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English Pages 436 [438] Year 2022
VOLUME LXXXVII 2018 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori
De Gruyter Oldenbourg
The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.
ISBN 978-3-11-077403-0 e-ISBN 978-3-11-077411-5 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-077415-3 ISSN 0074-2015 Bibliographie Information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com
General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora † Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library † Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilém PREČAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIĆ, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) Ida BRANCACCIO, Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento (Ancient history) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations) Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Gabriela GOLASOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography)
Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Bieżącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Old Rus') Andreas IACARELLA, Gramsci centre for the humanities, Rome (Russian, African and Middle East historiography) Shunsuke KATSUTA, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Marina A. KURYSHEVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Byzantine studies) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Ljudmila S. OKOUNEVA, MGIMO, Moscow, (Russian historiography, Latin America) Ol'ga V. OKOUNEVA, Instistute of General History of RAS, Moscow (Modern history, discoveries, international relations) Katri OJANIEMI, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Veronica PAUKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) Marija A. PETROVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Modern history of Russia) Gloria RAPONI, Rome, (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern religious and cultural history) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Eva ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, (Czech historiography) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Andrea TAGLIABRACCI, Pesaro, (Ancient history) Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Samuil B. VOLF'SON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, North America and international relations) Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Michael ZEMLIAKOV, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Consulting editors Agnese ACCATTOLI, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen
Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris † Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Paris-Sorbonne Pietro VANNICELLI, Sapienza università di Roma André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Daniele MASTROGREGORI, Rome Gloria RAPONI, Rome
CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................
SCHEME ........................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................
INDEX OF NAMES .......................................................................................................................................
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX..............................................................................................................................
FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies. Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly.
By this conception, the I. B. O. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXXVII, 2018 mentions the works published with the date 2018. The I. B. O. H. S. mentions the works published in the following languages: Afrikaans, Arab, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Castilian Spanish, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian. The works' titles are transcribed into Latin characters when required and accompanied by a translation. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ć, č, ś, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-12. – § 2. Diplomatics. 13-22. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 23-111. – § 4. Chronology. 112-120. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 121-147. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 148-155. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 156-161.– § 8. Linguistics. 162-172. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 173-212. – § 10. Iconography and images. 213-216.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 217-245. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 246-455. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 456-486. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 487-503. – § 5. General history. 504-577. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 578-603. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 604-617. – § 8. Economic and social history. 618-652. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 653-705. – § 10. History of art. 706-722. – § 11. History of religions. 723-743. – § 12. History of philosophy. 744-751. – § 13. History of literature. 752-769.
C PREHISTORY (p. 33-39)
§ 1. General. 770-808. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 809-835. – § 3. Neolithic. 836-863. – § 4. Bronze age. 864-891. – § 5. Iron age. 892-905.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 41-51)
§ 1. General. 906-915. – § 2. The Near East. 916-967. – § 3. Egypt. 968-1033. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 1034-1094. – § 5. Hittites. 1095-1106. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1107-1157. – § 7. Iran. 1158-1170.
E GREEK HISTORY (p. 53-68)
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1171-1192. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1193-1211. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1212-1268. – § 4. General and political history. 1269-1302. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1303-1317. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1318-1353. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1354-1534. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1535-1559. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1560-1596.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1597-1618. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1619-1639. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1640-1731. – § 4. General and political history. 1732-1825. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1826-1875. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1876-1930. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1931-2041. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2042-2062. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2063-2118. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2119-2148.
§ 1. Sources. 2149-2233. – § 2. General. 2234-2241. – § 3. Special studies. 2242-2337. – § 4. Hagiography. 2338-2346.
H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 101-107)
§ 1. Sources. 2347-2401. – § 2. General. 2402-2411. – § 3. Special studies. 2412-2501.
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2502-2593. – § 2. General works. 2594-2627. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2628-2733. – § 4. Jews. 2734-2765. – § 5. Islam. 2766-2819. – § 6. Vikings. 2820-2833. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2834-2884. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2885-3028. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 3029-3282. – § 10. History of art. 3283-3370. – § 11. History of music. 3371-3392. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3393-3460. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3461-3661. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3662-3701.
§ 1. General. 3702-3755. – § 2. History by countries. 3756-4954.
§ 1. General. 4955-4982. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4983-5086. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 5087-5094. – § 4. Protestantism. 5095-5163. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 5164-5202.
§ 1. General. 5203-5261. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 5262-5298. – § 3. Education. 5299-5369. – § 4. The Press. 5370-5413. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5414-5463. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technology. 5464-5557. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5558-5586. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5587-5622. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5623-5734.
§ 1. General. 5735-5763. – § 2. Political economy. 5764-5774. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 57755864. – § 4. Trade. 5865-5938. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5939-5977. – § 6. Money and finance. 5978-6066. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6067-6153. – § 8. Social history. 6154-6458. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6459-6544.
§ 1. General. 6545-6561. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6562-6590. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 65916617. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6618-6708. – § 5. International law. 6709-6737.
§ 1. General. 6738-6787. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6788-6994. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6995-7054. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7055-7073. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7074-7137. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7138-7265. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7266-7395. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7396-7686.
R Asia
(p. 319-327) § 1. General. 7687-7690. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7691-7696. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 76977704. – § 4. China. 7705-7839. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7840-7890. – § 6. Korea. 7891-7893.
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 329)
Nos 7894-7913.
T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 331)
Nos 7914-7932.
U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 333)
Nos 7933-7937
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria]. Österreichische Historische Bibliographie. Austrian Historical Bibliography 2015. [2014. Cf. bibl. 2017, no I.] Bearb. von Johannes GRABMAYER, Martha JAUERNIG, Bettina LOITSCH und Martin GABRIEL. Graz, Wolfgang Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio Press, 2018, 850 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire ‒ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2018, online [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no II.] III. [Czech Republic]. Bibliografie dějin Českých zemí. (Bibliography of the history of the Czech lands). Praha. Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2018, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no III.] IV. [Denmark]. Dansk Historisk Bibliografi. (Danish historical bibliography). København, Royal Library, Research Department, 2018, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no IV.] V. [France]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de France (BHF). Sous la dir. de Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KERIVEN, Florence GALLI-DUPIS et Marilyne DELBÈS. Paris, Bibliothèque de France, online [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no V.] VI. [Germany]. Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2017. [2016. Cf. bibl. 2017, no VI.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinscheft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2018, [s. p.] (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). ‒ Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Datenbank-Online. Hrsg. von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag [Cf. bibl. 2017, no VI.] VII. [Great Britain] Bibliography of British and Irish history (Online, Institute of historical research). [Cf. bibl. 2017, no VII.] VIII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografía internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXXXIII, 2014. [Vol. LXXXII, 2013. Cf. bibl. 2017, no VIII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with contribution of a number of scholars. München, K.G. Saur, 2018-2019, XX-405 p. IX. [Ireland]. Irish history online. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2018, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no IX.] X. [Italy]. Bibliografia storica nazionale. Roma, Giunta centrale degli studi storici, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no X.] XI. Literaturdokumentation zur Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas. Marburg, Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung – Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, 2018, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no XI.] XII. [Lithuania] Lietuvos istorijos bibliografija. 2005. [2003. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no XII.] Sudarytoja Irena TUMELYTĖ. Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 208, 148 p. XIII. [Netherlands]. Digitale Bibliografie Nederlandse Geschiedenis. (The online bibliography of Netherlands history). Amsterdam, Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2018, online. [Cf. Bibl. 2017, no XII.]
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-12. – § 2. Diplomatics. 13-22. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 23-111. – § 4. Chronology. 112-120. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 121-147. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 148-155. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 156-161.– § 8. Linguistics. 162-172. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 173-212. – § 10. Iconography and images. 213-216. § 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990, raccolti dal 27 ottobre 2017 al 14 novembre 2018. Vol. 26. [Vol. 25. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 1.] Roma, Viella, 2018, 296 p. ** 2. Chartae Latinae antiquiores. 2nd series, Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 97, Italy 69, Milano 4, Monza, Bolzano, Padova. Publ. by Annafelicia ZUFFRANO. Part 99, Italy 71, Brescia, Cremona, Udine, Venezia. Publ. by Cristina MANTEGNA, Gianmarco DE ANGELIS a. Laura PANI. Part 111, Switzerland 14. Publ. by Peter ERHART, Bernhard ZELLER, Karl HEIDECKER. Part 114, Spain 3, Portugal. Publ. by Miguel CALLEJA-PUERTA, Pilar OSTOSSALCEDO, María Luisa PARDO RODRÍGUEZ, María Josefa SANZ FUENTEs. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2018, 4 vol., 148 pp., 156 pp., 156 pp., 128 pp. (facs.). ______________________________________________________
3. De la herencia romana a la procesal castellana: diez siglos de cursividad. Actas del IV Encuentro Internacional del Seminario Permanente "Escrituras Cursivas". Ed. por Carmen del CAMINO MARTÍNEZ. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2018, 206 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Historia y geografía, 329). 4. FEHÉR (Bence), KOVÁCS (Péter). Palaeographia Aquincensis. Aquincum görög és latin feliratainak paleográfiája. [= Palaeographia Aquincensis: Palaeography of the Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Aquincum]. Budapest, Pytheas, 2018, 173 p. (ill.). 5. HAVEL (Dalibor). Počátky latinské písemné kultury v českých zemích. Nejstarší latinské rukopisy a zlomky v Čechách a na Moravě. [= The beginnings of Latin written culture in the Czech lands. The oldest Latin manuscripts and fragments in Bohemia and Moravia]. Brno, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, 2018, 534 p. (ill.). (Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Masarykianae, 479). https://doi.org/10.1515/978-3-11-077411-5-004
6. Librorum studiosus miscellanea palaeographica et codicologica Alberto Derolez dicata. Ed. by Lucien REYNHOUT and Benjamin VICTOR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 394 p. (ill.). (Bibliologia, 46). 7. LICHT (Tino). Halbunziale. Schriftkultur im Zeitalter der ersten lateinischen Minuskel (III.–IX. Jahrhundert). Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2018, XVI487 p. (maps, facs.). (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, 20). 8. ORSINI (Pasquale). Studies on greek and coptic majuscule scripts and books. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 276 p. (Studies in manuscript cultures, 15). 9. Palaeography between East and West. Proceedings of the seminars on Arabic palaeography at Sapienza University of Rome. Ed. by Arianna D'OTTONE RAMBACH. Pisa e Roma, Fabrizio Serra, 2018, 191 p. (ill.). (Rivista degli studi orientali, 90. Supplemento, 1). 10. PETRUCCI (Armando). Scrittura documentazione memoria. Dieci scritti e un inedito (1963–2009). Prefazione di Attilio BARTOLI LANGELI. Roma, ANAI, 2018, 194 p. (I quaderni del Mondo degli archivi. Numero speciale). 11. Schreiben als Ereignis. Künste und Kulturen der Schrift. Hrsg. v. Jutta MÜLLER-TAMM, Caroline SCHUBERT und Klaus Ulrich WERNER. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink, 2018, VI-322 p. (ill.). (Zur Genealogie des Schreibens, 23). 12. YARDENI (Ada). The national Hebrew script. Up to the Babylonian exile. Jerusalem, Carta Jerusalem, 2018, XVI-216 p. (ill.). (A Carta handbook). Cf. nos 13-22, 2502-2593 § 2. Diplomatics. _______________________
13. Art médiéval (L') du register. Chancelleries royales et princières. Sous la dir. de Olivier GUYOT-
JEANNIN. Paris, École des chartes, 2018, 551 p. (some col. ill., facs.). (Études et rencontres de l'école des chartes, 51).
14. BROSER (Tanja). Der päpstliche Briefstil im 13. Jahrhundert. Eine stilistische Analyse der Epistole et dictamina Clementis pape quarti. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 406 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 17). 15. BUFFO (Paolo). Charta Augustana. Chiesa, cancelleria e scriptorium ad Aosta nel secolo XI, Torino, Accademia delle scienze di Torino, 2018, 142 p. (ill.). (Memorie dellAccademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Serie V, 42/2). 16. CÁRCEL ORTÍ (María Milagros). Diplomática episcopal. València, Universitat de València, 2018, 311 p. (ill.). 17. De documentos y escrituras. Homenaje a María Josefa Sanz Fuentes. Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo y Sevilla, 2018, 597 p. (ill.). (Colección Ediciones especiales, 41. Homenajes). 18. Documents (Les) du commerce et des marchands entre Moyen Âge et époque moderne (XIIe–XVIIe siècle). Sous la dir de Cristina MANTEGNA et Olivier PONCET. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, VIII443 p. (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 550). 19. Illuminierte Urkunden: Beiträge aus Diplomatik, Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities = Illuminated charters: essays from diplomatic, art history and digital humanities. Hrsg. v. Gabriele BARTZ und Markus GNEIß. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 544 p. (ill.). (Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 16). 20. Incorrupta monumenta ecclesiam defendunt: studi offerti a mons. Sergio Pagano, prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano. T. 2 Archivi, archivistica, diplomatica, paleografia. A cura di Andreas GOTTSMANN, Pierantonio PIATTI e Andreas REHBERG. Citta del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2018, XV-938 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 107). 21. Manuscripts and archives. Comparative views on record-keeping. Ed. by Alessandro BAUSI, Christian BROCKMANN, Michael FRIEDRICH and Sabine KIENITZ. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 476 p. (Studies in manuscript cultures, 11). 22. SZENDE (Katalin). Trust, authority and the written word in the royal towns of medieval Hungary. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XX-416 p. (Utrecht studies in medieval literacy, 41). Cf. nos 1-12, 2502-2593 § 3. History of the book. _______________________
a. Manuscripts ** 23. Trade (The) in papers marked with non-Latin characters. Documents and history. Vol. 1. Ed. by Anne
REGOURD. Leiden a. London, Brill, 2018, 288 p. (Islamic manuscripts and books, 15). 24. AMIROV (Franziska). Jüdisch-christliche Buchmalerei im Spätmittelalter: aschkenasische HaggadahHandschriften aus Süddeutschland und Norditalien. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2018, 304 p. (ill., facs.). (Neue Forschungen zur deutschen Kunst, 13). 25. ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ (David). Mapping processions. Four sixteenth-century Spanish music manuscripts in Sydney. Ed. by Jane Morlet HARDIE. Kitchener, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2018, XX-275 p. (ill., music, facs.). (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 108. Musicological studies, 108). 26. Annotated (The) book in the early Middle Ages. Practices of reading and writing. Ed. by Mariken TEEUWEN and Irene VAN RENSWOUDE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-783 p. (Utrecht studies in medieval literacy, 38). 27. Archaeology of the manuscript book of the Italian Renaissance. Ed. by Albert DEROLEZ. Roma, Unione internazionale degli istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell'arte in Roma, 2018, 195 p. (ill., bibl.) (Conferenze). 28. Art in an unsettled time. Bohemian book illumination before Gutenberg (c. 1375–1450). Ed. by Milada STUDNIČKOVÁ and Maria THEISEN. Prague, Artefactum, 2018, 231 p. (ill.). 29. ASCHEHOUG-CLAUTEAUX (Marie). Les couleurs du corps. Pour une méthodologie de la couleur dans le manuscrit enluminé (Xe–XIIe siècle). Paris, Le Léopard d'or, 2018, 437 p. (ill.). 30. BADURINA-STIPČEVIĆ (Vesna), MIHALJEVIĆ (Milan). Drugi beramski brevijar: hrvatskoglagoljski rukopis 15. Stoljeća. [= Second Beram breviary: Croatian Glagolitic manuscript of the 15th century]. Zagreb, Staroslavenski institut, 2018, 2 vol., 265 p., 559 p. (Biblioteka Spomenici knjiga, 2). 31. BEHRENS-ABOUSEIF (Doris). The book in Mamluk Egypt and Syria (1250–1517): scribes, libraries and market. Leyden, Brill, 2018, XI-178 p. 32. Bible as Notepad. Tracing Annotations and Annotation Practices in Late Antique and Medieval Biblical Manuscripts. Ed. by Liv Ingeborg LIED and Marilena MANIACI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 168 p. (Manuscripta Biblica, 3). 33. BOUREAU (Alain). Le feu des manuscrits: lecteurs et scribes des textes médiévaux. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 183 p. (ill., facs.). 34. CLEAVER (Laura). Illuminated history books in the Anglo-Norman world, 1066–1272. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XX-222 p. 35. Codex und Material. Hrsg. v. Patrizia CARMASSI und Gia TOUSSAINT. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 336 p. (some col. ill., facs., pl.). (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, 34).
§ 3. History of the book 36. DAVENPORT (Kay). The Bar books. Manuscripts illuminated for Renaud de Bar, Bishop of Metz (1303– 1316). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 728 p. (Manuscripta Illuminata, 2).### 37. DEL MONACO (Gianluca). L'Illustratore e la miniatura nei manoscritti universitari bolognesi del Trecento. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2018, IX-292 p. (ill.). (DAR. Sezione arti visive, 1). 38. DI MAIO (Francesca). La serialità iconografica nell'arte sacra medioevale: temi e confronti. Padova, Librerie Progetto, 2018, 81 p. (Universitas) 39. European book (The) in the twelfth century. Ed. by Erik KWAKKEL and Rodney M. THOMSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 434 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 101). 40. Georgische Handschriften. Hrsg. v. Jost GIPPERT. Wiesbaden, Reichert Verlag, 2018, 172 p. (ill., facs.). 41. Greek manuscript cataloguing. Past, present and future. Ed. by Paola DEGNI, Paolo ELEUTERI and Marilena MANIACI. Thurnout, Brepols, 2018, 312 p. (ill.). (Bibliologia, 48). 42. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.), SUCKALE (Robert), SUCKALE-REDLEFSEN (Gude). Painting the page in the age of print. Central European manuscript illumination of the fifteenth century. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XXXIV330 p. (Studies and texts, 208). 43. Handschriften als Quellen der Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft: aktuelle Fragestellungen - Methoden – Probleme. Akten der Nachwuchstagung, Bamberg, 4.– 5.12.2015. Hrsg. v. Anette KREMER und Vincenz SCHWAB. Bamberg, University of Bamberg Press, 2018, 272 p. (ill.). (Bamberger interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien, 13). 44. HEILES (Marco). Das Losbuch: Manuskriptologie einer Textsorte des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 574 p. (ill.). (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 83). 45. Imago libri. Représentations carolingiennes du livre. Sous la dir. de Charlotte DENOËL, Anne-Orange POILPRÉ et Sumi SHIMAHARA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 336 p. (Bibliologia, 47). 46. KUBIK (Viktor). Bible táborského hejtmana Filipa z Padeřova a knižní malba husitské doby [= The Bible of Tábor governor Filip of Padeřov and a book painting from the Hussite era]. Praha, NLN s.r.o., 2018, 263 p. (ill., pl.). 47. KWAKKEL (Erik). Books before print. Leeds, ARC Humanities Press, 2018, XX-282 p. (ill., facs.). (Medieval media cultures). 48. Livres de maîtres, livres d'étudiants. Le manuscrit universitaire au Moyen Âge. Éd. par Jean-Luc DEUFFIC. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 198 p. (ill., facs.). (Pecia, le livre et l'écrit, 20). 49. Manuscripts in the making. Art & science. Vol. 2. Ed. by Stella PANAYOTOVA and Paola RICCIAR-
DI. London, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2018, 224 p. (ill.).
50. MIHALJEVIĆ (Milan). Jezik najstarijih hrvatskoglagoljskih rukopisa. [ = The language of the oldest Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts]. Zagreb, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Staroslavenski Institut, 2018, 177 p. 51. Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Kölner Dombibliothek. Siebtes Symposion der Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln zu den Dom-Manuskripten (25. und 26. November 2016). Hrsg. v. Harald HORST. Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek mit Bibliothek St. Albertus Magnus, 2018, 265 p. (facs.). (Libelli Rhenani, 70). 52. Mittelalterlichen (Die) und neuzeitlichen Handschriften der Stiftungsbibliothek am Oberlandesgericht Celle. Bearb. v. Hiram KÜMPER unter Mitarbeit von Bernd GIESEN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 216 p. 53. Multilingual and multigraphic documents and manuscripts of East and West. Ed. by Giuseppe MANDALÀ and Inmaculada MARTÍN PÉREZ. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2018, 541 p. (Perspectives on linguistics and ancient languages, 5). 54. New perspectives on Flemish illumination. Ed. by Lieve WATTEEUW, Jan VAN DER STOCK, Bernard BOUSMANNE and Dominique VANWIJNSBERGHE. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, 313 p. (ill.). (Corpus of illuminated manuscripts, 22. Low countries series, 16). 55. PASTENA (Carlo). Storia dei materiali scrittori e delle forme del libro. Un'introduzione. Vol. 1. La carta e la tapa. Palermo, Regione siciliana, Assessorato dei beni culturali e dell'identità siciliana, Dipartimento dei beni culturali e dell'identità siciliana, 2018, 214 p. (ill.) 56. PENKETT (Luke). The MacDurnan Gospels: a ninth-century Irish pocket gospel book. Burnham-onSea, Llanerch Press, 2018, 204 p. (ill., facs.). 57. Production (The) and reading of music sources: mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480–1530. Ed. by Thomas SCHMIDT and Christian Thomas LEITMEIR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XL-541 p. (ill., facs.). (Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance. Collection "Épitome musical"). 58. Sakramentar (Das) aus Tyniec. Eine Prachthandschrift des 11. Jahrhunderts und die Beziehungen zwischen Köln und Krakau in der Zeit Kasimir des Erneuerers. Hrsg. v. Klaus Gereon BEUCKERS und Andreas BIHRER. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 375 p. (ill., pl.). (Forschungen zu Kunst, Geschichte und Literatur des Mittelalters, 3). 59. SCIANNA (Nicolangelo). Watermarked paper from archives in Ravenna (1287–1693). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 2 vol., 989 p. (Bibliologia, 43). 60. TESSARI (Silvia). Byzantine music and the Veneto region. Studies in the manuscript collections. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso e Fondazione Ugo e Olga
Levi, Venezia, 2018, VI-101 p. (col. ill.). (Hellenica, 69). 61. Velislav (The) Bible, the finest picture Bible of the Late Middle Ages. Biblia depicta as devotional, mnemonic and study tool. Ed. by Lenka PANUŠKOVÁ. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 337 p. (ill.). (Central European Medieval studies, 4). 62. Vernacular manuscript culture 1000–1500. Ed. by Erik KWAKKEL. Leiden, Leiden U. P., 2018, 278 p. (ill.). (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance book culture).
73. ANDERSCH (Ulrike). Die Diskussion über den Büchernachdruck in Deutschland um 1700 bis 1815. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XVII-582 p. (Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht, 138). 74. BAMFORD (Heather). Cultures of the fragment: uses of the Iberian manuscript, 1100–1600. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 257 p. (ill.). (Toronto Iberic, 37). 75. BOLDAN (Kamil). Počátek českého knihtisku [=The beginning of Czech book printing]. Praha, Scriptorium, 2018, 317 p. (ill.).
63. VERSACE (Pietro). I marginalia del Codex Vaticanus. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2018, 310 p. (Studi e testi, 528).
76. Book collecting in Ireland and Britain, 1650– 1850. Ed. by Elizabethanne BORAN. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 255 p.
64. VOYER (Cécile). Orner la parole de Dieu. Le livre d'Évangiles et son décor (800–1030): Paris, Arsenal, ms. 592. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 541 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, 21).
77. Book history. Vol. 21. Ed. by Greg BARNHISEL, Beth LE ROUX and Jonathan ROSE. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, VI-265 p. (ill., facs.).
65. WARNER (Lawrence). Chaucer's scribes. London textual production, 1384–1432. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 240 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in medieval literature). 66. Wignacourt (The) psalter: a medieval Carthusian treasure in Malta. Ed. by Martina CARUANA and Burkhard WEHNER. Malta, BDL Publishing, 2018, 160 p. (ill.). 67. Writing on skin in the age of Chaucer. Ed. by Nicole NYFFENEGGER and Katrin RUPP. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VII-273 p. (Buchreihe der Anglia. Anglia Book Series, 60). 68. Writing the early Medieval West: studies in honour of Rosamond Mac Kitterick. Ed. by Elina SCREEN and Charles WEST. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-315 p. Cf. nos 1889, 3213, 5026 b. Printed books * 69. RAWLES (Stephen). Denis Janot (fl. 1529–1544), parisian printer and bookseller. A bibliography. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XX-749 p. (Library of the written word. The handpress world, 54). 70. ADAM (Renaud). Vivre et imprimer dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (des origines à la Réforme). Vol. 1. Des hommes, des ateliers et des villes. Vol. 2. Bilan historiographique et dictionnaire prosopographique. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 2 vol., XLIII-584 p. (Nugæ, 16-17)
78. BORSUK (Amaranth). The book. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, XVI-322 p. (ill.). (The MIT Press essential knowledge series). 79. BURROWS (Simon). The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe II. Enlightenment bestsellers. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XVI-254 p. 80. CALIS (Richard), CLARK (Frederic), FLOW (Christian), GRAFTON (Anthony), MAC MAHON (Madeline), RAMPLING (Jennifer M.). Passing the book: cultures of reading in the Winthrop family, 1580–1730. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 69-141. 81. Colard Mansion: incunabula, prints and manuscripts in Medieval Bruges. Ed. by Evelien HAUWAERTS, Evelien DE WILDE, Ludo VANDAMME and Renaud ADAM. Bruges, Musea Brugge, Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge, Uitgiverij Snoeck, 2018, 253 p. (ill.). 82. CURRAN (Mark David). The French book trade in enlightenment Europe I. Selling enlightenment. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, X-231 p. 83. DANE (Joseph A.). Mythodologies. Methods in medieval studies, Chaucer and book history. Santa Barbara, Punctum Books, 2018, 292 p. 84. DARNTON (Robert). A literary tour de France. The world of books on the eve of the French Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-358 p. 85. DICUIRCI (Lindsay). Colonial revivals. The nineteenth-century lives of early American books. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 288 p.
71. Akzeptiere. Das Buch und seine Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Atli Magnus SEELOW. Erlangen, FAU U. P., 2018, XCIII-240 p.
86. Ein kleines rotes Buch. Die Mao-Bibel und die Bücher-Revolution der Sechzigerjahre. Hrsg. v. Anke JASPERS, Claudia MICHALSKI und Morten PAUL. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 232 p. (ill.).
72. ALESSANDRINI (Adriana). Il libro a stampa e la cultura del Rinascimento un'indagine sulle biblioteche fiorentine negli anni 1470–1520. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XXVI-339 p. (bibl.). (Biblioteche e archivi, 35. RICABIM. Texts and studies, 3).
87. Five centuries later Aldus Manutius. Culture, typography and philology. Ed. par Natale VACALEBRE. Firenze e Milano, Olschki, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 2018, XXXVI-244 p. (ill., tabs.) (Biblioteca di bibliografia, 207).
§ 4. Chronology 88. Great journeys across the Pamir Mountains: a festschrift in honor of Zhang Guangda on his eightyfifth birthday. Ed. by Huaiyu CHEN and Xinjiang RONG. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 257 p. (Gilson studies. Brill's inner Asian library, 37).### 89. HEDBERG (Gunnel). En ny teknik gör entré: stentryckets etablering i Sverige. [= A new technology makes its entrance: the establishment of lithography in Sweden]. Lund, Lund University, 2018, 629 p. (ill.). (Bokhistoriska skrifter, 9). 90. HELLINGA (Lotte). Incunabula in transit. People and trade. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XIV-519 p. (ill., pl.). (Library of the written word, 62. The handpress world, 47). 91. HILL (Alexandra). Lost books and printing in London, 1557–1640. An analysis of the Stationers' company register. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-241 pp. (Library of the written word. The handpress world, 68). 92. History (The) of illustration. Ed. by Susan DOYLE, Jaleen GROVE and Whitney SHERMAN. New York, Bloomsbury, 2018, 592 p. 93. KARR SCHMIDT (Suzanne). Interactive and sculptural printmaking in the Renaissance. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, VI-439 p. (ill.). (Brill's studies on art, art history and intellectual history, 270/21). 94. KIKUCHI (Catherine). La Venise des livres, 1469– 1530. Ceyzérieu, Champ Vallon, 2018, 350 p. 95. KING SCARBOROUGH (Rachael). Writing to the world. Letters and the origins of modern print genres. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, X-259 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 96. KOLLÁROVÁ (Ivona). The secret book trade after the outbreak of the Great French Revolution. Symptoms of the latent history of communication. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 5, p. 815-848. 97. LANGLOIS (Claude). Thérèse à plusieurs mains. L'entreprise éditoriale de l'histoire d'une âme (1898– 1955). Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 351 p. 98. MAC KITTERICK (David). The invention of rare books: private interest and public memory, 1600–1840. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 450 p. 99. MAC MANUS (Stuart M.). The Bibliotheca Mexicana controversy and Creole patriotism in early modern Mexico. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 1, p. 1-41. 100. MAGENAU (Jörg). Bestseller. Bücher, die wir liebten – und was sie über uns verraten. Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe, 2018, 286 p. 101. MERK (Angelika). Blockbücher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Artefakte des frühen Buchdrucks. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, XI-275 p. 102. Per libri e per scritture: contributi alla storia del libro e delle biblioteche nell'Italia meridionale tra XVI e XVIII secolo. A cura di Simona INSERRA. Milano, Ledizioni, 2018, 199 p. (ill., facs., bibl.).
103. Reading books and prints as cultural objects. Ed. by Evanghélia STEAD. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XI-317 p. (ill.). (New directions in book history). 104. RIDEAU-KIKUCHI (Catherine). Concurrence et collaboration dans le monde du livre vénitien, 1469– début du XVIe siècle. Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 185-212. 105. SCHMITZ (Wolfgang). Grundriss der Inkunabelkunde. Das gedruckte Buch im Zeitalter des Medienwechsels. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2018, X-420 p. (Bibliothek des Buchwesens). 106. SEBASTIANI (Valentina). Johann Froben, printer of Basel. A biographical profile and catalogue of his editions. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XII-830 p. (Library of the written word. The handpress world, 65). 107. SMYTH (Adam). Material texts in early modern England. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-211 p. 108. THE MULTIGRAPH COLLECTIVE. Interacting with print. Elements of reading in the era of print saturation. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 365 p. 109. Unter Druck: mitteleuropäische Buchmalerei im 15. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER und Maria THEISEN. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2018, 360 p. (ill.). (Buchmalerei des 15. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa, 15). 110. WARSCHEID (Ismail). Le Livre du désert. La vision du monde d'un lettré musulman de l'Ouest saharien au XIXe siècle. Annales, 2018, 73, 2, p. 359-384. 111. ZIMMERMANN-HOMEYER (Catarina). Illustrierte Frühdrucke lateinischer Klassiker um 1500: innovative Illustrationskonzepte aus der Straßburger Offizin Johannes Grüningers und ihre Wirkung. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 464 p. (ill.). (Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung, 36). Cf. nos 225-228, 3555, 5370-5413 § 4. Chronology. _______________________
112. BASCHET (Jérôme). Défaire la tyrannie du présent: temporalités émergentes et futurs inédits. Paris, La Découverte, 2018, 318 p. (L'horizon des possibles). 113. BILLER (Josef H.). Calendaria Bambergensia. Bamberger Einblattkalender des 15. bis 19. Jahrhunderts von der Inkunabelzeit bis zur Säkularisation. Weißenhorn, Konrad Verlag, 2018, 800 p. 114. CHAKRABARTY (Dipesh). Anthropocene time. History and theory, 2018, 57, 1, p. 5-32. 115. Late antique calendrical thought and its reception in the early Middle Ages. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the science of Computus in Ireland and Europe, Galway, 16–18 July, 2010. Ed. by Immo WARNTJES and Dáibhí Ó CRÓINÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XIII-391 p. (Studia Traditionis Theologiae, 26).
116. MANGANARO (Stefano). Stabilitas regni: percezione del tempo e durata dell'azione politica nell'età degli ottoni (936–1024). Bologna, il Mulino, 2018, LXXXIX-350 p. (Istituto italiano per gli studi storici in Napoli).### 117. PAGLIANO (Alessandra). Le ore del sole. Geometria e astronomia negli antichi orologi solari romani. Roma, Paparo, 308 p. (Progetti per il patrimonio culturale, 1). 118. Perceptions du temps dans la Bible. Éd. par Marc LEROY, o.p. et Martin STASZAK, o.p. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XXIII-612 p. (Études bibliques. Nouvelle série, 77). 119. ROSA (Maria de Fatima). Notes on the concept of time in Mesopotamia: Horizons and semantics on time in the documentation from Mari. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 301-314. 120. VARONA (Patricia). Chronology and history in Byzantium. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2018, 58, p. 389-422. § 5. Genealogy and family history. ** 121. Worlds (The) of the Jeake Family of Rye, 1640–1736. Ed. by Anne L. MURPHY. Oxford, Oxford U. P. for the British Academy, 2018, 342 p. _______________________
122. ALEXANDER (Christine), SMITH (Margaret). The Oxford companion to the Brontës. Preface by Claire HARMAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, LIII-586 p. (ill., maps). (Oxford Companions). 123. ANDREONI (Luca), GASPERONI (Michael). Démographie historique et histoire de la famille juive en Italie: entretien avec Sergio Della Pergola. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 37-58. 124. BARRÉ (Louise). "Putting your name": family claims in identification procedures (Côte d'Ivoire 1950– 1970). Genèses, 2018, 112, 3, p. 12-36. 125. BEAUD (Stéphane). La France des Belhoumi. Portraits de famille, 1977–2017. Paris, La Découverte, 2018, 352 p. 126. BOSCHETTO (Luca). "Uno uomo di basso e infimo stato". Ricerche sulla storia familiare di Niccolò Machiavelli. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 657, p. 485-524. 127. CLARK (Nicola). Gender, family and politics. The Howard women, 1485–1558. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VI-206 p. 128. DOHRN (Verena). Die Kahans aus Baku. Eine Familienbiographie. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 519 p. 129. GÁLIK (Zdenko). Hlohovecká vetva rodu Aba. (The Hlohovec branch of the Aba family). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 3-25. 130. Genealogie [Forum]. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 157, p. 227-278. [Contiene: LEZOWSKI (Marie).
Ramificazioni della storia. Verdi ramoscelli, innesti e gemme delle indagini genealogiche (1995–2017). – MALHACHE (Jérôme). Genealogie e storia familiare, una identità da trasmettere. – ROSSI (Paolo), BIZZOCCHI (Roberto). La genealogia come disciplina ausiliaria della genetica.] 131. Gothaisches genealogisches Handbuch der adeligen Häuser. Hrsg. v. Gottfried Graf Fink VON FINCKENSTEIN. Marburg, Verlag des Deutschen Adelsarchivs, 2018, 555 p. (ill., portraits, coats of arms). (Gothaisches genealogisches Handbuch. Gesamtreihe, 8). 132. KHAMISY (Rabei G.). The ʿAssāf family of Miʿilya: an example of a Greek Catholic family in the Western Upper Galilee, eighteenth–twenty-first centuries. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 917-935. 133. KIRWAN (John). The chief Butlers of Ireland and the House of Ormonde. A guide to the genealogical history. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2018, XXXVIII381 p. (b/w a. col. ill., gen. tabs., portraits). 134. LEARY (Peter). A house divided: the Murrays of the border and the rise and decline of a small Irish house. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 269-290. 135. LINDGREN SCHULTZ (Janice). Helping patrons find their roots: a genealogy handbook for librarians. Chicago, ALA Editions, 2018, VIII-240 p. (ill., maps). 136. MAREK (Miloš). Necpalskovici a Justovci. Prevzatie turčianskych majetkov v 15. storočí. (The Necpaly family and the Justs. Take-over of the Turiec estates in the 15th century). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 577598. 137. Members' handbook. Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society. Manchester, Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society, [2018], 56 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 138. OATES (Jonathan). London's East End. A guide for family and local historians. Barnsley, Pen & Sword, 2018, VIII-182 p. (ill.). (Family history from Pen & Sword). 139. PUJADAS-MORA (Joana-Maria), BREA-MARTÍNEZ (Gabriel), JORDÀ SÁNCHEZ (Joan-Pau), CABRÉ (Anna). The apple never falls far from the tree: siblings and intergenerational transmission among farmers and artisans in the Barcelona area in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 533-567. 140. RABINOVITCH (Oded). The Perraults. A family of letters in early modern France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XVI-233 p. 141. RAYMOND (Stuart A.). Tracing your Roman Catholic ancestors. A guide for family and local historians. Barnsley, Pen & Sword, 2018, VIII-224 p. (ill.). (Family history from Pen & Sword). 142. ROBERTS (Gary Boyd). The royal descents of 900 immigrants of the American colonies, Quebec or the United States. Who were themselves notable or left
§ 8. Linguistics descendants notable in American history. Vol. 1. Acknowledgements, introduction and descents from kings or sovereigns who died after 1200. Computerized (from manuscript) and indexed by Julie Helen OTTO, who also undertook research. Proofread by Margaret FOYE MILL. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Company, 2018, CXCII-734 p. 143. ROPER (Michael). The bush, the suburbs and the long Great War: a family memoir. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 90-113. 144. SANDGRUBER (Roman). Rothschild: Glanz und Untergang des Wiener Welthauses. Wien, Molden Verlag, 2018, 528 p.
154. MENÉNDEZ PIDAL DE NAVASCUÉS (Faustino). Los sellos en nuestra historia. Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, Boletín Oficial del Estado, 2018, 476 p. 155. SCHLESINGER (Edward Ondřey von). Einführung in ausgesuchte Problembereiche der genealogischheraldischen Forschung in Ländern der Res Publica: Litauen, Polen, der Ukraine und Weissrusslands. Norderstedt, Books on Demand, 2018, VIII-211 p. (Schriftenreihe für angewandte Sozialgeschichte StudIaS - Serie landesbezogene Einführungen zu genealogisch-heraldischen Forschungen, 1). § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________
145. STOSKOPF (Nicolas), GÜTERMANN (Sven). Les Hatt. Une dynastie de brasseurs strasbourgeois de 1664 aux années 1980. Pontarlier, Vandelle Éditions / Éditions du Belvédère, 2018, 318 p.
156. DAY (William R., Jr.). Before the Libro della Zecca. Money and coinage in Florenze in the 12th and th 13 centuries. Part II (Silver and gold trade coinages). Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 657, p. 431-484.
146. ZOTZ (Thomas). Die Zähringer. Dynastie und Herrschaft. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, 296 p. (Urban-Taschenbücher, 776).
157. De l'aigle à la louve. Monnaies et gemmes antiques entre art, propagande et affirmation de soi. Ed. par M. CAMPAGNOLO et C.-M. FALLANI. Milano, 5 Continents Éditions, 2018, 423 p. (Collection Fallani, I).
§ 5. Addendum 2017. 147. FIEDERER (Fabian). "... an allen alten Traditionen festhalten". Lebenswelt und Selbstverständnis des Hochadels am Beispiel des Fürstenhauses Thurn und Taxis in der Zeit Fürst Albert I. (1888–1952). Regensburg, Pustet, 2017, 440 p. (Thurn und Taxis Studien – Neue Folge, 5). § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. ______________________
148. Armorial Le Blancq (L'): un armorial européen de la fin du Moyen Âge (BnF ms Fr. 5232). Publié par Michel POPOFF. Paris, Le Léopard d'or, 2018, 433 p. (Documents d'héraldique médiévale. Série in-4o, 11). 149. BECKER (Nadine). Die goldenen Siegelringe der Ägäischen Bronzezeit. Heidelberg, Heidelberg University Publishing, 2018, 666 p. (Online access: OAPEN Open Research Library). 150. Figure (E) di a Corsica: symboles, emblèmes et allégories. Commissariat et responsabilité scientifique, Michel POPOFF, Marie-Eugénie POLI-MORDICONI. Corte Ajaccio, Museu di a Corsica Jean-Charles-Colonna, Cullettività di Corsica et Albiana, 2018, 257 p. 151. Heraldic artists and painters in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Ed. by Torsten HILTMANN and Laurent HABLOT. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2018, 236 p. (Heraldic studies, 1). 152. Héraldique et numismatique: Moyen Âge, temps modernes. IV. Sous la direction d'Yvan Loskoutoff. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2018, 292 p. (Héraldique et numismatique, 4). 153. LOSKOUTOFF (Yvan). Un art de la Réforme catholique. Tome 2. La symbolique du pape Grégoire XIII (1572–1585) et des Boncompagni. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 462 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 61).
158. GYLLENBOK (Jan). Encyclopaedia of historical metrology, weights and measures. Vol. 1-3. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, 3 vol., XIX677 p., IX-968 p., IX-917 p. (Science networks. Historical studies, 56-58). 159. LORBER (Catharine C.). Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire. Part I. Ptolemy I through Ptolemy IV. New York, American Numismatic Society, 2018, 2 vol., 830 p. (Numismatic Studies, 35). 160. VELKAR (Aashish). Rethinking metrology, nationalism and development in India, 1833–1956. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 143-179. 161. VRTEL (Andrej), MARETTA (Robert Gregor). Poklad keltských mincí objavený v Bratislave roku 1776: lokalizácia miesta nálezu. (A hoard of Celtic coins discovered in Bratislava in 1776. Localising the find site). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 3, p. 409-428. Cf. nos 213-216, 2538 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________
162. ÅSBRINK (Elisabeth). Orden som formade Sverige. (Les mots qui ont fait la Suède). Stockholm, Natur & Kultur, 2018, 343 p. 163. CONRAD (David C.). A mystery of Baga culture: the Tshol initiation language. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 3, p. 403434. 164. CUPĀṣIṇI (Ka.). Jerman̲ Tamil̲ iyal, neṭuntamil̲ varalār̲r̲in̲ tiruppumun̲ai. (German Tamil). Nākarkōvil, Kālaccuvaṭu Patippakam a. Navampar 2018, 175 p. (ill.). 165. DUMAZERT (Laura). A first turning point in institutional Francophonie: The creation of the International Association of Francophone Mayors. Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 125-141.
166. ELDAR (Ilan). Toledot ha-lashon ha-'Ivrit, behebeṭ ḥevrati u-leshoni u-ve-hitpalgut geʼografit. (History of the Hebrew language in social and linguistic terms and in geographical distribution). Yerushalayim, Karmel, 2018, 2 vol., [s. p.] ### 167. JAFAROV (Jived). Language safety in the context of national security. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 206-213. 168. LLEDÓ-GUILLEM (Vicente). The making of Catalan linguistic identity in medieval and early modern times. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 250 p. 169. ROHRLACH (Peter P.). Historisches Ortslexikon für die Altmark. Band 2. Berlin, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2018, 2908 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs). 170. SHIBA (Hiroko). Rekishi jinmei-gaku josetsu: chūsei kara genzai made no Iberia hantō o chūshin ni. (Historical Spanish anthroponymy: from the Middle Ages to the present). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 308 p. 171. Transilvania – pământ românesc. Dicționar de toponime. (Transylvania - Romanian land. Dictionary of place-names). Vol. I-II. Coordonatori Vasile URSAN, Andra POPA. Sibiu, Editura Techno Media, 2018, 663 p. 172. Wörter aus der Fremde. Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Falko SCHMIEDER und Georg TOEPFER. Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2018, 328 p. Cf. nos 1906, 2621, 2954, 3149, 5078 § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. ** 173. YAJIMA (Hikoichi). The book of the wonders of India: its mainland, its sea and its islands: edited from ms. in the Aya Sofia Mosque of Istanbul and ms. included in the 'Umarī's encyclopaedic book. Tokyo, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2018, 227 p. _______________________
174. ANSELL (Richard). Reading and writing travels: Maximilien Misson, Samuel Waring and the afterlives of European voyages, c. 1687–1714. English historical review, 2018, 133, 565, p. 1446-1477. 175. ANTRIM (Zayde). Mapping the Middle East. London, Reaktion Books, 2018, 333 p. 176. ASZALOS (Ildikó-Lucia). Moravurile românești din secolul al XIX-lea, în literatura călătorilor străini. (The Romanian habits in the 19th century according to the writings of the foreign travellers). Caiete de Antropologie Istorică, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, nr. 33, p. 202218. 177. Atlas historique de Périgueux. Ed. par Hervé GAILLARD et Hélène MOUSSET. Avec le concours du Conseil régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, du Ministère de la Culture, du Service Régional de l'Archéologie, de la Ville de Périgueux. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 2 voll. (ill., maps). (Atlas historique des villes de France, 53).
178. Auf segelbeflügelten Schiffen das Meer befahren. Das Erlebnis der Schiffsreise im späten Hellenismus und in der Römischen Kaiserzeit. Hrsg. v. Susanne FROEHLICH und Mario BAUMANN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XIV-416 p. (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 119). 179. AVANGO (Dag), HÖGSELIUS (Per), NILSSON (David). Swedish explorers, in-situ knowledge, and resource-based business in the age of empire. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 324-347. 180. BEAMISH (Johanna). Im Transit auf dem Ozean. Schiffszeitungen als Dokumente globaler Verbindungen im 19. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Campus Verlag, 2018, 272 p. 181. BERNSTEIN (David). How the West was drawn. Mapping, Indians and the construction of the transMississippi West. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XVI-303 p. (Borderlands and transcultural studies). 182. BOUCHER (Ellen). Arctic mysteries and imperial ambitions: the hunt for Sir John Franklin and the Victorian culture of survival. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 1, p. 40-75. 183. CASTILLO REY (Gustavo). Alonso Sánchez de Huelva pre descubridor de América. Huelva, Diputación de Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2018, 236 p. (ill.). 184. CEISEL (Christina M.). Globalized nostalgia. Tourism, heritage and the politics of place. London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, 164 p. (ill.). 185. D'ANGELO (Fabio). Dal Regno di Napoli alla Francia: viaggio ed esilio tra Sette e Ottocento. Napoli, Libreria Dante & Descartes, 2018, 325 p. (Memorabilia, 4). 186. DE SANTANA PINHO (Patricia). Mapping diaspora. African American roots tourism in Brazil. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII253 p. 187. DEL CASTILLO (Lina). Entangled fates: Frenchtrained naturalists, the first Colombian Republic, and the materiality of geopolitical practice, 1819–1830. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 3, p. 407438. 188. FITZPATRICK (Sheila). The tramp's tale: travels within the Soviet Union and across its borders, 1925– 1950. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 259-290. 189. Gestación, perspectivas e historiografía del descubrimiento de América. Ed. por David GÓNZALEZ CRUZ. Madrid, Sílex, 2018, 323 p. 190. GLASER (Moritz). Wandel durch Tourismus. Spanien als "Strand Europas", 1950–1983. Konstanz, UVK Verlag, 2018, 391 p. (ill., tabs). (Konflikte und Kultur – Historische Perspektiven, 34). 191. GORDON (Bertram M.). War tourism. Second World War France from defeat and occupation to the
§ 10. Iconography and images creation of heritage. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XII307 p. 192. GROEBNER (Valentin). Retroland. Geschichtstourismus und die Sehnsucht nach dem Authentischen. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2018, 224 p. 193. HORODOWICH (Elizabeth). The Venetian discovery of America. Geographic imagination and print culture in the age of encounters. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-327 p. 194. JÄGER (Eckhard). Der Kupferstecher Karl Kolbe (1777–1842) und seine Rundkarten. Ein Berliner Künstlerleben im Biedermeier zwischen Goldmedaille und Pistolenkugel. Bad Langensalza, Verlag Rockstuhl, 2018, 120 p. 195. JAMES (Kevin J.). Histories, meanings and representations of the modern hotel. Bristol, Channel View Publications, 2018, 168 p. 196. KOOT (Christian J.). A biography of a map in motion. Augustine Herrman's Chesapeake. New York, New York U. P., 2018, XIII-283 p. 197. KRAMER (Wendy). El español que exploró California: Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo (c. 1497–1543): De Palma del Río a Guatemala. Córdoba, Diputación de Córdoba, 2018, 237 p. 198. LEMMEN (Sarah). Tschechen auf Reisen. Repräsentationen der außereuropäischen Welt und nationale Identität in Ostmitteleuropa 1890–1938. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 358 p. (Peripherien, 2). 199. LÖVGREN (Anna-Brita). Staten och folk på väg: pass i Sverige från Gustav Vasas tid till 1860. (L'Etat et le peuple sur les routes: les passeports en Suède du règne de Gustave Vasa à 1869). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 191 p. (ill.). 200. LYONS (Martyn). The Pyrenees in the modern era. Reinventions of a landscape, 1775–2012. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 267 p. 201. MATTHIES (Volker). Im Schatten der Entdecker. Indigene Begleiter europäischer Forschungsreisender. Berlin, Ch. Links Verlag, 2018, 248 p. (ill., map). 202. NIEMI (Seija A.). The historical roots of A. E. Nordenskiöld's (1832–1901) conservational philosophy. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 5, p. 581-600. 203. ROBINSON (Olivia). Travelling Ayahs of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: global networks and mobilization of agency. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 44-66. 204. ROLLER (Duane W.). A historical and topographical guide to the geography of Strabo. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX, 1165 p. 205. ROMGARD (Jan). Polarforskaren som strandade i Kina: Johan Gunnar Andersson & de svenska Asienexpeditionerna. (Le chercheur polaire qui échoua en
Chine: Johan Gunnar Andersson [1874–1960] et les expéditions suédoises en Asie). Stockholm, Fritanke, 2018, 410 p. (ill.). 206. ROUTLEDGE (Karen). Do you see ice? Inuit and Americans at home and away. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XXVIII-223 p. 207. SCHMUTTERER (Felix). Carl Ritter und seine "Erdkunde von Asien". Die Anfänge der wissenschaftlichen Geographie im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2018, 378 p. 208. SEEGEL (Steven). Map men. Transnational lives and deaths of geographers in the making of East Central Europe. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XV-346 p. 209. SMITH (Jason W.). To master the boundless sea. The U.S. navy, the marine environment and the cartography of empire. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 269 p. (Flows, migrations and exchanges). 210. ŠULIGOJ (Metod), SINKOVIČ (Ljudmila). "Ladies and gentlemen, all aboard!" Travelling in the northern Adriadic until the world war II. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 629-648. 211. WHELAN (Kevin). Religion, landscape and settlement in Ireland: from Patrick to present. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, XVIII-284 p. 212. WINBERG (Ola). Den statskloka resan. Adelns peregrinationer 1610–1690. (Les voyages des jeunes nobles suédois en Europe entre 1610 et 1690). Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, 2018, 414 p. (Studia Historica Upsaliensia, 260). Cf. nos 476, 2603, 4338, 6890 § 10. Iconography and images. _______________________
213. FOX (Paul). The image of the soldier in German culture, 1871–1933. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XI-225 p. (A modern history of politics and violence). 214. GARIPZANOV (Ildar). Graphic signs of authority in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 300–900. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXVI-377 p. (Oxford studies in Medieval European history). 215. ISACSSON (Alexander). Monarchical imagemaking in an age of revolution. Embodying the 'traditional' and the 'modern' in Swedish dynastic ceremonies, c. 1780–1820. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 5, p. 666-684. 216. KISS (Eszter). Verhandelte Bilder. Sozialistische Bildwelten und die Steuerung von Fotografien in Ungarn. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 600 p. (Visual History. Bilder und Bildpraxen in der Geschichte, 5). Cf. nos 156-161, 706-722
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 217-245. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 246-455. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 456-486. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 487-503. – § 5. General history. 504-577. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 578-603. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 604-617. – § 8. Economic and social history. 618-652. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 653-705. – § 10. History of art. 706-722. – § 11. History of religions. 723-743. – § 12. History of philosophy. 744-751. – § 13. History of literature. 752-769. § 1. Archives, libraries and museums. ______________________
a. Archives ** 217. BRENNEKE (Adolf). "Gestalten des Archivs. Nachgelassene Schriften zur Archivwissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Dietmar SCHENK. Hamburg, Hamburg U. P., 2018, VI-269 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Landesarchivs Schleswig-Holstein, 113). 218. Archive heute - Vergangenheit für die Zukunft. Archivgut - Kulturerbe - Wissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Gerald MAIER und Clemens REHM. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, 500 p. (Werkhefte der staatlichen Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg. Serie A, 26). 219. Archives & information in the early Modern world. Ed. by Liesbeth CORENS, Kate PETERS and Alexandra WALSHAM. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII326 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 212). 220. Ilusión y materialidad, perspectivas sobre el archivo. Ed. by Jerónimo PIZARRO, Diana Paola GUZMÁN MÉNDEZ. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, 2018, XXIII-396 p. (ill.). 221. NICOLÒ (Anna), PACE (Domenico). "Vuolsi pensare all'avvenire": la formazione del personale nel pensiero degli archivisti fiorentini dall'Unità alle soglie del XX secolo. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 656, p. 275-312. 222. OWENS (Trevor). The theory and craft of digital preservation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, X-226 p. 223. SCHNYDER (Marco). "This memorandum is one of the best documents we have". The use of archives and documents by Swiss merchants in France (17th–18th centuries). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 158, p. 507-534. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-005
224. WINTER (Tobias). Die Deutsche Archivwissenschaft und das "Dritte Reich". Disziplingeschichtliche Betrachtungen von den 1920ern bis in die 1950er Jahre. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 606 p. (Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Forschungen, 17). Cf. no 21 b. Libraries 225. FURRER (Norbert). Des Burgers Bibliothek. Persönliche Buchbestände in der Stadt Bern des 17. Jahrhunderts. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 688 p. 226. OTTERMANN (Annelen). Die Mainzer Karmelitenbibliothek. Spurensuche – Spurensicherung – Spurendeutung. Berlin, Logos, 2018, 1030 p. (Berliner Arbeiten zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, 127). 227. RAU (Christian). "Nationalbibliothek" im geteilten Land. Die Deutsche Bücherei 1945–1990. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 727 p. 228. THOMSON (R.M.). The fox and the bees: the early library of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer for Corpus Christi College, 2018, 95 p. Cf. nos 69-111 c. Museums 229. AFINOGUÉNOVA (Eugenia). The Prado: Spanish culture and leisure, 1819–1939. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, XVI-296 p. 230. ARELLANO CRUZ (Fabiola). Politische Gewalt ausstellen. Nationale Erinnerungsmuseen in Chile und Peru. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 315 p. (ill.). (Amerika: Kultur – Geschichte – Politik, 10). 231. CLADDERS (Lukas). Alte Meister – Neue Ordnung. Kunsthistorische Museen in Berlin, Brüssel, Paris
und Wien und die Gründung des Office International des Musées (1918–1930). Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 542 p. 232. DE JONG (Steffi). The witness as object. Video testimony in memorial museums. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, X-271 p. (Museums and collections, 10). 233. DREYER (Kirsten). Kamma Rahbek og livet på Bakkehuset: et kulturelt miljø i guldalderen. (Kamma Rahbek [1775–1829] et la vie à Bakkehuset: un milieu culturel à l'Age d'Or danois). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 458 p. (ill.).
der 1970er-Jahre um das Präsentieren von Vergangenheiten. Berlin, BibSpider, 2018, 625 p. (Vogtensien – Impulse für die Museumspädagogik, 5). 244. SCHEURMANN (Ingrid). Konturen und Konjunkturen der Denkmalpflege. Zum Umgang mit baulichen Relikten der Vergangenheit. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 504 p. 245. THIEMEYER (Thomas). Das Depot als Versprechen. Warum unsere Museen die Lagerräume ihrer Dinge wiederentdecken. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 299 p. (ill.).
234. FABA (Paulina). Paradoxes of the museification of the past in nineteenth-century Chile: the case of the Coloniaje Exhibition of 1873. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 951-975.
Cf. no 2108
235. HANSERT (Andreas). Das Senckenberg-Forschungsmuseum im Nationalsozialismus. Wahrheit und Dichtung. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 302 p.
* 246. Bollettino di storiografia. Anno 22. 2018. [Anno 20. 2016. Anno 21. 2017. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 245.] Dir. da Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2018, 52 p.
236. Historisches Lernen im Museum [Historical learning in the museum]. Hrsg. v. Alois ECKER, Bettina PAIREDER, Judith BREITFUß, Isabella SCHILD und Thomas HELLMUTH. Frankfurt am Main, WochenschauVerlag, 2018, 270 p. (Europäische Studien zur Geschichtsdidaktik. European Studies in Didactics of History). 237. Humboldt Lab Tanzania, Objekte aus kolonialen Kriegen im Ethnologischen Museum, Berlin, ein tansanisch-deutscher Dialog = Objects from the colonial wars in the Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin, a Tanzanian-German dialogue = Mikusanyo ya vita vya ukoloni katika Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin, majadiliano ya Tanzania-Ujerumani. Ed. by Lili REYELS, Paola IVANOV, Kristin WEBER-SINN. Berlin, Reimer [2018], 397 p. (ill., maps). 238. JAGODZIŃSKA (Katarzyna). Do the buildings really matter? Czech, Polish and Slovak Museums and centres of contemporary art in adapted buildings. Central Europe, 2018, 16, 2, p. 112-133. 239. JOHNSON (David A.). New Delhi's all-India war memorial (India gate): death, monumentality and the lasting legacy of empire in India. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 345-366 240. Kommunismus unter Denkmalschutz? Denkmalpflege als historische Aufklärung. Hrsg. v. Jürgen DANYEL, Thomas DRACHENBERG und Irmgard ZÜNDORF. Worms, Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2018, 178 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Denkmalpflege im Land Brandenburg, 16). 241. Nicht nur Raubkunst! Sensible Dinge in Museen und wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen. Hrsg. v. Anna-Maria BRANDSTETTER und Vera HIERHOLZER. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 327 p. (ill.). 242. NUGENT (Maria), SCULTHORPE (Gaye). A shield loaded with history: encounters, objects and exhibitions. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 1, p. 28-43. 243. ROOS (Julia). Ausstellungen als öffentliches Ärgernis? Die bundesdeutsche Museumskontroverse
§ 2. History of historiography. ______________________
** 247. Sovetskaia ėpokha v perepiske istorikov: konets 1940-kh–konets 1980-kh godov. (The Soviet era in the correspondence of historians: the end of the 1940s–the end of the 1980s). Ed. by Sergeĭ Nikolaevich SMIRNOV. Moskva, AIRO-XXI, 2018, 367 p. (ill.). (Pervaia publikatsiia v Rossii, 37). 248. 18. (Das) Jahrhundert. Lexikon zur Antikerezeption in Aufklärung und Klassizismus. Hrsg. v. Joachim JACOB und Johannes SÜßMANN. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2018, XVI-604 p. (Der Neue Pauly, 13). 249. Afterlives of Augustus, AD 14–2014. Ed. by Penelope J. GOODMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-418 p. 250. AKHTAR (Rabia). Making of the seventh NWS: historiography of the beginning of the nuclear disorder in South Asia. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1115-1133. 251. Ancient Greek history and contemporary social science. Ed. by Mirko CANEVARO, Andrew ERSKINE and Benjamin GRAY [et al.] Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, XII, 592 p. (Edinburgh Leventis Studies, 9). 252. ANOOSHAHR (Ali). Turkestan and the rise of Eurasian empires. A study of politics and invented traditions. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-209 p. 253. ANTIQUEIRA (Moisés). Festus the Epitomator? The 'Historical Monograph' of Festus. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 295-306. 254. Archaeology (The) of death. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of Italian Archaeology held at the National University, Galway, April 16–18, 2016. Ed. by Edward HERRING and Eóin O'DONOGHUE. Oxford, Archaeopress Archaeology, 2018, XIII-610 p. (ill., maps). (Papers in Italian Archaeology, VII). [Cf. no 1612.] 255. ARCHER (Rory). 'It was better when it was worse': blue-collar narratives of the recent past in Belgrade. Social history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 30-55.
§ 2. History of historiography 256. BALLESTEROS PASTOR (Luis). Salustio, Casio Dión y la tercera guerra mitridática. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 281-294. ### 257. BARON (Christopher). The Great King and his limits: allusions to Herodotus in book 7 of Arrian's Anabasis. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 259-268. 258. BARTIE (Angela), FLEMING (Linda), FREEMAN (Mark), HULME (Tom), HUTTON (Alexander), READMAN (Paul). Historical pageants and the Medieval past in twentieth-century England. English historical review, 2018, 133, 563, p. 866-902. 259. BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI (Breno). L'ironie de Thucydide: le cas de Nicias. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 53-64.
270. CEDERBERG (Sara). Historien om historien. Historievetenskapens utveckling i Sverige och Finland cirka 1800–1980. (The story of the story. The development of historical studies in Sweden and Finland approximately 1800–1980). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 4, p. 519-543. 271. CLARK (Christopher). Von Zeit und Macht. Herrschaft und Geschichtsbild vom Großen Kurfürsten bis zu den Nationalsozialisten. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2018, 313 p. 272. Companion (A) to public history. Ed. by David M. DEAN. Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 576 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to world history).
260. BEINER (Guy). Forgetful remembrance. Social forgetting and vernacular historiography of a rebellion in Ulster. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-709 p.
273. COPILAŞ (Emanuel). Istorie şi politică, istoria ca politică: ipostaze ale naţional-comunismului românesc. (History and politics, history as politics: hypostases of the Romanian national-communism). Bucureşti, Editura Tritonic, 2018, 191 p.
261. BERG (Matthias), BLASCHKE (Olaf), SABROW (Martin), THIEL (Jens), THIJS (Krijn). Die versammelte Zunft. Historikerverband und Historikertage in Deutschland 1893–2000. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 2 vol., 832 p.
274. ĆWIEK-ROGALSKA (Karolina). The glory of death? German memorials of the Great War in the north-western Czech borderlands after 1945. Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Studia territorialia, 2018, 18, 2, p. 1-30.
262. Big water: the making of the borderlands between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Ed. by Jacob BLANC and Frederico FREITAS. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XII-329 p.
275. DAVIS (Vicky). Myth making in the Soviet Union and modern Russia. Remembering World War II in Brezhnev's hero city. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XII-351 p. (The Library of modern Russia).
263. BÖNING (Holger). Dreißigjähriger Krieg und Öffentlichkeit. Zeitungsberichte als Rohfassung der Geschichtsschreibung. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2018, 438 p. (Presse und Geschichte, 126).
276. DE BAETS (Antoon). Crimes against history. London, Routledge, 2018, 198 p.
264. BORGNA (Alice). Ripensare la storia universale. Giustino e l'Epitome delle Storie Filippiche di Pompeo Trogo. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, 294 p. (Spudasmata, 176). 265. BRENNAN (Sheila A.). Stamping American memory. Collectors, citizens and the post. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2018, 236 p. (ill.). (Digital humanities). 266. BULL (Marcus). Eyewitness and crusade narrative. Perception and narration in accounts of the second, third and fourth crusades. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, X-396 p. (Crusading in context, 1). 267. BÜRGER (Philipp). Geschichte im Dienst für das Vaterland. Traditionen und Ziele der russländischen Geschichtspolitik seit 2000. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 341 p. (Schnittstellen. Studien zum östlichen und südöstlichen Europa, 11).
277. DE OLIVEIRA SOUSA (Francisco Edi). TiteLive, Virgile et Bacchus: la figure du dieu entre historiographie et poésie. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 167-180. 278. DE TORO MUÑOZ (Francisco Miguel). Nazismo y antifascismo en los debates historiográficos de la República Democrática Alemana, 1945–1990. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 139-155. 279. DEL CASTILLO (Lina). Crafting a republic for the world: scientific, geographic, and historiographic inventions of Colombia. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XV-382 p. 280. DEVILLERS (Olivier), BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI (Breno). Avant-propos. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 11-12. – IIDEM. Modalités et fonctions du recours aux historiens précédents. Remarques préliminaires. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 13-22. 281. Vacat.
268. CARAVALE (Giorgio). Predicatori, inquisitori e storici. Riflessioni storiografiche e metodologiche. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 236-271.
282. DI FIORE (Laura), MERIGGI (Marco). World history. Le nuove rotte della storia. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2018, 174 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 169).
269. CARSANA (Chiara). Asinio Pollione e Seneca padre nel libro 2 delle Guerre Civili di Appiano. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 269-280.
283. (Digitale) Medien und soziale Gedächtnisse. Hrsg. v. Gerd SEBALD und Marie-Kristin DÖBLER. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2018, XI-376 p. (Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen. Memory Studies).
284. DIMITROVA (Petya B.), POPPETROV (Nikolay). Past continuous: the Second World War and the changes of the narratives about it (the Bulgarian example). Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 121-158. 285. DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm). Deutschlands 20. Jahrhundert im Wandel zeithistorischer Narrative. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 1, p. 97-120. 286. DOMAINKO (Annika). Uncertainty in Livy and Velleius: time, hermeneutics and Roman historiography. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, VIII-252 p. (Zetemata. Monographien zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, 154). 287. DUARTE JOLY (Fábio). Tacitus'Milichus and Livy's Vindicius: fides between domus and res publica. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 211-219. 288. DUCHÊNE (Pauline). Sources et composition narrative dans les récits de la mort d'Othon. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 247258. 289. ECKEL (Jan). "Alles hängt mit allem zusammen." Zur Historisierung des Globalisierungsdiskurses der 1990er und 2000er Jahre. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 1, p. 42-78. 290. Écrire l'histoire, penser le pouvoir. États de Savoie, XVe–XVIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Laurent RIPART. Chambéry, Université de Savoie-Mont-Blanc, 2018, 207 p. (Sociétés, Religions, Politiques, 44). 291. EFFROS (Bonnie). Incidental archaeologists. French officers and the rediscovery of roman North Africa. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-371 p. 292. EISS (Paul K.). A revolutionary postmortem: body, memory, and history in Yucatán, Mexico, 1915– 2015. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 4, p. 669-706. 293. Emarginazione della storia e nuove storie. A cura di Giuseppe GALASSO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 132 p. (Fonti e studi. Nuova serie). 294. Empereur Auguste (L') et la mémoire des siècles, Anne DAGUET-GAGEY et Sabine LEFEBVRE (éd.), Arras, Artois Presses Université, 2018, 318 p. 295. Eredità etrusca. Intorno al singolare caso della tomba monumentale di Grotte Scalina (Viterbo). A cura di Maria Pia DONATO e Vincent JOLIVET. Vetralla, Davide Ghaleb, 2018, 161 p. (Archeologia Città Territorio). 296. ESSELBORN (Stefan). Die Afrikaexperten. Das Internationale Afrikainstitut und die europäische Afrikanistik, 1926–1976. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2018, 406 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abteilung für Universalgeschichte, 252). 297. Experience and memory of the First World War in Belgium. Comparative and interdisciplinary insights.
Ed. by Geneviève WARLAND. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 227 p. (Historische Belgienforschung). 298. FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE (Guillaume). Florus comme modèle et source de trois abrégés du XVIIe s.: Florus Francicus, Florus Gallicus et Florus sanctus. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 373-390. 299. FORCINITO (Ana). Intermittences. Memory, justice & the poetics of the visible in Uruguay. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XI-257 p. (Illuminations. Cultural formations of the Americas series). 300. FORSBERG (Henrik Mikael). 'If they do not want to work and suffer, they must starve and die.' Irish and Finnish famine historiography compared. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 484-514. 301. FRENKEL (Luise Marion). Mustering Sources and Vindication: Theodoret of Cyrrhus' Sources and the Models of Greek Ecclesiastical Historiography. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 349-358. 302. FRIEDRICHS (Anne). Placing migration in perspective. Neue Wege einer relationalen Geschichtsschreibung. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 167-195. 303. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Dalla "libertà d'Italia" alle "preponderanze straniere". Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2016, 504 p. (Politica e storia). – IDEM. Studi storici e vita civile. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, 112 p. (Lezioni. Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, 2). 304. Gendered bodies, mediated lives: new directions in women's history [AHR forum]. American historical review, 2018, 123, 1, p. 28-131. [Contents: Introduction. – FERRARO (Joanne M.). Making a living: the sex trade in early modern Venice. – GRIFFIN (Emma). The emotions of motherhood: love, culture, and poverty in Victorian Britain. – JINKS (Rebecca). "Marks Hard to Erase": the troubled reclamation of "absorbed" Armenian Women, 1919–1927. – OLCOTT (Jocelyn). Public in a domestic sense: sex work, nation-building, and class identification in modern Europe.] 305. GEORGE (Abosede), GLASER (Clive), JACOBS (Margaret D.), JOSHI (Chitra), MARKER (Emily), WALSHAM (Alexandra), ZHENG (Wang), WEISBROD (Bernd). AHR conversation: each generation writes its own history of generations. American historical review, 2018, 123, 5, p. 1505-1546. 306. GIARRIZZO (Giuseppe). La storiografia della nuova Italia. Vol. 1. Introduzione alla storia della storiografia italiana. A cura di Lina SCALISI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, 260 p. 307. GOSTENTSCHNIGG (Kurt). Wissenschaft im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Militär: Die österreichisch-ungarische Albanologie 1867–1918. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2018, XII-828 p. 308. GUTRON (Clémentine), FAUVELLE (FrançoisXavier). How ruins are born. Memories of the city and
§ 2. History of historiography archaeological desire in Sijilmasa (Morocco). Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 32-54. 309. HAVELANGE (Carl). Gaspard. Une écriture ouvrière au XIXe siècle. Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2018, 164 p. 310. HENȚ (Alin). Arheologie în național-comunism. Dacii și „istoria de parastas". (Archaeology in nationalcommunism. The Dacians and "commemorative history"). Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis, Deva, 2018, 9, p. 87-105. 311. HILKENS (Andy). The Anonymous Syriac chronicle of 1234 and its sources. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XVI-335 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 272). 312. Historia global [Dossier]. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 1 (269), p. 177-358. [Contenido: HAUSBERGER (Bernd), PANI (Erika). Historia global. Presentación. – BONIALIAN (Mariano), HAUSBERGER (Bernd). Consideraciones sobre el comercio y el papel de la plata hispanoamericana en la temprana globalización, siglos XVI–XIX. – CERVERA (José Antonio), MARTÍNEZ ESQUIVEL (Ricardo). Puebla de los Ángeles, entre China y Europa. Palafox en las controversias de los ritos chinos. – SEXTON (Jay). William H. Seward, el vapor, y el imperialismo estadounidense, 1850–1875. – SCHEUZGER (Stephan). La historia contemporánea de México y la historia global: reflexiones acerca de los "sesenta globales"] 313. Historikerkommissionen und historische Konfliktbewältigung. Hrsg. v. Christoph CORNELIßEN und Paolo PEZZINO. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, VII-359 p. 314. HORSWELL (Mike). The rise and fall of British crusader Medievalism c.1825–1945. London, Routledge, 2018, 253 p. 315. HUNT (Lynn). History: why it matters. Cambridge, Polity, 2018, 142 p. 316. Johannes Haller und Karl Straube. Eine Freundschaft im Spiegel der Briefe. Edition und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Herbert ZIELINSKI. Hildesheim, Olms, 2018, 492 p. (Studia Giessensia, NF., 5). 317. JOHN (Anke). Lokal- und Regionalgeschichte. Schwalbach am Taunus, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2018, 270 p. (Methoden historischen Lernens).
tive memory. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, XIII-207 p. (Public history in historical perspective). 322. KEMEZIS (Adam M.). The fictions of tradition in the later lives of the Historia Augusta. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 307-318. 323. Konfliktzonen Danmark: stridende fortællinger om nyere dansk historie. (Un Danemark conflictuel: narrations contradictoires sur l'histoire danoise récente). Red. Sissel BJERRUM FOSSAT, Rasmus GLENTHØJ, Lone KØLLE MARTINSEN. København, Gad, 2018, 407 p. (ill.). 324. KÖNIG (Malte). "Geschichte ist machbar, Herr Nachbar!" Die Umbenennung der Berliner Kochstraße in Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 2004 bis 2008. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 3, p. 463-486. 325. KOPOSOV (Nikolay). Memory laws, memory wars. The politics of the past in Europe and Russia. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-321 p. (New studies in European history). 326. KUNŠTÁT (Miroslav). Historické vědy a archivnictví v Československu v 1. polovině 50. let a fenomén tzv. sovětizace. (Sovietization of historical and archival disciplines in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the 50s). Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 2018, 10, 1, p. 1931. 327. KWASCHIK (Anne). Der Griff nach dem Weltwissen. Zur Genealogie von Area Studies im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 400 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 229). 328. LAMAY LICURSI (Kimberly J.). Remembering World War I in America. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XXIII-262 p. (Studies in war, society and military). 329. LAZZARINI (Isabella). I nomi dei gatti. Concetti, modelli e interpretazioni nella storiografia politica e istituzionale d'Italia (a proposito di tardo medioevo e Rinascimento). Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 658, p. 689-736. 330. LENTZ (Carola), LOWE (David). Remembering independence. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 244 p.
318. JUDGE (Rajbir Singh). There is no colonial relationship: antagonism, Sikhism, and South Asian studies. History and theory, 2018, 57, 2, p. 195-217.
331. LEVINSON (Sanford). Written in stone. Public monuments in changing societies. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XV-206 p. (Public planet books).
319. KARILA-COHEN (Karine), LEMERCIER (Claire), ROSÉ (Isabelle), ZALC (Claire). Nouvelles cuisines de l'histoire quantitative. Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 771-783.
332. MAC CASKIE (Tom). Unspeakable words, unmasterable feelings: calamity and the making of history in Asante. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 3-20.
320. KAS'IANOV (Heorhiĭ Volodymyrovych). Past continuous: istorychna polityka 1980-kh–2000-kh, Ukraïna ta susidy. (Past continuous: historical politics of the 1980s–2000s, Ukraine and its neighbors). Kyïv, Laurus a. Antropos-Lohos-Filʹm, 2018, 415 p. (ill.).
333. MAC DOUGALL (James). Laïcité, sociologie et histoire contemporaine de l'Islam. Annales, 2018, 73, 2, p. 411-439.
321. KELLAND (Lara Leigh). Clio's foot soldiers. Twentieth-century U.S. social movements and collec-
334. MALLAN (Christopher T.). The historian John Zonaras: some observations on his sources and methods. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 359-372.
335. MANDAL (Sumit). Becoming Arab: Creole histories and modern identity in the Malay world. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 259 p.### 336. MANER (Brent). Germany's ancient pasts. Archaeology and historical interpretation since 1700. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 354 p. 337. MAYEUR-JAOUEN (Catherine). "À la poursuite de la réforme": renouveaux et débats historiographiques de l'histoire religieuse et intellectuelle de l'Islam, XVe–XXIe siècle. Annales, 2018, 73, 2, p. 317-358. 338. MERTENS (Bernd). Gönner, Feuerbach, Savigny. Über Deutungshoheit und Legendenbildung in der Rechtsgeschichte. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XI173 p. 339. METZLER (Gabriele). Der Staat der Historiker. Staatsvorstellungen deutscher Historiker seit 1945. Berlin, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 2018, 371 p. (Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 2269). 340. Micro-spatial histories of global labour. Ed. by Christian DE VITO and Anne GERRITSEN. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXIII-357 p.
1968. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 542 p. (Transnationale Geschichte, 7). 349. NEF'ODOV (Dmytro). Robitnytstvo URSR povoiennoho dvadtsiatyrichchia (1946–1965 rr.) v istoriohrafiï, monohrafiia. [The work of the USSR in the postwar twentieth century (1946–1965) in historiography, a monograph]. Mykolaïv, "Ilion", 2018, 403 p. 350. NĚMEČEK (Jan). Český pohled na dějiny Československa. (A Czech perspective on the history of Czechoslovakia). Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2018, p. 65-84. 351. NEVILLE (Leonora A.). Guide to Byzantine historical writing. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII-322 p. 352. NORDIN (Svante). Humaniora i Sverige: framväxt, guldålder, kris. (Les humanités en Suède: essor, âge d'or, crise). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 315 p. 353. NYAGULOV (Blagovest). The historical Bulgarian studies abroad: a glimpse into their past and present. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 16-38.
341. Minnet om Narva: om troféer, propaganda och historiebruk. (La mémoire de Narva: trophées, propagande et usages de l'histoire). Red. Klas KRONBERG, Anna Maria FORSSBERG. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 240 p. (ill.). (Meddelande, 76).
354. Organizzazione (L') della ricerca storica in Italia. Nell'ottantesimo anniversario della Giunta centrale per gli studi storici. A cura di Andrea GIARDINA e Maria Antonietta VISCEGLIA. Roma, Viella, 2018, 312 p. (I libri di Viella, 298).
342. MORENO BURRIEL (Eliseo). Depurar y castigar: los catedráticos de Geografía e Historia en los comienzos del Estado franquista (1936–1943). Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico, Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2018, 470 p. (Publicación de la Institución "Fernando el Católico", 3597).
355. Ort (Der) der "Volksgemeinschaft" in der deutschen Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Detlef SCHMIECHEN-ACKERMANN, Marlis BUCHHOLZ, Bianca ROITSCH und Christiane SCHRÖDER. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 506 p. (Nationalsozialistische "Volksgemeinschaft", 7).
343. MÜLLER (Ernst), SCHMIEDER (Falko). Begriffsgeschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Bestandsaufnahme und Forschungsperspektiven. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 1, p. 79-106.
356. OTTONE (Gabriella). Teopompo hyperephanos. Incidenza dei modelli nei (pre)giudizi antichi sul progetto storiografico teopompeo. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 65-80.
344. MULROONEY (Margaret M.). Race, place and memory. Deep currents in Wilmington, North Carolina. Foreword by Paul A. SHACKEL. Gainesville, U. P. of Florida, 2018, XV-355 p. (Cultural heritage studies).
357. PAK (Ch'an-sŭng). 21-segi Han'guk sahak ŭi chillo = The writing of Korean history in the 21st century. Sŏul, Hanyang Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu, 2019, 427 p. (HY Collection, 26).
345. MUN (Sŏng-jae). Han'guk kodaesa wa HanChung-Il ŭi yŏksa waegok. (Distortion of Korean ancient history and history of Korea, China and Japan). Sŏul-si, Uri Yŏksa Yŏn'gu Chaedan, 2018, 647 p. (ill., maps).
358. Palgrave handbook (The) of state-sponsored history after 1945. Ed. by Berber BEVERNAGE and Nico WOUTERS. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXV877 p. (b/w a. col. ill.).
346. MURRAY (Sarah C.). Lights and darks. Data, labeling and language in the history of scholarship on early Greece. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 17-54. 347. MYERS (David N.). The stakes of history. On the use and abuse of Jewish history for life. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XII-180 p. (The Franz Rosenzweig lectures). 348. NAUMANN (Katja). Laboratorien der Weltgeschichtsschreibung. Lehre und Forschung an den Universitäten Chicago, Columbia und Harvard 1918 bis
359. PASTORE (Alessandro). Racconti di catastrofi e violenze in Valtellina. Nella memoria della guerra dei Trent'Anni. In: Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione [cf. no 7019], p. 860-894. 360. PATEL (Kiran Klaus), SIANOS (Alexandros), VANHOONACKER (Sophie). Does the EU have a past? Narratives of European integration history and the union's public awareness deficit. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 143-166. 361. PAULO (Pedro), FUNARI (Abreu), GARRAFFONI (Renata S.). Sallust: between present and past. In: Sources
§ 2. History of historiography
et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 125138.
tionary Mexico. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 1, p. 43-76.
362. PAUSCH (Dennis). Umkämpfte Erinnerungsorte. Auf der Suche nach Vorbildern für Livius 'Schlacht auf dem Forum' (1.11-13). In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 181-196.
377. SAMIDA (Stefanie). Die archäologische Entdeckung als Medienereignis. Heinrich Schliemann und seine Ausgrabungen im öffentlichen Diskurs 1870– 1890. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 336 p. (Edition Historische Kulturwissenschaften, 3).
363. PÉBARTHE (Christophe). Comment lire un collègue ? De la lecture de Thucydide. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 37-52. 364. PERNAU (Margrit). Einführung: Neue Wege der Begriffsgeschichte. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 1, p. 5-28. 365. PERTICI (Roberto). La cultura storica dell'Italia unita. Saggi e interventi critici. Roma, Viella, 2018, 352 p. (I libri di Viella, 299). 366. PIKKANEN (Ilona). The emergence of a story space. The image of the Club War (1596–1597) in Swedish and Finnish historiography, 1620–1860. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 515-538. 367. PRENDERGAST (Sam). Listening for women's narratives in the Harvard Project Archive. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 205-223. 368. Przeszłość w kulturze średniowiecznej Polski [= The past in the culture of medieval Poland]. T. 1. Ed, by Jacek Banaszkiewicz, Andrzej Dąbrówka, Piotr Węcowski. T. 2. Ed. by Halina. Manikowska. Warszawa, Instytut Historii PAN, 2018, 2 vol., 786 p., 570 p. 369. RAGGIO (Osvaldo). Oggetti nella storia. Perché la storiografia è importante (tra storia e archeologia). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 863-878. 370. RAPISARDA (Stefano). La filologia al servizio delle nazioni. Storia, crisi e prospettive della filologia romanza. Milano, Mondadori, 2018, 212 p. (Ricerca). 371. REDAELLI (Riccardo). La scacchiera immaginata: il Grande Gioco fra visioni imperialiste, narrazioni orientaliste e ambizioni personali. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 160, 3, p. 5-28. 372. REICHERT (Folker). Tod und Verklärung. Das Professorengrab als biographisches Zeugnis. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 2, p. 370-411. 373. ROSS (Alan J.). Ammianus and the written past. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 319-334. 374. ROSS (Marc Howard). Slavery in the North. Forgetting history and recovering memory. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XIV-304 p. 375. RÜDEN (Stefanie von). Die Geschichtsbilder historischer Romane. Eine Untersuchung des belletristischen Angebots der Jahre 1913 bis 1933. Berlin, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2018, 443 p. (Geschichtsdidaktische Studien, 4). 376. SALAS LANDA (Mónica). (In)visible ruins: the politics of monumental reconstruction in postrevolu-
378. Saperi per la nazione. Storia e geografia nella costruzione dell'Italia unita. A cura di Paola PRESSENDA e Paola SERENO. Firenze, Olschki, 2018, 504 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum romanicum). 379. SAUNDERS (Anna). Memorializing the GDR. Monuments and memory after 1989. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, XIV-368 p. (ill.). 380. SCALES (Len), WHALEY (Joachim). Rewriting the history of the Holy Roman Empire. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 331-348. 381. SCHÖTTLER (Peter). Nach der Angst. Geschichtswissenschaft vor und nach dem "Linguistic Turn". Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2018, 291 p. 382. Schriftlose Vergangenheiten. Geschichtsschreibung an ihrer Grenze – von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart. Hsrg. v. Lisa REGAZZONI. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XXXVI-346 p. 383. SCHWEIGHÖFER (Ellinor). Vom Neandertal nach Afrika. Der Streit um den Ursprung der Menschheit im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 424 p. (Geschichte der Gegenwart, 17). 384. Science (The) of Roman history: biology, climate, and the future of the past. Ed. by Walter SCHEIDEL. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2018, XIII-258 p. 385. SHANNON (Kelly E.). Livy and Tacitus on floods: intertextuality, prodigies, and cultural memory. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 233-246. 386. SHEPPARD (Alan). From autopsy to anthology: inscribed epigram and epigraphic evidence in classical historiography. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 23-36. 387. Skandinavismen: vision og virkning. (Le scandinavisme, visions et effets). Red. Ruth HELMSTAD, Jes FABRICIUS HØLLER, Dag THORKILDSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 318 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 556). 388. SORBA (Carlotta). A chi giova la storia culturale? Diverse definizioni di un campo di studi in Francia e in Italia, Il mestiere di storico. Rivista della società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, 2018, 10, 1, p. 5-25. 389. Sources et modèles des historiens anciens. Textes réunis et édités par Olivier DEVILLERS et Breno BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 459 p. (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 109). [Cf. nos 253, 256, 257, 259, 269, 277, 280, 281, 287, 288,
298, 301, 322, 334, 356, 361-363, 373, 385, 386, 392, 395, 396, 399, 401, 404, 406, 413.]
lectual history, 269. Brill's studies on art, art history and intellectual history, 20).
390. Storie di testi e tradizione classica per Luciano Canfora. A cura di Rosa OTRANTO e Pasquale Massimo PINTO. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, 330 p. (Storia e letteratura, 302).
403. VAN MIERT (Dirk). The emancipation of biblical philology in the Dutch Republic, 1590–1670. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 320 p.
391. Strategies of remembering in Greece under Rome (100 BC–100 AD). Ed. by Tamara M. DIJKSTRA, Inger N. I. KUIN and Muriel MOSER [et al.]. Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018, 191 p. (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 6). 392. STRUNK (Thomas). Deconstructing the monuments: Tacitus on the mausoleum and Res gestae of Augustus. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 219-232. 393. Symphonischen (Die) Schwestern. Narrative Konstruktion von 'Wahrheiten' in der nachklassischen Geschichtsschreibung. Hrsg. v. Thomas BLANK und Felix K. MAIER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 373 p. 394. THĀMIR (Fāḍil). Al-Taʼrīkhī wa-al-sardī fī alriwāyah al-'Arabīyah. (Historical and narrative in the Arabic novel). Bayrūt, Dār al-Rawāfid al-ThaqāfīyahNāshirūn, 2018, 422 p. 395. THORNTON (John). Un'intertestualità complessa: paralleli tucididei (e non solo) alla giustificazione dell'intervento romano in Sicilia (Pol. 1.10.5-9). In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 99-110. 396. TOLA (Eleonora). La tempête de César ou la poétique de l'histoire chez Lucain (5.476-721). In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 197-210. 397. TORSTENDHAL (Rolf). Explaining evidence and the revolution of historiography from the Nineteen-Sixties to Nineteen-Ninety. Storia della storiografia, 2018, 73, 1, p. 71-87. 398. Tra storiografia e retorica: prospettive nel basso medioevo italiano. Reti medievali, 2018, 19, 1, p. 547625. 399. TSAKMAKIS (Antonis). Chance and casuality in the Oxyrhyncus historian and his predecessors: a holistic approach of a linguistic phenomenon (τυγχάνω + Participle). In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 81-98. 400. TURNER (Mathew). Historians at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial. Their role as expert witnesses. London, Tauris, 2018, XIII, 236 p. 401. URSO (Gianpaolo). Catilina 'avant Salluste'. Remarques sur deux fragments de Diodore de Sicile. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 153-166. 402. VALIANT (Seonaid). Ornamental nationalism. Archaeology and antiquities in Mexico, 1876–1911. Leiden, Brill, 2018, VIII-291 p. (Brill's studies in intel-
404. VASSILIADES (Georgios). Le Catilina de Salluste: un projet historiographique d'aemulatio? In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 139-152. 405. VATCHKOV (Daniel). Historical sciences in Bulgaria and the Institute for Historical Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 3-15. 406. VENTURA DA SILVA (Gilvan). Memoria, storia e agiografia nella Tarda Antichità: alcuni commenti sull'Epitaphios Logos di Giovanni Crisostomo. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 335-348. 407. Verhandelte Erinnerungen. Der Umgang mit Ehrungen, Denkmälern und Gedenkorten nach 1945. Hrsg. v. Matthias FRESE und Marcus WEIDNER. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 385 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte 82). 408. Vernacular ways of knowing [AHR forum]. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 779-874. [Contents: TOWNSEND (Camilla). Introduction: breaking the law of the preservation of energy of historians. – STEPHENS (Rhiannon). Bereft, selfish, and hungry: greater Luhyia concepts of the poor in precolonial East Africa. – PICKETT (James). Written into submission: reassessing sovereignty through a forgotten Eurasian dynasty. – GREEN (Nile). The waves of heterotopia: toward a vernacular intellectual history of the Indian Ocean.] 409. VOVELLE (Michel). Mémoires vives ou perdues. Essai sur l'histoire et le souvenir. Paris, Éditions de Paris Max Chaleil, 2018, 182 p. 410. WADDELL (Brodie). Writing history from below: chronicling and record-keeping in early modern England. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 239-264. 411. WALTER (James), HOLBROOK (Carolyn). Policy narratives in historical transition: a case study in contemporary history. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 2, p. 221-236. 412. WÅNGMAR (Erik), LENNARTSSON (Malin). Historians and their sources. The use of unpublished source material in Swedish doctoral theses in history, 1959– 2015, and in student bachelor's and master's theses, 2010–2015. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 365-386. 413. WORLEY (Andrew). A Percennian problem: the development of vocalization within the mutiny narrative in Roman historiography. In: Sources et modèles des historiens anciens [cf. no 389], p. 111-124. 414. YÉPEZ MOROCHO (Pascual Ramiro). Proceso y desafío de recuperar la memoria histórica de los pueb-
§ 2. History of historiography los indígenas en el siglo XXI = Kay xxi patsak watapi runa ayllupak wiñay kawsayta kutin charinapak muskuy ruraykuna. Quito, CCE, Benjamín Carrión, 2018, 195 p. (ill.). (Yachana, 6). 415. ZAMAN (Taymiya R.). Cities, time, and the backward glance. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 699-705. Cf. nos 191, 1782, 1982, 2408, 5195, 5297, 5484, 5648, 5686, 6924, 7170 b. Special studies 416. DRAKE (Richard). Charles Austin Beard. The return of the master historian of American imperialism. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XVIII-315 p. 417. Sculpture and coins. Margarete Bieber as scholar and collector. Ed. by Carmen ARNOLDBIUCCHI and Martin BECKMANN. Cambridge, MA, Harvard U. P., 2018, 148 p. (Loeb Classical Monographs, 16). 418. KORTÜM (Hans-Henning). "Gut durch die Zeiten gekommen". Otto Brunner und der Nationalsozialismus. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 1, p. 117-160. 419. Cambridge companion (The) to the writings of Julius Caesar. Ed. by Luca GRILLO and Christopher B. KREBS. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIV-396 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 420. Correspondence (The) of Isaac Casaubon in England. V. 1. October 1610 to October 1611. V. 2. November 1611 to July 1612. V. 3. August 1612 to June 1613. V. 4. July 1613 to June 1614. Ed. by Paul BOTLEY and Máté VINCE. Genève, Droz, 2018, 4 vol., XXVIII-2308 p. 421. Historik na cestách. Jubileum Viliama Čičaja. (A historian on the road. The jubilee of Viliam Čičaj). Ed. Diana DUCHOŇOVÁ, Tünde LENGYELOVÁ. Bratislava, VEDA, 2018, 320 p. 422. POZZI (Lucia). Carlo Alberto Corsini (1935– 2017). Un chercheur original et passionné d'histoire sociale et de démographie historique italienne. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 5-10. 423. QUONDAM (Amedeo). De Sanctis [Francesco] e la "Storia"[della scrittura italiana]. Roma, Viella, 2018, 336 p. 424. BOZHINOV (Plamen). Recognized and neglected epistolary heritage of Marin Drinov: historiographic observations. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 84-120. 425. Cardinal Franz Ehrle (Le) (1845–1934). Jésuite, historien et préfet de la Bibliothèque Vaticane. Actes du colloque de Rome (19–20 février 2015). Ed. par Andreas SOHN et Jacques VERGER. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 351 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 551). 426. PATTERSON (W. B.). Thomas Fuller. Discover-
ing England's religious past. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-368 p. 427. CAPOGROSSI COLOGNESI (Luigi). Emilio Gabba e la storia intellettuale dei nostri studi di storia antica. Athenaeum: studi di letteratura e storia dell'antichità, 2018, 1, p. 205-215. – MAZZA (Mario). Emilio Gabba, i percorsi di un historikos: di ellenismo e di tarda antichità. Athenaeum: studi di letteratura e storia dell'antichità, 2018, 1, p. 216-227. 428. Giuseppe Giarrizzo (Per). Studi storici, 2018, 59, 3, p. 569-666. 429. DUCHHARDT (Heinz). Eine Karriere im Zeichen der Umbrüche. Der Historiker Martin Göhring (1903– 1968) in seiner Zeit. Mainz, Franz Steiner, 2018, 334 p. (Historische Forschungen, 30). 430. Brautbriefe (Die) Karl Hegels an Susanna Maria von Tucher. Aus der Verlobungszeit des Rostocker Geschichtsprofessors und der Nürnberger Patriziertochter 1849/1850. Hrsg. v. Helmut NEUHAUS. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 256 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 87). 431. History after Hobsbawm: writing the past for the twenty-first century. Ed. by John H. ARNOLD, Matthew HILTON, and Jan RÜGER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-332 p. 432. IRWIN (Robert). Ibn Khaldun. An intellectual biography. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton U. P., 2018, 272 p. 433. FILLAFER (Franz L.). Geschichte als Aufklärung. In memoriam Georg G. Iggers (1926–2017). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 4, p. 643-659. 434. Historik a dejiny. V česko-slovenskom storočí osudových dátumov. Jubileum Ivana Kamenca. (A historian and history. In the Czecho-Slovak century of fateful dates. The jubilee of Ivan Kamenec). Ed. Jaroslava ROGUĽOVÁ, Vlasta JAKSICSOVÁ. Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV - VEDA, 2018, 583 p. 435. ABBRI (Ferdinando). Alexandre Koyré in incognito. Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2018, 97, 1, p. 195-200. 436. Poder, fisco y sociedad en las épocas medieval y moderna: a propósito de la obra del profesor Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada. Ed. por Ángel GALÁN SÁNCHEZ y José Manuel NIETO SORIA. Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2018, 434 p. 437. LARDINOIS (Roland). Sylvain Lévi et l'entrée du sanskrit au Collège de France. Paris, École française d'Extrême-Orient, 2018, 145 p. 438. Carte (Le) di Pietro Martinetti. A cura di Luca NATALI. Firenze, Olschki, 2018, 246 p. (Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. I libri dell'Accademia). 439. MIRRI (Mario). La guerra di Mario. Bari, Laterza, 2018, 144 p. (I Robinson. Letture). 440. Fragmente der Historiker: Nikolaos von Damaskus. Übersetzt, eingeleitet u. erläutert v. Tino SHAHIN.
Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2018, VII-126 p. (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, 84). 441. NOLTE (Paul). Lebens Werk. Thomas Nipperdeys Deutsche Geschichte. Biographie eines Buches. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 368 p. 442. Yves Person. Historien de l'Afrique, explorateur de l'oralité. Sous la dir. de François-Xavier FAUVELLE et Claude-Hélène PERROT. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2018, 220 p. 443. WARLAND (Geneviève). Henri Pirenne, témoin fiable ou narrateur meurtri ? De son Journal de guerre à ses Souvenirs de captivité. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 51-64. 444. Anna Rossi-Doria (Per). A cura di Vinzia FIORINO e Paola STELLIFERI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 200 p. (Genesis). 445. SCHIEDER (Wolfgang). Reinhard Rürup (1934– 2018). Wissenschaftlicher Wegbereiter und Öffentlicher Historiker. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 312-320.
vals no more: Jan Vansina, precolonial African historiography, and archaeology. – DE LUNA (Kathryn M.). Compelling Vansina: contributions to early African history.] 454. Relire Vernant. Textes réunis et présentés par Stella GEORGOUDI et François DE POLIGNAC. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 382 p. 455. VOLPE (Gioacchino). Da Caporetto a Vittorio Veneto. A cura di A. UNGARI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2018, 130 p. (Saggi). Cf. nos 1452 § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. ______________________
456. 'AMĀMŪ (Ḥayāt) [et al.]. Naḥnu wa-al-tārīkh: mafhūm al-tārīkh, madāris kitābat al-tārīkh, nihāyat altārīkh, ṣirā' al-ḥaḍārāt: muḥāwarāt. (Us and history: the concept of history, schools of history writing, the end of history, the clash of civilizations: conversations). Tūnis, Dār Āfāq-Brisbiktīf lil-Nashr, 2018, 186 p. (ill.). (Silsilat shahadāt āfāq).
446. RUSSO (Luigi), OMODEO (Adolfo). Carteggio 1924–1946. A cura di Antonio RESTA. Pisa, Scuola normale superiore, 2018, 2 vol., 1268 p. (Carteggi Luigi Russo, 4).
457. ANDERSON (Greg). The realness of things past. Ancient Greece and ontological history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII, 318 p.
447. SAITTA (Armando). Due storie d'Europa. A cura di Alessandro GUERRA. Roma, Università La Sapienza, 2018, 216 p. (Manuali).
458. BERTRAND (Romain), CALAFAT (Guillaume). La microhistoire globale: affaire(s) à suivre. Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 1-18.
448. FRAJESE (Vittorio). "A pensive nun". Lettura dei "Pensieri medico-morali" di Paolo Sarpi. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 158, p. 571-598.
459. BRACKE (Sebastian), FLAVING (Colin), JAN(Johannes), KÖSTER (Manuel), LAHMER-GEBAUER (Jennifer), LANKES (Simone), SPIEß (Christian), THÜNEMANN (Holger), WILFERT (Christoph), ZÜLSDORFKERSTING (Meik). Theorie des Geschichtsunterrichts. Frankfurt am Main, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2018, 282 p. (Geschichtsunterricht erforschen, 9).
449. SCHMIDT (Walter). Erinnerungen eines deutschen Historikers. Vom schlesischen Auras an der Oder übers vogtländische Greiz und thüringische Jena nach Berlin. Berlin, Trafo Verlag, 2018, 562 p. (Autobiographien). 450. GABER (Goran). What was critical history? A reading of Richard Simon's Histoire critique du Vieux Testament. History and theory, 2018, 57, 2, p. 218-233. 451. HODLER (Beat). Grenzerfahrungen – Der Schweizer Kunsthistoriker Karl Friedrich Suter (1884– 1952) in Deutschland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 3, p. 526-544. 452. BAZANOV (P. N.). 'Petropolʹskiĭ Tatsit' v izgnanii: zhiznʹ i tvorechestvo russkogo istorika Nikolaia Ulʹianova. ('Petropolitan Tacitus' in exile: the life and work of the Russian historian Nikolai Ul'yanov). Sankt-Peterburg, Vladimir Dalʹ, 2018, 510 p. (Rossīia na perelome). 453. Jan Vansina remembered. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 99-173. [Contents: SCHOENBRUN (David L.). Crafting early African histories with Jan Vansina. – CHIRIKURE (Shadreck). Motion with caution: Jan Vansina and the last two thousand years of the Southern African past. – KRIGER (Colleen E.). Words and things and "The Kuba Miracle". – ROBERTSHAW (Peter). Ri-
460. BRÜGGER (Niels). The archived web. Doing history in the digital age. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, XI-185 p. 461. Comprendre le social dans la durée. Les études longitudinales en sciences sociales. Sous la dir. de Joanie CAYOUETTE-REMBLIÈRE, Bertrand GEAY et Patrick LEHINGUE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 233 p. 462. COTON (Christel). Up-classing the sociologist, down-classing peers. Practices and registers of distinction in field research in the military. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 133-148. 463. Deep history and neurohistory [Forum]. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 157, p. 279-312. [Contents: RAGGIO (Osvaldo). Deep narratives. – VALLERANI (Massimo). Storia profonda e contesto impolitico. A proposito della deep history e altre storie.] 464. Diversität historisch. Repräsentationen und Praktiken gesellschaftlicher Differenzierung im Wandel. Hrsg. v. Moritz FLORIN, Victoria GUTSCHE und Natalie KRENTZ. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 234 p.
§ 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology
465. FERNANDEZ (Juan L.). Story makes history, theory makes story: developing Rüsen's historik in logical and semiotic directions. History and theory, 2018, 57, 1, p. 75-103.###
478. SERI-HERSCH (Iris). Enseigner l'histoire à l'heure de l'ébranlement colonial: Soudan, Égypte, Empire britannique (1943–1960). Paris, Karthala, 2018, 382 p. (Terres et gens d'islam).
466. FÖHR (Pascal). Historische Quellenkritik im Digitalen Zeitalter. Basel, Universität Basel, 2018, 346 p.
479. SMOLENSKIĬ (N. I.). Problemy metodologii istorii: monografiia. (Problems of the methodology of history: monograph). Moskva, MGOU, 2018, 163 p.
467. KÜMPER (Hiram). Quellenarbeit im Studium anleiten. Der Stoff, aus dem Geschichte wird. Frankfurt am Main, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2018, 56 p. (Kleine Reihe Hochschuldidaktik). 468. LACAPRA (Dominick). Understanding others. Peoples, animals, pasts. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 190 p. 469. LÜCKE (Martin), ZÜNDORF (Irmgard). Einführung in die Public History. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 207 p. 470. MERCKLÉ (Pierre), ZALC (Claire). Peut-on modéliser la persécution ? Apports et limites des approches quantifiées sur le terrain de la Shoah. Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 923-957. 471. Möglichkeitshorizonte. Zur Pluralität von Zukunftserwartungen und Handlungsoptionen in der Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Markus BERNHARDT, Wolfgang BLÖSEL, Stefan BRAKENSIEK und Benjamin SCHELLER. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2018, 365 p. (Kontingenzgeschichten). 472. NEUMANN (Friederike). Schreiben im Geschichtsstudium. Opladen, Barbara Budrich Verlag, 2018, 111 p. (Schreiben im Studium, 5). 473. PAUL (Herman), VAN VELDHUIZEN (Adriaan). A retrieval of historicism: Frank Ankersmit's philosophy of history and politics. History and theory, 2018, 57, 1, p. 33-55. 474. Richard Eldridge (On), images of history. History and theory, 2018, 57, 3, p. 408-437. [ELDRIDGE (Richard). Précis: images of history: Kant, Benjamin, freedom, and the human subject. – BRECKMAN (Warren). Bootstrapping, self-binding, and other metaphors of antifoundationalism. – CLEWIS (Robert R.). Nature, religion, and imagination: comments on images of history. – HAMMER (Espen). Reason, agency, and history: remarks on Kant and Benjamin. – ELDRIDGE (Richard). Replies to comments on images of history by Warren Breckman, Robert R. Clewis, and Espen Hammer.] 475. ROSENBERG (Alex). How history gets things wrong: the neuroscience of our addiction to stories. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, 289 p. 476. Routledge companion (The) to spatial history. Ed. by Ian GREGORY, Don DEBATS and Don LAFRENIERE. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, XXIX-635 p. (b/w ill.). (Routledge companions). 477. SCHWANDT (Silke). Digitale Methoden für die Historische Semantik. Auf den Spuren von Begriffen in digitalen Korpora. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 1, p. 107-134.
480. SZIJÁRTÓ (István M.). The paths of microhistory. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 917-928. 481. Teaching history, learning history, promoting history. Papers from the Bielefeld Conference on teaching history in higher education. Ed. by Friederike NEUMANN and Leah SHOPKOW. Frankfurt am Main, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2018, 196 p. (Wochenschau Wissenschaft). 482. Theories of history: history read across the humanities. Ed. by Michael J. KELLY and Arthur ROSE. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 250 p. 483. VIINIKKALA (Lauri). Berättande och autenticitet i framställningar av det förflutna baserade på teknologi med blandad verklighet. (Narrative and authenticity in representations of the past based on mixed reality technology). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 3, p. 428-457. 484. Visuel historie. Tilgange og eksempler. (Histoire visuelle. Ressources et exemples). Red. Anne MAGNUSSEN, Kirstine SINCLAIR, Casper SYLVEST. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 358 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 567). 485. WEIDNER (Tobias). Begriffsgeschichte und Politikgeschichte. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 1, p. 29-53. 486. WINEBURG (Sam). Why learn history (when it's already on your phone). Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 241 p. Cf. no 236 § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. _______________________
487. BARBOLOVA (Zoya), SIMEONOVA (Margarita), KITANOVA (Maria), MUTAFCHIEVA (Neda), LEGURSKA (Palmira). Rechnik na narodnata dukhovna kultura na bŭlgarite = Dictionary of Bulgarian folk spiritual culture. Redaktori Zoia BARBOLOVA i Mariia KITANOVA. Otgovoren redaktor Mariia KITANOVA. Sofiia, Nauka i izkustvo, 2018, 503 p. 488. Brill's companion to classics and early anthropology. Ed. by Emily VARTO. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XIII406 p. (Brill's companions to classical reception, 16). 489. BROWNE (Adrian J.). The Alur-ization of Aidan Southall – contested ethnonymic traditions in NorthWestern Uganda. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 221-244. 490. Culturas indígenas (Las) de México. Atlas nacional de etnografía. Ed. por Saúl MILLÁN, Carlos
HEIRAS, Alessandro QUESTA y Iván PÉREZ TÉLLEZ. México City, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2018, 739 p. (b/w a. col. ill., maps, charts). (Divulgación. Etnografía de los pueblos indígenas de México). 491. DE LA TORRE (Oscar). The people of the river. Nature and identity in black Amazonia, 1835–1945. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII-225 p. 492. EDEN (Jeff). Warrior saints of the Silk Road. Legends of the Qarakhanids. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 284 p. (Handbook of Oriental studies. Section eight. Uralic and Central Asian studies, 26). 493. ELENIUS (Lars). Nationella minoriteters symboliska nationsbyggande: Föreställningen om Kvänland och Sápmi som nya former av etnopolitik bland finskspråkiga och samiskspråkiga minoriteter. (The symbolic nation-building of national minorities: Sápmi and Kvänland as new forms of ethno-politics among Sámi and Finnish speaking minorities). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 3, p. 480-509. 494. KOUNINE (Laura). Imagining the witch. Emotions, gender, and selfhood in early Modern Germany. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII, 280 p. (Emotions in History). 495. LAMBEK (Michael). Island in the stream. An ethnographic history of Mayotte. Foreword by Michael JACKSON. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XXXI-334 p. (Anthropological horizons). 496. Oazisy Shelkovogo puti: sovremennye problemy ėtnografii, istorii i istochnikovedeniia Tsentralʹnoĭ Azii, k 100-letiiu doktora istoricheskikh nauk Balkis Khalilovny Karmyshevoĭ. (Oases of the Silk Road: modern problems of ethnography, history and source studies of Central Asia, to the 100th anniversary of doctor of historical sciences Balkis Chalilovna Karmyševa). Ed. by Rushan ABBIASOV. Moskva, Islamskaia kniga, 2018, 846 p. (ill.). 497. Pra pahanstva i baltaŭ. (About paganism and the Balts). Ed. by Alesʹ MIKUS. Smalensk, Inbelkulʹt, 2018, 191 p. 498. ROWELL (Jay). A historical anthropology of genocidal fervor. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 157-163. 499. SCHOENBRUN (David L.), JOHNSON (Jennifer L.). Introduction: ethnic formation with other-thanhuman beings. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 307-345.
logical contributions to the issue of Romanian ethnogenesis). Iaşi, Casa Editorială Demiurg, 2018, 149 p. 503. Ukraïnsʹka folʹklorystychna ent︠s︡yklopedii︠a︡. = Ukrainian folkloristic encyclopedia. kerivnyk proektu, naukovyĭ redaktor, upori︠a︡dnyk Vasylʹ SOKIL. = Head of the project, scientific editor, compiler Vasyl SOKIL. Lʹviv, Instytut narodoznavstva NANU, 2018, 807 p. (b/w ill., portraits). Cf. nos 578, 1825, 6127 § 5. General history. ______________________
504. Afro-Latin American studies: an introduction. Ed. by Alejandro DE LA FUENTE and George Reid ANDREWS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XX-641 p. (Afro-Latin America). 505. Ancient Greece and China compared. Ed. by G. E. R. LLOYD and Jingyi Jenny ZHAO. In collaboration with Qiaosheng DONG. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-430 p. 506. ANDREW (Christopher). The secret world: a history of intelligence. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, 960 p. 507. Anti-corruption in history: from Antiquity to the Modern Era. Ed. by Ronald KROEZE, André VITÓRIA and G. GELTNER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 446 p. 508. ARIELLI (Nir). From Byron to bin Laden. A history of foreign war volunteers. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 295 p. 509. Armenian Mediterranean. Words and worlds in motion. Ed. by Kathryn BABAYAN and Michael PIFER. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXI-337 p. (Mediterranean perspectives). 510. AUKEN (Ida). Dansk. (L'identité danoise en débat). København, People's press, 2018, 142 p. 511. Baltikum (Das). Geschichte einer europäischen Region. Band 1. Von der Vor- und Frühgeschichte bis zum Ende des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Karsten BRÜGGEMANN, Detlef HENNING, Konrad MAIER und Ralph TUCHTENHAGEN. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2018, 651 p. 512. BORGOLTE (Michael). Weltgeschichte als Stiftungsgeschichte. Von 3000 v.u.Z. bis 1500 u.Z. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 728 p.
500. SCHOENBRUN (David L.). Ethnic formation with other-than-human beings: Island shrine practice in Uganda's long eighteenth century. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 397-443.
513. Brill's companion to military defeat in ancient Mediterranean society. Ed. by Jessica HOMAN CLARK and Brian TURNER. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XVIII-382 p. (Brill's Companions in Classical Studies. Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, 2).
501. TALLMAN (Marjorie). Dictionary of American folklore. Newburyport, Philosophical Library. Open Road, 2018, 271 p.
514. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf), BUCHENAU (Klaus). Geschichte Südosteuropas. Ditzingen, Reclam, 2018, 511 p. (maps).
502. TEODOR (Dan Gheorghe). Contribuţii arheologice la problema etnogenezei româneşti. (Archaeo-
515. CAPET (Antoine). Churchill. Le dictionnaire. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 862 p.
§ 5. General history
516. CARMAGNANI (Marcello). Le connessioni mondiali e l'Atlantico 1450–1850. Torino, Einaudi, 2018, IX-224 p.###
531. Europe (L'). Encyclopédie historique. Ed. par Christophe CHARLE et Daniel ROCHE. Arles, Actes Sud, 2018, 2397 p.
517. Companion (A) to African history. Ed. by William H. WORGER, Charles AMBLER and Nwando ACHEBE. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 544 p. (Blackwell companions to history, 18).
532. FERGUSON (Niall). The square and the tower. Networks and power, from the Freemasons to Facebook. New York, Penguin, 2018, XXVII-563 p.
518. Companion (A) to Medieval and Renaissance Bologna. Ed. by Sarah R. BLANSHEI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 652 p. (Brill's companions to European history, 14). 519. Companion (A) to Medieval Genoa. Ed. by Carrie E. BENEŠ. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 588 p. (Brill's companions to European history, 15). 520. Companion (A) to Medieval Toledo. Reconsidering the canons. Ed. by Yasmine BEALE-RIVAYA and Jason BUSIC. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 319 p. (Brill's companions to European history, 16). 521. Companion (A) to Nazi Germany. Ed. by Shelley BARANOWSKI, Armin NOLZEN and Claus-Christian W. SZEJNMANN. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2018, 680 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to world history). [Cf. no 4184.] 522. Companion (A) to the Byzantine culture of war, ca. 300–1204. Ed. by Yannis STOURAITIS. Leiden, Brill, 2018, IX-490 p. 523. Companion (A) to the city of Rome. Ed. by Claire HOLLERAN and Amanda CLARIDGE. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, XXVI-758 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 524. DEL POZO ARTIGAS (José). Diccionario histórico de la dictadura cívico-militar en Chile: Período 1973–1990 y sus prolongaciones hasta hoy. Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2018, 503 p. 525. DRIESSEN (Christoph). Geschichte Belgiens. Die gespaltene Nation. Regensburg, Pustet, 2018, 240 p. 526. DUEDAHL (Poul). Velkommen på bagsidan. Danmarkshistorien på vrangen. (Bienvenue dans les coulisses. L'histoire du Danemark à l'envers). København, Gad, 2018, 383 p. (ill.). 527. DUINDAM (Jeroen). Dynasties: a global history of power, 1300–1800. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XX-384 p. 528. Edinburgh companion (The) to the postcolonial Middle East. Ed. by Anna BALL and Karim MATTAR. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, 544 p. 529. Enciclopedia românilor de pretutindeni. Comunități, personalități, concepte. (Encyclopedia of Romanians everywhere. Communities, personalities, concepts). Vol. 1. Coordonatori Dan DUNGACIU, George GRIGORIȚĂ. București, Editura Rao, 2018, 510 p. 530. Enciclopedie (O) a Marii Uniri. (An encyclopedia of the Great Union). Coordonatori Ioan BOLOVAN, Gheorghe IACOB, Gheorghe COJOCARU. București, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2018, 612 p.
533. FRY (Michael F.). Historical Dictionary of Guatemala. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, LVII-413 p. (Historical Dictionaries of the Americas). 534. GRAVENSTEN (Eva). En uægte lodning: den danske-norske union. Nordens største bedrageri. (Un assemblage truqué: l'union dano-norvégienne, la plus grande escroquerie de l'histoire scandinave). Sørby Ærø, Kosmopolit, 2018, 215 p. 535. Handbook of pre-modern nordic memory studies. Interdisciplinary approaches. Ed. by Jürg GLAUSER, Pernille HERMANN and Stephen A. MITCHELL. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XXXII-1120 p. (De Gruyter reference). 536. Handbuch der hessischen Geschichte. Bd. 5. Grundlagen und Anfänge hessischer Geschichte bis 900. Hrsg. v. Horst Wolfgang BÖHME und Claus DOBIAT. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2018, 728 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 63). 537. Handbuch des k. (u.) k. Konsulardienstes: die Konsulate der Donaumonarchie vom 18. Jh. bis 1918. Herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äusseres aus dem Nachlass von Rudolf AGSTNER in Zusammenarbeit mit Gerhard GONSA. Wien, New Academic Press, 2018, XII-503 p. 538. HEUMAN (Gad). The Caribbean. A brief history. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XIV-284 p. (ill., maps). 539. Histoire mondiale de la France. Sous la dir. de Patrick BOUCHERON; coordination, Nicolas DELALANDE, Florian MAZEL, Yann POTIN, Pierre SINGARAVÉLOU. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2018, 1076 p. (Points. Histoire, 544). 540. Historia mundial de España. Ed. por Xosé Manoel NÚÑEZ SEIXAS. Barcelona, Ediciones Destino, 2018, 969 p. (Imago Mundi, 295). 541. HOLEC (Roman). Československo - ťažko vydobytý a ľahko stratený projekt. (Czechoslovakia - a hard won and easily lost project). Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2018, p. 15-45. 542. HUFFMAN (Joseph P.). The imperial city of Cologne: from Roman colony to Medieval metropolis (19 BC–1125 AD). Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 280 p. 543. Istoria Bihorului: civilizaţie, societate, economie, mentalităţi. (History of Bihor: civilization, society, economy, mentalities). Coordonatori Gabriel MOISA, Sorin ŞIPOŞ, Aurel CHIRIAC, Radu ROMÎNAŞU. Oradea, Editura Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor, 2018, 1117 p.
544. Jōhō ga tsunagu sekai-shi. (A world history connected by information). Ed by. Shingo MINAMIZUKA. Kyoto, Minerva Shobō, 2018, 322 p.###
559. Oxford illustrated history (The) of the Third Reich. Ed. by Robert GELLATELY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-384 p.
545. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.). Meḥḳarim be-hisṭoryah 'olamit, biḳoret ha-Yehudim ṿe-Erets-Yiśraʼel. = Studies in world, Jewish and local history. Yerushalayim, Mosad Byaliḳ, 2018, 582 p. (ill., maps). (Asupot, 17).
560. Palgrave handbook (The) of African colonial and postcolonial history. Ed. by Martin S. SHANGUHYIA and Toyin FALOLA. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 2 vol., XXXI-1362 p. (ill., maps). (Palgrave handbooks).
546. Kosovo, a documentary history: from the Balkan Wars to World War II. Ed. by Robert ELSIE and Bejtullah DESTANI. I.B. London, Tauris, 2018, 468 p. 547. Kröningsåret 1818. (1818, année du couronnement de Karl XIV Johan). Red. Einar LYTH. Örebro, Örebro läns museum, 2018, 196 p. (ill.). 548. LANGEN (Ulrik). Struensee 1772. (Johan Friedrich Struensee). Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2018, 100 p. (ill.). (100 danmarkshistorier). 549. LEE (Jonathan L.). Afghanistan: a history from 1260 to the present. London, Reaktion Books, 2018, 780 p. 550. MORTENSEN (Lars Boje). Saxo 1208. (Saxo Grammaticus). Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2018, 100 p. (ill.). (100 danmarkshistorier).
561. Palgrave handbook (The) of women and gender in twentieth-century Russia and the Soviet Union. Ed. by Melanie ILIC. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXV-560 p. (Palgrave handbook). 562. Political companion (A) to Frederick Douglass. Ed. by Neil ROBERTS. Lexington, U. P. of Kentucky, 2018, 452 p. (ill.). (Political companions to great American authors). 563. PRICE (Simon), THONEMANN (Peter). Die Geburt des klassischen Europa. Eine Geschichte der Antike von Troja bis Augustinus. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 448 p. 564. RAŠKA (Francis D.). Osudové osmičky: československé dvacáté století očima vzpomínek = Fateful eights: recollections of the Czechoslovak twentieth century. Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice, 2018, 203 p.
551. MORTON (Barry), RAMSAY (Jeff). Historical dictionary of Botswana. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, 459 p. (ill., maps). (Historical dictionaries of Africa).
565. RINGROSE (David). Europeans abroad, 1450– 1750. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, XII-286 p. (Exploring world history).
552. NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang). Preußische Geschichte als gesellschaftliche Veranstaltung. Historiographie vom Mittelalter bis zum Jahr 2000. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2018, 696 p.
566. România un secol de istorie – date statistice. (Romania a century of history - statistical data). Coordonator Tudorel ANDREI. București, Editura Institutului Național de Statistică, 2018, 495 p.
553. New biographical dictionary (The) of Scottish women. Ed. by Rose PIPES, Siân REYNOLDS, Elizabeth EWAN and Jane RENDALL. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 544 p. (b/w ill.). (Cambridge books online).
567. Routledge handbook of early Chinese history. Ed. by Paul R. GOLDIN. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XIX-526 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge handbooks).
554. NORDIN (Svante). Nittonhundratalet: en biografi. Makter, människor och idéer under ett århundrade. (Biographie du 20e siècle. Puissances, individus et idées pendant un siècle). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 565 p. 555. OLAUSSON (Peter). Sveriges historia från forntid till nutid. (Histoire de Suède de la préhistoire à nos jours). Bromma, Ordalaget bokförlag, 2018, 447 p. 556. Oxford dictionary (The) of late Antiquity. Volume 1. A–I. Volume II. J-Z. Ed. by Oliver NICHOLSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 2 vol., LXXXIII-800 p., XI-836 p. 557. Oxford handbook (The) of later Medieval archaeology in Britain. Ed. by Christopher M. GERRARD and Alejandra GUTIÉRREZ. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XLII-1058 p. 558. Oxford handbook (The) of Modern british political history, 1800–2000. Ed. by David BROWN, Robert CROWCROFT and Gordon PENTLAND. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-626 p.
568. RŪZBIHĀNĪ (Muḥammad Riz̤ā). Taḥavvul-i mabānī-i mashrū'īyat-i salṭanat, az yūrish-i Mughūl tā barʹāmadan-i Ṣafavīyān = Transformation of the foundations of the legitimacy of monarchy in Iran, from the Mongol Invasion to the rise of Safavids. Qom, Dānishgāh-i Mufīd, [2018], 353 p. 569. Sage (The) handbook of the history, philosophy and sociology of international relations. Ed. by Andreas GOFAS, Inanna HAMATI-ATAYA, Nick ONUF. Los Angeles, SAGE, 2018, 611 p. 570. SANDER-FAES (Stephan). Europas habsburgisches Jahrhundert 1450–1550. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 160 p. (Geschichte kompakt). 571. SCHRAUT (Sylvia). Terrorismus und politische Gewalt. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 244 p. (Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaften. Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, 1). 572. SCHULTE (Michael). Urnordisch. Eine Einführung. Wien, Praesens, 2018, 154 p. (Wiener Studien zur Skandinavistik, 26).
§ 6. Theory of the state and of society
573. SEGGERN (Harm von). Geschichte der Burgundischen Niederlande. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, 294 p.###
587. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio). Democrates e democratia, o delle certezze apparenti. Quaderni di storia, 2018, 87, p. 5-24.
574. Transnational Hispaniola: new directions in Haitian and Dominican studies. Ed. by MAYES, April J. and JAYARAM, Kiran C.. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 2018, VIII-273 p.
588. HACKE (Jens). Existenzkrise der Demokratie. Zur politischen Theorie des Liberalismus in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2018, 455 p.
575. VENNING (Timothy). A chronology of early medieval western Europe, 450–1066. Abingdon, Routledge a. Oxon, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, 625 p. 576. WAGNER (Enrico). Die Nationaltrachtdebatte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Motivation und Durchsetzung einer nationalen Kleidertracht in Schweden, Deutschland und Dänemark. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2018, 337 p. (Nordische Geschichte, 12). 577. Yōroppa no seiji bunka-shi: tōgō, bunretsu, sensō. (A political and cultural history of Europe: integration, division and wars). Ed. by Takashi MORIHARA. Tokyo, Seibundō, 2018, 326 p. Cf. nos 2780, 3702-3755 § 6. Theory of the state and of society. ______________________
578. Alltag (Der) der (Un-)Sicherheit. Ethnografisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Sicherheitsgesellschaft. Hrsg. v. Alexandra SCHWELL und Katharina EISCH-ANGUS. Berlin, Panama, 2018, 260 p. 579. ARMITAGE (David). Civil wars. A history in ideas. New York, Knopf, 2018, 368 p. 580. Bedre begrundet praksis: velfærdsudvikling efter evidensbølgen. (Une pratique mieux motivée: l'évolution de l'Etat-providence après la phase d'évidence). Red. Leif TØFTING KONGSGAARD, Morten HULVEJROD. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur, 2018, 394 p. (ill.). 581. BÜHLER (Benjamin). Ökologische Gouvernementalität. Zur Geschichte einer Regierungsform. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 224 p. 582. CLEMENTE (Guido). Democracy without the people: the impossible dream of the Roman oligarchs (and of some modern scholars). Quaderni di storia, 2018, 87, p. 87-119. 583. Companion (A) to global queenship. Ed. by Elena WOODACRE. Leeds, Arc Humanities Press, 2018, 324 p. 584. EISCH-ANGUS (Katharina). Absurde Angst. Narrationen der Sicherheitsgesellschaft. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2018, 670 p.
589. Handbuch Politische Ideengeschichte. Zugänge – Methoden – Strömungen. Hrsg. v. Samuel SALZBORN. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler, 2018, 291 p. 590. Macht und Herrschaft transkulturell. Vormoderne Konfigurationen und Perspektiven der Forschung. Hrsg. v. Matthias BECHER, Stephan CONERMANN und Linda DOHMEN. Bonn, V&R unipress, 2018, 349 p. (Macht und Herrschaft, 1). 591. MÜLLER (Tim B.). Von der „Whig Interpretation" zur Fragilität der Demokratie. Weimar als geschichtstheoretisches Problem. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 430-465. 592. NEVERS (Jeppe). A history of democracy beyond national narratives. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 416-429. 593. ORME (John David). Human nature and the causes of war. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, VIII-293 p. 594. Political representation. Communities, ideas and institutions in Europe (c. 1200–c. 1690). Ed. by Mario DAMEN, Jelle HAEMERS et Alastair J. MANN. Leyden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 332 p. (Later Medieval Europe, 15). 595. PRAK (Maarten Roy). Citizens without nations. Urban citizenship in Europe and the world, c.1000– 1789. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-423 p. 596. ROSENBLATT (Helena). The lost history of liberalism: from Ancient Rome to the twenty-first century. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 368 p. 597. SARIYANNIS (Marinos). A history of Ottoman political thought up to the early nineteenth century. With a chapter by E. Ekin Tuşalp ATIYAS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 608 p. (Handbook of Oriental studies. Section 1. The Near and Middle East, 125). 598. SAWYER (Stephen W.). Demos assembled: democracy and the international origins of the modern state, 1840–1880. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, X-234 p. 599. SHUMSKY (Dmitry). Beyond the nation-state: the Zionist political imagination from Pinsker to BenGurion. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XVI-300 p.
585. Feindbild und Vorbild. Die athenische Demokratie und ihre intellektuellen Gegner. Hrsg. v. Ivan JORDOVIĆ und Uwe WALTER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 343 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, NF., 74).
600. State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. Ed. by John L. BROOKE, Julia C. STRAUSS and Greg ANDERSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 384 p.
586. Geschichte der politischen Ideengeschichte. Hrsg. v. Gérard RAULET und Marcus LLANQUE. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2018, 494 p.
601. STOVALL (Tyler). White freedom and the lady of liberty. American historical review, 2018, 123, 1, p. 1-27.
602. TOOZE (Adam). "Cruelly Absent Grandeur"? Democracy's twenty-first-century histories. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 466-490.###
616. ROSSI (Guido). Baldus and the limits of representation. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 55-122.
603. TREGGIARI (Ferdinando). Democrazia e tirannide: il laboratorio medievale (a proposito della traduzione italiana dei trattati politici di Bartolo da Sassoferrato). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 215-224.
617. Studien zur Geschichte des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts. Methoden – Analysen – Kritik. Hrsg. v. Bernhard KRETSCHMER und Benno ZABEL. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2018, 527 p. (Grundlagen des Strafrechts, 6).
§ 7. Constitutional and legal history. * 604. LACCHÈ (Luigi). Italian legal history: a survey of recent trends and themes (2006–2017). Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 280295. _______________________
605. Allegorie (Von der) zur Empirie. Natur im Rechtsdenken des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Susanne LEPSIUS, Friedrich VOLLHARDT und Oliver BACH. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2018, VI-328 p. (Abhandlungen zur rechtswissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung, 100). 606. CRESCENZI (Victor). Libertà, lavoro, diritto. Studi storici di diritto del lavoro. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 348 p. (Quaderni della Scuola nazionale di studi medievali, 10). 607. DE RUYSSCHER (Dave), KOTLYAR (Ilya). Local traditions v. academic law: collateral rights on movables in Holland (c. 1300–c. 1700). Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 3-4, p. 365-403. 608. DETER (Gerhard). Rechtsgeschichte in regionaler Perspektive. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 73-99. 609. DOMINGO (Rafael). Roman law: an introduction. London, Routledge, 2018, XIV-238 p. 610. GIGLIOTTI (Valerio). Sulle origini dei rapporti tra ordinamento secolare e ordinamento religioso nella storia giuridica occidentale. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 305-351. 611. Global history (A) of convicts and penal colonies. Ed. by Clare ANDERSON. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XIV-389 p. 612. GROSSI (Paolo). Un altro modo di possedere. Quarant'anni dopo. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 1, p. 81-88. 613. HERZOG (Tamar). A short history of European law: the last two and a half millennia. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 289 p. 614. Historisch-kritischer Kommentar zum BGB. Band IV. Familienrecht, §§ 1297–1921. Hrsg. v. Mathias SCHMOECKEL, Joachim RÜCKERT und Reinhard ZIMMERMANN. Red. Mathias SCHMOECKEL. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XXXVIII-1622 p. 615. Oxford handbook (The) of European legal history. Ed. by Heikki PIHLAJAMÄKI, Markus D. DUBBER and Mark GODFREY. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVII-1192 p.
§ 8. Economic and social history. ______________________
618. BARTON (Gregory A.). The global history of organic farming. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 242 p. 619. Between regulation and freedom: work and manufactures in European cities 14th–18th centuries. Ed. by Andrea CARACAUSI, Matthew DAVIES and Luca MOCARELLI. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, XIII-146 p. 620. BORSCH (Jonas). Erschütterte Welt. Soziale Bewältigung von Erdbeben im östlichen Mittelmeerraum der Antike. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIII397 p. (Bedrohte Ordnungen, 11). 621. BROADBERRY (Stephen), GUAN (Hanhui), LI (David Daokui). China, Europe, and the great divergence: a study in historical national accounting, 980– 1850. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 9551000. 622. CHILOSI (David), SCHULZE (Max-Stephan), VOLCKART (Oliver). Benefits of empire? Capital market integration North and South of the Alps, 1350– 1800. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 637672. 623. DINCECCO (Mark), ONORATO (Massimiliano G.). From warfare to wealth: the military origins of urban prosperity in Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-196 p. 624. Environmental histories of the First World War. Ed. by Richard P. TUCKER, Tait KELLER, John Robert MAC NEILL and Martin SCHMID. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-312 p. 625. Famines during the "Little Ice Age" 1300–1800. Socionatural entanglements in premodern societies. Ed. by Dominik COLLET and Maximilian SCHUH. Berlin, Springer, 2018, VI-269 p. 626. GRAHAM (Wade). Braided waters. Environment and society in MolokaI-Hawai'i. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XV-262 p. (Western histories). 627. Handbuch Landesgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Werner FREITAG, Michael KIßENER und Christine REINLE [et al.] Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XII-706 p. 628. Histoire (Une) des sexualités. Sous la dir. de Sylvie STEINBERG. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 518 p. 629. HOLENSTEIN (André), KURY (Patrick), SCHULZ (Kristina). Schweizer Migrationsgeschichte. Von den
§ 9. History of civilization, sciences and education
Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Baden, Hier und Jetzt, 2018, 384 p.
bridge U. P., 2018, X-202 p. (Studies in environment and history).
630. LAZUKA (Barys Andrėevich). U zaseni zamkaŭ i palatsaŭ: matėryialʹnaia kulʹtura satsyi︠a︡lʹnaĭ ėlity Belarusi XII–pachatku XX stahhodzi︠a︡. (In the shadow of castles and palaces: the material culture of the social elite of Belarus XII–early XX century). Minsk, 2018, 319 p. (ill.).
644. SOENS (Tim). Resilient societies, vulnerable people: coping with North Sea floods before 1800. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 143-177.
631. MANNING (J. G.). The open sea. The economic life of the ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the rise of Rome. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XXVI-414 p. 632. MARTEN (James). History of childhood. A very short introduction. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 160 p. (Very Short Introductions). 633. MILANOVIC (Branko). Towards an explanation of inequality in premodern societies: the role of colonies, urbanization, and high population density. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1029-1047. 634. Money, currency and crisis. In search of trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000. Ed. by Robartus Johannes VAN DER SPEK and Bas VAN LEEUWEN. London, Routledge, 2018, XIX-377 p. (Routledge explorations in economic history, 80). 635. MUNCK (Bert). Guilds, labour and the urban body politic: fabricating community in the Southern Netherlands, 1300–1800. New York a. London, Routledge, 2018, XIV-312 p. 636. PICCIONI (Luigi). La natura come mestiere. Tre generazioni di guardiaparco in Abruzzo. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 157, p. 165-194. 637. PIRANI (Simon). Burning up. A global history of fossil fuel consumption. London, Pluto Press, 2018, 272 p. 638. PLUMPE (Werner). Unternehmensgeschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 202 p. (Enzyklopädie Deutscher Geschichte, 94). 639. Pouvoir (Le) des courtiers: univers marchand et acteurs du courtage en Europe (XIVe–XVIIIe siècle). Sous la dir. de Vincent DEMONT, Matthieu SCHERMAN et Anne Wegener SLEESWIJK. Paris, Éditions Rue d'Ulm/ Presses de l'École normale supérieure, 2018, 275 p. (Sciences sociales). 640. QUAINI (Massimo). A proposito di "storia scippata". Una storia applicata ad ambiente, territorio, paesaggio? Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 821-836. 641. Routledge handbook of the history of sustainability. Ed. by Jeremy L. CARADONNA. London, Routledge, 2018, XII-443 p. (ill.). (Routledge international handbooks). 642. RUPPENTHAL (Jens). Raubbau und Meerestechnik. Die Rede von der Unerschöpflichkeit der Meere. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 293 p. 643. RUSSELL (Edmund). Greyhound nation. A coevolutionary history, 1200–1900. New York, Cam-
645. Soldat (Le). XXe–XXIe siècle. Sous la dir de François LECOINTRE, préface de Jean-Pierre RIOUX. Paris, Gallimard, 2018, 448 p. (Folio Histoire). 646. Threads of global desire: silk in the pre-modern world. Ed. by Dagmar SCHÄFER, Giorgio RIELLO and Luca MOLÀ. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XVIII413 p. (Pasold studies on textile, dress, and fashion history, 1). 647. Transition énergétique (La): un concept historique ? Sou la dir. de Pierre LAMARD et Nicolas STOSKOPF. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 322 p. (Environnement et société). 648. Valore delle cose e valore delle persone. Dall'Antichità all'Età moderna. A cura di Massimo VALLERANI. Roma, Viella, 2018, XVII-386 p. 649. VÄSTERBRO (Magnus). Svälten: hungeråren som formade Sverige. (La faim: les années de disette qui ont façonné la Suède). Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag, 2018, 440 p. 650. VEYRASSAT (Béatrice). Histoire de la Suisse et des Suisses dans la marche du monde. XVIIe siècle – Première Guerre mondiale: Espaces – Circulations – Échanges. Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil, 2018, 428 p. (Les routes de l'histoire, 1504). 651. Violence in the ancient and medieval worlds. Ed. by Maria Cristina PIMENTEL and Nuno SIMÕES RODRIGUES. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, X-582 p. (ill.). (Interdisciplinary studies in ancient culture and religion, 19). 652. Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente. A cura di Alberto CAMEROTTO e Filippomaria PONTANI. Milano, Mimesis, 2018, 273 p. (Classici contro, 10). [Cf. nos 1377, 1383, 1554, 1950, 5470, 5629.] Cf. nos 121-147, 5735-5763 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. _______________________
653. Abḥāth al-Muʼtamar al-Sanawī al-Thalāthūn liTārīkh al-'Ulūm 'inda al-'Arab al-mun'aqid fī Jāmi'at Ḥalab 29–30 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1431–1 Muḥarram 1432. Wa-al-iḥtifāʼ bi-al-'ālim al-'Arabī Ibn Faḍl Allāh al'Umarī ṣāḥib Mawsū'at Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik alamṣār. (Researches of the thirtieth annual Conference on the history of science among the Arabs held at the University of Aleppo 5–7 December 2010. The celebration of the Arab world, Ibn Fadlallah al-Umari, the author of the encyclopedia Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣār). Ḥalab, Jāmi'at Ḥalab, Ma'had al-Turāth al'Ilmī al-'Arabī, 2018, 2 voll. (ill.).
654. ALEXANDER (Kimberly S.). Treasures foot. Shoe stories from the Georgian era. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, X-234 p.###
669. GROOM (Nick). The vampire: a new history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XX-320 p.
655. ARMANIOS (Febe), ERGENE (Boğaç). Halal food. A history. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIX375 p.
670. Handbuch Sound. Geschichte – Begriffe – Ansätze. Hrsg. v. Daniel MORAT und Hansjakob ZIEMER. Unter Mitarbeit von Rainer RUTZ. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2018, XI-437 p. (ill.).
656. BORMUTH (Matthias). Die Vielfalt geistiger Erfahrung. Überlegungen zur Ideengeschichte. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 88 p.
671. HANDLEY (Sasha). Objects, emotions and an early modern bed-sheet. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 169-194.
657. BRAUN (Christina von). Blutsbande. Verwandtschaft als Kulturgeschichte. Berlin, Aufbau Verlag, 2018, 537 p. (ill.).
672. HARARI (Yuval Noah). Sapiens. A brief history of humankind. New York, Harper, 2018, 443 p. (ill., map).
658. CARDON (Nathan). A dream of the future. Race, empire and modernity at the Atlanta and Nashville world's fairs. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI177 p.
673. HENRIET (Benoît). Facing the talking snake: witchcraft, anxiety, and sense-making in interwar Belgian Congo. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 2, p. 219-241.
659. Circulation of knowledge. Explorations in the history of knowledge. Ed. by Johan ÖSTLING, Erling SANDMO, David LARSSON HEIDENBLAD, Anna NILSSON HAMMAR and Kari H. NORDBERG. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 256 p.
674. Heroes. Repräsentationen des Heroischen in Geschichte, Literatur und Alltag. Hrsg. v. Johanna ROLSHOVEN, Toni Janosch KRAUSE und Justin WINKLER. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 606 p. (Edition Kulturwissenschaft, 156).
660. COHN (Samuel K. Jr.). Epidemics: hate and compassion from the plague of Athens to AIDS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-644 p.
675. HOBART (Michael E.). The great rift. Literacy, numeracy and the religion-science divide. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XIV-506 p.
661. COLBY (Jason M.). Orca. How we came to know and love the ocean's greatest predator. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-394 p.
676. Höfe und Experten. Relationen von Macht und Wissen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Marian FÜSSEL, Antje KUHLE und Michael STOLZ. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 228 p.
662. Critical terms for animal studies. Ed. by Lori GRUEN. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 472 p. 663. Emerging modern world (An), 1750–1870. Ed. by Sebastian CONRAD and Jürgen OSTERHAMMEL. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, VI1090 p. (A history of the world). 664. Feeling things: objects and emotions through history. Ed. by Stephanie DOWNES, Sally HOLLOWAY and Sarah RANDLES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 270 p. 665. FEINMAN (Gary M.), NICHOLAS (Linda M.). Population, scale, and the framing of long-term history. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 227-258. 666. FISCHER (Marta). Operateure zwischen Deutschland und Russland: biobibliographisches Lexikon der Vertreter operativer Fächer im 19. Jahrhundert. Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2018, 673 p. (b/w ill., maps). (Relationes. Schriftenreihe des Vorhabens "Wissenschaftsbeziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert zwischen Deutschland und Russland auf den Gebieten Chemie, Pharmazie und Medizin" bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 21).
677. HOULBROOK (Ceri). The concealed revealed: the 'afterlives' of hidden objects in the home. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 195-216. 678. Introduction to Chinese culture. Cultural history, arts, festivals and rituals. Ed. by Guobin XU, Yanhui CHEN and Lianhua XU. Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVIII-251 p. 679. Introduction to Western culture. Cultural history, religion, politics, folklore and tourism. Ed. by Guobin XU, Yanhui CHEN, Lianhua XU. Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVI-187 p. 680. Knowledge in translation. Global patterns of scientific exchange, 1000–1800 CE. Ed. by Patrick MANNING and Abigail OWEN. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, 464 p. 681. KOCH (Eva). Øl i Oldtiden. (La Bière de l'âge de pierre à l'époque des vikings). Højbjerg, Wormianum, 2018, 198 p. (ill.). 682. KOMLOSY (Andrea). Grenzen. Räumliche und soziale Trennlinien im Zeitenlauf. Wien, Promedia Verlag, 2018, 247 p.
667. GAL (Stéphane). Histoires verticales. Les usages politiques et culturels de la montagne (XIe–XVIIIe siècles). Champ Vallon, Ceyzérieu, 2018, 453 p.
683. Körperführung. Historische Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Biopolitik und Sport. Hrsg. v. Stefan SCHOLL. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 335 p.
668. GILMAN (Sander L.). Stand up straight! A history of posture. London. Reaktion Books, 2018, 429 p.
684. LANZONI (Susan Marie). Empathy. A history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIV-392 p.
§ 10. History of art
685. LAUNIAINEN (Petri). A brief history of everything wireless. How invisible waves have changed the world. Cham, Springer, 2018, XI-211 p.###
700. SAILMANN (Gerald). Der Beruf. Eine Begriffsgeschichte. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 264 p. (Histoire, 147).
686. MAC GILL (Martha). Ghosts in Enlightenment Scotland. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 255 p.
701. SCHATZBERG (Eric). Technology. Critical history of a concept. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 344 p.
687. Magia naturale (La) tra Medioevo e prima età moderna. A cura di Lorenzo BIANCHI e Antonella SANNINO. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, VI-360 p. (Micrologus Library, 89). 688. MALMSTEDT (Göran). En förtrollad värld. Förmoderna föreställningar och bohuslänska trolldomsprocesser 1669–1672. (Un monde ensorcelé. Représentations prémodernes et procès en sorcellerie dans le Bohuslän dans les années 1669–1672). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 237 p. (ill.). 689. Medical paratexts from Medieval to Modern. Dissecting the page. Ed. by Hannah C. TWEED and Diane G. SCOTT. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 260 p. (Palgrave studies in literature, science and medicine). 690. MONTESANO (Marina). Classical culture and witchcraft in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 278 p. 691. MULSOW (Martin). Elemente einer globalisierten Ideengeschichte der Vormoderne. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 1, p. 1-30. 692. OATLEY (Keith). Our minds, our selves. A brief history of psychology. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 376 p. (b/w ill.). 693. OGDEN (Emily). Credulity. A cultural history of US Mesmerism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 272 p. (Class 200. New studies in religion). 694. Oxford encyclopedia (The) of crime, media and popular culture. Ed. by Nicole RAFTER and Michelle BROWN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 2232 p. 695. Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world. Ed. by Paul T. KEYSER and John SCARBOROUGH. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XV-1045 p. (Oxford handbooks). [Cf. nos 20152017, 2020, 2029, 2034, 2036, 2456, 2488, 2497.] 696. Palgrave handbook (The) of the history of surgery. Ed. by Thomas SCHLICH. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIX-578 p. (ill., portraits, plans). (Palgrave handbooks). 697. PETRI (Rolf). A short history of Western ideology. A critical account. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VIII-243 p. 698. Routledge companion (The) to media and fairytale cultures. Ed. by Pauline GREENHILL, Jill Terry RUDY, Naomi HAMER and Lauren BOSC. London, Routledge, 2018, (b/w ill.). (Routledge media and cultural studies companions). 699. Routledge handbook (The) of planning history. Ed. by Carola HEIN. London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, 536 p.
702. SOLCAN (Șarolta). Imaginea femeii pe baza documentelor proceselor de vrăjitorie din Transilvania din secolele XVI–XVIII. (The perception of women's image based on the witchcraft trials from Transylvania between the 16th and the 18th centuries). Tyragetia. Muzeul Național de Istorie al Moldovei, 2018, 12, 2, p. 4553. 703. Virtue ethics and education from late Antiquity to the eighteenth century. Ed. by Andreas HELLERSTEDT. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 334 p. 704. Voisiner: mutations urbaines et construction de la cité du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Albagne COGNÉ, Laurent BESSE, Stéphanie SAUGET, Ulrike KRAMPL. Tours, Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2018, 300 p. (Villes et territoires). 705. WHITFIELD (Susan). Silk, slaves, and stupas: material culture of the silk road. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2018, 376 p. § 10. History of art. _______________________
706. Cambridge history (The) of medieval music. Ed. by Mark EVERIST and Thomas Forrest KELLY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 2 vol., 500 p. (music, facs). (Cambridge history of music). 707. Chiesa (La) di San Giacomo dall'Orio, una trama millenaria di arte e fede. A cura di Massimo BISSON, Isabella CECCHINI e Deborah HOWARD, campagna fotografica di Francesco Turio BÖHM. Roma, Viella, 2018, 280 p. (col. tabs.). (Chiese di Venezia, 6). 708. Companion (A) to ancient Near Eastern art. Ed. by Ann C. GUNTER. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 704 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 709. Companion (A) to modern art. Ed. by Pam MEECHAM and Dana ARNOLD. Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell, 2018, XVI-552 p. (Wiley Blackwell companions to art history, 13). 710. Companion (A) to nineteenth-century art. Ed. by Michelle FACOS. Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell, 2018, XXVII-527 p. (ill.). (Wiley Blackwell companions to art history, 13). 711. Construire avec le corps humain: les ordres anthropomorphes et leurs avatars dans l'art européen de l'antiquité à la fin du XVIe siècle / Bauen mit dem menschlichen Körper: anthropomorphe Stützen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Èd. par / Hrsg. v. Sabine FROMMEL, Eckhard LEUSCHNER, Vincent DROGUET, Thomas KIRCHNER. Paris, Diffusion Picard et Roma, Campisano editore, 2018, 2 vol., 619 p. (ill., facs.). (Itinéraires, 4 / Percorsi, 4).
712. Coro clássico (El). Ayer y hoy. Ed. por Francesco DE MARTINO y Carmen MORENILLA. Bari, Levante, 2018, 215 p. (ill.). (Le rane. Studi, 68). ### 713. Critical companion (A) to Medieval motets. Ed. by Jared C. HARTT. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2018, 420 p. (Studies in medieval and Renaissance music, 17). 714. Handbook (The) of contemporary indigenous architecture. Ed. by Elizabeth GRANT, Kelly GREENOP, Albert L. REFITI and Daniel J. GLENN. Singapore, Springer, 2018, XXIII-1001 p. (ill.). 715. KOSTELANETZ (Richard). A dictionary of the avant-gardes. London, Routledge, 2018, 476 p. 716. Palgrave handbook (The) of contemporary Irish theatre and performance. Ed. by Eamonn JORDAN and Eric WEITZ. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXXIII-866 p. (ill.). (Palgrave handbooks). 717. Racconto (Il) a teatro: dal dramma antico al Siglo de Oro alla scena contemporanea. A cura di Giorgio IERANÒ e Pietro TARAVACCI. Trento, Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia, 2018, 340 p. (Labirinti, 174). [Cf. nos 1390, 1407, 1409, 1432, 1462, 5625, 5628, 5634, 5643, 5671, 5681, 5682, 5688, 5696, 5703, 5722.] 718. Routledge companion (The) to photography and visual culture. Ed. by Moritz NEUMÜLLER. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 446 p. (Routledge art history and visual studies companions). 719. Routledge handbook (The) of early Christian art. Ed. by Robin M. JENSEN and Mark D. ELLISON. London, Routledge, 2018, XXIV-398 p. (Routledge handbooks).
* 726. Religious Studies Review, 44, 1, 2 3, 4, 2018, [s. p.] [2017, 43, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 667.] ** 727. TOMMASINO (Pier Mattia). The Venetian Qur'an. A Renaissance companion to Islam. Translated by Sylvia NOTINI. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XIX-297 p. (Material texts). ______________________
728. BILYARSKI (Ivan). Le Testament d'Abraham et sa présence dans un convoi juridique et antihérétique (BAR Mss. sl. 636) I. Le texte, son origine et ses versions. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 191232. 729. Cambridge history (The) of Judaism. Vol. 6. The middle ages: the Christian world. Ed. by Robert CHAZAN. Volume 7. The Early Modern World, 1500– 1815. Ed. by Jonathan KARP and Adam SUTCLIFFE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 2 vol., VIII-922 p., 1152 p. 730. Companion (A) to religion in late antiquity. Ed. by Josef LÖSSL and Nicholas BAKER-BRIAN. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, LV-655 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 731. Companion (A) to the Abbey of Le Bec in the central Middle Ages (11th–13th centuries). Ed. by Benjamin POHL and Laura L. GATHAGAN. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XV-408 p. (ill., maps). (Brill's companions to European history, 13). 732. Dictionary of gypsy mythology. Charms, rites and magical traditions of the Roma. Claude LECOUTEUX. Translated by Jon E. GRAHAM. Rochester, Inner Traditions, 2018, 183 p. (ill.). 733. GOODMAN (Martin). A history of Judaism. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XXIX-623 p.
720. Routledge research companion (The) to modernism in music. Ed. by Björn HEILE and Charles WILSON. London, Routledge, 2018, 534 p. (b/w ill.).
734. JENAL (Georg). Sub Regula S. Benedicti. Eine Geschichte der Söhne und Töchter Benedikts von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 444 p.
721. SCHICHT (Patrick). Kastelle. Architektur der Macht. Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018, 621 p. (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 162).
735. Kirchen (Die) in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen: vom Alten Reich bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Andreas LINSENMANN und Irene DINGEL. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 160 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 120).
722. VIVEROS-FAUNÉ (Christian). Social forms. A short history of political art. New York, David Zwirner Books, 2018, 128 p. (ill.). § 11. History of religions. * 723. Kitābshināsī-i tafṣilī-i tārīkh-i 'irfān-i Islāmī, bā namāyah-i maṭālib = A detailed bibliography of the history of Islamic mysticism, with index of sources. Qum, Muʼassasah-ʼi Āmūzishī va Pizhūhishī-i Imām Khumaynī, 2018, 6 voll. (Kitābshināsīʹhā-yi tafṣīlī-i 'ulūm-i 'aqlī-i Islāmī, 22-27).
736. MAC HUGO (John). A concise history of Sunnis & Shi'is. Washington, Georgetown U. P., 2018, 347 p. (maps, gen. tabs.). 737. MORE (Alison). Fictive orders and feminine religious identities, 1200–1600. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-203 p.
* 724. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 62, 2018, [s. p] [Vol. 61, 2017. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 665.]
738. Pre-Christian religions (The) of the North. Research and Reception. Vol. 1. From the Middle Ages to c. 1830. Vol. 2. From c. 1830 to the Present. Ed. by Margaret Clunies ROSS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 2 vol., XXXIV-637 p., XXIV-636 p.
* 725. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 41, 2018, [s. p] [Vol. 40, 2017. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 666.]
739. Routledge research companion (The) to the history of Evangelicalism. Ed. by Andrew ATHERSTONE
§ 13. History of literature
and David CERI JONES. Boca Raton, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018, 312 p. (Routledge research in EU law).
RENGER und Alexandra STELLMACHER. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2018, XVI-294 p. (Religionswissenschaft: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 15).
740. SHAGAN (Ethan H.). The birth of modern belief. Faith and judgment from the Middle Ages to the enlightenment. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIV385 p.
Cf. nos 5414-5463
741. Violence in Islamic thought from the Mongols to European imperialism. Ed. by Robert GLEAVE and István T. KRISTÓ-NAGY. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, 240 p. 742. WILLIAM-SØRENSEN (Susanne). Kulturmøder og religiøse fjendebilleder. I antikens og nutidens Europa. (Contacts culturels et antagonismes religieux dans l'Antiquité et l'Europe contemporaine). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 236 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Classical studies, 26). 743. YELLE (Robert). Sovereignty and the sacred. Secularism and the political economy of religion. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, IX-270 p. Cf. nos 4955-4982 § 12. History of philosophy. ______________________
744. Blackwell (The) companion to substance dualism. Ed. by Jonathan LOOSE, Angus MENUGE and J.P. MORELAND. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 528 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy). 745. Brill's companion to the reception of Plato in antiquity. Ed. by Harold TARRANT, Danielle A. LAYNE, Dirk BALTZLY and François RENAUD. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XXI-657 p. (Brill's Companions to classical reception, 13). 746. Companion (A) to James of Viterbo. Ed. by Antoine CÔTÉ and Martin PICKAVÉ. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 433 p. (Brill's companions to the christian tradition, 81). 747. Dao Companion to Chinese buddhist philosophy. Ed. by Youru WANG and Sandra A. WAWRYTKO. Dordrecht, Springer, 2018, XV-440 p. (ill.). (Dao companions to Chinese philosophy, 9). 748. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VII. D'Ulpien à Zoticus, avec des compléments pour les tomes antérieurs. Ed. par Richard GOULET. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018, 1471 p.
§ 13. History of literature. * 752. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. LIV. 2016. [LIII. 2015. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 714.] Begrundet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2018, 1296 p. * 753. Routledge (The) research companion to digital Medieval literature. Ed. by Jennifer E. BOYLE and Helen J. BURGESS. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 268 p. (ill.). _______________________
754. Cambridge companion (The) to the literature of the American Renaissance. Ed. by Christopher N. PHILLIPS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII251 p. (ill., portraits). (Cambridge companions to literature). 755. CAUDHURI (Sukanta). A companion to pastoral poetry of the English Renaissance. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 344 p. (The Manchester Spenser). 756. Companion (A) to ancient epigram. Ed. by Christer HENRIKSÉN. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 736 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 757. Companion (A) to late antique literature. Ed. by Scott MAC GILL and Edward J. WATTS. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 704 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 758. Companion (A) to Renaissance poetry. Ed. by Catherine BATES. Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, XIX-653 p. (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 2287). 759. Companion (A) to the poema de mio Cid. Ed. by Irene ZADERENKO and Alberto MONTANER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 554 p. (Brill's companions to medieval philology, 1). 760. Edinburgh companion (The) to contemporary narrative theories. Ed. by Zara DINNEN and Robyn WARHOL. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, 440 p. (b/w ill.). (Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities).
749. LEEZENBERG (Michiel), DE VRIES (Gerard). History and philosophy of the humanities. An introduction. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 396 p. (ill.). (Cambridge books online).
761. Enciclopedia literaturii române vechi: A-Z. (Encyclopedia of ancient Romanian literature: A-Z). Coordonatori Simona ANTOFI, Manuela ANTON, Laurențiu AVRAM. București, Editura Muzeului Literaturii Române-Fundația Națională pentru Știință și Artă, 2018, 1040 p.
750. Philosophy and the historical perspective. Ed. by Marcel VAN ACKEREN and Lee KLEIN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-253 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 214).
762. Oxford handbook (The) of Charles Dickens. Ed. by Robert L. PATTEN, John O. JORDAN and Catherine WATERS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXXIII819 p. (ill.). (Oxford handbooks).
751. Übungswissen in Religion und Philosophie. Produktion, Weitergabe, Wandel. Hrsg. v. Almut-Barbara
763. Palgrave handbook (The) of Shakespeare's queens. Ed. by Kavita MUDAN FINN and Valerie
SCHUTTE. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIX-530 p. (Queenship and power). 764. PERNOT (Laurent). L'art du sous-entendu: histoire, théorie, mode d'emploi. Paris, Fayard, 2018, 340 p. 765. Routledge companion (The) to twenty-first century literary fiction. Ed. by Daniel O'GORMAN and Robert EAGLESTONE. London, Routledge, 2018, 462 p. 766. Routledge research companion (The) to Ford Madox Ford. Ed. by Sara HASLAM, Laura COLOMBINO and Seamus O'MALLEY. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 495 p. (Routledge research companions).
767. Short companion (A) to Tibullus and the Corpus Tibullianum. Ed. by Hans-Christian GÜNTHER. Nordhausen, Traugott Bautz, 2018, 172 p. (Studia classica et mediaevalia, 22). 768. WAGNER-MARTIN (Linda). The Routledge introduction to American postmodernism. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 178 p. (Routledge introductions to American literature). 769. WINSTEAD (Karen Anne). The Oxford history of life-writing. Vol. 1. The Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 243 p.
§ 1. General. 770-808. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 809-835. – § 3. Neolithic. 836-863. – § 4. Bronze age. 864-891. – § 5. Iron age. 892-905. § 1. General. ______________________
aproximación demográfica, contextual y sociológica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 85-108.
770. Afurika o dasshutsu shita jinrui saisho no kiseki: Nishiajia Zagurosu no kōko-chishitsugaku. (The exodus from Africa, the first miracle in the human history in an archaeological-geological study of the Zagros in West Asia). Ed. by Ken'ichirō HISADA . Tokyo, Aichi Shuppan, 2018, 159 p.
777. COUTOULY (Yan Axel Gómez). Apogée et déclin de la méthode Yubetsu. Les débitages lamellaires par pression dans le Nord Pacifique lors du peuplement du Nouveau Monde (de la fin du Pléistocène au début de l'Holocène). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 7-42.
771. ARMIROTTI (Alessandra), DE DAVIDE (Claudia), WICKS (David). Aosta in epoca preistorica e protostorica alla luce delle recenti indagini archeologiche preventive in ambito urbano. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 109-140.
778. CROWN (Patricia L.), WILLS (W.H.). The complex history of Pueblo Bonito and its interpretation. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 890-904.
772. BIKOULIS (Peter), GONZALEZ-MACQUEEN (Felipe), SPENCE-MORROW (Giles), BAUTISTA (Stefanie), YEPEZ ALVAREZ (Willy), JENNINGS (Justin). Ancient pathways and geoglyphs in the Sihuas Valley of southern Peru. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1377-1391. 773. BOMBARDIERI (Luca), MUTI (Giulia). To weave or not to weave? Textile production and the development of a technological habitus in Cypriote prehistory. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 41-1, p. 25-52.
779. DE LA PAZ ROMÁN DÍAZ (María), MAICAS RAMOS (Ruth). La cosecha de El Garcel (Antas, Almería): estructuras de almacenamiento en el sureste de la península ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 67-84. 780. DE LUMLEY (Henry), BARSKY (Deborah), MON(Marie Hélène), CARBONELL (Eudald), CAUCHE (Dominique), CELIBERTI (Vincenzo), NOTTER (Olivier), PLEURDEAU (David), HONG (Mi-Young), ROGERS (Michael J.), SEMAW (Sileshi). The first technical sequences in human evolution from East Gona, Afar region, Ethiopia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1151-1164. CEL
774. BUENO RAMÍREZ (Primitiva), LINARES CATELA (José Antonio), BALBIN BEHRMANN (Rodrigo de), BARROSO BERMEJO (Rosa María). Simbolos de la muerte en la Préhistoria reciente del sur de Europa: el dolmen de Soto, Huelva, España. Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía, 2018, 384 p.
781. DÍAZ-ZORITA BONILLA (Marta), BECK (Jess), BOCHERENS (Hervé), DÍAZ-DEL-RÍO (Pedro). Isotopic evidence for mobility at large-scale human aggregations in Copper Age Iberia: the mega-site of Marroquíes. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 991-1007.
775. CHIRIKURE (Shadreck), NYAMUSHOSHO (Robert), BANDAMA (Foreman), DANDARA (Collet). Elites and commoners at Great Zimbabwe: archaeological and ethnographic insights on social power. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1056-1075.
776. CINTAS-PEÑA (Marta), GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Leonardo), DÍAZ-ZORITA BONILLA (Marta), HERRERO CORRAL (Ana Mercedes), ROBLES CARRASCO (Sonia). La población no adulta del asentamiento de la Edad del Cobre de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla): una https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-006
782. DUNGAN (Katherine A.), WHITE (Devin), DÉ(Sylviane), MILLS (Barbara J.), SAFI (Kristin). A total viewshed approach to local visibility in the Chaco world. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 905-921.
783. GEHRES (Benjamin). Matières premières argileuses et valeur ajoutée: le rôle des terres dans la diffusion des céramiques du Massif armoricain au Néolithique récent et à l'âge du Fer. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 309-326. 784. GIANNITRAPANI (Enrico). Le case dei vivi e le case dei morti: architettura domestica e architettura fu-
neraria nella Sicilia centrale tra il IV e il II millennio a.C. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 191227. 785. GUIDA NAVARRO (Alexandre). New evidence for late first-millennium AD stilt-house settlements in Eastern Amazonia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1586-1603. 786. GUILAINE (Jean). Siret's smile. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1247-1259. 787. GUY (Emmanuel). Ce que l'art préhistorique dit de nos origines. Paris, Flammarion, 2018, 352 p. (Au fil de l'histoire). 788. HARDING (Anthony). The question of "protourban" sites in later prehistoric Europe. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 317-338. 789. HOLLESEN (Jørgen), CALLANAN (Martin), DAWSON (Tom), FENGER-NIELSEN (Rasmus), FRIESEN (T. Max), JENSEN (Anne M.), MARKHAM (Adam), MARTENS (Vibeke V.), PITULKO (Vladimir V.), ROCKMAN (Marcy). Climate change and the deteriorating archaeological and environmental archives of the Arctic. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 573-586. 790. KANSA (Eric C.), KANSA (Sarah W.), WELLS (Josh J.), YERKA (Stephen J.), MYERS (Kelsey N.), DEMUTH (Robert C.), BISSETT (Thaddeus G.), ANDERSON (David G.). The digital index of North American Archaeology: networking government data to navigate an uncertain future for the past. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 490-506. 791. LILLIOS (Katina T.). Veinte años de arqueología de la Prehistoria tardía en la Península Ibérica. Mirando hacia atrás y hacia adelante. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 203-222. 792. LO SCHIAVO (Fulvia), D'ORIANO (Rubens). Il commercio sulle lunghe distanze nella Sardegna dell'età del bronzo e fino all'inizio dell'età del ferro: il rame, la ceramica, l'avorio, l'ambra, la pasta vitrea, il vino. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 119-143. 793. MANNING (Sturt W.), SMITH (Adam T.), KHATCHADOURIAN (Lori), BADALYAN (Ruben), LINDSAY (Ian), GREENE (Alan), MARSHALL (Maureen). A new
approach at Boyo Paso 2, Argentina. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1040-1055. 797. MILLER (Bryan K.), MAKAREWICZ (Cheryl A.), BAYARSAIKHAN (Jamsranjav), TÜVSHINJARGAL (Tömörbaatar). Stone lines and burnt bones: ritual elaborations in Xiongnu mortuary arenas of Inner Asia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1310-1328. 798. MILLS (Barbara J.), PEEPLES (Matthew A.), ARAGON (Leslie D.), BELLORADO (Benjamin A.), CLARK (Jeffery J.), GIOMI (Evan), WINDES (Thomas C.). Evaluating Chaco migration scenarios using dynamic social network analysis. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 922939. 799. MILLS (Barbara J.). What's new in Chaco research? Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 855-869. 800. MIZOGUCHI (Koji), UCHIDA (Junko). The Anyang Xibeigang Shang royal tombs revisited: a social archaeological approach. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 709-723. 801. ORTON (David), ANVARI (Jana), GIBSON (Catriona), LAST (Jonathan), BOGAARD (Amy), ROSENSTOCK (Eva), BIEHL (Peter F.). A tale of two tells: dating the Çatalhöyük West Mound. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 620-639. 802. PHILIPPE (Michel). Un état des connaissances sur la navigation préhistorique en Europe atlantique. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 567-597. 803. PRYCE (Thomas Oliver), KYAW (Aung Aung), KYAW (Myo Min), WIN (Tin Tin), WIN (Thu Thu), WIN (Khin Htwe), MON (May Myat), AYE (Mar Mar), HTAY (Su Hlaing), MAR (Aye Aye), BELLINA (Bérénice), BENTLEY (R. Alexander), CHAMPION (Louis), COLONNA (Camille), COOK (Amanda J.), FAVEREAU (Aude), FULLER (Dorian Q.), GEORJON (Cloé), HIGHAM (Charles), HTWE (Kalayar Myat Myat), IIZUKA (Yoshiyuki), INNANCHAI (Jitlada), LE MEUR (Clémence), PEIXOTO (Xavier), PETCHEY (Peter), PINHASI (Ron), PRADIER (Baptiste), VALENTIN (Frédérique), WILLIS (Anna), ZAZZO (Antoine). A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS 14C dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 690-708.
chronological model for the Bronze and Iron Age South Caucasus: radiocarbon results from Project ArAGATS, Armenia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 15301551.
804. ROSENSWIG (Robert M.), LÓPEZ-TORRIJOS (Ricardo). Lidar reveals the entire kingdom of Izapa during the first millennium BC. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1292-1309.
794. MARCONI (Nadia). Dati archeologici e ipotesi interpretative sulla produzione ceramica dell'abitato eneolitico di Le Cerquete-Fianello (Maccarese, RM). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 141-189. 795. MARTINOTTI (Angelo). Immaginario e ideologia nell'arte rupestre dell'età del Rame in Valtellina (Lombardia). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 75-108.
805. SCARBOROUGH (Vernon L.), FLADD (Samantha G.), DUNNING (Nicholas P.), PLOG (Stephen), OWEN (Lewis A.), CARR (Christopher), TANKERSLEY (Kenneth B.), MAC COOL (Jon-Paul), WATSON (Adam S.), HAUSSNER (Elizabeth A.), CROWLEY (Brooke), BISHOP (Katelyn J.), LENTZ (David L.), VIVIAN (R. Gwinn). Water uncertainty, ritual predictability and agricultural canals at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 870-889.
796. MEDINA (Matías), LÓPEZ (Laura), BUC (Natacha). Bone tool and tuber processing: a multi-proxy
806. SELLIER (Dominique). Formes d' érosion prémégalithiques et postmégalithiques sur les menhirs de
§ 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic
calcaire du causse Méjean (Lozère). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 289-308.
chronology for mobiliary and parietal depictions. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 38-55.
807. SPATZIER (André), BERTEMES (François). The ring sanctuary of Pömmelte, Germany: a monumental, multi-layered metaphor of the late third millennium BC. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 655-673.
818. GAUVRIT ROUX (Eugénie), BEYRIES (Sylvie). Le travail de la peau au Magdalénien moyen ancien: analyse fonctionnelle de l'industrie lithique de la Marche (Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 647-675.
808. VAN DER WALT (Jaco), BRADFIELD (Justin). The effects of heavy-duty machinery on the formation of pseudo-knapping debitage in Stone Age cultural landscapes. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1429-1444. § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. ______________________
809. AGAM (Aviad), BARKAI (Ran). Small flake Acheulian. Further insights into lithic recycling at Late Acheulian Revadim, Israel. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 170192. 810. AMKREUTZ (Luc), VERPOORTE (Alexander), WATERS-RIST (Andrea), NIEKUS (Marcel), VAN HEEKEREN (Vivian), VAN DER MERWE (Alie), VAN DER PLICHT (Hans), GLIMMERVEEN (Jan), STAPERT (Dick), JOHANSEN (Lykke). What lies beneath . . . Late glacial human occupation of the submerged North Sea landscape. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 22-37. 811. ANGELI (Lucia), FABBRI (Cristina), RADI (Giovanna). La produzione ceramica di Colle Santo Stefano (Ortucchio, L'Aquila) nel quadro del Neolitico antico medio-adriatico. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 3-33. 812. BACKWELL (Lucinda), BRADFIELD (Justin), CARLSON (Kristian J.), JASHASHVILI (Tea), WADLEY (Lyn), D'ERRICO (Francesco). The antiquity of bow-andarrow technology: evidence from Middle Stone Age layers at Sibudu cave. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 289-303. 813. BOULESTIN (Bruno). "Pourquoi donc tous ces chasseurs-cueilleurs font-ils des tombes doubles ?". Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 43-52. 814. CONFORTI (Jacopo), PARISI (Marcella). L'industria litica del villaggio trincerato di Trasanello (Matera) durante il Neolitico antico e medio: analisi tecnoeconomica preliminare. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 35-64. 815. DACHY (Tiphaine), GUÉRET (Colas), CAMPMAS (Émilie), SIMONNET (Robert), BOM (François), PERRIN (Thomas). Saint-Trivier/Chabet el Houidga
(Mascara, Algérie): nouvel éclairage sur un faciès méconnu du début de l'Holocène: le Columnatien. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 215251. 816. DENHAM (Tim), ZHANG (Yekun), BARRON (Aleese). Is there a centre of early agriculture and plant domestication in southern China? Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1165-1179. 817. DI MAIDA (Gianpiero), GARCÍA-DIEZ (Marcos), PASTOORS (Andreas), TERBERGER (Thomas). Palaeolithic art at Grotta di Cala dei Genovesi, Sicily: a new
819. GUMMESSON (Sara), HALLGREN (Fredrik), KJELLSTRÖM (Anna). Keep your head high: skulls on stakes and cranial trauma in Mesolithic Sweden. Part of: Bioarchaeology. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 74-90. 820. LANGLAIS (Mathieu), DELVIGNE (Vincent), GIBAUD (Alix), JACQUIER (Jérémie), PERRIN (Thomas), FERNANDES (Paul), DELPUECH (André). La séquence archéostratigraphique du Cuze de Sainte-Anastasie (Cantal): variations diachroniques et synchroniques des industries lithiques du Laborien au Mésolithique. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 497-529. 821. LIU (Li), LEVIN (Maureece J.), BONOMO (Michael F.), WANG (Jiajing), SHI (Jinming), CHEN (Xingcan), HAN (Jiayi), SONG (Yanhua). Harvesting and processing wild cereals in the Upper Palaeolithic Yellow River Valley, China. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 603-619. 822. OXENHAM (Marc F.), HOANG TRINH (Hiep), WILLIS (Anna), JONES (Rebecca K.), DOMETT (Kathryn), CASTILLO (Cristina), WOOD (Rachel), BELLWOOD (Peter), TROMP (Monica), KELLS (Ainslee), PIPER (Philip), THANH PHAM (Son), MATSUMURA (Hirofumi), BUCKLEY (Hallie). Between foraging and farming: strategic responses to the Holocene Thermal Maximum in Southeast Asia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 940-957. 823. PAILLET (Patrick). Qu'est-ce que l'art préhistorique? L'homme et l'image au Paléolithique. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018, 250 p. (Le passé recompose). 824. PESESSE (Damien). Segmentation technique, segmentation sociale? Tester l'hypothèse au Paléolithique supérieur. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 439-453. 825. SCHMIDT (Patrick), BELLOT-GURLET (Ludovic), FLOSS (Harald). The unique Solutrean laurel-leaf points of Volgu: heat-treated or not? Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 587-602. 826. SOTO (María), MORALES (Juan Ignacio), FERNÁNDEZ-MARCHENA (Juan Luis), RABUÑAL (José Ramón), SALADIÉ (Palmira), GARCÍA-ARGUDO (Gala), LOMBAO (Diego), SOARES (Miguel), VIÑAS (Ramón), VALLVERDÚ (Josep). La Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona): ocupaciones de corta duración durante el Paleolítico superior final en las Montañas de Prades. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 270-286. 827. SOUFFI (Bénédicte), GUÉRET (Colas), LEDUC (Charlotte), GEBHARDT-EVEN (Anne), FOUCHER (Cécile), GRISELIN (Sylvain), HAMON (Caroline), PÉLEGRIN (Jacques), SALAVERT (Aurélie). Nouvelles données chronoculturelles et palethnographiques sur le Mésolithique
des VIIIe et VIe millénaires dans le Nord de la France: le site de "la Culotte" à Remilly-les-Pothées (Ardennes, France). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 531-565.
839. BEVINS (Richard), IXER (Rob). Retracing the footsteps of H.H. Thomas: a review of his Stonehenge bluestone provenancing study. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 788-802.
828. STRAUS (Lawrence G.). El Paleolítico superior de la península ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 9-51.
840. BLEICHER (Niels), HARB (Christian). Settlement and social organisation in the late fourth millennium BC in Central Europe: the waterlogged site of ZurichParkhaus Opéra. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1210-1230.
829. THÉRY-PARISOT (Isabelle), THIÉBAULT (Stéphanie), DELANNOY (Jean-Jacques), FERRIER (Catherine), FERUGLIO (Valérie), FRITZ (Carole), GELY (Bernard), GUIBERT (Pierre), MONNEY (Julien), TOSELLO (Gilles), CLOTTES (Jean), GENESTE (Jean-Michel). Illuminating the cave, drawing in black: wood charcoal analysis at Chauvet-Pont d'Arc. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 320-333. 830. TOMASSO (Antonin). Territoire de mobilité et territoire social: structuration du territoire d'approvisionnement en matières premières lithiques dans l'Épigravettien récent au nord-ouest de l'Italie. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 677-700. 831. TOUZÉ (Olivier). Aux prémices du Gravettien dans le Nord-Ouest européen: étude de la production des pointes lithiques à Maisières-Canal (province de Hainaut, Belgique). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 455-495. 832. TRINKAUS (Erik), BUZHILOVA (Alexandra P.). Diversity and differential disposal of the dead at Sunghir. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 7-21. 833. VISENTIN (Davide). The early Mesolithic in Northern Italy and Southern France. An investigation into Sauveterrian lithic technical systems. Oxford, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 2018, 330 p. 834. WHITE (Mark), FOULDS (Frederick). Symmetry is its own reward: on the character and significance of Acheulean handaxe symmetry in the Middle Pleistocene. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 304-319. 835. ZHILIN (Mikhail), SAVCHENKO (Svetlana), HANSEN (Svend), HEUSSNER (Karl-Uwe), TERBERGER (Thomas). Early art in the Urals: new research on the wooden sculpture from Shigir. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 334-350. § 3. Neolithic. _______________________
836. AHOLA (Marja), KIRKINEN (Tuija), VAJANTO (Krista), RUOKOLAINEN (Janne). On the scent of an animal skin: new evidence on Corded Ware mortuary practices in Northern Europe. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 118131. 837. APRILE (Giorgia), INGRAVALLO (Elettra), TI(Ida). I tumuli della necropoli di Salve. Architetture e rituali nell'ideologia funeraria dell'età del Rame. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 164 p. (Bibliotheca archaeologica, 48). BERI
838. BALLESTER (Benjamín). El Médano rock art style: Izcuña paintings and the marine hunter-gatherers of the Atacama Desert. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 132-148.
841. CARRERO-PAZOS (Miguel). Modelando dinámicas de movilidad y visibilidad en los paisajes megalíticos gallegos. El caso del Monte de Santa Mariña y su entorno (Comarca de Sarria, Lugo). Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 287-306. 842. CHARLOUX (Guillaume), AL-KHALIFAH (Hussain), AL-MALKI (Thamer), MENSAN (Romain), SCHWERDTNER (Ronald). The art of rock relief in ancient Arabia: new evidence from the Jawf province. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 165-182 843. CONSUEGRA (Susana), CASTAÑEDA (Nuria), CAPDEVILA (Enrique), CAPOTE (Marta), CRIADO (Cristina), CASAS (Cristina), NIETO (Aurora), DÍAZ-DEL-RÍO (Pedro). La mina de sílex del Neolítico Antiguo de Casa Montero (Madrid, España), 5350–5220 cal a. C. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 52-66. 844. DARMANGEAT (Christophe). Le "surplus" et la stratification socioéconomique. Une causalité au-dessus de tout soupçon ? Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 53-70. 845. FAUSTO (Carlos), NEVES (Eduardo G.). Was there ever a Neolithic in the Neotropics? Plant familiarisation and biodiversity in the Amazon. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1604-1618. 846. GAASTRA (Jane S.), GREENFIELD (Haskel J.), VANDER LINDEN (M.). Gaining traction on cattle exploitation: zooarchaeological evidence from the Neolithic Western Balkans. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 14621477. 847. GRON (Kurt J.), SØRENSEN (Lasse). Cultural and economic negotiation: a new perspective on the Neolithic Transition of Southern Scandinavia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 958-974. 848. HEIDER (Guillermo), LÓPEZ (Laura). The South American agricultural frontier: the first direct evidence for maize consumption in San Luis, Argentina. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1260-1273. 849. HELMER (Daniel), BLAISE (Émilie), GOURI(Lionel), SAÑA-SEGUÍ (Maria). Using cattle for traction and transport during the Neolithic period. Contribution of the study of the first and second phalanxes. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 71-98. CHON
850. IMBEAUX (Marie), AFFOLTER (Jehanne), MAR(Rémi). Diffusion du silex crétacé des minières de Saint-Gond (Marne, France) au Néolithique récent et final. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 733-767.
§ 4. Bronze age
851. JAKUCS (János), OROSS (Krisztián), BÁNFFY (Eszter), VOICSEK (Vanda), DUNBAR (Elaine), REIMER (Paula), BAYLISS (Alex), MARSHALL (Peter), WHITTLE (Alasdair). Rows with the neighbours: the short lives of longhouses at the Neolithic site of Versend-Gilencsa. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 91-117.###
862. VAQUER (Jean), PHILIBERT (Sylvie), TORCHY (Loïc), DU FAYET DE LA TOUR (Alain). Les outils à moissonner de la grotte de Foissac (Aveyron) dans le cadre du Néolithique final dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 99-123.
852. MAEDA (Osamu). Lithic analysis and the transition to the Neolithic in the Upper Tigris Valley: recent excavations at Hasankeyf Höyük. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 56-73.
863. ZERBONI (Andrea), SALVATORI (Sandro), VIGNOLA (Pietro), ALI MOHAMMED (Abd el Rahman), USAI (Donatella). The long-distance exchange of ama-
853. NÚÑEZ (Lautaro), PERLÈS (Catherine). Tulán52: a Late Archaic ceremonial centre at the dawn of the Neolithisation process in the Atacama Desert. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1231-1246. 854. ÖZDOGAN (Mehmet). Humanization of buildings. The neolithic ritual of burying the sacred. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 41-1, p. 7-24. 855. REMICOURT (Maxime), SAINTOT (Sylvie), REY (Pierre-Jérôme). Les armatures à encoches latérales et à encoches basilaires à la fin du Néolithique, des Alpes à la façade atlantique. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 125-147. 856. RENARD (Caroline M.). Caractérisation de l'industrie lithique de la fin du Néolithique, dans le bassin de la Seine (de la deuxième moitié du IVe millénaire à la fin du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C.). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 253-288. 857. RENFREW (Colin), LIU (Bin). The emergence of complex society in China: the case of Liangzhu. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 975-990. 858. RICCI (Andrea), D'ANNA (Maria Bianca), LAW(Dan), HELWING (Barbara), ALIYEV (Tevekkül). Human mobility and early sedentism: the Late Neolithic landscape of southern Azerbaijan. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1445-1461.
859. SALAVERT (Aurélie), BOULEN (Muriel), COUBRAY (Sylvie), DUFRAISSE (Alexa), AMPOSTA (Arielle), BOSTYN (Françoise), CONSTANTIN (Claude), MARTIAL (Emmanuelle), MONCHABLON (Cécile), NEGRONI (Sabine), PANLOUPS (Elisabeth), PRAUD (Ivan). Environ-
nement végétal et collecte du bois de feu au Néolithique dans le sud du bassin de l'Escaut (5 200–2 200 BC). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 701-731. 860. SCERRI (Eleanor M.L.), GUAGNIN (Maria), GROUCUTT (Huw S.), ARMITAGE (Simon J.), PARKER (Luke E.), DRAKE (Nick), LOUYS (Julien), BREEZE (Paul S.), ZAHIR (Muhammad), ALSHAREKH (Abdullah), PETRAGLIA (Michael D.). Neolithic pastoralism in marginal environments during the Holocene Humid Period, northern Saudi Arabia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1180-1194. 861. UTRILLA MIRANDA (Pilar), LABORDA LORENTE (Rafael). La cueva de Chaves (Bastarás, Huesca): 15.000 años de ocupación pré-histórica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 248-269.
zonite and increasing social complexity in the Sudanese Neolithic. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1195-1209. § 4. Bronze age. _______________________
864. AMMERMAN (Albert J.). The east bank of the Tiber below the Island: two recent advances in the study of early Rome. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 398-409. 865. CARDARELLI (Andrea). Before the city: the last villages and proto-urban centres between the Po and Tiber rivers. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 359-381. 866. CAZZELLA (Alberto), RECCHIA (Giulia). Settlement patterns and developments towards urban life in central and southern Italy during the bronze age. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 339-358. 867. CHEREL (Anne-Françoise), GRATUZE (Bernard), SIMON (Patrick). Les perles en faïence et en verre de l'âge du Bronze découvertes en Bretagne: nouvelles données, nouvelles approches. Étude typo-chronologique, composition, provenance. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 327-360. 868. CHEREL (Anne-Françoise), LE GALL (Valérie), GARNIER (Nicolas), ALLARD (Lise). Aliments et modes de conservation au Bronze moyen-final: l'habitat de Guidel-Pen Mane (Morbihan, Bretagne). Approches archéologiques et biochimiques. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 769-790. 869. CRISPINO (Anita), CHILARDI (Salvatore). Un pozzo dell'età del Bronzo da Piazza Duomo di Siracusa. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 359-384. 870. DELLE DONNE (Matteo). La protostoria agricola della Campania: nuovi dati archeobotanici. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 305-357. 871. FLOR (Elisabetta), CHELIDONIO (Giorgio), FER(Paolo), AVANZINI (Marco). Accenditori preistorici a percussione su noduli di solfuri: analisi SEM-EDS per un nuovo approccio metodologico. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 65-73. RETTI
872. FREI (Karin Margarita), FINLAND (Rikke). Egtvedpigens reise: en forskers personlige og videnskablige fortælling. (Le voyage de la femme d'Egtved à l'âge du Bronze. Récit personnel et scientifique d'une chercheuse). København, Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2018, 253 p. (ill.). 873. FURUYAMA (Yūgi). Arukaikku-ki Kureta ni okeru moji no shakai-teki kinō: shiteki meibun no
sūryō bunseki-teki kōsatsu. (Social function of letters in Archaic Crete: a quantitative study of private epigraphs). Sundai Shigaku, 2018, 162, p. 1-36. – IDEM. Kureta ni okeru moji hyōshō to porisu no hō: hōhibun no sūryōteki bunseki karano kōsatsu. (Script representation and law of polis in ancient Crete: a quantitative study of law inscriptions). Meiji Daigaku Jinbunkagaku Kenkyūjo Kiyō, 2018, 83, p. 135-156. 874. GELABERT OLIVER (Maria), HERNÁNDEZ-GASCH (Jordi), PUIG PALERM (Antoni). Actualizando el conocimiento: arquitectura, uso y cronología de los monumentos escalonados en Mallorca. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 128-145. 875. GOMÁ (Juan-Luis). El hacha de Muros (La Coruña, España) y las hachas de enmangue directo del Bronce Final Atlántic. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2018, 115, p. 361-381. 876. GONZATO (Federica), MANGANI (Claudia). Riflessioni sulla ceramica BA2-BM1 proveniente dalla palafitta del Frassino e i rapporti con i siti del Garda sudorientale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 229-253. 877. GRÖMER (Karina), BENDER JØRGENSEN (Lise), MARIĆ BAKOVIĆ (Marija). Missing link: an early wool textile from Pustopolje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 351-367. 878. JAANG (Li), SUN (Zhouyong), SHAO (Jing), LI (Min). When peripheries were centres: a preliminary study of the Shimao-centred polity in the loess highland, China. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1008-1022. 879. KNAPP (A. Bernard). Seafaring and seafarers in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean. Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018, 296 p. (ill., maps). 880. LI (Suting), CAMPBELL (Roderick), HOU (Yanfeng). Guandimiao: a Shang village site and its significance. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1511-1529. 881. MATARESE (Ilaria), CONTE (Sonia), JUNG (Reinhard), PACCIARELLI (Marco). Ornamenti in materiale vetroso dell'età del bronzo dall'Italia meridionale e dall'area siciliano-eoliana: un inquadramento d'insieme alla luce di nuovi dati. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 385-423. 882. MATSUMOTO (Keita). Yūrashia sōgen chitai no seidōki jidai. (The Bronze Age in the Eurasian steppes). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2018, 368 p. 883. MENGOLI (Davide), MAZZUCCO (Niccolò). Mursia (Pantelleria): industria litica scheggiata della struttura B14. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 424-458. 884. MILITELLO (Pietro), SAMMITO (Anna Maria), BUSCEMI (Francesca), FIGUERA (Marianna), MESSINA (Thea), PLATANIA (Erica), SFERRAZZA (Paolo), SIRUGO (Simona). La capanna 1 di Calicantone: relazione preliminare sulle campagne di scavo 2012–2015. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2018, 68, p. 255-303.
885. ONO (Rintaro), OKTAVIANA (Adhi Agus), RIRIMASSE (Marlon), TAKENAKA (Masami), KATAGIRI (Chiaki), YONEDA (Minoru). Early Metal Age interactions in Island Southeast Asia and Oceania: jar burials from Aru Manara, northern Moluccas. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1023-1039. 886. OVERBECK (Michael). Die Gießformen in Westund Süddeutschland (Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 365 p. (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, XIX, 3). 887. ROKSANDIC (Mirjana), BUHAY (Bill), BYERS (Donald), LECHADO RÍOS (Leonardo), DUNCAN HARLY (Jean Clair), ROKSANDIC (Ivan). The earliest burial from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua: the Angi shellmatrix site. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1478-1491. 888. ROUSE (Lynne M.), CERASETTI (Barbara). Mixing metaphors: sedentary-mobile interactions and localglobal connections in prehistoric Turkmenistan. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 674-689. 889. SÖRMAN (Anna). Gjutningens arenor: metallhantverkets rumsliga, sociala och politiska organisation i södra Skandinavien under bronsåldern. (L'organisation spatiale, sociale et politique de l'artisanat du métal dans le sud de la Scandinavie à l'âge de bronze). Stockholm, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur, 2018, 299 p. (ill.). (Stockholm Studies in Archæology, 75). 890. SOUSA (Elisa), SOUSA (Ana Catarina). Paisajes sagrados de la Edad de Bronce tardía en el occidente de la Península Ibérica: estudio del caso de Penedo do Lexim (Mafra, Portugal). Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 307-319. 891. WANG (Rong), WANG (Chang-sui), TANG (Jigen). A jade parrot from the tomb of Fu Hao at Yinxu and Liao sacrifices of the Shang dynasty. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 368-382. § 5. Iron age. ______________________
892. ALFSDOTTER (Clara), PAPMEHL-DUFAY (Ludvig), VICTOR (Helena). A moment frozen in time: evidence of a late fifth-century massacre at Sandby borg. Part of: Bioarchaeology. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 421-436. 893. ANDERSSON (Kent). Völvor, krigare och vanligt folk: berättelser om järnåldern. (Prophétesses, guerriers et gens ordinaires: récits sur l'âge de fer scandinave). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 190 p. (ill.). 894. CASTILLO (Cristina C.), HIGHAM (Charles F.W.), MILLER (Katie), CHANG (Nigel), DOUKA (Katerina), HIGHAM (Thomas F.G.), FULLER (Dorian Q.). Social responses to climate change in Iron Age northeast Thailand: new archaeobotanical evidence. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1274-1291. 895. CHINCHILLA MAZARIEGOS (Oswaldo). Technologies of urbanism in Mesoamerica: the pre-Columbian
§ 5. Iron age bridges of Cotzumalhuapa, Guatemala. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 456-471. 896. Colección (La) de objetos protohistóricos de la Península Ibérica. 1: Broches de cinturón, placas y fibulas. Ed. por Raimon GRAELLS, Alberto J. LORRIO y Pablo CAMACHO. Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, 2018, XXI-172 p. (Kataloge Vor- und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 49.1). 897. DE SOUSA (Elisa). A tale of two (?) cities. Lisbon and Almaraz at the dawn of the Iron Age. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 137-152. 898. KRISS (Dawn), HOWE (Ellen), LEVINSON (Judith), RIZZO (Adriana), CARÒ (Federico), DELEONARDIS (Lisa). A material and technical study of Paracas painted ceramics. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1492-1510. 899. RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Esther). The Tartessian tumuli of the Guadiana. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 117-136. 900. RODRÍGUEZ RELLÁN (Carlos), VÁZQUEZ MAR(Alia), FÁBREGAS VALCARCE (Ramón). Cifras e imágenes: una aproximación cuantitativa a los petroglifos galegos. Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 109127. TÍNEZ
901. ROVIRA LLORENS (Salvador), MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio). Proyecto "Arqueometalurgia de la Península Ibérica" (1982–2017). Trabajos de prehistoria, 75, 2018, p. 223-247. 902. SALMI (Anna-Kaisa), ÄIKÄS (Tiina), SPANGEN (Marte), FJELLSTRÖM (Markus), MULK (Inga-Maria). Tradition and transformation in Sámi animal-offering practices. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 472-489. 903. SCHRADER (Sarah A.), SMITH (Stuart Tyson), OLSEN (Sandra), BUZON (Michele). Symbolic equids and Kushite state formation: a horse burial at Tombos. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 383-397. 904. SLAVINSKY (Vyacheslav Sergeyevich), CHUGU(Konstantin Vladimirovich), TSYBANKOV (Alexander Alekseevich), IVANOV (Sergey Nikolaevich), ZUBOVA (Alisa Vladimirovna), SLEPCHENKO (Sergey Mikhailovich). Trichuris trichiura in the mummified remains of southern Siberian nomads. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 410-420. NOV
905. WILKINSON (Darryl). The influence of Amazonia on state formation in the ancient Andes. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 1362-1376. Cf. no 2822
§ 1. General. 906-915. – § 2. The Near East. 916-967. – § 3. Egypt. 968-1033. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 1034-1094. – § 5. Hittites. 1095-1106. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1107-1157. – § 7. Iran. 1158-1170. § 1. General. ______________________
906. Ancient Egyptian and ancient Near Eastern palaces. Vol. I. Ed. by Manfred BIETAK and Silvia PRELL. Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2018, 309 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie, 83). 907. CHRISTOL (Michel). Aux confins de l'Asie et de la Galatie à l'époque impériale romaine, entre Apamée de Phrygie et Apollonie de Pisidie. Routes et territoires de cités, fiscalité et securité. Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 439-463. 908. FRANGIPANE (Marcella). Introduction. The many dimensions of the "city" in early societies. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 13-24. 909. HELWING (Barbara), ALIYEV (Tevekkül). Same same but different: a comparison of 6th millennium bce communities in southern Caucasia and northwestern Iran. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 41-1, p. 53-80. 910. PEYRONEL (Luca). Not only metals. Some thoughts on technological and commercial interactions in the Levant and Eastern Mediterranean during the 3rd Millennium BC. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 165-173. 911. PLANELLES OROZCO (Albert). 'Los dioses fueron delante de mí'. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 111144. 912. Pottery technologies and sociocultural connections between the Aegean and Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC. Ed. by Eva ALRAM-STERN, Barbara HOREJS. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 311 p. (OREA – Oriental and European Archaeology, 10). 913. SAKESHIMA (Kyōhei). Herenizumuki shotō ni okeru kōkeisha porisu kan no kenryoku kōzō: Antihttps://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-007
gonosu 1 sei to Demetoriosu 1 sei no shinka nitaisuru kenshō o chūshin ni. (The power structure of Diadochs and Poleis in the early Hellenistic period: the case of vassals of Antigonos I Monophtalmos and Demetrios I Poliorcetes). Shirin, 2018, 101, 5, p. 731-766. 914. Trabajo Sagrado. Producción y Representación en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante el I Milenio a.C. Ed. Por Ana Dolores NAVARRO ORTEGA y Eduardo FERRER ALBELDA. Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2018, 336 p. 915. WIGAND (Ann-Kristin). Politische Loyalität und religiöse Legitimierung. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 128-150. § 2. The Near East. _______________________
916. ALPARSLAN (Metin), UYSAL (Bora). Ein Rollsiegel mit anatolischen Hieroglyphen aus Elbistan-Karahöyük. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 235-239. 917. AMADASI GUZZO (Maria Giulia), ZAMORA (José Ángel). The Phoenician name of Cyprus. New evidence from early Hellenistic times. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 77–97. 918. ARCHI (Alfonso), SPADA (Gabriella). Administrative texts: allotments of clothing for the palace personnel (Archive L.2769), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, XV-279 p. (Archivi Reali di Ebla, Testi, 20). 919. BAKER (Sarah Lynn). Counting in Ugaritic. A new analysis of kbd. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 59–75. 920. BARANOWSKI (Krzysztof J.). New light on peripheral Akkadian from Qaṭna: Texts between language and writing system. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 22-35.
921. BARJAMOVIC (Gojko), FAIRBAIRN (Andrew). Anatolian wine in the Middle Bronze Age. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 249-284. ### 922. BARSKY (Eugene), KALININ (Maxsim), LOE(Sergey). The basic lexicon of Mlaḥsô: A comparative study. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 209-240.
923. BIGA (Maria Giovanna). Tappe siriane di commerci a lunga distanza nel III millennio a.C. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 49-58 p. 924. BISCHOFF (Andreas M.). Name of thrones? Zur Etymologie der hattischen Throngöttin Ḫanu̯aašuit und zum n-Kasus. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 36-41. 925. BRISSON (Pierre-Luc). Antiochos IV et les festivités de Daphnè: aspects de la politique séleucide sous l'unipolarité romaine. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 415-450. 926. CAYLA (Jean-Baptiste). Les inscriptions de Paphos. La cité chypriote sous la domination lagide et à l'époque impériale. Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2018, 566 p. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient, 74). 927. ÇEVIRICI-COŞKUN (Figen). An Anatolian-Persian tomb relief from Gökçeler in Lydia. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 119-130. 928. CHAMBON (Grégory). Archaeology of oenology: Drinking wine at the royal table in Mari. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 238-248.
935. FLEMING (Daniel E.), DÉMARE-LAFONT (Sophie). Ad hoc administration and archiving at Emar: Free format and free composition in the diviner's text collection. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 27-62. 936. FONTAINE (Élise). Hérodote et les Lydiens. Histoire d'une errance. Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 125-136. 937. GYBAS (Magdalena). Das Theater in der Stadt und die Stadt im Theater. Urbanistischer Kontext und Funktionen von Theatern im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2018, 422 p. (Antiquitates. Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse, 69). 938. Hellenistic Harbour (The) of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984–1986. Vol. 2. Artefacts Found during Excavation. Ed. by Jean-Yves EMPEREUR. Athenae, École française d'Athènes, 2018, 218 p. (Études Chypriotes, 20). 939. HENRY (Olivier). Éléments de réflexion sur l'identification du site de Labraunda en Carie. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 65, p. 137-146. 940. HULEK (Frank). Der hocharchaische Tempel am Çatallar Tepe. Architektur und Rekonstruktion. Bonn, Habelt, 2018, LXXXIII-251 p. (Asia Minor Studien, 89. Forschung in der Mykale, 3.1). 941. JACKSON (Mark P.C.), MOORE (Sophie V.). Taphonomies of landscape: investigating the immediate environs of Çatalhöyük from prehistory to the present. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 177-207.
929. D'AGOSTINI (Monica). Antioco II, Laodice I e il network matrimoniale anatolico. Rivista di diritto ellenico, 2018, 8, p. 21-42.
942. KEARNS (Catherine). Cyprus in the surging sea. Spatial imaginations of the Eastern Mediterranean. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 45-74.
930. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), GORRINI (Maria Elena), MORA (C.). A golden pendant for a goddess. New evidence from the sanctuary of Nigde - Kinik Höyuk, South Cappadocia. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 491-515.
943. KOLB (Frank). Lykien. Geschichte einer antiken Landschaft. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 768 p.
931. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), CASTELLANO (Lorenzo). Kınık Höyük in South Cappadocia. Addendum to: A comparative stratigraphy of Cilicia. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 84-93. 932. DE MIROSCHEDJI (Pierre). The urbanization of the southern levant in its near eastern setting. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 109-148. 933. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). Glosas Ugaríticas IX: rḥ gdm wảnhbm (KTU 1.3 II 2). El perfume de una diosa. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 193-199. – IDEM. Glosas Ugaríticas X: el hisopo y la serpiente, persistencia de un ritual mágico. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 397399. – IDEM. Glosas Ugaríticas XI:KTU 1.19 IV 4445, una nueva restauración. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 400-402. 934. EASTON (Donald), WENINGER (Bernhard). A possible new Bronze Age period at Troy. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 33-73.
944. KOSMIN (Paul J.). Time and its adversaries in the Seleucid Empire. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 392 p. 945. MAC AULEY (Alex). The tradition and ideology of naming Seleukid queens. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 472-494. 946. MARCHETTI (Nicolò), PEKER (Hasan). The stele of Kubaba by Kamani and the kings of Karkemish in the 9th century BC. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 81-99. 947. MATOÏAN (Valérie), VITA (Juan-Pablo). The administration of wine in Ugarit. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 299-318. 948. MIDDLETON (Caroline). The beginning of herding and animal management: the early development of caprine herding on the Konya plain, central Anatolia. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 1-31. 949. MOUNTJOY (Penelope A.), MOMMSEN (Hans), ÖZYAR (Aslı). Neutron activation analysis of Aegean-
§ 3. Egypt style IIIC pottery from the Goldman excavations at Tarsus-Gözlükule. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 75-98. 950. MOUNTJOY (Penelope A.). Decorated pottery in Cyprus and Philistia in the 12th Century BC, Cypriot IIIC and Philistine IIIC, Volumes I–II. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 2 vol., 681 p., 606 p. (Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean, 36). 951. Mujeres (Las) en el Oriente Cuneiforme. Ed. por Josué J. JUSTEL y Agnès GARCÍA-VENTURA. Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, 2018, 435 p. 952. MÜSELER (Wilhelm), SCHÜRR (Diether). Zur Chronologie in den Inschriften auf dem Agora-Pfeiler von Xanthos (TL 44), den betroffenen Dynasten und ihren Münzen. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 381-406. 953. NADALI (Davide), PINNOCK (Frances). Far from the river: physical and metaphorical use of the territory and its water resources in early and middle bronze age Syria. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 149-176. 954. PASSERINI (Annapaola), ROVA (Elena), BOA(Elisabetta). Chronology (and chronologies) of the Kura-Araxes culture in the southern Caucasus: an integrative approach through Bayesian analysis. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 411, p. 53-80.
955. PAYNE (Annick). Determination in the Anatolian hieroglyphic script: The late 10th and early 9th centuries BC. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 102121. 956. ROUX (Michel). L'impact économique de la présence militaire étrangère en Phrygie. Soldats et vétérans comme consommateurs et producteurs (époque achéménide–fin du Haut-Empire). Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 407-437. 957. SAVALLI-LESTRADE (Ivana). Le dossier épigraphique d'Hefzibah (202/1–195 a.C.). Chronologie, histoire, diplomatique. Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 367-383. 958. SCHRIJVER (Peter). The verbal syntax of Hattian. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 213-245. 959. SIMON (Zsolt). Zentralanatolische Toponyme auf °šna und ein hattisches Suffix: Zum ursprünglichen Verbreitungsgebiet des Hattischen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 258-268. 960. STEITLER (Charles W.). Searching for HattianHittite 'quasi-bilingual' texts: New tools for the continued research of Hattian. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 246-257.
963. TUGENDHAFT (Aaron). Baal and the politics of poetry. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 166 p. (ill.). 964. VITA (Juan Pablo). The ilku-service and administrative procedures in Ugarit. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 165-182. 965. WATSON (Wilfred G. E.). Terms for textiles, clothing, hides, wool and accessories in Ugaritic: An etymological study. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 359396. 966. WEEDEN (Mark). The good god, the wine-god and the storm-god of the vineyard. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 330-356. 967. ZENZEN (Nicolas). Das edle Ungeheuer. Die Semantik des Löwen in Bildwerken des antiken Vorderen Orients und Griechenlands. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 426 p. (ill.). (Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen, 26). § 3. Egypt. _______________________
968. ABRUÑA MARTI (Heri). Igai 'the lord of the Oasis'. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 41-58. 969. ARNETTE (Marie-Lys). La gémellité biologique dans l'Égypte ancienne. Synthèse des cas potentiels. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 29-75. 970. ASHOUR (Sobhi), HASSAN (Ahmed). A terracotta portrait-head of Alexander the Great from Karanis. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 77-86. 971. BARCAT (Dominique). L'Égypte et la Méditerranée au Ier millénaire av. J.-C.: le naïskos et les "Portes du Ciel". Revue archaeologique, 2018, 66, p. 249-278. 972. BOJOWALD (Stefan). Der Ausfall von „n" zu Beginn des Wortes im Ägyptischen. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 241-248. – IDEM. Der Lautwandel zwischen „n" und „ś" in der ägyptischen Sprache. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 21-26. – IDEM. Noch einmal zum ägyptischen Wort „itp" in CT I 4a; I 53a; III 270d; IV 57d; V 34 g; VI 327a1. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, p. 3-8. 973. BOUD'HORS (Anne), DELATTRE (Alain), BERKES (Lajos), CHANG (Ruey-Lin), GAREL (Esther), GASCOU (Jean), MARTHOT (Isabelle), OCHAŁA (Grzegorz), VANTHIEGHEM (Naïm). Un nouveau départ pour les archives de Papas. Papyrus coptes et grecs de la jarre d'Edfou. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 87-124.
961. SUMMERS (Geoffrey D.). Notes on chronology in the Phrygian highlands: Cultic installations, defenses and clamp cuttings. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 67-84.
974. BOULINGUEZ (Corinne). De l'océan au phare d'Alexandrie: la conque de Triton. Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 465-488.
962. SUMMERS (Geoffrey D.). Phrygians east of the red river. Phrygianisation, migration and desertion. Anatolian studies, 2018, 68, p. 99-118.
975. BROSCHAT (Katja); STRÖBELE (Florian); KOE(Christian); ECKMANN (Christian); MERTAH (Eid). Himmlisch! Die Eisenobjekte aus dem Grab des TutanchBERL
amun. Mainz am Rhein, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, 2018, 68 p. (ill.). (Mosaiksteine. Forschungen am RGZM, 15). 976. CHARLOUX (Guillaume), ABADY MAHMOUD (Mona Ali), ANGEVIN (Raphaël), BISTON-MOULIN (Sébastien), MARCHAND (Sylvie), SAYED ELNASSEH (Ahmed Mohamed), PFINGSTTAG (Florian), PIROU (Florie), ROBERSON (Joshua), THIERS (Christophe), ZIGNANI (Pierre). Le temple "primitive" de Ptah à Karnak. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 125-159. 977. COOPER (Julien). Punt in the 'Northern' topographical lists. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 93-98. 978. DESCLAUX (Vanessa). La syntaxe des appels aux vivants. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 161-202. 979. DI TEODORO (Micòl). Labour organisation in middle kingdom Egypt. Oxford, Golden House Publications, 2018, 240p. (Middle Kingdom Studies, 7). 980. DÍAZ-IGLESIAS LLANOS (Lucía). Two early shrouds inscribed with book of the dead spels from Dra Abu el-Naga. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 1-43. 981. EBEL (Anke), LURSON (Benoît), MOUROT (Franck). Un dépôt de fondation découvert dans le temple de Touy. Étude micro-stratigraphique, étude céramologique et étude de synthèse. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 203237. 982. ESCHENBRENNER-DIEMER (Gersande). Un nouvel éclairage sur l'artisanat du bois dans la région Memphis/Fayoum. La collection statuaire du musée d'Ethnographie de Neuchâtel. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 239-260. 983. FATTOVICH (Rodolfo). The archaeology of Punt. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 205-209. 984. FLORÈS (Jérémie). Un fragment de stèle inédit de Dendara. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 217-227. 985. FRITSCHY (Wantje). The pr-ḥḏ and the early dynastic state. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 161-176.
990. Great Hypostyle Hall (The) in the Temple of Amun at Karnak. Vol. 1. Parts 2-3. Translation and commentary by Peter J. BRAND, Rosa Erika FELEG, and William J. MURNANE†. Oriental Institute Publications 142. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2018, 2 vol., XVI432 p., XXIV-328 p. 991. HARING (Ben). From single sign to pseudoscript. An ancient Egyptian system of workmen's identity marks. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XVI-292 p. (ill.). (Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 93). 992. HARLAUT (Cécile); HAYES (John W.). Pottery in Hellenistic Alexandria. Aux origines d'Alexandrie et de sa production céramique. Hellenistic pottery deposits from Alexandria. Alexandrie, Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines, 2018, 361 p. (ill., tabs). (Études Alexandrines, 45). 993. HASSAN (Khaled). An 18th dynasty writingboard from Saqqara in the Cairo Museum (Prophecy of Neferti – CG 25224, JE 32972). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 261280. – IDEM. The longest visitor's ostracon concerning the temple of Deir el-Bahri. A recombination of two pieces, ostraca Cairo 430 and 432. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 281292. 994. HOOGENDIJK (Francisca A. J.); VAN GOMPEL (Steffie M. T.). Materiality (The) of texts from ancient Egypt. New Approaches to the study of textual material from the early pharaonic to the Late Antique Period. Leiden, Brill, 2018, 114 p. (ill.). 995. ILIN-TOMICH (Alexander). The governor's court in late middle kingdom Antaeopolis. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 61-78. 996. KLÄR (Timo). Das Symposion Ptolemaiosʼ II. Zur Repräsentation des Herrschers beim Bankett am ptolemäischen Königshof. Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 207-249. 997. KOHL (Theresa). Diener für die Ewigkeit: die Uschebti-Sammlung im Römer- und Pelizaeus-Museum. Hildesheim, Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg, 2018, 336 p. (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge, 54).
986. GABOLDE (Luc). Une tête royale du début de la XVIIIe dynastie attribuable à Amenhotep II. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 45-60.
998. LAKOMY (Konstantin C.). Kronprinz Thutmosis als sm-Priester: Eine Rekontextualisierung des Sandsteinfragmentes UC14797 im Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 29-40.
987. GAMAL RASHED (Mohamed). Two statue fragments of a 'snty' from Thebes. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 3-8.
999. LULL (José). Ancient Egyptian constellation of WjA (Boat) and its link to Sagittarius in the Ptolemaic and Roman era. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 257-278.
988. GATTO (Maria Carmela). The origin of urban societies in the Nile valley. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 177-192.
1000. MARAZZI (Mary Ann). A rare example of leather from ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 211-216.
989. GONZÁLEZ (María Franco). The damnatio against Amun-Ra in five private stelae discovered in the temple of millions of years of Thutmosis III in West Bank. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 63-74.
1001. MARKOVIĆ (Nenad). Changes in urban and sacred landscapes of Memphis in the third to the fourth centuries ad and the eclipse of the divine Apis Bulls. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 195-204.
§ 3. Egypt
1002. MARSHALL (C. W.). Golden boys (POxy. 79.5209). Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 94-103.###
1016. PREYS (René). Le cas "Philométor" dans les temples égyptiens. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 329-356.
1003. MAVROJANNIS (Theodoros). A study on the monumental center of ancient Alexandria. The identification of the Ptolemaic Mouseion and the urban transformation in late antiquity. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 242-287.
1017. PRICE (Campbell). A new statue of Senenmut identified in Manchester. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 229-236.
1004. METAWI (Dina). The stela of the outline draftsman. Ṯnr and his family (Cairo Museum JE 18924). Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 31-40. 1005. MORRIS (Ellen). Ancient Egyptian imperialism. Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, 320 p. 1006. MORSCHAUSER (Scott). 'War cry' or war atrocity? A note on Sinuhe B 140. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 99-101. 1007. MOTTE (Aurore). Reden und Rufe, a neglected genre? Towards a definition of the speech captions in private tombs. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 293-317. 1008. NASR EL-DINE (Hassan). Bronzes d'ibis conservés au Musée égyptien du Caire. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 319327. 1009. NIELSEN (Nicky). The late period stela of the god's father Horenpe from the Manchester Museum. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 237243. 1010. NILSSON (Maria), FARAMAN (Ahmed), SAID (Abdelmoneim). Some rock inscriptions from Gebel elSilsila. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 71-79. 1011. NUZZOLO (Massimiliano), ZANFAGNA (Patrizia). The search for the lost sun temples. A glimpse from the satellite. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 79-108. 1012. Outside the box. Selected papers from the conference "Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact" Liège, 27–29 October 2014. Ed. by Andreas DORN and Stéphane POLIS. Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2018, 540 p. (Aegyptiaca Leodiensia, 11). 1013. Pérégrinations avec Erhart Graefe. Festschrift zu seinem 75. Geburtstag, Hrsg. v. Anke Ilona BLÖBAUM, Marianne EATON-KRAUSS und Annik WÜTHRICH. Münster, Zaphon, 2018, XXVI-608 p. (Ägypten und Altes Testament, 87). BLÖBAUM (Anke Ilona); EATON-KRAUSS (Marianne); WÜTHRICH (Annik); Graefe (Erhart) 1014. PILLON (Andrea). Satis et Knoum maîtres d'Éléphantine. Une lettre savante de la fin de l'Ancien Empire (papyrus Brooklyn 47.218.18). Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 109-139. 1015. Pittakia (Des) de Théadelphie. Ed. par Sophie KAMBITSIS. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VII232 p. (ill., tabs). (Berliner Griechische Urkunden, 22).
1018. Ptolemy I and the transformation of Egypt, 404–282 BCE. Ed. by Paul MAC KECHNIE and Jennifer A. CROMWELL. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XI-247 p. (Mnemosyne. Suppl., 415). 1019. RAGAZZOLI (Chloé). Présence divine et obscurité de la tombe au Nouvel Empire. À propos des graffiti des tombes TT 139 et TT 112 à Thèbes (avec édition et commentaire). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 357-407. 1020. REGULSKI (Ilona), BUNBURY (Judith), MAR(Sylvie), GABEL (Ann-Cathrin), CHAUVET (Barbara). Shashotep-Shutb: An ancient city rediscovered. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 81-91. CHAND
1021. ROCCATI (Alessandro). "Ricevere le meraviglie di tutti i paesi stranieri". Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 183-189. 1022. SANTOS SAAVEDRA (Josué). La identidad del rey Anj(et)jeperura… Neferneferuatón… Consideraciones sobre las evidencias epigráficas, iconográficas y arqueológicas. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 315-358. 1023. SCALF (Foy). The Papyrus of the treasury scribe Iry-Iry: A new Ramesside source for a Memphite hymn to Osiris and the Book of Caves (BD 168). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 9-27. 1024. STEVENS (Anna), DABBS (Gretchen R.), ROG(Corina), ROSE (Pamela), MÉRAT (Amandine), BOS (Jolanda), WILLIAMSON (Jacquelyn), GARNETT (Anna), SKINNER (Lucy), DAWSON (Julie), BETTUM (Anders), CLAPHAM (Alan), TULLY (Gemma). Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2017 and Spring 2018. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 121-144. GE
1025. VALLOGGIA (Michel). L'Égypte et les échanges internationaux aux IIIème et IIème millénaires av. J.-C. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 191-206. – IDEM. Note sur deux lignots d'argent de Toutânkhamon. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 141-152. 1026. VAN PELT (W. Paul), HEINRICH (Frits). Emmer Wheat and Barley Prices in the Late New Kingdom: A Ramessid price paradox resolved. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 103-107. 1027. VANDENBEUSCH (Marie). Evidence of an ancient archive? The Papyrus British Museum EA 9961. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 177-194. 1028. WEBER (Anke). First report on the publication and conservation of the tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 59-69. 1029. WEGNER (Josef). The stela of Idudju-Iker, foremost-one of the chiefs of Wawat. New evidence on the
conquest of Thinis under Wahankh Antef II. Revue d'égyptologie, 2018, 68, 153-209. 1030. What ever happened to the people? Humans and anthropomorphs in the rock art of Northern Africa. Ed. by Dirk HUYGE and Frances VAN NOTEN. Bruxelles, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, 2018, 552 p. 1031. WIJNSMA (Uzume Z.). The worst revolt of the Bisitun crisis: A chronological reconstruction of the Egyptian revolt under Petubastis IV. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 157-173. 1032. WILLEMS (Harco). A fragment of an early book of two ways on the coffin of Ankh from Dayr alBarshā (B4B). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2018, 104, p. 145-160. 1033. ZAID (Omar Abou). A new discovery of catacomb in Qurnet Murai at Thebes. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, 117, p. 9-27. § 4. Mesopotamia. _______________________
1034. ALGAZE (Guillermo). The tyranny of friction. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 73-92. 1035. ALIBAIGI (Sajjad), REZAEI (Iraj). Bikni, Bītṭābti, and uqnū: Searching for appropriate identifications for toponyms and terms mentioned in Neo-Assyrian texts. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 15-30. 1036. ANOR (Netanel), COHEN (Yoram). The oil omens from Hattuša: An investigation of the history and transmission of a Babylonian divination compendium. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 195206.
1043. CECCARELLI (Manuel). Der Umgang mit streitenden Schülern im Edubba'a nach den sumerischen Schulstreitgesprächen Enkiḫeĝal und Enkitalu und Ĝirinisa und Enkimanšum. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 133-155. – IDEM. Drei neue Tontafeln aus dem 3. Jahrtausend v. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 1-13. – IDEM. Zur Verbvalenz des sumerischen Ausdruckes nir ĝal2. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 66-83. 1044. CHARPIN (Dominique). Chroniques bibliographiques. 21. Á l'occasion des dix ans du projet archibab. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 177-208. 1045. CREEKMORE III (Andrew T.). Landscape and settlement in the Harran plain, Turkey: The context of third-millennium urbanization. p. 177-208. 1046. CRISOSTOMO (Jay). Old Babylonian legal documents from Isin in the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 103-121. 1047. CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and neighboring regions. Case studies on archaeological data, objects, texts, and digital archiving. Ed. by Vanessa JULOUX, Amy GANSELL and Alessandro DI LUDOVICO. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018. XXVIII-458 p. (ill., maps). (Digital biblical studies, 2). 1048. DA RIVA (Rocío). Addendum to Rocío Da Riva, A new attestation of Ḫabigalbat in Late Babylonian sources, WdO 47/2 (2017) 259-264. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 96-98. 1049. DASSOW (Eva von). How to get credit and avoid foreclosure in Arrapḫe. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 235-248.
1037. ARKHIPOV (Ilya). Lexical notes on Mari letters. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 167-174.
1050. Descriptive (A) middle assyrian grammar. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 628 p. (Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien, 8).
1038. BARTASH (Vitali). Going for the subarean brand: The import of labor in early Babylonia. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 263-278.
1051. DURAND (Jean-Marie). Le commerce à longue distance de Mari d'après les textes du règne de ZimrîLîm. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 69-87.
1039. BÖCK (Barbara). Fragments of Muššuʾu incantations from the British Museum. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 5-20.
1052. EROL (Hakan). Old Assyrian royal families as private entrepreneurs in the Anatolian trade. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 47-66.
1040. BUTTERLIN (Pascal). Sixty years after city invincible, surveys and the urban revolution in question. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 45-60.
1053. FADHIL (Anmar Abdulillah). IM 148516 – Ein neues Abwehrzauberritual vor dem Mondgott. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 192-202.
1041. CAMPBELL (Dennis R.M.), FISCHER (Sebastian). A Hurrian ritual against toothache. A reanalysis of Mari 5. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 31-47.
1054. FINCKE (Jeanette C.), HOROWITZ (Wayne). New information about the ziqpu-stars, the sun and cubits based on one New Tablet (BM 37373) and some previously known texts. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 249-261.
1042. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine), CLEVENSTINE (Emmert). MAH 15887: Animal husbandry and animal paleography. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 5059. – IIDEM. MAH 15896: A tablet from Ur? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 60-65.
1055. FÖLDI (Zsombor). Bemerkungen und Kollationen zu den altbabylonischen Alltagstexten in Leipzig (LAOS 1, Nr. 39–50). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 94-101.
§ 4. Mesopotamia 1056. FRANKE (Sabina). Der Tempel von Muṣaṣir – ein „normaler" susi-Tempel. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 156-167. ### 1057. GABBAY (Uri), BOIVIN (Odette). A hymn of Ayadaragalama, king of the first sealand dynasty, to the gods of Nippur. The fate of Nippur and its cult during the first sealand dynasty. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 2242. 1058. GANSELL (Amy Rebecca). Dressing the NeoAssyrian queen in identity and ideology: Elements and ensembles from the royal tombs at Nimrud. p. 65-100. 1059. GEORGE (Andrew R.). Enkidu and the Harlot. Another fragment of Old Babylonian Gilgameš. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 10-21.
meinschaft unter der Schirmherrschaft der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Hrsg. v Claus WILCKE. München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 432 p. (Philosophisch-historische Klasse Abhandlungen Neue Folge, 143). 1070. KRAUS (Nicholas). The weapon of blood. Politics and intrigue at the decline of Akkad. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 1-9. 1071. LANERI (Nicola). The impact of wine production in the social transformation of Northern Mesopotamian societies during the Third and Second Millennia BCE. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 225-236. 1072. LAU (Daniel). Bemerkung zu zwei Mischwesen in der späturukzeitlichen Rollsiegelmotivik. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 182-192.
1060. GLENN (Anna), PETERSON (Jeremiah). The Lulal širgida composition CBS 12590 (HAV 5, pl. 7, VIII). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 168181.
1073. LECOMPTE (Camille). Une archive de petites tablettes d'époque sargonique au Musée des Antiquités de Rouen. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 23-30.
1061. HACKL (Johannes), OELSNER (Joachim). Babylonisches zu Artaxerxes IV. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 688-708.
1074. MAUL (Stefan M.). "Ninurta-Duft" oder: Von den Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, die ein mesopotamischer Heiler ergreifen sollte, bevor er einen erkrankten Patienten aufsuchte. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 175-191.
1062. HASSETT (Brenna), SAĞLAMTIMUR (Haluk). Radical 'royals'? Burial practices at Başur Höyük and the emergence of early states in Mesopotamia. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 640-654. 1063. HAUPTMANN (Andreas), KLEIN (Sabine), PAO(Paola), ZETTLER (Richard L.), JANSEN (Moritz). Types of gold, types of silver: The composition of precious metal artifacts found in the royal tombs of Ur, Mesopotamia. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 100-131.
1064. HELLE (Sophus). The role of authors in the "Uruk list of kings and sages": Canonization and cultural contact. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 219-234. 1065. Imperial peripheries in the Neo-Assyrian period. Ed. by Craig W. TYSON and Virginia R. HERRMANN. Louisville, U. P. of Colorado, 2018, XXII-297 p. (ill.).
1075. MAY (Natalie Naomi). Exorcists and physicians at Assur. More on their education and interfamily and court connections. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 63-80. 1076. MITSUMA (Yasuyuki). A new attestation of Ardaya, the general of Babylonia under the declining Seleucid rule. Orient: Journal of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 2018, 53, p. 55-68. 1077. MURAD (Ali), CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine). IM 160096: un charme pour calmer un bébé qui pleure. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 193-198. 1078. NISSEN (Hans J.). The city of Uruk and its hinterland. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 61-72.
1066. JANSSEN (Caroline). Address behaviour in eight unpublished ana bēlīja letters from the Late Old Babylonian Ur-Utu archive. Close relatives through a distant mirror? Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 149-166.
1079. NOVOTNY (Jamie), JEFFERS (Joshua). The royal inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668–631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (630–627 BC), and Sîn-šarra-iškun (626–612 BC), Kings of Assyria. Part 1. University Park, Eisenbrauns, 2018, XXXIII-449 p. (ill.). (The royal inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian period, 5/1).
1067. JEFFERS (Joshua). Neo-assyrian scribal practices. The editorial history of Ashurbanipal's Prism F inscription. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 209-225.
1080. NOVOTNY (Jamie). A previously unrecognized version of Esarhaddon's 'Annals'. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 203-208.
1068. KEETMAN (Jan). Die Götternamen dba-bu₁₁ und dab-bu₁₁ und die Möglichkeiten für Approximanten im Sumerischen. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 15-22.
1081. POLLOCK (Susan), BERNBECK (Reinhard). Reflections on survey and surveillance in the archaeology of western Asia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 93-108.
1069. Keilschrifttexte aus Isin - Išān Baḥrīyāt. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsge-
1082. SAID-GHANEM (Nadia Ait). Reassessing the "casus pendens". A case study of Old Babylonian omen
protases and apodoses. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 91-101. 1083. SIMONS (Frank). The goddess Kusu. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 123-148. 1084. STADHOUDERS (Henry). The mirišmarû-Plant: Orthographic novelties and a consecratory spell. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 116-127. – IDEM. The unfortunate frog. On animal and human bondage in K 2581 and related fragments with excursuses on BM 64526 and YOS XI, 3. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 159-176. 1085. STEINKELLER (Piotr). Care for the elderly in Ur III times. Some new insights. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 136-142. 1086. STUDEVENT-HICKMAN (Benjamin). Sumerian texts from ancient Iraq. From Ur III to 9/11. Atlanta, Lockwood Press, 2018. XIII-236 p.. (Journal of cuneiform studies. Supplemental series, 5). 1087. TARASEWICZ (Radoslaw). The neo-Babylonian records from Ur from the Hall Collection of the British Museum, dubsar 7. Münster, Zaphon, 2018, 214 p. 1088. TINNEY (Steve). "Dumuzi's dream" revisited. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 85-89. 1089. TORRECILLA (Eduardo), COHEN (Yoram). A Mittani letter order from Azu (Had 8) and its implications for the chronology and history of the middle Euphrates region in the Late Bronze Age. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 149158. 1090. VEENHOF (Klaas R.). The family god in Old Babylonian and especially in old Assyrian sources. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2018, 112, p. 49-90. 1091. VEGA PRIETO (Óscar). Precisiones sobre las "Hijas de Anu". Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 145-164. 1092. WILHELM (Gernot). Kleine Beiträge zum Hurritischen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, X610 p. (Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, 64). 1093. ZACCAGNINI (Carlo). Capital investment, weight standards and overland trade at Emar. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 43-62. 1094. ZAIA (Shana). How to (not) be king: Negotiating the limits of power within the Assyrian hierarchy. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 207-217. § 5. Hittites. _______________________
1095. BACHVAROVA (Mary R.). Multiformity in the song of Ḫedammu. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 1-21. 1096. BUSSE (Anja), SIMON (Zsolt). Das Glossenkeilwort ḫarpušta. Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 249-256.
1097. Büyükkaya II. Bauwerke und Befunde der Grabungskampagnen 1952–1955 und 1993–1998. Edited by Jürgen SEEHER, with contributions by Ulf-Dietrich SCHOOP and Sven KÜHN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV180 p. (Boğazköy-Ḫattuša. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, 27). 1098. CAJNKO (Mojca). The expression of case in Hittite writing. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 42-49. 1099. CORTI (Carlo). Along the road to Nerik. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 24-71. – IDEM. The knowledge of viticulture in Hittite Anatolia: An interdisciplinary approach. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 285298. – IDEM. Viticulture and wine in Hittite Anatolia and its ancient Near Eastern context: A brief introduction. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 202-208. 1100. DE MARTINO (Stefano). Sitting at the table of the Hittite king. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 319329. 1101. DEVECCHI (Elena). Details that make the difference: the Akkadian manuscripts of the "Šattiwaza treaties". Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 72-95. 1102. GILAN (Amir). The ewe that was a scapegoat bride. A new look at the Hittite bestiality purification ritual KUB 41, 11+. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2018, 108, p. 226-234. 1103. MANUELLI (Federico), PITTMAN (Holly). A "flame and frond" school ivory plaque from the neohittite excavations at Arslantepe/Melid. Regionalism and communities in iron age Anatolia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 41, p. 53-80. 1104. SIDELTSEV (Andrei V.). Hittite -pat and imma as focus particles: Lexicalisation. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 199-211. – IDEM. The evolution of free choice indefinites in Hittite. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 279-300. 1105. SIMON (Zsolt). Sapaziti, Sapalulme und die Suppiluliumas von W/Pal(a)stin(a/i). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2018, 45, p. 122-132. 1106. WHITE (Chantel E.), MILLER (Naomi F.). The archaeobotany of grape and wine in Hittite Anatolia. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 209-224. § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. ** 1107. Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Volume IV: Iudaea/Idumaea. Part 1. 2649–3324. Part 2. 3325–3978. Ed. by Walter AMELING, Hannah M. COTTON, Werner ECK, Avner ECKER, Benjamin ISAAC, Alla KUSHNIR-STEIN (†), Haggai MISGAV, Jonathan PRICE, Peter WEIß, Ada YARDENI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 2 vol., XLII-757 p., XI-822 p. (ill., maps). ** 1108. Inscriptions phéniciennes inédites ou peu connues dans la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban. Ed. Par Paolo XELLA et José Angel ZAMORA. Beyrouth, Ministère de la Culture Direc-
§ 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world tion Générale des Antiquités, 2018, 170 p. ("BAAL Hors-Série", 15). ______________________
1109. AMORAI-STARK (Shua), HERSHKOVITZ (Malka), FORSTER (Gideon), KALMAN (Yakov), CHACHY (Rachel), PORAT (Roi). An inscribed copper-alloy finger ring from Herodium depicting a krater. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 208-220. 1110. ANDRASON (Alexander), VITA (Juan-Pablo). Amorite. A Northwest Semitic language? Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 19–58. 1111. AVNER (Uzi). Protohistoric developments of religion and cult in the Negev desert. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 23-62. 1112. BARUCH (Yuval), REICH (Ronny), SANDHAUS (Débora). A decade of archaeological exploration on the Temple Mount. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 3-22. 1113. BERNARDINI (Paolo). Aspetti sociali, organizzativi e ideologici nelle necropoli puniche. Le tombe a camera di Sulky. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 97116. 1114. BOUROGIANNIS (Giorgos). The Phoenician presence in the Aegean during the early Iron Age. Trade, settlement and cultural interaction. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 43-88. 1115. BOYD (Samuel L.). Exodus 21:35 and the composition and date of the governant code. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 9-23. 1116. BRIERLEY (Claire), SAWALHA (Majdi), ISLAM (Tajul), DICKINS (James), ATWELL (Eric). Automatic extraction of Quranic lexis representing two different notions of linguistic salience. Keyness and prosodic prominence. p. 407–456. 1117. CAMPUS (Alessandro). Sacrifici umani e dintorni. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 225-235. 1118. COHEN (Ohad). A bird's-eye view of personal pronouns and accusative markers in ancient semitic languages. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 1–17. 1119. DANZIG (Gabriel). What to say when you don't have a good answer. Rabbi Hoshaya and the philosopher. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 281296. 1120. DARDENIZ (Gonca). Notes on the Megiddo glass figurine in the Istanbul Archaeology Museums. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 224-234. 1121. ECKER (Avner), ECKHARDT (Benedikt). The Koinon of Kosadar in Maresha. A hellenistic private association in the Levant. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 192-207. 1122. EDREY (Meir), ARIE (Eran), MAY (Hila), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf). The Iron Age IIA tombs of area E, Tel Achziv. Between local traditions and the consolidation of the Tyrian polity. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 150-181.
1123. ESHED (Vered), AVNER (Uzi). A late Neolithic – early Chalcolithic burial site in Eilat, by the Red Sea, Israel. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 5-29. 1124. FARISELLI (Anna Chiara). A punic sculpture from the new excavations in the southern necropolis of Tharros-Capo San Marco. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 89-96. 1125. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), ADAMS (Matthew J.), DUNSETH (Zachary C.), SHAHACK-GROSS (Ruth). The archaeology and history of the Negev and neighbouring areas in the third millennium BCE. A new paradigm. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 63-88. 1126. FINKELSTEIN (Israel). Philistine chronology. An update. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 221231. 1127. FURMAN (Yulia), BARSKY (Eugene), LOESOV (Sergey). Two-hundred-word Swadesh list for a modern Aramaic variety (Turoyo). Aula Orientalis, 2018, 36, p. 75-110. 1128. GOLUB (Mitka R.). Aniconism and theophoric names in inscribed seals from Judah, Israel and neighbouring kingdoms Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 157169. 1129. HENSHKE (Yehudit). The language of Musta'rab jews. The names of the holidays in Peqtʿin as a test case. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 201– 220. 1130. KHAN (Geoffrey). How was the dageš in Biblical hebrew בָּ ִתּיםpronounced and why is it there? Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 323–351. 1131. KISTER (Menahem). Islām – Midrashic perspectives on a Quranic term. p. 381–406. 1132. KLEIMAN (Assaf), FINKELSTEIN (Israel). The date of building 338 at Megiddo. Eppur si muove! Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 50-55. 1133. LEHMANN (Gunnar), VARONER (Oz). Early Iron Age tombs in Northern Israel revisited. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 235-272. 1134. MAC KINNY (Chris), SCHWARTZ (Oron), BAR(Gabriel), FANTALKIN (Alexander), ZISSU (Boaz). Kiriath-Jearim (Deir el-ʿÂzar). Archaeological investigations of a biblical town in the Judaean hill country. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 30-49.
1135. MASTEY (Emmanuel). 'And they shall beat their swords into…scrapers'. Two case studies in the vocabulary of jewish Palestinian Aramaic. p. 353–380. 1136. MAZUZ (Haggai). The linkage of Ammon and Moab with pre-islamic arabs and muslims in jewish sources. Prevalence and motives. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 23-36. 1137. MOSHAVI (Adina), ROTHSTEIN (Susan). Indefinite numerical construct phrases in biblical hebrew. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 99–123.
1138. NA'AMAN (Nadav). Game of thrones. Solomon's 'succession narrative' and Esarhaddon's accession to the throne. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 89-113. ###
1154. THOLBECQ (Laurent). Les stibadia rupestres de Pétra (Jordanie). Revue archaeologique, 2018, 65, p. 7-46.
1139. PIOSKE (Daniel D.). Memory in a time of prose. Studies in epistemology, hebrew scribalism, and the biblical past. New York: Oxford U. P., 2018, 304 p.
1155. USSISHKIN (David). The date of building 338 at Megiddo. Additional comments. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 232-236. – IDEM. Was the egyptianized pottery cache from Megiddo a foundation deposit of Megaron Temple 4040? Response to Matthew J. Adams. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 216-223.
1140. PORZIA (Fabio). "Imagine there's no peoples". A claim against the identity approach in Phoenician studies through comparison with the Israelite field. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 11-28. 1141. RAVIV (Dvir). The Artabba fortress. An unknown hasmonaean-herodian fortress on the Northern border of Judaea. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 56-76. 1142. REICH (Ronny). The date of the Gihon spring tower in Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 114-119. 1143. RÖHRIG (Meike). Zur Literarkritik und Redaktionsgeschichte der alttestamentlichen Josefserzählung. Die Welt des Orients, 2018, 48, 99-115. 1144. RYZHIK (Michael). Mishnah Kaufmann. Further evidence for the existence of different manuscript traditions. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 269279. 1145. SCRENOCK (John). The syntax of cardinal numerals in Judges, Amos, Esther and 1QM. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 125–154. 1146. SELA (Shlomo). Origins and transmission of Liber Abraham Iudei de Nativitatibus. A new appraisal based on manuscript evidence and other sources. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 317-352. 1147. SHALEV (Omer). The fortification wall of Tel Erani. A labour perspective. Tel Aviv, 2018, 45, p. 193215. 1148. SHARON (Moshe). Witnessed by three disciples of the prophet. The Jerusalem 32 inscription from 32 AH/652 CE. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 100-111. 1149. SIRAT (Colette), ZUCKER (Shlomo). Les Yešibhot ḥokhmot ḥiṣoniyot et leurs élèves. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 353-390. 1150. SJÖRS (Ambjörn). Biblical hebrew Bal and privative negation. Journal of Semitic Studies, 2018, 63, p. 297-322. 1151. SPAR (Ira), PALEY (Samuel M.), STIEGLITZ (Robert R.). A cuneiform contract fragment from Tel Mikhmoret. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 182191. 1152. SULLIVAN (Benjamin M.). In the shadow of Phoenicia. North Syria and 'Palestinian Syria' in Herodotus. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 67-79. 1153. SWEENEY (Deborah), HERRMANN (Christian), KOCH (Ido), GADOT (Yuval), OEMING (Manfred), LIPSCHITS (Oded). A triad amulet from Tel Azekah. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 129-149.
1156. WOLFF (Samuel), STERN (Ian), ERLICH (Adi). A newly discovered tanit pendant from Maresha. Rivista di studi fenici, 2018, 46, p. 29-42. 1157. YISRAELI (Oded). Tradition and creativity in Nahmanides' Kabbalah. The commentary on the creation story and its history. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 37-73. § 7. Iran. ______________________
1158. ÁLVAREZ-MON (Javier). 'Les faits sur le terrain'. The Susa I cemetery, the 'Massif Funéraire', and second-degree burials. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 77104. 1159. CANEPA (Matthew P.). The Iranian expanse. transforming royal identity through architecture, landscape and the built environment, 550 BCE–642 CE. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, 512 p. 1160. Cyrus the Great. Life and lore. Ed. by M. Rahim SHAYEGAN. Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard U. P., 2018, VII-258 p. (Ilex Foundation Series). 1161. GARRISON (Mark B.), JONES (Charles E.), STOLPER (Matthew W.). Achaemenid Elamite administrative tablets, 4: BM 108963. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 1-14. 1162. JAHANGIRFAR (Milad). The Elamite triads. Reflections on the possible continuities in Iranian tradition. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 105-124. 1163. KHATCHADOURIAN (Lori). Pottery typology and craft learning in the Near Eastern highlands. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 179-265. 1164. KHOSRAVI (Shokouh), ALIBAIGI (Sajjad), RAH(Mehdi). The functions of gypsum bases in Sasanid fire temples. A different proposal. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 267-298. BAR
1165. MOHAMMADI (Behrouz Khan), MOHAMMADI (Keomars Haji), DAN (Roberto). Kal Kharabe. A recently discovered fortress and rock-cut chamber in the Orumiyeh Basin, Iran. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 5576. 1166. OVERLAET (Bruno), PINCÉ (Possum). The 'Hill of the jackal'. The 1951 excavations at Toll-i Shogha, Iran. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 1-39. 1167. POTTS (D.T.). Balanophagy in Iran. Ancient and modern. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 41-54. 1168. SAID AL-JAHWARI (Nasser), KENNET (Derek),
§ 7. Iran PRIESTMAN (Seth), SAUER (Eberhard). Fulayj: a Late Sasanian fort on the Arabian coast. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 724-741. 1169. WICKS (Yasmina), ÁLVAREZ-MON (Javier), BRIDEY (François), CUNY (Julien). The mysterious sec-
ond Achaemenid bronze coffin and the ivory comb from Susa. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 155-178. 1170. WICKS (Yasmina). Vessels of note. The bronze 'Inkwells' of Luristan and Elam. Iranica Antiqua, 2018, 53, p. 125-153.
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1171-1192. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1193-1211. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1212-1268. – § 4. General and political history. 1269-1302. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1303-1317. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1318-1353. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1354-1534. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1535-1559. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1560-1596. § 1. Classical world in general. * 1171. Année (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine. Publiée par la Société internationale de bibliographie classique. Tome LXXXVII: bibliographie de l'année 2016 et compléments d'années antérieures. [LXXXV. 2014. LXXXVI. 2015. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 1110.] Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 2 vol., LXIV-1885 p. ______________________
1172. Ancient biography. Identity through lives. Ed. by Francis CAIRNS and Trevor LUKE. Prenton, Francis Cairns Publications, XIV-310 p. (ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs, 55. Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar, 17). 1173. Arts (Les) de la couleur en Grèce ancienne … et ailleurs. Approches interdisciplinaires. Ed. par Philippe JOCKEY. Athenae, École française d'Athènes, 2018, 508 p. (BCH supplément, 56). 1174. BROODBANK (Cyprian). Die Geburt der mediterranen Welt. Von den Anfängen bis zum klassischen Zeitalter. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 952 p. 1175. Dynamics of ancient prose. Bibliographic, novelistic, apologetic. Ed. by Thea S. THORSEN, Stephen HARRISON. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII249 p. (Trends in Classics. Suppl., 62). 1176. FORABOSCHI (Daniele), BUSSI (Silvia). Violenze antiche. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, VII-127 p. (Philippika – Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures, 127). 1177. GASTALDI (Silvia), ZIZZA (Cesare). Introduzione. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 5-8. 1178. HÖLSCHER (Tonio). Visual power in ancient Greece and Rome. Between art and social reality. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XVIII-395 p. (ill., maps). (Sather classical lectures, 73). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-008
1179. Hope in ancient literature, history and art. Ancient emotions I. Ed. by George KAZANTZIDIS and Dimos SPATHARAS. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, VIII-399 p. (Trends in classics. Suppl. vol., 63). 1180. KONSTAN (David). In the orbit of love. Affection in ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-212 p. 1181. MALKIN (Irad). Un tout petit monde. Les réseaux grecs de l'Antiquité. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 390 p. (Mondes anciens, 6). 1182. Moral als Kapital im antiken Athen und Rom. Hrsg. v. Elke HARTMANN, Sven PAGE, Anabelle THURN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 328 p. 1183. PEINADO (Elisabet Gómez). The Greek Ephemeris belli Troiani by Dictys Cretensis and its Latin and Byzantine testimonies. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 53-75. 1184. Question (La) de l'espace au IVe siècle avant J.C. dans les mondes grec et étrusco-italique: continuités, ruptures, reprises. Éd. par Sophie MONTEL et Airton POLLINI. Besançon, Presses universitaires de FrancheComté, 2018, 315 p. [Cf. nos 1609, 1632.] 1185. READY (Jonathan L.). The Homeric simile in comparative perspectives. Oral traditions from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-315 p. 1186. RUTA (Alessio). I nuovi papiri greci di Ditti Cretese e la traduzione latina di Settimio: osservazioni su lingua, stile e "intenzione" letteraria. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 23-51. 1187. Statuts personnels et espaces sociaux. Questions grecques et romaines. Éd. par Claudia MOATTI et Christel MÜLLER. Paris, Édition De Boccard, 2018, 304 p. (Travaux de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès, 25). [Cf. no 1899.] 1188. Studies in Ancient Greek dialects. From central Greece to the Black Sea. Ed. by Georgios K. Gian-
nakis, Emilio Crespo and Panagiotis Filos. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVII-599 p. (ill., tabs). (Trends in Classics. Suppl., 49). 1189. Study (The) of musical performance in antiquity, archaeology and written sources. Ed. by Agnès GARCIA-VENTURA, Claudia TAVOLIERI and Lorenzo VERDERAME. Cambridge, Scholars Publishing, 2018, XII-260 p.
1202. GRECO (Alessandro). "Ecco … ha assoldato contro di noi i re degli Ittiti e i re di 'Ahhijawa' per assalirci". Alcune riflessioni sul contesto economico, politico e sociale del fenomeno Ahhijawa. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 105-117. 1203. KARETSOU (Alexandra), MEROUSIS (Nikos). Sépulture "de guerrier" dans une tombe à chambre Minoen Récent IIIA2-B de Galia, Messara (Crète). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. 1-47.
1190. Teint (Le) de Phrynè: thérapeutique et cosmétique dans l'Antiquité. Sous la direction de Véronique BOUDON-MILLOT et Muriel PARDON-LABONNELIE. Paris, Éditions de Boccard, 2018, 252 p. (Orient & Méditerranée, 27). [Cf. nos 1322, 1323, 1498-1500, 1512, 1517, 1522, 1527, 1992, 2014.]
1204. KOTSONAS (Antonis). A cultural history of the Cretan labyrinth: Monument and memory from prehistory to the present. p. 367-396. – IDEM. Homer, the archaeology of Crete and the 'Tomb of Meriones' at Knossos. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 1-35.
1191. Thalassokratographie. Rezeption und Transformation antiker Seeherrschaft. Hrsg. v. Hans KOPP und Christian WENDT. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-316 p. (Transformationen der Antike, 52).
1205. MAC GEORGE (Photini J. P.). Human skeletons from a late Minoan IIIA2-B chamber tomb at Galia in the Messara. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 49-70.
1192. War, warlords and interstate relations in the ancient Mediterranean. Ed. by Toni ÑACO DEL HOYO and Sánchez FERNANDO LÓPEZ. Leiden, Boston, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XIV-504 p. (Impact of empire, 28).
1206. MURRAY (Sarah C.). Imported exotica and mortuary ritual at Perati in Late Helladic IIIC East Attica. p. 33-64.
§ 2. Prehellenic epoch. _______________________
1193. ARAVANTINOS (Vassilis L.), FAPPAS (Ioannis), GODART (Louis), SACCONI (Anna). Una nuova iscrizione vascolare in lineare B dal palazzo miceneo di Tebe: TH Z 982. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 221-223. 1194. AVILIA (Filippo). Navi e rotte di navigazione nel Mediterraneo nell'Età del Bronzo: nuove considerazioni sulla base di dati inediti. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 2747 p. 1195. BALITSARI (Anthi), PAPADOPOULOS (John K.). A cist tomb on the South Bank of the Eridanos in the Athenian agora and the Middle Bronze Age in Athens. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 215-277. 1196. BLACKWELL (Nicholas G.). Contextualizing Mycenaean hoards: Metal control on the Greek mainland at the end of the Bronze Age. p. 509-539. 1197. DAVIS (Jack L.), STOCKER (Sharon R.). The gold necklace from the grave of the griffin warrior at Pylos. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 611-632. 1198. DEVOLDER (Maud). The functions of Masons' marks in the Bronze Age palace at Malia (Crete. pp. 343365. 1199. GAIGNEROT-DRIESSEN (Florence). La formation des cités grecques (XIVe s.–VIIe s. AV. N. È.): approche archéologique à partir de quelques cas crétois. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 49-73). 1200. GODART (Louis), SACCONI (Anna). I regni micenei e i rapporti con l'estero nei documenti in lineare B. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 89-94. 1201. GRAS (Michel). Échange et société entre Orient et Occident. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 95-104.
1207. NOTTI (Erika). Trading spellings between Egypt and Crete. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 145-163. 1208. POURSAT (Jean-Claude). Exotica et commerce à longue distance en Égée à l'âge du bronze: le cas de l'ivoire. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 175-181. 1209. SCHOEP (Ilse). Building the labyrinth: Arthur Evans and the construction of Minoan civilization. American journal of archaeology, 2018, 122, p. 5-32. 1210. TRACY (Stephen V.). The acceptance of the Greek solution for Linear B. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 1-16. 1211. WARREN (Peter). Luxury commerce. The importation of fine stones into Crete in the Bronze Age. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 207-217. § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________
a. Epigraphical sources * 1212. Bulletin épigraphique. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 553-732. [2016, 129. 2017, 130. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 1192.] 1213. CAPPELLETTI (I.). Esclusive notizie locresi in Nosside (Anth. Pal. 6.132 e 265). Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 474-490. 1214. DEBORD (Pierre), FRÖHLICH (Pierre). Aigai d'Éolide et Colophon-sur-Mer. Un nouveau fragment de l'inscription trouvée à Claros. Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 339-365. 1215. FLAMENT (Christophe). IG I3 52 A et B. Un ou deux décrets de Kallias pour éclairer les finances athéniennes au Ve av. n. ère? Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 137-152. 1216. GRANINGER (Charles Denver). New contexts for the Seuthopolis inscription (IGBulg 3.2 1731). Klio, 2018, 100, p. 178-194.
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources 1217. HAMON (Patrice). Études d'épigraphie thasienne, VΙ. Deux nouveaux blocs de la Grande Liste des théores. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 181-208.### 1218. HULME KOZEY (Emily). Another peri technes literature. Inquiries about one's craft at Dodona. Greece & Rome, 2018, 65, p. 205-217. 1219. Inscriptiones Graecae insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. Fasciculus IV. Inscriptiones Coi Calymnae insularum milesiarum. Pars IV, Inscriptiones Coi insulae: tituli sepulcrales demorum. Tituli varii incerti alieni. Inscriptiones insularum milesiarum. Eds. Dimitris BOSNAKIS, Klaus HALLOF. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-268 p. (Inscriptiones Graecae, XII 4, 4). 1220. IOZZO (Mario). Hidden inscriptions on Athenian vases. America journal of archaeology, 2018, 122, 3, p. 397-410. 1221. KNOEPFLER (Denis). Hérode Atticus propriétaire et évergète en Eubée: une nouvelle inscription du Musée d'Érétrie. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 317-370. 1222. LASAGNI (Chiara). "For anyone who wishes to read up close…". A few thoughts revolving around the formula σκοπεῖν τῶι βουλομένωι in attic inscriptions. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 334-380. 1223. LUCAS (Thierry). La remonte de la cavalerie dans le monde grec: l'apport des comptes de l'hipparque Pompidas (IG VII, 2426). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 209-232. 1224. ROSAMILIA (Emilio). Un caso di appalto a Locri Epizefiri. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 381-504. 1225. ROSENMEYER (Patricia A.). The language of ruins: Greek and Latin inscriptions on the Memnon Colossus. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XX-265 p. 1226. STAAB (Gregor). Gebrochener Glanz. Klassische Tradition und Alltagswelt im Spiegel neuer und alter Grabepigramme des griechischen Ostens. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, XII-412 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 130). 1227. STRASSER (Jean-Yves). Inscriptions agonistiques d'Athènes et de Delphes. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 233-278. 1228. TZIAFALIAS (Athanasios), HELLY (Bruno). Décrets de Larisa pour des juges de Lacédémone et de Messène et lettres péloponnésiennes à Larisa. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 279316. b. Literary sources 1229. [Antiphon; Andokides] Antiphon and Andocides: Speeches (Antiphontis et Andocidis orationes). Ed. by Mervin R. DILTS and David J. MURPHY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXXII-212 p. (Oxford classical texts).
1230. [Appianus] Des guerres des Romains (Éd. 1659). Paris, Hachette livre-bnf, 2018, 636 p. 1231. [Appianus] Histoire des guerres civiles de la République romaine. Tome 1 (Éd.1808). Tome 3 (Éd. 1808). Paris, Hachette livre-bnf, 2018, 2 vol., 648 p., 504 p. 1232. [Aristophanes] GIACOMELLI (Michel'Angelo). Aristofane. Vol. I. Un capitolo ignoto della storia degli studi classici nella Roma del Settecento. A cura di Maurizio SONNINO. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 260 p. (SemRom. Seminari Romani di cultura greca. Quaderni, 23). 1233. [Aristophanes] GIACOMELLI (Michel'Angelo). Aristofane. Vol. II. Lisistrata. Traduzione annotata di M. A. GIACOMELLI. Commento al testo greco a cura di Maurizio SONNINO. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 358 p. (Sem Rom. Seminari Romani di cultura greca. Quaderni, 24). 1234. [Cassius Dio] GROS (Etienne), BOISSEE (V.). Histoire Romaine de Dion Cassius. Vol. 10. Marrickville, Wentworth Press, 2018, 662 p. 1235. [Cassius Dio] Histoire romaine, livre 53. Texte établi par Marion BELLISSIME. Traduit et annoté par Marion BELLISSIME et Frédéric HURLET. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, LXXXIX-151 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 537). 1236. [Diodorus Siculus] Diodore de Sicile, Bibliothèque historique. Tome XV. Livre XX. Texte établi, traduit et commenté par Cécile DURVYE. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, CLVI-452 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 538). 1237. [Diogenes Laertius] Lives of the eminent philosophers. Diogenes Laertius. Ed. by James MILLER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXI-676 p. 1238. [Euripides] MARTINA (Antonio). Euripide, Medea. III. Commento e traduzione. Pisa e Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2018, 488 p. (Quaderni della Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale, 17/3). 1239. [Flavius Claudius Iulianus] Julien l'empereur. Contre les Galiléens. Texte grec introduit et traduit par Angelo GIAVATTO et Robert MULLER. Paris, Vrin, 2018, 245 p. (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques). 1240. [Galenus (Claudius)] Hygiene. Vol. I. Books 14. Ed. and translated by Ian JOHNSTON. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 528 p. (Loeb classical library, 535). 1241. [Galenus (Claudius)] Hygiene. Vol. II. Books 5–6. Thrasybulus. On exercise with a small ball. Ed. and translated by Ian JOHNSTON. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 432 p. (Loeb classical library, 536). 1242. [Hierocles Alexandrinus] Hiéroclès d'Alexandrie. Commentaire sur les vers d'or des Pythagoriciens, Traité sur la Providence. Textes introduits, traduits et annotés par Noël AUJOULAT et Adrien LECERF. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, XVI-314 p. (La Roue à Livres). 1243. [Hippocrates] Hippocrate, Tome I, 2e partie. Le Serment. Les Serments Chrétiens. La Loi. Texte établi et traduit par Jacques JOUANNA. Paris, Les Belles
Lettres, 2018, CXCVI-310 p. (Collection des Universités de France. Association Guillaume Budé). 1244. [Isocrates] Isokrates. Archidamos. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung u. Kommentar v. Emanuel ZINGG. Duisburg, Wellem, 2018, XIV, 826 p. (Syssitia. Studien zu Geschichte und Kultur des antiken Sparta und zur Sparta-Rezeption, 2/1). 1245. [Marcus Aurelius] The meditations of the Emperor Marcus Antonius. Vol. 1. Ed. and translated by A.S.L. FARQUHARSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018. (Oxford scholarship online). 1246. [Menander] Menander, A commentary. Ed. by Arnold Wycombe GOMME and Francis Henry SANDBACH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-760 p. (Oxford scholarly editions online). 1247. [Menander] Reliquiae selectae. Ed. by Francis Henry SANDBACH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI356 p. (Oxford classical texts. Oxford scholarly editions online). 1248. [Philodemus] Filodemo, Il primo libro della Retorica. A cura di Federica NICOLARDI. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2018, 462 p. (La Scuola di Epicuro). 1249. [Photius] Fozio, Mistagogia del Santo Spirito. A cura di Valerio POLIDORI. Premessa di Luciano CANFORA. Roma, Carocci, 2018, LXXXI-140 p. (Lingue e letterature, 271). 1250. [Photius] Teopompo di Chio. Filippiche. (Fozio, Biblioteca, cod. 176). A cura di Gabriella OTTONE. Testo critico e introduzione a cura di Antonio Luis CHÁVEZ REINO. Tivoli, Edizioni Tored, 2018, XXVI714 p. (Themata, 21). 1251. [Plato] Hipparchos. Übersetzung und Kommentar von Charlotte SCHUBERT. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2018], 171 p. (ill.). (Platon Werke, IV, 3). 1252. [Plato] Ion. Esquisse sur la tradition textuelle du dialogue, texte critique et notes textuelles par Lorenzo FERRONI. Introduction, traduction et commentaire par Arnaud MACÉ. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, LXIII-187 p. (ill., maps). (Commentario, 11). 1253. [Plato] Menon. Übersetzung und Kommentar von Theodor EBERT. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-209 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, 134). 1254. [Plato] Platons Werke. Teil 3, Band 1. Der Staat. Hrsg. v. F. SCHLEIERMACHER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, published online (Platon Werke, III, 1). 1255. [Plato] Teeteto. A cura di Franco TRABATtraduzione di Andrea CAPRA. Torino, Einaudi, 2018, CLII-280 p. (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi. Classici)
1256. [Plato] The republic. Foreword by Simon BLACKBURN. Translated by Benjamin JOWETT. New York, Clydesdale Press, 2018, 302 p. 1257. [Plutarchus] Plutarque, Œuvres morales. Tome XIII, 1ère partie: Traité 59 Questions naturelles. Texte établi et traduit par Filippomaria PONTANI; Introduc-
tion et notes de Michiel MEEUSEN. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, LXXIII-34-97 p. (Collection des universités de France - Série grecque, 541). 1258. [Polemon Periegetes] CAPEL BADINO (Roberto). Polemone di Ilio e la Grecia. Testimonianze e frammenti di periegesi antiquaria. Milano, Ledizioni, 2018, 344 p. (Consonanze, 18). 1259. [Proclus] Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Tome V. Livre V. Texte établi et traduit par Concetta LUNA et Alain Philippe SEGONDS. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, CII-512 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 506). 1260. [Proclus] Commentary on Plato's Republic. Vol. 1. Essays 1-6. Translated with an introduction and notes by Dirk BALTZLY, John F. FINAMORE and Graeme MILES. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-431 p. (Cambridge books online). 1261. [Proclus] The six books of Proclus, the Platonic successor, on the theology of Plato. Translated from the Greek by Thomas TAYLOR. London, Kalosophia, 2018, 386 p. (The Chaldaean oracles, 165). 1262. [Quintus Smyrnaeus] TSOMIS (Georgios P.). Quintus Smyrnaeus. Kommentar zum siebten Buch der Posthomerica. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 454 p. (Palingenesia, 110). 1263. [Sophokles] Philoktet. Ed. with Introduction, Translation and commentary by Bernd MANUWALD. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-329 p. (Griechische Dramen). 1264. [Soranus Ephesius] Sorano di Efeso, Malattie delle donne, secondo libro. Prefazione di Marie-Hélène MARGANNE; introduzione, traduzione italiana e commento a cura di Vincenzo FAI. Galatina, Congedo, 2018, 319 p. (Historie - Collana di Studi e Monumenti per le Scienze dell'Antichità, 9). 1265. [Strabo] Strabon iz Amasije. Strabonove Geografije VII knjiga. Ed. and translated by Mirko OBRADOVIĆ. Beograd, Evoluta, 2018, 319 p. 1266. [Theophrastus] Les pierres. Théophraste. Texte établi et traduit par Suzanne AMIGUES. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, XX-105 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 539). 1267. [Theophrastus] On winds. Theophrastus of Eresus. Ed., translation and commentary by Robert MAYHEW. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-374 p. (Philosophia antiqua, 147). 1268. MOSELEY (Geoffrey). Found in translation. An Arabic Phaedo fragment (107d6-108c1) in Ruhāwī's Adab al-ṭabīb and the late antique transmission of Plato. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 976-992. Cf. nos 204, 1354-1534 § 4. General and political history. ______________________
1269. Alexander der Große am Granikos. Die Erzählung der Schlacht als Konfliktort. Hrsg. v. Christia-
§ 4. General and political history
ne KUNST. Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2018, 217 p. (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und AntikeRezeption, 22).
1284. MANN (Christian). Könige, Poleis und Athleten in hellenistischer Zeit. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 447479.
1270. ALLARD (Jean-Noël). Démosthène efféminé: "l'assignation à contre-genre" comme instrument de persuasion. Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 3-22.
1285. MORENO LEONI (Álvaro Matías). Un capitolo oscuro nella storia della Confederazione Achea. Riflessioni sulla condanna a morte di Aristomaco di Argo (224 a.C.). Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 82-93.
1271. ALWINE (Andrew T.). The soul of oligarchy. The rule of the few in ancient Greece. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 235267.
1286. OPPENEER (Thierry). Assembly politics and the rhetoric of honour in Chariton, dio of Prusa and John Chrysostom. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 223-243.
1272. BIANCO (Elisabetta). Sparta e i suoi navarchi. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, VI-178 p. (Fonti e studi di Storia Antica, 21).
1287. PARMEGGIANI (Giovanni). How Sparta and its allies went to war. Votes and diplomacy in 432–1 B. C. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 244-255.
1273. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Age of conquests. The Greek world from Alexander to Hadrian. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XXXII-446 p.
1288. PASCUAL (J.). Confederazione e struttura federale dell'Acarnania nel secolo IV a.C. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 59-81.
1274. Colloquia Attica. Neuere Forschungen zur Archaik, zum athenischen Recht und zur Magie. Hrsg. v. Werner RIESS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 285 p. (ill.). (Hamburger Studien zu Gessellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne, 4).
1289. PAYEN (Pascal). La guerre dans le monde grec (VIIIe–Ier siècles avant J.-C.). Paris, Armand Colin, 2018, 352 p. (Collection U: Histoire).
1275. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). The birth of the Athenian community. From Solon to Cleisthenes. Abingdon, Taylor & Francis, 2018, XV-392 p. 1276. FORSTER (Florian Rudolf). Die Polis im Wandel. Ehrendekrete für eigene Bürger im Kontext der hellenistischen Polisgemeinschaft. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 594 p. (Die hellenistische Polis als Lebensform, 9). 1277. GONDAT (Julien). Φίλοι καὶ Σύμμαχοι: les relations entre les attalides et les étoliens au IIIe et au IIe siècle avant J.-C. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 97-122. 1278. HANSEN (Mogens Herman). Aspects of the Athenian democracy in the fourth century B. C. Reflections on Claudia TIERSCH (ed.) Die Athenische Demokratie im 4. Jahrhundert. Zwischen Modernisierung und Tradition (Stuttgart 2016). Københaven, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2018, 93 p. (Scientia Danica, Series H, Humanistica, 8, 17). 1279. HYLAND (John O.). Persian interventions. The Achaemenid empire, Athens and Sparta, 450–386 BCE. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, X-257 p. 1280. KAPELLOS (Aggelos). Lysander and the execution of the Athenian prisoners at Aegospotami (Xenophon, Hell. 2.1.31-32). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 394-407. 1281. KHOLOD (Maxim M.). The Macedonian expeditionary corps in Asia Minor (336–335 BC). Klio, 2018, 100, p. 407-446. 1282. KONIJNENDIJK (Roel). Classical Greek tactics. A cultural history. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, VIII261 p. (Mnemosyne. Suppl., 409). 1283. LOW (Polly). Panhellenism without imperialism? Athens and the Greeks before and after Chaeronea. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 454-471.
1290. PÉBARTHE (Christophe), DEVILLERS (Olivier). Introduction Générale. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 9-10. 1291. Polis (The) in the Hellenistic world. Ed. by Henning BÖRM and Nino LURAGHI. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 264 p. (Ancient History). 1292. Politics, territory and identity in ancient Epirus. Ed. by Adolfo J. DOMÍNGUEZ. Pisa, ETS, 2018, XIV-337 p. (ill.). (Diabaseis, 8). 1293. PRITCHARD (David M.). The archers of classical Athens. Greece & Rome, 2018, 65, p. 86-102. 1294. RICHER (Nicolas). Sparte, cité des arts, des armes et des lois. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 477 p. 1295. SCHULZ (Raimund). Zwischen Eroberungskrieg und Präventivschlag? Neue Perspektiven zu den Perserkriegen und ihren Voraussetzungen. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 3, p. 647-684. 1296. SIMONTON (Matthew). The burial of Brasidas and the politics of commemoration in the classical period. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 130. – IDEM. The local history of Hippias of Erythrai. Politics, place, memory and monumentality. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 497-543. 1297. STUTTARD (David). Nemesis. Alcibiades and the fall of Athens. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XV380 p. 1298. VITALE (Marco). Städtebünde auf Sizilien von der Spätarchaik bis zur späten Kaiserzeit. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 3-54. 1299. WATERFIELD (Robin). Creators, conquerors and citizens. A history of ancient Greece. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXX-511 p. 1300. WEBER (Gregor). '200 Jahre Phylenreform des Kleisthenes'. Die Neuorganisation von Athen und
Attika (307/06 v. Chr.). Kontext, Umsetzung und Folgen. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 125-152.
LUCHETTI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, VIII384 p. (Fra Oriente e Occidente, 6).
1301. WESTWOOD (Guy). Philocrates and the Orgas. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 349-357.
1314. LODDO (Laura). La legge ateniese sull'interdizione degli stranieri dal mercato. Da Solone ad Aristofonte di Azenia. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 667-687.
1302. ZIZZA (Cesare). La Macedonia e i Macedoni nella Politica e nelle altre opere superstiti del Corpus Aristotelicum. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 9-54. § 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________
1303. Ancient Greek law in the 21st century. Ed. by Paula PERLMAN. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, IX-228 p. (Ashley and Peter Larkin series in Greek and Roman culture). 1304. BUIS (Emiliano J.). Taming Ares. War, interstate law and humanitarian discourse in classical Greece. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 311 p. (Legal history library, 26-10. Studies in the history of international law, 26-10). 1305. CANEVARO (Mirko). The authenticity of the document at Demosth. or. 24.20–3, the procedures of nomothesia and the so-called ἐπιχɛιροτονία τῶν νόμων. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 70-124. – IDEM. The public charge for hubris against slaves. The honour of the victim and the honour of the hubristēs. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 100-126. 1306. COBETTO GHIGGIA (Pietro). Lessico giuridico greco di età 'tarda': per un approccio linguistico ai Basilicorum Libri. Rivista di diritto ellenico, 2018, 8, [s. p.]. 1307. Defining citizenship in Archaic Greece. Ed. by Alain DUPLOUY and Roger BROCK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-370 p. 1308. FUSAI (Sergio). Ancora sull'histor del processo omerico: le conferme dalle iscrizioni beotiche e di Capo Tenaro. Rivista di diritto ellenico, 2018, 8, [s. p.]. 1309. GALLO (Luigi). Aspetti giuridici dell'acqua nel mondo greco. Rivista di diritto ellenico, 2018, 8, [s. p.]. 1310. JOUANNA (Jacques). L'interprétation de l'ancienne loi de solon par Lysias X, 17 (contre Théomnestos I) est-elle correcte? Sur la place, la fonction et le sens du verbe ἐπιορκέω dans la langue des serments en grec ancien. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 7596. 1311. KACPRZAK (Agnieszka), NOWAK (Maria). Foundlings in the Greco-Roman world: status and the (im)possibility of adoption. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 13-54. 1312. KNÄPPER (Katharina). Hieros kai asylos. Territoriale Asylie im Hellenismus in ihrem historischen Kontext. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 348 p. (Historia-Einzelschriften, 250). 1313. Legge eguaglianza diritto: i casi di fronte alle regole nell'esperienza antica. Atti del convegno (BolognaRavenna, 9–11 maggio 2013). A cura di Giovanni
1315. NICHOLSON (Emma). Polybios, the laws of war and Philip V of Macedon. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 434453. 1316. SATŌ (Noboru). Use and abuse of legal procedures to impede the legal process. Use and abuse of law in the Athenian Courts. Ed. by Chris CAREY, Ifigeneia GIANNADAKI and Brenda GRIFFITH-WILLIAMS. Leiden, Brill, 2018, p. 146-162. 1317. TSAKMAKIS (Antonis). [Aristot.] Ath. Pol. 39.4: Wer durfte im oligarchischen Eleusis wohnen (403 v. Chr.)? Klio, 2018, 100, p. 55-69. § 6. Economic and social history. ______________________
1318. ACKERMAN (Delphine). Une microhistoire d'Athènes. Le dème d'Aixônè dans l'Antiquité. Athenae, École française d'Athènes, 2018, 617 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 379). 1319. ALAUX (Jean). Philia et lien familial: l'exemple de l'éginétique d'Isocrate. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 129-140. 1320. ASTON (Emma), KERR (Joshua). Battlefield and racetrack. The role of horses in Thessalian society. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 2-35. 1321. BONNARD (Jean-Baptiste). Représentations de la paternité et de la filiation en Grèce ancienne. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 117-127. 1322. BOUDON-MILLOT (Véronique). Souffrir pour être belle (ou beau). Thérapeutique et cosmétique dans l'Antiquité. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 1529. 1323. BOUQUEREL (Christophe). La déesse crapaud. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 213-221. 1324. BRULÉ (Pierre). Enquête démographique sur la famille grecque antique. Étude de listes de politographie d'Asie Mineure d'époque hellénistique (Milet et Ilion). In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 67-88. – IDEM. La parenté selon Zeus. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 91-116. 1325. DECETY (Nathan). When valor isn't always superior to numbers. Homoioi oliganthrôpia caused by attrition in incessant warfare. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 626-666. 1326. DONELAN (Jasper F.). Did the classical Athenian theatre have a thunder machine? Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 110-115.
§ 6. Economic and social history 1327. DOUMAS (Christos). Akrotiri et le commerce à longue distance. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 59-67. 1328. FRÖHLICH (Pierre). Les tombeaux de la ville de Messène et les grandes familles de la cité à l'époque hellénistique. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 215240. 1329. Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique. Éd. par Christophe PÉBARTHE et Olivier DEVILLERS. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 340 p. (Scripta antiqua, 112). [Cf. nos 1290, 1319, 1321, 1324, 1328, 1342-1344, 1346, 1353, 1878, 1879, 1893, 1916.] 1330. HUMPHREYS (Sally C.). Kinship in ancient Athens. An anthropological analysis. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 2 vol., XXIII-VI-1457 p. 1331. Infrastructure and distribution in ancient economies. Proceedings of a conference held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 28–31 October 2014. Ed. by Bernhard WOYTEK. Wien, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2018, 534 p. (Denkschriften. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, PhilosophischHistorische Klasse, 506). [Cf. nos 1884, 1888, 1902.] 1332. JACQUEMIN (Anne). Les aventures de Pyladès citoyen athénien pantomime malgré lui. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 537-544.
1341. PAPAKONSTANTINOU (Zinon). Athletics, memory and community in hellenistic and roman Messene. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 64-78. 1342. PÉBARTHE (Christophe). À la recherche de la famille antique. Réflexions sur la construction d'un objet historique (inédit). In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 11-40. – IDEM. En avoir ou pas. De l'existence du nom de famille en Grèce ancienne (inédit). In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 41-66. 1343. PERENTIDIS (Stavros). Sur la polyandrie, la parenté et la définition du mariage à Sparte. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 153-176. 1344. PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR (Éric). Anthroponymie, modes onomastiques et stratégies familiales: les familles de notables athéniens de la basse époque hellénistique. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 241-260. 1345. PRITCHARD (David M.). Les dépenses publiques dans l'Athènes démocratique. 200 ans après August Böckh. Revue des études anciennes, 2018, 120, p. 385-405. – IDEM. The horsemen of classical Athens. Some considerations on their recruitment and social background. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 439-453.
1333. KAPPARIS (Konstantinos). Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-501 p.
1346. ROUBINEAU (Jean-Manuel). Pauvreté, rationalité économique et abandon d'enfants dans les cités grecques. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 289-312.
1334. KARILA-COHEN (Karine). Le graphe, la trace et les fragments. L'apport des méthodes quantitatives et des outils numériques à l'étude des élites civiques athéniennes. Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 785-815.
1347. SCANLON (Thomas F.). Class tensions in the games of Homer. Epeius, Euryalus, Odysseus and Iros. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 5-20.
1335. KENNELL (Nigel M.). Competition and memory in an ephebic victor list from heraclea pontica. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 7993.
1348. SCHLAPBACH (Karin). The anatomy of dance discourse. Literary and philosophical approaches to dance in the Later Graeco-Roman World. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-339 p. (ill.).
1336. LYTLE (Ephraim). Fishing with fire. Technology, economy and two Greek inscriptions. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 61-102.
1349. SILVER (Morris). Slave-wives, single women and "Bastards" in the Ancient Greek world. Law and economics perspectives. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, XII-227 p.
1337. MADULI (Barbara). Un caso di frode sportiva: P. Oxy. LXXIX.5209. Rivista di diritto ellenico, 2018, 8, [s. p.]. 1338. MAEHLE (Ingvar B.). The economy of gratitude in democratic Athens. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 5590. 1339. MARGARITI (Katia). Lament and death instead of marriage. The iconography of deceased maidens on Attic grave reliefs of the classical period. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 91-176. 1340. NICHOLSON (Nigel). When athletic victory and fatherhood did mix. The commemoration of Diagoras of Rhodes. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 42-63.
1350. STARKEY (Jennifer). The origin and purpose of the three-actor rule. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 269-297. 1351. VAN DRIESSCHE (Véronique). Les réformes "monétaires" de Solon. Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 137-152. 1352. WEILER (Ingomar). Games, contests and the idea of competitive rivalry in early Greek and Roman childhood. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 104-118. 1353. WILGAUX (Jérôme). De la naturalité des relations de parenté: inceste et échange matrimonial dans les Politiques d'Aristote. In: Histoire de familles dans le
monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 141-152. – IDEM. Le mariage des élites dans le monde grec des cités. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 210-213. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature 1354. [Diodorus Siculus] Diodoros of Sicily, Historiographical theory and practice in the "Bibliotheke". Ed. by Lisa Irene HAU, Alexander MEEUWS and Brian SHERIDAN. Leuven, Paris a. Bristol, Peeters, 2018, X612 p. (Studia Hellenistica, 58). 1355. [Isaeus] Isaeus' On the Estate of Pyrrhus (Oration 3). Ed. with an introduction, translation and commentary by Rosalia HATZILAMBROU. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, XII-283 p. 1356. ABRITTA (Alejandro). On the role of accent in ancient Greek poetry. Dactylic and iambic words in the Homeric hexameter. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 539-554. 1357. AGOSTO (Mauro). ATΗΣ ΑΤΕΡ. A note on Sophocles, Antigone 2-6. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 958975. 1358. ALLEN (Archibald). On penises in Hipponax. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 273-284. 1359. ANDREASSI (Mario). La semantica di οὐᾶ nella "Vita Aesopi". Nuovi elementi per la datazione. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 166-186. 1360. ANDUJAR (Rosa), COWARD (Thomas R. P.), HADJIMICHAEL (Theodora A.). Introduction. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 1-18. 1361. ANDÚJAR (Rosa). Hyporchematic footprints in Euripides' Electra. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 265290. 1362. ANFOSSO (Milena). I Frigi nell'universo tragico greco: intorno ad una tragedia perduta di Eschilo. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 53-81. 1363. ANTONOPOULOS (Andreas P.). Silenos' monuments of bravery. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 447-453.
1368. BERTOLINI (Sebastiano). Il fr. 2 K.‑A. di Filemone. Considerazioni testuali ed esegetiche. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 271-283. 1369. BETA (Simone). Da Ossirinco a Parigi: i Segugi di Sofocle nel melodramma La naissance de la lyre di Albert Roussel. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 207-213. 1370. BIANCHI (Francesco Paolo). Il poeta protagonista del suo dramma: sulla ricostruzione della Pytinē di Cratino. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 235261. 1371. BRESCIA (Graziana). La metamorfosi per amore dell'eroe in armis acerrimus. La fabula di Achille e Polissena in Darete Frigio. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 201-231. 1372. BRUZZONE (Rachel). Thucydides' great harbor battle as literary tomb. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 577-604. 1373. BUDELMANN (Felix). Greek lyric. A selection. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-321 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). 1374. CARPANELLI (Francesco). Semele e Licurgo, morte e follia nel teatro eschileo. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 1-43. 1375. CARRARA (Laura). Edipo all'altare? Per una lettura ed interpretazione di Euripide, fr. 554a K. (Edipo). In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 111-135. 1376. CASELLA (F.). La demonologia di Esiodo e il suo rapporto con la giustizia divina ne Le Opere e i Giorni. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 405-438. 1377. CATENACCI (Carmine). Medea esule. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 49-61. 1378. CHESI (Giulia Maria). Intertextuality and poetic voice in Theocritus' Idyll 3. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 489-496. 1379. CIOCANI (Vichi Eugenia). Searching for a foil to Charicleia. Heliodorus' Aethiopica and the Homeric hymns to Demeter. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 58-74. 1380. COO (Lyndsay). Sophocles' wedding cakes (Eris fr. 199). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 938-957.
1364. ATHANASSAKI (Lucia). Talking thalassocracy in fifth-century Athens: from Bacchylides' 'Theseus Odes' (17 & 18) and Cimonian Monuments to Euripides' Troades. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 87-116.
1381. COSGROVE (Charles H.). An ancient Greek lament form. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 173181.
1365. BACIGALUPO (Valeria). Dicearco, Aristarco e i pronomi riflessivi. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 98-128.
1382. COWARD (Thomas R.P.). 'Stesichorean' footsteps in the parodos of Aeschylus' Agamemnon. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 39-64.
1366. BARRENECHEA (Francisco). Comedy and religion in classical Athens. Narratives of religious experiences in Aristophanes' wealth. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-201 p.
1383. COZZO (Andrea). Masse straniere nelle città: narrazioni greche delle pratiche di mescolanza etnica. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 131-147.
1367. BECK (Deborah). Emotional and thematic meanings in a repeating Homeric motif. A case study. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 150-172.
1384. CROPP (Martin), STOREY (Ian). Patrocles of Athens and Patrocles of Thurii. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 50-54.
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science
1385. DE POLI (Mattia). La scena di riconoscimento nelle tragedie frammentarie di Euripide. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 137-165. ###
1399. FERNÁNDEZ-DELGADO (José Antonio). The Plutarchan reception of the choral lyric. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 187-198.
1386. DÉCLOQUEMENT (Valentin). Feintise ludique et non pas leurre. Lire Dictys de Crète à la lumière de la παιδεία. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 177-195.
1400. FERTIK (Harriet). The absent landscape in Xenophon's Hiero. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 384-393.
1387. DEGIOVANNI (Lucia). Il silenzio e la voce di Iole: dalla scena antica al teatro contemporaneo. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 215-233. 1388. DETTORI (Emanuele). Addendum a epic. adesp. fr. 1 Powell: testo e commento. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 505. – IDEM. Epic. adesp. fr. 1 Powell: testo e commento. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 5-47. 1389. DIEU (Éric). Grec 'eτοιμοσ "qui est sous la main, prêt, disponible", hitt. zē(y)a- "cuire (intr.); être cuit, être prêt", zinni- "finir, en finir avec, venir à bout de": du "tout cuit" étymologique. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 371-414. 1390. DO CÉU FIALHO (Maria). Il racconto del messaggero nell'Edipo a Colono di Sofocle. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 89-102. 1391. DUNN (Francis M.). The mutilation of Agamemnon (A. Ch. 439 and S. El. 445). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 195-208. 1392. ECKERMAN (Chris). Thrasyboulos and the perforated labor of bees. Pindar's Pythian 6.52-54. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 856-860. 1393. EISENFELD (Hanne). Geryon the hero, Herakles the god. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 8099. 1394. ENCINAS REGUERO (María del Carmen). Ichneutai y Áyax de Sófocles. Evidencias de una relación intencional. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 5-19. – IDEM. Sophocles' Ajax and its double agon in ight of intertextual relations. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 415-431. 1395. Eustathe, Explication des États de cause d'Hermogène. Texte établi et traduit par Michel PATILLON. Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2018, 980 p. (Collection des Universités de France). 1396. Fables grecques et latines de l'Antiquité. Sous la direction de Pierre SAUZEAU, Jacqueline SAUZEAU, Traduit par Emile CHAMBRY, Jacqueline GAIDE, Introduction et notes de Jacqueline SAUZEAU, Pierre SAUZEAU, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2018, XXIV-409 p. (Editio minor, 5). 1397. FANFANI (Giovanni). What melos for Troy? Blending of lyric genres in the first Stasimon of Euripides' Trojan Women. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 239-264. 1398. FAVI (Federico). Osservazioni sul prologo della Lisistrata. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 325-333.
1401. FINGLASS (Patrick J.). Stesichorus and Greek Tragedy. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 19-38. 1402. FIORENTINI (Leonardo). Cratin. fr. 258, 2 K.‑A. (e fr. 254 K.‑A.). In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 263-269. 1403. FORD (Andrew). Afterword: on the nonexistence of tragic odes. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 367-380. 1404. Forgotten theatre (The). Mitologia, drammaturgia e tradizione del teatro frammentario greco-latino. Atti del primo convegno internazionale sul dramma antico frammentario (Università di Torino, 29 Nov.–1 Dic. 2017). A cura di Luca AUSTA. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, XIV-342 p. [Cf. nos 1362, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1375, 1385, 1387, 1402, 1405, 1426, 1440, 1476, 1482, 1948, 1951, 1974, 1987.] 1405. FRANCISETTI BROLIN (Sonia). Il fr. adesp. 681 Kn. – Sn.: Meleagro euripideo o un dramma satiresco? Nuovi spunti da un papiro di Ossirinco. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 193-205. 1406. FRAZEL (Thomas D.). Lycophron, ἄρδις, and the death of Paris. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 497-503. 1407. GALLI (Maria Teresa). Il discorso del nuntius nella Medea di Osidio Geta. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 103-115. 1408. GARBUGINO (Giovanni). Osservazioni sulle fonti e sulla cronologia di Darete Frigio. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 77-127. 1409. GARCÍA ROMERO (Fernando). Racconto drammatico e racconto lirico. L'ironia tragica nell'Epinicio 5 di Bacchilide. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 13-36. 1410. GAZIS (Georg Alexander). Homer and the poetics of hades. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-253 p. (Oxford scholarship online). 1411. GEROLEMOU (Maria). Zur Auffassung des Wunders in der griechischen Tragödie. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 750-776. 1412. GHEERBRANT (Xavier). Le rythme de la prose de Phérécyde de Syros. Mythographie en prose et poésie en hexamètre dactylique. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 367383. 1413. HAGEL (Stefan). Adjusting words to music. Prolongating syllables and the example of 'dactylo-epitrite'. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 227-248. 1414. HILTON (Ita). The 'sown men' and the sons of Oedipus. Representations of land, earth and city in Euripides' Phoinissai. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 263-276.
1415. HORN (Fabian). The psychology of aggression. Achilles' wrath and Hector's flight in Iliad 22.131–7. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 277-289. ### 1416. HORNBLOWER (Simon). Lykophron's Alexandra, Rome, and the Hellenistic world. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIII-254 p. (map). (Oxford scholarship online). 1417. HOSE (Martin). Augustus' Eintritt in die griechische Literatur. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 23-40. 1418. HUNTER (Richard). The measure of Homer. The ancient reception of the 'Iliad' and the 'Odyssey'. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018. X-254. 1419. IORI (Luca). Tucidide, Nicia e la religione. Sulla tradizione di Th. 7,86,5. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. p. 71-97. 1420. JASNOW (Benjamin), EVANS (Courtney), STRAUSS CLAY (Jenny). Poetic and geographical organization in the catalogue of ships. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 1-44. 1421. JAZDZEWSKA (Katarzyna). Plutarch's "Greek questions". Between glossography and problemata-literature. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 41-53.
choruses in tragedy. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 163-186. 1432. LEAL SOARES (Carmen). I messaggeri di Euripide come narratori di orrori. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 77-88. 1433. LENTANO (Mario). "Che con Amore al fine combatteo". Achille e Polissena in Darete Frigio e Ditti Cretese. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 233-255. 1434. MADER (Gottfried). ᾽Εναργὲς καὶ σαφές. Demosthenes and the rhetoric of disclosure in the philippic orations. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 177-214. 1435. MAISURADZE (Giorgi), SCHOLLMEYER (Patrick). Medeas Heimat. Georgien in der Antike. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern Verlag, 2018, 144 p. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie). 1436. MATIJEVIĆ (Krešimir). Zur Beeinflussung der homerischen Epen durch das Gilgamesch-Epos. Mit einem Exkurs zu einer neuen Datierungsthese der Ilias. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 599-625.
1422. JOUANNO (Corinne). Mômos Bifrons étude sur la destinée littéraire du dieu du sarcasme. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 521-552.
1437. MEIER (Sven). Die 'Ilias' und ihr Anfang. Zur Handlungskomposition als Kunstform bei Homer. Heidelberg, Winter, 2018, 205 p. (Studien zu Literatur und Erkenntnis, 14).
1423. KAMPAKOGLOU (Alexandros). Epinician discourse in Euripides' tragedies: the case of Alexandros. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 187-218.
1438. MEISTER (Felix J.). Hieron at Pi. O. 6.12-18. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 315-321. – IDEM. The syntax of Pi. I. 3/4.9-13. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 861-864.
1424. KIRKLAND (N. Bryant). Herodotus and Pseudo-Herodotus in the Vita Herodotea. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 299-329.
1439. MILLER (Peter J.). In the shadow of praise. Epinician losers and epinician poetics. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2018, 61, p. 21-41.
1425. KLOOSTER (Jacqueline). Solon of Athens as a precedent for Plutarch's authorial persona. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 247-264. 1426. KORNAROU (Eleni). Rhetoric and responsibility in Euripides' Cretans. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 97-109. 1427. KRUIJER (Mike), LA ROI (Ezra). Paradigmatic possibilities as perspective for absolute constructions. Exploring linguistic differences and similarities of the Greek genitive and Latin ablative absolute. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 799-822. 1428. LAMBROU (Ioannis L.). Homer and Achilles' ambush of Troilus. Confronting the elephant in the room. Greece & Rome, 2018, 65, p. 75-85. 1429. LANGELLA (Elena). Nuovi eroi nell'epica postomerica: il caso di Neottolemo. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 287-309. 1430. LARDINOIS (André). Eastern myths for western lies. Allusions to near eastern mythology in Homer's Iliad. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 895-919. 1431. LAZANI (Anastasia). Constructing chorality in Prometheus Bound: the poetic background of divine
1440. MILO (Daniela). Sofocle, fr. 871 Radt. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 83-95. 1441. MOVELLÁN LUIS (Mireia). Elements of internal cohesion in the Ephemeris belli Troiani: historiography, rhetoric and genealogy. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 129-145. 1442. MUNTZ (Charles E.). The Argonautica of Diodorus Siculus. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 331-360. 1443. MURATORE (Davide). Studi sulla tradizione e sul testo degli Scholia in Homeri Iliadem. 3, Gli Scholia D nel Marc. Gr. app. IX, 5 (1336). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 239-272. 1444. NICHOLSON (Emma). Philip V of Macedon, 'Erōmenos of the Greeks'. A note and reassessment. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 241-255. 1445. OBSOMER (Claude). Diodore et l'Égypte. À propos des sources du livre I de sa Bibliothèque historique et des erreurs les plus significatives. Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 87-123. 1446. OLSON (S. Douglas). Athenaeus' "Fragments" of non-fragmentary prose authors and their implications. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 423-450. –
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science IDEM. Perfumed wine (μυρίνης οἶνος): Diph. fr. 17.10, Posidipp.Com. fr. 36, Philippid. fr. 40 and the Lexica. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 689-692. 1447. PANEGYRES (Konstantine). Mixed-number gnomic generalisations in Greek tragedy. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 865-872. 1448. PASSMORE (Oliver). Thaumastic acoustics. Typhoeus and 'Ty-phonics' in Pindar, Pythian 1.26 and Hesiod, Theogony 834. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 733749. 1449. Paths of song. The lyric dimension of Greek tragedy. Ed. by Rosa ANDÚJAR, Thomas R.P. COWARD and Theodora A. HADJIMICHAEL. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, X-456 p. (Trends in Classics supplementary, 58). [Cf. nos 1360, 1361, 1364, 1382, 1397, 1401, 1403, 1423, 1431, 1453, 1454, 1458, 1462, 1469, 1474, 1479.] 1450. PÉREZ LAMBÀS (Fernando), Los elementos rituales en las tragedias de Sófocles. Tipología y función a partir de los prólogos. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2018, 444 p. (Classical and Byzantine Monographs, 93). 1451. PIANO (Valeria). Considerazioni su Eur. El. 367–400 e su due testimoni tolemaici (P.Hibeh I 7, O. Berol. Inv. 12319). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 295-324. 1452. Polybius and his legacy. Ed. by Nikos MILTand Melina TAMIOLAKI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX-416 p. (Trends in Classics. Suppl., 60).
Graziana BRESCIA, Mario LENTANO, Giampiero SCAValentina ZANUSSO. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, 398 p. (Spudasmata, 177). [Cf. nos 1183, 1186, 1371, 1386, 1408, 1429, 1433, 1441, 1468, 1482, 1486, 3144, 5567.] FOGLIO,
1461. ROBIANO (Patrick). D'un tableau l'autre: parcours du discours et parcours de la poikilia dans les tableaux de Flavius Philostrate. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 479-520. 1462. RODIGHIERO (Andrea). Aeschylus Agamemnon 104–05, Homer and the epic tradition. A new survey. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 36-49. – IDEM. How Sophocles begins: reshaping lyric genres in tragic choruses. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 137162. – IDEM. Raccontare cantando nella tragedia greca: due casi da Agamennone e Troiane. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 37-73. 1463. ROISMAN (H. M.). The Rhesus: a pro-satyric play? Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 432-446. 1464. ROMERO MARISCAL (Lucía P.). Sappho F 44 Voigt and Euripides' Troades. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 920-937. 1465. ROMNEY (Jessica M.). Let us obey. The rhetoric of Spartan identity in Tyrtaeus 2W. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 555-573.
1466. ROSCALLA (Fabio). Senofonte e la ricerca di un genere. La lode in prosa. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 20-58.
1453. POWER (Timothy). New Music in Sophocles' Ichneutae. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 343-366.
1467. ROUSSOU (Stephanie). ὁµότονος. When did words have the same accent? Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 265-280.
1454. PRODI (Enrico Emanuele). Da Apollo a Batillo (e da Batillo ad Apollo): Anacreont. 17 West. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 285-294. – IDEM. Dancing in Delphi, dancing in Thebes: the lyric chorus in Euripides' Phoenician Women. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 291-314. 1455. PULLEYN (Simon). Epic Greek φῑλ-. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 1039-1042. 1456. RADT (Stefan). Kleinigkeiten zu vielerlei Texten. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 3-19. – IDEM. Noch mehr Kleinigkeiten. Teil 1. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 20-40. – IDEM. Noch mehr Kleinigkeiten. Teil 2. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 41-57. 1457. RANOCCHIA (Graziano). Philodemus' on rhetoric was in 20 books. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 202-208. 1458. RAWLES (Richard). Theoric song and the rhetoric of ritual in Aeschylus' Suppliant Women. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 221-238.
1468. SCAFOGLIO (Giampiero). Antenore, il traditore. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 257-285. 1469. SFYROERAS (Pavlos). Pindar at Colonus: a Sophoclean response to Olympians 2 and 3. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 65-86. 1470. SHILO (Amit). The ghost of Clytemnestra in the Eumenides. Ethical claims beyond human limits. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 533-576. 1471. SKEMPIS (Marios). Zum Verständnis des Namens Ithas (Eumel. Tit. Fr. 5 W). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 851-855. 1472. SPELMAN (Henry). Heirs and educators. Pindar in the epitaph for Bion. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 107109. – IDEM. Pindar and the epic cycle. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 182-201. 1473. STRIANO (Araceli). Eros dans l'anthroponymie grecque. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 640-652.
1459. Returning hero (The). Nostoi and traditions of Mediterranean settlement. Ed. by Simon HORNBLOWER and Giulia BIFFIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXI354 p.
1474. SWIFT (Laura). Competing generic narratives in Aeschylus' Oresteia. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 119-136.
1460. Revival and revision of the Trojan myth: studies on Dictys Cretensis and Dares Phrygius. A cura di
1475. THOMMEN (Lukas). Pausanias und die Frühgeschichte Lakoniens. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 76-89.
1476. TOTARO (Piero). Su alcuni riferimenti al Prometeo liberato di Eschilo nei papiri di Ercolano. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 45-51. ###
1490. BUZZI (Serena). L'igiene in età tardo-antica: Oribasio di Pergamo. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, 256 p. (Hellenica, 68).
1477. TOZZA (Marcello). Bird epiphany of gods in Homer and pre-Hellenic world. Pasiphae, 2018, 12, p. 237-245.
1491. CALCHI (Vera). Interazioni tra il thaumazein aristotelico e l'epinomide pseudo-platonico: una meraviglia fraintesa. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 133-154.
1478. VATRI (Alessandro). Implicit, explicit and 'Paraphrased' irony in Attic oratory. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 1053-1061. 1479. WEISS (Naomi A.). Performing the wedding song in Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis. In: Paths of song [cf. no 1449], p. 315-343. 1480. WRIGHT (Matthew). The lost plays of Greek tragedy. Volume 2. Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XI-308 p. 1481. XIAN (Ruobing). A note on ἀγοράν in Pindar N. 3.14. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 169-172. – IDEM. Locus amoenus und sein Gegenstück in Od. 5. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 132-148. 1482. ZANUSSO (Valentina). Ditti di Creta e il dramma attico: il sacrificio di Ifigenia e la morte di Aiace. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 311-349. – EADEM. Una dimensione dimenticata dell'akoè: la percezione in scena e la funzione drammaturgica dei suoni non verbali. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 167-191. Cf. nos 1229-1268 b. Philosophy and sciences 1483. [Epictetus]. How to be free. An ancient guide to the Stoic life. Epictetus, Encheiridion and selections from Discourses. Translated and with an introduction by A. A. LONG. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2018, 173 p. 1484. ADORJÁNI (Zsolt). Der Gott und der König. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 392-414. 1485. Authors and authorities in ancient philosophy. Ed. by Jenny BRYAN, Robert WARDY and James WARREN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII370 p. (Cambridge classical studies). 1486. BÄR (Silvio). Diktys und Dares vor dem Hintergrund des zweitsophistischen Homerrevisionismus. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 151-175. 1487. BERGAMO (Max). Ancora su Eraclito in Plotino: le testimonianze indirette. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 48-70. 1488. BLENGINI (Chiara). La fondazione aristotelica della psicologia: considerazioni su De Anima I. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 81-106. 1489. BOUDON-MILLOT (Véronique). La tradition manuscrite des médicaments composés selon les genres de Galien (Kühn XIII, 362-1058): nouveaux apports. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 451-478.
1492. CHEN (Siyi). Aristotle on the senses of nature and the naturalness of the city. A metaphysical reading of Pol. 1252a24-1253a3. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 9931014. 1493. CHENG (Wei). Δυσχέρεια and Ἀπορία. The formation of a philosophical term. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 75110. 1494. DUFOSSÉ (Colette). Nicolas De Reggio et le de usu partium (livre X), méthodes de traduction et vocabulaire spécialisé. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 149-178. 1495. FAZZO (Silvia). L'emergenza della metafisica di Aristotele in età romana. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 155-184. 1496. FERNANDEZ CAMACHO (Pamina). Τριάκονθ᾽ ἡμέρας διατρίψας ἐν Γαδείροις. Gades as destination for scientific travelers in the hellenistic and imperial eras. Les études classiques, 2018, 86, p. 251-266. 1497. GASTALDI (Silvia). Le passioni aristoteliche tra Retorica e Politica. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 55-80. 1498. GHERCHANOC (Florence). La carnation naturelle et "jaunâtre" de Phrynè. Du bon teint en Grèce ancienne. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 181195. 1499. GOUREVITCH (Danielle). Anilis cutis. La peau d'une vieille peau à l'époque impériale. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 141-165. 1500. GUARDASOLE (Alessia). Galien de Pergame et la transmission des traités anciens de cosmétique. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 31-49. 1501. JACKSON MILLER (Kassandra). From critical days to critical hours. Galenic refinements of Hippocratic models. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 2018, 148, p. 111-138. 1502. JOOSSE (Albert). Sôphrosunê and the poets. Rival interpretations in Plato's Charmides. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 574-592. 1503. KATZ (Emily), POLANSKY (Ronald). The performance of philosophizing in the platonic lovers. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 397-421. 1504. KING (Daniel). Experiencing pain in imperial Greek culture. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-291 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 1505. Kunst (Die) der philosophischen Exegese bei den spätantiken Platon- und Aristoteles-Kommenta-
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science toren. Akten der 15. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung vom 4. bis 6. Oktober 2012 in Trier. Hrsg. v. Benedikt STROBEL. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-337 p. (Philosophie der Antike, 36). 1506. LACHANCE (Geneviève). De deux expressions utilisées par Platon en contexte réfutatif: ἐναντία λέγειν et ἀντιλέγειν. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 149-165. 1507. LAPLACE (Marcelle). Sur la vertu narrative nommée σϖφροσύνη. Platon, Aelios Aristide et Longos. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 312-323. 1508. LENNARTZ (Klaus). Dramatische Zeit und Szene des Phaidon. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 2-22. 1509. LIEBERSOHN (Yosef Z.). Epicurus' varietas and ἡ κινητικὴ ἡδονή. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 777798. 1510. MACDOUGALL (Byron). Babies and the beasts? Aristotle's Rhetoric 1371a9-17. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 485-488. 1511. MANSFELD (Jaap). A discussion of a new edition of the early Greek philosophers. p. 515-536. – IDEM. Studies in early Greek philosophy. A collection of papers and one review. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, IX428 p. (Philosophia antiqua, 151). 1512. MARGANNE (Marie-Hélène). De la cosmétique à la thérapeutique: le verbe στιμμίζειν dans les écrits médicaux grecs. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 121-139. 1513. MARTINS (Pedro Ribeiro). Der Vegetarismus in der Antike im Streitgespräch. Porphyrios' Auseinandersetzung mit der Schrift 'Gegen die Vegetarier'. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-228 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 360). 1514. MILES (Graeme). Mythic paradigms and the platonic life. Becoming a Bacchus in Damascius' philosophical history. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 55-66. 1515. MINON (Sophie). Dialectalisation et pseudépigraphie philosophique: la dorisation de la koinè littéraire comme marque d'école dans les fragments transmis par stobée du traité pseudo-archytéen Περὶ νόμου καί δικαιοσύνης. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 1-47. 1516. MOSELEY (Geoffrey). Pl. Leg. 631c6-7. Textual gleanings from an arabic fragment. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 173-176. – IDEM. Ἀρδιαῖος or Ἀριδαῖος at Pl. R. 615c4-5 and 615e6? New light from the Arabic tradition of Galen's synopsis. p. 322-330.
1519. OJENNUS (Paul). Apollonius of Rhodes, hellenistic philosophy and fate. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 215-248. 1520. OSORIO (Peter). Protagoras' Homo-mensura doctrine and literary interpretation in Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 1043-1052. 1521. OVERDUIN (Floris). A riddling recipe? Philo of Tarsus' against Colic (SH 690). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 593-615. 1522. PARDON-LABONNELIE (Muriel). Des yeux couleur d'encre. Les vertus thérapeutiques du noir dans le monde gréco-romain. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 103-119. 1523. PARMEGGIANI (Giovanni). Thucydides on aetiology and methodology and some links with the philosophy of Heraclitus. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 229246. 1524. PETRUCCI (Federico M.). Wave-like commentaries. The structure and philosophical orientation of middle platonist commentaries. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 209-226. 1525. PICOT (Jean-Claude), BERG (William). Apollo, Eros and epic allusions in Empedocles, frr. 134 and 29 DK. American Journal of Philology, 2018, 139, p. 365396. 1526. REPELLINI (Ferruccio Franco). Sfere aristoteliche scollegate. A proposito di Metafisica XII.8. 1074A12-14. In: Stagira (Da) a Roma [cf. no 1531], p. 107-132. 1527. RICCIARDETTO (Antonio). L'utilisation thérapeutique et cosmétique des produits tirés des crocodiles dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 51-75. 1528. SCHRAM (Valérie). Ambiguïtés et vicissitudes des noms d'arbres dans le grec d'Égypte: le cas du Jujubier Épine-du-Christ. Revue des études grecques, 2018, 131, p. 123-147. 1529. SHCHEGLOV (Dmitry A.). The so-called 'itinerary stade' and the accuracy of Eratosthenes' measurement of the earth. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 153-177. 1530. Speeches for the dead. Essays on Plato's Menexenus. Ed. by Harold PARKER and Jan Maximilian ROBITZSCH. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 209 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 368).
1517. MUDRY (Philippe). Effacer tatouages et marques d'infamie. Quelques recettes de la médecine antique. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 167-179.
1531. Stagira (Da) a Roma: prospettive aristoteliche tra storia e filosofia. A cura di Silvia GASTALDI, Cesare ZIZZA; con la collaborazione di Serena A. BRIOSCHI. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2018, 200 p. (Studi e testi di storia antica, 24). [Cf. nos 1177, 1302, 1488, 1491, 1495, 1497, 1526.]
1518. Neoplatonic Demons and Angels. Ed. by Luc BRISSON, Séamus O'NEILL and Andrei TIMOTIN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, IX-294 p. (Studies in Platonism. Neoplatonism and the Platonic tradition, 20).
1532. VASSALLO (Christian). Feuer und göttliche Dialektik bei Heraklit. Neue Lesungen in P. Herc. 1428, Kol. 330 (olim Fr. 17) Praesocratica Herculanensia IX. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 717-732.
1533. VERDE (Francesco). Metrodoro di Lampsaco critico di Posidippo? Su AP IX 360. Hermes, 2018, 146, p. 358-367. ###
1548. LAUGHY (Michael). The origins of the democratic priestess of Athena Nike. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 418-433.
1534. VITAS (Marko). Aratus 328: ποικίλος. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 1062-1066.
1549. MACKIN (Ellie). Girls playing Persephone (in marriage and death). Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 209-228.
Cf. nos 1229-1268
1550. PACE (Alessandro). Gli attributi vegetali di Demetra in Sicilia… "dove tutto nasce inseminato e inarato" . In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 189-220.
§ 8. Religion and mythology. _______________________
1535. ANAGNOSTOU‑LAOUTIDES (Eva), CHARLES (Michael B.). Herodotus on sacred marriage and sacred prostitution at Babylon. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 9-37. 1536. ARRIGONI (Giampiera). Demetra e le sue piante in Grecia. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 57-166. – EADEM. Riflessioni su dei e piante in Grecia: una questione di metodo. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 13-32. 1537. CASTOLDI (Marina). Le piante di Apollo, nell'iconografia e nell'evidenza archeologica. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no1539], p. 303-328. – EADEM. Le piante di Demetra in Magna Grecia, l'evidenza archeologica. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 167-188. 1538. DASEN (Véronique). Ganymède ou l'immortalité en jeu. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 119-140. 1539. Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1. A cura di Giampiera ARRIGONI. Bergamo, Sestante, 2018, 397 p. (Series Antiqua, 6). [Cf. nos 1536, 1537, 1541, 1544, 1547, 1550, 1553.] 1540. ECKER (Avner), COTTON (Hannah M.), GANOR (Saar), WASSERSTEIN (David J.). A dedication of a Naos to Skorpon's Ourania in Ascalon (Ashkelon). Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 111-118. 1541. FABBRI (Lorenzo). Le piante di Kore-Persefone in Grecia, Magna Grecia e Sicilia. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 221-284. 1542. FARAONE (Christopher A.). Seaside altars of Apollo Delphinios, embedded hymns and the tripartite structure of the Homeric hymn to Apollo. Greece & Rome, 2018, 65, p. 15-33. 1543. FLOWER (Michael A.). Understanding Delphi through Tibet. Greece & Rome, 2018, 65, p. 34-53. 1544. FOTI (Giuseppina Penelope). Ecate e le sue piante magiche e non. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 285-302. 1545. HEßLER (Jan Erik). Plato, Hyperides and hellenistic cult practice. On the commemoration of the dead in the school of Epicurus. Mnemosyne, 2018, 71, p. 408-433. 1546. KINDT (Julia). Revelation, narrative and cognition. Oracle stories as epiphanic tales in ancient Greece. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 39-58. 1547. LAMBRUGO (Claudia). Fiori e piante di Afrodite in Grecia. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. o n 1539], p. 329-382.
1551. PARKER (Robert). Regionality and Greek ritual norms. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 73-81. 1552. PAUL (Stéphanie). Les grains du sacrifice. Le lancer d'orges dans la pratique sacrificielle en Grèce ancienne. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 59-72. 1553. PERÒ (Anna). Le piante di Efesto. In: Dei e piante nell'antica Grecia. 1 [cf. no 1539], p. 33-56. 1554. PONTANI (Filippomaria). Zeus Xenios. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 15-29 1555. Purity and purification in the Ancient Greek world. Texts, rituals, and norms. Ed. by Jan-Mathieu CARBON and Saskia PEELS‑MATTHEY. Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2018, 372 p. (Kernos, Supplément, 32). 1556. ROSE (Thomas C.). Demetrius Poliorcetes, Kairos and the sacred and civil calendars of Athens. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 258-287. 1557. SLAWISCH (Anja), WILKINSON (Toby Christopher). Processions, propaganda and pixels: Reconstructing the sacred way between Miletos and Didyma. p. 101-143. 1558. TRIPPÉ (Natacha). Un nouveau culte de rue à Thasos: une offrande sculptée à Phôsphoros. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 693-710. 1559. ZACHHUBER (Juliane). The lost priestesses of Rhodes? Female religious offices and social standing in hellenistic Rhodes. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 83-110. § 9. Archaeology and history of art. ______________________
1560. Ad summum templum architecturae. Forschungen zur antiken Architektur im Spannungsfeld der Fragestellungen und Methoden. Hrsg. v. Heide FRIELINGHAUS, Thomas SCHATTNER. Möhnesee, Bibliopolis, 2018, 227 p. (ill., plates). 1561. AURIGNY (Hélène), BRAUNSTEIN (Danièle), MARTINEZ (Jean-Luc). Recherches sur la sculpture archaïque de Delphes: nouvelles propositions et perspectives. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 71-96. 1562. BADOUD (Nathan). La victoire de Samothrace, défaite de Philippe V. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 66, p. 279-305. 1563. BIARD (Guillaume), FOURNIER (Julien), IMBS (Marjolaine). L 'autel des Césars sur l'agora de Thasos.
§ 9. Archaeology and history of art Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 725-769. 1564. CASTELLI (Thibaut). Un groupe de timbres amphoriques méconnu: les timbres de Myrsileia I. Catalogue des timbres de Myrsileia: origine, chronologie et diffusion. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 66, p. 307329. 1565. CASTRUCCI (G.). The cither of Mantinea and the mysteries of the wise woman. Athenaeum, 2018, 106, p. 454-473. 1566. DANA (Dan). Un groupe de timbres amphoriques méconnu: les timbres de Myrsileia II. Le toponyme Myrsileia et l'onomastique de ses fabricants. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 66, p. 331-348. 1567. DORONZIO (Annarita). Athen im 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Räume und Funde der frühen Polis. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XI-319 p. (Urban Spaces, 6). 1568. ERICKSON (Brice L.). Lerna. A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. VIII. The Historical Greek Village. Princeton, American school of classical studies at Athens, 2018, XXVI-494 p. (ill.). (Lerna. Results of excavations conducted by the American school of classical studies at Athens, 8). 1569. FOURNIER (Julien), SIMOSSI (Angeliki G.). Une nouvelle inscription du port de Thasos. Caius Octavius, proconsul de Macédoine et patron des Thasiens. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. 711-723. 1570. GRUBEN (Gottfried), MÜLLER (Klaus). Das Dipylon. Hrsg. v. Jutta STROSZECK. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, XV-249 p. (Kerameikos, 22). 1571. JOST (Madeleine). Sanctuaires d'Arcadie trente ans après: bilan des recherches. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 97-143. 1572. KLINGER (Sonia). Terracotta models of sandaled feet. Votives from the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 429-449. 1573. LAUGHY (Michael). Figurines in the road. A protoattic votive deposit from the Athenian agora reexamined. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 633-679. 1574. LE QUÉRÉ (Enora). Un lot de céramiques d'époque impériale romaine provenant du puits du Prytanée de Délos. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 317-402. 1575. LISTON (Maria A.); ROTROFF (Susan I.); SNY(Lynn M.); STEWART (Andrew). The Agora bone well. Princeton, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2018, XIII-185 p. (Hesperia, Supplement, 50).
1576. MAHER (Matthew P.), MOWAT (Alistair). The defense network in the Chora of Mantineia. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 451-495. 1577. MARANGOU (Antigone), PÉRÈS (Léanna), VIOLARIS (Yiannis), VIGNE (Jean-Denis). Stocker l'eau
dans l'ancienne Amathonte: le cas de la citerne de Viklès. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. 145-179. 1578. MARTENS (Brian). The statuary of Asklepios from the Athenian agora. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 545610. 1579. MASSA-PAIRAULT (Françoise-Hélène). Mythes et styles de l'hellénisme dans l'art funéraire de Chiusi. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 66, p. 349-388. 1580. MAZUREK (Lindsey A.). The middle Platonic Isis: Text and image in the sanctuary of the Egyptian gods at Herodes Atticus' Marathon villa. p. 611-644. 1581. MOLLOY (Barry). European Bronze Age symbols in prehistoric Greece? Reconsidering bronze shields and spears from Delphi in their wider context. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 279-309. 1582. PAPANTONIOU (Giorgos), KYRIAKOU (Niki). Sacred landscapes and the territoriality of Iron Age Cypriot polities: The applicability of GIS. p. 541-577. 1583. PFAFF (Christopher A.). Late antique symbols and numerals on altars in the Asklepieion at Epidauros. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 387-428. 1584. PHIALON (Laetitia). L 'habitat de Krisa (Chrysso-Haghios Georgios) à l'âge du Bronze. Un réexamen de la topographie du site et de la céramique. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 403-536. 1585. POMEY (Patrice). "Gyptis", réplique navigante d'un bateau Grec Massaliote du VI e s. Av. J.-c. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 65, p. 119-125. 1586. PRÊTRE (Clarisse). Vêtements sacrés et tissus profanes. Les textiles dans les inventaires de Délos. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. 545565. 1587. ROTROFF (Susan I.). Athenian moldmade bowls on Delos: Laumonier's sample. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 567-692. 1588. SABETAI (Victoria), AVRONIDAKI (Christina). The six's technique in Boiotia. Regional experiments in technique and iconography. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 311385. 1589. SABETAI (Victoria). Encountering Pan in the wilderness. A small chous in the Benaki museum. Kernos, 2018, 31, p. 141-165. 1590. SCHLEHOFER (Jenny H.). Nekropolen der Polis Halieis (Argolis). Bestattungs- und Beigabensitten in archaischer und klassischer Zeit. Band 1. Auswertung. Band 2. Dokumentation. Berlin, Logos, 2018, 2 vol., 265 p., 268 p. (ill.). 1591. SÈVE (Michel), WEBER (Patrick). Varia Philippica, 2. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2018, 142, p. p. 771-802. 1592. STEWART (Andrew). Classical sculpture from the Athenian agora, part 1. The pediments and akroteria of the Hephaisteion (pp. 681-741.
E. GREEK HISTORY Rome, 2018, X-518 p. (ill., maps). (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 1).
1593. Tiny (The) and the fragmented: miniature, broken, or otherwise incomplete objects in the Ancient World. Ed. by S. Rebecca MARTIN and Stephanie M. LANGIN-HOOPER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI227 p.
1595. VAN VOORHIS (Julie). The sculptor's workshop. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, 117 p. (ill., tabs). (Aphrodisias, 10).
1594. TRÉZINY (Henri). Mégara Hyblaea 7. La ville classique, hellénistique et romaine. Avec la collaboration de Frédéric MÈGE. Rome, Ecole française de
1596. WURMSER (Hélène). Nouvelles recherches sur la maison de Fourni à Délos. Revue archaeologique, 2018, 65, p. 109-119.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1597-1618. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1619-1639. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1640-1731. – § 4. General and political history. 1732-1825. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1826-1875. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1876-1930. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1931-2041. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2042-2062. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2063-2118. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2119-2148.
1605. EVANS (J. Marilyn). Archaic burials from Gabii, Italy. BABesch, 2018, 93, p. 27-48.
1597. Autour de la notion de sacer. Actes de la journée d'étude, Rome, 4 avril 2014. Éd. par Thibaud LANFRANCHI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 297 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 541). [Cf. nos 1604, 1623.]
1606. From invisible to visible: new methods and data for the archaeology of infant and child burials in pre-Roman Italy and beyond. Ed. by Jacopo TABOLLI. Uppsala, Åstrom, 2018, X-273 p. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 149).
1598. AVAGLIANO (Alessandra). Le origini di Pompei. La città tra il VI e il V secolo a.C. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, 245 p. (Bullettin antieke beschaving. Supplement, 33).
1607. Golfo (Il) di Policastro tra Enotri e Lucani: insediamenti, assetto istituzionale, cultura materiale. Atti del Convegno, Tortora, 25–26 giugno 2016. A cura di Fabrizio MOLLO e Gioacchino F. LA TORRE. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 330 p.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy.
1599. BATTILORO (Ilaria). The archaeology of Lucanian cult places: fourth century BC to the early imperial age. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 322 p. 1600. BLASETTI FANTAUZZI (Chiara). Tra Elimi e Greci: la ceramica di età arcaica dai contesti di fondazione della cinta muraria di Erice. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 220 p. (Analysis archaeologica. Monograph series, 3). 1601. CAMERA (Marco). La ceramica di Licodia Eubea: forme, decorazione, interpretazione di una classe ceramica indigena nella Sicilia arcaica. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 270 p. (Thiasos, 12). 1602. Cippi, stele, statue-stele e semata: testimonianze in Etruria, nel mondo italico e in Magna Grecia dalla prima Età del Ferro fino all'Ellenismo. Atti del Convegno internazionale, Sutri, Villa Savorelli, 24–25 aprile 2015. A cura di Stephan STEINGRÄBER. Pisa, ETS, 2018, 249 p. (Mousai, 8). 1603. DE LUCIA BROLLI (Maria Anna). Riti e cerimonie per le dee nel santuario di Monte Li Santi-Le Rote a Narce. Pisa, ETS, 2018, 123 p. (Mousai, 11). 1604. DUPRAZ (Emmanuel). Les correspondants de sacer dans les Tables Eugubines. In: Autour de la notion de sacer [cf. n° 1597], p. 61-91. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-009
1608. Inszenierung von Identitäten: unteritalische Vasenmalerei zwischen Griechen und Indigenen. Hrsg. v. Ursula KÄSTNER und Stefan SCHMIDT. München, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 166 p. (Beihefte zum Corpus vasorum antiquorum, 8). 1609. LE BARS-TOSI (Florence). Aux frontières de l'Hadès. La représentation des espaces funéraires dans la céramique du IVe siècle av. J.-C.: l'example des vases de l'Hypogée Monterisi de Canosa. In: Question (La) de l'espace au IVe siècle avant J.C. dans les mondes grec et étrusco-italique: continuités, ruptures, reprises [cf. n° 1184], p. 229-256. 1610. Liguri, etruschi e celti: popolazioni preromane tra Ferrara, Modena e Reggio. A cura di Francesco BENOZZO. Modena, Associazione culturale Terra e identità, 2018, 285 p. (Quaderni del ducato, 13; Terra e identità, 86/87). 1611. MAURI (Christian). La Sabina prima dei Sabini. Gli aborigeni e l'età del Bronzo: i santuari romani in opera poligonale. Canteramo, Aracne, 2018, 148 p. 1612. NIJBOER (Albert J.). Diversity in death: a construction of identities and the funerary record of multiethnic central Italy from 950 to 350 BC. In: Archaeology (The) of death [cf. n° 254], p. 107-127.
1613. Peoples (The) of ancient Italy. Ed. by Gary D. FARNEY and Guy J. BRADLEY. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VII-779 p.### 1614. Prestigio (Il) oltre la morte: le necropoli picene di Contrada Cugnolo a Torre di Palme. A cura di Giorgio POSTRIOTI e Diego VOLTOLINI. Fermo, Andrea Livi, 2018, 238 p.
BOTTO. Roma a. Paris, CNR, Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico; Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines, 2018, 387 p. (Studia caeretana, 1). 1627. Capena: la necropoli di San Martino in età orientalizzante. A cura di Anna MURA SOMMELLA e M. Gilda BENEDETTINI. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2018, (2 voll.), XXXII-782; 208 p. (Monumenti antichi, 77; Serie miscellanea, 22).
1615. Ricerche sulla ceramica italiota. 1. Mobilità dei pittori e identità delle produzioni. A cura di M. DENOYELLE, Cl. POUZADOUX e Fr. SILVESTRELLI. Napoli, Centre Jean Bérard, 2018, 234 p. (Cahiers du Centre Jean Bérard, 25).
1628. CAPPONI (Filippo). Velzna: lo scavo Campo della Fiera di Orvieto. I buccheri. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, 125 p. (Studia archaeologica, 228).
1616. Tempo (Il) dei nuraghi. La Sardegna dal XVIII all'VIII secolo a.C. A cura di Tatiana COSSU, Mauro PERRA e Alessandro USAI. Nuoro, Ilisso, 2018, 455 p.
1629. COLOMBI (Camilla). La necropoli di Vetulonia nel periodo orientalizzante. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, 406 p. (Italiká, 5).
1617. Vite (Le) degli altri: ideologia funeraria in Italia centrale tra l'età del Ferro e l'Orientalizzante. Giornata di studio in ricordo di Luciana DRAGO TROCCOLI. A cura di Maria Paola BAGLIONE, Gilda BARTOLONI, Claudia CARLUCCI e Laura M. MICHETTI. Roma, Quasar, 2018, XVIII-228 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, 24).
1630. DE GRUMMOND (Nancy T.). Grape pips from Etruscan and Roman Cetamura del Chianti: on stratigraphy, literary sources and pruning hooks. Etruscan and Italic studies, 2018, 21, p. 27-57.
1618. ZAMBONI (Lorenzo). Sepolture arcaiche della pianura emiliana: il riconoscimento di una società di frontiera. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 279 p. (Reditus. Riflessioni di archeologia, 1). § 2. The Etruscans. _______________________
1619. ALBANESE PROCELLI (Rosa M.). Recipienti bronzei a labbro perlato: produzione, circolazione e destinazione. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2018, XI245 p. (Biblioteca di "Studi etruschi", 60). 1620. AMBROSINI (Laura). Norchia III: le tombe a tempio con un'appendice sulla Tomba Lattanzi. Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle ricerche, Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico, 2018, 256 p. (Le necropoli rupestri dell'Etruria meridionale, 4). 1621. BAGNASCO GIANNI (Giovanna). Mura tarquiniesi: riflessioni in margine alla città. Milano, Ledizioni, 2018, 341 p. (Aristonothos, 14). 1622. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Etrusker. Akten der Internationalen Tagung, Wien, 8.–10.6.2016. Hrsg. v. Luciana AIGNER-FORESTI und Petra AMANN. Wien, Holzhausen, 2018, 508 p. (Phersu. Etrusko-italische Studien, 1). 1623. BELFIORE (Valentina). La nozione di sacer in etrusco: dai riti del liber linteus a ritroso. In: Autour de la notion de sacer [cf. n° 1597], p. 39-59. 1624. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), BENELLI (Enrico). Gli Etruschi. La scrittura, la lingua, la società. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 239 p. (Studi superiori. Archeologia, 1133). 1625. BELLELLI (Vincenzo). La Sardegna e il commercio etrusco arcaico. Studi etruschi, 2018, 81, p. 21-54. 1626. Caere orientalizzante: nuove ricerche su città e necropoli. A cura di Alessandro NASO e Massimo
1631. GAULD (Suellen C.), KANSA (Sarah W.), TUCK (Anthony). Perinatal human remains from Poggio Civitate (Murlo): a preliminary presentation. Etruscan and Italic studies, 2018, 21, p. 3-26. 1632. JOLIVET (Vincent). Les Assis: statut des protagonistes et topographie du sacré dans le monde étrusque. In: Question (La) de l'espace au IVe siècle avant J.C. dans les mondes grec et étrusco-italique: continuités, ruptures, reprises [cf. n° 1184], p. 257-275. 1633. MARZULLO (Matilde). Tarquinia: l'abitato e le sue mura. Indagini di topografia storica. Milano, Ledizioni, 2018, XIII-118 p. (Tarchna. Supplementi, 8). 1634. MOORE (Daniel). The Etruscan goddess Catha. Etruscan and Italic studies, 2018, 21, p. 58-77. 1635. MORANDINI (Flavia). Iconografia del leone in Etruria: tra la fine dell'età arcaica e l'età ellenistica. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2018, XXI-495 p. (Biblioteca di "Studi etruschi", 61). 1636. MORPURGO (Giulia). I sepolcreti etruschi di Bologna nei terreni De Luca e Battistini (fine VI–inizi IV secolo a.C.). Bologna, Bononia U.P., 2018, (2 voll.), XVII-822 p. (Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di storia culture civiltà. Sezione Archeologia, 20). 1637. Scavi d'Etruria. Atti del XXV convegno internazionale di studi sulla storia e l'archeologia dell'Etruria. A cura di Giuseppe M. DELLA FINA. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 749 p. (Annali della Fondazione per il Museo Claudio Faina, 25). 1638. STOPPONI (Simonetta). Le lieu céleste. Les Étrusques et leurs dieux: le sanctuaire fédéral d'Orvieto. Luxembourg, Musée national d'histoire et d'art, 2018, 103 p. 1639. TUCK (Anthony), WALLACE (Rex). The archaeology of language at Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2018, XVII-130 p. (Pog-
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources gio Civitate archaeological excavations, 4; Archaeologica, 178). § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________
a. Epigraphical sources * 1640. Année (L') épigraphique 2015. [2014. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 1623.] Éd. par Mireille CORBIER. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 1129 p. 1641. ALONSO ALONSO (María Ángeles). Los médicos en las inscripciones latinas de Italia (siglos II a.C.–III d.C.): aspectos sociales y profesionales. Santander, Ediciones Universidad Cantabria, 2018, 325 p. (Colección Heri, 6). 1642. ARDELEANU (Stefan). Directing the faithful, structuring the sacred space: funerary epigraphy in its archaeological context in late-antique Tipasa. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 475-500. 1643. AUGIER (Bertrand). Sextus Pompée, un imperator (il)légitime à plus d'un titre. Nouvelles interprétations autour de la titolature praef. clas. et orae marit. ex s. c. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2018, 130, p. 451-466. 1644. BARRÓN RUIZ DE LA CUESTA (Alberto). Contribución al estudio de la movilidad geográfica en la Gallia Narbonensis. El caso de los seuiri Augustales. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 26-58. 1645. BOEX (Allison). Cold comfort. Speeches to and from the prematurely deceased in early Roman verseepitaphs. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 74-98. 1646. DE LA ESCOSURA BALBÁS (Maria Cristina). Epigrafía y onomástica en la colonia Latina de Carthago Nova. Gerión, 2018, 36, p. 427-462. 1647. Decretum Pisanum de Augendis honoribus Lucii Caesaris: Decretum Pisanum de honoribus Gaii Caesaris = Uchwały władz miasta Pizy w sprawie pośmiertnego uhonorowania Lucjusza i Gajusza Cezarów. Ed. by Magdalena STULIGROSZ, Paweł SAWIŃSKI and Lechosław OLSZEWSKI. Poznań, UAM Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2018, 54 p. (Fontes Historiae Antiquae, 36). 1648. DIAZ FERNANDEZ (Alejandro). Notas en torno a la posible identitad de M. Iun[ius] pro[cos.] (AE, 1984, 615) y el nacimiento de la ciudad de Emporiae. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 195-223. 1649. Epigrafi (Le) della Valle di Comino. Atti del quattordicesimo Convegno epigrafico cominese, Atina, Palazzo ducale, 27–28 maggio 2017. A cura di Heikki SOLIN. San Donato Val di Comino, Associazione "Genesi", 2018, 284 p. 1650. GREGORI (Gian Luca), INCELLI (Egidio). Gli onorati con ornamenta municipali nelle città dell'Italia romana. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 131 p. (Urbana species, 5). 1651. Inscriptiones Calabriae Apuliae Samnii Sabinorum Piceni Latinae. Consilio et Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Berolinensis et Brandenburgensis Edi-
tae. Regio Italiae Quartae Supplementum. Fasciculus Primus: Samnites – Frentani (CIL IX 6420–6973). Edidit Marco BUONOCORE. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, LVIII-418 p. (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, IX/1). 1652. Inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine (ILA): Elusa/ Turba. Éd. par Georges FABRE. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 220 p. (Inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine, 10). 1653. LOHMANN (Polly). Graffiti als Interaktionsform. Geritzte Inschriften in den Wohnhäusern Pompejis. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-486 p. (Materiale Textkulturen, 16). 1654. MACRAE (Duncan E.). The freedman's story: an accusation of witchcraft in the social world of early Imperial Roman Italy (CIL 11.4639 = ILS 3001). Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 53-73. 1655. MANGERUD (Jens). New perspectives on life in Roman Egypt from the Oslo Papyrus Collection: with editions of selected documentary papyri from the 1934 acquisition. Oslo, University of Oslo, Faculty of Humanities, 2018, IX-220 p. [Ph. D. Diss.]. 1656. MINIS (Joes), SCHORN (Stefan). Lateinische Inschriften aus dem Thermenmuseum in Heerlen (Niederlande). Ancient society, 2018, 48, p. 221-261. 1657. MONGARDI (Manuela). Firmissima et splendidissima populi romani colonia. L'epigrafia anforica di Mutina e del suo territorio. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona Edicions, 2018, 287 p. (Collecció Instrumenta, 62; Corpus international des timbres amphoriques, 25). 1658. Nacimiento (El) de las culturas epigráficas en el occidente mediterráneo: modelos romanos y desarrollos locales (III–I a.E.). Ed. por Francisco BELTRÁN LLORIS y Borja DÍAZ ARIÑO. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 287 p. (Anejos de Archivo español de arqueología, 85). 1659. NADDARI (Lotfi). Municipium Mactaritanum. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2018, 130, p. 509-521. 1660. OSANNA (Massimo). Games, banquets, handouts, and the population of Pompeii as deduced from a new tomb inscription. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 310-322. 1661. TOMLIN (Roger S.O.). Britannia Romana. Roman inscriptions and Roman Britain. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, XVI-472 p. 1662. WOLTERS (Reinhard). Zwischen VAR(us) und Germanicus. Die spätesten Kontermarken auf den Buntmetallmünzen von Kalkriese. In: Phantom Germanicus [cf. n° 1795], p. 273-318. 1663. ZOIA (Serena). Mediolanensis mos: l'officina epigrafica di Milano. Faenza, Fratelli Lega, 2018, 496 p. (Epigrafia e antichità, 40). Cf. no 1225
1664. [Aelius Donatus] CIOFFI (Carmela). Prolegomena a Donato, "Commentum ad Andriam". Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-419 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 129). 1665. [Aelius Marcianus] Le Istituzioni di Elio Marciano. Libri 1-5. A cura di Domenico DURSI. Cagliari, AV, 2018, 214 p. 1666. [Ammianus Marcellinus] Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXXI. Ed. by Jan DEN BOEFT, Jan W. DRIJVERS, Daniël DEN HENGST and Hans C. TEITLER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XXV-357 p. (Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, 12). 1667. [Anonymus] Storia di Apollonio re di Tiro. A cura di Giulio VANNINI. Milano, Mondadori, 2018, CII-341 p. (Scrittori greci e latini). 1668. [Anonymus] The Pervigilium Veneris. A new critical text, translation and commentary. Ed. by William M. BARTON. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VIII-153 p. (Bloomsbury Latin texts). 1669. [Anthologia Latina] Anthologia Latina II. Blütenlese lateinischer Dichtung. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang FELS. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2018, 285 p. 1670. [Anthologia Latina] Versus sapientum de diversis causis. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione poetica e commento filologico. A cura di Luca MARTORELLI. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2018, CLXII-173 p. (Anthologiarum Latinarum parerga, 7). 1671. [Apicius] Apicio, Antica cucina romana. A cura di Federica INTRONA. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2018, 304 p. (Classici greci latini). 1672. [Apuleius] Apuleio, Florida. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento. A cura di Francesca PICCIONI. Cagliari, CUEC, 2018, 167 p. (University Press. Letteratura, 26). 1673. [Cassius Dio] SCOTT (Andrew G.). Emperors and usurpers: an historical commentary on Cassius Dio's "Roman history" books 79(78)-80(80) (A.D. 217–229). New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XVIII-191 p. (American classical studies, 58). 1674. [Catullus] Catullo, Le poesie. A cura di Alessandro FO. Torino, Einaudi, 2018, CLXIII-1323 p. (Nuova universale Einaudi, 20). 1675. [Cicero, Quintus] Quintus Cicero, A briefhandbook on canvassing for office (commentariolum petitionis). Ed. by William J. TATUM. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIV-339 p. (Clarendon ancient history series). 1676. [Cicero] Cicero, Agrarian speeches. Introduction, text, translation, and commentary. Ed. by Gesine MANUWALD. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, LIV-480 p. 1677. [Cicero] M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro Rabirio perduellionis reo ad quirites oratio. A cura di Andrea LATTOCCO. Roma, Stamen, 2018, 180 p. (Collana Studi).
1678. [Cicero] Marcus Tullius Cicero, How to be a friend: an ancient guide to true friendship. Ed. by Philip FREEMAN. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2018, XV188 p. 1679. [Claudianus] Claudien, Oeuvres. Tome 4. Petit poèmes. Éd. par Jean-Louis CHARLET. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, XCI-249 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 420). 1680. [Cornutus] L. Annaeus Cornutus, Greek theology, fragments, and testimonia. Ed. by George R. BOYS-STONES. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2018, XIV-242 p. (Writings from the Greco-Roman world, 42). 1681. [Cornutus] Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, Compendium de Graecae theologiae traditionibus. Ed. by José B. TORRES-GUERRA. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XXXVIII-73 p. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana, 2027). 1682. [Dionysius Halicarnassensis] Dionysius von Halikarnass, Römische Frühgeschichte. Band 2, Bücher 4 bis 6. Hrsg. v. Nicolas WIATER. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2018, V-506 p. (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, 85). 1683. [Ennius] Fragmentary Republican Latin. Volume I. Ennius, Testimonia. Epic fragments. Ed. by Sander M. GOLDBERG and Gesine MANUWALD. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U.P., 2018, LXXXVIII-498 p. (Loeb Classical Library, 294). 1684. [Ennius] Fragmentary Republican Latin. Volume II. Ennius, Dramatic fragments. Minor works. Ed. by Sander M. GOLDBERG and Gesine MANUWALD. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U.P., 2018, VI-428 p. (Loeb Classical Library, 537). 1685. [Eutropius] Eutropius, Breviarium ab Urbe condita. Hrsg. v. Bruno BLECKMANN und Jonathan GROSS. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, XXXVI-324 p. (Kleine und fragmentarische Historiker der Spätantike, B3). 1686. [Fulgentius] Il prologus delle Mythologiae di Fulgenzio. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento. A cura di Martina VENUTI. Napoli, Paolo Loffredo, 2018, 310 p. (Studi latini, 91). 1687. [Grattius] Grattius: hunting an Augusan poet. Text, translation, introduction, and appendix. Ed. by Steven J. GREEN. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, X286 p. 1688. [Historia Augusta] Histoire Auguste. Tome 4, 1re partie. Vies des deux Maximins, des trois Gordiens, de Maxime et Balbin. Éd. par François PASCHOUD. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, LXXI-362 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 421). 1689. [Horatius] Horace, Odes, with Carmen saeculare. Translated by Stanley LOMBARDO, introduction and notes by Anthony CORBEILL. Indianapolis a. Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, 2018, XVIII-246 p.
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources
1690. [Horatius] Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Sämtliche Werke. Hrsg. v. Niklas HOLZBERG. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 803 p. (Sammlung Tusculum).
1703. [Phaedrus] Phaedrus, Fabeln. Hrsg. v. Niklas HOLZBERG. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 262 p. (Sammlung Tusculum).
1691. [Hyginus Gromaticus] Hyginus, Das Feldmesserbuch: ein Meisterwerk der spätantiken Buchkunst. Hrsg. v. Jens-Olaf LINDERMANN, Eberhard KNOBLOCH und Cosima MÖLLER. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 233 p. (WBG Academic).
1704. [Plautus] Plauto, Pseudolo. A cura di Ortensio CELESTE. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2018, 192 p. (Classici greci latini).
1692. [Iulius Paulus] Iulius Paulus, Ad edictum libri I-III. A cura di Giovanni LUCHETTI, Antonio L. DE PETRIS, Fabiana MATTIOLI e Ivano PONTORIERO. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, VIII-262 p. (Scriptores iuris romani, 2). 1693. [Iustinus] Justin, Abrégé des Histoires philippiques de Trogue Pompée. Tome 2. Livres XI-XXIII. Éd. par Bernard MINEO; notes historiques par Giuseppe ZECCHINI. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, X-277 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 418). 1694. [Livius] Livy, History of Rome. Vol. X. Books 35-37. Ed. by John C. YARDLEY. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U.P., 2018, 496 p. (Loeb classical library, 301). 1695. [Livius] Livy, History of Rome. Vol. XI. Books 38-40. Ed. by John C. YARDLEY. Cambridge, Harvard U.P., 2018, 592 p. (Loeb classical library, 313). 1696. [Lucretius] DEUFERT (Marcus). Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens "De rerum natura". Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-516 p. (Texte und Kommentare, 56). 1697. [Martialis] Epigrammi del XII libro di Marziale. Con un'appendice su Fedro. A cura di Clotilde CRACA. Canterano, Aracne, 2018, 203 p. (Lecturae novae, 5). 1698. [Martianus Capella] Marciano Mineo Félix Capela, Las nupcias de Filología y Mercurio. Volumen II, Libros III-V: El Trivium. Ed. por Fernando NAVARRO ANTOLÍN, Baldomero MACÍAS ROSENDO y Fuensanta GARRIDO DOMENÉ. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, LXXXVIII-412 p. (Alma mater. Colección de autores griegos y latinos). 1699. [Maximianus] The elegies of Maximianus. Ed. by A.M. JUSTER. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, IX-223 p. 1700. [Merobaudes] Flavio Merobaude, Panegirico in prosa per Aezio. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione, note testuali ed esegetiche. A cura di Antonella BRUZZONE. Bari, Cacucci, 2018, 166 p. (Biblioteca della tradizione classica, 20). 1701. [Ovidius] Publio Ovidio Nasone, Medicamina faciei femineae. A cura di Ginevra LATINI. Roma, Arbor Sapientiae, 2018, 78 p. (Ipazia, 21). 1702. [Ovidius] RIVERO GARCÍA (Luis). Book XIII of Ovid's Metamorphoses: a textual commentary. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-532 p. (Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Kommentare).
1705. [Polemius Silvius] Polemii Silvii Laterculus. A cura di David PANIAGUA. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, VI-315 p. (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Antiquitates, 51). 1706. [Propertius] GIBERTINI (Simone). Nota dulcissimam epistolam. Properzio nel codex Traguriensis. Cesena, Stilgraf, 2018, 502 p. (Quaderni di "Paideia", 22). 1707. [Pseudo-Apuleius; Antonius Musa] PseudoApulée, Herbier: d'après le manuscrit H277, Montpellier. Précédé du Traité sur la bétoine d'Antonius Musa. Éd. par Mylène PRADEL-BAQUERRE. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 530 p. (Savoirs anciens et médiévaux, 5). 1708. [Pseudo-Quintilianus] (Quintilien), Le malade racheté (Grandes déclamations, 5). Éd. par Danielle VAN MAL-MAEDER. Cassino, Università di Cassino, 2018, 249 p. (Collana di studi umanistici, 10). 1709. [Quintus Mucius Scaevola] Quintus Mucius Scaevola, Opera. A cura di Jean-Louis FERRARY, Aldo SCHIAVONE, Emanuele STOLFI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, XV-482 p. (Scriptores iuris romani, 1). 1710. [Sabinus] Sabini epistulae: mit Übersetzung und kritischem Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Wilfried LINGENBERG. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 107 p. (Antike Texte, 1). 1711. [Seneca rhetor] SCAPPATICCIO (Maria Chiara). Lucio Annea Seneca e la storiografia sommersa. Per l'esegesi di un nuovo testimone di antica tradizione diretta. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 1053-1089. 1712. [Seneca] L. Annaei Senecae, De constantia sapientis. A cura di Francesca R. BERNO. Napoli, Paolo Loffredo, 2018, 260 p. (Studi latini, 92). 1713. [Seneca] Lo stile e l'uomo: quattro epistole letterarie di Seneca (Sen. Epist. 114; 40; 100; 84). Introduzione, traduzione e commento. A cura di Emanuele BERTI. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2018, 546 p. (Testi e commenti, 22). 1714. [Seneca] Lucius Annaeus Seneca, How to die: an ancient guide to the end of life. Ed. by James S. ROMM. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2018, XX-230 p. 1715. [Seneca] Séneca, Cartas a Lucilio. Ed. por Francisco SOCAS. Madrid, Cátedra, 2018, 756 p. (Letras universales, 546). 1716. [Seneca] Seneca, Fedra. A cura di Giovanni CIPRIANI. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2018, CCXVIII-147 p. (Classici greci latini). 1717. [Seneca] Seneca, Lettera sul suicidio. A cura di Silvia STUCCHI. Bologna, EDB, 2018, 148 p. (Lampi d'autore).
1718. [Serenus Sammonicus] Quinti Sereni Liber medicinalis. A cura di Antonio ASTE. Tricase, Libellula, 2018, 164 p. (Università & ricerca).### 1719. [Silius Italicus] Hannibal ad portas. Silius Italicus, Punica 12, 507-752: Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Jan R. TELG GENANNT KORTMANN. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 405 p. (Wissenschaftliche Kommentare zu griechischen und lateinischen Schriftstellern). 1720. [Tacitus] Annals (The) of Tacitus. Book 4. Ed. with a Commentary by Anthony J. WOODMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXI-350 p. (Cambridge Classical texts and commentaries, 58). 1721. [Tacitus] Tacitus, Annals book XV. Ed. by Rhiannon ASH. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XV-368 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). 1722. [Tacitus] Tacitus, Annals XVI. Ed. by Lee M. FRATANTUONO. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XII-184 p. (Bloomsbury Latin texts). 1723. [Tacitus] The annals of Tacitus. Book 4. Ed. by Anthony J. WOODMAN. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXI-349 p. (Cambridge classical texts and commentaries, 58). 1724. [Terentius] Terenzio, La suocera. A cura di Antonella TEDESCHI. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2018, LXXIX-224 p. (Classici greci latini). 1725. [Vergilius] Vergil, Aeneid book 8. Ed. by James J. O'HARA. Indianapolis, Focus, 2018, IX-195 p. (The Focus Vergil Aeneid commentaries). 1726. [Vergilius] Virgil, Aeneid 8. Text, translation, and commentary. Ed. by Lee M. FRATANTUONO and Alden SMITH. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, IX-801 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 416). 1727. Grattius. Hunting an Augustan poet. Edited, with text, translation, introduction and appendix by Steven J. GREEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 286 p. 1728. Historiker der Reichskrise des 3. Jahrhunderts, II. Hrsg. v. Bruno BLECKMANN und Jonathan GROSS. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, XXVIII-165 p. (Kleine und fragmentarische Historiker der Spätantike. A, Historiker der Reichskrise, 5, 9). 1729. MANUWALD (Gesine). Cicero, Agrarian speeches. Introduction, text, translation and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, LIV-480 p. 1730. Persius-Scholien: die lateinische Persius-Kommentierung der Tradition C. Hrsg. v. Udo W. SCHOLZ. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 2018, 270 p. (Wissensliteratur im Mittelalter, 55). 1731. Scholia in Iuvenalem recentiora: secundum recensiones ph et ch. Tomus 2 (Satt. 7-16). A cura di Stefano GRAZZINI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2018, XIX-411 p. (Testi e commenti, 21.2). Cf. nos 1931-2041
§ 4. General and political history. ______________________
1732. ANDRADE (Nathanael J.). Zenobia: shooting star of Palmyra. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XVIII238 p. (Women in antiquity). 1733. ANGIUS (Andrea). La Repubblica delle opinioni. Informazione politica e partecipazione popolare a Roma tra II e I secolo a.C. Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2018, VI-397 p. (Studi sul mondo antico, 10). 1734. ARENA (Patrizia), MARCONE (Arnaldo). Augusto e la creazione del Principato. La questione dinastica. Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2018, VI-196 p. 1735. BARRANDON (Nathalie). Les massacres de la république romaine. Paris, Fayard, 2018, 440 p. (Fayard histoire). 1736. BERNARD (Gwladys). Nec plus ultra. L'extrême Occident méditerranéen dans l'espace politique romain (218 av. J.-C.–305 apr. J.-C.). Madrid, Casa de Velázquez 2018, XX-458 p. (Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez, 72). 1737. Beyond intolerance: the Milan meeting of AD 313 and the evolution of imperial religious policy from the age of the tetrarchs to Julian the Apostate. Ed. by Davide DAINESE and Viola GHELLER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 307 p. (Studi e testi tardoantichi, 14). 1738. BIANCHI (Edoardo). Italy after the Pyrrhic war: the beginnings of Roman colonization in Etruria. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 765-784. 1739. BISPHAM (Edward H.). Sulla and the Populi Italici. In: Età (L') di Silla [cf. n° 1769], p. 1-43. 1740. BRENNAN (T. Corey). Sabina Augusta: an imperial journey. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XXIV302 p. (Women in antiquity). 1741. BRISSON (Pierre-Luc). Le libérateur de la Grèce: Titus Flamininus et l'héritage hellénistique. Québec, Presses de l'Université de Laval, 2018, XVIII-162 p. (Autour de l'événement). 1742. BRIZZI (Giovanni), GAMBINI (Ermanno), GAS(Luca). Annibale al Trasimeno: indagine su una battaglia. Siracusa, Lombardi, 2018, 175 p. (I luoghi e la storia).
1743. BUR (Clément). La citoyenneté dégradée: une histoire de l'infamie à Rome (312 av. J.-C. 96 apr. J.C.). Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, XII-697 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 544). 1744. BURGEON (Chrisophe). Rome et Carthage avant les guerres puniques. Les trois premiers traités romanocarthaginois décrits par Polybe. Louvain-la-Neuve, EME Éditions, 2018, 227 p. (Histoire en mouvement). 1745. BURMEISTER (Stefan), KAESTNER (Roland). Streitkräfte und Strategien: Roms militärische Reaktion auf die clades Variana. In: Phantom Germanicus [cf. n° 1795], p. 95-136.
§ 4. General and political history 1746. CADIOU (François). L'armée imaginaire: les soldats prolétaires dans les légions romaines au dernier siècle de la République. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 485 p. (Mondes anciens, 5).### 1747. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo). Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma. Volume VIII. La crisi dinastica macedone e le contese interne della Grecia (182–179 a.C.). Roma, Scienze e lettere, 2018, V-141 p. (Prassi diplomatiche dello imperialismo romano, 4). 1748. CAPPONI (Livia). Il mistero del tempio. La rivolta ebraica sotto Traiano. Roma, Salerno, 2018, 140 p. (Piccoli saggi, 61). 1749. CARANDINI (Andrea). Io, Agrippina: sorella, moglie, madre d'imperatori. Bari, Laterza, 2018, VI302 p. (I Robinson. Letture). 1750. CASTRO (Mariana). The function of the Roman army in southern Arabia Petraea. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, IV-216 p. (Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 48). 1751. Communautés (Les) du nord Égéen au temps de l'hégémonie romaine: entre ruptures et continuités. Éd. par Julien FOURNIER et Marie-Gabrielle G. PARISSAKI. Athēna, Fondation nationale de la recherche scientifique, Institut de recherches historiques, 2018, XIV447 p. (Meletēmata, 77). 1752. CRISTOFOLI (Roberto). Caligola: una breve vita nella competizione politica (anni 12–41 d.C.). Milano, Le Monnier Università, 2018, IX-184 p. (Studi sul mondo antico, 9). 1753. DART (Christopher J.), VERVAET (Frederik J.). On the military crowns awarded after Naulochus. Historical circumstances and wider significance. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 313-345. 1754. DAUBNER (Frank). Makedonien nach den Königen (168 v. Chr.–14 n. Chr.). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 362 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 251). 1755. DE ALARCÃO (Jorge). A Lusitânia e a Galécia: do séc. II A.C. ao séc. VI D.C. (Lusitania e Galizia: dal II sec. a.C. al VI sec. d.C.). Coimbra, Coimbra U.P., 2018, 396 p. 1756. DE LA BÉDOYÈRE (Guy). Domina. The women who made imperial Rome. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2018, XV-385 p. 1757. DEGELMANN (Christopher). Squalor. Symbolisches Trauern in der Politischen Kommunikation der Römischen Republik und Frühen Kaiserzeit. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 361 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beitrage, 61). 1758. DEMANDT (Alexander). Marc Aurel: der Kaiser und seine Welt. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 592 p. 1759. DENCH (Emma). Empire and political cultures in the Roman world. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-207 p. (Key themes in ancient history). 1760. DI BELLA (Franco). Giulia e i misteri della domus Augusta. Donne, potere e propaganda tra fine Re-
pubblica ed inizio Principato. Castellana Grotte, CSA, 2018, 242 p. 1761. DIETZ (Karlheinz), FISCHER (Thomas). Regensburg zur Römerzeit. Von Roms nördlichster Garnison an der Donau zur ersten bairischen Hauptstadt. Regensburg, Pustet, 2018, 288 p. 1762. Diocletianus. Tussen eenheid en versnippering. Hrsg. v. Olivier HEKSTER und Corjo JANSEN. Nijmegen, Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2018, 224 p. (Romeinse keizers, 3). 1763. DYNNESON (Thomas L.). Rise of the early Roman republic. Reflections on becoming Roman. New York, Peter Lang, 2018, XXXI-381 p. 1764. EICH (Armin). Warum Germanien? Überlegungen zu den Motiven der augusteischen Expansionspolitik. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 1, p. 3170. 1765. EL BOUZIDI (Saïd). Rūmā wa-tanẓīm al-istiġlāl al-falāḥī bi-'l-Maġrib al-qadīm. (Rome et l'organisation de l'espace agraire au Maroc antique). München, LINCOM, 2018, 216 p. (Lincom études classiques, 3). 1766. ENGERBEAUD (Mathieu). La "bataille du Rhône" (218 avant J.-C.): la première défaite romaine de la deuxième guerre punique? Historia, 2018, 67, p. 3660. 1767. ERMATINGER (James W.). The Roman Empire: a historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara a. Denver, ABC-CLIO, 2018, 2 vol., XXXIII-326 p., XIV-296 p. (Empires of the world). 1768. ERNST (Paul). Recherches sur les pratiques culturelles des Italiens à Délos aux IIe et Ier siècles a.C. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 570 p. (ill., tabs). (Scripta antiqua, 115). 1769. Età (L') di Silla. Atti del convegno, Istituto italiano per la storia antica, Roma, 23–24 marzo 2017. A cura di Maria Teresa SCHETTINO e Giuseppe ZECCHINI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, VI-260 p. (Centro ricerche di documentazione sull'antichità classica. Monografie, 44). [Cf. no 1739.] 1770. FINKELSTEIN (Ari). The specter of the Jews. Emperor Julian and the rhetoric of ethnicity in Syrian Antioch. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2018, XVII-251 p. (The S. Mark Taper Foundation imprint in Jewish studies). 1771. GABRIELLI (Chantal). Violenza e giustificazione del delitto politico a partire dai Gracchi. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 825-876. 1772. GALLO (Annarosa). "La punizione dei vinti": dibattiti e decreti senatori su Campani e Tarentini dopo la riconquista (211–208 a. C.). Klio, 2018, 100, p. 785824. 1773. GILLESPIE (Caitlin). Boudica: warrior woman of Roman Britain. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XV193 p. (Women in antiquity).
1774. GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Rafael), CONESA NAVARRO (Pedro D.). Fuluia Plautilla, sponsa Antonini Augusti et iam Augusta nuncupata. Política dinástica del emperador Septimio Severo. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 671-693.### 1775. GRITTI (Elena). Prosopografia romana fra le due partes imperii, 98–604. Contributo alla storia dei rapporti fra Transpadana e Oriens. Tomo 1. Abundius-G. Kaninius Sissius. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 314 p. (Munera, 45). 1776. GUADAGNUCCI (Anna). L'Italia del Nord nell' Impero romano: regioni e connettività. Pisa, ETS, 2018, 245 p. (Studi di archeologia e storia del mondo antico e medievale, 1). 1777. HAMDOUNE (Christine). Ad fines Africae romanae. Les mondes tribaux dans les provinces maurétaniennes. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 557 p. (Scripta antiqua, 111). 1778. HEATHER (Peter). Rome resurgent. War and empire in the age of Justinian. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VII-393 p p. (Ancient warfare and civilization). 1779. HERAS MORA (Francisco J.). La implantación militar romana en el suroeste hispano (siglos II–I a.n.e.). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 837 p. (Anejos de Gladius, 18). 1780. HUMM (Michel). La République romaine et son empire: 509–31 av J.-C. Malakoff, Armand Colin, 2018, 319 p. (Collection U. Histoire). 1781. KEHNE (Peter). Zur Erforschung der Germanicusfeldzüge, zu den Ursachen für die Unmöglichkeit ihrer Rekonstruktion und zu den Problemen des Germanicus-Bildes. In: Phantom Germanicus [cf. n° 1795], p. 31-94.
1788. MITFORD (Timothy B.). East of Asia Minor: Rome's hidden frontier. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 2 vol., LI-757 p. 1789. MOOSBAUER (Günther). Die vergessene Römerschlacht: der sensationelle Fund am Harzhorn. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 201 p. 1790. MŌRI (Akira). Kodai Rōma no kēnsusu: seiyō kodai kokka to jinkō haaku no kokoromi. (The ancient Roman census: the ancient state of Europe and an attempt to ascertain its population). Rekishigaku Kenkyū, 2018, 978, p. 13-23. 1791. MOSER (Muriel). Emperor and senators in the reign of Constantius II. Maintaining imperial rule between Rome and Constantinople in the fourth century AD. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XVII-420 p. (Cambridge classical studies). 1792. Neue (Das) alte Rom. Die Flavier und ihre Zeit. Hrsg. v. Gregor BITTO, Anna GINESTÍ ROSELL und Kristina HAMACHER. Bonn, Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 2018, VI-271 p. (Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte). 1793. NISHIMURA (Masahiro). 'Mūsa ni tsukaeru yakara-tachi' to kōki Rōma teikoku: kyōyō chishikijin to teikoku-kōtei taisei. ('Fellow servants of the Muses' in the later Roman Empire: litterati and Empire). Shirin, 2018, 101, 1, p. 9-43. 1794. OSGOOD (Josiah). Rome and the making of a world state, 150 BCE–20 CE. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, X-274 p.
1782. KUBLER (Anne). La mémoire culturelle de la deuxième guerre punique: approche historique d'une construction mémorielle à travers les textes de l'Antiquité romaine. Basel, Schwabe, 2018, 337 p. (Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, 45).
1795. Phantom Germanicus. Spurensuche zwischen historischer Überlieferung und archäologischem Befund. Symposium vom 2.–3. Juli 2015, Museum und Park Kalkriese/Universität Osnabrück. Hrsg. v. Stefan BURMEISTER und Salvatore ORTISI. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 360 p. (Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsens, 53). [Cf. nos 1662, 1745, 1781.]
1783. Latrocinium maris. Fenomenologia e repressione della pirateria nell'esperienza romana e oltre. A cura di Ida G. MASTROROSA. Canterano, Aracne, 2018, 356 p. (Il potere e il consenso, 5).
1796. RAVEGNANI (Giorgio). Ezio. Ultimo dei Romani, il generale che sconfisse Attila prima della caduta dell'Impero. Roma, Salerno, 2018, 226 p. (Profili, 78).
1784. LENDERING (Jona), HUNINK (Vincent). Het visioen van Constantijn. Een gebeurtenis die de wereld veranderde. Utrecht, Omniboek, 2018, 137 p. (ill.).
1797. RICCI (Cecilia). Security in Roman times. Rome, Italy and the emperors. London, Routledge, 2018, XIV-300 p.
1785. MALINGUE (Guillaume). The coinage of Domitius Alexander (308–310 AD). Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 172 p. (Numismatica antiqua, 9).
1798. ROBERTO (Umberto). Il nemico indomabile: Roma contro i Germani. Bari, Laterza, 2018, VII-391 p. (I Robinson. Letture).
1786. MASCHEK (Dominik). Die römischen Bürgerkriege. Archäologie und Geschichte einer Krisenzeit. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern, 2018, 350 p.
1799. ROBINSON TELG GENANNT KORTMANN (Jan). Hannibal ad portas. Silius Italicus, Punica 12,507–752. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Heidelberg, Winter, 2018, 405 p. (Wissenschaftliche Kommentare zu griechischen und lateinischen Schriftstellern).
1787. MICHELS (Christoph). Antoninus Pius und die Rollenbilder des römischen Princeps. Herrscherliches Handeln und seine Repräsentation in der Hohen Kaiserzeit. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-416 p. (Klio, 30).
1800. Roma e i "diversi": confini geografici, barriere culturali, distinzioni di genere nelle fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche fra età repubblicana e tarda antichità. A cura
§ 5. History of law and institutions di Claudia GIUFFRIDA, Margherita CASSIA e Gaetano ARENA. Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2018, X-339 (Studi sul mondo antico, 11). 1801. Roman civil wars (The): a house divided. Ed. by Richard W. WESTALL. Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, 369 p. (Hermathena, 196/197). 1802. Romanizzazione (La) dell'Italia ionica: aspetti e problemi. Atti del meeting, Università degli studi di Firenze, 16–17 ottobre 2014. A cura di Lucia LEPORE e Chiara GIATTI. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 295 p. (Thiasos monografie, 13). 1803. ROMANOWSKI (Tomasz). Brytania 55–54 p.n.e. (Britannia 55–54 BCE). Warszawa, Bellona, 2018, 252 p. (Historyczne Bitwy). 1804. Rome, cité universelle. De César à Caracalla: 70 av. J.-C.–212 apr. J.-C. Éd. par Patrice FAURE, Nicolas TRAN et Catherine VIRLOUVET. Paris, Belin, 2018, 871 p. (Mondes anciens). 1805. Rome, empire of plunder. The dynamics of cultural appropriation. Ed. by Matthew LOAR, Carolyn MACDONALD and Dan-el PADILLA PERALTA. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII-325 p. 1806. ROMERO RECIO (Mirella). El legado de los emperadores hispanos. Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2018, 221 p. (Colección Historia y geografia, 348). 1807. Römisches Sizilien: Stadt und Land zwischen Monumentalisierung und Ökonomie, Krise und Entwicklung. = La Sicilia romana: città e territorio tra monumentalizzazione ed economia, crisi e sviluppo. = Roman Sicily: cities and territories between monumentalization and economy, crisis and development. Ed. by Oscar BELVEDERE and Johannes BERGEMANN. Palermo, Palermo U.P., 2018, 420 p. (Studi e materiali, 1). 1808. RONCAGLIA (Carolynn E.). Northern Italy in the Roman world. From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XXI-232 p. 1809. RUSSO (Federico). Diplomazia e propaganda a Roma ai tempi delle guerre d'oltremare. Milano, Ledizioni, 2018, 165 p. (Consonanze, 15). 1810. SAWIŃSKI (Paweł). The succession of imperial power under the Julio-Claudian dynasty (30 BC– AD 68). Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 298 p. 1811. SHIN (Min Seok). The great persecution. A historical re-examination. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII280 p. (Studia antiqua australiensia, 8). 1812. SŁAPEK (Dariusz). Spartacus: history and tradition. Lublin, Maria Curie-Skłodowska U.P., 2018, 292 p.
nasljednika. Radovi međunarodnog skupa održanog u Zagrebu, 22.–26.9.2014. (The century of the brave: Roman conquest and indigenous resistance in Illyricum during the time of Augustus and his heirs. Proceedings of the international conference, Zagreb, 22.–26.9.2014). Ed. by Marina MILIĆEVIĆ BRADAČ and Dino DEMICHELI. Zagreb, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Odsjek za arheologiju, 2018, 421 p. 1815. SUNADA (Tōru). Kyōwasei Rōma no nairan to Itaria tōgō: taiekihei shokumin eno chihō toshi no taiō. (The Civil War in Republican Rome and the integration of Italy: Sulla's veteran settlement and local cities' responses). Sapporo, Hokkaido U. P., 2018, 272 p. 1816. SYMONDS (Matthew F.A.). Protecting the Roman Empire. Fortlets, frontiers, and the quest for postconquest security. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIV-251 p. 1817. TAYLOR (Michael J.). The election of centurions during the Republican period. Ancient society, 2018, 48, p. 147-167. 1818. TEYSSIER (Éric). Commode: l'empereur gladiateur. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 359 p. (Biographie). 1819. VACANTI (Claudio). I catilinari: progetto di una congiura. Napoli, Jovene, 2018, X-155 p. (Storia politica costituzionale e militare del mondo antico, 8). 1820. VALZANIA (Sergio). La sconfitta di Farsalo. Pompeo e Cesare: la fine della Repubblica. Roma, Salerno, 2018, 179 p. (Mosaici, 5). 1821. VAN DAM (Raymond). Eastern aristocracies and imperial courts: Constantine's half-brother, Licinius's prefect, and Egyptian grain. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2018, 72, p. 1-24. 1822. Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit. Formen der Kommunikation, Interaktion und Vernetzung. Hrsg. v. Katharina WOJCIECH und Peter EICH. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, VIII351 p. (Antike Imperien, 2). [Cf. nos 1839, 1846, 1852, 1867, 1872, 1913.] 1823. WATTS (Edward J.). Mortal republic. How Rome fell into tyranny. New York, Basic Books, 2018, VII-336 p. 1824. WOLFRAM (Herwig). Das Römerreich und seine Germanen. Eine Erzählung von Herkunft und Ankunft. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 474 p. 1825. World through Roman eyes (The). Anthropological approaches to ancient culture. Ed. by Maurizio BETTINI and William M. SHORT. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIV-471 p. § 5. History of law and institutions.
1813. SLAVIK (Jordan F.). Pilum and telum: the Roman infantryman's style of combat in the Middle Republic. The classical journal, 2018, 113, p. 151-171.
** 1826. HUMBERT (Michel). La loi des XII Tables. Édition et commentaire. Rome, École française de Rome, 2018, X-952 p.
1814. Stoljeće hrabrih: rimsko osvajanje i otpor starosjedilaca u Iliriku za vrijeme Augusta i njegovih
** 1827. VOLTERRA (Edoardo). Materiali per una raccolta dei senatusconsulta (753 a.C.–312 d.C.). A cura
di Alessia TERRINONI e Pierangelo BUONGIORNO. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, X-601 p. (Sources et documents, 8). _______________________
1828. ALESSANDRÌ (Sergio). Il procurator ad Mercurium e il procurator Neaspoleos. Ricerche sui procuratori imperiali in Egitto. Galatina, Congedo, 2018, 125 p. (Historiē, 8).
1841. Diritto romano e economia: due modi di pensare e organizzare il mondo (nei primi tre secoli dell'Impero). A cura di Elio LO CASCIO e Dario MANTOVANI. Pavia, Pavia U.P., 2018, IX-834 p. (Pubblicazioni del CEDANT, 15). 1842. Dittatura romana (La). Tomo 2. A cura di Luigi GAROFALO. Napoli, Jovene, 2018, VI-798 p. (L'arte del diritto, 38.2).
1829. Amministrazione (L') dell'Italia romana: dal I secolo a.C. al III secolo d.C. Fondamenti. A cura di Davide FUORO. Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2018, XIV-226 p.
1843. ECK (Werner). Die Neuorganisation der Provinzen und Italiens unter Diokletian. In: Diocleziano: la frontiera giuridica dell'impero [cf. n° 1840], p. 513553.
1830. ARDEVAN (Radu). Cittadinanza e romanizzazione: la Dacia romana. In: Cittadinanza tra Impero, Stati nazionali ed Europa. Studi promossi per il MDCCC anniversario della Constitutio Antoniniana. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2018, p. 75-86.
1844. Edictum Theoderici regis. Das „Gesetzbuch" des Ostgotenkönigs Theoderich des Großen. Lateinisch u. deutsch. Mit Einleitung u. Kommentar hrsg. v. Ingemar KÖNIG. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 239 p. (Texte zur Forschung, 112).
1831. ASTOLFI (Riccardo). Il matrimonio nel diritto della Roma preclassica. Napoli, Jovene, 2018, VII-517 p. (L'arte del diritto, 42).
1845. EVANGELISTI (Marina). Principato auctoritas solutio legibus. Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2018, XI-250 p. (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Collana del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Terza serie, 3).
1832. BIANCHI (Paola). Effetti del passaggio del tempo nelle leggi imperiali e nella prassi da Costantino a Giustiniano. Evasione fiscale e possesso, inerzia dei creditori. Canterano, Aracne, 2018, 271 p. (Le vie del diritto, 11).
1846. FÄRBER (Roland). Gerichtsorte und Amtssitze im kaiserzeitlichen Rom. In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 253-286.
1833. BIAVASCHI (Paola). Avida cupiditas. Profili giuridici degli acquedotti romani pubblici nel tardo antico. Milano, Jouvence, 2018, 321 p. (Monografie di Ravenna capitale).
1847. FROLOV (Roman M.). From privatus to magistratus: the political initiative and the alleged ius edicendi of magistrates-elect in Republican Rome. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 128-159.
1834. BUONGIORNO (Pierangelo). Il divieto di donazione fra coniugi nell'esperienza giuridica romana. I. Origini e profili del dibattito giurisprudenziale fra tarda repubblica ed età antonina. Lecce, Grifo, 2018, 234 p.
1848. GALLO (Annarosa). Prefetti del pretore e prefetture. L'organizzazione dell'agro romano in Italia (IV–I sec. a.C.). Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 318 p. (Documenti e studi, 68).
1835. CASELLA (Valentina). La trasmissibilità ereditaria della stipulatio. Milano, LED, 2018, 159 p. (Collana della Rivista di diritto romano).
1849. IMRIE (Alex). The Antonine constitution. An edict for the Caracallan empire. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-175 p. (Impact of empire. Roman empire, c. 200 B.C.–A.D. 476, 29).
1836. COSSA (Giovanni). Per uno studio dei "Libri singulares": il caso di Paolo. Milano, A. Giuffrè, 2018, XVIII-676 p. (Quaderni di Studi senesi, 146). 1837. CUNEO (Paola O.). Sequestro di persona, riduzione in schiavitù e traffico di esseri umani. Studi sul "crimen plagii" dall'età dioclezianea al V secolo d.C. Milano, LED, 2018, 139 p. (Collana della Rivista di diritto romano). 1838. CZAJKOWSKI (Kimberley), ECKHARDT (Benedikt). Law, status and agency in the Roman provinces. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 3-31. 1839. DALLA ROSA (Alberto). Roms städtische Autoritäten unter Augustus: eine Revolution? In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 51-74. 1840. Diocleziano: la frontiera giuridica dell'impero. A cura di Werner ECK e Salvatore PULIATTI. Pavia, Pavia U.P., 2018, VIII-648 p. (Pubblicazioni del CEDANT, 16).
1850. Institutions and ideology in Republican Rome. Speech, audience and decision. Ed. by Henriette VAN DER BLOM, Christa GRAY and Catherine E.W. STEEL. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIII-355 p. 1851. KNOPF (Fabian). Die Partizipationsmotive der plebs urbana im spätrepublikanischen Rom. Mün̈ster, Lit, 2018, IV-441 p. (Antike Kultur und Geschichte, 18). 1852. KOLB (Anne). Die curae in Rom. Aufgaben, Kommunikation, Vernetzung innerhalb der Stadtverwaltung und das Beispiel des Adrastus, procurator columnae Divi Marci. In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 197-220. 1853. LAURENDI (Rossella). Institutum Traiani: alimenta Italiae obligatio praediorum sors et usura. Ricerche sull'evergetismo municipale e sull'iniziativa imperiale per il sostegno all'infanzia nell'Italia romana. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, 235 p. (Minima epigraphica et papyrologica. Supplementa, 7).
§ 6. Economic and social history 1854. MASSIMINO (Lorenzo). Il crimen maiestatis: dalle origini al principato augusteo. Acireale e Roma, Bonanno, 2018, 98 p. (Scaffale del nuovo millennio, 167).### 1855. MOATTI (Claudia). Res publica: histoire romaine de la chose publique. Paris, Fayard, 2018, 467 p. (Ouvertures). 1856. OKOŃ (Danuta). Album senatorum. Vol. 2. Senatores of the Severan period (193–235 AD). A prosopographic study. Szczecin, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2018, 168 p. (Szczecińskie studia nad Starożytnością, 7). 1857. OLMO LÓPEZ (Rubén). El centro en la periferia. Las competencias de los gobernadores provinciales romanos en Hispania durante el Principado. Wien, Lit, 2018, 664 p. (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt, 14). 1858. PARICIO (Javier). Respondere ex auctoritate principis: eficacia de las respuestas de los juristas en la experiencia jurídica romana. Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2018, 112 p. 1859. PAULUS (Christoph G.). Auf der Suche nach Unsterblichkeit: zur mentalitätsgeschichtlichen, sozialen und rechtlichen Bedeutung des Testaments im antiken Rom. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2018, 299 p. 1860. PINA POLO (Francisco). Magistrates without pedigree. The consules suffecti of the triumviral age. Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 99-114. 1861. POP (Cristina). Divorţul şi succesiunile: instrumente juridice de emancipare a femeii în societatea romană. (Divorzio e successione: strumenti giuridici per l'emancipazione della donna nella società romana). Bucureşti, Universul Juridic, 2018, 259 p. (Colecţia monografii). 1862. Rappresentazione e uso dei senatus consulta nelle fonti letterarie della repubblica e del primo principato = Darstellung und Gebrauch der senatus consulta in den literarischen Quellen der Republik und der frühen Kaiserzeit. A cura di Andrea BALBO, Pierangelo BUONGIORNO ed Ermanno MALASPINA. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 530 p. (Acta Senatus. B. Studien und Materialien, Band 3). 1863. SASAKI (Takeshi). Kodai Rōma sen'yū soshō ni okeru 'kanshū niyoru kuchiku (moribus deduction)' (Cic. pro Caecina, 27) to bōryoku (fudōsan sen'yū kaifuku) unde vi tokuji meirei. ('The expulsion by customs (moribus deduction)' (Cic. pro Caecina, 27) and specific orders for the recovery of real estates by force (unde vi) in occupancy litigations in Ancient Rome). Hōgaku Rōnso (Kyoto University), 2018, 182-4/5/6, p. 288-317. 1864. Scandales, justice et politique à Rome. Textes inédits d'Alain Malissard suivis d'hommages en son honneur. Ed. par P.M. MARTIN et E. NDIAYE. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 310 p. (Polen – Pouvoirs, lettres, normes, 9). 1865. SCHIAVO (Silvia). Ricerche sugli editti dei prefetti del pretorio del Cod. Bodl. Roe 18: processo e
documento. Napoli, Jovene, 2018, IX-399 p. (Dipartimento di giurisprudenza dell'Università degli studi di Ferrara, 13). 1866. STACHURA (Michał). Enemies of the later Roman order. A study of the phenomenon of language aggression in the Theodosian Code, post-Theodosian novels, and the Sirmondian Constitutions. Kraków, Jagiellonian U.P., 2018, 313 p. (Jagiellonian studies in history, 10). 1867. UNFUG (Christian). Die Prätorianerpräfektur Kaiserliche Stellvertretung im Rom des 3. Jh. In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 121-142. 1868. VALDITARA (Giuseppe). Civis romanus sum. Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2018, VII-220 p. 1869. VALLEJO PÉREZ (Gema). Métodos alternativos de resolución de conflictos en derecho romano. Madrid, Dykinson, 2018, 342 p. (Colección Monografias de derecho romano y cultura clásica). 1870. VINCENTI (Umberto). Ius publicum. Storia e fortuna delle istituzioni pubbliche di Roma. Napoli, Jovene, 2018, XVI-298 p. 1871. WAELKENS (L.). Réflexions sur la bona fides et la mala fides dans la tradition du droit romain. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 1-12. 1872. WOJCIECH (Katharina). Reddere iura foro nec proturbare curules. Die praefectus urbi als Hüter der stadtrömischen Gerichtsordnung. In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 95-120. 1873. Wrongful damage to property in Roman law: British perspectives. Ed. by Paul J. DU PLESSIS. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U.P., 2018, VIII-283 p. 1874. XII tabulae. Testo e commento. A cura di Maria Floriana CURSI. Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2018, 2 vol., XVIII-882 p. 1875. ZARRO (Gianluca). I 'nova negotia' dalla mera nuda 'conventio' alla protezione giudiziaria. Napoli, Satura, 2018, XVI-326 p. Cf. nos 1311, 1313 § 6. Economic and social history. * 1876. FREU (Christel). Écrire l'histoire du travail aujourd'hui. Le cas de l'Empire romain (note critique). Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 161-184. _______________________
1877. AHMED (Miftah A.M.) Rural settlement and economic activity. Olive oil, wine and amphorae production on the Tarhuna plateau during the Roman period. London, The Society for Lybian studies, 2018, X203 p. (Society for Lybian studies, 1). 1878. AKAR (Philippe). La concordia du pater familias et de ses dépendants dans les sources de la fin de la République romaine. In: Histoire de familles dans le
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1879. ALLELY (Annie). Les enfants malformés considérés comme prodigia à Rome et en Italie sous la République. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 313-340.
1891. ELLIOTT (Susan M. Elli). Family empires, Roman and Christian. Vol. 1. Roman family empires. Household, empire, resistance. Salem, Polebridge Press, 2018, XII-352 p.
1880. ÁLVAREZ JIMÉNEZ (D.). Panem et Circenses. Una historia de Roma a través del circo. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2018, 510 p.
1892. ELLIS (Steven J.R.). The Roman retail revolution: the socio-economic world of the taberna. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIX-298 p.
1881. ÁLVAREZ MELERO (Anthony). Matronae equestres: la parenté féminine des chevaliers romains originaires des provinces occidentales sous le HautEmpire romain (Ier–IIIe siècles). Bruxelles, Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, 2018, XIV-395 p. (Institut Historique Belge de Rome études, 4).
1893. ETCHETO (Henri). La parenté de Cornelia Scriboniae filia et le tombeau des Scipions. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 261-268.
1882. BERNARD (Seth). Building Mid-Republican Rome. Labor, architecture, and the urban economy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, IX-315 p. – IDEM. The social history of early Roman coinage. Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 1-26. 1883. BRÉLAZ (Cédric). Philippes, colonie romaine d'Orient. Recherches d'histoire institutionnelle et sociale. Athēna, École française d'Athènes, 2018, XV-399 (Bullettin de correspondance hellénique. Supplément, 59). 1884. BUTCHER (Kevin), WOYTEK (Bernhard). The grand scheme of things, modelling coin production and coin distribution in the Roman empire in the first and second centuries AD. In: Infrastructure and distribution in ancient economies [cf. n° 1331], p. 253-282. 1885. CARROLL (Maureen). Infancy and earliest childhood in the Roman world: 'a fragment of time'. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIII-317 p. 1886. CHULSKY (Céline). Notables nîmois: magistrats, chevaliers et sénateurs issus de la cité de Nîmes à l'époque romaine (milieu du Ier siècle av. n. è. – début du IIIe siècle de n. è.). Montpellier, Éditions de l'Association de la Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, 2018, 421 p. (Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise. Supplément, 47). 1887. COBB (Matthew Adam). Rome and the Indian ocean trade from Augustus to the early third century CE. Boston, Brill, 2018, VIII-355 p. (Mnemosyne supplements, history and archaeology of classical antiquity, 418). 1888. DOMERGUE (Claude), RICO (Christian). L'approvisionnement en métaux de l'Occident méditerranéen à la fin de la République et sous le Haut-Empire: flux, routes, organisation. In: Infrastructure and distribution in ancient economies [cf. n° 1331], p. 193-252. 1889. ECKARDT (Hella). Writing and power in the Roman world: literacies and material culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XVI-268 p. 1890. ELLIOTT (Simon). Ragstone to riches: imperial estates, metalla and the Roman military in the south east of Britain during the occupation. Oxford, BAR
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§ 6. Economic and social history di studio (Roma Tre, 25–26 maggio 2017). A cura di Arnaldo MARCONE. Roma, Castelvecchi, 2018, 458 p. 1906. LENTANO (Mario). Nomen: il nome proprio nella cultura romana. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 236 p. (Antropologia del mondo antico, 9). 1907. MACLEAN (Rose). Freed slaves and Roman imperial culture. Social integration and the transformation of values. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XI208 p. 1908. Marginación y mujer en el Imperio Romano. Papers presented at the conference held at the Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, October 3–4, 2017. Ed. por Pilar PAVÓN. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 415 p. 1909. MELCHOR GIL (Enrique). El patronato cívico en la Hispania Romana. Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2018, 252 p. (Historia y geografía, 333). – IDEM. Las élites municipales y los inicios de la crisis del urbanismo monumental en el Occidente romano. Algunas consideraciones, con especial referencia a Hispania. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 416-440. 1910. MICHELAZZI (Emilia). Roma e il misterioso popolo della seta. Bologna, Pàtron, 2018, 130 p. (Itinerari di storia antica, 8). 1911. MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA (Lucreţiu). Rure vivere in Moesia inferiore. La population dans le milieu rural d'une province péripherique de l'Empire romain. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XIV-419 p. (Philippika. Altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, 123). 1912. Mujer y poder en la antigua Roma. Actas del XV Coloquio de la Asociación Interdisciplinar de Estudios Romanos, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 27 de octubre de 2017. Ed. por Gonzalo BRAVO, Sabino PEREA YÉBENES y Fernando FERNÁNDEZ PALACIOS. Madrid, Signifer Libros, 2018, 361 p. (Signifer. Monografías y Estudios de Antigüedad Griega y Romana, 54). 1913. NOREÑA (Carlos F.). Die Stadt Rom als System sozialer Kontrolle. In: Verwaltung (Die) der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit [cf. n° 1822], p. 225-252. 1914. PIACENTIN (Sofia). The role of aedilician fines in the making of public Rome. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 103126. 1915. REDDÉ (Michel). The impact of the German frontier on the economic development of the countryside of Roman Gaul. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 131-160. 1916. RODDAZ (Jean-Michel). Les Scipions et l'Hispanie. In: Histoire de familles dans le monde grec ancien et dans la Rome antique [cf. no 1329], p. 269-286. 1917. ROGERS (Dylan K.). Water culture in Roman society. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XII-118 p. (Brill research perspectives in ancient history, 1.1). 1918. ROLLER (Duane W.). Cleopatra's Daughter and other royal women of the Augustan era. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV, 207 p. (Women in Antiquity).
1919. ROLLER (Matthew B.). Models from the Past in Roman Culture. A world of exempla. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XX-322 p. 1920. Roman Turdetania. Romanization, identity and socio-cultural interaction in the South of the Iberian Peninsula between the 4th and 1st centuries BCE. Ed. by G. CRUZ ANDREOTTI. Leyden, Brill, 2018, XXIII-256 p. (Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean, 3). 1921. RONCORONI (Patricia N. J.). Zur Rekonstruktion der Struktur der frühen römischen Gesellschaft im Spiegel lazialer Grabsitten und antiker Schriftquellen. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 530 p. (ill., 1 CD). (Internationale Archäologie, 130). 1922. SANCHEZ DE PRADO (Maria Dolores). La vajilla de vidrio en el ámbito suroriental de la Hispania romana: comercio y producción ente los siglos I–VII d.C. Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Publicacions de la Universitat d'Alacant, 2018, 408 p. (Anejo de la revista Lucentum, 25). 1923. SANTAMATO (Emanuele). Dionigi il politologo: ragionamenti politici e società augustea. Milano, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2018, 528 p. (Quaderni di Erga-Logoi, 8). 1924. SCHOEVAERT (Julien). Les boutiques d'Ostie. L'économie urbaine au quotidien: Ier s. av. J.-C.–Ve s. ap. J.-C. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, XVIII310 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 537). 1925. Social interactions and status markers in the Roman world. Ed. by George CUPCEA and Rada VARGA. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, XI-164 p. (Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 37). 1926. Trade, commerce, and the state in the Roman world. Ed. by Andrew WILSON and Alan BOWMAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXI-656 p. (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy). 1927. TRAKADAS (Athena). In Mauretania maritimis. Marine resource exploitation in a Roman North African province. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 667 p. (Geographica historica, 40). 1928. WAGNER (Hendrik). Die Urbs aeterna und der "bessere Teil der Menschheit" vom Herrschaftsantritt des Honorius bis zur Ermordung Valentinians III. (395– 455). Eine Untersuchung zur politischen und gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung der stadtrömischen Senatsaristokratie. Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2018, IV-445 p. [Ph. D. Diss.]. 1929. Warenwege - Warenflüsse: Handel, Logistik und Transport am römischen Niederrhein. Hrsg. v. Christoph EGER. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern, 2018, XXXI653 p. (Xantener Berichte, 32). 1930. ZAMBITO (Luca). La produzione di zolfo in Sicilia in età romana. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, 165 p. (Arte, architettura, archeologia, 9). Cf. nos 523, 1329, 1331
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature### 1931. After 69 CE. Writing civil war in Flavian Rome. Ed. by Lauren Donovan GINSBERG and Darcy A. KRASNE. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-489 p. (Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 65).
1945. DEREMETZ (Alain). Le carmen 64 de Catulle. Un art poétique sous le voile du poème. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 970-990. 1946. EVANGELOU (Gabriel). Reconciling Cicero's anti-Epicureanism in De amicitia with his friendship with Atticus. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 991-1012. 1947. FELICI (Maurilio). Ius e nova saeculi aetas in un mitografo tardoantico. Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2018, 190 p.
1932. ALEKOU (Stella). Medea legal apology in Ovid's Heroides 12. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 311-334. – EADEM. Médée et la rhétorique de la mémoire au féminin: Ovide, Héroïde XII. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 242 p. (Approches littéraires).
1948. FILIPPI (Marco). Frammenti di follia. Il tema della follia nella tragedia latina frammentaria. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 285-305.
1933. BAUMANN (Lukas). Wort und Sinn: Übersetzungsreflexionen bei Cicero und Hieronymus. Freiburg, Rombach, 2018, 314 p. (Rombach Wissenschaften. Reihe Paradeigmata, 43).
1949. FORICHON (Sylvain). L'Égypte, le Nil et les Égyptiens dans les spectacles de la Rome ancienne (Ier siècle a.C.–Ve siècle p.C.). Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 99129.
1934. BENFERHAT (Yasmina). L'eau et le mouvant. Usages et représentations de l'eau dans l'oeuvre de Tacite. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2018, 207 p.
1950. FUCECCHI (Marco). Enea e altri profughi virgiliani. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 63-81.
1935. BISHOP (Caroline). Cicero, Greek learning, and the making of a Roman classic. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, X-359 p.
1951. GALLI (Maria Teresa). La Medea di Osidio Geta, dramma centonario: damnatio memoriae di una tragedia fuori dagli schemi. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 315-323.
1936. BRISCOE (John). Liviana: studies on Livy. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIII-256 p. 1937. Campania in the Flavian poetic imagination. Ed. by Antony AUGOUSTAKIS and R. Joy LITTLEWOOD. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 349 p.
1952. GALTIER (Fabrice). L'empreinte des morts. Relations entre mort, mémoire et reconnaissance dans la "Pharsale" de Lucain. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 423 p. (Collection d'études anciennes. Série latine, 82).
1938. CIOFFI (Carmela). Prolegomena a Donato, "Commentum ad Andriam". Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-419 p. (ill.). (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 129).
1953. GARAMBOIS-VASQUEZ (Florence). Natura delectat: ars et natura dans la création poétique d'Ausone. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Université de SaintEtienne, 2018, 182 p. (Mémoires. Centre Jean Palerne, 43).
1939. Complex inferiorities: the poetics of the weaker voice in Latin literature. Ed. by Sebastian MATZNER and Stephen HARRISON. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 335 p.
1954. GEUE (Tom). Soft hands, hard power. Sponging off the Empire of leisure (Virgil, Georgics 4). Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 115-140.
1940. COOMBE (Clare). Claudian the poet. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII-242 p.
1955. GHEDINI (Francesca). Il poeta del mito. Ovidio e il suo tempo. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 325 p. (Frecce, 267).
1941. CRISTE (Cristian). Voluntas auditorum: forensische Rollenbilder und emotionale Performanzen in den spätrepublikanischen "quaestiones". Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 404 p. (Kalliope, 15).
1956. GIUSTI (Elena). Carthage in Virgil's Aeneid. Staging the enemy under Augustus. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIV-334 p. (Cambridge classical studies).
1942. D'ANNA (Nuccio). La profezia di Virgilio. Il fanciullo divino e il mistero della IV egloga. Roma, Jouvence, 2018, 321 p. (Sophia, 12).
1957. GLAESSER (Roland). Lucan lesen - ein Gang durch das "Bellum civile". Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 202 p. (Sprachwissenschaftliche Studienbücher).
1943. DAMTOFT POULSEN (Aske). Accounts of northern barbarians in Tacitus Annales: a contextual analysis. Lund, Lunds universitet, 2018, XIV-249 p. (Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia, 24). [Ph. D. Diss.]. 1944. DEGL'INNOCENTI PIERINI (Rita). Pomponio Secondo: profilo di un poeta tragico "minore" (e altri studi su poesia latina in frammenti). Bologna, Pàtron, 2018, 158 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino. Nuova serie, 144).
1958. GLINATSIS (Robin). De l'Art poétique à l'Épȋtre aux Pisons d'Horace. Pour une redéfinition du statut de l'oeuvre. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 203 p. (Savoirs et systèmes de pensée, 1794; Cahiers de philologie. Série Apparat critique, 34). 1959. GRÄF (Stefanie). Der Anonymus de rebus bellicis: eine morphologische Untersuchung. Hamburg,
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science Dr. Kovač, 2018, XVI-740 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums, 38). 1960. HASELMANN (Henning). Gewässer als Schauplätze und Akteure in den "Punica" des Silius Italicus. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 339 p. (Orbis antiquus, 53). 1961. HESLIN (Peter). Propertius, greek myth, and Virgil. Rivalry, allegory, and polemic. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XII-304 p. 1962. HOFMANN (Dagmar). Griechische Weltgeschichte auf Latein. Iustins "Epitoma historiarum Pompei Trogi" und die Geschichtskonzeption des Pompeius Trogus. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 456 p. (Hermes, 114). 1963. HOWLEY (Joseph A.). Aulus Gellius and Roman reading culture. Text, presence, and imperial knowledge in the "Noctes Atticae". Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, X-282 p. 1964. HUELSENBECK (Bart). Figures in the shadows: the speech of two Augustan-age declaimers, Arellius Fuscus and Papirius Fabianus. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XI-383 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 369). 1965. KARACSONY (Robert). Properzens "Vertumnus"-Elegie (4,2) und das Dichtungsprogramm des vierten Buches: ein intertextueller Kommentar. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 323 p. (Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne, 3). 1966. KEELINE (Thomas J.). The reception of Cicero in the early Roman empire. The rhetorical schoolroom and the creation of a cultural legend. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XI-375 p. 1967. KERSTEN (Markus). Blut auf Pharsalischen Feldern. Lucans "Bellum Civile" und Vergils "Georgica". Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 358 p. (Hypomnemata, 206). 1968. KÖSTNER (Elena). Ein gefundenes Fressen: Aufforderung zur Anthropophagie in fiktiven römischen Testamenten als Chiffre einer dystopischen Gesellschaft. Historia, 2018, 67, p. 191-222. 1969. LA PENNA (Antonio). Ovidio: relativismo dei valori e innovazione delle forme. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2018, 432 p. (Bibliotheca, 16). 1970. Life, love and death in Latin poetry. Studies in honor of Theodore D. Papanghelis. Ed. by Stavros FRANGOULIDIS and Stephen HARRISON. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-329 p. (Trends in Classics. Suppl., 61). 1971. Lucilius and satire in second-century BC Rome. Ed. by Brian W. BREED, Elizabeth KEITEL and Rex WALLACE. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIII-319 p. 1972. MAMBWINI KIVUILA-KIAKU (José). L'éloquence cicéronienne dans le "Pro Archia". Étude littéraire approfondie d'un discours atypique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 244 p.
1973. MANTOVANI (Dario). Les juristes écrivains de la Rome antique. Les oeuvres des juristes comme littérature. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 358 p. (Docet omnia, 3). 1974. MANTZILAS (Dimitris). Adattamenti dei miti greci nella "tragedia‑miniatura". In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 325-340. 1975. MAS (Silvia). La figura del emperador en las obras de Amiano Marcelino y Ambrosio de Milán. Roma, EDUSC, 2018, 357 p. (Quaderni di storia della Chiesa, 6). 1976. MICALELLA (Dina). Giuliano scrittore: la storia, le storie e il mito. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, XIII-126 p. (Studi e ricerche, 162). 1977. MLECZEK (Anna). Dekadencja moralna społeczeństwa rzymskiego w Res gestae Ammiana Marcellina (La decadenza morale della società romana nelle Res Gestae di Ammiano Marcellino). Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2018, 436 p. 1978. Modalità della comunicazione in Roma antica. A cura di Licinia RICOTTILLI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2018, 200 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino. Nuova serie, 142). 1979. MUNDT (Felix). Römische Klassik und griechische Lyrik. Transformationen der Archaik in augusteischer Zeit. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 302 p. (Zetemata. Monographien zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, 155). 1980. NAPPA (Christopher). Making men ridiculous. Juvenal and the anxieties of the individual. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2018, XII-224 p. 1981. NILL (Hans-Peter). Gewalt und Unmaking in Lucans Bellum Civile. Textanalysen aus narratologischer, wirkungsästhetischer und gewaltsoziologischer Perspektive. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, VII-403 p. (Amsterdam studies in classical philology, 27). 1982. Omnium annalium monumenta. Historical writing and historical evidence in Republican Rome. Ed. by Kaj SANDBERG and Christopher SMITH. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVIII-535 p. (Historiography of Rome and its empire, 2). 1983. OTTRIA (Ilaria). Communia sacra. Amicizia, poesia e mecenatismo nella Roma di Ovidio. Reggio Calabria, Leonida, 2018, 179 p. (Collana di ricerche e studi universitari "Gli allori", 17). 1984. Ovid in late antiquity. Ed. by Franca E. CONTurnhout, Brepols, 2018, 506 p. (Studi e testi tardoantichi, 16). SOLINO.
1985. Ovid's Metamorphoses in Twentieth-Century Italian literature. Ed. by Alberto COMPARINI. Heidelberg, Winter, 2018, 362 p. (Bibliothek der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. NF, 2, 157). 1986. PANDEY (Nandini B.). The poetics of power in Augustan Rome. Latin poetic responses to early impe-
rial iconography. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIII-302 p. 1987. PETRUCCI (Marcella). Tieste dimenticato. Nuove possibilità per il teatro di Seneca. In: Forgotten theatre (The) [cf. no 1404], p. 307-314. 1988. Production (The) of space in Latin literature. Ed. by William FITZGERALD and Efrossini SPENTZOU. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, VIII-298 p. 1989. QUINT (David). Virgil's double cross: design and meaning in the Aeneid. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2018, XXII-218 p. 1990. Reading Republican oratory: reconstructions, contexts, receptions. Ed. by Christa GRAY, Andrea BALBO, Richard M.A. MARSHALL and Catherine E.W. STEEL. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIV-366 p. 1991. REBEGGIANI (Stefano). The fragility of power: Statius, Domitian, and the politics of the "Thebaid". Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIV-321 p. 1992. ROLLAND (Marie-Claire). La belle peau chez les élégiaques romains. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 197-211. 1993. Roman literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. Literary interactions, AD 96–138. Ed. by Alice KÖNIG and Christopher WHITTON. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XV-473 p. 1994. Savoirs (Les) d'Apulée. Éd. par Emmanuel PLANTADE et Daniel VALLAT. Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 2018, 403 p. (Spudasmata, 175). 1995. SCOLARI (Lavinia). Doni funesti. Miti di scambi pericolosi nella letteratura latina. Pisa, ETS, 2018, 244 p. (Testi e studi di cultura classica, 72). 1996. SENKBEIL (Friderike). Der Autor und die Stadt: die urbs Roma in den historiographischen Werken des Tacitus. Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018, III-342 p. [Ph. D. Diss.]. 1997. SHANNON-HENDERSON (Kelly E.). Religion and memory in Tacitus' Annals. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, X-414 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 1998. SITTIG (Florian). Psychopathen in Purpur: julisch-claudischer Caesarenwahnsinn und die Konstruktion historischer Realität. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 576 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 249). 1999. SMITH (Christopher). Varro and the contours of Roman antiquarianism. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 10901118.
traduzione e commento a cura di Emanuele BERTI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2018, 546 p. (Testi e commenti, 22). 2003. Texts and violence in the Roman world. Ed. by Monica R. GALE and J.H.D. SCOURFIELD. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XV-384 p. 2004. THURN (Anabelle). Rufmord in der späten römischen Republik: charakterbezogene Diffamierungsstrategien in Ciceros Reden und Briefen. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-321 p. (Philologus, 11). 2005. TORRE (Chiara). Le stelle dimenticate: note 'aratee' sulla quarta ode del Tieste di Seneca. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2018, 146, p. 440-488. 2006. UMURHAN (Osman). Juvenal's global awareness: circulation, connectivity, and empire. London, Routledge, 2018, VI-190 p. 2007. VASSILIADES (Georgios). Salluste, la lex Clodia sur l'annexion de Chypre, et la reconstitution de la préface des Histoires. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 482-506. 2008. WALLIS (Jonathan). Introspection and engagement in Propertius. A study of book 3. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, X-241 p. (Cambridge classical studies). 2009. WESTALL (Richard W.). Caesar's Civil war. Historical reality and fabrication. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVIII-400 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 410). 2010. WOYTEK (Erich). Die Ciris im Kontext der augusteischen Dichtung. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 261 p. (Wiener Studien. Beiheft, 39). Cf. nos 1664-1731 b. Philosophy and sciences 2011. ALEXANDROS DE COTIAEON. Fragments. Introduits, traduits et commentés par Jean-Luc VIX. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, CXXX-131 p. (Fragments, 21). 2012. ATKINS (Jed W.). Roman political thought. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XVII-239 p. (Key themes in ancient history). 2013. AUBERT BAILLOT (Sophie). Philosophes et philosophèmes dans le livre 10 de l'Institution oratoire de Quintilien. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 3-25.
2000. SMITH (Gregory B.). Political philosophy and the Republican future: reconsidering Cicero. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, 423 p.
2014. AUBIN (Marlène), PARDON-LABONNELIE (Muriel), WALTER (Philippe), BELLOT-GURLET (Ludovic). Le soin des yeux à l'époque romaine. Apport des analyses physico-chimiques de préparations antiques. In: Teint (Le) de Phrynè [cf. no 1190], p. 95-101.
2001. STEFFENSEN (Nils). Nachdenken über Rom. Literarische Konstruktionen der römischen Geschichte in der Formierungsphase des Principats. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 575 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 252).
2015. BEAGON (Mary). Science and medicine in the Roman encyclopedists: patronage for praxis. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 655-676.
2002. Stile (Lo) e l'uomo. Quattro epistole letterarie di Seneca (Sen. epist. 114; 40; 100; 84). Introduzione,
2016. CALDWELL (Lauren). Roman medical sects: the Asclepiadeans, the Methodists, and the Pneumatists. In:
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world. [cf. n° 695], p. 637-654. 2017. CILLIERS (Louise). Medical writing in the late Roman West. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 10131034. 2018. ČULÍK-BAIRD (Hannah). Stoicism in the stars. Cicero's Aratea in the De natura deorum. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 646-670. 2019. GAULY (Bardo M.). Plinius' Zoologie und die römische Naturgeschichte. In: Philosophie in Rom Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven [cf. n° 2031], p. 469485. 2020. GORDON (Pamela). Science for happiness. Epicurianism in Rome, the Bay of Naples, and beyond. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 615-634. 2021. HERRERO SERRANO (Antonio). Por la vida con Séneca. Existencia, tiempo, muerte e inmortalidad en el filósofo de Córdoba. Pozuelo de Alarcón, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2018, 187 p. (Colección Diálogos). 2022. LANGLANDS (Rebecca). Exemplary ethics in ancient Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XI368 p. 2023. LEISNER (Walter). Stoische Ruhe in Mensch und Staat: Senecas Denken und die Demokratie. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 129 p. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte, 89). 2024. MARIANI ZINI (Fosca). Argumentation als Trost. Bemerkungen über Ciceros Tusculanen, Buch I. In: Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven [cf. n° 2031], p. 327-348. 2025. MARIN (Demetrio). Retorică, stilistică şi estetică în epoca lui Augustus. (Rhetoric, stylistics and aesthetics in the time of Augustus). Ediţie îngrijită şi studiu introductiv de Traian DIACONESCU. Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2018, 354 p. 2026. Mental illness in ancient medicine: from Celsus to Paul of Aegina. Ed. by Chiara THUMIGER and Peter N. SINGER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XV479 p. (Studies in ancient medicine, 50). 2027. MÜLLER (Jörn). Senecas Phaedra: Stoisches Porträt einer akratischen Persönlichkeit. In: Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven [cf. n° 2031], p. 427-463. 2028. NAIL (Thomas). Lucretius I. An ontology of motion. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U.P., 2018, VI-281 p. 2029. PANIAGUA (David). Late encyclopedic approaches to knowledge in Latin literature. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 987-1012.
2030. PETIT (Caroline). Galien de Pergame ou La rhétorique de la Providence. Médecine, littérature et pouvoir à Rome. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVII292 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 420). 2031. Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Gernot M. MÜLLER und Fosca MARIANI ZINI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-526 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 358). [Cf. nos 2019, 2024, 2027, 2033, 2035, 2039, 2040.] 2032. Présocratiques (Les) à Rome. Éd. par Sylvie FRANCHET D'ESPÈREY et Carlos LÉVY. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2018, 374 p. (Rome et ses renaissances). [Cf. no 2038.] 2033. SAUER (Jochen). Römische Exempla-Ethik und Konsenskultur ? Philosophie und mos maiorum bei Cicero und Seneca. In: Philosophie in Rom Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven. [cf. n° 2031], p. 6795. 2034. SCARBOROUGH (John). Pharmacology in the early Roman Empire. Dioscorides and his multicultural gleanings. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 519-542. – IDEM. Scribonius Largus and friends. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 699-720. 2035. SCHIRREN (Thomas). Zur Bedeutung der Philosophie in der Institutio oratoria des Quintilian. In: Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven. [cf. n° 2031], p. 189-244. 2036. THIBODEAU (Philip). Traditionalism and originality in Roman science. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 593-614. 2037. VÁZQUEZ BUJÁN (Manuel E.). Huellas de la gramática y de la lectura de autores en algunos textos médicos tardolatinos. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 751772. 2038. VIMERCATI (Emmanuele). Cicéron et les atomistes. In: Présocratiques (Les) à Rome [cf. n° 2032], p. 57-84. 2039. WIENER (Claudia). Stoa ohne stoische Terminologie? Senecas Vermittlungsstrategien. In: Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven. [cf. n° 2031], p. 349-382. 2040. WILDBERGER (Jula). Amicitia and Eros: Seneca's adaption of a Stoic concept of friendship for Roman men in progress. In: Philosophie in Rom Römische Philosophie? Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven. [cf. n° 2031], p. 387426.
2041. YONA (Sergio). Epicurean ethics in Horace. The psychology of satire. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 348 p.### Cf. nos 1664-1731 § 8. Religion and mythology. _______________________
2042. ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC (Ágnes). Charon's obol: between religious fervour and daily life pragmatism. Coins in funerary contexts: Roman Dacia vs Pannonia. Cluj-Napoca, Mega Publishing House, 2018, 363 p. (Bibliotheca Musei Napocensis, 53). 2043. BRIQUEL (Dominique). Romulus, jumeau et roi: réalités d'une légende. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 475 p. (Realia, 36).
2054. RÜPKE (Jörg). Religiöse Transformationen im Römischen Reich. Urbanisierung, Reichsbildung und Selbst-Bildung als Bausteine religiösen Wandels. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX-79 p. (Hans-Lietzmann-Vorlesungen, 16). 2055. SCHULTZ (Celia E.). Sacrum reddere. Sacrifice, consecration, and dedication in Roman religion. Religion in the Roman empire, 2018, 4, p. 187-206. 2056. Seeing the God: image, space, performance, and vision in the religion of the Roman Empire. Ed. by Marlis ARNHOLD, Harry O. MAIER and Jörg RÜPKE. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIX-304 p. (Culture, religion, and politics in the Greco-Roman world, 2).
2044. BULTRIGHINI (Ilaria). Thursday (Dies Iovis) in the later Roman Empire. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2018, 86, p. 61-84.
2057. SIDOROVIČ (Olʹga V.). Žrečeskaja tradicija v Drevnem Rime: kulʹt, ritual, istorija (Sacerdotal tradition in Ancient Rome: cult, ritual, history). Moskva, RGGU, 2018, 276 p. (Orientalia et Classica: Trudy Instituta vostočnych kulʹtur i antičnosti, 66).
2045. DUBOSSON-SBRIGLIONE (Lara). Le culte de la Mère des dieux dans l'Empire romain. Franz Steiner, 2018, 551 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 62).
2058. SZABÓ (Csaba). Sanctuaries in Roman Dacia: materiality and religious experience. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, VIII-242 p. (Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 49).
2046. ESCÁMEZ DE VERA (Diego M.). Propaganda y justificación religiosa en época Flavia: Júpiter Óptimo Máximo y el Capitolio en Roma. Madrid, Ediciones Complutense, 2018, 552 p. (Serie Investigación, 19).
2059. Transformationen paganer Religion in der Kaiserzeit: Rahmenbedingungen und Konzepte. Hrsg. v. Michael BLÖMER und Benedikt ECKHARDT. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-283 p. (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, 72).
2047. KNAPP (Robert). Pilger, Priester und Propheten. Alltag und Religionen im Römischen Reich. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2018, 348 p. 2048. Material approaches to Roman magic. Occult objects and supernatural substances. Ed. by Adam PARKER and Stuart MAC KIE. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, 135 p. (Themes in Roman archaeology, 2). 2049. MIANO (Daniele). Fortuna: deity and concept in archaic and republican Italy. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIV-242 p. 2050. PATZELT (Maik). The rhetoric of Roman prayer. A proposal for a lived religion approach. Religion in the Roman empire, 2018, 4, p. 162-186.– IDEM. Über das Beten der Römer. Gebete im spätrepublikanischen und frühkaiserzeitlichen Rom als Ausdruck gelebter Religion. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-343 p. (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, 73). 2051. REQUENA JIMÉNEZ (Miguel). Prodigies in Republican Rome. The absence of God. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 480-500. 2052. Roma, la citta degli dèi. La capitale dell'Impero come laboratorio religioso. A cura di Corinne BONNET ed Ennio SANZI. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 450 p. (Studi superiori, 1117). 2053. Ruolo (Il) del culto nelle comunità dell'Italia antica tra IV e I sec. a.C.: strutture, funzioni e interazioni culturali (Ricerca PRIN 2008). A cura di Enzo LIPPOLIS e Rita SASSU. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 494 p. (Thiasos monografie, 10).
2060. TSCHÖGELE (Thomas). Der Panegyriker von 313 als heidnischer Monotheist. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 736-750. 2061. VAN DER PLOEG (Ghislaine E.). The impact of the Roman Empire on the cult of Asclepius. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVIII-319 p. (Impact of Empire, 30). 2062. VUKOVIĆ (Krešimir). The topography of the Lupercalia. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2018, 86, p. 37-60. § 9. Archaeology and history of art. ______________________
2063. ACERO PÉREZ (Jesús). La gestion de los residuos en Augusta Emerita: siglos I a.C.–VII d.C. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 437 p. (Anejos de Archivo español de arqueología, 82). 2064. Anfiteatro (L') di Leptis Magna. A cura di Maria RICCIARDI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, XVIII-368 p. (Monografie di archeologia libica, 43). 2065. ANGUISSOLA (Anna). Supports in Roman marble sculpture. Workshop practice and modes of viewing. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXIII-255 p. 2066. Argentorate. Le camp de la VIIIe légion et la présence militaire romaine à Strasbourg. Éd. par Gertrud KUHNLE. Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018, (2 voll.), p. XII-544.
§ 9. Archaeology and history of art (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 141). 2067. BERRESSEM (Ben N.). Die Repräsentation der Soldatenkaiser. Studien zur kaiserlichen Selbstdarstellung im 3. Jh. n. Chr. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 487 p. (Philippika. Altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, 122). 2068. BRADLEY (John). The Hypogeum of the Aurelii. A new interpretation as the collegiate tomb of professional scribae. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, XIV192 p. (Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 50). 2069. Castrum Inui: il santuario di Inuus alla foce del Fosso dell'Incastro. A cura di Mario TORELLI e Elisa MARRONI. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2018, VI-565 p. (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Monumenti antichi. Serie miscellanea, 21). 2070. CAVALLERO (Fabio G.). Arae sacrae: tipi, nomi, atti, funzioni e rappresentazioni degli altari romani. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, XXI-383 p. (Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. Supplementi, 25). 2071. D'ANDREA (Francesca). Il sepolcro del liberto Epaphroditus: una proposta di identificazione e nuovi spunti di riflessione sugli horti dell'Esquilino sud-orientale. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2018, 130, p. 143-164. 2072. D'ANDRIA (Francesco). The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in light of recent research (2013-17). Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 90-129. 2073. DARDENAY (Alexandra). Roman wall-painting in southern Gaul (Gallia Narbonensis and Gallia Aquitania). Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 5389. 2074. DAVIES (Glenys). Gender and body language in Roman art. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII357 p. 2075. FLESS (Friederike), LANGER (Stephanie), LIVE(Paolo), PFANNER (Michael). Historische Reliefs. Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Stefan FREYBERGER und Markus WOLF. Fotos von Raoul LAEV, Gisela GENG, Philipp GROß und Michael PFANNER. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, 191 p. (ill., tabs). (Vatikanische Museen. Museo Gregoriano Profano ex Lateranense. Katalog der Skulpturen, 4). RANI
2076. FRECCERO (Agneta). Wall decoration in Pompeii: plaster, stucco, paint. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, 164 p. (Studi e ricerche del Parco archeologico di Pompei, 37). 2077. Gardens of the Roman Empire. Ed. by Wilhelmina F. JASHEMSKI, Kathryn L. GLEASON, Kim J. HARTSWICK and Amina-Aïcha MALEK. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXXVI-617 p. 2078. GENSHEIMER (Maryl B.). Decoration and display in Rome's imperial thermae. Messages of power and their popular reception at the Baths of Caracalla. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XII-430 p.
2079. GERING (Axel). Ostias vergessene Spätantike. Eine urbanistische Deutung zur Bewältigung von Verfall. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, 419 p. (Palilia, 31). 2080. Great waterworks in Roman Greece. Aqueducts and monumental fountain structures. Function in context. Ed. by Georgia A. ARISTODEMOU and Theodosios P. TASSIOS. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, IV258 p. (ill., maps). (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 35). 2081. HABAJ (Michal). Antické poznávanie Dunaja od 8. storočia pred n. l. do 1. storočia n. l. (The ancient exploration of the Danube, 8th–1st centuries BC). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 2, p. 193-218. 2082. HELG (Riccardo). Frontes: le facciate nell'architettura e nell'urbanistica di Pompei e di Ercolano. Bologna, Bononia U.P., 2018, XV-339 p. (Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di storia culture civiltà. Sezione Archeologia, 21). 2083. HINGLEY (Richard). Londinium: a biography. Roman London from its origin to the fifth century. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 15-383 p. 2084. House of the surgeon, Pompeii. Excavations in the Casa del Chirurgo (VI 1, 9-10.23). Ed. by Michael A. ANDERSON and Damian ROBINSON. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, XV-647 p. 2085. JOHNSTON (Andrew C.), MOGETTA (Marcello), BANDUCCI (Laura), OPITZ (Rachel), GALLONE (Anna), FARR (Jason), CASAGRANDE CICCI (Emanuele), TERRENATO (Nicola). A monumental mid-repubblican building complex at Gabii. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2018, 86, p. 1-35. 2086. KADERKA (Karolina). Les décors tympanaux des temples de Rome. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 381 p. (Mémoires, 52). 2087. KÖNEMANN (Patrick). Die kaiserzeitlichen Bunt- und Edelmetallfunde von Kamen-Westick. Verarbeitung römischer Metallimporte in einer germanischen Siedlung. Bochum, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 349 p. (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 222; Raw materials, innovation, technology of ancient cultures, 5). 2088. KRIEGER (Elisabeth). Die Wachttürme und Kleinkastelle am Raetischen Limes. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 2018, (2 voll.), 431; 268 p. (Limesforschungen, 30). 2089. LIPPS (Johannes). Die Stuckdecke des oecus tetrastylus aus dem sog. Augustushaus auf dem Palatin im Kontext antiker Deckenverzierungen. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 345 p. (Tübinger archäologische Forschungen, 25). 2090. LIUZZO (Mariangela), MARGANI (Giuseppe), WILSON (Roger J. A.). The Indirizzo Roman baths at Catania. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 193-221. 2091. MASCHEK (Dominik). Not census but deductio. Reconsidering the 'Ara of Domitius Ahenobarbus'. Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 27-52.
2092. MAURINA (Barbara). Intonaci di età tardorepubblicana e augustea provenienti dagli scavi di Vigna Barberini (Palatino, Roma). Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2018, 130, p. 105-142.### 2093. MUGNAI (Niccolò). Architectural decoration and urban history in Mauretania Tingitana. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 410 p. (Mediterranean archaeology studies, 1). 2094. PERRIN (Yves). Itinéraires romains. Documents de topographie et d'archéologie historiques pour l'histoire de Rome (de Scipion à Constantin). Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018, 585 p. (Mémoires, 51). 2095. POEHLER (Eric), CROWTHER (Benjamin M.). Paving Pompeii: the archaeology of stone-paved streets. American Journal of Archaeology, 2018, 122, p. 579-609. 2096. POPKIN (Maggie L.). Urban images in glass from the late Roman Empire. The souvenir flasks of Puteoli and Baiae. American Journal of Archaeology, 2018, 122, p. 427-461. 2097. PORTILLO GÓMEZ (Ana). El forum novum de Colonia Patricia. Análisis arquitectónico, estilístico y funcional. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 129 p. (Anejos de Archivo español de arqueología, 83). 2098. QUATTROCCHI (Luigi). Mosaici funerari tardoantichi in Italia: repertorio e analisi. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, IV-113 p. 2099. RAIMONDI COMINESI (Aurora). Augustus in the making. A reappraisal of the ideology behind Octavian's Palatine residence through its interior decoration and topographical context. Latomus, 2018, 77, p. 704735. 2100. RAPOSO GUTIÉRREZ (Noemí). La delimitación de los espacios públicos en Pompeya. Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2018, XIX-260 p. (BAR. International series, 2914).
and Guy P.R. MÉTRAUX. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXXV-599 p.
2106. ROSE (Dario). Studi sull'opera poligonale tra Alta Valle del Salto e Fucino: l'acquedotto e la cloaca maxima di Alba Fucens. Roma, Quasar, 2108, 179 p. (Misura e spazio, 1). 2107. RUIZ BUENO (Manuel D.). Dinámicas topográficas urbanas en Hispania. El espacio intramuros entre los siglos II y VII d.C. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 251 p. (Munera, 44). 2108. SALVO (Giulia). Pinacothecae: testimonianze di collezionismo di quadri nel mondo antico. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 270 p. (Antenor quaderni, 43). 2109. SCHMIDTS (Thomas). Gestempelte Militärziegel ausserhalb der Truppenstandorte. Untersuchungen zur Bautätigkeit der römischen Armee und zur Disposition ihres Baumaterials. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, VIII-332 p. (Studia Archaeologica Palatina, 3). 2110. STORCHI (Paolo). Regium Lepidi, Tannetum, Brixellum e Luceria: studi sul sistema poleografico della provincia di Reggio Emilia in età romana. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 323 p. 2111. TANG (Birgit). Decorating floors: the tesseraein-mortar technique in the ancient world. Roma, Quasar, 2018, 475 p. 2112. TOMA (Natalia). Standardization and mass customization of architectural components: new perspectives on the Imperial marble construction industry. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 161-191. 2113. TUCCI (Pier Luigi). A funerary monument on the Capitoline: architecture and painting in mid-Republican Rome, between Etruria and Greece. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 30-52.
2101. Recueil général des sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule. Marseille et ses environs. Sous la direction de H. LAVAGNE et A. HERMARY. Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2018, LXXVIII-201 p. (Le Nouvel Espérandieu, 6).
2114. WEBER (Winfried). Die Trierer Domgrabung. Band 2. Die Ausgrabungen in der Kurie von der Leyen und der Liebfrauenstraße (Südwest-Bereich). Teil 2. Die Befunde. 3 Bde. Band I. Text. Band II. Tafeln. Band III. Beilagen. Trier, Selbstverlag des Museums am Dom Trier, 2018, 461 p. (ill., tabs). (Kataloge und Schriften des Bischöflichen Dom-und Diözesanmuseums Trier, 7. Die Trierer Domgrabung).
2102. Reuse and renovation in Roman material culture. Functions, aesthetics, interpretations. Ed. by Diana NG and Molly SWETNAM-BURLAND. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XV-275 p.
2115. WELLHAUSEN (Tina). Kriegsherr und Reisekaiser? Eine vergleichende Studie zur Baupolitik der Kaiser Traian und Hadrian. Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2018, 325 p. (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
2103. RIZZO (Giorgio). L'Heliogabalium del Palatino, i suoi giardini e la cultura materiale urbana a Roma nell'età dei Severi. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2018, 130, p. 467-508.
2116. WIELAND (Anne). Civitas Mattiacorum: Forschungen zur römerzeitlichen Besiedlung im Wiesbadener Raum. Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2018, 383 p. (Kölner Studien zur Archäologie der Römischen Provinzen, 13).
2104. Roman funerary monuments of south-western Pannonia in their material, social, and religious context. Ed. by Branka MIGOTTI, Marjeta ŠAŠEL KOS and Ivan RADMAN-LIVAJA. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, IX-275 p. (Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 45). 2105. Roman villa (The) in the Mediterranean basin. Late Republic to late antiquity. Ed. by Annalisa MAR-
2117. WOLFRAM THILL (Elizabeth). Setting war in stone: architectural depictions on the Column of Marcus Aurelius. American Journal of Archaeology, 2018, 122, p. 277-308. 2118. ZARA (Arturo). La trachite euganea: archeologia e storia di una risorsa lapidea del Veneto antico.
§ 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world Roma, Quasar, 2018, (2 voll.), XXI-767 p. (Antenor quaderni, 44). Cf. no 1593 § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. * 2119. TEDESCO (Paolo). Late Antiquity, Early Islam, and the Emergence of a "Precocious Capitalism" [Review essay]. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 3, p. 115-190. ______________________
2120. Antioch II: the many faces of Antioch. Intellectual exchange and religious diversity, CE 350–450. Ed. by Silke-Petra BERGJAN and Susanna K. ELM. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIII-506 p. (Civitatum Orbis Mediterranei Studia, 3). 2121. BEGASS (Christoph). Die Senatsaristokratie des oströmischen Reiches, ca. 457–518: prosopographische und sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, X-574 p. (Vestigia, 71). 2122. BOIN (Douglas). A social and cultural history of late antiquity. Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, XXIX-285 p. (Wiley Blackwell social and cultural histories of the ancient world). 2123. BROWN (Amelia). Corinth in late antiquity: a Greek, Roman and Christian city. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XIV-341 p. (Library of classical studies, 17). 2124. CARRIÉ (Jean-Michel). La législation impériale sur les gouvernements municipaux dans l'Antiquité tardive. Antiquité tardive, 2018, 26, p. 85-125. 2125. CASTIGLIA (Gabriele). Rural churches and settlements in late-antique and early Mediaeval Tuscany. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2018, 31, p. 223247. 2126. CHAVARRÍA ARNAU (Alexandra). A la sombra de un imperio. Iglesias, obispos y reyes en la Hispania tardoantigua (siglos V–VII). Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 228 p. (Munera, 43). 2127. ELTON (Hugh). The Roman empire in late antiquity. A political and military history. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII-378 p. 2128. Empires and exchanges in Eurasian late antiquity. Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250–750. Ed. by Nicola DI COSMO and Michael MAAS. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXXVII-504 p. 2129. GUÉDON (Stéphanie). La frontière de l'Afrique romaine à l'époque tardive. Le cas emblématique de Tobna et du limes Tubuniensis (Notitia Dignitatum, Occ., 25.25). Historia, 2018, 67, p. 366-387. 2130. HARTMANN (Udo). Der spätantike Philosoph. Die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios. Bonn, Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 2018, XXVI-2273 p. in 3 Bde. (Antiquitas, I, 72.1– 72.3).
2131. Hierarchie und Ritual. Zur philosophischen Spiritualität in der Spätantike. Hrsg. v. Chiara O. TOMMASI, Luciana G.S. SANTOPRETE und Helmut SENG. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 366 p. (Bibliotheca Chaldaica, 7). 2132. Imagining emperors in the Later Roman empire. Ed. by Diederik W. P. BURGERSDIJK and Alan J. ROSS. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XI353 p. (Cultural interactions in the Mediterranean, 1). 2133. KIRCHNER (Andreas). Dem Göttlichen ganz nah: "Musse" und Theoria in der spätantiken Philosophie und Theologie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XV-371 p. (Otium, 8). 2134. KRAUSE (Jens-Uwe). Geschichte der Spätantike. Eine Einführung. Tübingen, Narr, 2018, 396 p. 2135. MORALEE (Jason). Rome's holy mountain. The Capitoline hill in Late Antiquity. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXV-278 p. (Oxford studies in Late Antiquity). 2136. MORGAN (Faith P.). Dress and personal appearance in Late Antiquity. The clothing of the middle and lower classes. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVII243 p. (Late antique archaeology, 1). 2137. OMISSI (Adrastos). Emperors and usurpers in the later Roman empire. Civil war, panegyric, and the construction of legitimacy. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XVII-348 p. (Oxford studies in Byzantium). 2138. Pillage, tributs, captifs: prédation et sociétés de l'Antiquité tardive au haut Moyen Âge. Ed. par Rodolphe KELLER and Laury SARTI. Paris, Editions de la Sorbonne, 2018, 214 p. 2139. Praying and contemplating in late antiquity: religious and philosophical interactions. Ed. by Eleni PACHOUMI and Mark EDWARDS. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, VIII-229 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 113). 2140. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes). Jenseits von Rom und Karl dem Großen. Aspekte der globalen Verflechtung in der langen Spätantike, 300–800 n. Chr. Wien, Mandelbaum Verlag, 2018, 292 p. (Expansion – Interaktion – Akkulturation. Globalhistorische Skizzen, 32). 2141. Ravenna capitale. Il diritto delle acque nell'Occidente tardoantico: utilità comune e interessi privati. A cura di Gisella BASSANELLI SOMMARIVA e Lauretta MAGANZANI. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, 2018, VI-187 p. (Collana "Ravenna capitale"). 2142. Reading late antiquity. Ed. by Sigrid SCHOTCULLHED and Mats MALM. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 267 p. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, 156).
2143. SESSA (Kristina). Daily life in late antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, X-250 p. 2144. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter). Penser la tolérance durant l'Antiquité tardive. Paris, Éditions du CERF,
2018, 181 p. (Les Conférences de l'École Pratique, 294). 2145. VASILIU (Anca). Penser Dieu. Noétique et métaphysique dans l'Antiquité tardive. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2018, 410 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie). 2146. WHELAN (Robin). Mirrors for bureaucrats. Expectations of Christian officials in the Theodosian Empire. Journal of Roman studies, 2018, 108, p. 74-98.
2147. WOOD (Ian N.). The transformation of the Roman West. Leeds, ARC Humanities Press, 2018, X160 p. (Past imperfect). 2148. Zwischen Alltagskommunikation und literarischer Identitätsbildung. Studien zur lateinischen Epistolographie in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Gernot Michael MÜLLER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 404 p. (Roma Aeterna, 7). Cf. nos 556, 2149-2346
§ 1. Sources. 2149-2233. – § 2. General. 2234-2241. – § 3. Special studies. 2242-2337. – § 4. Hagiography. 2338-2346. § 1. Sources. * 2149. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Band 39. Ergänzungen 26. [Band 38. Ergänzungen 25. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 2122.] Hrsg. v. Traugott BAUTZ. Nordhausen, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2018, XL1600 coll. ______________________
2150. [Acta Alexandrinorum] Acta Alexandrinorum: testi scelti con edizione e commento. A cura di Laura C. PALADINO. Tivoli, Tored, 2018, 334 p. (Ricerche di filologia, letteratura e storia, 27). 2151. [Acta martyrum] The Roman martyrs: introduction, translations, and commentary. Ed. by Michael LAPIDGE. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIII-733 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2152. [Aetheria] Egeria, Itinerarium. Der antike Reiseführer durch das Heilige Land. Hrsg. v. Georg RÖWEKAMP. Freiburg u. Wien, Herder, 2018, 203 p. 2153. [Aetheria] The pilgrimage of Egeria. A new translation of the Itinerarium Egeriae with introduction and commentary. Ed. by Anne MAC GOWAN and Paul F. BRADSHAW. Collegeville, Liturgical Press, 2018, XI235 p. (Alcuin Club collections, 93). 2154. [Anonymus] The Testament of the Lord: an English version. Ed. by Alistair C. STEWART-SYKES. Yonkers, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2018, 170 p. (Popular patristics series, 58). 2155. [Apocrypha] Acta Petri. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar zu den Actus Vercellenses. Hrsg. v. Marietheres DÖHLER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV-382 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 171). 2156. [Apocrypha] COUSLAND (J.R.C.). Holy terror. Jesus in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. London, Bloomsbury Academic, XI-148 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 560). 2157. [Apocrypha] Epistola Barnabae = Barnabasbrief. Hrsg. v. Ferdinand R. PROSTMEIER. Ad Diognetum = An Diognet. Hrsg. v. Horacio E. LONA. Freiburg, Herder, 2018, 264 p. (Fontes Christiani, 72). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-010
2158. [Apocrypha] KURZMANN-PENZ (Isolde). Zur literarischen Fiktion von Kindheit. Überlegungen zu den apokryphen Kindheitsevangelien Jesu im Rahmen der antiken Biographie. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 232 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 66). 2159. [Apocrypha] OPFERKUCH (Stefan). Der handelnde Mensch: Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Anthropologie in den Testamenten der Zwölf Patriarchen. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-401 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 232). 2160. [Aristides] Aristides "Apologie". Hrsg. v. Michael LATTKE. Freiburg im Bresgau, Herder, 2018, 410 p. (Kommentar zu frühchristlichen Apologeten, 2). 2161. [Arnobius] Arnobe, Contre les gentils (Contre les païens). Tome II. Livre II. Éd. par Mireille ARMISENMARCHETTI. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, XLVII302 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 419). 2162. [Athanasius Alexandrinus] Atanasio, Vita di Antonio. A cura di Davide BALDI. Roma, Città Nuova, 2018, 148 p. (Collana di testi patristici, 241). 2163. [Athanasius Alexandrinus] Athanasius von Alexandrien, Vita Antonii = Leben des Antonius. Hrsg. v. Peter GEMEINHARDT. Freiburg, Herder, 2018, 288 p. (Fontes Christiani, 69). 2164. [Augustinus] Agostino, Commenti alla Genesi. A cura di Giovanni CAPATANO ed Enrico MORO. Milano, Bompiani, 2018, 1792 p. (Il pensiero occidentale). 2165. [Augustinus] Augustinus, Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, Fragen zum Heptateuch. Teil 1, GenesisExodus; Teil 2. Levitikus-Richter. Hrsg. v. Walter GROSS. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 553 p. (Augustinus Opera, 57). 2166. [Augustinus] Collatio Carthaginensis anni 411: Gesta collationis Carthaginensis; Augustinus, Breviculus collationis; Augustinus, Ad Donatistas post collationem. Hrsg. v. Clemens WEIDMANN. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-418 p. (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 104).
2167. [Augustinus] Saint Augustin, Contre Fauste le Manichéen. Livres I-XII. Éd. par Martine DULAEY. Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2018, 503 p. (Bibliothèque augustinienne, 18.1).### 2168. [Augustinus] Saint Augustin, Oeuvres philosophiques complètes. Éd. par Jean J.F. POUJOULAT et Jean-Baptiste RAULX. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, (2 voll.), 1438; 1860 p. (Les classiques favoris, 5). 2169. [Basilius Caesariensis] GIULEA (Dragoş A.). Basil of Caesarea's authorship of Epistle 361 and his relationship with the Homoiousians reconsidered. Vigiliae Christianae, 2018, 72, p. 41-70. 2170. [Benedictus Nursinus] Die Benediktsregel. Hrsg. v. Ulrich FAUST und Gernot KRAPINGER. Ditzingen, Reclam, 2018, 210 p. (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek, 19280). 2171. [Biblia] Biblia sacra vulgata. Band 1. Genesis - Exodus - Leviticus - Numeri - Deuteronomium. Hrsg. v. Michael FIEGER, Widu-Wolfgang EHLERS und Andreas BERIGER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 889 p. (Sammlung Tusculum). 2172. [Biblia] Biblia Sacra vulgata. Band 2. Iosue Iudices - Ruth - Samuhel - Malachim - Verba dierum Ezras - Tobias - Iudith - Hester - Iob. Hrsg. v. Michael FIEGER, Widu-Wolfgang EHLERS und Andreas BERIGER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 1483 p. (Sammlung Tusculum). 2173. [Biblia] Biblia Sacra vulgata. Band 3. Psalmi Proverbia - Ecclesiastes - Canticum canticorum - Sapientia - Iesus Sirach. Hrsg. v. Michael FIEGER, Widu-Wolfgang EHLERS und Andreas BERIGER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 1247 p. (Sammlung Tusculum). 2174. [Biblia] Biblia Sacra vulgata. Band 4. Isaias Hieremias - Baruch - Hiezechiel - Danihel - XII Prophetae - Maccabeorum. Hrsg. v. Michael FIEGER, Widu-Wolfgang EHLERS und Andreas BERIGER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 1285 p. (Sammlung Tusculum). 2175. [Biblia] Biblia Sacra vulgata. Band 5. Evangelia - Actus Apostolorum - Epistulae Pauli - Epistulae Catholicae - Apocalypsis - Appendix. Hrsg. v. Michael FIEGER, Widu-Wolfgang EHLERS und Andreas BERIGER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 1401 p. (Sammlung Tusculum). 2176. [Braulio Caesaraugustanus; Isidorus Hispalensis] Braulionis Caesaraugustani epistulae et Isidori Hispalensis epistulae ad Braulionem. Ed. by Ruth MIGUEL FRANCO. Braulionis Caesaraugustani Confessio vel professio Iudaeorum civitatis Toletanae. Ed. by José C. MARTÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 261, 171 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, 114 B). 2177. [Cassiodorus] Flavio Magno Aurelio Cassiodoro, Tutto per te, Signore. Commento ai Salmi V. A cura di Antonio CANTISANI. Milano, Jaca Book, 2018, XXII-399 p. (Biblioteca di cultura medievale). 2178. [Chromatius Aquileiensis] Chromatius of Aquileia, Sermons and tractates on Matthew. Ed. by
Thomas P. SCHECK. New York, Newman, 2018, XIV374 p. (Ancient Christian writers, 75). 2179. [Clemens Alexandrinus] HUERTA RODRÍGUEZ (Jesús C.). Exégesis bíblica en Clemente de Alejandría. Uso e interpretación de las citas de los LXX (Pentateuco). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 446 p. (Colección de estudios bíblicos, hebraicos y sefardíes. Textos y estudios Cardenal Cisnero, 80). 2180. [Cyprianus Tolonensis] JUNG (Franz). Cyprian von Toulon, Das Leben des Heiligen Caesarius von Arles. Fohren-Linden, Carthusianus, 2018, 239 p. 2181. [Cyprianus] Cyprianos, De lapsis - Hoi peptōkotes. Ed. by Phōtios S. IŌANNIDĒS. Thessalonikē, Ostracon, 2018, 112 p. (Acta varia academica, 23). 2182. [Cyrillus Alexandrinus] Cyrille d'Alexandrie, Commentaire sur Jean. Tome 1, Livre 1. Éd. par Bernard MEUNIER. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 634 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 600). 2183. [Cyrillus Alexandrinus] St. Cyril of Alexandria, Glaphyra on the Pentateuch. Volume 1. Genesis. Translated by Nicholas P. LUNN; with introduction by Gregory K. HILLIS. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2018, XII-354 p. (Fathers of the Church, 137). 2184. [Dionysius Areopagita] Dionysii Areopagitae de divinis nominibus. Ed. by Salvatore LILLA and Claudio MORESCHINI. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, LXXVIII-172 p. (Hellenica, 71). 2185. [Evodius Uzaliensis] VANSPAUWEN (Aäron). The anti-Manichaean treatise De fide contra Manichaeos, attributed to Evodius of Uzalis. Critical edition and translation. Sacris Erudiri, 2018, 57, p. 7-115. 2186. [Gelasius] Gelasius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical history. The extant fragments: with an appendix containing the fragments from dogmatic writings. Ed. by Martin WALLRAFF, Jonathan STUTZ and Nicholas MARINIDES. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, CXI294 p. (Griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, 25). 2187. [Gregorius Magnus] Gregorios I, Poimantikos kanonas. (Grégoire Ier, Règle pastorale). Ed. by Giōrgios STAUROPOULOS. Athēna, Armos, 2018, 319 p. 2188. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Gregorio di Nazianzo, orazione 44: Eis tēn Kyriakēn. A cura di Rossella VALASTRO. Roma, Arbor Sapientiae, 2018, 200 p. (Ipazia, 18). 2189. [Gregorius Nyssenus] Grégoire de Nysse, Homélies sur le Notre Père. Texte, introduction et notes par Christian BOUDIGNON et Matthieu CASSIN; traduction par Josette SEGUIN, Christian BOUDIGNON et Matthieu CASSIN. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 570 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 596). 2190. [Hieronymus] Opere di Girolamo. IX.1: 59 omelie sui salmi (1-115). Omelia sul salmo 41 ai Neofiti. Roma, Città Nuova, 2018, 526 p.
§ 1. Sources
2191. [Hieronymus] Opere di Girolamo. IX.2: 59 omelie sui salmi (119-149). Omelie sui salmi, seconda serie. Roma, Città Nuova, 2018, 433 p.###
missione peccatorum' (CPG 4629): dans son original grec et une ancienne version copte bohaïrique. Journal of Coptic studies, 2018, 20, p. 81-149.
2192. [Iacobus Sarugiensis] Jacob of Sarug's additional homilies on Good Friday. Ed. by Edward G. MATTHEWS. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, X-115 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 51).
2205. [Pseudo-Chrysostomus] KIM (Sergey). 'Je suis venu jeter du feu sur la terre': l'edition critique de l'original grec et de la version armenienne d'une homelie du Pseudo-Chrysostome cappadocien (CPG 4669). Sacris erudiri, 2018, 57, p. 117-166.
2193. [Iacobus Sarugiensis] Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the six days of creation: the fourth day. Ed. by Edward G. MATTHEWS. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, VII-58 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 52). 2194. [Iacobus Sarugiensis] Jacob of Serugh's Hexaemeron. Ed. by Takamitsu MURAOKA. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XI-229 p. (Ancient Near Eastern studies. Supplement, 52). 2195. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] Codices Chrysostomici Graeci VIII. I. Codices Ancyrae et Constantinopolis. II. Addenda et corrigenda ad volumina I-IV. Ed. by Francesca P. BARONE and Sever J. VOICU. Paris, Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2018, XXII-276 p. (Documents, études et répertoires de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, 88). 2196. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] Jean Chrysostome, Panégyriques de martyrs. Tome 1. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. Éd. par Nathalie RAMBAULT. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 372 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 595). 2197. [Marius Victorinus] Gaio Mario Vittorino, Scritti cristiani. A cura di Giuseppe BALIDO. Napoli, Editrice Domenicana Italiana, 2081, 463 p. 2198. [Narsai] Mar Narsai: Homily 33 on the sanctification of the Church. Ed. by Amir HARRAK. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, 61 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 54). 2199. [Nemesius Emesenus] Nemesio di Emesa, La natura dell'uomo. A cura di Moreno MORANI e Giulia REGOLIOSI. Bologna, Edizioni San Clemente, 2018, 367 p. (I talenti, 25). 2200. [Origenes] LOMIENTO (Vincenzo). Primizia della primizia. Il Vangelo secondo Giovanni nel Commento di Origene. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 283 p. (Auctores nostri, 19). 2201. [Origenes] Origenes, Die Homilien zum Buch Jeremia. Hrsg. v. Alfons FÜRST und Horacio E. LONA. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-726 p. (Werke mit deutscher Übersetzung, 11). 2202. [Priscillianus] VERONESE (Maria). Dilibatio et massa. La Scriptura nella raccolta di Würzburg attribuita a Priscilliano. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 309 p. (Auctores nostri, 20).
2206. [Pseudo-Chrysostomus] KIM (Sergey). Une homélie Pseudo-Chrysostomienne inconnue "In illud: Estote prudens sicut serpentes (Matth. 10, 16), et in Iob". Introduction, édition du texte grec, traduction française. Byzantion, 2018, 88, p. 237-255. 2207. [Sulpicius Severus] Sulpicio Severo, Vita di san Martino. A cura di Adriana LOTTO. Belluno, Istituto bellunese di ricerche sociali e culturali, 2018, 165 p. (Studi religiosi, 15). 2208. [Tertullianus] Tertuliano, La corona. Ed. por Salvador VICASTILLO. Madrid, Ciudad Nueva, 2018, 240 p. (Fuentes patrísticas, 32). 2209. [Tertullianus] Tertulliano, La pazienza; La corona. A cura di Attilio CARPIN. Bologna, Edizioni San Clemente, 2018, 503 p. (I talenti, 27). 2210. [Testamentum novum] ANGERS (Dominique). L'"aujourd'hui" en Luc-Actes, chez Paul et en Hébreux: itinéraires et associations d'un motif deutéronomique. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVII-536 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 215). 2211. [Testamentum novum] BELL (Lonnie D.). The early textual transmission of John. Stability and fluidity in its second and third century Greek manuscripts. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-265 p. (New Testament tools, studies and documents, 54). 2212. [Testamentum novum] BURKETT (Delbert). The case for Proto-Mark: a study in the synoptic problem. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-316 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 399). 2213. [Testamentum novum] CHIRAPARAMBAN (Varghese P.). The manifestation of God's merciful justice. A theocentric reading of Romans 3:21-26. Leuven a. Paris, Peeters, 2018, XLII-355 p. (Contributions to biblical exegesis and theology, 91). 2214. [Testamentum novum] Composite citations in antiquity. Volume II. New Testament uses. Ed. by Sean A. ADAMS and Seth M. EHORN. London a. New York, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, XIII-270 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 593).
2203. [Prudentius] Prudenzio, Dittochaeon. Doppio nutrimento. A cura di Nina NASILLI. Ro Ferrarese, Book, 2018, 126 p. (Biblioteca della Fondazione Pina Giuffrè, 1).
2215. [Testamentum novum] COPENHAVER (Adam). Reconstructing the historical background of Paul's rhetoric in the Letter to the Colossians. London a. New York, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, (Library of New Testament studies, 585).
2204. [Pseudo-Chrysostomus] KIM (Sergey), AU(Pierre). Le sermon ps.-chrysostomien 'De re-
2216. [Testamentum novum] DE LOVINFOSSE (Marie). La pédagogie de la "visite" (episkopē) de Dieu
chez Luc. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, 431 p. (Études bibliques. Nouvelle série, 76). 2217. [Testamentum novum] JAROŠ (Karl). Das Evangelium nach Johannes. Einleitung und Kommentar. Aachen, Patrimonium-Verlag, 2018, 567 p. 2218. [Testamentum novum] LANIER (Gregory R.). Old Testament conceptual metaphors and the Christology of Luke's Gospel. London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, XVII-292 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 591). 2219. [Testamentum novum] LEITHART (Peter J.). Revelation 1-11. London a. New York, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, IX-502 p. (The international theological commentary on the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments). 2220. [Testamentum novum] LEITHART (Peter J.). Revelation 12-22. London a. New York, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, IX-501 p. (The international theological commentary on the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments). 2221. [Testamentum novum] MAC KNIGHT (Scot). The letter to the Colossians. Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans, 2018, LX-442 p. (The new international commentary on the New Testament). 2222. [Testamentum novum] Matthew: interpreted by early Christian commentators. Ed. by Daniel H. WILLIAMS. Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans, XXVIII570 p. (Church's Bible). 2223. [Testamentum novum] MORALES (Jon). Christ, shepherd of the nations. The nations as narrative character and audience in John's Apocalypse. London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, XII-191 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 577). 2224. [Testamentum novum] RUSAM (Dietrich). Der erste, zweite und dritte Johannesbrief. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, XI-236 p. (Die Botschaft des Neuen Testaments). 2225. [Testamentum novum] STELZER (Wilbert P.). A new reconstruction of the text of 2 Corinthians in Pelagius' Commentary on the Pauline Epistles. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, 143 p. (Texts and studies, 17). 2226. [Testamentum novum] THIELMAN (Frank S.). Romans. Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 2018, 812 p. (Zondervan exegetical commentary on the New Testament, 6). 2227. [Testamentum novum] VOLLMER (Thomas A.). "The spirit helps our weakness": Rom 8,26a in light of Paul's missiological purpose for writing the Letter to the Romans. Leuven a. Paris, Peeters, 2018, XVIII-319 p. (Biblical tools and studies, 36). 2228. [Theodoretus Cyrensis] LORRAIN (Agnès). Le Commentaire de Théodoret de Cyr sur l'Épître aux Romains. Études philologiques et historiques. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XV-390 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 179).
2229. [Tyconius; Apringius] Zwei alte lateinische Kommentare zur Offenbarung des Johannes. Hrsg. v. Albrecht von BLUMENTHAL und Erika von BLUMENTHAL. Berlin, Logos, 2018, XVI-207 p. 2230. [Victorius] Claudius Marius Victorius, Alethia = Wahrheit. Hrsg. v. Thomas KUHN-TREICHEL. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 288 p. (Fontes Christiani, 71). 2231. BERGREN (Theodore A.). A Latin-Greek index of the Vulgate New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, X-261 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 403). 2232. Life (The) of Saint Pankratios of Taormina. Ed. by Cynthia STALLMAN-PACITTI and John B. BURKE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-526 p. (Byzantina Australiensia, 22). 2233. Passio (La) dei santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia. Introduzione, edizione delle recensioni greche (BHG 1876, 1876 a-c) e della versione latina (BHL 8713), traduzioni, note e indici. A cura di Mario RE. Palermo, Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici "Bruno Lavagnini", 2018, 262 p. (Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici "Bruno Lavagnini". Testi, 15). § 2. General. ______________________
2234. BROOKS (Ernest B.). Jesus and after. The first eighty years. Amherst, University of Massachusetts, 2018, 191 p. 2235. Christian origins and the establishment of the early Jesus movement. Ed. by Stanley E. PORTER and Andrew W. PITTS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVII579 p. (Texts and editions for New Testament study, 12). 2236. Early Christian ritual life. Ed. by Richard E. DEMARIS, Jason T. LAMOREAUX and Steven C. MUIR. London, Routledge, 2018, XV-218 p. 2237. JAFFÉ (Dan). History of a marginal disciple. The figure of Jesus in the Talmud, a new paradigm. Revue des Études Juives, 2018, 177, p. 1-22. 2238. LEPPIN (Hartmut). Die frühen Christen: von den Anfängen bis Konstantin. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 511 p. (Historische Bibliothek der Gerda Henkel Stiftung). 2239. PELÁEZ DEL ROSAL (Jesús), MATEOS (Juan), DU TOIT (David S.). New Testament lexicography: introduction - theory - method. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XLI-331 p. (Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentes, 6). 2240. Reconceiving religious conflict. New views from the formative centuries of Christianity. Ed. by Wendy MAYER and Chris L. DE WET. London, Routledge, 2018, XVI-338 p. (Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World). 2241. SONNABEND (Holger). Triumph einer Untergrundsekte: das frühe Christentum - von der Verfolgung zur Staatsreligion. Freiburg, Herder, 2018, 223 p.
§ 3. Special studies § 3. Special studies.### ** 2242. Briefe (Die) des Ignatios von Antiochia. Motive, Strategien, Kontexte. Hrsg. v. Peter VON MÖLLENDORFF und Thomas J. BAUER. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 295 p. (Millennium-Studien, 72). ______________________
2243. ALLEN (David). According to the scriptures. The death of Christ in the Old Testament and the New. London, SCM, 2018, VII-238 p. 2244. ALLERT (Craig D.). Early Christian readings of Genesis one. Patristic exegesis and literal interpretation. Downers Grove, InterVarsity Press, 2018, X-338 p. 2245. Authority and identity in emerging Christianities in Asia Minor and Greece. Ed. by Cilliers BREYTENBACH and Julien M. OGEREAU. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XXX-386 p. (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity, 103). 2246. BAIN (Andrew M.). Passion and resurrection narratives. Post-Nicene Latin interpretations. Eugene, Wipf & Stock, 2018, XIV-266 p. (Australian College of Theology monograph series). 2247. BAUMANN (Notker). "Götter in Gottes Hand". Die Darstellung zeitgenössischer Kaiser bei Gregor von Nazianz. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, IV-472 p. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband, Kleine Reihe, 15). 2248. BONNER (Ali). The myth of Pelagianism. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XVIII-342 p. (A British Academy monograph). 2249. BRENDEL (Rapahel). Kaiser Julians Heerespolitik und das Mönchtum. Überlegungen zu einer wenig bekannten Behauptung Gregors des Grossen (ep. 3,61 und 3, 64). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 599640. 2250. BÜCHSENSCHÜTZ (Nora). Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage. 4. Band: Iberische Halbinsel und Marokko. Wiesbaden, Ludwig Reichert, 2018, XIII-241 p. 2251. BUTTICAZ (Simon). La crise galate ou l'anthropologie en question. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV-316 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 229). 2252. CADENHEAD (Raphael A.). The body and desire. Gregory of Nyssa's ascetical theology. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XII-267 p. (Christianity in late antiquity, 4). 2253. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Una polemica cruciale: Celso e Origene in tema di corporeità. Klio, 2018, 100, p. 501-522. 2254. CHAMPEAUX (Jacqueline). Arnobe, le combat Contre les païens. Religion, mythologie et polémique au IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 438 p. (Recherches sur les rhétoriques religieuses, 23). 2255. CIANCA (Jenn). Sacred ritual, profane space. The Roman house as early Christian meeting place.
Montreal a. London, McGill-Queen's U.P., 2018, XII236 p. (Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 1). 2256. COOK (John G.). Empty tomb, resurrection, apotheosis. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XVI-717 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 410). 2257. COREA (Gregorio N.). L'uomo nuovo divinizzato in Cristo. Progetto divino e impegno umano nel mosaico cappadoce. Assisi, Cittadella, 2018, 290 p. (Studi e ricerche). 2258. Deacons and diakonia in early Christianity: the first two centuries. Ed. by Bert J. KOET, Edwina MURPHY and Esko RYÖKÄS. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-327 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe, 479). 2259. DECKERS (Johannes G.), KOCH (Guntram). Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage. 5. Band: Konstantinopel, Kleinasien – Thracia, Syria, Palaestina – Arabia. Wiesbaden, Ludwig Reichert, 2018, XIV-164 p. 2260. DEKKER (Renate). Episcopal networks and authority in late antique Egypt. Bishops of the Theban region at work. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XIII-350 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 264). 2261. DELMULLE (Jérémy). Prosper d'Aquitaine contre Jean Cassien: le Contra collatorem, l'appel à Rome du parti augustinien dans la querelle postpélagienne. Barcelona et Roma, Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2018, XLIV-381 p. (Textes et études du Moyen Âge. Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales, 91). 2262. DEN DULK (Matthijs). Between Jews and heretics. Refiguring Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho. London, Routledge, 2018, VIII-174 p. (Routledge studies in the early Christian world). 2263. DUMITRAŞCU (Nicu). Basil the Great: faith, mission, and diplomacy in the shaping of Christian doctrine. London, Routledge, 2018, XII-204 p. 2264. Early Christianity in Lycaonia and adjacent areas: from Paul to Amphilochius of Iconium. Ed. by Cilliers BREYTENBACH and Christiane ZIMMERMANN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XXIX-977 p. (Early Christianity in Asia Minor, 2). 2265. Exploring Gregory of Nyssa. Philosophical, theological, and historical studies. Ed. by Anna MARMODORO and Neil B. MAC LYNN. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XI-263 p. 2266. FORNESS (Philip M.). Preaching Christology in the Roman Near East. A study of Jacob of Serugh. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, X-322 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2267. FRANKFURTER (David). Christianizing Egypt. Syncretism and local worlds in late antiquity. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2018, XIX-314 p. (Martin classical lectures).
2268. FREDRIKSEN (Paula). When Christians were Jews: the first generation. New Haven, Yale U.P., 2018, VIII-261 p.### 2269. GINES TAYLOR (Catherine). Late antique images of the Virgin Annunciate spinning: allotting the scarlet and the purple. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIII-240 p. (Texts and studies in Eastern Christianity, 11). 2270. GRAIVER (Inbar). Asceticism of the mind. Forms of attention and self-transformation in late antique monasticism. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2018, X-237 p. (Studies and texts. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 213). 2271. HARKER (Christina). The colonizers' idols: Paul, Galatia, and empire in New Testament studies. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIII-242 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe, 460). 2272. HARTL (Martina). Leichen, Asche und Gebeine. Der frühchristliche Umgang mit dem toten Körper und die Anfänge des Reliquienkults. Regensburg, Schnell + Steiner, 2018, 240 p. (Handbuch zur Geschichte des Todes im frühen Christentum und seiner Umwelt, 3). 2273. HERSE (Stefan). Der Körper als Mittel zur Erlösung: eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Körpers für religiöse Erfahrung, dargestellt am antiken monastischen Christentum. BadenBaden, Tectum, XI-335 p. (Religionen aktuell, 25). 2274. HISAMATSU (Eiji). Kodai Girishia kyōfu no reisei: tōhō kirisutokyō shūdōsei to shinpi shisō no seiritsu. (Spirituality of the ancient Greek Church Fathers: Eastern Christian monasticism and the making of mystical thought). Tokyo, Kyōbunkan, 2018, 320 p. 2275. HOOVER (Jesse A.). The Donatist Church in an apocalyptic age. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 254 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2276. HUNDSRUCKER (Stefan). Caritas in captivos: die bischöfliche Gefangenenfürsorge und die CaritasIdee. Kirchliches Handeln im Imperium Romanum. Saldenburg, Senging, 2018, XII-452 p. 2277. JAFFÉ (Dan). Les identités en formation: rabbis, hérésies, premiers chrétiens. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 558 p. (Judaïsme ancien et christianisme primitif). 2278. JÄGER (Urs). "Niemand hat größere Liebe, als wer sein Leben einsetzt für seine Freunde". Zum Ursprung der Opfertodmetaphorik im Neuen Testament. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2018, 204 p. (Judentum und Christentum, 23).
ton, Brill, 2018, XII-548 p. (Compendia rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, 15). 2281. JOHNSON LEESE (Jennifer J.). Christ, creation, and the cosmic goal of redemption. A study of Pauline creation theology as read by Irenaeus and applied to ecotheology. London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, XIII-229 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 580). 2282. KARTZOW (Marianne B.). The slave metaphor and gendered enslavement in early Christian discourse: double trouble embodied. London, Routledge, 2018, XIII167 p. (Routledge studies in the early Christian world). 2283. KENYON (Erik). Augustine and the dialogue. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XI-250 p. 2284. KHELLA (Karam). Dioskoros von Alexandrien (444–454). Hamburg, Theorie und Praxis, 2018, LVI207 p. 2285. KIMONDO (Stephen S.). The Gospel of Mark and the Roman-Jewish War of 66–70 CE. Jesus' story as a contrast to the events of the war. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2018, XXI-249 p. 2286. KRAHN (Annika). Legitimation qua Adoption: eine Inklusionsmassnahme bei Paulus. Weilerswist, Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2018, 327 p. 2287. KRAUTHEIM (Frauke). Das öffentliche Auftreten des Christentums im spätantiken Antiochia. Eine Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Agonmetaphorik in ausgewählten Märtyrerpredigten des Johannes Chrysostomos. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XI304 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 109). 2288. LARSEN (Matthew D.C.). Gospels before the book. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XV-227 p. 2289. LEE (Jin Hwan). The Lord's supper in Corinth in the context of Greco-Roman private associations. Lanham, Fortress Academic, 2018, XLVI-239 p. 2290. LIEBMAN (Sheldon W.). The great betrayal. Christians and Jews in the first four centuries. Eugene, Wipf & Stock, 2018, 404 p. 2291. LOOSLEY (Emma). Architecture and asceticism: cultural interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late Antiquity. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVIII236 p. (Texts and studies in Eastern Christianity, 13). 2292. MAC ADON (Brad S.). Rhetorical mimesis and the mitigation of early Christian conflicts. Examining the influence that Greco-Roman mimesis may have in the composition of Matthew, Luke, and Acts. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2018, XIII-322 p.
2279. JAŻDŻEWSKA (Katarzyna). Indications of speakers in ancient dialogue. A reappraisal. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2018, 137, p. 249-260.
2293. MAC GINNIS (Kevin). Scripturalizing educational elitism. Social formation, mythmaking, and symbolic labor in Origen. Clarement, Claremont Press, 2018, XIII-199 p. (Claremont studies in New Testament and Christian origins, 4).
2280. Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries. The Interbellum 70–132 CE. Ed. by Yehoshuʿa SCHVARTS and Peter J. TOMSON. Leiden a. Bos-
2294. MAC KITTERICK (Rosamond). The popes as rulers of Rome in the aftermath of Empire, 476–769. Studies in Church history, 2018, 54, p. 71-95.
§ 3. Special studies 2295. Marcion of Sinope as religious entepreneur. Ed. by Markus VINZENT. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XIII175 p. (Studia patristica, 99).### 2296. MASPERO (Giulio). Dio trino perché vivo. Lo spirito di Dio e lo spirito dell'uomo nella patristica greca. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2018, 394 p. (Letteratura cristiana antica. Nuova serie, 31). 2297. Memory and memories in early christianity. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne (June 2–3, 2016). Ed. by Simon BUTTICAZ and Enrico NORELLI. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, X-356 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 398). 2298. MILLER (Patricia C.). In the eye of the animal. Zoological imagination in ancient Christianity. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 271 p. (Divinations: rereading late ancient religion). 2299. Monastic education in Late Antiquity. The transformation of Classical Paideia. Ed. by Lillian I. LARSEN and Samuel RUBENSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-399 p. 2300. MURRAY (Timothy J.). Restricted generosity in the New Testament. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-273 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe, 480). 2301. NOGA-BANAI (Galit). Sacred stimulus. Jerusalem in the visual Christianization of Rome. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIX-200 p. (Oxford studies in late antiquity). 2302. NONGBRI (Brent). God's library: the archaeology of the earliest Christian manuscripts. New Haven, Yale U.P., 2018, XI-403 p. 2303. Norm and exercise. Christian asceticism between late antiquity and early middle ages. Ed. by Roberto ALCIATI. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 202 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 65). 2304. O'BYRNE (Declan). "For us and our salvation": the "christological" councils and trinitarian anthropology. Città del Vaticano, Urbaniana U.P., 2018, 213 p. (Studia, 73). 2305. Origenes der Christ und Origenes der Platoniker. Hrsg. v. Balbina BÄBLER und Heinz-Günther NESSELRATH. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XII-211 p. (Studies in education and religion in ancient and premodern history in the Mediterranean and its environs, 2). 2306. Paul as "homo novus". Authorial strategies of self-fashioning in light of a Ciceronian term. Ed. by Eve-Marie BECKER and Jacob P.B. MORTENSEN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 350 p. (Studia Aarhusiana neotestamentica, 6). 2307. PIAY AUGUSTO (Diego). El priscilianismo: arqueología y prosopografía. Estudio de un movimiento aristocrático en la Gallaecia tardorromana. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2018, 226 p. (Studia archaeologica, 222).
2308. PIERI (Bruna). Narrare memoriter temporaliter dicere. Racconto e metanarrazione nelle Confessioni di Agostino. Bologna, Pàtron, 2018, 345 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino. Nuova serie, 143). 2309. PILHOFER (Philipp). Das frühe Christentum im kilikisch-isaurischen Bergland. Die Christen der Kalykadnos-Region in den ersten fünf Jahrhunderten. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVII-345 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 184). 2310. Preaching in the Patristic era. Sermons, preachers, and audiences in the Latin West. Ed. by Anthony DUPONT, Shari BOODTS, Gert PARTIENS and Johan LEEMANS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XII-541 p. (A new history of the sermon, 6). 2311. RANKIN (David). The early church and the afterlife: post-death existence in Athenagoras, Tertullian, Origen and the "Letter to Rheginos". London, Routledge, 2018, 140 p. 2312. REINHARTZ (Adele). Cast out of the covenant. Jews and anti-Judaism in the Gospel of John. Lanham, Fortress Academic, 2018, XL-207 p. 2313. RICHARDSON (Kristopher C.). Early Christian care for the poor. An alternative subsistence strategy under Roman imperial rule. Eugene, Cascade Books, 2018, XXI-216 p. (Matrix: the Bible in Mediterranean context, 11). 2314. SABO (Theodore). From Monophysitism to Nestorianism: AD 431–681. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, IX-125 p. 2315. SANCHEZ VELASCO (Jeronimo). The Christianization of Western Baetica. Architecture, power, and religion in a late antique landscape. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U.P., 2018, 354 p. (Late antique and early medieval Iberia, 5). 2316. SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN (Heinrich). Hieronymus. Eine historische Biografie. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern Verlag, 2018, 320 p. (Historische Biografien). 2317. SCHMID (Herbert). Christen und Sethianer. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um den religionsgeschichtlichen und den kirchengeschichtlichen Begriff der Gnosis. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-474 p. (Vigiliae Christianae. Supplements, 143). 2318. SHANER (Katherine A.). Enslaved leadership in early Christianity. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, XXVIII-207 p. 2319. SMITH (Mark S.). The idea of Nicaea in the early church councils, AD 431–451. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XIII-230 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2320. SOLEVÅG (Anna R.). Negotiating the disabled body. Representations of disability in early Christian texts. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2018, XIV191 p. (Early Christianity and its literature, 23).
2321. STEPIEŃ (Tomasz), KOCHAŃCZYK-BONIŃSKA (Karolina). Unknown God, known in His activities. Incomprehensibility of God during the Trinitarian controversy of the 4th century. Berlin a. New York, Peter Lang, 2018, 252 p. (European studies in theology, philosophy and history of religions, 18).### 2322. STEWART LESTER (Olivia). Prophetic rivalry, gender, and economics: a study in Revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIII239 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe, 466). 2323. Teachers in late antique Christianity. Ed. by Peter GEMEINHARDT, Olga LORGEAUX and Maria M. CHRISTENSEN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XI-278 p. (Studies in education and religion in ancient and premodern history in the Mediterranean and its environs, 3). 2324. TEUBNER (Jonathan D.). Prayer after Augustine. A study in the development of the Latin tradition. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, VIII-257 p. (Changing paradigms in historical and systematic theology). 2325. THOMASKUTTY (Johnson). St. Thomas the Apostle. New Testament, Apocrypha, and historical traditions. New York, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018, XX-256 p. (Jewish and Christian texts in contexts and related studies, 25). 2326. TREU (Nadine). Das Sprachverständnis des Paulus im Rahmen des antiken Sprachdiskurses. Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2018, 442 p. (Neutestamentliche Entwürfe zur Theologie, 26). 2327. Under Caesar's sword. How Christians respond to persecution. Ed. by Daniel PHILPOTT and Timothy S. SHAH. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XII-523 p. (Law and Christianity). 2328. URCIUOLI (Emiliano R.). Servire due padroni. Una genealogia dell'uomo politico cristiano (50–313 e.v.). Brescia, Morcelliana, 2018, 385 p. (Saggi, 101). 2329. VOLLSTÄDT (Michael). Musse und Kontemplation im östlichen Mönchtum. Eine Studie zu Basilius von Caesarea und Gregor von Nyssa. Freiburg, Herder, 2018, 376 p. (Freiburger theologische Studien, 184). 2330. WATTA (Sebastian). Sakrale Zonen im frühen Kirchenbau des nahen Ostens. Zum Kommunikationspotenzial von Bodenmosaiken für die Schaffung heiliger Räume. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018, 416 p. (Spätantike, frühes Christentum, Byzanz. Reihe B, Studien und Perspektiven, 45). 2331. WEGENER-RIECKESMANN (Marcel). Bischof Gaudiosus, die heilige Restituta und die "ecclesia Neapolitana". Zu den Zeugnissen vandalenzeitlicher Exilanten und dem kulturellen nordafrikanischen Einfluss in Neapel sowie zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der örtlichen Bischofskirche zwischen dem 4. und 9. Jahrhundert. Oberhausen, Athena, 2018, 501 p. (Nea polis, 2). 2332. WESTERGREN (Andreas). The monastic paradox. Desert ascetics as founders, fathers, and benefac-
tors in early Christian historiography. Vigiliae Christianae, 2018, 72, p. 283-317. 2333. WHELAN (Robin). Being Christian in Vandal Africa. The politics of orthodoxy in the post-imperial West. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIV-301 p. (Transformation of the classical heritage, 59). 2334. WINN (Adam). Reading Mark's Christology under Caesar. Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial ideology. Downers Grove, InterVarsity Press, 2018, XIV-187 p. 2335. WITKAMP (Nathan). Tradition and innovation. Baptismal rite and mystagogy in Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-417 p. (Vigiliae Christianae. Supplements, 149). 2336. YU (Chun Ling). Bonds and boundaries among the early churches. Community maintenance in the letter of James and the Didache. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 313 p. (Studia traditionis theologiae, 29). 2337. ZEICHMAN (Christopher B.). The Roman army and the New Testament. Lanham, Fortress, 2018, XXI185 p. Cf. no 7698 § 4. Hagiography. * 2338. TROVATO (Stefano). "Molti fedeli di Cristo morirono tra terribili pene". Bibliografia agiografica giulianea con edizione della Passio Cyriaci BHG 465b. Udine, Forum, 2018, 130 p. (Libri e biblioteche, 40). ______________________
2339. DEGEN (Katharina). Der Gemeinsinn der Märtyrer. Die Darstellung gemeinwohlorientierten Handelns in den frühchristlichen Martyriumsberichten. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 347 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 64). 2340. FAUQUIER (Michel). Martyres pacis: la sainteté en Gaule à la fin de l'Antiquité et au début du Moyen Âge (IVe–VIe siècles). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 1198 p. (Histoire culturelle, 8). 2341. FIALON (Sabine). Mens immobilis. Recherches sur le corpus latin des actes e des passions d'Afrique romaine (IIe–VIe siècles). Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2018, 544 p. (Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité, 203). 2342. GOLD (Barbara K.). Perpetua: athlete of god. New York, Oxford U.P., 2018, VIII-261 p. (Women in antiquity). 2343. JEON (Kyung-mee). The rhetoric of the Pious empire and the rhetoric of flight from the world. A socio-rhetorical reading of the life of Melania the Younger. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 208 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 20).
§ 4. Hagiography 2344. NOWAKOWSKI (Paweł). Inscribing the saints in late antique Anatolia. Warsaw, University of Warsaw Faculty of Law and Administration, 2018, XV-785 p. (Journal of juristic papyrology. Supplement, 34). 2345. SALVATORI (Flavia). Il gruppo agiografico di
Felicita e i sette figli. Genesi ed evoluzione di un culto tardoantico. Roma, UniversItalia, 2018, 297 p. 2346. Sancti Migdii legenda. Contesto storico testi. A cura di Valter LAUDADIO. Ascoli Piceno, Fas, 2018, 439 p. (Bibliotheca capitularis, 1).
§ 1. Sources. 2347-2401. – § 2. General. 2402-2411. – § 3. Special studies. 2412-2501. § 1. Sources. * 2347. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Band 111. [Band 110. Cf. Bibl. 2017, no 2309.] Hrsg. v. Albrecht BERGER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 1324 p. ______________________
2348. [Agathias Scholasticus] Agatías, Historias: guerras en Italia y Persia. Ed. por Rosario GARCÍA ORTEGA. Granada, Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas, 2018, 496 p. (Biblioteca de textos bizantinos, 9). 2349. [Anastasius Sinaita] Anastasio Sinaita, Domande e risposte bizzarre. A cura di Marcel RICHARD, Joseph A. MUNITIZ e Serena RINALDI. Bologna, Edizioni San Clemente, 2018, 295 p. (I talenti, 24). 2350. [Anonymus] ACERBI (Fabio), MANOLOVA (Divna), PÉREZ MARTÍN (Inmaculada). The source of Nicholas Rhabdas' Letter to Khatzykes: an anonymous arithmetical treatise in Vat. Barb. gr. 4 page 1. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2018, 68, p. 1-37. 2351. [Anonymus] Appunti di tattica (De re militari scientia). A cura di Immacolata ERAMO. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2018, 220 p. 2352. [Anonymus] The anonymous Syriac chronicle of 1234 and its sources. Ed. by Andy HILKENS. Leeuven, Peeters, 2018, XVI-335 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 272; Bibliothèque de Byzantion, 18). 2353. [Anonymus] The life of Saint Neilos of Rossano. Ed. by Raymond L. CAPRA, Ines A. MURZAKU and Douglas J. MILEWSKI. Cambridge, Harvard U.P., 2018, XXII-361 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval libray, 47). 2354. [Choricius Gazaeus] Choricios de Gaza, Discours et fragments. Tome II, 3e partie. Discours publics. Texte établi, introduit et commenté par Chiara TELESCA; traduit par Nadine SAUTEREL. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, LVIII-146 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 540). 2355. [Christophorus Kondoleon] Cristoforo Kondoleon, Scritti omerici. A cura di Marta PIASENTIN e https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-011
Filippomaria PONTANI. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XXXVI151 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 271; Bibliothèque de Byzantion, 17). 2356. [Christophorus Mytilenaeus; Iohannes Mauropous] The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous. Ed. by Floris BERNARD and Christopher LIVANOS. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U.P., 2018, XXII-601 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library, 50). 2357. [Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca] Elias and David, Introductions to philosophy; Olympiodorus, Introduction to logic. Ed. by Sebastian GERTZ. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VI-257 p. (Ancient commentators on Aristotle). 2358. [Constantinus Manasse] The chronicle of Constantine Manasses. Ed. by Linda YURETICH. Liverpool, Liverpool U.P., 2018, XVII-320 p. (Translated texts for Byzantinists, 6). 2359. [Eustathius Thessalonicensis] Eustathe, Explication des États de cause d'Hermogène. Éd. par Michel PATILLON. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, XLII-546 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 536). 2360. [Evagrius Scholasticus] GINTER (Kazimierz). Wizerunek władców bizantyńskich w Historii kościelnej Ewagriusza Scholastyka. (The image of Byzantine emperors in Evagrius Scholasticus's Ecclesiastical history). Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018, 337 p. (Byzantina Lodziensia, 35). 2361. [Gabriel Qaṭraya] The Commentary of Gabriel of Qatar on the East Syriac Morning Service on Ordinary Days. Text, translation, and discussion. Ed. by Alex C.J. NEROTH VAN VOGELPOEL. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, XII-420 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 53). 2362. [Georgius Monus] Georges "Monos" d'Alexandrie, Études sur les États de cause d'Hermogène. La division. Éd. par Michel PATILLON. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, (2 voll.), LXI-761 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 543).
2363. [Gregorius Palamas] Grégoire Palamas, Les cent cinquante chapitres. Éd. par Yvan KOENIG. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 202 p. (Cerf patrimoines).###
Expositio in Psalmos). Ed. by Geōrgios CHEILAS. Thessalonikē, Mparmpunakē, 2018, 288 p. (Theologikē kai historikē bibliothēkē, 13).
2364. [Iohannes Climacus] VENETSKOV (Maxim). Structure des trente degrés de l'Échelle de Jean du Sinaï. Libellés des titres et phrases conclusives. Byzantion, 2018, 88, p. 365-422.
2377. [Nicephorus I] MARJANOVIĆ (Dragoljub). Creating memories in late 8th-century Byzantium. The Short history of Nikephoros of Constantinople. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U.P., 2018, 250 p. (Central European medieval studies, 2).
2365. [Iohannes Italus] KRAFT (András), PERCZEL (István). John Italos on the eternity of the world. A new critical edition of Quaestio 71 with translation and commentary. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 65920.
2378. [Nicolaus Cabasilas] CONGOURDEAU (MarieHèléne). Ézéchiel, prophète de l'économie du Saveur. Trois opuscoles de Nicolas Cabasilas. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 137-166.
2366. [Iohannes Moschus] VASILEIOU (Fotis). "No one can escape God". A filicidal beneficial tale from early Byzantium. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 135-156.
2379. [Nicolaus Callicles] ANDRIOLLO (Luisa). Nicholas Kallikles' epitaph for the sebastos Roger: the success of a Norman chief at the court of Alexios I Komnenos. Medioevo greco, 2018, 18, p. 1-17.
2367. [Iohannes Pediasimus] El comentario de Juan Pediásimo a los "Cuerpos celestes" de Cleomedes. Ed. por Paula CABALLERO SÁNCHEZ. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 345 p. (Nueva Roma, 48).
2380. [Nicolaus Methonensis; Theodorus Prodromus] POLEMĒS (Iōannēs D.). Hoi Bioi tou Hagiou Meletiou tou Neou. (Lives of Saint Meletius the Younger). Athēna, Kanakē, 2018, 263 p. (Keimena byzantinēs logotechnias, 9).
2368. [Iohannes Pediasimus] Jean Pédiasimos, Essai sur les douze travaux d'Héraclès. Édition critique, traduction et introduction par Katrien LEVRIE. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, 149 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 270. Bibliothèque de Byzantion, 16).
2381. [Petros Servilos] TOMADAKI (Maria). An unpublished poem on Porphyry. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 777-792.
2369. [Iosephus Hymnographus] Joseph the Hymnographer, Kanones on saints according to the eight modes. Ed. by Paraskevi TOMA. Zürich, Lit, 2018, XXXI-415 p. (Byzantinische Studien und Texte, 12). 2370. [Isaac Syrus] Isacco di Ninive, Discorsi ascetici. A cura di Marcel PIRARD e Maria Benedetta ARTIOLI. Bologna, Edizioni San Clemente, 2018, 1119 p. (I talenti, 26). 2371. [Iustinianus] Hai Nearai tou Ioustinianou. (The novels of Justinian). Ed. by Kyriakos Th. NIKOLAOUPATRAGA. Athēna, Leimōn, 2018, 800 p. 2372. [Iustinianus] The novels of Justinian. A complete annotated English translation. Ed. by David J.D. MILLER and Peter SARRIS. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, (2 voll.), XIX-1192 p. 2373. [Maximus Confessor] St. Maximos the Confessor, On difficulties in Sacred Scripture: the responses to Thalassios. Ed. by Maximos CONSTAS. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2018, XX-583 p. (The Fathers of the Church, 136). 2374. [Michael Panaretus; Bessario] Michael Panaretos, Bessarion, Two works on Trebizond. Ed. by Scott KENNEDY. Cambridge, Harvard U.P., 2018, XXIV-294 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library, 52). 2375. [Michael Psellus] Michaēl Psellou Mystagōgia. (Michael Psellos, Mystagogia). Ed. by Elenē PSŌMATAKĒ. Thessalonikē, Daidalos, 2018, 326 p. 2376. [Nicephorus Blemmydes]. Nikēphorou Blemmydou "Eklogē Psaltēriou". (Nikephoros Blemmydes,
2382. [Procopius Caesariensis] Procopio di Cesarea, Gli edifici. A cura di Carlo DELL'OSSO. Città del Vaticano, Pontificio Instituto di archeologia cristiana, 2018, 493 p. (Studi di antichità cristiana, 67). 2383. [Theodorus Gaza] Dalle lezioni di Teodoro Gaza sull'Anabasi di Senofonte: le recollectae ferraresi. A cura di Francesco TISSONI e Ludovico CARBONE. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, XXX-210 p. (Hellenica, 70). 2384. [Theodorus II Ducas Lascares] AGAPITOS (Panagiotis A.), DIMITER (Angelov). Six essays by Theodore II Laskaris in Vindobonensis Phil. Gr. 321: edition, translation, analysis. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2018, 68, p. 39-75. 2385. [Theodorus Metochita] Theodore Metochites' sententious notes: Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81. A critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes. Ed. by Staffan WAHLGREN. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg, 2018, LVI-215 p. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 71). 2386. [Theodorus Studita] Ho hagios Theodōros ho Studitēs kai to hagiologiko tou ergo. Symbolē stē meletē tēs ekklēsiastikēs grammateias tēs mesobyzantinēs periodou. (Saint Theodore the Stoudite and his hagiographical work. Contribution to the study of the ecclesiastical literature of the middle byzantine period). Ed. by Dēmosthenēs KAKLAMANOS. Thessalonikē, Patriarchikon Idryma Paterikōn Meletōn, 2018, 633 p. (Analekta Blatadōn, 70). 2387. Acts (The) of the second council of Nicaea (787). Ed. by Richard PRICE. Liverpool, Liverpool U.P., 2018, 762 p. (Translated texts for historians, 68).
§ 2. General 2388. ANTONOPOULOU (Theodora). Imperial hymnography? The Canons attributed to Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. With the critical edition of the First Canon on St John Chrysostom. In: Middle and late Byzantine poetry [cf. n° 2398], p. 211-244.### 2389. Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften. Verse und ihre "inschriftliche" Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Erstellt von Andreas RHOBY; nach Vorarbeiten von Rudolf STEFEC. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 848 p. (Denkschriften. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 504; Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, 42; Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, 4). 2390. CASSIN (Matthieu), CRONIER (Marie). Du Prodrome de Pétra à la Sainte-Trinité de Chalki. Jean le Jeûneur, Georges Doukas Nestongos et l'histoire du Prodrome après 1453. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 5-71. 2391. FLUSIN (Bernard), DETORAKI (Marina). Les histoires édifiantes et Constantinople. In: Constantinople réelle et imaginaire [cf. n° 2404], p. 509-565. 2392. FOURNET (Jean-Luc). Les Égyptiens à la capitale ou Quand la papyrologie s'invite à Constantinople: édition comparée des P.Cair.Masp. I 67024-67025. In: Constantinople réelle et imaginaire [cf. n° 2404], p. 595633. 2393. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk). Two middle Byzantine treatises in defence of the care of the dead. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2018, 68, p. 187-209. 2394. Lexicon Vindobonense sive Andreae Lopadiotae Τεχνολογίαι περὶ γραμματικῆς duabus redactionibus traditae quas una contextas edidit Augustus GUIDA. Firenze, Olschki, 2018, LXIV-349 p. (Biblioteca dell' "Archivum Romanicum". Serie II. Linguistica, 63). 2395. MAKSIMCZUK (José). The Anthologie of Parisinus gr. 852 and Vatopediou 36 and its relation to the Florilegium Coislinianum. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 99-136. 2396. MARI (Tommaso). The Latin translations of the acts of the Council of Chalcedon. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2018, 58, p. 126-155. 2397. MEESTERS (Renaat), RICCERI (Rachele). A twelfth-century cycle of four poems on John Klimax. Editio princeps. In: Middle and late Byzantine poetry [cf. n° 2398], p. 285-386. 2398. Middle and late Byzantine poetry. Texts and contexts. Ed. by Andreas RHOBY and Nikos ZAGKLAS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VI-413 p. (Byzantios. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 14). [Cf. nos 2388, 2397.] 2399. Petra (The) Papyri V. Ed. by Antti ARJAVA, Jaakko FRÖSÉN, and Jorma KAIMIO.. Amman, American Center of Oriental Research, 2018, XXIII-338 p.
2400. RIGO (Antonio). Un nouveau témoin du Synodikon de l'Orthodoxie p. Le manuscrit de la Sainte-Trinité de Chalki 34. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 73-98. 2401. Rise (The) and fall of Nikephoros II Phokas. Five contemporary texts in annotated translations. Ed. by Denis SULLIVAN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 262 p. (Byzantina Australiensia, 23). § 2. General. * 2402. Abstracts of papers. Forty-fourth annual Byzantine studies conference, San Antonio, TX, October 4–7, 2018. [Electronic resource], 2018, 86 p. _______________________
2403. BAJONI (Maria Grazia). Envoys' speeches at the peace negotiations of 561–562 AD between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Kingdom. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 353-371. 2404. Constantinople réelle et imaginaire. Éd. par Cécile MORRISON et Jean-Pierre SODINI. Paris, Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance, 2018, XXII-822 p. (Travaux et mémoires, 22.1). [Cf. nos 2391, 2392, 2429, 2439, 2502.] 2405. Cross-cultural interaction between Byzantium and the West, 1204–1669: whose Mediterranean is it anyway? Papers from the forty-eighth spring symposium of Byzantine studies, Milton Keynes, 28th–30th March 2015. Ed. by Angeliki LYMBEROPOULOU. London, Taylor & Francis, 2018, XXIV-346 p. (Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, 22). 2406. Vacat. 2407. Imagining Byzantium: perceptions, patterns, problems. Ed. by Alena ALSHANSKAYA, Andreas GIETZEN and Christina HADJIAFXENTI. Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018, 131 p. (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, 11). 2408. Large Moyen Âge (Un)? L'oeuvre de Jacques LE GOFF et les études byzantines. Actes de la journée d'études internationale, EHESS, Paris 1 décembre 2014. Éd. par Bexen CAMPOS RUBILLAR, Lorenzo CIOLFI et Matheiu PANORYA. Paris, Centre d'Études Byzantines, Néo-Helleniques et Sud-est Européenes, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2018, 258 p. (Autour de Byzance, 5). 2409. LUNGĒS (Tēlemachos K.). Syntomē historia tēs byzantinēs konōnias (4os ai.–1204). (Breve storia della società bizantina, IV sec.–1204). Athēna, Entos, 2018, 297 p. 2410. Menschen, Bilder, Sprache, Dinge. Wege der Kommunikation zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen. Vol. 1. Bilder und Dinge. Vol. 2. Menschen und Worte. Hrsg. v. Falko DAIM, Christian GASTGEBER, Dominik HEHER und Claudia RAPP. Mainz, Verlag des RömischGermanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018, 2 vol., 213 p., 424 p. (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, 9).
2411. TSEREBELAKĒS (Geōrgios T.). To Byzantio kai hoi Palaiologoi ton 14o aiōna: hē krisimē pentēkontaetia (1321–1371). (Byzantium and the Palaeologoi in the 14th century: the fifty critical years, 1321–1371). Thessalonikē, Ekdotikos Oikos K. & M. Ant. Stamulē, 2018, 197 p.### Cf. no 522 § 3. Special studies. _______________________
2412. AGREVI (Maria). New observations on the Katholikon of the Byzantine Monastery of Saint Nicholas at Malagari (Corinthia) and the Monks Sophronios and Dionysios Kalozoes. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 349-375. 2413. ATHANASOPOULOS (Panagiotis). Georgios Gennadios Scholarios' On the difference of venial and mortal sins and its thomistic background. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 167-203. 2414. Aural architecture in Byzantium: music, acoustics, and ritual. Ed. by Bissera V. PENTCHEVA. London, Routledge, 2018, XII-258 p. 2415. BARDI (Alberto). Bessarione a lezione di astronomia da Cortasmeno. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 1-38. 2416. BARRY (Samuel C.). Was Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq the author of the arabic translation of Paul of Aegina's Pragmateia? Evidence from the arabic translations of the Hippocratic Aphorisms and the Syriac Lexicons of Bar Bahlul and Bar 'Ali. Journal of Semitic studies, 2018, 63, p. 457-465. 2417. BENEVICH (Grigory). Presence and absence of proairesis in Christ and saints according to Maximus the Confessor and parallels in Neoplatonism. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 39-54. 2418. BETANCOURT (Roland). Sight, touch, and imagination in Byzantium. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XVI-401 p. 2419. BIANCONI (Daniele). Cura et studio: il restauro del libro a Bisanzio. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, XV-248 p. (Hellenica, 66). 2420. BLACKSTONE (James). Knowledge and experience in the theology of Gregory Palamas. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2018, XVIII-212 p. (Studies in eastern orthodoxy, 3). 2421. BUCHHOLZ (Matias). Römisches Recht auf Griechisch. Prolegomena zu einer linguistischen Untersuchung der Zusammensetzung und Semantik des byzantinischen prozessrechtlichen Wortschatzes. Helsinki, Societas Scientiarium Fennica, 2018, II-236 p. (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 135). 2422. Byzance et l'Occident IV: permanence et migration. Éd. par Emese EGEDI-KOVÁCS. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös József Kollégium, 2018, 280 p. (Antiquitas, Byzantium, renascentia, 34).
2423. Byzantine hagiography. Texts, themes and projects. Ed. by Antonio RIGO, Michele TRIZIO and Eleftherios DESPOTAKIS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VI-506 p. (Byzantios. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 13). 2424. Byzantino-rōssika. Exēmisē aiōnes byzantinorōssikōn scheseōn (1o miso 9ou–2o miso 15ou/arches 16ou ai. m.Ch.). To status tēs ereunas. (Byzantino-russica. Six-and-a-half centuries of byzantine-russian relations, 1st part of 9th–2nd part of 15th/early 16th century A.D. The status of research). Ed. by Alexios SABBIDĒS and Gianna KATSOBSKA-MALINKUDĒ. Thessalonikē, Ekdotikos Oikos K. & M. Ant. Stamulē, 2018, 288 p. 2425. Byzanz und das Abendland V. Hrsg. v. Erika JUHÁSZ. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös József Kollégium, 2018, p. 187 p. (Antiquitas, Byzantium, renascentia, 32; Bibliotheca Byzantina, 5). 2426. CALAHORRA BARTOLOMÉ (Alfredo). Lázaro de Constantinopla: monje y pintor durante el periodo iconoclasta. Estudios bizantinos, 2018, 6, p. 1-36. 2427. Center, province and periphery in the age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos: from "De ceremoniis" to "De administrando imperio". Ed. by Niels GAUL, Volker MENZE and Csanad BALINT. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XVI-300 p. (Mainzer Veröffentlichungen zur Byzantinistik, 15). 2428. CHARALAMPAKIS (Pantelis). A contribution to Byzantine prosopography 2. The Tzirithon family. Byzantina Symmeikta, 2018, 28, p. 49-82. 2429. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude). L'aristocratie byzantine des Balkans et Constantinople (Xe–XIIe siècle). In: Constantinople réelle et imaginaire [cf. n° 2404], p. 457479. 2430. Coming of age in Byzantium. Adolescence and society. Ed. by Despoina ARIANTZI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, X-306 p. (Millennium-Studien / Millennium studies, 69). 2431. DETORAKĒS (Theocharēs E.). Byzantinē philologia: ta prosōpa kai ta keimena. Tomos C. Hē epochē tōn Makedonōn kai tōn Komnēnōn (867–1204). (Filologia bizantina: autori e testi. Volume 3. L'età dei Macedoni e dei Comneni, 867–1204). Athēna, Kanakē, 2018, 833 p. 2432. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). John Lydus' knowledge of Latin and language politics in sixth-century Constantinople. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 5570. 2433. Dreams, memory and imagination in Byzantium. Ed. by Neil BRONWEN and Eva ANAGNOSTOULAOUTIDES. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-348 p. (Byzantina Australiensia, 24). 2434. EFFENBERGER (Arne). Klöster zwischen Aspar-Zisterne, Deuteron und Goldenem Horn. Eine topographische Untersuchung. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2018, 68, p. 111-132.
§ 3. Special studies 2435. EISENBERG (Michael), IERMOLIN (Alexander), SHALEV (Sariel). Archaeological and XRF analysis of a byzantine weight from Hippos sheds new light on the transition from christian to the islamic rule. Israel exploration journal, 2018, 68, p. 77-99.### 2436. ESHEL (Shay). The concept of the elect nation in Byzantium. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, VIII-224 p. (The medieval Mediterranean, 113). 2437. ESTANGÜI GÓMEZ (Raúl). Le service de palefrenier (officium stratoris) à Byzance à l'époque des Paléologues. Nouvelles réflexions sur les relations entre l'empereur et le patriarche aux XIIIe–XVe siècles. Estudios bizantinos, 2018, 6, p. 141-173. 2438. EWING (Hanna). Occupying and trascending a provincial see: the career of Euthymios Malakes. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2018, 42, p. 58-78. 2439. FEISSEL (Denis). Tribune et colonnes impériales à l'Augousteion de Constantinople. In: Constantinople réelle et imaginaire [cf. n° 2404], p. 121-155. 2440. FOSKOLOU (Vicky). Decoding Byzantine ekphraseis on works of art. Constantine Manasses's description of earth and its audience. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 71-102. 2441. FRANSES (Rico). Donor portraits in Byzantine art. The vicissitudes of contact between human and divine. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XIII-247 p. 2442. GALADZA (Daniel). Liturgy and Byzantination in Jerusalem. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, XV-437 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2443. GÂNDILĂ (Andrei). Cultural encounters on Byzantium's northern frontier, c. AD 500–700. Coins, artifacts and history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-376 p. – IDEM. Reconciling the 'step sisters': early Byzantine numismatics, history and archaeology. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 103-134. 2444. GERSTEL (Sharon E. J.), KYRIAKAKIS (Chris), RAPTIS (Konstantinos T.), ANTONOPOULOS (Spyridon), DONAHUE (James). Soundscapes of Byzantium. The Acheiropoietos basilica and the cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Thessaloniki. Hesperia, 2018, 87, p. 177-213. 2445. GIANNOPOULOS (Panagiotes A.). Byzantinoi kai Slaboi stēn Hellada. Kata tēn hysterē prōtobyzantinē kai tēn prōimē mesobyzantinē periodo. (Byzantines and Slavs in Greece. During the late proto-Byzantine period and early middle Byzantine period). Athēna, Hērodotos, 2018, 292 p. (Byzantinē historia kai politismos). 2446. GIBSON (Samuel). The Apostolos: the acts and epistles in Byzantine liturgical manuscripts. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, XIV-319 p. (Texts and studies, 18). 2447. Heavenly sustenance in patristic texts and Byzantine iconography. Nourished by the word. Ed. by Elena ENE D-VASILESCU. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVIII-196 p. (New approaches to Byzantine history and culture).
2448. IACOPINO (Rinaldo). La Vergine Maria "alfa e omega" della celebrazione liturgica bizantina. Città del Vaticano, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2018, 202 p. (Monumenta studia instrumenta liturgica, 77). 2449. JOVANOVIĆ (Aleksandar). Imagining the communities of others: the case of the Seljuk Turks. Byzantina Symmeikta, 2018, 28, p. 239-273. 2450. KENNEDY (Scott). Bessarion's date of birth: a new assessment of the evidence. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 641-658. 2451. KOEHN (Clemens). Justinian und die Armee des frühen Byzanz. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-309 p. (Millennium-Studien, 70). 2452. KRALLIS (Dimitris). Popular political agency in Byzantium's villages and towns. Byzantina Symmeikta, 2018, 28, p. 11-48. 2453. KRAUSE (Karin). Celebrating orthodoxy: miniatures for Gregory the Theologian's "unread" orations (Ms. Basiliensis AN I 8). Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2018, 68, p. 133-185. 2454. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk). Affirming Divine Providence and limiting the powers of saints. The Byzantine debate about the term of life (6th–11th centuries). Scrinium, 2018, 14, p. 392-433. 2455. KRSMANOVIĆ (Bojana). "E, e, šta je to?": evnusi u vojnom vrhu vizantijskog carstva (780–1025). ("Ai ai, ti tauta": eunuchs in the military leadership of the Byzantine empire, 780–1025). Beograd, Sluzbeni glasnik, 2018, 518 p. (Vizantološki institut Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, 47). 2456. KÜLZER (Andreas). Byzantine geography. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 921-942 2457. KYRIAKOS (Angelos). Hē eikonographia tōn Hagiōn Anargyrōn Kosma kai Damianou stēn byzantinē technē. (The iconography of the holy unmercenaries [Anargyroi] Cosmas and Damian in the byzantine art). Athēna, Stamulē A.E., 2018, 629 p. 2458. LEKKAS (Sōtērios). Hē machē tou Mantzikert kai hoi synepeies tēs stē Byzantinē Autokratoria. (The battle of Manzikert and its consequences on the Byzantine Empire). Athēna, Kaktos, 2018, 195 p. 2459. Life is short, art long. The art of healing in Byzantium: new perspectives. Ed. by Brigitte PITARAKIS and Gülru TANMAN. Istanbul, Istanbul Arastirmalari Enstitusu, 2018, 265 p. (Istanbul Research Institute Publications, 38). 2460. MANIATIS (George C.). The Byzantine brickmaking industry. Organization, technique, pricing strategies. Byzantion, 2018, 88, p. 289-328. 2461. MĂRCULEŢ (Vasile). Vlaho-bulgari şi bizantini (1185–1204). Aspecte militare ale luptei pentru supremaţie în Peninsula Balcanică. (The Vlach-Bulgarians and the Byzantines, 1185–1204. Military aspects of the
battle for supremacy in the Balkan Peninsula). Constanţa, Editura M.N.M.R., 2018, 157 p. 2462. MARJANOVIĆ (Dragoljub). Creating memories in late eighth-century Byzantium: the short history of Nikephoros of Constantinople. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 250 p. 2463. MATVJEJEVA (Julija H.). Mova tkanyn u vizantijsʹkomu mystectvi. (The Language of textiles in the Byzantine art). Charkiv, ChNUMH im. O.M. Beketova, 2018, 525 p. 2464. MAUCHE (Nepheli), ROSKILLY (Jack). There and back again: on the influence of Psellos on the career of Mauropous. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 721-746. 2465. MELVANI (Nicholas). The tombs of the Palaiologan emperors. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2018, 42, p. 237-260. 2466. MITEVSKI (Vitomir). Vizantiska epska poezija. (Byzantine epic poetry). Skopje, Makedonska Akademija na naukite i umetnostite, 2018, 311 p. 2467. Monde (Le) de Procope – The world of Procopius. Éd. par Geoffrey GREATREX et Sylvain JANNIARD. Paris, Éditions De Boccard, 2018, 422 p. (Orient & méditerranée, 28). 2468. Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean. Insular responses to regional change. Ed. by James CROW and David HILL. Athēna, The Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2018, XIX-404 p. (Papers and monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7). [Cf. no 2476.] 2469. NÉMETH (András). The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine appropriation of the past. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-338 p. 2470. Never the twain shall meet? Latins and Greeks learning from each other in Byzantium. Ed. by Denis SEARBY. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XI-358 p. (Byzantinisches Archiv. Series Philosophica, 2). 2471. PAPARRIGA-ARTÉMIADI (Lydia). Combler graduellement les lacunes du droit. Les approches interprétatives des scoliastes byzantins. Revue des études Byzantines, 2018, 76, p. 267-298.
Byzantium during the Palaeologan era, 1261–1453). Ed. by Anastasia KONTOGIANNOPOULOU. Athēna, Akadēmia Athēnōn, 2018, 272 p. 2476. POULOU-PAPADIMITRIOU (Natalia). The Aegean during the 'transitional' period of Byzantium: the archaeological evidence. In: Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean. Insular responses to regional change [cf. n° 2468], p. 29-50. 2477. Procopius of Caesarea: literary and historical interpretations. Ed. by Christopher LILLINGTON-MARTIN and Elodie TURQUOIS. London, Routledge, 2018, XIV-300 p. 2478. PURPURA (Ashley M.). God, hierarchy, and power. Orthodox theologies of authority from Byzantium. New York, Fordham U.P., 2018, V-226 p. (Orthodox Christianity and contemporary thought). 2479. Reading in the Byzantine Empire and beyond. Ed. by Clare Teresa M. SHAWCROSS and Ida TOTH. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XXIV-720 p. 2480. RIEDEL (Meredith L.D.). Leo VI and the transformation of Byzantine Christian identity: writings of an unexpected emperor. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, XX-219 p. 2481. RUFFINI (Giovanni). Life in an Egyptian village in late antiquity: Aphrodito before and after the Islamic Conquest. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, IX233 p. 2482. RUSSO (Eugenio). Ricerche su S. Sofia di Costantinopoli. Bologna, Bononia U.P., 2018, 456 p. (Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di Scienze Morali, 2). 2483. SABBIDĒS (Alexios G.K.). Ho kosmos tou Byzantinou phorologoumenou (4os–15os ai.). (The byzantine taxpayer's world, 4th–15th centuries). Athēna, Kanakē, 2018, 406 p. 2484. SAMARA (Dēmētra). Theodōros Mouzalōn: hē zōē kai to syngraphiko ergo henos logiou tou 13ou aiōna. (Theodore Muzalon: life and writings of a 13th century scholar). Thessalonikē, Kentro Byzantinōn Ereunōn, 2018, 256 p. (Byzantina keimena kai meletes, 64).
2472. PARANI (Maria G.). Mediating presence: curtains in Middle and Late Byzantine imperial ceremonial and portraiture. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2018, 42, p. 1-25.
2485. SCARCELLA (Agatina S.). La parafrasi di Teofilo: un contributo al recupero di valori tradizionali nell' età dell'assolutismo imperiale. Milano, A. Giuffrè, 2018, 272 p. (Università di Messina. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, 274).
2473. PARCHOMENKO (Marija Viktorivna). Vizantijsʹkyj Chersones-Cherson IV–X st.: budenne žyttja chersonitiv. (Byzantine Chersonesos-Cherson 4th–10th centuries: daily life of Cherson citizens). Charkiv, ChNU im. V.N. Karazina, 2018, 277 p.
2486. Seelenheil (Für) und Lebensglück: das byzantinische Pilgerwesen und seine Wurzeln. Hrsg. v. Despoina ARIANTZI und Ina EICHNER. Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018, 386 p. (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, 10).
2474. Perceptions of the body and sacred space in late antiquity and Byzantium. Ed. by Jelena BOGDANOVIĆ. London, Routledge, 2018, XVII-239 p.
2487. SKLAVENITI (Anna S.). Nikephoros Gregoras' "didaskaleion". Byzantina Symmeikta, 2018, 28, p. 141167.
2475. Poleis kai exousia sto Byzantio kata tēn epochē tōn Palaiologōn (1261–1453). (Cities and power in
2488. SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN (Svetla). Byzantine medical encyclopedias and education. In: Oxford handbook
§ 3. Special studies (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 961-986. 2489. STEFEC (Rudolf). Die Textgeschichte des chrysobullos logos des Alexios III. Megas Komnenos für das Kloster der Muttergottes Sumela (1364). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 747-776. 2490. TAKIRTAKOGLU (Kōnstantinos). Hē Armenia metaxy Byzantiou kai chaliphatou (885–929) (L'Armenie entre Byzance et califat, 885–929). Athēna, Hērodotos, 2018, 544 p. (Byzantinē historia kai politismos). 2491. THEOTOKIS (Georgios). Byzantine military tactics in Syria and Mesopotamia in the tenth century: a comparative study. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U.P., 2018, VII-348 p. 2492. TOLLEFSEN (Torstein T.). St Theodore the Studite's defence of the icons. Theology and philosophy in ninth-century Byzantium. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, X-193 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2493. TORRANCE (Alexis). Scaling the text: the ambiguity of the book in John Climacus. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2018, 111, p. 793-808. 2494. TSULKANAKĒS (Dēmētrios). Hagioi Topoi: hē byzantine Palaistinē (4os–7os aiōnas). (Holy land: Byzantine Palestine, IVth–VIIth centuries). Athēna, Aphoi Kyriakidē, 2018, 485 p. 2495. URBAINCZYK (Theresa). Writing about Byzantium: the history of Niketas Choniates. London, Routledge, 2018, 147 p. (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies).
2496. VESA (Valentin). Knowledge and experience in the writings of St. Isaac of Nineveh. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2018, XIII-333 p. (Gorgias Eastern Christian studies, 51). 2497. VIANO (Cristina). Byzantine alchemy, or the era of systematization. In: Oxford handbook (The) of science and medicine in the classical world [cf. n° 695], p. 943-964. 2498. VINOGRADOV (Andrej J.), ZACHAROVA (Anna V.), ČERNOGLAZOV (Dmitrij A.). Chram Svjatoj Sofii Konstantinopolʹskoj v svete vizantijskich istočnikov. (The Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople in the light of the Byzantine sources). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatelʹstvo "Puškinskij Dom", 2018, 485 p. 2499. ZELLMANN-ROHRER (Michael). "Psalms useful for everything": Byzantine and post-Byzantine manuals for the amuletic use of the Psalter. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2018, 72, p. 113-168. 2500. ZOZULʾAK (Ján). Inquiries into Byzantine philosophy. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 241 p. (Philosophy and cultural studies revisited, 3). 2501. ZUCKERMANN (Constantin). Campaign blueprints of an emperor who never campaigned in person: Constantine VII's treatises on imperial expeditions and De cer. II, 45 (with special regard to the theme of Charpezikion). In: Constantinople réelle et imaginaire [cf. n° 2404], p. 341-382. Cf. no 351
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2502-2593. – § 2. General works. 2594-2627. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2628-2733. – § 4. Jews. 2734-2765. – § 5. Islam. 2766-2819. – § 6. Vikings. 2820-2833. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2834-2884. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2885-3028. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 3029-3282. – § 10. History of art. 3283-3370. – § 11. History of music. 3371-3392. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3393-3460. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3461-3661. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3662-3701. § 1. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________
a. Non-literary sources 2502. Atti rogati a Sassello dal notaio Giacomo di Santa Savina (1321–1324). A cura di Paola PIANA TONIOLO. Acqui Terme, Impressionigrafiche, 2018, 175 p. (Storia arte territorio). 2503. BAMBI (Federigo). Scrivere in latino, leggere in volgare: glossario dei testi notarili bilingui tra Due e Trecento. Milano, Giuffrè editore, 2018, 367 p. (Per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 116). 2504. Cartas de mujeres en la Europa medieval. España, Francia, Italia y Portugal (siglos XI–XV). Ed. por Jean-Pierre JARDIN, José Manuel NIETO SORIA, Patricia ROCHWERT-ZUILI y Hélène THIEULIN-PARDO. Madrid, La Ergástula, 2018, 442 p. (ill.). (Historia & arte, 2). 2505. Cartulary (The) and charters of the Priory of Saints Peter and Paul, Ipswich. Part 1. The Cartulary. Ed. by David ALLEN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 316 p. (Suffolk charters, 20). 2506. Codice Diplomatico aretino. I. Le carte della Canonica di Arezzo. Vol. 3. 1023–1078?. A cura di Corinna DRAGO TEDESCHINI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XLIV302 (Palaeographica, 7). 2507. Codice diplomatico aretino. III. Le carte di Santa Maria in Gradi. Vol. 1. 1029–1198. A cura di Benedetta CENNI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XLVI-216 p. (Palaeographica, 6). 2508. Commissioni ducali (Le) ai rettori della Dalmazia (1409–1514). A cura di Alessandra RIZZI. Roma, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-012
Viella, 2018, 184 p. (Deputazione di storia patria per le Venezie. Testi, 4). 2509. Court rolls of the Lordship of Bausley. From originals in the National Archives, Kew, and All Souls' College, Oxford. Ed. by David PETLEY-JONES. Vol. 1. 1371–3, 1376–7, 1379–80: together with a group of early Bausley deeds c.1225–1374. Vol. 2. 1418–1426, 1428– 1429, 1431. Vol. 3. 1432–3, 1437–40, 1448–52, 1455– 7, 1508, 1529–33: together with a Bausley rental 1484– 5, and a Bausley inhabitants' petition c.1500. Shrewsbury, Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society, 2018, XV-104 p., XIV-112 p, XVI-100 p (Montgomeryshire records, 1, 2, 3). 2510. Diplomatari de la catedral de Tortosa. Vol. 3. Episcopats de Ponç de Torrella (1212–1254) i Bernat d'Olivella (1254–1272). Ed. por Antoni VIRGILI COLET, Josep M. ESCOLÀ TUSET, Manel PICA TORNÉ y Montserrat ROVIRA RAFECAS. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2018, 2 vol., 1128 p. (Diplomataris, 76-77). 2511. Dokumente Zur Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches und seiner Verfassung. Teil 2. 1361. Hrsg. v. Ulrike HOHENSEE. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 538 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum et Regum, 13/2). 2512. Early records (The) of Coleshill: c.1120–1549. Ed. by Andrew WATKINS. Stratford-upon-Avon, Dugdale Society in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, 2018, XII-608 p. (ill., maps). (Dugdale Society Publications, 51). 2513. Enquête générale (L') de Charles II en Provence (1297–1299). Éd. par Marc BOUIRON et Thierry PÉCOUT. Paris, Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2018, 1791 p. (ill., maps). (Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. Série in 8°, 76).
2514. Epistola 1. Écriture et genre épistolaires: IVe– XI siècle. Éd. par Thomas DESWARTE, Klaus HERBERS et Hélène SIRANTOINE. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, XII-359 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 165).### e
2515. ESPOSITO (Laura). Il Liber defunctorum di Caiazzo: l'obituario contenuto nel Cod. Vat. Lat. 14736 (secc. XI–XVII). Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2018, XX-711 p. (ill., pl.). (Studi e testi, 526). 2516. FERRAND (Guilhem). Les inventaires après décès de la ville de Dijon à la fin du Moyen Âge (1390– 1459). T. 1. 1390–1408. Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi, 2018, 659 p. 2517. FERRER I MALLOL (Maria Teresa). El llibre comptes de Nicolau de Mediona. Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio Historico-Arqueologica, 2018, 198 p. 2518. Frühmittelalterliche Briefe: Übermittlung und Überlieferung (4.–11. Jahrhundert). La lettre au haut Moyen Âge: transmission et tradition épistolaires (IVe– XIe siècles). Hrsg. v. Thomas DESWARTE, Klaus HERBERS und Cornelia SCHERER. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 379 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 84). 2519. Hospitalers (Els) al Pallars i a l'Urgell (segles XII–XIII). Diplomatari: comandes i societat. Ed. per Maria BONET DONATO i Montserrat SANMARTÍ I ROSET. Lleida, Universitat de Lleida, 2018, 377 p. (El Comtat d'Urgell, 14). 2520. IOHANNES BERARDI. Liber instrumentorum seu Chronicorum monasterii Casauriensis seu Chronicon Casauriense. T. 2. T. 3. A cura di Alessandro PRATESI e Paolo CHERUBINI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 2 vol., 720 p., 712 p. (Rerum italicarum scriptores, III serie, 14/2-3). 2521. Kolozsmonostori (A) konvent fejedelemség kori jegyzőkönyvei. I. 1326–1590. [= The period records of the principality of the convent of Cluj-Napoca. I. 1326–1590]. Ed. by Zsolt BOGDÁNDI. Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2018, 458 p. (Erdélyi történelmi adatok, 10/1). 2522. Léxico de la colección diplomática del Monasterio de Villanueva de Oscos (1136–1200). Ed. por Immaculada SOLÍS GARCÍA. Zaragoza, Libros Pórtico, 2018, 153 p. 2523. Liber instrumentorum, seu, Chronicorum Monasterii Casauriensis, seu, Chronicon Casauriense. Vol. 2. A cura di Alessandro PRATESI e Paolo CHERUBINI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo nella sede dell'Istituto Palazzo Borromini, 2018, p. 1187-1895. (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Rerum italicarum scriptores. Terza serie, 14). 2524. Libro (Il) discepoli e pigione del tintore Giunta di Nardo Rucellai: (Firenze, 1341–1346). A cura di Mathieu HARSCH. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2018, 142 p. (ill.). (Testi e commenti, 23).
2525. London (The) customs accounts. Vol. 24. Henry VI (1445/46). Ed. by Stuart JENKS. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, LXIII-406 p. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Darstellungen zur hansischen Geschichte, 74). 2526. Money and coinage in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Rory NAISMITH. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 376 p. (Reading Medieval Sources, 1). 2527. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Epistolae. Bd. 8. T. 2. Die Briefe des Erzbischofs Hinkmar von Reims. Hrsg. v. Rudolf SCHIEFFER nach Vorarbeiten von Ernst PERELS und Nelly ERTL. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, VI-464 p. 2528. Nicolò da Cividale e Francesco di Nasutto da Udine notai patriarcali. A cura di Sebastiano BLANCATO e Elisa VITTOR. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 418 p. (ill.). (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli. Serie medievale, 20). 2529. Padova 1419–1420. Gli statuti della fraglia dei notai. A cura di Martina CAMELI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, CXVIII-104 p. (Antiquitates, 50). 2530. Pergamene (Le) dell'Archivio Arcivescovile di Taranto (1193–1373). A cura di Valentina CAMPANELLA. Bari, Società di Storia Patria per la Puglia, 2018, LXXXVII-245 p. (ill.). (Codice diplomatico pugliese. continuazione del Codice diplomatico barese, 39). 2531. Pergamene (Le) dell'archivio Savardo. Regesto ed edizione di documenti vicentini (1308–1430). A cura di Francesco BIANCHI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 200 p. (Fonti e studi di storia veneta, 1). 2532. PIÑOL ALABART (Daniel). Escriure a l'edat mitjana. Poder, gestió i memòria. / Writing in the Middle Ages. Power, management and memory. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona Edicions, 2018, 98 p. (Lliçnos. / Lessons, 11). 2533. Privilegium maius. Autopsie, Kontext und Karriere der Fälschungen Rudolfs IV. von Österreich. Hrsg. v. Thomas JUST, Kathrin KININGER, Andrea SOMMERLECHNER und Herwig WEIGL. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 388 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 69 = Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs/Sonderband, 15). 2534. Quaternus (Il) del tesoriere di Lecce Giovanni Tarallo. 1473–1474. A cura di Benedetto VETERE. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, LX274 p. (Fonti e studi per gli Orsini di Taranto. Fonti, 5). 2535. Regesten (Die) des Kaiserreiches unter Friedrich I. 1152; 1122–1190: Einleitung und Nachwort, Nachträge, Bibliographie, Abkürzungs- und Siglenverzeichnis, Namenregister, Konkordanztafeln. Hrsg. v. Ferdinand OPLL. Wien u. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 725 p. (J. F. Böhmer Regesta Imperii, IV.2). 2536. Registre delphinal par Mathieu Thomassin. Sous la dir. de Kathleen DALY. Paris, Société de l'histoire de France, 2018, 390 p. (ill., pl.). (Société de l'histoire de France 554).
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources 2537. Reichenauer Lehenbücher (Die) der Äbte Friedrich von Zollern (1402–1427) und Friedrich von Wartenberg (1428–1453). Bearb. v. Harald DERSCHKA. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2018, LXXXVI-416 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Reihe A: Quellen, 61). ### 2538. ROTH (Stefan). Geldgeschichte und Münzpolitik im Herzogtum Braunschweig-Lüneburg im Spätmittelalter. Teil 1. Die Rechnungsbücher der Braunschweiger Münzstätte. Teil 2. Geldgeschichte und Münzkatalog. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 2 vol., 292 p., 741 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 293-294). 2539. SCHOLZ (Anke K.). Der Schatzfund aus dem Stadtweinhaus in Münster / Westfalen und vergleichbare Schatzfunde des hohen und späten Mittelalters als archäologische Quelle. Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018, XI-459 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 144). 2540. SCHOLZ (Sebastian). Die „Pippinische Schenkung" Neue Lösungsansätze für ein altes Problem. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 3, p. 635-654. 2541. STOILOVA (Tamara). Dubrovnik documents on the history of Bulgaria and Bulgarians during the period from the XIIIth to the XVth century. Volume I. 1230– 1403. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 261-264. 2542. TÜRK (Egbert). Arnoul de Lisieux (1105/1109– 1184): lettres d'un évèque de cour dans l'embarras. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 559 p. (Temoins de notre histoire, 17). 2543. Urkunden und Memorialquellen zur älteren Geschichte des Klosters Rosazzo. Hrsg. v. Reinhard HÄRTEL und Cesare SCALON. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 386 p. (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom, 2. Abteilung, Quellen. 6. Reihe, Vorarbeiten zu einem Urkundenbuch des Patriarchats Aquileia, 3). 2544. Urkundenregesten zur Tätigkeit des deutschen Königs- und Hofgerichts bis 1451. Band 17. Die Zeit Ruprechts (1407–1410). Bearb. v. Ute RÖDEL. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, XCIX-531 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich, Sonderreihe). 2545. Varsóban őrzött magyar vonatkozású oklevelek (1388–1427) [= Hungarian-related documents kept in Warsaw (1388–1427)]. Ed. by Ádám NOVÁK and Péter TÓTH. Debrecen, MTA-DE Lendület "Magyarország a középkori Európában" Kutatócsoport, 2018, 106 p. (Fontes memoriae Hungariae, 2). 2546. VITTOR (Elisa), BLANCATO (Sebastiano). Nicolò da Cividale e Francesco di Nasutto da Udine notai patriarcali. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 424 p. (ill.) (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli. Serie medievale, 20).
2547. White book (The) (Liber albus) of Southwell. Ed. by Michael JONES, Julia BARROW, David CROOK and Trevor FOULDS. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 2 vol., CXIV-805 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, new series, 61). 2548. Wiener Stadtbücher (Die) 1395–1430. Teil 5. 1418–1421. Hrsg. v. Gerhard JARITZ und Christian NESCHWARA. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 464 p. (Fontes rerum Austriacarum, Dritte Abteilung: Fontes iuris, 10: Geschichtsquellen zum österreichischen Recht, 5). 2549. Writing, kingship and power in Anglo-Saxon England. Ed. by Rory NAISMITH and David A. WOODMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXIX-335 p. Cf. nos 1-22 b. Literary sources 2550. Annals (The) of Dunstable Priory. Ed. by David PREEST and Harriett R. WEBSTER. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, XLVI-304 p. (map). 2551. BASIN (Thomas). Histoire de Charles VII et Louis XI. Introduction, traduction et notes par Joël BLANCHARD, Franck COLLARD et Yves DE KISCH. Paris, Pocket, 2018, 912 p. 2552. BLONDIUS (Flavius). De expeditione in Turchos. A cura di Gabriella ALBANESE e Paolo PONTARI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, XXII-340. (ill., pl.). (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Biondo Flavio, 6). 2553. BOYSSET (Bertrand). Chronique. Sous la dir. de Patrick GAUTIER DALCHÉ, Marie Rose BONNET et Philippe RIGAUD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 199 p. (Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, 20). 2554. Breslauer (Der) Stadtschreiber Peter Eschenloer: Übersetzung des Berichts von Robertus Monachus über den Ersten Kreuzzug. Hrsg. v.. Hamburg, Dr. Kovač, 2018, 473 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe Schriften zur Mediävistik, 26). 2555. Byzantine (The). Ottoman transition in Venetian chronicles. / La transizione bizantino-ottomana nelle cronache veneziane. Ed. by Sebastian KOLDITZ and Markus KOLLER. Roma, Viella, 2018, 328 p. (Venetiana, 19). 2556. Central European medieval texts, Ed. by Patrik GEARY, Gerhard JARITZ, Gábor KLANICZAY and Paulína RYCHTEROVÁ. Vol. 9. Chronica de gestis Hungarorum e codice picto saec. XIV /: Chronicle of the deeds of the Hungarians from the fourteenth-century illuminated codex. Ed. by János M. BAK and László VESZPRÉMY. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2018, XLIII-435 p. (ill., map). 2557. Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX. Ed. por Juan GIL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 563 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 65). 2558. Chronica Hispana saeculi XII. Pars 3. Historia silensis. Ed. por Juan A. ESTÉVEZ SOLA. Turnhout, Bre-
pols, 2018, 263 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 71B). 2559. Codices hibernenses eximii. Vol. 2. Book of Ballymote. Ed. by Ruairí Ó HUIGINN. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2018, XV-384 p. (ill.). 2560. Continuations (The) of Frutolf of Michelsberg's Chronicle. Ed. by Thomas J. H. MAC CARTHY. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, XXVI-257 p. (ill., map). (Schriften der Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 74). 2561. Corpus Epistolarum Ioannis de Capistrano: Epistolae annis MCDLI–MCDLVI scriptae quae ad res gestas Poloniae et Silesiae spectant, latin. Tomus primus. Ed. by Paweł KRAS, Halina MANIKOWSKA, Marcin STARZYŃSKI and Anna ZAJCHOWSKA. Warsaw, Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018, 325 p. (Correspondence, 1). 2562. Crònica i memòria: textos històrics de Martí de Viciana el Vell. Ed. por Joan IBORRA. València, Universitat de València, 2018, 128 p. (Fonts històriques valencianes, 69). 2563. FIAMMA (Galvano). Chronica pontificum Mediolanensium. A cura di Federica FAVERO. Florence, SISMEL - edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, 308 p. (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 47). 2564. Florarium temporum / Bloemhof der tijden: een laatmiddeleeuwse wereldkroniek door Nicolaas Clopper, geschreven in het Klooster Mariënhage bij Eindhoven [= Bloemhof der tijden: a late medieval chronicle of the world by Nicolaas Clopper, written in the Mariënhage Monastery near Eindhoven]. Ed. by Nico ARTS, Nico H. J. PIJLS and Lauran TOORIANS. Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2018, 295 p. (ill., facs.). (Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het zuiden van Nederland. Derde serie). 2565. French (The) of Outremer: communities and communications in the crusading Mediterranean. Ed. by Laura K. Morreale and Nicholas PAUL. New York, Fordham U. P., 2018, 296 p. (ill., map). (Fordham series in medieval studies). 2566. HAUG (Eldbjørg). Om Magnus Erikssons kroninger og kildene til dem. (On the coronations of Magnus Eriksson and their sources). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 1, p. 24-39. 2567. ḤAYĀTĪ TABRĪZĪ (Qāsim Beg). A Chronicle of the Early Safavids and the Reign of Shah Ismā'īl: (907–930/1501–1524). Edition of the Persian text and introduction by Kioumars GHEREGHLOU. New Haven, American Oriental Society, 2018, XXX-384 p. (American Oriental Series, 98). 2568. Illuminated (The) chronicle. Chronicle of the deeds of the Hungarians from the fourteenth century illuminated codex / Chronica de gestis Hungarorum e codice picto saec. XIV. Ed. by János M. BAK and László VESZPRÉMY. Budapest a. New York, Budapest Central European U. P., and National Széchényi Library, 2018, 435 p. (Central European medieval texts, 9).
2569. Írott források az 1116–1205 közötti magyar történelemről [= Written sources on Hungarian history between 1116–1205]. Ed. by Gábor THOROCZKAY. Szeged, Szegedi Középkorász Műhely, 2018, 597 p. (Szegedi középkortörténeti könyvtár, 28). 2570. LE FRANC (Martin). Agreste otium. De bono mortis. Hrsg. u. bearb. v. Raphael SCHWITTER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, CXXXV-300 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 30). 2571. Letter collections (The) of Nicholas of Clairvaux. Ed. by Lena WAHLGREN-SMITH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XCVIII-326 p. (Oxford Medieval texts). 2572. Liber ordinum de la diòcesi de València (1463–1479). Ed. María Milagros CÁRCEL ORTÍ. Valencia, Universitat de València, 2018, 592 p. 2573. Literature of the Crusades. Ed. by Simon Thomas PARSONS and Linda M. PATERSON. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 210 p. 2574. LUND (Niels). Adam af Bremen og de mundtlige kilder. (Adam of Bremen and his oral sources). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 1, p. 1-20. 2575. MAC CARTHY (Thomas J. H.). The continuations of Frutolf of Michelsberg's Chronicle. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XXIV-258 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Schriften, 74). 2576. MIRCHEVA (Boyka). One Medieval Bulgarian text in Romanian milieu: Cyril's assumption in the Slavonic-Romanian tradition. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 3-30. 2577. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Libri Memoriales et Necrologia. Nova Series, Bd. 10. Die Necrologien der Abtei Hersfeld. Hrsg. v. Elmar HOCHHOLZER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XVIII-246 p. 2578. MORSEL (Joseph). When the historian conceals the fact that the norm makes the crime…the case of the Cerisy Church court register in 1314–1315. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 55-78. 2579. MUSSATO (Albertino). De gestis Italicorum post Henricum VII Cesarem (Libri I-VII). A cura di Rino MODONUTTI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, XLIII-394 p. (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Rerum Italicarum scriptores. Terza serie, 15). 2580. ORSI (Roberto). De obsidione Tiphernatum. A cura di Gabriella ROSSI. Città di Castello, Nuova Prhomos, 2018, 190 p. (ill., map). (Biblioteca del Centro Studi "Mario Pancrazi". Testi, 10). 2581. OSSWALD (Brendan). La révolution de 1411 à Iôannina: comment interpréter la Chronique des Tocco? Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 23-58. 2582. Quelle und Deutung IV: Beiträge der Tagung Quelle und Deutung IV am 23. November 2016. Hrsg. v. Balázs SÁRA. Budapest, Eötvös-József-Collegium, 2018, 243 p. (ill.). (Antiquitas, Byzantium, renascentia,
§ 2. General works
23. Quelle & Deutung. Reihe 1, Konferenzbeiträge und Studien, 4).
dien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 155).
2583. Salimbene de Adam e la "Cronica": atti del LIV Convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 8–10 ottobre 2017. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, x, 370 p. (Atti dei convegni del Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo. Accademia tudertina, nuova serie, 31).
Cf. nos 1-22
2584. Snorri Sturluson and Reykholt. The Author and Magnate, his Life, Works and Environment at Reykholt in Iceland. (Snorri Sturluson et Reykholt. L'auteur et le chef, sa vie, ses œuvres et son milieu à Reykholt en Islande). Red. Guðrún SVEINBJARNARDÓTTIR, Helgi THORLÁKSSON. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2018, 488 p. 2585. Studies on the Illuminated Chronicle. Ed. by János M. BAK and László VESZPRÉMY. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., National Széchényi Library, 2018, XII-206 p. (ill.). (Central European medieval texts subsidia, 1). 2586. THEODRICUS. De antiquitate regum Norwagiensium. / On the old Norwegian kings. Hrsg. v. Egil KRAGGERUD. Oslo, Novus Forlag, 2018, XCVII-393 p. (Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning. Serie B. Skrifter, 169). 2587. THOMSEN (Christiane M.). Burchards Bericht über den Orient. Reiseerfahrungen eines staufischen Gesandten im Reich Saladins 1175/1176. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX-654 p. (Europa im Mittelalter, 29). 2588. VESPIGNANI (Giorgio). La cronachistica veneziana. Fonte per lo studio delle relazioni tra Bisanzio e Venezia. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XVI-106 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni culturali dell'Università di Bologna, sede di Ravenna, 19). 2589. VISSER-FUCHS (Livia). History as pastime: Jean de Wavrin and his collection of Chronicles of England. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2018, XXII-682 p. (ill., pl.). 2590. WEILER (Björn). History, prophecy and the apocalypse in the chronicles of Matthew Paris. English historical review, 2018, 133, 561, p. 253-283. 2591. WEISS (Miriam). Die Chronica maiora des Matthaeus Parisiensis. Trier, Kliomedia, 2018, 219 p. (ill.). (Trierer historische Forschungen, 73). 2592. Writing history in the Anglo-Norman world. Manuscripts, makers and readers, c.1066–c.1250. Ed. by Laura CLEAVER and Andrea WORM. Suffolk, York Medieval Press, 2018, XII-269 p. (ill.). (Writing history in the Middle Ages, 6). 2593. ZENKER (Nina). Der Breslauer Froissart: im Spiegel spätmittelalterlicher Geschichtsauffassung. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2018, 254 p. (ill., pl.). (Stu-
§ 2. General works. _______________________
2594. Anglo-Norman studies XL: proceedings of the battle conference, 2017. Ed. by Elisabeth VAN HOUTS. Woodbridgem, Boydell Press, 2018, 219 p. (ill.). 2595. BERGMAN (Ingela). Kulturarv, landskap och identitetsprocess i norra Fennoskandien 500–1500 e. Kr. (Héritages culturels, paysages et processus identitaires dans le nord de la Fennoscandie entre 500 et 1500 après J.C.). Stockholm, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond i samarbete med Makadam förlag, 2018, 103 p. (ill.). (RJ:s skriftserie, 15). 2596. BRESSLER (Richard). The thirteenth century: a world history. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2018, VIII-220 p. 2597. BÜCHERT NETTERSTRØM ((Jeppe), ANDERSEN (Kasper H.). Dronningemagt i Middelalderen. Festskrift til Anders Bøgh. (Le pouvoir des reines au Moyen Age en Scandinavie. Mélanges offerts à Anders Bøgh). Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2018, 476 p. (ill.). 2598. BUDAK (Neven). Povijest hrvatskih zemalja u srednjem vijeku. (History of Croatian lands in the Middle Ages). Zagreb, Leykam international, 2018, 350 p. 2599. Communicating the Middle Ages. Essays in honour of Sophia Menache. Ed. by Iris SHAGRIR, Benjamin. Z. ḲEDAR and Michel BALARD. London, Routledge, 2018, 278 p. (Crusades. Subsidia). 2600. Conflitto (Il) nel Medioevo: il potere, la Chiesa, il diverso. Parte prima, A cura di Massimiliano NISATI. Roma, NeP edizioni, 2018, 322 p. (Conflitto e ADR). 2601. CSUKOVITS (Enikő). Hungary and the Hungarians. Western Europe's view in the Middle Ages. Roma, Viella, 2018, 238 p. (Viella historical research, 11). 2602. DAVIES (Joshua). Visions and ruins: cultural memory and the untimely Middle Ages. Manchester, U. P., 2018, 240 p. (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture Ser.). 2603. DUCÈNE (Jean-Charles). L'Europe et les géographes arabes du Moyen Âge (IXe–XVe siècle). "La grande terre" et ses peoples. Conceptualisation d'un espace ethnique et politique. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018, 502 p. (ill., pl.). 2604. Eleganz und Performanz. Von Rednern, Humanisten und Konzilsvätern: Johannes Helmrath zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Christian JASER, Harald MÜLLER, Thomas WOELKI. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 471 p. (ill.), 2605. Erinnerungswege. Kolloquium zu Ehren von Johannes Fried. Hrsg. v. Janus GUDIAN, Johannes HEIL und Michael ROTHMANN [et al.] Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 256 p. (Frankfurter Historische Abhandlungen, 49).
2606. Fifteenth century (The). Vol. 16. Examining identity. Ed. by Linda CLARK. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, XII-187 p. (ill.).### 2607. FOERSTER (Anne). Die Witwe des Königs. Zu Vorstellung, Anspruch und Performanz im englischen und deutschen Hochmittelalter. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2018, 352 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 57). 2608. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Rafael). Trazas medievales: una aproximación cultural. Pamplona, EUNSA, 2018, 170 p. (Colección Apuntes). 2609. Global Middle Ages (The). Ed. by Catherine HOLMES and Naomi STANDEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 441 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Past and Present Supplements, 13).
2619. PICKLES (Thomas). Kingship, society and the church in Anglo-Saxon Yorkshire. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIII-386 p. (Medieval history and archaeology). 2620. POHL (Walter). The Avars. A steppe empire in Central Europe, 567–822. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 666 p. 2621. Ruolo (Il) delle lingue e delle letterature germaniche nella formazione dell'Europa medievale. A cura di Dagmar GOTTSCHALL. Lecce, Milella, 2018, XII-216 p. (ill.). 2622. SÄRG (Alo). Baltisaksa aadel Eesti- ja Liivimaal. (The Baltic German nobility in Estonia and Livonia). Tallinn, Argo, 2018, 253 p. (ill., maps).
2610. GORSKIĬ (Anton Anatolʹevich). "Beshchislenyia rati i velikiia trudy...", problemy russkoĭ istorii X– XV vv. ("Beshchislenyia rati i velikiia trudy...": problems of Russian history of the X–XV centuries). SanktPeterburg, Izdatelʹstvo Olega Abyshko, 2018, 409 p. (ill.).
2623. SCHÖLLER (Bettina). Zeiten der Erinnerung. Muri und die Habsburger im Mittelalter. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 191 p. (Murenser Monografien, 2).
2611. GRAMSCH-STEHFEST (Robert). Entangled powers: network analytical approaches to the history of the Holy Roman empire during the late Staufer period. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 365-380.
2625. SKLENÁŘ (Karel). Počátky archeologie v Čechách: od prvních kronik na práh období romantismu (12.–18. století). [= The beginnings of archeology in Bohemia: from the first chronicles to the threshold of the Romantic period (12th–18th centuries)]. Pragae, Národní Muzeum, 2018, 239 p. (ill.). (Fontes archaeologici Pragenses, 45).
2612. Guerre ed eserciti nel Medioevo. A cura di Paolo GRILLO e Aldo A. Settia. Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, 2018, 372 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca storica. Guerre ed eserciti nella storia). 2613. Interpreting transformations of people and landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Archaeological approaches and issues. Ed. by Pilar DIARTE BLASCO and Neil CHRISTIE. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, XVII-218 p. 2614. IV Ciclo di studi medievali. Atti del Convegno, 4–5 giugno 2018. A cura del NUME, Gruppo di ricerca sul Medio Evo latino. Firenze, EBS Print, 2018, 541 p. (ill.). 2615. JIMÉNEZ (Javier Martínez); SASTRE DE DIEGO (Isaac); GARCÍA (Carlos Tejerizo). The Iberian peninsula between 300 and 850. An archaeological perspective. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 396 p. (ill.). (Late Antique and Early Medieval Iberia, 6). 2616. Vacat. 2617. Medieval studies. In honour of Peter Linehan. Ed. by Francisco J. HERNÁNDEZ, Rocío SÁNCHEZ AMEIJEIRAS and Emma FALQUE. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, X-931 (Millennio medievale, 115. Strumenti e studi, 44). 2618. Neue Wege der Frühmittelalterforschung: Bilanz und Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Walter POHL, Max DIESENBERGER und Bernhard ZELLER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 467 p. (ill., maps). (Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 507. Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 22).
2624. SEBO (Erin). In enigmate: the history of a riddle, 400–1500. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 208 p.
2626. Studia mediaevalia Europaea et orientalia: miscellanea in honorem professoris emeriti Victor Spinei oblata. Ed. George BILAVSCHI, Dan APARASCHIVEI. Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2018, 649 p. (ill., maps). 2627. Transformations of romanness. Early Medieval regions and identities. Ed. by Walter POHL, Clemens GANTNER, Cinzia GRIFONI and Marianne POLLHEIMER-MOHAUPT. Berlin a. Boston, de Gruyter, 2018, 586 p. (Millennium Studies, 71). Cf. no 68 § 3. Political history. ______________________
a. General 2628. AMBLER (Sophie), BAILEY (Mark), SEEL (Graham E.). British depth studies, c500–1100 (Anglo-Saxon and Norman Britain). London, Anthem Press, 2018, 234 p. 2629. BLASER-MEIER (Susanna). Hic iacet regina: Form und Funktion figürlicher Königinnengrabmäler von 1200 bis 1450. Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018, 303 p. (ill., maps). 2630. Centri di potere nel Mediterraneo occidentale: dal medioevo alla fine dell'antico regime. A cura di Lluís GUIA MARÍN, Maria Grazia MELE e Giovanni SERRELI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018, 479 p. (ill.). (La società moderna e contemporanea. Analisi e contributi, 136).
§ 3. Political history 2631. Geboren, um zu herrschen? Gefährdete Dynastien in historisch-interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Ellen WIDDER, Iris HOLZWART-SCHÄFER und Christian HEINEMEYER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, VIII307 p. (ill.). (Bedrohte Ordnungen, 10).### 2632. Global Middle Ages (The). Ed. by Catherine HOLMES and Naomi STANDEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 441 p. (Past and present supplements, 13). e
2633. Guerre (La) en Normandie (XI –XV siècle). Sous la dir. de Anne CURRY et Véronique GAZEAU. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2018, 362 p. 2634. HYBEL (Nils). The nature of kingship, c. 800– 1300. The Danish incident. Boston, Brill, 2018, VII-390 p. (The Northern world. North Europe and the Baltic, c. 400–1700 AD. Peoples, economies and cultures, 83). 2635. Necessità (La) del segreto. Indagini sullo spazio politico nell'Italia medievale ed oltre. A cura di Jacques CHIFFOLEAU, Etienne HUBERT e Roberta MUCCIARELLI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 388 p. (I libri di Viella, 311).
778–987. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-321 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 4). 2645. Charlemagne: les temps, les espaces, les hommes. Construction et déconstruction d'un règne. Ed. par Rolf GROSSE et Michel SOT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 605 p. (Collection Haut Moyen Âge, 34). 2646. GRIGG (Erik). Warfare, raiding and defence in early Medieval Britain. Ramsbury, The Crowood Press, 2018, 243 p. (ill.). 2647. GRIGG (Julianna). The Picts re-imagined. Leeds, Arc Humanities Press, 2018, 116 p. (Past imperfect). 2648. HEUCLIN (Jean). Les Carolingiens. Un mythe légendaire européen. Paris, Ellipses, 2018, 663 p. (pl., ill., facs., gen. tab., plan). (Biographies et mythes historiques). 2649. Imperial spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, the Carolingians and the Treaty of Aachen (812). Ed. by Mladen ANČIĆ, Jonathan SHEPARD and Trpimir VEDRIŠ. London, Routledge, 2018, XXXII-333 p.
2636. SANTAMARIA (Jean-Baptiste). Le Secret du prince. Gouverner par le secret, France, Bourgogne, XIIIe–XVe siècle. Ceyzérieu, Champ Vallon, 2018, 343 p.
2650. MITCHELL (John). Lombard legacy. Cultural strategies and the visual arts in early Medieval Italy. London, Pindar Press, 2018, 748 p. (ill.).
2637. Secular power and sacral authority in Medieval East-Central Europe. Ed. by Kosana JOVANOVIĆ and Suzana MILJAN. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 186 p. (Central European medieval studies).
2651. REMBOLD (Ingrid). Conquest and christianization. Saxony and the Carolingian world, 772–888. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-277 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought, 108).
2638. Steiermark (Die) im Spätmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Gerhard PFERSCHY. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 775 p. (Geschichte der Steiermark, 4).
2652. SCHÄPERS (Maria). Lothar I. (795–855) und das Frankenreich. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 801 p. (Rheinisches Archiv, 159).
2639. War in the Iberian Peninsula, 700–1600. Ed. by João Gouveia MONTEIRO, Francisco GARCÍA FITZ. London, Routledge, 2018, 330 p. (Themes in medieval and early modern history). b. 476–900
2653. Teodolinda. I Longobardi all'alba dell'Europa. Atti del secondo convegno internazionale di studio (Monza, Gazzada, Castelseprio-Torba, Cairate, 2–7 dicembre 2015). A cura di Gabriele ARCHETTI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, 2 vol., 1160 p. (ill.). (Centro studi longobardi. Convegni, 2).
** 2640. PETRACCO (Giorgio). La Descriptio Orbis Romani di Giorgio Ciprio e la ricostruzione storica del primo secolo del confronto fra Bizantini e Longobardi in Italia (568–668). Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018, 148 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche, 166).
2654. Venice and its neighbors from the 8th to 11th century: through renovation and continuity. Ed. by Sauro GELICHI and Stefano GASPARRI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 189 p. (Medieval Mediterranean: peoples, economies and cultures, 400–1500, 111).
2641. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Art, word, war. Ed. by Claire BREAY and Joanna STORY. London, British Library, 2018, 424 p. (ill., maps).
2655. WHITEHEAD (Annie). Mercia. The rise and fall of a kingdom. Stroud, Amberley, 2018, 304 p. (ill.).
Cf. no 2140
2642. BARONIO (Angelo). Il sogno di Desiderio, re dei Longobardi. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XXII-326 p. (Centro studi longobardi. Ricerche, 2). 2643. BOYER (Jean François). Pouvoirs et territoires en Aquitaine du VIIe au Xe siècle. Enquête sur l'administration locale. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 967 p. (Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne, 2). 2644. CHANDLER (Cullen J.). Carolingian Catalonia. Politics, culture, and identity in an imperial province,
2656. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich). Theoderich der Große: König der Goten, Herrscher der Römer: eine Biographie. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 791 p. c. 900–1300 2657. Acre and its falls. Studies in the history of a crusader city. Ed. by John FRANCE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 228 p. (History of warfare, 116). 2658. AOYAMA (Yumiko). 11–12 seiki no Furandoru haku no shōshobu. (The chancery of the count of Flanders in the eleventh and twelfth centuries). Tokyo, Tōsui Shobō, 2018, 250 p.
2659. Arduino fra storia e mito. A cura di Giuseppe SERGI. Bologna, Società editrice Il mulino, 2018, 153 p. (ill.). (Percorsi. Storia).###
2673. JANSEN (Katherine Ludwig). Peace and penance in late medieval Italy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 253 p. (ill.).
2660. At the origins of the Venetian sea state. Coron and Modon, 1204–1209. Ed. by Andrea NANETTI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 242 p.
2674. JESTICE (Phyllis G.). Imperial ladies of the Ottonian dynasty. Women and rule in tenth-century Germany. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 312 p. (Queenship and power).
2661. BARTHÉLEMY (Dominique). La Bataille de Bouvines. Histoire et légendes. Paris, Éditions Perrin, 2018, 542 p. 2662. COLE (Teresa A.). After the Conquest. The divided realm, 1066–1135. Stroud, Amberley Publishing, 2018, 288 p. (ill.). 2663. CONNOLLY (Sharon Bennett). Silk and the sword: the women of the Norman Conquest. Stroud, Amberley Publishing, 2018, 288 p. (ill.). 2664. Dílo knížat a králů z rodu Přemyslovců [= Work of princes and kings from the Přemyslov family]. Ed. by Jiří KUTHAN. Praha, NLN, 2018, 831 p. (ill., maps). 2665. Divine ideas in Franciscan thought: (XIIIth– XIVth century). Ed. by Jacopo Francesco FALÀ e Irene ZAVATTERO. Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2018, XXVII504 p. (Flumen sapientiae, 8), 2666. DRELL (Joanna H.). Kinship and conquest. Family strategies in the principality of Salerno during the Norman period, 1077–1194. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 272 p. 2667. Europa 1215. Politik, Kultur und Literatur zur Zeit des IV. Laterankonzils. Hrsg. v. Michele Camillo FERRARI, Klaus HERBERS und Christiane WITTHÖFT. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 319 p. (ill.). (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 79). 2668. From Carrickfergus to Carcassonne. The epic deeds of Hugh de Lacy during the Albigensian Crusade. Ed. by Paul DUFFY, Tadhg O'KEEFFE and JeanMichel PICARD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 358 p. (Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, 5). 2669. GABRIEL (Gottfried). The Horoscope of Emperor Baldwin II. Political and Sociocultural Dynamics in Latin-Byzantine Constantinople. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 310 p. (The Medieval Mediterranean, 114). 2670. Genèse des espaces politiques (IXe–XIIe siècle). Autour de la question spatiale dans les royaumes francs et post-carolingiens. Ed. par Geneviève BÜHRER-THIERRY, Steffen PATZOLD et Jens SCHNEIDER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 324 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 28). 2671. GRILLO (Paolo). La falsa inimicizia. Guelfi e Ghibellini nell'Italia del Duecento. Roma, Salerno editrice, 2018, 166 p. (maps). (Aculei, 34). 2672. Heinrich III. Dynastie – Region – Europa. Hrsg. v. Gerhard LUBICH und Dirk JÄCKEL. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 258 p. (Regesta Imperii, Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters, 43).
2675. KJÆR (Lars). Valdemar 2. Sejr, Matthew Paris og den engelske invasionsfrygt, 1240–1241. (Valdemar II, Matthew Paris and the rumours of a Danish invasion, 1240–1241). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 1, p. 21-50. 2676. LACHAUD (Frédérique). Jean sans Terre. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 480 p. 2677. Louis VII and his world. Ed. by Michael L. BARDOT and Laurence W. MARVIN. Leiden, Brill, 2018, 188 p. 2678. LOWER (Michael). The Tunis crusade of 1270. A Mediterranean history. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-216 p. 2679. MÍNGUEZ (Víctor). El linaje del Rey Monje: la configuración cultural e iconográfica de la "Corona aragonensis" (1164–1516). Castelló de la Plana, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2018, 447 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca potestas, 4). 2680. MISAGAWA (Akihiro). Kigen sen'nen no kōtei: Ottō 3 sei to sono jidai. (The emperor in 1000 A.D.: Otto III and his time). Tokyo, Tōsui Shobō, 2018, 430 p. 2681. Monasteri italo-greci: (sec. VII–XI). Una lettura archeologica. A cura di Federico MARAZZI e Chiara RAIMONDO. Cerro al Volturno, Volturnia, 2018, 216 p. (ill.). (Studi volturnensi, 12). 2682. PEERS (Chris). King Stephen and the anarchy. Civil war and military tactics in twelfth-century Britain. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2018, 183 p. (ill., map). 2683. RAO (Riccardo). Cavalieri, mercanti e consoli a Savona: costruzione di un'identità aristocratica, conflitto politico e rappresentanza in un comune ligure del XII secolo. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 655, p. 338. 2684. RIIS (Thomas). Kongen og hans mænd. Danmarks politiske rigsinstitutioner ca 1100–1332. (Le roi et ses hommes. Les institutions politiques centrales du Danemark entre ca 1100 et 1332). København, Historika / Gad i samarbejde med Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2018, 474 p. (ill.). 2685. ROACH (Levi). The Ottonians and Italy. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 349-364. 2686. ROSÉ (Isabelle). Autour de la reine Emma (vers 890–934). Réseaux, itinéraire biographique féminin et questions documentaires au début du Moyen Âge central. Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 817-847. 2687. SAKURAI (Yasuto). Jūjigun kokka ni okeru toshi tōchi kōzō. (The city governance structures of the
§ 3. Political history Crusader states). Yōroppa Bunkashi Kenkyū, 2018, 19, 41-75. 2688. Staufen and Plantagenets: two empires in comparison. Ed. by Alheydis PLASSMANN and Dominik BÜSCHKEN. Göttingen, V & R unipress GmbH, 2018, 306 p. (maps). (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft, 1). 2689. TĂTARU-CAZABAN (Miruna). Quod omnes tangit: une histoire médiévale du consentement politique, XIIIe-XIVe siecles. Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2018, 341 p. (Colecţia Guvermare şi societate). Cf. nos 116, 2733 d. 1300–1500 ** 2690. BARTLETT (Kenneth). Florence in the age of the Medici and Savonarola, 1464–1498: a short history with documents. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2018, XV176 p. (ill.). (Passages). 2691. BIELSKI (Marcin). Mbi Skënderbeun e Maqedonisë, princin shqiptar [= On Skanderbeg of Macedonia, the Albanian prince]. Tirane, ILAR, 2018, 140 p. 2692. BRACKOB (A. K.). Mircea the Old. Father of Wallachia, grandfather of Dracula. Las Vegas, Nevada Center for Romanian Studies, 2018, 224 p. 2693. BROWN (Chris). King and outlaw. The real Robert the Bruce. Stroud, The History Press, 2018, 192 p. (ill.). 2694. BUZHALA (Prend). Gjergj Kastrioti - Skënderbeu: arketipi i heroit nëpër kohë (ese, studime, këndvështrime) [= Gjergj Kastrioti - Skenderbeu: the archetype of the hero through time (essays, studies, perspectives)]. Prishtinë Lena, 2018, 418 p. 2695. CARBONNET (Adrien). Quand les aigles partent: l'occupation de la ville neutre de Cambrai par le roi de France Louis XI (1477–1482). Revue historique, 2018, 687, 3, p. 527-552. 2696. CAVINA (Marco). Maometto papa e imperatore. Bari, Laterza, 2018, IX-165 p. (I Robinson. Letture). 2697. Connestabili. Eserciti e guerra nell'Italia del primo Trecento. A cura di Paolo GRILLO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 174 p. (ill.). (Stato, esercito e controllo del territorio, 32). 2698. DI CARPEGNA FALCONIERI (Tommaso). L'homme qui se prenait pour le roi de France. Rome, Paris et Madrid, École française de Rome, 2018, 288 p. (Lectures méditerranéennes, 2). 2699. EŞANU (Valentina). Marii demnitari ai ţării Moldovei în domnia lui Ştefan cel Mare: (1457–1504). (The great dignitaries of the Moldavian Country during the reign of Stephen the Great: 1457–1504). Chişinău, Editura Cartier, 2018, 444 p. 2700. Fourteenth century England. Vol. 10. Ed. by Gwilym DODD. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, XI-201 p. (ill.). (Fourteenth century England).
2701. GAMBERINI (Andrea). "Eum pictum portabat". Pittura infamante e tradizioni militari alla fine del Medioevo. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 635-652. – IDEM. The clash of legitimacies. The state-building process in Late Medieval Lombardy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI, 240 p. (Oxford studies in Medieval European history). 2702. GEORGIOU (Constantinos). Preaching the Crusades to the eastern Mediterranean. Propaganda, liturgy and diplomacy, 1305–1352. London, Routledge, 2018, 294 p. 2703. HARDY (Duncan). Associative political culture in the Holy Roman Empire. Upper Germany, 1346– 1521. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-302 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 2704. HEDEMANN (Markus). Danmark, Slesvig og Holsten 1404–1448. Konflikt og konsekvens. Aabenraa, Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 2018, 351 p. (Skrifter udgivet af Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 114). 2705. Herzog Friedrich IV. von Österreich, Graf von Tirol (1406–1439). Akten der internationalen Tagung Landesmuseum Schloss Tirol 19./20. Oktober 2017. Hrsg. v. Gustav PFEIFER. Bozen, Athesia Verlagsanstalt, 2018, 352 p. 2706. Hombres de religión y guerra: cruzada y guerra santa en la Edad Media peninsular. Ed. por Carlos DE Ayala MARTÍNEZ y José Santiago PALACIOS ONTALVA. Madrid, Sílex Ediciones, 2018, 540 p. (ill.). 2707. JOSTKLEIGREWE (Georg). Monarchischer Staat und "Société politique". Politische Interaktion und staatliche Verdichtung im spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2018, 494 p. (MittelalterForschungen, 56). 2708. Kaiser Maximilian I. Tirol. Österreich. Europa. 1459–1519. Hrsg. v. Michael FORCHER und Christoph HAIDACHER. Innsbruck, Haymon Verlag, 2018, 216 p. 2709. KRAFFT (Otfried). Landgraf Ludwig I. von Hessen (1402–1458). Politik und historische Rezeption. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2018, XII, 880 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 88). 2710. Krise, Krieg und Koexistenz. 1415 und die Folgen für Habsburg und die Eidgenossenschaft. Hrsg. v. Peter NIEDERHÄUSER. Baden, hier + jetzt, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2018, 248 p. 2711. LEE (Alexander). Humanism and empire. The imperial ideal in fourteenth-century Italy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXII-438 p. 2712. MALETO (Elena Ivanovna). Srednevekovaia Rusʹ i Konstantinopolʹ: diplomaticheskie otnosheniia v kontse XIV–seredine XV v. (Medieval Russia and Constantinople: diplomatic relations at the end of the 14th–the middle of the 15th century). Moskva, Tsentrpoligraf, 2018, 222 p. (ill.). (Noveĭshie issledovaniia po istorii Rossii, 13).
2713. MESSMER (Kurt). Die Kunst des Möglichen. Zur Entstehung der Eidgenossenschaft im 15. Jahrhundert. Baden, hier + jetzt, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2018, 240 p.### 2714. MUSARRA (Antonio). Il crepuscolo della crociata. L'Occidente e la perdita della Terrasanta. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 334 p. (Biblioteca storica). 2715. NEUSTADT (Cornelia). Kommunikation im Konflikt. König Erik VII. von Dänemark und die Städte im südlichen Ostseeraum (1423–1435). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-540 p. (Europa im Mittelalter. Abhandlungen und Beiträge zur historischen Komparatistik, 32). 2716. NORMAN (Diana). Siena and the Angevins, 1300–1350. Art, diplomacy, and dynastic ambition. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 272 p. (ill.). (Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages, 13). 2717. OTCHAKOVSKY-LAURENS (François). La vie politique à Marseille sous la domination angevine (1348–1385). Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 521 p. (col. a. b/w ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 543). 2718. PAGNONI (Fabrizio). La difficile eredità ducale. Popolo e fazioni in Lombardia e nella Brescia malatestiana (1404–1421). Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 658, p. 645-676. 2719. PÁLOSFALVI (Tamás). From Nicopolis to Mohács: a history of Ottoman-Hungarian warfare, 1389– 1526. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 518 p. (The Ottoman Empire and its heritage: politics, society and economy, 63). 2720. PARSHYN (Illia). Dyplomatiia Halytsʹko-Volynsʹkoï derzhavy: ievropeĭsʹki naratyvni dzherela XIII– XV stolitʹ. (Diplomacy of the Galician-Volyn state: European narrative sources of the XIII–XV centuries). Lʹviv, [s.n.], 2018, 348 p. 2721. Petitions and strategies of persuasion in the Middle Ages: the English crown and the church, c. 1200–c.1500. Ed. by Thomas W. SMITH and Helen KILLICK. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2018, 220 p. 2722. PILAT (Liviu), CRISTEA (Ovidiu). The Ottoman threat and crusading on the Eastern Border of Christendom during the fifteenth century. Leiden, Brill, 2018, 337 p. (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450, 48). 2723. Proctors for Parliament: clergy, community and politics, c.1248–1539. Volume II. 1377–1539. Ed. by Phil BRADFORD and Alison K. MAC HARDY. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 352 p. (National Archives, Series SC 10). 2724. PROSKE (Veronika). Der Romzug Kaiser Sigismunds (1431–1433). Politische Kommunikation, Herrschaftsrepräsentation und -rezeption. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 448 p. (Regesta Imperii, Beihefte: Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters, 44).
2725. RIVIÈRE (Christophe). Une principauté d'Empire face au royaume: le duché de Lorraine sous le règne de Charles II (1390–1431). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 576 p. (maps). (Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévales (ARTEM), 26). 2726. SATŌ (Hitomi). Bunretsu shita kyōdōtai no teikō: 15 seiki Varisu no Raron jiken ni okeru seiji gengo. (Resistance of a divided community: political languages in the Raron Affair in Valais in the 15th century). Seiyō Shigaku, 2018, 265, p. 1-21. 2727. SILVESTRI (Alessandro). L'amministrazione del regno di Sicilia. Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo Medioevo. Roma, Viella, 2018, 496 p. 2728. STAREŢU (Ştefan). Europe - Serbian Despotate of Srem an the Romanian area: between the 14th and the 16th centuries. Tewksbury, Massachussets, Derc Publishing House, 2018, 292 p. 2729. TAGUCHI (Masaki). Freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit und Bestätigungen am Herrscherhof im deutschen Spätmittelalter (1273–1400). Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte Germanistische Abteilung, 2018, 135, p. 69-189. 2730. VERDIER (René). La Bataille d'Anthon (1430), Lyon et le Dauphiné restent français. Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2018, 203 p. 2731. WARNER (Kathry). Hugh Despenser the Younger and Edward II. Downfall of a King's favourite. Barnsley, Pen & Sword History, 2018, XIII-218 p. 2732. WHELAN (Mark). Between papacy and empire: Cardinal Henry Beaufort, the House of Lancaster, and the Hussite crusades. English historical review, 2018, 133, 560, p. 1-31. 2733. ZUPKA (Dušan). Formy komunikácie politických elít v stredovekej strednej Európe (Uhorsko, Rakúsko, České krajiny, 1250–1350). [Forms of communication of the political elites in Medieval Central Europe (Hungary, Austria and the Czech Lands, 1250– 1350)]. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 3, p. 385-408. Cf. nos 2533, 3826, 4216, 4775, 4788, 7004 § 4. Jews. ** 2734. DE SOUZA (Igor H.). Rewriting Maimonides. Early commentaries on the guide of the perplexed. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX-312 p. (Jewish thought, philosophy and religion, 5). ** 2735. De Toledo a Córdoba. Tathlīth al-wahdāniyya ("La Trinidad de la Unidad'): fragmentos teológicos de un judeoconverso arabizado. Ed. por Juan Pedro MONFERRER SALA y Pedro MANTAS ESPAÑA. Madrid, Editorial Sindéresis, 2018, 223 p. (Ediciones y estudios Benito Arias Montano. Monografías. Arabica, 3). ** 2736. Légende (La) de Yosef della Reina, activiste messianique: trois versions traduites de l'hébreu et
§ 4. Jews du yiddish. Ed. par Jean BAUMGARTEN. Paris, L'Éclat, 2018, 147 p. (ill.). (Éclats). ** 2737. Maimonides on coitus. A new parallel arabic. Ed. by Gerrit BOS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-242 p. (The medical works of Moses Maimonides, 11). ** 2738. Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency: commentaries on Amos and Jonah (with selections from Isaiah and Ezekiel). Ed. by Robert A. HARRIS. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2018, VIII-120 p. (TEAMS commentary series). ** 2739. RAND (Michael). The evolution of al-Ḥarizi's Taḥkemoni. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 156 p. (Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval, 76. Cambridge Genizah studies, 9). ** 2740. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich, Band 4. 1387–1404. Hrsg. v. Eveline BRUGGER und Birgit WIEDL. Innsbruck, Studien, 2018, 407 p. ______________________
2741. Angels, a messenger by any other name in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. Ed. by John T. GREENE. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, VIII-154 p. (ill., music). 2742. Barbarians and jews. Jews and judaism in the early medieval West. Ed. by Yitzhak HEN and Thomas F. X. NOBLE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-341 p. (Diaspora, 4). 2743. BERTOLA (Ermenegildo). L'eternità del mondo in Mosè Maimonide e altri scritti (1949–1996). A cura di Giacomo PETRARCA. Livorno, Salomone Belforte & C., 2018, 412 p. (Collana di studi ebraici, 33). 2744. BOS (Gerrit). Novel medical and general Hebrew terminology from the 13th century. Vol. 4. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIII-243 p. 2745. BOYADJIAN (Tamar M.). The city lament: Jerusalem across the Medieval Mediterranean. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 193 p. 2746. CLOHESSY (Christopher Paul). Half of my heart: the narratives of Zaynab, daughter of 'Alî. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2018, XX-287 p. (Islamic history and thought, 13). 2747. DECTER (Jonathan P.). Dominion built of praise: panegyric and legitimacy among Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 387 p. (Jewish culture and contexts). 2748. EINBINDER (Susan L.). After the Black Death: plague and commemoration among Iberian Jews. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 239 p. (Middle Ages series). 2749. Extractiones de Talmud per ordinem sequentialem. Ed. Ulisse CECINI, Oscar DE LA CRUZ PALMA, Eulàlia VERNET I PONS, FEDERICO DAL BO. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2018, CX-712 p, (facs.). (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 291).
2750. HENG (Geraldine). England and the Jews: how religion and violence created the first racial state in the West. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 103 p. (Elements in religion and violence). 2751. Imagining the jew in anglo-saxon literature and culture. Ed. by Samantha ZACHER. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 377 p. (Toronto anglo-saxon series). 2752. Jews and Muslims under the Fourth Lateran Council: papers commemorating the octocentenary of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). Ed. by Marie-Thérèse CHAMPAGNE and Irven M. RESNICK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 280 p. (Religion and law in Medieval Christian and Muslim societies, 10). 2753. KRAKOWSKI (Eve). Coming of age in medieval Egypt. Female adolescence, Jewish law and ordinary culture. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XVI350 p. 2754. LEYRA CURIÁ (Montse). In Hebreo. The Victorine exegesis in the light of its Northern-French jewish sources. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 408 p. (Bibliotheca Victorina, 26). 2755. MARCUS (Ivan G.). "Sefer Hasidim" and the Ashkenazic book in Medieval Europe. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XIII-202 p. (Jewish culture and contexts). 2756. MELL (Julie L.). The myth of the medieval Jewish moneylender. Vol. 2. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 264 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 2757. Regional identities and cultures of medieval Jews. Ed. by Javier CASTAÑO, Ephraim KANARFOGEL and Talya FISHMAN. Oxford, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2018, 352 p. (The Littman library of Jewish civilization). 2758. ROTHSCHILD (Jean-Pierre). Moïse b. Sabbataï, lecteur juif du Livre des causes et adversaire de la kabbale, en Italie, vers 1340. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-332 p. (Philosophy in the Abrahamic traditions of the Middle Ages: texts and studies in interpretation and influence among philosophical thinkers of the medieval Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew traditions, 2). 2759. RUDAVSKY (Tamar M.). Jewish philosophy in the middle ages. Science, rationalism, and religion. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 344 p. (The Oxford history of philosophy). 2760. Scepticism and anti-scepticism in Medieval Jewish philosophy and thought. Ed. by Racheli HALIVA. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VII-179 p. (Studies and texts in scepticism, 5). 2761. SCHWARTZ (Dov). The many faces of Maimonides. Brighton, Academic Studies Press, 2018, XII185 p. (Emunot: Jewish philosophy and kabbalah). 2762. TODESCHINI (Giacomo). Gli ebrei nell'Italia medievale. Roma, Carocci editore, 2018, 267 p. (Frecce, 253).
2763. TOLEDANO (Ariel). La médecine de Maïmonide. Quand l'esprit guérit le corps. Paris, Éditions In Press, 2018, 243 p.###
of Shalab in the Islamic era from the conquest of Andalusia by the Muslims until its fall, 711–1242). Iskandarīyah, Muʼassasat Shabāb al-Jāmi'ah, 2018, 309 p.
2764. WEINSTOCK (Nathan). Le livre d'Esther dans la tradition occitane judéo-comtadine. Toulouse, Institut d'estudis occitans, 2018, 117 p. (Textes et documents).
2775. Al-Murābiṭun (los almorávides). Un imperio islámico occidental: estudios en memoria del Profesor Henri Terrasse. Ed. por María MARCOS COBALEDA. Granada, Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, 2018, 498 p. (ill., maps). (Memorias, 4).
2765. ZIMMERMANN (Volker). Die Heidelberger Arzneibücher Ysack Leujs: Beiträge jüdischer Ärzte zur Heilkunde des Mittelalters. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 222 p. (Medizingeschichte). Cf. no 729 § 5. Islam. ** 2766. DIEM (Werner). Vier Studien zu arabischen Dokumenten des 8.–14. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 138 p. ** 2767. Ibāḍī Texts from the 2nd/8th Century. Ed. by Wilferd MADELUNG and Abdulrahman AL-SALIMI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 259 p. (Islamic history and civilization, 133). ** 2768. Īsā ibn 'Alī's Book on the Useful Properties of Animal Parts. Edition, translation and study of a fluid tradition. Ed. by Lucia RAGGETTI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XXXVI-591 p. (Science, technology and medicine in ancient cultures, 6). ** 2769. Medieval Latin lives of Muhammad. Ed. by Julian YOLLES and Jessica WEISS. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XLI-664 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library, 51). ** 2770. WILMERS (Damaris). Beyond Schools. Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīrʼs (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of ambiguity. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X396 p. (Islamic history and civilization, 154). ** 2771. WOERTHER (Frédérique). Le plaisir, le bonheur, et l'acquisition des vertus. Édition du Livre X du Commentaire moyen d'Averroès à l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote. Accompagnée d'une traduction française annotée, et précédée de deux études sur le Commentaire moyen d'Averroès à l'Éthique à Nicomaque. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, VIII-283 p. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and studies, 10). _______________________
2772. Abbasid (The) and Carolingian Empires: comparative studies in civilizational formation. Ed. by Deborah Gerber TOR. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 231 p. (ill., maps). (Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 150). 2773. 'ABD AL-HĀDĪ ('Abd al-Bāqī al-Sayyid). Dirāsāt andalusīyah fī al-fikr wa-al-tārīkh wa-al-madhāhib. (Andalusian studies in thought, history and doctrines). Al-Qāhirah, Dār al-Āfāq al-'Arabīyah, 2018, 452 p. (facs.). (Mawsū'at al-'aqīdah wa-al-adyān). 2774. 'ABD AL-MUN'IM (al-Sayyid Ḥamīdū). Tārīkh al-Burtughāl al-Islāmīyah. Madīnat Shalab fī al-'aṣr alIslāmī mundhu fatḥ al-Muslimīn lil-Andalus ḥattá suqūṭihā, 92–640. (History of Islamic Portugal. The city
2776. AL-RAHIM (Ahmed H.). The creation of philosophical tradition: biography and the reception of Avicenna's philosophy from the eleventh to the fourteenth century A.D. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, XV-218 p. (Diskurse der Arabistik, 21). 2777. Aristotle, Physics VIII. Translated into Arabic by Ishaq ibn Hunayn (9th c.). Hrsg. v. Rüdiger ARNZEN, Pieter SJOERD HASPER und Schmieja HORST. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 350 p. (Scientia Graeco-Arabica). 2778. Astrometeorología en al-Andalus y el Magrib entre los siglos VIII y XV. El Kitāb al-amṭār wa l-as'ār ("Libro de las lluvias y de los precios") de Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Baqqār (fl. 1411–1418). Ed. por Chedli GUESMI y Julio SAMSÓ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VIII-277 p. (De Diversis Artibus, 103. N.S., 66). 2779. Bains (Les) de Cefalà (X–XIX siècle): pratiques thermales d'origine islamique dans la Sicilie mèdièvale. / I bagni di Cefalà (secoli X–XIX): pratiche termali d'origine islamica nella Sicilia medievale. Éd. par Alessandra BAGNERA et Annliese NEF. Rome, École française de Rome, 2018, XVI-640 p. (ill., pl.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 538). 2780. BAUER (Thomas). Warum es kein islamisches Mittelalter gab. Das Erbe der Antike und der Orient. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 175 p. 2781. BENEVICH (Fedor). Essentialität und Notwendigkeit. Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 400 p. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and studies, 107). 2782. BERTO (Luigi Andrea). Cristiani e musulmani nell'Italia dei primi secoli del Medioevo. Percezioni, scontri e incontri. Milano, Jouvence, 2018, 247 p. (Volti d'Islam, 16). 2783. BRACKOB (A. K.). Scanderbeg: a history of George Castriota and the Albanian resistance to Islamic expansion in fifteenth century Europe. Las Vegas, Nevada Histria Books, 2018, 217 p. (ill.). 2784. BRENTJES (Sonja). Teaching and learning the sciences in Islamicate societies (800–1700). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 334 p. (Studies on the faculty of arts. History and influence, 3). 2785. BUSH (Olga). Reframing the Alhambra: architecture, poetry, textiles and court ceremonial. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, XIV-320 p. (ill.). (Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art). 2786. CARLSON (Thomas A.). Christianity in fifteenth-century Iraq. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018,
§ 5. Islam XVIII-299 p. (Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization). 2787. COLOMINAS APARICIO (Mònica). The religious polemics of the muslims of late medieval christian Iberia. Identity and religious authority in Mudejar Islam. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 412 p. (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 64). 2788. DAMIAN (Iulian Mihai). Umanesimo e crociata nel Quattrocento. Cluj-Napoca, România Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2018, 199 p. 2789. DEMICHELIS (Marco). Salvation and hell in classical Islamic thought: can Allah save us all? London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VIII-229 p. 2790. DURIE (Mark). The Qurʾan and its Biblical Reflexes: investigations into the genesis of a religion. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 394 p. 2791. From Al-Andalus to the Americas (13th–17th centuries). Destruction and construction of societies. Ed. by Thomas F. GLICK, Antonio MALPICA, Fèlix RETAMERO and Josep TORRÓ. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 496 p. (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 65). 2792. GHAFFAR (Zishan Ahmad). Der historische Muhammad in der islamischen Theologie. Zur Kriterienfrage in der Leben-Muhammad-Forschung. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 396 p. (Beiträge zur Komparativen Theologie, 31). 2793. GILBERT (Claire). A grammar of conquest: the Spanish and Arabic reorganization of Granada after 1492. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 3-40. 2794. GOTTWALD (Heinz). Der lange Schatten der Hidschra: ein theologiegeschichtlicher Vergleich zwischen Islam und Christentum. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 292 p. (ill.). 2795. GRAVES (Margaret S.). Arts of allusion: object, ornament, and architecture in medieval Islam. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 352 p. (ill.). 2796. HERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ (Azuce). Astrolabios en Al-Andalus y los reinos medievales hispanos. Madrid, Ediciones de La Ergástula, 2018, 244 p. (Arte y Contextos, 3). 2797. HOSLER (John D.). The siege of Acre, 1189– 1191. Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, and the battle that decided the third crusade. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XV-253 p. 2798. Interreligious encounters in polemics between Christians, Jews and Muslims in Iberia and beyond. Ed. by Mercedes GARCÍA-ARENAL, Gerard A. WIEGERS and Ryan SZPIECH. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, VIII-343 p. 2799. Islamic philosophy from the 12th to the 14th century. Ed. by Abdelkader AL GHOUZ. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2018, 560 p. (ill.). (Mamluk Studies, 20). 2800. Jāmī in regional contexts. The reception of 'Abd al-Raḥmān Jāmī's works in the Islamicate world, ca. 9th/15th–14th/20th century. Ed. by Thibaut D'HUBERT
and Alexandre PAPAS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 847 p. (Handbook of oriental studies, 1. The Near and Middle East, 128). 2801. KALBARCZYK (Alexander). Predication and ontology. Studies and texts on Avicennian and postAvicennian readings of Aristotle's categories. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XI-344 p. (Scientia graecoarabica, 22). 2802. KALBARCZYK (Nora). Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie. Zur avicennischen Klassifikation der Bezeichnung bei Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 250 p. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and studies, 103). 2803. KALIRAD (Ali). Tārik͟h-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh: moarrefi-ye do tārikh-e omumi az sadeye nohome hejri va barresi-ye bāznamāi-ye tārikh-e eslam dar ānhā. (Tārik͟h-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh: the representation of the Early history of Islam in two Persian general histories of the Fifteenth century). Tārikh va Tamaddon-e Eslāmi (Journal of Islamic history and civilisation), 2018, 14, 27, p. 129-154. 2804. KARA (Seyfeddin). In search of ʿAlī Ibn Abī Ṭālib's codex: history and traditions on the earliest copy of the Qurʾān. Berlin, Gerlach Press, 2018, XIII278 p. 2805. KEY (Alexander). Language between God and the poets. Ma'na in the eleventh century. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XVI-280 p. (Berkeley series in postclassical islamic scholarship, 2). 2806. LATIFF (Osman). The cutting edge of the poet's sword: Muslim poetic responses to the crusades. Leiden, Brill, 2018, 299 p. 2807. MIRZA (Sarah). Dhimma agreements and sanctuary systems at Islamic origins. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 99-117. 2808. MOTANI (Yūsuke). Muhanmado Arī niyoru Shiria tōchi ni kansuru jūyō shiryō 'Areppo kōtō kyōgikai hakkō no giketsusho no kiroku daichō' no kentō. (An important historical source concerning Muhammad Ali's rule of Syria: a study of the record register of acts (Khulasat) published by the superior council of Aleppo). Asia-Africa Gengo Bunka Kenkyū (Journal of Asian and African Studies), 2018, 95, p. 201-220. 2809. ŌBUCHI (Hisashi). Fafuruddīn Razzī to tetsugaku toshite no okaruto shogaku: 13 seiki shotō no Isrāmu shisō ni okeru tetsugaku teki shingaku no ichi sokumen. (Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī and the occult science as philosophy: an aspect of the philosophical theology of Islam at the beginning of the thirteenth century). Nihon Chūtō Gakkai Nenpō, 2018, 34, 1, p. 1-33. 2810. OZAKI (Kikuko). Chūsei Isurāmu sekai no josei iryōsha. (The female medical practitioners in medieval Islam). Shigaku, 2018, 87, 3, p. 285-312. 2811. PRANGE (Sebastian R.). Monsoon Islam. Trade and faith on the Medieval Malabar coast. New York,
Cambridge U. P., 2018, 360 p. (Cambridge oceanic histories).
rycznych, Societas Vistulana, 2018, 446 p. (ill.). (Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, 23).
2812. RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO (Pablo). Las torres árabes de las alquerías valencianas. Valencia, Tirant Humanidades, 2018, 211 p. (ill.). (Plural).
2825. EGELER (Matthias). Atlantic outlooks on being at home: Gaelic place-lore and the construction of a sense of place in Medieval Iceland. Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2018, 324 p. (Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 314).
2813. SAHNER (Christian C.). Christian Martyrs under Islam. Religious violence and the making of the Muslim world. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIV335 p. 2814. SALEH (Mohamed). On the road to heaven: taxation, conversions, and the Coptic-Muslim socioeconomic gap in Medieval Egypt. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 394-434. 2815. SEGOVIA (Carlos Andrés). The Quranic Jesus. A new interpretation. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XI183 p. (Judaism, christianity and islam. Tension, transmission, transformation, 5). 2816. SHOEMAKER (Stephen J.). The apocalypse of empire: imperial eschatology in late antiquity and early Islam. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 269 p. (Divinations: rereading late ancient religion). 2817. Study (The) of al-Andalus: the scholarship and legacy of James T. Monroe. Ed. by Michelle HAMILTON and David A. WACKS. Boston, Ilex Foundation, 2018, VII-260 p. (ill.). (Ilex foundation, 19). 2818. Theological Rationalism in Medieval Islam. New Sources and Perspectives. Ed. by L. MUEHLETHALER, G. SCHWARB, S. SCHMIDTKE. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, X-184 p. (Oriental Studies and Archaeology, 258). 2819. WEITZ (Lev E.). Between Christ and Caliph: law, marriage, and Christian community in early Islam. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, VIII-340 p. (ill.). (Divinations). § 6. Vikings. _______________________
2820. ARCINI (Caroline Ahlström). The Viking age: a time of many faces. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2018, 120 p. (ill., maps). 2821. Aspects of royal power in medieval Scandinavia. Ed. by Jakub MORAWIEC, Rafał BORYSŁAWSKI. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2018, 164 p. (ill.). (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, 3760). 2822. BRINK (Stefan). Vikingarnas slavar: den nordiska träldomen under yngre järnålder och äldsta medeltid. (Les esclaves des vikings: l'esclavage nordique à l'âge du fer récent et au Haut Moyen Age). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 326 p. (ill.). 2823. DUFEU (Val). Fish trade in Medieval North Atlantic societies: an interdisciplinary approach to human ecodynamics. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 255 p. (The Early Medieval North Atlantic). 2824. Early Medieval Scandinavia: New trends in research. Warszawa, Fundacja Centrum Badań Histo-
2826. Fortified Viking Age (The). 36th interdisciplinary Viking Symposium. (Les fortifications de l'époque viking. Actes du 36ème congrès interdisciplinaire viking). Red. Jesper HANSEN, Mette BRUUS. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 86 p. (ill.). (Kulturhistoriske studier i centralitet/Archaeological & Historical Studies in Centrality, 3). 2827. Gamla Uppsala: människor och makter i högarnas skugga. Vendeltid, vikingatid, medeltid [= Old Uppsala: people and powers in the shadow of the piles. Vendel Age, Viking Age, Middle Ages]. Ed by Kristina Ekero ERIKSSON. Stockholm, Norstedts, 2018, 351 p. (ill., maps). 2828. KERSHAW (Jane). Silver, butter, cloth: monetary and social economies in the Viking age. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 323 p. (Medieval history and archaeology). 2829. MÄGI (Marika). In Austrvegr. The role of the Eastern Baltic in Viking age communication across the Baltic Sea. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 512 p. (The northern world, 84). 2830. PARKER (Eleanor). Dragon lords: the history and legends of Viking England. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, 267 p. 2831. Supernatural encounters in old Norse literature and tradition. Ed. by Daniel SÄVBORG and Karen BEK-PEDERSEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VIII-266 p. (Borders, boundaries, landscapes, 1). 2832. Theorizing old Norse myth. Ed. by Stefan BRINK and Lisa COLLINSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 264 p. (Acta scandinavica, 7). 2833. WELLENDORF (Jonas). Gods and humans in medieval Scandinavia: retying the bonds. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 220 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 103). § 7. History of law and institutions. ** 2834. BELLOMO (Manlio). Roffredo Beneventano, professore a Roma: "Lecturae super Codice" in un "Apparatus recollectus" di ignoto allievo. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2018, XVII-298 p. (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 313). ** 2835. FORCADET (Pierre-Anne). Conquestus fuit domino regi. Le recours au roi d'après les arrêts du Parlement de Paris (1223–1285). Paris, Éditions de Boccard, 2018, 815 p. (Romanité et modernité du droit). ** 2836. FOSSIER (Arnaud). Le bureau des âmes: écritures et pratiques administratives de la Pénitencerie apostolique (XIIIe–XIVe siècle). Rome, École française
§ 7. History of law and institutions
de Rome, 2018, XV-617 p. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 378).
England. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 302 p. (Artes liberales.).
** 2837. HÜLSCHER (Katharina). Das Statutenbuch des Stiftes Xanten. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, 710 p. (Die Stiftskirche des Hl. Viktor zu Xanten. Neue Folge, 1).
2850. CASTORPH (Bernward). Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der römisch-deutschen Königswahl seit 1198. Vom Dekretale Venerabilem zur Goldenen Bulle. Borsdorf, Winterwork, 2018, 144 p.
** 2838. Justícia i resolució de conflictes a la Catalunya medieval. Collecció diplomàtica segle IX–XI. Barcelona, Parlament de Catalunya y Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Justícia, 2018, 1068 p. (Textos jurídics catalans. Documents, 2/37).
2851. CHAPMAN STACEY (Robin). Law and the imagination in medieval Wales. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 335 p. (The Middle Ages series).
** 2839. Liber (The) legis Scaniae: the Latin text with introduction, translation and commentaries. Ed. by Ditlev TAMM. London, Routledge, 2018, X-194 p. (Medieval Nordic laws). ** 2840. Rapports (Les) et déclarations des droits du département de Meurthe-et-Moselle (1300–1789). Éd. par Jean COUDERT. Paris, CTHS, 2018, 545 p. (map). (Collection des documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. Série in-8o, 78). ** 2841. Summa "Omnis qui iuste iudicat" sive Lipsiensis. Vol. 4-5. Hrsg. v. Rudolf WEIGAND, Peter LANDAU und Karin MIETHANER-VENT. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2018, 2 vol., LXIX563 p., LVIII-357 p. (Monumenta iuris canonici. Series A. Corpus glossatorum, 7, 4-5). ** 2842. Summa "Reverentia sacrorum canonum". A cura di John C. WEI. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2018, XXIX-333 p. (Monumenta iuris canonici. Series A. Corpus glossatorum, 9). ______________________
2843. ARLINGHAUS (Franz-Josef). Inklusion – Exklusion. Funktion und Formen des Rechts in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt. Das Beispiel Köln. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 439 p. (Norm und Struktur, 48). 2844. BEŁCH (Stanisław). Paweł Włodkowic i polska szkoła prawa międzynarodowego. [= Paweł Włodkowic and the Polish school of international law]. Warszawa, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Teologia Polityczna, 2018, 318 p. (Seria dziedzictwo. Tradycje Polskiej Myśli Prawa Międzynarodowego w XV Wieku, 3).
2852. DRUWÉ (Wouter). Scandalum in the early Bolognese decretistic and in papal decretals (ca. 1140– 1234). Leuven, Peeters, 2018, X-110 p. (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense. Etudes et documents, 55. Studia Brevivora, 1). 2853. FIORE (Alessio). Refiguring local power and legitimacy in the kingdom of Italy, c.900–c.1150. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 33-67. 2854. GAUVARD (Claude). Condamner à mort au Moyen Âge: pratiques de la peine capitale en France, XIIIe–XVe siècle. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2018, 360 p. (ill., pl.). 2855. GROLLMANN (Felix). Vom bayerischen Stammesrecht zur karolingischen Rechtsreform. Zur Integration Bayerns in das Frankenreich. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2018, XII-469 p. (Abhandlungen zur rechtswissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung. Münchener Universitätsschriften. Juristische Fakultät, 98). 2856. HARDY (Duncan). Tage (Courts, Councils and Diets): political and judicial nodal points in the Holy Roman Empire, c.1300–1550. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 381-400. 2857. HÉBERT (Michel). La voix du peuple. Une histoire des assemblées au Moyen Âge. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 308 p. 2858. Histoire (Une) juridique de l'Occident (IIIe– IX siècle): le droit et la coutume. Éd. de Soazick KERNEIS. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, XI463 p. (Nouvelle Clio: l'histoire et ses problèmes). e
2845. BONACINI (Pierpaolo). Multa scripsit, nihil tamen reperitur. Niccolò Mattarelli giurista a Modena e Padova (1240 ca.–1314 ca.). Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2018, 263 p. (Seminario giuridico dell'Università di Bologna, 292).
2859. HUDSON (John). The formation of the English common law: law and society in England from King Alfred to Magna Carta. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 241 p. (Medieval World).
2846. BÓNIS (György). Beiträge zur ungarischen Rechtsgeschicte, 1000–1848. Ein Sammelband von Nachdrucken. Hrsg. v. Elemér BALOGH. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2018, 440 p. (ill.).
2860. Islamische und westliche Jurisprudenz des Mittelalters im Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Christian LANGE, Wolfgang P. MÜLLER und Christoph K. NEUMANN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XII-242 p.
2847. Vacat. 2848. BÜTTNER (Andreas). Königsherrschaft im Mittelalter. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII259 p. (Seminar Geschichte. De Gruyter Studium). 2849. BYRNE (Philippa). Justice and mercy. Moral theology and the exercise of law in twelfth-century
2861. JUDAŠ (Kristina). Smrtna kazna u Zagrebačkom Gradecu u drugoj polovici 15. stoljeća. (Capital punishment in the Gradec of Zagreb in the second half of the fifteenth century). Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 36, 2018, p. 31-60.
2862. KURITA (Kazuhiko). Shichiria kaihō josetsu. (An introductory study of the Sicilian maritime law in the Middle Ages). Suita, Kansai U. P., 2018, 326 p.###
rona de Castilla en la Baja Edad Media. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, 2018, 319 p. (ill.). (Historia medieval y moderna, 78).
2863. Landfrieden – epochenübergreifend. Neue Perspektiven der Landfriedensforschung auf Verfassung, Recht, Konflikt. Hrsg. v. Hendrik BAUMBACH und Horst CARL. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 280 p. (Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 54).
2877. Sacré (Le) et la parole. Le serment au Moyen Âge. Éd. par Martin AURELL, Jaume AURELL I CARDONA et Montserrat HERRERO LÓPEZ. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 327 p. (ill.). (Rencontres, 378. Civilisation médiévale, 34).
2864. Law and language in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Matthew W. MAC HAFFIE, Jenny BENHAM and Helle VOGT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 328 p. (Medieval law and its practice, 25).
2878. STACEY (Robin Chapman). Law and the imagination in medieval Wales. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 335 p. (ill.). (Middle Ages series).
2865. Law and society in later Medieval England and Ireland: essays in honour of Paul Brand. Ed. by Travis R. BAKER. London, Routledge, 2018, XIX-280 p.
2879. Statuts communaux et circulations documentaires dans les sociétés méditerranéennes de l'Occident (XIIe–XVe siècle). Statuts, écritures et pratiques sociales. II. Sous la dir. de Didier LETT. Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne et Centro Europeo di Ricerche Medievali, 2018, 262 p.
2866. LUDWIG JANSEN (Katherine). Peace and penance in Late Medieval Italy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XX-253 p. 2867. MAC HAFFIE (Matthew W.). Law and violence in eleventh-century france. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 3-41. 2868. Medieval and early modern murder. Legal, literary and historical contexts. Ed. by Larissa TRACY. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, 500 p. (ill.). 2869. MINEO (E. Igor). Popolo e bene comune in Italia fra XIII e XIV secolo. Roma, Viella, 2018, 144 p. 2870. MINNUCCI (Giovanni). Le Sine nomine di Francesco Petrarca e gli Epigramamta di Jacopo di Sannazzaro: tracce di cultura umanistica nel De Papatu Romano Antichristo di Alberico Gentili. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 1, p. 13-40. 2871. Périphéries financières angevines: institutions et pratiques de l'administration de territoires composites (XIIIe–XVe siècle) / Periferie finanziarie angioine: istituzioni e pratiche di governo su territori compositi (sec. XIII–XV). Éd. par / A cura di Serena MORELLI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, VIII-488 p. (ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 518/2). 2872. PIO (Berardo). Giovanni da Legnano: un intellettuale nell'Europa del Trecento. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2018, 144 p. (Studi e memorie per la storia dell'Università di Bologna. Nuova serie, 15). 2873. Planning for death. Wills and death-related property arrangements in Europe, 1200–1600. Ed. by Mia KORPIOLA and Anu LAHTINEN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 300 p. (Medieval law and its practice, 23). 2874. Procès politiques au temps de Charles VII et de Louis XI. Ed. par Joël BLANCHARD. Genève, Droz, 2018, XLIV-368 p. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 587). 2875. RENNIE (Kriston R.). Medieval canon law. Leeds, Arc Humanities Press, 2018, 108 p. (Past imperfect). 2876. RUIZ GALLEGOS (Yésica). Aproximación al estudio del Juicio Final y del juicio del alma en la Co-
2880. ULIČNÝ (Ferdinand). Obyčajové právo mešťanov do 13. storočia. (The customary rights of burghers up to the 13th century). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 2, p. 219-239. 2881. VAN CAENEGEM (R.C.). Women in twelfthcentury English lawsuits. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 3-4, p. 339-344. 2882. VINCI (Stefano). I regolamenti sulla pesca del mare di Taranto: il Libro Rosso della Dogana del XV secolo. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 225-268. 2883. Violence and justice in Bologna, 1250–1700. Ed. by Sarah Rubin BLANSHEI. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, XXXVI-264 p. 2884. WALKOWSKI (Grzegorz Kazimierz). Polski proces ziemski do końca XV wieku. Część 2. I elementy polskiego prawa prywatnego [= The Polish landprocess until the end of the 15th century. Part 2. Elements of Polish private law]. Bydgoszcz, Bogart S.A., 2018, 783-1450 p. Cf. no 3516 § 8. Economic and social history. ** 2885. ABRAMSON (Tony). Coinage in the Northumbrian landscape and economy, c.575–c.867. Oxord, British Archaeological Reports, 2018, XXI-207 p. (ill., charts, maps, pl.). (BAR british series, 641). ______________________
2886. Affective and emotional economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ed. by Andreea MARCULESCU and Charles-Louis MORAND-MÉTIVIER. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, X-278 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of emotions). 2887. Age (The) of affirmation. Venice, the Adriatic and the Hinterland between the 9th and 10th. centuries. Ed. by Stefano GASPARRI and Sauro GELICHI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 400 p. (Seminari del Centro inter-
§ 8. Economic and social history universitario per la storia e l'archeologia dell'alto medioevo, 8). 2888. AGUIAR (Miguel). Cavaleiros e cavalaria: ideologia, práticas e rituais aristocráticos em Portugal nos séculos XIV e XV. Porto, Teodolito, 2018, 264 p. (ill.). 2889. Ambiguität und die Ordnungen des Sozialen im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Benjamin SCHELLER und Christian HOFFARTH. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 236 p. (ill.). (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, 10). 2890. Através do olhar do outro. Reflexões acerca da sociedade medieval europeia (séculos XII–XV). À travers le ragard de l'autre. Réflexions sur la société médiévale européenne (XIIe–XVe siècle). Ed. por José ALBUQUERQUE CARREIRAS, Giulia ROSSI VAIRO e Kristjan TOOMASPOEG. Tomar, Instituto Politécnico, 2018, 278 p. (ill.). 2891. BASSO (Enrico). Donnos terramagnesos: dinamiche di insediamento signorile in Sardegna. Il caso dei Doria (secoli XII–XV). Acireale, Bonanno editore, 2018, 193 p. (Società, culture, economia, 1). 2892. BOBRYCKI (Shane). The flailing women of Dijon: crowds in ninth-century Europe. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 3-46. 2893. Buildings of Medieval Europe: studies in social and landscape contexts of Medieval buildings. Ed. by Duncan BERRYMAN and Sarah KERR. Oxford a. Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2018, VI-155 p. (ill.). 2894. BURGER (Glenn D.). Conduct becoming. Good wives and husbands in the later Middle Ages. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 262 p. (The Middle Ages series). 2895. BURGERS (Jan W. J.), DAMEN (Mario). Feudal obligation or paid service? The recruitment of princely armies in the late Medieval Low Countries. English historical review, 2018, 133, 563, p. 777-805. 2896. CAFERRO (William). Petrarch's war. Florence and the Black Death in context. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-228 p. 2897. Campo y ciudad: mundos en tensión (siglos XII–XV) / Landa eta hiria: tentsioan dauden munduak (XII–XV. mendeak). Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura, Deporte y Juventud, 2018, 290 p. 2898. CAVELL (Emma). Widows, native law and the long shadow of England in thirteenth-century Wales. English historical review, 2018, 133, 565, p. 1387-1419. 2899. Centri (I) minori italiani nel tardo Medioevo: cambiamento sociale, crescita economica, processi di ristrutturazione (secoli XIII–XVI). Atti del XV Convegno di studi organizzato dal Centro di studi sulla civiltà del tardo Medioevo, San Miniato, 22–24 settembre 2016. A cura di Federico LATTANZIO e Gian Maria VARANINI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2018, XI-481 p. (Collana di studi e ricerche. Centro di studi sulla civiltà del tardo medioevo, San Miniato, 15).
2900. CHARPENTIER LJUNGQVIST (Fredrik). Hedniskt motstånd i Svealand under sent 1000-tal. (Pagan revolts in the late eleventh century in the Svealand region of Sweden). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 2, p. 197-226. 2901. Childhood & Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon literary culture. Ed. by Susan IRVINE and Winfried RUDOLF. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 360 p. (Toronto Anglo-Saxon series). 2902. Christen und Muslime in der Capitanata im 13. Jahrhundert: Archäologie und Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Lukas CLEMENS und Michael MATHEUS. Trier, Kliomedia, 2018, 299 p. (Interdisziplinärer Dialog zwischen Archäologie und Geschichte, 4). 2903. Cisterciens (Les) et l'économie des Pays-Bas et de la principauté de Liège (XIIe–XVe siècles). Ed. par Eric DELAISSE et Jean-Marie YANTE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 218 p. (Textes, etudes, congres, 29). 2904. Città (Una) operosa: archeologia della produzione a Pisa tra Età romana e Medioevo. A cura di Federico CANTINI e Claudia RIZZITELLI. Sesto Fiorentino, All'insegna del giglio, 2018, 86 p. (ill.). (DM. Dialoghi sul Medioevo, 1). 2905. Civiltà a contatto nel Mezzogiorno normanno svevo. Economia, società, istituzioni. Atti delle ventunesime giornate normanno-sveve, Melfi, Castello federiciano, 13–14 ottobre 2014. A cura di Maria BOCCUZZI e Pasquale CORDASCO. Bari, Mario Adda, 2018, 483 p. (ill., maps). (Atti del Centro di Studi Normanno-Svevi, Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", 21). 2906. Communautés d'habitants au Moyen Âge (XIe– XVe siècles). Ed. par Joseph MORSEL. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2018, 580 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 157). 2907. Confiance, bonne foi, fidélité: la notion de fides dans la vie des sociétés médiévales (VIe–XVe siècles). Èd. par Wojciech FAŁKOWSKI, Yves SASSIER. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 389 p. (Rencontres, 364. Série Histoire, 4). 2908. Contesto (Il) e l'immagine della civiltà rupestre. Nuovi percorsi, fonti e tecniche di ricerca. (Savelletri di Fasano, 17–19 novembre 2016). A cura di Enrico MENESTÒ. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, X-286 p. (Atti dei convegni della "Fondazione San Domenico", 7). 2909. Convivencia and medieval Spain. Essays in honor of Thomas F. Glick. Ed. by Mark T. ABATE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 441 p. (Mediterranean perspectives). 2910. Coopétition. Rivaliser, coopérer dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge (500–1100). Sous la dir. de Régine LE JAN, Geneviève BÜHRER-THIERRY et Stefano GASPARRI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 424 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 31). 2911. Courts of chivalry and admiralty in late Medieval Europe. Ed. by Anthony MUSSON and Nigel
RAMSAY. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XIV250 p. 2912. CRABTREE (Pam J.). Early medieval Britain: the rebirth of towns in the post-Roman West. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 244 p. (ill., maps). (Case studies in early societies), 2913. Crossing borders. Boundaries and margins in medieval and early modern Britain. Essays in Honour of Cynthia J. Neville. Ed. by Sara BUTLER and K. J. KESSELRING. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 308 p. (Later Medieval Europe, 17). 2914. Crusading and trading between West and East: studies in honour of David Jacoby. Ed. by Sophia MENACHE, Benjamin. Z. Ḳedar and Michel BALARD. London, Routledge, 2018, 406 p. (Crusades, subsidia, 12). 2915. Culturas en contacto: conflicto, asimilacion e intercambio. Proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23–25th November 2016. Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2018, 167 p. 2916. DELLE LUCHE (Jean-Dominique). La fortune du pot. Les loteries municipales en Allemagne (XVe– XVIe siècles): divertissement collectif, prestige municipal et concurrence urbaine. Revue historique, 2018, 687, 3, p. 553-592. 2917. DI MEO (Ettore). Il Campidoglio fuori Roma. I podestà di Cori, feudo del Popolo romano, da Urbano V a Clemente VIII (1362–1605). Roma, Società romana di storia patria, 2018, 258 p. (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 69). 2918. Donne del Medioevo: studi di Bruno Andreolli. A cura di Rossella RINALDI. Bologna, Bononia university press, 2018. 166 p. (ill.). (DISCI. Medievistica, 4). 2919. DOWNHAM (Clare). Medieval Ireland. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, VI-394 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge medieval textbooks). 2920. DRASKÓCZY (István). A magyarországi kősó b nyászata és kereskedelme (1440–1530-as évek) [= Mining and trade of Hungarian rock salt (1440s–1530s)]. Budapest, MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, 2018, 455 p. (maps). (Magyar történelmi emlékek. Értekezések / Monumenta Hungariae Historica Dissertaciones). 2921. DUGGAN (Maria Catherine). Links to late antiquity. Ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD. Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2018, XIII-222 p. (ill., maps). (BAR British series, 639). 2922. Economy (The) of Medieval Hungary. Ed. by József LASZLOVSZKY, Balázs NAGY, Péter SZABÓ and András VADAS. Leiden, Brill, 2018, 640 p. 2923. Elite (The) household in England, 1100–1550: proceedings of the 2016 Harlaxton Symposium. Ed. by Christopher WOOLGAR. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2018, XIV-498 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Harlaxton medieval studies, 28).
2924. En marge du village: la zone d'activités spécifiques et les groupes funéraires de Sermersheim (BasRhin) du VIe au XIIe siécle. Éd. par Edith PEYTREMANN. Dijon, Revue archéologique de l'Est, 2018, 410 p. (ill., maps). (Revue archéologique de l'Est. Supplément, 45). 2925. Entre deux rives: villes en Méditerraneé au Moyen Âge et à l'époque moderne: actes du colloque international, Aix-Marseille (MMSH-MuCEM), 24–27 septembre 2014. Éd. par Élisabeth MALAMUT, Mohamed OUERFELLI, Gilbert BUTI, Paolo ODORICO. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2018, 553 p. (ill., maps). (Le temps de l'histoire). 2926. Exclusión y disciplina social en la ciudad medieval Europea. Ed. por Jesús Ángel SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA, Jelle HAEMERS y Roman CZAJA. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2018, 386 p. (ill.). (Ciencias históricas, 39). 2927. FAINI (Enrico). Italica gens. Memoria e immaginario politico dei cavalieri-cittadini (secoli XII– XIII). Roma, Viella, 2018, 232 p. (Italia comunale e signorile, 12). 2928. FAVIA (P.). Ordona XII. Un casale nel Tavoliere medievale. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 268 p. (Insulae Diomedeae, 33). 2929. FOREMAN-PECK (James), ZHOU (Peng). Late marriage as a contributor to the industrial revolution in England. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 10731099. 2930. FRANZÉN (Bo), SÖDERBERG (Johan). Hus, gårdar och gatubodar: Fastighetspriser i Stockholm och Arboga 1300–1600. (Houses, yards and sheds: real property prices in Stockholm and Arboga, 1300–1600). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 2, p. 227-254. 2931. FREUDENHAMMER (Thomas). Rafica: Frühmittelalterlicher Karawanenhandel zwischen dem Westfrankenreich und Al-Andalus. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 3, p. 391-406. 2932. GARCÍA HERRERO (María del Carmen). Los jóvenes en la baja Edad Media. Estudios y testimonios. Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico, Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2018, 434 p. (ill.). (De letras. Publicación de la Institución Fernando el Católico, 3594). 2933. GEENS (Sam). The Great Famine in the county of Flanders (1315–1317): the complex interaction between weather, warfare, and property rights. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1048-1072. 2934. GENNARO (Clara). Mercanti e bovattieri nella Roma della seconda metà del Trecento. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 102 p. (Incontri, 3). 2935. Genre et compétition dans les sociétés occidentales du haut Moyen Âge (IVe–XIe siècle). Ed. par Sylvie JOYE et Régine LE JAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 193 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 29).
§ 8. Economic and social history 2936. GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Santiago). La alta nobleza castellana a comienzos del siglo XV. Consolidación de linajes y casas nobles. Madrid, Dykinson S. L., 2018, 334 p.### 2937. Grafen (Die) von der Mark. Neue Forschungen zur Sozial-, Mentalitäts- und Kulturgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Stefan PÄTZOLD und Felicitas SCHMIEDER. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 171 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen, 41). 2938. HARRIS (Barbara J.). English aristocratic women and the fabric of piety, 1450–1500. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 266 p. 2939. HERRMANN (Volker), MELLER (Harald). Der Markt der Stadt Halle im Mittelalter: Ausgrabungen zu Marktkirche, Kirchhof und erzbischöflichem Kaufhaus. Halle, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, 2018, 447 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt - Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, 70).
1700]. Reykjavík, Sagnfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018, 298 p. (map). (Sagnfræðirannsóknir, 23). 2948. KANE (Bronach C.). Defamation, gender and hierarchy in late medieval Yorkshire. Social history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 356-374. 2949. KATŌ (Haruka). Chūsei kōki Ingurando Kosui Chihō no seigyō keitai: Windamia mana o chūshin ni. (Occupations in the North-Western Upland in late medieval England: a study of Windermere manor of Westmorland). Seiyō Shigaku, 2018, 266, p. 103-120. 2950. Konsumentenstadt (Die). Konsumenten in der Stadt des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Stephan SELZER. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 287 p. (Städteforschung. Reihe A. Darstellungen, 98). 2951. Kulturelle Vernetzung in Europa. Das Magdeburger Recht und seine Städte. Wissenschaftlicher Begleitband zur Ausstellung "Faszination Stadt". Hrsg. v. Gabriele KÖSTER, Christina LINK und Heiner LÜCK. Dresden, Sandstein, 2018, 520 p.
2940. Hidalgos e hidalguía en la Península Ibérica (siglos XII–XV). Ed. por Arsenio DACOSTA, José Ramón DÍAZ DE DURANA y Cristina JULAR PÉREZ-ALFARO. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2018, 463 p. (ill.).
2952. Land and credit. Mortgages in the medieval and early modern European countryside. Ed. by Chris Daniel BRIGGS and C. Jaco ZUIJDERDUIJN. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 339 p. (ill.) (Palgrave studies in the history of finance).
2941. HOPPENBROUWERS (Peter C. M.). Village community and conflict in late medieval Drenthe. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XVIII-384 p. (The Medieval countryside, 20).
2953. LEE (John S.). The Medieval clothier. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, XIX-365 p. (Working in the Middle Ages).
2942. Imagined communities. Constructing collective identities in medieval Europe. Ed. by Andrzej PLESZCZYNSKI, Joanna Aleksandra SOBIESIAK, Michał TOMASZEK and Przemysław TYSZKA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 406 p. (Explorations in medieval culture, 8).
2954. LESTREMAU (Arnaud). Donner sens au nom de personne dans le royaume Anglo-Saxon (Xe–XIe siècles). Essai d'histoire sociale. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 346 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 35). 2955. LETT (Didier). Genre et violences sexuelles commises contre des enfants dans les registres judiciaires de Bologne au XVe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 141-172.
2943. Interaktion (Die) von Herrschern und Eliten in imperialen Ordnungen des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Wolfram DREWS. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2018, VIII321 p. (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, 8).
2956. LIVINGSTONE (Amy). Medieval lives c.1000– 1292. The world of the Beaugency family. London, Routledge, 2018, 298 p. (ill.).
2944. Italy and early Medieval Europe: papers for Chris Wickham. Ed. by Ross BALZARETTI, Julia BARROW and Patricia SKINNER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-567 p.
2957. MAJNARIĆ (Ivan): Plemstvo zadarskog zaleđa u XIV. i XV. Stoljeću [= The nobility of the hinterland of Zadar in the 14th century and 15th century]. Zadar, Sveučilište u Zadru, 2018, 394 p. (ill., maps).
2945. JANEKOVIĆ RÖMER (Zdenka). Zatvaranje dubrovačkog plemstva i vijeća u političkom i društvenom kontekstu 13. i 14. stoljeća. (The closing of Ragusan nobility and council in the political and social context of the thirteenth and fourteenth century). Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku, 56, 1, 2018, p. 87-116.
2958. Making early Medieval societies. Conflict and belonging in the Latin West, 300–1200. Ed. by Kate COOPER and Conard LEYSER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 293 p.
2946. JOURNOT (Florence). La maison urbaine au Moyen Âge. Art de construire et art de vivre. Paris, Picard, 2018, 343 p. (ill., plans). (Espaces médiévaux). 2947. JÚLÍUSSON (Árni Daníel). Af hverju strái. Saga af byggð, grasi og bændum, 1300–1700. [= From every straw. A story of settlement, grass and farmers, 1300–
2959. MALANIMA (Paolo). Italy in the Renaissance: a leading economy in the European context, 1350– 1550. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 3-30. 2960. MANDRY (Julia). Armenfürsorge, Hospitäler und Bettel in Thüringen in Spätmittelalter und Reformation (1300–1600). Wien u. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 1052 p. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Forschungen zu Thüringen im Zeitalter der Reformation / im Auftrag der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen, 10).
2961. MATHEWS (Karen R.). Conflict, commerce and an aesthetic of appropriation in the Italian maritime cities, 1000–1150. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 236 p. (ill., map, tabs., photos). (The medieval Mediterranean. Peoples, economies and cultures, 400–1500, 112).### 2962. Medieval Bruges, c.850–1550. Ed. by Andrew BROWN and Jan DUMOLYN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXI-548 p. 2963. Medieval networks (The) in East Central Europe: commerce, contacts, communication. Ed. by Balázs NAGY, Felicitas SCHMIEDER and András VAo DAS. London, Routledge, 2018, 298 p. [Cf. n 2970.]
(ill.). (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte, 242. Geschichte). 2974. Origins of a new economic union (7th–12th centuries): preliminary results of the nEU-Med project: October 2015–March 2017, Ed. by Giovanna BIANCHI and Richard HODGES. Sesto Fiorentino, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2018, 231 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca di archeologia medievale, 25). 2975. OTTERSBACH (Christian). Die Burgen der Herren und Grafen von Hanau (1166–1642): Studien zur Burgenpolitik und Burgenarchitektur eines Adelshauses. Neustadt an der Aisch, Verlag Ph. C. W. Schmidt, 2018, 1132 p. (ill., maps). (Hanauer Geschichtsblätter, 51).
2964. MIKHAILOVA (Yulia). Property, power, and authority in Rus and Latin Europe, ca. 1000–1236. Leeds, ARC Humanities Press, 2018, 231 p. (Beyond Medieval Europe).
2976. PALMA (Nuno). Reconstruction of money supply over the long run: the case of England, 1270– 1870. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 373-392.
2965. Military communities in late Medieval England: essays in honour of Andrew Ayton. Ed. by Gary P. BAKER, Craig L. LAMBERT and David SIMPKIN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XXVIII-293 p.
2977. Peasants and their fields. The rationale of open-field agriculture, c. 700–1800. Ed. by Christopher DYER, Erik THOEN and Tom WILLIAMSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 275 p. (Comparative rural history network. Publications, 16).
2966. MORO (Pierandrea). Collalto. Storia di un casato millenario. Roma, Viella, 2018, 200 p. (I libri di Viella, 302). 2967. MOSS (Rachel E.). Ready to disport with you: homosocial culture amongst the wool merchants of fifteenth-century Calais. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 121. 2968. MUṣṭAFÁ (Muṣṭafá Wajīh). Buḥūth fī al-tārīkh al-iqtiṣādī wa-al-ijtimā'ī li-dawlat salāṭīn al-Mamālīk, 648–923. (Researches in the economic and social history of the State of the Mamluk sultans, 1250–1517). Miṣr al-Jadīdah, al-Qāhirah, al-Maktab al-'Arabī lilMa'ārif, 2018, 387 p. 2969. MUSTEAŢĂ (Sergiu). Nomads and natives beyond the Danube and the Black Sea: 700–900 CE. Leeds, ARC Humanities Press, 2018, XVII-303 p. (Beyond medieval Europe). 2970. NAGY (Balázs). Reflected in a distorted mirror: trade contacts of medieval East Central Europe in recent historiography. In: Medieval networks (The) in East Central Europe: commerce, contacts, communication [cf. n° 2963], p. 277-286. 2971. New approaches to disease, disability and medicine in Medieval Europe. Ed. by Erin CONNELLY and Stefanie KÜNZEL. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, II-152 p. (ill.). (Studies in early medicine).
2978. PERRY (Guy). The Briennes. The rise and fall of a Champenois dynasty in the age of the crusades, c. 950–1356. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV213 p. 2979. POPE (Ben). Nuremberg's noble servant: Werner von Parsberg (d. 1455) between town and nobility in late Medieval Germany. German history, 2018, 36, 2, p. 159-180. 2980. PRAJDA (Katalin). Network and Migration in Early Renaissance Florence, 1378–1433: Friends of Friends in the Kingdom of Hungary. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 260 p. (Renaissance History, Art and Culture, 2). 2981. PRAK (Maarten Roy). Citizens without nations: urban citizenship in Europe and the world, c. 1000– 1789. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 442 p. 2982. PRUNO (Elisa). Cave e petriere nell'Amiata occidentale: lo sfruttamento delle risorse lapidee per la produzione edilizia medievale. Sesto Fiorentino, All'insegna del giglio, 2018, 104 p. (ill.). 2983. PUCCI DONATI (Francesca). Luoghi e mestieri dell'ospitalità nel Medioevo. Alberghi, taverne e osterie a Bologna tra Due e Quattrocento. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XX390 p. (Testi, studi, strumenti, 33).
2972. OBERSTE (Jörg). Die Geburt der Metropole. Städtische Räume und soziale Praktiken im mittelalterlichen Paris. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 320 p. (Forum Mittelalter. Studien, 12).
2984. QUADRACCIA (Anastasia). Due famiglie amerine nel Trecento. Cansacchi e Benvenuti: società e vita quotidiana in Amelia nel Medioevo. Trento, Tangram edizioni scientifiche, 2018, 306 p. (ill.). (Collana "Ameria". Studi e ricerche sul territorio tusco-sabino, 1).
2973. Ökonomische Glaubensfragen: Strukturen und Praktiken jüdischen und christlichen Kleinkredits im Spätmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Gerhard FOUQUET und Sven RABELER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 162 p.
2985. RAFFENSPERGER (Christian). Conflict, bargaining and kinship networks in Medieval Eastern Europe. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, XIV-223 p. (Byzantium. A European empire and its legacy).
§ 8. Economic and social history 2986. REIXACH SALA (Albert). Finances públiques i mobilitat social a la Catalunya de la baixa edat mitjana, Girona 1340–1440. (Public finances and social mobility in Catalonia in the late Middle Ages, Girona 1340– 1440). Madrid, Editorial CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 391 p. ### 2987. Renda feudal i fiscalitat a la Catalunya baixmedieval, estudis dedicats a Manuel Sánchez Martínez. (Feudal income and taxation in late medieval Catalonia, studies dedicated to Manuel Sánchez Martínez). Ed. by Jordi MORELLÓ BAGET, Pere ORTI GOST, Pere VERDÉS PIJUAN. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y Institució Milà i Fontanals, Departament de Ciències Històriques-Estudis Medievals, 2018, 750 p. (ill.). (Anuario de estudios medievales. Anejo, 75). 2988. Repoblació (La) del Campo de Tarragona. Estat de la qüestió. Tarragona, Silva Editorial, 2018, 157 p. (Arxiu històric Arxidiocesà de Tarragona, 3). 2989. Resident aliens in later medieval England. Ed. by Mark ORMROD, Nicola MAC DONALD and Craig TAYLOR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 223 p. (Studies in European urban history, 1100–1800, 42). 2990. REYERSON (Kathryn L.). Mother and sons, inc.: Martha de Cabanis in Medieval Montpellier. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 254 p. (The Middle Ages series). 2991. RIIS (Thomas). Two naval disasters of 1387. Glimpses of Baltic trade at the end of the fourteenth century. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 3, p. 71-86 2992. ROSE (Susan). The wealth of England: the Medieval wool trade and its political importance 1100– 1600. Oxford a. Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2018, XVIII-219 p. 2993. ROSENTHAL (Joel Thomas). Social memory in late Medieval England: village life and proofs of age. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 124 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2994. ROSS (James). The English aristocracy and Mesne feudalism in the Late Middle Ages. English historical review, 2018, 133, 564, p. 1027-1059. 2995. ROTH (Prisca). Korporativ denken, genossenschaftlich organisieren, feudal handeln. Die Gemeinden und ihre Praktiken im Bergell des 14.–16. Jahrhunderts. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 428 p. 2996. Royal and elite households in medieval and early modern Europe. More than just a castle. Ed. by Theresa EARENFIGHT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 428 p. (Explorations in medieval culture, 6). 2997. SAKURAI (Yasuto). Yōroppa shōgyō toshi to jūjigun kokka. (Commercial cities in Europe and the Crusader states). Tōhoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshū: Rekishi to Bunka, 2018, 57, p. 95-149. 2998. SANTOS SALAZAR (Igor). Ufficiali minori e società locali nell'Emilia orientale da Ludovico il Pio a
Berengario. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 656, p. 227-244. 2999. SCHELLER (Benjamin), HOFFARTH (Christian). Ambiguität und die Ordnungen des Sozialen im Mittelalter. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 236 p. (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung, Beihefte, 10). 3000. SCHNERB (Bertrand). La noblesse au service du prince. Les Saveuse: un hostel noble de Picardie au temps de l'Etat bourguignon (v. 1380–v. 1490). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, IX-375 p. (Burgundica, 27). 3001. SCHULTZ (Sandra). Papierherstellung im deutschen Südwesten. Ein neues Gewerbe im späten Mittelalter. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV-616 p. (Materiale Textkulturen, 18). 3002. SENATORE (Francesco). Una città, il regno. Istituzioni e società a Capua nel XV secolo. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 2 vol., XIV1147 p. (ill., maps). (Nuovi studi storici, 111). 3003. Signori e castelli nella Val di Pesa medievale. Ed. di Giuliano PINTO e Paolo PIRILLO. Firenze, Edifir edizioni Firenze, 2018, 134 p. (ill.). (Città e campagne medievali, 3). 3004. ŠKREBLIN (Bruno). Urbana elita zagrebačkog Gradeca: od sredine 14. do početka 16. stoljeća. (Urban elite of Zagreb: from the middle of the 14th to the beginning of the 16th century). Split, Hrvatski institut za povijest i Zagreb, Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta, 2018., 491 p. 3005. Social mobility in medieval Italy (1100–1500). Ed. by Sandro CAROCCI and Isabella LAZZARINI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 430 p. (Viella historical research, 8). 3006. Southern Italy as contact area and border region during the early Middle Ages. Religious-cultural heterogeneity and competing powers in local, transregional and universal dimensions. Ed. by Kordula WOLF and Klaus HERBERS. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 433 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 80). 3007. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin). The exporting of copper from eastern Slovakia to western Europe in the first third of the 14th century. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 5, p. 785-814. 3008. ŚWIDERSKA-WŁODARCZYK (Urszula). Homo militans rycerskie wzory i wzorce osobowe w Średniowiecznej Polsce [= Homo militans: knightly patterns and personal patterns in Medieval Poland]. Warszawa, PWN, 2018, 216 p. (ill.). 3009. Thunau am Kamp. Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld auf der oberen Holzwiese. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth NOWOTNY. Wien. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 397 p. (ill., maps, plams). (Mitteilungen der Prahistorischen Kommission, 87). 3010. TOGNETTI (Sergio). Un genovese di Asti e un napoletano di Amalfi davanti alla Mercanzia di Siena nel 1366 (per tacere del vicario del vescovo di Firenze). Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 658, p. 677-688.
3011. TRIANO (Milán), JOSÉ (Manuel). La llamada del rey y el auxilio del reino. Del pedido regio a las contribuciones de la Santa Hermandad (1403–1498). Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2018, 753 p. (Colección Historia y geografía, 346).### 3012. TRIPODI (Claudia). Prima di Amerigo. I Vespucci da Peretola a Firenze alle Americhe. Roma, Viella, 2018, 278 p. (gen. tabs). (I libri di Viella, 272). 3013. VALENZANO (Vincenzo). La ceramica medievale in Capitanata. Produzione e commercio tra l'XI e il XV secolo. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 127 p. (ill.). (Insulae Diomedeae, 32). 3014. VAN BAVEL (Bas), BURINGH (Eltjo), DIJK(Jessica). Mills, cranes, and the great divergence: the use of immovable capital goods in western Europe and the Middle East, ninth to sixteenth centuries. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 31-54. MAN
3015. VAN DER MEULEN (Jim). Corporate collective action and the market cycle of the cloth industry in Nieuwkerke, Flanders, 1300–1600. Social history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 375-399. 3016. VENDITTELLI (Marco). Mercanti-banchieri romani tra XII e XIII secolo. Una storia negata. Roma, Viella, 2018, 431 p. 3017. Venezia nel contesto globale / Venedig im globalen Kontext. A cura di / Hrsg. v. Romedio SCHMITZESSER. Roma, Viella, 2018, 184 p. (Veneziana, 20). 3018. Veretek, utak, katonák: gazdaságtörténeti tanulmányok a magyar középkorról [= Battles, roads, soldiers: economic history studies on the Hungarian Middle Ages]. Ed. by István KÁDAS, Renáta SKORKA and Boglárka WEISZ. Budapest, MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, 2018, 502 p. (ill., maps). (Magyar történelmi emlékek. Értekezések / Monumenta Hungariae historica. Dissertationes). 3019. Voces de mujeres en la Edad Media. Entre realidad y ficción. Ed. por Esther CORRAL DÍAZ. Berlin y Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 536 p. 3020. VOGNSEN (Frederik Lynge). Velbyrdige og beskedne mænd. Stand og status i dansk senmiddelalder. (Social class and titles in late Medieval Danish nobility). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 1, p. 51-76. 3021. VOLKART (Silvia). Umbruch am Bodensee: vom Konstanzer Konzil zur Reformation. Zürich, NZZ Libro, 2018, 439 p. (ill.). (Der Thurgau im späten Mittelalter, 3/4). 3022. Warlords oder Amtsträger? Herausragende Bestattungen der späten Merowingerzeit: Beiträge der Tagung im Germanischen Nationalmuseum in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften (IAW) der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Abt. Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Archäologie des Mittelalters, 21.–23.10.2013. Hrsg. v. Sebastian BRATHER, Claudia MERTHEN and Tobias SPRINGER. Nürnberg, Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 2018, 263 p. (ill., maps). (Wissenschaftliche
Beibände zum Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 41). 3023. Welsh (The) and the medieval world: travel, migration and exile. Ed. by Patricia SKINNER. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, 336 p. 3024. WILSON (Katherine Anne). The power of textiles. Tapestries of the Burgundian dominions (1363– 1477). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XI-221 p. (ill.). (Burgundica, 26). 3025. Women and work in premodern Europe: experiences, relationships and cultural representation. Ed. by Merridee L. BAILEY, Tania M. COLWELL and Julie HOTCHIN. Abingdon a. London, Routledge, 2018, 256 p. (ill.). 3026. World (The) of the Newport medieval ship. Trade, politics and shipping in the mid-fifteenth century. Ed. by Evan T. JONES and Richard G. STONE. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, 320 p. 3027. Zähringer (Die). Rang und Herrschaft um 1200. Hrsg. v. Jürgen DENDORFER und R. Johanna Regnath HEINZ KRIEG. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke, 2018, 544 p. 3028. ZIEGLER (Tiffany A.). Medieval healthcare and the rise of charitable institutions. The history of the municipal hospital. Cham, Palgrave Pivot, 2018, 155 p. (The New Middle Ages). Cf. nos 2138, 3050, 3685, 5777, 5945, 6013 § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education. ______________________
a. Civilization 3029. Anger's past: the social uses of an emotion in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Barbara H. ROSENWEIN. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 272 p. (ill., tab.). 3030. Anglo-Italian cultural relations in the later Middle Ages. Ed. by Helen FULTON and Michele CAMPOPIANO. York, York Medieval Press, 2018, XII212 p. 3031. AYMERICH BASSOLS (Montse). La moda a la Catalunya del segle XIV. Retalls de la vida medieval. Barcelona, Llibres de l'Índex, 2018, 302 p. (ill.). 3032. Banquet (Le). Manger, boire et parler ensemble (XIIe–XVIIe siècles). Ed. par Bruno LAURIOUX, Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI et Eva PIBIRI. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XVI-342 p. (Micrologus Library, 91). 3033. Beau (Le) et la beauté au moyen Âge. Èd. par Olivier BOULNOIS et Isabelle MOULIN. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2018, 354 p. (pl., ill.). (Publications de l'Institut d'études médiévales de l'Institut catholique de Paris). 3034. BOOKER (Sparky). Cultural exchange and identity in late Medieval Ireland. The English and Irish of the four obedient shires. New York, Cambridge U. P.,
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education 2018, XVI-298 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought, 109). 3035. COATSWORTH (Elizabeth), OWEN-CROCKER (Gale). Clothing the past. Surviving garments from early Medieval to early modern Western Europe. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 470 p. 3036. Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge. Ed. by John S. LEE and Christian STEER. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, in association with Cambridge University Library, 2018, XV-193 p. 3037. CONSTABLE (Olivia Remie). To live like a moor. Christian perceptions of Muslim identity in Medieval and early Modern Spain. Ed. by Robin VOSE. Foreword by David NIRENBERG. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XV-226 p. (The Middle Ages Series). 3038. CORRAN (Emily). Lying and perjury in Medieval practical thought. A study in the history of casuistry. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 198 p. 3039. CROWDER (Susannah). Performing women. Gender, self and representation in late medieval Metz. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 280 p. (Manchester medieval literature and culture). 3040. Dealing with the dead. Mortality and community in medieval and early modern Europe. Ed. by Thea TOMAINI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 462 p. (Explorations in medieval culture, 5). 3041. Emotion, violence, vengeance and law in the Middle Ages. Essays in honour of William Ian Miller. Ed. by Kate GILBERT and Stephen D. WHITE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 380 p. (Medieval law and its practice, 24). 3042. En busca del saber: arte y ciencia en el Mediterráneo medieval. Ed. por Alexandra USCATESCU y Irene GONZÁLEZ HERNANDO. Madrid, Ediciones Complutense, 2018, 379 p. (ill.). (Investigación, 15). 3043. Fear in the medical and literary imagination, medieval to modern: dreadful passions, Ed. by Daniel MAC CANN and Claire MAC KECHNIE-MASON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 261 p. (Palgrave studies in literature, science and medicine). 3044. Forging communities: food and representation in medieval and early modern southwestern Europe. Ed. by Piera MONTSERRAT. Fayetteville, The University of Arkansas, 2018, XI-335 p. (ill.) (Food and foodways). 3045. Geomancy and other forms of divination. Ed. by Alessandro PALAZZO and Irene ZAVATTERO. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XX-572 p. (Micrologus Library, 87). 3046. Gioco (Il) nella società e nella cultura dell'alto Medioevo. Spoleto, 20–26 aprile 2017. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, 2 vols., 920 p. (ill., tabs.). (Settimane di studio della Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 65).
3047. HENG (Geraldine). The invention of race in the European Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 504 p. 3048. Histoire (Une) du sensible. La perception des victimes de catastrophe du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque international tenu à Lors (Allemagne, Hesse) du 11 au 14 décembre 2014. Sous la dir. de Thomas LABBÉ et Gerrit Jasper SCHENK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 241 p. (Culture et société médiévales, 35). 3049. History (The) of evil in the medieval age: 450–1450 CE. Ed. by Andrew PINSENT. London, Routledge, 2018, 286 p. (History of Evil). 3050. HUMMER (Hans J.). Visions of kinship in Medieval Europe. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 380 p. (Oxford studies in medieval European history). 3051. INGEGNO (Maria Valeria). Concezione e valore della profezia: fra riflessione antropologica e funzione politica (XII–XV secolo). Canterano, Aracne, 2018, XXXVIII-232 p. (Percorsi di esegesi antica e medievale, 2). 3052. LANGDON (Alison). Animal languages in the Middle Ages. Representations of interspecies communication. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 287 p. (The new Middle Ages). 3053. Later Middle English literature, materiality, and culture. Essays in honor of James M. Dean. Ed. by Brian W. GASTLE and Erick KELEMEN. Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2018, 268 p. 3054. LOMBARDI (Elena). Imagining the woman reader in the age of Dante. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 304 p. 3055. Mediterraneo (Il) fra tarda antichità e Medioevo. Integrazione di culture, interscambi, pellegrinaggi. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, CimitileSanta Maria Capua Venere, 15–16 giugno 2017. A cura di Carlo EBANISTA e Marcello ROTILI. Napoli, Guida, 2018, 254 p. (ill.). (Giornate sulla tarda antichità e il Medioevo, 9). 3056. NEUFELD (Christine M.). Avid ears. Medieval gossips and the art of listening. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 224 p. 3057. Ordinare il mondo. Diagrammi e simboli nelle pergamene di Vercelli. A cura di Timoty LEONARDI e Marco RAININI. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2018, XVII338 p. (ill.). (Storia. Ricerche. Dies nova, 3). 3058. People, texts and artefacts: cultural transmission in the Medieval Norman worlds. Ed. by David BATES, Edoardo D'ANGELO and Elisabeth VAN HOUTS. London, Institute of historical research, 2018, 284 p. 3059. Pleasure in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Naama Cohen HANEGBI and Piroska NAGY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XXIII-386 p. (International medieval research, 24). 3060. Predicatori, mercanti, pellegrini: l'Occidente medievale e lo sguardo letterario sull'Altro tra l'Europa
e il Levante. A c . di Giuseppe MASCHERPA e Giovanni STRINNA. Mantova, Universitas studiorum, 2018, 303 p. (ill.).
Albrecht CLASSEN. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIX704 p. (Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture, 22).
3061. Royaumes (Les) de Bourgogne jusqu'en 1032 à travers la culture et la religion. Besançon, 2–4 octobre 2014. Ed. par Anne WAGNER et Nicole BROCARD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 412 p. (Culture et société médiévales, 30).
3074. VARNAM (Laura). The church as sacred space in Middle English literature and culture. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 267 p. (Manchester medieval literature and culture).
3062. Secrets and discovery in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales (Porto, 25th to 29th June 2013). Ed. by José MEIRINHOS, Celia LÓPEZ and João REBALDE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 489 p. (Textes et etudes du Moyen Âge, 90). 3063. Sensory reflections. Traces of experience in medieval artifacts. Ed. by Fiona GRIFFITHS and Kathryn STARKEY. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIII-268 p. (Sense, matter and medium, 1). 3064. SINGER (Julie). Representing mental illness in late medieval France: machines, madness, metaphor. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 360 p. (Gallica, 43). 3065. SKINNER (Patricia). Studying gender in medieval Europe: historical approaches. London, Palgrave, 2018, 180 p.
3075. Vivants (Les) et les morts dans les sociétés médiévales. XLVIIIe congrès de la SHMESP (Jérusalem, 4–7 mai 2017). Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018, 409 p. (ill.). (Histoire ancienne et médiévale. Publications de la Sorbonne, 158). 3076. WALTER (Katie L.). Middle English mouths. Late Medieval medical, religious and literary traditions. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 253 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 105). 3077. WILLIAMS (Tara). Middle English marvels: magic, spectacle, and morality in the fourteenth century. University Park, Penn State U. P., 2018, 185 p. 3078. ZALLOT (Virtus). Con i piedi nel Medioevo: gesti e calzature nell'arte e nell'immaginario. Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, 2018, 220 p. (ill., pl.). (Biblioteca storica). b. Literature
3066. SMITH (James L.). Water in medieval intellectual culture. Case studies from twelfth-century monasticism. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 209 p. (Cursor Mundi, 30).
* 3079. BLEETH (Kenneth). Chaucer's Squire's Tale, Franklin's Tale, and Physician's Tale: an Annotated Bibliography, 1900–2005. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 596 p. (Chaucer Bibliographies).
3067. SOLBERG (Emma Maggie). Virgin whore. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 275 p.
* 3080. CALMA. Compendium auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, 500–1500. Vol. 6.1. Hermolaus Barbarus iunior. Hieronymus de Praga magister. Vol. 6.2. Hieronymus de Praga magister. Hortensius Landus. Cur. M. LAPIDGE, S. NOCENTINI, F. SANTI. Tavarnuzze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, 2 vol., IV-248 p.
3068. Solitudo. Spaces, places and times of solitude in late Medieval and early modern cultures. Ed. by Karl A. E. ENENKEL and Christine GÖTTLER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XXXIV-570 p. (Intersections, 56). 3069. Spazio pubblico e spazio privato. Tra storia e archeologia (secoli VI–XI). A cura di Giovanna BIANCHI, Tiziana LAZZARI e Maria Cristina LA ROCCA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 383 p. (Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l'archeologia dell'alto medioevo, 7). 3070. Temporality and mediality in late Medieval and early modern culture. Ed. by Christian KIENING and Martina STERCKEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, X257 p. (Cursor Mundi, 32). 3071. Transitional states: change, tradition, and memory in Medieval literature and culture. Ed. by Graham D. CAIE and Michael D. C. DROUT. Tempe, ACMRS, 2018, VI-300 p. (ill.). (Medieval and renaissance texts and studies, 530). 3072. Trauma in Medieval society. Ed. by Wendy J. TURNER and Christina LEE. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XXVI431 p. 3073. Travel, time and space in the Middle Ages and early modern time. Explorations of world perceptions and processes of identity formation. Ed. by
** 3081. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Paradiso, I-XVII. Edizione critica alla luce del più antico codice di sicura fiorentinità. A cura di Eleonisa MANDOLA. Genova, Il melangolo, 2018, 268 p. (Nugae, 251. Filologia dantesca e italiana, 1). ** 3082. Dit (Le) des trois morts et des trois vifs. Éditions, traductions et études des versions médiévales (essai de translatio collective). Sous la dir. de Claudio GALDERISI, Jean-Jacques VINCENSINI et Jean-Claude SCHMITT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 216 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque de Transmédie, 6). ** 3083. Enea Silvio Piccolomini broni poezji: fragment listu do Zbigniewa Oleśnickiego z 27 października 1453 roku [= Enea Silvio Piccolomini defends poetry: fragment of a letter to Zbigniew Oleśnicki of October 27, 1453]. Ed. by Juliusz DOMAŃSKI. Warszawa, Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, 2018, 205 p. (Minuscula humaniora, 1). ** 3084. FILELFO (Francesco). Opere storiche e politiche. Vol. I. Filelfo e la storia. A cura di Gabriella ALBANESE e Paolo PONTARI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XX-260 p. (tabs.). (Storiografia, 11).
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education ** 3085. FORMENTIN (Vittorio). Prime manifestazioni del volgare a Venezia: dieci avventure d'archivio. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XXII-446 pages (pl., ill.). (Chartae vulgares antiquiores. Quaderni, 3).### ** 3086. Guillaume d'Angleterre. A cura di Patrizia SERRA. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018, 274 p. (Metodi e prospettive, 23). ** 3087. HUNT (Tony). Tiaudelet. Theodolus in medieval France. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 444 p. (Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, 22). ** 3088. KOBLE (Nathalie), SÉGUY (Mireille). Lais bretons (XIIe–XIIIe siècles). Marie de France et ses contemporains. Cork, Honoré Champion, 2018, 960 p. (Champion classiques. Série "Moyen Âge", 32). ** 3089. Lais du Moyen Âge. Récits de Marie de France et d'autres auteurs (XIIe–XIIIe siècle). Ed. par Philippe WALTER, Lucie KAEMPFER, Ásdís Rosa MAGNÚSDÓTTIR et Karin UELTSCHI. Paris, Gallimard, 2018, LXXXIII-1403 p. (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 636). ** 3090. Lapo da Castiglionchio il giovane e la sua versione delle prime tre orazioni di Isocrate. A cura di Lucia GUALDO ROSA. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, VI-146 p. (ill.). (Nuovi studi storici, 109). ** 3091. Livre (Le) de Thezeo. Traduction anonyme du XVe siècle du 'Teseida' de Boccace. Ed. par. Gabriel BIANCIOTTO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 834 p. (Bibliothèque de Transmédie, 5). ** 3092. Mythographus Vaticanus Tertius. Un esempio di mitografia e letteratura del XII secolo. A cura di Gian Carlo GARFAGNINI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XVI-172 p. (Studi, 19). ** 3093. Ovide (L') moralisé. Livre I. Édition critique par Craig BAKER, Marianne BESSEYRE, Mattia CAVAGNA, Stefania CERRITO, Olivier COLLET, Massimiliano GAGGERO, Yan GREUB, Jean-Baptiste GUILLAUMIN, Marylène POSSAMAI-PEREZ, Véronique ROUCHON-MOUILLERON, Irene SALVO, Thomas STÄDTLER et Richard TRACHSLER. Paris, Abbeville Société des anciens textes français F. Paillart, 2018, 2 vol., 440 p., 551 p. (Publications de la Société des anciens textes français). ** 3094. PETRUS DE EBULO. De Euboicis aquis. Ed. Teofilo DE ANGELIS. Tavernelle, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, 222 pages (pl., ill.). (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 49. Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia. Serie II, 24). ** 3095. PIUS II. Commentaries. Vol. 3. Books VVII. Ed. by Margaret MESERVE. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 544 p. (I Tatti studies in Renaissance library, 83). ** 3096. POVERO (Niccolò). Le mattane. A cura di Vittorio CELOTTO. Roma, Salerno editrice, 2018, LXI97 p. (Testi e documenti di letteratura e di lingua, 40).
** 3097. RAMON VIDAL DE BESALÚ. Obra completa. A c. de Anton ESPADALER. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona Edicions, 2018, 492 p. (Filologia UB). ** 3098. TEO DA PERUGIA. La caccia. A cura di Dennis DUTSCHKE. Perugia, Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria, 2018, XXXVII-158 p. (Biblioteca della Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria, 18). ** 3099. URCEO CODRO (Antonio). Sermones, V-VIII: filologia e maschera nel Quattrocento. A cura di Andrea SEVERI e Giacomo VENTURA. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 158 p. (Biblioteca medievale, 153). 3100. Anseÿs de Gascogne. Chanson de geste du milieu du XIIIe siècle. Éd. par Jean-Charles HERBIN et Annie TRIAUD. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 3 vol., 814 p., 760 p., 684 p. (Classiques français du moyen âge, 184-186). 3101. ATTAR (Samar). Enemies or lovers? The influence of Arabic on Medieval Italian poetry. Córdoba, Cordoba U. P., 2018, 363 p. (Texts and studies, 3). 3102. Atti degli incontri sulle opere di Dante. 1. Vita nova. Fiore. Epistola XIII. A cura di Manuele GRAGNOLATI, Luca Carlo ROSSI, Paola ALLEGRETTI, Natascia TONELLI e Alberto CASADEI. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, X-422 p. (Lopereseguite, 1). 3103. BERNARDI (Marco). Orazio. Tradizione e fortuna in area trobadorica. Roma, Viella, 2018, 416 p. (Biblioteca di studi romanzi, 3). 3104. BIANCHI (Angela). Stat Roma pristina nomine...: lingua e scrittura nella Romània linguistica. Roma, Il calamo, 2018, 110 p. (ill.). (Episteme dell'antichità e oltre, 16). 3105. BLATT (Heather). Participatory reading in lateMedieval England. Manchester, Manchester U. P., VII261 p. (Manchester medieval literature and culture). 3106. BRAUN (Lea). Transformationen von Herrschaft und Raum in Heinrichs von Neustadt "Apollonius von Tyrland". Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, XI-424 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 95, 329). 3107. BRAZIL (Sarah). The corporeality of clothing in Medieval literature: cognition, kinesis, and the sacred. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2018, 174 p. (Early Drama, Art, and Music). 3108. BRIDGES (Venetia). Medieval narratives of Alexander the Great. Transnational texts in England and France. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 306 p. (Studies in medieval romance, 20). 3109. BRÎNDUSA (Grigoriu). Talent / maltalent. La culture des émotions au seuil de la littérature française. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 330 p. (Culture et société médiévales, 32). 3110. Brüchige Helden - brüchiges Erzählen: Mittelhochdeutsche Heldenepik aus narratologischer Sicht. Hrsg. v. Anne-Katrin FEDEROW, Kay MALCHER und Marina MÜNKLER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018,
224 p. (Texte und Studien zur mittelhochdeutschen Heldenepik, 11). 3111. BUHR (Christian). Zweifel an der Liebe: zu Form und Funktion selbstreferentiellen Erzählens im höfischen Roman. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 399 p. (ill.). (Frankfurter Beiträge zur Germanistik, 57). 3112. CABY (Cécile). Autoportrait d'un moine en humaniste. Girolamo Aliotti (1412–1480). Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XLVI-706 p. (Libri, carte, immagini, 10). 3113. CAMPBELL (Ethan). The Gawain-Poet and the fourteenth-century English anticlerical tradition. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2018, 255 p. (Research in medieval and early modern culture). 3114. CAPPOZZO (Valerio). Dizionario dei sogni nel Medioevo. Il Somniale Danielis in manoscritti letterari. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2018, XII-402 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca dell'"Archivum Romanicum". Serie 1. Storia, letterature, paleografia, 466). 3115. CERULLO (Speranza). I volgarizzamenti italiani della "Legenda aurea". Testi, tradizioni, testimoni. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, X-596 p. (Archivio romanzo, 34). 3116. Chaucer and the subversion of form. Ed. by Thomas Augustine PRENDERGAST and Jessica ROSENFELD. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 224 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 104). 3117. Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: contexts and interpretations. Ed. by Jamie Claire FUMO. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 254 p. (Chaucer studies, 45). 3118. CHERCHI (Paolo). Petrarca maestro. Linguaggio dei simboli e delle storie. Roma, Viella, 2018, 220 p. (I libri di Viella, 286). 3119. CHIARIGLIONE (Marco). I diavoli nell'Inferno di Dante. Con altri studi danteschi. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, X266 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali. Collana del Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo. Accademia tudertina, 56). 3120. CLASSEN (Albrecht). Toleration and tolerance in medieval European literature. London, Routledge, 2018, 330 p. (Routledge Studies in Modern European History). 3121. Classical (The) tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: translation, imitation, and literacy. Ed. by Lluís CABRÉ, Alejandro COROLEU, Montserrat FERRER, Albert LLORET, and Josep PUJOL. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer Ltd., 2018, 240 p. (Coleccion Tamesis: Serie A, Monografias, 374).
and Jane H. M. TAYLOR. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2018, LII-293 p. (ill.). (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies volume, 517). 3124. CRITTEN (Rory G.). Author, scribe, and book in late medieval English literature. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 238 p. 3125. Dante poeta cristiano e la cultura religiosa medievale. In ricordo di Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Ravenna, 28 novembre 2015. A cura di Giuseppe LEDDA. Ravenna, Centro dantesco dei Frati minori conventuali, 2018, 330 p. (Quaderni della Sezione studi e ricerche, 7). 3126. Dante's Convivio. Or how to restart a career in exile. Ed. by Franziska MEIER. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2018, X-286 p. (Leeds studies on Dante). 3127. DÄNZER (Tobias). Poetik und Polemik: Angelo Polizianos Dichtung im Kontext der Gelehrtenkultur der Renaissance. Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2018, 293 p. (ill.). (NeoLatina 28). 3128. DAWSON (Lesel), MAC HARDY (Fiona). Revenge and gender in classical, medieval and Renaissance literature. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, 352 p. 3129. DONOGHUE (Daniel). How the Anglo-Saxons read their poems. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 238 p. 3130. Du temps que les bestes parloient: mélanges offerts au professeur Roger Bellon. Éd. par Valérie MÉOTBOURQUIN et Aurélie BARRE. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 515 p. (ill.). (Rencontres, 339. Série Civilisation médiévale, 30). 3131. DUFFELL (Martin J.). Chaucer's verse art in its European context. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2018, XII-304 p. (ill.). (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 513). 3132. DÜZGÜN (Hülya Tafli). Texts and territories: historicized fiction and fictionalised history in Medieval England and beyond. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 168 p. 3133. EARLE (Gisèle). Gómez Manrique. Statesman and poet. The practice of poetry in fifteenth-century Spain. Cambridge, Legenda, 2018, 170 p. (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone cultures, 31). 3134. Entre le cœur et le diaphragme: (d)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge. Èd. par Craig BAKER, Mattia CAVAGNA, Grégory CLESSE et Camille CARNAILLE. Louvain-laNeuve, Institut d'études médiévales de l'Université catholique de Louvain, 2018, XIV-214 p. (Publications de l'Institut d'études médiévales. Textes, études, congrès, 30).
3122. Collezioni d'autore nel Medioevo. Problematiche intellettuali, letterarie ed ecdotiche. A cura di Patrizia STOPPACCI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XII-250 p. (mediEVI, 20).
3135. EPSTEIN (Robert W.). Chaucer's gifts. Exchange and value in the Canterbury tales. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, 249 p. (New century Chaucer).
3123. Court and cloister: studies in the short narrative in honor of Glyn S. Burgess. Ed. by Jean BLACKER
3136. ERWIN (Bonnie J.). Zöopedagogies: creatures as teachers in Middle English romance. London, Rout-
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education ledge, 2018, 186 p. (Routledge studies in medieval literature and culture, 13). 3137. FAINI (Enrico). Letteratura e politica nelle città padane del XII secolo. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 653-680. 3138. Filelfo, le Marche, l'Europa: un'esperienza di ricerca. A cura di Silvia FIASCHI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XVII-347 p. (pl., ill.). (Temi e testi, 178). 3139. FORCELLINI (Teodoro). Fonti teologiche francescane della Commedia di Dante. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XIV-244 p. (Medioevo francescano. Opera prima, 1). 3140. FUKSAS (Anatole Pierre). Chrétien de Troyes e il realismo del romanzo medievale. Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2018, 179 p. (Filologia classica e medievale, 1). 3141. FURIÓ VAYÀ (Joan Maria). Introducció al Cartoixà de Joan Roís de Corella. València, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Centre Valencià d'Estudis i d'Investigació, 2018, 290 p. (ill.). (Estudis universitaris, 153). 3142. GALBIATI (Roberto). Il romanzo e la corte: l'Inamoramento de Orlando di Boiardo. Roma, Carocci editore, 2018, 157 p. (Lingue e letterature, 264). 3143. GALL (Saskia). Erzählen von unmâze: narratologische Aspekte des Kontrollverlusts im Willehalm Wolframs von Eschenbach. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 294 p. (Beihefte zum Euphorion, 101). 3144. GÄRTNER (Thomas). Die Liebe Achills zu Polyxena in der mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Rezeption der Kriegstagebücher. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 353-371.
3150. HALARY (Marie-Pascale). La question de la beauté et le discours romanesque au début du XIIIe siècle. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 788 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 122). 3151. Handbuch Frauenlob. Hrsg. v. Claudia LAUER, Uta STÖRMER-CAYSA und Anna Sara LAHR. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, XXII-285 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur älteren Literaturgeschichte). 3152. Iani Pannonii opera quae manserunt omnia. Volumen III, Fasciculus 1. Carmina epica. Textus. Ed. by Gyula MAYER, László TÖRÖK and Zaynab DALLOUL. Budapest, Balassi Kiadó, 2018, 239 p. (facs.). 3153. Interdisciplinarità del petrarchismo. Prospettive di ricerca fra Italia e Germania. Atti del convegno internazionale, Berlino, Freie Universität, 27–28 ottobre 2016. A cura di Maiko FAVARO e Bernhard HUSS. Firenze, Olschki, 2018, X-272 p. (Biblioteca dell'"Archivum Romanicum". Serie 1. Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 486). 3154. Intorno a Dante ambienti culturali, fermenti politici, libri e lettori nel XIV secolo. Atti del convegno internazionale di Roma, 7–9 novembre 2016. A cura di Luca AZZETTA e Andrea MAZZUCCHI. Roma, Salerno editrice, 2018, 606 p. (ill., bibl.). 3155. JOHNSON (Eleanor). Staging contemplation: participatory theology in Middle English prose, verse, and drama. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 254 p. 3156. KLIMCZAK (Franziska). Bildlichkeit und Metaphorik in den spätmittelalterlichen Fastnachtspielen des 15. Jahrhunderts: wie Sexualität von sich reden macht. Potsdam, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2018, 267 p.
3145. GERALD OF WALES. Instruction for a Ruler (De Principis Instructione). Ed. and transl. by Robert BARTLETT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, LXX, 801 p. (Oxford Medieval texts).
3157. Księga. Teksty o świecie średniowiecznym ofiarowane Hannie Zaremskiej. [= Book. Texts about the medieval world offered to Hanna Zaremska]. Ed. by Halina MANIKOWSKA. Warszawa, Instytut Historii PAN, 2018, 289 p.
3146. Gerald of Wales. New perspectives on a medieval writer and critic. Ed. by Georgia HENLEY and A. Joseph MAC MULLEN. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, XV-329 p. (pl., ill., facs.).
3158. LANGDELL (Sebastian James). Thomas Hoccleve: religious reform, transnational poetics, and the invention of Chaucer. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2018, X-224 p. (Exeter Medieval texts and studies).
3147. GREULICH (Markus). Stimme und Ort. Narratologische Studien zu Heinrich von Veldeke, Hartmann von Aue und Wolfram von Eschenbach. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2018, 431 p. (Philologische Studien und Quellen, 264).
3159. LAWLER (Traugott). The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman, Vol. 4: C Passus 15-19; B Passus 13-17. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 516 p.
3148. GUST (Geoffrey W.). Chaucerotics. Uncloaking the language of sex in the Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 332 p. (The new Middle Ages). 3149. Habiller en latin: la traduction de vernaculaire en latin entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance. Éd. par Françoise FERY-HUE et Fabio ZINELLI. Paris, École nationale des Chartes, 2018, 443 p. (ill., map). (Études et rencontres de l'École des Chartes, 52).
3160. LE FÈVRE (Jean). La vieille. Éd. par MarieMadeleine HUCHET. Abbeville, Société des Anciens Textes Français, 2018, C-536 p. (Publications de la Société des anciens textes français, 112). 3161. Lettre-miroir (La) dans l'Occident latin et vernaculaire du Ve au XVe s. Éd. par Dominique DEMARTINI, Christiane VEYRARD-COSME et Sumi SHIMAHARA. Paris, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 2018, 420 p. (ill.). (Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et Temps Modernes, 55).
3162. LOLEIT (Simone). Zeit- und Alltersoptik im Minnesang. Eine Untersuchung zu Liedern Walthers von der Vogelweide, Reinmars, Neidharts und Oswalds von Wolkenstein. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2018, 399 p. (Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur. Beiträge zur Mittelalterforschung, 30).### 3163. LÓPEZ DRUSETTA (Laura). La poesía de García de Pedraza y Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. Vigo, Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2018, 309 p. (Publicaciones académicas. Biblioteca de escrituras profanas, 55). 3164. MAJOR (Tristan). Undoing Babel: the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon literature. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XIII-289 p. (Toronto AngloSaxon Series, 25).
3175. MORTON (Jonathan). The roman de la rose in its philosophical context: art, nature, and ethics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, VI-204 p. (Oxford modern languages and literature monographs). 3176. Narratologie und mittelalterliches Erzählen Autor, Erzähler, Perspektive, Zeit und Raum. Hrsg. v. Eva von CONTZEN and Florian KRAGL. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-289 p. (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, 7). 3177. Neidhart und die Neidhart-Lieder: Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Margaret SPRINGETH, Franz Viktor SPECHTLER und Katharina ZEPPEZAUER-WACHAUER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 528 p. (De Gruyter Reference).
3165. Manuscrit (Le) unique. Une singularité plurielle. Éd. par Élodie BURLE-ERRECADE et Valérie GONTERO. Paris, PUPS, 2018, 148 p. (ill., facs.). (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 70).
3178. Neo-Latini Vindobonensis. Proceedings of the sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna, 2015. Ed. by Astrid STEINER-WEBER, Franz RÖMER and Ludwig BRAUN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVLIII-808 p. (Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, 16).
3166. MARCULESCU (Andreea). Demonic possession, vulnerability, and performance in French medieval drama. New York, Peter Lang, 2018, 159 p. (Medieval interventions: new light on traditional thinking, 4).
3179. NIESER (Florian). Die Lesbarkeit von Helden: uneindeutige Zeichen in der Bataille d'Aliscans und im Willehalm Wolframs von Eschenbach. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 2018, XI-256 p. (ill.).
3167. MATTALONI (Valeria). I commentatori di Giovenale nel Medioevo (secoli VI–XVI). Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XLIV-74 p. (Quaderni di "CALMA". Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino, 4).
3180. NISTERS (David). Poetry and authority: Chaucer, vernacular fable and the role of readers in fifteenth-century England. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 183 p. (Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur / Münster monographs on English literature, 39).
3168. Medieval literary (The): beyond form. Ed. by Robert J. MEYER-LEE and Catherine SANOK. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 276 p. (ill.).
3181. NOCITA (Teresa). Spigolature: studi sulla tradizione e la letteratura volgare del Trecento. Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2018, 137 p. (Filologia classica e medievale, 2).
3169. MEYER (Sylvie). Le roman d'aventure médiéval entre convention et subversion (XIIe–XIIIe siècles). Accidents de parcours. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 360 p. (Essais sur le Moyen Âge, 66). 3170. Middle English (A) translation from Petrarch's Secretum. Ed. by Edward WILSON, Daniel WAKELIN. Oxford, published for The Early English Text Society by the Oxford U. P., 2018, LXVIII-96 p. (ill.). (Early English Text Society, 351). 3171. Middle English lyrics. New readings of short poems. Ed. by Julia BOFFEY and Christiania WHITEHEAD. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 310 p. (AngloSaxon studies, 26). 3172. Mittelalterliche Mythenrezeption. Paradigmen und Paradigmenwechsel. Hrsg. v. Ulrich REHM. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 268 p. (ill.). (Sensus. Studien zur mittelalterlichen Kunst, 10). 3173. Money, commerce and economics in late medieval English literature. Ed. by Craig E. BERTOLET and Robert William EPSTEIN. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 185 p. (ill.). (The new Middle Ages). 3174. MORABITO (Raffaele). Dante e dopo. L'idea della scrittura tra Medioevo e Umanesimo. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 126 p. (Lingue e letterature Carocci, 256).
3182. NÜBEL (Rainer). Walther von der Vogelweide: das gradualistische Ideal in den dingen. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 327 p. (ill.). (Walther-Studien, 9). 3183. OLDONI (Massimo). Gloria magistri. Orizzonti letterari e orali della cultura mediolatina. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XII-844 p. (Collectanea, 35). 3184. PATERSON (Linda M.). Singing the Crusades: French and Occitan lyric responses to the Crusading movements, 1137–1336. In collaboration with Luca BARBIERI, Ruth HARVEY and Anna RADAELLI, and with an appendix by Marjolaine RAGUIN-BARTHELMEBS. Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 2018, 332 p. 3185. PEARMAN (Tory Vandeventer). Disability and knighthood in Malory's Morte Darthur. London, Routledge, 2018, 224 p. (Routledge studies in medieval religion and culture, 10). 3186. Performance and theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by Mark CRUSE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XIII-207 p. (Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 41). 3187. Petrarch and Boccaccio. The unity of knowledge in the pre-modern world. Ed. by Igor CANDIDO.
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education
Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 390 p. (Mimesis. Romanische Literaturen der Welt, 61).
Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2018, VI-405 p. (Schriftenreihe Schriften zur Mediävistik, 27).
3188. Poesia tardoantica e medievale: atti del VI Convegno internazionale di studi, Macerata, 3–5 dicembre 2013. A cura di Maria Grazia MORONI, Roberto PALLA, Carmelo CRIMI, Antonino DESSÌ. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2018, 401 p. (ill.). (…Et alia, 5).
3201. SCHAUCH (Yvonne Caroline). Parzivals Weg zum Artusritte: über die Erringung höfischer Identität. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, VI-324 p. (Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur, 33).
3189. Poétique de l'octosyllabe. Éd. par Danièle JAMES-RAOUL et Françoise LAURENT. Ferney-Voltaire, Honoré Champion éditeur, 2018, 434 p. (ill.). (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur le Moyen Âge, 259). 3190. Poetriae (Le) del medioevo latino. Modelli, fortuna, commenti. A cura di Gian Carlo ALESSIO e Domenico LOSAPPIO. Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari-Digital Publishing, 2018, 315 p. (Filologie medievali e moderne, 15. Serie occidentale, 12). 3191. PONTANO (Giovanni Gioviano). Actius de numeris poeticis, de lege historiae. Ed. Francesco TATEO. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2018, 314 p. (RR inedita. Saggi, 76). 3192. Ramon Llull, els trobadors i la cultura del segle XIII. A cura di Vicenç BELTRAN PEPIÓ, Tomàs MARTÍNEZ ROMERO e Irene CAPDEVILA ARRIZABALAGA. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo 2018, XII-272 p. (tabs.). (Corpus des trobadours. Études, 5). 3193. RASCHKO (Mary). The politics of Middle English parables: fiction, theology, and social practice. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 255 p. (Manchester medieval literature and culture). 3194. Reconsidering Boccaccio: Medieval Contexts and Global Intertexts. Ed. by Olivia HOLMES and Dana STEWART. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 439 p. (Toronto Italian Studies). 3195. Romance rewritten: the evolution of Middle English romance. A tribute to Helen Cooper. Ed. by Elizabeth ARCHIBALD, Megan G. LEITCH and Corinne J. SAUNDERS. Cambridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2018, XII-295 p. (Studies in medieval romance). 3196. RUDOLPH (Alexander). Die Variationskunst im Minnesang. Studien am Beispiel Heinrichs von Rugge. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX-291 p. (Deutsche Literatur. Studien und Quellen, 28). 3197. RÜTHER (Hanno). Grundzüge einer Poetologie des Textendes der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, V-441 p. (Studien zur historischen Poetik, 19). 3198. SASSI (Sana). Les réécritures des romans de Chrétien de Troyes: du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 386 p. (Collection "Le scribe cosmopolite"). 3199. SCARBOROUGH (Connie L.). Viewing disability in Medieval Spanish texts: disgraced or graced. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 229 p. (Premodern health, disease, and disability). 3200. SCHAAFF (Kathrin). Der Dürnge bluome schînet dur den snê: höfische Lyrik in Thüringen. Hamburg,
3202. SCHMITZ (Florian). Der Orient in Diskursen des Mittelalters und im "Willehalm" Wolframs von Eschenbach. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 420 p. (Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur. Beiträge zur Mittelalterforschung, 32). 3203. SCHNELL (Rüdiger). Tod der Liebe durch Erfüllung der Liebe? Das paradoxe amoureux und die höfische Liebe. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 163 p. 3204. SCHULTZ-BALLUFF (Simone). Wissenswelt "triuwe": Kollokationen - Semantisierung – Konzeptualiserung. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 434 p. (ill.). (Germanistische Bibliothek, 59). 3205. Shapeshifters in Medieval North Atlantic literature. Ed. by Luciana Mabel CORDO RUSSO and Santiago Francesco BARREIRO. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 189 p. (The early Medieval North Atlantic series). 3206. SODANO (Rossana). Cavalcanti restituito agli epicuri. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2018, 463 p. (Dal codice al libro, 40). 3207. STERN (Paul). Dante's philosophical life: politics and human wisdom in Purgatorio. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 292 p. 3208. Storie di libri e tradizioni manoscritte dall'Antichità all'Umanesimo: in memoria di Alessandro Daneloni. A cura di Cecilia MUSSINI, Stefano ROCCHI e Giovanni CASCIO. Munich, Herbert Utz, 2018, 396 p. (pl., ill., maps, facs.). (Münchener Italienstudien, 5). 3209. SYMES (Carol). A common stage. Theater and public life in Medieval Arras. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 344 p. (tabs., maps). (Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past). 3210. SZABÓ (Tibor). Dante-reflexiók: paradigmaváltás a magyar dantisztikában. [= Dante-reflections: a paradigm shift in Hungarian Danteism]. Budapest, Hungarovox Kiadó, 2018, 208 p. 3211. Tempo e spazio nei romanzi di Alessandro. X Colloquio internazionale Medioevo romanzo e orientale (Catania, 12–13 ottobre 2017). A cura di Gaetano LALOMIA. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 199 p. (ill.). (Medioevo romanzo e orientale. Colloqui, 15). 3212. TERHORST (Magdalena). Gottfrieds "Tristan" lesen. Prolog, Haupttext, Wortpaare. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 695 p. (ill.). (Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur. Beiträge zur Mittelalterforschung, 31). 3213. Text, transmission and transformation in the European Middle Ages, 1000–1500. Ed by Carrie GRIFFIN and Emer PURCELL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XXII245 p. (Cursor Mundi, 34).
3214. Thinking Medieval romance. Ed. by Katherine C. LITTLE and Nicola MAC DONALD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 243 p.### 3215. THOMSON (Simon C.). Communal creativity in the making of the 'Beowulf' manuscript. Towards a history of reception for the Nowell codex. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XXIV-404 p. (Library of the written word. The manuscript world, 67). 3216. TONELLO (Elisabetta). L'altra poesia. Arte giullaresca e letteratura nel basso Medioevo. Milano, Mimesis, 2018, 268 p. (ill.). (Eterotopie, 471). – EADEM. Sulla tradizione Tosco-Fiorentina della Commedia di Dante (secoli XIV–XV). Padova, Libreriauniversitaria.it edizioni, 2018, 570 p. (ill.). (Studi e progetti). 3217. TURVILLE-PETRE (Thorlac). Description and narrative in Middle English alliterative poetry. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2018, 221 p. (Exeter medieval texts and studies). 3218. Vera amicitia praecipuum munus. Contributi di cultura medievale e umanistica per Enrico Menestò. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Franceschini, 2018, 237 p., (ill., pl.). (Fuori collana Fondazione Franceschini, 22). 3219. VIEL (Riccardo). Quella materia ond'io son fatto scriba: hapax e prime attestazioni della Commedia. Lecce, Pensa multimedia, 2018, 567 p. (Mele cotogne: studi filologici, storici, letterari, 1). 3220. Vindel (The) parchment and Martin Codax. The golden age of medieval Galician poetry. / O pergamino Vindel e Martin Codax. O esplendor da poesía galega medieval. Ed. by Alexandre RODRÍGUEZ GUERRA and Xosé Bieito ARIAS FREIXEDO. Amsterdam a. Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018, 361 p. 3221. VITALE (Vincenzo). Secondo i precetti della perfetta amicizia. Il Novellino di Masuccio tra Boffillo e Pontano. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 595 p. (ill.). (Lingue e letterature Carocci 270). 3222. WARD (John O.). Classical rhetoric in the Middle Ages: the medieval rhetors and their art 400– 1300. With Manuscript Survey to 1500 CE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2019, XVII-706 p. (ill.). (International studies in the history of rhetoric, 10). 3223. WARREN (Michael J.). Birds in medieval English poetry. Metaphors, realities, transformations. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 269 p. (Nature and environment in the Middle Ages, 2). 3224. WEIS-DIEL (Alexandra). Gewaltstrategien: Codierung und Inszenierung von Gewalt im vorreformatorischen Nürnberger Fastnachtspiel. Wiesbaden, Reichert Verlag, 2018, 538 p. (Imagines medii aevi, 41). 3225. WEISL (Angela Jane), CUNDER (Anthony John). Medieval literature. The basics. London, Routledge, 2018, 178 p. 3226. Wildekeit: Spielräume literarischer obscuritas im Mittelalter: Zürcher Kolloquium 2016. Hrsg. v. Su-
sanne KÖBELE. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2018, 442 p. (ill., pl.). (Wolfram-Studien, 25). 3227. WILLIAMS (Graham T.). Sincerity in medieval English language and literature. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 256 p. (New approaches to English historical linguistics). 3228. Words that tear the flesh. Essays on sarcasm in medieval and early modern literatures and cultures. Ed. by Alan BARAGONA and Elizabeth L. RAMBO. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 360 p. (Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture, 21). 3229. ZWECK (Jordan). Epistolary acts. Anglo-Saxon letters and early English media. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 240 p. c. Technology ** 3230. Arithmétique (L') de Pamiers. Traité mathématique en langue d'oc du XVe siècle. Èd. par Jacques SESIANO. Lausanne, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2018, 380 p. (facs.). ** 3231. CORGNOLO DELLA CORGNA. La Divina villa. Vol. I. Introduzione. Libri I e II. A cura di Carla GAMBACORTA. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XXII-362 p. (Quaderni del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 58). ** 3232. GALIANO (Paolo). La sacra arte dell'alchimia. La versione integrale dello Speculum alchimiae da un ms del XV secolo. Roma, Simmetria, 2018, 282 p. ** 3233. PSEUDO SEXTUS PLÁCIDO. Liber medicine ex quadrupedibus. Magos y doctores, la medicina en la Alta Edad Media. Ed. por José Carlos SANTOS PAZ. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2018, CXX-53, 100 p. (ill.). (Per verba, 34). ** 3234. Richard de Fournival et les sciences au XIIIe siècle. Textes réunis par Joëlle DUCOS et Christopher LUCKEN. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, VI-444 p. (Micrologus Library, 88). ** 3235. Thesaurus (Il) pauperum pisano. Edizione critica, commento linguistico e glossario a cura di Giuseppe ZARRA. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV674 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 417). 3236. Arnaldi de Villanova opera medica omnia. Ed. Michael Rogers MAC VAUGH. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2018, 448 p. (Speculum medicine, 13). 3237. BARELLI (Lia). Architettura e tecnica costruttiva a Roma nell'Altomedioevo: saggi. Roma, Altair4 Multimedia, 2018, 211 p. (ill., pl.) (Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit, 1). 3238. CALVET (Antoine). L'alchimie au Moyen Age. (XIIe–XVe siècles). Paris, J. Vrin, 2018, 282 p. (Études de philosophie médiévale, 107).
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education 3239. Chevaux, chiens, faucons. L'art vétérinaire antique et médiéval à travers les sources écrites, archéologiques et iconographiques. Sous la dir. de AnneMarie DOYEN et Baudouin VAN DEN ABEELE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 481 p. (Textes, etudes, congres, 28).### 3240. Cuivres, bronzes et laitons médiévaux / Medieval copper, bronze and brass. Histoire, archéologie et archéométrie des productions en laiton, bronze et autres alliages à base de cuivre dans l'Europe médiévale (12e–16e siècles) / History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in Medieval Europe (12th– 16th Centuries). Sous la dir. de Nicolas THOMAS et Pete DANDRIDGE. Jambes, aWaP, 2018, 416 p. 3241. FULTON (Michael S.). Artillery in the era of the Crusades. Siege Warfare and the development of Trebuchet technology. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 544 p. (History of warfare, 122). 3242. Heaven and earth united: instruments in astrological contexts. Ed. by Richard DUNN, Silke ACKERMANN and Giorgio STRANO. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-286 p. (Scientific instruments and collections, 6). 3243. HOUTING (Edward), VRIJER (Hans). Kloostermoppen. Middeleeuws bouwmateriaal in stad en provincie Groningen. [= Medieval building material in the city and province of Groningen]. Leeuwarden, Noordboek, 2018, 303 p. (ill., maps, plans). 3244. HURX (Merlijn). Architecture as profession. The origins of architectural practice in the Low Countries in the fifteenth century. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 459 p. (ill.). (Architectura moderna, 13). 3245. MADDEN (Mollie M.). The Black Prince and the grande chevauchée of 1355. Martlesham, Boydell Press, 2018, 262 p. (Warfare in history, 45). 3246. MOISÃO (Cristina). A arte das mãos: cirurgia e cirurgiões em Portugal durante os séculos XII a XV. Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2018, XIII-177 p. (Ficha técnica). 3247. MONTERO CARTELLE (Enrique). Speculum medicinae: estudios de medicina latina antigua y medieval. Valladolid, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2018, 337 p. (Serie Lingüística y filología, 89). 3248. NOTHAFT (C. Philipp E.). Scandalous error. Calendar reform and calendrical astronomy in medieval Europe. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVII-357 p. 3249. Pietro Monte's Collectanea: the arms, armour and fighting techniques of a fifteenth-century soldier. Ed. and tr. by Jeffrey L. FORGENG. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 313 p. 3250. Pisa griffin (The) and the Mari-cha lion: metalwork, art, and technology in the Medieval Islamicate Mediterranean. Ed. by Anna CONTADINI. Pisa, Pacini Editore, 2018, 543 p. (ill.). (Arte). 3251. PURTON (Peter Fraser). The Medieval military engineer. From the Roman empire to the sixteenth cen-
tury. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2018, 320 p. (Armour and weapons). 3252. SMIT (Verena). Die Baugeschichte der salischen Abteikirche in Hersfeld. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 616 p. (ill., plans). (Studien zum Kulturerbe in Hessen, 4). 3253. STRIEGLER (Stefan). Raumwahrnehmung und Orientierung im südöstlichen Ostseeraum vom 10. bis 16. Jahrhundert: von der kognitiven zur physischen Karte. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler, 2018, VIII-298 p. (ill., maps). 3254. TIBBLE (Steve). The crusader armies, 1099– 1187. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIV-402 p. 3255. Vedere nell'ombra. Studi su natura, spiritualità e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira. A cura di Cecilia PANTI e Nicola POLLONI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XXIV-430 p. (Micrologus Library, 90). d. Education ** 3256. Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi V. Liber de verbo. Ed. par Cécile CONDUCHÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 264 p. (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, 40 E). ** 3257. LLULL (Ramon). Mil proverbis. Proverbis d'ensenyament. Ed. por Francesc TOUS PRIETO. Palma, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2018, XXII255 p. (ill.). (Nova edició de les obres de Ramon Llull, 15). ** 3258. LYNCH (Sarah B.). Medieval pedagogical writings. An epitome. Leeds, Kismet Press, 2018, 156 p. (Epitomes, 3). 3259. Aspects of knowledge: preserving and reinventing traditions of learning in the middle ages. Ed. by Marilina CESARIO a. Hugh MAGENNIS. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 296 p. (Manchester medieval literature and culture). 3260. BARTOSZEWICZ (Agnieszka). Urban literacy in Late Medieval Poland. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2018, XXIII-484 p. (Utrecht studies in Medieval literacy, 39). 3261. BLACK (Robert). La scuola pubblica a Sansepolcro tra Basso Medievo e Primo Rinascimento (secoli XIV–XV). Sansepolcro, Centro Studi "Mario Pancrazi", University Book, 2018, 126 p. (Biblioteca del Centro studi "Mario Pancrazi", T/7). 3262. BORDOY (Antoni). Enseñar filosofía en los albores de la universidad (1200–1240): estudio histórico acompañado del "Acceso de los filósofos a las siete artes liberales". Madrid, España Editorial Sindéresis, 2018, 348 p. (ill.). (Colección Biblioteca de Humanidades Salmanticensis. Serie Filosofía, 13). 3263. CAFLISCH (Sophie). Spielend lernen: Spiel und Spielen in der mittelalterlichen Bildung. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, 468 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, 58).
3264. CLANCHY (Michael). Looking back from the invention of printing. Mothers and the teaching of reading in the Middle Ages. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII211 p. (Utrecht studies in medieval literacy, 40).###
3278. RUBIN (Jonathan). Learning in a crusader city. Intellectual activity and intercultural exchanges in Acre, 1191–1291. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X224 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought).
3265. Collecting, organizing and transmitting knowledge. Miscellanies in late medieval Europe. Ed. by Sabrina CORBELLINI, Giovanna MURANO and Giacomo SIGNORE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 262 p. (Bibliologia, 49).
3279. RUPP (Michael). Repräsentationen der Bibel in der Volkssprache: Studien zu den mittelalterlichen Handschriften mit deutschen Texten aus dem Zisterzienserkloster Altzelle. Wiesbaden, Reichert Verlag, 343 p. (ill., facs.). (Scrinium Friburgense, 40).
3266. DUMITRESCU (Irina). The experience of education in Anglo-Saxon literature. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 235 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 102).
3280. Sciences du quadrivium au Mont-Cassin. Regards croisés sur le manuscrit Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia 318. Ed. par Laura ALBIERO et Isabelle DRAELANTS. Tunrhout, Brepols, 2018, 494 p. (ill.). (Bibliologia, 51).
3267. EVEN-EZRA (Ayelet). Ecstasy in the Classroom: Trance, Self, and the Academic Profession in Medieval Paris. New York, Fordham U. P., 2018, 313 p. (Fordham Series in Medieval Studies), 3268. FÖLLER (Carola). Königskinder: Erziehung am Hof Ludwigs IX. des Heiligen von Frankreich. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 252 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 88). 3269. From learning to love. Schools, law and pastoral care in the Middle Ages. Essays in honour of Joseph W. Goering. Ed. by Tristan SHARP. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XLVIII-775 p. (Papers in mediaeval studies, 29). 3270. HARRIS (Carissa M.). Obscene pedagogies: transgressive talk and sexual education in late medieval Britain. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2018, 285 p.
3281. Scuola, cultura e società nel Medioevo: a proposito di Paolo Rosso, La scuola nel Medioevo. Secoli VI–XV. Reti medievali, 2018, 19, 2, p. 5-49. 3282. Virtue ethics and education from Late Antiquity to the eighteenth century. Ed. by Andreas HELLERSTEDT. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 335 p. (Knowledge communities, 4). § 10. History of art. ** 3283. JURAJ MATEJEV DALMATINA. Šibenski bilježnici [= Šibenik notebooks]. Ed. by Ante BIRIN. Zagreb, Zadar Šibenik Hrvatski Institut za povijest Državni arhiv u Zadru Državni arhiv u Šibeniku, 2018, 415 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica. Građa IV/17). ______________________
3271. Letteratura (La) di istruzione nel Medioevo germanico. Studi in onore di Fabrizio D. Raschellà. A cura di Maria Rita DIGILIO, Marialuisa CAPARRINI e Fulvio FERRARI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 330 p. (Textes et etudes du Moyen Âge, 87).
3284. Agency (The) of things in Medieval and early modern art: materials, power and manipulation. Ed. by Graczyna JURKOWLANIEC, Ika MATYJASZKIEWICZ and Zuzanna SARNECKA. London, Routledge, 2018, 221 p. (ill.). (Routledge Research in Art History).
3272. MEEDER (Sven). The Irish scholarly presence at St. Gall. Networks of knowledge in the early Middle Ages. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, X-187 p. (Studies in early Medieval history).
3285. Architektura w początkach państw Europy Środkowej / Architecture in the early period of Central European states. 1st International Conference from the history of architecture of medieval Europe. Ed. by Tomasz JANIAK and Dariusz STRYNIAK. Gniezno, Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego, 2018, 445 p. (ill., maps).
3273. Nuns' literacies in Medieval Europe. The Antwerp dialogue. Ed. by Virginia BLANTON, Veronica O'MARA and Patricia STOOP. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, LXVI-504 p. (Medieval women. Texts and contexts, 28). 3274. PARSONS (Ben). Punishment and Medieval education. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2018, 252 p. 3275. Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses (Durham, D.C.L., C.IV.29). Ed. par Anne GRONDEUX et Irène ROSIERCATACH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 2 vol., 1108 p. (Studia Artistarum, 43). 3276. REXROTH (Frank). Fröhliche Scholastik: die Wissenschaftsrevolution des Mittelalters. München, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2018, 505 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Historische Bibliothek der Gerda Henkel Stiftung). 3277. ROSSO (Paolo). La scuola nel Medioevo. Secoli VI–XV. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 311 p. (Quality paperbacks, 511).
3286. Art (The) of Medieval Hungary. Ed. by Xavier BARRAL I ALTET, Pál LŐVEI, Vinni LUCHERINI and Imre TAKÁCS. Roma, Viella, 2018, 732 p. (176 b/w a. col. tabs.). (Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae, Roma. Studia, 7). 3287. Art and experience in Trecento Italy. Proceedings of the Andrew Ladis Trecento Conference, New Orleans, November 10–12, 2016. Ed. by Holly FLORA and Sarah S. WILKINS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 347 p. (ill.). (Trecento Forum, 1). 3288. Art and mysticism. Interfaces in the medieval and modern periods. Ed. by Louise NELSTROP and Helen APPLETON. London, Routledge, 2018, 272 p. (Contemporary theological explorations in mysticism). 3289. Arte y sexualidad en los siglos del románico. Imágenes y contextos. Ed. por Pedro Luis HUERTA.
§ 10. History of art Aguilar de Campoo, Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico, 2018, 242 p. (ill.). 3290. Basler (Das) Münster: die frühen Kathedralen und der Heinrichsdom: Ausgrabungen 1966, 1973–74. Hrsg. v. Hans Rudolf SENNHAUSER, Hans Rudolf COURVOISIER, Alfred Hidber, Eckart KÜHNE, Werner PETER. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, 454 p. (ill., plans). 3291. Bayeuxtapeten: en broderad krönika från 1000talet [= The Bayeux Tapestry: an embroidered chronicle from the 11th century]. Ed. by Herman BENGTSSON. Stockholm, Runica et Mediaevalia, 2018, 248 p. (ill., map.). (Scripta maiora, 9). 3292. BECKER (Oliver). Die Architektur der Normannen in Süditalien im 11. Jahrhundert: Kontinuität und Innovation als visuelle Strategien der Legitimation von Herrschaft. Affalterbach, Didymos-Verlag, 2018, 436 p. (pl., ill., map) (Studien zur Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 17). 3293. BILLY (Anne). Le désir de Dieu en images dans un antiphonaire de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés. (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, latin 12044). Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 412 p. (ill.). (Cerf Patrimoines). 3294. BÖKER (Hans Josef). Michael von Savoyen und der Fassadenriss des Kölner Doms. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 170 p. (ill.). 3295. BORCHARD (Waltraud). Sapientiam sapientum perdam. Triumph der Kirche und Niederwerfung des Frevels. Der Freskenzyklus von Filippino Lippi in der römischen Dominikanerkirche Santa Maria sopra Minerva. München, scaneg, 2018, 154 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Kunstwissenschaft, 96). 3296. Brodat (El) de la Creació de la Catedral de Girona. Ed. por Carles MANCHO. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2018, 418 p. (ill., pl.). (Memoria artium, 22). 3297. BROWN (Peter Scott). The riddle of Jael. The history of a poxied heroine in Medieval and Renaissance art and culture. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 372 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 278. Brill's studies on art, art history and intellectual history, 25). 3298. BURGER (Michael). Fenestrae non historiatae: ornamentale Glasmalerei der Hochgotik in den Regionen am Rhein (1250–1350). Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2018, 256 p. (ill., map). (Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. Deutschland Studien, 3). 3299. CAMPS (Rob), STUFKENS (André), VERHOEVEN (Clemens). Maelwael Van Lymborch studies. Vol. 1. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 224 p. (ill., facs., gen. tab., maps). 3300. Capolavori del Trecento. Il cantiere di Giotto, Spoleto e l'Appennino. A cura di Vittoria GARIBALDI e Alessandro DELPRIORI. Perugia, Quattroemme, 2018, 363 p. (ill.).
3301. CHEN (Andrew H.). Flagellant confraternities and Italian art, 1260–1610 ritual and experience. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 234 p. (ill.). (Visual and material culture, 1300–1700, 5). 3302. Chiaroscuro als ästhetisches Prinzip: Kunst und Theorie des Helldunkels, 1300–1500. Hrsg. v. Claudia LEHMANN, Norberto GRAMACCINI, Johannes RÖßLER und Thomas DITTELBACH. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 426 p. (ill.). 3303. Conversano nel Medioevo. Storia, arte e cultura del territorio tra IX e XIV secolo. A cura di Gaetano CURZI, Maria Antonella MADONNA, Stefania PAONE e Maria Cristina ROSSI. Roma, Campisano ed., 2018, 254 p. (ill., pls.). (Saggi di storia dell'arte, 56). 3304. CRISPIN (Julia). Krieg und Kunst: Die Visualisierung englischer Herrschaftsansprüche in Frankreich (1422–1453). München u. Wien, De Gruyter, Oldenbourg, 2018, 480 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London / Publications of the German Historical Institute London, 81). 3305. Devotional interaction in medieval England and its afterlives. Ed. by Elisa A. FOSTER, Julia PERRATORE and Steven ROZENSKI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 526 p. (Art and material culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 12). 3306. Domus Hispanica: el Real Colegio de España y el cardenal Gil de Albornoz en la historia del arte. Ed. por Manuel PARADA LÓPEZ DE CORSELAS. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2018, XII-642 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 3307. DOQUANG (Mailan S.). The lithic garden: nature and the transformation of the medieval church. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 273 p. 3308. Faces of charisma. Image, text, object in Byzantium and the Medieval West. Ed. by Brigitte Miriam BEDOS-REZAK and Martha Dana RUST. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 436 p. (Explorations in medieval culture, 9). 3309. FERNANDES (Carla Varela). Pero, o mestre das imagens, c. 1300–1350. Lisboa, Imprimatur, 2018, 159 p. (ill.). (Mestres da arte cristã, 1). 3310. FERRÉ (Rose-Marie). L'iconographie du Livre du cœur d'amour épris de René d'Anjou. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 98 p. (ill., pl.). (Répertoire iconographique de la littérature du Moyen Age. Corpus, 6). 3311. FOSSALUZZA (Giorgio). Nelle chiese di Farra, Soligo e Col San Martino. Itinerario di pittura dal Tre al Quattrocento. Treviso, Edizioni Stilus, 2018, 401 p. (ill.). (L'arte nelle venezie). 3312. Gaeta medievale e la sua cattedrale. A cura di Mario D'ONOFRIO e Manuela GIANANDREA. Roma, Campisano editore, 2018, 590 p. (ill.). (Medioevo mediterraneo, 1). 3313. GARCIA (Charles). El espacio, el tiempo y lo maravilloso en el Reino de León (ss. XI–XIII): representaciones ideales y comportamientos sociales. Madrid,
Ediciones de La Ergástula, 2018, 396 p. (ill.). (Omnia medievalia, 3). 3314. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Francisco de Asís). Las portadas de la Catedral de Jaca. Reforma eclesiástica y poder real a finales del siglo XI. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, Diputación de Huesca, 2018, 265 p. (ill.). (Perfil, 8). 3315. GOLDENBAUM (Laura). In testimonium veritatis: der Bronzegisant als Totenabbild im italienischen Quattrocento. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2018, 512 p. (ill.). (I mandorli, 23). 3316. HARTNELL (Jack). Medieval bodies. Life, death and art in the middle ages. London, Wellcome Collection, 2018, 345 p. (The Wellcome series in the history of medicine). 3317. HERBERT (Christopher). Foreshadowing the Reformation. Art and religion in the 15th-century Burgundian Netherlands. London, Routledge, 2018, 163 p. (ill.). 3318. Hochaltar (Der) des Hildesheimer Domes und sein Reliquienschatz. Bd. 1. Der Ort und seine Geschichte. Bd. 2. Katalog und Quellen. Hrsg. v. Michael BRANDT und Regula SCHORTA. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 648 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte und Kunst im Bistum Hildesheim, 13). 3319. IANNELLA (Cecilia). Cultura di popolo. L'iconografia politica a Pisa nel XIV secolo. Pisa, ETS, 2018, 234 p. (ill., pl.). (Studi medioevali. Nuova serie, 3). 3320. Inszenierungen von Sichtbarkeit in mittelalterlichen Bildkulturen. Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellewald zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Henriette HOFMANN, Caroline SCHÄRLI und Sophie SCHWEINFURTH. Berlin, Reimer, 2018, 340 p. (ill., facs., map, plan). 3321. JACOBS (Lynn). Thresholds and Boundaries: Liminality in Netherlandish Art (1385–1530). London, Routledge, 2018, 239 p. (ill.). (Visual Culture in Early Modernity). 3322. Karl der Große. Wissenschaft und Kunst als Herausforderung. Beiträge des Kolloquiums vom 26. Februar 2014 in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Hrsg. v. Johannes FRIED. Mainz, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur u. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 156 p. (ill., map). (Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse Jahrgang 2018, 1). 3323. KEIZER (Joost M.). The realism of Piero della Francesca. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge, 2018, IX-145 p. (pl., ill.). (Visual culture in early modernity). 3324. LAKEY (Christopher R.). Sculptural seeing: relief, optics, and the rise of perspective in medieval Italy. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2018, 226 p. 3325. Late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic kingdoms. Ed. by Alberto VELASCO GONZÀLEZ and Francesc FITÉ I LLEVOT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 683 p. (Art and material culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 11).
3326. Leonardo. Discoveries from Verrocchio's studio: early paintings and new attributions. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, 144 p. (ill.). 3327. LEWIS (John). The architecture of medieval churches: theology of love in practice. London, Routledge, 2018, XVIII-262 p. (ill.). 3328. LIEDMANN (Mareike). Die Klosterkirche in Lippoldsberg und die Frage mittelalterlicher Architekturrezeption zwischen Weser und Ostsee. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 304 p. (ill., map, plans). 3329. Locus (The) of meaning in Medieval art: iconography, iconology, and interpreting the visual imagery of the Middle Ages. Ed. by Lena LIEPE. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2018, XI-240 p. (ill.). (Studies in iconography: themes and variations). 3330. Material culture. Präsenz und Sichtbarkeit von Künstlern, Zünften und Bruderschaften in der Vormoderne. / Presence and visibility of artists, guilds and brotherhoods in the pre-modern era. Hrsg. v. Andreas TACKE, Birgit Ulrike MÜNCH und Wolfgang AUGUSTYN. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2018, 445 p. (ill., facs.). 3331. MATTEUZZI (Nicoletta). Niccoló di Segna e suo fratello Francesco. Pittori nella Siena di Duccio, di Simone e dei Lorenzetti. Firenze, Edifir, 2018, 277 p. (ill.). 3332. MAZZON (Gabriella). Pathos in late-medieval religious drama and art. A communicative strategy. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 326 p. (Ludus, 15). 3333. Medieval Europe in motion. The circulation of artists, images, patterns and ideas from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Coast (6th–15th centuries). Ed. by Maria Alessandra BILOTTA. Palermo, Officina di studi medievali, 2018, XVIII-441 p. (ill.). (OSM lab. Laboratorio di idee, 2). 3334. Microarchitectures médiévales. L'échelle à l'épreuve de la matière. Éd. par Jean Marie GUILLOUËT et Ambre VILAIN. Paris, Picard INHA, 2018, 233 p. (ill.). 3335. MIGNOZZI (Marcello). San Michele in Monte Laureto a Putignano. La grotta dell'Angelo e la cultura pittorica angioina nel meridione barese. Bari, Quorum, 2018, XVII-234 p. (ill.). (Puglia memorabile, 1). 3336. Migrating art historians on the sacred ways. Reconsidering medieval French art through the pilgrim's body. Ed. by Ivan FOLETTI, Katarína KRAVČÍKOVÁ, Sabina ROSENBERGOVÁ and Adrien PALLADINO. Roma, Viella, 2018, 468 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). (Convivia, 2). 3337. Migration, integration and connectivity on the Southeastern frontier of the Carolingian empire. Ed. by Danijel DZINO, Ante MILOŠEVIĆ and Trpimir VEDRIŠ. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XX-365 p. (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450, 50). 3338. MILANESI (Giorgio). Romanico cremonese. Le chiese dell'antica Diocesi di Cremona. Mantova, SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l., 2018, 331 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Ricerche di architettura storica, 3).
§ 10. History of art 3339. Modèles (Les) dans l'art du Moyen Âge (XIIe– XVe siècles) / Models in the art of the Middle Ages (12th–15th Centuries). Ed. par Laurence TERRIER ALIFERIS et Denise BORLÉE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 284 p. (Les Études du RILMA, 10).### 3340. MONCIATTI (Alessio). E ridusse al moderno. Giotto gotico nel rinnovamento delle arti. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XIV-400 p. (ill., pl.). (Uomini e mondi medievali. Collana del Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo – Accademia tudertina, 57). 3341. Obispos y catedrales: arte en la Castilla bajomedieval / Bishops and cathedrals: art in late Medieval Castile. Ed. por / Ed. by María Victoria HERRÁEZ ORTEGA. Berlin a. New York, Oxford Peter Lang, 2018, 686 p. (ill.). 3342. OLYMPIOS (Michalis). Building the sacred in a crusader kingdom. Gothic church architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, c. 1209–c. 1373. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VIII-445 p. (Architectura Medii Aevi, 11). 3343. Peindre à Bourges aux XVe–XVIe siècles. Ed. par Frédéric ELSIG. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2018, 261 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca d'arte, 58). 3344. PEREDA (Felipe). Images of discord. Poetics and politics of the sacred image in 15th century Spain. London, Harvey Miller, 2018, 308 p. (ill.). (Renovatio atrium. Studies in the arts of the Renaissance). 3345. PIAZZA (Simone). Allo zenit della cupola. L'eredità dell'oculus nell'arte cristiana fra Medio Evo latino e Bisanzio. Roma, Campisano ed., 2018, 319 p. (ill.). (Medioevo mediterraneo, 3). 3346. Place and space in the Medieval world. Ed. by Meg BOULTON, Jane HAWKES and Heidi STONER. New York, Routledge, 2018, 312 p. (ill.). (Routledge research in art history). 3347. Places of worship in Britain and Ireland. Vol. 3. 1150–1350. Ed. by Paul S. BARNWELL. Donnington, Shaun Tyas, 2018, 272 p. (Rewley House studies in the historic environment, 7). 3348. Portalada (La) de Ripoll. Creació, conservació i recuperació. Ed. por Marc SUREDA I JUBANY. Roma, Viella, 2018, 320 p. (IRCVM-Medieval Cultures, 7). 3349. PRINZ (Felix). Gemalte Skulpturenretabel: zur Intermedialität mitteleuropäischer Tafelmalerei des 15. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-337 p. (ill.). 3350. Regards croisés sur le monument médiéval. Mélanges offerts à Claude Andrault-Schmitt. Ed. par Marcel ANGHEBEN, Pierre MARTIN et Éric SPARHUBERT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 522 p. (Culture et société médiévales, 33). 3351. ROSSI (Guido), SITRAN (Gianna). Crocevia adriatico: chiese dell'Italia meridionale e dei Balcani, secoli IV–XI. Sommacampagna, Cierre edizioni, 2018, 623 p. (ill., maps, pl.). 3352. SCANLAN (Suzanne M.). Divine and demonic imagery at Tor de'Specchi, 1400–1500. Religious women
and art in fifteenth-century Rome. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 219 p. (ill.). (Visual and material culture, 1300–1700). 3353. SCHEDL (Barbara). St. Stephan in: der Bau der gotischen Kirche (1200–1500). Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 324 p. (ill.). 3354. Scuola (La) scultorea romana del Quattrocento. A cura di Claudio CRESCENTINI e Sergio RISALITI. Roma, Erreciemme, 2018, 122 p. (ill.). (Rinnovamenti, 9). 3355. SLATER (Laura). Art and political thought in Medieval England, c.1150–1350. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XXII-287 p. 3356. SOLANO (Javier). Juan Guas: arquitecto. Toledo, Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2018, 358 p. (ill., plans). 3357. SOMMER (Benjamin). Mitteldeutsche Flügelretabel vom Reglermeister, von Linhart Koenbergk und ihren Zeitgenossen: Entstehung, Vorbilder, Botschaften. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2018, 280 p. (ill.). (Neue Forschungen zur deutschen Kunst, XII.). 3358. STODDARD (Whitney S.). Art and architecture in medieval France. Medieval architecture, sculpture, stained glass, manuscripts. The art of the church treasuries. New York, Routledge, 2018, 436 p. (Icon editions, IN-22). 3359. Storie di animali e di iconografie lontane. Atti dell'incontro internazionale di studiosi delle tavolette da soffitto e dei soffitti dipinti medievali. Viadana, 21– 22 ottobre 2017. A cura di Monique BOURIN, Mario MARUBBI e Giorgio MILANESI. Viadana, Società storica viadanese, 2018, 335 p. (ill.). (Quaderni della Società storica viadanese, 11). 3360. Tomb - memory - space: concepts of representation in premodern Christian and Islamic art. Ed. by Francine GIESE, Anna PAWLAK and Markus THOME. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 352 p. 3361. Transept (Le) et ses espaces élevés dans l'église du Moyen Âge (XIe–XVIe siècles). Pour une nouvelle approche fonctionnelle (architecture, décor, liturgie et son). Ed. par Barbara FRANZÉ et Nathalie LE LUEL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 262 p. (Dissertationes et Monographiae, 11). 3362. VANWIJNSBERGHE (Dominique), VERROKEN (Erik). A l'Escu de France. Guillebert de Mets et la peinture de livres à Gand à l'époque de Jan van Eyck (1410–1450). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 2 vol., 851 p. (Scientia Artis, 13). 3363. VERGNOLLE (Éliane). Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire: l'abbatiale romane. Paris, Société française d'archéologie, 2018, 270 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque de la Société française d'archéologie, 1). 3364. VINCO (Mattia). Cassoni. Pittura profana rinascimentale a Verona. Milano, Officina Libraria, 2018, 336 p. (ill.).
3365. Vom Weichen über den Schönen Stil zur Ars Nova. Neue Beiträge zur europäischen Kunst zwischen 1350 und 1470. Hrsg. v. Jiri FAJT und Markus HÖRSCH. Wien u. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 433 p. (Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia, 19).### 3366. WALKER (Paul). The Pitti Palace rock crystal ewer and the sordid story of how and why it came to exist. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2018, 77, p. 41-46.
3377. BRADLEY (Catherine A.). Polyphony in Medieval Paris. The Art of Composing with Plainchant. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 281 p. (Music in context). 3378. DESMOND (Karen). Music and the moderni, 1300–1350: the ars nova in theory and practice. Cambridge Cambridge U. P., 2018, 300 p.
3367. WOLF (Fabian). Die Weihnachtsvision der Birgitta von Schweden: Bildkunst und Imagination im Wechselspiel. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 495 p. (ill.).
3379. DYER (Joseph Henry). The Scientia artis musice of Hélie Salomon: teaching music in the late thirteenth century. Latin text with English translation and commentary. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XVIII-290 p.
3368. WOODS (Kim). Cut in alabaster: a material of scultpure and its European traditions, 1330–1530. Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2018, 418 p. (ill.). (Distinguished contributions to the study of the arts in the Burgundian Netherlands, 3).
3380. Early music printing in German-speaking lands. Ed. by Grantley MAC DONALD, Elisabeth GISELBRECHT and Andrea LINDMAYR-BRANDL. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 291 p. (ill., maps, tabs). (Music and material culture).
3369. YILDIZ (Fatma). İşbiliye'den Mudejar Sevilla'ya. Hıristiyan Kentinde Endülüs-İslam Estetiği [= From Isbiliye to Mudejar Sevilla. Andalusian-Islamic Aesthetics in the Christian City]. Ankara, Gece Kitaplığı, 2018, 376 p. (ill., maps).
3381. EVERIST (Mark). Discovering Medieval song: Latin poetry and music in the conductus. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 408 p. (ill.).
3370. ZECCHINO (Francesco). L'architettura disegnata nel Liber ad honorem Augusti di Pietro da Eboli. Roma, Il cigno GG, 2018, 118 p. (ill.). § 11. History of music. ** 3371. Ademarus Cabannensis monachus et musicus. Ed. by James GRIER, 1952. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 219 p. (ill., mus., facs.). (Corpus Christianorum. Autographa Medii Aevi, 7). ** 3372. ALBIN (Andrew). Richard Rolle's melody of love. A study and translation with manuscript and musical contexts. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XX-468 p. (Studies and texts, 212). ** 3373. GUILLAUME DE MACHAUT. The complete poetry & music. Vol. 9. The Motets. Ed. by Jacques BOOGAART. Kalamazoo, Published for TEAMS in association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2018, 266 p. (ill., music). (Middle English Texts Series). ** 3374. Montecassino, archivio dell'abbazia, cod. 318: facsimile e commentarii. A cura di Mariano DELL'OMO e Nicola TANGARI. Lucca, Libreria musicale italiana, 2018, 2 vol., cclviii p., 320 p. (ill., facs.). (Bibliotheca mediaevalis, 4. Archivio storico di Montecassino. Facsimili e commentarii, 3). ** 3375. PRANIS (Guntars). Missale Rigense Livonijas garīgajā kultūrā. Gregoriskie dziedājumi viduslaiku Rīgā. [= Missale Rigense in the spiritual culture of Livonia. Gregorian chants in medieval Riga]. Rīga, Neputns, 2018, 348 p. (ill., music). ** 3376. SANTOSUOSSO (Alma Colk). Music theory manuscripts from mediaeval Normandy. Kitchener, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2018, XVIII-312 p. (facs.). (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 110). _______________________
3382. FALLOWS (David). Henry V and the earliest English carols: 1413–1440. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 207 p. (ill.). 3383. HAINES (John). Chants du diable, chants du people. Voyage en musique dans le Moyen Age Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 164 p. (Collection "Épitome musical"). 3384. Manuscripts and medieval song. Inscription, performance, context. Ed. by Helen DEEMING and Elizabeth Eva LEACH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 346 p. (ill.) (Music in context). 3385. Montpellier (The) Codex. The final fascicle: contents, contexts, chronologies. Ed. by Catherine A. BRADLEY and Karen DESMOND. Martlesham, The Boydell Press, 2018, XIV-333 p. (ill., music). (Studies in medieval and Renaissance music, 16). 3386. NANNI (Matteo). Die Leiblichkeit der Musik: Studien zur musikalischen Wissenskultur in Padua und zur frühen Trecento-Ballata (1250–1360). Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, IX-509 p. (ill,, music). (Musica mensurabilis, 8). 3387. Noces (Les) de philologie et musicology. Textes et musiques du Moyen Âge. Éd. par Christelle CAZAUX-KOWALSKI, Christelle CHAILLOU, Anne-Zoé RILLON-MARNE et Fabio ZINELLI. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 569 p. (Rencontres, 281. Civilisation médiévale, 22). 3388. PLANCHART (Alejandro Enrique). Guillaume Du Fay. The life and works. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 2 vol., 950 p. 3389. RANKIN (Susan). Writing sounds in Carolingian Europe. The invention of musical notation. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 426 p. (Cambridge studies in palaeography and codicology, 15). 3390. REY OLLEROS (Manuel). La música medieval en Celanova. Un manuscrito del siglo XII: AMSMs9.
§ 12. History of philosophy, theology and science Ourense, Deputación Ourense, 2018, 494 p. (ill., music). 3391. SCHWINDT (Nicole). Maximilians Lieder. Weltliche Musik in deutschen Landen um 1500. Kassel, Bärenreiter-Verlag, 2018, 623 p. 3392. ZAYARUZNAYA (Anna). Upper-voice structures and compositional process in the ars nova motet. London, Routledge, 2018, 158 p. (Royal Musical Association monographs). § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. ** 3393. Astrological (The) autobiography of a medieval philosopher: Henry Bate's Nativitas (1280–81). Ed. by Carlos G. STEEL and Steven VAN DEN BROECKE. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2018, XI-290 p. (ill.). (Ancient and medieval philosophy. Series 1, 17). ** 3394. BACON (Roger). Compendium of the study of philosophy. Ed. by Thomas S. MALONEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 200 p. (Auctores Britannici medii aevi, 32). ** 3395. BOETHIUS. On topical differences. Ed. by Fiorella MAGNANO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 400 p. (Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 89). ** 3396. CODA (Elisa). Le forme degli elementi. Isaac Abravanel e la tradizione aristotelica medievale. Pisa, Pisa U. P., 2018, 215 p. (Greco, arabo, latino. Studi, 7). ** 3397. DUNS SCOTUS (IOANNES). Notabilia super Metaphysicam. Ed. by Giorgio PINI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 256 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 287). ** 3398. HEYMERICUS DE CAMPO. Tractatus de philosophica interpretatione sacrae Scripturae. Ed. María Cecilia RUSCONI und Klaus REINHARDT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XLIII-178 p. (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, 292). ** 3399. Humanism, theology and spiritual crisis in Renaissance Florence. Giovanni Caroli's Liber dierum lucensium. A critical edition, English translation, commentary and introduction. Ed. by Amos EDELHEIT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 271 p. (The Renaissance society of America, 10). ** 3400. Lelamour Herbal (MS Sloane 5, ff. 13r57r). An annotated critical edition. Ed. by David Moreno OLALLA. Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, 510 p. (ill.). (Late Middle English texts, 6). ** 3401. MARTELLO (Concetto). Ornatus mundi: le Glosae super Platonem di Guglielmo di Conches. Liber secundus: lettura storico-critica. Palermo, Officina di studi medievali, 2018, X-310 p. (Machina philosophorum, 47). ** 3402. Per studium et doctrinam: fonti e testi di filosofia medievale dal XII al XIV secolo: studi in onore di Loris Sturlese. A cura di Alessandra BECCARISI E ALESSANDRO PALAZZO. Canterano, Aracne, 2018, 254 p. (Flumen sapientiae. Studi sul pensiero medievale, 6).
** 3403. Philosophies (Les) morale et naturelle du pseudo Robert Grosseteste. Étude, édition et traduction des Communia de Salamanque. Éd. par Claude LAFLEUR. Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2018, 316 p. (Collection Zêtêsis. Série "Textes et essais"). ** 3404. PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA (Giovanni). Lettere. A cura di Francesco BORGHESI. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2018, XI-188 p. (maps, facs.). (Studi pichiani, 19). ** 3405. PSEUDO GIACOMO DE CAPELLIS. Summa contra hereticos. A cura di Paola ROMAGNOLI e Maurizio ULTURALE. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2018, XI-402 p. (Ricerche. Storia. Ordines. Studi su istituzioni e società nel medioevo europeo, 7). ** 3406. STEVENS (Wesley M.). Rhetoric and reckoning in the ninth century: the Vademecum of Walahfrid Strabo. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XXXVIII-408 p. (ill.). (Studia traditionis theologiae, 24). ** 3407. Summa theologica Halensis: De legibus et praeceptis: lateinischer Text, deutsche Übersetzung und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Michael BASSE. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 3 vol., X-2579 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Grabmann-Institutes zur Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Theologie und Philosophie, 62.). ** 3408. ZUCCOLIN (Gabriella). Michele Savonarola medico humano. Fisiognomica, etica e religione alla corte estense. Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2018, 358 p. (Biblioteca filosofica di Quaestio, 26). _______________________
3409. Agostino, agostiniani e agostinismi nel Trecento italiano. A cura di Johannes BARTUSCHAT, Elisa BRILLI e Delphine CARRON. Ravenna, Longo, 2018, 262 p. (ill.). (Memoria del tempo, 62). 3410. ALMEIDA (Onésimo Teotónio). O século dos prodígios. A ciência no Portugal da expansão. Lisboa, Quetzal, 2018, 387 p. 3411. Anselmo d'Aosta e il pensiero monastico medievale. A cura di Luigi CATALANI e Renato DE FILIPPIS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 586 p. (Nutrix, 11). 3412. Arabic (The), Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's Physics and Cosmology. Ed. by Dag Nikolaus HASSE and Amos BERTOLACCI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-549 p. (Scientia Greco-Arabica, 23). 3413. BLUM (Paul Richard). Nicholas of Cusa on peace, religion and wisdom in Renaissance context. Regensburg, S. Roderer, 2018, 158 p. (Philosophie interdisziplinär, 43). 3414. BRAY (Nadia). La tradizione filosofica stoica nel Medioevo. Un approccio dossografico. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XIII-209 p. (Temi e testi, 168). 3415. CAMPBELL (Richard). Rethinking Anselm's arguments. A vindication of his proof of the existence of god. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 400 p. (Anselm studies and texts, 1).
3416. Consciousness and self-knowledge in medieval philosophy. Ed. by Gyula KLIMA and Alexander W. HALL. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 106 p. (ill.). (Proceedings of the Society for medieval logic and metaphysics, 14).### 3417. Contemplation and philosophy. Scholastic and mystical modes of medieval philosophical thought. A tribute to Kent Emery, Jr. Ed. by Roberto HOFMEISTER PICH and Andreas SPEER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 799 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 125). 3418. CROSS (Richard). Duns Scotus on God. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 301 p. (Ashgate Studies in the History of Philosophical Theology). 3419. Dante as political theorist. Reading Monarchia. Ed. by Maria Luisa ARDIZZONE. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 280 p. 3420. Deus summe cognoscibilis. The current theological relevance of Saint Bonaventure. Ed by A. BEGASSE DE DHAEM, E. GALLI, V. MALAGUTI, C. SALTO SOLÁ. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XII-716 p. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 298). 3421. DEZZA (Ernesto). La teoria modale di Giovanni Duns Scoto. Il caso della relazione tra creatura e creatore e la condizione di beatitudine. Roma, Antonianum, 2018, 719 p. (Studia Antoniana, 56). 3422. Edizioni, traduzioni e tradizioni filosofiche, secoli XII–XVI: studi per Pietro B. Rossi. A cura di Luca BIANCHI, Onorato GRASSI e Cecilia PANTI. Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2 vol., V-623 p. (Flumen sapientiae: studi sul pensiero medievale, 7). 3423. FINK (Jakob L.). Phantasia in Aristotle's ethics: reception in the Medieval Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin traditions. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 175 p. (Bloomsbury studies in the Aristotelian tradition). 3424. Formes (Les) laïques de la philosophie: Raymond Lulle dans l'histoire de la philosophie médiévale. Èd. par Dominique DE COURCELLES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 254 p. (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia, 81. Subsidia lulliana, 6).
3429. Jean de Salisbury, nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux. Ed. par Christophe GRELLARD et Frédérique LACHAUD. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XVI-296 p. (mediEVI, 19). 3430. Jeroným Pražský. Středověký intelektuál, mučedník české reformace a hrdina národní traduce. [= Jerome of Prague. Medieval intellectual, martyr of the Czech Reformation and hero of national tradition]. Ed. by Ota PAVLÍČEK. Praha, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Filosofia, nakladatelství Filosofického ústavu Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., 2018, 217 p. (ill.). (Europaeana Pragensia, 10). 3431. KAPRIEV (Georgi). Lateinische Rivalen in Konstantinopel: Anselm von Havelberg und Hugo Eterianus. Leuven, Paris u. Bristol, CT Peeters, 2018, 313 p. (Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca, 15). 3432. Legitimation of political power in medieval thought. Acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale Alcalá, 18–20 September 2013. Ed. by Celia LÓPEZ ALCAIDE, Josep PUIG MONTADA and Pedro ROCHE ARNAS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-456 p. (Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 17). 3433. LIVINGSTON (John William). The rise of science in Islam and the West: from shared heritage to parting of the ways, 8th to 19th centuries. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 489 p. 3434. Medieval thought experiments. Poetry, hypothesis and experience in the European Middle Ages. Ed. by Philip KNOX, Jonathan MORTON and Daniel REEVE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VIII-339 p. (Disputatio, 31). 3435. Meister Eckhart als Denker. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang ERB und Norbert FISCHER. Stuttgart, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2018, XIII-618 p. (Meister-Eckhart-Jahrbuch. Beihefte, 4). 3436. MELIADÒ (Mario). Sapienza peripatetica: Eimerico di Campo e i percorsi del tardo albertismo. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag. 2018, 348 p. (Dokimion, 40).
3425. IMAGUIRE (Guido). Priority Nominalism: Grounding Ostrich Nominalism as a Solution to the Problem of Universals. Cham, Springer, 2018, 171 p. (Synthese library. Studies in epistemology, logic, methodology, and philosophy of science, 397).
3437. MÜLLER (Sigrid). Theologie und Philosophie im Spätmittelalter: die Anfänge der via moderna und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Moraltheologie (1380–1450). Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, 375 p. (Studien der Moraltheologie).
3426. Instant (The) of change in Medieval philosophy and beyond. Ed. by Frédéric GOUBIER and Magali ROQUES. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 246 p.
3438. O'DALY (Irene). John of Salisbury and the medieval Roman Renaissance. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 256 p. (Manchester medieval studies).
3427. Inventing modernity in Medieval European thought, ca. 1100–ca. 1550. Ed. by Bettina KOCH and Cary J. NEDERMAN. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2018, VIII-284 p. (Studies in Medieval and early Modern culture, 63).
3439. OELZE (Anselm). Animal rationality. Later medieval theories 1250–1350. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 284 p. (Investigating medieval philosophy, 12).
3428. Irrtum / Error / Erreur. Hrsg. v. Andreas SPEER und Maxime MAURIÈGE. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, XXIV-872 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea mediaevalia, 40).
3440. Optics, ethics, and art in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Looking into Peter of Limoges's moral treatise on the eye. Ed. by Herbert L. KESSLER, Richard NEWHAUSER and Arthur J. RUSSELL. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2018, XIV-
§ 13. History of the Church and religion 212 p. (ill.). (Text, image, context. Studies in medieval manuscript illumination, 5. Studies and texts, 209). 3441. "Outsiders" and "Forerunners". Modern reason and historiographical births of Medieval philosophy. Ed. by Catherine KÖNIG-PRALONG, Mario MELIADÒ and Zornitsa RADEVA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 433 p. (Lectio. Studies in the Transmission of Texts and Ideas, 5). 3442. PINZANI (Roberto). The problem of universals from Boethius to John of Salisbury. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 318 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 282). 3443. Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor: actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull, Barcelona, 16–18 de novembre de 2016. Ed. per Lola BADIA, Joan SANTANACH I SUÑOL i Albert SOLER I LLOPART. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona i Palma, Edicions Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018, 521 p. (Coŀlecció Blaquerna, 13). 3444. Rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraicocristiano-islamico medievale. A cura di Carmelo PANDOLFI e Rafael PASCUAL. Roma, Ateneo pontificio Regina Apostolorum, If Press, 2018, 224 p. (Ricerche di storia della filosofia e teologia medioevali, 10). 3445. ROBICHAUD (Denis J.-J.). Plato's persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance humanism, and Platonic traditions. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 344 p. (ill., facs.). 3446. Sacramentum Magnum. Die Ehe in der mittelalterlichen Theologie / Le mariage dans la theologie medievale / Marriage in Medieval theology. Hrsg. V. / Ed. by / Éd. par Pavel BLAŽEK. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, VI-529 p. (ill.). (Archa verbi. Subsidia, 15). 3447. Seele (Die) im Mittelalter: von der Substanz zum funktionalen System. Hrsg. v. Günther Mensching und Alia Mensching-Estakhr. Würzburg, Königshausen et Neumann, 2018, 215 p. (ill.). (Contradictio, 16).
3452. TESTI (Claudio A.). La logica di Tommaso d'Aquino. Dimostrazione, induzione e metafisica. Bologna, ESD, 2018, 255 p. (Filosofia, 42). 3453. Verschieden im Einssein: eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung zu Meister Eckharts Verständnis von Wirklichkeit. Hrsg. v. Christine BÜCHNER. Leuven, Paris u. Bristol, Peeters, 2018, 454 p. (Eckhart: Texts and studies, 7). 3454. VONARBURG (Viktoria). De origine mali. Die biblisch-philosophische Herkunft des Bösen insbesondere bei Thomas von Aquin und Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-567 p. (Studien zu Judentum und Christentum, 33). 3455. VOS (Antonie). The theology of John Duns Scotus. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 455 p. (Studies in reformed theology, 34). 3456. Wahrnehmung und Realität: Vorstellungswelten des 12. bis 17. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Jürgen SARNOWSKY. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 401 p. (ill., facs). (Nova Mediaevalia, 17). 3457. WALTHER (Markus). Zeit- und Ewigkeitsvorstellungen zwischen Philosophie, Theologie und Mystik. Eine vergleichende Fallstudie zu Christentum und Islam anhand der Texte von Meister Eckhart und alĠazālī. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2018, 584 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie, 594). 3458. WÉBER (Édouard-Henri). La personne humaine sa nature, sa singularité et son devenir selon Thomas d'Aquin. L'anthropologie et l'épistémologie thomasiennes sources bibliques, patristiques, philosophiques et théologiques. Paris, J. Vrin, 2018, 482 p. (Bibliothèque thomiste, 66). 3459. WIMMER (Hanna). Illustrierte Aristotelescodices. Die medialen Konsequenzen universitärer Lehr- und Lernpraxis in Oxford und Paris. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 453 p. (ill.). (Sensus. Studien zur mittelalterlichen Kunst, 7).
3448. SOTO BRUNA (María Jesús). Causality and resemblance: medieval approaches to the explanation of nature. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, 182 p. (Europaea memoria. Reihe 1. Studien, 127).
3460. WYCLIF (John). De scientia Dei. Ed. by Luigi CAMPI. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, CXLIX-168 p. (Auctores britannici medii aevi, 30).
3449. Subjekt und Wahrheit. Meister Eckharts dynamische Vermittlung von Philosophie, Offenbarungstheologie und Glaubenspraxis. Hrsg. v. M. ROESNER. Leuven Peeters 2018, VI-224 p. (Eckhart: Texts and Studies, 8)
§ 13. History of the Church and religion.
3450. TARLAZZI (Caterina). Individui universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo. IV Premio Internacional de Tesis Doctorales, Fundacion Ana Maria Aldama Roy de Estudios Latinos. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 426 p. (Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 85). 3451. TEN KLOOSTER (A.). Thomas Aquinas on the Beatitudes. Reading Matthew, disputing grace and virtue, preaching happiness. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XXIV314 p. (Thomas Instituut Utrecht, 18).
Cf. nos 3355, 5476 _______________________
a. General ** 3461. SHAW (Richard). The Gregorian mission to Kent in Bede's ecclesiastical history: methodology and sources. London, Routledge, 2018, 276 p. 3462. Aux marges de l'hérésie. Inventions, formes et usages polémiques de l'accusation d'hérésie au Moyen Âge. Ed. par Franck MERCIER et Isabelle ROSÉ. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 384 p. 3463. BERGMEIER (Rolf). Machtkampf. Die Geburt der Staatskirche: vom Sieg des Katholizismus und den Folgen für Europa. Aschaffenburg, Alibri, 2018, 205 p. (ill.).
3464. BÉRIOU (Nicole). Religion et communication. Un autre regard sur la prédication au Moyen Âge. Genève, Droz, 2018, 563 p. (Titre courant, 64).### 3465. BURGESS (Clive). The right ordering of souls: the Parish of All Saints' Bristol on the eve of the Reformation. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XX-463 p. 3466. Debating religious space & place in the early medieval world (c. AD 300–1000). Ed. by Chantal BIELMANN and Brittany THOMAS. Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018, 217 p. (ill., maps). 3467. DUSIL (Stephan). Wissensordnungen des Rechts im Wandel: päpstlicher Jurisdiktionsprimat und Zölibat zwischen 1000 und 1215. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2018, 642 p. (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia series I, studia, 47). 3468. Espiritualidad (La) y la configuración de los reinos ibéricos (siglos XII–XV). Ed. por Isabel BECEIRO PITA. Madrid, Dykinson, 2018, 363 p. 3469. FORREST (Ian). Trustworthy men. How inequality and faith made the Medieval church. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIII-502 p. 3470. Fourth (The) Lateran Council and the crusade movement. The impact of the Council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the East. Ed. by Jessalynn L. BIRD and Damian J. SMITH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-340 p. (ill.). (Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, 7). 3471. Geschichte (Die) von Cluny in den fünf großen Abtbiographien. Eingeleitet, übersetzt u. kommentiert v. Theodor KLÜPPEL. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2018, XXIII-385 p. (Bibliothek der Mittellateinischen Literatur, 15). 3472. GÜBELE (Boris). Deus vult, Deus vult. Der christliche heilige Krieg im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, 452 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 54). 3473. Incorrupta monumenta ecclesiam defendunt: studi offerti a mons. Sergio Pagano, prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Tomo 1. La Chiesa nella storia: religione, cultura, costume. A cura di Andreas GOTTSMANN, Pierantonio PIATTI e Andreas REHBERG. Citta del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2018, 2 vol., XLIII-1747 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 106, 1-2). 3474. JOHRENDT (Jochen). Investiturstreit. Darmstadt, wbg Academic, 2018, 168 p. (ill., map). 3475. MORINI (Enrico). Patriarcati, Concili, Imperatore. Ricerche storico-ecclesiologiche tra Oriente e Occidente. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull' alto Medioevo, 2018, XVI-530 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni culturali dell'Università di Bologna, sede di Ravenna, 18). 3476. PERETT (Marcela K.). Preachers, partisans and rebellious religion. Vernacular writing and the Hussite movement. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 290 p. (Middle Ages series).
3477. PHILIPPIDES (Marios), HANAK (Walter K.). Cardinal Isidore (c. 1390–1462). A late Byzantine scholar, warlord, and prelate. London, Routledge, 2018, 434 p. 3478. Prince chrétien (Le) de Constantin aux royautés barbares (IVe–VIIIe siècle). Ed. par Sylvain DESTEPHEN, Bruno DUMÉZIL et Hervé INGLEBERT. Paris, Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2018, XXXII-608 p. (Travaux et mémoires, 22/2). 3479. RISTUCCIA (Nathan J.). Christianization and Commonwealth in early Medieval Europe. A ritual interpretation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 260 p. 3480. ROQUEBERT (Michel). Figures du catharisme. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 480 p. (geneal. tab., maps). 3481. SEMBDNER (Alexander). Das Werden einer geistlichen Stadt im Schatten des Doms. Zur Rolle der geistlichen Institutionen im Gefüge der Bischofsstadt Naumburg bis ca. 1400. Regensburg, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2018, 480 p. (Naumburg Kolleg). 3482. TANNOUS (Jack). The making of the Medieval Middle East. Religion, society and simple believers. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIV-647 p. 3483. Transforming landscapes of belief in the early Medieval insular world and beyond. Converting the isles, II. Ed. by Nancy EDWARDS, Máire Ní MHAONAIGH and Roy FLECHNER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 526 p. (Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, 23). Cf. no 3067 b. History of the Popes ** 3484. Documents on the papal plenary indulgences, 1300–1517: preached in the Regnum Teutonicum. Ed. by Stuart JENKS. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XX-811 p. (ill., map). (Later medieval Europe, 16). ** 3485. GUERRA (Christian). Der erzählte Papst: Enea Silvio Piccolomini-Pius II. und die römische Historiographie in den Commentarii de rebus a se gestis. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2018, XI-325 p. (Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, 46). ** 3486. LIUTPRANDO DI CREMONA. De Iohanne papa et Ottone imperatore. Crimini, deposizione e morte di un pontefice maledetto. A cura di Paolo CHIESA. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2018, LXV-126 p. (Per verba, 33). ** 3487. MAŘÍKOVÁ (Martina). Finance v životě pražské metropolitní kapituly: hmotné zabezpečení kanovníků optikou účetních rejstříků z let 1358–1418. [= Finances in the life of the Prague Metropolitan Chapter: the material security of the canons through the lens of accounting registers from 1358–1418]. Praha, Archiv hlavního města Prahy, 2018, 782 p. (ill.). (Documenta Pragensia. Monographia, 35). ** 3488. Papstregesten 1124–1198. Teil 4. 1181– 1198. Lief. 5. 1191–1195. Cölestin III. Hrsg. v. Ulrich
§ 13. History of the Church and religion
SCHMIDT. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 942 p. (J. F. Böhmer. Regesta Imperii, 4. Lfg., 5).
** 3489. Register (Die) Innocenz' III. 14. Band 14. Pontifikatsjahr, 1211/1212: texte und indices. Hrsg. v. Othmar HAGENEDER und Andrea SOMMERLECHNER. Vienna, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft, 2018, 307 p. (Publikationen des Österreichischen Kulturinstituts in Rom, 2. Abteilung, Quellen 1. Reihe).
3501. FICZEL (Nelly). Der Papst als Antichrist: Kirchenkritik und Apokalyptik im 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhundert. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 456 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 214)
** 3490. Velud fulgor meridianus. La 'vita' di papa Gregorio IX: edizione, traduzione e commento. A cura di Alberto SPATARO. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2018, XII-226 p. (Ricerche. Storia. Ordines. Studi su istituzioni e società nel Medioevo europeo, 8).
et Bertrand SCHNERB. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 330 p. (Études Renaissantes, 23).
3502. JERKOVIĆ (Marko). Zagrebački kanonici u 14. stoljeću: institucionalna i društvena povijest katedralne zajednice [= Zagreb canons in the 14th century: institutional and social history of the cathedral community]. Zagreb, Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2018, 545 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Institucije i pojedinci knjiga, 1).
3491. Atti dell'anno Innocenziano per gli 800 anni dalla morte di Papa Innocenzo III (1216–2016). A cura di Federica ROMITI. Rimini, Il Cerchio, 2018, 385 p. (ill., pls.). (Gli archi).
3503. KIEFFER OLSEN (Jakob). Kirke og kirkestruktur i middelalderens Danmark. (L'Eglise et les structures ecclésiastiques au Danemark au Moyen Age). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 797 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 577).
3492. BECKER (Hans-Jürgen). Konrad von Gelnhausen: die kirchenpolitischen Schriften. Leiden, Niederlande Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 404 p. (Konziliengeschichte. Reihe B, Untersuchungen).
3504. MELIS (Mario). Dal potere teocratico agli stati nazionali: Bonifacio VIII, Filippo il Bello, i Colonna e la distruzione di Palestrina. Palestrina e Roma, Articolo nove, 2018, 120 p. (ill.).
3493. BUENO (Irene). Pope Benedict XII (1334– 1342): the guardian of orthodoxy. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 275 p. (ill.). (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West).
3505. MERCOGLIANO (Gennaro). Giovanni XVI: l'antipapa calabrese. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 203 p.
3494. CAMPBELL (William H.). The landscape of pastoral care in thirteenth-century England. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-294 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 106). 3495. CANTARELLA (Glauco Maria). Gregorio VII. Roma, Salerno editrice, 2018, 354 p. (ill.). (Profili, 77).
3506. PAGNONI (Fabrizio). L'episcopato di Brescia nel basso medioevo. Governo, scritture, patrimonio. Roma, Viella, 2018, 356 p. (I libri di Viella, 287). 3507. Papacy, crusade, and Christian-Muslim relations. Ed. by Jessalynn Lea BIRD. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 253 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West).
3496. CÒ (Giulia). Vescovi, re, imperatori. Anastasio bibliotecario fra Occidente e Oriente. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, XXVIII-346 p. (Istituto italiano per gli studi storici).
3508. Papst (Der) und das Buch im Spätmittelalter (1350–1500). Bildungsvoraussetzung, Handschriftenherstellung, Bibliotheksgebrauch. Hrsg. v. Rainer BERNDT SJ. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 662 p. (Erudiri Sapientia, 13).
3497. CZORTEK (Andrea), CHIELI (Francesca). La nascita di una diocesi nella Toscana di Leone X. Sansepolcro da borgo a città. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 2018, XIII-350 p. (ill.). (Italia sacra, studi e documenti di storia ecclesiastica. Nuova serie, 4).
3509. PARK (Danielle E. A.). Papal protection and the crusader: Flanders, Champagne, and the Kingdom of France, 1095–1222. Woodbridge a. Rochester, The Boydell Press, 2018, 254 p.
3498. Dominus Episcopus. Medieval bishops between diocese and court. Ed. by Anthony John LAPPIN and Elena BALZAMO. Stockholm, Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien, 2018, 267 p.
3510. Perpignan 1415: un sommet européen à l'époque du Grand Schisme d'Occident. Ed par Aymat CATAFAU, Nikolas JASPERT et Thomas WETZSTEIN. Zürich, LIT, 2018, IX-677 p. (ill.). (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt, 15).
3499. ELSTER (Christiane). Die textilen Geschenke Papst Bonifaz' VIII. (1294–1303) an die Kathedrale von Anagni: päpstliche Paramente des späten Mittelalters als Medien der Repräsentation, Gaben und Erinnerungsträger. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2018, 462 p. (ill.). (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 156). 3500. Évêques et cardinaux princiers et curiaux (XIVe–début XVIe siècle). Des acteurs du pouvoir. Ed. par Alain MARCHANDISSE, Monique MAILLARD-LUY-
3511. Pope Benedict XII (1334–1342): the guardian of orthodoxy. Ed. by Irene BUENO. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 278 p. 3512. Pope Eugenius III (1145–1153): the first Cistercian pope. Ed. by Iben FONNESBERG-SCHMIDT and Andrew JOTISCHKY. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 362 p. 3513. Römische Kurie (Die) und das Geld. Von der Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts bis zum frühen 14. Jahrhun-
dert. Hrsg. v. Werner MALECZEK. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2018, 624 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, 85). 3514. THOMAS (Sarah E.). The parish and the chapel in Medieval Britain and Norway. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 233 p. 3515. UNGER (Veronika). Päpstliche Schriftlichkeit im 9. Jahrhundert. Archiv, Register, Kanzlei. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, VIII-344 p. (Regesta Imperii, Beihefte: Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters, 45). 3516. Use (The) of Canon Law in Ecclesiastical Administration, 1000–1234. Ed. by Melodie H. EICHBAUER and Danica SUMMERLIN. Boston, BRILL, 2018, 279 p. (Medieval Law and Its Practice). 3517. WEGENER-RIECKESMANN (Marcel). Bischof Gaudiosus, die heilige Restituta und die ecclesia Neapolitana: zu den Zeugnissen vandalenzeitlicher Exilanten und dem kulturellen nordafrikanischen Einfluss in Neapel sowie zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der örtlichen Bischofskirche zwischen dem 4 und 9 Jahrhundert. Oberhausen, Athena, 2018, 501 p. (ill., maps). (Nea Polis, 2). 3518. WIEDEMANN (Benedict G. E.). The character of Papal finance at the turn of the twelfth century. English historical review, 2018, 133, 562, p. 503-532. 3519. WITTLINGER (Mark Tobias). Kaiser, Rom und Apostelfürst. Herrscher und Petrus vom 8. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, IX-533 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters. Beihefte zu J.F. Böhmer. Regesta Imperii, 42). c. Monastic history ** 3520. Écrire pour saint Denis. Productions hagiographiques et documentaires médiévales. Éd. par Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN et Anne-Marie HELVÉTIUS. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, 172, 2018, pp. 1-649. ** 3521. Prohemium longum (Das) des Erfurter Kartaeuserkatalogs aus der Zeit um 1475. Hrsg. v. Almuth MÄRKER. Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, 602 p. (Lateinische Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters, 35).
3526. ARTHUR (Kathleen G.). Women, art and observant Franciscan piety. Caterina Vigri and the Poor Clares in early modern Ferrara. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 246 p. (Visual and material culture, 1300– 1700). 3527. BERMAN (Constance Hoffman). The white nuns: Cistercian abbeys for women in medieval France. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 364 p. (The Middle Ages Series). 3528. Bonifaci Ferrer (1355–1417) i el seu temps, Actes del Seminari, València, Altura i Sogorb, 19–20 d'abril de 2018. Ed. por Albert FERRER ORTS, JosepMarí GÓMEZ I LOZANO i Estefania FERRER DEL RÍO. Salzburg, FB Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2018, 242 p. (ill.). (Analecta Cartusiana, 338). 3529. Cistercian (The) James of Eltville (1393): author in Paris and authority in Vienna. Ed. by Monica BRÎNZEI and Christopher David SCHABEL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, VI-501 p. (Studia sententiarum). 3530. Cisterciens (Les) et la transmission des textes (XIIe–XVIIIe siècles). Ed. par Thomas FALMAGNE, Dominique STUTZMANN et Anne-Marie TURCAN-VERKERK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 556 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire culturelle du Moyen Âge, 18). 3531. Colomban et son influence. Moines et monastères du haut Moyen Âge en Europe. / Columbanus and his influence. Monks and monasteries in early medieval Europe. / Colombano e la sua influenza. Monaci e monasteri nell'alto medioevo in Europa. Sous la dir. de Sébastien BULLY, Alain DUBREUCQ et Aurélia BULLY. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 455 p. (ill., facs., gen. tabs., maps, pls.) (Collection "Art & société"). 3532. DANELLI (Tiziana). Inquisizione, frati Minori e cittadini di Todi (1329–1356), Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XVI772 p. (Medioevo francescano. Opera prima, 3). 3533. DARTMANN (Christoph). Die Benediktiner. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Mittelalters. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, 301 p.
** 3522. RUIZ (Damien). La vie et l'oeuvre de Hugues de Digne. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto medioevo, 2018. XXII-498 p. (Collana della Società internazionale di studi francescani, 37. Opera prima, 2).
3534. DELAISSÉ (Éric). Le monde cistercien danois du XIIe au début du XIVe siècle à la lumière des sources narratives. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 325 p. (ill.). (Cerf Patrimoines).
3523. 750 Jahre Augustinerkloster und Evangelisches Stift in Tübingen. Hrsg. v. Volker Henning DRECOLL und Vanessa BAYHA 1985. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XI-443 p. (Colloquia historica et theological, 3).
3535. Économie (L') des couvents mendiants en Europe centrale. Bohême, Hongrie, Pologne, v. 1220– v. 1550. Éd. par Marie-Madeleine DE CEVINS et Ludovic VIALLET. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 447 p. (ill.). (Hors-série).
3524. Abbots and abbesses as a human resource in the ninth- to twelfth-century west. Ed. by Steven VANDERPUTTEN. Zürich, Lit, 2018, 178 p. (ill.). (Vita regularis. Ordnungen und Deutungen religiosen Lebens im Mittelalter. Abhandlungen, 74). 3525. ALCIATI (Roberto). Monaci d'Occidente. Secoli IV–IX. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 201 p. (Quality paperbacks, 520).
3536. Écrit monastique (L') dans l'espace ligérien (Xe–XIIIe siècle). Singularités, interférences et transferts documentaires. Éd. par Chantal SENSÉBY. Rennes, PUR, 322 p. (ill., pl.). (Histoire). 3537. Fragen, Perspektiven und Aspekte der Erforschung mittelalterlicher Frauenstifte. Beiträge der Abschlusstagung des Essener Arbeitskreises für die Erfor-
§ 13. History of the Church and religion schung des Frauenstifts. Hrsg. v. Klaus Gereon BEUCKERS and Thomas SCHILP. Essen, Klartext, 2018, 364 p. (Essener Forschungen zum Frauenstift, 15). 3538. Frate Elia e Cortona. Società e religione nel XIII secolo. A cura di Antonio DI MARCANTONIO. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XII-176 p. (Cortona francescana, 1). 3539. Friars (The) and their influence in medieval Spain. Ed. by FRANCISCO GARCÍA-SERRANO. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 295 pa. (ill.). (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West). 3540. GRIFFITHS (Fiona J.). Nuns' priests' tales. Men and salvation in Medieval women's monastic life. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, X-349 p. (Middle Ages series). 3541. GÜNTER (Wolfgang). Reform und Reformation: Geschichte der deutschen Reformkongregation der Augustinereremiten (1432–1539). Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 605 p. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 168). 3542. HOFFMAN BERMAN (Constance). The white nuns. Cistercian abbeys for women in Medieval France. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XVI-345 p. (The Middle Ages series). 3543. HUIJBERS (Anne). Dominican narratives of self-understanding during observant reforms, c. 1388 – 1517. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter 2018 XIV-388 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens. Neue Folge, 22). – EADEM. Zealots for souls: Dominican narratives of self-understanding during Observant Reforms, c. 1388–1517. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, XIV-389 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens. Neue Folge, 22). 3544. JONES (Claire Taylor). Ruling the spirit: women, liturgy, and Dominican reform in late medieval Germany. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 224 p. (ill.). (The Middle Ages Series). 3545. LARSEN (Morten). Danmarks middelalderlige tiggerklostre. Franciskanernes og dominikanernes bygningskultur. [= Denmark's medieval beggar monasteries: the architectural culture of the Franciscans and Dominicans]. Hjørring, Højbjerg Vendsyssel Historiske Museum Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, 2018, 247 p. (ill., maps). (Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs skrifter, 107). 3546. LITTLE (Lester K.). Benedictine maledictions. Liturgical cursing in Romanesque France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 312 p. 3547. Making and breaking rules. Discussion, implementation, and consequences of Dominican legislation. Ed. by Cornelia LINDE. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-440 p. (Studies of the German Historical Institute London). 3548. Monasterio (El) medieval como célula social y espacio de convivencia. Aguilar de Campoo, Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico, 2018, 312 p. (ill., maps).
3549. Monastic life in the Medieval British Isles: essays in honour of Janet Burton. Ed. by Karen STÖBER, Julie KERR and Emilia JAMROZIAK. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, XXXVI-235 p. 3550. MONTAGNETTI (Roberto). Il territorio dell'antica Contea di Celano e gli insediamenti della prima fraternitas francescana. Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2018, 485 p. (ill., maps). (Archeologia, architettura, arte e territorio, 2). 3551. Reformen vor der Reformation: Sankt Ulrich und Afra und der monastisch-urbane Umkreis im 15. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Gisela DROSSBACH und Klaus WOLF. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, VIII-391 p. 3552. REILLY (Diane J.). The Cistercian reform and the art of the book in twelfth-century France. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 229 p. (Knowledge communities, 5). 3553. RENNIE (Kriston R.). Freedom and protection: monastic exemption in France, c. 590–c. 1100. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 256 p. (map). 3554. ROMHÁNYI (Beatrix F.). Kolduló barátok, gazdálkodó szerzetesek: koldulórendi gazdálkodás a késő középkori Magyarországon [= Begging friends, farming monks: beggar-order farming in late medieval Hungary]. Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiadó, 2018, 287 p. (ill., maps). 3555. Sammeln, Kopieren, Verbreite: zur Buchkultur der Kartäuser gestern und heute. Saint-Étienne, Centre européen de recherche sur les congrégations et les ordres religieux, 2018, 662 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 337). 3556. San Filippo di Fragalà, monastero greco della Sicilia normanna: storia, architettura e decorazione pittorica. / San Filippo de Fragalà, monastère grec de la Sicile normande: histoire, architecture et décor peint. Éd. par Sulamith BRODBECK, Manuela DE GIORGI, Marina FALLA CASTELFRANCHI, Catherine JOLIVET-LÉVY et Marie Patricia RAYNAUD. Bari, Mario Adda e Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 255 p. (ill., map). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 533). 3557. SAUER (Michelle M.), ALBAN (Kevin J. A. O. Carm). Celebrating St. Albert and his Rule. Rules, devotion, orthodoxy and dissent. Roma, Edizioni Carmelitane, 2018, 207 p. (ill., pl.). (Textus et studia historica Carmelitana, 44). 3558. SCHLOTHEUBER (Eva). Gelehrte Bräute Christi. Geistliche Frauen in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, VIII-340 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 104). 3559. SHAW (Robert L. J.). The celestine monks of France, c.1350–1450. Observant reform in an age of schism, council and war. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 294 p. (Church, faith and culture in the medieval west). 3560. STÜBEN (Joachim). Geschichte des Zisterzienserinnenklosters Uetersen von den Anfängen bis zum Aussterben des Gründergeschlechts (1235/37 – 1302).
Ein Rekonstruktionsversuch. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIII-401 p. (Studien zur Germania Sacra. Neue Folge, 7). 3561. Sur les pas de Lanfranc, du Bec à Caen: recueil d'études en hommage à Véronique Gazeau. Éd. par Pierre BAUDUIN, Grégory COMBALBERT, Christophe MANEUVRIER, Adrien DUBOIS et Bernard GARNIER. Caen, Annales de Normandie, 2018, 638 p. (ill., maps). (Cahier des Annales de Normandie, 37). 3562. TAYLOR JONES (Claire). Ruling the spirit. Women, liturgy and Dominican reform in late Medieval Germany. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 224 p. (The Middle Ages series). 3563. VANDERPUTTEN (Steven). Dark age nunneries. The ambiguous identity of female monasticism, 800– 1050. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-309 p. 3564. VERDOOT (Jérôme). Pour les siècles des siècles. L'abbaye Saint-Pierre de Lobbes au Moyen Âge (VIIe– XVe siècles). Bruxelles, Archives générales du Royaume, 2018, 220 p. (ill., map). (Studies in Belgian history, 6). 3565. VEYRENCHE (Yannick). Chanoines réguliers et sociétés méridionales. L'abbaye de Saint-Ruf et ses prieurés dans le sud-est de la France (XIe–XIVe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 1060 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliotheca Victorina, 25). 3566. Wissen und Macht: der heilige Benedikt und die Ottonen. Hrsg. v. Andrea KNOPIK and Gabriele KÖSTER. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 325 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Mittelalterausstellungen Magdeburg, 4). 3567. ZAPPASODI (Emanuele). Sorores reclusae: spazi di clausura e immagini dipinte in Umbria fra XIII e XIV secolo. Firenze, Mandragora, 2018, 310 p. (ill.). (Callida iunctura, 2). d. Hagiography ** 3568. BÉRANGER DE SAINT-AFFRIQUE. La vita di santa Chiara da Montefalco. A cura di Enrico MENESTÒ e Rossana GUGLIELMETTI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, LXXII202 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali. Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo. Accademia tudertina, 58). ** 3569. Bilinguismo e scritture agiografiche. Raccolta di studi. A cura di Vincenza MILAZZO e Francesco SCORZA BARCELLONA. Roma, Viella, 2018, 228 p. (Sanctorum. Scritture, pratiche, immagini, 4). ** 3570. Buchedd Beuno. The Middle Welsh life of St Beuno. Ed. by Patrick SIMS-WILLIAMS. Dublin, Dublin Institute for advanced studies, 2018, IX-234 p. (ill., map). (Medieval and modern Welsh series, 15). ** 3571. Historia Cinguli gloriose virginis Marie. Una storia del XIII secolo. A cura di Marco PRATESI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, LXX-92 p. (Quaderni di "Hagiographica", 15). ** 3572. Legenda vetus, Acta processus canonizationis, et Miracula Sanctae Margaritae de Hungaria =
The oldest legend, Acts of the canonization process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary. Ed. by Gábor KLANICZAY, Ildikó CSEPREGI and Bence PÉTERFI. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2018, X-843 p. (Central European Medieval texts, 8). ** 3573. Légendier (Le) de Moissac et la culture hagiographique méridionale autour de l'an mil. Ed. par Fernand PELOUX. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 580 p. (Hagiologia, 15). ** 3574. Navigatio sancti Brendani. Editio Maior a cura di Rossana E. GUGLIELMETTI. Testo critico di Giovanni ORLANDI e Rossana E. GUGLIELMETTI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, X-746 p. (Millennio medievale, 114. Testi, 29). ** 3575. Passio (La) di san Donato vescovo di Arezzo. A cura di Pierluigi LICCIARDELLO. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, VI-368 p. (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia. Serie 2, 21). ** 3576. Passioni (Le) di san Miniato martire fiorentino. A cura di Silvia NOCENTINI. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, X-203 p. (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia. Serie 1, 25). ** 3577. Purgatorio (Il) di San Patrizio. Documenti letterari e testimonianze di pellegrinaggio (secc. XII– XVI). A cura di Giovanni Paolo MAGGIONI, Roberto TINTI e Paolo TAVIANI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, CLXXII-572 p. (tabs.). (Quaderni di "Hagiographica", 13). 3578. Christ, Mary and the saints. Reading religious subjects in Medieval and Renaissance Spain. Ed. by Andrew M. BERESFORD and Lesley K. TWOMEY. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 386 p. (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 66). 3579. Columbanus and the peoples of post-Roman Europe. Ed. by Alexander O'HARA. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 344 p. (Oxford studies in late antiquity). 3580. Culto (El) jacobeo y la peregrinación a Santiago a finales de la Edad Media: crisis y renovación. Ed. por Santiago Gutiérrez y Santiago LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZMORÁS. Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, 2018, 244 p. (ill.). 3581. Devotion to St. Anne in texts and images: from Byzantium to the Late European Middle Ages. Ed. by Elena ENE D-VASILESCU. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 143 p. (Palgrave pivot). 3582. Ein Meer und seine Heiligen: Hagiographie im mittelalterlichen Mediterraneum. Hrsg. v. Nikolas JASPERT, Christian Alexander NEUMANN und Marco DI BRANCO. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink u. Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 405 p. (ill., maps). (Mittelmeerstudien, 18). 3583. FOLETTI (Ivan). Oggetti, reliquie, migranti. La basilica ambrosiana e il culto dei suoi santi (386–972). Roma, Viella, 2018, 254 p. (ill.). (La storia dell'arte. Temi, 3).
§ 13. History of the Church and religion
3584. LEPPIN (Volker). Franziskus von Assisi. Darmstadt, Theiss, 2018, 368 p. (ill.).###
turies. London, Routledge, 2018, 340 p. (ill.). (Sanctity in global perspective).
3585. Liens (Les) de la miséricorde. L'enseignement de sainte Gertrude sur la miséricorde replacé dans ses contextes. Actes du colloque de Solesmes (2 et 3 septembre 2016). Éd. par Xavier BATLLO. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 237 p. (Bibliothèque des religions du monde, 6).
3597. Symbolic identity and the cultural memory of saints. Ed. by Nils Holger PETERSEN, Anu MÄND, Sebastián SALVADÓ and Tracey R. SANDS, Newcastleupon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 326 p.
3586. MASKARINEC (Maya). City of saints. Rebuilding Rome in the early Middle Ages. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, X-290 p. (Middle Ages series). 3587. Miracles in medieval canonization processes. Structures, functions and methodologies. Ed. by Christian KRÖTZL and Sari KATAJALA-PELTOMAA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, IX-292 p. (International Medieval Research, 23). 3588. MULDER-BAKKER (Anneke B.). The dedicated spiritual life of upper Rhine noble women. A study and translation of a fourteenth-century spiritual biography of Gertrude Rickeldey of Ortenberg and Heilke of Staufenberg. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 271 p. (Sanctimoniales, 2). 3589. Ó RIAIN (Pádraig). Four Offaly saints. The lives of Ciarán of Clonmacnoise, Ciarán of Seir, Colmán of Lynally and Fíonán of Kinnitty. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, XVIII-142 p. (ill., pl.). 3590. O'HARA (Alexander). Jonas of Bobbio and the legacy of Columbanus. Sanctity and community in the seventh century. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-322 p. (ill., maps). (Oxford studies in late antiquity). 3591. PALMER (James Trevor). Early medieval hagiography. Leeds, Arc Humanities Press, 2018, 122 p. (Past imperfect). 3592. Reliquie in processione nell'Europa medievale. A cura di Vinni LUCHERINI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 196 p. (ill.). (Quaderni napoletani di storia dell'arte medievale, 2). 3593. Saints and sainthood around the Baltic Sea: identity, literacy, and communication in the Middle Ages. Ed. by di Carsten Selch JENSEN, Tracey R. SANDS, Nils Holger PETERSEN, Kurt Villads JENSEN and Tuomas M. S. LETHONEN. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2018, 337 p. (ill.). (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture). 3594. SANOK (Catherine). New legends of England. Forms of community in late Medieval saints' lives. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 349 p. (The Middle Ages series). 3595. Set me as a seal upon thy heart: constructions of female sanctity in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Early Modern Period. Ed. by Andrea-Bianka ZNOROVSZKY. Budapest, Trivent Publ., 2018, 156 p. (ill.). (History and Art, 1). 3596. SLOCUM (Kay Brained). The cult of Thomas Becket: history and historiography through eight cen-
3598. VAUCHEZ (André). Saint Homebon de Crémone "père des pauvres" et patron des tailleurs: vies médiévales et histoire du culte. Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2018, VIII-166 p. (pl., ill.). (Subsidia hagiographica, 96). e. Special studies ** 3599. Acta correctoris cleri civitatis et diocesis Pragensis annis 1407–1410 comparata. Ed. by Jan ADÁMEK. Praha, Vydáno v nakladatelství Filosofia, 2018, XXXIX-458 p. (ill., facs.). (Archiv český = Archivum Bohemicum, 43). ** 3600. ALBERTI (Leon Battista). Psalmi precationum. A cura di Donatella COPPINI. Firenze, Polistampa, 2018, 137 p. (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Leon Battista Alberti, 7. Opuscoli e frammenti, 10). ** 3601. BRAULIO CAESARAUGUSTANUS, ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS. Epistulae, Confessio uel professio Iudaeorum ciuitatis Toletanae. Ed. por Ruth MIGUEL FRANCO y Jose Carlos MARTÍN-IGLESIAS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, CCLXI-171 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, 114B). ** 3602. COMESTORE (Pietro). La Genesi. A cura di Gaia LAZZARINI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 454 p. (Corpus Christianorum in translation, 30. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 191). ** 3603. DURAND DE CHAMPAGNE. Speculum dominarum. Ed. par Anne FLOTTÈS-DUBRULLE. Paris, École des Chartes, 2018, 342 p. (Mémoires et documents de l'école des Chartes, 107). ** 3604. Friguli Commentarius in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum. Cura e studio Anthony J. FORTE. Münster in Westfalen, Aschendorff, 2018, 365 p. (facs.). (Rarissima mediaevalia, 6). ** 3605. HUGO DE SANCTO VICTORE. De oratione dominica. De septem donis Spiritus sancti. Ed. par Francesco SIRI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 228 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 276). ** 3606. HUMBERTUS DE ROMANIS. De praedicatione crucis. Ed. Valentin PORTNYKH, Christine Vande VEIRE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, LXXIII-197 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 279). ** 3607. IOACHIM ABBAS FLORENSIS. Concordia novi ac veteris testamenti. A cura di Alexander PATSCHOVSKY. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2018, 4 vol., 1986 p. (ill.). ** 3608. JOSEPHUS SCOTTUS. Epitome explanationum in Isaiam beati Hieronymi presbyteri. Ed. par Roger GRYSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 504 p. (Corpus Christianorvm. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 284).
** 3609. KARÁTH (Tamás). Richard Rolle: the fifteenth-century translations. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XII-370 p. (ill.). (Medieval church studies, 40).### ** 3610. Lectionarium Placentinum Temporale. Edition of a twelfth century lectionary for the divine office. Vol. 3. Pars Prima. Vol. 4. Pars Secunda. Ed. by B. MØLLER JENSEN. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, 2 vol., LIV-489 p., XII-512 p. (Millennio medievale, 108. Testi, 26/2). ** 3611. MARCUS VON REGENSBURG. Visio Tnugdali / Vision des Tnugdalus. Latinisch / Deutsch. Hrsg. v. Hans-Christian LEHNER und Maximilian NIX. Freiburg, Herder, 2018, 227 p. (Fontes Christiani, 74). ** 3612. Nicolai de Aquaevilla Sermones moralissimi atque ad populum instruendum utilissimi supra evangelia dominicarum totius anni. Ed. Eva ODELMAN. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2018, LIX-702 p. (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis, 283). ** 3613. RAIMUNDUS LULLUS. Opera latina XXXVIII (142-153) anno 1309 composita. Ed. por Fernando DOMÍNGUEZ Reboiras. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 364 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 266). ** 3614. Sermon (Le) d'Amiens. Anonyme du XIIIe siècle en langue vernaculaire. Ed. par Annette BRASSEUR. Genève, Droz, 2018, CXCIV-218 p. (Textes littéraires français, 646). ** 3615. SIMON OF TOURNAI. On the incarnation of Christ. Institutiones in sacram paginam 7.1–67. Ed. by Christopher P. EVANS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XIV188 p. (Studies and Texts, 211). ** 3616. TYLUS (Piotr). Un inquisiteur non sanguinaire. Les vies inédites de saint Pierre Martyr en français médiéval. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 164 p. 3617. AIST (Rodney). From topography to text. The image of Jerusalem in the writings of Eucherius, Adomnán and Bede. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, XXIV-262 p. (ill., maps). (Studia Traditionis Theologiae, 30). 3618. Apocalypse and reform from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Ed. by Matthew GABRIELE and James Trevor PALMER, London Routledge, 2018, 234 p. 3619. ARTHUR (Ciaran). 'Charms', liturgies, and secret rites in early medieval England. Martlesham, The Boydell Press, 2018, 262 p. (ill.). (Anglo-Saxon studies, 32). 3620. BARBEZAT (Michael D.). Burning bodies. Communities, eschatology and the punishment of heresy in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XII-271 p. 3621. BECEIRO PITA (Isabel). La espiritualidad y la configuración de los reinos Ibéricos (siglos XII–XV). Madrid, Editorial Dykinson, 2018, 363 p. 3622. BENVENUTI (Anna). Sante donne di Toscana. Il Medioevo. Iconografia a cura di Raffaele ARGENZIANO. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XX208 p. (Toscana sacra, 1). 3623. BERINYUY SENGKA (Charles). The relevance of St Bede the Venerable to the Glossa ordinaria: an
analytical critique. Roma, EDUSC, 2018, 490 p. (Quaderni di storia della Chiesa, 5). 3624. Burgkapellen. Formen – Funktionen – Fragen. Akten der internationalen Tagung Brixen, Bischöfliche Hofburg und Cusanus-Akademie 2. bis 5. September 2015. Hrsg. v. Gustav PFEIFER und Kurt ANDERMANN. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018, 376 p. (ill., pl.). (Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs, 42. Pubblicazioni dell'Archivio provinciale di Bolzano, 42). 3625. Caves and ritual in medieval Europe, ad 500– 1500. Ed. by Knut Andreas BERGSVIK and Marion DOWD. Philadelphia, Oxbow, 2018, 506 p. (ill.). 3626. CIRIELLO (Caterina). Donne e cristianizzazione dell'Europa: da Gregorio Magno a Bonifacio di Fulda. Città del Vaticano, Urbaniana U. P., 2018, 271 p. (ill.). (Studia Urbaniana, 71). 3627. CLARK (Stephanie). Compelling God. Theories of prayer in Anglo-Saxon England. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, X-318 p. (Toronto AngloSaxon series, 26). 3628. Controverse (La) carolingienne sur la prédestination. Histoire, textes, manuscrits. Actes du colloque international de Paris des 11 et 12 octobre 2013. Ed. par Pierre CHAMBERT-PROTAT, Jérémy DELMULLE, Warren PEZÉ et Jeremy C. THOMPSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 322 p. (ill., map). (Collection Haut Moyen Âge, 32). 3629. CORNET (Ineke). The Arnhem mystical sermons: preaching liturgical mysticism in the context of Catholic reform. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, X-399 p. (ill.). (Brill's series in church history and religious culture, 77). 3630. DUFFY (Eamon). Royal books and holy bones: essays in medieval Christianity. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 384 p. (ill.) 3631. EMMERSON (Richard K.). Apocalypse illuminated: the visual exegesis of Revelation in Medieval illustrated manuscripts. University Park, The Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, XIV-269 p. (ill.). 3632. European (The) fortune of the roman Veronica in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Amanda MURPHY, Herbert L. KESSLER, Marco PETOLETTI, Eamon DUFFY and Guido MILANESE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 304 p. (Convivium Supplementum, 2). 3633. Formes et usages de la Bible au Moyen Âge. Questes. Revue pluridisciplinaire d'études médiévales, 2018, 30, p. 1-150. 3634. Friends of God. Vernacular literature and religious elites in the Rhineland and the Low Countries. Ed. by Geert WARNAR, Wybren SCHEEPSMA and Gijs VAN VLIET. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, VI-342 p. (Temi e testi, 171). 3635. Frömmigkeit und Frömmigkeitsformen in Nürnberg um 1500: Akten des gemeinsam mit der Tucher'schen Kulturstiftung, dem Verein für Geschichte der
§ 13. History of the Church and religion
Stadt Nürnberg und dem Stadtarchiv Nürnberg am 11. und 12. November 2016 veranstalteten Symposions im Hirsvogelsaal in Nürnberg. Hrsg. v. Franz FUCHS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 222 p. (ill.). (Pirckheimer Jahrbuch für Renaissance- und Humanismusforschung, 32).
3647. PATSCHOVSKY (Alexander). Ein kurialer Ketzerprozeß in Avignon (1354). Die Verurteilung der Franziskanerspiritualen Giovanni di Castiglione und Francesco d'Arquata. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, XVIII-136 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Studien und Texte, 64).
3636. GAZZINI (Marina). Albertano da Brescia e il benessere spirituale e civile nei comuni italiani: i sermoni ai confratelli causidici e notai (metà XIII secolo). Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 658, p. 615-644.
3648. PERISANIDI (Maroula). Clerical continence in twelfth-century England and Byzantium. Property, family and purity. London, Routledge, 2018, 204 p.
3637. Gjergj Kastrioti "Athleta Christi": (përzgjedhje studimesh të Klerikëve Katolikë). [= Gjergj Kastrioti "Athleta Christi": (selection of studies of Catholic Clergy)]. Ed. by Vitor DEMAJ and Mirash MARINAJ. Patër Shkodër, Botime Françeskane, 2018, 227 p. (ill.). 3638. HALL (Amy Laura). Laughing at the devil. Seeing the world with Julian of Norwich. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XX-124 p. 3639. HENSS (Christina), RÄUME (Fremde). Religionen und Rituale in Mandevilles Reisen. Wahrnehmung und Darstellung religiöser und kultureller Alterität in den deutschsprachigen Übersetzungen. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XII-613 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 90). 3640. HOFFMANN (Jürgen). Die Elfenbeinsitula im Domschatz zu Aachen im Kontext des von Kaiser Otto III. geförderten Adalbertkultes. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 239 p. (ill.). 3641. HOFFMANN (Tobias). Heilige List: doloses Handeln hochmittelalterlicher Bischöfe und Äbte im Spannungsfeld von Weltwirken und Weltflucht. Baden-Baden, Ergon Verlag, 2018, 352 p. (Religion und Politik, 18). 3642. HURLOCK (Kathryn). Medieval Welsh pilgrimage, c.1100–1500. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 262 p. (ill.). (The new Middle Ages). 3643. Late Medieval heresy. New perspectives. Studies in honor of Robert E. Lerner. Ed. by Michael D. BAILEY and Sean L. FIELD. York, York Medieval Press, 2018, 282 p. (Heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, 5). 3644. LENTZSCH (John). Beharrungsvermögen und Verdrängung. Polytheisten und Christen in den angelsächsischen Reichen des 7. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, X-277 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, 105). 3645. MÉGIER (Elisabeth). Scripture and history in the Middle Ages: studies in Latin biblical exegesis (ca. 350–ca. 1150) / Schriftsinn und Geschichte im Mittelalter: Untersuchungen zur Bibelauslegung in der lateinischen Kirche (ca. 350–ca. 1150). Berlin u. New York, Peter Lang GmbH, 2018, 441 p. (Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 23). 3646. Nachahmen im Mittelalter. Dimensionen - Mechanismen – Funktionen. Hrsg. v. Andreas BÜTTNER. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 235 p. (b/w maps). (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 82).
3649. Petri Alfonsi Dialogus. Band I. Kritische edition mit deutscher übersetzung. Hrsg. v. Carmen CARDELLE DE HARTMANN, Darko SENEKOVIC und Thomas ZIEGLER. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XLVII-424 p. (Millennio medievale, 116. Testi, 30). 3650. Pregare in casa. Oggetti e documenti della pratica religiosa tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. A cura di Giovanna BALDISSIN MOLLI, Cristina GUARNIERI e Zuleika MURAT. Roma, Viella, 2018, 332 p. (I libri di Viella. Arte). 3651. ROKYTA (Jan). Podoby eklesiologie v českém reformním hnutí. [= Forms of ecclesiology in the Czech reform movement]. Hradec Králové, Královéhradecká diecéze Církve československé husitské, 2018, 259 p. (ill.). 3652. Sacred monuments and practices in the Baltic Sea region. New visits to old churches. Ed. by Janne HARJULA. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 347 p. 3653. SADLER (Donna L.). Touching the passion. Seeing late medieval altarpieces through the eyes of faith. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XVI-255 p. (ill.). (Brill's studies on art, art history and intellectual history, 279/26). 3654. Scrittrici mistiche europee. Secoli XIV–XV. 2. A cura di Alessandra BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI, Antonella DEGL'INNOCENTI e Francesco SANTI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2018, XLIV-632 p. (La Mistica cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente, 24/1). 3655. Sensing the sacred in medieval and early modern culture. Ed. by Robin MACDONALD, Emilie K. M. MURPHY, Elizabeth L. SWANN. London, Routledge, 2018, 256 p. 3656. SOUKUP (Pavel). 11.7.1412, Poprava tří mládenců: odpustkové bouře v Praze. [= The execution of three youths: 11 July 1412: the indulgence riots in Prague]. Praha, Havran, 2018, 195 p. (ill.). (Edice Dny, které tvořily české dějiny, 22). 3657. Tra Oriente e Occidente. Istituzioni religiose a Barletta nel Medioevo (secoli XI–XV). A cura di Luisa DEROSA, Francesco PANARELLI e Victor RIVERA MAGOS. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 258 p. (ill.). (Aufidus, 3). 3658. VANNIER (Marie-Anne). Maître Eckhart prédicateur. Paris, Beauchesne, 2018, 858 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (Mystiques chrétiens d'Orient et d'Occident).
3659. VERDON (Jean). Être chrétien au Moyen Âge. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 398 p.### 3660. WALTER (Katherine Clark). The profession of widowhood: widows, pastoral care, and medieval models of holiness. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2018, 430 p. 3661. WISEMAN (J.). Ruusbroec's Mystical Vision in 'Die gheestelike brulocht' Seen in the Light of 'minne'. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XIV-163 p. (Fiery Arrow, 12). Cf. no 5027 § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. _______________________
3662. Ad consueta solacia Lacus Pensulis: il castello di Lagopesole tra età sveva e angioina. A cura di Fulvio DELLE DONNE. Bari, Mario Adda Editore, 2018, 246 p. (ill., plans). (Centro di Studi Normanno-Svevi, 6). 3663. Animos labor nutrit. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Buko w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin. [= Animos labor nutrit. Studies offered to Professor Andrzej Buko on the seventieth anniversary of his birth]. Ed. by Tomasz NOWAKIEWICZ, Maciej TRZECIECKI and Dariusz BŁASZCZYK. Warszawa, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018, 367 p. 3664. ARNAUD (Colin). Topographien des Alltags. Bologna und Straßburg um 1400. Berlin / Boston, de Gruyter, 2018, IX-416 p. (Europa im Mittelalter). 3665. ARNHOLD (Elmar). Mittelalterliche Metropole Braunschweig. Architektur und Stadtbaukunst vom 11. bis 15. Jahrhundert. Braunschweig, Appelhans, 2018, 255 p. (ill., maps, plans). 3666. BARRAL I ALTET (Xavier). Els banys "àrabs" de Girona: estudi sobre els banys públics i privats a les ciutats medievals. Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Secció Històrico-Arqueològica, 2018, 378 p. (ill.). (Memòries de la Secció Històrico-Arquològica, 105). 3667. Bellissimo per le doti della natura e per l'industria umana. Immagini e descrizioni del territorio vicentino tra medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Francesco BIANCHI e Walter PANCIERA. Roma, Viella, 2018, 224 p. (col. tabs.). (Fonti e studi di storia veneta, 2). 3668. BLAIR (John). Building Anglo-Saxon England. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 496 p. (ill.). 3669. Castles as European phenomena: towards an international approach to medieval castles in Europe. Contributions to an international and interdisciplinary workshop in Kiel, February 2016. Ed. by Stefan MAGNUSSEN and Daniel KOSSACK. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 195 p. (ill., map). (Kieler Werkstücke. Reihe A: Beiträge zur schleswig-holsteinischen und skandinavischen Geschichte, 52). 3670. Château Gaillard: études de castellologie médiévale. Vol. 28. L'environnement du château: actes du
colloque international de Roscommon (Irlande, 14–18 août 2016). Éd. par Peter ETTEL, Anne-Marie FLAMBARD HÉRICHER, Kieran Denis O'CONOR. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2018, 364 p. (ill., maps, plans) (Publications du CRAHM - Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques médiévales, 28). 3671. Città e campagna: culture, insediamenti, economia (secc. VI–IX). II incontro per l'archeologia barbarica, Milano, 15 maggio 2017. A cura di Caterina GIOSTRA. Mantova, SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l., 2018, 359 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Archeologia Barbarica, 2). 3672. DE FRAJA (Simone). Assedi e fortificazioni nella vicenda medievale aretina. Arezzo, Società storica aretina, 2018, 178 p. (ill.). (Studi di storia aretina, 14). 3673. Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell' Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo. A cura di Angelo CASTRORAO BARBA. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018, 190 p. (Limina / Limites. Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean, 365–1556, 6). 3674. Élevage et forêt sur la montagne dijonnaise à la fin du Moyen âge: deux établissements forestiers d'éleveurs en terre de Saint-Seine (Saint-Martin-du-Mont Côte d'Or). Éd. par Patrice Beck, Frank FAUCHER, JeanLouis MAIGROT et Enguerrand ARTAZ. Drémil-Lafage, Éditions Mergoil, 2018, 264 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Europe médiévale, 11). 3675. Entre civitas y madīna: el mundo de las ciudades en la Península Ibérica y en el Norte de África. Ed. por Sabine PANZRAM y Laurent CALLEGARIN. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, XVI-393 p. (ill., maps). (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 167). 3676. ESCH (Arnold). Historische Landschaften Italiens: Wanderungen zwischen Venedig und Syrakus. München, C .H. Beck, 2018, 368 p. (ill.). 3677. FERMON (Paul). Le peintre et la carte: origines et essor de la vue figurée entre Rhône et Alpes (XIVe– XVe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 422 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Terrarum orbis, 14). 3678. FERRERO (Marco), PADOAN (Alessandro). Imago ecclesiae. Medioevo di pietre e colori. Arte e storia di un territorio medievale, Vicenza tra VIII e XIV secolo. Saonara, Il prato, 2018, 2 vol., XXVII-740 p. (ill.). 3679. FRONDONI (Alessandra). San Paragorio di Noli: le fasi del complesso di culto e l'insediamento circostante dalle origini all'XI secolo. Firenze, All'insegna del giglio, 2018, 551 p. (ill., plans). (Biblioteca di archeologia medievale, 26). 3680. GALDI (Amalia). Amalfi. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, VI168 p. (Il Medioevo nelle città italiane, 15). 3681. GUARNIERI (Chiara). Ferrara al tempo di Ercole I d'Este, Scavi archeologici, restauri e riqualificazione urbana nel centro storico della città. Firenze, All'insegna del giglio, 2018, 501 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di archeologia dell'Emilia Romagna, 38).
§ 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning 3682. HARADA (Akiko). Seiyō chūsei toshi no shiheki to toshi no aidentiti. (City walls and identity in Medieval Europe). Rekishigaku Kenkyū, 2018, 972, p. 2636. ### 3683. HARDMEIER (Simon). Altreu im Mittelalter: Eine Stadtwüstung im Kanton Solothurn. Basel, Schweizerischer Burgenverein, 2018, 206 p. (ill., maps). (Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, 46). 3684. HAYOT (Denis). Paris en 1200: histoire et archéologie d'une capitale fortifiée par Philippe Auguste. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018, 326 p. (ill.). (L'esprit des lieux). 3685. Incastellamento (L'). Storia e archeologia. A 40 anni da Les structures di Pierre Toubert. A cura di Andrea AUGENTI e Paola GALETTI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2018, XIV-538 p. (Miscellanea, 19). 3686. KAH (Daniela). Die wahrhaft königliche Stadt. Das Reich in den Reichsstädten Augsburg, Nürnberg und Lübeck im Späten Mittelalter. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 488 p. (ill., maps). (Studies in medieval and reformation traditions, 211). 3687. LYTTLETON (James), STOUT (Matthew). Church and settlement in Ireland. Dublin, Ireland Four Courts Press, 2018, XXIV-272 p. (ill., maps, plans). 3688. MARSICO (Annalisa). Il Tevere e Roma nell'Alto Medioevo. Alcuni aspetti del rapporto tra il fiume e la città. Roma, presso la Società alla Biblioteca vallicelliana, 2018, 260 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 68). 3689. Medieval territories. Ed. by Flocel SABATÉ and Jesús BRUFAL SUCARRAT. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, VI-407 p. (ill., maps). 3690. Milano medioevale. Studi per Elisa Occhipinti. A cura di Luciana ALBINI. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2018, 227 p. 3691. MUKAI (Shinya). Les relations politiques entre ville et campagne dans la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle: les élites urbaines de Béziers et la communauté villageoise de Sérignan (Hérault). Revue historique, 2018, 688, 4, p. 773-793. 3692. PIA (Ezio Claudio). Posse civitatis. Asti e il suo territorio tra XI e XIII secolo. Alessandria, Edi-
zioni dell'Orso, 2018, IX-107 p. (Studi e ricerche 157). 3693. Places fortes des Hauts-de-France. Vol. 1. Du littoral à l'arrière-pays (Pas-de-Calais et Somme). Actualités et recherches inédites. Ed. par Thomas BYHET et Christine AUBRY. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Publications de l'Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion, 2018, ebook (Histoire et littérature du Septentrion, 57). 3694. RENOUX (Annie). Château et pouvoirs en Champagne. Montfélix, un castrum comtal aux portes d'Épernay. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2018, 456 p. (Publications du CRAHAM). 3695. SABATÉ (Flocel). Els espais de poder a la ciutat medieval. Lleida, Pagès Editors, 2018, 410 p. (ill., maps). (Verum et Pulchrum Medium Aevum, 16). 3696. SCHÄFER (Michael). Die mittelalterliche Siedlung Hollen, Ldkr. Leer: ein archäologischer Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hausbaus auf der ostfriesischen Geest. Rahden/Westf., VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2018, 226 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Beiträge zur Archäologie in Niedersachsen, 20). 3697. Storia e archeologia globale dei paesaggi rurali in Italia fra Tardoantico e Medioevo. A cura di Giuliano VOLPE. Bari, Edipuglia, 2018, 680 p. (ill.). (Insulae Diomedeae, 34). 3698. VACCARO (Maddalena). Palinsesto e paradigma: la metamorfosi monumentale nella Salerno di Roberto il Guiscardo. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2018, 117 p. (ill.). (Mousai, 12). 3699. Vigonza, dal sacello romano all'insediamento medievale: archeologia ai margini della centuriazione di Padova nord-est. A cura di Matteo FRASSINE. Quingentole, SAP - Società archeologica s.r.l., 2018, 173 p. (ill.). (Documenti di archeologia, 63). 3700. VIII Congresso nazionale di archeologia medievale. A cura di Francesca SOGLIANI. Sesto Fiorentino, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2018, 2 vol., 284 p., 272 p. (ill., maps). 3701. ZEILINGER (Gabriel). Verhandelte Stadt. Herrschaft und Gemeinde in der frühen Urbanisierung des Oberelsass vom 12. bis 14. Jahrhundert. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2018, 272 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 60). Cf. nos 162-172
§ 1. General. 3702-3755. – § 2. History by countries. 3756-4954. § 1. General. * 3702. STORM (Eric). A new dawn in nationalism studies? Some fresh incentives to overcome historiographical nationalism. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 1, p. 113-129. ______________________
3703. ABBATTISTA (Guido). Due storie 'mondiali' tra simmetrie e dissonanze. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 3, p. 1042-1067. 3704. ADI (Hakim). Pan-Africanism: a history. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, VI-286 p. 3705. ANTIĆ (Ana). Living in the age of Axis internationalism: imagining Europe in Serbia before and during the Second World War. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 1, p. 61-91. 3706. Antislavismo. Discorsi e pratiche in Italia e nell'Europa sudorientale tra otto e novecento. A cura di Tullia CATALAN ed Erica MEZZOLI. Memoria e ricerca, 2018, 3, p. 347-452. 3707. ARNOLD (Catherine S.). Affairs of humanity: arguments for humanitarian intervention in England and Europe, 1698–1715. English historical review, 2018, 133, 563, p. 835-865. 3708. Aus den Giftschränken des Kommunismus. Methodische Fragen zum Umgang mit Überwachungsakten in Zentral- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. v. Florian KÜHRER-WIELACH und Michaela NOWOTNICK. Regensburg, Pustet, 2018, 472 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 136). 3709. Balkans (The) as Europe, 1821–1914. Ed. by Timothy SNYDER and Katherine YOUNGER. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, 171 p. 3710. BATEMAN (David A.). Disenfranchising democracy. Constructing the electorate in the United States, the United Kingdom and France. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-348 p. 3711. BRUNETEAU (Bernard). Combattre l'Europe de Lénine à Marine Le Pen. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018, 304 p. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-013
3712. BÜHNER (Peter). Die Freien und Reichsstädte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches. Kleines Repertorium. Petersberg, Imhof, 2018, 624 p. (Schriftenreihe der Friedrich-Christian-Lesser-Stiftung, 38). 3713. CELLINI (Jacopo). The idea of Europe at the origins of the European People's Party. The making of the European Manifesto and of the EPP's political programme. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 79-94 3714. Constructing the modern state in the Balkans [Special issue]. Guest Editor Maria BUCUR. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 4, p. 597-713. [Cf. n os 3868, 4271, 4603, 5362.]] 3715. CONZE (Eckart). Geschichte der Sicherheit. Entwicklung – Themen – Perspektiven. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 234 p. 3716. COOPER (Frederick). Citizenship, inequality, and difference: historical perspectives. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XII-210 p. (Lawrence Stone lectures). 3717. DAUM (Werner), SPÄTH (Jens). Introduzione [a "Un primo liberalismo transnazionale. Le rivoluzioni Mediterranee del 1820–1823"]. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 473-484. 3718. Democracy in modern Europe. A conceptual history. Ed. by Jussi KURUNMÄKI, Jeppe NEVERS and Henk TE VELDE. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, VI-312 p. (European conceptual history, 5). 3719. DI-CAPUA (Yoav). The slow revolution: May 1968 in the Arab World. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 733-738. 3720. DICKINSON (Edward Ross). The world in the long twentieth century: an interpretive history. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2018, VIII-378 p. 3721. FÖRSTER (Birte). 1919. Ein Kontinent erfindet sich neu. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2018, 232 p. 3722. HANCHARD (Michael George). The spectre of race. How discrimination haunts Western democracy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 272 p.
3723. HANEBRINK (Paul). A specter haunting Europe. The myth of Judeo-Bolshevism. Cambridge, The Belknap Press, 2018, 368 p.###
Andreas SCHULZ. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2018, 308 p. (Parlamente in Europa 5; Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 175).
3724. HASTINGS (Derek). Nationalism in modern Europe: politics, identity, and belonging since the French Revolution. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VIII346 p.
3737. PATEL (Kiran Klaus). Projekt Europa. Eine kritische Geschichte. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 463 p. (ill.).
3725. Kansanvallan polkuja: Demokratian kehityspiirteitä Suomessa ja Ruotsissa 1800-luvun lopulta 2020luvulle. (Paths to democracy: development of democracy in Finland and Sweden from the late 19th century to the 2020s). Ed. by Henrik MEINANDER, Petri KARONEN, Kjell ÖSTBERG. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2018, 505 p. (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1438). 3726. KELLY (Patrick William). Sovereign emergencies. Latin America and the making of global human rights politics. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 334 p. 3727. KRAUSHAAR (Wolfgang). Die 68er-Bewegung international. Eine illustrierte Chronik 1960–1969. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2018, 4 vol., XLI-2000 p. 3728. KRUKE (Anja), KUFFERATH (Philipp). Einleitung: Krisendiagnosen, Meistererzählungen und Alltagspraktiken. Aktuelle Forschungen und Narrationen zur Demokratiegeschichte in Westeuropa. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 3-20. 3729. Maski dolu! Natsionalizmӑt na Balkanite prez XX vek. (Masks down! Nationalism in the Balkans in 20th century). Ed. by Roumiana PRESHLENOVA. Sofia, Paradigma, 2018, 283 p. (ill., maps). [Cf. no 4691.] 3730. Menschenrechte und Geschlecht im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Roman BIRKE und Carola SACHSE. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 271 p. (Diktaturen und ihre Überwindung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, 12). 3731. MERGEL (Thomas). Betrug, Gewalt, Stimmenkauf. Wahlkulturen in Europa im Übergang zum politischen Massenmarkt, 1860–1914. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 85-106. 3732. MERIGGI (Marco), DE LORENZO (Renata). Riflessioni e prospettive [su ""Un primo liberalismo transnazionale. Le rivoluzioni Mediterranee del 1820– 1823". Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 639-658. 3733. MOYN (Samuel). Not enough. Human rights in an unequal world. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XII-277 p. 3734. Nation branding in modern history. Ed. by Carolin VIKTORIN, Jessica C. E. GIENOW-HECHT, Annika ESTNER, and Marcel K. WILL. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, X-290 p. (Explorations in culture and international history series, 9). 3735. NĚMEČEK (Jan). The crisis of democracy (1938). Comenius: journal of Euro-American civilization, 2018, 5, 2, p. 167-188. 3736. Parlamentarismuskritik und Antiparlamentarismus in Europa. Hrsg. v. Marie-Luise RECKER und
3738. PITTALUGA (Giovanni B.), SEGHEZZA (Elena), MOREFFI (Pierluigi). Suffrage extension, government size and national identity in Europe before WWI. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 2, p. 137-172. 3739. Populism, populists, and the crisis of political parties. A comparison of Italy, Austria, and Germany 1990–2015. Ed. by Günther PALLAVER, Michael GEHLER and Maurizio CAU. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 338 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Contributi, 34). 3740. Re-imagining democracy in the Mediterranean, 1780–1860. Ed. by Joanna INNES and Mark PHILP. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXII-338 p. 3741. RICHTER (Hedwig). Desinteresse und Disziplinierung. Die Anfänge der Demokratie im frühen 19. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich – Frankreich, Preußen und USA. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 336-366. 3742. RIOTTE (Torsten). Der Monarch im Exil. Eine andere Geschichte von Staatswerdung und Legitimismus im 19. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 427 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 295). 3743. RUTZ (Andreas). Die Beschreibung des Raums. Territoriale Grenzziehungen im Heiligen Römischen Reich. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 584 p. (Norm und Struktur, 47). 3744. SABATO (Hilda). Republics of the new world. The revolutionary political experiment in nineteenthcentury Latin America. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XII-220 p. 3745. Sessantotto. Passato e presente dell'anno ribelle. A cura di Donatella DELLA PORTA. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018, 300 p. (Campi del sapere). 3746. TEELE (Dawn Langan). Forging the franchise: the political origins of the women's vote. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XVI-222 p. 3747. VAN DE GRIFT (Liesbeth). Representing European society. The rise of new representative claims in 1970s European politics. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 263-278. 3748. VARNAVA (Andrekos), HARRIS (Trevor). "It is quite impossible to receive them": saving the Musa Dagh refugees and the imperialism of European humanitarianism. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 4, p. 834-862. 3749. Vom Olymp zum Boulevard. Die europäischen Monarchien von 1815 bis heute – Verlierer der Geschichte? Hrsg. v. Benjamin HASSELHORN und
§ 2. History by countries Marc von KNORRING. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, IX-297 p. (Prinz-Albert-Forschungen. Neue Folge, 1). 3750. VORONIN (Evgeniĭ Rostislavovich). Evropeĭskaia ideia kak tsivilizatsionnyĭ proekt verkhovenstva prava. (The European idea as a civilizational project of the rule of law). Moskva, Izdatelʹstvo "MGIMO universitet", 2018, 849 p. 3751. War, revolution, and governance: the Baltic countries in the twentieth century. Ed. by Lazar FLEISHMAN and Amir WEINER. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2018, 307 p. 3752. WARLOUZET (Laurent). Governing Europe in a globalizing world. Neoliberalism and its alternatives following the 1973 oil crisis. London, Routledge, 2018, XIV-274 p. (Routledge studies on government and the European Union, 8). 3753. WEBER (Torsten). Embracing 'Asia' in China and Japan. Asianism discourse and the contest for hegemony, 1912–1933. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXI-407 p. 3754. WIENFORT (Monika). Monarchie im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, X-210 p. (ill.). (Seminar Geschichte. De Gruyter Studium). 3755. ZANOU (Konstantina). Transnational patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800–1850. Stammering the nation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XX-248 p. Cf. nos 504-577, 4119, 6488, 6738-6787, 7103 § 2. History by countries. ______________________
Afghanistan 3756. ṢAMĪMĪ (Shīr 'Alī). Tārīkh-i mu'āṣir-i Afghānistān az sulṭanat tā jumhūriyat (1747–1978) = Contemporary history of Afghanistan from sultanate to republic (1747–1978). Kābul, Intishārāt-i Farhang, 2018, 297 p. Albania 3757. BAJRAMI (Hakif). Shqiptarët në luftë për shtet kombëtar: (1912–1918). (Albanians in the war for a national state, 1912–1928). Prishtinë, Shtëpia Botuese Faik Konica, 2018, 328 p. 3758. IDRIZI (Idrit). Herrschaft und Alltag im albanischen Spätsozialismus (1976–1985). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 326 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 161). 3759. KOLIOU (Euphrosynē G.). Hē hellēnikē meionotēta stēn Alvania: 1950–1967. (The Greek minority in Albania). Thessalonikē, Epikentro, 2018, 371 p. 3760. MUSAJ (Fatmira). Republika Shqiptare, 1925– 1928. Tiranë, Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike, Instituti i Historisë, 2018, 773 p. 3761. MYTEVELI (Valbona). Nationale Identität im Wandel: Erscheinungsformen des albanischen Nationalismus. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, XIII269 p. (Albanischen Forschungen, 40).
161 Algeria
3762. AREZKI (Saphia). De l'ALN à l'ANP, la construction de l'armée algérienne, 1954–1991. Alger, Barzakh, 2018, 383 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 3763. GHEZIEL (Abla). L'éveil politique de la société algérienne: révoltes, soumission, assimilation et nationalisme: 1830–1936. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 336 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). 3764. HENNI (Ahmed). Economie de l'Algérie coloniale 1830–1954. Alger, Chihab éditions, 200 p. 3765. MARYNOWER (Claire). L'Algérie à gauche (1900–1962). Socialistes à l'époque coloniale. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 270 p. Angola 3766. DA GLÓRIA RAMOS (Justino). Angola pelos caminhos da paz: guerra e diplomacia (1975–2002). Luanda, Mayamba Editora, 2018, 792 p. (Biblioteca da história). Argentina 3767. AMARAL (Samuel). El movimiento nacionalpopular: Gino Germani y el peronismo. Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2018, 315 p. 3768. AZZOLINI (Nicolás). Los tiempos de la democracia: conceptos, identidades y debates políticos durante el primer peronismo (1943–1955). Villa María, Eduvim, 2018, 218 p. (Poliedros). 3769. BELKIN (Alejandro). Sindicalismo revolucionario y movimiento obrero en la Argentina: de la gestación en el Partido Socialista a la conquista de la FORA (1900–1915). Buenos Aires, Ediciones CEHTI, Ediciones Imago Mundi, 2018, LIII-265 p. (Archivos, 9). 3770. BRENNAN (James P.). Argentina's missing bones. Revisiting the history of the dirty war. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XI-195 p. (Violence in Latin American history). 3771. BRESSAN (Raquel). Alianzas, negociaciones y conflictos: dinámicas de los elencos políticos del Litoral de los Ríos, 1862–1883. Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2018, 182 p. (Historia argentina, 35). 3772. BRYCE (Benjamin). To belong in Buenos Aires. Germans, Argentines and the rise of a pluralist society. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XXI-223 p. 3773. Clubes de fútbol en tiempos de dictadura. Ed. por Raanan REIN, Mariano GRUSCHETSKY y Rodrigo DASKAL. San Martín, UNSAM EDITA, 2018, 295 p. (Ciencias Sociales). 3774. FERRER (Juan). Gobernar en tiempos de constitución: Córdoba en los orígenes del constitucionalismo provincial argentino. Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2018, 524 p. 3775. FRANCO (Marina). El final del silencio: dictadura, sociedad y derechos humanos en la transición (Argentina, 1979–1983). Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cul-
tura Económica, 2018, 411 p. (Sección de obras de historia). 3776. GIULIANI (Alejandra). Editores y política: entre el mercado Latinoamericano de libros y el primer Peronismo (1938–1955). Temperley, Tren en Movimiento, 2018, 284 p. (Sentidos del libro). 3777. GÓMEZ (Andrés Gabriel). Fuga de capitales en la Argentina: 1976–1983: corrupción y delitos de cuello blanco. Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Publicaciones Ciencias Sociales, 2018, 133 p. (Tesis posgrado). 3778. LÓPEZ (Ignacio Alejandro). La república del fraude y su crisis: política y poder en tiempos de Roberto M. Ortiz y Ramón S. Castillo (Argentina, 1938– 1943). Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2018, 293 p. (Historia argentina, 36). 3779. MELÓN PIRRO (Julio César). La resistencia peronista, o, la difícil historia del peronismo en la proscripción (1955–1960). Mar del Plata, C.A.B.A., Eudem, GEU, Grupo Editor Universitario, 2018, 135 p. (La Argentina peronista, 4). 3780. MIGNON (Carlos), FISHWICK (Adam). Origins and evolution of Maoism in Argentina, 1968–1971. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 454-471. 3781. MÍGUEZ (Eduardo). Bartolomé Mitre: entre la nación y la historia. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2018, 442 p. (Biografías Argentinas). 3782. MOMBELLO (Laura). Por la vida y el territorio: disputas políticas y culturales en Norpatagonia. Mar del Plata, Eudem, 2018, 409 p. (Temas de ciudadanía y política). 3783. MUIÑO (Oscar). La guerra de los 100 años: revolución, martirio y resurrección del movimiento estudiantil: de la Reforma a Franja Morada (1918–2018). Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Instituto Lebensohn, Lumiere, FUA, Fundación Universitaria Argentina, 2018, 872 p. 3784. PALACIO (Juan Manuel). La justicia peronista. La construcción de un nuevo orden legal en la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores Argentina, 2018, 284 p. (Colección Hacer Historia). 3785. Política y cultura de masas en la Argentina de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Ed. por Sandra GAYOL y Silvana A. PALERMO. Los Polvorines, Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, 2018, 342 p. (Humanidades). 3786. REIN (Raanan), NOYJOVICH (Ariel). Los muchachos peronistas árabes. Los argentinos-árabes y el apoyo al justicialismo. Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2018, 315 p. 3787. SALINAS (Pablo Gabriel), BEIGEL (Viviana Laura). El delito de la desaparición forzada en la Argentina entre 1976 y 1983. Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2018, 145 p. (Derechos humanos). os
Cf. n 5306, 5315
Armenia 3788. BOURNOUTIAN (George A.). Armenia and imperial decline: the Yerevan Province, 1900–1914. Milton Park, Routledge, 2018, XXIX-382 p. (Routledge advances in Armenian studies). Australia 3789. CARLTON (Bree), RUSSELL (Emma K.). Resisting carceral violence: women's imprisonment and the politics of abolition. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XX-268 p. 3790. COCHRANE (Peter). Best we forget: the war for White Australia, 1914–1918. Melbourne, Text Publishing, 2018, 264 p. 3791. CRESCIANI (Gianfranco). No country for revolutionaries: Italian Communists in Sydney 1971–1991: their activities, policies and liaison with the Italian and Australian Communist parties. North Melbourne, Australian Scholarly, 2018, XI-185 p. 3792. Elections matter: ten federal elections that shaped Australia. Ed. by Benjamin T. JONES, Frank BONGIORNO and John UHR. Melbourne, Monash U. P., 2018, 294 p. 3793. FAHEY (John). Australia's first spies: the remarkable story of Australia's intelligence operations, 1901–1945. Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2018, 434 p. 3794. Far left (The) in Australia since 1945. Ed. by Jon PICCINI, Evan SMITH and Matthew WORLEY. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 300 p. (Routledge studies in radical history and politics). 3795. JORDAN (Matthew). 'Not on your life': cabinet and liberalisation of the White Australia policy, 1964– 67. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 169-201. 3796. KEMP (David). The land of dreams: how Australians won their freedom, 1788–1860. Carlton, Miegunyah Press, 2018, X-501 p. (Miegunyah Press series, 180). 3797. LAVELLE (Ashley). Opposition vanishing: the Australian Labor Party and the crisis in elite politics. Singapore, Springer, 2018, XIII-313 p. 3798. LIGHT (Rowan). Unknown Anzacs: the politics and performance of bodily repatriation in postcolonial state formation. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 2, p. 237-254. 3799. OPPENHEIMER (Melanie), COLLINS (Carolyn), EKLUND (Erik). The Australian assistance plan and the Canadian connection: origins and legacies. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 3, p. 324-340. 3800. Serving our country: indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship. Ed. by Joan BEAUMONT and Allison CADZOW. Sidney, NewSouth, 2018, XV445 p. 3801. WRIGHT (Clare). You daughters of freedom: the Australians who won the vote and inspired the world. Melbourne, Text Publishing, 2018, 560 p.
§ 2. History by countries Austria### * 3802. Habsburgermonarchie (Die) 1848–1918. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Neuzeit- und Zeitgeschichtsforschung hrsg. v. Helmut RUMPLER. Bd. 12. Bewältigte Vergangenheit? Die nationale und internationale Historiographie zum Untergang der Habsburgermonarchie als ideelle Grundlage für die Neuordnung Europas. Hrsg. v. Helmut RUMPLER und Ulrike HARMAT. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, IX-543 p. 3803. 100 Jahre Republik: Meilensteine und Wendepunkte in Österreich 1918–2018. Hrsg. v. Heinz FISCHER unter Mitarbeit von Andreas HUBER und Stephan NEUHÄUSER. Wien, Czernin Verlag, 2018, 342 p. 3804. Antisemitismus in Österreich 1933–1938. Hrsg. v. Gertrude ENDERLE-BURCEL und Ilse REITER-ZATLOUKAL. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 1167 p.
3815. HÖBELT (Lothar). Die Erste Republik. Österreich (1918–1938). Das Provisorium. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 456 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für politisch-historische Studien der Dr.-Wilfried-Haslauer-Bibliothek, 64). 3816. HOLZKNECHT (Severin). "Heute gegen Probst, morgen gegen Rüthi!": zwei Bürgerinitiativen im Vergleich. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018, 368 p. 3817. Junge Republik (Die): Österreich 1918/19. Hrsg. v. Robert KRIECHBAUMER, Michaela MAIER, Maria MESNER und Helmut WOHNOUT. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 220 p. 3818. KÖRNER (Axel). Beyond nation states: new perspectives on the Habsburg empire. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 3, p. 516-533.
3805. BELLER (Steven). The Habsburg Monarchy 1815–1918. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII315 p.
3819. KUSTATSCHER (Erika). Die Innsbrucker Linie der Thurn und Taxis. Die Post in Tirol und den Vorlanden (1490–1769). Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018, 490 p. (Schlern-Schriften, 371).
3806. BOECKL-KLAMPER (Elisabeth), MANG (Thomas), NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang). Gestapo-Leitstelle Wien 1938–1945. Wien, Edition Steinbauer, 2018, 494 p.
3820. LEIDINGER (Hannes), MORITZ (Verena). Umstritten, verspielt, gefeiert: die Republik Österreich 1918/ 2018. Innsbruck, Haymon Verlag, 2018, 376 p.
3807. BOTZ (Gerhard). Nationalsozialismus in Wien. Machtübernahme, Herrschaftssicherung, Radikalisierung, Kriegsvorbereitung 1938/39. Wien, Mandelbaum, 2018, 736 p.
3821. Politik im Wandel: der Salzburger Landtag im Chiemseehof 1868–2018. Band 1-2. Hrsg. v. Robert KRIECHBAUMER und Richard VOITHOFER. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 2 vol., 1032 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für politisch-historische Studien der Dr.-Wilfried-Haslauer-Bibliothek, 65).
3808. BRAUN (Bettina). Eine Kaiserin und zwei Kaiser. Maria Theresia und ihre Mitregenten Franz Stephan und Joseph II. Bielefeld, Transcript – Verlag für Kommunikation, Kultur und soziale Praxis, 2018, 309 p. (Mainzer Historische Kulturwissenschaften, 42). 3809. BRŇOVJÁK (Jiří), ŽUPANIČ (Jan). Changes of the noble society: aristocracy and new nobility in the Habsburg Monarchy and Central Europe from the 16th to the 20th century: a collection of studies from sections P69 and P80 of the 11th Congress of the Czech Historians (14th–15th September 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic). Ostrava, Univerzity of Ostrava, 2018, 349 p. 3810. Epochengrenze 1918? Beiträge zum Jubiläum "100 Jahre selbstständiges Land Vorarlberg". Hrsg. v. Alois NIEDERSTÄTTER. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018, 222 p. 3811. FISCHER (Heinz). Zur Geschichte und Demokratieentwicklung der Zweiten Republik. Innsbruck, Innsbruck U. P., 2018, 133 p. (Monographs). 3812. FÜRST (Laurenz). Der Austro-Porsche: Bruno Kreisky und die österreichische Automobilindustrie. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 275 p. 3813. GODSEY (William D.). The sinews of Habsburg power. Lower Austria in a fiscal-military state, 1650–1820. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XX-460 p. 3814. GRÖGER (Roman Hans). Oktober 1918: Vorgeschichte und Folgen: ein Beitrag zum 100. Jahrestag des Völkermanifests. Horn, Verlag Berger, 2018, 198 p.
3822. REITER (Margit). Anton Reinthaller und die Anfänge der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs. Der politische Werdegang eines Nationalsozialisten und die "Ehemaligen" in der Zweiten Republik. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 4, p. 539-576. 3823. Salzburg 1918–1919: vom Kronland zum Bundesland. Hrsg. v. Oskar DOHLE und Thomas MITTERECKER. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 476 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für politisch-historische Studien der Dr.-Wilfried-Haslauer-Bibliothek, Salzburg, 68. Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Erzdiözese Salzburg, 19. Schriftenreihe des Salzburger Landesarchivs, 29). 3824. SCHEFFKNECHT (Wolfgang). Kleinterritorium und Heiliges Römisches Reich. Der "Embsische Estat" und der Schwäbische Reichskreis im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2018, 542 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte Vorarlbergs, Neue Folge, 13). 3825. UNOWSKY (Daniel). The plunder. The 1898 anti-Jewish riots in Habsburg Galicia. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, X-246 p. (Stanford studies on Central and Eastern Europe). 3826. WEISS (Sabine). Maximilian I. Habsburgs faszinierender Kaiser. Innsbruck, Tyrolia Verlag, 2018, 400 p. Cf. nos 2708, 4283, 4405
3827. DÄMIRLI (Mehman Ä). Şärqin çağdaşlıq möcüzäsi. Azärbaycan Cümhuriyyäti: hüquq vä demokratiya, 1918–1920. (The miracle of modernity in the East. The Republic of Azerbaijan: law and democracy, 1918–1920) Bakı, Hüquq yayın evi, 2018, 531 p. (ill.).
3836. DRAPER (Mario). The Belgian Army and society from independence to the Great War. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIX-281 p.
3828. NAZARLI (Aziza). Armianskiĭ sled v beschinstvakh XI Krasnoĭ Armii v Severnom Azerbaĭdzhane (1920–1921 gg.). (Armenian trace in the atrocities of the XI Red Army in Northern Azerbaijan, 1920–1921). Baku, Avropa, 2018, 113 p. 3829. NIFTALIEV (Il'gar Bakhid). Kadrovaia politika v Azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ SSR v 1920–1930-gg.: tseli, osnovye napravleniia i formy osushchestvleniia. (Personnel policy in the Azerbaijan SSR in 1920–1930: goals, main directions and forms of implementation). Baku, Elm vă Tăḣsil, 2018, 476 p. 3830. QASIMOV (Cälal). Cümhuriyyätin tählükäsizlik orqanlary: 1918–1920. (Security Service of the Republic: 1918–1920). Bakı, Strateji araşdirmalar märkäzi, 2018, 169 p. (ill., maps). 3831. ZEYNALOV (İbrahim). Totalitar Sovet cämiyyäti, tarixin ibrät därsläri (Azärbaycan SSR XX äsrin 20–50-ci illärindä). [Totalitarian Soviet society, lessons of history (Azerbaijan SSR in the '20–'50s of the XX century)]. Bakı, Läman näşriyyat-poliqrafiya, 2018, 719 p. (ill.). Cf. no 6218 Bangladesh 3832. ** 3832. Secret documents of Intelligence Branch (IB) on father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 1948–1971, declassified documents. Ed. by Sheikh HASINA. Dhaka, Hakkani Publishers, 2018, 6 vol., [s. p.] (ill., facs). Cf. nos 6485, 6518 Belarus 3833. HUZHALOŬSKI (Aliaksandr). Chyrvony alovak, narysy pa historyi tsenzury ŭ BSSR, u dzviukh knihakh = Red pencil, essays on the history of censorship in Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1919–1941. Minsk, Rėdaktsiia hazety "Zviazda", 2018, [s. p.]. (ill.). 3834. KAVALENIA (Aliaksandr Ali︠a︡ksandravich). Belaruskaia Narodnaia Rėspublika - krok da nezalezhnastsi: da 100-hoddzia abviashchennia: histarychny narys. (The Belarusian People's Republic - a step towards independence: to the 100th anniversary of the proclamation: a historical sketch). Minsk, Belaruskaia navuka, 2018, 155 p. 3835. UNUCHAK (Andrėĭ Uladzimiravich) [et al.]. Hramadska-palitychnae zhytstsio ŭ Belarusi (1772– 1917 hh.). (Social and political life in Belarus, 1772– 1917). Rėdaktar Vi︠a︡chaslaŭ Viktaravich DANILOVICH. Minsk, Belaruskaia navuka, 2018, 572 p. Cf. no 6155
3837. JUDGE (Jane C.). The united states of Belgium: the story of the first Belgian revolution. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2018, 310 p. 3838. MARTEEL (Stefaan). The intellectual origins of the Belgian revolution: political thought and disunity in the kingdom of the Netherlands, 1815–1830. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, VIII-319 p. (Palgrave studies in political history). Bolivia 3839. HINES (Sarah). The power and ethics of vernacular modernism: the Misicuni Dam project in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1944–2017. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 2, p. 223-256. 3840. IRUROZQUI (Marta). Ciudadanos armados de ley, a propósito de la violencia en Bolivia, 1839–1875. Lima, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos y La Paz, Plural Editores, 2018, 324 p. (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines, 348). 3841. MENDIETA (Pilar), BRIDIKHINA (Eugenia). Amanecer en rojo. Marxismo, socialismo y comunismo en Bolivia (1880–1932). La Paz, Vicepresidencia del Estado, Presidencia de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional y Centro de Investigaciones Sociales, 2018, 637 p. (ill.). (Marxismo). 3842. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey). Socialistas-militares, el laberinto boliviano de la experimentación social (1936– 1939). La Paz, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Vicepresidencia del Estado, Presidencia de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, 2018, 327 p. (Marxismo). 3843. STRÖBELE-GREGOR (Juliana). Transnationale Spurensuche in den Anden: von geflüchteten Juden, "Altdeutschen" und Nazis in Bolivien. Berlin, Metropol, 2018, 234 p. Bosnia ** 3844. Zapisnici sarajevskog gradskog zastupstva: (1878–1881). (Minutes of the Sarajevo City Council, 1878–1881). Priredio Haris ZAIMOVIĆ. Sarajevo, JU Historijski arhiv Sarajevo, 2018, 231 p. (Zapisi iz gradske uprave, 1). 3845. LUČIĆ (Iva). Im Namen der Nation: Der politische Aufwertungsprozess der Muslime im sozialistischen Jugoslawien 1956–1971. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 314 p. (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen. Geschichte, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Südosteuropa, 66). 3846. ŽÍLA (Ondřej). „Konflikt začal v Sarajevu a zde i skončí": historický kontext tzv. reintegrace hlavního města po válce v Bosně a Hercegovině v roce 1996. ("The conflict began in Sarajevo and here it also ended": the historical context of the so-called re-integration of the capital city in 1996 after the war in Bos-
§ 2. History by countries nia-Herzegovina). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 3, p. 493-522. Cf. nos 3917, 4691 Brazil 3847. BETHELL (Leslie). Brazil: essays on history and politics. London, Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2018, VII-222 p. 3848. CHIRIO (Maud). Politics in uniform: military officers and dictatorship in Brazil, 1960–1980. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XII-274 p. (Pitt Latin American series). 3849. CONDE (Maite). Foundational films: early cinema and modernity in Brazil. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIII-306 p. 3850. FELTRAN (Gabriel). Irmãos: uma história do PCC. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2018, 284 p. 3851. GEDOZ (Sirlei Teresinha). Democracia e transição no Brasil 1973–1987: entre a conciliação e a ruptura, MDB [Movimento Democrático Brasileiro] /PMDB [Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro] et PT [Partido dos Trabalhadores]. São Leopoldo, OIkos Editora, 2018, 244 p. 3852. GREEN (James N.). Exile within exiles. Herbert Daniel, gay Brazilian revolutionary. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XV-322 p. 3853. KNACK (Diego). Ditadura e corrupção: a Comissão Geral de Investigações e o confisco de bens de acusados de enriquecimento ilícito no Brasil, 1968–1978. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Justiça, Arquivo Nacional, 2018, 186 p. 3854. LEMOS (Renato). Ditadura, anistia e transicão politica no Brasil (1964–1979). Rio de Janeiro, Consequência, 2018, 541 p. 3855. LIMA (Thiago Machado de). Pelas ruas da cidade: o golpe de 1964 e o cotidiano de Salvador. Curitiba, Editora CRV, 2018, 129 p. 3856. MANSO (Bruno), NUNES DIAS (Camila). A guerra: A ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil. São Paulo, Todavia, 2018, 318 p. 3857. MAYER (Rodrigo). Partidos políticos no Brasil: do Império à Nova República. Curitiba, Editora Intersaberes, 2018, 233 p. (Dialógica). 3858. MIKI (Yuko). Frontiers of citizenship. A black and indigenous history of postcolonial Brazil. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-292 p. (Afro-Latin America). 3859. POWELL (Brenna Marea), SILVA (Graziella Moraes). Technocrats' compromises: defining race and the struggle for equality in Brazil, 1970–2010. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 1, p. 87-115. 3860. SARZYNSKI (Sarah). Revolution in the Terra do Sol. The Cold War in Brazil. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, IX-334 p.
3861. STARLING (Heloisa Maria Murgel). Ser republicano no Brasil Colônia: a história de uma tradição esquecida. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2018, 375 p. 3862. TEIXEIRA (Melissa). Making a Brazilian new deal: Oliveira Vianna and the transnational sources of Brazil's corporatist experiment. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 613-641. 3863. Utopia e repressão: 1968 no Brasil. Organizadores Paulo Giovani Antonino NUNES, Pere PETIT e Reinaldo Lindolfo LOHN. Salvador, Sagga Editora, 2018, 355 p. 3864. VALIM (Patrícia). Corporação dos enteados: tensão, contestação e negociação política na Conjuração Baiana de 1798. Salvador, EDUFBA, 2018, 327 p. 3865. VASCONCELOS (Cláudio Beserra de). Repressão a militares na ditadura pós-1964. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Justiça, Arquivo Nacional, 2018, 259 p. Cf. nos 4561, 4597 Bulgaria ** 3866. Dŭrzhavna sigurnost i izborniia protsess, 1944–1991: dokumentalen sbornik. (State security and the election process, 1944–1991). Sofiia, Komisiia za razkrivane na dokumentite i za obiaviavane na prinadlezhnost na bŭlgarski grazhdani kŭm Dŭrzhavna sigurnost i razuznavatelnite sluzhbi na Bŭlgarskata narodna armiia, 2018, 520 p. (Iz arkhivite na DS, 52). ** 3867. Politicheska istoriia na sŭvremenna Bŭlgariia: sbornik dokumenti. (Politica history of modern Bulgaria). Sŭstavitel prof. din Liubomir OGNIANOV. Tom 2. 1948–1953. Tom 3. 1953–1956. [Tom 1. 1944–1947. Cf. bibl. 2016, no 3627.] Sofiia, Dŭrzhavna agentsiia "Arkhivi", 2018, 2 vol., 559 p., 672 p. 3868. DAVIDOVA (Evguenia). Serving the state: military and public health practices in Bulgaria (1878–1908). In: Constructing the modern state in the Balkans [cf. no 3714], p. 686-707. 3869. IVANOVA (Penka). Chovekŭt na "svetloto bŭdeshte": tseli i mekhanizmi na sotsialisticheskata ideologiia v Bŭlgariia (1944–1956). (The man of the "bright future": goals and mechanisms of socialist ideology in Bulgaria, 1944–1956). Sofiia, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2018, 244 p. 3870. K'OSEV (Ivan). Dŭrzhavnata vlast i politicheskite rezhimi pri deĭstvieto na Tŭrnovskata konstitutsiia. (State power and political regimes under the operation of the Tarnovo Constitution). Sofiia, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2018, 310 p. 3871. MARCHEVA (Iliana). Studies on contemporary history: the Bulgarian case. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 159-190. 3872. SARAÇOĞLU (M. Safa). Nineteenth-century local governance in Ottoman Bulgaria: politics in provincial councils. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, XI199 p. (Edinburgh studies on the Ottoman Empire). Cf. no 5183
3873. NHEM (Boraden). The chronicle of a people's war: the military and strategic history of the Cambodian civil war, 1979–1991. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, VIII-238 p. (Routledge studies in modern history, 28). 3874. TYNER (James A.). The politics of lists: bureaucracy and genocide under the Khmer Rouge. Morgantown, West Virginia U. P., 2018, XXI-241 p. Canada 3875. AIVALIS (Christo). The constant liberal. Pierre Trudeau, organized labour and the Canadian social democratic left. Vancouver. UBC Press, 2018, XIV-278 p. 3876. ANASTAKIS (Dimitry). Re-creation, fragmentation and resilience: a brief history of Canada since 1945. Don Mills, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-335 p.
politic, and the Canadian gay and lesbian community in January 1978. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 1, p. 58-85. 3887. Quebec Conference (The) of 1864: understanding the emergence of the Canadian Federation. Ed. by Eugénie BROUILLET, Alain-G. GAGNON and Guy LAFOREST. Montreal a. Kingston, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, VI-361 p. 3888. RAINVILLE (Paul-Etienne). Au nom de l'ordre ou de la liberté? Le Congrès juif canadien face à la répression des libertés civiles et des droits des minorités religieuses au Québec (1945–1954). Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 2, p. 196-224. 3889. Reconsidering Confederation: Canada's founding debates, 1864–1999. Ed. by Daniel HEIDT. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2018, IX-309 p.
3877. CALVERLEY (David). Who controls the hunt? First nations, treaty rights and wildlife conservation in Ontario, 1783–1939. Foreword by Graeme WYNN. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2018, XXVI-191 p. (Nature, history, society).
3890. SANGSTER (Joan). One hundred years of struggle. The history of women and the vote in Canada. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2018, 322 p. (Women's suffrage and the struggle for democracy).
3878. CARSTAIRS (Catherine), PHILPOTT (Bethany), WILMSHURST (Sara). Be wise! Be healthy! Morality and citizenship in Canadian public health campaigns. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2018, XII-294 p.
3891. SETHNA (Christabelle), HEWITT (Steve). Just watch us. RCMP surveillance of the women's liberation movement in Cold War Canada. Montreal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2018, VIII-300 p.
3879. CONWAY (John Frederick). The prairie populist: George Hara Williams and the untold story of the CCF: An essay on radical leadership in a time of crisis and the victory of socialist agrarian populism, 1921– 1944. Regina, University of Regina Press, 2018, XXVI336 p.
3892. TOUGH (David). The terrific engine. Income taxation and the modernization of the Canadian political imaginary. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2018, XII-185 p.
3880. GIRARD (Camil), BRISSON (Carl). Reconnaissance et exclusion des peuples autochtones au Québec. Du traité d'alliance de 1603 à nos jours. Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018, XIV-265 p. 3881. HINTHER (Rhonda L.). Perogies and politics: Canada's Ukrainian left, 1891–1991. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, IX-292 p. (Studies in gender and history).
Chile 3893. BRUEY (Alison J.). Bread, justice and liberty. Grassroots activism and human rights in Pinochet's Chile. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XX-298 p. (Critical human rights). 3894. CID (Gabriel). Revolución y república: pensamiento político en la independencia chilena. Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2018, 246 p. (Col·lecció Amèrica, 38).
3882. HOLLANDER (Taylor). Power, politics, and principles: Mackenzie King and Labour, 1935–1948. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 416 p.
3895. CRAGO (Scott D.). Perquenco's travelling guitarists and the administrative inconsistencies of the Pinochet dictatorship's Indigenous policies. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 1, p. 59-86.
3883. MORIN (Jean-Pierre). Solemn words and foundational documents: an annotated discussion of Indigenous-Crown treaties in Canada, 1752–1923. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XVI-264 p.
3896. FRENS-STRING (Joshua). Communists, commissars, and consumers: the politics of food on the Chilean road to socialism. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 3, p. 471-501.
3884. PALMER (Bryan D.). Canada's "1968" and historical sensibilities. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 773-778.
3897. GARCÉS (Mario). El movimiento obrero y el Frente Popular (1936–1939). Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2018, 156 p. (Historia).
3885. Party of conscience: the CCF, the NDP, and Social Democracy in Canada. Ed. by Roberta LEXIER, Stephanie BANGARTH and Jonathan WEIER. Toronto, Between the Lines, 2018, 280 p.
3898. Historia política de Chile, 1810–2010. Vol. 3. Problemas económicos. Ed. por Iván JAKSIĆ, Andrés ESTEFANE y Claudio ROBLES. Santiago, Fondo de Cultura Económica / Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2018, 442 p.
3886. PYRYESKINA (Julia). "A remarkably dense historical and political juncture": Anita Bryant, the body
3899. Internacionalismo y anticomunismo en tiempos de Gabriel González Videla. Ed. por Ángel SOTO y
§ 2. History by countries Cristián GARAY. Santiago de Chile, RiL Editores, 2018, 257 p. 3900. OYARZO VIDAL (Carmen Gemita). La vida entre contiendas: militancias y sentidos de la participación política en la lucha antidictatorial chilena. Santiago de Chile, RiL Editores, 2018, 327 p. 3901. RIVEROS FERRADA (Claudio). El proceso populista: momento, fenómeno, régimen: el caso que no fue: Chile (1932–1973). Raleigh, Editorial A Contracorriente, 2018, XII-364 p. (Historia y ciencias sociales). 3902. SCHLOTTERBECK (Marian E.). Beyond the vanguard: everyday revolutionaries in Allende's Chile. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIV-234 p. 3903. TINSMAN (Heidi). Rebel coolies, citizen warriors, and sworn brothers: the Chinese loyalty oath and alliance with Chile in the war of the pacific. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 3, p. 439-469. 3904. VALDÉS NAVARRO (Pedro). El compromiso internacionalista: el Ejército de Liberación Nacional: los elenos chilenos, 1966–1971: formación e identidad. Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2018, 174 p. (Historia). 3905. WELD (Kirsten). The Spanish Civil War and the construction of a reactionary historical consciousness in Augusto Pinochet's Chile. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 1, p. 77-115. Addendum 2017 3906. CURY (Márcia). O protagonismo popular. Experiências de classe e movimentos sociais na construção do socialismo chileno (1964–1973. Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 2017, 408 p. Cf. no 524 China os
Cf. n 7705-7839 Colombia 3907. ACEVEDO CARMONA (Darío). De historia y de política: compilación de ensayos e investigaciones. Medellín, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2018, 284 p. 3908. ÁLVAREZ JIMÉNEZ (Jairo). Guerras en el Bolivar Grande 1875–1902. Barranquilla, Editorial La Iguana Ciega, 2018, 282 p. 3909. CUÉLLAR DE LA VEGA (Paula). Todo el nueve: crónicas completas y archivos secretos del asesinato de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán: 70 años del 9 de Abril 1948. Bogotá, Cuéllar Editores, 2018, 264 p. (Temas controversiales del acontecer mundial).
nous autonomy and institutional embeddedness in Karmata Rúa, Antioquia. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 517-547. Addendum 2017 3912. UGARRIZA (Juan Esteban), PABÓN AYALA (Nathalie). Militares y guerrillas, la memoria histórica del conflicto armado en Colombia desde los archivos militares, 1958–2016. Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2017, 328 p. (ill.). Congo 3913. MAWANZI MANZENZA (Thomas). Les dérives de l'État postcolonial en République démocratique du Congo. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 263 p. (Études africaines. Série Histoire). 3914. VAN BOCKHAVEN (Vicky). Anioto: leopardmen killings and institutional dynamism in northeast Congo, c. 1890–1940. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 21-44. Costa Rica 3915. CORELLA OVARES (Esteban). Las fuerzas armadas y la formación del estado costarricense, 1821– 1870. Alajuela, Museo Histórico Cultural Juan Santamaría, 2018, 309 p. Croatia ** 3916. Hrvatski sabor 1861.: zaključci i drugi važniji spisi. (Croatian Parliament in 1861: conclusions and other important documents). Priredili: Arijana KOLAK BOŠNJAK, Tomislav MARKUS, Stjepan MATKOVIĆ. Zagreb, Hrvatski Institut Za Povijest, 2018, 361 p. ** 3917. Vrgorska krajina, Makarsko primorje i neretvanski kraj u dokumentima Ozne, Udbe i Narodne milicije (1944.–1965.): Likvidacije i progoni. [Vrgorska krajina, Makarska primorje and Neretva region in the documents of Ozna, Udba and the National Militia (1944–1965): liquidations and persecutions]. Pripremili Blanka MATKOVIĆ, Stjepan ŠTIMAC. Zagreb, Hrvatska družba povjesničara "Dr. Rudolf Horvat", 2018, 1308 p. (Samostalni istraživački projekt hrvatska povijest 1941.– 1948, 4). ** 3918. Zapisnici Vlade Narodne Republike Hrvatske: 1945.–1953. (Minutes of the Government of the People's Republic of Croatia 1945–1953). Priredio i uredio Nenad BUKVIĆ. Zagreb, Hrvatski državni arhiv, 2018, 752 p. 3919. BIOČIĆ (Ana). Svećenici u politici: djelovanje katoličkih svećenika u Hrvatskom saboru 1868.–1871). (Priests in politics: the Catholic priests in the Croatian Parliament, 1868–1871). Zagreb, Kršćanska sadašnjost, 2018, 452 p.
3910. Entrega de armas de las guerrillas del Llano, Sep.–Oct. 1953. Compiladores Emma ZAPATA MARTELO, Luis Carlos CASTILLO GÓMEZ, Alberto VALENCIA GUTIÉRREZ y Francisco RAMÍREZ POTES. Cali, Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2018, 285 p. (Archivo Germán Guzmán Campos).
3920. BITUNJAC (Martina). Verwicklung, Beteiligung, Unrecht: Frauen und die Ustaša-Bewegung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 252 p. (Gewaltpolitik und Menschenrechte, 2).
3911. VELASCO (Marcela). Multiculturalism, legal pluralism and local government in Colombia: indige-
3921. BUKVIĆ (Nenad). Privid demokracije: Sabor u prvim godinama komunističke Hrvatske: (1945.–1953.)
(The illusion of democracy: the parliament in the first years of communist Croatia, 1945–1953). Zagreb, Hrvatski državni arhiv, 2018, 631 p. 3922. DUNDOVIĆ (Zdenko). Masoni i masonska loža u Zadru (18. i 19. stoljeće). (Masons and masonic lodge in Zadar, 18th and 19th centuries). Croatica Christiana periodica, 42, 82, 2018, p. 101-117. 3923. GABELICA (Mislav), MATKOVIĆ (Stjepan). Petoprosinačka pobuna u Zagrebu 1918.: prva vojna akcija protiv jugoslavenske države. (The mutiny of 5th december 1918 in Zagreb: the first military action against the Yugoslav state). Zagreb, Naklada Pavičić, 2018, 291 p. 3924. GRANIĆ (Miroslav). Plemstvo Kraljevine Dalmacije: 1814.–1918. (Aristocracy of the kingdom of Dalmatia, 1814–1918). Split, Književni krug, 2018, 605 p. 3925. HORBEC (Ivana). Prema modernoj državi: uprava i politika u Banskoj Hrvatskoj 18. stoljeća. (Towards a modern state administration and politics in the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia in the 18th century). Zagreb, Hrvatski Institut za povijest, 2018, 603 p. 3926. KOLAK BOŠNJAK (Arijana). Vojni bjegunci 1848.–1849. godine). (Military desertions in 1848–49). Povijesni prilozi, 37, 54, 2018, p. 231-250. 3927. MILJAN (Goran). Croatia and the rise of fascism. The youth movement and the Ustasha during WWII. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, X-278 p. 3928. MILOŠ (Edi). Antun Radić (1868–1919): homme de lettres engagé et théoricien du mouvement paysan croate. Paris, PUPS - Croatica Parisiensia, 2018, 586 p. 3929. OSTAJMER (Branko). Narodna Stranka u Slavoniji i Srijemu, 1883.–1903. (The National Party in Slavonia and Syrmia). Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2018, 393 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica. Monografije i studije, III/83). 3930. VESELINOVIĆ (Velimir). Ideologija desnog radikalizma i populizma u Hrvatskoj: studija slučaja Hrvatske stranke prava. (The ideology of the populist radical right in Croatia: case study of the Croatian party of right). Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest, 50, 2, 2018, p. 243-279. Addendum 2011 3931. ADRIANO (Pino), CINGOLANI (Giorgio). La via dei conventi: Ante Pavelić e il terrorismo ustascia dal Fascismo alla Guerra Fredda. Milano, Mursia, 2011, 614 p. Cf. nos 4691, 4708 Cuba 3932. BAYARD DE VOLO (Lorraine). Women and the Cuban insurrection. How gender shaped Castro's victory. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XI-272 p. 3933. Cuba's forgotten decade: how the 1970s shaped the revolution. Ed. by Emily J. KIRK, Anna CLAYFIELD
and Isabel STORY. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 269 p. (Lexington studies on Cuba). 3934. GUERRA (Lillian). Heroes, martyrs and political messiahs in revolutionary Cuba, 1946–1958. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, 360 p. 3935. LOYOLA VEGA (Oscar). La nación insurrecta. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2018, XXVII311 p. 3936. LUCERO (Bonnie A.). Revolutionary masculinity and racial inequality: gendering war and politics in Cuba. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XIII-345 p. 3937. LUKE (Anne). Youth and the Cuban revolution: youth culture and politics in 1960s Cuba. Lanham, Lexington, 2018, XVIII-161 p. 3938. PRADO (Giliard). A construção da memória da Revolução Cubana: a legitimação do poder nas tribunas políticas e nos tribunais revolucionários. Curitiba, Appris Editora, 2018, 299 p. (Coleção Ciências sociais. Seção História). 3939. Rethinking past and present in Cuba: essays in memory of Alistair Hennessy. Ed. by Antoni KAPCIA. London, Institute of Latin American Studies, 2018, XV210 p. 3940. SUÁREZ AMADOR (José). En los umbrales de la revolución: terrorismo y bandidismo en Occidente (1959–1965). La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2018, 118 p. (ill.). Cyprus 3941. Cypriot nationalisms in context: history, identity and politics. Ed. by Thekla KYRITSI, Nikos CHRISTOFIS. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XVII-340 p. Cf. no 5087 Czech Republic 3942. ÁRNASON (Jóhann Páll). The questions of 1968: background, context and retrospect. Sociologický časopis, 2018, 54, 3, p. 429-434. 3943. BALCAR (Jaromír), KUČERA (Jaroslav). The Works Councils in Czechoslovakia 1945–1949. Remarks on the fate of a social movement in the process of transformation. In: Social movements and the change of economic elites in Europe after 1945. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 113-135. 3944. BÁRTA (Milan). Bezpečnostní politika KSČ v roce 1945. (Security policy of the CPC in 1945). In: 1945: konec války a obnova Československa. Praha, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2018, p. 249-258. 3945. BIEDERMAN (Jan), BJAČEK (Petr), BURIAN (Michal) [et al.] Doteky státnosti: založeno 1918 = Touches of statehood: founded 1918. Praha, Ministerstvo obrany České republiky - VHÚ Praha, 2018, 219 p.
§ 2. History by countries 3946. FALK (Barbara J.). The power of the powerless and Václav Havel's "Responsibilityism". East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 2018, 32, 2, p. 328-333.### 3947. GJURIČOVÁ (Adéla). Anti-Politics vis-à-vis Parliamentary Democracy. Václav Havel and the Czechoslovak Parliament in the 1990s. In: Parlamentarismuskritik und Antiparlamentarismus in Europa. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2018, p. 281-289. 3948. GONĚC (Vladimír). Federalismus v Československu jako nesoulad právního myšlení a politické reality: centralizace po 1918, devastace po 1938, demolice po 1948 a 1968. (Federalism in Czechoslovakia as a mismatch between law thinking and political reality: Centralisation after 1918, devastation after 1938, demolition after 1948 and 1968). Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2018, p. 111-156. 3949. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří). „An offer not to be refused": ideology and Communist Party Membership before 1968 in the narratives of the Czechoslovak officer corps. Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 2018, 8, 1, p. 81-105. 3950. KLOČKOVÁ (Lenka). Československý červený kříž. (The Czechoslovak Red Cross). Paginae historiae, 2018, 26, 2, p. 83-117. 3951. KRAKOVSKY (Roman). State and society in communist Czechoslovakia. Transforming the everyday from WWII to the fall of the Berlin wall. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, 344 p. 3952. LIŠKOVÁ (Kateřina). Sexual liberation, socialist style. Communist Czechoslovakia and the science of desire, 1945–1989. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 281 p. 3953. LUKEŠ (Igor). The Prague Coup d'État of February 1948: heretical thoughts on the communist takeover. Comenius: journal of Euro-American civilization, 2018, 5, 1, p. 53-62. 3954. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), SOMMER (Vítězslav). The 'Anti-Prague Spring': neo-Stalinist and ultra-leftist extremism in Czechoslovakia, 1968–1970. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 46-69. 3955. MAŠKARINEC (Pavel). Women and regional politics: political determinants of women's descriptive representation in the Czech and Slovak regional elections of 2000–2017. Politické vedy, 2018, 21, 4, p. 49-73. 3956. PINEROVÁ (Klára). Prison and society connected: the development of the Czechoslovak prison system in 1945–1992. Acta Poloniae Historica, 2018, 118, p. 151-181.
and family policy in Czechoslovakia 1930s–1950s. Journal of family history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 177-193. 3959. RAŠKA (Francis D.). Zdeněk Hejzlar: the life and struggles of an exiled Czechoslovak reform Communist. Comenius: journal of Euro-American civilization, 2018, 5, 2, p. 257-277. 3960. RUPNIK (Jacques). Prague Spring 1968 at 50. Sociologický časopis, 2018, 54, 3, p. 435-441. 3961. RYCHLÍK (Jan). The "Velvet Split" of Czechoslovakia (1989–1992). Politeja - Pismo Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2018, 15, 57, p. 169-187. 3962. SCHELLENBACHER (Wolfgang). From political activism to disillusionment - Austrian socialist refugees in Czechoslovakia, 1934–1938. S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, 2018, 5, 2, p. 78-94. 3963. SCHULZE WESSEL (Martin). Der Prager Frühling. Aufbruch in eine neue Welt. Ditzingen, Reclam, 2018, 323 p. 3964. SEDLÁKOVÁ (Radomíra). Nereálný socialismus: Praha 1948–1989 = Unreal socialism: Prague 1948–1989. Praha, Národní galerie, 2018, 118 p. 3965. SEKERÁK (Marián). The Velvet Revolution and the centre/periphery model: the case of South Bohemia. Politické vedy, 2018, 21, 4, p. 8-29. 3966. STRAKA (Karel), TOMEK (Prokop), BANDŽUCH (Tomáš). Ve službách republiky: 100 let od založení československého vojenského zpravodajství = Serving the republic: 100 years since the establishment of Czechoslovak military intelligence. Praha, Ministerstvo obrany České republiky - VHÚ Praha, 2018, 223 p. 3967. SUK (Jiří). The utopian rationalism of the Prague spring of 1968. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 764-768. 3968. TOMEK (Prokop). Čeští vojáci na Slovensku / slovenští vojáci v českých zemích 1918–1992. (Czech soldiers in Slovakia / Slovak soldiers in the Czech lands). Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2018, p. 223-229. Cf. nos 4698-4707 Denmark 3969. ANDREASEN (Frants). Da Danmark var ved at forsvinde: i maskinrummet for dansk statsdannelse. Bogen om Anders Bille, Jørgen Brahe, Breide Rantzau og deres samtid. (Quand le Danemark était sur le point de disparaître. Au cœur de la formation de l'Etat danois: Anders Bille [1600–1657], Jørgen Brahe [1581– 1661], Breide Rantzau [1556–1618] et leur époque). Skårup, Bekker, 2018, 144 p. (ill.).
3957. PUCCI (Molly). A revolution in a revolution: the secret police and the origins of Stalinism in Czechoslovakia. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 2018, 32, 1, p. 3-22.
3970. Christian X og Island. (Le roi Christian X de Danemark et l'Islande). Red. Knud V. JESPERSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 340 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 573).
3958. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub), ŠUSTROVÁ (Radka). Toward a population revolution? The threat of extinction
3971. HARDIS (Arne). Den kætterske socialdemokrat. Jørgen Dich og den herskende klasse. (Le social-
démocrate hérétique. Jørgen Dich [1901–1975] et la classe dominante). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 270 p.
forlag, 2018, 271 p. (ill.). (University of South Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 560).
3972. HEDELUND JØRGENSEN (Steen Ole). Fra almisser til velfærd: om velfærden og udtømningen af ideerne. (De la charité à l'Etat-providence: sur l'Etat-providence et l'épuisement des idées). Odder, Forum Humanum, 2018, 444 p. (ill.).
3982. WIUM OLESEN (Niels), BORRING OLESEN (Thorsten). Poul Schlüters tid 1982–1993. (Poul Schlüter premier ministre danois 1982–1993). København, Gad, 2018, 674 p. (De danske ministerier 1972–1993, 5: 2).
3973. JACOBSEN (Alice Juel), YDESEN (Christian). Mænd af det rette stof. Selektionspraksis i den arktiske militære eliteenhed. Slædepatruljen Sirius 1950–2015. (The right stuff. Selection practices in The Sirius Dog Sled Patrol, an elite military unit in the Arctic 1950– 2015). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 2, p. 401-426.
Dominican Republic
3974. KØBER (Jesper Vestermark). Kampen om nærdemokratiet. En begrebshistorisk analyse af den danske debat om nærdemokrati i 1970'erne. (The battle for „local democracy": an analysis of the Danish debate). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 2, p. 371-400. 3975. NØRGAARD (Anne Engelst). A battle for democracy. The concept of democracy in the constitutional struggle, Denmark 1848–1849. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 69-84. 3976. RAVN (Ole). De danske førere. Fascistiske og nationalsocialistiske partier og førere i Danmark 1922– 1945. (Les "Führer" danois. Les partis fascistes et nationaux-socialistes et leurs chefs au Danemark entre 1922 et 1945). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 620 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 563). 3977. SCHJØRRING (Esben), JANNERUP (Michael). Værdikæmperne: slaget om danskernes sjæl. VK-regeringen 2001–2011. (Combattre pour ses valeurs: les gouvernements de droite au Danemark 2001–2011). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 476 p. (ill.). 3978. Sønderjylland-Schleswig kolonial: kolonialismens kulturelle arv i region mellem Kongeån og Ejderen. (Le Jutland du sud - Schleswig à l'époque des colonies: l'héritage du colonialisme dans la région entre la Kongeån et l'Eider). Red. Marco PETERSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 483 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 569). 3979. SONNE NØRGAARD (Asbjørn). Den politiske personlighed. Vælgere og politikere i Danmark. (La personnalité politique. Electeurs et politiciens au Danemark). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 168 p. 3980. THORUP (Kristian). Populismens klassekamp: om udlændingepolitikken og venstrefløjens tabte arbejdervælgere. (Lutte des classes et populisme: la politique migratoire et les électeurs perdus par la gauche dans la classe ouvrière). Frederiksberg, Frydenlund, 2018, 173 p. 3981. VAD JØNSSON (Heidi). Fra lige muligheder til ret og pligt. Socialdemokratiets integrationspolitik i den moderne velfærdsstats tidsalder. (La politique d'intégration de la social-démocratie danoise à l'ère de l'Etatprovidence moderne). Odense, Syddansk Universitets-
3983. DEIVE (Carlos Esteban). Toussaint Louverture, la rebelión negra de 1791 y Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo, Editora Nacional, 2018, 361 p. Ecuador 3984. AGUIRRE (Manuel Agustín). La realidad de Ecuador y América Latina en el siglo XX. Estudio introductorio, Enrique AYALA MORA. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ediciones La Tierra, 2018, 328 p. (Manuel Agustín Aguirre, 4). 3985. BECKER (Marc). General Alberto Enríquez Gallo: soldier, populist, leftist. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 323-353. 3986. HUARCAYA (Sergio Miguel). Land reform, historical consciousness and indigenous activism in late twentieth-century Ecuador. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 411-440. 3987. MADRID (Andrés). En busca de la chispa en la pradera: el sujeto revolucionario en la intelectualida orgánica de izquierda en Ecudaor, 1975–1986. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018, 126 p. (Serie Magíster, 226). 3988. PAZ Y MIÑO CEPEDA (Juan José). Ecuador: los gobiernos julianos 1925–1931: la constitución de la izquierda política. Quito, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2018, 284 p. (Biblioteca de ciencias sociales). 3989. Poder (El) y la muerte, crímenes políticos en el Ecuador 1830–1959. Ed. by Enrique AYALA MORA. [Quito], Dinediciones, [2018], 239 p. (ill.). Egypt 3990. BARAKĀT ('Alī). Al-Qaryah wa-al-sulṭah fī Miṣr fī al-qarn al-tāsi' 'ashar. (Village and power in nineteenth-century Egypt). Al-Qāhirah, al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-'Āmmah lil-Kitāb, 2018, 309 p. (Tārīkh al-Miṣrīyīn, 307). 3991. GERGES (Fawaz A.). Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the clash that shaped the Middle East. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2018, XX-483 p. 3992. Miṣr 1956, al-taʼmīm.. wa-al-'udwān.. wa-alintiṣār. Buḥūth nadwatay taʼmīm sharikat al-Qanāh waal-'udwān wa-al-intiṣār, bi-munāsabat murūr sittīn 'āman. (Egypt 1956, nationalization, aggression, and victory. Research for the two seminars on the nationalization of the Canal Company, aggression and victory, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary). Ed. by Laṭīfah Muḥammad SĀLIM, 'Alī Mutawallī AḥMAD. [Al-Qāhirah], Maṭ-
§ 2. History by countries
ba'at Dār al-Kutub wa-al-Wathāʼiq al-Qawmīyah bi-alQāhirah, 2018, 420 p.
ÖSTBERG. Stockholm, Appell, 2018, 500 p. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, 819).
3993. ÖZKAYA (Sevda). Osmanlı idaresinde Mısır, 1839–1882. (Egypt under Ottoman rule, 1839–1882). İstanbul, Kesit Yayinlari, 2018, 295 p.
4005. HENTILÄ (Seppo). Pitkät varjot, muistamisen historia ja politiikka. (Long shadows, the history and politics of remembrance). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Siltala, 2018, 350 p. (ill.).
3994. SALEH (Rania). 'Let them entertain themselves': the fall of the Mubarak regime seen through Egyptian political cartoons. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 3, p. 494-520. El Salvador 3995. LÓPEZ BERNAL (Carlos Gregorio). Municipalidades, gobernaciones y presidencia en la construcción del Estado en El Salvador, 1840–1890. San Salvador, Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de El Salvador y México D.F., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Ixtapalapa, 2018, 370 p. (Investigación, 1). 3996. PÉREZ FABREGAT (Clara). San Miguel y el Oriente salvadoreño: la construcción del Estado de El Salvador, 1780–1865. San Salvador, UCA Editores, 2018, 452 p. (Estructuras y procesos. Serie mayor, 49). 3997. PÉREZ PINEDA (Carlos). La Guardia Nacional de El Salvador y la República Cafetalera, 1912–1932. San Salvador, Universidad Gerardo Barrios, 2018, 277 p. (Cultura y violencia, 6). 3998. SPRENKELS (Ralph). After insurgency: revolution and electoral politics in El Salvador. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, XXXII-481 p. Estonia 3999. SCHULZE (Jennie L.). Strategic frames: Europe, Russia, and minority inclusion in Estonia and Latvia. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XXII394 p. (Series in Russian and East European studies). 4000. Sovietisation and violence: the case of Estonia. Ed. by Meelis SAUEAUK and Toomas HIIO. Tartu, University of Tartu Press, 2018, 335 p. (Proceedings of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory = Eesti Mälu Instituudi toimetised, 1). 4001. TAYLOR (Neil). Estonia: a modern history. London, Hurst & Company, 2018, XIV-255 p. Ethiopia 4002. BERHANE-SELASSIE (Tsehai). Ethiopian warriorhood: defence, land & society 1800–1941. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2018, XXVI-309 p. Finland 4003. CARREZ (Maurice). Les historiens mis au défi? Mémoires de guerre et politique dans la Finlande nouvellement indépendante. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 93-108. 4004. Demokratins drivkrafter: kontext och särdrag i Sveriges och Finlands demokratier 1890–2020. (Les forces motrices de la démocratie: contexte et spécificité dans les démocraties suédoise et finlandaise entre 1890 et 2020). Red. Henrik MEINANDER, Petri KARONEN, Kjell
4006. JALOVAARA (Ville). Myrskyä ja mystiikkaa: Suomen tasavallan presidentit ja kirkko. (Storm and mysticism: the presidents of the Republic of Finland and the church). Helsinki, Kirjapaja, 2018, 282 p. (ill.). France ** 4007. Comment la IIIe République a sombré: journal de Marguerite Lebrun (septembre 1939–juillet 1940). Présenté par Éric FREYSSELINARD. Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy - Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2018, 368 p. ** 4008. Premiers républicains grassois (Les). Procès-verbaux des sociétés populaires de Grasse (29 janvier 1794–29 décembre 1794) et de Plascassier (27 avril 1792–28 septembre 1794). Sous la dir. de MarieHélène FROESCHLÉ-CHOPARD et Michel FROESCHLÉ. Paris, Éd. du CTHS et Nice, Serre Éditeur, 2018, 527 p. ** 4009. PRÉVOST (Xavier). Les premières lois imprimées. Étude des actes royaux imprimés de Charles VIII à Henri II (1483–1559). Paris, École des chartes, 2018, 339 p. (ill.). (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes, 108). 4010. Adresse (L') à l'Assemblée nationale (31 mai 1791) de Guillaume-Thomas Raynal: positions, polémiques, répercussions. Textes présentés et annotés par Hans-Jürgen LÜSEBRINK. Paris, Société française d'études du dix-huitième siècle, 2018, 329 p. (Collection Dix-huitième siècle). 4011. Années Mitterrand (Les), 1984–1988. L'alternance et la première cohabitation vues des régions. Sous la dir. de Sylvie OLLITRAULT et Gilles RICHARD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 310 p. 4012. AUDIGIER (François). Les prétoriens du général: gaullisme et violence politique de 1947 à 1959. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 387 p. (Histoire politique de la France au XXe). 4013. BERCÉ (Yves-Marie). Violences et répression dans la France moderne. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018, 222 p. 4014. BOUR (Julie). Clientélisme politique et recommandations: l'exemple de la Lorraine de la IIIe à la Ve République. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 211 p. (Histoire). 4015. BROWN (Howard G.). Mass violence and the self. From the French wars of religion to the Paris commune. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XII-283 p. 4016. BRUN-JANSEM (Marie-Françoise). La révolution au quotidien: histoire de l'administration municipale de Grenoble (1789–1795). Fontaine, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2018, 384 p. (La pierre et l'écrit).
4017. BULAITIS (John). Maurice Thorez: a biography. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XIV-368 p. (Communist lives, 4).### 4018. CANDAR (Gilles). Édouard Vaillant. L'invention de la gauche. Paris, Armand Colin, 2018, 248 p.
4031. GERMAIN (Félix), LARCHER (Silyane). Black French women and the struggle for equality. 1848– 2016. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, 294 p.
4019. CARROL (Alison). The return of Alsace to France, 1918–1939. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VII230 p.
4032. HATZFELD (Hélène). La politique à la ville: inventions citoyennes à Louviers (1965–1983). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 332 p. (Histoire).
4020. CHAPMAN (Herrick). France's long reconstruction. In search of the modern republic. London, Harvard U. P., 2018, 416 p.
4033. JACKSON (Julian). A certain idea of France: the life of Charles De Gaulle. London, Allen Lane, 2018, XL-887 p.
4021. Charles de Lasteyrie. Un politique et un financier en République (1877–1936). Sous la dir. de Maurice VAÏSSE et Philippe NIVET. Amiens, Encrage, 2018, 136 p.
4034. JOLY (Laurent). L'Etat contre les juifs. Vichy, les nazis et la persécution antisémite (1940–1944). Paris, Grasset, 2018, 368 p.
4022. CHAUVIN-HAMEAU (Paul). L'obligation militaire sous l'Ancien Régime. Paris, Institut universitaire Varenne, 2018, 879 p. (Collection des thèses). 4023. CORMACK (William S.). Defending the liberal revolution in France: provincial reactions to the Parisian journée of 20 June 1792. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 2, p. 233-253. 4024. DIAZ (Delphine), KACI (Maxime), LEMBRÉ (Stéphane). Citoyenneté, république, démocratie: en France de 1789 à 1914. Levallois-Perret, Bréal, 2018, 256 p. 4025. Étienne Clémentel. Politique et action publique sous la Troisième République. Sous la dir. de Anne-Marie KESSLER et Guy ROUSSEAU. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2018, 468 p. (France contemporaine, 6). 4026. Exécuter la loi (1789–1804). Sous la direction de Alexandre GUERMAZI, Jeanne-Laure LE QUANG et Virginie MARTIN. Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018, 304 p. (Histoire moderne, 58). 4027. FERHAT (Ismail). Marx et Allah. Les gauches alternatives françaises face à l'Islam, de Mai 1968 au 11 septembre 2001. Revue historique, 2018, 686, 2, p. 421442. 4028. Français (Les) et les armes à feu de 1789 à nos jours. Hommage à François Cochet. Sous la dir. de Julie D'ANDURAIN, François AUDIGIER et Jean-Noël GRANDHOMME. Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, Hémisphères éditions, 2018, 425 p. 4029. France (La) en guerre. Cinq "années terribles": 1792–1793, 1814–1815, 1870–1871, 1914–1915, 1939– 1940. Sous la dir. de Jean-Claude CARON et Nathalie PONSARD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 415 p. 4030. FUJIHARA (Shota). Les conseils municipaux des communes rurales sous le Consulat et l'Empire: le cas des Hautes-Pyrénées. Annales du Midi, 2018, 300, p. 513-533. – IDEM. Les maires et le système administratif napoléonien: le cas des Hautes-Pyrénées. Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 2018, 392, p. 5985.
4035. JOURDAN (Annie). Nouvelle histoire de la Révolution. Paris, Flammarion, 2018, 657 p. 4036. JOUTARD (Philippe). La révocation de l'édit de Nantes ou les faiblesses d'un État. Paris, Gallimard, 2018, 552 p. (Folio histoire, 273). 4037. KERNALEGENN (Tudi). Les gauches alternatives à la découverte des régions dans les années 1968. Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 147-166. 4038. LE GALL (Erwan), PRIGENT (François). C'était 1958 en Bretagne: pour une histoire locale de la France. Rennes, Goater, 2018, 524 p. (Mémoires immédiates). 4039. LOTH (Wilfried). Fast eine Revolution. Der Mai 68 in Frankreich. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 326 p. 4040. MALETTKE (Klaus). Richelieu. Ein Leben im Dienste des Königs und Frankreichs. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 1076 p. 4041. MARTELLI (Roger). Communistes en 1968, le grand malentendu: avec une chronologie et un choix de documents et d'archives. Paris, Les Éditions Sociales, 2018, 289 p. (Histoire). 4042. MELTZ (Renaud). Pierre Laval. Un mystère français. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 1226 p. 4043. MILLINGTON (Chris). Fighting for France. Violence in interwar French politics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXXVII-218 p. 4044. MOISSET (Jean-Pierre). L'État, l'argent et les cultes de 1958 à 1987: contribution à l'histoire de la laïcité française. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 361 p. (Histoire). 4045. MOLLIER (Jean-Yves). L'âge d'or de la corruption parlementaire: 1930–1980. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 352 p. 4046. MORMICHE (Pascale). Le petit Louis XV: enfance d'un prince, genèse d'un roi (1704–1725), Paris, Éditions Champ-Vallon, 2018, 430 p. 4047. OFFEN (Karen). Debating the woman question in the French Third Republic, 1870–1920. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-694 p. (New Studies in European History).
§ 2. History by countries
4048. ORAIN (Arnaud). La politique du merveilleux. Une autre histoire du Système de Law (1695–1795). Paris, Fayard, 2018, 397 p. (L'épreuve de l'histoire).###
4063. SCHECHTER (Ronald). A genealogy of terror in eighteenth-century France. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, X-289 p.
4049. PASCUCCI (Tomaso). Basculement confessionnel et engagement politique au début des guerres de Religion: le cas d'Antoine de Croÿ, prince de Porcien. Revue historique, 2018, 687, 3, p. 593-620.
4064. SCHNEIDER (Suzanne). Mandatory separation. Religion, education and mass politics in Palestine. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XI-262 p.
4050. Penser l'après Louis XIV. Histoire, mémoire, représentation (1715–2015). Ed. par Sven EXTERNBRINK et Charles-Édouard LEVILLAIN. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 322 p. 4051. PÉRÉON (Yves-Marie). Moralizing the market. How Gaullist France embraced the US model of securities regulation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, X-210 p. 4052. PERVILLÉ (Guy). Histoire iconoclaste de la Guerre d'Algérie et de sa mémoire. Paris, Vendémiaire, 2018, 672 p. (Chroniques). 4053. PONCET (Olivier). Mazarin l'Italien. Paris, Tallandier et Roma, École française de Rome et Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, 286 p. (Lectures méditerranéennes). 4054. PORTALEZ (Christophe). Alfred Naquet et ses amis politiques: patronage, corruption et scandale en République (1870–1898). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 272 p. (Histoire). 4055. REINHARDT (Steven G.). Violence and honor in prerevolutionary Périgord. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, 330 p. 4056. REPAIRE (Sébastien). Les Verts, une gauche alternative? (1984–fin des années 1980). Revue historique, 2018, 686, 2, p. 399-420. 4057. Rethinking the age of revolutions: France and the birth of the modern world. Ed. by David A. BELL and Yair MINTZKER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIX-287 p. 4058. Richelieu: de Luçon à La Rochelle (1618– 1628): études réunies à l'occasion du 20e anniversaire de l'association Sur les pas de Richelieu. Textes réunis par Françoise HILDESHEIMER. La Roche-sur-Yon, Éditions du CVRH, 2018, 394 p. 4059. ROLLAND (Patrice). Un débat sous la Terreur: la politique dans la République. Dijon, Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2018, 146 p. (Institutions). 4060. ROLLOY (Gérard). Négociants bayonnais du XVIIIe siècle: commerce maritime et vie politique. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2018, 405 p. (Négociants bayonnais du 18e siècle). 4061. ROUQUET (François), VIRGILI (Fabrice). Les françaises, les français et l'épuration. Paris, Gallimard, 2018, 820 p. (Folio Histoire). 4062. SAWYER (Stephen W.). Adolphe Thiers. La contingence et le pouvoir. Paris, Armand Colin, 2018, 268 p.
4065. SÉNÉCHAL (Jean-Paul). Finistère du Front populaire: 1934–1938, lutte pour l'hégémonie et logique de blocs. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 393 p. (Histoire). 4066. SIRINELLI (Jean-François). Les ères et les aires: pour une histoire politique désenclavée. Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 167-192. 4067. STAMMERS (Tom). From the Tuileries to Twickenham: the Orléans, exile and Anglo-French liberalism, c.1848–1880. English historical review, 2018, 133, 564, p. 1120-1154. 4068. STRAUSS-SCHOM (Alan). The shadow emperor: a biography of Napoleon III. Stroud, Amberley Publishing, 2018, 496 p. 4069. Vichy France and everyday life: confronting the challenges of wartime, 1939–1945. Ed. by Lindsey DODD and David LEES. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, X-254 p. 4070. ZAMOYSKI (Adam). Napoleon: a life. New York, Basic Books, 2018, XVII-764 p. 4071. ZELLER (Justine). La diffusion des contestations féministes au sein de la Ligue communiste révolutionnaire: émergence et développement du "travail femme" à Toulouse durant les années 1970. Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 123-146. Cf. nos 2551, 4249, 4356, 4592 Gabon 4072. SABI DJABOUDI (Arthur Félicien). Presse d'opinion et luttes politiques en Afrique francophone: le Gabon de 1922 à 1990. Saint-Denis, Publibook, 2018, 370 p. Georgia 4073. MUKHANOV (V. M.). Gruzinskaia Demokraticheskaia Respublika: ot pervykh dneĭ nezavisimosti do sovetizatsii. (Georgian Democratic Republic: from the first days of independence to sovietization). Moskva, Izdatelʹstvo "MGIMO-Universitet", 2018, 886 p. Germany ** 4074. Acta Borussica, NF., Rh. 2. Preußen als Kulturstaat. Hrsg. v. der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften unt. der Leitung v. Wolfgang NEUGEBAUER. Abt. 2. Der preußische Kulturstaat in der politischen und sozialen Wirklichkeit. Bd. 13. SPENKUCH (Hartwin). Preußische Universitätspolitik im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Dokumente zu Grundproblemen und ausgewählten Professorenberufungen in den Philosophischen Fakultäten zur Zeit Friedrich Althoffs (1897– 1907). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VI-742 p.
** 4075. Akten der Reichskanzlei. Regierung Hitler 1933–1945. Hrsg. für die Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften v. Hans Günter HOCKERTS, für das Bundesarchiv v. Michael HOLLMANN. Bd. 9. 1942. Bearb. v. Peter KELLER und Hauke MARAHRENS. Mit Vorarbeiten v. Friedrich HARTMANNSGRUBER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, LXXXIV-1140 p.###
Kommission für Westfalen und Landesarchiv NRW. Bd. 10. 1830–1839. Bearb. v. Heide BARMEYER-HARTLIEB. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 950 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Vereins für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Münster, 10; Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen, NF., 45; Veröffentlichungen des Landesarchivs NordrheinWestfalen, 69).
** 4076. BISMARCK (Otto von). Gesammelte Werke. Neue Friedrichsruher Ausgabe. Hrsg. v. Holger AFFLERBACH, Konrad CANIS, Lothar GALL und Eberhard KOLB. Abt. III. 1871–1898. Schriften. Bd. 7. 1886–1887. Bearb. v. Ulf MORGENSTERN. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 656 p.
4086. 1918. Die Deutschen zwischen Weltkrieg und Revolution. Hrsg. v. Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich und Irina Renz. Berlin, Links, 2018, 312 p.
** 4077. DDR (Die) im Blick der Stasi 1968: die geheimen Berichte an die SED-Führung. Bearb. von Bernd FLORATH. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 320 p. (DDR im Blick der Stasi). ** 4078. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Jüngere Reihe. Hrsg. v. der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Eike Wolgast. Unter Kaiser Karl V. Bd. 11. Der Reichstag zu Regensburg 1541. Bearb. v. Albrecht P. LUTTENBERGER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 4 vol., 3778 p. ** 4079. Ein preußischer Gesandter in München. Georg Freiherr von Werthern. Tagebuch und politische Korrespondenz mit Bismarck 1867–1888. Hrsg. v. Winfried BAUMGART. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 531 p. (Deutsche Geschichtsquellen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 74). ** 4080. Kabinettsprotokolle (Die) der Bundesregierung. Hrsg. für das Bundesarchiv v. Michael HOLLMANN. Bd. 26. 1973. Bearb. v. Christine FABIAN und Christoph SEEMANNUNT. Mitwirk. v. Veronika HEYDE und Uta RÖSSEL. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 650 p. ** 4081. Kohl: "Gelassenheit und Zuversicht": die Protokolle des CDU-Bundesvorstands, 1980–1983. Bearbeitet von Günter BUCHSTAB. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2018, XLIX-1144 p. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, 70). ** 4082. KUHL (Klaus). Kiel und die Revolution von 1918: das Tagebuch eines Werftingenieurs [Nikolaus Andersen], verfasst in den Jahren 1917–1919: Edition und Textanalyse. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 325 p. (Kieler Werkstücke. Reihe A, Beiträge zur schleswig-holsteinischen und skandinavischen Geschichte, 51). ** 4083. My opposition: the diary of Friedrich Kellner – a German against the Third Reich. Ed. and trans. by Robert Scott KELLNER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 491 p. ** 4084. Quellenkunde zur deutschen Geschichte der Neuzeit von 1500 bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Winfried BAUMGART. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 3 vol., 2124 p. ** 4085. Tagebücher (Die) des Ludwig Freiherrn Vincke 1789–1844. Hrsg. v. Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Münster, Historische
4087. Ämter (Die) und ihre Vergangenheit: Ministerien und Behörden im geteilten Deutschland 1949– 1972. Hrsg. v. Stefan CREUZBERGER und Dominik GEPPERT. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 213 p. (Rhöndorfer Gespräche, 28). 4088. ANDERSON (Margaret Lavinia). Ein Demokratiedefizit? Das Deutsche Kaiserreich in vergleichender Perspektive. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 367-398. 4089. ANGRICK (Andrej). "Aktion 1005". Spurenbeseitigung von NS-Massenverbrechen 1942–1945. Eine "geheime Reichssache" im Spannungsfeld von Kriegswende und Propaganda. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 1381 p. 4090. Antisemitismus in der DDR: Manifestationen und Folgen des Feindbildes Israel. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang BENZ. Berlin, Metropol, 2018, 275 p. 4091. ASHKENAZI (Ofer). Transnational anti-war activity in the Third Reich: the Nazi branch of the New Commonwealth Society. German history, 2018, 36, 2, p. 207-228. 4092. AUBELE (Katharina). Vertriebene Frauen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Engagement in Kirchen, Verbänden und Parteien 1945–1970. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, VIII-472 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 138). 4093. AUGUSTINE (Dolores L.). Taking on technocracy. Nuclear power in Germany, 1945 to the present. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, XIII-286 p. (ill., tabs). (Protest, culture & society, 24). 4094. Baden und Württemberg 1918/19: Kriegsende, Revolution, Demokratie. Hrsg. v. Frank ENGHAUSEN und Reinhold WEBER. Stuttgart, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, 2018, 260 p. (Schriften zur politischen Landeskunde Baden-Württembergs, 48). 4095. BANKEN (Ralf). Hitlers Steuerstaat. Die Steuerpolitik im Dritten Reich. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 668 p. (Das Reichsfinanzministerium im Nationalsozialismus, 2). 4096. BECKER (Maximilian). "Keine Waffen für unsere Henker!" Ehemalige Verfolgte des NS-Regimes und die westdeutsche Wiederbewaffnung. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 1, p. 87-116.
§ 2. History by countries
4097. BECKER (Robert). Die Kölner Regierungspräsidenten im Nationalsozialismus: zum Versagen von Vertretern einer Funktionselite. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 420 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins e. V., 51).###
4111. DÜLFFER (Jost). Geheimdienst in der Krise. Der BND in den 1960er-Jahren. Berlin, Links, 2018, 672 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Historikerkommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes 1945–1968, 8).
4098. BECKUS (Paul). Land ohne Herr – Fürst ohne Hof? Friedrich August von Anhalt-Zerbst und sein Fürstentum. Halle (Saale), Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2018, 604 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte Sachsen-Anhalts, 15).
4112. ECHTERNKAMP (Jörg). Das Dritte Reich. Diktatur, Volksgemeinschaft, Krieg. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XVI-336 p. (Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte, 45).
4099. BEER (Susanne). Die Banalität des Guten. Hilfeleistungen für jüdische Verfolgte 1941–1945. Berlin, Metropol, 2018, 385 p. 4100. BERGMANN (Knut). Mit Wein Staat machen. Eine Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin, Insel Verlag, 2018, 366 p. (ill.). 4101. "Bewegte Dörfer". Neue soziale Bewegungen in der Provinz 1970–1990. Hrsg. v. Julia PAULUS. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 241 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 83). 4102. BHATIA (Lieselotte), STRACKE (Stephan). Vergessene Opfer. Die NS-Vergangenheit der Wuppertaler Kriminalpolizei. Wuppertal, De Noantri, 2018, 412 p. (Bildungsmaterial zur Wuppertaler Polizei- und Widerstandsgeschichte, 2). 4103. BÖTTCHER (Jakob). Zwischen staatlichem Auftrag und gesellschaftlicher Trägerschaft. Eine Geschichte der Kriegsgräberfürsorge in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 382 p. (Bürgertum Neue Folge. Studien zur Zivilgesellschaft, 17). 4104. BURKHARDT (Alex). Postwar 'existential conflict' and right-wing politics in Hof an der Saale, 1918– 1924. German history, 2018, 36, 4, p. 522-543. 4105. CALDWELL (Peter C.), HANSHEW (Karin). Germany since 1945: politics, culture, and society. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XIV-366 p. 4106. CARTER HETT (Benjamin). The death of democracy. Hitler's rise to power and the downfall of the Weimar Republic. New York, Henry Holt, 2018, XIX-280 p. 4107. COMTE (Emmanuel). The history of the European migration regime. Germany's strategic hegemony. New York, Routledge, 2018, X-234 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 47). 4108. DENNING (Andrew). "Life is movement, movement is life!" Mobility politics and the circulatory state in Nazi Germany. American historical review, 2018, 123, 5, p. 1479-1503. 4109. Deutscher Bund und innere Nationsbildung im Vormärz (1815–1848). Hrsg. v. Jürgen MÜLLER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 236 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 101). 4110. DREYER (Michael). Hugo Preuß. Biografie eines Demokraten. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 513 p. (b/w tabs). (Weimarer Schriften zur Republik, 4).
4113. EDEN (Sören), MARX (Henry), SCHULZ (Ulrike). Ganz normale Verwaltungen? Methodische Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Individuum und Organisation am Beispiel des Reichsarbeitsministeriums 1919 bis 1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 3, p. 487-520. 4114. EICHMÜLLER (Andreas). Die SS in der Bundesrepublik. Debatten und Diskurse über ehemalige SSAngehörige 1949–1985. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 320 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 117). 4115. Ende (Das) der Monarchie in den deutschen Kleinstaaten. Vorgeschichte, Ereignis und Nachwirkungen in Politik und Staatsrecht 1914–1939. Hrsg. v. Stefan GERBER. Köln, Wien, Weimar, Böhlau, 2018, 354 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen/Kleine Reihe, 54). 4116. FENSKE (Hans). Auf dem Weg zur Demokratie. Das Streben nach deutscher Einheit 1792–1871. Reinbek, Lau, 2018, 439 p. 4117. FISCHER (Henning). Überlebende als Akteurinnen. Die Frauen der Lagergemeinschaften Ravensbrück. Biografische Erfahrung und politisches Handeln, 1945 bis 1989. Konstanz, UVK Verlag, 2018, 541 p. 4118. FÖRSTER (Andreas). Zielobjekt Rechts. Wie die Stasi die westdeutsche Neonaziszene unterwanderte. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, 264 p. 4119. Frauenwahlrecht. Demokratisierung der Demokratie in Deutschland und Europa. Hrsg. v. Hedwig RICHTER und Kerstin WOLFF. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2018, 295 p. 4120. FREUND (Nadine). Die Verwaltungsjuristin Theanolte Bähnisch (1899–1973) und der Deutsche Frauenring. Vom reformorientierten Preußen zur bundesdeutschen Westbindung - eine Wirkungsgeschichte. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 1145 p. 4121. FREYTAG (Nils). Das Wilhelminische Kaiserreich 1890–1914. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 286 p. (Seminarbuch Geschichte). 4122. FRITZ (Stephen G.). The first soldier. Hitler as military leader. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XVI459 p. 4123. FRÖHLICH (Gregor). Soldat ohne Befehl: Ernst von Salomon und der soldatische Nationalismus. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 426 p. 4124. FRÖHLICH (Paul). "Der unterirdische Kampf". Das Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt 1924–1943. Pa-
derborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, XII-508 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 108).
Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 318 p. (New studies in European history).
4125. GASSERT (Philipp). Bewegte Gesellschaft. Deutsche Protestgeschichte seit 1945. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, 308 p. (ill.). (Zeitgeschichte aktuell).
4137. HÄHNEL (Paul Lukas). Mehrebenen-Parlamentarismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Eine quantitative und qualitative Bestandsaufnahme parlamentarischer Doppelmandate. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 125-144.
4126. GASTEIGER (Daniela). Kuno von Westarp (1864-1945). Parlamentarismus, Monarchismus und Herrschaftsutopien im deutschen Konservatismus. München, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 521 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 117). 4127. GATZKA (Claudia Christiane). Die Blüte der Parteiendemokratie. Politisierung als Alltagspraxis in der Bundesrepublik, 1969–1980. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 201-224. 4128. GAUMER (Janine). Wackersdorf. Atomkraft und Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik 1980–1989. München, Oekom, 2018, 368 p. 4129. GEHMACHER (Johanna), HEINRICH (Elisa), OESCH (Corinna). Käthe Schirmacher. Agitation und autobiografische Praxis zwischen radikaler Frauenbewegung und völkischer Politik. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 596 p. 4130. GELDERBLOM (Bernhard). Die NS-Reichserntedankfeste auf dem Bückeberg 1933–1937: Aufmarsch der Volksgemeinschaft und Massenpropaganda. Unter Mitarbeit von Mario KELLER-HOLTE. Holzminden, Verlag Jörg Mitzkat, 2018, 196 p. 4131. Gestapo (Die) Trier. Beiträge zur Geschichte einer regionalen Verfolgungsbehörde. Hrsg. v. Thomas GROTUM. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 365 p. (Gestapo – Herrschaft – Terror. Studien zum nationalsozialistischen Sicherheitsapparat). 4132. GOTTO (Bernhard). Enttäuschung in der Demokratie. Erfahrung und Deutung von politischem Engagement in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland während der 1970er und 1980er Jahre. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, IX-402 p. (ill., tab). (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 119).
4138. HANDSCHUHMACHER (Thomas). "Was soll und kann der Staat noch leisten?" Eine politische Geschichte der Privatisierung in der Bundesrepublik 1949–1989. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 352 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 231). 4139. HARDTWIG (Wolfgang). Freiheitliches Bürgertum in Deutschland. Der Weimarer Demokrat Eduard Hamm zwischen Kaiserreich und Widerstand. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 500 p. (Zeithistorische Impulse, 14). 4140. HARTEN (Hans-Christian). Die weltanschauliche Schulung der Polizei im Nationalsozialismus. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 663 p. 4141. HEESEN (Eva Catherina). Adolph Friedrich, Herzog von Cambridge als Generalgouverneur und Vizekönig von Hannover, 1816–1837. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2018, 352 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens, 139). 4142. HENKE (Klaus-Dietmar). Geheime Dienste. Die politische Inlandsspionage der Organisation Gehlen 1946–1953. Berlin, Links, 2018, 816 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Histo-rikerkommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes 1945–1968, 10). 4143. HILLE (Martin). Revolutionen und Weltkriege. Bayern 1914 bis 1945. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 282 p. 4144. HINTERBERGER (Hans). Die bayerischen "Beamtenministerpraesidenten" 1920–1924 und ihre Mitverantwortung am Hitlerputsch: Kahr - Lerchenfeld Knilling. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 561 p. 4145. History (A) shared and divided. East and West Germany since the 1970s. Hrsg. v. Frank BÖSCH. Translated by Jennifer WALCOFF NEUHEISER. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, 620 p. (ill., tabs).
4133. GRÜNE (Niels). Ländliche Gesellschaft und demokratische Partizipation. Politische Translokalisierung in deutschen Regionen vom späten Ancien Régime bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 21-36.
4146. HOCKENOS (Matthew D.). Then they came for me: Martin Niemöller, the pastor who defied the Nazis. New York, Basic Books, 2018, X-324 p.
4134. GURGANUS (Albert Earle). Kurt Eisner: a modern life. Rochester, Camden House, 2018, X-576 p. (German history in context).
4147. HODENBERG (Christina von). Das andere Achtundsechzig. Gesellschaftsgeschichte einer Revolte. München, 2018, 250 p. (ill.).
4135. GÜTH (Luise). Die Blockparteien im SED-System der letzten DDR-Jahre: Wahrnehmung und Partizipation am Beispiel des Bezirks Rostock. BadenBaden, Tectum Verlag, 2018, 452 p. (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag. Reihe Geschichtswissenschaft, 39).
4148. HOFFMANN (Juliane). Die Änderung parlamentarischer Geschäftsordnungen im Vorgriff auf politische Konflikte: am Beispiel der Änderung der Geschäftsordnung des Preußischen Landtags vom 12. April 1932. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 173 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte, 86).
4136. HÄBERLEN (Joachim C.). The emotional politics of the alternative left. West Germany 1968–1984.
4149. HOLZHAUSER (Thorsten). Neoliberalismus und Nostalgie. Politische Re-Formationen und die Entste-
§ 2. History by countries hung der Linkspartei im vereinten Deutschland. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 4, p. 586-618. 4150. HÖRNLEIN (Christian). Abgrenzungsdebatten und politische Bekehrungen: die Sozialdemokratie zwischen Politik und Religion im Wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. Bonn, Dietz, 2018, 507 p. (Reihe Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, 106). 4151. Hüter der Ordnung: Die Innenministerien in Bonn und Ost-Berlin nach dem Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Frank BÖSCH and Andreas WIRSCHING. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 837 p. 4152. "In Worms ist keine Fensterscheibe gesprungen": Revolution, Kriegsende und Frühzeit der Weimarer Republik in Worms 1918–1923. Hrsg. v. Gerold BÖNNEN (Stadtarchiv Worms) und Daniel NAGEL. Worms, Worms Verlag, 2018, 377 p. (Wormsgau. Beiheft, 42). 4153. KAMISSEK (Christoph). Kriegslust und Fernweh. Deutsche Soldaten zwischen militärischem Internationalismus und imperialer Nation (1770–1870). Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2018, 441 p. (Krieg und Konflikt, 2). 4154. KESSLER (Johannes). Das Aufkommen des Nationalsozialismus in Schaumburg-Lippe 1923–1933. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 519 p. (Schaumburger Studien, 78). 4155. KEYSERLINGK-REHBEIN (Linda von). Nur eine "ganz kleine Clique"? Die NS-Ermittlungen über das Netzwerk vom 20. Juli 1944. Berlin, Lukas, 2018, 707 p. (Schriften der Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Reihe A: Analysen und Darstellungen, 12). 4156. KLIMO (Alexander). Im Dienste des Arbeitseinsatzes. Rentenversicherungspolitik im "Dritten Reich". Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 419 p. (Geschichte des Reichsministeriums im Nationalsozialismus). 4157. KLINKE (Ian). Cryptic concrete. A subterranean journey into Cold War Germany. Oxford, WileyBlackwell, 2018, 192 p. 4158. KÖHLER (Volker). Genossen – Freunde – Junker. Die Mikropolitik personaler Beziehungen im politischen Handeln der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 366 p. 4159. Konzentrationslager Sachsenburg 1933–1937. Hrsg. v. Bert PAMPEL und Mike SCHMEITZNER. Dresden, Sandstein Verlag, 2018, 464 p. (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten zur Erinnerung an die Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft, 16). 4160. KRAMP (Andrea). Georg Gothein (1857–1940): Aufstieg und Niedergang des deutschen Linksliberalismus. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2018, IX-630 p. (Schriften des Bundesarchivs, 77). 4161. KRAUS (Hans-Christo F.). Parlamente und Parteien in liberalen und konservativen deutschen Staatslexika des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 16-26.
4162. KRÜLL (Nadja). Die nationalsozialistische Disziplinaramnestie des Jahres 1933. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XVIII-284 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 98). 4163. KRUMEICH (Gerd). Die unbewältigte Niederlage. Das Trauma des Ersten Weltkriegs und die Weimarer Republik. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2018, 331 p. 4164. KÜHNE (Tobias). Das Netzwerk "Neu Beginnen" und die Berliner SPD nach 1945. Berlin, Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, 2018, 504 p. (Berliner Beiträge zur Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte, 2). 4165. LE BOUËDEC (Nathalie). Das Gericht als Arena demokratischen Handelns? Ansätze zur Beteiligung des Volkes an der Rechtsprechung in Deutschland in der frühen Weimarer Republik und den ersten Nachkriegsjahren ab 1945. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 163-182. 4166. LOBERG (Molly). The struggle for the streets of Berlin. Politics, consumption and urban space 1914– 1945. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-329 p. 4167. LÜDTKE (Christian). Hans Delbrück und Weimar. Für eine konservative Republik – gegen Kriegsschuldlüge und Dolchstoßlegende. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 432 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 99). 4168. MACHTAN (Lothar). Kaisersturz. Vom Scheitern im Herzen der Macht 1918. Darmstadt, Theiss, 2018, 350 p. 4169. MARES (Isabela). Menus of electoral irregularities. Imperial German national elections in a comparative perspective. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 399-415. 4170. MAURER (Stephan E.). Voting behavior and public employment in Nazi Germany. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 1-39. 4171. MEIERHENRICH (Jens). The remnants of the Rechtsstaat. An ethnography of nazi law. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-437 p. 4172. MERGEL (Thomas). Köln im Kaiserreich 1871– 1918. Köln, Greven Verlag Köln, 2018, 567 p. (Geschichte der Stadt Köln, 10). 4173. MIRON (Guy). The "Lived Time" of German Jews under the Nazi regime. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 1, p. 116-153. 4174. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter). Friedrich Ebert. Bonn, Dietz Nachf., 2018, 184 p. 4175. MÜLLER (Tim B.), RICHTER (Hedwig). Einführung: Demokratiegeschichten. Deutschland (1800 – 1933) in transnationaler Perspektive. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 3, p. 325-335. 4176. MURPHY (Janine T.). Contesting surveillance: the German gymnastics movement and the Prussian
State, 1850–1864. German history, 2018, 36, 1, p. 2137.
4188. REGULSKI (Christoph). Die Novemberrevolution 1918/19. Wiesbaden, Marix Verlag, 2018, 222 p.
4177. Nazism across borders. The social policies of the Third reich and their global appeal. Ed. by Sandrine KOTT and Kiran Klaus PATEL. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-436 p. (Studies of the German Historical Institute London).
4189. REICHEL (Peter). Der tragische Kanzler. Hermann Müller und die SPD in der Weimarer Republik. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2018, 454 p.
4178. NIEDERLAND (Doron). Ha-Bayit ha-Yehudi beGermanyah ha-Natsit bi-reʼi ha-'itonut ha-Yehudit haGermanit, 1933–1938. (The Jewish home in Nazi Germany in the mirror of the German Jewish press, 1933– 1938). Yerushalayim, Yad ṿa-shem, 2018, 119-IX p. (facs.). ('Itonut ha-Yehudit be-Germanyah ha-Natsit, meḳorot u-meḥḳar, 7). 4179. PANNEN (Sabine). Wo ein Genosse ist, da ist die Partei! Der innere Zerfall der SED-Parteibasis 1979– 1989. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, 359 p. (Kommunismus und Gesellschaft, 7). 4180. PASTEWKA (Janosch). Koalitionen statt Klassenkampf: der sächsische Landtag in der Weimarer Republik 1918–1933. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, 349 p. (Studien und Schriften zur Geschichte der sächsischen Landtage, 3). 4181. PIETSCHMANN (Dietrich). Das preußische Finanzministerium unter Stein und Hardenberg. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entstehung der modernen Fachministerien in Preußen. Hrsg. v. Bärbel HOLTZ unter Mitarb. v. Klaus TEMPEL. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 242 p. (Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Forschungen, 13). 4182. PLATTHAUS (Andreas). Der Krieg nach dem Krieg. Deutschland zwischen Revolution und Versailles 1918/19. Berlin, Rowohlt Verlag, 2018, 448 p. 4183. Preußen an der Saar. Eine konfliktreiche Beziehung (1815–1914). Hrsg. v. Gabriele B. CLEMENS und Eva KELL. Saarbrücken, Kommission für Saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung e.V., 2018, 295 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Saarländische Landesgeschichte, 50). 4184. PRIEMEL (Kim Christian). National socialism and German business. In: Companion (A) to Nazi Germany [cf. n° 521], p. 281-298. 4185. Protest regieren (Den). Staatliches Handeln, neue soziale Bewegungen und linke Organisationen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren. Hrsg. v. Alexandra JAEGER, Julia KLEINSCHMIDT und David TEMPLIN. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 270 p. 4186. RAU (Christian). Socialism from below: Kommunalpolitik in the East German dictatorship between discourse and practice. German history, 2018, 36, 1, p. 60-77. 4187. RECKER (Marie-Luise). Parlamentarismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: der Deutsche Bundestag 1949–1969. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2018, 726 p. (Handbuch der Geschichte des deutschen Parlamentarismus).
4190. RETALLACK (James). August Bebel. A life for social justice and democratic reform. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 145-162. 4191. RICH (Ian). Holocaust perpetrators of the German police battalions. The mass murder of Jewish civilians, 1940–1942. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VIII-241 p. 4192. RITTENAUER (Daniel). Das Amt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in der NS-Zeit. München, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2018, X-432 p. (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 169). 4193. ROITSCH (Bianca). Mehr als nur Zaungäste: Akteure im Umfeld der Lager Bergen-Belsen, Esterwegen und Moringen 1933–1960. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 419 p. (Nationalsozialistische Volksgemeinschaft, 9). 4194. Sachsen im Ersten Weltkrieg. Politik und Gesellschaft eines deutschen Mittelstaates 1914 bis 1918. Hrsg. v. Konstantin HERMANN und Matthias ROGG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 384 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur sächsischen Geschichte, 43). 4195. SCHILLING (Susanne). Ernst Graf von Münster (1766–1839). Ein hannoverscher Staatsmann im Spannungsfeld von Reform und Restauration. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2018, 370 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens, 141). 4196. SCHREIBER (Christoph). "Deutsche, auf die wir stolz sind": Untersuchungen zur NDPD. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2018, 329 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 108). 4197. Schreibtischtäter. Begriff – Geschichte – Typologie. Hrsg. v. Dirk VAN LAAK und Dirk ROSE. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 315 p. 4198. SCHWARTZ (Johannes). "Weibliche Angelegenheiten". Handlungsräume von KZ-Aufseherinnen in Ravensbrück und Neubrandenburg. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2018, 439 p. (Studien zur Gewaltgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts). 4199. SCHWARZ (Hans-Peter). Von Adenauer zu Merkel. Lebenserinnerungen eines kritischen Zeitzeugen. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2018, 734 p. 4200. SHTYRKINA (Olga). Mediale Schlachtfelder. Die NS-Propaganda gegen die Sowjetunion (1939–1945). Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 492 p. 4201. SIEGFRIED (Detlef). 1968. Protest, Revolte, Gegenkultur. Ditzingen, Reclam, 2018, 299 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 4202. SLOBODIAN (Quinn). Germany's 1968 and its enemies. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 749752.
§ 2. History by countries 4203. SS (Die) nach 1945. Entschuldungsnarrative, populäre Mythen, europäische Erinnerungsdiskurse. Hrsg. v. Jan Erik SCHULTE und Michael WILDT. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 451 p. (Berichte und Studien, 76).### 4204. STEINBACH (Stefanie). Erkennen, erfassen, bekämpfen: Gegnerforschung im Sicherheitsdienst der SS. Berlin, Metropol, 2018, 300 p. 4205. STÖBER (Rudolf), UMSCHEID (Florian Paul). Politische Interessenkommunikation in der Modernisierung. Das Beispiel des Regierungsbezirks Potsdam (1867–1914). Bremen, edition lumière, 2018, 475 p. (Presse und Geschichte. Neue Beiträge). 4206. SUCKUT (Siegfried). Blockparteien und Blockpolitik in der SBZ/DDR 1945–1990. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH, 2018, 173 p. 4207. TAYLOR (Cory). How Hitler was made: Germany and the rise of the perfect Nazi. Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2018, 296 p. 4208. THAMER (Hans-Ulrich). Adolf Hitler: Biographie eines Diktators. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 353 p. 4209. TISSIER (Yves). De l'Allemagne et de ses monarchies au XIXe siècle. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 478 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 60). 4210. TYMKIW (Michael). Nazi exhibition design and modernism. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2018, 320 p. 4211. ULLRICH (Volker). Adolf Hitler: Biographie. Band 2. Die Jahre des Untergangs 1939–1945. Frankfurt, S. Fischer Verlag, 2018, 894 p. 4212. USPD (Die) zwischen Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus 1917–1922: Neue Wege zu Frieden, Demokratie und Sozialismus? Hrsg. v. Andreas BRAUNE, Mario HESSELBARTH und Stefan MÜLLER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, XXXII-262 p. (Weimarer Schriften zur Republik, 3). 4213. VLASOV (Nikolaĭ). Germaniia Bismarka: Imperiia v tsentre Evropy. (Bismarck's Germany empire at the center of Europe). Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka, 2018, 205 p. (Nauchno-populiarnaia literatura). 4214. WARNKE (Marcus). Logistik und friderizianische Kriegsführung. Eine Studie zur Verteilung, Mobilisierung und Wirkungsmächtigkeit militärisch relevanter Ressourcen im Siebenjährigen Krieg am Beispiel des Jahres 1757. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 696 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 50). 4215. Weimarer Verhältnisse? Historische Lektionen für unsere Demokratie. Hrsg. v. Andreas WIRSCHING, Berthold KOHLER und Ulrich WILHELM. Ditzingen, Reclam, 2018, 120 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe, 10202). 4216. WENDT (Georg M.). Legitimation durch Vermittlung: Herrschaftsverdichtung und politische Praxis in Württemberg am Beispiel von Kirchheim/Teck, Schorn-
dorf und Steinheim/Murr (1482–1608). Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, XII-280 p. (Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landeskunde, 79). 4217. Wie bürgerlich war der Nationalsozialismus? Hrsg. v. Norbert FREI. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 439 p. 4218. WOLF (Thomas). Die Entstehung des BND. Aufbau, Finanzierung, Kontrolle. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, 563 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Historikerkommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes 1945– 1968, 9). 4219. ZOSKE (Robert M.). Flamme sein! Hans Scholl und die Weiße Rose. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 368 p. Cf. nos 521, 559, 4237, 4401, 4532, 4580 Great Britain * 4220. Writing the history of parliament in Tudor and Early Stuart England. Ed. by Paul CAVILL and Alexandra GAJDA. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 272 p. 4221. BAILKIN (Jordanna). Unsettled: refugee camps and the making of multicultural Britain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-290 p. 4222. BARCLAY (Gordon J.). 'Duties in aid of the civil power': the deployment of the army to Glasgow, 31 January to 17 February 1919. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 38, 2, p. 261-292. 4223. BECKETT (Ian F. W.). A British profession of arms: the politics of command in the late Victorian Army. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XVIII-349 p. (Campaigns and commanders, 63). 4224. BENNETT (Gill). The Zinoviev letter: the conspiracy that never dies. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-340 p. 4225. BLAKEMORE (Richard J.), MURPHY (Elaine). The British Civil Wars at sea, 1638–1653. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, 239 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 4226. BOWIE (Duncan). Reform and revolt in the city of dreaming spires: radical, Socialist and Communist politics in the city of Oxford 1830–1980. London, University of Westminster Press, 2018, 354 p. 4227. BRADDICK (Michael). The common freedom of the people: John Lilburne and the English Revolution. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIV-391 p. 4228. BROAD (Matthew). Ignoring Europe? Reassessing the British Labour Party's policy towards European integration, 1951–1960. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 95-114. 4229. BROOKE (Nick). Terrorism and nationalism in the United Kingdom: the absence of noise. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XII-230 p. (Rethinking political violence).
4230. BROWN (Kenneth D.). The unknown Gladstone: the life of Herbert Gladstone 1854–1903. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, 299 p.###
4245. HEALEY (Jonathan). The fray on the meadow: violence and a moment of government in early Tudor England. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 5-25.
4231. CAMPBELL (Alan), MAC ILROY (John). 'The Trojan horse': Communist entrism in the British Labour Party, 1933–43. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 513-554.
4246. HIRSCH (Shirin). In the shadow of Enoch Powell. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 139 p.
4232. CHRISTOPHERS (Brett). The new enclosure: the appropriation of public land in neoliberal Britain. London, Verso, 2018, XVIII-362 p. 4233. COMO (David R.). Radical parliamentarians and the English Civil War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-457 p. 4234. COSTA (Ettore). The Labour Party, Denis Healey and the International Socialist Movement: rebuilding the socialist international during the Cold War, 1945–1951. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XVIII-333 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of social movements). 4235. DE KREY (Gary S.). Following the levellers. Vol. 2. English political and religious radicals from the Commonwealth to the glorious Revolution, 1649–1688. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XV-379 p. 4236. DERINGER (William). Calculated values: finance, politics, and the quantitative age. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2018, XXIV-413 p. 4237. EBNER (Katharina). Religion im Parlament. Homosexualität als Gegenstand parlamentarischer Debatten im Vereinigten Königreich und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1945–1990). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 346 p. (Religiöse Kulturen im Europa der Neuzeit, 13). 4238. EDGERTON (David). The rise and fall of the British nation. A twentieth-century history. London, Allen Lane, 2018, XXIX-681 p. 4239. EDWARDS (Sian). Youth movements, citizenship and the English countryside. Creating good citizens, 1930–1960. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVII-296 p. 4240. FITZGIBBONS (Jonathan). Cromwell's House of Lords: politics, parliaments and constitutional revolution, 1642–1660. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 274 p. 4241. FOX (Aimée). Learning to fight: military innovation and change in the British Army, 1914–1918. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 278 p. 4242. GUNN (Steven). The English people at war in the age of Henry VIII. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-297 p. 4243. HAFFEMAYER (Stéphane). Les Lumières radicales de la Révolution anglaise: Samuel Hartlib et les réseaux de l'Intelligence (1600–1660). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 640 p. 4244. HAY (William Anthony). Lord Liverpool: a political life. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XXVIII338 p.
4247. HOPPER (Andrew). 'The Great Blow' and the politics of popular royalism in Civil War Norwich. English historical review, 2018, 133, 560, p. 32-64. 4248. HOROWITZ (Mark R.). Daring dynasty: custom, conflict and control in early-Tudor England. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, XVI-336 p. 4249. JUNG (Theo). Auftritt durch Austritt. Debattenboykotts als parlamentarische Praxis in Großbritannien und Frankreich (1797–1823). Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 37-68. 4250. KINKEL (Sarah). Disciplining the empire. Politics, governance and the rise of the British navy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 305 p. 4251. Labour united and divided from the 1830s to the present. Ed. by Emmanuelle AVRIL and Yann BÉLIARD. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 312 p. (Manchester scholarship online). 4252. Labour, British radicalism and the First World War. Ed. by Lucy BLAND and Richard CARR. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XIII-259 p. 4253. MAC KENZIE (Kirsteen M.). The solemn league and covenant of the three kingdoms and the Cromwellian union, 1643–1663. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XII-210 p. (Routledge research in early modern history). 4254. Making social democrats: citizens, mindsets, realities: essays for David Marquand. Ed. by Hans SCHATTLE and Jeremy NUTTALL. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, VIII-318 p. (Manchester political studies). 4255. MASAKI (Keisuke). Within the bounds of acceptability: Tory associational culture in early-19th-century Britain. Parliamentary history, 2018, 37, 3, p. 389414. 4256. POPPER (Nicholas). An information state for Elizabethan England. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 3, p. 503-535. 4257. RIEGER (Bernhard). Making Britain work again: unemployment and the remaking of British social policy in the Eighties. English historical review, 2018, 133, 562, p. 634-666. 4258. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.). Rum, sodomy, prayers, and the lash revisited: Winston Churchill and social reform in the Royal Navy, 1900–1915. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-184 p. 4259. STOLLER (Sarah). Forging a politics of care: theorizing household work in the British Women's Liberation Movement. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 95119.
§ 2. History by countries 4260. SUTCLIFFE-BRAITHWAITE (Florence). Class, politics and the decline of deference in England, 1968– 2000. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VI-246 p. (The past and present book series).### 4261. TAYLOR (Becky). Good citizens? Ugandan Asians, volunteers and 'race' relations in 1970s Britain. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 120-141. 4262. 'Tomorrow belongs to us': the British Far Right since 1967. Ed. by Nigel COPSEY and Matthew WORLEY. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 275 p. 4263. WIMSCHULTE (Sonja). Die Jakobiten am ExilHof der Stuarts in Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1688/89 bis 1712: Migration, Exilerfahrung und Sinnstiftung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 283 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 244).
York a. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XVIII251 p. 4272. LAMPATOS (Gavrilēs). KKE [Kommounistikon Komma Hellados] kai exousia (1940–1944). (KKE and power, 1940–1944). Athēna, Metaichmio, 2018, 389 p. 4273. MICHALOPOULOS (Georgios). The Macedonian question and fin-de-siècle Greek politics. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2018, 248 p. 4274. VEREMĒS (Thanos). Hoi epemvaseis tou stratou stēn hellenikē politikē, 1916–1936. (The interventions of the army in Greek politics, 1916–1936). Athēna, Alexandreia, 2018, 299 p. (Neoterē kai synchronē historia). Addenda 2013–2014
4264. WOLSTENCROFT (Samantha). The progressive alliance and the rise of Labour, 1903–1922: political change in industrial Britain. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XVII-247 p.
4275. KŌSTĒS (Kōstas). "Ta kakomathēmena paidia tēs istorias": ē diamorphōsē tou neoellēnikou kratous, 18os–21os aiōnas. [History's spoiled children: the formation of the modern Greek state]. Athēna, Polis, 2013, 894 p. (Polis historia).
4265. YOUNG (John W.). Emotions and the British government's decision for War in 1914. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 543-564.
4276. ZON (Djamila). De reddende revolutie. Ideologie en propaganda ten tijde van Griekse junta (1967– 1974). Dordrecht, Uitgeverij Liverse, 2014, 188 p.
Cf. nos 558, 2723, 4532, 4736, 7653 Greece ** 4266. PAPAKŌSTA (Christina E.). To archeio tōn venetōn provleptōn tēs Prevezas: dioikēsē kai organōsē tēs polēs ton 18o aiōna. (The archive of the Venetian prefects of Preveza: administration and organization of the city in the 18th century). Preveza, Periphereia Hēpeirou-Periphereiakē Entotēta Prevezas, 2018, 575 p. 4267. Aspekte neugriechischer Geschichte: gesammelte Aufsätze. Hrsg. v. Heinz A. RICHTER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 132 p. (Peleus, 88). 4268. CHATZĒKŌNSTANTĒ (Hellē). Dikes antistasiakōn organōseōn tēn periodo tēs diktatorias 1967–1974: hoi koinōnikes anaparastaseis tous mesa apo ton typo. (Processi alle organizzazioni di resistenza durante il periodo dittatoriale 1967–1974: le loro rappresentazioni sociali attraverso la stampa). Athēna, Ekdoseis Leimōn, 2018, 296 p. 4269. CHRĒSTIDĒS (Chrēstos). Anendotos agōnas: Ē Enōsē Kentrou enōpion tēs rēxēs 1961–1963. (Unyielding struggle: the Union of Center before the rupture 1961–1963). Athēna, Ekdoseis Epikentro, 2018, 312 p. 4270. DOUKAKIS (Konstantinos). The Greek welfare state: a tale of reforms and inequalities, 1951–2008. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 2, p. 4182. 4271. DOXIADIS (Evdoxios). Resurrecting the law: state formation and legal debates in nineteenth-century Greece. In: Constructing the modern state in the Balkans [cf. no 3714], p. 629-657. – IDEM. State, nationalism and the Jewish communities of modern Greece. New
Guatemala 4277. ARÉVALO DE LEÓN (Bernardo). Estado violento y ejército político: formación estatal y función militar en Guatemala (1524–1963). Guatemala, F&G Editores, 2018, XXI-270 p. 4278. AVENDAÑO ROJAS (Xiomara). El trienio constitucional: moderación, innovación y autonomía en el Reino de Guatemala, 1820–1823. San Salvador, UCA Editores, 2018, XIII-226 p. (Colección Textos Universitarios, 53). Honduras 4279. LACAZE (Catherine). Francisco Morazán: le Bolívar de l'Amérique Centrale? Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 270 p. Hungary ** 4280. Khuen-Héderváry (A) és a Tisza kormány minisztertanácsi jegyzőkönyvei: 1903. június 27–1905. június 18. (Ministerial minutes of the Khuen-Héderváry and Tisza governments: June 27, 1903–June 18, 1905). Szerkesztette, a jegyzeteket és a bevezető tanulmányt írta SOÓS László. Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára, 2018, 962 p. (Magyar Országos Levéltár kiadványai. II. Forráskiadványok, 56). ** 4281. Kormányzás fókuszában (A): iratok a magyar állam- és a központi közigazgatás, a miniszterelnöki hivatal történetéhez (1990–1993). (In the focus of governance: documents for the history of the Hungarian state and central administration, the Prime Minister's office, 1990–1993). Szer. DÉVAVÁRI Zoltán és KAJDI József. Budapest, Veritas Történetkutató Intézet, Magyar Napló, 2018, 747 p. (Veritas könyvek, 12).
4282. KLIMÓ (Árpád von). Remembering cold days. The 1942 massacre of Novi Sad, Hungarian politics and society, 1942–1989. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XII-268 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies).### 4283. Kooperatives Imperium. Politische Zusammenarbeit in der späten Habsburgermonarchie. Hrsg. v. Jana OSTERKAMP. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 328 p. (Bad Wiesseer Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum, 39).
and the king's court in Bombay in the 1820s). Shigaku Zasshi, 2018, 127, 1, p. 1-34. 4294. KUŚAVĀHĀ (Subhāsha Candra). Avadha kā kisāna vidroha, 1920 se 1922 Ī. (Peasant rebellion of Awadh: 1920 to 1922). Naī Dillī, Rājakamala Prakāśana, 2018, 327 p. 4295. ROY (Anwesha). Making peace, making riots: communalism and communal violence, Bengal 1940– 1947. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-280 p.
4284. Régi és új világ határán: 1945 történetei: tanulmányok. Szerkesztette FEITL István, IGNÁCZ Károly. Budapest, Napvilág Kiadó, 2018, 249 p.
4296. SEN (Dwaipayan). The decline of the caste question. Jogendranath Mandal and the defeat of Dalit politics in Bengal. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 316 p.
4285. SZAPOR (Judith). Hungarian women's activism in the wake of the First World War. From rights to revanche. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XII207 p.
4297. SEN (Uditi). Citizen refugee. Forging the Indian nation after partition. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 300 p.
4286. Ungarische Räterepublik 1919 (Die): Innenansichten, Aussenperspektiven, Folgewirkungen. Hrsg. v. Christian KOLLER und Matthias MARSCHIK. Wien, Promedia, 2018, 276 p. Iceland 4287. MENTZ (Søren). Den islandske revolution 1809. (La révolution islandaise 1809). Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2018, 100 p. (ill.). (100 danmarkshistorier). India 4288. BAJPAI (Anandita). Speaking the nation. The oratorical making of secular, neoliberal India. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-335 p. 4289. BHATTACHARYYA (Satyabrata). Relentless revolutionary: Saumyendranath Tagore and Communist movement in Bengal, 1920–1947. Kolkata, Sopan Publisher, 2018, 252 p. 4290. CHAKRABORTY (Paulomi). The refugee woman: partition of Bengal, gender, and the political. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-313 p. 4291. Falling polities (The): crisis and decline of states in North-East India in the eighteenth century. Ed. by Tejimala GURUNG. "Eighteenth Century in NorthEast India: Crisis, Sustenance, Transition" (Seminar) (2008: Shillong, India). Guwahati, DVS Publishers, 2018, XII-402 p. 4292. GREWAL (J. S.), BANGA (Indu). A political biography of Maharaja Ripudaman Singh of Nabha: paramountcy, patriotism, and the panth. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIII-353 p. 4293. INAGAKI (Haruki). Reijō, sōjō, zeikin tainōsha: 19 seiki zenhan eiryō Indo ni okeru genchi jin no shihō riyō to gyōseikan no kiki ishiki. (Writs, disturbances, and revenue defaulters: indigenous uses of law and the administrative sense of crisis in early nineteenth-century colonial India). Rekishigaku Kenkyū, 2018, 973, p. 1831. – IDEM. Sensei to hō no shihai: 1820 nendai Bonbei ni okeru seifu to saibansho no tairitsu. (Despotism and the rule of law: conflict between the EIC Government
4298. SHANI (Ornit). How India became democratic: citizenship and the making of the universal franchise. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 284 p. 4299. SHIGA (Miwako). Kindai Indo no erīto to minshū: minzoku shugi, kyōsan shugi, hi-baramon shugi no kyōgō. (The elites and the people in modern India: a competition among nationalism, communism and nonBrahmin movement). Tokyo, Yūshisha, 2018, 368 p. 4300. SIṅGHA (Haracarana). Mūm̆hoṃ boladā itihāsa, Pañjāba dā dukhānta, 1978 toṃ 1992. (History of Punjab, 1978–1992). Caṇḍīgaṛha, Pañja Pāṇī Prakāshana, 2018, XVIII-510 p. (ill.). 4301. VIRDEE (Pippa). From the ashes of 1947. Reimagining Punjab. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXI-254 p. Indonesia 4302. HEARMAN (Vannessa). Unmarked graves. Death and survival in the anti-communist violence in East Java, Indonesia. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2018, XIII-272 p. (Southeast Asia publication series). 4303. Indonesian genocide (The) of 1965. Causes, dynamics and legacies. Ed. by Katharine MAC GREGOR, Jess MELVIN and Annie POHLMAN. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXI-386 p. 4304. MELVIN (Jess). The army and the Indonesian genocide: mechanics of mass murder. New York, Routledge, 2018, 398 p. (Rethinking Southeast Asia). 4305. ROBINSON (Geoffrey B.). The killing season. A history of the Indonesian massacres, 1965–1966. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 456 p. (Human rights and crimes against humanity). 4306. TURNER (Barry). A. H. Nasution and Indonesia's elites: "people's resistance" in the War of Independence and postwar politics. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, X-281 p. 4307. YAMAGUCHI (Motoki). Indoneshia no Isrāmu kaikaku shugi undō: Arabujin komyunitī no kyōiku ka-
§ 2. History by countries tsudō to shakai tōgō. (The Islamic reformist movement in Indonesia: educational activities and social integration of the Arab communities). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2018, 296 p. Iran 4308. Age (The) of Aryamehr: late Pahlavi Iran and its global entanglements. Ed. by Roham ALVANDI. London, Gingko Library, 2018, 289 p. (Gingko-St Andrews series). 4309. AYATOLLAHI TABAAR (Mohammad). Religious statecraft. The politics of Islam in Iran. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XII-378 p. (Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics). 4310. BAṣĪRATʹMANISH (Ḥamīd). Ḥawzah-ʼi Najaf va taḥavvulāt-i siyāsī-i Īrān az junbish-i mashrūṭah tā Inqilāb-i Islāmī 1285–1357 sh = Najaf seminary and Iran's political developments from the Constitutional movement to the Islamic revolution 1906–1979. Tihrān, Mu'āvanat-i Pizhūhishī, Pizhūhishkadah-i Imām Khumaynī va Inqilāb-i Islāmī, 2018, 499 p. (ill., facs.). 4311. BONAKDARIAN (Mansour). Iranian consecration of Irish nationalist 'martyrs': the Islamic Republic of Iran and the 1981 republican prisoners' hunger strike in Northern Ireland. Social history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 293331. 4312. IWASAKI (Yōko). Sarugofurī: mise wa dare no mono ka: Iran no shōkankō to hō no kindaika. (Sarqofli: who owns the shops? modernization of business practices and laws in Iran). Tokyo, Heibonsha, 2018, 272 p. 4313. MAJD AL-ISLĀM KIRMĀNĪ (Aḥmad). Tārīkh-i inḥiṭāṭ-i majlis: faṣlī az inqilāb-i mashrūṭīyat-i Īrān. (History of parliamentary decline: a chapter of the Iranian constitutional revolution). Tihrān, Intishārāt-i Āshiyān, 2018, 384 p. (ill.). 4314. RAḥMĀNʹZĀDAH HIRAVĪ (Muḥammad). Nigāhī bih iqtiṣād-i sīyāsī-i Īrān az dahah-ʼi 1340 tā 1395. (A look at Iran's political economy from the 1920s to 1975). Tihrān, Nashr-i Akhtarān, 2018, 568 p. (ill.).
Sayyid Aziz Al-Yasiri in the Iraqi liberation revolution 1920 and the industry of patriotism: a study in British intelligence documents). Bayrūt, al-Dār al-'Arabīyah lil-'Ulūm Nāshirūn, 2018, 863 p. (ill.). Cf. no 7519 Ireland 4319. BARRETT (Gavin). The evolving role of national parliaments in the European Union: Ireland as a case study. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 360 p. 4320. CASEY (Brian). Class and community in provincial Ireland, 1851–1914. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII-296 p. 4321. DOLAN (Anne), MURPHY (William). Michael Collins: the man and the revolution. Cork, Collins Press, 2018, 393 p. 4322. FITZPATRICK (David Patrick Brian). Ernest Blythe in Ulster: the making of a double agent? Cork, Cork U. P., 2018, XII-275 p. 4323. GRANT (Adrian). Derry: the Irish revolution, 1912–1923. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 223 p. (Irish Revolution, 1912–23 series). 4324. GRAYSON (Richard S.). Dublin's great wars. The First World War, the Easter rising and the Irish Revolution. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI470 p. 4325. HANLEY (Brian). The impact of the troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968–1979: boiling volcano? Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XI-259 p. (Manchester political studies). 4326. HEFFERNAN (David). Debating Tudor policy in sixteenth-century Ireland: 'reform' treatises and political. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XVI-241 p. (Studies in early modern Irish history). – IDEM. Walter Devereux: first earl of Essex and the colonization of northeast Ulster, 1573–1576. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 193 p.
4327. HOLTON (Karina). Valentine lawless, Lord Cloncurry, 1773–1853: from united Irishman to liberal politician. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 320 p.
4315. ALI (Zahra). Women and gender in Iraq: between nation-building and fragmentation. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-320 p. (Cambridge Middle East studies, 51).
4328. LOUGHLIN (Christopher J. V.). Labour and the politics of disloyalty in Belfast, 1921–1939: the moral economy of loyalty. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, 162 p. (Palgrave pivot).
4316. HELFONT (Samuel). Compulsion in religion: Saddam Hussein, Islam, and the roots of insurgencies in Iraq. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-290 p.
4329. MAC CARTHY (Pat). The Redmonds and Waterford: a political dynasty, 1891–1952. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 122 p.
4317. SHUKRĪ ('Alī Yūsuf). Majlis al-Wuzarāʼ al'Irāqī min al-iḥtilāl ilá al-istiqlāl. (The Iraqi Council of Ministers from occupation to independence). Bayrūt, Manshūrāt Zayn al-Ḥuqūqīyah, 2018, 320 p.
4330. MAILLOT (Agnès). L'IRA et le conflit nordirlandais. Caen, ÉRIBIA, Équipe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la Grande-Bretagne, l'Irlande et l'Amérique du Nord, Université de Caen Normandie, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2018, 344 p. (Quæstiones).
4318. YĀSIRĪ ('Ādil). Jihād al-Sayyid Nūr al-Sayyid 'Azīz al-Yāsirī fī thawrat al-'Irāq al-taḥarrurīyah 1920 wa-ṣinā'at al-waṭanīyah: dirāsah fī wathā'iq al-istikhbārāt al-Barīṭānīyah. (The jihad of Al-Sayyid Nour Al-
4331. O'CALLAGHAN (John). Limerick: the Irish Revolution, 1912–1923. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, XIII-177 p. (Irish Revolution, 1912-23 series).
4332. REYNOLDS (Chris). Beneath the troubles, the cobblestones: recovering the "buried" memory of Northern Ireland's 1968. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 744-748.###
(1946-1952). A cura di Gerardo NICOLOSI. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki editore, 2018, XXXVIII-377 p. (Quaderni dell'Archivio Storico della Compagnia di San Paolo, 2).
4333. ROBERTS (Matthew). Daniel O'Connell, Repeal, and Chartism in the age of Atlantic revolutions. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 1, p. 1-39.
** 4346. DE GASPERI (Alcide). Diario 1930–1943. Edizione critica e commento scientifico, Marialuisa Lucia SERGIO. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 271 p.
4334. RYAN (Louise). Winning the vote for women: the Irish citizen newspaper and the suffrage movement in Ireland. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 236 p.
** 4347. DIBELLO (Daniele). L'edizione dei registri del Senato veneziano: una discussione storiografica, un'opportunità di ricerca. Studi storici, 2018, 59, 4, p. 1007-1030.
4335. WATT (Timothy D.). Popular protest and policing in ascendancy Ireland, 1691–1761. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 260 p. 4336. WHITING (Matthew). Sinn Féin and the IRA: from revolution to moderation. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, VII-173 p. Israel 4337. BARELI (Avi). Ethnic interests and national ideology during Israel's first decade: addressing the rational Oriental vote. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 2, p. 238-252. 4338. BEN-ARIEH (Yehoshua). Ketsad notsrah Erets Yiśraʼel ba-'et ha-ḥadashah 1799–1949: geʼografyah hisṭorit. (How the land of Israel was created in modern times 1799–1949: historical geography). Yerushalayim, Yad Yitsḥaḳ Ben-Tsevi, Hotsaʼat sefarim 'a. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-'Ivrit, 2018, 14-716 p. (ill., maps). 4339. FURST (Benny). Yeruḳim zo'aḳim: sipuro shel ha-aḳṭivism ha-sevivati be-Yiśraʼel. (Screaming greens: the story of environmental activism in Israel). Tel Aviv, Resling, 2018, 190 p. (Sidrah le-mad'e ha-ḥevrah). 4340. GOLDSTEIN (Amir). Who represented the Israeli middle class? The crystallization of the General Zionists from 1948 to 1949. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 3, p. 400-414. 4341. PICARD (Avi). Building the country or rescuing the people: Ben-Gurion's attitude towards mass Jewish immigration to Israel in the mid-1950s. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 3, p. 382-399. Italy * 4342. Parlamento friulano (Il) in età moderna: verbali delle sedute, 1471–1805. Volume I. Saggi e indici. Volume II. Schedatura. A cura di Laura CASELLA; con la collaborazione di Liliana CARGNELUCCI. Udine, Forum, 2018, 2 vol., 971 p. (Strumenti di storia del Friuli, 7). * 4343. PIPITONE (Daniele). Settant'anni dopo. Ripensare la storia dell'Italia repubblicana. Passato e presente, 2018, 103, p. 17-46. ** 4344. CECCARELLI (Filippo). Invano. Il potere in Italia da De Gasperi a questi qua. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018, 966 p. (Serie bianca). ** 4345. CODA (Anton Dante). Un malinconico leggero pessimismo: diario di politica e di banca
** 4348. Epistolario di Urbano Rattazzi. Vol. 3. 1863– 1873. A cura di Rosanna ROCCIA. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, IX-810 p. (Biblioteca scientifica. Ser. 2, 108). ** 4349. GIANNULI (Aldo). La strategia della tensione: servizi segreti, partiti, golpe falliti, terrore fascista, politica internazionale: un bilancio definitivo. Milano, Ponte alle Grazie, 2018, 618 p. (Inchieste, 45). ** 4350. Libro (Il) di note di Stefano e Agostino Centurione: (1547–1657). A cura di Marco BOLOGNA. Genova, Società ligure di storia patria, 2018, LXX-152 p. (Fonti per la storia della Liguria, 28). 4351. AIMERITO (Francesco). Ricerche sul "Consiglio di Stato e dei Memoriali" degli Stati sabaudi: percorsi fra equità, diritto e politica (secoli XVI–XIX). Torino, G. Giappichelli editore, 2018, VIII-324 p. (Futuro anteriore. Monografie, 6). 4352. Aldo Moro e l'intelligence: il senso dello Stato e la responsabilità del potere. A cura di Mario CALIGIURI. Atti della Conferenza: Aldo Moro e l'Intelligence, il senso dello Stato e la responsabilità del potere, 2017, Università della Calabria. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 297 p. (Collana del Laboratorio sull'intelligence dell'Università della Calabria, 12). 4353. Aldo Moro: un percorso interpretativo. A cura di Alfonso ALFONSI e Luciano D'ANDREA. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 379 p. 4354. AMORE BIANCO (Fabrizio). Mussolini e il "Nuovo ordine": i fascisti, l'asse e lo "spazio vitale" (1939– 1943). Milano, Luni editrice, 2018, 388 p. (Contemporanea, 11). 4355. ANSANI (Fabrizio Antonio). Military archives of Renaissance Florence: resolutions and bookkeeping of the Dieci di Balìa and the Otto di Pratica. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 3, p. 409-434. 4356. Arcana imperii: gouverner par le secret à l'époque moderne (France, Espagne, Italie). Sous la direction de Sylvain ANDRÉ, Philippe CASTEJÓN et Sébastien MALAPRADE. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2018, 209 p. (Boutique de l'histoire). 4357. Associazionismo politico (L') nel Mezzogiorno di fine Settecento: cultura e pratica politica. A cura di Antonio LERRA. Manduria, Piero Lacaita, 2018, 387 p. (Europa mediterranea, 14).
§ 2. History by countries 4358. AVAGLIANO (Mario), PALMIERI (Marco). 1948: gli italiani nell'anno della svolta. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 435 p. (Biblioteca storica).
tana nell'Europa liberale, 1820–1825. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 587-614.
4359. BARAGLI (Matteo). Filippo Crispolti: un profilo politico fra cattolicesimo e nazione (1857–1942). Brescia, Morcelliana, 2018, 424 p. (Storia, 90).
4374. Democristiani, cattolici e Chiesa negli anni di Craxi. A cura di Gennaro ACQUAVIVA, Michele MARCHI e Paolo POMBENI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2018, 611 p. (Ricerche. Gli anni di Craxi).
4360. BELLIFEMINE (Onofrio). Una nuova politica per il Meridione: la nascita del quarto centro siderurgico di Taranto: 1955–1960. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 171 p. (Percorsi. Storia).
4375. DI TULLIO (Matteo). Cooperating in time of crisis: war, commons, and inequality in Renaissance Lombardy. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 82105.
4361. BITTI (Angelo). Il fascismo nella provincia operosa: Stato e società a Terni, 1921–1940. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018, 272 p. (Temi di storia, 240).
4376. DONDI (Mirco). 12 dicembre 1969. Bari, Laterza, 2018, VIII-244 p. (I Robinson. Letture).
4362. BOWD (Stephen D.). Renaissance mass murder. Civilians and soldiers during the Italian Wars. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-288 p. 4363. BURGWYN (H. James). Mussolini and the Salò Republic, 1943-1945: the failure of a puppet regime. With a contribution by Amedeo OSTI GUERRAZZI. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIII-361 p. (Italian and Italian American studies). 4364. CAPELLI (Claudia). Propaganda addio: la Fgci a Modena negli anni Ottanta. Roma, BraDypUS.net communicating cultural heritage, 2018, 159 p. 4365. CAPUSSELA (Andrea Lorenzo). The political economy of Italy's decline. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXXIII-261 p. 4366. CASTRONOVO (Valerio). L'anomalia italiana: un profilo storico dagli anni Ottanta ai giorni nostri. Venezia, Marsilio, 2018, 350 p. (Nodi). 4367. CONTI (Davide). Fascismo, antifascismo e continuità dello Stato: storia del generale Mario Roatta. Roma, Edizioni ANPPIA, 2018, 244 p. 4368. Corporativismo (Il) nell'Italia di Mussolini: dal declino delle istituzioni liberali alla Costituzione repubblicana. A cura di Piero BARUCCI, Piero BINI, Lucilla CONIGLIELLO. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2018, 334 p. (Studi e saggi, 194). 4369. DAL LAGO (Enrico). Civil War and agrarian unrest: the Confederate South and Southern Italy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-466 p. (Cambridge Studies on the American South). 4370. DAUM (Werner). Agenti segreti e autori prezzolati all'estero. Comunicazione politica e politica dell'informazione durante la rivoluzione napoletana del 1820– 1821. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 557-586. 4371. DE BERNARDI (Alberto). Fascismo e antifascismo: storia, memoria e culture politiche. Roma, Donzelli editore, 2018, VI-167 p. (Saggine, 312). 4372. DE CESARIS (Valerio). Il grande sbarco: l'Italia e la scoperta dell'immigrazione. Milano, Guerini e associati, 2018, 157 p. 4373. DELPU (Pierre-Marie). Eroi e martiri. La circolazione delle figure celebri della rivoluzione napole-
4377. DURAND (Antonin). La Quadrature du cercle. Les mathématiciens italiens et la vie parlementaire 1848–1913, Paris, Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 2018, 348 p. 4378. Era mio padre: Italian terrorism of the Anni di Piombo in the postmemorials of victims' relatives. Ed. by Sciltian GASTALDI and David WARD. Oxford a. Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, X-269 p. (Italian modernities, 30). 4379. FANTARELLA (Filomena). Un figlio per nemico: gli affetti di Gaetano Salvemini alla prova dei fascismi. Roma, Donzelli editore, 2018, X-165 p. (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). 4380. Fascismo (Il) a Grosseto: figure e articolazioni del potere in provincia (1922–1938). A cura di Valeria GALIMI. Grosseto, ISGREC, Istituto storico grossetano della Resistenza e dell'Età contemporanea e Arcidosso, Effigi, 2018, 317 p. (ISGREC quaderni, 6). 4381. FIOCCO (Gianluca). Togliatti, il realismo della politica: una biografia. Roma, Carocci editore, 2018, 478 p. (Frecce, 262). 4382. FISICHELLA (Domenico). Ascesa e declino dell' unità d'Italia. Roma, Pagine, 2018, 197 p. (Biblioteca di storia e politica, 8). 4383. FOA (Anna). Andare per i luoghi di confino. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, 134 p. (Ritrovare l'Italia). 4384. Fondamenta (Le) della Costituzione: Pietro Nenni e il Ministero per la Costituente. A cura di Emanuele CEGLIE. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 352 p. (Collana della "Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vagno", 3). 4385. FORLENZA (Rosario). On the edge of democracy: Italy, 1943–1948. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-278 p. 4386. GALLI DELLA LOGGIA (Ernesto). Speranze d'Italia: illusioni e realtà nella storia dell'Italia unita. Bologna, il Mulino, 2018, XXI-325 p. (Biblioteca storica). 4387. GALLO (Francesca Fausta). La congiura di Macchia: Cultura e conflitto politico a Napoli nel primo Settecento. Roma, Viella, 2018, 425 p. 4388. GARFINKEL (Paul). A wide, invisible net: administrative deportation in Italy, 1863–1871. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 1, p. 5-33.
4389. GAZZETTA (Liviana). Orizzonti nuovi: storia del primo femminismo in Italia (1865–1925). Roma, Viella, 2018, 260 p.###
der jüdischen Displaced Persons in Italien und Österreich 1944–1951. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2018, 230 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 107).
4390. GENTILE (Emilio). 25 luglio 1943. Bari, Laterza, 2018, XXIV-287 p. (Robinson. Letture).
4406. Modena estense: la rappresentazione della sovranità. A cura di Gianvittorio SIGNOROTTO e Duccio TONGIORGI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XVIII-182 p. (Temi e testi, 176).
4391. GIULIETTI (Fabrizio). L'anarchismo in Italia: 1945–1960. Casalvelino Scalo, Galzerano editore, 2018, 392 p. (Laboratorio). 4392. GIUNTINI (Sergio). "L'oppio dei popoli": sport e sinistre in Italia (1892–1992). Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2018, 312 p. (Podio, 2). 4393. GRANATA (Ivano). Milano "rossa": ascesa e declino del socialismo (1919–1926). Milano, Mimesis, 2018, 223 p. (Storia di storie, 11). 4394. Istituzioni politiche e mobilitazioni di piazza. A cura di Andrea CIAMPANI e Domenico Maria BRUNI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 328 p. (Rubbettino Università). 4395. Italy in the era of the Great War. Ed. by Vanda WILCOX. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, 419 p. (History of warfare, 120). 4396. JUNGIĆ (Josephine). Giuliano de' Medici: Machiavelli's prince in life and art. Montreal a. Kingston, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, 328 p. 4397. KLEIN (Shira). Italy's Jews from emancipation to fascism. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-369 p. 4398. LE MOAL (Frédéric). Histoire du fascisme. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 423 p. 4399. LEONARDI (Rosaria). Cattolicesimo politico di Terra Jonica: storia della Democrazia cristiana e del Partito cristiano sociale a Taranto dal 1943 al 1956. Bari, Edizioni dal Sud, 2018, 176 p. (Memoria, 53). 4400. MANFRIDA (Raoul). La violenza fascista attraverso le pagine del "Popolo": aprile 1923–novembre 1925. Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2018, 262 p. (Storia contemporanea, 30). 4401. Massenparteien im 20. Jahrhundert. Christ- und Sozialdemokraten, Kommunisten und Faschisten in Deutschland und Italien. Hrsg. v. Stefano CAVAZZA, Thomas GROßBÖLTING und Christian JANSEN. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 268 p. (Aurora. Schriften der Villa Vigoni, 5). 4402. MATARD-BONUCCI (Marie-Anne). Totalitarisme fasciste. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018, 319 p. 4403. MAZZEI (Federico). Per una rilettura della collaborazione liberale al governo Mussolini: Alessandro Casati ministro della Pubblica Istruzione nella svolta del 1924. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 164-209. 4404. MELIS (Guido). La macchina imperfetta: immagine e realtà dello Stato fascista. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 616 p. (Collezione di testi e di studi. Storiografia). 4405. MITTELHAMMER (Anne). Zwischen Leben – Politische Machtstrukturen und Konflikte in den Lagern
4407. Né stalinisti, né confessionali: per una storia della FIAP [Federazione italiana delle associazioni partigiane]. A cura di Giovanni SCIROCCO. Milano, Biblion edizioni, 2018, 223 p. (Storia, politica, società, 48). 4408. NOVELLI (Edoardo). Le campagne elettorali in Italia: protagonisti, strumenti, teorie. Bari, Laterza, 2018, X-203 p. (Libri del tempo Laterza, 481). 4409. OSTERMANN (Patrick). Zwischen Hitler und Mussolini. Guido Manacorda und die faschistischen Katholiken. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII, 423 p. (Elitenwandel in der Moderne / Elites and Modernity, 21). 4410. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo). Das System Mussolini. Die Regierungspraxis des Diktators 1922 bis 1943 im Spiegel seiner Audienzen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 2, p. 201-232. 4411. PERGHER (Roberta). Mussolini's nation-empire. Sovereignty and settlement in Italy's borderlands, 1922– 1943. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XI-286 p. (New studies in European history). 4412. PERNICONE (Nunzio), OTTANELLI (Fraser M.). Assassins against the old order. Italian anarchist violence in fin de siècle Europe. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, IX-219 p. 4413. PIZZOLATO (Nicola). Tactics of refusal: idioms of protest and political subjectivities in Italy's "1968 years". American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 758763. 4414. Politica (La) dei sentimenti: linguaggi, spazi e canali della politicizzazione nell'Italia del lungo Ottocento. A cura di Marco MANFREDI e Emanuela MINUTO. Atti del seminario: Spettacolo della politica, luoghi, spazi e canali della politica nell'Italia del lungo Ottocento, 2016, Università di Pisa. Roma, Viella, 2018, 232 p. (Libri di Viella, 292). 4415. POMBENI (Paolo). Che cosa resta del Sessantotto. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 128 p. (Voci). 4416. Presidenti (I) della Repubblica: il Capo dello Stato e il Quirinale nella storia della democrazia italiana. Direzione di Sabino CASSESE, Giuseppe GALASSO, Alberto MELLONI. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 2 vol., XIII-1269 p. 4417. Républicains (Les) et le parlement en Italie (1861–1994). Dossier coordonné par Jean-Yves FRÉTIGNÉ. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 242 p. (Parlement[s]. Revue d'histoire politique, 13). 4418. RICCIARDI (Andrea). Paolo Treves. Biografia
§ 2. History by countries di un socialista diffidente. Milano, Angeli, 2018, 400 p. (Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati). 4419. RICHET (Isabelle). Antifascism and Mussolini's Italy: the life of Marion Cave Rosselli. Londom, I.B. Tauris, 2018, 348 p. 4420. ROBBE (Federico). "Vigor di vita": il nazionalismo italiano e gli Stati Uniti (1898–1923). Roma, Viella, 2018, 266 p. (Libri di Viella, 285). 4421. SALUSTRI (Simona). Orientare l'opinione pubblica: mezzi di comunicazione e propaganda politica nell'Italia fascista. Milano, Edizioni Unicopli, 2018, 200 p. (Comunicazione storica, 4). 4422. SCHRAFSTETTER (Susanna). Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis? Münchner Juden in Italien 1933 bis 1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 4, p. 577-616.
New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-281 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 4433. Culture, power and politics in treaty-port Japan, 1854-1899. Ed. by J. E. HOARE. Vol. 1. Historical perspectives. Vol. 2. The treaty ports. Folkstone, Renaissance Books, 2018, 2 vol., XXX-434 p., XII-365 p. 4434. HARAGUCHI (Daisuke). Kizokuin gichō, Tokugawa Iesato to Meiji rikkensei. (The chairmen of the Japanese House of Peers: with focus on prince Tokugawa Iesato, the sixteenth head of the Tokugawa family). Tokyo, Yoshida Shoten, 2018, 302 p. 4435. HEIN (Laura). Post-fascist Japan. Political culture in Kamakura after the Second World War. New York, Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2018, XI-258 p.
4423. SIGNOROTTO (Gianvittorio). Milano nella guerra dei Trent'Anni. Informazione politica, mobilitazione, conflitti. In: Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione [cf. no 7019], p. 895-918.
4436. KAWANISHI (Hideya). Kindai tennō sei kara shōchō tennō sei e: 'shōchō' eno dōtei. (From the constitutional emperor system to the symbolical emperor system: the route to the 'symbol'). Tokyo, Yoshida Shoten, 2018, 246 p.
4424. SIMONCELLI (Paolo). La Repubblica fiorentina in esilio: una storia segreta. Vol. 1. La speranza della restaurazione della Repubblica. Roma, Edizioni Nuova cultura, 2018, 216 p. (I chioschi gialli, 25).
4437. MEISSNER (Kristin). Strategische Experten: die imperialpolitische Rolle von ausländischen Beratern in Meiji-Japan (1868–1912). Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2018, 411 p.
4425. SORESINA (Marco). Italy before Italy: institutions, conflicts and political hopes in the Italian states, 1815–1860. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, X216 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 56).
4438. MORRIS-SUZUKI (Tessa). Beyond Utopia: new villages and living politics in modern Japan and across frontiers. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 47-71.
4426. SPÄTH (Jens). Promotori del liberalismo: i parlamenti del Regno di Spagna e del Regno delle Due Sicilie, 1820–1823. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 615-638. 4427. STROBL (Wolfgang). "Culto della romanità" in einer Grenzregion des faschistischen Italien. Der (Sonder-)Fall Südtirol/Alto Adige. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 3, p. 685-720.
4439. NAKANISHI (Keita). Chōson 'jichi' to Meiji kokka: chihō gyōzaisei no rekishi teki igi. (Municipal 'self-government' and the Meiji state: the historical significance of the local government and finance). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 260 p. 4440. ŌE (Hiroyo). Meiji ki Nihon no rikugun: kanryōsei to kokumin gun no keisei. (The Japanese Army in the Meiji period: establishing bureaucracy and national army). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 382 p.
4428. SULLAM (Simon Levis). The Italian executioners. The genocide of the Jews of Italy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 208 p.
4441. OKUDA (Haruki). Meiji ishin to fuken seido no seiritsu. (The Meiji Restoration and the establishment of the prefecture system). Tokyo, Kadokawa Bunka Shinkō Zaidan, 2018, 296 p.
4429. Terrorismo (Il) di destra e di sinistra in Italia e in Europa: storici e magistrati a confronto / a cura di Carlo FUMIAN e Angelo VENTRONE. Padova, Padova UP, 2018, XII-445 p.
4442. PARTNER (Simon). The merchant's tale. Yokohama and the transformation of Japan. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XXII-291 p. (Asian perspectives. History, society and culture).
4430. VAN GELDER (Maartje). The people's prince: popular politics in early modern Venice. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 2, p. 249-291.
4443. SAITŌ (Momiji). Kido Takayoshi to bakumatsu, ishin: kyūshinteki shūkenka to 'kaika' no jidai, 1833–1877. (Kido Takayoshi and the late Tokugawa period and the Meiji Restoration: the age of radical centralization and 'civilization', 1833–1877). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018. 374 p.
4431. Veneto (Il) nel Risorgimento: dall'Impero asburgico al Regno d'Italia. A cura di Filiberto AGOSTINI. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018, 413 p. (Temi di storia, 257). Cf. nos 3791, 4708, 6251, 6593 Japan 4432. AMBARAS (David R.). Japan's imperial underworlds. Intimate encounters at the borders of empire.
4444. SEIZELET (Éric). La naissance de l'indépendance du commandement suprême des armées au Japon à l'époque de Meiji (1868–1912). Revue historique, 2018, 687, 3, p. 647-680. Cf. nos 7840-7890
4445. ŞEN (Gül). Jordan as an Ottoman frontier zone in the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries. Berlin, EBVerlag, 2018, 60 p. (Ulrich Haarmann memorial lecture, 15). Kazakhstan 4446. CAMERON (Sarah). The hungry steppe. Famine, violence and the making of Soviet Kazakhstan. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XI-277 p.
War and social changes in Seoul in the 1950s). Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Sŏul Yŏksa P'yŏnch'anwŏn, 2018, 373 p. (ill.). (Sŏul yŏksa chungjŏm yŏn'gu, 4). 4456. KIM (Youngjun). Origins of the North Korean garrison state: the People's Army and the Korean War. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XXII-248 p. (Cold War history series). 4457. KWON (Jaok). Forging feminism within labor unions and the legacy of democracy movements in South Korea. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 639-655.
4447. ZHAKUPOVA (Gulʹnaziia Tolgaevna). Razrushenie agrarnoĭ traditsionnoĭ struktury Kazakhstana (1920-e gody): monografiia. [Destruction of traditional agrarian structure of Kazakhstan (1920s): monograph]. Almaty, Qazaq universitetī, 2018, 139 p.
4458. SCHMID (Andre). Historicizing North Korea: state socialism, population mobility, and cold war historiography. American historical review, 2018, 123, 2, p. 439-462.
4459. SETH (Michael J.). North Korea: a history. London, Macmillan Education, 2018, 302 p.
4448. DINGLEY (Zebulon). Rumor and history revisited: 'Mumiani' in coastal Kenya, 1945. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 3, p. 381-398. 4449. DURRANI (Shiraz). Mau Mau the revolutionary, anti-imperialist force from Kenya: 1948–1963. Nairobi, Vita Books, 2018, 154 p. – IDEM. People's resistance to colonialism and imperialism in Kenya. Nairobi, Vita Books, 2018, 124 p. – Idem. Trade unions in Kenya's war of independence. Nairobi, Vita Books, 2018, 118 p. Korea
4460. YANG (Myungji). From miracle to mirage. The making and unmaking of the Korean middle class, 1960– 2015. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIV-183 p. 4461. YUN (Chŏng-nan). Han'guk kŭnhyŏndaesa esŏ minjok chajuron kwa sadaejuŭi, 19-segi mal–1950-yŏndae. (National independence and socialism in modern and contemporary Korean history, late 19th century– 1950s). Sŏul-si, Sinsŏwŏn, 2018, 249 p. (Kŭnhyŏndae Han'guk chisŏngsa taegye ch'ongsŏ, 7). Cf. nos 6854, 7475, 7891-7893 Latvia
4450. HAN (Sang-ch'ŏl). Hanbando inyŏm chŏnjaeng yŏn'gu, 1919–1950, ppalgaengi wa pandong punja = A study on the "ideology war" in the Korean Peninsula, 1919–1950, red and reactionary. Sŏul-si, Sŏnin, 2018, 497 p. (ill.). (Hyŏndaesa ch'ongsŏ, 53).
4462. Deviņu vīru spēks: stāsti par deviņiem Ministru prezidentiem 1918–1940. (The power of nine men: stories of nine prime ministers 1918–1940). Ed. by Gatis KRŪMIŅŠ. Rīga, Jumava, 2018, 239 p. (ill., facs.).
4451. Han'guk ŭi kukka hyŏngsŏng kwa minjujuŭi: haebang esŏ che-2 konghwaguk ŭro. (State formation and democracy in Korea: from liberation to the Second Republic). Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si, Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 2018, VII-264 p. (Kyŏnghŭi Taehakkyo Han'guk Hyŏndaesa Yŏn'guwŏn haksul ch'ongsŏ, 03).
4463. KLIŠĀNS (V.). Latvijas vēsture no vissenākajiem laikiem līdz mūsdienām Baltijas, Eiropas un pasaules vēstures kontekstā. (History of Latvia from the earliest times to the present day in the context of Baltic, European and world history). Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2018, 400 p. (ill., maps).
4452. KANDILAROV (Evgeniy), SOYOUNG (Kim), CHOI (Gwon Jin). Inter-Korean dialogue and the Korean denuclearization and unification issue during the Cold War (through Bulgarian archives). Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 179-205.
4464. LAPA (Līga). Kaujinieki un mežabrāļi 1905. gada revolūcijā Latvijā. (Combatants and Forest Brothers during the 1905 revolution in Latvia). Rīga, Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds, 2018, 446 p.
4453. KIM (Haeng-sŏn). 1970-yŏndae yusin ch'ejegi kyŏngch'al ŭi chojik kwa hwaltong. (Organization and activities of the police during the Restoration period of the 1970s). Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 236 p. 4454. KIM (Pong-guk). Naengjŏn kwa t'ujaeng: chŏnhu Han'guk ŭi segye haesŏk kwa ŭimi kyŏngjaeng (1945–1953) = Cold War and struggle: interpretation and meaning competition on the world in post-war Korea (1945–1953). Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 415 p. (Kamsŏng ch'ongsŏ, 26). 4455. KIM (U-ch'ŏl) [et al.]. 6.25 chŏnjaeng kwa 1950-yŏndae Sŏul ŭi sahoe pyŏndong. (The Korean
4465. MAČIULIS (Dangiras), JĒKABSONS (Ēriks). Lietuviai Latvijos Respublikoje 1918–1940 metais. (Lithuanians in Latvia 1918–1940). Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2018, 317 p. Cf. no 3999 Lebanon ** 4466. GHANNĀM (Riyāḍ). Wathāʾiq siyāsīyah min tārīkh al-Muqāṭaʿāt al-Lubnānīyah, 1707–1873: wathāʾiq tunsharu lil-marrah al-ūlá. (Political documents from the history of the Lebanese provinces, 1707–1873: documents published for the first time) Bayrūt, Dār Maʿn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʿ, 2018, 464 p.
§ 2. History by countries 4467. ḤUKAYYIM (Anṭwān). Min Mutaṣarrifīyat alJabal ilá Dawlat Lubnān al-Kabīr, 1914–1920: tārīkh Lubnān fī al-qarn al-ʿishrīn fī iṭārihi al-iqlīmī wa-alduwalī. (From the mountain Mutasarrifiyya to the state of Greater Lebanon, 1914–1920: the history of Lebanon in the twentieth century in its regional and international framework). Judaydat al-Matn, al-Dār al-Lubnānīyah lil-Nashr al-Jāmiʿī, 2018, 341 p.### 4468. VAN LEEUW (Michel). Émile Eddé: (1884– 1949): aux sources de la république libanaise. Paris, Geuthner, 2018, 2 vol., 779 p. Lesotho 4469. AERNI-FLESSNER (John). Dreams for Lesotho. Independence, foreign assistance and development. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, XIII-291 p. (Kellogg Institute series on democracy and development).
4477. SIRUTAVIČIUS (Marius). Diplomatinės veiklos organizacija Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje 1569– 1604 metais. (Organization of diplomatic activity in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1569–1604). Kaunas, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2018, 263 p. 4478. STREIKUS (Arūnas). Minties kolektyvizacija, cenzūra sovietų Lietuvoje. (Collectivization of thought: censorship in Soviet Lithuania). Vilnius, Naujasis Židinys-Aidai, 2018, 437 p. (ill.). 4479. WINKLER (Nicolas Daniel). Vorstellungen politischer Ordnung in Litauen: Entwicklungen und Diskussionen seit dem nationalen Erwachen (im frühen 19. Jh.). Marburg, Verlag Herder-Institut, 2018, VII-398 p. (Studien zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung, 41). Luxembourg
4480. DANESCU (Elena). A pragmatic visionary through a century of change – Pierre Werner. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 9-30.
4470. KHARRĀZ (Ibrāhīm Muṣṭafá). Ibrāhīm Sirāj alDīn wa-al-waʿy al-qawmī fī Wilāyat Ṭarābulus al-Gharb, 1882–1892. (Ibrahim Serageldin and national consciousness in the West Tripoli state, 1882–1892). Lībiyā, alHayʾah al-ʿĀmmah lil-Thaqāfah, 2018, 170 p.
4481. CONEV (Blagoj). Makedonija i Balkanot: liberalen pogled na nacionalizmot i identitetite. (Macedonia and the Balkans: a liberal view of nationalism and identities). Skopje, Ars Lamina, 2018, 317 p.
Lithuania ** 4471. Lietuvos sovietizavimas 1947-1953 m.: VKP(b) CK dokumentai: dokumentų rinkinys. [Sovietisation of Lithuania 1947–1953 Documents of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)i]. Sudarė ir parengė Mindaugas POCIUS. Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2018, 485 p. ** 4472. Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo procesas. I. 1917 m. liepa-gruodis. II. 1918 m. sausis-vasaris. (Process of the restoration of the statehood of Lithuania document collection. I. July–December 1917. II. January– February 1918). Sudarytojai Liudas MAŽYLIS, Rasa ZOZAITĖ. Kaunas, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2018, 2 vol., 130 p., 231 p. ** 4473. Lietuvos vyriausybių 1918–1920 metų posėdžių protokolai. (Minutes of Lithuanian government meetings in 1918–1920). Ed. by Alfonsas EIDINTAS, Raimundas LOPATA. Vilnius, Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos centras, 2018, (2 voll.) 607, 431 p. (ill., maps). 4474. BALKELIS (Tomas). War, Revolution and nation-making in Lithuania, 1914–1923. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VI-186 p. (The greater war, 1912– 1923). 4475. JAV lietuvių indėlis atkuriant Lietuvos valstybingumą. (The contribution of Lithuanians in the United States to the restoration of Lithuanian statehood). Ed. by Dalia CIDZIKAITĖ. Vilnius, Vaga, 2018, 559 p. (ill., facs.). 4476. ŁUKOMSKI (Grzegorz). Antemurale: schyłek Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego 1918–1922. (Antemurals: the decline of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1918– 1922). Łomianki, Wydawnictwo LTW, 2018, 358 p.
Cf. no 4691 Mauritania 4482. FALL (Abdallahi). Pénétrations coloniales et résistances en Mauritanie, XVe–XXe siècles (essai de synthèse). Nouakchott, Républic islamique de Mauritanie, Ministère de la culture et de l'artisanat et des relations avec le parlement, 2018, (2 voll.) 328, 267 p. (ill., maps). 4483. N'DIAYE (Boubacar). Mauritania's colonels: political leadership, civil-military relations and democratization. London a. New York, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, XIV-139 p. (African Governance, 4). Mexico 4484. ABOITES AGUILAR (Luis). La construcción del centro político en México. Un acercamiento a partir de la extinción de la contribución federal (1948). Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 4 (268), p. 1779-1810. 4485. BAZANT (Mílada). Laura Méndez de Cuenca. Mexican feminist, 1853–1928. Foreword by Mary Kay VAUGHAN. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XXX-222 p. 4486. Beyond alterity: destabilizing the indigenous other in Mexico. Ed. by Paula LÓPEZ CABALLERO and Ariadna ACEVEDO-RODRIGO. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, VIII-312 p. 4487. BLEYNAT (Ingrid). The business of governing: corruption and informal politics in Mexico city's markets, 1946–1958. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 355-381. 4488. BOOTH (William A.). Hegemonic nationalism, subordinate Marxism: the Mexican left, 1945–1947.
Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 1, p. 3158. 4489. CARPENTER (Victoria). The Tlatelolco Massacre, Mexico 1968, and the emotional triangle of anger, grief and shame: discourses of truth(s). Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, XIV-238 p. (Iberian and Latin American studies). 4490. COHEN (Deborah), FRAZIER (Lessie). "You can't always get what you want": Mexico '68 and the winter of revolutionary discontent. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 739-743. 4491. Conflicto religioso (El) en México. Coordinador Carlos Antonio VILLA GUZMÁN. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2018, 387 p. 4492. CURLEY (Robert). Citizens and believers. Religion and politics in revolutionary Jalisco, 1900–1930. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XII-382 p. 4493. DRAPER (Susana). 1968 Mexico. Constellations of freedom and democracy. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XVI-251 p. (Radical Américas). 4494. ESPINOZA VALLE (Víctor Alejandro). La alternancia interrumpida: dos décadas de elecciones en Baja California. Monterrey, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Editorial La Quincena 2018, 246 p. 4495. FOWLER (Will). First impressions: Henry George Ward's Mexico in 1827. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 265-289. 4496. GONZÁLEZ FÉLIX (Maricela). Empresarios y política: Mario Hernández Maytorena y su red de negocios en Baja California, 1940–1965. Mexicali, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2018, 469 p. 4497. JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ (Juan Ricardo). La Junta Departamental de Querétaro, 1835–1843: los diputados locales durante la Primera República Central. Santiago de Querétaro, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2018, 436 p. 4498. JOLLY (Jennifer). Creating Pátzcuaro, creating Mexico. Art, tourism and nation building under Lázaro Cárdenas. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, XI340 p. (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano long series in Latin American and Latino art and culture).
4502. México beyond 1968: revolutionaries, radicals, and repression during the global sixties and subversive seventies. Ed. by Jaime M. PENSADO and Enrique C. OCHOA. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XVII-342 p. 4503. MORENO AMADOR (Carlos). Gobernar bajo sospecha: estrategias del poder y prácticas corruptas en la Alcaldía Mayor de Tabasco (1660–1716). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, 2018, 520 p. (Colección Americana, 62. Nuestra América, 42). 4504. NEWCOMER (Daniel). Delineating the peace: marking Oaxaca's state boundaries, 1856–1912. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 291-321. 4505. OIKIÓN SOLANO (Verónica). Cuca García (1889–1973): por las causas de las mujeres y la revolución. Zamora, El Colegio de Michoacán y San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2018, 480 p. (Colección Investigaciones). 4506. Orden social (El) y político en zonas de frontera del septentrión novohispano y mexicano: siglos XVI–XX. Coordinador José Marcos MEDINA BUSTOS. Hermosillo, El Colegio de Sonora y San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2018, 342 p. 4507. OSTEN (Sarah). The Mexican revolution's wake: the making of a political system, 1920–1929. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-285 p. 4508. RISTOW (Colby). A revolution unfinished. The Chegomista rebellion and the limits of revolutionary democracy in Juchitán, Oaxaca. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XII-297 p. (The Mexican experience). 4509. SALINAS (Salvador). Land, liberty, and water: Morelos after Zapata, 1920–1940. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XII-254 p. 4510. SERRANO (José Antonio), CHUST (Manuel). ¡A las armas! Milicia cívica, revolución liberal y federalismo en México (1812–1846). Michoacán, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo y Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2018, 173 p. (Historia contemporánea de América).
4499. LEWIS (Stephen E.). Rethinking Mexican indigenismo. The INI's Coordinating Center in highland Chiapas and the fate of a utopian project. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XV-343 p.
4511. Soberana Convención Revolucionaria, 1914– 1915: estudios y reflexiones. Coordinador Alberto ENRÍQUEZ PEREA. México D.F., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Filosofía, 2018, 271 p. (Biblioteca de signos, 81).
4500. MAC ARDLE STEPHENS (Michele). In the lands of fire and sun. Resistance and accommodation in the Huichol Sierra, 1723–1930. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XXVIII-177 p.
4512. SØRENSEN (Børge). Emilio. En dansk general i Mexico. (Emilio [Edvard Emil Langberg 1810–1866]. Un général danois au Mexique). København, i kommission hos Underskoven, 2018, 257 p. (ill.).
4501. MAY MAY (Ezer R.). Los presbiterianos revolucionarios en Yucatán. Inserción social y participación política. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 2 (270), p. 557610.
4513. TUTINO (John). Mexico City, 1808. Power, sovereignty and silver in an age of war and revolution. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XXIV-296 p. (Diálogos series).
§ 2. History by countries 4514. Veracruz en su laberinto: autoritarismo, crisis de régimen y violencia en el sexenio de Javier Duarte. Coordinador Alberto J. OLVERA RIVERA. Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2018, 461 p. (Colección biblioteca).### 4515. ZARAUZ LÓPEZ (Héctor Luis). Revolución y rebeliones en el Istmo de Tehuantepec. México D.F., Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, 2018, 399 p. (Historia política). Moldova ** 4516. ȚURCANU (Ion). Sfatul Ţării: istoria zbuciumată a unei importante instituţii politice basarabene din anii 1917–1918. (Council of the Country: the tumultuous history of an important Bessarabian political institution, 1917–1918). Chişinău, Editura Arc, 2018, 428 p. 4517. MELINTI (Veronica). Instituţiile administrative ale oraşului Chişinău în perioada 1812–1828: (studii şi materiale). Chişinau, Editura S.n., 2018, 191 p. 4518. ZIPPERSTEIN (Steven J.). Pogrom. Kishinev and the tilt of history. New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, 261 p. (ill.). Montenegro ** 4519. HAJDARI (Hajrullah). Ulqini në dokumentet malazeze: (1880–1915). Ulqin, Art Club, 2018, 487 p. (Biblioteka Histori). 4520. MORRISON (Kenneth). Nationalism, identity and statehood in post-Yugoslav Montenegro. London, Oxford, New York, New Delhi a. Sidney, Bloomsbury, 2018, XIII-267 p.
(1206 H/1790M-1238 H/1822M) ilá 'ahd al-Sulṭān alMawlá Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, (1346 H/1927M-1380 H/1961M). [Documents pour étudier l'histoire des tribus de Zuair de l'ère du sultan Mawla Suleiman (1206 AH / 1790 AD–1238 AH / 1822 AD) à l'ère du sultan Mawla Muhammad bin Yusuf, (1346 AH / 1927 AD– 1380 AH / 1961 après JC). Rabat, al-Mandūbīyah alSāmiyah li-Qudamāʼ al-Muqāwimīn wa-A'ḍāʼ Jaysh alTaḥrīr, 2018, 707 p. 4526. ŪNIYĀ (Muḥammad). 'Abd al-Karīm al-Khaṭṭābī wa-usṭūrat al-infiṣāl, 1921–1926: ḥafrīyāt naqdīyah fī khiṭāb al-jumhūrīyah al-rīfīyah. (Abd al-Karim alKhattabi et le mythe de la séparation, 1921–1926: fouilles critiques dans le discours de la république rurale). [S.l.], Muḥammad Ūniyā, 2018, 384 p. Cf. no 6871 Mozambique 4527. War within (The): new perspectives on the civil war in Mozambique, 1976–1992. Ed. by Eric MORIER-GENOUD, Michel CAHEN and Domingos Manuel DO ROSÁRIO. Suffolk, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, XII268 p. Namibia 4528. LENGGENHAGER (Luregn). Ruling nature, controlling people. Nature conservation, development and war in North-Eastern Namibia since the 1920s. Basel, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2018, 280 p. (Basel Namibia studies, 19). Netherlands
4521. RASTODER (Šerbo). Komunisti i muhadžiri Crne Gore (1958–1971): slučaj opštine Rožaje. (Communists and emigrants of Montenegro (1958–1971): the case of the municipality of Rožaje). Podgorica, Almanah, 2018, 504 p. (Biblioteka Baština).
4529. AERTS (Remieg). Thorbecke wil het: biografie van een staatsman. Amsterdam, Prometheus, 2018, 885 p.
Cf. no 4691
4531. GROENVELD (Simon). Facetten van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Twaalf artikelen over de periode 1559– 1652. Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2018, 400 p.
Morocco 4522. Dhākirat muqāwamat minṭaqat Dabdū ḍidda al-musta'mir al-Faransī, waqāʼi' ashghāl al-Nadwah al'Ilmīyah Dabdū, al-Jum'ah 06 Yanāyir 2017. (Memory of the Debdou region's resistance against the French colonizer, proceedings of the work of the Debdou scientific symposium, January 06, 2017). [Rabat], al-Mandūbīyah al-Sāmiyah li-Qudamāʼ al-Muqāwimīn wa-A'ḍāʼ Jaysh al-Taḥrīr, 2018, 224 p. (ill., maps). 4523. HĀNĪ (Wisām). Al-Yahūd al-Maghāribah khilāla al-Ḥarb al-'Ālamīyah al-Thāniyah, 1939–1945. (Juifs marocains pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939– 1945). Al-Rabāṭ, Marsam, 2018, 173 p. 4524. MABṬŪL (Maryam). Dawr zāwiyat Aḥanṣāl fī al-muqāwamah 1912–1956 M. (Le rôle de Zaouia Ahansal dans la résistance 1912–1956 AD). Al-Maghrib, alManduūbīyah al-Sāmiyah li-Qudamaāʼ al-Muqāwimīn wa-A'ḍāʼ Jaysh al-Taḥrīr, 2018, 280 p. 4525. TURKĪ (Bū'ubayd). Wathāʼiq li-dirāsat tārīkh Qabāʼil Za'īr min 'ahd al-Sulṭān al-Mawlá Sulaymān,
4530. GELEIJNSE (Hans). 'Wie ogen heeft om te zien': de Nederlandse pers en het fascisme in Europa (1919– 1933). Oisterwijk, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2018, 303 p.
4532. HEYER (Anne). Die ersten Volksparteien? Ein vergleichender Blick auf das Demokratieverständnis früher Parteiorganisationen im Deutschen Kaiserreich, in Großbritannien und in den Niederlanden (1860–1880). Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 107-124. 4533. HOETINK (Carla). Macht der gewoonte: regels en rituelen in de Tweede Kamer na 1945. Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2018, 648 p. 4534. KAAL (Harm). The voice of the people. Communicative practices of popular political engagement in the Netherlands, 1950s–1960s. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 183-200. 4535. KRAUSE (Oliver). Die Variabilität frühneuzeitlicher Staatlichkeit. Die niederländische "Staats"Formierung der Statthalterlosen Epoche (1650–1672) als interkontinentales Regiment. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 529 p. (Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschichte, 105).
4536. NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude). Religion, class, and the postwar development of the Dutch welfare state. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 340 p.###
state management. The right-wing view of state-owned industry 1945–1981). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 2, p. 132-151.
4537. RITTERSMA (Rengenier C.). Mytho-poetics at work. A study of the figure of Egmont, the Dutch revolt and its influence in Europe. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XIII-416 p. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 266).
4550. BORGE (Baard H.), VAALE (Lars-Erik). Grunnlovens største prøve: rettsoppgjøret etter 1945. (The Constitution's biggest test: the court settlement after 1945). Oslo, Scandinavian Academic Press, 2018, 429 p.
Cf. no 3838 New Zealand 4538. MAC LEAY (Elizabeth M.). In search of consensus: New Zealand's Electoral Act 1956 and its constitutional legacy. Wellington, Victoria U. P., 2018, 254 p. Nicaragua 4539. FERRERO BLANCO (María Dolores). De un lado y del otro: mujeres contras y sandinistas en la Revolución Nicaragüense (1979–1990). Granada, Editorial Comares, 2018, XX-375 p. (Análisis y crítica social, 9). 4540. GOBAT (Michel). Empire by invitation. William Walker and manifest destiny in Central America. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard U. P., 2018, 384 p. Nigeria 4541. DESGRANDCHAMPS (Marie-Luce). L'humanitaire en guerre civile: la crise du Biafra (1967–1970). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 369 p. (Histoire). 4542. FOURCHARD (Laurent). Citizens of designated origin in Nigeria. Genèses, 2018, 112, 3, p. 58-80. 4543. Gender and development in Nigeria: one hundred years of nationhood. Ed. by Funmi SOETAN and Bola AKANJI. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 215 p. (Critical African studies in gender and sexuality). 4544. JUDD (Peter Haring). Figures in a spare landscape: serving in the twilight of empire, Bornu Province, Nigeria 1959–1960. New York, Ma'arri, 2018, XIII247 p. 4545. KALU (Kalu Ndukwe). Political culture, change, and security policy in Nigeria. London, Routledge, 2018, XVIII-364 p. (Routledge contemporary Africa). 4546. MACEACHERN (Scott). Searching for Boko Haram: a history of violence in Central Africa. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 233 p. 4547. OLADEJO (Mutiat Titilope). The women went radical: petition writing and colonial state in southwestern Nigeria, 1900–1953. Ibadan, BookBuilders-Editions Africa, 2018, X-209 p. 4548. Postcolonial conflict and the question of genocide: the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967–1970. Ed. by A. Dirk MOSES and Lasse HEERTEN. New York, Taylor and Francis, 2018, 478 p. (Routledge global 1960s and 1970s).
4551. PETERSON (Anna M.). Maternity policy and the making of the Norwegian welfare state, 1880–1940. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIII221 p. 4552. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad). Nasjonens velstand: Norges økonomiske historie 1800–1940. (The nation's prosperity: Norway's economic history 1800–1940). Bergen, Fagbokforlaget, 2018, 278 p. Pakistan 4553. AKHTAR (Aasim Sajjad). The politics of 'common sense': state, society and culture in Pakistan. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-200 p. 4554. ALI (Tariq). Uprising in Pakistan: how to bring down a dictatorship. Brooklyn a. London, Verso, 2018, 106 p. 4555. BIN IBAD (Umber). Sufi Shrines and the Pakistani state. The end of religious pluralism. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, 264 p. 4556. SHEIKH (Salman Rafi). The genesis of Baloch nationalism: politics and ethnicity in Pakistan, 1947– 1977. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, 254 p. Palestine 4557. BACONI (Tareq). Hamas contained. The rise and pacification of Palestinian resistance. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XXIV-336 p. (Stanford studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures). 4558. TAMÏR (Dan). Hebrew fascism in Palestine, 1922–1942. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII210 p. Peru ** 4559. MONTESINOS (Fernando). Ophir de España: memorias historiales y políticas del Perú. Vaticinios de su descubrimiento y conversión por los Reyes Católicos y singulares epítetos que por ello se les da en la Sagrada Escritura. Ed. por Jesús PANIAGUA PÉREZ. Transcription by Lorenzo MARTÍNEZ ÁNGEL, Antonio REGUERA FEO y Jesús PANIAGUA PÉREZ. Translations by Ferran GRAU CODINA. León, Universidad de León, Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica, 2018, 734 p. (Colección Tradición Clásica y Humanística en España e Iberoamérica).
4560. GARCÍA-BRYCE (Iñigo). Haya de la Torre and the pursuit of power in twentieth-century Peru and Latin America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XVIII-257 p.
4549. AVEN (Håvard), INNSET (Ola). Konservatisme, nyliberalisme og statsdrift. Høyres syn på statseid industri 1945–1981. (Conservatism, neoliberalism and
4561. KAYSEL (André). Entre a nação e a revolução: marxismo e nacionalismo no Peru e no Brasil (1928– 1964). São Paulo, Alameda, 2018, 405 p.
§ 2. History by countries 4562. MILTON (Cynthia E.). Conflicted memory. Military cultural interventions and the human rights era in Peru. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XV-276 p. (Critical human rights).### 4563. Patria nueva (La): economía, sociedad y cultura en el Perú, 1919–1930. Ed. por Paulo DRINOT. Raleigh, Editorial A Contracorriente, 2018, 277 p. (Historia y ciencias sociales). 4564. PULGAR VIDAL OTÁLORA (Jaime). De golpes y goles: los políticos y la selección peruana de fútbol (1911–1939). Lima, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2018, 227 p. (Estudios y ensayos. Tema: humanidades). 4565. Revolución peculiar (La): repensando el gobierno militar de Velasco. Ed. por Carlos AGUIRRE y Paulo DRINOT. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018, 448 p. (Perú problema, 57). 4566. ROJAS ROJAS (Rolando). Cómo matar a un presidente: los asesinatos de Bernardo Monteagudo, Manuel Pardo y Luis M. Sánchez Cerro. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018, 170 p. (Estudios históricos, 77). 4567. Tiempo de guerra: estado, nación y conflicto armado en el Perú, siglos XVII–XIX. Ed. por Carmen MAC EVOY y Alejandro M. RABINOVICH. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018, 570 p. (Estudios históricos, 78). 4568. VALDIVIA (María Inés). El feminismo católico peruano (1930–1956). Lima, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Editorial Universitaria, 2018, 270 p. 4569. VAN DYCK (Brandon). Why new parties split: the schism of Peru's united left in comparative perspective. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 889-918. 4570. ZAPATA VELASCO (Antonio). La caída de Velasco: lucha política y crisis del régimen. Con la colaboración de Gabriela Rosa RODRÍGUEZ PAJARES. Lima, TAURUS, 2018, 261 p. (Pensamiento). Cf. no 6503 Philippines 4571. MEIXSEL (Richard B.). Frustrated ambition. General Vicente Lim and the Philippine military experience, 1910–1944. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XII-351 p. (Campaigns and commanders). Poland ** 4572. Akta sejmikowe województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego: lata 1676–1695. (Files of the sejmik of the Poznań and Kalisz voivodeships: 1676–1695). Wydali Michał ZWIERZYKOWSKI, Robert KOŁODZIEJ, Andrzej KAMIEŃSKI. Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018, XX-713 p. (Staropolski parlamentaryzm). ** 4573. Marzec 1968 na Politechnice Gdańskiej w dokumentach. (March 1968 at the Gdańsk University
of Technology in the documents). Wstęp, wybór i opracowanie Piotr ABRYSZEŃSKI i Daniel GUCEWICZ. Gdańsk i Warszawa, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej-Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2018, 646 p. (Publikacje gdańskiego oddziału IPN, 66). ** 4574. Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe w województwie lubelskim w latach 1945–1947: wybór źródeł. (Polish People's Party in the Lublin Province in 1945–1947: a selection of sources). Wybór, wstęp i opracowanie Jacek ROMANEK. Lublin, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu. Oddział w Lublinie, 2018, 479 p. 4575. 1866: odbudowa samorządu miejskiego - narodziny nowoczesnego Krakowa. (1866: reconstruction of the municipal government - the birth of modern Krakow). Redakcja Konrad MEUS, Łukasz Tomasz SROKA. Kraków, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2018, 278 p. (Prace Monograficzne / Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, 870). 4576. BÖHLER (Jochen). Civil War in Central Europe, 1918–1921. The reconstruction of Poland. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, IX-254 p. (Greater war 1912– 1923). 4577. DAHEUR (Jawad). Crise socio-environnementale et banditisme: une affaire de piraterie fluviale en Pologne à la fin du XIXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2018, 264, p. 93-111. 4578. DWORECKI (Zbigniew). Chrześcijańska demokracja w Poznańskiem w latach Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. (Christian democracy in Poznań in the years of the Second Polish Republic). Poznań, Instytut Historii UAM, 2018, 240 p. (Publikacje Instytutu Historii, 154). 4579. HAGEN (William W.). Anti-jewish violence in Poland, 1914–1920. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXIII-541 p. 4580. KARCH (Brendan). Nation and loyalty in a German-Polish borderland. Upper Silesia, 1848–1960. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-331 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 4581. KOWALSKI (David). Polens letzte Juden. Herkunft und Dissidenz um 1968. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 248 p. (Schriften des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts, 30). 4582. KRZYZANOWSKI (Lukasz). An ordinary Polish town: the homecoming of Holocaust survivors to Kalisz in the immediate aftermath of the war. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 1, p. 92-112. 4583. Między solidaryzmem a niepodległością: myśl polityczna Solidarności Walczącej. (Between solidarity and independence: the political thought of Fighting Solidarity). Redakcja naukowa Krzysztof BRZECHCZYN. Poznań, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Komisja Ścigania Brodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, Oddział w Poznaniu, 2018, 190 p. (Studia i materiały poznańskiego IPN, 44).
4584. MÜLLER (Anna). If the walls could speak. Inside a women's prison in communist Poland. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIX-306 p.### 4585. Ogniwa zakładowe i sekcje branżowe NSZZ "Solidarność" 1980–1989. (Factory links and industry sections of NSZZ "Solidarność" 1980–1989). Pod redakcją Łukasza SOŁTYSIKA i Grzegorza WALIGÓRY. Wrocław, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, Oddział we Wrocławiu, 2018, 399 p. (Opozycja w Polsce). 4586. SIEDZIAKO (Michał). Bez wyboru: głosowania do Sejmu PRL (1952–1989). (No election: voting for the Sejm of the People's Republic of Poland, 1952– 1989). Warszawa, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej - Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2018, 406 p. (Monografie, 137). 4587. SIEMIĄTKOWSKI (Zbigniew). Między złudzeniem a rzeczywistością: oblicze ideowe PZPR pod rządami Władysława Gomułki. (Between illusion and reality: the ideological face of the PZPR under the rule of Władysław Gomułka). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2018, 357 p.
gado. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2018, 444 p. (Biblioteca das ciências sociais. História, 46). 4596. MATOS E LEMOS (Mário). 1945 - Estado Novo e oposição: o movimento de Unidade Democrática e o inquérito às suas listas. Coimbra, Palimage, 2018, 230 p. (Raiz do tempo). 4597. Monarquia constitucional (A) dos Braganças em Portugal e no Brasil (1822–1910): uma história paralela de Portugal e do Brasil despois da independência brasileira. Coords. Rui RAMOS, José MURILO DE CARVALHO e Isabel CORRÊA DA SILVA. Alfragide, D. Quixote, 2018, 456 p. 4598. PALOMANES MARTINHO (Francisco Carlos). Marcello Caetano and the Portuguese new state: a political biography. Brighton, Chicago a. Toronto, Sussex Academic Press, 2018, IX-291 p. (Portuguese-speaking world). 4599. REDONDO CARDEÑOSO (Jesús Angel). Movilización y conflictos campesinos durante la crisis de la Monarquía y la instauración de la I República en Portugal: el Alentejo Central entre 1908 y 1914. Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 23-43.
4588. TOKARSKA-BAKIR (Joanna). Pod klatwa. Społeczny portret pogromu kieleckiego. Tom 1. Tom 2. Dokumenty. (Under the cage. A social portrait of the Kielce pogrom. Volume 1. Volume 2. Documents). Warszawa, Czarna Owca, 2018, 2 vol., 768 p, 808 p.
4600. ROLLO (Maria Fernanda), PIRES (Ana Paula). A Grande Guerra no Parlamento. Lisboa, Assembleia da República, 2018, 252 p. (Coleção Parlamento, 65).
4589. VOLOBUEV (Vadim Vadimovich). Polʹsha v sovetskom bloke, ot "ottepeli" k krakhu rezhima. (Poland in the Soviet block, from the "thaw" to the collapse of the regime). Moskva, Universitet Dmitriia Pozharskogo, 2018, 269 p. (Seriia "Kholodnaia voĭna.").
4601. ADAM (Robert). Două veacuri de populism românesc. (Two centuries of Romanian populism). București, Editura Humanitas, 2018, 294 p.
4590. ZAREMBA (Marcin). 1968 in Poland: the rebellion on the other side of the looking glass. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 769-772. Cf. no 4836 Portugal 4591. DA SILVA ALMEIDA (Andreia). O sistema de saúde no Estado Novo de Salazar: o nascimento do Ministério da saúde e assistência. Coimbra, Almedina, 2018, 205 p. (Olhares sobre a saúde). 4592. DARD (Olivier), SARDINHA-DESVIGNES (Ana Isabel). Célébrer Salazar en France (1930–1974). Du philosalazarisme au salazarisme français. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2018, 326 p. (Convergences). 4593. DE AREDE NUNES (Filipe). A construção jurídica-política do estado social em Portugal durante o Estado Novo (1933–1974): contributo para o estudo da história do pensamento político em Portugal. Lisboa, AAFDL Editora, 2018, XIII-383 p. (Tese).
4602. BETEA (Lavinia). Ultimul an din viaţa Elenei Ceauşescu: agenda Tovarăşei în 1989. (The last year of Elena Ceausescu's life: Comrade's agenda in 1989). Bucureşti, Editura Corint, 2018, 304 p. 4603. BUCUR (Maria). To have and to hold: gender regimes and property rights in the Romanian Principalities before World War I. In: Constructing the modern state in the Balkans [cf. no 3714], p. 601-628. 4604. BUCUR (Maria), MIROIU (Mihaela). Birth of democratic citizenship. Women and power in modern Romania. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, 189 p. 4605. CIRNIALA (Ciprian). Ceaușescus Polizei. Herrschaft, Ruhe und Ordnung in Rumänien (1960–1989). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 384 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 159). 4606. CRISTUREANU (Titus). Istoria şi evoluţia frontierelor româneşti până în anul 1600. (The history and evolution of the Romanian borders until 1600). Bucureşti, Editura A.S.E., 2018, 248 p.
4594. LINHARES (Luís Jaime). A revolução liberal de 1821 nos Açores. Ponta Delgada, Letras Lavadas Edições, 2018, 191 p.
4607. Declaraţia de autodeterminare de la Oradea din 12 octombrie 1918. (The declaration of self-determination from Oradea from October 12, 1918). Coordonatori Gabriel MOISA, Sorin ȘIPOȘ, Ion EREMIA, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2018, 324 p.
4595. MARTINS (Susana). Exilados portugueses em Argel: a FPLN das origens à ruptura com Humberto Del-
4608. FODOR (Georgeta). Gen şi naţiune: rolul femeilor în procesul de construire a identităţii naţionale
§ 2. History by countries la românii din Transilvania (a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului XX). [Gender and nation: the part women played in the process of the national identity building at the Romanians in Transylvania (the second half of the XIX-th century and the beginning of the XXth century)]. Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie, Târgu Mureș, 2018, 17, p. 386-403. 4609. HERSHCOVITZ (Sylvia). Femei sioniste în România primei jumătăți a secolului al XX-lea. Studiu de caz: Asociația Culturală a Femeilor Evree (ACFE), 1919–1948. [Zionist women in Romania during the first half of the twentieth century. case study: the Cultural Association of Jewish Women (ACFE), 1919– 1948]. Revista de istorie a Evreilor din România, București, 2018, 19, 3, p. 228-237. 4610. MAIOR (Liviu). Un părinte fondator al României Mari: Alexandru Vaida Voevod. (A founding father of Greater Romania: Alexandru Vaida Voevod). ClujNapoca, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, 2018, 253 p. 4611. Mihai I al României. Regele nostru. Martori, experiențe, amintiri regale. (Michael I of Romania. Our king. Witnesses, experiences, royal memories). Editor coordonator Alexandru MURARU. București, Curtea Veche Publishing, 2018, 331 p. 4612. OTU (Petre). Unificarea structurilor militare ale României întregite (1918–1924). (The unification of the military structures of Romania, 1918–1924). Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi. Istorie, 2018, 64, p. 539-560.
MOSKOVSKAIA. Moskva, IMLI RAN, 2018, 559 p. (ill.). (Grazhdanskaia voĭna v Rossii). * 4618. Kontsept Velikoĭ rossiĭskoĭ revoliutsii: sovremennye istoriograficheskie i obshchestvenno-politicheskie diskussii, materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoobrazovatelʹnoĭ konferentsii, 5–6 oktiabria 2017 goda, Sankt-Peterburg. (The concept of the Great Russian Revolution: modern historiographic and socio-political discussions, materials of the international scientific and educational conference, October 5–6, 2017, St. Petersburg). Ed. by Svetlana Borisovna UL'IANOVA. SanktPeterburg, Izdatelʹstvo Politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2018, 155 p. 4619. ALEKSEEV (Iuriĭ Georgievich). Voennaia istoriia dopetrovskoĭ Rossii. (Military history of pre-Petrine Russia). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatelʹstvo Olega Abyshko, 2018, 743 p. (Trudy po rossiĭskoĭ istorii Iu. G. Alekseeva, 1). 4620. ALTRICHTER (Helmut). Stalin. Der Herr des Terrors. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 352 p. (ill.). (Diktatoren des 20. Jahrhunderts). 4621. ARUTIUNIAN (Suren Gurgenovich). O Staline, Bagramiane, Mikoiane i sovremennoĭ Rossii: ocherki. (About Stalin, Bagramyan, Mikoyan and modern Russia: essays). Moskva, Mir filosofii, 2018, 396 p. (ill.). 4622. AVRUTIN (Eugene M.). The Velizh affair. Blood libel in a Russian town. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-225 p.
4613. PUŞCAŞ (Vasile). Iuliu Maniu văzut de românii americani. (Iuliu Maniu seen by American Romanians). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, 2018, 353 p. – IDEM. Marea Unire – 1918 – România Mare. Acte și documente. (Great Union – 1918 – Greater Romania. Acts and documents). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Studia, 2018, 304 p.
4623. Bremia imperii: administrativnaia politika Rossii v Tsentralʹnoĭ Azii, vtoraia polovina XIX v. (The burden of the empire: Russia's administrative policy in Central Asia, the second half of the 19th century). Ed. by Dmitriĭ Valentinovich VASIL'EV. Moskva, ROSSPĖN (Izdatel'stvo "Politicheskaia ėntsiklopediia"), 2018, 636 p. (ill.).
4614. SCHIEL (Ingrid). Frei – Politisch – Sozial. Der Deutsch-Sächsische Frauenbund für Siebenbürgen 1921–1939. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, XI-628 p. (Studia Transylvanica, 47).
4624. BUSHIN (Vladimir). Lenin i revoliutsiia. (Lenin and the revolution). Moskva, Algoritm, 2018, 238 p. (Revoliutsiia i my).
4615. SCURTU (Ioan). Primul „partid unic şi totalitar" din istoria României: Partidul Naţiunii, 1940. (The first "totalitarian one-party" in Romania's history - the Party of the Nation, 1940). Arhivele Totalitarismului, București, 2018, 26, 1-2, p. 47-53. Cf. no 7399 Russia * 4616. CIGLIANO (Giovanna). Il "provincial turn" nello studio della rivoluzione russa. Contemporanea, 2018, 21, 1, p. 125-135. – EADEM. La rivoluzione russa del 1917 nei recenti orientamenti storiografici internazionali. Ricerche di storia politica, 2018, 2, p. 171-190. * 4617. Istoriografiia grazhdanskoĭ voĭny v Rossii: issledovaniia i publikatsii arkhivnykh materialov. (Historiography of the civil war in Russia: research and publication of archival materials). Ed. by Darʹia Sergeevna
4625. BYZOV (Alekseĭ Iurʹevich). Istoricheskiĭ opyt stanovleniia i razvitiia gosudarstvennogo kontrolia v Rossii = Historical experience of formation and development of state control in Russia. Moskva, BIBLIOGLOBUS, 2018, 164 p. 4626. CHEMAKIN (A. A.). Istoki russkoĭ natsionaldemokratii, 1860–1914 gody. (The origins of Russian national democracy, 1860–1914). Sankt-Peterburg, Vladimir Dalʹ, 2018, 650 p. (ill.). (Rossiia na perelome). – IDEM. Russkie natsional-demokraty v ėpokhu potriaseniĭ, 1914–nachalo 1920-kh godov. (Russian national democrats in an age of upheavals, 1914–early 1920s). Sankt-Peterburg, Vladimir Dalʹ, 2018, 604 p. (ill.). 4627. DALY (Jonathan). Crime and punishment in Russia: a comparative history from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XX-236 p. (Bloomsbury history of modern Russia series).
4628. DOUDS (Lara). Inside Lenin's government. Ideology, power and practice in the early Soviet state. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VI-228 p.###
revolutionary struggle in Kolomna and the Kolomna district of 1900–1917). Kolomna, Gosudarstvennyĭ sotsialʹno-gumanitarnyĭ universitet, 2018, 364 p.
4629. ENGELSTEIN (Laura). Russia in flames. War, revolution, civil war, 1914–1921. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 856 p.
4641. ISOGAI (Masumi). Roshia no Uramā to Isurāmu kyōikumō ni kansuru shiron: 19 seiki zenhan made. (The Russian Ulama and their Islamic educational network before the mid-nineteenth century). Shirin, 2018, 101, 1, p. 116-149.
4630. FEEST (David). Ordnung schaffen. Bäuerliche Selbstverwaltungen und Obrigkeit im ausgehenden Zarenreich (1834–1889). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018, 358 p. (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 83). 4631. FITZPATRICK (Sheila). The motherland calls: "soft" repatriation of Soviet citizens from Europe, 1945– 1953. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 2, p. 323350. 4632. GILL (Graeme). Collective leadership in Soviet politics. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 351 p. 4633. GOL'DIN (Semen). Russkaia armiia i evrei, 1914–1917. (Russian army and Jews, 1914–1917). Ed. by V. V. NEKHOTIN. Moskva, Mosty kulʹtury, 2018, 426 p. (ill.). (Vid s gory Skopus). 4634. GOLDIN (V. I.). Sever Rossii na puti k Grazhdanskoĭ voĭne: popytki reform, revoliutsii, mezhdunarodnaia interventsiia, 1900–leto 1918. (North of Russia on the way to the civil war: reform attempts, revolutions, international intervention, 1900–summer 1918). Archangelʹsk, Izdatelʹskiĭ dom im. V.N. Bulatova SAFU, 2018, 619 p. (ill.). (Goldin, V. I. Russkiĭ Sever v ėpokhu velikikh potriaseniĭ, 1900-1920, 1). 4635. GORSHKOV (Boris B.). Peasants in Russia from serfdom to Stalin. Accommodation, survival, resistance. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XI-236 p. (The Bloomsbury history of modern Russia series). 4636. Grazhdanskaia voĭna v regionakh Rossii: sotsialʹno-ėkonomicheskie, voenno-politicheskie i gumanitarnye aspekty, 1917–1922: sbornik stateĭ. (Civil war in the regions of Russia: socio-economic, military-political and humanitarian aspects, 1917–1922: collection of articles). Ed. by S. L. BEKHTEREV [et al.]. Izhevsk, Alkid, 2018, 493 p. 4637. HARRIS (Jonathan). Party leadership under Stalin and Khrushchev. Party officials and the Soviet state, 1948–1964. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 224 p. 4638. HASEGAWA (Tsuyoshi). The February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917. The end of the tsarist regime and the birth of dual power. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XVI711 p. (Historical materialism book series, 149). 4639. HILDT (Julia). Der russische Adel im Exil. Selbstverständnis und Erinnerungsbilder nach der Revolution von 1917. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 258 p. (Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte Osteuropas, 9). 4640. IARKHO (Valerii Alʹbertovich). Klassovye boi mestnogo znacheniia: khronika revoliutsionnoĭ borʹby v Kolomne i Kolomenskom uezde 1900–1917 godov. (Class battles of local importance: a chronicle of the
4642. KARAPETIAN (Lëva Aleksandrovich), CHUPRYNNIKOV (Sergeĭ Alekseevich), IAKHUTLʹ (Iu. A.). Politicheskie partii i profsoiuzy Severnogo Kavkaza v formirovanii politicheskoĭ kulʹtury v kontse XIX–pervoĭ chetverti XX v.: monografiia. (Political parties and trade unions of the North Caucasus in the formation of political culture, end of the 19th–first quarter of the 20th century: monograph). Krasnodar, Kubanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet, 2018, 289 p. 4643. KERRIGAN (Michael). Dark history of Russia: crime, corruption and murder in the motherland. London, Amber Books Ltd, 2018, 224 p. 4644. KHARKHORDIN (Oleg). Republicanism in Russia: community before and after communism. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, VIII-308 p. 4645. LIAPIN (Denis Aleksandrovich). Tsarskiĭ mech: sotsialʹno-politicheskaia borʹba v Rossii v seredine XVII veka. (The Tsar's sword: socio-political struggle in Russia in the middle of the 17th century). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitriĭ Bulanin, 2018, 334 p. 4646. LOGINOV (Vladlen T.). V. I. Lenin, polnaia biografiia. (V. I. Lenin, complete biography). Moskva, Izdatelʹstvo Rodina, 2018, 926 p. (ill.). 4647. LOMB (Samantha). Stalin's constitution: Soviet participatory politics and the discussion of the 1936 draft constitution. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, IX178 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 49). 4648. MAC CAFFRAY (Susan P.). The winter palace and the people. Staging and consuming Russia's monarchy, 1754–1917. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2018, XIV-284 p. 4649. MALYSHEVA (Olʹga Geralʹdovna). Izbiratelʹnaia sistema i praktika Rossii v period dumskoĭ monarkhii 1905–1917. (The electoral system and practice of Russia during the period of the Duma monarchy 1905–1917). Moskva, Kvadriga, 2018, 238 p. (Istoricheskie issledovaniia). 4650. MASOERO (Alberto). L'insostenible lentezza dell'imperio zarista. Catasti e arte del governo in Transbaikalia. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 118163. 4651. MATVEEV (Vladimir Aleksandrovich). Krasnyĭ bonapartizm kak raznovidnostʹ politiki i posledstviia ee provedeniia na Iuge Rossii (1917–1921 gg.): monografiia. [Red Bonapartism as a kind of politics and the consequences of its implementation in the South of Russia (1917–1921): monograph]. Rostov-na-Donu i Ta-
§ 2. History by countries ganrog, Izdatelʹstvo Iuzhnogo federalʹnogo universiteta, 2018, 182 p. 4652. MOZOKHIN (Oleg). Repressii v tsifrakh i dokumentakh: deiatelʹnostʹ organov VChK-OGPU-NKVDMGB (1918–1953 gg.). [Repressions in figures and documents: the activities of the bodies of the Cheka-OGPUNKVD-MGB (1918–1953)]. Moskva, OOO "Izdatelʹstvo "Veche", 2018, 479 p. (Staliniana). 4653. NOVIKOVA (Liudmila). An anti-bolshevik alternative. The white movement and the Civil War in the Russian North. Translated by Seth BERNSTEIN. Madison. University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XVI-324 p. 4654. PASTUKHOV (Vladimir). Revoliutsiia i konstitutsiia v postkommunisticheskoĭ Rossii: gosudarstvo diktatury liumpen-proletariata. (Revolution and constitution in post-communist Russia: the state of the dictatorship of the lumpen proletariat). Moskva, OGI, 2018, 446 p. 4655. PEROVIĆ (Jeronim). From conquest to deportation. The North Caucasus under Russian rule. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIV-466 p. 4656. PIATIKOVA (Marina Vasilʹevna). Menʹsheviki i russkaia revoliutsiia (1917–1922 gg.): problema politicheskogo vybora: monografiia. [Mensheviks and the Russian Revolution (1917–1922): the problem of political choice: a monograph]. Rostov-na-Donu i Taganrog, Izdatel'stvo Iuzhnogo federalʹnogo universiteta, 2018, 206 p. 4657. PLAGGENBORG (Stefan). Pravda. Gerechtigkeit, Herrschaft und sakrale Ordnung in Altrussland. München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2018, X-395 p. 4658. PLEKHANOV (Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich). Moskovskie chekisty v taĭnoĭ voĭne 1921–1928 gg. (Moscow security officers in the secret war of 1921–1928). Moskva, Veche, 2018, 430 p. (ill.). 4659. PLEYSIER (Albert), VINOGRADOV (Alexey V.). Exiled to Stalin's prisons. Lanham, Hamilton Books, 2018, [s. p.] 4660. PYZHIKOV (Aleksandr Vladimirovich). Vzlët nad propastʹiu, 1890–1917 gody. (Rise over the precipice, 1890–1917). Moskva, Kontseptual, 2018, 550 p. 4661. RAGUSA (Andrea). Memorie della rivoluzione d'ottobre. Manduria, Lacaita, 2018, 248 p. 4662. REBITSCHEK (Immo). Die disziplinierte Diktatur. Stalinismus und Justiz in der sowjetischen Provinz 1938–1956. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 454 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 51). 4663. RIMMINGTON (Anthony). Stalin's secret weapon: the origins of soviet biological warfare. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-262 p. 4664. Rivoluzione sovietica (La) in prospettiva globale. Contemporanea, 2018, 21, 2, p. 241-283. 4665. Rossiskaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda i ee mesto v istorii XX veka. (The Russian revolution of 1917 and
its place in the history of the 20th century). Ed. by A. V. TORKUNOV, A. O. CHUBAR'IAN. Moskva, Ves' Mir, 2018, 351 p. 4666. RUDER (Cynthia A.). Building stalinism. The Moscow canal and the creation of Soviet space. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XXII-330 p. (The library of modern Russia). 4667. Russia's home front in war and revolution, 1914–1922. Book 3. National disintegration. Ed. by Christopher READ, Peter WALDRON and Adele LINDENMEYR. Bloomington, Slavica, 2018, XXII-375 p. (Russia's Great War and Revolution, 3). 4668. RUZHITSKAIA (Irina Vladimirovna). Gosudarstvennyĭ sovet pri Nikolae I: osobennosti funktsionirovaniia. (State Council under Nicholas I: features of functioning). Moskva a. Sankt-Peterburg, Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2018, 310 p. (Historia Russica). 4669. SABLIN (Ivan). The rise and fall of Russia's far eastern republic, 1905–1922: nationalisms, imperialisms, and regionalisms in and after the Russian empire. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 300 p. 4670. SCHÖNLE (Andreas), ZORIN (Andrei). On the periphery of Europe, 1762–1825. The self-invention of the Russian elite. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2018, XI-242 p. 4671. SERVICE (Robert). The last of the tsars. Nicholas II and the Russian Revolution. New York, Pegasus Books, 2017. Pp. XVIII-382 p. 4672. SMITH-PETER (Susan). Imagining Russian regions. Subnational identity and civil society in nineteenth-century Russia. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XIV-328 p. (Russian history and culture, 19). 4673. SOLOV'EV (Kirill Andreevich). Politicheskaia sistema Rossiĭskoĭ imperii v 1881–1905 gg.: problema zakonotvorchestva. (The political system of the Russian Empire in 1881–1905: the problem of lawmaking). Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 350 p. 4674. SPRAU (Mirjam). Kolyma nach dem Gulag. Entstalinisierung im Magadaner Gebiet 1953–1960. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, IX-408 p. 4675. TAUBMAN (William). Gorbatschow. Der Mann und seine Zeit. Eine Biographie. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 935 p. (ill.). 4676. TREPAVLOV (Vadim Vintserovich). Simvoly i ritualy v ėtnicheskoĭ politike Rossii XVI–XIX vv. (Symbols and rituals in the ethnic policy of Russia in the 16th–19th centuries). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatelʹstvo Olega Abyshko, 2018, 312 p. 4677. TURTON (Katy). Family networks and the Russian revolutionary movement, 1870–1940. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XX-261 p. 4678. Velikaia russkaia revoliutsiia, stoletie spustia. (The Great Russian Revolution, a century later). Ed. by Boris Fedorovich MARTYNOV [et al.]. Moskva, Izdatelʹstvo "MGIMO-Universitet", 2018, 305 p.
4679. VELIKANOVA (Olga). Mass political culture under Stalinism: popular discussion of the Soviet Constitution of 1936. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XV260 p.### 4680. Vlastʹ i obshchestvo rossiĭskoĭ provintsii v modernizatsionnykh protsessakh kontsa XIX - pervoĭ treti XX stoletiia. (Power and society of the Russian province in the modernization processes of the late 19th - first third of the 20th century). Otvetstvennyĭ redaktor A.V. NOVIKOV. Kostroma, KGU, 2018, 299 p. 4681. WOJNOWSKI (Zbigniew). The Impact of the Prague Spring on the USSR. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 71-96. 4682. WORTMAN (Richard S.). The power of language and rhetoric in Russian political history: charismatic words from the 18th to the 21st centuries. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, X-242 p. Cf. nos 4981, 5092, 6382 Saudi Arabia 4683. BSHEER (Rosie). A counter-revolutionary state: popular movements and the making of Saudi Arabia. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 233-277. 4684. PETERSON (John). Saudi Arabia under Ibn Saud: economic and financial foundations of the state. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XIV-288 p. (Library of Middle East history, 75). Senegal 4685. CHARNAY (Julien). Peur coloniale et politisation des immigrants chiites sud-libanais au Sénégal dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Le mouvement social, 2018, 262, p. 69-87. e
4686. FALL SOKHNA (Rokhaya). Le Saalum (XVI – XIXe siècle): un espace de rencontre. Dakar, Presses universitaires de Dakar, 2018, 471 p. 4687. RICHARD (François G.). Reluctant landscapes: historical anthropologies of political experience in Siin, Senegal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 414 p. Serbia 4688. Dobrovoljci u Velikom Ratu 1914–1918. (Volunteers in the Great War 1914–1918). Urednici Srđan RUDIĆ, Dalibor DENDA, Đorđe ĐURIĆ. Beograd, Istorijski institut, Institut za strategijska istraživanja i Novi Sad, Matica srpska, 2018, 462 p. (Zbornik radova, 36). 4689. GATALOVIĆ (Miomir). Burna vremena: Kosovo i Metohija u državnojpolitici Jugoslavije 1966–1969. (Turbulent times Kosovo and Metohija in the state policy of Yugoslavia 1966–1969). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2018, 433 p. (Studije i monografije). 4690. JANJETOVIĆ (Zoran). Collaboration and fascism under the Nedić regime. Beograd, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, 2018, 565 p. (Library studies and monographs, 109).
4691. KAYTCHEV (Naoum). Yugoslavismi sreshtu partikularizmi: natsionalno-darzhavnite prevaplashteniya na dvete Yugoslavii, 1918–1991. (Yugoslavisms versus particularisms: national-state incarnations of the two Yugoslavias, 1918–1991). In: Maski dolu! Natsionalizmӑt na Balkanite prez XX vek [cf. n° 3729], p. 11-73. 4692. KRAUSS (Karl-Peter). Mord an der Donau. Leopold von Márffy und die deutschen Untertanen in Tscheb (1802–1812). Eine Mikrogeschichte der Gewalt. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 306 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 160). 4693. RADIĆ (Radmila). Vojislav Janić (1890–1944): sveštenik i političar: pogled kroz analitički prozor. Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2018, 482 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije, 106). 4694. Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima XX veka: (nauc̆ni skup). Uređivac̆ki odbor Latinka PEROVIĆ, Marija OBRADOVIĆ, Dubravka STOJANOVIĆ = Serbia in the modernization processes of the 20th century: (conference). Editorial board Latinka PEROVIĆ, Marija OBRADOVIĆ, Dubravka STOJANOVIĆ. Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2018, 452 p 4695. VUČETIĆ (Biljana). Bogdan Radenković (1874– 1917): sudbina jednog srpskog nacionaliste. [Bogdan Radenković (1874–1917) destiny of a Serbian nationalist]. Urednik Srđan RUDIĆ, direktor Istorijskog instituta. Beograd, Istorijski Institut Beograd, 2018, 355 p. (Posebna izdanja, 70). Sierra Leone 4696. FERME (Mariane C.). Out of war: violence, trauma and the political imagination in Sierra Leone. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2018, 336 p. 4697. JALLOH (Alusine). Muslim Fula business elites and politics in Sierra Leone. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, XIV-320 p. (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora). Slovakia ** 4698. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava), DRÁBIK (Jakub), LONDÁK (Miroslav), LONDÁKOVÁ (Elena), PEŠEK (Jan), SABOL (Miroslav), SIKORA (Stanislav). Slováci a Československá socialistická republika. Liberalizácia, normalizácia a pád komunistického režimu. XIII d. 1. (The Slovaks and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Liberalization, normalization and the fall of the communist regime). Bratislava, Literárne informačné centrum, 2018, 190 p. 4699. BAER (Josette). Alexander Dubček unknown (1921–1992): the life of a political icon. Stuttgart, ibidem-Verlag, 2018, XIX-277 p. 4700. BOISSERIE (Étienne). „Situácia ešte nie je kritická..." Problémy vládnutia na Slovensku v korešpondencii medzi Markovičom, Benešom a Šrobárom (február–máj 1919). ["The situation is not yet critical…" The problems of controlling Slovakia in the correspondence of Markovič – Beneš – Šrobár (February–May 1919)]. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 2, p. 271-288.
§ 2. History by countries 4701. Dubček. Ed. Miroslav LONDÁK, Slavomír MIBratislava, VEDA - Historický ústav SAV, 2018, 532 p. ### CHÁLEK.
4702. FIAMOVÁ (Martina). The preparation and course of the land reform in Slovakia, 1939–1945. Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 5, p. 901-932. 4703. PALÁRIK (Miroslav), MIKULÁŠOVÁ (Alena), HETÉNYI (Martin), ARPÁŠ (Róbert). The city and region against the backdrop of totalitarianism. Images from the life in the Slovak Republic (1939–1945), illustrated by the city of Nitra and its surroundings. Wien, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa a. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 280 p. 4704. Slováci v československých légiách (1914– 1917–1920). Venované pamiatke PhDr. Mariána Hronského, DrSc. (1940–2012). [Slovaks in Czechoslovak legions. (1914–1917–1920). Dedicated to the memory of PhDr. Marián Hronský, DrSc. (1940–2012)]. Ed. Ferdinand VRÁBEL. Bratislava, Veda - Ústav politických vied SAV, 2018, 75 p. 4705. Slovensko - evropský příběh. (Slovakia - A European story). Ed. Miroslav LONDÁK, Slavomír MICHÁLEK, Peter WEISS. Praha, Academia, 2018, 340 p. 4706. VALEŠ (Lukáš). Nebyla to jenom Praha – podíl obyvatel českých a slovenských měst a regionů na pádu komunistického režimu. (It was not only Prague – the share of the people of the Czech and Slovak towns and regions in the fall of the communist regime). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 133-158. 4707. ZAVACKÁ (Marína). Ľudácka prevýchova. Mária Janšáková v Ilave roku 1939 a jej Cela č. 20. (Ludak Regime re-education programme. Mária Janšáková in Ilava in 1939 and her cell no. 20). Bratislava, Artforum, 2018, 198 p. Cf. nos 3942-3968 Slovenia 4708. KRIŽMAN (Mate). Istra od talijanske okupacije 1918. do Londonskog memoranduma 1954. (Istria from the Italian occupation in 1918 to the London Memorandum in 1954). Pazin, Matica hrvatska Pazin, 2018, 464 p. 4709. PEROVŠEK (Jurij). Slovenski prevrat 1918: Položaj Slovencev v Državi Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov. (The Slovenian turning point of 1918: Slovenian position in the state of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2018, 335 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja, 35). Cf. no 4691 Somalia 4710. BALTHASAR (Dominik). State making in Somalia under Siyad Barre: scrutinizing historical amnesia and normative bias. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 141-162
199 South Africa
4711. BLAKE (Albert). Wit terroriste: Afrikaner-saboteurs in die Ossewabrandwagjare. (White terrorists: Afrikaner saboteurs in the Ossewabrandwag). Kaapstad, Tafelberg, 2018, 303 p. (ill.). 4712. DAVIS (Stephen R.). The ANC's war against apartheid. Umkhonto we Sizwe and the liberation of South Africa. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, XLIV268 p. 4713. DU PISANI (Kobus). "Assassin" or "patriot?" John Harris, Hendrik van den Bergh, John Vorster, and the Johannesburg station bomb, 24 July 1964. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 3, p. 435-458. 4714. EDGAR (Robert R.). The finger of god. Enoch Mgijima, the Israelites and the Bulhoek massacre in South Africa. Charlottesville. University of Virginia Press, 2018, XII-236 p. 4715. EZE (Chielozona). Race, decolonization, and global citizenship in South Africa. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, XII-226 p. (Rochester studies in African history and diaspora, 79). 4716. FREUND (Bill). Twentieth-century South Africa: a developmental history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 288 p. 4717. GRAHAM (Matthew). Campaigning against Apartheid: the rise, fall and legacies of the South Africa United Front 1960–1962. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 1148-1170. 4718. KELLY (Jill E.). To swim with crocodiles: land, violence, and belonging in South Africa, 1800–1996. East Lansing, Michigan State U. P., 2018, LIV-342 p. 4719. KYNOCH (Gary). Township violence and the end of Apartheid: war on the reef. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2018, 240 p. 4720. MACQUEEN (Ian M.). Black consciousness and progressive movements under Apartheid. Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2018, 268 p. 4721. PARCELLS (Ashley). Rural development, royal history, and the struggle for authority in early Apartheid Zululand (1951–1954). Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 199-219. 4722. VAN DER HEYDEN (Ulrich). Der Dakar-Prozess. Der Anfang vom Ende der Apartheid in Südafrika. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag, 2018, 176 p. 4723. VAN VUUREN (Hennie). Apartheid guns and money: a tale of profit. London, Hurst Publishers, 2018, 448 p. 4724. VAN WYK (Anna-Mart). South African nuclear development in the 1970s: a non-proliferation conundrum? International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 11521173. 4725. VAN ZYL-HERMANN (Danelle). Race, rumour and the politics of class in late and post-apartheid South
Africa: the case of Arrie Paulus. Social history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 509-530.
Taylor and Francis, 2018, XII-229 p. (Routledge/Canada blanch studies on contemporary Spain).
4726. WILLAN (Brian). Sol Plaatje. A life of Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje, 1876–1932. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XXIV-711 p. (Reconsiderations in Southern African history).
4738. FERNÁNDEZ TORRES (Luis). Arqueología del pluralismo político moderno: el concepto de partido de España (1780–1868). Granada, Editorial Comares, 2018, 289 p. (Comares historia).
Cf. no 5402
4739. FLEMING (Gillian B.). Juana I: Legitimacy and conflict in sixteenth-century Castile. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XXI-356 p. (Queenship and power).
Spain 4727. 1716: el final del sistema foral de la monarquía hispánica. Dir. Miguel J. DEYÁ BAUZÁ. Palma, Lleonard Muntaner Editor, 2018, 437 p. (L'Arjau, 54). 4728. Activistas, militantes y propagandistas: biografías en los márgenes de la cultura republicana (1868-1978). Coords. Eduardo HIGUERAS CASTAÑEDA, Rubén PÉREZ TRUJILLANO y Julián VADILLO MUÑOZ. Sevilla, Athenaica Ediciones Universitarias = Edições Universitárias, 2018, 438 p. (Clásicos e inéditos del derecho público español). 4729. AGUILAR FERNÁNDEZ (Paloma), LEÓN CÁCERES (Guillermo). Memoria, política e iniciativa social a nivel local. Las exhumaciones de fusilados republicanos durante la transición en La Serena. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 81-102. 4730. BELAUSTEGI BEDIALAUNETA (Unai). La base social de la cultura política republicana: prosopografía del republicanismo (1868–1923). Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 3-21. 4731. CORDERO PÉREZ (Jorge). Los gobiernos de Adolfo Suárez en la prensa británica. Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo, 2018, 299 p. (Estudios). 4732. Corrupción política (La) en la España contemporánea: un enfoque interdisciplinar. Dirs. Borja DE RIQUER, Joan Lluís PÉREZ FRANCESCH, Gemma RUBÍ, Lluís Ferran TOLEDANO y Oriol LUJÁN. Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Corrupción Política en la España Contemporánea (Siglos XIX a XXI) (2017: Barcelona). Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2018, 695 p. (Estudios/contemporánea). 4733. Desde la capital de la República: nuevas perspectivas y estudios sobre la Guerra Civil española. Ed. por Sergio VALERO GÓMEZ y Marta GARCÍA CARRIÓN. València, Universitat de València, 2018, 415 p. 4734. DÍAZ MARÍN (Pedro). Política de Estado: los discursos de la Corona durante la década moderada (1844–1854). Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Publicacions de la Universitat d'Alacant, 2018, 330 p. 4735. EIROA SAN FRANCISCO (Matilde). Españoles tras el telón de acero: el exilio republicano y comunista en la Europa socialista. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, 2018, 255 p. (Estudios/contemporánea). 4736. ELLIOTT (J. H.). Scots and Catalans: union and disunion. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIV-340 p. 4737. EVANS (Danny). Revolution and the State: Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939. London,
4740. FOX (Phillip D.). The advantage of legal diversity for state formation: Bourbon reforms and Aragonese law in eighteenth-century Spain. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 2, p. 203-231. 4741. GONZÁLEZ ENCISO (Agustín). War contracting and artillery production in Spain. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 87-104. 4742. Greuges i desgreuges: el debat Catalunya-Espanya a la premsa, del primer catalanisme a l'actualitat. (Grievances and reparations: the Catalonia-Spain debate in the press, from the first Catalanism to the present day). Ed. by Joan SAFONT I PLUMED. Barcelona, Ara Llibres, [2018], 304 p. 4743. HOFMANN (Anna Catharina). Demokratie praktizieren in einer Diktatur? Politische Partizipation und ihre Grenzen im späten Franco-Regime (1966–1973). Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 225-262. 4744. LEÓN CÁCERES (Guillermo). La construcción de la alternativa socialista en la provincia de Badajoz, 1974–1979. Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2018, 346 p. 4745. MACIÀ FARRÉ (Marc). Dictadura i democràcia: les Borges Blanques, 1923–1936. Lleida, Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida i Alguaire, Patronat Josep Lladonosa, 2018, 273 p. (Col·lecció Josep Lladonosa, 20). 4746. MEES (Ludger). Ethnogenesis in the Pyrenees: the contentious making of a national identity in the Basque Country (1643–2017). European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 3, p. 462-489. 4747. MIRALLES CLIMENT (Josep). La rebeldía carlista: memoria de una represión silenciada: enfrentamiento, marginación y persecución durante la primera mitad del régimen franquista (1936–1955). Madrid, Schedas, 2018, 430 p. (Colección Luis Hernando de Larramendi. Historia del Carlismo, 4). 4748. MORADIELLOS (Enrique). Franco: anatomy of a dictator. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, 246 p. 4749. NÚÑEZ SEIXAS (Xosé Manoel). Suspiros de España: el nacionalismo español, 1808–2018. Barcelona, Crítica, 2018, 218 p. (Crítica contrastes). 4750. PELLICER NICOLÁS (José Higinio). PSOE: El triunfo de un proyecto: historia del movimiento obrero: orígenes del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1891– 1910). Ocaña, Lastura Ediciones, Editorial Juglar, 2018, 464 p. (Punto de mira, 1).
§ 2. History by countries
4751. PORTILLO VALDÉS (José María). Entre tiros e historia: la constitución de la autonomía vasca (1976– 1979). Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018, 135 p. (Serie Ensayo).###
4764. VALENCIA-GARCÍA (Louie Dean). Antiauthoritarian youth culture in Francoist Spain. Clashing with fascism. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XVII-248 p.
4752. QUAGGIO (Giulia). Social movements and participatory democracy. Spanish protests for peace during the last decade of the Cold War (1981–1986). Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2018, 58, p. 279-304.
Cf. nos 4356, 4426
4753. República (De la) al exilio: cultura y política en Granada (1931–1939). Compilador del volumen, Rafael GIL BARCERO. Granada, Diputación de Granada, Delegación de Cultura y Memoria Histórica y Democrática, 2018, 349 p. 4754. ROBLEDO HERNÁNDEZ (Ricardo). Mercado de trabajo, guerra social y "complot" anarquista en el campo sevillano. Las bombas de mayo (1932). Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 23-45. 4755. ROMÁN RUIZ (Gloria). "Ni un español sin hogar": La política de construcción de viviendas sociales en el campo altoandaluz durante el franquismo y su potencial para generar consentimiento entre la población. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 63-80. 4756. RUZAFA ORTEGA (Rafael). Entre política y negocios. Las élites de alcance nacional en la primera construcción ferroviaria en España (1850–1866). Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 29-48. 4757. SÁNCHEZ-MONTES GONZÁLEZ (Francisco). El viaje de Felipe IV a Andalucía en 1624: tiempo de recursos y consolidación de lealtades. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2018, 383 p. (Colección monográfica. Historia). 4758. SANZ CERENZUELA (José Ignacio). Una transición política fallida: España de la Monarquía a la República (1900–1931). Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2018, 230 p. (Colección Tesis doctorales cum laude. Serie D, Derecho, 11). 4759. SIMAL (Juan Luis). Conspiración, revolución y contrarrevolución en España, 1814–1824. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 526-556. 4760. Soldados para el frente. Ed. por Lourenzo FERPRIETO y Aurora ARTIAGA REGO. Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia, 2018, 347 p. (Ayer, 111). NÁNDEZ
4761. STOCKEY (Gareth). Repression, rivalry and racketeering in the creation of Franco's Spain: the curious case of Emilio Griffiths. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 1, p. 34-60. 4762. Supein teikoku to fukogō kunshusei. (The Spanish empire as a composite monarchy). Ed by. Hirotaka TATEISHI. Kyoto, Shōwadō, 2018, 264 p. 4763. Tiempo de política, tiempo de constitución: la monarquía hispánica entre la revolución y la reacción (1780–1840). Ed. por Ivana FRASQUET y Encarna GARCÍA MONERRIS. Granada, Editorial Comares, 2018, XVII266 p. (Comares historia).
Sudan 4765. Al-Ḥarakāt al-Islāmīyah fī al-Sūdān (1969– 1985). (The Islamic movements in Sudan, 1969–1985). Taʾlīf ʿIṣām Mishʿal AL-ḤALBŪSĪ. Baghdad, Muʾassasat Thāʾir al-ʿIṣāmī, 2018, 248 p. 4766. 'ĀYID (Anas 'Abd al-Khāliq). Al-Taṭawwurāt al-siyāsīyah fī al-Sūdān, 1820–1914. (Political developments in Sudan, 1820–1914). Al-Qāhirah, Būrṣat alKutub, 2018, 164 p. 4767. YOUNG (Alden). Transforming Sudan: decolonization, economic development, and state formation. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 194 p. Suriname 4768. RAMSOEDH (Hans). Surinaams onbehagen: een sociale en politieke geschiedenis van Suriname, 1865– 2015. Hilversum, Verloren, 2018, 368 p. Sweden 4769. BACHNER (Henrik). "Judefrågan": debatt om antisemitism i 1930-talets Sverige. ("La question juive": le débat sur l'antisémitisme dans les années 1930 en Suède). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 381 p. 4770. BLOMQVIST (Olof). Migrant, officer och fosterlandsförrädare: Dödsdomen mot Fredrich Sahlgård och föreställningar om nationell tillhörighet i stora nordiska krigets Sverige. (Migrant, officer and traitor to the motherland: The death sentence against Fredrich Sahlgård and perceptions of national belonging in Sweden during the Great Northern War). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 3, p. 391-420. 4771. HANSSON (Gunnar). Reformism och utopism. Wigforss, efterkrigstid och socialdemokratins framtid. (Réformisme et utopie. Ernst Wigforss [1881–1977], la période d'après-guerre et l'avenir de la social-démocratie). Lund, Arkiv förlag, 2018, 189 p. 4772. KAIJSER (Anna), HEIDENBLAD (David Larsson). Young activists in muddy boots. Fältbiologerna and the ecological turn in Sweden, 1959–1974. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 301-323. 4773. MÜLLER (Leos). Sveriges första globala århundrade: en 1700-talshistoria. (Le premier siècle mondialisé de la Suède: une histoire du 18e siècle). Stockholm, Dialogos, 2018, 259 p. 4774. Nation i ombildning: essäer om 2000-talets Sverige. (Une nation en transformation: essais sur la Suède des années 2000). Red. Aleksandra ÅLUND, CarlUlrik SCHIERUP, Anders NEERGAARD. Stockholm, Boréa bokförlag, 2018, 361 p. 4775. NEUDING SKOOG (Martin). I rikets tjänst: krig, stat och samhälle i Sverige 1450–1550. (Au service du
royaume: guerre, état et société en Suède entre 1450 et 1550). Lund, Bokförlaget Augusti, 2018, 583 p. 4776. NORD (Lars), STRÖMBÄCK (Jesper). Svenska valrörelser. Väljare, medier och partier under 2000talet. (Elections suédoises. Electeurs, média et partis dans les années 2000). Stockholm, Santérus, 2018, 206 p. 4777. Rösträttens århundrade: kampen, utvecklingen och framtiden för demokratin i Sverige. (Le siècle du suffrage universel: la lutte, le développement et l'avenir de la démocratie en Suède). Red. Ulrika HOLGERSSON, Lena WÄNGNERUD. Göteborg, Makadam i samarbete med Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2018, 459 p. (ill.). 4778. Svenska (Det) politiska landskapet inför valet 2018. (Le paysage politique suédois à l'approche des élections de 2018). Red. Christofer EDLING, Sara ELDEN. Lund, Sveriges sociologförbund, 2018, P. 119-441 (ill.). (Sociologisk forskning, 2018: 2-3). 4779. Svenskt frimureri under 1800-talet. (La francmaçonnerie suédoise au 19e siècle). Red. Marcus WILLEN ODE. Uppsala, Svenska frimurare orden, Forskningslogen Carl Friedrich Eckleff, 2018, 586 p. (ill.). 4780. UPPSTRÖM (Rolf). Den okända kulan: Karl XII: s död 1718 och människor omkring honom. (La balle inconnue: la mort de Charles XII en 1718 et son entourage). Stockholm, Carlssons, 2018, 198 p. Cf. no 4004 Switzerland 4781. 1968. Des années d'espoirs. Regards sur la Ligue marxiste révolutionnaire. Parti socialiste. Sous la dir. de Jacqueline HEINEN. Lausanne, Antipodes, 2018, 327 p. (Histoire. Antipodes). 4782. Am Rande des Sturms. Das Schweizer Militär im Ersten Weltkrieg. [En marge de la tempête. Les forces armées suissses pendant la Première Guerre mondiale mondiale]. Hrsg. v. Michael OLSANSKY. Baden, hier + jetzt, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2018, 356 p. 4783. BARAT (Raphaël). "Les élections que fait le peuple": République de Genève, vers 1680–1707. Genève, Droz, 2018, 446 p. (Bibliothèque des Lumières, 92). 4784. EDENHARTER (Andrea). Der Schutz der Grundrechte in der Früh- und Konsolidierungsphase des schweizerischen Bundesstaates. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 27-58. 4785. FONTANELLAZ (Blaise). Swiss political parties and Europe: From integration to disintegration? Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 137-152. 4786. Geschichte des Kantons Solothurn. Band 5. 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Regierungsrat Kanton Solothurn. Solothurn, Lehrmittelverlag Kanton Solothurn, 2018, 2 vol., 532 p., 467 p. 4787. GRAA (Numa). Entre communisme er frontisme. La défense de l'ordre public vaudois 1932–1939. Lausanne, Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 2018, 671 p.
4788. HOPPE (Peter), SCHLÄPPI (Daniel), BÜSSER (Nathalie), MEIER (Thomas). Universum Kleinstadt. Die Stadt Zug und ihre Untertanen im Spiegel der Protokolle von Stadtrat und Gemeinde (1471–1798). Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 320 p. (Beiträge zur Zuger Geschichte, 18). 4789. IBERG (Ludovic). Surmonter les conflits internes pour ne plus dépendre de l'Etat: le financement de l'Union Suisse du Commerce et de l'Industrie (1882– 1924). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 3, p. 479-501. 4790. Kokusai toshi Junēvu no rekishi: shūkyō, shisō, seiji, keizai. (A history of Geneva, a cosmopolitan city: religion, thought, politics and economy). Ed. by Shirō ŌKAWA and Tamio OKAMURA. Kyoto, Shōwadō, 2018, 336 p. 4791. KOLLER (Guido). Fluchtort Schweiz: schweizerische Flüchtlingspolitik (1933–1945) und ihre Nachgeschichte. Stuttgart, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2018, 241 p. 4792. LAVOYER (Matthieu). Colosse aux pieds d'argile? Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 367-383. 4793. MEIER (Titus J.). Widerstandsvorbereitungen für den Besetzungsfall. Die Schweiz im Kalten Krieg. Zürich, NZZ Libro, 2018, 592 p. 4794. Reformen jenseits der Revolte. Zürich in den langen Sechzigern. Hrsg. v. Erika HEBEISEN, Gisela HÜRLIMANN und Regula SCHMID. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2018, 164 p. 4795. Zwang zur Freiheit. Krise und Neoliberalismus in der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. Regula LUDI, Matthias RUOSS und Leena SCHMITTER. Zürich Chronos, 2018, 287 p. Syria 4796. ḤANNĀ (ʿAbd Allāh). Ṣafaḥāt min tārīkh alaḥzāb al-siyāsīyah fī Sūrīyah al-qarn al-ʿishrīn wa-ajwāʾuhā al-ijtīmāʿīyah. (Pages from the history of political parties in 20th century Syria and its social atmospheres). Bayrūt, al-Markaz al-ʿArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt, 2018, 592 p. 4797. MANṢŪR (Aḥmad Walīd). Quṣāṣāt ghayr qābilah lil-ṭaʿn bayna al-quḍāh wa-al-siyāsīyīn al-Sūrīyīn, 1918M–1961M. (Unchallenged snippets: between Syrian judges and politicians, 1918–1961). Dimashq, Dār Ṣafaḥāt lil-Nashr, 2018, 367 p. 4798. MOUBAYED (Sami M.). The makers of modern Syria: the rise and fall of Syrian democracy 1918– 1958. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, 320 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 200). 4799. REILLY (James A.). Fragile nation, shattered land: a modern history of Syria. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XVI-258 p. 4800. REY (Matthieu). Histoire de la Syrie (XIXe– XXIe siècle). Paris, Fayard, 2018, 398 p.
§ 2. History by countries Tajikistan### 4801. KALINOVSKY (Artemy M.). Laboratory of socialist development. Cold War politics and decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-316 p. 4802. Tajikistan on the move: stetebuilding and societal transformations. Ed. by Marle LARUELLE. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 336 p. Tunisia 4803. MIHOUB (Ali Aït). Bizerte dans la Grande Guerre: un refuge pour les Serbes, 1916–1919. Tunis, Université de la Manouba, Institut Supérieur d'Histoire de la Tunisie Contemporaine, 2018, 207 p. Turkey * 4804. MARKIEWICZ (Christopher). Europeanist trends and Islamicate trajectories in early modern Ottoman history [Review article]. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 265-281. 4805. AÇIKGÖZ (Betül), KESKINKILIÇ (Erdoğan). The renunciation of minority rights and the making of the 1926 civil law: mahzars penned by non-Muslim minorities. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 1, p. 68-93. 4806. AKÇAM (Taner). Killing orders: Talat Pasha's telegrams and the Armenian genocide. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XVIII-261 p. 4807. BILGEN (Arda). A project of destruction, peace, or techno-science? Untangling the relationship between the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) and the Kurdish question in Turkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 1, p. 94-113. 4808. DÖLEK-SEVER (Deniz). Istanbul's Great War: public order, crime and punishment in the Ottoman capital 1914–1918. İstanbul, Libra, 2018, 396 p. (Tarih dizisi, 221). 4809. FERGUSON (Heather L.). The proper order of things. Language, power and law in Ottoman administrative discourses. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XII426 p. 4810. GÜLLÜ (Ramazan Erhan). Türkiye'de gayrimüslimlerin yönetimi. Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e. (The rule of non-Muslims in Turkey. From the Ottoman Empire to the Republic). İstanbul, Ötüken Neşriyat, 2018, 495 p. (ill.). (Kültür serisi. Ötüken Neşriyat, 783). 4811. HATHAWAY (Jane). The chief eunuch of the Ottoman harem. From African slave to power-broker. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-323 p.
4814. KOÇUNYAN (Aylin). Negotiating the Ottoman constitution, 1839–1876. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, 491 p. 4815. Let them not return. Sayfo - the genocide against the Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean christians in the Ottoman empire. Ed. by David Gaunt NAURES ATTO and Soner O. BARTHOMA. New York, Berghahn Books, 2017. Pp. IX-262 p. (War and genocide, 26). 4816. LORD (Ceren). Religious politics in Turkey: from the birth of the republic to the AKP. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 363 p. 4817. Marges et pouvoir dans l'espace (post-)ottoman: XIXe–XXe siècles. Sous la direction de Hamit BOZARSLAN. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2018, 298 p. (Meydan). 4818. MUNAJJIM BĀSHĪ (Aḥmad ibn Luṭf Allāh). Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman Sonrası Osmanlı devleti, Sultan II. Selim Hân Dönemi (1566–1574). Müneccimbaşı tarihinden Selim dönemi Arapça tahkikli metin ve çevirisi. [The Ottoman Empire after Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan Selim II Khan Period (1566–1574). The Arabic authenticated text and translation of the Selim period]. Ed. by Munise ŞIMŞEK. İstanbul, Ravza Yayınları, 2018, 183 p. (facs.). 4819. ÖZCAN (Ahmet). "Ama eşkıyalık çağı kapandı!": modern Türkiye'de son Kürt eşkıyalık çağı (1950– 1970). ("But the age of banditry is over!": the last age of Kurdish banditry in modern Turkey, 1950–1970). Önsöz, Hamit BOZARSLAN. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2018, 259 p. (İletişim Yayınları, 2688. Araştırma-inceleme dizisi, 440). 4820. PAKSOY (İrfan). Cihan Harbi: Cihan Harbi'nde Osmanlı Devleti. (World War: Ottoman Empire in World War). Istanbul, Boğaziçi Yayınları, 2018, XXI603 p. (ill.). 4821. SELÇUK (Ekin Kadir). "Mücadeleciler": mücadele birliği (1964–1980). ("The Fighters": combat unit, 1964–1980). İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2018, 264 p. (İletişim Yayınları, 2676. Araştırma-inceleme dizisi, 438). 4822. SILVERMAN (Reuben). Politics in Turkey: parties, politicians and the struggle for power. İstanbul, Libra Kitapçıliık ve Yayıncılık Ticaret, 2018, 305 p. (History. Tarih dizisi, 253). 4823. ŞIVILOĞLU (Murat R.). The emergence of public opinion: state and society in the late Ottoman empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-319 p.
4812. KIESER (Hans-Lukas). Talaat Pasha: father of modern Turkey, architect of genocide. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2018, XVI-532 p.
4824. YANARDAĞ (Ayşe). Atatürk devrimleri ve Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, 1924–1938. (Ataturk's revolutions and Presidency of religious affairs, 1924–1938). Ankara, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, 2018, XI-344 p. (ill.).
4813. Kill (To) a Sultan: a transnational history of the attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905). Ed. by Houssine ALLOUL, Edhem ELDEM, Henk DE SMAELE. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII-281 p.
4825. YELBAŞI (Caner). Exile, resistance and deportation: Circassian opposition to the Kemalists in the South Marmara in 1922–1923. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 936-947.
4826. YILMAZ (Hüseyin). Caliphate redefined. The mystical turn in Ottoman political thought. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIII-370 p.### Cf. nos 3872, 7102 Uganda 4827. BRUCE-LOCKHART (Katherine), EARLE (Jonathon L.). Researching institutional life in modern Uganda. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 175-191. 4828. FITZSIMONS (William). Warfare, competition, and the durability of 'political smallness' in nineteenthcentury Busoga. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 45-67. 4829. SUMMERS (Carol). Scandal and mass politics: Buganda's 1941 Nnamasole crisis. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 63-83. Ukraine ** 4830. Arkhiv Ukraïnsʹkoï Narodnoï Respubliky, Ministerstvo vnutrishnikh sprav, zvity departamentiv derzhavnoï varty ta politychnoï informatsiï (1918–1922). [Archives of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Ministry of internal affairs, reports of the Departments of the State guard and Political information (1918–1922)]. Ed. by Valentyn KAVUNNYK. Kyïv, Instytut ukraïnsʹkoï arkheohrafiï ta dzhereloznavstva im. M.S. Hrushevsʹkoho, 2018, 620 p. 4831. APPLEBAUM (Anne). Red famine. Stalin's war on Ukraine. London, Penguin Books, 2018, XXVIII481 p. 4832. BARTOV (Omer). Anatomy of a genocide. The life and death of a town called Buczacz. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2018, XIV-398 p. 4833. BOHACHEVSKY-CHOMIAK (Martha). Bilym po bilomu: zhinky u hromadsʹkomu zhytti Ukraïny, 1884– 1939. (White on white: women in the public life of Ukraine, 1884–1939). Lʹviv, Vydavnytstvo Ukraïnsʹkoho katolytsʹkoho universytetu, 2018, 519 p. 4834. CHORNOVOL (Ihor Pavlovych). Ukraïnsʹka fraktsiia Halytsʹkoho kraĭovoho seĭmu. (The Ukrainian faction of the Galician Regional Diet). L'viv, Instytut ukraïnoznavstva im. I. Kryp'iakevycha NAN Ukraïny, 2018, 369 p. 4835. GULA (Ruslan), GULA (Vladimir). Agoniia Leviafana. 1. Passionarii i iurodivye: politicheskiĭ terror i terrorizm v Ukraine (1900–1914). 2. Obrechennye i otverzhennye: politicheskiif terror v Ukraine (1914–1917). [The agony of Leviathan. 1. Passionaries and holy fools: political terror and terrorism in Ukraine (1900–1914). 2. Doomed and outcasts: political terror and terrorism in Ukraine (1914–1917)]. Kiev, TOV "Heoprynt", 20162018, 2 voll. (ill.). 4836. LINKIEWICZ (Olga). Lokalnosc i nacjonalizm. Społeczności wiejskie w Galicji Wschodniej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym. [Lokalität und Nationalismus. Dörfliche Gesellschaften in Ostgalizien in der Zwischenkriegszeit]. Kraków, UNIVERSITAS, 2018, 364 p.
4837. Malorossy vs ukraintsy: ukrainskiĭ vopros v nauke, gosudarstvennoĭ i kulʹturnoĭ politike Rossiĭskoĭ imperii i SSSR. (Little Russians vs Ukrainians: the Ukrainian question in science, state and cultural policy of the Russian Empire and the USSR). Ed. by Elena BORISËNOK, M. V. LESKINEN. Moskva, Institut slavianovedeniia RAN, 2018, 526 p. 4838. MISHCHANYN (Vasylʹ). Radianizatsiia Zakarpattia, 1944–1950 rr. (Sovietization of Transcarpathia, 1944–1950). Uzhhorod, TOV "RIK-U", 2018, 641 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 4839. SOLDATENKO (Valeriĭ). Khristian Rakovskiy v revolyutsionnykh sobytiyakh v Ukraine (1918–1923 gg.): poisk sovremennykh nauchnykh aktsentov. [Christian Rakovsky in the Revolutionary Events in Ukraine (1918– 1923): in Search for Modern Scientific Accents]. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 92-135. – IDEM. Rossiia-Krym-Ukraina: opyt vzaimootnosheniĭ v gody revoliutsii i Grazhdanskoĭ voĭny. (Russia-CrimeaUkraine: the experience of relations during the years of the revolution and the Civil War). Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 167 p. Addendum 2017. 4840. ** 4840. BURAKOVS'KYĬ (Oleksandr). Khronika ėvoliutsii 'natsionalʹnoĭ idei' Ukrainy i evrei, 1987– 2015: kniga dokumentalʹnoĭ publitsistiki. (Chronicle of the evolution of the 'national idea' of Ukraine and the Jews, 1987–2015: a book of documentary journalism). Boston, M-Graphics Publishing, 2017, 551 p. Cf. no 4516 United States of America 4841. ABRAMS (Jeanne E.). First ladies of the republic. Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison and the creation of an iconic American role. New York, New York U. P., 2018, 312 p. 4842. ALPHONSO (Gwendoline M.). Polarized families, polarized parties. Contesting values and economics in American politics. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 247 p. (American governance. Politics, policy and public law). 4843. BAESLER (John Philipp). Clearer than truth. The polygraph and the American Cold War. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, XII-309 p. (Culture and politics in the Cold War and beyond). 4844. BATEMAN (David A.), KATZNELSON (Ira), LA(John S.). Southern nation. Congress and white supremacy after reconstruction. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, X-469 p. (Princeton studies in American politics. Historical, international and comparative perspectives).
4845. BELLOWS (Barbara L.). Two Charlestonians at war. The Civil War odysseys of a Lowcountry aristocrat and a black abolitionist. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XI-330 p. 4846. BENTON-COHEN (Katherine). Inventing the immigration problem. The Dillingham commission and
§ 2. History by countries
its legacy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 352 p. (ill.).
Brandeis U. P., 2018, XVII-242 p. (Brandeis series in American Jewish history, culture and life).
4847. BERGESON-LOCKWOOD (Millington W.). Race over party. Black politics and partisanship in late nineteenth-century Boston. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 249 p.
4862. DUBRULLE (Hugh). Ambivalent nation. How Britain imagined the American Civil War. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XII-337 p. (Conflicting worlds. New dimensions of the American Civil War).
4848. BILES (Roger). Mayor Harold Washington. Champion of race and reform in Chicago. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, X-381 p. 4849. BIOLSI (Thomas). Power and progress on the prairie. Governing people on Rosebud reservation. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2018, XXI340 p. 4850. BLACKETT (R. J. M.). The captive's quest for freedom. Fugitive slaves, the 1850 fugitive slave law and the politics of slavery. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-511 p. (Slaveries since emancipation). 4851. BLAIN (Keisha N.). Set the world on fire. Black nationalist women and the global struggle for freedom. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 255 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 4852. BLANSETT (Kent). A journey to freedom. Richard Oakes, Alcatraz and the Red Power movement. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIII-392 p. (The Henry Roe cloud series on American indians and modernity). 4853. Boats, borders, and bases: race, the cold war, and the rise of migration detention in the United States. Ed. by Jenna M. LOYD and Alison MOUNTZ. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XVII-301 p. 4854. BOWMAN (Matthew). Christian. The politics of a word in America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 304 p. 4855. BRUNDAGE (W. Fitzhugh). Civilizing torture. An American tradition. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 416 p. 4856. CALLOWAY (Colin G.). The Indian world of George Washington. The first president, the first Americans and the birth of the nation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-621 p. 4857. CASHIN (Joan E.). War stuff. The struggle for human and environmental resources in the American Civil War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-258 p. (Cambridge studies on the American South). 4858. CHURCHWELL (Sarah). Behold, America. The entangled history of "America first" and "the American dream." New York, Basic Books, 2018, VIII-348 p. 4859. CRAIG BROWN (Tommy). Deep in the piney woods. Southeastern Alabama from statehood to the Civil War, 1800–1865. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2018, X-245 p. 4860. CRIM (Brian E.). Our Germans. Project paperclip and the national security state. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XII-245 p. 4861. DOLLINGER (Marc). Black power, Jewish politics. Reinventing the alliance in the 1960s. Waltham,
4863. DUPRE (Daniel S.). Alabama's frontiers and the rise of the old South. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, XII-309 p. (A history of the Trans-Appalachian frontier). 4864. EGGE (Sara). Woman suffrage and citizenship in the Midwest, 1870–1920. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2018, XI-233 p. (Iowa and the Midwest experience). 4865. ESCOTT (Paul D.). Rethinking the Civil War era. Directions for research. Lexington, U. P. of Kentucky, 2018, XII-188 p. (New directions in Southern history). 4866. FAIRCLOUGH (Adam). The revolution that failed. Reconstruction in Natchitoches. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2018, XII-406 p. 4867. FLORES (John H.). The Mexican revolution in Chicago. Immigration politics from the early twentieth century to the Cold War. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XI-234 p. (Latinos in Chicago and the Midwest). 4868. GIGANTINO (James J.). William Livingston's American revolution. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 270 p. 4869. GILLESPIE MAC RAE (Elizabeth). Mothers of massive resistance. White women and the politics of white supremacy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV352 p. 4870. GILLON (Steven M.). Separate and unequal. The Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism. New York, Basic Books, 2018, XVI374 p. 4871. GONZÁLEZ (Gabriela). Redeeming La Raza. Transborder modernity, race, respectability and rights. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-261 p. 4872. GORN (Elliott J.). Let the people see. The story of Emmett Till. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, Pp. X380 p. 4873. GRIFFITH (Sarah M.). The fight for Asian American civil rights. Liberal protestant activism, 1900–1950. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, X-209 p. 4874. GRILLOT (Thomas). First Americans. U.S. patriotism in Indian country after World War I. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, IX-298 p. 4875. HAAS (Britt). Fighting authoritarianism. American youth activism in the 1930s. New York, Empire State Editions, 2018, XI-329 p.
4876. HÄNNI (Adrian). Terrorismus als Konstrukt. Schwarze Propaganda, politische Bedrohungsängste und der Krieg gegen den Terrorismus in Reagans Amerika. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 387 p. (Frieden und Krieg, 24).###
4890. LEVERING LEWIS (David). The improbable Wendell Willkie. The businessman who saved the republican party and his country and conceived a new world order. New York, Liveright Publishing, 2018, XVI-371 p.
4877. HARPER (Rob). Unsettling the West. Violence and state building in the Ohio valley. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XVI-250 p. (Early American studies).
4891. LEVY (Peter B.). The great uprising. Race riots in urban America during the 1960s. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-332 p.
4878. HART (Bradley W.). Hitler's American friends. The Third Reich's supporters in the United States. New York, Thomas Dunne Books, 2018, 296 p. 4879. HEERMAN (M. Scott). The alchemy of slavery. Human bondage and emancipation in the Illinois country, 1730–1865. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 239 p. (America in the nineteenth century). 4880. HENDRICKSON (David C.). Republic in peril: American empire and the betrayal of the liberal tradition. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 287 p. 4881. HEWITT (Nancy A.). Radical friend. Amy Kirby Post and her activist worlds. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XVI-413 p. 4882. HONEY (Michael K.). To the promised land. Martin Luther King and the fight for economic justice. New York, W. W. Norton and Co., 2018, 241 p. 4883. IGUCHI (Haruo). Gokai sareta daitōryō: Fūvā to sōgō anzen hoshō kōsō. (Herbert Hoover: American politics and his quest for human security). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 422 p. 4884. JONES (Martha S.). Birthright citizens. A history of race and rights in antebellum America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-248 p. (Studies in legal history). 4885. KEMPKER (Erin M.). Big sister. Feminism, conservatism and conspiracy in the heartland. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XII-201 p. (Women, gender and sexuality in American history). 4886. KISER (William S.). Coast-to-coast empire. Manifest destiny and the New Mexico borderlands. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XI273 p. 4887. KRAMER (Paul A.). How not to write the history of U.S. Empire. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 911-931. – IDEM. The geopolitics of mobility: immigration policy and American global power in the long twentieth century [Review essay]. American historical review, 2018, 123, 2, p. 393-438. 4888. LAUSE (Mark A.). Long road to Harpers Ferry. The rise of the First American left. London, Pluto Press, 2018, VI-266 p. (People's history). 4889. LEPORE (Jill). These truths. A history of the United States. New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, XX-932 p.
4892. LOMBARDO (Timothy J.). Blue-collar conservatism. Frank Rizzo's Philadelphia and populist politics. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 314 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 4893. LONGLEY (Kyle). LBJ's 1968: power, politics, and the presidency in America's year of upheaval. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 374 p. 4894. LOTCHIN (Roger W.). Japanese American relocation in World War II. A reconsideration. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-347 p. 4895. MAC ANDREWS (Lawrence J.). The presidents and the poor. America battles poverty, 1964–2017. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, IX-353 p. 4896. MAC CARTHY (David Shamus). Selling the CIA. Public relations and the culture of secrecy. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, XI-215 p. 4897. MAC CARTHY (Tara M.). Respectability and reform. Irish American women's activism, 1880–1920. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2018, 320 p. (Irish studies). 4898. MAC DONNELL (Lawrence T.). Performing disunion. The coming of the Civil War in Charleston, South Carolina. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-550 p. (Cambridge Studies on the American South). 4899. MAIZLISH (Stephen E.). A strife of tongues. The compromise of 1850 and the ideological foundations of the American Civil War. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XV-312 p. (A nation divided. Studies in the Civil War era). 4900. MALKA (Adam). The men of mobtown. Policing Baltimore in the age of slavery and emancipation. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 336 p. (Justice, power and politics). 4901. MARVEL (William). Lincoln's mercenaries. Economic motivation among union soldiers during the Civil War. Baton Rouge. Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XVIII-329 p. (Conflicting worlds. New dimensions of the American Civil War). 4902. MATHISEN (Erik). The loyal republic. Traitors, slaves and the remaking of citizenship in Civil War America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-221 p. (Civil War America). 4903. MAXWELL (Jeremy P.). Brotherhood in combat. How African Americans found equality in Korea and Vietnam. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XV-207 p.
§ 2. History by countries
4904. MIHESUAH (Devon A.). Ned Christie. The creation of an outlaw and Cherokee hero. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XVIII-252 p.###
U. P., 2018, XI-326 p. (Studies in early American economy and society from the Library Company of Philadelphia).
4905. MILEWSKI (Melissa). Litigating across the color line: civil cases between Black and White Southerners from the end of slavery to civil rights. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 345 p.
4921. QUINTANA (Ryan A.). Making a slave state. Political development in early South Carolina. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV238 p.
4906. MILLER (Daegan). This radical land. A natural history of American dissent. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 318 p.
4922. RAUCHWAY (Eric). Winter war. Hoover, Roosevelt and the first clash over the New Deal. New York, Basic Books, 2018, VIII-278 p.
4907. MORGAN (Jason W.). Hanging bridge. Racial violence and America's civil rights century. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-326 p.
4923. ROCKSBOROUGH-SMITH (Ian). Black public history in Chicago. Civil rights activism from World War II into the Cold War. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XV-214 p. (The new black studies series).
4908. MUÑOZ MARTINEZ (Monica). The injustice never leaves you. Anti-Mexican violence in Texas. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 387 p. 4909. MURCH (Donna). Black liberation and 1968. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 717-721. 4910. MURRELL TAYLOR (Amy). Embattled freedom. Journeys through the Civil War's slave refugee camps. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XV-349 p. (Civil War America).
4924. ROLPH (Stephanie R.). Resisting equality. The Citizens' Council, 1954–1989. Baton Rouge. Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XII-237 p. (Making the modern South). 4925. ROSENFELD (Sam). The polarizers. Postwar architects of our partisan era. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 399 p.
4911. MURRIN (John M.). Rethinking America. From empire to republic. Introduction by Andrew SHANKMAN. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-407 p.
4926. SARANILLIO (Dean Itsuji). Unsustainable empire. Alternative histories of Hawai'i statehood. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XXVI-282 p.
4912. NUGENT (Walter). Color coded. Party politics in the American West, 1950–2016. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, X-374 p.
4927. SCHMIDT (Christopher W.). The sit-ins. Protest and legal change in the civil rights era. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 260 p. (The Chicago series in law and society).
4913. OFFNER (Arnold A.). Hubert Humphrey. The conscience of the country. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XV-490 p. 4914. ONUF (Peter S.). Jefferson and the Virginians. Democracy, constitutions and empire. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XII-194 p. (Walter Lynnwood Fleming lectures in southern history). 4915. OVERSTREET PRATT (Dorothy). Sowing the wind. The Mississippi Constitutional Convention of 1890. Jackson, U. P. of Mississippi, 2018, IX-294 p. 4916. OWEN (Kenneth). Political community in revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1774–1800. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 205 p. 4917. PALMER (Bryan D.). The French turn in the United States: James P. Cannon and the Trotskyist entry into the Socialist Party, 1934–1937. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 610-638. 4918. PARK (Benjamin E.). American nationalisms. Imagining the union in the age of revolutions, 1783– 1833. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-248 p. 4919. PASHMAN (Howard). Building a revolutionary state. The legal transformation of New York, 1776– 1783. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XI172 p. (American beginnings, 1500–1900). 4920. PEART (Daniel). Lobbyists and the making of US tariff policy, 1816–1861. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins
4928. SHEEHAN-DEAN (Aaron). The calculus of violence. How Americans fought the Civil War. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 465 p. 4929. SILBER (Nina). This war ain't over. Fighting the Civil War in New Deal America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-232 p. 4930. SLEEPER-SMITH (Susan). Indigenous prosperity and American conquest. Indian women of the Ohio river valley, 1690–1792. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2018, X-348 p. 4931. SNYDER (Sarah B.). From Selma to Moscow. How human rights activists transformed U.S. foreign policy. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XI-301 p. 4932. SOKOL (Jason). The heavens might crack. The death and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. New York, Basic Books, 2018, VII-343 p. 4933. STEWART MAULDIN (Erin). Unredeemed land. An environmental history of Civil War and emancipation in the cotton South. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-244 p. 4934. STOWE (Steven M.). Keep the days. Reading the Civil War diaries of southern women. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XXV-199 p. (Civil War America).
4935. STUBBS (Tristan). Masters of violence. The plantation overseers of eighteenth-century Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2018, XV-234 p. 4936. TETERS (Kristopher A.). Practical liberators. Union officers in the Western theater during the Civil War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 225 p. (Civil War America). 4937. TUURI (Rebecca). Strategic sisterhood. The National Council of Negro women in the black freedom struggle. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-313 p. 4938. WALKER (Anders). The burning house. Jim Crow and the making of modern America. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XI-290 p.
4946. CUADRO CAWEN (Inés). Feminismos y política en el Uruguay del novecientos (1906–1932). Internacionalismo, culturas politicas e identidades de genero. Montevideo, Ediciones de la Banda Oriental S.R.L., 2018, 325 p. (ill.). (Colección Tesis de historia). 4947. LEIBNER (Gerardo). Women in Uruguayan communism: contradictions and ambiguities, 1920s– 1960s. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 643-672. 4948. Vida política (La) en Montevideo: elites y sectores populares en tiempos de revolución. Coordinadora Ana FREGA. Montevideo, Universidad de la República, CSIC, 2018, 174 p. (Biblioteca plural). Venezuela
4939. WALKER (J. Samuel). Most of 14th street is gone: the Washington, DC riots of 1968. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 185 p.
4949. MARINO (Angela). Populism and performance in the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2018, XI-212 p. (Performance works).
4940. WELCH (Kimberly M.). Black litigants in the Antebellum American South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-306 p. (The John Hope Franklin series in African American history and culture).
4950. GUILLEMOT (François). Viêt-Nam, fractures d'une nation: une histoire contemporaine de 1858 à nos jours. Paris, La Découverte, 2018, 385 p. (Découverte/Poche. Sciences humaines et sociales, 476).
4941. WILKERSON (Jessica). To live here, you have to fight. How women led Appalachian movements for social justice. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2019. Pp. XII-255 p. (The working class in American history). 4942. WILM (Julius). Settlers as conquerors. Free land policy in antebellum America. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 284 p. (Transatlantische Historische Studien, 58). 4943. WU (Judy Tzu-Chun). The U.S. 1968: ThirdWorldism, feminisms, and liberalism. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 710-716. 4944. ZARETSKY (Natasha). Radiation nation. Three Mile Island and the political transformation of the 1970s. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIX-285 p. Cf. nos 4369, 7070, 7443 Uruguay 4945. ARTEAGA (Juan José). Historia contemporánea del Uruguay, desde Juan Díaz de Solís a Tabaré Vázquez. Montevideo, Ediciones Cruz del Sur, 2018, 351 p. (ill.).
4951. LE PAGE (Jean-Marc). Le renseignement politique en Indochine à l'épreuve de la vietnamisation de la Sûreté (1949–1955). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 131-150. 4952. NEVILLE (Peter). Ho Chi Minh. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 262 p. (Routledge historical biographies). 4953. TAGA (Yoshihiro). 19 seiki Betonamu ni okeru Aen-Sen shiyō no kakudai to dōsen ryūtsū no hen'yō. (The expansion of zinc cash circulation and transformation of copper cash usage in 19th century Vietnam). Rekishigaku Kenkyū, 2018, 973, p. 1-17. – IDEM. Betonamu Genchō no sōun seido ni kansuru kisoteki kenkyū. (Empirical study of the Nguễn Dynasty's grain tribute system). Shigaku Zasshi, 2018, 127, 8, p. 1-34. Yemen 4954. ṢAFWĀNĪ (Ṣādiq). Al-Mu'āraḍah al-Yamanīyah fī Miṣr 'alá ḥukm aʼimmat Āl Ḥamīd al-Dīn, 1938-1962: dirāsāt. (L'opposition yéménite en Égypte au règne des imams de la famille Hamid al-Din 1938–1962 AD: Études). Al-Qāhirah, Arwiqah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr, 2018, 506 p.
§ 1. General. 4955-4982. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4983-5086. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 5087-5094. – § 4. Protestantism. 5095-5163. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 5164-5202. § 1. General. 4955. CABRITA (Joel). The people's Zion. Southern Africa, the United States and a transatlantic faith-healing movement. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, 356 p. 4956. CALLES BARGER (Lilian). The world come of age. An intellectual history of liberation theology. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-376 p. 4957. CHAKRAVARTI (Ananya). The empire of apostles: religion, Accomodatio and the imagination of empire in early modern Brazil and India. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-355 p. 4958. COHEN (Paul). Death of a polemicist: honour and calumny in early modern European religious debate. English historical review, 2018, 133, 562, p. 533-566. 4959. Devotions and desires. Histories of sexuality and religion in the twentieth-century United States. Ed. by Gillian FRANK, Bethany MORETON and Heather R. WHITE. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, IX-303 p. 4960. DREIER (Horst). Staat ohne Gott. Religion in der säkularen Moderne. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 256 p. 4961. Eretici e dissidenti tra Europa occidentale e orientale (secoli XVI–XIII). A cura di Antonella BARZAZI, Michela CATTO e Dainora POCIŪTÉ. Padova, Padova U. P., 2018, 216 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di scienze politiche, giuridiche e studi internazionali).
4964. GRASSO (Christopher). Skepticism and American faith. From the Revolution to the Civil War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, IX-649 p. 4965. Hébraïsants chrétiens (Les) en France au XVI siècle. Actes du colloque de Troyes, 2–4 septembre 2013. Sous la dir. de Gilbert DAHAN et Annie NOBLESSEROCHER. Genève, Droz, 2018, 442 p. 4966. Jehovas Zeugen in Europa. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Band 3. Albanien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Jugoslawien, Liechtenstein, Österreich, Polen, Schweiz, Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn. Hrsg. v. Gerhard BESIER und Katarzyna STOKŁOSA. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2018, 1018 p. 4967. KSELMAN (Thomas). Conscience and conversion. Religious liberty in Post-Revolutionary France. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XI-386 p. 4968. MAC CLURE (George). Doubting the divine in early modern Europe. The revival of Momus, the agnostic god. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII268 p. 4969. PALMER (Thomas). Jansenism and England: moral rigorism across the confessions. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2018, 286 p. 4970. PARKER (Lucy). The ambiguities of belief and belonging: Catholicism and the Church of the East in the sixteenth century. English historical review, 2018, 133, 565, p. 1420-1445. 4971. PERRY (Seth). Bible culture and authority in the early United States. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XV-195 p.
4962. Fruits of migration: heterodox Italian migrants and Central European culture 1550–1620. Ed. by Cornel ZWIERLEIN and Vincenzo LAVENIA. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XII-402 p. (Intersections: yearbook for early modern studies, 57. Intersections: interdisciplinary studies in early modern culture, 57).
4972. QUIROS (Ansley L.). God with us. Lived theology and the freedom struggle in Americus, Georgia, 1942–1976. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII-292 p.
4963. Gewalt und Gewaltfreiheit in Judentum, Christentum und Islam: Annäherungen an ein ambivalentes Phänomen. Hrsg. V. Markus Thurau. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht, 2018, 255 p.
4973. Religiös motivierte Migrationen zwischen dem östlichen Europa und dem deutschen Südwesten vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Christine ABSMEIER, Matthias ASCHE, Márta FATA, Annemarie RÖDER
und Anton SCHINDLING. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2018, XIV-334 p. (ill., diagr., tabs., maps). (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in BadenWürttemberg, B. Forschungen, 219). 4974. Religiøs oplysning. Studier over kirke og kristendom i 1700-tallets Danmark-Norge. (Lumières religieuses. Etudes sur l'Eglise et le christianisme dans le royaume dano-norvégien au 18e siècle). Red. Tine REEH. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 139 p. (Kirkehistoriske samlinger, Selskabet for Danmarks Kirkehistorie). 4975. Religious violence, political ends: nationalism, citizenship and radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe. Ed. by Marco DEMICHELIS. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Georg Olms, 2018, 195 p.
praktische Perspektiven. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 345 p. 4984. BELLIGNI (Eleonora). Voci di riforma: renovatio e concilio prima e dopo il Tridentino. Milano, Angeli, 2018, 300 p. (Temi di storia, 252). 4985. BRUNDIN (Abigail), HOWARD (Deborah), LA(Mary). The sacred home in Renaissance Italy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 366 p. VEN
4986. CAMAIANI (Pier Giorgio). Il diavolo e la questione romana: saggi sulle mentalità dell'Ottocento. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 305 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose. Nuova serie, 56). 4987. CHIRON (Yves). L'Eglise dans la tourmente de 1968. Paris, Artege, 2018, 272 p.
4976. Revolte in der Kirche? Das Jahr 1968 und seine Folgen. Hrsg. v. Sebastian HOLZBRECHER. Freiburg, Basel u. Wien, Herder, 2018, 352 p.
4988. CUCHET (Guillaume). Comment notre monde a cessé d'être chrétien. Anatomie d'un effondrement. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2018, 284 p.
4977. Rites Controversies (The) in the Early Modern World. Ed. by Ines G. ŽUPANOV and Pierre Antoine FABRE. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XXIV-403 p. (Studies in Christian mission, 53).
4989. DEL ZANNA (Giorgio). The Latin Church in the Ottoman Empire. Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 31-44.
4978. SAARD (Riho). Ristitud eestlane: kristluse ajalugu Eestis keskajast tänapäevani. (Baptized Estonian: the history of Christianity in Estonia from the Middle Ages to the present day). [Tallinn], Argo, 2018, 606 p. (ill.). 4979. Scrivere lettere: religiosi e pratiche epistolari tra XVI e XVIII secolo. A cura di Pierluigi GIOVANNUCCI. Padova, Padova U. P., 2018, 145 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di scienze politiche, giuridiche e studi internazionali, 4). 4980. SIEBER (Dominik Gerd). Der konfessionelle Gottesacker. Katholische und protestantische Sepulkralkultur in den oberschwäbischen Reichsstädten in der Frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018, LXXV-474 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg Reihe B, Forschungen, 214). 4981. SMOLKIN (Victoria). A sacred space is never empty. A history of Soviet atheism. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XVI-339 p. 4982. Zwischen theologischen Dissens und politischer Duldung: Religionsgespräche der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Irene DINGEL, Volker LEPPIN und Kathrin PAASCH. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 323 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 121). Cf. nos 723-743, 4044, 5168, 7044
4990. DELLA MAGGIORE (Gianluca), SUBINI (Tomaso). Catholicism and cinema: modernization and modernity. Milano e Udine, Mimesis international, 2018, 242 p. (Mimesis international. Italian frame, 4). 4991. DOUYÈRE (David). Communiquer la doctrine catholique. Textes et conversations durant le concile Vatican II d'après le journal d'Yves Congar. Genève, Labor et Fides, 2018, 251 p. 4992. FRAZER (Gregg L.). God against the revolution. The loyalist clergy's case against the American Revolution. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, 265 p. (American political thought). 4993. GÓMEZ NAVARRO (María Soledad). La familia religiosa en la España Moderna. Balance y propuesta analítica. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 119-138. 4994. KINSELLA (Eoin). Catholic survival in Protestant Ireland, 1660–1711: Colonel John Browne, landownership and the articles of Limerick. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XVI-324 p. 4995. Laicità (La) dei cattolici: Francia, Spagna e Portogallo sul declinare del XX secolo. A cura di Ilaria BIAGIOLI e Alfonso BOTTI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 358 p. 4996. Schism (The) of '68: Catholicism, contraception and Humanæ vitæ in Europe (1945–1975). Ed. by Alana HARRIS. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXI377 p. (Genders and sexualities in history).
a. General
4997. Science, religion and politics during the modernist crisis. Ed. by Danny PRAET and Corinne BONNET. Bruxelles a. Roma, Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, 2018, XXXII-487 p. (Institut historique belge de Rome, Etudes = Belgisch historisch instituut te Rome, Studies, 5).
4983. BAUMEISTER (Martin), BÖHNKE (Michael), HEIMBACH-STEINS (Marianne). Menschenrechte in der katholischen Kirche: historische, systematische und
4998. SERRANO MARTÍN (Eliseo). La santidad en la Edad Moderna: límites, normativa y modelos para la sociedad. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 149-166.
§ 2. Roman Catholicism. _______________________
§ 2. Roman Catholicism 4999. STANLEY (Brian). Christianity in the twentieth century. A world history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XXII-477 p.### 5000. TRUITT (Jonathan). Sustaining the divine in Mexico Tenochtitlan. Nahuas and Catholicism, 1523– 1700. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XIV-281 p. 5001. Women, religion and leadership: female saints as unexpected leaders. Ed. by Barbara Jones DENISON. New York a. London, Routledge, 2018, XV-205 p. (Routledge Studies in Leadership Research, 7). Cf. no 5104 b. History of the Popes * 5002. Papstgeschichte im digitalen Zeitalter. Neue Zugangsweisen zu einer Kulturgeschichte Europas. Hrsg. v. Klaus HERBERS und Viktoria TRENKLE. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 211 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 85). 5003. HESEMANN (Michael). Der Papst und der Holocaust: Pius XII und die geheimen Akten im Vatikan. Stuttgart, LangenMüller, 2018, 448 p. 5004. KERTZER (David I.). The Pope who would be king: the exile of Pius IX and the emergence of modern Europe. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXX-474 p. 5005. Pio X (Tra) e Benedetto XV: la diplomazia pontificia in Europa e America Latina nel 1914. A cura di Roberto REGOLI e Paolo VALVO. Roma, Studium, 2018, 231 p. 5006. VISCEGLIA (Maria Antonietta). La Roma dei papi: la corte e la politica internazionale (secoli XV– XVII) A cura di Elena VALERI e Paola VOLPINI. Roma, Viella, 2018, XI-402 p. (I libri di Viella, 300). c. Special studies 5007. ALABRÚS IGLESIAS (Rosa María). La Reforma hacia adentro y hacia afuera. Experiencias de religiosidad femenina en la frontera confesional (1560–1630). Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 89-104. 5008. BELLINO (Alessandro). Il Vaticano e Hitler: Santa Sede, Chiesa tedesca e nazismo (1922–1939). Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2018, 346 p. (Contemporanea, 37). 5009. BINASCO (Matteo). Roman sources for the history of American Catholicism, 1763–1939. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, 196 p. 5010. BOHACHEVSKY-CHOMIAK (Martha). Ukranian bishop, american Church: Constantine Bohachevsky and the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2018, XIX-535 p.
5013. BUTLER (Matthew), POWELL (Kevin D.). Father, where art thou? Catholic priests and Mexico's 1929 Relación de Sacerdotes. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 4, p. 635-667. 5014. BUTLER (Matthew). "Su hija Inés": católicas laicas, el obispo Luis María Martínez, y el conflicto religioso michoacano, 1927–1929. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 1249-1294. 5015. CAREY (Patrick W.). Confession. Catholics, repentance and forgiveness in America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-375 p. 5016. CHAPPEL (James). Catholic modern. The challenge of totalitarianism and the remaking of the church. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 342 p. 5017. CHESSEL (Marie-Emmanuelle), DE BREMOND D'ARS (Nicolas), GRELON (André). L'entreprise et l'Évangile. Une histoire des patrons chrétiens. Paris, Sciences Po les Presses, 2018, 331 p. 5018. DALLASTA (Federica). Condanne e carriere. Inquisizione e censura libraria a Parma nel Settecento. Firenze, Edizioni Clori, 2018, 728 p. (Studi storici, filologici e letterari, 5). 5019. DE VOLDER (Jan). Cardinal Mercier in the First World War. Belgium, Germany and the Catholic Church. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2018, 264 p. 5020. DEL ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel). Before the altar of the fatherland: Catholicism, the politics of modernization, and nationalization during the Spanish Civil War. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 2, p. 232-255. 5021. DELGADO (Jessica L.). Laywomen and the making of colonial Catholicism in New Spain, 1630– 1790. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-278 p. (Cambridge Latin American studies, 110). 5022. Diocèses en guerre, 1914–1918: l'Église déchirée entre Gott mit uns et le Dieu des armées. Sous la dir. de Xavier BONIFACE et Jean HEUCLIN. Villeneuve d'Ascq, P. U. du Septentrion, 2018, 324 p. (Histoire et civilisations). 5023. Forming Catholic communities: Irish, Scots and English college networks in Europe, 1568–1918. Ed. by Liam CHAMBERS and Thomas O'CONNOR. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, IX-331 p. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700). 5024. GARCIA (Mario T.). Father Luis Olivares, a biography. Faith, politics and the origins of the sanctuary movement in Los Angeles. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 547 p.
5011. BRODIE (Thomas). German Catholicism at war, 1939–1945. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VI-275 p. (Oxford historical monographs).
5025. Giurisdizionalismi: le politiche ecclesiastiche negli Stati minori della penisola italiana nell'età moderna. A cura di Daniele EDIGATI e Elio TAVILLA. Canterano, Aracne, 2018, 236 p. (Spiritualia et temporalia, 3).
5012. BRUNELLI (Giampiero). La santa impresa: le crociate del papa in Ungheria (1595–1601). Roma, Salerno, 2018, (Aculei, 32).
5026. Graffiti: new perspectives from the inquisitorial prison in Palermo. Ed. by Giovanna FIUME and Mercedes GARCÍA-ARENAL. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53,
157, p. 3-164. [Contents: FIUME Giovanna, GARCÍAARENAL (Mercedes). Introduction. – PETITJEAN (Johann). Inscribing, writing and drawing in the prisons of the inquisition. Methodological issues and research perspectives on graffiti. – GARCÍA-ARENAL (Mercedes). A polyphony of voices. Trials and graffiti of the prisons of the Inquisition in Palermo. – FIUME (Giovanna). Justice, expiation and forgiveness in the graffiti and drawings of Palermo's secret prisons. – LA MOTTA (Valeria). Saints in prison. Francesco Baronio's calendar. – CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Antonio). Secret voices. Prison graffiti in the Spanish empire (16th–18th centuries).] 5027. HAAG (Norbert). Dynastie, Region, Konfession. Die Hochstifte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation zwischen Dynastisierung und Konfessionalisierung (1448–1648). Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 3 vol., 2240 p. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 166). 5028. HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ (Manuel). Al margen de la Corona: la emigración del clero regular canario a América en la edad moderna. Madrid, Ediciones Idea, 2018, 146 p. (Desde América). 5029. HEYBERGER (Bernard). France and the protection of Maronite Christians. The genealogy of an "invented tradition". Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 13-30. 5030. JOHNSON (Karen J.). One in Christ. Chicago Catholics and the quest for interracial justice. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-302 p. 5031. Katholikinnen und das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil: Petitionen, Berichte, Fotografien. Hrsg. v. Regina HEYDER und Gisela MUSCHIOL. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 698 p. 5032. KEHOE (S. Karly). Catholic relief and the political awakening of Irish Catholics in Nova Scotia, 1780–1830. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 1-20. 5033. KOSICKI (Piotr H.). Catholics on the barricades. Poland, France and "Revolution," 1891–1956. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XXVIII-391 p. (The Yale-Hoover series on authoritarian regimes). 5034. LEAVITT-ALCÁNTARA (Brianna). Alone at the altar. Single women and devotion in Guatemala, 1670– 1870. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XIII-297 p. 5035. LOTH (Wilfried). "Freiheit und Würde des Volkes": Katholizismus und Demokratie in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2018, 304 p. (Religion und Moderne, 13). 5036. MARTÍNEZ VARA (Tomás), RAMOS GOROSTIZA (José Luis). El catolicismo social y la recepción de la Escuela de Relaciones Humanas en España. Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 107-130. 5037. MEJÍA CHÁVEZ (Carlos Gustavo). "¡Que le quieren dar veneno al señor arzobispo-virrey!" [Francisco Xavier de Lizana y Beaumont] Historia de una conspiración dirimida por la Inquisición de la Nueva
España (agosto de 1809–enero de 1810). Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 1 (269), p. 49-110. 5038. MURRAY (Damien). Irish nationalists in Boston: Catholicism and conflict, 1900–1928. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2018, XVI-284 p. 5039. NEWMAN (Mark). Desegregating Dixie. The Catholic church in the South and desegregation, 1945– 1992. Jackson, U. P. of Mississippi, 2018, XVIII-455 p. 5040. O'MALLEY (John W.). Vatican I. The council and the making of the ultramontane church. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, 307 p. 5041. O'SULLIVAN (Michael E.). Disruptive power. Catholic women, miracles and politics in modern Germany, 1918–1965. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XIII-321 p. (German and European studies, 31). 5042. Päpstlichkeit und Patriotismus. Der Campo Santo Teutonico: Ort der Deutschen in Rom zwischen Risorgimento und Erstem Weltkrieg (1870–1918). Hrsg. v. Stefan HEID und Karl-Joseph HUMMEL. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2018, 816 p. (Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte, Suppl.- 65). 5043. PICHÉ (Geneviève). Du baptême à la tombe. Afro-catholicisme et réseaux familiaux dans les communautés esclaves louisianaises. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 280 p. 5044. PIRLET (Pierre-François). Le confesseur du Prince dans les Pays-Bas espagnols (1598–1659): une fonction, des individus. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2018, 347 p. (Avisos de Flandes, 16). 5045. PRICE (Roger). Religious renewal in France, 1789–1870: the Roman Catholic Church between catastrophe and triumph. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XII-416 p. 5046. RAASCH (Markus), LINSENMANN (Andreas). Die Frauen und der politische Katholizismus: Akteurinnen, Themen, Strategien. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, VI-371 p. 5047. Reliques (Des) et des hommes. Ostensions limousines et fait religieux (XVIe–XXe siècle). Sous la dir. de Daniel-Odon HUREL et Anne MASSONI. Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2018, 245 p. 5048. SAAÏDIA (Oissila). L'Algérie catholique: une histoire de l'Église catholique en Algérie: XIXe–XXIe siècles. Paris, CNRS, 2018, 313 p. 5049. SIMPSON (Martin). From Zouaves Pontificaux to the volontaires de l'Ouest: catholic volunteers and the French nation, 1860–1910. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 1, p. 1-28. 5050. Spirito (Lo) della ricostruzione: la mediazione tra fede, cultura e politica negli anni del dopoguerra. Atti della Giornata di studi, Camaldoli, 24 agosto 2017. A cura di Tiziano TORRESI. Camaldoli, Camaldoli, 2018, 172 p. (Studi e testi camaldolesi, 15).
§ 2. Roman Catholicism 5051. Subir a los altares: modelos de santidad en la Monarquía hispánica (siglos XVI–XVIII). Ed. por Inmaculada ARIAS DE SAAVEDRA, Esther JIMÉNEZ PABLO y Miguel Luis LÓPEZ-GUADALUPE MUÑOZ. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2018, 422 p. (Coleccion Historia: Granada).### 5052. SZABÓ (Miloslav). "For God and nation". Catholicism and the far-right in the Central European Context (1918–1945). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 5, p. 885900. 5053. TATE (Adam L.). Catholics' lost cause. South Carolina Catholics and the American South, 1820–1861. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2018, X285 p. 5054. TECUANHUEY SANDOVAL (Alicia), RIVAS GRA(Carlos Eduardo). Common Sense en el pensamiento independentista de Mier. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 1135-1198.
5055. TIRA (Alessandro). I rapporti fra Stato e Chiesa nella dottrina ecclesiastica del primo Novecento. Il contributo 'controcorrente' di Domenico Schiappoli. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 1, p. 41-64. 5056. TUTINO (Stefania). Uncertainty in post-reformation Catholicism. A history of probabilism. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVII-563 p. 5057. VAN DEUSEN (Nancy E.). Embodying the sacred. Women mystics in seventeenth-century Lima. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, VIII-272 p. 5058. VOGT (Gabriele). Streiter für Gott. Das bewegte Leben des Hildesheimer Bischofs Joseph Godehard Machens (1886–1956). Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 2018, 432 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Hildesheimer Heimatund Geschichtsvereins, 6). 5059. Zenon Kardinal Grocholewski: Bibliographie und Biographie. Hrsg. v. Elmar GÜTHOFF. Berlin, Bern u. Wien, Peter Lang, 2018, 202 p. 5060. ZWYSSIG (Philipp). Täler voller Wunder. Eine katholische Verflechtungsgeschichte der Drei Bünde und des Veltlins (17. und 18. Jahrhundert). Affalterbach, Didymos Verlag, 2018, 468 p. (Kulturgeschichten. Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit, 5). Cf. nos 3919, 4374, 4491, 4492, 4568 d. Religious orders 5061. ATIENZA LÓPEZ (Ángela). Movilización y activismo desde los claustros postridentinos. la participación de las monjas en la proyección de la Contrarreforma. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 105-130. 5062. BERGERFURTH (Yvonne). Die Bruderschaften der Kölner Jesuiten 1576 bis 1773. Siegburg, Schmitt, 2018, 438 p. (Studien zur Kölner Kirchengeschichte, 45). 5063. COWAN (Mairi). Education, Francisation, and shifting colonial priorities at the Ursuline convent in seventeenth-century Québec. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 1, p. 1-29.
5064. Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas. Ed. by Jorge CANIZARES-ESGUERRA, Robert Aleksander MARYKS and R. Po-chia HSIA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, IX-365 p. (Jesuit studies - modernity through the prism of Jesuit history, 14. The Boston college international symposia on Jesuit sutdies, 3). 5065. FONTANA (Paolo). Un gesuita e i suoi censori: la vicenda di Isaac-Joseph Berruyer (1681–1758). Roma, Carocci, 2018, 124 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 303). 5066. Franciscans and American Indians in panborderlands perspective: adaptation, negotiation, and resistance. Ed. by Jeffrey M. BURNS and Timothy J. JOHNSON. Oceanside, Academy of American Franciscan History, 2018, VIII-340 p. 5067. Gobernar colonias, administrar almas: poder colonial y órdenes religiosas en los imperios ibericos (1808–1930). Ed. por Xavier HUETZ DE LEMPS, Gonzalo ÁLVAREZ CHILLIDA y María Dolores ELIZALDE PÉREZ-GRUESO. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, X324 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 169). 5068. JAVIER (Francisco). Spanisch-amerikanische Jesuitenuniversität (Die) in Córdoba, Argentinien: transatlantische Verflechtungen und gesellschaftliche Verankerung in der Kolonialzeit. Stuttgart, Hans-Dieter Heinz, Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart, 2018, 282 p. 5069. Katholische Aufklärung im Benediktinerreichsstift Irsee. Hrsg. v. Markwart HERZOG und Alois SCHMID. Konstanz u. München, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2018, 424 p. (Irseer Schriften, 13). 5070. MARTÍNEZ (Emilio SJ). Los jesuitas en tiempos de la violencia (1980–1992). Lima, Compañía de Jesús en el Perú y Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Universidad Jesuita, 2018, 102 p. 5071. POUTRIN (Isabelle). "Muchas profesan por fuerza, se quejan, y con el tiempo, se aquietan". El caso Elena Cervera, Barcelona – Roma, 1616. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 131-148. 5072. VAN KLEY (Dale K.). Reform Catholicism and the international suppression of the Jesuits in enlightenment Europe. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XII-370 p. 5073. Worlds (The) of Jinípero Serra: historical contexts and cultural representations. Ed. by Steven W. HACKEL. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, VIII-300 p. 5074. YACOVAZZI (Cassandra L.). Escaped nuns. True womanhood and the campaign against convents in Antebellum America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXIII-202 p. Cf. nos 3543, 5075 e. Missions 5075. AMSLER (Nadine). Jesuits and matriarchs: domestic worship in early modern China. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2018, X-258 p.
5076. ANDERSON (David M.). Women missionaries and colonial silences in Kenya's female 'circumcision' controversy, 1906–1930. English historical review, 2018, 133, 565, p. 1512-1545.### 5077. CONROY-KRUTZ (Emily). The hierarchy of heathenism: missionaries map the globe. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 55-71. 5078. FARRISS (Nancy). Tongues of fire. Language and evangelization in colonial Mexico. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXI-409 p. 5079. FERNÁNDEZ-SALVADOR (Carmen). Encuentros y desencuentros con la frontera imperial: la iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Quito y la misión en el Amazonas (siglo XVII). Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2018, 205 p. (Biblioteca Indiana). 5080. GREEN (R.L.). Tropical idolatry: a theological history of Catholic colonialism in the Pacific world, 1568–1700. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, XI-137 p. 5081. JONES (Cameron D.). In service of two masters. The missionaries of Ocopa, indigenous resistance and Spanish governance in Bourbon Peru. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, VIII-223 p. 5082. LUNDQVIST (Pia). Ett motsägelsefullt möte: svenska missionärer och bakongo i Fristaten Congo. (Une rencontre pleine de contradictions: les missionnaires suédois dans l'Etat libre du Congo). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 330 p. (ill.). 5083. ORIQUE (David Thomas). To heaven or to hell: Bartolomé de Las Casas's "Confesionario." University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, XIV-127 p. (Latin American originals). 5084. Standard bearer (The) of the Roman church: Lawrence of Brindisi and Capuchin missions in the Holy Roman Empire (1599–1613), Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2018, XVII-246 p. 5085. WINDLER (Christian). Missionare in Persien. Kulturelle Diversität und Normenkonkurrenz im globalen Katholizismus (17.–18. Jahrhundert). Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 764 p. (Externa, 12). 5086. Worlds (The) of Junípero Serra: historical contexts and cultural representations. Ed. by Steven W. HACKEL. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, VIII-300 p. (Western histories). § 3. Orthodox Church. _______________________
5087. ASSOS (Demetris). Makarios: the revolutionary priest of Cyprus. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, XII-286 p. (International library of twentieth century history). 5088. COTAN (Constantin Claudiu). Biserica Ortodoxă Română în timpul Primului Război Mondial. (Romanian Orthodox Church during the First World War). Bucureşti, Editura Basilica, 2018, 896 p. 5089. DE SIMONE (Peter T.). The Old Believers in imperial Russia: oppression, opportunism and religious
identity in tsarist Moscow. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, 288 p. 5090. DENYSENKO (Nicholas E.). The orthodox church in Ukraine: a century of separation. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2018, XV-298 p. 5091. ELSNER (Regina). Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche vor der Herausforderung Moderne: historische Wegmarken und theologische Optionen im Spannungsfeld von Einheit und Vielfalt. Würzburg, Echter, 2018, 407 p. 5092. FIRSOV (S. L.). "Vremia voĭne i vremia miru": Pravoslavnaia Rossiĭskaia Tserkovʹ i grazhdanskaia voĭna v Rossii: ocherki istorii i istoriografii. ("A time for war and a time for peace": the Orthodox Russian church and the civil war in Russia: essays on history and historiography). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatelʹstvo RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2018, 166 p. (Issledovaniia. Istoriia Rossii). 5093. NELSON (Elena). Tradition and innovation in Russian Church Slavonic hymnography. London a. Washington, Academica P., 2018, XVI-221 p. 5094. TURCUȘ (Șerban). Tentative politice de subordonare a religiei în anul 1918: Un proiect german de unire cu Roma a ortodoxiei româneşti. (Political attempts to subordinate religion in 1918: a German project to unite the Romanian Orthodoxy with Rome). Tabor. Revistă de cultură și spiritualitate românească a Mitropoliei Clujului, Maramureșului și Sălajului, ClujNapoca, 2018, 12, p. 51-60. § 4. Protestantism. ______________________
5095. ALBRECHT-BIRKNER (Veronika). Freiheit in Grenzen. Protestantismus in der DDR. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2018, 282 p. (Christentum und Zeitgeschichte, 2). 5096. ALLEN (Richard C.), MOORE (Rosemary Anne). The Quakers, 1656–1723: the evolution of an alternative community. University Park, Penn State U. P., 2018, 345 p. (New history of Quakerism). 5097. BAUMANN (Imanuel). Baptisten und 1918/19. Zum Verhältnis von Freikirche und Staat in der Gründungsphase der Weimarer Republik. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 2, p. 354-395. 5098. BERING (Dietz). Luther im Fronteinsatz. Propagandastrategien im Ersten Weltkrieg. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 230 p. 5099. BÖTTCHER (Judith Lena). Vowed to community or ordained to mission? Aspects of separation and integration in the Lutheran Deaconess Institute Neuendettelsau, Bavaria. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 251 p. 5100. BRALL (Carsten). Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration. Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im 16. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 402 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 249).
§ 4. Protestantism 5101. BREWITT-TAYLOR (Sam). Christian radicalism in the church of England and the invention of the British Sixties, 1957–1970. The hope of a world transformed. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-272 p. (Oxford historical monographs).### 5102. CHOI (Peter Y.). George Whitefield. Evangelist for god and empire. Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2018, XVI-252 p. (Library of religious biography). 5103. Collège (Le) des Trois Langues de Louvain, 1517–1797: Érasme, les pratiques pédagogiques humanistes et le nouvel institut des langues. Sous la dir. de Jan PAPY. Leuven, Peeters, 2018, XIV-230 p. 5104. COTTRET (Bernard). Le siècle de l'édit de Nantes: catholiques et protestants à l'age classique. Paris, CNRS, 2018, 312 p. 5105. CURTIS (Heather D.). Holy humanitarians: American Evangelicals and global aid. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 370 p. 5106. Defending the faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church. Ed. by Angela RANSON, André A. GAZAL and Sarah BASTOW. University Park, Penn State U. P., 2018, 342 p. 5107. Deutschland und die Britischen Inseln im Reformationsgeschehen: Vergleich, Transfer, Verflechtungen. Hrsg. v. Frank-Lothar KROLL, Glyn REDWORTH und Dieter J. WEISS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, X-350 p. (Prinz-Albert-Studien, 34. Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte Bayerns, 97). 5108. ENGELHARDT (Juliane). Pietismus und Krise. Der hallesche und der radikale Pietismus im dänischen Gesamtstaat. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 2, p. 341369. 5109. FAUST (Alexandra). Eberhard Finen (1668– 1726). Ein lutherischer Hofprediger zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand. Braunschweig, Appelhans, 2018, 164 p. (Beihefte zum Braunschweigischen Jahrbuch, 20). 5110. FELICI (Lucia). A proposito di "Lutero. Gli anni della fede e della libertà" di Adriano Prosperi e di "Martin Luther. Renegade and Prophet" di Lyndal Roper. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 158, p. 599-606. 5111. FLÜCKIGER (Fabrice). Dire le vrai: une histoire de la dispute religieuse au début du XVIe siècle: ancienne Confédération hélvétique, 1523–1536. Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil-Presses Universitaires suisses, 2018, 506 p. 5112. FUNK (Kellen), MULLEN (Lincoln A.). The spine of American law: digital text analysis and U.S. legal practice. American historical review, 2018, 123, 1, p. 132–164. 5113. GAONA (Juan Carlos). Disidencia religiosa y conflicto socio cultural: tácticas y estrategias evangélicas de lucha por el modelamiento de la esfera pública en Colombia (1912–1957). Cali, Universidad de Valle, Programa Editorial, 2018, 222 p. (Colección Artes y humanidades).
5114. GERBNER (Katharine). Christian slavery: conversion and race in the Protestant Atlantic world. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 280 p. 5115. GLEIß (Friedhelm). Weimarer (Die) Disputation von 1560: theologische Konsenssuche und Konfessionspolitik Johann Friedrichs des Mittleren. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2018, 344 p. 5116. GUSTAFSSON (Sofia). Järtecken. Joen Petri Klint och 1500-talets vidunderliga lutherdom. (Signes. Le pasteur Joen Petri Klint et la perception des prodiges par le luthéranisme au 16e siècle). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018, 272 p. 5117. HARMAN AKENSON (Donald). Exporting the rapture. John Nelson Darby and the Victorian conquest of North-American evangelicalism. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-505 p. 5118. HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ (José Ma). San Antonio María Claret y el protestantismo de su tiempo: la utopía de un encuentro imposible. Barcelona, Claret, 2018, 281 p. 5119. HINDMARSH (D. Bruce). The spirit of early evangelicalism. True religion in a modern world. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-354 p. 5120. HURLBUT (D. Dmitri). The LDS Church and the problem of race: Mormonism in Nigeria, 1946– 1978. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 1-16. 5121. INGRAM (Robert). Reformation without end: religion, politics and the past in post-revolutionary England. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 384 p. 5122. KILIÁN (Jan). Boj o kostely, aneb Kauzy údajného porušování Rudolfova majestátu v předbělohorských Čechách. (The struggle for churches or the case of the violation of Rudolf's Imperial Charter in pre-White Mountain Bohemia). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 2, p. 241-269. 5123. KÖPF (Ulrich). Monastische Theologie und Protestantismus: gesammelte Aufsätze. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XII-477 p. 5124. KROON (Marijn de), VAN 'T SPIJKER (Willem). Martin Bucer (1491–1551): collected studies on his life, work, doctrine, and influence. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 446 p. (Refo500 Academic Studies, 44). 5125. KURTZ (Paul Michael). Kaiser, Christ, and Canaan: the religion of Israel in protestant Germany, 1871– 1918. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-370 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 122). 5126. LAMBERT (Erin). Singing the resurrection. Body, community and belief in Reformation Europe. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-222 p. (The new cultural history of music). 5127. LÉONARD (Julien). Des carrières pastorales à Bischwiller (1618–1663). Politique et discipline dans
une communauté de réfugiés. Revue historique, 2018, 688, 4, p. 795-836.
5128. Lutheran theology and the shaping of society: the Danish monarchy as example. Ed. by Bo Kristian HOLM and Nina J. KOEFOED. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 365 p.
5143. Reforma y disidencia religiosa: la recepcion de las doctrinas reformadas en la peninsula iberica en el siglo XVI. Ed. por Michel BOEGLIN, Ignasi FERNANDEZ TERRICABRAS y David KAHN. Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2018, IX-448 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 168).
5129. MAC ALISTER (Melani). The kingdom of God has no borders. A global history of American evangelicals. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-394 p. 5130. MANSILLA (Miguel Ángel), ORELLANA UR(Luis). Evangélicos y política en Chile 1960– 1990: política, apoliticismo y antipolítica. Santiago de Chile, UNAP, Universidad Arturo Prat del Estado de Chile, RiL Editores, 2018, 201 p. TUBIA
5131. MARSHALL (Peter). Heretics and believers: a history of the English Reformation. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIX-652 p. 5132. MENDOZA GARCÍA (Leticia). Bautistas y presbiterianos en la política religiosa de Francisco J. Múgica y Sidronio Sánchez Pineda, 1920–1924. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 1199-1248. 5133. MILLER (Gregory J.). Turks (The) and Islam in Reformation Germany. New York a. London, Routledge, 2018, VIII-257 p. 5134. MORGAN (D. Densil). Theologia Cambrensis: Protestant religion and theology in Wales. Volume I. 1588–1760. From Reformation to revival. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018, 441 p. 5135. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia). King Sigismund of Poland and Martin Luther. The Reformation before confessionalization. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-279 p. 5136. OATES (Rosamund). Moderate radical. Tobie Matthew and the English Reformation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-259 p. 5137. OCKER (Christopher). Luther, conflict and Christendom. Reformation Europe and christianity in the West. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-526 p. 5138. OOSTHUIZEN (Jean). Die opkoms en ondergang van die NG Kerk. (The rise and fall of the Dutch Reformed Church). Kaapstad, Penguin Books, 2018, 295 p. 5139. PADGETT (Timothy D.). Swords and plowshares: American evangelicals on war, 1937–1973. Bellingham, Lexham Press, 2018, XIV-426 p. (Studies in historical and systematic theology series). 5140. PETERSEN (Jørn Henrik). Den glemte Luther. (Le Luther oublié). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 332 p. (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 572).
MORA. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador y Colegio de América, 2018, 296 p. (ill.).
5144. Reformácia a jej dôsledky na Slovensku. (Reformation and its implications in Slovakia). Ed. Eva FRIMMOVÁ, Mária KOHÚTOVÁ. Trnava, Filozofická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave, Historický ústav SAV, Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV, Sekcia pre cirkevné dejiny, Sekcia pre dejiny knižnej kultúry, 2018, 356 p. 5145. Reformácia v strednej Európe = Reformáció Közép-Európaban: Reformation in Mittel-Europa I-II. (Reformation in Central Europe I-II). Ed. Annamária KÓNYOVÁ, Peter KÓNYA. Prešov, Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2018, 2 vol., 610 p., 801 p. 5146. Reichsstadt Regensburg (Die) und die Reformation im Heiligen Römischen Reich. Hrsg. v. Harriet RUDOLPH. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2018, 300 p. 5147. REINERMANN (Heinrich). Johannes Lonicerus 1499–1569. Ein Leben im Zeichen der Reformation. Ubstadt-Weiher, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2018, 288 p. 5148. Riforma e modernità: prospettive e bilanci a 500 anni dalle tesi di Lutero. A cura di Stefano BIANCU. Roma, Studium, 2018, 236 p. (Cultura Studium, 145). 5149. Ritterschaft und Reformation: der niedere Adel im Mitteleuropa des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Olga WECKENBROCK. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 248 p. 5150. SANCHEZ WALSH (Arlene M.). Pentecostals in America. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XXIX155 p. (Columbia contemporary American religion series). 5151. SCHRAMM (Luise). Evangelische Kirche und Anti-AKW-Bewegung. Das Beispiel der Hamburger Initiative kirchlicher Mitarbeiter und Gewaltfreie Aktion im Konflikt um das AKW Brokdorf 1976–1981. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 452 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, 70). 5152. SIMON (Matthias). Nürnbergisches Pfarrerbuch. Die evangelisch-lutherische Geistlichkeit der Reichsstadt Nürnberg und ihres Gebietes, 1524–1806. Nürnberg, Verein für bayerische Kirchengeschichte, 2018, 388 p. (Einzelarbeiten aus der Kirchengeschichte Bayerns, 41).
5141. PULLIN (Naomi). Female friends and the making of transatlantic Quakerism, 1650–1750. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-302 p. (Cambridge studies in early modern British history).
5153. STEGMANN (Andreas), THEIßEN (Henning). Christliches Leben in der DDR: Diskussionen im Ostdeutschen Protestantismus von den 1950er bis zu den 1980er Jahren. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2018, 358 p.
5142. Reforma luterana (La) y su influencia en América Latina, del pasado al presente. Ed. by Enrique AYA-
5154. STROM (Jonathan). German pietism and the problem of conversion. University Park, Pennsylvania
§ 5. Non-Christian religions and sects State U. P., 2018, VIII-226 p. (Pietist, Moravian and anabaptist studies). 5155. TEUCHERT (Felix). Die verlorene Gemeinschaft. Der Protestantismus und die Integration der Vertriebenen in die westdeutsche Gesellschaft (1945–1972). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 556 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, 72).
5168. CROME (Andrew). Christian zionism and English national identity, 1600–1850. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 313 p. 5169. DALLAL (Ahmad S.). Islam without Europe. Traditions of reform in eighteenth-century islamic thought. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 421 p.
5156. Topographies of tolerance and intolerance: responses to religious pluralism in Reformation Europe. Ed. by Marjorie Elizabeth PLUMMER and Victoria CHRISTMAN. Leiden a. Boston, Bril, 2018, X-267 p. (Studies in Central European histories, 64).
5170. Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen. Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust. Hrsg. v. Bettina BANNASCH und Hans-Joachim HAHN. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 528 p. (ill.). (Poetik, Exegese und Narrative. Studien zur jüdischen Literatur und Kunst, 10).
5157. Verfolgt, verdrängt, vergessen? Schatten der Reformation. Hrsg. v. Peter NIEDERHÄUSER. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 240 p. (b/w a. col. ill.).
5171. DERMENJIAN (Geneviève). Antijudaïsme et antisémitisme en Algérie coloniale (1830–1962). Aix-enProvence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2018, 378 p. (Le temps de l'histoire).
5158. VILLANI (Stefano). L'Anglo-continental society e l'Italia. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 74-117. 5159. VOIGT (Karl Heinz). Kirchliche Minderheiten im Schatten der lutherischen Reformation vor 1517 bis nach 2017. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2018, 382 p. 5160. WALDROP (Jeffrey A.). The emergence of religious toleration in 18th century New England: baptists, congregationalists, and the contribution of John Callender (1706–1748). Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, VII251 p. 5161. Witness, warning, and prophecy: Quaker women's writing, 1655–1700. Ed. by Teresa FEROLI and Margaret Olofson THICKSTUN. Toronto a. Ontario, Iter P., 2018, XXII-413 p. 5162. YOUNGER (Neil). How Protestant was the Elizabethan regime? English historical review, 2018, 133, 564, p. 1060-1092. 5163. ZECH (Julia). Reformation als Herausforderung: Konflikte und Alltag des Superintendenten Jacob Jovius im Fürstentum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1569–1585. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2018, 494 p. Cf. nos 4036, 4501, 5064, 5270, 5284 § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. ______________________
5164. ANTLER (Joyce). Jewish radical feminism. Voices from the women's liberation movement. New York, New York U. P., 2018, VIII-453 p. (The Goldstein-Goren series in American Jewish history). 5165. ARJMAND (Reza), MIRSAFA (Masoumeh). Ephemeral space sanctification and trespassing gender boundaries in a Muslim city. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 71-94.
5172. DINER (Hasia R.). How America met the Jews. Providence, Brown Judaic studies, 2018, X-142 p. (Brown judaic studies, 360). 5173. FERMAGLICH (Kirsten). A Rosenberg by any other name. A history of Jewish name changing in America. New York, New York U. P., 2018, V-245 p. 5174. GASPERONI (Michael). Les ghettos juifs d'Italie à travers le jus chazakah: un espace contraint mais négocié. Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 559-590 5175. GRABER (Jennifer). The gods of Indian country. Religion and the struggle for the American West. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXII-288 p. 5176. Gravstenar berättar: judiskt liv i Stockholm 1775–1875. (Des pierres tombales racontent: la communauté juive à Stockholm de 1775 à 1875). Red. Yvonne JACOBSSON, Gabriel HERDEVAL, Petr ZUPANC. Stockholm, Stockholmia, 2018, 151 p. (ill.). 5177. HERMAN (Jan). Baťa, Židé a Steinův seznam (1938–1939). (Baťa, Jews and Stein's List, 1938–1939). Moderní dějiny: sborník k dějinám 19. a 20. století. 2018, 26, 1, p. 111-134. 5178. HIJJIH (Shawkat). Boundaries of Tamim adDari's endowment in (945 A.H/1538 A.D). Based on document No. 768 in volume 8 of the Records of the Shari'a Court of Jerusalem. Hebron University Research Journal, 2018, 13, 1. 5179. IMĀM (Sayyid Jalāl). Tārīkh-i Islām dar Chīn. (History of Islam in China). Tihrān, Intishārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Imām Ṣādiq, 2018, 227 p. (Intishārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Imām Ṣādiq, 852).
5166. BRUZZI (Silvia). Islam and gender in colonial northeast Africa: Sitti 'Alawiyya, the uncrowned queen. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-252 p. (Islam in Africa, 21).
5180. JAKOBYOVÁ (Barbora), NIŽŇANSKÝ (Eduard). A history of the Jewish Community in Dolný Kubín = Dejiny Židovskej komunity v Dolnom Kubíne. Bratislava, Izraelská obchodná spoločnosť na Slovensku, 2018, 504 p.
5167. COHEN (Beth B.). Child survivors of the holocaust. The youngest remnant and the American experience. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2018, XII-214 p.
5181. JOMIER (Augustin). Islam, pureté et modernité. Les "innovations blâmables" en débat au Maghreb, 1920–1950. Annales, 2018, 73, 2, p. 385-410.
5182. KOPSTEIN (Jeffrey S.), WITTENBERG (Jason). Intimate violence. Anti-Jewish pogroms on the eve of the holocaust. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 192 p.### 5183. LEFTEROV (Zhivko). Religioznata politika na Bŭlgarskata komunisticheska partiia i Bialoto bratstvo. (The religious policy of the Bulgarian Communist Party and the White Brotherhood). Sofiia, Nov bŭlgarski universitet, 2018, 312 p. 5184. LOEFFLER (James). Rooted cosmopolitans. Jews and human rights in the twentieth century. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XV-362 p. 5185. MARIN (Irina). Peasant violence and antisemitism in early twentieth-century Eastern Europe. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVII, 304 p. 5186. NADLER (Steven). Menasseh ben Israel. Rabbi of Amsterdam. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, 298 p. (Jewish lives). 5187. PURSCHWITZ (Anne). Jude oder preußischer Bürger? Die Emanzipationsdebatte im Spannungsfeld von Regierungspolitik, Religion, Bürgerlichkeit und Öffentlichkeit (1780–1847). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 483 p. (Bürgertum Neue Folge. Studien zur Zivilgesellschaft, 16). 5188. QASIM ZAMAN (Muhammad). Islam in Pakistan. A history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XII401 p. (Princeton studies in muslim politics). 5189. REESE (Scott S.). Imperial muslims. Islam, community and authority in the Indian Ocean, 1839– 1937. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2018, IX-212 p. 5190. REINHARZ (Jehuda), SHAVIT (Yaakov). The road to september 1939. Polish jews, zionists and the Yishuv on the eve of World War II. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2018, XIX-408 p. (Tauber Institute for the study of European jewry). 5191. Rethinking anti-Semitism [AHR Roundtable]. American historical review, 2018, 123, 4, p. 1122-1245. [Contents: JUDAKEN (Jonathan). Introduction. – FELDMAN (David). Toward a history of the term "Anti-Semitism". – URY (Scott). Strange bedfellows? Anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the fate of "the Jews". – SCHROETER (Daniel J.). "Islamic Anti-Semitism" in historical discourse. – KATZ (Ethan B.). An imperial entanglement: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and colonialism. – SCHÜLER-SPRINGORUM (Stefanie). Gender and the politics of Anti-Semitism. – SAMUELS (Maurice). Literature and the study of Anti-Semitism. – CHEYETTE (Bryan). Postcolonialism and the study of Anti-Semitism.]
5192. RUBIN (Dominic). Russia's Muslim heartlands: Islam in the Putin era. London, Hurst, 2018, XIV-346 p. 5193. SAHO (Bala). Contours of change. Muslim courts, women and Islamic society in colonial Bathurst, the Gambia, 1905–1965. East Lansing, Michigan State U. P., 2018, XXVII-187 p. (African history and culture). 5194. SHAH (Syed Faruque). Spaces of engagement: relocating European islamophobia in Muslim diaspora enclaves. Zürich, Lit, 2018, XIII-349 p. 5195. SIMON-NAHUM (Perrine). Les Juifs et la modernité: l'héritage du judaïsme et les sciences de l'homme en France au XIX siècle. Paris, Albin Michel, 2018, 330 p. (Bibliotheque Albin Michel. Idees). 5196. STEPHENS (Julia). Governing Islam. Law, empire and secularism in modern South Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 232 p. 5197. STERNFELD (Lior B.). Between Iran and Zion. Jewish histories of twentieth-century Iran. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XI-185 p. 5198. STOKHOLM BANKE (Cecilie Felicia). En indvandringshistorie: jøder i Danmark. (Histoire d'une immigration: les Juifs au Danemark). København, Dansk Jødisk Museum, 2018, 179 p. (ill.). 5199. TROM (Danny). Persévérance du fait juif. Une théorie politique de la survie. Paris, Éd. de l'Ehess et Gallimard et Éd. du Seuil, 2018, 487 p. 5200. ULVUND (Frode). Wahhabisme som skremmebilde i Skandinavia rundt 1800. Hans Nielsen Hauge i lys av osmansk anti-wahhabisme. (Representations of Wahhabism in Scandinavia ca 1800. Hans Nielsen Hauge in light of Ottoman anti-Wahhabism). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 2, p. 98-114. 5201. WALKOWITZ (Daniel J.). The remembered and forgotten Jewish world. Jewish heritage in Europe and the United States. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2018, XV-281 p. 5202. WOBICK-SEGEV (Sarah). Homes away from home. Jewish belonging in twentieth-century Paris, Berlin and St. Petersburg. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XI-295 p. (Stanford studies in jewish history and culture). Cf. nos 3723, 3804, 3825, 3845, 3888, 4034, 4090, 4173, 4178, 4191, 4271, 4309, 4422, 4428, 4521, 4523, 4579, 4581, 4582, 4609, 4633, 4765, 4769, 4965, 5003, 5125, 5253, 5560, 5602, 5707, 5880, 6651, 6661, 6676, 6680, 6923, 7293, 7497
§ 1. General. 5203-5261. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 5262-5298. – § 3. Education. 5299-5369. – § 4. The Press. 5370-5413. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5414-5463. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technology. 5464-5557. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5558-5586. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5587-5622. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5623-5734.
5203. BABOVIĆ (Jovana). Metropolitan Belgrade. Culture and class in interwar Yugoslavia. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, IX-259 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies).
5212. DIETRICH (Gerd). Kulturgeschichte der DDR. Band I. Kultur in der Übergangsgesellschaft 1945–1957. Band II. Kultur in der Bildungsgesellschaft 1957–1976. Band III. Kultur in der Konsumgesellschaft 1977–1990. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 3 vol., LXII-2429 p. (ill.).
5204. BARBER (Karin). A history of African popular culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 201 p. (New approaches to African history, 11).
5213. DOSSE (François). La saga des intellectuels français. Paris, Gallimard, 2018, 2 vol., 622 p., 702 p. (La suite des temps).
5205. BASKIND (Samantha). The Warsaw ghetto in American art and culture. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, XV-309 p.
5214. DOW (James R.). Heinrich Himmler's cultural commissions. Programmed plunder in Italy and Yugoslavia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, X-267 p.
§ 1. General. ______________________
5206. BENDTSEN (Bjarne S.). Mellem frontene: første verdenskrigs aftryk i dansk litteratur og kultur 1914– 1939. (Entre les fronts: l'empreinte de la Première Guerre mondiale sur la littérature et la culture danoises 1914–1939). Aarhus, Klim, 2018, 585 p. (ill.).
5215. Expérience (L') de l'autre: les premières missions diplomatiques de Machiavel, Vettori et Guicciardini. Traduction et commentaire de Kean-Marc RIVIÈRE. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2018, 264 p. (Textuelles. Écritures du voyage).
5207. BLATT (Jessica). Race and the making of American political science. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 205 p. (American governance. Politics, policy and public law).
5216. FABRE (Clément). Sinology is a martial art. The Paul Perny affair and Sinological quarrels in nineteenth-century Paris. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 12-31.
5208. CARTOSIO (Bruno). Verso ovest. Storia e mitologia del Far West. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018, 448 p. (Storie).
5217. Faire l'histoire culturelle de la mondialisation. Sous la dir. de François CHAUBET. Paris, Presses universitaires de Paris-Nanterre, 2018, 285 p.
5209. COSPITO (Giuseppe). Il dibattito sulla mancata Riforma protestante nell'Italia del primo novecento. Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2018, 97, 1, p. 130156.
5218. FUNDÁRKOVÁ (Anna). Barokový aristokrat. (The Baroque aristocrat). Bratislava, VEDA, 2018, 231 p.
5210. Cultural topographies of the new Berlin. Ed. by Karin BAUER and Jennifer Ruth HOSEK. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, VII-412 p.
5219. GÉRIN (Annie). Devastation and laughter. Satire, power and culture in the early Soviet state, 1920s– 1930s. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XVIII255 p.
5211. DI-CAPUA (Yoav). No exit: Arab existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre, and decolonization. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XVI-356 p.
5220. GILBURD (Eleonory). To see Paris and die. The Soviet lives of Western culture. Cambridge MA, Harvard U. P., 2018, IX-458 p.
5221. HAIG (Fiona). The role and relevance of intellectuals vis-à-vis the French and Italian Communist Parties in the early post-war period. A regional grassroots study. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 834-869.### 5222. Historicizing nostalgia [FORUM]. History and theory, 2018, 57, 2, p. 234-285. [Contents: BECKER (Tobias). The meanings of nostalgia: genealogy and critique. – LANDWEHR (Achim). Nostalgia and the turbulence of times. – LORCIN (Patricia M. E.). The nostalgias for empire.] 5223. HOLLAND (Robert). The warm South. How the Mediterranean shaped the British imagination. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIV-317 p. 5224. HOLT (Mack P.). The politics of wine in early Modern France. Religion and popular culture in Burgundy, 1477–1630. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-352 p. (New studies in European history). 5225. HOROWITZ (Daniel). Happier? The history of a cultural movement that aspired to transform America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-304 p. 5226. Kampf um die Aufklärung? Institutionelle Konkurrenzen und intellektuelle Vielfalt im Halle des 18. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Renko GEFFARTH, Markus MEUMANN und Holger ZAUNSTÖCK. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2018, 334 p. 5227. LAROCCA (Giuseppina). L'aquila bicipite e il tenero iris: tracce russe a Firenze nel primo Novecento (1899–1939). Pisa, Pisa U. P., 2018, 252 p. (Saggi e studi). 5228. LECHNER (Zachary J.). The south of the mind. American imaginings of white southernness, 1960– 1980. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2018, 219 p. (Politics and culture in the twentieth-century South). 5229. LIN (Nimrod). The arithmetic of rights: Zionist intellectuals imagining the Arab minority May–July 1938. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 948-964. 5230. LORENZ (Maren). Menschenzucht. Frühe Ideen und Strategien 1500–1870. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 416 p. 5231. MAKOTO WOODHOUSE (Keith). The ecocentrists. A history of radical environmentalism. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XVII-372 p. 5232. MARTÍN-ESTUDILLO (Luis). The rise of euroskepticism: Europe and its critics in Spanish culture. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2018, XII-244 p.
5235. MOLINARO (Natalia). Les intellectuels argentins face à la Grande Guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 25-43. 5236. MORNATI (Fiorenzo). Una biografia intellettuale di Vilfredo Pareto. Vol. 2. Illusioni e delusioni della libertà (1891–1898). Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, 254 p. (Uomini e dottrine, 68). 5237. MURPHY (Curtis G.). From citizens to subjects. City, state and the enlightenment in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XXII-320 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies). 5238. NIKODYM (Tomáš), HOLEŇOVÁ (Petra), PU(Tereza). Czechoslovak intellectual environment after the Second World War. Slovenská politologická revue, 2018, 18, 1, p. 85-102.
5239. Objects of war. The material culture of conflict and displacement. Ed. by Leora AUSLANDER and Tara ZAHRA. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 330 p. (ill.). 5240. Osten (Der) ist eine Kugel. Fußball in Kultur und Geschichte des östlichen Europa. Hrsg. v. Christian LÜBKE, Dirk SUCKOW und Stephan KRAUSE. Göttingen, Die Werkstatt, 2018, 492 p. (col. ill.). (Fußball in Osteuropa). 5241. PANZERA (Maria Cristina). De l'orator au secrétaire. Modèles épistolaires dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Genève, Droz, 2018, 453 p. 5242. PETERS (Dominik). Sehnsuchtsort Sinai. Eine israelische Kulturgeschichte der ägyptischen Halbinsel. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 368 p. (Israel-Studien. Kultur – Geschichte – Politik, 2). 5243. PHILLIPS (Jason). Looming civil war. How nineteenth-century Americans imagined the future. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 336 p. 5244. PLOTNICK (Rachel). Power button. A history of pleasure, panic and the politics of pushing. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, 424 p. (ill.). 5245. PRAUSE (Andrea). Catwalk wider den Sozialismus. Die alternative Modeszene der DDR in den 1980er Jahren. Berlin, be.bra Verlag, 2018, 500 p. 5246. PYNSENT (Robert B.). Václav Havel: a heart in the right place. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 2018, 32, 2, p. 334-352. 5247. READMAN (Paul). Storied ground. Landscape and the shaping of English national identity. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-335 p.
5233. MATEI (Irina), NASTASĂ-KOVÁCS (Lucian). Cultură şi propagandă. Institutul Român din Berlin (1940–1945) [Culture and Propaganda. The Romanian Institute in Berlin (1940–1945)]. Cluj-Napoca, Editura MEGA, 2018, 718 p.
5248. Renaissance (The) in the 19th century: revision, revival, and return. Ed. by Lina BOLZONI and Alina PAYNE. Firenze, Villa I Tatti, 2018, 552 p. (I Tatti Research Series, 1).
5234. MAURRAS (Charles). L'avenir de l'intelligence et autres textes. Édition établie et présentée par Martin MOTTE, préface de Jean-Christophe BUISSON, Paris, Robert Laffont, 2018, XXXVIII-1225 p. (Bouquins).
5249. ROECK (Bernd). Der Morgen der Welt. Geschichte der Renaissance. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 1304 p. (Historische Bibliothek der Gerda Henkel Stiftung).
§ 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations 5250. RUOCCO (Giovanni). Razze in teoria. La scienza politica di Gaetano Mosca nel discorso pubblico dell'Ottocento. Macerata, Quodlibet, 2018, 179 p. (Filosofia e politica).### 5251. SCHLÖGEL (Karl). Das sowjetische Jahrhundert. Archäologie einer untergegangenen Welt. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 912 p. 5252. SRUBAR (Ilja). The Paradox of 1968. Sociologický časopis, 2018, 54, 3, p. 442-448. 5253. STERN (Eliyahu). Jewish materialism. The intellectual revolution of the 1870s. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XVI-296 p. 5254. VILA (Anne C.). Suffering scholars. Pathologies of the intellectual in enlightenment France. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 267 p. (Intellectual history of the modern age). 5255. VLČKOVÁ KRYČEROVÁ (Lenka). Československo-sovětský institut ČSAV v prvním desetiletí tzv. normalizace a jeho rusistická bádání. (CzechoslovakSoviet Institute of the CSAS in the first decades of socalled normalization and its Russian studies research). Slovanský přehled, 2018, 104, 3, p. 825-851. 5256. WARNER METTLER (Meghan). How to reach Japan by subway. America's fascination with Japanese culture, 1945–1965. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XIII-277 p. (Studies in Pacific worlds). 5257. WICKMAN (Thomas M.). Snowshoe country. An environmental and cultural history of winter in the early American Northeast. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-310 p. 5258. WILSON (Paul R.). The Power of the Powerless revisited. East European politics and societies and cultures, 2018, 32, 2, p. 232-238. 5259. WILSON (W. Daniel). Der Faustische Pakt. Goethe und die Goethe-Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2018, 368 p. 5260. ZAUGG (Roberto). Le crachoir chinois du roi. Marchandises globales, culture de cour et vodun dans les royaumes de Hueda et du Dahomey (XVIIe–XIXe siècle). Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 119-159. 5261. Zivilisatorische Verortungen. Der "Westen" an der Jahrhundertwende (1880–1930). Hrsg. v. Riccardo BAVAJ und Martina STEBER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 162 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, 26). os
Cf. n 5744, 6751, 7497 § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. ______________________
5262. 350 Jahre Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Hrsg. v. Andreas von ARNAULD, Ino AUGSBERG und Rudolf MEYER-PRITZL. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, VIII424 p. 5263. Années (Les) UNAZA (Université Nationale du Zaire). Contribution à l'histoire de l'Université Afri-
caine. Ed. par Isidore NDAYWEL È NZIEM. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 2 vol., 271 & 222 p. 5264. AUBIN (David). L'élite sous la mitraille. Les normaliens, les mathématiques et la Grande Guerre, 1900–1925. Préface de Claude VITERBO, Paris, Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 2018, 360 p. (Figures normaliennes). 5265. BELISLE (Donica), MITCHELL (Kiera). Mary Quayle Innis: faculty wives' contributions and the making of academic celebrity. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 3, p. 456-486. 5266. BOSHIER (Carol Ann). Mapping cultural nationalism. The scholars of the Burma Research Society, 1910–1935. København, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2018, XXI-345 p. (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. New and recent monographs, 136). 5267. BRADLEY (Stefan M.). Upending the ivory tower. Civil rights, black power and the Ivy League. Foreword by Gerald HORNE. New York, New York U. P., 2018, XVI-465 p. 5268. BRAMBILLA (Elena). Università e professioni in Italia da fine Seicento all'età napoleonica. Milano, Unicopli, 2018, 636 p. 5269. CASSIANI (Gennaro). Tommaso Bozio e i primi Lincei. Relazioni - Condivisioni - Influssi. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 3, p. 790-827. 5270. CHANDLER (Andrew). Anglicanism, Methodism and Ecumenism: a history of the Queen's and Handsworth Colleges. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, 223 p. 5271. COLACICCO (Tamara). La propaganda fascista nelle università inglesi. La diplomazia culturale di Mussolini in Gran Bretagna (1921–1940). Milano, Angeli, 2018, 263 p. (Storia internazionale dell'età contemporanea, 33). 5272. FITZSIMMONS (Michael P.). The place of words: the Académie Française and its Dictionary during an Age of Revolution. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-259 p. 5273. FUSAR POLI (Elisabetta). "Una parte così viva e così importante del diritto": agli albori dell'insegnamento del diritto industriale nell'università italiana. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 163214. 5274. GÖLLNITZ (Martin). Der Student als Führer? Handlungsmöglichkeiten eines jungakademischen Funktionärskorps am Beispiel der Universität Kiel (1927– 1945). Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2018, 670 p. (Kieler Historische Studien, 44). 5275. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar). ¿Qué hacemos con Pedro Ciprés? Aproximaciones a una metodología de la vida cotidiana. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 2 (270), p. 471-507. 5276. GROSSI (Élodie). Policies and politics in the clinic. Ethno-racial psychiatric units at the University of California, San Francisco. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 92-113.
5277. HANSEN (Else). Planlægningens (oversete) årti. Argumenter for adgangsbegrænsning i 1970'erne. (An overlooked decade of planning. Reasons for restricted admission to Danish universities in the 1970s). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 1, p. 77-112.###
The impact of Nazi racial persecution on the professorial staff of the Faculty of Medicine of the German University in Prague, 1938–1945). Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, 2018, 58, 1, p. 107-121.
5278. HOLEC (Roman), NĚMEČEK (Jan). Československo. Náš společný domov, slávnostní přednášky Akademie věd České republiky. (Czechoslovakia. Our common home, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic ceremonial lectures). Praha, Nakladatelství Academia, Historický ústav, 2018, 81 p.
5289. ŠKORVANKOVÁ (Eva). Snahy o obmedzenie vysokoškolského štúdia žien v období slovenského štátu. (Attempts to limit university study by women in the time of the Slovak state). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 649-670.
5279. IGNATIEFF (Michael), ROCH (Stefan). Academic freedom. The global challenge. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2018, 161 p. 5280. JŮNOVÁ MACKOVÁ (Adéla). Export of experts. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Iraq in the 1960s. Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 2018, 10, 2, p. 4778. 5281. KINAS (Sven). Akademischer Exodus. Die Vertreibung von Hochschullehrern aus den Universitäten Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Greifswald und Halle, 1933–1945. Krottenmühl, Synchron, 2018, 500 p. (Studien zur Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte, 17). 5282. KOLCHINSKIĬ (Ėduard Izrailevich) [et al.]. Mobilizatsiia i reorganizatsiia rossiĭskoĭ nauki i obrazovaniia v gody Pervoĭ mirovoĭ voĭny. (Mobilization and reorganization of Russian science and education during the First World War). Sankt-Peterburg, NestorIstoriia, 2018, 668 p. (ill.). 5283. KRANICH (Kai). Die "Bollwerk-Ingenieure". Technikwissenschaft in Breslau 1900–1945. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 544 p. 5284. LAW (Ceri). Contested Reformations in the university of Cambridge, 1535–1584. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, for the Royal Historical Society, 2018, 235 p. 5285. MÁDROVÁ (Kamila). Development and strategy of the Czech technical university's contacts with Third World countries in the 1960s. Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 2018, 10, 2, p. 21-46. 5286. OOSTERHOFF (Richard J.). Making mathematical culture. University and print in the circle of Lefèvre d'Étaples. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV276 p. (Oxford-Warburg studies). 5287. Sahn-ı Semân'dan Dârülfünûn'a Osmanlı'da ilim ve fikir dünyası: âlimler, müesseseler ve fikrî eserler XVIII. yüzyıl. (From Sahn-ı Semân to Darülfünûn, the world of science and ideas in the Ottoman Empire: scholars, institutions and intellectual works in the XVIII century). Ed. by Ahmet Hamdi FURAT, Nilüfer Kalkan YORULMAZ, Osman Sacid ARI. İstanbul, Zeytinburnu Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, 2018, 2 voll. (ill.). (Zeytinburnu Belediyesi kültür yayınları, 53). 5288. ŠIMŮNEK (Michal). Entfernung/Reinigung/Entjudung: Důsledky nacistické rasové perzekuce pro profesorský sbor Lékařské fakulty Německé univerzity v Praze, 1938–1945. (Entfernung/Reinigung/Entjudung:
5290. Soryŏnhyŏng taehak ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa haech'e = Formation and collapse of the Soviet type universities. Ed. by Kŭn-sik CHŎNG, Su-hong CH'AE. Kyŏnggi-do Kwach'ŏn-si, Chininjin, 2018, 269 p. (Sŏul Taehakkyo T'ongil P'yŏnghwa Yŏn'guwŏn t'ongirhak yŏn'gu, 35). 5291. SURMAN (Jan). Universities in imperial Austria 1848–1918. A social history of a multilingual space. West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue U. P., 2018, XIV-458 p. (Central European studies). 5292. TENORTH (Heinz-Elmar). Wilhelm von Humboldt. Bildungspolitik und Universitätsreform. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 259 p. 5293. THELIN (John R.). Going to college in the Sixties. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XVIII198 p. 5294. VERLIN (Jan). Developing a research topic in an internationalized and insecure university setting. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 100-114. 5295. WALTER (Philipp). Universität und Landtag (1500–1700). Akademische Landstandschaft im Spannungsfeld von reformatorischer Lehre, landesherrlicher Instrumentalisierung und ständischer Solidarität. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 1094 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zu Thüringen im Zeitalter der Reformation, 8). 5296. WESKAMP (Manuel). "Ehre – Frohsinn – Eintracht". Selbstverständnis, Mitgliederrekrutierung und Karrieremuster von Akademikern am Beispiel des Corps Saxonia Göttingen (1840–1951). Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 558 p. 5297. WINKELBAUER (Thomas). Das Fach Geschichte an der Universität Wien. Von den Anfängen um 1500 bis etwa 1975. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2018, 403 p. (Schriften des Archivs der Universität Wien, 24). 5298. WINLING (LaDale C.). Building the ivory tower. Universities and metropolitan development in the twentieth century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 251 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). Cf. nos 342, 4573, 5299-5369 § 3. Education. ______________________
5299. ĀJIJA (Mahībula). Sarakāri o miśanāri śikshā. (Government and missionary education). Ḍhākā, Grantha Kuṭira, 2018, 223 p.
§ 3. Education 5300. ARTHI (Vellore). "The dust was long in settling": human capital and the lasting impact of the American dust bowl. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 196-230.### 5301. BALCAR (Nina). Kinderseelenforscher. "Psychopathische" Schuljugend zwischen Pädagogik und Psychiatrie. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 362 p. (Beiträge zur historischen Bildungsforschung, 51). 5302. BALOUN (Pavel). Československá civilizační mise: asimilační praktiky vůči „cikánským" dětem v letech 1918–1942. (Czechoslovak civilising mission: assimilation practices for "Gipsy" children in 1918– 1942). Dějiny-teorie-kritika, 2018, 15, 2, p. 175-202. 5303. BROBERG (Åsa), SANDSTRÖM (Birgitta). Hushållningens pedagogiska innehåll: En analys av ICAKuriren 1942. (The educational content of housekeeping – An analysis of ICA-Kuriren 1942). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 2, p. 255-285. 5304. BRÜSSEL (Marc). Altsprachliche Erwachsenendidaktik in Deutschland. Von den Anfängen bis zum Jahr 1945. Heidelberg, Propylaeum, 2018, 399 p. 5305. CARTER (Sarah Anne). Object lessons. How nineteenth-century Americans learned to make sense of the material world. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-202 p. 5306. CARVALHO (Eduardo R.). Educar para producir: la educación práctica y el "orden conservador" argentino (1880–1916). Rosario, CB Ediciones, 2018, 126 p. 5307. CLAUSEN (Thomas). Studiestøtte for de ubemidlede, dygtige og evnerige. Forvaltningen af ungdommens uddannelsesfond 1952–1970. (Student support of the necessitous, able and talented. The Administration of the Youth Education Fund 1952–1970). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2018, 118, 2, p. 329-370. 5308. CONSTANTINE (Stephen). Woman's work in the service of empire: Lady Margaret Field (1905–94) from school teacher to governor's wife. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 473-501. 5309. COOPER (Mark Garrett), MARX (John). Media U. How the need to win audiences has shaped higher education. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, VIII-341 p. 5310. CRONE (Rosalind). Educating the labouring poor in nineteenth-century Suffolk. Social history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 161-185. 5311. DA SILVA (Joseph). School(house) design and curriculum in nineteenth century America. Historical and theoretical frameworks. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXV-214 p.
America's schools. New York, Basic Books, 2018, XXX342 p. 5314. DROR (Olga). Making two Vietnams. War and youth identities, 1965–1975. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-324 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 5315. DUARTE (Daniel). El Estado y la educación: economía y política en los orígenes del sistema educativo argentino. Buenos Aires, UNIPE, Editorial Universitaria, 2018, 172 p. (Ideas en la educación Argentina. Serie Aportes a la historia educacional). 5316. FELDER (Pierre). Für alle! Die Basler Volksschule seit ihren Anfängen. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2018, 382 p. (Neujahrsblatt der Gesellschaft für das Gute und Gemeinnützige). 5317. FERNÁNDEZ RUEDA (Sonia). La escuela que redime, maestros, infancia escolarizada y pedagogía en Ecuador, 1925–1948. Quito, Corporación Editora Nacional y Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar, Sede Ecuador, 2018, 305 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca de historia, 49). 5318. FRIEDRICHS (Jan-Henrik). „Freie Zärtlichkeit für Kinder". Gewalt, Fürsorgeerziehung und Pädophiliedebatte in der Bundesrepublik der 1970er Jahre. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 4, p. 554-585. 5319. GARCÍA (David G.). Strategies of segregation. Race, residence and the struggle for educational equality. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XV-276 p. 5320. GROSS (Robert N.). Public vs. private. The early history of school choice in America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-209 p. 5321. HENDRICKS (Paul). The history and politics of the Teachers' League of South Africa's transformative praxis. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 111-139. 5322. HEURDIER (Lydie). La Ligue de l'enseignement et les Fêtes de la Jeunesse. Manifester son attachement à la République et à l'école laïque dans les années 1930. Le mouvement social, 2018, 262, p. 89-105. 5323. HONG (Ji Yeon), PAIK (Christopher). Colonization and education: exploring the legacy of local elites in Korea. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 938964. 5324. HOOLE (Dee). Dissection of the destitute: the supply of anatomical subjects to the medical schools of Aberdeen c. 1832–1902. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 38, 2, p. 238-260. 5325. HORLACHER (Rebekka). Kulturelle Erwartungen, Schule und Curriculum. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 3, p. 437-458.
5312. DEVIGNE (Matthieu). L'école des années noires, une histoire du primaire en temps de guerre, entre Vichy et République (1938–1948). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 332 p.
5326. HORN (Elija). Indien als Erzieher. Orientalismus in der deutschen Reformpädagogik und Jugendbewegung 1918–1933. Bad Heilbrunn, Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, 2018, 285 p. (Historische Bildungsforschung).
5313. DEVLIN (Rachel). A girl stands at the door. The generation of young women who desegregated
5327. HÖRSTEDT (Axel). Latin dissertations and disputations in the early modern Swedish gymnasium. A
study of a Latin school tradition c. 1620–c. 1820. (Thèses et dissertations latines dans le lycée suédois entre ca 1620 et ca 1820). Göteborg, University of Gothenburg, 2018, 502 p. 5328. INGLEHEART (Jennifer). Masculine plural: queer classics, sex, and education. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-344 p. 5329. JANDA (Sarah E.). Prairie power. Student activism, counterculture and backlash in Oklahoma, 1962– 1972. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XIII-218 p. 5330. KANTROWITZ (Rachel A.). Catholic schools as 'a nation in miniature': Catholic civism in Senegal and Benin, 1960–1970s. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 221-239. 5331. Kartoffeln, Frost und Spartakus: Weltkriegsende und Revolution 1918/19 in Essener Schüleraufsätzen. Hrsg. v. Nadine ROSSOL. Berlin, be.bra wissenschaft Verlag, 2018, 230 p. 5332. KATZENSTEIN (Rahel). Schule und Zivilreligion. Die Diskussion über den schulischen Religionsunterricht im Kanton. Zürich 1872 und 2004. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2018, 324 p. 5333. KIM (Yujin), LEE (Jinwoo). Bridal pregnancy and women's educational attainment in South Korea, 1970–2009. History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 426445. 5334. KING (Farina). The earth memory compass. Diné landscapes and education in the twentieth century. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, XVII-270 p. 5335. KRANZDORF (Anna). Ausleseinstrument, Denkschule und Muttersprache des Abendlandes. Debatten um den Lateinunterricht in Deutschland 1920–1980. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 439 p. (Wertewandel im 20. Jahrhundert, 5). 5336. LAATS (Adam). Fundamentalist U. Keeping the faith in American higher education. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-348 p. 5337. LEHN (Isabelle), MACHT (Sascha), STOPKA (Katja). Schreiben lernen im Sozialismus. Das Institut für Literatur "Johannes R. Becher". Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 600 p. 5338. LINDENHAYN (Nils). Die Prüfung. Zur Geschichte einer pädagogischen Technologie. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 303 p. (Beiträge zur Historischen Bildungsforschung). 5339. LUPU (Cristian). Învățătorul în universul școlar din Transilvania (1867–1918). (The teacher in the school universe in Transylvania, 1867–1918). Caiete de Antropologie Istorică, 2018, 33, p. 156-180. 5340. MAC LEAN (Eden K.). Mussolini's children. Race and elementary education in fascist Italy. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XIV-320 p. 5341. MAGLAQUE (Erin). Venice's intimate empire.
Family life and scholarship in the Renaissance Mediterranean. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-219 p. 5342. MARCHAND (Philippe). Donnez-moi des nouvelles… Collèges et collégiens à travers les correspondances familiales, 1767–1787. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion et Lille, Archives départementales du Nord, 2018, 450 p. 5343. MÄTZING (Heike Christina). Georg Eckert. 1912–1974. Von Anpassung, Widerstand und Völkerverständigung. Bonn, J.H.W. Dietz-Verlag, 2018, 589 p. 5344. MORAN (Rachel Louise). Governing bodies. American politics and the shaping of the modern physique. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 224 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 5345. MOREL (Stanislas). Quantifying to reform. Measurement of grade retention and dropping out of school in the early twentieth-century United States. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 79-99. 5346. NIEVES (Angel David). An architecture of education: African American women design the South. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, 256 p. 5347. ONDOA (Henri Atangana). Education and labour supply inequality in the informal sector: the case of Cameroon. Labor history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 202-214. 5348. ÖZKAN (Umut Birkan). Turkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluş yıllarında eğitim sorunları 1923–1938. (Educational problems in the founding years of the Turkish Republic 1923–1938). Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2018, VII-152 p. (ill.). 5349. PHILLIPS (David). Educating the Germans. People and policy in the British zone of Germany, 1945– 1949. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, 367 p. 5350. PRAKASH (Archana). Reappraising the French role in nineteenth-century Egyptian education. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 537-554. 5351. PURDY (Michelle A.). Transforming the elite. Black students and the desegregation of private schools. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 243 p. 5352. RAHIKAINEN (Marjatta). Att skaffa sig kompetens. Lärarinnor och föreståndarinnor i flickskolor i 1800-talets Sverige och Finland. (To acquire competence. Teachers and headmistresses in girls' schools in 19th-century Sweden and Finland). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 1, p. 77-105. 5353. RICHTER (Sophia). Pädagogische Strafen. Verhandlungen und Transformationen. Weinheim, Beltz Juventa, 2018, 192 p. 5354. RUOSS (Thomas). Zahlen, Zählen und Erzählen in der Bildungspolitik’. Lokale Statistik, politische Praxis und die Entwicklung städtischer Schulen zwischen 1890 und 1930. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 239 p. 5355. SCHMIDT (Anna-Maria). Katholisch und emanzipiert. Elisabeth Gnauck-Kühne und Pauline Herber
§ 4. The Press als Leitfiguren der Frauen- und Mädchenbildung um 1900. St. Ingbert, Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2018, 179 p. (Sofie. Schriftenreihe zur Frauenforschung, 22). 5356. SCHWARZ (Stephan). Nationalsozialistische Dozenten an Schweizer Universitäten (1933–1945). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 3, p. 502-525. 5357. SPERLING (Christoph). Joachim Haupt (1900– 1989). Vom Aufstieg eines NS-Studentenfunktionärs und Sturz des Inspekteurs der Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten. Eine biographische Studie. Berlin, Peter Lang GmbH, 2018, 176 p. (Rechtshistorische, 478). 5358. STERN (Walter C.). Race and education in New Orleans. Creating the segregated city, 1764–1960. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XVII-354 p. (Making the modern South). 5359. TEOH (Karen M.). Schooling diaspora. Women, education and the overseas Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore, 1850s–1960s. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-210 p. 5360. TESAŘ (Marek). Power, ideology and children: Socialist childhoods in Czechoslovakia. Dialogic pedagogy, 2018, 6, p. 49-61. 5361. TEWES (Johanna). "Fort von den Konstruktionen, hin zu den Sachen". Strategien der Macht in der Geschichte der Kunstpädagogik 1945–1980. München, Kopäd Verlag, 2018, 263 p. (Kontext Kunstpädagogik, 50).
ventures of academic mobility: Roman Jakobson in Slovakia). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 107-132. 5369. ZUMHOF (Tim). Die Erziehung und Bildung der Schauspieler. Disziplinierung und Moralisierung zwischen 1690 und 1830. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 586 p. Cf. nos 5063, 5262-5298, 6681, 7121 § 4. The Press. _______________________
5370. BAŞAK (Tolga). The Times gazetesinde Mustafa Kemal Paşa hareketi, 1919–1920. (Mustafa Kemal Pasha movement in The Times newspaper, 1919–1920). Istanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2018, 496 p. (ill.). 5371. BECKER (Matthias J.). Analogien der "Vergangenheitsbewältigung". Antiisraelische Projektionen in Leserkommentaren der Zeit und des Guardian. BadenBaden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 420 p. (Interdisziplinäre Antisemitismusforschung / Interdisciplinary Studies on Antisemitism, 8). 5372. BONILLA (Heraclio). El Perú y la guerra civil española 1936–1939, la visión de la prensa peruana. Lima, Perú, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2018, 347 p. (ill.). 5373. Carl Muth und das Hochland (1903–1941). Hrsg. v. Thomas PITTROF. Freiburg, Rombach, 2018, 609 p.
5362. TIPEI (Alex R.). Audience matters: 'civilizationspeak', educational discourses, and Balkan nationalism, 1800–1840. In: Constructing the modern state in the Balkans [cf. no 3714], p. 658-685.
5374. CHASE (Malcolm). 'An overpowering "Itch for Writing"': R.K. Philp, John Denman and the culture of self-improvement. English historical review, 2018, 133, 561, p. 351-382.
5363. VAREL (David A.). The lost black scholar. Resurrecting Allison Davis in American social thought. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 301 p.
5375. CLERICI (Luca). Libri per tutti. L'Italia della divulgazione dall'Unità al nuovo secolo. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2018, 288 p. (Storia e società).
5364. WALSH (Camille). Racial taxation. Schools, segregation and taxpayer citizenship, 1869–1973. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-235 p. (Justice, power and politics).
5376. CONTE (Paolo). Un periodico italiano nella Parigi napoleonica: il caso de La Domenica, fra classicismo letterario e rinnovamento politico. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 409-436.
5365. WESTBERG (Johannes). Från natura- till penninghushållning? Den svenska folkskolans finansiering, 1840–1900. (From in-kind to monetary payments? The funding of the Swedish primary school system 1840–1900). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 4, p. 619-648.
5377. CRAIG (Berry). Kentucky's rebel press. Proconfederate media and the Secession crisis. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 2018, 215 p.
5366. WITZEL DE SOUZA (Bruno Gabriel). Immigration and the path dependence of education: the case of German-speakers in São Paulo, Brazil (1840–1920). Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 506-539. 5367. YAMADA (Shoko). "Dignity of labour" for African leaders. The formation of education policy in the British colonial office and Achimota school on the Gold Coast. Bamenda, Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group, 2018, XVIII-314 p. 5368. ZAVACKÁ (Marína). Dobrodružstvá akademickej mobility: Roman Jakobson na Slovensku. (Ad-
5378. DANIEL (Ute). Beziehungsgeschichten. Politik und Medien im 20. Jahrhundert. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2018, 464 p. (ill.). 5379. FABRE (Giorgio). Il censore e l'editore. Mussolini, i libri, Mondadori. Milano, Fondazione Mondadori, 2018, 525 p. 5380. FELITTI (Karina). De la "mujer moderna" a la "mujer liberada". Un análisis de la revista Claudia de México (1965–1977). Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 1345-1394. 5381. FINKELSTEIN (David). Movable types. Roving creative printers of the Victorian world. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 196 p.
5382. FLACHOWSKY (Sören). "Zeughaus für die Schwerter des Geistes". Die Deutsche Bücherei in Leipzig 1912–1945. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 1338 p.### 5383. Foreign political press (The) in nineteenthcentury London: politics from a distance. Ed. by Constance BANTMAN and Ana Cláudia SURIANI DA SILVA. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 232 p. 5384. FOUILLOUX (Étienne). Les Éditions dominicaines du Cerf: 1918–1965. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 293 p. (Histoire). 5385. GARATEGARAY (Martina). Unidos, la revista peronista de los ochenta. Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2018, 151 p. (Intersecciones). 5386. GONZÁLEZ (Wilson). La prensa de Montevideo, 1814–1825: imprentas, periódicos y debates públicos en tiempos de revolución. Montevideo, Universidad de la República, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica, 2018, 296 p. (Biblioteca Plural). 5387. GRANT (Matthew). The trial of Neville Heath, the popular press, and the construction of the memory of the Second World War in Britain, 1945–1946. English historical review, 2018, 133, 564, p. 1155-1177. 5388. GREIG (Matilda). Accidental authors? Soldiers' tales of the Peninsular War and the secrets of the publishing process. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 224244. 5389. HAYWOOD (D'Weston). Let us make men. The twentieth-century black press and a manly vision for racial advancement. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, X-340 p. 5390. HILBORN (Emma). Den eleganta cyklisten: Cykling, mode och kvinnlighet i sekelskiftets svenska och danska damtidningar. (The elegant cyclist: cycling, fashion and femininity in Swedish and Danish women's magazines at the turn of the 20th century). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 1, p. 3-32. 5391. HILLERICH (Sonja). Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten im 19. Jahrhundert. Die Entstehung einer transnationalen journalistischen Berufskultur. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 410 p. (Pariser Historische Studien, 110). 5392. Homme politique (L') et la presse: de Camille Desmoulins à Emile de Girardin. Dirigé par Philippe BOURDIN et Jean-Claude CARON. Clermont-Ferrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2018, 263 p. (Histoires croisées). 5393. HUTCHINSON (Sam). Settlers, war and empire in the press. Unsettling news in Australia and Britain, 1863–1902. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XI288 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 5394. Hyakka zensho no jikū: tenkyo, seisei, ten'i. (Time and space of the Encyclopedia: sources, production and dislocation). Ed. by Tatsuo HENMI and Takeshi KOSEKI. Tokyo, Hosei U. P., 2018, 406 p.
5395. Journalism, satire, and censorship in Mexico. Ed. by Paul GILLINGHAM, Michael LETTIERI and Benjamin T. SMITH. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XXII-394 p. 5396. KÖRBER (Esther-Beate). Messrelationen. Biobibliographie der deutsch- und lateinischsprachigen "messentlichen" Periodika von 1588 bis 1805. Bd. I. Bd. II. Bremen, edition lumière, 2018, 2 vol., 832 p., 750 p. (Presse und Geschichte. Neue Beiträge). 5397. KULKA (Dov). The Journal Judaica Bohemiae, the "Prague Spring" and the renewal of Jewish historical research in post WWII Czechoslovakia. Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder, 2018, 58, 1, p. 128-134. 5398. LANDAU (Jacob M.). A note on Kemalizm in the Hebrew press of Palestine. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 723-728. 5399. Lectores, editores y cultura impresa en Colombia, siglos XVI-XXI. Ed. by Diana Paola GUZMÁN MÉNDEZ [et. al.]. Bogotá, Editorial Utadeo y CERLALC, 2018, 496 p. (ill., maps). 5400. MELONE (Mirco). Zwischen Bilderlast und Bilderschatz. Pressefotografie und Bildarchive im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2018, 291 p. (ill.). (eikones). 5401. METHFESSEL (Christian). Kontroverse Gewalt. Die imperiale Expansion in der englischen und deutschen Presse vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 368 p. (Peripherien, 3). 5402. PAKENDORF (Harald). Stroomop: herinneringe van 'n koerantman in die apartheidsera. (Upstream: memories of a newspaperman in the apartheid era). Kaapstad, Penguin Books, 2018, 240 p. (ill.). 5403. RODGERS (Ronald R.). The struggle for the soul of journalism. The pulpit versus the press, 1833– 1923. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2018, 348 p. (Journalism in perspective. Continuities and disruptions). 5404. SALMI (Hannu), NIVALA (Asko), RANTALA (Heli), SIPPOLA (Reetta), VESANTO (Aleksi), GINTER (Filip). Återanvändningen av text i den finska tidningspressen 1771–1853. (The reuse of text in the Finnish newspaper press 1771–1853). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 1, p. 46-76. 5405. SMITH (Benjamin T.). The Mexican press and civil society, 1940–1976. Stories from the newsroom, stories from the street. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-366 p. 5406. SŌMA (Shin'ichi). Komeniusu no tabi: 'ikeru insatsujutsu' no 4 seiki. (The journey of John A. Comenius: four centuries of the 'Live printing press'). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2018, 404 p. 5407. STAMM (Michael). Dead tree media. Manufacturing the newspaper in twentieth-century North America. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XIII-353 p.
§ 5. Philosophy
5410. TURI (Gabriele). Libri e lettori nell'Italia repubblicana. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 154 p. (Quality paperbacks, 518).
(Nathaniel). William Robertson on natural resources and cultural contacts in colonial America. – HILL (Jack A.). Adam Ferguson's discourse on 'Rude Nations' in the essay and the critique of despotic empire. – VAN RENEN (Denys). 'Sick nature blasting': the ecological limits of British imperialism in Thomson's The Seasons. – MENON (Minakshi). Transferrable surveys: natural history from the Hebrides to South India. – SINGH (Frances B.). Three Scottish cousins in East India Company Service, 1792–1804. – REID (John G.). Scots, settler colonization and indigenous displacement: Mi'kma'ki, 1770–1820, in comparative context.]
5411. VAN NIEROP (Henk). The life of Romeyn de Hooghe, 1645–1708: prints, pamphlets, and politics in the Dutch golden age. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 452 p.
5419. ERDUR (Onur). Die epistemologischen Jahre. Philosophie und Biologie in Frankreich, 1960–1980. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2018, 391 p. (Interferenzen – Studien zur Kulturgeschichte der Technik, 24).
5412. ZELTSMAN (Corinna). Defining responsibility: printers, politics, and the law in early republican Mexico City. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 2, p. 189-222.
5420. GROTH (Carsten), HÖHN (Philipp). Unwiderstehliche Horizonte? Zum konzeptionellen Wandel von Hanseraum, Reich und Europa bei Fritz Rörig und Carl Schmitt. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 2, p. 321353.
(Hagley Library studies in business, technology and politics). 5408. STEWART (Mary Lynn). Gender, generation and journalism in France, 1910–1940. Montreal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2018, X-285 p. 5409. STOCKINGER (Claudia). An den Ursprüngen populärer Serialität: Das Familienblatt 'Die Gartenlaube'. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 384 p.
5413. ZUBAK (Marko). The Yugoslav youth press, 1968–1980: student movements, youth subcultures and alternative communist media. Zagreb, Srednja Europa Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2018, 371 p. Cf. nos 263, 3776, 4072, 4268, 4400, 4530, 6878, 7108, 7287, 7393, 7475 § 5. Philosophy. ______________________
a. General 5414. BEVILACQUA (Alexander). The republic of Arabic letters. Islam and the European enlightenment. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, XV340 p. 5415. BINOCHE (Bertrand). "Écrasez l'infâme!" Philosopher à l'âge des Lumières. Paris, La Fabrique, 2018, 260 p.
5421. JACOBS (Alan). The year of our lord 1943: Christian humanism in an age of crisis. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XX-256 p. 5422. KARFÍKOVÁ (Lenka). "The intentions of life": philosophical points of departure in The Power of the Powerless. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 2018, 32, 2, p. 271-277. 5423. KRAPFL (James). Boredom, apocalypse, and beyond: reading Havel through Patočka. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 2018, 32, 2, p. 278284. 5424. LAUNAY (Robert). Savages, Romans and despots. Thinking about others from Montaigne to Herder. Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2018, 258 p.
5416. BORGHERO (Carlo). Interpretazioni, categorie, finzioni. Narrare la storia della filosofia. Firenze, Le lettere, 2018, XXXVII-533 p. (Giornale critico della filosofia italiana).
5425. LYONS (Pat), KUDRNÁČ (Aleš). Was life good in Communist Czechoslovakia? An empirical test of Halbwachs's Theory of collective memory. Sociológia: časopis Sociologického ústavu Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2018, 50, 3, p. 289-310.
5417. CELENZA (Christopher S.). The intellectual world of the Italian Renaissance. Language, philosophy and the search for meaning. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-438 p.
5426. MACINTYRE (Iona). An exponent of Scottish common sense philosophy in revolutionary South America: José Joaquín de Mora. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 38, 2, p. 219-237.
5418. Enlightenment and empire [Special Issue]. Intr. by Allan I. MACINNES and Jean-François DUNYACH. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 38, 1, p. 1-196. [Contents: MACINNES (Allan I.), DUNYACH (JeanFrançois). Introduction: enlightenment and empire. – MURISON (Barbara C.). Roads not taken: alternative views of the empire. – MACINNES (Allan I.). Political virtue and capital repatriation: a Jacobite agenda for empire. – WHELAN (Frederick G.). Eighteenth-century Scottish political economy and the decline of imperial Spain. – LENMAN (Bruce). Scots and access to Spanish America from before the union to 1748. – WOLLOCH
5427. MASTROIANNI (Giovanni). Il filo rosso. Dialoghi etico-politici col mio tempo. A cura di Nicola SICILIANI DE CUMIS e Luigi SPINA. Napoli, Guida, 2018, 2 vol., 1091 p. (Strumenti e ricerche). 5428. MULSOW (Martin). Radikale Frühaufklärung in Deutschland 1680–1720. Bd. 1. Moderne aus dem Untergrund. Bd. 2. Clandestine Vernunft. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 1126 p. 5429. MUSTÈ (Marcello). Marxismo e filosofia della praxis. Da Labriola a Gramsci. Roma, Viella, 2018, 332 p. (I libri di Viella, 293).
5430. Reassessing the radical Enlightenment. Ed. by Steffen DUCHEYNE. New York, Routledge, 2017. Pp. XII-318 p.
5443. DURAND (Antonin). Maurice Halbwachs' trip to Berlin and Vienna in 1910-1911. Genèses, 2018, 110, 1, p. 115-132.
5431. RIABTSEV (Vladimir Nikolaevich). Iz istorii geopoliticheskoĭ mysli v Rossii. XX vek, maloizvestnye stranitsy. (From the history of geopolitical thought in Russia. XX century, little-known pages). Moskva, "AIRO-XXI", 2018, 664 p. (ill.). (Ėpokha revoliutsiĭ v Rossii, XX vek.).
5444. LUMSDEN (Simon). Hegel and pathologized modernity or the end of spirit in the Anthropocene. History and theory, 2018, 57, 3, p. 271-389.
5432. SIMONETTO (Michele). Tardo illuminismo e diritti dell'uomo. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 657, p. 537-562.
5445. JAEDE (Maximilian). Thomas Hobbes's conception of peace. Civil society and international order. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, X-105 p. (International political theory). – SKINNER (Quentin). From Humanism to Hobbes: studies in rhetoric and politics. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 432 p.
5433. SMITH (Craig Bruce). American honor. The creation of the nation's ideals during the revolutionary era. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, X-367 p.
5446. WILKE (Jürgen). Karl Jaspers und die Massenmedien. Der politische Philosoph im Widerstreit der Öffentlichkeit. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2018, 153 p. (Presse und Geschichte. Neue Beiträge).
5434. WOOTTON (David). Power, pleasure and profit. Insatiable appetites from Machiavelli to Madison. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, 386 p.
5447. STEVENS (John A.). Keshab. Bengal's forgotten prophet. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-309 p.
Cf. nos 578-603, 744-751 b. Special studies 5435. OBERLE (Eric). Theodor Adorno and the century of negative identity. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, 332 p. (Cultural memory in the present). 5436. ARENDT (Hannah). Kritische Gesamtausgabe. Hrsg. v. Barbara HAHN u. James MAC FARLAND unter Mitarbeit v. Ingo KIESLICH und Ingeborg NORDMANN. Bd. 6. The Modern Challenge to Tradition: Fragmente eines Buchs. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 924 p. 5437. BLOCH (Ernst). La lutte, pas la guerre. Écrits pacifistes radicaux (1918). Éd. et trad. par L. PELLETIER. Paris, Éd. de la MSH, 2018, 120 p. 5438. LOSANO (Mario G.). Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 410 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi). 5439. COOK (Harold J.). The young Descartes: nobility, rumor, and war. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XVI-276 p. – NORDIN (Svante). Drottningen och filosofen: mötet mellan Christina och Descartes. (La reine et le philosophe: la rencontre entre la reine Christine de Suède et Descartes). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 220 p. 5440. MEYER (Caspar). Foucault's clay feet: ancient Greek vases in modern theories of sex. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 143-168. – SCHUBERT (Karsten). Freiheit als Kritik. Sozialphilosophie nach Foucault. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 357 p. (Edition Moderne Postmoderne). 5441. DAVIES (Julie). Science in an enchanted world: philosophy and witchcraft in the work of Joseph Glanvill. New York, Routledge, 2018, 281 p. 5442. SPINELLA (Mario). Sei lezioni su Gramsci. Bologna, Lupetti, 2018, 92 p. (Comunicazione sociale e politica).
5448. VAN RAHDEN (Till). Lumpen sammeln. Mit Siegfried Kracauer im Dickicht des 19. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 2, p. 319-340. 5449. LABRIOLA (Antonio). I problemi della filosofia della storia (1887). Recensioni (1870–1896). A cura di G. CACCIATORE e M. MARTINARO. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2018, 181 p. (Edizione nazionale opere di Antonio Labriola). – IDEM. Tra Hegel e Spinoza. Scritti 1863– 1868. A cura di A. SAVORELLI e A. ZANARDO. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2016, 234 p. (Edizione nazionale opere di Antonio Labriola). 5450. BARTHAS (Jérémie). Analecta machiavelliana, II. Un Machiavelli per l'Edizione nazionale: dalla critica genetica alla lettura esoterica, attualità dell'antimachiavellismo. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 659-681. – BARTHAS (Jérémie). Post-scriptum all' "Analecta" su un autografo machiavelliano. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 232-235. – GUIDI (Andrea). Machiavelli e il problema della milizia nella Firenze repubblicana del primo Cinquecento: aspetti teorici e sviluppi pratici dal 1506 al 1530. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 655, p. 101-140. – GUIDI (Andrea). Postille alla questione dell'interpretazione di un nuovo autografo machiavelliano del 1512. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 210-231. – Machiavelli. A cura di Emanuele CUTINELLI-RÈNDINA e Raffaele RUGGIERO. Roma, Carocci, 2018, 345 p. – SCIARA (Giuseppe). Una oscura presenza. Machiavelli nella cultura politica francese dal termidoro alla Seconda Repubblica. Prefazione di Xavier TABET. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, 247 p. (Studi storici e politici, 10). 5451. HARVEY (David). Marx, capital and the madness of economic reason. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-236 p. – HEINRICH (Michael). Karl Marx und die Geburt der modernen Gesellschaft. Biographie und Werkentwicklung. Band 1. 1818–1841. Stuttgart, Schmetterling Verlag, 2018, 422 p. – HERRES (Jürgen). Marx und Engels. Porträt einer intellektuellen Freundschaft. Ditzingen, Reclam Verlag, 2018, 314 p. – Karl Marx
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique 1818–1883. Leben. Werk. Zeit. Trier 05.05.–21.10.2018. Große Landesausstellung Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier. Hrsg. v. Beatrix BOUVIER und Rainer AUTS. Darmstadt, Theiss, 2018, 382 p. – SCHIEDER (Wolfgang). Karl Marx. Politik in eigener Sache. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 240 p. 5452. LARSEN (Timothy). John Stuart Mill: a secular life. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 242 p. 5453. GUICCIARDINI (Niccolò). Isaac Newton and natural philosophy. London, Reaktion Books, 2018, 268 p. (Renaissance lives). 5454. HOLUB (Robert C.). Nietzsche in the nineteenth century: social questions and philosophical interventions. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, X-524 p. (Intellectual history of the modern age). 5455. CLARK (J. C. D.). Thomas Paine. Britain, America and France in the age of enlightenment and revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-485 p. 5456. DAVID (Zdeněk V.). Jan Patočka on Marx and Socialism: from People's Democracy to the aftermath of Prague Spring. Comenius: journal of Euro-American civilization, 2018, 5, 1, p. 63-82. 5457. HANNIG (Nicolai). Georg Picht. Strategien eines Medienintellektuellen in der westdeutschen Öffentlichkeit. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 4, p. 617-644. 5458. FRAJESE (Vittorio). Struttura e significato dei Pensieri sulla religione di Paolo Sarpi. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 44-73. 5459. HERMANNS (Stefan). Carl Schmitts Rolle bei der Machtkonsolidierung der Nationalsozialisten. Ein Engagement auf Zeit. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2018, 548 p. – HOHENDAHL (Peter Uwe). Perilous futures. On Carl Schmitt's late writings. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, X-232 p. – LENNARTZ (Jannis). Juristische Granatsplitter. Sprache und Argument bei Carl Schmitt in Weimar. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, IX-127 p. – SCHMITT (Carl). Der Begriff des Politischen. Synoptische Darstellung der Texte. Hrsg. v. Marco WALTER. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 332 p. 5460. JENSEN (Anthony K.). Schopenhauer's philosophy of history. History and theory, 2018, 57, 3, p. 349370. 5461. Spinoza's political treatise: a critical guide. Ed. by Yitzhak Y. MELAMED and Hasana SHARP. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-215 p. 5462. TROELTSCH (Ernst). Briefe IV (1915–1918). Hrsg. v. Friedrich Wilhelm GRAF und Harald HAURY. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, 628 p. (Kritische Gesamtausgabe, 21). 5463. WEBER (Max). Zur Logik und Methodik der Sozialwissenschaften. Schriften 1900–1907. Hrsg. v. Gerhard WAGNER, Claudius HÄRPFER, Tom KADEN, Kai
MÜLLER und Angelika ZAHN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XV-772 p. (Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, I-7). Cf. no 126 § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. ** 5464. VIRCHOW (Rudolf). Sämtliche Werke. Hrsg. v. Christian Andree. Bd. 1.7, Abt. 1 Medizin. Die Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Notizbücher in chronologischer Folge [1887 bis 1902]. Zum ersten Mal vollständig aus den Handschriften in historisch-kritischer Edition vorgelegt v. Christian ANDREE. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms 2018, XXXVIII, 484 p. _______________________
5465. ABBATTISTA (Guido). Saperi scientifici, tecnologia e religione: l'Europa cattolica alla scoperta della Cina in epoca moderna. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 283-296. 5466. ARNI (Caroline). Pränatale Zeiten. Das Ungeborene und die Humanwissenschaften (1800–1950). Basel, Verlag, 2018, 307 p. 5467. Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Medizin. Psychosomatik im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Alexa GEISTHÖVEL und Bettina HITZER. Berlin, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 2018, 549 p. 5468. BAILEY (Roy E.), HATTON (Timothy J.), IN(Kris). Atmospheric pollution, health, and height in late nineteenth century Britain. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1210-1247. WOOD
5469. BAR-HAIM (Shaul). 'The drug doctor': Michael Balint and the revival of general practice in postwar Britain. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 114-132. 5470. BASSO (Pietro). Sul razzismo dottrinale europeo. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 221-229. 5471. BATZA (Katie). Before AIDS. Gay health politics in the 1970s. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, XII-178 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 5472. BOUSQUET (Antoine). The eye of war. Military perception from the telescope to the drone. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2018, 245 p. 5473. BRAIDER (Christopher). Experimental selves: person and experience in early modern Europe. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XIV-419 p. 5474. BRESCIUS (Moritz von). German science in the age of empire. Enterprise, opportunity and the Schlagintweit brothers. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-414 p. 5475. BUXTON (Hilary). Imperial amnesia: race, trauma and Indian troops in the First World War. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 221-258. 5476. CAGLE (Hugh). Assembling the tropics. Science and medicine in Portugal's empire, 1450–1700. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-364 p. (Studies in comparative world history).
5477. CAHAN (David). Helmholtz: a life in science. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, VIII937 p.
5490. FAGES (Volny). Savantes nébuleuses. L'origine du monde entre marginalité et autorité scientifique (1860– 1920). Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS, 2018, 362 p.
5478. Chimära mensura? Die Human-Animal Studies zwischen Schäferhund-Science-Hoax, kritischer Geschichtswissenschaft und akademischem Trendsurfing. Hrsg. v. Enrico HEITZER und Sven SCHULTZE. Berlin, Vergangenheitsverlag, 2018, 286 p.
5491. FARA (Patricia). A lab of one's own. Science and suffrage in the First World War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-334 p.
5479. CLAY (Karen), LEWIS (Joshua), SEVERNINI (Edson). Pollution, infectious disease, and mortality: evidence from the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1179-1209. 5480. COEN (Deborah R.). Climate in motion: science, empire, and the problem of scale. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XIV-426 p. 5481. COLLINS (Martin). A telephone for the world. Iridium, Motorola and the making of a global age. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, VIII-265 p. 5482. CÓRDOVA (Isabel M.). Pushing in silence: modernizing Puerto Rico and the medicalization of childbirth. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, XI234 p. 5483. CRUMBACH (Anne Helen). Sprechen über Contergan. Zum diskursiven Umgang von Medizin, Presse und Politik mit Contergan in den 1960er Jahren. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 352 p. (Histoire, 143). 5484. CSISZAR (Alex). The scientific journal: authorship and the politics of knowledge in the nineteenth century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XII-376 p. 5485. DAWSON (Alexander S.). The peyote effect: from the inquisition to the war on drugs. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, X-245 p. 5486. DIETRICH-DAUM (Elisabeth). Über die Grenze in die Psychiatrie. Südtiroler Kinder und Jugendliche auf der Kinderbeobachtungsstation von Maria NowakVogl in Innsbruck 1954–1987. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2018, 376 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs, 44). 5487. DODMAN (Thomas). What nostalgia was: war, empire, and the time of a deadly emotion. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XII-276 p. (Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning). 5488. DRAKMAN (Annelie). När kroppen slöt sig och blev fast: varför åderlåtning, miasmateori och klimatmedicin övergavs vid 1800-talets mitt. (Quand le corps se referma et devint solide: pourquoi la saignée, la théorie des miasmes et la médecine des climats furent abandonnées au milieu du 19e siècle). Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, 2018, 254 p. (Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas, 49). 5489. DVOŘÁČKOVÁ (Věra), FRANC (Martin). Science overcoming borders. Praha, Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, 2018, 275 p.
5492. Freud and monotheism: Moses and the violent origins of religion. Ed. by Gilad SHARVIT and Karen S. FELDMAN. Berkeley Forum in the Humanities. New York, Fordham U. P., 2018, VIII-236 p. 5493. FRUMER (Yulia). Making time. Astronomical time measurement in Tokugawa Japan. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 270 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 5494. GALVEZ-BEHAR (Gabriel). Louis Pasteur ou l'entreprise scientifique au temps du capitalisme industriel. Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 629-656. 5495. GARDIKAS (Katerina). Landscapes of disease. Malaria in modern Greece. Budapest and New York, Central European U. P., 2018, X-348 p. (CEU press studies in the history of medicine, 8). 5496. GÉNARD (Elsa), SIMIONI (Melchior). Une histoire politique des chiffres de la prison. Conception, production et usages de la Statistique pénitentiaire (1852– 1939). Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 891-922. 5497. GEROULANOS (Stefanos), MEYERS (Todd). The human body in the age of catastrophe. Brittleness, integration, science and the Great War. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 432 p. 5498. GRILLINI (Anna). La guerra in testa. Esperienze e trauma di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909–1924). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, 227 p. (Quaderni dell'Istituto storico italogermanico in Trento, 102). 5499. GUGERLI (David). Wie die Welt in den Computer kam. Zur Entstehung digitaler Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2018, 251 p. 5500. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé). Schizophrènes au XXe siècle. Des effets secondaires de l'histoire. Paris, Alma éditeur, 2018, 317 p. 5501. HADASS (Ofer). Medicine, religion, and magic in early Stuart England: Richard Napier's medical practice. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2018, 232 p. 5502. HEINIGER (Kevin). Anstaltspraxis und Psychiatrie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 352-366. 5503. HERNÁNDEZ SÁENZ (Luz María). Carving a niche: the medical profession in Mexico, 1800–1870. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, XIX-354 p. (McGill-Queen's / Associated medical services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society). 5504. HERZOG (Dagmar). Unlearning eugenics. Sexuality, reproduction and disability in post-nazi Europe.
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, VIII171 p. (George L. Mosse series in modern European cultural and intellectual history). 5505. História da saúde no Brasil. Organizadores TEIXEIRA Luiz Antonio, PIMENTA Tânia Salgado e HOCHMAN Gilberto. (Saúde em Debate). São Paulo, Hucitec Editora, 2018, 485 p. 5506. Historicizing humans: deep time, evolution, and race in nineteenth-century British sciences. Ed. by Efram SERA-SHRIAR. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, 336 p.
5518. MARCUS (Alan I.). Malignant growth. Creating the modern cancer research establishment, 1875– 1915. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2018, X-312 p. 5519. Medizin und öffentliche Gesundheit. Konzepte, Akteure, Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Heinz-Peter SCHMIEDEBACH. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, X-245 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, 98). 5520. MÜGGENBURG (Jan). Lebhafte Artefakte. Heinz von Foerster und die Maschinen des Biological Computer Laboratory. Konstanz, Konstanz U. P., 2018, 379 p.
5507. HUMPHRIES (Mark Osborne). A weary road: shell shock in the Canadian expeditionary force, 1914– 1918. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 461 p.
5521. ORAM (Matthew). The trials of psychedelic therapy. LSD psychotherapy in America. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, IX-269 p.
5508. KARILA-COHEN (Pierre), LE BIHAN (Jean). The empire of evaluation (France, nineteenth century). Part one: The rise of a practice. Genèses, 2018, 113, 4, p. 11-38.
5522. ORTH (Karin). Vertreibung aus dem Wissenschaftssystem. Gedenkbuch für die im Nationalsozialismus vertriebenen Gremienmitglieder der DFG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 449 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 7).
5509. KEEL (Terence). Divine variations. How christian thought became racial science. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, X-188 p. 5510. KREUDER-SONNEN (Katharina). Wie man Mikroben auf Reisen schickt. Zirkulierendes bakteriologisches Wissen und die polnische Medizin 1885–1939. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XI-352 p. (Historische Wissensforschung, 9). 5511. LATAŁA (Renata). Dialogue scientifique au crible de la politique. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 6-38. 5512. LENG (Kirsten). Sexual politics and feminist science. Women sexologists in Germany, 1900–1933. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 392 p. (Signale. Modern German letters, culture and thought). 5513. LEONG (Elaine). Recipes and everyday knowledge. Medicine, science and the household in early modern England. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 281 p. 5514. Linnaeus, natural history and the circulation of knowledge. Ed. by Hanna HODACS, Kenneth NYBERG and Stéphane VAN D AMME. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2018, XVI-274 p. 5515. LOGUE (Larry M.), BLANCK (Peter). Heavy laden. Union veterans, psychological illness and suicide. Foreword by Elyn SAKS. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXVI-257 p. (Cambridge disability law and policy series). 5516. LONGO (Maria Laura). Vivere nel rischio. Popolazione, scienziati e istituzioni di fronte all'attività vulcanica nei Campi Flegrei (1970–1984). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 799-820. 5517. MAC VETY (Amanda Kay). The rinderpest campaigns. A virus, its vaccines and global development in the twentieth century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 294 p. (Global and international history).
5523. PETERS (Anja Katharina). Nanna Conti 1881– 1951. Eine Biographie der Reichshebammenführerin. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2018, IX-439 p. (Schriftenreihe der Stipendiantinnen und Stipendianten der FriedrichEbert-Stiftung, 50). 5524. Physik, Militär und Frieden. Physiker zwischen Rüstungsforschung und Friedensbewegung. Hrsg. v. Christian FORSTNER und Götz NEUNECK. Wiesbaden, Springer, 2018, VI-271 p. 5525. PINTO (Sarah). Lunatic asylums in colonial Bombay. Shackled bodies, unchained minds. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 260 p. (Mental health in historical perspective). 5526. PLOKHY (Serhii). Chernobyl: the history of a nuclear catastrophe. New York, Basic Books, 2018, XVI-404 p. 5527. PORGES (Karl). Evolutionsbiologie im Biologieunterricht der SBZ/DDR. Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2018, 310 p. (Annals of the history and philosophy of biology, 18). 5528. RAMÍREZ (Paul). Enlightened immunity. Mexico's experiments with disease prevention in the age of reason. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018 p. 5529. RANKIN (Joy Lisi). A people's history of computing in the United States. Cambridge, MA, 2018, Harvard U. P., 2018, 336 p. 5530. RÄSÄNEN (Tuomas). Alarmism and denialism in environmental science: the case of the nutrient pollution in the Baltic sea in the 1960s and 1970s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 5, p. 646-665. 5531. ROSEMBLATT (Karin Alejandra). The science and politics of race in Mexico and the United States, 1910–1950. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII-255 p. 5532. SCHMITT (Sandra). Das Ringen um das Selbst. Schizophrenie in Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Kul-
tur nach 1945. Oldenburg, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII-476 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 118).
5548. UEKÖTTER (Frank). Techniker an der Macht. Der Ingenieur-Politiker im 20. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 2, p. 396-423.
5533. SCHWAMM (Christoph). Irre Typen? Männlichkeit und Krankheitserfahrung von Psychiatriepatienten in der Bundesrepublik, 1948–1993. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 232 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 68).
5549. VACSY KRAGH (Jesper). Sikringen. Forbrydelse, farlighed og foranstaltninger. Sikringsafdelingen i dansk psykiatri 1918–2018. (Crime, dangerosité et internement. Le quartier de haute sécurité dans la psychiatrie danoise 1918–2018). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 250 p. (ill.).
5534. SCHWOCH (Rebecca). Jüdische Ärzte als Krankenbehandler in Berlin zwischen 1938 und 1945. Frankfurt am Main, Mabuse-Verlag, 2018, 638 p. 5535. SENIOR (Emily). The Caribbean and the medical imagination, 1764–1834. Slavery, disease and colonial modernity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII284 p. (Cambridge studies in Romanticism, 119). 5536. SETH (Suman). Difference and disease: medicine, race, and the eighteenth-century British Empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 324 p. 5537. SHANK (J. B.). Before Voltaire. The French origins of "Newtonian" mechanics, 1680–1715. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, IX-444 p. 5538. SHEFFER (Edith). Asperger's children. The origins of autism in Nazi Vienna. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 2018, 320 p. 5539. SIMANOWSKI (Roberto). Stumme Medien. Vom Verschwinden der Computer in Bildung und Gesellschaft. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 299 p. 5540. SMITH (Crosbie). Coal, steam, and ships: engineering, enterprise, and empire on the nineteenthcentury seas. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXII450 p. (Science in history). 5541. STELZNER (Mark), CERRUTTI (Enzo). Workers and technological change in the United States. Labor history, 2018, 59, 6, p. 657-675. 5542. STOLZ (Daniel A.). The lighthouse and the observatory. Islam, science and empire in late Ottoman Egypt. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-316 p. (Science in history). 5543. STUEWER (Roger H.). The age of innocence: nuclear physics between the First and Second World Wars. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-484 p. 5544. ŠVELCH (Jaroslav). Gaming the iron curtain. How teenagers and amateurs in communist Czechoslovakia claimed the medium of computer games. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, 400 p. 5545. TOMASIN (Lorenzo). L'empreinte digitale. Culture humaniste et technologie. Lausanne, Antipodes, 2018, 107 p. 5546. TRASK (April). Remaking men: masculinity, homosexuality and constitutional medicine in Germany, 1914–1933. German history, 2018, 36, 2, p. 181-206. 5547. TRITTEL (Katharina). Hermann Rein und die Flugmedizin. Erkenntnisstreben und Entgrenzung. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 587 p.
5550. VAIL (David D.). Chemical lands. Pesticides, aerial spraying and health in North America's grasslands since 1945. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2018, XII-194 p. (Nexus). 5551. VAN BERGEN (Leo). Uncertainty, anxiety, frugality: dealing with leprosy in the Dutch East Indies, 1816–1942. Singapore, NUS Press, 2018, X-291 p. (History of medicine in Southeast Asia). 5552. VENNEN (Mareike). Das Aquarium. Praktiken, Techniken und Medien der Wissensproduktion 1840– 1910. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 423 p. 5553. Wege in die digitale Gesellschaft: Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik 1955–1990. Hrsg. v. Frank BÖSCH. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 326 p. 5554. WITHYCOMBE (Shannon). Lost. Miscarriage in nineteenth-century America. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2018, VII-220 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 5555. YASAR (Kerim). Electrified voices. How the telephone, phonograph and radio shaped modern Japan, 1868–1945. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XV-277 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 5556. YILDIRIM (Nuran), ULMAN (Yesim Isil), TU(Atadan). The origin of military radiology use of x-rays during the late Ottoman era. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 75-91. NACI
5557. ZAMMITO (John H.). The gestation of German biology. Philosophy and physiology from Stahl to Schelling. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 523 p. Cf. nos 462, 4377, 5301, 6419, 6852 § 7. Literature. ______________________
a. General 5558. DOSKOČIL (Zdeněk). Ladislav Novomeský a slovenská kulturní obec v propagandistické kampani proti tzv. buržoaznímu nacionalismu na jaře 1951. (Ladislav Novomeský and the Slovak cultural community in the propagandist campaign against the so-called bourgeois nationalists in spring 1951). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 3, p. 457-492. 5559. GUERRA (Douglas A.). Slantwise moves. Games, literature and social invention in nineteenthcentury America. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018 p. (Material texts).
§ 8. Art and industrial art 5560. HESS (Jonathan M.). Deborah and her sisters. How one nineteenth-century melodrama and a host of celebrated actresses put Judaism on the world stage. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 263 p. (Jewish culture and contexts).### 5561. KJÆLDGAARD (Lasse Horne). Meningen med velfærdsstaten: da litteraturen tog ordet – og politikerne lyttede. (Le sens de l'Etat-providence: quand la littérature a pris la parole et que les politiques se sont mis à l'écoute). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 371 p. (ill.). 5562. MAGALHÃES PINTO (Ana Flávia). Escritos de liberdade: literatos negros, racismo e cidadania no Brasil oitocentista. Campinas, Editora Unicamp, 2018, 374 p. (Coleção Várias Histórias). 5563. RICHTER (Steffen). Infrastruktur. Ein Schlüsselkonzept der Moderne und die deutsche Literatur 1848– 1914. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 452 p. 5564. SPINGARN (Adena). Uncle Tom. From martyr to traitor. Foreword by Henry Louis GATES. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XII-252 p. b. Renaissance 5565. CAPP (Bernard). The ties that bind. Siblings, family and society in early modern England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, 222 p. 5566. MILLIGAN (Gerry). Moral combat: women, gender, and war in Italian Renaissance literature. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 332 p. 5567. PROSPERI (Valentina). Il Padiglione di Cassandra: miti troiani antichi e moderni nell'Orlando Furioso. In: Revival and revision of the Trojan myth [cf. no 1460], p. 373-397. c. Classicism
5574. CHACÓN (Gloria Elizabeth). Indigenous cosmolectics. Kab'awil and the making of Maya and Zapotec literatures. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII-243 p. (Critical indigeneities). 5575. FRIGIOIU (Nicolae). Imaginea elitelor politice în literatura română: studiu istorico-sociologic. (The image of political elites in Romanian literature: historical-sociological study). Bucureşti, Editura Tritonic, 2018, 278 p. 5576. HEYMANN (Catherine). Hernando de Bengoechea, un poète colombien "Mort pour la France". Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 6579. 5577. MARÍN GÓMEZ (Isabel). La historia del trabajo social en la literatura contemporánea: 'Ann Vickers' de Sinclair Lewis. Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 85-105. 5578. PAGETTI (Carlo). Kim di Rudyard Kipling: il "Great Game" e il gioco dell'immaginazione narrativa. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 160, 3, p. 141-156. 5579. PERNOT (Denis). Henri Barbusse. Les discours du Feu. Dijon, Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2018, 202 p. (Écritures). 5580. PERROT (Michelle). George Sand à Nohant. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2018, 416 p. 5581. PIORECKÁ (Kateřina). Dobrá česká kniha: kulturní rada a autoregulační tendence v českém literárním prostoru v letech 1938 a 1939. ("A good Czech book". The cultural order and the self-regulatory trend on the Czech literary scene, 1938–1939). Česká literatura, 2018, 66, 2, p. 214-262. 5582. PRAGER (Katharina). Berthold Viertel. Eine Biografie der Wiener Moderne. Wien, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 364 p.
5568. Deutsche Pornographie in der Aufklärung. Hrsg. v. Dirk SANGMEISTER und Martin MULSOW. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 753 p.
5583. Rückkehrerzählungen. Über die (Un-)Möglichkeit nach 1945 als Jude in Deutschland zu leben. Hrsg. v. Bettina BANNASCH und Michael RUPP. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 238 p.
5569. Disaster narratives in early modern Naples: politics, communication and culture. Ed. by Domenico CECERE, Chiara DI CAPRIO, Lorenza GIANFRANCESCO and Pasquale PALMIERI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 262 p.
5584. Svetozár Hurban Vajanský. Na rozhraní umenia a ideológie. (Svetozár Hurban Vajanský. On the boundary of art and ideology). Ed. Ivana TARANENKOVÁ. Bratislava, Veda, 2018, 203 p.
5570. WHARTON (Joanna). Material enlightenment: women writers and the science of mind, 1770–1830. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 288 p.
5585. WOLF (Norbert Christian). Revolution in Wien: die literarische Intelligenz im politischen Umbruch 1918/ 19. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 364 p.
d. Romanticism and after
5586. Women writing war. From German colonialism through World War I. Ed. by Katharina von HAMMERSTEIN, Barbara KOSTA and Julie SHOULTS. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VII-339 p. (Interdisciplinary German Cultural Studies, 24).
5571. Auf den Ruinen der Imperien. Erzählte Grenzräume in der mittel- und osteuropäischen Literatur nach 1989. Hrsg. v. Andree MICHAELIS-KÖNIG. Berlin, Neofelis Verlag, 2018, 240 p. 5572. BOJANOWSKA (Edyta M.). A world of empires. The Russian voyage of the frigate Pallada. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, VIII-373 p. 5573. BUDGEN (David). British children's literature and the First World War: representations since 1914. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 222 p.
Cf. no 7393 § 8. Art and industrial art. _______________________
a. General 5587. Art (The) of solidarity: visual and performative politics in Cold War Latin America. Ed. by STITES
MOR Jessica and SUESCUN POZAS Maria del Carmen. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, VI-309 p.
MARTENS and R.L.M. MORRIS. London, Routledge, 2018, XXIV-335 p.
5588. CRAS (Sophie). L'économie à l'épreuve de l'art. Art et capitalisme dans les années 1960. Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2018, 304 p.
5601. CAMPBELL (Louise). Reconstruction, Englishness and Coventry Cathedral. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 87-110.
5589. DUCHHARDT (Heinz). Der Aachener Kongress 1818. Ein europäisches Gipfeltreffen im Vormärz. München, Piper, 2018, 264 p.
5602. EFRAT (Zvi). The object of Zionism. The architecture of Israel. Leipzig, Spector Books, 2018, 950 p.
5590. ETRO (Federico). The economics of Renaissance art. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 500-538. 5591. FAN (Li Ya). Chūgoku geijutsu to iu yūtopia: London kokusaiten kara Amerika no Ringodō e. (Chinese art as utopia: from the London International Exhibition of Chinese art to Lin Yutang in America). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 590 p. 5592. HOCK (Beáta), ALLAS (Anu). Globalizing East European art histories. Past and present. New York, Routledge, 2018, 220 p. (Routledge research in art history). 5593. IVELJIĆ (Iskra). Od plemenite dokolice do profesije. žene i umjetnost u Banskoj Hrvatskoj 19. stoljeća. (From noble leisure to modern profession- women and art in civil Croatia and Slavonia in the 19th century). Historijski zbornik, 71, 1, 2018, p. 7-44. 5594. LAUTERBACH (Iris). The central collecting point in Munich: a new beginning for the restitution and protection of art. Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, 2018, XVIII-292 p. 5595. MANCINI (J. M.). Art and war in the Pacific world. Making, breaking and taking from Anson's voyage to the Philippine-American War. Oakland. University of California Press, 2018, XIX-318 p. 5596. OSOKINA (Elena). Nebesnaya golubizna angel'skih odezhd. Sud'ba proizvedeniy drevnerusskoy zhivopisI-1920–1930-e gody. (The heavenly blue of Angels' vestments. A fate of masterpiece of ancient Russian religious art, 1920s–1930s). Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2018, 655 p. 5597. PRAVILOVA (Ekaterina). The trouble with authenticity: backwardness, imitation, and the politics of art in late imperial Russia. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 3, p. 536-579. 5598. VAŠŠ (Martin). Sociálna štruktúra bratislavskej umeleckej bohémy v rokoch 1920–1945. (The social structure of Bratislava's artistic bohemians in the years 1920–1945). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 83-105. Cf. nos 4210, 5734, 6588
5603. HNILICA (Sonja). Der Glaube an das Große in der Architektur der Moderne. Grossstrukturen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. Zürich, Park Books, 2018, 264 p. 5604. JOSTEN (Jennifer). Mathias Goeritz: modernist art and architecture in Cold War Mexico. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XI-339 p. 5605. MARTIRE (Paola). A case study in the City of London: St Alban's church in Wood Street. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 149-164. 5606. MORTON (Adam David). The architecture of 'passive revolution': society, state and space in modern Mexico. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 1, p. 117-152. 5607. ROŞU VĂDEANU (Ina Oltiţa). Programul arhitectural al Bisericii Române Unite cu Roma: Episcopia de Gherla şi Cluj-Gherla (1853–1947): tendinţe stilistice între Orient şi Occident. [The architectural program of the Romanian Church United with Rome: Episcopate of Gherla and Cluj-Gherla (1853–1947): stylistic trends between East and West]. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2018, 529 p. c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing 5608. BELLI (Gianluca). Per una biografia di Giuliano e Antonio da Sangallo. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 656, p. 347-368. 5609. CAVAILLÉ (Jean- Pierre). Pitture libertine. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 272-282. 5610. FØNNS-LUNDBERG (Thyge Christian), SVAN(Lise). Tuxen – de kongelige billeder. (Le peintre danois Laurits Tuxen [1853–1927], portraitiste des têtes couronnées). Frederiksberg, Frydenlund, 2018, 249 p. (ill.).
5611. ILMAKUNNAS (Johanna). Konsten att avbilda arbete. Kvinnors sysselsättningar och vardag på Pehr Hilleströms genremålningar från 1770-talet till 1810talet. (The art of depicting work. Women's occupations and everyday life in Pehr Hilleström's genre paintings from the 1770s to the 1810s). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 1, p. 1-45.
5599. Architecture as propaganda in twentieth-century totalitarian regimes: history and heritage. Ed. by Håkan HÖKERBERG. Firenze, Polistampa, 2018, 351 p.
5612. Jordforbindelser: dansk maleri 1780–1920 og det antropocæne landskab. (Liens avec la terre: la peinture danoise entre 1780 et 1920 et le paysage de l'anthropocène). Red. Gertrud OELSNER, Gry HEDIN. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2018, 194 p. (ill.).
5600. Architectures of festival in early Modern Europe: fashioning and re-fashioning urban and courtly space. Ed. by J.R. MULRYNE, Krista DE JONGE, Pieter
5613. NOYES (Ruth S.). Peter Paul Rubens and the counter-Reformation crisis of the Beati moderni. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 348 p.
b. Architecture
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting 5614. VOLKE (Kristina). Heisig malt Schmidt. Eine deutsche Geschichte über Kunst und Politik. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, 224 p. (ill.).### Cf. nos 3323, 3326 d. Decorative, popular and industrial art 5615. All-American ads. 90s. Ed. by Jim HEIMANN; with an introduction by Steven HELLER. Köln, Taschen, 2018, 655 p. 5616. Castiglioni (A). A cura di Patricia URQUIOLA; in collaborazione con Federica SALA. Milano, Electa, La Triennale di Milano, 2018, 288 p. 5617. DELAPORTE-IDRISSI (Guillemette). Michel Buffet: un esthète dans le monde industriel = an aesthete in the industrial world. Paris, Norma Éditions, 2018, 207 p. 5618. History (The) of graphic design. Vol. 2 1960– today. Ed. by Jens MÜLLER and Julius WIEDEMANN. Köln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 2018, 480 p.
5629. BORIN (Fabrizio). Ma diverso da chi? La paura dello straniero al cinema. In: Xenia: migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente [cf. no 652], p. 193203. 5630. CHIQUET (Vera). Fake Fotos. John Heartfields Fotomontagen in populären Illustrierten. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 236 p. 5631. CLARK (Catherine E.). Paris and the cliché of history. The city and photographs, 1860–1970. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XI-310 p. 5632. CLARK (Justin T.). City of second sight. Nineteenth-century Boston and the making of American visual culture. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, X-280 p. 5633. CORONADO (Jorge). Portraits in the Andes: photography and agency, 1900–1950. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XII-232 p. (Illuminations: cultural formations of the Americas).
5619. MELLADO LLUCH (Pilar). Pedro Miralles: diseño y emoción: el legado de una década (1983–1993). Getafe, Experimenta Editorial, 2018, 343 p. (Colección Thesis).
5634. CRIVELLARI (Daniele). Scoprire narrando, narrare scoprendo: il Barlaán y Josafat di Lope de Vega. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 137-150.
5620. RODATZ (Christoph), SMOLARSKI (Pierre). Was ist Public Interest Design? Beiträge zur Gestaltung öffentlicher Interessen. Bielefeld, Transcript-Verlag, 2018, 412 p. (Design, 43).
5635. CROUCHER (Richard), HOUSSART (Mark). 'Send us more arms!' Bringing British women into war production through films in World War Two. Labor history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 121-137.
5621. RYAN (Deborah Sugg). Ideal homes, 1918– 1939: domestic design and suburban modernism. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 246 p.
5636. CUEVAS ÁLVAREZ (Efrén). Microhistoria y cine documental: puntos de encuentro. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 69-83.
5622. VESENTINI (Andrea). Indoor America. The interior landscape of postwar suburbia. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XVIII-321 p. (Midcentury. Architecture, landscape, urbanism and design).
5637. Cultural nationalism and ethnic music in Latin America. Ed. by William H. BEEZLEY. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, IX-261 p.
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting.
5638. DE MIRANDA PEREIRA (Leonardo Affonso). Flor do Abacate: workers of African descent, dancing associations and nationality in Rio de Janeiro, 1898–1914. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 1, p. 1-29.
5623. ABEßER (Michel). Den Jazz sowjetisch machen. Kulturelle Leitbilder, Musikmarkt und Distinktion zwischen 1953 und 1970. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 532 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 52). 5624. ALLEN (Roger). Wilhelm Furtwängler: art and the politics of the unpolitical. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, XXXI-286 p. 5625. ARRIAGA (Mercedes). Racconto e riscrittura nella Medea en Camariñas di Andrés Pociña. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 189-197. 5626. BANFIELD (Stephen). Music in the West Country: social and cultural history across an English region. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XX-456 p. 5627. BELGE (Boris). Klingende Sowjetmoderne. Eine Musik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte des Spätsozialismus. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 312 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 50). 5628. BELLONI (Luigi). 'Racconto' e 'Non-Racconto' in Ariadne auf Naxos. Testimonianze di una poetica. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 211-235.
5639. DECHERT (Andre). Dad on TV. Sitcoms, Vaterschaft und das Ideal der Kernfamilie in den USA, 1981– 1992. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII-226 p. (Family Values and Social Change, 2). 5640. DEFALCO LIPPERT (Amy K.). Consuming identities. Visual culture in nineteenth-century San Francisco. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-400 p. 5641. DELLMANN (Sarah). Images of Dutchness. Popular visual culture, early cinema and the emergence of a national cliché 1800–1914. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 421 p. (Framing film). 5642. DOHERTY (Thomas). Show trial. Hollywood, HUAC and the birth of the blacklist. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIV-406 p. 5643. DOS SANTOS (Elsa Rita). Il mito di Pedro e Inês tra storiografia e mitologia nella tragedia Castro di António Ferreira. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 151-172.
5644. Eberhard Fechner. Ein deutscher Erzähler. Hrsg. v. Jan-Pieter BARBIAN und Werner RUŽICKA. Essen, Klartext, 2018, 200 p. (ill.).###
5659. GODDARD (Michael). Guerilla networks. An anarchaeology of 1970s radical media ecologies. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 358 p. (Recursions).
5645. ENGELBRECHT (Henrik). Ramaskrig! Da Italienerne væltede Hofteatret: italiensk opera i Hofteatret 1841–1854. (Tollé au théâtre! Quand les Italiens bousculaient l'opéra à Copenhague 1841–1854). København, Teatermuseet i Hofteatret, 2018, 93 p. (ill.).
5660. GRAHAM (Sandra Jean). Spirituals and the birth of a black entertainment industry. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XVI-330 p. (Music in American life).
5646. Erweiterung des Horizonts. Fotoreportage in Polen im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Iwona KURZ, Renata MAKARSKA, Schamma SCHAHADAT und Margarete WACH. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 416 p. (Visual History. Bilder und Bildpraxen in der Geschichte, 4). 5647. Ethics (The) of seeing. Photography and twentieth-century German history. Ed. by Jennifer EVANS, Paul BETTS and Stefan-Ludwig HOFFMANN. New York, Berghahn, 2018, XII-294 p. (Studies in German History, 21). 5648. FABER (Sebastiaan). Memory battles of the Spanish Civil War: history, fiction, photography. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2018, XII-242 p. 5649. Family (The) of man revisited. Photography in a global age. Ed. by Gerd HURM, Anke REITZ and Shamoon ZAMIR. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XIV-304 p. (ill.).
5661. Grand opera outside Paris. Opera on the move in nineteenth-century Europe. Ed. by Jens HESSELAGER. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 236 p. 5662. GRANDY (Christine). Empire, repetition, and reluctant subjects: British home movies of Kenya, 1928– 1972. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 121-143. 5663. GREGOR (Neil). Siegmund von Hausegger, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra and civic musical culture in the Third Reich. German history, 2018, 36, 4, p. 544-573. 5664. Habsburg's last war: the filmic memory (1918 to the present). Ed. by Hannes LEIDINGER. New Orleans, University of New Orleans Press, 2018, 396 p. (Studies in Central European history, culture, and literature).
5650. FASCE (Ferdinando). Una musica nel tempo. Una storia dei Beatles. Torino, Einaudi, 2018, 252 p. (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi. I Maverick).
5665. Heavy Metal in der DDR. Szene, Akteure, Praktiken. Hrsg. v. Wolf-Georg ZADDACH. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 369 p. (Texte zur populären Musik, 10).
5651. FEINBERG (Anat). Wieder im Rampenlicht. Jüdische Rückkehrer in deutschen Theatern nach 1945. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 336 p.
5666. HECKERT (Deborah). Composing history: national identities and the English masque revival, 1860– 1920. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, IX-238 p.
5652. FLEISCHER (Rasmus), SNICKARS (Pelle). Den svenska enhörningen: storyn om Spotify. (La licorne suédoise: histoire de Spotify). Stockholm, Mondial, 2018, 188 p.
5667. HERLO (Bianca). Zwischen individuellem und kollektivem Gedächtnis. Erinnern und Erzählen im biografischen Dokumentarfilm. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 287 p. (Edition Kulturwissenschaft, 175).
5653. FRITSCHE (Maria). The American Marshall plan film campaign and the Europeans. A captivated audience? London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XVI-337 p.
5668. HIATT (Willie). Slapstick diplomacy: Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator and Latin American theatres of war. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 777-803.
5654. FRUTH (Pia). Record. Play. Stop. – Die Ära der Kompaktkassette. Eine medienkulturelle Betrachtung. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 352 p. 5655. FULCHER (Jane F.). Renegotiating French identity: musical culture and creativity in France during Vichy and the German occupation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-490 p. 5656. GARCÍA-CRESPO (Naida). Early Puertorican cinema and nation building: national sentiments, transnational realities, 1897–1940. (Bucknell studies in Latin American literature and theory). Lewisburg, Bucknell U. P., 2019, IX-226 p. 5657. GARRETT (Victoria Lynn). Performing everyday life in Argentine popular theater, 1890–1934. Cham, Springer international publishing, 2018, X-226 p. 5658. GERHARDT (Christina). Screening the Red Army faction. Historical and cultural memory. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XII-307 p. (ill.).
5669. Histories on screen. The past and present in Anglo-American cinema and television. Ed. by Sam EDWARDS, Faye SAYER and Michael DOLSKI. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XIV-338 p. (ill.). 5670. ISENSEE (Eyke). Das Justiz-Bild im Spielfilm der NS-Zeit. Marburg, Büchner-Verlag, 2018, 530 p. 5671. ISGRÒ (Emilio). L'Orestea di Gibellina e l'Odissea cancellata. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 309-323. 5672. JORDAN (Günter). Unbekannter Ivens. Triumph, Verdammnis, Auferstehung. Joris Ivens bei der DEFA und in der DDR 1948–1989. Berlin, Bertz + Fischer Verlag, 2018, 679 p. (photos). 5673. JUNGMANNOVÁ (Veronika). Bytové divadlo jako způsob rezistence a vyrovnání se s normalizační realitou. (Home theatre as a mode of resistance and coping with the reality of life during the normalization
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting era). In: Rizika jinakosti: kulturní opozice před rokem 1989 jako předmět výzkumu. Praha, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2018, p. 55-84. 5674. JURKOVÁ (Zuzana). Our national heroes. Music and collective remembering. Lidé města: revue pro etnologii, antropologii a etologii komunikace, 2018, 20, 2, p. 325-352. 5675. KAPLAN (Caren). Aerial aftermaths. Wartime from above. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XIV-298 p. (Next wave. New directions in women's studies). 5676. KAPPELHOFF (Hermann). Front lines of community. Hollywood between war and democracy. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, XIII-375 p. (ill.). (Cinepoetics, 1). 5677. Klang als Geschichtsmedium. Perspektiven für eine auditive Geschichtsschreibung. Hrsg. v. Anna LANGENBRUCH. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 279 p. (Musikgeschichte auf der Bühne, 1). 5678. LAIPERTOVÁ (Tereza). Česká kinematografie v letech 1939–1945. (Czech cinematography in the years 1939–1945). Historický obzor: časopis pro výuku dějepisu a popularizaci historie, 2018, 29, 5, p. 111-124. 5679. LAQUA (Daniel). Rocking against the right: political activism and popular music in West Germany, 1979–1980. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 160-183. 5680. Let's historize it! Jugendmedien im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Aline MALDENER und Clemens ZIMMERMANN. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 329 p. 5681. LONGHI (Claudio). 'Descrivendo' il lungo viaggio sulle onde dell'Ain: prospettive postdrammatiche del dramma-paesaggio. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 239-277. 5682. MAIFREDI (Sergio). Raccontare l'Odissea in scena. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 325-329. 5683. MAROTO BLANCO (José Manuel), ORTEGA LÓPEZ (Teresa María). Miedos y prejuicios de una nación. La negritud y la figura del negro en la historia reciente de España a través del cine (1959–2002). Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 131-148. 5684. MENGER (Pierre-Michel). Richard Wagner et la portée de son antisémitisme (note critique). Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 671-692. 5685. MIGGELBRINK (Monique). Fernsehen und Wohnkultur. Zur Vermöbelung von Fernsehgeräten in der BRD der 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 375 p. (ill.). (Edition Medienwissenschaft, 51). 5686. MOLLER (Sabine). Zeitgeschichte sehen. Die Aneignung von Vergangenheit durch Filme und ihre Zuschauer. Berlin, Bertz + Fischer Verlag, 2018, 223 p., 171 (ill.). (Deep Focus, 27).
conto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 119-136. – EADEM. Lo sperimentalismo narrativo nel teatro di José Manuel Mora. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 173-188. 5689. Vacat. 5690. PARSONS (Neil). Black and white bioscope: making movies in Africa, 1899 to 1925. Bristol, Intellect, 2018, XII-252 p. 5691. PAULEIT (Winfried), GREINER (Rasmus), FREY (Mattias). Audio History des Films. Sonic Icons – Auditive Histosphäre – Authentizitätsgefühl. Berlin, Bertz + Fischer Verlag, 2018, 188 p., 106 (ill.). (Film und Geschichte, 1). 5692. PAXTON (Naomi). Stage rights! The Actresses' franchise league, activism and politics, 1908–1958. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 234 p. 5693. Perezhitʹ voĭnu: kinoindustriia v SSSR, 1939– 1949 gody. (Survive the war: the film industry in the USSR, 1939–1949). Ed. by Vanessa VOISIN, Valérie POZNER, Irina CHERNEVA. Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 647 p. (ill.). (Istoriia stalinizma). 5694. PERRY (Imani). Looking for Lorraine. The radiant and radical life of Lorraine Hansberry. Boston, Beacon Press, 2018, 237 p. 5695. PHILPOTT (Carolyn). Composing connections between continents: tracing the history of Australia's engagement with Antarctica through music. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 1, p. 63-82. 5696. POZZI (Elisabetta). Il mio viaggio nel racconto a teatro. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 331339. 5697. RAUH (Felix). Bewegte Bilder für eine entwickelte Welt. Die Dokumentarfilme von René Gardi, Ulrich Schweizer und Peter von Gunten in der Schweizer Entwicklungsdebatte, 1959–1986. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 270 p. (ill.). 5698. REGEV (Ronny). Working in Hollywood. How the studio system turned creativity into labor. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-273 p. 5699. René Allio. Écrits d'écran. Sous la dir. de Maxime SCHEINFEIGEL et Myriam TSIKOUNAS. Paris, L'Harmattan/INA, 2018, 210 p. (Les Médias en actes). 5700. RIGHETTONI (Vanessa). Bianco su nero: iconografia della razza e guerra d'Etiopia. Milano, Fondazione Passaré e Macerata, Quodlibet, 2018, 195 p. (Biblioteca Passaré). 5701. RODGER (Gillian M.). Just one of the boys. Female-to-male cross-dressing on the American variety stage. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, 242 p. (Music in American life).
5687. NIVEN (Bill). Hitler and film. The führer's hidden passion. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XI-295 p.
5702. ROHNER (Fred). La Guardia Vieja: el vals criollo y la formación de la ciudadanía en las clases populares (1885–1930). Lima, Instituto de Etnomusicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018, 463 p.
5688. ORAZI (Veronica). Dalla narrativa alla scena: José Sanchis Sinisterra e la riscrittura teatrale. In: Rac-
5703. RUBINO (Margherita). Tra i Greci e Verdi. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 201-209.
5704. Russlanddeutsche Lieder. Geschichte – Sammlung – Lebenswelten, Band 1: Liedgeschichten und Editionen, Band 2: Analysen und Quellen. Hrsg. v. Ingrid BERTLEFF, Eckhard JOHN und Natalia SVETOZAROVA. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 2 Bde., 972 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 52).### 5705. Sara Levy's world. Gender, judaism and the bach tradition in enlightenment Berlin. Ed. by Rebecca CYPESS and Nancy SINKOFF. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, X-292 p. (Eastman studies in music). 5706. SCHAFFER (Gavin). The limits of the 'liberal imagination': Britain, broadcasting and Apartheid South Africa, 1948–1994. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 235266. 5707. SCHARNBERG (Harriet). Die "Judenfrage" im Bild. Der Antisemitismus in nationalsozialistischen Fotoreportagen. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2018, 443 p. (ill.). 5708. SCHILLER (Melanie). Soundtracking Germany: popular music and national identity. London, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, IX-277 p. 5709. SCHUMACHER (Julia). Realismus als Programm. Egon Monk. Modell einer Werkbiografie. Marburg, Schüren Verlag, 2018, 343 p. (ill.). (Aufblende. Schriften zum Film, 18). 5710. SMART (Mary Ann). Waiting for Verdi. Italian opera and political opinion, 1815–1848. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIV-236 p. 5711. SMYTH (J. E.). Nobody's girl friday. The women who ran Hollywood. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-304 p. 5712. SMYTH (James J.). Music, emotion and remembrance: unveiling memorials to the fallen of the First World War in Scotland. Social history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 435-454. 5713. SNEERINGER (Julia). A social history of early rock'n'roll in Germany. Hamburg from burlesque to The Beatles 1956–69. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XI289 p. (ill.). 5714. SPENCER-HALL (Alicia). Medieval saints and modern screens: divine visions as cinematic experience. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 304 p. 5715. STEINBERG (Michael P.). The trouble with Wagner. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, X152 p. 5716. ŠTOLL (Martin). Television and totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia. From the first democratic republic to the fall of communism. Sydney, Bloomsbury, 2018, XXI-279 p. 5717. STOYANOVICH (Peter). Modernität oder Wohltätigkeit? Hinter den Kulissen der Kriegspropaganda in Bulgarien und Europa: der Spielfilm „Bogdan Stimoff" und die Teilnahme der bulgarischen Königsfamilie
(1916). Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 238260. 5718. TARTAKOWSKY (Danielle). 1968. Photographier la grève. Le mouvement social, 2018, 264, p. 137-153. 5719. THARP (Martin). Guitars and howls: towards the roots of the provincial Czech underground in the 1970s. In: Bezčasí: Československo v letech 1972–1977. Praha, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů; České Budějovice, Jihočeské muzeum v Českých Budějovicích, 2018, p. 70-77. 5720. Theater unter NS-Herrschaft. Begriffe, Praxis, Wechselwirkungen. Hrsg. v. Brigitte DALINGER und Veronika ZANGL. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 317 p. (Theater, Film, Medien, 2). 5721. TRAUDES (Jonas). Musizierende "Wunderkinder". Adoration und Observation in der Öffentlichkeit um 1800. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 515 p. 5722. TREU (Martina). L'arte di Emilio Isgrò tra epos e teatro: dall'Orestea di Gibellina all'Odissea cancellata. In: Racconto (Il) a teatro [cf. no 717], p. 279305. 5723. UMBACH (Maiken), SULZENER (Scott). Photography, migration and identity. A German-Jewish-American story. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XII-127 p. (Palgrave studies in migration history). 5724. VARGA (Attila). Centenarul filmului mut în Cluj – Francmasoneria și „Hollywood-ul transilvan" (The centenary of the silent film in Cluj – Freemasonry and "The Transylvanian Hollywood"). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu", series Historica, 2018, 57, p. 529-537. 5725. VOLZ (Dorothea). SchauSpielPlatz Venedig. Theatrale Rezeption und performative Aneignung eines kulturellen Imaginären um 1900. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 288 p. (Edition Kulturwissenschaft, 112). 5726. VOMBERG (Elfi). Wagner-Vereine und Wagnerianer heute. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2018, 297 p. (Thurnauer Schriften zum Musiktheater, 34). 5727. VULETIC (Dean). Postwar Europe and the Eurovision Song Contest. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XV-272 p. (ill.). 5728. Watching the Vietnam war. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 3, p. 377-427. [Contents: CULLATHER (Nick). Vietnam and its television histories. – BUZZANCO (Robert). Don Draper does Vietnam (a.k.a., Ken Burns teaches the war in 10 easy lessons). – VUIC (Kara Dixon). Women and the air-conditioned soldiers. – STUR (Heather). Fateful Misunderstandings about the Republic of Vietnam. – LONGLEY (Kyle). Incomplete, but an opening. – MARTINI (Edwin A.). The placebo effect: reflections on Ken Burns's and Lynn Novick's The Vietnam War. – TRAN (Nu-Anh). Add Vietnamese people and stir? A reflection on Burns's and Novick's The Vietnam War and a call for new interpretations. – ELKIND (Jessica). Scratching the surface. – WU (Judy). What makes a good war story? Absences of empire,
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting race, and gender in the Vietnam war. – ALLEN (Michael J.). The pain was unbelievably deep.] 5729. WEEGELS (Julienne). 'The terror and scourge of the barrio': representations of youth crime and policing on Nicaraguan television news. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 861-887. 5730. WEHEN (Britta). Macht das (historischen) Sinn? Narrative Strukturen von Schülern vor und nach der De-Konstruktion eines geschichtlichen Spielfilms. Berlin, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2018, XXV-280 p. (Geschichtsdidaktische Studien, 5). 5731. WINKLER (Martina). Panzer in Prag. Der fotografische Blick auf die Invasion von 1968. Düsseldorf, C. W. Leske Verlag, 2018, 229 p.
5732. WŁADYNIAK (Ludmiła). A high contrast portrait: representations of the Czech-German borderland in recent Czech film and tv productions. Iluminace: časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu, 2018, 30, 3, p. 77-92. 5733. WOLFF (Charlotta). Opéra-comique, cultural politics and identity in Scandinavia 1760–1800. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 387-409. 5734. ZEISING (Andreas). Radiokunstgeschichte. Bildende Kunst und Kunstvermittlung im frühen Rundfunk der 1920er bis 1940er Jahre. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 677 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3391, 5400, 6907, 7334, 7658
§ 1. General. 5735-5763. – § 2. Political economy. 5764-5774. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 57755864. – § 4. Trade. 5865-5938. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5939-5977. – § 6. Money and finance. 5978-6066. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6067-6153. – § 8. Social history. 6154-6458. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6459-6544. § 1. General. 5735. ABELA (Joan). Hospitaller Malta and the Mediterranean economy in the sixteenth century. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 263 p. 5736. AKINYOADE (Akinyinka), UCHE (Chibuike). Development built on crony capitalism? The case of Dangote Cement. Business history, 2018, 60, 6, p. 833858. 5737. ALACEVICH (Michele). Planning peace: the European roots of the post-war global development challenge. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 219-264. 5738. ARRIS OAKLEY (Christopher). New South Indians. Tribal economics and the eastern band of Cherokee in the twentieth century. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2018, 265 p. 5739. BELTRÁN TAPIA (Francisco J.), DÍEZ-MINGUE(Alfonso), MARTINEZ-GALARRAGA (Julio). Tracing the evolution of agglomeration economies: Spain, 1860– 1991. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 81117. LA
5740. CANNARI (Luigi), D'ALESSIO (Giovanni). Wealth inequality in Italy: a reconstruction of 1968– 1975 data and a comparison with recent estimates. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 3, p. 357-396. 5741. CISZEWSKA-MLINARIC (Mariola), OBLOJ (Krzysztof), WASOWSKA (Aleksandra). Internationalisation choices of Polish firms during the post-socialism transition period: the role of institutional conditions at firm's foundation. Business history, 2018, 60, 4, p. 562600. 5742. CRAFTS (Nicholas). Forging ahead, falling behind and fighting back: British economic growth from the industrial revolution to the financial crisis. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 152 p. 5743. DENZEL (Markus A.). Beharrungskraft und Anpassungsleistungen wirtschaftlicher Systeme angesichts https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-016
schockartiger Umbrüche – oder: Von der Resilienz zum Resilienz-Management. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 4, p. 528-547. 5744. Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Ed. by Adrian GREEN and Barbara CROSBIE. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, 319 p. 5745. FELICE (Emanuele). Falling behind in globalization: Southern Italy in the liberal age. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 3, p. 257-292. 5746. HILLBOM (Ellen), BOLT (Jutta). Botswana – a modern economic history: an African diamond in the rough. New York, Palgrave, 2018, V-XV-235 p. 5747. HURZHIĬ (Oleksandr Ivanovych). Narysy z istoriï rozvytku vyrobnychykh vidnosyn i torhivli v Ukraïni: druha polovyna XVII–pochatok XX st. (Essays on the history of the development of industrial relations and trade in Ukraine: second half of the XVII–early XX centuries). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny, 2018, 364 p. 5748. İNBAŞI (Mehmet). Balkanlarda bir Türk şehri, Üsküp, fetihten XVIII. Yüzyıla kadar sosyal ve ekonomik tarihi. (A Turkish city in the Balkans, Skopje, XVIII. Social and economic history until the 19th century). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2018, XVII-531 p. (ill., maps). (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 19). 5749. JERVEN (Morten). Controversy, facts and assumptions: lessons from estimating long term growth in Nigeria, 1900–2007. African economic history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 104-136. 5750. LONDÁK (Miroslav). Šikova ekonomická reforma a Slovensko. (Šik's economic reform and Slovakia). Bratislava, VEDA - Historický ústav SAV, 2018, 222 p. 5751. MADSEN (Grant). Sovereign soldiers. How the U.S. military transformed the global economy after World War II. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania
Press, 2018, VIII-328 p. (American business, politics and society).
§ 2. Political economy.
5752. MESSAC (Luke). Outside the economy: women's work and feminist economics in the construction and critique of national income accounting. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 552-578.
5764. Alexander Hamilton on finance, credit, and debt. Ed. by Richard SYLLA and David J. COWEN. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIV-346 p.
5753. Nueva historia económica de Argentina. Ed. por Roberto CORTES CONDE y Gerardo DELLA PAOLERA. Barcelona, EDHASA, 2018, 344 p. 5754. Osmanlı dönemi Balkan ekonomisi = The economy of the Balkans in the Ottoman Empire era. Ed. by Zafer GÖLEN, Birol ÇETIN, Abidin TEMIZER. Ankara, Gece Kitaplığı, 2018, XIII-471 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 5755. PAMUK (Şevket). Uneven centuries. Economic development of Turkey since 1820. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIII-352 p. 5756. PEDERSEN (Morten). When China awakens… Dansk multinational virksomhed i Asien før Anden Verdenskrig. (Quand la Chine se réveille… L'activité économique danoise en Asie avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 619 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 574). 5757. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar). Gottfried Feders Einfluss auf die Wirtschafts und staatspolitischen Vorstellungen der frühen NSDAP und auf Hitlers "Mein Kampf". Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 4, p. 497-527. 5758. POURCHASSE (Pierrick). Military entrepreneurs and the development of the French economy in the eighteenth century. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 5771. 5759. Produits (Des) entre déclin et renaissance (XVIe–XXIe siècle). Sous la dir. Corinne MARACHE, Philippe MEYZIE et Maud VILLERET. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2018, 372 p. (L'Europe alimentaire, 13). 5760. Risikogesellschaften. Literatur- und geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Eva VON CONTZEN, Tobias HUFF und Peter ITZEN. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 269 p. (Histoire, 134). 5761. SOLBES FERRI (Sergio). The Spanish monarchy as a contractor state in the eighteenth century: interaction of political power with the market. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 72-86. 5762. TORRES-SÁNCHEZ (Rafael), BRANDON (Pepijn), 'T HART (Marjolein). War and economy. Rediscovering the eighteenth-century military entrepreneur. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 4-22. 5763. VONYÓ (Tamás). The economic consequences of the war. West Germany's growth miracle after 1945. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XX-272 p. (ill., tabs). (Cambridge studies in economic history. Second series). Cf. nos 2959, 4365, 4552
5765. BECK (Naomi). Hayek and the evolution of capitalism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 184 p. 5766. CHAILLOUX (Graciela). La fundación de la economía política para el desarrollo económico y social del Caribe 1945–1970. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2018, VII-436 p. 5767. CONTI (Thomas Victor). Mercantilism: a materialist approach. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 2, p. 186-200. 5768. GILGEN (David). Den Kapitalismus bändigen – den Kapitalismus überwinden? Oswald von Nell-Breunings wirtschaftsethische und gesellschaftspolitische Impulse zwischen Pragmatismus und Utopie. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 2, p. 221-226. 5769. ISENMANN (Moritz). Die langsame Entstehung eines ökonomischen Systems. Konkurrenz und freier Markt im Werk von Adam Smith. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 3, p. 655-691. 5770. LENGER (Friedrich). Globalen Kapitalismus denken. Historiographie-, theorie- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 215 p. (Studien zur Geschichte und Theorie des Kapitalismus). 5771. PIERENKEMPER (Toni), FREMDLING (Rainer). Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland. 75 Jahre RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. 1943–2018. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, IX477 p. (ill.). (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 22). 5772. REINERT (Sophus A.). The academy of Fisticuffs. Political economy and commercial society in enlightenment Italy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XII668 p. 5773. SIṃHA (Vinīta). Aṅgrejoṃ kī kr̥shi sambandhī nīti kā aitihāsika adhyayana: 1757 se 1857 ke madhya. (Historical study of British agricultural policy: between 1757 and 1857). Naī Dillī, Svarāja Prakāśana, 2018, 196 p. 5774. TOMICH (Dale). La 'segunda esclavitud' y el capitalismo mundial: una perspectiva para la investigación histórica. Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 149-164. Cf. no 4314 § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. ** 5775. Walter Morrell's 'Manufacture for the new draperie' (1616). Ed. by Michael ZELL and Heather FALVEY. Hertford, Hertfordshire Record Society, 2018, XLII-181 p. ______________________
§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation 5776. ANDERSSON-SKOG (Lena), MAGNUSSON (Lars). Svenskt näringsliv och industrins framväxt 1864–1914. (L'économie suédoise et la croissance de l'industrie 1864–1914). Stockholm, Dialogos, 2018, 203 p. (ill.). 5777. BALLAUX (Bart), BLONDÉ (Bruno). Road transport productivity in the sixteenth-century Low Countries: the case of Brabant, 1450–1650. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 707-726. 5778. BÉCOT (Renaud). La CFDT face à la mutation du système énergétique français (1973–1977). Le mouvement social, 2018, 262, p. 17-35. 5779. BIVAR (Venus). Organic resistance. The struggle over industrial farming in Postwar France. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV224 p. (Flows, migrations and exchanges). 5780. BOHLING (Joseph). The Sober Revolution. Appellation wine and the transformation of France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XXIII-278 p. 5781. BREITINGER (Jan C.). Zwischen Nutzung und Niedergang. Der Lake Victoria als Ressource in Wissenschaft, Kolonial- und Entwicklungspolitik, 1927– 1988. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 482 p. 5782. BRÜGGEMEIER (Franz-Josef). Grubengold. Das Zeitalter der Kohle von 1750 bis heute. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 456 p. (ill.). 5783. BURHOP (Carsten), KIßENER (Michael), SCHÄ(Hermann), SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim). Merck. Von der Apotheke zum Weltkonzern. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, CXXXVIII-719 p.
5784. CHIDA (Takeshi). Kure kaigun kōsho no keisei. (The formation of Kure Naval Arsenal). Tokyo, Kinseisha, 2018, 836 p. 5785. COOKSON (Gillian). The age of machinery: engineering the Industrial Revolution, 1770–1850. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 324 p. 5786. CREAMER (Claudio). El salario mínimo en la industria ecuatoriana: debates precursores entre 1934 y 1935. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018, 113 p. (Magíster, 239). 5787. D'AVIGNON (Robyn). Primitive techniques: from 'customary' to 'artisanal' mining in French West Africa. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 179-197. 5788. ELVERT (Jürgen). Europa, das Meer und die Welt. Eine maritime Geschichte der Neuzeit. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2018, 591 p. 5789. ENSTAD (Nan). Cigarettes, inc. An intimate history of corporate imperialism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XIII-333 p. 5790. ESCH (Elizabeth D.). The color line and the assembly line. Managing race in the Ford empire. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XVII-257 p. (American crossroads). 5791. Estran (De l') à la digue. Histoire des aménagements portuaires et littoraux, XVIe–XXe siècle.
Sous la dir. de Sylviane LLINARES, Benjamin ÉGASSE et Katherine DANA. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 414 p. 5792. FENOALTEA (Stefano). Italy in the market for seagoing vessels, 1861–1913: domestic production, imports, and exports. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 3, p. 293-356. 5793. FREY (Felix). Arktische Kohle. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 274-297. 5794. FRIOUX (Stéphane). Pas d'essence dans nos salades! La "raffinerie baladeuse" de la région lyonnaise (1970-1973). Le mouvement social, 2018, 262, p. 37-54. 5795. GARCÍA ALVAREZ (Luis Benito). La sociabilidad sidrera en Asturias durante el franquismo. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 47-62. 5796. GLUZMAN (Renard). Notes on Venice's shipbreaking industry and the scrap market in the sixteenth century. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 2, p. 83-98. 5797. GRAF (Rüdiger). Oil and sovereignty. Petroknowledge and energy policy in the United States and Western Europe in the 1970s. Translated by Alex SKINNER. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, xiI-461 p. 5798. GROSSMAN (Sarah E. M.). Mining the borderlands. Industry, capital and the emergence of engineers in the southwest territories, 1855–1910. Reno. University of Nevada Press, 2018, VIII-175 p. (Mining and society series). 5799. HEIN (Carola). "Old refineries rarely die": port city refineries as key nodes in the global petroleumscape. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 3, p. 450479. 5800. HIGASHIDE (Kanako). Kaikō Pari no kindaishi: Sēnugawa suiun to minato. (Modern history of the Paris as a seaport: water transportation on the Seine and the port). Kyoto, Kōyō Shobō, 2018, 226 p. 5801. HIPPEL (Wolfgang von). Hermann Röchling 1872–1955. Ein deutscher Großindustrieller zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik. Facetten eines Lebens in bewegter Zeit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 1086 p., 34 (ill., tabs). 5802. HOENIG (Bianca). Geteilte Berge. Eine Konfliktgeschichte der Naturnutzung in der Tatra. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 239 p. (Umwelt und Gesellschaft, 20). 5803. HOMBERG (Michael). Mensch / Mikrochip. Die Globalisierung der Arbeitswelten in der Computerindustrie 1960 bis 2000 – Fragen, Perspektiven, Thesen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 2, p. 267293. 5804. JAWORSKI (Taylor), SMYTH (Andrew). Shakeout in the early commercial airframe industry. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 617-638.
5805. JONES (Christopher F.). The materiality of energy. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 3, p. 378394.### 5806. KAHRL (Andrew W.). Free the beaches. The story of Ned Coll and the battle for America's most exclusive shoreline. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, VIII364 p. 5807. KOLEVA (Maria). Der Beitrag deutscher Firmen für die Modernisierung der Bulgarischen Eisenbahn in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 136-154. 5808. KOWALSKÁ (Eva). Podnikanie v réžii aristokrata: založenie a prvé roky súkenky v Uhrovci (1845– 1851). (Business directed by an aristocrat: the establishment and first years of the textile factory at Uhrovec, 1845–1851). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 3, p. 429-456. 5809. KRPEC (Oldřich), HODULÁK (Vladan). Industrial policy in relation to automobile production after the founding of Czechoslovakia: a case of support for an emerging sector. Ekonomický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 81-104. 5810. KUHLBERG (Mark), MILLER (Scott). "Protection to the sulphur-smoke tort-feasors": the tragedy of pollution in Sudbury, Ontario, the world's nickel capital, 1884–1927. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 2, p. 225-257.
5818. MAC SWAIN (James B.). Petroleum and public safety. Risk management in the Gulf South, 1901–2015. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XXII-364 p. (Making the modern South). 5819. MACFADYEN (Joshua). Flax Americana. A history of the fibre and oil that covered a continent. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, XV-350 p. (McGillQueen's rural, wildland and resource studies series, 10). 5820. MAMAN (Shani Bar-On). Spatially strong: Dead Sea Works Ltd. and the building up of the southeast of Israel, 1948–1964. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 437453. 5821. MARK-THIESEN (Cassandra). Mediators, contract men and colonial capital. Mechanized gold mining in the gold coast colony, 1879–1909. Rochester, Boydell & Brewer, 2018, XII-217 p. (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora). 5822. MÂRZA (Eva Maria). Mineritul în Slovacia şi România în secolele XV–XVIII = Baníctvo na Slovenku a v Rumunsku v 15. až 18. storočí, ediție bilingvă româno-slovacă. (Mining in Slovakia and Romania in the 15th–18th centuries). Banská Bystrica, Editura Múzeum Slovenského Národného Povstania, 2018, 359 p. 5823. MAZZEI (Rita). La crisi del Seicento e la manodopera femminile nell'industria serica a Lucca e a Firenze. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 655, p. 141160.
5811. Kvinnors flit och slit: kvinnors arbete under tidig svensk industrialisering. (Le zèle et le labeur des femmes: le travail féminin au début de l'industrialisation suédoise). Red. Fredrik SANDGREN. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, Historiska institutionen, 2018, 204 p. (Opuscula Historica Upsaliensis, 55).
5824. MEISSNER (Christopher M.), TANG (John P.). Upstart industrialization and exports: evidence from japan, 1880–1910. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1068-1102.
5812. LAMBERG (Juha-Antti), OJALA (Jari), PELTO(Mirva). Thinking about industry decline: a qualitative meta-analysis and future research directions. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 127-156.
5825. MELSTED (Odinn), PALLUA (Irene). The historical transition from coal to hydrocarbons: previous explanations and the need for an integrative perspective. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 3, p. 395-422.
5813. LEECH (Brian James). The city that ate itself: Butte, Montana and its expanding Berkeley Pit. Reno, University of Nevada Press, 2018, X-414 p.
5826. MIÑO GRIJALVA (Wilson). Ferrocarril y modernización en Quito: un cambio dramático entre 1905 y 1922. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018, 79 p. (Magíster, 240).
5814. LIE (Einar). Learning by failing. The origins of the Norwegian oil fund. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 284-299. 5815. LINDMARK (Magnus), SPJUT (Fredrik Olsson). From organic to fossil and in-between: new estimates of energy consumption in the Swedish manufacturing industry during 1800–1913. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 1, p. 18-33. 5816. LIU (Deming). Patent and innovation during the Industrial Revolution in England. Reflections on Josiah Wedgwood (1730–1795). Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 3-4, p. 404-433. 5817. LOTZ (Christian). Nachhaltigkeit neu skalieren. Internationale forstwissenschaftliche Kongresse und Debatten um die Ressourcenversorgung der Zukunft im Nord- und Ostseeraum (1870–1914). Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 359 p. (Umwelthistorische Forschungen, 8).
5827. MUKANYA KANINDA-MUANA (Jean-Bruno). French and Belgian large African dam projects, 1954– 1960. Nationalisms, Eurafrica, or pan-Africanism? Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 73-90. 5828. MUKHOPADHYAY (Aparajita). Imperial technology and 'native' agency. A social history of railways in colonial India, 1850–1920. London, Routledge, 2018, 242 p. 5829. NEVALAINEN (Pasi). Deadlock in corporate governance: finding a common strategy for private telephone companies, 1978–1998. Business history, 2018, 60, 6, p. 908-929. 5830. NIGRIN (Tomáš). Planned stagnation? The economic plan vs. reality in the Czechoslovak railway sector of the 1970s and 1980s. Review of Economic Perspectives, 2018, 18, 1, p. 61-76.
§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation 5831. NUGENT (Stephen L.). The rise and fall of the Amazon rubber industry: an historical anthropology. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XV-207 p.### 5832. NYGAARD (Pål). Institutt for atomenergi og digitaliseringen av norsk aluminiumindustri. (The Institute for Atomic Energy and the digitalization of the Norwegian aluminium industry). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 4, p. 316-336. 5833. OSOKINA (Elena). The alchemy of Stalin's industrialization: Torgsin. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 437-472. 5834. PANZA (Laura), VILLE (Simon), MERRETT (David). The drivers of firm longevity: age, size, profitability and survivorship of Australian corporations, 1901– 1930. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 157-177. 5835. PHILIP (Kate). Markets on the margins: mineworkers, job creation and enterprise development. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2018, XVI-222 p. 5836. PLOUVIEZ (David). The French navy and war entrepreneurs: identity, business relations, conflicts, and cooperation in the eighteenth century. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 41-56. 5837. POURCHASSE (Pierrick). Le contrôle des circulations maritimes et des produits exportés dans l'espace baltique à l'époque moderne: l'exemple de Riga au XVIIIe siècle. Revue historique, 2018, 686, 2, p. 377398. 5838. POWELL (Dana E.). Landscapes of power. Politics of energy in the Navajo nation. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XXII-309 p. (New ecologies for the twenty-first century). 5839. RITSON (Neil H.). Industrial relations strategy and construction in the UK oil industry: the case of the national agreement. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 555570. 5840. ROBINS (Jonathan E.). Smallholders and machines in the West African palm oil industry, 1850– 1950. African economic history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 69-103. 5841. ROSE (Evan K.). The rise and fall of female labor force participation during World War II in the United States. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 673-711. 5842. SASSI (Mohamed). Politique pétrolière de la France de 1861 à 1974: à travers le rôle de la compagnie privée Desmarais Frères. Paris, Éditions SPM, 2018, 631 p. 5843. SATIA (Priya). Empire of guns: the violent making of the Industrial Revolution. New York, Penguin, 2018, XVI-528 p. 5844. SCHUYLER (David). Embattled river. The Hudson and modern American environmentalism. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-266 p. 5845. SCHWOCH (James). Wired into nature. The telegraph and the North American frontier. Urbana, Uni-
versity of Illinois Press, 2018, 248 p. (The history of communication). 5846. SCOTT (Peter), WALKER (James T.). Retailing under resale price maintenance: Economies of scale and scope, and firm strategic response, in the inter-war British retail pharmacy sector. Business history, 2018, 60, 6, p. 807-832. 5847. SELTZER (Andrew J.), BORLAND (Jeff). The impact of the 1896 Factory and Shops Act on the labor market of Victoria, Australia. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 785-821. 5848. SHAFIEE (Katayoun). Machineries of oil. An infrastructural history of BP in Iran. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, VIII-347 p. (Infrastructures series). 5849. SHATNAWI (Dina), FISHBACK (Price V.). The impact of World War II on the demand for female workers in manufacturing. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 539-574. 5850. SLAVISHAK (Edward). Proving ground. Expertise and Appalachian landscapes. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XIV-212 p. 5851. STEIN (Luise). Grenzlandschicksale: Unternehmen evakuieren in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1939/ 1940. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, VIII-396 p. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 31). 5852. Strade in età moderna. A cura di Vittorio TIGe Angelo TORRE. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 158, p. 317-506. [Contenuto: TORRE (Angelo). In ricordo di Carlo Poni. – SCHOLZ (Luca). La strada proibita. L'uso delle strade nel Sacro Romano Impero in epoca moderna. – BRETSCHNEIDER (Falk). Rete stradale e pratiche penali nel Sacro Romano Impero in età moderna. – BERNARD (Pauline). Costruire giurisdizione. La "maréchaussée" nel Lionese all'inizio del XVIII secolo. – BATTISTONI (Marco). "Strade franche" tra Piemonte orientale e Liguria in età moderna. – AGO (Renata). Strade rettilinee e processioni barocche nella Roma del Settecento. – GRIBAUDI (Maurizio). La carta di Cassini: strade e paesaggi francesi del XVIII secolo.] RINO
5853. STUBER (Martin), BÜRGI (Matthias). Vom "eroberten Land" zum Renaturierungsprojekt. Geschichte der Feuchtgebiete in der Schweiz seit 1700. Bern, Haupt Verlag, 2018, 262 p. (Bristol-Schriftenreihe). 5854. SVANBERG (Johan). Migration at the multilevel intersection of industrial relations: the SchleswigHolstein Campaign and the Swedish garment industry in the early 1950s. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 1, p. 54-72 5855. UNGER (Richard W.). Shifting energy sources in Canada: an international comparison, 1870–2000. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 3, p. 480-514. 5856. VALDEZ-BUBNOV (Ivan). Shipbuilding administration under the Spanish Habsburg and Bourbon regimes (1590‒1834): a comparative perspective. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 105-125.
5857. VILÍMEK (Tomáš). "He who leads – controls!". Corporate management and rigours of "Socialist control" in Czechoslovak enterprises in the 1980s. Czech journal of contemporary history, 2018, 6, p. 126-158.### 5858. Voyages, migration and the maritime world. On China's global historical role. Ed. by Clara Wing-chung HO, Ricardo K. S. MAK and Yue-him TAM. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 261 p. 5859. WALLIS (Patrick), COLSON (Justin), CHILOSI (David). Structural change and economic growth in the British economy before the Industrial Revolution, 1500– 1800. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 862903. 5860. WARDE (Paul). Trees, trade and textiles: potash imports and ecological dependency in British industry, c.1550–1770. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 4782. 5861. WHYMAN (Susan E.). The useful knowledge of William Hutton. Culture and industry in eighteenthcentury Birmingham. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-221 p. 5862. WILSON (John F.), BUCHNEA (Emily), TILBA (Anna). The British corporate network, 1904–1976: revisiting the finance–industry relationship. Business history, 2018, 60, 6, p. 779-806.
Valentin LAZEA. București, Editura Academiei Române, 2018, 267 p. 5869. ARNBERG (Klara). Beyond Mrs consumer: competing femininities in Swedish advertising trade publications, 1900–1939. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 2, p. 153-169. 5870. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David). Une vie sur plusieurs continents. Microhistoire globale d'un agent arménien de la Compagnie des Indes orientales, 1666– 1688. Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 19-55. 5871. AVELLA ALAMINOS (Isabel), HERNÁNDEZ RO(Anabel). La comercialización de petróleo entre México y Estados Unidos en el marco del Tratado de 1942. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 4 (268), p. 17251778.
5872. BADIA-MIRÓ (Marc), CARRERAS-MARÍN (Anna), MEISSNER (Christopher M.). Geography, policy, or productivity? Regional trade in five South American countries, 1910–1950. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 236-266. 5873. BANNERMAN (Gordon). The impact of war: new business networks and small-scale contractors in Britain, 1739–1770. Business history, 2018, 60, 1, p. 2340.
5863. ZEIDE (Anna). Canned. The rise and fall of consumer confidence in the American food industry. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, VIII269 p. (California studies in food and culture, 68).
5874. BARNES (Felicity). Lancashire's 'war' with Australia: rethinking Anglo-Australian trade and the cultural economy of empire, 1934–1936. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 707730.
5864. ZUMBRÄGEL (Christian). "Viele Wenige machen ein Viel". Eine Technik- und Umweltgeschichte der Kleinwasserkraft (1880–1930). Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 351 p. (Geschichte der technischen Kultur).
5875. BEESTERMÖLLER (Matthias), RAUCH (Ferdinand). A dissection of trading capital: trade in the aftermath of the fall of the Iron Curtain. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 358-393.
Cf. nos 3015, 3812, 4360, 4756, 4789, 5903, 6215, 6433, 6493, 6911 § 4. Trade. ** 5865. BIKIC (Azra), COLE (Laurence), EGGER (Matthias) [et al.]. Schwere Zeiten. Das Tagebuch des Salzburger Gemischtwarenhändlers Alexander Haidenthaller aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Salzburg, Stadtgemeinde Salzburg, 2018, 288 p. (Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Stadt Salzburg, 50). ** 5866. Documents of the first Chambers of Commerce in Britain and Ireland 1767–1839. Ed. by Robert J. BENNETT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-715 p. ** 5867. LIMBACH (Rabea). Die Briefkopierbücher der Speyerer Handelshäuser Joh. Hein. Scharpff und Lichtenberger & Co. (1815–1840). Handeln in institutioneller Unsicherheit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018, 346 p. (Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 7). _______________________
5868. 100 de ani de comerț exterior românesc. (100 years of Romanian foreign trade). Coordonatori Dumitru MIRON, Gheorghe ZAMAN, Mihai IONESCU,
5876. BLADH (Christine). Hennes snilles styrka: kvinnliga grosshandlare i Stockholm och Åbo 1750– 1820. (La force de son esprit: les femmes patronnes dans le commerce de gros à Stockholm et Åbo entre 1750 et 1820). Huddinge, Södertörns högskola, 2018, 174 p. (Södertörn Academic Studies, 71). 5877. BOCKSTOCE (John R.). White fox and icy seas in the Western Arctic. The fur trade, transportation and change in the early twentieth century. Foreword by William BARR. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XV-327 p. (Lamar series in western history). 5878. Brand (The) and its history. Part I. Trademarks and branding. Intr. by Patricio SÁIZ and Rafael CASTRO. Business history, 2018, 60, 8, p. 1105-1307. [Contents: SÁIZ (Patricio), CASTRO (Rafael). Trademarks in branding: Legal issues and commercial practices. – BELFANTI (Carlo Marco). Branding before the brand: Marks, imitations and counterfeits in pre-modern Europe. – DUGUID (Paul). Early marks: American trademarks before US trademark law. – DA SILVA LOPES (Teresa), GUIMARÃES (Carlos Gabriel), SAES (Alexandre), SARAIVA (Luiz Fernando). The 'disguised' foreign investor: Brands, trademarks and the British expatriate entrepre-
§ 4. Trade neur in Brazil. – GOÑI-MENDIZABAL (Igor). Brands in the Basque gun making industry: The case of ASTRAUnceta y Cía. – SUFFIA (Ilaria), LOCATELLI (Andrea Maria), BESANA (Claudio). Cheese trademarks: Italian dairy firms' practices during the 20th century. – MOLLANGER (Thomas). The effects of producers' trademark strategies on the structure of the cognac brandy supply chain during the second half of the 19th century. The reconfiguration of commercial trust by the use of brands. – BELLIDO (Jose), BOWREY (Kathy). Disney in Spain (1930–1935)] 5879. BUCKLEY (Thomas R.). In the city: The John Lewis partnership and planned shopping centres. Business history, 2018, 60, 4, p. 512-541. 5880. CALAFAT (Guillaume). L'indice de la franchise: politique économique, concurrence des ports francs et condition des Juifs en Méditerranée à l'époque moderne. Revue historique, 2018, 686, 2, p. 275-320. – IDEM. Mercanti, corsari e investimenti devozionali in una città nuova. L'"altare dei Corsi" a Livorno nel Seicento. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 739-772. 5881. CLAVER (Alexander), KNIGHT (G. Roger). A European role in intra-Asian commercial development: The Maclaine Watson network and the Java sugar trade c.1840–1942. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 202-230. 5882. CROMWELL (Jesse). The smugglers' world. Illicit trade and Atlantic communities in eighteenth-century Venezuela. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2018, VIII-314 p. 5883. DAUMAS (Jean-Claude). La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation. France, XIXe– XXIe siècles. Paris, Flammarion, 2018, 598 p. (Au fil de l'Histoire). 5884. DAVEY (James). Serving the state: empire, expertise and the British hemp crisis of 1800–1801. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 651-675. 5885. DAVID (Huw). Trade, politics, and revolution: South Carolina and Britain's Atlantic commerce, 1730– 1790. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2018, XXV-256 p. 5886. DAWSON (Michael). Selling out or buying in? Debating consumerism in Vancouver and Victoria, 1945–1985. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XII-215 p. 5887. DE ZWART (Pim), LUITEN VAN ZANDEN (Jan). The origins of globalization. World trade in the making of the global economy, 1500–1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-338 p. (New approaches to economic and social history). 5888. DESCHANEL (Boris). Commerce et révolution: les négociants dauphinois entre l'Europe et les Antilles (années 1770–années 1820). Fontaine, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2018, 454 p. (La pierre et l'écrit). 5889. EDVINSSON (Rodney), GAD (Christoffer Tarek). Assessing trade in the mercantilist era: evidence
from a new database on foreign trade of Sweden – Finland, 1738–1805. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 3, p. 226-245. 5890. EDVINSSON (Rodney), HEGELUND (Erik). The business cycle in historical perspective. Reconstructing quarterly data on Swedish GDP, 1913-2014. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 1, p. 33-60. 5891. ERIKSON (Emily), SAMILA (Sampsa). Networks, institutions, and uncertainty: information exchange in early-modern markets. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1034-1067. 5892. EUGSTER (David). Manipuliert! Die Schweizer Werbebranche kämpft um ihren Ruf, 1900–1989. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 319 p. 5893. FRANKEMA (Ewout), WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey), WOLTJER (Pieter). An economic rationale for the West African scramble? The commercial transition and the commodity price boom of 1835–1885. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 231-267. 5894. GADD (Stephen). Illegal quays: Elizabethan customs reforms and suppression of the coastal trade of Christchurch, Hampshire. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 727-746. 5895. GRANT (Jonathan A.). Between depression and disarmament. The international armaments business, 1919–1939. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-228 p. 5896. HÄGGQVIST (Henric). Foreign trade as fiscal policy: tariff setting and customs revenue in Sweden, 1830–1913. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 3, p. 298-316. 5897. HIGGINS (David M.). Brands, geographical origin, and the global economy: a history from the nineteenth century to the present. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-334 p. 5898. Historical research on institutional change [Special issue in]. Intr. by Stephanie DECKER, Behlül ÜSDIKEN, Lars ENGWALL and Michael ROWLINSON. Business history, 2018, 60, 5, p. 613-777. [Contents: DECKER (Stephanie), ÜSDIKEN (Behlül), ENGWALL (Lars), ROWLINSON (Michael). Special issue introduction: Historical research on institutional change. – WADHWANI (R. Daniel). Interfield Dynamics: Law and the creation of new organisational fields in the nineteenth-century United States. – POPIELARZ (Pamela A.). Moral dividends: Freemasonry and finance capitalism in early-nineteenth-century America. – THOMPSON (Neil). Hey DJ, don't stop the music: Institutional work and record pooling practices in the United States' music industry. – SEPPÄLÄ (Jarmo). Managing the paradox of unwanted efficiency: The symbolic legitimation of the hypermarket format in Finland, 1960–1975. – CHACAR (Aya S.), CELO (Sokol), HESTERLY (William). Change dynamics in institutional discontinuities: Do formal or informal institutions change first? Lessons from rule changes in professional American baseball. – BUTZBACH (Olivier). From data problems to questions about sources: elements towards an institutional analysis of
population-level organisational change. The case of British building societies, 1845–1980] 5899. HOOPER (Jane). Yankees in Indian Ocean Africa: Madagascar and nineteenth-century American commerce. African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 30-62. 5900. HUFF (Gregg), HUFF (Gillian). The shipping conference system, empire and local protest in Singapore, 1910–1911. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 69-92. 5901. ITO (Mikio), MAEDA (Kiyotaka), NODA (Akihiko). The futures premium and rice market efficiency in prewar Japan. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 909-937. 5902. KIKUCHI (Yuta). Hamburger Ostsee- und Mitteleuropahandel 1600–1800. Warenaustausch und Hinterlandnetzwerke. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 426 p. (Wirtschafts- und Sozialhistorische Studien, 20). 5903. KOCHETKOVA (Elena). 'A shop window where you can choose the goods you like'. Finnish industrial and trade fairs in the USSR, 1950s–1960s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 212-232. 5904. KÖHLER (Ingo). Auto-Identitäten. Marketing, Konsum und Produktbilder des Automobils nach dem Boom. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 554 p. (ill., tabs). 5905. KONOVE (Andrew). Black market capital. Urban politics and the shadow economy in Mexico City. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIII-283 p. 5906. KUMAR (Manish). A method for estimating the volume of Baltic timber products exported through the Sound and its application to Portugal, 1669–1815. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 3, p. 246263. 5907. LACHAUD-MARTIN (Stéphanie). Les courtiers bordelais, intermédiaires de commerce du vin aux XVIIe– XVIIIe siècles. Revue historique, 2018, 686, 2, p. 321346. 5908. LEMIRE (Beverly). Global trade and the transformation of consumer cultures. The material world remade, c. 1500–1820. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVIII-352 p. (New approaches to economic and social history). 5909. LINCOLN (Margarette). Trading in war: London's maritime world in the age of Cook and Nelson. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, 304 p. 5910. LINDBERG (Hanna). "I händerna på arkangeliter, judar och andra schackrare" – Debatten om gårdfarihandel på Finlands lantdag 1877–1878. ("In the hands of archangelites, Jews and other chess players" - The debate on farm trade at the Finnish Country Day 1877– 1878). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 2, p. 205230. 5911. LIVERANT (Bettina). Buying happiness. The emergence of consumer consciousness in English Canada. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2018, XI-291 p.
5912. MARTIN (James W.). Banana cowboys. The United Fruit Company and the culture of corporate colonialism. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, X-252 p. 5913. MAUNDER (Peter). Tiverton cloth: the story of the town's woollen trade, 1475–1815. Exeter, Short Run Press, 2018, V-450 p. 5914. MISHRA (Rupali). A business of state. Commerce, politics and the birth of the East India Company. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, VII-412 p. 5915. MITCHELL (Ian). Retail markets in northern and midland England, 1870–1914: civic icon, municipal white elephant, or consumer paradise? Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1270-1290. 5916. NAKAMURA (Tomomi). Gorofukin shisetsudan no rikuro bōeki kōsō: 19 seiki shotō no Bufutaruma bōeki o chūshin ni. (The conception of the overland trade held by the Golovkin embassy: focusing on Bukhtarma trade in the early 19th century). Tōyōshi Kenkyū, 2018, 77, 3, p. 35-68. 5917. NEILL (Deborah). Merchants, malaria and manliness: a patient's experience of Tropical disease. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 203-225. 5918. New perspectives on 20th century European retailing. Intr. by Peter SCOTT and Patrick FRIDENSON. Business history, 2018, 60, 7, p. 941-1104. [Contents: SCOTT (Peter), FRIDENSON (Patrick). New perspectives on 20th-century European retailing. – HULL (Andrew). Managing business performance: The contrasting cases of two multiple retailers 1920 to 1939. – BIDE (Bethan). More than window dressing: visual merchandising and austerity in London's West End, 1945–50. – DEWITTE (Adam), BILLOWS (Sebastian), LECOCQ (Xavier). Turning regulation into business opportunities: A brief history of French food mass retailing (1949– 2015). – JACQUES (Tristan). The state, small shops and hypermarkets: A public policy for retail, France, 1945– 1973. – HEYRMAN (Peter). Unlocking the padlock: Retail and public policy in Belgium (1930–1961). – KOMULAINEN (Anitra), SILTALA (Sakari). Resistance to Inequality as a Competitive Strategy? – The Cases of the Finnish consumer Co-ops Elanto and HOK 1905– 2015.] 5919. PÉREZ ZAPICO (Daniel). Hacia una historia social del consumo de la luz eléctrica en Asturias (1879–1920). Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 3-21. 5920. PHILLIPS SAWYER (Laura). American fair trade. Proprietary capitalism, corporatism and the "New Competition" 1890–1940. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-376 p. 5921. RICK (Kevin). Verbraucherpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine Geschichte des westdeutschen Konsumtionsregimes 1945–1975. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 455 p. (Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des modernen Europa, 5).
§ 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems
5922. RUTHERFORD (Paul). The Adman's dilemma. From Barnum to Trump. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, X-456 p.###
1940. (Small-scale trading on sliding scales. Supply and consumption in Finland 1800–1940). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 2, p. 191-204.
5923. SAHLE (Esther). Quakers, coercion, and premodern growth: why Friends' formal institutions for contract enforcement did not matter for early modern trade expansion. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 418-436.
5935. WIERLING (Dorothee). Mit Rohkaffee handeln. Hamburger Kaffee-Importeure im 20. Jahrhundert. Hamburg, Dölling und Galitz Verlag, 2018, 383 p. (ill.).
5924. SMITH (Edmond J.). The global interests of London's commercial community, 1599–1625: investment in the East India Company. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1118-1146. 5925. SOCH (Konstanze). Eine große Freude? Der innerdeutsche Paketverkehr im Kalten Krieg (1949–1989). Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 319 p. (ill.). 5926. STAMMERS (Tom). Facets of French heritage: selling the crown jewels in the early Third Republic. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 1, p. 76-115. 5927. STARKS (Tricia). Smoking under the tsars. A history of tobacco in imperial Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-320 p. 5928. STOBART (Jon), BAILEY (Lucy). Retail revolution and the village shop, c. 1660–1860. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 393-417. 5929. STURM-LIND (Lisa). Actors of globalization. New York merchants in global trade, 1784–1812. Amsterdam, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XXII-180 p. (Library of economic history, 10). 5930. TSUJI (Yamato). Chōsen ōchō no taichū bōeki seisaku to Min-Shin kōtai. (Joseon dynasty's trade policies with China and the Ming-Qing transition). Tokyo, Kyūko Shoin, 2018, 216 p. 5931. VAN (Rachel Tamar). Cents and sensibilities: fairness and free trade in the early nineteenth century. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 72-89. 5932. VARIAN (Brian D.). Anglo-American trade costs during the first era of globalization: the contribution of a bilateral tariff series. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 190-212. 5933. VINNAL (Hannes). Cost-distance ratio in change: transmission rates of commercial correspondence in the North and Baltic Sea region, 1732–1808. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 3, p. 264-281. 5934. WASSHOLM (Johanna), SUNDELIN (Anna). "Det hänger på ett hår" Praktiker och moral i handeln med människohår Finland 1870–1900. ("It hangs on a hair" Practices and morals in the trade in human hair Finland 1870–1900). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 2, p. 231-261. – IIDEM. Emotions, trading practices and communication in transnational itinerant trade: encounters between 'Rucksack Russians' and their customers in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Finland. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 2, p. 132-152. – IIDEM. Småskalig handel på glidande skalor. Försörjning och konsumtion i Finland 1800–
5936. ZAMBERLAN PEREIRA (Thales A.). The rise of the Brazilian cotton trade in Britain during the Industrial Revolution. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 919-949. 5937. ZARINEBAF (Fariba). Mediterranean encounters. Trade and pluralism in Early Modern Galata. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, 404 p. 5938. ZINI (Sylvain). Promoting trade opening and social progress: Fair labor standards in the Havana Charter (1948). Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 5372. Cf. nos 2992, 4051, 4060, 4789, 5939, 6491, 6606, 6682, 6781, 6804, 6916, 7122 § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. _______________________
5939. ALIX-GARCIA (Jennifer), WALKER (Sarah), RADELOFF (Volker), KOZAK (Jacek). Tariffs and trees: the effects of the Austro-Hungarian customs union on specialization and land-use change. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1142-1178. 5940. AUDERSET (Juri), MOSER (Peter). Die Agrarfrage in der Industriegesellschaft. Wissenskulturen, Machtverhältnisse und natürliche Ressourcen in der agrarisch-industriellen Wissensgesellschaft (1850–1950). Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 341 p. 5941. AUTHALER (Caroline). Deutsche Plantagen in Britisch-Kamerun. Internationale Normen und lokale Realitäten 1925 bis 1940. Köln, Böhlau, 2018, 266 p. 5942. BIASILLO (Roberta). Amministrare le selve: i conflitti sull'uso delle risorse boschive di Terracina in età liberale. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 159, 2, p. 27-54. 5943. BLASCHKE (Anette). Zwischen "Dorfgemeinschaft" und "Volksgemeinschaft". Landbevölkerung und ländliche Lebenswelten im Nationalsozialismus. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 458 p. (Nationalsozialistische "Volksgemeinschaft", 8). 5944. BROADBERRY (Stephen), CAMPBELL (Bruce M. S.), KLEIN (Alexander), OVERTON (Mark), VAN LEEUWEN (Bas). Clark's Malthus delusion: response to 'Farming in England 1200–1800'. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 639-664. 5945. CLARK (Gregory). Growth or stagnation? Farming in England, 1200–1800. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 55-81. 5946. CONORD (Fabien). La terre des autres. Le métayage en France depuis 1889. Montrouge, Éditions du Bourg, 2018, 329 p. 5947. CRUMMEY (Donald E.). Farming and famine. Landscape vulnerability in Northeast Ethiopia, 1889–
1991. Ed. by James C. MAC CANN. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XIV-295 p. (Africa and the diaspora. History, politics, culture). 5948. DARROW (David W.). Tsardom of sufficiency, empire of norms. Statistics, land allotments and agrarian reform in Russia, 1700–1921. Montreal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2018, XII-361 p. 5949. DELLEAUX (Fulgence). De la paille à la grappe. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 240-273. 5950. DOMENECH (Jordi), HERREROS (Francisco). Land reform and conflict before the Civil War: landowner response to tenancy reform in 1930s Catalonia. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1322-1348. 5951. EDWARDS (Eric C.), SMITH (Steven M.). The role of irrigation in the development of agriculture in the United States. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1103-1141. 5952. FISCHER-TINÉ (Harald). The Ymca and lowmodernist rural development in South Asia, c.1922– 1957. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 193-234. 5953. GROSSARTH (Jan). Die Vergiftung der Erde. Metaphern und Symbole agrarpolitischer Diskurse seit Beginn der Industrialisierung. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2018, 512 p. 5954. GUDMUNDSON (Lowell). Costa Rica después del café: la era cooperativa en la historia y la memoria. San José, EUNED, 2018, IX-208 p. 5955. HALE-DORRELL (Aaron). Corn crusade. Khrushchev's farming revolution in the post-Stalin Soviet Union. New York, Oxford U. P., 2019. Pp. XII-328 p. 5956. HAMILTON (Shane). Supermarket USA. Food and power in the Cold War farms race. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, X-277 p. 5957. HUNT FERGUSON (Robert). Remaking the rural south. Interracialism, christian socialism and cooperative farming in Jim Crow Mississippi. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2018, XIII-211 p. (Politics and culture in the twentieth-century south). 5958. JAREMSKI (Matthew), FISHBACK (Price V.). Did inequality in farm sizes lead to suppression of banking and credit in the late nineteenth century? Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 155-195. 5959. KOLENOVSKÁ (Daniela). Sino-Czechoslovak cooperation on agricultural cooperatives: the twinning project. Cold war history, 2018, 18, 3, p. 291-306. 5960. KUNI (Takeyuki). Kindai Nihon to nōsei: Meiji zenki no kannō seisaku. (The agricultural policy of modern Japan: policies for the encouragement of agriculture in the early Meiji period). Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2018, 394 p. 5961. LAMBRECHT (Thijs), WINTER (Anne). An old poor law on the Continent? Agrarian capitalism, poor taxes, and village conflict in eighteenth-century coastal
Flanders. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 11731198. 5962. LASCHI (Giuliana). Durable dans les attentes, non durable dans la réalité: le développement durable de la PAC à l'épreuve des faits, 1957–2008. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 31-58. 5963. LOCKLEY (Tim). The forming and fracturing of families on a South Carolina rice plantation, 1812– 1865. History of the family, 2018, 23, 1, p. 75-89. 5964. LOOSE (Rainer). Die Centralstelle des Württembergischen landwirtschaftlichen Vereins. Die Erneuerung von Landwirtschaft und Gewerben unter König Wilhelm I. von Württemberg (1817–1848). Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2018, XLV-530 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 221). 5965. LYMAN BUSHMAN (Richard). The American farmer in the eighteenth century. A social and cultural history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIII-366 p. 5966. MARK-THIESEN (Cassandra). Of vagrants and volunteers during Liberia's Operation Production, 1963– 1969. African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 147-172. 5967. OLNEY (Richard). Farming and society in north Lincolnshire: the Dixons of Holton-le-Moor, 1741–1906. Woodbridge, Boydell Press for Lincoln Record Society, 2018, XVIII-214 p. 5968. OTIS (Melissa). Rural indigenousness. A history of Iroquoian and Algonquian peoples of the Adirondacks. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2018, XIV-377 p. (The Iroquois and their neighbors series). 5969. ROSS JR (James D.). The rise and fall of the southern tenant farmers union in Arkansas. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2018, IX-166 p. 5970. ROTH (Matthew). Magic bean. The rise of soy in America. Lawrence. U. P. of Kansas, 2018, XI-356 p. (CultureAmerica). 5971. SABATINI (Gaetano), TORREGGIANI (Valerio). Agrarian interests, economic institutions and the role of the state. Fascist land reclamation projects and the intellectual trajectories of Arrigo Serpieri and Giuseppe Tassinari. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 3, p. 87-114. 5972. SIEGEL (Benjamin Robert). Hungry nation. Food, famine and the making of modern India. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 290 p. 5973. SMITH (S. D.), FORSTER (Martin). "The curse of the Caribbean"? Agency's impact on the productivity of sugar estates on St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1814–1829. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 472-499. 5974. TEASDALE (Guillaume). Fruits of perseverance. The French presence in the Detroit river region, 1701–1815. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, XIV220 p.
§ 6. Money and finance 5975. VAN MELKEBEKE (Sven). Divergence in rural development: the curious case of coffee production in the Lake Kivu region (first half twentieth century). African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 117-146.### 5976. VIVIAN (Daniel J.). A new plantation world. Sporting estates in the South Carolina lowcountry, 1900– 1940. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-351 p. (Cambridge studies on the American South). 5977. ZUCCHI (John). Mad flight? The Quebec emigration to the coffee plantations of Brazil. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, XV-205 p. (McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history). Cf. nos 4447, 6081, 6834, 7479 § 6. Money and finance. ______________________
5978. AĞIR (Seven). The rise and demise of Gedik markets in Istanbul, 1750–1860. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 133-156. 5979. AGNOLETTO (Stefano). At the origins of modern Italian capitalism. The debate on the "restorative crisis" of the 17th-century state of Milan. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 3, p. 9-42. 5980. ALI (Tariq Omar). A local history of global capital. Jute and peasant life in the Bengal Delta. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XV-244 p. (Histories of economic life). 5981. ÁLVAREZ-NOGAL (Carlos), CHAMLEY (Christophe). Refinancing short-term debt with a fixed monthly interest rate into funded juros under Philip II: an asiento with the Maluenda brothers. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1100-1117. 5982. AMARAL (Luciano). A monetary plethora and what to do with it: the Bank of Portugal during the Second World War and the postwar period (1931–60). Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 795-822. 5983. American capitalism. New histories. Ed. by Sven BECKERT and Christine DESAN. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, X-432 p. (Columbia studies in the history of U.S. capitalism). 5984. AMINI (Shima), TOMS (Steven). Accessing capital markets: aristocrats and new share issues in the British bicycle boom of the 1890s. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 231-256. 5985. ASSO (Pier Francesco), NEROZZI (Sebastiano). Preserving financial stability in times of crisis. A tale of two public banks: Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Banco di Sicilia, 1929–1940. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 2, p. 9-40.
ZINI e Roberto ROMANO. Bologna, il Mulino, 2018, 585 p. (Percorsi. Storia).
5988. BARNES (Victoria), NEWTON (Lucy). How far does the apple fall from the tree? The size of English bank branch networks in the nineteenth century. Business history, 2018, 60, 4, p. 447-473. 5989. BÁTIZ-LAZO (Bernardo). Cash and dash. How ATMs and computers changed banking. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 352 p. 5990. BENGTSSON (Erik), WALDENSTRÖM (Daniel). Capital shares and income inequality: evidence from the long run. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 712-743. 5991. BENKE (Gavin). Risk and ruin. Enron and the culture of American capitalism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 263 p. (American business, politics and society). 5992. BORDO (Michael D.). An historical perspective on the quest for financial stability and the monetary policy regime. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 319-357. 5993. BÖRJESSON (Angelica). (R)evolutionära idéer i förändring i svensk sjukförsäkringspolitik 1995-2015. (Les transformations de la politique de l'assurance-maladie en Suède entre 1995 et 2015: révolution ou continuité?). Göteborg, Göteborg universitet, Förvaltning högskolan, 2018, 366 p. (ill.). 5994. BORMANN (Patrick), SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim). Der Bank- und Börsenplatz Essen. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 576 p. (ill.). 5995. BRÜHWILER (Benjamin). Interweaving threads of credit and debt: Trading (through) textiles in colonial Dar es Salaam. Business history, 2018, 60, 4, p. 474-491. 5996. BUGGELN (Marc). Die Debatten um staatliche Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf den privaten Reichtum. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 3, p. 337-364. 5997. Cambio institucional y fiscalidad: Mundo hispánico, 1760–1850. Ed. por Michel BERTRAND y Zacarías MOUTOUKIAS. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, XI-431 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez). 5998. CAMPBELL (Gareth), QUINN (William), TUR(John D.), YE (Qing). What moved share prices in the nineteenth-century London stock market? Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 157-189. NER
5999. CAMPBELL (Gareth), TURNER (John D.), YE (Qing). The liquidity of the London capital markets, 1825–1870. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 823852.
5987. Banche e banchieri in Italia e in Svizzera: attività, istituzioni e dinamiche finanziarie tra XVI e XXI secolo. A cura di Giuseppe DE LUCA, Marcella LOREN-
6000. CERRETANO (Valerio). Multinational business and host countries in times of crisis: Courtaulds, Glanzstoff, and Italy in the interwar period. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 540-566.
5986. AVEYARD (Stuart), CORTHORN (Paul), O'CON(Sean). The politics of consumer credit in the UK, 1938–1992. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-254 p.
6001. CONTE (Giampaolo), SABATINI (Gaetano). Debt and imperialism in pre-protectorate Tunisia, 1867– 1870. A political and economic analysis. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 1, p. 9-32.### 6002. COSTA (Leonor Freire), ROCHA (Maria Manuela), BRITO (Paulo B.). The alchemy of gold: interest rates, money stock, and credit in eighteenth-century Lisbon. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 11471172. 6003. DAVIES (Hannah Catherine). Transatlantic speculations. Globalization and the panics of 1873. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, 226 p. 6004. DICKSON (P. G. M.). Count Karl von Zinzendorf on Joseph II's new taxation. English historical review, 2018, 133, 561, p. 323-350. 6005. EDWARDS (Sebastian). American default: the untold story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the battle over gold. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 278 p. 6006. Euro. Der Kampf der Wirtschaftskulturen. Hrsg. v. Markus K. BRUNNERMEIER, Harold JAMES und JeanPierre LANDAU. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 525 p. 6007. FARQUET (Christophe). Les banques suisses et la libéralisation financière. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 298-328. 6008. Fiskus – Verfassung – Freiheit. Politisches Denken der öffentlichen Finanzen von Hobbes bis heute. Hrsg. v. Sebastian HUHNHOLZ. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 366 p. (Staatsverständnisse, 111). 6009. FITZ-GIBBON (Desmond). Marketable values: inventing the property market in modern Britain. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, VI-240 p. 6010. FLEMING (Anne). City of debtors. A century of fringe finance. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 367 p. 6011. GEYER (Martin H.). Kapitalismus und politische Moral in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Oder: Wer war Julius Barmat? Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2018, 589 p. 6012. GOLD (Carol). Women in business in early modern Copenhagen, 1740–1835. Copenhagen. Museum Tusculanum Press; Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2018, 181 p. 6013. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.). Performance of the Florentine economy, 1494–1512: moneys and accountancy. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 656, p. 245-274. 6014. GRAHAM (Aaron). Corruption and contractors in the Atlantic World, 1754–1763. English historical review, 2018, 133, 564, p. 1093-1119. 6015. GREENSPAN (Alan), WOOLDRIDGE (Adrian). Capitalism in America: a history. New York, Penguin Press, 2018, 496 p. 6016. GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ (Pablo), ANDERSSON (Lars-Fredrik). Managing financial constraints: undercapitalization and underwriting capacity in Spanish fire
insurance. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 567592. 6017. HANLEY (Anne G.). The public good and the Brazilian state. Municipal finance and public services in São Paulo, 1822–1930. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XV-290 p. (Markets and governments in economic history). 6018. HANNAH (Leslie). The London Stock Exchange, 1869–1929: new statistics for old? Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1349-1356. 6019. HARRIS (Bob). Lottery adventuring in Britain, c.1710–1760. English historical review, 2018, 133, 561, p. 284-322. 6020. HORSNÆS (Helle W.), MOESGAARD (Jens Christian), MÄRCHER (Michael). Denar til Daler. Danmarks mønthistorie indtil 1550. (Du dinar au daler. Histoire monétaire du Danemark jusqu'à 1550). København, Danmarks Nationalbank, 2018, 528 p. (ill.). 6021. JÁUREGUI (Luis). Una nueva perspectiva sobre la fiscalidad de la primera república federal mexicana: el caso de la comisaría de Nuevo León, 1824–1835. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 2 (270), p. 509-555. 6022. KAUKO (Karlo). Did taxes, decrees or credibility drive money? Early nineteenth century Finland from a chartalist perspective. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 1, p. 73-90 6023. KENNY (Seán), LENNARD (Jason). Monetary aggregates for Ireland, 1840–1921. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1249-1269. 6024. KERSHAW (Paul V.). Averting a global financial crisis: the US, the IMF, and the Mexican debt crisis of 1976. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 292-314. 6025. KOBRAK (Christopher), MARTIN (Joe). From Wall Street to Bay Street. The origins and evolution of American and Canadian finance. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, X-401 p. 6026. KOSMETATOS (Paul). The 1772–73 British credit crisis. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXIV334 p. 6027. LAGNEAU-YMONET (Paul), RIVA (Angelo). Trading forward: the Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 257-280. 6028. LAK (Martijn). „Die Niederlande haben kein Interesse an einem von Armut geplagten, ausgehungerten Deutschland" Deutsch-niederländische Finanzbeziehungen 1945–1957. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 3, p. 692-732. 6029. LE BRIS (David). What is a market crash? Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 480-505. 6030. LEVY PECK (Linda). Women of fortune. Money, marriage and murder in early modern England. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-335 p.
§ 6. Money and finance
6031. LOWENHAUPT TSING (Anna). Der Pilz am Ende der Welt. Über das Leben in den Ruinen des Kapitalismus. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 445 p.###
6047. ROY (Tirthankar). A business history of India. Enterprise and the emergence of capitalism from 1700. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-298 p.
6032. MALIK (Hassan). Bankers & Bolsheviks: international finance and the Russian Revolution. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 318 p.
6048. SHARMA (Kamal R.), DIXIT (Mukund R.). Longevity challenges and leadership interventions: strategy journeys of two Indian banks. Business history, 2018, 60, 2, p. 178-201.
6033. MARCUS (Nathan). Austrian reconstruction and the collapse of global finance, 1921–1931. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, VIII-546 p. 6034. MASON (Mike). Turbulent empires: a history of global capitalism since 1945. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, X-329 p. 6035. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). Americký kongres a československé menové zlato 1980–1981. (The American Congress and Czechoslovak monetary gold 1980– 1981). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 701-724. 6036. MONNET (Eric). Controlling credit. Central banking and the planned economy in postwar France, 1948–1973. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXII327 p. (Studies in macroeconomic history). 6037. MORSELLI (Alessandro). The Italian pension system: a compact historical overview (1898–1970). Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 2, p. 241-254. 6038. MUÑOZ (José-María). Doing business in Cameroon. An anatomy of economic governance. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-224 p. (The international African library). 6039. NOSETTI (Pietro). Le secteur bancaire tessinois. Origines, crises et transformations (1861-1939). Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil, 2018, 573 p. 6040. OJO (Olatunji). Financial blues: the institutional adaptation of the Yoruba credit system, 1851–1900. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 17-36. 6041. OLDS (Kelly B.). The Taiwan tea boom - a financial glut. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1227-1248. 6042. PANI (Marco). Crisis and reform: the 1893 demise of "Banca Romana". Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 2, p. 173-240. 6043. PIETRANGELI (Giovanni). Sources for the study of postwar reconstruction in Italy: the export-import bank loan in the Intesa Sanpaolo group historical archives. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 2, p. 99-126. 6044. PULA (Besnik). Globalization under and after socialism. The evolution of transnational capital in Central and Eastern Europe. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, 258 p. (Emerging frontiers in the global economy). 6045. ROBIONY (Mario). The anatomy of a banking crisis. The case of the Catholic banks of the Veneto region in the late 1920s. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 3, p. 43-70. 6046. ROSE (Mark H.). Market rules: bankers, presidents, and the origins of the Great Recession. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, VII-253 p.
6049. SHAW (Daniel J.). The composition for Tithes Act of 1823: its revenue risk impacts across Ireland. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 1, p. 87148. 6050. SLATER (Martin). The national debt: a short history. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-322 p. 6051. SLOBODIAN (Quinn). Globalists. The end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism. Harvard, Harvard U. P., 2018, X-381 p. 6052. SOTIROPOULOS (Dimitris P.), RUTTERFORD (Janette). Individual investors and portfolio diversification in late Victorian Britain: how diversified were Victorian financial portfolios? Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 2, p. 435-471. 6053. STRANGIO (Donatella). The management requirements that inspired the European investment bank, 1957–1958. Journal of European economic history, 2018, 47, 1, p. 61-86. 6054. SWINSON (Chris). Regulation of the London stock exchange: share trading, fraud and reform 1914– 1945. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XIV-241 p. 6055. TANAKA (Hikaru). Mōhitotsu no kin'yū shisutemu: kindai Nihon to maikuro kurejitto. (Another financial system: modern Japan and microcredit). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 360 p. 6056. TUTINO (John). The Mexican heartland: how communities shaped capitalism, a nation, and world history, 1500–2000. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 499 p. 6057. VERHOEF (Grietjie). The power of your life: the Sanlam century of insurance empowerment, 1918– 2018. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXV-409 p. 6058. VOLCKART (Oliver). Bimetallism and its discontents. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 2, p. 201-220. 6059. VOLCKER (Paul), HARPER (Christine). Keeping at it: the quest for sound money and good government. New York, Public Affairs, 2018, 304 p. 6060. WASSERMAN (Martin). Las obligaciones fundamentales: crédito y consolidación económica durante el surgimiento de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2018, 341 p. 6061. WEBSTER (Ian). The Public Works Loan Board and the growth of the state in nineteenth-century England. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 887-908. 6062. WIXFORTH (Harald). Kriegseinsatz und Kriegsfolgen – der Norddeutsche Lloyd im Ersten Weltkrieg und in der Nachkriegsinflation. Vierteljahrschrift für
Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 3, p. 365390. 6063. Women and credit in pre-industrial Europe. Ed. by Elise M. DERMINEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, IX-364 p. 6064. YAMAMOTO (Koji). Taming capitalism before its triumph. Public service, distrust and "projecting" in early modern England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV-336 p. 6065. YAMAMOTO (Susumu). Chōsen kōki zaisei shi kenkyū: gunji shōgyō seisaku no tenkan. (A study of the fiscal history of the late Joseon dynasty: transformations in military and commercial policies). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2018, 242 p. 6066. ZAKIM (Michael). Accounting for capitalism. The world the clerk made. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 272 p. Cf. nos 2916, 2930, 2976, 3014, 3777, 4095, 4181, 4345, 6972, 7025, 7328 § 7. Demography and urban history. _______________________
6067. AKCAN (Esra). Open architecture. Migration, citizenship, and the urban renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA-1984/87. Basel, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2018, 406 p. 6068. ANDERSON (Michael). Scotland's populations from the 1850s to today. With mapping by Corinne ROUGHLEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIX-458 p. 6069. ANDERSSON (Martin). Migration i 1600-talets Sverige: Älvsborgs lösen 1613–1618. (Les migrations intérieures dans la Suède du 17e siècle à travers les registres de taxation pour l'indemnité de guerre 1613– 1618). Malmö, Universus Academic Press, 2018, 315 p. (ill.). (Södertörn doctoral dissertations, 158). 6070. ANDERSSON (Tomas). Göteborgs historia: porten mot väst. (Histoire de Göteborg, l'ouverture vers l'ouest). Lund, Historiska media, 2018, 301 p. (ill.). 6071. ANDREONI (Luca), GASPERONI (Michael). Histoire de la famille et démographie historique des juifs de l'antiquité à nos jours: approches historiographiques. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 536. 6072. BAILEY (Gauvin Alexander). Architecture and urbanism in the French Atlantic Empire: state, church, and society, 1604–1830. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, XVIII-620 p. (McGill-Queen's French Atlantic Worlds Series, 1).
mographic determinants of long-term developments in intergenerational proximity, The Netherlands 1650– 1899. History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 359-387. 6076. CASTENBRANDT (Helene). Trends in morbidity: national statistics on sickness claims among the working population in Sweden, 1892–1954. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 213-235. 6077. CONSONNI (Giancarlo). Milano: la Ricostruzione tradita. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 159, 2, p. 113134. 6078. CROCKETT (Karilyn). People before highways. Boston activists, urban planners and a new movement for city making. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, XVII-239 p. 6079. CROOKS (Katherine). 'Profits, savings, health, peace, order': prostitution, urban planning and imperial identity in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1898–1912. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 446-472. 6080. CRYMBLE (Adam), DENNETT (Adam), HITCH(Tim). Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 747-771. COCK
6081. DORNETTI (Filippo). Fushun-mi: urbanizzazione coloniale e sviluppo del distretto risicolo nella contea di Fushun (Provincia Liaoning, Cina) 1907–1938. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 159, 2, p. 55-82. 6082. ESTERRICH (Carmelo). Concrete and countryside: the urban and the rural in 1950s Puerto Rican culture. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XIX-207 p. (Illuminations: cultural formations of the Americas). 6083. FERTIG (Georg), SCHLÖDER (Christian), GEHR(Rolf), LANGFELDT (Christina), PFISTER (Ulrich). Das postmalthusianische Zeitalter: Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland, 1815–1871. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 1, p. 6-33.
6084. FLANAGAN (Maureen A.). Constructing the patriarchal city. Gender and the built environments of London, Dublin, Toronto and Chicago, 1870s into the 1940s. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2018, X-327 p. (Urban life, landscape and policy). 6085. FLINN (Catherine). Forgetful or purposeful? Memory and the remaking of place after the Blitz. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 61-86.
6073. BANDINELLI (Mattia). Meccamorfosi, la trasformazione della Mecca sotto la dinastia Sa'ud. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 53-70.
6086. FORD (Caroline). The Paris housing crisis and a social revolution in domestic architecture on the eve of the First World War. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 3, p. 580-620.
6074. BILENKY (Serhiy). Imperial urbanism in the borderlands Kyiv, 1800–1905. Toronto, Universityt of Toronto Press, 2018, 612 p.
6087. FOURCHARD (Laurent). Trier, exclure et policier: vies urbaines en Afrique du Sud et au Nigeria. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2018, 365 p.
6075. BOELE (Anita), STÖRMER (Charlotte), GEL(Corry), DE MOOR (Tine). Distant relatives? De-
6088. GERASIMOV (Ilya). Plebeian modernity. Social practices, illegality and the urban poor in Russia,
§ 7. Demography and urban history 1906–1916. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, IX-275 p. (Rochester studies in East and Central Europe). 6089. Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig. Band 3. Vom Wiener Kongress bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Susanne SCHÖTZ, und John UWE. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2018, 1096 p. 6090. GLAVATSKAYA (Elena), BOROVIK (Julia), THORVALDSEN (Gunnar). Urban infant mortality and religion at the end of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century: the case of Ekaterinburg, Russia. History of the family, 2018, 23, 1, p. 135-153. 6091. Global city makers. Economic actors and practices in the world city network. Ed. by Michael HOYLER, Christof PARNREITER and Allan WATSON. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2018, 224 p. 6092. GRINDER-HANSEN (Poul). Kronborg: fortællingen om et slot. (Kronborg: histoire d'un château). København, Gyldendal, Nationalmuseet, 2018, 478 p. (ill.). 6093. GÜNDOĞDU (Cihangir). The state and the stray dogs in late Ottoman Istanbul: from unruly subjects to servile friends. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 555-574. 6094. İNBAŞI (Mehmet), KUL (Eyüp). Balkanlarda bir Türk şehri: Üsküp: fetihten XVIII. yüzyıla kadar sosyal ve ekonomik tarihi. (A Turkish city in the Balkans: Skopje: XVIII century social and economic history). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2018, XVII-531 p. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları. IV/A-2-2.12 dizi, 19). 6095. IRLINGER (Mathias). Die Versorgung der "Hauptstadt der Bewegung". Infrastrukturen und Stadtgesellschaft im nationalsozialistischen München. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 432 p. (München im Nationalsozialismus, 5).
6101. LONG (Pamela O.). Engineering the eternal city. Infrastructure, topography and the culture of knowledge in late sixteenth-century Rome. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XI-369 p. 6102. LUNDH (Christer), ÖBERG (Stefan). Routes and determinants of leaving home: the city of Gothenburg, 1915–1943. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 260-289. 6103. MAC MAHON (Darrin M.). Illuminating the enlightenment: public lighting practices in the Siècle Des Lumières. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 119-159. 6104. MAKAREM (Hadi). From the Gulf to Amman via Beirut: transnational networks and neoliberal urban developments in the Arab world. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 15-28. 6105. MARKS (Monique), ERWIN (Kira), FLEETWOOD (Tamlynn). Voices of resilience: a living history of the Kenneth Gardens Municipal Housing Estate in Durban. With a photo essay by Cedric NUNN. Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu Natal Press, 2018, 319 p. 6106. MARTÍNEZ (Oscar J.). Ciudad Juárez. Saga of a legendary border city. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XI-330 p. 6107. MAZZUCOTELLI (Francesco), MAESTRI (Elena). Le città del mondo musulmano tra globalizzazione e autenticità. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 5-14. 6108. MAZZUCOTELLI (Francesco). Rigenerazione e trasformazione urbana nella Turchia contemporanea. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 95-114.
6096. ITŌ (Yukio). 'Dai-Kyōto' no tanjō: toshi kaizō to kōkyōsei no jidai: 1895–1931 nen. (The birth of 'Greater Kyoto': the age of urban reform and public interest: 1895–1931). Kyoto, Minerva Shobō, 2018, 548 p.
6109. Miestas, dvaras, kaimas: Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje ir Lenkijos karalystėje XVI-XVIII a. Lokalinės istorijos problemos, mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. (Town, manor, village: in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland in the 16th-18th centuries. Problems of local history, a collection of scientific articles). Ed. by Ramunė ŠMIGELSKYTĖ-STUKIENĖ. Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2018, 423 p. (ill., maps).
6097. KISIEL (Piotr Szczepan). Politics of space in Prussian and Austrian-Hungarian cities. Marburg, Verlag Herder-Institut, 2018, X-228 p. (Studien zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung, 40).
6110. MILLER (Shawn William). The street is ours. Community, the car and the nature of public space in Rio de Janeiro. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X345 p. (Cambridge Latin American studies).
6098. KUROKI (Hidemitsu). Human mobility and multiethnic coexistence in Middle Eastern urban societies 2: Tehran, Cario, Istanbul, Aleppo, and Beirut. Tokyo, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2018, 277 p.
6111. Montreal: the history of a North American City. Ed. by Dany FOUGÈRES and Roderick MAC LEOD. Montreal a. Kingston, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2018, L1454 p.
6099. LANZINGER (Margareth). Widowers and their sisters-in-law: family crises, horizontally organised relationships and affinal relatives in the nineteenth century. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 175-195. 6100. LARKHAM (Peter J.). Planning in Britain during and immediately after the Second World War: planners, processes and plans. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 35-60.
6112. MORTON (David). The shape of aspiration: clandestine masonry house construction in Lourenço Marques, Mozambique (1960–1975). Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 283-304. 6113. NAKAJIMA (Chieko). Body, society and nation. The creation of public health and urban culture in Shanghai. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XVI-312 p. (Harvard East Asian monograph series, 414). 6114. Neoliberalism and urban development in Latin America: the case of Santiago. Ed. by Camillo BOANO
and Francisco VERGARA PERUCICH. London, Routledge, 2018, XI-182 p. (Routledge advances in regional economics, science and policy). 6115. Neue Stadtgeschichte(n). Die Reichsstadt Frankfurt im Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Julia A. SCHMIDT-FUNKE und Matthias SCHNETTGER. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2018, 486 p. 6116. NUNOKAWA (Hiroshi). 'Kindai toshi' Hiroshima no keisei. (The making of Hiroshima as a 'modern city'). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 294 p. 6117. NYE (David E.). American illuminations. Urban lighting, 1800–1920. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2018, X-280 p. 6118. O'HANLON (Seamus). City life: the new urban Australia. Sydney, NewSouth Publishing, 2018, 240 p. 6119. Ordinary Jerusalem 1840–1940. Opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Ed. by Angelos DALACHANIS and Vincent LEMIRE. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, XXIV-591 p. (Open Jerusalem, 1). 6120. OWEN (Caleb Edwin). Recreating citizens: leisure, mobility, and urban status in late colonial Kenya. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 85-109. 6121. PANE (Andrea). "Ruins for remembrance": the debate about the bombed London City churches and its echoes in Italy. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 111148. 6122. PARK (Sun-Young). Ideals of the body. Architecture, urbanism and hygiene in Postrevolutionary Paris. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, XI372 p. (Culture, politics and the built environment). 6123. PAYER (Peter). Der Klang der Großstadt. Eine Geschichte des Hörens. Wien 1850–1914. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 313 p. 6124. PIOTROWSKA (Maria Ferenc). "Isle of death": the demographic grounds of social changes in the Warsaw ghetto. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 137-158. 6125. POETTERING (Jorun). Paradise for whom? Conservatism and progress in the perception of Rio de Janeiro's drinking-water supply, sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 703-727. 6126. RICKERT (Yvonne). Herrscherbild im Widerstreit: die Place Louis XV in Paris: ein Königsplatz im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, 424 p. (Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, 209). 6127. RINGEL (Felix). Back to the postindustrial future. An ethnography of Germany's fastest shrinking city [Hoyerswerda]. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, XIII219 p. (EASA series, 33). 6128. ROSENBAUM-FELDBRÜGGE (Matthias). Gender differences in response to family crisis: changes in household composition and migration of widowed parents with minor children in the Netherlands, 1863–1910. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 679-705.
6129. ROSS (Anna). Down with the walls! The politics of place in Spanish and German urban extension planning, 1848–1914. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 2, p. 292-322. 6130. ROUBAL (Petr). The crisis of modern urbanism under the socialist rule. Czech journal of contemporary history, 2018, 6, 6, p. 101-125. 6131. SALZMANN (Joshua A. T.). Liquid capital. Making the Chicago waterfront. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 234 p. (American business, politics and society). 6132. SCHLICHTING (Kurt C.). Waterfront Manhattan. From Henry Hudson to the high line. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XIII-229 p. 6133. SCHLUMBOHM (Jürgen). Family reconstitution before family reconstitution: historical demography in the context of racial science and racial policy. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 213-247. 6134. SIERRA SILVA (Pablo Miguel). Urban slavery in colonial Mexico. Puebla de los Ángeles, 1531–1706. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-226 p. 6135. SITTLER (David). Straßenverkehr und soziale Sichtbarkeit. Das Massenmedium Straße in Chicago 1900–1930. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 393 p. (Medien-, Sozial- und Technikgeschichte, 1). 6136. STACHEL (Peter). Mythos Heldenplatz. Hauptplatz und Schauplatz der Republik. Wien, Styria, 2018, 192 p. 6137. STANGL (Paul). Risen from ruins: the cultural politics of rebuilding East Berlin. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XIV-332 p. (Stanford studies on Central and Eastern Europe). 6138. STEPHENSON (Judy Z.). 'Real' wages? Contractors, workers, and pay in London building trades, 1650– 1800. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 106-132. 6139. SZOŁTYSEK (Mikołaj), PONIAT (Radosław). Historical family systems and contemporary developmental outcomes: what is to be gained from the historical census microdata revolution? History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 466-492. 6140. TOCCO (Francesco Paolo). L'Aquila: un'altra città dell'Italia delle altre città. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 655, p. 161-174. 6141. TSENG (Alice Y.). Modern Kyoto. Building for ceremony and commemoration, 1868–1940. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2018, XVII-269 p. (Spatial habitus. Making and meaning in Asia's architecture). 6142. Urbanizacijata na Skopje megu dvete svetski vojni. (The urbanization of Skopje between the two world wars). Izbor, vovek, predgovor i redakcija Lidija GURKOVSKA, Gabriela TOPUZOVSKA. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2018, 235 p. 6143. USNER (Daniel H.). American Indians in early New Orleans. From calumet to raquette. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, XXII-176 p.
§ 8. Social history 6144. VAN LOYEN (Ulrich). Neapels Unterwelt. Über die Möglichkeit einer Stadt. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 456 p.### 6145. VIDAL LUNA (Francisco), KLEIN (Herbert S.). An economic and demographic history of São Paulo, 1850–1950. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XXV-448 p. (Social science history). 6146. VILLANI (Luciano). Abitare nelle borgate romane: pratiche informali, modi d'uso e consumi dal secondo dopoguerra agli anni sessanta. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 159, 2, p. 135-166. 6147. VITZ (Matthew). A city on a lake. Urban political ecology and the growth of Mexico city. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XI-338 p. (Radical perspectives. A radical history review book series). 6148. WEISS (Holger). The European and Eurafrican population of the Danish forts on the eighteenth-century Gold Coast. African economic history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 3668. 6149. WILLIAMS (Christopher). Health and welfare in St. Petersburg, 1900–1941. Protecting the collective. New York, Routledge, 2018, 310 p. 6150. Windows upon planning history. Ed. by Karl Friedhelm FISCHER and Uwe ALTROCK. London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, 296 p. (ill.). 6151. XULU-GAMA (Nomkosi). Hostels in South Africa: spaces of perplexity. Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu Natal Press, 2018, 251 p. 6152. ZIGLIOLI (Bruno). La città italiana come spazio di costruzione identitaria, politica e culturale. Resoconto del seminario (Università di Bologna, 27 novembre 2017). Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 161, 4, p. 119-124.
6157. AHLBÄCK (Jutta). Tingens paria. Romers gårdfarihandel och artefakters betydelse under första hälften av 1900-talet. (The pariah of things. Roman pedlar trade and the importance of artefacts in the first half of the 20th century). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 2, p. 262-294. 6158. AILES (Mary Elizabeth). Courage and grief. Women and Sweden's 'Thirty Years' War. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, VII-224 p. (Early modern cultural studies). 6159. ALBERTI (Manfredi). The history of jobless Italy. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 1, p. 69-106. 6160. ALEXANDER (Rohan), WARD (Zachary). Age at arrival and assimilation during the age of mass migration. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 904937. 6161. ALMORZA HIDALGO (Amelia). "No se hace pueblo sin ellas": Mujeres españolas en el virreinato de Perú: Emigración y movilidad social (siglos XVI– XVII). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla y Diputación de Sevilla, 2018, 350 p. 6162. ARSENAULT (Raymond). Arthur Ashe. A life. New York, Simon and Schuster, 2018, XII-767 p. 6163. ARTUKKA (Topi). Konstruktionen av ett urbant sällskapsliv. Åbo Societetshus som centrum för societeten i början av 1800-talet. (The construction of an urban social life. Turku Societetshus as the center of society in the early 19th century). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2018, 103, 3, p. 395-427. 6164. ASSAEL (Brenda). The London restaurant, 1840–1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-239 p.
6153. ZYSIAK (Agata), ŚMIECHOWSKI (Kamil), PISKAŁA (Kamil), MARZEC (Wiktor), KAŹMIERSKA (Kaja), BURSKI (Jacek). From cotton and smoke. Łódź - indus-
6165. AUERBACH (Jeffrey A.). Imperial boredom. Monotony and the British Empire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-298 p.
Cf. no 6924
6166. AVDELA (Efi), GALLANT (Thomas), PAPADO(Nikolaos), PAPASTEFANAKI (Leda), VOGLIS (Polymeris). The social history of modern Greece: a roundtable. Social history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 105-125.
trial city and discourses of asynchronous modernity, 1897–1994. Kraków, Jagiellonian U. P., 2018, 308 p.
§ 8. Social history. ** 6154. BENKA (Peter). Mestské prísahy v Bardejove v ranom novoveku ako prameň kultúrnych a sociálnych dejín. (Town oaths at Bardejov in the early modern period as a source for cultural and social history). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 27-54. ** 6155. KAMIL (İbrahim). Bulgaristan Türkleri ve göçler: Bulgaristan Komünist Partisi gizli belgeleri, 1944–1989. (Bulgarian Turks and migrations: secret documents of the Bulgarian Communist Party, 1944–1989). Ankara, Atatürk Araştirma Merkezi Yayınları, 2018, 8 voll. (facs.).
6167. BARALE (Lorena). Fare confraria. Associazionismo laico e patrimonio comune a Torino tra Medioevo e prima età moderna. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 681-708. 6168. BARCELLA (Paolo). Per cercare lavoro: donne e uomini dell'emigrazione italiana in Svizzera. Roma, Donzelli, 2018, V-296 p. (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali).
6169. BAUGHAN (Emily). International adoption and Anglo-American internationalism, c.1918–1925. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 181-217.
6156. AAN DE STEGGE (Cecile), OOSTERHUIS (Harry). Psychiatric nursing in the Netherlands and Great Britain: class, status and gender in the making of a profession. Social history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 455-483.
6170. Bedöma och åtgärda fattigdom: om välfärdens skiljelinjer och samhällets yttersta skyddsnät. (Evaluer et remédier à la pauvreté: sur les différences sociales dans l'Etat-providence et les derniers filets de protection de
la société). Red. Hans SWÄRD. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2018, 263 p. (ill.).
tor in early modern Holland. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 437-463.
6171. BELLAVITIS (Anna), MARTINI (Manuela), SAR(Raffaella). What is work ? Gender at the crossroads of home, family, and business from the early Modern era to the present. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, VIII-389 p.
6182. BØNNELYCKE (Cecilie). Sædelighedsfejden. (La querelle sur les mœurs en 1887 au Danemark). Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2018, 100 p. (ill.). (100 danmarkshistorier).
6172. BENGTSSON (Erik), MISSIAIA (Anna), OLSSON (Mats), SVENSSON (Patrick). Wealth inequality in Sweden, 1750–1900. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 772-794. 6173. BENTON (Gregor), LIU (Hong). Dear China: emigrant letters and remittances, 1820–1980. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIV-286 p. 6174. BERG (Annika). De samhällsbesvärliga. Förhandlingar om psykopati och kverulans i 1930- och 1940-talens Sverige. (The socil troublemakers. Psychopats'and querulants' negotiations in 1930s and 1940s Sweden). Göteborg, Makadam förlag, 2018, 384 p. 6175. BERGMAN (Arvid). Född slav, död fri. Richard Abrahamsson och tidigt anlända afrikaners öden i Sverige. (Né esclave, mort libre. Richard Abrahamsson et le destin des premiers Africains arrivés en Suède). Stockholm, Stockholmia, 2018, 120 p. (ill.). 6176. BETZIEN (Petra). Krankenschwestern im System der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager. Selbstverständnis, Berufsethos und Dienst an den Patienten im Häftlingsrevier und SS-Lazarett. Frankfurt am Main, kula Verlag Edgar Bönisch, 2018, 599 p. (Pflegegeschichte, 1). 6177. Beyond liberation: new histories of sexuality in late modern Australia [Forum]. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 4, p. 437-492. [Contents: BONGIORNO (Frank). Introduction - new histories of sexuality. – ROBINSON (Sophie). 'The new lesbian sexual revolution': lesbian sex radicals in Sydney during the 1980s and 1990s. – BOUCHER (Leigh), REYNOLDS (Robert). Decriminalisation, apology and expungement: sexual citizenship and the problem of public sex in Victoria. – BAIRD (Barbara). Twenty-first century LGBTI activism in Australia: the limits of equality.] 6178. BIANCHI (Stefania). Annetta Cantoni Fontana. L'aristocrazia femminile dell'emigrazione nell'esercizio dei "poteri" quotidiani. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 108-127. 6179. BINDERNAGEL (Franka). Deutschsprachige Migranten in Buenos Aires. Geteilte Erinnerungen und umkämpfte Geschichtsbilder 1910–1932. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 271 p. (Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung, 34). 6180. BIUS (Joel R.). Smoke 'em if you got 'em. The rise and fall of the military cigarette ration. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2018, XII-302 p. 6181. BOELE (Anita), DE MOOR (Tine). 'Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care': a new perspective on the specialization in the elderly care sec-
6183. BOULET (Elsa). Before the baby comes. Working-class pregnancy, between renewed and accentuated relations of domination. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 30-49. 6184. BRACKE (Maud Anne). "Women's 1968 is not yet over": the capture of speech and the gendering of 1968 in Europe. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 753-757. 6185. BROSTRÖM (Lovisa), RAUHUT (Daniel). Poor men: on the masculinization of poverty in Sweden, 1957–1981. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 410-431. 6186. BROWN (John C.), GUINNANE (Timothy W.). Infant mortality decline in rural and urban Bavaria: fertility, economic transformation, infant care, and inequality in Bavaria and Munich, 1825–1910. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 853-886. 6187. BROWN (Karida L.). Gone home. Race and roots through Appalachia. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 252 p. 6188. BROWN (Keith M.), KENNEDY (Allan). Assimilation aborted: Henry Clerk and the limits of AngloScottish integration in the age of union. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 38, 2, p. 199-218. 6189. BRUCE-LOCKHART (Katherine). The archival afterlives of prison officers in Idi Amin's Uganda: writing social histories of the postcolonial state. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 245-274. 6190. BRUNET (Guy), KATEB (Kamel). L'Algérie des Européens au XIXe siècle. Naissance d'une population et transformation d'une société. Berne, Peter Lang, 2018, 372 p. – IIDEM. Les Espagnols dans la région d'Oran au milieu du XIXe siècle. Mariage, comportements matrimoniaux, liens familiaux et liens sociaux. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 81-112. 6191. BUCHNER (Moritz). Warum weinen? Eine Geschichte des Trauerns im liberalen Italien (1850–1915). Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, VIII-358 p. 6192. BUCUR (Maria). The century of women. How women have transformed the world since 1900. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, X-232 p. 6193. BULTEN (Luc), KOK (Jan), LYNA (Dries), RU(Nadeera). Contested conjugality? Sinhalese marriage practices in eighteenth-century Dutch colonial Sri Lanka. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 51-80. PESINGHE
6194. BUSTAMANTE OTERO (Luis). Matrimonio y violencia doméstica en Lima colonial (1795–1820). Lima, Universidad de Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018, 311 p. (Estudios históricos, 74).
§ 8. Social history 6195. CAPUANO (Christophe). Que faire de nos vieux? Une histoire de la protection sociale de 1880 à nos jours. Paris, Sciences Po les Presses, 2018, 345 p.### 6196. CASTRO CASO (Miriam). China en Cuba, herederos del Celeste Imperio. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2018, XV-429 p. 6197. CHAKRAVARTY (Dorthe). Husmor i en rationeringstid. Køkkenliv under besættelsen. (Maîtresse de maison à l'époque du rationnement. La vie des ménagères sous l'occupation allemande). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 288 p. 6198. CHAPPEL (James). Old Volk: aging in 1950s Germany, East and West. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 4, p. 792-833. 6199. CHAUVARD (Jean-François). Le mariage entre "Grecs" et "Latins" dans le monde vénitien. Gouvernement des minorités, discordes confessionnelles et convergences procédurales (fin XVIe–fin XVIIIe siècle). Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 179211. 6200. CHÁVEZ-GARCÍA (Miroslava). Migrant longing. Letter writing across the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XI-261 p. (The David J. Weber series in the new borderlands history). 6201. CHIANG (Connie Y.). Nature behind barbed wire. An environmental history of the Japanese American incarceration. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XV312 p. 6202. CHIBA (Yoshihiro). Shokuminchi shihai to toshi kūkan: Amerika tōchi shoki Manira no kōshū eisei. (Colonial control and spatial configuration: public health of Manila in the early American era). Tōnan Asia Kenkyū, 2018, 56, 1, p. 67-89. 6203. ÇIFTÇI (Erdal). Migration, memory and mythification: relocation of Suleymani tribes on the northern Ottoman-Iranian frontier. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 2, p. 270-288.
6208. COQUARD (Benoît). Being one of the gang. The group of friends as instance of legitimation for a rural working-class masculinity. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 50-69. 6209. CORBEIL (Laurent). The motions beneath: indigenous migrants on the urban frontier of New Spain. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, XI-273 p. 6210. CORBETT (Rebecca). Cultivating femininity. Women and tea culture in Edo and Meiji Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2018, X-189 p. 6211. COUSSEAU (Vincent). Les liens familiaux des esclaves à Saint-Domingue au XVIIIe siècle. L'exemple des habitations Galliffet (1774–1775). Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 21-49. 6212. COWAN (David). 'Modern' parenting and the uses of childcare advice in post-war England. Social history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 332-355. 6213. CRAMER (Lorinda), WITCOMB (Andrea). Remembering and fighting for their own: Vietnam veterans and the Long Tan Cross. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 1, p. 83-102. 6214. CRONIN (Stephanie). Bread and justice in Qajar Iran: the moral economy, the free market and the hungry poor. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 843877. 6215. CROSS (Gary p.). Machines of youth. America's car obsession. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, 227 p. (ill.). 6216. CROUZET-PAVAN (Élisabeth), VIGUEUR (JeanClaude Maire). Décapitées. Trois femmes dans l'Italie de la Renaissance. Paris, Albin Michel, 2018, 430 p. 6217. CROWSTON (Clare H.), KAPLAN (Steven Laurence), LEMERCIER (Claire). Les apprentissages parisiens aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Annales, 2018, 73, 4, p. 849-889. 6218. Cümhuriyyätä işiq saçan qadinlar, araşdirma yazilar toplusu. (Women shining in the republic, a collection of research papers). Ed. by Teymur ÄHMÄDOV. Bakı, Nurlar, 2018, 495 p.
6204. COATES (Oliver). "The war, like the wicked wand of a wizard, strikes me and carry away all that i have loved:" soldiers' family lives and petition writing in Ijebu, Southwestern Nigeria, 1943–1945. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 71-97.
6219. CUNILL (Caroline). Un mosaico de lenguas: los intérpretes de la Audiencia de México en el siglo XVI. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 1 (269), p. 7-48.
6205. COLLINS (Michael L.). A crooked river. Rustlers, rangers and regulars on the lower Rio Grande, 1861–1877. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XIV-345 p.
6220. DANKWAH (Kwaku Opoku), VALENTA (Marko). Mixed fragmented migrations of Iraqis and challenges to Iraqi refugee integration: the Jordanian experience. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 2, p. 253-269.
6206. COLPUS (Eve). Female philanthropy in the interwar world. Between self and other. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XIII-291 p. – EADEM. Women, service and self-actualization in inter-war Britain. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 197-232.
6221. DE HAAS (Michiel), FRANKEMA (Ewout). Gender, ethnicity, and unequal opportunity in colonial Uganda: European influences, African realities, and the pitfalls of parish register data. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 3, p. 965-994.
6207. CONTENTE (Claudia). Precariousness or prosperity? The diverse faces of widowhood in rural Buenos Aires during the nineteenth century. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 218-238.
6222. DEWAAL (Jeremy). Heimat as a geography of postwar renewal: life after death and local democratic identities in Cologne, 1945–1965. German history, 2018, 36, 2, p. 229-251.
6223. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Antonie). Zapomenuté kořeny. Nadace v českých zemích a v Československu před rokem 1951. (Forgotten roots. Foundations in the Czech Lands and in Czechoslovakia until 1951). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 1, p. 55-81. ### 6224. DORN (Raphael Emanuel). Alle in Bewegung. Räumliche Mobilität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1980–2010. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 397 p. (ill., tabs). (Nach dem Boom). 6225. DOYLE (Nora). Maternal bodies. Redefining motherhood in early America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-272 p.
Cambridge U. P., 2018, IX-226 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 6238. Femmes (Les) et la mer à l'époque moderne. Sous la dir. de Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER et Philippe HRODĚJ. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 266 p. (Histoire). 6239. Femmes à la cour de France. Charges et fonctions (XVe–XIXe siècle). Sous la dir. de Caroline zum KOLK et Kathleen WILSON-CHEVALIER. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 404 p.
6226. DRAY (Philip). The fair chase. The epic story of hunting in America. New York, Basic Books, 2018, XI-396 p.
6240. FERTIG (Christine). Stem families in rural northwestern Germany? Family systems, intergenerational relations and family contracts. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 196-217.
6227. DUNCAN (Stephen R.). The rebel café. SeXrace and politics in Cold War America's nightclub underground. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XII317 p.
6241. FIELD (Kendra Taira). Growing up with the country. Family, race and nation after the Civil War. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XXV-225 p. (The Lamar series in western history).
6228. EDWARDS (Peter). Horses and the aristocratic lifestyle in early modern England: William Cavendish, First Earl of Devonshire (1551–1626) and his horses. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XVI-256 p.
6242. FLACK (Andrew). The wild whithin: histories of a landmark British zoo. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XIII-258 p.
6229. EDWARDS (Tai S.). Osage women and empire. Gender and power. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, X219 p. 6230. EKBERG (Espen), JENSEN (Kristoffer). The nonglobalisation of modern food retailing: the case of the failed Coop Norden merger. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 2, p. 170-185. 6231. EL GAMMAL (Jean). Tables en vue. Trois âges de la gastronomie des années 1950 à nos jours. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 309 p. 6232. ELI (Shari), SALISBURY (Laura), SHERTZER (Allison). Ideology and migration after the American Civil War. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 822-861. 6233. Facing otherness in early modern Sweden: travel, migration and material transformations, 1500– 1800. Ed. by Magdalena NAUM and Fredrik EKENGREN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 367 p. 6234. FAHNENBRUCK (Laura). Ein(ver)nehmen. Sexualität und Alltag von Wehrmachtssoldaten in den besetzten Niederlanden. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, 474 p. (L'Homme Schriften. Reihe zur Feministischen Geschichtswissenschaft, 24). 6235. FALK (Francesca). Gender innovation and migration in Switzerland. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 103 p. (Palgrave studies in migration history, 4). 6236. FEATHERSTONE (Lisa). Look the other way: dealing with child sexual abuse outside of institutions in 1980s Australia. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 3, p. 290-306. 6237. FELL (Alison S.). Women as veterans in Britain and France after the First World War. New York,
6243. FLAMEIN (Richard). La société fluide. Une histoire des mobilités sociales (XVIIe–XIXe siècle). Preface by Michel BIARD. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 353 p. (Histoire). 6244. Fluchtpunkt Hamburg. Zur Geschichte von Flucht und Migration in Hamburg von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Nele Maya FAHNENBRUCK und Johanna MEYER-LENZ. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 259 p. (Histoire, 124). 6245. FÖLLMER (Moritz). The unscripted revolution: male subjectivities in Germany, 1918–1919. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 161-192. 6246. FORD (Eileen). Childhood and modernity in Cold War Mexico city. London, Oxford, New York, New Delhi a. Sydney, Bloomsbury, 2018, 240 p. 6247. FORMAN CRANE (Elaine). The poison plot. A tale of adultery and murder in colonial Newport. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XI-257 p. 6248. FOTI (Rita Loredana). "Tra piante e libri primi". Territorio, scrittura e diritti di una signoria ecclesiastica (Monreale, secc. XV–XVII). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 709-738. 6249. FRANCO (Rosaria). Chinese refugee children and empires: the politics of international adoptions in Cold War Hong Kong. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 579-601. 6250. Fremdplatziert. Heimerziehung in der Schweiz, 1940–1990. Hrsg. v. Martin LENGWILER, Thomas GABRIEL und Gisela HAUSS. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 352 p. 6251. FRIZZERA (Francesco). Cittadini dimezzati. I profughi trentini in Austria-Ungheria e in Italia (1914– 1919). Bologna, il Mulino, 2018, 279 p. (Quaderni dell' Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 101).
§ 8. Social history 6252. Gendered temporalities in the Early Modern World. Ed. by Merry WIESNER-HANKS. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2018, 285 p. (Gendering the late Medieval and early Modern world).### 6253. GERMETEN (Nicole von). Profit and passion. Transactional sex in colonial Mexico. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, X-235 p. 6254. Geschichte des Nicht-Essens. Verzicht, Vermeidung und Verweigerung in der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Norman ASELMEYER und Veronika SETTELE. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 353 p. (Historische Zeitschrift. Neue Folge, 73). 6255. GILL-PETERSON (Julian). Histories of the transgender child. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2018, X-262 p. 6256. GIOVANNETTI-TORRES (Jorge L.). Black British migrants in Cuba. Race, labor and empire in the twentieth-century Caribbean, 1898–1948. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVIII-305 p. (Cambridge studies on the African diaspora). 6257. GIRINSHUTI (Maïla Kocher). Collaboration conjugale à l'aune des écrits personnels dans l'espace romand protestant (1750–1830). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 91-107. 6258. GOLDEN (Janet). Babies made us modern. How infants brought America into the twentieth century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-268 p. 6259. GOURDON (Vincent), RUGGIU (François-Joseph). Mariages, unions informelles, métissages: au cœur des sociétés coloniales. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 11-20. 6260. GRAYDON (Michael E.). "We had become a community": gays of Ottawa (go) and the birth of community, 1971–1977. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 4, p. 594-622. 6261. GRAYSON (Donald K.). Sex and death on the western emigrant trail. The biology of three American tragedies. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 2018, XV-246 p. 6262. GREENHALGH (Charlotte). Aging in twentieth-century Britain. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIII-262 p. (Berkeley series in British studies). 6263. GRIEVE (Victoria M.). Little cold warriors. American childhood in the 1950s. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-205 p. 6264. GRIFFIN (Emma). Diets, hunger and living standards during the British industrial revolution. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 71-111. 6265. GUZZI-HEEB (Sandro). What has the 'first sexual revolution' to do with kinship transition? 'Kin marriages' and illicit sexuality in nineteenth-century Alpine Switzerland. History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 388407.
6266. HAIDARALI (Laila). Brown beauty. Color, sex and race from the Harlem renaissance to World War II. New York, New York U. P., 2018, X-335 p. 6267. HÅKANSSON (Peter), KARLSSON (Tobias). På spaning efter springpojken: Ungdomsjobb och sociala nätverk vid sekelskiftet 1900. (Searching for the errand boy: youth jobs and social networks at the turn of the nineteenth century). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 1, p. 33-62. 6268. HANDLEY (Sasha). Voix de femmes, cruauté maritale et histoires de fantômes dans l'Angleterre du XVIIIe siècle. Revue historique, 2018, 688, 4, p. 837868. 6269. HARLEY (Joseph). Consumption and poverty in the homes of the English poor, c. 1670–1834. Social history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 81-104. 6270. HASEGAWA (Mayuho). Kinsei Furansu no hō to shintai: kyōku no onna tachi ga sanba o erabu. (Parish women and their right to choose a midwife in early modern France). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 496 p. 6271. HEINEMANN (Isabel). Wert der Familie. Ehescheidung, Frauenarbeit und Reproduktion in den USA des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, XIII-534 p. (Family Values and Social Change, 3). 6272. HEISSENBERGER (Stefan). Schwuler* Fußball. Ethnografie einer Freizeitmannschaft. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 382 p. (Queer Studies). 6273. HEISZ (Tommy). Den spanske syge: da historiens mest dødbringende epidemi kom til Danmark. (La grippe espagnole: quand l'épidémie la plus mortifère frappa le Danemark). København, Politikens forlag, 2018, 382 p. (ill.). 6274. HEMMINGS (Clare). Considering Emma Goldman. Feminist political ambivalence and the imaginative archive. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, X-291 p. (Next wave. New directions in women's studies). 6275. HERBERT (Christopher). Gold rush manliness. Race and gender on the Pacific slope. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2018, X-269 p. (Emil and Kathleen Sick series in Western history and biography). 6276. HERZOG (Dagmar). Lust und Verwundbarkeit. Zur Zeitgeschichte der Sexualität in Europa und den USA. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 283 p. (Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vorträge und Kolloquien, 24). 6277. HESSE (Hermann W.), YARAK (Larry W.). A tale of two "returnee" communities in the Gold Coast and Ghana: Accra's Tabon and Elmina's ex-soldiers, 1830s to the Present. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 2, p. 197-217. 6278. HEYWOOD (Colin). Childhood in modern Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-286 p. (New approaches to European history, 56).
6279. HILEVYCH (Yuliya), RUSTERHOLZ (Caroline). 'Two children to make ends meet': the ideal family size, parental responsibilities and costs of children on two sides of the Iron Curtain during the post-war fertility decline. History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 408-425. 6280. HILJE QUIRÓS (Brunilda), TORRES HERNÁN(Margarita). La inmigración alemana a Costa Rica en el siglo XIX 1840–1900. Alajuela, Editorial Universidad Técnica Nacional, 2018, XIII-293 p.
6281. Historical perspectives on divorce and union dissolution in the Nordic Countries. Intr. by Glenn SANDSTRÖM and Ólöf GARÐARSDÓTTIR. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 1-185. [Contents: SANDSTRÖM (Glenn), GARÐARSDÓTTIR (Ólöf). Long-term perspectives on divorce in the Nordic Countries – Introduction. – ROSENBECK (Bente). Liberalization of divorce. No-fault divorce in Denmark and the Nordic countries in the early 20th century. – JOHANSEN (Hanne Marie). The history of divorce politics in Norway. Continuity and change. – SAARIMÄKI (Pasi). Bourgeois women and the question of divorce in Finland in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. – GARÐARSDÓTTIR (Ólöf), BJÖRNSDÓTTIR (Brynja). The implications of divorce in late 19th- and early 20th-century Iceland. – MALINEN (Antti). Marriage guidance, women and the problem(s) of returning soldiers in Finland, 1944–1946. – BERGENHEIM (Sophy). From pronatalism to salvaging relationships. The Finnish Population and Family Welfare League's conceptions of marriage and divorce, 1951–1988. – SANDSTRÖM (Glenn). The breakthrough of a post-materialistic marital ideology. The discussion of divorce in Swedish newspapers during the 1960s.] 6282. HMÍROVÁ (Tereza). Komparace vysídlení Čechů z pohraničí 1938–1939 a poválečného odsunu Němců z Československa. (The comparison of the displacement of Czechs from borderland 1938–1939 and the post-war transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia). Historický obzor: časopis pro výuku dějepisu a popularizaci historie, 2018, 29, 3, p. 74-90. 6283. HOLOM (Elena Crinela), SORESCU-IUDEAN (Oana), HĂRĂGUȘ (Mihaela). Beyond the visible pattern: historical particularities, development, and age at first marriage in Transylvania, 1850–1914. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 329-358. 6284. HONECK (Mischa). Our frontier is the world. The boy scouts in the age of American ascendancy. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XVI-374 p. 6285. HOPKIN (David). Cinderella of the Breton polders: suffering and escape in the notebooks of a young, female farm-servant in the 1880s. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 121-163. 6286. HORNE (Gerald). Facing the rising sun. African Americans, Japan and the rise of Afro-Asian solidarity. New York, New York U. P., 2018, V-227 p. (American crossroads). 6287. HOULBROOKE (Ralph). Love and dishonour in Elizabethan England: two families and a failed marriage. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XX-272 p.
6288. HOY (Benjamin). Policing morality: regulating sexuality across the Canada-United States border. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 1, p. 30-62. 6289. HUEBNER (Andrew J.). Love and death in the Great War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, IX-390 p. 6290. HUFFMAN (James L.). Down and out in late Meiji Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2018, XI-349 p. 6291. HUGGINS (Mike). Horse racing and British Society in the long eighteenth century. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2018, VII-316 p. 6292. HURET (Romain D.). The experts' war on poverty. Social research and the welfare agenda in Postwar America. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 246 p. (American institutions and society). 6293. IBSON (John). The mourning after. Loss and longing among midcentury American men. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, XVIII-260 p. 6294. Inolvidable (La) edad. Jóvenes en la Costa Rica del siglo XX. Ed. por Iván MOLINA JIMÉNEZ and David DÍAZ ARIAS. San José, Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018, 238 p. 6295. INOUYE (Daniel H.). Distant islands. The Japanese American community in New York city, 1876– 1930s. Foreword by David M. REIMERS. Boulder, U. P. of Colorado, 2018, XXI-363 p. (The George and Sakaye Aratani Nikkei in the Americas series). 6296. ISHII (Kae). Denwa kōkanshu wa naze 'on'na no shigoto' ni nattanoka: gijutsu to jendā no Nichi Doku hikaku shakai shi. (Why did the telephone operator become a 'woman's job'? A Japanese-German comparative social history of technology and gender). Kyoto, Minerva Shobō, 2018, 432 p. 6297. ISHIZAKA (Naotake). Kunan to shinsei: Itaria Runesansu-ki no kokushibyō. (Suffering and mentality: the Black Death in the Italian Renaissance). Tokyo, Tōsui Shobō, 2018, 544 p. 6298. ISMAY (Penelope). Trust among strangers. Friendly societies in modern Britain. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-217 p. 6299. ITŌ (Izumi). Yokohama kakyō shakai no keisei to hatten: bakumatsu kaikō-ki kara Kantō daishinsai fukko ki made. (The formation and development of the Chinese society in Yokohama: from the period of treaty port to the reconstruction after the Great Kanto earthquake). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 520 p. 6300. JACKSON (Will). An unmistakable trace of colour: racializing children in segregation-era Cape Town, 1908–1933. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 165195. 6301. JAKOB (Mark). Familienbilder. Sozialer Wandel, Wissenschaft und Familienpolitik in der BRD 1954–1982. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2018, XVI-362 p. 6302. JANSEN (Jan C.). Flucht und Exil im Zeitalter der Revolutionen. Perspektiven einer atlantischen Flücht-
§ 8. Social history lingsgeschichte (1770er–1820er Jahre). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 4, p. 495-525. 6303. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.). Broken lives: how ordinary Germans experienced the 20th century. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XVI-446 p. 6304. JARZEBOWSKI (Claudia). Kindheit und Emotion. Kinder und ihre Lebenswelten in der europäischen Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, IX343 p. 6305. Jenseits der "Volksgruppe". Neue Perspektiven auf die Russlanddeutschen zwischen Russland, Deutschland und Amerika. Hrsg. v. Victor DÖNNINGHAUS, Jannis PANAGIOTIDIS und Hans-Christian PETERSEN. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 284 p. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 68). 6306. JORIS (Elisabeth), NICOLI (Miriam). Räume weiblicher Machtgestaltung (18./19. Jahrhundert). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 85-90. 6307. KALA (Eyüp Sabri). Osmanlı sosyal güvenlik hukuku (1865–1923): sosyal güvenlik mevzuatı ve sosyal sigortaların kuruluşu. [Ottoman social security law (1865–1923): social security legislation and establishment of social insurances]. İstanbul, hiperyayın, 2018, 143 p. 6308. KALEMA (Emery M.). Scars, marked bodies, and suffering: the Mulele 'rebellion' in postcolonial Congo. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 263282.
tieth century). Hrsg. v. Ulrika TORELL, Jenny LEE und Roger QVARSELL. Stockholm, Nordiska museets förlag, 2018, 351 p. (Nordiska museets handlingar, 143). 6317. KORINEK (Valerie J.). Prairie fairies. A history of queer communities and people in Western Canada, 1930–1985. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XIII-507 p. (Studies in gender and history). 6318. KUCHENBUCH (David). Ein Atavismus der Hochmoderne? Die Sommerzeit als "social engineering" (1907–1980). Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 307, 1, p. 1-41. 6319. KUKLO (Cezary). Old people in Polish cities in the late eighteenth century. History of the family, 2018, 23, 3, p. 446-465. 6320. KVAM (Vegard), TVEITEN (Asbjørn). "…uden Hensyn til Forældrenes Villie". Om vergerådslovens pedagogikk i et foreldrerettsperspektiv. ("…without Consideration for the Parents' Volition"). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 1, p. 40-58. 6321. LEE (Sangkuk), YOO (Jane). The unexpected effect of social status on reproduction: a case study in Joseon Korea from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries. History of the family, 2018, 23, 1, p. 109-134. 6322. LEFKOVITZ (Alison). Strange bedfellows. Marriage in the age of women's liberation. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 273 p. (Politics and culture in modern America).
6309. KALIFA (Dominique). Paris. Une histoire érotique, d'Offenbach aux Sixties. Paris, Payot, 2018, 286 p.
6323. LEWIS (Joshua). Infant health, women's fertility, and rural electrification in the United States, 1930– 1960. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 118154.
6310. KELLER (Eva). Verschlossene Türen zur Macht? Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 151-168.
6324. LEW-WILLIAMS (Beth). The Chinese must go. Violence, exclusion and the making of the alien in America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 349 p.
6311. KELLER (Marion). Pionierinnen der empirischen Sozialforschung im Wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018, 444 p. (Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft, 8).
6325. LINDQUIST DORR (Lisa). A thousand thirsty beaches. Smuggling alcohol from Cuba to the south during prohibition. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XI-299 p.
6312. KELLY (Tara Kathleen). The hunter elite. Manly sport, hunting narratives and American conservation, 1880–1925. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, 342 p.
6326. LINDSKOOG (Carl). Detain and punish. Haitian refugees and the rise of the world's largest immigration detention system. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 2018, XI-206 p.
6313. Kindheiten im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Francesca WEIL, André POSTERT und Alfons KENKMANN. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2018, 568 p. 6314. KIPPEN (Rebecca), MAC CALMAN (Janet). Parental loss in young convicts transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), 1841–53. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 656-678. 6315. KOBAN (Miriam). Hin und nicht mehr zurück. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 39-63. 6316. Köket. Rum för drömmar, ideal och vardagsliv under det långa 1900-talet. (Kitchen. A space for dreams, ideals, and everyday life during the long twen-
6327. LIVESAY (Daniel). Children of uncertain fortune. Mixed-race Jamaicans in Britain and the Atlantic family, 1733–1833. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2018, XVII-411 p. 6328. LOMBARDI (Daniele). Dalla dogana alla taverna. Il vino a Roma alla fine del Medioevo e gli inediti Statuta comunitatis artis tabernariorum Alme Urbis Rome (1481–1482). Pref. di Luciano PALERMO. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2018, 491 p. 6329. LONG (Jason), SIU (Henry). Refugees from dust and shrinking land: tracking the Dust Bowl mi-
grants. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 4, p. 1001-1033. 6330. LORENZO RÍO (María Dolores). El análisis de la pobreza y la campaña contra la mendicidad en la Ciudad de México, 1929–1931. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 4 (268), p. 1677-1724. 6331. LUCHTERHAND (Elmer). Einsame Wölfe und stabile Paare. Verhalten und Sozialordnung in den Häftlingsgesellschaften nationalsozialistischer Konzentrationslager. Hrsg. v. Andreas KRANEBITTER und Christian FLECK. Wien, new academic press, 2018, 285 p. (Mauthausen-Studien, 11). 6332. MAC ENANEY (Laura). Postwar. Waging peace in Chicago. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, VIII-272 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 6333. MACALLAN (Helen). 'Pommy Town': remembering the Lysaght workers' estate in Australia. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 72-94. 6334. MACKNIGHT (Elizabeth C.). Nobility and patrimony in Modern France. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XII-292 p. (Studies in Modern French history). 6335. MACNAMARA (Trent). Birth control and American modernity. A history of popular ideas. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-308 p. 6336. MAGINA (Livia). Nuptialia festa agebantur: invitaţia de nuntă, sursă primară pentru istoria socială a Transilvaniei princiare. (Nuptialia festa agebantur: wedding invitation, primary source for the social history of princely Transylvania). Banatica, 2018, 28, p. 549-560. 6337. MALCOLM (Elizabeth), HALL (Dianne). A new history of the Irish in Australia. Sydney, NewSouth Press, 2018, 448 p.
6343. MATTHEWS (Scott L.). Capturing the South. Imagining America's most documented region. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV312 p. (Documentary arts and culture). 6344. MEIER ZU SELHAUSEN (Felix), VAN LEEUWEN (Marco H. D.), WEISDORF (Jacob L.). Social mobility among Christian Africans: evidence from Anglican marriage registers in Uganda, 1895–2011. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1291-1321. 6345. Men, masculinities and male culture in the Second World War. Ed. by Linsey ROBB and Juliette PATTINSON. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXII218 p. 6346. Menschen korrigieren. Fürsorgerische Zwangsmassnahmen und Fremdplatzierungen im Kanton Zürich bis 1981. Hrsg. v. Beat GNÄDINGER und Verena ROTHENBÜHLER. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 288 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 6347. MILLER (Jennifer A.). Turkish guest workers in Germany. Hidden lives and contested borders, 1960s to 1980s. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XII-271 p. (German and European studies, 28). 6348. MILLER SOMMERVILLE (Diane). Aberration of mind. Suicide and suffering in the Civil War–era South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-429 p. 6349. MILLS (Richard). The politics of football in Yugoslavia. Sport, nationalism and the state. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XXVI-390 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 95). 6350. MINTO (David). Perversion by penumbras: Wolfenden, Griswold, and the transatlantic trajectory of sexual privacy. American historical review, 2018, 123, 4, p. 1093-1121.
6338. MANCINI (Giulia). Gender; female work; labor force participation; Italy; 1861–2011. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 1, p. 3-68.
6351. MOLINDER (Jakob). Why did Swedish regional net migration rates fall in the 1970s? The role of policy changes versus structural change, 1945–1985. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 1, p. 91-115.
6339. MARLY (Mathieu). Making your bed to be a man. Gender, class, and housework routine in Belle Époque military barracks. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 929.
6352. MOLNAR (Christopher A.). Memory, politics and Yugoslav migrations to postwar Germany. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, XI-235 p.
6340. MARTINO borderlands of the Hill, University of 215 p. (The David lands history).
(Gina M.). Women at war in the early American Northeast. Chapel North Carolina Press, 2018, XIIIJ. Weber series in the new border-
6341. MARX FERREE (Myra). Feminismen. Die deutsche Frauenbewegung in globaler Perspektive. Frankfurt, Campus, 2018, 368 p. (Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse). 6342. MATAUSCHEK (Isabella). Lokales Leid - Globale Herausforderung. Die Verschickung österreichischer Kinder nach Dänemark und in die Niederlande im Anschluss an den Ersten Weltkrieg. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 320 p.
6353. MORIKAWA (Tomoko). Isou no shinseishi: shīa ha isurām shakai ni okeru shisha no seichi junrei. ('Corpse Traffic' and burial rituals in the Shi'ite Islamic society). Hikaku Bunmei, 2018, 33, p. 27-44. 6354. Morts avant de naître: la mort périnatale. Sous la dir. de Philippe CHARRIER, Gaëlle CLAVANDIER, Vincent GOURDON, Catherine ROLLET, Nathalie Sage PRANCHÈRE. Tours, Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2018, 437 p. 6355. MUIR (Angela Joy). Courtship, sex and poverty: illegitimacy in eighteenth-century Wales. Social history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 56-80. 6356. NAKAMURA (Eri). Sensō to torauma: fukashika sareta Nihon-hei no sensō shinkeishō. (The Asia-Pacific
§ 8. Social history War and its trauma: how the war neurosis of the Japanese soldiers was hidden). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 330 p. 6357. NAKANISHI (Satoru), FUTAYA (Tomoko). Kindai Nihon no shōhi to seikatsu sekai. (Consumption and the daily lives in modern Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 424 p. 6358. National politics and sexuality in transregional perspective. The homophobic argument. Ed. by Achim ROHDE, Christina von BRAUN and Stefanie SCHÜLERSPRINGORUM. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, 208 p. 6359. NEWMAN (Brooke N.). A dark inheritance. Blood, race and sex in colonial Jamaica. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XII-340 p. 6360. NEWTON (Hannah). Misery to mirth. Recovery from illness in early Modern England. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-272 p. 6361. NIEDBALSKI (Johanna). Die ganze Welt des Vergnügens. Berliner Vergnügungsparks der 1880er bis 1930er Jahre. Berlin, be.bra Verlag, 2018, 480 p. (ill.). 6362. NISHIDA (Mieko). Diaspora and identity. Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2018, XIV-294 p. 6363. NOBBS-THIESSEN (Ben). Reshaping the Chaco: migrant foodways, place-making, and the Chaco War. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 579611. 6364. NORÉN (Fredrik). '6 to 8 slices of bread'. Swedish health information campaigns in the 1970s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 233-259. 6365. NØRGÅRD (Inger Lyngdrup). The role of charity in public relief, 1708–1871: Copenhagen as case. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 260283. 6366. Nuevas aproximaciones a la historia social en México, siglo XX [Dossier]. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 2 (270), p. 657-783. [Contenido: BARBOSA CRUZ (Mario). Trabajo y empleo público en la ciudad de México, siglos XIX y XX. Presentación. – PULIDO ESTEVA (Diego). Trabajo, clase y prácticas policiales en las comisarías de la ciudad de México, 1870–1920. – LORENZO RÍO (María Dolores). Las trabajadoras sociales en la década de 1930. Asistir a los pobres y servir al Estado. – BARBOSA CRUZ (Mario). Capacitación y posición social de los empleados públicos de la ciudad de México a comienzos del siglo XX.] 6367. O'BRIEN (Anne). National shame/national treasure: narrating homeless veterans in Australia 1915–1930s. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 2, p. 167-183
6370. OPPIZZI (Martino). "Endogamie et mixité à l'épreuve de la modernisation: l'évolution des pratiques de mariage au sein de la population juive livournaise de Tunisie entre XIXe et XXe siècles". Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 83-105. 6371. OSHIKIRI (Taka). Gathering for tea in modern Japan. Class, culture and consumption in the Meiji period. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VII-161 p. (SOAS studies in modern and contemporary Japan). 6372. ŌTOSHI (Tetsuya). Ejiputo shisha no machi to seibo sankei: musurimu to hi musurimu no Ejiputo shakai shi. (A city of the dead in Egypt and the pilgrimage to the mausoleums: an Egyptian social history of the Muslims and the non-Muslims). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 552 p. 6373. OWNBY (Ted). Hurtin' words. Debating family problems in the twentieth-century South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-334 p. (New directions in southern studies). 6374. PAIVA (Diogo), DE MATOS (Paulo Teodoro), FONSECA (Miguel). To stay or to migrate: siblings and life transitions in 19th century Ribeira Seca, Azores. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 568-593. 6375. PARK (Heejin), HAN (Sangwoo), KYE (Bongoh). Changes in child mortality in Korea during the mid-twentieth century: gender, birth order and sibling composition. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 594622. 6376. PATTIEU (Sylvain). Citizen migrants, vacationing migrants. The vacation-trips of the French Bureau for Migration from Overseas Departments (BUMIDOM), 1965–1980. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 70-91. 6377. PEDRINI (Diego), DUBBINI (Lucia). The accidental smothering of infants between the sixteenth and seventeenth century through the case of the diocese of Jesi. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 159-177. 6378. PÉREZ (Erika). Colonial intimacies. Interethnic kinship, sexuality and marriage in southern California, 1769–1885. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XII-396 p. (Before gold. California under Spain and Mexico, 5). 6379. PÉREZ (Lisandro). Sugar, cigars and revolution. The making of Cuban New York. New York, New York U. P., 2018, 399 p. 6380. PERLMANN (Joel). America classifies the immigrants. From Ellis Island to the 2020 census. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 464 p. (ill., tabs).
6368. OLIVOS LOMBANA (Andrés). Prostitución y 'mujeres públicas' en Bogotá, 1886–1930. Bogota, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018, 308 p. (ill.).
6381. PERROT (Sandrine), OWACHI (Gerald). The biometric registration of "Others". Negotiated indigenousness, citizenship, and the struggle for papers of the Maragoli community in Uganda. Genèses, 2018, 113, 4, p. 122-143.
6369. OLSON GUSTAFSON (Anita). Swedish Chicago. The shaping of an immigrant community, 1880–1920. DeKalb, Cornell U. P., 2018, 214 p.
6382. PETROVA (Nina Konstantinovna). Zhenshchiny Velikoĭ Otechestvennoĭ voĭny. (Women of the Great patriotic War). Moskva, Veche, 2018, 692 p. (ill.).
6383. PEZO (Edvin). Emigration and policy in Yugoslavia: dynamics and constraints within the process of Muslim emigration to Turkey during the 1950s. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 2, p. 283-313.### 6384. PHILLIPS (Murray G.). Isolated, monitored and controlled: sport, Aborigines and the protection era. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 2, p. 203-220. 6385. PICCINI (Jon). 'Women are a colonised sex': Elizabeth Reid, human rights and International Women's Year 1975. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 3, p. 307-323.
and composition on infant and child mortality in the Netherlands, 1863–1910. History of the family, 2018, 23, 4, p. 623-655. 6398. RIVASPLATA VARILLAS (Paula Ermila). Agua y vida, salud pública en Lima colonial 1535–1821. Lima, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, [2018], 620 p. (ill., maps, facs.). 6399. RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ (Nathaly). De Cuauhtemotzín a las cervecerías. El control oficial del homoerotismo masculino y la construcción estratégica de la geografía disidente, ciudad de México, 1930–1951. Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 1 (269), p. 111-176.
6386. POOLEY (Colin G.), JONES (Tim), JONES (Heather), SPENCER (Ben), CHATTERJEE (Kiron). Family formation and everyday travel in Britain since c. 1850. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 290-306.
6400. ROSSIGNEUX-MÉHEUST (Mathilde). Vies d'hospice. Vieillir et mourir en institution au XIXe siècle. Paris, Champ Vallon, 2018, 392 p.
6387. PORHEL (Vincent). Givaudan-France: contestation sociale et environnementale en contexte de crise (1979–1981). Le mouvement social, 2018, 262, p. 55-68.
6401. RUTZ (Andreas). Auswandererforschung im Nationalsozialismus. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 1, p. 34-63.
6388. PORTER (Susie S.). From angel to office worker. Middle-class identity and female consciousness in Mexico, 1890–1950. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XVI-351 p.
6402. SAINI (Raminder K.). 'England failed to do her duty towards them': the India office and pauper Indians in the metropole, 1857–1914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 226-256
6389. POSER (Anita von). Affective lives im vietnamesischen Berlin. Eine emotionsanthropologische Perspektive auf Zugehörigkeiten, Alter(n) und (Im-)Mobilität. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 285311.
6403. Saint-Empire (Le), histoire sociale (XVIe– XVIIIe siècle). Ed. par Falk BRETSCHNEIDER et Christophe DUHAMELLE. Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 2018, 316 p. (Bibliothèque allemande).
6390. POSTERT (André). Kinderspiel, Glücksspiel, Kriegsspiel. Große Geschichte in kleinen Dingen 1900– 1945. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2018, 381 p.
6404. SAITUA IDARRAGA (Iker). "Distilling spirits". Inmigrantes vascos, cultura de la bebida y prohibición en el estado de Nevada, 1910-1920. Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 45-65.
6391. PRAZ (Anne-Françoise), AVVANZINO (Pierre), CRETTAZ (Rebecca). Les murs du silence. Abus sexuels d'enfants plaçés à l'institut Marini. Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil, 2018, 228 p.
6405. SAKIESTEWA GILBERT (Matthew). Hopi runners. Crossing the terrain between Indian and American. Lawrence. U. P. of Kansas, 2018, XVII-276 p. (CultureAmerica).
6392. REISS (Matthias). Controlling sex in captivity. POWs and sexual desires in the United States during the Second World War. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 231 p.
6406. SÁNCHEZ-BARRICARTE (Jesús J.). Trends in the proportion of married women of reproductive age in Spain, 1887–1991. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 239-259.
6393. RENSINK (Brenden W.). Native but foreign. Indigenous immigrants and refugees in the North American borderlands. Foreword by Sterling EVANS. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2018, XV-300 p. (Connecting the greater West).
6407. SCHÄFER-RICHTER (Uta). Hinter Schloss und Riegel. An der Wiege zur Freiheitsstrafe – das "Zuchtund Tollhaus" zu Celle in seinen Gründungsjahren (1706–1732). Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 96 p.
6394. REYNAUD (Bénédicte). The double enigma of unemployment in Great Britain, 1880–1931. Genèses, 2018, 111, 2, p. 114-136.
6408. SCHECK (Raffael). Collaboration of the heart: the forbidden love affairs of French prisoners of war and German women in Nazi Germany. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 2, p. 351-382.
6395. RICE (Mark). Making Machu Picchu. The politics of tourism in twentieth-century Peru. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XVI-233 p.
6409. SCHEIDEL (Walter). Nach dem Krieg sind alle gleich. Eine Geschichte der Ungleichheit. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018, 687 p.
6396. RIMNER (Steffen). Opium's long shadow. From Asian revolt to global drug control. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, X-373 p. 6397. RISWICK (Tim). Testing the conditional resource-dilution hypothesis: the impact of sibship size
6410. SCHLUMBOHM (Jürgen). Verbotene Liebe, verborgene Kinder. Das Geheime Buch des Göttinger Geburtshospitals 1794–1857. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 192 p. (Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 296).
§ 8. Social history 6411. SCHMÄHL (Winfried). Alterssicherungspolitik in Deutschland. Vorgeschichte und Entwicklung von 1945 bis 1998. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XXXI1151 p.### 6412. SEJIMA (Haruhiko). 'Bīton-sha no kaseisho' to sono jidai: 'shiawase no katachi' o motomete. ('Beeton's book of household management' and its age: in search of a 'form of happiness'). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018, 302 p. 6413. SENTILLES (Renée M.). American tomboys, 1850–1915. Amherst. University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, XVIII-258 p. (Childhoods. Interdisciplinary perspectives on children and youth). 6414. SHĀHSAVĀRĀNĪ (Vaḥīd). Bandahʹdārī dar dawrah-i Qājār, barʹrasī-i bāstānʹshinākhtī-i niẓām-i bandahʹdārī dar dawrah-i mutiʼakhkhir-i Islāmī. (Slavery in the Qajar period: an archaeological study of the slavery system in the late Islamic period). Tihrān, Pizhūhishgāh-i Mīrās̲ -i Farhangī, Ṣanāyi'-i Dastī va Gardishgarī, 2018, 159 p. 6415. SHELLER (Mimi). Mobility justice. The politics of movement in an age of extremes. New York, Verso, 2018, 240 p. 6416. SHILLIAM (Robbie). Race and the undeserving poor; from abolition to brexit. Newcastle upon Tyne, Agenda Publishing, 2018, XIV-209 p. 6417. SHINBO (Atsuko). Nihon senryōka no Chūgoku Musurimu: Kahoku oyobi Mōkyō ni okeru minzoku seisaku to joshi kyōiku. (The Muslims in China under the Japanese occupation: the ethnic-minority policy and women's education of the North-China and Mongol military governments). Tokyo, Waseda U. P., 2018, 384 p. 6418. SINIAWER (Eiko Maruko). Waste. Consuming postwar Japan. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, X-398 p. 6419. ŠMIDT (Viktorija Rudol'fovna). Eugenics and female embodiment in Czechoslovak public campaigns during the 1960s and 1970s. Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder, 2018, 58, 1, p. 109-127. 6420. SMITH (Jean P.). From promising settler to undesirable immigrant: the deportation of British-born migrants from mental hospitals in interwar Australia and South Africa. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 502-523. 6421. SNAPE (Robert). Leisure, voluntary action, and social change in Britain, 1880–1939. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XII-244 p. 6422. Soldgeschäfte, Klientelismus, Korruption in der Frühen Neuzeit. Zum Soldunternehmertum der Familie Zurlauben im schweizerischen und europäischen Kontext. Hrsg. v. Kaspar von GREYERZ, André HOLENSTEIN und Andreas WÜRGLER. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2018, (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit). 6423. SOLTERBECK (Sven). Blaues Blut und rote Zahlen. Westfälischer Adel im Konkurs 1700–1815. Müns-
ter, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 455 p. (Internationale Hochschulschriften, 653). 6424. SPIEKERMANN (Uwe). Künstliche Kost. Ernährung in Deutschland, 1840 bis heute. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 948 p. (Umwelt und Gesellschaft, 17). 6425. STOBART (Jon), PRYTZ (Cristina). Comfort in English and Swedish country houses, c.1760–1820. Social history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 234-258. 6426. STOOPS (Jamie). The thorny path. Pornography in early twentieth-century Britain. Montreal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2018, XII-294 p. 6427. SUEMORI (Haruka). 18 seiki zenhan no Ēge chihō ni okeru bokkōki no 'Āyān': 'hizoku' Sarubeiouru Musutafa no jirei kara. (The rise of the 'A'yan' in the Aegean Sea region during the first half of the eighteenth century: the case of 'bandit' Saribeyoglu Mustafa). Tōyō Gakuhō, 2018, 100, 1, p. 1-26. 6428. SWAIN (Shurlee). What price a child? Commodification and Australian adoption practice 1850– 1950. History of the family, 2018, 23, 1, p. 1-19. 6429. TAKAHASHI (Sanami). Sovieto Roshia no seinaru keikan: shakaishugi taiseika no shūkyō bunkazai, tsūrizumu, nashonarizumu. (Sacred landscape of Soviet Russia: religious heritage, tourism and nationalism under the socialist regime). Sapporo, Hokkaido U. P., 2018, 460 p. 6430. THOMAS (Keith). In pursuit of civility: manners and civilization in early modern England. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2018, XVIII-356 p. (Menahem Stern Jerusalem lectures). 6431. THOMSEN VIERRA (Sarah). Turkish Germans in the Federal Republic of Germany. Immigration, space and belonging, 1961–1990. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-269 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 6432. TISSEAU (Violaine). Au creux de l'intime. Familles et sociabilités de l'entre-deux à Madagascar pendant la période coloniale (1896–1960). Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 135, 1, p. 113-140. 6433. TIZZONI (Elisa). Versilia: sviluppo turistico e trasformazioni del paesaggio fra ottocento e novecento. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 159, 2, p. 83-112. 6434. TORTORICI (Zeb). Sins against nature. Sex and archives in colonial New Spain. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XV-327 p. 6435. TRÆNGBÆK (Else). Olympiske kvinder: om topsport og kvindeliv gennem 100 år. (Femmes olympiques: femmes danoises et sport de haut niveau depuis un siècle). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 206 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, 578). 6436. Turismhistoria i Norden. (Histoire du tourisme en Scandinavie). Red. Wiebke KOLBE, Anders GUSTAVSSON. Uppsala, Kungl. Gustav Adolfs akademien
för svensk folkkultur, 2018, 299 p. (ill.). (Acta academiæ regiæ Gustavi Adolphi, 150). 6437. TWOHIG (Peter L.). The second "great transformation": renegotiating nursing practice in Ontario, 1945– 70. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 2, p. 169-195. 6438. UEDA (Takako). Hōten no kindai: imin shakai ni okeru shōkai, kigyō, zendō. (Modernity in Fengtian: merchant associations, industry and charity in immigrant community). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018, 378 p. 6439. UPPENBERG (Carolina). I husbondens bröd och arbete: kön, makt och kontrakt i det svenska tjänstefolkssystemet 1730–1860. (Le travail et le pain du maître: sexe, pouvoir et contrat dans le système suédois de la domesticité entre 1730 et 1860). Göteborg, Avdelning för ekonomisk historia, 2018, 313 p. (Gothenburg Studies in Economic History, 20). 6440. Venskab og fjendskab i Danmark og Tyskland i det 19; og 20. århundrade. Festskrift til Karl Christian Lammers i anledning af hans 75 års fødselsdag 4. September 2018. (Amitié et inimitié au Danemark et en Allemagne aux 19e et 20e siècles. Mélanges offerts à Karl Christian Lammers à l'occasion de son 75e anniversaire le 4 septembre 2018). Red. Rasmus MARIAGER, Niklas OLSEN. København, Den Danske Historiske Forening, 2018, 335 p. 6441. VINSON III (Ben). Before mestizaje. The frontiers of race and caste in colonial Mexico. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-284 p. (Cambridge Latin American studies, 105). 6442. VU (Milkie). 'Ménages irréguliers': interracial liaisons in colonial Indochina, 1905–1938. History of the family, 2018, 23, 1, p. 154-174. 6443. WALD (Erica). Governing the bottle: alcohol, race and class in nineteenth-century India. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 397417. 6444. WALLACH SCOTT (Joan). Sex and secularism. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XIII-235 p.
6450. WIELL (Karolina). Bad mot lort och sjukdom. Den privathygieniska utvecklingen i Sverige 1880–1949. (Le bain contre la crasse et la maladie. Le développement de l'hygiène privée en Suède de 1880 à 1949). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2018, 259 p. (Uppsala Studies in Economic History, 116). 6451. WILLS (Clair). Lovers and strangers: an immigrant history of post-war Britain. London, Penguin Books, 2018, XXII–441 p. 6452. WINDHEUSER (Jeannette). Geschlecht und Heimerziehung. Eine erziehungswissenschaftliche und feministische Dekonstruktion (1900–heute). Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 342 p. (Historische Geschlechterforschung, 1). 6453. WORBOYS (Michael), STRANGE (Julie-Marie), PEMBERTON (Neil). The invention of the modern dog. Breed and blood in Victorian Britain. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, VIII-282 p. 6454. YUZAWA (Noriko). Ibukuro no kindai: shoku to hitobito no nichijō shi. (Stomachs in modern Japan: an everyday history of popular diet). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 354 p. 6455. ZANONI (Elizabeth). Migrant marketplaces. Food and Italians in North and South America. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XII-273 p. 6456. ZELINGER (Amir). Menschen und Haustiere im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Eine Beziehungsgeschichte. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 401 p. (Human-Animal Studies). 6457. ZINN (Alexander). "Aus dem Volkskörper entfernt?" Homosexuelle Männer im Nationalsozialismus. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 695 p. 6458. Zwischen Erinnerung und Aufarbeitung. Zwangsmassnahmen an Minderjährigen in der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Béatrice ZIEGLER, Gisela HAUSS und Martin LENGWILER. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 240 p.
6445. WATERLOW (Jonathan). It's only a joke, comrade! Humour, trust and everyday life under Stalin 1928–1941. Oxford, CreateSpace, 2018, XXI-285 p.
Cf. nos 121-147, 636, 4551, 4946, 5303, 5883, 6491, 7892
6446. WATKINS (Emma D.). Juvenile convicts and their colonial familial lives. History of the family, 2018, 23, 2, p. 307-328.
** 6459. JAMES (Winston). Letters from London in black and red: Claude McKay, Marcus Garvey and the Negro world. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 281-293.
6447. WATKINS III (Jerry T.). Queering the Redneck Riviera. Sexuality and the rise of Florida tourism. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 2018, XII-188 p.
** 6460. Türkiye Komünist Partisi yayınlarında Kürtler. (Kurds in Turkish Communist Party publications). Ed. by Fevzi KARADENIZ. İstanbul, Belge Yayınları, 2018, 454 p. (Türkiye incelemeleri dizisi).
6448. WEBSTER (Wendy). Mixing it. Diversity in World War Two Britain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-317 p. 6449. WEYDNER (Sara). Reproductive rights and reproductive control. Family planning, internationalism, and population control in the international planned parenthood federation. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 1, p. 135-161.
§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism.
6461. AHLSKOG (Jonas), KAIHOVIRTA (Matias), WICKSTRÖM (Mats). Nationen i klasskampen: Minoritetsnationalism inom den socialistiska arbetarrörelsen. (Nation and class struggle: minority nationalism in the 20th-century socialist labour movement). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 3, p. 452-479.
§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism 6462. "Arise ye wretched of the earth". The First International in a global perspective. Ed. by Fabrice BENSIMON, Deluermoz QUENTIN and Jeanne MOISAND. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 418 p. (Studies in global social history).### 6463. BAUER (Matthias). Die transnationale Zusammenarbeit sozialistischer Parteien in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Eine Analyse der außenpolitischen Kooperations- und Vernetzungsprozesse am Beispiel von SPD, SFIO und Labour Party. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2018, 457 p. (Parlamente in Europa, 6). 6464. BLISSETT (Ed). Fatally divided? An analysis of the role micro-political divisions played in the trade unions' loss of the 1986–1987 News International dispute. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 571-592. 6465. BÖSE (Christian). Kartellpolitik im Kaiserreich. Das Kohlensyndikat und die Absatzorganisation im Ruhrbergbau 1893–1919. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, XII, 335 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 21). 6466. CARRIERI (Mimmo). A redesigning of bargaining? Trade union relations in the Italian public sector. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 105-119. 6467. CENTO (Michele), FERRARI (Roberta). Il socialismo ai margini: classe e nazione nel Sud Italia e in Irlanda. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 236 p. (Collana della Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vagno, 1). 6468. CLARK (Daniel J.). Disruption in Detroit. Autoworkers and the elusive postwar boom. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XI-243 p. (The working class in American history).
6475. DUNSWORTH (Edward). Race, exclusion, and archival silences in the seasonal migration of tobacco workers from the Southern United States to Ontario. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 4, p. 563-593. 6476. EITEL (Florian). Anarchistische Uhrmacher in der Schweiz. Mikrohistorische Globalgeschichte zu den Anfängen der anarchistischen Bewegung im 19. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 630 p. (Histoire, 113). 6477. Engagement (L') des femmes des classes populaires en France depuis 1945. Le mouvement social, 2018, 265, p. 3-141. [Contenu: Éditorial. – HAYES (Ingrid), DELLA SUDDA (Magali). Femmes, engagement et classes populaires. Une histoire vivante. – DERMENJIAN (Geneviève). Femmes dans le mouvement familial: un militantisme populaire et genré (1935–1957). – LOISEAU (Dominique). L'Union des femmes françaises pendant les Trente Glorieuses: entre "maternalisme", droit des femmes et communisme. – MATHIEU (Lilian). La Confédération syndicale des familles: une enquête régionale. – HAYES (Ingrid), YON (Karel). Ressorts et limites d'une prise de conscience féministe dans les conflits du travail (Roubaix, années 1970). – MEURETCAMPFORT (Eve). Le rapport au genre et à la classe de militantes syndicales ouvrières: deux voies d'émancipation. – PERROT (Michelle). L'émergence de l'histoire des femmes dans l'après-68. – DEBOUZY (Marianne). Point de vue. L'endettement des étudiants: un cas américain?] 6478. ENLI (Gunn), SYVERTSEN (Trine), MJØS (Ole J.). The welfare state and the media system. The role of media and communications in the evolution and transformation of Scandinavian welfare states. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 5, p. 601-623.
6469. COLE (Peter). Dockworker power. Race and activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay area. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2018, XIII-286 p. (The working class in American history).
6479. FERRARESI (Alfredo Luis), GALASSO (Norberto). Historia: de los trabajadores argentinos: 1857–2018. Buenos Aires, Colihue, 2018, 385 p.
6470. CONNOLLY (Jonathan). Indentured labour migration and the meaning of emancipation: free trade, race, and labour in British public debate, 1838–1860. Past and present, 2018, 238, p. 85-119.
6480. GARNER (Jason), BENCLOWICZ (José). The only solution is revolution: the Spanish Confederación Nacional de Trabajo and the problem of unemployment in Republican Spain, 1931–1933. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 375-397.
6471. DAVIS (Madeleine). 'Among the Ordinary People': new Left involvement in working-class political mobilization 1956–68. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 133-159. 6472. DEL MORAL VARGAS (Marta). Ciudadana Zetkin: comunidades trasnacionales del movimiento de mujeres socialistas (España y Alemania, 1904–1923). Historia social, 2018, 90, p. 67-84. 6473. DELALANDE (Nicolas). Une histoire désenclavée du syndicalisme ouvrier. Le mouvement social, 2018, 264, p. 3-13. 6474. "Deutsche Arbeit". Kritische Perspektiven auf ein ideologisches Selbstbild. Hrsg. v. Felix AXSTER und Nikolas LELLE. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 287 p. (Studien zu Ressentiments in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2).
6481. GILL-MAC LURE (Whyeda), THÖRNQVIST (Christer). Reconstructing resistance and renewal in public service unionism in the twenty-first century: lessons from a century of war and peace. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 3-14. 6482. GILL-MAC LURE (Whyeda). Adaptation, evolution and survival? The political economy of Whitleyism and public service industrial relations in the U.K. 1917–present. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 15-37. 6483. Grève génerale (La) de 1918 en Suisse. Histoire et répercussions. Sous la dir. de Jean-Claude RENNWALD et Adrian ZIMMERMANN. Neuchâtel, Alphil, 2018, 157 p. (Focus, 25). 6484. GROCOTT (Chris), STOCKEY (Gareth), GRADY (Jo). Reformers and revolutionaries: the battle for the
working classes in Gibraltar and its hinterland, 1902– 1921. Labor history, 2018, 59, 6, p. 692-719. 6485. HAKA (Manajurula). Pūrba Bāṃlāra sāta daśakera Kamiunisṭa rājanīti. (Seven decades of communist politics in East Bengal). Ḍhākā, Aitihya, 2018, 295 p. 6486. HORDT (Arne). Kumpel, Kohle und Krawall. Miners' Strike und Rheinhausen als Aufruhr in der Montanregion. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 309 p. (ill.). (Nach dem Boom). 6487. HYMAN (Louis). Temp. How American work, American business and the American dream became temporary. New York, Viking Press, 2018, 400 p. 6488. IMLAY (Talbot C.). The practice of socialist internationalism. European socialists and international politics, 1914–1960. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 496 p. 6489. JI (Minsun). The worker cooperative movement in South Korea: from radical autonomy to state-sanctioned accommodation. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 415-436. 6490. Justice sociale (La) dans un monde global: L'Organisation internationale du travail (1919–2019). Le mouvement social, 2018, 263, p. 3-163. [Contenu: Éditorial. – KOTT (Sandrine). La justice sociale dans un monde global. L'Organisation internationale du travail (1919–2019). – L'OIT et la production d'un savoir social et économique. – DHERMY-MAIRAL (Marine). L'unification du mouvement coopératif au Bureau international du travail: la "révolution silencieuse" d'Albert Thomas. – PIGUET (Laure). La justice sociale par les statistiques ? Le cas des accidents d'attelage des wagons de chemins de fer (1923–1931). – LOUIS (Marieke). Le parent pauvre de la gouvernance économique mondiale ? L'OIT face aux crises de 1929 et de 2008. – La justice sociale pour toutes et tous ? – LESPINET-MORET (Isabelle). Promouvoir la santé au travail comme droit social (1919–1940) ? – HIDALGO-WEBER (Olga). Femmes britanniques et pratiques internationales de justice sociale dans la première moitié du XXe siècle. – THÉBAUD (Françoise). Le genre de l'OIT. Place des femmes dans les organes représentatifs, hiérarchie sexuée des emplois et politiques genrées de justice sociale. – Universalisme, justice sociale et développement. – PLATA-STENGER (Véronique). L'OIT et le problème du sous-développement en Asie dans l'entre-deux-guerres. – ZARAGORI (Aurélien). L'OIT, le Saint-Siège et les milieux catholiques africains et latino-américains dans les années 1950 et 1960. – KOTT (Sandrine). OIT, justice sociale et mondes communistes. Concurrences, émulations, convergences. – Entretien. – SUPIOT (Alain). De l' "esprit de Philadelphie" à la responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises]
6493. KHAN (Rohma A.). Cab fair: taxi driving and South Asian labor activism in New York City, 1985– 1999. Labor history, 2018, 59, 6, p. 676-691. 6494. KRÜGER (Dieter). Das Stinnes-Legien-Abkommen 1918–1924. Voraussetzungen, Entstehung, Umsetzung und Bedeutung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 342 p. 6495. Labor and labor migration in state socialism. Intr. by Alena K. ALAMGIR. Labor history, 2018, 59, 3, p. 271-374. [Contents: ALAMGIR (Alena K.). Labor and labor migration in state socialism. – BAHOVADINOVA (Malika). The 'mobile proletariat': the production of proletariat labor on a Soviet construction site. – BURKUSH (Kateryna). On the forest front: labour relations and seasonal migration in 1960s–80s. – SAYFUTDINOVA (Leyla). Mapping the mobility of Azerbaijani Soviet engineers: linking West and East? – SPASKOVSKA (Ljubica). Building a better world? Construction, labour mobility and the pursuit of collective self-reliance in the 'global South', 1950–1990. – SCHENCK (Marcia C.). A chronology of nostalgia: memories of former Angolan and Mozambican worker trainees to East Germany.] 6496. Labour and the left in the 1980s. Ed. by Jonathan DAVIS, Rohan MAC WILLIAM. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 248 p. 6497. LACHMANN (Hannes). Die "Ungarische Revolution" und der "Prager Frühling". Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte zweier Reformbewegungen zwischen 1956 und 1968. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 571 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 49). 6498. LADEMACHER (Horst von). Die Illusion vom Frieden. Die zweite Internationale wider den Krieg 1889–1919. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 658 p. 6499. Landesstreik (Der) 1918. Krisen, Konflikte, Kontroversen. [= La Grève générale de 1918. Crises, conflits, controversies]. Hrsg. v. Patrick AUDERSET, Florian EITEL, Marc GIGASE, Daniel KRÄMER, Matthieu LEIMGRUBER, Malik MAZBOURI, Marc PERRENOUD und François VALLOTTON. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 328 p. (ill.). 6500. Landesstreik (Der). Die Schweiz im November 1918. Hrsg. v. Roman ROSSFELD, Christian KOLLER und Brigitte STUDER. Baden, Hier und Jetzt, 2018, 456 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 6501. LANZA (Andrea). Carpentieri in sciopero. Una lotta operaia nella Parigi del 1845 e i suoi significati politici. Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 157, p. 195-226.
6491. KENNY (Bridget). Retail worker politics, race and consumption in South Africa. Shelved in the service economy. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XV-282 p.
6502. Letzten (Die) Generalsekretäre. Kommunistische Herrschaft im Spätsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Martin SABROW und Susanne SCHATTENBERG. Berlin, Christoph Links, 2018, 279 p. (Kommunismus und Gesellschaft).
6492. KEREN (Célia). Quand la CGT [Confédération Générale du Travail] faisait de l'humanitaire: l'accueil des enfants d'Espagne (1936–1939). Le mouvement social, 2018, 264, p. 15-39.
6503. LLANOS JACINTO (Oscar Daniel). Explotadores de la esperanza, el declive de la influencia anarquista en el movimiento social peruano (1919–1933). Lima, Editorial Apátrida, 2018, 570 p.
§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism 6504. MARESCHAL (Patrice M.). Public sector unions, democracy, and citizenship at work. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 38-53.### 6505. MARINELLO BONNEFOY (Juan Cristóbal). La crisis de 1917 en Francia, Italia y Portugal: actores sociales y culturas políticas. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 4967. 6506. MILLER (Jennifer A.). Turkish guest workers in Germany. Hidden lives and contested borders, 1960s to 1980s. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XII-271 p p. (German and European studies, 29). 6507. MINCHIN (Timothy J.). Labor rights are civil rights: inter-racial unionism and the struggle to unionize Nissan in Canton, Mississippi. Labor history, 2018, 59, 6, p. 720-745. 6508. MOSES (Julia). The first modern risk. Workplace accidents and the origins of European social states. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-319 p. (Studies in legal history). 6509. Movimiento obrero (El) y las izquierdas en América Latina: experiencias de lucha, inserción y organización. Ed. por Hernán CAMARERO y Martín MANGIANTINI. (Historia y ciencias sociales). Raleigh, Editorial A Contracorriente, 2018, 506 p.
in Bangladesh, 1947–1971). Ḍhākā, Jātīẏa Sāhitya Prakāśa, 2018, 127 p. 6519. REID (Donald). Opening the gates. The Lip affair, 1968–1981. London, Verso, 2018, XVI-492 p. 6520. RIVERA MIR (Sebastián). Los trabajadores de los Talleres Gráficos de la Nación. De las tramas sindicales a la concentración estatal (1934–1940). Historia mexicana, 2018, 68, 2 (270), p. 611-656. 6521. RØNNING (Ole Martin). Kulturkampen som endte i heksejakt. Sosialistisk Kulturfront 1935–1937. (The culture battle that ended in a witch hunt. Socialist cultural front 1935–1937). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 2, p. 115-131. 6522. ROSENTHAL (Gregory). Beyond Hawai'i. Native labor in the Pacific world. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XI-305 p. 6523. ROUBAN (Luc). The road to anomie: the rise and decline of public service unions in France. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 54-70. 6524. SARKAR (Aditya). Trouble at the mill: factory law and the emergence of the labour question in late nineteenth-century Bombay. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2018, 359 p.
6510. MUDGE (Stephanie L.). Leftism reinvented: Western parties from socialism to neoliberalism. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XXX-524 p.
6525. SCHMICK (Ethan). Collective action and the origins of the American labor movement. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 3, p. 744-784.
6511. MURPHY (Colm). Rival imagined communities in the Dublin lockout of 1913. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 184-204.
6526. SCHMIDT (Jürgen). Brüder, Bürger und Genossen. Die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung zwischen Klassenkampf und Bürgergesellschaft 1830–1870. Bonn, J.H.W. Dietz-Verlag, 2018, 660 p. (Geschichte der Arbeiter und der Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland seit dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, 4).
6512. NILSSON MOHAMMADI (Robert). Den stora gruvstrejken i Malmfälten. En muntlig historia. (La grande grève des mineurs en Laponie suédoise. Une histoire orale). Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Historiska institutionen, 2018, 287 p. 6513. OVETZ (Robert). Political economy of labor repression in the United States. Labor history, 2018, 59, 6, p. 763-765. 6514. PATCH (William L.). Christian democratic workers and the forging of German democracy, 1920– 1980. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-332 p. 6515. PAUL (K. Tawny). Accounting for men's work: multiple employments and occupational identities in early modern England. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 26-46..
6527. SCHMIDT (Werner), MÜLLER (Andrea). Germany: an intertwined two-part system of unilateralism and collective bargaining. Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 71-86. 6528. SEVERIN-BARBOUTIE (Bettina). Multiple Deutungen und Funktionen. Die organisierte Reise ausländischer Arbeitskräfte in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1950er–1970er Jahre). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 223-249. 6529. SHANNON (Timothy J.). Indian captive, Indian king. Peter Williamson in America and Britain. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, VIII-343 p.
6516. PIZZOLATO (Nicola). Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in the twentieth-century United States, 1933–1964. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 472490.
6530. SMITH (Julia). The first Canadian bank strike: labour relations and white-collar union organizing during the Second World War. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 4, p. 623-646.
6517. PRADO (Svante), WAARA (Joacim). Missed the starting gun! Wage compression and the rise of the Swedish model in the labour market. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 1, p. 34-53.
6531. SPENCER (Malcolm L. G.). Stalinism and the Soviet-Finnish War, 1939–1940: crisis management, censorship and control. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XI-229 p. (St. Antony's series).
6518. RĀẏA (Ajaẏa). Bāṃlādeśe Bāmapanthī āndolana, 1947–1971. (History of Communist movements
6532. SROUGO (Shai). Between idealism and reality: the unknown chapter of the Thessalonikian dockworkers
in their struggle in the port of Haifa, 1933–1935. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 398-414.
the Swedish model? Labor history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 87104.
6533. SUÁREZ (Patricia), OCAMPO SUÁREZ-VALDÉS (Joaquín). The development of a new labour framework during the Second Republic in Spain: the Central Service for job placement and defence against unemployment. Labor history, 2018, 59, 4, p. 491-511.
6539. Transnational (The) activist. Transformations and comparisons from the Anglo-world since the nineteenth century. Ed. by Stefan BERGER and Sean SCALMER. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 364 p.
6534. SUNDEMO (Magnus). Sanningen om Volvo: från Gyllenhammar till Geely. En radikal fackordförandes berättelse. (La vérité sur Volvo: de Gyllenhammar à Geely. Récit d'un responsable syndical radical). Mölndal, Toltap förlag, 2018, 299 p. 6535. SUNSERI (Thaddeus). Working in the slaughterhouse: Tanganyika Packers Ltd., from colonialism to collapse, 1947–2014. Labor history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 215-237. 6536. SVANBERG (Johan). Mellan facklig internationalism och nationalism: Internationella metallarbetarfederationen i kalla krigets och Europaintegrationens gryning. (Between trade-union internationalism and nationalism: The International Metalworkers' Federation during the dawn of the Cold War and European integration). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 3, p. 421-451. 6537. TAYLOR (Greig). Internecine strife in trade union organisations: status, competition and the effect of industry rationalisation and neo-liberalism. Labor history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 162-184. 6538. THÖRNQUIST (Annette), THÖRNQVIST (Christer). Do public sector industrial relations challenge
6540. URBAN (Andrew). Brokering servitude. Migration and the politics of domestic labor during the long nineteenth century. New York, New York U. P., 2018, XIII-355 p. (Culture, labor, history series). 6541. WEERAWARDHANA (Chamindra). 'What is it about "fuck off" you don't understand?' The NILRC and politics of the Left in Northern Ireland. Labor history, 2018, 59, 5, p. 593-609. 6542. WOLF (Johanna). Assurances of friendship: Transnationale Wege von Metallgewerkschaftern in der Schiffbauindustrie, 1950–1980. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 406 p. 6543. ZECKER (Robert M.). "A road to peace and freedom". The international workers order and the struggle for economic justice and civil rights, 1930–1954. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2018, XIV-365 p. 6544. ZOFFMANN RODRIGUEZ (Arturo). 'Off to Moscow with no passports and no money': the 1921 Spanish syndicalist delegation to Russia. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 3, p. 435-461. Cf. nos 3769, 3791, 3841, 4585, 4781, 5627, 5718, 7410
§ 1. General. 6545-6561. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6562-6590. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 65916617. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6618-6708. – § 5. International law. 6709-6737. § 1. General. ______________________
6545. BEGGIO (Tommaso). Paul Koschaker (1879– 1951). Rediscovering the Roman foundations of European legal tradition. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 332 p. 6546. BUNGE (Kirstin). Gleichheit und Gleichmaß. Zur Rechtsphilosophie von Francisco de Vitoria. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog, 2018, X-305 p. (Politische Philosophie und Rechtstheorie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit II/7). 6547. FAHMY (Khaled). In quest of justice. Islamic law and forensic medicine in modern Egypt. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XIII-377 p. 6548. Geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft. 100 Jahre Heidelberger Institut (1918–2018). Hrsg. v. Christian BALDUS, Christian HATTENHAUER und Klaus-Peter SCHROEDER. Heidelberg, Jedermann-Verlag, 2018, 200 p. (Miscellanea Juridica Heidelbergensia, 7). 6549. GIRARD (Philip), PHILLIPS (Jim), BROWN (R. Blake). A history of law in Canada. Vol. 1. Beginnings to 1866. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, XVII904 p. 6550. HAFERKAMP (Hans-Peter). Die Historische Rechtsschule. Frankfurt, Vittorio Klostermann, 2018, IX396 p. (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 310). 6551. KUNZE (Michael). "Lieber in Gießen als irgendwo anders …". Rudolf von Jherings Gießener Jahre. Mit einer Bibliographie zu Rudolf von Jhering. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2018, 85 p. (Schriften des Rudolf-vonJhering-Instituts Gießen 1). 6552. LIEBRECHT (Johannes). Die junge Rechtsgeschichte. Kategorienwandel in der rechtshistorischen Germanistik der Zwischenkriegszeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-471 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 99). 6553. MECKE (Christoph-Eric). Begriff des Rechts und Methode der Rechtswissenschaft bei Rudolf von https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-017
Jhering. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2018, 747 p. (Beiträge zu Grundfragen des Rechts, 25). 6554. Nicolaus Hieronymus Gundling (1671–1729) im Kontext der Frühaufklärung. Hrsg. v. Ralph HÄFNER und Michael MULTHAMMER. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, XIV-261 p. (Myosotis. Forschungen zur europäischen Traditionsgeschichte 4). 6555. NISHI (Hideaki). Kindai Chūka-minkoku hōsei no kōchiku: shūkan chōsa, hōten hensan to chūgoku hōgaku. (The construction of modern legal system in the Republic of China: custom surveys and compilation of codes and the Chinese jurisprudence). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2018, 404 p. 6556. OBERKOFLER (Gerhard). Bruno Alexander Kafka. Ein jüdischer Repräsentant deutscher Rechtswissenschaft in Prag. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 216-237. 6557. Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik. Hrsg. v. Thomas DUVE und Stefan RUPPERT. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2018, 767 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 2230). 6558. REMPEL (Michael N.). Jherings Juristisches Kabinett. Das kasuistische Element der Juristenausbildung bei Rudolph von Jhering. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lehre von der Auslegung von Willenserklärungen. Hamburg, Kovač, 2018, 242 p. 6559. SCHRÖDER (Jan). Gerechtigkeit, Ideologie, positives Recht. Zur Bewältigung politischer Systemwechsel durch Rechtsprechung. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 238-257. 6560. SOFFIETTI (Isidoro). Profili di storici del diritto, di storici e giuristi nei 'quaderni' del re Vittorio Emanuele III. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 5-20. 6561. TERADA (Hiroaki). Chūgoku hōsei shi. (China's traditional legal order). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 376 p. Cf. nos 604-617
O. MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY § 2. History of constitutional law.### _______________________
6562. 100 Jahre Republik Österreich: die Provisorische Nationalversammlung und ihre Rolle bei der Entstehung der Republik Deutschösterreich. Hrsg. v. Christian NESCHWARA und J. Michael RAINER. Graz, ARES Verlag, 2018, 239 p. 6563. Auf dem Weg in den Verfassungsstaat. Preußen und Österreich im Vergleich, 1740–1947. Hrsg. v. Thomas STAMM-KUHLMANN. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 255 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 48). 6564. AYALA MORA (Enrique). Evolución constitucional del Ecuador: rasgos históricos. Quito, Corporación Editora Nacional, Univerisdad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018, 156 p. (Estudios jurídicos, 43). 6565. Belgian Constitution (The) of 1831. History, Ideologies, Sovereignty /La Costituzione belga del 1831: storia, ideologie, sovranità. Ed. by Brecht DESEURE, Raf GEENENS, Christophe MAES, Stefan SOTTIAUX [et al.] Macerata, Edizioni Università di Macerata [EUM], 2018, 349 p. (Journal of constitutional history, 35). 6566. BURGDORF (Wolfgang). Proto-constitutionalism – the imperial constitution in the electoral capitulations and basic law guarantees. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 415-431. 6567. COFFEY (Donal K.). Drafting the Irish Constitution, 1935–1937: transnational influences in interwar Europe. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIII-312 p. (Palgrave modern legal history). 6568. DE (Rohit). A people's constitution. The everyday life of law in the Indian republic. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, IX-296 p. (Histories of economic life). 6569. DELLI QUADRI (Rosa Maria). Mediterraneo inglese, Mediterraneo delle Costituzioni. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 485-511. 6570. DI FABIO (Udo). Die Weimarer Verfassung. Aufbruch und Scheitern. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 299 p. (ill.). 6571. EDLING (Max M.). Peace pact and nation: an international interpretation of the constitution of the United States. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 267-303. 6572. FILIPPETTA (Giuseppe). L'estate che imparammo a sparare: storia partigiana della Costituzione. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018, 300 p. (Storie). 6573. FREGOSO (Edoardo). L''Atto Organico 89/'14: la "Norma Fondamentale" della monarchia amministrativa parmense. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 269-304.
et l'évolution de la Constitution britannique. Paris, Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2018, 460 p. (Thèses). 6576. GUSY (Christoph). 100 Jahre Weimarer Verfassung. Eine Gute Verfassung in Schlechter Zeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 328 p. 6577. HEIN (Michael). Entrenchment clauses in the history of modern constitutionalism. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 3-4, p. 434-481. 6578. HICKFORD (Mark). Designing constitutions in Britain's mid-nineteenth century empire – Indigenous territorial government in New Zealand and retrieving constitutional histories. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 676-706. 6579. KÜHNE (Jörg-Detlef). Die Entstehung der Weimarer Reichsverfassung. Grundlagen und anfängliche Geltung. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2018, XX-996 p. (Schriften des Bundesarchivs, 78). 6580. LINO (Dylan). Constitutional recognition: first peoples and the Australian settler state. Annandale, Federation Press, 2018, XVI-319 p. 6581. PENE VIDARI (Gian Savino). Il settantennio della Costituzione: prospettive interpretative certe accanto ad incognite politiche. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 1, p. 5-12. 6582. SCHENNACH (Martin P.). „Weillen uns aber unverborgen, daß du von disen und andern dergleichen sachen vor andern guete und gewisse nachrichtung […] geben khanst". Reichart Strein von Schwarzenau und die Anfänge einer österreichischen Staatsrechtslehre. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 1-15 6583. SHINQĪṭĪ (Muḥammad al-Mukhtār). Al-Azmah al-dustūrīyah fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah min al-fitnah al-kubrá ilá al-rabī' al-'Arabī. (The constitutional crisis in Islamic civilization, from the Great Sedition to the Arab Spring). Al-Dawḥah, Muntadá al-'Alāqāt al-'Arabīyah wa-al-Duwalīyah, 2018, 607 p. 6584. STRELITZ-RISSE (Anna-Lena). Das Zensuswahlrecht. Erscheinungsformen, Begründung und Überwindung am Beispiel Frankreichs und Deutschlands. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, 464 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte, 85). 6585. VILA CASADO (Iván). Historia del constitucionalismo colombiano. Bogotá, Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, 2018, 207 p. 6586. VINKOVETSKY (Ilya). Strategists and ideologues: Russians and the making of Bulgaria's Tarnovo Constitution, 1878–1879. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 4, p. 751-791.
6574. GIENAPP (Jonathan). The second creation. Fixing the American constitution in the founding era. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, 451 p.
6587. Wagnis (Das) der Demokratie. Eine Anatomie der Weimarer Reichsverfassung. Hrsg. v. Horst DREIER und Christian WALDHOFF. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 424 p. (b/w a. col. ill.).
6575. GUILLUY (Thibault). Du "self-government" des Dominions à la dévolution: recherches sur l'apparition
6588. WEICHERT (Maik). Kunst und Verfassung in der DDR. Kunstfreiheit in Recht und Rechtswirklich-
§ 3. Public law and institutions
keit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 455 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 101).
Rückerl (1958–1984). Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2018, 488 p.
6589. WESTPHAL Siegrid). The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation as an order of public peace. German history, 2018, 36, 3, p. 401-414.
6601. MARTÍNEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Gerardo). ¿Protomédico o Protomedicato? Jerónimo de Herrera y la controversia en torno a la instauración del Tribunal del Protomedicato en la Nueva España. 1620–1622. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 4 (268), p. 1811-1872.
6590. WISHĀḥ (Ghassān Maḥmūd). Ḥuqūq al-insān fī al-dawlah al-Islāmīyah, 1–132. (Human rights in the Islamic state, 622–749). Al-Jīzah, Maktabat al-Nahḍah al-'Aṣrīyah, 2018, 744 p. Cf. nos 578-603, 3774, 3870, 4384, 4472, 4647, 4814 § 3. Public law and institutions. ______________________
6591. AGNÈS (Benoît). L'appel au pouvoir: les pétitions aux Parlements en France et au Royaume-Uni, 1814–1848. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 307 p. (Histoire). 6592. BAUMANN (Anette). Visitationen am Reichskammergericht. Speyer als politischer und juristischer Aktionsraum des Reiches (1529–1588). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 264 p. (Bibliothek altes Reich, 24). 6593. CAPRISTO (Annalisa), FABRE (Giorgio). Il registro: la cacciata degli ebrei dallo Stato italiano nei protocolli della Corte dei conti 1938–1943. Bologna, Il mulino, 2018, 339 p. (Critica storica, 3). 6594. DECKER (Oliver). Die Entstehung der bayerischen Notariate – Politikum und Institutionalisierung. Notariat und Notariatsgesetzgebung im Königreich Bayern 1848 bis 1862. Kovač, Hamburg, 2018, 438 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien 79). 6595. Enteignung (Die). Historische, vergleichende, dogmatische und politische Perspektiven auf ein Rechtsinstitut. Hrsg. v. Otto DEPENHEUER und Foroud SHIRVANI. Berlin, Springer, 2018, X-310 p. (Bibliothek des Eigentums, 16).
6602. MONTEL (Nathalie). The state in light of a form. The descriptive sheet for Ponts et Chaussées agents (1856). Genèses, 2018, 113, 4, p. 144-168. 6603. Naissance (La) de la justice administrative locale: des conseils de préfecture français aux conseils de province espagnols. Sous la direction de Miguel Ángel CHAMOCHO CANTUDO et Tiphaine LE YONCOURT; préface de Jean-Louis MESTRE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 351 p. (Univers des normes). 6604. NAKABAYASHI (Masaki). From the substance to the shadow: the role of the court in Japanese labour markets. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 1, p. 267289. 6605. NÄTHER (Birgit). Die Normativität des Praktischen: Strukturen und Prozesse vormoderner Verwaltungsarbeit. Das Beispiel der landesherrlichen Visitation in Bayern. Münster, Aschendorff, 2018, 216 p. 6606. PERJOVÉS MACEDO (José Antonio). El tribunal del consulado de Lima: antecedentes del arbitraje comercial y marítimo en el Perú. Lima, Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial, 2018, 155 p. 6607. PHILIPPE (Yann). An impossible innovation? Evaluating New York City policemen (1900–1920). Genèses, 2018, 113, 4, p. 63-92. 6608. PITZER (Saskia). Die Mieteinigungsämter zwischen 1914 und 1918. Hamburg, Dr. Kovač, 2018, XVIII358 p. (Rechtsge-schichtliche Studien, 78).
6596. GASPERONI (Michael), GROPPI (Angela). Négocier ses droits dans les ghettos des États de l'Église, XVIe–XIXe siècle. Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 555-557.
6609. POLZIN (Arno). Mythos Schwedt. DDR-Militärstrafvollzug und NVA-Disziplinareinheit aus dem Blick der Staatssicherheit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 407 p. (ill., tabs). (Analysen und Dokumente der BStU, 49).
6597. GRÜNSTÄUDL (Georg). Richterauswahl und Richterausbildung im Systemvergleich. Österreich, Deutschland und die Schweiz seit 1945. Bern, Stämpfli Verlag u. Baden Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft u. Wien, Verlag Österreich, 2018, XIX-539 p. (Schriftenreihe zur Justizforschung, 16).
6610. Reichsjustizministerium (Das) unter Otto Thierack (1942–1945)1). Teil 2. Die Arbeitstagungen auf der "Reichsburg Kochem" von April bis August 1944 (Protokolle und Berichte). Hrsg. v. Werner SCHUBERT. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2018, XLIII-525 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 473).
6598. HEINEMANN (Patrick Oliver). Rechtsgeschichte der Reichswehr 1918–1933. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 424 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte).
6611. SEIGEL (Micol). Violence work. State power and the limits of police. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XI-300 p.
6599. HILDESHEIMER (Françoise), MORGAT-BONNET (Monique). Le Parlement de Paris. Histoire d'un grand corps de l'État monarchique XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018, 830 p. (Histoires et Archives, 16).
6612. SELPONI (Yohan). "Dickslapping" with your informants. The construction of a virile definition of the occupation of gendarme. Genèses, 2018, 112, 3, p. 103122.
6600. HOFMANN (Kerstin). "Ein Versuch nur – immerhin ein Versuch". Die Zentrale Stelle in Ludwigsburg unter der Leitung von Erwin Schüle und Adalbert
6613. STEINER (Sebastian). Unter Kriegsrecht. Die schweizerische Militärjustiz 1914–1921. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 474 p. (ill.). (Die Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg, 4).
6614. TAYLOR (Clarence). Fight the power. African Americans and the long history of police brutality in New York city. New York, New York U. P., 2018, 256 p. 6615. VIDONI (Nicolas). La police des Lumières: XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Perrin, 2018, 399 p. 6616. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte). German civil servant evaluation questionnaires under Nazism and denazification, viewed from the Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten. Genèses, 2018, 113, 4, p. 93-121. 6617. WÜRFEL (Martin). Das Reichsjustizprüfungsamt. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIV-228 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 104). Cf. nos 578-603, 3784, 4191, 4533, 4649, 6969
6628. BENEDICT (Jörg). Culpa in Contrahendo. Transformationen des Zivilrechts, Band 1: Historischkritischer Teil. Entdeckungen – oder zur Geschichte der Vertrauenshaftung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XXI813 p. (Jus Privatum. Beiträge zum Privatrecht, 226). 6629. BEN-ZVI (Yael). Native land talk. Indigenous and arrivant rights theories. Hanover, Dartmouth College Press, 2018, XII-276 p. (Re-Mapping the transnational. A Dartmouth series in American studies). 6630. BERTRAM (Björn). Hermann Krause. Leben und Werk eines deutschen Rechtsgelehrten in den Umbrüchen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Kiel, Eick-Verlag, 2018, 326 p.
§ 4. Civil and penal law.
6631. Blackstone and his critics. Ed. by Anthony PAGE and Wilfrid PREST. Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2018, XXI-229 p.
* 6618. THEOHARIS (Jeanne). A more beautiful and terrible history. The uses and misuses of civil rights history. Boston, Beacon Press, 2018, XXV-253 p.
6632. CALLARD (Caroline). Combattre les fantômes au tribunal: l'affaire Anne du Moulin (1572). Revue historique, 2018, 687, 3, p. 621-648.
6619. ADHGB (Das) von 1861 als gemeinsames Obligationenrecht in Mitteleuropa. Hrsg. v. Martin LÖHNIG und Stephan WAGNER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 431 p. (Mitteleuropäisches Zivilrecht 1). 6620. AGYEPONG (Tera Eva). The criminalization of black children. Race, gender and delinquency in Chicago's juvenile justice system, 1899–1945. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIII-180 p. (Justice, power and politics). 6621. Allgemeine Teil (Der) des Privatrechts: Historische Wurzeln – Leistungsfähigkeit im 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Christian BALDUS und Wojciech DAJCZAK. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 221 p. (Schriften zur Entwicklung des Privatrechtssystems, 12). 6622. ALMY (Ruth L.). 'More hateful because of its hypocrisy': Indians, Britain and Canadian law in the Komagata Maru incident of 1914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 304-322. 6623. ALTEHENGER (Jennifer). Legal lessons. Popularizing laws in the People's Republic of China, 1949– 1989. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XVIII-388 p. (Harvard East Asian Monographs, 411). 6624. AMMERER (Gerhard), BRANDHUBER (Christoph). Schwert und Galgen. Geschichte der Todesstrafe in Salzburg. Salzburg, Pustet, 2018, 223 p. 6625. BAGNO (Ileana). Il 'buio' ed il 'silenzio'. I minorati dei sensi tra unità nazionale e regime fascista. La costrizione dei doveri. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 88-144. 6626. BARCLAY (Katie). Men on trial: performing emotion, embodiment and identity in Ireland, 1800– 1845. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 269 p. 6627. BÄSTLEIN (Klaus). Der Fall Globke. Propaganda und Justiz in Ost und West. Berlin, Metropol, 2018, 304 p.
6633. CHAUVARD (Jean-François). Lier et délier la propriété. Tutelle publique et administration des fidéicommis à Venise aux derniers siècles de la Republique. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 626 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 528). 6634. DE DARDEL (Julie), SÖDERSTRÖM (Ola). New punitiveness on the move: how the US prison model and penal policy arrived in Colombia. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 4, p. 833-860. 6635. DE RUYSSCHER (Dave), IN'T VELD (Cornelis M.). Der dogmatische Handelsbrauch in den Niederlanden und Belgien (19.–21. Jahrhundert). Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 177-205. 6636. DERRY (Caroline). Lesbianism and feminist legislation in 1921: the age of consent and 'gross indecency between women'. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 245-267. 6637. DETZER (Jens Harry). Faber und Castell – eine passende Verbindung? Das Problem von unebenbürtiger Heirat und die Zulassung standesherrlicher Schiedsgerichte am Beispiel der Gerichtsprozesse zwischen Wolfgang Graf zu Castell-Rüdenhausen und den Häuptern beider Linien zu Castell. Hamburg, Kovač, 2018, 204 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 97). 6638. DOBIGNY-REVERSO (Anne). La clause de voie parée: une manifestation de l'opposition entre liberté contractuelle et droit de propriété au XIXe siècle. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 157-187. 6639. DOßMANN (Axel), REGENER (Susanne). Fabrikation eines Verbrechers. Der Kriminalfall Bruno Lüdke als Mediengeschichte. Leipzig, Spector Books, 2018, 332 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). 6640. EASTON (Eric B.). Defending the masses. A progressive lawyer's battles for free speech. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XI-269 p. 6641. EDDS (Margaret). We face the dawn. Oliver Hill, Spottswood Robinson and the legal team that dis-
§ 4. Civil and penal law mantled Jim Crow. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XII-391 p. (Carter G. Woodson Institute series). 6642. FEKRY IBRAHIM (Ahmed). Child custody in Islamic law. Theory and practice in Egypt since the sixteenth century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, IX-266 p. (Cambridge studies in islamic civilization). 6643. FINDER (Gabriel N.), PRUSIN (Alexander V.). Justice behind the iron curtain. Nazis on trial in communist Poland. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 400 p. (German and European studies). 6644. FISCHER (Ulrich). Kurt Weill und das Urheberrecht. Der andere Dreigroschenfilm-Prozess. Berlin, LIT, 2018, 91 p. (Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsgeschehen – Kleine Schriften, 48). 6645. FITL (Peter). Meuterei und Standgericht. Die Matrosenrevolte im Kriegshafen von Cattaro vom Februar 1918 und ihr kriegsgerichtliches Nachspiel. Wien, Schriftenreihe des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums, 2018, 303 p. (Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums, 23). 6646. FURFARO (Federica). La penalistica italiana e l'introduzione dei codici nelle Nuove Province: il Corso straordinario di Diritto e procedura penale a Trieste nel 1922. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 1, p. 109-125. 6647. Geschichte und Zukunft des Urheberrechts. Hrsg. v. Stephan MEDER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 222 p. (Beiträge zu Grundfragen des Rechts, 26). 6648. Gesellschaftsrechts-Geschichten. Hrsg. von Holger FLEISCHER und Jan THIESSEN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIII-790 p. 6649. GRANGE (Cyril). La succession d'AbrahamBéhor, Comte de Camondo – entre droits français, italien, hébraïque et ottoman. Annales de démographie historique, 2018, 136, 2, p. 59-81. 6650. GREGERSEN (Hans). Det sidste skridt: danske dødsdomme genom 500 år. (Les condamnés à mort au Danemark depuis 500 ans). Århus, Turbine, 2018, 304 p. (ill.). 6651. GROPPI (Angela). Les deux corps des juifs: droits et pratiques de citoyenneté des habitants du ghetto de Rome, XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 591-625. 6652. HÄRTER (Karl). Strafrechts- und Kriminalitätsgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, X-204 p. (Methodica. Einführungen in die rechtshistorische Forschung 5). 6653. HARTOG (Hendrik). The trouble with Minna. A case of slavery and emancipation in the antebellum North. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 197 p. 6654. HEILMAN (Jaymie Patricia). Peruvian cocaine tangles: arrests and assertions of innocence in Ayacu-
cho's drug trade, 1976–1981. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 2, p. 257-292. 6655. HEINIGER (Alix). La valeur du travail en internement administratif dans les Établissements pénitentiaires de Bellechasse. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 329-351. 6656. HOFFER (Peter Charles), HOFFER (Williamjames Hull). The clamor of lawyers: the American Revolution and crisis in the legal profession. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 186 p. 6657. HOFFER (Peter Charles). Uncivil warriors. The lawyers' Civil War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, IX228 p. 6658. HOUSTON (R.A.). The composition and distribution of the legal profession, and the use of law in Britain and Ireland, c.1500–c.1850. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 123-156. 6659. HÖVERMANN (Jan). Recht und Elektrizität. Der juristische Sachbegriff und das Wesen der Elektrizität 1887 bis 1938. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 361 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 94). 6660. HURST (William). Ruling before the law: the politics of legal regimes in China and Indonesia. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 316 p. 6661. KALLENBERG (Vera). Jüdinnen und Juden in der Frankfurter Strafjustiz 1780–1814. Die Nicht-Einheit der jüdischen Geschichte. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 464 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Juden, 49). 6662. KRAGH NIELSEN (Niels H.). Straffet på livet. Henrettelser i Danmark 1537–1892. (La peine de mort. Exécutions au Danemark 1537–1892). København, Gad, 2018, 612 p. (ill.). 6663. KUBY (William). Conjugal misconduct. Defying marriage law in the twentieth-century United States. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-296 p. (Cambridge historical studies in American law and society). 6664. Labor justice across the Americas. Ed. by Leon FINK and Juan Manuel PALACIO. Urbana. University of Illinois Press, 2018, 281 p. (The Working Class in American History). 6665. LACLAVÍKOVÁ (Miriam), ŠVECOVÁ (Adriana). Dlhá cesta k právnej emancipácii ženy v rodinných a majetkových vzťahoch. (The long road to the legal emancipation of women in family and property relations). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 599-628. 6666. LEGNER (Sarah). Private Kartellrechtsdurchsetzung in der Weimarer Republik und im Deutschland der frühen Nachkriegszeit. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 59-72. 6667. LOMBARDI (Daniela). Le déclarations de grossesse, l'obbligo degli alimenti e la tutela giuridica delle madri nubili. Francia e Italia XVI–XVIII secolo. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 1, p. 5-43.
6668. LUNNEY (Mark). A history of Australian tort law, 1901–1945: England's obedient servant? Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXIV-287 p. (Law in context).### 6669. MASTERS (Adrian). A thousand invisible architects: vassals, the petition and response system, and the creation of Spanish imperial caste legislation. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 3, p. 377406. 6670. MAYENBURG (David von). Gemeiner Mann und Gemeines Recht. Die Zwölf Artikel und das Recht des ländlichen Raums im Zeitalter des Bauernkriegs. Frankfurt am Main, Kloster-mann, 2018, XIX-487 p. (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 311). 6671. MILLINGTON (Chris). Getting away with murder: political violence on trial in interwar France. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 2, p. 256-282. 6672. Moment Beccaria (Le): naissance du droit pénal moderne (1764–1810). Sous la dir. de Philippe AUDEGEAN et Luigi DELIA. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2018, 263 p.
NICONI e Marcello PEZZETTI. Roma, Poligrafico e zecca dello Stato italiano, Libreria dello Stato, 2018, 228 p.
6681. RIOLI (Maria Chiara). The Latin Catholic Church and the debate on the education laws in Jordan and Israel. Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 95112. 6682. ROTHMAN (Jennifer E.). The right of publicity. Privacy reimagined for a public world. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 240 p. 6683. RUBIN (Avi). Ottoman rule of law and the modern political trial. The Yıldız case. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2018, XVIII-243 p. (Modern intellectual and political history of the Middle East). 6684. SARAMANDU (Manuela). Stilul juridic-administrativ în limba română (secolele XVII–XIX). (The legal-administrative style in the Romanian language (XVII–XIX centuries). Bucureşti, Editura Etnologică, 2018, 99 p. 6685. SCHRÖTER (Anja). Ostdeutsche Ehen vor Gericht. Scheidungspraxis im Umbruch 1980–2000. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, 498 p. (Kommunismus und Gesellschaft, 6).
6673. MORRISON (Melanie S.). Murder on shades mountain. The legal lynching of Willie Peterson and the struggle for justice in Jim Crow Birmingham. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, X-256 p.
6686. SCHWENINGER (Loren). Appealing for liberty. Freedom suits in the South. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-428 p.
6674. NEIGHBORS (Jennifer M.). A question of intent. Homicide law and criminal justice in Qing and republican China. Boston, Brill, 2018, XIV-267 p. (The social sciences of practice. The history and theory of legal practice, 5).
6687. SELGERT (Felix). Baden and the modern state. The implementation of administrative and legal reforms in the German state of Baden during the 19th century. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XII, 184 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte, 23).
6675. PARHI (Katariina). Young man M. Political violence, moral insanity, and criminal law in Finnish psychiatry in the 1870s and 1880s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 3, p. 348-364.
6688. SOLIMANO (Stefano). "Italianiser les lois françaises". Ancora sulle traduzioni del Codice Napoleone (1803–1809). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 21-50.
6676. PENE VIDARI (Gian Savino). L'inumana legislazione antiebraica fascista e la nostra recente storiografia collegata al libro "Razza e ingiustizia" [Roma, Poligrafico e zecca dello Stato italiano]. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2018, 91, 2, p. 353-365.
6689. STOPP (Heike). Hans Welzel und der Nationalsozialismus. Zur Rolle Hans Welzels in der nationalsozialistischen Strafrechtswissenschaft und zu den Auswirkungen der Schuldtheorie in den NS-Verfahren der Nachkriegszeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, X-189 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. 103).
6677. PETERS (Verena). Der „germanische" Code Civil. Zur Wahrnehmung des Code Civil in den Diskussionen der deutschen Öffentlichkeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 279 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 95). 6678. PICARD (Nicolas). Le Châtiment suprême. L'application de la peine de mort en France (1906– 1981). Paris, Institut universitaire Varenne, 2018, 870 p. 6679. PLÜSS (Martina). Der Mordparagraf in der NSZeit. Zusammenhang von Normtextänderung, Tätertypenlehre und Rechtspraxis – und ihr Bezug zu schweizerischen Strafrechtsdebatten. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XIX-339 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 97). 6680. Razza e ingiustizia. Avvocati e magistrati al tempo delle leggi antiebraiche. A cura di Antonella MA-
6690. STRANGE (Carolyn). Determining the punishment of sex criminals in Confederation-era Canada: a matter of national policy. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 4, p. 541-562. 6691. TAKAHASHI (Eiji). The history of Japanese external corporate governance and the law in the 19th and th 20 century. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 206-215 6692. THAM (Henrik). Kriminalpolitik: brott och straff i Sverige sedan 1965. (Politique criminelle: crimes et châtiments en Suède depuis 1965). Stockholm, Norstedts juridik, 2018, 198 p. (ill.). 6693. Tiroler Landesordnungen (Die) von 1526, 1532 und 1573. Historische Einführung und Edition. Hrsg. v.
§ 5. International law Josef PAUSER und Martin P. SCHENNACH. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2018, 796 p. (Fontes Rerum Austriacarum. Fontes Iuris 26). 6694. Understanding the sources of early modern and modern commercial law. Courts, statutes, contracts, and legal scholarship. Ed. by Heikki PIHLAJAMÄKI, Albrecht CORDES, Serge DAUCHY and Dave DE RUYSSCHER. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2018, 407 p. (Legal history library, 25. Studies in the history of private law, 14). 6695. UNERTL (Nicole). Walter Kaskel (1882–1928): Grundfragen des Arbeitsrechts zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg, Kovač, 2018, IX-274 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 82). 6696. VAUSE (Erika). In the red and in the black. Debt, dishonor and the law in France between revolutions. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, IX-324 p. 6697. WÄCHTLER (Hartmut). Widerspruch. Als Strafverteidiger in politischen Prozessen. Berlin, Transit Buchverlag, 2018, 173 p. 6698. WAGNER (Stephan). Interzession naher Angehöriger. Eine Untersuchung in historischer und vergleichender Perspektive. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XX-639 p. (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, 125). 6699. WEITKAMP (Sebastian). Ein Rückzugsgefecht des Rechtsstaats 1934. Der Prozess gegen SS-Sturmbannführer Heinrich Remmert wegen Häftlingsmisshandlungen im KZ Esterwegen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 1, p. 43-86. 6700. WERBEL (Amy). Lust on trial. Censorship and the rise of American obscenity in the age of Anthony Comstock. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XII-391 p. 6701. WESTON (Janet). Medicine, the penal system and sexual crimes in England, 1919–1960s. Diagnosing deviance. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 205 p. 6702. White collar crime [Special issue on]. Intr. by Hartmut BERGHOFF and Uwe SPIEKERMANN. Business history, 2018, 60, 3, p. 289-445. [Contents: BERGHOFF (Hartmut), SPIEKERMANN (Uwe). Shady business: On the history of white-collar crime. – PETTIGREW (William A.). The changing place of fraud in seventeenth-century public debates about international trading corporations. – BERNSEE (Robert). Privatisation and corruption in historical perspective: The case of secularisation in Bavaria and Prussia in the early nineteenth century. – TAYLOR (James). White-collar crime and the law in nineteenth-century Britain. – SPIEKERMANN (Uwe). Cleaning San Francisco, cleaning the United States: The graft prosecutions of 1906–1909 and their nationwide consequences. – HAUSMAN (William J.). Howard Hopson's billion dollar fraud: The rise and fall of associated gas & electric company, 1921–1940. – MÜLLER (Simone M.). Corporate behaviour and ecological disaster: Dow Chemical and the Great Lakes mercury crisis, 1970–1972. – BERGHOFF (Hartmut). "Organised ir-
responsibility"? The Siemens corruption scandal of the 1990s and 2000s.] 6703. WIESEN (S. Jonathan). American lynching in the Nazi imagination: race and extra-legal violence in 1930s Germany. German history, 2018, 36, 1, p. 38-59. 6704. WILENTZ (Sean). No property in man. Slavery and antislavery at the nation's founding. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XVIII-350 p. (The Nathan I. Huggins Lectures). 6705. WILLIAMS (Kieran), KRAPFL (James). For a civic socialism and the rule of law: the interplay of jurisprudence, public opinion and dissent in Czechoslovakia, 1960s-1980s. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 23-43. 6706. WULFERT-MARKERT (Hendrike). Clive M. Schmitthoffs Konzeption eines transnationalen Welthandelsrechts. Ein Beitrag zum Leben und Werk von Clive M. Schmitthoff (1903–1990). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018, XV-272 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 102). 6707. WUNDER (John R.). Gold mountain turned to dust. Essays on the legal history of the Chinese in the nineteenth-century American West. Foreword by Liping ZHU. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XIX-225 p. 6708. ZIEGLER (Mary). Beyond abortion. Roe v. Wade and the battle for privacy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 383 p. Cf. nos 2883, 4162, 4627, 4740, 6326, 6822 § 5. International law. _______________________
6709. BENTON (Lauren), FORD (Lisa). Island despotism: Trinidad, the British imperial constitution and global legal order. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 21-46. 6710. BLASIUS (Dirk). Völkerrecht im Jahrhundert der Weltkriege. Eine Studie zu Hermann Jahrreiß. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2018, 40, p. 100-115. 6711. BONINO (Pauline). France against human rights? The difficult ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights (1950–1974). Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 91-108. 6712. BRÜGGEMANN (Jens). Männer von Ehre? Die Wehrmachtgeneralität im Nürnberger Prozess 1945/46. Zur Entstehung einer Legende. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 631 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 112). 6713. CARROLL (Francis M.). War and peace and international law: the Kellogg-Briand peace pact reconsidered. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 1, p. 8696. 6714. CHEN (Li). The public international law education of Zhu Qiwu under the wings of Wang Tieya, Huang Zhengming and Humphrey Waldock. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 215-254.
6715. COBBING (Andrew). A Victorian embarrassment: consular jurisdiction and the evils of extraterritoriality. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 273291.### 6716. DHONDT (Frederik). Neutralité permanente, interprétations mutantes: la neutralité belge à travers trois traités de juristes. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 1-2, p. 188-214. 6717. EGNER (Wolfgang). Protektion und Souveränität. Die Entwicklung imperialer Herrschaftsformen im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 467 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 43). 6718. EIKEL (Markus). "Die Herrschaft des Rechts und nicht das Recht des Stärkeren". Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Entstehungsgeschichte des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs 1993 bis 1998. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 1, p. 9-41. 6719. FULBROOK (Mary). Reckonings: legacies of Nazi persecution and the quest for justice. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIII-658 p. 6720. GENIN (Vincent). Integrating international law into inter-state relations: The Belgian jurists at Versailles in 1919. Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 39-52. 6721. GUMZ (Jonathan). International law and the transformation of war, 1899–1949: the case of military occupation. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 3, p. 621-660. 6722. IBHAWOH (Bonny). Human rights in Africa. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXII-245 p. 6723. JASIŃSKI (Łukasz). Sprawiedliwość i polityka. Działalność Głównej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich/Hitlerowskich w Polsce 1945–1989. (Justice and politics. The Central Commission for the Investigation of German/Hitlerite Crimes in Poland between 1945 and 1989). Gdańsk I Warszawa, Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, 2018, 506 p. 6724. LAVRYSEN (Laurens). 'Strasbourg was something new, it was an adventure'. A history of the Belgian cases before the European Court of Human Rights in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Revue d'histoire du droit, 2018, 86, 3-4, p. 482-547. 6725. LINGEN (Kerstin von). "Crimes against humanity". Eine Ideengeschichte der Zivilisierung von Kriegsgewalt 1864–1945. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 386 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 102). 6726. MACARTHUR-SEAL (Daniel-Joseph). Resur-
recting legal extraterritoriality in occupied Istanbul, 1918–1923. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 769787. 6727. MARGLIN (Jessica M.). La nationalité en procès: droit international privé et monde méditerranéen. Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 83-117. 6728. MAWANI (Renisa). Across oceans of law: the Komagata Maru and jurisdiction in the time of empire. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XV-336 p. 6729. PAYK (Marcus M.). Frieden durch Recht? Der Aufstieg des modernen Völkerrechts und der Friedensschluss nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII-739 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 42). 6730. PITTS (Jennifer). Boundaries of the international. Law and empire. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 293 p. 6731. Rethinking Holocaust justice. Essays across disciplines. Ed. by Norman J. W. GODA. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, XVI-336 p. 6732. SCHABAS (William A.). The trial of the Kaiser. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-410 p. 6733. SCHREINER (Julia). Neutralität nach "Schweizer Muster"? Österreichische Völkerrechtslehre zur immerwährenden Neutralität, 1955–1989. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2018, 276 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts, 37). 6734. "Security turns its eye exclusively to the future". Zum Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Zukunft in der Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Christoph KAMPMANN, Angela MARCINIAK und Wencke METELING. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2018, 421 p. 6735. SMILEY (Will). From slaves to prisoners of war. The Ottoman empire, Russia and international law. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-283 p. (The history and theory of international law). 6736. Transcultural justice at the Tokyo tribunal. The Allied struggle for justice, 1946–1948. Ed. by Kerstin von LINGEN. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XVI-314 p. (History of Warfare, 117). 6737. WAGNER (Julia Susanne). Nazi hunters. The struggle for the punishment of nazi crimes. The hunt for Adolf Eichmann, the Auschwitz trial and the search for Josef Mengele. Duisburg, Wellem Verlag, 2018, VII300 p. (Geschichte, 9). Cf. nos 6643, 7092, 7190
§ 1. General. 6738-6787. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6788-6994. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6995-7054. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7055-7073. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7074-7137. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7138-7265. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7266-7395. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7396-7686. § 1. General. ** 6738. Kŭndae Han-Pul oegyo charyo. (Modern Korean-French diplomatic materials). Ed. by Chi-sun YI. Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 3 voll. (Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo P'ŭrangsŭŏkwŏn Yŏn'guso HanPul oegyo charyo ch'ongsŏ, 1). ** 6739. TAK (Ekrem), AYDIN (Bilgin). Arz Marûz ilâm: Osmanlı Diplomatikasında Belge Formlarının Değişimi Üzerine bir İnceleme. (Arz exposure: a study on the change of document forms in Ottoman diplomacy). Kadıköy, İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, 2018, 572 p. (Osmanlı Araştırmaları Kitapliği, 1). ______________________
6740. ABŪ 'ALĪ (Aḥmad ibn al-Ḥājj). Tārīkh mulūk Sinnār wa-al-ḥukm al-Turkī al-Miṣrī fī al-Sūdān (910– 1288). [History of the Kings of Sennar and the Turkish-Egyptian rule in Sudan (1504–1872)]. Khartoum, SUDT&TK Limited, 2018, 412 p. 6741. AKIMBEKOV (Sultan Magrupovich). Kazakhstan v Rossiĭskoĭ imperii. (Kazakhstan in the Russian Empire). Almaty, Institut Aziatskikh issledovaniĭ, 2018, 561 p. 6742. ANGOUSTURES (Aline). From Russians to Spaniards. The creation, development, and effects of an international status for civil war exiles. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 85-103. 6743. BĀRŪT (Muḥammad Jamāl). Al-Ṣirā' al-'Uthmānī - al-Ṣafawī wa-āthāruhu fī al-Shī'ah fī shamāl Bilād al-Shām. (The Ottoman-Safavid conflict and it's implications on Shiism in the Northern Levant). Qaṭar, alMarkaz al-'Arabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt, 2018, 352 p. 6744. BREKHUNENKO (Viktor). Mizh konfrontatsiieiu ta vzaiemodiieiu: ukraïnsʹko-krymsʹki ta ukraïnsʹko-nohaĭsʹki stosunky u XVII-pershiĭ polovyni XX st. (Between confrontation and interaction: Ukrainian-Crimean https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-018
and Ukrainian-Nogai relations in the 17th–first half of the 20th century). Kyïv, IUAD, 2018, 343 p. 6745. British foreign secretaries and Japan, 1850– 1990: aspects of the evolution of British foreign policy. Ed. by Antony BEST and Hugh CORTAZZI. Folkestone, Renaissance Books, 2018, XXV-310 p. 6746. CARSON (Austin). Secret wars. Covert conflict in international politics. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XII-325 p. (Princeton studies in international history and politics). 6747. Chosŏn sidae Han-Chung kwan'gyesa. (History of Korea-China relations in the Joseon dynasty). Sŏul-si, Tongbuga Yŏksa Chaedan, 2018, 359 p. (Tongbuga Yŏksa Chaedan yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 85). 6748. Civilianization (The) of war: the changing civil-military divide, 1914–2014. Ed. by Andrew BARROS and Martin THOMAS. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2018, 334 p. 6749. COHEN (Warren I.). A nation like all others: a brief history of American foreign relations. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, 328 p. 6750. COOPER-RICHET (Diana). La France anglaise. De la Révolution à nos jours. Paris, Fayard, 2018, 360 p. (Histoire). 6751. Cultural turn (The) and beyond in international history [Special section]. International history review, 2018, 40, 3, p. 573-697. [Contents: AIRES OLIVEIRA (Pedro), CARDOSO REIS (Bruno), FINNEY (Patrick). Introduction. The cultural turn and beyond in international history. – MAIOLO (Joseph Anthony). Systems and boundaries in international history. – GOEDDE (Petra). Power, culture, and the rise of transnational history in the United States. – FINNEY (Patrick). Narratives and bodies: culture beyond the cultural turn. – REIS (Bruno C.), OLIVEIRA (Pedro A.). The power and limits of cultural myths in Portugal's search for a post-imperial role. –
MORELI (Alexandre). The war of seduction: the AngloAmerican struggle to engage with the Portuguese ruling elite (1943–1948). – NUNO RODRIGUES (Luís). Establishing a 'cultural base'? The creation of the Fulbright program in Portugal. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 683-697.] 6752. CZARNY (Ryszard Michał). Sweden: from neutrality to international solidarity. Cham, Springer, 2018, XXII-310 p. 6753. Deutsch-französische Besatzungsbeziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Frank ENGEHAUSEN, Marie MUSCHALEK und Wolfgang ZIMMERMANN. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2018, 234 p. (Werkhefte der Staatlichen Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, Serie A, 27). 6754. Donde la política no alcanza: el reto de diplomáticos, cónsules y agentes culturales en la renovación de las relaciones entre España y América, 1880–1939. Ed. por Pilar CAGIAO VILA. Madrid, Iberoamericana i Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2018, 270 p. (Tiempo emulado, 64). 6755. DUBOVICKÝ (Ivan). Češi v Americe a českoamerické vztahy v průběhu pěti staletí = Czechs in America and Czech-American relations in a course of five centuries. Praha, Epocha, 2018, 198 p. 6756. DURAND (Jean-Dominique). The papacy and the Holy Land (1878–2013). Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 113-132. 6757. Eigentumsregime und Eigentumskonflikte im 20. Jahrhundert. Deutschland und die Tschechoslowakei im internationalen Kontext. Hrsg. v. Miloš ŘEZNÍK, Dieter GOSEWINKEL und Roman HOLEC. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 423 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 53. Veröffentlichungen der Deutsch-Tschechischen und Deutsch-Slowakischen Historikerkommission, 23). 6758. ERKEN (Ali). America and the making of modern Turkey. Science, culture and political alliances. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, VIII-226 p. 6759. Europa desgarrada. Guerra, ocupación y violencia, 1900–1950. Ed. por David ALEGRE LORENZ, Miguel ALONSO IBARRA y Javier RODRIGO. Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2018, 444 p. (Ciencias sociales, 131). 6760. Flüchtlinge und Asyl im Nachbarland. Die Tschechoslowakei und Deutschland 1933 bis 1989. Hrsg. v. Detlef BRANDES, Edita IVANIČKOVÁ und Jiří PEŠEK. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 359 p. 6761. HANH (Nguyên Thi). Les Conflits frontaliers sino-vietnamiens de 1885 à nos jours. Paris, Éditions Demopolis, 2018, 403 p. 6762. HOPKINS (Anthony Gerald). American empire. A global history. New Jersey, Princeton U. P., 2018, 980 p. (America in the world). 6763. JESTIN (Mathieu). Salonique (1781–1913): une histoire consulaire de la question d'Orient. Paris, Édi-
tions de la Sorbonne, 2018, 326 p. (Histoire contemporaine, 20). 6764. KUBAL (Ayfer Yazkan). Osmanlı-İngiliz ilişkileri ve Irak'ın doğuşu. (Ottoman-British relations and the birth of Iraq). İstanbul, İlgi Kültür Sanat, 2018, 284 p. (ill., maps). 6765. LEFFLER (Melvyn P.), HITCHCOCK (William I.). One hundred years of Russian-American relations. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 513-516. 6766. MAC GUIRE (Elizabeth). Red at heart. How Chinese communists fell in love with the Russian Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, VIII-462 p. 6767. MAHAJAN (Sneh). Foreign policy of colonial India, 1900–1947. London, Routledge, 2018, XVI-211 p. 6768. MAISSEN (Thomas). Seit wann ist die Schweiz "neutral seit Marignano"? Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 2, p. 214-239. 6769. MASSOV (Alexander). A new rival state? Australia in Tsarist diplomatic communications. Canberra, Australian National U. P., 2018, 368 p. 6770. MITCHELL (A. Wess). The grand strategy of the Habsburg empire. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XV-405 p. 6771. Muži diplomacie. Slováci na významných postoch československej zahraničnej služby. (Men of diplomacy. Slovaks in major positions of Czechoslovak foreign service). Ed. Slavomír MICHÁLEK. Liptovský Mikuláš, Spolok Martina Rázusa, 2018, 574 p. 6772. New naval history (A). Ed. by Quintin COLJames DAVEY. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 264 p. VILLE and
6773. Russians in Iran: diplomacy and power in the Qajar era and beyond. Ed. by Rudi MATTHEE and Elena ANDREEVA. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XV-320 p. 6774. SAITŌ (Motohide). Roshia no tainichi seisaku, jō: teisei Roshia kara Soren hōkai made. (Russian policy towards Japan. Part I. From imperial Russia to the collapse of the Soviet Union). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2018, 368 p. 6775. SCAVONE YEGROS (Ricardo). Paraguay y Colombia: Del reconocimiento a la segunda reelección de Stroessner (1846–1963). Asunción, Tiempo de Historia, 2018, 206 p. 6776. SCHOULTZ (Lars). In their own best interest. A history of the U.S. effort to improve Latin Americans. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 392 p. 6777. SHANNON (Kelly J.). U.S. foreign policy and Muslim women's human rights. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, X-269 p. (Pennsylvania studies in human rights). 6778. SONG (Nianshen). Making borders in modern East Asia. The Tumen River demarcation, 1881–1919. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-303 p.
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization 6779. TICCHI (Jean-Marc). The Holy See, the major powers, and the religious minorities of the Near East from Pius IX to John-Paul II: Institutions and stakes. Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 3-12.### 6780. Transnational encounters between Germany and Korea: affinity in culture and politics since the 1880s. Ed. by Joanne Miyang CHO and Lee M. ROBERTS. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII-328 p. (Palgrave series in Asian German studies). 6781. Utilité commerciale (De l') des consuls. L'institution consulaire et les marchands dans le monde méditerranéen (XVIIe–XXe siècle). Sous la dir. de Arnaud BARTOLOMEI [et al.] Roma, École Française de Rome et Madrid, Casa de Velásquez, 2018, 569 p. 6782. VASILYEV (Alexey). Russia's Middle East policy. From Lenin to Putin. London, Routledge, 2018, 544 p. (Durham modern Middle East and Islamic world series). 6783. WALKER (William O.). The rise and decline of the American century. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 306 p. 6784. WANG (Yuanchong). Remaking the Chinese empire. Manchu-Korean relations, 1616–1911. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-285 p. 6785. WHITE (Joshua M.). Piracy and law in the Ottoman Mediterranean. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XIII-355 p. 6786. ZAIDI (Waqar H.). Stages of war, stages of man: Quincy Wright and the liberal internationalist study of war. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 416435. 6787. ZETTERBERG (Kent), HOFSTEN (Gustaf von). Svenskt sjömakt under 500 år: flottan från Gustav Vasa till Carl XVI Gustaf. (Cinq siècles de puissance navale suédoise, de Gustav Vasa à nos jours). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2018, 119 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3702-3755, 3793 § 2. History of colonization and decolonization. ______________________
a. General 6788. 1916 in global context. An anti-imperial moment. Ed. by Enrico DAL LAGO, Róisín HEALY and Gearóid BARRY. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, XVI-231 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 54). 6789. ALDRICH (Robert). Banished potentates: dethroning and exiling indigenous monarchs under British and French colonial rule, 1815–1955. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, X-316 p. (Manchester Studies in Imperialism). 6790. BONIN (Hubert). L'empire colonial français: de l'histoire aux héritages, XIXe–XXIe siècle. Paris, Armand Colin, 2018, 432 p. (U). 6791. CHOPRA (Ruma). Almost home. Maroons between slavery and freedom in Jamaica, Nova Scotia
and Sierra Leone. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, VIII302 p. 6792. CHRISTOPHER (Emma). Freedom in white and black. A lost story of the illegal slave trade and its global legacy. Madison. University of Wisconsin Press, 2018, XI-310 p. 6793. Colonial world (The) of Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork. Ed. by David EDWARDS and Colin RYNNE. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2018, 272 p. 6794. CUDJOE (Selwyn R.). The slave master of Trinidad. William Hardin Burnley and the nineteenthcentury Atlantic world. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, XXI-345 p. 6795. Entangled empires: the Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500–1830. Ed. by Jorge CAÑAZARES-ESGUERRA. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 330 p. 6796. Facing empire: indigenous experiences in a revolutionary age. Ed. by Kate FULLAGAR and Michael A. MAC DONNELL. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, XI-356 p. 6797. FINCH (Michael P.M.). Imperial connections: Frederick Lugard, Charles Hartley, and Hubert Lyautey's English influences. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 1044-1066. 6798. FITZPATRICK (Matthew P.), MONTEATH (Peter). Savage worlds: German encounters abroad, 1798– 1914. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 262 p. 6799. FRADERA (Josep M.). The imperial nation: citizens and subjects in the British, French, Spanish, and American empires. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 401 p. 6800. France's modernising mission: citizenship, welfare and the ends of empire. Ed. by Ed NAYLOR. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XLI-258 p. (St. Antony's series). 6801. GLOVER (Nikolas). Framtidsmarknader: Svensk ekonomisk diplomati i Afrika och Asien under avkoloniseringens era. (Markets of the future: Swedish economic diplomacy in Africa and Asia during the era of decolonization). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2018, 138, 4, p. 649-677. 6802. GRAY (Steven). Steam power and sea power: coal, the Royal Navy, and the British empire, c. 1870– 1914. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVI-289 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 6803. GUPTA (Pamela). Portuguese decolonization in the Indian ocean world: history and ethnography. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 240 p. 6804. HERSHENZON (Daniel). The captive sea. Slavery, communication and commerce in early modern Spain and the Mediterranean. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, IX-289 p. (Medieval and Renaissance studies).
6805. HURSTON (Zora Neale). Barracoon: the story of the last 'Black cargo'. New York, Harper Collins, 2018, 208 p.###
6816. MATHEW (Johan). Smoke on the water: Cannabis smuggling, corruption and the Janus-faced colonial state. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 67-89.
6806. INCE (Onur Olus). Colonial capitalism and the dilemmas of liberalism. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 232 p.
6817. Monarquias ibéricas em perspectiva comparada: (séculos XVI–XVIII): dinâmicas imperiais e circulação de modelos administrativos. Organizadoras Ângela BARRETO XAVIER, Federico PALOMO e Roberta STUMPF. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2018, 674 p.
6807. JUDGE (Edward H.), LANGDON (John W.). The struggle against imperialism: anticolonialism and the Cold War. Lanham, Boulder, New York a. London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, X-231 p. (Exploring world history). 6808. Justice in a new world. Negotiating legal intelligibility in British, Iberian and indigenous America. Ed. by Brian P. OWENSBY and Richard J. ROSS. New York, New York U. P., 2018, VIII-330 p. 6809. KENNEDY (Dane). The imperial history ward: debating the British empire. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 217 p. 6810. KLOOSTER (Wim), OOSTINDIE (Gert). Realm between empires. The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680– 1815. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, VIII-337 p. 6811. KRUG (Jessica A.). Fugitive modernities. Kisama and the politics of freedom. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, 260 p. 6812. Liberal ideals and the politics of decolonisation. Guest Editor: H. KUMARASINGHAM. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 5, p. 8151033. [Contents: KUMARASINGHAM (H.). Liberal ideals and the politics of decolonisation. – CATTERALL (Peter). The plural society: labour and the Commonwealth idea 1900–1964. – FROST (Mark R.). Imperial citizenship or else: liberal ideals and the India unmaking of empire, 1890–1919. – KUMARASINGHAM (H.). Written differently: a survey of Commonwealth constitutional history in the age of decolonisation. – LLOYD (Lorna). An acutely embarrassing affair: whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946). – MOSCOVITCH (Brant). A Liberal ghost? The left, liberal democracy and the legacy of Harold Laski's teaching. – O'BRIEN (Derek). The post-colonial constitutional order of the Commonwealth Caribbean: the endurance of the crown and the judicial committee of the Privy Council. – QUGANA (Hana), LAYTON (Simon). Primitive liberals and pirate tribes: black-flag radicalism and the Kibbo Kift. – STOCKWELL (Sarah). Imperial liberalism and institution building at the end of empire in Africa.] 6813. LOIDLE (Simon). "Europa ist zu eng geworden". Kolonialpropaganda in Österreich-Ungarn 1885 bis 1918. Wien, Promedia Verlag, 2018, 232 p. 6814. MARSH (Kate). Colonial workers, imperial migrants and surveillance: policing in Le Havre, 1914– 1940. Social history, 2018, 43, 1, p. 1-29. 6815. MARTENS (Jeremy C.). Empire and Asian migration. Sovereignty, immigration restriction and protest in the British settler colonies, 1888–1907. Perth, University of Western Australia Publishing, 2018, 288 p.
6818. New perspectives on the history of gender and empire. Comparative and global approaches. Ed. by Ulrike LINDNER and Dörte LERP. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, 320 p. 6819. O'BRIEN (Karen). Petitioning for land: the petitions of first peoples of modern British colonies. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, 233 p. 6820. RICHARDS (Jake Christopher). Anti-SlaveTrade law, 'Liberated Africans' and the state in the South Atlantic World, c.1839–1852. Past and present, 2018, 241, p. 179-219. 6821. ROSENTHAL (Caitlin). Accounting for slavery: masters and management. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 320 p. 6822. RUGEMER (Edward Bartlett). Slave law and the politics of resistance in the early Atlantic world. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 384 p. 6823. STANZIANI (Alessandro). Labor on the fringes of empire. Voice, exit and the law. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII-334 p. 6824. Tabaco (El) y la esclavitud en la rearticulación imperial ibérica (s. XV–XX). Ed. por Santiago DE LUXÁN MELÉNDEZ y João FIGUEIROA-REGO. Évora, Publicações do Cidehus, 2018, [s. p.] 6825. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro). La nazione, le colonie, il mondo: saggi sulla cultura imperiale britannica (1861–1947). Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018, XXVI-322 p. (Politica e storia, 83). 6826. TAYLOR (Michael). The British West India interest and its allies, 1823–1833. English historical review, 2018, 133, 565, p. 1478-1511. 6827. Träger (Der). Zu einer "tragenden" Figur der Kolonialgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Sonja MALZNER und Anne D. PEITER. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2018, 392 p. 6828. Violence, colonialism and empire in the modern world. Ed. by Philip DWYER and Amanda NETTELBECK. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 292 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 6829. WAGNER (Kim A.). Savage warfare: violence and the rule of colonial difference in early British counterinsurgency. History workshop, 2018, 85, p. 217-237. 6830. What is a slave society? The practice of slavery in global perspective. Ed. by Noel LENSKI and Catherine M. CAMERON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 508 p. Cf. no 6704
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization b. Asia### ** 6831. GUST (Onni). 'The perilous territory of not belonging': exile and empire in Sir James Mackintosh's letters from early nineteenth-century Bombay. History workshop, 2018, 86, p. 22-43. 6832. ANDERSON (Charles). The British Mandate and the crisis of Palestinian landlessness, 1929–1936. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 2, p. 171-215. 6833. BARCLAY (Paul D.). Outcasts of empire. Japan's rule on Taiwan's "savage border", 1874–1945. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XVII307 p. (Asia Pacific modern, 16). 6834. BHATTACHARYA (Neeladri). The great agrarian conquest. The colonial reshaping of a rural world. New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2018, XIX-522 p.
Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 418-445. 6845. HAYMAN (Mark). Economic protectorate in Britain's informal empire: the Trucial coast during the Second World War. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 323-344. 6846. JACKSON (Isabella). Shaping modern Shanghai. Colonialism in China's global city. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-274 p. 6847. LAURSEN (Ole Birk). Anarchist anti-imperialism: Guy Aldred and the Indian revolutionary movement, 1909–1914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 286-303. 6848. MAN (Simeon). Soldiering through empire. Race and the making of the decolonizing Pacific. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, 272 p.
6835. BURKE (John Edward). Britain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974: conflict, colonialism and the politics of remembrance in Greek Cypriot society. Milton Park a. New York, Routledge, 2018, VIII-117 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 50).
6849. NAKAJIMA (Kentaro), OKAZAKI (Tetsuji). The expanding Empire and spatial distribution of economic activity: the case of Japan's colonization of Korea during the prewar period. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 2, p. 593-616.
6836. CHARBONNEAU (Oliver). Visiting the metropole: Muslim colonial subjects in the United States, 1904–1927. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 204-227.
6850. OHLMEYER (Jane). Eastward enterprises: colonial Ireland, colonial India. Past and present, 2018, 240, p. 83-118.
6837. CHATANI (Sayaka). Nation-empire. Ideology and rural youth mobilization in Japan and its colonies. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIV-347 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University).
6851. OUAHES (Idir). Syria and Lebanon under the French mandate. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XVIII-308 p.
6838. D'ANDURAIN (Julie). Un proconsulat en trompel'œil. Le général Henri Gouraud en Syrie (1919–1923). Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 99-122. 6839. EDEN (Jeff). Slavery and empire in central Asia. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, VIII-227 p. (Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization). 6840. GRÉMONT (Johann). Maintenir l'ordre aux confins de l'empire: pirates, trafiquants et rebelles entre Chine et Viêt Nam: 1895–1940. Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2018, 336 p. (Asie en perspective). 6841. GUNN (Geoffrey C.). Monarchical manipulation in Cambodia: France, Japan, and the Sihanouk crusade for independence. København, NIAS Press, 2018, XII-509 p. (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies monograph series, 141). 6842. HADJIATHANASIOU (Maria). Colonial rule, cultural relations and the British council in Cyprus, 1935– 1955. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 1096-1124. 6843. HALVORSON (Dan). From Commonwealth responsibility to the national interest: Australia and postwar decolonisation in South-East Asia. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 870-892. 6844. HARRIS (Lane J.). Stumbling towards empire: the Shanghai local post office, the transnational British community and informal empire in China, 1863–1897.
6852. POLS (Hans). Nurturing Indonesia. Medicine and decolonisation in the Dutch East Indies. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XX-285 p. (Global health histories). 6853. Postcolonial moment (The) in South and Southeast Asia. Ed. by Gyan PRAKASH, Nikhil MENON and Michael LAFFAN. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, X297 p. 6854. PYŎN (Ŭn-jin). Ilche mal hangil pimil kyŏlsa undong yŏn'gu, tongnip kwa haebang, kŏn'guk ŭl hyanghan Chosŏn minjung ŭi noryŏk. (A study on the anti-Japanese secret association movement at the end of the Japanese colonial period, the efforts of the Korean people for independence, liberation, and establishment of Korea). Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 451 p. (ill.). 6855. REINHARDT (Anne). Navigating semi-colonialism. Shipping, sovereignty and nation-building in China, 1860–1937. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, XIII-381 p. (Harvard East Asian monograph series, 410). 6856. SAVILLE-SMITH (K. J.). Provincial society and empire: the Cumbrian counties and the East Indies, 1680–1829. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, XVI296 p. 6857. Singminjuŭi yŏksahak kwa cheguk. 2. Cheguk Ilbon ŭi yŏksahak kwa 'Chosŏn'. (Colonial history and empire. 2. History of imperial Japan and 'Joseon'). Ed. by Sin CHANG. Sŏul-si, Somyŏng Ch'ulp'an, 2018, 328 p. (ill.). (RICH T'ŭraensŭnaesyŏnŏl inmunhak ch'ongsŏ, 12).
6858. SIX (Clemens). Secularism, decolonisation and the Cold War in South and Southeast Asia. London, Routledge, 2018, XII-305 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 126). 6859. SMITH (Edmond J.). Reporting and interpreting legal violence in Asia: the East India Company's Printed accounts of torture, 1603–1624. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 603626. 6860. TAYLOR (Miles). Empress. Queen Victoria and India. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIX-388 p. 6861. Voor de geest en het moreel van de troepen: de kerken en de oorlog in Indonesië, 1945–1950. Red. Marleen VAN DEN BERG en George HARINCK. Hilversum, Verloren, 2018, 237 p. (Passage reeks, 48). Cf. nos 4294, 5525, 5551, 7687-7893 c. Africa ** 6862. FAUBERT (Michelle). Granville Sharp's uncovered letter and the Zong massacre. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 166 p. ** 6863. TERRENOIRE (Louis). De Gaulle en conseil des ministres: journal et notes de Louis Terrenoire, porte-parole du gouvernement: février 1960–avril 1962, révélations sur la fin du conflit algérien. Écrits présentés par Hélène BOIVIN. Marigny, Éditions Eurocibles, 2018, 531 p. (Études & essais normands, 22). 6864. ADERINTO (Saheed). Empire day in Africa: patriotic colonial childhood, imperial spectacle and nationalism in Nigeria, 1905–1960. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 731-757. – IDEM. Guns and society in colonial Nigeria. Firearms, culture and public order. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, 336 p. 6865. Vacat.
6871. BAKŪRĪ (Maʿād). Qabāʾil Ġamāra min muwāǧahat al-ḍughūṭ al-istiʿmārīya ilā farḍ al-ḥimāya alIsbānīya, 1859–1856. (Les tribus Ghamra, de la pression coloniale à l'imposition du protectorat espagnol, 1859–1856). Rabāṭ, al-Mandūbīya al-Sāmiya li-Qudamāʾ al-Muqāwimīn wa-Aʿḍāʾ Ǧayš al-Taḥrīr, 2018, 2 vol., 678 p. 6872. BENNETT (Herman L.). African kings and Black slaves: sovereignty and dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 240 p. 6873. Colonial occupation (The) of Katanga. The personal correspondence of Clément Brasseur, 1893– 1897. Ed. by Giacomo MACOLA. Oxford, Oxford U. P. a. British Academy, 2018, 618 p. 6874. Colonialism on the margins of Africa. Ed. by Jan ZÁHORÍK and Linda PIKNEROVÁ. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, VI-108 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Africa). 6875. Colonización española (La) en el golfo de Guinea: una perspectiva social. Ed. por Gonzalo ÁLVAREZ-CHILLIDA y Gustau NERÍN. Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea y Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia, 2018, 384 p. (Ayer, 109). 6876. DE MATTOS (Regiane Augusto). As dimensões da resistência em Angoche: da expansão política do sultanato à política colonialista portuguesa no norte de Moçambique (1842–1910). São Paulo, Alameda, 2018, 307 p. 6877. DE NAPOLI (Olindo). Potere coloniale e strategie subalterne alla nascita della colonia Eritrea (1890– 1892). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 158, p. 535-570. 6878. DEPLANO (Valeria). Per una nazione coloniale: il progetto imperiale fascista nei periodici coloniali. Perugia, Morlacchi editore U.P., 2018, 197 p. (Archeologia, arte e storia, 8).
6866. AERNI-FLESSNER (John). Passports, citizenship, residency and asylum: the meanings of decolonisation in Lesotho. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 758-783.
6879. DOCKING (Peter). 'The wind has been gathering force': Iain Macleod and his policy change on Tanganyika. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 367-395.
6867. ALLMAN (Jean). The fate of all of us: African counterrevolutions and the ends of 1968. American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 728-732.
6880. DOMINY (Graham). 'Not a position for a gentleman': Sir Matthew Nathan as colonial administrator: from Cape Coast Castle to Dublin Castle via Natal. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 93-120.
6868. ANTHONY (Douglas). Decolonization, race, and region in Nigeria: northernization revisited. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 1, p. 3762. 6869. ASANTE (Kofi Takyi). "Intimate knowledge of the country": factionalism in the mid-nineteenthcentury Gold Coast administration. African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 63-92. 6870. BACHMANN (Klaus). Genocidal empires. German colonialism in Africa and the Third Reich. New York, Peter Lang, 2018, 382 p. (Geschichte–Erinnerung–Politik. Studies in history, memory and politics, 21).
6881. EARLE (Jonathon L.). Political activism and other life forms in colonial Buganda. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 373-395. 6882. EVANS (Chris), RYDÉN (Göran). 'Voyage iron': an Atlantic slave trade currency, its European origins, and West African impact. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 41-70. 6883. FAGEOL (Pierre-Éric). La Réunion et le mouvement de rétrocession de l'île Maurice à la France (1918–1921). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 91-112.
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization
6884. FARGETTAS (Julien). La fin de la force noire, les soldats africains dans la décolonisation. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2018, 238 p.###
6898. LAW (Robin). Provisioning the slave trade: the supply of corn on the seventeenth-century Gold Coast. African economic history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 1-35.
6885. FEINGOLD (Ellen R.). Colonial Justice and Decolonization in the High Court of Tanzania, 1920– 1971. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XV-278 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).
6899. LEWIS (Joanna). Empire of sentiment. The death of Livingstone and the myth of Victorian imperialism. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXXVIII-266 p.
6886. Fine (La) del colonialismo italiano: politica, società e memorie. A cura di Antonio M. MORONE. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2018, VI-285 p. (Quaderni di storia). 6887. FOIS (Marisa). L'Association des Suisses spoliés d'Algérie ou d'outre-mer (ASSAOM). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 1, p. 64-84. 6888. FOLIARD (Daniel). Les vies du "trésor de Ségou". Revue historique, 2018, 688, 4, p. 869-898. 6889. HÄUSSLER (Matthias). Der Genozid an den Herero. Krieg, Emotion und extreme Gewalt in "DeutschSüdwestafrika". Weilerswist, Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2018, 348 p. (Schriftenreihe "Genozid und Gedächtnis" des Instituts für Diaspora- und Genozidforschung der Ruhr-Universität Bochum). 6890. HEINTZE (Beatrix). Ein preußischer Major im Herzen Afrikas. Alexander v. Mechows Expeditionstagebuch (1880–1881) und sein Projekt einer ersten deutschen Kolonie. Berlin u. Hamburg, Reimer, 2018, 358 p. (Studien zur Kulturkunde, 133). 6891. HEYN (Susanne). Kolonial bewegte Jugend. Beziehungsgeschichten zwischen Deutschland und Südwestafrika zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik. Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 352 p. (Histoire, 133). 6892. KAGAN GUTHRIE (Zachary). Bound for work. Labor, mobility and colonial rule in Central Mozambique, 1940–1965. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2018, XI-225 p. (Reconsiderations in Southern African history). 6893. KALTER (Christoph). Rückkehr oder Flucht? Dekolonisierung, Zwangsmigration und Portugals retornados. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 250284. 6894. KATEB (Kamel), MELHANI (Nacer), REBAH (M'hamed). Les déracinés de Cherchell. Camps de regroupement dans la guerre d'Algérie (1954–1962). Paris, Éd. de l'INED, 2018, 200 p. 6895. KELLER (Kathleen). Colonial suspects. Suspicion, imperial rule and colonial society in Interwar French West Africa. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XI-243 p. (France overseas. Studies in empire and decolonization). 6896. KELLEY (Sean M.). American rum, African consumers, and the transatlantic slave trade. African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 1-29. 6897. KHANAKWA (Pamela). Reinventing Imbalu and forcible circumcision: Gisu political identity and the fight for Mbale in late colonial Uganda. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 3, p. 357-379.
6900. LOTSHWAO (Kebapetse), MARUATONA (Tonic). 'What has Ghana got that we haven't?' Party politics and anti-colonialism in Botswana, 1960–1966: a response to James Kirby. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 1037-1043. 6901. LYNNE PEARSON (Jessica). The colonial politics of global health. France and the United Nations in Postwar Africa. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, X260 p. 6902. MALKI (Isaac P. Xerxes). Citizenship, strangerhood, and exclusion: the fate of Lebanese "Aliens" in British West Africa and Ghana. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 3, p. 459-486. 6903. MALOBA (W. O.). Kenyatta and Britain: an account of political transformation, 1929–1963. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XI-295 p. (African histories and modernities). 6904. MICHEL (Joël). Colonies de peuplement. Afrique, XIXe–XXe siècles. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018, 417 p. 6905. MICHEL (Marc). La France au Cameroun, 1919–1960: "partir pour mieux rester"? Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2018, 243 p. 6906. MONTALBANO (Gabriele). Strategie d'appartenenza. Italiani nella Tunisia coloniale (1896–1900). Quaderni storici, 2018, 53, 159, p. 773-798. 6907. MOORMAN (Marissa J.). Guerrilla broadcasters and the unnerved colonial state in Angola (1961–74). Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 2, p. 241-261. 6908. MSEBA (Admire). Late precolonial struggles, European expansion, and the making of colonial authority in Northeastern Zimbabwe, ca. 1840–1903. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 2, p. 243-262. 6909. MURPHY (Mahon). Colonial captivity during the First World War. Internment and the fall of the German empire, 1914–1919. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XI-245 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 6910. NATERMANN (Diana Miryong). Pursuing whiteness in the colonies. Private memories from the Congo freestate and German East Africa (1884–1914). Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 269 p. (Historische Belgienforschung, 3). 6911. NAVARRO (Bruno J.). Um império projectado pelo "silvo da locomotiva": o papel da engenharia portuguesa na apropriação do espaço colonial africano: Angola e Moçambique (1869–1930). Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2018, 602 p. (Colecção CIUHCT, 5).
6912. NGONGO (Enika). Un autre front. Les officiers, soldats et porteurs des troupes coloniales belges lors de la bataille de Tabora. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 21-34.
6926. SAPIRE (Hilary), GRUNDLINGH (Albert). Rebuffing royals? Afrikaners and the Royal visit to South Africa in 1947. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 3, p. 524-551.
6913. North Africa and the making of Europe. Governance, institutions and culture. Ed. by Muriam Haleh DAVIS and Thomas SERRES. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VI-293 p.
6927. SMITH (Thomas E.). Emancipation without equality. Pan-African activism and the global color line. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018, VII193 p. (African American Intellectual History).
6914. NZEZA KABU ZEX-KONGO (Jean-Pierre). Léopold II: le plus grand chef d'Etat de l'histoire du Congo. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018, 199 p. (Etudes africaines. Série Histoire).
6928. SOUAMAA (Nadjib). L'OIT et les nouveaux États africains (1945–1963): un régionalisme de transition face au défi de la décolonisation. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 167-186.
6915. O'MALLEY (Alanna). The diplomacy of decolonisation. America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960–1964. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XIII-207 p. (Key studies in diplomacy).
6929. SRIVASTAVA (Neelam). Italian colonialism and resistances to empire, 1930–1970. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 266 p.
6916. OLUKOJU (Ayodeji). The pressure group activity of federated chambers of commerce: the Joint West Africa Committee and the Colonial Office, c. 1903–1955. African economic history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 93-116. 6917. PAL CHAUDHURI (Jyotirmoy). Whitehall and the Black republic: a study of colonial Britain's attitude towards Liberia, 1914–1939. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XXIII-279 p. (African histories and modernities). 6918. RIBEIRO DE MENESES (Filipe), MAC NAMARA (Robert). The white redoubt, the great powers and the struggle for Southern Africa, 1960–1980. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XXVI-401 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 6919. ROWOLDT SHELL (Sandra). Children of hope. The odyssey of the Oromo slaves from Ethiopia to South Africa. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2018, XVII-334 p. 6920. RYAN (Eileen). Religion as resistance. Negotiating authority in Italian Libya. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-244 p. 6921. ṢAKHRĀWĪ (al-Azhar). Mukhaṭṭiṭū al-siyāsah al-isti'mārīyah al-Faransīyah bi-Tūnis min Barnār ilá Shārl Sūmānīh, 1881–1956. (Planners of French colonial policy in Tunisia from Bernard to Charles Somanet, 1881–1956). Tūnis, Dār al-Masīrah lil-Nashr wa-alTawzī', 2018, 382 p. (ill.). 6922. SALAU (Mohammed Bashir). Plantation slavery in the Sokoto caliphate. A historical and comparative study. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2018, 236 p. 6923. SAMB (Moustapha). Cheikhoul Khadim et les autorités coloniales: la résistance par la foi. Dakar, Presses universitaires de Dakar, 2018, 259 p. 6924. SANDERSON (Jean-Paul). Démographie coloniale congolaise. Entre spéculation, idéologie, et reconstruction historique. Louvain-La-Neuve, PUL-Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2018, 231 p. 6925. SANDLER (Willeke). Empire in the Heimat. Colonialism and public culture in the Third Reich. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-343 p.
6930. STANARD (Matthew G.). Revisiting Bula Matari and the Congo crisis: successes and anxieties in Belgium's late colonial state. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 144-168. 6931. SUNSERI (Thaddeus). The hide trade from German East Africa, ca. 1840–1916: violence, disease, and social change. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 3, p. 373-402. 6932. TELES (Edgar Alexandre Pinto). Das jóias negras do império às jóias da terra: iluminismo, economia e reforma em Angola (1780–1810). Lisboa, Chiado Books, 2018, 422 p. (Colecção Compendium). 6933. Thawrat Miṣr al-mansīyah, muqāwamat al-iḥtilāl al-Brīṭānī fī Maṭrūḥ wa-al-Wāḥāt (1915–1919). AlMuʼtamar al-'Āmm li-Udabāʼ Miṣr, al-dawrah al-thālithah wa-al-thalāthūn. [Egypt's forgotten revolution, resisting the British occupation in Matrouh and the oasis (1915–1919). The General conference of Egyptian writers, the thirty-third session]. Al-Qāhirah, Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, al-Hayʼah al-'Āmmah li-Quṣūr al-Thaqāfah, 2018, 486 p. (ill., maps). 6934. TÖDT (Daniel). Elitenbildung und Dekolonisierung. Die Évolués in Belgisch-Kongo 1944-1960. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 392 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 228). 6935. TRICOIRE (Damien). Der koloniale Traum. Imperiales Wissen und die französisch-madagassischen Begegnungen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 408 p. (Externa). 6936. VALETTE (Jacques). La guerre des barrages frontaliers en Algérie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 91-112. 6937. VAN WAIJENBURG (Marlous). Financing the African colonial state: the revenue imperative and forced labor. Journal of economic history, 2018, 78, 1, p. 40-80. 6938. VICK (Brian). Power, humanitarianism and the global liberal order: abolition and the Barbary Corsairs in the Vienna Congress system. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 939-960.
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization
6939. WEMPE (Sean Andrew). Peripheral players? German colonial interests, the press, and the spirit of Locarno. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 177205.
6952. DE LA PUENTE LUNA (José Carlos). Andean cosmopolitans: seeking justice and reward at the Spanish royal court. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, XII-345 p.
6940. YEARWOOD (Peter J.). Nigeria and the death of liberal England: palm nuts and prime ministers, 1914–1916. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XII-302 p. (Britain and the world).
6953. DE NARDI (Loris). El carácter voluntario de los donativos indianos, entre la praxis institucional y la construcción del consenso (siglos XVI–XVII). Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 4 (268), p. 1535-1596.
Cf. nos 237, 3762, 3765, 4449, 4469, 4482, 4522, 78947913
6954. Efectos del reformismo borbónico en el Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada. Ed. by Margarita RESTREPO OLANO. Bogotá, Universidad del Rosario y Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2018, 229 p. (ill.).
d. America 6941. ABRIL (Victor Hugo). Governança no ultramar: conflitos e descaminhos no Rio de Janeiro (c. 1700–c. 1750). Jundiaí, Paco Editorial, 2018, 269 p. 6942. ALBIEZ-WIECK (Sarah). Translocal agency in colonial societies. Categorizing and negotiating belonging of Indigenous migrants in New Spain and Peru. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 2, p. 196-222.
6955. État, pouvoirs et contestations: dans les monarchies française et britannique et dans leurs colonies américaines (vers 1640–vers 1780). Sous la direction de Michel FIGEAC. Malakoff, Armand Colin, 2018, 378 p. (Horizon. Histoire, géographie).
6943. ARCHER (Seth). Sharks upon the land. Colonialism, indigenous health and culture in Hawai'i, 1778– 1855. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XV-285 p.
6956. FOREST (Timothy S.). Redeemers or destroyers of empire? The Irish, state-directed colonization, and the fight for a British-Canadian West, 1880–1883. Canadian journal of history, 2018, 53, 1, p. 29-57.
6944. ARRELUCEA BARRANTES (Maribel). Sobreviviendo a la esclavitud: negociación y honor en las prácticas cotidianas de los africanos y afrodescendientes. Lima, 1750–1820. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018, 439 p. (Estudios históricos, 75).
6957. GILDING (Ben). The silent framers of British North American union: the colonial office and Canadian confederation, 1851–1867. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 3, p. 349-393.
6945. BALLONE (Angela). The 1624 tumult of Mexico in perspective (c. 1620–1650). Authority and conflict resolution in the Iberian Atlantic. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XXVIII-365 p. (European expansion and indigenous response, 24). 6946. BARCIA (Manuel), KESIDOU (Effie). Innovation and entrepreneurship as strategies for success among Cuban-based firms in the late years of the transatlantic slave trade. Business history, 2018, 60, 4, p. 542-561. 6947. BARRIERA (Darío G.). Gouverner les campagnes. Analyse micro-sociale et construction institutionnelle (Río de la Plata, fin du XVIIIe siècle). Annales, 2018, 73, 1, p. 57-82. 6948. BERRÍO (Paola Andrea). La muerte de Andrés de Valdivia, primer gobernador de Antioquia, 1569– 1575. Bogotá, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, 2018, 145 p. (Cuadernos coloniales, 21). 6949. BERTRAM (Laurie K.). "Eskimo" immigrants and Colonial soldiers: Icelandic immigrants and the North-West resistance, 1885. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 1, p. 63-97. 6950. BLOCK (Sharon). Colonial complexions. Race and bodies in eighteenth-century America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, 217 p. (Early American studies). 6951. CORR (Rachel). Interwoven: Andean lives in colonial Ecuador's textile economy. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018, X-219 p.
6958. GINZBERG (Eitan). The destruction of the Indigenous peoples of Hispano America. A genocidal encounter. Eastbourne, Sussex Academic Press, 2018, 372 p. 6959. HÄMÄLÄINEN (Pekka). Les coureurs de bois et le destin de l'empire français (note critique). Annales, 2018, 73, 3, p. 659-667. 6960. HUBER (Vitus). Beute und Conquista. Die politische Ökonomie der Eroberung Neuspaniens. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2018, 432 p. (Campus Historische Studien, 76). 6961. LAMBERT (David). '[A] mere cloak for their proud contempt and antipathy towards the African race': imagining Britain's West India regiments in the Caribbean, 1795–1838. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 627-650 6962. LENTZ (Mark W.). Murder in Mérida, 1792. Violence, factions and the law. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XVI-312 p. (Diálogos series). 6963. LÓPEZ-PORTILLO (José-Juan). "Another Jerusalem". Political legitimacy and courtly government in the kingdom of New Spain (1535–1568). Leiden, Brill, 2017. Pp. XVII-337 p. (Atlantic world). 6964. MAC GREEVEY (Robert C.). Borderline citizens. The United States, Puerto Rico and the politics of colonial migration. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XII-250 p. (The United States in the world).
6965. MARTÍNEZ-FERNÁNDEZ (Luis). Key to the New World: a history of early colonial Cuba. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 2018, XV-219 p.### 6966. MUÑOZ CORDERO (Lydia Inés). El Gobierno Autónomo de Quito en 1809: repercusiones en la independencia de la Nueva Granada. San Juan de Pasto, Academia Nacional de Historia, 2018, 110 p. 6967. NERBAS (Donald). Empire, colonial enterprise, and speculation: Cape Breton's coal boom of the 1860s. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 1067-1095. 6968. NESVIG (Martin Austin). Promiscuous power. An unorthodox history of New Spain. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, XII-251 p. 6969. OUELLET (Marie-Eve). Le métier d'intendant en France et en Nouvelle-France au XVIIIe siècle. Québec, Septentrion, 2018, 387 p. 6970. PÉREZ MORALES (Edgardo). No limits to their sway. Cartagena's privateers and the masterless Caribbean in the age of revolutions. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2018, XII-236 p. 6971. PETLEY (Christer). White fury. A Jamaican slaveholder and the age of Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIX-291 p. 6972. PINTO BERNAL (José Joaquín). Entre colonia y república: fiscalidad en Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela, 1780–1845. Bogotá, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, 2018, 385 p (Colección Espiral). 6973. QUINTERO SARAVIA (Gonzalo M.). Bernardo de Gálvez. Spanish hero of the American Revolution. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XII-602 p. 6974. ROSSITER (Ash). Getting out of Belize: Britain's intractable military exit from Central America. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 4, p. 784-813.
Venezuela. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, XIV-316 p. 6980. SPERO (Patrick). Frontier rebels. The fight for independence in the American West, 1765–1776. New York, W. W. Norton and Co., 2018, XXVI-268 p. 6981. STRANG (Cameron B.). Frontiers of science. Imperialism and natural knowledge in the Gulf South borderlands, 1500–1850. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2018, XIV-357 p. 6982. SVRIZ WUCHERER (Pedro Omar). La negociación de la violencia en la construcción del imperio español. Las milicias indias de San Ignacio Guazú en la frontera chaco-paraguaya en el siglo XVII. Historia social, 2018, 91, p. 3-27. 6983. TAVÁREZ (Fidel J.). Colonial economic improvement: how Spain created new Consulados to preserve and develop its American empire, 1778–1795. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 4, p. 605634. 6984. VASQUEZ-PARRA (Adeline). Aider les Acadiens? Bienfaisance et déportation, 1755–1776. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2018, 206 p. – EADEM. Les empires français et anglais du XVIIIe siècle face aux Acadiens. Revue historique, 2018, 685, 1, p. 59-98. 6985. WARD (J. R.). The amelioration of British West Indian slavery: anthropometric evidence. Economic history review, 2018, 71, 4, p. 1199-1226. 6986. WARSH (Molly A.). American baroque. Pearls and the nature of empire, 1492–1700. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2018, XVIII-275 p. Cf. nos 3861, 3983, 5021, 7914-7932 e. Oceania
6975. SCHIRRMACHER (Jonas). Die Politik der Sklaverei. Praxis und Konflikt in Kastilien und SpanischAmerika im 16. Jahrhundert. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 398 p.
6987. BERGANTZ (Alexis). 'The scum of France': Australian anxieties towards French convicts in the nineteenth century. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 2, p. 150-166.
6976. SCHNEIDER (Elena A.). The occupation of Havana. War, trade and slavery in the Atlantic World. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 335 p.
6988. CURTHOYS (Ann), MITCHELL (Jessie). Taking liberty. Indigenous rights and settler self-government in colonial Australia, 1830–1890. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-432 p. (Critical perspectives on empire).
6977. SHAWCROSS (Edward). France, Mexico and informal empire in Latin America, 1820–1867: equilibrium in the New World. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, X-294 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 6978. SINT NICOLAAS (Eveline). Shackles and bonds: Suriname and the Netherlands since 1600. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum-Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2018, 263 p. (Country series). 6979. SORIANO (Cristina). Tides of revolution: information, insurgencies, and the crisis of colonial rule in
6989. GAPPS (Stephen). The Sidney wars: conflict in the early colony 1788–1817. Sydney, NewSouth Publishing, 2018, 319 p. 6990. KHATUN (Samia). Australianama. The South Asian odyssey in Australia. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-286 p. 6991. NECHTMAN (Tillman W.). The pretender of Pitcairn Island. Joshua W. Hill - The man who would be king among the Bounty mutineers. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIX-344 p.
§ 3. From 1500 to 1789 6992. NETTELBECK (Amanda), RYAN (Lyndall). Salutary lessons: native police and the 'civilising' role of legalised violence in colonial Australia. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 1, p. 4768.### 6993. Remembering the Myall Creek massacre. Ed. by Jane LYDON and Lyndall RYAN. Sydney, NewSouth Publishing, 2018, 152 p. 6994. SLATER (Lisa). Anxieties of belonging in settler colonialism: Australia, race and place. Boca Raton, Routledge, 2018, 162 p. (Routledge studies in cultural history). Cf. nos 7933-7937 § 3. From 1500 to 1789. ______________________
a. General ** 6995. SEREDA (Oleksandr). Osmans'ko-ukraïns'ka dyplomatiia v dokumentakh XVII–XVIII st. (La diplomatie ottomane-ukrainienne dans les documents des XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles). İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi i Kyiv, Instytut skhodoznavstva im. A. Krymsʹkoho NAN Ukraïny, 2018, 175 p. 6996. AKKERMAN (Nadine). Invisible agents. Women and espionage in seventeenth-century Britain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXII-264 p. 6997. Après Marignan. La paix perpétuelle entre la France et la Suisse. Actes des colloques Paris, 27 septembre - Fribourg, 30 novembre 2016. Ed. par Alexandre DAFFLON, Lionel DORTHE et Claire GANTET. Fribourg, Société d'histoire de la Suisse romande, 2018, 685 p. (Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'Histoire de la Suisse Romande, 4-XIV). 6998. Beobachten, Vernetzen, Verhandeln. Diplomatische Akteure und politische Kulturen in der frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft. [Observer, connecter, négocier. Acteurs diplomatiques et cultures politiques dans le Corps helvétique, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles]. Hrsg. v. Philippe ROGGER und Nadir WEBER. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2018, 198 p. (Itinera, 45). 6999. CHEKMARËV (Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich). Rossiia v angliĭskoĭ grafike: v tsarstvovanie Ivana IV, Borisa Godunova i pervykh Romanovykh, 1553–1761. (Russia in English graphics: in the reign of Ivan IV, Boris Godunov and the first Romanovs, 1553–1761). Moskva, Izdatelʹskiĭ Dom Tonchu, 2018, 383 p. (ill., maps). 7000. GARCÍA LORENZANA (Francisco). La Guerra de los Treinta Años: el ocaso del imperio español. Madrid, Kailas, 2018, 239 p. (Kailas no ficción). 7001. IŞIK (Mustafa). XVI. yüzyılda osmanlı hakimiyetinde Budı̇ n. (Buda under Ottoman rule in the XVIth century). Fatih, Kriter Yayınevi, 2018, XVI-352 p. 7002. MERLIN (Pierpaolo). La croce e il giglio: il ducato di Savoia e la Francia tra XVI e XVII secolo. Roma, Carocci editore, 2018, 198 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 306. Studi sabaudi, 8).
7003. PIRILLO (Diego). The refugee-diplomat. Venice, England and the Reformation. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XV-281 p. 7004. Tudor and Stuart seafarers: the emergence of a maritime nation, 1485–1707. Ed. by James DAVEY. London, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2018, 274 p. 7005. VALENCIA SUÁREZ (María Fernanda). Los aztecas y la conquista de México en las ambiciones inglesas, 1519–1713. Mérida, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2018, 271 p. (La historia). 7006. VAREZIĆ (Nikša). Dosta je reći u Rimu da bi se reklo čitavom svijetu: Dubrovačka Republika i Sveta Stolica tijekom 16. i 17. stoljeća. (Suffice to say it in Rome to have the whole world know Dubrovnik Republic and the Holy See in the sixteenth and seventeenth century). Zagreb, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i Dubrovnik, Zavod za povijesne znanosti u Dubrovniku, 2018, 392 p. (Posebna izdanja. Serija Monografije, 36). Cf. nos 185, 4053, 4531 b. 1500–1648 ** 7007. FOSI (Irene). Informare la casa, le corti, "circoli e anticamere": la guerra dei Trent'Anni nella corrispondenza di Paolo e Federico Savelli. In: Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione [cf. no 7019], p. 984-1011. ** 7008. PAK (Hyŏn-gyu). Imjin Waeran Chungguk saryo yŏn'gu. (Research on Chinese historical sources during the Imjin War). Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si, Pogosa, 2018, 275 p. (ill.). (Sunch'ŏnhyang inmun chinhŭng ch'ongsŏ, 2). ** 7009. Sultan's realm (In the): two Venetian ambassadorial reports on the early modern Ottoman Empire. Translated and edited by Eric R. DURSTELER. Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2018, 173 p. (Renaissance and Reformation texts in translation, 12). 7010. ARNKE (Volker). "Vom Frieden" im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Nicolaus Schaffshausens "De Pace" und der positive Frieden in der Politiktheorie. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 307 p. (Bibliothek Altes Reich, 25). 7011. BIEDERMANN (Zoltán). (Dis)connected empires. Imperial Portugal, Sri Lankan diplomacy and the making of a Habsburg conquest in Asia. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVI-255 p. 7012. BRUNELLI (Giampiero). Andiamo un poco fra le corazze e li strepiti di morte. Gli Avvisi della Biblioteca Vaticana e la Guerra dei Trent'Anni. In: Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione [cf. no 7019], p. 947-983. 7013. BURKHARDT (Johannes). Der Krieg der Kriege. Eine neue Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Stuttgart, Klet-Cotta, 2018, 296 p. 7014. Dynamik durch Gewalt? Der Dreißigjährige Krieg (1618–1648) als Faktor der Wandlungsprozesse
des 17. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Michael ROHRSCHNEIDER and Anuschka TIUSCHER. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, 342 p.
Culture, società e istituzioni tra medioevo ed età contemporanea, 2).
7015. FETT (Denice). Diligence, secrecy, and intrigue: Guido Cavalcanti and the 1559 treaty of CateauCambrésis. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 372389.
7027. QUBBAJ ('Āmir Aḥmad 'Abd Allāh). Al-Siyāsah al-Ṣalībiyah al-isbāniyah tujāha Bilād al-Maghrib al-Islāmī 897–982. (Spanish crusader policy towards the Islamic Maghreb 1492–1574). 'Ammān, Dār Dijlah Nāshirūn wa-Muwazzi'ūn, 2018, 807 p. (ill., maps).
7016. François Ier et l'espace politique italien: états, domaines et territoires. Études réunies par Juan Carlos D'AMICO et Jean-Louis FOURNEL. Roma, École française de Rome, 2018, 506 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 548).
7028. RIBERA (Jean-Michel). Diplomatie et espionnage: les ambassadeurs du roi de France auprès de Philippe II: du traité du Cateau-Cambrésis (1559) à la mort de Henri III (1589). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 733 p. (Bibliothèque de la Renaissance, 68).
7017. François Ier et l'Italie / L'Italia e Francesco I. Échanges, influences, méfiances entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance / Scambi, influenze, diffidenze fra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Éd. par Chiara LASTRAIOLI et JeanMarie LE GALL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 308 p.
7029. SCHMIDT (Georg). Die Reiter der Apokalypse. Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 810 p.
7018. GONZÁLEZ CUERVA (Rubén). I limiti dell'alleanza dinastica nella comunicazione politica tra i rami della Casa d'Austria (1630–1635). In: Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione [cf. no 7019], p. 919-946. 7019. Guerra dei Trent'anni e informazione. A cura di Filippo DE VIVO e Maria Antonietta VISCEGLIA. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 3, p. 828-1041. [Cf. nos 359, 4423, 7007, 7012, 7018.] 7020. MARCHENKO (Vladimir Pavlovich). VatikanMoskoviia-Sibirʹ: XVI–XVII veka. (Vatican-MuscovySiberia: XVI–XVII centuries). Moskva, Tovarishchestvo nauchnykh izdaniĭ KMK, 2018, 748 p. 7021. MARTÍNEZ LUNA (Fernando). Een ondraaglijk juk: Nederlandse beeldvorming van Spanje en de Spanjaarden ten tijde van de Opstand (1566–1609). Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2018, 207 p. 7022. MEDICK (Hans). Der Dreißigjährige Krieg. Zeugnisse vom Leben mit Gewalt. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 448 p. 7023. NAGEL (Ulrich). Zwischen Dynastie und Staatsräson. Die habsburgischen Botschafter in Wien und Madrid am Beginn des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 464 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 247). 7024. ÖZSOY (Ergün). Akdeniz'de Osmanlılar ve Habsburglar, 1550–1600: siyaset-ticaret-ziyaret. (Ottomans and Habsburgs in the Mediterranean, 1550–1600: politics-commerce-visit. Osmanbey, Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayıncılık Ticaret A.Ş., 2018, 371 p. (Libra Kitap, 265. Tarih, 252). 7025. PALLINI-MARTIN (Agnès). Banque, négoce et politique: les Florentins à Lyon au moment des guerres d'Italie. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, 239 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, 19). 7026. PINGARO (Claudia). Serenissima, inquieta: Venezia tra Oriente e Occidente nel secondo Cinquecento. Canterano, Aracne editrice, 2018, 166 p. (Mediterraneo.
7030. SCHULZE (Fabian). Die Reichskreise im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Kriegsfinanzierung und Bündnispolitik im Heiligen Römischen Reich deutscher Nation. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 620 p. (Bibliothek Altes Reich, 23). 7031. SIRUTAVIČIUS (Marius). Diplomatinės veiklos organizacija Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje 1569– 1604 metais: monografija. (Organization of diplomatic activities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1569–1604: monograph). Kaunas, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2018, 263 p. 7032. Stuart marriage diplomacy: dynastic politics in their European context, 1604–1630. Ed. by Valentina CALDARI and Sara J. WOLFSON. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 388 p. 7033. TOLKACHEV (Mikhail Vasilʹevich). Russkodatskie diplomaticheskie otnosheniia i laplandskiĭ vopros v 1584–1605 godakh. (Russian-Danish diplomatic relations and the Lapland question in 1584–1605). Murmansk-Samara, Knizhnoe izdatelʹstvo, 2018, 255 p. (ill., maps). 7034. Wallenstein. Mensch – Mythos – Memoria. Hrsg. v. Birgit EMICH, Dirk NIEFANGER, Dominik SAUERER [et al.] Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, VII-572 p. (Historische Forschungen, 117). 7035. WILSON (Peter H.). Lützen. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 248 p. Cf. nos 7051, 7054 c. 1648–1789 ** 7036. Azerbaĭdzhan v Dokumentakh Gosudarstvennogo Arkhiva Astrakhanskoĭ Oblasti: (Sbornik dokumentov). T. 2. 1734–1744 gg. [Azerbaijan in the documents of the state archive of the Astrakhan region: (Collection of documents). Vol. 2. 1734–1744]. Sostavitelʹ, avtor transliteratsii i primechaniĭ d.i.n. prof., zasluzhennyĭ deiatelʹ nauk Azerbaĭdzhana Tofiq MUSTAFAZADE; Natsionalʹnaia Akademiia nauk Azerbaĭdzhana Institut istorii im. A. A. Bakikhanova; Azerbaĭdzhanskoe Istoricheskoe Obshchestvo. Baku, Izdatelʹstvo Elm, 2018, 353 p.
§ 4. From 1789 to 1815 ** 7037. Posol'stvo P. I. Potemkina v Ispaniiu v 1667–1668 godakh: dokumenty i materialy = La embajada de Piotr Potiomkin a España en 1667–1668: documentos y estudios. Otvetstvennyĭ redaktor V.A. VEDIUSHKIN. Moskva, "Indrik", 2018, 424 p.### ** 7038. Rossiia i Azerbaĭdzhanskie Khanstva vo Vtoroĭ Polovine XVIII–Nach. XIX Vekov: (Sbornik dokumentov). T. 1. 1751–1775 gg. [Russia and Azerbaijan Khanates in the second half of the XVIII–early XIX centuries: (Collection of documents). Vol. 1. 1751–1775]. Sostavitel', avtor predisloviia, transliteratsii i komentariĭ: d.i.n. prof. Tofiq MUSTAFAZADE; Nat︠s︡ionalʹnaia Akademiia nauk Azerbaĭdzhana Institut istorii im. A. A. Bakikhanova; Azerbaĭdzhanskoe Istoricheskoe Obshchestvo. Baku, Izdatelʹstvo Elm, 2018, 337 p. 7039. BACKERRA (Charlotte). Wien und London, 1727–1735. Internationale Beziehungen im frühen 18. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 560 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 253). 7040. HANOTIN (Guillaume). Ambassadeur de deux couronnes: Amelot et les Bourbons, entre commerce et diplomatie. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, X-608 p. (Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez, 73). 7041. IASTREBOV (Aleksiĭ). Russko-venetsianskie diplomaticheskie otnosheniia i tserkovnye sviazi v ėpokhu Petra Velikogo i grecheskaia obshchina Venetsii. (Russian-Venetian diplomatic relations and church relations in the era of Peter the Great Russia and the Greek community of Venice). Moskva, Poznanie, 2018, 390 p. (ill.). 7042. LÉOUTRE (Marie M.). Serving France, Ireland and England: Ruvigny, Earl of Galway, 1648–1720. London a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XII-238 p. (Politics and culture in Europe, 1650–1750). 7043. Lion (Le) et les lys: Espagne et France au temps de Philippe V. Sous la dir. de Guillaume HANOTIN et Dominique PICCO; préface de Alain HUGON. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018, 445 p. (Histoire). 7044. MÜHLING (Christian). Die europäische Debatte über den Religionskrieg (1679–1714): Konfessionelle Memoria und internationale Politik im Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 587 p. 7045. NILSSON (J.P.) Karl XII på slagfältet: från Narva till Poltava och Fredriksten. (Charles XII sur le champ de bataille: de Narva à Poltava et Fredriksten). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2018, 141 p. (ill.).
oirs of the Research Department of the Tōyō Bunko, 2018, 76, p. 35-56. 7048. RENNER (Andreas). Peter der Große und Russlands Fenster nach Asien. Historische Zeitschrift, 2018, 306, 1, p. 71-96. 7049. SEMPÉRÉ (Julien). S'informer pour s'enrichir: le consul de France à Barcelone et ses réseaux (1679– 1716). Perpignan, Presses universitaires de Perpignan, 2018, 448 p. (Études). 7050. STOILOVA (Tamara). Kherson – popytka zaseleniya kolonistami iz Sredizemnomor'ya. (Kherson – Attempted settlement with colonists from the Mediterranean). Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 56-74. 7051. TRÁPAGA MONCHET (Koldo). La actividad política de don Juan [José] de Austria en el reinado de Felipe IV: (1642–1665). Madrid, Ediciones Polifemo, 2018, 564 p. (La Corte en Europa, 19). 7052. ULLGREN (Peter). Breven som inte kom fram: Karl XII:s soldater i Norge 1716–1718. (Des lettres jamais arrivées: les soldats de Charles XII pendant la campagne de Norvège en 1716–1718). Stockholm, Nordstedts, 2018, 312 p. (ill.). 7053. War (The) of the Spanish succession. New perspectives. Ed. by Matthias POHLIG and Michael SCHAICH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 510 p. 7054. Zastoupení císaře (V): česká a moravská aristokracie v habsburské diplomacii 1640–1740. Jiří KUBEŠ a kol. Praha, NLN, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2018, 638 p. (Česká historie, 35). Cf. nos 7057, 7072 § 4. From 1789 to 1815. ** 7055. Journal (Le) de Gouverneur Morris pendant la Révolution française. Texte traduit et annoté par Gérard HUGUES; préface de Patrice HIGONNET. Tome premier. 1789. Genève, Droz, 2018, 458 p. (Bibliothèque des Lumières, 94). _______________________
7056. BELOV (Alekseĭ Viktorovich). 1812 god v sudʹbe russkogo goroda: vliianie napoleonovskogo nashestviia na sostoianie gorodskikh poseleniĭ TSentralʹnoĭ Rossii i zhiznʹ ikh obyvateleĭ. (1812 in the fate of the Russian city: the impact of the Napoleonic invasion on the state of urban settlements in Central Russia and the life of their inhabitants). Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 325 p. (Ėpokha 1812).
7046. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian). Svenskekrigene 1657–1660. (Les guerres suédoises au Danemark, 1657–1660). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2018, 100 p. (100 Danmarkshistorier).
7057. BRAUN (Christine). Die Entstehung des Mythos vom Soldatenhandel 1776–1813. Europäische Öffentlichkeit und der "hessische Soldatenverkauf" nach Amerika am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Darmstadt, Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt u. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2018, 296 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, 178).
7047. ONUMA (Takahiro). The shift in Qing-Kazakh relations: the Qing western territory in the 1770s. Mem-
7058. Choc (Le) des empires, France et Russie: 1798–1870. Sous la direction de Jacques-Olivier BOU-
Paris, Éditions SPM, 2018, 189 p. (Collection de l'Institut Napoléon, 19).
sitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 484 p. (Histoire et civilisations).
7059. CLAYTON (Tim). This dark business: the secret war against Napoleon. London, Little, Brown, 2018, XXV-420 p.
7069. SCHERR (Arthur). John Adams, slavery and race. Ideas, politics and diplomacy in an age of crisis. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2018, XXII-278 p.
7060. DAVIES (Huw J.). Spying for Wellington: British military intelligence in the Peninsular War. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, 313 p.
7070. TRAUTSCH (Jasper M.). The genesis of America. U. S. foreign policy and the formation of national identity, 1793–1815. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-314 p. (Cambridge studies in US foreign relations).
7061. FREY (Linda), FREY (Marsha). The culture of French Revolutionary diplomacy: in the face of Europe. Cham, Springer international publishing, 2018, XI-300 p. (Studies in diplomacy and international relations). 7062. GOUGH (Barry), BORRAS (Charles). The war against the pirates: British and American suppression of Caribbean piracy in the early nineteenth century. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIX-221 p. (Britain and the World). 7063. HARRISON (Henrietta). Chinese and British diplomatic gifts in the Macartney embassy of 1793. English historical review, 2018, 133, 560, p. 65-97. 7064. KONTENTE (Léon). Les Français du Levant dans la tourmente de la Révolution (1789–1814): les echelles de la mer Egée. İstanbul, Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayıncılık, 2018, 164 p. (Histoire. Tarih dizisi, 263). 7065. LEUNIG (Tim), VAN LOTTUM (Jelle), POULSEN (Bo). Surprisingly gentle confinement: British treatment of Danish and Norwegian prisoners of war during the Napoleonic wars. Scandinavian economic history review, 2018, 66, 3, p. 282-297. 7066. RAGIMOV (Guseĭn). Azerbaĭdzhanskie khanstva v diplomaticheskikh otnosheniiakh Turtsii, Rossii i Irana (vo vtoroĭ polovine XVIII–nachale XIX veka). (Azerbaijani khanates in the diplomatic relations of Turkey, Russia and Iran; in the second half of the 18th– early 19th centuries). Nauchnyĭ redaktor: d.i.n., prof. Tofiq MUSTAFAZADE, zavedui︠u︡shchiĭ otdelom "Vseobshchaia istoriia" Instituta istorii im. A.A. Bakikhanova NANA. Baku, IPO Turkhan, 2018, 330 p. 7067. Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege (Die) in der europäischen Erinnerung. Bd. 1. PETERS (Lars). Romances of War. Die Erinnerung an die Revolutionsund Napoleonischen Kriege in Großbritannien und Irland 1815–1945. Bd. 2. BETHAN (Anika). Napoleons Königreich Westphalen. Lokale, deutsche und europäische Erinnerungen. Bd. 3. KOLLER (Wolfgang). Historienkino im Zeitalter der Weltkriege. Die Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege in der europäischen Erinnerung. Bd. 4. LEISEROWITZ (Ruth). Heldenhafte Zeiten. Die polnischen Erinnerungen an die Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege 1815–1945. Hrsg. v. Arndt BAUERKÄMPER, Étienne FRANÇOIS und Karen HAGEMANN. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 4 vol., 1292 p. 7068. Royaume (Le) de Naples à l'heure française: revisiter l'histoire du decennio francese (1806–1815). Ed. par Pierre-Marie DELPU, Igor MOULLIER et Mélanie TRAVERSIER. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses univer-
7071. VAGHI (Massimiliano). Le relazioni fra la Francia imperiale e la Persia (1807–1809): il trattato di Finkenstein e la missione di Claude-Mathieu de Gardane. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 160, 3, p. 29-56. 7072. Vientos de guerra: Apogeo y crisis de la Real Armada, 1750–1823. Ed. por Juan MARCHENA FERNÁNDEZ y Justo CUÑO BONITO. Madrid, Ediciones Doce Calles, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Junta de Andalucía, 2018, 3 vol., 2148 p. 7073. ZANOU (Konstantina). Transnational moderate liberalism in Italy and the Russian Mediterranean, 1800– 1820s. Rivista storica italiana, 2018, 130, 2, p. 512525. Cf. nos 6995, 6998, 7093, 7101, 7111, 7115, 7120 § 5. From 1815 to 1910. ** 7074. Dokumenti za Makedonija od Prosvetnopolitičkoto oddelenie pri Ministerstvoto za nadvorešni raboti na Kralstvoto Srbija: 1891/1898: (1891/1898). (Documents on Macedonia from the Education and Political Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Serbia, 1891/1898). Izbor, predgovor i redakcija Silvana Sidorovska-Čupovska. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2018, 217 p. ** 7075. Poslanstvo Kraljevine Srbije u Berlinu, 1881–1902. Priredili dr Petar V. KRESTIĆ, dr Jelena ILIĆ MANDIĆ; prevela na nemački Maja MATIĆ = Gesandtschaft des Königreichs Serbien in Berlin. Herausgeber: Dr. Petar V. KRESTIĆ, Dr. Jelena ILIĆ MANDIĆ; Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Maja MATIĆ. Beograd, Arhiv Srbije, 2018, 399 p. (Serija Istorija srpske diplomatije. Dokumenta = Buchreihe Geschichte der serbischen Diplomatie. Dokumente, 10). ** 7076. POURADIER DUTEIL-LOIZIDOU (Anna). Chypre au temps de la Révolution grecque: d'après la correspondance consulaire et diplomatique française: année 1821. Nicosie, Centre de recherche scientifique, 2018, 413 p. (Sources et études de l'histoire de Chypre, 80). ** 7077. Private letters (The) of Sir Austen Henry Layard during his Constantinople Embassy 1877–1880. Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2018, 723 p. ** 7078. Pueblos libres vencen a imperios poderosos: epistolario entre el Libertador Simón Bolívar y un agente estadounidense[Baptis Irvine]. Coordinación editorial, Simón Andrés SÁNCHEZ. Caracas, Fundación
§ 5. From 1815 to 1910 Centro Nacional de Historia, 2018, 151 p. (Unidad nuestroamericana). ** 7079. Romanski diplomatski dokumenti za Makedonija. (Romanian diplomatic documents for Macedonia). T. 1. 1880–1900. Izbor, prevod i redakcija Blagoj ZAŠOV. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2018, 498 p. ______________________
7080. 1866, il Veneto all'Italia. A cura di Federico MELOTTO; postfazione di Mario ISNENGHI. Sommacampagna, Cierre edizioni, 2018, 247 p. (Nordest, 175). 7081. ABŪ SHU'AYSHI' (Taḥīyah Muḥammad). AlḤukm al-Miṣrī fī gharb al-Sūdān, 1821–1899 M. (Egyptian rule in western Sudan, 1821–1899 AD). Al-Qāhirah, al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-'Āmmah lil-Kitāb, 2018, 493 p. (Tārīkh al-Miṣrīyīn, 301). 7082. ARAND (Tobias). 1870/71. Die Geschichte des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges erzählt in Einzelschicksalen. Hamburg, Osburg Verlag, 2018, 700 p. 7083. ARSLANOV (R. A.), DZHANGIRYAN (V. G.), KURYLEV (K. P.), PETROVICH-BELKIN (O. K.). West European countries and their foreign policy in the views of the Russian liberals of mid-to-late nineteenth century. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 916-938. 7084. Balkanite i Evropa v Iztochnata kriza, 1875– 1881 g. (The Balkans and Europe in the Eastern crisis, 1875–1881). Sŭstavitelstvo i nauchna redaktsiia Plamen MITEV, Tina GEORGIEVA. Balkanite i Evropa v Iztochnata kriza, 1875–1881 g. Conference 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofiia, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2018, 480 p. 7085. BASSI (Ernesto). The 'Franklins of Colombia': immigration schemes and hemispheric solidarity in the making of a civilised Colombian nation. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 673-701. 7086. BENNETT (Alison). Diplomatic gifts: rethinking colonial politics in Uganda through objects. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 193-220. 7087. Bosnien-Herzegowina und Österreich-Ungarn, 1878–1918: Annäherungen an eine Kolonie. Hrsg. v. Clemens RUTHNER und Tamara SCHEER. Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2018, 560 p. (Kultur, Herrschaft, Differenz, 24). 7088. BRÜGGEMANN (Karsten). Licht und Luft des Imperiums: Legitimations- und Repräsentationsstrategien russischer Herrschaft in den Ostseeprovinzen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 536 p. (Veröffentlichungen des NordostInstituts / Nordost-Institut, 21).
7091. CASTILLO (Fidel Gabriel). El Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz y la Francia monárquica, historia del primer tratado de amistad y de comercio entre Bolivia y Francia, según la correspondencia diplomática francesa, 1819–1839. La Paz, Producciones Cima Editores, 2018, 335 p. (ill.). 7092. CHAPPELL (Jonathan). Maritime raiding, international law and the suppression of piracy on the South China Coast, 1842–1869. International history review, 2018, 40, 3, p. 473-492. 7093. CHEVALIER (Christophe). Non-state actors and international relations in the nineteenth century: The case of the Ostend Committee (1866–1870). Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 7-22. 7094. CLIVETI (Gheorghe). România modernă şi „Apogeul Europei": 1815–1914. (Modern Romania and the "Apogee of Europe": 1815–1914). Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2018, 1160 p. 7095. COLE (Camille). Controversial investments: trade and infrastructure in Ottoman–British relations in Iraq, 1861–1918. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 744-768. 7096. CONTE (Giampaolo). Il tesoro del sultano: l'Italia, le grandi potenze e le finanze ottomane: 1881–1914. L'Aquila, Textus edizioni, 2018, 345 p. (Oltrefrontiera, 3). 7097. CROSSLAND (James). War, law and humanity. The campaign to control warfare, 1853–1914. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XX-256 p. 7098. DĂNCILĂ INEOAN (Andreea). Din locuri sensibile ale diplomației: chestiunea transilvăneană în rapoartele consulilor români de la Budapesta (primul deceniu al secolului XX). [From sensitive places of diplomacy: the Transylvanian issue in the reports of Romanian consuls in Budapest (the first decade of the 20th century)]. Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu"din Cluj-Napoca, series Historica, 2018, 57, p. 435-451. 7099. DAY (Jenny Huangfu). Qing travelers to the Far West: diplomacy and the information order in late imperial China. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 275 p. 7100. DIERKS (Konstantin). Americans overseas in the early American republic. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 17-35.
7089. BURGAUD (Stéphanie). 1866: why the Russian bomb did not explode. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 253-272.
7101. Diplomacia, negocios y política: ensayos sobre la relación entre México y el Reino Unido en el siglo XIX. Coordinación y edición: Will FOWLER y Marcela TERRAZAS Y BASANTE. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2018, 370 p. (Serie de historia moderna y contemporánea, 74).
7090. BUTRÓN PRIDA (Gonzalo). From hope to defensiveness: the foreign policy of a beleaguered liberal Spain, 1820–1823. English historical review, 2018, 133, 562, p. 567-596.
7102. DUZGUN (Eren). Capitalism, Jacobinism and International Relations: Re-interpreting the Ottoman path to modernity. Review of international studies, 2018, 44, 2, p. 252-278.
7103. EVANS (Richard J.). Das europäische Jahrhundert. Ein Kontinent im Umbruch 1815–1914. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2018, 1022 p.### 7104. FLEWELLING (Lindsey). Two Irelands beyond the sea: Ulster unionism and America, 1880–1920. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2018, VIII-278 p. (Reappraisals in Irish history, 11). 7105. FULLILOVE (Courtney). Gift and gunboat: meanings of exchange in the Perry expedition. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 90-108. 7106. GALEOTTI (Laura Rachele). La conquista russa del Turkestan e la riscoperta dei khanati centro-asiatici. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 160, 3, p. 57-98. 7107. GAMARRA TÉLLEZ (María del Pilar). Barraca gomera y dominio amazónico el conflicto del Acre (18991903), geopolítica en la cuenca amazónica BoliviaBrasil-Perú. La Paz, Centro de Estudios para la América Andina y Amazónica, 2018, 230 p. (ill.). (Historia amazónica, 3). 7108. GARZILLI (Enrica). Alla conquista di Lhasa: la missione britannica in Tibet (1903–1904) e la pubblicistica italiana d'epoca. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 160, 3, p. 99-140. 7109. GAUL (Jerzy). Czarno-żółty miraż: sprawa Józefa Piłsudskiego w monarchii habsburskiej, 1896–1918. (Black-yellow illusion: the relationship of Joseph Piłsudski and the Habsburg Monarchy between 1896– 1918). Warszawa, Agencja Wydawnicza CB, 2018, 387 p. (Monografie Naukowe, 4). 7110. GUYMER (Laurence). Meeting hauteur with tact, imperturbability, and resolution: British diplomacy and Russia, 1856–1865. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 390-412. 7111. HAYNES (Christine). Our friends the enemies. The occupation of France after Napoleon. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 404 p.
7117. KARAKÖSE (Hasan). Orta Doğu'da Osmanlıİngiliz mücadelesi, 1876–1918 yılları arası. (OttomanBritish struggle in the Middle East, between 1876– 1918). Ankara, Nobel, 2018, XIII-172 p. (Sosyal bilimler, 65). 7118. KIENEMANN (Christoph). Der koloniale Blick gen Osten. Osteuropa im Diskurs des Deutschen Kaiserreiches von 1871. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 310 p. 7119. LEGIEĆ (Jacek), LATAWIEC (Krzysztof). Prawobrzeżna Ukraina: czasy Annienkowa i Bezaka (1864– 1868). (Right-bank Ukraine: the times of Annienkov and Bezak, 1864–1868). Kielce, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2018, 299 p. (Depolonizacja Ziem Zabranych, 1864–1914, 2). 7120. LEŞCU (Anatol). Basarabia şi asigurarea logistică a trupelor ruse în anii 1812–1874. (Bessarabia and the logistical support of Russian troops in 1812–1874). Bucureşti, Editura Militară, 2018, 302 p. 7121. MEL'NIKOVA (A. Y.), MEL'NIKOV (Y. A.). Obucheniye ofitserov bolgarskogo voyenno-morskogo flota v Kronshtadt·skoy vodolaznoy shkole. (Training officers of the Bulgarian Navy in the Kronstadt diving school). Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 3-4, p. 233237. 7122. MELLINATO (Giulio). L'Adriatico conteso: commerci, politica e affari tra Italia e Austria-Ungheria (1882–1914). Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018, 284 p. (Geostoria del territorio, 20). 7123. MOCHIZUKI (Naoto). Kyōkai to hizoku: 19 seiki Chūgoku-Betonamu kan ni okeru 'ekkyō' to Shinchō-Genchō kankei. (Boundaries and bandits: Chinese transborder activities and Qing-Nguyen relations in the 19th century). Tōyōshi Kenkyū, 2018, 77, 2, p. 27-61.
7112. HEWITSON (Mark). Germany and the modern world, 1880–1914. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-517 p.
7124. NIKOLOV (Stoyan). Zabravenite geroi. Plennicheskiyat vŭpros ot voĭnite na Bŭlgariya 1885–1918 g. (Forgotten heroes. Prisoners of war issue from the wars of Bulgaria, 1885–1918). Sofiya, Natsionalen voennoistoricheski muzeĭ, 2018, 326 p.
7113. HUANGFU DAY (Jenny). Qing travelers to the Far West. Diplomacy and the information order in late imperial China. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, VIII275 p.
7125. PEÇE (Uğur Z.). An island unmixed: European military intervention and the displacement of Crete's Muslims, 1896–1908. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 575-591.
7114. HUGHES (Daniel J.), DINARDO (Richard L.). Imperial Germany and war, 1871–1918. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2018, XIII-681 p. (Modern war studies).
7126. PERRAS (Galen Roger). The greater menace to the peace of nations? The 1877 Mills mission and direct Canadian-American diplomatic relations. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 143-166.
7115. HUMAIR (Cédric). La Suisse et les puissances européennes. Aux sources de l'indépendance (1813– 1857). Neuchâtel, Livreo-Alphil, 2018, 140 p. (Collection Focus, 22).
7127. PETROV (Ĭordan). Bŭlgariia v balkanskata politika na Velikobritaniia v nachaloto na XX vek (1902– 1909 g.). (Balkan policy of the United Kingdom in respect to Bulgaria in the early twentieth century, 1902– 1909). Veliko Tŭrnovo, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiĭ", 2018, 370 p.
7116. Intervention française (L') au Mexique (1862– 1867): un conflit inattendu, une amitié naissante: actes du colloque. Sous la dir. de Christian BOURDEILLE. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2018, 299 p. (Patrimoines).
7128. RELYEA (Scott). Lamas, empresses and tea: early twentieth-century Sino-British encounters in East-
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War
ern Tibet. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 2, p. 257-285.
cietà italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, 2018, 10, 1, p. 79-81.
7129. RICHTER (Heinz A.). Die türkischen Meerengen in der internationalen Politik 1900–1917. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 274 p. (Peleus, 80).
* 7140. JOHNSON (Rob). The First World War and the Middle East: a literature review of recent scholarship. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 1, p. 142-151.
7130. SALYER (Lucy E.). Under the starry flag. How a band of Irish Americans joined the Fenian revolt and sparked a crisis over citizenship. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2018, 316 p.
* 7141. PERGHER (Roberta). An Italian war? War and nation in the Italian historiography of the First World War [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 4, p. 863-899.
7131. ŠEDIVÝ (Miroslav). The decline of the Congress system: Metternich, Italy, and European diplomacy. London, I. B. Tauris & Co., 2018, XII-352 p.
** 7142. Grande Guerra (A) em Moçambique: diário do tenente Frederico Marinho Falcão (1916–1918). Coordenador Francisco António Lourenço VAZ. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2018, 184 p.
7132. SHLALA (Elizabeth H.). The late Ottoman Empire and Egypt: hybridity, law and gender. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge 2018, 152 p. (Routledge studies on the Middle East, 26). 7133. SHOEMAKER (Nancy). The extraterritorial United States to 1860. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 36-54. 7134. TAN'SHINA (Nataliia Petrovna). Samoderzhavie i liberalizm: ėpokha Nikolaia I i Lui-Filippa Orleanskogo. (Autocracy and liberalism: the era of Nicholas I and Louis-Philippe d'Orleans). Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 333 p. 7135. TÓTH (Gergely Mátyás). Japán-magyar kapcsolattörténet 1869–1913. (History of Japanese-Hungarian relations 1869–1913). Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2018, 352 p. 7136. VÁZQUEZ OLIVERA (Mario). Chiapas mexicana: la gestación de la frontera entre México y Guatemala durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe y San Cristobal de las Casas, Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias sobre Chiapas y la Frontera Sur, 2018, 269 p. 7137. ŻURAWSKI VEL GRAJEWSKI (Radosław Paweł). Ognisko permanentnej insurekcji: powstanie 1846 roku i likwidacja Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej w "dyplomacji" Hotelu Lambert wobec mocarstw europejskich (1846–1847). (The focus of permanent insurrection: the uprising of 1846 and the liquidation of the Republic of Krakow in the "diplomacy" of the Hotel Lambert towards the European powers, 1846–1847). Kraków, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej i Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018, 488 p. (Biblioteka myśli politycznej, 125).
** 7143. Guerre (En) pour la paix. Correspondance Paul d'Estournelles de Constant et Nicholas Murray Butler, 1914–1919. Sous la dir. de Nadine AKHUND-LANGE et Stéphane TISON. Paris, Alma éditeur, 2018, 546 p. ** 7144. Hrvatska u diplomatskim izvješćima Sjedinjenih Američkih Država 1918.–1929. (Croatia in diplomatic reports of the United States of America 1918– 1929). Prir. Hrvoje ČAPO. Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2018, 462 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica. Građa, 20). ** 7145. Kızılay arşivi belgelerinde birinci dünya savaşı = The First World War in Red Crescent archive documents. Ed. by Recep KARACAKAYA. İstanbul, Seçil Ofset, 2018, 384 p. (ill.). ** 7146. Kriegstagebuch (Das) des Albert Quinkert (1914–1919). Hrsg. v. Karl Arnold REINARTZ und Karsten RUDOLPH. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, 720 p. ** 7147. Makedonija vo avstriskite dokumenti vo Prvata svetska vojna: 1914–1918. (Makedonien in den österreichischeschen Dokumenten in Dem Ersten Weltkrieg, 1914–1918). Izbor, predgovor i rekakcija Gorgi STOJČEVSKI. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2018, 243 p. ** 7148. Moskovsʹka okupatsiia Halychyny 1914– 1917 rr. v svidchenniakh suchasnykiv. (Moscow occupation of Galicia in 1914–1917 in the testimony of contemporaries). Ed. by Volodymyr SEMENIV. Lʹviv, Vydavnytstvo "Apriori", 2018, 526 p. (ill.). (Halytsʹkyĭ arkhiv).
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War.
** 7149. Polsko-czechosłowackie kontakty wojskowe 1921-1938 w dokumentach wywiadu i dyplomacji II Rzeczypospolitej. (Polish-Czechoclovak military contacts 1921–1938 in intelligence and diplomacy documents of the Second Polish Republic). Opracowanie Piotr KOŁAKOWSKI. Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM, 2018, 428 p.
* 7138. GRAYZEL (Susan R.). Belonging to the imperial nation: rethinking the history of the First World War in Britain and its empire [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2018, 90, 2, p. 383-405.
** 7150. Românii în "Marele Război". Anul 1917: documente, impresii, mărturii. (Romanians in the "Great War". Year 1917: documents, impressions, testimonies). Bucureşti, Editura Militară, 2018, 540 p.
* 7139. ISNENGHI (Mario). Caporetto un secolo dopo, in tre volumi. Il mestiere di storico. Rivista della so-
** 7151. SHARĪF (Nāyif ibn Hazzā' ibn Shujā'). AlShakhṣīyāt al-Hāshimīyah fī al-wathāʼiq al-'Uthmānī-
Cf. nos 4079, 4279, 4437, 7058, 7072, 7073, 7224
yah, min wāqi' al-Arshīf al-'Uthmānī bi-Isṭanbūl. (The Hashemite figures in the Ottoman documents, from the reality of the Ottoman archives in Istanbul). Bayrūt, Jadāwil lil-Nashr wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Tawzī', 2018, 433 p. (ill., facs.).
7164. BAJĀWĪ (Muḥammad al-Ṣāliḥ). Isʹhāmāt alahālī al-Jazāʼirīyīn fī al-ḥarb al-'ālamīyah al-ūlá, 1914– 1918. (The contributions of the Algerian people in the First World War, 1914–1918). Miṣr al-Jadīdah, al-Maktab al-'Arabī lil-Ma'ārif, 2018, 242 p.
** 7152. Velikite sili, Bŭlgariia i Balkanskata voĭna v sekretnite dokumenti na Britanskata diplomatsiia 1910–1913 g. (The Great Powers, Bulgaria and the Balkan War in the Secret Documents of British Diplomacy 1910–1913). Podbor, sŭstavitelstvo i prevod ot angliĭski ezik: Filip S. FILIPOV; nauchen redaktor: prof. d-r Veselin IANCHEV. Sofiia, Prosveta, 2018, 704 p.
7165. BARLAS (Dilek), GÜLMEZ (Seçkin Barış). Turkish–British relations in the 1930s: from ambivalence to partnership. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 827-840.
** 7153. Węzeł polsko-białoruski 1918–1921: dokumenty i materiały. (The Polish-Belarusian node 1918– 1921: documents and materials). Wybór i opracowanie Wojciech MATERSKI; współpraca Uładzimir SNAPKOUSKI (Białoruś). Warszawa, Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2018, 859 p.
7167. BISCHOFF (Sebastian). Kriegsziel Belgien. Annexionsdebatten und nationale Feindbilder in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit, 1914–1918. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018, 329 p. (Historische Belgienforschung, 4).
7154. 1917: l'inizio del secolo americano: politica, propaganda e cultura in Italia tra guerra e dopoguerra. A cura di Lorenzo BENADUSI, Daniela ROSSINI, Anna VILLARI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 288 p. (Studi e ricerche, 35). 7155. 1917–1919, Brest ville américaine ? Sous la dir. de Sébastien CARNEY. Brest, Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique, 2018, 208 p. 7156. ADAMS (John A. Jr.). Murder and intrigue on the Mexican border: Governor Colquitt, President Wilson, and the Vergara affair. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2018, 234 p. (Elma Dill Russell Spencer series in the West and Southwest, 42). 7157. AFFLERBACH (Holger). Auf Messers Schneide. Wie das Deutsche Reich den Ersten Weltkrieg verlor. München, Beck, 2018, 664 p. 7158. ALLEMANN (Urs Georg). Grauzone: Sir Edward Grey und der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs. Wien, Böhlau, 2018, 461 p. 7159. American South (The) and the Great War 1914–1924. Ed. by Matthew L. DOWNS and M. Ryan FLOYD. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2018, 248 p. 7160. ARIOTTI (Kate). Captive Anzacs: Australian POWs of the Ottomans during the First World War. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 222 p. 7161. ARUMÄE (Heino). Eesti ja Soome, sõjast sõjani. (Estonia and Finland, from war to war). Tallinn, Argo, 2018, 653 p. (ill.). 7162. ATMACA (Metin). Fragile frontiers: Sayyid Taha II and the role of Kurdish religio-political leadership in the Ottoman East during the First World War. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 3, p. 361-381. 7163. AULER (Jost). Karl Lorenz Auler Pascha. Preußischer Offizier, Militärberater im Osmanischen Reich, Reiseschriftsteller und Welkriegsgeneral. Eine Kurzbiografie. Dormagen, archaeotopos-Verlag, 2018, 123 p.
7166. BERDINE (Michael). Redrawing the Middle East: Sir Mark Sykes, imperialism and the Sykes-Picot agreement. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, 296 p.
7168. BOFF (Jonathan). Haig's enemy: crown Prince Rupprecht and Germany's war on the Western front. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXVI-374 p. 7169. BORODZIEJ (Włodzimierz), GÓRNY (Maciej). Der vergessene Weltkrieg. Europas Osten 1912–1923. Bd. 1. Imperien 1912–1916. Bd. 2. Nationen 1917–1923. Darmstadt, Theiss, 2018, 960 p. 7170. BOURNEUF (Pierre-Etienne). La Sphère armillaire: l'histoire d'un mémorial oublié. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2018, 68, 3, p. 459-478. 7171. BRANDT (Susanne). Das letzte Echo des Krieges. Der Versailler Vertrag. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2018, 255 p. 7172. BRUNA (Aurore). L'accord d'Angora de 1921: théâtre des relations franco-kémalistes et du destin de la Cilicie. Paris, Les éditions du Cerf, 2018, 347 p. (Cerf patrimoines). 7173. BRYNE (Alex). After one hundred years of service: hegemony, Pan-Americanism, and the Monroe Doctrine centennial anniversary, 1923. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 565-589. 7174. BUGAĬ (Nikolaĭ Fedorovich). I. Stalin-Mao Tszėdun: sudʹby kitaĭtsev v SSSR-Rossii, 1905–1940. (I. Stalin-Mao Zedong: the fate of the Chinese in the USSR-Russia, 1905–1940s). Moskva, Filinʺ, 2018, 355 p. (ill.). 7175. BUNDGÅRD CHRISTENSEN (Claus), NØRRE(Martin Bo), POULSEN (Niels Bo). Fra verdenskrig til borgerkrig. Østfronten 1914-1924 – set med danske øjne. (De la guerre mondiale à la guerre civile. Le front de l'est 1914–1924 - vu du Danemark). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 343 p. (ill.). GÅRD
7176. BUNDGÅRD CHRISTENSEN (Claus). Danskere på vestfronten 1914–1918. (Les Danois sur le front de l'ouest 1914–1918). København, Gyldendal, 2018, 536 p. 7177. CARRELLÁN RUIZ (Juan Luis), DE LA LLOSA (Alvar). L'appel de la Patrie: les réservistes et les volontaires français du Chili pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 7-23.
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War 7178. CHARON (Arnaud). Les déportés belges au sortir de la Grande Guerre: un combat de longue haleine. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 107-120. 7179. CHOPARD (Thomas). Echoes of persecutions. National minorities, the Paris Peace Conference, and civil wars in Eastern Europe (1919–1920). Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 79-92. 7180. CONNELLY (Mark), GOEBEL (Stefan). Ypres. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXVIII-259 p. (Great battles). 7181. CONNOLLY (James E.). The experience of occupation in the Nord, 1914–18: living with the enemy in First World War France. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XII-334 p. (Cultural history of Modern war). 7182. CONZE (Eckart). Die große Illusion. Versailles 1919 und die Neuordnung der Welt. Frankfurt am Main, Siedler Verlag, 2018, 558 p.
configuración del orden mundial, 1911–1923. Historia social, 2018, 92, p. 103-118. 7192. GIL (João Afonso). A Marinha portuguesa entre guerras, 1919–1939: política naval e política externa. Lisboa, Chiado Books, 2018, 323 p. (Compendium). 7193. GORGAS (Jordi Tejel). Making borders from below: the emergence of the Turkish-Iraqi Frontier, 1918–1925. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 811826. 7194. Grande Guerra (La). Un impegno europeo di ricerca e riflessione. A cura di Andrea CIAMPANI e Romano UGOLINI. Atti del Convegno internazionale, Roma, Vittoriano, 9–11 novembre 2015, a cura dell'Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 581 p. 7195. GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël). România de la Tripla Alianţă la Antanta: (1914–1919). (Romania from the Triple Alliance to the Entente: (1914–1919). Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2018, 218 p.
7183. COTTER (Cédric). (S')Aider pour survivre. Action humanitaire et neutralité suisse pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 584 p., 30 Farbabbildungen (Die Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg, 3).
7196. HART (Peter). The last battle: victory, defeat, and the end of World War I. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-454 p.
7184. D'AURIA (Chiara). Fascismo, Santa Sede e Cina nazionalista nella documentazione diplomatica italiana (1922–1933). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 256 p.
7197. HERRMANN (Irène). The treaty of Versailles in the shadow of civil war. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 9-20.
7185. DEBRUYNE (Emmanuel), REZSÖHAZY (Elise), VAN YPERSELE (Laurence). Dans les mains de la police allemande. Les violences carcérales et policières comme expérience d'occupation en Belgique, 1914–1918. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 65-90.
7198. HINE (Alison). Refilling Haig's armies: the replacement of British Infantry casualties on the Western Front, 1916–1918. Warwick, Helion & Company Limited, 2018, XX-344 p.
7186. DEBRUYNE (Emmanuel). "Femmes à Boches". Occupation du corps féminin, dans la France et la Belgique de la Grande Guerre. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 464 p. 7187. FERNÁNDEZ-DOMINGO (Enrique). La Première Guerre mondiale et l'anarchisme uruguayen: le cas du journal El Hombre (1916–1918). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 45-64. 7188. GAEHTGENS (Thomas W.). Die brennende Kathedrale: eine Geschichte aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg. München, C.H. Beck, 2018, 351 p. 7189. Geheimdienst und Propaganda im Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Aufzeichnungen von Oberst Walter Nicolai 1914 bis 1918. Hrsg. Michael EPKENHANS, Gerhard P. GROß, Markus PÖHLMANN [et al.] Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, IX-667 p. (Zeitalter der Weltkriege, 18). 7190. GENIN (Vincent). Incarner le droit international: du mythe juridique au déclassement international de la Belgique (1914–1940). Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2018, 246 p. (Enjeux internationaux, 43). 7191. GERWARTH (Robert), MANELA (Erez). La Gran Guerra como Guerra Global: Conflicto imperial y re-
7199. HUBER (Anja). Fremdsein im Krieg. Die Schweiz als Ausgangs- und Zielort von Migration, 1914– 1918. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, 336 p. (Die Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg, 2). 7200. Ils ont fait la paix. Le traité de Versailles vu de France et d'ailleurs. Sous la dir. de Serge BERSTEIN. Paris, Les Arènes, 2018, 413 p. 7201. India and World War I. A centennial assessment. Ed. by Roger D. LONG and Ian TALBOT. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, XI-212 p. (Routledge studies in South Asian History, 14). 7202. INGIMUNDARSON (Valur). The geopolitics of the 'future return': Britain's century-long challenges to Norway's control over the Spitsbergen archipelago. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 893-915. 7203. Inside World War One? The First World War and its witnesses. Ed. by Richard BESSEL and Dorothee WIERLING. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, X-346 p. (Studies of the German Historical Institute London). 7204. JOHNSON (Robert). The de Bunsen Committee and a revision of the 'conspiracy' of Sykes–Picot. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 611-637. 7205. KAIGA (Sakiko). The use of force to prevent war? The Bryce Group's 'proposals for the avoidance of
War', 1914–15. Journal of British Studies, 2018, 57, 2, p. 308-332. 7206. KEMPSHALL (Chris). British, French and American Relations on the Western Front, 1914–1918. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 325 p. 7207. KIRANLAR (Safiye), ÇELIK (Muhammed Bilal). From the land of the rising sun to the nation of the crescent moon: a visit to Turkey by a Japanese training fleet. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 1, p. 128-141.
autorités locales dans les territoires occupés en Belgique et en France (1914–1918). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 35-50. 7221. NIVET (Philippe), BOURLET (Michaël), BOU(Marjolaine). Les Français dans les batailles de la Somme, 1916–1918. Amiens, Encrage, 2018, 175 p. TET
7222. O'CONNELL (Vincent). The annexation of Eupen-Malmedy: becoming Belgian, 1919–1929. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XV-316 p.
7208. KRETHLOW (Carl Alexander). Bagdad 1915/17. Weltkrieg in der Wüste. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 244 p.
7223. O'TOOLE (Patricia). The moralist: Woodrow Wilson and the world he made. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2018, 656 p.
7209. LE BRAS (Claire). Governmental duality and international recognition: Turkish delegations at the 1921 Conference of London. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 21-34.
7224. ODIJIE (Michael). The fear of 'Yellow peril' and the emergence of European Federalist Movement. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 358-375.
7210. LENOËL (Élodie). "The downfall of ideals": The impacts of the First World War on Ecuador's international cultural relationships. Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 23-38. 7211. LEONHARD (Jörn). Der überforderte Frieden. Versailles und die Welt 1918–1923. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2018, 1531 p. 7212. Long end (The) of the First World War. Ruptures, continuities and memories. Ed. by Katrin BROMBER, Katharina LANGE, Heike LIEBAU and Anorthe WETZEL. Frankfurt, Campus, 2018, 296 p. (Eigene und Fremde Welten). 7213. LOURO (Michele L.). Comrades against imperialism. Nehru, India and interwar internationalism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-310 p. 7214. MACARTHUR-SEAL (Daniel-Joseph). Turkey and Britain: from enemies to allies, 1914–1939. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 737-743. 7215. MANELA (Erez). Wilson and Lenin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 521-524. 7216. MIĆIĆ (Srđan). Od birokratije do diplomatije: istorija jugoslovenske diplomatske službe 1918–1939. (From bureaucracy to diplomacy: the history of the Yugoslav diplomatic service 1918–1939). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2018, 482 p. (Biblioteka "Studije i monografije", 108). 7217. Monarchies and the Great War. Ed. by Matthew GLENCROSS and Judith ROWBOTHAM. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 293 p. (Palgrave studies in modern monarchy). 7218. MORTON-JACK (George). Army of empire. The untold story of the Indian army in World War I. New York, Basic Books, 2018, 564 p. 7219. MÜLLER (Christian Th.). Jenseits der Materialschlacht. Der Erste Weltkrieg als Bewegungskrieg. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2018, 298 p. 7220. NAERT (Jan). "Ventre affamé n'a pas d'oreilles": une histoire sociale de l'approvisionnement par les
7225. ŌKUBO (Akira). Tairiku kan'yo to ridatsu no hazama de: Igirisu gaikō to daiichiji sekai taisen go no seiō anzen hoshō. (On the brink between continental commitment and disengagement: Britain and West European security after the First World War). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 532 p. 7226. OLEĬNIKOV (Alekseĭ Vladimirovich). Rolʹ Rossii i Romanovykh v Velikoĭ voĭne 1914–1918 gg. (The role of Russia and the Romanovs in the Great War of 1914–1918). Ekaterinburg, Muzhskoĭ monastyrʹ Sviatykh Tsarstvennykh strastoterptsev v urochishche Ganina iama, 2018, 239 p. (ill.). (Tsarskaia obitelʹ rekomenduet). 7227. OLMSTEAD (Justin Quinn). The United States' entry into the First World War: the role of British and German diplomacy. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2018, 206 p. 7228. ORLYK (Svitlana). Finansova polityka Rosiĭsʹkoho uriadu na okupovanykh terytoriiakh Halychyny i Bukovyny v period Pershoï svitovoï viĭny (1914–1917 rr.). [Financial policy of the Russian government in the occupied territories of Galicia and Bukovina during the First World War (1914–1917)]. Bila Tserkva, Vydavetsʹ Pshonkivsʹkyĭ O. V., 2018, 713 p. (ill.). 7229. ÖZCALIK (Sevil). Promoting an alliance, furthering nationalism: Ernst Jäckh and Ahmed Emin in the time of the First World War. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2018, 252 p. (Studien zum modernen Orient, 30). 7230. PAPAPOLYVÍOU (Pétros). I Kypriakí parousía stin "énoplon nýmfin tou Thermaïkoú" sta chrónia tou Megálou polémou. (The Cypriot presence in the "armed nymph of Thermaikos" during the years of the Great War). Thessaloniki, University Studio Press, 2018, 96 p. 7231. PAPUHA (Iaroslav). Zmova movchannia, stavlennia Zakhodu do Holodomoru. (Conspiracy of silence, the West's attitude towards the Holodomor). Kyïv, Vydavetsʹ Oleh Filiuk, 2018, 226 p. (ill.). 7232. PATRICK (Andrew). Woodrow Wilson, the Ottomans, and World War I. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 886-910.
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War 7233. PATTIE (Susan Paul). The Armenian legionnaires: sacrifice and betrayal in World War I. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XXII-266 p.### 7234. Psychiatrie im Ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Thomas BECKER, Heiner FANGERAU, Peter FASSL [et al.] (Hrsg.), München, UVK, 2018, 458 p. (Irseer Schriften. Studien zur Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte, NF., 12). 7235. REZLER (Marek). Polska niepodległość 1918. (Polish independence 1918). Poznań, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2018, 414 p. 7236. RICKENBACHER (Jean-Luc). Für den Frieden in einer Zeit des Krieges: Schweizerische Friedensgesellschaft und organisierter Pazifismus während des Ersten Weltkrieges. BernBern Open Publishing, 2018, 160 p. (Berner Studien zur Geschichte, Reihe 5: Ära der Weltkriege, 1).
1915–1939. Review of international studies, 2018, 44, 2, p. 215-235. 7248. TĀBITĪ (Ḥayāt). Al-Ḥarb al-ʿālamīyah al-ūlá 1914–1918 wa-inʿikāsātuhā ʿalá al-Jazāʾirīyīn fī al-qiṭāʿ al-Wahrānī. (The First World War 1914–1918 and its repercussions on the Algerians in the Oranian sector). Tilimsān, al-Nashr al-Jāmiʿī al-Jadīd, 2018, 188 p. 7249. Territoire ennemi (En) (1914–1919). Expériences d'occupation, transferts, héritages. Sous la dir. de James CONNOLLY, Emmanuelle DEBRUYNE, Élise JULIEN et Matthias MEIRLAEN. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 234 p. 7250. TOMINAC (Nikola). Hrvati u Zimskim bitkama za Karpate i proboju kod Gorlica i Tarnówa 1915. godine). (Croats in the Carpathian winter war and the breakthrough near Gorlice and Tarnów in 1915). Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 50, 2, 2018, p. 267-302.
7237. Rossiĭskaia revoliutsiia, Komintern i Latinskaia Amerika = La Revolución Rusa, la Komintern y América Latina. Ed. by Andrey SCHELCHKOV [et al.]. Moskva, Nauka, 2018, 766 p.
7251. Unbekannte Front (Die). Der Erste Weltkrieg in Rumänien. Hrsg. v. Gundula GAHLEN, Deniza PETROVA und Oliver STEIN. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2018, 562 p. (Krieg und Konflikt, 4).
7238. RUYSSEN (Georges). The Holy See and the beginnings of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the light of Vatican archives. Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 65-78.
7252. Unending war (The)? Baltic States after 1918 = Nesibaigiantis karas? Baltijos šalys po 1918 metų. Ed. by Vytautas JOKUBAUSKAS, Vasilijus SAFRONOVAS. Klaipėda, Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2018, 287 p. (ill.). (Acta historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, 36).
7239. SCHOUPS (Martin), VRINTS (Antoon). Quand les anciens combattants belges s'érigent en "justiciers" (1918–1925). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 121-134. 7240. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.). A service ready for total war? The state of the Royal Navy in July 1914. English historical review, 2018, 133, 560, p. 98-122.
7253. VERFAILLIE (Florent). Les collaborateurs économiques en Belgique occupée (1914–1918): essai de typologie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 91-106.
7241. SHARP (Alan). Versailles 1919: a centennial perspective. London, Haus Publishing, 2018, 260 p.
7254. VOLKOV (Denis V.). Russia's turn to Persia: Orientalism in diplomacy and intelligence. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVI-268 p.
7242. SHELLUM (Brian G.). African American officers in Liberia. A pestiferous rotation, 1910–1942. Washington, Potomac Books, 2018, XXVII-271 p.
7255. WALKER (Philip). Behind the Lawrence legend: the forgotten few who shaped the Arab revolt. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 284 p.
7243. SMITH (Leonard V.). Sovereignty at the Paris peace conference of 1919. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 304 p. (Greater War, 1912–1923).
7256. Wars (The) of yesterday. The Balkan Wars and the emergence of modern military conflict, 1912–1913. Hrsg. v. Katrin BOECKH and Sabine RUTAR. New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, 446 p. (ill.).
7244. SOFRONIJEVIĆ (Adam). Raport sa Solunskog fronta: 1918 nad Srbijom. (Report from the Thessaloniki front: 1918 over Serbia). Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković", 2018, 141 p. 7245. SPIJKERMAN (Rose). Émotions et moral dans les tranchées belges, 1914–1918. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 5-20. 7246. STILL (William N.). Victory without peace: the United States Navy in European waters, 1919–1924. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2018, XIII-368 p. (Studies in naval history and sea power). 7247. STÖCKMANN (Jan). Women, wars, and world affairs: Recovering feminist international relations,
7257. WESTAD (Odd Arne). Lenin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 517-520. 7258. World War I in Central and Eastern Europe. Politics, conflict and military experience. Hrsg. v. Judith DEVLIN, John Paul NEWMAN and Maria FALINA. New York, Tauris, 2018, XVI-336 p. 7259. XYPOLIA (Ilia). British imperialism and Turkish nationalism in Cyprus, 1923–1939: divide, define and rule. London, Taylor and Francis, 2018, XIV-204 p. (Empires in perspective). 7260. YACOUB (Joseph). The long-ignored AssyrianChaldean genocide of 1915. Relations internationales, 2018, 173, 1, p. 45-64.
7261. YENEN (Alp). Elusive forces in illusive eyes: British officialdom's perception of the Anatolian resistance movement. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 5, p. 788-810.### 7262. YOUNG (John W.). Ambassador George Buchanan and the July Crisis. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 206-224. – IDEM. Lewis Harcourt's journal of the 1914 war crisis. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 436-455. 7263. ZEPEDA TREJO (Valeria). Henry Lane Wilson y el derrocamiento del presidente Madero. México D. F., Secretaría de Cultura, INEHRM, 2018, 330 p. 7264. ZHAO (Jun). Chūgoku ni okeru Dai Ajia Shugi: 'ren'nichi' to 'kōnichi' no aida. (Pan-Asianism in China: conflicts between pro- and anti-Japanese campaigns). Kyoto, Minerva Shobō, 2018, 376 p. 7265. ZLATARSKI (Vladimir). Neiskrenite. Bŭlgariya, Rumŭniya i Tsentralnite sili (1913–1914). (The Insincere. Bulgaria, Romania and Central Forces, 1913–1914). Sofiya, Izdatelstvo „Avangard Prima", 2018, 302 p. Cf. nos 4124, 4252, 4318, 4688, 4782, 4820, 5507, 7087, 7094, 7095, 7096, 7097, 7102, 7103, 7104, 7109, 7112, 7114, 7122, 7124, 7129, 7135, 7315 § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War. _______________________
a. General
1944. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 365 p. (Linguistik international, 41). 7272. BEORN (Waitman Wade). The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: at the epicenter of the final solution. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 356 p. 7273. BERGGREN (Henrik). Landet utanför. Sverige och kriget 1939–1940. (Le pays en dehors. La Suède et la seconde guerre mondiale, 1939–1940). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2018, 484 p. 7274. BINAR (Aleš). Hodnocení vojenské okupace českých zemí v březnu 1939 v dokumentech XIII. Armádního sboru. (Assessment of the 1939 occupation of the Czech Lands). Historie a vojenství, 2018, 67, 1, p. 427. 7275. CAQUET (P. E.). The balance of forces on the eve of Munich. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 20-40. – IDEM. The bell of treason: the 1938 Munich Agreement in Czechoslovakia. London, Profile Books, 2018, 277 p. 7276. COCCOLI (Carlotta), PANE (Andrea). Britain at war: an introduction. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 5-10. 7277. Dalej jest noc. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski. [Danach ist nur Nacht. Das Schicksal der Juden in ausgewählten Landkreisen des besetzten Polens]. Hrsg. v. Barbara ENGELKING und Jan GRABOWSKI. Warszawa, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, 2018, 2 Bände, 868 p., 832 p.
** 7266. HERDE (Peter). Die Achsenmächte, Japan und die Sowjetunion. Japanische Quellen zum Zweiten Weltkrieg (1941–1945). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, XIX-509 p.
7278. DELPLA (François). Hitler et Pétain. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2018, 558 p.
** 7267. Ilbon'gun 'wianbu' kwan'gye Miguk charyo = The U.S. records on the Japanese military 'comfort women' = Ri jun wei an fu guan xi Meiguo zi liao = Nihongun ianfu kankei Beikoku shiryō. Ed. by Chinsŏng CHŎNG. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 3 voll. (ill.).
7279. DIMITRIJEVSKI (Marjan). Golemite sili i Makedonija vo Vtorata svetska vojna: 1939–1945: (politički, voeni i ekonomski aspekti). (Great powers and Macedonia in the second World War 1939–1945: political, military and economic aspects). Skopje, Institut za nacionalna istorija, 2018, 351 p.
** 7268. PAPPAS (Giōrgos K.). Hēmerologion: polemou - katochēs - apeleutherōseōs 1940–1944. (Diary: war - occupation - liberation 1940–1944). Epimeleia Pantelēs G. PAPPAS, historikē eisagōgē Euanthēs CHATZĒVASILEIOU. Athēna, Ekdoseis Patakē, 2018, 468 p. (Seira Neoterē kai synchronē historia, 47).
7280. DU RÉAU (Élisabeth). La France et ses décideurs face à l'entrée en guerre contre l'Allemagne à l'automne 1939. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 7-14.
** 7269. Ubiĭtsy Khatyni: 118-ĭ ukrainskiĭ batalʹon okhrannoĭ politsii v Belorussii, 1943–1944 gg. (Killers of Khatyn: 118th Ukrainian battalion of security police in Belarus, 1943–1944). Sostaviteli Igorʹ Aleksandrovich VALAKHANOVICH, Aleksandr R. DIUKOV, Nataliia Viktorovna KIRILLOVA, V.D. SELEMENEV. Moskva, Piatyĭ Rim, Istoricheskaia pamiatʹ, 2018, 479 p. 7270. AGARD-LAVALLÉ (Francine), LAVALLÉ (Bernard), LAVALLÉ (Christophe). "Car ce combat est aussi le nôtre": Bordeaux, le Bordelais et la guerre d'Espagne. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018, 323 p. (Histoire. Collection transhumance). 7271. ANTIPOVA (Anastasia). Die nationalsozialistische Sprachpolitik im besetzten Weissrussland 1941–
7281. DUDZIAK (Mary L.). "You didn't see him lying … beside the gravel road in France": death, distance, and American war politics. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 1-16. 7282. ENSTAD (Johannes Due). Soviet Russians under Nazi occupation. Fragile loyalties in World War II. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVIII-255 p. 7283. ESPASA (Andreu). 'Suppose they were to do it in Mexico': the Spanish Embargo and its influence on Roosevelt's good neighbor policy. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 774-791. 7284. GOREN (Tamir). The Second World War as a turning point in Arab–Jewish relations: the case of Jaffa and Tel Aviv. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 2, p. 216237.
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War 7285. HÄNSCHEN (Steffen). Das Transitghetto Izbica im System des Holocaust. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2018, 608 p.### 7286. HOLZMANN (Michael E.). "… und steht die Legion auf dem ihr zugewies'nen Posten". Die Österreichische Legion als Instrument früher NS-Aggressionspolitik. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2018, 628 p. (Geschichte, 152). 7287. HUCKER (Daniel). Public opinion, the press and the failed Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations of 1939. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 65-85. 7288. ISHIDA (Ken). Japan, Italy and the road to the tripartite alliance. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII-218 p. (Security, conflict and cooperation in the contemporary world). 7289. JAHN (Franziska). Das KZ Riga-Kaiserwald und seine Außenlager 1943–1944. Strukturen und Entwicklungen. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2018, 471 p. 7290. JENNINGS (Eric T.). Escape from Vichy: the refugee exodus to the French Caribbean. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, X-308 p. 7291. KELLMANN (Klaus). Dimensionen der Mittäterschaft. Die europäische Kollaboration mit dem Dritten Reich. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 672 p. 7292. KHRISTOFOROV (V. S.). SSSR-Finliandiia: protivostoianie 1941–1944 gg. (USSR-Finland: confrontation 1941–1944). Moskva, Izdatel'stvo IRI RAN, 2018, 439 p. 7293. KUNDRUS (Birthe). "Dieser Krieg ist der große Rassenkrieg". Krieg und Holocaust in Europa. München, Beck, 2018, 336 p. 7294. LEHMANN (Dalila Chine). Le Mexique et la Seconde Guerre mondiale: de la non-intervention à la déclaration de "l'état de guerre". Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 81-91. 7295. LOPES (Helena F. S.). Inter-imperial humanitarianism: the Macau delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross during the Second World War. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2018, 46, 6, p. 11251147.
7300. Norden under andra världskriget: hotet från Hitler och Stalin. (Les Pays nordiques pendant la seconde guerre mondiale: la menace par Hitler et Staline). Red. Anders FRANKSON, Andreas NYBERG. Sundbyberg, Semic, 2018, 223 p. (ill.). 7301. OLIVER (Lizzie). Prisoners of the Sumatra railway: narratives of history and memory. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XXII-170 p. 7302. POULHÈS (Louis). Une opération de séduction: la libération de prisonniers politiques par les occupants à l'été 1940. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 109-120. 7303. POUPAULT (Christophe). Franco en février 1941. Un déplacement révélateur des rivalités en Méditerranée au début de la guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 73-89. 7304. RAĬCHEVSKI (Stoian). Bezhantsi i preselnitsi ot Belomorieto i Egeĭska Makedoniia, 1941–1949. (Refugees and migrants from the Aegean and Aegean Macedonia, 1941–1949). Sofiia, Izdatelstvo "Zachariĭ Stoianov", 2018, 518 p. (ill.). 7305. SOARES GOMES (Adildo). Cabo Verde e a Segunda Guerra Mundial: a importância geoestratégica do arquipélago na política externa portuguesa (1939–1945). Lisboa, Chiado Books, 2018, XIX-216 p. (Compendium). 7306. SOLER PARÍCIO (Pere). Irlanda y la Guerra Civil española: nuevas perspectivas de estudio. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, 2018, 361 p. (Historia Contemporánea, 58). 7307. TORRIE (Julia S.). German soldiers and the occupation of France 1940–1944. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-276 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 7308. TRAVERS (Daniel). The Second World War and the 'other British isles'. Memory and heritage in the Isle of Man, Orkney and the Channel Islands. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, X-235 p.
7296. MÁRQUEZ CHAVES (Mario). La otra mirada: España y Portugal entre el eje y los aliados. Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2018, 213 p. (Ópera prima).
7309. VERIGIN (S. G.). Protivostoianie: borʹba sovetskoĭ kontrrazvedki protiv finskikh spetssluzhb (1939– 1944). [Confrontation: the struggle of the Soviet counterintelligence against the Finnish special services (1939– 1944)]. Petrozavodsk, Izdatelʹstvo PetGU, 2018, 279 p. (ill.).
7297. Mass violence in Nazi-occupied Europe. Ed. by Alex J. KAY and David STAHEL. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, VI-307 p.
7310. VIÑAS (Ángel). An isolated republic. Spain and fascist actions during the Civil War. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 35-46.
7298. MEDIJAINEN (Eero). Raudse eesriide lõimed: propaganda, avalik arvamus ja Baltikum 1939–1944. (Threads of the Iron Curtain: propaganda, public opinion and the Baltics 1939–1944). Tallinn, SE&JS, 2018, 279 p. (ill.).
7311. WEISS (Stéphane). Numérologie identitaire au sein de l'armée française renaissante en 1944–1945. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 113-130.
7299. MORGAN (Philip). Hitler's collaborators: choosing between bad and worse in Nazi-occupied Western Europe. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XVIII-266 p.
7312. WEWER (Heinz). Postalische Zeugnisse zur deutschen Besatzungsherrschaft im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren. Berlin, Hentrich und Hentrich Verlag, 2018, 208 p.
7313. ZAAGSMA (Gerben). Jewish volunteers, the international brigades and the Spanish Civil War. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, IX-250 p. (War, culture and society).### 7314. ŽIVKOVIĆ (Milutin). Između "Velike Albanije" i okupirane Srbije: Novi Pazar, Tutin i Ibarski Kolašin (1941–1944). (Between "Greater Albania" and occupied Serbia: Novi Pazar, Tutin and Ibarski Kolašin, 1941– 1944). Leposavić, Institut za srpsku kulturu Priština/Leposavić, 2018, 436 p. Cf. nos 4143, 4878, 7165, 7170, 7192, 7214, 7247, 7259, 7398, 7455, 7471 b. Diplomacy. Economy ** 7315. Deutschland und die Sowjetunion 1933– 1941. Dokumente aus russischen und deutschen Archiven. Band 2: Januar 1935–April 1937. Hrsg. v. Carola TISCHLER und Sergej SLUTSCH. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, XI-945 p. ** 7316. Kremlin letters (The): Stalin's wartime correspondence with Churchill and Roosevelt. Ed. by David REYNOLDS and Vladimir PECHATNOV. London, Yale U. P., 2018, 680 p. 7317. AFOUMADO (Diane). Indésirables. 1938; La Conférence d'Évian et les réfugiés juifs. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2018, 358 p. 7318. ANDERSEN (Ketil Gjølme). "Teknisk æresoppdrag av høyeste orden". Organisation Todt og byggingen av Hitlers polarjernbane. ("A most noble technical mission". Organization Todt and the construction of Hitler's polar railway). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 206-223. 7319. BIBERT (Alexandre). L'exposition universelle de 1937: une singulière embellie dans les relations franco-allemandes. Revue historique, 2018, 688, 4, p. 899924. 7320. BURT (Sally). High and low tide: Sino-American relations and summit diplomacy in the Second World War. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 167186. 7321. COSTIGLIOLA (Frank). Roosevelt/Kennan and Stalin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 528-531. 7322. FRØLAND (Hans Otto). Organisation Todt som byggherre i Norge. (Organisation Todt as builder in Norway). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 167-188. 7323. GOESCHEL (Christian). Mussolini and Hitler. The forging of the fascist alliance. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, X-388 p. 7324. GOGL (Simon). Profittsøken uten kontroll? De tyske byggebedriftene under Einsatzgruppe Wiking. (Profit without control? German construction firms under Einsatzgruppe Wiking). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 224-239. 7325. HATLEHOL (Gunnar D.). Einsatzgruppe Wiking og kampen om arbeidskraften 1942–1945. (Einsatz-
gruppe Wiking and the struggle for manpower 1942– 1945). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 240255. 7326. INGULSTAD (Mats). I nyordningens tegn? Organisation Todt og reguleringen av den norske byggebransjen. (A new Order? Organisation Todt and the regulation of the Norwegian construction sector). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 256-276. – IDEM. The shovel is our weapon. The Norwegian labour service and the paradox of nationalist internationalism. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 457-483. 7327. IVANOV (Aleksandr G.). Diplomaticheskaia bor'ba v Evrope v kanun Vtoroĭ mirovoĭ voĭny: monografiia. (Diplomatic struggle in Europe on the eve of World War II: monograph). Krasnodar, Kubanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet, 2018, 291 p. 7328. JOHNSON (Zdenka). The monetary policy of the Reichsbank during the Second World War. Rivista di storia economica, 2018, 34, 1, p. 107-134. 7329. KORKMAZCAN (Nezihe Selcen). İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Türk diplomasisi. (Turkish diplomacy in the Second World War). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2018, XII-388 p. (ill., facs.). 7330. MAC CANN (Frank D.). Brazil and the United States during World War II and its aftermath: negotiating alliance and balancing giants. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XVIII-318 p. 7331. MITKIEWICZ (Leon). Litwa i Polska: stosunki wzajemne do roku 1939. (Lithuania and Poland: mutual relations until 1939). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2018, 170 p. 7332. MORAL RONCAL (Antonio Manuel). Estudios sobre asilo diplomático en la Guerra Civil Española. Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2018, 278 p. (UAH monografías. Humanidades, 73). 7333. NIKIFOROVA (Siia︡). Bŭlgarskata stopanska politika vŭv Vardarska Makedoniia (1941–1944). (Bulgarian economic policy in Vardar Macedonia, 1941–1944). Sofiia, Makedonski nauchen institut, 2018, 295 p. 7334. ØRSKOV (Frederik Forrai). Screening the social face of Denmark to the Nazis. Social policy as subdued resistance during the German occupation of Denmark. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 187-211. 7335. PLOKHY (Serhii). Stalin and Roosevelt. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 525-527. 7336. POLIŠENSKÁ (Milada). Dark future for Czechoslovakia: American and Polish diplomats during the Munich Crisis. Białostockie Teki Historyczne, 2018, 16, p. 165-183. 7337. PRESTON (Paul). Britain and the Basque Campaign of 1937: the government, the Royal Navy, the Labour Party and the press. European history quarterly, 2018, 48, 3, p. 490-515.
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War 7338. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub), ŠUSTROVÁ (Radka). War employment and social policies in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939–1945. Praha, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2018, 116 p.### 7339. ROUSSELOT (Nathan). The Chetwode and Vincent missions during the Spanish Civil War: examples of humanitarian inflation and rivalry? Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 41-53. 7340. SCHERNER (Jonas). Lernen und Lernversagen. Die „Metallmobilisierung" im Deutschen Reich 1939 bis 1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 2, p. 233-266. 7341. SHIMIZU (Masahiro). Bunka no sūjiku: senzen Nihon no bunka gaikō to Nachi Doitsu. (The Axis of culture: cultural diplomacy between pre-war Japan and Nazi Germany). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2018, 266 p. 7342. SOVILJ (Milan). Hledání vhodného spojence: Konec slovensko-jugoslávských vztahů a navázání styků mezi Slovenským státem a nezávislým státem Chorvatsko v roce 1941. (The search for an appropriate ally: the end of Slovak - Yugoslav relations and the establishment of relations between the Slovak state and the Independent State of Croatia in 1941). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 2, p. 289-310. – IDEM. Pogled ka drugome: jugoslovenska izbeglička vlada očima čehoslovačkih političara i diplomata u emigraciji u toku drugog svetskog rata. (The look to another side: attitude of the Czechoslovak politicians and diplomats to the Yugoslav government in exile during the second World War). Vojnoistorijski glasnik, 2018, 2, p. 110-141. 7343. TAYLOR (Melissa Jane). 'Raging rumors': American diplomats' reportage from Latvia and Estonia, 1938–1940. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 155-176. 7344. TURCOTTE (Jean-Michel). Collaborer avec le Commonwealth? Les relations canado-britanniques et la détention de guerre au Canada, 1940–1945. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 3, p. 428-455. 7345. WOEHRLE (Christophe). Les prisonniers de guerre français dans l'industrie de guerre du Reich (1940– 1945). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 270, 2, p. 121-142. Cf. nos 4124, 7190, 7213, 7216, 7242, 7254, 7442, 7459, 7483, 7494, 7498, 7501 c. Military operations ** 7346. BUBELOVÁ (Alena), ZABILANSKÁ (Petra). Český skauting za druhé světové války. Podle deníků Jarmila Burghausera. (Czech scouting during the Second World War. The diaries of Jarmil Burghauser). Moderní dějiny: sborník k dějinám 19. a 20. Století, 2018, 26, 1, p. 135-161. ** 7347. KOTTBUS: Natsistskaia karatelʹnaia operatsiia v Belarusi, maĭ-iiunʹ 1943 g., dokumenty i materialy. (KOTTBUS: Nazi punitive operation in Belarus, May–June 1943, documents and materials). Ed. by V. D. SELEMENEV [et al.]. Minsk, NARB, 2018, 635 p. (maps, facs.). (Arkhiv, istoriia, pamiatʹ).
** 7348. KRASNOV (Petr Nikolaevich). Perepiska generala P. N. Krasnova, 1939–1945 gg. (Correspondence of General P. N. Krasnova, 1939–1945). Ed. by S. Iu. VASILENKO, Ivan GRIBKOV, Sergeĭ Igorevich DROBIAZKO. Moskva, Seiatelʹ, 2018, 446 p. (ill.). ** 7349. Nasylʹstvo nad tsyvilʹnym naselenniam Ukraïny, dokumenty spetssluzhb 1941–1944. (Violence against the civilian population of Ukraine, documents of special services 1941–1944). Ed. by Valeriĭ VASYL'IEV [et al.]. Kyïv, Vydavets' Zakharenko V.O., 2018, 751 p. 7350. Atlantvolden i Nordjylland. (Le Mur de l'Atlantique dans le Jutland du nord). Bind 1. Hitlers krig og befæstningen af Nordjylland. (Hitler's war and the fortification of Northern Jutland). Red. Jens ANDERSEN. Thisted, Museum Thy, 2018, 280 p. (ill.). 7351. BEEVOR (Antony). Arnhem: the battle for the bridges, 1944. London, Viking, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2018, XVII-459 p. 7352. BOJEMSKI (Sebastian). Nim Hitler runie śmierć komunie! Wywiad antykomunistyczny Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych pod okupacją niemiecką w latach 1942–1945. (Before Hitler crashes death to communions! Anti-communist intelligence of the National Armed Forces under German occupation in 1942–1945). Warszawa, UKSW, 2018, 350 p. (Seria W służbie Niepodległej). 7353. CHAMPONNOIS (Sylvain). Les projets francobritanniques de bombardement aérien de l'industrie pétrolière soviétique du Caucase (1939–1940). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 3355. 7354. CLERC (Louis). De Petsamo à Narvik: opérations périphériques dans le nord de l'Europe, décembre 1939–avril 1940. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 15-32. 7355. Coping with hunger and shortage under German occupation in World War II. Ed. by Tatjana TÖNSMEYER, Peter HASLINGER and Agnes LABA. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIX-319 p. 7356. DEAN (Peter John). MacArthur's coalition: US and Australian operations in the Southwest Pacific area, 1942–1945. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2018, XVI-476 p. 7357. DIXON (Chris). African Americans and the Pacific War, 1941–1945. Race, nationality and the fight for freedom. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII289 p. 7358. DUCKETT (Richard). The Special Operations Executive in Burma: jungle warfare and intelligence gathering in World War II. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XXII-270 p. 7359. DYE (Peter). "The man who took the rap": Sir Robert Brooke-Popham and the fall of Singapore. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2018, XX-412 p. (History of military aviation).
7360. GLANTZ (David M.). Operation Don's main attack: the Soviet southern front's advance on Rostov, January-February 1943. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2018, XXI-930 p. (Modern war studies).### 7361. GYLLENHAAL (Lars). Svenskar i strid mot Hitler i amerikansk krigstjänst 1941–1945. (Les Suédois au combat contre Hitler dans l'armée américaine 1941– 1945). Stockholm, Lind & Co, 2018, 216 p. (ill.). 7362. JACKSON (Ashley). Persian Gulf command. A history of the Second World War in Iran and Iraq. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2018, XIII-420 p. 7363. JIREČEK (Miroslav). Bitva u Slavkova - verze 1945: osvobození obcí „slavkovského bojiště" na konci 2. světové války = Battle of Austerlitz - version 1945 liberation of "Slavkov Battlefield" villages at the end of World War II. Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity: řada společenských věd, 2018, 32, 1, p. 71-98. 7364. Joining Hitler's crusade: European nations and the invasion of the Soviet Union, 1941. Ed. by David STAHEL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVIII437 p. 7365. KLIMOV (Andreĭ Alekseevich), KOZLOV (Andreĭ Valerʹevich). Krasnaia zvezda protiv trezubtsa: boevye operatsii RKKA i NKVD na Ukraine. (Red star against the trident: combat operations of the Red Army and the NKVD in Ukraine). Moskva, "Veche", 2018, 317 p. (ill.). (Voennye taĭny XX veka).
the building of Festung Norwegen). Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway), 2018, 97, 3, p. 189-205. 7374. STATIEV (Alexander). At war's summit: the Red Army and the struggle for the Caucasus Mountains in World War II. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-440 p. (Cambridge military histories). 7375. SYMONDS (Craig L.). World War II at sea: a global history. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XXII770 p. 7376. SZANAJDA (Andrew), MESSENGER (David A.). The German secret state police in Spain: extending the reach of National Socialism. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 397-415. 7377. Unternehmen Mammut. Ein Kommandoeinsatz der Wehrmacht im Nordirak 1943. Hrsg. v. Bernd LEMKE und Phersed ROSBEIANI. Bremen, Edition Falkenberg, 2018, 224 p. (Cognoscere Historias, 26). 7378. WILLEMS (Bastiaan). Nachbeben des Totalen Kriegs. Der Rückzug der Wehrmacht durch Ostpreußen und seine Folgen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 3, p. 403-434. Cf. nos 7149, 7401 d. Resistance 7379. CEROVIC (Masha). Les enfants de Staline: la guerre des partisans soviétiques (1941–1944). Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2018, 366 p. (Univers historique).
7366. KÖNIG (Stephan). Handelskrieg zur See: ein historischer Vergleich deutscher Hilfskreuzer und Armed Merchant Cruisers des Britischen Empires im Zeitraum des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, 567 p. (Militärhistorische Untersuchungen, 17).
7380. CHAVKIN (Boris). Rasizm i antisemitizm v gitlerovskoĭ Germanii, antinatsistskoe soprotivlenie nemetskikh evreev. (Racism and anti-semitism in Hitler's Germany, anti-nazi Resistance of German Jews). Moskva, Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ gumanitarnyĭ universitet, 2018, 242 p. (ill.).
7367. LINDER (Jan). Krigsfall Sverige! Tysklands anfallsplan mot Sverige 1943. (Le plan d'attaque allemand contre la Suède en 1943). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2018, 174 p.
7381. COINTET (Michèle). Les Françaises dans la guerre et l'Occupation. Paris, Fayard, 2018, 318 p. (Fayard histoire).
7368. METZGER (Chantal). Le Maghreb dans la guerre, 1939–1945. Paris, Armand Colin, 2018, 312 p. 7369. MOURÉLOS (Yannis). La "résurrection" du Front de Salonique. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 57-72.
7382. Comunità in guerra sull'Appennino: la Linea Gotica tra storia e politiche della memoria. A cura di Mirco CARRATTIERI e Alberto PRETI. Roma, Viella, 2018, 458 p. (I libri Viella, 297).
7370. NORBY (Søren). Sænk skibene! Flådens sænkning den 29 august 1943. (Coulez les navires! Le sabordage de la flotte danoise le 29 août 1943). København, Turbine, 2018, 189 p. (ill.).
7383. DAŠIĆ (Miomir). Prilozi istoriji antifašističke borbe u Crnoj Gore 1941–1945. godine. (Contributions to the history of antifascist struggle in Montenegro in the period 1941–1945). Podgorica, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, 2018, 583 p. (Posebna izdanja, 135. Odjeljenje humanističkih nauka, 16).
7371. OVERY (Richard). The bombing of British cities in the Second World War. Storia urbana, 2018, 41, 158, 1, p. 11-34.
7384. GEROLYMATOS (André). The British and the Greek resistance, 1936–1944: spies, saboteurs, and partisans. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, XX-259 p.
7372. PADGETT (Philip). Advocating Overlord: the D-Day strategy and the atomic bomb. Lincoln, Potomac Books, 2018, XV-379 p.
7385. GOBETTI (Erik). La Resistenza dimenticata: partigiani italiani in Montenegro (1943–1945). Roma, Salerno editrice, 2018, 178 p. (Mosaici, 6).
7373. SÆVERAAS (Torgeir E.). OT, Wehrmacht og byggingen av Festung Norwegen. (OT, Wehrmacht and
7386. GOKSØYR (Matti). How can you play when your house is on fire? The Norwegian sports strike dur-
§ 8. From 1945
ing the Second World War. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 433-456.
vestigations in a secret police file. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XVI-323 p.
7387. KOREMAN (Megan). The escape line. How the ordinary heroes of Dutch-Paris resisted the Nazi occupation of Western Europe. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-410 p.
7400. ADALET (Begüm). Hotels and highways. The construction of modernization theory in Cold War Turkey. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XI-286 p.
7388. PETRENKO (Olena). Unter Männern. Frauen im ukrainischen nationalistischen Untergrund 1944–1954. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, 320 p. 7389. PRYSER (Tore). Svik, gråsoner og heltemot: spioner under andre verdenskrig. (Betrayal, gray areas and heroism: spies in the Second World War). Rånåsfoss, Svein Sandnes bokforlag, 2018, 319 p. 7390. Résistance (La) à l'épreuve du genre: hommes et femmes dans la Résistance antifasciste en Europe du Sud (1936–1949). Sous la direction de Laurent DOUZOU et Mercedes YUSTA. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018, 248 p. (Histoire). 7391. Resistenza (La) in Italia: storia, memoria, storiografia. A cura di Mirco CARRATTIERI e Marcello FLORES. Firenze, GoWare, 409 p. (Sulle orme della storia). 7392. SAVENIJE (Lennert). Nijmegen, collaboratie en verzet: een stad in oorlogstijd. Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2018, 526 p. 7393. SCHMIDT (Carina). Bücher für den Widerstand: Untergrundliteratur in den besetzten Niederlanden 1940– 1945. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, XII-263 p. (Buchwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 98). 7394. SEIDMAN (Michael). Transatlantic antifascisms: from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XII-340 p. 7395. YAGIL (Limore). Désobéir: des policiers et des gendarmes sous l'Occupation, 1940–1944. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2018, 378 p. Cf. nos 4407, 6572
7401. AGRELL (Wilhelm). Sprickor i järnridån: svensk underrättelsetjänst 1944–1992. (Fissures dans le rideau de fer: les services secrets suédois entre 1944 et 1992). Lund, Historiska media, 2018, 352 p. 7402. BARNETT (Nicholas J.). Britain's Cold War. Culture, modernity and the Soviet threat. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XI-292 p. 7403. BEASLEY (Betsy A.). Service learning: oil, international education, and Texas's corporate Cold War. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 177-203. 7404. BESSNER (Daniel). Democracy in exile. Hans Speier and the rise of the defense intellectual. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XV-294 p. (The United States in the World). 7405. Beyond boycotts. Sport during the Cold War in Europe. Ed. by Philippe VONNARD, Nicola SBETTI and Grégory QUIN. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII-234 p. (Rethinking the Cold War, 1). 7406. BLOEMENDAL (Albertine). Reframing the diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic community. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 327 p. (New perspectives on the cold war, 3). 7407. BOHR (Felix). Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby. Bundesdeutsche Hilfe für im Ausland inhaftierte NS-Täter. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2018, 558 p. 7408. BOUILLON (Pierre). La Hongrie, composante occidentale du flanc sud du pacte de Varsovie, composante méridionale de son flanc nord ou charnière intermédiaire? Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 272, 4, p. 135-146.
a. General
7409. BURKE (Kyle). Revolutionaries for the right. Anticommunist internationalism and paramilitary warfare in the Cold War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 351 p. (The New Cold War history).
* 7396. NUTI (Leopoldo). The making of the nuclear order and the historiography on the 1970s. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 965-974.
7410. CAREW (Anthony). American labour's Cold War abroad: from deep freeze to Détente, 1945–1970. Edmonton, Athabasca U. P., 2018, XVIII-510 p.
** 7397. Makedonija vo dokumentite na CIA. (Macedonia in CIA documents). T. 1. Izbor i redakcija prof. d-r Aleksandar STOJČEV. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Severna Makedonija, 2018, 570 p.
7411. CHAMBERLIN (Paul Thomas). The Cold War's killing fields: rethinking the long peace. New York, Harper, 2018, 640 p.
§ 8. From 1945. ______________________
** 7398. SŁABIG (Arkadiusz). "Sytuacja jest w naszych rękach": działania aparatu bezpieczeństwa Polski Ludowej wobec Ukraińców w latach 1944–1989. ("Situation is in our hands": activities of the security apparatus of People's Republic of Poland towards Ukrainians in the years 1944–1989). Słupsk, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej, 2018, 700 p. ** 7399. VERDERY (Katherine). My life as a spy: in-
7412. CORMAC (Rory). Disrupt and deny: spies, special forces, and the secret pursuit of British foreign policy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-394 p. 7413. D'ANGELO (Ariane). Promouvoir la RFA à l'étranger 1958–1969. L'exemple de la France. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, 370 p. (Mondes germaniques). 7414. DAVID (François). Commander la guerre depuis Washington D.C. Les évolutions organiques du "Na-
tional Defense Establishment" à partir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 9-24.
kholodnoĭ voĭny. (Great power diplomacy in the Middle East during the Cold War). Moskva, IUNITI a. Zakon i pravo, 2018, 230 p.
7415. DEJMEK (Jindřich). The international position of communist Czechoslovakia and its external activities: an outline of the basic problems (1948–1989). Comenius: journal of Euro-American civilization, 2018, 5, 2, p. 189-210.
7429. KI (Kwang-sŏ). Pukhan kukka ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa Soryŏn. (Formation of the North Korean State and the Soviet Union). Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Sŏnin, 2018, 664 p. (ill.).
7416. Dekolonisierungsgewinner. Deutsche Außenpolitik und Außenwirtschaftsbeziehungen im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges. Hrsg. v. Christian KLEINSCHMIDT und Dieter ZIEGLER. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VII-338 p. 7417. Diplomácia - hírszerzés – állambiztonság Diplomácia - hírszerzés – állambiztonság. (Diplomacy – intelligence – state security). Szerkesztette ANDREIDES Gábor, M. MADARÁSZ Anita, SOÓS Viktor Attila. Budapest, Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottsága, 2018, 573 p. 7418. EISENHUTH (Stefanie). Die Schutzmacht. Die Amerikaner in Berlin 1945–1994. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 512 p. (Geschichte der Gegenwart, 19). 7419. ENGERMAN (David C.). The price of aid. The economic Cold War in India. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 512 p. 7420. FUHRMANN (Matthew). On extended nuclear deterrence. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 51-73. 7421. HENRY (Solveig). Civil wars and mediation: The evolving role of international organizations since 1945. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 3-16. 7422. HILL (Christopher R.). Peace and power in Cold War Britain. Media, movements and democracy, c. 1945–1968. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, VI-306 p. 7423. Internationale Solidarität: globales Engagement in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR. Hrsg. v. Frank BÖSCH, Caroline MOINE und Stefanie SENGER. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2018, 264 p. 7424. JOURNOUD (Pierre). A little known actor: The United Nations and the civil wars in the Indochinese peninsula during the Cold War. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 17-28. 7425. Kalten Krieg vermessen (Den). Über Reichweite und Alternativen einer binären Ordnungsvorstellung. Hrsg. v. Frank REICHHERZER, Emmanuel DROIT und Jan HANSEN. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VIII-317 p. 7426. KAMI (Hideaki). Diplomacy meets migration. US relations with Cuba during the Cold War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-360 p. (Cambridge studies in US foreign relations).
7430. KRUMREY (Jacob). The symbolic politics of European integration. Staging Europe. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, X-250 p. 7431. KUČERA (Jaroslav). Mírové uspořádání s Německem. Od protihitlerovské koalice k Česko-německé deklaraci. Praha, Dokořán s.r.o., 2018, 479 p. 7432. LAGANÀ (Giada). The Europeanization of the Northern Ireland peace process. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 29-39. 7433. LANOSZKA (Alexander). Atomic assurance: the alliance politics of nuclear proliferation. Ithaca a. New York, Cornell U. P., 2018, 201 p. 7434. LINDSAY-POLAND (John). Plan Colombia. U.S. ally atrocities and community activism. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XV-293 p. 7435. MAL'KOV (Viktor Leonidovich). Vkhozhdenie v iadernuiu ėru. Atomnaia diplomatiia, ot nachala k paritetu. (Entering the nuclear age. Atomic diplomacy, from inception to parity). Moskva, "Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia", 2018, 647 p. (ill.). 7436. NAGORNAJA (Oksana Sergeevna), NIKONOVA (Olga Jurevna), POPOV (Aleksej Dmitrievič), RAEVA (T.V.), TREGUBOV (N.A.). Sovetskaia kul'turnaia diplomatiia v usloviiakh Kholodnoĭ voĭny, 1945–1989: kollektivnaia monografiia. (Soviet cultural diplomacy in the conditions of the Cold War, 1945–1989: collective monograph). Ed. by Oksana S. NAGORNAIA. Moskva, ROSSPĖN, 2018, 445 p. 7437. NIEBUHR (Robert). The search for a Cold War legitimacy. Foreign policy and Tito's Yugoslavia. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 248 p. (Balkan studies library, 22). 7438. O'DRISCOLL (Mervyn). Ireland, West Germany and the new Europe, 1949–1973. Best friend and ally? Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, 263 p. 7439. Once and future partners: the United States, Russia and nuclear non-proliferation. Ed. by William C. POTTER and Sarah BIDGOOD. London, IISS, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2018, 294 p.
7427. KAPLAN (Amy). Our American Israel. The story of an entangled alliance. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 336 p.
7440. PANG (Il-gwŏn), O (Ir-hwan). Ch'aegim kwa pyŏnmyŏng ŭi injilgŭk: Sahallin Hanin munje rŭl tullŏssan Han-Rŏ-Il 3-kuk ŭi oegyo hyŏpsang. (Hostage play of responsibility and excuse: Korea, Russia and Japan trilateral diplomatic negotiations over the Sakhalin Korean issue). Sŏul-si, Ch'aeryun, 2018, 251 p. (ill.). (Chŏnjaeng kwa p'yŏnghwa haksul ch'ongsŏ, II-1).
7428. KHAZANOV (Anatoliĭ Mikhaĭlovich). Diplomatiia velikikh derzhav na Blizhnem Vostoke v gody
7441. PLAVNIEKS (Richards). Nazi collaborators on trial during the Cold War: Viktors Arājs and the Lat-
§ 8. From 1945
vian Auxiliary Security Police. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XVI-297 p. (Holocaust and its contexts).
Korean relations, 1949–1976. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIV-357 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University).
7442. PYLE (Kenneth B.). Japan in the American century. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 457 p.
7455. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri). La Guerre froide de la France (1941–1990). Paris, Tallandier, 2018, 588 p.
7443. RAMOS (Raphaël). Une chimère américaine. Genèse de la communauté du renseignement des ÉtatsUnis, de la CIA à la NSA. Montpellier, Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2018, 214 p.
7456. ŠTÉR (Roman). Československý výbor obránců míru a Československý mírový výbor v letech 1949– 1989. (The Czechoslovak committee of the peace defenders and Czechoslovak peace committee in 1945–1989). Paginae historiae, 2018, 26, 2, p. 240-264.
7444. REICHENBERGER (Florian). Der gedachte Krieg. Vom Wandel der Kriegsbilder in der militärischen Führung der Bundeswehr im Zeitalter des Ost-WestKonflikts. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, XI498 p. (Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 13). 7445. RIEDEL (Bruce). Kings and presidents: Saudi Arabia and the United States since FDR. Washington, Brookings Institute Press, 2018, 251 p. 7446. RINGSMOSE (Jens), BRØNDUM (Christian). Frihedens pris: så lav som mulig. NATO, Danmark og forsvarbudgetterne. (Le prix de la paix: aussi réduit que possible. L'OTAN, le Danemark et les budgets de la Défense). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2018, 231 p. (ill.). 7447. ROEHRLICH (Elisabeth). Negotiating verification: international diplomacy and the evolution of nuclear safeguards, 1945–1972. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 29-50. 7448. ROTH (Thomas). Försvaret och Skåne under kalla kriget: krigsplanläggning, befästningar och beredskap. (La défense de la Scanie pendant la Guerre froide: planification militaire, fortifications et préparation à la guerre). Stockholm, Militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2018, 174 p. 7449. RUOTSILA (Markku). Globalising the US Christian right: transnational interchange during the Cold War. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 133154.
7457. SUNDELIN (Anders). Diplomaten. (Biographie du diplomate suédois Sverker Åström [1915–2012]). Stockholm, Weyler, 2018, 382 p. 7458. TAKEUCHI-DEMIRCI (Aiko). Contraceptive diplomacy. Reproductive politics and imperial ambitions in the United States and Japan. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XV-318 p. 7459. THORHALLSSON (Baldur), STEINSSON (Sverrir), KRISTINSSON (Thorsteinn). A theory of shelter: Iceland's American period (1941–2006). Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 4, p. 539-563. 7460. UNGER (Corinna R.). International development. A postwar history. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, XI-239 p. 7461. Warsaw Pact intervention in the Third World: aid and influence in the Cold War. Ed. by Philip E. MUEHLENBECK and Natalia TELEPNEVA. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2018, XVI-352 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 101). 7462. WEGMAIER (Alexander). Europäer sein und Bayern Bleiben: die Idee Europa und die bayerische Europapolitik 1945–1979. München, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2018, XIII-574 p. (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 171). 7463. WEISS-WENDT (Anton). A rhetorical crime: genocide in the geopolitical discourse of the Cold War. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2018, 272 p.
7450. SAMUILOVA (Simona). Disinformation in the ideological race during the Cold War and its heritage. Bulgarian historical review, 2018, 1-2, p. 155-178.
Cf. nos 4452, 4458, 4843
7451. SCHERRER (Alexandra). Das Französische Generalkonsulat in München, 1945–1980: Organisation, Netzwerke, Berichterstattung. München, Herbert Utz Verlag, 2018, 452 p. (Miscellanea Bavarica Monacensia, 187).
** 7464. "A Szovjetunióval örök időkre és soha máshogy!": az 1956-os magyar forradalom csehszlovák dokumentumai. ("With the Soviet Union forever and never otherwise!": Czechoslovak documents of the 1956 Hungarian revolution). A dokumentumokat válogatta és szerkesztette BENCSIK Péter és MITROVITS Miklós. Budapest, MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Történettudományi Intézet, 2018, 924 p. (Magyar történelmi emlékek. Okmánytárak = Monumenta Hungariae historica. Diplomataria).
7452. SELCER (Perrin). The postwar origins of the global environment. How the United Nations built spaceship earth. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIV-379 p. (Columbia studies in international and global history). 7453. SHANKAR (Mahesh). The reputational imperative: Nehru's India in territorial conflict. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, 253 p. (Studies in Asian security). 7454. SHEN (Zhihua), XIA (Yafeng). A misunderstood friendship. Mao Zedong, Kim Il-Sung and Sino-North
b. 19451956
** 7465. GRONIER (Thomas). Le Saint-Siège et la Mitteleuropa à l'heure du rideau de fer: les rapports des ambassadeurs autrichiens au Vatican entre 1946 et 1961. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018, 500 p. (Publikationen des Histori-
schen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom, 1. Abteilung. Abhandlungen, 17). ** 7466. Towards a ceasefire in Kashmir: British official reports from South Asia, 18 September–31 December 1948. Selected and edited by Lionel CARTER. New Delhi, Manohar, 2018, VIII-719 p. 7467. BALLOFFET (Lily Pearl). Argentine and Egyptian history entangled: from Perón to Nasser. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 3, p. 549-577. 7468. BRENDEL (Benjamin). Experten von Krieg, Hass und Gewalt. Deutsche Nationalsozialisten im Ägypten der 1950er und 1960er Jahre im Blick von AA und CIA. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2018, 44, 4, p. 526553. 7469. BUCLIN (Hadrien). Une brèche dans la défense nationale ? Le Mouvement suisse contre l'armement atomique (années 1950–1960). Le mouvement social, 2018, 264, p. 75-91. 7470. ČAPKOVÁ (Kateřina). Between expulsion and rescue. The transports for German-speaking Jews of Czechoslovakia in 1946. Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 2018, 32, 1, p. 66-92. 7471. CESARI (Laurent). The United States in the Chinese Civil War. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 47-62. 7472. CHAUDHURI (Rudra). The making of an 'all weather friendship' Pakistan, China and the history of a border agreement: 1949–1963. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 41-64. 7473. CHEN (Chern). Former Nazi officers in the Near East: German military advisors in Syria, 1949– 1956. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 732751. 7474. CLARKE LEMAY (Kate). Triumph of the dead. American World War II cemeteries, Monuments and diplomacy in France. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2018, XX-209 p. (War, memory and culture). 7475. ELLIOTT (Oliver). The American press and the Cold War: the rise of authoritarianism in South Korea, 1945–1954. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XIII254 p. 7476. FERGUSON (Alex). Press management and U.S. support for France in Indochina, 1950–1954. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 228-253. 7477. GEHLER (Michael), STEININGER (Rolf). 17. Juni 1953: der unterdrückte Volksaufstand: seine Vor- und Nachgeschichte. Reinbek, Lau Verlag, 2018, 487 p. 7478. GIRZYŃSKI (Zbigniew). Między Londynem a Warszawą: Polacy we Francji w polityce rządu uchodźczego i władz Polski Ludowej w latach 1945–1956. (Between London and Warsaw: Poles in France in the policy of the government of refugees and the authorities of the People's Republic of Poland in 1945–1956). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2018, 868 p. (O Niepodległą i jej trwanie).
7479. GRIJALVA DÁVILA (Miguel Ángel). El ocaso del latifundio Greene: ilegalidad, política internacional y agrarismo en la frontera Sonora-Arizona, 1954–1958. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 1295-1344. 7480. HAIG (Fiona). Communists on the brink: the Gorizian comrades of the early post-war period. International history review, 2018, 40, 3, p. 493-522. 7481. HASHIMOTO (Yasuna). Der Umgang mit der NS-Vergangenheit in der Arbeitsverwaltung und die Folgen für die Gestaltung der Ausländerarbeitspolitik in der Bundesrepublik der frühen 1950er Jahre. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2018, 105, 4, p. 480-496. 7482. HEER (Paul J.). Mr. X and the Pacific: George F. Kennan and American policy in East Asia. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2018, XIII-299 p. 7483. HILGER (Andreas). Sowjetisch-indische Beziehungen 1941–1966. Imperiale Agenda und nationale Identität in der Ära von Dekolonisierung und Kaltem Krieg. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 767 p. (Osteuropa in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2). 7484. HITCHCOCK (William I.). The age of Eisenhower. America and the world in the 1950s. New York, Simon and Schuster, 2018, XI-650 p. 7485. HOFFRICHTER (Arne). Verwaltung, Politik, Geheimdienste. Das Notaufnahmelager Uelzen-Bohldamm im Prozess der Zuwanderung aus SBZ und DDR (1945–1963). Göttingen, Wallstein, 2018, 403 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 297). 7486. HUXFORD (Grace). The Korean War in Britain: citizenship, selfhood and forgetting. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2018, XI-203 p. (Cultural history of modern war). 7487. JACKOWSKA (Anna Maria). Sowiety na ławie oskarżonych: polskie uczestnictwo w propagandowej zimnej wojnie we Francji w latach 1947–1952. (Soviétiques sur le banc des accusés: participation polonaise à la propagande de la guerre froide en France en 1947– 1952). Warszawa, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2018, 374 p. (Monografie, 132). 7488. JUNGBLJUD (Valerij Teodorovič), ZORIN (Artem Viktorovič). The problem of returning of American diplomats to liberated Czechoslovak Republic. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Istorija, 2018, 63, 4, p. 1289-1302. 7489. KELLY (Andrew). ANZUS and the early Cold War: strategy and diplomacy between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, 1945–1956. Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2018, 216 p. 7490. Korean war (The) in Asia: a hidden history. Ed. by Tessa MORRIS-SUZUKI. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018, X-226 p. 7491. KURODA (Tomoya). Yōroppa tōgō to datsushokuminchi-ka, reisen: daiyon kyōwasei kōki Furansu
§ 8. From 1945 o chūshin ni. (European integration in the face of decolonization and the Cold War: focusing on the Fourth French Republic). Tokyo, Yoshida Shoten, 2018, 300 p. 7492. LARRES (Klaus). Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech in context: the attempt to achieve a 'good understanding on all points' with Stalin's Soviet Union. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 86-107. 7493. LEEBAERT (Derek). Grand improvisation: America confronts the British superpower, 1945–1957. New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2018, 612 p. 7494. MASON (Andrea). British policy towards Poland, 1944–1956. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIII-232 p. (Security, conflict and cooperation in the contemporary world). 7495. MAUER (Victor). Brückenbauer. Großbritannien, die deutsche Frage und die Blockade Berlins 1948– 1949. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, VII573 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London/Publications of the German Historical Institute London, 80). 7496. MAYERS (David). Crossing to safety from Cold War America: the collaboration and friendship of John Paton Davies, Jr. and George Frost Kennan. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 208-236. 7497. MITELPUNKT (Shaul). Israel in the American mind: the cultural politics of US-Israeli relations, 1958–1988. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 368 p. 7498. PETERSEN (Mirko). Geopolitische Imaginarien. Diskursive Konstruktionen der Sowjetunion im peronistischen Argentinien (1943–1955). Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 376 p. 7499. PEZDIR (Rado), ŠUŠTERŠIC (Janez). Yugoslav companies in zone A of the free territory of Trieste. The formation of an institutionalized parallel economy controlled by the State Security Service. Archivio storico italiano, 2018, 176, 656, p. 313-346. 7500. "Revolución Libertadora" (La) en el marco de la Guerra Fría: la Argentina y el mundo durante los gobiernos de Lonardi y Aramburu. Compiladoras María Valeria GALVÁN y María Florencia OSUNA. Rosario, Prohistoria, 2018, 238 p. (Colección Actas, 32). 7501. ROH (Kyung Deok). Stalin's economic advisors. The Varga Institute and the making of Soviet foreign policy. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2018, XVI-235 p. (The library of modern Russia). 7502. ROY (Nabarun). In the shadow of great power politics: why Nehru supported PRC's admission to the Security Council. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 376-396. 7503. SHIVELY (Jacob). "Good deeds aren't enough": Point Four in Iran, 1949–1953. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 413-431. 7504. Slovensko a Európa v roku 1947. (Slovakia and Europe in 1947). Ed. Marek SYRNÝ. Banská Bystrica, Múzeum Slovenského národného povstania v Banskej Bystrici, 2018, 240 p.
7505. Slovensko a Európa v roku 1948. (Slovakia and Europe in 1948). Ed. Marek SYRNÝ. Banská Bystrica, Múzeum Slovenského národného povstania v Banskej Bystrici, Fakulta politických vied a medzinárodných vzťahov UMB, Vojenský historický ústav v Bratislave, 2018, 309 p. 7506. SOLOMONOVICH (Nadav). The Turkish Republic's Jihad? Religious symbols, terminology and ceremonies in Turkey during the Korean War 1950–1953. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 4, p. 592-610. 7507. STEIL (Benn). The Marshall Plan: dawn of the Cold War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 624 p. 7508. Transforming occupation in the western zones of Germany: politics, everyday life and social interactions, 1944–1955. Ed. by Camilo ERLICHMAN and Christopher KNOWLES. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 304 p. 7509. Vengerskiĭ krizis 1956 v kontekste khrushchevskoĭ ottepeli, mezhdunarodnykh i mezhblokovykh otnosheniĭ. (La crise hongroise de 1956 dans le contexte du dégel de Khrouchtchev, relations internationales et interblocs). Redkollegiia: Anna KOSTRITS, A.S. STYKALIN, O.V. KHAVANOVA. Moskva, Nestor-Istoriia, 2018, 366 p. 7510. WEIGELT (Andreas). Vorwurf: Aktiver Nazi, Werwolf oder Agent. Die Verhaftungspraxis sowjetischer Geheimdienste in und um Bad Freienwalde 1945– 1955. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2018, 326 p. (Schriftenreihe der Beauftragten des Landes Brandenburg zur Aufarbeitung der Folgen der kommunistischen Diktatur, 11). 7511. WIEGESHOFF (Andrea). The "new look" of German diplomacy: the West German foreign service after the Second World War. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 187-207. 7512. WINKLER (Jonathan Reed). The forgotten menace of electro-magnetic warfare in the early Cold War. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 254-280. 7513. ZELIKOW (Philip); MAY (Ernest R.). Suez deconstructed: an interactive study in crisis, war, and peacemaking. Washington D. C., Brookings Institution Press, 2018, 417 p. Addendum 2017 7514. PERAINO (Kevin). A force so swift: Mao, Truman, and the birth of modern China, 1949. New York, Crown, 2017, 400 p. Cf. nos 7321, 7335, 7533, 7544, 7637, 7673, 7674, 7675 c. From 1956 ** 7515. Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz / Documents diplomatiques suisses / Documenti diplomatici svizzeri. Bd. 26. 1.1.1973–31.12.1975. Forschungsleiter Sacha ZALA. Zürich, Chronos, 2018, LXXV-582 p. ** 7516. Documents on Irish foreign policy. Volume XI. 1957–1961. Editors, Michael KENNEDY, Dermot
KEOGH, Eunan O'HALPIN, Kate O'MALLEY, Bernadette WHELAN. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2018, LXXIX840 p. ** 7517. Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik. Hrsg. für das Bundesarchiv v. Michael HOLLMANN. Rh. 7. Bd. 1, 1. Oktober 1982 bis 31. Dezember 1984. Bearb. v. Annette MERTENS in Verb. mit Angela ABMEIER, Veronika HEYDE und Stephan KIENINGER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2018, 992 p. ** 7518. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1980: styczeń–czerwiec. (Polish diplomatic documents 1980: January–June). Redaktor Piotr DŁUGOŁĘCKI. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2018, LXXIII1048 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 7519. ṬURAYḥĪ (Suhá Muḥammad Ḥasan). Mudhakkirāt diblūmāsīyah 'Irāqīyah, 1959–1991. (Iraqi diplomatic notes, 1959–1991). Al-Muhandisīn, al-Jīzah, alNukhbah lil-Ṭibā'ah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzī', 2018, 378 p. (ill.). 7520. Ahí me van a matar: cultura, violencia y Guerra Fría en Costa Rica (1979–1990). Ed. por Iván MOLINA JIMÉNEZ y David DÍAZ ARIAS. San José, EUNED, 2018, XVIII-394 p. 7521. ALI (Luman). British diplomacy and the Iranian Revolution, 1978–1981. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XIV-307 p. (Security, conflict and cooperation in the contemporary world). 7522. American policy towards the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971: a collection of essential documents. Ed. by Mahmudul HUQUE. Dhaka, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2018, XXXVI-519 p. 7523. ANSTEY (Isabelle). Negotiating nuclear control: the Zangger Committee and the nuclear suppliers' group in the 1970s. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 975-995. 7524. ANZISKA (Seth). Preventing Palestine: a political history from Camp David to Oslo. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 435 p. 7525. ASSELIN (Pierre). Vietnam's American War. A history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXXV283 p. (Cambridge studies in U.S. foreign relations). 7526. BAGNATO (Bruna). L'Italie, le bombardement de Sakiet sidi Youssef et l'échec d'une "action de détente". Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 269, 1, p. 113-133. 7527. BAIN (Mervyn J.). Russo-Cuban relations in the 1990s. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 255273. 7528. BAJON (Philip). "The human factor": FrenchWest German bilateralism and the "logic of appropriateness" in the European crisis of the Mid-1960s. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 455-476. 7529. BAKKE (Lars Hasvoll), WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen). Facing Assad. American diplomacy toward Syria, 1973–1977. International history review, 2018, 40, 3, p. 546-572.
7530. BARROS (Luiz Eduardo Pinto). A diplomacia entre as quedas: o litígio fronteiriço entre Brasil e Paraguai que resultou na construção de Itaipu (1962– 1966). Jundiaí, Paco Editorial, 2018, 242 p. 7531. BASHA I NOVOSEJT (Aurélie). C. Douglas Dillon, President Kennedy's economic envoy. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 231-252. 7532. BÁTONYI (Gábor). 'Creative ferment in Eastern Europe': Thatcher's diplomacy and the transformation of Hungary in the Mid-1980s. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 638-666. 7533. BAULON (Jean-Philippe). L'ampleur du désastre: l'évaluation américaine d'un conflit nucléaire avec l'URSS (1953–1965). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 25-44. 7534. BEN-EPHRAIM (Shaiel). Distraction and deception: Israeli settlements, Vietnam, and the Johnson administration. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 3, p. 456483. 7535. BENTIVOGLIO (Giulia). The two sick men of Europe? Britain and Italy between crisis and renaissance 1976–1983. Brussels, Peter Lang, 2018, 241 p. 7536. BERRY (Philip A.). Allies at war in Afghanistan: Anglo-American friction over aerial poppy eradication, 2004–2007. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 274-297. – IDEM. From London to Lashkar Gah: British counter narcotics policies in Afghanistan (2001– 2003). International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 713731. 7537. BIESCHKE (Anne). Die unerhörte Friedensbewegung. Frauen, Krieg und Frieden in der Nuklearkrise 1979–1983. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2018, 277 p. (Frieden und Krieg. Beiträge zur Historischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 25). 7538. BIGGS (David). Footprints of war. Militarized landscapes in Vietnam. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2018, XIX-250 p. (Weyerhaeuser environmental books). 7539. BLANC (Jacob). Itaipu's forgotten history: the 1965 Brazil–Paraguay border crisis and the new geopolitics of the Southern Cone. Journal of Latin American studies, 2018, 50, 2, p. 383-409. 7540. BLANGA (Yehuda U.). Full effort to avoid peace: the failure of the first Rogers plan. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 981-999. 7541. BRAUT-HEGGHAMMER (Malfrid). Pakistan, uranium and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1970–1980. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1034-1048. 7542. BRIGHAM (Robert K.). Reckless: Henry Kissinger and the tragedy of Vietnam. New York, Public Affairs Press, 2018, 297 p. 7543. BRUNI (Domenico Maria). The British political parties and the Falklands War. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, VII-185 p.
§ 8. From 1945 7544. BRUNO (Karl). The government's business? Swedish foreign policy and commercial mineral interests in Liberia, 1955–1980. Scandinavian journal of history, 2018, 43, 5, p. 624-645. 7545. BUSCH (David S.). The politics of international volunteerism: the Peace Corps and volunteers to America in the 1960s. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 669693. 7546. CAMERON (Hazel). The Matabeleland massacres: Britain's wilful blindness. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 1-19. 7547. CAMERON (James). The double game: the demise of America's first missile defense system and the rise of strategic arms limitation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, 248 p. 7548. CANGEMI (Michael). Ambassador Frank Ortiz and Guatemala's "killer president," 1976–1980. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 613-639. 7549. CAŞU (Igor). 'Down with revisionism and irredentism': Soviet Moldavia and the Prague Spring, 1968-72. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 279-298. 7550. CHAUDHURI (Rudra). Re-reading the Indian emergency: Britain, the United States and India's constitutional autocracy, 1975–1977. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 477-498. 7551. CHOLLET (Derek). Obama and Putin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 579-582. 7552. CLEMIS (Martin G.). The control war. The struggle for South Vietnam, 1968–1975. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2018, XIX-372 p. 7553. COHEN (Ronen A.). The Mojahedin-e Khalq versus the Islamic Republic of Iran: from war to propaganda and the war on propaganda and diplomacy. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 1000-1014. 7554. COPPOLANI (Antoine). La guerre américaine au Cambodge, 1969–1975. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 45-70. – IDEM. Nixon, Kissinger, and the Cambodian Civil War. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 63-78. 7555. COPPOLARO (Lucia). In the shadow of globalization: the European Community and the United States in the GATT negotiations of the Tokyo round (1973– 1979). International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 752773. 7556. CUCCIA (Deborah). The Genscher-Colombo plan: a forgotten page in the European integration history. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 59-78. 7557. DAIGLE (Craig). Beyond Camp David: Jimmy Carter, Palestinian self-determination, and human rights. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 802-830. 7558. DESGRANDCHAMPS (Marie-Luce). From the Congo to Biafra: Civil wars and humanitarianism in
postcolonial international relations. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 55-67. 7559. Deutschland, Frankreich und die USA in den 'langen' 960er Jahren. Ein transatlantisches Dreiecksverhältnis. Hrsg. v. Johannes GROßMANN und Hélène MIARD-DELACROIX. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2018, 245 p. 7560. DI FABIO (Laura). Due democrazie, una sorveglianza comune. Italia e Repubblica Federale Tedesca nella lotta al terrorismo interno e internazionale (1967– 1986). Firenze, Mondadori Education, 2018, XII-223 p. (Quaderni di Storia). 7561. "Die Revolte der Jungen": die Berichterstattung der Schweizer Diplomatie über die globale Protestbewegung um 1968. Hrsg. v. Thomas BÜRGISSER und Sacha ZALA; unter Mitarbeit von Sabine DÄNDLIKER [et al.] Bern, Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz, 2018, 142 p. (Quaderni di Dodis, 9). 7562. DOLGILEVICH (R. V.). Zapadnyĭ Berlin i sovetskaia diplomatiia, 1963–1969 gg. (West Berlin and Soviet diplomacy, 1963–1969). Sankt-Peterburg, Aleteĭia, 2018, 244 p. 7563. DOYLE (Suzanne). Preserving the global nuclear order: the Trident Agreements and the arms control debate, 1977–1982. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1174-1190. 7564. DUREZ (Aymeric). From Operation Manta to Operation Serval: two socialist presidents and the role of guardian of the African "backyard". Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 125-142. 7565. Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion. Ed. by Kevin MAC DERMOTT and Matthew STIBBE. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 321 p. [Cf. nos 3954, 4681, 6705, 7549, 7605, 7615, 7651, 7664.] 7566. ESNO (Tyler). Reagan's economic war on the Soviet Union. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 281304. 7567. FAIN (W. Taylor). Conceiving the "arc of crisis" in the Indian Ocean region. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 694-719. 7568. FEAR (Sean). Saigon goes global: South Vietnam's quest for international legitimacy in the age of détente. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 3, p. 428-455. 7569. FERRARI (Lorenzo). How the European Community entered the United Nations, 1969–1976, and what it meant for European political integration. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 237-254. 7570. FIELD (Thomas C., Jr.). Transnationalism meets empire: the AFL-CIO, development, and the private origins of Kennedy's Latin American labor program. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 2, p. 305-334. 7571. FRAMPTON (Martyn). The Muslim brotherhood and the West. A history of enmity and engagement. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, IX-661 p.
7572. GALLAGHER (Julia). Misrecognition in the making of a state: Ghana's international relations under Kwame Nkrumah. Review of international studies, 2018, 44, 5, p. 882-901.###
7586. HOOPES (Michael). Send good vibes, guns, and money: the institutionalisation of United States drug diplomacy toward Mexico, 1969–1989. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 667-691.
7573. GASBARRI (Flavia). Revisiting the linkage: PDD 25, genocide in Rwanda and the US peacekeeping experience of the 1990s. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 792-813.
7587. ISBERG (Jan-Gunnar). Försvarsmaktens stöd till de baltiska staterna 1996–2006. (Le soutien de l'armée suédoise aux Etats baltes entre 1996 et 2006). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2018, 168 p. (ill.).
7574. GAT (Mosheh). The Arab-Israel conflict, 1956– 1975: from violent conflict to a peace process. Milton Park, Routledge, 2018, VI-262 p. (Israeli history, politics and society, 63). 7575. GAWTHORPE (Andrew J.). To build as well as destroy: American nation building in South Vietnam. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, 258 p.
7588. Italy in the international system from Détente to the end of the Cold War: the underrated ally. Ed. by Antonio VARSORI and Benedetto ZACCARIA. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, XV-309 p. (Security, conflict and cooperation in the contemporary world).
7576. GEHRIG (Sebastian). Reaching out to the Third World: East Germany's anti-Apartheid and socialist human rights campaign. German history, 2018, 36, 4, p. 574-597.
7589. JACOBS (Matthew D.). Reformists, revolutionaries, and Kennedy administration public diplomacy in Colombia and Venezuela. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 859-885.
7577. Général (Le) de Gaulle et le Québec. Sous la dir. de Jean-Paul BLED. Paris, SPM, 2018, 149 p. (Intarissable).
7590. JÄDERSTRÖM (Elin). Hennes excellens Agda Rössel: från banvaktstugan till FN-skrapan. (Une diplomate suédoise, Agda Rössel [1910-2001]: de la maison de garde-barrière au gratte-ciel de l'ONU à New York). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2018, 272 p. (ill.).
7578. GEOGHEGAN (Kate). A policy in tension: the national endowment for democracy and the U.S. response to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 772-801. – IDEM. Bush 41 / Clinton and Yeltsin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 572575. 7579. GHEORGHE (Eliza). Peace for atoms. US nonproliferation policy and the Romanian role in the SinoAmerican rapprochement, 1969–1971. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1049-1072. 7580. GOLDSTEIN (Yossi). Warum wurde nach dem Sechstagekrieg kein Friede erreicht? Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 3, p. 377-402. 7581. GRILLI (Matteo). Nkrumaism and African nationalism: Ghana's pan-African foreign policy in the age of decolonization. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, XV-366 p. (African histories and modernities). 7582. GUTTMANN (Aviva). Secret wires across the Mediterranean: the Club de Berne, Euro-Israeli counterterrorism, and Swiss 'neutrality'. International history review, 2018, 40, 4, p. 814-833. 7583. HELM (Christian). Botschafter der Revolution. Das transnationale Kommunikationsnetzwerk zwischen der Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional und bundesdeutscher Solidaritätsbewegung 1977–1990. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, 420 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 39). 7584. HERACLIDES (Alexis). Ethnika themata kai ethnokentrismos: mia kritikē stēn hellēnikē exōterikē politikē. (National issues and ethnocentrism: a critique of Greek foreign policy). Athēna, Ekdoseis I. Siderēs, 2018, 350 p. 7585. HOLLOWAY (David). Conclusion: reflections on the nuclear order. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1210-1218.
7591. JENSEHAUGEN (Jørgen). Arab-Israeli diplomacy under Carter: the US, Israel and the Palestinians. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, 312 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 212). 7592. JOSHI (Yogesh). Between principles and pragmatism: India and the nuclear non-proliferation regime in the post-PNE era, 1974–1980. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1073-1093. 7593. JURDEM (Laurence R.). Paving the way for Reagan: the influence of conservative media on U.S. foreign policy. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2018, 280 p. 7594. KANDEL (Maya). The international community and the Bosnian War: From a multilateral to a Great Power approach. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 123-136. 7595. KAPUR (Nick). Japan at the crossroads. Conflict and compromise after Anpo. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, 325 p. 7596. KAUFMAN (Scott). Project plowshare versus the non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 74-93. 7597. KELLY (Brendan). "Six mois à Hanoi": Marcel Cadieux, Canada, and the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam, 1954– 1955. Canadian historical review, 2018, 99, 3, p. 394427. 7598. KEYS (Barbara). Nixon/Kissinger and Brezhnev. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 548-551. 7599. KIENINGER (Stephan). The diplomacy of détente: cooperative security policies from Helmut Schmidt
§ 8. From 1945 to George Shultz. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2018, XIV-222 p. (Cold War history). 7600. KLOCKMANN (Jette Baagø). Remembrance diplomacy by the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the UN, 1976–2015. International history review, 2018, 40, 3, p. 523-545. 7601. KOCHAVI (Arieh J.). Britain, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli conflict after the Six-Day War: cooperation and competition. Middle Eastern studies, 2018, 54, 6, p. 965-980. 7602. KROENIG (Matthew). The return to the pressure track: the Trump administration and the Iran nuclear deal. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 94104. 7603. KUTĚJ (Libor). Territorial prioritization of Czech military diplomacy in 1992–2018. Politické vedy, 2018, 24, 2, p. 40-61. 7604. LAKHDAR GHETTAS (Mohammed). Algeria and the Cold War. International relations and the struggle for autonomy. London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, X-290 p. 7605. LALAJ (Ana). 1968: The Prague Spring and the Albanian 'Castle'. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 235-255. 7606. LANDRICINA (Matteo). Nkrumah and the West: "the Ghana Experiment" in British, American, German and Ghanaian archives. Zürich, Lit, 2018, XXXVII396 p. (Studien zur afrikanischen Geschichte, 34). 7607. LARSON (Deborah Welch). Kennedy and Khrushchev. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 536539. 7608. LATNER (Teishan A.). Cuban revolution in America. Havana and the making of a United States left, 1968–1992. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2018, XIV-351 p. (Justice, power and politics). 7609. LEE (James Jungbok). The importance of status: The US–ROK alliance cohesion and the first Korean nuclear crisis, 1993–1994. International history review, 2018, 40, 2, p. 315-357. 7610. LEKARENKO (Oksana). The United States– EURATOM Agreement of 1958: the Cold War impact. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 432-454. 7611. LI (Danhui), XIA (Yafeng). Mao and the SinoSoviet split, 1959–1973. A new history. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018, 344 p. 7612. LIVINGSTONE (Grace). Britain and the dictatorships of Argentina and Chile, 1973–1982: foreign policy, corporations and social movements. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, IX-280 p. 7613. LYNCH (Allen C.). Putin and Trump. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 583-585. 7614. MAC CORMICK (Evan D.). Breaking with statism? U.S. democracy promotion in Latin America, 1984–1988. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 745-771.
7615. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), STIBBE (Matthew). The Prague Spring and Warsaw pact invasion through the Soviet and East European lens. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 1-22. 7616. MADELAIN (Anne). French citizens and the "ethnic" wars in former Yugoslavia: Engagement and ruptures in meaning in the face of world events. Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 69-84. 7617. MARCHESI (Aldo). Latin America's radical left: rebellion and Cold War in the global 1960s. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-257 p. 7618. MAY (Rachel A.), SCHNEIDER (Alejandro), GONZÁLEZ ARANA (Roberto). Caribbean revolutions: Cold War armed movements. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 165 p. 7619. MICHEL (Eddie). The luster of chrome: Nixon, Rhodesia, and the defiance of UN sanctions. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 1, p. 138-161. 7620. MIŠIĆ (Saša). Pomirenje na Jadranu: Jugoslavija i Italija na putu ka Osimskim sporazumima iz 1975. (Reconciliation on the Adriatic: Yugoslavia and Italy on the way to the Osim agreements of 1975). Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka, 2018, 403 p. 7621. MOORE (Erik A.). Rights or wishes? Conflicting views over human rights and America's involvement in the Nicaraguan contra war. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 716-737. 7622. MORGAN (Michael Cotey). The final act. The Helsinki accords and the transformation of the Cold War. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, XI-396 p. (America in the world). 7623. MUSTO (Ryan A.). Cold calculations: the United States and the creation of Antarctica's atom-free zone. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 640-668. – IDEM. Non-alignment and beyond: India's interest in Latin America, 1961–1972. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 613-637. 7624. Vacat. 7625. NAFTALI (Timothy). Khrushchev and Kennedy. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 532-535. 7626. New perspectives on the end of the Cold War. Unexpected transformations? Ed. by Bernhard BLUMENAU, Jussi M. HANHIMÄKI and Barbara ZANCHETTA. London, Routledge, 2018, XII-229 p. (Cold war history). 7627. NISSEN (Ada). Troublesome peace making: how American views on terrorism affected Norwegian mediation in Sri Lanka, 2000–2009. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 522-542. 7628. ODINGA (Sobukwe). 'The privileged friendship': reassessing the Central Intelligence Agency operation at Zaire's Kamina airbase. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 692-715.
7629. ORSÁG (Petr). With Chinese communists against the Czechoslovak "normalization" regime. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2018, 6, 6, p. 63100.### 7630. OSMONT (Mathieu). Les relations franco-allemands vues de Bonn (1992–1999). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2018, 132, 1, p. 81-92. 7631. Österreich und die deutsche Frage 1987–1990. Vom Honecker-Besuch in Bonn bis zur Einheit. Hrsg. v. Michael GEHLER und Maximilian GRAF. Unter Mitarbeit v. Philipp GREILINGER, Sarah KNOLL und Sophie BITTER-SMIRNOV. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 790 p. 7632. PATH (Kosal). The duality of Vietnam's deference and resistance to China. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 3, p. 499-521. 7633. PATTI (Carlo), MALLEA (Rodrigo). American seeds of ABACC? Findley's proposal to create a mutual nuclear inspections system between Brazil and Argentina. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 9961013. 7634. PEDEMONTE (Rafael). Salvador Allende's revolutionary road (1970–1973) and the limitations of Soviet commitment to Latin America. Relations internationales, 2018, 174, 2, p. 109-124. 7635. PETRELLI (Niccolò), PULCINI (Giordana). Nuclear superiority in the age of parity: US planning, intelligence analysis, weapons innovation and the search for a qualitative edge 1969–1976. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1191-1209. 7636. PETRILÁK (Vladimír). La StB, el brazo de la KGB en Uruguay, los archivos secretos del espionaje comunista desde los años '60. Montevideo, Uruguay, Planeta, 2018, 463 p. (ill.). 7637. Planning in Cold War Europe. Competition, cooperation, circulations 1950s–1970s. Ed. by Michel CHRISTIAN, Sandrine KOTT and Ondřej MATĚJKA. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, 383 p. (Rethinking the Cold War, 2). 7638. PRÉMONT (Karine), DAVID (Charles-Philippe), BOUCHER (Vincent). The clash of historical analogies and their influence on decision-making: the case of Iraqi reconstruction under George W. Bush. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 298-327. 7639. PRIETO (Alberto) [et al.]. El Caribe y sus relaciones internacionales, sus vínculos con Cuba tras 45 años de relaciones diplomáticas. La Habana, Editorial Ciencias Sociales, 2018, VI-189 p. (ill.). 7640. PÚČIK (Miloslav). Czechoslovakia and its army in a buffer zone of "East-West" (period: 1960–1968August). Vojenská história, 2018, 22, 3, p. 95-126. 7641. RABINOWITZ (Or). Signed, sealed but never delivered: why Israel did not receive Nixon's promised nuclear power plants. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1014-1033.
7642. REIDING (Hilde), WINTZER (Joachim), BOROLESEN (Thorsten), BEERS (Marloes), LOMELLINI (Valentine). The intricate question of European democracy: national parliamentary debates on the European Elections Act of 1976. Journal of European integration history, 2018, 24, 1, p. 115-142.
7643. RICHTEROVA (Daniela). The anxious host: Czechoslovakia and Carlos the Jackal 1978–1986. International history review, 2018, 40, 1, p. 108-132. 7644. ROBERTS (Mervyn Edwin). The psychological war for Vietnam, 1960–1968. Lawrence, U. P. of Kansas, 2018, XIII-411 p. 7645. ROMBERG (Dennis). How to further develop the nonproliferation regime? West German nuclear exports to Brazil and Iran in context of US criticism. International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1094-1114. 7646. ROTHER (Bernd). Die SPD und El Salvador 1979 bis 1985. Linke Politik im atlantischen Dreieck von Bundesrepublik, Zentralamerika und USA. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2018, 66, 4, p. 645-683. 7647. ROUX (Benoît). The beginning of French intervention in Côte d'Ivoire (2002). The risks of freeing oneself from counterpowers and the international system in the regulation of a civil war. Relations internationales, 2018, 175, 3, p. 93-108. 7648. ROVNER (Joshua). A long war in the East: doctrine, diplomacy, and the prospects for a protracted Sino-American conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 129-142. 7649. RUMER (Eugene B.). Putin and Bush 43 / Obama. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 576-578. 7650. SABET (Farzan). The April 1977 Persepolis Conference on the transfer of nuclear technology: a Third World revolt against US non-proliferation policy? International history review, 2018, 40, 5, p. 1134-1151. 7651. SALENIECE (Irēna), ŠKINKE (Iveta). Echoes of the Prague Spring in the Soviet Baltic Republics. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 257-277. 7652. SARGENT (Daniel J.). Pax Americana: sketches for an undiplomatic history. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 3, p. 357-376. 7653. SAUNDERS (Robert). Yes to Europe! The 1975 referendum and seventies Britain. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-509 p. (ill.). 7654. SAVRANSKAYA (Svetlana). Yeltsin and Clinton. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 564-567. 7655. SCHLER (Lynn). Dilemmas of postcolonial diplomacy: Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, and the Middle East crisis, 1964–1973. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 97-119 7656. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth). Foreign intervention in Africa after the Cold War. Sovereignty, responsibility
§ 8. From 1945 and the war on terror. Foreword by William MINTER. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2018, XXIV-462 p. (Ohio University research in international studies). 7657. SEIBERT (Gerhard). São Tomé and the Biafran War (1967–1970). International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 2, p. 263-292. 7658. SHAW (Tony), GOODMAN (Giora). Hollywood's raid on Entebbe: behind the scenes of the United States-Israel alliance. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 590-612. 7659. SIRACUSA (Joseph M.), WARREN (Aiden). The nuclear non-proliferation regime: an historical perspective. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 3-28. 7660. SLAVÍK (Tomáš). Dopad změn v ochraně státní hranice z poloviny šedesátých let na pokusy o její překonání v jižních Čechách. (Impact of changes in the protection of the state border from the mid-1960s on attempts to cross it in southern Bohemia). In: Ochrana státní hranice a rok 1968: bezpečnostní poměry na hranici v druhé polovině šedesátých let. Brno, Technické muzeum v Brně, 2018, p. 13-22. 7661. SLEE (Chris). Prague Spring: when Soviet tanks crushed democratic socialist hopes. Green Left weekly, 2018, 1192, p. 16. 7662. SNYDER (Sarah B.). The 1968 international year for human rights: a missed opportunity in the United States. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 5, p. 831858. 7663. SORBY (Karol R.). Arabský východ po druhej svetovej vojne, (1945–1970). II. diel (1959–1970). [The Arab East after World War II, 1945–1970. Volume II. (1959–1970)]. Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press, 2018, 842 p. 7664. STIBBE (Matthew). Ideological offensive: the East German leadership, the Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact invasion of August 1968. In: Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion [cf. no 7565], p. 97-123. 7665. STOCKER (James R.). An opportunity to strike a blow? The United States government and the Armenian Apostolic church, 1956–1963. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 4, p. 590-612. 7666. STRICOF (Michael J.). Démobiliser? La reconversion de la défense aux États-Unis après la Guerre froide. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2018, 271, 3, p. 71-90. 7667. SURI (Jeremi). Nixon and Brezhnev. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 544-547. 7668. TALBOTT (Strobe). Clinton and Yeltsin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 568-571. 7669. TARRADELLAS (Anton). The Algerian War and the expansion of the international refugee protection system (1957–1962). Relations internationales, 2018, 176, 4, p. 105-118.
7670. TATEROVÁ (Eva). Přístup československé diplomacie k Izraeli v letech 1960–1967. (The attitude of Czechoslovak diplomacy towards Israel in 1960–1967). Historický časopis, 2018, 66, 4, p. 671-700. 7671. TAUBMAN (William). Gorbachev and Reagan / Bush 41. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 556-559. 7672. THAKUR (Ramesh). Nuclear turbulence in the age of Trump. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 1, p. 105-128. 7673. THOMPSON (Jenny), THOMPSON (Sherry). The Kremlinologist: Llewellyn E. Thompson, America's man in Cold War Moscow. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2018, 600 p. 7674. TOMEK (Prokop). Čtyřicet let československé delegace v Dozorčí komisi neutrálních států v Koreji 1953–1993. (Forty years of Czechoslovak delegation in the neutral nations supervisory commission in Korea 1953–1993). Historie a vojenství, 2018, 67, 2, p. 22-45. 7675. TÖMMEL (Till Florian). Bonn, Jakarta und der Kalte Krieg. Die Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegenüber Indonesien von 1952 bis 1973. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 366 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 116). 7676. TUNSTALL ALLCOCK (Thomas). Thomas C. Mann: president Johnson, the Cold War, and the restructuring of Latin American foreign policy. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2018, 294 p. 7677. URIGÜEN LÓPEZ DE SANDALIANO (Natalia). A imagen y semejanza: la democracia cristiana alemana y su aportación a la Transición española. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2018, 378 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 87). 7678. VANDEMARK (Brian). Road to disaster. A new history of America's descent into Vietnam. New York, HarperCollins, 2018, XXX-593 p. 7679. VINSON (Robert Trent), CARTON (Benedict). Albert Luthuli's private struggle: how an icon of peace came to accept sabotage in South Africa. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 1, p. 69-96. 7680. VÖSSING (Michael). Humanitäre Hilfe und Interessenpolitik. Westdeutsches Engagement für Vietnam in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, 619 p., 7 Diagramme (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 251). 7681. WENZKE (Rüdiger). Wo stehen unsere Truppen? NVA und Bundeswehr in der ČSSR-Krise 1968. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2018, VIII-595 p. (b/w a. col. ill.). (Militärgeschichte der DDR, 26). 7682. Willy Brandt and international relations. Europe, the USA and Latin America, 1974–1992. Ed. by Bernd ROTHER and Klaus LARRES. London, Bloomsbury, 2018, XI-237 p. 7683. WILSON (James Graham). Reagan and Gorbachev. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 552-555. 7684. XENAKIS (Demetrios), LEKAKIS (Nikos). From
Hasbara to the Palestine-Israel sport conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2018, 29, 2, p. 328-351.
7686. ZUBOK (Vladislav). Brezhnev and Putin. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 540-543.
7685. ZOELLICK (Robert B.). Bush 41 and Gorbachev. Diplomatic history, 2018, 42, 4, p. 560-563.
Cf. nos 3766, 5728, 7465, 7468, 7469, 7472, 7479, 7483, 7484, 7485, 7493, 7500
R Asia
§ 1. General. 7687-7690. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7691-7696. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 76977704. – § 4. China. 7705-7839. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7840-7890. – § 6. Korea. 7891-7893. § 1. General. ______________________
7687. BROADBRIDGE (Anne F.). Women and the making of the Mongol empire. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXII-341 p. (Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization). 7688. CHŎN (Chae-ho) [et al.]. T'allaengjŏn'gi Tong Asia ŭi minjokchuŭi kaltŭng kwa haegyŏl. (Post-Cold War East Asian nationalist conflicts and resolution). Sŏul-si, Tongbuga Yŏksa Chaedan, 2018, 224 p. (ill.). (Tongbuga Yŏksa Chaedan yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 76). 7689. MIYA (Noriko). Mongoru jidai no 'chi' no tōzai: jōkan. (Eastern and western 'knowledge' under the Mongol empire, vols. 1 and 2). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2018, 2 vol., 574 p., 591 p. 7690. Pyŏn'gyŏng kwa kyŏnggye ŭi Tong Asiasa. (Changes and boundaries of East Asian history). Ed. by Se-yŏn YI. Sŏul-si, 2018, 276 p. (ill., maps). (RICH T'ŭraensŭnaesyŏnŏl inmunhak ch'ongsŏ, 16). Cf. nos 6831-6861 § 2. Western and central Asia. ______________________
7691. AKIYAMA (Tetsu). Development of 'PeasantsKirgiz' in Russian Central Asia: a case study of the establishment of mixed settlements. Isuramu Chiiki Kenkyū Jānaru, 2018, 10, p. 30-45. 7692. FUKUSHIMA (Megumi). Bakutoria-jin Ra sei boshi no kisoteki kōsatsu. (A basic research of the epitaphic source of Bactrian Luo family). Nairiku Ajiashi Kenkyū, 2018, 33, p. 1-25. 7693. ISHIHAMA (Yumiko), INOUE (Takehiko). Roshia kagaku akademī komonjokan shozō Chibetto-bun san shokan no rekishi-teki igi. (The historical significance of the three Tibetan letters attributed to Dorzhiev in СПбФ APAH). Nairiku Asiashi Kenkyū, 2018, 33, p. 99-117. 7694. ISHIKAWA (Yoshihito). 10 seiki Tonkō oashisu no kangai yōsui to kyojin shūdan: S6123 'Gishū Seishi https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-019
Kyojin Tenjō' no bunseki kara. (Irrigation organizations and kinship in 10th century Dunhuang: based on an analysis of Quren's Circular S.6123). Tōyō Gakuhō, 2018, 100, 1, p. 33-67. 7695. MATSUKI (Eizō). Roshia to Kokkai Chichūkai sekai: hito to bunka no kōryū shi. (Russia and the Black Sea / the Mediterranean world: a history of human and cultural exchange). Tokyo, Fūkōsha, 2018, 296 p. 7696. MIYAMOTO (Ryōichi). Baokutoriago monjo kara mita Tohārisutān zaichi no shihai kaisō. (Local dominant classes in Tukharistan viewed from the Bactrian documents). Oriento, 2018, 61, 1, p. 47-57. § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. _______________________
7697. 'ABD AL-ḤALĪM (Wafāʼ Maḥmūd). Al-Tārīkh al-Islāmī bi-al-Hind ṣafaḥāt mushriqat salṭanat al-Kujarāt, 810–980. (Islamic history in India. Bright pages of the sultanate of Gujarat, 1407–1572). Al-Qāhirah, Dār al-Āfāq al-'Arabīyah, 2018, 647 p. (ill.). 7698. ANDRADE (Nathanael J.). The journey of Christianity to India in Late Antiquity. Networks and the movement of culture. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVII-296 p. 7699. CAVARIMUTTU (A.). Mukkālam toṭum Muttaraiyar varalār̲u. (History of the Muthariyar dinasty touching the three periods). Cen̲n̲ai, Caṅkar Patippakam, 2018, 240 p. (ill.). 7700. DYSON (Tim). A population history of India: from the first modern people to the present day. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, V-310 p. 7701. FISHER (Michael H.). An environmental history of India: from earliest times to the twenty-first century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 301 p. 7702. KAKIZAKI (Ichirō). Tai tetsudō to Nihon-gun: tetsudō no senji dōin no jitsuzō, 1941–1945 nen. (The Thai railway and the Japanese imperial army: the truth
about the wartime mobilisation for the railroad, 1941– 1945). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018, 595 p.
and economic development under the commune. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XXXII-436 p.
7703. LAL (Ruby). Empress: the astonishing reign of Nur Jahan. New York, W.W. Norton, 2018, 308 p.
7717. FENG (Zhiyang). Gengzi jiuyuan yanjiu. (Studies on the relief during the Boxer Rebellion). Beijing, Beijing shifan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 385 p.
7704. MATSUI (Dai). Mongoru meireibun to Wiguru bunsho bunka: Timūruchō ki no 'Wiguru bunsho kyōhon' kara. (Old Uigur legacy in the Mongol decrees: historical background of the Timurid work Ḫaṭṭ-i Turkī). Machikaneyama Ronsō Shigakuhen, 2018, 52, p. 127. Cf. nos 4300, 5299, 5773 § 4. China. _______________________
7718. FORSTER (Elisabeth). 1919. The year that changed China. A new history of the new culture movement. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 250 p. (Transformations of modern China, 2). 7719. FU (Jia-Chen). The other milk. Reinventing soy in Republican China. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2018, XI-276 p. (A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute of Columbia University).
7705. Bai xin bai jiang: yi bai zhong Zhongguo chuantong jiyi de chuanqi. (One hundred hearts and one hundred craftsmen: one hundred traditional Chinese skills). Edited by Bai xin bai jiang Conference. Guangzhou, Huacheng chubanshe, 2018, 8, 247 p.
7720. FU (Shaolei), ZHENG (Xinghua). Tang Song Jiangnan lishi wehhua yu wenxue yanjiu. (Study on historical culture and literature of the south of the Yangtze River in Tang and Song dynasties). Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 198 p.
7706. CHAFFEE (John W.). The Muslim merchants of premodern China. The history of a maritime Asian trade diaspora, 750–1400. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, IX-210 p. (New approaches to Asian history, 17).
7721. FU (Xinian). Zhongguo gudai jianzhu gaishuo. (Old Chinese architecture). Xianggang, Xianggang zhonghe chuban youxian gongsi, 2018, 244 p.
7707. CHAN (Shelly). Diaspora's homeland. Modern China in the age of global migration. Durham, Duke U. P., 2018, XIV-264 p. 7708. Changzhou shigao (History of Changzhou). Edited by the office for the local history of ChangzhouNanjing, Fenghuang chubanshe, 2018, 3 vol., [s. p.]. 7709. CHAO (Fulin). Xia Shang Xi Zhou shi congkao (A study on the history of the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2018, 2, 5, 1487 p. 7710. CHEN (Xiao). Jiyu Qing houqi zhi Minguo chuqi Beijinghua wenxian yuliao de ge'an yanjiu (Studies on the cases of Beijing dialect and literature from the late Qing to the early Republic). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 10, 2, 308 p. 7711. CUI (Zhiqing). Taiping tianguo zhanzheng quanshi. Di si juan (A history of the Taiping war). Nanjing, Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 2018, 463 p. 7712. DAI (Haibin). Wan Qing renwu congkao (Late Qing personalities). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xi zhi sanlian shudian, 2018, 2 vol., 751 p. 7713. DAI (Yi). Qingdai Zhongguo yu shijie. (Qing China and the world). Beijing, Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she, 2018, 4, 436 p. 7714. Daxia daxue yu Chishui. (Daxia University and Chishui). Edited by TANG Tao, WANG Honglin. Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, Shanghai shudian chubanshe, 2018, 2, 3, 4, 292 p.
7722. FULIANG SHAN (Patrick). Yuan Shikai. A reappraisal. Vancouver. UBC Press, 2018, IX-321 p. (Contemporary Chinese studies). 7723. GE (Chengyong). Da Tang zhi guo: 1499 nian de jiyi yi chan. (Land of cosmopolitan Tang: the legacy for 1400 years). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xizhi sanlian shudian, 2018, 415 p. 7724. GIMM (Martin). Der Fall Prinz Rong im Prozeß gegen den Jesuitenpater Adam Schall in den Jahren 1664/65 in China. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018, 126 p. (ill.). (Sinologica Coloniensia, 36). 7725. Guangdong gaige kaifang shi. (1978–2018 nian). Edited by the Guangdong historical committee for the history of reform and opening in Guangdong. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 6, 2, 2, 722 p. 7726. GUO (Lingyun). Bei Song lishi suowen biji yanjiu. (Studies on the unofficial historical writings during the Northern Son). Beijing, Zhongyang bianyi chubanshe, 2018, 3, 208 p. 7727. Haishang chaoyong: jinian Shanghai gaige kaifang 40 zhounian. (Tide Surge at Sea: Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Shanghai's reform and opening up). Edited by the Office for the general history of Shanghai and the Editorial Office of Shanghaitan. Shanghai, Shanghai daxue chubanshe, 2018, 4, 2, 277 p.
7715. DUAN (Yuming). Nanzhao Dali wenhuashi. (A cultural history of Dali). Guilin, Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 6, 6, 469 p.
7728. Han gang Zhu jun: haishang sichou zhi lu shi fa gang de lishi wenhua fuhao. (Hangangzhu County: A historical and cultural symbol of the port of departure of the Maritime Silk Road). Edited by FAN Xiangyu. Guilin, Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 4, 9, 8, 628 p.
7716. EISENMAN (Joshua). Red China's green revolution. Technological innovation, institutional change
7729. HU (Xingdong). Song chao li fa tong kao. (A general examination of the legislation of the Song dy-
§ 4. China nasty). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 3, 3, 860 p. 7730. HUANG (Pumin). Lishi de di san zhong dufa. (The third way of reading history). Nanjing, Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2018, 4, 188 p. 7731. HUANG (Sujuan). Cong shengcheng dao chengshi: jindai Guangzhou tudi chanquan yu chengshi kongjian bianqian. (From provincial capital to modern city: real property and the change of urban space in Guangzhou). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 319 p. 7732. HUANG (Wei). Ming Qing Lingnan waijiangban yanjiu. (Studies on the folk theatre in Lingnan in the Ming and Qing period). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 5, 3, 500 p. 7733. HUANG (Yuansheng). Wan Qing Minguo xingfa chunqiu. (Historical comments on criminal law in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China). Taibei, Lizhaishe youxian gongsi, 2018, vi, iv, 642 p. 7734. HUANG (Zhenglin), ZHANG (Yan), SU (Zhigang). Minguo Henan shehui jingji shi. (A social and economic history of Henan in the Republican era). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 2 vol., 5, 1215 p. 7735. IWASAKI (Tsutomu). Seika kenkoku shi kenkyu. (A study of the founding of the Western Xia). Tokyo, Kyūko Shoin, 2018, 852 p. 7736. JIANG (Haijun). Yuanmingqing Beijing guanfang jingxue de chuancheng quanshi yu wenhua rentong. (The inheritance, interpretation and cultural identity of the official scriptures of Beijing in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties). Beijing, Beijing shifan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 425 p. 7737. JIANG (Hong). Beijing shimin jiating shenghuo yanjiu (1949–1966). (Family life of Beijing residents 1949–1966). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 4, 2, 2, 273 p. 7738. KAKINUMA (Yōhei). Chūgoku kodai kahei keizai no jizoku to tenkan. (Continuity and transformation in the monetary economy of ancient China). Tokyo, Kyūko Shoin, 2018, 552 p. 7739. KATAYAMA (Tsuyoshi). Shindai Shukō deruta zukōsei no kenkyū. (A study of the T'u-chia system in the Pearl River delta in the Qing period). Suita, Osaka U. P., 2018, 450 p. 7740. KIKUCHI (Kazutaka). Chūgoku kokumin seifu, Ō Chō Mei seiken no kakyō gyōsei to nan'yō, hokubei. (Policies towards the overseas Chinese in the South Seas and North America by the Zhong-Qing and WangJingwei governments: overseas Chinese and the AsiaPacific War 1932–1945, v. 2). Tokyo, Kokyū Shoin, 2018, 544 p. 7741. KUTCHER (Norman A.). Eunuch and emperor in the great age of Qing rule. Oakland, University of California Press, 2018, XXIII-317 p.
7742. LE (Jiazao). Zhongguo jianzhu shi. (A history of Chinese architecture). Nanchang, Jiangxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 2018, 133 p. 7743. LEE (Sungsi). Tōsō no ba toshite no kodai shi: Higashi Ajia-shi no yukue. (Ancient history as battlefields: new perspectives in the study of East Asian history). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, 418 p. 7744. LI (Bozhong). Xin shiguan, xin shiye xin lishi. (New view, new perspective, new history). Xianggang, Xianggang chengshi daxue chubanshe, 2018, 146 p. 7745. LI (Dongye). Cong zujie dao fengqing qu: yi ge Zhongguo jindai zhi min kongjian zai lishi xianshi zhong de zhuanyi. (From Concession to typical area: the transformation of a modern Chinese colonial space). Tianjin, Tianjin shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2018, 10, 232 p. 7746. LI (Fuzhong). Shiji Zhongguo geming: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo shi. (The centennial revolution of China: history of the People's Republic of China). Taibei, Sanmin shuju, 2018, 4, 2, 383 p. 7747. LI (Qiang), Li (Bin). Tushuo Zhongguo gudai fangzhi jishu shi. (History of Chinese textile technology). Beijing, Zhongguo fangzhi chubanshe, 2018, 4, 6, 209 p. 7748. LIANG (Guanfu), MIAO (Yi), HUANG (Zhihui). Sun Zhongshan beifa yu Shaoguan. (Sun Yat-sen's Northern Expedition and Shaoguan). Guangzhou, Jinan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 256 p. 7749. LIANG (Zhuying). Ming Qing yilai Huizhou diqu nongye dili yanjiu. (Research on agricultural geography in Huizhou prefecture since the Ming). Beijing Shi, Fang zhi chu ban she, 2018, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 307 p. 7750. LIAO (Yin). Cong neidi dao bianjiang: Songdai zhengzhi yu shehui yanjiu sanlun. (Essays on the politics and society during the Song). Beijing, Kexue chubanshe, 2018, XVIII-294 p. 7751. LIN (Yun). Shang shi santi. (The three structures of the Shang history). Taibei, Zhongyang yanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo, 2018, 165 p. 7752. Lishixue xueshu guifan yu fangfa lun yanjiu. (Studies on historiographical methodology). Edited by HU Axiang and YAN Anqing. Nanjing, Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 2018, 8, 6, 263 p. 7753. LIU (Gusheng), MEI (Li), HU (Jun). Hubei daojiaoshi. (History of Taoism in Hubei). Wuhan, Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 5, 2, 523 p. 7754. LIU (Xunhua). Xueye, geming yu qiancheng: da zhuanju zhong de Qingmo Zhejiang xuesheng (1901– 1911). (Study, revolution and future: Zhejiang students during the transitional period of late Qing dynasty (1901– 1911). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2018, 5, 420 p. 7755. LIU (Yanwen). Gongdi shehui: Yintao shang shanshui li gongcheng de geming, jitizhuyi yu xiandaihua. (Revolution, collectivisim, and modernization in China: a case study of the Yintao water conservancy
project in Gansu Province), Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, iii, 6, 402 p. 7756. LIU (Zhenggang). Qingdai dong fan yu xi fan yanjiu luncongn. (Essays on Taiwan and the South West during the Qing). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 3, 340 p. 7757. LongShu Qingni gudao yu silu chama maoyi yanjiu. (Study on the Trade between the Qingni Ancient Road and the Silk Road tea horse in Longshu). Edited by ZHANG Chengrong, PU Xiangming. Chengdu, Sichuan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 3, 2, 2, 435 p. 7758. LUO (Cuifang). Renkou chengshuhua yu Hankou shehui: 1861–1936. (Urbanization and Hankou society 1861–1936). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 3, 295 p. 7759. LUO (Sanyang). Gudai sichou zhi lu de juechang: Guangdong shisan hang. (The glory and fall of the antique silk road: the thirteen hongs of Canton). Beijing, Taihai chubanshe, 2018, 524 p. 7760. LUO (Xiaoxiang). Pei jing shou shan: wan Ming Nanjing de chengshi shenghuo yu dushi xingyan jiu. (The model for all places: urban life and urbanism in late Ming Nanjing). Nanjing, Fenghuang chubanshe, 2018, 2, 451 p. 7761. LUO (Zhihuan). Guwen xiansan lun. (A study on the historiography in classical Chinese). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 1, 2, 295 p. 7762. MAISSEN (Thomas), MITTLER (Barbara). Why China did not have a Renaissance – and why that matters. An interdisciplinary dialogue. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, XVII-240 p. (Critical readings in global intellectual history). 7763. MATSUSHIMA (Tatsuma). Kan teikoku no seiritsu. (The establishment of the Han empire). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018, 578 p. 7764. MIH TILLMAN (Margaret). Raising China's revolutionaries. Modernizing childhood for cosmopolitan nationalists and liberated comrades, 1920s–1950s. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XX-339 p. 7765. Ming Qing Jiangnan jingji fazhan yu shehui bianqian. (Economic development and social change in Jiangnan during the Ming and Qing). Edited by ZOU Zhenhuan, HUANG Jingbin, WU Nengchang. Shanghai, Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 402 p. 7766. NIE (Fusheng). Xinsheng daibian: Shaoxing xiju shi. (History of Shaoxing drama). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 4, 12, 5, 492 p. 7767. NISHIMURA (Yōko). Tō-dai Sada Tokketsu shi no kenkyū. (A study of the history of the Shatuo Turks in Tang dynasty). Tokyo, Kyūko Shoin, 2018, 404 p. 7768. OKUYAMA (Norio). Min dai bushin no hanzai to shobatsu. (Crimes of military vassals and their punishment in the Ming period). Tokyo, Kyūko Shoin, 2018, 660 p.
7769. ONO (Yasunori). Shin matsu Chūgoku no shitaifu zō no keisei: Kaku Sū Tō no mosaku to jissen. (The formation of the ideal image of scholar-officials in the late Qing period: Guo Songtao's thought and practice). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 256 p. 7770. OUYANG (Zhesheng). Gudai Beijing yu xifang wenming. (Old Beijing and Western civilization), Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2018, 4, 2, 4, 643 p. 7771. PAN (Honggang). Qingdai baiqi zhufang zuqun de shehui bianqian (Changes in the garrisoning eightbanners ethnic-gropu society in Qing dynasty). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2018, 4, 623 p. 7772. PAN (Shuzhen). Minnan xiangcun, jiazu yu kuaguo yimin (1949–2014): yi lü Fei Dai Tianxi jia zu wei li. (Minnan Countryside, Family and Transnational Migration (1949–2014). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 2, 261 p. 7773. PO (Ronald C.). The blue frontier: maritime vision and power in the Qing Empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 292 p. 7774. QI (Zitong). Hubei fojiao shi. (History of buddhism in Hubei). Beijing, Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe, 2018, 3, 331 p. 7775. QU (Xiaoyun). Zhonggu Kuaiji shi zu yanjiu. (Studies on the literati of Kuaiji in the Middle Ages). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 3, 366 p. 7776. ROWE (William T.). Speaking of profit. Bao Shichen and reform in nineteenth-century China. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2018, X-220 p. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 109). 7777. SACHSENMAIER (Dominic). Global entanglements of a man who never traveled. A seventeenth-century Chinese Christian and his conflicted worlds. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, X-268 p. (Columbia studies in international and global history). 7778. SCHNEEWIND (Sarah). Shrines to living men in the Ming political cosmos. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2018, XVIII-360 p. 7779. SHAN (Shiyuan). Gugong jiudang. (The old archives of the Forbidden City). Beijing, Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe, 2018, 2, 264 p. 7780. Shanghai gaige kaifang 40 nian: na xie nian, women de gushi. (Forty years of reform and opening in Shanghai). Edited by the Shanghai Municipal Archives and the association of Shanghai journalists. Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2018, 3, 6, 566 p. 7781. SHI (Xia). At home in the world. Women and charity in late Qing and early republican China. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, IX-274 p. – EADEM. Just like a 'modern' wife? Concubines on the public stage in early Republican China. Social history, 2018, 43, 2, p. 211-233. 7782. SHIBATA (Noboru). Kan teikoku seiritsu zenshi: Shin matsu hanran to So-Kan sensō. (A prehistory of
§ 4. China the founding of the Han empire: the late-Qin rebellion and the Chu-Han war). Tokyo, Hakuteisha, 2018, 208 p. 7783. Sichuan Zang qu shi. (History of the Tibetan district in Sichuan). Edited by REN Xinjian, LI Mingquan. Chengdu, Sichuan renmin chubanshe, 2018, 2 vol., [s. p.] 7784. Silu wujiang: "sichou zhi lu wenhua luntan. Xinjiang" lunwen ji. (Silk Road Without Borders: "Silk Road Culture Forum · Xinjiang"). Edited by LIU Jinbao. Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2018, 200 p. 7785. SONGSTER (E. Elena). Panda nation. The construction and conservation of China's modern icon. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII-249 p. 7786. Sou li shi: Kui tan ni suo bu zhidao de lishi quren yishi. (Search History: Unknown historical facts). Edited by YI Xiaohe and QU Fei. Nanjing, Jiangsu fenghuang wenyi chubanshe, 2018, 264 p. 7787. Southwest China in a regional and global perspective (c. 1600–1911): metals, transport, trade and society. Ed. by Ulrich THEOBALD and CAO Jin. Leiden, Brill, 2018, XVIII-456 p. 7788. SWOPE (Kenneth M.). On the trail of the yellow tiger. War, trauma and social dislocation in Southwest China during the Ming-Qing transition. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018, XX-429 p. (Studies in war, society and the military). 7789. Taminzoku shakai no gunji tōitsu: shutsudo shiryō ga kataru Chūgoku kodai. (Military control of a multi-ethnic society in ancient China: what excavated manuscripts can tell us). Ed. by Kiyoshi MIYAKE. Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2018, 402 p. 7790. THAI (Philip). China's war on smuggling. Law, economic life and the making of the modern state, 1842– 1965. New York, Columbia U. P., 2018, XIX-380 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute). 7791. Ti hang baihuo wanguo shang: haishang sichou zhi lu huobi yu maoyi (Quanzhou). (Quanzhou and the maritime silk road: a historical study of monetary systems and trade). Edited by Jiping LI. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 14, 3, 4, 159 p. 7792. TSUI (Brian). China's conservative revolution: the quest for a new order, 1927–1949. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, 291 p. 7793. UMEMURA (Naoki). Sō dai no gakkō: saishi kūkan no hen'yō to chiiki ishiki. (Local schools in Song China: the transformation of ritual spaces and local identities). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 304 p. 7794. WANG (Di). The teahouse under socialism. The decline and renewal of public life in Chengdu, 1950– 2000. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2018, XI-311 p. 7795. WANG (Fengxian). Minchu xiaoshou Zhong de xinhai geming xushi (1912–1919). (Xinhai revolution narrative of early Republic of China). Jinan, Shandong renmin chubanshe, 2018, 3, 2, 230 p.
7796. WANG (Junxin). Qingdai Zhong Tai guanxi. (Sino-Thai relations in the Qing period). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2018, 2, 396 p. 7797. WANG (Liangcheng). Nanxi jieshou yanjiu. (Studies on the reception of the Southern Opera). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 2, 3, 317 p. 7798. WANG (Mingming). Citongcheng: Binhai Zhongguo de difang yu shijie. (The thorned tree city: the place and world of coastal China). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xinzhi sanlian shudian, 2018, 549 p. 7799. WANG (Shizong). Zhongguo lishi tongshi. (A general history of China). Taibei, Sanmin shuju, 2018, 8, 3, 404 p. 7800. WANG (Shuaiyi). Ming yue qing feng. Ming Qing shi dai de ren, qi yue yu guo jia. (People, contracts and the state in the Ming and Qing dynasties). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 2, 182 p. 7801. WANG (Wenjian). Gong yu li: caoyuan yu zhongyuan de he yu zhan. (Bow and Plough: The peace and war between the steppes and the central plains). Jinan, Shandong huabao chubanshe, 2018, 194 p. 7802. WANG (Xianzhen). Yun He shi hua. (A history of canals). Beijing, Xianzhuang shuju, 2018, 269 p. 7803. WANG (Yan). Beijing de yizhi muzang. (The ruins of Beijing tombs). Beijing, Beijing chubanshe, 2018, 12, 232 p. 7804. WANG (Yunxin). Tangdai tiyu wenhua yanjiu. (A study on Tang physical culture). Beijing, Beijing tiyu daxue chubanshe, 2018, 1, 2, 109 p. 7805. WANG (Zijin). Qin Han ertong de shijie. (Children world during the Qin and the Han). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2018, 14, 4, 662 p. 7806. WASSERSTROM (Jeffrey). Did China have a 1968? American historical review, 2018, 123, 3, p. 722727. 7807. WEN (Yucheng). He Luo wenhua yu zongjiao. (Heluo Culture and Religion). Zhengzhou, Henan renmin chubanshe, 2018, 5, 347 p. 7808. WILLIAMS (Michael). Returning home with glory. Chinese villagers around the Pacific, 1849 to 1949. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2018, XII-249 p. (Crossing seas). 7809. WU (Xiaodong). 1930 niandai de Hushang wenxue fengjing. (The literary environment of Shanghai in the 1930s). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2018, 409 p. 7810. WU (Yunxian). Zhongguo jinrong shi 1978– 2018. (History of China's financial industry). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 10, 389 p. 7811. XIA (Siyun), ZHANG (Guoyi). Zouxiang shijie: jin xian dai lishi shang de Shanghai duiwai maoyi. (Toward the world. Shanghai trade in modern and contem-
porary era). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2018, 2, 293 p.
jing Shi, She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 2018, 4, 368 p.
7812. Xijian fangzhi. (Rare local histories): Edited by LU Zhangshen. Beijing, Beijing shidai huawen shuju, 2018, 326 p.
7827. ZHANG (Chi). Mingyue chu TianShan: Xinjiang Tianshan zoulang de kaogu yu lishi. (Archaeology and History of the Tianshan Corridor in Xinjiang). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2018, 264 p.
7813. XING (Tie). Tang Song jiating jingji yunxing fangshi yanjiu. (A study of the household economy in the Tang and Song dynasties). Beijing Shi, Ren min chu ban she, 2018, 2, 3, 19, 294 p.
7828. ZHANG (Xiaodong). Wu malu: Cong Waitan dao paomating. (From the Bund to the Racecourses), Shanghai, Shanghai daxue chubanshe, 2018, 4, 223 p.
7814. XU (Juanchao). Qing ren shengping jiashi kao. (A study of life and family history during the Qing). Yangzhou, Guangling shushe, 2018, 2, 2, 392 p.
7829. ZHANG (Xiaomin). Zhongguo lishi wenhua sanlun. (Essays on Chinese historical culture). Beijing, Lüyou jiaoyu chubanshe, 2018, 228 p.
7815. XU (Kairong). "Shi ji" "Yu xu shi zhong yu lun duan" zhi yanjiu: yi Qin Han yilai shishi weili. (Studies on the Shiji). Taibei, Yuanhua wenchuang gufen youxian gongsi, 2018, IV-259 p.
7830. ZHANG (Xingzhao). Shangdai dili huanjing yanjiu. (A study on the geographical environment of the Shang dynasty). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 3, 298 p.
7816. XUE'ER. Tianzi jiaoxia: wan Qing zhengju yu Tianjin tequ duiwai kaifang. (The late Qing political situation and the opening to the West of Tianjin). Beijing, Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe, 2018, 19, 3, 407 p.
7831. ZHAO (Xianhai). Shizi lukou de changcheng: Ming zhongqi Yulin shengtai, zhanzheng yu changcheng. (The Great Wall at the Crossroads: Yulin Ecology, War and the Great Wall in the Mid-Ming Dynasty). Beijing, Shangwu yinshu guan, 2018, 294 p.
7817. YAN (Chongnian). Yu yao qian nian. (On thousand years of Imperial shrine). Xianggang, Zhonghua shuju youxian gongsi, 2018, 305 p. 7818. YANG (Honglin). Cixi huiluan: 1901 nian de yi chang teshu luxing. (Empress Cixi's chaos. A travel in a special year, 1901). Xinbei, Fengshulin chubanshe youxian gongsi, 2018, 229 p. 7819. YAO (Xingfu). Jiangsu Jidujiao shi. (A history of Christianity in Jiangsu Province). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 3, 4, 484 p. 7820. YI (Yongwen). Songdai shimin richang shenghuo. (Urban daily life under the Song). Beijing, Zhongguo gongren chubanshe, 2018, 314 p. 7821. Yinxu: jiushinian kaogu renyu shi (1928– 2018). (A brief history of the excavations at Yinxu 1928–2018). Edited by TANG Jigen, GONG Wen. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, vi, 2, 242 p. 7822. Yu (Weijie). Hangzhou Songdai shiliao shi. (A history of food in the Song Dynasty in Hangzhou). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 3, 8, 3, 11, 265 p. 7823. Yuanyuan liuchang de lishi wenhua. (A long historical culture). Edited by LU Junshi. Beijing Xiandai chubanshe, 2018, 470 p. 7824. ZHAI (Xiangdong). Qian Tubo Qing Zang shehui. (Tibetan society in the ancient Tibetan empire). Lasa, Xizang renmin chubanshe, 2018, 2 vol., 3, 19, 1138 p., 643 p. 7825. ZHANG (Aibing). Qunshu wenhua yanjiu. (A study of Qunshu culture). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2018, 2, ii, 6, 337 p. 7826. ZHANG (Banwei). Huanhu zhai liang Song shi suibi. (A thoughtful essay about Song dynasties). Bei-
7832. ZHENG (Xiaowei). The politics of rights and the 1911 Revolution in China. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2018, XI-358 p. 7833. ZHONG (Fulan). Shanghai liuqian nian. (Six thousand years of Shanghai). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2018, 3 vol., 267 p., 338 p., 338 p. 7834. ZHONG (Han). Qingchao shi de jiben tezheng zai tanjiu: yi dui bei Mei "xin Qing shi" guandian de fansi wei zhongxin. (A reflection on North American "New Qing History"). Beijing, Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe, 2018, 215 p. 7835. Zhongguo fangzhi gongye fazhan licheng ya jiu (1880–2016). (Studies on the development of the textile industry in China 1880–2016). Edited by WU Hesong. Beijing, Zhongguo fangzhi chubanshe, 2018, 4, 10, 641 p. 7836. Zhongguo huobi tongshi. (The history of Chinese currency). Edited by YAO Shuomin. Changsha, Hunan renmin chubanshe, 2018, 4 vol., [s. p.] 7837. Zhongguo jingi gaige yu fazhan: 1978–2018. (Reform and development of China's economy 1978– 2018). Edited by CAI Fang. Beijing, Shehui kexue chubanshe, 2018, 311 p. 7838. ZHOU (Jintang). Jinggangshan douzheng yu zhongyang Suqu shiqi dang de jingji gongzuo yanjiu. (Study on the communist party's economic work during the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan and the central soviet area). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2018, 2, 385 p. 7839. ZHU (Yongjia). Shang Yang bianfa and Wang Mang gaizhi. (Shang Yang reforms and Wang Mang's change of government). Beijing, Zhongguo Chang'an chubanshe, 2018, 9, 201 p. Cf. no 5179
§ 5. Japan (before 1868) § 5. Japan (before 1868). ______________________
7840. BABA (Hajime). Nihon kodai mokkan ron. (A study of the ancient Japanese wooden tablets). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 353 p. 7841. BABE (Takahiro). Sengoku-ki Hosokawa kenryoku no kenkyū. (A study of Hosokawa's power in the Sengoku period). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 808 p. 7842. CHEN (Song-Chuan). The power of ancestors: tombs and death practices in Late Qing China's foreign relations, 1845–1914. Past and present, 2018, 239, p. 113-142. 7843. Chūsei shōen sonraku no kankyō rekishigaku: Tōdaiji-ryō Mino no kuni Ōi-no-shō no kenkyū. (The environmental history of a medieval manorial village: a study of the manor of Ōi, a territory of the Tōdaiji temple in Mino Province). Ed. by Tadashi EBISAWA. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 288 p. 7844. EHLERS (Maren A.). Give and take: poverty and the status order in early Modern Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2018, XIV-351 p. 7845. FUKUDA (Chizuru). Kinsei buke shakai no okumuki kōzō: Edo-jō, daimyō buke yashiki no josei to shokusei. (The structure of inner space in early modern samurai society: women and their office system in the Edo castle and residences of daimyos). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 424 p. 7846. HARUTA (Naoki). Nihon chūsei seigyō-shi-ron. (A treatise on the history of the occupations in Medieval Japan). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, 348 p. 7847. HASHIMOTO (Yoshinori). Nihon kodai Kyūtoshi no kenkyū. (A study of the history of the capitals in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Seishi Shuppan, 2018, 512 p. 7848. HIGUCHI (Kentarō). Chūsei ōken no keisei to sekkan-ke. (The forging of the Medieval emperorship and the Fujiwara regent family). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 300 p. 7849. IENAGA (Junji). 14 seiki no kōbu-kankei, chōbaku-kankei to Muromachi bakufu: kōi keishō arasoi no moto ni okeru kokusei no sai-kōchiku. (The Muromachi Shogunate and the civil-military and court-government relationships in the 14th century: reconstructions of the regime under the struggle for the throne succession). Gakushūin Shigaku, 2018, 56, p. 149-165. 7850. IMAIZUMI (Takao). Kodai kokka no chihō shihai to Tōhoku. (The provincial rule and Tohoku region in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 280 p. 7851. Ishii Masatoshi chosaku-shū 4: tsūshi to shiryō no aida de. (The collected works of Ishii Masatoshi, Volume 4. Between comprehensive history and sources). Ed. by Yasunori ARANO, Makiko SUDA and Hitoshi YONETANI. Tokyo, Bensei Shuppan, 2018, 488 p. 7852. Kakki to shite no Muromachi: seiji, shūkyō, kotengaku. (The Muromachi period as a turning point: poli-
tics, religion and classical studies). Ed. by Masayuki MAEDA. Tokyo, Bensei Shuppan, 2018, 544 p. 7853. KINDA (Akihiro). Kodai kokka no tochi keikaku: jōri puran o yomitoku. (Land use of the ancient Japanese state: reading the land-division plans). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 264 p. 7854. Kinsei-shi kenkyū to ākaivuzu gaku. (The historiography on early modern Japan and the archival science). Ed. by Toshihiko TAKANO. Tokyo, Seishi Shuppan, 2018, 540 p. 7855. Kodai, chūsei no chiiki shakai: 'mura no koseki-bo' no kanōsei. (Local societies in ancient and medieval Japan: possibilities of 'family registers of villages'). Ed. by Kyōhei ŌYAMA and Akiko MIEDA. Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2018, 544 p. 7856. KOZAKAI (Daigo). Kinsei zenki no dogō to chiiki shakai. (Local clans and local societies in seventeenth-century Japan). Osaka, Seibundō Shuppan, 2018, 350 p. 7857. KURAMOTO (Kazuhiro). 'Midō Kanpakuki' no kenkyū. (A study of Fujiwara no Michinaga's diary). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2018, 388 p. 7858. MATSUZONO (Hitoshi). Chūsei kinri nyōbō no kenkyū. (A study of the court ladies in the Medieval Japanese imperial palace). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2018, 552 p. 7859. MITA (Satoko). Kinsei mibun shakai no sonraku kōzō: Senshū Minami-ōji-mura o chūshin ni. (The structure of a village in the early modern caste society: Minami-ōji village in Izumi province). Kyoto, Burakumondai Kenkyūjo, 2018, 400 p. 7860. MURAI (Shōsuke). Min-dai 'sakuhō' no komonjo gaku teki kentō. (A historiographical study of the Ming Dynasty's cefeng peerage system). Shigaku Zasshi, 2018, 127, 2, p. 1-41. 7861. NAKAJIMA (Keiichi). 15 seiki seisan kakumeiron saikō. (The theory of the production revolution in fifteenth-century Japan reconsidered). Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan Kenkyū Hōkoku (Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History), 2018, 210, p. 223-235. 7862. NAKAMURA (Tsubasa). Higashi Ajia kaiiki sekai no kyōkai-jin to seiji kenryoku: 14 seiki no bunsuirei o kangaeru. (The maritime East Asian networks and political power from the 11th to 15th centuries: considering the watershed in the fourteenth century). Nihonshi Kenkyū, 2018, 673, p. 11-13. 7863. NEMOTO (Minami). Kinsei daimyōke ni okeru 'ie' to 'oie': Hagi Mōri-ke to ichimon kashin. ('Family' and the 'family line of the lord' for early modern daimyo: the clan of Mōri in Hagi and its samurai vassals). Osaka, Seibundō Shuppan, 2018, 298 p. 7864. Nihon shoki no tanjō: hensan to juyō no rekishi. (The birth of Nihon Shoki: a history of its compilation and reception). Ed. by Keita ENDŌ, Haruhito KŌ-
SEKINE Atsushi and Hiroshi HOSOI. Tokyo, Yagi Shoten, 2018, 544 p.
7865. NISHITANI (Masahiro). Shōen sonraku no sekai. (The world of the Japanese manorial villages). Kyūshū Shigaku, 2018, 181, p. 56-81. 7866. OBOROYA (Hisashi). Fujiwara no Shōshi: tenka daiichi no haha. (Fujiwara no Shōshi: the greatest mother). Kyoto, Minerva Shobō, 2018, 340 p. 7867. OGAWA (Takeo). 'Sengoku jidai no bunka denpa' no jittai: 16 seiki no Asukai-ke no katsudō o tōshite. (The reality of the 'cultural diffusion in the Sengoku period': seen from the activities of the Asukai family in the sixteenth century). In: Maboroshi no Kyōto moderu. (The Kyoto model in illusion). Ed. by Chūseigaku kenkyūkai. Tokyo, Kōshi Shoin, 2018, p. 115-133. 7868. OZAWA (Tsuyoshi). Kodai kyūto to kanren iseki no kenkyū. (A study of the ancient Japanese capitals and their remains). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 336 p. 7869. Ritsuryō-sei to kodai kokka. (The Ritsuryo legal system and the ancient Japanese state). Ed. by Makoto SATŌ. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 512 p. 7870. Ritsuryō-sei to Nihon kodai kokka. (The Ritsuryo legal system and the ancient Japanese state). Ed. by Masashi OGUCHI. Tokyo, Dōseisha, 2018, 369 p. 7871. SAGIMORI (Hiroyuki). Tennō to kizoku no kodai seiji-shi. (A political history of ancient Japan: emperors and aristocrats). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobō, 2018, 412 p. 7872. SAITŌ (Hiroko). Kinai fudai-han no jin'ya to hanryō shakai. (The administrative headquarters and society in the domain of a fudai daimyo in Kinai region). Osaka, Seibundō Shuppan, 2018, 350 p. 7873. SASAKI (Keisuke). Nihon kodai no kanshi to seimu. (Government officials and administration in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 378 p. 7874. SATŌ (Yūki). Monjo-shi kara mita Kamakura bakufu to Hōjō-shi: kuchiire to iu kinō kara mita Kantō Migyōsho to Tokusō Shojō. (The Kamakura Bakufu and the Hojos seen from the history of documents: Kanto Migyosho and the tokuso correspondence and their interventional functions). Nihonshi Kenkyū, 2018, 667, p. 24-48.
7878. Shiryō, shiseki to kodai shakai. (Historical documents, historical sites and ancient Japanese society). Ed. by Makoto SATŌ. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 564 p. 7879. SONOBE (Toshiki). Nihon chūsei sonraku monjo no kenkyū: sonraku sadamegaki to shoban. (A study of the village documents in Medieval Japan: focusing on village statements and signatures). Kyoto, Chiisagosha, 2018, 346 p. 7880. STALKER (Nancy K.). Japan. History and culture from classical to cool. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2018, 428 p. 7881. SUGIMOTO (Fumiko). Kinsei seiji kūkan ron: sabaki, kō, 'nihon'. (A study of the political sphere in early modern Japan: judgements, public sphere, and 'Japan'). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 394 p. 7882. TAKADA (Yoshihito). Taizan fukun tojō no komonjo gaku teki kōsatsu: Kamakura shoki made no zanzonrei o chūshin ni. (An examination of the prayer documents (Tojo) of the 'Prince of Taishan': focusing on the extant examples up to the early Kamakura period). Komonjo Kenkyū, 2018, 85, p. 1-17. 7883. TAKAHASHI (Genki). Edo chōnin chi no kūkan shi: toshi no iji to sonzoku. (A spatial history of Edo's commoner district: the maintenance and continuity of the city). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2018, 400 p. 7884. TAKANO (Nobuharu). Bushi shinkakuka no kenkyū: kenkyū-hen, shiryō-hen. (A study of the deification of samurais. Two vols: research and sources). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 2 vol., 279 p., 509 p. 7885. UESHIMA (Tamotsu). Atarashii chūsei komonjo gaku: ākaivuzu to shite no komonjo: sōron-hen. (A new Medieval paleography: documents as archives. A general introduction). Osaka, Seibundō Shuppan, 2018, 308 p. 7886. Yamazato Seinaiji no shakai kōzō: kinsei kara gendai e. (The social structure of Seinaiji, a mountain village: from the early modern to the modern periods). Ed. by Nobuyuki YOSHIDA. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 416 p. 7887. YOKOTA (Fuyuhiko). Nihon kinsei shomotsu bunka shi no kenkyū. (A study of the bibliophilic culture in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, 502 p.
7875. SEKI (Shūichi). Chūsei no kokusai kōryū kara umareta kodomo-tachi. (The children born out of Medieval 'international' exchanges). Rekishi Hyōron, 2018, 815, p. 15-28.
7888. YOSHIDA (Takashi). Zoku Ritsuryō kokka to kodai no shakai. (The Ritsuryo state and ancient Japanese society: part II). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, 374 p.
7876. SHIMADA (Hideaki). Rekishi to eien: Edo kōki no shisō suimyaku. (History and eternity: a genealogy of social thoughts in the late Edo period). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, 396 p.
7889. YOSHIE (Takashi). Nihon kodai kyūtei shakai no girei to tennō. (Emperors and court rituals in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobō, 2018, 388 p.
7877. SHIROUZU (Satoshi). Chūkinsei sanson no seigyō to shakai. (Occpuations and society in Medieval and early modern mountain villages). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 312 p.
7890. YOSHIOKA (Seiya). Bakumatsu taigai kankei to Nagasaki. (Foreign relations at the end of the Edo period and Nagasaki). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2018, 380 p. Cf. no 6857
§ 6. Korea § 6. Korea. ______________________
7891. AHN (Juhn Y.). Buddhas and ancestors. Religion and wealth in fourteenth-century Korea. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2018, XV-243 p. 7892. CHANG (Pyŏng-in). Pŏp kwa p'ungsok ŭro pon Chosŏn yŏsŏng ŭi sam, honin, ihon, kant'ong, sŏng p'okhaeng ŭro ingnŭn Chosŏn sidae yŏsŏngsa. (Joseon women's life through law and customs: a women's his-
tory of the Joseon dynasty read through marriage, divorce, adultery, and sexual assault). Sŏulsi, Hyumŏnisŭt'ŭ, 2018, 399 p. (ill.). 7893. KIM (Ch'ang-gyŏm). Silla hadae kugwang kwa chŏngch'isa. (The kings and political history of late Silla). Sŏul-si, Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Onsaem, 2018, XIV-402 p. (Onsaem inmunhak ch'ongsŏ, 1). Cf. nos 345, 4450, 4451, 4453, 4454, 4455, 4461, 6854
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization)
7894. ADOTEY (Edem). Where is my name? – Contemporary funeral posters as an arena of contestation and (re)negotiation of chiefly relations among the Ewe of Ghana and Togo. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 59-69. 7895. APTER (Andrew). Oduduwa's chain. Locations of culture in the Yoruba-Atlantic. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2018, X-206 p. 7896. DAWSON (Kevin). Undercurrents of power. Aquatic culture in the African diaspora. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018, VIII-351 p. (The early modern Americas). 7897. DURRANI (Shiraz). Mau Mau and its legacy of resistance to colonialism and imperialism: 1948–1990. Nairobi, Vita Books, 2018, 450 p. 7898. DWYER (Maggie). Soldiers in revolt: army mutinies in Africa. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2018, XII237 p. 7899. Forum on Poverty. Journal of African history, 2018, 59, 3, p. 399-481. [Contents: STEPHENS (Rhiannon). Poverty's pasts: a case for longue durée studies. – DOOLING (Wayne). Poverty and respectability in early twentieth-century Cape Town. – GUYER (Jane I.). Pauper, percentile, precarity: analytics for poverty studies in Africa. – JERVEN (Morten). The history of African poverty by numbers: evidence and vantage points. – BONNECASE (Vincent). When numbers represented poverty: the changing meaning of the food ration in French colonial Africa.] 7900. FUGLESTAD (Finn). Slave traders by invitation. West Africa's slave coast in the precolonial era. New York, Oxford U. P., 2018, XIV-443 p. 7901. GOMEZ (Michael A.). African dominion: a new history of empire in early and Medieval West Africa. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2018, 505 p. 7902. GREEN (Toby). The challenge of studying inflation in precolonial Africa by Klas Rönnbäck – A Response. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 19-28. 7903. JACOBS (Nancy J.). American Evangelicals and African politics: the Archives of the Fellowship Foundation, 1960s–1987. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 473-482.
7904. JANSEN (Jan). Beyond the Mali empire – a new paradigm for the Sunjata epic. International journal of African historical studies, 2018, 51, 2, p. 317-340. 7905. LOVE (Paul M.). Ibadi Muslims of North Africa: manuscripts, mobilization, and the making of a written tradition. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XXI-206 p. 7906. Maurétanie (La) & le monde méditerranéen = Mūrīṭānīyā wa-al-'ālam al-mutawasiṭī. Ed. by Mustapha GHOTTES [et al.]. Tétouan, Publications de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université Abdelmalek Es-Saâdi, 2018, 238, 220 p. (ill.). 7907. MORI (Lucia). Urbanisation in the central Sahara in Garamantian times: a look from the south. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 193-210. 7908. PROSPERETTI (Elisa). The hidden history of the West African wager: or, how comparison with Ghana made Côte d'Ivoire. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 2957. 7909. RÖNNBÄCK (Klas). The challenge of studying inflation in precolonial Africa. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 5-18. 7910. SCHOUTEN (Manon). Kikongo in the High North: Swedish sources on Moyen Congo. History in Africa, 2018, 45, p. 483-489. 7911. STAMM (Volker). Die Ökonomie der Ackerbauer, Viehhalter und Fischer. Grundzüge einer Agrargeschichte der westafrikanischen Savannenregion (ca. 1000–ca. 1900). Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018, 198 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, 72). 7912. THABITI WILLIS (John). Masquerading politics. Kinship, gender and ethnicity in a Yoruba town. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2018, 210 p. 7913. WOLDEMARIAM (Michael). Insurgent fragmentation in the Horn of Africa: rebellion and its discontents. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIV-317 p. Cf. nos 237, 296, 517, 560, 3762, 3764, 4449, 4482, 4522, 5204, 6740, 6862-6940
T America (esp. to its colonization) _________ ** 7914. Libro segundo del cabildo de la çibdad de Santiago de la provinçia de Guatemala començado a XXVII de mayo de MDXXX años. Coord. por KRAMER, Wendy. Ed. por MUÑOZ, Jorge Luján y KRAMER, Wendy. Wellfleet, Plumsock Mesoamerican Studies, 2018, CXXI-394 p. (Biblioteca Goathemala). ______________________
7915. Bioarchaeology of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: an interdisciplinary approach. Ed. by WILLERMET, Cathy and CUCINA, Andrea. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2018, XIII-256 p. 7916. CAMPOS GARCÍA (Melchor). Casas españolas y matrimonios afromayas en Mérida de Yucatán, siglo XVI. Historia mexicana, 2018, 67, 3 (267), p. 10871134. 7917. COVEY (R. Alan). Ecological variation and trajectories of prehispanic Andean urbanism. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 279-294. 7918. D'ALTROY (Terence N.). West of Eden: Adams visits the Andes. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 295-316. 7919. Faces of resistance: Maya heroes, power, and identity. Ed. by S. Ashley KISTLER. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2018, 256 p. 7920. Gobernante (El) en Mesoamérica: representaciones y discursos del poder. Ed. por María Elena VEGA VILLALOBOS y Miguel PASTRANA FLORES. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2018, 189 p. (Serie Culturas Mesoamericanas). 7921. GREER (Allan). Property and dispossession. Natives, empires and land in early modern North America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XVIII450 p. (Studies in North American Indian history). 7922. HASKELL (David L.). The two Taríacuris and the early colonial and prehispanic past of Michoacán. Louisville, University Press of Colorado, 2018, XIII263 p. 7923. Historical and archaeological perspectives on the Itzas of Petén, Guatemala. Ed. by Prudence M. RICE https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-021
and Don S. RICE. Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2018, XXVI-477 p. 7924. Inconstant landscape (An): the Maya kingdom of El Zotz, Guatemala. Ed. by Thomas G. GARRISON and Stephen HOUSTON. Louisville, University Press of Colorado, 2018, XXII-470 p. 7925. MANZANILLA (Linda R.). Corporate societies with exclusionary social components: the Teotihuacan metropolis. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 211-226. 7926. MARTÍNEZ (Cecilia). Una etnohistoria de Chiquitos: más allá del horizonte jesuítico. Cochabamba, Instituto de Misionología / Itinerarios Editorial, 2018, 327 p. 7927. MICHELET (Dominique), NONDÉDÉO (Philippe). Ancient Maya lowlands: from fake feuds about "urbanism" to renewed studies of settlement patterns. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2018, 42, p. 259-278. 7928. MORELLI (Federica). De los Andes al Atlántico, territorio, constitución y ciudadanía en la crisis del Imperio español. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Ecuador y Corporación Editora Nacional, 2018, 266 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 48). 7929. NICHOLS (David Andrew). Peoples of the Inland Sea. Native Americans and newcomers in the Great Lakes region, 1600–1870. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2018, XIII-271 p. (New approaches to midwestern studies). 7930. OLKO (Justyna), BRYLAK (Agnieszka). Defending local autonomy and facing cultural trauma: a Nahua order against idolatry, Tlaxcala, 1543. Hispanic American historical review, 2018, 98, 4, p. 573-604. 7931. ROSAS MOSCOSO (Fernando). La conquista de Chile por los Incas. Lima, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2018, 233 p. (ill., maps). 7932. Smoke, flames, and the human body in Mesoamerican ritual practice. Ed. by Vera TIESLER and Andrew K. SCHERER. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2018, VII-471 p. (Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Symposia and Colloquia). Cf. nos 5142, 6941-6986, 7107
U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization)
7933. ADAM (Mary-Clare), SLOGGETT (Robyn). Roland Carter and Leonhard Adam: friendship in the preservation of Ngarrindjeri knowledge and cultural heritage. Australian historical studies, 2018, 49, 1, p. 4462. 7934. COOK (Kealani). Return to Kahiki. Native Hawaiians in Oceania. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, XIII-255 p. (Studies in North American Indian history). 7935. FITZPATRICK (Scott M.), JEW (Nicholas P.). Radiocarbon dating and Bayesian modelling of one of
Remote Oceania's oldest cemeteries at Chelechol ra Orrak, Palau. Antiquity, 2018, 92, p. 149-164. 7936. GRIFFITHS (Billy). Deep time dreaming: uncovering ancient Australia. Carlton, Black Incorporated, 2018, 273 p. 7937. Oceanic histories. Ed. by David ARMITAGE, Alison BASHFORD and Sujit SIVASUNDARAM. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2018, X-328 p. (Cambridge oceanic histories). Cf. nos 6987-6994
INDEX OF NAMES1 A AAN DE STEGGE (Cecile), 6156. Aba (family), 129. ABADY MAHMOUD (Mona Ali), 976. ABATE (Mark T.), 2909. ABBATTISTA (Guido), 3703, 5465. ABBIASOV (Rushan), 496. ABBRI (Ferdinando), 435. 'ABD AL-HĀDĪ ('Abd al-Bāqī alSayyid), 2773. 'ABD AL-ḤALĪM (Wafāʼ Maḥmūd), 7697. 'ABD AL-MUN'IM (al-Sayyid Ḥamīdū), 2774. 'Abd al-Raḥmān Jāmī, 2800. Abd el-Krim, 4526. ʿAbd-an-Nāṣir (Ǧamāl), 3991. Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 4813. ABELA (Joan), 5735. ABEßER (Michel), 5623. ABMEIER (Angela), 7517. ABOITES AGUILAR (Luis), 4484. Abrahamsson (Richard), 6175. ABRAMS (Jeanne E.), 4841. ABRAMSON (Tony), 2885. Abravanel (Isaac), 3396. ABRIL (Victor Hugo), 6941. ABRITTA (Alejandro), 1356. ABRUÑA MARTI (Heri), 968. ABRYSZEŃSKI (Piotr), 4573. ABSMEIER (Christine), 4973. Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Baqqār, 2778. ABŪ 'ALĪ (Aḥmad ibn al-Ḥājj), 6740. ABŪ SHU'AYSHI' (Taḥīyah Muḥammad), 7081. ACERBI (Fabio), 2350. ACERO PÉREZ (Jesús), 2063. ACEVEDO CARMONA (Darío), 3907. ACEVEDO-RODRIGO (Ariadna), 4486. ACHEBE (Nwando), 517.
AÇIKGÖZ (Betül), 4805. ACKERMAN (Delphine), 1318. ACKERMANN (Silke), 3242. ACQUAVIVA (Gennaro), 4374. Adalbertus, Sanctus, 3640. ADALET (Begüm), 7400. Adam (Leonhard), 7933. ADAM (Mary-Clare), 7933. ADAM (Renaud), 70, 81. ADAM (Robert), 4601. Adam von Bremen, 2574. ADÁMEK (Jan), 3599. Adams (Abigail), 4841. ADAMS (John A. Jr.), 7156. Adams (John), 7069. ADAMS (Matthew J.), 1125. ADAMS (Sean A.), 2214. ADERINTO (Saheed), 6864. ADI (Hakim), 3704. Adolphus Frederick Prince, Duke of Cambridge, 4141. Adomnán, 3617. ADORJÁNI (Zsolt), 1484. Adorno (Theodor L. W.), 5435. ADOTEY (Edem), 7894. ADRIANO (Pino), 3931. Aelius Aristides, 1507. Aelius Donatus, 1664. Aelius Marcianus, 1665. AERNI-FLESSNER (John), 4469, 6866. AERTS (Remieg), 4529. Aeschylus, 1362, 1374, 1382, 1391, 1458, 1470, 1474, 1476, 1480. Aetheria, 2152, 2153. Aetius (Flavius), 1700, 1796. AFFLERBACH (Holger), 4076, 7157. AFFOLTER (Jehanne), 850. AFINOGUÉNOVA (Eugenia), 229. AFOUMADO (Diane), 7317. AGAM (Aviad), 809. AGAPITOS (Panagiotis A.), 2384. AGARD-LAVALLÉ (Francine), 7270.
Agathias Scholasticus, 2348. AĞIR (Seven), 5978. AGNÈS (Benoît), 6591. AGNOLETTO (Stefano), 5979. AGO (Renata), 5852. AGOSTINI (Filiberto), 4431. AGOSTO (Mauro), 1357. AGRELL (Wilhelm), 7401. AGREVI (Maria), 2412. Agrippina (Iulia), 1749. AGSTNER (Rudolf), 537. AGUIAR (Miguel), 2888. AGUILAR FERNÁNDEZ (Paloma), 4729. AGUIRRE (Carlos), 4565. AGUIRRE (Manuel Agustín), 3984. AGYEPONG (Tera Eva), 6620. AHLBÄCK (Jutta), 6157. AHLSKOG (Jonas), 6461. AḥMAD ('Alī Mutawallī), 3992. ÄHMÄDOV (Teymur), 6218. AHMED (Miftah A.M.), 1877. AHN (Juhn Y.), 7891. AHOLA (Marja), 836. AIGNER-FORESTI (Luciana), 1622. ÄIKÄS (Tiina), 902. AILES (Mary Elizabeth), 6158. AIMERITO (Francesco), 4351. AIRES OLIVEIRA (Pedro), 6751. AIST (Rodney), 3617. AIVALIS (Christo), 3875. ĀJIJA (Mahībula), 5299. AKANJI (Bola), 4543. AKAR (Philippe), 1878. AKÇAM (Taner), 4806. AKCAN (Esra), 6067. AKHTAR (Aasim Sajjad), 4553. AKHTAR (Rabia), 250. AKHUND-LANGE (Nadine), 7143. AKIMBEKOV (Sultan Magrupovich), 6741. AKINYOADE (Akinyinka), 5736. AKIYAMA (Tetsu), 7691. AKKERMAN (Nadine), 6996. AL GHOUZ (Abdelkader), 2799.
1 The Slavonic and in particular the Russian names are given in their national form transliterated following the usual methods and are classified accordingly. Characters with diacritics, for instance ć, ś, č, š are considered as if ordinary c, s. the German modified vowels ä, ö, ø, ü are considered as if a, o, u. The names of Classical authors, Byzantine King and Emperors, Saints and Popes are indexed in their Latin form. Authors' names are given in capital letters. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110774115-023
336 ALABRÚS IGLESIAS (Rosa María), 5007. ALACEVICH (Michele), 5737. ALAMGIR (Alena K.), 6495. ALAUX (Jean), 1319. 'Alawiyya (Sitti), 5166. ALBAN (Kevin J. A. O.Carm), 3557. ALBANESE (Gabriella), 2552, 3084. ALBANESE PROCELLI (Rosa M.), 1619. Albertano da Brescia, 3636. ALBERTI (Leon Battista), 3600. ALBERTI (Manfredi), 6159. Albertus Magnus, Sanctus, 3436. ALBIERO (Laura), 3280. ALBIEZ-WIECK (Sarah), 6942. ALBIN (Andrew), 3372. ALBINI (Luciana), 3690. Albornotius (Aegidius), cardinalis, 3306. ALBRECHT-BIRKNER (Veronika), 5095. ALBUQUERQUE CARREIRAS (José), 2890. ALCIATI (Roberto), 2303, 3525. Alcibiades, 1297. Aldred (Guy), 6847. ALDRICH (Robert), 6789. ALEGRE LORENZ (David), 6759. ALEKOU (Stella), 1932. ALEKSEEV (Iuriĭ Georgievich), 4619. ALESSANDRÌ (Sergio), 1828. ALESSANDRINI (Adriana), 72. ALESSIO (Gian Carlo), 3190. ALEXANDER (Christine), 122. ALEXANDER (Kimberly S.), 654. ALEXANDER (Rohan), 6160. ALEXANDROS DE COTIAEON, 2011. Alexandros III Ho Megas, King of Macedonia, 970, 1269, 1273, 1281. Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 2379. Alexius III Comnenus, emperor of Trebizond, 2489. ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC (Ágnes), 2042. ALFONSI (Alfonso), 4353. ALFSDOTTER (Clara), 892. Al-Ġazālī, 3457. ALGAZE (Guillermo), 1034. AL-ḤALBŪSĪ (ʿIṣā m ̣ Mishʿal), 4765. AL-ḤARIZI (Juda), 2739. ALI (Luman), 7521. ALI (Tariq Omar), 5980. ALI (Tariq), 4554. ALI (Zahra), 4315. ʿAlī Ibn Abī Ṭālib, 2804. ALI MOHAMMED (Abd el Rahman), 863.
INDEX OF NAMES ALIBAIGI (Sajjad), 1035, 1164. Aliotti (Girolamo), 3112. ALIX-GARCIA (Jennifer), 5939. ALIYEV (Tevekkül), 858, 909. AL-KHALIFAH (Hussain), 842. ALLARD (Jean-Noël), 1270. ALLARD (Lise), 868. ALLAS (Anu), 5592. ALLEGRETTI (Paola), 3102. ALLELY (Annie), 1879. ALLEMANN (Urs Georg), 7158. ALLEN (Archibald), 1358. ALLEN (David), 2243, 2505. ALLEN (Michael J.), 5728. ALLEN (Richard C.), 5096. ALLEN (Roger), 5626. Allende Gossens (Salvador), 3902, 7634. ALLERT (Craig D.), 2244. Allio (René), 5699. ALLMAN (Jean), 6867. ALLOUL (Houssine), 4813. AL-MALKI (Thamer), 842. ALMEIDA (Onésimo Teotónio), 3410. ALMORZA HIDALGO (Amelia), 6161. ALMY (Ruth L.), 6622. ALONSO ALONSO (María Ángeles), 1641. ALONSO IBARRA (Miguel), 6759. Alonso Sánchez de Huelva, 183. ALPARSLAN (Metin), 916. ALPHONSO (Gwendoline M.), 4842. AL-RAHIM (Ahmed H.), 2776. ALRAM-STERN (Eva), 912. AL-SALIMI (Abdulrahman), 2767. ALSHANSKAYA (Alena), 2407. ALSHAREKH (Abdullah), 860. ALTEHENGER (Jennifer), 6623. ALTRICHTER (Helmut), 4620. ALTROCK (Uwe), 6150. Al-ʿUmarī (ibn Faḍl Allāh), 653. ÅLUND (Aleksandra), 4774. ALVANDI (Roham), 4308. ÁLVAREZ CHILLIDA (Gonzalo), 5067, 6875. ÁLVAREZ JIMÉNEZ (D.), 1880. ÁLVAREZ JIMÉNEZ (Jairo), 3908. ÁLVAREZ MELERO (Anthony), 1881. ÁLVAREZ-MON (Javier), 1158, 1169. ÁLVAREZ-NOGAL (Carlos), 5981. ALWINE (Andrew T.), 1271. AMADASI GUZZO (Maria Giulia), 917. 'AMĀMŪ (Ḥayāt), 456. AMANN (Petra), 1622. AMARAL (Luciano), 5982.
AMARAL (Samuel), 3667. AMBARAS (David R.), 4432. AMBLER (Charles), 517. AMBLER (Sophie), 2628. AMBROSINI (Laura), 1620. Ambrosius Mediolanensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 1975. AMELING (Walter), 1107. Amelot de Gournay (Michel-Jean), 7040. Amenhotep II, King of Egypt, 986. AMIGUES (Suzanne), 1266. AMINI (Shima), 5984. AMIROV (Franziska), 24. AMKREUTZ (Luc), 810. AMMERER (Gerhard), 6624. AMMERMAN (Albert J.), 864. Ammianus Marcellinus, 373, 1666, 1975, 1977. AMORAI-STARK (Shua), 1109. AMORE BIANCO (Fabrizio), 4354. Amphilochius Iconiensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2264. AMPOSTA (Arielle), 859. AMSLER (Nadine), 5075. Anacreon, 1454. ANAGNOSTOU-LAOUTIDES (Eva), 2433, 1535. ANASTAKIS (Dimitry), 3876. Anastasius Bibliothecarius, 3496. Anastasius Sinaita, Sanctus, 2349. ANČIĆ (Mladen), 2649. ANDERMANN (Kurt), 3624. ANDERSCH (Ulrike), 73. ANDERSEN (Jens), 7350. ANDERSEN (Kasper H.), 2597. ANDERSEN (Ketil Gjølme), 7318. Andersen (Nikolaus), 4082. ANDERSON (Charles), 6832. ANDERSON (Clare), 611. ANDERSON (David G.), 790. ANDERSON (David M.), 5076. ANDERSON (Greg), 457, 600. ANDERSON (Margaret Lavinia), 4088. ANDERSON (Michael A.), 2084. ANDERSON (Michael), 6068. Andersson (Johan Gunnar), 205. ANDERSSON (Kent), 893. ANDERSSON (Lars-Fredrik), 6016. ANDERSSON (Martin), 6069. ANDERSSON (Tomas), 6070. ANDERSSON-SKOG (Lena), 5776. Andokides, 1229. ANDRADE (Nathanael J.), 1732, 7698. ANDRASON (Alexander), 1110. Andrault-Schmitt (Claude), 3350. ANDRÉ (Sylvain), 4356. Andreas Lopadiota, 2394. ANDREASEN (Frants), 3969.
INDEX OF NAMES ANDREASSI (Mario), 1359. ANDREE (Christian), 5464. ANDREEVA (Elena), 6773. ANDREI (Tudorel), 566. ANDREIDES (Gábor), 7417. ANDREOLLI (Bruno), 2918. ANDREONI (Luca), 123, 6071. ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ (David), 25. ANDREW (Christopher), 506. ANDREWS (George Reid), 504. ANDRIOLLO (Luisa), 2379. ANDUJAR (Rosa), 1360, 1361, 1449. ANFOSSO (Milena), 1362. ANGELI (Lucia), 811. ANGERS (Dominique), 2210. ANGEVIN (Raphaël), 976. ANGHEBEN (Marcel), 3350. ANGIUS (Andrea), 1733. ANGOUSTURES (Aline), 6742. ANGRICK (Andrej), 4089. ANGUISSOLA (Anna), 2065. Anhalt-Zerbst (Friedrich August von), 4098. Ankersmit (Frank), 473. Ankh, 1032. Anna, sancta, 3581. Annienkov (Nikołaj Nikołajevič), 7119. ANOOSHAHR (Ali), 252. ANOR (Netanel), 1036. Anpō, 7595. ANSANI (Fabrizio Antonio), 4355. ANSELL (Richard), 174. Anselm von Havelberg, 3431. Anselmus Cantuariensis, 3411, 3415. Anson (George), 5595. ANSTEY (Isabelle), 7523. ANTHONY (Douglas), 6868. ANTIĆ (Ana), 3705. Antigonos I Monophtalmos, 913. Antiochus II, 929. Antiochus IV, 925. Antiphon, 1229. ANTIPOVA (Anastasia), 7271. ANTIQUEIRA (Moisés), 253. ANTLER (Joyce), 5164. ANTOFI (Simona), 761. ANTON (Manuela), 761. Antoni Maria Claret i Clarà, Sanctus, 5118. Antoninus Pius (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius), Roman emperor, 1787. Antonio da Sangallo, 5608. Antonius abbas, Sanctus, 2162, 2163. Antonius Musa, 1707. ANTONOPOULOS (Andreas P.), 1363.
ANTONOPOULOS (Spyridon), 2444. ANTONOPOULOU (Theodora), 2388. ANTRIM (Zayde), 175. ANVARI (Jana), 801. ANZISKA (Seth), 7524. AOYAMA (Yumiko), 2658. APARASCHIVEI (Dan), 2626. Apicius (Marcus), 1671. Apollonius Rhodius, 1519. Appianus, 1230, 1231. APPLEBAUM (Anne), 4831. APPLETON (Helen), 3288. APRILE (Giorgia), 837. APTER (Andrew), 7895. Apuleius (Lucius), 1672, 1994. ARAGON (Leslie D.), 798. Arājs (Viktors), 7441. Aramburu Silveti (Pedro Eugenio), 7500. ARAND (Tobias), 7082. ARANO (Yasunori), 7851. Aratus, 1534. ARAVANTINOS (Vassilis L.), 1193. ARCHER (Rory), 255. ARCHER (Seth), 6943. ARCHETTI (Gabriele), 2653. ARCHI (Alfonso), 918. Archias (Aulus Licinius), 1972. ARCHIBALD (Elizabeth), 3195. ARCINI (Caroline Ahlström), 2820. Ardaya (general), 1076. ARDELEANU (Stefan), 1642. ARDEVAN (Radu), 1830. ARDIZZONE (Maria Luisa), 3419. Arduinus, rex Italiae, 2659. ARELLANO CRUZ (Fabiola), 230. ARENA (Gaetano), 1800. ARENA (Patrizia), 1734. ARENDT (Hannah), 5436. ARÉVALO DE LEÓN (Bernardo), 4277. AREZKI (Saphia), 3762. ARGENZIANO (Raffaele), 3622. ARI (Osman Sacid), 5287. ARIANTZI (Despoina), 2430, 2486. ARIAS DE SAAVEDRA (Inmaculada), 5051. ARIAS FREIXEDO (Xosé Bieito), 3220. ARIE (Eran), 1122. ARIELLI (Nir), 508. ARIOTTI (Kate), 7160. Aristarchus, 1365. Aristides Atheniensis, 2160. ARISTODEMOU (Georgia A.), 2080. Aristomachos, 1285. Aristophanes, 1232, 1233, 1366. Aristoteles, 1353, 1488, 1491, 1492, 1495, 1497, 1510, 1526. ARJAVA (Antti), 2399.
337 ARJMAND (Reza), 5165. ARKHIPOV (Ilya), 1037. ARLINGHAUS (Franz-Josef), 2843. ARMANIOS (Febe), 655. ARMIROTTI (Alessandra), 771. ARMISEN-MARCHETTI (Mireille), 2161. ARMITAGE (David), 579, 7937. ARMITAGE (Simon J.), 860. ARNALDUS DE VILLANOVA, 3236. ÁRNASON (Jóhann Páll), 3942. ARNAUD (Colin), 3664. ARNAULD (Andreas von), 5262. ARNBERG (Klara), 5869. ARNETTE (Marie-Lys), 969. ARNHOLD (Elmar), 3665. ARNHOLD (Marlis), 2056. ARNI (Caroline), 5466. ARNKE (Volker), 7010. Arnobius, 2161, 2254. ARNOLD (Catherine S.), 3707. ARNOLD (Dana), 709. ARNOLD (John H.), 431. ARNOLD-BIUCCHI (Carmen), 417. ARNOUL DE LISIEUX, évêque de Lisieux, 2542. ARNZEN (Rüdiger), 2777. ARPÁŠ (Róbert), 4703. ARRELUCEA BARRANTES (Maribel), 6944. ARRIAGA (Mercedes), 5625. Arrianus (Flavius), 257. ARRIGONI (Giampiera), 1536, 1539. ARRIS OAKLEY (Christopher), 5738. ARSENAULT (Raymond), 6162. ARSLANOV (R. A.), 7083. Artaxerxes IV, Achaemenid King of Kings, 1061. ARTAZ (Enguerrand), 3674. ARTEAGA (Juan José), 4945. ARTHI (Vellore), 5300. ARTHUR (Ciaran), 3619. ARTHUR (Kathleen G.), 3526. ARTIAGA REGO (Aurora), 4760. ARTIOLI (Maria Benedetta), 2370. ARTS (Nico), 2564. ARTUKKA (Topi), 6163. ARUMÄE (Heino), 7161. ARUTIUNIAN (Suren Gurgenovich), 4621. ASANTE (Kofi Takyi), 6869. ÅSBRINK (Elisabeth), 162. ASCHE (Matthias), 4973. ASCHEHOUG-CLAUTEAUX (Marie), 29. ASELMEYER (Norman), 6254. ASH (Rhiannon), 1721. Ashe (Arthur), 6162. ASHKENAZI (Ofer), 4091.
338 ASHOUR (Sobhi), 970. Ashurbanipal, 1067, 1079. Asinius Pollio (Gaius), 269. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David), 5870. Aspar (Flavius Ardaburius), 2434. Assad (Hafiz Al-), 7529. ASSAEL (Brenda), 6164. ʿAssāf (family), 132. ASSELIN (Pierre), 7525. ASSO (Pier Francesco), 5985. ASSOS (Demetris), 5087. ASTE (Antonio), 1718. ASTOLFI (Riccardo), 1831. ASTON (Emma), 1320. Åström (Sverker), 7457. ASZALOS (Ildikó-Lucia), 176. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), 4824, 5370. Athanasius Alexandrinus, episcopus, 2162, 2163. ATHANASOPOULOS (Panagiotis), 2413. ATHANASSAKI (Lucia), 1364. Athenaeus, 1446. Athenagoras Atheniensis, 2311. ATHERSTONE (Andrew), 739. ATIENZA LÓPEZ (Ángela), 5061. ATIYAS (E. Ekin Tuşalp), 597. ATKINS (Jed W.), 2012. ATMACA (Metin), 7162. ATTAR (Samar), 3101. Atticus (Titus Pomponius), 1946. Attila, rex Hunnorum, 1796. ATWELL (Eric), 1116. AUBELE (Katharina), 4092. AUBERT BAILLOT (Sophie), 2013. AUBIN (David), 5264. AUBIN (Marlène), 2014. AUBRY (Christine), 3693. AUDEGEAN (Philippe), 6672. AUDERSET (Juri), 5940. AUDERSET (Patrick), 6499. AUDIGIER (François), 4012, 4028. Aue (Hartmann von), 3147. AUERBACH (Jeffrey A.), 6165. AUGENTI (Andrea), 3685. AUGIER (Bertrand), 1643. AUGOUSTAKIS (Antony), 1937. AUGSBERG (Ino), 5262. AUGUSTIN (Pierre), 2204. AUGUSTINE (Dolores L.), 4093. Augustinus Aurelius, Sanctus, 2164, 2165, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2283, 2308, 2324. Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 249, 294, 392, 1417, 1734, 1764, 1814, 1839, 1956, 2099. AUGUSTY (Wolfgang), 3330. AUJOULAT (Noël), 1242. AUKEN (Ida), 510.
INDEX OF NAMES AULER (Jost), 7163. Auler Pascha (Karl Lorenz), 7163. AURELL (Martin), 2877. AURELL I CARDONA (Jaume), 2877. AURIGNY (Hélène), 1561. AUSLANDER (Leora), 5239. Ausonius (Decimus Magnus), 1953. AUSTA (Luca), 1404. AUTHALER (Caroline), 5941. AUTS (Rainer), 5451. AVAGLIANO (Alessandra), 1598. AVAGLIANO (Mario), 4358. AVANGO (Dag), 179. AVANZINI (Marco), 871. AVDELA (Efi), 6166. AVELLA ALAMINOS (Isabel), 5871. AVEN (Håvard), 4549. AVENDAÑO ROJAS (Xiomara), 4278. Averroès, 2771. AVEYARD (Stuart), 5986. Avicenna, 2776, 2781, 2801, 2802, 3412. AVILIA (Filippo), 1194. AVNER (Uzi), 1111, 1123. AVRAM (Laurențiu), 761. AVRIL (Emmanuelle), 4251. AVRONIDAKI (Christina), 1588. AVRUTIN (Eugene M.), 4622. AVVANZINO (Pierre), 6391. AXSTER (Felix), 6474. AYALA MORA (Enrique), 3984, 3989, 5142, 6564. AYATOLLAHI TABAAR (Mohammad), 4309. AYDIN (Bilgin), 6739. AYE (Mar Mar), 803. 'ĀYID (Anas 'Abd al-Khāliq), 4766. AYMERICH BASSOLS (Montse), 3031. Ayton (Andrew), 2965. AZZETTA (Luca), 3154. AZZOLINI (Nicolás), 3768. B BABA (Hajime), 7840. BABAYAN (Kathryn), 509. BABE (Takahiro), 7841. BÄBLER (Balbina), 2305. BABOVIĆ (Jovana), 5203. Babrius, 1396. Bacchus, 277. Bacchylides, 1364, 1409, 1439. BACH (Oliver), 605. BACHMANN (Klaus), 6870. BACHNER (Henrik), 4769. BACHVAROVA (Mary R.), 1095. BACIGALUPO (Valeria), 1365. BACKERRA (Charlotte), 7039.
BACKWELL (Lucinda), 812. BACON (Roger), 3394. BACONI (Tareq), 4557. BADALYAN (Ruben), 793. BADIA (Lola), 3443. BADIA-MIRÓ (Marc), 5872. BADOUD (Nathan), 1562. BADURINA-STIPČEVIĆ (Vesna), 30. BAER (Josette), 4699. BAESLER (John Philipp), 4843. BAGLIONE (Maria Paola), 1617. BAGNASCO GIANNI (Giovanna), 1621. BAGNATO (Bruna), 7526. BAGNERA (Alessandra), 2779. BAGNO (Ileana), 6625. Bagramyan (Ivan Khristoforovich), 4621. Bähnisch (Theanolte), 4120. BAHOVADINOVA (Malika), 6495. BAILEY (Gauvin Alexander), 6072. BAILEY (Lucy), 5928. BAILEY (Mark), 2628. BAILEY (Merridee L.), 3025. BAILEY (Michael D.), 3643. BAILEY (Roy E.), 5468. BAILKIN (Jordanna), 4221. BAIN (Andrew M.), 2246. BAIN (Mervyn J.), 7527. BAIRD (Barbara), 6177. BAJĀWĪ (Muḥammad al-Ṣāliḥ), 7164. BAJON (Philip), 7528. BAJONI (Maria Grazia), 2403. BAJPAI (Anandita), 4288. BAJRAMI (Hakif), 3757. BAK (János M.), 2556, 2568, 2585. BAKER (Craig), 3093, 3134. BAKER (Gary P.), 2965. BAKER (Sarah Lynn), 919. BAKER (Travis R.), 2865. BAKER-BRIAN (Nicholas), 730. BAKKE (Lars Hasvoll), 7529. BAKŪRĪ (Maʿād), 6871. BALARD (Michel), 2599, 2914. BALBIN BEHRMANN (Rodrigo de), 774. Balbinus (Decimus Caelius Calvinus), Roman emperor, 1688. BALBO (Andrea), 1862, 1990. BALCAR (Jaromír), 3943. BALCAR (Nina), 5301. BALDI (Davide), 2162. BALDISSIN MOLLI (Giovanna), 3650. Balduinus II, imperator Latinorum, 2669. BALDUS (Christian), 6548, 6621. BALIDO (Giuseppe), 2197. BALINT (Csanad), 2427.
INDEX OF NAMES Balint (Michael), 5469. BALITSARI (Anthi), 1195. BALKELIS (Tomas), 4474. BALL (Anna), 528. BALLAUX (Bart), 5777. BALLESTER (Benjamín), 838. BALLESTEROS PASTOR (Luis), 256. BALLOFFET (Lily Pearl), 7467. BALLONE (Angela), 6945. BALOGH (Elemér), 2846. BALOUN (Pavel), 5302. BALTHASAR (Dominik), 4710. BALTZLY (Dirk), 745, 1260. BALZAMO (Elena), 3498. BALZARETTI (Ross), 2944. Bāmbā (Aḥmadū), 6923. BAMBI (Federigo), 2503. BAMFORD (Heather), 74. Banaszkiewicz (Jacek), 368. BANDAMA (Foreman), 775. BANDINELLI (Mattia), 6073. BANDUCCI (Laura), 2085. BANDŽUCH (Tomáš), 3966. BÁNFFY (Eszter), 851. BANFIELD (Stephen), 5626. BANGA (Indu), 4292. BANGARTH (Stephanie), 3885. BANKEN (Ralf), 4095. BANNASCH (Bettina), 5170, 5583. BANNERMAN (Gordon), 5873. BANTMAN (Constance), 5383. BÄR (Silvio), 1486. Bar Bahlul and Bar 'Ali, 2416. BARAGLI (Matteo), 4359. BARAGONA (Alan), 3228. BARAKĀT ('Alī), 3990. BARALE (Lorena), 6167. BARANOWSKI (Krzysztof J.), 920. BARANOWSKI (Shelley), 521. BARAT (Raphaël), 4783. BARBER (Karin), 5204. BARBEZAT (Michael D.), 3620. BARBIAN (Jan-Pieter), 5644. BARBIERI (Luca), 3184. BARBOLOVA (Zoya), 487. BARBOSA CRUZ (Mario), 6366. Barbusse (Henri), 5579. BARCAT (Dominique), 971. BARCELLA (Paolo), 6168. BARCIA (Manuel), 6946. BARCLAY (Gordon J.), 4222. BARCLAY (Katie), 6626. BARCLAY (Paul D.), 6833. BARDI (Alberto), 2415. BARDOT (Michael L.), 2677. BARELI (Avi), 4337. BARELLI (Lia), 3237. BAR-HAIM (Shaul), 5469. BARJAMOVIC (Gojko), 921. BARKAI (Ran), 809. BARKAY (Gabriel), 1134.
BARLAS (Dilek), 7165. Barmat (Julius), 6011. BARMEYER-HARTLIEB (Heide), 4085. Barnabas, apostolus, 2157. BARNES (Felicity), 5874. BARNES (Victoria), 5988. BARNETT (Nicholas J.), 7402. BARNHISEL (Greg), 77. BARNWELL (Paul S.), 3347. BARON (Christopher), 257. BARONE (Francesca P.), 2195. BARONIO (Angelo), 2642. Baronio (Cesare), 5026. BARR (William), 5877. BARRAL I ALTET (Xavier), 3286, 3666. BARRANDON (Nathalie), 1735. BARRE (Aurélie), 3130. BARRÉ (Louise), 124. Barre (Siyad), 4710. BARREIRO (Santiago Francesco), 3205. BARRENECHEA (Francisco), 1366. BARRETO XAVIER (Ângela), 6817. BARRETT (Gavin), 4319. BARRIERA (Darío G.), 6947. BARRON (Aleese), 816. BARRÓN RUIZ DE LA CUESTA (Alberto), 1644. BARROS (Andrew), 6748. BARROS (Luiz Eduardo Pinto), 7530. BARROSO BERMEJO (Rosa María), 774. BARROW (Julia), 2547, 2944. BARRY (Gearóid), 6788. BARRY (Samuel C.), 2416. BARSKY (Deborah), 780. BARSKY (Eugene), 922, 1127. BÁRTA (Milan), 3944. BARTASH (Vitali), 1038. BARTHAS (Jérémie), 5450. BARTHÉLEMY (Dominique), 2661. BARTHOMA (Soner O.), 4815. BARTIE (Angela), 258. BARTLETT (Kenneth), 2690. BARTLETT (Robert), 3145. BARTOLI LANGELI (Attilio), 10. Bartolo da Sassoferrato, 603. Bartolomé de las Casas, 5083. BARTOLOMEI (Arnaud), 6781. BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI (Alessandra), 3654. BARTOLONI (Gilda), 1617. BARTON (Gregory A.), 618. BARTON (William M.), 1668. BARTOSZEWICZ (Agnieszka), 3260. BARTOV (Omer), 4832. BARTUSCHAT (Johannes), 3409. BARTZ (Gabriele), 19.
339 BARUCCI (Piero), 4368. BARUCH (Yuval), 1112. BĀRŪT (Muḥammad Jamāl), 6743. BARZAZI (Antonella), 4961. BAŞAK (Tolga), 5370. BASCHET (Jérôme), 112. BASHA I NOVOSEJT (Aurélie), 7531. BASHFORD (Alison), 7937. Basilius Caesariensis, Sanctus, 2169, 2263, 2329. BASIN (Thomas), 2551. BAṣĪRATʹMANISH (Ḥamīd), 4310. BASKIND (Samantha), 5205. BASSANELLI SOMMARIVA (Gisella), 2141. BASSE (Michael), 3407. BASSI (Ernesto), 7085. BASSO (Enrico), 2891. BASSO (Pietro), 5470. BÄSTLEIN (Klaus), 6627. BASTOW (Sarah), 5106. BATEMAN (David A.), 3710, 4844. BATEN (Henri), 3393. BATES (Catherine), 758. BATES (David), 3058. BÁTIZ-LAZO (Bernardo), 5989. BATLLO (Xavier), 3585. BÁTONYI (Gábor), 7532. BATTILORO (Ilaria), 1599. BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI (Breno), 259, 280, 389. BATTISTONI (Marco), 5852. BATZA (Katie), 5471. BAUDUIN (Pierre), 3561. BAUER (Karin), 5210. BAUER (Matthias), 6463. BAUER (Thomas J.), 2242. BAUER (Thomas), 2780. BAUERKÄMPER (Arndt), 7067. BAUGHAN (Emily), 6169. BAULON (Jean-Philippe), 7533. BAUMANN (Anette), 6592. BAUMANN (Imanuel), 5097. BAUMANN (Lukas), 1933. BAUMANN (Mario), 178. BAUMANN (Notker), 2247. BAUMBACH (Hendrik), 2863. BAUMEISTER (Martin), 4983. BAUMGART (Winfried), 4084. BAUMGARTEN (Jean), 2736. BAUSI (Alessandro), 21. BAUTISTA (Stefanie), 772. BAUTZ (Traugott), 2149. BAVAJ (Riccardo), 5261. BAYARD DE VOLO (Lorraine), 3992. BAYARSAIKHAN (Jamsranjav), 797. BAYHA (Vanessa), 3523. BAYLISS (Alex), 851.
340 BAZANOV (P. N.), 452. BAZANT (Mílada), 4485. BEAGON (Mary), 2015. BEALE-RIVAYA (Yasmine), 520. BEAMISH (Johanna), 180. Beard (Charles Austin), 416. BEASLEY (Betsy A.), 7403. BEAUD (Stéphane), 125. Beaufort (Henry), 2732. Beaugency (family), 2956. BEAUMONT (Joan), 3800. Bebel (August), 4190. Beccaria (Cesare), 6672. BECCARISI (Alessandra), 3402. BECEIRO PITA (Isabel), 3468, 3621. Becher (Johannes R.), 5337. BECHER (Matthias), 590. BECK (Deborah), 1367. BECK (Jess), 781. BECK (Naomi), 5765. BECK (Patrice), 3674. BECKER (Eve-Marie), 2306. BECKER (Hans-Jürgen), 3492. BECKER (Marc), 3985. BECKER (Matthias J.), 5371. BECKER (Maximilian), 4096. BECKER (Nadine), 149. BECKER (Oliver), 3292. BECKER (Robert), 4097. BECKER (Thomas), 7234. BECKER (Tobias), 5222. BECKERT (Sven), 5983. Becket (Thomas), 3596. BECKETT (Ian F. W.), 4223. BECKMANN (Martin), 417. BECKUS (Paul), 4098. BÉCOT (Renaud), 5778. Beda Venerabilis, Sanctus, 3461, 3617, 3623. BEDOS-REZAK (Brigitte Miriam), 3308. BEER (Susanne), 4099. BEERS (Marloes), 7642. BEESTERMÖLLER (Matthias), 5875. BEEVOR (Antony), 7351. BEEZLEY (William H.), 5637. BEGASS (Christoph), 2121. BEGASSE DE DHAEM (A.), 3420. BEGGIO (Tommaso), 6545. BEHRENS-ABOUSEIF (Doris), 31. BEIGEL (Viviana Laura), 3787. BEINER (Guy), 260. BEKHTEREV (S. L.), 4636. BEK-PEDERSEN (Karen), 2831. BELAUSTEGI BEDIALAUNETA (Unai), 4730. BEŁCH (Stanisław), 2844. BELFANTI (Carlo Marco), 5878. BELFIORE (Valentina), 1623. BELGE (Boris), 5627.
INDEX OF NAMES Belhoumi (famille), 125. BÉLIARD (Yann), 4251. BELISLE (Donica), 5265. BELKIN (Alejandro), 3769. BELL (David Avrom), 4057. BELL (Lonnie D.), 2211. BELLAVITIS (Anna), 6171. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), 1624, 1625. BELLER (Steven), 3805. BELLI (Gianluca), 5608. BELLIDO (Jose), 5878. BELLIFEMINE (Onofrio), 4360. BELLIGNI (Eleonora), 4984. BELLINA (Bérénice), 803. BELLINO (Alessandro), 5008. BELLISSIME (Marion), 1235. BELLOMO (Manlio), 2834. Bellon (Roger), 3130. BELLONI (Luigi), 5628. BELLORADO (Benjamin A.), 798. BELLOT-GURLET (Ludovic), 825, 2014. BELLOWS (Barbara L.), 4845. BELLWOOD (Peter), 822. BELOV (Alekseĭ Viktorovich), 7056. BELTRÁN LLORIS (Francisco), 1658. BELTRAN PEPIÓ (Vicenç), 3192. BELTRÁN TAPIA (Francisco J.), 5739. BELVEDERE (Oscar), 1807. Ben Israel (Menasseh), 5186. BENADUSI (Lorenzo), 7154. BEN-ARIEH (Yehoshua), 4338. BENCLOWICZ (José), 6480. BENCSIK (Péter), 7464. BENDER JØRGENSEN (Lise), 877. BENDTSEN (Bjarne S.), 5206. BENEDETTINI (M. Gilda), 1627. BENEDICT (Jörg), 6628. Benedictus Nursinus, Sanctus, 2170. Benedictus XII, Papa, 3493, 3511. BENELLI (Enrico), 1624. BEN-EPHRAIM (Shaiel), 7534. BENEŠ (Carrie E.), 519. Beneš (Edvard), 4700. BENEVICH (Fedor), 2781. BENEVICH (Grigory), 2417. BENFERHAT (Yasmina), 1934. BENGTSSON (Erik), 5990, 6172. BENGTSSON (Herman), 3291. Ben-Gurion (David), 4341. BENHAM (Jenny), 2864. Benjamin (Walter), 474. BENKA (Peter), 6154. BENKE (Gavin), 5991. BENNETT (Alison), 7086. BENNETT (Gill), 4224. BENNETT (Herman L.), 6872.
BENNETT (Robert J.), 5866. BENOZZO (Francesco), 1610. BENSIMON (Fabrice), 6462. BENTIVOGLIO (Giulia), 7535. BENTLEY (R. Alexander), 803. BENTON (Gregor), 6173. BENTON (Lauren), 6709. BENTON-COHEN (Katherine), 4846. BENVENUTI (Anna), 3622. Benvenuti (famiglia), 2984. BENZ (Wolfgang), 4090. BEN-ZVI (Yael), 6629. BEORN (Waitman Wade), 7272. BÉRANGER DE SAINT-AFFRIQUE, 3568. BERCÉ (Yves-Marie), 4013. BERDINE (Michael), 7166. BERESFORD (Andrew M.), 3578. BERG (Annika), 6174. BERG (Matthias), 261. BERG (William), 1525. BERGAMO (Max), 1487. BERGANTZ (Alexis), 6987. BERGEMANN (Johannes), 1807. BERGENHEIM (Sophy), 6281. BERGER (Albrecht), 2347. BERGER (Stefan), 6539. BERGERFURTH (Yvonne), 5062. BERGESON-LOCKWOOD (Millington W.), 4847. BERGGREN (Henrik), 7273. BERGHOFF (Hartmut), 6702. BERGJAN (Silke-Petra), 2120. BERGMAN (Arvid), 6175. BERGMAN (Ingela), 2595. BERGMANN (Knut), 4100. BERGMEIER (Rolf), 3463. BERGREN (Theodore A.), 2231. BERGSVIK (Knut Andreas), 3625. BERHANE-SELASSIE (Tsehai), 4002. BERIGER (Andreas), 2171-2175. BERING (Dietz), 5098. BERINYUY SENGKA (Charles), 3623. BÉRIOU (Nicole), 3464. BERKES (Lajos), 973. BERMAN (Constance Hoffman), 3527. BERNARD (Floris), 2356. BERNARD (Gwladys), 1736. BERNARD (Pauline), 5852. BERNARD (Seth), 1882. BERNARDI (Marco), 3103. BERNARDINI (Paolo), 1113. BERNBECK (Reinhard), 1081. BERNDT (Rainer SJ), 3508. BERNHARDT (Markus), 471. BERNO (Francesca R.), 1712. BERNSEE (Robert), 6702. BERNSTEIN (David), 181.
INDEX OF NAMES BERNSTEIN (Seth), 4653. BERRESSEM (Ben N.), 2067. BERRÍO (Paola Andrea), 6948. Berruyer (Isaac-Joseph), 5065. BERRY (Philip A.), 7536. BERRYMAN (Duncan), 2893. BERSTEIN (Serge), 7200. BERTEMES (François), 807. BERTI (Emanuele), 1713, 2002. BERTLEFF (Ingrid), 5704. BERTO (Luigi Andrea), 2782. BERTOLA (Ermenegildo), 2743. BERTOLACCI (Amos), 3412. BERTOLET (Craig E.), 3173. BERTOLINI (Sebastiano), 1368. BERTRAM (Björn), 6630. BERTRAM (Laurie K.), 6949. BERTRAND (Michel), 5997. BERTRAND (Romain), 458. BESANA (Claudio), 5878. BESIER (Gerhard), 4966. Bessario (Basilius), 2374, 2415, 2450. BESSE (Laurent), 704. BESSEL (Richard), 7203. BESSEYRE (Marianne), 3093. BESSNER (Daniel), 7404. BEST (Antony), 6745. BETA (Simone), 1369. BETANCOURT (Roland), 2418. BETEA (Lavinia), 4602. BETHAN (Anika), 7067. BETHELL (Leslie), 3847. BETTINI (Maurizio), 1825. BETTS (Paul), 5647. BETTUM (Anders), 1024. BETZIEN (Petra), 6176. BEUCKERS (Klaus Gereon), 58, 3537. BEVERNAGE (Berber), 358. BEVILACQUA (Alexander), 5414. BEVINS (Richard), 839. BEYRIES (Sylvie), 818. Bezak (Aleksandr Pavlovič), 7119. BHATIA (Lieselotte), 4102. BHATTACHARYA (Neeladri), 6834. BHATTACHARYYA (Satyabrata), 4289. BIAGIOLI (Ilaria), 4995. BIANCHI (Angela), 3104. BIANCHI (Edoardo), 1738. BIANCHI (Francesco Paolo), 1370. BIANCHI (Francesco), 2531, 3667. BIANCHI (Giovanna), 2974, 3069. BIANCHI (Lorenzo), 687. BIANCHI (Luca), 3422. BIANCHI (Paola), 1832. BIANCHI (Stefania), 6178. BIANCIOTTO (Gabriel), 3091. BIANCO (Elisabetta), 1272. BIANCONI (Daniele), 2419.
BIANCU (Stefano), 5148. BIARD (Guillaume), 1563. BIARD (Michel), 6243. BIASILLO (Roberta), 5942. BIAVASCHI (Paola), 1833. BIBERT (Alexandre), 7319. BIDE (Bethan), 5918. BIDGOOD (Sarah), 7439. Bieber (Margarete), 417. BIEDERMAN (Jan), 3945. BIEDERMANN (Zoltán), 7011. BIEHL (Peter F.), 801. BIELMANN (Chantal), 3466. BIELSKI (Marcin), 2691. BIESCHKE (Anne), 7537. BIETAK (Manfred), 906. BIFFIS (Giulia), 1459. BIGA (Maria Giovanna), 923. BIGGS (David), 7538. BIHRER (Andreas), 58. BIKIC (Azra), 5865. BIKOULIS (Peter), 772. BILAVSCHI (George), 2626. BILENKY (Serhiy), 6074. BILES (Roger), 4848. BILGEN (Arda), 4807. Bille (Anders), 3969. BILLER (Josef H.), 113. BILLOWS (Sebastian), 5918. BILLY (Anne), 3293. BILOTTA (Maria Alessandra), 3333. BILYARSKI (Ivan), 728. BIN IBAD (Umber), 4555. BINAR (Aleš), 7274. BINASCO (Matteo), 5009. BINDERNAGEL (Franka), 6179. BINI (Piero), 4368. BINOCHE (Bertrand), 5415. BIOČIĆ (Ana), 3919. BIOLSI (Thomas), 4849. BIRD (Jessalynn L.), 3470, 3507. Birgitta av Sverige, Heliga, 3367. BIRIN (Ante), 3283. BIRKE (Roman), 3730. BISCHOFF (Andreas M.), 924. BISCHOFF (Sebastian), 7167. BISHOP (Caroline), 1935. BISHOP (Katelyn J.), 805. BISMARCK (Otto von), 4076, 4079, 4213. BISPHAM (Edward H.), 1739. BISSETT (Thaddeus G.), 790. BISSON (Massimo), 707. BISTON-MOULIN (Sébastien), 976. BITTER-SMIRNOV (Sophie), 7631. BITTI (Angelo), 4361. BITTO (Gregor), 1792. BITUNJAC (Martina), 3920. BIUS (Joel R.), 6180. BIVAR (Venus), 5779.
341 BIZZOCCHI (Roberto), 130. BJAČEK (Petr), 3945. BJERRUM FOSSAT (Sissel), 323. BJÖRNSDÓTTIR (Brynja), 6281. BLACK (Robert), 3261. BLACKBURN (Simon), 1256. BLACKER (Jean), 3123. BLACKETT (R. J. M.), 4850. BLACKSTONE (James), 2420. Blackstone (William), 6631. BLACKWELL (Nicholas G.), 1196. BLADH (Christine), 5876. BLAIN (Keisha N.), 4851. BLAIR (John), 3668. BLAISE (Émilie), 849. BLAKE (Albert), 4711. BLAKEMORE (Richard J.), 4225. BLANC (Jacob), 262, 7539. BLANCATO (Sebastiano), 2528, 2546. BLANCHARD (Joël), 2551, 2874. BLANCK (Peter), 5515. BLAND (Lucy), 4252. BLANGA (Yehuda U.), 7540. BLANK (Thomas), 393. BLANSETT (Kent), 4852. BLANSHEI (Sarah R.), 518, 2883. BLANTON (Virginia), 3273. BLASCHKE (Anette), 5943. BLASCHKE (Olaf), 261. BLASER-MEIER (Susanna), 2629. BLASETTI FANTAUZZI (Chiara), 1600. BLASIUS (Dirk), 6710. BŁASZCZYK (Dariusz), 3663. BLATT (Heather), 3105. BLATT (Jessica), 5207. BLAŽEK (Pavel), 3446. BLECKMANN (Bruno), 1685, 1728. BLED (Jean-Paul), 7577. BLEETH (Kenneth), 3079. BLEICHER (Niels), 840. BLENGINI (Chiara), 1488. BLEYNAT (Ingrid), 4487. BLISSETT (Ed), 6464. BLÖBAUM (Anke Ilona), 1013. BLOCH (Ernst), 5437. BLOCK (Sharon), 6950. BLOEMENDAL (Albertine), 7406. BLÖMER (Michael), 2059. BLOMQVIST (Olof), 4770. BLONDÉ (Bruno), 5777. BLONDIUS (Flavius), 2552. BLÖSEL (Wolfgang), 471. BLUM (Paul Richard), 3413. BLUMENAU (Bernhard), 7626. BLUMENTHAL (Albrecht von), 2229. BLUMENTHAL (Erika von), 2229. Blythe (Ernest), 4322. BOANO (Camillo), 6114.
342 BOARETTO (Elisabetta), 954. Bobbio (Norberto), 5438. BOBRYCKI (Shane), 2892. BOCCACCIO (Giovanni), 3091, 3187, 3194. BOCCUZZI (Maria), 2905. BOCHERENS (Hervé), 781. BÖCK (Barbara), 1039. BOCKSTOCE (John R.), 5877. BOECKH (Katrin), 7256. BOECKL-KLAMPER (Elisabeth), 3806. BOEGLIN (Michel), 5143. BOELE (Anita), 6075, 6181. BOËTHIUS (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus), 3442, 3395. BOEX (Allison), 1645. BOFF (Jonathan), 7168. BOFFEY (Julia), 3171. BOGAARD (Amy), 801. BOGDÁNDI (Zsolt), 2521. BOGDANOVIĆ (Jelena), 2474. Bøgh (Anders), 2597. Bohachevsky (Constantine), 5010. BOHACHEVSKY-CHOMIAK (Martha), 4833, 5010. BÖHLER (Jochen), 4576. BOHLING (Joseph), 5780. BÖHM (Francesco Turio), 707. BÖHME (Horst Wolfgang), 536. BÖHNKE (Michael), 4983. BOHR (Felix), 7407. Boiardo (Matteo Maria), 3142. BOIN (Douglas), 2122. BOISSEE (V.), 1234. BOISSERIE (Étienne), 4700. BOIVIN (Hélène), 6863. BOIVIN (Odette), 1057. BOJANOWSKA (Edyta M.), 5572. BOJEMSKI (Sebastian), 7352. BOJOWALD (Stefan), 972. BOK (Václav), 2554. BÖKER (Hans Josef), 3294. BOLDAN (Kamil), 75. Bolívar (Simón), 7078. BOLOGNA (Marco), 4350. BOLOVAN (Ioan), 530. BOLT (Jutta), 5746. BOLZONI (Lina), 5248. BOM (François), 815. BOMBARDIERI (Luca), 773. BONACINI (Pierpaolo), 2845. BONAKDARIAN (Mansour), 4311. Bonaventura de Balneoregio, Santcus, 3420. Boncompagni (famiglia), 153. BONET DONATO (Maria), 2519. BONGIORNO (Frank), 3792, 6177. BONIALIAN (Mariano), 312. BONIFACE (Xavier), 5022.
INDEX OF NAMES Bonifatius VIII, Papa, 3499, 3504. BONILLA (Heraclio), 5372. BONIN (Hubert), 6790. BÖNING (Holger), 263. BONINO (Pauline), 6711. BÓNIS (György), 2846. BONNARD (Jean-Baptiste), 1321. BONNECASE (Vincent), 7899. BØNNELYCKE (Cecilie), 6182. BÖNNEN (Gerold), 4152. BONNER (Ali), 2248. BONNET (Corinne), 2052, 4997. BONNET (Marie Rose), 2553. Bono, Sanctus, 3570. BONOMO (Michael F.), 821. BOODTS (Shari), 2310. BOOGAART (Jacques), 3373. BOOKER (Sparky), 3034. BOOTH (William A.), 4488. BORAN (Elizabethanne), 76. BORCHARD (Waltraud), 3295. BORDO (Michael D.), 5992. BORDOY (Antoni), 3262. BORGE (Baard H.), 4550. BORGHERO (Carlo), 5416. BORGHESI (Francesco), 3404. BORGNA (Alice), 264. BORGOLTE (Michael), 512. BORIN (Fabrizio), 5629. Boris Godunov, emperor of Russia, 6999. BORISËNOK (Elena), 4837. BÖRJESSON (Angelica), 5993. BORLAND (Jeff), 5847. BORLÉE (Denise), 3339. BÖRM (Henning), 1291. BORMANN (Patrick), 5994. BORMUTH (Matthias), 656. BORODZIEJ (Włodzimierz), 7169. BOROVIK (Julia), 6090. BORRAS (Charles), 7062. BORRING OLESEN (Thorsten), 3982, 7642. BORSCH (Jonas), 620. BORSUK (Amaranth), 78. BORYSŁAWSKI (Rafał), 2821. BOS (Gerrit), 2737, 2744. BOS (Jolanda), 1024. BOSC (Lauren), 698. BÖSCH (Frank), 4145, 4151, 5553, 7423. BOSCHETTO (Luca), 126. BÖSE (Christian), 6465. BOSHIER (Carol Ann), 5266. BOSNAKIS (Dimitris), 1219. BOSTYN (Françoise), 859. BOTLEY (Paul), 420. BÖTTCHER (Jakob), 4103. BÖTTCHER (Judith Lena), 5099. BOTTI (Alfonso), 4995. BOTTO (Massimo), 1626.
BOTZ (Gerhard), 3807. BOUCHER (Ellen), 182. BOUCHER (Leigh), 6177. BOUCHER (Vincent), 7638. BOUCHERON (Patrick), 539. BOUD'HORS (Anne), 973. Boudicca, queen of the Iceni, 1773. BOUDIGNON (Christian), 2189. BOUDON (Jacques-Olivier), 7058. BOUDON-MILLOT (Véronique), 1190, 1322, 1489. BOUILLON (Pierre), 7408. BOUIRON (Marc), 2513. BOULEN (Muriel), 859. BOULESTIN (Bruno), 813. BOULET (Elsa), 6183. BOULINGUEZ (Corinne), 974. BOULNOIS (Olivier), 3033. BOULTON (Meg), 3346. BOUQUEREL (Christophe), 1323. BOUR (Julie), 4014. BOURDEILLE (Christian), 7116. BOURDIN (Philippe), 5392. BOUREAU (Alain), 33. BOURIN (Monique), 3359. BOURLET (Michaël), 7221. BOURNEUF (Pierre-Etienne), 7170. BOURNOUTIAN (George A.), 3788. BOUROGIANNIS (Giorgos), 1114. BOUSMANNE (Bernard), 54. BOUSQUET (Antoine), 5472. BOUTET (Marjolaine), 7221. BOUVIER (Beatrix), 5451. BOWD (Stephen D.), 4362. BOWIE (Duncan), 4226. BOWMAN (Alan), 1926. BOWMAN (Matthew), 4854. BOWREY (Kathy), 5878. BOYADJIAN (Tamar M.), 2745. BOYD (Samuel L.), 1115. BOYER (Jean François), 2643. BOYLE (Jennifer E.), 753. Boyle (Richard), 6793. BOYSSET (Bertrand), 2553. BOYS-STONES (George R.), 1680. BOZARSLAN (Hamit), 4817, 4819. BOZHINOV (Plamen), 424. Bozio (Tommaso), 5269. BRACKE (Maud Anne), 6184. BRACKE (Sebastian), 459. BRACKOB (A. K.), 2692, 2783. BRADDICK (Michael), 4227. BRADFIELD (Justin), 808, 812. BRADFORD (Phil), 2723. BRADLEY (Catherine A.), 3377, 3385. BRADLEY (Guy J.), 1613. BRADLEY (John), 2068. BRADLEY (Stefan M.), 5267. BRADSHAW (Paul F.), 2153. Brahe (Jørgen), 3969.
INDEX OF NAMES BRAIDER (Christopher), 5473. BRAKENSIEK (Stefan), 471. BRALL (Carsten), 5100. BRAMBILLA (Elena), 5268. Brand (Paul), 2865. BRAND (Peter J.), 990. BRANDES (Detlef), 6760. BRANDHUBER (Christoph), 6624. BRANDON (Pepijn), 5762. BRANDSTETTER (Anna-Maria), 241. BRANDT (Michael), 3318. BRANDT (Susanne), 7171. Brandt (Willy), 7682. Brasidas, 1296. BRASSEUR (Annette), 3614. Brasseur (Clément), 6873. BRATHER (Sebastian), 3022. BRAULIO CAESARAUGUSTANUS, 2176, 3601. BRAUN (Bettina), 3808. BRAUN (Christina von), 657, 6358. BRAUN (Christine), 7057. BRAUN (Lea), 3106. BRAUN (Ludwig), 3178. BRAUNE (Andreas), 4212. BRAUNSTEIN (Danièle), 1561. BRAUT-HEGGHAMMER (Malfrid), 7541. BRAVO (Gonzalo), 1912. BRAY (Nadia), 3414. BRAZIL (Sarah), 3107. BREA-MARTÍNEZ (Gabriel), 139. BREAY (Claire), 2641. BRECKMAN (Warren), 474. BREED (Brian W.), 1971. BREEZE (Paul S.), 860. BREITFUß (Judith), 236. BREITINGER (Jan C.), 5781. BREKHUNENKO (Viktor), 6744. BRÉLAZ (Cédric), 1883. Brendan of Clonfert, Sanctus, 3574. BRENDEL (Benjamin), 7468. BRENDEL (Rapahel), 2249. BRENNAN (James P.), 3770. BRENNAN (Sheila A.), 265. BRENNAN (T. Corey), 1740. BRENNEKE (Adolf), 217. BRENTJES (Sonja), 2784. BRESCIA (Graziana), 1371, 1460. BRESCIUS (Moritz von), 5474. BRESSAN (Raquel), 3771. BRESSLER (Richard), 2596. BRETSCHNEIDER (Falk), 5852, 6403. BREWITT-TAYLOR (Sam), 5101. BREYTENBACH (Cilliers), 2245, 2264. Brezhnev (Leonid Ilyich), 275, 7598, 7667, 7686.
BRIDEY (François), 1169. BRIDGES (Venetia), 3108. BRIDIKHINA (Eugenia), 3841. Brienne (house of), 2978. BRIERLEY (Claire), 1116. BRIGGS (Chris Daniel), 2952. BRIGHAM (Robert K.), 7542. BRILLI (Elisa), 3409. BRÎNDUSA (Grigoriu), 3109. BRINK (Stefan), 2822, 2832. BRÎNZEI (Monica), 3529. BRIOSCHI (Serena A.), 1531. BRIQUEL (Dominique), 2043. BRISCOE (John), 1936. BRISSON (Carl), 3880. BRISSON (Luc), 1518. BRISSON (Pierre-Luc), 925, 1741. BRITO (Paulo B.), 6002. BRIZZI (Giovanni), 1742. BRŇOVJÁK (Jiří), 3809. BROAD (Matthew), 4228. BROADBERRY (Stephen), 621, 5944. BROADBRIDGE (Anne F.), 7687. BROBERG (Åsa), 5303. BROCARD (Nicole), 3061. BROCK (Roger), 1307. BROCKMANN (Christian), 21. BRODBECK (Sulamith), 3556. BRODIE (Thomas), 5011. BROMBER (Katrin), 7212. BRØNDUM (Christian), 7446. BRONWEN (Neil), 2433. BROODBANK (Cyprian), 1174. BROOKE (John L.), 600. BROOKE (Nick), 4229. Brooke-Popham (Robert), 7359. BROOKS (Ernest B.), 2234. BROSCHAT (Katja), 975. BROSER (Tanja), 14. BROSTRÖM (Lovisa), 6185. BROUILLET (Eugénie), 3887. BROWN (Amelia), 2123. BROWN (Andrew), 2962. BROWN (Chris), 2693. BROWN (David), 558. BROWN (Howard G.), 4015. BROWN (John C.), 6186. BROWN (Karida L.), 6187. BROWN (Keith M.), 6188. BROWN (Kenneth D.), 4230. BROWN (Michelle), 694. BROWN (Peter Scott), 3297. BROWN (R. Blake), 6549. BROWNE (Adrian J.), 489. Browne (John), 4994. BRUCE-LOCKHART (Katherine), 4827, 6189. BRUEY (Alison J.), 3893. BRUFAL SUCARRAT (Jesús), 3689. BRÜGGEMANN (Jens), 6712.
343 BRÜGGEMANN (Karsten), 511, 7088. BRÜGGEMEIER (Franz-Josef), 5782. BRUGGER (Eveline), 2740. BRÜGGER (Niels), 460. BRÜHWILER (Benjamin), 5995. BRULÉ (Pierre), 1324. BRUNA (Aurore), 7172. BRUNDAGE (W. Fitzhugh), 4855. BRUNDIN (Abigail), 4985. BRUNELLI (Giampiero), 5012, 7012. BRUNET (Guy), 6190. BRUNETEAU (Bernard), 3711. BRUNI (Domenico Maria), 4394, 7543. BRUN-JANSEM (Marie-Françoise), 4016. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf), 514. Brunner (Otto), 418. BRUNNERMEIER (Markus K.), 6006. BRUNO (Karl), 7544. BRÜSSEL (Marc), 5304. BRUUS (Mette), 2826. BRUZZI (Silvia), 5166. BRUZZONE (Antonella), 1700. BRUZZONE (Rachel), 1372. BRYAN (Jenny), 1485. Bryant (Anita), 3886. BRYCE (Benjamin), 3772. BRYLAK (Agnieszka), 7930. BRYNE (Alex), 7173. BRZECHCZYN (Krzysztof), 4583. BSHEER (Rosie), 4683. BUBELOVÁ (Alena), 7346. BUC (Natacha), 796. Bucer (Martin), 5124. Buchanan (George), 7262. BUCHENAU (Klaus), 514. BÜCHERT NETTERSTRØM ((Jeppe), 2597. BUCHHOLZ (Marlis), 355. BUCHHOLZ (Matias), 2421. BUCHNEA (Emily), 5862. BÜCHNER (Christine), 3453. BUCHNER (Moritz), 6191. BÜCHSENSCHÜTZ (Nora), 2250. BUCHSTAB (Günter), 4081. BUCKLEY (Hallie), 822. BUCKLEY (Thomas R.), 5879. BUCLIN (Hadrien), 7469. BUCUR (Maria), 3714, 4603, 4604, 6192. BUDAK (Neven), 2598. BUDELMANN (Felix), 1373. BUDGEN (David), 5573. BUENO (Irene), 3493, 3511. BUENO RAMÍREZ (Primitiva), 774. Buffet (Michel), 5617.
344 BUFFO (Paolo), 15. BUGAĬ (Nikolaĭ Fedorovich), 7174. BUGGELN (Marc), 5996. BUHAY (Bill), 887. BÜHLER (Benjamin), 581. BÜHNER (Peter), 3712. BUHR (Christian), 3111. BÜHRER-THIERRY (Geneviève), 2670, 2910. BUIS (Emiliano J.), 1304. BUISSON (Jean-Christophe), 5234. Buko (Andrzej), 3663. BUKVIĆ (Nenad), 3918, 3921. BULAITIS (John), 4017. BULL (Marcus), 266. BULLY (Aurélia), 3531. BULLY (Sébastien), 3531. BULTEN (Luc), 6193. BULTRIGHINI (Ilaria), 2044. BUNBURY (Judith), 1020. BUNDGÅRD CHRISTENSEN (Claus), 7175, 7176. BUNGE (Kirstin), 6546. Bunsen (Maurice de), 7204. BUONGIORNO (Pierangelo), 1827, 1834, 1862. BUONOCORE (Marco), 1651. BUR (Clément), 1743. BURAKOVS'KYĬ (Oleksandr), 4840. BURCHARD VON STRAßBURG, 2587. BURGAUD (Stéphanie), 7089. BURGDORF (Wolfgang), 6566. BURGEON (Chrisophe), 1744. BURGER (Glenn D.), 2894. BURGER (Michael), 3298. BÜRGER (Philipp), 267. BURGERS (Jan W. J.), 2895. BURGERSDIJK (Diederik W. P.), 2132. BURGESS (Clive), 3465. Burgess (Glyn Sheridan), 3123. BURGESS (Helen J.), 753. Burghauser (Jarmil), 7346. BÜRGI (Matthias), 5853. BÜRGISSER (Thomas), 7561. BURGWYN (H. James), 4363. BURHOP (Carsten), 5783. BURIAN (Michal), 3945. BURINGH (Eltjo), 3014. BURKE (John B.), 2232. BURKE (John Edward), 6835. BURKE (Kyle), 7409. BURKETT (Delbert), 2212. BURKHARDT (Alex), 4104. BURKHARDT (Johannes), 7013. BURKUSH (Kateryna), 6495. BURLE-ERRECADE (Élodie), 3165. BURMEISTER (Stefan), 1745, 1795. Burnley (William Hardin), 6794. BURNS (Jeffrey M.), 5066.
INDEX OF NAMES Burns (Ken), 5728. BURROWS (Simon), 79. BURSKI (Jacek), 6153. BURT (Sally), 7320. Burton (Janet), 3549. BUSCEMI (Francesca), 884. BUSCH (David S.), 7545. BÜSCHKEN (Dominik), 2688. Bush (George H. W.), 7578, 7671, 7685. Bush (George W.), 7638, 7649. BUSH (Olga), 2785. BUSHIN (Vladimir), 4624. BUSIC (Jason), 520. BUSSE (Anja), 1096. BÜSSER (Nathalie), 4788. BUSSI (Silvia), 1176. BUSTAMANTE OTERO (Luis), 6194. BUTCHER (Kevin), 1884. BUTI (Gilbert), 2925. BUTLER (Matthew), 5013, 5014. Butler (Nicholas Murray), 7143. BUTLER (Sara), 2913. BUTRÓN PRIDA (Gonzalo), 7090. BUTTERLIN (Pascal), 1040. BUTTICAZ (Simon), 2251, 2297. BÜTTNER (Andreas), 2848, 3646. BUTZBACH (Olivier), 5898. BUXTON (Hilary), 5475. BUZHALA (Prend), 2694. BUZHILOVA (Alexandra P.), 832. BUZON (Michele), 903. BUZZANCO (Robert), 5728. BUZZI (Serena), 1490. BYERS (Donald), 887. BYHET (Thomas), 3693. BYRNE (Philippa), 2849. BYZOV (Alekseĭ Iurʹevich), 4625. C CABALLERO SÁNCHEZ (Paula), 2367. CABRÉ (Anna), 139. CABRÉ (Lluís), 3121. CABRITA (Joel), 4955. CABY (Cécile), 3112. CACCIATORE (G.), 5449. CADENHEAD (Raphael A.), 2252. Cadieux (Marcel), 7597. CADIOU (François), 1746. CADZOW (Allison), 3800. Caesar (Gaius Iulius), 396, 419, 1804, 1820, 2009. Caesarius Arelatensis, Sanctus, 2180. Caetano (Marcello), 4598. CAFERRO (William), 2896. CAFLISCH (Sophie), 3263. CAGIAO VILA (Pilar), 6754. CAGLE (Hugh), 5476. CAHAN (David), 5477.
CAHEN (Michel), 4527. CAI (Fang), 7837. CAIE (Graham D.), 3071. CAIRNS (Francis), 1172. CAJNKO (Mojca), 1098. CALAFAT (Guillaume), 458, 5880. CALAHORRA BARTOLOMÉ (Alfredo), 2426. CALCHI (Vera), 1491. CALDARI (Valentina), 7032. CALDWELL (Lauren), 2016. CALDWELL (Peter C.), 4105. CALIGIURI (Mario), 4352. Caligula (Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus Germanicus), Roman emperor, 1752. CALIS (Richard), 80. CALLANAN (Martin), 789. CALLARD (Caroline), 6632. CALLEGARIN (Laurent), 3675. CALLEJA-PUERTA (Miguel), 2. CALLES BARGER (Lilian), 4956. Callias, 1215. Callimachus, 1484. CALLOWAY (Colin G.), 4856. CALVERLEY (David), 3877. CALVET (Antoine), 3238. CAMACHO (Pablo), 896. CAMAIANI (Pier Giorgio), 4986. CAMARERO (Hernán), 6509. CAMASSA (Giorgio), 2253. CAMELI (Martina), 2529. CAMERA (Marco), 1601. CAMERON (Catherine M.), 6830. CAMERON (Hazel), 7546. CAMERON (James), 7547. CAMERON (Sarah), 4446. CAMEROTTO (Alberto), 652. Camondo (Abraham-Béhor, Comte de), 6649. CAMPAGNOLO (M.), 157. CAMPANELLA (Valentina), 2530. CAMPBELL (Alan), 4231. CAMPBELL (Bruce M. S.), 5944. CAMPBELL (Dennis R.M.), 1041. CAMPBELL (Ethan), 3113. CAMPBELL (Gareth), 5998, 5999. CAMPBELL (Louise), 5601. CAMPBELL (Richard), 3415. CAMPBELL (Roderick), 880. CAMPBELL (William H.), 3494. CAMPI (Luigi), 3460. CAMPMAS (Émilie), 815. CAMPOPIANO (Michele), 3030. CAMPOS GARCÍA (Melchor), 7916. CAMPOS RUBILLAR (Bexen), 2408. CAMPS (Rob), 3299. CAMPUS (Alessandro), 1117. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo), 1747. CAÑAZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge), 6795.
INDEX OF NAMES CANDAR (Gilles), 4018. CANDIDO (Igor), 3187. CANEPA (Matthew P.), 1159. CANEVARO (Mirko), 251, 1305. CANFORA (Luciano), 390, 1249. CANGEMI (Michael), 7548. CANIS (Konrad), 4076. CANIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge), 5064. CANNARI (Luigi), 5740. Cannon (James P.), 4917. Cansacchi (famiglia), 2984. CANTARELLA (Glauco Maria), 3495. CANTINI (Federico), 2904. CANTISANI (Antonio), 2177. Cantoni Fontana (Annetta), 6178. CAO (Jin), 7787. CAPARRINI (Marialuisa), 3271. CAPATANO (Giovanni), 2164. CAPDEVILA (Enrique), 843. CAPDEVILA ARRIZABALAGA (Irene), 3192. CAPEL BADINO (Roberto), 1258. CAPELLI (Claudia), 4364. CAPET (Antoine), 515. ČAPKOVÁ (Kateřina), 7470. ČAPO (Hrvoje), 7144. CAPOGROSSI COLOGNESI (Luigi), 427. CAPOTE (Marta), 843. CAPP (Bernard), 5565. CAPPELLETTI (I.), 1213. CAPPONI (Filippo), 1628. CAPPONI (Livia), 1748. CAPPOZZO (Valerio), 3114. CAPRA (Andrea), 1255. CAPRA (Raymond L.), 2353. CAPRISTO (Annalisa), 6593. CAPUANO (Christophe), 6195. CAPUSSELA (Andrea Lorenzo), 4365. CAQUET (P. E.), 7275. Caracalla (Bassianus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1774, 1804, 1849, 2078. CARACAUSI (Andrea), 619. CARADONNA (Jeremy L.), 641. CARANDINI (Andrea), 1749. CARAVALE (Giorgio), 268. CARBON (Jan-Mathieu), 1555. CARBONE (Ludovico), 2383. CARBONELL (Eudald), 780. CARBONNET (Adrien), 2695. CÁRCEL ORTÍ (María Milagros), 16, 2572. CARDARELLI (Andrea), 865. CARDELLE DE HARTMANN (Carmen), 3649. Cárdenas (Lázaro), 4498.
CARDON (Nathan), 658. CARDOSO REIS (Bruno), 6751. CAREW (Anthony), 7410. CAREY (Chris), 1316. CAREY (Patrick W.), 5015. CARGNELUCCI (Liliana), 4342. CARL (Horst), 2863. CARLSON (Kristian J.), 812. CARLSON (Thomas A.), 2786. CARLTON (Bree), 3789. CARLUCCI (Claudia), 1617. CARMAGNANI (Marcello), 516. CARMASSI (Patrizia), 35. CARNAILLE (Camille), 3134. CARNEY (Sébastien), 7155. CARÒ (Federico), 898. CAROCCI (Sandro), 3005. CAROLI (Giovanni), 3399. CARON (Jean-Claude), 4029, 5392. CARPANELLI (Francesco), 1374. CARPENTER (Victoria), 4489. CARPIN (Salvador), 2209. CARR (Christopher), 805. CARR (Richard), 4252. CARRARA (Laura), 1375. CARRATTIERI (Mirco), 7382, 7391. CARRELLÁN RUIZ (Juan Luis), 7177. CARRERAS-MARÍN (Anna), 5872. CARRERO-PAZOS (Miguel), 841. CARREZ (Maurice), 4003. CARRIÉ (Jean-Michel), 2124. CARRIERI (Mimmo), 6466. CARROL (Alison), 4019. CARROLL (Francis M.), 6713. CARROLL (Maureen), 1885. CARRON (Delphine), 3409. CARSANA (Chiara), 269. CARSON (Austin), 6746. CARSTAIRS (Catherine), 3878. Carter (James Earl 'Jimmy'), 7557, 7591. CARTER (Lionel), 7466. Carter (Roland), 7933. CARTER (Sarah Anne), 5305. CARTER HETT (Benjamin), 4106. CARTON (Benedict), 7679. CARTOSIO (Bruno), 5208. CARUANA (Martina), 66. CARVALHO (Eduardo R.), 5306. CASADEI (Alberto), 3102. CASAGRANDE CICCI (Emanuele), 2085. CASAS (Cristina), 843. Casati (Alessandro), 4403. Casaubon (Isaac), 420. CASCIO (Giovanni), 3208. CASELLA (F.), 1376. CASELLA (Laura), 4342. CASELLA (Valentina), 1835. CASEY (Brian), 4320.
345 CASHIN (Joan E.), 4857. CASSESE (Sabino), 4416. CASSIA (Margerita), 1800. CASSIANI (Gennaro), 5269. CASSIN (Matthieu), 2189, 2390. Cassini (Cesare-Francesco), 5852. Cassiodorus (Flavius Magnus Aurelius), 2177. Cassius Dio (Lucius Claudius), 256, 1234, 1235, 1673. CASTAÑEDA (Nuria), 843. CASTAÑO (Javier), 2757 CASTEJÓN (Philippe), 4356. CASTELLANO (Lorenzo), 931. CASTELLI (Thibaut), 1564. CASTENBRANDT (Helene), 6076. CASTIGLIA (Gabriele), 2125. Castiglioni (Achille), 5616. CASTILLO (Cristina C.), 822, 894. CASTILLO (Fidel Gabriel), 7091. Castillo (Ramón S.), 3778. CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Antonio), 5026. CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Luis Carlos), 3910. CASTILLO REY (Gustavo), 183. CASTOLDI (Marina), 1537. CASTORPH (Bernward), 2850. Castro (Fidel), 3932. CASTRO (Mariana), 1750. CASTRO (Rafael), 5878. CASTRO CASO (Miriam), 6196. CASTRONOVO (Valerio), 4366. CASTRORAO BARBA (Angelo), 3673. CASTRUCCI (G.), 1565. CAŞU (Igor), 7549. CATAFAU (Aymat), 3510. CATALAN (Tullia), 3706. CATALANI (Luigi), 3411. CATENACCI (Carmine), 1377. Catilina (Lucius Sergius), 401. CATTERALL (Peter), 6812. CATTO (Michela), 4961. Catullus (Gaius Valerius), 1674, 1945. CAU (Maurizio), 3739. CAUCHE (Dominique), 780. CAUDHURI (Sukanta), 755. CAVAGNA (Mattia), 3093, 3134. CAVAILLÉ (Jean- Pierre), 5609. Cavalcanti (Guido), 3206, 7015. CAVALLERO (Fabio G.), 2070. CAVALLO (Guglielmo), 2. CAVARIMUTTU (A.), 7699. CAVAZZA (Stefano), 4401. CAVELL (Emma), 2898. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine), 1042, 1077. CAVILL (Paul), 4220. CAVINA (Marco), 2696. CAYLA (Jean-Baptiste), 926.
346 CAYOUETTE-REMBLIÈRE (Joanie), 461. CAZAUX-KOWALSKI (Christelle), 3387. CAZZELLA (Alberto), 866. Ceauşescu (Elena), 4602. Ceauşescu (Nicolae), 4605. CECCARELLI (Filippo), 4344. CECCARELLI (Manuel), 1043. CECCHINI (Isabella), 707. CECERE (Domenico), 5569. CECINI (Ulisse), 2749. CEDERBERG (Sara), 270. CEGLIE (Emanuele), 4384. CEISEL (Christina M.), 184. CELENZA (Christopher S.), 5417. CELESTE (Ortensio), 1704. CELIBERTI (Vincenzo), 780. ÇELIK (Muhammed Bilal), 7207. CELLINI (Jacopo), 3713. CELO (Sokol), 5898. CELOTTO (Vittorio), 3096. Celsus (Aulus Cornelius), 2026. Celsus, philosophus, 2253. CENNI (Benedetta), 2507. CENTO (Michele), 6467. Centurione (Agostino), 4350. Centurione (Stefano), 4350. CERASETTI (Barbara), 888. CERI JONES (David), 739. ČERNOGLAZOV (Dmitrij A.), 2498. CEROVIC (Masha), 7379. CERRETANO (Valerio), 6000. CERRITO (Stefania), 3093. CERRUTTI (Enzo), 5541. CERULLO (Speranza), 3115. Cervera (Elena), 5071. CERVERA (José Antonio), 312. CESARI (Laurent), 7471. CESARIO (Marilina), 3259. ÇETIN (Birol), 5754. ÇEVIRICI-COŞKUN (Figen), 927. CH'AE (Su-hong), 5290. CHACAR (Aya S.), 5898. CHACHY (Rachel), 1109. CHACÓN (Gloria Elizabeth), 5574. CHAFFEE (John W.), 7706. CHAILLOU (Christelle), 3387. CHAILLOUX (Graciela), 5766. CHAKRABARTY (Dipesh), 114. CHAKRABORTY (Paulomi), 4290. CHAKRAVARTI (Ananya), 4957. CHAKRAVARTY (Dorthe), 6197. CHAMBERLIN (Paul Thomas), 7411. CHAMBERS (Liam), 5023. CHAMBERT-PROTAT (Pierre), 3628. CHAMBON (Grégory), 928. CHAMBRY (Emile), 1396. CHAMLEY (Christophe), 5981. CHAMOCHO CANTUDO (Miguel Angel), 6603.
INDEX OF NAMES CHAMPAGNE (Marie-Thérèse), 2752. CHAMPEAUX (Jacqueline), 2254. CHAMPION (Louis), 803. CHAMPONNOIS (Sylvain), 7353. CHAN (Shelly), 7707. CHANDLER (Andrew), 5270. CHANDLER (Cullen J.), 2644. CHANG (Nigel), 894. CHANG (Pyŏng-in), 7892. CHANG (Ruey-Lin), 973. CHANG (Sin), 6857. CHANIOTIS (Angelos), 1273. CHAO (Fulin), 7709. Chaplin (Charlie), 5668. CHAPMAN (Herrick), 4020. CHAPMAN STACEY (Robin), 2851. CHAPPEL (James), 5016, 6198. CHAPPELL (Jonathan), 7092. CHARALAMPAKIS (Pantelis), 2428. CHARBONNEAU (Oliver), 6836. Chariton Aphrodisiensis, 1286. CHARLE (Christophe), 531. CHARLES (Michael B.), 1535. Charles II d'Anjou, 2513. Charles II de Lorraine, 2725. Charles VII, roi de France, 2551, 2874. Charles VIII, roi de France, 4009. CHARLET (Jean-Louis), 1679. CHARLOUX (Guillaume), 842, 976. CHARNAY (Julien), 4685. CHARON (Arnaud), 7178. CHARPENTIER (Emmanuelle), 6238. CHARPENTIER LJUNGQVIST (Fredrik), 2900. CHARPIN (Dominique), 1044. CHARRIER (Philippe), 6354. CHASE (Malcolm), 5374. CHATANI (Sayaka), 6837. CHATTERJEE (Kiron), 6386. CHATZĒKŌNSTANTĒ (Hellē), 4268. CHATZĒVASILEIOU (Euanthēs), 7268. CHAUBET (François), 5217. Chaucer (Geoffrey), 65, 83, 3079, 3117, 3131, 3135, 3148, 3158, 3180. CHAUDHURI (Rudra), 7472, 7550. CHAUVARD (Jean-François), 6199, 6633. CHAUVET (Barbara), 1020. CHAUVIN-HAMEAU (Paul), 4022. CHAVARRÍA ARNAU (Alexandra), 2126. CHÁVEZ REINO (Antonio Luis), 1250. CHÁVEZ-GARCÍA (Miroslava), 6200. CHAVKIN (Boris), 7380.
CHAZAN (Robert)729. CHEILAS (Geōrgios), 2376. CHEKMARËV (Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich), 6999. CHELIDONIO (Giorgio), 871. CHEMAKIN (A. A.), 4626. CHEN (Andrew H.), 3301. CHEN (Chern), 7473. CHEN (Huaiyu), 88. CHEN (Li), 6714. CHEN (Siyi), 1492. CHEN (Song-Chuan), 7842. CHEN (Xiao), 7710. CHEN (Xingcan), 821. CHEN (Yanhui), 678, 679. CHENG (Wei), 1493. CHERCHI (Paolo), 3118. CHEREL (Anne-Françoise), 867, 868. CHERNEVA (Irina), 5693. CHERUBINI (Paolo), 2520, 2523. CHESI (Giulia Maria), 1378. CHESSEL (Marie-Emmanuelle), 5017. CHEVALIER (Christophe), 7093. CHEYETTE (Bryan), 5191. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude), 2429. CHIANG (Connie Y.), 6201. CHIARIGLIONE (Marco), 3119. Chiavacci Leonardi (Anna Maria), 3125. CHIBA (Yoshihiro), 6202. CHIDA (Takeshi), 5784. CHIELI (Francesca), 3497. CHIESA (Paolo), 3486. CHIFFOLEAU (Jacques), 2635. CHILARDI (Salvatore), 869. CHILOSI (David), 622, 5859. CHINCHILLA MAZARIEGOS (Oswaldo), 895. CHIQUET (Vera), 5630. CHIRAPARAMBAN (Varghese P.), 2213. CHIRIAC (Aurel), 543. CHIRIKURE (Shadreck), 453, 775. CHIRIO (Maud), 3848. CHIRON (Yves), 4987. CHO (Joanne Miyang), 6780. CHOI (Gwon Jin), 4452. CHOI (Peter Y.), 5102. CHOLLET (Derek), 7551. CHŎN (Chae-ho), 7688. CHŎNG (Chin-sŏng), 7267. CHŎNG (Kŭn-sik), 5290. CHOPARD (Thomas), 7179. CHOPRA (Ruma), 6791. Choricius Gazaeus, 2354. CHORNOVOL (Ihor Pavlovych), 4834. CHRĒSTIDĒS (Chrēstos), 4269. Chrétien de Troyes, 3140, 3198.
INDEX OF NAMES CHRISTENSEN (Maria M.), 2323. CHRISTIAN (Michel), 7637. Christian X, Konge af Danmark og Konge af Island, 3970. Christie (Ned), 4904. CHRISTIE (Neil), 2613. CHRISTMAN (Victoria), 5156. CHRISTOFIS (Nikos), 3941. CHRISTOL (Michel), 907. CHRISTOPHER (Emma), 6792. CHRISTOPHERS (Brett), 4232. Christophorus Kondoleon, 2355. Christophorus Mytilenaeus, 2356. Chromatius Aquileiensis, Sanctus, 2178. CHUBAR'IAN (A. O.), 4665. CHUGUNOV (Konstantin Vladimirovich), 904. CHULSKY (Céline), 1886. CHUPRYNNIKOV (Sergeĭ Alekseevich), 4642. Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer), 515, 4258, 7316, 7492. CHURCHWELL (Sarah), 4858. CHUST (Manuel), 4510. CIAMPANI (Andrea), 4394, 7194. CIANCA (Jenn), 2255. Ciarán of Clonmacnoise, 3589. Ciarán of Seir, 3589. Čičaj (Viliam), 421. Cicero (Marcus Tullius), 1484, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1729, 1933, 1935, 1946, 1966, 1972, 2000, 2004, 2018, 2024, 2033, 2038. Cicero (Quintus Tullius), 1675. CID (Gabriel), 3894. CIDZIKAITĖ (Dalia), 4475. ÇIFTÇI (Erdal), 6203. CIGLIANO (Giovanna), 4616. CILLIERS (Louise), 2017. CINGOLANI (Giorgio), 3931. CINTAS-PEÑA (Marta), 776. CIOCANI (Vichi Eugenia), 1379. CIOFFI (Carmela), 1664, 1938. CIOLFI (Lorenzo), 2408. Ciprés (Pedro), 5275. CIPRIANI (Giovanni), 1716. CIRIELLO (Caterina), 3626. CIRNIALA (Ciprian), 4605. Ciro II of Persia 'the Great', Achaemenid King of Kings, 1160. CISZEWSKA-MLINARIC (Mariola), 5741. Cixi, 7818. CLADDERS (Lukas), 231. CLANCHY (Michael), 3264. CLAPHAM (Alan), 1024. CLARIDGE (Amanda), 523. CLARK (Catherine E.), 5631.
CLARK (Christopher), 271. CLARK (Daniel J.), 6468. CLARK (Frederic), 80. CLARK (Gregory), 5944, 5945. CLARK (J. C. D.), 5455. CLARK (Jeffery J.), 798. CLARK (Justin T.), 5632. CLARK (Linda), 2606. CLARK (Nicola), 127. CLARK (Stephanie), 3627. CLARKE LEMAY (Kate), 7474. CLASSEN (Albrecht), 3073, 3120. Claudianus (Claudius), 1679, 1940. CLAUSEN (Thomas), 5307. CLAVANDIER (Gaëlle), 6354. CLAVER (Alexander), 5881. CLAY (Karen), 5479. CLAYFIELD (Anna), 3933. CLAYTON (Tim), 7059. CLEAVER (Laura), 34, 2592. Cleisthenes, 1275, 1300. CLEMENS (Gabriele B.), 4183. CLEMENS (Lukas), 2902. Clemens Alexandrinus (Titus Flavius), 2179. Clemens IV, Papa, 14. CLEMENTE (Guido), 582. Clémentel (Étienne), 4025. CLEMIS (Martin G.), 7552. Cleomedes, 2367. CLERC (Louis), 7354. CLERICI (Luca), 5375. Clerk (Henry), 6188. CLESSE (Grégory), 3134. CLEVENSTINE (Emmert), 1042. CLEWIS (Robert R.), 474. Clinton (Bill), 7578, 7654, 7668. CLIVETI (Gheorghe), 7094. CLOHESSY (Christopher Paul), 2746. Cloncurry (Valentine Baron), 4327. CLOPPER (Nicolaas), 2564. CLOTTES (Jean), 829. CÒ (Giulia), 3496. COATES (Oliver), 6204. COATSWORTH (Elizabeth), 3035. COBB (Matthew Adam), 1887. COBBING (Andrew), 6715. COBETTO GHIGGIA (Pietro), 1306. COCCOLI (Carlotta), 7276. Cochet (François), 4028. COCHRANE (Peter), 3790. CODA (Anton Dante), 4345. CODA (Elisa), 3396. Codax (Martin), 3220. Coelestinus III, Papa, 3488. COEN (Deborah R.), 5480. COFFEY (Donal K.), 6567. COGNÉ (Albagne), 704. COHEN (Beth B.), 5167.
347 COHEN (Deborah), 4490. COHEN (Ohad), 1118. COHEN (Paul), 4958. COHEN (Ronen A.), 7553. COHEN (Warren I.), 6749. COHEN (Yoram), 1036, 1089. COHN (Samuel K. Jr.), 660. COINTET (Michèle), 7381. COJOCARU (Gheorghe), 530. COLACICCO (Tamara), 5271. COLBY (Jason M.), 661. COLE (Camille), 7095. COLE (Laurence), 5865. COLE (Peter), 6469. COLE (Teresa A.), 2662. Coll (Ned), 5806. Collalto (famiglia), 2966. COLLARD (Franck), 2551. COLLET (Dominik), 625. COLLET (Olivier), 3093. COLLINS (Carolyn), 3799. COLLINS (Martin), 5481. COLLINS (Michael L.), 6205. Collins (Michael), 4321. COLLINSON (Lisa), 2832. Colmán of Lynally, 3589. COLOMBI (Camilla), 1629. COLOMBINO (Laura), 766. COLOMINAS APARICIO (Mònica), 2787. COLONNA (Camille), 803. Colonna (famiglia), 3504. COLPUS (Eve), 6206. Colquitt (Oscar Branch), 7156. COLSON (Justin), 5859. Columbanus Bobiensis, Sanctus, 3531, 3579, 3590. COLVILLE (Quintin), 6772. COLWELL (Tania M.), 3025. COMBALBERT (Grégory), 3561. COMESTORE (Pietro), 3602. Commodus (Lucius Aelius Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1818. COMO (David R.), 4233. COMPARINI (Alberto), 1985. Comstock (Anthony), 6700. COMTE (Emmanuel), 4107. CONDE (Maite), 3849. CONDUCHÉ (Cécile), 3256. CONERMANN (Stephan), 590. CONESA NAVARRO (Pedro D.), 1774. CONEV (Blagoj), 4481. CONFORTI (Jacopo), 814. Congar (Yves), 4991. CONGOURDEAU (Marie-Hèléne), 2378. CONIGLIELLO (Lucilla), 4368. CONNELLY (Erin), 2971. CONNELLY (Mark), 7180.
348 CONNOLLY (James E.), 7181, 7249. CONNOLLY (Jonathan), 6470. CONNOLLY (Sharon Bennett), 2663. CONORD (Fabien), 5946. CONRAD (David C.), 163. CONRAD (Sebastian), 663. CONROY-KRUTZ (Emily), 5077. CONSOLINO (Franca E.), 1984. CONSONNI (Giancarlo), 6077. CONSTABLE (Olivia Remie), 3037. CONSTANTIN (Claude), 859. CONSTANTINE (Stephen), 5308. Constantinus (Lucius Flavius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1784, 1832, 2094, 2238. Constantinus Manasse, 2358, 2440. Constantinus VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine emperor, 2388, 2427, 2501. Constantius (Iulius), 1821. Constantius II (Flavius Iulius), Roman emperor, 1791. CONSTAS (Maximos), 2373. CONSUEGRA (Susana), 843. CONTADINI (Anna), 3250. CONTE (Giampaolo), 6001, 7096. CONTE (Paolo), 5376. CONTE (Sonia), 881. CONTENTE (Claudia), 6207. CONTI (Davide), 4367. Conti (Nanna), 5523. CONTI (Thomas Victor), 5767. CONTZEN (Eva von), 3176, 5760. CONWAY (John Frederick), 3879. CONZE (Eckart), 3715, 7182. COO (Lyndsay), 1380. COOK (Amanda J.), 803. COOK (Harold J.), 5439. COOK (John G.), 2256. COOK (Kealani), 7934. COOKSON (Gillian), 5785. COOMBE (Clare), 1940. COOPER (Frederick), 3716. Cooper (Helen), 3195. COOPER (Julien), 977. COOPER (Kate), 2958. COOPER (Mark Garrett), 5309. COOPER-RICHET (Diana), 6750. COPENHAVER (Adam), 2215. COPILAŞ (Emanuel), 273. COPPINI (Donatella), 3600. COPPOLANI (Antoine), 7554. COPPOLARO (Lucia), 7555. COPSEY (Nigel), 4262. COQUARD (Benoît), 6208. CORBEIL (Laurent), 6209. CORBEILL (Anthony), 1689. CORBELLINI (Sabrina), 3265. CORBETT (Rebecca), 6210.
INDEX OF NAMES CORBIER (Mireille), 1640. CORDASCO (Pasquale), 2905. CORDERO PÉREZ (Jorge)4731. CORDES (Albrecht), 6694. CORDO RUSSO (Luciana Mabel), 3205. CÓRDOVA (Isabel M.), 5482. COREA (Gregorio N.), 2257. CORELLA OVARES (Esteban), 3915. CORENS (Liesbeth), 219. CORGNOLO DELLA CORGNA, 3231. CORMAC (Rory), 7412. CORMACK (William S.), 4023. CORNELIßEN (Christoph), 313. CORNET (Ineke), 3629. Cornutus (Lucius Annaeus), 1680, 1681. COROLEU (Alejandro), 3121. CORONADO (Jorge), 5633. CORR (Rachel), 6951. CORRAL DÍAZ (Esther), 3019. CORRAN (Emily), 3038. CORRÊA DA SILVA (Isabel), 4597. Corsini (Carlo Alberto), 422. CORTAZZI (Hugh), 6745. CORTES CONDE (Roberto), 5753. CORTHORN (Paul), 5986. CORTI (Carlo), 1099. COSGROVE (Charles H.), 1381. Cosmas, Sanctus, 2457. COSPITO (Giuseppe), 5209. COSSA (Giovanni), 1836. COSSU (Tatiana), 1616. COSTA (Ettore), 4234. COSTA (Leonor Freire), 6002. COSTIGLIOLA (Frank), 7321. COTAN (Constantin Claudiu), 5088. CÔTÉ (Antoine), 746. COTON (Christel), 462. COTTER (Cédric), 7183. COTTON (Hannah M.), 1107, 1540. COTTRET (Bernard), 5104. COUBRAY (Sylvie), 859. COUDERT (Jean), 2840. COURVOISIER (Hans Rudolf), 3290. COUSLAND (J.R.C.), 2156. COUSSEAU (Vincent), 6211. COUTOULY (Yan Axel Gómez), 777. COVEY (R. Alan), 7917. COWAN (David), 6212. COWAN (Mairi), 5063. COWARD (Thomas R. P.), 1360, 1382, 1449. COWEN (David J.), 5764. COZZO (Andrea), 1383. CRABTREE (Pam J.), 2912. CRACA (Clotilde), 1697.
CRAFTS (Nicholas), 5742. CRAGO (Scott D.), 3895. CRAIG (Berry), 5377. CRAIG BROWN (Tommy), 4859. CRAMER (Lorinda), 6213. CRAS (Sophie), 5588. Cratinus, 1370, 1402. Craxi (Benedetto 'Bettino'), 4374. CREAMER (Claudio), 5786. CREEKMORE III (Andrew T.), 1045. Crescentia, Sancta, 2233. CRESCENTINI (Claudio), 3354. CRESCENZI (Victor), 606. CRESCIANI (Gianfranco), 3791. Crespo (Emilio), 1188. CRETTAZ (Rebecca), 6391. CREUZBERGER (Stefan), 4087. CRIADO (Cristina), 843. CRIM (Brian E.), 4860. CRIMI (Carmelo), 3188. CRISOSTOMO (Jay), 1046. CRISPIN (Julia), 3304. CRISPINO (Anita), 869. Crispolti (Filippo), 4359. CRISTE (Cristian), 1941. CRISTEA (Ovidiu), 2722. CRISTOFOLI (Roberto), 1752. CRISTUREANU (Titus), 4606. CRITTEN (Rory G.), 3124. CRIVELLARI (Daniele), 5634. CROCKETT (Karilyn), 6078. CROME (Andrew), 5168. CROMWELL (Jennifer A.), 1018. CROMWELL (Jesse), 5882. Cromwell (Oliver), 4240, 4253. CRONE (Rosalind), 5310. CRONIER (Marie), 2390. CRONIN (Stephanie), 6214. CROOK (David), 2547. CROOKS (Katherine), 6079. CROPP (Martin), 1384. CROSBIE (Barbara), 5744. CROSS (Gary P.), 6215. CROSS (Richard), 3418. CROSSLAND (James), 7097. CROUCHER (Richard), 5635. CROUZET-PAVAN (Élisabeth), 6216. CROW (James), 2468. CROWCROFT (Robert), 558. CROWDER (Susannah), 3039. CROWLEY (Brooke), 805. CROWN (Patricia L.), 778. CROWSTON (Clare H.), 6217. CROWTHER (Benjamin M.), 2095. CRUMBACH (Anne Helen), 5483. CRUMMEY (Donald E.), 5947. CRUSE (Mark), 3186. CRUZ ANDREOTTI (G.), 1920. CRYMBLE (Adam), 6080.
INDEX OF NAMES CSEPREGI (Ildikó), 3572. CSISZAR (Alex), 5484. CSUKOVITS (Enikő), 2601. CUADRO CAWEN (Inés), 4946. CUCCIA (Deborah), 7556. CUCHET (Guillaume), 4988. CUCINA (Andrea), 7915. CUDJOE (Selwyn R.), 6794. CUÉLLAR DE LA VEGA (Paula), 3909. CUEVAS ÁLVAREZ (Efrén), 5636. CUI (Zhiqing), 7711. ČULÍK-BAIRD (Hannah), 2018. CULLATHER (Nick), 5728. CUNDER (Anthony John), 3225. CUNEO (Paola O.), 1837. CUNILL (Caroline), 6219. CUÑO BONITO (Justo), 7072. CUNY (Julien), 1169. CUPĀṣIṇI (Ka.), 164. CUPCEA (George), 1925. CURLEY (Robert), 4492. CURRAN (Mark David), 82. Curry (Anne), 2633. CURSI (Maria Floriana), 1874. CURTHOYS (Ann), 6988. CURTIS (Heather D.), 5105. CURY (Márcia), 3906. CURZI (Gaetano), 3303. CUTINELLI-RÈNDINA (Emanuele), 5450. ĆWIEK-ROGALSKA (Karolina), 274. CYPESS (Rebecca), 5705. Cyprianus (Thascius Caecilius), episcopus, Sanctus, 2181. Cyprianus Tolonensis, Sanctus, 2180. Cyriacus, Sanctus, 2338. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 2182, 2183. CZAJA (Roman), 2926. CZAJKOWSKI (Kimberley), 1838. CZARNY (Ryszard Michał), 6752. CZORTEK (Andrea), 3497. D D'AGOSTINI (Monica), 929. D'ALESSIO (Giovanni), 5740. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), 930, 931. D'ALTROY (Terence N.), 7918. D'AMICO (Juan Carlos), 7016. D'ANDREA (Francesca), 2071. D'ANDREA (Luciano), 4353. D'ANDRIA (Francesco), 2072. D'ANDURAIN (Julie), 4028, 6838. D'ANGELO (Ariane), 7413. D'ANGELO (Edoardo), 3058. D'ANGELO (Fabio), 185. D'ANNA (Maria Bianca), 858. D'ANNA (Nuccio), 1942.
D'AURIA (Chiara), 7184. D'AVIGNON (Robyn), 5787. D'ERRICO (Francesco), 812. D'Estournelles de Constant (Paul), 7143. D'ONOFRIO (Mario), 3312. D'ORIANO (Rubens), 792. D'OTTONE RAMBACH (Arianna), 9. DA GLÓRIA RAMOS (Justino), 3766. DA RIVA (Rocío), 1048. DA SILVA (Joseph), 5311. DA SILVA ALMEIDA (Andreia), 4591. DA SILVA LOPES (Teresa), 5878. DABBS (Gretchen R.), 1024. Dąbrówka (Andrzej), 368. DACHY (Tiphaine), 815. DACOSTA (Arsenio), 2940. DAFFLON (Alexandre), 6997. DAGUET-GAGEY (Anne), 294. DAHAN (Gilbert), 4965. DAHEUR (Jawad), 4577. DAI (Haibin), 7712. DAI (Yi), 7713. DAIGLE (Craig), 7557. DAIM (Falko), 2410. DAINESE (Davide), 1737. DAJCZAK (Wojciech), 6621. DAL BO (Federico), 2749. DAL LAGO (Enrico), 4369, 6788. DALACHANIS (Angelos), 6119. DALINGER (Brigitte), 5720. DALLA ROSA (Alberto), 1839. DALLAL (Ahmad S.), 5169. DALLASTA (Federica), 5018. DALLOUL (Zaynab), 3152. DALY (Jonathan), 4627. DALY (Kathleen), 2536. Damascius, 2130. DAMEN (Mario), 594, 2895. DAMIAN (Iulian Mihai), 2788. Damianus, Sanctus, 2457. DÄMIRLI (Mehman Ä), 3827. DAMTOFT POULSEN (Aske), 1943. DAN (Roberto), 1165. DANA (Dan), 1566. DANA (Katherine), 5791. DĂNCILĂ INEOAN (Andreea), 7098. DANDARA (Collet), 775. DÄNDLIKER (Sabine), 7561. DANDRIDGE (Pete), 3240. DANE (Joseph A.), 83. DANELLI (Tiziana), 3532. Daneloni (Alessandro), 3208. DANESCU (Elena), 4480. Daniel (Herbert), 3852. DANIEL (Ute), 5378. DANKWAH (Kwaku Opoku), 6220. DANTE ALIGHIERI, 3081, 3102, 3119, 3125, 3126, 3139, 3154,
349 3174, 3207, 3210, 3216, 3219, 3419. DANYEL (Jürgen), 240. DÄNZER (Tobias), 3127. DANZIG (Gabriel), 1119. Darby (John Nelson), 5117. DARD (Olivier), 4592. DARDENAY (Alexandra), 2073. DARDENIZ (Gonca), 1120. Dares Frigius, 1371, 1408, 1433, 1486. DARMANGEAT (Christophe), 844. DARNTON (Robert), 84. DARROW (David W.), 5948. DART (Christopher J.), 1753. DARTMANN (Christoph), 3533. DASEN (Véronique), 1538. DAŠIĆ (Miomir), 7383. DASKAL (Rodrigo), 3773. DASSOW (Eva von), 1049. DAUBNER (Frank), 1754. DAUCHY (Serge), 6694. DAUM (Werner), 3717, 4370. DAUMAS (Jean-Claude), 5883. DAVENPORT (Kay), 36. DAVEY (James), 5884, 6772, 7004. DAVID (Charles-Philippe), 7638. DAVID (François), 7414. DAVID (Huw), 5885. DAVID (Zdeněk V.), 5456. David Armenius, philosophus, 2357. DAVIDOVA (Evguenia), 3868. DAVIES (Glenys), 2074. DAVIES (Hannah Catherine), 6003. DAVIES (Huw J.), 7060. Davies (John Paton Jr.), 7496. DAVIES (Joshua), 2602. DAVIES (Julie), 5441. DAVIES (Matthew), 619. Davis (Allison), 5363. DAVIS (Jack L.), 1197. DAVIS (Jonathan), 6496. DAVIS (Madeleine), 6471. DAVIS (Muriam Haleh), 6913. DAVIS (Stephen R.), 4712. DAVIS (Vicky), 275. DAWSON (Alexander S.), 5485. DAWSON (Julie), 1024. DAWSON (Kevin), 7896. DAWSON (Lesel), 3128. DAWSON (Michael), 5886. DAWSON (Tom), 789. DAY (Jenny Huangfu), 7099. DAY (William R., Jr.), 156. DE (Rohit), 6568. DE ALARCÃO (Jorge), 1755. DE ANGELIS (Gianmarco), 2. DE ANGELIS (Teofilo), 3094. DE AREDE NUNES (Filipe), 4593. DE AYALA MARTÍNEZ (Carlos), 2706.
350 DE BAETS (Antoon), 276. De Bengoechea (Hernando), 5576. DE BERNARDI (Alberto), 4371. DE BREMOND D'ARS (Nicolas), 5017. De Cabanis (Martha), 2990. DE CESARIS (Valerio), 4372. DE CEVINS (Marie-Madeleine), 3535. DE COURCELLES (Dominique), 3424. De Croÿ (Antoine), prince de Porcien, 4049. DE DARDEL (Julie), 6634. DE DAVIDE (Claudia), 771. DE FILIPPIS (Renato), 3411. DE FRAJA (Simone), 3672. De Gálvez (Bernardo), 6973. De Gardane (Claude-Mathieu), 7071. DE GASPERI (Alcide), 4346. De Gaulle (Charles), 4012, 4033, 6863, 7577. DE GIORGI (Manuela), 3556. DE GRUMMOND (Nancy T.), 1630. DE HAAS (Michiel), 6221. De Hooghe (Romeyn), 5411. DE JONG (Steffi), 232. DE JONGE (Krista), 5600. DE KISCH (Yves), 2551. DE KREY (Gary S.), 4235. DE LA BÉDOYÈRE (Guy), 1756. DE LA CRUZ PALMA (Oscar), 2749. DE LA ESCOSURA BALBÁS (Maria Cristina), 1646. DE LA FUENTE (Alejandro), 504. DE LA LLOSA (Alvar), 7177. DE LA PAZ ROMÁN DÍAZ (María), 779. DE LA PUENTE LUNA (José Carlos), 6952. DE LA TORRE (Oscar), 491. De Lasteyrie (Charles), 4021. DE LORENZO (Renata), 3732. DE LOVINFOSSE (Marie), 2216. DE LUCA (Giuseppe), 5987. DE LUCIA BROLLI (Maria Anna), 1603. DE LUMLEY (Henry), 780. DE LUNA (Kathryn M.), 453. DE LUXÁN MELÉNDEZ (Santiago), 6824. DE MARTINO (Francesco), 712. DE MARTINO (Stefano), 1100. DE MATOS (Paulo Teodoro), 6374. DE MATTOS (Regiane Augusto), 6876. DE MIRANDA PEREIRA (Leonardo Affonso), 5638. DE MIROSCHEDJI (Pierre), 932. DE MOOR (Tine), 6075, 6181.
INDEX OF NAMES De Mora (José Joaquín), 5426. DE NAPOLI (Olindo), 6877. DE NARDI (Loris), 6953. DE OLIVEIRA SOUSA (Francisco Edi), 277. DE PETRIS (Antonio L.), 1692. DE POLI (Mattia), 1385 DE POLIGNAC (François), 454. DE RIDDER (Jacob J.), 1050. DE RIQUER (Borja), 4732. DE RUYSSCHER (Dave), 607, 6635, 6694. De Sanctis (Francesco), 423. DE SANTANA PINHO (Patricia), 186. DE SIMONE (Peter T.), 5089. DE SMAELE (Henk), 4813. DE SOUSA (Elisa), 897. DE SOUZA (Igor H.), 2734. DE TORO MUÑOZ (Francisco Miguel), 278. DE VITO (Christian), 340. De Vitoria (Francisco), 6546. De Vivo (Filippo), 7019. DE VOLDER (Jan), 5019. DE VRIES (Gerard), 749. DE WET (Chris L.), 2240. DE WILDE (Evelien), 81. DE ZWART (Pim), 5887. DEAN (David M.), 272. Dean (James M.), 3053. DEAN (Peter John), 7356. DEBATS (Don), 476. DEBORD (Pierre), 1214. DEBOUZY (Marianne), 6477. DEBRUYNE (Emmanuel), 7185, 7186, 7249. DECETY (Nathan), 1325. DECHERT (Andre), 5639. DECKER (Oliver), 6594. DECKER (Stephanie), 5898. DECKERS (Johannes G.), 2259. DÉCLOQUEMENT (Valentin), 1386. DECTER (Jonathan P.), 2747. DÉDERIX (Sylviane), 782. DEEMING (Helen), 3384. DEFALCO LIPPERT (Amy K.), 5640. DEGELMANN (Christopher), 1757. DEGEN (Katharina), 2339. DEGIOVANNI (Lucia), 1387. DEGL'INNOCENTI (Antonella), 3654. DEGL'INNOCENTI PIERINI (Rita), 1944. DEGNI (Paola), 41. DEIVE (Carlos Esteban), 3983. DEJMEK (Jindřich), 7415. DEKKER (Renate), 2260. DEL ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel), 5020.
DEL CAMINO MARTÍNEZ (Carmen), 3. DEL CASTILLO (Lina), 187, 279. Del Giudice (Boffillo), 3221. DEL MONACO (Gianluca), 37. DEL MORAL VARGAS (Marta), 6472. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio), 933. DEL POZO ARTIGAS (José), 524. DEL ZANNA (Giorgio), 4989. DELAISSE (Eric), 2903, 3534. DELALANDE (Nicolas), 539, 6473. DELANNOY (Jean-Jacques), 829. DELAPORTE-IDRISSI (Guillemette), 5617. DELATTRE (Alain), 973. DELBÈS (Marilyne), V. Delbrück (Hans), 4167. DELEONARDIS (Lisa), 898. DELGADO (Jessica L.), 5021. Delgado da Silva (Humberto), 4595. DELIA (Luigi), 6672. DELL'OMO (Mariano), 3374. DELL'OSSO (Carlo), 2382. DELLA FINA (Giuseppe M.), 1637. DELLA MAGGIORE (Gianluca), 4990. DELLA PAOLERA (Gerardo), 5753. Della Pergola (Sergio), 123. DELLA PORTA (Donatella), 3745. DELLA SUDDA (Magali), 6477. DELLE DONNE (Fulvio), 3662. DELLE DONNE (Matteo), 870. DELLE LUCHE (Jean-Dominique), 2916. DELLEAUX (Fulgence), 5949. DELLI QUADRI (Rosa Maria), 6569. DELLMANN (Sarah), 5641. DELMULLE (Jérémy), 2261, 3628. DELPLA (François), 7278. DELPRIORI (Alessandro), 3300. DELPU (Pierre-Marie), 4373, 7068. DELPUECH (André), 820. DELVIGNE (Vincent), 820. DEMAJ (Vitor), 3637. DEMANDT (Alexander), 1758. DÉMARE-LAFONT (Sophie), 935. DEMARIS (Richard E.), 2236. DEMARTINI (Dominique), 3161. Demetrius I Poliorcetes, 913, 1556. DEMICHELI (Dino), 1814. DEMICHELIS (Marco), 2789, 4975. DEMONT (Vincent), 639. Demosthenes, 1270, 1305, 1434. DEMUTH (Robert C.), 790. DEN BOEFT (Jan), 1666. DEN DULK (Matthijs), 2262. DEN HENGST (Daniël), 1666. DENCH (Emma), 1759. DENDA (Dalibor), 4688.
INDEX OF NAMES DENDORFER (Jürgen), 3027. DENHAM (Tim), 816. DENISON (Barbara J.), 5001. Denman (John), 5374. DENNETT (Adam), 6080. DENNING (Andrew), 4108. DENOËL (Charlotte), 45. DENOYELLE (M.), 1615. DENYSENKO (Nicholas E.), 5090. DENZEL (Markus A.), 5743. DEPENHEUER (Otto), 6595. DEPLANO (Valeria), 6878. DEREMETZ (Alain), 1945. DERINGER (William), 4236. DERMENJIAN (Geneviève), 5171, 6477. DERMINEUR (Elise M.), 6063. DEROLEZ (Albert), 6, 27. DEROSA (Luisa), 3657. DERRY (Caroline), 6636. DERSCHKA (Harald), 2537. DESAN (Christine), 5983. Descartes (René), 5439. DESCHANEL (Boris), 5888. DESCLAUX (Vanessa), 978. DESEURE (Brecht), 6565. DESGRANDCHAMPS (Marie-Luce), 4541, 7558. Desiderius, rex Langobardorum, 2642. DESMOND (Karen), 3378, 3385. DESPOTAKIS (Eleftherios), 2423. DESSÌ (Antonino), 3188. DESTANI (Bejtullah), 546. DESTEPHEN (Sylvain), 3478. DESWARTE (Thomas), 2514, 2518. DETER (Gerhard), 608. DETORAKĒS (Theocharēs E.), 2431. DETORAKI (Marina), 2391. DETTORI (Emanuele), 1388. DETZER (Jens Harry), 6637. DEUFERT (Marcus), 1696. DEUFFI (Jean-Luc), 48. DÉVAVÁRI (Zoltán), 4281. DEVECCHI (Elena), 1101. Devereux (Walter), first earl of Essex, 4326. DEVIGNE (Matthieu), 5312. DEVILLERS (Olivier), 280, 389, 1290, 1329. DEVLIN (Judith), 7258. DEVLIN (Rachel), 5313. DEVOLDER (Maud), 1198. Devonshire (William Cavendish Earl of), 6228. DEWAAL (Jeremy), 6222. DEWITTE (Adam), 5918. DEYÁ BAUZÁ (Miguel José), 4727. DEZZA (Ernesto), 3421. DHERMY-MAIRAL (Marine), 6490.
DHONDT (Frederik), 6716. DI BELLA (Franco), 1760. DI BRANCO (Marco), 3582. DI CAPRIO (Chiara), 5569. DI CARPEGNA FALCONIERI (Tommaso), 2698. DI COSMO (Nicola), 2128. DI FABIO (Laura), 7560. DI FABIO (Udo), 6570. DI FIORE (Laura), 282. DI LUDOVICO (Alessandro), 1047. DI MAIDA (Gianpiero), 817. DI MAIO (Francesca), 38. DI MARCANTONIO (Antonio), 3538. DI MEO (Ettore), 2917. DI TEODORO (Micòl), 979. DI TULLIO (Matteo), 4375. DIACONESCU (Traian), 2025. Diagoras of Rhodes, 1340. DIARTE BLASCO (Pilar), 2613. DIAZ (Delphine), 4024. DÍAZ ARIAS (David), 6294, 7520. DÍAZ ARIÑO (Borja), 1658. DÍAZ DE DURANA (José Ramón), 2940. Díaz de Solís (Juan), 4945. DIAZ FERNANDEZ (Alejandro), 1648. DÍAZ MARÍN (Pedro), 4734. DÍAZ-DEL-RÍO (Pedro), 781, 843. DÍAZ-IGLESIAS LLANOS (Lucía), 980. DÍAZ-ZORITA BONILLA (Marta), 776, 781. DIBELLO (Daniele), 4347. Dicaearchus, 1365. DI-CAPUA (Yoav), 3719, 5211. Dich (Jørgen), 3971. Dickens (Charles), 762. DICKINS (James), 1116. DICKINSON (Edward Ross), 3720. DICKSON (P. G. M.), 6004. Dictys Cretensis, 1183, 1186, 1386, 1433, 1486. DICUIRCI (Lindsay), 85. DIEM (Werner), 2766. DIERKS (Konstantin), 7100. DIESENBERGER (Max), 2618. DIETRICH (Gerd), 5212. DIETRICH-DAUM (Elisabeth), 5486. DIETZ (Karlheinz), 1761. DIEU (Éric), 1389. DÍEZ-MINGUELA (Alfonso), 5739. DIGILIO (Maria Rita), 3271. DIJKMAN (Jessica), 3014. DIJKSTRA (Tamara M.), 391. Dillon (C. Douglas), 7531. DILTS (Mervin R.), 1229. DIMITER (Angelov), 2384. DIMITRIJEVSKI (Marjan), 7279.
351 DIMITROVA (Petya B.), 284. DINARDO (Richard L.), 7114. DINCECCO (Mark), 623. DINER (Hasia R.), 5172. DINGEL (Irene), 735, 4982. DINGLEY (Zebulon), 4448. DINNEN (Zara), 760. Dio Chrysostomus, 1286. Diocletianus (Gaius Aurelius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1762, 1840, 1843. Diodorus Siculus, 401, 1236, 1354, 1442, 1445. Diogenes Laertius, 1237. Dionysius Areopagita, 2184. Dionysius Halicarnassensis, 1923. Dioscorides, 2034. Dioscorus Alexandrinus, 2284. Diphilus, 1446. DITTELBACH (Thomas), 3302. DIUKOV (Aleksandr), 7269. DIXIT (Mukund R.), 6048. DIXON (Chris), 7357. DŁUGOŁĘCKI (Piotr), 7518. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav), 1275, 2432. DO CÉU FIALHO (Maria), 1390. DO ROSÁRIO (Domingos Manuel), 4527. DOBIAT (Claus), 536. DOBIGNY-REVERSO (Anne), 6638. DÖBLER (Marie-Kristin), 283. DOCKING (Peter), 6879. DODD (Gwilym), 2700. DODD (Lindsey), 4069. DODMAN (Thomas), 5487. DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm), 285. DOHERTY (Thomas), 5642. DOHLE (Oskar), 3823. DÖHLER (Marietheres), 2155. DOHMEN (Linda), 590. DOHRN (Verena), 128. DOLAN (Anne), 4321. DÖLEK-SEVER (Deniz), 4808. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Antonie), 6223. DOLGILEVICH (R. V.), 7562. DOLLINGER (Marc), 4861. DOLSKI (Michael), 5669. DOMAINKO (Annika), 286. DOMAŃSKI (Juliusz), 3083. DOMENECH (Jordi), 5950. DOMERGUE (Claude), 1888. DOMETT (Kathryn), 822. DOMINGO (Rafael), 609. DOMÍNGUEZ (Adolfo J.), 1292. DOMÍNGUEZ REBOIRAS (Fernando), 3613. DOMINY (Graham), 6880. Domitianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 1991.
352 Domitius Aenobarbus (Gnaeus), 2091. Domitius Alexander (Lucius), 1785. DONAHUE (James), 2444. DONATO (Maria Pia), 295. Donato d'Arezzo, episcopus, Sanctus, 3575. Donatus (Aelius), 1938. DONDI (Mirco), 4376. DONELAN (Jasper F.), 1326. DÖNNINGHAUS (Victor), 6305. DONOGHUE (Daniel), 3129. DOOLING (Wayne), 7899. DOQUANG (Mailan S.), 3307. Doria (famiglia), 2891. DORN (Andreas), 1012. DORN (Raphael Emanuel), 6224. DORNETTI (Filippo), 6081. DORONZIO (Annarita), 1567. DORTHE (Lionel), 6997. Dorzhiev (Agvan), 7693. DOS SANTOS (Elsa Rita), 5643. DOSKOČIL (Zdeněk), 5558. DOSSE (François), 5213. DOßMANN (Axel), 6639. DOUDS (Lara), 4628. Douglass (Frederick), 562. DOUKA (Katerina), 894. DOUKAKIS (Konstantinos), 4270. DOUMAS (Christos), 1327. DOUYÈRE (David), 4991. DOUZOU (Laurent), 7390. DOW (James R.), 5214. DOWD (Marion), 3625. DOWNES (Stephanie), 664. DOWNHAM (Clare), 2919. DOWNS (Matthew L.), 7159. DOXIADIS (Evdoxios), 4271. DOYEN (Anne-Marie), 3239. DOYLE (Nora), 6225. DOYLE (Susan), 92. DOYLE (Suzanne), 7563. DRÁBIK (Jakub), 4698. DRACHENBERG (Thomas), 240. DRAELANTS (Isabelle), 3280. DRAGO TEDESCHINI (Corinna), 2506. DRAGO TROCCOLI (Luciana), 1617. DRAKE (Nick), 860. DRAKE (Richard), 416. DRAKMAN (Annelie), 5488. DRAPER (Mario), 3836. DRAPER (Susana), 4493. DRASKÓCZY (István), 2920. DRAY (Philip), 6226. DRECOLL (Volker Henning), 3523. DREIER (Horst), 4960, 6587. DRELL (Joanna H.), 2666. DREWS (Wolfram), 2943. DREYER (Kirsten), 233.
INDEX OF NAMES DREYER (Michael), 4110. DRIESSEN (Christoph), 525. DRIJVERS (Jan W.), 1666. DRINOT (Paulo), 4563, 4565. Drinov (Marin), 424. DROBIAZKO (Sergeĭ Igorevich), 7348. DROGUET (Vincent), 711. DROIT (Emmanuel), 7425. DROR (Olga), 5314. DROSSBACH (Gisela), 3551. DROUT (Michael D. C.), 3071. DRUWÉ (Wouter), 2852. DU FAYET DE LA TOUR (Alain), 862. Du Moulin (Anne), 6632. DU PISANI (Kobus), 4713. DU PLESSIS (Paul J.), 1873. DU RÉAU (Élisabeth), 7280. DU TOIT (David S.), 2239. DUAN (Yuming), 7715. DUARTE (Daniel), 5315. Duarte de Ochoa (Javier), 4514. DUARTE JOLY (Fábio), 287. DUBBER (Markus D.), 615. DUBBINI (Lucia), 6377. Dubček (Alexander), 4699, 4701. DUBOIS (Adrien), 3561. DUBOSSON-SBRIGLIONE (Lara), 2045. DUBOVICKÝ (Ivan), 6755. DUBREUCQ (Alain), 3531. DUBRULLE (Hugh), 4862. Duccio di Buoninsegna, 3331. DUCÈNE (Jean-Charles), 2603. DUCHÊNE (Pauline), 288. DUCHEYNE (Steffen), 5430. DUCHHARDT (Heinz), 429, 5589. DUCHOŇOVÁ (Diana), 421. DUCKETT (Richard), 7358. DUCOS (Joëlle), 3234. DUDZIAK (Mary L.), 7281. DUEDAHL (Poul), 526. DUFEU (Val), 2823. DUFFELL (Martin J.), 3131. DUFFY (Eamon), 3630, 3632. DUFFY (Paul), 2668. DUFOSSÉ (Colette), 1494. DUFRAISSE (Alexa), 859. DUGGAN (Maria Catherine), 2921. DUGUID (Paul), 5878. DUHAMELLE (Christophe), 6403. DUINDAM (Jeroen), 527. DULAEY (Martine), 2167. DÜLFFER (Jost), 4111. DUMAZERT (Laura), 165. DUMÉZIL (Bruno), 3478. DUMITRAŞCU (Nicu), 2263. DUMITRESCU (Irina), 3266. DUMOLYN (Jan), 2962. DUNBAR (Elaine), 851.
DUNCAN (Stephen R.), 6227. DUNCAN HARLY (Jean Clair), 887. DUNDOVIĆ (Zdenko), 3922. DUNGACIU (Dan), 529. DUNGAN (Katherine A.), 782. DUNN (Francis M.), 1391. DUNN (Richard), 3242. DUNNING (Nicholas P.), 805. DUNS SCOTUS (IOANNES), 3397, 3418, 3421, 3455. DUNSETH (Zachary C.), 1125. DUNSWORTH (Edward), 6475. DUNYACH (Jean-François), 5418. DUPLOUY (Alain), 1307. DUPONT (Anthony), 2310. DUPRAZ (Emmanuel), 1604. DUPRE (Daniel S.), 4863. DURAND (Antonin), 4377, 5443. DURAND (Jean-Dominique), 6756. DURAND (Jean-Marie), 1051. DURAND DE CHAMPAGNE, 3603. DUREZ (Aymeric), 7564. ĐURIĆ (Đorđe), 4688. DURIE (Mark), 2790. DURRANI (Shiraz), 4449, 7897. DURSI (Domenico), 1665. DURSTELER (Eric R.), 7009. DURVYE (Cécile), 1236. DUSIL (Stephan), 3467. DUTSCHKE (Dennis), 3098. DUVE (Thomas), 6557. DUZGUN (Eren), 7102. DÜZGÜN (Hülya Tafli), 3132. DVOŘÁČKOVÁ (Věra), 5489. DWORECKI (Zbigniew), 4578. DWYER (Maggie), 7898. DWYER (Philip), 6828. DYE (Peter), 7359. DYER (Christopher), 2977. DYER (Joseph Henry), 3379. DYNNESON (Thomas L.), 1763. DYSON (Tim), 7700. DZHANGIRYAN (V. G.), 7083. DZINO (Danijel), 3337. E EAGLESTONE (Robert), 765. EARENFIGHT (Theresa), 2996. EARLE (Gisèle), 3133. EARLE (Jonathon L.), 4827, 6881. EASTON (Donald), 934. EASTON (Eric B.), 6640. EATON-KRAUSS (Marianne), 1013. EBANISTA (Carlo), 3055. EBEL (Anke), 981. Ebert (Friedrich), 4174. EBERT (Theodor), 1253. EBISAWA (Tadashi), 7843. EBNER (Katharina), 4237. Eccardus de Uraugia, 2560. ECHTERNKAMP (Jörg), 4112.
INDEX OF NAMES ECK (Werner), 1107, 1840, 1843. ECKARDT (Hella), 1889. ECKEL (Jan), 289. ECKER (Alois), 236. ECKER (Avner), 1107, 1121, 1540. ECKERMAN (Chris), 1392. Eckert (Georg), 5343. ECKHARDT (Benedikt), 1121, 1838, 2059. Eckhart, Meister, 3435, 3449, 3453, 3457, 3658. ECKMANN (Christian), 975. Eddé (Émile), 4468. EDDS (Margaret), 6641. EDELHEIT (Amos), 3399. EDEN (Jeff), 492, 6839. EDEN (Sören), 4113. EDENHARTER (Andrea), 4784. EDGAR (Robert R.), 4714. EDGERTON (David), 4238. EDIGATI (Daniele), 5025. EDLING (Christofer), 4778. EDLING (Max M.), 6571. EDREY (Meir), 1122. EDVINSSON (Rodney), 5889, 5890. Edward II, King of England, 2731. EDWARDS (David), 6793. EDWARDS (Eric C.), 5951. EDWARDS (Mark), 2139. EDWARDS (Nancy), 3483. EDWARDS (Peter), 6228. EDWARDS (Sam), 5669. EDWARDS (Sebastian), 6005. EDWARDS (Sian), 4239. EDWARDS (Tai S.), 6229. EFFENBERGER (Arne), 2434. EFFROS (Bonnie), 291. EFRAT (Zvi), 5602. ÉGASSE (Benjamin), 5791. EGEDI-KOVÁCS (Emese), 2422. EGELER (Matthias), 2825. EGER (Christoph), 1929. EGGE (Sara), 4864. EGGER (Matthias), 5865. EGNER (Wolfgang), 6717. EHLERS (Maren A.), 7844. EHLERS (Widu-Wolfgang), 21712175. EHORN (Seth M.), 2214. Ehrle (Franz), 425. EICH (Armin), 1764. EICH (Peter), 1822. EICHBAUER (Melodie H.), 3516. Eichmann (Adolf), 6737. EICHMÜLLER (Andreas), 4114. EICHNER (Ina), 2486. EIDINTAS (Alfonsas), 4473. EIKEL (Markus), 6718. EINBINDER (Susan L.), 2748. EIROA SAN FRANCISCO (Matilde), 4735.
EISCH-ANGUS (Katharina), 578, 584. EISENBERG (Michael), 2435. EISENFELD (Hanne), 1393. Eisenhower (Dwight D.), 7484. EISENHUTH (Stefanie), 7418. EISENMAN (Joshua), 7716. Eisner (Kurt), 4134. EISS (Paul K.), 292. EITEL (Florian), 6476., 6499. EKBERG (Espen), 6230. EKENGREN (Fredrik), 6233. EKLUND (Erik), 3799. EL BOUZIDI (Saïd), 1765. EL GAMMAL (Jean), 6231. ELDAR (Ilan), 166. ELDEM (Edhem), 4813. ELDEN (Sara), 4778. ELDRIDGE (Richard), 474. ELENIUS (Lars), 493. ELEUTERI (Paolo), 41. ELI (Shari), 6232. Elia da Cortona, frate, 3538. Elias, philosophus, 2357. ÉLIÉZER DE BEAUGENCY, 2738. ELIZALDE PÉREZ-GRUESO (María Dolores), 5067. ELKIND (Jessica), 5728. ELLIOTT (J. H.), 4736. ELLIOTT (Oliver), 7475. ELLIOTT (Simon), 1890. ELLIOTT (Susan M. Elli), 1891. ELLIS (Steven J.R.), 1892. ELLISON (Mark D.), 719. ELM (Susanna K.), 2120. ELSIE (Robert), 546. ELSIG (Frédéric), 3343. ELSNER (Regina), 5091. ELSTER (Christiane), 3499. ELTON (Hugh), 2127. ELVERT (Jürgen), 5788. Emery (Kent, Jr.), 3417. EMICH (Birgit), 7034. Emma de France, Reine des Francs, 2686. EMMERSON (Richard K.), 3631. Empedocles, 1525. EMPEREUR (Jean-Yves), 938. Emygdius, episcopus, Sanctus, 2346. ENCINAS REGUERO (María del Carmen), 1394. ENDERLE-BURCEL (Gertrude), 3804. ENDŌ (Keita), 7864. ENE D-VASILESCU (Elena), 2447, 3581. ENENKEL (Karl A. E.), 3068. ENGEHAUSEN (Frank), 6753. ENGELBRECHT (Henrik), 5645. ENGELHARDT (Juliane), 5108.
353 ENGELKING (Barbara), 7277. Engels (Friedrich), 5451. ENGELSTEIN (Laura), 4629. ENGERBEAUD (Mathieu), 1766. ENGERMAN (David C.), 7419. ENGHAUSEN (Frank), 4094. ENGWALL (Lars), 5898. ENLI (Gunn), 6478. Ennius (Quintus), 1683, 1684. Enríquez Gallo (Alberto), 3985. ENRÍQUEZ PEREA (Alberto), 4511. ENSTAD (Johannes Due), 7282. ENSTAD (Nan), 5789. Epictetus, 1483. Epicurus, 1509, 1545. EPKENHANS (Michael), 7189. EPSTEIN (Robert W.), 3135, 3173. ERAMO (Immacolata), 2351. Eratosthenes, 1529. ERB (Wolfgang), 3435. Ercole I d'Este, duca di Ferrara, 3681. ERDUR (Onur), 5419. EREMIA (Ion), 4607. ERGENE (Boğaç), 655. ERHART (Peter), 2. ERICKSON (Brice L.), 1568. Erik af Pommern, Konge af Danmark, de Venders og Gothers, 2715. ERIKSON (Emily), 5891. ERIKSSON (Kristina Ekero), 2827. ERKEN (Ali), 6758. ERLICH (Adi), 1156. ERLICHMAN (Camilo), 7508. ERMATINGER (James W.), 1767. ERNST (Paul), 1768. EROL (Hakan), 1052. ERSKINE (Andrew), 251. ERTL (Nelly), 2527. ERWIN (Bonnie J.), 3136. ERWIN (Kira), 6105. EŞANU (Valentina), 2699. ESCÁMEZ DE VERA (Diego M.), 2046. ESCH (Arnold), 3676. ESCH (Elizabeth D.), 5790. Eschenbach (Wolfram von), 3147. ESCHENBRENNER-DIEMER (Gersande), 982. Eschenloer (Peter), 2554. ESCOLÀ TUSET (Josep M.), 2510. ESCOTT (Paul D.), 4865. ESHED (Vered), 1123. ESHEL (Shay), 2436. ESNO (Tyler), 7566. ESPADALER (Anton), 3097. ESPASA (Andreu), 7283. ESPINOZA VALLE (Víctor Alejandro), 4494. ESPOSITO (Laura), 2515.
354 ESSELBORN (Stefan), 296. ESTANGÜI GÓMEZ (Raúl), 2437. Este (famiglia), 4406. ESTEFANE (Andrés), 3898. ESTERRICH (Carmelo), 6082. ESTÉVEZ SOLA (Juan A.), 2558. ETCHETO (Henri), 1893. ETRO (Federico), 5590. ETTEL (Peter), 3670. Eucherius Lugdonensis, episcopus, 3617. Eugenius III, Papa, 3512. EUGSTER (David), 5892. Eumelus, 1471. Euripides, 1238, 1361, 1364, 1375, 1385, 1397, 1414, 1423, 1426, 1432, 1451, 1454, 1464, 1479, 1480. Eustathius Thessalonicensis, archiepiscopus, 1395, 2359. Euthymios Malakes, 2438. Eutropius (Flavius), 1685. Evagrius Scholasticus, 2360. EVANGELISTI (Marina), 1845. EVANGELOU (Gabriel), 1946. EVANS (Chris), 6882. EVANS (Christopher P.), 3615. EVANS (Courtney), 1420. EVANS (Danny), 4737. EVANS (J. Marilyn), 1605. EVANS (Jennifer), 5647. EVANS (Richard J.), 7103. EVANS (Sterling), 6393. EVEN-EZRA (Ayelet), 3267. EVERIST (Mark), 706, 3381. Evodius Uzaliensis, episcopus, 2185. EWAN (Elizabeth), 553. EWING (Hanna), 2438. EXTERNBRINK (Sven), 4050. EZE (Chielozona), 4715. F FABA (Paulina), 234. FABBRI (Cristina), 811. FABBRI (Lorenzo), 1541. FABER (Sebastiaan), 5648. Faber Stapulensis (Jacobus), 5286. Fabian (Christine), 4080. Fabianus (Papirius), 1964. FABRE (Clément), 5216. FABRE (Georges), 1652. FABRE (Giorgio), 5379, 6593. FABRE (Pierre Antoine), 4977. FÁBREGAS VALCARCE (Ramón), 900. FABRICIUS HØLLER (Jes), 387. FACOS (Michelle), 710. FADHIL (Anmar Abdulillah), 1053. FAGEOL (Pierre-Éric), 6883. FAGES (Volny), 5490.
INDEX OF NAMES FAHEY (John), 3793. FAHMY (Khaled), 6547. FAHNENBRUCK (Laura), 6234. FAHNENBRUCK (Nele Maya), 6244. FAI (Vincenzo), 1264. FAIN (W. Taylor), 7567. FAINI (Enrico), 2927, 3137. FAIRBAIRN (Andrew), 921. FAIRCLOUGH (Adam), 4866. FAJT (Jiri), 3365. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, 2802, 2809. FALÀ (Jacopo Francesco), 2665. Falcão (Frederico Marinho), 7142. FALINA (Maria), 7258. FALK (Barbara J.), 3946. FALK (Francesca), 6235. FAŁKOWSKI (Wojciech), 2907. FALL (Abdallahi), 4482. FALL SOKHNA (Rokhaya), 4686. FALLA CASTELFRANCHI (Marina), 3556. FALLANI (C.-M.), 157. FALLOWS (David), 3382. FALMAGNE (Thomas), 3530. FALOLA (Toyin), 560. FALQUE (Emma), 2617. FALVEY (Heather), 5775. FAN (Li Ya), 5591. FAN (Xiangyu), 7728. FANFANI (Giovanni), 1397. FANGERAU (Heiner), 7234. FANTALKIN (Alexander), 1134. FANTARELLA (Filomena), 4379. FAPPAS (Ioannis), 1193. FARA (Patricia), 5491. FARAMAN (Ahmed), 1010. FARAONE (Christopher A.), 1542. FÄRBER (Roland), 1846. FARGETTAS (Julien), 6884. FARISELLI (Anna Chiara), 1124. FARNEY (Gary D.), 1613. FARQUET (Christophe), 6007. FARQUHARSON (A.S.L.), 1245. FARR (Jason), 2085. FARRISS (Nancy), 5078. FASCE (Ferdinando), 5650. FASSL (Peter), 7234. FATA (Márta), 4973. FATTOVICH (Rodolfo), 983. FAUBERT (Michelle), 6862. FAUCHER (Frank), 3674. FAUQUIER (Michel), 2340. FAURE (Patrice), 1804. FAUST (Alexandra), 5109. FAUST (Ulrich), 2170. FAUSTO (Carlos), 845. FAUVELLE (François-Xavier), 308, 442. FAVARO (Maiko), 3153. FAVEREAU (Aude), 803. FAVERO (Federica), 2563.
FAVI (Federico), 1398. FAVIA (P.), 2928. FAZZO (Silvia), 1495. FEAR (Sean), 7568. FEATHERSTONE (Lisa), 6236. Fechner (Eberhard), 5644. Feder (Gottfried), 5757. FEDEROW (Anne-Katrin), 3110. FEEST (David), 4630. FEHÉR (Bence), 4. FEINBERG (Anat), 5651. FEINGOLD (Ellen R.), 6885. FEINMAN (Gary M.), 665. FEISSEL (Denis), 2439. FEITL (István), 4284. FEKRY IBRAHIM (Ahmed), 6642. FELDER (Pierre), 5316. FELDMAN (David), 5191. FELDMAN (Karen S.), 5492. FELEG (Rosa Erika), 990. FELICE (Emanuele), 5745. FELICI (Lucia), 5110. FELICI (Maurilio), 1947. Felicita, Sancta, 2345. Felipe II, rey de España, 5981, 7028. Felipe IV, rey de España, 4757, 7051. Felipe V, rey de España, 7043. FELITTI (Karina), 5380. FELL (Alison S.), 6237. FELS (Wolfgang), 1669. FELTRAN (Gabriel), 3850. FENG (Zhiyang), 7717. FENGER-NIELSEN (Rasmus), 789. FENOALTEA (Stefano), 5792. FENSKE (Hans), 4116. Ferguson (Adam), 5418. FERGUSON (Alex), 7476. FERGUSON (Heather L.), 4809. FERGUSON (Niall), 532. FERHAT (Ismail), 4027. FERMAGLICH (Kirsten), 5173. FERME (Mariane C.), 4696. FERMON (Paul), 3677. FERNANDES (Carla Varela), 3309. FERNANDES (Paul), 820. FERNANDEZ (Juan L.), 465. FERNANDEZ CAMACHO (Pamina), 1496. FERNÁNDEZ PALACIOS (Fernando), 1912. FERNÁNDEZ PRIETO (Lourenzo), 4760. FERNÁNDEZ RUEDA (Sonia), 5317. FERNANDEZ TERRICABRAS (Ignasi), 5143. FERNÁNDEZ TORRES (Luis), 4738. FERNÁNDEZ-DELGADO (José Antonio), 1399. FERNÁNDEZ-DOMINGO (Enrique), 7187.
INDEX OF NAMES FERNÁNDEZ-MARCHENA (Juan Luis), 826. FERNÁNDEZ-SALVADOR (Carmen), 5079. FERNANDO LÓPEZ (Sánchez), 1192. FEROLI (Teresa), 5161. FERRAND (Guilhem), 2516. FERRARESI (Alfredo Luis), 6479. FERRARI (Fulvio), 3271. FERRARI (Lorenzo), 7569. FERRARI (Michele Camillo), 2667. FERRARI (Roberta), 6467. FERRARO (Joanne M.), 304. FERRARY (Jean-Louis), 1709. FERRÉ (Rose-Marie), 3310. Ferreira (António), 5643. Ferrer (Bonifaci), 3528. FERRER (Juan), 3774. FERRER (Montserrat), 3121. FERRER ALBELDA (Eduardo), 914. FERRER DEL RÍO (Estefania), 3528. FERRER I MALLOL (Maria Teresa), 2517. FERRER ORTS (Albert), 3528. FERRERO (Marco), 3678. FERRERO BLANCO (María Dolores), 4539. FERRETTI (Paolo), 871. FERRIER (Catherine), 829. FERRONI (Lorenzo), 1252. FERTIG (Christine), 6240. FERTIG (Georg), 6083. FERTIK (Harriet), 1400. FERUGLIO (Valérie), 829. FERY-HUE (Françoise), 3149. Festus (Sextus Pompeus), 253. FETT (Denice), 7015. Feuerbach (Paul Johann Anselm), 338. FIALON (Sabine), 2341. FIAMMA (Galvano), 2563. FIAMOVÁ (Martina), 4702. FIASCHI (Silvia), 3138. Ficino (Marsilio), 3445. FICZEL (Nelly), 3501. FIEDERER (Fabian), 147. FIEGER (Michael), 2171-2175. FIELD (Kendra Taira), 6241. Field (Margaret), 5308. FIELD (Sean L.), 3643. FIELD (Thomas C., Jr.), 7570. FIGEAC (Michel), 6955. FIGUEIROA-REGO (João), 6824. FIGUERA (Marianna), 884. FILELFO (Francesco), 3084, 3138. Filip z Padeřova, 46. FILIPOV (Filip S.), 7152. FILIPPETTA (Giuseppe), 6572. FILIPPI (Marco), 1948. FILLAFER (Franz L.), 433.
Filos (Panagiotis), 1188. Filostratus (Lucius Flavius), 1461. FINAMORE (John F.), 1260. FINCH (Michael P.M.), 6797. FINCKE (Jeanette C.), 1054. FINCKENSTEIN (Gottfried Graf Fink, von), 131. FINDER (Gabriel N.), 6643. Finen (Eberhard), 5109. FINGLASS (Patrick J.), 1401. FINK (Jakob L.), 3423. FINK (Leon), 6664. FINKELSTEIN (Ari), 1770. FINKELSTEIN (David), 5381. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), 1125, 1126, 1132. FINLAND (Rikke), 872. FINNEY (Patrick), 6751, 6751. FIOCCO (Gianluca), 4381. Fíonán of Kinnitty, 3589. FIORE (Alessio), 2853. FIORENTINI (Leonardo), 1402. FIORINO (Vinzia), 444. FIRSOV (S. L.), 5092. FISCHER (Heinz), 3803, 3811. FISCHER (Henning), 4117. FISCHER (Karl Friedhelm), 6150. FISCHER (Marta), 666. FISCHER (Norbert), 3435. FISCHER (Sebastian), 1041. FISCHER (Thomas), 1761. FISCHER (Ulrich), 6644. FISCHER-TINÉ (Harald), 5952. FISHBACK (Price V.), 5849, 5958. FISHER (Michael H.), 7701. FISHMAN (Talya), 2757. FISHWICK (Adam), 3780. FISICHELLA (Domenico), 4382. FITÉ I LLEVOT (Francesc), 3325. FITL (Peter), 6645. FITZGERALD (William), 1988. FITZ-GIBBON (Desmond), 6009. FITZGIBBONS (Jonathan), 4240. FITZPATRICK (David Patrick Brian), 4322. FITZPATRICK (Matthew P.), 6798. FITZPATRICK (Scott M.), 7935. FITZPATRICK (Sheila), 188, 4631. FITZSIMMONS (Michael P.), 5272. FITZSIMONS (William), 4828. FIUME (Giovanna), 5026. FJELLSTRÖM (Markus), 902. FLACHOWSKY (Sören), 5382. FLACK (Andrew), 6242. FLADD (Samantha G.), 805. FLAMBARD HÉRICHER (AnneMarie), 3670. FLAMEIN (Richard), 6243. FLAMENT (Christophe), 1215. FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE (Guillaume), 298.
355 Flamininus (Titus Quintus), 1741. FLANAGAN (Maureen A.), 6084. FLAVING (Colin), 459. Flavius Avianus, 1396. FLECHNER (Roy), 3483. FLECK (Christian), 6331. FLEETWOOD (Tamlynn), 6105. FLEISCHER (Holger), 6648. FLEISCHER (Rasmus), 5652. FLEISHMAN (Lazar), 3751. FLEMING (Anne), 6010. FLEMING (Daniel E.), 935. FLEMING (Gillian B.), 4739. FLEMING (Linda), 258. FLESS (Friederike), 2075. FLEWELLING (Lindsey), 7104. FLINN (Catherine), 6085. FLOR (Elisabetta), 871. FLORA (Holly), 3287. FLORATH (Bernd), 4077. FLORÈS (Jérémie), 984. FLORES (John H.), 4867. FLORES (Marcello), 7391. FLORIN (Moritz), 464. Florus Francicus, 298. Florus Gallicus, 298. Florus, Sanctus, 298. FLOSS (Harald), 825. FLOTTÈS-DUBRULLE (Anne), 3603. FLOW (Christian), 80. FLOWER (Michael A.), 1543. FLOYD (M. Ryan), 7159. FLÜCKIGER (Fabrice), 5111. FLUSIN (Bernard), 2391. FO (Alessandro), 1674. FOA (Anna), 4383. FODOR (Georgeta), 4608. FOERSTER (Anne), 2607. Foerster (Heinz von), 5520. FÖHR (Pascal), 466. FOIS (Marisa), 6887. FÖLDI (Zsombor), 1055. FOLETTI (Ivan), 3336, 3583. FOLIARD (Daniel), 6888. FÖLLER (Carola), 3268. FÖLLMER (Moritz), 6245. FONNESBERG-SCHMIDT (Iben), 3512. FØNNS-LUNDBERG (Thyge Christian), 5610. FONSECA (Miguel), 6374. FONTAINE (Élise), 936. FONTANA (Paolo), 5065. FONTANELLAZ (Blaise), 4785. FORABOSCHI (Daniele), 1176. FORCADET (Pierre-Anne), 2835. FORCELLINI (Teodoro), 3139. FORCHER (Michael), 2708. FORCINITO (Ana), 299. FORD (Andrew), 1403. FORD (Caroline), 6086.
356 FORD (Eileen), 6246. FORD (Lisa), 6709. Ford Madox (Ford), 766. FOREMAN-PECK (James), 2929. FOREST (Timothy S.), 6956. FORGENG (Jeffrey L.), 3249. FORICHON (Sylvain), 1949. FORLENZA (Rosario), 4385. FORMAN CRANE (Elaine), 6247. FORMENTIN (Vittorio), 3085. FORNESS (Philip M.), 2266. FORREST (Ian), 3469. FORSBERG (Henrik Mikael), 300. FORSSBERG (Anna Maria), 341. FÖRSTER (Andreas), 4118. FÖRSTER (Birte), 3721. FORSTER (Elisabeth), 7718. FORSTER (Florian Rudolf), 1276. FORSTER (Gideon), 1109. FORSTER (Martin), 5973. FORSTNER (Christian), 5524. FORTE (Anthony J.), 3604. FOSI (Irene), 7007. FOSKOLOU (Vicky), 2440. FOSSALUZZA (Giorgio), 3311. FOSSIER (Arnaud), 2836. FOSTER (Elisa A.), 3305. FOTI (Giuseppina Penelope), 1544. FOTI (Rita Loredana), 6248. Foucault (Michel), 5440. FOUCHER (Cécile), 827. FOUGÈRES (Dany), 6111. FOUILLOUX (Étienne), 5384. FOULDS (Frederick), 834. FOULDS (Trevor), 2547. FOUQUET (Gerhard), 2973. FOURCHARD (Laurent), 4542, 6087. FOURNEL (Jean-Louis), 7016. FOURNET (Jean-Luc), 2392. FOURNIER (Julien), 1563, 1569, 1751. FOWLER (Will), 4495, 7101. FOX (Aimée), 4241. FOX (Paul), 213. FOX (Phillip D.), 4740. FOYE MILL (Margaret), 142. FRADERA (Josep M.), 6799. FRAJESE (Vittorio), 448, 5458. FRAMPTON (Martyn), 7571. FRANC (Martin), 5489. FRANCE (John), 2657. Francesco di Nasutto da Udine, notaio, 2528, 2546. Francesco di Segna, 3331. FRANCHET D'ESPÈREY (Sylvie), 2032. Franciscus Assisiensis, Sanctus, 3584. Franciscus de Archata, 3647. FRANCISETTI BROLIN (Sonia), 1405.
INDEX OF NAMES FRANCO (Marina), 3775. FRANCO (Rosaria), 6249. Franco Bahamonde (Francisco), 4748, 4761, 4764, 7303. FRANÇOIS (Étienne), 7067. François Ier, roi de France, 7016, 7017. FRANGIPANE (Marcella), 908. FRANGOULIDIS (Stavros), 1970. FRANK (Gillian), 4959. FRANKE (Sabina), 1056. FRANKEMA (Ewout), 5893, 6221. FRANKFURTER (David), 2267. Franklin (John Sir), 182. FRANKSON (Anders), 7300. FRANSES (Rico), 2441. Franz I, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3808. FRANZÉ (Barbara), 3361. FRANZÉN (Bo), 2930. FRASQUET (Ivana), 4763. FRASSINE (Matteo), 3699. FRATANTUONO (Lee M.), 1722, 1726. FRAZEL (Thomas D.), 1406. FRAZER (Gregg L.), 4992. FRAZIER (Lessie), 4490. FRECCERO (Agneta), 2076. FREDRIKSEN (Paula), 2268. FREEMAN (Mark), 258. FREEMAN (Philip), 1678. FREGA (Ana), 4948. FREGOSO (Edoardo), 6573. FREI (Karin Margarita), 872. FREI (Norbert), 4217. FREITAG (Werner), 627. FREITAS (Frederico), 262. FREMDLING (Rainer), 5771. FRENKEL (Luise Marion), 301. FRENS-STRING (Joshua), 3896. FRESE (Matthias), 407. FRÉTIGNÉ (Jean-Yves), 4417. FREU (Christel), 1876. Freud (Sigmund), 5492. FREUDENHAMMER (Thomas), 2931. FREUND (Bill), 4716. FREUND (Nadine), 4120. FREY (Felix), 5793. FREY (Linda), 7061. FREY (Marsha), 7061. FREY (Mattias), 5691. FREYBERGER (Klaus Stefan), 2075. FREYSSELINARD (Éric), 4007. FREYTAG (Nils), 4121. FRIDENSON (Patrick), 5918. FRIED (Johannes), 2605, 3322. FRIEDRICH (Michael), 21. Friedrich I. röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2535. Friedrich II, König von Preußen, 4214.
Friedrich IV, Herzog von Österreich, Graf von Tirol, 2705. Friedrich von Wartenberg, 2537. Friedrich von Zollern, 2534. FRIEDRICHS (Anne), 302. FRIEDRICHS (Jan-Henrik), 5318. FRIELINGHAUS (Heide), 1560. FRIESEN (T. Max), 789. FRIGIOIU (Nicolae), 5575. FRIMMOVÁ (Eva), 5144. FRIOUX (Stéphane), 5794. FRITSCHE (Maria), 5653. FRITSCHY (Wantje), 985. FRITZ (Carole), 829. FRITZ (Stephen G.)4122. FRIZZERA (Francesco), 6251. Froben (Johann), 106. FROEHLICH (Susanne), 178. FROESCHLÉ (Michel), 4008. FROESCHLÉ-CHOPARD (MarieHélène), 4008. FRÖHLICH (Gregor), 4123. FRÖHLICH (Paul), 4124. FRÖHLICH (Pierre), 1214, 1328. Froissart (Jean), 2593. FRØLAND (Hans Otto), 7322. FROLOV (Roman M.), 1847. FROMMEL (Sabine), 711. FRONDONI (Alessandra), 3679. FRÖSÉN (Jaakko), 2399. FROST (Mark R.), 6812. FRUMER (Yulia), 5493. FRUTH (Pia), 5654. Frutolf von Michelsberg, 2560, 2575. FRY (Michael F.), 533. FU (Jia-Chen), 7719. FU (Shaolei), 7720. FU (Xinian), 7721. FUCECCHI (Marco), 1950. FUCHS (Franz), 3635. FUGLESTAD (Finn), 7900. FUHRMANN (Matthew), 7420. FUJIHARA (Shota), 4030. Fujiwara (clan), 7848. Fujiwara no Michinaga, 7857. Fujiwara no Shōshi, empress of Japan, 7866. FUKSAS (Anatole Pierre), 3140. FUKUDA (Chizuru), 7845. FUKUSHIMA (Megumi), 7692. Fulbright (J. William), 6751. FULBROOK (Mary), 6719. FULCHER (Jane F.), 5655. Fulgentius (Fabius Planciades), 1686. FULIANG SHAN (Patrick), 7722. FULLAGAR (Kate), 6796. FULLER (Dorian Q.), 803, 894. Fuller (Thomas), 426.
INDEX OF NAMES FULLILOVE (Courtney), 7105. FULTON (Helen), 3030. FULTON (Michael S.), 3241. Fulvia Plautilla Augusta (Publia), 1774. FUMIAN (Carlo), 4429. FUMO (Jamie Claire), 3117. FUNARI (Abreu), 361. FUNDÁRKOVÁ (Anna), 5218. FUNK (Kellen), 5112. FUORO (Davide), 1829. FURAT (Ahmet Hamdi), 5287. FURFARO (Federica), 6646. FURIÓ VAYÀ (Joan Maria), 3141. FURMAN (Yulia), 1127. FURRER (Norbert), 225. FÜRST (Alfons), 2201. FURST (Benny), 4339. FÜRST (Laurenz), 3812. Furtwängler (Wilhelm), 5624. FURUYAMA (Yūgi), 873. FUSAI (Sergio), 1308. FUSAR POLI (Elisabetta), 5273. Fuscus (Arellius), 1964. FÜSSEL (Marian), 676. FUTAYA (Tomoko), 6357. G GAASTRA (Jane S.), 846. Gabba (Emilio), 427. GABBAY (Uri), 1057. GABEL (Ann-Cathrin), 1020. GABELICA (Mislav), 3923. GABER (Goran), 450. GABOLDE (Luc), 986. GABRIEL (Gottfried), 2669. GABRIEL (Martin), I. GABRIEL (Thomas), 6250. Gabriel Qaṭraya, 2361. GABRIELE (Matthew), 3618. GABRIELLI (Chantal), 1771. GAD (Christoffer Tarek), 5889. GADD (Stephen), 5894. GADOT (Yuval), 1153. GAEHTGENS (Thomas W.), 7188. GAGGERO (Massimiliano), 3093. GAGNON (Alain-G.), 3887. GAHLEN (Gundula), 7251. GAIDE (Jacqueline), 1396. GAIGNEROT-DRIESSEN (Florence), 1199. GAILLARD (Hervé), 177. Gaitán (Jorge Eliécer), 3909. Gaius Iulius Caesar Vipsanianus, 1647. GAJDA (Alexandra), 4220. GAL (Stéphane), 667. GALADZA (Daniel), 2442. GALÁN SÁNCHEZ (Ángel), 436. GALASSO (Giuseppe), 293, 303, 4416.
GALASSO (Norberto), 6479. GALBIATI (Roberto), 3142. GALDERISI (Claudio), 3082. GALDI (Amalia), 3680. GALE (Monica R.), 2003. Galenus (Claudius), 1240, 1241, 1489, 1494, 1500, 1501, 1516, 2030. GALEOTTI (Laura Rachele), 7106. GALETTI (Paola), 3685. GALIANO (Paolo), 3232. GÁLIK (Zdenko), 129. GALIMI (Valeria), 4380. GALL (Lothar), 4076. GALL (Saskia), 3143. GALLAGHER (Julia), 7572. GALLANT (Thomas), 6166. GALLI (E.), 3420. GALLI (Maria Teresa), 1407, 1951. GALLI DELLA LOGGIA (Ernesto), 4386. GALLI-DUPIS (Florence), V. Galliffet (famille), 6211. GALLO (Annarosa), 1772, 1848. GALLO (Francesca Fausta), 4387. GALLO (Luigi), 1309. GALLONE (Anna), 2085. GALTIER (Fabrice), 1952. GALVÁN (María Valeria), 7500. GALVEZ-BEHAR (Gabriel), 5494. Galway (Henri de Massue Earl of), 7042. GAMAL RASHED (Mohamed), 987. GAMARRA TÉLLEZ (María del Pilar), 7107. GAMBACORTA (Carla), 3231. GAMBERINI (Andrea), 2701. GAMBINI (Ermanno), 1742. GÂNDILĂ (Andrei), 2443. GANOR (Saar), 1540. GANSELL (Amy Rebecca), 1047, 1058. GANTET (Claire), 6997. GANTNER (Clemens), 2627. GAONA (Juan Carlos), 5113. GAPPS (Stephen), 6989. GARAMBOIS-VASQUEZ (Florence), 1953. GARATEGARAY (Martina), 5385. GARAY VERA (Cristián), 3899. GARBUGINO (Giovanni), 1408. GARCÉS (Mario), 3897. GARCÍA (Carlos Tejerizo), 2615. GARCIA (Charles), 3313. GARCÍA (David G.), 5319. GARCIA (Mario T.), 5024. GARCÍA ALVAREZ (Luis Benito), 5795. GARCÍA CARRIÓN (Marta), 4733. GARCÍA FITZ (Francisco), 2639.
357 GARCÍA GARCÍA (Francisco de Asís), 3314. GARCÍA HERRERO (María del Carmen), 2932. GARCÍA LORENZANA (Francisco), 7000. García Martínez (María del Refugio 'Cuca'), 4505. GARCÍA MONERRIS (Encarnación), 4763. GARCÍA ORTEGA (Rosario), 2348. GARCÍA ROMERO (Fernando), 1409. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Rafael), 2608. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Leonardo), 776. GARCÍA-ARENAL (Mercedes), 2798, 5026. GARCÍA-ARGUDO (Gala), 826. GARCÍA-BRYCE (Iñigo), 4560. GARCÍA-CRESPO (Naida), 5656. GARCÍA-DIEZ (Marcos), 817. GARCÍA-SERRANO (Francisco), 3539. GARCÍA-VENTURA (Agnès), 951, 1189. GARÐARSDÓTTIR (Ólöf), 6281. Gardi (René), 5697. GARDIKAS (Katerina), 5495. GAREL (Esther), 973. GARFAGNINI (Gian Carlo), 3092. GARFINKEL (Paul), 4388. GARIBALDI (Vittoria), 3300. GARIPZANOV (Ildar), 214. GARNER (Jason), 6480. GARNETT (Anna), 1024. GARNIER (Bernard), 3561. GARNIER (Nicolas), 868. GAROFALO (Luigi), 1842. GARRAFFONI (Renata S.), 361. GARRETT (Victoria Lynn), 5657. GARRIDO DOMENÉ (Fuensanta), 1698. GARRISON (Mark B.), 1161. GARRISON (Thomas G.), 7924. GÄRTNER (Thomas), 3144. Garvey (Marcus), 6459. GARZILLI (Enrica), 7108. GASBARRI (Flavia), 7573. GASCOU (Jean), 973. GASPARRI (Stefano), 2654, 2887, 2910. GASPERINI (Luca), 1742. GASPERONI (Michael), 123, 5174, 6071, 6596. GASSERT (Philipp), 4125. GASTALDI (Sciltian), 4378. GASTALDI (Silvia), 1177, 1497, 1531. GASTEIGER (Daniela), 4126. GASTGEBER (Christian), 2410.
358 GASTLE (Brian W.), 3053. GAT (Mosheh), 7574. GATALOVIĆ (Miomir), 4689. GATES (Henry Louis), 5564. GATHAGAN (Laura L.), 731. GATTO (Maria Carmela), 988. GATZKA (Claudia Christiane), 4127. Gaudiosus Africanus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2331. Gaudiosus neapolitanus, Sanctus, 3517. GAUL (Jerzy), 7109. GAUL (Niels), 2427. GAULD (Suellen C.), 1631. GAULY (Bardo M.), 2019. GAUMER (Janine), 4128. GAUTIER DALCHÉ (Patrick), 2553. GAUVARD (Claude), 2854. GAUVRIT ROUX (Eugénie), 818. GAWTHORPE (Andrew J.), 7575. GAYOL (Sandra), 3785. GAZAL (André A.), 5106. Gazeau (Véronique), 2633, 3561. GAZIS (Georg Alexander), 1410. GAZZETTA (Liviana), 4389. GAZZINI (Marina), 3636. GE (Chengyong), 7723. GEARY (Patrik), 2556. GEAY (Bertrand), 461. GEBHARDT-EVEN (Anne), 827. GEDOZ (Sirlei Teresinha), 3851. GEENENS (Raf), 6565. GEENS (Sam), 2933. GEFFARTH (Renko), 5226. Gehlen (Reinhard), 4142. GEHLER (Michael), 3739, 7477, 7631. GEHMACHER (Johanna), 4129. GEHRES (Benjamin), 783. GEHRIG (Sebastian), 7576. GEHRMANN (Rolf), 6083. GEISTHÖVEL (Alexa), 5467. GELABERT OLIVER (Maria), 874. Gelasius Caesariensis, episcopus, 2186. GELDERBLOM (Bernhard)4130. GELEIJNSE (Hans), 4530. GELICHI (Sauro), 2654, 2887. GELLATELY (Robert), 559. GELLATLY (Corry), 6075. Gellius (Aulus), 1963. GELTNER (G.), 507. GELY (Bernard), 829. GEMEINHARDT (Peter), 2163, 2323. GÉNARD (Elsa), 5496. GENESTE (Jean-Michel), 829. GENG (Gisela), 2075. GENIN (Vincent), 6720, 7190. Gennadius II Scholarius, patriarch of Constantinopolis, 2413.
INDEX OF NAMES GENNARO (Clara), 2934. GENOVESI (Stefano), 1894. GENSHEIMER (Maryl B.), 2078. GENTILE (Emilio), 4390. Gentili (Alberico), 2870. GEOGHEGAN (Kate), 7578. GEORGE (Abosede), 305. GEORGE (Andrew R.), 1059. GEORGIEVA (Tina), 7084. GEORGIOU (Constantinos), 2702. Georgius Cyprius, 2640. Georgius Doukas Nestongos, 2390. GEORGIUS MATHAEI DALMATICUS, 3283. Georgius Monus, 2362. GEORGOUDI (Stella), 454. GEORJON (Cloé), 803. GEPPERT (Dominik), 4087. GERALD OF WALES, 3145, 3146. GERASIMOV (Ilya), 6088. GERBER (Stefan), 4115. GERBNER (Katharine), 5114. GERGES (Fawaz A.), 3991. GERHARDT (Christina), 5658. GÉRIN (Annie), 5219. GERING (Axel), 2079. GERMAIN (Félix), 4031. Germani (Gino), 3767. Germanicus Iulius Caesar, 1662, 1781. GERMETEN (Nicole von), 6253. GEROLEMOU (Maria), 1411. GEROLYMATOS (André), 7384. GEROULANOS (Stefanos), 5497. GERRARD (Christopher M.), 557. GERRITSEN (Anne), 340. GERSTEL (Sharon E. J.), 2444. Gertrud Rickeldey von Ortenberg, 3588. Gertrude d'Helfta, sancta, 3585. GERTZ (Sebastian), 2357. GERWARTH (Robert), 7191. GEUE (Tom), 1954. GEYER (Martin H.), 6011. GHAFFAR (Zishan Ahmad), 2792. GHANNĀM (Riyāḍ), 4466. GHEDINI (Francesca), 1955. GHEERBRANT (Xavier), 1412. GHELLER (Viola), 1737. GHEORGHE (Eliza), 7579. GHERCHANOC (Florence), 1498. GHEREGHLOU (Kioumars), 2567. GHEZIEL (Abla), 3763. GHOTTES (Mustapha), 7906. GIACOMELLI (Michel'Angelo), 1232, 1233. GIACOMO DI SANTA SAVINA, 2502. GIANANDREA (Manuela), 3312. GIANFRANCESCO (Lorenza), 5569. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio), 587. GIANNADAKI (Ifigeneia), 1316.
Giannakis (Georgios K.), 1188. GIANNITRAPANI (Enrico), 784. GIANNOPOULOS (Panagiotes A.), 2445. GIANNULI (Aldo), 4349. GIARDINA (Andrea), 354. GIARRIZZO (Giuseppe), 306, 428. GIATTI (Chiara), 1802. GIAVATTO Angelo), 1239. GIBAUD (Alix), 820. GIBERTINI (Simone), 1706. GIBSON (Catriona), 801. GIBSON (Samuel), 2446. GIENAPP (Jonathan), 6574. GIENOW-HECHT (Jessica C. E.), 3734. GIESE (Francine), 3360. GIESEN (Bernd), 52. GIETZEN (Andreas), 2407. GIGANTINO (James J.), 4868. GIGASE (Marc), 6499. GIGLIOTTI (Valerio), 610. GIL (João Afonso), 7192. GIL (Juan), 2557. GIL BRACERO (Rafael), 4753. GILAN (Amir), 1102. GILBERT (Claire), 2793. GILBERT (Kate), 3041. GILBURD (Eleonory), 5220. GILDING (Ben), 6957. GILGEN (David), 5768. GILL (Graeme), 4632. GILLESPIE (Caitlin), 1773. GILLESPIE MAC RAE (Elizabeth), 4869. GILLINGHAM (Paul), 5395. GILL-MAC LURE (Whyeda), 6481, 6482. GILLON (Steven M.), 4870. GILL-PETERSON (Julian), 6255. GILMAN (Sander L.), 668. GIMM (Martin), 7724. GINES TAYLOR (Catherine), 2269. GINESTÍ ROSELL (Anna), 1792. GINSBERG (Lauren Donovan), 1931. GINTER (Filip), 5404. GINTER (Kazimierz), 2360. GINZBERG (Eitan), 6958. GIOMI (Evan), 798. GIORGIO DI MATTEO, 3283. GIOSTRA (Caterina), 3671. Giotto, 3300, 3340. GIOVANNETTI-TORRES (Jorge L.), 6256. Giovanni da Legnano, 2872. GIOVANNUCCI (Pierluigi), 4979. Giovenale, 3167. GIPPERT (Jost), 40. GIRARD (Camil), 3880. GIRARD (Philip), 6549.
INDEX OF NAMES GIRINSHUTI (Maïla Kocher), 6257. GIRZYŃSKI (Zbigniew), 7478. GISELBRECHT (Elisabeth), 3380. GIUFFRIDA (Claudia), 1800. GIULEA (Dragoş A.), 2169. GIULIANI (Alejandra), 3776. Giuliano da Sangallo, 5608. Giuliano de' Medici, duca di Nemours, 4396. GIULIETTI (Fabrizio), 4391. GIUNTA DI NARDO RUCELLAI, 2524. GIUNTINI (Sergio), 4392. GIUSTI (Elena), 1956. Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, 2691, 2694, 2783, 3637. GJURIČOVÁ (Adéla), 3947. Gladstone (Herbert, Viscount), 4230. GLAESSER (Roland), 1957. GLANTZ (David M.), 7360. Glanvill (Joseph), 5441. GLASER (Clive), 305. GLASER (Moritz), 190. GLAUSER (Jürg), 535. GLAVATSKAYA (Elena), 6090. GLEASON (Kathryn L.), 2077. GLEAVE (Robert), 741. GLEIß (Friedhelm), 5115. GLENCROSS (Matthew), 7217. GLENN (Anna), 1060. GLENN (Daniel J.), 714. GLENTHØJ (Rasmus), 323. GLICK (Thomas F.), 2791, 2909. GLIMMERVEEN (Jan), 810. GLINATSIS (Robin), 1958. Globke (Hans), 6627. GLOVER (Nikolas), 6801. GLUZMAN (Renard), 5796. GNÄDINGER (Beat), 6346. Gnauck-Kühne (Elisabeth), 5355. GNEIß (Markus), 19. GOBAT (Michel), 4540. GOBETTI (Erik), 7385. GODA (Norman J. W.), 6731. GODART (Louis), 1193, 1200. GODDARD (Michael), 5659. GODFREY (Mark), 615. GODSEY (William D.), 3813. GOEBEL (Stefan), 7180. GOEDDE (Petra), 6751. Goering (Joseph W.), 3269. Goeritz (Mathias), 5604. GOESCHEL (Christian), 7323. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von), 5259. GOFAS (Andreas), 569. GOGL (Simon), 7324. Göhring (Martin), 429. GOKSØYR (Matti), 7386. GOL'DIN (Semen), 4633.
GOLD (Barbara K.), 2342. GOLD (Carol), 6012. GOLDBERG (Sander M.), 1683, 1684. GOLDEN (Janet), 6258. GOLDENBAUM (Laura), 3315. GOLDIN (Paul R.), 567. GOLDIN (V. I.), 4634. Goldman (Emma), 6274. GOLDSTEIN (Amir), 4340. GOLDSTEIN (Yossi), 7580. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.), 6013. GÖLEN (Zafer), 5754. GÖLLNITZ (Martin), 5274. Golovkin (Yurj), 5916. GOLUB (Mitka R.), 1128. GOMÁ (Juan-Luis), 875. GÓMEZ (Andrés Gabriel), 3777. Gómez (José Fructuoso), 4508. GOMEZ (Michael A.), 7901. GÓMEZ I LOZANO (Josep-Marí), 3528. Gómez Manrique, 3133. GÓMEZ NAVARRO (María Soledad), 4993. GOMME (Arnold Wycombe), 1246. Gomułka (Władysław), 4587. GONDAT (Julien), 1277. GONĚC (Vladimír), 3948. GONG (Wen), 7821. GOÑI-MENDIZABAL (Igor), 5878. Gönner (Nikolaus Thaddäus), 338. GONSA (Gerhard), 537. GONTERO (Valérie), 3165. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar), 5275. GONZÁLEZ (Gabriela), 4871. GONZÁLEZ (María Franco), 989. GONZÁLEZ (Wilson), 5386. GONZÁLEZ ARANA (Roberto), 7618. GÓNZALEZ CRUZ (David), 189. GONZÁLEZ CUERVA (Rubén), 7018. GONZÁLEZ ENCISO (Agustín), 4741. GONZÁLEZ FÉLIX (Maricela), 4496. GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Rafael), 1774. GONZÁLEZ HERNANDO (Irene), 3042. GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Santiago), 2936. González Videla (Gabriel), 3899. GONZALEZ-MACQUEEN (Felipe), 772. GONZATO (Federica), 876. GOODMAN (Giora), 7658. GOODMAN (Martin), 733. GOODMAN (Penelope J.), 249. Gorbachev (Mikhail Sergeyevich), 4675, 7671, 7683, 7685.
359 Gordianus I (Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus), Roman emperor, 1688. Gordianus II (Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus), Roman emperor, 1688. Gordianus III (Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius), Roman emperor, 1688. GORDON (Bertram M.), 191. GORDON (Pamela), 2020. GOREN (Tamir), 7284. GORGAS (Jordi Tejel), 7193. GORN (Elliott J.), 4872. GÓRNY (Maciej), 7169. GORRINI (Maria Elena), 930. GORSHKOV (Boris B.), 4635. GORSKIĬ (Anton Anatolʹevich), 2610. GOSEWINKEL (Dieter), 6757. GOSTENTSCHNIGG (Kurt), 307. Gothein (Georg), 4160. Gottfried von Straßburg, 3212. GÖTTLER (Christine), 3068. GOTTO (Bernhard), 4132. GOTTSCHALL (Dagmar), 2621. GOTTSMANN (Andreas), 20, 3473. GOTTWALD (Heinz), 2794. GOUBIER (Frédéric), 3426. GOUGH (Barry), 7062. GOULET (Richard), 748. Gouraud (Henri), 6838. GOURDON (Vincent), 6259, 6354. GOUREVITCH (Danielle), 1499. GOURICHON (Lionel), 849. GRAA (Numa), 4787. GRABER (Jennifer), 5175. GRABMAYER (Johannes), I. GRABOWSKI (Jan), 7277. GRADY (Jo), 6484. Graefe (Erhart), 1013. GRAELLS (Raimon), 896. GRAF (Friedrich Wilhelm), 5462. GRAF (Maximilian), 7631. GRAF (Rüdiger), 5797. GRÄF (Stefanie), 1959. Graf (Wolfgang), 6637. GRAFTON (Anthony), 80. GRAGNOLATI (Manuele), 3102. GRAHAM (Aaron), 6014. GRAHAM (Jon E.), 732. GRAHAM (Matthew), 4717. GRAHAM (Sandra Jean), 5660. GRAHAM (Wade), 626. GRAIVER (Inbar), 2270. GRAMACCINI (Norberto), 3302. GRAMSCH-STEHFEST (Robert), 2611. GRANATA (Ivano), 4393.
360 GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël), 4028, 7195. GRANDY (Christine), 5662. GRANGE (Cyril), 6649. GRANIĆ (Miroslav), 3924. GRANINGER (Charles Denver), 1216. GRANT (Adrian), 4323. GRANT (Elizabeth), 714. GRANT (Jonathan A.), 5895. GRANT (Matthew), 5387. GRAS (Michel), 1201. GRASSI (Onorato), 3422. GRASSO (Christopher), 4964. Grattius Faliscus, 1687, 1727. GRATUZE (Bernard), 867. GRAU CODINA (Ferran), 4559. GRAVENSTEN (Eva), 534. GRAVES (Margaret S.), 2795. GRAY (Benjamin), 251. GRAY (Christa), 1850, 1990. GRAY (Steven), 6802. GRAYDON (Michael E.), 6260. GRAYSON (Donald K.), 6261. GRAYSON (Richard S.), 4324. GRAYZEL (Susan R.), 7138. GRAZZINI (Stefano), 1731. GREATREX (Geoffrey), 2467. GRECO (Alessandro), 1202. GREEN (Adrian), 5744. GREEN (James N.), 3852. GREEN (Nile), 408. GREEN (R.L.), 5080. GREEN (Steven J.), 1687, 1727. GREEN (Toby), 7902. GREENE (Alan), 793. GREENE (John T.), 2741. GREENFIELD (Haskel J.), 846. GREENHALGH (Charlotte), 6262. GREENHILL (Pauline), 698. GREENOP (Kelly), 714. GREENSPAN (Alan), 6015. GREER (Allan), 7921. GREGERSEN (Hans), 6650. GREGOR (Neil), 5663. GREGORI (Gian Luca), 1650. Gregorius III, Papa, 153. Gregorius IX, Papa, 3490. Gregorius Magnus, Papa, Sanctus, 2187, 2249. Gregorius Nazianzenus, 2188, 2247, 2453. Gregorius Nyssenus, Sanctus, 2189, 2252, 2265, 2329. Gregorius Palamas, archiepiscopus, 2363, 2420. Gregorius VII, Papa, 3495. GREGORY (Ian), 476. GREIG (Matilda), 5388. GREILINGER (Philipp), 7631. GREINER (Rasmus), 5691.
INDEX OF NAMES GRELLARD (Christophe), 3429. GRELON (André), 5017. GRÉMONT (Johann), 6840. GREUB (Yan), 3093. GREULICH (Markus), 3147. GREWAL (J. S.), 4292. Grey of Fallodon (Edward Grey Viscount), 7158. GREYERZ (Kaspar von), 6422. GRIBAUDI (Maurizio), 5852. GRIBKOV (Ivan), 7348. GRIER (James), 3371. GRIEVE (Victoria M.), 6263. GRIFFIN (Carrie), 3213. GRIFFIN (Emma), 304, 6264. GRIFFITH (Sarah M.), 4873. GRIFFITHS (Billy), 7936. Griffiths (Emilio), 4761. GRIFFITHS (Fiona J.), 3063, 3540. GRIFFITH-WILLIAMS (Brenda), 1316. GRIFONI (Cinzia), 2627. GRIGG (Erik), 2646. GRIGG (Julianna), 2647. GRIGORIȚĂ (George), 529. GRIJALVA DÁVILA (Miguel Ángel), 7479. GRILLI (Matteo), 7581. GRILLINI (Anna), 5498. GRILLO (Luca), 419. GRILLO (Paolo), 2612, 2671, 2697. GRILLOT (Thomas), 4874. GRINDER-HANSEN (Poul), 6092. GRISELIN (Sylvain), 827. GRITTI (Elena), 1775. Grocholewski (Zenon), 5059. GROCOTT (Chris), 6484. GROEBNER (Valentin), 192. GROENVELD (Simon), 4531. GRÖGER (Roman Hans), 3814. GROLLMANN (Felix), 2855. GRÖMER (Karina), 877. GRON (Kurt J.), 847. GRONDEUX (Anne), 3275. GRONIER (Thomas), 7465. GROOM (Nick), 669. GROPPI (Angela), 6596, 6651. GROS (Etienne), 1234. GROß (Gerhard P.), 7189. GROSS (Jonathan), 1685. GROß (Jonathan), 1728. GROß (Philipp), 2075. GROSS (Robert N.), 5320. GROSS (Walter), 2165. GROSSARTH (Jan), 5953. GROßBÖLTING (Thomas), 4401. GROSSE (Rolf), 2645. GROSSI (Élodie), 5276. GROSSI (Paolo), 612. GROSSMAN (Sarah E. M.), 5798. GROßMANN (Johannes), 7559.
GROTH (Carsten), 5420. GROTUM (Thomas), 4131. GROUCUTT (Huw S.), 860. GROVE (Jaleen), 92. GRUBEN (Gottfried), 1570. GRUEN (Lori), 662. GRUNDLINGH (Albert), 6926. GRÜNE (Niels), 4133. Grüninger (Johannes), 111. GRÜNSTÄUDL (Georg), 6597. GRUSCHETSKY (Mariano), 3773. GRYSON (Roger), 3608. GUADAGNUCCI (Anna), 1776. GUAGNIN (Maria), 860. GUALDO ROSA (Lucia), 3090. Gualtiero di Mortagne, 3450. GUAN (Hanhui), 621. Guangda (Zhang), 88. GUARDASOLE (Alessia), 1500. Guardati (Tommaso), 3221. GUARNIERI (Chiara), 3681. GUARNIERI (Cristina), 3650. GÜBELE (Boris), 3472. GUCEWICZ (Daniel), 4573. GUDIAN (Janus), 2605. GUDMUNDSON (Lowell), 5954. Gudulchi Vitalis (Johannes), 3647. GUÉDON (Stéphanie), 2129. GUÉRET (Colas), 815, 827. GUERMAZI (Alexandre), 4026. GUERRA (Alessandro), 447. GUERRA (Christian), 3485. GUERRA (Douglas A.), 5559. GUERRA (Lillian), 3934. GUESMI (Chedli), 2778. GUGERLI (David), 5499. GUGLIELMETTI (Rossana E.), 3568, 3574. GUIA MARÍN (Lluís), 2630. GUIBERT (Pierre), 829. Guicciardini (Francesco), 5215. GUICCIARDINI (Niccolò), 5453. GUIDA (Augusto), 2394. GUIDA NAVARRO (Alexandre), 785. GUIDI (Andrea), 5450. GUILAINE (Jean), 786. Guillaume de Champeaux, 3275. GUILLAUME DE CONCHES, 3401. GUILLAUME DE MACHAUT, 3373. Guillaume Du Fay, 3388. GUILLAUMIN (Jean-Baptiste), 3093. Guillebert de Mets, 3362. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé), 5500. GUILLEMOT (François), 4950. GUILLOUËT (Jean Marie), 3334. GUILLUY (Thibault), 6575. GUIMARÃES (Carlos Gabriel), 5878. GUINNANE (Timothy W.), 6186.
INDEX OF NAMES GULA (Ruslan), 4835. GULA (Vladimir), 4835. GÜLLÜ (Ramazan Erhan), 4810. GÜLMEZ (Seçkin Barış), 7165. GUMMESSON (Sara), 819. GUMZ (Jonathan), 6721. Gundling (Nicolaus Hieronymus), 6554. GÜNDOĞDU (Cihangir), 6093. GUNN (Geoffrey C.), 6841. GUNN (Steven), 4242. Gunten (Peter von), 5697. GUNTER (Ann C.), 708. GÜNTER (Wolfgang), 3541. GÜNTHER (Hans-Christian), 767. GUO (Lingyun), 7726. Guo Songtao, 7769. GUPTA (Pamela), 6803. GURGANUS (Albert Earle)4134. ǴURKOVSKA (Lidija), 6142. GURUNG (Tejimala), 4291. GUST (Geoffrey W.), 3148. GUST (Onni), 6831. GUSTAFSSON (Sofia), 5116. GUSTAVSSON (Anders), 6436. GUSY (Christoph), 6576. GÜTERMANN (Sven), 145. GÜTH (Luise), 4135. GÜTHOFF (Elmar), 5059. GUTIÉRREZ (Alejandra), 557. GUTIÉRREZ (Santiago), 3580. GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ (Pablo), 6016. GUTRON (Clémentine), 308. GUTSCHE (Victoria), 464. GUTTMANN (Aviva), 7582. GUY (Emmanuel), 787. GUYER (Jane I.), 7899. GUYMER (Laurence), 7110. GUYOTJEANNIN (Olivier), 13, 3520. GUZMÁN MÉNDEZ (Diana Paola), 220, 5399. GUZZI-HEEB (Sandro), 6265. GYBAS (Magdalena), 937. GYLLENBOK (Jan), 158. GYLLENHAAL (Lars), 7361. H HAAG (Norbert), 5027. HAAS (Britt), 4875. HABAJ (Michal), 2081. HÄBERLEN (Joachim C.), 4136. HABLOT (Laurent), 151. HACKE (Jens), 588. HACKEL (Steven W.), 5073, 5086. HACKL (Johannes), 1061. HADASS (Ofer), 5501. HADJIAFXENTI (Christina), 2407. HADJIATHANASIOU (Maria), 6842.
HADJIMICHAEL (Theodora A.), 1360, 1449. Hadrianus (Publius Aelius Traianus), Roman emperor, 1273, 1993, 2115. HAEMERS (Jelle), 594, 2926. HAFERKAMP (Hans-Peter), 6550. HAFFEMAYER (Stéphane), 4243. HÄFNER (Ralph), 6554. HAGEL (Stefan), 1413. HAGEMANN (Karen), 7067. HAGEN (William W.), 4579. HAGENEDER (Othmar), 3489. HÄGGQVIST (Henric), 5896. HAHN (Barbara), 5436. HAHN (Hans-Joachim), 5170. HÄHNEL (Paul Lukas), 4137. HAIDACHER (Christoph), 2708. HAIDARALI (Laila), 6266. Haidenthaller (Alexander), 5865. HAIG (Fiona), 5221, 7480. Haig (Sir Douglas), 7198. HAINES (John), 3383. HAJDARI (Hajrullah), 4519. HAKA (Manajurula), 6485. HÅKANSSON (Peter), 6267. HALARY (Marie-Pascale), 3150. Halbwachs (Maurice), 5425, 5443. HALE-DORRELL (Aaron), 5955. HALIVA (Racheli), 2760. HALL (Alexander W.), 3416. HALL (Amy Laura), 3638. HALL (Dianne), 6337. Haller (Johannes), 316. HALLGREN (Fredrik), 819. HALLOF (Klaus), 1219. HALVORSON (Dan), 6843. HAMACHER (Kristina), 1792. HÄMÄLÄINEN (Pekka), 6959. HAMATI-ATAYA (Inanna), 569. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.), 42, 109. HAMDOUNE (Christine), 1777. HAMER (Naomi), 698. HAMILTON (Alexander), 5764. HAMILTON (Michelle), 2817. HAMILTON (Shane), 5956. Hamm (Eduard), 4139. HAMMER (Espen), 474. HAMMERSTEIN (Katharina von), 5586. HAMON (Caroline), 827. HAMON (Patrice), 1217. HAN (Jiayi), 821. HAN (Sang-ch'ŏl), 4450. HAN (Sangwoo), 6375. HANAK (Walter K.), 3477. HANCHARD (Michael George), 3722. HANDLEY (Sasha), 671, 6268. HANDSCHUHMACHER (Thomas), 4138.
361 HANEBRINK (Paul), 3723. HANEGBI (Naama Cohen), 3059. HANH (Nguyên Thi), 6761. HANHIMÄKI (Jussi M.), 7626. HĀNĪ (Wisām), 4523. HANLEY (Anne G.), 6017. HANLEY (Brian), 4325. ḤANNĀ (ʿAbd Allāh), 4796. HANNAH (Leslie), 6018. HÄNNI (Adrian), 4876. Hannibal, 1719, 1742. HANNIG (Nicolai), 5457. HANOTIN (Guillaume), 7040, 7043. Hansberry (Lorraine), 5694. HÄNSCHEN (Steffen), 7285. HANSEN (Else), 5277. HANSEN (Jan), 7425. HANSEN (Jesper), 2826. HANSEN (Mogens Herman), 1278. HANSEN (Svend), 835. HANSERT (Andreas), 235. HANSHEW (Karrin), 4105. HANSSON (Gunnar), 4771. HARADA (Akiko), 3682. HARAGUCHI (Daisuke), 4434. HĂRĂGUȘ (Mihaela), 6283. HARARI (Yuval Noah), 672. HARB (Christian), 840. Harcourt (Lewis), 7262. HARDIE (Jane Morlet), 25. HARDING (Anthony), 788. HARDIS (Arne), 3971. HARDMEIER (Simon), 3683. HARDTWIG (Wolfgang), 4139. HARDY (Duncan), 2703, 2856. HARINCK (George), 6861. HARING (Ben), 991. HARJULA (Janne), 3652. HARKER (Christina), 2271. HARLAUT (Cécile), 992. HARLEY (Joseph), 6269. HARMAN (Claire), 122. HARMAN AKENSON (Donald), 5117. HARMAT (Ulrike), 3802. HARPER (Christine), 6059. HARPER (Rob), 4877. HÄRPFER (Claudius), 5463. HARRAK (Amir), 2198. HARRIS (Alana), 4996. HARRIS (Barbara J.), 2938. HARRIS (Bob), 6019. HARRIS (Carissa M.), 3270. Harris (John), 4713. HARRIS (Jonathan), 4637. HARRIS (Lane J.), 6844. HARRIS (Robert A.), 2738. HARRIS (Trevor), 3748. HARRISON (Henrietta), 7063. HARRISON (Stephen), 1175, 1939, 1970.
362 HARSCH (Mathieu), 2524. HART (Bradley W.), 4878. HART (Peter), 7196. HÄRTEL (Reinhard), 2543. HARTEN (Hans-Christian), 4140. HÄRTER (Karl), 6652. HARTL (Martina), 2272. Hartley (Charles), 6797. Hartlib (Samuel), 4243. HARTMANN (Elke), 1182. HARTMANN (Udo), 2130. HARTMANNSGRUBER (Friedrich), 4075. HARTNELL (Jack), 3316. HARTOG (Hendrik), 6653. HARTSWICK (Kim J.), 2077. HARTT (Jared C.), 713. HARUTA (Naoki), 7846. HARVEY (David), 5451. HARVEY (Ruth), 3184. HASEGAWA (Mayuho), 6270. HASEGAWA (Tsuyoshi), 4638. HASELMANN (Henning), 1960. HASHIMOTO (Yasuna), 7481. HASHIMOTO (Yoshinori), 7847. HASINA (Sheikh), 3832. HASKELL (David L.), 7922. HASLAM (Sara), 766. HASLINGER (Peter), 7355. HASSAN (Ahmed), 97. HASSAN (Khaled), 993. HASSE (Dag Nikolaus), 3412. HASSELHORN (Benjamin), 3749. HASSETT (Brenna), 1062. HASTINGS (Derek), 3724. HATHAWAY (Jane), 4811. HATLEHOL (Gunnar D.), 7325. Hatt (famille), 145. HATTENHAUER (Christian), 6548. HATTON (Timothy J.), 5468. HATZFELD (Hélène), 4032. HATZILAMBROU (Rosalia), 1355. HAU (Lisa Irene), 1354. HAUG (Eldbjørg), 2566. Hauge (Hans Nielsen), 5200. Haupt (Joachim), 5357. HAUPTMANN (Andreas), 1063. HAURY (Harald), 5462. HAUSBERGER (Bernd), 312. Hausegger (Siegmund von), 5663. HAUSMAN (William J.), 6702. HAUSS (Gisela), 6250, 6458. HÄUSSLER (Matthias), 6889. HAUSSNER (Elizabeth A.), 805. HAUWAERTS (Evelien), 81. HAVEL (Dalibor), 5. Havel (Václav), 3946, 3947, 5246, 5423. HAVELANGE (Carl), 309. HAVELANGE (Isabelle), V. HAWKES (Jane), 3346.
INDEX OF NAMES HAY (William Anthony), 4244. Haya de la Torre (Victor Raul), 4560. ḤAYĀTĪ TABRĪZĪ (Qāsim Beg), 2567. Hayek (Friedrich August von), 5765. HAYES (Ingrid), 6477. HAYES (John W.), 992. HAYMAN (Mark), 6845. HAYNES (Christine), 7111. HAYOT (Denis), 3684. HAYWOOD (D'Weston), 5389. Healey (Denis), 4234. HEALEY (Jonathan), 4245. HEALY (Róisín), 6788. HEARMAN (Vannessa), 4302. Heartfields (John), 5630. Heath (Neville), 5387. HEATHER (Peter), 1778. HEBEISEN (Erika), 4794. HÉBERT (Michel), 2857. HECKERT (Deborah), 5666. HEDBERG (Gunnel), 89. HEDELUND JØRGENSEN (Steen Ole), 3972. HEDEMANN (Markus), 2704. HEDIN (Gry), 5612. HEER (Paul J.), 7482. HEERMAN (M. Scott), 4879. HEERTEN (Lasse), 4548. HEESEN (Eva Catherina), 4141. HEFFERNAN (David), 4326. Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich), 5444, 5449. Hegel (Karl), 430. HEGELUND (Erik), 5890. HEHER (Dominik), 2410. HEID (Stefan), 5042. HEIDECKER (Karl), 2. HEIDENBLAD (David Larsson), 4772. HEIDER (Guillermo), 848. HEIDT (Daniel), 3889. HEIL (Johannes), 2605. HEILE (Björn), 720. HEILES (Marco), 44. Heilke von Staufenberg, 3588. HEILMAN (Jaymie Patricia), 6654. HEIMANN (Jim), 5615. HEIMBACH-STEINS (Marianne), 4983. HEIN (Carola), 699, 5799. HEIN (Laura), 4435. HEIN (Michael), 6577. HEINEMANN (Isabel), 6271. HEINEMANN (Patrick Oliver), 6598. HEINEMEYER (Christian), 2631. HEINEN (Jacqueline), 4781. HEINIGER (Alix), 6655.
HEINIGER (Kevin), 5502. HEINRICH (Elisa), 4129. HEINRICH (Frits), 1026. HEINRICH (Michael), 5451. Heinrich III, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2672. Heinrich von Rugge, 3196. HEINTZE (Beatrix), 6890. HEINZ KRIEG (R. Johanna Regnath), 3027. HEIRAS (Carlos), 490. Heisig (Bernhard), 5614. HEISSENBERGER (Stefan), 6272. HEISZ (Tommy), 6273. HEITZER (Enrico), 5478. Hejzlar (Zdeněk), 3959. HEKSTER (Olivier), 1762. HELFONT (Samuel), 4316. HELG (Riccardo), 2082. Heliodorus, 1379. HELLE (Sophus), 1064. HELLER (Steven), 5615. HELLERSTEDT (Andreas), 703, 3282. HELLINGA (Lotte), 90. HELLMUTH (Thomas), 236. HELLY (Bruno), 1228. HELM (Christian), 7583. HELMER (Daniel), 849. Helmholtz (Hermann von), 5477. Helmrath (Johannes), 2604. HELMSTAD (Ruth), 387. HELVÉTIUS (Anne-Marie), 3520. HELWING (Barbara), 858, 909. HEMMINGS (Clare), 6274. HEN (Yitzhak), 2742. HENDRICKS (Paul), 5321. HENDRICKSON (David C.), 4880. HENG (Geraldine), 2750, 3047. HENKE (Klaus-Dietmar)4142. HENLEY (Georgia), 3146. HENMI (Tatsuo), 5394. HENNI (Ahmed), 3764. HENNING (Detlef), 511. Henri II, roi de France, 4009. Henricus VII, imperator, 2579. HENRIET (Benoît), 673. HENRIKSÉN (Christer), 756. HENRY (Olivier), 939. HENRY (Solveig), 7421. Henry V, King of England, 3382. Henry VI, King of England, 2525. Henry VIII, King of England, 4242. HENSHKE (Yehudit), 1129. HENSS (Christina), 3639. HENȚ (Alin), 310. HENTILÄ (Seppo), 4005. HERACLIDES (Alexis), 7584. Heraclitus, 1487, 1523, 1532. HERAS MORA (Francisco J.), 1779.
INDEX OF NAMES Herber (Pauline), 5355. HERBERS (Klaus), 2514, 2518, 2667, 3006, 5002. HERBERT (Christopher), 3317, 6275. HERBIN (Jean-Charles), 3100. HERDE (Peter), 7266. Herder (Johann Gottfried), 5424. HERDEVAL (Gabriel), 5176. HERLO (Bianca), 5667. HERMAN (Jan), 5177. HERMANN (Konstantin), 4194. HERMANN (Pernille), 535. HERMANNS (Stefan), 5459. HERMARY (A.), 2101. Hermogenes Tarsius, 1395, 2359, 2362. Hermolaus Barbarus iunior, 3080. HERNÁNDEZ (Francisco J.), 2617. HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ (Manuel), 5028. HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ (José Ma), 5118. Hernández Maytorena (Mario), 4496. HERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ (Azuce), 2796. HERNÁNDEZ ROMERO (Anabel), 5871. HERNÁNDEZ SÁENZ (Luz María), 5503. HERNÁNDEZ-GASCH (Jordi), 874. Herodes Atticus, 1221. Herodotus, 257, 936, 1424, 1535. HERRÁEZ ORTEGA (María Victoria), 3341. Herrera (Jerónimo de), 6601. HERRERO CORRAL (Ana Mercedes), 776. HERRERO LÓPEZ (Montserrat), 2877. HERRERO SERRANO (Antonio), 2021. HERREROS (Francisco), 5950. HERRES (Jürgen), 5451. HERRING (Edward), 254. Herrman (Augustine), 196. HERRMANN (Christian), 1153. HERRMANN (Irène), 7197. HERRMANN (Virginia R.), 1065. HERRMANN (Volker), 2939. HERSE (Stefan), 2273. HERSHCOVITZ (Sylvia), 4609. HERSHENZON (Daniel), 6804. HERSHKOVITZ (Malka), 1109. HERZOG (Dagmar), 5504, 6276. HERZOG (Markwart), 5069. HERZOG (Tamar), 613. HESEMANN (Michael), 5003. Hesiodus, 1376, 1448. HESLIN (Peter), 1961. HESS (Jonathan M.), 5560.
HESSE (Hermann W.), 6277. HESSELAGER (Jens), 5661. HESSELBARTH (Mario), 4212. HEßLER (Jan Erik), 1545. HESTERLY (William), 5898. HETÉNYI (Martin), 4703. HEUCLIN (Jean), 2648, 5022. HEUMAN (Gad), 538. HEURDIER (Lydie), 5322. HEUSSNER (Karl-Uwe), 835. HEWITSON (Mark), 7112. HEWITT (Nancy A.), 4881. HEWITT (Steve), 3891. HEYBERGER (Bernard), 5029. HEYDE (Veronika), 4080, 7517. HEYDER (Regina), 5031. HEYER (Anne), 4532. HEYMANN (Catherine), 5576. HEYMERICUS DE CAMPO, 3398, 3436. HEYN (Susanne), 6891. HEYRMAN (Peter), 5918. HEYWOOD (Colin), 6278. HIATT (Willie)5668. HICKFORD (Mark), 6578. HIDALGO-WEBER (Olga), 6490. HIDBER (Alfred), 3290. HIERHOLZER (Vera), 241. Hierocles Alexandrinus, 1242. Hieronymus Pragensis, 3080, 3430. Hieronymus, Sanctus, 1933, 21712175, 2190, 2191, 2316. HIGASHIDE (Kanako), 5800. HIGGINS (David M.), 5897. HIGHAM (Charles F.W.), 803, 894. HIGHAM (Thomas F.G.), 894. HIGONNET (Patrice L. R.), 7055. HIGUCHI (Kentarō), 7848. HIGUERAS CASTAÑEDA (Eduardo), 4728. HIIO (Toomas), 4000. HIJJIH (Shawkat), 5178. HILBORN (Emma), 5390. HILDESHEIMER (Françoise), 4058, 6599. HILDT (Julia), 4639. HILEVYCH (Yuliya), 6279. HILGER (Andreas), 7483. HILJE QUIRÓS (Brunilda), 6280. HILKENS (Andy), 311, 2352. HILL (Alexandra), 91. HILL (Christopher R.), 7422. HILL (David), 2468. HILL (Jack A.), 5418. Hill (Joshua W.), 6991. Hill (Oliver), 6641. HILLBOM (Ellen), 5746. HILLE (Martin), 4143. HILLERICH (Sonja), 5391. Hilleström (Pehr), 5611. HILLIS (Gregory K.), 2183.
363 HILTMANN (Torsten), 151. HILTON (Ita), 1414. HILTON (Matthew), 431. Himmler (Heinrich), 5214. HINDMARSH (D. Bruce), 5119. HINE (Alison), 7198. HINES (Sarah), 3839. HINGLEY (Richard), 2083. Hinkmar, Erzbishofs von Reims, 2527. HINTERBERGER (Hans), 4144. HINTHER (Rhonda L.), 3881. HIPPEL (Wolfgang von), 5801. Hippias of Erythrai, 1296. Hippocrates, 1243, 1501, 2416. HIRSCH (Shirin), 4246. HIRSCHFELD (Gerhard), 4086. HIRT (Marguerite), 1895. HISADA (Ken'ichirō), 770. HISAMATSU (Eiji), 2274. HITCHCOCK (Tim), 6080. HITCHCOCK (William I.), 6765, 7484. Hitler (Adolf), 4075, 4095, 4106, 4122, 4207, 4208, 4211, 4409, 5008, 5687, 5757, 7278, 7323, 7380. HITZER (Bettina), 5467. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří), 3949. HMÍROVÁ (Tereza), 6282. HNILICA (Sonja), 5603. HH (Chí Minh), 4952. HO (Clara Wing-chung), 5858. HOANG TRINH (Hiep), 822. HOARE (J. E.), 4433. HOBART (Michael E.), 675. Hobbes (Thomas), 5445. HÖBELT (Lothar), 3815. Hobsbawm (Eric J.), 431. Hoccleve (Thomas), 3158. HOCHHOLZER (Elmar), 2577. HOCHMAN (Gilberto), 5505. HOCK (Beáta), 5592. HOCKENOS (Matthew D.), 4146. HOCKERTS (Günter), 4075. HODACS (Hanna), 5514. HODENBERG (Christina von), 4147. HODGES (Richard), 2974. HODLER (Beat), 451. HODULÁK (Vladan), 5809. HOENIG (Bianca), 5802. HOETINK (Carla), 4533. HOFFARTH (Christian), 2889, 2999. HOFFER (Peter Charles), 6656, 6657. HOFFER (Williamjames Hull), 6656. HOFFMAN BERMAN (Constance), 3542. HOFFMANN (Juliane), 4148. HOFFMANN (Jürgen), 3640.
364 HOFFMANN (Stefan-Ludwig), 5647. HOFFMANN (Tobias), 3641. HOFFRICHTER (Arne), 7485. HOFMANN (Anna Catharina), 4743. HOFMANN (Dagmar), 1962. HOFMANN (Henriette), 3320. HOFMANN (Kerstin), 6600. HOFMEISTER PICH (Roberto), 3417. HOFSTEN (Gustaf von), 6787. HÖGSELIUS (Per), 179. HOHENDAHL (Peter Uwe), 5459. HOHENSEE (Ulrike), 2511. HÖHN (Philipp), 5420. HÖKERBERG (Håkan), 5599. HOLBROOK (Carolyn), 411. HOLEC (Roman), 541, 5278, 6757. HOLEŇOVÁ (Petra), 5238. HOLENSTEIN (André), 629, 6422. HOLGERSSON (Ulrika), 4777. HÖLKESKAMP (Karl-Joachim), 1896. HOLLAND (Robert), 5223. HOLLANDER (David B.), 1897. HOLLANDER (Taylor), 3882. HOLLERAN (Claire), 523. HOLLESEN (Jørgen), 789. HOLLMANN (Michael), 4075, 4080, 7517. HOLLOWAY (David), 7585. HOLLOWAY (Sally), 664. HOLM (Bo Kristian), 5128. HOLMES (Catherine), 2609, 2632. HOLMES (Olivia), 3194. HOLOM (Elena Crinela), 6283. HÖLSCHER (Tonio), 1178. HOLT (Mack P.), 5224. HOLTON (Karina), 4327. HOLTZ (Bärbel), 4181. HOLUB (Robert C.), 5454. HOLZBERG (Niklas), 1690, 1703. HOLZBRECHER (Sebastian), 4976. HOLZHAUSER (Thorsten), 4149. HOLZKNECHT (Severin), 3816. HOLZMANN (Michael E.), 7286. HOLZWART-SCHÄFER (Iris), 2631. HOMAN CLARK (Jessica), 513. HOMBERG (Michael), 5803. Homerus, 1347, 1356, 1367, 1379, 1410, 1415, 1418, 1420, 1430, 1436, 1477, 1480. Homobonus, Sanctus, 3598. HONECK (Mischa), 6284. HONEY (Michael K.), 4882. HONG (Ji Yeon), 5323. HONG (Mi-Young), 780. Honorius (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1928. HOOGENDIJK (Francisca A. J.), 994. HOOLE (Dee), 5324.
INDEX OF NAMES HOOPER (Jane), 5899. HOOPES (Michael), 7586. Hoover (Herbert), 4883, 4922. HOOVER (Jesse A.), 2275. HOPKIN (David), 6285. HOPKINS (Anthony Gerald), 6762. HOPPE (Peter), 4788. HOPPENBROUWERS (Peter C. M.), 2941. HOPPER (Andrew), 4247. Hopson (Howard), 6702. Horatius Flaccus (Quintus), 1689, 1690, 1958, 2041, 3103. HORBEC (Ivana), 3925. HORDT (Arne), 6486. HOREJS (Barbara), 912. HORLACHER (Rebekka), 5325. HORN (Elija), 5326. HORN (Fabian), 1415. HORNBLOWER (Simon), 1416, 1459. HORNE (Gerald), 5267, 6286. HÖRNLEIN (Christian), 4150. HORODOWICH (Elizabeth), 193. HOROWITZ (Daniel), 5225. HOROWITZ (Mark R.), 4248. HOROWITZ (Wayne), 1054. HÖRSCH (Markus), 3365. HORSNÆS (Helle W.), 6020. HORST (Harald), 51. HORST (Schmieja), 2777. HÖRSTEDT (Axel), 5327. HORSWELL (Mike), 314. Hortensius Landus, 3080. HOSE (Martin), 1417. HOSEK (Jennifer Ruth), 5210. Hosidius Geta (Gnaeus), 1407, 1951. HOSLER (John D.), 2797. HOSOI (Hiroshi), 7864. HOTCHIN (Julie), 3025. HOU (Yanfeng), 880. HOULBROOK (Ceri), 677. HOULBROOKE (Ralph), 6287. HOUSSART (Mark), 5635. HOUSTON (R.A.), 6658. HOUSTON (Stephen D.), 7924. HOUTING (Edward), 3243. HÖVERMANN (Jan), 6659. Howard (Catherine), queen of England, 127. HOWARD (Deborah), 707, 4985. HOWE (Ellen), 898. HOWLEY (Joseph A.), 1963. HOY (Benjamin), 6288. HOYER (Daniel), 1898. HOYLER (Michael), 6091. HRODĚJ (Philippe), 6238. Hronský (Marián), 4704. HSIA (R. Po-chia), 5064. HTAY (Su Hlaing), 803.
HTWE (Kalayar Myat Myat), 803. HU (Axiang), 7752. HU (Jun), 7753. HU (Xingdong), 7729. HUANG (Jingbin), 7765. HUANG (Pumin), 7730. HUANG (Sujuan), 7731. HUANG (Wei), 7732. HUANG (Yuansheng), 7733. HUANG (Zhenglin), 7734. HUANG (Zhihui), 7748. HUANGFU DAY (Jenny), 7113. HUARCAYA (Sergio Miguel), 3986. HUBER (Andreas), 3803. HUBER (Anja), 7199. HUBER (Vitus), 6960. HUBERT (Etienne), 2635. HUCHET (Marie-Madeleine), 3160. HUCKER (Daniel), 7287. HUDSON (John), 2859. HUEBNER (Andrew J.), 6289. HUELSENBECK (Bart), 1964. HUERTA (Pedro Luis), 3289. HUERTA RODRÍGUEZ (Jesús C.), 2179. HUETZ DE LEMPS (Xavier), 5067. HUFF (Gillian), 5900. HUFF (Gregg), 5900. HUFF (Tobias), 5760. HUFFMAN (James L.), 6290. HUFFMAN (Joseph P.), 542. HUGGINS (Mike), 6291. Hugh de Lacy, 2668. Hugh the Younger (baron of Despenser), 2731. HUGHES (Daniel J.), 7114. HUGO DE SANCTO VICTORE, 3605. HUGON (Alain), 7043. HUGUES (Gérard), 7055. Hugues de Digne, 3522. HUHNHOLZ (Sebastian), 6008. HUIJBERS (Anne), 3543. ḤUKAYYIM (Anṭwān), 4467. HULEK (Frank), 940. HULL (Andrew), 5918. HULME (Tom), 258. HULME KOZEY (Emily), 1218. HÜLSCHER (Katharina), 2837. HULVEJROD (Morten), 580. HUMAIR (Cédric), 7115. HUMBERT (Michel), 1826. HUMBERTUS DE ROMANIS, 3606. Humboldt (Wilhelm von), 5292. HUMM (Michel), 1780, 1899. HUMMEL (Karl-Joseph), 5042. HUMMER (Hans J.), 3050. Humphrey (Hubert), 4913. HUMPHREYS (Sally C.), 1330. HUMPHRIES (Mark Osborne), 5507. HUNDSRUCKER (Stefan), 2276.
INDEX OF NAMES HUNINK (Vincent), 1784. HUNT (Lynn), 315. HUNT (Tony), 3087. HUNT FERGUSON (Robert), 5957. HUNTER (Richard), 1418. HUQUE (Mahmudul), 7522. Hurban Vajanský (Svetozár), 5584. HUREL (Daniel-Odon), 5047. HURET (Romain D.), 6292. HURLBUT (D. Dmitri), 5120. HURLET (Frédéric), 1235. HÜRLIMANN (Gisela), 4794. HURLOCK (Kathryn), 3642. HURM (Gerd), 5649. HURST (William), 6660. HURSTON (Zora Neale), 6805. Hurtado de Mendoza (Diego), 3163. HURX (Merlijn), 3244. HURZHIĬ (Oleksandr Ivanovych), 5747. HUSS (Bernhard), 3153. Hussein (Saddam), 4316. HUTCHINSON (Sam), 5393. HUTTON (Alexander), 258. Hutton (William), 5861. HUXFORD (Grace), 7486. HUYGE (Dirk), 1030. HUZHALOŬSKI (Aliaksandr), 3833. HYBEL (Nils), 2634. Hyginus Gromaticus, 1691. HYLAND (John O.), 1279. HYMAN (Louis), 6487. Hyperides, 1545. I IACOB (Gheorghe), 530. Iacobus Iustus, 2336. Iacobus Sarugiensis, Sanctus, 2192-2194, 2266. Iacobus Viterbiensis, 746. IACOPINO (Rinaldo), 2448. IAKHUTLʹ (Iu. A.), 4642. IANCHEV (Veselin), 7152. IANNELLA (Cecilia), 3319. IARKHO (Valerii Alʹbertovich), 4640. IASTREBOV (Aleksiĭ), 7041. IBERG (Ludovic), 4789. IBHAWOH (Bonny), 6722. Ibn Khaldun, 432. Ibn Saʿūd, King of Saudi Arabia, 4684. IBORRA (Joan), 2562. IBSON (John), 6293. IDRIZI (Idrit), 3758. Idudju-IkerAntef II, 1029. IENAGA (Junji), 7849. IERANÒ (Giorgio), 717. IERMOLIN (Alexander), 2435.
Iesus Christus, 2156, 2158, 2223, 2234, 2235, 2237, 2243, 2257, 2285, 2334, 2338, 2417, 5030. Iggers (Georg G.), 433. IGNÁCZ (Károly), 4284. IGNATIEFF (Michael), 5279. Ignatius Antiochenus, episcopus, 2242. IGUCHI (Haruo), 4883. IIZUKA (Yoshiyuki), 803. ILIC (Melanie), 561. ILIĆ MANDIĆ (Jelena), 7075. ILIN-TOMICH (Alexander), 995. ILMAKUNNAS (Johanna), 5611. IMAGUIRE (Guido), 3425. IMAIZUMI (Takao), 7850. IMĀM (Sayyid Jalāl), 5179. IMBEAUX (Marie), 850. IMBS (Marjolaine), 1563. IMLAY (Talbot C.), 6488. IMRIE (Alex), 1849. IN'T VELD (Cornelis M.), 6635. INAGAKI (Haruki), 4293. İNBAŞI (Mehmet), 5748, 6094. INCE (Onur Olus), 6806. INCELLI (Egidio), 1650, 1900. INGEGNO (Maria Valeria), 3051. INGIMUNDARSON (Valur), 7202. INGLEBERT (Hervé), 3478. INGLEHEART (Jennifer), 5328. INGRAM (Robert), 5121. INGRAVALLO (Elettra), 837. INGULSTAD (Mats), 7326. INNANCHAI (Jitlada), 803. INNES (Joanna), 3740. Innocentius III, Papa, 3489, 3491. INNSET (Ola), 4549. INOUE (Takehiko), 7693. INOUYE (Daniel H.), 6295. INSERRA (Simona), 102. INTRONA (Federica), 1671. INWOOD (Kris), 5468. IOACHIM ABBAS FLORENSIS, 3607. IOANNES DE CAPISTRANO, 2561. Ioannes Saresberiensis, 3429, 3442. IŌANNIDĒS (Phōtios S.), 2181. IOHANNES BERARDI, 2520. Iohannes Cassianus, Sanctus, 2261. Iohannes Chortasmenos, 2415, 2195, 2196, 2287, 2388. Iohannes Climacus, Sanctus, 2364, 2397, 2493. Iohannes Italus, 2365. Iohannes Lydus, 2432. Iohannes Mauropous, 2356, 2464. Iohannes Nesteutes, episcopus, 2390. Iohannes Pediasimus, 2367, 2368. Iohannes Saresberiensis, 3438. Iohannes XII, Papa, 3486.
365 Iohannes XVI, antipapa, 3505. Iohannes, evangelista, Sanctus, 2200, 2211, 2217, 2223, 2224, 2229, 2312. IONESCU (Mihai), 5868. IORI (Luca), 1419. Iosephus Hymnographus, Sanctus, 2369. IOZZO (Mario), 1220. Ipponax, 1358. Irenaeus Lugdunensis, episcopus, 2281. IRLINGER (Mathias), 6095. IRUROZQUI (Marta), 3840. Irvine (Baptis), 7078. IRVINE (Susan), 2901. IRWIN (Robert), 432. Iry-Iry, 1023. Īsā ibn 'Alī, 2768. ISAAC (Benjamin), 1107. Isaac Syrus, 2370, 2496. ISACSSON (Alexander), 215. Isaeus, 1355. ISBERG (Jan-Gunnar), 7587. ISENMANN (Moritz), 5769. ISENSEE (Eyke), 5670. ISGRÒ (Emilio), 5671, 5722. Ishaq ibn Hunayn, 2777. ISHIDA (Ken), 7288. ISHIHAMA (Yumiko), 7693. ISHII (Kae), 6296. Ishii (Masatoshi), 7851. ISHIKAWA (Yoshihito), 7694. ISHIZAKA (Naotake), 6297. ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS, Sanctus, 2176, 3601. IŞIK (Mustafa), 7001. ISLAM (Tajul), 1116. Ismā'īl, shah of Iran, 2567. ISMAY (Penelope), 6298. ISNENGHI (Mario), 7080, 7139. Isocrates, 1244, 1319. ISOGAI (Masumi), 4641. ITŌ (Izumi), 6299. ITŌ (Masayuki), 1901. ITO (Mikio), 5901. ITŌ (Yukio), 6096. ITZEN (Peter), 5760. Iulia maior, 1760. Iulianus (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 1239, 1737, 1770, 1976, 2249. Iustinianus (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius), 1778. Iustinianus I (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 1832, 2371, 2372, 2451. Iustinus (Marcus Iunianus), 1693, 1962, 264. Iustinus Martyr, 2262. Iuvenalis (Decimus Iunius), 1731, 1980, 2006, 3167.
366 Ivan IV, emperor of Russia, 6999. IVANIČKOVÁ (Edita), 6760. IVANOV (Aleksandr G.), 7327. IVANOV (Paola), 237. IVANOV (Sergey Nikolaevich), 904. IVANOVA (Penka), 3869. IVELJIĆ (Iskra), 5593. Ivens (Joris), 5672. IWASAKI (Tsutomu), 7735. IWASAKI (Yōko), 4312. IXER (Rob), 839. J JAANG (Li), SUN (Zhouyong), 878. JÄCKEL (Dirk), 2672. Jäckh (Ernst), 7229. JACKOWSKA (Anna Maria), 7487. JACKSON (Ashley), 7362. JACKSON (Isabella), 6846. JACKSON (Julian), 4033. JACKSON (Mark P.C.), 941. JACKSON (Michael), 495. JACKSON (Will), 6300. JACKSON MILLER (Kassandra), 1501. JACOB (Joachim), 248. JACOBS (Alan), 5421. JACOBS (Lynn), 3321. JACOBS (Margaret D.), 305, 7589. JACOBS (Nancy J.), 7903. JACOBSEN (Alice Juel), 3973. JACOBSSON (Yvonne), 5176. Jacobus de Altavilla, 3529. Jacobus, Sanctus, 3580. Jacoby (David), 2914. Jacopo di Sannazzaro, 2870. JACQUEMIN (Anne), 1332. JACQUES (Tristan), 5918. JACQUIER (Jérémie), 820. JÄDERSTRÖM (Elin), 7590. JAEDE (Maximilian), 5445. JAEGER (Alexandra), 4185. JAFAROV (Jived), 167. JAFFÉ (Dan), 2237, 2277. JÄGER (Eckhard), 194. JÄGER (Urs), 2278. JAGODZIŃSKA (Katarzyna), 238. JAHANGIRFAR (Milad), 1162. JAHN (Franziska), 7289. Jahrreiß (Hermann), 6710. JAKOB (Mark), 6301. Jakobson (Roman), 5368. JAKOBYOVÁ (Barbora), 5180. JAKSIĆ (Iván), 3898. JAKSICSOVÁ (Vlasta), 434. JAKUCS (János), 851. JALLOH (Alusine), 4697. JALOVAARA (Ville), 4006. JAMES (Harold), 6006. JAMES (Kevin J.), 195.
INDEX OF NAMES JAMES (Winston), 6459. James II, King of England, 4263. JAMES-RAOUL (Danièle), 3189. JAMROZIAK (Emilia), 3549. JANDA (Sarah E.), 5329. JANEKOVIĆ RÖMER (Zdenka), 2945. JANIAK (Tomasz), 3285. Janić (Vojislav), 4693. JANJETOVIĆ (Zoran), 4690. JANNERUP (Michael), 3977. JANNIARD (Sylvain), 2467. Janot (Denis), 69. Janšaková (Mária), 4707. JANSEN (Christian), 4401. JANSEN (Corjo), 1762. JANSEN (Jan C.), 6302. JANSEN (Jan), 7904. JANSEN (Johannes), 459. JANSEN (Katherine Ludwig), 2673. JANSEN (Moritz), 1063. JANSSEN (Caroline), 1066. Janus Pannonius, 3152. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.), 6303. JARDIN (Jean-Pierre), 2504. JAREMSKI (Matthew), 5958. JARITZ (Gerhard), 2548, 2556. JAROŠ (Karl), 2217. JARZEBOWSKI (Claudia), 6304. JASER (Christian), 2604. JASHASHVILI (Tea), 812. JASHEMSKI (Wilhelmina F.), 2077. JASIŃSKI (Łukasz), 6723. JASNOW (Benjamin), 1420. JASPERS (Anke), 86. Jaspers (Karl), 5446. JASPERT (Nikolas), 3510, 3582. JAUERNIG (Martha), I. JÁUREGUI (Luis), 6021. JAVIER (Francisco), 5068. JAWORSKI (Taylor), 5804. JAYARAM (Kiran C.), 574. JAZDZEWSKA (Katarzyna), 1421, 2279. Jeake (family), 121. Jean Batard de Wavrin, 2589. Jean de Mandeville, 3639. JEFFERS (Joshua), 1067, 1079. Jefferson (Thomas), 4914. JĒKABSONS (Ēriks), 4465. JENAL (Georg), 734. JENKS (Stuart), 2525, 3484. JENNINGS (Eric T.), 7290. JENNINGS (Justin), 772. JENSEHAUGEN (Jørgen), 7591. JENSEN (Anne M.), 789. JENSEN (Anthony K.), 5460. JENSEN (Carsten Selch), 3593. JENSEN (Kristoffer), 6230. JENSEN (Kurt Villads), 3593. JENSEN (Robin M.), 719.
JEON (Kyung-mee), 2343. JERKOVIĆ (Marko), 3502. JERVEN (Morten), 5749, 7899. JESPERSEN (Knud V.), 3970. JESTICE (Phyllis G.), 2674. JESTIN (Mathieu), 6763. JEW (Nicholas P.), 7935. Jewel (John), 5106. Jhering (Rudolf von), 6551, 6553, 6558. JI (Minsun), 6489. JIANG (Haijun), 7736. JIANG (Hong), 7737. JIMÉNEZ (Javier Martínez), 2615. JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ (Juan Ricardo), 4497. JIMÉNEZ PABLO (Esther), 5051. JINKS (Rebecca), 304. JIREČEK (Miroslav), 7363. Joan Roís de Corella de Cabrera, 3141. JOCKEY (Philippe), 1173. Johann Adam Schall, 7724. Johannes Chrysostomus, 406, 1286. Johannes Zonaras, 334. JOHANSEN (Lykke), 810. JOHN (Anke), 317. JOHN (Eckhard), 5704. John, King of England, 2676. JOHNSON (David A.), 239. JOHNSON (Eleanor), 3155. JOHNSON (Jennifer L.), 499. JOHNSON (Karen J.), 5030. Johnson (Lyndon Baines), 4893, 7534, 7676. JOHNSON (Robert), 7140, 7204. JOHNSON (Timothy J.), 5066. JOHNSON (Zdenka), 7328. JOHNSON LEESE (Jennifer J.), 2281. JOHNSTON (Andrew C.), 2085. JOHNSTON (Ian), 1240, 1241. JOHRENDT (Jochen), 3474. JOKUBAUSKAS (Vytautas), 7252. JOLIVET (Vincent), 295, 1632. JOLIVET-LÉVY (Catherine), 3556. JOLLY (Jennifer), 4498. JOLY (Laurent), 4034. JOMIER (Augustin), 5181. Jonas Bobiensis, 3590. JONES (Benjamin T.), 3792. JONES (Cameron D.), 5081. JONES (Charles E.), 1161. JONES (Christopher F.), 5805. JONES (Claire Taylor), 3544. JONES (Evan T.), 3026. JONES (Heather), 6386. JONES (Martha S.), 4884. JONES (Michael), 2547. JONES (Rebecca K.), 822.
INDEX OF NAMES JONES (Tim), 6386. JOOSSE (Albert), 1502. JORDÀ SÁNCHEZ (Joan-Pau), 139. JORDAN (Eamonn), 716. JORDAN (Günter), 5672. JORDAN (John O.), 762. JORDAN (Matthew), 3795. JORDOVIĆ (Ivan), 585. JORIS (Elisabeth), 6306. JOSÉ (Manuel), 3011. Joseon (dinasty), 5930, 6065, 6747, 7892. Joseph II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3808, 6004. JOSEPHUS SCOTTUS, 3608. JOSHI (Chitra), 305. JOSHI (Yogesh), 7592. JOST (Madeleine), 1571. JOSTEN (Jennifer), 5604. JOSTKLEIGREWE (Georg), 2707. JOTISCHKY (Andrew), 3512. JOUANNA (Jacques), 1243, 1310. JOUANNO (Corinne), 1422. JOURDAN (Annie), 4035. JOURNOT (Florence), 2946. JOURNOUD (Pierre), 7424. JOUTARD (Philippe), 4036. JOVANOVIĆ (Aleksandar), 2449. JOVANOVIĆ (Kosana), 2637. Jovius (Jacob), 5163. JOWETT (Benjamin), 1256. JOYE (Sylvie), 2935. Juan de Austria, 7051. Juan Guas, 3356. Juana la Loca, reina de Castilla, 4739. JUDAKEN (Jonathan), 5191. JUDAŠ (Kristina), 2861. JUDD (Peter Haring), 4544. JUDGE (Edward H.), 6807. JUDGE (Jane C.), 3837. JUDGE (Rajbir Singh), 318. JUHÁSZ (Erika), 2425. JULAR PÉREZ-ALFARO (Cristina), 2940. Julian of Norwich, 3638. JULIEN (Élise), 7249. JÚLÍUSSON (Árni Daníel), 2947. JULOUX (Vanessa), 1047. JUNG (Franz), 2180. JUNG (Reinhard), 881. JUNG (Theo), 4249. JUNGBLJUD (Valerij Teodorovič), 7488. JUNGIĆ (Josephine), 4396. JUNGMANNOVÁ (Veronika), 5673. JŮNOVÁ MACKOVÁ (Adéla), 5280. JURAJ MATEJEV DALMATINA, 3283. JURDEM (Laurence R.), 7593. JURKOVÁ (Zuzana), 5674.
JURKOWLANIEC (Graczyna), 3284. JUST (Thomas), 2533. JUSTEL (Josué J.), 951. JUSTER (A.M.), 1699. K K'OSEV (Ivan), 3870. KAAL (Harm), 4534. KACI (Maxime), 4024. KACPRZAK (Agnieszka), 1311. KÁDAS (István), 3018. KADEN (Tom), 5463. KADERKA (Karolina), 2086. KAESTNER (Roland), 1745. Kafka (Bruno Alexander), 6556. KAGAN GUTHRIE (Zachary), 6892. KAH (Daniela), 3686. Kahans (Familie), 128. KAHN (David), 5143. Kahr (Gustav von), 4144. KAHRL (Andrew W.), 5806. KAIGA (Sakiko), 7205. KAIHOVIRTA (Matias), 6461. KAIJSER (Anna), 4772. KAIMIO (Jorma), 2399. KAJDI (József), 4281. KAKINUMA (Yōhei), 7738. KAKIZAKI (Ichirō), 7702. KAKLAMANOS (Dēmosthenēs), 2386. KALA (Eyüp Sabri), 6307. KALBARCZYK (Alexander), 2801. KALBARCZYK (Nora), 2802. KALEMA (Emery M.), 6308. KALIFA (Dominique), 6309. KALININ (Maxsim), 922. KALINOVSKY (Artemy M.), 4801. KALIRAD (Ali), 2803. KALLENBERG (Vera), 6661. KALMAN (Yakov), 1109. KALTER (Christoph), 6893. KALU (Kalu Ndukwe), 4545. KAMBITSIS (Sophie), 1015. Kamenec (Ivan), 434. KAMI (Hideaki), 7426. KAMIEŃSKI (Andrzej), 4572. KAMIL (İbrahim), 6155. KAMISSEK (Christoph), 4153. KAMPAKOGLOU (Alexandros), 1423. KAMPMANN (Christoph), 6734. KANARFOGEL (Ephraim), 2757. KANDEL (Maya), 7594. KANDILAROV (Evgeniy), 4452. KANE (Bronach C.), 2948. KANSA (Eric C.), 790. KANSA (Sarah W.), 790, 1631. Kant (Immanuel), 474. KANTROWITZ (Rachel A.), 5330. KAPCIA (Antoni), 3939. KAPELLOS (Aggelos), 1280.
367 KAPLAN (Amy), 7427. KAPLAN (Caren), 5675. KAPLAN (Steven Laurence), 6217. KAPPARIS (Konstantinos), 1333. KAPPELHOFF (Hermann), 5676. KAPRIEV (Georgi), 3431. KAPUR (Nick), 7595. KARA (Seyfeddin), 2804. KARACAKAYA (Recep), 7145. KARACSONY (Robert), 1965. KARADENIZ (Fevzi), 6460. KARAKÖSE (Hasan), 7117. KARAPETIAN (Lëva Aleksandrovich), 4642. KARÁTH (Tamás), 3609. KARCH (Brendan), 4580. KARETSOU (Alexandra), 1203. KARFÍKOVÁ (Lenka), 5422. KARILA-COHEN (Karine), 319, 1334. KARILA-COHEN (Pierre), 5508. Karl I 'der Große', röm.-deutscher Kaiser und König von Franken, 2140, 2645, 3322. Karl V, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 4078. Karl XII, kung av Sverige, 4780, 7045. Karl XIV Johan, kung av Sverige och Norge, 547. KARLSSON (Tobias), 6267. Karmyševa (Balkis Chalilovna), 496. KARONEN (Petri), 3725, 4004. KARP (Jonathan)729. KARR SCHMIDT (Suzanne), 93. KARTZOW (Marianne B.), 2282. KAS'IANOV (Heorhiĭ Volodymyrovych), 320. Kaskel (Walter), 6695. KÄSTNER (Ursula), 1608. KATAGIRI (Chiaki), 885. KATAJALA-PELTOMAA (Sari), 3587. KATAYAMA (Tsuyoshi), 7739. KATEB (Kamel), 6190, 6894. KATŌ (Haruka), 2949. KATSOBSKA-MALINKUDĒ (Gianna), 2424. KATZ (Emily), 1503. KATZ (Ethan B.), 5191. KATZENSTEIN (Rahel), 5332. KATZNELSON (Ira), 4844. KAUFMAN (Scott), 7596. KAUKO (Karlo), 6022. Kaunda (Kenneth), 7655. KAVALENIA (Aliaksandr Ali︠a︡ksandravich), 3834. KAVUNNYK (Valentyn), 4830. KAWANISHI (Hideya), 4436. KAY (Alex J.), 7297.
368 KAYSEL (André), 4561. KAYTCHEV (Naoum), 4691. KAZANTZIDIS (George), 1179. Kazimierz I Odnowiciel (król Polski), 58. KAŹMIERSKA (Kaja), 6153. KEARNS (Catherine), 942. KEAY (Simon J.), 1902. ḲEDAR (Benjamin Z.), 545, 2599, 2914. KEEL (Terence), 5509. KEELINE (Thomas J.), 1966. KEETMAN (Jan), 1068. KEHNE (Peter), 1781. KEHOE (S. Karly), 5032. KEITEL (Elizabeth), 1971. KEIZER (Joost M.), 3323. KELEMEN (Erick), 3053. KELL (Eva), 4183. KELLAND (Lara Leigh), 321. KELLER (Eva), 6310. KELLER (Kathleen), 6895. KELLER (Marion), 6311. KELLER (Peter), 4075. KELLER (Rodolphe), 2138. KELLER (Tait), 624. KELLER-HOLTE (Mario), 4130. KELLEY (Sean M.), 6896. KELLMANN (Klaus), 7291. KELLNER (Robert Scott), 4083. KELLS (Ainslee), 822. KELLY (Andrew), 7489. KELLY (Brendan), 7597. KELLY (Jill E.), 4718. KELLY (Michael J.), 482. KELLY (Patrick William), 3726. KELLY (Tara Kathleen), 6312. KELLY (Thomas Forrest), 706. KEMEZIS (Adam M.), 322. KEMP (David), 3796. KEMPKER (Erin M.), 4885. KEMPSHALL (Chris), 7206. KENKMANN (Alfons), 6313. Kennan (George F.), 7321, 7482, 7496. KENNEDY (Allan), 6188. KENNEDY (Dane), 6809. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald), 7531, 7570, 7589, 7607, 7625. KENNEDY (Michael), 7516. KENNEDY (Scott), 2374, 2450. KENNELL (Nigel M.), 1335. KENNET (Derek), 1168. KENNY (Bridget), 6491. KENNY (Seán), 6023. Kenyatta (Jomo), 6903. KENYON (Erik), 2283. KEOGH (Dermot), 7516. KEREN (Célia), 6492. KERIVEN (Brigitte), V. KERNALEGENN (Tudi), 4037.
INDEX OF NAMES KERNEIS (Soazick), 2858. KERR (Joshua), 1320. KERR (Julie), 3549. KERR (Sarah), 2893. KERRIGAN (Michael), 4643. KERSHAW (Jane), 2828. KERSHAW (Paul V.), 6024. KERSTEN (Markus), 1967. KERTZER (David I.), 5004. Keshab (Chandra Sen), 5447. KESIDOU (Effie), 6946. KESKINKILIÇ (Erdoğan), 4805. KESSELRING (K. J.), 2913. KESSLER (Anne-Marie), 4025. KESSLER (Herbert L.), 3440, 3632. KESSLER (Johannes), 4154. KEY (Alexander), 2805. KEYS (Barbara), 7598. KEYSER (Paul T.), 695. KEYSERLINGK-REHBEIN (Linda von), 4155. KHAMISY (Rabei G.), 132. KHAN (Geoffrey), 1130. KHAN (Rohma A.), 6493. KHANAKWA (Pamela), 6897. KHARKHORDIN (Oleg), 4644. KHARRĀZ (Ibrāhīm Muṣṭafá), 4470. KHATCHADOURIAN (Lori), 793, 1163. KHATUN (Samia), 6990. KHAVANOVA (O. V.), 7509. KHAZANOV (Anatoliĭ Mikhaĭlovich), 7428. KHELLA (Karam), 2284. KHOLOD (Maxim M.), 1281. KHOSRAVI (Shokouh), 1164. KHRISTOFOROV (V. S.), 7292. Khrushchev (Nikita Sergeyevich), 4637, 7607, 7625. Khuen-Héderváry (Károly), 4280. KI (Kwang-sŏ), 7429. Kido (Takayoshi), 4443. KIEFFER OLSEN (Jakob), 3503. KIENEMANN (Christoph), 7118. KIENING (Christian), 3070. KIENINGER (Stephan), 7517, 7599. KIENITZ (Sabine), 21. KIESER (Hans-Lukas), 4812. KIESLICH (Ingo), 5436. KIKUCHI (Catherine), 94. KIKUCHI (Kazutaka), 7740. KIKUCHI (Yuta), 5902. KILIÁN (Jan), 5122. Killick (Helen), 2721. KIM (Ch'ang-gyŏm), 7893. KIM (Haeng-sŏn), 4453. KIM (Pong-guk), 4454. KIM (Sergey), 2204-2206. KIM (U-ch'ŏl), 4455. KIM (Youngjun), 4456.
KIM (Yujin), 5333. Kim Il-sung, 7454. KIMONDO (Stephen S.), 2285. KINAS (Sven), 5281. KINDA (Akihiro), 7853. KINDT (Julia), 1546. KING (Daniel), 1504. KING (Farina), 5334. King (Martin Luther), 4882, 4932. KING SCARBOROUGH (Rachael), 95. KININGER (Kathrin), 2533. KINKEL (Sarah), 4250. KINSELLA (Eoin), 4994. Kipling (Rudyard), 5578. KIPPEN (Rebecca), 6314. KIRANLAR (Safiye), 7207. Kirby (James), 6900. Kirby Post (Amy), 4881. KIRCHNER (Andreas), 2133. KIRCHNER (Thomas), 711. KIRILLOVA (Natalii︠a︡ Viktorovna), 7269. KIRK (Emily J.), 3933. KIRKINEN (Tuija), 836. KIRKLAND (N. Bryant), 1424. KIRWAN (John), 133. KISER (William S.), 4886. KISIEL (Piotr Szczepan), 6097. KISS (Eszter), 216. KIßENER (Michael), 627, 5783. Kissinger (Henry), 7542, 7554, 7598. KISTER (Menahem), 1131. KISTLER (S. Ashley), 7919. KITANOVA (Maria), 487. KJÆLDGAARD (Lasse Horne), 5561. KJÆR (Lars), 2675. KJELLSTRÖM (Anna), 819. KLANICZAY (Gábor), 2556, 3572. KLAPP (Otto), 752. KLAPP-LEHRMANN (Astrid), 752. KLÄR (Timo), 996. KLEIMAN (Assaf), 1132. KLEIN (Alexander), 5944. KLEIN (Herbert S.), 6145. KLEIN (Lee), 750. KLEIN (Sabine), 1063. KLEIN (Shira), 4397. KLEINSCHMIDT (Christian), 7416. KLEINSCHMIDT (Julia), 4185. KLIMA (Gyula), 3416. KLIMCZAK (Franziska), 3156. KLIMO (Alexander), 4156. KLIMÓ (Árpád von), 4282. KLIMOV (Andreĭ Alekseevich), 7365. KLINGER (Sonia), 1572. KLINKE (Ian), 4157. Klint (Joen Petri), 5116.
INDEX OF NAMES KLIŠĀNS (V.), 4463. KLOCKMANN (Jette Baagø), 7600. KLOČKOVÁ (Lenka), 3950. KLOOSTER (Jacqueline), 1425. KLOOSTER (Wim), 6810. KLÜPPEL (Theodor), 3471. KNACK (Diego), 3853. KNAPP (A. Bernard), 879. KNAPP (Robert), 2047. KNÄPPER (Katharina), 1312. KNIGHT (G. Roger), 5881. Knilling (Eugen von), 4144. KNOBLOCH (Eberhard), 1691. KNOCH (Stefan), 1903. KNOEPFLER (Denis), 1221. KNOLL (Sarah), 7631. KNOPF (Fabian), 1851. KNOPIK (Andrea), 3566. KNORRING (Marc von), 3749. KNOWLES (Christopher), 7508. KNOX (Philip), 3434. KOBAN (Miriam), 6315. KÖBELE (Susanne), 3226. KØBER (Jesper Vestermark), 3974. KOBLE (Nathalie), 3088. KOBRAK (Christopher), 6025. KOCH (Bettina), 3427. KOCH (Eva), 681. KOCH (Guntram), 2259. KOCH (Ido), 1153. KOCHAŃCZYK-BONIŃSKA (Karolina), 2321. KOCHAVI (Arieh J.), 7601. KOCHETKOVA (Elena), 5903. KŌCHI (Haruhito), 7864. KOÇUNYAN (Aylin), 4814. KOEBERL (Christian), 975. KOEFOED (Nina J.), 5128. KOEHN (Clemens), 2451. KOENIG (Yvan), 2363. KOET (Bart J.), 2258. Kohl (Helmut), 4081. KOHL (Theresa), 997. KOHLER (Berthold), 4215. KÖHLER (Ingo), 5904. KÖHLER (Volker), 4158. KOHÚTOVÁ (Mária), 5144. KOK (Jan), 6193. KOL (Markus), 2555. KOLAK BOŠNJAK (Arijana), 3916, 3926. KOŁAKOWSKI (Piotr), 7149. KOLB (Anne), 1852. KOLB (Eberhard), 4076. KOLB (Frank), 943. Kolbe (Karl), 194. KOLBE (Wiebke), 6436. KOLCHINSKIĬ (Ėduard Izrailevich), 5282. KOLDITZ (Sebastian), 2555. KOLENOVSKÁ (Daniela), 5959.
KOLEVA (Maria), 5807. KOLIOU (Euphrosynē G.), 3759. KOLK (Caroline zum), 6239. KOLLÁROVÁ (Ivona), 96. KØLLE MARTINSEN (Lone), 323. KOLLER (Christian), 4286, 6500. KOLLER (Guido), 4791. KOLLER (Wolfgang), 7067. KOŁODZIEJ (Robert), 4572. Komenský (Jan Amos), 5406. KOMLOSY (Andrea), 682. KOMULAINEN (Anitra), 5918. KÖNEMANN (Patrick), 2087. KÖNIG (Alice), 1993. KÖNIG (Ingemar), 1844. KÖNIG (Malte), 324. KÖNIG (Stephan), 7366. KÖNIG-PRALONG (Catherine), 3441. KONIJNENDIJK (Roel), 1282. KONOVE (Andrew), 5905. Konrad von Gelnhausen, 3492. KONSTAN (David), 1180. KONTENTE (Léon), 7064. KONTOGIANNOPOULOU (Anastasia), 2475. KÓNYA (Peter), 5145. KÓNYOVÁ (Annamária), 5145. KOOT (Christian J.), 196. KÖPF (Ulrich), 5123. KOPOSOV (Nikolay), 325. KOPP (Hans), 1191. KOPSTEIN (Jeffrey S.), 5182. KÖRBER (Esther-Beate), 5396. KOREMAN (Megan), 7387. KORINEK (Valerie J.), 6317. KORKMAZCAN (Nezihe Selcen), 7329. KORNAROU (Eleni), 1426. KÖRNER (Axel), 3818. KORPIOLA (Mia), 2873. KORTÜM (Hans-Henning), 418. Koschaker (Paul), 6545. KOSEKI (Takeshi), 5394. KOSICKI (Piotr H.), 5033. KOSMETATOS (Paul), 6026. KOSMIN (Paul J.), 944. KOSSACK (Daniel), 3669. KOSTA (Barbara), 5586. KOSTELANETZ (Richard), 715. KÖSTER (Gabriele), 2951, 3566. KÖSTER (Manuel), 459. KŌSTĒS (Kōstas), 4275. KÖSTNER (Elena), 1968. KOSZTRITS (Anna), 7509. KOTLYAR (Ilya), 607. KOTSONAS (Antonis), 1204. KOTT (Sandrine), 4177, 6490, 7637. KOUNINE (Laura), 494. KOVÁCS (Péter), 4.
369 KOWALSKÁ (Eva), 5808. KOWALSKI (David), 4581. Koyré (Alexandre), 435. KOZAK (Jacek), 5939. KOZAKAI (Daigo), 7856. KOZLOV (Andreĭ Valerʹevich), 7365. Kracauer (Siegfried), 5448. KRAFFT (Otfried), 2709. KRAFT (András), 2365. KRAGGERUD (Egil), 2586. KRAGH NIELSEN (Niels H.), 6662. KRAGL (Florian), 3176. KRAHN (Annika), 2286. KRAKOVSKY (Roman), 3951. KRAKOWSKI (Eve), 2753. KRALLIS (Dimitris), 2452. KRÄMER (Daniel), 6499. KRAMER (Paul A.), 4887. KRAMER (Wendy), 197, 7914. KRAMP (Andrea), 4160. KRAMPL (Ulrike), 704. KRANEBITTER (Andreas), 6331. KRANICH (Kai), 5283. KRANZDORF (Anna), 5335. KRAPFL (James), 5423, 6705. KRAPINGER (Gernot), 2170. KRAS (Paweł), 2561. KRASNE (Darcy A.), 1931. KRASNOV (Petr Nikolaevich), 7348. KRAUS (Hans-Christo F.), 4161. KRAUS (Nicholas), 1070. Krause (Hermann), 6630. KRAUSE (Jens-Uwe), 2134. KRAUSE (Karin), 2453. KRAUSE (Oliver), 4535. KRAUSE (Stephan), 5240. KRAUSE (Toni Janosch), 674. KRAUSHAAR (Wolfgang), 3727. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk), 2393, 2454. KRAUSS (Karl-Peter), 4692. KRAUTHEIM (Frauke), 2287. KRAVČÍKOVÁ (Katarína), 3336. KREBS (Christopher B.), 419. KREISKY (Bruno), 3812. KREMER (Anette), 43. KRENTZ (Natalie), 464. KRESTIĆ (Petar V.), 7075. KRETHLOW (Carl Alexander), 7208. KRETSCHMER (Bernhard), 617. KREUDER-SONNEN (Katharina), 5510. KRIECHBAUMER (Robert), 3817, 3821. KRIEGER (Elisabeth), 2088. KRIGER (Colleen E.), 453. KRISS (Dawn), 898. Kristina Augusta, Drottning av Sverige, 5439.
370 KRISTINSSON (Thorsteinn), 7459. KRISTÓ-NAGY (István T.), 741. KRIŽMAN (Mate), 4708. KROENIG (Matthew), 7602. KROEZE (Ronald), 507. KROLL (Frank-Lothar), 5107. KRONBERG (Klas), 341. KROON (Marijn de), 5124. KRÖTZL (Christian), 3587. KRPEC (Oldřich), 5809. KRSMANOVIĆ (Bojana), 2455. KRUG (Jessica A.), 6811. KRÜGER (Dieter), 6494. KRUIJER (Mike), 1427. KRUKE (Anja), 3728. KRÜLL (Nadja), 4162. KRUMEICH (Gerd), 4086, 4163. KRŪMIŅŠ (Gatis), 4462. KRUMREY (Jacob), 7430. KRZYZANOWSKI (Lukasz), 4582. KSELMAN (Thomas), 4967. KUBAL (Ayfer Yazkan), 6764. KUBEŠ (Jiří), 7054. KUBIK (Viktor), 46. KUBLER (Anne), 1782. KUBY (William), 6663. KUČERA (Jaroslav), 3943, 7431. KUCHENBUCH (David), 6318. KUDRNÁČ (Aleš), 5425. KUFFERATH (Philipp), 3728. KUHL (Klaus), 4082. KUHLBERG (Mark), 5809. KUHLE (Antje), 676. KÜHN (Sven), 1097. KÜHNE (Eckart), 3290. KÜHNE (Jörg-Detlef), 6579. KÜHNE (Tobias), 4164. KUHNLE (Gertrud), 2066. KUHN-TREICHEL (Thomas), 2229. KÜHRER-WIELACH (Florian), 3708. KUIN (Inger N. I.), 391. KUKLO (Cezary), 6319. KUL (Eyüp), 6094. KULKA (Dov), 5397. KÜLZER (Andreas), 2456. KUMAR (Manish), 5906. KUMARASINGHAM (H.), 6812. KÜMPER (Hiram), 52, 467. KUNDRUS (Birthe), 7293. KUNERALP (Sinan), 7077. KUNI (Takeyuki), 5960. KUNST (Christiane), 1269. KUNŠTÁT (Miroslav), 326. KUNZE (Michael), 6551. KÜNZEL (Stefanie), 2971. KURAMOTO (Kazuhiro), 7857. KURITA (Kazuhiko), 2862. KURODA (Tomoya), 7491. KUROKI (Hidemitsu), 6098. KURTZ (Paul Michael), 5125. KURUNMÄKI (Jussi), 3718.
INDEX OF NAMES KURY (Patrick), 629. KURYLEV (K. P.), 7083. KURZ (Iwona), 5646. KURZMANN-PENZ (Isolde), 2158. KUŚAVĀHĀ (Subhāsha Candra), 4294. KUSHNIR-STEIN (Alla), 1107. KUSTATSCHER (Erika), 3819. KUTCHER (Norman A.), 7741. KUTĚJ (Libor), 7603. KUTHAN (Jiří), 2664. KVAM (Vegard), 6320. KWAKKEL (Erik), 39, 47, 62. KWASCHIK (Anne), 327. KWON (Jaok), 4457. KYAW (Aung Aung), 803. KYAW (Myo Min), 803. KYE (Bongoh), 6375. KYNOCH (Gary), 4719. KYRIAKAKIS (Chris), 2444. KYRIAKOS (Angelos), 2457. KYRIAKOU (Niki), 1582. KYRITSI (Thekla), 3941. L LA MOTTA (Valeria), 5026. LA PENNA (Antonio), 1969. LA ROCCA (Maria Cristina), 3069. LA ROI (Ezra), 1427. LA TORRE (Gioacchino F.), 1607. LAATS (Adam), 5336. LABA (Agnes), 7355. LABBÉ (Thomas), 3048. LABORDA LORENTE (Rafael), 861. LABRIOLA (Antonio), 5449. LACAPRA (Dominick), 468. LACAZE (Catherine), 4279. LACCHÈ (Luigi), 604. LACHANCE (Geneviève), 1506. LACHAUD (Frédérique), 2676, 3429. LACHAUD-MARTIN (Stéphanie), 5907. LACHMANN (Hannes), 6497. LACLAVÍKOVÁ (Miriam), 6665. LADEMACHER (Horst von), 6498. Ladero Quesada (Miguel Ángel), 436. Ladis (Andrew), 3287. LAES (Christian), 1904. LAEV (Raoul), 2075. LAFFAN (Michael), 6853. LAFLEUR (Claude), 3403. LAFOREST (Guy), 3887. LAFRENIERE (Don), 476. LAGANÀ (Giada), 7432. LAGNEAU-YMONET (Paul), 6027. LAHMER-GEBAUER (Jennifer), 459. LAHR (Anna Sara), 3151. LAHTINEN (Anu), 2873. LAIPERTOVÁ (Tereza), 5678.
LAK (Martijn), 6028. LAKEY (Christopher R.), 3324. LAKHDAR GHETTAS (Mohammed), 7604. LAKOMY (Konstantin C.), 998. LAL (Ruby), 7703. LALAJ (Ana), 7605. LALOMIA (Gaetano), 3211. LAMARD (Pierre), 647. LAMAY LICURSI (Kimberly J.), 328. LAMBEK (Michael), 495. LAMBERG (Juha-Antti), 5812. LAMBERT (Craig L.), 2965. LAMBERT (David), 6961. LAMBERT (Erin), 5126. LAMBRECHT (Thijs), 5961. LAMBROU (Ioannis L.), 1428. LAMBRUGO (Claudia), 1547. Lammers (Christian), 6440. Lamoral, Count of Egmont, Prince of Gavere, 4537. LAMOREAUX (Jason T.), 2236. LAMPATOS (Gavrilēs), 4272. LANDAU (Jacob M.), 5398. LANDAU (Jean-Pierre), 6006. LANDAU (Peter), 2841. LANDRICINA (Matteo), 7606. LANDWEHR (Achim), 5222. LANERI (Nicola), 1071. LANFRANCHI (Thibaud), 1597. Lanfrancus Cantuariensis, archiepiscopus, 3561. Langberg (Edvard Emil 'Emilio'), 4512. LANGDELL (Sebastian James), 3158. LANGDON (Alison), 3052. LANGDON (John W.), 6807. LANGE (Christian), 2860. LANGE (Katharina), 7212. LANGELLA (Elena), 1429. LANGEN (Ulrik), 548. LANGENBRUCH (Anna), 5677. LANGER (Stephanie), 2075. LANGFELDT (Christina), 6083. LANGIN-HOOPER (Stephanie M.), 1593. LANGLAIS (Mathieu), 820. LANGLANDS (Rebecca), 2022. LANGLOIS (Claude), 97. LANIER (Gregory R.), 2218. LANKES (Simone), 459. LANOSZKA (Alexander), 7433. LANZA (Andrea), 6501. LANZINGER (Margareth), 6099. LANZONI (Susan Marie), 684. Laodike I, 929. LAPA (Līga), 4464. LAPIDGE (Michael), 2151, 3080. LAPINSKI (John S.), 4844.
INDEX OF NAMES LAPLACE (Marcelle), 1507. LAPO DA CASTIGLIONCHIO IL GIOVANE, 3090. LAPPIN (Anthony John), 3498. LAQUA (Daniel), 5679. LARCHER (Silyane), 4031. LARDINOIS (André), 1430. LARDINOIS (Roland), 437. LARKHAM (Peter J.), 6100. LAROCCA (Giuseppina), 5227. LARRES (Klaus), 7492, 7682. LARSEN (Lillian I.), 2299. LARSEN (Matthew D.C.), 2288. LARSEN (Morten), 3545. LARSEN (Timothy), 5452. LARSON (Deborah Welch), 7607. LARSSON HEIDENBLAD (David), 659. LARUELLE (Marlene), 4802. LASAGNI (Chiara), 1222. LASCHI (Giuliana), 5962. Laski (Harold), 6812. LAST (Jonathan), 801. LASTRAIOLI (Chiara), 7017. LASZLOVSZKY (József), 2922. LATAŁA (Renata), 5511. LATAWIEC (Krzysztof), 7119. LATIFF (Osman), 2806. LATINI (Ginevra), 1701. LATNER (Teishan A.), 7608. LATTANZIO (Federico), 2899. LATTKE (Michael), 2160. LATTOCCO (Andrea), 1677. LAU (Daniel), 1072. LAUDADIO (Valter), 2346. LAUER (Claudia), 3151. LAUGHY (Michael), 1548, 1573. LAUNAY (Robert), 5424. LAUNIAINEN (Petri), 685. LAURENDI (Rossella), 1853. LAURENT (Françoise), 3189. LAURIOUX (Bruno), 3032. LAURSEN (Ole Birk), 6847. LAUSE (Mark A.), 4888. LAUTERBACH (Iris), 5594. LAVAGNE (H.), 2101. Laval (Pierre), 4042. LAVALLÉ (Bernard), 7270. LAVALLÉ (Christophe), 7270. LAVELLE (Ashley), 3797. LAVEN (Mary), 4985. LAVENIA (Vincenzo), 4962. LAVOYER (Matthieu), 4792. LAVRYSEN (Laurens), 6724. LAW (Ceri), 5284. Law (John), 4048. LAW (Robin), 6898. LAWLER (Traugott), 3159. LAWRENCE (Dan), 858. Lawrence (Thomas Edward), 7255. Layard (Austen Henry), 7077.
LAYNE (Danielle A.), 745. LAYTON (Simon), 6812. LAZANI (Anastasia), 1431. Lazarus Constantinopolitanus, 2426. LAZEA (Valentin), 5868. LAZUKA (Barys Andrėevich), 630. LAZZARI (Gaia), 3602. LAZZARI (Tiziana), 3069. LAZZARINI (Isabella), 329, 3005. LE (Jiazao), 7742. LE BARS-TOSI (Florence), 1609. LE BIHAN (Jean), 5508. LE BOUËDEC (Nathalie), 4165. LE BRAS (Claire), 7209. LE BRIS (David), 6029. LE FÈVRE (Jean), 3160. LE FRANC (Martin), 2570. LE GALL (Erwan), 4038. LE GALL (Jean-Marie), 7017. LE GALL (Valérie), 868. LE GOFF (Jacques), 2408. LE JAN (Régine), 2910, 2935. LE LUEL (Nathalie), 3361. LE MEUR (Clémence), 803. LE MOAL (Frédéric), 4398. LE PAGE (Jean-Marc), 4951. LE QUANG (Jeanne-Laure), 4026. LE QUÉRÉ (Enora), 1574. LE ROUX (Beth), 77. LE YONCOURT (Tiphaine), 6603. LEACH (Elizabeth Eva), 3384. LEAL SOARES (Carmen), 1432. LEARY (Peter), 134. LEAVITT-ALCÁNTARA (Brianna), 5034. Lebrun (Marguerite), 4007. LECERF (Adrien), 1242. LECHADO RÍOS (Leonardo), 887. LECHNER (Zachary J.), 5228. LECOCQ (Xavier), 5918. LECOINTRE (François), 645. LECOMPTE (Camille), 1073. LECOUTEUX (Claude), 732. LEDDA (Giuseppe), 3125. LEDUC (Charlotte), 827. LEE (Alexander), 2711. LEE (Christina), 3072. LEE (James Jungbok), 7609. LEE (Jenny), 6316. LEE (Jin Hwan), 2289. LEE (Jinwoo), 5333. LEE (John S.), 2953, 3036. LEE (Jonathan L.), 549. LEE (Sangkuk), 6321. LEE (Sungsi), 7743. LEEBAERT (Derek), 7493. LEECH (Brian James), 5813. LEEMANS (Johan), 2310. LEES (David), 4069. LEEZENBERG (Michiel), 749. LEFEBVRE (Sabine), 294.
371 LEFFLER (Melvyn P.), 6765. LEFKOVITZ (Alison), 6322. LEFTEROV (Zhivko), 5183. LEGIEĆ (Jacek), 7119. LEGNER (Sarah), 6666. LEGURSKA (Palmira), 487. LEHINGUE (Patrick), 461. LEHMANN (Claudia), 3302. LEHMANN (Dalila Chine), 7294. LEHMANN (Gunnar), 1133. LEHN (Isabelle), 5337. LEHNER (Hans-Christian), 3611. LEIBNER (Gerardo), 4947. LEIDINGER (Hannes), 3820, 5664. LEIMGRUBER (Matthieu), 6499. LEISEROWITZ (Ruth), 7067. LEISNER (Walter), 2023. LEITCH (Megan G.), 3195. LEITHART (Peter J.), 2219, 2220. LEITMEIR (Christian Thomas), 57. LEKAKIS (Nikos), 7684. LEKARENKO (Oksana), 7610. LEKKAS (Sōtērios), 2458. LELLE (Nikolas), 6474. LEMBRÉ (Stéphane), 4024. LEMERCIER (Claire), 319, 6217. LEMIRE (Beverly), 5908. LEMIRE (Vincent), 6119. LEMKE (Bernd), 7377. LEMMEN (Sarah), 198. LEMOS (Renato), 3854. LENDERING (Jona), 1784. LENG (Kirsten), 5512. LENGER (Friedrich), 5770. LENGGENHAGER (Luregn), 4528. LENGWILER (Martin), 6250, 6458. LENGYELOVÁ (Tünde), 421. Lenin (Vladimir Il'ich Ul'yanov), 4624, 4628, 4646, 6782, 7215, 7257. LENMAN (Bruce), 5418. LENNARD (Jason), 6023. LENNARTSSON (Malin), 412. LENNARTZ (Jannis), 5459. LENNARTZ (Klaus), 1508. LENOËL (Élodie), 7210. LENSKI (Noel), 6830. LENTANO (Mario), 1433, 1460, 1906. LENTZ (Carola), 330. LENTZ (David L.), 805. LENTZ (Mark W.), 6962. LENTZSCH (John), 3644. Leo VI, Byzantine emperor, 2480. Leo X, Papa, 3497. LEÓN CÁCERES (Guillermo), 4729, 4744. LÉONARD (Julien), 5127. LEONARDI (Rosaria), 4399. LEONARDI (Timoty), 3057. Leonardo da Vinci, 3326.
372 LEONG (Elaine), 5513. LEONHARD (Jörn), 7211. Léopold II, roi des Belges, 6914. LÉOUTRE (Marie M.), 7042. LEPORE (Jill), 4889. LEPORE (Lucia), 1802. LEPPIN (Hartmut), 2238. LEPPIN (Volker), 3584, 4982. LEPSIUS (Susanne), 605. Lerchenfeld-Köfering (Hugo Graf), 4144. Lerner (Robert E.), 3643. LEROY (Marc), 118. LERP (Dörte), 6818. LERRA (Antonio), 4357. LEŞCU (Anatol), 7120. LESKINEN (M. V.), 4837. LESPINET-MORET (Isabelle), 6490. LESTREMAU (Arnaud), 2954. LETHONEN (Tuomas M. S.), 3593. LETT (Didier), 2879, 2955. LETTIERI (Michael), 5395. LEUNIG (Tim), 7065. LEUSCHNER (Eckhard), 711. LEVERING LEWIS (David), 4890. Levi (Sylvain), 437. LEVILLAIN (Charles-Édouard), 4050. LEVIN (Maureece J.), 821. LEVINSON (Judith), 898. LEVINSON (Sanford), 331. LEVRIE (Katrien), 2368. LÉVY (Carlos), 2032. LEVY (Peter B.), 4891. Levy (Sara), 5705. LEVY PECK (Linda), 6030. LEWIS (Joanna), 6899. LEWIS (John), 3327. LEWIS (Joshua), 5479, 6323. Lewis (Sinclair), 5577. LEWIS (Stephen E.), 4499. LEW-WILLIAMS (Beth), 6324. LEXIER (Roberta), 3885. LEYRA CURIÁ (Montse), 2754. LEYSER (Conard), 2958. LEZOWSKI (Marie), 130. Li (Bin), 7747. LI (Bozhong), 7744. LI (Danhui), 7611. LI (David Daokui), 621. LI (Dongye), 7745. LI (Fuzhong), 7746. LI (Jiping), 7791. LI (Mingquan), 7783. LI (Qiang), 7747. LI (Suting), 880. LIANG (Guanfu), 7748. LIANG (Zhuying), 7749. LIAO (Yin), 7750. LIAPIN (Denis Aleksandrovich), 4645.
INDEX OF NAMES LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi), 3575. LICHT (Tino), 7. Licinius (Publius Flavius Galerius Valerius Licinianus), Roman emperor, 1821. LIE (Einar), 5814. LIEBAU (Heike), 7212. LIEBERSOHN (Yosef Z.), 1509. LIEBMAN (Sheldon W.), 2290. LIEBRECHT (Johannes), 6552. LIED (Liv Ingeborg), 32. LIEDMANN (Mareike), 3328. LIEPE (Lena), 3329. LIGHT (Rowan), 3798. Lilburne (John), 4227. LILLA (Salvatore), 2184. LILLINGTON-MARTIN (Christopher), 2477. LILLIOS (Katina T.), 791. Lim (Vicente), 4571. LIMA (Thiago Machado de), 3855. LIMBACH (Rabea), 5867. LIN (Nimrod), 5229. LIN (Yun), 7751. LINARES CATELA (José Antonio), 774. Lincoln (Abraham), 4901. LINCOLN (Margarette), 5909. LINDBERG (Hanna), 5910. LINDE (Cornelia), 3547. LINDENHAYN (Nils), 5338. LINDENMEYR (Adele), 4667. LINDER (Jan), 7367. LINDERMANN (Jens-Olaf), 1691. LINDGREN SCHULTZ (Janice), 135. LINDMARK (Magnus), 5815. LINDMAYR-BRANDL (Andrea), 3380. LINDNER (Ulrike), 6818. LINDQUIST DORR (Lisa), 6325. LINDSAY (Ian), 793. LINDSAY-POLAND (John), 7434. LINDSKOOG (Carl), 6326. Linehan (Peter), 2617. LINGEN (Kerstin von), 6725, 6736. LINGENBERG (Wilfried), 1710. LINHARES (Luís Jaime), 4594. Linhart Koenbergk, 3357. LINK (Christina), 2951. LINKIEWICZ (Olga), 4836. Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), 5514. LINO (Dylan), 6580. LINSENMANN (Andreas), 735, 5046. Lip (Fred), 6519. Lippi (Filippino), 3295. LIPPOLIS (Enzo), 2053. LIPPS (Johannes), 2089. LIPSCHITS (Oded), 1153. LIŠKOVÁ (Kateřina), 3952. LISTON (Maria A.), 1575.
LITTLE (Katherine C.), 3214. LITTLE (Lester K.), 3546. LITTLEWOOD (R. Joy), 1937. LIU (Bin), 857. LIU (Deming), 5816. LIU (Gusheng), 7753. LIU (Hong), 6173. LIU (Jinbao), 7784. LIU (Li), 821. LIU (Xunhua), 7754. LIU (Yanwen), 7755. LIU (Zhenggang), 7756. LIUTPRANDO DI CREMONA, 3486. LIUZZO (Mariangela), 2090. LIVANOS (Christopher), 2356. LIVERANI (Paolo), 2075. LIVERANT (Bettina), 5911. Liverpool (Robert Banks Jenkinson Earl of), 4244. LIVESAY (Daniel), 6327. LIVINGSTON (John William), 3433. Livingston (William), 4868. LIVINGSTONE (Amy), 2956. Livingstone (David), 6899. LIVINGSTONE (Grace), 7612. Livius (Titus), 286, 1694, 1695, 1936. Lizana y Beaumont (Francisco Xavier de), 5037. LLANOS JACINTO (Oscar Daniel), 6503. LLANQUE (Marcus), 586. LLEDÓ-GUILLEM (Vicente), 168. LLINARES (Sylviane), 5791. LLORET (Albert), 3121. LLOYD (G. E. R.), 505. LLOYD (Lorna), 6812. LLULL (Ramon), 3192, 3257, 3424, 3443. LO CASCIO (Elio), 1841. LO SCHIAVO (Fulvia), 792. LOAR (Matthew), 1805. LOBERG (Molly), 4166. LOCATELLI (Andrea Maria), 5878. LOCKLEY (Tim), 5963. LODDO (Laura), 1314. LOEFFLER (James), 5184. LOESOV (Sergey), 922, 1127. LOGINOV (Vladlen T.), 4646. LOGUE (Larry M.), 5515. LOHMANN (Polly), 1653. LOHN (Reinaldo Lindolfo), 3863. LÖHNIG (Martin), 6619. LOIDLE (Simon), 6813. LOISEAU (Dominique), 6477. LOITSCH (Bettina), I. LOLEIT (Simone), 3162. LOMB (Samantha), 4647. LOMBAO (Diego), 826. LOMBARDI (Daniela), 6667. LOMBARDI (Daniele), 6328.
INDEX OF NAMES LOMBARDI (Elena), 3054. LOMBARDO (Stanley), 1689. LOMBARDO (Timothy J.), 4892. LOMELLINI (Valentine), 7642. LOMIENTO (Vincenzo), 2200. LONA (Horacio E.), 2157, 2201. Lonardi Doucet (Eduardo Ernesto), 7500. LONDÁK (Miroslav), 4698, 4701, 4705, 5750. LONDÁKOVÁ (Elena), 4698. LONG (A. A.), 1483. LONG (Jason), 6329. LONG (Pamela O.), 6101. LONG (Roger D.), 7201. LONGHI (Claudio), 5681. LONGLEY (Kyle), 4893, 5728. LONGO (Maria Laura), 5516. Longus Sophista, 1507. Lonicerus (Johannes), 5147. LOOSE (Jonathan J.), 744. LOOSE (Rainer), 5964. LOOSLEY (Emma), 2291. LOPATA (Raimundas), 4473. Lope de Vega (Felix), 5634. LOPES (Helena F. S.), 7295. LÓPEZ (Celia), 3062. LÓPEZ (Ignacio Alejandro), 3778. LÓPEZ (Laura), 796, 848. LÓPEZ ALCAIDE (Celia), 3432. LÓPEZ BERNAL (Carlos Gregorio), 3995. LÓPEZ CABALLERO (Paula), 4486. LÓPEZ DRUSETTA (Laura), 3163. LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ-MORÁS (Santiago), 3580. LÓPEZ-GUADALUPE MUÑOZ (Miguel Luis), 5051. LÓPEZ-PORTILLO (José-Juan), 6963. LÓPEZ-TORRIJOS (Ricardo), 804. LORBER (Catharine C.), 159. LORCIN (Patricia M. E.), 5222. LORD (Ceren), 4816. LORENZ (Maren), 5230. Lorenzetti (Ambrogio), 3331. Lorenzetti (Pietro), 3331. LORENZINI (Marcella), 5987. Lorenzo da Brindisi, Sanctus, 5084. LORENZO RÍO (María Dolores), 6330, 6366. LORGEAUX (Olga), 2323. LORRAIN (Agnès), 2228. LORRIO (Alberto J.), 896. LOSANO (Mario G.), 5438. LOSAPPIO (Domenico), 3190. LOSKOUTOFF (Yvan), 152, 153. LÖSSL (Josef), 730. LOTCHIN (Roger W.), 4894. LOTH (Wilfried), 4039, 5035.
Lothar I, König des fränkischen Lotharii Regnum, 2652. LOTSHWAO (Kebapetse), 6900. LOTTO (Adriana), 2207. LOTZ (Christian), 5817. LOUGHLIN (Christopher J. V.), 4328. LOUIS (Marieke), 6490. Louis IX, Sanctus, roi de France, 3268. Louis VII, roi de France, 2677. Louis XI le Prudent, roi de France, 2536, 2551, 2695, 2874. Louis XV, roi de France, 4046. LOURO (Michele L.), 7213. LOUYS (Julien), 860. LOVE (Paul M.), 7905. LŐVEI (Pál), 3286. LÖVGREN (Anna-Brita), 199. LOW (Polly), 1283. LOWE (David), 330. LOWENHAUPT TSING (Anna), 6031. LOWER (Michael), 2678. LOYD (Jenna M.), 4853. LOYOLA VEGA (Oscar), 3935. LU (Junshi), 7823. LU (Zhangshen), 7812. LUBICH (Gerhard), 2672. LÜBKE (Christian), 5240. Lucanus (Marcus Anneus), 396, 1952, 1957, 1967, 1981. LUCAS (Thierry), 1223. Lucas, evangelista, Sanctus, 2210, 2216, 2218, 2292. LUCERO (Bonnie A.), 3936. LUCHERINI (Vinni), 3286, 3592. LUCHETTI (Giovanni), 1313, 1692. LUCHTERHAND (Elmer), 6331. LUČIĆ (Iva), 3845. Lucilius (Gaius), 1971. Lucius Iulius Caesar Vipsanianus, 1647. LÜCK (Heiner), 2951. LÜCKE (Martin), 469. LUCKEN (Christopher), 3234. Lucretius (Carus Titus), 1696, 2028. LUDI (Regula), 4795. Lüdke (Bruno), 6639. LÜDTKE (Christian), 4167. Ludwig I, von Hessen, 2709. LUDWIG JANSEN (Katherine), 2866. Lugard (Frederick), 6797. LUITEN VAN ZANDEN (Jan), 5887. LUJÁN (Oriol), 4732. LUKE (Anne), 3937. LUKE (Trevor), 1172. LUKEŠ (Igor), 3953. ŁUKOMSKI (Grzegorz), 4476.
373 LULL (José), 999. LUMSDEN (Simon), 5444. LUNA (Concetta), 1259. LUND (Niels), 2574. LUNDH (Christer), 6102. LUNDQVIST (Pia), 5082. LUNGĒS (Tēlemachos K.), 2409. LUNN (Nicholas P.), 2183. LUNNEY (Mark), 6668. LUO (Cuifang), 7758. Luo (family), 7692. LUO (Sanyang), 7759. LUO (Xiaoxiang), 7760. LUO (Zhihuan), 7761. LUPU (Cristian), 5339. LURAGHI (Nino), 1291. LURSON (Benoît), 981. LÜSEBRINK (Hans-Jürgen), 4010. Luther (Martin), 5098, 5110, 5135, 5137, 5140. Luthuli (Albert), 7679. LUTTENBERGER (Albrecht P.), 4078. Lyautey (Hubert), 6797. Lycophron, 1398, 1406, 1416. LYMAN BUSHMAN (Richard), 5965. LYMBEROPOULOU (Angeliki), 2405. LYNA (Dries), 6193. LYNCH (Allen C.), 7613. LYNCH (Sarah B.), 3258. LYNDON (Jane), 6993. LYNNE PEARSON (Jessica), 6901. LYONS (Martyn), 200. LYONS (Pat), 5425. Lysander, 1280. Lysias, 1310. LYTH (Einar), 547. LYTLE (Ephraim), 1336. LYTTLETON (James), 3687. M MAAS (Michael), 2128. MABṬŪL (Maryam), 4524. MAC ADON (Brad S.), 2292. MAC ALISTER (Melani), 5129. MAC ANDREWS (Lawrence J.), 4895. MAC ARDLE STEPHENS (Michele), 4500. MAC AULEY (Alex), 945. MAC CAFFRAY (Susan P.), 4648. MAC CALMAN (Janet), 6314. MAC CANN (Daniel), 3043. MAC CANN (Frank D.), 7330. MAC CANN (James C.), 5947. MAC CARTHY (David Shamus), 4896. MAC CARTHY (Pat), 4329. MAC CARTHY (Tara M.), 4897.
374 MAC CARTHY (Thomas J. H.), 2560, 2575. MAC CASKIE (Tom), 332. MAC CLURE (George), 4968. MAC COOL (Jon-Paul), 805. MAC CORMICK (Evan D.), 7614. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), 3954, 7565, 7615. MAC DONALD (Grantley), 3380. MAC DONALD (Nicola), 2989, 3214. MAC DONNELL (Lawrence T.), 4898. MAC DONNELL (Michael A.), 6796. MAC DOUGALL (James), 333. MAC ENANEY (Laura), 6332. MAC EVOY (Carmen), 4567. MAC FARLAND (James), 5436. MAC GEORGE (Photini J. P.), 1205. MAC GILL (Martha), 686. MAC GILL (Scott), 757. MAC GINNIS (Kevin), 2293. MAC GOWAN (Anne), 2153. MAC GREEVEY (Robert C.), 6964. MAC GREGOR (Katharine), 4303. MAC GUIRE (Elizabeth), 6766. MAC HAFFIE (Matthew W.), 2864, 2867. MAC HARDY (Alison K.), 2723. MAC HARDY (Fiona), 3128. MAC HUGO (John), 736. MAC ILROY (John), 4231. Mac Kay (Claude), 6459. MAC KECHNIE (Paul), 1018. MAC KECHNIE-MASON (Claire), 3043. MAC KENZIE (Kirsteen M.), 4253. MAC KIE (Stuart), 2048. MAC KINNY (Chris), 1134. MAC KITTERICK (David), 98. MAC KITTERICK (Rosamond), 68, 2294. MAC KNIGHT (Scot), 2221. MAC LEAN (Eden K.), 5340. MAC LEAY (Elizabeth M.), 4538. MAC LEOD (Roderick), 6111. MAC LYNN (Neil B.), 2265. MAC MAHON (Darrin M.), 6103. MAC MAHON (Madeline), 80. MAC MANUS (Stuart M.), 99. MAC MULLEN (A. Joseph), 3146. MAC NAMARA (Robert), 6918. MAC NEILL (John Robert), 624. MAC SWAIN (James B.), 5818. MAC VAUGH (Michael Rogers), 3226. MAC VETY (Amanda Kay), 5517. MAC WILLIAM (Rohan), 6496. MACALLAN (Helen), 6333. MacArthur (Douglas), 7356.
INDEX OF NAMES MACARTHUR-SEAL (DanielJoseph), 6726, 7214. Macartney (George), 7063. MACDONALD (Carolyn), 1805. MACDONALD (Robin), 3655. MACDOUGALL (Byron), 1510. MACÉ (Arnaud), 1252. MACEACHERN (Scott), 4546. MACFADYEN (Joshua), 5819. Machens (Joseph Godehard), 5058. Machiavelli (Niccolò), 126, 5215, 5450. MACHT (Sascha), 5337. MACHTAN (Lothar), 4168. MACIÀ FARRÉ (Marc), 4745. MACÍAS ROSENDO (Baldomero), 1698. MACINNES (Allan I.), 5418. MACINTYRE (Iona), 5426. MAČIULIS (Dangiras), 4465. Mackenzie King (William Lyon), 3882. MACKIN (Ellie), 1549. Mackintosh (James Sir), 6831. MACKNIGHT (Elizabeth C.), 6334. MACLEAN (Rose), 1907. Macleod (Iain), 6879. MACNAMARA (Trent), 6335. MACOLA (Giacomo), 6873. MACQUEEN (Ian M.), 4720. MACRAE (Duncan E.), 1654. MADARÁSZ (M. Anita), 7417. MADDEN (Mollie M.), 3245. MADELAIN (Anne), 7616. MADELUNG (Wilferd), 2767. MADER (Gottfried), 1434. Madero (Francisco I.), 7263. Madison (Dolley), 4841. MADONNA (Maria Antonella), 3303. MADRID (Andrés), 3987. MÁDROVÁ (Kamila), 5285. MADSEN (Grant), 5751. MADULI (Barbara), 1337. MAEDA (Kiyotaka), 5901. MAEDA (Masayuki), 7852. MAEDA (Osamu), 852. MAEHLE (Ingvar B.), 1338. MAES (Christophe), 6565. MAESTRI (Elena), 6107. MAGALHÃES PINTO (Ana Flávia), 5562. MAGANZANI (Lauretta), 2141. MAGENAU (Jörg), 100. MAGENNIS (Hugh), 3259. MAGGIONI (Giovanni Paolo), 3577. MÄGI (Marika), 2829. MAGINA (Livia), 6336. MAGLAQUE (Erin), 5341. MAGNANO (Fiorella), 3395.
Magnus Eriksson, kung av Sverige, kung av Norge, 2566. MAGNUSSEN (Anne), 484. MAGNUSSEN (Stefan), 3669. MAGNUSSON (Lars), 5776. MAHAJAN (Sneh), 6767. MAHER (Matthew P.), 1576. MAICAS RAMOS (Ruth), 779. MAIER (Felix K.), 393. MAIER (Gerald), 218. MAIER (Harry O.), 2056. MAIER (Konrad), 511. MAIER (Michaela), 3817. MAIFREDI (Sergio), 5682. MAIGROT (Jean-Louis), 3674. MAILLARD-LUYPAERT (Monique), 3500. MAILLOT (Agnès), 4330. MAIMONIDE (Mosè), 2734, 2737, 2743, 2761, 2763, 3454. MAIOLO (Joseph Anthony), 6751. MAIOR (Liviu), 4610. MAISANO (Riccardo), 2190, 2191. MAISSEN (Thomas), 6768, 7762. MAISURADZE (Giorgi), 1435. MAIZLISH (Stephen E.), 4899. MAJD AL-ISLĀM KIRMĀNĪ (Aḥmad), 4313. MAJNARIĆ (Ivan):, 2957. MAJOR (Tristan), 3164. MAK (Ricardo K. S.), 5858. MAKAREM (Hadi), 6104. MAKAREWICZ (Cheryl A.), 797. Makarios III, archbishop of Cyprus, 5087. MAKARSKA (Renata), 5646. MAKOTO WOODHOUSE (Keith), 5231. MAKSIMCZUK (José), 2395. MAL'KOV (Viktor Leonidovich), 7435. MALAGUTI (M.), 3420. MALAMUT (Élisabeth), 2925. MALANIMA (Paolo), 2959. MALAPRADE (Sébastien), 4356. MALASPINA (Ermanno), 1862. MALCHER (Kay), 3110. MALCOLM (Elizabeth), 6337. MALDENER (Aline), 5680. MALECZEK (Werner), 3513. MALEK (Amina-Aïcha), 2077. MALETO (Elena Ivanovna), 2712. MALETTKE (Klaus), 4040. MALHACHE (Jérôme), 130. MALIK (Hassan), 6032. MALINEN (Antti), 6281. MALINGUE (Guillaume), 1785. Malissard (Alain), 1864. MALKA (Adam), 4900. MALKI (Isaac P. Xerxes), 6902. MALKIN (Irad), 1181.
INDEX OF NAMES MALLAN (Christopher T.), 334. MALLEA (Rodrigo), 7633. MALM (Mats), 2142. MALMSTEDT (Göran), 688. MALOBA (W. O.), 6903. Malory (Thomas), 3185. MALPICA (Antonio), 2791. Maluenda (hermanos), 5981. MALYSHEVA (Olʹga Geralʹdovna), 4649. MALZNER (Sonja), 6827. MAMAN (Shani Bar-On), 5820. MAMBWINI KIVUILA-KIAKU (José), 1972. MAN (Simeon), 6848. Manacorda (Guido), 4409. MANCHO (Carles), 3296. MANCINI (Giulia), 6338. MANCINI (J. M.), 5595. MÄND (Anu), 3597. Mandal (Jogendranath), 4296. MANDAL (Sumit), 335. MANDALÀ (Giuseppe), 53. MANDOLA (Eleonisa), 3081. MANDRY (Julia), 2960. MANELA (Erez), 7191, 7215. MANER (Brent), 336. MANEUVRIER (Christophe), 3561. MANFREDI (Marco), 4414. MANFRIDA (Raoul), 4400. MANG (Thomas), 3806. MANGANARO (Stefano), 116. MANGANI (Claudia), 876. MANGERUD (Jens), 1655. MANGIANTINI (Martín), 6509. MANIACI (Marilena), 32, 41. MANIATIS (George C.), 2460. MANICONI (Antonella), 6680. MANIKOWSKA (Halina), 368, 2561, 3157. Maniu (Iuliu), 4613. MANN (Alastair J.), 594. MANN (Christian), 1284. Mann (Thomas C.), 7676. MANNING (J. G.), 631. MANNING (Patrick), 680. MANNING (Sturt W.), 793. MANOLOVA (Divna), 2350. MANSFELD (Jaap), 1511. MANSILLA (Miguel Ángel), 5130. Mansion (Colard), 81. MANSO (Bruno), 3856. MANṢŪR (Aḥmad Walīd), 4797. MANTAS ESPAÑA (Pedro), 2735. MANTEGNA (Cristina), 2, 18. MANTOVANI (Dario), 1841, 1973. MANTZILAS (Dimitris), 1974. MANUELLI (Federico), 1103. Manutius (Aldus), 87. MANUWALD (Bernd), 1263.
MANUWALD (Gesine), 1676, 1683, 1684, 1729. MANZANILLA (Linda R.), 7925. Mao (Zedong), 86, 7174, 7454, 7514, 7611. MAR (Aye Aye), 803. MARACHE (Corinne), 5759. MARAHRENS (Hauke), 4075. MARANGOU (Antigone), 1577. MARAZZI (Federico), 2681. MARAZZI (Mary Ann), 1000. MARCHAND (Philippe), 5342. MARCHAND (Sylvie), 976, 1020. MARCHANDISSE (Alain), 3500. MARCHENA FERNÁNDEZ (Juan), 7072. MARCHENKO (Vladimir Pavlovich), 7020. MÄRCHER (Michael), 6020. MARCHESI (Aldo), 7617. MARCHETTI (Nicolò), 946. MARCHEVA (Iliana), 3871. MARCHI (Michele), 4374. MARCINIAK (Angela), 6734. Marcion, 2295. MARCONE (Arnaldo), 1734, 1905. MARCONI (Nadia), 794. MARCOS COBALEDA (María), 2775. MARCULESCU (Andreea), 2886, 3166. MĂRCULEŢ (Vasile), 2461. MARCUS (Alan I.), 5518. MARCUS (Ivan G.), 2755. MARCUS (Nathan), 6033. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor, 1245, 1758, 1852, 2117. MARCUS VON REGENSBURG, 3611. Marcus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2285, 2334. MAREK (Miloš), 136. MARES (Isabela), 4169. MARESCHAL (Patrice M.), 6504. MARETTA (Robert Gregor), 161. Márffy (Leopold von), 4692. MARGANI (Giuseppe), 2090. MARGANNE (Marie-Hélène), 1264, 1512. Margarita Hungariae, sancta, 3572. MARGARITI (Katia), 1339. MARGLIN (Jessica M.), 6727. MARI (Tommaso), 2396. Maria Theresia, Erzherzogin von Österreich und Königin u. a. von Ungarn (mit Kroatien) und Böhmen, 3808. Maria, Sancta, 2269, 2448. MARIAGER (Rasmus), 6440. MARIANI ZINI (Fosca), 2024, 2031. MARIĆ BAKOVIĆ (Marija), 877.
375 MARIE DE FRANCE, 3088, 3089. MAŘÍKOVÁ (Martina), 3487. MARIN (Demetrio), 2025. MARIN (Irina), 5185. MARÍN GÓMEZ (Isabel), 5577. MARINAJ (Mirash), 3637. MARINELLO BONNEFOY (Juan Cristóbal), 6505. MARINIDES (Nicholas), 2186. MARINO (Angela), 4949. Marius Victorinus (Gaius), 2197. MARJANOVIĆ (Dragoljub), 2377, 2462. MÄRKER (Almuth), 3521. MARKER (Emily), 305. MARKHAM (Adam), 789. MARKIEWICZ (Christopher), 4804. Markovič (Ivan), 4700. MARKOVIĆ (Nenad), 1001. MARKS (Monique), 6105. MARK-THIESEN (Cassandra), 5821, 5966. MARKUS (Tomislav), 3916. MARLY (Mathieu), 6339. MARMODORO (Anna), 2265. Marnette (Gaspard), 309. MAROTO BLANCO (José Manuel), 5683. Marquand (David), 4254. MÁRQUEZ CHAVES (Mario), 7296. MARRONI (Elisa), 2069. MARSCHIK (Matthias), 4286. MARSH (Kate), 6814. MARSHALL (C. W.), 1002. MARSHALL (Maureen), 793. MARSHALL (Peter), 851, 5131. MARSHALL (Richard M.A.), 1990. MARSICO (Annalisa), 3688. MARTEEL (Stefaan), 3838. MARTELLI (Roger), 4041. MARTELLO (Concetto), 3401. MARTEN (James), 632. MARTENS (Brian), 1578. MARTENS (Jeremy C.), 6815. MARTENS (Pieter), 5600. MARTENS (Vibeke V.), 789. MARTHOT (Isabelle), 973. MARTÍ DE VICIANA EL VELL, 2562. MARTIAL (Emmanuelle), 859. Martialis (Marcus Valerius), 1697. Martianus Mineus Felix Capella, 1698. MARTIN (James W.), 5912. MARTIN (Joe), 6025. MARTÍN (José C.), 2176. MARTIN (P. M.), 1864. MARTIN (Pierre), 3350. MARTIN (S. Rebecca), 1593. MARTIN (Virginie), 4026. MARTÍN PÉREZ (Inmaculada), 53. MARTINA (Antonio), 1238.
376 MARTINARO (M.), 5449. MARTINEAU (Rémi), 850. MARTÍN-ESTUDILLO (Luis), 5232. Martinetti (Pietro), 438. MARTÍNEZ (Cecilia), 7926. MARTÍNEZ (Emilio SJ), 5070. MARTINEZ (Jean-Luc), 1561. Martínez (Luis María), 5014. MARTÍNEZ (Oscar J.), 6106. MARTÍNEZ ÁNGEL (Lorenzo), 4559. MARTÍNEZ ESQUIVEL (Ricardo), 312. MARTÍNEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Gerardo), 6601. MARTÍNEZ LUNA (Fernando), 7021. MARTÍNEZ ROMERO (Tomàs), 3192. MARTÍNEZ VARA (Tomás), 5036. MARTÍNEZ-FERNÁNDEZ (Luis), 6965. MARTINEZ-GALARRAGA (Julio), 5739. MARTINI (Edwin A.), 5728. MARTINI (Manuela), 6171. Martini (Simone), 3331. MARTÍN-IGLESIAS (Jose Carlos), 3601. MARTINO (Gina M.), 6340. MARTINOTTI (Angelo), 795. MARTINS (Pedro Ribeiro), 1513. MARTINS (Susana), 4595. Martinus Turonensis, Sanctus, 2207. MARTIRE (Paola), 5605. MARTORELLI (Luca), 1670. MARTYNOV (Boris Fedorovich), 4678. Martyrs (Christian), 2813. MARUATONA (Tonic), 6900. MARUBBI (Mario), 3359. MARVEL (William), 4901. MARVIN (Laurence W.), 2677. MARX (Henry), 4113. MARX (John), 5309. Marx (Karl), 5451. MARX FERREE (Myra), 6341. MARYKS (Robert Aleksander), 5064. MARYNOWER (Claire), 3765. MÂRZA (Eva Maria), 5822. MARZANO (Annalisa), 2105. MARZEC (Wiktor), 6153. MARZULLO (Matilde), 1633. MAS (Silvia), 1975. MASAKI (Keisuke), 4255. MASCHEK (Dominik), 1786, 2091. MASCHERPA (Giuseppe), 3060. MASKARINEC (Maya), 3586. MAŠKARINEC (Pavel), 3955.
INDEX OF NAMES MASOERO (Alberto), 4650. MASON (Andrea), 7494. MASON (Mike), 6034. MASPERO (Giulio), 2296. MASSA-PAIRAULT (FrançoiseHélène), 1579. MASSIMINO (Lorenzo), 1854. MASSONI (Anne), 5047. MASSOV (Alexander), 6769. MASTERS (Adrian), 6669. MASTEY (Emmanuel), 1135. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo), VIII, 246. MASTROIANNI (Giovanni), 5427. MASTROROSA (Ida G.), 1783. Masuccio Salernitano, 3221. MATARD-BONUCCI (Marie-Anne), 4402. MATARESE (Ilaria), 881. MATAUSCHEK (Isabella), 6342. MATEI (Irina), 5233. MATĚJKA (Ondřej), 7637. MATEOS (Juan), 2239. MATERSKI (Wojciech), 7153. MATHEUS (Michael), 2902. MATHEW (Johan), 6816. MATHEWS (Karen R.), 2961. MATHIEU (Lilian), 6477. MATHISEN (Erik), 4902. MATIĆ (Maja), 7075. MATIJEVIĆ (Krešimir), 1436. MATKOVIĆ (Blanka), 3917. MATKOVIĆ (Stjepan), 3916, 3923. MATOÏAN (Valérie), 947. MATOS E LEMOS (Mário), 4596. MATSUI (Dai), 7704. MATSUKI (Eizō), 7695. MATSUMOTO (Keita), 882. MATSUMURA (Hirofumi), 822. MATSUSHIMA (Tatsuma), 7763. MATSUZONO (Hitoshi), 7858. MATTALONI (Valeria), 3167. MATTAR (Karim), 528. Mattarelli (Niccolò), 2845. MATTEUZZI (Nicoletta), 3331. MATTHAEUS PARISIENSIS, 2591. Matthaeus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2178, 2222, 2292. MATTHEE (Rudi), 6773. Matthew (Tobie), 5136. MATTHEWS (Edward G.), 2192, 2193. MATTHEWS (Scott L.), 6343. MATTHIES (Volker), 201. MATTIOLI (Fabiana), 1692. MATVEEV (Vladimir Aleksandrovich), 4651. MATVJEJEVA (Julija H.), 2463. MATYJASZKIEWICZ (Ika), 3284. MÄTZING (Heike Christina), 5343. MATZNER (Sebastian), 1939.
MAUCHE (Nepheli), 2464. MAUER (Victor), 7495. MAUL (Stefan M.), 1074. MAUNDER (Peter), 5913. MAURER (Stephan E.), 4170. MAURI (Christian), 1611. MAURIÈGE (Maxime), 3428. MAURINA (Barbara), 2092. MAURRAS (Charles), 5234. MAVROJANNIS (Theodoros), 1003. MAWANI (Renisa), 6728. MAWANZI MANZENZA (Thomas), 3913. Maximianus, 1699. Maximilian I, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2708, 3391, 3826. Maximinus Thrax (Gaius Iulius Verus), Roman emperor, 1688. Maximus (Gaius Iulius Verus), 1688. Maximus (Marcus Clodius Pupienus), Roman emperor, 1688. Maximus Confessor, Sanctus, 2373, 2417. MAXWELL (Jeremy P.), 4903. MAY (Ernest R.), 7513. MAY (Hila), 1122. MAY (Natalie Naomi), 1075. MAY (Rachel A.), 7618. MAY MAY (Ezer R.), 4501. MAYENBURG (David von), 6670. MAYER (Gyula), 3152. MAYER (Rodrigo), 3857. MAYER (Wendy), 2240. MAYERS (David), 7496. MAYES (April J.), 574. MAYEUR-JAOUEN (Catherine), 337. MAYHEW (Robert), 1267. MAZBOURI (Malik), 6499. MAZEL (Florian), 539. MAZUREK (Lindsey A.), 1580. MAZUZ (Haggai), 1136. MAŽYLIS (Liudas), 4472. MAZZA (Mario), 427. Mazzarino (Giulio Raimondo), 4053. MAZZEI (Federico), 4403. MAZZEI (Rita), 5823. MAZZON (Gabriella), 3332. MAZZUCCHI (Andrea), 3154. MAZZUCCO (Niccolò), 883. MAZZUCOTELLI (Francesco), 6107, 6108. MECKE (Christoph-Eric), 6553. MEDER (Stephan), 6647. Medici (famiglia), 2690. MEDICK (Hans), 7022. MEDIJAINEN (Eero), 7298. MEDINA (Matías), 796.
INDEX OF NAMES MEDINA BUSTOS (José Marcos), 4506. MEECHAM (Pam), 709. MEEDER (Sven), 3272. MEES (Ludger), 4746. MEESTERS (Renaat), 2397. MEEUSEN (Michiel), 1257. MEEUWS (Alexander), 1354. MÈGE (Frédéric), 1594. MÉGIER (Elisabeth), 3645. Mehmed II, Ottoman sultan, 2696. MEI (Li), 7753. MEIER (Franziska), 3126. MEIER (Sven), 1437. MEIER (Thomas), 4788. MEIER (Titus J.), 4793. MEIER ZU SELHAUSEN (Felix), 6344. MEIERHENRICH (Jens), 4171. MEINANDER (Henrik), 3725, 4004. MEIRINHOS (José), 3062. MEIRLAEN (Matthias), 7249. MEISSNER (Christopher M.), 5824, 5872. MEISSNER (Kristin), 4437. MEISTER (Felix J.), 1438. MEIXSEL (Richard B.), 4571. MEJÍA CHÁVEZ (Carlos Gustavo), 5037. MEL'NIKOV (Y. A.), 7121. MEL'NIKOVA (A. Y.), 7121. MELAMED (Yitzhak Y.), 5461. Melania, Sancta, 2343. MELCHOR GIL (Enrique), 1909. Melchow (Alexander von), 6890. MELE (Maria Grazia), 2630. Meletius the Younger, 2380. MELHANI (Nacer), 6894. MELIADÒ (Mario), 3436, 3441. MELINTI (Veronica), 4517. MELIS (Guido), 4404. MELIS (Mario), 3504. MELL (Julie L.), 2756. MELLADO LLUCH (Pilar), 5619. MELLER (Harald), 2939. MELLINATO (Giulio), 7122. MELLONI (Alberto), 4416. MELÓN PIRRO (Julio César), 3779. MELONE (Mirco), 5400. MELOTTO (Federico), 7080. MELSTED (Odinn), 5825. MELTZ (Renaud), 4042. MELVANI (Nicholas), 2465. MELVIN (Jess), 4303, 4304. MENACHE (Sophia), 2599, 2914. Menander, 1246, 1247. Méndez de Cuenca (Laura), 4485. MENDIETA (Pilar), 3841. MENDOZA GARCÍA (Leticia), 5132. MENÉNDEZ PIDAL DE NAVASCUÉS (Faustino), 154.
MENESTÒ (Enrico), 2908, 3218, 3568. Mengele (Josef), 6737. MENGER (Pierre-Michel), 5684. MENGOLI (Davide), 883. MENON (Minakshi), 5418. MENON (Nikhil), 6853. MENSAN (Romain), 842. MENSCHING (Günther), 3447. MENSCHING-ESTAKHR (Alia), 3447. MENTZ (Søren), 4287. MENUGE (Angus J. L.), 744. MENZE (Volker), 2427. MÉOT-BOURQUIN (Valérie), 3130. MÉRAT (Amandine), 1024. Mercier (Désiré-Joseph), 5019. MERCIER (Franck), 3462. MERCKLÉ (Pierre), 470. MERCOGLIANO (Gennaro), 3505. MERGEL (Thomas), 3731, 4172. MERIGGI (Marco), 282, 3732. MERK (Angelika), 101. MERLIN (Pierpaolo), 7002. Merobaudes (Flavius), 1700. MEROUSIS (Nikos), 1203. MERRETT (David), 5834. MERTAH (Eid), 975. MERTENS (Bernd), 338. MERTHEN (Claudia), 3022. MESERVE (Margaret), 3095. MESNER (Maria), 3817. MESSAC (Luke), 5752. MESSENGER (David A.), 7376. MESSINA (Thea), 884. MESSMER (Kurt), 2713. MESTRE (Jean-Louis), 6603. Mestre Pero, 3309. METAWI (Dina), 1004. METELING (Wencke), 6734. METHFESSEL (Christian), 5401. MÉTRAUX (Guy P.R.), 2105. Metrodorus, 1533. Metternich (Clemens Wenzel Lothar Fürst von), 7131. METZGER (Chantal), 7368. METZLER (Gabriele), 339. MEUMANN (Markus), 5226. MEUNIER (Bernard), 2182. MEURET-CAMPFORT (Eve), 6477. MEUS (Konrad), 4575. MEYER (Caspar), 5440. MEYER (Sylvie), 3169. MEYER-LEE (Robert John), 3168. MEYER-LENZ (Johanna), 6244. MEYER-PRITZL (Rudolf), 5262. MEYERS (Todd), 5497. MEYZIE (Philippe), 5759. MEZZOLI (Erica), 3706. Mgijima (Enoch), 4714. MIANO (Daniele), 2049.
377 MIAO (Yi), 7748. MIARD-DELACROIX (Hélène), 7559. MICALELLA (Dina), 1976. Michael Panaretus, 2374. Michael von Savoyen, 3294. MICHAELIS-KÖNIG (Andree), 5571. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír), 4701, 4705, 6035, 6771. MICHALOPOULOS (Georgios), 4273. MICHALSKI (Claudia), 86. MICHEL (Eddie), 7619. MICHEL (Joël), 6904. MICHEL (Marc), 6905. MICHELAZZI (Emilia), 1910. MICHELET (Dominique), 7927. MICHELS (Christoph), 1787. MICHETTI (Laura M.), 1617. MIĆIĆ (Srđan), 7216. MIDDLETON (Caroline), 948. MIEDA (Akiko), 7855. Mier (Servando Teresa de), 5054. MIETHANER-VENT (Karin), 2841. MIGGELBRINK (Monique), 5685. MIGNON (Carlos), 3780. MIGNOZZI (Marcello), 3335. MIGOTTI (Branka), 2104. MIGUEL FRANCO (Ruth), 2176, 3601. MÍGUEZ (Eduardo), 3781. MIH TILLMAN (Margaret), 7764. Mihai I, rege al României, 4611. MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA (Lucreţiu), 1911. MIHALJEVIĆ (Milan), 30, 50. MIHESUAH (Devon A.), 4904. MIHOUB (Ali Aït), 4803. MIKHAILOVA (Yulia), 2964. MIKI (Yuko), 3858. Mikoyan (Anastas Ivanovič), 4621. MIKULÁŠOVÁ (Alena), 4703. MIKUS (Alesʹ), 497. MILANESE (Guido), 3632. MILANESI (Giorgio), 3338, 3359. MILANOVIC (Branko), 633. MILAZZO (Vincenza), 3569. MILES (Graeme), 1260, 1514. MILEWSKI (Douglas J.), 2353. MILEWSKI (Melissa), 4905. MILIĆEVIĆ BRADAČ (Marina), 1814. MILITELLO (Pietro), 884. MILJA (Suzana), 2637. MILJAN (Goran), 3927. Mill (John Stuart), 5452. MILLÁN (Saúl), 490. MILLER (Bryan K.), 797. MILLER (Daegan), 4906. MILLER (David J.D.), 2372. MILLER (Gregory J.), 5133.
378 MILLER (James), 1237. MILLER (Jennifer A.), 6347, 6506. MILLER (Katie), 894. MILLER (Naomi F.), 1106. MILLER (Patricia C.), 2298. MILLER (Peter J.), 1439. MILLER (Scott), 5810. MILLER (Shawn William), 6110. Miller (William Ian), 3041. MILLER SOMMERVILLE (Diane), 6348. MILLIGAN (Gerry), 5566. MILLINGTON (Chris), 4043, 6671. MILLS (Barbara J.), 782, 798, 799. Mills (David), 7126. MILLS (Richard), 6349. MILO (Daniela), 1440. MILOŠ (Edi), 3928. MILOŠEVIĆ (Ante), 3337. MILTON (Cynthia E.), 4562. MILTSIOS (Nikos), 1452. MINAMIZUKA (Shingo), 544. MINCHIN (Timothy J.), 6507. MINEO (Bernard), 1693. MINEO (E. Igor), 2869. MÍNGUEZ (Víctor), 2679. Miniato di Firenze, Sanctus, 3576. MINIS (Joes), 1656. MINNUCCI (Giovanni), 2870. MIÑO GRIJALVA (Wilson), 5826. MINON (Sophie), 1515. MINTER (William), 7656. MINTO (David), 6350. MINTZKER (Yair), 4057. MINUTO (Emanuela), 4414. Miralles (Pedro), 5619. MIRALLES CLIMENT (Josep), 4747. Mircea cel Bătrân, 2692. MIRCHEVA (Boyka), 2576. MIROIU (Mihaela), 4604. MIRON (Dumitru), 5868. MIRON (Guy), 4173. MIRRI (Mario), 439. MIRSAFA (Masoumeh), 5165. MIRZA (Sarah), 2807. MISAGAWA (Akihiro), 2680. MISGAV (Haggai), 1107. MISHCHANYN (Vasylʹ), 4838. MISHRA (Rupali), 5914. MIŠIĆ (Saša), 7620. MISSIAIA (Anna), 6172. Misson (Maximilien), 174. MITA (Satoko), 7859. MITCHELL (A. Wess), 6770. MITCHELL (Ian), 5915. MITCHELL (Jessie), 6988. MITCHELL (John), 2650. MITCHELL (Kiera), 5265. MITCHELL (Stephen A.), 535. MITELPUNKT (Shaul), 7497. MITEV (Plamen), 7084.
INDEX OF NAMES MITEVSKI (Vitomir), 2466. MITFORD (Timothy B.), 1788. MITKIEWICZ (Leon), 7331. Mitre (Bartolomé), 3781. MITROVITS (Miklós), 7464. MITSUMA (Yasuyuki), 1076. MITTELHAMMER (Anne), 4405. Mitterand (François), 4011. MITTERECKER (Thomas Josef), 3823. MITTLER (Barbara), 7762. MIYA (Noriko), 7689. MIYAKE (Kiyoshi), 7789. MIYAMOTO (Ryōichi), 7696. MIZOGUCHI (Koji), 800. MJØS (Ole J.), 6478. MLECZEK (Anna), 1977. MOATTI (Claudia), 1187, 1855. MOCARELLI (Luca), 619. MOCHIZUKI (Naoto), 7123. Modestus, Sanctus, 2233. MODONUTTI (Rino), 2579. MOESGAARD (Jens Christian), 6020. MOGETTA (Marcello), 2085. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 4308. MOHAMMADI (Behrouz Khan), 1165. MOHAMMADI (Keomars Haji), 1165. MOINE (Caroline), 7423. MOISA (Gabriel), 543, 4607. MOISAND (Jeanne), 6462. MOISÃO (Cristina), 3246. Moïse b. Sabbataï, 2758. MOISSET (Jean-Pierre), 4044. MOLÀ (Luca), 646. MOLINA JIMÉNEZ (Iván), 6294, 7520. MOLINARO (Natalia), 5235. MOLINDER (Jakob), 6351. MOLLANGER (Thomas), 5878. MÖLLENDORFF (Peter von), 2242. MÖLLER (Cosima), 1691. MOLLER (Sabine), 5686. MØLLER JENSEN (B.), 3610. MOLLIER (Jean-Yves), 4045. MOLLO (Fabrizio), 1607. MOLLOY (Barry), 1581. MOLNAR (Christopher A.), 6352. MOMBELLO (Laura), 3782. MOMMSEN (Hans), 949. MON (May Myat), 803. MONCEL (Marie Hélène), 780. MONCHABLON (Cécile), 859. MONCIATTI (Alessio), 3340. MONFERRER SALA (Juan Pedro), 2735. MONGARDI (Manuela), 1657. Monk (Egon), 5709.
MONNET (Eric), 6036. MONNEY (Julien), 829. Monroe (James T.), 2817. MONTAGNETTI (Roberto), 3550. Montaigne (Michel de), 5424. MONTALBANO (Gabriele), 6906. MONTANER (Alberto), 759. Monte (Pietro), 3249. Monteagudo (Bernardo), 4566. MONTEATH (Peter), 6798. MONTEIRO (João Gouveia), 2639. MONTEL (Nathalie), 6602. MONTEL (Sophie), 1184. MONTERO CARTELLE (Enrique), 3247. MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio), 901. MONTESANO (Marina), 690. MONTESINOS (Fernando), 4559. MOORE (Daniel), 1634. MOORE (Erik A.), 7621. MOORE (Rosemary Anne), 5096. MOORE (Sophie V.), 941. MOORMAN (Marissa J.), 6907. MOOSBAUER (Günther), 1789. MORA (C.), 930. Mora (José Manuel), 5689. MORABITO (Raffaele), 3174. MORADIELLOS (Enrique), 4748. MORAL RONCAL (Antonio Manuel), 7332. MORALEE (Jason), 2135. MORALES (Jon), 2223. MORALES (Juan Ignacio), 826. MORAN (Rachel Louise), 5344. MORANDINI (Flavia), 1635. MORAND-MÉTIVIER (CharlesLouis), 2886. MORANI (Moreno), 2199. MORAT (Daniel), 670. MORAWIEC (Jakub), 2821. Morazán (Francisco), 4279. MORE (Alison), 737. MOREFFI (Pierluigi), 3738. MOREL (Stanislas), 5345. MORELAND (J.P.), 744. MORELI (Alexandre), 6751. MORELLI (Federica), 7928. MORELLI (Serena), 2871. MORELLÓ BAGET (Jordi), 2987. MORENILLA (Carmen), 712. MORENO AMADOR (Carlos), 4503. MORENO BURRIEL (Eliseo), 342. MORENO LEONI (Álvaro Matías), 1285. MORESCHINI (Claudio), 2184, 2190, 2191. MORETON (Bethany), 4959. MORGAN (D. Densil), 5134. MORGAN (Faith P.), 2136. MORGAN (Jason W.), 4907. MORGAN (Michael Cotey), 7622.
INDEX OF NAMES MORGAN (Philip), 7299. MORGAT-BONNET (Monique), 6599. MORGENSTERN (Ulf), 4076. MŌRI (Akira), 1790. Mōri (clan), 7863. MORI (Lucia), 7907. MORIER-GENOUD (Éric), 4527. MORIHARA (Takashi), 577. MORIKAWA (Tomoko), 6353. MORIN (Jean-Pierre), 3883. MORINI (Enrico), 3475. MORITZ (Verena), 3820. MORMICHE (Pascale), 4046. MORNATI (Fiorenzo), 5236. Moro (Aldo), 4352, 4353. MORO (Enrico), 2164. MORO (Pierandrea), 2966. MORONE (Antonio M.), 6886. MORONI (Maria Grazia), 3188. MORPURGO (Giulia), 1636. MORREALE (Laura K.), 2565. Morrell (Walter), 5775. MORRIS (Ellen), 1005. Morris (Gouverneur), 7055. MORRIS (R.L.M.), 5600. MORRISON (Cécile), 2404. MORRISON (Kenneth), 4520. MORRISON (Melanie S.), 6673. MORRIS-SUZUKI (Tessa), 4438, 7490. MORSCHAUSER (Scott), 1006. MORSEL (Joseph), 2578, 2906. MORSELLI (Alessandro), 6037. MORTENSEN (Jacob P.B.), 2306. MORTENSEN (Lars Boje), 550. MORTON (Adam David), 5606. MORTON (Barry), 551. MORTON (David), 6112. MORTON (Jonathan), 3175, 3434. MORTON-JACK (George), 7218. MOSCOVITCH (Brant), 6812. MOSELEY (Geoffrey), 1268, 1516. MOSER (Muriel), 391, 1791. MOSER (Peter), 5940. MOSES (A. Dirk), 4548. MOSES (Julia), 6508. Moses, 5492. MOSHAVI (Adina), 1137. MOSHE BEN MAIMON, 2737. MOSKOVSKAIA (Darʹia Sergeevna), 4617. MOSS (Rachel E.), 2967. MOTANI (Yūsuke), 2808. MOTTE (Aurore), 1007. MOTTE (Martin), 5234. MOUBAYED (Sami M.), 4798. MOULIN (Isabelle), 3033. MOULLIER (Igor), 7068. MOUNTJOY (Penelope A.), 949, 950.
MOUNTZ (Alison), 4853. MOURÉLOS (Yannis), 7369. MOUROT (Franck), 981. MOUSSET (Hélène), 177. MOUTOUKIAS (Zacarías), 5997. MOVELLÁN LUIS (Mireia), 1441. MOWAT (Alistair), 1576. MOYN (Samuel), 3733. MOZOKHIN (Oleg), 4652. MSEBA (Admire), 6908. Mubarak (Hosni), 3994. MUCCIARELLI (Roberta), 2635. MUDAN FINN (Kavita), 763. MUDGE (Stephanie L.), 6510. MUDRY (Philippe), 1517. MUEHLENBECK (Philip E.), 7461. MUEHLETHALER (L.), 2818. MÜGGENBURG (Jan), 5520. Múgica (Francisco J.), 5132. MUGNAI (Niccolò), 2093. Muhammad Ali, 2808. Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr, 2770. Muḥammad V, King of Morocco, 4525. Muhammad, 2769, 2792. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter), 4174. MÜHLING (Christian), 7044. MUIÑO (Oscar), 3783. MUIR (Angela Joy), 6355. MUIR (Steven C.), 2236. Mujibur Rahman, Sheikh, 3832. MUKAI (Shinya), 3691. MUKANYA KANINDA-MUANA (Jean-Bruno), 5827. MUKHANOV (V. M.), 4073. MUKHOPADHYAY (Aparajita), 5828. MULDER-BAKKER (Anneke B.), 3588. MULK (Inga-Maria), 902. MULLEN (Lincoln A.), 5112. MÜLLER (Andrea), 6527. MÜLLER (Anna), 4584. MÜLLER (Christel), 1187. MÜLLER (Christian Th.), 7219. MÜLLER (Ernst), 343. MÜLLER (Gernot M.), 2031, 2148. MÜLLER (Harald), 2604. Müller (Hermann), 4189. MÜLLER (Jens), 5618. MÜLLER (Jörn), 2027. MÜLLER (Jürgen), 4109. MÜLLER (Kai), 5463. MÜLLER (Klaus), 1570. MÜLLER (Leos), 4773. MULLER (Robert), 1239. MÜLLER (Sigrid), 3437. MÜLLER (Simone M.), 6702. MÜLLER (Stefan), 4212. MÜLLER (Tim B.), 591, 4175.
379 MÜLLER-TAMM (Jutta), 11. MULROONEY (Margaret M.), 344. MULRYNE (J.R.), 5600. MULSOW (Martin), 691, 5428, 5568. MULTHAMMER (Michael), 6554. MUN (Sŏng-jae), 345. MUNAJJIM BĀSHĪ (Aḥmad ibn Luṭf Allāh), 4818. MÜNCH (Birgit Ulrike), 3330. MUNCK (Bert), 635. MUNDT (Felix), 1979. MUNITIZ (Joseph A.), 2349. MÜNKLER (Marina), 3110. MUÑOZ (Jorge Luján), 7914. MUÑOZ (José-María), 6038. MUÑOZ CORDERO (Lydia Inés), 6966. MUÑOZ MARTINEZ (Monica), 4908. Münster (Ernst Friedrich Herbert Graf von), 4195. MUNTZ (Charles E.), 1442. MURA SOMMELLA (Anna), 1627. MURAD (Ali), 1077. MURAI (Shōsuke), 7860. MURANO (Giovanna), 3265. MURAOKA (Takamitsu), 2194. MURARU (Alexandru), 4611. MURAT (Zuleika), 3650. MURATORE (Davide), 1443. MURCH (Donna), 4909. MURILO DE CARVALHO (José), 4597. MURISON (Barbara C.), 5418. MURNANE (William J.), 990. MURPHY (Amanda), 3632. MURPHY (Anne L.), 121. MURPHY (Colm), 6511. MURPHY (Curtis G.), 5237. MURPHY (David J.), 1229. MURPHY (Edwina), 2258. MURPHY (Elaine), 4225. MURPHY (Emilie K. M.), 3655. MURPHY (Janine T.), 4176. MURPHY (Mahon), 6909. MURPHY (William), 4321. MURRAY (Damien), 5038. Murray (family), 134. MURRAY (Sarah C.), 346, 1206. MURRAY (Timothy J.), 2300. MURRELL TAYLOR (Amy), 4910. MURRIN (John M.), 4911. MURZAKU (Ines), 2353. MUSAJ (Fatmira), 3760. MUSARRA (Antonio), 2714. MUSCHALEK (Marie), 6753. MUSCHIOL (Gisela), 5031. MÜSELER (Wilhelm), 952. MUSSATO (Albertino), 2579.
380 MUSSINI (Cecilia), 3208. Mussolini (Benito), 4354, 4363, 4403, 4409, 4410, 4411, 5271, 5340, 5379, 7323. MUSSON (Anthony), 2911. MUṣṭAFÁ (Muṣṭafá Wajīh), 2968. MUSTAFAZADÄ (Tofiq), 7036, 7038, 7066. MUSTÈ (Marcello), 5429. MUSTEAŢĂ (Sergiu), 2969. MUSTO (Ryan A.), 7623. MUTAFCHIEVA (Neda), 487. Muth (Carl), 5373. Muthariyar (dinasty), 7699. MUTI (Giulia), 773. MYERS (David N.), 347. MYERS (Kelsey N.), 790. Myrsileias, 1564, 1566. MYTEVELI (Valbona), 3761. N N'DIAYE (Boubacar), 4483. NA'AMAN (Nadav), 1138. ÑACO DEL HOYO (Toni), 1192. NADALI (Davide), 953. NADDARI (Lotfi), 1659. NADLER (Steven), 5186. NAERT (Jan), 7220. NAFTALI (Timothy), 7625. NAGEL (Daniel), 4152, 7023. NAGORNAJA (Oksana Sergeevna), 7436. NAGY (Balázs), 2922, 2963, 2970. NAGY (Piroska), 3059. NAIL (Thomas), 2028. NAISMITH (Rory), 2526, 2549. NAKABAYASHI (Masaki), 6604. NAKAJIMA (Chieko), 6113. NAKAJIMA (Keiichi), 7861. NAKAJIMA (Kentaro), 6849. NAKAMURA (Eri), 6356. NAKAMURA (Tomomi), 5916. NAKAMURA (Tsubasa), 7862. NAKANISHI (Keita), 4439. NAKANISHI (Satoru), 6357. NANETTI (Andrea), 2660. NANNI (Matteo), 3386. Napier (Richard), 5501. Napoléon Ier, empereur de France, 4070, 7059, 7067. Napoléon III, empereur de France, 4068. NAPPA (Christopher), 1980. Naquet (Alfred), 4054. Narsai, 2198, 2335. NASILLI (Nina), 2203. NASO (Alessandro), 1626. NASR EL-DINE (Hassan), 1008. NASTASĂ-KOVÁCS (Lucian), 5233. Nasution (Abdul Haris), 4306. NATALI (Luca), 438.
INDEX OF NAMES NATERMANN (Diana Miryong), 6910. Nathan (Matthew sir), 6880. NÄTHER (Birgit), 6605. NAUM (Magdalena), 6233. NAUMANN (Katja), 348. NAURES ATTO (David Gaunt), 4815. NAVARRO (Bruno J.), 6911. NAVARRO ANTOLÍN (Fernando), 1698. NAVARRO ORTEGA (Ana Dolores), 914. NAYLOR (Ed), 6800. NAZARLI (Aziza), 3828. NDAYWEL È NZIEM (Isidore), 5263. NDIAYE (E.), 1864. NECHTMAN (Tillman W.), 6991. Necpaly (family), 136. NEDERMAN (Cary J.), 3427. NEERGAARD (Anders), 4774. NEF (Annliese), 2779. NEF'ODOV (Dmytro), 349. Neferneferuaten, 1022. NEGRONI (Sabine), 859. Nehru (Jawaharlai), 7502, 7213, 7453. Neidhart von Reuenthal, 3162, 3177. NEIGHBORS (Jennifer M.), 6674. NEILL (Deborah), 5917. NEKHOTIN (V. V.), 4633. Nell-Breuning (Oswald), 5768. NELSON (Elena), 5093. NELSTROP (Louise), 3288. NĚMEČEK (Jan), 350, 3735, 5278. Nemesius Emesenus, 2199. NÉMETH (András), 2469. NEMOTO (Minami), 7863. Nenni (Pietro), 4384. NERBAS (Donald), 6967. NERÍN (Gustau), 6875. NEROTH VAN VOGELPOEL (Alex C.J.), 2361. NEROZZI (Sebastiano), 5985. Nerva (Marcus Cocceius), Roman emperor, 1993. NESCHWARA (Christian), 2548, 6562. NESSELRATH (Heinz-Günther), 2305. NESVIG (Martin Austin), 6968. NETTELBECK (Amanda), 6828, 6992. NEUDING SKOOG (Martin), 4775. NEUFELD (Christine M.), 3056. NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang), 552, 3806, 4074. NEUHAUS (Helmut), 430. NEUHÄUSER (Stephan), 3803.
NEUMANN (Christian Alexander), 3582. NEUMANN (Friederike), 472, 481. NEUMÜLLER (Moritz), 718. NEUNECK (Götz), 5524. NEUSTADT (Cornelia), 2715. Neustadt (Heinrich von), 3106. NEVALAINEN (Pasi), 5829. NEVERS (Jeppe), 592, 3718. NEVES (Eduardo G.), 845. Neville (Cynthia J.), 2913. NEVILLE (Leonora A.), 351. NEVILLE (Peter), 4952. NEWCOMER (Daniel), 4504. NEWHAUSER (Richard), 3440. NEWMAN (Brooke N.), 6359. NEWMAN (John Paul), 7258. NEWMAN (Mark), 5039. NEWTON (Hannah), 6360. Newton (Isaac), 5453, 5537. NEWTON (Lucy), 5988. NG (Diana), 2102. NGONGO (Enika), 6912. NHEM (Boraden), 3873. Ní MHAONAIGH (Máire), 3483. Niccolò da Cividale, notaio, 2528. Niccolò da Reggio, 1494. Niccoló di Segna, 3331. Nicephorus Blemmydes, 2376. Nicephorus Gregoras, 2487. Nicephorus I Constantinopolitanus, Sanctus, 2377. Nicephorus II Phocas, Byzantine emperor, 2401. Nicetas Choniates, 2495. NICHOLAS (Linda M.), 665. Nicholas of Clairvaux, 2571. NICHOLS (David Andrew), 7929. NICHOLSON (Emma), 1315, 1444. NICHOLSON (Nigel), 1340. NICHOLSON (Oliver), 556. Nicias, 1419, 259. Nicolai (Walter), 7189. NICOLAJ (Giovanna), 2. NICOLARDI (Federica), 1248. NICOLAU DE MEDIONA, 2517. Nicolaus Cabasilas, 2378. Nicolaus Callicles, 2379. Nicolaus Cusanus, 3413. Nicolaus Damascenus, 440. NICOLAUS DE AQUAEVILLA, 3612. Nicolaus Methonensis, 2380. NICOLI (Miriam), 6306. NICOLÒ (Anna), 221. Nicolò da Cividale (notaio), 2546. NICOLOSI (Gerardo), 4345. NIE (Fusheng), 7766. NIEBUHR (Robert), 7437. NIEDBALSKI (Johanna), 6361. NIEDERHÄUSER (Peter), 2710, 5157.
INDEX OF NAMES NIEDERLAND (Doron), 4178. NIEDERSTÄTTER (Alois), 3810. NIEFANGER (Dirk), 7034. NIEKUS (Marcel), 810. NIELSEN (Nicky) Horenpe, 1009. NIEMI (Seija A.), 202. Niemöller (Martin), 4146. NIESER (Florian), 3179. NIETO (Aurora), 843. NIETO SORIA (José Manuel), 436, 2504. NIEVES (Angel David), 5346. NIFTALIEV (Il'gar Bakhid), 3829. NIGRIN (Tomáš), 5830. NIJBOER (Albert J.), 1612. NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude), 4536. Nikephorus, Sanctus, patriarch of Constantinople, 2462. NIKIFOROVA (Siia︡), 7333. NIKODYM (Tomáš), 5238. NIKOLAOU-PATRAGA (Kyriakos Th.), 2371. Nikolay I, Imperator i Samoderzhets Vserossiyskiy, 4668. Nikolay II Aleksandrovich, Imperator i Samoderzhets Vserossiyskiy, 4671. NIKOLOV (Stoyan), 7124. NIKONOVA (Olga Jurevna), 7436. NILL (Hans-Peter), 1981. NILSSON (David), 179. NILSSON (J.P.), 7045. NILSSON (Maria), 1010. NILSSON HAMMAR (Anna), 659. NILSSON MOHAMMADI (Robert), 6512. Nilus Rossanensis, Sanctus, 2353. Nipperdey (Thomas), 441. NIRENBERG (David), 3037. NISATI (Massimiliano), 2600. NISHI (Hideaki), 6555. NISHIDA (Mieko), 6362. NISHIMURA (Masahiro), 1793. NISHIMURA (Yōko), 7767. NISHITANI (Masahiro), 7865. NISSEN (Ada), 7627. NISSEN (Hans J.), 1078. NISTERS (David), 3180. NIVALA (Asko), 5404. NIVEN (Bill), 5687. NIVET (Philippe), 4021, 7221. NIX (Maximilian), 3611. Nixon (Richard Milhous), 7554, 7598, 7619, 7641, 7667. NIŽŇANSKÝ (Eduard), 5180. Nkrumah (Kwame), 7572, 7581, 7606. NOBBS-THIESSEN (Ben), 6363. NOBLE (Thomas F. X.), 2742. NOBLESSE-ROCHER (Annie), 4965. NOCENTINI (Silvia), 3080, 3576.
NOCITA (Teresa), 3181. NODA (Akihiko), 5901. NOGA-BANAI (Galit), 2301. NOLTE (Paul), 441. NOLZEN (Armin), 521. NONDÉDÉO (Philippe), 7927. NONGBRI (Brent), 2302. NORBY (Søren), 7370. NORD (Lars), 4776. NORDBERG (Kari H.), 659. Nordenskiöld (Adolf Erik), 202. NORDIN (Svante), 352, 554, 5439. NORDMANN (Ingeborg), 5436. NORELLI (Enrico), 2297. NORÉN (Fredrik), 6364. NOREÑA (Carlos F.), 1913. NØRGAARD (Anne Engelst), 3975. NØRGÅRD (Inger Lyngdrup), 6365. NORMAN (Diana), 2716. Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, 6841. NØRREGÅRD (Martin Bo), 7175. NOSETTI (Pietro), 6039. Nossis, 1213. NOTHAFT (C. Philipp E.), 3248. NOTINI (Sylvia), 727. NOTTER (Olivier), 780. NOTTI (Erika), 1207. NOVÁK (Ádám), 2545. NOVELLI (Edoardo), 4408. Novick (Lynn), 5728. NOVIKOV (Alekseĭ Valentinovich), 4680. NOVIKOVA (Liudmila), 4653. Novomeský (Ladislav), 5558. NOVOTNY (Jamie), 1079, 1080. NOWAK (Maria), 1311. NOWAKIEWICZ (Tomasz), 3663. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia), 5135. NOWAKOWSKI (Paweł), 2344. Nowak-Vogl (Maria), 5486. NOWOTNICK (Michaela), 3708. NOWOTNY (Elisabeth), 3009. NOYES (Ruth S.), 5613. NOYJOVICH (Ariel), 3786. NÜBEL (Rainer), 3182. NUGENT (Maria), 242. NUGENT (Stephen L.), 5831. NUGENT (Walter), 4912. NUNES (Paulo Giovani Antonino), 3863. NUNES DIAS (Camila), 3856. NÚÑEZ (Lautaro), 853. NÚÑEZ SEIXAS (Xosé Manoel), 540, 4749. NUNN (Cedric), 6105. NUNO RODRIGUES (Luís), 6751. NUNOKAWA (Hiroshi), 6116. Nūr Jahān Empress, consort of Jahangir, Emperor of Hindustan, 7703.
381 NUTI (Leopoldo), 7396. NUTTALL (Jeremy), 4254. NUZZOLO (Massimiliano), 1011. NYAGULOV (Blagovest), 353. NYAMUSHOSHO (Robert), 775. NYBERG (Andreas), 7300. NYBERG (Kenneth), 5514. NYE (David E.), 6117. NYFFENEGGER (Nicole), 67. NYGAARD (Pål), 5832. NZEZA KABU ZEX-KONGO (JeanPierre), 6914. O O (Ir-hwan), 7440. Ó CRÓINÍN (Dáibhí), 115. Ó HUIGINN (Ruairí), 2559. Ó RIAIN (Pádraig), 3589. O'BRIEN (Anne), 6367. O'BRIEN (Derek), 6812. O'BRIEN (Karen), 6819. O'BYRNE (Declan), 2304. O'CALLAGHAN (John), 4331. O'Connell (Daniel), 4333. O'CONNELL (Sean), 5986. O'CONNELL (Vincent), 7222. O'CONNOR (Thomas), 5023. O'CONOR (Kieran Denis), 3670. O'DALY (Irene), 3438. O'DONOGHUE (Eóin), 254. O'DRISCOLL (Mervyn), 7438. O'GORMAN (Daniel), 765. O'HALPIN (Eunan), 7516. O'HANLON (Seamus), 6118. O'HARA (Alexander), 3579, 3590. O'HARA (James J.), 1725. O'KEEFFE (Tadhg), 2668. O'MALLEY (Alanna), 6915. O'MALLEY (John W.), 5040. O'MALLEY (Kate), 7516. O'MALLEY (Seamus), 766. O'MARA (Veronica), 3273. O'NEILL (Séamus), 1518. O'SULLIVAN (Michael E.), 5041. O'TOOLE (Patricia), 7223. Oakes (Richard), 4852. OATES (Jonathan), 138. OATES (Rosamund), 5136. OATLEY (Keith), 692. Obama (Barack Hussein), 7551. ÖBERG (Stefan), 6102. OBERKOFLER (Gerhard), 6556. OBERLE (Eric), 5435. OBERSTE (Jörg), 2972. OBLOJ (Krzysztof), 5741. OBOROYA (Hisashi), 7866. OBRADOVIĆ (Marija), 4694. OBRADOVIĆ (Mirko), 1265. OBSOMER (Claude), 1445. ŌBUCHI (Hisashi), 2809.
382 OCAMPO SUÁREZ-VALDÉS (Joaquín), 6533. Occhipinti (Elisa), 3690. OCHAŁA (Grzegorz), 973. OCHOA (Enrique C.), 4502. OCKER (Christopher), 5137. ODELMAN (Eva), 3612. ODIJIE (Michael), 7224. ODINGA (Sobukwe), 7628. ODORICO (Paolo), 2925. ŌE (Hiroyo), 4440. OELSNER (Gertrud), 5612. OELSNER (Joachim), 1061. OELZE (Anselm), 3439. OEMING (Manfred), 1153. OESCH (Corinna), 4129. OFFEN (Karen), 4047. OFFNER (Arnold A.), 4913. OGAWA (Takeo), 7867. OGDEN (Emily), 693. OGEREAU (Julien M.), 2245. OGNIANOV (Liubomir), 3867. OGUCHI (Masashi), 7870. OHANSEN (Hanne Marie), 6281. OHLMEYER (Jane), 6850. OIKIÓN SOLANO (Verónica), 4505. OJALA (Jari), 5812. OJENNUS (Paul), 1519. OJO (Olatunji), 6040. OKAMURA (Tamio), 4790. ŌKAWA (Shirō), 4790. OKAZAKI (Tetsuji), 6849. OKOŃ (Danuta), 1856. OKTAVIANA (Adhi Agus), 885. ŌKUBO (Akira), 7225. OKUDA (Haruki), 4441. OKUYAMA (Norio), 7768. OLADEJO (Mutiat Titilope), 4547. OLALLA (David Moreno), 3400. OLAUSSON (Peter), 555. OLCOTT (Jocelyn), 304. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian), 7046. OLDONI (Massimo), 3183. OLDS (Kelly B.), 6041. OLEĬNIKOV (Alekseĭ Vladimirovich), 7226. Oleśnicki (Zbigniew), 3083. Olivares (Luis), 5024. OLIVEIRA (Pedro A.), 6751. Oliveira Vianna (Francisco José de), 3862. OLIVER (Lizzie), 7301. OLIVOS LOMBANA (Andrés), 6368. OLKO (Justyna), 7930. OLLITRAULT (Sylvie), 4011. OLMO LÓPEZ (Rubén), 1857. OLMSTEAD (Justin Quinn), 7227. OLNEY (Richard), 5967. OLSANSKY (Michael), 4782. OLSEN (Niklas), 6440.
INDEX OF NAMES OLSEN (Sandra), 903. OLSON (S. Douglas), 1446. OLSON GUSTAFSON (Anita), 6369. OLSSON (Mats), 6172. OLSZEWSKI (Lechosław), 1647. OLUKOJU (Ayodeji), 6916. OLVERA RIVERA (Alberto), 4514. Olympiodorus Alexandrinus, 2357. OLYMPIOS (Michalis), 3342. OMISSI (Adrastos), 2137. OMODEO (Adolfo), 446. ONDOA (Henri Atangana), 5347. ONO (Rintaro), 885. ONO (Yasunori), 7769. ONORATO (Massimiliano G.), 623. ONUF (Nick), 569. ONUF (Peter S.), 4914. ONUMA (Takahiro), 7047. OOSTERHOFF (Richard J.), 5286. OOSTERHUIS (Harry), 6156. OOSTHUIZEN (Jean), 5138. OOSTINDIE (Gert), 6810. OPFERKUCH (Stefan), 2159. OPITZ (Rachel), 2085. OPLL (Ferdinand), 2535. OPPENEER (Thierry), 1286. OPPENHEIMER (Melanie), 3799. OPPIZZI (Martino), 6370. ORAIN (Arnaud), 4048. ORAM (Matthew), 5521. ORAZI (Veronica), 5688. ORELLANA URTUBIA (Luis), 5130. Oribasius, 1490. Origenes, 2200, 2201, 2253, 2293, 2305, 2311. ORIQUE (David Thomas), 5083. ORLANDI (Giovanni), 3574. Orléans (dynastie), 4067. ORLYK (Svitlana), 7228. ORME (John David), 593. ORMROD (Mark), 2989. OROSS (Krisztián), 851. ORSÁG (Petr), 7629. ORSI (Roberto), 2580. ORSINI (Giorgio da Sebenico), 3283. ORSINI (Pasquale), 8. ØRSKOV (Frederik Forrai), 7334. ORTEGA LÓPEZ (Teresa María), 5683. ORTH (Karin), 5522. ORTI GOST (Pere), 2987. ORTISI (Salvatore), 1795. Ortiz (Frank), 7548. Ortiz (Roberto Marcelino), 3778. ORTON (David), 801. OSANNA (Massimo), 1660. OSGOOD (Josiah), 1794. OSHIKIRI (Taka), 6371. OSMONT (Mathieu), 7630. OSOKINA (Elena), 5596, 5833.
OSORIO (Peter), 1520. OSSWALD (Brendan), 2581. OSTAJMER (Branko), 3929. ÖSTBERG (Kjell), 3725, 4004. OSTEN (Sarah), 4507. OSTERHAMMEL (Jürgen), 663. OSTERKAMP (Jana), 4283. OSTERMANN (Patrick), 4409. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo), 4363, 4410. ÖSTLING (Johan), 659. OSTOS-SALCEDO (Pilar), 2. OSUNA (María Florencia), 7500. Oswald von Wolkenstein, 3162. OTCHAKOVSKY-LAURENS (François), 2717. Otho Caesar Augustus (Marcus Salvius), 288. OTIS (Melissa), 5968. ŌTOSHI (Tetsuya), 6372. OTRANTO (Rosa), 390. OTTANELLI (Fraser M.), 4412. OTTERMANN (Annelen), 226. OTTERSBACH (Christian), 2975. OTTO (Julie Helen), 142. Otto I der Grosse, Kaiser, 3486. Otto III, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2680, 3640. OTTONE (Gabriella), 356, 1250. OTTRIA (Ilaria), 1983. OTU (Petre), 4612. OUAHES (Idir), 6851. OUELLET (Marie-Eve), 6969. OUERFELLI (Mohamed), 2925. OUYANG (Zhesheng), 7770. OVERBECK (Michael), 886. OVERDUIN (Floris), 1521. OVERLAET (Bruno), 1166. OVERSTREET PRATT (Dorothy), 4915. OVERTON (Mark), 5944. OVERY (Richard), 7371. OVETZ (Robert), 6513. Ovidius Naso (Publius), 1701, 1702, 1932, 1955, 1969, 1983, 1984, 1985, 3093. OWACHI (Gerald), 6381. OWEN (Abigail), 680. OWEN (Caleb Edwin), 6120. OWEN (Kenneth), 4916. OWEN (Lewis A.), 805. OWEN-CROCKER (Gale), 3035. OWENS (Trevor), 222. OWENSBY (Brian P.), 6808. OWNBY (Ted), 6373. OXENHAM (Marc F.), 822. ŌYAMA (Kyōhei), 7855. OYARZO VIDAL (Carmen Gemita), 3900. OZAKI (Kikuko), 2810. OZAWA (Tsuyoshi), 7868.
INDEX OF NAMES ÖZCALIK (Sevil), 7229. ÖZCAN (Ahmet), 4819. ÖZDOGAN (Mehmet), 854. ÖZKAN (Umut Birkan), 5348. ÖZKAYA (Sevda), 3993. ÖZSOY (Ergün), 7024. ÖZYAR (Aslı), 949. P PAASCH (Kathrin), 4982. PABÓN AYALA (Nathalie), 3912. PACCIARELLI (Marco), 881. PACE (Alessandro), 1550. PACE (Domenico), 221. PACHOUMI (Eleni), 2139. PADGETT (Philip), 7372. PADGETT (Timothy D.), 5139. PADILLA PERALTA (Dan-el), 1805. PADOAN (Alessandro), 3678. Pagano (Sergio), 20, 3473. PAGE (Anthony), 6631. PAGE (Sven), 1182. PAGETTI (Carlo), 5578. PAGLIANO (Alessandra), 117. PAGNONI (Fabrizio), 2718, 3506. PAIK (Christopher), 5323. PAILLET (Patrick), 823. Paine (Thomas), 5455. PAIREDER (Bettina), 236. PAIVA (Diogo), 6374. PAK (Ch'an-sŭng), 357. PAK (Hyŏn-gyu), 7008. PAKENDORF (Harald), 5402. PAKSOY (İrfan), 4820. PAL CHAUDHURI (Jyotirmoy), 6917. PALACIO (Juan Manuel), 3784, 6664. PALACIOS ONTALVA (José Santiago), 2706. PALADINO (Laura C.), 2150. PALÁRIK (Miroslav), 4703. PALAZZO (Alessandro), 3045, 3402. PALERMO (Luciano), 6328. PALERMO (Silvana A.), 3785. PALEY (Samuel M.), 1151. PALLA (Roberto), 3188. PALLADINO (Adrien), 3336. PALLAVER (Günther), 3739. PALLINI-MARTIN (Agnès), 7025. PALLUA (Irene), 5825. PALMA (Nuno), 2976. PALMER (Bryan D.), 3884, 4917. PALMER (James Trevor), 3591, 3618. PALMER (Thomas), 4969. PALMIERI (Marco), 4358. PALMIERI (Pasquale), 5569. PALOMANES MARTINHO (Francisco Carlos), 4598.
PALOMO (Federico), 6817. PÁLOSFALVI (Tamás), 2719. PAMPEL (Bert), 4159. PAMUK (Şevket), 5755. PAN (Honggang), 7771. PAN (Shuzhen), 7772. PANAGIOTIDIS (Jannis), 6305. PANARELLI (Francesco), 3657. PANAYOTOVA (Stella), 49. PANCIERA (Walter), 3667. Pancratius Tauromenitanus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2232. PANDEY (Nandini B.), 1986. PANDOLFI (Carmelo), 3444. PANE (Andrea), 6121, 7276. PANEGYRES (Konstantine), 1447. PANG (Il-gwŏn), 7440. PANI (Erika), 312. PANI (Laura), 2. PANI (Marco), 6042. PANIAGUA (David), 1705, 2029. PANIAGUA PÉREZ (Jesús), 4559. PANLOUPS (Elisabeth), 859. PANNEN (Sabine), 4179. PANORYA (Mathieu), 2408. PANTI (Cecilia), 3255, 3422. PANUŠKOVÁ (Lenka), 61. PANZA (Laura), 5834. PANZERA (Maria Cristina), 5241. PANZRAM (Sabine), 3675. PAOLETTI (Paola), 1063. PAONE (Stefania), 3303. PAPADOGIANNIS (Nikolaos), 6166. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.), 1195. PAPAKONSTANTINOU (Zinon), 1341. PAPAKŌSTA (Christina E.), 4266. Papanghelis (Theodore D.), 1970. PAPANTONIOU (Giorgos), 1582. PAPAPOLYVÍOU (Pétros), 7230. PAPARRIGA-ARTÉMIADI (Lydia), 2471. PAPASTEFANAKI (Leda), 6166. PAPMEHL-DUFAY (Ludvig), 892. PAPPAS (Giōrgos K.), 7268. PAPPAS (Pantelēs G.), 7268. PAPUHA (Iaroslav), 7231. PAPY (Jan), 5103. PARADA LÓPEZ DE CORSELAS (Manuel), 3306. PARANI (Maria G.), 2472. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Agostino), 3032. PARCELLS (Ashley), 4721. PARCHOMENKO (Marija Viktorivna), 2473. Pardo (Manuel), 4566. PARDO RODRÍGUEZ (María Luisa), 2. PARDON-LABONNELIE (Muriel), 1190, 1522, 2014.
383 Pareto (Vilfredo), 5236. PARHI (Katariina), 6675. PARICIO (Javier), 1858. Paris (Matthew), 2590, 2675. PARISI (Marcella), 814. PARISSAKI (Marie-Gabrielle G.), 1751. PARK (Benjamin E.), 4918. PARK (Danielle E. A.), 3509. PARK (Heejin), 6375. PARK (Sun-Young), 6122. PARKER (Adam), 2048. PARKER (Eleanor), 2830. PARKER (Harold), 1530. PARKER (Lucy), 4970. PARKER (Luke E.), 860. PARKER (Robert), 1551. PARMEGGIANI (Giovanni), 1287, 1523. PARNREITER (Christof), 6091. Parsberg (Werner von), 2979. PARSHYN (Illia), 2720. PARSONS (Ben), 3274. PARSONS (Neil), 5690. PARSONS (Simon Thomas), 2573. PARTIENS (Gert), 2310. PARTNER (Simon), 4442. PASCHOUD (François), 1688. PASCUAL (J.), 1288. PASCUAL (Rafael), 3444. PASCUCCI (Tomaso), 4049. PASHMAN (Howard), 4919. PASSERINI (Annapaola), 954. PASSMORE (Oliver), 1448. PASTENA (Carlo), 55. Pasteur (Louis), 5494. PASTEWKA (Janosch), 4180. PASTOORS (Andreas), 817. PASTORE (Alessandro), 359. PASTRANA FLORES (Miguel), 7920. PASTUKHOV (Vladimir), 4654. PATCH (William L.), 6514. PATEL (Kiran Klaus), 360, 3737, 4177. PATERSON (Linda M.), 2573, 3184. PATH (Kosal), 7632. PATILLON (Michel), 1395, 2359, 2362. Patočka (Jan), 5423, 5456. PATRICK (Andrew), 7232. PATSCHOVSKY (Alexander), 3607, 3647. PATTEN (Robert L.), 762. PATTERSON (W. B.), 426. PATTI (Carlo), 7633. PATTIE (Susan Paul), 7233. PATTIEU (Sylvain), 6376. PATTINSON (Juliette), 6345. PATZELT (Maik), 2050. PÄTZOLD (Stefan), 2937. PATZOLD (Steffen), 2670.
384 PAUL (Herman), 473. PAUL (K. Tawny), 6515. PAUL (Morten), 86. PAUL (Nicholas), 2565. PAUL (Stéphanie), 1552. PAULEIT (Winfried), 5691. PAULO (Pedro), 361. Paulus (Arrie), 4725. PAULUS (Christoph G.), 1859. Paulus (Iulius), 1692, 1836. PAULUS (Julia), 4101. Paulus Aegineta, 2026, 2416. Paulus, apostolus, Sanctus, 2175, 2210, 2215, 2227, 2264, 2271, 2286, 2306, 2326. Pausanias, 1475. PAUSCH (Dennis), 362. PAUSER (Josef), 6693. Pavelić (Ante), 3931. PAVLÍČEK (Ota), 3430. PAVÓN (Pilar), 1908. PAWLAK (Anna), 3360. PAXTON (Naomi), 5692. PAYEN (Pascal), 1289. PAYER (Peter), 6123. PAYK (Marcus M.), 6729. PAYNE (Alina), 5248. PAYNE (Annick), 955. PAZ Y MIÑO CEPEDA (Juan José), 3988. PEARMAN (Tory Vandeventer), 3185. PEART (Daniel), 4920. PÉBARTHE (Christophe), 363, 1290, 1329, 1342. PEÇE (Uğur Z.), 7125. PECHATNOV (Vladimir), 7316. PÉCOUT (Thierry), 2513. PEDEMONTE (Rafael), 7634. PEDERSEN (Morten), 5756. Pedraza (García de), 3163. PEDRINI (Diego), 6377. PEELS‑MATTHEY (Saskia), 1555. PEEPLES (Matthew A.), 798. PEERS (Chris), 2682. PEINADO (Elisabet Gómez), 1183. PEITER (Anne D.), 6827. PEIXOTO (Xavier), 803. PEKER (Hasan), 946. PELÁEZ DEL ROSAL (Jesús), 2239. Pelagius, 2225. PÉLEGRIN (Jacques), 827. PELLETIER (L.), 5437. PELLICER NICOLÁS (José Higinio), 4750. PELOUX (Fernand), 3573. PELTONIEMI (Mirva), 5812. PEMBERTON (Neil), 6453. PENE VIDARI (Gian Savino), 6581, 6676. PENKETT (Luke), 56.
INDEX OF NAMES PENSADO (Jaime M.), 4502. PENTCHEVA (Bissera V.), 2414. PENTLAND (Gordon), 558. PERAINO (Kevin), 7514. PERCZEL (István), 2365. PEREA YÉBENES (Sabino), 1912. PEREDA (Felipe), 3344. Pereira (Michela), 3255. PERELS (Ernst), 2527. PERENTIDIS (Stavros), 1343. PÉRÉON (Yves-Marie), 4051. PÉRÈS (Léanna), 1577. PERETT (Marcela K.), 3476. PÉREZ (Erika), 6378. PÉREZ (Lisandro), 6379. PÉREZ FABREGAT (Clara), 3996. PÉREZ FRANCESCH (Joan Lluís), 4732. PÉREZ LAMBÀS (Fernando), 1450. PÉREZ MARTÍN (Inmaculada), 2350. PÉREZ MORALES (Edgardo), 6970. PÉREZ PINEDA (Carlos), 3997. PÉREZ TÉLLEZ (Iván), 490. PÉREZ TRUJILLANO (Rubén), 4728. PÉREZ ZAPICO (Daniel), 5919. PERGHER (Roberta), 4411, 7141. PERISANIDI (Maroula), 3648. PERJOVÉS MACEDO (José Antonio), 6606. PERLÈS (Catherine), 853. PERLMAN (Paula), 1303. PERLMANN (Joel), 6380. PERNAU (Margrit), 364. PERNICONE (Nunzio), 4412. PERNOT (Denis), 5579. PERNOT (Laurent), 764. Perny (Paul), 5216. PERÒ (Anna), 1553. Perón (Juan Domingo), 3784. PEROVIĆ (Jeronim), 4655. PEROVIĆ (Latinka), 4694. PEROVŠEK (Jurij), 4709. Perpetua, Sancta, 2342. PERRA (Mauro), 1616. PERRAS (Galen Roger), 7126. PERRATORE (Julia), 3305. Perrault (famille), 140. PERRENOUD (Marc), 6499. PERRIN (Thomas), 815, 820. PERRIN (Yves), 2094. PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR (Éric), 1344. PERROT (Claude-Hélène), 442. PERROT (Michelle), 5580, 6477. PERROT (Sandrine), 6381. PERRY (Guy), 2978. PERRY (Imani), 5694. Perry (Matthew C.), 7105. PERRY (Seth), 4971. Persius Flaccus (Aulus), 1730.
Person (Yves), 442. PERTICI (Roberto), 365. PERVILLÉ (Guy), 4052. PEŠEK (Jan), 4698, 6760. PESESSE (Damien), 824. Pétain (Philippe), 7278. PETCHEY (Peter), 803. PETER (Werner), 3290. PÉTERFI (Bence), 3572. PETERS (Anja Katharina), 5523. PETERS (Dominik), 5242. PETERS (Kate), 219. PETERS (Lars), 7067. PETERS (Verena), 6677. PETERSEN (Hans-Christian), 6305. PETERSEN (Jørn Henrik), 5140. PETERSEN (Marco), 3978. PETERSEN (Mirko), 7498. PETERSEN (Nils Holger), 3593, 3597. PETERSON (Anna M.), 4551. PETERSON (Jeremiah), 1060. PETERSON (John), 4684. Peterson (Willie), 6673. PETIT (Caroline), 2030. PETIT (Pere), 3863. PETITJEAN (Johann), 5026. PETLEY (Christer), 6971. PETLEY-JONES (David), 2509. PETOLETTI (Marco), 3632. PETRACCO (Giorgio), 2640. PETRAGLIA (Michael D.), 860. PETRARCA (Francesco), 2870, 2896, 3118, 3153, 3170, 3187. PETRARCA (Giacomo), 2743. PETRELLI (Niccolò), 7635. PETRENKO (Olena), 7388. PETRI (Rolf), 697. PETRILÁK (Vladimír), 7636. PETROV (Ĭordan), 7127. PETROVA (Deniza), 7251. PETROVA (Nina Konstantinovna), 6382. PETROVICH-BELKIN (O. K.), 7083. PETRUCCI (Armando), 10. PETRUCCI (Federico M.), 1524. PETRUCCI (Marcella), 1987. PETRUS ALFONSI, 3649. PETRUS DE EBULO, 3094. Petrus Lemovicensis, 3440. Petrus, Sanctus, 2155. PETTIGREW (William A.), 6702. Petubastis IV, 1031. PEYRONEL (Luca), 910. PEYTREMANN (Edith), 2924. PEZDIR (Rado), 7499. PEZÉ (Warren), 3628. PEZO (Edvin), 6383. PEZZETTI (Marcello), 6680. PEZZINO (Paolo), 313. PFAFF (Christopher A.), 1583.
INDEX OF NAMES PFANNER (Michael), 2075. PFEIFER (Gustav), 2705, 3624. PFERSCHY (Gerhard), 2638. PFINGSTTAG (Florian), 976. PFISTER (Ulrich), 6083. Phaedrus, 1396, 1697, 1703. Pherekydes, 1412. PHIALON (Laetitia), 1584. Philemon, 1368. PHILIBERT (Sylvie), 862. PHILIP (Kate), 5835. PHILIPPE (Michel), 802. PHILIPPE (Yann), 6607. Philippe II Auguste, roi de France, 3684. Philippe IV le Bel, roi de France, 3504. PHILIPPIDES (Marios), 3477. Philippides, 1446. Philippus V, king of Macedonia, 1315, 1444. PHILLIPS (Christopher N.), 754. PHILLIPS (David), 5349. PHILLIPS (Jason), 5243. PHILLIPS (Jim), 6549. PHILLIPS (Murray G.), 6384. PHILLIPS SAWYER (Laura), 5920. Philo of Tarsus, 1521. Philocrates, 1301. Philodemus, 1248, 1457. PHILP (Mark), 3740. Philp (R. K.), 5374. PHILPOTT (Bethany), 3878. PHILPOTT (Carolyn), 5695. PHILPOTT (Daniel), 2327. Photius, 1249, 1250. PIA (Ezio Claudio), 3692. PIACENTIN (Sofia), 1914. PIANA TONIOLO (Paola), 2502. PIANO (Valeria), 1451. PIASENTIN (Marta), 2355. PIATIKOVA (Marina Vasilʹevna), 4656. PIATTI (Pierantonio), 20, 3473. PIAY AUGUSTO (Diego), 2307. PIAZZA (Simone), 3345. PIBIRI (Eva), 3032. PICA TORNÉ (Manel), 2510. PICARD (Avi), 4341. PICARD (Jean-Michel), 2668. PICARD (Nicolas), 6678. PICCINI (Jon), 3794, 6385. PICCIONI (Francesca), 1672. PICCIONI (Luigi), 636. PICCO (Dominique), 7043. PICCOLOMINI (Enea Silvio), 3083. PICHÉ (Geneviève), 5043. Picht (Georg), 5457. PICKAVÉ (Martin), 746. PICKETT (James), 408. PICKLES (Thomas), 2619.
PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA (Giovanni), 3404. Picot (François Georges), 7204. PICOT (Jean-Claude), 1525. PIERA (Montserrat), 3044. PIERENKEMPER (Toni), 5771. PIERI (Bruna), 2308. Piero della Francesca, 3323. PIETRANGELI (Giovanni), 6043. Pietro da Eboli, 3370. PIETSCHMANN (Dietrich), 4181. PIFER (Michael), 509. PIGUET (Laure), 6490. PIHLAJAMÄKI (Heikki), 615, 6694. PIJLS (Nico H. J.), 2564. PIKKANEN (Ilona), 366. PIKNEROVÁ (Linda), 6874. PILAT (Liviu), 2722. PILHOFER (Philipp), 2309. PILLON (Andrea), 1014. Piłsudski (Józef), 7109. PIMENTA (Tânia Salgado), 5505. PIMENTEL (Maria Cristina), 651. PINA POLO (Francisco), 1860. PINCÉ (Possum), 1166. Pindarus, 1392, 1439, 1448, 1469, 1472, 1481, 1484. PINEROVÁ (Klára), 3956. PINGARO (Claudia), 7026. PINHASI (Ron), 803. PINI (Giorgio), 3397. PINNOCK (Frances), 953. Pinochet Ugarte (Augusto), 3893, 3895, 3905. PIÑOL ALABART (Daniel), 2532. PINSENT (Andrew), 3049. PINTO (Giuliano), 3003. PINTO (Pasquale Massimo), 390. PINTO (Sarah), 5525. PINTO BERNAL (José Joaquín), 6972. PINZANI (Roberto), 3442. PIO (Berardo), 2872. PIORECKÁ (Kateřina), 5581. PIOSKE (Daniel D.), 1139. PIOTROWSKA (Maria Ferenc), 6124. PIPER (Philip), 822. PIPES (Rose), 553. PIPITONE (Daniele), 4343. PIRANI (Simon), 637. PIRARD (Marcel), 2370. Pirenne (Henri), 443. PIRES (Ana Paula), 4600. PIRILLO (Diego), 7003. PIRILLO (Paolo), 3003. PIRLET (Pierre-François), 5044. PIROU (Florie), 976. PISKAŁA (Kamil), 6153. PITARAKIS (Brigitte), 2459. PITTALUGA (Giovanni B.), 3738.
385 PITTMAN (Holly), 1103. PITTROF (Thomas), 5373. PITTS (Andrew W.), 2235. PITTS (Jennifer), 6730. PITULKO (Vladimir V.), 789. PITZER (Saskia), 6608. PIUS II, Papa, 3083, 3095, 3485. Pius IX, Papa, 5004. Pius XII, Papa, 5003. PIZARRO (Jerónimo), 220. PIZZOLATO (Nicola), 4413, 6516. PLAGGENBORG (Stefan), 4657. PLANCHART (Alejandro Enrique), 3388. PLANELLES OROZCO (Albert), 911. PLANTADE (Emmanuel), 1994. PLASSMANN (Alheydis), 2688. PLATANIA (Erica), 884. PLATA-STENGER (Véronique), 6490. Plato, 745, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1260, 1268, 1502, 1503, 1506-1508, 1516, 1524, 1530, 1545. PLATTHAUS (Andreas), 4182. Plautus (Titus Maccius), 1704. PLAVNIEKS (Richards), 7441. PLEKHANOV (Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich), 4658. PLESZCZYNSKI (Andrzej), 2942. PLEURDEAU (David), 780. PLEYSIER (Albert), 4659. Plinius Secundus (Gaius), maior, 2019. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar), 5757. PLOG (Stephen), 805. PLOKHY (Serhii), 5526, 7335. Plotinus, 1487. PLOTNICK (Rachel), 5244. PLOUVIEZ (David), 5836. PLUMMER (Marjorie Elizabeth), 5156. PLUMPE (Werner), 638. PLÜSS (Martina), 6679. Plutarchus, 1257, 1399, 1421, 1425. PO (Ronald C.), 7773. Pociña (Andrés), 5625. POCIUS (Mindaugas), 4471. POCIŪTÉ (Dainora), 4961. POEHLER (Eric), 2095. POETTERING (Jorun), 6125. POHL (Benjamin), 731. POHL (Walter), 2618, 2620, 2627. POHLIG (Matthias), 7053. POHLMAN (Annie), 4303. PÖHLMANN (Markus), 7189. POILPRÉ (Anne-Orange), 45. POLANSKY (Ronald), 1503. POLEMĒS (Iōannēs D.), 2380. Polemius Silvius, 1705.
386 Polemon Periegetes, 1258. POLIDORI (Valerio), 1249. POLI-MORDICONI (Marie-Eugénie), 150. POLIS (Stéphane), 1012. POLIŠENSKÁ (Milada), 7336. Poliziano (Angelo), 3127. POLLHEIMER-MOHAUPT (Marianne), 2627. POLLINI (Airton), 1184. POLLOCK (Susan), 1081. POLLONI (Nicola), 3255. POLS (Hans), 6852. Polybius, 1315, 1452, 1744. POLZIN (Arno), 6609. POMBENI (Paolo), 4374, 4415. POMEY (Patrice), 1585. Pompeius Magnus (Gnaeus), 1820. Pompeius Trogus, 1693, 1962. Pompidas, 1223. Pomponius Secundus (Publius), 1944. Ponç de Torrella (episcopus), 2510. PONCET (Olivier), 18, 4053. Poni (Carlo), 5852. PONIAT (Radosław), 6139. PONSARD (Nathalie), 4029. PONTANI (Filippomaria), 652, 1257, 1554, 2355. PONTANO (Giovanni Gioviano), 3191, 3221. PONTARI (Paolo), 2552, 3084. PONTORIERO (Ivano), 1692. POOLEY (Colin G.), 6386. POP (Cristina), 1861. POPA (Andra), 171. POPE (Ben), 2979. POPIELARZ (Pamela A.), 5898. POPKIN (Maggie L.), 2096. POPOFF (Michel), 148, 150. POPOV (Aleksej Dmitrievič), 7436. POPPER (Nicholas), 4256. POPPETROV (Nikolay), 284. PORAT (Roi), 1109. PORGES (Karl), 5527. PORHEL (Vincent), 6387. Porphyrius Tyrius, 1513, 2130, 2381. PORTALEZ (Christophe), 4054. PORTER (Stanley E.), 2235. PORTER (Susie S.), 6388. PORTILLO GÓMEZ (Ana), 2097. PORTILLO VALDÉS (José María), 4751. PORTNYKH (Valentin), 3606. PORZIA (Fabio), 1140. POSER (Anita von), 6389. Posidippus, 1446, 1533. POSSAMAI-PEREZ (Marylène), 3093. POSTERT (André), 6313, 6390.
INDEX OF NAMES POSTRIOTI (Giorgio), 1614. Potemkin (Petr Ivanovich), 7037. POTIN (Yann), 539. Potr I Alekséevich 'Velíkim', Imperator i Samoderzhets Vserossiyskiy, 7041, 7048. POTTER (William C.), 7439. POTTS (D.T.), 1167. POUJOULAT (Jean J.F.), 2168. POULHÈS (Louis), 7302. POULOU-PAPADIMITRIOU (Natalia), 2476. POULSEN (Bo), 7065. POULSEN (Niels Bo), 7175. POUPAULT (Christophe), 7303. POURADIER DUTEIL-LOIZIDOU (Anna), 7076. POURCHASSE (Pierrick), 5758, 5837. POURSAT (Jean-Claude), 1208. POUTRIN (Isabelle), 5071. POUZADOUX (Cl.), 1615. POVERO (Niccolò), 3096. POWELL (Brenna Marea), 3859. POWELL (Dana E.), 5838. Powell (Enoch), 4246. POWELL (Kevin D.), 5013. POWER (Timothy), 1453. POZNER (Valérie), 5693. POZZI (Elisabetta), 5696. POZZI (Lucia), 422. PRADEL-BAQUERRE (Mylène), 1707. PRADIER (Baptiste), 803. PRADO (Giliard), 3938. PRADO (Svante), 6517. PRAET (Danny), 4997. PRAGER (Katharina), 5582. PRAJDA (Katalin), 2980. PRAK (Maarten Roy), 595, 2981. PRAKASH (Archana), 5350. PRAKASH (Gyan), 6853. PRANCHÈRE (Nathalie Sage), 6354. PRANGE (Sebastian R.), 2811. PRANIS (Guntars), 3375. PRATESI (Alessandro), 2520, 2523. PRATESI (Marco), 3571. PRAUD (Ivan), 859. PRAUSE (Andrea), 5245. PRAVILOVA (Ekaterina), 5597. PRAZ (Anne-Françoise), 6391. PREEST (David), 2550. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes), 2140. PRELL (Silvia), 906. PRÉMONT (Karine), 7638. Přemyslid (dynasty), 2664. PRENDERGAST (Sam), 367. PRENDERGAST (Thomas Augustine), 3116. PRESHLENOVA (Roumiana), 3729.
PRESSENDA (Paola), 378. PREST (Wilfrid), 6631. PRESTON (Paul), 7337. PRETI (Alberto), 7382. PRÊTRE (Clarisse), 1586. Preuß (Hugo), 4110. PRÉVOST (Xavier), 4009. PREYS (René), 1016. PRICE (Campbell), 1017. PRICE (Jonathan), 1107. PRICE (Richard), 2387. PRICE (Roger), 5045. PRICE (Simon), 563. PRIEMEL (Kim Christian), 4184. PRIESTMAN (Seth), 1168. PRIETO (Alberto), 7639. PRIGENT (François), 4038. PRINZ (Felix), 3349. Priscianus Caesariensis, 3275. Priscillianus Abilensis, episcopus, 2202. PRITCHARD (David M.), 1293, 1345. Proclus, 1259, 1261. Procopius Caesariensis, 2382, 2467, 2477. PRODI (Enrico Emanuele), 1454. Propertius (Sextus), 1706, 1961, 1965, 2008. PROSKE (Veronika), 2724. Prosper Aquitanus, Sanctus, 2261. PROSPERETTI (Elisa), 7908. Prosperi (Adriano), 5110. PROSPERI (Valentina), 5567. PROSTMEIER (Ferdinand R.), 2157. Protagoras, 1520. Prudentius Clemens (Aurelius), 2203. PRUNO (Elisa), 2982. PRUSIN (Alexander V.), 6643. PRYCE (Thomas Oliver), 803. PRYSER (Tore), 7389. PRYTZ (Cristina), 6425. Psellus (Michael), 2375, 2464. PSEUDO GIACOMO DE CAPELLIS, 3405. PSEUDO SEXTUS PLÁCIDO, 3233. Pseudo-Apuleius, 1707. Pseudo-Chrysostomus, 2205, 2206. Pseudo-Quintilianus, 1708. PSŌMATAKĒ (Elenē), 2375. Ptolemaeus I Soter, 1018. Ptolemaeus II Philadelphus, 996. PU (Xiangming), 7757. PUCCI (Molly), 3957. PUCCI DONATI (Francesca), 2983. PÚČIK (Miloslav), 7640. PUIG MONTADA (Josep), 3432. PUIG PALERM (Antoni), 874. PUJADAS-MORA (Joana-Maria), 139.
INDEX OF NAMES PUJOL (Josep), 3121. PULA (Besnik), 6044. PULCINI (Giordana), 7635. PULGAR VIDAL OTÁLORA (Jaime), 4564. PULIATTI (Salvatore), 1840. PULIDO ESTEVA (Diego), 6366. PULLEYN (Simon), 1455. PULLIN (Naomi), 5141. PURCELL (Emer), 3213. PURDY (Michelle A.), 5351. PURPURA (Ashley M.), 2478. PURSCHWITZ (Anne), 5187. PURTON (Peter Fraser), 3251. PUŞCAŞ (Vasile), 4613. PUŠOVÁ (Tereza), 5238. Putin (Vladimir Vladimirovich), 6782, 7551, 7613, 7649, 7686. PYLE (Kenneth B.), 7442. PYNSENT (Robert B.), 5246. PYŎN (Ŭn-jin), 6854. PYRYESKINA (Julia), 3886. PYZHIKOV (Aleksandr Vladimirovich), 4660. Q QASIM ZAMAN (Muhammad), 5188. QASIMOV (Cälal), 3830. QI (Zitong), 7774. Qiwu (Zhu), 6714. QU (Fei), 7786. QU (Xiaoyun), 7775. QUADRACCIA (Anastasia), 2984. QUAGGIO (Giulia), 4752. QUAINI (Massimo), 640. QUATTROCCHI (Luigi), 2098. Quayly Innis (Mary), 5265. QUBBAJ ('Āmir Aḥmad 'Abd Allāh), 7027. QUENTIN (Deluermoz), 6462. QUESTA (Alessandro), 490. QUGANA (Hana), 6812. QUIN (Grégory), 7405. Quinkert (Albert), 7146. QUINN (William), 5998. QUINT (David), 1989. QUINTANA (Ryan A.), 4921. QUINTERO SARAVIA (Gonzalo M.), 6973. Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius), 2013, 2035. Quintus Smyrnaeus, 1262. QUIROS (Ansley L.), 4972. QUONDAM (Amedeo), 423. Quṭb (Saiyid), 3991. QVARSELL (Roger), 6316. R RAASCH (Markus), 5046. RABELER (Sven), 2973.
RABINOVICH (Alejandro Martin), 4567. RABINOVITCH (Oded), 140. RABINOWITZ (Or), 7641. RABUÑAL (José Ramón), 826. RADAELLI (Anna), 3184. RADELOFF (Volker), 5939. Radenković (Bogdan), 4695. RADEVA (Zornitsa), 3441. RADI (Giovanna), 811. Radić (Antun), 3928. RADIĆ (Radmila), 4693. RADMAN-LIVAJA (Ivan), 2104. RADT (Stefan), 1456. RAEVA (T.V.), 7436. RAFFENSPERGER (Christian), 2985. RAFTER (Nicole), 694. RAGAZZOLI (Chloé), 1019. RAGGETTI (Lucia), 2768. RAGGIO (Osvaldo), 369, 463. RAGIMOV (Guseĭn), 7066. RAGUIN-BARTHELMEBS (Marjolaine), 3184. RAGUSA (Andrea), 4661. RAHBAR (Mehdi), 1164. Rahbek (Karen Margrethe 'Kamma'), 233. RAHIKAINEN (Marjatta), 5352. RAḥMĀNʹZĀDAH HIRAVĪ (Muḥammad), 4314. RAĬCHEVSKI (Stoian), 7304. RAIMONDI COMINESI (Aurora), 2099. RAIMONDO (Chiara), 2681. RAIMUNDUS LULLUS, 3613. RAINER (Johannes Michael), 6562. RAININI (Marco), 3057. RAINVILLE (Paul-Etienne), 3888. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub), 3958, 7338. Rakovsky (Khristian), 4839. RAMBAULT (Nathalie), 2196. RAMBO (Elizabeth L.), 3228. Ramesses III, 1010. RAMÍREZ (Paul), 5528. RAMÍREZ POTES (Francisco), 3910. Ramírez Sánchez (Ilich 'Carlos'), 7643. RAMON VIDAL DE BESALÚ, 3097. RAMOS (Raphaël), 7443. RAMOS (Rui), 4597. RAMOS GOROSTIZA (José Luis), 5036. RAMPLING (Jennifer M.), 80. RAMSAY (Jeff), 551. RAMSAY (Nigel), 2911. RAMSOEDH (Hans), 4768. RAND (Michael), 2739. RANDLES (Sarah), 664. RANKIN (David), 2311. RANKIN (Joy Lisi), 5529. RANKIN (Susan), 3389.
387 RANOCCHIA (Graziano), 1457. RANSON (Angela), 5106. RANTALA (Heli), 5404. Rantzau (Breide), 3969. RAO (Riccardo), 2683. RAPISARDA (Stefano), 370. RAPOSO GUTIÉRREZ (Noemí), 2100. RAPP (Claudia), 2410. RAPTIS (Konstantinos T.), 2444. RÄSÄNEN (Tuomas), 5530. Raschellà (Fabrizio D.), 3271. RASCHKO (Mary), 3193. RAŠKA (Francis D.), 564, 3959. RASTODER (Šerbo), 4521. Rattazzi (Urbano), 4348. RAU (Christian), 227, 4186. RAUCH (Ferdinand), 5875. RAUCHWAY (Eric), 4922. RAUH (Felix), 5697. RAUHUT (Daniel), 6185. RAULET (Gérard), 586. RAULX (Jean-Baptiste), 2168. RÄUME (Fremde), 3639. RAVEGNANI (Giorgio), 1796. RAVIV (Dvir), 1141. RAVN (Ole), 3976. RAWLES (Richard), 1458. RAWLES (Stephen), 69. RĀẏA (Ajaẏa), 6518. RAYMOND (Stuart A.), 141. Raynal abbé (Guillaume-ThomasFrançois), 4010. RAYNAUD (Marie Patricia), 3556. RE (Mario), 2233. READ (Christopher), 4667. READMAN (Paul), 258, 5247. READY (Jonathan L.), 1185. Reagan (Ronald), 4876, 7566, 7671, 7683. REBAH (M'hamed), 6894. REBALDE (João), 3062. REBEGGIANI (Stefano), 1991. REBITSCHEK (Immo), 4662. RECCHIA (Giulia), 866. RECKER (Marie-Luise), 3736, 4187. REDAELLI (Riccardo), 371. REDDÉ (Michel), 1915. Redmond (family), 4329. REDONDO CARDEÑOSO (Jesús Angel), 4599. REDWORTH (Glyn), 5107. REEH (Tine), 4974. REESE (Scott S.), 5189. REEVE (Daniel), 3434. REFITI (Albert L.), 714. REGAZZONI (Lisa), 382. REGENER (Susanne), 6639. REGEV (Ronny), 5698. REGOLI (Roberto), 5005.
388 REGOLIOSI (Giulia), 2199. REGOURD (Anne), 23. REGUERA FEO (Antonio), 4559. REGULSKI (Christoph), 4188. REGULSKI (Ilona), 1020. REHBERG (Andreas), 20, 3473. REHM (Clemens), 218. REHM (Ulrich), 3172. REICH (Ronny), 1112, 1142. REICHEL (Peter), 4189. REICHENBERGER (Florian), 7444. REICHERT (Folker), 372. REICHHERZER (Frank), 7425. REID (Donald), 6519. Reid (Elizabeth), 6385. REID (John G.), 5418. REIDING (Hilde), 7642. REILLY (Diane J.), 3552. REILLY (James A.), 4799. REIMER (Paula), 851. REIMERS (David M.), 6295. Rein (Hermann), 5547. REIN (Raanan), 3773, 3786. REINARTZ (Karl Arnold), 7146. REINERMANN (Heinrich), 5147. REINERT (Sophus A.), 5772. REINHARDT (Anne), 6855. REINHARDT (Klaus), 3398. REINHARDT (Steven G.), 4055. REINHARTZ (Adele), 2312. REINHARZ (Jehuda), 5190. REINLE (Christine), 627. Reinmar der Alte, 3162. Reinthaller (Anton), 3822. REIS (Bruno C.), 6751. REISS (Matthias), 6392. REITER (Margit), 3822. REITER-ZATLOUKAL (Ilse), 3804. REITZ (Anke), 5649. REIXACH SALA (Albert), 2986. RELYEA (Scott), 7128. REMBOLD (Ingrid), 2651. REMICOURT (Maxime), 855. Remmert (Heinrich), 6699. REMPEL (Michael N.), 6558. REN (Xinjian), 7783. RENARD (Caroline M.), 856. Renato d'Angiò, 3310. RENAUD (François), 745. Renaud de Bar, éveque de Metz, 36. RENDALL (Jane), 553. RENFREW (Colin), 857. RENGER (Almut-Barbara), 751. RENNER (Andreas), 7048. RENNIE (Kriston R.), 2875, 3553. RENNWALD (Jean-Claude), 6483. RENOUX (Annie), 3694. RENSINK (Brenden W.), 6393. RENZ (Irina), 4086. REPAIRE (Sébastien), 4056.
INDEX OF NAMES REPELLINI (Ferruccio Franco), 1526. REQUENA JIMÉNEZ (Miguel), 2051. RESNICK (Irven M.), 2752. RESTA (Antonio), 446. Restituta, Sancta, 2331. RESTREPO OLANO (Margarita), 6954. RETALLACK (James), 4190. RETAMERO (Fèlix), 2791. REXROTH (Frank), 3276. REY (Matthieu), 4800. REY (Pierre-Jérôme), 855. REY OLLEROS (Manuel), 3390. REYELS (Lili), 237. REYERSON (Kathryn L.), 2990. REYNAUD (Bénédicte), 6394. REYNHOUT (Lucien), 6. REYNOLDS (Chris), 4332. REYNOLDS (David), 7316. REYNOLDS (Robert), 6177. REYNOLDS (Siân), 553. REZAEI (Iraj), 1035. REZLER (Marek), 7235. ŘEZNÍK (Miloš), 6757. REZSÖHAZY (Elise), 7185. Rhabdas (Nicolaus Artabasdus), 2350. RHOBY (Andreas), 2389, 2398. RIABTSEV (Vladimir Nikolaevich), 5431. RIBEIRO DE MENESES (Filipe), 6918. RIBERA (Jean-Michel), 7028. RICCERI (Rachele), 2397. RICCI (Andrea), 858. RICCI (Cecilia), 1797. RICCIARDETTO (Antonio), 1527. RICCIARDI (Andrea), 4418. RICCIARDI (Maria), 2064. RICCIARDI (Paola), 49. RICE (Don S.), 7923. RICE (Mark), 6395. RICE (Prudence M.), 7923. RICH (Ian), 4191. RICHARD (François G.), 4687. RICHARD (Gilles), 4011. RICHARD (Marcel), 2349. Richard de Fournival, 3234. Richard I, king of England, 2797. RICHARDS (Jake Christopher), 6820. RICHARDSON (Kristopher C.), 2313. Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis Duc de), 4040, 4058. RICHER (Nicolas), 1294. RICHET (Isabelle), 4419. RICHTER (Hedwig), 3741, 4119, 4175. RICHTER (Heinz A.), 4267, 7129.
RICHTER (Sophia), 5353. RICHTER (Steffen), 5563. RICHTEROVA (Daniela), 7643. RICK (Kevin), 5921. RICKENBACHER (Jean-Luc), 7236. RICKERT (Yvonne), 6126. RICO (Christian), 1888. RICOTTILLI (Licinia), 1978. RIDEAU-KIKUCHI (Catherine), 104. RIEDEL (Bruce), 7445. RIEDEL (Meredith L.D.), 2480. RIEGER (Bernhard), 4257. RIELLO (Giorgio), 646. RIESS (Werner), 1274. RIGAUD (Philippe), 2553. RIGHETTONI (Vanessa), 5700. RIGO (Antonio), 2400, 2423. RIIS (Thomas), 2684, 2991. RILLON-MARNE (Anne-Zoé), 3387. RIMMINGTON (Anthony), 4663. RIMNER (Steffen), 6396. RINALDI (Rossella), 2918. RINALDI (Serena), 2349. RINGEL (Felix), 6127. RINGROSE (David), 565. RINGSMOSE (Jens), 7446. RIOLI (Maria Chiara), 6681. RIOTTE (Torsten), 3742. RIOUX (Jean-Pierre), 645. Ripart (Laurent), 290. Ripudaman Singh, Maharaja of Nabha, 4292. RIRIMASSE (Marlon), 885. RISALITI (Sergio), 3354. RISTOW (Colby), 4508. RISTUCCIA (Nathan J.), 3479. RISWICK (Tim), 6397. RITSON (Neil H.), 5839. RITTENAUER (Daniel), 4192. Ritter (Carl), 207. RITTERSMA (Rengenier C.), 4537. RIVA (Angelo), 6027. RIVAS GRANADOS (Carlos Eduardo), 5054. RIVASPLATA VARILLAS (Paula Ermila), 6398. RIVERA MAGOS (Victor), 3657. RIVERA MIR (Sebastián), 6520. RIVERO GARCÍA (Luis), 1702. RIVEROS FERRADA (Claudio), 3901. RIVIÈRE (Christophe), 2725. RIVIÈRE (Jean-Marc), 5215. RIZZI (Alessandra), 2508. RIZZITELLI (Claudia), 2904. RIZZO (Adriana), 898. Rizzo (Frank), 4892. RIZZO (Giorgio), 2103. ROACH (Levi), 2685. Roatta (Mario), 4367. ROBB (Linsey), 6345.
INDEX OF NAMES ROBBE (Federico), 4420. ROBERSON (Joshua), 976. Robert the Bruce, king of Scots, 2693. ROBERTO (Umberto), 1798. Roberto il Guiscardo, 3698. ROBERTS (Gary Boyd), 142. ROBERTS (Lee M.), 6780. ROBERTS (Matthew), 4333. ROBERTS (Mervyn Edwin), 7644. ROBERTS (Neil), 562. ROBERTSHAW (Peter), 453. Robertson (William), 5418. Robertus Monachus, 2554. ROBIANO (Patrick), 1461. ROBICHAUD (Denis J.-J.), 3445. ROBINS (Jonathan E.), 5840. ROBINSON (Damian), 2084. ROBINSON (Geoffrey B.), 4305. ROBINSON (Olivia), 203. ROBINSON (Sophie), 6177. Robinson III (Spottswood William), 6641. ROBINSON TELG GENANNT KORTMANN (Jan), 1799. ROBIONY (Mario), 6045. ROBITZSCH (Jan Maximilian), 1530. ROBLEDO HERNÁNDEZ (Ricardo), 4754. ROBLES (Claudio), 3898. ROBLES CARRASCO (Sonia), 776. ROCCATI (Alessandro), 1021. ROCCHI (Stefano), 3208. ROCCIA (Rosanna), 4348. ROCH (Stefan), 5279. ROCHA (Maria Manuela), 6002. ROCHE (Daniel), 531. ROCHE ARNAS (Pedro), 3432. Röchling (Hermann), 5801. ROCHWERT-ZUILI (Patricia), 2504. ROCKMAN (Marcy), 789. ROCKSBOROUGH-SMITH (Ian), 4923. RODATZ (Christoph), 5620. RODDAZ (Jean-Michel), 1916. RÖDEL (Ute), 2544. RÖDER (Annemarie), 4973. RODGER (Gillian M.), 5701. RODGERS (Ronald R.), 5403. RODIGHIERO (Andrea), 1462. RODRIGO (Javier), 6759. Rodríguez Cabrillo (Juan), 197. RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Esther), 899. RODRÍGUEZ GUERRA (Alexandre), 3220. RODRÍGUEZ PAJARES (Gabriela Rosa), 4570. RODRÍGUEZ RELLÁN (Carlos), 900. RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ (Nathaly), 6399.
RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO (Pablo), 2812. ROECK (Bernd), 5249. ROEHRLICH (Elisabeth), 7447. ROESNER (M.), 3449. Roffredus Beneventanus, 2834. ROGERS (Dylan K.), 1917. ROGERS (Michael J.), 780. ROGG (Matthias), 4194. ROGGE (Corina), 1024. ROGGER (Philippe), 6998. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava), 434, 4698. ROH (Kyung Deok), 7501. ROHDE (Achim), 6358. ROHNER (Fred), 5702. RÖHRIG (Meike), 1143. ROHRLACH (Peter P.), 169. ROHRSCHNEIDER (Michael), 7014. ROISMAN (H. M.), 1463. ROITSCH (Bianca), 355, 4193. ROJAS ROJAS (Rolando), 4566. ROKSANDIC (Ivan), 887. ROKSANDIC (Mirjana), 887. ROKYTA (Jan), 3651. ROLLAND (Marie-Claire), 1992. ROLLAND (Patrice), 4059. ROLLE (Richard), 3372, 3609. ROLLER (Duane W.), 204, 1918. ROLLER (Matthew B.), 1919. ROLLET (Catherine), 6354. ROLLO (Maria Fernanda), 4600. ROLLOY (Gérard), 4060. ROLPH (Stephanie R.), 4924. ROLSHOVEN (Johanna), 674. ROMAGNOLI (Paola), 3405. ROMÁN RUIZ (Gloria), 4755. ROMANEK (Jacek), 4574. ROMANO (Roberto), 5987. Romanov (family), 6999, 7226. ROMANOWSKI (Tomasz), 1803. ROMBERG (Dennis), 7645. RÖMER (Franz), 3178. ROMERO MARISCAL (Lucía P.), 1464. ROMERO RECIO (Mirella), 1806. ROMGARD (Jan), 205. ROMHÁNYI (Beatrix F.), 3554. ROMÎNAŞU (Radu), 543. ROMITI (Federica), 3491. ROMM (James S.), 1714. ROMNEY (Jessica M.), 1465. Romulus, king of Rome, 2043. RONCAGLIA (Carolynn E.), 1808. RONCORONI (Patricia N. J.), 1921. RONG (Xinjiang), 88. RÖNNBÄCK (Klas), 7902, 7909. RØNNING (Ole Martin), 6521. ROOS (Julia), 243. Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), 4922, 6005, 7283, 7316, 7321, 7335. Roper (family), 143.
389 Roper (Lyndal), 5110. ROPER (Michael), 143. ROQUEBERT (Michel), 3480. ROQUES (Magali), 3426. Rörig (Fritz), 5420. ROSA (Maria de Fatima), 119. ROSAMILIA (Emilio), 1224. ROSAS MOSCOSO (Fernando), 7931. ROSBEIANI (Phersed), 7377. ROSCALLA (Fabio), 1466. ROSE (Arthur), 482. ROSE (Dario), 2106. ROSE (Dirk), 4197. ROSE (Evan K.), 5841. ROSÉ (Isabelle), 319, 2686, 3462. ROSE (Jonathan), 77. ROSE (Mark H.), 6046. ROSE (Pamela), 1024. ROSE (Susan), 2992. ROSE (Thomas C.), 1556. ROSEMBLATT (Karin Alejandra), 5531. ROSENBAUM-FELDBRÜGGE (Matthias), 6128. ROSENBECK (Bente), 6281. ROSENBERG (Alex), 475. ROSENBERGOVÁ (Sabina), 3336. ROSENBLATT (Helena), 596. ROSENFELD (Jessica), 3116. ROSENFELD (Sam), 4925. ROSENMEYER (Patricia A.), 1225. ROSENSTOCK (Eva), 801. ROSENSWIG (Robert M.), 804. ROSENTHAL (Caitlin), 6821. ROSENTHAL (Gregory), 6522. ROSENTHAL (Joel Thomas), 2993. ROSENWEIN (Barbara H.), 3029. ROSIER-CATACH (Irène), 3275. ROSKILLY (Jack), 2464. ROSS (Alan J.), 373, 2132. ROSS (Anna), 6129. ROSS (James), 2994. ROSS (Marc Howard), 374. ROSS (Margaret Clunies), 738. ROSS (Richard J.), 6808. ROSS JR (James D.), 5969. Rössel (Agda), 7590. Rössel (Uta), 4080. Rosselli (Marion Cave), 4419. ROSSFELD (Roman), 6500. ROSSI (Gabriella), 2580. ROSSI (Guido), 616, 3351. ROSSI (Luca Carlo), 3102. ROSSI (Maria Cristina), 3303. ROSSI (Paolo), 130. Rossi (Pietro B.), 3422. ROSSI VAIRO (Giulia), 2890. Rossi-Doria (Anna), 444. ROSSIGNEUX-MÉHEUST (Mathilde), 6400.
390 ROSSINI (Daniela), 7154. ROSSITER (Ash), 6974. RÖßLER (Johannes), 3302. ROSSO (Paolo), 3277, 3281. ROSSOL (Nadine), 5331. ROŞU VĂDEANU (Ina Oltiţa), 5607. ROTH (Matthew), 5970. ROTH (Prisca), 2995. ROTH (Stefan), 2538. ROTH (Thomas), 7448. ROTHENBÜHLER (Verena), 6346. ROTHER (Bernd), 7646, 7682. ROTHMAN (Jennifer E.), 6682. ROTHMANN (Michael), 2605. Rothschild (Familie), 144. ROTHSCHILD (Jean-Pierre), 2758. ROTHSTEIN (Susan), 1137. ROTILI (Marcello), 3055. ROTROFF (Susan I.), 1575, 1587. ROUBAL (Petr), 6130. ROUBAN (Luc), 6523. ROUBINEAU (Jean-Manuel), 1346. ROUCHON-MOUILLERON (Véronique), 3093. ROUGHLEY (Corinne), 6068. ROUQUET (François), 4061. ROUSE (Lynne M.), 888. ROUSSEAU (Guy), 4025. ROUSSELOT (Nathan), 7339. ROUSSOU (Stephanie), 1467. ROUTLEDGE (Karen), 206. ROUX (Benoît), 7647. ROUX (Michel), 956. ROVA (Elena), 954. ROVIRA LLORENS (Salvador), 901. ROVIRA RAFECAS (Montserrat), 2510. ROVNER (Joshua), 7648. ROWBOTHAM (Judith), 7217. ROWE (William T.), 7776. RÖWEKAMP (Georg), 2152. ROWELL (Jay), 498. ROWLINSON (Michael), 5898. ROWOLDT SHELL (Sandra), 6919. ROY (Anwesha), 4295. ROY (Nabarun), 7502. ROY (Tirthankar), 6047. ROZENSKI (Steven), 3305. Rubens (Peter Paul), 5613. RUBENSON (Samuel), 2299. RUBÍ (Gemma), 4732. RUBIN (Avi), 6683. RUBIN (Dominic), 5192. RUBIN (Jonathan), 3278. RUBINO (Margherita), 5703. Rückerl (Adalbert), 6600. RÜCKERT (Joachim), 614. RUDAVSKY (Tamar M.), 2759. RÜDEN (Stefanie von), 375. RUDER (Cynthia A.), 4666. RUDIĆ (Srđan), 4688, 4695.
INDEX OF NAMES RUDOL (Winfried), 2901. Rudolf IV, Herzog von Österreich, 2533. RUDOLPH (Alexander), 3196. RUDOLPH (Harriet), 5146. RUDOLPH (Karsten), 7146. RUDY (Jill Terry), 698. RUFFINI (Giovanni), 2481. RUGEMER (Edward Bartlett), 6822. RÜGER (Jan), 431. RUGGIERO (Raffaele), 5450. RUGGIU (François-Joseph), 6259. RUIZ (Damien), 3522. RUIZ BUENO (Manuel D.), 2107. RUIZ GALLEGOS (Yésica), 2876. RUMER (Eugene B.), 7649. RUMPLER (Helmut), 3802. RUOCCO (Giovanni), 5250. RUOKOLAINEN (Janne), 836. RUOSS (Matthias), 4795. RUOSS (Thomas), 5354. RUOTSILA (Markku), 7449. RUPESINGHE (Nadeera), 6193. RÜPKE (Jörg), 2054, 2056. RUPNIK (Jacques), 3960. RUPP (Katrin), 67. RUPP (Michael), 3279, 5583. RUPPENTHAL (Jens), 642. RUPPERT (Stefan), 6557. Rupprecht von Bayern, 7168. Rürup (Reinhard), 445. RUSAM (Dietrich), 2224. RUSCONI (María Cecilia), 3398. Rüsen (Jörn), 465. RUSSELL (Arthur J.), 3440. RUSSELL (Edmund), 643. RUSSELL (Emma K.), 3789. RUSSO (Eugenio), 2482. RUSSO (Federico), 1809. RUSSO (Luigi), 446. RUST (Martha Dana), 3308. RUSTERHOLZ (Caroline), 6279. RUTA (Alessio), 1186. RUTAR (Sabine), 7256. RÜTHER (Hanno), 3197. RUTHERFORD (Paul), 5922. RUTHNER (Clemens), 7087. RUTTERFORD (Janette), 6052. RUTZ (Andreas), 3743, 6401. RUTZ (Rainer), 670. Ruusbroec (Jan van), 3661. RUYSSEN (Georges), 7238. RUZAFA ORTEGA (Rafael), 4756. RŪZBIHĀNĪ (Muḥammad Riz̤ā), 568. RUZHITSKAIA (Irina Vladimirovna), 4668. RUŽICKA (Werner), 5644. RYAN (Deborah Sugg), 5621. RYAN (Eileen), 6920. RYAN (Louise), 4334.
RYAN (Lyndall), 6992, 6993. RYCHLÍK (Jan), 3961. RYCHTEROVÁ (Paulína), 2556. RYDÉN (Göran), 6882. RYNNE (Colin), 6793. RYÖKÄS (Esko), 2258. RYZHIK (Michael), 1144. S Sa'ud (dinasty), 6073. SAAÏDIA (Oissila), 5048. SAARD (Riho), 4978. SAARIMÄKI (Pasi), 6281. SABATÉ (Flocel), 3689, 3695. SABATINI (Gaetano), 5971, 6001. SABATO (Hilda), 3744. SABBIDĒS (Alexios G.K.), 2424, 2483. SABET (Farzan), 7650. SABETAI (Victoria), 1588, 1589. SABI DJABOUDI (Arthur Félicien), 4072. Sabina (Vibia), 1740. Sabinus, 1710. SABLIN (Ivan), 4669. SABO (Theodore), 2314. SABOL (Miroslav), 4698. SABROW (Martin), 261, 6502. SACCONI (Anna), 1193, 1200. SACHSE (Carola), 3730. SACHSENMAIER (Dominic), 7777. SADLER (Donna L.), 3653. SAES (Alexandre), 5878. SÆVERAAS (Torgeir E.), 7373. SAFI (Kristin), 782. SAFONT I PLUMED (Joan), 4742. SAFRONOVAS (Vasilijus), 7252. ṢAFWĀNĪ (Ṣādiq), 4954. SAGIMORI (Hiroyuki), 7871. SAĞLAMTIMUR (Haluk), 1062. SAHLE (Esther), 5923. Sahlgård (Fredrich), 4770. SAHNER (Christian C.), 2813. SAHO (Bala), 5193. SAID (Abdelmoneim), 1010. SAID AL-JAHWARI (Nasser), 1168. SAID-GHANEM (Nadia Ait), 1082. SAILMANN (Gerald), 700. SAINI (Raminder K.), 6402. SAINTOT (Sylvie), 855. SAITŌ (Hiroko), 7872. SAITŌ (Momiji), 4443. SAITŌ (Motohide), 6774. SAITTA (Armando), 447. SAITUA IDARRAGA (Iker), 6404. SÁIZ (Patricio), 5878. SAKESHIMA (Kyōhei), 913. ṢAKHRĀWĪ (al-Azhar), 6921. SAKIESTEWA GILBERT (Matthew), 6405. SAKS (Elyn), 5515.
INDEX OF NAMES SAKURAI (Yasuto), 2687, 2997. SALA (Federica), 5616. SALADIÉ (Palmira), 826. Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb, 2797. SALAS LANDA (Mónica), 376. SALAU (Mohammed Bashir), 6922. SALAVERT (Aurélie), 827, 859. Salazar de Oliveira (António), 4592. SALEH (Mohamed), 2814. SALEH (Rania), 3994. SALENIECE (Irēna), 7651. SĀLIM (Laṭīfah Muḥammad), 3992. Salimbene de Adam, 2583. SALINAS (Pablo Gabriel), 3787. SALINAS (Salvador), 4509. SALISBURY (Laura), 6232. Sallustius Crispus (Gaius), 256, 361, 401, 404, 2007. SALMI (Anna-Kaisa), 902. SALMI (Hannu), 5404. Salomon (Ernst von), 4123. SALOMON (Hélie), 3379. SALTO SOLÁ (C.), 3420. SALUSTRI (Simona), 4421. SALVADÓ (Sebastián), 3597. SALVATORI (Flavia), 2345. SALVATORI (Sandro), 863. Salvemini (Gaetano), 4379. SALVO (Giulia), 2108. SALVO (Irene), 3093. SALYER (Lucy E.), 7130. SALZBORN (Samuel), 589. SALZMANN (Joshua A. T.), 6131. SAMARA (Dēmētra), 2484. SAMB (Moustapha), 6923. SAMIDA (Stefanie), 377. SAMILA (Sampsa), 5891. ṢAMĪMĪ (Shīr 'Alī), 3756. SAMMITO (Anna Maria), 884. SAMSÓ (Julio), 2778. SAMUELS (Maurice), 5191. SAMUILOVA (Simona, 7450. SAÑA-SEGUÍ (Maria), 849. SÁNCHEZ (Simón Andrés), 7078. SÁNCHEZ AMEIJEIRAS (Rocío), 2617. Sánchez Cerro (Luis M.), 4566. SANCHEZ DE PRADO (Maria Dolores), 1922. Sánchez Martínez (Manuel), 2987. Sánchez Pineda (Sindronio), 5132. SANCHEZ VELASCO (Jeronimo), 2315. SANCHEZ WALSH (Arlene M.), 5150. SÁNCHEZ-BARRICARTE (Jesús J.), 6406. SÁNCHEZ-MONTES GONZÁLEZ (Francisco)4757.
Sanchis Sinisterra (José), 5688. Sand (George), 5580. SANDBACH (Francis Henry), 1246, 1247. SANDBERG (Kaj), 1982. SANDER-FAES (Stephan), 570. SANDERSON (Jean-Paul), 6924. SANDGREN (Fredrik), 5811. SANDGRUBER (Roman), 144. SANDHAUS (Débora), 1112. SANDLER (Willeke), 6925. SANDMO (Erling), 659. SANDS (Tracey R.), 3593, 3597. SANDSTRÖM (Birgitta), 5303. SANDSTRÖM (Glenn), 6281. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad), 4552. SANGMEISTER (Dirk), 5568. SANGSTER (Joan), 3890. SANMARTÍ I ROSET (Montserrat), 2519. SANNINO (Antonella), 687. SANOK (Catherine), 3168, 3594. Santa Cruz (Andrés, de), 7091. SANTAMARIA (Jean-Baptiste), 2636. SANTAMATO (Emanuele), 1923. SANTANACH I SUÑOL (Joan), 3443. SANTI (Francesco), 3080, 3654. SANTOPRETE (Luciana G.S.), 2131. SANTOS PAZ (José Carlos), 3233. SANTOS SAAVEDRA (Josué), 1022. SANTOS SALAZAR (Igor), 2998. SANTOSUOSSO (Alma Colk), 3376. SANZ CERENZUELA (José Ignacio), 4758. SANZ FUENTES (María Josefa), 2, 17. SANZI (Ennio), 2052. SAPIRE (Hilary), 6926. Sappho, 1464. SÁRA (Balázs), 2582. SARAÇOĞLU (M. Safa), 3872. SARAIVA (Luiz Fernando), 5878. SARAMANDU (Manuela), 6684. SARANILLIO (Dean Itsuji), 4926. SARDINHA-DESVIGNES (Ana Isabel), 4592. SÄRG (Alo), 2622. SARGENT (Daniel J.), 7652. Saribeyoglu Mustafa, 6427. SARIYANNIS (Marinos), 597. SARKAR (Aditya), 6524. SARNECKA (Zuzanna), 3284. SARNOWSKY (Jürgen), 3456. Sarpi (Paolo), 448, 5458. SARRIS (Peter), 2372. SARTI (Laury), 2138. SARTI (Raffaella), 6171. Sartre (Jean-Paul), 5211. SARZYNSKI (Sarah), 3860. SASAKI (Keisuke), 7873.
391 SASAKI (Takeshi), 1863. ŠAŠEL KOS (Marjeta), 2104. SASSI (Mohamed), 5842. SASSI (Sana), 3198. SASSIER (Yves), 2907. SASSU (Rita), 2053. SASTRE DE DIEGO (Isaac), 2615. SATIA (Priya), 5843. SATŌ (Hitomi), 2726. SATŌ (Makoto), 7869, 7878. SATŌ (Noboru), 1316. SATŌ (Yūki), 7874. SAUEAUK (Meelis), 4000. SAUER (Eberhard), 1168. SAUER (Jochen), 2033. SAUER (Michelle M.), 3557. SAUERER (Dominik), 7034. SAUGET (Stéphanie), 704. SAUNDERS (Anna), 379. SAUNDERS (Corinne J.), 3195. SAUNDERS (Robert), 7653. SAUTEREL (Nadine), 2354. SAUZEAU (Jacqueline), 1396. SAUZEAU (Pierre), 1396. SAVALLI-LESTRADE (Ivana), 957. SÄVBORG (Daniel), 2831. SAVCHENKO (Svetlana), 835. Savelli (Federico), 7007. Savelli (Paolo), 7007. SAVENIJE (Lennert), 7392. Savigny (Friedrich Carl von), 338. SAVILLE-SMITH (K. J.), 6856. Savonarola (Giovanni Michele), 3408. Savonarola (Hieronymus), 2690. SAVORELLI (A.), 5449. SAVRANSKAYA (Svetlana), 7654. SAWALHA (Majdi), 1116. SAWIŃSKI (Paweł), 1647, 1810. SAWYER (Stephen W.), 598, 4062. SAYED ELNASSEH (Ahmed Mohamed), 976. SAYER (Faye), 5669. SAYFUTDINOVA (Leyla), 6495. Sayyid Taha II, 7162. SBETTI (Nicola), 7405. Scaevola (Quintus Mucius), 1709. SCAFOGLIO (Giampiero), 1460, 1468. SCALES (Len), 380. SCALF (Foy), 1023. SCALMER (Sean), 6539. SCALON (Cesare), 2543. SCANLAN (Suzanne M.), 3352. SCANLON (Thomas F.), 1347. SCAPPATICCIO (Maria Chiara), 1711. SCARBOROUGH (Connie L.), 3199. SCARBOROUGH (John), 695, 2034. SCARBOROUGH (Vernon L.), 805. SCARCELLA (Agatina S.), 2485.
392 SCAVONE YEGROS (Ricardo), 6775. SCERRI (Eleanor M.L.), 860. SCHAAFF (Kathrin), 3200. SCHABAS (William A.), 6732. SCHABEL (Christopher David), 3529. SCHÄFER (Dagmar), 646. SCHÄFER (Hermann), 5783. SCHÄFER (Michael), 3696. SCHÄFER-RICHTER (Uta), 6407. SCHAFFER (Gavin), 5706. Schaffshausens (Nicolaus), 7010. SCHAHADAT (Schamma), 5646. SCHAICH (Michael), 7053. SCHÄPERS (Maria), 2652. SCHÄRLI (Caroline), 3320. SCHARNBERG (Harriet), 5707. SCHATTENBERG (Susanne), 6502. SCHATTLE (Hans), 4254. SCHATTNER (Thomas), 1560. SCHATZBERG (Eric), 701. SCHAUCH (Yvonne Caroline), 3201. SCHECHTER (Ronald), 4063. SCHECK (Raffael), 6408. SCHECK (Thomas P.), 2178. SCHEDL (Barbara), 3353. SCHEEPSMA (Wybren), 3634. SCHEER (Tamara), 7087. SCHEFFKNECHT (Wolfgang), 3824. SCHEIDEL (Walter), 384, 6409. SCHEINFEIGEL (Maxime), 5699. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey), 3842, 7237. SCHELLENBACHER (Wolfgang), 3962. SCHELLER (Benjamin), 471, 2889, 2999. Schellewald (Barbara), 3320. Schelling (Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von), 5557. SCHENCK (Marcia C.), 6495. SCHENK (Dietmar), 217. SCHENK (Gerrit Jasper), 3048. SCHENNACH (Martin P.), 6582, 6693. SCHERER (Andrew K.), 7932. SCHERER (Cornelia), 2518. SCHERMAN (Matthieu), 639. SCHERNER (Jonas), 7340. SCHERR (Arthur), 7069. SCHERRER (Alexandra), 7451. SCHETTINO (Maria Teresa), 1769. SCHEURMANN (Ingrid), 244. SCHEUZGER (Stephan), 312. Schiappoli (Domenico), 5055. SCHIAVO (Silvia), 1865. SCHIAVONE (Aldo), 1709. SCHICHT (Patrick), 721. SCHIEDER (Wolfgang), 445, 5451.
INDEX OF NAMES SCHIEFFER (Rudolf), 2527. SCHIEL (Ingrid), 4614. SCHIERUP (Carl-Ulrik), 4774. SCHILD (Isabella), 236. SCHILLER (Melanie), 5708. SCHILLING (Susanne), 4195. SCHILP (Thomas), 3537. SCHINDLING (Anton), 4973. Schirmacher (Käthe), 4129. SCHIRREN (Thomas), 2035. SCHIRRMACHER (Jonas), 6975. SCHJØRRING (Esben), 3977. Schlagintweit (Adolph), 5474. Schlagintweit (Robert von), 5474. Schlagintweit-Sakünlünski (Hermann von), 5474. SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN (Heinrich), 2316. SCHLAPBACH (Karin), 1348. SCHLÄPPI (Daniel), 4788. SCHLEHOFER (Jenny H.), 1590. SCHLEIERMACHER (F.), 1254. SCHLER (Lynn), 7655. SCHLESINGER (Edward Ondřey von), 155. SCHLICH (Thomas), 696. SCHLICHTING (Kurt C.), 6132. Schliemann (Heinrich), 377. SCHLÖDER (Christian), 6083. SCHLÖGEL (Karl), 5251. SCHLOTHEUBER (Eva), 3558. SCHLOTTERBECK (Marian E.), 3902. SCHLUMBOHM (Jürgen), 6133, 6410. Schlüter (Poul), 3982. SCHMÄHL (Winfried), 6411. SCHMEITZNER (Mike), 4159. SCHMICK (Ethan), 6525. SCHMID (Alois), 5069. SCHMID (Andre), 4458. SCHMID (Herbert), 2317. SCHMID (Martin), 624. SCHMID (Regula), 4794. SCHMIDT (Anna-Maria), 5355. SCHMIDT (Carina), 7393. SCHMIDT (Christopher W.), 4927. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth), 7656. SCHMIDT (Georg), 7029. Schmidt (Helmut), 5614, 7599. SCHMIDT (Jürgen), 6526. SCHMIDT (Patrick), 825. SCHMIDT (Stefan), 1608. SCHMIDT (Thomas), 57. SCHMIDT (Ulrich), 3488. SCHMIDT (Walter), 449. SCHMIDT (Werner), 6527. SCHMIDT-FUNKE (Julia A.), 6115. SCHMIDTKE (S.), 2818. SCHMIDTS (Thomas), 2109.
SCHMIECHEN-ACKERMANN (Detlef), 355. SCHMIEDEBACH (Heinz-Peter), 5519. SCHMIEDER (Falko), 172, 343. SCHMIEDER (Felicitas), 2937, 2963. SCHMITT (Carl), 5420, 5459. SCHMITT (Jean-Claude), 3082. SCHMITT (Sandra), 5532. SCHMITTER (Leena), 4795. Schmittoff (Clive M.), 6706. SCHMITZ (Florian), 3202. SCHMITZ (Wolfgang), 105. SCHMITZ-ESSER (Romedio), 3017. SCHMOECKEL (Mathias), 614. SCHMUTTERER (Felix), 207. SCHNEEWIND (Sarah), 7778. SCHNEIDER (Alejandro), 7618. SCHNEIDER (Elena A.), 6976. SCHNEIDER (Jens), 2670. SCHNEIDER (Suzanne), 4064. SCHNELL (Rüdiger), 3203. SCHNERB (Bertrand), 3000, 3500. SCHNETTGER (Matthias), 6115. SCHNYDER (Marco), 223. SCHOENBRUN (David L.), 453, 499, 500. SCHOEP (Ilse), 1209. SCHOEVAERT (Julien), 1924. Scholl (Hans), 4219. SCHOLL (Stefan), 683. SCHÖLLER (Bettina), 2623. SCHOLLMEYER (Patrick), 1435. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim), 5783, 5994. SCHOLZ (Anke K.), 2539. SCHOLZ (Luca), 5852. SCHOLZ (Sebastian), 2540. SCHOLZ (Udo W.), 1730. SCHÖNLE (Andreas), 4670. SCHOOP (Ulf-Dietrich), 1097. Schopenhauer (Arthur), 5460. SCHORN (Stefan), 1656. SCHORTA (Regula), 3318. SCHOTTENIUS CULLHED (Sigrid), 2142. SCHÖTTLER (Peter), 381. SCHÖTZ (Susanne), 6089. SCHOULTZ (Lars), 6776. SCHOUPS (Martin), 7239. SCHOUTEN (Manon), 7910. SCHRADER (Sarah A.), 903. SCHRAFSTETTER (Susanna), 4422. SCHRAM (Valérie), 1528. SCHRAMM (Luise), 5151. SCHRAUT (Sylvia), 571. SCHREIBER (Christoph), 4196. SCHREINER (Julia), 6733. SCHRIJVER (Peter), 958. SCHRÖDER (Christiane), 355.
INDEX OF NAMES SCHRÖDER (Jan), 6559. SCHROEDER (Klaus-Peter), 6548. SCHROETER (Daniel J.), 5191. SCHRÖTER (Anja), 6685. SCHUBERT (Caroline), 11. SCHUBERT (Charlotte), 1250. SCHUBERT (Karsten), 5440. SCHUBERT (Werner), 6610. SCHUH (Maximilian), 625. Schüle (Erwin), 6600. SCHÜLER-SPRINGORUM (Stefanie), 5191, 6358. SCHULTE (Jan Erik), 4203. SCHULTE (Michael), 572. SCHULTZ (Celia E.), 2055. SCHULTZ (Sandra), 3001. SCHULTZ-BALLUFF (Simone), 3204. SCHULTZE (Sven), 5478. SCHULZ (Andreas), 3736. SCHULZ (Kristina), 629. SCHULZ (Raimund), 1295. SCHULZ (Ulrike), 4113. SCHULZE (Fabian), 7030. SCHULZE (Jennie L.), 3999. SCHULZE (Max-Stephan), 622. SCHULZE WESSEL (Martin), 3963. SCHUMACHER (Julia), 5709. SCHÜRR (Diether), 952. SCHUTTE (Valerie), 763. SCHUYLER (David), 5844. SCHVARTS (Yehoshuʿa), 2280. SCHWAB (Vincenz), 43. SCHWAMM (Christoph), 5533. SCHWANDT (Silke), 477. SCHWARB (G.), 2818. SCHWARTZ (Dov), 2761. SCHWARTZ (Johannes), 4198. SCHWARTZ (Oron), 1134. SCHWARZ (Hans-Peter), 4199. SCHWARZ (Stephan), 5356. SCHWEIGHÖFER (Ellinor), 383. SCHWEINFURTH (Sophie), 3320. Schweizer (Ulrich), 5697. SCHWELL (Alexandra), 578. SCHWENINGER (Loren), 6686. SCHWERDTNER (Ronald), 842. SCHWINDT (Nicole), 3391. SCHWITTER (Raphael), 2570. SCHWOCH (James), 5845. SCHWOCH (Rebecca), 5534. SCIANNA (Nicolangelo), 59. SCIARA (Giuseppe), 5450. Scipio (Publius Cornelius), Africanus Maior, 2094. SCIROCCO (Giovanni), 4407. SCOLARI (Lavinia), 1995. SCORZA BARCELLONA (Francesco), 3569. SCOTT (Andrew G.), 1673. SCOTT (Diane G.), 689.
SCOTT (Peter), 5846, 5918. SCOURFIELD (J.H.D.), 2003. SCREEN (Elina), 68. SCRENOCK (John), 1145. Scribonius Largus, 2034. SCULTHORPE (Gaye), 242. SCURTU (Ioan), 4615. SEARBY (Denis), 2470. SEBALD (Gerd), 283. SEBASTIANI (Valentina), 106. SEBO (Erin), 2624. ŠEDIVÝ (Miroslav), 7131. SEDLÁKOVÁ (Radomíra), 3964. SEEGEL (Steven), 208. SEEHER (Jürgen), 1097. SEEL (Graham E.), 2628. SEELOW (Atli Magnus), 71. Seemannunt (Christoph), 4080. SEGGERN (Harm von), 573. SEGHEZZA (Elena), 3738. SEGONDS (Alain Philippe), 1259. SEGOVIA (Carlos Andrés), 2815. SEGUIN (Josette), 2189. SÉGUY (Mireille), 3088. SEIBERT (Gerhard), 7657. SEIDMAN (Michael), 7394. SEIGEL (Micol), 6611. SEIZELET (Éric), 4444. SEJIMA (Haruhiko), 6412. SEKERÁK (Marián), 3965. SEKI (Shūichi), 7875. SEKINE (Atsushi), 7864. SELA (Shlomo), 1146. SELCER (Perrin), 7452. SELÇUK (Ekin Kadir), 4821. SELEMENEV (V. D.), 7269, 7347. SELGERT (Felix), 6687. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.), 4258, 7240. Selim II, Sultan of the Turks, 4818. SELLIER (Dominique), 806. SELPONI (Yohan), 6612. SELTZER (Andrew J.), 5847. SELZER (Stephan), 2950. SEMAW (Sileshi), 780. SEMBDNER (Alexander), 3481. SEMENIV (Volodymyr), 7148. SEMPÉRÉ (Julien), 7049. SEN (Dwaipayan), 4296. ŞEN (Gül), 4445. SEN (Uditi), 4297. SENATORE (Francesco), 3002. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus), 269, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1987, 2005, 2021, 2023, 2027, 2033, 2039, 2040. SÉNÉCHAL (Jean-Paul), 4065. SENEKOVIC (Darko), 3649. Senenmut, 1017. SENG (Helmut), 2131. SENGER (Stefanie), 7423.
393 SENIOR (Emily), 5535. SENKBEIL (Friderike), 1996. SENNHAUSER (Hans Rudolf), 3290. SENSÉBY (Chantal), 3536. SENTILLES (Renée M.), 6413. SEPPÄLÄ (Jarmo), 5898. Septimius Severus (Lucius), Roman emperor, 1774. SERA-SHRIAR (Efram), 5506. SEREDA (Oleksandr), 6995. SERENO (Paola), 378. Serenus Sammonicus (Quintus), 1718. SERGI (Giuseppe), 2659. SERGIO (Marialuisa Lucia), 4346. SERI-HERSCH (Iris), 478. Serpieri (Arrigo), 5971. Serra (Jinípero), 5073. SERRA (Patrizia), 3086. Serra Junípero, Sanctus, 5086. SERRANO (José Antonio), 4510. SERRANO MARTÍN (Eliseo), 4998. SERRELI (Giovanni), 2630. SERRES (Thomas), 6913. SERVICE (Robert), 4671. SESIANO (Jacques), 3230. SESSA (Kristina), 2143. SETH (Michael J.), 4459. SETH (Suman), 5536. SETHNA (Christabelle), 3891. SETTELE (Veronika), 6254. SETTIA (Aldo A.), 2612. SÈVE (Michel), 1591. SEVERI (Andrea), 3099. SEVERIN-BARBOUTIE (Bettina), 6528. SEVERNINI (Edson), 5479. Seward (William H.), 312. SEXTON (Jay), 312. Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius, 1643. SFERRAZZA (Paolo), 884. SFYROERAS (Pavlos), 1469. SHACKEL (Paul A.), 344. SHAFIEE (Katayoun), 5848. SHAGAN (Ethan H.), 740. SHAGRIR (Iris), 2599. SHAH (Syed Faruque), 5194. SHAH (Timothy S.), 2327. SHAHACK-GROSS (Ruth), 1125. SHAHIN (Tino), 440. SHĀHSAVĀRĀNĪ (Vaḥīd), 6414. Shakespeare (William), 763. SHALEV (Omer), 1147. SHALEV (Sariel), 2435. SHAN (Shiyuan), 7779. SHANER (Katherine A.), 2318. Shang Yang, 7839. SHANGUHYIA (Martin S.), 560. SHANI (Ornit), 4298. SHANK (J. B.), 5537.
394 SHANKAR (Mahesh), 7453. SHANKMAN (Andrew), 4911. SHANNON (Kelly E.), 385. SHANNON (Kelly J.), 6777. SHANNON (Timothy J.), 6529. SHANNON-HENDERSON (Kelly E.), 1997. SHAO (Jing), LI (Min), 878. SHARĪF (Nāyif ibn Hazzā' ibn Shujā'), 7151. SHARMA (Kamal R.), 6048. SHARON (Moshe), 1148. SHARP (Alan), 7241. Sharp (Granville), 6862. SHARP (Hasana), 5461. SHARP (Tristan), 3269. SHARVIT (Gilad), 5492. SHATNAWI (Dina), 5849. SHAVIT (Yaakov), 5190. SHAW (Daniel J.), 6049. SHAW (Richard), 3461. SHAW (Robert L. J.), 3559. SHAW (Tony), 7658. SHAWCROSS (Clare Teresa M.), 2479. SHAWCROSS (Edward), 6977. SHAYEGAN (M. Rahim), 1160. SHCHEGLOV (Dmitry A.), 1529. SHEEHAN-DEAN (Aaron), 4928. SHEFFER (Edith), 5538. SHEIKH (Salman Rafi), 4556. SHELLER (Mimi), 6415. SHELLUM (Brian G.), 7242. SHEN (Zhihua), 7454. SHEPARD (Jonathan), 2649. SHEPPARD (Alan), 386. SHERIDAN (Brian), 1354. SHERMAN (Whitney), 92. SHERTZER (Allison), 6232. SHI (Jinming), 821. SHI (Xia), 7781. SHIBA (Hiroko), 170. SHIBATA (Noboru), 7782. Shichen (Bao), 7776. SHIGA (Miwako), 4299. Shikai (Yuan), 7722. SHILLIAM (Robbie), 6416. SHILO (Amit), 1470. SHIMADA (Hideaki), 7876. SHIMAHARA (Sumi), 45, 3161. SHIMIZU (Masahiro), 7341. SHIN (Min Seok), 1811. SHINBO (Atsuko), 6417. SHINQĪṭĪ (Muḥammad al-Mukhtār), 6583. SHIROUZU (Satoshi), 7877. SHIRVANI (Foroud), 6595. SHIVELY (Jacob), 7503. SHLALA (Elizabeth H.), 7132. SHOEMAKER (Nancy), 7133. SHOEMAKER (Stephen J.), 2816.
INDEX OF NAMES SHOPKOW (Leah), 481. SHORT (William M.), 1825. SHOULTS (Julie), 5586. SHTYRKINA (Olga), 4200. SHUKRĪ ('Alī Yūsuf), 4317. Shultz (George P.), 7599. SHUMSKY (Dmitry), 599. SIANOS (Alexandros), 360. SICILIANI DE CUMIS (Nicola), 5427. SIDELTSEV (Andrei V.), 1104. SIDOROVIČ (Olʹga V.), 2057. SIDOROVSKA-ČUPOVSKA (Silvana), 7074. SIEBER (Dominik Gerd), 4980. SIEDZIAKO (Michał), 4586. SIEGEL (Benjamin Robert), 5972. SIEGFRIED (Detlef), 4201. SIEMIĄTKOWSKI (Zbigniew), 4587. SIERRA SILVA (Pablo Miguel), 6134. Sigismund I the Old, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, 5135. Sigismund, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2724. SIGNORE (Giacomo), 3265. SIGNOROTTO (Gianvittorio), 4406, 4423. Šik (Ota), 5750. SIKORA (Stanislav), 4698. SILBER (Nina), 4929. Silius Italicus (Tiberius Catius Asconius), 1719, 1799, 1960. SILTALA (Sakari), 5918. SILVA (Graziella Moraes), 3859. SILVER (Morris), 1349. SILVERMAN (Reuben), 4822. SILVESTRELLI (Fr.), 1615. SILVESTRI (Alessandro), 2727. SIMAL (Juan Luis), 4759. SIMANOWSKI (Roberto), 5539. SIMEONOVA (Margarita), 487. SIṃHA (Vinīta), 5773. SIMIONI (Melchior), 5496. SIMÕES RODRIGUES (Nuno), 651. SIMON (Matthias), 5152. SIMON (Patrick), 867. Simon (Richard), 450. SIMON (Zsolt), 959, 1096, 1105. SIMON DE TOURNAI, 3615. SIMONCELLI (Paolo), 4424. SIMONETTO (Michele), 5432. SIMON-NAHUM (Perrine), 5195. SIMONNET (Robert), 815. SIMONS (Frank), 1083. SIMONTON (Matthew), 1296. SIMOSSI (Angeliki G.), 1569. SIMPKIN (David), 2965. SIMPSON (Martin), 5049. ŞIMŞEK (Munise), 4818.
SIMS-WILLIAMS (Patrick), 3570. ŠIMŮNEK (Michal), 5288. SINCLAIR (Kirstine), 484. SINGARAVÉLOU (Pierre), 539. SINGER (Julie), 3064. SINGER (Peter N.), 2026. SINGH (Frances B.), 5418. SIṅGHA (Haracarana), 4300. SINIAWER (Eiko Maruko), 6418. SINKOFF (Nancy), 5705. SINKOVIČ (Ljudmila), 210. SINT NICOLAAS (Eveline), 6978. ŞIPOŞ (Sorin), 543, 4607. SIPPOLA (Reetta), 5404. SIRACUSA (Joseph M.), 7659. Sirāj al-Dīn (Ibrāhīm), 4470. SIRANTOIN (Hélène), 2514. SIRAT (Colette), 1149. SIRI (Francesco), 3605. SIRINELLI (Jean-François), 4066. SIRUGO (Simona), 884. SIRUTAVIČIUS (Marius), 4477, 7031. SITRAN (Gianna), 3351. SITTIG (Florian), 1998. SITTLER (David), 6135. SIU (Henry), 6329. SIVASUNDARAM (Sujit), 7937. ŞIVILOĞLU (Murat R.), 4823. SIX (Clemens), 6858. SJOERD HASPER (Pieter), 2777. SJÖRS (Ambjörn), 1150. SKEMPIS (Marios), 1471. ŠKINKE (Iveta), 7651. SKINNER (Alex), 5797. SKINNER (Lucy), 1024. SKINNER (Patricia), 2944, 3023, 3065. SKINNER (Quentin), 5445. SKLAVENITI (Anna S.), 2487. SKLENÁŘ (Karel), 2625. SKORKA (Renáta), 3018. ŠKORVANKOVÁ (Eva), 5289. ŠKREBLIN (Bruno), 3004. SŁABIG (Arkadiusz), 7398. SŁAPEK (Dariusz), 1812. SLATER (Laura), 3355. SLATER (Lisa), 6994. SLATER (Martin), 6050. SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN (Svetla), 2488. SLAVIK (Jordan F.), 1813. SLAVÍK (Tomáš), 7660. SLAVINSKY (Vyacheslav Sergeyevich), 904. SLAVISHAK (Edward), 5850. SLAWISCH (Anja), 1557. SLEE (Chris), 7661. SLEEPER-SMITH (Susan), 4930. SLEESWIJK (Anne Wegener), 639. SLEPCHENKO (Sergey Mikhailovich), 904.
INDEX OF NAMES SLOBODIAN (Quinn), 4202, 6051. SLOCUM (Kay Brained), 3596. SLOGGETT (Robyn), 7933. SLUTSCH (Sergej), 7315. SMART (Mary Ann), 5710. ŠMIDT (Viktorija Rudol'fovna), 6419. ŚMIECHOWSKI (Kamil), 6153. ŠMIGELSKYTĖ-STUKIENĖ (Ramunė), 6109. SMILEY (Will), 6735. SMIRNOV (Sergeĭ Nikolaevich), 247. SMIT (Verena), 3252. SMITH (Adam T.), 793. Smith (Adam), 5769. SMITH (Alden), 1726. SMITH (Benjamin T.), 5395, 5405. SMITH (Christopher), 1982, 1999. SMITH (Craig Bruce), 5433. SMITH (Crosbie), 5540. SMITH (Damian J.), 3470. SMITH (Edmond J.), 5924, 6859. SMITH (Evan), 3794. SMITH (Gregory B.), 2000. SMITH (James L.), 3066. SMITH (Jason W.), 209. SMITH (Jean P.), 6420. SMITH (Julia), 6530. SMITH (Leonard V.), 7243. SMITH (Margaret), 122. SMITH (Mark S.), 2319. SMITH (S. D.), 5973. SMITH (Steven M.), 5951. SMITH (Stuart Tyson), 903. SMITH (Thomas E.), 6927. Smith (Thomas W.), 2721. SMITH-PETER (Susan), 4672. SMOLARSKI (Pierre), 5620. SMOLENSKIĬ (N. I.), 479. SMOLKIN (Victoria), 4981. SMYTH (Adam), 107. SMYTH (Andrew), 5804. SMYTH (J. E.), 5711. SMYTH (James J.), 5712. SNAPE (Robert), 6421. SNAPKOVSKIĬ (Vladimir Evdokimovich), 7153. SNEERINGER (Julia), 5713. SNICKARS (Pelle), 5652. SNYDER (Lynn M.), 1575. SNYDER (Sarah B.), 4931, 7662. SNYDER (Timothy), 3709. SOARES (Miguel), 826. SOARES GOMES (Adildo), 7305. SOBIESIAK (Joanna Aleksandra), 2942. SOCAS (Francisco), 1715. SOCH (Konstanze), 5925. SODANO (Rossana), 3206. SÖDERBERG (Johan), 2930.
SÖDERSTRÖM (Ola), 6634. SODINI (Jean-Pierre), 2404. SOENS (Tim), 644. SOETAN (Funmi), 4543. SOFFIETTI (Isidoro), 6560. SOFRONIJEVIĆ (Adam), 7244. SOGLIANI (Francesca), 3700. SOHN (Andreas), 425. SOKIL (Vasyl), 503. SOKOL (Jason), 4932. SOLANO (Javier), 3356. SOLBERG (Emma Maggie), 3067. SOLBES FERRI (Sergio), 5761. SOLCAN (Șarolta), 702. SOLDATENKO (Valeriĭ), 4839. SOLER I LLOPART (Albert), 3443. SOLER PARÍCIO (Pere), 7306. SOLEVÅG (Anna R.), 2320. SOLIMANO (Stefano), 6688. SOLIN (Heikki), 1649. SOLÍS GARCÍA (Immaculada), 2522. SOLOMONOVICH (Nadav), 7506. Solon Aristophanes, 1314. Solon, 1275, 1310, 1351, 1425. SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA (Jesús Ángel), 2926. SOLOV'EV (Kirill Andreevich), 4673. SOLTERBECK (Sven), 6423. SOŁTYSIK (Łukasz), 4585. SŌMA (Shin'ichi), 5406. SOMMER (Benjamin), 3357. SOMMER (Vítězslav), 3954. SOMMERLECHNER (Andrea), 2533, 3489. SONG (Nianshen), 6778. SONG (Yanhua), 821. SONGSTER (E. Elena), 7785. SONNABEND (Holger), 2241. SONNE NØRGAARD (Asbjørn), 3979. SONNINO (Maurizio), 1232, 1233. SONOBE (Toshiki), 7879. SOÓS (László), 4280. SOÓS (Viktor Attila), 7417. Sophocles, 1263, 1357, 1363, 1369, 1380, 1390, 1391, 1394, 1440, 1450, 1453, 1462, 1480. Soranus Ephesius, 1264. SORBA (Carlotta), 388. SORBY (Karol R.), 7663. SØRENSEN (Børge), 4512. SØRENSEN (Lasse), 847. SORESCU-IUDEAN (Oana), 6283. SORESINA (Marco), 4425. SORIANO (Cristina), 6979. SÖRMAN (Anna), 889. SOT (Michel), 2645. SOTIROPOULOS (Dimitris P.), 6052. SOTO (Ángel), 3899.
395 SOTO (María), 826. SOTO BRUNA (María Jesús), 3448. SOTTIAUX (Stefan), 6565. SOUAMAA (Nadjib), 6928. SOUFFI (Bénédicte), 827. SOUKUP (Pavel), 3656. SOUSA (Ana Catarina), 890. SOUSA (Elisa), 890. Southall (Aidan), 489. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri), 7455. SOVILJ (Milan), 7342. SOYOUNG (Kim), 4452. SPADA (Gabriella), 918. SPANGEN (Marte), 902. SPAR (Ira), 1151. SPARHUBERT (Éric), 3350. Spartacus, 1812. SPASKOVSKA (Ljubica), 6495. SPATARO (Alberto), 3490. SPÄTH (Jens), 3717, 4426. SPATHARAS (Dimos), 1179. SPATZIER (André), 807. SPECHTLER (Franz Viktor), 3177. SPEER (Andreas), 3417, 3428. Speier (Hans), 7404. SPELMAN (Henry), 1472. SPENCE-MORROW (Giles), 772. SPENCER (Ben), 6386. SPENCER (Malcolm L. G.), 6531. SPENCER-HALL (Alicia), 5714. SPENKUCH (Hartwin), 4074. SPENTZOU (Efrossini), 1988. SPERLING (Christoph), 5357. SPERO (Patrick), 6980. SPIEKERMANN (Uwe), 6424, 6702. SPIEß (Christian), 459. SPIJKERMAN (Rose), 7245. SPINA (Luigi), 5427. Spinei (Victor), 2626. SPINELLA (Mario), 5442. SPINGARN (Adena), 5564. Spinoza (Baruch), 5449, 5461. SPJUT (Fredrik Olsson), 5815. SPRAU (Mirjam), 4674. SPRENKELS (Ralph), 3998. SPRINGER (Tobias), 3022. SPRINGETH (Margaret), 3177. SRIVASTAVA (Neelam), 6929. Šrobár (Vavro), 4700. SROKA (Łukasz Tomasz), 4575. SROUGO (Shai), 6532. SRUBAR (Ilja), 5252. STAAB (Gregor), 1226. STACEY (Robin Chapman), 2878. STACHEL (Peter), 6136. STACHURA (Michał), 1866. STADHOUDERS (Henry), 1084. STÄDTLER (Thomas), 3093. STAHEL (David), 7297, 7364. Stahl (Georg Ernst), 5557.
396 Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovič Džugašvili), 4620, 4621, 4635, 4637, 4647, 4663, 4679, 4831, 5955, 7174, 7316, 7321, 7335, 7501. STALKER (Nancy K.), 7880. STALLMAN-PACITTI (Cynthia), 2232. STAMM (Michael), 5407. STAMM (Volker), 7911. STAMMERS (Tom), 4067, 5926. STAMM-KUHLMANN (Thomas), 6563. STANARD (Matthew G.), 6930. STANDEN (Naomi), 2609, 2632. STANGL (Paul), 6137. STANLEY (Brian), 4999. STANZIANI (Alessandro), 6823. STAPERT (Dick), 810. STAREŢU (Ştefan), 2728. STARKEY (Jennifer), 1350. STARKEY (Kathryn), 3063. STARKS (Tricia), 5927. STARLING (Heloisa Maria Murgel), 3861. STARZYŃSKI (Marcin), 2561. STASZAK (Martin), 118. STATIEV (Alexander), 7374. Statius (Publius Papinius), 1991. STAUROPOULOS (Giōrgios), 2187. STEAD (Evanghélia), 103. STEBER (Martina), 5261. STEEL (Carlos G.), 3393. STEEL (Catherine E.W.), 1850, 1990. STEER (Christian), 3036. Ştefan cel Mare, Domn al Moldovei, 2699. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin), 3007. STEFEC (Rudolf), 2389, 2489. STEFFENSEN (Nils), 2001. STEGMANN (Andreas), 5153. STEIL (Benn), 7507. Stein (Karl Freiherr vom und zum), 4181. STEIN (Luise), 5851. STEIN (Oliver), 7251. STEINBACH (Stefanie), 4204. STEINBERG (Michael P.), 5715. STEINBERG (Sylvie), 628. STEINER (Sebastian), 6613. STEINER-WEBER (Astrid), 3178. STEINGRÄBER (Stephan), 1602. STEININGER (Rolf), 7477. STEINKELLER (Piotr), 1085. STEINSSON (Sverrir), 7459. STEITLER (Charles W.), 960. STELLIFERI (Paola), 444. STELLMACHER (Alexandra), 751. STELZER (Wilbert P.), 2225. STELZNER (Mark), 5541.
INDEX OF NAMES STEPHENS (Julia), 5196. STEPHENS (Rhiannon), 408, 7899. STEPHENSON (Judy Z.), 6138. STEPIEŃ (Tomasz), 2321. ŠTÉR (Roman), 7456. STERCKEN (Martina), 3070. STERN (Eliyahu), 5253. STERN (Ian), 1156. STERN (Paul), 3207. STERN (Walter C.), 5358. STERNFELD (Lior B.), 5197. Stesichorus, 1401. STEVENS (Anna), 1024. STEVENS (John A.), 5447. STEVENS (Wesley M.), 3406. STEWART (Andrew), 1575, 1592. STEWART (Dana), 3194. STEWART (Mary Lynn), 5408. STEWART LESTER (Olivia), 2322. STEWART MAULDIN (Erin), 4933. STEWART-SYKES (Alistair C.), 2154. STIBBE (Matthew), 7565, 7615, 7664. STIEGLITZ (Robert R.), 1151. STILL (William N.), 7246. ŠTIMAC (Stjepan), 3917. STITES MOR (Jessica), 5587. STOBART (Jon), 5928, 6425. STÖBER (Karen), 3549. STÖBER (Rudolf), 4205. STOCKER (James R.), 7665. STOCKER (Sharon R.), 1197. STOCKEY (Gareth), 4761, 6484. STOCKINGER (Claudia), 5409. STÖCKMANN (Jan), 7247. STOCKWELL (Sarah), 6812. STODDARD (Whitney S.), 3358. STOILOVA (Tamara), 2541, 7050. STOJANOVIĆ (Dubravka), 4694. STOJČEV (Aleksandar), 7397. STOJČEVSKI (Ǵorǵi), 7147. STOKHOLM BANKE (Cecilie Felicia), 5198. STOKŁOSA (Katarzyna), 4966. STOLFI (Emanuele), 1709. ŠTOLL (Martin), 5716. STOLLER (Sarah), 4259. STOLPER (Matthew W.), 1161. STOLZ (Daniel A.), 5542. STOLZ (Michael), 676. STONE (Richard G.), 3026. STONER (Heidi), 3346. STOOP (Patricia), 3273. STOOPS (Jamie), 6426. STOPKA (Katja), 5337. STOPP (Heike), 6689. STOPPACCI (Patrizia), 3122. STOPPONI (Simonetta), 1638. STORCHI (Paolo), 2110. STOREY (Ian), 1384.
STORM (Eric), 3702. STÖRMER (Charlotte), 6075. STÖRMER-CAYSA (Uta), 3151. STORY (Isabel), 3933. STORY (Joanna), 2641. STOSKOPF (Nicolas), 145, 647. STOURAITIS (Yannis), 522. STOUT (Matthew), 3687. STOVALL (Tyler), 601. STOWE (Steven M.), 4934. STOYANOVICH (Peter), 5717. Strabo, 204, 1265. STRACKE (Stephan), 4102. STRAKA (Karel), 3966. STRANG (Cameron B.), 6981. STRANGE (Carolyn), 6690. STRANGE (Julie-Marie), 6453. STRANGIO (Donatella), 6053. STRANO (Giorgio), 3242. STRASSER (Jean-Yves), 1227. Straub (Karl), 316. STRAUS (Lawrence G.), 828. STRAUSS (Julia C.), 600. STRAUSS CLAY (Jenny), 1420. STRAUSS-SCHOM (Alan), 4068. STREIKUS (Arūnas), 4478. Strein von Schwarzenau (Reichart), 6582. STRELITZ-RISSE (Anna-Lena), 6584. STRIANO (Araceli), 1473. STRICOF (Michael J.), 7666. STRIEGLER (Stefan), 3253. STRINNA (Giovanni), 3060. STROBEL (Benedikt), 1505. STRÖBELE (Florian), 975. STRÖBELE-GREGOR (Juliana), 3843. STROBL (Wolfgang), 4427. Stroessner (Alfredo), 6775. STROM (Jonathan), 5154. STRÖMBÄCK (Jesper), 4776. STROSZECK (Jutta), 1570. Struensee (Johann Friedrich), 548. STRUNK (Thomas), 392. STRYNIAK (Dariusz), 3285. STUBBS (Tristan), 4935. STÜBEN (Joachim), 3560. STUBER (Martin), 5853. STUCCHI (Silvia), 1717. STUDER (Brigitte), 6500. STUDEVENT-HICKMAN (Benjamin), 1086. STUDNIČKOVÁ (Milada), 28. STUEWER (Roger H.), 5543. STUFKENS (André), 3299. STULIGROSZ (Magdalena), 1647. STUMPF (Roberta), 6817. STUR (Heather), 5728. Sturlese (Loris), 3402. Sturluson (Snorri), 2584.
INDEX OF NAMES STURM-LIND (Lisa), 5929. STUTTARD (David), 1297. STUTZ (Jonathan), 2186. STUTZMANN (Dominique), 3530. STYKALIN (A. S.), 7509. SU (Zhigang), 7734. Suárez (Adolfo), 4731. SUÁREZ (Patricia), 6533. SUÁREZ AMADOR (José), 3940. SUBINI (Tomaso), 4990. SUCKALE (Robert), 42. SUCKALE-REDLEFSEN (Gude), 42. SUCKOW (Dirk), 5240. SUCKUT (Siegfried), 4206. SUDA (Makiko), 7851. SUEMORI (Haruka), 6427. SUESCUN POZAS (Maria del Carmen), 5587. SUFFIA (Ilaria), 5878. SUGIMOTO (Fumiko), 7881. SUK (Jiří), 3967. Sulaymān, Sultan of Morocco, 4525. Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Turks, 4818. ŠULIGOJ (Metod), 210. Sulla Felix (Lucius Cornelius), 1739, 1769. SULLAM (Simon Levis), 4428. SULLIVAN (Benjamin M.), 1152. SULLIVAN (Denis), 2401. Sulpicius Severus, 2207. SULZENER (Scott), 5723. Sūmānīh (Shārl), 6921. SUMMERLIN (Danica), 3516. SUMMERS (Carol), 4829. SUMMERS (Geoffrey D.), 961, 962. Sun (Yat-sen), 7748. SUNADA (Tōru), 1815. SUNDELIN (Anders), 7457. SUNDELIN (Anna), 5934. SUNDEMO (Magnus), 6534. Sunjata Keïta, 7904. SUNSERI (Thaddeus), 6535, 6931. SUPIOT (Alain), 6490. SUREDA I JUBANY (Marc), 3348. SURI (Jeremi), 7667. SURIANI DA SILVA (Ana Cláudia), 5383. SURMAN (Jan), 5291. SÜßMANN (Johannes), 248. ŠUŠTERŠIC (Janez), 7499. ŠUSTROVÁ (Radka), 3958, 7338. SUTCLIFFE (Adam), 729. SUTCLIFFE-BRAITHWAITE (Florence), 4260. Suter (Karl Friedrich), 451. SVANBERG (Johan), 5854, 6536. SVANHOLM (Lise), 5610. ŠVECOVÁ (Adriana), 6665.
SVEINBJARNARDÓTTIR (Guðrún), 2584. ŠVELCH (Jaroslav), 5544. SVENSSON (Patrick), 6172. SVETOZAROVA (Natalia), 5704. SVRIZ WUCHERER (Pedro Omar), 6982. SWAIN (Shurlee), 6428. SWANN (Elizabeth L.), 3655. SWÄRD (Hans), 6170. SWEENEY (Deborah), 1153. SWETNAM-BURLAND (Molly), 2102. ŚWIDERSKA-WŁODARCZYK (Urszula), 3008. SWIFT (Laura), 1474. SWINSON (Chris), 6054. SWOPE (Kenneth M.), 7788. Sykes (Mark), 7166, 7204. SYLLA (Richard), 5764. SYLVEST (Casper), 484. SYMES (Carol), 3209. SYMONDS (Craig L.), 7375. SYMONDS (Matthew F.A.), 1816. Syrius, 1412. SYRNÝ (Marek), 7504, 7505. SYVERTSEN (Trine), 6478. SZABÓ (Csaba), 2058. SZABÓ (Miloslav), 5052. SZABÓ (Péter), 2922. SZABÓ (Tibor), 3210. SZANAJDA (Andrew), 7376. SZAPOR (Judith), 4285. SZEJNMANN (Claus-Christian W.), 521. SZENDE (Katalin), 22. SZIJÁRTÓ (István M.), 480. SZOŁTYSEK (Mikołaj), 6139. SZPIECH (Ryan), 2798. T 'T HART (Marjolein), 5762. Tabet (Xavier), 5450. TĀBITĪ (Ḥayāt), 7248. TABOLLI (Jacopo), 1606. Tacitus (Publius Cornelius), 287, 385, 392, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1934, 1943, 1996, 1997. TACKE (Andreas), 3330. TAGA (Yoshihiro), 4953. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro), 6825. Tagore (Saumyendranath), 4289. TAGUCHI (Masaki), 2729. TAK (Ekrem), 6739. TAKÁCS (Imre), 3286. TAKADA (Yoshihito), 7882. TAKAHASHI (Eiji), 6691. TAKAHASHI (Genki), 7883. TAKAHASHI (Sanami), 6429. TAKANO (Nobuharu), 7884. TAKANO (Toshihiko), 7854.
397 TAKENAKA (Masami), 885. TAKEUCHI-DEMIRCI (Aiko), 7458. TAKIRTAKOGLU (Kōnstantinos), 2490. Talât Paşa, 4806, 4812. TALBOT (Ian), 7201. TALBOTT (Strobe), 7668. TALLMAN (Marjorie), 501. TAM (Yue-him), 5858. TAMIOLAKI (Melina), 1452. TAMÏR (Dan), 4558. TAMM (Ditlev), 2839. TAN'SHINA (Nataliia Petrovna), 7134. TANAKA (Hikaru), 6055. TANG (Birgit), 2111. TANG (Jigen), 891, 7821. TANG (John P.), 5824. TANG (Tao), 7714. TANGARI (Nicola), 3374. TANKERSLEY (Kenneth B.), 805. TANMAN (Gülru), 2459. TANNOUS (Jack), 3482. TARALLO (Giovanni), 2534. TARANENKOVA (Ivana), 5584. TARASEWICZ (Radoslaw), 1087. TARAVACCI (Pietro), 717. TARLAZZI (Caterina), 3450. TARRADELLAS (Anton), 7669. TARRANT (Harold), 745. TARTAKOWSKY (Danielle), 5718. Tassinari (Giuseppe), 5971. TASSIOS (Theodosios P.), 2080. TĂTARU-CAZABAN (Miruna), 2689. TATE (Adam L.), 5053. TATEISHI (Hirotaka), 4762. TATEO (Francesco), 3191. TATEROVÁ (Eva), 7670. TATUM (William J.), 1675. TAUBMAN (William), 4675, 7671. TAVÁREZ (Fidel J.), 6983. TAVIANI (Paolo), 3577. TAVILLA (Elio), 5025. TAVOLIERI (Claudia), 1189. TAYLOR (Becky), 4261. TAYLOR (Clarence), 6614. TAYLOR (Cory), 4207. TAYLOR (Craig), 2989. TAYLOR (Greig), 6537. TAYLOR (James), 6702. TAYLOR (Jane H. M.), 3123. TAYLOR (Melissa Jane), 7343. TAYLOR (Michael J.), 1817. TAYLOR (Michael), 6826. TAYLOR (Miles), 6860. TAYLOR (Neil), 4001. TAYLOR (Thomas), 1261. TAYLOR JONES (Claire), 3562. TE VELDE (Henk), 3718. TEASDALE (Guillaume), 5974.
398 TECUANHUEY SANDOVAL (Alicia), 5054. TEDESCHI (Antonella), 1724. TEDESCO (Paolo), 2119. TEELE (Dawn Langan), 3746. TEEUWEN (Mariken), 26. TEITLER (Hans C.), 1666. TEIXEIRA (Luiz Antonio), 5505. TEIXEIRA (Melissa), 3862. TELEPNEVA (Natalia), 7461. TELES (Edgar Alexandre Pinto), 6932. TELESCA (Chiara), 2354. TELG GENANNT KORTMANN (Jan R.), 1719. TEMIZER (Abidin), 5754. TEMPEL (Klaus), 4181. TEMPLIN (David), 4185. TEN KLOOSTER (A.), 3451. TENORTH (Heinz-Elmar), 5292. TEO DA PERUGIA, 3098. Teodolinda, 2653. TEODOR (Dan Gheorghe), 502. TEOH (Karen M.), 5359. TERADA (Hiroaki), 6561. TERBERGER (Thomas), 817, 835. Terentius Afer (Publius), 1724, 1938. TERHORST (Magdalena), 3212. Terrasse (Henri), 2775. TERRAZAS Y BASANTE (María Marcela), 7101. TERRENATO (Nicola), 2085. TERRENOIRE (Louis), 6863. TERRIER ALIFERIS (Laurence), 3339. TERRINONI (Alessia), 1827. Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Florens), 2208, 2209, 2311. TESAŘ (Marek), 5360. TESSARI (Silvia), 60. TESTI (Claudio A.), 3452. TETERS (Kristopher A.), 4936. TEUBNER (Jonathan D.), 2324. TEUCHERT (Felix), 5155. TEWES (Johanna), 5361. TEYSSIER (Éric), 1818. THABITI WILLIS (John), 7912. THAI (Philip), 7790. THAKUR (Ramesh), 7672. Thalassius, 2373. THAM (Henrik), 6692. THAMER (Hans-Ulrich), 4208. THĀMIR (Fāḍil), 394. THANH PHAM (Son), 822. THARP (Martin), 5719. Tharsus, 1521. Thatcher (Margareth), 7532. THÉBAUD (Françoise), 6490. THEISEN (Maria), 28, 109. THEIßEN (Henning), 5153.
INDEX OF NAMES THELIN (John R.), 5293. THEOBALD (Ulrich), 7787. Theocritus, 1378. Theodericus Magnus, rex Ostrogothrum, 1844, 2656. THEODERICUS MONACHUS, 2586. Theodoretus Cyrensis, episcopus, 2228. Theodoretus Cyrrhus, 301, 2279. Theodorus Gaza, 2383. Theodorus II Ducas Lascares, Byzantine emperor, 2384. Theodorus Metochita, 2385. Theodorus Mopsuestenus, episcopus, 2335. Theodorus Mouzalon, 2484. Theodorus Prodromus, 2380. Theodorus Studita, Sanctus, 2386, 2492. THEOHARIS (Jeanne), 6618. Theophilus Antecessor, 2485. Theophrastus, 1266, 1267. Theopompus, 356. THEOTOKIS (Georgios), 2491. Thérèse de Lisieux, Sancta, 97. THÉRY-PARISOT (Isabelle), 829. THIBODEAU (Philip), 2036. THICKSTUN (Margaret Olofson), 5161. THIÉBAULT (Stéphanie), 829. THIEL (Jens), 261. THIELMAN (Frank S.), 2226. THIEMEYER (Thomas), 245. Thierack (Otto), 6610. Thiers (Adolphe), 4062. THIERS (Christophe), 976. THIESSEN (Jan), 6648. THIEULIN-PARDO (Hélène), 2504. THIJS (Krijn), 261. THOEN (Erik), 2977. THOLBECQ (Laurent), 1154. Thomas (Albert), 6490. THOMAS (Brittany), 3466. THOMAS (Keith), 6430. THOMAS (Martin), 6748. THOMAS (Nicolas), 3240. THOMAS (Sarah E.), 3514. Thomas Aquinas, 3451, 3452, 3454, 3458. Thomas, apostolus, Sanctus, 2325. THOMASKUTTY (Johnson), 2325. THOMASSIN (Mathieu), 2536. THOME (Markus), 3360. THOMMEN (Lukas), 1475. THOMPSON (Jenny), 7673. THOMPSON (Jeremy C.), 3628. Thompson (Llewellyn E.), 7673. THOMPSON (Neil), 5898. THOMPSON (Sherry), 7673. THOMSEN (Christiane M.), 2587. THOMSEN VIERRA (Sarah), 6431.
Thomson (James), 5418. THOMSON (Rodney M.), 39, 228. THOMSON (Simon C.), 3215. THONEMANN (Peter), 563. Thorbecke (Jan Rudolf), 4529. Thorez (Maurice), 4017. THORHALLSSON (Baldur), 7459. THORKILDSEN (Dag), 387. THORLÁKSSON (Helgi), 2584. THÖRNQUIST (Annette), 6538. THÖRNQVIST (Christer), 6481, 6538. THORNTON (John), 395. THOROCZKAY (Gábor), 2569. THORSEN (Thea S.), 1175. THORUP (Kristian), 3980. THORVALDSEN (Gunnar), 6090. Thrasyboulus, 1392. Thucydides, 259, 363, 1372, 1419, 1523. THUMIGER (Chiara), 2026. THÜNEMANN (Holger), 459. Thurau (Markus), 4963. THURN (Anabelle), 1182, 2004. Thurn und Taxis (Familie), 147. Thutmosis III, 989. Thutmosis, 998. TIBBLE (Steve), 3254. TIBERI (Ida), 837. Tibullus (Albius), 767. TICCHI (Jean-Marc), 6779. TIERSCH (Claudia), 1278. TIESLER (Vera), 7932. Tieya (Wang), 6714. Tigrino (Vittorio), 5852. TILBA (Anna), 5862. Till (Emmett), 4872. TIMOTIN (Andrei), 1518. TINNEY (Steve), 1088. TINSMAN (Heidi), 3903. TINTI (Roberto), 3577. TIPEI (Alex R.), 5362. TIRA (Alessandro), 5055. TISCHLER (Carola), 7315. TISON (Stéphane), 7143. TISSEAU (Violaine), 6432. TISSIER (Yves), 4209. TISSONI (Francesco), 2383. Tisza (István gróf), 4280. Tito (Josip Broz), 7437. Titus Livius, 277, 287, 322, 362, 385. TIUSCHER (Anuschka), 7014. TIZZONI (Elisa), 6433. Tocco (Carlo), 2581. TOCCO (Francesco Paolo), 6140. TODESCHINI (Giacomo), 2762. TÖDT (Daniel), 6934. TOEPFER (Georg), 172. TØFTING KONGSGAARD (Leif), 580.
INDEX OF NAMES Togliatti (Palmiro), 4381. TOGNETTI (Sergio), 3010. TOKARSKA-BAKIR (Joanna), 4588. Tokugawa (Iesato), 4434. TOLA (Eleonora), 396. TOLEDANO (Ariel), 2763. TOLEDANO (Lluís Ferran), 4732. TOLKACHEV (Mikhail Vasilʹevich), 7033. TOLLEFSEN (Torstein T.), 2492. TOMA (Natalia), 2112. TOMA (Paraskevi), 2369. TOMADAKI (Maria), 2381. TOMAINI (Thea), 3040. TOMASIN (Lorenzo), 5545. TOMASSO (Antonin), 830. TOMASZEK (Michał), 2942. TOMEK (Prokop), 3966, 3968, 7674. TOMICH (Dale), 5774. TOMINAC (Nikola), 7250. TOMLIN (Roger S.O.), 1661. TOMMASI (Chiara O.), 2131. TOMMASINO (Pier Mattia), 727. TÖMMEL (Till Florian), 7675. TOMS (Steven), 5984. TOMSON (Peter J.), 2280. TONELLI (Natascia), 3102. TONELLO (Elisabetta), 3216. TONGIORGI (Duccio), 4406. TÖNSMEYER (Tatjana), 7355. TOOMASPOEG (Kristjan), 2890. TOORIANS (Lauran), 2564. TOOZE (Adam), 602. TOPUZOVSKA (Gabriela), 6142. TOR (Deborah Gerber), 2772. TORCHY (Loïc), 862. TORELL (Ulrika), 6316. TORELLI (Mario), 2069. TORKUNOV (A. V.), 4665. TÖRÖK (László), 3152. TORRANCE (Alexis), 2493. TORRE (Angelo), 5852. TORRE (Chiara), 2005. TORRECILLA (Eduardo), 1089. TORREGGIANI (Valerio), 5971. TORRES HERNÁNDEZ (Margarita), 6280. TORRES-GUERRA (José B.), 1681. TORRESI (Tiziano), 5050. TORRES-SÁNCHEZ (Rafael), 5762. TORRIE (Julia S.), 7307. TORRÓ (Josep), 2791. TORSTENDHAL (Rolf), 397. TORTORICI (Zeb), 6434. TOSELLO (Gilles), 829. TOTARO (Piero), 1476. TÓTH (Gergely Mátyás), 7135. TOTH (Ida), 2479. TÓTH (Péter), 2545. Toubert (Pierre), 3685.
TOUGH (David), 3892. TOUS PRIETO (Francesc), 3257. TOUSSAINT (Gia), 35. Toussaint Louverture, 3983. Toutânkhamon, 975, 1025. TOUZÉ (Olivier), 831. TOWNSEND (Camilla), 408. TOZZA (Marcello), 1477. TRABATTONI (Franco), 1255. TRACHSLER (Richard), 3093. TRACY (Larissa), 2868. TRACY (Stephen V.), 1210. TRÆNGBÆK (Else), 6435. Traianus (Marcus Ulpius Nerva), Roman emperor, 1748, 1853, 1993, 2070, 2115. TRAKADAS (Athena), 1927. TRAN (Nicolas), 1804. TRAN (Nu-Anh), 5728. TRÁPAGA MONCHET (Koldo), 7051. TRASK (April), 5546. TRAUDES (Jonas), 5721. TRAUTSCH (Jasper M.), 7070. TRAVERS (Daniel), 7308. TRAVERSIER (Mélanie), 7068. TREGGIARI (Ferdinando), 603. TREGUBOV (N.A.), 7436. TRENKLE (Viktoria), 5002. TREPAVLOV (Vadim Vintserovich), 4676. TREU (Martina), 5722. TREU (Nadine), 2326. Treves (Paolo), 4418. TRÉZINY (Henri), 1594. TRIANO (Milán), 3011. TRIAUD (Annie), 3100. TRICOIRE (Damien), 6935. TRINKAUS (Erik), 832. TRIPODI (Claudia), 3012. TRIPPÉ (Natacha), 1558. TRITTEL (Katharina), 5547. TRIZIO (Michle), 2423. TROELTSCH (Ernst), 5462. Trogus (Gnaeus Pompeius), 264. TROM (Danny), 5199. TROMP (Monica), 822. TROVATO (Stefano), 2338. Trudeau (Pierre), 3875. TRUITT (Jonathan), 5000. Truman (Harry S.), 7514. Trump (Donald), 7602, 7613, 7672. TRZECIECKI (Maciej), 3663. TSAKMAKIS (Antonis), 399, 1317. TSCHÖGELE (Thomas), 2060. TSENG (Alice Y.), 6141. TSEREBELAKĒS (Geōrgios T.), 2411. Tshekisho Plaatje (Solomon), 4726.
399 TSIKOUNAS (Myriam), 5699. TSOMIS (Georgios P.), 1262. TSUI (Brian), 7792. TSUJI (Yamato), 5930. TSULKANAKĒS (Dēmētrios), 2494. TSYBANKOV (Alexander Alekseevich), 904. TUCCI (Pier Luigi), 2113. Tucenghi (Omobono), Sanctus, 3598. Tucher (Susanna Maria von), 430. TUCHTENHAGEN (Ralph), 511. TUCK (Anthony), 1631, 1639. TUCKER (Richard P.), 624. TUGENDHAFT (Aaron), 963. TULLY (Gemma), 1024. TUMELYTĖ (Irena), XII. TUNACI (Atadan), 5556. TUNSTALL ALLCOCK (Thomas), 7676. ṬURAYḥĪ (Suhá Muḥammad Ḥasan), 7519. ȚURCANU (Ion), 4516. TURCAN-VERKERK (Anne-Marie), 3530. TURCOTTE (Jean-Michel), 7344. TURCUȘ (Șerban), 5094. TURI (Gabriele), 5410. TÜRK (Egbert), 2542. TURKĪ (Bū'ubayd), 4525. TURNER (Barry), 4306. TURNER (Brian), 513. TURNER (John D.), 5998, 5999. TURNER (Mathew), 400. TURNER (Wendy J.), 3072. TURQUOIS (Elodie), 2477. TURTON (Katy), 4677. TURVILLE-PETRE (Thorlac), 3217. TUTINO (John), 4513, 6056. TUTINO (Stefania), 5056. TUURI (Rebecca), 4937. TÜVSHINJARGAL (Tömörbaatar), 797. Tuxen (Laurits), 5610. TVEITEN (Asbjørn), 6320. TWEED (Hannah C.), 689. TWOHIG (Peter L.), 6437. TWOMEY (Lesley K.), 3578. TYLUS (Piotr), 3616. TYMKIW (Michael), 4210. TYNER (James A.), 3874. Tyrius, 1513. Tyrtaeus, 1465. TYSON (Craig W.), 1065. TYSZKA (Przemysław), 2942. TZIAFALIAS (Athanasios), 1228. U UCHE (Chibuike), 5736. UCHIDA (Junko), 800. UEDA (Takako), 6438.
400 UEKÖTTER (Frank), 5548. UESHIMA (Tamotsu), 7885. UGARRIZA (Juan Esteban), 3912. Ugo Eteriano, 3431. UGOLINI (Romano), 7194. UHR (John), 3792. UL'IANOVA (Svetlana Borisovna), 4618. Ul'yanov (Nikolaĭ), 452. ULIČNÝ (Ferdinand), 2880. ULLGREN (Peter), 7052. ULLRICH (Volker), 4211. ULMAN (Yesim Isil), 5556. Ulrich, Sanctus, 3551. ULTURALE (Maurizio), 3405. ULVUND (Frode), 5200. UMBACH (Maiken), 5723. UMEMURA (Naoki), 7793. UMSCHEID (Florian Paul), 4205. UMURHAN (Osman), 2006. UNERTL (Nicole), 6695. UNFUG (Christian), 1867. Ungari (A.), 455. UNGER (Corinna R.), 7460. UNGER (Richard W.), 5855. UNGER (Veronika), 3515. ŪNIYĀ (Muḥammad), 4526. UNOWSKY (Daniel), 3825. UNUCHAK (Andrėĭ Uladzimiravich), 3835. UPPENBERG (Carolina), 6439. UPPSTRÖM (Rolf), 4780. URBAINCZYK (Theresa), 2495. URBAN (Andrew), 6540. URCEO CODRO (Antonio), 3099. URCIUOLI (Emiliano R.), 2328. URIGÜEN LÓPEZ DE SANDALIANO (Natalia), 7677. URQUIOLA (Patricia), 5616. URSAN (Vasile), 171. URSO (Gianpaolo), 401. URY (Scott), 5191. USAI (Alessandro), 1616. USAI (Donatella), 863. USCATESCU (Alexandra), 3042. ÜSDIKEN (Behlül), 5898. USNER (Daniel H.), 6143. USSISHKIN (David), 1155. UTRILLA MIRANDA (Pilar), 861. UWE (John), 6089. UYSAL (Bora), 916. V VAALE (Lars-Erik), 4550. VACALEBRE (Natale), 87. VACANTI (Claudio), 1819. VACCARO (Maddalena), 3698. VACSY KRAGH (Jesper), 5549. VAD JØNSSON (Heidi), 3981. VADAS (András), 2922, 2963. VADILLO MUÑOZ (Julián), 4728.
INDEX OF NAMES VAGHI (Massimiliano), 7071. Vaida Voevod (Alexandru), 4610. VAIL (David D.), 5550. Vaillant (Édouard), 4018. VAÏSSE (Maurice), 4021. VAJANTO (Krista), 836. VALAHFRIDUS STRABO, 3406. VALAKHANOVICH (Igorʹ Aleksandrovich), 7269. VALASTRO (Rossella), 2188. Valdermar II, Konge af Danmark og de Venders, 2675. VALDÉS NAVARRO (Pedro), 3904. VALDEZ-BUBNOV (Ivan), 5856. VALDITARA (Giuseppe), 1868. Valdivia (Andrés de), 6948. VALDIVIA (María Inés), 4568. VALENCIA GUTIÉRREZ (Alberto), 3910. VALENCIA SUÁREZ (María Fernanda), 7005. VALENCIA-GARCÍA (Louie Dean), 4764. VALENTA (Marko), 6220. VALENTIN (Frédérique), 803. Valentinianus III (Flavius Placidus), Roman emperor, 1928. VALENZANO (Vincenzo), 3013. VALERI (Elena), 5006. VALERO GÓMEZ (Sergio), 4733. VALEŠ (Lukáš), 4706. VALETTE (Jacques), 6936. VALIANT (Seonaid), 402. VALIM (Patrícia), 3864. VALLAT (Daniel), 1994. VALLEJO PÉREZ (Gema), 1869. VALLERANI (Massimo), 463, 648. VALLOGGIA (Michel), 1025. VALLOTTON (François), 6499. VALLVERDÚ (Josep), 826. VALVO (Paolo), 5005. VALZANIA (Sergio), 1820. VAN (Rachel Tamar), 5931. VAN 'T SPIJKER (Willem), 5124. VAN ACKEREN (Marcel), 750. VAN BAVEL (Bas), 3014. VAN BERGEN (Leo), 5551. VAN BOCKHAVEN (Vicky), 3914. VAN CAENEGEM (R.C.), 2881. VAN DAM (Raymond), 1821. VAN DAMME (Stéphane), 5514. VAN DE GRIFT (Liesbeth), 3747. VAN DEN ABEELE (Baudouin), 3239. VAN DEN BERG (Marleen), 6861. Van den Bergh (Hendrik), 4713. VAN DEN BROECKE (Steven), 3393. Van der Beugel (Ernst), 7406. VAN DER BLOM (Henriette), 1850. VAN DER HEYDEN (Ulrich), 4722.
VAN DER MERWE (Alie), 810. VAN DER MEULEN (Jim), 3015. VAN DER PLICHT (Hans), 810. VAN DER PLOEG (Ghislaine E.), 2061. VAN DER SPEK (Robartus Johannes), 634. VAN DER STOCK (Jan), 54. VAN DER WALT (Jaco), 808. VAN DEUSEN (Nancy E.), 5057. VAN DRIESSCHE (Véronique), 1351. VAN DYCK (Brandon), 4569. VAN GELDER (Maartje), 4430. VAN GOMPEL (Steffie M. T.), 994. VAN HEEKEREN (Vivian), 810. VAN HOUTS (Elisabeth), 2594, 3058. VAN KLEY (Dale K.), 5072. VAN LAAK (Dirk), 4197. VAN LEEUW (Michel), 4468. VAN LEEUWEN (Bas), 634, 5944. VAN LEEUWEN (Marco H. D.), 6344. VAN LOTTUM (Jelle), 7065. VAN LOYEN (Ulrich), 6144. Van Lymborch (Maelwael), 3299. VAN MAL-MAEDER (Danielle), 1708. VAN MELKEBEKE (Sven), 5975. VAN MIERT (Dirk), 403. VAN NIEROP (Henk), 5411. VAN NOTEN (Frances), 1030. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter), 2144. VAN PELT (W. Paul), 1026. VAN RAHDEN (Till), 5448. VAN RENEN (Denys), 5418. VAN RENSWOUDE (Irene), 26. VAN VELDHUIZEN (Adriaaan), 473. VAN VLIET (Gijs), 3634. VAN VOORHIS (Julie), 1595. VAN VUUREN (Hennie), 4723. VAN WAIJENBURG (Marlous), 6937. VAN WYK (Anna-Mart), 4724. VAN YPERSELE (Laurence), 7185. VAN ZYL-HERMANN (Danelle), 4725. VANDAMME (Ludo), 81. VANDEMARK (Brian), 7678. VANDENBEUSCH (Marie), 1027. VANDER LINDEN (M.), 846. VANDERPUTTEN (Steven), 3524, 3563. VANHOONACKER (Sophie), 360. VANNIER (Marie-Anne), 3658. VANNINI (Giulio), 1667. Vansina (Jan), 453. VANSPAUWEN (Aäron), 2185. VANTHIEGHEM (Naïm), 973.
INDEX OF NAMES VANWIJNSBERGHE (Dominique), 54, 3362. VAQUER (Jean), 862. VARANINI (Gian Maria), 2899. VAREL (David A.), 5363. VAREZIĆ (Nikša), 7006. VARGA (Attila), 5724. VARGA (Rada), 1925. VARIAN (Brian D.), 5932. VARNAM (Laura), 3074. VARNAVA (Andrekos), 3748. VARONA (Patricia), 120. VARONER (Oz), 1133. Varro (Marcus Terentius), 1999. VARSORI (Antonio), 7588. VARTO (Emily), 488. Varus (Publius Quintilius), 1662. VASCONCELOS (Cláudio Beserra de), 3865. VASIL'EV (Dmitriĭ Valentinovich), 4623. VASILEIOU (Fotis), 2366. VASILENKO (S. Iu.), 7348. VASILIU (Anca), 2145. VASILYEV (Alexey), 6782. VASQUEZ-PARRA (Adeline), 6984. VAŠŠ (Martin), 5598. VASSALLO (Christian), 1532. VASSILIADES (Georgios), 401, 2007. VÄSTERBRO (Magnus), 649. VASYL'IEV (Valeriĭ), 7349. VATCHKOV (Daniel), 405. VATRI (Alessandro), 1478. VAUCHEZ (André), 3598. VAUGHAN (Mary Kay), 4485. VAUSE (Erika), 6696. VAZ (Francisco António Lourenço), 7142. Vázquez (Tabaré), 4945. VÁZQUEZ BUJÁN (Manuel E.), 2037. VÁZQUEZ MARTÍNEZ (Alia), 900. VÁZQUEZ OLIVERA (Mario), 7136. Vediushkin (V. A.), 7037. VEDRIŠ (Trpimir), 2649, 3337. VEENHOF (Klaas R.), 1090. VEGA PRIETO (Óscar), 1091. VEGA VILLALOBOS (María Elena), 7920. VEIRE (Christine Vande), 3606. VELASCO (Marcela), 3911. Velasco Alvarado (Juan Francisco), 4565, 4570. VELASCO GONZÀLEZ (Alberto), 3325. Veldeke (Heinrich von), 3147. VELIKANOVA (Olga), 4679. VELKAR (Aashish), 160. Velleius Paterculus (Marcus), 286. VENDITTELLI (Marco), 3016.
VENETSKOV (Maxim), 2364. VENNEN (Mareike), 5552. VENNING (Timothy), 575. VENTRONE (Angelo), 4429. VENTURA (Giacomo), 3099. VENTURA DA SILVA (Gilvan), 406. VENUTI (Martina), 1686. VERDE (Francesco), 1533. VERDERAME (Lorenzo), 1189. VERDERY (Katherine), 7399. VERDÉS PIJUAN (Pere), 2987. Verdi (Giuseppe), 5710. VERDIER (René), 2730. VERDON (Jean), 3659. VERDOOT (Jérôme), 3564. VEREMĒS (Thanos), 4274. VERFAILLIE (Florent), 7253. Vergara (Clemente), 7156. VERGARA PERUCICH (Francisco), 6114. VERGER (Jacques), 425. Vergilius Maro (Publius), 277, 1725, 1726, 1942, 1954, 1956, 1961, 1967, 1989. VERGNOLLE (Éliane), 3363. VERHOEF (Grietjie), 6057. VERHOEVEN (Clemens), 3299. VERIGIN (S. G.), 7309. VERLIN (Jan), 5294. Vernant (Jean-Pierre), 454. VERNET I PONS (Eulàlia), 2749. VERONESE (Maria), 2202. VERPOORTE (Alexander), 810. Verrocchio (Andrea del), 3326. VERROKEN (Erik), 3362. VERSACE (Pietro), 63. VERVAET (Frederik J.), 1753. VESA (Valentin), 2496. VESANTO (Aleksi), 5404. VESELINOVIĆ (Velimir), 3930. VESENTINI (Andrea), 5622. VESPIGNANI (Giorgio), 2588. VESZPRÉMY (László), 2556, 2568, 2585. VETERE (Benedetto), 2534. Vettori (Francesco), 5215. VEYRARD-COSME (Christiane), 3161. VEYRASSAT (Béatrice), 650. VEYRENCHE (Yannick), 3565. VIALLET (Ludovic), 3535. VIANO (Cristina), 2497. VICASTILLO (Salvador), 2208. VICK (Brian), 6938. VICTOR (Benjamin), 6. VICTOR (Helena), 892. Victoria (Alexandrina), queen of England, 6860. Victorius (Claudius Marius), 2230. VIDAL LUNA (Francisco), 6145. VIDONI (Nicolas), 6615.
401 VIEL (Riccardo), 3219. Viertel (Berthold), 5582. VIGNE (Jean-Denis), 1577. VIGNOLA (Pietro), 863. Vigri (Caterina), 3526. VIGUEUR (Jean-Claude Maire), 6216. VIINIKKALA (Lauri), 483. VIKTORIN (Carolin), 3734. VILA (Anne C.), 5254. VILA CASADO (Iván), 6585. VILAIN (Ambre), 3334. VILÍMEK (Tomáš), 5857. VILLA GUZMÁN (Carlos Antonio), 4491. VILLANI (Luciano), 6146. VILLANI (Stefano), 5158. VILLARI (Anna), 7154. VILLE (Simon), 5834. VILLERET (Maud), 5759. VIMERCATI (Emmanuele), 2038. VIÑAS (Ángel), 7310. VIÑAS (Ramón), 826. VINCE (Máté), 420. VINCENSINI (Jean-Jacques), 3082. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte), 6616. VINCENTI (Umberto), 1870. VINCI (Stefano), 2882. Vincke (Ludwig Freiherrn), 4085. VINCO (Mattia), 3364. VINKOVETSKY (Ilya), 6586. VINNAL (Hannes), 5933. VINOGRADOV (Alexey V.), 4659. VINOGRADOV (Andrej J.), 2498. VINSON (Robert Trent), 7679. VINSON III (Ben), 6441. VINZENT (Markus), 2295. VIOLARIS (Yiannis), 1577. VIRCHOW (Rudolf), 5464. VIRDEE (Pippa), 4301. VIRGILI (Fabrice), 4061. VIRGILI COLET (Antoni), 2510. VIRLOUVET (Catherine), 1804. VISCEGLIA (Maria Antonietta), 354, 5006, 7019. VISENTIN (Davide), 833. VISSER-FUCHS (Livia), 2589. VITA (Juan Pablo), 947, 964, 1110. VITALE (Marco), 1298. VITALE (Vincenzo), 3221. VITAS (Marko), 1534. VITERBO (Claudio), 5264. VITÓRIA (André), 507. VITTOR (Elisa), 2528, 2546. Vittorio Emanuele III, re d'Italia, 6560. Vitus, Sanctus, 2233. VITZ (Matthew), 6147. VIVEROS-FAUNÉ (Christian), 722. VIVIAN (Daniel J.), 5976. VIVIAN (R. Gwinn), 805.
402 VIX (Jean-Luc), 2011. VLASOV (Nikolaĭ), 4213. VLČKOVÁ KRYČEROVÁ (Lenka), 5255. VOGLIS (Polymeris), 6166. VOGNSEN (Frederik Lynge), 3020. VOGT (Gabriele), 5058. VOGT (Helle), 2864. VOICSEK (Vanda), 851. VOICU (Sever J.), 2195. VOIGT (Karl Heinz), 5159. VOISIN (Vanessa), 5693. VOITHOFER (Richard), 3821. VOLCKART (Oliver), 622, 6058. VOLCKER (Paul), 6059. VOLKART (Silvia), 3021. VOLKE (Kristina), 5614. VOLKOV (Denis V.), 7254. VOLLHARDT (Friedrich), 605. VOLLMER (Thomas A.), 2227. VOLLSTÄDT (Michael), 2329. VOLOBUEV (Vadim Vadimovich), 4589. VOLPE (Gioacchino), 455. VOLPE (Giuliano), 3697. VOLPINI (Paola), 5006. VOLTERRA (Edoardo), 1827. VOLTOLINI (Diego), 1614. VOLZ (Dorothea), 5725. VOMBERG (Elfi), 5726. VONARBURG (Viktoria), 3454. VONNARD (Philippe), 7405. VONYÓ (Tamás), 5763. VORONIN (Evgeniĭ Rostislavovich), 3750. Vorster (John), 4713. VOS (Antonie), 3455. VOSE (Robin), 3037. VÖSSING (Michael), 7680. VOVELLE (Michel), 409. VOYER (Cécile), 64. VRÁBEL (Ferdinand), 4704. VRIJER (Hans), 3243. VRINTS (Antoon), 7239. VRTEL (Andrej), 161. VU (Milkie), 6442. VUČETIĆ (Biljana), 4695. VUIC (Kara Dixon), 5728. VUKOVIĆ (Krešimir), 2062. VULETIC (Dean), 5727. W WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen), 7529. WAARA (Joacim), 6517. WACH (Margarete), 5646. WÄCHTLER (Hartmut), 6697. WACKS (David A.), 2817. WADDELL (Brodie), 410. WADHWANI (R. Daniel), 5898. WADLEY (Lyn), 812. WAELKENS (L.), 1871.
INDEX OF NAMES WAGNER (Anne), 3061. WAGNER (Enrico), 576. WAGNER (Gerhard), 5463. WAGNER (Hendrik), 1928. WAGNER (Julia Susanne), 6737. WAGNER (Kim A.), 6829. Wagner (Richard), 5684, 5715, 5726. WAGNER (Stephan), 6619, 6698. WAGNER-MARTIN (Linda), 768. WAHLGREN (Steffan), 2385. WAHLGREN-SMITH (Lena), 2571. WAKELIN (Daniel), 3170. WALCOFF NEUHEISER (Jennifer), 4145. WALD (Erica), 6443. WALDENSTRÖM (Daniel), 5990. WALDHOFF (Christian), 6587. Waldock (Humphrey), 6714. WALDRON (Peter), 4667. WALDROP (Jeffrey A.), 5160. WALIGÓRA (Grzegorz), 4585. WALKER (Anders), 4938. WALKER (J. Samuel), 4939. WALKER (James T.), 5846. WALKER (Paul), 3366. WALKER (Philip), 7255. WALKER (Sarah), 5939. WALKER (William O.), 6783. Walker (William), 4540. WALKOWITZ (Daniel J.), 5201. WALKOWSKI (Grzegorz Kazimierz), 2884. WALLACE (Rex), 1639, 1971. WALLACH SCOTT (Joan), 6444. Wallenstein (Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Herzog von Friedland), 7034. WALLIS (Jonathan), 2008. WALLIS (Patrick), 5859. WALLRAFF (Martin), 2186. WALSH (Camille), 5364. WALSHAM (Alexandra), 219, 305. WALTER (James), 411. WALTER (Katherine Clark), 3660. WALTER (Katie L.), 3076. Walter (Marco), 5459. WALTER (Philipp), 5295. WALTER (Philippe), 2014. WALTER (Uwe), 585. WALTHER (Markus), 3457. Walther von der Vogelweide, 3162, 3182. WANG (Chang-sui), 891. WANG (Di), 7794. WANG (Fengxian), 7795. WANG (Jiajing), 821. WANG (Junxin), 7796. WANG (Liangcheng), 7797. WANG (Mingming), 7798. WANG (Rong), 891.
WANG (Shizong), 7799. WANG (Shuaiyi), 7800. WANG (Wenjian), 7801. WANG (Xianzhen), 7802. WANG (Yan), 7803. WANG (Youru), 747. WANG (Yuanchong), 6784. WANG (Yunxin), 7804. WANG (Zijin), 7805. Wang Mang, 7839. WÅNGMAR (Erik), 412. WÄNGNERUD (Lena), 4777. WARD (David), 4378. Ward (Henry George), 4495. WARD (J. R.), 6985. WARD (John O.), 3222. WARD (Zachary), 6160. WARDE (Paul), 5860. WARDY (Robert), 1485. WARHOL (Robyn), 760. Waring (Samuel), 174. WARLAND (Geneviève), 297, 443. WARLOUZET (Laurent), 3752. WARNAR (Geert), 3634. WARNER (Kathry), 2731. WARNER (Lawrence), 65. WARNER METTLER (Meghan), 5256. WARNKE (Marcus), 4214. WARNTJES (Immo), 115. WARREN (Aiden), 7659. WARREN (James), 1485. WARREN (Michael J.), 3223. WARREN (Peter), 1211. WARSCHEID (Ismail), 110. WARSH (Molly A.), 6986. Washington (George), 4856. Washington (Harold), 4848. Washington (Martha), 4841. WASOWSKA (Aleksandra), 5741. WASSERMAN (Martin), 6060. WASSERSTEIN (David J.), 1540. WASSERSTROM (Jeffrey), 7806. WASSHOLM (Johanna), 5934. WATERFIELD (Robin), 1299. WATERLOW (Jonathan), 6445. WATERS (Catherine), 762. WATERS-RIST (Andrea), 810. WATKINS (Andrew), 2512. WATKINS (Emma D.), 6446. WATKINS III (Jerry T.), 6447. WATSON (Adam S.), 805. WATSON (Allan), 6091. WATSON (Wilfred G. E.), 965. WATT (Timothy D.), 4335. WATTA (Sebastian), 2330. WATTEEUW (Lieve), 54. WATTS (Edward J.), 757, 1823. WAWRYTKO (Sandra A.), 747. WEBER (Anke), 1028. WÉBER (Édouard-Henri), 3458.
INDEX OF NAMES WEBER (Gregor), 1300. WEBER (Max), 5463. WEBER (Nadir), 6998. WEBER (Patrick), 1591. WEBER (Reinhold), 4094. WEBER (Torsten), 3753. WEBER (Winfried), 2114. WEBER-SINN (Kristin), 237. WEBSTER (Harriett R.), 2550. WEBSTER (Ian), 6061. WEBSTER (Wendy), 6448. WECKENBROCK (Olga), 5149. Węcowski (Piotr), 368. Wedgwood (Josiah), 5816. WEEDEN (Mark), 966. WEEGELS (Julienne), 5729. WEERAWARDHANA (Chamindra), 6541. WEGENER-RIECKESMANN (Marcel), 2331, 3517. WEGMAIER (Alexander), 7462. WEGNER (Josef), 1029. WEHEN (Britta), 5730. WEHNER (Burkhard), 66. WEI (John C.), 2842. WEICHERT (Maik), 6588. WEIDMANN (Clemens), 2166. WEIDNER (Marcus), 407. WEIDNER (Tobias), 485. WEIER (Jonathan), 3885. WEIGAND (Rudolf), 2841. WEIGELT (Andreas), 7510. WEIGL (Herwig), 2533. WEIL (Francesca), 6313. Weil (Kurt), 6644. WEILER (Björn), 2590. WEILER (Ingomar), 1352. WEINER (Amir), 3751. WEINSTOCK (Nathan), 2764. WEISBROD (Bernd), 305. WEIS-DIEL (Alexandra), 3224. WEISDORF (Jacob L.), 6344. WEISL (Angela Jane), 3225. WEISS (Dieter J.), 5107. WEISS (Holger), 6148. WEISS (Jessica), 2769. WEISS (Miriam), 2591. WEISS (Naomi A.), 1479. WEIß (Peter), 1107. WEISS (Peter), 4705. WEISS (Sabine), 3826. WEISS (Stéphane), 7311. WEISS-WENDT (Anton), 7463. WEISZ (Boglárka), 3018. WEITKAMP (Sebastian), 6699. WEITZ (Eric), 716. WEITZ (Lev E.), 2819. WELCH (Kimberly M.), 4940. WELD (Kirsten), 3905. WELLENDORF (Jonas), 2833. WELLHAUSEN (Tina), 2115.
Wellington (Arthur Wellesley Duke of), 7060. WELLS (Josh J.), 790. Welzel (Hans), 6689. WEMPE (Sean Andrew), 6939. WEN (Yucheng), 7807. WENDT (Christian), 1191. WENDT (Georg M.), 4216. WENINGER (Bernhard), 934. WENZKE (Rüdiger), 7681. WERBEL (Amy), 6700. WERNER (Klaus Ulrich), 11. Werner (Pierre), 4480. Werthern (Georg Freiherr von), 4079. WESKAMP (Manuel), 5296. WEST (Charles), 68. WESTAD (Odd Arne), 7257. WESTALL (Richard W.), 1801, 2009. Westarp (Kuno von), 4126. WESTBERG (Johannes), 5365. WESTERGREN (Andreas), 2332. WESTON (Janet), 6701. WESTPHAL Siegrid), 6589. WESTWOOD (Guy), 1301. WETZEL (Anorthe), 7212. WETZSTEIN (Thomas), 3510. WEWER (Heinz), 7312. WEYDNER (Sara), 6449. WHALEY (Joachim), 380. WHARTON (Joanna), 5570. WHELAN (Bernadette), 7516. WHELAN (Frederick G.), 5418. WHELAN (Kevin), 211. WHELAN (Mark), 2732. WHELAN (Robin), 2146, 2333. WHITE (Chantel E.), 1106. WHITE (Devin), 782. WHITE (Heather R.), 4959. WHITE (Joshua M.), 6785. WHITE (Mark), 834. WHITE (Stephen D.), 3041. Whitefield (George), 5102. WHITEHEAD (Annie), 2655. WHITEHEAD (Christiania), 3171. WHITFIELD (Susan), 705. WHITING (Matthew), 4336. WHITTLE (Alasdair), 851. WHITTON (Christopher), 1993. WHYMAN (Susan E.), 5861. WIATER (Nicolas), 1682. Wickham (Chris), 2944. WICKMAN (Thomas M.), 5257. WICKS (David), 771. WICKS (Yasmina), 1169, 1170. WICKSTRÖM (Mats), 6461. WIDDER (Ellen), 2631. WIEDEMANN (Benedict G. E.), 3518. WIEDEMANN (Julius), 5618.
403 WIEDL (Birgit), 2740. WIEGERS (Gerard A.), 2798. WIEGESHOFF (Andrea), 7511. WIELAND (Anne), 2116. WIELL (Karolina), 6450. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich), 2656. WIENER (Claudia), 2039. WIENFORT (Monika), 3754. WIERLING (Dorothee), 5935, 7203. WIESEN (S. Jonathan), 6703. WIESNER-HANKS (Merry), 6252. WIGAND (Ann-Kristin), 915. Wigforss (Ernst), 4771. WIJNSMA (Uzume Z.), 1031. WILCKE (Claus), 1069. WILCOX (Vanda), 4395. WILDBERGER (Jula), 2040. WILDT (Michael), 4203. WILENTZ (Sean), 6704. WILFERT (Christoph), 459. WILGAUX (Jérôme), 1353. WILHELM (Gernot), 1092. WILHELM (Ulrich), 4215. Wilhelm I, König von Württemberg, 5964. Wilhelm II, deutscher Kaiser, 4121. WILKE (Jürgen), 5446. WILKERSON (Jessica), 4941. WILKINS (Sarah S.), 3287. WILKINSON (Darryl), 905. WILKINSON (Toby Christopher), 1557. WILL (Marcel K.), 3734. WILLAN (Brian), 4726. WILLEMS (Bastiaan), 7378. WILLEMS (Harco), 1032. WILLEN ODE (Marcus), 4779. WILLERMET (Cathy), 7915. WILLIAMS (Christopher), 6149. WILLIAMS (Daniel H.), 2222. Williams (George Hara), 3879. WILLIAMS (Graham T.), 3227. WILLIAMS (Kieran), 6705. WILLIAMS (Michael), 7808. WILLIAMS (Tara), 3077. WILLIAMSON (Jacquelyn), 1024. WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey), 5893. Williamson (Peter), 6529. WILLIAMSON (Tom), 2977. WILLIAM-SØRENSEN (Susanne), 742. WILLIS (Anna), 803, 822. Willkie (Wendell Lewis), 4890. WILLS (Clair), 6451. WILLS (W.H.), 778. WILM (Julius), 4942. WILMERS (Damaris), 2770. WILMSHURST (Sara), 3878. WILSON (Andrew), 1926. WILSON (Charles), 720.
404 WILSON (Edward), 3170. Wilson (Henry Lane), 7263. WILSON (James Graham), 7683. WILSON (John F.), 5862. WILSON (Katherine Anne), 3024. WILSON (Paul R.), 5258. WILSON (Peter H.), 7035. WILSON (Roger J. A.), 2090. WILSON (W. Daniel), 5259. Wilson (Woodrow), 7156, 7215, 7223, 7232. WILSON-CHEVALIER (Kathleen), 6239. WIMMER (Hanna), 3459. WIMSCHULTE (Sonja), 4263. WIN (Khin Htwe), 803. WIN (Thu Thu), 803. WIN (Tin Tin), 803. WINBERG (Ola), 212. WINDES (Thomas C.), 798. WINDHEUSER (Jeannette), 6452. WINDLER (Christian), 5085. WINEBURG (Sam), 486. WINKELBAUER (Thomas), 5297. WINKLER (Jonathan Reed), 7512. WINKLER (Justin), 674. WINKLER (Martina), 5731. WINKLER (Nicolas Daniel), 4479. WINLING (LaDale C.), 5298. WINN (Adam), 2334. WINSTEAD (Karen Anne), 769. WINTER (Anne), 5961. WINTER (Tobias), 224. Winthrop (family), 80. WINTZER (Joachim), 7642. WIRSCHING (Andreas), 4151, 4215. WISEMAN (J.), 3661. WISHĀḥ (Ghassān Maḥmūd), 6590. WITCOMB (Andrea), 6213. WITHYCOMBE (Shannon), 5554. WITKAMP (Nathan), 2335. WITTENBERG (Jason), 5182. WITTHÖFT (Christiane), 2667. WITTLINGER (Mark Tobias), 3519. WITZEL DE SOUZA (Bruno Gabriel), 5366. WIUM OLESEN (Niels), 3982. WIXFORTH (Harald), 6062. WŁADYNIAK (Ludmiła), 5732. Włodkowic (Paweł), 2844. WOBICK-SEGEV (Sarah), 5202. WOEHRLE (Christophe), 7345. WOELKI (Thomas), 2604. WOERTHER (Frédérique), 2771. WOHNOUT (Helmut), 3817. WOJCIECH (Katharina), 1822, 1872. WOJNOWSKI (Zbigniew), 4681. WOLDEMARIAM (Michael), 7913. WOLF (Fabian), 3367. WOLF (Johanna), 6542.
INDEX OF NAMES WOLF (Klaus), 3551. WOLF (Kordula), 3006. WOLF (Markus), 2075. WOLF (Norbert Christian), 5585. WOLF (Thomas), 4218. WOLFF (Charlotta), 5733. WOLFF (Kerstin), 4119. WOLFF (Samuel), 1156. WOLFRAM (Herwig), 1824. Wolfram (Herwig), 2618. WOLFRAM THILL (Elizabeth), 2117. Wolfram von Eschenbach, 3143, 3179, 3202. WOLFSON (Sara J.), 7032. WOLLOCH (Nathaniel), 5418. WOLSTENCROFT (Samantha), 4264. WOLTERS (Reinhard), 1662. WOLTJER (Pieter), 5893. WOOD (Ian N.), 2147. WOOD (Rachel), 822. WOODACRE (Elena), 583. WOODMAN (Anthony J.), 1720, 1723. WOODMAN (David A.), 2549. WOODS (Kim), 3368. WOOLDRIDGE (Adrian), 6015. WOOLGAR (Christopher), 2923. WOOTTON (David), 5434. WORBOYS (Michael), 6453. WORGER (William H.), 517. WORLEY (Andrew), 413. WORLEY (Matthew), 3794, 4262. WORM (Andrea), 2592. WORTMAN (Richard S.), 4682. WOUTERS (Nico), 358. WOYTEK (Bernhard), 1331, 1884. WOYTEK (Erich), 2010. WRIGHT (Clare), 3801. WRIGHT (Matthew), 1480. Wright (Quincy), 6786. WU (Hesong), 7835. WU (Judy Tzu-Chun), 4943. WU (Judy), 5728. WU (Nengchang), 7765. WU (Xiaodong), 7809. WU (Yunxian), 7810. WULFERT-MARKERT (Hendrike), 6706. WUNDER (John R.), 6707. WÜRFEL (Martin), 6617. WÜRGLER (Andreas), 6422. WURMSER (Hélène), 1596. WÜTHRICH (Annik), 1013. WYCLIF (John), 3460. WYNN (Graeme), 3877. X XELLA (Paolo), 1108. XENAKIS (Demetrios), 7684.
Xenophon, 1280, 1400, 1466, 2383. XIA (Siyun), 7811. XIA (Yafeng), 7454, 7611. XIAN (Ruobing), 1480. XING (Tie), 7813. XU (Guobin), 678, 679. XU (Juanchao), 7814. XU (Kairong), 7815. XU (Lianhua), 678, 679. XUE'ER, 7816. XULU-GAMA (Nomkosi), 6151. XYPOLIA (Ilia), 7259. Y YACOUB (Joseph), 7260. YACOVAZZI (Cassandra L.), 5074. YAGIL (Limore), 7395. YAJIMA (Hikoichi), 173. Yalman (Ahmet Emin), 7229. YAMADA (Shoko), 5367. YAMAGUCHI (Motoki), 4307. YAMAMOTO (Koji), 6064. YAMAMOTO (Susumu), 6065. YAN (Anqing), 7752. YAN (Chongnian), 7817. YANARDAĞ (Ayşe), 4824. YANG (Honglin), 7818. YANG (Myungji), 4460. YANTE (Jean-Marie), 2903. YAO (Shuomin), 7836. YAO (Xingfu), 7819. YARAK (Larry W.), 6277. YARDENI (Ada), 12, 1107. YARDLEY (John), 1694, 1695. YASAR (Kerim), 5555. YĀSIRĪ ('Ādil), 4318. Yasiri (al-Sayyid Nur al-Sayyid Aziz), 4318. YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), 1122. YDESEN (Christian), 3973. YE (Qing), 5998. YE (Qing), 5999. YEARWOOD (Peter J.), 6940. YELBAŞI (Caner), 4825. YELLE (Robert), 743. Yeltsin (Boris Nikolayevich), 7578, 7654, 7668. YENEN (Alp), 7261. YEPEZ ALVAREZ (Willy), 772. YÉPEZ MOROCHO (Pascual Ramiro), 414. YERKA (Stephen J.), 790. YI (Chi-sun), 6738. YI (Se-yŏn), 7690. YI (Xiaohe), 7786. YI (Yongwen), 7820. YILDIRIM (Nuran), 5556. YILDIZ (Fatma), 3369. YILMAZ (Hüseyin), 4826. YISRAELI (Oded), 1157.
INDEX OF NAMES YOKOTA (Fuyuhiko), 7887. YOLLES (Julian), 2769. YON (Karel), 6477. YONA (Sergio), 2041. YONEDA (Minoru), 885. YONETANI (Hitoshi), 7851. Yongqi, Chinese prince, 7724. YOO (Jane), 6321. YORULMAZ (Nilüfer Kalkan), 5287. YOSHIDA (Nobuyuki), 7886. YOSHIDA (Takashi), 7888. YOSHIE (Takashi), 7889. YOSHIOKA (Seiya), 7890. YOUNG (Alden), 4767. YOUNG (John W.), 4265, 7262. YOUNGER (Katherine), 3709. YOUNGER (Neil), 5162. YU (Chun Ling), 2336. Yu (Weijie), 7822. YUN (Chŏng-nan), 4461. YURETICH (Linda), 2358. YUSTA (Mercedes), 7390. YUZAWA (Noriko), 6454. Z ZAAGSMA (Gerben), 7313. ZABEL (Benno), 617. ZABILANSKÁ (Petra), 7346. ZACCAGNINI (Carlo), 1093. ZACCARIA (Benedetto), 7588. ZACHAROVA (Anna V.), 2498. ZACHER (Samantha), 2751. ZACHHUBER (Juliane), 1559. ZADDACH (Wolf-Georg), 5665. ZADERENKO (Irene), 759. ZAGKLAS (Nikos), 2398. ZAHIR (Muhammad), 860. ZAHN (Angelika), 5463. ZÁHOŘÍK (Jan), 6874. ZAHRA (Tara), 5239. Zähringen (Familie), 146. ZAIA (Shana), 1094. ZAID (Omar Abou), 1033. ZAIDI (Waqar H.), 6786. ZAIMOVIĆ (Haris), 3844. ZAJCHOWSKA (Anna), 2561. ZAKIM (Michael), 6066. ZALA (Sacha), 7515, 7561. ZALC (Claire), 319, 470. ZALLOT (Virtus), 3078. ZAMAN (Gheorghe), 5868. ZAMAN (Taymiya R.), 415. ZAMBERLAN PEREIRA (Thales A.), 5936. ZAMBITO (Luca), 1930. ZAMBONI (Lorenzo), 1618. ZAMIR (Shamoon), 5649. ZAMMITO (John H.), 5557. ZAMORA (José Ángel), 917, 1108. ZAMOYSKI (Adam), 4070.
ZANARDO (A.), 5449. ZANCHETTA (Barbara), 7626. ZANFAGNA (Patrizia), 1011. ZANGL (Veronika), 5720. ZANONI (Elizabeth), 6455. ZANOU (Konstantina), 3755, 7073. ZANUSSO (Valentina), 1460, 1482. ZAPATA MARTELO (Emma), 3910. ZAPATA VELASCO (Antonio), 4570. ZAPPASODI (Emanuele), 3567. ZARA (Arturo), 2118. ZARAGORI (Aurélien), 6490. ZARAUZ LÓPEZ (Héctor Luis), 4515. ZAREMBA (Marcin), 4590. Zaremska (Hanna), 3157. ZARETSKY (Natasha), 4944. ZARINEBAF (Fariba), 5937. ZARRA (Giuseppe), 3235. ZARRO (Gianluca), 1875. ZAŠOV (Blagoj), 7079. ZAUGG (Roberto), 5260. ZAUNSTÖCK (Holger), 5226. ZAVACKÁ (Marína), 4707, 5368. ZAVATTERO (Irene), 2665, 3045. ZAYARUZNAYA (Anna), 3392. Zaynab, 2746. ZAZZO (Antoine), 803. ZECCHINI (Giuseppe), 1693, 1769. ZECCHINO (Francesco), 3370. ZECH (Julia), 5163. ZECKER (Robert M.), 6543. ZEICHMAN (Christopher B.), 2337. ZEIDE (Anna), 5863. ZEILINGER (Gabriel), 3701. ZEISING (Andreas), 5734. ZELIKOW (Philip), 7513. ZELINGER (Amir), 6456. ZELL (Michael), 5775. ZELLER (Bernhard), 2, 2618. ZELLER (Justine), 4071. ZELLMANN-ROHRER (Michael), 2499. ZELTSMAN (Corinna), 5412. ZENKER (Nina), 2593. Zenobia (Septimia), queen of Palmyra, 1732. ZENZEN (Nicolas), 967. ZEPEDA TREJO (Valeria), 7263. ZEPPEZAUER-WACHAUER (Katharina), 3177. ZERBONI (Andrea), 863. Zetkin (Clara E.), 6472. ZETTERBERG (Kent), 6787. ZETTLER (Richard L.), 1063. ZEYNALOV (İbrahim), 3831. ZHAI (Xiangdong), 7824. ZHAKUPOVA (Gulʹnaziia Tolgaevna), 4447. ZHANG (Aibing), 7825.
405 ZHANG (Banwei), 7826. ZHANG (Chengrong), 7757. ZHANG (Chi), 7827. ZHANG (Guoyi), 7811. ZHANG (Xiaodong), 7828. ZHANG (Xiaomin), 7829. ZHANG (Xingzhao), 7830. ZHANG (Yan), 7734. ZHANG (Yekun), 816. ZHAO (Jingyi Jenny), 505. ZHAO (Jun), 7264. ZHAO (Xianhai), 7831. ZHENG (Wang), 305. ZHENG (Xiaowei), 7832. ZHENG (Xinghua), 7720. Zhengming (Huang), 6714. ZHILIN (Mikhail), 835. ZHONG (Fulan), 7833. ZHONG (Han), 7834. ZHOU (Jintang), 7838. ZHOU (Peng), 2929. ZHU (Liping), 6707. ZHU (Yongjia), 7839. ZIEGLER (Béatrice), 6458. ZIEGLER (Dieter), 7416. ZIEGLER (Mary), 6708. ZIEGLER (Thomas), 3649. ZIEGLER (Tiffany A.), 3028. ZIELINSKI (Herbert), 316. ZIEMER (Hansjakob), 670. ZIGLIOLI (Bruno), 6152. ZIGNANI (Pierre), 976. ŽÍLA (Ondřej), 3846. ZIMMERMANN (Adrian), 6483. ZIMMERMANN (Christiane), 2264. ZIMMERMANN (Clemens), 5680. ZIMMERMANN (Reinhard), 614. ZIMMERMANN (Volker), 2765. ZIMMERMANN (Wolfgang), 6753. ZIMMERMANN-HOMEYER (Catarina), 111. Zimrî-Lîm, 1051. ZINELLI (Fabio), 3149, 3387. ZINGG (Emanuel), 1244. ZINI (Sylvain), 5938. ZINN (Alexander), 6457. Zinovyev (Grigory Yevseyevich), 4224. Zinzendorf (Karl von), 6004. ZIPPERSTEIN (Steven J.), 4518. ZISSU (Boaz), 1134. ŽIV K O V IĆ (Milutin), 7314. ZIZZA (Cesare), 1177, 1302, 1531. ZLATARSKI (Vladimir), 7265. ZNOROVSZKY (Andrea-Bianka), 3595. ZOELLICK (Robert B.), 7685. ZOFFMANN RODRIGUEZ (Arturo), 6544. ZOIA (Serena), 1663. ZON (Djamila), 4276.
406 ZORIN (Andrei), 4670. ZORIN (Artem Viktorovič), 7488. ZOSKE (Robert M.), 4219. ZOTZ (Thomas), 146. ZOU (Zhenhuan), 7765. ZOZAITĖ (Rasa), 4472. ZOZULʾAK (Ján), 2500. ZUBAK (Marko), 5413. ZUBOK (Vladislav), 7686. ZUBOVA (Alisa Vladimirovna), 904.
INDEX OF NAMES ZUCCHI (John), 5977. ZUCCOLIN (Gabriella), 3408. ZUCKER (Shlomo), 1149. ZUCKERMANN (Constantin), 2501. ZUFFRANO (Annafelicia), 2. ZUIJDERDUIJN (C. Jaco), 2952. ZÜLSDORF-KERSTING (Meik), 459. ZUMBRÄGEL (Christian), 5864. ZUMHOF (Tim), 5369. ZÜNDORF (Irmgard), 240, 469. ZUPANC (Petr), 5176.
ŽUPANIČ (Jan), 3809. ŽUPANOV (Ines G.), 4977. ZUPKA (Dušan), 2733. ŻURAWSKI VEL GRAJEWSKI (Radosław Paweł), 7137. Zurlauben (Familie), 6422. ZWECK (Jordan), 3229. ZWIERLEIN (Cornel), 4962. ZWIERZYKOWSKI (Michał), 4572. ZWYSSIG (Philipp), 5060. ZYSIAK (Agata), 6153.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A Aachen, 2649, 3640. Aberdeen, 5324. Åbo, 5876. Abruzzo, 636. Acadie, 6984. Acarnania, 1288. Accra, 6277. Açores, 4594. Acre (region), 7107. Acri, 2657, 2797, 3278. Adirondack (mountains), 5968. Adriatique (mer), 210, 2649, 7122. Aegean (sea), 7304. Aegospotami, 1280. Aegyptus, 1655, 1828, 1949, 2260, 2267. – v. Egypt. Aelia Aurelia Mactaritana, 1659. Afghanistan, 88, 549, 3756, 7536. Afrique, 296, 383, 517, 560, 770, 1777, 2129, 2333, 2341, 3704, 5204, 5690, 5827, 5893, 5899, 6722, 6801, 6812, 6862-6940, 7564, 7656, 7894-7913. ‒ A. du sud-ovest, 6889, 6891. ‒ A. méridionale, 4955, 6918. ‒ A. occidentale, 5787, 5840, 6882, 6895, 6902, 7900, 7901, 7911. ‒ A. orientale, 6910. ‒ A. septentrionale, 291, 6913. Ahhijawa, 1202. Akrotiri, 1327. Al-Andalus, 2778, 2791, 2796, 2817, 2931. al-Qāhira, 6098. Alabama, 4859, 4863. Alba FucensSalto (fiume), 2106. Albania v. Shqipëri. Aleppo, 2808, 6098. Alexandria, 974, 992, 1003, 1154. Algérie, 3762-3765, 4052, 4595, 5048, 5171, 6190, 6863, 6887, 6936, 7164, 7604, 7669. Alpi, 622. Alsace, 3701, 4019. Alto Adige, 4427. Altzeller, 3279. Amalfi, 3680. Amathus, 938. Amazonia, 491, 5079, 5831. Amelia, 2984.
Americus, 4972. Amérique, 183, 189, 193, 504, 5028, 5064, 5066, 5150, 5418, 5898, 6664, 6808, 6941-6986, 7173, 7914-7932. ‒ A. centrale, 4279, 4540, 7646, 7915, 7920, 7932. ‒ A. du nord-est, 5257, 6340. ‒ A. latine, 3726, 3744, 3984, 4560, 5005, 5142, 5587, 5637, 5668, 5872, 6509, 6529, 6754, 6776, 7237, 7570, 7614, 7617, 7634, 7676, 7682. ‒ A. méridionale, 5426, 6455. ‒ A. septentrionale, 5550, 5845, 6455, 6957, 7921. – v. Hispanoamérica. Amsterdam, 5186. Anadolu, 948, 1103, 2344, 7261. Anagni, 3499. Anatolia v. Anadolu. Ancyra, 2195. Andalucía, 2774, 4755, 4757. Andes, 5633, 6952, 7917, 7918, 7928. Angoche, 6876. Angola, 3766, 6495, 6907, 6911, 6932. Anhui, 7825. Antarctica, 5695, 7623. Anthon, 2730. Antiochia ad Orontem, 1770, 2120, 2287. Antioquia, 6948. Antwerp, 5100. Aosta, 15, 771. Apamea (Phrygia), 907. Aphrodito, 2481. Apollonia (Pisidia), 907. Appalachian, 5850, 6187. Appalachian region, 4941. Appennino, 7382. Aquileia, 2528, 2546. Aquincum, 4. Aquitaine, 1652, 2643. Arab countries, 3719, 7255, 7574, 7591, 7601, 7663. Arabia Petraea, 1750. Arabia, 2259. Aragón, 2679, 3325. Arboga, 2930. Arctic regions, 5877.
Arezzo, 2506, 2507, 3672. Argentina, 262, 3767-3787, 5235, 5306, 5315, 5657, 5753, 6479, 7467, 7498, 7500, 7612, 7633. Argolis, 1568, 1590. Arizona, 7479. Arkansas, 5969. Armenija, 304, 509, 2490, 3788. Arnhem, 3629, 7351. Arrapḫe, 1049. Arras, 3209 Artabba, 1141. Ashkelon, 1540. Asie, 205, 207, 907, 3753, 5064, 5756, 6356, 6490, 6801, 68316861, 7048, 7687-7893. ‒ A. centrale, 6839, 7691-7692. ‒ A. du sud-est, 6843, 6853, 6858, 7697-7704. ‒ A. méridional, 250, 318, 5196, 5952, 6853, 6858, 7466, 7697-7703. ‒ A. Minor, 937, 940, 1281, 1324, 1788, 2245, 2259. ‒ A. occidentale, 1081, 7691-7692. ‒A. orientale, 6778, 7482. Assur, 1075. Asti, 3692. Astrakhan, 7036. Asturias, 5795, 5919. Athenae, 585, 1195, 1274, 1275, 1278, 1279, 1283, 1297, 1300, 1318, 1326, 1330, 1334, 1338, 1339, 1344, 1345, 1364, 1366, 1553, 1556, 1570, 1573, 1575, 1578, 1592. Atlanta, 631. Atlantic world, 5114, 6014, 6794, 6822, 6976. Atlantique (océan), 516, 6795, 6820, 6945, 7928. Attica, 1206. Augsburg, 3686. Australia, 3789-3801, 5393, 5695, 5834, 5874, 6118, 6177, 6236, 6333, 6337, 6367, 6420, 6428, 6580, 6668, 6769, 6843, 6988, 6990, 6992, 6994, 7160, 7356, 7489, 7936. Avigliano, 3662. Avignon, 3647. Awadh (region), 4294.
408 Ayacucho, 6654. Azerbaijan, 907, 3827-3831, 6218, 6495, 7036, 7038, 7066. Azores, 6374. B Babylonia, 1061, 1076, 1535. Bactria, 7692. Bad Freienwalde (Oder), 7510. Bad Hersfeld, 3252. Badajoz, 4744. Baden-Württemberg, 886. Baden, 4094, 6687. Baetica, 2315. Bagdad, 7208. Bahia, 3864. Baiae, 2096. Baja California, 4494, 4496. Baku, 128. Bălgarija, Bulgaria, 2541, 284, 353, 405, 3866-3872, 4966, 5183, 5717, 5807, 6586, 7124, 7127, 7152, 7265. Balkans, 2429, 2461, 3709, 3714, 3729, 4481, 5362, 5748, 5754, 7084, 7127, 7152, 7256. Balochistān, 4556. Baltimore, 4900 Baltique (mer, pays), 511, 2829, 3751, 5530, 5817, 5902, 5906, 5933, 7252, 7298, 7587, 7651. Bamberg, 113. Bangladesh, 3832, 6485, 6518, 7522. Barcelona, 139, 7049. Bardejov, 6154. Barletta, 3657. Basarabia, 4516, 7120. Basel, 3290, 5316. Başur Höyük, 1062. Bathurst, 5193. Bausley, 2509. Bayern, 2855, 4143, 4192, 5099, 6186, 6594, 6605, 6702, 7462. Bayonne, 4060. Beijing, 7710, 7737, 7770, 7803. Beirut, 6098. Belarus v. Belorossija. Belfast, 4328. België, 297, 525, 3564, 3836-3838, 5019, 5918, 6565, 6635, 6716, 6720, 6724, 6930, 7167, 7178, 7185, 7186, 7190, 7220, 7222, 7239, 7245, 7253. Belize, 6974. Bellechasse, 6655. Belorossija, Belarus, 155, 630, 3833-3835, 5237, 6155, 7153, 7269, 7271, 7347. Bengal Delta, 5980.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Bengal, 4289, 4290, 4295, 4296, 5447, 6485. Benin, 5330. Beograd, 255, 5203. Bergen-Belsen, 4193. Berlin, 231, 237, 324, 449, 4151, 4164, 4166, 5202, 5210, 5233, 5281, 5443, 5534, 5705, 6067, 6137, 6361, 6389, 6557, 7075, 7418, 7495, 7562. Bern, 225. Béziers, 3691. Biafra, 4541, 4548, 7657. Bielefeld, 481. Bihor, 543. Birmingham, 5861, 6673. Bischwiller, 5127. Bizerte, 4803. Black sea, 7695. Bogotá, 6368. Bohemia v. Čechy. Bohuslän, 688. Boiotia, 1588. Bolivia, 3839-3843, 7091, 7107. Bologna, 37, 1313, 1636, 2852, 2883, 2955, 2983, 3664. Bolzano, 2. Bombay, 4293, 5525, 6524, 6831. Bonn, 4151. Bordeaux, 5907, 7270. Borges Blanques, 4745. Bornu Province (Nigeria), 4544. Bosna-Hercegovina, 3844-3846, 3917, 4691, 7087, 7594. Boston, 4847, 5038, 5632, 6078. Botswana, 551, 5746. Bourges, 3343. Bourgogne, 2636, 3061, 3317, 5224. Bouvines, 2661. Brabant, 5777. Brasil, 186, 262, 3847-3865, 4561, 4597, 4957, 5366, 5505, 5562, 5936, 5977, 6362, 7107, 7330, 7530, 7539, 7633, 7645. Bratislava, 161, 5598. Braunschweig-Lüneburg, 2538, 3665. Brescia, 2, 2718, 3506. Breslau, 2554, 5283. Brest, 7155. Bretagne, 4038. Bristol, 3465. Britannia, 1661, 1773, 1803, 1890. British Isles, 3549. British West Indies, 6985. Brokdorf, 5151. Bruges v. Brugge. Brugge, 81, 2962. Bruxelles, 231. Bučač, 4832.
Bückeberg, 4130. Buda, 7001. Buenos Aires, 3772, 6060, 6179, 6207. Buganda, 6881. Bukhtarma, 5916. Bukovina, 7228. Bulgaria v. Bălgarija. Bulhoek, 4714. Burma, 7358. Butte (Montana), 5813. Büyükkaya, 1097. Byzantium, 120, 522, 1791, 23472501, 2649, 2669, 2712. C Cabo Verde, 7305. Caen, 3561. Caiazzo, 2515. Calais, 2967. Calicantone, 884. California, 197, 5276, 6378. Cambodia, 3873, 3874, 6841, 7554. Cambrai, 2695. Cambridge, 3036, 5284. Cameroon, 5347, 5941, 6038, 6905. Campania, 870, 1937. Campo de Tarragona, 2988. Canada, 3875-3892, 5507, 5855, 5911, 6025, 6288, 6317, 6549, 6622, 6690, 6956, 6957, 7126, 7344, 7597. Canosa di Puglia (Barletta-AndriaTrani), 1609. Canton, 6507. Cape Breton, 6967. Cape Town, 6300, 7899. Capena (Roma), 1627. Capitanata, 2902, 3013. Capo Tenaro, 1308. Caporetto, 7139. Capua, 3002. Caribe, 538, 5535, 5766, 6256, 6812, 6961, 6970, 7062, 7290, 7618, 7639. Cartagena de Indias, 6970. Cartagena, Carthago Nova, 1646. Carthago, 1744, 1956. Carthago Nova v. Cartegena. Casauria, 2520, 2523. Castilla, 2876, 2936, 3341, 6975. Çatalhöyük, 941. Çatallar Tepe, 940. Cataluña, 168, 2644, 2838, 2986, 2987, 3031, 3121, 4736, 4742, 5950. Catania, 2090. Caucasus, 907, 954. Čechách, 2625.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Čechy, Bohemia, 5, 28, 46, 75, 2625, 2664, 3487, 3535, 3651, 3656, 3965, 5122, 7054, 7312, 7338, 7660. Cefalà Diana, 2779. Celano, 3550. Celanova, 3390. Celle, 52, 6407. Cerveteri, 1626. České země, 2733. Českolovensko, 198, 274, 326, 350, 541, 564, 3942-3968, 4698, 4699, 4701, 4706, 4966, 5238, 5255, 5278, 5285, 5302, 5360, 5397, 5544, 5581, 5716, 5719, 5732, 5809, 5830, 5857, 5959, 6035, 6223, 6282, 6419, 6497, 6705, 6755, 6757, 6760, 6771, 7149, 7274, 7275, 7336, 7342, 7415, 7431, 7456, 7464, 7470, 7488, 7603, 7605, 7615, 7629, 7640, 7643, 7661, 7664, 7670, 7674, 7681. Cetamura del Chianti, 1630. Chaco, 6363, 6982. Chaeronea, 1283. Chalcedonia, 2396. Chalki v. Heybeliada. Champagne, 3509, 3694. Changzhou, 7708. Channel Islands, 7308. Charleston, 4898. Chengdu, 7794. Cherchell, 6894. Chernobyl, 5526. Cherson, 2473. Chersonesus, 2473. Chesapeake, 196. Chiapas, 4499, 7136. Chicago, 4848, 4867, 4923, 5030, 6084, 6131, 6135, 6332, 6369, 6620. Chiemseehof, 3821. Chile, 230, 234, 524, 3893-3906, 5130, 7177, 7612, 7931. China, 88, 205, 312, 345, 505, 567, 621, 2128, 3753, 5075, 5179, 5465, 5858, 5930, 5959, 6081, 6173, 6196, 6417, 6555, 6561, 6623, 6660, 6674, 6747, 6761, 6766, 6840, 6844, 6846, 6855, 7063, 7092, 7099, 7113, 7123, 7128, 7264, 7320, 7454, 7471, 7472, 7502, 7579, 7611, 7629, 7632, 7648, 77057839. Chishui, 7714. Chișinău, 4517, 4518. Chiusi, 1579. Christchurch, 5894. Cilicia v. Kilikya.
Città del Vaticano, 6490, 6779, 7006, 7020, 7238, 7465. Città di Castello, 2580. Ciudad Juárez, 6106. Claros, 1214. Cluj-Napoca, 2521, 5607, 5724. Cochabamba, 3839. Col San Martino, 3311. Coleshill, 2512. Collalto, 2966. Colombia, 187, 279, 3907-3912, 5113, 5399, 6634, 6775, 6972, 7085, 7434, 7589. Congo, 673, 3913, 3914, 5082, 6308, 6910, 6914, 6915, 6924, 6930, 6934, 7910. Constantinopolis v. Byzantium. Conversano, 3303. Copenhagen v. København. Córdoba, 2097, 2735, 3774, 5068. Cori, 2917. Corinthus, 2123, 2289. Corsica, 150. Cortona, 3538. Costa Rica, 3915, 5954, 6280, 6294, 7520. Côte d'Ivoire, 124, 7647, 7908. Coventry Cathedral, 5601. Cremona, 2, 3338. Creta v. Krētē. Crimea v. Krym. Crna Gora, Montenegro, 45194521, 4691, 7383, 7385. Croatia v. Hrvatska. Cuba, 3932-3940, 6196, 6256, 6325, 6946, 6965, 7426, 7527, 7608, 7639. Cumbria, 6856. Cyprus, Kypros. D Dacia, 1830, 2042, 2058. Dahomey, 5260. Dali, 7715. Dalmacija, 2508, 3924. Dalmazia v. Dalmacija. Danmark, 323, 526, 534, 576, 2634, 2675, 2684, 2704, 2839, 3020, 3503, 3534, 3545, 39693982, 4974, 5108, 5128, 5198, 5206, 5277, 5390, 5549, 5561, 6020, 6273, 6281, 6342, 6435, 6440, 6650, 6662, 7046, 7175, 7334, 7446. Dar es Salaam, 5995. Dauphiné, 2730, 5888. Dayr al-Barshā, 1032. Debdou (region), 4522. Deir el-Bahri, 993. Delos, 1574, 1587, 1596. Delphi, 1454, 1543, 1561, 1581.
409 Dendara, 984. Derry, 4323. Detroit (river region), 5974. Detroit, 6468. Deutschland, 24, 51, 58, 73, 227, 261, 278, 285, 336, 339, 379, 441, 494, 521, 559, 576, 591, 666, 735, 2511, 2538, 2539, 2554, 2674, 2703, 2916, 2939, 2960, 2975, 2979, 3224, 3252, 3279, 3294, 3298, 3328, 3484, 3523, 3544, 3560, 3562, 3588, 3634, 3635, 3665, 3686, 3696, 3739, 4074-4219, 4237, 4401, 4532, 4580, 4966, 4973, 5011, 5019, 5035, 5041, 5095, 5097, 5107, 5125, 5133, 5153, 5154, 5155, 5212, 5245, 5304, 5335, 5349, 5357, 5420, 5459, 5512, 5527, 5533, 5546, 5553, 5583, 5586, 5647, 5651, 5665, 5672, 5679, 5685, 5708, 5713, 5732, 5763, 5771, 5851, 5921, 5925, 6028, 6062, 6083, 6127, 6129, 6198, 6224, 6245, 6296, 6301, 6303, 6305, 6347, 6352, 6408, 6411, 6424, 6431, 6440, 6456, 6472, 6506, 6514, 6527, 6528, 6552, 6570, 6576, 6584, 6587, 6588, 6589, 6597, 6609, 6616, 6666, 6685, 6703, 6718, 6753, 6757, 6760, 6780, 6798, 6891, 6909, 6925, 6939, 7030, 7082, 7112, 7114, 7118, 7157, 7185, 7227, 7280, 7288, 7291, 7315, 7319, 7328, 7334, 7340, 7341, 7345, 7352, 7367, 7376, 7380, 7407, 7413, 7423, 7431, 7438, 7444, 7468, 7481, 7495, 7508, 7511, 7517, 7528, 7559, 7560, 7576, 7630, 7631, 7645, 7646, 7664, 7675, 7677, 7680. Didyma, 1557. Dijon, 2516, 2892. Dodona, 1218. Dolný Kubín, 5180. Drei Bünde, 5060. Drenthe, 2941. Dublin, 4324, 6084, 6511. Dubrovnik, 2541, 2945, 7006. Dunhuang, 7694. Dunstable, 2550. Durban, 6105, 6469. Dutch East Indies, 5551. E East Indies, 6856. Ecuador, 3984-3989, 5317, 5786, 6564, 6951, 6972, 7210. Edo, 7845, 7883.
410 Eesti, 2622, 3999-4001, 4978, 7161, 7343. Égée (mer), 1208, 1751, 2468, 7064. Egypt, 31, 478, 968-1033, 1207, 1445, 2753, 2814, 3990-3994, 4954, 5350, 5542, 6372, 6547, 6642, 6933, 7081, 7132, 7467, 7468. Eilat, 1123. Eire, 56, 2559, 2825, 2919, 3347, 3589, 3687. Ekaterinburg, 6090. El Salvador, 3995-3998, 7646. Elbistan-Karahöyük, 916. Eleusis, 1317, 1536. Elimina, 6277. Emar, 935, 1093. Emilia, 2998. Emporiae, 1648. England, 65, 91, 107, 258, 410, 426, 2505, 2509, 2512, 2525, 2547, 2549, 2550, 2589, 2592, 2628, 2641, 2647, 2655, 2662, 2663, 2700, 2721, 2731, 2750, 2830, 2849, 2865, 2881, 2885, 2898, 2901, 2923, 2929, 2938, 2949, 2954, 2965, 2976, 2989, 2992, 2993, 3026, 3030, 3034, 3053, 3074, 3076, 3105, 3108, 3113, 3124, 3132, 3136, 3155, 3158, 3164, 3170, 3171, 3173, 3193, 3217, 3223, 3227, 3229, 3266, 3270, 3304, 3305, 3355, 3382, 3459, 3494, 3591, 3594, 3619, 3627, 3648, 3668, 3707, 4220, 4239, 4245, 4248, 4256, 4260, 4969, 5101, 5121, 5131, 5501, 5513, 5565, 5626, 5666, 5744, 5816, 5915, 5932, 5945, 5988, 6030, 6061, 6064, 6169, 6212, 6228, 6268, 6269, 6287, 6360, 6402, 6425, 6430, 6515, 6668, 6701, 6795, 6940, 7003, 7005, 7042. Entebbe, 7658. Ephesos, 1560. Epidauros, 1560, 1583. Epirus, 1292. Equatorial Guinea, 6875. Ercolano, 2082. Erice, 1600. Eritrea, 6877. España, 2, 25, 74, 168, 190, 229, 342, 520, 540, 2504, 2510, 2517, 2519, 2557, 2558, 2562, 2615, 2639, 2679, 2706, 2735, 2748, 2775, 2785, 2787, 2796, 2798, 2812, 2817, 2838, 2876, 2909, 2940, 2988, 3011, 3031, 3037, 3121, 3133, 3199, 3220,
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 3296, 3306, 3313, 3314, 3325, 3341, 3344, 3356, 3369, 3390, 3539, 3578, 3580, 3621, 3666, 3675, 4356, 4426, 4727-4764, 4993, 4995, 5020, 5036, 5418, 5479, 5648, 5683, 5739, 5761, 6016, 6129, 6406, 6472, 6480, 6492, 6533, 6603, 6754, 6795, 6799, 6804, 6817, 6875, 7000, 7021, 7023, 7028, 7037, 7053, 7072, 7090, 7270, 7283, 7296, 7306, 7310, 7313, 7332, 7339, 7376, 7677. Esquilinus (mons), 2071. Essen, 5331, 5994. Esterwegen, 4193. Estonia v. Eesti. Ethiopia, 4002, 5700, 5947, 6919. Etruria, 1602, 1635, 1637, 1738, 2113. Euboia, 1221. Eupen-Malmedy, 7222. Eurasia, 408, 882. Europe, 79, 82, 190, 212, 304, 312, 325, 360, 447, 531, 563, 570, 577, 594, 595, 613, 619, 621, 623, 639, 742, 788, 1790, 2672, 2708, 2755, 2911, 2944, 2997, 3014, 3047, 3050, 3248, 3273, 3479, 3682, 3707, 3709, 3711, 3713, 3718, 3721, 3724, 3731, 3736, 3737, 3747, 3752, 3999, 4119, 4319, 4373, 4412, 4429, 4537, 4631, 4785, 4958, 4961, 4966, 4968, 4975, 5005, 5023, 5072, 5126, 5137, 5156, 5201, 5232, 5241, 5420, 5465, 5504, 5600, 5661, 5727, 5788, 5878, 6053, 6063, 6184, 6276, 6278, 6304, 6488, 6508, 6759, 6813, 6882, 6913, 7067, 7084, 7103, 7115, 7131, 7224, 7246, 7291, 7297, 7405, 7430, 7432, 7438, 7462, 7504, 7505, 7555, 7556, 7569, 7582, 7637, 7642, 7653, 7682. ‒ E. centrale, 3708, 5052, 5145, 6044, 7258, 7465. ‒ E. du centre-est, 208, 2963. ‒ E. du sud-est, 514, 3708. ‒ E. occidentale, 3007, 3728, 5797, 7083, 7225, 7299, 7387. ‒ E. orientale, 2985, 4973, 5185, 5240, 5592, 6044, 7118, 7169, 7179, 7258, 7272, 7615. ‒ E. septentrionale, 7354. F Farra, 3311. Fayoum, 982. Fennoskandien, 2595. Ferrara, 1610, 3408, 3526, 3681.
Fiandre, 54. Filipinas, 4571. Finistère, 4065. Finland v. Suomi. Firenze, 72, 156, 221, 1802, 2524, 2690, 2896, 2980, 3012, 4355, 4424, 5227, 5450, 5823, 6013. Flanders, 54, 2658, 2933, 3015, 3509, 5961. Florida, 6447. France, 84, 125, 140, 185, 191, 223, 388, 437, 539, 731, 735, 833, 2504, 2513, 2536, 2636, 2652, 2717, 2725, 2764, 2840, 2854, 2855, 2867, 2903, 2924, 3000, 3039, 3064, 3086, 3087, 3108, 3166, 3209, 3230, 3267, 3268, 3293, 3304, 3317, 3343, 3358, 3363, 3376, 3377, 3459, 3480, 3509, 3510, 3520, 3527, 3536, 3542, 3553, 3559, 3561, 3565, 3573, 3674, 3684, 3693, 3710, 3741, 4007-4071, 4249, 4356, 4592, 4967, 4995, 5029, 5033, 5045, 5195, 5221, 5224, 5254, 5312, 5322, 5408, 5419, 5455, 5508, 5576, 5655, 5758, 5778, 5779, 5780, 5836, 5842, 5851, 5852, 5883, 5918, 5926, 5946, 6036, 6237, 6270, 6334, 6387, 6477, 6505, 6523, 6584, 6591, 6603, 6667, 6671, 6678, 6696, 6711, 6750, 6753, 6763, 6790, 6799, 6800, 6841, 6851, 6863, 6883, 6901, 6905, 6935, 6955, 6969, 6977, 6984, 6997, 7002, 7028, 7042, 7049, 7055, 7058, 7061, 7068, 7071, 7076, 7082, 7091, 7111, 7116, 7134, 7172, 7181, 7186, 7200, 7220, 7280, 7287, 7307, 7311, 7319, 7353, 7381, 7413, 7451, 7455, 7474, 7476, 7478, 7487, 7491, 7528, 7559, 7577, 7630, 7647. Frankfurt am Main, 5281, 6115, 6661. Fredriksten, 7045. Friuli, 2546, 4342. Fujian, 7772, 7838. Fulayj al Mashā'ikh, 1168. Fushun-mi, 6081. G Gabi, 1605, 2085. Gabon, 4072. Gaeta, 3312. Galata, 5937. Galatia, 907, 2271. Galia, 1203, 1205. Galicia-Lodomeria, 4834.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Galicija, 2307, 3220, 3825, 4836, 7148, 7228. Galilee, 132. Gallaecia, 1755. Gallia Narbonensis, 1644. Gallia, 1915, 2073, 2340. Gambia, 5193. Gand, 3362. Gansu, 7755. Garda (Lago di), 876. Gdańsk, 4573. Gebel el-Silsila, 1010. Genève, 2297, 4783, 4790. Genova, 519. Georgia, 40, 1435, 2291, 4073, 4935, 4972. Ghana, 6277, 6900, 6902, 7572, 7581, 7606, 7894, 7908. Gherla, 5607. Gibraltar, 6484. Girona, 2986, 3296, 3666. Glasgow, 4222. Gökçeler, 927. Göksu (flumen), 2309. Gold Coast, 5367, 6148, 6277, 6869, 6898. Golfo di Policastro, 1607. Gorizia, 7480. Gorlice, 7250. Göteborg, 6070, 6102. Göttingen, 5296, 6410. Graecia, 391, 505, 1171-1596, 1271, 1273, 1299, 1304, 1546, 1547, 1552, 1741, 1747, 2245, 2445. – v. Hellas. Granada, 2785, 2793, 4753. Grasse, 4008. Great Britain, 76, 304, 314, 557, 558, 2646, 2682, 2723, 2912, 2913, 3347, 3514, 4220-4265, 4532, 4736, 5101, 5107, 5271, 5387, 5393, 5418, 5455, 5468, 5469, 5506, 5536, 5573, 5635, 5706, 5742, 5846, 5859, 5862, 5866, 5873, 5878, 5885, 5898, 5936, 5984, 6009, 6019, 6026, 6052, 6100, 6156, 6165, 6206, 6237, 6242, 6262, 6264, 6291, 6298, 6327, 6386, 6394, 6421, 6426, 6448, 6451, 6453, 6470, 6490, 6529, 6578, 6591, 6622, 6658, 6702, 6745, 6799, 6802, 6809, 6825, 6829, 6835, 6842, 6903, 6915, 6917, 6955, 6984, 6996, 7004, 7062, 7065, 7067, 7095, 7101, 7110, 7127, 7128, 7138, 7152, 7165, 7198, 7202, 7214, 7225, 7227, 7240, 7259, 7261, 7276, 7287, 7337, 7344, 7353, 7366, 7371, 7384, 7402, 7412, 7422, 7466, 7486, 7493,
7494, 7495, 7521, 7535, 7536, 7543, 7546, 7550, 7601, 7612, 7653. – v. United Kingdom. Great Lakes (region), 7929. Greece v. Hellas. Grefswald, 5281. Greiz, 449. Grenoble, 4016. Groningen, 3243. Grosseto, 4380. Guangdong, 7725, 7732, 7759. Guatemala, 533, 4277, 4278, 5034, 7136, 7548, 7914, 7919, 7924. Gujarat, 7697. H Hagi, 7863. Haifa, 6532. Haïti, 5888. Halieis, 1590. Halifax, 6079. Halle, 2939, 5108, 5226, 5281. Hamburg, 5151, 5713, 5902, 5935, 6244. Hampshire, 5894. Hanau, 2975. Hangzhou, 7822. Hankou, 7758. Hannover, 4141, 4195. Hansenraum, 5420. Harzhorn (hill), 1789. Hasankeyf Höyük, 852. Hautes-Pyrénées, 4030. Hawai'i, 626, 4926, 6522, 6943. Hebrides, 5418. Heerlen, 1656. Hefzibah, 957. Hellas, Greece, 4266-4276, 5495, 6166, 7076, 7384, 7584. Henan, 7734. Hepu, 7728. Herodium, 1109. Hessen, 886, 7057. Heybeliada, 2390, 2400. Hierapolis, 2072. Hierusalem v. Jerusalem. Hildesheim, 3318. Hiroshima, 6116, 7600. Hispania, 1857, 1909, 1922, 2107, 2126. Hispaniola, 574. Hispanoamérica, 6958, 6960, 6975. Hlohovec, 129. Hof an der Saale, 4104. Hollen, 3696. Hollywood, 5698, 5711. Holstein, 2704. Holton-le-Moor, 5967. Holy Land, 6756. Honduras, 4279.
411 Hong Kong, 6249. Horn of Africa, 7913. Hoyerswerda, 6127. Hrvatska, Croatia, 30, 50, 2598, 2957, 3502, 3916-3931, 4691, 4708, 5593, 7144, 7342. Hubei, 7753, 7774. Hudson (river), 5844. Hueda, 5260. Huelva, 774. Huichol Sierra, 4500. Huizhou, 7749. Hungary v. Magyarország. I Ibarski Kolašin, 7314. Ibérica (península), 1920, 2250, 3468. Iceland, 2825, 2947, 3970, 4287, 6281, 7459. Ilava, 4707. Ilion, 1324. Illinois, 4879. Illyricum, 1814. Incastro (fiume), 2069. India, 160, 173, 239, 4288-4301, 4957, 5326, 5418, 5828, 5972, 6047, 6048, 6402, 6443, 6568, 6622, 6767, 6812, 6847, 6850, 6859, 6860, 7201, 7213, 7419, 7453, 7483, 7550, 7592, 7697, 7698, 7700, 7701. Indien (océan), 408, 6803, 1887, 5189, 7567. Indochine, 6442, 7476, 7424. Indonesia, 4302-4307, 6660, 6852, 6861, 7675. Innsbruck, 5486. Iôannina, 2581. Ipswich, 2505. Irak, 1086, 2786, 4315-4318, 5280, 6764, 7095, 7193, 7362, 7377, 7638. Iran, 568, 909, 1035, 1158-1170, 2128, 5085, 5197, 5848, 6203, 6214, 6773, 7066, 7071, 7254, 7362, 7503, 7521, 7553, 7602, 7645. 4308-4314 Ireland, 56, 76, 133, 211, 300, 2825, 2919, 3034, 3347, 3687, 4319-4336, 4994, 5866, 6023, 6049, 6467, 6541, 6567, 6626, 6658, 6850, 7042, 7067, 7306, 7432, 7438, 7516. Irsee, 5069. Isin - Išān Baḥrīyāt, 1069. Isle of Man, 7308. Israel, 1123, 4337-4341, 5602, 5820, 6681, 7427, 7497, 7534, 7574, 7582, 7591, 7601, 7641, 7658, 7670, 7684.
412 İstanbul, 173, 4808, 5978, 6093, 6098, 6726. Itaipú (represa de), 7530, 7539. Italia, 2, 15, 24, 27, 37, 59, 60, 72, 102, 123, 254, 306, 329, 365, 388, 519, 604, 690, 833, 866, 881, 1597-1618, 1641, 1650, 1654, 1738, 1775, 1776, 1797, 1802, 1808, 1848, 2049, 2053, 2098, 2502, 2504, 2506, 2507, 2515, 2520, 2523, 2524, 2528, 2529, 2530, 2534, 2543, 2546, 2563, 2580, 2640, 2650, 2654, 2666, 2671, 2673, 2685, 2690, 2697, 2711, 2716, 2758, 2762, 2779, 2782, 2845, 2852, 2853, 2866, 2869, 2887, 2891, 2899, 2905, 2917, 2927, 2934, 2944, 2959, 2961, 2966, 2980, 2983, 2984, 3002, 3003, 3005, 3006, 3012, 3013, 3017, 3030, 3057, 3085, 3101, 3115, 3127, 3138, 3154, 3181, 3216, 3221, 3237, 3261, 3287, 3292, 3295, 3300, 3301, 3303, 3311, 3312, 3315, 3319, 3331, 3335, 3338, 3352, 3354, 3364, 3374, 3386, 3409, 3485, 3497, 3499, 3504, 3506, 3517, 3532, 3538, 3550, 3556, 3567, 3571, 3583, 3622, 3657, 3662, 3667, 3672, 3673, 3676, 3679, 3680, 3681, 3688, 3690, 3692, 3697, 3698, 3699, 3739, 3791, 4342-4431, 4708, 4985, 5158, 5174, 5209, 5214, 5221, 5268, 5273, 5340, 5375, 5417, 5566, 5740, 5745, 5772, 5792, 5878, 5987, 6000, 6037, 6043, 6140, 6152, 6159, 6191, 6216, 6251, 6297, 6338, 6466, 6467, 6505, 6593, 6667, 6886, 6929, 7016, 7017, 7025, 7066, 7073, 7080, 7096, 7122, 7131, 7141, 7154, 7391, 7526, 7535, 7560, 7588, 7620. Iudaea, 1107. Izbica, 7285. Izumi, 7859. J Jaca, 3314. Jaffa, 7284. Jalisco, 4492. Jamaica, 6359, 6791, 6971. Japan, 345, 3753, 4432-4444, 5256, 5493, 5555, 5824, 5901, 5960, 6055, 6210, 6286, 6290, 6296, 6357, 6362, 6371, 6418, 6454, 6604, 6745, 6833, 6837, 6841, 6849, 6857, 7135, 7207,
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 7264, 7266, 7288, 7341, 7440, 7442, 7458, 7595, 7840-7890. Java, 5881. Jena, 449. Jerusalem, 1148, 3617, 2301, 2442, 2745, 6119. Jesi, 6377. Jiangnan, 7720, 7765. Jiangsu, 7819. Jiangx, 7838. Johannesburg, 4713. Jordan, 4445, 6220, 6681. Juchitán de Zaragoza, 4508. Jugoslavija, 3845, 3923, 4691, 4966, 5203, 5413, 6349, 6383, 7216, 7342, 7437, 7616, 7620. Jutland, 3978, 7350. K Kalisz, 4572, 4582. Kalykadnos v. Göksu (flumen). Kamakura, 4435. Kamen, 2087. Kamina, 7628. Karanis, 970. Karkemish, 946. Karmata Rúa (Antioquia), 3911. Karnak, 976, 990. Kashmir, 7466. Katanga, 6873. Kavkaz, 4642, 7353, 7374. Kazakhstan, 4446, 4447, 6741. Kentucky, 5377. Kenya, 4448, 4449, 5076, 5662, 6120. Khatyn, 7269. Kherson, 7050. Kiel, 4082, 5262, 5274. Kielce, 4588. Kilikya, 7172. Kinai (region), 7872. Kirchheim unter Teck, 4216. Kirghizistan, 88. Kiriath-Jearim, 1134. Kisama, 6811. Kivu (lake), 5975. Kınık Höyük, 931. Knossos, 1204. København, Copenhagen, 5645, 6012, 6365. Köln, 51, 58, 542, 2843, 3294, 4097, 4172, 5062, 6222. Korea, 345, 4450-4461, 4903, 5323, 5333, 6321, 6375, 6489, 6747, 6780, 6784, 6849, 6854, 7440, 7454, 7475, 7486, 7490, 7506, 7609, 7674, 7891-7893. Korinthos, 1572. Kosovo i Metohija, 546, 4689. Kotor, 6645. Kraków, 58, 873, 4575, 7125.
Krētē, Creta, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1211. Krisa, 1584. Kronborg, 6092. Kronshtadt, 7121. Krym, Crimea, 4839. Kure, 5784. Kyev, 6074. Kyoto, 6096, 6141. Kypros, Cyprus, 773, 917, 938, 942, 950, 2007, 3342, 3941, 5087, 6835, 6842, 7076, 7259. L L'Aquila, 811, 6140. La Habana, 5938, 6976. La Serena, 4729. Labraunda, 939. Lagopesole (castello), 3662. Lancashire, 5874. Laponie, 6512. Lappi, 7033. Larisa, 1228. Larsa, 1042. Latvia v. Latvija. Latvija, 3375, 3999, 4462-4465, 7343, 7441. Lausanne, 2297. Lebanon, 4466-4468. Le Bec-Hellouin, 731. Le Cerquete-Fianello, 794. Le Havre, 6814. Lebanon, 6851. Lecce, 2534. Leipzig, 5382, 6089. León, 3313. Leptis Magna, 2064. Lerna, 1568. Lesotho, 4469, 6866. Levanzo, 817. Lhasa, 7108. Liaoning, 6081. Liberia, 5966, 6917, 7242, 7544. Libya, 4470, 6920. Licodia Eubea, 1601. Liechtenstein, 4966. Liège, 2903. Lietuva, Lithuania, 155, 44714479, 6109, 7031, 7331. Liguria, 5852. Lima, 5057, 6194, 6398, 6606, 6944. Limerick, 4331. Limoges, 5047. Lincolnshire, 5967. Lippe, 4154. Lippoldsberg, 3328. Lisboa, 6002. Litoral de los Ríos, 3771. Lithuania v. Lietuva. Livonija, 2622.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Livorno, 5880. Llanos (Colombia and Venezuela), 3910. Łódź, 6153. Loire, 3536. Lokroi Epizephyrioi, 1224. Lombardia, 795, 2701, 2718, 4375. London, 91, 138, 2083, 2525, 5383, 5605, 5909, 5918, 5924, 5998, 5999, 6018, 6054, 6080, 6084, 6121, 6138, 6164, 7039. Long Tan, 6213. Lorraine, 2725, 4014. Los Angeles, 5024. Louisiana, 5043. Lourenço Marques, 6112. Louviers, 4032. Lübeck, 3686. Lublin, 4574. Lucca, 5823. Ludwigsburg, 6600. Lusitania, 1755. Lützen, 7035. Luxembourg, 4480. Lycaonia, 2264. Lycia, 943. Lydia, 927. Lyon, 2730, 5794, 5852, 7025. M Macau, 7295. Macedonia, 1302, 1754. Machu Picchu, 6395. Madagascar, 6432, 6935. Madrid, 1912. Magadan, 4674. Magdeburg, 2951. Maghreb, 5181, 7027, 7368. Magna Grecia, 1537, 1541. Magnesia, 1560. Magreb, 2778. Magyarország, Hungary, 4, 22, 216, 307, 537, 2545, 2556, 2568, 2569, 2601, 2719, 2733, 2846, 2920, 2922, 2980, 3018, 3210, 3286, 3535, 3554, 42804286, 4966, 5012, 5939, 6097, 6251, 6497, 6813, 7087, 7098, 7122, 7135, 7408, 7417, 7464, 7509, 7532. Mainz, 226. Makedonija, 4273, 4481, 4691, 7074, 7079, 7147, 7279, 7304, 7333, 7397. Makka al-mukarrama, 6073. Malabar (coast), 2811. Malaysia, 335, 5359. Malazgirt, 2458. Mali, 7904. Malia, 1198. Malta, 66, 5735.
Malvinas (islas), 7543. Manhattan, 6132. Manila, 6202. Mantinea, 1565, 1576. Marche, 3138. Maresha, 1121, 1156. Mari, 1051. Marmara Bölgesi, 4825. Maroc, 1765, 2250, 4522-4526, 6871. Marseille, 2101, 2717. Matabeleland, 7546. Matera, 814. Mathrou, 6933. Mauretania Tingitana, 2093. Maurice (île), 6883. Mauritanie, 1927, 4482, 4483, 7906. Mayotte, 495. Mbale, 6897. Mediona, 2517. Mediterranean world, 513, 1174. Méditerranée (mer), 509, 620, 914, 971, 1459, 2405, 2747, 2879, 3717, 3732, 3740, 3755, 5223, 5735, 5880, 6569, 6727, 6785, 6804, 7024, 7303. Mediterraneum (mare), 631, 942, 1192, 1194. Mégara Hyblaea, 1594. Megiddo, 1120, 1132, 1155. Memphis, 982, 1001. Mercia, 2655. Mérida de Yucatán, 7916. Mérida, 2063, 6962. Mesopotamia, 119, 1034-1094, 2491. Messara, 1203, 1205. Messene, 1328, 1341, 1560. Metz, 3039. Meurthe-et-Moselle, 2840. México D.F., 4487, 4513, 5000, 5412, 5905, 6147, 6246, 6330, 6366, 6399. México, 99, 312, 376, 402, 44844515, 5013, 5078, 5380, 5395, 5405, 5503, 5528, 5531, 5604, 5606, 5871, 6024, 6056, 6134, 6200, 6219, 6253, 6388, 6441, 6945, 6977, 7005, 7101, 7116, 7136, 7156, 7294, 7586. Mi'kma'ki, 5418. Michoacán, 5014. Middle East, 175, 528, 3014, 3482, 3991, 4975, 6782, 7140, 7166, 7655. Milano, 2, 1663, 2563, 3583, 3690, 4393, 4423, 5979, 6077. Miletus, 1324, 1557. Milton Keynes, 2405. Minami-ōji, 7859.
413 Mino province, 7843. Mississippi, 181, 4915, 5957, 6507. Moçambique, 4527, 6495, 6876, 6892, 6911, 7142. Modena, 1610, 1657, 2845, 4364, 4406. Moesia, 1911. Moissac, 3573. Moldova, 2699, 4516-4518, 7549. Molokai, 621. Mongolia, 7687, 7704. Monreale, 6248. Montecassino, 3280, 3374. Montenegro v. Crna Gora. Montevideo, 4948, 5386. Montfélix, 3694. Montpellier, 2990. Montréal, 6111. Monza, 2. Morava, 5, 7054, 7312, 7338. Morelos, 4509. Moringen, 4193. Moskva, 4658, 4666, 7148. München, 4422, 5594, 5663, 6095, 6186, 7451. Münster, 2539. Murlo (Siena), 1631, 1639. Mursia (Pantelleria), 883. Musa Dagh, 3748. Muṣaṣir, 1056. Myall Creek, 6993. N Nagasaki, 7600, 7890. Najaf (Irak), 4310. Namibia, 4528. Nanjing, 7760. Napoli, 185, 2020, 2331, 3221, 3517, 4370, 4373, 4387, 5569, 6144, 7068. Narce (Viterbo), 1603. Narva, 341. Nashville, 658. Natchitoches, 4866. Naulochus, 1753. Naumburg, 3481. Naxos, 2468. Nea Paphos, 1154. Neanderthal, 383. Near East, 916-967, 6779. Nederland, 70, 403, 573, 607, 635, 1656, 2903, 2941, 3243, 3244, 3317, 3321, 3629, 3634, 3838, 4529-4537, 6028, 6075, 6128, 6156, 6181, 6234, 6342, 6397, 6635, 6810, 6978, 7021, 7393. Negev, 1125. Neretvanski kraj, 3917. Nerik, 1099. Neubrandenburg, 4198.
414 Nevada, 6404. New Delhi, 239. New England, 5160. New Mexico, 4886. New Orleans, 5358, 6143. New York, 4919, 5929, 6295, 6379, 6493, 6607, 6614. New Zealand, 4538, 6578, 7489. Newport, 3026, 6247. Nicaea, 2319, 2387. Nicaragua, 4539, 4540, 7621, 5729, 7583. Nieuwkerke, 3015. Nigde - Kinik Höyuk, 930. Nigeria, 4541-4548, 5120, 5749, 6087, 6204, 6864, 6868, 6940. Nijmegen, 7392. Nile Valley, 988. Nilus (flumen), 1949. Nîmes, 1886. Nimrud, 1058. Nohant, 5580. Noli, 3679. Norchia (Viterbo), 1620. Nord (mer du), 644, 5933. Nordic countries, 6281, 7300. Norge, Norway, 270, 534, 2586, 2831, 2832, 3514, 4549-4552, 4974, 5814, 5832, 6281, 7052, 7202, 7322, 7326, 7373, 7627. Normandie, 2633, 3376, 3561. North Carolina, 344. North Caucasus, 4655. North West China, 7756. Northumbrian, 2885. Norway v. Norge. Norwich, 4247. Notre-Dame du Bec (abbaye), 3561. Nouvelle France, 6969. Nova Scotia, 5032, 6079, 6791. Novi Pazar, 7314. Novi Sad, 4282. Nueva España, 5021, 5037, 6209, 6434, 6601, 6942, 6963, 6968. Nueva Granada (virreinato de), 6954. Nueva Grenada, 6966. Nuevo León, 6021. Nürnberg, 2979, 3224, 3635, 3686, 5152. O Oaxaca, 4504, 4508. Océanie, 6987-6994, 7933-7937. Ohio (river valley), 4877, 4930. Oklahoma, 5329. Ontario, 3877, 6437, 6475. Oradea, 4607. Oran, 6190, 7248.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Orkney, 7308. Orumiyeh Basin, 1165. Orvieto, 1628, 1638. Oslo, 1655. Osnabrück, 1795. Österreich, 307, 537, 2708, 2733, 2740, 3009, 3739, 3802-3826, 4283, 4405, 4966, 5291, 5939, 6033, 6097, 6251, 6562, 6563, 6582, 6597, 6733, 6770, 6813, 7018, 7023, 7024, 7054, 7087, 7122, 7147, 7286, 7631. Ostia, 1924, 2079. Ostseeraum, 3253. Oświęcim, 6737. Ottawa, 6260. Oxford, 3459, 4226. P Pacific world, 5595, 6522, 6848. Pacifique (océan), 6275, 6356, 7808, 7357. Padova, 2, 2529, 2845, 3386, 3699. País Vasco, 4751, 4746, 5878, 7337. Pakistan, 4553-4556, 5188, 7472, 7541. Palatinus (mons), 2089, 2092, 2099, 2103. Palermo, 5026. Palestine, 1107, 1152, 2259, 2494, 4557, 4558, 5398, 6832, 7524, 7557, 7684. Palestrina, 3504. Pallars, 2519. Palmyra, 1732. Pamiers, 3230. Pannonia, 2042, 2104. Paphos, 926. Paraguay, 262, 6775, 6982, 7530, 7539. Paris, 231, 2408, 2972, 3267, 3377, 3459, 3529, 3684, 5202, 5376, 5631, 5661, 5800, 6027, 6086, 6122, 6126, 6217, 6309, 6501, 6599. Parma, 5018, 6573. Pas-de-Calais, 3693. Patagonia, 3782. Pátzcuaro, 4498. Pays Bas, 2895, 5777. Pearl River delta, 7739. Pennsylvania, 4916. Perati, 1206. Peretola, 3012. Pergamum, 2030. Pergine Valsugana, 5498. Périgord, 4055. Perpignan, 3510. Persian Gulf, 7362 .
Perú, 230, 4559-4570, 5081, 5372, 6161, 6395, 6503, 6942, 7107. Petra, 1154. Pharsalus, 1820. Philadelphia, 4892. Philippi, 1883. Philistia, 950. Phoenicia, 1152. Phrygia, 956, 962. Pianura padana, 3137. Picardie, 3000. Piemonte, 5852. Pisa, 2904, 3250, 3319. Pitcairn Island, 6991. Plascassier, 4008. Po (fiume), 865. Polska, Poland, 58, 155, 368, 2561, 2844, 2884, 3008, 3260, 3535, 4572-4590, 4836, 4966, 5033, 5135, 5190, 5237, 5510, 5646, 5741, 6109, 6319, 6643, 6723, 7067, 7119, 7137, 7149, 7153, 7235, 7277, 7331, 7336, 7352, 7398, 7478, 7487, 7494, 7518. Pompei, 1598, 1653, 1660, 2076, 2082, 2084, 2095, 2100. Portugal, 2, 74, 2504, 2639, 2774, 2787, 2798, 2888, 3246, 3410, 3621, 3675, 4591-4600, 4995, 5476, 5906, 5982, 6505, 6751, 6817, 6893, 7011, 7192, 7295, 7296, 7305. Potsdam, 4205. Poznań, 4572, 4578. Praha, 3487, 3599, 3656, 3964, 5288, 5731, 6556. Prato, 3571. Preußen, 552, 3741, 4120, 4148, 4176, 4181, 4183, 6097, 6563, 6702, 7378. Preveza, 4266. Provence, 2513, 2764. Puebla de Los Ángeles, 312, 6134. Puerto Rico, 5482, 5656, 6082, 6964. Punjab (region), 4300, 4301. Punt, 977, 983. Puteoli, 2096. Putignano, 3335. Pylos, 1197. Pyrénées, 200. Q Qaṭna, 920. Qinghai, 7824. Quanzhou, 7791, 7798. Québec, 142, 3880, 3888, 5063, 5977, 7577. Querétaro, 4497. Quito, 5079, 5826, 6966.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX R Ravenna, 59, 1313, 2141. Ravensbrück, 4117, 4198. Red Sea, 1123. Regensburg, 1761, 5146. Reggio Emilia, 1610, 2110. República Dominicana, 3983. Reykholt, 2584. Rhein (flumen), 1929. Rheinhausen, 6486. Rheinland-Pfalz, 886, 3634. Rhodanus (flumen), 1766. Rhodesia, 7619. Rhodos, 1559. Ribeira Seca, 6374. Rīga, 3375, 5837, 7289. Rio de Janeiro, 5638, 6110, 6125, 6941. Río de la Plata, 6947. Rio Grande, 6205. Roma, 523, 631, 1232, 1329, 15972148, 2294, 2301, 2917, 2934, 3016, 3237, 3295, 3352, 3354, 3485, 3504, 3519, 3586, 3688, 5006, 5042, 5852, 6101, 6146, 6328, 6651. România, 176, 273, 502, 566, 2521, 2692, 2728, 4601-4615, 5088, 5094, 5233, 5575, 5822, 5868, 7079, 7094, 7098, 7150, 7195, 7251, 7265, 7399, 7579. Rosazzo, 2543. Rosebund Indian reservation, 4849. Rossija, Russia, 267, 275, 325, 561, 666, 2712, 3999, 46164682, 4839, 4981, 5089, 5092, 5192, 5255, 5431, 5597, 5927, 5948, 6032, 6088, 6305, 6382, 6429, 6544, 6735, 6741, 6765, 6766, 6769, 6773, 6774, 6782, 6999, 7020, 7038, 7048, 7056, 7058, 7073, 7083, 7089, 7106, 7110, 7134, 7174, 7226, 7254, 7374, 7439, 7440, 7527, 7691, 7695. – v. SSSR. Rostov-na-Donu, 7360. Roubaix, 6477. Rožaje, 4521. Ruhrgebiet, 6465. Russia v. Rossija. Rwanda, 7573. Rye, 121. S Saalum (Kingdom), 4686. Saarland, 886, 4183. Sabina, 1611. Sachsen, 2651, 4180, 4194. Sachsenburg, 4159. Sahara, 7907. Saint Petersburg, 5202.
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire (abbey), 3363. Saint-Denis (abbaye), 3520. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 4263. Saint-Martin-du-Mont, 3674. Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, 3293. Saint-Pierre de Lobbes (abbaye), 3564. Saint-Ruf (abbaye), 3565. Saints Peter and Paul Priory, 2505. Sakhalin (island), 7440. Sakiet sidi Youssef, 7526. Salerno, 2666, 3698. Salvador, 3855. Salve, 837. Salzburg, 3821, 3823, 6624. San Clemente a Casauria (abbazia), 2523. San Filippo di Fragalà (monastero), 3556. San Francisco Bay, 6469. San Francisco, 5640, 6702. San Ignacio Guazú, 6982. San Miguel, 3996. Sankt Peterburg, 4638, 6149. Sansepolcro, 3261, 3497. Santa Maria in Gradi, 2507. Santiago de Chile, 6114. Santiago de Compostela, 3580. Santo Domingo, 6211. São Paulo, 5366, 6017, 6145. São Tomé, 7657. Saqqara, 993. Sarajevo, 3844, 3846. Sardegna, 1616, 1625, 2891. Sassello, 2502. Saudi Arabia, 4683, 4684, 7440. Savoie, 290, 7002. Savona, 2683. Scandinavia, 387, 893, 2597, 2821, 2833, 5733, 6436, 6478. Schaumburg, 4154. Schlesien, 2561, 4580. Schleswig-Holstein, 2704, 3978, 5854. Schorndorf, 4216. Schwaben, 4980. Schweiz, 2, 629, 650, 2713, 3290, 3683, 4781-4795, 4966, 5111, 5356, 5853, 5987, 6007, 6168, 6235, 6250, 6265, 6458, 6476, 6483, 6500, 6597, 6613, 6768, 6997, 7115, 7183, 7199, 7236, 7469, 7515, 7561, 7582. Scotland, 686, 4736, 5418, 5712, 6068. Ségou, 6888. Seine (fleuve), 5800. Sénégal, 4685-4687, 5330. Sennar, 6740. Seoul, 4455.
415 Serbia v. Srbija. Sérignan, 3691. Sermersheim, 2924. Seuthopolis, 1216. Sevilla, 1908, 4754. Shaanxi, 7757. Shalab, 2774. Shanghai, 6113, 6844, 6846, 7727, 7780, 7809, 7811, 7828, 7833. Shaoguan, 7748. Shaoxing, 7766, 7775. Shashotep-Shutb, 1020. Shqipëri, Albania, 307, 3757-3761, 4966, 2691, 2694, 2783, 7605. Šibenik, 3283. Sibir, 7020. Sichuan, 7783. Sicilia (Regno), 4426. Sicilia, 1298, 1541, 1550, 1601, 1807, 1930, 2727, 2779, 2862, 3556. Sidney, 6177, 6989. Siena, 2716, 3331. Sierra Leone, 4696, 4697, 6791. Siin, 4687. Sijilmasa, 308. Sinai (peninsula), 5242. Singapore, 5359, 5900, 7359. Siviglia, 3369. Skandinavien, 2824. Skåne, 7448. Skopje, 5748, 6094, 6142. Śląsk, 2561. Slavkov, 7363. Slavonija, 3925, 3929, 5593. Slezsko, 2561. Slovakia v. Slovensko. Slovenija, 4708, 4709, 4691. Slovensko, 3007, 3951, 3952, 3955, 3963, 3967, 4698-4707, 5144, 5289, 5368, 5558, 5750, 5822, 7342, 7504, 7505. – v. Československo. Sokoto (caliphate), 6922. Soligo, 3311. Solothurn (Kanton), 3683. Solothurn, 4786. Somalia, 4710. Somme, 3693, 7221. Sonora, 7479. South Africa, 4711-4726, 5321, 5706, 6087, 6151, 6420, 6491, 6812, 6919, 6926. South Carolina, 4898, 4921, 4935, 5053, 5885, 5963, 5976. South West China, 7756. Southern Cone, 7539. Southwell, 2547. Sparta, 1272, 1279, 1287, 1294, 1343. Speyer, 6592.
Spitsbergen archipelago, 7202. Spoleto, 3300. Srbija, 2728, 3705, 4688-4695, 7074, 7075, 7244. Srem, 2728. Sri Lanka, 6193, 7011, 7627. Srijem, 3929. SSSR, 188, 275, 349, 561, 4200, 4628, 4662, 4837, 5219, 5220, 5251, 5623, 5693, 5903, 5955, 6495, 6531, 6774, 7174, 7266, 7282, 7287, 7292, 7315, 7364, 7379, 7402, 7429, 7436, 7483, 7492, 7498, 7533, 7562, 7566, 7578, 7601, 7611, 7615, 7634. St. Alban church, 5605. St. Gall, 3272. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 5973. Steiermark, 2638. Steinheim an der Murr, 4216. Stockholm, 2930, 5176, 5876. Straßburg, 111, 145, 2066, 3664. Sudan, 478, 4765-4767, 6740, 7081. Sudbury, 5810. Südtirol v. Alto Adige. Suez, 7513. Suffolk, 5310. Suisse romande, 6257. Sulcis, 1113. Sumatra, 7301. Sunghir, 832. Suomi, Finland, 300, 366, 3725, 4003-4006, 5352, 5404, 5889, 5898, 5903, 5910, 5918, 5934, 6022, 6281, 6531, 6675, 7161, 7292. Suriname, 4768, 6978. Sutri, 1602. Svealand, 2900. Sverige, 89, 162, 179, 199, 215, 270, 352, 366, 412, 555, 576, 649, 889, 2827, 3725, 4004, 4769-4780, 5327, 5352, 5365, 5390, 5776, 5811, 5815, 5854, 5869, 5889, 5890, 5896, 5993, 6069, 6076, 6158, 6172, 6174, 6175, 6185, 6233, 6281, 6351, 6364, 6425, 6439, 6450, 6517, 6538, 6692, 6752, 6787, 6801, 7046, 7273, 7367, 7401, 7457, 7544, 7587. Sweden v. Sverige. Syria, 31, 953, 1152, 2259, 2291, 2491, 2808, 4796-4800, 6838, 6851, 7473, 7529. T Tabasco, 4503. Tábor, 46.
Tabora, 6912. Tagikistan, 88, 4801, 4802. Taiwan, 6041, 6833, 7756. Tanganyka, 6879. Tanzania, 237, 6885. Taranto, 2530, 2882, 4360, 4399. Tarnów, 7250. Tarquinia, 1633. Tarragona, 2988. Tarsus, 949. Tatra mountains, 5802. Tehran, 6098. Tehuantepec (istmo de), 4515. Tel Achziv, 1122. Tel Aviv, 7284. Tel Azekah, 1153. Tell el-Amarna, 1024. Tell Meskene, 1093. Terni, 4361. Terracina, 5942. Tessaloniki, 7369. Tevere (fiume), 865. Texas, 4908, 7403. Thailand, 7796. Tharros, 1124. Thasos, 1217, 1558, 1563, 1569. Thebes, 987, 1033, 1193, 1454. Thessalia, 1320. Thessalonikē, 2444, 6763, 7244. Thracia, 2259. Thunau am Kamp, 3009. Thüringen, 2960, 3200. Tianjin, 7745. Tibet, 7108, 7128, 7824. Tipasa, 1642. Tirol, 2708, 3819, 6693. Tiverton, 5913. Tjebu, 995. Tlatelolco, 4489. Tlaxcala, 7930. Tobna, 2129. Todi, 3532. Togo, 7894. Tohoku region, 7850. Tokyo, 6736. Toledo, 520, 2735. Toll-i Shogha, 1166. Torino, 6167. Toronto, 6084. Torre di Palme (Fermo), 1614. Tortosa, 2510. Toscana, 2125, 3497, 3622. Toulouse, 4071. Transbaikala, 4650. Transcarpathia, 4838. Transilvania, 171, 702, 4608, 4614, 5339, 5724, 6283, 6336, 7098. Trasanello, 814. Trasimeno (lago), 1742. Trier, 2114, 4131. Trieste, 6646, 7499.
Trinidad and Tobago, 6794. Trinidad, 6709. Tripoli, 4470. Troia, 934. Trucial Coast, 6845. Tscheb, 4692. Tübingen, 3523. Tukharistan, 7696. Tumen (river), 6778. Tunis, 2678. Tunisie, 4803, 6001, 6370, 6906, 6921. Turiec, 136. Turkestan, 252, 7106. Turkish straits, 7129. Türkiye, 3872, 4804-4826, 4989, 5755, 6108, 6203, 6383, 6739, 6758, 6995, 7001, 7009, 7024, 7066, 7077, 7095, 7096, 7102, 7129, 7132, 7160, 7162, 7165, 7172, 7193, 7207, 7209, 7214, 7232, 7400, 7506. Turku, 6163. Tutin, 7314. Tyniec, 58. U U.S.A., 142, 209, 265, 312, 321, 328, 693, 3710, 3741, 4369, 4420, 4475, 4841-4944, 4955, 4959, 4964, 4971, 5015, 5039, 5053, 5074, 5105, 5112, 5167, 5172, 5173, 5201, 5225, 5228, 5243, 5305, 5311, 5313, 5320, 5336, 5344, 5345, 5346, 5407, 5455, 5521, 5529, 5531, 5541, 5554, 5559, 5639, 5701, 5723, 5797, 5806, 5841, 5863, 5871, 5878, 5898, 5932, 5951, 5956, 5965, 5970, 5991, 6015, 6024, 6025, 6035, 6117, 6169, 6200, 6215, 6225, 6226, 6227, 6232, 6258, 6263, 6271, 6276, 6288, 6292, 6305, 6312, 6323, 6324, 6335, 6343, 6373, 6380, 6392, 6393, 6487, 6513, 6516, 6525, 6571, 6614, 6656, 6657, 6663, 6702, 6703, 6707, 6749, 6751, 6755, 6762, 6765, 6776, 6777, 6783, 6799, 6836, 6915, 6950, 6964, 6980, 7062, 7070, 7100, 7104, 7126, 7133, 7144, 7154, 7159, 7227, 7242, 7246, 7281, 7320, 7330, 7336, 7343, 7356, 7397, 7410, 7414, 7418, 7426, 7427, 7439, 7443, 7445, 7449, 7458, 7459, 7471, 7474, 7475, 7476, 7482, 7484, 7489, 7493, 7496, 7497, 7514, 7522, 7525, 7529, 7533, 7536, 7545, 7547, 7550, 7554, 7555, 7559, 7573,
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 7575, 7578, 7579, 7586, 7591, 7593, 7602, 7608, 7609, 7610, 7614, 7621, 7623, 7627, 7628, 7635, 7645, 7646, 7648, 7650, 7652, 7658, 7662, 7665, 7666, 7682. Udine, 2. Uelzen, 7485. Uetersen, 3560. Uganda, 500, 4827-4830, 6189, 6221, 6344, 6381, 6897, 7086. Ugarit, 933, 947, 964. Uhrovec, 5808. Ukraina, 155, 320, 4516, 48314840, 5090, 5237, 5747, 6995, 7119, 7349, 7365, 7388. Ulcinj, 4519. Ulster, 260, 4322, 7104. Umbria, 3567. United Kingdom, 3710, 5839, 5986, 6482. Uppsala, 2827. Ur, 1042, 1063, 1066, 1085, 1086, 1087. Uraz, 449. Urgell, 2519. Uruguay, 299, 4945-4948, 7187, 7636. Uruk, 1064, 1072, 1078. V Val di Pesa, 3003. Valais, 2726. Valencia, 2562, 2572, 2812. Valle di Comino (Frosinone), 1649. Valtellina, 359, 795. Van Diemen's Land, 6314. Vancouver, 5886.
Vaud (canton), 4787. Velizh, 4622. Veltin, 5060. Veneto, 60, 2118, 4431, 6045, 7080. Venezia, 2, 94, 104, 304, 2555, 2588, 2654, 2660, 2887, 3017, 3085, 4430, 5341, 5725, 5796, 6199, 6633, 7003, 7009, 7026, 7041. Venezuela, 4949, 5882, 6972, 6979, 7589. Veracruz-Llave, 4514. Vercelli, 3057. Verona, 3364. Versailles, 7182, 7211. Versilia, 6433. Vetulonia, 1629. Vicenza, 2531, 3667, 3678. Victoria (lake), 5781. Victoria, 5847, 5886, 6177. Viêt Nam, 4903, 4950-4953, 5314, 5728, 6213, 6761, 6840, 7525, 7534, 7538, 7542, 7552, 7568, 7575, 7597, 7632, 7644, 7678, 7680. Vigonza, 3699. Villanueva de Oscos, 2522. Virginia, 4935. Vlaanderen, 54. Vorarlberg, 3810. Vorlanden, 3819. W Wales, 2851, 2878, 3023, 3570, 3642, 5134, 6355. Warszawa, 5205, 6124. Washington DC, 4939. Waterford, 4329. West Country, 5626.
417 Westfalen, 2539, 4085, 6423, 7067. Wien, 231, 1622, 2548, 3353, 3529, 3806, 3807, 5297, 5443, 5538, 5582, 5585, 6123, 7039. Wiesbaden, 2116. Wilmington, 344. Worms, 4152. Wuhan, 7758. Wuppertal, 4102. Württemberg, 4094, 4216, 5964. Würzburg, 2202. X Xanten, 2837. Xanthos, 952. Xinjiang, 7784, 7827. Y Yemen, 4954. Yerevan, 3788. Yinxu, 7821. Yokohama, 4442, 6299. Yorkshire, 2619, 2948. Ypres, 7180. Yucatán, 292, 4501. Yulin, 7831. Z Zadar, 2957, 3922. Zagreb, 1814, 2861, 3004, 3502, 3923. Zaire, 5263, 7628. Zambia, 7655. Zaouia Ahansal, 4524. Zhejiang, 7754. Zimbabwe, 6908. Zug, 4788. Zululand, 4721. Zürich, 4794, 5332, 6346.