne. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 109-159.

1655. VICKERS (Michael). Fifth Century chronology and the Coinage Decree. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 171-174. Cf. n" 1625 § 6. Economic and social history

1656. ALLEN (Danielle). A schedule of boundaries: an exploration, launched from the water-clock, of Athenian time. Greece & Rome, 96, 43, 2, p. 157-168. 1657. BARLOW (Jonathan). Kinship, identity and fourth-century franks. Historia, 96,45, 2, p. 223-239. 1658. Battie in antiquity. Ed. by A. B. LLOYD. London, Duckworth, Classical Press of Wales, 96, 277 p. 1659. BICHLER (R.). Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung fremder Kulturen. Griechen und Orient in archaischer und frühklassischer Zeit. In: Begegnung mit dem Fremden (Die) [Cf n° 871], p. 51-74. 1660. BODEI GIGLIONI (Gabriella). L'«oikos»: realtä familiare e realtä economica. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 735-754. 1661. BOURRIOT (F61ix). Kaloi kagathoi, kalokagathia ä Sparte aux 6poques arcaique et classique. Historia, 96,45,2, p. 129-140. 1662. BRAVO (Benedetto). Una societä legata alla terra. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 527-560. 1663. BRYANT (Joseph M.). Moral codes and social structure in ancient Greece. A sociology of Greek ethics from Homer to Epicureans and stoics. Albany, State University of New York, 96, 575 p. (SUNY Series in the Sociology of Culture). 1664. BURCKHARDT (L. A.). Bürger und Soldaten: Aspekte der politischen und militärischen Rolle athenischer Bürger im Kriegswesen des 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 300 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 101). 1665. CALAME (Claude). Choruses of young women in ancient Greece. Their morphology, religious role and social function. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 96, 282 p. (Greek Studies. Intedisciplinary Approaches). - EADEM. L'Eros dans la Grece antique. Paris, Belin, 96, 252 p.

1669. CORVISIER (J. -N.), SUDER (W.). P o l y a n t h r o -

pia oliganthropia. Bibliographie de la dömographie du monde grec. Paris, De Boccard, 96, 206 p. 1670. FERRUCCI (Stefano). «Belle case private» e case tutte uguali nell'Atene del V secolo a. C. Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 4, p. 408434. 1671. GEORGOULAKI (E.). Religious and sociopolitical implications of mortuary evidence: case studies in ancient Greece. Kemos, 96,9, p. 95-120. 1672. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio). Avventurieri, mercanti, coloni, mercenari. Mobilitä umana e circolazione di risorse nel Meditenaneo arcaico. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n" 722], p. 497-525. 1673. JANNI (P.). II mare degli antichi. Bari, Dedalo, 96, 506 p. (Storia e Civilta, 40). 1674. KONSTAN (David). Greek friendship. American Journal ofPhilology, 96, 117, 1, p. 71-94. 1675. LEWIS (S.). News and society in the Greek polis. London, Duckworth, 96, 206 p. 1676. MACKJE (H.). Talking Trojan. Speech and Community in the Iliad. Lanham, Boulder, New York a. London, Rowman & Littlefield, 96, 197, p. (Greek Sttidies. Interdisciplinary Approaches). 1677. MARCHETTI (Patrick). Le «Dromos» au coeur de l'agora de Sparte. Les dieux protecteurs de l'education en pays dorien. Points de vue nouveaux. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 155-170. 1678. MARTIN (Thomas R.). Why did the Greek polis originally need coins? Historia, 96, 45, 3, P. 257283. 1679. MEIKSINS WOOD (Ellen). Schiavitü e lavoro. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf n° 722], p. 611636. 1680. MIRHADY (David C.). Torture and rhetoric in Athens. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 119131. CR: THÜR (Gerhard). Reply to D. C. Mirhady, 'Torture and rhetoric in Athens'. Journal of Hellenic Studies,

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1699. SWAIN (Simon). Hellenism and empire. Language, classicism and power in the Greek world AD 50250. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96,499 p.

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1700. TREISTER (M. Y.). The role of metals in ancient Greek history. Leiden, New York a. Köln, Brill, 96,481 p. (Mnemosyne Supplement, 156).

1684. OBER (Josiah). The Athenian revolution. Essays on ancient Greek democracy and political theory. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96, 212 p.

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1685. OGDEN (D.). Greek bastardy in the classical and hellenistic periods. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 430 p. (Oxford Classical Monographs).

1702. VÄRHELYI (Zsuzsanna). The written word in archaic Attica. KUo, 96, 78, 1, p. 28-52.

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1688. PLEKET (Henri Willy). L'agonismo sportivo. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n" 722], p. 507537.

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1689. RAKOCZY (Thomas). Böser Blick, Macht des Auges und Neid der Götter. Eine Untersuchung zur Kraft des Blickes in der griechischen Literatur. Tübingen, Gunter Narr, 96,309, p. (Classica Monacensia, 13).

1706. ZEITLIN (Froma I.). Eros. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 369-430.

1690. RIBICHINI (Sergio). Liquidare gli anziani (in Sardegna). Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 445-457. 1691. ROSCALIA (Fabio). Mida. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1281-1294. 1692. RUDIN (John). A politics of eating: feasting in early Greek society. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 2,p. 179-215. 1693. SAKURAI (Mariko). Kodai Girishia Shakaishi Kenkyü. (A study in social history of Ancient Greece). Tokyo, Iwanami-Shoten, 96,418 p. 1694. SALMOND (Paul D.). Sympathy for the devil: chares and Athenian politics. Greece & Rome, 96, 43, l , p . 43-53. 1695. SCARPL (Paolo). Spazi e luoghi del vino nell'antica Grecia. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96,62, 1-2, p. 547-552. 1696. SCHEIDEL (Walter). The most silent women of Greece and Rome: rural labour and women's life in the ancient world (II). Greece & Rome, 96, 43, 1, p. 1-10. 1697. SCHNURR-REDFORD (Christine). Frauen im klassischen Athen. Sozialer Raum und reale Bewegungsfreiheit. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 96, 356 p. 1698. SVENTSITSKAYA (Irina Sergeevna). Grecheskaya zhenshchina antichnoy epokhi: put' k nezavisimosti. (The woman in ancient Greece: road to independence). In: Chelovek v krugu sem'i. Ocherki po istorii chastnoy zhizni v Evrope do nachala Novogo vremeni [Cf. n" 697], p. 74-102. (Eng. summary).

§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science.

a. Literature 1707. AHL (F.), ROISMAN (H. M.). T h e Odyssey re-

formed. Ithaca a. London, Comell U. P., 96, 341 p. 1708. ALBINI (Umberto). Per rileggere l'Elettra euripidea. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 2, p. 95-102. 1709. ALBIS (R. V.). Poet and audience in the argonautica of Apollonius. Lanham, Boulder, New York a. London, Rowman a. Littlefield, 96, 155 p. 1710. ALPERS (P.). What is pastoral? Chicago a. London, London U. P., 96, 429 p . . 1711. ASSEL (J.). Synesis dans Oreste d'Euripide. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 45, p. 53-69. 1712. BERTOLINI (Francesco). La guerra di Troia: una vicenda esemplare. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1211-1230. 1713. BIEHL (Wemer). Quantitative Formgestaltung in den trimetrischen Partien des Euripideischen Ion. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 66-88. 1714. BIERL (A.). Die Orestie des Aischylos auf der modernen Bühne. Theoretische Konzeptionen und ihre szenische Realisierung. Stuttgart, M&P, 96, 124 p. (DRAMA, 5). 1715. BOUDON (Veronique). L'Ars Medica de Gallen est-il un traite authentique? Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 11-156.




1716. BRILLANTE (Carlo). La realtä del sogno da Omero a Piatone. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 53, 2, p. 7-26. - IDEM. La scrittura in Omero. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, 1, p. 3145.

1717. BYRE (Calvin S.). Distant encounters: the Prometheus and Phaethon episodes in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 2, p. 275-283. 1718. CAPOMACCHIA (Anna Maria G.). Helene in Egitto. Studi e truzteriali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 97-102. 1719. CARAWAN (Edwin). The trials of Thucydides 'the demagogue' in the anonymous Life of Thucydides the historian. Historia, 96,45, 4, p. 405-422. 1720. CASTRUCCI (Valeria). Elementi orientali nella letteratura ellenistica: per una lettura di Callimaco, fr. 194 Pfeiffer. Quademi di storia, 96, 22, 43, p. 279294. 1721. CATENACCI (Carmine). Homouos (ghelouos, holouos). Evidenti aggiustamenti nell'esametro greco. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, 1, p. 133144. 1722. COLLINS (C.). Authority figures. Metaphors of mastery from the Iliad to the Apocalypse. London a. Lanham, Rowman a. Littlefield, 96, 202 p. 1723. CONACHER (D. J.). Aeschylus. The earlier plays related studies. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 96, 184 p. 1724. COZZOLI (Adele-Teresa). Aspetti intertestuali nelle polemiche letterarie degli antichi: da Pindaro a Persio. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 7 - 3 6 . 1725. CRANE (G.). The blinded eye: Thucydides and the new written word. Lanham, Rowman a. Littlefield, 96, 289 p. (Greek Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches). 1726. DARCUS SULLIVAN (Sh.). Disturbances of the

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1727. DELVAUX (G.). Panaius, le pseudo-Theopompe, une source des Vie paralleles des Grecs de Plutarque. L'Antiquite Classique, 96,45, p. 107-117. 1728. DESIDERI (Paolo). Scrivere gli eventi storici. In: Greci (I), Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf n° 722], p. 9551013. 1729. DIGGLE (J.). Epilegomena Phaethontea. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 45, p. 189-199.

1732. DUMANOIR (Jean-Richard). La moisson d'Heraklfes: le h6ros, le domaine et les enfants dans les trachiniennes. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 381-409.

1733. DUNN (F. M.). Tragedy's end. Closure and Innovation in Euripidean drama. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 96,252 p. 1734. EDMUNDS (L.). Theatrical Space and historical place in Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus. Lanham, Boulder, New York a. London, 96, 189 p. (Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches). 1735. FLEMING (Thomas). The versus in Greek metrics and music. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, L,P. 123-131.

1736. GALLAZZI (C.). Un rotolo con Iliade Z diviso tra Londra e Parigi (P. Lond. inv. 127 A P. Paris 3 bis). Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 4, p. 385-407. 1737. GARCI'A ROMERO (Fernando). Metafore ago-

nistiche nelle odi di Bacchilide. Quademi cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 55-66.

urbinati di

1738. GL«INGRANDE (G.). On Plutarch's text: ne sutor ultra crepidam. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 45, p. 217223. 1739. GONDOS (E. A.). Auf d e m Weg zur rhetori-

schen Theorie. Rhetorische Reflexion im ausgehenden fünften Jahrhundert v. Chr. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 96, 104 p. (Rhetorik-Forschungen, 10). 1740. GOUD (Thomas E.). The sources of Josephus Antiquities 19. Historia, 96, 45, 4, p. 472-482. 1741. HARTCX; (F.). Memoire d'Ulysse. Recits sur la frontifere en Grece ancienne. Paris, Gallimard, 96, 259 p. (NRF essais). 1742. HEITSCH (E.). Geschichte und Situationen bei Thukydides. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 96, 103 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 71). 1743. HUNTER (R. L.). Theocritus and the archaeology of Greek poetry. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 207 p. 1744. JEDRKIEWICZ (Stefano). Giudizio "giusto" ed alea nei concorsi drammatici del V secolo ad Atene. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 85101. 1745. Koin6 grecque antique (La). Vol. 1. La concurrence. Ed. par C. BRIXHE. Nancy, Association pour la diffusion de la Recherche sur l'Antiquit^, 96, 212 p. (Collection Etudes Anciennes).

1730. DILLERY (John). Reconfiguring the past: Thyrea, Thermopylae, and narrative pattems in Herodotus. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 2, p. 217-254.

1746. KUGELMEIER (C.). Reflexe früher und zeitgenössicher Lyrik in der Alten attischen Komödie. Stuttgart u. Uipzig, G. B. Teubner, 96, 379 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 80).

1731. DOWDEN (Ken). Homer's sense o text. The Joumal ofHellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 47-61.

1747. LANZA (Diego). La tragedia e il tragico. /«: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 469-505.


1748. LAPLACE (M. M. J.). L'ecphrasis de la parole d'apparat dans l'Electrum et le De domo de Lucien, et la representation des deux styles d'une esthetique inspiree de Pindare et de Piaton. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96,115,

p. 158-165.

1749. LEINIEKS (V.). The city of Dionysos. A study of Euripides' Bakchai. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, 96, 407 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 88). 1750. LENFANT (Dominique). Ctesias et Herodote. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109,2, p. 348-380. 1751. LÖPEZ EIRE (A.). La lengua coloquial de la comedia aristofänica. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 96,211 p. 1752. LUZZATO (Maria Jagoda). Esopo. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1307-1324. 1753. MARTINO (Giuseppina). La Tyro e l'Ellettra di Sofocle: due tragedie a lieto fme? La Parola del Passato,

9 6 , 6 1 , 3 , p. 1 9 8 - 2 1 2 .


Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Geistwissenschaftliche Reihe, 12). 1765. Pausanias historien. Ed. par J. BINGEN. Vandoeuvres-Geneva, Fondation Hardt, 96, 353 p. (Entretiens Sur l'antiquitö classique, 41). 1 7 6 6 . PECERE ( O . ) , STRAMAGLIA ( A . ) . L a l e t t e r a t u r a

di consumo nel mondo greco-latino. Atti del Convegno Intemazionale, Cassino, 14-17 settembre 1994. Cassino, Universitä degli Studi di Cassino, 96, 547 p. 1767. PPEIFFER-PETERSEN (S.). Konfliktstichomythien bei Sophokles. Funktion und Gestalmng. Wiesbaden, Ludwig Riechert, 96, 186 p. (Serta Graeca, 5). 1768. PHILIPP (Hanna). Form oder Gefüge? Zur Bedeutung des Wortes rhythmös. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 9 6 , 4 6 , p . 197-202. 1769. PHILLIPPO (S.). The legacy of Homer: the Iliad annotations of Jean Racine. L'Antiquite Classique, 96,45, p. 1-29.

1754. MASARACCHIA (Emanuela). La Ciropedia di Senofonte e l'ideologia imperiale persiana. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 54, 3, p. 163-194.

1770. PIGUET (J.-Cl). Le tragique dans les Trachiniennes. L'Antiquite Classique, 96,45, p. 201-216.

1755. Menandro fra tradizione e innovazione. Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Studi, Monza 6 - 7 maggio 1995. Ed. da C. CONSONNI. Milano, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 96, 94 p.

1771. Poesie et lyrique antiques. Actes du colloque organise par Claude Meillier ä L'Universite Charlesde-Gaulle-Lille III du 2 au 4 juin 1993. Ed. par L. DuBOIS. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du septentrion, 96,268 p. (Travaux et Recherches).

1756. MOSSMAN (J. M.). Waiting for Neoptolemus: the unity of Euripides' Andromache. Greece & Rome, 9 6 , 4 3 , 2 , p. 143-156.

1757. NAGY (Gregory). Homeric questions. Austin, University of Texas Press, 96, 180 p. - IDEM. Poetry as Performance: Homer and beyond. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96,254 p. 1758. NAPOLITANO (Michele). La modulazione ritmica nella prassi poetica greca. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, 1, p, 178-196. 1759. NEWIGER (H. -J.). Drama und Theater. Ausgewählte Schriften zum griechischen Drama. Stuttgart, M&P, 96, 380 p. (Drama: Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption, 2). 1760. NICOLAI (Roberto). L'eloquenza perduta. Tradizioni antiche sulle orazioni di Pericle. Quademi di storia, 96,22, 44, p. 95-114. 1761. Novel in the ancient world (The). Ed. By G. SCHMELING. Leiden, New York a. Köln, Brill, 96, 876 p.

1772. PRANDI (Luisa). Fortuna e realtä dell'opera di Clitarco. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 203 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 104). 1773. RAGONE (G.). Pygela/Phygela. Fra paretimologia e storia (Prima e seconda parte). Athenaeum, 96, 84,1, p. 183-241; 84, 2, p. 343-379. 1774. Reading the Odyssey. Selected interpretive essays. Ed. by S. L. SCHEIN. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 96,278 p. 1775. ROCHETTE (Bruno). Les xenikä et les barbarikä onömata dans les theories linguistiques greco-latines. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 45, p. 91-105. - IDEM. Pistoi hermeneis. La traduction orale en Grece. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 325-347. 1776. ROUGIER-BLANC (Sylvie). PRODOMOS et AITHOUSA remarques sur les distinctions semantiques et fonctionnelles entre deux termes d'architecture domestique employes chez Homere. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1, p. 44-65.

1762. NUTTALL (A. D.). Why does tragedy give pleasure? Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 110 p.

1777. SANCASSANO (M.). 11 lessico greco del serpente. Considerazioni etimologiche. Athenaeum, 96, 84,1, p. 49-70.

1763. ORMAND (Kirk). Silent by Convention? Sophocles' Tekmessa. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, l , p . 37-64.

1778. SBARDELLA (Livio). L'opera "sinora ignota" di Filita di Cos. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, l , p . 93-119.

1764. PATZER (H.). Die Formgesetze des Homerischen Epos. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 230 p. (Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann

1779. SCHMITT (Oliver). Deinarch, Hypereides und Samos. Über die Berechtigung des argumentum e silentio. Klio, 96, 78, 1, p. 61-67.




1780. Sophocles' "Electra" in Performance. Ed. by F. M. DUNN. Stuttgart, M & P Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 96, 170 p. (Drama. Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption). 1781. SPARKS BOND (Robin). Homeric echoes in Rhesus. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 2, p. 255-273. 1782. Storia e ecdotica dei testi medici greci. Atti del II Convegno Intemazionale, Parigi 24-26 maggio 1994. Ed. da A GARZYA, J. JOUANNA. Napoli, M. D'Auria, 96, 467 p. (Collectanea. Collana di Atti e Miscellanee, 10). 1783. TATUM (W. Jeffrey). The regal image in Plutarch's Lives. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 135-151. 1784. Theocritus. Ed. by M. A. HÄRDER, R. F. REGTUIT a. G. C. WAKKER. Groningen, Egbert Forsten, 96, 267 p. (Proceedings of the Groningen Workshops on Hellenistic Poetry).

b. Philosophy and science. 1795. AMIGUES (Suzanne). De la botanique ä la po^sie dans les Idylles de Theocrite. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109,2, p. 467-488. 1796. Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption. Hrsg. V. Klaus DÖRING, Bernhard HERZHOFF U. Georg WÖHRLE. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Vertag Trier, 96, 100 p. 1797. Aristotelica secunda: Melanges offerts ä Christian Rutten. Ed. par A. MOTTE et J. DENOOZ. Liege, C. I. P. L., 96, 382 p. 1798. Astres (Les). Actes du colloque international de MontpeUier 23-25 mars 1995. Parte I. Les astres et les mythes, la description du ciel. Parte II. Les correspondances entre le ciel, la terre et l'homme. Les 'survivances' de I'astrologie antique. Ed. par Beatrice BAKHOUCHE, Alain MOREAU et Jean-Claude TURPIN. Montpellier, Universite Paul Valery, 96, 2 vol., 320, 296 p. [Cf. n° 1799.]

1785. THIEL (K.). Aietes der Krieger - Jason der Sieger. Zum Heldenbild im hellenistischen Epos. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 96, 100 p. (Palingenesia, 60).

1799. AUJAC (G.). Sphfere c61este et constellations chez Eudoxe, Aratos, Hipparque, Ptolemee. In\ Astres (Les) [Cf. n" 1798], p. 209-226.

1786. TIMPANARO (S.). Dall'Alexandros di Euripide all'AIexander di Ennio. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 1, p. 5-70.

1800. BODßÜS (Richard). En relisant le d^but des Categories: l'expression litigieuse Logos tes ousfas. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 707-716.

1787. Tragedy and the tragic. Greek theatre and beyond. Ed. by M. S. SILK. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 566 p.

1801. BÖHME (G.). Idee und Kosmos. Piatons Zeitlehre - Eine Einführung in seine theoretische Philosophie. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 96, 168 p. (Philosophische Abhandlungen, 66).

1788. VAN DER VEER (J. E.). The significant and the insignificant. Five studies in Herodotus' view of history. Amsterdam, J. C. Gieben, 96, 146 p. (Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology, 6). 1789. VAN DUZER (C. A.). Duality and structure in the Iliad and Odyssey. New York, Peter Lang, 96, 366, p. (Lang Classical Studies, 8). 1790. VAN ERP TAALMAN KIP (A. Maria). Truth in tragedy: when are we entitled to doubt a character's words? American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 4, p. 5 1 7 - 5 3 6 .

1791. VCELKE (Pierre). Beaute d'H61fene et rituels feminins dans l'Helfene d'Euripide. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 281-296. 1792. WARDY (R.). The birth of rhetoric. Gorgias, Plato and their succersors. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, 177 p. 1793. WHITBY (Mary). Telemachus transformed? The origins of Neoptolemus in Sophocles' Philoctetes. Greece Je Rome, 96, 43, 1, p. 31-42. 1794. ZEITLIN (F. I.). Playing the other. Gender and Society in classical Greek literature. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 96, 474, p. (Women in Culture and Society). Cf n"' 1107, 1487

1802. BONHÖFFER (A. F.). The Ethics of the stoic Epictetus. New York, Peter Lang, 96, 335 p. 1803. BRACHT BRANHAM (R.). Defacing the currency: Diogenes' Rhetoric and the invention of Cynicism. In: Cynics (The) [Cf. n° 1807], p. 81-104. 1804. CALDERON DORBA (Estban). Arato y el Parapegma. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 1, p. 5-18. 1805. CAMBIANO (Giuseppe). II filosofo. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 815-847. 1806. COLDSTREAM (J. Nicolas). An astronomical graffito from Pithekoussai. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61,3, p. 221-222. 1807. Cynics (The). The Cynic movement in antiquity and its legacy. Ed. by R. BRACHT BRANHAM, Marie-Odile GouLET-CAZfi. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, California U. P., 96, 456 p. [Cf. n°' 1803, 1814, 1826, 1833.] 1808. DEBRU (A.). Le corps respirant. La pensee physiologique chez Galien. Leiden, Brill, 96, 302. 1809. DEMANDT (Alexander). Piaton und der Wein. Archivßr Kulturgeschichte, 96, 78, p. 67-86. 1810. FINKELBERG (Aryeh). Plato's method in Timaeus. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 3, p. 391-409.




1811. FLASHAR (Hellmut). La saggezza arcaica: Talete, Eraclito, Empedocle. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. 722], p. 1231-1250.

309 p. - IDEM. The Socratic tradition: Diogenes, Crates, and Hellenistic Ethics. In: Cynics (The) [Cf. n° 1807], p. 28-46.

1812. Form and argument in late Piaton. Ed. By C. GILL a. M. M. MAC CABE. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 345 p.

1827. LORAUX (Patrice). L'invenzione della natura. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 319342.

1813. GORDON (P.). Epicurus in Lycia. The secondcentury world of Diogenes of Oenoanda. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 96, 140 p.

1828. MAC PHERRAN (M. L.). The religion of Socrates. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 96,353 p.

1814. G0ULET-CAZ6 (Marie-Odile). Religion and the early cinics. In: Cynics (The) [Cf. n° 1807], p. 47-80.

1829. MARASCO (Gabriele). Les medecins de cour ä r6poque hell6nistique. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 435-466.

1815. GOURINAT (J.-B.). Les stoiciens et L'äme. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 96, 126 p. (Philosophies, 75).

1830. MAXWELL-STUART (Peter C.). Theophrastus the traveller. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 4, p. 241267.

1816. HAVELOCK (E. A.). Alle origini della filosofia greca: una revisione storica. Introduzione, revisione e note a cura di Thomas COLE, premessa di Bruno GENTILL prefazione di Thomas COLE. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 96, 222 p.

1831. MIGLIORI (M.). Arte politica e metrica assiologica. Commentario storico-filosofico al 'Politico' di Piatone. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 96, 405 p. (Centro di Ricerche di Metafisica. Collana Temi Metafisici e Problemi del Pensiero Antico. Studi e Testi, 52).

1817. Hippokratische Medizin und antike Philosophie, Verhandlungen des Vin. Internationalen Hippokrates-Kolloquims in Kloster Banz/Staffelstein vom 23. bis 28. September 1993. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms Weidmann, 96, 654 p. (Medizin der Antike, 1).

1832. MIRALLES (Carles). Poeta, saggio, sofista, filosofo: l'intellettuale nella Grecia antica. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 849-882.

1818. HOFFMANN (M.). Die Entstehung von Ordnung. Zur Bestimmung von Sein, Erkennen und Handeln in der späteren Philosophie Piatons. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, G. B. Teubner, 96, 348 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 81). 1819. HUXLEY (George L.). Comment upon the graffito. La Parola del Passato, 96, 61, 3, p. 222-224 [Cf. n° 1806]. 1820. IRWIN (T.), FINE (G.). Aristotle: Introductory readings. Translated with introduction, note and glossary. Indianapolis a. Cambridge, Hackett, 96, 359 p. 1821. JACOB (Christian). Disegnare la terra. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 901-953. 1822. JOUANNA (Jacques). Le vin et la medecine dans le Grfece ancienne. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 410-434. 1823. KALOGERAKOS (loannis G.). Seele und Unsterblichkeit. Untersuchungen zur Vorsokratik bis Empedocles. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, Teubner, 96, 411 p. 1824. KARADIMAS (D.). Sextus Empiricus against Aelius Aristides. The conflict between philosophy and rhetoric in the second Century AD. Lund, Lund U. P., 96, 271 p. (Studia Graeca et latina Lundensia, 5). 1825. KfiLESSiDOU (Anna). La kalliphanie du monde (l'epiphanie du beau) dans le Timee. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 327-332. 1826. LONG (Anthony Arthur). Stoic studies. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 96,

1833. MOLES (J. L.). Cynic cosmopolitanism. In: Cynics (The) [Cf. n° 1807], p. 105-120. 1834. MOREL (P. -M.). Piaton et I'objet de la science. Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 96, 151 p. (Histoires des Pensees). 1835. MORRISON (John Sinclair). Greek and Roman oared warships. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 96,403 p. 1836. PIGEAUD (Jackie). II medico e la malattia. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 771-814. 1837. PRIMAVESI (O.). Die Aristotelische Topik. Ein Interpretationsmodell und seine Erprobung am Beispiel von Topik B. München, C. H. Beck, 96, 293 p. (Zetemata, 94). 1838. RADICE (R.). La «Metafisica» di Aristotele nel XX secolo. Bibliografia ragionata e sistematica. Molano, Vita e Pensiero, 96, 735 p. (Collana Temi Metafisici e Problemi del Pensiero Antico. Studi e Testi, 48). 1839. Rationality in Greek thought. Ed. by M. FREDE a. G. STRIKER. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 353 p. 1840. REPICI (Luciana). II sapiente stoico, la divinazione, la cittä. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,44, p. 41-70. 1841. RIST (J. M.). Man, soul and body. Essays in ancient thought from Plato to Dionysius. Aldershot, Variorum, 96, 298 p. 1842. ROBIANO (Patrick). Philistrate emule d'Airien? Le cas de la Vie d'Apollonios de Tyane. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 489-505. 1843. ROOCHNIK (D.). Of art and wisdom. Plato's understanding of techne. University Park, Pennsylvania U. P., 96, 300 p.



1844. SALEM (J.). Democrite: grains de poussiere dans un rayon de soleil. Paris, J. Vrin, 96, 415 p. (Histoire de la Philosophie). 1845. SASSI (Maria Michela). La storia del pensiero. In-, Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 743769. 1846. SHARPLES (R. W.). Stoics, epicureans and sceptics. An introduction to hellenistic philosophy. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, 154 p. 1847. SLORVANES (L.). Proclus. Neo-Platonic philosophy and Science. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 96,340 p. 1848. STRIKER (Gisela). Essays on hellenistic epistemology and ethics. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 96, 335 p. 1849. SZAIF (Jan). Piatons Begriff der Wahrheit. Freiburg u. München, K. Alber, 96,561 p. (Symposion, 104). 1850. TESSITORE (A.). Reading Aristotle's Ethics. Virtue, rhetoric and political philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press, 96, 155 p. 1851. VANCAMP (Bruno). La tradition manuscrite de l'Hippias mineur de Piaton. Revue beige de Philologie et d'histoire, 96,74, 1, p. 27-55. 1852. VEGA RENÖN (Luis). La dimostrazione. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 285-318.

1859. BALLABRIGA (Alain). Le Cent-Bras Briaree, fils de Zeus plus fort que son pfere. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 257270. - IDEM. Survie et descendance d'Ente. Le mythe grec archai'que. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 21-36. 1860. BERMEJO BARRERA (Jose Carlos), GONZALES GARCIA (F. J.), REBOREDA MORILLO (S.). Los origenes

de la mitologia griega. Madrid, Akal Universitaria, 96, 429 p. (Serie interdisciplinar). 1861. BILLAULT (Alain). La nature dans Daphis et Chloe. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 2, p. 506526. 1862. BREMMER (Jan N.). Modi di comunicazione con il divino: la preghiera, la divinazione e il sacrificio nella civilta greca. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 239-283. 1863. CALAME (Claude). Feste, riti e forme poetiche. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 471-496. - IDEM. Mythe et histoire dans l'Antiquite grecque. La creation symbolique d'une colonie. Lausanne, Payot, 96, 185 p. - IDEM. Thesee et l'imaginaire athenien. Legende et culte en Grece antique. Lausanne, Payot, 96,491 p. (Sciences Humaines). 1864. CASTELLANI (V.). Athena and friends: one among the Greek religions. In: Religion in the ancient World [Cf.n° 1218], p. 51-78.

1853. VEGETTI (Mario). L'io, l'anima, il soggetto. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 431-467.

1865. CHRISTOPOULOS (Menelaos). Le depart de l'Ile de Calypso. Quelques remarques sur le texte de l'Odyssee. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 271-279.

1854. WFFIMER (Hans-Ulrich). Der Sophist Libanios und die Bäcker von Antiocheia. Athenaeum, 96, 84, 2, p. 527-548.

1866. DE SCHUTTER (Xavier). La marmitte et la panspermie des morts. Kemos, 96,9, p. 333-345.

1855. WIESNER (J.). Parmenides. Der Beginn der Aletheia. Untersuchungen zu B2-B3-B6. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 96, 280 p. Cf. n" 435. 1052, 1527, 1565-1567 History of literature, philosophy and science. Addenda 1995.

1856. BICHLER (Reinhold). Von der Insel der Seligen zu Piatons Staat; Geschichte der Antiken Utopie. 1. Köln a. Wien, Böhlau, 95, VIII-259 p. (Alltag und Kultur in Altertum 3). 1857. HOLZHAUSEN (Jens). Eros und Aidos in Phaidres Mondag: Euripides Hippolito, 373^30. Stuttgart, Steiner, 95, 45 p. (Abhandlungen des Geistes- und Sozialwissenscheglichen Klasse. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; 1995. 1).

1867. DILLON (M. P. J.). The importance of Oinomanteia in Greek divination. In: Religion in the ancient World [Cf n° 1218],p. 99-121. 1868. FURLEY (W. D.). Andokides and the Herms. A study of crisis in fifth-century Athenian religion. London, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 96, 162 p. 1869. GEAGAN (D.). Who was Athena? In: Religion in the ancient world [Cf n° 1218], p. 145-164. 1870. GINZBURG (Carlo). Mito. In: Greci (l). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 197-237. 1871. GRAF (Fritz). Gli dei greci e i loro santuari. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 343-380. 1872. HÖCKMANN (Ursula). Die Sitzstatue des «Propheten» aus Didyma. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 93-102. 1873. JONES (P. V.). The indipendent heroes of the Iliad. Journal ofHellenic Studies, 96, 115, p. 108-118.

§ 8. Religion and mythology.

1874. LEVEQUE (Pierre). Anfizionie, comunitä, concorsi e santuari panellenici. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 1111-1139.

1858. ANDÖ (Valeria). Nymphe: la sposa e le Ninfe. Quademi urbinati di cultura classica, 96, 52, 1, p. 41-79.

1875. MASSENZIO (Marcello). L'eletto. Una variazione sul tema. Studi e materiali di storia delle reli-


gionU 96, 62, 1-2, p. 303-307 [A proposito dell'Eroico di Filostrato]. 1876. MERTENS-HORN (Madeleine). In der Obhut der Dioskuren. Zur Deutung des «Monopteros der Sikyonier» in Delphi. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 123-130.

1877. M6tier du mythe (Le). Lectures d'Hesiode. Ed. p a r F . BLAISE, P . JUDEX DE L A COMBRE et P . ROUS-

SEAU. Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 96, 570 p. (Cahiers de Philologie, 16). 1878. NOVARO (Daniela). Eretria: l'universo cultuale di una "polis" alle sue origini. Quademi di storia, 96, 22,43,p. 73-108. 1879. PAKKANEN (P.). Interpreting early hellenistic religion. A study based on the Mystery cult of Demeter and the cult of Isis. Helsinki, Finnish Institut at Athens, 96, 180 p. (Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens, 3). 1880. PARKER (R.). Athenian religion. A history. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, 370 p. 1881. PESCHLOW-BINDOKAT (Anneliese). Der Kult des anatolischen Regen- und Wettergottes auf dem Gipfel des Latmos und das Heiligtum des Zeus Akraios im Tal von Dikilita?. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46,


1890. SPINETO (Natale). Giovani, stranieri e donne ai Dionysia Megäla. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 621-634. 1891. THEODOSSIEV (Nikola). Cult clay figurines in ancient Thrace: archaeological evidence for existence of Thracian Orphism. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 219-226. 1892. VIELLE (C.). Le mytho-cycle heroique dans l'aire Indo-Europeenne. Cortespondence et transformations Helleno-Aryennes. Louvain, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 96, 253 p. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 46). 1893. VOUTIRAS (Emmanuel). Un culte domestique des Corybantes. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 243-256. 1894. WILLERS (Dietrich). Dedalo. In: Greci (1). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1295-1306. 1895. WRIGHT (C.). Myths of Poseidon: the development of the role of the god as reflected in myth. In: Religion in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1218], p. 533547. Cf. n"' 996, 1218, 1438, 1474, 1487 § 9. Archaeology and history of art.

p. 217-225.

1882. PIFIRART (Marcel). Pour une approche du pantheon argien par la mythologie: le bouclier d'Athöna. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 171-194. 1883. PIRENNE-DELFORGE (Vinciane). Les Charites ä Äthanes et dans Tfle de Cos. Kemos, 96, 9, p. 195214. 1884. PÖRTULAS (Jaume). Le ragazze di Delo. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96, 62, 1-2, p. 437443. 1885. PRIETO (M. L.). Ares en Homero. Funciön del dios de la guerra en la lliada y la Odisea. Amsterdam, A. M. Hakkert, 96, 450 p. (Classical and Byzantine Monographs, 35). 1886. Religion and power in the ancient Greek World. Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993. E d . b y P . HELLSTRÖM a. B . ALROTH. U p p s a l a , A l m -

qvist & Wikseil International, 96, 204 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. BOREAS. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastem Civilisations, 24). 1887. RIEDWEG (Christoph). Orfeo. In: Greci (1). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1251-1280. 1888. ROBERTSON (N.). Athena and early Greek Society: Palladium shrines and promontory shrines. In: Religion in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1218], p. 383475. 1889. RUDHARDT (Jean). Considerations rapides sur la conscience de soi dans la Gröce antique. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 96,62, 1-2, p. 471-479.

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archaic Corinthian vase painting. Princeton, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 96, 161 p. 1 8 9 8 . ANTONOVA





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(R. W. V.), SHIPLEY (G.). Continuity and change in a Greek rural landscape. The Laconia survey. Vol. 2. Ar-




chaeological data. London, British School at Athens, 96,459 p. (Annual of the British School at Athens, 27). 1905. COLUMEAU (Philippe). Les restes de faune du sanctuaire d'Aphrodite ä Amathonte. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 779-797. 1906. CONNELLY (Jean B.). Parthenon and Parthenoi: a mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon frieze. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 1, p. 53-80. 1907. D'AGOSTINO (Bruno). La necropoli e i rituali della morte. In-. Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 435-470. 1 9 0 8 . DES COURTILS ( J a c q u e s ) ,



melle), PARIENTE (Anne). Sacrifices d'animaux Ä L'Herakleion de Thasos. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 799-820. 1909. FEHR (Burkhard). Kouroi e korai. Formule e tipi dell'arte arcaica come espressione di valori. In-. Greci (1). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 785843. 1910. FLASHAR (Martin). Delphische Forschungen. Klio, 96, 78, 2, p. 347-352. 1911. FREY-ASCHE (Lore). Aphrodite in Mainz. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96, 46, p. 277-286.

1921. MATHESON (S. B.). Polygnotos and vase painting in classical Athens. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 96, 537 p. (Wisconsin Studies in Classics). 1922. Montagne des Muses (La). Ed. par A. HURST et A. SCHACHTER. Genfeve, Librairie Droz, 96, 254 p. (Recherches et Rencontres, 7). 1923. MORETn (Jean-Charles). Le gymnase de Delos. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 617-638.

1924. MULLER (A.). Les terres cuites votives du Thesmophorion. De l'atelier au sanctuaire. Athens et Paris, fcole Fran9aise d'Äthanes, De Boccard, 96, 572, p. (Etudes Thasiennes, 17). 1925. OSTROVERKHOV (A. S.). Zverinyy stil' i antichnye goroda Sevemogo Prichemoraor'ya. (The animal style and the antique cities of the Northern Black sea region). Vestnik drevney istorii, 96, 59, 2, p. 85-102. (Eng. summary).

1926. Pergamon: the Telephos frieze from the Great Altar. Vol. 1. Ed. by Ren6e DREYFUS a. E. SCHRAUDOLPH. San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 96, 120 p.

1912. GRUBEN (Gottfried). II tempio. In-. Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 381-434.

1927. Personal styles in Greek sculpture. Ed. by J. J. POLLITT a. O. PALAGIA. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Yale U. P., 96, 187 p. (Yale Classical Studies, 3 0 ) .

1913. HADJIDAKI (Elpida). Underwater excavations of a late fifth Century merchant ship at Alonnesos, Greece: the 1991-1993 seasons. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 96, 120, 2, p. 561-593.

1928. REHAK (Paul). Aegean breechcloths, kilts, and the Keftiu paintings. American Journal of Archaeology, 9 6 , 100, L , P . 3 5 - 5 1 .

1914. HEUCK ALLEN (Susan). "Principally for vases, ect.": the formation and dispersa! of the Calvert Collection. Anatolian Studies, 96, 46, p. 145-165.

1929. SCHEER (Tanja Susanne). Ein Museum griechischer "Frühgeschichte" im Apollontempel von Si-

1915. Human landscapes in classical antiquity. Environment and culture. Ed. by G. SHIPLEY a. J. SALMON. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, 344 p. (Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society, 6).

1930. SCHUBERT (Paul). Le palais d'Alcinoos et les Panathenees. Revue des Etudes Grecques, 96, 109, 1,

1916. KARAGEORGHIS (V.). The coroplastic art of ancient Cyprus. Vol. 6. The Cypro-Archaic period: monsters, animals and miscellanea. Nicosia, A. G. Leventis Foundation, 96, I I I p. 1917. KARIVIERI (A.). The Athenian lamp industry in late antiquity. Helsinki, Finnish Institute at Athens, 96, 328 p. (Papers and Monograps of the Finnish Institute at Athens).

k y o n . Klio, 9 6 , 7 8 , 2 , p. 3 5 3 - 3 7 3 .

p. 255-263.

1931. SCHWAB (Katherine A.). Parthenon East metope XI: Herakles and the Gigantonomachy. American Journal of Archaeology, 96, 100, 1, p. 81-90. 1 9 3 2 . SCHWANDNER ( E m s t - L u d w i g ) , KOLON AS ( L a -

zaros). Beobachtungen am Zeusheiligtum von Stratos. Istanbuler


9 6 , 4 6 , p. 187-196.

1933. SHAPIRO (H. Alan). Tradizioni regional!, botteghe e stili d'arte. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf. n° 722], p. 1181-1207.

1918. KYRIELEIS (H.). Der grosse Kouros von Samos. Bonn, Dr. Rudolf Habelt für Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, 96, 130 p. (Samos, 10).

1934. SIDOROVA (N.). Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Russia: Pushkin State Museum. Attic black-figure vases. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 96, 64 p.

1919. LYONS (C. L.). The archaic cemeteries. Prince-

1935. SPARKES (B. A.). The red and the black. Studies in Greek pottery. London a. New York, Routledge, 9 6 , 2 0 3 , p.

t o n , P r i n c e t o n U . P., 9 6 , 2 6 1 p.

1920. MARCONI (demente). La cittä visibile e i suoi monumenti. In: Greci (I). Vol. 2. Una storia greca [Cf n° 722], p. 755-784.

1936. STAMPOLIDIS (N. C.). Antipoina 'reprisals'. Rethymnon, University of Crete, 96, 253 p.


1937. WARNKE (Martin). II hello e il naturale. Un incontro letale. In: Greci (I). Vol. 1. Noi e i Greci [Cf. n° 722], p. 343-368. 1938. WEBB (P. A.). Hellenistic architectural sculpture: figural motifs in Western Anatolia and the Aegean


Islands. Wisconsin a. London, University of Wisconsin Press, 96,225 p. (Wisconsin Studies in Classics).

Cf. n° 287


§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1939-1957. - § 2. The Etruscans. 1958-1974. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. {a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1975-2047. - § 4. General and political history. 2048-2126. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 2127-2172. - § 6. Economic and social history. 2173-2216. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2217-2268. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 2269-2290. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2291-2347. - § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman World. 2348-2364.

§ 1. The peoples of Italy.

1939. BENEDETTINI (Maria Gilda). 1 materiali falisci e capenati del Museo delle Antichitä Etrusche e Italiche deirUniversita La Sapienza di Roma. Archeotogia Classica, 96, 48, p. 1-71. 1940. CAMPANILE (Enrico). Le iscrizioni osche di Pompei attribuite al periodo della guerra sociale. In: I n c i d e n z a d e l l ' a n t i c o ( L ' ) [ C f . n ° 2 0 8 7 ] , p. 3 6 1 - 3 7 5 .

1950. RIX (Helmut). II testo paleoumbro di Poggio Sommavilla. Studi Etruschi, 96,61, p. 233-246. 1951. ROCCA (Giovanna). Iscrizioni umbre minori. Firenze, Olschki, 96, 169 p. (ill.). (Lingue e iscrizioni dell'ltalia antica, 6). 1 9 5 2 . SCATOZZA HÖRICHT ( L u c i a A . ) . I d e o l o g i a f u -

neraria e societa ad Avella nel II sec. a. C. In: Incidenza d e l l ' a n t i c o ( L ' ) . Vol. 3 [Cf. n" 2 0 8 7 ] , p. 4 8 9 - 5 1 8 . 1 9 5 3 . SCHNEIDER-HERRMANN

(G.). T h e


1942. CARRABBA (Antonio). Iscrizioni inedite dalla Lucania. Epigraphica, 96, 58, p. 139-149.

of the fourth Century BC as depicted on Campanian vases and in other sources. London, Institute of Classical Studies a. Accordia Research Institute, 96, XXXIV150 p. (pls., drawings). (Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy, 2. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, 61).

1943. CRISTOFANI (Mauro). Etruschi e altre genti neiritalia preromana. Mobilitä in eta arcaica. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 96, 183 p.

1954. SMITH (Christopher John). Early Rome and Latium. Economy and society c. 1000 to 500 b. c. New York, Clarendon Press of Oxford U. P., 96, VIII-290 p.

1944. DE CAZANOVE (Olivier). Un edifice de repas communautaires en Lucanie interne. Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome,

1955. TAGLIAMONTE (G.). I Sanniti. Caudini, Irpini, Pentri, Carricini, Frentani. Roma, Longanesi, 96, 322 p. (Biblioteca di archeologia, 25).

1941. CANTILENA (Renata). I Sarrasti e le monete di Nuceria Alfatema. In: Incidenza dell'antico (L') [Cf. n° 2087], p. 319-324.


9 6 , 108, 2, p. 9 0 1 - 9 4 1 .

1945. Vacat. 1946. GULINELLI (Paola). L'iscrizione falisca Ve 257. La Parola del Passato, 96, 51, 3, p. 225-229. 1947. MASTROCINQUE (Attilio). Ricerche sulle religioni italiche. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 139-160.

1956. VALENZA MELE (Nazarena). Una nuova tomba dipinta a Cuma e la Legio Linteata. In: Incidenza d e l l ' a n t i c o ( L ' ) [ C f . n ° 2 0 8 7 ] , p. 3 2 5 - 3 6 0 .

1957. VALVO (Alfredo). II bassorilievo di Bormio e il culto a Volcanus nelle Alpi Retiche. Archeologia Classica,

96, 48, p. 111-141.

1948. PocCETn (Paolo). Testi e dimensione istituzionale di toponiini dell'ltalia antica: Nerulum. In: Incidenza dell'antico (L'). Vol. 3 [Cf. n° 2087], p. 469-478.

§ 2. The Etruscans.

1949. PR0SDCX:IMI (Aldo). Appunti sul verbo latino (e) italico. Parte VII. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 263312.

1958. AMBROSINI (Laura). Sethlans con la ruota di Issione su uno specchio inciso da Corchiano. Studi



Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 181-203. - IDEM. Specchi dispersi da una tomba di Corchiano. Archeologia Classica, 96, 48, p. 241-271.

deir Etruria meridionale (VII-V sec. a. C.). Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 96, 497 p. (flg., tav.). (Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 18).

1959. BAGNASCO GIANNI (G.). Oggetti iscritti di

1973. RICHARDSON (Emeline H.). The muscle cuirass in Etruria and southem Italy: votive bronzes. American Journal ofArchaeology, 96, 100, 1, p. 91-120.

epoca orientalizzante in Etruria. Firenze, Olschki, 96, 506 p. (tav.). (Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi e Italici. Biblioteca di Studi Etruschi, 30). 1960. BROCATO (Paolo). Sull'origine e lo sviluppo delle prime tombe a dado etrusche. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 57-93. 1961. CAVAGNARO VANONI (L.). Tombe tarquiniesi di eta ellenistica. Catalogo di ventisei tombe a camera scoperte dalla Fondazione Lerici in localita Calvario. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 96, 402 p. (tav.). (Studia Archaeologica, 82).

1974. STANCO (Enrico A.). Ricerche sulla topografia dell'Etruria. Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, Antiquite, 96, 108, 1, p. 83104. Cf. n" 1943

§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources.

1962. CHERICI (Armando). Un frammento iscritto di statua bronzea dal santuario di Castelsecco. La Parola del Passato,

96, 5 1 , 6 , p. 459-464.

1963. CHIADINI (Gianluca). Selvans. Studi Etruschi, 9 6 , 6 1 , P . 161-180.

1964. Corpus inscriptionum etruscarum. Vol. 2. Parte II. Inscriptiones et in Latio et in Campania repertae. A cura di Mauro CRISTOFANI, Maristella PANDOLFI ANGELETTI e Giuseppe COPPOLA. Roma, Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 96, VIII-115 p. (ill., tav.). 1965. DE SIMONE (Carlo). II morfo etrusco -si: 'dativo' o 'agentivo'? Questioni di principio. La Parola del Passato,

96, 51, 6, p. 401-421.

1966. Etruscan Italy. Etruscan influence on the civilizations of Italy from antiquity to the modern era. Ed. by John F. HALL. Provo, Museum of Art, Brigham Young University, 96, XVII-411 p. (ill.). (Seth and Maurine Home Center for the study of Arts). 1967. LOZZO (Mario). Un cippo chiusino in collezione privata. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 45-56. 1968. KCXTH (Luise). Zur Rezeption der AphroditeOlympias in Etrurien. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (Rom. Abt.), 96, 103, p. 21-29. 1969. MLCHETTL (Laura Maria). Figurine femminili in ceramica argentata dall'agro falisco. Considerazioni SU alcuni elementi peculiari dei corredi femminili di etä recente. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 103-138. - IDEM. Riflessi dell'arte pubblica su quella privata tra il IV e il III secolo a. C.: esempi da Falerii e Orvieto. Archeologia Classica, 96,48, p. 143-167. 1970. MORANDI (Alessandro). Appunti su iscrizioni etrusche arcaiche contenenti la formula della negazione. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 96, 74, 1, p. 121129. 1971. MORANDI (Massimo), COLONNA (Giovanni). La gens titolare della tomba tarquiniese deU'Orco. Studi Etruschi, 96, 61, p. 95-102. 1972. NASO (Alessandro). Architetture dipinte. Decorazioni parietal! non figurate nelle tombe a camera

a Epigraphical sources. 1975. ALFÖLDI (G6za). Der römische Bogen über der Via Augusta bei Tarraco (Are de Berä) und seine Inschrift. Klio, 96, 78, 1, p. 158-170. - IDEM. Nox dea fit lux! Caracallas Geburtstag. In: Historiae Augustae [Cf. n° 2236], p. 9-36. 1976. BINSFELD (Wolfgang). Trier und Kleinasien Beziehungen im römischen Reich. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 96,46, p. 287-291. 1977. BUCHI (Ezio). Veturii e Tommonii, or(i)undi e ingenui in un'epigrafe inedita di Moniego di Noale (Venezia). Athenaeum, 96, 84,1, p. 125-135. 1978. CAMODECA (Giuseppe), [et al.]. Iscrizioni nuove o riedite da Puteoli, Cumae, Misenum. Annali deWIstituto universitario Orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento di Studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo antico, Sezione di archeologia e storia antica, 96, 3, p. 149-173. 1979. DE CARO (Stefano). Osservazioni in margine ad una Fistula Aquaria da Sepino (CB). In: Incidenza dell'antico (L') [Cf. n° 2087], p. 411-421. 1980. DE FINO (Mariagrazia). GH Aquilii di Ostia e la Spes. In: Epigrafia e territorio [Cf. n° 2069], p. 3150. 1981. DE MARTINO (Francesco). Intomo al Senatusconsulto De Pisone patre. In: Incidenza dell'antico (L') [Cf. n° 2087], p. 465-488. 1982. DEMOUGIN (Segoldne). Un cursus 6questre de Segermes. m m a , 96, 21, p. 213-222. 1983. FEISSEL (Denis). Deux constitutions tetrarchiques inscrites ä Ephesos. Antiquite Tardive, 96,4, p. 273289. 1984. GASCOU (Jacques), LEVEAU (Philippe). Un tömoignage sur l'economie domaniale prfes d'Arles au d6but de l'empire? Un membre d'un collfege de fabri ä Barbegal (Fontvieille, Bouches-du-Rhone). Ktema, 96, 21, p. 237-250.


1985. GATTI (Sandra). Nuovi documenti epigrafici da Praeneste. Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz, 96, 7, p. 2 5 3 - 2 5 8 .

1986. GREGG (R. C.), URMAN (D.). Jews, pagans, and Christians in the Golan Heights. Greek and other inscriptions of the Roman and byzantine eras. Atlanta, 96, XXI-360 p. (South H o n d a Studies in the History of Judaism, 140). 1987. MONACCHI (Daniela). Un vitor e l'artigianato della cestineria ad Ameria. Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, Antiquite, 96, 108, 2, p. 953-977. 1988. PACI (Gianfranco). Due dediche al dio Romolo d'etä tardo-antica. Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz, 96, 7, p. 135-144. 1989. PETRACCIA




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1998. Annalistique romaine (L'). Vol. 1. Les annales des pontifes et l'annalistique ancienne. Ed. Par M. CHASSIGNET. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, CXXXV187 p. (Collection des universites de France). 1999. [Apuleius] APULEIO. Le novelle dell'adulterio (Metamorfosi IX). A cura di S. MATTIACCI. Firenze, Le Lettere, 96, 186 p. (II Nuovo Melograno, 28). 2000. [Ausonius] AUSONIUS. Technopaegnion. A cura di Carlo DL GLOVINE. Bologna, Patron, 96, 266 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del Latino, 46). 2001. BAKER (Robert J.). Martial 'sells' a villa: IV 64. La Parola del Passato, 96, 51, 1, p. 33-45. 2002. BIVILLE (Fred^rique). Et tu cum esses capo, cocococo (Petr. 59, 2). Mötaphores et onomatopfes animaliferes dans Sat. 57-59. Latomus, 96, 55, 4, p. 855862. 2003. BLEISCH (Pamela R.). On choosing a spouse: Aeneid 7. 378-84 and Callimachus' Epigram 1. American Journal of Philology, 96, 117, 3, p. 453-472. 2004. CAMPANINI (C.). Saggio di commento a Valerio Flacco (Arg. 4, 99-198). Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 96, 98 p. (Pubblicazioni della Facoltä di Lettere e Filosofia deirUniversitä di Pavia, 82).

ma, 9 6 , 2 1 , P . 321-342. 1992. SOLIN (H.), TUOMISTO (F.). L e iscrizioni Ur-

bane ad Anagni. Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 96, 145 p. (ill.). (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 17). 1993. Studi storico-epigrafici sul Lazio antico. A cura di Heikki SOLIN. Jyväskylä, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 96, 259 p. (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 15). 1994. TEJA ( R a m ö n ) , CARRLFI (Jean-Michel).


inscription de Cantabrie (?): fiscalite t6trarchique ou ctntan&Wonl Antiquite Tardive, 96,4, p. 263-271.

2005. [Catullus] CATULLUS. Poem 61-68. Ed. By J. GODWIN. Warminster, Aries & PhiUips, 96, IV-235 p. (Classical Texts). 2006. [Cicero] CICERO. Pro P. Sulla oratio. Ed. by Dominic H. BERRY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 361 p. (flg., pls.). (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 30). 2007. [Claudianus] CLAUDIAN. Panegyricus de Sexto Consolatu Honorii Augusti. Ed. by M. DEWAR. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, LVII-432 p. 2008. DE VIVO (Arturo). L'oratore e il vecchio (Sen. Ep. 40, 2). In: Incidenza dell'antico (L') [Cf. n° 2087], p. 489-507.


b. Literary


* 1995. [KOFANOV (L. L.). ] Zakony XII tablits. (Les Lois des XII tables: Nouvelle edition du texte latin, traduction russe, commentaire et article). Sous la dir. de. Viktoriya I. UKOLOVA. ROS. akad. nauk, In-t vseobshchey istorii, Tsentr romanistiki. Moskva, IVI RAN, 96, 229 p. (Sommario in italiano).

1996. [ A m m i a n u s Marcellinus] AMMIEN MARCEL-

2009. DI BENEDETTO (Vincenzo). I paragoni del cervo e del sogno nel XII dell'Eneide. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 3, p. 290-299. 2010. [Dracontius] DRACONTIUS. Oeuvres. Vol. 4. Pommes profanes VI-X. Ed. par E. WOLFF. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, 334 p. (Collection des universites de France). 2011. DYCK (A. R.). A commentary on Cicero De officis. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 96, XLII-716p.

LIN. Histoire. Vol. 3. Livres XX-XXII. Ed. par J. FONTAINE. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, LXVIII-358 p. (ill.). (Collection des universites de France).

2012. FOLCANDO (Elisabetta). Una riletmra dell'elenco di colonie pliniano. In: Epigrafia e territorio [Cf. n ° 2 0 6 9 ] , p . 75-112.

1997. AMPOLO (Carmine). Livio I 44, 3: la casa di Servio Tullio, l'Esquilino e Mecenate. La Parola del Passato, 96, 51, 1, p. 27-32.

2013. FRANGOULIDIS (St. A.). Food and poetics in Plautus' Captivi. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 65, p. 225230.



2014. FRASCHETTI (Augusto). Indice analitico della Consolatio ad Liviam Augustam de morte Drusi Neronis filii eius qui in Germania de morbo periit. Milanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, Antiquite, 96, 108, 1, p. 191-239. 2015. [Gellius] AULO GELLIO. Le notti attiche. A cura di G. BERNARDI-PERINI. Torino, UTET, 96, 2 vol., 1497 p. (ill.). (Classici Latini). 2016. GEYSSEN (J. W.). Imperial panegyric in Statius. A literary commentary on Silvae 1 . 1 . New York, Lang, XII-172 p. (Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature, 24). 2017. GONZÄLEZ-CONDE (M. F.). Täcito, Hist. IV, 73-74: el discurso de Petilius Cerialis y la Fax tacitea. Latomus, 96, 55, 3, p. 626-637. 2018. GWYN MORGAN (M.). Cremona in A. D. 69. Two notes on Tacitus' narrative techniques. Athenaeum, 96, 84, 2, p. 381-403. 2019. HBNDERSON (John). Polishing off the politics: Horace's Ode to Pollio, 2, 1. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 96, 37, p. 59-136.

2029. [Ovidius] OviD. Heroides XVI-XXI. Ed. by E. J. KENNEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. F., 96, XIII282 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics). 2030. [Ovidius] P. OVIDII NASONIS. Heroidum epistulae XVIII-XIX: Leander Heroni, Hero Leandro. A cura di G. ROSATI. Firenze, Le Monnier, 96, 268 p. (Biblioteca Nazionale. Serie dei classici greci e latini. Testi con commento filologico, 4). 2031. [Petronius] PETRONIUS. The Satyricon. Ed. by F. G. WALSH. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, LIV-212 p. 2032. PRIOR (Richard E.). Going around hungry: topography and poetics in Martial 2. 14. American Journal ofPhilology, 96, 117, l , p . 121-141. 2033. [Propertius] FROPERTIUS. The poems. Ed. by G. LEE. Oxford, Oxford U. F., 96, XXV-205 p. (The World's Classics). 2034. RAMIRES (Giuseppe). Per una nuova edizione di Servio. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124, 3, p. 318-329.

2020. [luvenalis] JUVENAL. Satires book I. Ed. by Susanna M. BRAUND. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 96, 330 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics).

2035. RATTI (Stephane). Les empereurs romains d'Auguste ä Diocl6tien dans le Breviaire d'Eutrope. Les livres 7 ä 9 du Breviaire d'Eutrope. Paris, Les Beiles Lettres, 96, 447 p. (Annales Litteraires de l'Universite de Franche-Comte, 604).

2021. [Livius] LIVY. Book XL. Ed. by P. G. WALSH. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 96, VIII-196 p. (maps). (Classical Texts).

2036. SCOTT CAMPBELL (J.). Labor improbus and Orpheus' furor: hubris in the Georgics. L'Antiquite Classique, 96, 65, p. 231-242.

2022. [Manilius] MANILIO. II poema degli astri. Vol. 1. Libri I-II. A cura di Simonetta FERABOLI, Enrico FLORES e Riccardo SCARCIA. Milano, Amoldo Mondadori Editore, 96, LXXXII-398 p. (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla. Scrittori greci e latini).

2037. SHANZER (Danuta). Piscatum opiparem ... praestinavi: Apuleius, Met. 1, 24-25. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 96, 124,4, p. 445-454.

2023. MAGGIULI (G.), GIOLITO (M. F. B.). L'altro Apuleio: problemi aperti per una nuova edizione dell'Herbarius. Napoli, Loffredo, 96, 205 p. (Studi Latini, 17). 2024. [Martialis] MARTIAL. Book XIV. The Apophoreta. Ed. by T. J. LEARY. London, Duckworth, 96, XIII-306 p. 2025. MECKLER (Michael). The beginning of the Historia Augusta. Historia, 96,45, 3, p. 364-375. 2026. MIELE (Maurizio). La Vita Germani di Costanzo di Lione: realtä storica e prospettive storiografiche nella Gallia del V secolo. Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 96, 120 p. (Memorie dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, s. 9, vol. 7/2). 2027. ORTOLEVA (V.). La tradizione manoscritta della Mulomedicina di Publio Vegezio Renato. Acireale, Sileno, 96,211 p. 2028. [Ovidius] OVID. Heroides. Select epistles. Ed. by Peter E. KNOX. Cambridge, Cambridge U. F., 96, 339 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics).

2038. [Svetonius] SUETONIUS. Domitian. Ed. By B. W. JONES. London, Bristol Classical Press, 96, XVI171p. 2039. SZIDAT (Joachim). Historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus Buch XX-XXI. Parte III. Die Konfrontation. Stuttgart, Steiner, 96, 293 p. (Kt.). (Historia Einzelschriften, 89). 2040. [Tacitus] TACITUS. The Annais. Vol. 3. Ed. by A. J. WOODMAN a. R. H. MARTIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. F., 96, 534 p. (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 32). 2041. [Varro] VARRO. De lingua latina X. Ed. By D. J. TAYLOR. Amsterdam a. Philadelphia, Benjamins, 96, IX-205 p. (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, 85). 2042. [Varro] VARRO. Gespräche über die Landwirtschaft Buch I. Hrsg. v. D. FLACH. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 96, 382 p. (Texte zur Forschung, 65). 2043. [Varro] VARRON. Satires menippees. Vol. 11. Prometheus Liber, Sesqueulixes. Ed. par J.-F. CEBE. Rome, Ecole Fran5aise de Rome, 96, XXXII-136 p. (Collection de l'Ecole Fran?aise de Rome, 9).


2044. ViRLOUVET (Catherine). Une allusion varronienne aux fraudes de Clodius? A propos de Res rasticae III, 5, 18. Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Franfaise de Rome, Antiquite, 96, 108, 2, p. 873-891.

2045. WALLACH (Richard). Amaze your friends! Lucretius on Magnets. Greece & Rome, 96, 43, 2, p. 1 7 8 - 1 8 7 .

2046. WALSH (P. G.). Making a drama out of a crisis: Livy on the Bacchanalia. Greece & Rome, 96, 43, L,P. 188-203.

2047. WRIGHT (David H.). The inheritance of the papyrus style of illustration in early latin literary Codices. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 96, 50, p. 199-208. Cf. n" 452, 2106

§ 4. General and political history.

2048. AJA S Ä N C H E Z (Jose Ramön). Vox populi et princeps: el impacto de la opiniön publica sobre el comportamiento polftico de los emperadores romanos. Latomus, 96, 55, 2, p. 295-328. 2049. ANTONETTI (Claudia). La diffiisione dei nomi romani in Etolia e in Acamania e la presenza romana nella regione. In: Roman onomastics [Cf. n° 221], p. 149-155. 2050. AVRIL (M.-F.). Itineraires d'Hannibal en Gaule. Paris, Les Editions de Paris, 96, 190 p. 2051. BARNES (Timothy D.). Oppressor, persecutor, usurper: the meaning of tyrannus in the fourth Century. In: Historiae Augustae [Cf. n° 2236], p. 55-65. 2052. BARRETT (A. A.). Agrippina: mother of Nero. London, Batsford, 96, XXlI-330 p. (ill., figs.). 2053. BARZANÖ (Alberto). Catone il Vecchio e il processo contro Manio Acilio Glabrione candidato alla censura (189 a. C.). In: Processi e politica [Cf. n° 2105], p. 129-144. 2054. BENEA (Doina). Dacia sud-vesticä in secolele III-IV. (South-west Dacia in the I I l M V ^ centuries). Timijoara, Editura de Vest, 96, 306 p. 2055. BESSONE (Luigi). Floro e le legazioni ecumeniche ad Augusto. Athenaeum, 96, 84, 1, p. 93-100. 2056. BOBROVNIKOVA (T. A.). Stsipion Afrikanskiy: Kartiny zhizni Rima epokhi Punicheskikh voyn. (Scipion l'Africain: La vie quotidienne de Rome ä l'epoque des guerres Puniques). Vol. 1. Voyna. (La Guerre). Vol. 2. La paix. Voronezh, 96, 2 vol., 207 p., 239 p. (ill., tabl., cart.). 2057. BRAUND (D.). Ruling Roman Britain. Kings, queens, govemors and emperors from Julius Caesar to Agricola. London a. New York, Routledge, 96, XIV217 p. (figs.).


2058. BRAUND (S. M.). The solitary feast: a contradiction in terms? Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 96,41, p. 37-52. 2059. BURASELIS (Kostas). Vix aerarium sufficeret. Roman fmances and the outbreak of the second macedonian war. Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies, 96, 37,2, p. 149-172. 2060. CFIBEILLAC GERVASONI (Mireille). Gli Africani ad Ostia ovvero Le mani sulla cittä. In: Incidenza dell'antico (L'). Vol. 3 [Cf. n° 2087], p. 557-567. 2061. CORCORAN (S.). The empire of the Tetrarchs. Imperial pronouncements and govemment AD 284-324. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, XIV-406 p. (map, pis.). 2062. CORNELL (Tim). Hannibal's legacy: the effects of the Hannibalic war on Italy. In: Second punic war (The) [Cf. n° 2117], p. 97-117. 2063. DONIß (Peter). Untersuchungen zum Caesarbild in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Hamburg, Kovac, 96, IV-255 p. 2064. DREHER (Martin). Pompeius und die kaukasischen Völker: Kolcher, Iberer, Albaner. Historia, 96, 45, 2, p. 188-207. 2065. DUNCAN JONES (R. P.). The impact of the Antonine plague. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 96, 9, p. 108-136. 2066. EMLING (Kay). Der Ausgang des Perserfeldzuges in der Münzpropaganda des Jovian. Klio, 96, 78, l , p . 186-191. 2067. ELTON (Hugh). Frontiers of the Roman empire. London, Batsford, 96, X-150 p. (ill., pls.). - IDEM. Warfare in Roman Europe, AD 350-425. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 96, XV-312 p. 2068. Energeia. Studies on ancient history and epigraphy presented to H. W. Pieket. Ed. by J. M. STRUBBE, R. A. TYBOUT, H. S. VERSNEL. Amsterdam, Gieben, 96, VI-170 p. (pls.). (Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology, 16). [Cf. n°' 2192, 2197.]

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2091. KALLET-MARX (Robert Morstein). Hegemony to empire. The development of the Roman Imperium in the East from 148 to 62 B. C. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 96, XIV-428 p. (Hellenistic culmre and society, 15).

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