International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 76 2007 9783110251180, 9783110251173

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International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 76 2007
 9783110251180, 9783110251173

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VOLUME LXXVI 2007 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori with the contribution of a number of scholars, under the auspices of the International Committee of Historical Sciences

De Gruyter

The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 – 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.

ISBN 978-3-11-025117-3 e-ISBN 978-3-11-025118-0 ISSN 0074 - 2015 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at © 2012 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/ Boston Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: Hubert & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ∞ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany

General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Sapienza università di Roma Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesáaw BIEēKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Sapienza università di Roma, Accademia dei Lincei Vilém PREýAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana ùerban TURCUù, Università 'Babeú-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIû, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDøYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Kira E. AGEEVA, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora (Portuguese historiography) Vassili N. BABENKO, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Historiography) Grigory N. BIBIKOV, Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Historiography) † Wiesáaw BIEēKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) VČra BěEĕOVÁ, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations)

Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Damiano GAROFALO, Università degli studi di Padova (Modern history) Ekaterina V. GORBUNOVA, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Nikolay V. GORDIYCHUK, Russian State University for Humanities (Russian historiography) Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii BieĪącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Teymur K. GUSEJNOV, Russian State University for Humanities (Russian historiography) Libby KAHANE, The Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Historiography of Israel) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Olga V. KOROBEYNIKOVA, Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow (Russian historiography) Dmitry S. KOZHEVNIKOV, Institute of the Countries of Asia and Africa of the Moscow State University (Russian Historiography) Marina KOZLOVA, International University, Moscow (Russian historiography) Anna KRASOVA, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Russian historiography) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Maria M. MARISOVA, State University for Human Sciences (Russian historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Sapienza università di Roma (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIû, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Anastasija MAYER, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Russian historiography) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Marco SANTUCCI, Università degli Studi di Urbino 'Carlo Bo' (Ancient history) Evgeny E. SAVITSKI, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) A. SLIVA, Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Moskva (Russian historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Sapienza università di Roma (Ancient history) ùerban TURCUù, Università 'Babeú-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography)

Samuel B. VOLFSON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Galina A. YANKOVSKAYA, Perm State University, Perm (Russian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDøYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Paris-Sorbonne Pietro VANNICELLI, Sapienza università di Roma André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Elena CONCOLINO, Rome Damiano GAROFALO, Rome

CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................................


SCHEME .........................................................................................................................................................


GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................


INDEX OF NAMES ........................................................................................................................................


GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................................


FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Likewise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.



Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. O. B. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXVI, 2007 mentions the works published with the date: 2007. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ü, þ, Ğ, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.

SCHEME _________




§ 1. Palaeography. 1-20. – § 2. Diplomatics. 21-27. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 28-87. – § 4. Chronology. 88-98. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 99-129. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 130-135. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 136-140.– § 8. Linguistics. 141-161. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 162-205. – § 10. Iconography and images. 206-221.



§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 222-261. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 262-431. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 432-467. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 468-497. – § 5. General history. 498-552. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 553-583. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 584-604. – § 8. Economic and social history. 605-641. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 642-674. – § 10. History of art. 675-685. – § 11. History of religions. 686-719. – § 12. History of philosophy. 720-724. – § 13. History of literature. 725-742.


C PREHISTORY (p. 33-36)

§ 1. General. 743-751. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 752-775. – § 3. Neolithic. 776-797. – § 4. Bronze age. 798-827. – § 5. Iron age. 828-834.




D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 37-44) § 1. General. 835-844. – § 2. The Near East. 845-877. – § 3. Egypt. 878-918. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 919-962. – § 5. Hittites. 963-988. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 989-1045. – § 7. Iran. 1046-1066.


E GREEK HISTORY (p. 45-60) § 1. Classical world in general. 1067-1095. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1096-1107. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1108-1159. – § 4. General and political history. 1160-1196. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1197-1215. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1216-1242. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1243-1456. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1457-1485. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1486-1542.


F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE (p. 61-74) § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1543-1553. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1554-1561. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1562-1624. – § 4. General and political history. 1625-1697. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1698-1737. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1738-1784. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1785-1882. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1883-1905. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1906-1943. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 1944-1969.


G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT (p. 75-81) § 1. Sources. 1970-2038. – § 2. General. 2039-2047. – § 3. Special studies. 2048-2133. – § 4. Hagiography. 21342143.




H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 83-87) § 1. Sources. 2144-2186. – § 2. General. 2187-2197. – § 3. Special studies. 2198-2270.


I HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES (p. 89-128) § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2271-2356. – § 2. General works. 2357-2379. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2380-2443. – § 4. Jews. 2444-2471. – § 5. Islam. 2472-2498. – § 6. Vikings. 2499-2509. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2510-2551. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2552-2648. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2649-2909. – § 10. History of art. 2910-2942. – § 11. History of music. 2943-2963. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 2964-3037. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3038-3226. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3227-3244.


K MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS (p. 129-178) § 1. General. 3245-3299. – § 2. History by countries. 3300-4470.


L MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY RELIGIOUS HISTORY (p. 179-187) § 1. General. 4471-4497. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4498-4601. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4602-4607. – § 4. Protestantism. 4608-4644. – § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 4645-4672.




M HISTORY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY CULTURE (p. 189-216) § 1. General. 4673-4779. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4780-4812. – § 3. Education. 4813-4867. – § 4. The Press. 4868-4937. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 4938-4975. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 4976-5078. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5079-5138. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5139-5204. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5205-5381.


N MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY (p. 217-245) § 1. General. 5382-5442. – § 2. Political economy. 5443-5457. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 54585541. – § 4. Trade. 5542-5612. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5613-5658. – § 6. Money and finance. 5659-5725. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 5726-5806. – § 8. Social history. 5807-6085. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6086-6143.


O MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY (p. 247-282) § 1. General. 6144-6173. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6174-6185. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 61866206. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6207-6270. – § 5. International law. 6271-6272.


P HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (p. 253-282) § 1. General. 6273-6332. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6333-6470. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6471-6516. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6517-6546. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6547-6606. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 6607-6669. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 6670-6784. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 6785-7008.




R ASIA (p. 283-295) § 1. General. 7009-7020. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7021-7032. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 70337045. – § 4. China. 7046-7251. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7252-7298. – § 6. Korea. 7299.


S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 297) Nos 7300-7345.


T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 299) Nos 7346-7351.


U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 301) Nos 7352-7358.


GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België 2005. [2004. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no II.]. Ed. par Romain VAN EENOO [et al.]. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire ࣓ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2007, 85, 2*, [s. p.]. II. [Bulgaria]. POPOVA (Nina). Littérature scientifique historique bulgare en 2006. [2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no III.] Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 269-281; 3-4, p. 288-299. III. [Czech Republic]. Bibliografie dČjin ýeských zemí za rok 2000. (The bibliography of the history of the Czech Lands for the Year 2000). Sestavily: Václava HORýÁKOVÁ, Markéta MARKOVÁ, Kristina REXOVÁ; excerpþní spolupráce: Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ. Praha, Historický ústav AV ýR, 2007, 582 p. (Práce Historického ústavu AV ýR, 15). í Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Böhmischen Länder und der Slowakei 1997. Ed. R. BEUSHAUSEN, Václava HORýÁKOVÁ [et al.]; unter Mitarbeit von Andrea SCHUTTE. Marburg, Verl. Herder-Institut, 2007, LXVIII-671 p. (Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 42). IV. [France]. Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du Ve siècle à 1958. Vol. 52. Année 2006. [Vol. 51. 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no IV.] Redigée par Virginia, DURAND, Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KÉRIVEN et Claude GHIATI. Paris, Ed. du C. N. R. S., 2007, LXXX-1031 p. V. [Germany] Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2006. [2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no V.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 1617 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). – Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 58. Jahrgang 2006. Mit Nachträgen. [57. Jahrgang 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no V.] Hrsg. von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, XXIII-1960 p. í v. [Poland] VI. [Great Britain]. Bibliography of British and Irish history (Online, Institute of historical research). [Cf. Bibl. 2006, no VI.]  Annual bulletin of historical literature. Ed. by Keith LAYBOURN and Kathleen THOMPSON. 2007, 91, 275 p. [20065. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no VI.] VII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografia internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXXI, 2002. Vol. LXXII, 2003. [Vol. LXX, 2001. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no VII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with the contribution of a number of scholars. München, K. G. Saur, 2007, 2 vol., XX-419 p., XX-402 p. VIII. [Luxembourg]. Bibliographie d'histoire luxembourgeoise pour l'année 2006 avec complément des années précédentes. [2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no VIII.] Hémecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise, 2007, 59, 2, [s. p.]. IX. [Poland]. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Ost- und Westpreussens, 1999 =: Bibliografia historii Pomorza GdaĔskiego i Prus Wschodnich, 1999. Bearbeitet von Csaba János KENÉZ und Urszula ZABORSKA; unter Mitarbeit von Gabriele KEMPF. Marburg, Herder-Institut, 2007, LV-343 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 41). X. [Slovakia]. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta). Bibliografia slovenskej historiografie po roku 1989. (The bibliography of Slovak historiography after 1989). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 164-165. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. í Slovenská historiografia 2005. Výberová bibliografia. [2004. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no IX.] (Slovak historiography 2005. Selected bibliography). Ed. by Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ. Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 785-832. í v. [Czech Republic] XI. [Spain]. Indice histórico español. Publicación semestral del centro de estudios históricos internacionales. Ed. por Pere MOLAS RIBALTA y Rosa ORTEGA CANADELL. Vol. 44, n. 120, Año 2006 [2007]. [Vol. 42, n. 118, 2004. Vol. 43, n. 119, 20052006. Cf. Bibl. 2006, n° X.] Barcelona, Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2007, [s. p.]. XII. [Sweden]. Svenska doktorsavhandlingar i historia 1976–-2005: en bibliografi. (Bibliographie des thèses d'histoire soutenues en Suède 1976–2005). Red. Stefan EKLÖF AMIRELL. Stockholm, Kungl. biblioteket, 2007, 127 p. (Acta Bibliothecae regiae Stockholmiensis, 75). XIII.[Yugoslavia]. MATULIû (Rusko). Bibliography of sources on the region of former Yugoslavia. Boulder, East European Monographs, 2007, X-450 p. (maps). (East European monographs, 706).

A AUXILIARY SCIENCES _________ § 1. Palaeography. 1-20. – § 2. Diplomatics. 21-27. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 28-87. – § 4. Chronology. 88-98. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 99-129. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 130-135. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 136-140.– § 8. Linguistics. 141-161. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 162-205. – § 10. Iconography and images. 206-221.

§ 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. Vol. 15. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990 raccolti dal 1° luglio 2006 al 30 giugno 2007. Roma, Viella, 2007, 285 p. ** 2. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 70, Italy XLII, Piacenza 7. Publ. by Flavia DE RUBEIS. Zürich, Graf, 2007, 148 p. (facs.). ** 3. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 71, Italy XLIII, Piacenza 8. Publ. by Cristina MANTEGNA. Zürich, Graf, 2007, 148 p. (facs.). ** 4. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 76, Italy XLVIII, Lucca 5. Publ. by Clelia GATTAGRISI e Francesco MAGISTRALE. Zürich, Graf, 2007, 160 p. (facs.). _______________________

5. BARBICHE (Bernard). Bulla, legatus, nuntius: études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales (XIIIe–XVIIe siècle). Avec la collab. de Ségolène DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE. Paris, École des Chartes, 2007, 575 p. (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes, 85). 6. BECK (Friedrich), BECK (Lorenz Friedrich). Die lateinische Schrift: Schriftzeugnisse aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 560 p. 7. ýAPAITƠ (Rnjta). Gotikinis kursyvas Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikšþio Vytauto raštinơje [Gothic coursive Lithuanian in the office of Gran Duke Vyautas]. Vilnius, Versus Aureus, 2007, 543 p. (ill.).

8. CAVALLO (Guglielmo). Leggere a Bisanzio. Milano, Edizioni Sylvestre Bonnard, 2007, 208 p. 9. CECCHERINI (Irene). Tradition cursive et style dans l'écriture des notaires florentins (v. 1250ív. 1350). Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 2007, 165, p. 167185. 10. DE ROBERTIS (Teresa). Quelques remarques sur les conditions et les principes de la ligature dans l'écriture romaine. Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 2007, 165, p. 29-45. 11. DUMVILLE (D. N.). A Palaeographer's review: the insular system of scripts in the early Middle Ages. Vol. 2. Suita, Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies a. Osaka, Kansai University, 2007, IX p., p. [131]280 (Sources and Materials series). 12. KOCH (Walter). Inschriftenpaläographie des abendländischen Mittelalters und der früheren Neuzeit: Frühund Hochmittelalter. Wien, Oldenbourg, 2007, 263 p. (ill.). (Oldenbourg historische Hilfswissenschaften). 13. PETRUCCI NARDELLI (Franca). Legatura e scrittura. Testi celati, messaggi velati, annunci palesi. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki editore, 2007, 206 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 187). 14. POULLE (Emmanuel). Aux origines de l'écriture liée: les avatars de la mixte (XIVeíXVe siècle). Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 2007, 165, p. 187-200. 15. RE (Mario). Il codice lentinese dei santi Alfio, Filadelfo e Cirino: studio paleografico e filologico. Palermo, Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici "Bruno Lavagnini", 2007, 64 p. (Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici. Quaderni, 16). 16. SASSOON (Rosemary). Handwriting of the twentieth century. Bristol, Intellect, 2007, 208 p. (ill., facs.). 17. SCALFATI (Silio P. P.). Il documento privato medievale in area pisana. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 614, p. 737-766.



18. SIGNORINI (M.). La scrittura libraria di Francesco Petrarca: terminologia, fortuna. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 839-862. 19. VEZIN (Jean). Écritures imitées dans les livres et les documents du Haut Moyen Âge (VIIeíXIe s.). Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 2007, 165, p. 47-66. 20. WEBBER (Teresa). L'écriture des documents anglais au XIIe siècle. Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 2007, 165, p. 139-165. Cf. nos 21-27, 2271-2356 § 2. Diplomatics. ** 21. LORI SANFILIPPO (Isa). Constitutiones et reformationes del Collegio dei notai di Roma (1446): contributi per una storia del notariato romano dal XIII al XV secolo. Roma, Presso La Società romana di storia patria alla Biblioteca Vallicelliana, 2007, 184 p. (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 52). _______________________

22. Acte pontifical (L') et sa critique. Éd. par Rolf GROSSE. Bonn, Bouvier, 2007, VII-307 p. (Studien und Dokumente zur Gallia pontificia, 5). 23. GARCÍA LEAL (Alfonso). El diploma del rey Silo. Coruña, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 2007, 611 p. (Galicia Histórica). 24. GUYOTJEANNIN (Oliver), MORELLE (Laurent). Tradition et réception de l'acte médiéval: Jalons pour un bilan des recherches. Archiv für Diplomatik Schriftgeschichte Siegel-und Wappenkunde, 2007, p. 367-404. 25. HAINES (John). Did John of Tilbury write an Ars notaria?. Scriptorium, 2007, 1, p. 46-73. 26. PREVENIER (Walter), DE HEMPTINNE (Thérèse). Rapport sur la situation de la diplomatique en Belgique. Le bilan du XXe siècle et l'état de l'année 2005í2006. Archiv für Diplomatik Schriftgeschichte Siegel-und Wappenkunde, 2007, p. 405-418. 27. STIELDORF (Andrea). Zum "Verschwinden" der herrscherlichen Placita am Beginn des 9. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Diplomatik Schriftgeschichte Siegel-und Wappenkunde, 2007, p. 1-26. Cf. nos 1-20, 2271-2356, 4174 § 3. History of the book. _______________________

a. Manuscripts 28. AGATI (M. L.). Qualche riflessione relativa agli strumenti di rigatura. Solo un problema di terminologia? Gazette du livre médiéval, 2007, p. 30-36. 29. ARGENZIANO (Raffaele). Precisazioni iconografiche sulle scene miniate nel codice Ambrosiano P 165 Sup. Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 2007, 11, p. 135166 (ill., tav.). 30. Arte e carte nella Diocesi di Casale. A cura di Enzo REPETTI, Alessandro CASAGRANDE, Gabriella

PARODI, Manuela MENI, Lorena PALMIERI e Paolo ROBINO. Alessandria, Provincia di Alessandria e Torino, Mariogros, 2007, 255 p. (Provincia di Alessandria. I tesori delle sue diocesi, 3). 31. AVRIL (François), HERMANT (Maxence), BIBO(Françoise). Très riches heures de Champagne. L'enluminure en Champagne à la fin du Moyen Âge. Châlons-en-Champagne, Interbibly, 2007, 215 p. (ill.). LET

32. BAUER-EBERHARDT (Ulrike). La Bibbia privata nel Duecento: un esemplare sconosciuto a Monaco di Baviera. Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 2007, 11, p. 95-102 (ill., tav.). 33. BRÄM (Andreas). Neapolitanische Bilderbibeln des Trecento: Anjou-Buchmalerei von Robert dem Weisen bis zu Johanna I. T. 1. Bilderbibeln, Buchmaler und Auftraggeber. T. 2. Abbildungen. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2007, 2 vol., 488 p. (ill., tab.). 34. Cambridge illuminations (The): the conference papers. Ed. by Stella PANAYOTOVA. London, Harvey Miller, 2007, 334 p. (ill.). 35. CLEMENS (Raymond), GRAHAM (Timothy). Introduction to Manuscript Studies. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2007, XVI-301 p. (fig., tab.). 36. Codex gigas ௅ The Devil's Bible: the secrets of the world's largest book. Ed. by Kamil BOLDAN. Praha, National Library of the Czech Republic, 2007, 121 p. (ill.). 37. Companion (A) to the history of the book. Ed. by Simon ELIOT, Jonathan ROSE and Rowan WATSON. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2007, XVI-599 p. (ill., map). (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 48). 38. Conoscere il manoscritto: esperienze, progetti, problemi. Dieci anni del progetto Codex in Toscana. A cura di Michaelangiola MARCHIARO e Stefano ZAMPONI. Atti del convegno internazionale, Firenze, 29í30 giugno 2006. Firenze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 329 p. (Millennio Medievale, 70, Atti di Convegni, 22). 39. Durham Liber vitae (The): London, British Library, MS Cotton Domitian A. VII. Edition and digital facsimile with introduction, codicological, prosopographical and linguistic commentary, and indexes. Ed. by David W. ROLLASON, Lynda ROLLASON and Elizabeth BRIGGS. London, British Library, 2007, 3 vol., 1550 p. (ill.). 40. Early Medieval palimpsests. Ed. by Georges DECLERCQ. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007, 27 cm, 155 p. (Bibliologia. Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia, 26). 41. GIMENO BLAY (Francisco). Entre el autor y el lector: producir libros manuscritos en catalán (siglos XIIíXV) / Between the Author and his Reader. The production of Catalan manuscripts between the 12th and the 15th Centuries. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, p. 305-366.

3. HISTORY OF THE BOOK 42. GREBE (Anja). Goldenes Mittelalter: Geschichte der Buchmalerei. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2007, 160 p. 43. HUNT MOORE (Elizabeth). Illuminating the Borders of Northern French and Flemish Manuscripts, 1270í1310. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, 241 p. (Studies in Medieval History and Culture). 44. Lost Strasbourg St. John's manuscript A 94 (The) / Strassburger Johanniter-Handschrift A 94: reconstruction and historical introduction. Ed. by Maurice SPRAGUE. Göppingen, Kümmerle, 2007, CVIII-280 p. (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 742). 45. MANIACI (Marilena). Verso una nuova riflessione sul lessico codicologico: tipologia e architettura delle definizioni. Gazette du livre médiéval, 2007, p. 1-15. 46. Miniatura medieval en la Península Ibérica. A cura de Joaquín YARZA. Murcia, Nausícäa, 2007, 612 p. (Medievalia, 1). 47. Nuove ricerche su codici in scrittura latina dell'Ambrosiana: atti del convegno, Milano, 6í7 ottobre 2005. A cura di Mirella FERRARI e Marco NAVONI. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2007, XII-499 p. (pl., facs.). (Bibliotheca erudita: studi e documenti di storia e filologia, 31). 48. Quand la peinture était dans les livres: mélanges en l'honneur de François Avril à l'occasion de la remise du titre de docteur honoris causa de la Freie Universität Berlin. Éd. par Mara HOFMANN, Caroline ZÖH, Eberhard KÖNIG, Jonathan James Graham ALEXANDER, Lucy Freeman SANDLER. Turnhout, Brepols et Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2007, 503 p. (Ars nova, 15). 49. RAMÓN MARQUÉS (Núria). La iluminación de manuscritos en la Valencia gótica, 1290í1458. Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport, Biblioteca Valenciana, 2007, 284 p. (Collección Profesional). 50. RONCONI (Filippo). I manoscritti greci miscellanei: ricerche su esemplari dei secoli IXíXII. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, XII-396 p. (Testi, studi, strumenti, 21). 51. SCOTT (K. L.). Tradition and innovation in later medieval English manuscripts. London, The British Library, 2007, 208 p. (ill.). 52. Signs on the edge: space, text and margin in medieval manuscripts. Ed. by Sarah KEEFER and Rolf Hendrik BREMMER. Paris, Peeters, 2007, VIII-319 p. (Mediaevalia groningana, 10).


55. Tributes to Lucy Freeman Sandler: studies in illuminated manuscripts. Ed. by Kathryn Ann SMITH and Carol Herselle KRINSKY. London, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2007, 428 p. (ill., port., music). 56. Under the Influence. The Concept of Influence and the Study of Illuminated Manuscripts. Ed. by John LOWDEN and Alixe BOVEY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 234 p. (ill.). 57. VANWIJNSBERGHE (Dominique). "Moult bons et notables": l'enluminure tournaisienne à l'époque de Robert Campin (1380í1430). Paris, Leuven et Dudley, Peeters, 2007, LXIII-414 p. (Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 17; Low Countries Series, 10). b. Printed books * 58. WALRAVENS (Hartmut). Buch- und Druckwesen im kaiserlichen China sowie in Zentralasien, Korea und Japan: eine annotierte Bibliographie. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2007, XII-847 p. (ill.). (Bibliothek des Buchwesens, 18). ** 59. Index to the court books of the Stationers' Company, 1679í1717. Ed. by Alison SHELL and Alison EMBLOW. London, Bibliographical Society, 2007, 433 p. _______________________

60. ÁLVAREZ MÁRQUEZ (María del Carmen). La impresión y el comercio de libros en la Sevilla del quinientos. Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla, 2007, 418 p. (Historia y geografía, 121). 61. ARRIZABALAGA (Jon). De la copie à l'édition. Francesc Argilagues et les manuscrits médicaux aux premiers temps de l'imprimerie. Médiévales, 2007, 52, p. 119-134 62. Book and Text in France, 1400í1600: poetry on the paged. Ed. by Adrian ARMSTRONG et Malcolm QUAINTON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, IX-223 p. 63. Books on the move: tracking copies through collections and the book trade. Ed. by Robin MYERS, Michael HARRIS and Giles MANDELBROTE. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press a. London, British Library, 2007, XV164 p. (Publishing pathways). 64. BRANCIANI (Luchina). Il secolo di Gutenberg nei protocenobi sublacensi tra produzione manoscritta ed i piu antichi testi a stampa: strumenti per una sintesi dell'ambiente culturale. Roma, Comitato 'Subiaco, la culla della stampa', 2007, 94 p. (ill.).

53. Systèmes graphiques de manuscrits médiévaux et incunables français: ponctuation, segmentation, graphies. Actes de la journée d'étude de Lyon, ENS LSH, 6 juin 2005. Chambéry, Université de Savoie, 2007, 149 p. (Université de Savoie. Laboratoire langages, littératures, sociétés. Langages, 3).

65. Buch- und Wissenstransfer in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa in der Frühen Neuzeit: Beiträge der Tagung an der Universität Szeged vom 25.í28. April 2006. Hrsg. v. Tünde KATONA und Detlef HABERLAND. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 424 p. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 34).

54. TAHAN (I.). Hebrew manuscripts. The power of script and image. London, The British Library, 2007, 160 p. (ill.).

66. COPINGER (Walter Arthur). Incunabula biblica, or, the first half century of the Latin bible: being a bibliographical account of the various editions of the Latin



bible between 1450 and 1500, with an appendix containing a chronological list of the editions of the sixteenth century. Mansfield Centre, Martino Publishing, 2007, X-226 p. (pl., facs.). 67. DELPIANO (Patrizia). Il governo della lettura. Chiesa e libri nell'Italia del settecento. Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, 321 p. (Ricerca). 68. Edinburgh history (The) of the book in Scotland. Vol. 3. Ambition and industry, 1800í1880. Ed. by Bill BELL. Vol. 4. Professionalism and diversity 1880í2000. Ed. by Alistair MAC CLEERY. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, 2 vol., 542 p., 524 p. 69. Fairs, markets and the itinerant book trade. Ed. by Robin MYERS, Michael HARRIS and Giles MANDELBROTE. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press a. London, British Library, 2007, XV-223 p. (ill.). 70. FECHNER (Dieter). Mühlhäuser Druckereien, Buchhandlungen, Bibliotheken: ein historischer Überblick. Bad Langensalza, Rockstuhl, 2007, 177 p. (ill.) 71. FUDGE (John D.). Commerce and print in the early Reformation. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, VI289 p. (The Northern world, 28). 72. Gentes (As) do livro: Lisboa, século XVIII. Por Diogo Ramada CURTO. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 2007, 717 p. (Estudos). 73. History (A) of the book in America. Vol. 1. The Colonial book in the Atlantic world. Ed. by Hugh AMORY and David D. HALL. Vol. 3. The industrial book, 1840í1880. Ed. by Scott E. CASPER. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press in association with the American Antiquarian Society, 2007, 2 vol., XXIV-638 p., XIX-539 p. (ill., facs.). 74. History of the book in Canada. Vol. 3. 1918í1980. Ed. by Patricia FLEMING, Gilles GALLICHAN, Yvan LAMONDE, Carole GERSON and Jacques MICHON. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XXXIV-638 p. (ill., facs., maps). 75. ITÚRBIDE DÍAZ (Javier). Escribir e imprimir: el libro en el Reino de Navarra en el siglo XVIII. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2007, 445 p., 1 CD-ROM (Arte). 76. LĂCUSTĂ (Ioan). Cenzura veghează. (Censorship is watching – editing books during the communist era). Bucureúti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2007, 454 p.

versity of Washington Press, 2007, VIII-227 p. (Literary conjugations). 80. Paris capitale des livres: le monde des livres et de la presse à Paris, du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle. Éd. par Frédéric BARBIER. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 39 p. (ill.). 81. PETRELLA (Giancarlo). Uomini, torchi e libri nel Rinascimento. Udine, Forum, 2007, 355 p. (Libri e biblioteche, 18). 82. PETTEGREE (Andrew). The French book and the European book world. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIV-328 p. (Library of the written word, 1. The handpress world, 1). 83. RAVEN (James). The business of books: booksellers and the English book trade, 1450í1850. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XVIII-493 p. (ill., maps). 84. RIAL COSTAS (Benito). Producció y comercio del libro en Santiago (1501í1553). Madrid, Calambur, 2007, 362 p. (Biblioteca Litterae, 14). 85. SAKTOROVÁ (Helena). Generálny katalóg tlaþí 16. storoþia zachovaných na území Slovenska. (The general catalogue of 16th century printed items preserved in the territory of Slovakia). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 157-162. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 86. SCHOFF ERWIN (R.). Reformations. Three medieval authors in manuscript and movable type. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, ca X-200 p. (ill.). (Texts and transitions, 4). 87. TWYMAN (M.). L'imprimerie. Histoire et techniques. Lyon, ENS Éditions, 2007, 120 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 37, 231-245, 4886, 4899, 4978-5008 § 4. Chronology. _______________________

88. Autorität (Die) der Zeit in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Arndt BRENDECKE, Ralf-Peter FUCHS und Edith KOLLER. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 532 p. (ill.). (Pluralisierung & Autorität / herausgegeben vom Sonderforschungsbereich 573, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München, 10). 89. FEENEY (Denis C.). Caesar's calendar: ancient time and the beginnings of history. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2007, XIV-372 p. (Sather classical lectures, 65).

78. MARSÁ (María). Materiales para una historia de la imprenta en Valladolid (siglos XVI y XVII). León, Universidad de León, 2007, 533 p. (Tradición clásica y humanística en España e Iberoamérica, 5).

90. Naturwissenschaftliche Raum- und Zeitbegriffe in den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (2005: Universität Frankfurt am Main). Notions of space and time: early modern concepts and fundamental theories = Begriffe von Raum und Zeit: frühneuzeitliche Konzepte und fundamentale Theorien. Hrsg. v. Frank LINHARD und Peter EISENHARDT. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, 273 p. (ill.). (Zeitsprünge, 11, Heft 1/2).

79. MARUCA (Lisa). The work of print: authorship and the English text trades, 1660í1760. Seattle, Uni-

91. POLLOCK (Sheldon). Pretextures of time, History and theory, 2007, 46, 3, p 366-383.

77. Livre (Le) de science, du copiste à l'imprimeur. Éd. par Laurence MOULINIER et Nicolas WEILL-PAROT. Saint-Denis, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2007, 206 p. (Médiévales, 52).



92. REDONDI (Pietro). Storie del tempo. Roma, Editori Laterza, 2007, 391 p. (ill.). (Storia e società).

nat). In: Studii bănăĠene. Timiúoara, Editura Mirton, 2007, p. 65-85.

93. RICE (Prudence M.). Maya calendar origins: monuments, mythistory, and the materialization of time. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, XVIII268 p. (ill., maps). (William & Bettye Nowlin series in art, history, and culture of the Western Hemisphere).

105. BRÜGGER (Silvia Maria Jardim). Minas patriarcal: família e sociedade, São João del Rei, séculos XVIII e XIX. São Paulo, Annablume, 2007, 381 p. (ill.).

94. ROBERG (Francesco). Der sogennante Lorscher Prototyp und der Kalender Manchester, John Rylands lat. 116: Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Gattung Kalender: mit einem Editionsanhang. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2007, 53, p. 27-58. 95. SAUTER (Michael J.). Clockwatchers and stargazers: time discipline in Early Modern Berlin. American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 685-709. 96. SCHMITT (Jean-Claude). L'invention de l'anniversaire. Annales, 2007, 62, 4, p. 793-836. 97. SEGAL (Eliezer). In those days, at this time: holiness and history in the Jewish calendar. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2007, XV-324 p. 98. SERVAJEAN (Frédéric). Djet et Neheh: une histoire du temps égyptien. Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, 2007, 142 p. (ill.). (Orientalia Monspeliensia, 18). § 5. Genealogy and family history. * 99. Australian family histories: a bibliography and index. Compiled by Ralph REID. Kiama, R.S. Reid in association with Gould Genealogy, 2007, 408 p. * 100. MILANICH (Nara). Whither family history? A road map from Latin America. American historical review, 2007, 112, 2, p. 439-458. ** 101. SAVINEAU (Denise). La famille en A.O.F.: condition de la femme: rapport inédit. Présentation et étude de Claire H. GRIFFITHS. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, XLV-185 p. (Autrement mêmes). _______________________

106. BUCHLOH (Ingrid). Die Harlans: eine hugenottische Familie. Bad Karlshafen, Verlag der Deutschen Hugenotten-Gesellschaft, 2007, 161 p. (ill.). (Geschichtsblätter der Deutschen Hugenotten-Gesellschaft, 40). 107. CASAÚS ARZÚ (Marta). Guatemala: linaje y racismo. Guatemala, F & G Editores, 2007, IX-339 p. (ill.). 108. CHAUSSON (François). Stemmata aurea: Constantin, Justine, Théodose: revendications généalogiques et idéologie impériale au IVe siècle ap. J.-C. Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretscheneider, 2007, 301 p. (Monografie / Centro ricerche e documentazione sull'antichità classica, 26). 109. Familiensozialisation seit 1933: Verhandlungen über Kontinuität. Hrsg. v. Miriam GEBHARDT und Clemens WISCHERMANN. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2007, 211 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Alltags, 25). 110. FEHRENBACH (Jérôme). Une famille de la petite bourgeoisie parisienne de Louis XIV à Louis XVIII: les Gaugé et leurs alliances à travers les archives, (1680–1820). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 240 p. (ill.). (Histoire de Paris). 111. Frères et sœurs: les liens adelphiques dans l'Occident antique et médiéval: actes du colloque de Limoges, 21 et 22 septembre 2006. Éd. par Sophie CASSAGNES-BROUQUET et Martine YVERNAULT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 252 p. (Histoires de famille, la parenté au Moyen Age, 8). 112. Haus- und Familienbücher in der städtischen Gesellschaft des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Birgit STUDT. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XX166 p. (ill.). (Städteforschung. Reihe A, Darstellungen, 69).

102. AZORÍN ABELLÁN (José). Las "familias poderosas" de la ciudad de Villena en el Antiguo Régimen: análisis del ascenso, formación y consolidación de un grupo de poder. Alicante, Instituto Alicantino de Cultura, 2007, 203 p. (ill.).

113. ION (Narcis Dorin). ReúedinĠe úi familii aristocrate din România. (Aristocratic residences and families from Romania). Cuvânt înainte de Constantin BĂLĂCEANU-STOLNICI. Bucureúti, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2007, 333 p.

103. BARBU (Violeta), CONSTANTIN (Florina Manuela), VINTILĂ-GHIğULESCU (ConstanĠa), IANCU (Andreea-Roxana), LAZĂR (Gheorghe). De la comunitate la societate. Studii de istoria familiei din ğara Românească sub Vechiul Regim. (From community to society. Studies about family history from Wallachia during the Old Regime). Bucureúti, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2007, 295 p.

114. JANSSENS (Angélique). 'Were women present at the demographic transition?' A question revisited. History of the family, 2007, 12, 1, p. 43-49.

104. BOLDEA (Ligia). Reconstituiri documentare: familii de demnitari români ai Banatului montan medieval. (Documentary reconstructions: Romanian high officials families from the mediaeval mountaneous Ba-

116. "Libro del linaje de los señores de Ayala" (El) y otros textos genealógicos: materiales para el estudio de la conciencia del linaje en la Baja Edad Media. Edición y estudio introductorio a cargo de Arsenio DACOSTA.

115. KEEBLE (Pat), MUSGROVE (Robert). Who was Heinrich Faulenbach? A case study in family and local history research. London, Edmonton Hundred Historical Society, 2007, 42 p. (ill.). (Edmonton Hundred Historical Society, 65. Occasional papers. new series).



Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2007, 252 p. (Inéditos de historia, 3). 117. MANN (Susan). The talented women of the Zhang family. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XVI-322 p. (A Philip E. Lilienthal book in Asian studies). 118. MOLINA PUCHE (Sebastián). Poder y familia. Las élites locales del corregimiento de ChinchillaVillena en el siglo del barroco. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia y Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad CastillaLa Mancha, 2007, 276 p. 119. MOUYSSET (Sylvie). Papiers de famille: introduction à l'étude des livres de raison, France, XVe– XIXe siècle. Préf. de François-Joseph RUGGIU. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 347 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 120. NIELSEN (Kai), ASKHOLM (Ib). Danmarks kongelige familier i tusend år. (Les familles royales du Danemark depuis un millénaire). Rødovre: Askholm, 2007, 188 p. 121. PEARSALL (Mark). Family history companion: fast forward your family history search. Kew, National Archives, 2007, VI-250 p. (ill.). 122. QUINN (Suyapa O. Zelaya Boquín de). Los Boquín, genealogía de una familia: una historia, una tradición. Tegucigalpa, Ediciones Guardabarranco, 2007, 321 p. (ill.). 123. RANDOLPH (John). The house in the garden. The Bakunin family and the romance of Russian idealism. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XIII-287 p. 124. RETZER (Markus). Das Patriziergeschlecht der Zeller von Straubing. Regensburg, Archiv des St. Katharinenspitals, Ed. vulpes, 2007, 292 p. (Regensburger Beiträge zur Regionalgeschichte, 3). 125. ROBERT (Hervé). Les princes d'Orléans: une famille en politique au XIXe siècle. Paris, Economica, 2007, 416 p. (Autin-Grenier, Pierre. Histoire). 126. SCHINDLER (Norbert). Der Prozess der Zivilisation in der Kleinstadt. Die Traunsteiner Kaufmannsfamilie Oberhueber (1600–1800). wien, köln, weimar, böhlau, 2007, 290 p. 127. STEIGER (Uli). Die Schenken und Herren von Erbach: eine Familie zwischen Reichsministerialität und Reichsstandschaft (1165/70 bis 1422). Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 366 p. (ill., maps, geneal. tables). (Heidelberger Veröffentlichungen zur Landesgeschichte und Landeskunde, 12). 128. TASSIN (Guy). Qui épouser et comment: alliances récurrentes à Haveluy de 1701 à 1870. Préf. de Françoise HÉRITIER. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, XIII287 p. (ill.). 129. ZIEG (Michael). Die Selbolder: Geschichte einer Friedberger Burgmannenfamilie in den Jahren 1200–

1578. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovaç, 2007, 333 p. (Schriften zur Mediävistik, 11). § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. _______________________

130. BERMÚDEZ (Jorge R.). La invitada de la luz: aspectos históricos, simbólicos y estéticos de la bandera cubana. La Habana, Ediciones Bachiller, Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, 2007, 90 p. (ill.). 131. HASSLER (Éric). "Stemmata quid faciunt": représentations et idéologies familiales des maisons aristocratiques entre cour et provinces austro-bohêmes. Revue historique, 2007, 643, p. 595-621. 132. Italian emblem (The): a collection of essays. Ed. by Donato MANSUETO in collaboration with Elena Laura CALOGERO. Glasgow, Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2007, XI-210 p. (ill., ports.). (Glasgow emblem studies, 12). 133. QUENZEL (Karl-Heinz). Schwarz-Rot-Gold: die deutschen Farben vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Geschichte. Berlin, Office 213 Verlag, 2007, 111 p. (ill.). 134. Sceaux (Les), sources de l'histoire médiévale en Champagne: actes des tables rondes de la Société française d'héraldique et de sigillographie. Sous la dir. de Jean-Luc CHASSEL. Paris, Société française d'héraldique et de sigillographie, 2007, 194 p. (ill.). 135. Siegel (Das): Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Hrsg. v. Gabriela SIGNORI; unter Mitarbeit von Gabriel STOUKALOV-POGODIN. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 219 p. (ill.). Cf. no 1105 § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________

136. CASPAR (Helmut). Auferstanden aus Ruinen und der Zukunft zugewandt: ein Streifzug durch die Münzgeschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1949 bis 1990. Wien, Money Trend, 2007, 160 p. (ill.). 137. DEPEYROT (Georges). Optimo principi: iconographie, monnaie et propagande sous Trajan. 1. La colonne Trajane. 2. Analyse (les Romains). 3. Analyse (les Daces, iconographie). Wetteren, Moneta, 2007, 3 vol., [s. p.]. (ill., maps). (Collection Moneta, 68-70). 138. Interpretació (La) de la moneda: passat i present. Curs d'Història Monetària d'Hispània (11th: 2007: Barcelona). Coordinació científica, Marta CAMPO. Barcelona, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Gabinet Numismàtic de Catalunya, 2007, 182 p. (ill., map). 139. Money circulation in antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times: time, range, intensity: International Symposium of the 50th Anniversary of WiadomoĞci Numizmatyczne: Warsaw, 13–14 October 2006 = Obieg monetarny w staroĪytnoĞci, w Ğredniowieczu i w czasach nowoĪytnych: czas, zasiĊg, intensywnoĞü: MiĊdzynarodowe sympozjum z okazji póá-

9. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES wiecza "WiadomoĞci Numizmatycznych": Warszawa, 13–14 paĨdziernika 2006. Editor Stanisáaw SUCHODOLSKI; with the collaboration of Mateusz BOGUCKI. Warsaw, Avalon, 2007, 224 p. (ill., maps). 140. TRAVAINI (Lucia). Monete e storia nell'Italia medievale. Roma, Libreria dello Stato, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2007, 433 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 206-221 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________

141. Blackwell (The) history of the Latin language. Ed. by James CLACKSON and Geoffrey C. HORROCKS. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, VIII-324 p. 142. BRUNI (Francesco). L'italiano letterario nella storia. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 229 p. (Itinerari. Linguistica). 143. CREğAN (Remus), FRĂğILĂ (Vasile). DicĠionar geografico-istoric úi toponimic al judeĠului Timiú. (Geographic-historical dictionary and the toponymy of Timiú county). Timiúoara, Editura UniversităĠii de Vest, 2007, 483 p. 144. Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources. Fascicule 11. Phi-Pos. Ed. by David R. HOWLETT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, p. 2265-2360. 145. Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français. Éd. par Frankwalt MÖHREN. Vol. 6-7. Complément bibliographique 2007. Éd. par Frankwalt MÖHREN et Kurt BALDINGER. Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 2007, 2 vol., XIX p., 1031 col., 47 p. 146. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Jairo Javier). Atlas toponímico de España. Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2007, 407 p. (maps). (Colección Bibliotheca philologica). 147. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 1. Bd. 86. The Near and Middle East. The Carian language. By Ignacio J. ADIEGO; with an appendix by Koray KONUK. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-526 p. 148. JOSEFSSON (Gunlög). Riddare Nils – från Dannäs eller rättrådig? Om ortnamnet Dannäs och en medeltida riddare. (Sir Nils of Dannäs or Sir Nils the Righteous? On the place name Dannäs and a medieval knight). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 3, p. 457-473. 149. KÄMPER (Heidrun). Opfer, Täter, Nichttäter: ein Wörterbuch zum Schulddiskurs, 1945–1955. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2007, LXI-363 p. 150. Linguaggi e pratiche del potere: Genova e il Regno di Napoli tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Giovanna PETTI BALBI e Giovanni VITOLO. Salerno, Laveglia, 2007, 421 p. (ill.). (Quaderni / Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle città campane nel Medioevo, 4). 151. Linguaggi politici nell'Italia del Rinascimento: atti del Convegno, Pisa, 9–11 novembre 2006. A cura


di Andrea GAMBERINI e Giuseppe PETRALIA. Roma, Viella, 2007, XIII-543 p. (Libri di Viella, 71). 152. NICULESCU (Alexandru). L'altra latinità: storia linguistica del romeno tra Oriente e Occidente. A cura di Alvaro BARBIERI, Dan Octavian CEPRAGA e Roberto SCAGNO. Verona, Fiorini, 2007, 211 p. (La musica critica, 1). 153. Novas contribuições para o estudo da história e da historiografia da língua portuguesa. Org. Clotilde de Almeida Azevedo MURAKAWA e Maria Filomena GONÇALVES. Araraquara, Cultura Acadêmica, 2007, 237 p. (ill.). (Trilhas Lingüísticas, 11). 154. OBEDIENTE (Enrique). Biografía de una lengua: nacimiento, desarrollo y expansión del español. Mérida, Universidad de los Andes, Consejo de Publicaciones, 2007, 677 p. (ill.). (Colección Ciencias sociales. Serie Lingüística). 155. PANAITE (Viorel). Limbajul otoman al războiului úi păcii. DicĠionar de termeni úi expresii. (Ottoman language of war and peace. Dictionary of terms and phrases). Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii, 2007, 182 p. 156. Politik und Sprache im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Hrsg. v. Thomas NICKLAS und Matthias SCHNETTGER. Mainz, Von Zabern, 2007, VI-184 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz: Beiheft: Abteilung für Universalgeschichte, 71). 157. PROCACCI (Giuliano). Nazionalismi e questione della lingua. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 3, p. 589-634. 158. RAMÍREZ LUENGO (José Luis). Breve historia del español de América. Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2007, 95 p. (Cuadernos de lengua española, 93). 159. RIZESCU (Oana). Controlarea slujbaúilor domneúti: între fermitate úi "voie vegheată". Studiu de terminologie istorică. (Control of princely officers: between firmness and "watched freedom". Study of historical terminology). Revista Istorică, 2007, 18, 3-4, p. 299306. 160. STROH (Wilfried). Latein ist tot, es lebe Latein! Kleine Geschichte einer grossen Sprache. Berlin, List, 2007, 414 p. (List Taschenbuch). 161. TESI (Riccardo). Storia dell'italiano: la formazione della lingua comune. Bologna, Zanichelli, 2007, VII-285 p. Cf. no 1785 § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. ** 162. VAN GEUNS (Jan). Tagebuch einer Reise mit Alexander von Humboldt durch Hessen, die Pfalz, längs des Rheins und durch Westfalen im Herbst 1789. Hrsg. v. Bernd KÖLBEL und Lucie TERKEN. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, 587 p. (Beiträge zur Alexander-vonHumboldt-Forschung, 26). _______________________



163. ALAM (Muzaffar), SUBRAHMANYAM (Sanjay). Indo-Persian travels in the age of discoveries, 1400– 1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-399 p.

Bologna, 27–29 maggio 2004. A cura di Massimo DOBologna, Bononia U. P., 2007, XIX-611 p. (ill.).

164. ANDERSEN (Jan). Poul Hansen Egede: en grønlandsforsker i 1700-talet. (Poul Hansen Egede: explorateur du Groenland au 18e siècle). Ålborg, Ålborg universitetsforlag, 2007, 271 p.

177. KUýERA (ZdenČk). Historická geografie mezi geografií a historiografií. (Historical geography between geography and historiography). Historická geografie, 2007, 34, p. 9-19.

165. Atlas of Medieval Europe. Ed. by David DITCHSimon MAC LEAN and Angus MAC KAY. London, Routledge, 2007, 339 p.

178. LE BOURHIS (Jean-Pierre). Du savoir cartographique au pouvoir bureaucratique. Les cartes des zones inondables dans la politique des risques (1970–2000). Gèneses, 2007, 68, p. 75-96.


166. BURDETT (Charles). Journeys through fascism: Italian travel writing between the Wars. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, X-270 p. 167. CAMPBELL (Robert). In darkest Alaska. Travel and empire along the inside passage. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, 348 p. (Nature and culture in America). 168. Comunità e questioni di confini in Italia settentrionale: XVI–XIX sec. A cura di Mauro AMBROSOLI e Furio BIANCO. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 191 p. (maps). (Confini e frontiere nella storia. Temi di storia, 98). 169. Confini e frontiere nell'età moderna: un confronto fra discipline. A cura di Alessandro PASTORE. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 261 p. (Temi di storia, 103). 170. DUTEIL (Jean-Pierre). Les littératures de voyage: la découverte du monde (XIVe–XVe–XVIe siècles). Paris, Editions Arguments et Versailles, Editions Quae, 2007, 379 p. (ill., maps). 171. FARINELLI (Franco). L'invenzione della Terra. Con una nota di Sergio VALZANIA. Palermo, Sellerio, 2007, 152 p. (Alle 8 della sera, 8). 172. FRANKEL (Robert). Observing America. The commentary of British visitors to the United States, 1890–1950. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2007, XVI-318 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 173. GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR (Fernando). Atlas de historia de España. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2007, 1 atlas (XX-545 p.). (Historia de España Menéndez Pidal; apéndice). 174. Génesis territorial de España. Coordinador José Antonio ESCUDERO. Zaragoza, Justicia de Aragón, 2007, 950 p. 175. HOOGVLIET (Margriet). Pictura et Scriptura: textes, images et herméneutique des Mappae Mundi (XIIIe–XVIe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 390 p. (ill.). (Terrarvm orbis: Histoire des representations de l'espace: textes, images = History of the representation of space in text and image, 7). 176. Italia (L') dell'inquisitore: storia e geografia dell'Italia del Cinquecento nella Descrittione di Leandro Alberti: atti del convegno internazionale di studi,


179. Localism, landscape, and the ambiguities of place. German-speaking Central Europe, 1860–1930. Ed. by David BLACKBOURN and James RETALLACK. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2007, VIII-278 p. (German and European studies). 180. LOUGHLIN (James). Creating 'A Social and Geographical Fact': regional identity and the Ulster question 1880s–1920s. Past and present, 2007, 195, p. 159-196. 181. Maps: finding our place in the world. Ed. by Jamks R. AKERMAN and Robert W. KARROW. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, IX-400 p. 182. MARCHENA GÓMEZ (Manuel). La imagen geográfica de Andalucía. Sevilla, RD Editores, 2007, 259 p. 183. MORLIER (Hélène). Les guides-Joanne: genèse des Guides-bleus: itinéraire bibliographique, historique et descriptif de la collection de guides de voyage, 1840– 1920. Ouvrage illustré de vignettes, cartes et plans mis au net par Christophe BAILLY. Paris, Sentiers débattus, 2007, 639 p. (ill.). 184. MYERS (Kathleen Ann). Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America. A new history for a new world. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, XVII-324 p. 185. Northbound: travels, encounters, and constructions 1700–1830. (Voyages, rencontres et constructions en Scandinavie 1700–1830). Ed. Karen KLITGAARD POVLSEN. Århus, Aarhus U. P., 2007, 411 p. 186. PAVIû (Milorad). Prilog poznavanju hodoþasniþkih putovanja od Venecije do Svete Zemlje u XVI. Stoljeüu. (A contribution to our konowledge about pilgrimages from Venice to the Holy Land during the sixteenth century). Croatica Christiana Periodica, 2007, 31, 59, p. 33-47. 187. PÉCOUT (Gilles). Atlas de l'histoire de France: la France contemporaine, XIXe–XXIe siècles. Cartographie de Guillaume BALAVOINE. Paris, Autrement, 2007, 1 atlas (95 p.). 188. PETTITT (Clare). Dr. Livingstone, I presume? Missionaries, journalists, explorers, and empire. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, 244 p. 189. Portuguese oceanic expansion, 1400–1800. Ed. by Francisco BETHENCOURT and Diogo Ramada CURTO. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-536 p.

10. ICONOGRAPHY AND IMAGES 190. PUELL DE LA VILLA (Fernando), HUERTA BARA(Justo A.). Atlas de la guerra civil española: antecedentes, operaciones y secuelas militares (1931–1945). Madrid, Editorial Snࡓ tesis, 2007, 357 p. (ill., maps). JAS

191. QUAINI (Massimo), CASTELNOVI (Michele). Visioni del celeste impero: l'immagine della Cina nella cartografia occidentale. Genova, Il portolano e Trento, Centro studi Martino Martini, 2007, 179 p. (ill.). 192. RESÉNDEZ (Andrés). A land so strange: the epic journey of Cabeza de Vaca: the extraordinary tale of a shipwrecked Spaniard who walked across America in the sixteenth century. New York, Basic Books, 2007, XIV-314 p. 193. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). I viaggi in Svizzera, Italia, Sicilia e Malta di Jean-Marie Roland De la Platiére negli anni della prima crisi dell'Ancien Régime. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 605-645. 194. RYCHLÍK (Jan). Cestování do ciziny v habsburské monarchii a v ýeskoslovensku. Pasová, vízová a vystČhovalecká politika 1848–1989. (Travelling abroad in the Habsburg Monarchy and Czechoslovakia. Passports, visas, and emigration policy, 1848–1989). Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2007, 260 p. (ýeská spoleþnost po roce 1945, 4). 195. SARAZIN (Jean-Yves). Villes de France: cartes, plans et vues historiques. Paris, Assouline, 2007, 175 p. (ill., maps, plans). 196. SEMOTANOVÁ (Eva). DČjiny, souþasnost a perspektivy rekonstrukþních map. (History, presence and prospects of reconstruction maps). Historická geografie, 2007, 34, p. 197-215. 197. SONNABEND (Holger). Die Grenzen der Welt: geographische Vorstellungen der Antike. Darmstadt, Primus, 2007, 157 p. 198. Spazio sabaudo (Lo): intersezioni, frontiere e confini in età moderna. A cura di Blythe Alice RAVIOLA. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 391 p. (ill., maps). (Confini e frontiere nella storia). 199. STOCKHAMMER (Robert). Die Kartierung der Erde: Macht und Lust in Karten und Literatur. München, W. Fink, 2007, 232 p. (ill., maps). (Bild und Text). 200. Storia e ambiente: città, risorse e territori nell'Italia contemporanea. A cura di Gabriella CORONA e Simone NERI SERNERI. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 239 p. (ill.). (Studi storici Carocci, 112). 201. STUDNICKI-GIZBERT (Daviken). A nation upon the ocean sea: Portugal's Atlantic diaspora and the crisis of the Spanish Empire, 1492–1640. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-242 p.


1840. Sous la dir. de Nicolas BOURGUINAT et Sylvain VENAYRE. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2007, 546 p. 204. Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike. Hrsg. v. Michael RATHMANN. Mainz am Rhein, P. von Zabern, 2007, 290 p. (ill.). 205. WITHERS (Charles W. J.). Placing the Enlightenment. Thinking geographically about the age of reason. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIII-330 p. Cf. nos 1082, 2475, 2499, 2710, 4215 § 10. Iconography and images. _______________________

206. AULICH (James), HEWITT (John). Seduction or instruction? First World War posters in Britain and Europe. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XX-218 p. 207. BRICE (Catherine). Italia: una allegoria debole? Sistema iconografico e identità nazionale nell'Italia della fine del XIX secolo. Memoria e ricerca, 2007, 25, p. 171-186. 208. CHOLLET (Laurent). Mai 1968: la révolte en images. Paris, Hors collection, 2007, 112 p. (ill.). 209. Croce (La): iconografia e interpretazione, secoli I-inizio XVI: atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Napoli (6–11 dicembre 1999). A cura di Boris ULIANICH. Con la collaborazione di Ulderico PARENTE. Napoli, E. DE ROSA, 2007, 3 v., [s. p.]. (ill.) 210. DE VITO (John), TROPEA (Frank). The immortal Marilyn: the depiction of an icon. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow, 2007, XVIII-205 p. (ill.). 211. DIDI-HUBERMAN (Georges). L'image ouverte. Motifs de l'incarnation dans les arts visuels. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 408 p. 212. DUPRAT (Annie). Images et histoire: outils et méthodes d'analyse des documents iconographiques. Paris, Belin, 2007, 223 p. (ill.). (Histoire Belin Sup). 213. Emblemata sacra: rhétorique et herméneutique du discours sacré dans la littérature en images. Textes édités par Ralph DEKONINCK et Agnès GUIDERDONIBRUSLÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 652 p. (ill.). (Imago figurata. Studies, 7). 214. Goddesses and queens: the iconography of Elizabeth I. Ed. by Annaliese CONNOLLY and Lisa HOPKINS. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XII194 p. (ill., ports.).

202. Text, Bild, Karte: Kartographien der Vormoderne. Hrsg. v. Jürg GLAUSER und Christian KIENING. Freiburg im Breisgau, Rombach, 2007, 530 p. (ill.). (Rombach Wissenschaft. Reihe Litterae, 105).

215. Image, mémoire, histoire: les representations iconographiques en Algérie et au Maghreb. Colloque international "Image, mémoire, histoire" (2004: Oran, Algeria). Coordonne par Hassan REMOUAN et Mohamed BENSALAH. Oran, Edition CRASC, 2007, 180 p. (ill.).

203. Voyager en Europe de Humboldt à Stendhal. Contraintes nationales et tentations cosmopolites. 1790–

216. NORRIS (Stephen). A war of images. Russian popular prints, wartime culture, and national identity,



1812–1945. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, XIII-277 p. 217. Picturing the nation: iconographies of modern India. Ed. by Richard H. DAVIS. New Delhi, Orient Longman, 2007, XII-274 p. (ill.). 218. Raffigurare il passato. Le immagini visive e la comprensione della storia degli Stati Uniti. A cura di Stephen BRIER. Contemporanea, 2007, 3, p. 441-454. 219. SPRINGER (Claudia). James Dean transfigured: the many faces of rebel iconography. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, 248 p. (ill.).

220. VOVKO (Andrej). Nekateri vidiki sprejema slovenskih grba, zastave in denarja leta 1991 v luþi osrednjih slovenskih dnevnikov. (Certain aspects of the adoption of the Slovenian coat of arms, flag and money in 1991, in the light of central Slovenian newspapers). Studia Historica Slovenica, 2007, 7, 1/2, p. 215-233. 221. ZIKA (Charles). The appearance of witchcraft: images and social meaning in 16th century Europe. London, Routledge, 2007, XIV-296 p. (ill.). (Christianity and society in the modern world). Cf. nos 136-140, 675-685, 992

B MANUALS, GENERAL WORKS AND WORKS ON LARGE PERIODS _________ § 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 222-261. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 262-431. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 432-467. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 468-497. – § 5. General history. 498552. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 553-583. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 584-604. – § 8. Economic and social history. 605-641. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 642-674. – § 10. History of art. 675-685. – § 11. History of religions. 686-719. – § 12. History of philosophy. 720-724. – § 13. History of literature. 725-742.

§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums. _______________________

a. Archives 222. Biblioteche (Le) e gli archivi durante la seconda guerra mondiale: il caso italiano. A cura di Andrea CAPACCIONI, Andrea PAOLI e Ruggero RANIERI; con la collaborazione di Lorella TOSONE. Bologna, Pendragon, 2007, XXXVII-581 p. (ill.). (Le sfere). 223. BORÁK (Meþislav). Výzkum a evidence obČtí perzekuce z Ĝad ýechĤ, þeskoslovenských obþanĤ a obyvatel þeských zemí v SovČtském svazu v letech 1918–1956. (Research and keeping record of Czechs, Czechoslovak citizens and inhabitants of Czech lands who became victims of persecution in the Soviet Union in 1918–1956). In: Výzkum perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). Ed. Meþislav BORÁK. Opava, 2007, p. 10-40. 224. CŒURÉ (Sophie). La mémoire spoliée. Les archives des Français, butin de guerre nazi puis soviétique, de 1940 à nos jours. Paris, Payot, 2007, 267 p. 225. Deutsche Archivwesen (Das) und der Nationalsozialismus: 75. Deutscher Archivtag 2005 in Stuttgart. Redaktion, Robert KRETZSCHMAR in Verbindung mit Astrid M. ECKERT [et al.]. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 539 p. (ill., ports.). (Tagungsdokumentationen zum Deutschen Archivtag, 10).

228. GOEBEL (Stefan). The Great War and Medieval memory. War, remembrance, and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914–1940. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVIII-357 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 229. GUERCIO (Mariella). Il potere degli archivi: la memoria documentaria nella società contemporanea. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 3, p. 877-884. 230. LEHR (Stefan). Ein fast vergessener "Osteinsatz". Deutsche Archivare im Generalgouvernement und im Reichskommissariat Ukraine. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2007, XII-412 p. (Schriften des Bundesarchivs, 68). Cf. no 119 b. Libraries 231. ALCINA ROVIRA (Juan), SALVADÓ RECASENS (Joan). La biblioteca de Antonio Agustín: los impresos de un humanista de la Contrarreforma. Prólogo de Juan CARBONELL MANILS. Alcañiz, Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos y Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 585 p. (ill.). (Palmyrenus. Serie Estudios, 5). 232. BECEIRO PITA (Isabel). Libros, lectores y bibliotecas en la España medieval. Murcia, Nausícaä, 2007, 658 p. (ill.). (Medievalia, 2).

226. FARCY (Jean Claude). Les sources judiciaires de l'époque contemporaine: XIXe–XXe siècles. Rosnysous-Bois, Bréal editions, 2007, 287 p. (Sources d'histoire).

233. Biblioteche del mondo antico: dalla tradizione orale alla cultura dell'impero. A cura di Angela Maria ANDRISANO. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 206 p. (ill.). (Lingue e letterature Carocci, 75).

227. GIUVA (Linda), VITALI (Stefano), ZANNI RO(Isabella). Il potere degli archivi. Usi del passato e difesa dei diritti nella società contemporanea. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2007, XI-212 p.

234. Bibliothek als Archiv. Hrsg. v. Hans Erich BÖDEKER und Anne SAADA. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 313 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 221).




235. BŒUF (Estelle). La bibliothèque parisienne de Gabriel Naudé en 1630: les lectures d'un libertin érudit. Genève, Droz, 2007, 439 p.

248. Centre Pompidou, trente ans d'histoire. Conception et direction de l'ouvrage Bernadette DUFRÊNE. Paris, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2007, 661 p. (ill.).

236. BRATULIû (Josip). Hrvatski ex libris: prilog povijesti hrvatskih knjižnica. (Croatian Ex Libris: contribution to the Croatian Libraries' History). Zagreb, Ex libris, 2007, 394 p.

249. Collezioni, musei, identità tra XVIII e XIX secolo. A cura di Roberto BALZANI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 202 p.

237. CHASSAGNE (Annie). La bibliothèque de l'Académie royale des sciences au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2007, 305 p. (ill.). (CTHS sciences, 5). 238. CUSUMANO (Nicola). Libri, biblioteche e censura: il teatino Joseph Sterzinger a Palermo (17741821). Studi storici, 2007, 48, 1, p. 161-202. 239. JOCHUM (Uwe). Kleine Bibliotheksgeschichte. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2007, 280 p. (Reclams UniversalBibliothek, 17667). 240. Librairies aristocratiques (Les) dans les anciens Pays-Bas au Moyen Âge: actes de la journée d'etude internationale organisée à Bruxelles (Palais des Académies), le 20 octobre 2006. Éd. par An FAEMS et Colette VAN COOLPUT-STORMS. Le Moyen-Age, 2007, 113, 34, p. 468-795. (ill.). 241. MARTINS (Jose V. de Pina). Histórias de livros para a história do livro. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Serviçio de Educação e Bolsas, 2007, XXV337 p. (ill.). 242. RUPPELT (Georg). Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte(n). Hildesheim, Olms, 2007, 229 p. 243. SHEVCHENKO (Nadezda). Eine historische Anthropologie des Buches: Bücher in der preußischen Herzogsfamilie zur Zeit der Reformation. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 392 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 234). 244. VÁZQUEZ MANTECÓN (Carmen), HERRERO BERVERA (Carlos), FLAMENCO RAMÍREZ (Alfonso). La Biblioteca Nacional de México 1810–1910: las bibliotecas mexicanas en el siglo XIX. Iztapalapa, Nueva Biblioteca Mexicana Herreriana, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, 2007, 275 p. (ill.). 245. WERLE (Dirk). Copia librorum: Problemgeschichte imaginierter Bibliotheken 1580–1630. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2007, X-590 p. (Frühe Neuzeit, 119). Cf. nos 58-87, 222, 993 c. Museums 246. BRAUN (Matthias). Kulturinsel und Machtinstrument. Die Akademie der Künste, die Partei und die Staatssicherheit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 463 p. (Analysen und Dokumente, 31). 247. CAPPOZZO (Mario). La collezione egizia del Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini. Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 131202.

250. DE L'ESTOILE (Benoit). Le goût des autres. De l'exposition coloniale aux arts premiers. Paris, Editions Flammarion, 2007, 454 p. 251. KRIEGEL (Lara). Grand designs. Labor, empire, and the museum in Victorian culture. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XVIII-305 p. (Radical perspectives). 252. LAUKÖTTER (Anja). Von der "Kultur" zur "Rasse" ௅ vom Objekt zum Körper? Völkerkundemuseen und ihre Wissenschaften zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2007, 385 p. (ill.). (Science studies). 253. LONG (Véronique). Mécènes des deux mondes. Les collectionneurs donateurs du Louvre et de l'Art Institute de Chicago, 18791940. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 243 p. (Art et Société). 254. MARQUARDT (Janet T.). From martyr to monument. The Abbey of Cluny as cultural patrimony. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, XIX-286 p. 255. Museen und fürstliche Sammlungen im 18. Jahrhundert = Museums and princely collections in the 18th century. Hrsg. v. Jochen LUCKHARDT und Michael WIEMERS; Redaktion, Andreas W. VETTER. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, 2007, 147 p. (ill., plans). (Herzog Anton-Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig. Kolloquiumsbände des Herzog Anton UlrichMuseums, 3). 256. Orte des Erinnerns: Gedenkzeichen, Gedenkstätten und Museen zur Diktatur in SBZ und DDR. Hrsg. v. Anne KAMINSKY, bearbeitet von Ruth GLEINIG und Oliver IGEL; im Auftrag der Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur und der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Berlin, Links, 2007, 560 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zur DDR-Gesellschaft). 257. RAFFLER (Marlies). Museum-Spiegel der Nation? Zugänge zur historischen Museologie am Beispiel der Genese von Landes- und Nationalmuseen in der Habsburgermonarchie. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 386 p. (ill.). 258. RAYSSAC (Michel). L'exode des musées: histoire des oeuvres d'art sous l'occupation. Paris, Payot, 2007, 1006 p. (ill.). 259. RENTZHOG (Sten). Friluftsmuseerna: en skandinavisk idé erövrar världen. (Les musées de plein-air: une idée scandinave à la conquête du monde). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2007, 526 p. (pl.). 260. Sammeln und Sammlungen im 18. Jahrhundert in der Schweiz: Akten des Kolloquiums Basel, 16.–18. Oktober 2003. Hrsg. v. Benno SCHUBIGER; in Zusammenarbeit mit Dorothea Schwinn SCHÜRMANN und Cecilia HURLEY = Collections et pratiques de la collec-

2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY tion en Suisse au XVIIIe siècle: actes du colloque, Bâle, 16 au 18 octobre 2003. Éd. par Benno SCHUBIGER; avec la collaboration de Dorothea Schwinn SCHÜRMANN et Cecilia HURLEY. Genève, Slatkine, 2007, 536 p. (ill.). (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumières / Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 10). 261. STRUNCK (Christina). Berninis unbekanntes Meisterwerk: die Galleria Colonna in Rom und die Kunstpatronage des römischen Uradels. München, Hirmer Verlag, 2007, 622 p. (ill. col., facsims., geneal. table, plans). (Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 20; Veröffentlichungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte in Rom). § 2. History of historiography. _______________________

a. General * 262. CITINO (Robert M.). Military histories old and new: a reintroduction. American historical review, 2007, 112, 4, p. 1070-1090. * 263. JURDJEVIC (Mark). Hedgehogs and foxes: the present and future of Italian Renaissance intellectual history. Past and present, 2007, 195, p. 241-268. * 264. WILLIAMSON (Samuel R. Jr.), MAY (Ernest R.). An identity of opinion: historians and July 1914. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 2, p. 335-387.


Slovakia after 1989 – fulfilled expectations?) Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 35-54. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 273. BECKER (Winfried). Eine kleine Würdigung der großdeutschen Historiographie des Vormärz. Kommentar zu Marcus Sandl "Heilige Stagnation. Mediale Konfigurationen des Stillstands in der großdeutsch-katholischen Geschichtsschreibung im frühen 19. Jahrhundert". Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 3, p. 565-594. [Cf. no 359.] 274. BENDIX ANDERSEN (Morten). Ungarnsopstanden 1956, i dansk erindringshistorisk perspektiv. (L'insurrection hongroise de 1956 dans la perspective historique mémorielle danoise). København, Schønberg 2007, 212 p. 275. BRAW (J. D.). Vision as revision: Ranke and the beginning of modern history. History and theory, 2007, 46, 4, p. 45-60. 276. CAÑIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge). Entangled histories: borderland historiographies in new clothes? American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 787-799. 277. Caso Ariel Toaff (Il): libertà di ricerca e responsabilità dello storico. Interventi di Stuart WOOLF, David BIDUSSA, Marina CAFFIERO e Alessandro LATERos ZA. Passato e presente, 2007, 72, p. 19-41. [Cf. n 340, 425.]


265. ABRAHAM (Florin). "RezistenĠă", "Gulag", "Holocaust" úi construirea memoriei democratice după 1989. ("Resistance", "Gulag", "Holocaust" and the development of democratic memory after 1989). Caietele Echinox, 2007, 13, p. 40-57. 266. ALEXANDER (Michael). Medievalism. The Middle Ages in Modern England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XXVIII-306 p. 267. ALLEGRA (Luciano). Storie d'oggi. Nervi scoperti intorno alle " Pasque di sangue " di Ariel Toaff. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 261-296. 268. ARCANGELI (Alessandro). Che cos'e la storia culturale. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 96 p. (Le bussole, 255). 269. ASSMANN (Aleida). Geschichte im Gedächtnis: von der individuellen Erfahrung zur öffentlichen Inszenierung. München, C.H. Beck, 2007, 219 p. (ill.). (KruppVorlesungen zu Politik und Geschichte am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut im Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen, 6). 270. BACHRACH (David Steward). The rhetoric of historical writing: documentary sources in histories of Worms, c. 1300. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 2, p. 187-206. 271. BAIONI (Massimo). Su guerra civile, letteratura, identità nazionale. Memoria e ricerca, 2007, 24, p. 111124. 272. BARTL (Július). Historiografia na Slovensku po roku 1989 – splnené oþakávania? (Historiography in

278. CATTARUZZA (Alejandro). Los usos del pasado: la historia y la política argentinas en discusión, 19101945. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2007, 207 p. (Nudos de la historia argentina). 279. Century (A) of British Medieval studies. Ed. by Alan DEYERMOND. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXI801 p. 280. CINGOLANI (Stefano Maria). La storiografia catalana all'epoca di Pietro II e Alfonso II (1276–1291). Studi medievali, 2007, 48, 2, p. 575-618. 281. COLLINS (Roger). Fredegar-Chroniken. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, XV-152 p. (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Studien und Texte, 44). 282. Companion (A) to Greek and Roman historiography. Vol. 1. Greece ௅ historiography. V. 2. Rome ௅ historiography. Ed. by John MARINCOLA. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 2 vol., XLI-705 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 283. Conflicted memories: Europeanizing contemporary histories. Ed. by Konrad H. JARAUSCH and Thomas LINDENBERGER; in collaboration with Annelie RAMSBROCK. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, XII-293 p. (Studies in contemporary European history, 3). 284. CONSTANTINIU (Florin). De la Răutu úi Roller la Muúat úi Ardeleanu. (From Răutu and Roller to Muúat and Ardeleanu ௅ about Romanian historiography during the communist era). Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2007, 520 p.



285. Costruzione e uso del passato storico nella cultura antica: atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 18-20 settembre 2003. A cura di Paolo DESIDERI, Sergio RODA e Anna Maria BIRASCHI, con la collaborazione di Andrea PELLIZZARI. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, XXVI-609 p. (ill.). 286. COUMERT (Magali). Origines des peuples: les récits du Haut Moyen Age occidental (550–850). Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2007, 659 p. (Collection des études augustiniennes. Moyen-âge et temps modernes, 42). 287. CRAMER (Kevin). The Thirty Years' War and German memory in the nineteenth century. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XI-385 p. (Studies in war, society, and the military). 288. CUOMO (Valentina). I Gutachten di Fraenkel e Maas per la successione alle cattedre di Diels e Wilamowitz. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 193-200. 289. CURRAN (Brian A.). The Egyptian renaissance. The afterlife of Ancient Egypt in Early Modern Italy. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIV-431 p. 290. DAKHLIA (Jocelyne). Homoérotismes et trames historiographiques du monde islamique. Annales, 2007, 62, 5, p. 1097-1122. 291. DARBO-PESCHANSKI (Catherine). L'historia: commencements grecs. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 585 p. (Collection Folio/essais, 497). 292. DAUM (Werner), JANSEN (Christian), WYRWA (Ulrich). Un decennio di storiografia tedesca sul "lungo Ottocento" italiano (1796–1915). Alcune tendenze e prospettive di ricerca 1995–2006. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 316-358. 293. DE FRANCESCHI (Sylvio Hermann). Ambiguïtés historiographiques du théologico-politique: genèse et fortune d'un concept. Revue historique, 2007, 643, p. 653-685. 294. ENGLBERGER (Johann). Albert Behaim und die Lorcher Tradition in der Passauer Geschichtsschreibung: die Descriptio gentium et diversarum nationum Europe. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, XXIX-563 p. (Monumenta Germaniae historica: Schriften, 57). 295. Europa-Historiker: ein biographisches Handbuch. Vol. 2. Hrsg. v. Heinz DUCHHARDT [et al.]. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, VIII-336 p. (ill.). 296. FERM (Olle). Olaus Petri och Heliga Birgitta: synpunkter på ett nytt sätt att skriva historia i 1500talets Sverige (Olaus Petri et sainte Brigitte: réflexions sur une nouvelle façon d'écrire l'histoire dans la Suède du 16e siècle). Stockholm, Sällskapet Runica et mediævalia, 2007, 215 p. (Runica et mediævalia. Scripta minora, 15). 297. FITZPATRICK (Sheila). Revisionism in Soviet history. History and theory, 2007, 46, 4, p. 77-91.

298. FONZI (Paolo). L'unificazione tedesca e gli storici dell'est. La Berliner Gesellschaft für Faschismus und Weltkriegsforschung. Contemporanea, 2007, 3, p. 545558. 299. FRIMMOVÁ (Eva). Historiografia obdobia renesancie a humanizmu na Slovensku po roku 1989. (Historiography of the Renaissance period and humanism in Slovakia after 1989). Historický þasopis, vol. 55, 2007, 1, p. 56-68. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 300. GABBA (Emilio). Riflessioni storiografiche sul mondo antico. Como, New Press, 2007, 263 p. (Biblioteca di Athenaeum, 51). 301. GENTILE (Emilio). Fascismo di pietra. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, X-273 p. 302. Geschichte (Die) der Daniel-Auslegung im Judentum, Christentum und Islam: Studien zur Kommentierung des Danielbuches in Literatur und Kunst. Hrsg. v. Katharina BRACHT und David S. DU TOIT. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2007, XI-394 p. (ill.). (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 371). 303. Geschichte der politik. Alte und neue Wege. Hans-Christof KRAUS und Thomas NICKLAS. Oldenbourg, 2007, 419 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, 44). 304. GODDING (Robert) [et al.]. Bollandistes: saints et légendes: quatre siècles de recherche. Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2007, 179 p. (ill.). 305. GODEŠA (Bojan). Historiografija drugog svjetskog rata u Sloveniji izmeÿu nauke i politike (Historiography of the Second World War in Slovenia ௅ Between science and politics). In: Revizija prošlosti na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije. Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju, 2007, p. 173-186. (Posebna izdanja, 4). 306. GONZÁLEZ DELUCA (María Elena). Historia e historiadores de Venezuela en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2007, 209 p. (Libro breve, 239). 307. GOUESBIER (Yvan). La maison de sable: histoire et politique en Italie, de Benedetto Croce a Renzo de Felice. Roma, Ecole française de Rome, 2007, 695 p. (Collection de l'Ecole francaise de Rome, 379). 308. GRAFTON (Anthony T.). What was history? The art of history in Early Modern Europe. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-319 p. 309. GUSTAFSSON (Harald) [et al.]. Den dubbla blicken: historia i de nordiska samhällena. (Le double regard: l'histoire dans les sociétés nordiques). Lund, Sekel, 2007, 196 p. (ill.). 310. HAHN (Hans-Werner). "Ohne Jena kein Sedan". Die Erfahrung der Niederlage von 1806 und ihre Bedeutung für die deutsche Politik und Erinnerungskultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 3, p. 599-642. 311. HAMILAKIS (Yannis). The nations and its ruins. Antiquity, archaeology and national imagination in Greece. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXII-352 p.

2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY 312. HARRIS (William Vernon). Quando e come l'Italia divenne per la prima volta Italia? Un saggio sulla politica dell'identità. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 2, p. 301-322. 313. HAUTALA (Roman). L'impero mongolo nella storiografia sovietica. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 2, p. 361382. 314. HAVRILA (Marek). K niektorým problémom vývinu slovenskej historiografie a Slovenskej historickej spoloþnosti pri SAV v 50. a 60. rokoch 20. storoþia. (On some problems in the development of Slovak historiography and the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the 1950s and 1960s). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 20-33. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 315. HERMANN (Pernille). Politiske og æstetiske aspekter i Rimkrøniken. (Political and aesthetic aspects of the Rhymed Chronicle). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 2, p. 389-410. 316. Histoires coloniales: héritages et transmissions: colloque organisé par la BPI les 18 et 19 novembre 2005, dans la petite salle du Centre Pompidouà Paris. Rapport du colloque et perspectives, Benjamin STORA et Daniel HÉMERY. Paris, Bibliothèque publique d'information Centre Pompidou, 2007, 312 p. (En actes). 317. Historia reciente. Perspectivas y desafíos para un campo en construcción. Compiladoras: Marina FRANCO y Florencia LEVIN. Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2007, 340 p. (Espacios del Saber). 318. HOSELITZ (Virginia). Imagining roman Britain. Victorian responses to a Roman past. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 208 p. 319. HUANG (Chun-Chieh). The defining character of Chinese historical thinking. History and theory, 2007, 46, 2, p. 180-188. 320. HUDEK (Adam). Pokus o konštruovanie marxistického národného príbehu v rokoch 1948–1955. (The attempt to construct a Marxist national story in the period 1948–1955). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 721-738. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 321. JEŽEK (Václav). Idealizmus v byzantologických štúdiách. (Idealism in Byzantine studies). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 125-132. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 322. JOUHAUD (Christian). Sauver le Grand-Siècle ? Présence et transmission du passé. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 312 p. 323. JURDJEVIC (Mark). Hedgehogs and Foxes: the present and future of Italian Renaissance intellectual history. Past and present, 2007, 195, 1, p. 241-268.


origin in the Slovak Historical Society). Historický þasopis, vol 55, 2007, 1, p. 9-19. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 326. KOCIAN (JiĜí). Souþasný stav bádání zejména k osudĤm nČmeckých antifašistĤ v ýeskoslovensku po roce 1945. NČmeþtí antifašisté z þeských zemí v dosavadní historiografii. (Der gegenwärtige Forschungsstand zu den Schicksalen der deutschen Antifaschisten in der Tschechoslowakei nach 1945. Deutsche Antifaschisten aus dem tschechischen Gebiet in der bisherigen Historiographie). In: I oni byli proti. Ed. Kristina KAISEROVÁ et al. Ústí n.L., 2007, p. 71-96. 327. KOHÚTOVÁ (Mária). ŠesĢdesiat rokov slovenskej profesionálnej historiografie. Výskum novovekých dejín. (Sixty years of professional Slovak historiography. Research into modern history). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 69-74. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 328. KOLÁě (Pavel), KOPEýEK (Michal). A difficult quest for new paradigms. Czech historiography after 1989. In: Narratives unbound. Historical studies in postcommunist Eastern Europe. Ed. Sorin ANTOHI [et al.]. Budapest, 2007, p. 173-248. 329. LA PENNA (Antonio). La filologia in Italia nel Novecento. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1089-1126. 330. LACH (JiĜí). Poláci a ýechoslováci jako þlenové mezinárodní historické komunity v letech 1918–1938. (The Poles and the Czechs as members of international historical community, 1918–1938). Moderní dČjiny, 2007, 15, p. 221-238. 331. Lexicon historiographicum Graecum et Latinum: (LHG&L). Ideato da Giuseppe NENCI; diretto da Carmine AMPOLO e Ugo FANTASIA. 2. AL-AF. Pisa, Scuola normale superiore di Pisa, 2007, 155 p. 332. LI (Wai-Yee). The readability of the past in early Chinese historiography. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, XII-449 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 253). 333. Lost greatness and past oppression in East Central Europe. Representations of the imperial experience in historiography since 1918. Ed. by Frank HADLER and Mathias MESENHÖLLER. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2007, 324 p. 334. MANTENA (Rama). The question of history in precolonial India. History and theory, 2007, 46, 3, p. 396-408. 335. "MARTENS (Stefan). Frankreich zwischen "Histoire contemporaine" und "Histoire du temps présent". Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 4, p. 583616.

324. KAUL (Camilla G.). Friedrich Barbarossa im Kyffhäuser: Bilder eines nationalen Mythos im 19. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 2 vol., 981 p. (ATLAS).

336. Marxist history-writing for the twenty-first century. Ed. by Chris WICKHAM. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-187 p. (British Academy occasional paper, 9)

325. KLAýKA (Jozef). ŠesĢdesiat rokov Slovenskej historickej spoloþnosti. (The sixtieth anniversary of the

337. MATEI-POPESCU (Florian). Imaginea Daciei romane în istoriografia românească între 1945–1960.



(Image of Roman Dacia in Romanian historiography between 1945–1960). Studii úi Cercetări de Istorie Veche úi Arheologie, 2007, 58, 3-4, p. 265-288. 338. Mémoire (La) des guerres de Religion. La concurrence des genres historiques, XVIeXVIIIe siècles. Actes du colloque international de Paris (1516 novembre 2002). Sous la dir. de Jacques BERCHTOLD et Marie-Madeleine FRAGONARD. Genève, Droz, 2007, 376 p. 339. Mémoire et histoire: les procédures de condamnation dans l'antiquité romaine. Études réunies par Stéphane BENOIST; avec la collaboration d'Anne DAGUET-GAGEY. Metz, Centre de recherche histoire et civilisation, 2007, XVII-356 p. (Centre régional universitaire Lorrain d'histoire site de Metz, 31). 340. MICCOLI (Giovanni). Pasque di sangue. La discussa ricerca di Ariel Toaff. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 2, p. 323-340. [Cf. nos 277, 425.] 341. MORANDI (Flaminia). Il documentario di storia in Italia. Contemporanea, 2007, 3, p. 533-544. 342. MURPHY (Anne). History in the Sikh past. History and theory, 2007, 46, 3, p. 345-365. 343. NANI (Michele). "Un pubblico diverso": giornalisti, storici e senso comune. Per una ricerca sugli usi della storia nel campo giornalistico. Contemporanea, 2007, 3, p. 371-402. 344. NOMBERTO BAZÁN (Víctor Raúl), ZUBIETA NÚÑEZ (Filomeno). Historiografía general y del Perú: autores y obras del pensamiento histórico. Prólogo, Lorenzo HUERTAS VALLEJOS. Lima, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Editorial Universitaria, 2007, 304 p. (Colección Textos universitarios). 345. O'NEILL (Daniel I.). John Adams versus Mary Wollstonecraft on the French Revolution and democracy. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 3, p. 451-476. 346. ORR (James J.). Victims and perpetrators in national memory. Lessons from post-World War Two Japan. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 1, p. 42-57. 347. PARSONS (Jotham). Defining the history of ideas. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 68399. 348. PEKÁR (Martin). NiekoĐko poznámok k stavu a aktuálnym problémom výskumu regionálnych dejín. (Some comments on the state and current problems of research into regional history). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 96-103. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 349. PELI (Santo). Resistenza e Shoah. Passato e presente, 2007, 70, p. 83-93. 350. PEŠEK (JiĜí). ýeská historiografie na poþátku 21. století. Cesty jejího hodnocení. (Czech historiography at the onset of the 21st century. Methods of assessment). ýeský þasopis historický, 2007, 105, 1, p. 89100. í IDEM. Wendepunkte in der modernen Geschichte der deutsch-tschechischen Beziehungen. In: Wendepunk-

te in den Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen, Tschechen und Slowaken 1848–1989 [Cf. no 6331], p. 9-27. 351. PHILLIPS (Richard). Histories of sexuality and imperialism: what's the use? History workshop journal, 2007, 63, p. 136-153. 352. PORTELLI (Alessandro). Storie orali. Racconto, immaginazione, dialogo. Introduzione di Ronald GRELE. Roma, Donzelli, 2007, XV-462 p. 353. RANSEL (David L.). Reflections on transnational and world history in the USA and its applications. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 625-641. 354. RAYNERO (Lucía). Clío frente al espejo: la concepción de la historia en la historiografía Venezolana (1830–1865). Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2007, 413 p. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. 88. Fuentes para la historia republicana de Venezuela). 355. REISER (Marius). Bibelkritik und Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift: Beiträge zur Geschichte der biblischen Exegese und Hermeneutik. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, IX-407 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 217). 356. RICHARD (Gilles). Le destre contro il fronte popolare. Le ricerche dell'ultimo decennio. Passato e presente, 2007, 71, p. 123-133. 357. RITTER (Gerhard A.). Die emigrierten Meinecke-Schüler in den Vereinigten Staaten. Leben und Geschichtsschreibung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Deutschland und der neuen Heimat: Hajo Holborn, Felix Gilbert, Dietrich Gerhard, Hans Rosenberg. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 1, p. 59-102. 358. RODRÍGUEZ MAYORGAS (Ana). La memoria de Roma: oralidad, escritura e historia en la República romana. Oxford, John and Erica Hedges, 2007, VI-212 p. (BAR international series, 1641). 359. SANDL (Marcus). Heilige Stagnation. Mediale Konfigurationen des Stillstands in der großdeutschkatholischen Geschichtsschreibung im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 3, p. 529563. [Cf. no 273.] í IDEM. Kurzer Kommentar zu Winfried Beckers Beitrag: "Eine kleine Würdigung der großdeutschen Historiographie des Vormärz". Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 3, p. 595-597. [Cf. no 273.] 360. SANFILIPPO (Matteo). La storia in edicola. Memoria e ricerca, 2007, 26, p. 153-168. 361. SATO (Masayuki). The archetype of history in the Confucian ecumene. History and theory, 2007, 46, 2, p. 218-232. 362. SCHRIEFER (Andreas). Deutsche, Slowaken und Magyaren im Spiegel deutschsprachiger historischer Zeitungen und Zeitschriften in der Slowakei. Komárno, Forum institute, 2007, 263 p. (Interethnica, 9) 363. Sites (Les) de la mémoire russe. 1. Géographie de la mémoire russe. Sous la dir. de Georges NIVAT. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 849 p.

2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY 364. Situation postcoloniale (La). Les "postcolonial studies" dans le débat français. Sous la dir de MarieClaude SMOUTS. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2007, 451 p. 365. SIVASUNDARAM (Sujit). Buddhist kingship, British archaeology and historical narratives in Sri Lanka c. 1750–1850. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 111-142. 366. SIZGORICH (Thomas). "Do Prophets Come with a Sword?" Conquest, empire, and historical narrative in the early Islamic world. American historical review, 2007, 112, 4, p. 993-1015. 367. SOARES DA CUNHA (Mafalda), CARDIM (Pedro). From periphery to centre. The internationalisation of the historiography of Portugal. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 643-657. 368. Stato della ricerca e prospettive della medievistica tedesca: Roma, 19–20 febbraio 2004. A cura di Michael MATHEUS e Massimo MIGLIO. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2007, 234 p. (Nuovi studi storici, 71). 369. Storia (La), le riviste e non solo. Ricerca, racconto e comunicazione all'alba del XXI secolo, discussione con Luca BALDISSARA, Fulvio CAMMARANO, Andreina DE CLEMENTI, Renato MORO e Francesco TRANIELLO, a cura di Maurizio RIDOLFI. Memoria e ricerca, 2007, 26, p. 111-132. 370. STOY (Manfred). Das Österreichische Institut für Geschichtsforschung 1929–1945. Wien, Oldenbourg, 2007, 423 p. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung: Ergänzungsband, 50). 371. TAJTÁK (Ladislav). K niektorým otázkam regionálnych dejín na Slovensku. (Some questions on the history of regions of Slovakia). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 104-106. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 372. Umgang (Vom) mit der Vergangenheit: ein deutsch-italienischer Dialog = Come affrontare il passato? Un dialogo italo-tedesco. Hrsg. v. Christiane LIERMANN [et al.]. Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 2007, VI278 p. (Reihe der Villa Vigoni, 19). 373. UNGER (Corinna R.). Ostforschung in Westdeutschland. Die Erforschung des europäischen Ostens und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1945–1975. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, 497 p. (Studien zur Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1). 374. VIVANT (Carole). L'historien saisi par le droit: contribution a l'etude des droits de l'histoire. Préf. de Philippe PETEL; avant-propos de Rene REMOND. Paris Dalloz, 2007, XII-525 p. (Nouvelle bibliotheque de tese, 68). 375. VOGELSANG (Kai). Geschichte als Problem: Entstehung, Formen und Funktionen von Geschichtsschreibung im Alten China. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, VI-324 p. (Lun Wen, 9). 376. WASSERSTROM (Jeffrey N.). New ways in history, 1966–2006. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 271-294.


377. WICKBERG (Daniel). What is the history of sensibilities? On cultural histories, old and new. American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 661-684. 378. Writing the nation. A global perspective. Ed. by Stefan BERGER. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 243 p. 379. YILDIRIM (Bahadir), GATES (Marie-Henriette). Archaeology in Turkey, 2004í2005. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 275-356. 380. YUN CASALILLA (Bartolomé). "Localism", global history and transnational history. A reflection from the historian of early modern Europe. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 659-677. 381. ZIEMANN (Benjamin). Katholische Kirche und Sozialwissenschaften 1945–1975. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2007, 396 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 175) 382. Zweite Weltkrieg (Der) in Europa. Erfahrung und Erinnerung. Hrsg. v. Jörg ECHTERNKAMP und Stefan MARTENS. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2007, VIII-311 p. a. Addendum 2006 383. Écriture (L') de la mémoire: la littérarité de l'historiographie; actes du IIIe colloque international philologique EPMHNEIA, Nicosie, 6-8 mai 2004. Colloque international philologique EPMHNEIA; organisé par l'EHESS et l'université de Chypre; sous la direction de Paolo ODORICO, Panagiotis A. AGAPITOS et Martin HINTERBERGER. Paris, Centre d'études byzantines, néohelléniques et sud-est européennes, 2006, 377 p. (ill.). (Dossiers byzantins, 6). Cf. nos 2229, 2343, 2678, 2691, 2769, 2785, 2827, 7015, 7031 b. Special studies 384. MAGRIS (Claudio). Ricordo di Angelo Ara. Quell'indimenticabile " però... ". Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 679-685. í PINCHERLE ARA (Marcella). Bibliografia di Angelo Ara. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 706-726. í STOURZH (Gerald). Angelo Ara e la storia austriaca. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 686-705. 385. NICOLAJ (G.). Ricordo di Giulio Battelli (1904–2005). Studi medievali, 2007, 48, 2, p. 863-872. 386. HARVEY (John). Le "Annales" e la storia comparata. Corrispondenza inedita di Marc Bloch e Kan'ichi Asakawa, 1929-1935. Passato e presente, 2007, 71, p. 69-102. í TOUATI (François-Olivier). Marc Bloch et l'Angleterre. Paris, Boutique de l'Historie, 2007, 299 p. 387. Bibliografia degli scritti di Vittore Branca. A cura di Giovannina REINISCH SULLAM [et al.]. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2007, 93 p. í Caro Vitto: essays in memory of Vittore Branca. A cura di Jill KRAYE e Anna LEPSCHY. Reading, The Italianist, 2007, 335 p. (The Italianist, 27).



388. Martin Broszat, der "Staat Hitlers" und die Historisierung des Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Norbert FREI. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 224 p. (Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Vorträge und Kolloquien, 1). 389. PREýAN (Vilém). Leben und Werke des Johann Wolfgang Brügel. In: In memoriam Johann Wolfgang Brügel. Ed. SoĖa NEZHODOVÁ [et al.]. Hustopeþe, 2007, p. 56-109. 390. STEBER (Martina). Herbert Butterfield, der Nationalsozialismus und die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 2, p. 269-308. 391. D'ELIA (Nicola). Delio Cantimori e la cultura politica tedesca (1927–1940). Roma, Viella, 2007, 158 p. (Ricerche dell'Istituto storico germanico di Roma, 2). 392. COPPOLA (Goffredo). La politica religiosa di Giuliano l'Apostata. A cura di Arcangela TEDESCHI. Bari, Ed. di Pagina, 2007, V-99 p. 393. Selected essays of Luigi De Rosa. Pref. by Paolo SAVONA; intr. by Gaetano SABATINI. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 2-3, p. 207-598. 394. AMICO (Antonella). Gaetano De Sanctis. Profilo biografico e attività parlamentare. Tivoli, Tored, 2007, 339 p. 395. JACQUES-AUGUSTE DE THOU. Écriture et condition robine. Sous la dir. de Franck LESTRINGANT. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 244 p. í JACQUES-AUGUSTE DE THOU. La vie de JacquesAuguste de Thou. I. Aug. Thuani Vita éd. et trad. par A. TEISSIER-ENSMINGER. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 1085 p. 396. Robert Folz (1910í1996): Mittler zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland. Actes du colloque "Idee d'empire et royaute au Moyen Age, un regard francoallemand sur l'oeuvre de Robert Folz", Dijon 2001. Hrsg. v. Franz J. FELTEN, Pierre MONNET und Alain SAINT-DENIS. Stuttgart, F. Steiner Verlag, 2007, XIII152 p. (Geschichtliche Landeskunde, 60). 397. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Alessandro Galante Garrone. Una biografia etica. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1162-1191. 398. Opera (L') di Giovanni Garbini: bibliografia degli scritti 1956–2006. Brescia, Paideia, 2007, 124 p. 399. THOMSON (Erik). Commerce, law, and erudite culture: the mechanics of Théodore Godefroy's service to Cardinal Richelieu. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 3, p. 407-427. 400. WOLLOCH (Nathaniel). "Facts, or Conjectures": Antoine-Yves Goguet's historiography. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 3, p. 429-449. 401. HALSALL (Guy). The preface to Book V of Gregory of Tours' Histories: its form, context and significance. English historical review, 2007, 122, 496, p. 297-317.

402. FROBERT (Ludovic). Elie Halévy's first lectures on the history of European socialism. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 2, p. 329-353. 403. BICHLER (Reinhold). Historiographie, Ethnographie, Utopie: gesammelte Schriften. Teil 1. Studien zu Herodots Kunst der Historie. Hrsg. v. Robert ROLLINGER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 274 p. (Philippika, 18). 404. Rodney Hilton's Middle Ages: an exploration of historical themes. Ed. by Christopher DYER, Peter COSS and Chris WICKHAM. Oxford, Oxford Journals, 2007, 341 p. (ill., maps). (Past and present, supplements 2). 405. Arturo Carlo Jemolo: vita ed opere di un italiano illustre: un professore dell'Università di Roma. A cura di Giorgia CASSANDRO, Alessia LEONI e Fabio VECCHI. Napoli, Jovene, 2007, XIX-283 p. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, 7). 406. VONDROVÁ (Jitka). "Je tĜeba vyrovnat se s ĜádČním pravicových živlĤ". Úvahy Václava Krále nad stavem þeskoslovenské historiografie z léta 1969. ('The rampaging of Right-wing individuals must be dealt with'. Václav Král's thoughts on the state of Czechoslovak historiography in 1969). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 4, p. 880-911. 407. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Antonio Labriola e i problemi della storia d'Italia. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1127-1149. 408. Autour d'un petit livre: Alfred Loisy cent ans après: actes du colloque internationale tenu à Paris, les 23–24 2003. Publiés sous la direction de François LAPLANCHE, Ilaria BIAGIOLI et Claude LANGLOIS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 351 p. (Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études. Sciences religieuses 131. Histoire et prosopographie de la section des sciences religieuses 4). 409. DZIMIRA (Sylvain). Marcel Mauss, savant et politique. Paris, Découverte, 2007, 238 p. (Textes à l'appui. Série Bibliothèque du M.A.U.S.S.). 410. SCHMIDT (Georg). Friedrich Meineckes Kulturnation. Zum historischen Kontext nationaler Ideen in Weimar-Jena um 1800. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 3, p. 597-621. 411. CLEMENTE (Guido). Arnaldo Momigliano (1908– 1987). Venti anni dopo. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1150-1161. í Momigliano and antiquarianism. Foundations of the modern cultural sciences. Ed. by Peter N. MILLER. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XIV-399 p. 412. GENTILE (Emilio). Il fascino del persecutore. George L. Mosse e la catastrofe dell'uomo moderno. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 176 p. 413. GRAZIOSI (Andrea). Il mondo in Europa. Namier e il "Medio oriente europeo", 1815-1948. Contemporanea, 2007, 2, p. 193-228.

3. METHODOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, AND TEACHING OF HISTORY 414. SELLHEIM (Rudolf). Theodor Nöldeke (1836í 1930): Begründer der modernen Orientalistik. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 135-144. 415. KOPEýEK (Michal). Jan Patoþka a István Bibó. Kritika dČjin a rekonstrukce "smyslu" národní historie ve stĜedoevropském disentu. (Jan Patoþka and István Bibó. The critique of the past and the reconstruction of the 'Meaning' of national history in Central European dissent. In: Jan Patoþka, þeské dČjiny a Evropa. Semily, 2007, p. 124-131. 416. PHILIPPE DE COMMYNES. Mémoires. T. 1. Livres I à VIII. T. 2. Variantes, notes, glossaire et indexes. Ed. par Joël BLANCHARD. Genève, Droz, 2007, 2 vol., CLXXII-1757 p. (Textes littéraires français, 585). 417. Gesamtausgabe des Briefwechsels von Leopold von Ranke. Bd. 1. 1813–1825. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Ulrich MUHLACK und Oliver RAMONAT. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007, 656 p.


Thucydides, Roman convergence, modern challenges. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2007, 87 p. 425. CARDINI (Franco). Il caso Ariel Toaff: una riconsiderazione. Milano, Medusa, 2007, 93 p. (Argonauti, 29). [Cf. nos 277, 340.] 426. RICCIARDI (Andrea). Leo Valiani, gli anni della formazione: tra socialismo, comunismo e rivoluzione democratica. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 313 p. (ill.). (Collana dell'Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea. 21 Studi e documenti). 427. NEWBURY (David S.). Contradictions at the heart of the canon: Jan Vansina and the debate over oral historiography in Africa, 1960–1985. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 213-254. 428. RUSSELL (Mark A.). Between tradition and modernity: Aby Warburg and the public purposes of art in Hamburg, 1896–1918. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, XII-257 p. (Monographs in German history, 19).

418. Luigi Russo: bibliografia 1912-2007: schede e complementi: con i proemi a "Leonardo," "La Nuova Italia", "Belfagor". A cura di Antonio RESTA; premessa di Carlo Ferdinando RUSSO. Pisa, ETS, 2007, LII-263 p. (ill.).

429. CARROLL (Anthony J.). Protestant modernity: Weber, secularization, and Protestantism. Scranton a. London, University of Scranton press, 2007, XVI-303 p.

419. BARBAGALLO (Francesco). Gaetano Salvemini e il problema del Mezzogiorno. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 3, p. 635-650.

430. CALLATAŸ (François de). Winckelmann et les monnaies antiques. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 553-601.

420. VIVANTI (Corrado). Ripensando Paolo Sarpi. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 395-406-

431. NICCOLI (Ottavia), DAKHLIA (Jocelyne), FRANCESCA (Ersilia). A proposito di "Trickster Travels" di Natalie Zemon Davis. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 126, p. 893-928.

421. Ricordo di Pietro Scoppola. Civitas, 2007, 3, [s. p.]. [Con scritti di: Franco NOBILI, Achille Card. SILVESTRINI, Andrea RICCARDI, Eugenio SCALFARI, Agostino GIOVAGNOLI, Giuliano FERRARA, Francesco MALGERI, Alberto MELLONI, Emma FATTORINI]. 422. BERTELLI (Sergio). Il libertinismo italiano di Giorgio Spini. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 188-203. í Bibliografia degli scritti di Giorgio Spini. Revisione, integrazione e indici analitici a cura di Daniele SPINI; sulla base di precedenti ricerche di Aldo LANDI, Rita MAZZEI e Carla SODINI e con il contributo di Stefano GAGLIANO. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2007, 117 p. í CAVAGHON (Alberto). Réformes des autres, nótres réformes. Minoranze e libertà religiosa: la lezione di Giorgio Spini. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 245-263. í CODIGNOLA (Luca). Giorgio Spini americanista. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 204-244. í GIARRIZZO (Giuseppe). Giorgio Spini. Una testimonianza. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 175-187.

Cf. nos 1311, 1395, 4505, 4506 § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. _______________________

432. BARTHOLEYNS (Gil). Sociologies de la contrainte en Histoire: grands modéles et petites traces. Revue historique, 2007, 642, p. 285-324. 433. BROBJER (Thomas H). Nietzsche's relation to historical methods and nineteenth-century German historiography. History and theory, 2007, 46, 2, p. p. 155179. 434. BRUTER (Annie). L'enseignement de l'histoire à l'école primaire de la Révolution à nos jours. Textes officiels. T. 1. 1793–1914. Lyon, INRP, 2007, 400 p.

423. GIUA (Maria Antonietta). Adolphe Thiers, i discorsi di Napoleone e la storiografia antica. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 264-275.

435. ýORNEJ (Petr). VČþný problém. Jak psát dČjiny? (The eternal problem: how to write history?). In: O psaní dČjin. Teoretické a metodologické problémy literární historiografie. Ed. KateĜina BLÁHOVÁ [et al.]. Praha, 2007, p. 15-40.

424. SHANSKE (Darien). Thucydides and the philosophical origins of history. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-268 p. í VÁRADY (László). Classical political thought at work.

436. CROCE (Benedetto). Teoria e storia della storiografia. A cura di Edoardo MASSIMILLA e Teodoro TAGLIAFERRI; con una nota al testo di Fulvio TESSITORE. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2007, 2 vol., 548 p.



437. CUBITT (Geoffrey). History and memory. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, VI-263 p. (Historical approaches). 438. DASTON (Lorraine), GALISON (Peter). Objectivity. New York, Zone books, 2007, 501 p. 439. DETTI (Tommaso), LAURICELLA (Giuseppe). Una storia piatta? Il digitale, Internet e il mestiere di storico. Contemporanea, 2007, 1, p. 3-24. 440. DI CORI (Paola), DOSSE (François), CAPUZZO (Paolo), CONLEY (Tom). La scrittura della storia di Michel de Certeau. Contemporanea, 2007, 2, p. 317344. 441. DROYSEN (Johann Gustav). Historik: historischkritische Ausgabe. Teilbd. 2/1-2. Texte im Umkreis der Historik. Unter Berücks. der Vorarb. von Peter LEYH nach den Erstdr. und Handschr. hrsg. von Horst Walter BLANKE. Stuttgart, Frommann-Holzboog, 2007, XXIII712 p. 442. FABIANI (Jean-Louis). La généralisation dans les sciences historiques. Obstacle épistémologique ou ambition légitime ? Annales, 2007, 62, 1, p. 9-28. 443. Fallstudien. Theorie ௅ Geschichte ௅ Methode. Hrsg. v. Johannes SÜßMANN, Susanne SCHOLZ und Gisela ENGEL. Berlin, Trafo, 2007, 273 p. (Frankfurter kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 1) 444. Filosofia, storia, letteratura: scritti in onore di Fulvio Tessitore. A cura di Giuseppe CACCIATORE. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, 376 p. (Storia e letteratura, 244). 445. FRIBERG (Katarina), HILSON (Mary), VALL (Natasha). Reflections on transnational comparative history from an Anglo-Swedish perspective. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 717-736. 446. FROMMER (Sören). Historische Archäologie. Ein Versuch der methodologischen Grundlegung der Archäologie als Geschichtswissenschaft. Büchenbach, Dr. Faustus, 2007, 393 p. (Tübinger Forschungen zur historischen Archäologie, 2). 447. GORMAN (Jonathan). The commonplaces of "revision" and their implications for historiographical understanding. History and theory, 2007, 46, 4, p. 20-44. 448. GOSSMAN (Lionel). "Back to the future": the ars historica. Rec. di Anthony GRAFTON. What was history? The art of history in early Modern Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2007. History and theory, 2007, 47, 3, p. 453-457.

452. JONSSON (Pernilla), NEUNSINGER (Silke). Comparison and transfer – a fruitful approach to national history? Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 258-280. 453. MEGILL (Allan). Historical knowledge, historical error. A contemporary guide to practice. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIV-288 p. 454. Pédagogies de l'histoire: XVIIIeíXXIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Annie BRUTER. Histoire de l'éducation, 2007, 114 [numéro spécial], 237 p. 455. PELIKAN (Egon). Zgodovinski roman med nacionalno identiteto, ideologijami in "zgodovinskimi žanri" = The historical novel between national identity, ideologies and 'historical genres'. In: Zgodovina in njeni literarni žanri. Ed. Vanessa MATAJC, Gašper TROHA. Ljubljana, Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, 2007, p. 43-53, p. 159-170. (Primerjalna književnost, letn. 30, posebna št./special issue). 456. REID (Donald). Rec. di Miguel A. CABRERA. Postsocial history: an introduction, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2005. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 2, p. 388-389. 457. ROBERTS (David Dion). Historicism and Fascism in modern Italy. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2007, VI-370 p. (Toronto Italian studies). 458. SARAÇGIL (Ayse). Nazione e insegnamento della storia nella Turchia contemporanea. Passato e presente, 2007, 72, p. 43-70. 459. SIMONI (Marcella). Intrecci traumatici. Storia, memoria e identità nazionale nelle scuole israeliane e palestinesi. Passato e presente, 2007, 71, p. 45-68. 460. SPIEGEL (Gabrielle M.) Revising the past / revisiting the present: how change happens in historiography. History and theory, 2007, 46, 4, p. 1-19. 461. TESSITORE (Fulvio). Altri contributi alla storia e alla teoria dello storicismo. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, VII-461 p. (Storia e letteratura, 233). 462. THOMSEN (Anders Holm). Faghæftet "Historie 1984" og paradigmeskiftet i historiedidaktikken. (The instruction guide "History 1984" and the paradigm shift in historical didactics). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 1, p. 149-183.

449. HALL (Bo G.). Kan biografisk metod vara vetenskap? (Does biography belong in academic history?). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 3, p. 433-456.

463. VANċK (Miroslav), MÜCKE (Pavel), PELIKÁ(Hana). Naslouchat hlasĤm pamČti. Teoretické a praktické aspekty orální historie. (Listening to the voices of memory. Theoretical and practical aspects of oral history). Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2007, 224 p.

450. HAUPT (Heinz-Gerhard). Comparative history – a contested method. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 697-715.

464. WANG (Q. Edward). Is there a Chinese mode of historical thinking? A cross-cultural analysis. History and theory, 2007, 46, 2, p. 201-209.

451. JONES (Adrian). Reporting in prose: reconsidering ways of writing history. European Legacy, 2007, 12, 3, p. 311-336.

465. WHITE (Hayden). Guilty of history? The longue durée of Paul Ricoeur. Rec. di Paul RICOEUR. Memory, history, forgetting, Chicago and London, University of


4. ETHNOLOGY, FOLKLORE AND HISTORICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Chicago Press, 2004. History and theory, 2007, 46, 2, p. 233-251. 466. ZANGARA (Adriana). Voir l'histoire. Théories anciennes du récit historique, IIe siècle av. J.-C.IIe siècle ap. J.-C. Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS / J. Vrin, 2007, 318 p. 467. ZAVACKÁ, (Marína). "Nemám þas to þítaĢ, musím sa uþiĢ". K stavu vysokoškolskej výuþby histórie na Slovensku. (No time to read books, now have to learn". On the state of university teaching of history in Slovakia). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 1, p. 133-144. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. Cf. no 4686 § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. * 468. FREITAG (Klaus). Ethnogenese, Ethnizität und die Entwicklung der griechischen Staatenwelt in der antike. Ein Forschungsüberblick [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 2, p. 373399. * 469. VOLLRATH (Hanna). Haben Rituale Macht? Anmerkungen zu dem Buch von Gerd Althoff: Die Macht der rituale. Symbolik und Herrschaft im Mittelalter [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 2, p. 385-400. _______________________

470. Adolf Bastian and his universal archive of humanity: the origins of German anthropology. Ed. by Manuela FISCHER, Peter BOLZ and Susan KAMEL. Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 2007, 337 p. (ill., maps). 471. Bilder des Fremden: mediale Inszenierung von Alterität im 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Hans-Peter BAYERDÖRFER [et al.]. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 424 p. (ill.). (Kulturgeschichtliche Perspektiven, 5). 472. Cantare italiano (Il) fra folklore e letteratura: atti del Convegno internazionale di Zurigo, Landesmuseum, 23–25 giugno 2005. A cura di Michelangelo PICONE e Luisa RUBINI. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2007, XIII-525 p. (Biblioteca dell'"Archivum Romanicum." Serie I, Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 341). 473. CLAAS (Ulrike). Das Land entlang des Sepik: Vergangenheitsdarstellungen und Migrationsgeschichte im Gebiet des mittleren Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Berlin, Lit, 2007, XII-448 p. (Göttinger Studien zur Ethnologie, 17). 474. Classer les récits: théories et pratiques. Sous la dir. d'Aboubakr CHRAÏBI. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 459 p. (Critiques littéraires). 475. DADUNASHVILI (Elguja). Typologie des georgischen Zaubermärchens. Baltmannsweiler, SchneiderVerlag Hohengehren, 2007, 206 p. (ill.). 476. DELILLE (Gérard). Représentation, généralisation, comparaison. Sur le système de parenté européen. Annales, 2007, 62, 1, p. 137-158.


477. DÉSVEAUX (Emmanuel). Spectres de l'anthropologie: suite nord-américaine. Montreuil, Aux lieux d'être, 2007, 332, [4] p. (Sciences contemporaines). 478. EARLE (Rebecca). The return of the native. Indians and myth-making in Spanish America, 1810– 1930. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, 367 p. 479. GISI (Lucas Marco). Einbildungskraft und Mythologie: die Verschränkung von Anthropologie und Geschichte im 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, X-482 p. (ill.). (Spectrum literature = Spectrum Literaturwissenschaft, 11). 480. GODEA (Ioan). DicĠionar etnologic român. (Romanian ethnological dictionary). Bucureúti, Editura Etnologică, 2007, 837 p. 481. GONDERMANN (Thomas). Evolution und Rasse: theoretischer und institutioneller Wandel in der viktorianischen Anthropologie. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2007, 326 p. (Science studies). 482. GRANCEA (Mihaela). Reprezentări ale morĠii în România epocii comuniste. Trei studii de antropologie funerară. (Death representations in communist Romania. Three studies of funerary anthropology). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa CărĠii de ùtiinĠă, 2007, 178 p. 483. JIMÉNEZ MENESES (Orián). El frenesí del vulgo: fiestas, juegos y bailes en la sociedad colonial. Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, 2007, 157 p. (Colección Premios Nacionales de Cultura Universidad de Antioquia). 484. LEBEDYNSKY (Iaroslav). Les Nomades: Les peuples nomades de la steppe des origines aux invasions mongoles, IXe siècle av. J-C–XIIIe siècle apr. J-C. Paris, Errance, 2007, 301 p. (ill., maps). (Civilisations et cultures). 485. LECOUTEUX (Claude). Mondes parallèles: l'univers des croyances du Moyen Âge. Paris, Champion, 2007, 124 p. (Collection Champion classiques. Série "Essais", 8). 486. LEE (Christina). Feasting the dead. Food and drink in Anglo-Saxon burial rituals. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2007, XIV-176 p. (Anglo-Saxon studies, 14). 487. MAC MILLEN (Christian W.). Making Indian law. The Hualapai land case and the birth of ethnohistory. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XX-284 p. 488. NEŠPOROVÁ (Olga). Smrt, umírání a pohĜební rituály v þeské spoleþnosti ve 20. století. (Death, dying and funeral rites in twentieth-century Czech society). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 2/3, p. 354-378. 489. NICASIO (Irma), PÉREZ (Odalís G.). Migraciones, identidades y cultura en República Dominicana. Santo Domingo, HOSTOS-CUNY-UASD, 2007, 421 p. (ill.). 490. Ostrogoths (The) from the migration period to the sixth century. An ethnographic perspective. Ed. by Sam J. BARNISH and Federico MARAZZI. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 497 p.



491. PÉREZ MONTFORT (Ricardo). Expresiones populares y estereotipos culturales en México, siglos XIX y XX: diez ensayos. México D.F., CIESAS, 2007, 321 p. (ill.). 492. REYNAUD PALIGOT (Carole). Races, racisme et antiracisme dans les années 1930. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 173 p. (Science, histoire et société). 493. SAME KOLLE (Samuel). Naissance et paradoxes du discours anthropologique africain. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 256 p. (Pensée africaine). 494. SANFILIPPO (Marina). El renacimiento de la narración oral en Italia y España (1985–2005). Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2007, 281 p. (Tesis cum laude. Serie L, 43). 495. Shaping ethnic identities: ethnic minorities in Northern and East Central European states and communities, c. 1450–2000. Ed. Marko LAMBERG. Helsinki, East-West Books, 2007, 354 p. (maps). 496. XANTHAKOU (Margarita). Identités en souffrance. Une enquête ethnologique en Grèce. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2007, 276 p. 497. ZAPATER EQUIOÍZ (Horacio). América Latina: ensayos de etnohistoria. Santiago de Chile, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2007, 232 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Ensayos y estudios, 9). os

Cf. n 7314, 7354, 7357

Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XVI-583 p. (ill., maps). (Blackwell companions to British history). 505. Companion (A) to international history 1900– 2001. Ed. by Gordon MARTEL. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XIII-471 p. (ill., maps). (Blackwell companions to history. World history). 506. Companion (A) to Japanese history. Ed. by William M. TSUTSUI. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2007, XII-618 p. (maps). (Blackwell companions to world history). 507. Companion (A) to nineteenth-century Britain. Ed. by Chris WILLIAMS. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 606 p. (Blackwell Companions to British History). 508. CONLEY (Richard Steven.). Historical dictionary of the Reagan-Bush era. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXIX-254 p. (ill.). (Historical dictionaries of U.S. historical eras, 7). 509. CONNOLLY (S. J.). Contested island. Ireland, 1460–1630. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-426 p. (Oxford history of Early Modern Europe). 510. Dejiny Slovenska. Dátumy, udalosti, osobnosti. (L'histoire de Slovaquie. Les dates, les évènements, les personnages). Bratislava, Praha, VydavateĐstvo Slovart spol. s r. o. Bratislava a Libri Praha, 2007, 888 p. 511. Dictionnaire de la France coloniale. Sous la dir. Jean-Pierre RIOUX. Paris, Flammarion, 2007, 936 p.


512. Dictionnaire du monde germanique. Sous la dir. d'Elisabeth DÉCULTOT, Michel ESPAGNE et Jacques LE RIDER. Paris, Bayard, 2007, 1308 p.

498. Al Qaeda reader (The). Edited and translated by Raymond IBRAHIM; introduction by Victor Davis HANSON. New York, Doubleday, 2007, XXXII-318 p.

513. DONNACHIE (Ian), HEWITT (George). The Birlinn companion to Scottish history. Edinburgh, Birlinn, 2007, 383 p. (ill., maps).

499. BELLER (Steven). A concise history of Austria. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 334 p.

514. ELEY (Geoff). Historicizing the global, politicizing capital: giving the present a name. History workshop journal, 2007, 63, p. 154-188.

§ 5. General history.

500. Biografický slovník þeských zemí. Seš. 6-8 (Boh-By). (Biographical Dictionary of the Lands of Bohemia. Tomo 6-8 (Boh-By). Ed. Pavla VOŠAHLÍKOVÁ, Jana BRABENCOVÁ [et al.]. Praha, Libri, 2007, 3 vol., 109 p., 116 p., 144 p.

515. Encyclopedia of the Cold War: a political, social, and military history. Ed. by Spencer C. TUCKER. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2007, 5 vol., [s. p.].

501. BURNS (Richard Dean), SIRACUSA (Joseph M.). Historical dictionary of the Kennedy-Johnson era. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXIX-395 p. (Historical dictionaries of U.S. historical eras, 8).

516. Encyclopedia of Western colonialism since 1450. V. 1. A-E. V. 2. F-O. V. 3. P-Z. Ed. in chief Thomas BENJAMIN. Detroit, Macmillan Reference USA, 2007, 3 vol., XL-1315 p. (ill., maps). (Making of the modern world).

502. Cambridge companion to archaic Greece. Ed. by Harvey Alan SHAPIRO. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-303 p. (ill., maps).

517. FLAIG (Egon). 'Heiliger Krieg'. Auf der Suche nach einer Typologie. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 2, p. 265-302.

503. CANBY (Courtlandt.). Encyclopedia of historic places. V. 1. A to G. V. 2. H to Q. V. 3. R to Z. Reviser David S. LEMBERG. New York, Facts on File, 2007, 3 vol., L-1604 p. (ill.). (Facts on File library of world history).

518. FOMERAND (Jacques.). Historical dictionary of the United Nations. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, CIX-571 p. (Historical dictionaries of international organizations, 25).

504. Companion (A) to contemporary Britain, 1939–2000. Ed. by Paul ADDISON and Harriet JONES.

519. GILBERT (Mark), NILSSON (K. Robert). Historical dictionary of modern Italy. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XL-505 p. (Historical dictionaries of Europe, 58).

5. GENERAL HISTORY 520. HAHN (Peter L.). Historical dictionary of United States-Middle East relations. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXXII-205 p. (ill., map). (Historical dictionaries of U.S. diplomacy, 5). 521. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 2. Bd. 18. Vol. 5. Indien. Ajanta: history and development. Cave by cave. By Walter M. SPINK. Leiden, Brill, 2007, X-396 p. 522. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 4. Bd. 19. China. A biographical dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23– 220 AD). By Rafe DE CRESPIGNY. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXXV-1310 p. (maps). 523. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 5. Bd. 13. Japan. A history of nationalism in modern Japan. Placing the people. By Kevin M. DOAK. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-292 p. 524. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 8. Bd. 17. Central Asia. The world of the Khazars: new perspectives. Ed. by Peter B. GOLDEN, Haggai BEN-SHAMMAI and András RÓNA-TAS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, VI-459 p. 525. Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS). Chefred. Marco JORIO. Bd. 6. Haab–Juon. Basel, Schwabe, 2007, XXV-860 p. 526. HOARE (Marko Attila). The history of Bosnia. From the Middle Ages to the present day. London, Saqi, 2007, 620 p. 527. HUREL (Arnaud). La France préhistorienne de 1789 à 1941. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 281 p. 528. Israel/Palestine question (The). Ed. by Ilan PAPPÉ. London, Routledge, 2007, VIII-292 p. (Rewriting histories). 529. KLEMKE (Ulrich). Die deutsche politische Emigration nach Amerika 1815–1848: biographisches Lexikon. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 163 p. 530. LEWIS (Derek), ZITZLSPERGER (Ulrike). Historical dictionary of contemporary Germany. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, LXXXIX-675 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of Europe, 54). 531. Massoneria (La) a Firenze: dall'età dei lumi al secondo Novecento. A cura di Fulvio CONTI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 510 p. (ill.). (Percorsi). 532. MEYNIER (Gilbert). L'Algérie des origines. De la préhistoire à l'avènement de l'Islam. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 236 p. 533. MIKABERIDZE (Alexander). Historical dictionary of Georgia. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, L-732 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of Europe, 50). 534. MIKSIC (John N.). Historical dictionary of ancient Southeast Asia. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XLIX-497 p. (ill., maps). (Historical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras, 18).


535. NIEDERSTÄTTER (Alois). Geschichte Österreichs. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 299 p. 536. Oxford encyclopedia (The) of maritime history. Ed. in chief John B. HATTENDORF. Vol. 1. Actium, Battle of-Ex voto. Vol. 2. Factory ships-Navies, Great powers: Japan. Vol. 3. Navies, Great powers: PortugalShipyards. Vol. 4. Siebe, Augustus-Zheng He, Topical outline of entries, Directory of contributors, Index. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 4 vol., XXIV-677 p., 722 p., 715 p., 722 p. (ill., maps). 537. På sporet af staten: dansk statsdannelse mellem middelalder og enevælde. (La formation de l'Etat danois entre le Moyen Age et l'absolutisme). Red. Per Vingaard KLÜVER, Helle SIGH, Espen KIRKEGAARD ESPESEN. Århus, Institut for Historie og Områdestudier, Aarhus Universitet, 2007, 200 p. (ill.). (Den Jyske historiker, 116). 538. PAVLIýEVIû (Dragutin). Hrvatska u Istoþnom pitanju. (Croatia within the Eastern Question). Zagreb, Golden marketing ௅ Tehniþka knjiga, 2007, 604 p. 539. SAUNTVED (Jakob Kidde), EBERHARDT (Jacob). 1864. (L'année 1864 au Danemark). København, Jyllands-Postens forlag, 2007, 236 p. (ill.). 540. SCHELBERT (Leo). Historical dictionary of Switzerland. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, LXXX-527 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of Europe, 53). 541. SCHULER (Peter-Johannes). Historisches Abkürzungslexikon. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, XX-368 p. (Historische Grundwissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen, 4). 542. SMITH (Joseph). Historical dictionary of United States-Latin American relations. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XLVII-277 p. (map). (Historical dictionaries of U.S. diplomacy, 3). 543. STACKELBERG (Roderick.). The Routledge companion to Nazi Germany. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, X-369 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge companions to history). 544. Terrorism reader (The). Ed. by David J. WHITTAKER. London, Routledge, 2007, XIV-334 p. (Routledge readers in history). 545. TWAGILIMANA (Aimable.). Historical dictionary of Rwanda. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, LII-229 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of Africa, 105). 546. TWELLS (Alison). British women's history: a documentary history from the Elightenment to World War I. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XIV281 p. 547. VAN SANT (John E.), MAUCH (Peter), SUGITA (Yoneyuki). Historical dictionary of United States-Japan relations. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXXIX-299 p. (ill., maps). (Historical dictionaries of U.S. diplomacy, 4).



548. VILADAMOR (Antoni). Història general de Catalunya. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 2 vol., 969 p. (Texto i Documents, 40).

561. DUSSEL (Enrique D.). Política de la liberación: historia mundial y crítica. Madrid, Trotta, 2007, 587 p. (Colección estructuras y procesos. Serie filosofía).

549. War on Lebanon (The): a reader. Editor, Nubar HOVSEPIAN; foreword, Rashid KHALIDI. Moreton-inMarsh, Arris, 2007, XXVI-422 p.

562. European political thought 1450–1700. Religion, law and philosophy. Ed. by Howell A. LLOYD, Glenn BURGESS and Simon HODSON. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XIV-658 p.

550. WEST (Nigel.). Historical dictionary of cold war counterintelligence. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXVI-438 p. (Historical dictionaries of intelligence and counterintelligence, 6). 551. WITTKE (Anne-Maria), OLSHAUSEN (Eckart), SZYDLAK (Richard). Der neue Pauly. Supplemente. 3. Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt. Unter Mitarbeit von Vera SAUER und weiteren Fachwissenschaftlern. Stuttgart u. Weimar, J. B. Metzler, 2007, XIX-308 p. (ill.). 552. World War I reader (The). Ed. by Michael S. NEIBERG. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2007, XVIII-375 p. (maps). Cf. nos 3245-3299 § 6. Theory of the state and of society. ** 553. SALAZAR (António de Oliveira). Como se reergue um estado =: Comment on relève un état. Prefácio António José FERREIRA. Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2007, 165 p. (ill.). (Colecção Ideias, 1). _______________________

554. BLAIS (Marie-Claude). La solidarité: histoire d'une idée. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 347 p. (Bibliothèque des idées). 555. BOHLENDER (Matthias). Metamorphosen des liberalen Regierungsdenkens. Politische Ökonomie, Polizei und Pauperismus. Weilerswist, Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2007, 415 p.

563. FAHRMEIR (Andreas). Citizenship. The rise and fall of a modern concept. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, VI-299 p. 564. GAUCHET (Marcel). L'avènement de la démocratie. 1. La révolution moderne. 2. La crise du libéralisme, 1880–1914. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 2 vol., 206 p., 312 p. (Bibliothèque des sciences humaines). 565. Geschichte des politischen Denkens: ein Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Manfred BROCKER. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2007, 826 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 1818). 566. HULLUNG (Mark). The social contract in America. From the revolution to the present age. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, IX-256 p. (American poltical thought). 567. IHALAINEN (Pasi). The Enlightenment and the redefinition of political loyalties. A review of the state of research in Scandinavia. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 346-357. 568. Images de la contestation du pouvoir dans le monde normand, Xe–XVIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle (29 septembre–3 octobre 2004). Sous la dir. de Catherine BOUGY et Sophie POIREY. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2007, 327 p. 569. KERBER (Linda K.). The stateless as the citizen's other: a view from the United States. American historical review, 2007, 112, 1, p. 1-34.

556. BREAUGH (Martin). L'expérience plébéienne: une histoire discontinue de la liberté politique. Paris, Payot & Rivages, 2007, 405 p. (Critique de la politique).

570. LOUBARIS (Mohammed-Najib). Du politique et du constitutionnalisme dans la raison islamique. [S. l.], [s.n.], 2007, 142 p.

557. CAMBIANO (Giuseppe). Polis: un modello per la cultura europea. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XII492 p. (Biblioteca universale Laterza, 602).

571. LULL (Vicente), MIICÓ (Rafael). Arqueología del origen del estado: las teorías. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, 2007, 271 p. (Bellaterra arqueología).

558. CASSINA (Cristina). Parole vecchie, parole nuove: Ottocento francese e modernità politica. Con un saggio di Regina POZZI. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 158 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 121). 559. Dictionary of liberal thought. Ed. by Duncan BRACK and Ed RANDALL. London, Methuen, Politico's, 2007, XXIII-426 p. 560. DIJON DE MONTETON (Charles-Philippe). Die "Entzauberung" des Gesellschaftsvertrags. Ein Vergleich der Anti-Sozial-Kontrakts-Theorien von Carl Ludwig von Haller und Joseph Graf de Maistre im Kontext der politischen Ideengeschichte. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u. Bern, Lang, 2007, 164 p. (Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft, 89).

572. Macht und Moral: politisches Denken im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Markus KREMER und Hans-Richard REUTER. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2007, 365 p. (Theologie und Frieden, 31). 573. Oxford handbook (The) of comparative politics. Ed. by Carles BOIX and Susan C. STOKES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-1021 p. (ill.). (Oxford handbooks of political science). 574. Political identity (The) of the West: Platonism in the dialogue of cultures. Ed. by Marcel VAN ACKEREN and Orrin Finn SUMMERELL. Frankfurt am Main a. Oxford, Lang, 2007, 209 p. 575. "Politik": Situationen eines Wortgebrauchs im Europa der Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Willibald STEINMETZ.

7. CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2007, 500 p. (ill.). (Historische Politikforschung, 14). 576. Prince (Le) au miroir de la littérature politique de l'Antiquité aux Lumières. Ed. par Frédérique LACHAUD et Lydwine SCORDIA. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2007, 451 p. 577. Regime change in the ancient Near East and Egypt. From Sargon of Agade to Saddam Hussein. Ed. by Harriet CRAWFORD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XV-232 p. (ill., maps). 578. Rome et l'État moderne européen. Éd. par JeanPhilippe GENÊT. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, 444 p. 579. STACEY (Peter). Roman monarchy and the Renaissance prince. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-341 p. (Ideas in context, 79). 580. THIBAUDET (Albert). Réflexions sur la politique. Édition établie par Antoine COMPAGNON. Paris, Robert Laffont, 2007, 1037 p. (Bouquins). 581. VLASSOPOULOS (Kostas). Unthinking the Greek polis: Ancient Greek history beyond Eurocentrism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 288 p. 582. WALKER (David Martin), GRAY (Daniel). Historical dictionary of Marxism. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXXVII-402 p. § 6. Addendum 2006. 583. CLÉMENT (Jean-Louis). Les assises intellectuelles de la République. Philosophies de l'État, 1880– 1914. Paris, Boutique de l'Histoire, 2006, 187 p. Cf. no 2214 § 7. Constitutional and legal history. * 584. BLICKLE (Peter). Freiheiten und Freiheit im alten Europa [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 1, p. 99-110. _______________________

585. ANSARI (Abdul Haseeb). Islamic law. New Delhi, Serials Publ., 2007, VIII-323 p. 586. ASCHERI (Mario). Lezioni di storia del diritto nel Medioevo. Con saggi di François BOUGARD sul duello giudiziario e Piero BRANCOLI BUSDRAGHI sui Libri feudorum. Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2007, VII-224 p. 587. BJÖRNE (Lars). Den nordiska rättsvetenskapens historia. D. 4, Realism och skandinavisk realism: 1911– 1950. (Histoire du droit en Europe du nord. Tome 4. le pragmatisme scandinave à l'âge du réalisme). Stockholm, Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, 2007, 732 p. (Skrifter utgivna av Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, Rättshistoriskt bibliotek, 62). 588. CARANDINI (Andrea). Sindrome occidentale. Conversazioni fra un archeologo e uno storico sull'origine a Roma del diritto, della politica e dello Stato. Genova, Melangolo, 2007, 141 p.


589. CASTRO (Francesco). Il modello islamico. A cura di Gian Maria PICCINELLI. Torino, Giappichelli Editore, 2007, XV-222 p. (Sistemi Giuridici Comparati, 6). 590. Dictionnaire historique des juristes français: XIIe–XXe siècle. Sous la direction de Patrick ARABEYRE, Jean-Louis HALPÉRIN et Jacques KRYNEN. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, XXXVI827 p. 591. Fiducia secondo (La) i linguaggi del potere. A cura di Paolo PRODI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 413 p. (ill.). (Percorsi). 592. Genèse et destinée de la Constitution Européenne: commentaire du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe à la lumière des travaux préparatoires et perspectives d'avenir = Genesis and destiny of the European Constitution: commentary on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in the light of the travaux préparatoires and future prospects. Ed. par Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA et Bruno DE WITTE. Coordination scientifique Hervé BRIBOSIA. Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, XXXI-1353 p. 593. Governo (Il) dell'emergenza: poteri straordinari e di guerra in Europa tra XVI e XX secolo. A cura di Francesco BENIGNO e Luca SCUCCIMARRA. Roma, Viella, 2007, 303 p. (I libri di Viella, 68). 594. HAMPE (Michael). Eine kleine Geschichte des Naturgesetzbegriffs. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2007, 201 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 1864). 595. Histoire politique (Une) de l'amnistie. Études d'histoire, d'anthropologie et de droit. Sous la dir. de Sophie WAHNICH. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 264 p. (Droit et justice). 596. LANGENDORF (Jean-Jacques). Histoire de la neutralité: une perspective. Gollion, Infolio, 2007, 351 p. 597. LECA (Antoine). La fabrique du droit français: naissance, précellence et décadence d'un système juridique. Aix-en-Provence, Librairie de l'Université, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2007, 377 p. 598. Naturrecht (Das) und Europa. Hrsg. v. Tadeusz GUZ. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 462 p. (Ad fontes, 3). 599. PADOA SCHIOPPA (Antonio). Storia del diritto in Europa: dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 780 p. (Collezione di testi e di studi. Diritto). 600. PAHUD DE MORTANGES (René). Schweizerische Rechtsgeschichte: ein Grundriss. Zürich, Dike, 2007, XVI-288 p. 601. SANTOS SANZ (Arnaldo F.). Golpismo o democracia: consideraciones acerca de la disolución política del vigente sistema constitucional en el setenta y cinco aniversario de la proclamación de la II República Española. Madrid, Editorial Fundamentos, 2007, 384 p. (Colección Ciencia, serie política, 305).



602. SENN (Marcel). Rechtsgeschichte ௅ ein kulturhistorischer Grundriss: mit Bildern, Karten, Schemen, Register, Biographien und Chronologie. Red.: Susanne RAAS. Zürich, Schulthess, 2007, XXIII-III-482 p. 603. SERRANO MIGALLÓN (Fernando). La vida constitucional de México. T. 1. Constitución de Bayona de 1808. México D.F., Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007, 455 p. (Sección de obras de política y derecho). § 7. Addendum 2005. 604. Entre justice et justiciables. Les auxiliaires de justice du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Claire DOLAN. Québec, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005, 828 p. § 8. Economic and social history.

616. Gottesgabe (Von der) zur Ressource: Konflikte um Wald, Wasser und Land in Spanien und Deutschland seit der Frühen Neuzeit = De la conservación a la ecología: estudios históricos sobre el uso de los recursos naturales y la sostenibilidad. Hrsg. v. Marie Luisa ALLEMEYER, Manfred JAKUBOWSKI-TIESSEN und Salvador RUS-RUFINO. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 304 p. 617. Kapital und Moral. Ökonomie und Verantwortung in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Susanne HILGER. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 236 p. 618. KHERAJ (Sean). Restoring nature: ecology, memory, and the storm history of Vancouver's Stanley Park. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 4, p. 577612.

* 605. FORD (Caroline) Nature's fortunes: new directions in the writing of European environmental history. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 1, p. 112-133.

619. KIPLE (Kenneth F.). A movable feast. Ten millennia of food globalization. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 368 p.


620. KLEIN (Thoralf). Technologische Innovation oder soziale Revolution? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 4, p. 575-611.

606. BEHRINGER (Wolfgang). Kulturgeschichte des Klimas. Von der Eiszeit bis zur globalen Erwärmung. München, C. H. Beck, 2007, 356 p. 607. BEINART (William), HUGHES (Lotte). Environment and empire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-395 p. 608. Cambridge economic history (The) of the Greco-Roman world. Ed. by Walter SCHEIDEL; Ian MORRIS and Richard SALLER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-942 p. (ill.).

621. KUNNAS (Jan), MYLLYNTAUS (Timo). The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis and air pollution in Finland. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 2, p. 101-127. 622. LETURCQ (Samuel). Un village, la terre et ses hommes. Toury-en-Beauce (XIIe–XVIIe siècle). Paris, CTHS, 2007, 566 p. (Histoire).

609. CLARK (Gregory). The long march of history: Farm wages, population, and economic growth, England 1209–1869. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 1, p. 97-135.

623. LIBECAP (Gary D.). The assignment of property rights on the Western frontier: lessons for contemporary environmental and resource policy. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 257-291.

610. Élites rurales (Les) dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne. Actes des XXVIIes Journées internationales d'histoire de l'abbaye de Flaran, 9, 10 et 11 septembre 2005. Ed. par François MENANT et Jean-Pierre JESSENNE. Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2007, 335 p.

624. LINDERT (Peter H.). De bonnes idées en quête de nombres. Réponse à Gilles Postel-Vinay et R. Bin Wong. Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1417-1424. [Cf. nos 636, 641.]

611. Encyclopedia of U.S. labor and working-class history. Ed. by Eric Arnesen. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, 3 vol., XXXVII-1561-126 p. (ill., ports). 612. Encyclopedia of women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England. Ed. by Diana ROBIN, Anne R. LARSEN and Carole LEVIN. Santa Barbara, ABCCLIO, 2007, XX-459 p. (ill.). 613. Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Klaus J. BADE, P. C. EMMER, Leo LUCASSEN [et al.]. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Schöningh, Fink, 2007, 1156 p. 614. FRIEDEL (Robert D.). A culture of improvement. Technology and the Western millennium. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2007, X-588 p. 615. GOLINSKI (Jan). British weather and the climate of Enlightenment. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XV-284 p.

625. LUZZATI (Michele). Ebrei schiavi e schiavi di ebrei nell'Italia centro-settentrionale in età medievale e moderna. Note di ricerca. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 126, p. 699-718. 626. MAI (Gunther). Die Agrarische Transition. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 4, p. 471-514. 627. MALANIMA (Paolo). Wages, productivity and working time in Italy, 1270–1913. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 1, p. 127-171. 628. Mediterraneo in armi (sec. XV–XVIII). A cura di Rossella CANCILA. Palermo, Quaderni di Mediterranea, 2007, 714 p. 629. MILLER (Shawn William). An environmental history of Latin America. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 272 p. 630. MOE (Espen). Governance, growth and global leadership. The role of the state in technological progress, 1750–2000. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 320 p. (Modern economic and social history).

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, SCIENCES AND EDUCATION 631. Nützliche Wissenschaft und Ökonomie im Ancien Régime: Akteure, Themen, Kommunikationsformen. Hrsg. v. André HOLENSTEIN, M. STUBER und G. GERBER-VISSER. Heidelberg, Palatina, 2007, 195 p. (Cardanus, 7). 632. Oraúul din spaĠiul românesc, între Orient úi Occident. TranziĠia de la medievalitate la modernitate. (Romanian cities between East and West. Transition from medieval to modern). Editat de LaurenĠiu RĂDVAN. Iaúi, Editura UniversităĠii "Al. I. Cuza", 2007, 362 p. 633. ÖSTERBERG (Eva). Vänskap: en lång historia. (L'amitié: une longue histoire). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2007, 326 p. 634. ØSTERGAARD (Bent). Indvandrerne i Danmarks historie: kultur- og religionsmøder. (Les immigrés dans l'histoire du Danemark: rencontres de cultures et de religions). Odense, Syddansk universitetsforlag, 2007, 562 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 346). 635. PENNINGROTH (Dylan C.). The claims of slaves and ex-slaves to family and property: a transatlantic comparison. American historical review, 2007, 112, 4, p. 1039-1069. 636. POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles). L'économie des dépenses sociales dans le temps et l'espace. Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1389-1404. [Cf. no 624.] 637. SETTIA (Aldo A.). "Erme Torri" – simboli di potere fra città e campagna. Cuneo, Società per gli Studi Storici, Archeologici ed Artistici della provincia di Cuneo e Vercelli, Società Storica Vercellese, 2007, 187 p. (Storia e Storiografia, 45). 638. Slavery in the United States: a social, political, and historical enciclopedia. Ed. by Junius P. RODRIGUEZ. Santa Barbara a. Oxford, ABC-CLIO, 2007, 2 vol., XXV-740 p. (ill., maps). 639. "To have and to hold". Marrying and its documentation in Western Christendom, 400–1600. Ed. by Philip L. REYNOLDS and John Jr. WITTE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-519 p. 640. UEKÖTTER (Frank). Umweltgeschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 160 p. (Enzyklopädie Deutscher Geschichte, 81). 641. WONG (R. Bin). Les politiques de dépenses sociales avant ou sans démocratie. Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1405-1416. [Cf. no 624.] Cf. nos 99-129, 2586, 5382-5442 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. _______________________

642. Adaptations and innovations: studies on the interaction between Jewish and Islamic thought and literature from the early Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, dedicated to professor Joel L. Kraemer. Ed. by Y. Tzvi LANGERMANN a. Josef STERN. Leuven, Peeters, 2007, X-441 p.


643. ALFANI (Guido). Padri, padrini, patroni. La parentela spirituale nella storia. Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 2007, 303 p. 644. Alterskulturen und Potentiale des Alter(n)s. Hrsg. v. Heiner FANGERAU, Monika GOMILLE und Henriette HERWIG. Berlin, Akad. Verl., 2007, 253 p. (ill.). 645. AMEISEN (Jean-Claude). Les leçons de la biologie. Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1253-1286. 646. BEER (Daniel). "Microbes of the Mind": moral contagion in late Imperial Russia. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 3, p. 531-571. 647. BIALE (David). Blood and belief. The circulation of a symbol between Jews and Christians. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XIII-299 p. 648. CASTRONOVO (Russ). Beautiful democracy. Aesthetics and anarchy in a global era. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIII-287 p. 649. Ceremonial culture in pre-modern Europe. Ed. by Nicholas HOWE. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, 160 p. 650. DicĠionar al inventatorilor români contemporani. Vol. I. EdiĠie revăzută úi adăugită. (Dictionary of contemporary Romanian inventors. Vol. I. Revised and added edition). Coordonator Emil Constantin STANCIU. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Risoprint, 2007, 734 p. 651. Dienst (Der) am Kranken. Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Ökonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Geschichte und Entwicklung der Krankenversorgung im sozioökonomischen Wandel. Hrsg. v. Gerhard AUMÜLLER, Kornelia GRUNDMANN und Christina VANJA. Marburg, Elwert, 2007, XV-383 p. (Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Hessen, 68). 652. DRÉVILLON (Hervé). Batailles, scènes de guerre de la Table ronde aux Tranchées. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 381 p. 653. Encyclopedia of contemporary Russian culture. Ed. by Tatiana SMORODINSKAYA, Karen EVANSROMAINE and Helena GOSCILO. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, LXV-727 p. (Encyclopedias of contemporary culture series). 654. Encyclopedia of privacy. V. 1. A-M. V. 2. N-Z. Ed. by William G. STAPLES. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. 655. ERICSON WOLKE (Lars). Krigets idéer: svenska tankar om krigföring 1320–1920. (Les conceptions de la guerre en Suède 1320–1920). Stockholm, Medström, 2007, 400 p. 656. Examen, Titel, Promotionen: akademisches und staatliches Qualifikationswesen vom 13. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Rainer Christoph SCHWINGES. Red.: Marie-Claude SCHÖPFER-PFAFFEN unter Mitarbeit von Tina MAURER und Thomas SCHWITTER. Basel, Schwabe,



2007, X-776 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 7). 657. Fashion reader (The). Ed. by Linda WELTERS and Abby LILLETHUN. Oxford, Berg, 2007, XXIII-456 p. (ill., ports.). 658. FIELDS (Jill). An intimate affair. Women, lingerie, and sexuality. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XVI-375 p. 659. Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsgeschichte der Reformierten in konfessionsvergleichender Perspektive. Schulwesen, Lesekultur und Wissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Heinz SCHILLING und Stefan EHRENPREIS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 309 p. (Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 38). 660. GHERCHANOC (F.), HUE (V.). Pratiques politiques et culturelles du vêtement. Essai historiographique. Revue historique, 2007, 1, p. 3-30. 661. Hôpitaux au Moyen Âge et aux temps modernes. France, Allemagne et Italie. Une histoire comparée. Sous la dir. de Gisela Drossbach. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 267 p. 662. INGOLD (Felix Philipp). Russische Wege: Geschichte ௅ Kultur – Weltbild. Paderborn, Fink, 2007, 569 p. 663. Instituce, osobnosti, ideje a struktura vČdy v ýeských zemích. (The key figures, institutions, ideas and structure behind science in the Czech lands). Ed. Alena MÍŠKOVÁ, Hana BARVÍKOVÁ. Praha, MasarykĤv ústav ௅ Archiv AV ýR, 2007, 271 p. (Práce z Archivu Akademie vČd, 9). 664. JENNINGS (Paul). The local. A history of the English pub. Stroud, Tempus, 2007, 288 p. 665. LARSMO (Ola). Djävulssonaten: ur det svenska hatets historia. (La sonate du diable: histoire de la haine en Suède). Stockholm, Bonnier, 2007, 184 p. 666. MA (Sheng-mei). East-West montage: reflections on Asian bodies in diaspora. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, XXIII-302 p. (ill.). 667. PAUL (André). La Bible et l'occident: de la bibliothèque d'Alexandrie à la culture européenne. Paris, Bayard, 2007, 411 p. 668. PIEPENBRINK (Karen). Antike und Christentum. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, IX-116 p. 669. PODLECH (Adalbert). Sex, Erotik, Liebe: der Umgang der Männer mit Frauen durch die Jahrtausende, ermittelt aus Sprachen und Texten. Band 1. Sanskrit, altägyptisch, griechisch. Band 2. Hebräisch, lateinisch. Band 3. Arabisch, Mittelalterlatein, Minnesang. München, Allitera-Verl., 2007, 3 vol., 524 p., 439 p., 527 p. (ill.). 670. QUELLIER (Florent). La table des Français. Une histoire culturelle (XVedébut XIXe siècle). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 274 p.

671. SCHELL (Bernadette Hlubik). The Internet and society: a reference handbook. Santa Barbara a. Oxford, ABC-CLIO, 2007, XX-311 p. (Contemporary world issues). 672. SJÖBERG (Maria). Stormaktstidens krig – och kvinnor. Något om betydelsen av perspektiv. (Warfare and women during Sweden's Age of Greatness: the importance of choosing perspective). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 2, p. 203-223. 673. SMITH (Virginia). Clean. A history of personal hygiene and purity. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-457 p. 674. VERNON (James). Hunger. A modern history. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2007, XII369 p. Cf. nos 1442, 2688 § 10. History of art. * 675. BHA. Bibliography of the history of art. Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'art. Vol. 17. 1-4. 2007. [Vol. 16. 1-4. 2006. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 780.] Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique a. Santa Monica, J. Paul Getty Trust, 2007, CD-ROM. _______________________

676. Allgemeines: bio-bibliographischer Index A-Z = The artists of the world. Bio-bibliographical index A-Z. München, K. G. Saur, 2007, [s. p.] 677. Cambridge companion (The) to Giotto. Ed. by Anne Derbes and Mark Sandona. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-313 p. (Cambridge companions to the history of art). 678. Cambridge companion (The) to Schumann. Ed. by Beate PERREY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-302 p. (Cambridge companions to music). 679. Focillon e l'Italia = Focillon et l'Italie: atti del convegno, Ferrara, 1617 aprile 2004. A cura di Annamaria DUCCI, Alice THOMINE e Ranieri VARESE. Firenze, Le lettere, 2007, 345 p. (ill.). (Quaderni degli Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, 5. Sezione Storia). 680. Harmonia mundi. Musica mondana e musica celeste fra Antichità e Medioevo. A cura di Marta CRISTIANI, Cecilia PANTI e Graziano PERILLO. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 228 p. (Micrologus' Library, 19). 681. KASFIR (Sidney Littlefield). African art and the colonial encounter. Inventing a global commodity. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XVIII-381 p. (African expressive cultures). 682. Late Gothic England. Art and display. Ed. by Richard MARKS. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2007, XV192 p. 683. MULLEN KREAMER (Christine) [et al.]. Inscribing meaning: writing and graphic systems in African art. Milan, 5 continents, 2007, 255 p.

11. HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 684. Russian art and the West. A century of dialogue in painting, architecture, and the decorative arts. Ed. by Rosalind P. BLAKESLEY and Susan E. REID. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, 246 p. 685. SCAFI (Alessandro). Il paradiso in terra: mappe del giardino dell'Eden. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2007, XIV-414 p. (ill.). (Sintesi). Cf. no 2211 § 11. History of religions. * 686. ALTHANN (Robert). Elenchus of Biblica. 2004. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 840.] Roma, Ed. Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 2007, 893 p. * 687. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae cura J.-M. AUWERS, E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. FAMERÉE, É. GAZIAUX, J. HAERS, A. HAQUIN, M. LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, G. VAN BELLE, J. VERHEYDEN. Tomus LXXXIII. [Tomus LXXXII. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 799.] Leuven, Peeters, 2007, 838 p. * 688. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 51, 2007, 655 p. [Vol. 50, 2006. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 844.] * 689. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 30, 2007, 478 p. [Vol. 29, 2006. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 845.] * 690. Religious Studies Review, 33, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2007, 351 p. [2006, 32, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 800.] _______________________

691. Agostino: dizionario enciclopedico. Ed. by Allan D. FITZGERALD; edizione italiana a cura di Luigi ALICI e Antonio PIERETTI. Roma, Città Nuova, 2007, 1480 p. 692. Antike Religionsgeschichte in räumlicher Perspektive. Abschlußbericht zum Schwerpunktprogramm 1080 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft "Römische Reichsreligion und Provinzialreligion". Hrsg. von Jörg RÜPKE. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, VIII-247 p. 693. Bibel (Die) als politisches Argument: Voraussetzungen und Folgen biblizistischer Herrschaftslegitimation in der Vormoderne. Hrsg. v. Andreas PEýAR und Kai TRAMPEDACH. München, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007, VI-394 p. (Historische Zeitschrift. Bd. 43. Beihefte. neue Folge). 694. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexicon. Begründet und herausgegeben von Friedrich Wilhelm BAUTZ. Fortgeführt von Traugott BAUTZ. Band 27. Ergänzungen XIV. Band 28. Ergänzungen XV. Herzberg, T. Bautz, 2007, 2 vol., XL p.-1600 col., XL p.1600 col. 695. BODIAN (Miriam). Dying in the law of Moses. Crypto-Jewish martyrdom in the Iberian world. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XVII-278 p. 696. Catholicisme hier aujourd'hui demain. Encyclopédie publiée sous le patronage de l'Institut Catholique de Lille par G. MATHON, G.H. BAUDRY. Fasc. 80.


L-M. Tables complements et mises à jour. Fasc. 81. NO-P. Tables complements et mises à jour. Paris, Letouzey & Ané, 2007, 2 vol., col. 1-308, col. 309-500. 697. COHEN (Jeremy). Christ killers: the jews and the passion from the Bible to the big screen. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-313 p. (ill.). 698. Concise introduction (A) to world religions. Ed. by Willard Gurdon OXTOBY and Alan F. SEGAL. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 584 p. 699. COOK (David). Martyrdom in Islam. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-206 p. 700. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques. Éd. Roger AUBERT. Tome 29. Paris, Letouzey et Ané, 2007, 8 p.-1519 col. 701. Enciclopedia delle religioni. Diretta da Mircea Eliade. Edizione tematica europea a cura di Dario M. COSI, Luigi SAIBENE e Roberto SCAGNO, da un primo progetto di tematizzazione di Ioan P. COULIANO. Vol. 12. Religioni dell'Eurasia. Vol. 13. Religioni dell'Estremo Oriente. Roma, Città Nuova e Milano, Jaca Book, 2007, 2 vol., X-353 p., X-613 p. 702. EVANGELISTI (Silvia). Nuns. A history of convent life. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 301 p. 703. Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Bd. 5. 1750–1900. Hrsg. v. Peter DINZELBACHER und Michael PAMMER. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2007, 631 p. 704. Histoire du christianisme. Sous la dir. de Alain CORBIN. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 474 p. 705. LACORNE (Denis). De la religion en Amérique. Essai d'histoire politique, Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 248 p. 706. MALEON (Bogdan-Petru). Clerul de mir din Moldova secolelor XIV–XVI. (Unction clergy in 14th– th 16 century Moldavia). Iaúi, Editura UniversităĠii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2007, 551 p. 707. NASH (David). Blasphemy in the Christian world. A history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-269 p. 708. Ökumenische Kirchengeschichte. Hrsg. v. Raymund KOTTJE und Bernd MOELLER zus. mit Thomas KAUFMANN und Hubert WOLF. Band 3. Von der Französischen Revolution bis 1989. Von Thomas BREMER, Jochen-Christoph KAISER, Kurt NOWAK [et al.]. Hrsg. v. Hubert WOLF. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 464 p. 709. PASTOOR (Charles), JOHNSON (Galen K.). Historical dictionary of the Puritans. Lanham, Scarecrow press, 2007, XXVI-405 p. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 79). 710. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Vierte, völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage. Hrsg. v. Hans Dieter BETZ, Don S. BROWNING, Berndt JANOWSKI und Eberhard JÜNGEL. Register. Tübingen, Mohr, 2007, 1620 col. 711. Religion Past and Present. Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion. Ed. Hans Dieter BETZ [et al.].



I-III. Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2007, 3 vol., CIII-719 p., CXII-664 p., CXIII-795 p. 712. RIES (Julien). L'uomo e il sacro nella storia dell'umanità. Opera Omnia vol. II. Milano, Jaca Book, 2007, XXX-674 p. í IDEM. L'uomo religioso e la sua esperienza del sacro. Opera Omnia vol. III. Milano, Jaca Book, 2007, XXVIII-579 p. 713. RÜPKE (Jörg). Historische Religionswissenschaft. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 222 p. (Religionswissenschaft Heute, 5). 714. Sakralität zwischen Antike und Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Berndt HAMM, Klaus HERBERS und Heidrun STEINKECKS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 294 p. (Beiträge zur Hagiographie, 6). 715. STAUSBERG (Michael). The Study of Religion(s) in Western Europe (I): Prehistory and history until World War II. Religion, 2007, 37, p. 294-318. 716. Storia del cristianesimo: bilanci e questioni aperte: Atti del Seminario per il cinquantesimo del Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche, Città del Vaticano, giugno 2005. A cura di Giovanni Maria VIAN. Città del Vaticano, LEV, 2007!, 218 p. (Atti e documenti, 26). 717. Temps (Le) et la destinée humaine à la lumière des religions et des cultures. A cura di Julien RIES e Natale SPINETO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 299 p. 718. Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Hrsg. v. Gerhard MÜLLER. Gesamtregister. Bd. 2. Namen. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2007, XII-772 p. 719. TOLAN (John). Le saint chez le sultan: la rencontre de François d'Assise et de l'Islam. Huit siècles d'interprétation. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2007, 520 p. Cf. nos 585, 1888, 2041, 2047, 4619-4635 § 12. History of philosophy. _______________________

720. BROWN (Stephen F.), FLORES (Juan Carlos). Historical dictionary of medieval philosophy and theology. Lanham, Toronto a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, LXXII-389 p. 721. Companion (A) to Heidegger. Ed. by Hubert L. DREYFUS and Mark A. WRATHALL. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XVII-540 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, 29). 722. DAIBER (Hans). Bibliography of Islamic philosophy. Supplement. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-426 p. (Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1, 89). 723. Oxford handbook (The) of continental philosophy. Ed. by Brian LEITER and Michael ROSEN. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-812 p. (Oxford handbooks). 724. PREUS (Anthony). Historical dictionary of ancient Greek philosophy. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, XXIV-345 p. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 78). Cf. nos 1406, 3014, 5009-5054

§ 13. History of literature. * 725. BIGLI. Bibliografia generale della lingua e della letteratura italiana. Vol. 15. 2005. [Vol. 14. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 957.] Diretta da Enrico MALATO; condirettori Massimiliano MALAVASI e Debora PISANO. Roma, Salerno, 2007, 2 vol., 2220 p. * 726. Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm R. SCHMIDT. XLVI. 2006. [XLV. 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 954.] Bearb. v. Doris MAREK und Susanne PRÖGER. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, XXVIII-756 p. * 727. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. XLIV. 2006. [XLII. 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 955.] Begrundet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, 1282 p. 728. BOITANI (Piero). Letteratura europea e medioevo volgare. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 537 p. (Collezione di Testi e di Studi, Filologia e Critica Letteraria). 729. BRADBROOK (Bohuslava R.). A handbook of Czech prose writing, 1940–2005. Brighton, Sussex Academic, 2007, VIII-156 p. (ill.). 730. Cambridge companion (The) to British Theatre, 1730–1830. Ed. by Jane MOODY and Daniel O'QUINN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-285 p. (ill., facsims., ports.). (Cambridge companions to literature). 731. Cambridge companion (The) to Greek and Roman theatre. Ed. by Marianne MAC DONALD and J. Michael WALTON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-365 p. (ill.). 732. CIPRIANI (Giovanni), MASSELLI (Grazia Maria). Corrispondenza d'amoroso incesto. Fedra tra Ovidio e Racine. Bari, Levante, 2007, 171 p. 733. Columbia encyclopedia (The) of modern drama. Ed. by Gabrielle H. CODY and Evert SPRINCHORN. V. 1. A-L. V. 2. M-Z; Index. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2007, 2 vol., X-1721 p. 734. Companion (A) to Australian literature since 1900. Ed. by Nicholas BIRNS and Rebecca MAC NEER. Rochester, Camden House, 2007, XII-477 p. 735. Companion (A) to digital literary studies. Ed. by Ray SIEMENS and Susan SCHREIBMAN. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XX-620 p. (ill.). (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 50). 736. MASON (Fran). Historical dictionary of postmodernist literature and theater. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, LV-405 p. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 16). 737. MOURALIS (Bernard). L'illusion de l'altérité. Études de littérature africaine. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 768 p.

13. ADDENDUM 2003 738. Oxford handbook (The) of English literature and theology. Ed. by Andrew HASS, David JASPER and Elisabeth JAY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-889 p. (Oxford handbooks). 739. ROSSIGNOL (Rosalyn). Critical companion to Chaucer: a literary reference to his life and work. New York, Facts On File, 2007, VIII-648 p. (Facts on File library of world literature). 740. Shakespeares after Shakespeare: an encyclopedia of the Bard in mass media and popular culture. Volume 2. Ed. by Richard BURT. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2007, VIII-453 p. (ill.).


741. THIBAUDET (Albert). Réflexions sur la literature. Édition établie par Antoine COMPAGNON et Christophe PRADEAU. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 1755 p. (Quarto). § 13. Addendum 2003. 742. NUTTALL (Anthony David). Openings: narrative beginnings from the epic to the novel. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 92, X-255 p. í IDEM. Dead from the waist down: scholars and scholarship in literature and the popular imagination. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2003, XII-228 p. Cf. no 2779

C PREHISTORY _________ § 1. General. 743-751. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 752-775. – § 3. Neolithic. 776-797. – § 4. Bronze age. 798-827. – § 5. Iron age. 828-834. § 1. General. _______________________

743. ANTHONY (David W.). The horse, the wheel and language: how Bronze-Age riders from the Eurasian steppes shaped the modern world. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XII-553 p. (ill.). 744. BRUMFIEL (Elizabeth). Hilos de continuidad y cambio. Tejiendo unidad en antropología. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 21-36. 745. FREDLUND (Glen), SUNDSTROM (Linea). Digital infra-red photography for recording painted rock art. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 733-742. 746. GRAU MIRA (Ignacio). Dinámica social, paisaje y teoría de la práctica. Propuestas sobre la evolución de la sociedad ibérica en el área central del Oriente peninsular. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 119-142. 747. LULL SANTIAGO (Vicente). Ética y arqueología. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 13-22.

Los datos antracológicos de la Balma del Gai (Bages, Barcelona): una aportación al conocimiento de la vegetación y la explotación de los recursos forestales durante el Tardiglaciar en el NE peninsular. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 87-98. 753. ARANGUREN (Biancamaria), BECATTINI (Roberto), MARIOTTI LIPPI (Marta), REVEDIN (Anna). Grinding flour in Upper Palaeolithic Europe (25000 years bp). Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 845-855. 754. BROCHIER (Jacques É.). Le Mas des Taillades à Fontvieille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Sériation des complexes industriels tardigravettiens évolués dans la basse vallée du Rhône. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 67-82. 755. CHAUVIN (Adriana M.). La evolución del uso de soportes líticos en la secuencia Tardiglaciar de la Cueva de El Rascaño (Mirones-Cantabria). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 137-150.

748. MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio), GARCÍA HERAS (Manuel), LÓPEZ-ROMERO GONZÁLEZ DE LA ALEJA (Elías). Arqueometría: cambios y tendencias actuales. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 23-40.

756. COLONESE (André Carlo), MARTINI (Fabio). Molluschi terrestri e disturbi antropici: evidenze epigravettiane a Grotta del Romito (Cosenza). Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 1-15.

749. POLLARD (A.Mark), BATT (Catherine M.), STERN (Ben), YOUNG (Suzanne M.M.). Analytical chemistry in archaeology. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-404 p.

757. DE PASCALE (Andrea). Metodologia e storia della ricerca. Spunti e riflessioni per una storia delle prime ricerche paletnologiche nel Finalese. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 379-398.

750. SOLER SEGURA (Javier). Redefiniendo el registro material: implicaciones recientes desde la arqueología del paisaje anglosajona. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 41-64.

758. DUCHES (Rossella), PERESANI (Marco), ZIGGIOT(Sara). Nuovi dati sul popolamento antropico delle Prealpi Carniche nel tardoglaciale. Il sito di Pian delle More sul Pi. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 91-102.

751. VIDALE (Massimo). La Rivoluzione Urbana e la specializzazione artigianale in Eurasia a 50 anni dalla morte di V.G. Childe. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 399-416. § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. _______________________




759. EDWARDS (Phillip C.). A 14000 year-old huntergatherer's toolkit. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 865-876. 760. FARBSTEIN (Rebecca), SVOBODA (JiĜí). New finds of Upper Palaeolithic decorative objects from PĜedmostí, Czech Republic. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 856-864. 761. FIEDORCZUK (Jan), BRATLUND (Bodil), KOL(Else), SCHILD (Romuald). Late Magdalenian




feminine flint plaquettes from Poland. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 97-105. 762. GARCÍA CATALÁN (Sergio). La industria lítica del nivel Asup del Molí de Salt (Vimbodí, Tarragona) y su contestualización en el Paleolítico Superior final de la vertiente mediterránea de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 157-168. 763. HOPKINSON (Terry). The transition from the Lower to the Middle Palaeolithic in Europe and the incorporation of difference. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 294-307. 764. KLARIC (Laurent). Regional groups in the European Middle Gravettian: a reconsideration of the Rayssian technology. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 176-190. 765. LEAVESLEY (Matthew G.). A shark-tooth ornament from Pleistocene Sahul. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 308315.

cas en Tierra del Fuego (1986í2006): reflexiones para la arqueología prehistórica europea. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 37-54. 774. VITAGLIANO (Silvana), MOWBRAY (Ken). Frammenti di preistoria francese: la collezione di Le Moustier presso l'American Museum of Natural History di New York (USA). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 5-31. 775. ZIGGIOTTI (Sara). Il contributo dell'analisi funzionale alla ricostruzione del sito tardogravettiano di Fosso Mergaoni (Ancona). Primi risultati emersi dallo studio di un campione di manufatti. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 83-90. § 3. Neolithic. _______________________

766. LHOMME (Vincent). Tools, space and behaviour in the Lower Palaeolithic: discoveries at Soucy in the Paris basin. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 536-554.

776. BACHECHI (Luca). II Reparo di Godekta Lescuhdei nella Somalia settentrionale (scavi Paolo Graziosi 1958): studio dell'industria litica con appunti di palinologia e malacologia. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 51-66.

767. LONGO (Laura), GIUNTI (Paolo). Modalità di sfruttamento delle risorse litiche durante il Paleolitico medio nei Monti Lessini (Verona). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 33-49.

777. BICKLE (Penny), HOFMANN (Daniela). Moving on: the contribution of isotope studies to the early Neolithic of Central Europe. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 10291041.

768. MAC QUADE (Melanie), O'DONNELL (Lorna). Late Mesolithic fish traps from the Liffey estuary, Dublin, Ireland. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 569-584.

778. CALVI REZIA (Gabriella), AGOSTINI (Lucia), ROSINI (Martina), SARTI (Lucia). Il Neolitico di Pienza-Cava Barbieri: la ceramica del saggio VI. Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 37-61.

769. MONCEL (Marie-Hélène), CHACÓN NAVARRO (Maria Gema), BOUTEAUX (Anne), JULIEN (MarieAnne), PATOU-MATHIS (Maryléne). Ocupación en abrigo durante el estadio isotópico 5: el nivel D del yacimiento de Payre (Ardèche, Francia). Gestión del territorio y actividades dentro del yacimiento. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 65-86. 770. MOSQUERA MARTÍNEZ (Marina), OLLÉ (Andreu), PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ (Alfredo), RODRÍGUEZ ALVAREZ (Xosé Pedro), VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel), VERGÉS (Josep M.), CARBONELL I ROURA (Eudald). Valle de las Orquídeas: un yacimiento al aire libre del Pleistoceno Superior en la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 143-156. 771. OTTE (M.), BIGLARI (F.), FLAS (D.), SHIDRANG (S.), ZWYNS (N.), MASHKOUR (M.), NADERI (R.), MOHASEB (A.), HASHEMI (N.), DARVISH (J.), RADU (V.). The Aurignacian in the Zagros region: new research at Yafteh Cave, Lorestan, Iran. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 8296. 772. PIGEAUD (Romain). Determining style in Palaeolithic cave art: a new method derived from horse images. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 409-422. 773. VILA I MITJÁ (Assumpció), MAMELI IRIARTE (Laura), TERRADAS BATLLE (Xavier), ESTÉVEZ ESCALERA (Jordi), MORENO RUDOLPH (Federica), VERDÚN (Ester), ZURRO (Débora), CONTE (Ignacio Clemente), PIQUÉ HUERTA (Raquel), BRIZ GODINO (Iván), BARCELÓ (Juan Antonio). Investigaciones etnoarqueológi-

779. COCCHI GENIK (Daniela). Considerazioni sull'analisi tipologica delle forme vascolari aperte a profilo articolato. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 417-434. 780. DOMINGO SANZ (Inés), ROLDÁN GARCÍA (Clodoaldo), FERRERO CALABUIG (José L.), GARCÍA BORJA (Pablo). Nuevas aportaciones sobre el fragmento cerámico con cérvidos incisos de la Cova de l'Or (Beniarés, Alacant). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 169-176. 781. FULLER (Dorian Q.), BOIVIN (Nicole), KORI(Ravi). Dating the Neolithic of South India: new radiometric evidence for key economic, social and ritual transformations. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 755-778. SETTAR

782. FULLER (Dorian Q.), HARVEY (Emma), QIN (Ling). Presumed domestication? Evidence for wild rice cultivation and domestication in the fifth millennium BC of the Lower Yangtze region. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 316-331. 783. GARCÌA ATIÉNZAR (Gabriel). Occupazione e sfruttamento del territorio nel Neolitico: l'alto e il medio bacino del fiume Serpis (Alicante, Spagna). Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 17-36. 784. GARCÍA MORENO (Alejandro). La evolución del paisaje en la transición al Holoceno. Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo de vegetación en el Valle del Asón (Cantabria). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 55-72.

4. BRONZE AGE 785. GORING-MORRIS (Nigel), KOLSKA HORWITZ (Liora). Funerals and feasts during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B of the Near East. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 902-919. 786. HEALEY (Helizabeth). Obsidian as an indicator of inter-regional contacts and exchange: three casestudies from the Halaf period. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 171-189. 787. JAMES (N.). The place that caused the Neolithic. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 784-786. 788. KUIJT (Ian), FINLAYSON (Bill), MACKAY (Jode). Pottery Neolithic landscape modification at Dhra'. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 106-118. 789. LONGO (Laura), ISOTTA (Claudio). Trapezi simmetrici concavi: ricostruzione tecnologica e ipotesi di utilizzo dei complessi del Neolitico antico. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 103-111. 790. LÓPEZ-ROMERO GONZÁLEZ DE LA ALEJA (Elías). Factores visuales de localización de los monumentos megalíticos de la Cuenca del Sever (PortugalEspaña). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 73-94. 791. MAZZIERI (Paola), DAL SANTO (Nicola). Il sito del Neolitico recente di Botteghino (Parma). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 113-138. 792. MORINTZ (Alexandru S.). Forme de habitat ale neoliticului final úi perioadei de tranziĠie la Dunărea de Jos. (Late Neolithic habitation forms and the transition period on the Lower Danube). Târgoviúte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2007, 156 p.

35 § 4. Bronze age. _______________________

798. ARANDA JIMÉNEZ (Gonzalo), ESQUIVEL GUER(José Antonio). Poder y prestigio en las sociedades de la cultura de El Argar. El consumo comunal de bóvidos y ovicápridos en los rituales de enterramiento. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 2, p. 95-118. RERO

799. ARANGUREN (Biancamaria), PERAZZI (Paola). La struttura interrata della media Età del Bronzo di San Lorenzo a Greve a Firenze e l'inizio della coltivazione della vite in Toscana. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 243-262. 800. ARRIGHI (Simona), BENVENUTI (Marco), CREZZINI (Jacopo), MARIOTTI LIPPI (Marta), MILANESI (Claudio), MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana). L'abitato della

media Età del Bronzo di Gorgo del Ciliegio (Sansepolcro, Arezzo). Dati preliminari sul contesto paleoambientale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 263276. 801. ASLIHAN YENER (K.). The Anatolian Middle Bronze Age kingdoms and Alalakh: Mukish, Kanesh and trade. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 151-160. 802. AVILOVA (Liudmila), TEREJOVA (N.N.). Lingotes normalizados de metal en el Próximo Oriente desde el Eneolítico a la Edad del Bronce. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 183-199. 803. BAGLIONI (Lapo). Aspetti tecnologici della produzione foliata neo-eneolitica: il caso-studio di Pianacci dei Fossi nelle Marche. Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 109-128.

793. MUKHERJEE (Anna J.), BERSTAN (Robert), COP(Mark S.), GIBSON (Alex M.). Compound-specific stable carbon isotopic detection of pig product processing in British Late Neolithic pottery. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 743-754.

804. BLASCO BOSQUED (María Concepción), DELIBES DE CASTRO (Germán), RÍOS MENDOZA (Patricia), BAENA PREYSLER (Javier), LIESAU VON LETTOWVORBECK (Corina). El poblado calcolítico de Camino

794. PARKER PEARSON (Mike), CLEAL (Ros), MARSHALL (Peter), NEEDHAM (Stuart), POLLARD (Josh), RICHARDS (Colin), RUGGLES (Clive), SHERIDAN (Alison), THOMAS (Julian), TILLEY (Chris), WELHAM (Kate), CHAMBERLAIN (Andrew), CHENERY (Carolyn), EVANS (Jane), KNÜSEL (Chris), LINFORD (Neil), MARTIN (Louise), MONTGOMERY (Janet), PAYNE (Andy), RICHARDS (Mike). The age of Stonehenge. Antiquity,

805. CASTEL (Corinne), PELTENBURG (Edgar). Urbanism on the margins: third millennium BC Al-Rawda in the arid zone of Syria. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 601616.


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de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid): un escenario favorable para el estudio de la incidencia campaniforme en el interior peninsular. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 151-164.

806. CAZZELLA (Alberto), COPAT (Valentina), DA(Michela). Il sito dell'età del Bronzo Recente di Oratino-La Rocca (Campobasso). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 277-309. NESI

807. ÇEVIK (Özlem). The emergence of different social systems in Early Bronze Age Anatolia: urbanisation versus centralisation. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 131-140. 808. CLINE (Eric H.), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf). Musings from a distant shore: the nature and destination of the Uluburun ship and its cargo. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 125-141. 809. COSENTINO (Serena), MIELI (Gianfranco), CIA(Alessandra). Aspetti e problematiche dell'età del




rame in Abruzzo alla luce di recenti scoperte. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 139-166. 810. EFE (Turan). The theories of the 'Great Caravan Route' between Cilicia and Troy: the Early Bronze Age III period in inland Western Anatolia. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 47-64. 811. EMRE ùERIFOöLU (Tevfik). The Malatya-Elazi÷ region during the Middle Bronze Age: a re-evaluation of the archaeological evidence. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 101-114. 812. GERBER (Christoph). Zur Datierung der Frühbronzezeit I in Hassek Höyük. Nachtrag zu IstForsch 47. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 707-714. 813. HANKS (B.K.), EPIMAKHOV (A.V.), RENFREW (A.C.). Towards a refined chronology for the Bronze Age of the Southern Urals, Russia. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 353-367. 814. KLING (Barbara), MUHLY (James D.). Joan du Plat Taylor's excavations at the Late Bronze Age mining settlement at Apliki Karamallos, Cyprus. Part 1. Goteborg, Paul Åströms, 2007, 356 p. 815. LANERI (Nicola), VALENTINI (Stefano), D'AGOS(Anacleto). Hirbemerdon Tepe: a late third to mid second millennium BC settlement of the upper Tigris valley. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 77-86. TINO

816. LAZAROVICI (Cornelia-Magda), LAZAROVICI (Gheorghe). Arhitectura neoliticului úi epocii cuprului din România. II Epoca cuprului. (Architecture of the Neolithic and Copper Age in Romania. II. Copper Age). Iaúi, Editura Trinitas, 2007, 465 p. 817. MANISCALCO (Laura). Considerazioni sull'etá del rame nella media valle del Platani (Sicilia). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 167-184. 818. MARCINIAK (Arkadiusz), CZERNIAK (Lech). Social transformations in the Late Neolithic and the Early Chalcolithic periods in central Anatolia. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 115-130. 819. MELIS (Maria Grazia), QUARTA (Gianluca), CALCAGNILE (Lucio). L'inizio dell'età del Rame in Sardegna. Nuovi contributi cronologici. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 185-200. 820. MUTTI (Angela), TRAMONTANO (Nunzia). L'insediamento terramaricolo di Fraore Oratorio (Parma): stratigrafia e materiali del canale 1. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 201-242. 821. NADALI (Davide). Monuments of war, war of monuments: some considerations on commemorating war in the third millenium BC. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 336-367. 822. O'FLAHERTY (Ronan). A weapon of choice – experiments with a replica Irish Early Bronze Age halberd. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 423-434. 823. PAGLIARA (Cosimo), MAGGIULLI (Giovanna), SCARANO (Teodoro), PINO (Corrado), GUGLIELMINO

(Riccardo), DE GROSSI MAZZORIN (Jacopo), RUGGE (Michela), FIORENTINO (Girolamo), PRIMAVERA (Milena), CALCAGNILE (Lucio), D'ELIA (Marisa), QUARTA (Gianluca). La sequenza cronostratigrafica delle fasi di occupazione dell'insediamento protostorico di Roca (Melengugno, Lecce). Relazione preliminare della campagna di scavo 2005-Saggio X. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 311-361. 824. QUENET (Philippe). Un sceau-cylindre inédit de Tell Khuera (Syrie du Nord) et sa place au sein de la glyptique géométrique du Bronze ancien en Mésopotamie. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 3-34. 825. VANDER LINDEN (Marc). What linked the Bell Beakers in third millennium BC Europe? Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 343-352. 826. WAHEEB (Mohammed). A unique Early Bronze Age IV tomb near Tell El-'Umeeiri, Jordan. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2007, 44, p. 90-112. 827. ZIMMERMANN (Thomas). KalÕnkaya-Toptaútepe, eine chalkolithisch-frühbronzezeitliche Siedlung mit Nekropole im nördlichen Zentralanatolien. Die Grabfunde der Kampagnen von 1971 und 1973. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 7-26. § 5. Iron age. _______________________

828. ARENAS ESTEBAN (Jesús Alberto). Sociedad, ideología y entornos construidos durante la Protohistoria del oriente meseteño: el caso de El Ceremeño de Herrería. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 121-136. 829. LARSSON (Gunilla). Ship and society. Maritime ideology in Late Iron Age Sweden. (Navire et société. Idéologie maritime à la fin de l'âge de fer en Suède). Uppsala, Department of Archeology and Ancient History, Uppsala university, 2007, 426 p. (Aun, 37). 830. LARSSON (Lars). The Iron Age ritual building at Uppåkra, Southern Sweden. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 1125. 831. LÓPEZ CACHERO (Javier). Sociedad y economía durante el Bronce Final y la primera Edad del Hierro en el Noreste Peninsular: una aproximación a partir de las evidencias arqueológicas. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2007, 64, 1, p. 99-120. 832. MILES (David), PALMER (Simon), SMITH (Alex), JONES (Grace Perpetua). Iron Age and Roman settlement in the Upper Thames Valley. Excavations at Claydon Pike and other sites within the Cotswold Water Park. Oxford, Oxbow books, 2007, XXXIX-336 p. 833. SWARTZ DODD (Lynn). Strategies for future success: remembering the Hittites during the Iron Age. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 203-216. 834. TALA'I (Hoseyn). The Iron II (ca. 1200í800 B.C.) pottery assemblage at Haftavan IV -NW-Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 105-123.

D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) _________ § 1. General. 835-844. – § 2. The Near East. 845-877. – § 3. Egypt. 878-918. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 919-962. – § 5. Hittites. 963-988. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 989-1045. – § 7. Iran. 1046-1066. § 1. General. _______________________

835. BECK (Anthony), PHILIP (Graham), ABDUL(Maamoun), DONOGHUE (Daniel). Evaluation of Corona and Ikonos high resolution satellite imagery for archaeological prospection in Western Syria. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 161-175. KARIM

844. STROHMAIER (Gotthard). Antike Naturwissenschaft in orientalischem Gewand. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2007, 209 p. Cf. nos 1073, 1087 § 2. The Near East. _______________________

836. CAPDETREY (Laurent). Le pouvoir séleucide. Territoire, administration, finances d'un royaume hellénistique (312–129 avant J.-C.). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 536 p. (Histoire).

845. ADAK (Mustafa). Die rhodische Herrschaft in Lykien und die rechtliche Stellung der Städte Xanthos, Phaselis und Melanippion. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 251279.

837. CASANA (Jesse). Structural transformations in settlement systems of the Northern Levant. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 195-221.

846. CEVIZOöLU (Hüseyin). Becken und Ständer der klassischen Zeit in Klazomenai: Ein Zwischenbericht. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 235-249.

838. FADHIL (Abduillah). Zur identifikation des lexikalischen kompendiums. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 95-106.

847. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). La divinité mortelle d'Antiochos III à Téos. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 153-171.

839. GREAVES (Alan M.). Trans-Anatolia: examining Turkey as a bridge between East and West. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 1-16. 840. LEHOUX (Daryn). Astronomy, weather, and calendars in the ancient world. Parapegmata and related texts in classical and Near Eastern societies. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-566 p. 841. LIVERANI (Mario). Cronologia e periodizzazione dei Garamanti. Acquisizioni e prospettive. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 633-662. 842. ÖZDOöAN (Mehmet). Amidst Mesopotamiacentric and Euro-centric approaches: the changing role of the Anatolian peninsula between the East and the West. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 17-24. 843. SCHEYHING (Hans). Der Patient wird sterben! Tod in den medizinisch-therapeutischen Texten des Alten Orients. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 112134.

848. CROWTHER (Charles). The Dionysia at Iasos: its artists, patrons and audience. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 294-334. 849. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), MORA (Clelia). "Viaggi anatolici" dell'Università di Pavia. Rapporto preliminare della prima campagna di ricognizione archeologica nella Tyanide settentrionale. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 819-830. 850. D'ANDRIA (Francesco), CAGGIA (M.Piera). Le attività delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2000í2003. Hierapolis di Frigia I. Istanbul, Ege Yayinlari, 2007, 633 p. 851. DE BERNARDI FERRERO (Daria), CIOTTA (Gianluigi), PENSABENE (Patrizio). Il teatro di Hierapolis di Frigia. Restauro, architettura ed epigrafia. Genova, De Ferrari, 2007, 448 p. 852. DE GIORGI (Andrea U.). The formation of a Roman landscape: the case of Antioch. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 20, p. 283-298.



853. DREYER (Boris). Die römische Nobilitätsherrschaft und Antiochos III. (205 bis 188 v.Chr.). Hennef, Buchverlag Marthe Clauss, 2007, 484 p. 854. FABIANI (Roberta). Ricongiungimento di pietre erranti dalla parastàs pro tou archeiou di Iasos: IIasos 24 + 30 e IIasos 58 + 44. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 373-384. 855. GOLDMAN (Andrew L.). The Roman-period cemeteries at Gordion in Galatia. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 20, p. 299-320. 856. HOFFMANN (Adolf), SAYAR (Mustafa H.) [et al.]. Vorbericht zu den in den Jahren 2003 bis 2005 auf dem Berg Karasis (bei Kozan / Adana) und in seiner Umgebung durchgeführten Untersuchungen. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 365-468. 857. HOOVER (Oliver D.). A revised chronology for the late Seleucids at Antioch (121/0í64 BC). Historia, 2007, 56, p. 280-301. 858. JES (Kai). 'Eine Stadt von edler Abkunft und hohem Alter'. Kulturelles Gedächtnis in Aizanoi im 2. Jh. n.Ch. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 153-168.

869. ÖZFIRAT (Aynur). A survey of Pre-classical sites in Eastern Turkey. Fourth preliminary report: the Eastern shore of Lake Van. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2007, 44, p. 113-140. 870. PIOK ZANON (Cornelie). Dank an Demeter: Neue Gedanken zu Architektur und Bedeutung des Demeter-Kultes in Pergamon im späten 3. Jh. v. Chr. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 323-364. 871. POSTGATE (J. Nicholas). The ceramics of centralisation and dissolution: a case study from Rough Cilicia. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 141-150. 872. REYNOLDS (Frances). Luxury goods in the Ancient Near East. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 465-467. 873. RITTICH (Kerry), GREWE (Klaus), KESSENER (Paul). A relief of a water-powered stone saw mill on a sarcophagus at Hierapolis and its implications. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 20, p. 138-164. 874. RUPPE (Ulrich). Neue Forschungen an der Stadtmauer von Priene ௅ Erste Ergebnisse. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 271-322.

859. KIRAZ (Elife). Aphrodite-Statuetten aus Kleinasien: Zu Ikonographie, Funktion und Deutung. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 505-546.

875. SANZI (Ennio). Agli ordini di Iuppiter Dolichenus. Le iscrizioni alfabetiche, le formule imperative e la dimensione onirica nel culto del dio di Doliche. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 255-269.

860. KLEBINDER-GAUß (Gudrun). Bronzefunde aus dem Artemision von Ephesos. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007, 309 p.

876. SEYER (Martin). Ein neu entdecktes Felskammergrab in der Kibyratis. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 715-721.

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877. THOMPSON (Daniel). At the crossroads: prehistoric settlement in the Maeander valley. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 87-99.

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899. LIEVEN (Alexandra von). Thot selbdritt. Mögliche ägyptische Ursprünge der arabisch-lateinischen Tradition dreier Hermesgestalten. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 69-77.

884. CANNATA (Maria). Social identity at the Anubieion: a reanalysis. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 223-240.

900. LUCCHESI (Enzo). L'homélie copte d'Évode de Rome en l'honneur des Apôtres: un feuillet nouveau. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 379-384.

885. CARLOTTI (Jean-François). À propos de la construction pharaonique. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 145-157.

901. LULL (José). Sobre la cronología de Menkheperra y la llegada de Nesubanebdjed y Painedjem II como sumos sacerdotes de Amón en Tebas a finales de su gobierno. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 255-267.

886. EVANS (Linda). Fighting kites: behaviour as a key to species identity in wall scenes. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 245-247. 887. EYRE (Christopher J.). The evil stepmother and the rights of a second wife. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 223-243. 888. FRANDSEN (Paul John). The menstrual "taboo" in Ancient Egypt. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 81-106. 889. FRANKE (Detlef). The Good Shepherd Antef (Stela BM EA 1628). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 149-174. 890. GALÁN (José M.). An apprentice's board from Dra Abu el-Naga. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 95-116. 891. HATZILAMBROU (Rosaria G.), PARSONS (Peter J.), CHAPA (Juan). The Oxyrhynchus papyri. Edited with translations and notes. Vol. LXXI. London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2007, XI-164 p. 892. HUEBNER (Sabine R.). Brother-sister' marriage in Roman Egypt: a curiosity of humankind or a widespread family strategy? Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 21-50. 893. KEMP (Barry). Tell el-Amarna, 2006–7. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 1-64. 894. KOEMOTH (Pierre P.). Le buisson hm(m) et l'arbre hm(3): du mythe égyptien aux Materia medica. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 56-68. 895. KRAUSS (Rolf). Eine Regentin, ein König und eine Königin zwischen dem Tod von Achenaten und der Thronbesteigung von Tutanchaten (=Revidierte Überlegungen zum Ende der Amarnazeit. 4). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 294-318. 896. LANDWEHR (Christa). Les portraits de Juba II, roi de Maurétanie, et de Ptolémée, son fils et successeur. Revue archéologique, 2007, p. 65-100. 897. LAYTON (Bentley). Rules, patterns, and the exercise of power in Shenoute's Monastery: the problem of world replacement and identity maintenance. Journal of early Christian studies, 2007, 15, p. 45-73. 898. LAZARIDIS (Nikolaos). Wisdom in loose form. The language of Egyptian and Greek proverbs in collections of the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-317 p.

902. MAC KENZIE (Judith). The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt c. 300 BC to AD 700. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XX-460 p. 903. MARTINEZ-SÈVE (Laurianne). Alexandrie dévoilée: la collection des Études alexandrines. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 289-310. 904. MATHIESON (Ian), DITTMER (Jon). The geophysical survey of North Saqqara, 2001–7. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 79-94. 905. MILLER (Jared L.). Amarna age chronology and the identity of Nibhururiya in the light of a newly reconstructed Hittite text. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 252-293. 906. MINAS-NERPEL (Martina). A demotic inscribed icosahedron from Dakhleh Oasis. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 137-148. 907. MORENO GARCÍA (Juan Carlos). A new Old Kingdom inscription from Giza (CGC 57163), and the problem of sn-Dt in Pharaonic third millennium society. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 117136. 908. MURCIA (Carles). Neilos: el nom grec del riu Nil pot ser d'origen amazic? Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 269-292. 909. NADIG (Peter). Zwischen König und Karikatur. Das Bild Ptolemaios' VIII im Spannungsfeld der Überlieferung. München, Beck, 2007, VII-306 p. (Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 97). 910. PEUST (Carsten). Ellipsis of shared subjects and direct objects from subsequent predications in earlier Egyptian. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 211-222. 911. QUACK (Joachim Friedrich). Kritische Bemerkungen zur Bearbeitung von ägyptischen Hymnen nach dem Neuen Reich. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 90-111. 912. REGULSKI (Ilona). An early dynastic rock inscription at el-Hosh. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 254-258. 913. RICHTER (Tonio Sebastian). Miscellanea Magica, III: Ein vertauschter Kopf? Konjekturvorschlag für



P. Berlin P 8313 ro, col. II, 19-20. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 259-263. 914. ROWLAND (Joanne). The Delta survey: Minufiyeh Province, 2006–7. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 65-78. 915. RUSSO (Barbara). Some notes on the funerary cult in the Early Middle Kingdom: Stela BM EA 1164. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 195-210. 916. VEÏSSE (Anne-Emmanuelle). L'expression de l'altérité dans l'Égypte des Ptolémées: allophulos, xenos et barbaros. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 5063. 917. WARBURTON (David A.). Work and compensation in ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2007, 93, p. 175-194. 918. WILKINSON (Richard H.). Templi dell'antico Egitto. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, 2007, 256 p. Cf. no 247 § 4. Mesopotamia. * 919. CHARPIN (Dominique). Chroniques bibliographiques: 10. Économie, société et institutions paléobabylonienne: nouvelles sources, nouvelles approches. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 147-182. _______________________

920. ABRAHAM (Kathleen), KLEIN (Jacob). A new Sargon II cylinder fragment from an unknown provenance. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 252-261. 921. ALBAYRAK (ørfan). Eine altassyrische Urkunde zum anatolischen Bodenrecht. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 219-224. 922. AMIET (Pierre). Elam et trans-Elam. À propos de sceaux-cylindres de la collection du Dr. Serge Rabenou. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 51-58. 923. ARNAUD (Daniel). Documents à contenu "historique", de l'époque présargonique au VIe siècle. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 5-84. 924. BAUER (Josef). Mosaiksteinchen zur sumerischen Literatur. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 393-403. 925. BAUMEISTER (Peter), ROOS (Dorothea), SANER (Turgut). Die Keloúk Kale. Ein spätantiker Gebäudekomplex im türkischen Euphratbogen. Studien zu Osrhoene in der Spätantike I. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 623-674. 926. BORGER (Rykle). Zu Mittermayers Zeichenliste des sumerischen literarischen Corpus. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 385-392. 927. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine). Une 'crux sargonica' et les quatre vents. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 169-173.

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5. HITTITES 942. JURSA (Michael). Die Söhne Kudurrus und die Herkunft der neubabylonischen Dynastie. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 125136. 943. KEETMAN (Jan). Poebels Vokale im Kontext der sumerischen Sprache. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 36-55. 944. KLEIN (Jacob), SHARLACH (Tonia M.). A collection of model court cases from old Babylonian Nippur (CBS 11324). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 1-25. 945. KOBAYASHI (Katsuji). An obsidian refitting from Sos Höyük, Eastern Turkey. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2007, 44, p. 141-154. 946. KOLIēSKI (Rafaá). The Upper Khabur region in the second part of the third millennium BC. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 342-369. 947. LIVINGSTONE (Alasdair). Ashurbanipal: literate or not? Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 98-118.


423. í IDEM. Die große Inschrift TukultƯ-Ninurtas I. Philologische und historische Studien. Die Welt des Orients, 2007, 37, p. 145-165. 959. TUBA ÖKSE (Aymur). Ancient mountain routes connecting central Anatolia to the upper Euphrates region. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 35-45. 960. VILLARD (Pierre). L'(an)dura-ru à l'époque néoassyrienne. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 107-124. 961. WATSON (Wilfred G.E.). Additional botanical items in the Ugaritic texts. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 129-139. 962. WESTENHOLZ (Aage). The Graeco-Babyloniaca once again. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 262-313. § 5. Hittites. * 963. WATSON (Wilfred G.E.). La lengua y la historia de los hurritas y de los urarteos: bibliografía complementaria. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 293-310. _______________________

948. MAYER (Werner R.). Das akkadische Präsens zum Ausdruck der Nachzeitigkeit in der Vergangenheit. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 117-144.

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951. REINER (Erica). Supplement to Chicago Assyrian Dictionary T (Volume 18). Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 47-62. 952. SALVINI (Mirjo). Die urartäische Tontafel VAT 7770 aus Toprakkale. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 37-50. 953. SCHULZE (Wolfgang), SALLABERGER (Walther). Grammatische Relationen im Sumerischen. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 163-214. 954. SEIDL (Ursula). Assurbanipals Griffel. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 119-124. 955. SIDDALL (Luis Robert). The genealogy of Adadnirari III, the identity of the Ila-kabkabis of the Assyrian king list and the status of the 'Legitimisation' hypothesis. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 368-378. 956. SINGER-AVITZ (Lily). On pottery in Assyrian style: a rejoinder. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 182-203. 957. STEINKELLER (Piotr). New light on Šimaški and its rulers. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 215-232. 958. STRECK (Michael P.). Beiträge zum akkadischen Gilgames-Epos. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 404-

967. BELL (Lanny). Conflict and reconciliation in the ancient Middle East: the clash of Egyptian and Hittite chariots in Syria and the world's first peace treaty between 'superpowers'. In: War and peace in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1095], p. 98-120. 968. COHEN (Yoram). Akkadian omens from Hattuša and Emar: the šumma immeru and šumma Ɨlu omens. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2007, 97, p. 233-251. 969. DE MARTINO (Stefano), GIORGIERI (Mauro). Hurritisch ašti (Ehe)frau. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 126-148. 970. GILIBERT (Alessandra). Fünf Quadersteine aus Karkemisch. Eine unbekannte eisenzeitliche Bestattung an der Herald's Wall? Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 45-58. 971. GIRBAL (Christian). Zu einigen Ortsnamen mit hattischer Etymologie. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 51-62. 972. GÖRKE (Susanne). Provenienzangaben in hethitischen Ritualeinleitungen – ein jüngeres Phänomen? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 204-209. 973. GRODDEK (Detlev). Neue Textfragmente zu den Annalen Muršilis II. ௅ II. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 237-240.



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990. ALSHECH (Eli). Out of sight and therefore out of mind: early SunnƯ Islamic modesty regulations and the creation of spheres of privacy. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 267-290. 991. BARRESI (Paolo). Metrologia punica. Quaderni di archeologia e antropologia. Lugano, Lumières Internationales, 2007, 43 p. 992. BÉNICHOU-SAFAR (Hélène). Iconologie générale et iconographie carthaginoise. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 5-46. 993. BERTI (Vittorio). Libri e biblioteche cristiane nell'Iraq dell'VIII secolo. Una testimonianza dell'epistolario del patriarca siro-orientale Timoteo I (727í823). In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 307-317. 994. BOFFO (Laura). Nabatei 'erranti'. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 717-721. 995. BORDREUIL (Pierre). Les deux propriétaries d'une coupe en bronze inscrite. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 22-23. 996. BRIQUEL CHATONNET (Françoise). Première ancre à inscription néopunique. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 24-29. 997. BRON (François). L'inscription bilingüe latine et néo-punique de Aïn-Youssef. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 30-32. 998. CASTELLI (Silvia). Fondare Gerusalemme. Tradizioni bibliche, ellenistiche e romane sulle origini. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 203-213.

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999. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine), DONBAZ (Veysel). Le mythe du 7. VII: les jours fatidiques et le Kippour mésopotamiens. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 295-335.

984. STRAUSS (Rita). Die Formel keldi halzai in hethitischen Ritualtexten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 174-178.

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986. TRÉMOUILLE (Marie-Claude). Nouveaux matériaux pour le Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 116-125. 987. VITA (Juan-Pablo). Two Hurrian loanwords in Ugaritic texts. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 181-184. 988. ZIMMERMANN (Thomas). Anatolia as a bridge from north to south? Recent research in the Hatti heartland. Anatolian studies, 2007, 57, p. 65-75. § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. * 989. HUOT (Jean-Louis). Chroniques bibliographiques: 9. Les fouilles à Tell brak. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2007, 101, p. 137-146. _______________________

1002. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). The biconsonantal Semitic lexicon. The Series /B-X-/*. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 201-235. 1003. DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ (Francisco). El estudio del arameo siríaco en una comunidad arabizada: códices gramaticales y lexicográficos hallados en la biblioteca maronita de Alepo. Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 105114. 1004. EHLING (Kay). Warum liess Herodes Antipas Johannes den Täufer verhaften? Oder: Wenn ein Prophet politisch gefährlich wird. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 137-146. 1005. ELAYI (J.). A propos de deux lampes de la nécropole Laurita (Almuñecar, Grenade). Aula orientalis, 2007, 25, p. 174-176. 1006. FARHI (Yoav). A Yehud stamp impression from North Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 90-91.

6. JEWS AND SEMITIC PEOPLES TO THE END OF THE ANCIENT WORLD 1007. FELLE (Antonio Enrico). Ebraismo e Cristianesimo alla luce della documentazione epigrafica (IIIíVII secolo). La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 148-184. 1008. FERJAOUI (Ahmed). L'onomastique dans les inscriptions néopuniques de l'Afrique à l'époque romaine. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 33-46. 1009. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), SINGER-AVITZ (Lily), HERZOG (Ze'ev), USSISHKIN (David). Has King David's palace in Jerusalem been found? Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 142-164. 1010. FINKIELSZTEJN (Gerald), GIBSON (Shimon). The retrograde-F-shaped yh(d) monogram: epigraphy and dating. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 104-113. 1011. FISCHER (Moshe), TAXEL (Tamar). Ancient Yavneh. Its history and archaeology. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 204-284. 1012. GAWLIKOWSKI (Michaá). The mithraeum at Hawarte and its paintings. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 20, p. 337-361. 1013. GEVA (Hillel). A chronological reevaluation of Yehud stamp impressions in Palaeo-Hebrew script, based on finds from excavations in the Jewish quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 92103. 1014. HARVEY (Steven). The Greek library of the medieval Jewish philosophers. In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 493-506. 1015. HOLMSTEDT (Robert D.). The etymologies of Hebrew 'ăšer and šeC. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 177-192. 1016. JONGELING (Karel). "IPT" 10. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 47-52. 1017. KENNEDY (David). Gerasa and the Decapolis: a virtual island in Northwest Jordan. London, Duckworth, 2007, 216 p. 1018. KHAN (Dan'el). The kingdom of Arpad (BƯt Agnjsi) and ‚All Aram'. International relations in Northern Syria in the ninth and eighth centuries BCE. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2007, 44, p. 66-89.


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1019. KORN (Lorenz). Einige abbasidische Inschriften aus der GazƯra. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 675-704.

1034. SAVAGE (Stephen H.), KELLER (Donald R.). Archaeology in Jordan, 2006 season. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 523-547.

1020. LEMAIRE (André). L'inscription phénicopunique de la lamelle magique de Moraleda de Zafayona. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 53-56.

1035. SCHMITZ (Philip), DOCTER (Roald F.), BEN TAHAR (Sami). A fifth century BCE graffito from Ghizène (Jerba). Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 64-72.

1021. LIPSCHITS (Oded), GADOT (Yuval), OEMING (Manfred), VANDERHOOFT (David). Seventeen newlyexcavated Yehud stamp impressions from Ramat Rahel. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 74-89.

1036. STEINER (Richard C.). Muqdam u-Me'uhar and Muqaddam wa-Mu'ahhar: on the history of some Hebrew and Arabic terms for hysteron proteron and anastrophe. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 33-46. í IDEM. On the monophthongization of "*ay" to "i" in Phoenician and Northern Hebrew and the preservation of archaic/dialectal forms in the Masoretic vocalization. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 73-83.

1022. LIPSCHITS (Oded), VANDERHOOFT (David). Summary data of Yehud stamp impressions, arranged by type. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 114-120. í IIDEM. Yehud



1037. STERN (Ephraim), LIPSCHITS (Oded), VANDERHOOFT (David). New Yehud stamp impressions

1052. DE GRAEF (Katrien). Les textes de V récent du Chantier B à Suse (fin sukkalmahat ௅ ca. 1575í1530 av. notre ère). Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 41-59.

1038. SURIANO (Matthew J.). The apology of Hazael: a literary and historical analysis of the Tel Dan inscription. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2007, 66, p. 163-176.

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1039. SZNYCER (Maurice). Quelques souvenirs épars sur un itinéraire scientifique et une longue amitié. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 84-92. 1040. TRZCIONKA (Silke). Magic and the supernatural in fourth-century Syria. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-220 p. 1041. VANDERHOOFT (David), LIPSCHITS (Oded). A new typology of the Yehud stamp impressions. Tel Aviv, 2007, 34, p. 12-37. 1042. WALMSLEY (Alan). Early Islamic Syria: an archaeological assessment. London, Duckworth, 2007, 125 p. 1043. XELLA (Paolo). Eshmounazor, "áhoros"? ZRM en phénicien et punique. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 93-99. 1044. YONA (Shamir). Shared stylistic patterns in the Aramaic proverbs of Ahiqar and Hebrew wisdom. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2007, 44, p. 29-49. 1045. ZAMORA LÓPEZ (José Angel). The inscriptions of king Bodashtart and the history of his reign I: the "CIS" I, 4 inscription. Orientalia, 2007, 76, p. 100-113. § 7. Iran. _______________________

1046. ALIZADEH (Karim), UR (Jason A.). Formation and destruction of pastoral and irrigation landscapes on the Mughan Steppe, North-Western Iran. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 148-160. 1047. BAKKER (Janine). The lady and the lotus. Representations of women in the Achaemenid empire. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 207-220.

1054. JANY (János). Criminal justice in Sasanian Persia. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 347-386. 1055. KANIUTH (Kai). The metallurgy of the Late Bronze Age Sapalli Culture (Southern Uzbekistan) and its implications for the ‚tin question'. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 23-40. 1056. KÖNIG (Götz). Wer ist der vipta-/vaƝpaiia(nt)des VƯdƝvdƗd? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007, 34, p. 370-387. 1057. LINCOLN (Bruce). Religion, empire, and torture. The case of Achaemenian Persia, with a postscript on Abu Ghraib. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVII-176 p. 1058. OGDEN (Jack). Recovered treasures from Afghanistan. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 559-563. 1059. OVERLAET (Bruno). Soundings at Tall-i Kamin (Kur river basin), Fars, Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 61-103. 1060. POTTS (Daniel T.). Foundation houses, fire altars and Frataraka. Interpreting the iconography of some post-Achaemenid Persian coins. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 271-300. 1061. REZVANI (Hassan), ROUSTAEI (Kourosh). A preliminary report on two seasons of excavations at Kul Tarike Cemetery, Kurdestan, Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 139-184. 1062. RUBERTO (Antonella). "Consiglieri" del Gran Re. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 66, p. 134-148.

1048. BESSAC (Jean-Claude). Étude technique et interprétations du monument rupestre de Qadamgah (Fars). Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 185-206.

1063. VAHDATI (Ali A.). An inscribed dagger at the National Museum of Iran. Forgery or genuine? Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 221-227. í IDEM. Marlik and Toul-e Talish. A dating problem. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 125-138.

1049. CHARLES (Michael B.). The rise of the Sassanian elephant corps. Elephants and the later Roman Empire. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 301-346.

1064. WALKER (Joel). Iran and its neighbors in late antiquity: art of the Sasanian empire (224í642 C.E.). American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 795-801.

1050. CHOSKY (Jamsheed K.). Reassessing the material contexts of ritual fires in Ancient Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 229-269.

1065. WEBER (Ursula). Hormezd I., König der Könige von ƜrƗn und AnƝrƗn. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 387418.

1051. DAEMS (Aurelie), CROUCHER (Karina). Artificial cranial modification in prehistoric Iran. Evidence from crania and figurines. Iranica antiqua, 2007, 42, p. 1-21.

1066. WIESEHÖFER (Josef). From Achaemenid imperial order to Sasanian diplomacy: war, peace, and reconciliation in pre-Islamic Iran. In: War and peace in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1095], p. 121-140.

E GREEK HISTORY _________ § 1. Classical world in general. 1067-1095. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1096-1107. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1108-1159. – § 4. General and political history. 1160-1196. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1197-1215. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1216-1242. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1243-1456. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1457-1485. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1486-1542. § 1. Classical world in general. * 1067. Année (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine. Publiée par la Société internationale de bibliographie classique. Tome LXXVI: bibliographie de l'année 2005 et compléments d'années antérieures. [LXXV. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 1330.] Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2007, LXIX-2150 p. _______________________

1068. ALLEN (Nicholas J.). The shield of Achilles and Indo-European tradition. Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 2007, 17, p. 3344. 1069. ARNOULD (Dominique). La Clef d'Homère de Jean-Baptiste Gail. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 311-318. 1070. Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica. A cura di Orietta Dora CORDOVANA e Marco GALLI. Catania, Edizioni del Prisma, 2007, 318 p. [Cf. nos 858, 875, 882, 1075, 1077, 1243, 1281, 1490.] 1071. Autorités (Les). Dynamiques et mutations d'une figure de référence à l'Antiquité. Ed. par Didier FOUCAULT et Pascal PAYEN. Grenoble, Jérôme Millon, 2007, 395 p. (Hobos). 1072. BOEHRINGER (Sandra). L'homosexualité féminine dans l'antiquité grecque et romaine. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2007, 405 p. 1073. BOIY (Tom). Between high and low. A chronology of the early Hellenistic period. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike, 2007, 175 p. (Oikumene. Studien zur antiken Weltgeschichte, 5). 1074. CAPRIGLIONE (Jolanda C.). Le virtù del 'pathos'. Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 41-52. 1075. CORDOVANA (Orietta Dora). Forme di identità nell'età della Seconda Sofistica. In: Arte e memoria cul-

turale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 15-22. 1076. DAVERIO ROCCHI (Giovanna). Quindici anni di studi sulle frontiere della Grecia antica: alcune prospettive della ricerca. In: Historische Geographie der Alten Welt [Cf. n° 1082], p. 87-105. 1077. GALLI (Marco). Processi della memoria nell'età della Seconda Sofistica. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 7-14. 1078. Getrennte Wege? Kommunikation, Raum und Wahrnehmung in der Alten Welt. Hrsg. v. Robert ROLLINGER, Andreas LUTHER und Josef WIESEHÖFER. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike, 2007, 655 p. (Oikumene, 2). 1079. GIESECKE (Annette Lucia). The epic city. Urbanism, utopia, and the garden in ancient Greece and Rome. Washington, Center for Hellenic studies, 2007, XIV-204 p. 1080. HALL (Jonathan M.). The creation and expression of identity. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 337-354. 1081. HARTMANN (Elke). Frauen in der Antike. Weibliche Lebenswelten von Sappho bis Theodora. München, Beck, 2007, 278 p. 1082. Historische Geographie der Alten Welt. Grundlagen, Erträge, Perspektiven. Festgabe für Eckart Olshausen aus Anlass seiner Emeritierung. Hrsg. v. Ulrich FELLMETH, Peter GUYOT und Holger SONNABEND. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2007, IX-406 p. [Cf. nos 1076, 1111, 1254, 1516, 1521.] 1083. KOEHN (Clemens). Krieg ௅ Diplomatie ௅ Ideologie. Zur Außenpolitik hellenistischer Mittelstaaten. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 248 p. (Historia, Einzelschriften, 195). 1084. Kulturgeschichte des Hellenismus: von Alexander dem Großen bis Kleopatra. Hrsg. v. Gregor WEBER. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2007, 503 p.



1085. LITTMAN (Robert J.). Linguistics and the teaching of classical history and culture. Classical world, 2007, 100, p. 143-150. 1086. MEDAGLIA (Silvio M.). Ecdotica ed esegesi. Napoli, Arte tipografica, 2007, 177 p. 1087. MEIßNER (Burkhard). Hellenismus. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, VII-150 p. 1088. MORLEY (Neville). Trade in classical antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-118 p. 1089. PEACOCK (David), WILLIAMS (David). Food for the gods. New light on the ancient incense trade. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2007, XII-151 p. 1090. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Introduction: searching for peace in the ancient world. In: War and peace in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1095], p. 1-33. 1091. REEVE (Michael D.). Reconstructing archetypes: a new proposal and an old fallacy. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 326-340. 1092. Return (The) of the polis. The use and meanings of the world Polis in archaic and classical sources. Ed. by Mogens Herman HANSEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 276 p. (Historia, Einzelschriften 198, Papers from the Copenhagen Poliscentre, 8). 1093. SEALEY (Raphael). Democratic theory and practice. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 238-257. 1094. WALLACE (Rex). Using morphophonology in elementary ancient Greek. Classical world, 2007, 100, p. 133-141.

1102. HAGGIS (Donald C.). Stylistic diversity and diacritical feasting at protopalatial Petras: a preliminary analysis of the Lakkos deposit. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 715-775. 1103. MACDONALD (Colin F.), KNAPPETT (Carl). Knossos. Protopalatial deposits in early magazine A and the South-West houses. Athens, The British School at Athens, 2007, XIV-205 p. 1104. MANGANI (Elisabetta). Materiali micenei, geometrici e orientalizzanti di Rodi. Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, 2007, 96, p. 203-310. 1105. MÜLLER (Walter), PINI (Ingo). Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band III. Iraklion. Archäologisches Museum. Teil I. Teil II. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2007, 2 vol., XVIII-711 p., XXIX-532 p. 1106. RUPPENSTEIN (Florian). Die submykenische Nekropole. Neufunde und Neubewertung. München, Hirmer, 2007, XI-305 p. 1107. VALAMOTI (Soultana Maria), MANGAFA (M.), KOUKOULI-CHRYSANTHAKI (Ch.), MALAMIDOU (D.). Grape-pressings from northern Greece: the earliest wine in the Aegean? Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 54-61. § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________

a. Epigraphical sources * 1108. GAUTHIER (Philippe), ROUSSET (Denis), DUBOIS (Laurent). Bulletin épigraphique. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 602-679. [2006, 119. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 1384.] _______________________

1095. War and peace in the ancient world. Ed. by Kurt A. RAAFLAUB. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XII-385 p. [Cf. nos 935, 966, 967, 1028, 1066, 1090, 1194, 1197.]

1109. ARNAOUTOGLOU (Ilias). Group and individuals in IRhamnous 59 (SEG 49.161). In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 315-337.

§ 2. Prehellenic epoch.

1110. Art and incriptions in the ancient world. Ed. by Zahra NEWBY, Ruth LEADER-NEWBY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-303 p. [Cf. nos 1123, 1127, 1237, 1523, 1536.]


1096. ADAMS (Ellen). 'Time and chance': unraveling temporality in North-Central Neopalatial Crete. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 391-421. 1097. BARTONƞK (Antonin). Zwei Dimensionen in der mykenischen Dialektologie. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 19-27. 1098. BROODBANK (Cyprian), KIRIATZI (Evangelia). The first "Minoans" of Kythera revisited: technology, demography, and landscape in the prepalatial Aegean. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 241-274. 1099. COLVIN (Stephen). A historical Greek reader. Mycenaean to the koiné. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XX-302 p. 1100. DE PALMA (Claudio). Sul sostrato tirrenico nell'area egeo-anatolica. Emerita, 2007, 75, p. 51-68. 1101. DUHOUX (Yves). Le linéaire B note-t-il une langue vivante ou figée? Les leçons de Cnossos. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 1-26.

1111. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Thynnara: ein neuer karischer Ortsname. In: Historische Geographie der Alten Welt [Cf. n° 1082], p. 83-85. 1112. COUVENHES (Jean-Christophe). Les décrets des paroikoi de Rhamnonte. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 293-313. 1113. DANA (Dan). La ville thraco-macédonienne Adrènè: relecture d'une inscription récemment éditée (SEG L 829 XXXI b). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 770-775. 1114. DILLON (Matthew). Were Spartan women who died in childbirth honoured with grave inscriptions? Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 149-165. 1115. FIACCADORI (Gianfranco). Nuova iscrizione greca da Axsum. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 70-76.

3. SOURCES AND CRITICISM OF SOURCES 1116. FIRICEL-DANA (Madalina). Traditions de fondation dans l'épigraphe de Sinope. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 511-525. 1117. HAJDARI (Arben), REBOTON (Joany), SHPUZA (Saïmir), CABANES (Pierre). Les inscriptions de Grammata (Albanie). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 353-394. 1118. HATZOPOULOS (Miltiades B.). La position dialectale du macédonien à la lumière des découvertes épigraphiques récentes. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 157-176. 1119. JONES (Christopher P.). Three new letters of the Emperor Hadrian. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 161, p. 145-156. 1120. JORDAN (David). An opistographic lead tablet from Sicily with a financial document and a curse concerning choregoi. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 335-350.


1129. SEGRE (Mario). Iscrizioni di Cos. Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2007, 405 p. 1130. SMITH (Rowland B.E.). A lost historian of Alexander "descended from Alexander", and read by Julian? Praxagoras of Athens reviewed in the light of Attic epigraphy. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 356-380. 1131. STRIANO (Araceli). À propos d'une nouvelle inscription laconienne. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 449-462. 1132. TORTORELLI GHIDINI (Marisa). 'Plat en or' con iscrizione osiriaca a Hipponion. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 426-429. 1133. ZUNINO (Maddalena Luisa). Decidere in guerra ௅ pensare alla pace. Il caso del "bronzo Pappadakis" (IG IX 12, 3, 609). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 161, p. 157-169. b. Literary sources

1121. KALVESMAKI (Joel). Isopsephic inscriptions from Iasos (Inschriften von Iasos 419) and Shnan (IGLS 1403). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 161, p. 261-268.

1134. [Anaxagoras Clazomenius] CURD (Patricia). Anaxagoras of Clazomenae. Fragments and testimonia. A text and translation with notes and essays. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, Toronto U. P., 2007, XIV-279 p.

1122. LYTLE (Ephraim). Fishless mysteries or high prices at Athens? Re-examining IG II2 1103. Museum Helveticum, 2007, 64, p. 100-111.

1135. [Apollonius Rhodius] MATTEO (Rocchina). Apollonio Rodio, Argonautiche. Libro II. Introduzione e commento. Lecce, Edizioni Pensa Multimedia, 2007, 775 p.

1123. MA (John). A horse from Teos: epigraphical notes on the Ionian-Hellespontine association of Dionysiac artists. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 215-245. í IDEM. Hellenistic honorific statues and their inscriptions. In: Art and incriptions in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1110], p. 203-220. 1124. MANGANARO PERRONE (Giacomo). Addendum a Pallina bronzea inscritta da Terina (?) al Museo di Siracusa: il 'catalogo' delle reclute nel santuario poliade a Camarina e Siracusa nel V sec. a.C. ("Riv. di filol." 134, 2006, 129-139). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 276-278. 1125. MILANEZI (Silvia). Les Icariens et le dème des Icariens (IG II2 1178): à propos de l'identité politique dans un dème attique. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 241-272. 1126. MINON (Sophie). Les inscriptions éléennes dialectales: (VIe–IIe siècle avant J.-C.). Vol. 1. Textes. Vol. 2. Grammaire et vocabulaire institutionnel. Genève, Droz, 2007, 2 vol., XXXII-XIII-657 p. (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques, 3. Hautes études du monde gréco-romain, 38).

1136. [Appianus] CARSANA (Chiara). Commento storico al libro II delle Guerre civili di Appiano (parte I). Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2007, 309 p. 1137. [Archilochus; Hipponax] NICOLOSI (Anika). Ipponatte, Epodi di Strasburgo. Archiloco, Epodi di Colonia (con un'appendice su P. OXY. LXIX 4708). Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 396 p. 1138. [Aristaenetus] DRAGO (Anna Tiziana). Aristeneto. Lettere d'amore. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento. Lecce, Edizioni Pensa Multimedia, 2007, 657 p. 1139. [Aristophanes] HOLWERDA (Daniel). Scholia in Aristophanem. Pars III: Scholia in Thesmophoriazusas; Ranas; Ecclesiazusas et Plutum. Groningen, Egbert Forsten, 2007, 131 p. 1140. [Aristophanes] WILSON (Nigel Guy). Aristophanis Fabulae. Tomus I. Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes, Vespae, Pax, Aves. Tomus II. Lysistrata, Thesmophoriazusae, Ranae, Ecclesiazusae, Plutus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 2 vol., IX-427 p., IX-326 p.

1127. OSBORNE (Robin), PAPPAS (Alexandra). Writing on archaic Greek pottery. In: Art and incriptions in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1110], p. 131-155.

1141. [Aristoteles] BLOCH (David). Aristotle on Memory and recollection. Text, translation, interpretation, and reception in Western scholasticism. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIII-276 p.

1128. PONT (Anne-Valérie). L'empereur fondateur: enquête sur les motifs de la reconnaissance civique. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 526-552.

1142. [Aristoteles] EBERT (Theodor), NORTMANN (Ulrich). Aristoteles. Analytica priora. Buch I. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 924 p.



1143. [Asclepiades Myrleanensis] PAGANI (Lara). Asclepiade di Mirlea. I frammenti degli scritti omerici. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007, 273 p.

1159. [Xenophon] MUELLER-GOLDINGEN (Christian). Xenophon. Philosophie und Geschichte. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 135 p.

1144. [Demosthenes] COBETTO GHIGGIA (Piero). Demostene. Orazioni XXVII-XXXI. Introduzione, testo rivisto, traduzione e note. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, VI-264 p.

Cf. nos 1243-1456

1145. [Eratosthenes] PÀMIAS (Jordi), GEUS (Klaus). Eratosthenes, Sternsagen (Catasterismi). Griechisch/ Deutsch. Oberhaid, Utopica, 2007, 258 p.

1160. ANELLO (Paola). La Sicilia da Gelone a Ermocrate. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 211-238.

1146. [Favorinus] TEPEDINO GUERRA (Adele). L'esilio (Pap. Vat. Gr. 11 verso). Favorino di Arelate. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento. Roma, Edizioni dell' Ateneo, 2007, 268 p. 1147. [Herodotus] ASHERI (David), LLOYD (Alan), CORCELLA (Aldo). A commentary on Herodotus Books I-IV. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, LXXI-721 p. 1148. [Herodotus] BOWIE (Angus M.). Herodotus, Histories. Book VIII. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-258 p. 1149. [Himerius] PENELLA (Robert J.). Man and the word. The orations of Himerius. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, California U. P., 2007, XIV-312 p. 1150. [Homerus] GOSTOLI (Antonietta). Margite, Omero. Introduzione, testimonianze, testo critico, traduzione e commento. Pisa e Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, 2007, 96 p. 1151. [Isaeus] EDWARDS (Michael). Isaeus. Translated with introduction and notes. Austin, Texas U. P., 2007, XXXI-229 p. 1152. [Iulius Pollux] BEARZOT (Cinzia), LANDUCCI (Franca). Onomasticon di Giulio Polluce. Tra lessicografia e antiquaria. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2007, 184 p. 1153. [Plato] CUFALO (Domenico). Scholia graeca in Platonem. I. Scholia ad dialogos tetralogiarum I-VII continens. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007, CLIII-331 p. 1154. [Plato] EMLYN-JONES (Chris). Plato, Republic 1-2.368 c4 with introduction, translation and commentary. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2007, VI-194 p. 1155. [Plotinus] SCHNIEWIND (Alexandrine). Plotin, Traité 5. V, 9. Introduction, traduction, commentaires et notes. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2007, 242 p. 1156. [Sophocles] FINGLASS (Patrick J.). Sophocles, Electra. Edited with introduction and commentary. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-646 p. 1157. [Strabo] RADT (Stefan). Strabons Geographika. Mit Übersetzung und Kommentar. Band 6. Kommentar. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 525 p. 1158. [Strato Sardensis] GIANNUZZI (Maria Elisabetta). Stratone di Sardi. Epigrammi. Introduzione, traduzione e commento. Lecce, Edizioni Pensa Multimedia, 2007, 479 p.

§ 4. General and political history. _______________________

1161. Atene e l'Occidente. I grandi temi. Le premesse, i protagonisti, le forme della comunicazione e dell'interazione, i modi dell'intervento ateniese in Occidente. Atti del convegno internazionale, Atene, 25í27 maggio 2006. A cura di Emanuele GRECO, Mario LOMBARDO. Atene, Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene, 2007, 524 p. [Cf. nos 1160, 1168, 1172, 1185, 1187, 1228, 1231, 1272, 1276, 1346, 1484, 1498, 1528, 1530.] 1162. Athènes et le politique. Dans le sillage de Claude Mossé. Sous la dir. de Pauline SCHMITTPANTELET et François DE POLIGNAC. Paris, Albin Michel, 2007, 352 p. 1163. BARCELÓ (Pedro). Alexander der Große. Darmstadt, WBG, 2007, 296 p. 1164. BIANCO (Elisabetta). Lo stratego Timoteo. Torre di Atene. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, 188 p. 1165. BODEI GIGLIONI (Gabriella). "Tagliare le spighe più alte". Ambizione individuale e interesse collettivo nella polis. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 745-753. 1166. BOËLDIEU-TRÉVET (Jeannine). Commander dans le monde grec au Ve siècle avant notre ère. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007, 294 p. 1167. Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles. Ed. by Loren J. SAMONS II. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-343 p. [Cf. nos 1093, 1181, 1192, 1193, 1227, 1236, 1239, 1240, 1457, 1512.] 1168. CATALDI (Sergio). Atene e l'Occidente: trattati e alleanze dal 443 al 424. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 421-470. 1169. CHRISTIEN (Jacqueline), RUZÉ (Françoise). Sparte. Géographie, mythe et histoire. Paris, Armand Colin, 2007, 430 p. (U). 1170. COPANI (Fabio). Il mito di Trinaco e la propaganda di Ducezio. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 81-98. 1171. Cultural responses to the Persian wars. Antiquity to the third millennium. Ed. by Emma BRIDGES, Edith HALL, Peter John RHODES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-453 p. [Cf. nos 1053, 1180, 1184, 1186, 1192, 1360, 1444, 1457.] 1172. DAVIES (John K.). The legacy of Xerxes: the growth of Athenian naval power. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 71-98.



1173. DE OLIVEIRA GOMES (Claudia). La cité tyrannique. Histoire politique de la Grèce archaïque. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 230 p.

1188. PETROCELLI (Corrado). Notti dei lunghi coltelli. Storie di pugnali e tiranni nel mondo antico. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 31-81.

1174. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). Memnon on the siege of Heraclea Pontica by Prusias I and the war between the kingdoms of Bithynia and Pergamum. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 133-138.

1189. PODDIGHE (Elisabetta). La questione samia tra Alessandro e Atene: "libertà dei Greci". Quaderni di storia, 2007, 66, p. 29-45.

1175. FORNIS (César). "La paz enviada por el rey" (387í386 a.C). Dike, 2007, 10, p. 155-183.

1190. PRABHA RAY (Himanshu), POTTS (Daniel T.). Memory as history. The legacy of Alexander in Asia. New Delhi, Aryan Books International, 2007, 263 p.

1176. GIOVANNINI (Adalberto). Les relations entre États dans la Grèce antique du temps d'Homère à l'intervention romaine (ca. 700–200 av.J.C.). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 445 p.

1191. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.), OBER (Josiah), WAL(Robert W.). Origins of democracy in Ancient Greece. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2007, XII-242 p.

1177. GIVIGLIANO (Gian Piero). Mesopotamía e sregolatezza. Antichi fiumi nella piana di Sibari. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 693-715.

1192. RHODES (Peter John). Democracy and empire. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 24-45. í IDEM. The impact of the Persian wars on classical Greece. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 31-45.

1178. HANSEN (Mogens Herman). The return of the polis: the use and meanings of the word polis in archaic and classical sources. Papers from the Copenhagen Polis Centre 8. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 276 p. 1179. Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate. Actes du colloque international Tours 7 et 8 mars 2005. Ed. par Jean-Christophe COUVENHES, Silvia MILANEZI. Tours, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, 2007, 493 p. [Cf. nos 1109, 1112, 1125, 1202, 1206, 1213, 1218, 1229, 1233.] 1180. KIMBELL (David). Operatic variations on an episode at the Hellespont. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 201-230. 1181. LENDON (Jon E.). Athens and Sparta and the coming of the Peloponnesian war. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 258281. 1182. LOW (Polly). Interstate relations in Classical Greece. Morality and power. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-313 p. 1183. MANN (Christian). Die Demagogen und das Volk. Zur politischen Kommunikation im Athen des 5. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 347 p.


1193. SAMONS II (Loren J.). Conclusion: Pericles and Athens. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 282-307. í IDEM. Introduction: Athenian history and society in the age of Pericles. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 1-23. 1194. TRITLE (Lawrence A.). 'Laughing for joy': war and peace among the Greeks. In: War and peace in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1095], p. 172-190. 1195. VIRGILIO (Biagio). Polibio, il mondo ellenistico e Roma. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 49-73. 1196. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich). Alexander – der letzte Achaimenide? Eroberungspolitik, lokale Eliten und altorientalistische Traditionen im Jahr 323. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 2, p. 281-309. § 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________

1197. ALONSO (Victor). War, peace, and international law in ancient Greece. In: War and peace in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1095], p. 206-225. 1198. BUIS (Emiliano). Del lecho al juzgado, del sexo al derecho: un juego de palabras significativo en Asambleístas de Aristófanes. Dike, 2007, 10, p. 85-112.

1184. MARINCOLA (John). The Persian wars in fourth-century oratory and historiography. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 105-125.

1199. CALERO SECALL (Inés). Los oradores áticos y algunos términos jurídicos: condicionamientos distribucionales y prefijales. Emerita, 2007, 75, p. 113-136.

1185. MELE (Alfonso). Atene e la Magna Grecia. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 239-268.

1200. CAMIA (Francesco). I "curatores rei publicae" nella provincia d'Acaia. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2007, 119, p. 409-419.

1186. MORRIS (Ian M.). 'Shrines of the mighty'. Rediscovering the battlefields of the Persian wars. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 231264. 1187. NAFISSI (Massimo). Sibariti, Ateniesi e Peloponnesiaci. Problemi storici e storiografici nel racconto di Diodoro sulla fondazione di Thurii. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 385-420.

1201. CARAWAN (Edwin). The trial of the Arginusai generals and the dawn of 'Judicial Review'. Dike, 2007, 10, p. 19-56. 1202. COHEN (Edward E.). Slave power at Athens: juridical theory and economic reality. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 155-169.



1203. DUHOUX (Yves). L'aspect verbal dans le dialectes grecs et ailleurs: les Lois de Gortyne comparées à Lysias et Isocrate. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 59-90. 1204. EFSTATHIOU (Athanasios). Euthyna procedure in 4th c. Athens and the case on the false embassy. Dike, 2007, 10, p. 113-126. 1205. FEYEL (Christophe). La dokimasia des nouveaux citoyens dans les cités grecques. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 19-49. 1206. GRAHAM (Oliver). Citizenship: inscribed honours for individuals in classical and hellenistic Athens. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 273-292. 1207. HUNTER (Virginia). Did the Athenians have a word for crime? Dike, 2007, 10, p. 5-18. 1208. ISMARD (Paulin). La construction du fait associatif en droit athénien et les limites de la notion de personnalité juridique. Dike, 2007, 10, p. 57-83. 1209. ITO (Tadashi). What is the seisachtheia? Journal of classical studies, 2007, 55, p. 101-113. 1210. LAMBERT (Stephen D.). Athenian state laws and decrees, 352/1-322/1. IV. Treaties and other texts. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 161, p. 67-100. 1211. NEUMANN-HARTMANN (Arlette). Das Wettkampfprogramm der panhellenischen Spiele im 5. Jh. v. Chr. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 113-151.

politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 171-199. 1219. CHERRY (John F.). The personal and the political. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 288-306. 1220. CHRYSSANTHAKI-NAGLE (Katerina). L'historie monétaire d'Abdère en Thrace (VIe s. avant J.-C.– IIe s. après J.-C.). Athens et Paris, de Boccard, 2007, 431 p. (Melethmata 51). 1221. FOXHALL (Lin). Olive cultivation in Ancient Greece. Seeking the ancient economy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-294 p. 1222. Greek (The) theatre and festivals. Documentary studies. Ed. by Peter WILSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-431 p. [Cf. nos 848, 1120, 1123, 1217, 1241, 1271, 1460, 1485, 1507.] 1223. HEINE NIELSEN (Thomas). Olympia and the classical Hellenic city-state culture. Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab-The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2007, 139 p. 1224. IVERSEN (Paul A.). The small and great Daidala in Boiotian history. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 381-418. 1225. KAISER (Brooks A.). The Athenian trierarchy: mechanism design for the private provision of public goods. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 445480. 1226. KAIZER (Ted). "Palmyre, cité grecque"? A question of coinage. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 39-60.

1212. PECORELLA LONGO (Chiara). La richiesta della pena nella probolé e nei processi pubblici nel diritto antico. Prometheus, 2007, 33, p. 124-136.

1227. KALLET (Lisa). The Athenian economy. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 70-95.

1213. PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR (Eric). Le personnel d'encadrement de l'éphébie athénienne, 229í86. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 385-419.

1228. LANZA (Diego). Il teatro fra Atene e Siracusa. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 269-284.

1214. PHILLIPS (David D.). "Trauma ek pronoias" in Athenian law. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 74-105. 1215. VILLACÈQUE (Noémie). Ce que le peuple en dit. Le messanger tragique et la démocratie. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 66, p. 81-117.

1229. LE GUEN (Brigitte). L'association des Technites d'Athènes ou les ressorts d'une cohabitation réussie. In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 339-364. 1230. LIDDEL (Peter). Civic obligation and individual liberty in ancient Athens. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-443 p.


1231. LONGO (Fausto). La definizione di un 'nuovo' spazio pubblico: l'Agorà del Ceramico dalla 'nascita' alla spedizione in Sicilia. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 117-153.

1216. ALBANIDIS (Evangelos), GIATSIS (Sotirios). Athletic games in Thrace during the imperial era. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 177-197.

1232. MORENO (Alfonso). Feeding the democracy. The Athenian grain supply in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIX-420 p.

1217. ANEZIRI (Sophia). The organization of music contests in the Hellenistic period and artists' partecipation: an attempt at classification. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 67-84.

1233. MOSSÉ (Claude). L'entourage des Politeuomenoi: 'clientèle' privée ou factions politiques? In: Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate [Cf. n° 1179], p. 133-139.

1218. AZOULAY (Vincent). Champ intellectuel et stratégies de distinction dans la première moitié du IVe siècle: de Socrate à Isocrate. In: Individus, groupes et

1234. NIKU (Maria). The official status of the foreign residents in Athens 322í120 B.C. Helsinki, Finnish Institute at Athens, 2007, 181 p.

§ 6. Economic and social history.

7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 1235. OLIVER (Graham J.). War, food, and politics in early Hellenistic Athens. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXIII-360 p. 1236. PATTERSON (Cynthia). Other sorts: slaves, foreigners, and women in Periclean Athens. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 153-178.


1250. BARRA-SALZÉDO (Edoarda). "En soufflant la grâce" (Eschyle, Agamemnon, v. 1 206). Âmes, souffles et humeurs en Grèce ancienne. Grenoble, Jérôme Millon, 2007, 246 p. 1251. BECK (Markus). The story of Damon and the ideology of euergetism in the "Lives of Cimon and Lucullus". Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 53-70.

1237. PLATT (Verity). 'Honour takes wings': unstable images and anxious orators in the Greek tradition. In: Art and incriptions in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1110], p. 247-271.

1252. BERMAN (Daniel W.). Dirce at Thebes. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 18-39. í IDEM. Myth and culture in Aeschylus' Seven against Thebes. Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2007, 214 p.

1238. PSÔMA (Sélènè). Le monnayage fédéral acarnanien de l'époque classique. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 7-23.

1253. BERNSDORFF (Hans). P.Oxy. 4711 and the poetry of Parthenius. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 1-18.

1239. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Warfare in Athenian society. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 96-124. 1240. SICKINGER (James). The bureaucracy of democracy and empire. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 196-214. 1241. SLATER (William). Deconstructing festivals. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 21-47. 1242. WICKERSHAM (John M.). Spartan garrisons in Boeotia 382í379/8 B.C. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 243-246. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________

a. Literature 1243. ABBONDANZA (Letizia). Parlare d'arte e arte del parlare nella Seconda Sofistica: note in margine alle Dialexeis di Massimo di Tiro. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 25-36. 1244. ADRADOS RODRIGUEZ (Francisco). Origini della lirica greca. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2007, 318 p. 1245. Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte. Wesen und Werden. Akten des Kolloquiums Freie Universität Berlin 19.í22. September 2001. Hrsg. v. Ivo HAJNAL. Innsbruck, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität-Abteilung Sprachwissenschaft, 2007, IX-500 p. [Cf. nos 1097, 1118, 1131, 1203, 1270, 1285, 1288, 1312, 1336, 1374, 1388.] 1246. AMATO (Eugenio). Note esegetico-testuali a Dione di Prusa I: Su Socrate (or. LIV). L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 163-169. 1247. AMBAGLIO (Dino). Quale razionalismo negli scrittori greci pretucididei? Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 685691. 1248. ARRIGHETTI (Graziano). La fine della Teogonia esiodea: un problema antico. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 257-275. 1249. BAKEWELL (Geoffrey W.). "Chrysamoibos" Ares, Athens and empire: "Agamemnon" 437. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 123-132.

1254. BIANCHETTI (Serena). Frammenti di storici nella Geografia di Eratostene. In: Historische Geographie der Alten Welt [Cf. n° 1082], p. 11-26. 1255. BIFFI (Nicola). Come il "Coricio in ascolto"? (nota a Heliod. 5, 20, 2-9). Invigilata lucernis, 2007, 29, p. 27-36. 1256. BILES (Zachary). Representations of epinikia in classical Athens: celebrating poetic victory. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 19-37. 1257. BLAKELY (Sandra). Pherekydes' Daktyloi: ritual, technology, and the Presocratic perspective. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 43-67. 1258. BOEKE (Hanna). The value of victory in Pindar's odes. Gnomai, cosmology and the rule of the poet. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, VIII-230 p. 1259. BOLONYAI (Gábor). The earrings of Polemarchus' wife revisited. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 34-42. 1260. BOSSINA (Luciano). Artemidoro Bizantino. Il proemio del nuovo papiro. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 329-388. 1261. BOTER (Gerard), FLINTERMAN (Jaap Jan). Are petitionary dreams non-predictive? Observations on Artemidorus' Oneirocritica 1.6 and 4.2. Mnemosyne, 2007, 60, p. 589-607. 1262. BRÉCHET (Christophe). Écrit, oral et mémoire chez Plutarque. Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 101-134. 1263. BRILLANTE (Carlo). Omero, Simonide e l'elegia di Platea. Eikasmos, 2007, 18, p. 99-118. 1264. BUDELMANN (Felix). The reception of Sophocles' representation of physical pain. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 443-467. 1265. BURZACCHINI (Gabriele). Saffo, il canto e l'oltretomba. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 37-56. 1266. CAIRNS (Douglas). Dating "Nemean" 5 and Bacchylides 13: criteria and conclusions. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 33-47. 1267. CAMPOS DAROCA (Francisco Javier), ROMERO MARISCAL (Lucía P.), GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ (Francisco



Javier). Traducción de las Vidas de Eurípides. In: Personas (Las) de Eurípides [Cf. n° 1362], p. 253-291. 1268. CAMPOS DAROCA (Francisco Javier). Vida y Vidas de Eurípides. In: Personas (Las) de Eurípides [Cf. n° 1362], p. 221-252.

1283. DE FIDIO (Pia). Un'eco di propaganda pergamena in Strabone? Per una rilettura di XIII 1, 3 C 582. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 5-52. 1284. DE ROGUIN (Claire-Françoise). '... et recouvre d'une montagne leur cité!'. La fin du monde des héros dans les épopées homériques. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 295 p.

1269. CANFORA (Luciano). Cosa conteneva il papiro quando era "intero". Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 323-326. í IDEM. Le molte vite del fr. 21 di Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 271-300. í IDEM. Per la storia del testo di Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 227-240. í IDEM. The true history of the so-called Artemidorus Papyrus with an interim text. Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2007, 199 p.

1286. DIK (Helma). Word order in Greek tragic dialogue. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-281 p.

1270. CASSIO (Albio Cesare). Alcman's text, spoken Laconian, and Greek study of Greek dialects. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 29-45.

1287. DIMAURO (Elisabetta). Senofonte, Pausania il Periegeta e il re Pausania II. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 57-70.

1271. CECCARELLI (Paola), MILANEZI (Silvia). Dithyramb, tragedy and Cyrene. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 185-214.

1288. DOBIAS-LALOU (Catherine). Pausanias et les dialectes. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 47-58.

1272. CERRI (Giovanni). L'oceano di Omero: un'ipotesi nuova sul percorso di Ulisse. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 13-51.

1289. DOBROV (Gregory W.). Comedy and the satyrchorus. Classical world, 2007, 100, p. 251-265.

1273. CEULEMANS (Reinhart). Ritual mutilation in Apollonius Rhodius' "Argonautica": a contextual analysis of IV, 477í479. In search of the motive of the "maschalismos". Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 97-112. 1274. COLLARD (Christopher). Tragedy, Euripides and Euripideans. Selected papers. Exeter, Bristol Phoenix, 2007, IX-277 p. 1275. CORBEL-MORANA (Cécile). Le goût des autres: paratragédie et cuisine chez Aristophane. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 1-18. 1276. CORCELLA (Aldo). Atene e l'Occidente nella storiografia del V secolo a.C. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 53-70. 1277. D'ACUNTO (Matteo). Ipponatte e Boupalos, e la dialettica tra poesia e età arcaica. Revue archéologique, 2007, p. 227-268. 1278. D'ALFONSO (Francesca). Danao e Licambe (Archil. Fr. 305 W.2). Museum Helveticum, 2007, 64, p. 65-82. 1279. DA CUNHA CORRÊA (Paula). A human fable and the justice of beasts in Archilochus. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 101-117.

1285. DEL BARRIO VEGA (Marisa). À propos de quelques formes du laconien et du messénien. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 1-17.

1290. DOVETTO (Francesca M.). Espressione delle emozioni e voce femminile nel lamento antico. Atene e Roma, 2007, p. 5-18. 1291. DURBEC (Yannick). La prophètie de Cassandre: le kleos dans l'Alexandra de Lycophron. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 430-440. 1292. ENGLISH (Mary C.). Reconstructing Aristophanic performance: stage properties in Acharnians. Classical world, 2007, 100, p. 199-227. 1293. FEARN (David). Bacchylides. Politics, performance, poetic tradition. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-428 p. 1294. FERNÁNDEZ (Claudia N.). Autoridad poética y tradición literaria en Herondas (mimo VIII) y Teócrito (Idilio 7). Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 2007, 17, p. 215-231. 1295. FERNÁNDEZ DELGADO (José Antonio). Polifonía intertextual del sonido de la lira: del epos al teatro. Prometheus, 2007, 33, p. 117-123. 1296. FERONE (Claudio). Sosilo (FGrH 176 F 1) e Polibio (III 96, 2) sulla battaglia dell'Ebro del 217 a.C. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 61-66.

1280. DAVIES (Malcolm). Hesiod's Theogony and the folk tale. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 66-82.

1297. FERRERI (Luigi). L'elegia per Clearisto e il tema dell'esilio nella silloge teognidea (Theogn. 511522). La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 390-418.

1281. DE ANGELIS (Francesco). Dei luoghi e della memoria. Pausania, Filopemene e la fruizione della Periegesi. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 37-56.

1298. GALLIA (Andrew B.). Reassessing the Cumaean Chronicle: Greek chronology and Roman history in Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 59-67.

1282. DE FÁTIMA SOUSA SILVA (Maria). Eurípides misógino. In: Personas (Las) de Eurípides [Cf. n° 1362], p. 133-190.

1299. GANGLOFF (Anne). Peuples et préjugés chez Dion de Pruse et Lucien de Samosate. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 64-86.



1300. GARCÍA VALDÉS (Manuela). Estudio críticotextual del libro III de NA de Claudio Eliano: normativismo y cuestiones de método para la edición de la obra. Emerita, 2007, 75, p. 199-224.

1317. JACQUEMIN (Anne). Un an pour être la plus belle des Sybarites… (Athénée, Banquet des sophistes, XII 421 C; Plutarque, Banquet des Sept Sages, 147 E). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 788-795.

1301. GÄRTNER (Thomas). Zur Deutung des kallimacheischen Epigramms über die Phainomena des Arat. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 157-162.

1318. JENNINGS (Victoria). Ion's hymn to Kairos. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 331-346.

1302. GASTALDI (Viviana). Embajadores trágicos. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 39-50. 1303. GEDDES (Anne). Ion of Chios and politics. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 110-138. 1304. GILHULY (Kate). Bronze for gold: subjectivity in Lucian's Dialogues of the courtesans. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 59-94.

1319. KASPRZYK (Dimitri). Parole, silence et mort: le complot des prétendants dans le roman de Chariton. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 87-106. 1320. KATSAROS (Andrea). Staging empire and other in Ion's Sympotica. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 217-240. 1321. KIRIAKIDI (Natalia). Aristophanes und Eupolis. Zur Geschichte einer dichterischen Rivalität. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2007, X-247 p.

1305. GORMAN (Robert J.), GORMAN (Vanessa B.). The "tryphê" of the Sybarites: a historiographical problem in Athenaeus. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 38-60.

1322. KORNAROU (Eleni). Aristophanes and tragic lamentation: the case of Acharnians 1069í142 and 1174í234. Mnemosyne, 2007, 60, p. 550-564.

1306. GROGAN (Jane). Xenophon's "Cyropaedia" and English Renaissance Humanism. Hermathena, 2007, 183, p. 63-74.

1323. KOVACS (David). Tragic interpolation and Philip II: Pylades' forgotten exile and other problems in Euripides' Orestes. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 259275.

1307. GUICHARD (Luis Arturo). AP 9.359 (Posidipo *13; A.-B.) como ejercicio de thesis. Prometheus, 2007, 33, p. 97-114. 1308. GUTZWILLER (Kathryn). A guide to Hellenistic literature. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XV-261 p. 1309. GYSELINCK (Wannes). Pinning down Proteus: some thoughts on an innovative interpretation of Philostratus' Vita Apollonii. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 195-203.

1324. LAGIOIA (Alessandro). Nota esegetica a Lycophr. Alex. 1265í1266. Invigilata lucernis, 2007, 29, p. 91-99. 1325. LAMAGNA (Mario). Menandro e il mondo dell'epica. Atene e Roma, 2007, p. 19-38. 1326. LAPINI (Walter). Capitoli su Posidippo. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, XVII-493 p.

1310. HEIDEN (Bruce). The Muses' uncanny lies: Hesiod, Theogony 27 and its translators. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 153-175.

1327. LARSON (Stephanie L.). Tales of epic ancestry. Boiotian collective identity in the late archaic and early Classical periods. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 238 p. (Historia, Einzelschriften, 197).

1311. HEITSCH (Ernst). Geschichte und Personen bei Thukydides. Eine Interpretation des achten Buches. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2007, VII-180 p.

1328. LAURIOLA (Rosanna). Wisdom and foolishness: a further point in the interpretation of Sophocles' Antigone. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 389-405.

1312. HELLY (Bruno). Le dialecte thessalien, un autre modèle de développement. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 177-222. 1313. HENDERSON (John). The hocus of a hedgehog: Ion's versatility. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 17-44. 1314. Hesperos. Studies in ancient Greek poetry. Presented to M.L. West on his seventieth birthday. Ed. by Patrick J. FINGLASS, Christopher COLLARD and Nicholas James RICHARDSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, LVI-406 p. [Cf. nos 1091, 1279, 1280, 1316, 1323, 1351, 1369, 1379.]

1329. LAWRENCE (Stuart E.). Eteocles' moral awareness in Aeschylus' Seven. Classical world, 2007, 100, p. 335-353. 1330. LEHNUS (Luigi). Maas e Filinna. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 66, p. 155-162. 1331. LETTA (Cesare). L'eruzione del Vesuvio del 202 d.C. e la composizione dell'opera di Cassio Dione. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 41-47. 1332. LIBRÁN MORENO (Miryam). El motivo amatorio de las palabras de amor (blanditiae) y el texto de Esquilo, fr.44.1R (Danaides). L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 149-156.

1315. HEUSCH (Christine). Proteische Verwandlung: Die Figur des Peregrinos Proteus im Spiegel der zeitgenössischen Literatur. Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 435-460.

1333. LIGOTA (Christopher). Lucian and the writing of history. Obsolescence survived. In: Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus [Cf. n° 1337], p. 45-70.

1316. HOLLIS (Adrian S.). Some poetic connections of Lycophron's Alexandra. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 276-293.

1334. LÓPEZ CRUCES (Juan Luis). Eurípides músico. Antíope y la rescritura de los mitos musicales. In: Personas (Las) de Eurípides [Cf. n° 1362], p. 3-37.



1335. LÓPEZ FÉREZ (Maria Y.). Deyanira y Heracles en Sófocles. La esposa y el héroe: dos mundos opuestos. Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 2007, 17, p. 97-143.

1351. NESSELRATH (Heinz-Günther). Lucian and Archilochus, or: How to make use of the ancient iambographers in the context of the Second Sophistic. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 132-142.

1336. LÖSCHHORN (B.). Weniger Bekanntes aus Attika. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 265-353.

1352. NEUMANN-HARTMANN (Arlette). Der Aufführungsrahmen von Epinikien: ein Diskussionsbeitrag. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 49-112.

1337. Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus. Ed. by Christopher LIGOTA, Letizia PANIZZA. London, The Warburg Institute a. Torino, Nino Aragno Editore, 2007, 222 p. [Cf. nos 1333, 1341, 1355, 1387.]

1353. O'SULLIVAN (Timothy M.). Walking with Odysseus: the portico frame of the Odyssey landscapes. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 497-532.

1338. LUSCHNIG (Cecelia A.E.). Granddaughter of the sun. A study of Euripides' Medea. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-219 p. 1339. MADDOLI (Gianfranco). Zhmia La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 385-389.

1354. OTRANTO (Rosa). Osservazioni bibliologiche sul nuovo Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 307-322. 1355. PANIZZA (Letizia). Vernacular Lucian in Renaissance Italy: translations and transformations. In: Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus [Cf. n° 1337], p. 71-114.

1340. MALOSSE (Pierre-Louis). Comment arrêter un massacre: une leçon de rhétorique appliquée (Libanios, Discours XIX). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 107-141.

1356. PARKER (Victor). Sphodrias' raid and the liberation of Thebes: a study of Ephorus and Xenophon. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 13-33.

1341. MASSING (Jean-Michel). A few more calumnies: Lucian and the visual arts. In: Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus [Cf. n° 1337], p. 129-144.

1357. PARLATO (Giorgia). I 'modernismi' linguistici dei Cypria: una diversa valutazione. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 5-36.

1342. MAVROJANNIS (Theodoros). Herodotus on the introduction of the Phoenician alphabet to the Greeks, the Gephyraeans and the Proto-geometric building at Toumba in Lefkandi. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 291-319.

1358. PASQUINUCCI (Marinella). I porti di Pisa e di Volterra. Breve nota a Strabone 5.2.5, 222C. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 677-684.

1343. MAYER (Péter). Überlegungen zum Vortragskontext und zur Aussage der "Plataia-elegie" des Simonides (FRR. 10-18 W2). Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 373-388. 1344. MICUNCO (Stefano). Artemidoro: osservazioni a partire da colonna V, 1-16. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 399-403. 1345. MILAZZO (Antonino M.). Dimensione retorica e realtà politica. Dione di Prusa nelle orazioni III, V, VII, VIII. Hildesheim, Zürich e New York, Olms, 2007, 279 p.

1359. PAVESE (Carlo Odo). I giorni dell'Iliade. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 119-133. 1360. PELLING (Christopher). De malignitate Plutarchi: Plutarch, Herodotus, and the Persian wars. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 145-164. 1361. PELLING (Christopher). Ion's Epidemiai and Plutarch's Ion. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 75-109.

1346. MISSIOU (Anna). Democracy and Athenian policy towards Sicily in Thucydides. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 99-116.

1362. Personas (Las) de Eurípides. Ed. por Francisco Javier CAMPOS DAROCA, Francisco Javier GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Juan Luis LÓPEZ CRUCES, Lucía P. ROMERO MARISCAL. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2007, XXII-349 p. [Cf. nos 1267, 1268, 1282, 1334, 1373.]

1347. MORELLI (Giuseppe). Sul falecio e il priapeo in Aftonio. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 216-219.

1363. PINTO (Pasquale Massimo). Sul "proemio" del nuovo Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 389-398.

1348. MORIN (Bernadette). Du tison au flocon: Méléagre et l'Héraclès des Trachiniennes. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 25-38.

1364. POWER (Timothy). Ion of Chios and the politics of polychordia. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 179-205.

1349. MORRISON (Andrew D.). The narrator in archaic Greek and hellenistic poetry. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-358 p.

1365. PRETAGOSTINI (Roberto). Ricerche sulla poesia alessandrina II. Forme allusive e contenuti nuovi. Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2007, XI-234 p.

1350. MOSCONI (Gianfranco). La techne kata logous in Anonimo di Giamblico 2, 7. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 279-288.

1366. PRIOUX (Évelyne). Regards Alexandrins. Histoire et théorie des arts dans l'épigramme hellénistique. Leuven, Paris et Dudley, Peeters, 2007, XXII-324 p.



1367. RADKE (Gyburg). Die Kindheit des Mythos. Die Erfindung der Literaturgeschichte in der Antike. München, C.H. Beck, 2007, XII-366 p.

1383. STEINER (Deborah). Feathers flying: avian poetics in Hesiod, Pindar, and Callimachus. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 177-208.

1368. RENGAKOS (Antonios). Zeit und Erzählung in den Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodios. In: Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland [Cf. n° 1440], p. 43-52.

1384. STERN (E. Marianne). Ancient glass in a philological context. Mnemosyne, 2007, 60, p. 341-406.

1369. RICHARDSON (Nicholas James). The Homeric hymn to Hermes. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 83-91. 1370. RIEMER (Peter). Nichts gewaltiger als der Mensch? Zu Sophokles Kritik an der zeitgenössischen Kulturentstehungslehre. Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 305316. 1371. RINON (Yoav). The pivotal scene: narration, colonial focalization, and transition in Odyssey 9. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 301-334. 1372. ROBIANO (Patrick). En pallakais tetagmenƝn: une nouvelle conjecture pour Chariton, Chéréas et Callirhoé, VII 6,10. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 796-802. 1373. ROMERO MARISCAL (Lucía P.). Eurípides crítico social. In: Personas (Las) de Eurípides [Cf. n° 1362], p. 39-83. 1374. RUIJGH (Cornelis J.). L'évolution des dialectes doriens jusqu'à la koina dorienne: le système des voyelles longues et la formation du futur. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 393-447. 1375. RUSSO (Giuseppe). Due note a frammenti di Saffo e Alceo. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 416-422. 1376. SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Juan Pablo). La patria de Pausanias (Notas de lectura a Paus. V 13, 7): Magnesia del Sípilo y Esmirna. Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 2007, 17, p. 233-247. 1377. SCHIANO (Claudio). Sui Geographoumena di Artemidoro: struttura e stile. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 247-270. 1378. SCHROEDER (Chad Matthew). A new monograph by Aristarchus? Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 138-141. 1379. SCULLION (Scott). Problems in the prologue and parodos of Bacchae. In: Hesperos [Cf. n° 1314], p. 239-258. 1380. SOARES (Carmen). Theory and practice in the "Life of Artaxerxes". Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 85100. 1381. SPINA (Luigi). Nothing to do with the Sirens: falsi mitemi d'autore. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 66, p. 119-131. 1382. STANCHI (Nicola). La presenza assente. L'attesa del personaggio fuori scena nella tragedia greca. Milano, LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2007, 342 p.

1385. STROCKA (Volker Michael). Poseidippos von Pella und die Anfänge der griechischen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 332-345. 1386. SULLIVAN (James Jan). The agency of the herald Talthybius in Euripides' Trojan women. Mnemosyne, 2007, 60, p. 472-477. 1387. SWAIN (Simon). The three faces of Lucian. In: Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus [Cf. n° 1337], p. 17-44. 1388. TEODORSSON (Sven-Tage). Diglossie in griechischen Dialekten. In: Altgriechischen (Die) Dialekte [Cf. n° 1245], p. 463-478. 1389. TRZASKOMA (Stephen Michael). Honey and the effects of Chloe's kiss at Longus 1,25,2. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 352-357. 1390. WILLMOTT (Jo). The moods of Homeric Greek. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-264 p. 1391. WILSON (Nigel Guy). Aristophanea. Studies on the text of Aristophanes. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-218 p. 1392. WILSON (Peter). Pronomos and Potamon: two pipers and two epigrams. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 141-149. 1393. World (The) of Ion of Chios. Ed. by Victoria JENNINGS, Andrea KATSAROS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIV-449 p. [Cf. nos 1303, 1313, 1318, 1320, 1361, 1364, 1400, 1418, 1479.] 1394. ZAMBUJO FIALHO (Maria do Céu). 'Philantropia' and 'philautia' in Plutarch's "Theseus". Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 71-84. 1395. ZOGRAPHOU (Gerasimoula). Généalogie et historiographie: une réécriture de la généalogie des rois de Sparte. Le cas de Démarate chez Hérodote. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 189-204. 1396. ZORODDU (Donatella). Escursioni scoliastiche. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 597-632. 1397. ZUNINO (Maddalena Luisa). Atene del disonore ([Xen.] "Athenaion Politeia" 3.12-13). Klio, 2007, 89, p. 320-331. Cf. nos 1134-1159 b. Philosophy and sciences 1398. ALTHOFF (Jochen). Sokrates als Naturphilosoph in Aristophanes' Wolken. In: Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland [Cf. n° 1440], p. 103-120. 1399. ASPER (Markus). Griechische Wissenschaftstexte. Formen, Funktionen, Differenzierungsgeschichten. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 453 p.



1400. BALTUSSEN (Han). Playing the Pythagorean: Ion's Triagmos. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 295-318.

1418. FLETCHER (Richard). Legwork: Ion's Socrates. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 319330.

1401. BARKER (Andrew). The science of harmonics in classical Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-481 p.

1419. FLEURY (Pascale). Éroticos: un dialogue (amoureux) entre Platon et la seconde sophistique? Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 776-787.

1402. BETT (Richard). Sceptic optics? Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 95-121.

1420. GEMELLI MARCIANO (M.Laura). Democrito e l'Accademia. Studi sulla trasmissione dell'atomismo antico da Aristotele a Simplicio. Berlin e New York, de Gruyter, 2007, XII-376 p.

1403. BOBO DE LA PEÑA (Miguel). Algunas consideraciones críticas y exegéticas en torno el texto de la Harmonía de C. Tolemeo (II). Emerita, 2007, 75, p. 137152. 1404. BOS (Abraham P.), FERWERDA (Rein). Aristotle's De spiritu as a critique of the doctrine of pneuma in Plato and his predecessors. Mnemosyne, 2007, 60, p. 565-588. 1405. BROCK (Sebastian P.). A Syriac intermediary for the Arabic Theology of Aristotle? In search of a chimera. In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 293-306. 1406. Cambridge companion (The) to Plato's Republic. Ed. by Giovanni R.F. FERRARI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XXVI-533 p. [Cf. nos 1437, 1444, 1455.] 1407. CASERTANO (Giovanni). Paradigmi della verità in Platone. Roma, Editori riuniti U. P., 2007, 282 p. 1408. CHANDLER (Clive). Democritus on Homer and inspiration, B 21 DK. Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 839859. 1409. CHARRUE (Jean-Michel). Plotin et Epicure. Emerita, 2007, 74, p. 289-320. 1410. CUOMO (Serafina). Technology and culture in Greek and Roman antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-212 p. 1411. DANCY (Russell M.). The limit of being in the Philebus. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 35-70. 1412. DASTI (Matthew R.). The Crito's integrity. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 123-140.

1421. GOULET (Richard). La conservation et la transmission des textes philosophiques grecs. In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 29-61. 1422. GUARDASOLE (Alessia). Les Problemata Hippocratiques: un exemple original de catéchisme et commentaire dans la tradition médicale et religieuse. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 142-160. 1423. HOFFMANN (Philippe). Les bibliotèques philosophiques d'après le témoignage de la littérature néoplatonicienne des Ve et VIe siècles. In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 135-153. 1424. KULLMANN (Wolfgang). Das Verhältnis zwischen Philosophie und Dichtung in griechischer Sicht. In: Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland [Cf. n° 1440], p. 11-25. 1425. LANDY (Joshua). Philosophical training grounds: Socratic sophistry and Platonic perfection in Symposium and Gorgias. Arion, 2007, 15, p. 63-122. 1426. LENZI (Massimiliano). Plato's last book at the gods. Philosophical theology in law. Arion, 2007, 15, p. 124-135. 1427. LIATSI (Maria). Philia bei Aristoteles: Ethische Tugend oder äußeres Gut? In: Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland [Cf. n° 1440], p. 121130. 1428. Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists. Ed. by Cristina D'ANCONA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXXVI-531 p. [Cf. nos 993, 1014, 1405, 1417, 1421, 1423.]

1413. DESLAURIERS (Marguerite). Aristotle on definition. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, IX-299 p.

1429. MACINKOWSKA-ROSÓL (Maria). Zur Syntax von Parmenides Fr. 1.31-32. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 134148.

1414. DI MARCO (Massimo). Su un epigramma di Diogene Laerzio (Anth. App. V 40 Cougny). Nota metrico-testuale. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 91-95.

1430. MAJUMDAR (Deepa). Mysticism and the political: stairway to the good in Plato's allegory of the cave. Two models of numinous politics (Part I). Philotheos, 2007, 7, p. 144-159.

1415. ERLER (Michael). Platon. Basel, Schwabe, 2007, XII-792 p. 1416. EVANS (Matthew). Plato and the meaning of pain. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 71-93.

1431. MAZZARA (Giuseppe). La morale di Socrate è teonoma? Aspetti convergenti della religiosità socratica in Senofonte, Memorabili I 4-IV 3 e in Platone, Alcibiade I e Apologia. In: Socrate (Il) dei dialoghi [Cf. n° 1448], p. 105-138.

1417. FERRARI (Cleophea). Die Kategorie der Relation in der griechischen und arabischen AristotelesKommentierung. In: Libraries (The) of the Neoplatonists [Cf. n° 1428], p. 471-479.

1432. MEIJER (Piet A.). Stoic theology. Proofs for the existence of the cosmic god and of the traditional gods. Including a commentary on Cleanthes' Hymn on Zeus. Delft, Eburon, 2007, XII-356 p.

8. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY 1433. MILLETT (Paul). Aristotle and the slavery in Athens. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 178-209. í IDEM. Theophrastus and his world. Cambridge, The Cambridge philological society, 2007, X-188 p. 1434. NARCY (Michel). Che cosa è un dialogo socratico? In: Socrate (Il) dei dialoghi [Cf. n° 1448], p. 21-32. 1435. NEWTON BYRD (Miriam). Dialectic and Plato's method of hypothesis. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 141-158. 1436. O'BRIEN (Denis). "L'hypothèse" de Parménide (Platon, Parménide 137 A 7-B 4). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 414-480. 1437. PARRY (Richard D.). The unhappy tyrant and the craft of inner rule. In: Cambridge companion (The) to Plato's Republic [Cf. n° 1406], p. 386-414. 1438. PATTERSON (Richard). Diagrams, dialectic and mathematical foundations in Plato. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 1-33. 1439. PHILLIPS (John). Order from disorder. Proclus' doctrine of evil and its roots in ancient Platonism. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XI-280 p. 1440. Philosophie und Dichtung im antiken Griechenland. Hrsg. v. Jochen ALTHOFF. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 156 p. [Cf. nos 1368, 1398, 1424, 1427.] 1441. RASHED (Marwan). Essentialisme. Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. Berlin et New York, de Gruyter, 2007, XI-356 p. 1442. ROSKAM (Geert). Live unnoticed (lathe biosas). On the vicissitudes of an Epicurean doctrine. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XI-233 p. 1443. ROSSETTI (Livio). Il dialogo socratico come unità comunicazionale 'aperta'. In: Socrate (Il) dei dialoghi [Cf. n° 1448], p. 33-52. í IDEM. L'Eutidemo di Senofonte: Memorabili IV 2. In: Socrate (Il) dei dialoghi [Cf. n° 1448], p. 63-103. 1444. ROWE (Christopher). Plato and the art of philosophical writing. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-290 p. í IDEM. Plato and the Persian wars. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 85104. í IDEM. The place of the Republic in Plato's political thought. In: Cambridge companion (The) to Plato's Republic [Cf. n° 1406], p. 27-54. 1445. SANTUCCI (Marco). Polis e politeia in Eraclito di Efeso. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 385-415.


Michel NARCY, Livio ROSSETTI. Bari, Levante editore, 2007, 164 p. [Cf. nos 1431, 1434, 1443.] 1449. SOLANA DUESO (José). Platón: la transición a la ciudad ideal. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 51-62. 1450. TODOUA (Maïa). Sur l'improbable douceur du feu dans la cosmologie de Parménide (v. 37 du fr. 8 DK). Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 395-413. 1451. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter). Mystical silence as a philosophical and rhetorical tool in Plutarch. Hermathena, 2007, 182, p. 9-40. 1452. VÖSSING (Konrad). Wurde die Gefallenenrede des platonischen, Menexenos' im hellenistischen Athen jährlich vorgetragen (Cic. orat. 151)? Historia, 2007, 56, p. 247-249. 1453. WATTS (Edward). Historical discourse and the shape of community in the Old Academy: creating the Academy. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 106122. 1454. WOERTHER (Frédérique). L'éthos aristotélicien. Genèse d'une notion rhétorique. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2007, 368 p. 1455. YUNIS (Harvey). The protreptic rhetoric of the Republic. In: Cambridge companion (The) to Plato's Republic [Cf. n° 1406], p. 1-26. 1456. ZAGDOUN (Mary-Anne). Bonheur et fortune dans la Poétique d'Aristote. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 281-288. Cf. nos 1134-1159 § 8. Religion and mythology. _______________________

1457. BOEDEKER (Deborah). Athenian religion in the age of Pericles. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 46-69. í EADEM. The view from Eleusis. Demeter in the Persian wars. In: Cultural responses to the Persian wars [Cf. n° 1171], p. 65-82. 1458. BRENK (Frederick E.). Zeus' missing ears. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 213-215. 1459. CAMEROTTO (Alberto). Il duello e l'agone. Le regole della violenza nell'epica eroica. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 9-32. 1460. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Theatre rituals. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 48-66.

1446. SÉGUY-DUCLOT (Alain). Einai copulatif et existentiel dans le Parménide de Platon: réponse è une objection. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 265280.

1461. CHLUP (Radek). The semantics of fertility: levels of meaning in the "Thesmophoria". Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 69-96.

1447. SHARMA (Ravi). The anatomy of an illusion: on Plato's purported commitment to self-predication. Apeiron, 2007, 40, p. 159-198.

1462. CONNELLY (Joan Breton). Portrait of a priestess. Women and ritual in ancient Greece. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XV-415 p.

1448. Socrate (Il) dei dialoghi. Seminario palermitano del gennaio 2006. A cura di Giuseppe MAZZARA,

1463. DAVIES (Malcolm). The hero and his arms. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 145-155.



1464. DELATTRE (Charles). Hemitheos en question: l'homme, le héros et le demi-dieu. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 481-510. 1465. DIGNAS (Beate). Porter la couronne d'un dieu: titre civique, charge religieuse, pouvoir ou fardeau? Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 173-187. 1466. EIDINOW (Esther). Oracles, curses, and risk among the ancient Greeks. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-516 p.

International d'Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique, 2007, 336 p. 1482. SOMVILLE (Pierre). Bijou à le mer! Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 205-212. 1483. STARK (Isolde). Kybele als keltische Göttin: Zur Aufnahme der Kybele von Pessinus als Mater Magna unter die römischen Staatsgötter 205/204 v. Chr. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 67-117.

1467. GIGANTE LANZARA (Valeria). Il sogno di Europa. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 419-425.

1484. TORTORELLI GHIDINI (Marisa). Religiosità e thunderbirdculti misterici. Le lamine d'oro orfiche. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 285-293.

1468. HERRERO DE JÁUREGUI (Miguel). Tradición órfica y cristianismo antiguo. Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 2007, 413 p.

1485. WILSON (Peter). Performance in the Pythion: the Athenian Thargelia. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 150-182.

1469. JAILLARD (Dominique). Les fonctions du mythe dans l'organisation spatiale de la cité: l'exemple de Tanagra en Béotie. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 131-152. 1470. KANTIRÉA (Maria). Les dieux et les dieux Augustes: le culte impérial en Grèce sous les JulioClaudiens et les Flaviens; études épigraphiques et archéologiques. Athenae, Centre de Recherches de l'Antiquité Grecque et Romaine et Paris, Diffusion de Boccard, 2007, 285 p. (MeletƝmata / Kentron HellƝnikƝs kai RǀmaïkƝs ArchaiotƝtos, 50). 1471. KITTS (Margo). "Bulls cut down bellowing": ritual leitmotifs and poetic pressures in "Iliad" XXIII. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 17-41. 1472. KOWALZIG (Barbara). Singing for the gods. Performances of myth and ritual in archaic and classical Greece. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-508 p. 1473. KUNST (Christiane). Frauen im hellenistischen Herrscherkult. Klio, 2007, 89, p. 24-38. 1474. LORBER (Catherine C.). Laodikai and the Goddess Nikephoros. L'antiquité classique, 2007, 76, p. 63-88. 1475. MÉGALOUDI (F.), PAPADOPOULOS (S.), SGOUROU (M.). Plant offerings from the classical necropolis of Limenas, Thasos, northern Greece. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 933-943. 1476. MELFI (Milena). I santuari di Asclepio in Grecia (II). Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2007, 624 p. 1477. MORGAN (Janett E.). Space and the notion of final frontier: searching for ritual boundaries in the classical Athenian home. Kernos, 2007, 20, p. 113-129. 1478. NAIDEN (Fred S.). The fallacy of the willing victim. Journal of hellenic studies, 2007, 127, p. 61-73. 1479. OLDING (Guy). Ion the wineman. The manipulation of myth. In: World (The) of Ion of Chios [Cf. n° 1393], p. 139-154. 1480. OSBORNE (Robin). Cult and ritual. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 246262. 1481. PIRONTI (Gabriella). Entre ciel et guerre. Figures d'Aphrodite en Grèce ancienne. Liège, Centre

§ 9. Archaeology and history of art. * 1486. Activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2007, 119, p. 225-339. * 1487. BADOUD (Nathan), DUPONT (Pierre), GAR(Yvon), MARANGOU-LERAT (Antigone). Bulletin archéologique. Revue des études grecques, 2007, 120, p. 161-264. LAN


1488. ALBERTI (Gianmarco). "Minima Thapsiana". Riflessioni sulla cronologia dell'abitato di Thapsos. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2007, 57, p. 363-376. 1489. ALCOCK (Susan E.). The essential countryside. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 120-138. 1490. BARRESI (Paolo). Il sofista Flavio Damiano di Efeso e la costruzione di terme-ginnasi nell'Asia Minore romana di età imperiale. In: Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica [Cf. n° 1070], p. 137-151. 1491. BERNHEIMER (G. Max). Ancient gems from the Borowski Collection. Ruhpolding a. Mainz, Franz Philipp Rutzen, 2007, 120 p. 1492. CAMPOREALE (Giovannangelo). Ancora sull'anfora di Würzburg del Pittore dell'Eptacordo. La parola del passato, 2007, 62, p. 441-450. 1493. Classical archaeology. Ed. by Susan E. ALRobin OSBORNE. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XIII447 p. [Cf. nos 1080, 1219, 1480, 1489, 1499, 1505, 1509, 1522, 1537.] COCK,

1494. CLOSTERMAN (Wendy E.). Family ideology and family history: the function of funerary markers in classical Attic peribolos tombs. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 633-652. 1495. COQUEUGNIOT (Gaëlle). Coffre, casier et armoire: la kibôtos et le mobilier des archives et des bibliothèques grecques. Revue archéologique, 2007, p. 293304. 1496. CORSO (Antonio). The art of Praxiteles II. The mature years. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2007, 304 p.



1497. CRAWLEY QUINN (Josephine). Herms, kouroi and the political anatomy of Athens. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 82-105.

1512. LAPATIN (Kenneth). Art and architecture. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Pericles [Cf. n° 1167], p. 125-152.

1498. CROISSANT (Francis). Les échos de la sculpture attique en Occident. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 295-324.

1513. LAZZARINI (Lorenzo). Poikiloi lithoi, versiculores maculae: i marmi colorati della Grecia antica. Storia, uso, diffusione, cave, geologia, caratterizzazione scientifica, archeometria, deterioramento. Pisa e Roma, Accademia Editoriale, 2007, 296 p.

1499. DAVIS (Jack L.). Doing archaeology in the classical lands. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 53-68. 1500. DIMO (Vangjel), LENHARDT (Philippe), QUAN(François). Apollonia d'Illyrie 1. Atlas archéologique et historique. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, 362 p. TIN

1501. FALCONE (Lidia). Ceramica campana a figure nere. Tipologia, sistema decorativo, organizzazione delle botteghe. Pisa e Roma, Accademia Editoriale, 2007, 222 p. 1502. FILGES (Axel). Skulpturen und Statuenbasen von der klassischen Epoche bis in die Kaiserzeit (Didyma dritter Teil, Band 5). Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2007, X-187 p. 1503. FISCHER (Marina). Sport objects and homosexuality in ancient Greek vase-painting: the new reading of Tampa Museum Vase 86.70. Nikephoros, 2007, 20, p. 153-175. 1504. FRAISSE (Philippe), MORETTI (Jean-Charles). Le théâtre. Volume I. Texte. Volume II. Planches. Athènes, École française de Athènes, 2007, 2 vol., XXI-282 p., IV-15 p., 112 t. 1505. GILL (David), CHIPPINDALE (Christopher). The illicit antiquities scandal: what it has done to classical archaeology collections. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 571-574. 1506. GIUDICE (Giada). Il tornio, la nave e le terre lontane. Ceramografici attici in Magna Grecia nella seconda metà del V sec. a.C. Rotte e vie di distribuzione. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2007, 650 p. 1507. GOETTE (Hans Rupprecht). Choregic monuments and the Athenian democracy. In: Greek (The) theatre and festivals [Cf. n° 1222], p. 122-149. 1508. HENDRICH (Christof). Die Säulenordnung des ersten Dipteros von Samos. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, XII150 p. 1509. HÖLSCHER (Tonio). Urban spaces and central places. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 164-181. 1510. HURWIT (Jeffrey M.). The problem with Dexileos: heroic and other nudities in Greek art. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 35-60. 1511. KUNZE (Max). Meisterwerke antiker Bronzen und Metallarbeiten aus der Sammlung Borowski. Bd. I. Griechische und römische Bronzen. Ruhpolding a. Mainz, Franz Philipp Rutzen, 2007, 325 p.

1514. LIAMPI (Katerini). Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Staatliche Münzsammlungen München. 12. Heft. Thessalien-Illyrien-Epirus-Korkyra nr. 1-701. München, Hirmer, 2007, 36 p. 1515. LINDERS (Tullia). The location of the opistodomos: evidence from the temple of Athena Parthenos inventories. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 777-782. 1516. LOHMANN (Hans). Wo lag das athenische Phrourion Boudoron? Ein Beitrag zur historischen Geographie der Insel Salamis. In: Historische Geographie der Alten Welt [Cf. n° 1082], p. 249-278. 1517. MAAß (Michael). Das antike Delphi. München, Beck, 2007, 128 p. 1518. MAC KINNON (Michael). Osteogical research in classical archaeology. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 473-504. 1519. MAC MENAMIN (Mark A.S.). Ammonite fossil portrayed on an ancient Greek countermarked coin. Antiquity, 2007, 81, p. 944-948. 1520. MELFI (Milena). Il santuario di Asclepio a Lebena. Atene, Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2007, 248 p. 1521. MUSTI (Domenico). Lisippo adriatico. In: Historische Geographie der Alten Welt [Cf. n° 1082], p. 279-284. 1522. NEVETT (Lisa). Housing and housebolds. The Greek world. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 205-223. 1523. NEWBY (Zahra). Reading the allegory of the Archelaos relief. In: Art and incriptions in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1110], p. 156-178. 1524. NIZZO (Valentino). Nuove acquisizioni sulla fase preellenica di Cuma e sugli scavi di E. Osta. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2007, 119, p. 483-502. 1525. OLCH STERN (Wilma), HADJILAZARO THIMME (Danae). Kenchreai, Eastern port of Corinth. Results of investigations by The University of Chicago and Indiana University. VI. Ivory, bone, and related wood finds. Leiden, Brill, 2007, 364 p. 1526. ÖZTEPE (Erhan). Zu den Formen der Liegefalten und eingeritzten Linien in der griechischen Plastik. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 251-270. 1527. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.), BEJKO (Lorenc), MORRIS (Sarah P.). Excavations at the prehistoric burial



tumulus of Lofkënd in Albania: a preliminary report for the 2004í2005 seasons. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 105-147.

Santa Restituta. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2007, 144 p.

1528. PARISE (Nicola). Aspetti della monetazione di Turi durante il secolo V. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 345-351.

1536. SHEAR (Julia L.). Reusing statues, rewriting inscriptions and bestowing honours in Roman Athens. In: Art and incriptions in the ancient world [Cf. n° 1110], p. 221-246.

1529. PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN (Leena). The Graeco-Roman terracotta figurines of Finland and their collectors. Helsinki, Finnish Institute at Athens, 2007, 100 p.

1537. SNODGRASS (Anthony). What is classical archaeology? Greek archaeology. In: Classical archaeology [Cf. n° 1493], p. 13-29.

1530. PONTRANDOLFO (Angela). Le produzioni ceramiche. In: Atene e l'Occidente [Cf. n° 1161], p. 325-344.

1538. STEWART (Andrew). Praxiteles. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 565-569.

1531. POSAMENTIR (Richard), SOLOVYOV (Sergey). Zur Herkunftsbestimmung archaisch-ionischer Keramik: die Funde aus Berezan in der Eremitage von St. Petersburg II. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2007, 57, p. 179207.

1539. TAPLIN (Oliver). Pots and plays. Interactions between tragedy and Greek vase-painting of the fourth century BC. Los Angeles, The J.Paul Getty Museum, 2007, X-310 p.

1532. POULLE (Bruno). De Crotone à Rome: itinéraire et interprétations d'un tableau, l'Hélène de Zeuxis. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 26-40. 1533. PRIVITERA (Santo). "Polis Massalia": da Artemidoro di Efeso a Eustazio di Tessalonica. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2007, 119, p. 4149. 1534. RUSCU (Luigia Cristina). On Nicopolis ad Istrum and her territory. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 214-229. 1535. SCATOZZA HOERICHT (Lucia Amalia). Pithecusa. Materiali votivi da Monte Vico e dall'area di

1540. THORN (Dorothy May). The four seasons of Cyrene. The excavation and explorations in 1861 of Lieutenants Robert Murdoch Smith, R.E. and Edwin A. Porcher, R.N. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2007, 314 p. 1541. WEIß (Carina). Die antiken Gemmen der Sammlung Heinrich Dressel in der Antikensammlung Berlin. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2007, 496 p. 1542. WESTGATE (Ruth). House and society in classical and Hellenistic Crete: a case study in regional variation. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 423-457.

F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE _________ § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1543-1553. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1554-1561. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1562-1624. – § 4. General and political history. 1625-1697. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1698-1737. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1738-1784. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1785-1882. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1883-1905. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1906-1943. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 1944-1969. § 1. The peoples of Italy. _______________________

1543. CAMOUS (Thierry). La localisation de l'ancienne Politorium, une question importante de l'histoire du Latium préétrusque. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 569-579. 1544. CARLUCCI (Claudia), DE LUCIA BROLLI (Maria Anna), KEAY (Simon), MILLETT (Martin), STRUTT (Kristian), CLOGG (P. W.), MOSCATI (Paola), OPITZ (Rachel). An archaeological survey of the Faliscan settlement at Vignale, Falerii Veteres (province of Viterbo). Papers of the British school at Rome, 2007, 75, p. 39121. 1545. FARKAS (Nikoletta). Leadership among the Samnites and related Oscan-speaking peoples between the fifth and first centuries BC [electronic resource]. London, University of London, 2007, [s.p.]. 1546. FORTUNELLI (Simona). Il deposito votivo del santuario settentrionale. Gravisca, near Viterbo (Lazio). Bari, Edipuglia, 2007, 366 p. 1547. LEROUGE (Charlotte). L'image des Parthes dans le monde gréco-romain. Du début du Ier siècle av. J.-C. jusqu'à la fin du Haut-Empire romain. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 427 p. (Oriens et occidens, 17).

Marignano. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2007, 159 p. (Adrias, 3). 1552. SCOPACASA (Rafael). Essere sannita: rappresentazioni d'un popolo italico nelle fonti letterarie e storiografiche antiche. Campobasso, Istituto regionale per gli studi storici del Molise "V. Cuoco", 2007, 117 p. 1553. SISANI (Simone). Fenomenologia della conquista. La romanizzazione dell'Umbria tra il IV sec. a. C. e la guerra sociale. Roma, Quasar, 2007, 536 p. § 2. The Etruscans. _______________________

1554. BENELLI (Enrico). Iscrizioni etrusche. Leggerle e capirle. Ancona, SACI, 2007, 300 p. 1555. CAPPUCCINI (Luca). I kyathoi etruschi di Santa Teresa di Gavorrano e il ceramista dei Paithina. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung, 2007, 113, p. 217-240. 1556. DEFOSSE (Pol). Une tombe de femmesprêtresses étrusques à Pérouse (Nécropole de Ponticello di Campo)? Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 871-881. 1557. Etrusques (Les): dernières découvertes 1992/ 2007. Dijon, Editions Faton, 2007, 144 p.

1548. LISENO (Alessandra). Dalla capanna alla casa. Dinamiche di trasformazione nell'Italia sud-orientale (VIIIíV secolo a.C.). Bari, Progedit, 2007, V-232 p.

1558. GOVI (Elisabetta), MALNATI (Luigi), SASSA(Giuseppe), MALGIERI (Angelalea), MORPURGO (Giulia), ROMAGNOLI (Silvia). Marzabotto. Una città etrusca. Bologna, Ante quem, 2007, 83 p.

1549. NAGY (Gregory). The fire ritual of the Iguvine tabels: facing a central problem in the study of ritual language. The classical world, 2007, 100, p. 151-158.

1559. HAACK (Marie-Laurence). Apollon médecin en Etrurie. Ancient Society, 2007, 37, p. 167-190.

1550. Piceni ed Europa. Atti del convegno. A cura di Mitja GUSTIN, Peter ETTEL e Maurizio BUORA. Udine, Società friulana di archeologia onlus, 2007, 220 p. 1551. RAVARA MONTEBELLI (Cristina). Crustumium. Archeologia adriatica fra Cattolica e San Giovanni in


1560. IZZET (Vedia). The archaeology of Etruscan society. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-320 p. 1561. MAGINI (Leonardo). L'etrusco, lingua dall'oriente indoeuropeo. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2007, 134 p.


F. HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________

a. Epigraphical sources * 1562. Année (L') épigraphique 2004. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 1845.] Éd. par Mireille CORBIER. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 906 p. _______________________

1563. AGOSTI (Gianfranco). Note a epigrafi tardoantiche (Miscellanea epigrafica II). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 160, p. 41-49. 1564. BENNETT (Julian). Two new centurions of the legio IIII Scythica. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 404-413. 1565. COOLEY (Alison E.), MITCHELL (Stephen), SALWAY (Benet). Roman inscriptions 2001í2005. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 176-263. 1566. CUGUSI (Paolo), SBLENDORIO CUGUSI (Maria T.). Studi sui carmi epigrafici. Carmina latina epigraphica Pannonica (CLEPann). Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 178 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino, 96). 1567. DALLA ROSA (Alberto). Sulle fonti relative alle dispute confinarie nelle province romane. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 160, p. 235246. 1568. DIACONESCU (Alexandru). InscripĠia monumentală de la intrarea în forul traianic al Sarmizegetusei. O reconsiderare. (Monumental inscription at the entrance of the Trajan forum of Sarmizegetusa. Reappraisal). Ephemeris Napocensis. Institutul de Istorie Юi Arheologie din Cluj-Napoca al Academiei Române, 2006-2007, 16-17, p. 95-106. 1569. ECK (Werner), PANGERL (Andreas). Neue Diplome für die Hilfstruppen von Britannia. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 162, p. 223-234. í IIDEM. Weitere Militärdiplome für die mauretanischen Provinzen. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 162, p. 235-247. 1570. Epigrafi (Le) della Valle di Comino. Atti del terzo convegno epigrafico Cominese, San Donato Val di Comino, teatro comunale, 27 maggio 2006. A cura di Heikki SOLIN. [s. l.] Associazione Genesi, 2007, 93 p. 1571. FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ (Concepción). Carmina latina epigraphica de la Bética romana. Las primeras piedras de nuestra poesía. Sevilla, Univ. de Sevilla, 2007, 393 p. 1572. MASTROCINQUE (Attilio). Late antique lamps with defixiones. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2007, 47, p. 87-99.

1575. Res gestae divi Avgvsti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste Texte établi et traduit par John SCHEID. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2007, CCXXXIV-126 p. (Collection des Universités de France. Série latine, 386). 1576. SCUDERI (Rita). Donne di rilievo nell'epigrafia della Transpadana. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 725-736. 1577. WEISS (Peter). Weitere Militärdiplome für Soldaten in Mauretania Tingitana aus dem Balkanraum. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 162, p. 249-256. b. Literary sources 1578. [Ammianus] Ammianus after Julian. The reign of Valentinian and Valens in books 26 ௅ 31 of the Res Gestae. Ed. by Jan DEN BOEFT. Leiden, Brill, 2007, X326 p. 1579. [Anonymus] KORTEKAAS (Georgius A. A.). Commentary on the Historia Apollonii regis Tyri. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-935 p. (Mnemosyne supplementum, 284). 1580. [Anthologia Latina] ZURLI (Loriano). Unius poetae sylloge. (anthologia Latina, cc. 90-97 Riese = 78-188 Shackleton Bailey). Hildesheim, Olms, 2007, XXXI-252 p. (Bibliotheca Weidmanniana, 11). 1581. [Apuleius] Golden (The) ass, or a book of changes. Apuleius. Ed. by Joel C. RELIHAN. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, XLI-277 p. 1582. [Aquila Romanus] ELICE (Martina). Romani Aquilae De figuris. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento. Hildesheim, Zürich e New York, Olms, 2007, CCX-241 p. 1583. [Caesar] LAGERSTRÖM (Ingemar). Caesar. Inbördeskriget. Översättning från latinet, med inledning och kommentar. (Caesar. The civil war. Translated from Latin, with introduction and commentary). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2007, 279 p. 1584. [Catullus] Carme (Il) 62 di Catullo. Edizione critica e commento. A cura di Alex AGNESINI. Cesena, Stilgraf, 2007, 510 p. 1585. [Catullus] Catullus. Ed. by Julia GAISSER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-606 p. 1586. [Catullus] Companion (A) to Catullus. Ed. by Marilyn B. SKINNER. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XXVI590 p. 1587. [Cicero] De oratore. Lateinisch-deutsch. Marcus Tullius Cicero. Hrsg. und übers. v. Theodor NÜßLEIN. Düsseldorf, Artemis & Winkler, 2007, 802 p.

1573. ORLANDI (Silvia). Una nuova iscrizione senatoria dal suburbio di Roma. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 161, p. 269-274.

1588. [Cicero] GLEI (Reinhold). Ciceros verlorene Götterlehre. Das vierte Buch De natura deorum. Einleitung, Edition, Übersetzung mit Erläuterungen. Trier, WVT, 2007, 213 p.

1574. RAMSBY (Teresa R.). Textual permanence. Roman elegists and the epigraphic tradition. London, Duckworth, 2007, IX-197 p.

1589. [Ennius] FITZGERALD (William A.), GOWERS (Emily). Ennius Perennis. The Annals and beyond. Cambridge, Cambridge philological society, 2007, XIII-172 p.

3. SOURCES AND CRITICISM OF SOURCES 1590. [Eusebius Caesariensis] SCHNEIDER (Horst). Eusebius von Caesarea, De vita Constantini. Über das Leben Konstantins. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 548 p. 1591. [Eusebius Caesariensis] Über das Leben des glückseligen Kaisers Konstantin. (De vita Constantini); griechisch-deutsch. Eusebios. Hrsg., übers. und kommentiert v. Paul DRÄGER. Oberhaid, Utopica, 2007, 411 p. (Bibliotheca classicorum, 1). 1592. [Historia Augusta] Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bambergense. A cura di Giorgio BONAMENTE. Bari, Edipuglia, 2007, 376 p. 1593. HOLLIS (Adrian S.). Fragments of Roman poetry c. 60 BCíAD 20. Ed. with an introduction, translation and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-440 p. 1594. [Horatius] The Cambridge companion to Horace. Ed. by Stephen J. HARRISON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-381 p. 1595. [Iosephus] Contro Apione. Flavio Giuseppe. A cura di Francesca CALABI. Genova e Milano, Marietti, 2007, 284 p. 1596. LIEGLE (Josef). Litterae Augustae. Augusteische Dichtungen und Texte des Princeps in deutscher Übersetzung. Hrsg. v. Arnd KERKHECKER. Basel, Schwabe, 2007, 511 p. 1597. [Livius] CHAPLIN (Jane D.). Livy. Rome's Mediterranean empire. Books forty-one to forty-five, and the Periochae. Translated with an introduction and notes. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXXIII-386 p. 1598. [Lucretius] Lucretius. Ed. by Monica GALE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-441 p. 1599. [Lucretius] The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. Ed. by Stuart GILLESPIE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-365 p. 1600. [Mallius Theodorus] ROMANINI (Francesca). Malli Theodori De metris. Introduzione, edizione critica e traduzione. Hildesheim, Olms, 2007, CLXXXVIII105 p. 1601. [Martianus Capella] FERRÉ (Barbara). Martianus Capella. Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Tome VI. Livre VI. La géométrie. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2007, CXXII-211 p. (Collection des Universités de France). 1602. [Ovidius] Amor scribendi. Lectures des Héroides d'Ovide. Éd. par Hélène CASANOVA-ROBIN. Grenoble, Millon, 2007, 224 p. 1603. [Ovidius] HOLZBERG (Niklas). Ovids Metamorphosen. München, Beck, 2007, 128 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 2421). 1604. [Ovidius] Ovidio. Storie d'amore (dalle Metamorfosi). A cura di Emilio PIANEZZOLA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2007, 347 p. 1605. [Ovidius] P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroidum epistula VII: Dido Aeneae. A cura di Lisa PIAZZI. Firenze,


Le Monnier, 2007, 349 p. (Biblioteca nazionale. Serie dei classici greci e latini. Nuova Serie, 13). 1606. [Persius] Saturarum liber. A. Persius Flaccus. Ed. Walter KIßEL. Berolini, De Gruyter, 2007, XXVIII56 p. 1607. [Plinius minor] MÉTHY (Nicole). Les lettres de Pline le Jeune. Une représentation de l'homme. Paris, PUPS, 2007, 489 p. 1608. [Propertius] HEYWORTH (S. J.). Cynthia. A companion to the text of Propertius. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-647 p. 1609. [Rutilius Namatianus] WOLFF (Étienne). Rutilius Namatianus, Sur son retour. Texte établi et traduit. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2007, XCIX-118 p. (Collection des Universités de France. Série latine, 387). 1610. [Sallustius] Catilinae (De) coniuratione. Gaius Sallustius Crispus. Eingeleitet, hrsg., übers. und erl. v. Dieter FLACH. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 129 p. 1611. [Sallustius] Gaio Sallustio Crispo: Coniuratio Catilinae. A cura di Italo MARIOTTI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 718 p. 1612. [Sallustius] LINDAUER (Josef). Sallust. Die Verschwörung Catilinas. Düsseldorf, Artemis & Winkler, 2007, 272 p. 1613. [Sallustius] Sallust's Bellum Catilinae. With introduction and commentary. Ed. by John Tayler RAMSEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-252 p. 1614. [Sallustius] WOODMAN (Anthony J.). Sallust. Cataline's war. The Jugurthine war. Histories. Translated with an introduction and notes. London, Penguin, 2007, XLIV-204 p. 1615. [Seneca] DAVIE (John N.). Dialogues and essays. Seneca. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXXIII263 p. 1616. [Seneca] DINGEL (Joachim). Senecas Epigramme und andere Gedichte aus der Anthologia Latina. Ausgabe mit Übersetzung und Kommentar. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 336 p. 1617. [Seneca] Medea. Lateinisch / deutsch. L. Annaeus Seneca. Übers. und hrsg. v. Bruno W. HÄUPTLI. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2007, 166 p. 1618. [Seneca] Seneca. Apocolocintosi. Satira di un'apoteosi. A cura di Luciano PAOLICCHI. Roma, Salerno, 2007, 157 p. 1619. Sibylline (The) oracles. With introduction, translation, and commentary on the first and second books. Ed. by Jane L. LIGHTFOOT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXII-613 p. 1620. [Tacitus] DARCOS (Xavier). Tacite. Ses vérités sont les nôtres. Paris, Plon, 2007, 220 p. 1621. [Tacitus] Tacitus: Histories Book II. Ed. by Rhiannon ASH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX415 p.



1622. [Valerius Flaccus] GALLI (Daniela). Valerii Flacci Argonautica I. Commento. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, 432 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 243). 1623. [Valerius Maximus] LUCARELLI (Ute). Exemplarische Vergangenheit. Valerius Maximus und die Konstruktion des sozialen Raumes in der frühen Kaiserzeit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 336 p. (Hypomnemata, 172). 1624. [Vergilius] Virgil. Aeneid IV. Ed. by Keith MACLENNAN. London, Bristol Classical, 2007, 200 p. Cf. nos 1785-1882 § 4. General and political history. _______________________

1625. ADAMS (Geoff W.). The Roman emperor Gaius Caligula and his hellenistic aspirations. Boca Raton, BrownWalker press, 2007, 306 p. 1626. ARDEVAN (Radu), ZERBINI (Livio). La Dacia romana. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 270 p. 1627. BARCELÓ (Pedro). Hannibal. München, Beck, 2007, 122 p. 1628. BATTY (Roger). Rome and the nomads. The Pontic-Danubian realm in antiquity. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXIV-652 p. 1629. BECHERT (Tilmann). Germania Inferior. Eine Provinz an der Nordgrenze des Römischen Reiches. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2007, 167 p. 1630. BERNSTEIN (Frank). Von Caligula zu Claudius. Der Senat und das Phantom der Freiheit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 1, p. 1-18. 1631. BISPHAM (Edward). From Asculum to Actium. The municipalization of Italy from the social war to Augustus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-566 p. 1632. BÖCKMANN (Walter). Als die römischen Adler sanken. Arminius, Marbod und die Legionen des Varus. Erfurt, Sutton, 2007, 222 p. 1633. BRATOŽ (Rajko). Rimska zgodovina. Del 1, Od zaþetkov do nastopa cesarja Dioklecijana. (Roman History. Part 1. From the beginning to the accession of Emperor Diocletian). Ljubljana, Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, Študentska založba, Filozofska fakulteta, 2007, 527 p. (Zbirka Zgodovinskega þasopisa, 33. Knjižna zbirka Scripta). 1634. BREEZE (David John). Roman frontiers in Britain. Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 2007, 103 p. 1635. BRINGMANN (Klaus). Augustus. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 301 p. 1636. BRIZZI (Giovanni). Scipione e Annibale. La guerra per salvare Roma, Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 411 p. 1637. Caesar. Hrsg. v. Ernst BALTRUSCH. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 264 p.

1638. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo). Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma. 2. Dall'intervento in Sicilia fino alla invasione annibalica (264–216 a.C.). Roma, Herder, 2007, V-148 p. 1639. CANFORA (Luciano). La prima marcia su Roma. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 87 p. 1640. CARBÓ GARCÍA (Juan R.), RODRÍGUEZ SAN JUAN (Felix J.). Studia Dacica et Parthica, I. Las relaciones diplómaticas entre los enemigos de Roma en época de Trajano. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 321-348. 1641. CHARLES (Michael B.). RHODAN (Peter). Magister elephantorum: a reappraisal of Hannibals' use of elephants. The classical world, 2007, 100, p. 363-389. 1642. CLEARY (Simon Esmonde). Rome in the Pyrenees. Lugdunum and the Convenae from the first century B. C. to the seventh century A. D. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, IX-171 p. 1643. CONNOLLY (Joy). The state of speech. Rhetoric and political thought in ancient Rome. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, IX-304 p. 1644. CORDOVANA (Orietta Dora). Segni e immagini del potere tra antico e tardoantico. I Severi e la provincia Africa proconsularis. Catania, Edizioni del prisma, 2007, IX-538 p. 1645. DINGMANN (Matthias). Pompeius Magnus. Machtgrundlagen eines spätrepublikanischen Politikers. Rahden, Leidorf, 2007, 445 p. 1646. DIXON (Suzanne). Cornelia. Mother of the Gracchi. London, Routledge, 2007, XXVIII-95 p. 1647. DRINKWATER (John F.). The Alamanni and Rome 213–496 (Caracalla to Clovis). Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-408 p. 1648. ECK (Werner). Rom und Judaea. Fünf Vorträge zur römischen Herrschaft in Palaestina. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XVII-263 p. í IDEM. The age of Augustus. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, X-209 p. 1649. FEIG VISHNIA (Rachel). The delayed career of the delayer: the early years of Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, the Cunctator. Scripta classica Israelica, 2007, 26, p. 19-37. 1650. FERRIÈS (Marie-Claire). Les partisans d'Antoine. Des orphelins de César aux complices de Cléopâtre. Bordeaux, Ausonius Éd., Scripta Antiqua, 2007, 565 p. 1651. FÜNDLING (Jörg). Marc Aurel. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 240 p. 1652. GALIMBERTI (Alessandro). Adriano e l'ideologia del principato. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2007, 220 p. 1653. GIRARDET (Klaus Martin). Rom auf dem Weg von der Republik zum Prinzipat. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, X-531 p. (Antiquitas: Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte, 53).

4. GENERAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY 1654. GOODMAN (Penelope J.). The Roman city and its periphery. From Rome to Gaul. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XV-309 p. 1655. GOZZOLI (Sandra). L'accusa di avaritia fra realtà e polemica politica. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 755774. 1656. GRANT (Alison E.). Roman military objectives in Britain under the Flavian emperors. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, V-201 p. 1657. HEFTNER (Herbert). Die Haltung Roms während des Karthagischen Söldnerkrieges und die Annexion Sardiniens. Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft, 2007, 31, p. 107-129. 1658. Herodes und Rom. Hrsg. v. Linda-Marie GÜNTHER. "Herodes-Konferenz" zum Thema "Herodes und Rom: Vasallentyrann oder Friedensfürst?" 1 (Bochum); 2006.04.28. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 121 p. 1659. HERRMANN-OTTO (Elisabeth). Konstantin der Große. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 263 p. 1660. HOYOS (Dexter). Truceless war. Carthage's fight for survival, 241 to 237 BC. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXVI-286 p. 1661. Imperator Caesar Flavius Constantinus. Konstantin der Große. Hrsg. v. Alexander DEMANDT und Josef ENGEMANN. Mainz, von Zabern, 2007, 520 p. 1662. Kaiser Konstantin der Große. Historische Leistung und Rezeption in Europa. Hrsg. v. Klaus Martin GIRARDET. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, 208 p. 1663. KNJAZKIJ (Igor O.). Neron. Moskva, Molodaja Gvardija, 2007, 311 p. 1664. KÖNIG (Ingemar). Der römische Staat. Ein Handbuch. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2007, 452 p. 1665. Konstantin der Große ௅ Kaiser einer Epochenwende. Vorträge der Historischen Woche der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern vom 21. bis 24. Februar in München. Hrsg. v. Florian SCHULLER und Hartmut WOLFF. Lindenberg, Fink, 2007, 251 p. 1666. KRAUSE (Ch.). Herrschaft und Geschlechterhierarchie. Zur Funktionalisierung der Zenobia-Gestalt und anderer Usurpatoren in den Viten der Historia Augusta. Philologus, 2007, 151, p. 311-334. 1667. KULIKOWSKI (Michael). Rome's Gothic wars. From the third century to Alaric. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-225 p. 1668. LASPE (Dewid). Actium. Anatomie einer Schlacht. Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 509-522. 1669. LEONI (Tommaso). Against Caesar's wishes: Flavius Josephus as a source for the burning of the temple. Journal of Jewish Studies, 2007, 58, p. 39-51. 1670. LEPPIN (Hartmut), ZIEMSSEN (Hauke). Maxentius. Der letzte Kaiser in Rom. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 128 p.


1671. LEVICK (Barbara Mary). Julia Domna, Syrian empress. London, Routledge, 2007, XXXI-244 p. 1672. LIOU-GILLE (Bernadette). Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus et ses quatre arpents. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 301-326. 1673. LORETO (Luigi). La grande strategia di Roma nell'età della prima guerra punica (ca. 273ca. 229 a. C.). L'inizio di un paradosso. Napoli, Jovene, 2007, 286 p. 1674. MALAMUD (Margaret). Cold war Romans. Arion, 2007, 14, p. 121-153. 1675. MALYE (Jean). La véritable histoire de Jules César. Textes réunis et commentés. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2007, 448 p. 1676. MEISTER (Florian). Der Krieg des Sertorius und seine spanischen Wurzeln. Untersuchungen zu Krieg und Akkulturation auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im 2. und 1. Jh. v. Chr. Hamburg, Kovac, 2007, 529 p. 1677. MIRKOVIC (Miroslava). Moesia Superior. Eine Provinz an der mittleren Donau. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2007, 127 p. 1678. MORSTEIN-MARX (Robert). Caesar's alleged fear of prosecution and his ratio absentis in the approach to the civil war. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 159-178. 1679. OLTEAN (Ioana A.). Dacia. Landscape, colonization and romanisation. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-248 p. 1680. PANI (Mario). Storicizzare la repubblica romana. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 33, 66, p. 5-28. 1681. PENROSE (Jane). Rom und seine Feinde. Kriege ௅ Taktik ௅ Waffen. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 304 p. 1682. PRAG (Jonathan R. W.). Auxilia and gymnasia: a Sicilian model of Roman imperialism. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 68-100. 1683. RONNING (Christian). Herrscherpanegyrik unter Trajan und Konstantin. Studien zur symbolischen Kommunikation in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, IX-445 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 42). 1684. SAAVEDRA-GUERRERO (Daría). El poder, el miedo y la ficción en la relación del emperador Caracalla y su madre Julia Domna. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 120-131. 1685. SANTANGELO (Federico). Sulla, the elites and the empire. A study of Roman policies in Italy and the Greek east. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-300 p. 1686. SCHMITT (Oliver). Constantin der Große (275í 337). Leben und Herrschaft. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 320 p. 1687. SCHUOL (Monika). Augustus und die Juden. Rechtsstellung und Interessenpolitik der kleinasiatischen Diaspora. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike e. K., 2007, 436 p. (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 6).



1688. SIMPSON (Christopher J.). Why march? The hereditary Julian Pontifices Maximi and the date of Julius Caesar's assassination. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 327335. 1689. THORNE (James A.). The chronology of the campaign against the Helvetii. A clue to Caesar's intentions? Historia, 2007, 56, p. 27-36. 1690. TOUGHER (Shaun). Julian the Apostate. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, 201 p.

1704. DE LIGT (Luuk). Roman law and the Roman economy: three case studies. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 1025. 1705. DE WIT (Johannes Jacobus). Matrimonium et divortium. Huwelijk en echtscheiding ten tijde van de Romeinse Republiek. (Marriage and divorce at the time of the Roman republic). Den Haag, Boom Juridische Uitg, 2007, 215 p.

1691. TRAINA (Giusto). 428 dopo Cristo. Storia di un anno. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XX-219 p.

1706. DIOSONO (Francesca). Collegia. Le associazioni professionali nel mondo romano. Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2007, 113 p.

1692. VAN DAM (Raymond). The Roman revolution of Constantine. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII441 p.

1707. DROGULA (Fred K.). Imperium, potestas, and the pomerium in the Roman republic. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 419-452.

1693. VAN DOMMELEN (Peter). Articulating local cultures. Power and identity under the expanding Roman republic. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 144 p. (Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 63).

1708. EZOV (Amiram). The centurions in the Rhine legions in the second and early third century. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 46-81.

1694. Varusschlacht (Die). Wendepunkt der Geschichte? Hrsg. v. Rainer WIEGELS. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2007, 132 p.

1709. FIELDS (Nic). The Roman army of the Punic wars (264í146 BC). Oxford, Osprey Publications, 2007, 96 p.

1695. WAITE (John). Boudica's last stand. Britain's revolt against Rome AD 60í61. Stroud, Tempus, 2007, 251 p.

1710. FIRPO (Giulio). "Allora per la prima volta si celebrò un trionfo per ordine del popolo, senza il consenso del senato" (Liv. 3.63.11; cf. Dion. Hal. 11.50.1). Qualche considerazione di metodo. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 97-117.

1696. WARD-PERKINS (Bryan). Der Untergang des Römischen Reiches und das Ende der Zivilisation. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 237 p.

1711. GALIANO (Paolo). L'armonia dell'anno. La sapienza del tempo nel calendario di Roma arcaica. Roma, Simmetria, 2007, 96 p.

1697. World (The) of the Nabataeans. Vol. 2. Of the Internatinal Conference "The world of the Herods and the Nabataeans" held at the British Museum, 17–19 april 2001. Ed. by Konstantinos D. POLITIS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 392 p. (Oriens et occidens, 15).

1712. GILBERT (François). Les Alouettes. Histoire de la légion gauloise de César. Paris, Economica, 2007, XV-274 p.

§ 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________

1698. ARENA (Valentina). Libertas and virtus of the citizen in Cicero's De republica. Scripta classica Israelica, 2007, 26, p. 39-71. 1699. BARONI (Anselmo). La titolatura della dittatura di Silla. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 775-792. 1700. BEARD (Mary). The Roman triumph. Cambridge, Belknap press of Harvard U. P., 2007, 434 p. 1701. BIANCHI (Paola). Iura-leges. Un'apparente questione terminologica della tarda antichità; storiografia e storia. Milano, A. Giuffrè, 2007, XVIII-207 p. 1702. CAMPANA (Pierpaolo). Uno strano elogio, ovvero la lunga carriera del padre di Claudio Etrusco (su Stat. silv. 3, 3, 76-78). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 309-320. 1703. CARLÀ (Filippo). Tu tantum praefecit mihi studium et annonam in necessariis locis praebe: prefettura al pretorio e annona militaris nel III secolo d. C. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 82-110.

1713. GREY (Cam). Contextualizing colonatus: the origin of the late Roman empire. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 155-175. 1714. HARRIES (Jill). Law and crime in the Roman world. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-148 p. 1715. Herrschen und Verwalten. Der Alltag der römischen Administration in der hohen Kaiserzeit. Hrsg. v. Rudolf HAENSCH und Johannes HEINRICHS. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XVI-465 p. 1716. INGRISCH (Florian). Sullas dictatura rei publicae constituendae und Caesars dictatura rei gerendae. Ein Vergleich. Berlin, WVB, 2007, 164 p. 1717. KAISER (Wolfgang). Authentizität und Geltung spätantiker Kaisergesetze. Studien zu den Sacra privilegia concilii Vizaceni. München, Beck, 2007, XXIII-548 p. (Papyrusforschung und antike Rechtsgeschichte, 96). 1718. KEAVENEY (Arthur). The army in the Roman revolution. London, Routledge, 2007, X-150 p. 1719. LAFFI (Umberto). Colonie e municipi nello Stato romano. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, 278 p.

6. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY 1720. LE BOHEC (Yann). L'armée romaine en Afrique et en Gaule. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 514 p. 1721. LIEBS (Detlef). Vor den Richtern Roms. Berühmte Prozesse der Antike. München, Beck, 2007, 253 p.


1735. TAMAYO ERRAZQUIN (José Ángel). Libertis libertabusque: el fideicomiso de alimentos en beneficio de libertos en Digesta y Responsa de Q. Cervidius Scaevola. Vitoria Gasteiz, Servicio editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2007, 421 p.

1722. Militärdiplome. Die Forschungsbeiträge der Berner Gespräche von 2004. Hrsg. v. Michael Alexander SPEIDEL. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 414 p.

1736. THOMAS (Yan). L'enfant à naître et l'"héritier sien". Sujet de pouvoir et sujet de vie en droit romain. Annales, 2007, 62, 1, p. 29-68.

1723. MORI (Akira). Kodai-Rǀma no municeps: Kodai no gakusha ga tsutaeru teigi no kaishaku wo chnjshin ni. (Municeps of ancient Rome: how to interpret the definitions given by scholars and lawyers of ancient Rome). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 2, p. 38-65 [Eng. summary].

1737. TUORI (Kaius). Ancient Roman lawyers and modern legal ideals. Studies on the impact of contemporary concerns in the interpretation of ancient Roman legal history. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, XI-220 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 220).

1724. MOURITSEN (Henrik). The civitas sine suffragio. Ancient concepts and modern ideology. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 141-158.

Cf. no 1200

1725. MOUSOURAKIS (George). A legal history of Rome. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XI-282 p. 1726. NÖRR (Dieter). Lex Irnitana c. 84 IXB 9 ௅ 10: neque pro socio aut fiduciae aut mandati quod dolo malo factum esse dicatur. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 2007, 124, p. 1-24. 1727. PEREIRA-MENAUT (Gerardo). L'utopia (politica) sta nella cittadinanza (romana) ௅ non nell'etnia. Per una Quarta Roma. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 803-814. 1728. RICHTER (Emanuel), VOIGT (Rüdiger), KÖNIG (Helmut). Res Publica und Demokratie. Die Bedeutung von Cicero für das heutige Staatsverständnis. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2007, 245 p.

§ 6. Economic and social history. _______________________

1738. ADAMS (Colin E. P.). Land transport in Roman Egypt. A study of economics and administration in a Roman province. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV331 p. 1739. ALDRETE (Gregory S.). Floods of the Tiber in ancient Rome. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XVIII-338 p. (Ancient society and history). 1740. BABLITZ (Leanne E.). Actors and audience in the Roman courtroom. London, Routledge, 2007, IX290 p. 1741. BANG (Peter Fibiger). Trade and empire. In search of organizing concepts for the Roman economy. Past and present, 2007, 195, p. 3-54.

1729. RIEGER (Michael). Tribus und Stadt. Die Entstehung der römischen Wahlbezirke im urbanen und mediterranen Kontext; (ca. 750í450 v. Chr.). Göttingen, Ruprecht, 2007, XIII-738 p. (Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaften. Beihefte, 17).

1742. BANON (Patrick). Flavius Josèphe. Un juif dans l'empire romain. Paris, Presses de la Renaissance, 2007, 430 p.

1730. RODGER (Alan). The palingenesia of the commentaries relating to the Lex Aquilia. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 2007, 124, p. 145-197.

1744. Companion (A) to the Roman army. Ed. by Paul ERDKAMP. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XXVI-574 p.

1731. SÁNCHEZ (Pierre). La clause d'exception sur l'octroi de la citoyenneté romaine dans les traités entre Rome et ses alliés (Cicéron, Pro Balbo 32). Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 215-270. 1732. SCHMIDLIN (Bruno). Das Nominatprinzip und seine Erweiterung durch die actio praescriptis verbis. Zum aktionenrechtlichen Aufbau der römischen Konsensualverträge. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 2007, 124, p. 53-93. 1733. SEAGER (Robin). The guilt or innocence of Sex. Roscius. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 895-910. 1734. Spettacolo (Lo) della giustizia. Le orazioni di Cicerone. A cura di Gianna PETRONE. Palermo, Flaccovio, 2007, 274 p.

1743. CLARKE (John R.). Roman life (100 B. C. to A. D. 200). New York, Abrams, 2007, 175 p.

1745. COOPER (Kate). Closely watched households: visibility, exposure and private power in the Roman Domus. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 3-33. 1746. DANVOYE (Stéphanie). Contacts pacifiques et violents entre les Barbares et les Romains dans les panégyriques de Claudien. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 132-149. 1747. DEMANDT (Alexander). Das Privatleben der römischen Kaiser. München, Beck, 2007, 308 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1746). 1748. DOUKELLIS (Panagiotis N.). Auteurs grecs et paysages coloniaux romains. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 302-321. 1749. DREXHAGE (Heinrich-Wilhelm). Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaft in der römischen Provinz Asia in der Zeit von Augustus bis zum Regierungsantritt Diokletians. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, XXVI-307 p.



1750. Étrangers dans la cité romaine. Actes du Colloque de Valenciennes (14í15 octobre 2005) Habiter une autre patrie: des incolae de la république aux peuples fédérés du Bas-Empire. Éd. par Rita COMPATANGELO. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 265 p. 1751. EVERSCHOR (Britta). Die Beziehungen zwischen Römern und Barbaren auf der Grundlage der Briefliteratur des 4. und 5. Jahrhunderts. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, XXVII-371 p. 1752. FARNEY (Gary D.). Ethnic identity and aristocratic competition in republican Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-337 p. 1753. GARDNER (Andrew). An archaeology of identity. Soldiers and society in late Roman Britain. Walnut Creek, Left coast press, 2007, 311 p. 1754. GĂZDAC (Cristian). Descoperirile de monedă de argint contrafăcută, în castrele din Dacia romană. Fraudă sau politică monetară romană? (Fake silver coins in Roman Dacia camps. Fraud or Roman monetary policy?). In: Dacia Felix. Studia Michaeli BĂRBULESCU oblata. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Tribuna, 2007, p. 595-605. 1755. HARLOW (Mary). Age and ageing in the Roman empire. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 220 p. 1756. HOLLANDER (David B.). Money in the late Roman republic. Leiden, Brill, 2007, VIII-190 p. 1757. Impact (The) of the Roman army (200 BCíAD 476). Proceedings of the sixth workshop of the international network impact of empire (Roman empire, 200 B.C.íA.D. 476); Capri, March 29íApril 2, 2005. Ed. by Lucas DE BLOIS. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXII-589 p. 1758. INGEMARK (Dominic), CASTORIANO (Martine). Kärlek & erotik i antikens Rom. (Love and eroticism in ancient Rome). Lund, Historiska Media, 2007, 191 p. 1759. ISAVEY (Elena). Unruly youth? The myth of generation conflict in late republican Rome. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 1-13. 1760. LENTANO (Mario). La prova del sangue. Storie di identità e storie di legittimità nella cultura latina. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 295 p. 1761. LO CASCIO (Elio). Crescita e declino: l'economia romana in prospettiva storica. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 3, p. 269-282. í IDEM. I valori romani tradizionali e le culture delle periferie dell'impero. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 75-96. 1762. LOCKYEAR (Kris). Patterns and process in late Roman republican coin hoards 157í2 BC. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, XII-328 p. 1763. LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ (Fernando). Los auxiliares de Roma en el Valle del Ebro y su paga en denarios ibéricos (133í90 a.C.). Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 287-320. 1764. MARZANO (Annalisa). Roman villas in central Italy. A social and economic history. Leiden, Brill,

2007, XV-823 p. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 30). 1765. MAYER (Roland). Impressions of Rome. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 156-177. 1766. MORGAN (Teresa). Popular morality in the early Roman empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-380 p. 1767. MOUCKAGA (Hugues). Vivre et mourir à Rome et dans le monde romain. Paris, Harmattan, 2007, 286 p. 1768. NOÈ (Eralda). Plinio e la Naturalis Historia. Definizione di un'identità e comportamento sociale: plebe, uomini di rango, gloria. Parte prima. Meno estetica, più etica? Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 147-182. 1769. NOREÑA (Carlos F.). The social economy of Pliny's correspondance with Trajan. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 239-277. 1770. PARKIN (Tim G.), POMEROY (Arthur J.). Roman social history: a sourcebook. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XVII-388 p. 1771. PAVÓN (Pilar). Cruenta flagella tortorum (Mart. Ep. 2.17) o el oficio del torturador. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 377-387. 1772. RAMSBY (Teresa R.), SEVERY-HOVEN (Beth). Gender, sex, and the domestication of the empire in art of the Augustan age. Arethusa, 2007, 40, p. 43-71. 1773. ROMAN (Danièle), ROMAN (Yves). Aux miroirs de la Ville. Images et discours identitaires romains (IIIe s. avant J.-C.–IIIe s. après J.-C.). Bruxelles, Latomus, 2007, 442 p. (Coll. Latomus, 303). 1774. Roman by integration. Dimensions of group identity in material culture and text. Ed by Roman ROTH and Johannes KELLER. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman archeology, 2007, 103 p. 1775. SCHEIDEL (Walter). A model of real income growth in Roman Italy. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 322-346. 1776. SONNABEND (Holger). Unter dem Vesuv. Alltag in Pompeji. Darmstadt, Primus, 2007, 158 p. 1777. STEINBY (Christa). The Roman republican navy. From the sixth century to 167 B. C. Helsinki, Societas scientiarum Fennica, 2007, 236 p. 1778. SUMNER (Graham). Die römische Armee. Bewaffnung und Ausrüstung. Stuttgart, Motorbuch-Verlag, 2007, 142 p. 1779. Supplying Rome and the empire. The proceedings of an international seminar held at SienaCertosa di Pontignano on May 2í4, 2004 on Rome, the provinces, production and distribution. Ed. by Emanuele PAPI. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman archaeology, 2007, 227 p. 1780. TREGGIARI (Susan M.). Terentia, Tullia and Publilia. The women of Cicero's family. London, Routledge, 2007, XVII-228 p.

7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 1781. VAN TILBURG (Cornelis). Traffic and congestion in the Roman empire. London, Routledge, 2007, XXI-237 p. 1782. VERBOVEN (Koenraad). The associative order. Status and ethos among Roman businessmen in late republic and early empire. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 861893.


1796. CONTE (Gian Biagio). The poetry of pathos. Studies in Virgilian epic. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 250 p. í IDEM. Virgilio. L'epica del sentimento. Torino, Einaudi, 2007, 173 p. 1797. DI MEO (Paolo). A proposito di un' "agnizione" (Catullo, c. 101, 1). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 423-437.

1783. VOUT (Caroline). Power and eroticism in imperial Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV285 p.

1798. DILIBERTO (Paolo). Una divergente interpretazione metrica in Servio. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 447-455.

1784. WEEBER (Karl-Wilhelm). Baden, spielen, lachen. Wie die Römer ihre Freizeit verbrachten. Darmstadt, Primus, 2007, 151 p.

1799. Doctus Lucanus. Aspetti dell'erudizione nella Pharsalia di Lucano. Seminari sulla poesia latina di età imperiale (I). A cura di Luciano LANDOLFI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 197 p.

Cf. nos 7310, 7312, 7315, 7316, 7330, 7343 § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________

a. Literature 1785. ADAMS (James N.). The regional diversification of Latin 200 BCíAD 600. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-828 p.

1800. DRINKWATER (Megan O.). Which letter? Text and subtext in Ovid's Heroides. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 367-387. 1801. FISHWICK (Marshall William). Cicero, classicism, and popular culture. New York, Haworth press, 2007, XXIV-222 p.

1786. AMAT (Jacqueline). Des goûts et des saveurs à la table de Trimalchion. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 390-403.

1802. FITZGERALD (William). Martial. The world of the epigram. Chicago, University of Chicago press, 2007, 258 p.

1787. ANZINGER (Silke). Schweigen im römischen Epos. Zur Dramaturgie der Kommunikation bei Vergil, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus und Statius. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-408 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 237).

1803. FLORIAN (Karin). Ovids Jahre am Pontus. Eine diachronische Analyse der Tristien und Epistulae ex Ponto als ein frühes Beispiel europäischer Exilliteratur. Innsbruck, Studien-Verlag, 2007, 190 p.

1788. BERARDI (Francesco). Le figure dell'evidenza: descriptio e demonstratio nella Rhetorica ad Herennium. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 289-308.

1804. FONTAINE (Michael). Freudian slips in Plautus: two case studies. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 209-237.

1789. BERTI (Emanuele). Scholasticorum studia. Seneca il Vecchio e la cultura retorica e letteraria della prima età imperiale. Pisa, Giardini, 2007, 408 p. 1790. BUTTREY (T. V.). Domitian, the rhinoceros, and the date of Martial's Liber de spectaculis. The Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 101-112.

1805. FOTHERINGHAM (Lynn S.). Cicero's fear: multiple readings of Pro Milone 1-4. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 2007, 57, p. 63-83. í EADEM. The numbers in the margins and the structure of Cicero's Pro Murena. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 40-60.

1791. CANALI (Luca). Il tridente latino. Lucrezio, Virgilio, Petronio. Roma, Gaffi, 2007, 244 p.

1806. FRATANTUONO (Lee Michael). Madness unchained. A reading of Virgil's Aeneid. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2007, XIX-427 p. í IDEM. Virgil's Camilla. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 271-286.

1792. CASALI (Sergio). Correcting Aeneas' voyage: Ovid's commentary on Aeneid 3. Transactions and proceedings of the American philological association, 2007, 137, p. 181-210.

1807. FREUDENBURG (Kirk), CUCCHIARELLI (Andrea), BARCHIESI (Alessandro). Musa pedestre. Storia e interpretazione della satira in Roma antica. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 278 p.

1793. CHALKOMATAS (Dionysios). Ciceros Dichtungstheorie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der antiken Literaturästhetik. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2007, 399 p. (Klassische Philologie, 3).

1808. GANIBAN (Randall Toth). Statius and Virgil. The Thebaid and the reinterpretation of the Aeneid. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-258 p.

1794. CHARLES (Michael B.). Vegetius in context. Establishing the date of the Epitoma rei militaris. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 205 p. (Historia-Einzelschriften, 194).

1809. GARAMBOIS-VASQUEZ (Florence). Les invectives de Claudien. Une poétique de la violence. Bruxelles, Éditions Latomus, 2007, 315 p. (Collection Latomus, 304).

1795. Companion (A) to Roman rhetoric. Ed. by William J. DOMINIK. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XIX523 p.

1810. GÄRTNER (Ursula). Levi calamo ludimus ௅ Zum poetologischen Spiel bei Phaedrus. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 429-459.



1811. GASTI (Fabio). Una premonizione letteraria di Achille in un componimento dell'Antologia Latina (189 Sh. B. = 198 R.). Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 21-34. 1812. GEISER (Melanie). Personendarstellung bei Tacitus am Beispiel von Cn. Domitius Corbulo und Ser. Sulpicius Galba. Remscheid, Gardez!-Verlag, 2007, 311 p. 1813. GERBRANDY (Piet). Het feest van Saturnus. De literatuur van het heidense Rome. (The feast of Saturn. The literature of pagan Rome). Amsterdam, Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 2007, 533 p. 1814. GEYSSEN (John). Ovid's addresses to the book in Tristia 1,1. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 374-383. 1815. GIBSON (Roy K.). Excess and restraint. Propertius, Horace, and Ovid's Ars Amatoria. London, Institute of classical studies, 2007, IX-168 p. 1816. GRAVERINI (Luca). Le Metamorfosi di Apuleio. Letteratura e identità. Ospedaletto (Pisa), Pacini, 2007, X-260 p. 1817. GUZMÁN ARMARIO (Francisco Javier), LAPENA MARCHENA (Óscar). Espartaco: un paradigma de barbarie en la literatura grecolatina de época imperial. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 99-109. 1818. HARRISON (Stephen J.). Generic enrichment in Vergil and Horace. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 240 p. 1819. HAß (Karin). Lucilius und der Beginn der Persönlichkeitsdichtung in Rom. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 260 p. (Hermes Einzelschriften, 99). 1820. HINDS (Stephen). Martial's Ovid / Ovid's Martial. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 113-154. 1821. HOOLEY (Daniel M.). Roman satire. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XI-189 p. 1822. Horace's odes and the mystery of do-re-mi. Ed. by Stuart LYONS. Oxford, Aris & Phillips, 2007, 244 p. 1823. IHRIG (Martin A.). Sermone ac vultu intentus. Körper, Kommunikation und Politik in den Werken des Cornelius Tacitus. München, M-Press, 2007, IX-499 p. 1824. INGLEHART (Jennifer). Propertius 4, 10 and the end of the Aeneid: Augustus, the spolia opima and the right to remain silent. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 61-81. 1825. Intertexte (L') virgilien et sa réception. Écriture, récriture et réflexivité chez Virgile et Rutilius Namatianus. Équipe d'accueil 1865. Mémoire, discours, images. Éd. par Christina FILOCHE. Dijon, ÉUD, 2007, 195 p. 1826. JOHNSON (Patricia J.). Ovid before exile. Art and punishment in the Metamorphoses. Madison, Wisconsin U. P., 2007, X-184 p.

1829. KER (James). Roman repraesentatio. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 341-365. 1830. KUGELMEIER (Christoph). Die innere Vergegenwärtigung des Bühnenspiels in Senecas Tragödien. München, Beck, 2007, 301 p. 1831. KUHLMANN (Peter). Theologie und Ethik in Ovids Metamorphosen. Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 317336. 1832. LITTLEWOOD (Cedric A. J.). Poetry and friendship in Juvenal's twelfth satire. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 389-418. 1833. LOBUR (John Alexander). Festinatio (haste), brevitas (concision), and the generation of imperial ideology in Velleius Paterculus. Transactions and proceedings of the American philological association, 2007, 137, p. 211-230. 1834. LYNE (Richard O. A. M.). Collected papers on Latin poetry. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIX-418 p. 1835. MAC NELIS (Charles). Statius' Thebaid and the poetics of civil war. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-203 p. 1836. MAGGIULLI (Gigliola). Per alta nemora. La poesia del mondo vegetale in Seneca tragico. Pisa, Serra, 2007, 156 p. 1837. MANTOVANI (Dario). Un giudizio capitale nelle Satire di Lucilio (vv. 784-790 M. = fr. XXVIII 29 Ch.). Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 561-596. 1838. MANUWALD (Gesine). Epic poets as characters: on poetics and multiple intertextuality in Silius Italicus' Punica. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 71-90. 1839. MATTIACCI (Silvia), PERRUCCIO (Andrea). Anti-mitologia ed eredità neoterica in Marziale. Genesi e forme di una poetica. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2007, 261 p. 1840. MAZZOLI (Giancarlo). Le metamorfosi tra Ovidio e Apuleio. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 7-20. 1841. MICOZZI (Laura). Il catalogo degli eroi. Saggio di commento a Stazio, Tebaide 4, 1-344. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, XII-317 p. (Testi e commenti, 4). 1842. MINDT (Nina). Die meta-sympotischen Oden und Epoden des Horaz. Göttingen, Edition Ruprecht, 2007, 97 p. 1843. NARDUCCI (Emanuele). Cesare iure caesus. Per la storia di una formulazione (da Cicerone a Svetonio, e un passo del De beneficiis di Seneca). Athenaeum, 2007, 95, p. 119-129.

1827. JONES (Frederick). Juvenal and the satiric genre. London, Duckworth, 2007, IX-214 p.

1844. NEGRI (Monica). Il 'giovane' Cicerone, la lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficiis e la datazione del De inventione. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 183-201.

1828. JONES (Peter V.). Reading Ovid. Stories from the Metamorphoses. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-272 p.

1845. O'HARA (James J.). Inconsistency in Roman epic. Studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-165 p.



1846. Ordre et cohérence en latin. Communications présentées au 13e Colloque international de linguistique atine, (Bruxelles-Liège, 4í9 avril 2005). Éd. par Gérald PURNELLE. Genève, Droz, 2007, 213 p.

1862. Sicilia nutrix plebis Romanae. Rhetoric, law, and taxation in Cicero's Verrines. Ed. by Jonathan R. W. PRAG. London, Institute of Classical studies, 2007, IX-189 p.

1847. Ovid. Werk, Kultur, Wirkung; Ergebnisse einer Tagung zum Thema Ovid und die Augusteische Kultur am 15. und 16. Juli 2005 an der Universität Konstanz. Hrsg. v. Markus JANKA. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, VIII-348 p.

1863. SPISAK (Arthur L.). Martial. A social guide. London, Duckworth, 2007, V-151 p.

1848. PERI (Giulia). Discorso diretto e discorso indiretto nel Satyricon. Due regimi a contrasto. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, 132 p. 1849. PEROTTI (Pier Angelo). Ironia o beffe del destino nell'Eneide (Prima parte e Seconda parte). Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 80-93, 350-369. 1850. PUIG RODRÍGUEZ-ESCALONA (Mercè). La gestualidad facial según los textos latinos: gestos y maneras asociados a la nariz. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 67-79. 1851. QUESTA (Cesare). La metrica di Plauto e di Terenzio. Urbino, Quattro Venti, 2007, XIII-550 p. (Ludus philologiae, 16). 1852. REED (Jay D.). Virgil's gaze. Nation and poetry in the Aeneid. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, 226 p. 1853. RIESENWEBER (Thomas). Uneigentliches Sprechen und Bildermischung in den Elegien des Properz. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIV-446 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 86). 1854. ROSELLINI (Michela). Particolarità della sintassi verbale di Giulio Valerio. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 182-215. 1855. RUPPRECHT (Kai). Cinis omnia fiat. Zum poetologischen Verhältnis der pseudo-vergilischen Dirae zu den Bucolica Vergils. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 296 p. (Hypomnemata, 167). 1856. SÁNCHEZ VENDRAMINI (Darío N.). War Seneca Martials Gönner? Historia, 2007, 56, p. 37-46.

1864. Studien zu Petron und seiner Rezeption. Hrsg. v. Luigi CASTAGNA. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XII-386 p. 1865. Teneri properentur amores. Riflessioni sull'intertestualità ovidiana; gli Amores. A cura di Luciano LANDOLFI e Valentina CHINNICI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 180 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino, 95). 1866. Terentius Poeta. Hrsg. v. Peter KRUSCHWITZ. München, Beck, 2007, XII-235 p. (Zetemata, 127). 1867. THOMAS (Jean-François). Déshonneur et honte en latin. Étude sémantique. Louvain, Peeters, 2007, 476 p. (Bibliothèque d'études classiques, 50). 1868. TONDO (Isabella). Uomini dal naso di cane. Figure dell'intelligenza in Roma antica. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 220 p. (Lingue e letterature Carocci, 71). 1869. UDEN (James). Impersonating Priapus. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 1-26. 1870. Verrius, Festus & Paul. Lexicography, scholarship, & society. Ed. by Fay Nadine GLINISTER and Claire WOODS. London, 2007, XIV-191 p. 1871. YEH (Wei-jong). Structures métriques des poésies de Pétrone. Pour quel art poétique? Louvain, Peeters, 2007, XVI-659 p. 1872. ZEINER-CARMICHAEL (Noelle K.). Perfecting the ideal: molding Roman women in Statius's Silvae. Arethusa, 2007, 40, p. 165-181. Cf. nos 1578-1624 b. Philosophy and sciences

1857. SANDER-PIEPER (Gudrun). Das Komische bei Plautus. Eine Analyse zur plautinischen Poetik. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, VIII-292 p.

1873. DIEDERICH (Silke). Römische Agrarhandbücher zwischen Fachwissenschaft, Literatur und Ideologie. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-458 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 88).

1858. SCHAUER (Markus). Aeneas dux in Vergils Aeneis. Eine literarische Fiktion in augusteischer Zeit. München, Beck, 2007, 304 p.

1874. FOX (Matthew). Cicero's philosophy of history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-344 p.

1859. SCHEITHAUER (Andrea). Verfeinerte Lebensweise und gesteigertes Lebensgefühl im augusteischen Rom. Urbanitas mit den Augen Ovids gesehen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 331 p. (Studien zur klassischen Philologie, 157). 1860. SHOTTER (David). Cicero and the Treveri: new light on an old pun. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 106110. 1861. Sicile (La) de Cicéron. Lectures des Verrines. Actes du colloque de Paris, 19í20 mai 2006. Sous la direction de Julien DUBOULOZ et Sylvie PITTIA. besançon, presses universitaires de franche-comté, 2007, 355 p.

1875. GILDENHARD (Ingo). Paideia Romana. Cicero's Tusculan disputations. Cambridge, Cambridge Philological Society, 2007, 325 p. 1876. INWOOD (Brad). Seneca, selected philosophical letters. Translation with introduction and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXIV-409 p. 1877. KEANE (Catherine). Philosophy into satire: the program of Juvenal's fifth book. American journal of philology, 2007, 128, p. 27-57. 1878. LORUSSO (Vito). Petron. 61, 6 ௅ 62 e la licantropia nei medici. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 438-446.



1879. Nature (The) of things. Lucretius. Translated and with notes and introduction. Ed. by Alicia E. STALLINGS and Richard JENKYNS. London, Penguin books, 2007, XXXI-265 p.

1894. Gruppenreligionen im römischen Reich. Sozialformen, Grenzziehungen und Leistungen. Hrsg. v. Jörg RÜPKE. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, VII-212 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 43).

1880. SCHMIDT (Ernst A.). Clinamen. Eine Studie zum dynamischen Atomismus der Antike. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 204 p.

1895. GUITTARD (Charles). Carmen et prophéties à Rome. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 369 p.

1881. Severan culture. Ed. by Simon SWAIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XXXIII-569 p. 1882. WILDBERGER (Jula). Seneca. De ira. Lateinisch-Deutsch. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2007, 319 p. Cf. nos 1578-1624 § 8. Religion and mythology. _______________________

1883. BERNETT (Monika). Der Kaiserkult in Judäa unter den Herodiern und Römern. Untersuchungen zur politischen und religiösen Geschichte Judäas von 30 v. bis 66 n. Chr. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XIII-441 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 203). 1884. Blut und Wein. Keltisch-römische Kultpraktiken; Akten des vom Österreichischen Archäologischen Institut und vom Archäologischen Verein Flavia Solva veranstalteten Kolloquiums am Frauenberg bei Leibnitz (Österreich), Mai 2006. Hrsg. v. Stefan GROH und Helga SEDLMAYER. Montagnac, Mergoil, 2007, 192 p. 1885. CADOTTE (Alain). La romanisation des dieux. L'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-750 p. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 158). 1886. CARANDINI (Andrea). Roma, il primo giorno. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 142 p. 1887. CLARK (Anna J.). Divine qualities. Cult and community in Republican Rome. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-376 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 1888. Companion (A) to Roman religion. Ed. by Jörg RÜPKE. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XXX-542 p. 1889. COOPER (Kate). The fall of the Roman household. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-319 p. 1890. ELM VON DER OSTEN (Dorothee). Liebe als Wahnsinn. Die Konzeption der Göttin Venus in den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 204 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 20). 1891. GODDARD (Christophe). La divination à l'époque tardive: un exemple ultime du processus de romanisation (IVeíVIe siècles apr. J.-C.). Métis, 2007, 5, p. 267-290. 1892. GOODMAN (Martin). Judaism in the Roman world. Collected essays. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XI-275 p. (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity, 66). 1893. GREEN (Carin M. C.). Roman religion and the cult of Diana at Aricia. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XXVIII-347 p.

1896. HERKLOTZ (Friederike). Prinzeps und Pharao. Der Kult des Augustus in Ägypten. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike e. K., 2007, 506 p. 1897. Konstantin und das Christentum. Hrsg. v. Heinrich SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchges., 2007, 264 p. (Neue Wege der Forschung). 1898. LANZETTA (Domizia). Roma orfica e dionisiaca nella basilica pitagorica di Porta Maggiore. Roma, Simmetria, 2007, 122 p. 1899. ORLIN (Eric). Augustan religion and the reshaping of Roman memory. Arethusa, 2007, 40, p. 7392. 1900. PRESCENDI (Francesca). Décrire et comprendre le sacrifice. Les réflexions des Romains sur leur propre religion à partir de la littérature antiquaire. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 284 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 19). 1901. REVELL (Louise). Religion and ritual in the western provinces. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 210228. 1902. Rites et croyances dans les religions du monde romain. Huit exposés suivis de discussions; Vandoeuvres ௅ Genève 21í25 août 2006. Éd. par John SCHEID. Genève, Fondation Hardt, 2007, X-329 p. 1903. RÜPKE (Jörg), GLOCK (Anne). Römische Priester in der Antike. Ein biographisches Lexikon. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 256 p. 1904. RUTLEDGE (Steven H.). The Roman destruction of sacred sites. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 179-195. 1905. WITULSKI (Thomas). Kaiserkult in Kleinasien. Die Entwicklung der kultisch-religiösen Kaiserverehrung in der römischen Provinz Asia von Augustus bis Antonius Pius. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 210 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 63). § 9. Archaeology and history of art. _______________________

1906. ACCARDO (Simona). Sabatia stagna. Insediamenti perilacustri ad Anguillara e dintorni in età romana. Pisa, ETS, 2007, 296 p. 1907. ANDREAE (Bernard). Malerei für die Ewigkeit. Die Gräber von Paestum. Eine Ausstellung des BuceriusKunst-Forums, 13. Oktober 2007 bis 20. Januar 2008. Hrsg. v. Ortrud WESTHEIDER. München, Hirmer, 2007, 223 p. 1908. BASSO (Patrizia). Strade romane. Storia e archeologia. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 126 p.



1909. BRUUN (Christer). Nero's architects, Severus and Celer, and residence patterns in Rome. Scripta classica Israelica, 2007, 26, p. 73-86.

1926. KOUSSER (Rachel). Mythological group portraits in Antonine Rome: the performance of myth. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 673-691.

1910. CARANDINI (Andrea). Cercando Quirino. Traversata sulle onde elettromagnetiche nel suolo del Quirinale. Torino, Einaudi, 2007, IX-96 p.

1927. LAHUSEN (Götz), FORMIGLI (Edilberto). Großbronzen aus Herculaneum und Pompeji. Statuen und Büsten von Herrschern und Bürgern. Worms, Werner, 2007, 192 p.

1911. CARUCCI (Margherita). The Romano-African domus. Studies in space, decoration, and function. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, XII-289 p. 1912. CIARALLO (Annamaria). Flora pompeiana antica. Guida all'orto botanico. Napoli, Electa Napoli, 2007, 48 p. 1913. CLARKE (John R.). Looking at laughter. Humor, power, and transgression in Roman visual culture, 100 B. C.íA. D. 250. Berkeley, University of California press, 2007, XI-321 p. 1914. CUPITÒ (Cristiana). Il territorio tra la via Salaria, l'Aniene, il Tevere e la via Salaria Vetus. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2007, 231 p. 1915. EFFENBERGER (Arne). Nochmals zur Aufstellung des Theodosius-Obelisken im Hippodrom von Konstantinopel. Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 587-598. 1916. ELSNER (Jas). Roman eyes. Visuality and subjectivity in art and text. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XVII-350 p. 1917. GALINIER (Martin). La colonne Trajane et les forums impériaux. Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, VIII-303 p. 1918. GORRIE (Charmaine). The restoration of the porticus Octaviae and Severan imperial policy. Greece and Rome, 2007, 54, p. 1-17. 1919. GRIESBACH (Jochen). Villen und Gräber. Siedlungs- und Bestattungsplätze der römischen Kaiserzeit im Suburbium von Rom. Rahden, Leidorf, 2007, XIX228 p. 1920. GROS (Pierre), TORELLI (Mario). Storia dell'urbanistica. Il mondo romano. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 532 p.

1928. MARI (Zaccaria), SGALAMBRO (Sergio). The Antinoeion of Hadrian's villa: interpretation and architectural reconstruction. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 83-104. 1929. MASSART (Claire). Caractérisation des tumulus gallo-romains de Hesbaye (cité des Tongres): structures architecturales, funéraires et rituelles. Latomus, 2007, 66, p. 41-66. 1930. MENGOTTI (Cristina). Un caso di lunga durata. La via Aurelia nel Padovano. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 409-424. 1931. PACKER (James E.), BURGE (John), GAGLIARDO (Maria C.). Looking again at Pompey's theatre: the 2005 excavation season. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 505-522. 1932. PITTS (Martin). The emperor's new clothes? The utility of identity in Roman archaeology. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 693-713. 1933. RETZLEFF (Alexandra). The Dresden type Satyr-Hermaphrodite group in Roman theaters. American journal of archaeology, 2007, 111, p. 359-472. 1934. RICHARDSON (James H.). On the location of the urbs and tribus Scaptia. Hermes, 2007, 135, p. 166173. 1935. Römisches Süditalien und Sizilien. Kunst und Kultur von Pompeji bis Syrakus. Hrsg. v. Filippo COARELLI. Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2007, 299 p. 1936. SAURON (Gilles). La peinture allégorique à Pompéi. Le regard de Cicéron. Paris, Picard, 2007, 220 p.

1921. GUZZO (Pier Giovanni). Pompei. Storia e paesaggi della città antica. Milano, Electa, 2007, 244 p.

1937. Sites (The) of Rome. Time, space, memory. Ed. by David H. J. LARMOUR, and Diana SPENCER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-436 p.

1922. HESLIN (Peter). Augustus, Domitian and the so-called horologium Augusti. Journal of Roman studies, 2007, 97, p. 1-20.

1938. THOMAS (Edmund). Monumentality and the Roman empire. Architecture in the Antonine age. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXI-378 p.

1923. KASTENMEIER (Pia). I luoghi del lavoro domestico nella casa pompeiana. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2007, 189 p.

1939. VÁRHELYI (Zsuzsanna). The specters of Roman imperialism: the live burials of Gauls and Greeks at Rome. Classical Antiquity, 2007, 26, p. 277-304.

1924. KOLB (Frank). Das antike Rom. Geschichte und Archäologie. München, Beck, 2007, 128 p.

1940. VEYRAC (Alain). Nîmes romaine et l'eau. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 424 p. (Supplément à Gallia, 57).

1925. Körpergräber des 1.í3. Jahrhunderts in der römischen Welt. Internationales Kolloquium Frankfurt am Main, 19.í20. November 2004. Hrsg. v. Andrea FABER. Frankfurt am Main, Archäolog. Museum, 2007, 444 p.

1941. Villa (La) romana. A cura di Rosaria CIARNapoli, Orientale, 2007, 307 p.


1942. WELCH (Katherine Ethel). The Roman amphitheatre. From its origins to the colosseum. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XXII-355 p.



1943. ZANKER (Paul). Die Römische Kunst. München, Beck, 2007, 126 p. § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. * 1944. LEPPIN (Hartmut). (K)ein Zeitalter Justinians – Bermerkungen aus althistorischer Sicht zu Justinian in der jüngeren Forschung [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 3, p. 659-686. _______________________

1945. ANDERS (Friedrich). Spätantike. Europa zwischen Antike und Mittelalter. Bamberg, Buchner, 2007, 127 p. 1946. BANAJI (Jairus). Agrarian change in late antiquity. Gold, labour, and aristocratic dominance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-311 p. 1947. BERNDT (Guido M.). Konflikt und Anpassung: Studien zu Migration und Ethnogenese der Vandalen. Husum, Matthiesen, 2007, 334 p. (ill.). (Historische Studien, 489). 1948. BRANDT (Hartwin). Das Ende der Antike. Geschichte des spätrömischen Reiches. München, Beck, 2007, 115 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 2151). 1949. Crises and the Roman empire. Proceedings of the seventh workshop of the international network impact of empire (Nijmegen, June 20í24, 2006). Ed. by Olivier HEKSTER. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIII-448 p. 1950. DEMANDT (Alexander). Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian; 284í565 n. Chr. München, Beck, 2007, XXI-753 p. 1951. DIGNAS (Beate), WINTER (Engelbert). Rome and Persia in late antiquity. Neighbours and rivals. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-347 p.

1957. KNIGHT (Jeremy K.). The end of antiquity. Archaeology, society and religion AD 235í700. Stroud, Tempus, 2007, 224 p. 1958. KÖNIG (Ingemar). Die Spätantike. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, X-125 p. (Geschichte kompakt. Antike). 1959. LEE (A. Doug). War in late antiquity. A social history. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XXV-282 p. 1960. MITCHELL (Stephen). A history of the later Roman empire, AD 284í641. The transformation of the ancient world. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XV-469 p. 1961. MORIN (Georges-André). La fin de l'empire romain d'Occident 375í476. Monaco, Du Rocher, 2007, 494 p. 1962. Plague and the end of antiquity. The pandemic of 541–750. Ed. by Lester K. LITTLE. New York, Cambridge U. P., the american academy in rome, 2007, XIV-360 p. 1963. Poteri centrali e poteri periferici nella tarda antichità. Confronti Conflitti. Atti della giornata di studio, Messina 5 settembre 2006. A cura di Lucietta DI PAOLA e Diletta MINUTOLI. Firenze, Gonnelli, 2007, XIV-181 p. (Papyrologica Fiorentina, 38). 1964. Romanità e tardo antico nel territorio occidentale di Ferrara. Convegno di studi (Museo civico archeologico G. Ferraresi. Nuovi contributi su romanità e tardoantico, Bondeno, 2 dicembre 2006). Ferrara, 2007, 127 p. 1965. Roms Erbe auf dem Balkan. Spätantike Kaiservillen und Stadtanlagen in Serbien. Hrsg. v. Ulrich BRANDL und Miloje VASIC. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2007, 135 p.

1952. DINZELBACHER (Peter), HEINZ (Werner). Europa in der Spätantike (300í600); eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 206 p.

1966. RUMMEL (Philipp von). Habitus barbarus. Kleidung und Repräsentation spätantiker Eliten im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-481 p. (Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde: Ergänzungsbände, 55).

1953. GUIDETTI (Massimo). Vivere tra i barbari, vivere con i Romani. Germani e arabi nella società tardoantica IVíVI secolo d.C. Milano, Jaca Book, 2007, 363 p.

1967. Transition (The) to late antiquity, on the Danube and beyond. Ed. by Andrew G. POULTER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXX-678 p.

1954. HOFMANN (Dagmar). Suizid in der Spätantike. Seine Bewertung in der lateinischen Literatur. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 250 p. (Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 18).

1968. Würde und Rolle der Frau in der Spätantike. Beiträge des II. Würzburger Augustinus-Studientages am 3. Juli 2004. Hrsg. v. Cornelius Petrus MAYER. Würzburg, Augustinus-Verl. bei Echter, 2007, 139 p.

1955. HOWE (Tankred). Vandalen, Barbaren und Arianer bei Victor von Vita. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike, 2007, 411 p. (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 7).

1969. Zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter: Archäologie des 4. bis 7. Jahrhunderts im Westen. Hrsg. v. Sebastian BRATHER. Berlin a. New York, Walter De Gruyter, 2007, VII-480 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 57).

1956. KAHLOS (Maijastina). Religio and superstitio. Retortions and phases of a binary opposition in late antiquity. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 389-408.

Cf. nos 490, 1691, 1970-2143, 2172, 2367, 2556

G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT _________ § 1. Sources. 1970-2038. – § 2. General. 2039-2047. – § 3. Special studies. 2048-2133. – § 4. Hagiography. 21342143.

§ 1. Sources. _______________________

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2013. SPANNEUT (Michel). Commentaire sur la Paraphrase chrétienne du Manuel d'Épictète. Introduction, texte (partiellement) inédit, apparat critique, traduction, notes et index. Paris, Du Cerf, 2007, 269 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 503).

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2014. [Tertullianus] HAUSES (Regina). Tertullianus. Adversus Iudaeos. Lateinisch-deutsch. Übers. und eingel. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 387 p.

2027. [Testamentum novum] MACKIE (Scott D.). Eschatology and exhortation in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-284 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 223).

2015. [Tertullianus] TURCAN (Marie). Le manteau. (De pallio). Tertullien. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, commentaire et index. Paris, Du Cerf, 2007, 254 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 513). 2016. [Testamentum novum] Aufgabe und Durchführung einer Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Hrsg. v. Cilliers BREYTENBACH.Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII-364 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 205). 2017. [Testamentum novum] BAUER (Thomas Johann). Das tausendjährige Messiasreich der Johannesoffenbarung. Eine literarische Studie zu Offb 19,1121,8. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-442 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 148). 2018. [Testamentum novum] BEKKEN (Per Jarle). The word is near you. A study of Deuteronomy 30, 1214 in Paul's letter to the Romans in a Jewish context. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIII-294 p. 2019. [Testamentum novum] BLANTON (Thomas R.). Constructing a new covenant. Discursive strategies in the Damascus document and second Corinthians. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, X-271 p. 2020. [Testamentum novum] BLUMENTHAL (Christian). „Es wird aber kommen der Tag des Herrn". Eine textkritische Studie zu 2 Petr 3,10. Hamburg, Philo, 2007, 162 p. (Bonner biblische Beiträge, 154). 2021. [Testamentum novum] BONNAH (George Kwame Agyei). The Holy Spirit. A narrative factor in the Acts of the Apostles. Stuttgart, Verl. Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2007, 422 p. (Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge, 58). 2022. [Testamentum novum] CHOI (Sung Bok). Geist und christliche Existenz. Das Glossolalieverständnis des Paulus im Ersten Korintherbrief (1 Kor 14). Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2007, X-239 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 115). 2023. [Testamentum novum] DSCHULNIGG (Peter). Das Markusevangelium. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 429 p. (Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, 2). 2024. [Testamentum novum] FRANCE (R. T.). The Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2007, LXIV-1169 p. 2025. [Testamentum novum] FUß (Barbara). Neutestamentliches Griechisch. Ein Lernbuch zu Wortschatz und Formenlehre. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, 160 p.

2028. [Testamentum novum] ROH (Taeseong). Der zweite Thessalonicherbrief als Erneuerung apokalyptischer Zeitdeutung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 140 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 62). 2029. [Testamentum novum] Studien zum Corpus Iohanneum. Hrsg. v. Hartwig THYEN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, VIII-734 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 214). 2030. [Testamentum novum] SUHL (Alfred). Die Briefe des Paulus. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart, Verl. Kath. Bibelwerk, 2007, 272 p. 2031. [Testamentum vetus] ADAM (Klaus-Peter). Saul und David in der judäischen Geschichtsschreibung. Studien zu 1 Samuel 16 ௅ 2 Samuel 5. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-255 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 51). 2032. [Testamentum vetus] BESTER (Dörte). Körperbilder in den Psalmen. Studien zu Psalm 22 und verwandten Texten. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII304 p. 2033. [Testamentum vetus] BEZZEL (Hannes). Die Konfessionen Jeremias. Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Studie. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, X-354 p. 2034. [Testamentum vetus] FISCHER (Georg). Jeremia. Der Stand der theologischen Diskussion. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 191 p. 2035. [Testamentum vetus] FLURY-SCHÖLCH (André). Abrahams Segen und die Völker. Synchrone und diachrone Untersuchungen zu Gen 12, 1-3 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der intertextuellen Beziehungen zu Gen 18; 22; 26; 28; Sir 44; Jer 4 und Ps 72. Würzburg, Echter-Verlag, 2007, XII-376 p. 2036. [Testamentum vetus] JEREMIAS (Jörg). Die Propheten Joel, Obadja, Jona, Micha. Übers. und erkl. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, X-232 p. 2037. [Testamentum vetus] RUSSELL (Brian D.). The song of the sea. The date of composition and influence of Exodus 15: 1 ௅ 21. New York, Lang, 2007, XIII-215 p. (Studies in biblical literature, 101). 2038. [Theodoretus Cyrrhensis] PETRUCCIONE (John F.), HILL (Robert C.). Theodoret of Cyrus. The questions on the Octateuch. Vol. I. On Genesis and Exodus. Vol. II. On Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Washington, The Catholic University



of America press, 2007, 2 vol., CIV-345 p., 2007, XXXII-431 p. Cf. nos 355, 2916, 2932 § 2. General. _______________________

2039. BEITZEL (Barry J.). Biblica ௅ der Bibelatlas. Reise durch die Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der Bibel. Hamburg, National Geographic, 2007, 575 p. 2040. BRENNECKE (Hanns Christof). Ecclesia est in re publica. Studien zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte im Kontext des Imperium Romanum. Hrsg. v. Uta HEIL, Annette von STOCKHAUSEN und Jörg ULRICH. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, VIII-351 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 100). 2041. Cristianesimi nell'antichità. Fonti, istituzioni, ideologie a confronto. A cura di Alberto D'ANNA. Hildesheim, Olms, 2007, XII-261 p. 2042. GEMEINHARDT (Peter). Das lateinische Christentum und die antike pagane Bildung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII-594 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 41). 2043. GRABNER-HAIDER (Anton). Das Laienchristentum. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 143 p.

2052. BENELLI (Giorgio). Mondo, essere e nulla. Le radici filosofiche della spiritualità agostiniana. Roma, Città nuova, 2007, 152 p. 2053. BERGSMA (John Sietze). The jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran. A history of interpretation. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XI-348 p. (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 115). 2054. Bibelkanon (Der) in der Bibelauslegung. Methodenreflexionen und Beispielexegesen. Hrsg. v. Egbert BALLHORN und Georg STEINS. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 347 p. 2055. BRADLEY (Marshell Carl). Matthew. Poet, historian, dialectician. New York, Lang, 2007, XXII-178 p. 2056. CHESTER (Andrew). Messiah and exaltation. Jewish messianic and visionary traditions and New Testament christology. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XVI-716 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 207). 2057. CLAYTON (Paul B. Jr.). The christology of Theodoret of Cyrus. Antiochene christology from the council of Ephesus (431) to the council of Chalcedon (451). Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 355 p. 2058. COAKLEY (Sarah). Disputed questions in Patristic trinitarism. Harvard theological review, 2007, 100, p. 125-138.

2044. MIKAT (Paul). Konflikt und Loyalität. Bedingungen für die Begegnung von früher Kirche und römischem Imperium. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2007, 107 p.

2059. COX (Ronald). By the same word. Creation and salvation in hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIV-392 p. (Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 145).

2045. MORESCHINI (Claudio), NORELLI (Enrico). Handbuch der antiken christlichen Literatur. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2007, XVII-662 p.

2060. DAISE (Michael A.). Feasts in John. Jewish festivals and Jesus' "hour" in the fourth gospel. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-222 p.

2046. SPIER (Jeffrey). Picturing the Bible. The earliest christian art. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XV-307 p.

2061. DE BRABANDER (Kris). Le retour au paradis. La relation entre la sanctification de l'homme et l'ascèse sexuelle chez Tertullien. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 451 p. (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia, 48).

2047. VEYNE (Paul). Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien (312–394). Paris, Albin Michel, 2007, 322 p. § 3. Special studies. _______________________

2048. BAUER (Thomas Johann). Who is who in der Welt Jesu? Freiburg, Herder, 2007, 271 p. 2049. BAUN (Jane). Tales from another Byzantium. Celestial journey and local community in the Medieval Greek Apocrypha. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 461 p. 2050. BECKER (Jürgen). Die Auferstehung Jesu Christi nach dem Neuen Testament. Ostererfahrung und Osterverständnis im Urchristentum. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, 307 p. 2051. BELL (Richard H.). Deliver us from evil. Interpreting the redemption from the power of Satan in New Testament theology. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XXIII-439 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 216).

2062. DUNN (Geoffrey D.). Innocent I and Anysius of Thessalonica. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 124-148. 2063. EBBELER (Jennifer V.), SOGNO (Cristiana). Religious identity and the politics of patronage: Symmachus and Augustine. Historia, 2007, 56, p. 230-242. 2064. EBNER (Martin). Jesus von Nazaret. Was wir von ihm wissen können. Stuttgart, Kath. Bibelwerk, 2007, 255 p. 2065. ENGBERG (Jakob). Impulsore Chresto. Opposition to christianity in the Roman Empire c. 50í250 AD. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 349 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 2). 2066. FEICHTINGER (Hans). Die Gegenwart Christi in der Kirche bei Leo dem Großen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 343 p. (Patrologia, 18). 2067. FERNÁNDEZ UBIÑA (José). Patriotismo y antimilitarismo cristiano. Las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en época constantiniana. Gerión, 25, 2007, p. 421-441.

3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2068. FÖRSTER (Hans). Die Anfänge von Weihnachten und Epiphanias. Eine Anfrage an die Entstehungshypothesen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII-342 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 46). 2069. FRIED (Johannes). Donation of Constantine and Constitutum Constantini: the misinterpretation of a fiction and its original meaning. With a contribution by Wolfram BRANDES: The satraps of Constantine. Berlin a. New York, De Gruyter, 2007, X-201 p. (ill.). (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr., 3). 2070. Frühchristliches Thessaloniki. Hrsg. v. Cilliers BREYTENBACH. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, 184 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 44). 2071. FUHRMANN (Sebastian). Vergeben und Vergessen. Christologie und Neuer Bund im Hebräerbrief. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2007, XII-284 p. 2072. GNILKA (Joachim). Jesus von Nazaret. Botschaft und Geschichte. Freiburg, Herder, 2007, 336 p. 2073. GOFF (Matthew J.). Discerning wisdom. The sapiential literature of the Dead Sea scrolls. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XV-372 p. (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 116). 2074. GROHMANN (Marianne). Fruchtbarkeit und Geburt in den Psalmen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-370 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 53). 2075. GWYNN (David M.). From iconoclasm to arianism: the construction of christian tradition in the iconoclast controversy. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2007, 47, p. 225-251. 2076. HARTENSTEIN (Judith). Charakterisierung im Dialog. Die Darstellung von Maria Magdalena, Petrus, Thomas und der Mutter Jesu im Kontext anderer frühchristlicher Traditionen. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 347 p. 2077. HAYS (Richard B.). The conversion of the imagination. Paul as interpreter of Israel's scripture. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2007, XX-213 p. 2078. HEGEDUS (Tim). Early Christianity and ancient astrology. New York, Lang, 2007, XIV-396 p. 2079. HEINEN (Heinz). Der Sieg des Kreuzes. Von der Kreuzesvision Konstantins zur Entdeckung des Kreuzes. Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift, 2007, 3, p. 21237.


2083. HOLZBRECHER (Frank). Paulus und der historische Jesus. Darstellung und Analyse der bisherigen Forschungsgeschichte. Tübingen, Francke, 2007, X200 p. (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 48). 2084. HOTZE (Gerhard). Jesus als Gast. Studien zu einem christologischen Leitmotiv im Lukasevangelium. Würzburg, Echter, 2007, 339 p. 2085. Jesus und die Evangelien. Hrsg. v. ClausJürgen THORNTON, XII-725 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 211). 2086. Josephus und das Neue Testament. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen, II. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum (25.í28. Mai 2006, Greifswald). Hrsg. v. Christfried BÖTTRICH. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XVIII-615 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 209). 2087. KAHLOS (Maijastina). Debate and dialogue. Christian and pagan cultures c. 360í430. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, X-213 p. 2088. KEZBERE (Ilze). Umstrittener Monotheismus. Wahre und falsche Apotheose im lukanischen Doppelwerk. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 231 p. (Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 60). 2089. KONRADT (Matthias). Israel, Kirche und die Völker im Matthäusevangelium. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, IX-493 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 215). 2090. KORTHAUS (Michael). Kreuzestheologie. Geschichte und Gehalt eines Programmbegriffs in der evangelischen Theologie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII-431 p. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 142). 2091. KRÄMER (Torsten). Augustinus zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge. Literarische Tätigkeit als Selbstfindung und Selbsterfindung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 252 p. 2092. LEHTIPUU (Outi). The afterlife imagery in Luke's story of the rich man and Lazarus. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-361 p. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 123).

2080. HEINZ (Carsten). Mehrfache Intertextualität bei Prudentius. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 182 p. (Studien zur klassischen Philologie, 156).

2093. LEVIEILS (Xavier). Contra christianos. La critique sociale et religieuse du christianisme des origines au concile de Nicée (45í325). Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIII-548 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 146).

2081. HEYMAN (George). The power of sacrifice. Roman and christian discourses in conflict. Washington, Catholic University of America press, 2007, XXV256 p.

2094. LONA (Horacio E.). Judas Iskariot. Legende und Wahrheit; Judas in den Evangelien und das Evangelium des Judas. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2007, 174 p.

2082. HOLTZ (Gudrun). Damit Gott sei alles in allem. Studien zum paulinischen und frühjüdischen Universalismus. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-650 p.

2095. MACASKILL (Grant). Revealed wisdom and inaugurated eschatology in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. Leiden, Brill, 2007, X-294 p.



2096. MAKAMBU (Mulopo Apollinaire). L'espritpneuma dans l'évangile de Jean. Approche historicoreligieuse et exégétique. Würzburg, Echter, 2007, X360 p. 2097. MARCONE (Arnaldo). Libri e lettori nella chiesa antica. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 385394. 2098. MARKSCHIES (Christoph). Origenes und sein Erbe. Gesammelte Studien. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, X-283 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 160). 2099. MEIER (Mischa). Naturkatastrophen in der christlichen Chronistik. Das Beispiel Johannes Malalas (6. Jh.). Gymnasium, 2007, 114, p. 559-586. 2100. MIURA (Yuzuru). David in Luke-acts. His portrayal in the light of early Judaism. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XIX-305 p. 2101. MOENIKES (Ansgar). Der sozial-egalitäre Impetus der Bibel Jesu und das Liebesgebot als Quintessenz der Tora. Würzburg, Echter, 2007, 208 p. 2102. PARENTE (Fausto). Paredǀken auton autois hina staurothƝ. Jn. 19.16 and the Christian interpretation of the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Athenaeum, 2007, 95 p. 349-376. 2103. PELLEGRINI (Silvia). War Jesus tolerant? Antworten aus der frühen Jesusüberlieferung. Stuttgart, Verl. Kath. Bibelwerk, 2007, 133 p. 2104. POUDERON (Bernard). L'interdiction de l'avortement dans les premiers siècles de l'église. Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2007, 87, p. 55-73. 2105. RASCHER (Angela). Schriftauslegung und Christologie im Hebräerbrief. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XII-261 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 153). 2106. Religion, dynasty, and patronage in early christian Rome, 300–900. Ed. by Kate COOPER a. Julia HILLNER. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-327 p. (tab.). 2107. ROHRBAUGH (Richard L.). The New Testament in cross-cultural perspective. Eugene, Cascade books, 2007, XV-211 p. 2108. ROSE (Christian). Theologie als Erzählung im Markusevangelium. Eine narratologisch-rezeptionsästhetische Untersuchung zu Mk 1, 1-15. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XII-312 p. 2109. RUSSELL (Norman). Theophilus of Alexandria. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-222 p. (The early Church fathers). 2110. SCHÄFER (Peter). Jesus im Talmud. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XVII-308 p. 2111. SCHLIEßER (Benjamin). Abraham's faith in Romans 4. Paul's concept of faith in light of the history

of reception of Genesis 15: 6. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XIII-521 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 224). 2112. SCHMIDT (Josef). Gesetzesfreie Heilsverkündigung im Evangelium nach Matthäus. Das Apostelkonzil (Apg 15) als historischer und theologischer Bezugspunkt für die Theologie des Matthäusevangeliums. Würzburg, Echter, 2007, 501 p. 2113. SCHNELLE (Udo). Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 747 p. 2114. SCHRÖTER (Jens). Von Jesus zum neuen Testament. Studien zur urchristlichen Theologiegeschichte und zur Entstehung des neutestamentlichen Kanons. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, IX-441 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum neuen Testament, 204). 2115. SCHWINDT (Rainer). Gesichte der Herrlichkeit. Eine exegetisch-traditionsgeschichtliche Studie zur paulinischen und johanneischen Christologie. Freiburg, Herder, 2007, XII-591 p. (Herders Biblische Studien, 50). 2116. SELLNER (Hans Jörg). Das Heil Gottes. Studien zur Soteriologie des lukanischen Doppelwerks. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIII-591 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 152). 2117. SEYBOLD (Klaus). Poetik der erzählenden Literatur im Alten Testament. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 331 p. (Poetologische Studien zum Alten Testament, 2). 2118. SINKIEWICZ (Jan). Kosmas Indikopleustes a przeĞladowania chrzeĞcijan w Nagranie w VI wieku (Kosmas Indikopleustes and the persecution of Christians in Nagran in the VI century). Nowy filomata, 2007, 11, p. 191-204. 2119. SORACI (Cristina). Approvvigionamento e distribuzioni alimentari. Considerazioni sul ruolo dei vescovi nel tardo impero. Quaderni catanesi di studi antichi e medievali, 2007, 6, p. 259-321. 2120. SPIER (Jeffrey). Late antique and early Christian gems. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2007, 221 p. 2121. TASCHL-ERBER (Andrea). Maria von Magdala erste Apostolin? Joh 20, 1-18: Tradition und Relecture. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2007, XIII-691 p. 2122. Three Greek apologists. Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius. Ed. by Anders-Christian JACOBSEN und Jörg ULRICH. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 214 p. 2123. TIBBS (Clint). Religious experience of the pneuma. Communication with the Spirit World in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XXII-368 p. 2124. ULRICHS (Karl Friedrich). Christusglaube. Studien zum Syntagma pistis Christu und zum paulinischen Verständnis von Glaube und Rechtfertigung. Tü-

4. HAGIOGRAPHY bingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-311 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 227). 2125. VIVIANO (Benedict Thomas). Matthew and his world. The gospel of the open Jewish Christians. Studies in biblical theology. Fribourg, Acad. press, 2007, 309 p. (Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 61). 2126. WEAVER (Joel A.). Theodoret of Cyrus on Romans 11:26. Recovering an early Christian Elijah redivivus tradition. New York a. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, XVII-184 p. (American university studies. Series 7: Theology and religion, 249). 2127. WHITE (Joel). Die Erstlingsgabe im Neuen Testament. Tübingen, Francke, 2007, 374 p. (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 45). 2128. WILHITE (David E.). Tertullian the African. An anthropological reading of Tertullian's context and identities. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, 336 p. 2129. WILLIAMS (Anna Ngaire). The divine sense: the intellect in patristic theology. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-252 p.

81 § 4. Hagiography. _______________________

2134. BONA (Edoardo). Echi di Filone nella Vita Syncleticae? (BHG 1694). Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2007, 135, p. 220-230. 2135. DAHLMAN (Britt). Saint Daniel of Sketis: A group of hagiographic texts edited with introduction, translation, and commentary. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, 2007, 260 p. 2136. DE LEO (Pietro). Vita di San Girolamo. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 140 p. 2137. DI MARCO (F.). Sante nude, sante travestite, sante prostitute: del complesso di Tecla. Sanctorum, 2007, 4, p. 63-79. 2138. DIEFENBACH (Steffen). Römische Erinnerungsräume. Heiligenmemoria und kollektive Identitäten im Rom des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-635 p. 2139. GIANNARELLI (Elena). Da Tecla a santa Tecla: un caso di nemesi agiografica. Sanctorum, 2007, 4, p. 47-62.

2130. WILLITTS (Joel). Matthew's messianic shepherd-king. In search of 'the lost sheep of the house of Israel'. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, IX-270 p.

2140. Giusto (Il) che fiorisce come palma. Gregorio il Taumaturgo fra storia e agiografia. A cura di Benedetto CLAUSI e Vincenza MILAZZO. Roma, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2007, 315 p.

2131. WITULSKI (Thomas). Die Johannesoffenbarung und Kaiser Hadrian. Studien zur Datierung der neutestamentlichen Apokalypse. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 415 p. (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 221).

2141. JÉRÔME. Trois vies de moines. (Paul, Malchus, Hilarion). Éd. par Pierre LECLERC et Edgardo M. MORALES. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 337 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 508).

2132. ZIEGLER (Mario). Successio. Die Vorsteher der stadtrömischen Christengemeinde in den ersten beiden Jahrhunderten. Bonn, Habelt, 2007, 361 p. 2133. ZIMMERMANN (Christiane). Die Namen des Vaters. Studien zu ausgewählten neutestamentlichen Gottesbezeichnungen vor ihrem frühjüdischen und paganen Sprachhorizont. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XX-689 p.

2142. LUBOMIERSKI (Nina). Die Vita Sinuthii. Formund Überlieferungsgeschichte der hagiographischen Texte über Schenute den Archimandriten. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, X-309 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 45). 2143. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter). The career of Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 348í387). A reassessment. Journal of theological studies, 2007, 58, p. 134-146.

H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) _________ § 1. Sources. 2144-2186. – § 2. General. 2187-2197. – § 3. Special studies. 2198-2270. § 1. Sources. * 2144. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Band 100. [Band 99. Cf. Bibl. 2006, no 2489.] Hrsg. v. Albrecht BERGER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, 1190 p. _______________________

2145. [Anastasius Sinaites] KUEHN (Clement A.), BAGGARLY (John D.). Anastasius of Sinai, Hexaemeron. Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2007, LXXXII-495 p. 2146. [Andreas Caesariensis] STUPARU (F.). Sf. Andrei Archiepiscopul Cezareei Capadociei, Tâlcuire la Apocalipsă. (Hl. Andreas von Kaisareia, Commentar zur Apokalypse). Bucureúti, Editura cartea ortodoxă, 2007, 302 p. 2147. [Anonymus] KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk). Moral rectitude vs. ascetic prowess: the anonymous treatise on asceticism (edition, translation and dating). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 101-124. 2148. BENAISSA (Amin). Four Byzantine papyri with notarial subscriptions. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2007, 160, p. 220-226. 2149. [Chrystophorus Mytilenaius] LAURITZEN (Frederick). Christopher of Mytilene's parody of the Haughty Mauropous. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 125-132. 2150. DIETHART (Johannes). Zwei lexikographische Fragen im Ptochoprodromos. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 625-628. 2151. [Digenis Akrites] SABATAKAKIS (Vassilios), STOLPE (Staffan). Vassilios Digenis Akritis. Basíleios Digenès Akrítes. Lund, Sekel, 2007, 142 p.

introduction and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-440 p. (Oxford Studies in Byzantium). 2154. [Georgius Gennadius Scholarius] DEMETRA(J. A.). Georgios Scholarios ௅ Gennadios II's Florilegium Thomisticum II (De fato) and its antiplethonic tenor. Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales, 2007, 74, p. 301-376.


2155. GOLITSIS (Pantelis). Un commentaire perpétuel de Georges Pachymère à la Physique d'Aristote, faussement attribué à Michel Psellos. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 637-676. 2156. [Hierotheos] GRÜNBART (Michael). Nachrichten aus dem Hinterland Konstantinopels: Die Briefsammlung des Mönchs Hierotheos (12. Jahrhundert). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 57-70. 2157. HOLLOWAY (Paul A.). Portrait and presence: a note on the Visio Procli (George of Alexandria, Vita Chrysostomi 27). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 71-84. 2158. [Ioannes Geometres] DE GROOTE (Marc). The manuscript tradition of John Geometres' Metaphrasis of the Odes. Revue d'histoire des textes, 2007, 2, p. 1-20. 2159. [Ioannes Scytopolitanus] PODOLAK (Pietro). Giovanni di Scitopoli interprete del Corpus Dionysiacum. Augustinianum, 2007, 47, p. 335-386. 2160. LENDARI (Tina). Aphigisis Livistrou kai Rhodamnis (Livistros and Rodamne). The Vatican version. Athena, Morphotikò ídryma ethnikês trapézes, 2007, 504 p. 2161. [Malalas] PERNET (C.). Le récit de l'Oedipodie chez Jean Malalas. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 349-393.

2152. [Gennadius Scholarius] BLANCHET (MarieHélène). I istoriographia tou Gennadiou Scholariou. (The historiography of Gennadios Scholarios). Ta istoriká, 2007, 47, p. 351-372.

2162. [Manuel Philes] PIETSCH-BRAOUNOU (Euthymia). Die Stummheit des Bildes: Ein Motiv in Epigrammen des Manuel Philes. Jahrbüch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2007, 57, p. 135-148.

2153. [Georgius Acropolites] MACRIDES (Ruth). George Akropolites. The History. Translated with an

2163. [Michael Glykas] BOURBOUHAKIS (Emmanuel C.). Political personae. The poem from prison of



Michael Glykas: Byzantine literature between fact and fiction. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2007, 31, p. 53-75. 2164. [Michael Psellus] CEULEMANS (Reinhart). What can one know about Michael Psellus' LXX text? Examining the Psellian Canticles quotations. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 42-63.

2178. [Romanus Melodus] ROGOBETE (Cristina), PREDA (Sabin). Sf. Roman Melodul, Imne. (Hl. Romanos Melodos, Hymnen). Bucureúti, Editura bizantină, 2007, 334 p. 2179. SIDERAS (Alexander). Ein unedierter Brief des Gregorios Antiochos an Demetrios Tornikes (Brief I). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 785-817.

2165. [Nicephorus Blemmydes] STAVROU (Michel). Nicéphore Blemmydès, Oeuvres théologiques. Tome I. Paris, Du Cerf, 2007, 363 p.

2180. [Theodorus Metochites] POLEMES (Ioannes D.). Theodoros Metochitis oi dyo vasilikoi logoi. Athena, Kanakis, 2007, 444 p.

2166. [Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos] ANTO(Th.). The Brief exegesis of John Climacus' Heavenly Ladder by Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos. Remarks on its nature and sources. Jahrbüch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2007, 57, p. 149-168.

2181. [Theodorus Prodromus] BAZZANI (Marina). The historical poems of Theodore Prodromos, the epicHomeric revival and the crisis of intellectuals in the twelfth century. Byzantinoslavica, 2007, 65, p. 211-228.


2167. [Nicephorus Gregoras] VAN DIETEN (Jan Louis), TINNEFELD (Franz). Nikephoros Gregoras. Rhomäische Geschichte ௅ Historia Rhomaïke. Sechster Teil (Kapitel XXX-XXXVII). Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2007, IX-215 p. 2168. [Philippus Monotropus] AFENTOULIDOULEITGEB (Eirini). Die Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos und ihr Kontext. Ein Beitrag zur Rezeptionsgeschichte. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 9-31. 2169. [Photius] CARLUCCI (Giuseppe). Ritrovata la traduzione Mezio della biblioteca di Fozio. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 65, p. 179-191. 2170. [Photius] PLEXIDAS (Ioannes). Ho hƝgemǀn. Phǀtiou Patriarchou Kǀnstantinoupoleǀs. Athens, Harmos, 2007, 113 p. 2171. [Planudes] Epistole a Melchisedek. Massimo Planude. A cura di Giuseppe PASCALE. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, 97 p. 2172. [Procopius Caesariensis] BÖRM (Henning). Prokop und die Perser. Untersuchungen zu den römischsassanidischen Kontakten in der ausgehenden Spätantike. Stuttgart, Steinerm 2007, 382 p. 2173. [Procopius Gazaeus] AMATO (Eugenio), CORCELLA (Aldo). Lo scambio epistolare tra Procopio di Gaza e il retore Megezio: proposta di traduzione e saggio di commento. Medioevo greco, 2007, 7, p. 1-12. 2174. [Psellus] REINSCH (Diether Roderich). Emendationsvorschläge zur Chronographia des Michael Psellos. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 739777. 2175. RHOBY (Andreas), HÖRANDER (Wolfram). Beobachtungen zu zwei inschriftlich erhaltenen Epigrammen. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 157-168.

2182. [Theodorus Prodromus] BAZZANI (Marina). Theodore Prodromos' poem LXXVII. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 1-12. 2183. [Theodorus Prodromus] MIGLIORINI (Tommaso). Teodoro Prodromo, Amaranto. Medioevo greco, 2007, 7, p. 183-247. 2184. [Theodorus Studites] PIGNANI (Adriana). Teodoro Studita, Catechesi-epitafio per la madre. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2007, 216 p. 2185. TREADGOLD (Warren). The Byzantine world histories of John Malalas and Eustathius of Epiphania. The international history review, 2007, 29, p. 709-745. 2186. [Zosimus] CONCA (Fabrizio). Zosimo. Storia nuova. Milano, Rizzoli, 2007, 655 p. § 2. General. _______________________

2187. Art and text in Byzantine culture. Ed. by Liz JAMES. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-230 p. 2188. Byzantine warfare. Ed. by John HALDON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXVII-582 p. 2189. DÉROCHE (Vincent), PUECH (Vincent), MÉTI(Sophie), SAINT-GUILLAIN (Guillaume). Le monde byzantin 750í1204. Économie et societé. Paris, Atlande, 2007, 700 p. VIER

2190. FOSKOLOU (Vicky). Byzantium on the web: new technologies at the service of museums and educational institutions for the presentation of Byzantine culture. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 629-636. 2191. HERRIN (Judith). Byzantium. The surprising life of a Medieval empire. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XXIII-392 p.

2176. [Romanus Melodus] CRESCI (L. R.). Didascalie mimetiche nei Contaci di Romano il Melodo. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 64-86.

2192. KALDELLIS (Anthony). Hellenism in Byzantium: the transformations of Greek identity and the reception of the classical tradition. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-468 p.

2177. [Romanus Melodus] GRIGORIU (Parascheva). Roman Melodul, Imnele pocăinĠei. (Romanos der Melode, Buß-himnen). Iaúi, Trisaghion, 2007, 196 p.

2193. LILIE (Ralph-Johannes). Einführung in die byzantinische Geschichte. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 358 p.

3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2194. MORGAN (Giles). Byzantium. Harpenden, Pocket essentials, 2007, 158 p. 2195. Présence de Byzance. Éd. par J.-M. SPEISER. Gollion, Infolio, 2007, 188 p. 2196. TREADGOLD (Warren). The early Byzantine historians. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVII431 p. 2197. TRIZIO (Michele). Byzantine philosophy as a contemporary historiographical project. Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales, 2007, 74, p. 247294. § 3. Special studies.


2209. CROKE (Brian). Justinian under Justin: reconfiguring a reign. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 13-56. 2210. DĄBROWSKA (Maágorzata). Ought one to marry? Manuel II Palaiologos' point of view. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2007, 31, p. 146-156. 2211. DAGRON (Gilbert). Décrire et peindre. Essai sur le portrait iconique. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 298 p. 2212. DAMIGOS (Ioannes). Parakmi kai ptosi tis Vyzantinis autokratorias 1204í1453. (Decline and fall of the Byzantine Empire 1204í1453). Athens, Eurotas, 2007, 288 p.

2198. Artista (L') a Bisanzio e nel mondo cristianoorientale. A cura di Michele BACCI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, 409 p.

2213. DETORAKI (Marina). Le martyre de saint Aréthas et de ses compagnons (BHG 166). Paris, Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2007, 317 p. (Monographies, 27).

2199. ASUTAY-EFFENBERGER (Neslihan). Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel-Istanbul. Historisch-topographische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-271 p.

2214. DIMITROV (Theodor). Le traité imaginaire: some observations on the origin of Byzantine-Persian political symbiosis. Archaeologia Bulgarica, 2007, 11, p. 31-43.

2200. BENGA (Daniel). Das Erbe der ökumenischen Konzilien im Kultus, in der Ikonographie und im kanonischen Recht der Orthodoxen Kirche. Studii teologice, 2007, 2, p. 35-56.

2215. Eat, drink, and be merry (Luke 12:19) ௅ food and wine in Byzantium. Papers of the 37th annual spring Symposium of Byzantine studies. Ed. by Leslie BRUBAKER and Kalliroe LINARDOU. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXIV-272 p.


2201. Bizanzio nell'età dei Macedoni. Forme della produzione letteraria e artistica. VIII Giornata di studi bizantini (Milano, 15í16 marzo 2005). A cura di Fabrizio CONCA e Gianfranco FIACCADORI. Milano, Cisalpino, 2007, VIII-292 p. 2202. Byzantine and crusaders in non-Greek sources 1025í1204. Proceedings of the British Academy, 132. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXVII-428 p. 2203. Byzantine diplomacy. A seminar. Ed. by Stylianos LAMPAKIS, Maria LEONTSINI, T. LOUNGHIS, Vasiliki VLYSIDOU. Athens, National printed house, 2007, 203 p. 2204. Byzantium, new peoples, new powers: the Byzantino-Slav contact zone, from the ninth to the fifteenth century. Ed. by Miliana KAIMAKAMOVA, Maciej SALAMON, Maágorzata SMORĄG RÓĩYCKA. Krakow, Towarzystwo Wydawnicze historia Iagellonica, 2007, 366 p.

2216. EGGERS (Marti). Das De administrando imperio des Kaisers Konstantinos VII. Porphyrogennetos und die historisch-politische Situation Südosteuropas im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert. Ostkirchliche Studien, 2007, 56, p. 15-100. 2217. FERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ (Francisco María). Influencias bizantinas en la conversión de Toledo como la urbs regia visigoda. Toletana, 2007, 16, p. 17-27. 2218. FOSS (Clive). Byzantine saints in early islamic Syria. Analecta bollandiana, 2007, 125, p. 93-119. 2219. Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries. Ed. by Margaret MULLETT. Belfast, Belfast Byzantine enteprises, 2007, XV-575 p. 2220. FRANKOPAN (Peter). Kinship and the distribution of power in Komnenian Byzantium. English historical review, 2007, 122/495, p. 1-34.


2205. Caminos de Bizancio. Hrsg. v. Miguel CORCiudad Real, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2007, 286 p.

2221. GAUL (Niels). The twitching shroud collective construction of paideia in the circle of Thomas Magistros. Segno e testo, 2007, 5, p. 263-340.

2206. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude). La place des catépans d'Italie dans la hiérarchie militaire et sociale de Byzance. Néa Rhóme, 2007, 4, p. 143-161.

2222. GROTOWSKI (Piotr L.). Military equipment as a symbolic form in Byzantium (some preliminary observations). Byzantinoslavica, 2007, 65, p. 91-115.

2207. COSENTINO (Salvatore). Constans II and the Byzantine navy. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 576-604.

2223. GRÜNBART (Michael). Byzantinische Briefkultur. Acta antiqua academiae scientiarum Hungaricae, 2007, 47, p. 117-138.

2208. COSTANZA (Salvatore). Due incipit palmomantici bizantini. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 605-623.

2224. HANAK (W. K.). Pope Nicholas V and the aborted crusade of 1452í1453 to rescue Constantinople from the Turks. Byzantinoslavica, 2007, 65, p. 337-359.



2225. HURBANIý (Martin). Byzancia a Avarský kaganát v rokoch 623–624. (Byzantium and the Avar Khaganate in the years 623–624). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 2, p. 229-247. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 2226. JACOBY (David). Byzantium, the Italian maritime powers, and the Black Sea before 1204. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 677-699. 2227. JEŽEK (Václav). Education as a unifying and uplifting force in Byzantium. Byzantinoslavica, 2007, 65, p. 167-200. 2228. KAEGI (Walter E.). Erakleios autokratoras tou Vyzantiou. Athens, Indiktos, 2007, 557 p. 2229. KALDELLIS (Anthony). A Byzantine argument for the equivalence of all religions: Michael Attaleiates on ancient and modern Romans. International journal of the classical tradition, 2007, 14, p. 1-22. í IDEM. Historicism in Byzantine thought and literature. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2007, 61, p. 1-24. 2230. KARGAKOS (Sarantos). To vyzantino nautiko: I epidrasi tis thalassias ischyos stin akmi kai tin ptosi tis Vyzantinis autokratorias. (The Byzantine navy: the influence of sea power in the rise and fall of the Byzantine empire). Athens, Sideres, 2007, 173 p. 2231. KARLA (Grammatiki). Das Rednerideal bei Eustathios von Thessalonike und seine rhetorische Tradition. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 85100. í IDEM. Rhetorische Kommunikation in den Kaiserreden des 12. Jahrhunderts: Der Kontakt zum Publikum. Jahrbüch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2007, 57, p. 83-93. 2232. KLITENIC WEAR (Sarah), DILLON (John). Dionysius the Aeropagite and the neoplatonist tradition. Despoiling the Hellenes. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, X142 p. 2233. KOHEN (Elli). History of the Byzantine Jews. A microcosmos in the thousand year empire. Lanham, University press of America, 2007, XIV-268 p. 2234. Vacat. 2235. LILIE (Ralph-Johannes). Das Byzantinische Reich. Schutz, Vorbild und Lehrer des mittelalterlichen Europa. Rom des Ostens: Byzanz. Pax Geschichte, 2007, 5, p. 1-15. 2236. LINDBLOM (J.). Moral and everyday reality ௅ Byzantine women in public space (5thí8th centuries). Bysantinska Sällskapet. Bulletin, 2007, 25, p. 5-17. 2237. Liturgia e agiografia tra Roma e Costantinopoli: atti del I e II seminario di studio, Roma-Grottaferrata 2000í2001. A cura di Krassimir STANTCHEV e Stefano PARENTI. Grottaferrata, Monastero esarchico, 2007, XII-393 p. (Analekta kryptopherrƝs, 5). 2238. LIVANOS (Christopher). Justice, equality and dirt in the poems of Christopher of Mytilene. Jahrbüch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2007, 57, p. 49-73. 2239. MAC CABE (Anne). A Byzantine encyclopaedia of horse medicine. The sources, compilation, and trans-

mission of the hippiatrica. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-347 p. 2240. MADGEARU (Alexandru). Organizarea militară bizantină la Dunăre în secolele X–XII. (Byzantine military organization on the Danube in 10th–12th century). Târgoviúte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2007, 208 p. 2241. MAGDALINO (Paul). Studies on the history and topography of Byzantine Constantinople. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVI-314 p. 2242. MALAMUT (Élisabeth). Alexis Ier Comnène. Paris, Ellipses, 2007, 526 p. 2243. MEUNIER (Florence). Le roman byzantin du XIIe siècle. À la découverte d'un nouveau monde? Paris, Champion, 2007, 325 p. 2244. MIOTTO (Marco). Bisanzio e la difesa della Siria: Arabi foederati, incursioni arabe e conquista islamica (IVíVII secc.). Porphyra, 2007, 10, p. 5-27. 2245. NELSON (Robert S.). Later Byzantine painting. Art, agency, and appreciation. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-414 p. 2246. NENNA (Maurizio). Principi di tattica militare. Epoca romana e bizantina. Roma, Gangemi, 2007, 127 p. 2247. NICOLLE (David), HALDON (John F.), TURNBULL (Stephen R.). The fall of Constantinople. The Ottoman conquest of Byzantium. General military. Oxford, Osprey, 2007, 256 p. 2248. NOVELLO (Giampiero). Giorgio Maniace. Porphyra, 2007, 9, p. 83-99. 2249. ODORICO (Paolo). La sainteté en concurrence: la construction de la Vie de saint David de Thessalonique. Néa Rhóme, 2007, 4, p. 63-78. 2250. PAŠKIN (Nicolaj). Vizantija v evropejskoj politike pervoj poloviny XV v. (1402í1438). (Byzantium in European politics in the 1st half of the 15th century, 1402í1438). Ekaterinburg, Izd. Ural. Univ., 2007, 237 p. 2251. PHILIPPIDES (Marios). Mehmed II the Conqueror and the fall of the Franco-Byzantine Levant to the Ottoman Turks: some western views and testimonies. Tempe, ACMRS, 2007, XIV-430 p. í IDEM. The fall of Constantinople 1453: classical comparisons and the circle of Cardinal Isidore. Viator, 2007, 38, 349-383. 2252. PICARIELLO (Stefania). Sabinus: un vescovo Campanus del VI secolo. Considerazioni sull'ambasceria a Costantinopoli del 525. Rassegna storica salernitana, 2007, 47, p. 9-24. 2253. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes). Das Patriarchat von Konstantinopel und die russischen Kirchen vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert. Ein Überblick zur Kirchenpolitik auf der Grundlage des Patriarchatsregisters. Historicum, 2007, 96, p. 71-77. í IDEM. Die hauptstädtische Synode von Konstantinopel (Synodos endemusa). Zur Geschichte und Funktion einer zentralen Institution der (spät)byzantinischen Kirche. Historicum, 2007, 96, p. 20-31.

3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2254. PROVIDENTE (S.). La primera crisis iconoclasta. Hacia la invención de una tradición. Byzantion nea Hellas, 2007, 26, p. 101-124. 2255. RAGIA (Efi). The inscription of Didyma (Hieron) and the families of Phokas and Karantinos in western Asia Minor (12th–13th C.). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 133-146. 2256. RANCE (Philip). The date of the military compendium of Syrianus Magister (Formerly the sixth-century anonymus Byzantinus). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 701-737. 2257. REINSCH (Diether Roderich). Pselliana. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 147-156. 2258. RIBAK (Eliya). Religious communities in Byzantine Palestina. The relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, AD 400í700. Oxford, Archeopress, 2007, 234 p.


2263. STANKOVIû (Vlada). A generation gap or political enmity? Emperor Manuel Komnenos, Byzantine intellectuals and the struggle for domination in twelfth century Byzantium. Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2007, 44, p. 209-227. í IDEM. Nikephoros Bryennios, Anna Komnene and Konstantios Doukas. A story about different perspectives. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 169-176. 2264. STONE (A.). Eusthatios of Thessaloniki and St. Nikephoros of Antioch: hagiography for a political end. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 416-431. 2265. STRANO (Gioacchino). Il tema dell'esilio negli epistolari bizantini del IXíX sec.: realtà e topos letterario. Bizantinistica, 2007, 9, p. 175-193. 2266. TATAKIS (Basil N.). Christian philosophy in the patristic and Byzantine tradition. Rollinsford, Orthodox research institute, 2007, XXIII-322 p.

2259. RIGO (Antonio). I capitoli sulla purezza dell'anima del patriarca Callisto I. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 779-784.

2267. TELELIS (Ioannis G.). Weather and climate as factors affecting land transport and communications in Byzantium. Byzantion, 2007, 77, p. 432-462.

2260. ROMANCHUK (Robert). Byzantine hermeneutics and pedagogy in the Russian North: monks and masters at the Kirillo-Belozerski monastery, 1397í1501. Toronto, Toronto U. P., 2007, XVII-452 p.

2268. THEODORIDIS (Dimitri). Das Rätsel um den 'byzantinischen' Familiennamen Maroúlek. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 177-187.

2261. ROMANO (Roberto). La teoria della retorica a Bisanzio dal tardoantico alla rinascenza macedone. Porphyra, 2007, p. 107-125.

2269. TOBIAS (Norman). Basil I, founder of the Macedonian dynasty: a study of the political and military history of the Byzantine empire in the ninth century. Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen press, 2007, VI-402.

2262. SCHREINER (Peter). Konstantinopel. Geschichte und Archäologie. München, Beck, 2007, 128 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 2364).

2270. YANNOPOULOS (Panayotis). Les destinataires de la lettre 'Aux moniales' de Theodore Stoudite. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2007, 100, p. 819-822.

I HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES _________ § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2271-2356. – § 2. General works. 2357-2379. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2380-2443. – § 4. Jews. 2444-2471. – § 5. Islam. 2472-2498. – § 6. Vikings. 2499-2509. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2510-2551. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2552-2648. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2649-2909. – § 10. History of art. 2910-2942. – § 11. History of music. 2943-2963. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 2964-3037. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3038-3226. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3227-3244. § 1. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________

a. Non-literary sources ** 2271. Charters of Bath and Wells (Anglo-Saxon charters XIII). Ed. by S. E. KELLY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., for the british academy, 2007, XXIII-279 p. ** 2272. Christchurch priory cartulary (The). Ed. by Katharine A. HANNA. Winchester, Hampshire Record Society, 2007, LXXII-648 p. ** 2273. Griechische Briefe und Urkunden aus dem Zypern der Kreuzfahrerzeit. Die Formularsammlung eines könglichen Sekretärs im Vaticanus Palatinus Graecus 367. Hrsg. v. Alexander BEIHAMMER. Nicosia, Zyprisches Forschungszentrum, Ministerium für Erziehung und Kultur, 2007, 434 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte Zyperns, 57) ** 2274. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Diplomata. 4. Diplomata regum et imperatorum Germaniae = Die Urkunden der deutschen Könige und Kaiser, 14, 2. Die Urkunden Friedrichs II. 1212–1217. Bearb. von Walter KOCH. Hannover, Hahn, 2007, XII-791 p. ** 2275. Receipt rolls for the seventh and eighth year of the reign of Henry III. Easter 1223, Michaelmas 1224. Ed. by Nicholas BARRATT, indexes by Laura NAPRAN and David CROOK. London, Quorn Digital for the Pipe Roll Soc., 2007, XXXII-248 p. _______________________

2276. AMMANNATI (Giulia). Saint-Victor di Marsiglia e la sua espansione nell'area pirenaica. Tre lettere della seconda metà del sec. XI. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 41-64. 2277. Anonymer (Ein) Romzugsbericht von 1452 (Ps-Enenkel) mit den zugehörigen Personenlisten (Teilnehmerlisten, Ritterschlagslisten, römische Einzugsord-

nung). Stuttgart, Hirzel, 2007, 238 p. Hrsg. v. Achim Thomas HACK. (Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, 7 Beiheft). 2278. Archivo Municipal de Salinas de AñanaGesaltza: documentos (1400í1517). Ed. por Felipe POZUELO RODRÍGUEZ. Donostia, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2007, IV-367 p.-LXII (Fuentes documentales medievales del País Vasco, 131). 2279. Calendar of the fine rolls of the reign of Henry III, preserved in The National Archives. Vol. 1. 1 to 8, Henry III, 1216í1224. Ed. by Paul DRYBURGH, Beth HARTLAND, Arianna CIULA a. José Miguel VIEIRA. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2007, LX-557 p. 2280. Carte (Le) antiche di San Pietro in Castello di Verona (809/10í1196). A cura di Antonio CIARALLI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2007, CX-180 p. (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Regesta chartarum, 55). 2281. Carte (Le) di S. Giorgio in Braida di Verona (1075í1150). A cura di Giannina TOMASSOLI MANENTI. Roma, Paolo Manenti, 2007, CLXI-514 p. (Archivio segreto vaticano. 1. Fondo Veneto). 2282. Carteggio (Il) di Gerardo Cerruti, oratore sforzesco a Bologna (1470í1474). A cura di Tommaso DURANTI. Bologna, CLUEB, 2007, 2 vol., CXXXII595 p., 629 p. (Bologna medievale ieri e oggi, 5). 2283. Cartulario del monasterio aragonés de San Andrés de Fanlo (s. XíXIII). Ed. por Carlos LALIENA CORBERA y Eric KNIBBS. Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007, 255 p. (Departamento de Historia medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios árabes e islámicos. Textos e instrumentos para la investigación, 5). 2284. CASTEJÓN DOMÈNECH (Nativitat). Aproximació a l'estudi de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona.



Repertori documental del s. XV. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 445 p. (Collecció Estudis, 39). 2285. Charters of Bath and Wells. Ed. by Susan E. KELLY. Oxford, Published for the British Academy by Oxford U. P., 2007, XXIII-279 p. (Anglo-Saxon charters, 13). 2286. Charters of St. Albans (Anglo-Saxon charters XII). Ed. by Julia CRICK. Oxford, Oxford U. P. for the British Academy, 2007, XXXII-265 p. 2287. Christchurch (The) Priory cartulary. Ed. by Katharine A. HANNA. Winchester, Hampshire County Council, 2007, LXXII-648 p. (Hampshire record series, 18). 2288. Codex Wangianus. I cartulari della Chiesa trentina (secoli XIIIíXIV). A cura di Emanuele CURZEL e Gian Maria VARANINI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 2 vol., 1324 p., 1 CD-ROM, (Annali dell'Istituto storico italogermanico in Trento. Fonti, 5). 2289. Colección documental del monasterio de San Pedro de Eslonza. Vol. 1. (912í1300). Ed. por José Manuel RUIZ ASENCIO y Irene RUIZ ALBI. León, Centro de Estudios e Investigación "San Isidoro", Caja España de Inversiones, Archivo Histórico Diocesano, 2007, 665 p. (Fuentes y estudios de historia leonesa, 120). 2290. Colección documental del priorato de San Marcos de León, de la orden de Santiago (1125í1300). Ed. por Blas CASADO QUINTANILLA. León, Centro de Estudios e Investigación "San Isidoro", Caja España de Inversiones, Archivo Histórico Diocesano, 2007, 849 p. (Fuentes y estudios de historia leonesa, 116). 2291. Corpus (A) of early Medieval inscribed stones and stone sculpture in Wales. Vol. 1. Breconshire, Glamorgan, Monmouthshire, Radnorshire and geographically contiguous areas of Herefordshire and Shropshire. Ed. by Mark REDKNAP and John Masters LEWIS. Vol. 2. South-west Wales. Ed. by Nancy EDWARDS. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2007, 2 vol., XXI-625 p., XVIII-568 p. (ill., maps). 2292. CRUSELLES GÓMEZ (Enrique). Los comerciantes valencianos del siglo XV y sus libros de cuentas. Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2007, 394 p. (Collecció Humanitats, 27). 2293. Deposition (The) of Richard II. The record and process of the renunciation and deposition of Richard II (1399) and related writings. Ed. by David R. CARLSON from London, Kew, National Archives, Public Record Office, MS. C 65/62 and Other Manuscripts. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, for the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, 2007, VII-101 p. (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, 29). 2294. Documentación medieval del Archivo Municipal de Lorca (1257í1504). Ed. por Isabel GARCÍA DÍAZ. Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones, Ayuntamiento de Lorca, 2007, 526 p. 2295. Documenti dell'Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda: integrazione al Cartario. A cura di Patrizia MERATI.

Cuneo, Società per gli studi storici archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo, 2007, 165 p. (Marchionatus Saluciarum monumenta, 5). 2296. Duca di Candia: Quaternus consiliorum (1350í 1363). A cura di Paola RATTI VIDULICH. Venezia, Comitato per la pubblicazione delle fonti relative alla storia di Venezia, 2007, XXVIII-401 p. (Fonti per la storia di Venezia. Sez. I, Archivi pubblici). 2297. EICHLER (Daniel). Fränkische Reichsversammlungen unter Ludwig dem Frommen. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, XXII-124 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien und Texte 45). 2298. ERHART (Peter). "Carta ista amalfitana est et nescitur legere". The charters of Cava dei Tirreni and St. Gall and their evidence for early medieval archival practice. Gazette du livre médiéval, 2007, 50, p. 27-39. 2299. Fuentes históricas de Guadalajara, Archivo Municipal de Guadalajara. Vol. 3. 1460í1473. Ed. por Carmelo LUIS LÓPEZ. Madrid, Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 2007, 328 p. 2300. GIORDANENGO (Claire). Le registre de Lambert évêque d'Arras (1093–1115). Paris, CNRS, 2007, 555 p. (Sources d'histoire médiévale publiées par l'IRHT, 34). 2301. Hungerford (The) cartulary. Part 2. A calendar of the Hobhouse cartulary of the Hungerford family. Ed. by John Lavan KIRBY. Chippenham, Wiltshire Record Society, 2007, XVII-190 p. (Wiltshire Record Society, 60). 2302. KLUGE (Bernd). Numismatik des Mittelalters. Bd. 1. Handbuch und Thesaurus Nummorum Medii Aevi. Berlin, Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2007, 511 p. (Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 769). 2303. LALOU (Élisabeth). Itinéraire de Philippe IV le Bel (1285–1314). Paris, Diffusion de Boccard, 2007, 2 vol., 382 p., 427 p. (Mémoires de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 37). 2304. Lehnregister (Die) der Bischöfe von Münster 1379í1450. Hrsg. v. Hugo KEMKES und Manfred WOLF. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, 782 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen. XXVIII, Westfälische Lehnbücher, 3). 2305. Libro (El) del linaje de los señores de Ayala y otros textos genealógicos: materiales para el estudio de la conciencia del linaje en la Baja Edad Media. Ed. por Arsenio DACOSTA. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2007, 252 p. (Inéditos de historia, 3). 2306. Libros de actas capitulares de la Catedral de Cuenca. Vol. 1. 1410í1418. Ed. por F. Antonio CHACÓN GÓMEZ-MONEDERO, María Teresa CARRASCO LAZARENO y Manuel SALAMANCA LÓPEZ. Cuenca, Edi-

1. SOURCES AND CRITICISM OF SOURCES torial Alfonsipolis, 2007, 393 p. (Fuentes históricas de Cuenca, 1).


1224 (Receipt Rolls 6 and 7): now first printed from the originals in the National Archives, Public Record Office. Ed. by Nicholas BARRATT. London, Pipe Roll Society, 2007, XXXVIII-248 p. (Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, 93).

2307. Llibre (El) del Consell de la ciutat de Barcelona. Segle XIV: Les eleccions municipals. Ed. por Carme BATLLE, M.Teresa FERRER, M.Cinta MAÑÉ, Josefina MUTGÉ, Sebastià RIERA, Manuel ROVIRA. Barcelona, CSIC, 2007, 912 p. (Institució Milà i Fontanals, Departament d'Estudis medievals).

2319. Rechnungsbücher (Die) der Stadt Luxemburg. Bd. 1. 1388í1399. Hrsg. v. Claudine MOULIN. Luxemburg, Université du Luxembourg, 2007, 146 p.

2308. Llibre d'establiments i ordenacións de la ciutat de València. Vol. 1. 1296í1345. Ed. por Antoni FURIÓ i Ferran GARCIA-OLIVER. València, Universitat de València, 2007, 501 p. (Fonts històriques valencianes, 30).

2320. Recueil des rouleaux des morts (VIIIe sièclevers 1536). T. 3. (1400í1451). Éd. par Jean DUFOUR. Paris, De Boccard, 2007, 807 p. (maps). (Recueil des Historiens de la France, Obituaires in 4, 8).

2309. Llibre de privilegis de la vila de Puigcerdà. Ed. por Sebastià BOSOM y Susanna VILA. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 465 p. (Collecció Llibres de privilegis, 13).

2321. Regesta Habsburgica. Regesten der Grafen von Habsburg und der Herzoge von Österreich aus dem Hause Habsburg. Abt. 5. Die Regesten der Herzoge von Österreich, 1365–1395. Teilbd. 1. (1365–1370). Hrsg. v. Christian Lackner. Wien u. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 352 p. (Publikationen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 5, 1).

2310. Llibre de privilegis de Palafrugell (1250í 1724). Ed. por Joan VILLAR I TORRENT. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 203 p. (Llibres de privilegis, 12). 2311. Llibre Groc de la ciutat de Girona (1386, 1596í 1702). Ed. por Anna GIRONELLA. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 417 p. (Collecció Llibres de Privilegis, 11). 2312. Pergamene (Le) del monastero di S. Pietro di Villamagna. Vol. 2. Chiara FLASCASSOVITTI. Galatina, Congedo e Lecce, Università degli studi di Lecce, 2007, 394 p. (Itinerari di ricerca storica. Supplementi, 25). 2313. Pergamene (Le) delle confraternite nell'Archivio di Stato di Siena (1241í1785). Regesti. A cura di Maria A. CEPPARI RIDOLFI. Siena, Accademia senese degli Intronati, 2007, LXXI-583 p. (pl., ill.). 2314. Pergaminos aragoneses del Fondo Sástago, s. XV. Ed. por Coloma LLEAL GALCERÁN. Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico (CSIC), 2007, 511 p. (Fuentes Históricas Aragonesas, 43). 2315. Premier (Le) inventaire du Trésor des chartes des ducs de Bretagne (1395): Hervé Le Grant et les origines du "Chronicon Briocense". Ed. by Michael JONES. Rennes, Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Bretagne, 2007, 320 p. (Collection Archives Historiques de Bretagne). 2316. PUCHADES I BATALLER (Ramon J.). Les cartes portolanes: la representació medieval d'una mar solcada. Barcelona, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Institut d'Estudis Catalans i Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, 2007, 526 p., 1 DVD (ill., maps). 2317. Quellen zur Alltagsgeschichte im Früh- und Hochmittelalter = Fontes priorum medii aevi saeculorum conversationem cottidianam illustrantes. Vol. 2. Hrsg. v. Ulrich NONN. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 284 p. (Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters, 40). 2318. Receipt rolls for the seventh and eighth years of the reign of King Henry III, Easter 1223, Michaelmas

2322. Regeste des États de Provence, 1347í1480. Éd. par Michel HÉBERT. Paris, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2007, LIII-485 p. (tables). (Collection de Documents Inédits sur l'Histoire de France, Section d'Histoire et Philologie des Civilisations Médiévales, 37). 2323. Regesten (Die) des Kaiserreichs unter den Karolingern, 751í918 (987). Bd. 2. Die Regesten des Westfrankenreichs und Aquitaniens. Teil 1. Die Regesten Karls des Kahlen, 840 (823)í848. Bearb. v. Irmgard FEES. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, XIV-94 p. (Regesta Imperii). 2324. Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440–1493). nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. H. 22. Die Urkunden und Briefe des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs in Wien, Abt. Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv. Allgemeine Urkundenreihe, Familienurkunden und Abschriftensammlungen, 1464–1469. H. 23. Die Urkunden und Briefe aus dem Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. Bestand A 602: Württembergische Regesten. Hrsg. v. Heinrich KOLLER, PaulJoachim HEINIG und Alois NIEDERSTÄTTER. Bearb. v. Paul-Joachim HEINIG. Wien, Weimar, Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 2 vol., 332 p., 565 p. 2325. Register (The) of Walter Langton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1296í1321. Vol. 2. Ed. by J. B. HUGHES. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 366 p. (Canterbury and York Society, 91). 2326. Registre (Le) de Lambert, évêque d'Arras (1093í1115). Éd. par Claire GIORDANENGO. Paris, CNRS Editions, 2007, 555 p. (Sources d'histoire médiévale, 34). 2327. Registri (I) del notaio Maffeo d'Aquileia (1321 e 1332). Ed. di Flavia DE VITT. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2007, 278 p. (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli). 2328. Repartiments a la Corona d'Aragó (s. XIIí XIII). Ed. por Enrie GUINOT y Josep TORRÓ. València, Publ. Univ. València, 2007, 276 p.



2329. RIVERA GARRETAS (María-Milagros). Los testamentos de Juana de Mendoza, camarera mayor de Isabel la Católica, y de su marido el poeta Gómez Manrique, corregidor de Toledo (1493 y 1490) / The Wills of Juana de Mendoza, Head Chamberlain of Queen Isabella of Castile, and of her Husband the Poet Gómez Manrique, "corregidor" of Toledo (1493 and 1490). Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 139-180. 2330. ROFFE (David). Decoding Domesday. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2007, XX-374 p. 2331. Stadtbücher Dresdens (Die) (1404í1535) und Altendresdens (1412í1528): kritische Edition und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Thomas KÜBLER und Jörg OBERSTE. Bd. 1. Die drei ältesten Stadtbücher Dresdens (1404í 1476). Bearb. von Jens KLINGNER und Robert MUND. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2007, 648 p. 2332. Stadtkölnische Reiserechnungen des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Klaus MILITZER. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, LIX-639 p. (Publikationen der Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde, 75). 2333. STORN-JASCHKOWITZ (Tanja). Gesellschaftsverträge adliger Schwureinungen im Spätmittelalter: Typologie und Edition. Berlin, Logos, 2007, VII-518 p. 2334. TRICARD (Jean). Livres de raison, chroniques, terriers: les passions d'un médiéviste. Limoges, Pulim, 2007, 314 p. (ill., fig., tab.). (Rencontre des Historiens du Limousin). 2335. Unifying crusader Valencia: the central years of Jaume the Conqueror, 1270í1273. Ed. by Robert L. BURNS. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XIV-577 p. (chart and maps). (Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia, the Registered Charters of Its Conqueror Jaume I, 1257í1276. Vol. 4, Documents 1000í1500). 2336. Urkunden (Die) Friedrichs II, 1212í1217. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, XII-791 p. Hrsg. v. Walter KOCH. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Diplomata Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae, 14/2). 2337. Urkunden der Stadt Pritzwalk in Regesten, 1256í1703. Hrsg. v. Friedrich BECK. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, XXV-132 p. (Quellen, Findbücher und Inventare des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs, 20). 2338. VAN REENEN (Pieter). Chartes de Champagne en français conservées aux Archives de l'Aube, 1270í 1300. Orléans, Paradigme, 2007, XVI-283 p. (Medievalia, 61). 2339. Verhandlungsakten. Bd I. Die Friedensverträge mit Frankreich und Schweden. T. 2. Materialien zur Rezeption. Bearb. von Guido BRAUN, Antje OSCHMANN und Konrad REPGEN. T. 3. Materialien zur Erschließung und Register. Bearb. von Antje OSCHMANN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, 2 vol., XXVIII-504 p., XLVII-710 p. (ill.). (Acta pacis Westphalicae, Serie III, Abt. B, I/2-3). Cf. nos 1-27, 2738-2879

b. Literary sources 2340. ALBERT OF AACHEN. Historia Ierosolimitana. History of the journey to Jerusalem. Ed. by Susan B. EDGINGTON. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2007, LXI-949 p. 2341. Annales (De) Egmundenses tezamen met de Annales Xantenses en het Egmondse Leven van Thomas Becket. Het Chronicon Egmundanum [ = The Annals of Egmond. The Annales Egmundenses together with the Annales Xantenses and the Life od Egmond of Thomas Becket. The Chronicon Egmundanum]. Uitgegeven en vertaald door Marijke GUMBERT-HEPP, J. P. GUMBERT, J. W. J. BURGERS. Verloren, Hilversum, 2007, CXI-415 p. (Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, 107). 2342. BAXTER (Stephen). MS C of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle and the politics of mid-eleventh-century England. English historical review, 2007, 122, 499, p. 11891227. 2343. Chronicling history. Chroniclers and historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Ed. by Sharon DALE, Alison Williams LEWIN and Duane J. OSHEIM. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, XX-332 p. 2344. Cròniques catalanes. Vol. 2. Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium. Ed. per L. BARRAU i J. MASSÓ. Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2007, 166 p. (Collecció Memòries de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica, 79). 2345. DUFOUR (Jean). Recueil des rouleaux des morts (VIIIe siècle–vers 1536). Vol. 3. 1400–1451. Paris, de Boccard, 2007, 807 p. (Recueil des historiens de la France, obituaires 4, 8, 3). 2346. FROISSART (Jean). Chroniques. Livre III. Le manuscrit Saint-Vincent de Besançon, bibliothèque municipale, ms. 865. Éd. par Peter F. AINSWORTH, avec une étude codicologique de Godfried CROENEN. Tome I. Ff. 201-274rb: der Prologue annonçant le "Voyage en Béarn" jusqu'à la narration par L. Fogaça de la bataille d'Aljubarrota. Genève, Droz, 2007, 510 p. (cartes). (Textes littéraires français, 594). 2347. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. The History of the Kings of Britain. Ed. by Michael D. REEVE, trans. Neil WRIGHT. An edition and translation of De gestis Britonum. Historia regum Britanniae. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, LXXVI-307 p. (figure). (Arthurian Studies, 69). 2348. HAMESSE (Jacqueline), SZYLLER (Slawomir). Repertorium initiorum manuscriptorum Latinorum medii aevi. T. 1. A-C. Louvain-la-Nueve: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2007, XXXV658 p. (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 42/1). 2349. HICKS (Michael). The second anonymous continuation of the Crowland Abbey Chronicle 1459–1486 revisited. English historical review, 2007, 122, 496, p. 349-370. 2350. JIMÉNEZ DE RADA (Rodrigo). Sumario analístico de la historia gothica: edition and study. Ed. by Aengus WARD. London, Department of Hispanic Studies,



Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, 2007, 118 p. (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 57).

2360. BOSHOF (Egon). Europa im 12. Jahrhundert: auf dem Weg in die Moderne. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 346 p. (ill.).

2351. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores. 7. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi, 70. Die Touler Vita Leos IX. Hrsg. und übers. von Hans-Georg KRAUSE. Unter Mitw. von Detlev JASPER und Veronika LUKAS. Hannover, Hahn, 2007, VI-314 p.

2361. BUDAK (Neven). Hrvatska i Slavonija u ranome novom vijeku. (Croatia and Slavonia in the Early Middle Ages). Zagreb, Lekyam international, 2007, 250 p.

2352. Repertorium fontium historiae Medii Aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura Collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum. Vol. XI, 3-4. Fontes: U-Z. Romae, Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 2007, p. 248-548. 2353. ROTHE (Johannes). Thüringische Landeschronik und Eisenacher Chronik. Hrsg. v. Sylvia WEIGELT. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, LXXXVII-193 p. (Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters, 87). 2354. SANTBERG (Andreas). Die "Chronik vom Bund und Vereinigung wider Gewalt und Unrecht" des Hochmeisterkaplans Andreas Santberg zur Vorgeschichte des Dreizehnjährigen Krieges in Preußen (1450í1454). Hrsg. v. Dieter HECKMANN und Marie-Luise HECKMANN. Marburg, Elwert, 2007, X-122 p. (ill.). (Einzelschriften der Historischen Kommission für Ost- und Westpreussische Landesforschung, 27). 2355. TJÄLLÉN (Biörn). Church and nation: the discourse on authority in Ericus Olai's Chronica regni Gothorum (c. 1471). (Eglise et nation: le discours sur l'autorité dans la Chronica regni Gothorum d'Ericus Olai). Stockholm, Department of History, Stockholm university, 2007, 152 p. 2356. WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY. Gesta pontificum Anglorum = The history of the English bishops. Vol. 1. Text and translation. Vol. 2 Commentary. Ed. by Michael WINTERBOTTOM and Rodney Malcom THOMSON. Oxford a. New York, Clarendon Press a. Oxford U. P., 2007, 2 vol., XXXI-693 p., LIII-416 p. (Oxford medieval texts). Cf. nos 1-27 § 2. General works. * 2357. Medioevo Latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VIíXV). Vol. 28. A cura di Claudio LEONARDI e Lucia PINELLI. Firenze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 1830 p. _______________________

2362. CILENTO (Adele), VANOLI (Alessandro). Arabi e Normanni in Sicilia. Udine, Magnus, 2007, 321 p. (ill.). 2363. England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th– 15th century: cultural, literary, and political exchanges. Ed. by María BULLÓN-FERNÁNDEZ. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-250 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2364. Europa in costruzione. La forza delle identità, la ricerca di unità, secoli IX–XIII. A cura di Giorgio CRACCO e Jacques LE GOFF. Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, 484 p. 2365. FOSSIER (Robert). Ces gens du Moyen Âge. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 408 p. 2366. Guerra (La) en la Edad Media: XVII Semana de Estudios Medievales (Nájera, 31 de julio–4 de agosto de 2006). Ed. por José Ignacio DE LA IGLESIA. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2007, 628 p. 2367. HALSALL (Guy). Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376–568. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-592 p. (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks). 2368. In laudem Hierosolymitani: studies in Crusades and medieval culture in honour of Benjamin Z. Kedar. Ed. by Iris SHAGRIR, Ronnie ELLENBLUM and Jonathan Simon Christopher RILEY-SMITH. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXIII-468 p. (Crusades. Subsidia). 2369. INNES (Matthew). An introduction to early medieval Western Europe, 400í900: the sword, the plough and the book. London, Routledge, 2007, XVI552 p. (ill.). 2370. Ireland and Wales in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Karen JANKULAK and Jonathan M. WOODING. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 23 cm, 296 p. 2371. Kinship in Europe: Approaches to Long-Term Development (1300í1900). Ed. by David Warren SABEAN, Simon TEUSCHER and Jon MATHIEU. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, XIII-336 p. (fig., tab.). 2372. NORTH (Michael). Europa expandiert 1250í 1500. Stuttgart, E. Ulmer, 2007, 495 p. (Handbuch der Geschichte Europas, 4. Uni-Taschenbücher, 2864)

2358. Archaeology (The) of Medieval Europe. Vol 1. Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD. Ed. by James GRAHAMCAMPBELL and Magdalena VALOR. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2007, 479 p. (Acta Jutlandica, 83/1; Humanities Series, 79).

2373. OGURA (Kinichi). Doitsu chnjsei toshi no jiynj to heiwa (Freedom and peace of Medieval German city: the case of Frankfurt). Tokyo, Keiso Shobo, 2007, 409 p.

2359. BLOCKMANS (Wim), HOPPEN-BROUWERS (Peter). Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300í1550. London, Routlege, 2007, XIV-372 p.

2374. OLSON (Lynette). The early Middle Ages: the birth of Europe. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVI-248 p. (figures and maps).



2375. SIGNORI (Gabriela). Das 13. Jahrhundert. Einführung in die Geschichte des spätmittelalterlichen Europas. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2007, 202 p. 2376. Thirteenth century England. Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005. Ed. by Björn K. U. WEILER, Janet E. BURTON and Phillipp R. SCHOFIELD. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, XVI-229 p. (ill., maps). 2377. TYSZKIEWICZ (Lech A.). BarbarzyĔcy w Europie: studia z póĨnego antyku i wczesnego Ğredniowiecza. [Barbarians in Europe: a study of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages]. Wrocáaw, Wydawn, Uniwersytetu Wrocáawskiego, 2007, 132 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis). 2378. URBAēCZYK (Przemysáaw). Herrschaft und Politik im frühen Mittelalter: ein historisch-anthropologischer Essay über gesellschaftlichen Wandel und Integration in Mitteleuropa. Hrsg. v. Christian LÜBKE und Dittmar SCHORKOWITZ. Frankfurt u. New York, P. Lang, 2007, 295 p. (Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel, 14). 2379. WOOLF (Alex). From Pictland to Alba, 789 to 1070. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, XV-384 p. (New Edinburgh history of Scotland, 2). Cf. no 1969

2386. Conflicts, consequences and the crown in the late Middle Ages. Fifteenth-Century Conference (2006, Oxford). Ed. by Linda CLARK. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2007, XI-256 p. (Fifteenth century, 7). 2387. ENDREY (Anthony). A magyar archiregnum. Ásotthalom, Endrey Antal, 2007, 300 p. (ill., maps). (Boldogasszony könyvek). 2388. JONES (Chris). Eclipse of Empire? Perceptions of the Western Empire and Its Rulers in LateMedieval France. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXIV-415 p. (figures, plates, genealogical tables and maps). (Cursor Mundi, 1). 2389. KAGAY (Donald J.). War, government, and society in the medieval Crown of Aragon. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, X-328 p. (Variorum collected studies series, 861). 2390. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald). Öffentlichkeit, Legitimität und Sicherheit in der europäischen Tradition des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Yoroppa Kenkyu, 2007, 6, p. 19-90 [Eng. Summary]. 2391. KURIUZAWA (Takeo). TatƗru no kubiki: Rosiashi ni okeru Mongoru shihai no kenkynj. (The 'Tatar yoke': Russian historiography on the Mongol rule over Russia). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2007, 472 p.

a. General

2392. Lordship in medieval Ireland: image and reality. Ed. by Linda DORAN and James LYTTLETON. Dublin a. Portland, Four Courts Press for the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement, 2007, 304 p. (ill., maps, photos). (Irish settlement studies).

2380. Anglo-Norman Studies, XXIX: proceedings of the Battle Conference 2006. Ed. Christopher Piers LEWIS. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 227 p. (ill.). (Anglo-Norman studies, 29).

2393. Making and breaking the rules: succession in medieval Europe, c. 1000íc. 1600. Ed. by Martyn C. RADY, Frédérique LACHAUD and Michael PENMAN. Turnhout, FHG, 2007, 261 p. (Histoires de famille, 9).

2381. Aspects of Power and Authority in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Brenda BOLTON and Christine MEEK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XI-349 p. (International Medieval Research, 14).

2394. Power and identity in the Middle Ages: essays in memory of Rees Davies. Ed. by Huw PRYCE, John Lovett WATTS and R. R. DAVIES. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-283 p. (maps).

2382. BOMBI (Barbara). Novella plantatio fidei: missione e crociata nel nord Europa tra la fine del XII e i primi decenni del XIII secolo. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2007, 332 p. (Nuovi studi storici, 74).

2395. Prima di Machiavelli: itinerari e linguaggi della politica tra il XIV e il XVI secolo. A cura di Gabriele CARLETTI. Pescara, Edizioni scientifiche abruzzesi, 2007, XVIII-264 p. (Ben essere, 3).

§ 3. Political history. _______________________

2383. BROUN (Dauvit). Scottish independence and the idea of Britain: from the Picts to Alexander III. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, XIV-314 p. (fig., geneal. tab., map). 2384. BUSCH (Jörg W.). Vom Amtswalten zum Königsdienst. Beobachtungen zur "Staatssprache" des Frühmittelalters am Beispiel des Wortes "administratio". Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, XXX-156 p. (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Studien und Texte, 42). 2385. Christianization and the rise of Christian monarchy. Scandinavia, Central Europe and Rus' c. 900– 1200. Ed. by Nora BEREND. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-444 p.

2396. SHIBA (Osami). Shinsetsu Rekonkisuta: IsurƗmu vs Kirisuto-kyǀ shikan wo koete. (Reconquista: beyond the 'Islam vs. Christianity' view of history). Tokyo, Shoshi Shinsui, 2007, 252 p. 2397. VALE (Malcolm Graham Allan). The ancient enemy: England, France, and Europe from the Angevins to the Tudors, 1154í1558. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, XIV-174 p. (pl., ill., maps). b. 476–900 2398. Carlo Magno e le alpi. Atti del XVIII Congresso internazionale di studio sull'alto medioevo, Susa, 19í20 ottobre 2006, Novalesa, 21 ottobre 2006. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, XIV-439 p. (ill., maps). (Atti dei congressi, 18).



2399. HAMMER (C. I.). Crowding the king: rebellion and political violence in late-carolingian Bavaria and Italy. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 493-542.

2414. LOPRETE (Kimberly). Adela of Blois. Countess and lord (c. 1067–1137). Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, XX-663 p.

2400. NELSON (Janet L.). Courts, elites, and gendered power in the Early Middle Ages: Charlemagne and others. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-332 p. (ill., fig., maps). (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 878).

2415. MAC DONALD (R. Andrew). Manx kingship in its Irish Sea setting, 1187–1229. King Rognvaldr and the Crovan dynasty. Dublin, Four courts press, 2007, 254 p.

2401. ZIEMANN (Daniel). Vom Wandervolk zur Großmacht. Die Entstehung Bulgariens im frühen Mittelalter (7.–9. Jahrhundert). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 544 p. (Kölner historische Abhandlungen, 43). c. 900–1300 2402. 1204, la Normandie entre Plantagenêts et Capétiens. Éd. par Anne-Marie FLAMBARD-HÉRICHER et Véronique GAZEAU. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2007, 442 p. 2403. AURELL (Martin). The Plantagenet empire, 1154í1224. Harlow a. New York, Pearson Education, 2007, VIII-359 p. (pl., ill., maps). 2404. BARTLETT (W. B.). The road to Armageddon: the last years of the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem. Stroud, Sutton, 2007, XVI-272 p. (pl., ill., mas). 2405. BERNABÒ SILORATA (Mario). Gregorio IX e Federico II di Svevia: incontri e scontri tra sacerdozio e impero. Firenze, Nerbini, 2007, 182 p. (ill.). (Urano e Gea). 2406. BERWINKEL (Holger). Verwüsten und Belagern: Friedrich Barbarossas Krieg gegen Mailand (1158í 1162). Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 2007, X-335 p. (Bibliothek des Deutschen historischen Instituts in Rom, 114). 2407. BRADBURY (Jim). The Capetians, kings of France, 987í1328. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, XII-338 p. (Dynasties). 2408. Crusades. Ed. by Benjamin Z. KEDAR, Jonathan Simon Christopher RILEY-SMITH and Johathan PHILLIPS. Aldershot, Ashgate for the Society of the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, 2007, XI-306 p. (ill.).

2416. MADDICOTT (J. R.). Responses to the threat of invasion, 1085. English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 986-997. 2417. NICOLLE (David). Crusader warfare. Vol. 1. Byzantium, Europe and the struggle for the Holy Land 1050í1300 AD. Vol. 2. Muslims, Mongols and the struggle against the Crusades, 1050í1300 AD. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, 2 vol., XIV-306, XIII370 p. (pl., ill.). 2418. OLDFIELD (Paul). Urban government in Southern Italy c. 1085–c. 1127. English historical review, 2007, 122, 497, p. 579-608. 2419. PHILLIPS (Jonathan). The Second Crusade: extending the frontiers of Christendom. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XXIX-364 p. (ill., maps). 2420. POLONI (Alma). Strutturazione del mondo corporativo e affermazione del Popolo a Lucca nel Duecento. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 613, p. 449486. 2421. POWELL (James M.). The Crusades, the Kingdom of Sicily, and the Mediterranean. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, X-300 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 871). 2422. SAVVIDƜS (AlexƝs G. K.). Byzantino-Normannica: the Norman capture of Italy (to A. D. 1081) and the first two invasions in Byzantium (A.D. 1081–1085 and 1107–1108). Leuven, Peeters, 2007, 96 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 165). 2423. WEILER (Björn). Kingship, rebellion and political culture. England and Germany c. 1215–c. 1250. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVI-235 p. d. 1300–1500

2409. GARNETT (George). Conquered England: Kingship, Succession, and Tenure, 1066–1166. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-401 p.

2424. ASAJI (Keizo). Baron no hanran to 1258– 1265-nen no okoku kyǀdǀtai. (Barons' war and the community of the realm, 1258–1265). Hoseishi Kenkyu, 2007, 56, p. 1-40.

2410. Henry II. new interpretations. Ed. by Christopher HARPER-BILL and Nicholas VINCENT. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, XVII-403 p.

2425. BAGGE (Sverre). Aims and means in the interNordic conflicts 1302–1319. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 5-37.

2411. HOLLÝ (Karol). Princess Salomea in Hungarian and Polish relations from 1214–1241. Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, Supplement, p. 5-32.

2426. BAXTER (Stephen). The Earls of Mercia. Lordship and power in late Anglo-Saxon England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-363 p. (Oxford historical monographs).

2412. HOSLER (John D.). Henry II: A Medieval Soldier at War, 1147í1189. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-275 p. (tab., maps). (History of Warfare, 44). 2413. Knighthoods of Christ: essays on the history of the Crusades and the Knights Templar, presented to Malcolm Barber. Ed. by Norman HOUSLEY. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIX-257 p. (ill., geneal. tab., maps).

2427. CAÑAS GÁLVEZ (Francisco de Paula). El itinerario de la corte de Juan II de Castilla (1418í1454). Madrid, Sílex, 2007, 553 p. (ill.). (Sílex universidad). 2428. DUMOLYN (Jan). Jan van den Driessche / Jehan de la Driesche, un fonctionnaire flamand au service de Louis XI. Revue historique, 2007, 641, p. 71-90.



2429. England and Scotland in the fourteenth century: new perspectives. Ed. y Andy KING and Michael A. PENMAN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, XII269 p.

2443. WESTHOLM (Gun). Visby 1361: invasionen. (Visby 1361: l'invasion de Gotland). Stockholm, Prisma, 2007, 289 p. (pl.).

2430. LOMAS (Richard). The fall of the House of Percy, 1368–1408. Edinburgh, John Donald, 2007, XV189 p.

** 2444. ABRAVANEL (Isaac). Letters. Ed. by Cedric Cohen SKALLI. Berlin u. New York, Walter De Gruyter, 2007, XIV-191 p. (Studia Judaica. Forschungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums, 40).

2431. LYSÝ (Miroslav). Husitské vpády do Uhorska v rokoch 1428–1431. [ýasĢ l.] (The Hussite Raids into the Kingdom of Hungary. [Part 1.]). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 411-431. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. í IDEM. Vpády husitov a ich posádky v Uhorsku v rokoch 1432í1435. [ýasĢ 2.] (The Hussite invasion and Hussite garrisons in the Kingdom of Hungary in the period 1432–1435. [Part 2]). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 633-657. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 2432. MÜLLER-MERTENS (Eckhard). Imperium und Regnum im Verhältnis zwischen Wormser Konkordat und Goldener Bulle. Analyse und neue Sicht im Lichte der Konstitutionen. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 3, p. 561-595.

§ 4. Jews.

** 2445. IBN EZRA (Abraham ben Meïr). The Book of Reasons: a parallel Hebrew-English critical edition of the two versions of the text. Ed. by Shlomo SELA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, VIII-398 p. (Etudes sur le judaïsme médiéval, 35). ** 2446. Medieval Jewish documents in Westminster Abbey. Ed. by Ann CAUSTON. London, Jewish Historical Society of England, 2007, VI-137 p. (ill.). ** 2447. SCHEINDLIN (Raymond P.). Song of the Distant Dove: Judah Halevi's Pilgrimage. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, 322 p. _______________________

2433. NYBERG (Tore). Kong Niels. Skitse til en biografi. (King Niels: outline of a biography). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 2, p. 353-387.

2448. BELMONTE DÍAZ (José), LESEDUARTE (Pilar). La expulsión de los judíos: auge y ocaso del judaísmo en Sefarad. Bilbao, Ediciones Beta, 2007, 634 p. (ill.).

2434. OFFENSTADT (Nicolas). Faire la paix au Moyen Âge. Discours et gestes de paix pendant la guerre de Cent Ans. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2007, 502 p.

2449. BLUMENKRANZ (Bernhard). Les auteurs chrétiens latins du Moyen Âge sur les juifs et le judaïsme. Paris-Louvain, Peeters, 2007, 304 p. (Collection de la Revue des Études juives).

2435. ROMANO (Dennis). The likeness of Venice. A life of doge Francesco Foscari 1373–1457. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XXVI-468 p. 2436. RUIZ (Teofilo F.). Spain's centuries of crisis, 1300–1474. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2007, XII-236 p. (A History of Spain). 2437. RYDER (Alan Frederick Charles). The wreck of Catalonia: civil war in the fifteenth century. 2438. SĂLĂGEAN (Tudor). Un voievod al Transilvaniei: Ladislau Kán 1294–1315. (A voivode of Transylvania: Ladislau Kán 1294–1315). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2007, 222 p.

2450. CAPUTO (Nina). Nahmanides in medieval Catalonia: history, community, and messianism. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, VIII-319 p. 2451. Christian attitudes toward the Jews in the Middle Ages: a casebook. Ed. by Michael FRASSETTO. New York, Routledge, 2007, XVIII-222 p. (Routledge medieval casebooks). 2452. COHN (Samuel K., Jr). The Black Death and the burning of Jews. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 3-36. 2453. DECTER (Jonathan P.). Iberian Jewish literature: between al-Andalus and christian Europe. Bloomington a. Indianapolis, Indiana U. P., 2007, XV-304 p.

2439. SATO (Hitomi). 14-seiki Bisukonthi-kokka-ka Berugamo ni okeru daikan to daikan-ku. (The vicar and vicarage in fourteenth-century Bergamo under the Visconti rule). Shirin, 2007, 90, 3, p. 1-34 [Eng. summary].

2454. Dream (The) of the poem: Hebrew poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492. Ed. by Peter COLE. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XXIV-548 p. (Lockert library of poetry in translation).

2440. SCARTON (Elisabetta). Giovanni Lanfredini, uomo d'affari e diplomatico nell'Italia del Quattrocento. Firenze, Olschki Editore, 2007, XVI-256 p.

2455. ELUKIN (Jonathan M.). Living together, living apart: rethinking Jewish-Christian relations in the Middle Ages. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, X-193 p. (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the ancient to the modern world).

2441. SCREPANTI (Ernesto). La politica dei Ciompi: petizioni, riforme e progetti dei rivoluzionari fiorentini del 1378. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 611, p. 350. 2442. SOLDANI (Maria Elisa). Alfonso il Magnanimo in Italia: pacificatore o "crudel tiranno"? Dinamiche politico-economiche e organizzazione del consenso nella prima fase della guerra con Firenze (1447í1448). Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 612, p. 267-324.

2456. FRANCESCHINI (Adriano), RAVENNA (Paolo). Presenza ebraica a Ferrara: testimonianze archivistiche fino al 1492. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2007, XV-495 p. (ill., facs.). 2457. GUTWIRTH (Eleazar). Dialogue and the city, circa 1400: Pero Ferruz and the Rabbis of Alcalá. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 1, p. 43-67.

5. ISLAM 2458. HINOJOSA MONTALVO (José). La judería de Valencia en la Edad Media. Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007, 663 p. 2459. KLEPPER (Deeana Copeland). The insight of unbelievers: Nicholas of Lyra and christian reading of jewish text in the later Middle Ages. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VII-225 p. (Jewish Culture and Contexts). 2460. Maimonide e il suo tempo. A cura di Geri CERCHIAI e Giovanni ROTA. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 133 p. (Collana di filosofia, 86). 2461. Maimonides after 800 years: essays on Maimonides and his influence. Ed. by Jay Michael HARRIS. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard U. P., 2007, XI-343 p. 2462. MALKIEL (David). Jews and apostates in Medieval Europe: boundaries real and imagined. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 3-34. 2463. Medieval Jewish philosophical writings. Ed. by Charles Harry MANEKIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XLI-256 p. (Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy). 2464. NIRENBERG (David). Deviant politics and Jewish love: Alfonso VIII and the Jewess of Toledo. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 1, p. 15-41. í IDEM. Une société face à l'altérité. Juifs et chrétiens dans la péninsule Ibérique 1391–1449. Annales, 2007, 62, 4, p. 755790. 2465. PAULUS (Simon). Die Architektur der Synagoge im Mittelalter: Überlieferung und Bestand. Petersberg, Imhof, 2007, 608 p. (Schriftenreihe der Bet Tfila-Forschungsstelle für jüdische Architektur in Europa, 4). 2466. RIERA I SANS (Jaume). Els poders publics i les sinagogues (s. XIIIíXV). Girona, Ajuntament de Girona, 2007, 634 p. 2467. RODRÍGUEZ BARRAL (Paulino). La dialéctica texto-imagen. A propósito de la representación del judío en las "Cantigas de Santa María" de Alfonso X / The Relation Text-Image with regards to the Representation of Jews in "Las Cantigas de Santa María" by Alfonso X. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 213-243. 2468. SHILOAH (Amnon). Music and its virtues in Islamic and Judaic writings. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 318 p. (ill., music). (Variorum collected studies series, 875). 2469. SOYER (François). The persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal. King Manuel I and the end of religious tolerance (1496–1497). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIX-325 p. (Medieval Mediterranean, 69). 2470. VISBLUM (Mosheh). The hermeneutics of medieval Jewish thought: understanding the linguistic codes of Rashi and Nahmanides. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, III-264 p.


2471. Ways (The) that never parted: Jews and Christians in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Ed. by Adam H. BECKER and Annette Yoshiko REED. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2007, XIII-410 p. (ill.). § 5. Islam. * 2472. Histoire (L') des sciences arabes classiques: une bibliographie sélective critique. Sélection, commentaire et introduction par Mohammed ABATTOUY. Casablanca, Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz, 2007, 253 p. (Bibliographies, 9). ** 2473. From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Ed. by Petra M. SIJPESTEIJN, Lennart SUNDELIN, Sofia TORALLAS TOVAR and Amalia ZOMENO. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXVIII-252 p. (Islam History and Civilization, 66). ** 2474. IBN AL-ATHƮR. The Chronicle of Ibn alAthƯr for the Crusading Period from "Al-KƗmil fƯ'l-ta 'rƯkh". Vol. 2. The Years 541í589/1146í1193, the Age of Nur al-Din and Saladin. Trans. D. S. RICHARDS. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, VIII-437 p. (Crusade Texts in Translation, 15). ** 2475. NAZMI (Ahmad). The Muslim geographical image of the world in the Middle Ages: a source study. Warsaw, Academic Publishing House Dialog, 2007, 422 p. (Orientalia Polona). _______________________

2476. ADAMSON (Peter). Al-KindƯ. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-272 p. (Great medieval thinkers). 2477. ALVAREZ (Lourdes Maria). The vernacular mystic poetry of Islam. Spain: Sufi songs of Andalusia. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 272 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2478. Andalus: Moorish songs of love and wine. Ed. by Ted J. GORTON. London, Eland, 2007, 126 p. (Poetry of place) 2479. BARROS (Maria Filomena Lopes de). Tempos e espaços de mouros: a minoria muçulmana no reino português (séculos XII a XV). Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2007, 715 p. (Textos universitários de ciências sociais e humanas). 2480. BURMAN (Thomas E.). Reading the Qur'Ɨn in latin christendom, 1140–1560. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VII-317 p. (Material Texts). 2481. Christians and Muslims in dialogue in the Islamic Orient of the Middle Ages = Christlich-muslimische Gespräche im Mittelalter. Ed. by Martin TAMCKE. Beirut, Orient-Institut a. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2007, 210 p. (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 117). 2482. Classical Arabic philosophy: sources and reception. Ed. by Peter ADAMSON. London, Warburg Institute a. Torino, Nino Aragno Editore, 2007, IX-212 p. 2483. DIEM (Werner). Ein arabisches Rechtsgutachten zum Eherecht aus dem 11.í12. Jahrhundert aus der



Heidelberger Papyrussammlung. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 57 p. (figures and tables). (Schriften der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung, 17). 2484. Faithful (A) sea: the religious cultures of the Mediterranean, 1200í1700. Ed. by Adnan Ahmed HUSAIN and Katherine Elizabeth FLEMING. Oxford, Oneworld, 2007, IX-226 p. (Islam and the West: influences, interactions, intersections).

2497. SAMSÓ (Julio). Astronomy and Astrology in al-Andalus and the Maghrib. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-366 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 887). 2498. SHATZMILLER (Maya). Her day in court. Women's property rights in fifteenth-century Granada. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, VIII-277 p. (Harvard Series in Islamic Law).

2485. GAGLIARDI (Antonio). La donna mia: filosofia araba e poesia medievale. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 227 p. (Università).

Cf. nos 2468, 2469

2486. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Alejandro). Till God inherits the Earth: islamic pious endowments in al-Andalus (9thí15th Centuries). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XX545 p. (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 31).

** 2499. Ohthere's voyages: a late 9th-century account of voyages along the coasts of Norway and Denmark and its cultural context. Ed. by Janet BATELY and Anton ENGLERT. Roskilde, Viking Ship Museum, 2007, 216 p. (Maritime culture of the North, 1).

2487. HARVEY (Leonard Patrick). Ibn Battuta. New Delhi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-127 p. (Makers of Islamic civilization).


2488. HINDLEY (Geoffrey). Saladin. Hero of Islam. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2007, 208 p. 2489. Maghreb (Le), al-Andalus et la Méditerranée occidentale: VIIIeíXIIIe siècles. Éd. par Philippe SÉNAC. Toulouse, CNRS, Presses universitaires du MirailToulouse, 2007, 328 p. (Collection "Méridiennes"). 2490. PEÑA MARTÍN (Salvador). Corán, palabra y verdad: Ibn-al-Sid y el humanismo en Al-Andalus. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 506 p. (Estudios árabes e islámicos. Monografías, 13).

§ 6. Vikings.

2500. COUPLAND (Simon). Carolingian coinage and the Vikings: studies on power and trade in the 9th century. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, X-324 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 847). 2501. DOWNHAM (Clare). Viking kings of Britain and Ireland: the dynasty of Ívarr to A.D. 1014. Edinburgh, Dunedin, 2007, XXII-338 p. (fig.). 2502. HAKI (Antonsson). St. Magnús of Orkney: a scandinavian martyr-cult in context. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, VII-269 p. (The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic, c. 400í1700 AD: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 29).

2491. PORMANN (Peter E.), SAVAGE-SMITH (Emilie). Medieval Islamic medicine. Cairo, The American University Press in Cairo, 2007, XIII-223 p. (ill., map).

2503. KLEINGÄRTNER (Sunhild). Der Pressmodelfund aus dem Hafen von Haithabu. Neumünster, Wachholtz, 2007, 493 p. (ill., maps). (Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, 12).

2492. PRETEL (Aurelio). Del Albacete islámico: notas y conjeturas. Albacete, Instituto de estudios Albacetenses "Don Juan Manuel", 2007, 224 p.

2504. MARSDEN (John). Harald Hardrada: the warrior's way. Stroud, Sutton, 2007, XIII-242 p. (pl., ill., maps).

2493. Revisiting al-Andalus: perspectives on the material culture of islamic iberia and beyond. Ed. by Glaire D. ANDERSON and Mariam ROSSER-OWEN. Leiden u. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXXVI-305 p. (Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 34).

2505. Means of exchange: dealing with silver in the Viking age. Ed. by Dagfinn SKRE and John HINES. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P. a. Kaupang Excavation Project, University of Oslo, 2007, 378 p. (ill., maps). (Norske oldfunn, 23. Kaupang excavation project, publication series, 2).

2494. ROBINSON (Cynthia). Medieval Andalusian courtly culture in the Mediterranean: HadƯth BayƗd waRiyƗd. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-225 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern literatures, 10). 2495. SALIBA (George). Islamic science and the making of the European Renaissance. Cambridge (Mass.), MIT Press, 2007, XI-315 p. (ill.). (Transformations: studies in the history of science and technology). 2496. SALICRÚ I LLUCH (Roser). El sultanato nazarí de Granada, Génova y la corona de Aragón en el Siglo XV. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2007, 366 p. (Biblioteca de bolsillo / Divulgativa Collectanea Limitanea, 56).

2506. Old Norse made new: essays on the postmedieval reception of old Norse literature and culture. Ed. by David CLARK and Carl PHELPSTEAD. London, Viking Society for Northern Research, University College London, 2007, VII-151 p. (fig.). 2507. PHELPSTEAD (Carl). Holy Vikings: Saints' Lives in the Old Icelandic Kings' Sagas. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Arizona State University, 2007, X-274 p. (Medieval and Reanaissance Texts and Studies, 340). 2508. Silver economy in the Viking age. Ed. by James GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and Gareth WILLIAMS. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press, 2007, XVI-228 p. (ill.,



maps). (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London).

âge. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 495 p. (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale, 95).

2509. West over sea: studies in Scandinavian seaborne expansion and settlement before 1300. A Festschrift in honour of Dr. Barbara E. Crawford. Ed. by Beverly BALLIN SMITH, Simon TAYLOR, Gareth WILLIAMS. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXIX-581 p. (ill., maps). (Northern world, 31).

2521. DEAN (Trevor). Crime and justice in late Medieval Italy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX226 p.

§ 7. History of law and institutions. ** 2510. Earliest (The) English law reports. Vol. 4. Eyre reports 1286í9 and undated Eyre reports; Exchequer of the Jews reports; Pre-1290 Assize reports; Pre-1290 reports from unidentified courts and addiditional pre-1290 Common Bench reports. Ed. by Paul A. BRAND. London, Selden Society, 2007, 694 p. (Publications of the Selden Society, 123).

2522. DODD (Gwilym). Justice and grace: private petitioning and the English parliament in the late Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-374 p. (ill.). 2523. DONAHUE (Charles, Jr.). Law, marriage and society in the later Middle Ages: arguments about marriage in five courts. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-672 p. (tab.). 2524. EGAWA (Yuko). Stadtherrschaft und Gemeinde in Straßburg vom Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts bis zum Schwarzen Tod (1349). Trier, Kliomedia, 2007, 312 p. (Trierer historische Forschungen, 62).

** 2511. Northumberland (The) eyre roll for 1293. Ed. by Constance Mary FRASER. Woodbridge, Boydell Press for the Surtees Society, 2007, XVI-508 p. (Publications of the Surtees Society, 211).

2525. GAUVARD (Claude). La violence commanditée. La criminalisation des "tueurs à gages" aux derniers siècles du Moyen Age. Annales, 2007, 62, 5, p. 10051030.

** 2512. Ordenanzas (Las) del Concejo de Córdoba (1435): edición y vocabolario. Ed. por Pilar LÓPEZ MORA. Malaga, Analecta Malacitana, 2007, 340 p. (Analecta Malacitana. Anejo, 72).

2526. HANAWALT (Barbara A.). The wealth of wives. Women, law, and economy in late Medieval London. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-317 p.

** 2513. Tair colofn cyfraith. The three columns of law in medieval Wales: homicide, theft and fire. Ed. by T. M CHARLES-EDWARDS and Paul RUSSELL. Bangor, Welsh Legal History Society, 2007, XIV-335 p. (Cymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Cymru, 3 / Welsh Legal History Society, 3). ** 2514. To have and to hold: marrying and its documentation in Western Christendom, 400í1600. Ed. by Philip Lyndon REYNOLDS and John WITTE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-519 p. (ill., maps). _______________________

2515. AMADORI (Saverio). Nelle bisacce di Bernardino da Feltre: gli scritti giuridici in difesa dei Monti di pietà. Bologna, Compositori, 2007, XIII-406 p. 2516. ARAUZ (Diana). La protección jurídica de la mujer en Castilla y León (siglos XIIíXIV). Junta de Castilla-Léon, Consejería de Cultura, 2007, 321 p. 2517. ARCHAN (Christophe). Les chemins du jugement: procédure et science du droit dans l'Irlande médiévale. Paris, De Boccard, 2007, III-469 p. (ill., map). (Romanité et modernité du droit). 2518. BONNAUD (Jean-Luc). Un État en Provence. Les officiers locaux du comte de Provence au XIVe siècle (1309–1382). Rennes, P.U. Rennes, 2007, 271 p. (ill., maps). (Coll. Histoire). 2519. CLARKE (Peter D.). The Interdict in the thirteenth century: a question of collective guilt. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-300 p. 2520. CLAUSTRE (Julie). Dans les geôles du roi: l'emprisonnement pour dette à Paris à la fin du moyen

2527. HATA (Naomi). Burugǀnyu-jidai no ShaterunƯ Tǀchi: 14-seiki-matsu kara 15-seiki-chuyǀ BurufuseFureie tǀchi soshiki no jinteki kose. (The castellany government in Flanders under the Burgundian princes: A prosopographical approach to the magistracy of the Franc of Bruges from the late 1390s to 1436). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 9, p. 41-66 [Eng. summary]. 2528. History (The) of Medieval canon law in the classical period, 1140í1234: from Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX. Ed. by Wilfried HARTMANN and Kenneth PENNINGTON. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, XIII-442 p. (History of medieval canon law). 2529. Inizi (Gli) del diritto pubblico. L'età di Federico Barbarossa: legislazione e scienza del diritto / Die Anfänge des öffentlichen Rechts. Gesetzgebung im Zeitalter Friedrich Barbarossas und das Gelehrte Recht. A. c. di Gerhard DILCHER e Diego QUAGLIONI. Bologna, Il Mulino e Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 2007, 353 p. (Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des Italienisch-Deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient, Contributi / Beiträge, 19). 2530. Justice and grace. Private petitioning and the English parliament in the late Middle Ages. Ed. by Gwilym DODD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 374 p. 2531. KELLER (Hagen), AST (Stefan). Ostensio cartae. Italienische Gerichtsurkunden des 10. Jahrhunderts zwischen Schriftlichkeit und Performanz. Archiv für Diplomatik Schriftgeschichte Siegel-und Wappenkunde, 2007, 53, p. 99-122. 2532. LANGE (Hermann), KRIECHBAUM (Maximiliane). Römisches Recht im Mittelalter. 2. Die Kommentatoren. München, Beck, 2007, XL-1017 p.



2533. Law before Gratian: law in western Europe c. 500í1100. Proceedings of the third Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2006. Ed. by Per ANDERSEN, Mia MÜNSTER-SWENDSEN and Helle VOGT. København, DJØF Pub., 2007, IV-141 p. (ill., facs.). 2534. LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi), SCHARF (Gian Paolo G.). Statuto di Moggiona e documenti annessi (fine 1268–inizi 1269). Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 611, p. 121-144. 2535. MAIOLO (Francesco). Medieval sovereignty: Marsilius of Padua and Bartolus of Saxoferrato. Delft, Eburon, 2007, X-330 p. 2536. MATTEONI (Olivier). Vérifier, corriger, juger. Les chambres des comptes et le contrôle des officiers en France à la fin du Moyen Âge. Revue historique, 2007, 641, p. 31-70. 2537. MOREL (Barbara). Une iconographie de la répression judiciaire. Le châtiment dans l'enluminure en France du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Paris, Éditions du CTHS, 2007, 447 p. 2538. MÜLLER (Wolfgang). Violence et droit canonique: les enseignements de la Pénitencerie apostolique (XIIIe–XVIe siècles). Revue historique, 2007, 644, p. 771-796. 2539. Narni e i suoi statuti medievali. Atti del convegno di studio, Narni, 14í15 maggio 2005. A cura di Laura ANDREANI, Letizia ERMINI PANI, Enrico MENESTÒ. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, XII-408 p. (ill., maps). (Quaderni del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 47). 2540. Pratiques sociales et politiques judiciaires dans les villes de l'Occident à la fin du Moyen Âge. Études réunies par Jacques CHIFFOLEAU, Claude GAUVARD et Andrea ZORZI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, 767 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 385). 2541. RADDING (Charles M.), CIARALLI (Antonio). The "Corpus Iuris Civilis" in the Middle Ages. Manuscripts and transmission from the sixth century to the juristic revival. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIV-277 p. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 147). 2542. RAINIS (G.). Per la storia della schiavitù femminile nell'Italia longobarda: prassi contrattuale e quadri legislativi. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 721-752. 2543. Recht und Gericht in Kirche und Welt um 900. Hrsg. v. Wilfred HARTMANN und Annette GRABOWSKY. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, VI-249 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien, 69). 2544. SCHUBERT (Ernst). Räuber, Henker, arme Sünder: Verbrechen und Strafe im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Thomas VOGTHERR. Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2007, 389 p. (ill.). 2545. STACEY (Robin Chapman). Dark speech: the performance of law in early Ireland. Philadelphia, Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, IX-354 p. (The Middle Ages Series). 2546. TANZINI (Lorenzo). Il governo delle leggi: norme e pratiche delle istituzioni a Firenze dalla fine del Duecento all'inizio del Quattrocento. Firenze, Edifir, 2007, 319 p. 2547. TEUSCHER (Simon). Erzähltes Recht: lokale Herrschaft, Verschriftlichung und Traditionsbildung im Spätmittelalter. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2007, 359 p. (Campus Historische Studien, 44). 2548. TODOROKI (Kotaro). Shinpan-Hǀtei-kettǀ kara shǀnin-jinmon e: 11, 12-seiki nishi-Furansu ni okeru shǀmei to shakai. (From the ordeal and the duel to the examination of a witness: Judicial proof and society in western France in the 11th and 12th centuries). Shirin, 2007, 90, 6, p. 34-67 [Eng. summary]. 2549. TUCKER (Penny). Law courts and lawyers in the City of London, 1300í1550. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-424 p. (Cambridge studies in English legal history). 2550. VALLERANI (Massimo). Il diritto in questione. Forme del dubbio e produzione del diritto nella seconda metà del Duecento. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 1-40. 2551. ZUSHI (Nobutada). Chnjsei Twnjrnjzu ni okeru KaruchurƝru no hensan to toshi no hǀ-bunka. (The legal culture of the city of Toulouse and the compilation of Cartularies in high Middle Ages). Shirin, 2007, 90, 2, p. 30-62 [Eng. summary]. § 8. Economic and social history. _______________________

2552. AIRALDI (Gabriella). Genova e la Liguria nel Medioevo. Genova, Fratelli Frilli, 2007, 271 p. (Collana storica). 2553. Anthropologie (Pour une) du prélèvement seigneurial dans les campagnes médiévales (XIeXIVe siècles). Les mots, les temps, les lieux. Colloque tenu à Jaca du 5 au 9 juin 2002. Sous la dir. de Monique BOURIN et Pascual MARTÍNEZ SOPENA. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 571 p. 2554. Aragón en la Edad Media: familia y sociedad en la Edad Media (siglos XIIíXV). Sesiones de trabajo. Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2007, 118 p. (ill.). (Publicaciones del Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos). 2555. ARAKI (Yoiku). 'Anguro-Noruman-ǀchǀ' hǀkaiki no Ingurando kokuǀ zaisei to Kurosu-chanerubaronzu. (The cross-channel barons and taxation in England during the reign of Richard I and John). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 4, p. 96-112. [Eng. summary]. 2556. Archeologia e società tra tardo antico e alto Medioevo: 12° Seminario sul tardo antico e l'alto Medioevo, Padova, 29 settembre – 1 ottobre 2005. A cura

8. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY di Gian Pietro BROGIOLO e Alexandra CHAVARRIA ARNAU. Mantova, Società Archeologica, 2007, 404 p. (ill., maps). (Documenti di archeologia, 44). 2557. Arts and crafts in medieval rural environment = L'artisanat rural dans le monde médiéval = Handwerk im mittelalterlichen ländlichen Raum. Ruralia VI, 22í29 September 2005, Szentendre-DobogókĘ, Hungary. Ed. by Jan KLÁPŠTċ and Petr SOMMER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 411 p. (ill., maps). 2558. Bains curatifs et bains hygiéniques en Italie de l'antiquité au moyen Âge: [actes du colloque réuni à Rome les 22 et 23 mars 2004]. Éd. par Marie GUÉRINBEAUVOIS et Jean-Marie MARTIN. Roma, Ecole française de Rome, 2007, 428 p. (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 383). 2559. Banco (Dal) di pegno all'alta finanza: Lombardi e mercanti banchieri fra Paesi Bassi e Inghilterra nel Trecento. A cura di Renato BORDONE. Asti, Centro studi sui Lombardi, sul credito e sulla banca, 2007, 183 p. (ill., maps). (Quaderni / Cahiers del Centro studi sui Lombardi, sul credito e sulla banca, 2). 2560. BARDSLEY (Sandy). Women's roles in the Middle Ages. Westport a. Oxford, Harcourt Education, 2007, XXI-231 p. (Women's roles through history, 15). 2561. BAUCELLS I REIG (Josep). Vivir en la Edad Media: Barcelona y su entorno en los siglos XIII y XIV (1200í1344). Vol. 4. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Institución Milá y Fontanals, Departamento de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 698 p. 2562. BEATTIE (Cordelia). Medieval single women: the politics of social classification in late medieval England. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIII179 p. (tab.). 2563. BELL (Adrian R.), BROOKS (Chris), DRY(Paul R.). The English wool market, c. 1230í 1327. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, VIII-205 p. (fig., tab.). BURGH

2564. BIERMANN (Friedhelm). Der Weserraum im hohen und späten Mittelalter: Adelsherrschaften zwischen welfischer Hausmacht und geistlichen Territorien. Bielefeld, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2007, 800 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Historische Landesforschung der Universität Göttingen, 49). 2565. BIJSTERVELD (Arnoud-Jan A.). Do ut des: gift giving, "Memoria", and conflict management in the medieval Low Countries. Hilversum, Verloren, 2007, 309 p. (ill., map). (Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, 104). 2566. BORDES GARCIA (José). Il commercio della lana di 'San Mateo' nella Toscana del Quattrocento: le dogane di Visa. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 614, p. 635-664. 2567. BOUTOULLE (Frédéric). Le duc et la société. Pouvoirs et groupes sociaux dans la Gascogne bordelaise au XIIe siècle (1075–1199). Bordeaux, Ausonius, Conseil général de la Gironde and l'Association histo-


rique des pays de Branne, 2007, 439 p. (Scripta Mediaevalia, 14). 2568. BRESC (Henri). La schiavitù in casa degli ebrei siciliani tra Tre e Quattrocento. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 126, p. 679-698. 2569. Britons in Anglo-Saxon England. Ed. by N. J. HIGHAM. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 253 p. 2570. BROOKES (Stuart). Economics and social change in Anglo-Saxon Kent, AD 400í900: landscapes, communities and Exchange. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, VIII-243 p. (ill., maps). (BAR British series, 431). 2571. CAMPBELL (Bruce M. S.). The medieval antecedents of English agricultural progress. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-348 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 872). 2572. CAMPBELL (Ewan). Continental and Mediterranean imports to Atlantic Britain and Ireland, AD 400í800. York, Council for British Archaeology, 2007, XX-163 p. (Council for British Archaeology. Research report, 157). 2573. CEDERHOLM (Mathias). De värjde sin rätt: senmedeltida bondemotstånd i Skåne och Småland. (Ils défendaient leurs droits: la résistance paysanne en Scanie et en Småland à la fin du Moyen âge). Lund, Historiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, 2007, 579 p. (Studia historica Lundensia, 14). 2574. CHAMPAGNE (Alain). L'artisanat rural en HautPoitou milieu XIVeífin XVIe. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, VI-243 p. (ill., map). (Histoire). 2575. Ciudad medieval (La) y su influencia territorial: Nájera, Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo 2006. A cura de Beatriz ARÍZAGA BOLUMBURU y Jesús Ángel SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2007, 519 p. (ill., maps). (Actas). 2576. Committenza, scelte insediative e organizzazione patrimoniale nel Medioevo: atti del convegno di studio, Tergu, 15í17 settembre 2006. A cura di Letizia PANI ERMINI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, X-559 p. (De re monastica, 1. Incontri di studio, 4). 2577. CORTESE (Maria Elena). Signori, castelli, città: l'aristocrazia del territorio fiorentino tra X e XII secolo. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2007, XXVII-426 p. (Biblioteca Storica Toscana, 1/53). 2578. COSTAMBEYS (Marios). Power and patronage in early Medieval Italy. Local society, Italian politics and the Abbey of Farfa, c. 700–900. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-388 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 4th ser., 70). 2579. Crisis de subsistencia y crisis agrarias en la Edad Media. A c. Hipólito Rafael DE OLIVA HERRER y Pere BENITO I MONCLÚS. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2007, 357 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Actas, 65).



2580. DEBUS KEHR (Monique). Travailler, prier, se révolter: les compagnons de métier dans la société urbaine et leur relation au pouvoir, Rhin supérieur, XVe siècle. Strasbourg, Société savante d'Alsace, 2007, 436 p. (ill., maps). (Recherches et documents, 77). 2581. DIAGO HERNANDO (Máximo). La participación de la nobleza en el gobierno de las ciudades europeas bajomedievales. Análisis comparativo / The Participation of the Nobility in the Government of the European Towns during the Late Middle Ages. A Comparative Study. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 781822. 2582. Dynamics (The) of economic culture in the North Sea and Baltic Region in the late Middle Ages and early modern period. Ed. by Hanno BRAND and Leos MÜLLER. Hilversum, Verloren, 2007, 254 p. (ill., maps). (Groninger Hanze studies, 2). 2583. EHLERS (Caspar). Die Integration Sachsens in das fränkische Reich (751í1024). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &. Ruprecht, 2007, 686 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 231). 2584. Élites (Les) et leurs espaces: mobilité, rayonnement, domination (du VIe au XIe siècle). Éd. par Philippe DEPREUX, François BOUGARD, Régine LE JAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 424 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 5). 2585. Élites nordiques (Les) et l'Europe occidentale (XIIeíXVe siècle): actes de la rencontre franco-nordique organisée à Paris, 9í10 juin 2005. Éd. par Tuomas M. S. LEHTONEN et Élisabeth MORNET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 316 p. (ill.). (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 94). 2586. Espaces et réseaux en Méditerranée (s. VIí XVI). La configuration des réseaux. Éd. par Damien COULON, Christophe PICARD et Dominique VALÉRIAN. Paris, Bouchène, 2007, 318 p. 2587. Essays on medieval childhood: responses to recent debite. Ed. by Joel Thomas ROSENTHAL. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2007, VII-180 p. (ill.). 2588. Étude des lépreux et des léproseries au Moyen Âge dans le nord de la France. Histoire-ArchéologiePatrimoine. Éd. par Bruno TABUTEAU. Amiens, C.A.H.M.E.R., 2007, 259 p. (Histoire médiévale et archéologie, 20). 2589. EVERGATES (Theodore). The aristocracy in the County of Champagne, 1100–1300. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VI-415 p. (Middle Ages series). 2590. FARGEIX (Caroline). Les élites lyonnaises du XVe siècle au miroir de leur langage. Pratiques et représentations culturelles des conseillers de Lyon d'après les registres de délibérations consulaires. Paris, De Boccard, 2007, 657 p. 2591. FELLER (Laurent). Paysans et seigneurs au Moyen Âge, VIIIe–XVe siècle. Paris, Armand Colin, 2007, 304 p. (U).

2592. FERRAGUD DOMINGO (Carmel). Los oficios relacionados con la medicina durante la Baja Edad Media en la Corona de Aragón su proyección social / The Occupations Related to Medicine during the Late Middle Ages in the Crown of Aragon and their Social Projection. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 107-137. 2593. Feud in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ed. by Jeppe Büchert NETTERSTROEM and Bjoern POULSEN. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2007, 206 p. 2594. Freedom of movement in the Middle Ages: proceedings of the 2003 Harlaxton Symposium. Ed. by Peregrine HORDEN. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2007, XXXIV-366 p. (Harlaxton medieval studies, 15). 2595. FUJII (Yoshio). Burugǀnyu-kokka to Buryusseru: Zaisei wo meguru Keisei-ki kindai-kokka to chnjsei-toshi. (Brussels and the Burgundian state: Medieval cities and modern state formation in relation to public finance). Kyoto, Mineruva Shobo, 2007, 353 p. 2596. GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ (Ernesto). El linaje Avendaño: causas y consecuencias de su ascenso social en la Baja Edad Media / The Avendaño Lineage: Reasons and Consequences of its Social Rise during the Late Middle Ages. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, p. 527-561. 2597. GOLDBERG (Jeremy). Communal discord, child abduction, and rape in the later middle ages. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 256 p. (New Middle Ages). 2598. Gregorio Magno e la Sardegna: atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Sassari, 15í16 aprile 2005. A cura di Luigi Giovanni Giuseppe RICCI. Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, X-245 p. (Archivum Gregorianum, 11). 2599. HAOUR (Anne). Rulers, warriors, traders, clerics. The central Sahel and the North Sea 800–1500. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-178 p. 2600. HARTLAND (Beth). English lords in late thirteenth and early fourteenth century Ireland: Roger Bigod and the de Clare lords of Thomond. English historical review, 2007, 122, 496, p. 318-348. 2601. HYBEL (Nils), POULSEN (Bjørn). The Danish resources c. 1000–1550: growth and recession. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXVI-448 p. (ill., maps). (Northern world, 34). 2602. JANEKOVIû-RÖMER (Zdenka). Maruša ili suÿenje ljubavi. Braþno-ljubavna priþa iz srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika. (Marusha or love trial: marital-love story from Medieval Dubrovnik). Zagreb, Algoritam, 2007, 327 p. 2603. JEWELL (Helen M.) Women in dark age and early Medieval Europe, c. 500í1200. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VII-175 p. (European culture and society). 2604. KOCH (Alois). Märkte zwischen Iller und Lech als Element des Urbanisierungsprozesses im

8. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY Spätmittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Augsburg, Wissner, 2007, VI-356 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Schwäbischen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Reihe 1, Studien zur Geschichte des bayerischen Schwaben, 37). 2605. Konge, kirke og samfund: de to øvrighedsmagter i dansk senmiddelalder. (Le roi, l'Eglise et la société à la fin du Moyen âge au Danemark). Red. Agnes S. ARNORSDOTTIR, Per INGESMAN, Bjørn POULSEN. Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2007, 593 p. (ill.). 2606. KRÆMMER (Michael). Kongemordernes slægt, om Hvideslægtens rolle i det 13. århundredes konflikter mellem kirke og kongemagt. (Une famille de régicides. Le rôle du lignage Hvide dans les conflits du 13e siècle entre l'Eglise et le pouvoir royal au Danemark). [email protected], 2007, 240 p. (ill.). 2607. KRUSE (Britta-Juliane). Witwen: Kulturgeschichte eines Standes in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XVI-768 p. (ill.). 2608. Vacat. 2609. LLIBRER ESCRIG (José Antonio). Los orígenes de la industria de la lana en la Baja Edad Media. El comtat en el siglo XV. València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, 2007, 240 p. (Collecció Sèrie Minor). 2610. Margarete "Maultasch". Zur Lebenswelt einer Landesfürstin und anderer Tiroler Frauen des Mittelalters. Vorträge der wissenschaftlichen Tagung im Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Kultur- und Landesgeschichte Schloss Tirol, Schloss Tirol, 3. bis 4. November 2006. Hrsg. v. Julia HÖRMANN-THURN UND TAXIS im Auftrag des Landesmuseums Schloss Tirol. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2007, 328 p. (Schlern-Schriften, 339). 2611. Mercado inmobiliario y paisajes urbanos en el occidente europeo, siglos XIíXV: XXXIII Semana de Estudios Medievales, Estella, 17 a 21 de julio de 2006. Ed. por Miguel Angel LADERO QUESADA. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura y Turismo, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2007, 769 p. (ill.). 2612. Messen, Jahrmärkte und Stadtentwicklung in Europa =: Foires, marchés annuels et développement urbain en Europe. Hrsg. v. Franz IRSIGLER und Michel PAULY. Trier, Porta Alba, 2007, X-314 p. (ill., maps). (Beiträge zur Landes- und Kulturgeschichte, 5). 2613. Mines et pouvoir au Moyen âge. Ed. par MarieChristine BAILLY-MAÎTRE et Jean-Michel POISSON. Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2007, 213 p. (Collection d'Histoire medieval, 20). 2614. MITTERAUER (Michael), MORRISSEY (John). Pisa: Seemacht und Kulturmetropole. Essen, Magnus, 2007, 293 p. (Expansion, Interaktion, Akkulturation, 13). 2615. Money, markets and trade in late medieval Europe: essays in honour of John H.A. Munro. Ed. by Martin ELBL, Ivana ELBL and Lawrin David ARMSTRONG. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XX-648 p. (ill., maps). (Later medieval Europe, 1).


2616. Monnaie, fiscalité et finances au temps de Philippe Le Bel: journée d'études du 14 mai 2004. Éd. par Philippe CONTAMINE, Jean KERHERVÉ, Albert RIGAUDIÈRE. Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2007, 318 p. (ill.). (Histoire économique et financière de la France. Animation de la recherche). 2617. MORIMOTO (Yoshiki). Seiǀ chnjsei shoki nǀson-shi no kakushin: Saikin no Yǀroppa-gakkai kara. (Towards a new image of rural history in the early middle ages: A quarter of century of European historiography). Tokyo, Bokutakusha, 2007, 387 p. 2618. NAM (Jong-Kuk). Le commerce du cotton en Méditerranée à la fin du moyen âge. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-567 p. (fig., tab., maps). (The medieval Mediterranean: peoples, economies and cultures, 400í1500, 68). 2619. NIELSEN (Anders Reinholdt). Lægbrødre og godsdrift. (Laybrothers and the operation of monastic estates in Medieval Denmark). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 1, p. 1-32. 2620. NIGHTINGALE (Pamela). Trade, money and power in Medieval England. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 352 p. 2621. NOBILI (Mario). Per lo studio della "società feudale" lunigianese "milites", "castellani" e "vassalli" nei secoli XI–XIII. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 613, p. 423-448. 2622. NOIZET (Hélène). La fabrique de la ville. Espaces et sociétés à Tours, IXeXIIIe siècle. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 504 p. 2623. Notabilité (La) urbaine, XeíXVIIIe siècles. Actes de la table ronde organisée à la MRSH, 20 et 21 janvier 2006. Éd. par Laurence JEAN-MARIE. Caen, Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative, 2007, 204 p. (ill.). (Histoire urbaine, 1). 2624. Olio e vino nell'alto Medioevo. Spoleto, 20í26 aprile 2006. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2007, 2 vol., XIV-1433 p. (Settimane di studio della Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 54). 2625. OLIVEIRA (Ana Rodrigues). A criança na sociedade medieval portuguesa. Lisboa, Teorema, 2007, 471 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Série especial, 75). 2626. PAPACOSTEA (ùerban), CIOCÎLTAN (Virgil). Marea Neagră răspântie a drumurilor intercontinentale (1204–1453). (The Black Sea ௅ a crossroad of intercontinental ways, 1204–1453). ConstanĠa, Editura Ovidius U. P., 2007, 360 p. 2627. PAULY (Michel). Peregrinorum, pauperum ac aliorum transeuntium receptaculum: Hospitäler zwischen Maas und Rhein im Mittelalter. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 512 p. u. 1 CD-ROM (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Beihefte, 190). 2628. Quel mar che la terra inghirlanda: in ricordo di Marco Tangheroni. A cura di Franco CARDINI e Maria



Luisa CECCARELLI LEMUT. Pisa, Pacini, 2007, 2 vol., XXIV-817 p. (ill., map). (Collana Percorsi, 14). 2629. RÁBIK (Vladimír). The Ruthenian and Wallachian population of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages. Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, Supplement, p. 3360. 2630. Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico, secc. XIIIíXVIII: atti della Trentottesima Settimana di studi, 1í5 maggio 2006 = Europe's economic relations with the Islamic world, 13thí18th centuries. A cura di Simonetta CAVACIOCCHI. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2007, 2 vol., 1080 p. (Atti delle Settimane di studi e altri convegni, 38). 2631. RODRIGUEZ (Jarbel). Captives and their saviors in the Medieval crown of Aragon. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, XXIII-225 p. 2632. Rural (The) History of Medieval European Societies: Trends and Perspectives. Ed. by Isabel ALFONSO ANTÓN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, VIII-310 p. (The Medieval Countryside, 1). 2633. SABATÉ (Flocel). La feudalización de la sociedad catalana. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2007, 254 p. 2634. SATO (Hiroyuki). Seiǀ-teichi-shohǀ keorimonokogyǀ-shi: Gijutsu-kakushin to hinshitsu-kanri no keizaishi. (Woolen industry in Medieval and early Modern Low Countries: an economic history of technical innovation and quality control). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2007, 252 p. 2635. Sociedad política (La) a fines del siglo XV en los reinos ibéricos y en Europa: ¿élites, pueblo, subditos? = La societé politique à la fin du XVe siècle dans les royaumes ibériques et en Europe: élites, peuple, sujets?. Actes du colloque Franco-Espagnol de Paris, 26í29 mai 2004, organisé par l'Instituto de Historia Simancas, l'Universidad de Valladolid et la LAMOP (UMR 8589, CNRS-Université Paris I), avec le concours du Colegio de España (Paris). Éd. par Vincent CHALLET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne et Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2007, 230 p. 2636. SOLCAN (ùarolta). Văduva ௅ cap de familie în societatea medievală din ğările Române. (The widow, head of the family in the Wallachian mediaeval society). In: Om úi societate. Studii de istoria populaĠiei României (sec. XVII–XXI). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 73-94. 2637. Sozialgeschichte mittelalterlicher Hospitäler. Hrsg. v. Neithard BULST und Karl-Heinz SPIESS. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke, 2007, 334 p. (ill., tab.). (Vorträge und Forschungen, 65). 2638. Städtische Finanzwirtschaft am Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Harm von SEGGERN, Gerhard FOUQUET und Hans-Jörg GILOMEN. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 275 p. (Kieler Werkstücke. Reihe E, Beiträge zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 4).

2639. Stift und Wirtschaft. Die Finanzierung geistlichen Lebens im Mittelalter: fünfte wissenschaftliche Fachtagung zum Stiftskirchenprojekt des Instituts für Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften der Universität Tübingen (12.í14. März 2004, Weingarten). Ostfildern, Jan Thorbeke, 2007, 232 p. (Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landeskunde, 58). 2640. ŠTIH (Peter). Karantanci, zgodnjesrednjeveško ljudstvo med Vzhodom in Zahodom. (Carantanians, people between East and West in the Early Middle Ages). Zgodovinski þasopis, 2007, 61, 1/2, p. 47-58. 2641. SYKES (Naomi Jane). The Norman conquest: a zooarchaeological perspective. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, IX-175 p. (BAR international series, 1656). 2642. UNALI (Anna). Marineros, piratas y corsarios catalanes en la Baja Edad Media. Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2007, 276 p. (Colección Isla de la Tortuga, 8). 2643. VICIANO NAVARRO (Pau). Senyors, camperols i mercaders: el món rural valencià al segle XV. Catarroja, Editorial Afers, 2007, 266 p. (Recerca i pensament, 37). 2644. Vie di terra e d'acqua. Infrastrutture viarie e sistemi di relazioni in area alpina (secoli XIII–XVI). A cura di Jean-François BERGIER e Gauro COPPOLA. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 259 p. (Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento, Quaderni, 72). 2645. VILLANUEVA MORTE (Concepción). Hacienda y fiscalidad en el alto Palancia durante el siglo XV: estrategia e impuestos comerciales en una comarca fronteriza. Segorbe, Ayuntamiento de Segorbe, Concejalía de Cultura, 2007, 351 p. 2646. Villes et campagnes de Tarraconaise et d'alAndalus (VleíXle siecles): la transitino. Éd. par Philippe SÉNAC. Toulouse, FRAMESPA, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2007, 326 p. (Méridiennes. Série Études médiévales ibériques). 2647. Voisinages, coexistences, appropriations: groupes sociaux et territoires urbains, Moyen Age-16e siècle. Éd. par Chloé DELIGNE et Claire BILLEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 297 p. (Studies in European urban history [1100í1800], 10). 2648. ZEILINGER (Gabriel). Lebensformen im Krieg: eine Alltags- und Erfahrungsgeschichte des süddeutschen Städtekriegs 1449/50. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 285 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte, 196). § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education. _______________________

a. Civilization ** 2649. Cóir Anmann: a late Middle Irish treatise on personal names. Part 2. Ed. by Sharon J. ARBUTHNOT. London, Irish Texts Society, 2007, VIII-217 p. (Irish texts society, 60). ** 2650. Lettere originali del Medioevo latino: VIIí XI sec. A cura di Armando PETRUCCI. Vol. 2. 1. Francia

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION (Arles, Blois, Marseille, Montauban, Tours). Ed. di Giulia AMMANNATI, Antonino MASTRUZZO e Ernesto STAGNI. Pisa, Scuola normale superiore di Pisa, 2007, 163 p. _______________________

2651. Accueillir ou soigner? L'hôpital et ses alternatives du Moyen Âge à nos jours. [Communications présentées lors du colloque de Fécamp, des 20 et 21 janvier 2006 organisé par le Groupe de recherche d'histoire (GRHIS) de l'Université de Rouen]. Éd. par Yannick MAREC. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2007, 453 p. (ill.). 2652. Acts and texts: performance and ritual in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by Laurie POSTLEWATE and Wim N. M. HÜSKEN. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007, 361 p. (Ludus, 8). 2653. Agire da donna: modelli e pratiche di rapprensentazione (secoli VIíX). Atti del convegno (Padova, 18í19 febbraio 2005). A cura di Cristina LA ROCCA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 326 p. (Collection Haut moyen Âge, 3). 2654. ALLEN (Valerie). On Farting: Language and Laughter in the Middle Ages. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VIII-239 p. (The New Middle Ages). 2655. At the table: metaphorical and material cultures of food in medieval and early modern Europe. Ed. by Timothy J. TOMASIK and Juliann M. VITULLO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XX- 225 p. (Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 18). 2656. AURELL (Martin). La légende du roi Arthur, 550–1250. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 696 p. 2657. Ausmessen ௅ Darstellen ௅ Inszenieren: Raumkonzepte und die Wiedergabe von Räumen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Uursula KUNDERT, Barbara SCHMID und Regula SCHMID. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 231 p. (ill., facs.). 2658. BACH (Valérie). Les clefs des songes médiévales: XIIIeíXVe siècles. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2007, 336 p. (Sciences de l'histoire). 2659. BALDÓ ALCOZ (Julia). "Por la quoal cosa es dapnado". Suicidio y muerte accidental en la Navarra bajomedieval / "Por la quoal cosa es dapnado". Suicide and Accidental Death in Late Medieval Navarre. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 27-69. 2660. BARTHÉLEMY (Dominique). La chevalerie: de la Germanie antique à la France du XIIe siècle. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 522 p. (pl., tab.). 2661. BASSANI (Alessandra). Il Tractatus de testibus variantibus di Tindaro Alfani: un dialogo fra cultura tradizionale e cultura umanistica nella Perugia del Quattrocento. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 125-188. 2662. BELTRAN (Vicenç). "Bel m'es quan la rosa floris". Anthropologie et poétique des saisons au plein Moyen Âge. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 65-104.


2663. Blick (Der) auf sich und die anderen: Selbstund Fremdbild von Frauen und Männern in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Festschrift für Klaus Arnold. Hrsg. v. Sünje PRÜHLEN, Lucie KUHSE und Jürgen SARNOWSKY. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2007, 452 p. (Nova mediaevalia, 2). 2664. Breaking and shaping beastly bodies: animals as material culture in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Aleksander PLUSKOWSKI. Oxford a. Oakville, Oxbow, 2007, VI-239 p. (ill., maps). 2665. BROWN (Peter). Chaucer and the making of optical space. Bern a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 377 p. (ill.). 2666. BRUNA (Denis). Saints et diables au chapeau: bijoux oubliés du Moyen Âge. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 188 p. (col. ill.). 2667. BUTLER (Sara M.). The language of abuse: marital violence in later medieval England. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIII-286 p. (Later Medieval Europe, 2). 2668. CAPITANI (Ovidio). Da Dante a Bonifacio VIII. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2007, 111 p. 2669. CAZENAVE (Annie). Images et imaginaire au Moyen Âge: l'univers mental et onirique de l'homme médiéval, de Chartres à la Normandie, des Pyrénées aux confins de mondes inconnus. Cahors, Louve, 2007, 221 p. 2670. CLASSEN (Albrecht). The Medieval chastity belt. A myth-making process. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-222 p. (New Middle Ages). 2671. Companion (A) to Medieval English Literature and Culture, c. 1350íc. 1500. Ed. by Peter BROWN. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2007, XVII-668 p. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 42). 2672. Convaincre et persuader. Communication et propagande aux XIIeíXIIIe siècles. Éd. par Martín AURELL. Poitiers, Université-CNRS-Centre d'Études supérieures de civilisation médiévale, 2007, 724 p. (Civilisation médiévale, 18). 2673. Cultural (A) history of animals. Vol. 2. The Medieval age. Ed. by Brigitte POHL-RESL. Oxford, Berg, 2007, IX-263 p. (ill.). 2674. Cultural performances in Medieval France. Essays in Honor of Nancy Freeman Regalado. Éd. par Eglal DOSS-QUINBY, Roberta L. KRUEGER et E. Jane BURNS. Woodbridge, D.S. Brewer, 2007, 1 vol., XXXVI299 p. (Gallica, 5). 2675. CURSCHMANN (Michael). Wort-Bild-Text: Studien zur Medialität des Literarischen in Hochmittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Baden-Baden, Valentin Koerner, 2007, 2 vol., 988 p (Saecula Spiritalia, 43-44). 2676. DELAURENTI (Béatrice). La puissance des mots. "Virtus verborum": Débats doctrinaux sur le pouvoir des incantations au moyen âge. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2007, IV-579 p. (Cerf-Histoire).



2677. Dérision (La) au Moyen Âge: la pratique sociale au rituel politique. Éd. par Élisabeth CROUZETPAVAN et Jacques VERGER. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 292 p. (Cultures et Civilisations Médiévales).

2689. GLICK (Thomas F.). Paisajes de conquista. Cambio cultural y geográfico en la España medieval. Valencia, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia, 2007, 253 p.

2678. DEVLIN (Zoe). Remembering the dead in Anglo-Saxon England: memory theory in archaeology and history. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, VII-148 p. (BAR British series, 446).

2690. Global perspectives on medieval English literature, language, and culture. Ed. by Noel Harold KAYLOR, Richard Scott NOKES and Paul E. SZARMACH. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2007, XV310 p. (ill.).

2679. DITCHFIELD (Philip). La culture matérielle médiévale: l'Italie méridionale byzantine et normande. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, IX-753 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 373).

2691. GOETZ (Hans-Werner), AURAST (Anna). Vorstellungsgeschichte: gesammelte Schriften zu Wahrnehmungen, Deutungen und Vorstellungen im Mittelalter. Bochum, Winkler, 2007, XIV-594 p. (ill.).

2680. Écrin (De l') au cercueil. Essai sur les contenants au Moyen Âge. Éd. par Danièle JAMES-RAOUL et Claude THOMASSET. Paris, Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 290 p. (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 40).

2692. GONTHIER (Nicole). "Sanglant coupaul!", "Orde ribaude!": les injures au Moyen Age. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 199 p. (Histoire).

2681. EDSON (Evelyn). The World Map, 1300–1492: the persistence of tradition and transformation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XI-300 p. (fig.). 2682. Emotion, Gewalt und Widerstand: Spannungsfelder zwischen geistlichem und weltlichem Leben in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Ansgar KÖB und Peter RIEDEL. München, W. Fink, 2007, 186 p. (MittelalterStudien des Instituts zur Interdisziplinären Erforschung des Mittelalters und seines Nachwirkens, 9). 2683. Faire l'événement au Moyen Age. Éd. par Claude CAROZZI et Huguette TAVIANI-CAROZZI. Aixen-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2007, 362 p. (Collection Le temps de l'histoire). 2684. Fauna and flora in the Middle Ages. Studies of the medieval environment and its impact on the human mind. Papers Delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Ed. by Sieglinde HARTMANN. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 323 p. (Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 8). 2685. Fiorentini (I) alle crociate: guerre, pellegrinaggi e immaginario "orientalistico" a Firenze tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Silvia AGNOLETTI e Luca MANTELLI. Firenze, Edizioni della Meridiana, 2007, 341 p. (Tutt'altro. Scrittura e storia). 2686. Formen und Funktionen von Leitbildern. Hrsg. v. Johannes HAHN und Meinolf VIELBERG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 321 p. (Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 17). 2687. FÜRBETH (Frank). Das Johannes Hartlieb zugeschriebene 'Buch von der Hand' im Kontext der Chiromantie des Mittelalters. Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, 2007, 136, p. 449-479. 2688. Gestalten des Mittelalters: ein Lexikon historischer und literarischer Personen in Dichtung, Musik und Kunst. Hrsg. v. Horst BRUNNER und Mathias HERWEG. Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner, 2007, XXIV-504 p. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 352).

2693. GREEN (D. H.). Women Readers in the Middle Ages. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-296 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 65). 2694. Grenze und Grenzüberschreitung im Mittelalter: 11. Symposium des Mediaevistenverbandes vom 14. bis 17 März in Frankfurt an der Oder. Hrsg. v. Ulrich KNEFELKAMP und Kristian BOSSELMANN-CYRAN. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, XI-517 p. (ill., maps). 2695. Grenzräume und Grenzüberschreitungen im Vergleich: der Osten und der Westen des mittelalterlichen Lateineuropa. Hrsg. v. Klaus HERBERS und Nikolas JASPERT. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 459 p. (Europa im Mittelalter, 7). 2696. GRIFFITHS (Fiona J.). The Garden of Delights: reform and renaissance for women in the twelfth century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VII-381 p. (Middle Ages Series). 2697. GUIDI (Remo L.). L'inquietudine del Quattrocento. Roma, Tiellemedia, 2007, 1118 p. (Indagini e dibattiti). 2698. HELMHOLZ (R. H.) Marriage litigation in medieval England. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X246 p. (Cambridge studies in English legal history). 2699. HEN (Yitzhak). Roman Barbarians: the royal court and culture in the early medieval West. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII213 p. (Medieval Culture and Society). 2700. History in the comic mode: Medieval communities and the matter of person. Ed. by Rachel FULTON and Bruce W. HOLSINGER. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, X-392 p. (ill.). 2701. Imaginäre Räume: Sektion B des internationalen Kongresses "Virtuelle Räume. Raumwahrnehmung und Raumvorstellung im Mittelalter", Krems an der Donau, 24. bis 26. März 2003. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth VAVRA. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007, 231 p. (Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION Historische Klasse, 758. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 19). 2702. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.). Franks, Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: studies in frontier acculturation. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 336 p. (Variorum collected studies series). 2703. Kommunikation in mittelalterlichen Städten. Hrsg. v. Jörg OBERSTE. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2007, 203 p. (Forum Mittelalter. Studien, 3). 2704. LAMBERG (Marko). Jöns Budde: birgittalaisveli ja hänen teoksensa. (Jöns Budde: a birgittine brother and his literary works). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 431 p. (ill). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1115). 2705. Lay intellectuals in the Carolingian world. 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2000. Ed. by Patrick WORMALD and Janet Laughland NELSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-263 p. (ill.). 2706. Lecture, représentation et citation: l'image comme texte et l'image comme signe (XIíXVIIe siècle). Éd. par Christian HECK. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 2007, 232 p. (Collection UL3. Travaux et recherches). 2707. LIGHTSEY (Scott). Manmade marvels in medieval culture and literature. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XV-212 p. (New Middle Ages). 2708. LINEHAN (Peter). Spain, 1157–1300: a partible inheritance. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XVI-284 p. (A history of Spain). 2709. Local identities in late Medieval and early Modern England. Ed. by Norman Leslie JONES and Daniel R. WOOLF. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVII-256 p. (maps). 2710. MATTHEWS (Stephen). The road to Rome: travel and travellers between England and Italy in the Anglo-Saxon centuries. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, VII-136 p. (BAR. International series, 1680). 2711. Medieval Iberia: changing societies and cultures in contact and transition. Ed. by Ivy A. CORFIS and Ray HARRIS-NORTHALL. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Tamesis, 2007, XVIII-191 p. (Colección Támesis. Serie A, Monografías, 247).


(Il grifo. Collana di studi e testi del Centro ricerche di storia e arte, Bitonto, 7). 2715. Moult obscures paroles. Études sur la prophétie médiévale. Dirigé par Richard TRACHSLER, avec la collaboration de Julien ABED et David EXPERT. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 271 p. 2716. NEISKE (Franz). Europa im frühen Mittelalter, 500í1050: Eine Kultur-und Mentalitätsgeschichte. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 207 p. (Kultur und Mentalität). 2717. NILES (John D.). Old English heroic poems and the social life of texts. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIII372 p. (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 20). 2718. NUMMEDAL (Tara). Alchemy and authority in the Holy Roman Empire. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVII-260 p. 2719. Old age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: interdisciplinary approaches to a neglected topic. Ed. by Albrecht CLASSEN. Berlin a. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2007, VII-575 p. (Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture, 2). 2720. PETRUCCI (Armando). Scrivere e leggere nell'Italia medievale. Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2007, 263 p. (Il sapere del libro). 2721. POSTICĂ (Gheorghe). CivilizaĠia medievală timpurie din spaĠiul pruto-nistrean (secolele V–XIII). (Early medieval civilization in Prut-Dniester area, 5th–13th centuries). Cuvânt înainte de Victor SPINEI. Bucureúti, Editura Academiei României, 2007, 487 p. 2722. Pour une anthropologie du prélèvement seigneurial dans les campagnes médiévales (XIeíXIVe siècles): les mots, les temps, les lieux. Éd. par Monique BOURIN et Pascual MARTÍNEZ SOPENA. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 571 p. (ill., tab., maps., graph.). (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale, 91). 2723. Procession, performance, liturgy, and ritual: essays in honor of Bryan R. Gillingham. Ed. by Nancy Elizabeth VAN DEUSEN. Ottawa, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2007, XIII-258 p. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 62/8 / Musicological studies, 62/8). 2724. RUBIN (Patricia Lee). Images and identity in fifteenth-century Florence. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XXIII-418 p. (ill.),

2712. MELVE (Leidulf). Inventing the public sphere: the public debate during the investiture contest (c. 1030í1122). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, 2 vol., 770 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 154).

2725. RUST (Martha Dana). Imaginary worlds in medieval books: exploring the manuscript matrix. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-290 p. (The new Middle Ages).

2713. Mittelalterliche Fürstenhöfe und ihre Erinnerungskulturen. Hrsg. v. Carola FEY, Steffen KRIEB und Werner RÖSENER. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2007, 332 p. (Formen der Erinnerung, 27).

2726. Sacro (Lo) y lo profano en la España de los siglos XIVíXV: según documentos del Archivo Vaticano. Ed. por Saturnino RUIZ DE LOIZAGA. Miranda de Ebro, Fundación Cultural "Profesor Cantera Burgos", 2007, 277 p. (ill.).

2714. MORETTI (Felice). Dal ludus alla laude: giochi di uomini, santi e animali dall'alto Medioevo a Francesco d'Assisi. Bari, Edipuglia, 2007, 186 p. (ill., pl.).

2727. SYMES (Carol). A common stage. Theater and public life in Medieval Arras. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007,



XVI-335 p. (Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past). 2728. Taumaturgia e miracoli tra alto e basso medioevo: prospettive metodologiche generali e casistiche locali. Atti del convegno di studio, Gubbio, 20í21 aprile 2007. A cura di Patrizia CASTELLI e Salvatore GERUZZI. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2007, XV-175 p. (Accademia Sperelliana, Gubbio. Biblioteca, 2). 2729. Text, Bild, Schrift: Vermittlung von Information im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Andres LAUBINGER, Brunhilde GEDDERTH und Claudia DOBRINSKI. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2007, 205 p. (MittelalterStudien, 14). 2730. UNGER (Richard W.). Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XVI-319 p. (ill.). 2731. VAN WINTER (Johanna Maria). Spices and Comfits: Collected Papers on Medieval Food. Totnes, Eng., Prospect Books, 2007, 429 p. (fig., tab., maps). 2732. Vassal (Le), le fief et l'écrit: pratiques d'écriture et enjeux documentaires dans le champ de la féodalité (XIeíXVe s.). Actes de la journée d'étude organisée à Louvain-la-Neuve le 15 avril 2005. Éd. par JeanFrançois NIEUS. Louvain-la-Neuve, Université catholique de Louvain, 2007, 218 p. (fig., tab., maps). (Textes, Études, Congrès, 23). 2733. Viajes y viajeros en la Europa medieval. A c. de Feliciano NOVOA PORTELA, F. Javier VILLALBA RUÍZ DE TOLEDO y Joaquín María CÓRDOBA. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigciones Científicas, 2007, 275 p. (ill.). 2734. Weaving, veiling, and dressing: textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages. Ed. by 2735. WEBB (Diana). Privacy and solitude in the Middle Ages. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, XVII-266 p. 2736. WERNER (Thomas). Den Irrtum liquidieren: Bücherverbrennungen im Mittelalter. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 813 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 225). 2737. YVANOFF (Xavier). L'imaginaire du ciel au Moyen Âge. Vannes, Burillier, 2007, 187 p. (ill.). b. Literature ** 2738. ALANUS DE INSULIS. Les proverbez d'Alain. Éd. par Thomas MAILLET et Tony HUNT. Paris, Champion, 2007, 133 p. (Classiques français du Moyen Âge, 151). ** 2739. ALBERTI (Leon Battista). Pontifex. Firenze, Polistampa, 2007, 316 p. (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Leon Alberti, 7. Opuscoli e frammenti, 3). ** 2740. ALEGRE I URGELL (Montserrat). Diàlegs de sant Gregori: estudi lingüístic de la versió catalana de 1340. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2007, 347 p. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana, 129).

** 2741. Aliscans. Éd. Par Claude REGNIER et Jean SUBRENAT. Paris, Champion, 2007, 631 p. (Champion Classiques, Sér. Moyen Âge, 21). ** 2742. Alpharts Tod. Dietrich und Wenezlan. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth LIENERT und Viola MEYER. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2007, VII-136 p. (Texte und Studien zur mittelhochdeutschen Heldenepik, 3). ** 2743. Ars notoria (L') au moyen Âge: introduction et édition critique Éd. par Julien VÉRONÈSE. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 309 p. (Micrologus' library, 21. Salomon Latinus, 1). ** 2744. BARBARO (Ermolao). Aesopi fabulae. A cura di Cristina COCCO. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 155 p. (Il ritorno dei classici nell'Umanesimo. III. Edizione nazionale delle traduzioni dei testi greci in età umanistica e rinascimentale, 4). ** 2745. BARBIERI (Luca). Les epistres des dames de Grèce: une version médiévale en prose française des Héroïdes d'Ovide. Paris, Champion, 2007, 212 p. (Classiques français du Moyen Age, 152). ** 2746. Bruiden Da Choca. Ed. by Gregory TONER. London, Irish Texts Society, 2007, XI-296 p., 14 p. (Irish Texts Society. 61). ** 2747. CHARDONNENS (László Sándor). AngloSaxon prognostics, 900í1100: study and texts. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-605 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 153). ** 2748. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Dream visions and other poems: authoritative texts, contexts, criticism. Ed. by Kathryn L. LYNCH. New York a. London, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007, XX-396 p. (A Norton critical edition). ** 2749. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Jean d'Angoulême's copy of the Canterbury tales: an annotated edition of Bibliothèque nationale's fonds anglais 39 (Paris). Ed. by Meredith CLERMONT-FERRAND. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen, 2007, XXXV-473 p. ** 2750. GAUTIER DE COINCI. Miracles, music and manuscripts. Ed. by K. M. KRAUSE, A. STONES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XX-488 p. (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 13). ** 2751. Littera legitera: testi grammaticali latini dell'Alto Medioevo. Ed. di Luigi MUNZI. Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 2007, 180 p. (Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento di Studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria. Quaderni, 11). ** 2752. Mort (La) du roi Arthur. Roman publié d'après le manuscrit de Lyon, Palais des Arts 77, complété par le manuscrit BnF 1119. Éd. par Emmanuèle BAUMGARTNER et Marie-Thérèse DE MEDEIROS. Paris, Champion, 2007, 537 p. (Classiques. Moyen Âge, 20). ** 2753. Mort (La) le roi Artu = The death of Arthur: from the Old French Lancelot of Yale 229, with

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION essays, glossaries, and notes to the text. Ed. by Elizabeth Moore WILLINGHAM. Turnhout, Belgium, Brepols, 2007, IX-322 p. ** 2754. PICCOLOMINI (Enea Silvio). Enee Silvii Piccolominei Epistolarium seculare: complectens De duobus amantibus, De naturis equorum, De curialium miseriis. Ed. Rudolf WOLKAN et Adrianus VAN HECK. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2007, 526 p. (Studi e testi, 439). ** 2755. Poetry on Christian subjects. Vol. 1. The twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Vol. 2. The fourteenth century. Ed. by Margaret Clunies ROSS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 2 vol., 1040 p. (Skaldic poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, 7). ** 2756. RHYS GOCH ERYRI. Gwaith Rhys Goch Eryri. Ed. by Dylan Foster EVANS. Aberystwyth, Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru, 2007, XXII-294 p. (Cyfres Beirdd yr Uchelwyr). ** 2757. ROLLE (Richard, of Hampole). Uncollected prose and verse with related northern texts. Ed. by Ralph HANNA. Oxford, Published for the early English Text Society by the Oxford U. P., 2007, LXXVII-233 p. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 328). ** 2758. Trattati d'amore cristiani del XII secolo. Ed. di Francesco ZAMBON. Vol. 1. Roma, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Milano, A. Mondadori, 2007, 317 p. (Scrittori greci e latini). _______________________

2759. Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval (León, 20í24 de septiembre de 2005). A c. de Armando LÓPEZ CASTRO y María Luzdivina CUESTA TORRE. León, Universidad de León, 2007, 2 vol., 1116 p. (facs.). 2760. All things Chaucer: an encyclopedia of Chaucer's world. Vol. 1. A-J. Vol. 2. K-Z. Ed. by Shannon L. ROGERS. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2007, 2 vol., XXXVI-509 p. (fig., tab., maps). 2761. Altnordische philologie: Norwegen und Island. Hrsg. v. Odd Einar HAUGEN und Astrid VAN NAHL. Berlin, Walter De Gruyter, 2007, 653 p. (ill., maps). (De Gruyter Lexikon). 2762. AMADO (Teresa). O passado e o presente: ler Fernão Lopes. Barcarena, Presença, 2007, 166 p. (Universidade Hoje, 28). 2763. ANDERSEN (Peter Hvilshøj). Die Nibelungen zogen nach Dänemark. Eine Neuinterpretation der Erzählung Von Hven zwischen Seeland und Schonen. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 443 p. (Bremer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte, 48). 2764. ANDERSEN-WYMAN (Kathleen). Andreas Capellanus on love? Desire, seduction, and subversion in a twelfth-century Latin text. New York, Palgrave, 2007, VIII-271 p. 2765. ANDERSON (Graham). The earliest Arthurian texts: Greek and Latin sources of the medieval tradition


(texts, translations, and commentary). Lewiston a. Lampeter, 2007, VI-389 p. 2766. Antiche (Le) e le moderne carte: studi in memoria di Giuseppe Billanovich. A cura di Antonio Manfredi e Carla Maria MONTI. Roma, Antenore, 2007, XIX-696 p. (Medioevo e umanesimo, 112). 2767. ARN (M.-J.), SCHOFF ERWIN (R.). The poet's notebook. The personal manuscript of Charles d'Orléans. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XII-200 p. (ill.). (Texts and transitions, 3). 2768. Arthurian literature. Vol. 24. The European dimensions of Arthurian literature. Ed. by Bart BESAMUSCA, Frank BRANDSMA and Keith BUSBY. Woodbridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2007, XIV-177 p. (pl., ill.). 2769. ASHE (Laura). Fiction and History in England, 1066í1200. Cambridg a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-244 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 68). 2770. ATTWOOD (Catherine). Fortune la contrefaite: l'envers de l'écriture médiévale. Paris, Champion, 2007, 206 p. (Etudes christiniennes. Medievalia, 9). 2771. BALDELLI (Ignazio). Non dica ascesi, ché direbbe corto: studi linguistici su Francesco e il francescanesimo. A cura di Francesco SANTUCCI e Ugo VIGNUZZI. Assisi, Porziuncola, 2007, IX-212 p. (Medioevo francescano, 12). 2772. BALDWIN (Anna P.). A guidebook for Piers Plowman. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 295 p. (ill.). 2773. BAMPI (Massimiliano). The reception of the Septem Sapientes in medieval Sweden between translation and rewriting. Göppingen, Kümmerle, 2007, 134 p. (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 744). 2774. BARAēSKI (Zygmunt G.), MAC LAUGHLIN (Martin L.). Italy's three crowns: reading Dante, Petrarch, and Boccacio. Oxford, Bodleian Library Publications, 2007, 128 p. 2775. BARTUSCHAT (J.). Les 'vies' de Dante, Pétrarque et Boccace en Italie (XIVeíXVe siècles). Contribution à l'histoire du genre biographique. Ravenna, Angelo Longo editore, 2007, 280 p. (Memoria del tempo, 30). 2776. BAUR O'CONNELL (Christine). Dante's hermeneutics of salvation: passages to freedom in the "Divine Comedy". Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XI-327 p. 2777. Bells chiming from the past: cultural and linguistic studies on early English. Ed. by Isabel Sofia MOSKOWICH-SPIEGEL FANDIÑO and Begoña CRESPO GARCÍA. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2007, 279 p. (ill.). 2778. BELTRAN (Vicenç). Poética, poesía y sociedad en la lírica medieval. Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universi-



dade de Santiago de Compostela, 2007, 249 p. (Verba, Anexo 59). 2779. BENOZZO (Francesco). La tradizione smarrita. Le origini non scritte delle letterature romanze. Roma, Viella, 2007, 221 p. (La Storia. Temi, 5). 2780. Beowulf and Beyond. Ed. by Hans SAUER and Renate BAUER. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, XX-333 p. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 18). 2781. Beowulf and other stories: a new introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman literatures. Ed. by Richard NORTH and Joe ALLARD. Harlow, Longman, 2007, XI-525 p. (ill., maps). 2782. BERSCHIN (Walter). Die karolingische Vita S. Galli metrica (BHL Nr. 3253), Werk eines Iren für St. Gallen? Revue Bénédictine, 2007, 117, p. 9-30. 2783. BERTELLI (Sandro). La 'Commedia' all'antica. Firenze, Mandragora, 2007, 303 p. (tavv., ill.). 2784. BESNARDEAU (Wilfrid). Représentations littéraires de l'étranger au XIIe siècle. Des chansons de geste aux premières mises en roman. Paris, Champion, 2007, 872 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 83). 2785. BEUTIN (Heidi). Historiographie zwischen Mythologie und Ideologie: zur Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters und zu einigen Formen der Geschichtsdichtung der Neuzeit. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2007, 248 p. (Bremer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte, 50). 2786. Bild (Das) des Mittelalters in europäischen Schulbüchern. Hrsg. v. Martin CLAUSS und Manfred SEIDENFUß. Berlin, Lit, 2007, II-364 p. (Geschichtsdidaktik in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, 5). 2787. Bilder, Wahrnehmungen, Vorstellungen: neue Forschungen zur Historiographie des hohen und späten Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Jürgen SARNOWSKY. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2007, 256 p. (Nova mediaevalia, 3). 2788. BLURTON (Heather). Cannibalism in high medieval English literature. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 202 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2789. BOLL (Katharina). Alsô redete ein vrowe schoene: Untersuchungen zu Konstitution und Funktion der Frauenrede im Minnesang des 12. Jahrhunderts. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 594 p. (Würzburger Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie, 31).

2793. Caedmon's hymn and material culture in the world of Bede. Ed. by Allen J. FRANTZEN and John HINES. Morgantown. West Virginia U. P., 2007, V-265 p. (Medieval european studies, 10). 2794. CAILLY (Marie). Les fabliaux, la satire et son public: l'oralité dans la poésie satirique et profane en France, XIIeíXIVe siècles. Cahors, La Louve, 2007, 222 p. 2795. CARDELLE DE HARTMANN (Carmen). Lateinische Dialoge, 1200í1400: Literaturhistorische Studie und Repertorium. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, XXX-823 p. (Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, 37). 2796. CARRÉ (Antonia). Narrativa catalana medieval en vers: el Jaufré i l'Espill de Jaume Roig. Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2007, 171 p. 2797. CAZANAVE (Caroline). D'Esclarmonde à Croissant: "Huon de Bordeaux", l'épique médiéval et l'esprit de suite. Besançon, Presses universitaires de FrancheComté, 2007, 300 p. (Littéraires). 2798. CLASSEN (Albrecht). The power of a woman's voice in Medieval and early modern literatures: new approaches to German and European women writers and to violence against women in premodern times. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2007, VI-453 p. (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 1). 2799. COSTANTINI (Fabrizio). Le unità di scrittura nei canzonieri della lirica italiana delle origini. Roma, Nuova cultura, 2007, 243 p. (Esercizi di lettura, 6). 2800. CURSI (Marco.). Il Decameron: scritture, scriventi, lettori. Storia di un testo. Roma, Viella, 2007, 384 p. (Scritture e libri del medioevo, 5). 2801. Dante and the Church: literary and historical essays. Ed. by Paolo ACQUAVIVA and Jennifer PETRIE. Dublin, Four Courts Press for the University College Dublin Foundation for Italian Studies, 2007, 217 p. (ill., pl., facs.). (Publications of the Foundation for Italian Studies, University College Dublin). 2802. Dante and the human body: eight essays. Ed. by John C. BARNES and Jennifer PETRIE. Dublin, Four Courts Press for the University College Dublin Foundation for Italian Studies, 2007, 224 p. (Publications of the Foundation for Italian Studies, University College Dublin).

2790. BOWERS (John M.). Chaucer and Langland: the antagonistic tradition. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, XII-406 p.

2803. Dante on view: the reception of Dante in the visual and performing arts. Ed. by Antonella BRAIDA and Luia CALÈ. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XI-229 p. (ill.).

2791. BRINKER-VON DER HEYDE (Claudia). Die literarische Welt des Mittelalters. Darmstadt, WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 191 p. (ill.).

2804. DAVIDSON (Clifford). Festivals and Plays in Late Medieval Britain. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-203 p. (ill., facs.).

2792. BURLAND (Margaret Jewett). Strange words: retelling and reception in the medieval Roland textual tradition. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, X-332 p.

2805. DAVIS (Isabel). Writing Masculinity in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-222 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 62).

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION 2806. DOMINGUEZ (Véronique). La scène et la Croix. Le jeu de l'acteur dans les Passions dramatiques françaises (XIVeíXVIe siècles). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 326 p. (Texte, Codes & Contexte, 2). 2807. DRONKE (Peter). Forms and imaginings: from antiquity to the fifteenth century. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, 368 p. (Storia e letteratura. Raccolta di studi e testi, 243). 2808. Dulce melos: la poesia tardoantica e medievale. Atti del III Convegno internazionale di studi, Vienna, 15í18 novembre 2004. A cura di Victoria PANAGL. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, X-483 p. (Centro internazionale di studi sulla poesia greca e latina in età tardoantica e medievale. Quaderni, 3). 2809. Enea Silvio Piccolomini: Pius Secundus poeta laureatus Pontifex Maximus. Atti del convegno internazionale, 29 settembreí1 ottobre 2005, Roma, e altri studi. Ed. di Manlio SODI e Arianna ANTONIUTTI. Roma, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2007, XXIX-455 p. (ill., maps). 2810. Extraños en la casa: alteridad y representaciones ficcionales en la literatura española, siglos XIII a XVII. A c. de Gloria B. CHICOTE. Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2007, 174 p. (Colección Sociales). 2811. Façonner son personnage au moyen âge: actes du 31e colloque du CUER MA, 9, 10 et 11 mars 2006. Éd. par Chantal CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE. Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2007, 363 p. (Senefiance, 53).


2819. GIRARDI (Raffaele). Auctor in fabula: idee e pratiche del racconto inserito fra '300 e '500. Roma, Bulzoni, 2007, 344 p. (Strumenti di ricerca, 82-83). 2820. GÎRBEA (Catalina). La couronne ou l'auréole: Royauté terrestre et chevalerie celestielle dans la légende arthurienne (XIIeíXIIIe siècles). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, IV-603 p. (Culture et Société Médiévales, 13). 2821. GOERLITZ (Uta). Literarische Konstruktion (vor-)nationaler Identität seit dem Annolied: Analysen und Interpretationen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (11.í16. Jahrhundert). Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2007, XII-387 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 45). 2822. GÓMEZ REDONDO (Fernando). Historia de la prosa medieval castellana. Vol. 4. El reinado de Enrique IV: el final de la Edad Media. Madrid, Cátedra, 2007, 1031 p. (Crítica y estudios literarios). 2823. GUYNN (Noah D.). Allegory and Sexual Ethics in the High Middle Ages. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-218 p. (The New Middle Ages). 2824. HOROBIN (Simon). Chaucer's language. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-198 p. 2825. HOWIE (Cary). Claustrophilia: the erotics of enclosure in medieval literature. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-196 p. (The new Middle Ages)

2812. FIRPO (Giulio). Sul concetto di patria in Francesco Petrarca. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 778-803.

2826. KAY (Sarah). The place of thought: the complexity of one in late medieval french didactic poetry. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XI-236 p. (The Middle Ages Series).

2813. Formen und Funktionen von Redeszenen in der mittelhochdeutschen Grossepik. Hrsg. v. Nine Robijntje MIEDEMA und Franz HUNDSNURSCHER. Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 2007, VII-319 p. (Beiträge zur Dialogforschung, 36).

2827. KRETSCHMER (Marek Thue). Rewriting Roman history in the Middle Ages: the 'Historia Romana' and the Manuscript Bamberg, Hist. 3. Leiden, Brill, 2007, X-426 p. (Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, 36).

2814. FORMENTIN (Vittorio). Poesia italiana delle origini. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 335 p. (Storia linguistica italiana). 2815. Fremde (Das) Schöne: Dimensionen des Ästhetischen in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Manuel BRAUN und Christopher YOUNG. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2007, VI-367 p. (Trends in medieval philology, 12). 2816. French Arthurian literature. Vol. 4. Eleven Old French narrative lays. Ed. by Glyn Sheridan BURGESS, Leslie C. BROOK and Amanda HOPKINS. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2007, 529 p. (Arthurian archives, 14). 2817. Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury tales: a casebook. Ed. by Lee PATTERSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-241 p. (Casebooks in criticism). 2818. GIANCARLO (Matthew). Parliament and Literature in Late Medieval England. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-289 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 64).

2828. Lancelot: der mittelhochdeutsche Roman im europäischen Kontext. Hrsg. v. Klaus RIDDER und Christoph HUBER. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2007, VI-317 p. (ill.). 2829. Latinitas perennis. Vol. 1. The continuity of Latin literature. Ed. by Wim VERBAAL, Yanick MAES and Jan PAPY. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-220 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 144). 2830. LEACH (Elizabeth Eva). Sung Birds: Music, Nature, and Poetry in the Later Middle Ages. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2007, XV-345 p. (fig., tab., music). 2831. LEÃO (Angela Vaz). Cantigas de Santa Maria de Afonso X, o Sábio: aspectos culturais e literários. São Paulo, Veredas & Cenários, 2007, 176 p. (Obras em dobras). 2832. LINDEBOOM (Benjamin Willem). Venus' owne clerk: Chaucer's debt to the Confessio amantis. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2007, 477 p. (Costerus, 167). 2833. Literatura caballeresca (De la) al Quijote. A c. de Juan Manuel CACHO BLECUA, Ana Carmen BUENO



SERRANO, Patricia ESTEBAN ERLÉS y Karla Xiomara LUNA MARISCAL. Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2007, 420 p. (Humanidades, 61). 2834. LUCE-DUDEMAINE (Dominique). Flamenca et les novas à triangle amoureux: contestation et renouveau de la fin'amor. Montpellier, Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007, 168 p. (Collection Études occitanes, 1). 2835. MAC CORMACK (Frances). Chaucer and the culture of dissent: the Lollard context and subtext of the Parson's Tale. Dublin a. Portland, Four Courts Press, 2007, 252 p. 2836. MAIREY (Aude). Une Angleterre entre rêve et réalité: littérature et société dans l'Angleterre du XIVe siècle. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 476 p. (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale, 93). 2837. MANINCHEDDA (Paolo). Medioevo latino e volgare in Sardegna. Cagliari, Centro di studi filologici sardi, CUEC, 2007, 198 p. (Strumenti, 5). 2838. Medieval drama. Ed. by John C. COLDEWEY. London, Routledge, 2007, 4 vol., 1518 p. (Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies, 1).

2847. NECHUTOVÁ (Jana). Die lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters in Böhmen. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 371 p. (Bausteine zur slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe A, Slavistische Forschungen, 59). 2848. O'RIORDAN (Michelle). Irish Bardic Poetry and Rhetorical Reality. Cork, Cork U. P., 2007, XXVI-458 p. 2849. PADE (Marianne). The reception of Plutarch's Lives in fifteenth-century Italy. I vol. II vol. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2007, 2 vol., 391 p., 353 p. 2850. Parole e temi del romanzo medievale. A cura di Anatole Pierre FUKSAS. Roma, Viella, 2007, 301 p. (I libri di Viella, 70). 2851. PEARCY (Roy J.). Logic and humour in the fabliaux: an essay in applied narratology. Woodbridge a. Rochester, N.Y., Boydell and Brewer, 2007, VIII-251 p. (figures and table). (Gallica, 7). 2852. Petrarch and the textual origins of interpretation. Ed. by Teodolinda BAROLINI and H. Wayne STOREY. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, XI-267 p. (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 31).

2839. Medieval English comedy. Ed. by Sandra M. HORDIS and Paul HARDWICK. Turnhout, Belgium, Brepols, 2007, 230 p. (Profane arts of the Middle Ages).

2853. Pio II umanista europeo: atti del XVII Convegno internazionale, Chianciano-Pienza 18í21 luglio 2005. A cura di Luisa ROTONDI SECCHI TARUGI. Firenze, Franco Cesati, 2007, 882 p. (Quaderni della Rassegna, 49).

2840. Medieval translator (The) = Traduire au Moyen Âge. Ed. by Jacqueline JENKINS and Olivier BERTRAND. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXV-466 p. (Medieval translator, 10).

2854. Place, space, and landscape in medieval narrative. Ed. by Laura L. HOWES. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2007, XXIX-208 p. (Tennessee studies in literature, 43).

2841. MICHAàOWSKA (Teresa). ĝredniowieczna teoria literatury w Polsce: rekonesans [ = Medieval literary theory in Poland: reconnaissance]. Wrocáaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocáawskiego, 2007, 388 p. (Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Seria humanistyczna).

2855. Poésie et épistolographie dans l'Italie médiévale. Éd. par Anna FONTES-BARATTO. Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2007, 219 p. (Arzanà, 12).

2842. Middle English. Ed. by Paul STROHM. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-521 p. (Oxford twentyfirst century approaches to literature). 2843. MOCAN (Mira). La trasparenza e il riflesso: sull'alta fantasia in Dante e nel pensiero medievale. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2007, 217 p. (Testi e pretesti). 2844. Myth in Celtic literatures. Ed. by Joseph Falaky NAGY. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 166 p. (Celtic Studies Association of North America. Yearbook, 6). 2845. Myth in early Northwest Europe. Ed. by Stephen O. GLOSECKI. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies a. Turhout, Brepols, 2007, XLI-338 p. (Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 21. Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies. 320). 2846. Narrator (The), the expositor and the prompter in European medieval theatre. Ed. by Philip BUTTERWORTH and Lynette R. MUIR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIV-343 p. (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 17).

2856. Rêve (Le) médiéval. Éd. par Alain CORBELet Jean-Yves TILLIETTE. Genève, Droz, 2007, 258 p. (Recherches et rencontres, 25). LARI

2857. Roman (Le) de Tristan en prose. Version du manuscrit français 757 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, publié sous la direction de Philippe MÉNARD. T. V. De la rencontre entre Tristan, Palamède et le Chevalier à l'Écu Vermeil à la fin du roman. Édité par Christine FERLAMPIN-ACHER. Paris, Honoré Champion éditeur, 2007, 594 p. 2858. SEBASTIO (Leonardo). Il poeta tra chiesa ed impero: una storia del pensiero dantesco. Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 2007, 211 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum Romanicum, 1/337). 2859. SMITH (Gregg A.). The function of the living dead in medieval Norse and Celtic literature: death and desire. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, IX-151 p. 2860. SOLOPOVA (Elizabeth), LEE (Stuart D.). Key concepts in medieval literature. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-338 p. 2861. Sondaggi sul lessico della poesia medievale. A c. dell'Accademia della Crusca, Opera del vocabolario.

9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007, 181 p. (Bollettino dell'Opera del vocabolario italiano. Supplementi, 2).


CORTESI. Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, XVI-157 p. (Ritorno dei classici nell'Umanesimo. III, Edizione nazionale delle traduzioni dei testi greci in età umanistica e rinascimentale, 3. Strumenti, 1).

2862. Source of wisdom: old English and early medieval Latin studies in honour of Thomas D. Hill. Ed. by Charles Darwin WRIGHT, Frederick M. BIGGS and Thomas N. HALL. Toronto a. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XXIII-420 p. (Toronto Old English series, 16).

2873. Transmission and Transformation in the Middle Ages: Texts and Contexts. Ed. by Kathy CAWSEY and Jason HARRIS. Dublin a. Portland, Oreg., Four Courts Press, 2007, 212 p.

2863. Sources of Anglo-Saxon literary culture: the apocrypha. Ed. by Frederick M. BIGGS. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2007, XXI-117 p. (Instrumenta Anglistica Mediaevalia, 1).

2874. TREFFORT (Cécile). Mémoires carolingiennes. L'épitaphe, entre célébration mémorielle, genre littéraire et manifeste politique (milieu VIIIedébut XIe siècle). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 387 p.

2864. SPENCER (Alice). Dialogues of love and government: a study of the erotic dialogue form in some texts from the courtly love tradition. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2007, VIII-234 p. (ill.).

2875. TURNER (Marion). Chaucerian conflict: languages of antagonism in late fourteenth-century London. Oxford, Clarendon Press a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-213 p. (Oxford English Monographs).

2865. STEINBERG (Justin). Accounting for Dante: urban readers and writers in late medieval Italy. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, XIII-234 p. (ill., fig.). (The William and Katherine Devers series in Dante studies). 2866. STÖRMER-CAYSA (Uta). Grundstrukturen mittelalterlicher Erzählungen: Raum und Zeit im höfischen Roman. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, VII-287 p. (De Gruyter Studienbuch). 2867. Text and transmission in medieval Europe. Ed. by Chris BISHOP. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2007, VI-228 p. 2868. Text und Kontext. Fallstudien und theoretische Begründungen einer kulturwissenschaftlich angeleiteten Mediävistik. Hrsg. von Jan-Dirk MÜLLER unter Mitarbeit von Elisabeth MÜLLER-LÜCKNER. München, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007, XII-272 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kolleges. Kolloquien, 64).

2876. VAN LEEUWEN (Richard). The thousand and one nights: space, travel and transformation. London, Routledge, 2007, 161 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern literatures, 15). 2877. Women and medieval epic: gender, genre, and the limits of epic masculinity. Ed. by Sara S. POOR and Jana K. SCHULMAN. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-299 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2878. Wort unde wîse, singen unde sagen: Festschrift für Ulrich Müller zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Ingrid BENNEWITZ. Ingrid. Göppingen, Kümmerle, 2007, 428 p. (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 741). 2879. ZIOLKOWSKI (Jan M.). Fairy tales from before fairy tales: the medieval Latin past of wonderful lies. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, XII500 p. Cf. nos 728, 2340-2356 c. Technology

2869. Text, image, interpretation: studies in anglosaxon literature and its insular context in honour of Éamonn Ó Carragáin. Ed. by Alastair MINNIS and Jane ROBERTS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXIV-574 p. (fig., ill., pl.). (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 18).

* 2880. COATSWORTH (Elizabeth), OWEN-CROCKER (Gale R.). Medieval textiles of the British Isles AD 450í1100: an annotated bibliography. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, XI-201 p. (BAR British series, 445).

2870. Theatron: rhetorische Kultur in Spätantike und Mittelalter = Rhetorical culture in late antiquity and the Middle Ages. Hrsg. v. Michael GRÜNBART. Berlin a. New York, Walter De Gruyter, 2007, XIII-516 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. = Millennium studies in the culture and history of the first millennium C.E., 13).


2871. Three historical poems ascribed to Gilla Cóemáin: a critical edition of the work of an eleventhcentury Irish scholar. Ed. by Peter J. SMITH. Münster, Nodus Publikationen, 2007, 288 p. (Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, 8). 2872. Tradurre dal greco in età umanistica: metodi e strumenti. Atti del Seminario di studio, Firenze, Certosa del Galuzzo, 9 settembre 2005. A cura di Mariarosa

** 2881. Alphita. Ed. por Alejandro GARCÍA GONFirenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, XII-604 p. (Edizione nazionale La scuola medica salernitana, 2). _______________________

2882. BOWERS (Barbara S.). The Medieval hospital and medical practice. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV258 p. 2883. CALONACI (Stefano), CONTESSA (Maria Pia). Maestro Giorgio di Baliano Flatri (1440 ca.–1497) medico cipriota e cittadino fiorentino. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 613, p. 487-542. 2884. CALVET (Antoine). La tradition alchimique latine (XIIIeíXVe siècle) et le corpus alchimique du pseudo-Arnaud de Villeneuve. Médiévales, 2007, 52, p. 39-54.



2885. Circulation (The) of astronomical practices in late Medieval Europe. Journal for the history of astronomy, 2007, 38/3, p. 1-126.

di storia patria per l'umbria, 2007, CXIII-171 p. (Fonti per la storia dello Studium Perusinum, 1).

2886. DE VRIES (Kelly Robert), SMITH (Robert Douglas). Medieval weapons: an illustrated history of their impact. Santa Barbara a. Oxford, ABC-CLIO, 2007, XI-333 p. (Weapons and warfare series).

2897. BLACK (Robert). Education and society in Florentine Tuscany: teachers, pupils and schools, c. 1250–1500.Vol. 1. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXIX838 p. (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 29).

2887. ÉPAUD (Frédéric). De la charpente romane à la charpente gothique en Normandie. Évolution des techniques et des structures de charpenterie aux XIIe– XIIIe siècles. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2007, 613 p. (ill.). 2888. Gesund und krank im Mittelalter: Marburger Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Medizin. 3. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe "Marburger Mittelalter-Zentrum (MMZ)", Marburg, 25. und 26. März 2005. Hrsg. v. Andreas MEYER und Jürgen SCHULZ-GROBERT. Leipzig, Eudora-Verlag, 2007, 373 p. (ill.). 2889. Medieval clothing and textiles. Vol. 3. Ed. by Robin NETHERTON and Gale R. OWEN-CROCKER. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2007, 221 p. (ill.). 2890. Medieval Hospital (The) and Medical Practice. Ed. by Barbara S. BOWERS. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-258 p. (ill., tab.). (AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art, 3). 2891. NICOUD (Marilyn). Les régimes de santé au Moyen Âge. Naissance et diffusion d'une écriture médicale (XIIIe–XVe siècle). Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, 2 vol., 1112 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athène et de Rome, fasc. 333). 2892. ØEBY-NIELSEN (Gunhild). Runesten og deras fundforhold, magt og mentalitet, kontinuitet og brud i tiden for religions og kulturskiftet ca 950–1200. (Les pierres runiques et leur découverte, pouvoir et mentalités, continuité et rupture à l'époque du changement religieux et culturel ca 950–1200). Højberg, Afdelning for Middelalder- og Renæssancearkeologi, 2007, 241 p. (ill.). (Nyhedsbrevets ph.-d.-afhandlinger og specialer/ny række, 17). 2893. Scuola (La) Medica Salernitana: gli autori e i testi. Convegno internazionale Università degli Studi di Salerno, 3í5 novembre 2004. A cura di Danielle JACQUART et Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI. Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, XIV-588 p. (Edizione Nazionale "La Scuola Medica Salernitana", 1). 2894. Technology in transition: A.D. 300í650. Ed. by Luke LAVAN, Enrico ZANINI and Alexander Constantine SARANTIS. Boston, Brill, 2007, LX-572 p. (Late antique archaeology, 4). 2895. Waterways and canal-building in Medieval England. Ed. by John BLAIR. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIII-315 p. (Medieval history and archaeology). d. Education ** 2896. BELLINI (Erika). L'università a Perugia negli statuti cittadini, secoli XIIíXVI. Perugia, Deputazione


2898. DENLEY (Peter). Teachers and schools in Siena, 1357–1500. Siena, Betti, 2007, V-162 p. (Documenti di Storia, 78). 2899. Form and content of instruction in AngloSaxon England in the light of contemporary manuscript evidence. Papers presented at the international conference, Udine, 6í8 april 2006. Ed. by P. LENDINARA, L. LAZZARI, M. A. D'ARONCO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIII-546 p. (Textes et études du Moyen Âge, 39). 2900. Foundations of learning. The transfer of encyclopaedic knowledge in the early middle ages. Ed. by R. H. BREMMER Jr. and K. DEKKER. Leuven, Peeters, 2007, XII-393 p. (Mediaevalia Groningana New Series, 9). 2901. HUGO (Wayne). Ladders of beauty: hierarchical pedagogy from Plato to Dante. Bern a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 251 p. (European university studies. Series XI. Education, 943). 2902. IWAMURA (Seita). Yǀroppa chnjsei no jiynj-gakugei to kyǀiku. (Liberal arts and education in medieval Europe). Tokyo, Chisen Shokan, 2007, 477 p. 2903. Learning and understanding in the old Norse world: essays in honour of Margaret Clunies Ross. Ed. by Judy QUINN, Kate HESLOP andTarrin WILLS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIV-456 p. (fig., tab.). (Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 18). 2904. SCHRÖDER (Bianca-Jeanette). Bildung und Briefe im 6. Jahrhundert: Studien zum Mailänder Diakon Magnus Felix Ennodius. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-399 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. = Millennium studies in the culture and history of the first millennium C.E., 15). 2905. ŠMAHEL (František). Die Prager Universität im Mittelalter. Gesammelte Aufsätze / The Charles University in the middle ages: selected studies. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-635 p. (fig., tab.). (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 28). 2906. Topik und Tradition: Prozesse der Neuordnung von Wissensüberlieferungen des 13. bis 17. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Thomas FRANK, Ursula KOCHER und Ulrke TARNOW. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2007, 344 p. (Berliner Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung, 1). 2907. Travail (Le) intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: textes et maîtres (ca. 1200í1500). Éd. par Monica CALMA. Vol. 7. Répertoire des noms commençant par P. Éd. par Olga WEIJERS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 250 p. (Studia artistarum, 15).

10. HISTORY OF ART 2908. Universitas: die mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Universität im Schnittpunkt wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Georg Wieland zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Olivier AUGE und Cora DIETL. Tübingen, Francke, 2007, 272 p. (ill.). 2909. Universités et la ville au Moyen âge: cohabitation et tension. Éd. par Patrick GILLI, Jacques VERGER et Daniel LE BLÉVEC. Leiden, Brill, 2007, 371 p. (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 30). § 10. History of art. ** 2910. TOSATTI (Bianca Silvia). Trattati medievali di tecniche artistiche. Milano, Jaca book, 2007, X-191 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 778. Storia dell'arte, 33). _______________________

2911. ALMUNI BALADA (Maria Victòria). La catedral de Tortosa als segles del gòtic. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2007, 2 vol., 914 LXXIX p. (Collecció Estudis, 37-38). 2912. Arredi liturgici e architettura. A cura di Arturo Carlo QUINTAVALLE e Andrea DE MARCHI. Milano, Electa, 2007, 151 p. (ill.). 2913. Aussen und Innen: Räume und ihre Symbolik im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Nikolaus STAUBACH und Vera JOHANTERWAGE. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2007, 395 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Tradition, Reform, Innovation, 14). 2914. BACHER (Ernst). Die mittelalterlichen Glasgemälde in Salzburg, Tirol und Vorarlberg. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, LXXIV-553 p. (Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi, 4. Österreich). 2915. Bild (Das) der Erscheinung: die Gregorsmesse im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Andreas GORMANS und Thomas LENTES. Berlin, Reimer, 2007, 452 p. (ill.). (KultBild, 3). 2916. Bilder der Macht in Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Byzanz – Okzident – Russland. Hrsg. v. Otto Gerhard OEXLE und Michail A. BOJCOV. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 674 p. (ill., maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 226). 2917. CASSIDY (Brendan). Politics, civic ideals and sculpture in Italy, c. 1240í1400. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 314 p. (fig.). 2918. DE DIVITIIS (Bianca). Architettura e committenza nella Napoli del Quattrocento. Venezia, Marsilio e IUAV, 2007, 220 p. (ill.). 2919. Escultura decorativa tardorromana y altomedieval en la Península Ibérica. Ed. por Luis CABALLERO ZOREDA y Pedro MATEOS CRUZ. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 422 p. (Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, 41). 2920. FLOR (Ingrid). Glaube und Macht: die mittelalterliche Bildsymbolik der trinitarischen Marienkrönung. Graz, Selbstverlag des Instituts für Geschichte der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2007, VI-430 p. (pl., ill.). (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geschichte, 16).


2921. Grandes (Los) monasterios benedictinos hispanos de época románica (1050í1200). Ed. por José Angel GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE y Ramón TEJA. Aguilar de Campóo, Fundación Santa María la Real, Centro de Estudios del Románico, 2007, 241 p. 2922. HODNE (Lasse). Sponsum amat sponsam. L'unione mistica delle sante vergini con dio nell'arte del Medioevo: uno studio iconologico. Roma, Bardi, 2007, 210 p. (pl., ill.). (Palindromos, 1). 2923. Iconografia e liturgia nella miniatura occidentale: atti delle Giornate di studio sulla Storia della miniatura, Firenze, 24í26 novembre 2005. A cura di Melania CECCANTI e Anna DE FLORIANI. Firenze, Centro Di, 2007, 319 p. (ill.). 2924. Interactions: artistic interchange between the Eastern and Western worlds in the medieval period. Ed. by Colum HOURIHANE. Princeton, Index of Christian Art, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University in association with Penn State U. P., 2007, XIV300 p. (Index of Christian Art occasional papers, 9). 2925. JAMES (John). In search of the unknown in medieval architecture. London, Pindar Press, 2007, II588 p. (ill., maps). 2926. KESSLER (Herbert L.). Neither God nor man: words, images, and the medieval anxiety about art. Freiburg im Breisgau, Rombach Verlag, 2007, 143 p. (Rombach Wissenschaft. Reihe Quellen zur Kunst, 29). 2927. KHAN (Sarah). Diversa diversis: mittelalterliche Standespredigten und ihre Visualisierung. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, IX-490 p. (Pictura et poesis, 20). 2928. KRÜGER (Ingrid). Arnolfo di Cambio als Architekt und die Stadtbaukunst von Florenz um 1300. Worms, Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007, 245 p. (ill.). 2929. Late antique and Medieval art of the Mediterranean world. Ed. by Eva Rose F. HOFFMAN. Malden, Blackwell, 2007, XVII-426 p. (ill., maps). (Blackwell anthologies in art history, 5). 2930. Material (The) and the ideal: essays in medieval art and archaeology in honour of Jean-Michel Spieser. Ed. by Antony CUTLER and Arietta PAPACONSTANTINOU. Leiden, Brill, 2007, VI-240 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Medieval Mediterranean, 70). 2931. Medieval Cathedral (The) of Trondheim: architectural and ritual constructions in their european context. Ed. by Margrete Syrstad ANDÅS, Øystein EKROLL, Andreas HAUG and Nils Holger PETERSEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIII-375 p. (pl, tab.). (Ritus et Artes, Traditions and Transformations, 3). 2932. Medioevo mediterraneo: l'Occidente, Bisanzio e l'Islam. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 21í25 settembre 2004. A cura di Arturo Carlo QUINTAVALLE. Milano, Electa, 2007, 705 p. (ill., maps). (I convegni di Parma, 7). 2933. MOFFITT (John F.). The enthroned corpse of Charlemagne: the lord-in-majesty theme in early me-



dieval art and life. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & C., 2007, XI-227 p. (fig.).

lennio medievale, 72. Testi, 18. Corpus dei ritmi latini [secoli IVíIX], 3).

2934. MOREL (Barbara), PRESSOUYRE (Léon). Une iconographie de la répression judiciaire: le châtiment dans l'enluminure en France du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Paris, Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2007, 441 p. (Archéologie et histoire de l'art, 27).

** 2945. Dialogus (Il) de musica. A cura di Lucia Ludovica DE NARDO. Udine, Forum, 2007, 178 p. (music).

2935. Out of the stream: studies in Medieval and Renaissance mural painting. Ed. by Luís Urbano AFONSO and Vítor SERRÃO. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, IX-415 p. (ill., map). (Walter Neurath memorial lectures, 8). 2936. PACE (Valentino). Arte medievale in Italia meridionale. Vol. 1. Campania. Napoli, Liguori, 2007, XIII-298 p. (Nuovo Medioevo, 70). 2937. PRINGLE (Denys). The churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Vol. 3. The city of Jerusalem. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XXV-506 p. (ill., maps). 2938. Roma e la riforma gregoriana: tradizioni e innovazioni artistiche, XIíXII secolo. A cura di Serena ROMANO e Julie ENCKELL. Roma, Viella, 2007, 436 p. (ill., pl., facs.). (Etudes lausannoises d'histoire de l'art, 5. / I libri di Viella. Arte). 2939. Spanish Medieval art: recent studies. Ed. by Colum HOURIHANE. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies a. Princeton, Princeton University, Index of Christian Art, 2007, XXV-244 p. (ill., plans). (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 346). 2940. Stucs et décors de la fin de l'antiquité au moyen âge (VeíXIIe siècle). Actes du colloque international tenu à Poitiers du 16 au 19 septembre 2004. Éd. par Christian SAPIN et Claudine ALLAG. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 348 p. (ill., pl.). (Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité tardive, 10). 2941. Time in the Medieval World: Occupations of the Months and Signs of the Zodiac in the Index of Christian Art. Ed. by Colum HOURIHANE. Princeton, Index of Christian Art, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, in association with Penn State U. P., 2007, LXVIII-346 p. (Index of Christian Art Resources, 3). 2942. Year (The) 1300 and the Creation of a New European Architecture. Ed. by Alexandra GAJEWSKI and Zoë OPAýIû. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 235 p. (fig., ill.). (Architectura Medii Aevi, 1). § 11. History of music. ** 2943. Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu. Éd. par David FALLOWS. Valencia, Vicent García Editores, 2007, 136 p., 1 sound disc (facs., music). ** 2944. Corpus rhythmorum musicum saec. IVíIX. Vol. 1. Lyrics Songs in non-liturgical sources. Ed. di Francesco STELLA. Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, CLXXXIV-446 p., 1 CD-ROM. (Mil-

** 2946. Hispania Vetus: musical-liturgical manuscripts from Visigothic origins to the Franco-Roman transition (9thí12th centuries). Ed. by Susana ZAPKE and Anscario M. MUNDÓ. Bilbao, Fundación BBVA, 2007, 480 p. (mp., facs.). ** 2947. Winchester (The)troper. Ed. by Susan RANKIN. London, Published for the British Academy by Stainer and Bell, 2007, XII-104 p. (Early English church music, 50). _______________________

2948. Ars musica, musica sacra. Hrsg. v. David HILEY. Tutzing, Hans Schneider, 2007, 126 p. (ill., music, facs.). (Regensburger Studien zur Musikgeschichte, 4). 2949. CLOUZOT (Martine). Images de musiciens (1350í1500): typologie, figurations et pratiques sociales. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 353 p. (Épitome musical). 2950. FLOTZINGER (Rudolf). Von Leonin zu Perotin: der musikalische Paradigmenwechsel in Paris um 1210. Bern, Peter Lang, 2007, 504 p. (fig., facs., tab., music). (Varia Musicologica, 8). 2951. GROSS (Guillaume). Chanter en polyphonie à Notre-Dame de Paris aux 12e et 13e siècles. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 349 p. (Studia artistarum, 14). 2952. Kontinuität und Transformation in der italienischen Vokalmusik zwischen Due- und Quattrocento. Hrsg. v. Sandra DIECKMANN, Elfriede BARANOWSKI und Janine DROESE. Hildesheim u. New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 2007, VIII-305 p. (Musica mensurabilis, 3). 2953. Music in Medieval Europe: Studies in Honour of Bryan Gillingham. Ed. by Terence BAILEY and Alma SANTOSUOSSO. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XVII-438 p. (fig., tab., music). 2954. Musica mediaevalis: Liturgie und Musik. Europäisches Symposium zur Kunst und Kultur der Zisterzienser. Hsrg. v. Andreas BEHRENDT, Jens RÜFFER und Peter-Michael SEIFRIED. Berlin, Lukas, 2007, 101 p. (Studien zur Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur der Zisterzienser, 23). 2955. Notazioni (Le) della polifonia vocale dei secoli IXíXVII. Vol. 1. Antologia, sec. IXíXIV. A cura di Maria CARACI VELA, Daniele SABAINO e Stefano ARESI. Pisa, ETS, 2007, XV-373 p. (facs., music). 2956. Place (La) de la musique dans la culture médiévale. Colloque organisé à la Fondation SingerPolignac, le mercredi 25 octobre 2006. Éd. par Olivier CULLIN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 151 p. (tab., music). (Rencontres Médiévales Européennes, 7). 2957. ROFFEY (Simon). The Medieval chantry chapel. An archaeology. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 189 p.

12. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE 2958. Studies in medieval chant and liturgy in honour of David Hiley. Ed. by Terence BAILEY, László DOBSZAY, Roman HANKELN. Budapest, Institute for Musicology a. Ottawa, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2007, V-519 p. (ill., music). (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 87). 2959. TREITLER (Leo). With voice and pen: coming to know medieval song and how it was made. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXX-506 p. (ill.), 1 Audio CD. 2960. VAN BETTERAY (Dirk). Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena: Liqueszenzen als Schlüssel zur Textinterpretation, eine semiologische Untersuchung an Sankt Galler Quellen. Hildesheim u. New York, Olms, 2007, XXXIV-285 p. 2961. VEGA GARCÍA-FERRER (María Julieta). Los cantorales de Canto llano en la Catedral de Málaga. Granada, Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía, 2007, 514 p. 1 audio CD (ill., music, facs.). 2962. Wiener Quellen der älteren Musikgeschichte zum Sprechen gebracht: eine Ringvorlesung. Hrsg. v. Birgit LODES. Tutzing, Schneider, 2007, 400 p. (pl., ill., music). (Wiener Forum für ältere Musikgeschichte, 1). 2963. ZIOLKOWSKI (Jan M.). Nota bene: reading classics and writing melodies in the early middle ages. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XV-362 p. (Publications of the Journal od Medieval Latin, 7). § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. ** 2964. AL-KHWƖRIZMƮ. Le commencement de l'algèbre. Éd. par R. RASHED. Paris, Librairie scientifique et technique Albert Blanchard, 2007, VIII-386 p. (Collection Sciences dans l'Histoire). ** 2965. ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE. Andreae de Sancto Victore opera. Vol. 8. Expositionem super duodecim prophetas. Ed. Franciscus A. VAN LIERE et Marcus A. ZIER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, LXI-391 p. (Corpus christianorum, Continuatio medievalis, 53-G.). ** 2966. AVERROES. Commentarium magnum in Aristotelis physicorum librum septimum (Vindobonensis, lat. 2334). Hrsg. v. Horst SCHMIEJA. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, XXXII-292 p. (Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 115. Averrois opera. Series B, Averroes Latinus). ** 2967. BARTHOLOMAEUS (Anglicus). De proprietatibus rerum. Vol. 6. Liber XVII. Ed. Iolanda VENTURA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XLIX-262 p. (De Diversis Artibus, 79).


Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions de l'Institut supérieure de philosophie et Peeters, 2007, 533 p. (Philosophes médiévaux, 47). ** 2970. Congregatio (La) clericorum Perusinae Ecclesiae: edizione e studio del codice 39.20 della Biblioteca Capitualar di Toledo. A cura di Andrea MAIARELLI e Pietro MESSA. Roma, Herder, 2007, XXXIII-351 p. (Italia sacra, 81). ** 2971. DOMINICUS GUNDISSALINUS. De divisione philosophiae = Über die Einteilung der Philosophie. Hrsg. v. Alexander FIDORA und Dorothée WERNER. Freiburg, Herder, 2007, 287 p. (Herders Bibliothek der Philosophie des Mittelalters, 11). ** 2972. DUNS SCOTUS (John). Opera omnia. T. 10. Ordinatio III. Dist. 26-40. Ed. José RODRÍGUEZ CARBALLO. Civitas Vaticana, Typis Vaticanis, 2007, XVI418 p. ** 2973. GUILLELMUS (a Sancto Theodorico). Opuscula adversus Petrum Abaelardum et de fide. Ed. Paul VERDEYEN, SJ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 217 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 89A; Guillelmi a Sancto Theodoro Opera Omnia, 5). ** 2974. HENRICUS DE GANDAVO. Henrici de Gandavo opera omnia. T. 20. Quodlibet XV. Ed. Girard ETZKORN et G. A. WILSON. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2007, XLIX-200 p. (Ancient and medieval philosophy. De Wulf-Mansion Centre. Series 2). ** 2975. HLENCH (Kathrin). Johannes von Gmunden deutsch: der Wiener Codex 3055. Deutsche Texte des Corpus astronomicum aus dem Umkreis von Johannes von Gmunden. Wien, Fassbaender, 2007, 569 p. (Studia medievalia Septentrionalia, 13). ** 2976. IOHANNES SCOTTUS seu ERIUGENA. Periphyseon. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, VI-125 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 161-165. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinata rum, 173). ** 2977. LULLUS (Raimundus). Opera Latina. T. 27. Ars demonstrativa. Ed. Josep Enric RUBIO ALBARRACÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, LXIV-348 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 213; Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina, 32). ** 2978. ORESME (Nicole). Nicole Oresme's De visione stellarum (On seeing the stars): a critical edition of Oresme's treatise on optics and atmospheric refraction, with an introduction, commentary, and English translation. Ed. by Dan BURTON. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-319 p. (Medieval and early modern science, 7).

** 2968. BARTHOLOMAEUS (Anglicus). De proprietatibus rerum.Vol. 1. Prohemium. Libri I-IV. Ed. Baudouin VAN DEN ABEELE, Heinz MEYER, Michael W. TWOMEY, Bernd ROLING et R. James LONG. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, X-242 p. (De Diversis Artibus, 78).

** 2979. Thesaurus Guerrici Igniacensis. Series A-B Formae et Lemmata. Ed. Paul TOMBEUR et Hubert MARAITE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIX-242 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus patrum Latinorum).

** 2969. BOETHIUS. Opuscula sacra. Vol. 1. Capita dogmatica: traités II, III, IV. Éd. par Alain GALONNIER.

2980. ALTENBURG (Tilo). Soziale Ordnungsvorstellungen bei Hildegard von Bingen. Stuttgart, A. Hierse-




mann, 2007, XII-418 p. (Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 54). 2981. Aquinas the Augustinian. [Proceedings of an international conference held at Ave Maria University in February 2005]. A cura di Michael DAUPHINAIS, Barry DAVID and Matthew Webb LEVERING. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, XXIV-291 p. 2982. BELL (Thomas J.). Peter Abelard after marriage: the spiritual direction of Heloise and her nuns through liturgical song. Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications a. Western Michigan University, 2007, XXXVII346 p. (ill.). (Cistercian studies, 211).

Boston, Brill, 2007, X-219 p. (Commentaria. Sacred Texts and Their Commentaries: Jewish, Christian and Islamic, 1). 2993. COMI (Armando). Verità e Anticristo: l'eresia di Jan Hus. Bologna, Pendragon, 2007, 159 p. 2994. DUGGAN (Anne). Thomas Becket: friends, networks, texts, and cult. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, p. 370 (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 877). 2995. DUTILH NOVAES (Catarina). Formalizing medieval logical theories: suppositio, consequentiae and obligationes. Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, XII-314 p. (Logic, epistemology and the unity of science, 7).

2983. BELO (Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura). Chance and determinism in Avicenna and Averroes. Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-252 p. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and studies, 69).

2996. EASTWOOD (Bruce S.). Ordering the heavens: roman astronomy and cosmology in the carolingian renaissance. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXIII-452 p. (History of Science and Medicine Library, 4; Medieval and Early Modern Science, 8).

2984. BERMON (Pascale). L'assentiment et son objet chez Grégoire de Rimini. Paris, Vrin, 2007, 428 p. (Etudes de philosophie médiévale, 93).

2997. EISENKOPF (Anke). Zahl und Erkenntnis bei Nikolaus von Kues. Regensburg, Roderer, 2007, 222 p. (Philosophie interdisziplinär, 24).

2985. BLAŽEK (Pavel). Die mittelalterliche Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie der Ehe: Von Robert Grosseteste bis Bartholomäus von Brügge (1246/1247í 1309). Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, XIII-440 p. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions: History, Culture, Religion, Ideas, 117).

2998. ELLARD (Peter). The sacred cosmos: theological, philosophical, and scientific conversations in the early twelfth century school of Chartres. Scranton a. London, University of Scranton Press, 2007, XXVII272 p.

2986. Boezio e Gregorio Magno tra antichità e Medioevo: atti del primo simposio internazionale di Rapallo, Rapallo (Genova), 31 marzoí2 aprile 2005. A cura di Miran ŠPELIý, Pasquale LIMONCINI, Alessandro GISALBERTI. Ljubljana, Brat Franþišek e Rapallo, Studium Rapallense, 2007, 231 p. (ill.). 2987. BONNER (Anthony). The art and logic of Ramon Llull: a user's guide. Boston, Brill, 2007, XX333 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 95). 2988. BOUREAU (Alain). L'empire du livre: pour une histoire du savoir scolastique, 1200í1380. Paris, Belles lettres, 2007, 358 p. (Raison scolastique, 2 Histoire, 85). 2989. BÜCHNER (Christine). Die Transformation des Einheitsdenkens Meister Eckharts bei Heinrich Seuse und Johannes Tauler. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2007, 128 p. (Meister-Eckhart-Jahrbuch. Beihefte. Heft 1). 2990. CESALLI (Laurent). Le réalisme propositionnel: sémantique et ontologie des propositions chez Jean Duns Scot, Gauthier Burley, Richard Brinkley et Jean Wyclif. Paris, Vrin, 2007, 476 p. (Sic et non).

2999. Erfahrung und Beweis: die Wissenschaften von der Natur im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert = Experience and demonstration: the sciences of nature in the 13th and 14th centuries. Hrsg. v. Alexander FIDORA, Matthias LUTZ-BACHMANN, Dorothée WERNER, Pia ANTOLIC und Peter HOFFMANN. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, VIII-302 p. (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 14). 3000. FAES DE MOTTONI (Barbara). Figure e motivi della contemplazione nelle teologie medievali. Florence, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 181 p. (Micrologus' Library, 18). 3001. FIOCCHI (Claudio). Dispotismo e libertà nel pensiero politico medievale: riflessioni all'ombra di Aristotele (sec. XIIIíXIV). Bergamo, Lubrina, 2007, 190 p. (Quodlibet, 15). 3002. Forming the mind: essays on the internal senses and the mind/body problem from Avicenna to the medical enlightenment. Ed. by Henrik LAGERLUND. Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, IX-345 p. (Studies in the history of philosophy of mind, 5). 3003. GREGORY (Tullio). Speculum naturale: percorsi del pensiero medievale. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, 251 p. (Storia e letteratura, 235).

2991. Chnjsei to kinsei no aida: 14-seiki ni okeru Sukora-gaku to shinpi-sisǀ. (Between Medieval and Early Modern periods: Scholasticism and mysticism in the 14th century). Ed. Jouchidaigaku Chuseisiso kenkyujo. Tokyo, Chisen Shokan, 2007, 574 p.

3004. GRUDZEN (Gerald J.). Medical theory about the body and the soul in the Middle Ages: the first Western medical curriculum at Monte Cassino. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, III-260 p.

2992. COLLINS (Ann). Teacher in faith and virtue: Lanfranc of Bec's commentary on Saint Paul. Leiden a.

3005. HALL (Alexander W). Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus: natural theology in the High Middle

12. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE Ages. London, Continuum, 2007, XVI-170 p. (Continuum studies in philosophy). 3006. HENDERSON (John). The Medieval world of Isidore of Seville: truth from words. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-232 p. (fig.). 3007. HIBBS (Thomas S.). Aquinas, ethics, and philosophy of religion: metaphysics and practice. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XVI-236 p. (Indiana series in the philosophy of religion). 3008. JENKINS (John I.). Knowledge nd faith in Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-267 p. 3009. JUSTE (David). Les "Alchandreana" primitifs: étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d'origine arabe (Xe siècle). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-727 p. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 152; Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History, 2). 3010. KRÜGER (Elmar). Der Traktat "De ecclesiastica potestate" des Aegidius Romanus: eine spätmittelalterliche Herrschaftskonzeption des päpstlichen Universalismus. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XX-488 p. (Forschungen zur kirchlichen Rechtsgeschichte und zum Kirchenrecht, 30). 3011. LUCENTINI (Paolo). Platonismo, ermetismo, eresia nel medioevo. Louvain-la-Neuve, Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2007, XV-519 p. (Textes et études du moyen Âge / Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 41). 3012. MADIGAN (Kevin). The passions of Christ in high-medieval thought: an essay on christological development. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 145 p. (Oxford studies in historical theology). 3013. Maimónides y el pensamiento medieval: VIII Centenario de la muerte de Maimónides. Actas del IV Congreso Nacional de Filosofía Medieval, Córdoba, 9, 10 y 11 de diciembre de 2004. Ed. por José Luis CANTÓN ALONSO. Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007, XII-463 p. 3014. MARENBON (John). Medieval philosophy: an historical and philosophical introduction. London, Routledge, 2007, XIV-449 p. 3015. MARMURSZTEJN (Elsa). L'autorité des maîtres: scolastique, normes et société au XIIIe siècle. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2007, 431 p. (Histoire, 81).


Paul J. J. M. BAKKER and Johannes M. M. H. THIJSSEN. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, VII-259 p. (Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy). 3019. MITALAITÉ (Kristina). Philosophie et théologie de l'image dans les Libri Carolini. Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2007, 542 p. (Collection des études augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et temps modernes, 43). 3020. Mittelalterliches Denken: Debatten, Ideen und Gestalten im Kontext. Hrsg. v. Christian SCHÄFER und Martin THURNER. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, IX-221 p. 3021. New Directions in Boethian Studies. Ed. by Noel Harold Jr. KAYLOR and Philip Edward PHILLIPS. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2007, XIX-293 p. (Studies in Medieval Culture, 45). 3022. Nikolaus von Kues in der Geschichte des Platonismus. Hrsg. v. Klaus REINHARDT und Harald SCHWAETZER. Regensburg, Roderer-Verlag, 2007, 166 p. (Philosophie interdisziplinär, 19). 3023. Pietro Lombardo: atti del XLIII Convegno storico internazionale, 8í10 ottobre 2006. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, X-478 p. (Atti dei convegni del Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo-Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, 20). 3024. Politischer Aristotelismus und Religion in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Alexander FIDORA. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 197 p. (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 23). 3025. Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages, 1200í 1500. Ed. by István Pieter BEJCZY and Cary J. NEDERMAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XI-316 p. (Disputatio, 9). 3026. RIEDENAUER (Markus). Pluralität und Rationalität: die Herausforderung der Vernunft durch religiöse und kulturelle Vielfalt nach Nikolaus Cusanus. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 562 p. (Theologie und Frieden, 32). 3027. ROSEMANN (Philipp W.) The story of a great medieval book: Peter Lombard's Sentences. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 2007, 248 p. (Rethinking the Middle Ages, 2).

3016. Mechanics and cosmology in the medieval and early modern period. Ed. by Massimo BUCCIANTINI, Michele CAMEROTA and Sophie ROUX. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2007, XV-210 p. (Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi, 64).

3028. SÈRE (Bénédicte). Liberté et lien social chez Buridan dans son commentaire sur l'Éthique (VIIIíX). Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales, 2007, 74, p. 119-168. í IDEM. Penser l'amitié au moyen âge: étude historique des commentaires sur les livres VIII et IX de l'"Éthique à Nicomaque" (XIIIeíXVe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 485 p. (Bibliothèque d'Histoire Culturelle du Moyen Âge, 4).

3017. MEIRINHOS (José Francisco). Estudos de filosofia medieval: autores e temas portugueses. Porto Alegre, Brazil, EST Ediçǀes and EDIPUCRS, 2007, 270 p. (fig., pl., map).

3029. SHOGIMEN (Takashi). Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-301 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 69).

3018. Mind, cognition and representation: The tradition of commentaries on Aristotle's "De anima". Ed. by

3030. Soluzione (Una) originale della questione degli universali nel XII secolo: Gualtiero di Mortagne, Sullo



stato di genere e di specie delle cose universali. Testo, traduzione e note. A cura di Francesco ROMANO. Roma, Aracne, 2007, 156 p. 3031. STABILE (Giorgio). Dante e la filosofia della natura: percezioni, linguaggi, cosmologie. Florence, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 416 p. (Micrologus' Library, 20). 3032. SYROS (Vasileios). Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua: Eine Untersuchung zur ersten Diktion des Defensor pacis. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, X-364 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 134). 3033. Theological quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: the fourteenth century. Ed. by Christopher David SCHABEL. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-791 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 7). 3034. WATKINS (C. S.). History and the supernatural in Medieval England. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-271 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 4th series, 66). 3035. What is "theology" in the Middle Ages? Religious cultures of europe (11thí15th centuries) as reflected in their self-understanding. Ed. by Mikolaj OLSZEWSKI. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, XII-733 p. (Archa Verbi: Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, Subsidia, 1). 3036. WINSTEAD (Karen A.). John Capgrave's fifteenth century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XIII-231 p. (Middle Ages series). 3037. WIPPEL (John F.). Metaphysical themes in Thomas Aquinas II. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, IX-316 p. (Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy, 47). § 13. History of the Church and religion. _______________________

a. General ** 3038. Fonti per la storia della cristianizzazione dei Germani (secoli IIIíVIII). A cura di Nico DE MICO, Simonetta MARCHITELLI e Simona ROTA. Roma, Herder, 2007, IX-886 p. (Biblioteca di cultura romanobarbarica, 9). ** 3039. Medieval religion: a source book. Ed. by Roberta ANDERSON and Dominic Aidan BELLENGER. London, Routledge, 2007, X-287 p. (ill.). _______________________

3040. BEATTIE (Blake R.). Angelus pacis: the legation of cardinal Giovanni Gaetano Orsini, 1326–1334. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXV-245 p. (maps). (The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400í1500, 67). 3041. Cambridge history (The) of Christianity. Vol. 2. Constantine to c. 600. Ed. by Augustine CASIDAY and Frederick W. NORRIS. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-758 p. (ill., maps).

3042. Cristianizzazione (La) in Italia tra tardoantico ed Altomedioevo: atti del IX Congresso nazionale di archeologia cristiana, Agrigento, 20í25 novembre 2004. A cura di Rosa Maria BONACASA CARRA e Emma VITALE. Palermo, C. Saladino, 2007, 2 vol, XXVIIIXI-2014 p. (ill., maps, plans). 3043. EVANS (Gillian Rosemary). The Church in the early Middle Ages. London, Tauris, 2007, XXIV-202 p. (B. Tauris history of the Christian Church, 2). 3044. IKEGAMI (Shuichi). Yǀroppa chnjsei no shnjkyǀ undǀ. (Religious movements in Medieval Europe). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2007, 745 p. 3045. Konzilien (Die) von Pisa (1409), Konstanz (1414-1418) und Basel (1431-1449). Institutionen und Personen. Hrsg. v. Heribert MÜLLER und Johannes HELMRATH. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2007, 422 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, 67). 3046. Orbis (L') christianus antiquus di Gregorio Magno: convegno di studi, Roma, 26í28 ottobre 2004. A. c. di Letizia PANI ERMINI. Roma, Società romana di storia patria, 2007, 2 vol., X-585 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 51). 3047. Religiöse Bewegungen im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Matthias Werner zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Enno BÜNZ, Stefan TEBRUCK und Helmut G. WALTHER. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XXVIII-781 p. (Schriftenreihe der Friedrich-Christian-Lesser-Stiftung, 19). b. History of the Popes ** 3048. Acta Curie Felicis Urbis Panormi. Vol. 7. Registri di Lettere (1340í1348). A cura di Laura SCIASCIA. Palermo, Assessorato alla Cultura ௅ Archivio Storico, 2007, XLIX 457 p. ** 3049. Beatissime pater: documenti relativi alle diocesi del Ducato di Milano. I Registra supplicationum di Pio II, 1458í1464. A cura di Elisabetta CANOBBIO e Beatrice DEL BO. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2007, CV-828 p. (Materiali di storia ecclesiastica lombarda. Secoli XIVíXVI). ** 3050. BOMBI (Barbara). Il registro di Andrea Sapiti, procuratore alla curia avignonese. Roma, Viella, 2007, 410 p. (Ricerche dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 1). ** 3051. Constituciones conciliares y sinodales del Arzobispado de Sevilla: años 590 al 1604. Ed. por José SÁNCHEZ HERRERO, Antonio HERRERA GARCÍA, Miguel ÁNGEL NÚÑEZ BELTRÁ, Ramona NÚÑEZ QUINTANA. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2007, 187 p., 1 CDROM (Historia y Geografia, 129). ** 3052. English episcopal acta. Vol. 32. Norwich, 1244í1266. Ed. by Christopher HARPER-BILL. Oxford, Oxford U. P. for the British Academy, 2007, LXVIII286 p. (pl., ill.). ** 3053. English Episcopal acta. Vol. 33. Worcester, 1062í1185. Ed. by Mary Gwendolen CHENEY. Oxford, Published for The British Academy by Oxford U. P., 2007, LXXII-227 p. (pl., ill.).

13. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION ** 3054. Historia ecclesie abbendonensis. The history of the church of Abingdon. Vol. 1. Ed. by John HUDSON. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2007, CCVIII-437 p. (Oxford Medieval Texts).


3066. ABE (Toshihiro). Katarnjnya ni okeru Guregoriusu 7-sei, Urubanusu 2-sei no seisaku to sono kiketsu: chichnjkai ni okeru Rǀma-kyǀkai shinshutsu no ichi jirei. (The policies of Gregory VII and Urban II in Catalonia and their consequence: the extension of the activities of the Roman Church in the Mediterranean). Supeinshi Kenkyu, 2007, 21, p. 1-13.

** 3055. Konzilien (Die) Deutschlands und Reichsitaliens, 916í1001. Bd. 2. 962í1001. Hrsg. v. ErnstDieter HEHL und Carlo SERVATIUS. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, 795 p. (Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum. Tomus 6).

3067. Ariberto da Intimiano: fede, potere e cultura a Milano nel secolo XI. A cura di Ettore BIANCHI. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2007, 551 p. (ill.).

** 3056. Konzilien (Die) von Pisa (1409), Konstanz (1414í1418) und Basel (1431í1449): Institution und Personen. Hrsg. v. Heribert MÜLLER und Johannes HELMRATH. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2007, 422 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, 67).

3068. BAIETTO (Laura). Il papa e le città: papato e comuni in Italia centro-settentrionale durante la prima metà del secolo XIII. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, XXIII-516 p. (Istituzioni e società, 9).

** 3057. LANZANI (Vittorio). Cronache di miracoli: documenti del XIII secolo su Lanfranco vescovo di Pavia. Milano, Cisalpino, 2007, 181 p. (Biblioteca della Società pavese di storia patria, 3).

3069. Benedetto XI: frate predicatore e papa. A cura di Marina BENEDETTI. Milano, Biblioteca francescana, 2007, XI-276 p. (Studi di storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese cristiane, 11).

** 3058. Livre (Le) des papes. Liber Pontificalis (492–891). Traduit et présenté par Michel AUBRUN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 327 p. (Miroir du Moyen Âge).

3070. Bishop reformed: studies of Episcopal power and culture in the central middle ages. Ed. by John S. OTT and Anna Trumbore JONES. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XV-280 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West).

** 3059. Lletres del bisbe de Girona, segle XIV. Vol. I (n. 1-620). Ed. Jaume DE PUIG i Josep MARQUÈS. Barcelona, I.E.C., 2007, 744 p. (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Girona. Collecció Corpus Scriptorum Cataloniae). ** 3060. MANCINELLI (Maria Letizia). Il Registrum omnium ecclesiarum Diocesis Sabinensis (1343): una fonte per la conoscenza della topografia ecclesiastica della Sabina medievale. Roma, Società di storia patria, 2007, X-510 p. (Miscellanea della Società di storia patria, 53). ** 3061. Register (Die) Innocenz' III. Bd. 10. Pontifikatsjahr 1207/1208. Texte Und Indices. Hrsg. v. Rainer MURAUER und Andrea SOMMERLECHNER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007, XC-465 p. (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom. 2. Abteilung, 1. Reihe, 10). ** 3062. SCHNEIDER (Herbert). Karolingische Kapitularien und ihre bischöfliche Vermittlung. Unbekannte Texte aus dem Vaticanus latinus 7701. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 2007, 63, p. 469-496. ** 3063. VAN RHIJN (Carine). Shepherds of the Lord: priests and episcopal statutes in the carolingian period. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, VIII-246 p. (Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the middle ages, 6). ** 3064. Visite de l'archevêque Bertrand de Goth dans le diocèse de Périgord en 1304. Éd. par Augustin CHARBONNEL. Nîmes, C. Lacour, 2007, 41 p. _______________________

3065. 1400 Jahre Gregor der Große: Rezeption ௅ Seelsorge – Ökumene. Hrsg. v. Michaela Christine HASTETTER und Karl-Heinz STEINMETZ. Köln, Koinonia-Oriens e.V., 2007, 117 p. (Edition Cardo, 144).

3071. BISKUP (Radoslaw). Das Domkapitel von Samland (1285í1525). ToruĔ, Verlag der Nikolaus-Kopernikus Universität, 2007, 603 p. (Prussia Sacra, 2). 3072. CADILI (Alberto). Giovanni Visconti arcivescovo di Milano, 1342í1354. Milano, Biblioteca francescana, 2007, 270 p. (Studi di storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese cristiane, 10). 3073. CASSET (Marie). Les évêques aux champs: châteaux et manoirs des évêques normands au Moyen Âge, XIeíXVe siècles. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2007, 543 p. (Bibliothèque du Pôle universitaire normand). 3074. Celestino V: cultura e società. Atti della giornata di studio, Ferentino, 17 maggio 2003. A cura di Ludovico GATTO e Eleonora PLEBANI. Roma, Università La Sapienza, 2007, 276 p. (Convegni, 9). 3075. D'ACUNTO (Nicolangelo). L'età dell'obbedienza: papato, impero e poteri locali nel secolo XI. Napoli, Liguori, 2007, XIII-463 p. (Nuovo Medioevo, 75). 3076. D'ELIA (Anthony F.). Stefano Porcari's conspiracy against Pope Nicholas V in 1453 and republican culture in papal Rome. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 2, p. 207-231. 3077. EKONOMOU (Andrew J.). Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes: eastern influences on Rome and the papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590í752. Lanham a. Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2007, IX-347 p. 3078. Vacat. 3079. FONNESBERG-SCHMIDT (Iben). The Popes and the Baltic crusades, 1147–1254. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-287 p. (Northern world, 26).



3080. GASMAND (Marion). Les évêques de la province ecclésiastique de Bourges (milieu Xeífin XIe siècle). Paris, Connaissances et Savoirs, 2007, 752 p. 3081. GRESSER (Georg). Clemens II.: der erste deutsche Reformpapst. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2007, 248 p. (fig.). 3082. KOSZTA (László). Carreiras eclesiásticas no ocidente cristão (séc. XIIíXIV) / Ecclesiastical careers in Western Christianity (12thí14th c.). Lisboa, Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2007, 350 p. (Estudos de história religiosa, 5). 3083. LINEHAN (P. A.), ZUTSHI (P. N. R.). Fiat A: the earliest known roll of petitions signed by the Pope (1307). English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 998-1015. 3084. LOUD (G. A.). The Latin church in Norman Italy. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-577 p. (tab. and maps). 3085. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Ralf). Flectat cardinales ad velle suum? Clemens VI. und sein Kardinalskolleg. Ein Beitrag zur kurialen Politik in der Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, VII-509 p. (Pariser historische Studien, 80). 3086. MESCHINI (Marco). Innocenzo III e il Negotium pacis et fidei in Linguadoca tra il 1198 e il 1215. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Memorie, 2007, 20/2, p. 368-906.

History Society, 2007, XIV-269 p., 1 CD-ROM (ill., tab.). (Scottish History Society, 1). ** 3093. CONCIONI (Graziano). Consuetudinum Domni Guigonis Prioris Cartusiae (1127), Statutorum antiquorum Ordinis Cartusiensis in tribus partibus comprehensorum (1259), Statutorum novorum Ordinis Cartusiensis in tribus partibus correspondentibus comprehensorum (1368), Tertiaeque compilationis statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis (1509) index per Gratianum Concioni Lucensem compositus et ordinatus. Actum Lucae A.N.D. 2007. Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2007, II-571 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 100/42). ** 3094. DRESKA (Gábor). A pannonhalmi konvent hiteleshelyi mĦködésének oklevéltára = Monumenta credibilia conventus de monte Pannonie. Vol. 1. 1244í 1398. Vol. 2. 1399í1438. GyĘr, GyĘri Egyházmegyei Levéltár, 2007, 2 vol, 370 p., 398 p. (GyĘri Egyházmegyei Levéltár kiadványai. Források, feldolgozások, 6, 8) ** 3095. Estatutos de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalém / Les statuts de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem. Edición crítica de los manuscritos occitanos (s. XIV) / Édition critique des manuscrits en langue d'Oc (XIVe siècle). Éd. Marie Rose BONNET et Ricardo CIERBIDE. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, 2007, 378 p. (Filología y Lingüística, 13). ** 3096. Liber usuum Ordinis Calesiensis (Vat. Lat. 15200): le coutumier de l'Ordre de Chalais. Éd. par Louis DUVAL-ARNOULD. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2007, 345 p. (Studi e testi, 435).

3087. MORENZONI (F.). Parler au pape au nom du roi. Le discours d'Ancel Choquard au pape Urbain V (avril 1367). Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 317-366.

** 3097. LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi). Legislazione camaldolese medievale (XIíXV secolo). Un repertorio. Benedictina, 2007, 54, p. 23-60.

3088. Offices, écrit et papauté (XIIIeíXVIIe siècle). Éd. par Armand JAMME et Olivier PONCET. Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, VIII-951 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 386).

** 3098. Manuscripts and monastic culture: reform and renewal in twelfth-century Germany. Ed. by Alison I. BEACH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIV-347 p. (ill.). (Medieval church studies, 13).

3089. TERLIZZI (Francesco Paolo). La regalità sacra nel medioevo? L'Anonimo normanno e la riforma romana (secc. XIíXII). Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, 203 p. (Studi, 13).

** 3099. Stabilimenta Rhodiorum militum: die Statuten des Johanniterordens von 1489/93. Hrsg. v. Jyri HASECKER und Jürgen SARNOWSKY. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2007, 438 p. (Nova mediaevalia, 1).

3090. WENDEHORST (Alfred). Siedlungsgeschichte und Pfarreiorganisation im mittelalterlichen Franken: ausgewählte Untersuchungen. Würzburg, Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte, 2007, 198 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte. Reihe IX, Darstellungen aus der fränkischen Geschichte, 54).

3100. Adlige ௅ Stifter ௅ Mönche: zum Verhältnis zwischen Klöstern und mittelalterlichem Adel. Hrsg. v. Nathalie KRUPPA. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2007, 325 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 227. Studien zur Germania Sacra, 30).


c. Monastic history

3101. ALONSO ÁLVAREZ (Raquel). Los promotores de la Orden del Císter en los reinos de Castilla y León: familias aristocráticas y damas nobles / Cistercian Order's Promoters in Castile and Leon Kingdom's: Aristocratic Families and Noble Ladies. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2007, 37, p. 653-710.

** 3092. Chronicle (The) of Melrose Abbey: a stratigraphic edition. Ed. by Dauvit BROUN and Julian HARRISON. Vol. 1. Introduction and Facsimile Edition. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell a. Brewer for the Scottish

3102. ANDENNA (Cristina). Mortariensis ecclesia: una congregazione di canonici regolari in Italia settentrionale tra XI e XII secolo. Berlin, Lit, 2007, XX-716 p. (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen, 32).

3091. WILSCHEWSKI (Frank). Die karolingischen Bischofssitze des sächsischen Stammesgebietes. Petersberg, Imhof, 2007, 311 p. (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 46).

13. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION 3103. BRUCE (Scott G.). Silence and sign language in medieval monasticism: the cluniac tradition, c. 900í 1200. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-209 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 68). 3104. Cavalieri (I) teutonici tra Sicilia e Mediterraneo: atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Agrigento, 24í25 marzo 2006. A cura di Antonino GIUFFRIDA, Hubert HOUBEN e Kristjan TOOMASPOEG. Galatina, M. Congedo, 2007, VIII-271 p. (Saggi e testi / Università degli studi di Lecce, Dipartimento dei beni delle arti e della storia, 30. Acta teutonica, 4). 3105. CAVERO DOMÍNGUEZ (Gregoria). El esplendor del Císter en León (siglos XIIíXIII). La Robla, Fundación Hullera Vasco-Leonesa, 2007, 285 p. (ill., plans). 3106. CERRINI (Simonetta). La révolution des templiers: une histoire perdue du XIIe siècle. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 317 p. 3107. Culture (The) of Medieval English monasticism. Ed. by James G. CLARK. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, XVI-219 p. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 30). 3108. DALARUN (Jacques). Vers une resolution de la question franciscaine. La légende ombrienne de Thomas de Celano. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 366 p. (pl.). 3109. Dinamiche istituzionali delle reti monastiche e canonicali nell'Italia dei secoli XíXII: atti del XXVIII Convegno del Centro studi avellaniti, Fonte Avellana, 29í31 agosto 2006. A cura di Nicolangelo D'ACUNTO. Negarine di S. Pietro in Cariano, Il segno dei Gabrielli, 2007, 394 p. 3110. EHLERS (Axel). Die Ablaßpraxis des Deutschen Ordens im Mittelalter. Marburg, Elwert, 2007, X-659 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Ordens, 64). 3111. English monastic estates, 1066í1540: a list of manors, churches and chapels. Ed. by Maureen JURKOWSKI, Nigel RAMSAY, Simon RENTON. Kew, List and Index Society, 2007, 3 vol., XLIII-757 p. (List and Index Society. Special series, 40-42). 3112. Fondazioni (Le) benedettine nelle Marche: materiali per un atlante storico geografico dei sistemi insediativi territoriali. A cura di Maria Luisa NERI. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2007, 475 p. (ill., maps, plans). 3113. Frauen ௅ Kloster ௅ Kunst: neue Forschungen zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters. Beiträge zum internationalen Kolloquium vom 13. bis 16. Mai 2005 anlässlich der Ausstellung "Krone und Schleier". Hrsg. v. Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 526 p. (ill.). 3114. GAZEAU (Véronique). Normannia monastica. T. 1. Princes normands et abbés bénédictins (XeíXIIe siècle). Préf. par Davis BATES et Michel PARISSE. T. 2. Prosopographie des abbés bénédictins (XeíXIIe siècle). Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2007, 2 vol., XIII-492 p., VI-403 p. (ill., maps).


3115. Hospitallers (The), the Mediterranean and Europe: festschrift for Anthony Luttrell. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XVI-321 p. (pl., fig., tab., graph., maps). 3116. JONES (Christopher A.). Monastic identity and sodomitic danger in the Occupatio by Odo of Cluny. Speculum, 82, 1, 2007, p. 1-53. 3117. JORDAN (Gesine). "Nichts als Nahrung und Kleidung". Laien und Kleriker als Wohngäste bei den Mönchen von St. Gallen und Redon (8. und 9. Jahrhundert). Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 310 p. (Europa im Mittelalter 9). 3118. KERR (Julie). Monastic hospitality: the Benedictines in England, c. 1070–c. 1250. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, XII-244 p. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 32). 3119. Kirchenbild und Spiritualität: dominikanische Beiträge zur Ekklesiologie und zum kirchlichen Leben im Mittelalter. Festschrift für Ulrich Horst OP zum 75. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Thomas PRÜGL und Marianna SCHLOSSER. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 457 p. 3120. Kloster och klosterliv i det medeltida Skara stift. (Monastères et vie monastique dans le diocèse médiéval de Skara). Red. Johnny HAGBERG. Skara, Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap, 2007, 342 p. (Skara stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie, 33). 3121. Kloster und Wirtschaftswelt im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Claudia DOBRINSKI, Brunhilde GEDDERTH und Katrin WIPFLER. München, W. Fink, 2007, 226 p. (MittelalterStudien, 15). 3122. LUTTRELL (Anthony). Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306: Rhodes and the West. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-384 p. (figure and table). (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 874). 3123. Manuscripts and monastic culture: reform and renewal in twelfth-Century Germany. Ed. by Alison I. BEACH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIV-347 p. (fig., diagr., tab.). (Medieval Church Studies, 13). 3124. Medieval cloister (The) in England and Wales. Ed. by Martin HENIG and John MAC NEILL. Leeds, Maney, 2007, IX-333 p. (British Archaeological Association conference transactions, 159). 3125. MERLO GRADO (Giovanni). Tra eremo e città: Studi su Francesco d'Assisi e sul francescanesimo medievale. Assisi, Porziuncola, 2007, XIII-546 p. (2nd ed. Saggi, 2). 3126. Mittelalterliche Orden und Klöster im Vergleich: methodische Ansätze und Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Gert MELVILLE und Anne MÜLLER. Berlin, Lit, 2007, XI-332 p. (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen, 34). 3127. Monacato (El) en los reinos de León y Castilla (siglos VIIíXIII). Congreso de Estudios Medievales, 2005. Madrid, Fundación Claudio Sanchez-Albornoz, 2007, 567 p. 3128. Monasteria et territoria: elites, edilicia y territorio en el Mediterráneo medieval (siglos VíXI). Uni-



versidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR), Museo de San Isidro (Madrid), 18/20 Diciembre 2006. Ed. por Jorge LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Artemio M. MARTÍNEZ TEJERA y Jorge MORÍN DE PABLOS. Oxford, John and Erica Hedges, 2007, 454 p. (Archaeological studies on late antiquity and early medieval Europe (400í1000 A.D.). Conference proceedings, 2. BAR international series, S1720). 3129. Ordini (Gli) ospedalieri tra centro e periferia. Giornata di studio, Roma, Istituto Storico Germanico, 16 giugno 2005. A cura di Anna ESPOSITO e Andreas REHBERG. Roma, Viella, 2007, 331 p. (Ricerche dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 3). 3130. Presenza e cultura domenicana nella Liguria medievale. A cura di Vito PIERGIOVANNI. Genova, Società ligure di storia patria, 2007, 428 p. (Atti della Società ligure di storia patria. 47). 3131. RÍOS DE LA LLAVE (Rita). Mujeres de clausura en la Castilla medieval: el Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Caleruega. Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007, 461 p. (UAH monografías. Humanidades, 16). 3132. SPÄTH (Markus). Verflechtung von Erinnerung: Bildproduktion und Geschichtsschreibung im Kloster San Clemente a Casauria während des 12. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 342 p. (Orbis mediaevalis, 8). 3133. STEINBACH (Sebastian). Das Geld der Nonnen und Mönche: Münzrecht, Münzprägung und Geldumlauf der ostfränkisch-deutschen Klöster in ottonischsalischer Zeit (ca. 911í1125). Berlin,, 2007, XII-490 p. (, 1333). 3134. STÖBER (Karen). Late medieval monasteries and their patrons: England and Wales, c. 1300í1540. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, XII-285 p. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 29). 3135. THOM (Catherine). Early Irish monasticism: an understanding of its cultural roots. London, T & T Clark, 2007, XXIX-226 p. (ill., maps). 3136. VOGEL (Christian). Das Recht der Templer: Ausgewählte Aspekte des Templerrechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Statutenhandschriften aus Paris, Rom, Baltimore und Barcelona. Berlin, Lit, 2007, XI-395 p. (Vita Regularis, Abhandlungen, 33). d. Hagiography ** 3137. Osanna Andreasi da Mantova, 1449í1505, la santa dei Gongaza. Lettere e colloqui spirituali. A cura di Giovanni FESTA e Angelita RONCELLI. Mantova, Casandreasi, e Bologna, Studio domenicano, 2007, 292 p. (ill.).

3139. ANTONSSON (Haki). St. Magnús of Orkney: a Scandinavian martyr-cult in context. Leiden, Brill, 2007, VI-269 p. (Northern world, 29). 3140. BENERICETTI (Ruggero). L'eremo e la cattedra. Vita di San Pier Damiani (Ravenna 1007 ௅ Faenza 1072). Milano, Àncora, 2007, 272 p. (Medioevalia). 3141. BERESFORD (Andrew M.). The Legend of Saint Agnes in Medieval Castilian Literature. London, Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, 2007, 103 p. (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 59). í IDEM. The Legends of the Holy Harlots: Thaïs and Pelagia in Medieval Spanish Literature. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, VIII-165 p. (Colección Támesis, A/238). 3142. BLANTON (Virginia). Signs of devotion: the cult of St. Aethelthryth in Medieval England, 695í 1615. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, XVII-349 p. (fig., tab., maps). 3143. Bonifatius: Leben und Nachwirken. Die Gestaltung des christlichen Europa im Frühmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Franz J. FELTEN, Jörg JARNUT und Lutz von PADBERG. Mainz, Gesellschaft für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte, 2007, VI-449 p. (Quellen und Abhandlungen zur mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte, 121). 3144. CANETTI (Luigi). Il passero spennato: riti, agiografia e memoria dal tardoantico al Medioevo. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007, XX-394 p. (Testi, studi, strumenti, 23). 3145. CARPENTER (D. A.). King Henry III and Saint Edward the Confessor: the origins of the cult. English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 865-891. 3146. Gregorio Magno e l'agiografia fra IV e VII secolo: atti dell'incontro di studio delle Università degli studi di Verona e Trento, Verona, 10í11 dicembre 2004. A cura di DEGL'INNOCENTI (Antonella), DE PRISCO (Antonio), PAOLI (Emore). Impruneta, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 304 p., 1 CD-ROM (Archivum Gregorianum, 12). 3147. HAZEBROUCK-SOUCHE (Véronique). Spiritualité, sainteté et patriotisme. Glorification du Brabant dans l'œuvre hagiographique de Jean Gielemans (1427– 1487). Préf. de André VAUCHEZ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 560 p. (Hagiologia, Études sur la sainteté / Studies on Western Sainthood). 3148. HERRICK (Samantha Kahn). Imagining the sacred past: hagiography and power in early Normandy. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, XIII-256 p. (Harvard Historical Studies, 156).


3149. Images of Medieval sanctity: essays in honour of Gary Dickson. Ed. by Debra Higgs STRICKLAND. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XXIV-245 p. (Visualising the Middle Ages, 1).

3138. ALANYÀ I ROIG (Josep). Culte a la Puríssima al bisbat de Tortosa (s. XIIIíXXI). Tortosa, Capítol Catedral de Tortosa, 2007, 355 p.

3150. Pratiques hagiographiques dans l'Espagne du Moyen Age et du Siècle d'or. Éd. par Françoise CAZAL, Claude CHAUCHADIS et Carine HERZIG. Vol. 2. Tou-



louse, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 2007, 587 p. (Méridiennes).

BRUUN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXXIX-191 p. (tables). (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 195).

3151. Saints and cities in medieval Italy. Ed. by Diana WEBB. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, 261 p. (Manchester medieval sources series).

** 3163. Livres des Miracles de saint Gilles. Liber miraculorum sancti Egidii. La vie d'un sanctuaire de pèlerinage au XIIe siècle. Éd. par Marcel GIRAULT et Pierre-Gilles GIRAULT. Orléans, Paradigme, 2007, 368 p. (Medievalia, 60).

3152. SANOK (Catherine). Her life historical: exemplarity and female saints' lives in late medieval England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XVII-256 p. (The Middle Ages series). 3153. VAN ACKER (Marieke). Ut quique rustici et inlitterati hec audierint intellegant: hagiographie et communication verticale au temps des Mérovingiens (VIIeíVIIIe siècles). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 662 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Lingua Patrum). 3154. WALSH (Christine). The cult of St Katherine of Alexandria in early medieval Europe. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIX-222 p. (Church, faith and culture in the medieval West). Cf. no 2237 e. Special studies * 3155. GRYSON (R.). Répertoire général des auteurs ecclésiastiques latins de l'Antiquité et du haut Moyen Âge. Freiburg, Herder, 2007, 2 vol., 576 p., 510 p. (Vetus Latina). ** 3156. Epistolae de Ordine Sacrae Oblationis et de diversis charismatibus ecclesiae Germano Parisiensi adscriptae. Cura et studio Philippe BERNARD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 380 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 187). ** 3157. Flori lvgdvnensis Collectio ex dictis XII patrvm. Pars III. Ed. Paul-Irénée FRANSEN. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007, XCI-456 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 193 B). ** 3158. Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown language: an edition, translation, and discussion. Ed. by Sarah Lynn HIGLEY. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p. XVI-246 p. (New Middle Ages). ** 3159. Hildegardis Bingensis Opera minora. Ed. Peter DRONKE, Christopher P. EVANS, Hugh FEISS, Beverly MAYNE KIENZLE, Carolyn A. MUESSIG and Barbara NEWMAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 594 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 226). ** 3160. Ildefonsi Toletani episcopi De virginitate Sanctae Mariae, De cognitione baptismi, De itinere deserti. Ed. Valeriano YARZA URQUIOLA. De viris illustribus. Ed. Carmen CODOÑER MERINO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 644 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, 114A; Ildefonsi Toletani Episcopi Opera).

** 3164. Mystères (Les) de la procession de Lille. Édition critique par Alan E. KNIGHT. Tome IV. Le nouveau testament. Genève, Droz, 2007, 608 p. (Textes littéraires français, 588). ** 3165. O'MARA (Veronica), PAUL (Suzanne). A Repertorium of Middle English Prose Sermons. Vol. 1. Introduction, and Cambridge University Library to London, British Library (Additional). Vol. 2. London, British Library (Arundel), to London, Westminster Abbey Library. Vol. 3. Manchester, John Rylands University Library to Oxford, Bodleian Library. Vol. 4. Oxford, Hertford College to York, Borthwick Institute for Archives, plus Indices. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, LXVIIXVI-XVI-XVI-2895 p. (Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 1). ** 3166. Recueil des historiens de la France. Obituaires. Éd. par de Jean FAVIER et de Jean-Loup LEMAITRE. T. 7. Les obituaires du chapitre cathédral d'Albi. Éd. par Matthieu DESACHY. Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, diffusion De Boccard, 2007, LXXVII-276 p. ** 3167. Statuti (Gli) medievali dei Disciplinati di Viterbo: edizione sinottica delle redazioni del 1355 e 1365. A cura di Thomas FRANK e Luca GUFI. Perugia, Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria, 2007, 100 p. (Quaderno, 24). ** 3168. Thesaurus Laurentii a Brundusio. T. 2. Sermones. Ed. Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXV-490 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus Patrum Latinorum. Series A, Formae). ** 3169. URFELS-CAPOT (Anne-Élisabeth). Le sanctoral du lectionnaire de l'Office dominicain (1254í 1256): édition et étude d'après le ms. Rome, SainteSabine XIV L1, "Ecclesiasticum officium secundum Ordinem Fratrum Praedicatorum". Paris, École des chartes, 2007, 824 p. (Mémoires et Documents de l'École des chartes, 84). ** 3170. VOGL (Heidemarie). Der "Spiegel der Seele": eine spätmittelalterliche mystisch-theologische Kompilation. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2007, 754 p. (MeisterEckhart-Jahrbuch. Beihefte, 2). _______________________

** 3161. KRÜGER (Astrid). Litanei-Handschriften der Karolingerzeit. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, 842 p. (facsimiles, diagram and tables). (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hilfsmittel, 24).

3171. ADAMS (Gwenfair Walters). Visions in late medieval England: lay spirituality and sacred glimpses of the hidden worlds of faith. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXIII-273 p. (Studies in the history of Christian traditions, 130).

** 3162. Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie; Liber de gratia Novi Testamenti. Ed. Greti DINKOVA-

3172. BAIN (E.). "Homme et femme il les créa" (Gen. 1, 27). Le genre féminin dans les commentaires



de la Genèse au XIIe siècle. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 229-270. 3173. Bernardo di Clairvaux, epifania di Dio e parabola dell'uomo. Atti del Convegno su "San Bernardo di Clairvaux" promosso dall'Abbazia di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Roma, 27í28 ottobre 2006. A c di Inos BIFFI. Milano, Jaca book e Roma, Edizione eleniane, 2007, XVII-133 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 790. Biblioteca di cultura medievale. Sezione cisterciense). 3174. Beyond pilgrim souvenirs and secular badges: essays in honour of Brian Spencer. Ed. by Sarah BLICK. Oxford, Oxbow, 2007, XVI-200 p. (ill., map). 3175. BIGET (Jean-Louis). Hérésie et inquisition dans le Midi de la France. Paris, Picard, 2007, 247 p. (Les Médiévistes Français, 8). 3176. BOTTAZZI (M.). Frater Jacobus, Jacobus abbas. Impero, cistercensi e celebrazione monumentale nel conflitto milanese (1160í1183). Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 271-306. 3177. BOYNTON (Susan). Prayer as liturgical performance in eleventh-and twelfth-century psalters. Speculum, 2007, 82, p. 896-931. 3178. BRACHA (Krzysztof). Nauczanie kaznodziejskie w Polsce póĨnego Ğredniowiecza: sermones dominicales et festivales z tzw. kolekcji Piotra z Miáosáawia [= Teaching preaching in the late Middle Ages in Poland: Sermones dominicales et festivales of the Peter's Collection of Miáosáawia]. Kielce, Wydawn. Akademii ĝwiĊtokrzyskiej, 2007, 523 p. (facs.). 3179. BRANTLEY (Jessica). Reading in the wilderness: private devotion and public performance in late medieval England. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVIII-463 p. (plate and figures). 3180. BRUUN (Mette Birkedal). Parables: Bernard of Clairvaux's mapping of spiritual topography. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-344 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 148). 3181. BUHAGIAR (Mario). The Christianisation of Malta: catacombs, cult centres and churches in Malta to 1530. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007, XIV-321 p. (BAR. 1674 International series). 3182. BYNUM (Caroline Walker). Wonderful blood: theology and practice in late medieval northern Germany and beyond. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XIX-402 p. (pl., tab., map). 3183. Constructing the Medieval Sermon. Edited by Roger ANDERSSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 334 p. (ill.). (SERMO: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6). 3184. CUFFEL (Alexandra). Gendering disgust in medieval religious polemic. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, XVIII-430 p. (fig.). 3185. DALLI REGOLI (Gigetta). Codici miniati e celebrazione del rito: il supporto dell'immagine. Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 2007, 11, p. 49-56 (ill., tav.).

3186. DAVIES (Wendy). Acts of giving: individual, community, and church in tenth-century Christian Spain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XV-244 p. (ill., maps). 3187. DINZELBACHER (Peter). Von der Welt durch die Hölle zum Paradies, das mittelalterliche Jenseits. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 254 p. (pl., ill.). 3188. DOVE (Mary). The first English Bible: the text and context of the Wycliffite versions. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-313 p. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 66). 3189. DREYER (Elizabeth). Holy power, holy presence: rediscovering medieval metaphors for the Holy Spirit. New York, Paulist Press, 2007, VI-344 p. (ill.). 3190. DRYBURGH (Paul), SMITH (Brendan). Inquisitions and extents of medieval Ireland. Kew, List & Index Society, 2007, 289 p. (List & Index Society, 20) 3191. Early Medieval mortuary practices. Ed. by Sarah SEMPLE and Howard WILLIAMS. Oxford, Oxford University School of Archaeology, 2007, IX-350 p. (Anglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history, 14). 3192. Envisaging heaven in the Middle ages. Ed. by Carolyn MUESSIG and Ad PUTTER. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-258 p. (Routledge studies in medieval religion and culture, 6). 3193. FLORI (Jean). L'Islam et la Fin des temps. L'interprétation prophétique des invasions musulmanes dans la chrétienté médiévale. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 444 p. (L'univers historique). 3194. FRASSETTO (Michael). Heretic lives: medieval heresy from Bogomil and the Cathars to Wyclif and Hus. London, Profile, 2007, VIII-248 p. (pl., ill., maps). 3195. GIANDREA (Mary Frances). Episcopal culture in late Anglo-Saxon England. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, XV-245 p. (Anglo-Saxon Studies, 7). 3196. GILLESPIE (Vincent), Looking in holy books: essays on late-medieval religious writing in England. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2007, 272 p. (Religion and culture in the Middle Ages). 3197. Gioachimismo e profetismo in Sicilia (secoli XIIIíXVI). Atti del terzo Convegno internazionale di studio Palermo-Monreale, 14í16 ottobre 2005. A cura di Cosimo Damiano FONSECA. Roma, Viella, 2007, 146 p. 3198. GOODICH (Michael E.). Miracles and wonders: the development of the concept of miracle, 1150í1350. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-148 p. (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West). 3199. GORMAN (Michael M.). The study of the Bible in the early middle ages. Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, 514 p. (ill.). (Millennio Medievale 67, Strumenti e studi n.s., 15). 3200. Gottes Nähe unmittelbar erfahren: Mystik im Mittelalter und bei Martin Luther. Hrsg. v. Berndt HAMM,



Volker LEPPIN und Heidrun MUNZERT. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, X-349 p. (Spätmittelalter und Reformation, neue Reihe, 36).

3213. OTTOLINI (R.). La crociata Milanese del 1100: vicenda storica e riflessi iconografici. Studi Medievali, 2007, 48, p. 753-788.

3201. GWENFAIR WALTERS (Adams). Visions in late medieval England: lay spirituality and sacred glimpes of the hidden worlds of faith. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XXIII-273 p. (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 130).

3214. PANSTERS (Krijn). De kardinale deugden in de Lage Landen, 1200í1500. Hilversum, Verloren, 2007, 276 p. (Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen, 108).

3202. HEINONEN (Meri). Brides and knights of Christ. Gender and body in later Medieval German mysticism. Turku, Meri Heinonen, 2007, 239 p. 3203. HICKS (Leonie V.). Religious life in Normandy, 1050–1300: space, gender and social pressure. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2007, X-240 p. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 33). 3204. Hospitäler in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit: Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien. Eine vergleichende Geschichte / Hôpitaux au Moyen Âge et au temps modernes: France, Allemagne et Italie. Une histoire comparée. Hrsg. v. Gisela DROSSBACH. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 265 p. (Pariser historische Studien, 75). 3205. Image and imagination of the religious self in late medieval and early modern Europe. Ed. by Reindert Leonard FALKENBURG, Walter S. MELION and Todd M. RICHARDSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XXXII483 p. (Proteus: studies in early-modern identity formation, 1). 3206. Indulgenza (L') e la croce: tra repressione dell'eresia e promessa di salvezza. A cura di Nicola Lorenzo BARILE. Galatina, Congedo, 2007, 263 p. (Pubblicazioni del dottorato in storia dei centri delle vie e delle culture dei pellegrinaggi nel Medioevo euromediterraneo, 6). 3207. KANGAS (Sini). Deus vult: images of crusader violence c. 1095í1100. Helsinki, S. Kangas, Department of History, University of Helsinki, 2007, 264 p. 3208. MEENS (Rob). Sanctuary, penance, and dispute settlement under Charlemagne: the conflict between Alcuin and Theodulf of Orléans over a sinful cleric. Speculum, 2007, 2, p. 277-300. 3209. Misericordie: conversioni sotto il patibolo tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Adriano PROSPERI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, XV-621 p. (Seminari e convegni, 11). 3210. Mises en scène et mémoires de la consécration de l'église dans l'Occident médiéval. Études réunies par Didier MÉHU. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 400 p. (Collections d'études médiévales de Nice, 7). 3211. MITRE FERNÁNDEZ (Emilio). Iglesia, herejía y vida política en la Europa medieval. Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2007, 206 p. (Estudios y ensayos. BAC. Historia, 96) 3212. NEWHAUSER (Richard). Sin: essays on the moral tradition in the western middle ages. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-290 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 869).

3215. Pensiero e sperimentazioni istituzionali nella Societas Christiana, 1046í1250. Atti della sedicesima Settimana internazionale di studio, Mendola, 26í31 agosto 2004. A cura di Giancarlo ANDENNA. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2007, XVIII-866 p. (Storia. Ricerche). 3216. POCHOSHAJEW (Igor). Die Märtyrer von Cordoba: Christen im muslimischen Spanien des 9. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main, O. Lembeck, 2007, 202 p. 3217. Roma felix: formation and reflections of medieval Rome. Ed. by Éamonn Ó CARRAGÁIN and Carol L. NEUMAN DE VEGVAR. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, X353 p. (Church, faith and culture in the medieval West). 3218. ROTTLOFF (Andrea). Stärker als Männer und tapferer als Ritter: Pilgerinnen in Spätantike und Mittelalter. Mainz am Rhein, Von Zabern, 2007, 153 p. (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt, 115). 3219. San Giacomo della Marca e l'altra Europa: crociata, martirio e predicazione nel Mediterraneo orientale (secc. XIIIíXV). Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Monteprandone, 24í25 novembre 2006. A cura di Fulvia SERPICO. Monteprandone, Comune di Monteprandone e Firenze, SISMEL ௅ Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, X-298 p. (Quaderni di San Giacomo, 1). 3220. Seven deadly sins (The): from communities to individuals. Ed. by Richard NEWHAUSER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XII-308 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 123). 3221. SHAFFERN (Robert W.). The Penitents' treasury: indulgences in Latin christendom, 1175í1375. Scranton a. London, University of Scranton Press, 2007, X-240 p. 3222. STOW (Kenneth). Popes, Church, and Jews in the Middle Ages: confrontation and response. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XII-336 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 876). 3223. SWANSON (Robert Norman). Indulgences in late medieval England: passports to paradise? Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-579 p. (ill.). 3224. ğEICU (Dumitru). Geografia ecleziastică a Banatului medieval. (Ecclesiastical geography of the medieval Banat). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, 263 p. 3225. Textes et manuscrits exégétiques carolingiens. Études autour d'Haymon d'Auxerre. Éd. par S. SHIMAHARA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 300 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 4). 3226. Vie e mete dei pellegrini nel Medioevo euro mediterraneo, Atti del convegno, Bologna, 21 ottobre



2005, Dipartimento di discipline storiche, Università di Bologna. A cura di Beatrice BORGHI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2007, 223 p. (ill., maps). § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. _______________________

3227. ANGELUCCI (Federica). Bristol medievale: l'impianto di fondazione e lo sviluppo urbanistico. Roma, Bonsignori, 2007, 111 p. (Civitates, 13). 3228. ANNOSCIA (Giorgia Maria). Fonti e strutture per la conoscenza del sistema idrico di Roma nel Medioevo. Roma, Aracne, 2007, 370 p. (ill., maps). 3229. Archeologia del paesaggio medievale: studi in memoria di Riccardo Francovich. A cura di Stella UGGERI PATITUCCI. Firenze, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2007, 453 p. (Quaderni di archeologia medievale, 9). 3230. BOOS (Andreas). Burgen im Süden der Oberpfalz. Die früh – und hochmittelalterlichen Befestigungen des Regensburger Umlandes. Regensburg, Universitätsverlag, 2007, 471 p. (Regensburger Studien und Quellen zur Kulturgeschichte, 5). 3231. Burg, Strasse, Siedlung, Herrschaft: Studien zum Mittelalter in Sachsen und Mitteldeutschland: Festschrift für Gerhard Billig zum 80. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Rainer AURIG. Beucha, Sax-Verl., 2007, 404 p. (ill., maps).

3236. LOVELUCK (Christopher), BARRETT (James Harold). Rural settlement, lifestyles and social change in the later first millennium AD: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in its wider context. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2007, XXVI-194 p. (Excavations at Flixborough, 4). 3237. MAC CORMICK (Michael), DUTTON (Paul Edward), MAYEWSKI (Paul A.). Volcanoes and the climate forcing of Carolingian Europe, A.D. 750í950. Speculum, 2007, 4, p. 865-895. 3238. Medieval landscapes. Ed. by Mark F. GARand Stephen RIPPON. Macclesfield, Windgather Press, 2007, XIV-272 p. (Landscape history after Hoskins, 2). DINER

3239. PIRILLO (Paolo). Creare comunità: Firenze e i centri di nuova fondazione della Toscana medievale. Roma, Viella, 2007, 295 p. (I Libri di Viella, 67). 3240. Ports et littoraux de l'Europe atlantique. Transformations naturelles et aménagements humains (s. XIVíXVI). Actes du Séminaire d'histoire économique et maritime, La Rochelle, 24 juin 2005. Éd. par Michel BOCHACA et Jean Luc SARRAZIN. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 262 p. (Collection Histoire).

3232. Città e territori nell'Italia del Medioevo. Studi in onore di Gabriella Rossetti. A cura di Giorgio CHITTOLINI, Giovanna PETTI BALBI, Giovanni VITOLO. Napoli, Gisem, Liguori Editore, 2007, 316 p.

3241. Post-Roman towns: trade and settlement in Europe and Byzantium. Ed. by Joachim HENNING. Vol. 1. The Roman West. Berlin a. New York, W. de Gruyter, 2007, 568 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr = Millennium studies in the culture and history of the first millennium C.E., 5).

3233. CRESPO REDONDO (Jesús). La evolución del espacio urbano de Burgos durante la Edad Media. Burgos, Editorial Dossoles, 2007, 511 p. (Burgos, ciudad, espacio y hombre, 6).

3242. RAPANIû (Željko). Od carske palaþe do srednjovjekovne opüine [= From imperial palaces to medieval municipalities]. Split, Književni Krug, 2007, 278 p. (Biblioteka Knjiga mediterana, 50).

3234. FARINELLI (Roberto). I castelli nella Toscana delle "città deboli": dinamiche del popolamento e del potere rurale nella Toscana meridionale, secoli VIIíXIV. Firenze, All'insegna del Giglio, 2007, 256 p. (Biblioteca del Dipartimento di archeologia e storia delle arti, Sezione archeologica, Università di Siena, 14).

3243. ğIPLIC (Ioan Marian). FortificaĠiile medievale timpurii din Transilvania (secolele al X-lea–al XII-lea). (Early medieval fortifications in Transylvania, 10th– 12th centuries). Iaúi, Editura Institutul European, 2007, 168 p.

3235. LAGERÅS (Per). The ecology of expansion and abandonment: medieval and post-medieval agriculture and settlement in a landscape perspective. Stockholm, Riksantikvarieämbetet a. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2007, 256 p. (ill., maps).

3244. VRANDEýIû (Josip), BERTOŠA (Miroslav). Dalmacija, Dubrovnik i Istra u ranome novom vijeku. (Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and Istria in the Early Middle Ages). Zagreb, Leykam international, 2007, 144 p. Cf. nos 141-161

K MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS _________ § 1. General. 3245-3299. – § 2. History by countries. 3300-4470. § 1. General. _______________________

3245. ANDERMANN (Jens). The optic of the state: visuality and power in Argentina and Brazil. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007, XV-256 p. 3246. Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe. Ed. by Bernd J. FISCHER. London, Hurst a. West Lafayette, Purdue U. P., 2007, IX-494 p. (Central European studies). [Cf. nos 3303, 3387, 3390, 3445, 3842, 3843, 4153, 4156, 4231, 4234, 4235, 4352.] 3247. BLANNING (T. C. W.). The pursuit of glory: Europe, 1648–1815. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XXVII707 p. (Penguin history of Europe, 6). 3248. Blood and homeland: eugenics and racial nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900–1940. Ed. by Marius TURDA and Paul J. WEINDLING. Budapest a. New York, CEU Press, 2007, IX-467 p. (ill.). [Cf. no 5063.] 3249. BOYER (Christoph). Die Einheit der europäischen Zeitgeschichte. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 3, p. 487-498. 3250. CHICKERING (Roger). Krieg, Frieden und Geschichte. Gesammelte Aufsätze über patriotischen Aktionismus, Geschichtskultur und totalen Krieg. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 357 p. (Pallas athene, 21). 3251. CLAEYS (Gregory). The French Revolution debate in Britain: the origins of modern politics. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-246 p. (British history in perspective). 3252. Communisme en France: de la révolution documentaire au renouveau historiographique: actes du colloque organisé par le Centre de recherches Hannah Arendt le 11 mai 2006. Sous la direction de Stéphane COURTOIS. Paris, Cujas, 2007, 282 p. (ill., maps). (Travaux du Centre de recherches, 2). 3253. Cultures of power in Europe during the long eighteenth century. Ed. by Hamish SCOTT and Brendan SIMMS. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-382 p.

3254. D'ALMEIDA (Fabrice). La politique au naturel: comportement des hommes politiques et représentations publiques en France et en Italie du XIXe au XXIe siécle. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, IX-525 p. (ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 388). 3255. Different paths to the nation: regional and national identities in Central Europe and Italy, 1830– 1870. Ed. by Laurence COLE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVI-240 p. (maps). 3256. Empire and after. Englishness in postcolonial perspective. Ed. by Graham MAC PHEE and Prem PODDAR. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, 211 p. 3257. European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939. Ed. by Karina URBACH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-245 p. (Studies of the German Historical Institute London). [Cf. nos 3342, 3356, 3470, 3592, 3650, 3834, 3861, 3964, 4071, 4160, 4271.] 3258. European political history 1870–1913. Ed. by Benjamin ZIEMANN and Thomas MERGEL. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XXVI-534 p. (ill.). (International library of essays on political history). 3259. Fascistas en América del Sur. Compiladora: Eugenia SCARZANELLA. Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007, 352 p. 3260. Frontières du communisme. Mythologies et réalités de la division de l'Europe de la révolution d'Octobre au mur de Berlin. Sous la dir. de Sophie CŒURÉ et Sabine DULLIN. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 458 p. 3261. GELLATELY (Robert). Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. The age of social catastrophe. London, Jonathan Cape, 2007, XV-696 p. 3262. GERWARTH (Robert), MALINOWSKI (Stephan). Der Holocaust als "kolonialer Genozid"? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 3, p. 439-466. 3263. GOLDGAR (Anne). Tulipmania. Money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age. Chicago a. London, University or Chicago Press, 2007, XX-425 p. 3264. GOULD (Eliga H.). Entangled histories, entangled worlds: the English-speaking Atlantic as a



Spanish periphery. American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 764-786. 3265. Grændse som skiller ej! Kontakter över Öresund under 1900-talet. (La frontière qui ne sépare pas! Contacts entre les deux rives de l'Öresund au 20e siècle). Red. Kjell MODÉER. København, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2007, 137 p. 3266. GUNN (Steven), GRUMMITT (David), COOLS (Hans). War, state, and society in England and the Netherlands, 1477–1559. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-395 p. 3267. Home (At) with the empire. Metropolitan culture and the imperial world. Ed. by Catherine HALL and Sonya O. ROSE. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-338 p. 3268. HÖPEL (Thomas). Städtische Kulturpolitik in Deutschland und Frankreich 1918–1940. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 3, p. 623-658. 3269. HORN (Gerd-Rainer). The spirit of '68. Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956–1976. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-254 p. 3270. KAISER (Wolfram). Christian Democracy and the origins of European Union. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-374 p. (New studies in European history). 3271. KAMENEC (Ivan). On the trail of tragedy. The Holocaust in Slovakia. Bratislava, H&H, 2007, 350 p. 3272. KLABJAN (Borut). ýeškoslovaška na Jadranu: ýehi in Slovaki ter njihove povezave s Trstom in Primorsko od zaþetka 20. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. (Czechoslovakia in the Adriatic: Czechs and Slovaks, and their links with Trieste and the Primorska Region from the early 20th century until World War II). Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središþe, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, Založba Annales, 2007, 426 p. (Knjižnica Annales Majora). 3273. KONISHI (Sho). Reopening the "Opening of Japan": a Russian-Japanese revolutionary encounter and the vision of anarchist progress. American historical review, 2007, 112, 1, p. 101-130. 3274. KUZMICS (Helmut), AXTMANN (Ronald). Authority, state and national character. The civilizing process in Austria and England, 1700–1900. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 363 p. 3275. MAC SHANE (Angela). The roasting of the rump: scatology and the body politic in Restoration England. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 253-272. – JENNER (Mark S. R.). Reply. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 273-286 [Debate]. 3276. MASTELLONE (Salvo). Mazzini e Linton. Una democrazia europea (1845–1855). Firenze, Leo Olschki, 2007, 311 p. 3277. Militari e società civile nell'Europa dell'età moderna (secoli XVI–XVIII). Atti della XLVII settimana di studio, Trento, 13–17 settembre 2004. A cura di

Claudio DONATI e Bernhard R. KROENER. Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, 703 p. (Annali dell'Istituto Storico ItaloGermanico in Trento: Quaderni, 71). 3278. Monarchisms in the age of Enlightenment. Liberty, patriotism and the common good. Ed. Hans BLOM, John Christian LAURSEN and Luisa SIMONUTTI. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2007, 306 p. 3279. Monarchy and religion. The transformation of Royal culture in eighteenth-century Europe. Ed. by Michael SCHAICH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 500 p. 3280. NISHIKAWA (Masao). Shakaishugi intƗnashonaru no gunzǀ: 1914–1923. (Prosopographies of the Socialist International: 1914–1923). Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 488 p. 3281. O'BRIEN (Thomas). Making the Americas: the United States and Latin America from the age of revolutions to the era of globalization. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2007, 390 p. 3282. Østersøområdet fra Anden Verdenskrig til den Kolde Krig. (La région de la Baltique de la seconde Guerre mondiale à la Guerre froide). Red. Robert BOHN, Thomas Wegener FRIIS, Michael F. SCHOLZ. Middelfart, Forlaget Friis, 2007, 299 p. 3283. PAUER (Jan). 1968. Der "Prager Frühling" und die Deutschen. In: Wendepunkte in den Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen, Tschechen und Slowaken 1848– 1989 [Cf. no 6331], p. 263-285. 3284. PAVONE (Claudio). Prima lezione di storia contemporanea. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, VIII-236 p. (Universale Laterza, 866). 3285. Politik und Religion. Eigenlogik oder Verzahnung? Europa im 16. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Robert von FRIEDEBURG und L. SCHORN-SCHÜTTE. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 165 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, 45) 3286. Reactions to revolutions. The 1790s and their aftermath. Ed. by Ulrich BROICH [et al.]. Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2007, 326 p. 3287. Realities of representation. State building in Early Modern Europe and European America. Ed. by Maija JANSSON. New York a. London, Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 237 p. 3288. RESENDE-SANTOS (João). Neorealism, states, and the modern mass army. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-321 p. (ill., maps). 3289. SCHNEIDER (Ronald M.). Latin American political history: patterns and personalities. Boulder, Westview Press, 2007, XXXII-680 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 3290. Scottish nation (The). Identity and history. Ed. by Alexander MURDOCH. Edinburgh, John Donald, Birlinn, 2007, 204 p. 3291. Sekaishi shiryǀ 6: Yǀroppa kindai shakai no keisei kara teikokushugi e: 18–19 seiki. (From the formation of the European modern society to the imperial age, the 18th and 19th centuries). Ed. Rekishigaku Ken-

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES kyukai. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 370 p. (The historical documents of world history, 6). 3292. Staat, Loyalität und Minderheiten in Ostmittelund Südosteuropa 1918–1941. Hrsg. v. Peter HASLINGER und Joachim von PUTTKAMER. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, VI-262 p. (Buchreihe der Kommission für Geschichte und Kultur der Deutschen in Südosteuropa, 39) 3293. Street (The) as stage. Protest marches and public rallies since the nineteenth century. Ed. by Matthias REISS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 367 p. 3294. TERNON (Yves). Guerre et génocides au XXe siècle. Architectures de la violence de masse. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2007, 398 p. 3295. THALER (Peter). A tale of three communities. National identification in the German-Danish borderlands. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 141-166. 3296. TOWNEND (Paul A.). Between two worlds: Irish nationalists and Imperial crisis 1878–1880. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 139-174. 3297. Twisted Paths. Europe 1914–1945. Ed. by Robert GERWARTH. Oxford u. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XV-425 p. 3298. WASSERSTEIN (Bernard). Barbarism and civilization. A history of Europe in our time. Oxford u. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXIII-901 p. 3299. WREDE (Martin). Entre Empereur, Empire et nation: l'essor de "l'esprit politique" en Allemagne moderne (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles). Revue historique, 2007, 643, p. 623-652. Cf. nos 498, 552, 578, 705, 1057, 4215, 5939, 6132, 6273-6332 § 2. History by countries. _______________________

Afghanistan 3300. IBRAHIMI (Niamatullah). The failure of a clerical proto-state: Hazarajat, 1979í1984. London, Crisis States Research Centre, 2007, 22 p. (Crisis States Programme working papers series 2, 6). Albania ** 3301. Enver Hoxha dhe katër ditët e Beratit 23– 27 nëntor 1944: plenumi i 2-të i KQ të PKSH: Berat, 23–27 nëntor 1944: dokumente. [Enver Hoxha, documenti del Plenum del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Albanese, Berat 23–27 novembre 1944]. Përgatitur për botim nga Ndreçi PLASARI, Luan MALLTEZI. Tiranë, Shtëpia Botuese "55", 2007, 409 p. _______________________

3302. CLAYER (Nathalie). Aux origines du nationalisme albanais: la naissance d'une nation majoritairement musulmane en Europe. Paris, Karthala, 2007, 794 p. (ill., maps). (Recherches internationales). 3303. FISCHER (Bernd J.). Enver Hoxha and the Stalinist dictatorship in Albania. In: Balkan strongmen: dic-


tators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 239-268. í IDEM. King Zog, Albania's interwar dictator. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 19-50. 3304. KACZA (Thomas). Zwischen Feudalismus und Stalinismus: albanische Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Trafo, 2007, 389 p. Algeria 3305. BELHADJ (Salah). Le FLN: crises internes et luttes de pouvoir, 1956–1965. Alger, Éditions Kortoba, 2007, 239 p. 3306. EVANS (Martin), PHILLIPS (John). Algeria. Anger of the dispossessed. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 352 p. 3307. MAHSAS (Ahmed). Le mouvement révolutionnaire en Algérie: de la 1re guerre mondiale à 1954. Alger, Editions el Maarifa, 2007, 363 p. 3308. SIMON (Jacques). Messali avant Messali: l'invention de la nation algérienne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 237 p. (ill., maps, facsims.). (CREAC-Histoire). 3309. TESSA (Ahmed). Algérie: histoire d'une construction spatiale, 1960–2005. Paris, Publisud, 2007, 127 p. (ill., maps). (Le développement dans les faits). Cf. nos 3513, 6402 Angola 3310. GUIFFO (Jean-Philippe). L'Angola et le Mozambique à l'aube de 25 avril 1974. Yaoundé, Éditions de l'Essoah, 2007, 140 p. (ill., map). 3311. JÚNIOR (Miguel). Forças Armadas Populares de Libertação de Angola: 1. Exército nacional (1975– 1992). Lisboa, Prefáce, Edição de Livros e Revistas, 2007, 205 p. (ill., maps). Argentina 3312. ALONSO (Paula). Ideological tensions in the foundational decade of "Modern Argentina": the political debates of the 1880s. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 1, p. 3-41. 3313. AғLVAREZ (Yamile). De la proscripción al poder: historia, evolución y luchas del peronismo en Mendoza, 1955–1973. Mendoza, EDIUNC, 2007, 303 p. (ill., facsims.). (Estudios, 51). 3314. Argentina, 1976: estudios en torno al golpe de estado. Compiladores Clara E. LIDA, Horacio CRESPO y Pablo YANKELEVICH. México D. F., Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2007, 287 p. 3315. BALBI (Fernando Alberto). De leales, desleales y traidores: valor moral y concepción de política en el peronismo. Buenos Aires, Antropofagia: Grupo de Investigación en Antropología, Política y Económica Regional, 2007, 444 p. (Serie Antropología política y económica).



3316. BEN PLOTKIN (Mariano). El día que se inventó el peronismo: la construcción del 17 de octubre. Nudos de la historia argentina. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2007, 217 p. 3317. BIERNAT (Carolina). ¿Buenos o útiles? La política inmigratoria del peronismo. Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2007, 189 p. (ill.). (Colección La Argentina plural). 3318. DEGIOVANNI (Fernando). Los textos de la patria: Nacionalismo, políticas culturales y canon en Argentina. Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2007, 383 p. (Ensayos Críticos, 37). 3319. DI MEGLIO (Gabriel). ¡Mueran los salvajes unitarios! La Mazorca y la política en tiempos de Rosas. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2007, 215 p. (ill.). (Nudos de la historia argentina). 3320. FINCHELSTEIN (Federico). The Anti-Freudian politics of Argentine Fascism: anti-Semitism, Catholicism, and the internal enemy, 1932–1945. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 1, p. 77-110. 3321. Formas (Las) de la política en la Patagonia: el primer peronismo en los territorios nacionales. Coordinadores Aixa BONA y Juan VILABOA. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2007, 185 p. (Historia).

Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2007, 275 p. (Colección Convergencia. Entre memoria y sociedad). Addendum 2006 3330. BERTAGNA (Federica). La patria di riserva: l'emigrazione fascista in Argentina. Prefazione di Emilio Franzina. Roma, Donzelli, 2006, XXI-297 p. (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). Cf. nos 3425, 3434, 4464, 4906, 5121, 5240, 5562 Australia 3331. Against the grain: Brian Fitzpatrick and Manning Clark in Australian history and politics. Ed. by Stuart MACINTYRE and Sheila FITZPATRICK. Melbourne, Melbourne U. P., 2007, VI-279 p. 3332. CARMENT (David). Territorianism: politics and identity in Australia's Northern Territory, 1978– 2001. North Melbourne, Australian Scholarly Pub., 2007, VIII-93 p. 3333. EWER (Peter). Servants of the national interest? Conservatives and aviation policy-making in the 1930s. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 129, p. 52-70.

3322. GHIO (José-María). La iglesia católica en la política argentina. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2007, 300 p. (Prometeo bicentenario).

3334. HANCOCK (Ian). The Liberals: a history of the NSW [New South Wales] division of the Liberal party of Australia, 1945–2000. Annandale, Federation Press, 2007, XI-388 p.

3323. GUTIÉRREZ (Leandro), ROMERO (Luis Alberto). Sectores populares, cultura y política. Buenos Aires en la entreguerra. Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2007, 214 p.

3335. MARTIN (Nick). 'Bucking the machine': Clarrie Martin and the NSW [New South Wales] Socialisation Units, 1929–35. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 177-196.

3324. HALPERIN DONGHI (Tulio). La república imposible. Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2007, 338 p. (Biblioteca del Pensamiento Argentino). í IDEM. Vida y muerte de la república verdadera. Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2007, 322 p. (Biblioteca del Pensamiento Argentino). 3325. PERSELLO (Ana Virginia). Historia del radicalismo. Edición a cargo de Juan SURIANO. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2007, 350 p. (Historia política). 3326. Poder (El) y la vara: estudios sobre la justicia y la construcción del Estado en el Buenos Aires rural, 1780–1830: Compilador Raúl O. FRADKIN. Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2007, 165 p. (ill.). (Colección de historia argentina). 3327. Prensa y peronismo: discursos, prácticas, empresas, 1943–1958. Jornadas de Historia Política (2005: Tandil, Argentina). Compiladores María Liliana DA ORDEN y Julio César MELON PIRRO. Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2007, 257 p. (ill.). (Colección Actas, 4).

3336. WELLER (Patrick Moray). Cabinet government in Australia, 1901–2006: practice, principles, performance. Sydney, UNSW Press, 2007, VII-324 p. Austria * 3337. EVANS (R. J. W.). The Habsburg Monarchy, 1848–1918, and the Habsburgermonarchie project. English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 1016-1022. _______________________

3338. Aufstand, Putsch und Diktatur: das Jahr 1934 in der Steiermark. Hrsg. v. Heimo HALBRAINER und Martin F. POLASCHEK. Graz, Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv, 2007, 150 p. (ill.). (Styriaca, neue Reihe, 6. CLIO historische und gesellschaftspolitische Schriften, 3). 3339. DICKSON (P. G. M.). Count Karl von Zinzendorf 's 'new accountancy': the structure of austrian government finance in peace and war, 1781–1791. International history review, 2007, 29, 1, p. 22-56.

3328. RATTO (Silvia). Indios y cristianos: Entre la guerra y la paz en las fronteras. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2007, 214 p. (Nudos de la historia argentina).

3340. HALBRAINER (Heimo). "Der grösste Lump im ganzen Land, das ist und bleibt der Denunziant": Denunziation in der Steiermark 1938–1945 und der Umgang mit den Denunzianten in der Zweiten Republik. Graz, CLIO, Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit, 2007, 311 p. (ill.).

3329. RUFFINI (Martha). La pervivencia de la República posible en los territorios nacionales: poder y ciudadanía en Río Negro. Buenos Aires, Universidad

3341. HASQUIN (Hervé). Joseph II: Catholique anticlérical et réformateur impatient, 1741–1790. Bruxelles, Éditions Racine, 2007, 328 p.



3342. HÖBELT (Lothar). Nostalgic agnostics: Austrian aristocrats and politics, 1918–1938. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 161-186.

des Forschungsinstitutes für Politisch-Historische Studien der Dr.-Wilfried-Haslauer-Bibliothek, Salzburg, 32).

3343. KAMUSELLA (Tomasz). Silesia and Central European nationalisms: the emergence of national and ethnic groups in Prussian Silesia and Austrian Silesia, 1848–1918. West Lafayette, Purdue U. P., 2007, XVI370 p. (maps). (Central European studies).


3344. Karl I (IV): der Erste Weltkrieg und das Ende der Donaumonarchie. Hrsg. v. Andreas GOTTSMANN. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007, 305 p. (ill.). (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom. Abhandlungen, 14). 3345. KNIGHT (Robert). Denazification and integration in the Austrian province of Carinthia. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 3, p. 572-612. 3346. LAURIDSEN (John T.). Nazism and the radical Right in Austria 1918–1934. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2007, 548 p. 3347. LEWIS (Jill). Workers and politics in occupied Austria, 1945–1955. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, 224 p. (map). 3348. Limits (The) of loyalty: imperial symbolism, popular allegiances, and state patriotism in the late Habsburg monarchy. Ed. by Laurence COLE and Daniel L. UNOWSKY. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, VIII-246 p. (ill., map). (Austrian and Habsburg studies, 9). 3349. MESNER (Maria), REITER (Margit), VENUS (Theodor). Enteignung und Rückgabe: das sozialdemokratische Parteivermögen in Österreich 1934 und nach 1945. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2007, 172 p. 3350. Niederösterreich 1918 bis 1922: die Vorträge des 19. Symposions des Niederösterreichisches Instituts für Landeskunde, Obersiebenbrunn, 5. bis 8. Juli 1999. Hrsg. v. Willibald ROSNER und Reinelde MOTZLINHART. St. Pölten, Selbstverlag des NÖ Institut für Landeskunde, 2007, 152 p. (Studien und Forschungen aus dem Niederösterreichischen Institut für Landeskunde, 39. NÖ Schriften. Wissenschaft, 159). 3351. REISIGL (Martin). Nationale Rhetorik in Festund Gedenkreden: eine diskursanalytische Studie zum "österreichischen Millennium" in den Jahren 1946 und 1996. Tübingen, Stauffenburg, 2007, 322 p. (Stauffenburg aktuell, 7). 3352. STEINER (Stephan). Reisen ohne Wiederkehr: die Deportation von Protestanten aus Kärnten 1734– 1736. Wien, Oldenbourg, 2007, 381 p. (ill., maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 46). 3353. VOITHOFER (Richard). Politische Eliten in Salzburg: ein biografisches Handbuch 1918 bis zur Gegenwart. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 374 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe

Cf. nos 3734, 6784

3354. SENGUPTA (Nitish K.). Bengal divided: the unmaking of a nation (1905–1971). New Delhi a. New York, Penguin, Viking, 2007, XII-260 p. (ill., maps). Belarus Cf. no 4223 Belgium 3355. Belgique docile (La): les autorités belges et la persécution des Juifs en Belgique durant la Seconde guerre mondiale. Sous la dir. de Rudi VAN DOORSLAER [et al.] avec la participation de Lieven SAERENS. Bruxelles, L. Pire, 2007, 2 vol., X-1545 p. (ill.). 3356. DE MAEYER (Jan). Between défence social and anti-communism: the Belgian aristocracy in the interwar period. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 35-52. 3357. LOTTIN (Alain). La révolte des Gueux en Flandre, Artois et Hainaut. Politique, religion et société au XVIe siècle. Lillers, Les Échos du Pas-de-Calais, 2007, 200 p. 3358. MAJERUS (Benoît). Occupations et logiques policières: la police bruxelloise en 1914–1918 et 1940– 1945. Bruxelles, Classe des lettres, Académie royale de Belgique, 2007, 388 p. (Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres, Collection in-8°, 3e série, 44). Cf. nos 6435, 6599, 6780 Belize 3359. MACPHERSON (Anne S.). From colony to nation: women activists and the gendering of politics in Belize, 1912–1982. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XVIII-385 p. (ill., maps). (Engendering Latin America). Bolivia ** 3360. DEMÉLAS (Marie-Danielle). Nacimiento de la guerra de guerrilla: el diario de José Santos Vargas, 1810–1825. La Paz, Plural Editores y Lima, IFEA, 2007, 459 p. (ill., maps) y 1 DVD (4 3/4 in.). (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines, 196). ** 3361. Revolución boliviana (La): documentos fundamentales. Compiladores Juan Luis HERNÁNDEZ y Ariel SALCITO. Buenos Aires, Editorial Newen Mapu, 2007, 294 p. (Colección América Latina, la historia a contrapelo. Serie Documentos y testimonies, 3). _______________________

3362. BROCKMANN (Robert). El general y sus presidentes: vida y tiempos de Hans Kundt, Ernst Röhm y siete presidentes en la historia de Bolivia, 1911–1939. La Paz, Plural, 2007, 470 p. (ill.).



3363. CHÁVEZ ZAMORANO (Omar) [et al.]. La Autonomía electoral: historia política e institucional del sistema electoral boliviano (1825–2006). La Paz, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2007, 756 p. (ill.). 3364. DEMÉLAS (Marie-Danielle). Nacimiento de la guerra de guerrilla. El diario de José Santos Vargas (18101825). La Paz, Plural Editores y Lima, Institut français d'études andines, 2007, 459 p. 3365. DUNKERLEY (James). Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present: essays. London, Institute for the Study of the Americas, 2007, XV-311 p. (ill.). 3366. FERNÁNDEZ QUISBERT (Ramiro). Resistencia indígena, poder local y desarrollo agropecuario en los Andes. La Paz, Colegio Nacional de Historiadores de Bolivia, 2007, 257 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Bolivia, estudios en ciencias sociales, 4). 3367. GOTKOWITZ (Laura). A revolution for our rights: indigenous struggles for land and justice in Bolivia, 1880–1952. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, XIV-398 p. 3368. HYLTON (Forrest), THOMSON (Sinclair). Revolutionary horizons: past and present in Bolivian politics. With a prologue by Adolfo GILLY. London, Verso, 2007, XXIV-177 p. (ill., maps). 3369. LARSON (Brooke). Pedagogía nacional, resistencia andina y lucha por la cultura pública: Bolivia, 1900–1930. La Paz, Postgrado en Ciencias de Desarrollo, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, CIDES-UMSA, 2007, 38 p. (Documento de trabajo, 2). 3370. ROCA (José Luis). Ni con Lima ni con Buenos Aires: la formación de un estado nacional en Charcas. La Paz, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos y Plural editores, 2007, 771 p. (Travaux de l'Institut francaࡤ is d'études andines, 248). 3371. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey). La utopía social conservadora en Bolivia: el gobierno de Manuel Isidoro Belzu, 1848–1855. Moskva, Academia de Ciencias de Rusia y Instituto de Historia Universal, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2007, 255 p.

3375. DULLES (John Watson Foster). Resisting Brazil's military regime: an account of the battles of Sobral Pinto. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, 288 p. 3376. FERREIRA (Oliveiros S). Elos partidos: uma nova visão do poder militar no Brasil. São Paulo, Harbra, 2007, XIV-594 p. 3377. GONÇALVES (Regina Célia). Guerras e açúcares: política e economia na capitania da Parayba, 1585–1630. Bauru, EDUSC, 2007, 329 p. (História). 3378. Histórias do movimento negro no Brasil: depoimentos ao CPDOC [Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil]. Organizadores Verena ALBERTI e Amilcar ARAUJO PEREIRA. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, CPDOC, Pallas, 2007, 526 p. 3379. Império a outro (De um): estudos sobre a formação do Brasil, séculos XVIII e XIX Organizadoras Wilma Peres COSTA e Cecília Helena de Salles OLIVEIRA. São Paulo, Aderaldo & Rothschild e FAPESP, 2007, 342 p. (maps). 3380. Nacionalismo e reformismo radical (1945– 1964). Organizadores, Jorge FERREIRA e Daniel Aarão REIS. Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2007, 643 p. (ill.). (Coleção as esquerdas no Brasil, 2). 3381. PENNA (Lincoln de Abreu). Imprensa e política no Brasil: a militância jornalística do proletariado. Rio de Janeiro, E-papers, 2007, 171 p. 3382. SALES (Jean Rodrigues). A luta armada contra a ditadura militar: a esquerda brasileira e a influência da revolução cubana. São Paulo, Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2007, 127 p. (ill.). (História do povo brasileiro). 3383. SPENTHOF (Odair José). Estado Novo e alemães: nacionalização e resistência. Passo Fundo, Universidade de Passo Fundo, 2007, 158 p. (ill.). 3384. Vargas and Brazil: new perspectives. Ed. by Jens R. HENTSCHKE. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIV-306 p. Cf. nos 4139, 5976 Brunei

3372. ZULAWSKI (Ann). Unequal cures: public health and political change in Bolivia, 1900–1950. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X-253 p.

3385. MAJID (Harun Abdul). Rebellion in Brunei. The 1962 revolt, imperialism, confrontation and oil. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XI-200 p.



3373. OKEY (Robin). Taming Balkan nationalism. The Habsburg "civilizing mission" in Bosnia, 1878–1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-346 p.

3386. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf). "Die sozialistische Lebensweise": Ideologie, Gesellschaft, Familie und Politik in Bulgarien (1944–1989). Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 768 p. (ill.). (Zur Kunde Südosteuropas, II/35).

Cf. nos 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239 Brazil 3374. ALVES DOS SANTOS (Ivair Augusto). O movimento negro e o Estado, 1983–1987. São Paulo, CONE, Coordenadoria dos Assuntos da População Negra e Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo, Secretaria Especial para Participação e Parceria, 2007, 183 p.

3387. CHARY (Frederick). Boris III, Tsar of the Bulgarians. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 119140. 3388. CRAMPTON (R. J.). Bulgaria. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXI-507 p. (Oxford history of Modern Europe).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3389. GALUNOV (Todor). Wahlsysteme und Parlamentswahlen währen der Regierung Stefan Stambolovs (1886í1890). Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 124-154. 3390. KRAUSE (Stefan). Todor Zhivkov, Bulgaria's long-time Communist leader. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 355-392. 3391. PETROVA (Dimitrina). Aleksandăr Tsankov – from right-wing socialism to National socialism. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 3-4, p. 50-86. 3392. TIULEKOV (Dimităr). Politicheskijat mit za "Makedonsko maltsinstvo" v Bălgarija. (Political myth of "Macedonian minority" in Bulgaria). Blagoevgrad, Makedonski nauchen institut, filial Blagoevgrad, 2007, 323 p. 3393. Transformationsprobleme Bulgariens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: historische und ethnologische Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Ulf BRUNNBAUER und Wolfgang HÖPKEN. München, Verlag Otto Sagner, 2007, 259 p. (Südosteuropa-Studien, 75).


real a. Ithaca, McGill-Queens's U. P., 2007, X-326 p. (ill.). 3401. CHAMPION (C.P.). Mike Pearson at Oxford: war, varsity, and canadianism. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 2, p. 263-290. 3402. EVANS (Suzanne). Mothers of heroes, mothers of martyrs: World War I and the politics of grief. Montreal a. Kingston, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2007, XII-211 p. 3403. GÉLINAS (Xavier). La droite intellectuelle québécoise et la Révolution tranquille. Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2007, XII-486 p. (Cultures québécoises). 3404. JOCKEL (Joseph T.). Canada in NORAD, 1957– 2007: a history. Montreal, Mc-Gill-Queen's U. P., 2007, X-225 p. 3405. LEFÈVRE (Marine). Charles de Gaulle: du Canada français au Québec. Montréal, Leméac, 2007, 195 p. (Domaine Histoire). 3406. LIN (Zhiqiu). Policing the wild North-West. A sociological study of the provincial police in Alberta and Saskatchewan 1905–1932. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2007, 233 p.

3394. TROANSKI (Khristo). Kazhi koga da umra: edno prednamereno ubiӿstvo: sluchajat polkovnik Mladenov. (Dis quand je dois mourir. Un assassinat prémédité. Le cas colonel Mladenov). Sofija, UI "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2007, 270 p. (ill., port.).

3407. MALONEY (S. M.). Learning to love the bomb. Canada's nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Washington, Potomac Books, 2007, XXV-477 p.

3395. VOILLERY (Pierre). Identité et nationalité chez les Bulgares Ottomans: Alexandre Exarh, 1810–1891. Istanbul, Editions Isis, 2007, 549 p. (ill., maps). (Analecta Isisiana, 98).

3408. MUIRHEAD (Bruce). Dancing around the elephant: creating a prosperous Canada in an era of American dominance, 1957–1973. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2007, X-323 p.

Cf. nos 4230, 5441, 6856

3409. MUMFORD (Jeremy Ravi). Why was Louis Riel, a United States citizen, hanged as a Canadian traitor in 1885? Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 2, p. 237262.

Burundi 3396. CHRÉTIEN (Jean-Pierre), DUPAQUIER (JeanFrançois). Burundi 1972. Au bord des génocides. Paris, Karthala, 2007, 496 p. Cambodia 3397. EDWARDS (Penny). Cambodge: the cultivation of a nation, 1860–1945. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2007, VIII-349 p. (ill.). (Southeast Asia-politics, meaning, memory). Cameroon 3398. EYELOM (Franklin). L'impact de la Première Guerre mondiale sur le Cameroun. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 198 p. (Etudes africaines.). 3399. WARNIER (Jean-Pierre). The pot-king: the body and technologies of power. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2007, X-326 p. (African Social Studies Series, 17). Canada 3400. Canadas of the mind: the making and unmaking of Canadian nationalisms in the twentieth century. Ed. by Norman HILLMER and Adam CHAPNICK. Mont-

3410. Transforming the nation. Canada and Brian Mulroney. Ed. by Raymond B. BLAKE. Montreal a. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2007, 456 p. Chad 3411. HAGGAR (Bichara Idriss). Histoire politique du Tchad sous le régime du président François Tombalbaye, 1960–1975: déjà, le Tchad était mal parti! Préface d'Antoine BANGUI. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 425 p. (ill.). (Pour mieux connaître le Tchad). Chile ** 3412. PORTALES (Diego José Víctor). Epistolario. T. 1. 1821–1832. T. 2. 1833–1837. Edición a cargo de Carmen FARIÑA VICUÑA. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2007, 2 vol., LX-727 p. (Colección Bicentenario). _______________________

3413. BRAHM GARCÍA (Enrique I.). Mariano Egaña: derecho y política en la fundación de la república conserva dora. Santiago, Ediciones Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, 2007, 253 p. (Colección América Latina).



3414. CONTRERAS OSORIO (Rodrigo). La dictature de Pinochet en perspective: sociologie d'une révolution capitaliste et néoconservatrice. Préface de Alain TOURAINE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 301 p. (Recherches Amériques latines).

parda y democracia: la derecha colombiana de los años treinta. Bogotá, Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño y Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Historia, Línea de Investigación en Historia Política y Social y Caldas, Gobernación de Caldas, 2007, 559 p.

3415. FAÚNDEZ (Julio). Democratization, development, and legality: Chile, 1831 to 1973. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 281 p. (Studies of the Americas).

3427. BÁEZ PIMIENTO (Adriana). La Alianza Nacional Popular (ANAPO) en Santander, 1962–1976. Bucaramanga, Dirección Cultural, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2007, 305 p. (ill.). (Colección Temas y autores regionales).

3416. FERNÁNDEZ ABARA (Joaquín). El Ibañismo (1937–1952): un caso de populismo en la política chilena. Santiago, Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2007, 214 p. (ill.). (Historia libros). 3417. FRAZIER (Lessie Jo). Salt in the sand: memory, violence, and the nation-state in Chile, 1890 to the present. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, XVII388 p. (ill., maps). (Politics, history, and culture). 3418. GREZ TOSO (Sergio). Los anarquistas y el movimiento obrero: la alborada de "la Idea" en Chile, 1893– 1915. Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2007, 435 p. (ill.). (Historia). 3419. MARTLAND (Samuel). Reconstructing the city, constructing the state: Government in Valparaíso after the earthquake of 1906. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 2, p. 221-254.

3428. CORREA RESTREPO (Juan Santiago). Prensa de oposición: el radicalismo derrotado (1880–1902). Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2007, 285 p. (Biblioteca de historia de las ideas, 7). 3429. GUTIÉRREZ RAMOS (Jairo). Los indios de Pasto contra la República (1809–1824). Bogotá, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, 2007, 274 p. (Colección Año 200). 3430. GUTIÉRREZ SANÍN (Francisco). ¿Lo que el viento se llevó? Los partidos políticos y la democracia en Colombia, 1958–2002. Bogotá, Grupo Editorial Norma, 2007, 518 p. (Colección Vitral).

3420. PERALTA C. (Paulina). ¡Chile tiene fiesta! El origen del 18 de septiembre 1810–1837. Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2007, 210 p. (ill., map). (Historia).

3431. JARAMILLO SALGADO (Diego). Satanización del socialismo y del comunismo en Colombia 1930– 1953. Popayán, Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Departamento de Filosofía, 2007, 311 p. (Coleccíon Cultura y política).

3421. PINTO VALLEJOS (Julio). Desgarros y utopías en la pampa salitrera: la consolidación de la identidad obrera en tiempos de la cuestion social, 1890–1923. Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2007, 241 p. (Historia).

3432. LASSO (Marixa). Myths of harmony: race and republicanism during the age of revolution, Colombia 1795–1831. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007, VIII-203 p. (Pitt Latin American series).

3422. ROJAS-MIX (Miguel). El Dios de Pinochet: fisonomía del fascismo iberoamericano. Prólogo de Juan Carlos RODRÍGUEZ IBARRA. Madrid, Taller de Mario Muchnik, 2007, 278 p. (ill.).

3433. MEJÍA ARANGO (Lázaro). Los radicales: historia política del radicalismo del siglo XIX. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2007, 610 p.

3423. SAMANIEGO MESÍAS (Augusto), RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ (Carlos). Mentalidades y políticas wingka: Pueblo mapuche, entre golpe y golpe (de Ibáñez a Pinochet). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 440 p. (Colección América).

3434. PÉREZ (Hésper Eduardo). El tránsito hacia el Estado nacional en América Latina en el siglo XIX: Argentina, México y Colombia. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007, 169 p. (ill., ports., facsims.). (Colección CES). Congo

3424. SAN FRANCISCO (Alejandro). La guerra civil de 1891. Vol. 1. La irrupción política de los militares en Chile. Santiago, Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, 2007, 357 p.

3435. ERGO (André-Bernard). L'héritage de la Congolie: naissance d'une nation en Afrique centrale. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 287 p. (ill., maps). (Études africaines).

3425. WRIGHT (Thomas C.). State terrorism in Latin America: Chile, Argentina and international human rights. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefied, 2007, XVI-267 p.

3436. IKAMBANA (Peta). Mobutu's totalitarian political system: an Afrocentric analysis. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-126 p. (ill.). (African studies history, politics, economics, and culture).

Cf. nos 4110, 6197 China Cf. nos 7046-7251 Colombia 3426. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto). El porvenir del pasado: Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, sensibilidad leo-

3437. MBUYAMBA MUSUNGAI (Symphorien). Les années Mobutu et les vérités historiques. Préf. de Antoine LUMENGANESO-KIOBE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 2 vol., 230 p., 230 p. (ill.). (Espace Kinshasa). 3438. RENTON (Dave), SEDDON (David), ZEILIG (Leo). The Congo: plunder and resistance. London a. New York, Zed Books a. New York, Distributed in the



USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 243 p. (map).

versity of South Carolina Press, 2007, XXX-391 p. (ill., maps).

3439. TSHIBANGU (Mwamba). Congo-Kinshasa, ou, La dictature en série. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 262 p. (Etudes africaines).

3451. DÍAZ-BRIQUETS (Sergio), PÉREZ-LÓPEZ (Jorge). Corruption in Cuba: Castro and beyond. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, XIII-286 p.

Cf. no 4572

3452. LÓPEZ RIVERO (Sergio). El viejo traje de la revolución: identidad colectiva, mito y hegemonía política en Cuba. Valencia, Universitat de València, 2007, 296 p. (Història).

Costa Rica ** 3440. Diarios de Faustino Montes de Oca Gamero. Ed. por Clotilde OBREGÓN QUESADA. San José, Editorial UCR, 2007, XI-81 p. (ill., ports.). _______________________

3441. BRENES JIMÉNEZ (Roberto). La democracia cristiana en Costa Rica: origen y desarrollo. San José, Editorial Costa Rica, 2007, 237 p. (Ensayos). 3442. DÍAZ ARIAS (David). La fiesta de la independencia en Costa Rica, 1821–1921. San José, Editorial UCR, 2007, XXXVIII-328 p. (ill.). (Colección Nueva historia). 3443. MOLINA JIMÉNEZ (Iván). Anticomunismo reformista: competencia electoral y cuestión social en Costa Rica (1931–1948). San José, Editorial Costa Rica, 2007, 222 p. (ill.). (Ensayo). 3444. SÁNCHEZ C. (Fernando F.). Partidos políticos, elecciones y lealtades partidarias en Costa Rica: erosión y cambio. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2007, 355 p. (Biblioteca de América). Côte d'Ivoire

3453. LÓPEZ VALDÉS (Rafael L.). Pardos y morenos esclavos y libres en Cuba y sus instituciones en el Caribe hispano. Prólogo de Ricardo E. ALEGRÍA. San Juan, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, 2007, 374 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del Centro). 3454. LUCIAK (Ilja A.). Gender and democracy in Cuba. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XXVIII-143 p. 3455. MARTÍNEZ HEREDIA (Fernando). La revolución cubana del 30: ensayos. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales y Ruth Casa Editorial, 2007, 218 p. 3456. PEDRAZA (Silvia). Political disaffection in Cuba's revolution and exodus. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-359 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in contentious politics). 3457. Revolución cubana (La): miradas cruzadas (1959–2006). Ed. por Dominique GAY-SYLVESTRE. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ediciones Idea, 2007, 630 p.


3458. SÁNCHEZ COBOS (Amparo). "Extranjeros perniciosos": el orden público y la expulsión de anarquistas españoles de Cuba (1899–1930). Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 171-188.

3445. COX (John K.). Ante Pavelic and the Ustasa state in Croatia. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 199-238.

3459. SERRA (Ana). The "new man" in Cuba: culture and identity in the Revolution. Contemporary Cuba. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XIII-210 p.

3446. Independent state (The) of Croatia 1941– 1945. Ed. by Sabrina P. RAMET. London, Routledge, 2007, 113 p. (Totalitarian movements and political religions).

** 3460. Cyprus issue (The): a documentary history, 1878–2006. Ed. by Murat Metin HAKKI. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, XII-664 p.

Cf. no 6415

3447. Povijest Hrvata 3: od 1918. do danas. (History of the Croats: since 1918 up to the present time). Ed. Ivo PERIû. Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2007, 591 p. Cf. nos 4229, 4233-4235, 4239, 4254 Cuba ** 3448. Expedición (La) del Granma: selección de documentos. La Habana, Editora Política, 2007, 109 p. (ill.).


Czech Republic ** 3461. Charta 77. Dokumenty 1977–1989. Sv. 1-3. (Charter 77. Documents, 1977–89. Tomo 1-3). Ed. Blanka CÍSAěOVSKÁ, Vilém PREýAN, Milena JANIŠOVÁ. Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2007, 2 vol., 1125 p., 523 p. (ill.).

** 3449. RODRÍGUEZ LA O (Raúl). Ramón Leocadio Bonachea y la independencia de Cuba. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2007, 211 p. (ill.). (Historia).

** 3462. MASARYK (Tomáš Garrigue). Cesta demokracie. 2, Projevy, þlánky, rozhovory 1921–1923. (The way of democracy. 2. Speeches, articles, interviews, 1921–23). Ed. Richard VAŠEK, V. FEJLEK. Praha, MasarykĤv ústav – Archiv AV ýR, 2007, 574 s. (Spisy TGM, 34).



3450. DE LA COVA (Antonio Rafael). The Moncada attack: birth of the Cuban Revolution. Columbia, Uni-

3463. A nepozdvihneš meþ... Odpírání vojenské služby v ýeskoslovensku 1948–1989. (And shall not



lift up sword... The conscientious objectors in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1989). Ed. Petr BLAŽEK. Praha, Academia, 2007, 335 p. 3464. BLAIVE (Muriel). Internationalism, patriotism, dictatorship and democracy: the Czechoslovak Communist Party and the exercise of power, 1945–1968. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 55-84. 3465. BRYANT (Chad Carl). Prague in black: Nazi rule and Czech nationalism. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, XII-378 p. (ill., maps). 3466. BURSÍK (Tomáš). Politiþtí vČzni a jejich postavení v rámci þeského vČzeĖského systému 1969–1989. (Political prisoners and their position in the Czech prison system in 1969–1989). Sborník archivu bezpeþnostních složek, 2007, 5, p. 137-153. 3467. Cestami kĜesĢanské politiky. Biografický slovník k dČjinám kĜesĢanských stran v þeských zemích. (On the paths of Christian politics. A biographical dictionary of the history of Czech Christian political parties). Ed. Michal PEHR [et al.]. Praha, Akropolis, 2007, 373 p. 3468. Charta 77. Od obhajoby lidských práv k demokratické revoluci 1977–1989. (Charter 77. From the assertion of human rights to a democratic revolution, 1977–89. The proceedings of the conference). Ed. Markéta DEVÁTÁ, JiĜí SUK, OldĜich TģMA. Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2007, 415 p. 3469. Czechoslovakia in a nationalist and fascist Europe, 1918–1948. Ed. by Mark CORNWALL and R.J.W. EVANS. Oxford, Published for the British Academy by Oxford U. P., 2007, 258 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 140). [Cf. nos 3475, 6747, 6890.]

3475. KOCIAN (JiĜí). The Czechs versus the Slovaks. Bilateral relations, 1944–1948. In: Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe 1918–1948 [Cf. no 3469], p. 207-215. 3476. KOVAěÍK (David). Osudy nČmeckých antifašistĤ v ýeskoslovensku po druhé svČtové válce. (Die Schicksale der deutschen Antifaschisten in der Tschechoslowakei nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg). In: In memoriam Johann Wolfgang Brügel. Ed. SoĖa NEZHODOVÁ [et al.]. Hustopeþe, 2007, p. 220-233. 3477. KVAýEK (Robert). Milan Hodža as Prime Minister. Comments on his first period as head of the government, 1935–1937. In: Milan Hodža statesman and politician [Cf. no 3481], p. 249-257. 3478. KVAPILOVÁ (Iva). Organizaþní vývoj SNB v 70. letech se zamČĜením na jeho veĜejnobezpeþnostní složku. (Organisational schemes of the Czech Security Forces in the 1970's, focusing on the public police). Sborník Archivu bezpeþnostních složek, 2007, 5, p. 9-116. 3479. LEIKERT (Jozef) [et al.]. Politik s dušou filozofa. Miesto T. G. Masaryka v þesko-slovenských dejinách. (L'homme politique avec l'ame de philosophe. La place de T. G. Masaryk dans l'histoire tchéco-slovaque). Bratislava, SpoloþnosĢ Pro Historia ௅ Historický ústav SAV, 2007, 255 p. [Eng. Summary]. 3480. MICHL (Jan). LegionáĜské organizace v ýeskoslovensku (1920–1938). (Legionnaire associations in Czechoslovakia, 1920–1938). Historie a vojenství, 2007, 56, 4, p. 4-23. 3481. Milan Hodža statesman and politician. Ed. by Miroslav PEKNÍK. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2007, 422 p. [Cf. no 3477.]

3470. GLASSHEIM (Eagle). Genteel nationalists: nobles and fascism in interwar Czechoslovakia. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 149-160.

3482. RAŠKA (Francis Dostál). Rada svobodného ýeskoslovenska, 1949–1956. (The Council of Free Czechoslovakia, 1949–1956). ýeský þasopis historický, 2007, 105, 4, p. 858-872.

3471. HARNA (Josef), LACINA (Vlastislav). Politické programy þeského a slovenského agrárního hnutí 1899– 1938. (Political programs of the Czech and Slovak agrarian movement). Praha, Historický ústav AV ýR, 2007, 274 p. (Edice politických programĤ, 5).

3483. Tieni þervenej hviezdy (V). Prenikanie sovietizácie do slovenskej (þeskoslovenskej) armády v rokoch 1944–1948. (Dans l'ombre de l'étoile rouge. L'entrée de la soviétisation dans l'armée slovaque, tchécoslovaque, dans les années 1944–1948). Zost. Peter ŠOLTÉS. Bratislava, Slovenský katolícky akademický spolok ISTROPOLITAN, 2007, 155 p. [Eng. Summary].

3472. JANýÍK (Drahomír). HospodáĜské elity a politická moc v meziváleþném ýeskoslovensku. (The economic elite and political power in interwar Czechoslovakia). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 54-76.

3484. VONDRÁŠEK (Václav). Lućácký exil v prvních mČsících po komunistickém pĜevratu v ýeskoslovensku. (The ďudák exiles in the first months after the communist coup in Czechoslovakia). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 2, p. 309-338. [Deutsche Zsfassung].

3473. JELÍNEK (Tomáš). Zástupci nČmeckých politických stran v orgánech pražské samosprávy v období mezi dvČma svČtovými válkami. (Vertreter der deutschen politischen Parteien in den Organen der Prager Selbstverwaltung in der Zwischenkriegszeit). Pražský sborník historický, 2007, 35, p. 115-153.

3485. WINGFIELD (Nancy M.). Flag wars and stone saints. How the Bohemian lands became Czech. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XVIII-353 p.

3474. KAPLAN (Karel). Poúnorový exil 1948–49. (Exile after February 1948). Liberec, Dialog, 2007, 199 p.

3486. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef). ďudské práva v druhej polovici 80. rokov 20. storoþia a slovenská a þeská

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES spoloþnosĢ. (Human rights in the second half of the 1980s and Slovak and Czech society). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 531-558. Cf. nos 4244-4252 Denmark ** 3487. Vor gunst tilforn: kilder til dansk forvaltningshistorie 1500–1750. (A notre féal conseiller: sources de l'histoire administrative danoise 1500– 1750). Red. Ole DEGN. København, Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie, 2007, 516 p. (Kilder til dansk forvaltningshistorie, 1). _______________________

3488. BECH LARSEN (Margit). Afvikling af Grønlands kolonistatus 1945–1954: en historisk udredning. (Le démantèlement du statut colonial du Groenland). København, Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, 2007, 478 p. (ill.). 3489. BJØRN (Claus). Grundtvig som politiker. (Grundtvig, homme politique). Frederiksberg, Anis, 2007, 261 p. (ill.).


de Christian X de Danemark). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 567 p. (ill.). 3497. JØRGENSEN (Torben Jarl). Knæfald eller skaftestøvlen? Dansk Samling mellem fascisme og kristentro 1936–1940. (Le Rassemblement national danois entre fascisme et christianisme 1936–1940). København, Books on Demand, 2007, 176 p. 3498. KNUDSEN (Tim). Fra folkestyre til markedsdemokrati: dansk demokratihistorie efter 1973. (Du gouvernement du peuple à la démocratie du marché: histoire de la démocratie danoise après 1973). København, Akademisk Forlag, 2007, 477 p. (ill.). 3499. LIEBING SCHLABER (Gerret). Hertugdømmet Slesvigs forvaltning, administrative strukturer og retspleje mellem Ejderen og Kongeån ca 1460–1864. (Le gouvernement du duché du Schleswig, structures administratives et juridictions entre les fleuves Eider et Kongeån ca 1460–1864). Flensborg, Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig, 2007, 493 p. (ill.). 3500. LOCKHART (Paul Douglas). Denmark, 1513– 1660: the rise and decline of a Renaissance monarchy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 279 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Oxford scholarship online).

3490. FRIISBERG (Claus). Igen over og ingen ved siden af Folketinget: partiernes kamp om forfatningen 1848–1920. (Personne au-dessus et personne à côté du Folketing: la lutte des partis danois pour la constitution 1848–1920). Gråsten, Vestjysk kulturforlag, 2007, 1016 p. (ill.).

3501. På ret kurs, et tilbageblik på systemskiftet i 1982. (Regard rétrospectif sur le changement de majorité au Danemark en 1982). Red. Christopher ARZROUNI [et al.]. København, People's Press, 2007, 208 p. (ill.).

3491. GLENTHØJ (Rasmus). På fædrelandets alter: national identitet og patriotisme hos det danske borgerskab 1807–1814. (Sur l'autel de la patrie: identité nationale et patriotisme dans la bourgeoisie danoise 1807–1814). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2007, 195 p. (pl., ill.).

3502. RAVN (Ole). Fører uden folk: Frits Clausen og Danmarks National Socialistiske Arbejder-Parti. (Leader sans peuple: Frits Clausen et le Parti nationalsocialiste danois). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2007, 499 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 354).

3492. HEIBERG (Steffen). Christian 4: en europæisk statsmand. (Christian IV: un homme d'Etat européen). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 490 p.

3503. VILLAUME (Poul), HEIN RASMUSSEN (Søren). Et land i forvandling, Danmarks historie 1970–2005. (Un pays en métamorphose, histoire du Danemark 1970– 2005). København, Gyldendal, Politiken, 2007, 775 p. (ill.).

3493. HOLMSTED LARSEN (Chris). Tiden arbejder for os. DKP og Vietnamkrigen 1963–1973. (Le temps travaille pour nous. Le Parti communiste danois et la guerre du Vietnam 1963–1973). København, Multivers, 2007, 248 p. 3494. HOLT NIELSEN (Knud). Giv mig de rene og ranke… Danmarks kommunistiske ungdom 1960–1990. (Donnez-moi les purs et les droits… Les Jeunesses communistes danoises 1960–1990). København, Det humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns universitet, 2007, 287 p. (ill.). 3495. JENSEN (Vivi). Dorothea: Guds vilje ௅ og dronningens (Dorothea de Danemark [1511–1571]: la volonté de Dieu et de la reine). København, Gad, 2007, 255 p. 3496. JESPERSEN (Knud J.V.). Historien om danskerne: 1500–2000. (Histoire des Danois 1500–2000). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 307 p. í IDEM. Rytterkongen: et portræt af Christian X. (Le roi-cavalier: biographie

Cf. no 6692 Djibouti 3504. DUBOIS (Colette), PÉNEL (Jean-Dominique). Saïd Ali Coubèche: la passion d'entreprendre: témoin du XXe siècle à Djibouti. Paris, Karthala et Djibouti, Lions club de Djibouti, 2007, 415 p. (ill., ports.). (Hommes et sociétés). Dominican Republic 3505. BOSCH (Brian J.). Balaguer and the Dominican military: presidential control of the factional officer corps in the 1960s and 1970s. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Co., 2007, VII-325 p. (ill.). 3506. INFANTE (Fernando A.). La era de Trujillo: cronología histórica, 1930–1961. República Dominicana, Editora Collado, 2007, 2 vol., 875 p. (ill.).



* 3507. SOASTI TOSCANO (Guadalupe). Guía descriptiva bibliográfica y documental sobre la independencia en el Ecuador. Quito, FONSAL, Fondo de Salvamento del Patrimonio Cultural, 2007, 565 p. (Coleccion biblioteca basica de quito).

Salvador: the Insurrection of 1932, Roque Dalton, and the politics of historical memory. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2007, XVIII-411 p. (ill.). (Diálogos). Cf. nos 3846, 4549



3508. Highland Indians and the state in modern Ecuador. Ed. by A. Kim CLARK and Marc BECKER. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007, X-348 p. (map). (Pitt Latin American series).

3520. FEEST (David). Zwangskollektivierung im Baltikum: die Sowjetisierung des estnischen Dorfes 1944–1953. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 535 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 40).

3509. O'CONNOR (Erin). Gender, Indian, nation. The contradictions of making Ecuador, 1830–1925. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2007, XXIII-261 p.

3521. KUUSK (Pearu). Noukogude voimu lahingud Eesti vastupanuliikumisega: banditismivastase voitluse osakond aastatel 1944–1947. [Department of the Antibanditry fight of the Ministry of Internal Affairs]. Tartu, Tartu ülikooli kirjastus, 2007, 210 p.

Cf. no 6086 Egypt ** 3510. TAYLOR SMITH (Kathleen). Speaking of palm trees: letters from Egypt, 1946–1947. Northwich, Greenridges Press, 2007, X-142 p. (ill.).

3522. LAAR (M.). September 1944: Otto Tiefi valitsus. (Settembre 1944: il governo di Otto Tiefi). Tallinn, Varrak, 2007, 388 p. (ill., ports.). Cf. nos 4223, 6187


3511. AHARONI (Reuven). The Pasha's Bedouin: tribes and state in the Egypt of Mehemet Ali, 1805– 1848. London, Routledge, 2007, IX-275 p. 3512. BAHGAT (Gawdat). Nuclear proliferation: Egypt. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 3, p. 409-421. 3513. Élites et société dans le monde Arabe: les cas de l'Algerie et de l'Egypte: actes de colloque scientifique, Timimoun, 23–25 mars 2002 / CREAD & ARCAASD. Coordination et présentation Omar LARDJANE. Alger, Casbah éditions, 2007, 561 p. 3514. FÁBOS (Anita Häusermann). "Brothers" or Others? Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, 160 p. 3515. KUPFERSCHMIDT (Uri M.). Who needed department stores in Egypt? From Orosdi-Back to Omar Effendi. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 2, p. 175-192. 3516. MOGHIRA (Mohamed Anouar). Moustapha Kamel l'Egyptien: l'homme et l'oeuvre: mouvement nationaliste et affaires égyptiennes, 1881–1914. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 304 p. (ill.). (Comprendre le moyenorient). El Salvador 3517. CHING (Erik Kristofer), LÓPEZ BERNAL (Carlos Gregorio), TILLEY (Virginia). Las masas, la matanza y el martinato en El Salvador: ensayos sobre 1932. San Salvador, UCA Editores, 2007, 230 p. (ill.). 3518. FORTUNY I CAPAFONS (Eusebi). Quan Déu cridava revolució! L'església catòlica en els processos revolucionaris del Salvador i Nicaragua, 1960–2000. Lleida, Universitat de Lleida, 2007, 214 p. (Sud-nord, 8). 3519. LINDO-FUENTES (Héctor), CHING (Erik), LARAMARTÍNEZ (Rafael A.). Remembering a massacre in El

Ethiopia 3523. ADEJUMOBI (Saheed A.). The history of Ethiopia. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007, XIX-219 p. 3524. Electoral politics, decentralized governance, and constitutionalism in Ethiopia. Ed. by Kassahun BERHANU [et la.]. Addis Ababa, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University, 2007, II-186 p. 3525. Ethiopie contemporaine (L'). Sous la dir. de Gérard PRUNIER. Addis-Abeba, CFEE [Centre français des études éthiopiennes] et Paris, Karthala, 2007, 440 p. (ill., maps). (Hommes et sociétés). Finland 3526. ENQVIST (Ove). Kellä saaret ja selät on hallussaan... (Territorial issues of coastal defence in autonomous and independent Finland). Helsinki, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, sotahistorian laitos, 2007, 440 p. (maps). (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun sotahistorian laitoksen julkaisusarja 1). 3527. JALOVAARA (Ville). Kirkko, Kekkonen ja kommunismi poliittisina kriisivuosina 1958í1962. (The church, Kekkonen and communism during the political crisis years 1958 to 1962). Helsinki, Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura, 2007, 313 p. (ill.). (Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia 200). 3528. SCREEN (John Ernest Oliver). The army in Finland during the last decades of Swedish rule (1770– 1809). Helsinki, SKS / Finnish Literature Society, 2007, 534 p. (ill., maps). (Studia Historica, 75). France ** 3529. BERL (Emmanuel). La fin de la IIIe République. Précédé de "Berl, l'étrange témoin" par Bernard



DE FALLOIS. Dossier réuni par Bénédicte VERGEZCHAIGNON. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 376 p. (Témoins).

muniste français], 1941–1943. Paris, Robert Laffont, 2007, 510 p. (ill.).

** 3530. COLBERT (Jean-Baptiste). Correspondance et papiers d'Etat. T. 1. De Le Tellier à Mazarin, 1650– 1651. Texte établi par Pierre CLÉMENT; édition et révision Pascal DUMAIL. Clermont-Ferrand, Paléo Editions, 2007, 313 p. (Les sources de l'histoire de France).

3541. BERNARD (Mathias). La guerre des droites: droite et extrême droite en France de l'affaire Dreyfus à nos jours. Paris, O. Jacob, 2007, 311 p. (Histoire).

** 3531. Correspondance (La) du cardinal de Richelieu. Au faîte de la gloire: l'année 1632. Textes établis, présentés et annotés par Marie-Catherine VIGNALSOULEYREAU. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 550 p. (Logiques historiques). ** 3532. WOLZOGEN (Wilhelm von). Der größte Cursus, der je in der Politik geboten worden ist. Pariser Tagebücher und Briefe 1790–1793. Bearbeitet von Christoph von WOLZOGEN. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2007, 207 p. (Lebendige Vergangenheit. Zeugnisse und Erinnerungen. Schriftenreihe des Württembergischen Geschichts- und Altertumsverein, 22). _______________________

3533. Affaire Dreyfus (L'): nouveaux regards, nouveaux problèmes: actes du colloque de Rennes, 23, 24 et 25 mars 2006. Sous la dir. de Michel DROUIN [et al.]. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 213 p. et 1 DVD. 3534. ALLEMAND-GAY (Marie-Thérèse). L'Assemblée des notables de 1787 et l'esprit de réforme: les réflexions de Michel Joseph de Coeurderoy, premier président du parlement de Nancy. Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2007, IV-93 p. (Collection histoire du droit). 3535. AMALOU (Thierry). Le lys et la mitre. Loyalisme monarchique et pouvoir épiscopal pendant les guerres de Religion (1580–1610). Paris, CTHS, 2007, 543 p. í IDEM. Une concorde urbaine: Senlis au temps des réformes: vers 1520–vers 1580. Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2007, 437 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Histoire. Trajectoires). 3536. ANDO (Takaho). Furansu jiynjshugi no seiritsu: Kǀkyǀken no sisǀ-shi. (The formation of the French liberalism: an ideological study of the public domain). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2007, 430 p. 3537. ARD BOONE (Rebecca). War, domination, and the monarchy of France: Claude de Seyssel and the language of politics in the Renaissance. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-193 p. (ill., maps). (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 156). 3538. BARUCH (Marc Olivier). Anthropologie historique d'un massacre d'état [Charonne, 8 février 1962]. Annales, 2007, 62, 4, p. 839-852. [Cf. no 3622]. 3539. BAUMIER (Béatrice). Tours entre lumières et Révolution: pouvoir municipal et métamorphoses d'une ville (1764–1792). Préf. de Claude PETITFRÈRE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 548 p. (ill., maps. (Histoire). 3540. BERLIÈRE (Jean-Marc), LIAIGRE (Franck). Liquider les traîtres: la face cachée du PCF [Parti com-

3542. BIARD (Michel). Les lilliputiens de la centralisation. Des intendants aux préfets. Les hésitations d'un "modèle français". Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2007, 410 p. (La chose publique). 3543. BOYER (Vincent). La gauche et le seconde chambre de 1945 à nos jours: recherche sur la position des socialistes et des communistes à l'égard de la seconde chambre. Préf. de Henry ROUSSILLON. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 558 p. (Logiques juridiques). 3544. BRANDA (Pierre). Le prix de la gloire. Napoléon et l'argent. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 634 p. 3545. BREEN (Michael P.). Law, city, and king: legal culture, municipal politics, and state formation in early modern Dijon. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, XV-307 p. (ill., maps). (Changing perspectives on early modern Europe, 6). 3546. BRUNOT (Patrick). Fièvres et colères politiques: la droite traditionaliste dans le Pyrénées-Atlantiques de 1900 à 1950. Préf. de Sixte-Henry DE BOURBON-PARME. Coulommiers, Dualpha, 2007, 252 p. (ill., map). (Vérités pour l'histoire). 3547. CLARKE (Joseph). Commemorating the dead in revolutionary France: revolution and remembrance, 1789–1799. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-306 p. (ill.). (Cambridge social and cultural histories, 11). 3548. Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Ed. by Peter R. CAMPBELL, Thomas E. KAISER and Marisa LINTON. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XI-222 p. 3549. COSTE (Laurent). Les lys et le chaperon: les oligarchies municipales en France de la renaissance à la révolution, milieu XVIe siècle–1789. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2007, 409 p. (ill., maps). 3550. Cours (Les) d'Espagne et de France au XVIIe siècle. Études réunies et présentées par Chantal GRELL et Benoît PELLISTRANDI. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2007, XIX-331 p. (ill.). (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 98). 3551. D'HUMIÈRES (Henry). Philippe Pétain, Charles de Gaulle et la France. Paris, Lettres du monde, 2007, 467 p. 3552. DALISSON (Rémi). Les fêtes du Maréchal: propagande et imaginaire dans la France de Vichy. Préf. de Pascal ORY. Paris, Tallandier, 2007, 473 p. (ill., maps). 3553. DAUGHTON (J. P.). An empire divided. Religion, republicanism, and the making of French colonialism, 1880–1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 330 p. 3554. DE SAINT VICTOR (Jacques). Les racines de la liberté: le débat français oublié, 1689–1789. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 354 p.



3555. DELPORTE (Christian). La France dans les yeux: une histoire de la communication politique de 1930 à aujourd'hui. Paris, Flammarion, 2007, 490 p. (ill.).

3571. GREENGRASS (Mark). Governing passions. Peace and reform in the French kingdom, 1576–1585. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIII-423 p.

3556. DENORD (François). Néo-libéralisme version française: histoire d'une idéologie politique. Paris, Demopolis, 2007, 380 p.

3572. Guerre et politique en Picardie: aux époques moderne et contemporaine: actes du colloque, Amiens, 19 mai 2006. Sous la dir. de Olivia CARPI et Philippe NIVET. Amiens, Encrage, 2007, 190 p. (ill.). (Hier, 27).

3557. DEWHURST LEWIS (Mary). The boundaries of the republic: migrant rights and the limits of universalism in France, 1918–1940. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XV-361 p. (ill., maps).

3573. HAYWARD (Jack). Fragmented France: two centuries of disputed identity. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, VI-381 p. (Oxford scholarship online. Political science module).

3558. DICKERMAN (Edmund H.), WALKER (Anita M.). Les règles du jeu: The Decline and Fall of Sully, 1610-17. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 2, p. 216241.

3574. Histoire du Parlement: de 1789 à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Jean GARRIGUES. Paris, Armand Colin, 2007, 514 p. (Collection d'histoire parlementaire).

3559. DUHAMEL (Éric). L'UDSR [Union démocratique et socialiste de la Résistance] ou la genèse de François Mitterrand. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 371 p. 3560. DWYER (Philip G.). Napoleon: the path to power. London, Bloomsbury, 2007, 651 p. 3561. ENGELS (Jens Ivo). Kleine Geschichte der Dritten französischen Republik (1870–1940). Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 223 p. (Uni-Taschenbücher, 2962). 3562. FERRAN (André). L'Etat face à la révolte de 1907: le traitement par la justice de la colère des vignerons du Midi. Préface de Jean HUILLET. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 178 p.

3575. Hommes de loi et politique, XVIe–XVIIIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Hugues DAUSSY et Frédérique PITOU. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 258 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 3576. IANCU (Michaël). Vichy et les Juifs: l'exemple de l'Hérault. Préf. de Gérard NAHON. Montpellier, Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007, 445 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Sem, 14). 3577. IRVINE (William D.). Between justice and politics: the Ligue des droits de l'homme, 1898–1945. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, 269 p. 3578. Jacques Chaban-Delmas en politique. Sous la dir. de Bernard LACHAISE, Gilles LE BÉGUEC et JeanFrançois SIRINELLI. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 486 p.

3563. FILHOL (Emmanuel). L'indifférence collective au sort des Tsiganes internés dans les camps français, 1940–1946. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 69-82.

3579. JOUANNA (Arlette). La Saint-Barthélemy. Les mystères d'un crime d'État, 24 août 1572. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 407 p.

3564. FLEURY (Georges). De Gaulle: de l'enfance à l'appel du 18 juin. Paris, Flammarion, 2007, 508 p.

3580. JUNOT (Michel). L'agonie de la 3ème République. Versailles, Editions de Paris, 2007, 430 p.

3565. France combattante: mars 1946–juillet 1947. Comité d'histoire de l'Ecole nationale d'administration. Paris, Documentation française, 2007, 269 p. (ill.). (Cahiers pour une histoire de l'ENA, 1).

3581. KADLEC (Lauriane). Quand le parlement de Paris s'oppose à l'autorité royale: l'affaire de la chambre de justice de l'Arsenal, 14 juin 1631–mars 1632. Paris, Champion, 2007, 162 p. (Histoire et archives. Hors-série, 7).

3566. FULLER (Robert L.). Catholic women and the unmaking of French nationalism after the Dreyfus Affair. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 2, p. 242-264. 3567. GAL (Stéphane). Lesdiguières. Prince des Alpes et connétable de France. Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2007, 432 p. 3568. GEMIE (Sharif). Brittany, 1750–1950. The invisible nation. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2007, XV-308 p. 3569. GILLOT (Jean-Jacques). Les communistes en Périgord: 1917–1958. Préf. de Stéphane COURTOIS. Périgueux, Pilote 24, 2007, 702 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Histoire). 3570. GONTARD (Maurice). Le comportement politique dans les Baronnies drômoises de 1864 à 1914. Séderon, Publications de l'Essaillon, 2007, 210 p. (ill.).

3582. KAISER (Thomas E.), LINTON (Marisa). Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Manchester, Manchester U. P, 2007, XIV-222 p. 3583. KENNEDY (Sean). Reconciling France against democracy: the Croix de feu and the Parti social français, 1927–1945. Montreal a. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2007, XIV-364 p. (ill., map). 3584. KITSON (Simon). Police and politics in Marseille, 1936–1938. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 1, p. 81-108. 3585. LALMY (Pascal-Eric). Le Parti radical-socialiste et le Front populaire: 1934–1938: essai. Paris, Mare et Martin, 2007, 183 p. (Actes). 3586. LE BOT (Florent). La fabrique réactionnaire: antisémitisme, spoliations et corporatisme dans le cuir,

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 1930–1950. Paris, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2007, 399 p. (Sciences Po histoire). 3587. LE MAO (Caroline). Parlement et parlementaires: Bordeaux au grand siècle. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2007, 378 p. (ill.). 3588. LE NAOUR (Jean-Yves). L'affaire Malvy: le Dreyfus de la Grande Guerre. Paris, Hachette littératures, 2007, 377 p. 3589. LEWIS (Mary Dewhurst). The boundaries of the Republic. Migrant rights and the limits of universalism in France, 1918–1940. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XV-361 p. 3590. MAC CULLOUGH (Roy L.). Coercion, conversion and counterinsurgency in Louis XIV's France. Leiden, Brill, 2007, VI-265 p. (History of warfare, 42). 3591. MAC DONOUGH (Tom). "The beautiful language of my century": reinventing the language of contestation in postwar France, 1945–1968. Cambridge a. London, MIT, 2007, 273 p. (ill.). (October books). 3592. MALINOWSKI (Stephan). A Counter-Revolution d'outre-tombe: notes on the French aristocracy and the extreme Right during the Third Republic and the Vichy Regime. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 15-35. 3593. MARIOT (Nicolas). C'est en marchant qu'on devient président. La République et ses chefs de l'État, 18482007. Montreuil, Aux lieux d'être, 2007, 362 p. 3594. MAZGAJ (Paul). Imagining fascism: the cultural politics of the French Young Right, 1930–1945. Newark, University of Delware Press, 2007, 366 p. 3595. MELLET (Paul-Alexis). Les traités monarchomaques: confusion des temps, résistance armée et monarchie parfaite (1560–1600). Genève, Droz, 2007, 568 p. (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 434). 3596. Mémoires d'état et culture politique en France: XVIe–XIXe siècles: travaux du colloque des 1er et 2 juin 2006. Sous la dir. de Jean GARAPON. Nantes, C. Defaut, 2007, 244 p. (Connaître les mémoires d'Ancien Régime). 3597. MONIER (Frédéric). La politique des plaintes. Clientélisme et demandes sociales dans le Vaucluse d'Édouard Daladier, 18901940. Sèvres, La Boutique de l'Histoire, 2007, 411 p. 3598. NICOLAS (Michel). Histoire de la revendication bretonne, ou, la revanche de la démocratie locale sur le "démocratisme": des origines jusqu'aux années 1980. Spézet, Coop Breizh, 2007, 391 p. 3599. NINOMIYA (Hiroyuki). Furansu anshian rejƯmuron: Shakai-teki ketsugǀ kenryoku chitsujo hanran. (The social ties in France of the Ancien Régime: imposed order and rebellion). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 399 p. 3600. Paris and the Right in the twentieth century. Ed. by Jessica WARDHAUGH. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2007, IX-257 p. (ill.).


3601. Partis (Les) et la République: la recomposition du système partisan, 1956–1967. Sous la dir. de Gilles RICHARD et Jacqueline SAINCLIVIER. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 325 p. (Histoire). 3602. PECH (Rémy), MAURIN (Jules). 1907, les mutins de la république: la révolte du midi viticole. Préf. de Maurice AGULHON. Toulouse, Privat, 2007, 329 p. (ill.). (Collection Histoire). 3603. PIERRE (Benoist). Le père Joseph. L'éminence grise de Richelieu. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 476 p. 3604. POLI (Jean-Pierre). Autonomistes corses et irrédentisme fasciste (1920–1939). Ajaccio, DCL eғ ғditions, 2007, 338 p. (ill.). 3605. PRICE (Munro). The perilous crown. France between revolutions, 1814–1848. London, Macmillan, 2007, XV-462 p. 3606. PRZYBYLA (Francis). Le blé, le sucre et le charbon: les parlementaires du Nord et leur action, 1881–1889. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2007, 594 p. (ill.). (Histoire et civilisations). 3607. QUÊME (Philippe), FAUVET (Jean-Christian). L'auto-révolution française: une nouvelle stratégie pour réussir la Révolution en France: mieux que 1789. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 283 p. (ill.). (Questions contemporaines. Collection Questions contemporaines). 3608. Représentation et pouvoir: la politique symbolique en France, 1789–1830: actes du colloque de Paris, 24 et 25 juin 2004. Sous la direction de Natalie SCHOLZ et Christina SCHRÖER; introduction de JeanClément MARTIN. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 300 p. (ill., ports.). (Histoire). 3609. RIVAUD (David). Les villes et le roi. Les municipalités de Bourges, Poitiers et Tours et l'émergence de l'État moderne (v. 1440–v. 1560). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 346 p. (Histoire). 3610. ROOS (Gilbert). Les Juifs de France sous la Monarchie de juillet. Paris, H. Champion, 2007, 434 p. (map). (Bibliothèque d'études juives, 30. Série Histoire, 26). 3611. ROSSI (Henri). Les Corses des services secrets de Napoléon en exil. Ajaccio, Alain Piazzola, 2007, 132 p. (ill.). 3612. ROUSSO (Henry). Le régime de Vichy. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 127 p. (Que saisje? 1720). 3613. SHIELDS (James). The extreme right in France. From Pétain to Le Pen. Abingdon, Routledge, 2007, XVIII-412 p. 3614. SIRINELLI (Jean-François). Les vingt décisives, 1965–1985: le passé proche de notre avenir. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 323 p. 3615. SONENSCHER (Michael). Before the deluge: public debt, inequality, and the intellectual origins of



the French Revolution. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, X-415 p. 3616. TERTÜNTE (Stefan). Léon Dehon und die Christliche Demokratie: ein katholischer Versuch gesellschaftlicher Erneuerung in Frankreich am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg, Herder, 2007, 231 p. (Freiburger theologische Studien, 171). 3617. VIAL (Eric). L'Union populaire italienne, 1937–1940: une organisation de masse du parti communiste italien en exil. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, 461 p. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 329). 3618. War, religion and service: Huguenot soldiering, 1685–1713. Ed. by Matthiew GLOZIER and David ONNEKINK. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-296 p. (ill., maps). (Politics and culture in north-western Europe, 1650– 1720). 3619. WILSON (Colette E.). Paris and the commune, 1871–1878: the politics of forgetting. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XIII-236 p. (ill.). 3620. WINOCK (Michel). Clémenceau. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 568 p. (ill.). 3621. WRIGHT (Vincent). Les préfets de Gambetta. Texte complété, mis à jour et présenté par Eric ANCEAU et Sudhir HAZAREESINGH. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 482 p. (Collection du Centre Roland Mousnier, 34). Addendum 2006 3622. DEWERPE (Alain). Charonne, 8 février 1962: anthropologie historique d'un massacre d'état. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 897 p. (ill., maps). (Folio histoire inédit, 141). [Cf. no 3538]. os

Cf. n 3702, 4286, 5405, 5879, 6892, 3343, 3791, 3956, 4128, 4573, 4659, 4788, 4883, 4934, 5653, 5924, 6116, 6117, 6168, 6343, 6344, 6576, 6713, 6830, 6951, 6970, 6999

6371, 4336, 4981, 6180, 6839,

6534, 4491, 5227, 6185, 6907,

6657, 4558, 5434, 6264, 6949,

Germany ** 3623. Demokrat (Als) in der Paulskirche: die Briefe und Berichte des Jenaer Abgeordneten Gottlieb Christian Schüler 1848/49. Hrsg. v. Sibylle SCHÜLER und Frank MÖLLER. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, X-339 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen. Grosse Reihe, 9). ** 3624. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Reichsversammlungen 1556–1662. Der Reichstag zu Regensburg 1567 und der Reichskreistag zu Erfurt 1567. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang WAGNER, Arno STROHMEYER und Josef LEEB. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 772 p. ** 3625. Deutsche Reichstagsakten: Reichsversammlungen 1556–1662 Der Reichstag zu Augsburg 1582. Bearbeitet von Josef LEEB. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 2 vol., 1540 p.

** 3626. Fall Hans Mayer (Der): Dokumente 1956– 1963. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Mark LEHMSTEDT. Leipzig, Lehmstedt, 2007, 525 p. ** 3627. Hessische Landtagsabschiede 1605–1647. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Günter HOLLENBERG. Marburg, N.G. Elwert, 2007, IX-481 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 48, 10. Politische und parlamentarische Geschichte des Landes Hessen, 33). ** 3628. HOFFMANN (Peter). Oberst i.G. Henning von Tresckow und die Staatsstreichspläne im Jahr 1943. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 2, p. 331-364. ** 3629. Kabinettsprotokolle (Die) der Bundesregierung. Bd. 17. 1964. Herausgegeben für das Bundesarchiv von Hartmut WEBER; bearbeitet von Josef HENKE und Uta RÖSSEL; unter Mitwirkung von Ralf BEHRENDT, Ulrich ENDERS und Christoph SEEMANN. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007, 739 p. (ill.). ** 3630. POLO FRIZ (Luigi). 1866: una missione segreta di Lodovico Frapolli a Berlino: l'emigrazione ungherese. Roma, Gangemi, 2007, 191 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca scientifica. Serie II: Fonti / Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano, 95). ** 3631. Protokolle (Die) des Ministerrats von Rheinland-Pfalz. Bearb. von Walter RUMMEL. Bd 1. Provisorische Regierung Boden und erste Regierung Altmeier: 1.-109. Ministerratssitzung (2.12.1946–29.12.1948). Bearb. von Walter RUMMEL. Mainz, Hase & Koehler u. Koblenz, Verlag der Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland Pfalz, 2007, XX-964 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission des Landtages für die Geschichte des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, 27). ** 3632. SCHOLLWER (Wolfgang). "Da gibt es in der FDP [Freie Demokratische Partei] noch viel Überzeugungsarbeit zu leisten-- ": Aufzeichnungen aus der FDPBundesgeschäftsstelle 1966–1970. Hrsg. v. Jürgen FRÖLICH. Bremen, Edition Temmen, 2007, 332 p. ** 3633. Staatsstreich (Ein)? Die Reichsexekution gegen Preußen ("Preußenschlag") vom 20. Juli 1932 und die Folgen. Darstellungen und Dokumente. Red. Gerhard WEIDUSCHAT. Berlin, Bundesrat, 2007, 167 p. ** 3634. Tagebücher (Die) von Joseph Goebbels. Teil 3. Register 1923–1945. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte und mit Unterstützung des Staatlichen Archivdienstes Russlands, herausgegeben von Elke FRÖHLICH; bearbeitet von Angela HERMANN. München, K.G. Saur, 2007, 477 p. _______________________

3635. 1806 ௅ Souveränität für Baden und Württemberg: Beginn der Moderisierung? Hrsg. v. Anton SCHINDLING und Gerhard TADDEY. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 2007, XXII-212 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg. Reihe B, Forschungen, 169). 3636. AASLESTAD (Katherine). Republican traditions: patriotism, gender, and war in Hamburg, 1770–1815. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 582-602.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3637. Adel und Nationalsozialismus im deutschen Südwesten. Herausgegeben vom Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg in Verbindung mit der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart; mit Beiträgen von Rainer BLASIUS [et al.]. Karlsruhe, Weinbrenner, 2007, 240 p. (Stuttgarter Symposion, 11). 3638. Akteure eines Umbruchs. Männer und Frauen der Revolution von 1848/49. Bd. 2. Hrsg. v. Helmut BLEIBER, Walter SCHMIDT und Susanne SCHÖTZ. Berlin, Fides, 2007, 935 p. 3639. ASCHER (Abraham). A community under siege: the Jews of Breslau under Nazism. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, X-324 p. (ill.). (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). 3640. BAECHLER (Christian). L'Allemagne de Weimar: 1919–1933. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 483 p. 3641. BALBIER (Uta Andrea). Kalter Krieg auf der Aschenbahn. Der deutsch-deutsche Sport 1950–1972. Eine politische Geschichte. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 277 p. 3642. BECKER (Franz G.). "Deutsch die Saar, immerdar!" Die Saarpropaganda des Bundes der Saarvereine, 1919–1935. Saarbrücken, Kommission für saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung, 2007, 501 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Saarländische Langesgeschichte und Volksforschung, 40). 3643. BIDDISCOMBE (Perry). The denazification of Germany: a history, 1945–1950. Stroud, Tempus, 2007, 288 p. (ill.). 3644. BOLLMEYER (Heiko). Der steinige Weg zur Demokratie: die Weimarer Nationalversammlung zwischen Kaiserreich und Republik. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2007, 474 p. (Historische Politikforschung, 13). 3645. BOUVIER (Beatrix). Sozialpolitik als Legitimationsfaktor? Die DDR seit den Siebzigerjahren. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 127-162. 3646. BRAUERS (Christof). Die FDP [Freie Demokratische Partei] in Hamburg 1945 bis 1953: Start als bürgerliche Linkspartei. Mit einem Vorwort von Hildegard HAMM-BRÜCHER. München, M. Meidenbauer, 2007, 742 p. (DemOkrit. Studien zur Parteienkritik und Parteihistorie, 3). 3647. Bürgersinn mit Weltgefühl: politische Moral und solidarischer Protest in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren. Hrsg. v. Habbo KNOCH. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 332 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Zeitgeschichtlichen Arbeitskreises Niedersachsen, 23).


3650. CONZE (Eckart). 'Only a dictator can help us now': aristocracy and the radical right in Germany between the wars. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 129-148. 3651. COQUERY-VIDROVITCH (Catherine). Des victimes oubliées du nazisme. Les Noirs et l'Allemagne dans la première moitié du XXe siècle. Paris, Cherche Midi, 2007, 196 p. 3652. DAHLKE (Matthias). "Nur eingeschränkte Krisenbereitschaft". Die staatliche Reaktion auf die Entführung des CDU-Politikers Peter Lorenz 1975. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 4, p. 641-680. 3653. DDR (Die) im Rückblick: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur. Hrsg. v. Helga SCHULTZ und HansJürgen WAGENER. Berlin, Links, 2007, 336 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zur DDR-Gesellschaft). 3654. DEPKAT (Volker). Lebenswenden und Zeitenwenden: deutsche Politiker und die Erfahrungen des 20. Jahrhunderts. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 573 p. (Ordnungssysteme, 18). 3655. Dieses Haus ist gebaute Demokratie. Das Ständehaus in Kassel und seine parlamentarische Tradition. Hrsg. v. Jens FLEMMING und Christina VANJA. Kassel, Euregioverlag, 2007, 147 p. (Historische Schriftenreihe des Landeswohlfahrtsverbandes Hessen, Quellen und Studien, 13). 3656. DÖRR (Nikolas). Die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands im Parlamentarischen Rat 1948/1949: eine Betrachtung der SPD in den Grundgesetzberatungen vor dem Hintergrund der ersten Bundestagswahl 1949. Berlin, Wvb, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2007, 138 p. 3657. DUCHHARDT (Heinz). Stein. Eine biographie. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, VIII-530 p. í IDEM. SteinFacetten. Studien zu Karl vom und zum Stein. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, VIII-101 p. 3658. ELM (Ludwig). Der deutsche Konservatismus nach Auschwitz: von Adenauer und Strauss zu Stoiber und Merkel. Köln, Papyrossa, 2007, 332 p. (Neue kleine Bibliothek, 115). 3659. ELZER (Herbert). Die deutsche Wiedervereinigung an der Saar: das Bundesministerium für gesamtdeutsche Fragen und das Netzwerk der prodeutschen Opposition 1949 bis 1955. St. Ingbert, Röhrig, 2007, 976 p. (ill., maps). (Schriftenreihe Geschichte, Politik & Gesellschaft der Stiftung Demokratie Saarland, 8).

3648. Conflict, catastrophe and continuity: essays on modern German history. Ed. by Frank BIESS, Mark ROSEMAN and Hanna SCHISSLER. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, X-406 p.

3660. EUMANN (Ulrich). Eigenwillige Kohorten der Revolution: zur regionalen Sozialgeschichte des Kommunismus in der Weimarer Republik. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 379 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1040 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1040 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied sciences, 1040).

3649. CONNOR (Ian). Refugees and expellees in postwar Germany. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XV-266 p.

3661. FISCHER (Lars). The socialist response to antisemitism in Imperial Germany. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-252 p.



3662. FÖRSTER (Jürgen). Die Wehrmacht im NSStaat: eine strukturgeschichtliche Analyse. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 221 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte. Militärgeschichte kompakt, 2). 3663. FRIEDLÄNDER (Saul). Nazi Germany and the Jews. Vol. 2. The years of extermination, 1939–1945. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007, XXVI-870 p. 3664. FRIEDRICH (Thomas). Die missbrauchte Hauptstadt. Hitler und Berlin. berlin, propyläen, 2007, 623 p. 3665. FÜRST (Thomas). Karl Stützel. Ein Lebensweg in Umbrüchen. Vom königlichen Beamten zum bayerischen Innenminister der Weimarer Zeit, 1924–1933. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 524 p. (Mainzer Studien zur neueren Geschichte, 19). 3666. GALL (Lothar). Bismarck, Preußen und die nationale Einigung. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 2, p. 355-371. 3667. GERHARDT (Johannes). Der Erste Vereinigte Landtag in Preussen von 1847: Untersuchungen zu einer ständischen Körperschaft im Vorfeld der Revolution von 1848/49. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 310 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte, 33). 3668. GNAU (Christoph). Die deutschen Eliten und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Mit einem Vorwort von Reinhard KÜHNL. Köln, PapyRossa, 2007, 120 p. (PapyRossa Hochschulschriften, 70). 3669. Grundlagen der modernen bayerischen Geschichte: Staat und Politik im Spiegel der Regierungsprotokolle des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Dietmar WILLOWEIT. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 133 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 78). 3670. HAGEMANN (Karen). 'Heroic Virgins' and 'Bellicose Amazons': armed women, the gender order and the German public during and after the Anti-Napoleonic Wars. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 507527. 3671. HAHN (Peter-Michael). Friedrich der Große und die deutsche Nation: Geschichte als politisches Argument. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 285 p. (ill.). 3672. HAM (Rüdiger). Ludwig Hassenpflug. Staatsmann und Jurist zwischen Revolution und Reaktion. Eine politische Biographie. Hamburg, Kovac, 2007, LV529 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 50).

3675. HERBSTRITT (Georg). Bundesbürger im Dienst der DDR-Spionage: eine analytische Studie / Georg Herbstritt. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 459 p. (Analysen und Dokumente: wissenschaftliche Reihe der Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 29). 3676. HOCKENOS (Paul). Joschka Fischer and the making of the Berlin Republic: an alternative history of postwar Germany. Oxford u. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-372 p. (ill.). 3677. HOLL (Karl). Ludwig Quidde, 1858–1941. Eine Biografie. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, VIII-648 p. (Schriften des Bundesarchivs, 67). 3678. HOPPE (Bert). In Stalins Gefolgschaft: Moskau und die KPD [Kommunistische Parte Deutschlands], 1928–1933. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 395 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte / herausgegeben vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 74). 3679. HUDEMANN (Rainer), HEINEN (Armin). Das Saarland zwischen Frankreich, Deutschland und Europa 1945–1957: ein Quellen- und Arbeitsbuch. In Zusammenarbeit mit Johannes GROSSMANN und Marcus HAHN. Saarbrücken, Kommission für Saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung e.V., 2007, XII676 p. (ill.) u. 1 CD-ROM. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung, 41). 3680. "Ihrem Volk verantwortlich": Frauen der politischen Rechten (1890–1933): Organisationen, Agitationen, Ideologien. Hrsg. v. Eva SCHÖCK-QUINTEROS und Christiane STREUBEL. Berlin, Trafo, 2007, 341 p. (ill.). (Schriften des Hedwig-Hintze-Instituts Bremen, 9). 3681. Integration (Die) in den modernen Staat: Ostschwaben, Oberschwaben und Vorarlberg im 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Carl A. HOFFMANN und Rolf KIESSLING. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007, 357 p. (ill., maps). (Forum Suevicum, 7). 3682. JACOBSEN (Hans-Adolf), SMITH (Arthur L. Jr.). The Nazi Party and the German Foreign Office. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, VIII-196 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 11). 3683. JÄHN (Adina). Die " friedliche Revolution" in der DDR: die Berichterstattung der SED-Bezirkszeitung Das Volk und der WAZ [Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung] über die politischen Vorgänge im Herbst 1989. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007, 188 p.

3673. Handbuch der Reichstagswahlen 1890–1918: Bündnisse, Ergebnisse, Kandidaten. Bearb. v. Carl-Wilhelm REIBEL. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 2 vol., 60 p., 1715 p. (Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 15).

3684. JUDT (Matthias). Häftlinge für Bananen? Der Freikauf politischer Gefangener aus der DDR und das "Honecker-Konto". Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 4, p. 417-439.

3674. Herausforderungen der parlamentarischen Demokratie: die Weimarer Republik im europäischen Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Andreas WIRSCHING. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 247 p. (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte, 13).

3685. JUNG (Christian). Geschichte der Verlierer: historische Selbstreflexion von hochrangigen Mitgliedern der SED nach 1989. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 378 p. (Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 16).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3686. KARAPIN (Roger). Protest politics in Germany: movements on the Left and Right since the 1960s. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, XIV-318 p. (ill.). 3687. KEMPF (Sabine). Wahlen zur Ständeversammlung im Königreich Hannover, 1848–1866: Wahlrecht, Wahlpolitik, Wahlkämpfe und Wahlentscheidungen. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 876 p. (maps). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1036 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1036 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied sciences, 1036). 3688. KIEPE (Jan). Das Reservepolizeibattaillon 101 vor Gericht: NS-Täter in Selbst- und Fremddarstellungen. Hamburg, Lit Verl., 2007, 190 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Hamburger Arbeitskreises für Regionalgeschichte, 25). 3689. KIRK (Tim). Nazi Germany. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 278 p. 3690. KITCHEN (Martin). The Third Reich: a concise history. Stroud, Tempus, 2007, 214 p. (ill.). 3691. KLEIN (Thomas). "Frieden und Gerechtigkeit!": die Politisierung der unabhängigen Friedensbewegung in Ost-Berlin während der 80er Jahre. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 537 p. (Zeithistorische Studien, 38). 3692. KNABE (Hubertus). Die Täter sind unter uns: über das Schönreden der SED-Diktatur. Berlin, Propyläen, 2007, 383 p. 3693. KOEHN (Barbara). Der deutsche Widerstand gegen Hitler. Eine Würdigung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 368 p. (Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungen, 32). 3694. KOTOWSKI (Albert S.). Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe: die Polnische Fraktion im Deutschen Reichstag 1871–1918. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 225 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 150). 3695. KRÜGER (Nina). Landesherr und Landstände in Kursachsen auf den Ständeversammlungen der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts: "௅ die zwischen Haupt und Gliedern eingeführte Harmonie unverrückt bewahren." Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 332 p. (ill.). u. 1 CD-ROM. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1034 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1034 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1034). 3696. KRUKE (Anja). Demoskopie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Meinungsforschung, Parteien und Medien, 1949–1990. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 562 p. (Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien 149).


3697. LABUSSIÈRE (Jean). La montée du nazisme à Cologne vue à travers la presse locale: (1919–1933). Paris, Connaissances et savoirs, 2007, 230 p. 3698. LAWSON (Robert). Joachim von Ribbentrop in Canada, 1910–1914: a note. International history review, 2007, 29, 4, p. 821-832. 3699. LEHMANN (Sebastian). Kreisleiter der NSDAP in Schleswig-Holstein: Lebensläufe und Herrschaftspraxis einer regionalen Machtelite. Bielefeld, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2007, 527 p. (ill., map). (IZRGSchriftenreihe, 13). 3700. LORENZ (Maren). Das Rad der Gewalt. Militär und Zivilbevölkerung in Norddeutschland nach dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1650–1700). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, VIII-434 p. 3701. LOTZ (Christian). Die Deutung des Verlusts: erinnerungspolitische Kontroversen im geteilten Deutschland um Flucht, Vertreibung und die Ostgebiete (1948– 1972). Köln, Böhlau, 2007, X-327 p. (Neue Forschungen zur schlesischen Geschichte, 15). 3702. Machtstrukturen im Staat in Deutschland und Frankreich = Les structures de pouvoir dans l'État en France et en Allemagne. Hrsg. v. Stefan FISCH [et al.]. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 188 p. (Schriftenreihe des Deutsch-Französischen Historikerkomitees 1). 3703. MADDEN (Paul), MÜHLBERGER (Detlef). The Nazi Party: the anatomy of a people's party, 1919– 1933. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 329 p. (ill., maps). 3704. MAFFEIS (Stefania). Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik: Transformationen der DDR-Philosophie 1945–1993. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2007, 305 p. (Campus Forschung, 922). 3705. MAIER (Karl Heinz). Die geheime Fliegerrüstung in der Weimarer Republik 1919–1933. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovaþ, 2007, 382 p. (ill.). (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 63). 3706. MEIER (Brigitte). Friedrich Wilhelm II. König von Preußen, 1744–1797. Ein Leben zwischen Rokoko und Revolution. Regensburg, Pustet, 2007, 333 p. 3707. MEYER (Stefan). Georg Wilhelm Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe (1784–1860): absolutistischer Monarch und Grossunternehmer an der Schwelle zum Industriezeitalter. Bielefeld, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2007, 341 p. (ill., maps). (Schaumburger Studien, 65). 3708. MÜLLER (Frank Lorenz). The spectre of a people in arms: the Prussian government and the militarisation of German nationalism, 1859–1864. English historical review, 2007, 122, 495, p. 82-104. 3709. MÜLLER (Sven Oliver). Deutsche Soldaten und ihre Feinde. Nationalsozialismus an Front und Heimatfront im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer Verlag, 2007, 329 p. 3710. Nazi Germany. Ed. by Harald KLEINSCHMIDT. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXXII-496 p. (ill.). (International library of essays on political history).



3711. NIEMANN (Mario). Die Sekretäre der SEDBezirksleitungen 1952–1989. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 446 p. (maps). (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart). 3712. NOLTE (Jakob). Demagogen und Denunzianten: Denunziation und Verrat als Methode polizeilicher Informationserhebung bei den politischen Verfolgungen im preussischen Vormärz. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 554 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 132). 3713. Novejšaja istorija Germanii. Trudy molodych uþenych i issledovatel'skie centry. (Neuere Geschichte Deutschlands. Arbeiten junger Gelehrter und Forschungszentren). Ed. Bernd BONVEý, Boris ORLOV, Alekaej SINDEEV. Moskva, Univ. Kniznyi Dom, 2007, 397 p. 3714. NS-Gaue (Die): regionale Mittelinstanzen im zentralistischen "Führerstaat". Hrsg. v. Jürgen JOHN, Horst MÖLLER und Thomas SCHAARSCHMIDT. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 483 p. (ill., maps). (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Sondernummer). 3715. Oberlausitz (Die) im frühneuzeitlichen Mitteleuropa: Beziehungen, Strukturen, Prozesse. Hrsg. v. Joachim BAHLCKE. Leipzig, Stuttgart, Verlag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, in Kommission bei Franz Steiner, 2007, 527 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Forschungen zur sächsischen Geschichte, 30). 3716. Ordnungen in der Krise. Zur politischen Kulturgeschichte Deutschlands 1900–1933. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang HARDTWIG. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 566 p. (Ordnungssysteme, Studien zur Neuzeit, 22). 3717. Ort (Der) des Terrors. Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager. Band 5. Hinzert, Auschwitz, Neuengamme. Band 6. Natzweiler, GroßRosen, Stutthof. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang BENZ und Barbara DISTEL. München, Beck, 2007, 2 vol., 591 p., 840 p. 3718. PARINGER (Thomas). Die bayerische Landschaft: Zusammensetzung, Aufgaben und Wirkungskreis der landständischen Vertretung im Kurfürstentum Bayern (1715–1740). München, Kommission für bayerische Landesgeschichte, 2007, I-471 p. (ill.). (Studien zur bayerischen Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte, 27). 3719. PELIZAEUS (Ludolf). Dynamik der Macht: städtischer Widerstand und Konfliktbewältigung im Reich Karls V. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, XVIII-455 p. (Geschichte in der Epoche Karls V, 9). 3720. PHILIPPI (Hans). Die Landgrafschaft HessenKassel, 1648–1806. Marburg, Elwert, 2007, X-115 p. (Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Hessen 46. Kleine Schriften, 8). 3721. PLOENUS (Michael). " wichtig wie das tägliche Brot": das Jenaer Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus 1945–1990. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 355 p. (Schriften der Stiftung Ettersberg Europäische Diktaturen und ihre Überwindung). 3722. PORT (Andrew I.). Conflict and stability in the German Democratic Republic. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-303 p. (ill.).

3723. REIBEL (Carl-Wilhelm). Handbuch der Reichstagswahlen 1890–1918. Bündnisse, Ergebnisse, Kandidaten. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 2 vol., 1715 p. (Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 15). 3724. REICHEL (Peter). Robert Blum. Ein deutscher Revolutionär, 1807–1848. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 232 p. 3725. REIMANN (Bruno W.). Avantgarden des Faschismus: Studentenschaft und schlagende Verbindungen an der Universität Giessen 1918–1937. Teil 1. Analyse: Materialien und Analysen zur politischen Geschichte Gießens. Frankfurt am Main, Cento, 2007, 215 p. (ill.). (Materialien und Analysen zur politischen Geschichte Giessens, 5). 3726. RITTER (Alexander). Konfession und Politik am hessischen Mittelrhein (1527–1685). Darmstadt, Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt u. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2007, 657 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte / Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt und Historische Kommission für Hessen, 153). 3727. ROHKRÄMER (Thomas). A single communal faith? The German right from conservatism to national socialism. New York, Berghahn, 2007, VIII-298 p. (Monographs in German history, 20). 3728. RÜDIGER (Björn). Bürgerliche Emanzipation und staatliche Reaktion: zur Genese bürgerlicher Grundrechte zwischen Vormärz und Reaktionszeit. Hamburg, Dr. Kovaþ, 2007, LII-551 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 20). 3729. RUPPERT (Karsten). Die weltanschaulich bedingte Politik der Deutschen Zentrumspartei in ihrer Weimarer Epoche. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 1, p. 49-97. 3730. SAUNDERS (Anna). Honecker's children: youth and patriotism in East(ern) Germany, 1979–2002. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XII-252 p. (ill.). 3731. SCHLEMMER (Martin). Los von Berlin: die Rheinstaatbestrebungen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 863 p. (Rheinisches Archiv, 152). 3732. SCHMIDT (Alexandre). Vaterlandsliebe und Religionskonflikt: politische Diskurse im Alten Reich (1555–1648). Leiden u. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-512 p. (ill.). (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 126). 3733. SCHMIDT (Carsten). Zwischen Burgfrieden und Klassenkampf. Sozialpolitik und Kriegsgesellschaft in Dresden 1914–1918. Marburg, Tectum, 2007, 365 p. 3734. SCHMITT (Bernhard). Armee und staatliche Integration. Preußen und die Habsburgermonarchie, 1815– 1866. Rekrutierungspolitik in den neuen Provinzen. Staatliches Handeln und Bevölkerung. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2007, 332 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 36).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3735. SCHWARZ (Hans-Volker). Die Berliner Liberalen im Brennpunkt des Ost-West-Konfliktes 1945–1956: vom Landesverband der LDP Groß-Berlin zur FDP [Freie Demokratische Partei] Berlin (West) und LDP(D) [Liberal-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands] Berlin (Ost). Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, X709 p. (Schriften zur Europa- und Deutschlandforschung, 13). 3736. SIMON (Dominique). Le mouvement pacifiste en RFA de 1979 à 1983. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 383 p. (ill., maps). (Allemagne d'hier et d'aujourd'hui). 3737. SOLDWISCH (Ines). "Etwas für das ganze Volk zu leisten und nicht nur den Zielen einer Partei dienen": Geschichte der Liberal-Demokratischen Partei (LDP) in Mecklenburg 1946–1952. Berlin u. Münster, Lit, 2007, 292 p. (ill.). (Rostocker Schriften zur Regionalgeschichte, 1). 3738. Staatssicherheit und Gesellschaft: Studien zum Herrschaftsalltag in der DDR. Hrsg. v. Jens GIESEKE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 391 p. (Analysen und Dokumente, 30). 3739. STEIN (Oliver). Die deutsche Heeresrüstungspolitik 1890–1914: das Militär und der Primat der Politik. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2007, 444 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 39). 3740. Stein: Die späten Jahre des preuȕischen Reformers, 1815–1831. Hrsg. v. Heinz DUCHHARDT. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, X-214 p. 3741. STRAUCH (Dieter). Rheinische Gerichte in zwei Jahrhunderten: die Entwicklung der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit in den Rheinprovinzen und ihren Nachfolgestaaten von 1798 bis 2005. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 553 p. (maps). (Publikationen der Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde, 76). 3742. URBAN (Markus). Die Konsensfabrik: Funktion und Wahrnehmung der NS-Reichsparteitage, 1933–1941. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2007, 462 p. (ill.). 3743. Vaimaru kyǀwakoku no kǀbǀ: Nachizumu to kindai no sǀkoku. (A flash of the Weimar Republic: the conflict between Nazism and modern Germany). Ed. by Eiko TAMURA and Haruhiko HOSHINO. Kyoto, Showado, 2007, 396 p. 3744. VITALI (Stefano). A proposito della battaglia di Muhlberg e della guerra Smalcaldica: alcune fonti italiane coeve. Archivio storico italiano, 2007, 165, 611, p. 51-76. 3745. VOLKMANN (Peer Oliver). Heinrich Brüning: (1885–1970); Nationalist ohne Heimat; eine Teilbiographie. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 883 p. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, 52). 3746. WAGNER (Christoph). Entwicklung, Herrschaft und Untergang der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung in Passau 1920 bis 1945. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2007, 611 p. (Geschichtswissenschaft, 9). 3747. WALKENHORST (Peter). Nation-Volk-Rasse: radikaler Nationalismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich, 1890–


1914. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 400 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 176). 3748. WEIß (Dieter J.). Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern, 1869–1955. Eine politische Biographie. Regensburg, Pustet, 2007, 462 p. 3749. WEITZ (Eric D.). Weimar Germany: promise and tragedy. Princeton u. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XI-425 p. (ill.). 3750. WILDT (Michael). Volksgemeinschaft als Selbstermächtigung: Gewalt gegen Juden in der deutschen Provinz 1919 bis 1939. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, 2007, 411 p. (ill.). 3751. WINEROITHER (David). Herrschen lernt sich leicht, regieren schwer: "Leadership" und Herrschaftsform im Deutschland des 20. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 232 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, 549). 3752. Wolf Graf von Baudissin 1907–1993. Modernisierer zwischen totalitärer Herrschaft und freiheitlicher Ordnung. Hrsg. v. Rudolf J. SCHLAFFER und Wolfgang SCHMIDT. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, X-265 p. 3753. ZACHAU (Olav). Die Kanzlerschaft des Fürsten Hohenlohe 1894–1900. Politik unter dem "Stempel der Beruhigung" im Zeitalter der Nervosität. Hamburg, Kovac, 2007, 618 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 48). 3754. ZEHFUSS (Maja). Wounds of Memory: the politics of war in Germany. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-294 p. (ill.). Ghana 3755. DAVIDSON (Basil). Black Star: a view of the life and times of Kwame Nkrumah. Oxford, James Currey, 2007, 225 p. 3756. LAW (Robin). The Komenda Wars, 1694–1700: a revised narrative. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 133-168. 3757. MAC CASKIE (T. C.). Denkyira in the making of Asante C. 1660–1720. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 1, p. 1-25. 3758. RAHMAN (Ahmad A.). The regime change of Kwame Nkrumah: epic heroism in Africa and the diaspora. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVI-250 p. Great Britain ** 3759. Correspondence (The) of Henry Cromwell 1655-1659: from the British library Lansdowne manuscripts. Ed. by Peter GAUNT. London, Cambridge U. P. for the Royal historical Society, 2007, XI-545 p. (Camden fifth series, 31). ** 3760. Letters (The) of Richard Cobden Vol. 1. 1815–1847. Edited with notes and an introduction by Anthony HOWE; with the assistance of Simon MORGAN and Gordon BANNERMAN. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, LX-529 p. (ill., ports.). _______________________



3761. BLACK (Jeremy). George II: puppet of the politicians? Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2007, XII-303 p. (maps).

3778. DAWSON (Jane E. A.). Scotland re-formed, 1488–1587. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, XVIII382 p.

3762. BOWEN (Lloyd). Dismantling prerogative government: the Council in the Marches and the Long Parliament. English historical review, 2007, 122, 499, p. 12581286.

3779. DAY (Jon). Gloucester and Newbury, 1643. The turning point of the Civil War. Barnsley, Pen & Sword, 2007, 248 p.

3763. BOWEN (Lloyd). The politics of the principality: Wales, c. 1603–1642. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2007, XII-308 p. (ill.). (Studies in Welsh history, 27). 3764. BOWIE (Karin). Scottish public opinion and the Anglo-Scottish union, 1699–1707. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2007, VIII-193 p. (Studies in history, new series, 56).

3780. DE KREY (Gary S.). Restoration and revolution in Britain: a political history of the era of Charles II and the Glorious Revolution. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-359 p. (maps). (British studies series). 3781. DUFFY (Christopher). The '45. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the untold story of the Jacobite rising. London, Phoenix, 2007, 639 p.

3765. BRUNDAGE (Anthony), COSGROVE (Richard A.). The great tradition: constitutional history and national identity in Britain and the United States, 1870– 1960. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XII-341 p.

3782. DUTTON (David). Liberal nationalism and the decline of the British Liberal Party: three case studies. Canadian journal of history, 2007, 42, 2, p. 439-462.

3766. BUSH (Julia). Women against the vote: female anti-suffragism in Britain. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-340 p. (Oxford scholarship online).

3783. English civil war (The). Ed. by Stanley D. M. CARPENTER. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXIII-552 p.

3767. CANNON (John). George III. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 123 p.

3784. English radicalism, 1550–1850. Ed. by Glenn BURGESS and Matthew FESTENSTEIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 381 p.

3768. CLARKE (Ben). Orwell in context: communities, myths, values. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, IX-225 p.

3785. English Revolution c. 1590–1720 (The): politics, religion and communities. Ed. by Nicholas TYACKE. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, X-212 p.

3769. COHEN (Gidon). The failure of a dream: the independent Labour Party from disaffiliation to World War II. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, X-262 p. (International library of political studies, 16).

3786. EPSTEIN (James), KARR (David). Playing at Revolution: British "Jacobin" performance. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 3, p. 495-530.

3770. COMO (David R.). Secret printing, the crisis of 1640, and the origins of Civil War radicalism. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 37-82.

3787. GENTLES (Ian). The English revolution and the wars in the three kingdoms, 1638–1652. Harlow, Pearson Education, 2007, XVI-552 p.

3771. COOKE (David). The road to Marston Moor. Barnsley, Pen & Sword, 2007, 228 p.

3788. GOUIFFÈS (Pierre-François). Margaret Thatcher face aux mineurs. 1972–1985, treize années qui ont changé l'Angleterre. Toulouse, Privat, 2007, 363 p.

3772. Corruption in urban politics and society, Britain 1780–1950. Ed. by James MOORE and John SMITH. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, VIII-181 p. (Historical urban studies).

3789. GURNEY (John). Brave community: the Digger movement in the English Revolution. Manchester, New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XIII-236 p. (Politics, culture, and society in early modern Britain).

3773. COVINGTON (Sarah). Royalists, covenanters and the shooting of servants in the Scottish Civil War. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2007, 27, 1, p. 1-23.

3790. HAWKINS (Angus). The forgotten Prime Minister. The 14th earl of Derby. vol. 1. Ascent, 1799–1851. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-521 p.

3774. CRAGOE (Matthew). 'We Like Local Patriotism': the Conservative Party and the discourse of decentralisation, 1947–1951. English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 965-985.

3791. HENNOCK (E. P.). The origin of the welfare state in England and Germany, 1850–1914: social policies compared. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-381 p. (ill.).

3775. Cromwellian Protectorate (The). Ed. by Patrick LITTLE. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2007, XII-218 p.

3792. HOLMES (Clive). John Lisle, Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, and the last months of the Cromwellian protectorate. English historical review, 2007, 122, 498, p. 918-936.

3776. CUST (Richard). Prince Charles and the second session of the 1621 Parliament. English historical review, 2007, 122, 496, p. 427-441. 3777. DAVIS (Jon). Prime ministers and Whitehall, 1960–1974. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, XVI-249 p.

3793. HOPPER (Andrew). 'Black Tom': Sir Thomas Fairfax and the English revolution. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 262 p. (ill., map). (Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3794. HURREN (Elizabeth T.). Protesting about pauperism: poverty, politics and poor relief in lateVictorian England, 1870–1900. London, Royal Historical Society, 2007, XII-296 p. (ill.). (Royal Historical Society.Studies in history: New series). 3795. Igirisu teikoku to 20 seiki 5: Gendai sekai to Igirisu teikoku. (Modern world and the British Empire). Ed. by Yoichi KIBATA. Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2007, 410 p. (The British Empire and the 20th century, 5). 3796. Image et communication politique: la GrandeBretagne depuis 1980. Coordinateurs Renée DICKASON et Karine RIVIÈRE-DE FRANCO. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 152 p. (ill.). 3797. JACKSON (Ben). Equality and the British Left: a study in progressive political thought, 1900–1964. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, X259 p. (Critical Labour Movement studies). 3798. KESSELRING (K. J.). The Northern rebellion of 1569. Faith, politics, and protest in Elizabethan England. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 232 p. 3799. KING (Anthony). The British constitution. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-432 p. 3800. KONDO (Kazuhiko). The church and politics in 'disaffected' Manchester, 1718-31. Historical research, 2007, 80, 207, p. 100-123. 3801. KONDRACKI (Tadeusz). Polskie organizacje kombatanckie w Wielkiej Brytanii w latach 1945–1948. (Polish veterans' organizations in Britain, 1945–1948). Warszawa, "Neriton", Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 528 p. (maps). 3802. KUBOYAMA (Hisashi). 1725-nen no bakuga-zei jiken ni tsuite: Gǀdǀ-go no gurasugǀ ni okeru gunshnj to 'kakumei-ha'. (The malt tax riots of 1725: the crowd and 'the Revolutioners' in Glasgow after the Union). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 4, p. 1-35. [Eng. Summary]. 3803. KYNASTON (David). Austerity Britain, 1945– 1951. London, Bloomsbury, 2007, VIII-692 p. (ill.). (Kynaston, David.Tales of a new Jerusalem, 1).


cism after 1945. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, 205 p. (ill., facsims., ports.). 3809. MATES (Lewis H.). The Spanish Civil War and the British Left. Political activism and the popular front. london, tauris academic studies, 2007, 292 p. 3810. MIDGLEY (Clare). Feminism and empire: women activists in imperial Britain, 1790–1865. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-206 p. 3811. MILLER (John). Cities divided. Politics and religion in English provincial towns, 1660–1722. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-328 p. 3812. Monarchical republic (The) of early modern England: essays in response to Patrick Collinson. Ed. by John F. MAC DIARMID. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, IX301 p. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). 3813. Monarchy (The) and the British nation, 1780 to the present. Ed. by Andrzej OLECHNOWICZ. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-327 p. (ill.). 3814. MORE (Charles). Britain in the twentieth century. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2007, XV-277 p. (ill., maps). 3815. NEWBY (Andrew G.). Ireland, radicalism and the Scottish Highlands, c. 1870–1912. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, VII-224 p. (Scottish historical review monographs, 15). 3816. Ó SIOCHRÚ (Micheál). Atrocity, codes of conduct and the Irish in the British Civil Wars 1641–1653. Past and present, 2007, 195, p. 55-86. 3817. O'DUFFY (Brendan). British-Irish relations and Northern Ireland: from violent politics to conflict regulation. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2007, XXII-258 p. (ill., map). 3818. PEDEN (G. C.). Arms, economics and British strategy. From dreadnoughts to hydrogen bombs. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-384 p. (Cambridge military histories).

3804. LEE (Stephen J.). The reign of Elizabeth I: 1558í1603. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-192 p. (Questions and analysis in history).

3819. Politics (The) of the public sphere in early Modern England. Ed. by Peter LAKE and Steven PINCUS. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, VIII-277 p. (ill.). (Politics, culture, and society in early Modern Britain).

3805. Liberty and authority in Victorian Britain. Ed. by Peter MANDLER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI254 p.

3820. RAYMOND (James). Henry VIII's revolution. The armies of sixteenth-century Britain and Europe. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, 321 p.

3806. LINEHAN (Thomas). Communism in Britain, 1920í1939: from the cradle to the grave. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 213 p.

3821. REITAN (Earl A.). Politics, finance, and the people: economical reform in England in the age of the American Revolution, 1770–1992. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VIII-278 p.

3807. LITTLE (Patrick), SMITH (David L.). Parliaments and politics during the Cromwellian Protectorate. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-338 p. (Cambridge studies in early modern British history). 3808. MACKLIN (Graham). Very deeply dyed in black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the resurrection of British fas-

3822. ROBINSON (Lucy). Gay men and the left in post-war Britain: how the personal got political. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XI-219 p. (Critical labour movement studies series). 3823. ROSE (Lisle A.). Power at sea. Vol. 1. The age of navalism, 1890–1918. Vol. 2. The breaking storm,



1919–1945. Vol. 3. A violent peace, 1946–2006. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2007, 3 vol., XXIII355 p., XVI-514 p., XVIII-371 p. (ill., maps, ports.).

bridge U. P., 2007, XIX-291 p. (Cambridge studies in early modern British history).

3824. Royalists and royalism during the English civil wars. Ed. by Jason MAC ELLIGOTT and David L. SMITH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-252 p.

3839. YATES (Nigel). Eighteenth-century Britain: religion and politics 1714–1815. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2007, IX-258 p. (Religion, politics, and society in Britain series).

3825. SEAWRIGHT (David). The British Conservative Party and one nation politics. London, Continuum, 2007, XI-193 p.

3840. ZALLER (Robert). The discourse of legitimacy in early modern England. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, X-820 p.

3826. SEVERN (John). Architects of empire. The Duke of Wellington and his brothers. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007, XIII-602 p.

Cf. nos 3909, 4075, 5405, 6284, 6309, 6317, 6338, 6434, 6500, 6580, 6613, 6798, 6819

3827. SHANNON (Richard). Gladstone: God and politics. London, Hambledon & Continuum, 2007, XXV550 p. 3828. SPURLOCK (R. Scott). Cromwell and Scotland: conquest and religion, 1650–1660. Edinburgh, John Donald, 2007, XV-269 p. (ill., map). 3829. Strange survival (The) of liberal England: political leaders, moral values and the reception of economic debate. Ed. by E.H.H. GREEN and D.M. TANNER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-313 p. 3830. Suffrage outside suffragism. Women's vote in Britain, 1880–1914. Ed. by Myriam BOUSSAHBA-BRAVARD. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 262 p. 3831. SWIFT (R. E.). Policing Chartism, 1839–1848: the role of the 'Specials' reconsidered. English historical review, 2007, 122, 497, p. 669-699. 3832. TAPSELL (Grant). The personal rule of Charles II, 1681–1685. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, XIII235 p. (Studies in early modern cultural, political and social history, 5). 3833. THOMPSON (James). 'Pictorial Lies'? Posters and politics in Britain c. 1880–1914. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 177-210. 3834. URBACH (Karina). Age of no extremes? The British aristocracy between the House of Lords and the Mosley Movement. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 53-72. 3835. WALTON (Kristen Post). Catholic queen, Protestant patriarchy. Mary, queen of Scots, and the politics of gender and religion. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-220 p. 3836. WINDSCHEFFEL (Alex). Popular conservatism in imperial London, 1868–1906. London, Boydell Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2007, XI-260 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history. New series). 3837. WITHINGTON (Phil). Public discourse, corporate citizenship, and state formation in Early Modern England. American historical review, 2007, 112, 4, p. 1016-1038. 3838. WOOD (Andy). The 1549 rebellions and the making of early modern England. Cambridge, Cam-

Greece 3841. GIANNAKOPOULOS (Angelos). Tradition und Moderne in Griechenland: Konfliktfelder in Religion, Politik und Kultur. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 236 p. (Erfurter Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des orthodoxen Christentums, 3). 3842. PAPACOSMA (S. Victor). Ioannis Metaxas and the "Fourth of August" dictatorship in Greece. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 165-198. 3843. PAPADIMITRIOU (Despina). George Papadopoulos and the dictatorship of the Colonels, 1967–1974. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 393-424. 3844. STEFANIDIS (Ioannis D.). Stirring the Greek nation. Political culture, irredentism and anti-americanism in post-war Greece, 1945–1967. Burlington, Ashgate publishing company, 2007, XIV-300 p. 3845. Ways to modernity in Greece and Turkey: encounters with Europe, 1850–1950. Ed. by Anna FRANGOUDAKI and Caglar KEYDER. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, 265 p. (ill.). (Library of European studies, 1. Social and historical studies on Greece and Turkey). Guatemala 3846. Rostros (Los) de la violencia: Guatemala y El Salvador, siglos XVIII y XIX. Ed. por Ana Margarita GÓMEZ y Sajid Alfredo HERRERA MENA. San Salvador, UCA Editores, 2007, 227 p. (ill.). (Estructuras y procesos. Serie mayor, 29). Guinea 3847. CAMARA (Mohamed Saliou). Le pouvoir politique en Guinée sous Sékou Touré. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 280 p. (Etudes africaines). 3848. SIDIBE (Mandiouf Mauro). La fin de Sékou Touré: échos sonores et radiophonique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 166 p. (Etudes africaines). Guinea-Bissau 3849. BERNARDO (Manuel). Guerra, paz e fuzilamentos dos guerreiros: Guiné, 1970–1980. Lisboa, Prefácio, 2007, 402 p. (ill.). (História militar. Estudos e documentos).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES Guyana 3850. BIRBALSINGH (Frank). The People's Progressive Party of Guyana, 1950–1992: an oral history. London, Hansib, 2007, 206 p. (ill., map). Haiti 3851. ETIENNE (Sauveur Pierre). L'énigme haïtienne: échec de l'Etat moderne en Haïti. Préf. de Laënnec HURBON. Montréal, Mémoire d'encrier, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2007, 355 p. 3852. Facing racial revolution: eyewitness accounts of the Haitian Insurrection. Ed. by Jeremy D. POPKIN. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XV-400 p. (ill., maps). 3853. FICK (Carolyn E.). The Haitian revolution and the limits of freedom: defining citizenship in the revolutionary era. Social history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 394-414. Cf. no 6464 Hungary 3854. 1956-os szabadságharc (Az) és utóélete, 1956– 1990. (The 1956 revolution and aftermath, 1956– 1990). Szerk. DÖBÖR András, KISS Gábor Ferenc és ZAKAR Péter. Szeged, Belvedere Meridionale, 2007, 151 p. (Belvedere Meridionale kiskönyvtár, 17). 3855. Autunno (L') del comunismo: riflessioni sulla rivoluzione ungherese del 1956. Convegno internazionale di studi L'autunno del comunismo. Riflessioni sulla Rivoluzione ungherese del 1956 (2006: Messina, Italy). A cura di Santi FEDELE e Pasquale FORNARO. Messina, Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, 2007, 267 p. 3856. EILER (Ferenc). Kisebbségvédelem és revízió: magyar törekvések az Európai Nemzetiségi Kongresszuson, 1925–1939. (Minorities and revisionism: the European aspirations of Hungarian National Congress, 1925–1939). Budapest, MTA Kisebbségkutató Intézet, Gondolat Kiadó, 2007, 396 p. (Kisebbségi monográfiák, 4). 3857. Lajos Kossuth, 1802–1894. Wirken ௅ Rezeption ௅ Kult. Hrsg. v. Holger FISCHER. Hamburg, Krämer, 2007, 197 p. (Beiträge zur deutschen und europäischen Geschichte, 36).


3861. ROMSICS (Ignác). The Hungarian aristocracy and its political attitudes in the interwar years. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 187-200. 3862. SCHMIDT-SCHWEIZER (Andreas). Politische Geschichte Ungarns von 1985 bis 2002. Von der liberalisierten Einparteienherrschaft zur Demokratie in der Konsolidierungsphase. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 484 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 132). 3863. STRASSENREITER (Erzsébet). A Szociáldemokrata Ifjúsági Mozgalom története: 1944. Október–1948. Március. (The Social Democratic Youth Movement in history: October 1944–March 1948). Budapest, Gondolat, 2007, 296 p. 3864. URBÁN (Aladár). Gróf Batthyány Lajos Magyarország elsĘ alkotmányos kormányfĘje. (Gróf Lajos Batthyány, the first constitutional government of Hungary). Budapest, Holnap Kiadó, 2007, 239 p. 3865. Utak és törések: adalékok a magyar úttörĘmozgalom történetéhez. (Roads and fractures: additions to the pioneer history of Hungarian). Összeállította TRENCSÉNYI László. Budapest, Új Helikon, 2007, 244 p. (ill.). Addendum 2005 3866. ABLONCZY (Balázs). Teleki Pál (1874–1941). Budapest, Osiris Kiadó, 2005, 547 p. Cf. nos 3337, 3344, 4184, 6490, 6860, 6871, 6878, 6914 India ** 3867. Punjab politics. 3 March–31 May 1947: at the abyss: governors' fortnightly reports and other key documents. 1 June–14 August 1947: tragedy: governors' fortnightly reports and other key documents. Compiled and edited by Lionel CARTER. New Delhi, Manohar Publishers, 2007, 2 vol., 316 p., 262 p. _______________________

3868. 1857 rebellion (The). Ed. by Biswamoy PATI. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2007, XLIII-324 p. (map). (Oxford in India readings. Debates in Indian history and society). 3869. ANDERSON (Clare). The Indian Uprising of 1857–1858: prisons, prisoners and rebellion. London a. New York, Anthem Press, 2007, VIII-205 p. (map). (Anthem South Asian studies).

3858. Mit kezdjünk vele? Kádár János, 1912–1989. (Que faites-vous avec elle? János Kádár, 1912–1989). 2007. június 15-én tartott nemzetközi konferencia elĘadásainak szerkesztett változata. FelelĘs szerkesztĘ VARGYAS Zoltán. Budapest, XX. Század Intézet, 2007, 172 p.

3870. ANDRÉ (Nadine). L'Inde de Lord Dalhousie, 1848–1856: le sous-continent indien, nation en devenir. Lyon, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, 2007, 553 p. (ill., map).

3859. OLASZ (Lajos). A kormányzóhelyettesi intézmény története, 1941–1944. Budapest, Akad. K., 2007, 485 p.

3871. BAGCHI (Sanjoy). The changing face of bureaucracy: fifty years of the Indian Administrative Service. New Delhi, Rupa, 2007, XII-592 p.

3860. PETÖ (Andrea). Geschlecht, Politik und Stalinismus in Ungarn. Eine Biographie von Júlia Rajk. Herne, Schäfer, 2007, 212 p. (Studien zur Geschichte Ungarns, 12).

3872. BHATTACHARYA (Atin). The Muslims of Bengal: a psycho-ideological study in the light of political movement, 1905–1916. Kolkata, Readers Service, 2007, 464 p.



3873. CHAKRABARTI (Manasi). Rajendra Prasad and the Indian national movement. Kolkata, R.N. Bhattacharya, 2007, XII-140 p. 3874. CHATTERJI (Joya). The spoils of partition: Bengal and India, 1947–1967. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-342 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge studies in Indian history and society, 15). 3875. CHOWDHURI (Satyabrata Ray). Leftism in India, 1917–1947. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave, 2007, XIII-254 p. 3876. DAB (Jayanta Kumar). Local politics and Indian nationalism, Purulia, 1921–1947. Kolkata, Progressive Publishers, 2007, XII-320 p. (maps). 3877. GUHA (Ramachandra). India after Gandhi: the history of the world's largest democracy. London, Macmillan, 2007, XXVI-900 p. (ill., map, ports.). 3878. HAZAREESINGH (Sandip). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay city, 1900–1925. Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 2007, XIII-246 p. (map). (New perspectives in South Asian history, 18). 3879. HEWITT (Vernon). Political mobilisation and democracy in India: states of emergency. Milton Park, Routledge, 2007, IX-230 p. (map). (Routledge advances in South Asian studies, 7). 3880. HOOVER (James W.). Men without hats: dialogue, discipline and discontent in the Madras army, 1806–1807. New Delhi, Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2007, 314 p. (ill., maps). 3881. KUMAR (Ajit). Social tensions and political mobilisation in Bihar, 1927–1947. Patna, Janaki Prakashan, 2007, VII-109 p. 3882. MASSELOS (Jim). The city in action: Bombay struggles for power. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-414 p. (Oxford collected essays). 3883. MISRA (Maria). Vishnu's crowded temple: India since the Great Rebellion. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XXXIII-536 p. (ill.). 3884. MUKHERJEE (Arun Prosad). Maoist "spring thunder": the Naxalite movement 1967–1972. Kolkata, K.P. Bagchi & Co., 2007, IX-319 p. (ill.). 3885. RAY (Sudhir). Marxist parties of West Bengal in opposition and in government, 1947–2001. Forew. of Radharaman CHAKRABARTI. Kolkata, Progressive Publishers, 2007, 280 p.

Delhi, Indian Publishers' Distributors, 2007, XVI-267 p. (ill.). 3889. SINGER (Wendy). A constituency suitable for ladies and other social histories of Indian elections. New Delhi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-246 p. 3890. URMILA (Ningthoukhongjam). The student movement in Manipur. New Delhi, Akansha Pub. House, 2007, 191 p. 3891. ZOREMA (J.). Indirect rule in Mizoram, 1890– 1954: the bureaucracy and the chiefs. New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2007, XVIII-214 p. Cf. nos 4090, 4091, 4092, 6090, 6184, 6372, 6377, 6389 Indonesia 3892. HAZRA (Kanai Lal). Indonesia: political history and Hindu, and Buddhist cultural influences. New Delhi, Decent Books, 2 vol., XXIX-1102 p. (map). 3893. PUDJIASTUTI (Titik). Perang, dagang, persahabatan: surat-surat Sultan Banten. [On history of Banten, includes collection of Banten Sultanates' letters about wars, trades, and politics during 18th and the beginning of the 19th century]. Jakarta, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Toyota Foundation, 2007, XXIII-332 p. (ill.). 3894. SUHELMI (Ahmad). Islam dan kiri: respons elit politik Islam terhadap isu kebangkitan komunis paska Soeharto. [History and background of conflict between Islam against communism after the Soeharto government in Indonesia]. Jakarta, Yayasan Sad Satria Bhakti, 2007, XIV-318 p. Iran 3895. ASGHARZADEH (Alireza). Iran and the challenge of diversity: Islamic fundamentalism, Aryanist racism, and democratic struggles. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIV-249 p. 3896. CRONIN (Stephanie). Tribal politics in Iran: rural conflict and the new state, 1921–1941. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XII-258 p. (ill., maps). (Royal Asiatic Society books). 3897. DE GROOT (Joanna). Religion, culture and politics in Iran: from the Qajars to Khomeini. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, VII-305 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 25). 3898. KIBAROöLU (Mustafa). Iran's nuclear ambitions from a historical perspective and the attitude of the West. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 2, p. 223-245.

3886. ROBB (Peter). Liberalism, modernity, and the nation: empire, identity, and India. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-231 p. (Oxford collected essays).

3899. Mondes chiites (Les) et l'Iran. Sous la dir. de Sabrina MERVIN. Paris, Karthala et Beyrouth, Institut français du proche-orient, 2007, 484 p. (ill.).

3887. ROY (Srirupa). Beyond belief: India and the politics of postcolonial nationalism. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XIII-248 p. (ill.). (Politics, history, and culture).

3900. PANAH (Maryam). The Islamic republic and the world: global dimensions of the Iranian revolution. London, Pluto Press, 2007, XI-212 p.

3888. SANKARI (K.). History of Indian national movement: in South Arcot District of the Madras presidency.

3901. RAJAEE (Farhang). Islamism and modernism: the changing discourse in Iran. Austin, University of

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES Texas Press, 2007, XVII-272 p. (Modern Middle East Series, 24). 3902. SEDGUI (Hamideh). Women and politics in Iran. Veiling, unveiling, and reveiling. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 287 p. 3903. State (The) and the subaltern: modernisation, society and the state in Turkey and Iran. Ed. by Touraj ATABAKI. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XVI-256 p. (ill.). (Library of modern Middle East studies, 66). Iraq 3904. RUBIN (Avshalom H.). Abd al-Karim Qasim and the kurds of Iraq: centralization, resistance and revolt, 1958–1963. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 3, p. 353-382. 3905. SATIA (Priya). Developing Iraq: Britain, India and the redemption of empire and technology in the First World War. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 211-255. 3906. SAUL (Samir). Masterly inactivity as brinkmanship: the Iraq Petroleum Company's route to nationalization, 1958–1972. International history review, 2007, 29, 4, p. 746-792. 3907. STANSFIELD (Gareth R. V.). Iraq: people, history, politics. Cambridge, Polity, 2007, XV-262 p. (Hot spots in global politics). Ireland 3908. BEW (Paul). Ireland: the politics of enmity 1789–2006. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-613 p. (Oxford history of modern Europe). 3909. BIAGINI (Eugenio F.). British democracy and Irish nationalism 1876–1906. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-421 p. 3910. FERRITER (Diarmaid). Judging dev. A reassessment of the life and legacy of Eamon de Valera. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy Press, 2007, 396 p. 3911. MIRALA (Petri). Freemasonry in Ulster, 1733– 1813. A social and political history of the Masonic Brotherhood in the North of Ireland. Portland, Four Courts Press, 2007, 303 p. 3912. PATTERSON (Henry), KAUFMANN (Eric). Unionism and Orangeism in Northern Ireland since 1945: the decline of the loyal family. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XII-269 p. (ill., maps). (Devolution series). 3913. PRINCE (Simon). Northern Ireland's '68: civil rights, global revolt and the origins of the Troubles. Dublin a. Portland, Irish Academic Press, 2007, XII260 p. 3914. PUIRSÉIL (Niamh). The Irish Labour Party, 1922–1973. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2007, XV-400 p. 3915. STEELE (Karen Margaret). Women, press, and politics during the Irish revival. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2007, XII-273 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3815, 6241, 6309

155 Israel

** 3916. Mosheh Sharet: rosh ha-memshalah hasheni: mivhar te'udot mi-pirke hayav, 1894–1965. (Moshe Sharett: the second prime minister: selected documents, 1894–1965). 'arkhah ve-khatvah mevo'ot, Lu'iz FISHER. Yerushalayim, Ganzakh ha-medinah, 2007, 24-712 p. (ill.). (Sidrah le-hantsahat zikhram shel neĞi'e YiĞra'el ve-rashe memsheloteha). _______________________

3917. BARELI (Avi). Mapai be-reshit ha-'atsma'ut, 1948–1953. (Mapai in Israel's early independence, 1948–1953). Yerushalayim, Yad Yitshah Ben-Tsevi, 2007, 548 p. 3918. GLUSKA (Ami). The Israeli military and the origins of the 1967 war: government, armed forces and defence policy 1963–1967. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XVII-324 p. (ill., maps). (Taylor & Francis ebook collection). 3919. PENSLAR (Derek J.). Israel in history. The Jewish state in comparative perspective. Oxon, Routledge, 2007, VIII-288 p. Italy ** 3920. CRAXI (Bettino). Discorsi parlamentari, 1969-1993. A cura di Gennaro ACQUAVIVA. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XXIV-597 p. (Collana Fondazione della Camera dei deputati. Voci dal Parlamento). ** 3921. Cronache sociali (Le) di Giuseppe Dossetti (1947–1951): la giovane sinistra cattolica e la rifondazione della democrazia italiana: antologia. A cura di Luigi GIORGI; con un saggio di Paolo POMBENI. Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2007, 342 p. (I muri bianchi). ** 3922. Eduard Reut-Nicolussi und die Südtirolfrage 1918í1958: Streiter für die Freiheit und die Einheit Tirols. T. 1. GEHLER (Michael). Biographie und Darstellung. T. 2. Dokumentenedition, vorwiegend aus dem Nachlass. Hrsg. v. Michael GEHLER unter Mitarbeit von Evi UNTERTHINER. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2007, 2 vol., 296 p., 1472 p. (ill.). ** 3923. MARSALA (Rosanna). Popolarismo e costituzionalismo in Filippo Meda: lettere a Giuseppe Toniolo, 1890–1917. Presentazione di Eugenio GUCCIONE. Palermo, ILA Palma, 2007, 137 p. (Quadrante). ** 3924. Opera nazionale per i Combattenti: progetti: inventario. A cura di Floriano BOCCINI e Erminia CICCOZZI. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2007, CXXX-352 p. (Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di stato. Strumenti, 174). ** 3925. OSSICINI (Adriano). Memorie di un "sovversivo": ideologie, laicità, libertà. Roma, Studium, 2007, 132 p. (ill.). (Coscienza del tempo, 43). _______________________

3926. 1706: l'ascesa del Piemonte verso il regno: atti del convegno di studi, Torino, Accademia delle scienze, 7 settembre 2006. Torino, Centro studi piemontesi, 2007, X-119 p. (Quaderni della Fondazione Filippo Burzio, 2).



3927. 1945–1946: le origini della Repubblica. 1. Contesto internazionale e aspetti della transizione. 2. Questione istituzionale e costruzione del sistema politico democratico. A cura di Giancarlo MONINA. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 2 vol., XXII-498 p., XIV658 p. (Saggi, 190). 3928. 1946, i comuni al voto: elezioni amministrative, partecipazione delle donne. A cura di Patrizia DOGLIANI e Maurizio RIDOLFI. Imola, La mandragora, 2007, 324 p. (ill.). 3929. ADORNO (Salvatore). Gli agrari a Parma: politica, interessi e conflitti di una borghesia padana in età giolittiana. Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2007, 271 p. (Carte di lavoro, 3). 3930. ALLEGREZZA (Paolo). L'élite incompiuta: la classe dirigente politico-amministrativa negli anni della destra storica, 1861–1876. Milano, A. Giuffrè, 2007, 262 p. (Studi storico giuridici, 19). 3931. ARISI ROTA (Arianna). Il linguaggio del controllo e della crisi: lo spirito pubblico lombardo nei rapporti dei delegati provinciali (1857–1859). Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 112-141. 3932. BARIS (Tommaso). Il fascismo in provincia: politica e società a Frosinone (1919–1940). Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XVII-215 p. (Percorsi, 100). 3933. BERTINI (Fabio). La democrazia europea e il laboratorio risorgimentale italiano. Introduzione di Claudio DE BONI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2007, 123 p. (Seminario di storia delle idee politiche, 3). í IDEM. Risorgimento e questione sociale: lotta nazionale e formazione della politica a Livorno e in Toscana (1849– 1861). Pref. di Sandro ROGARI. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2007, XIV-892 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di storia, 3, ser., 11). 3934. BOARELLI (Mauro). La fabbrica del passato: autobiografie di militanti comunisti (1945–1956). Milano, Feltrinelli, 2007, 281 p. (ill.). (Campi del sapere). 3935. CAFFIO (Maria Angela). Il gioco delle appartenenze: strategie associative e pratiche del potere in Terra d'Otranto (1760–1821). Bari, Edipuglia, 2007, 340 p. (Mediterranea, 22). 3936. CALLARD (Caroline). Le prince et la république: histoire, pouvoir et société dans la Florence des Médicis au XVIIe siècle. Paris, PUPS, 2007, 458 p. (ill.). (Centre Roland Mousnier, 35). 3937. CECCARELLI (Alessia). Dieci anni di studi sull'antico regime genovese (1528–1797). Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 727-777. 3938. Centri e periferie: Italia 1931–1961: l'annale Irsifar. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007, 151 p. (Collana di storia contemporanea dell'Istituto romano per la storia d'Italiadal fascismo alla Resistenza, 14). 3939. Città e pensiero politico italiano dal Risorgimento alla Repubblica: atti del Convegno di studi, Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 16–18 febbraio 2006. A cura di Robertino GHIRINGHELLI. Milano, V&P, 2007, XXVI-500 p. (Storia. Ricerche).

3940. COVINI (Nadia). "La balanza drita": pratiche di governo, leggi e ordinamenti nel ducato sforzesco. Milano, F. Angeli, 2007, 368 p. (FrancoAngeli Storia. Studi e ricerche storiche, 368). 3941. CRAINZ (Guido). L'ombra della guerra: il 1945, l'Italia. Roma, Donzelli, 2007, V-150 p. (Saggine, 104). 3942. D'ANGELO (Lucio). Il radicalismo sociale di Romolo Murri: 1912–1920. Milano, F. Angeli, 2007, 171 p. (Europa socialismo democrazia, 9). 3943. D'ORSI (Angelo). Da Adua a Roma: la marcia del nazionalfascismo (1896–1922): storia e testi. Torino, N. Aragno, 2007, XII-539 p. (Biblioteca Aragno). 3944. DE VIVO (Filippo). Information and communication in Venice. Rethinking Early Modern politics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 352 p. 3945. DI CAPUA (Giovanni). L'anno delle grandi svolte (maggio 1947íaprile 1948): l'Italia di Alcide De Gasperi. Pref. di Giancarlo GALLI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 248 p. 3946. DI FIGLIA (Matteo). Farinacci: il radicalismo fascista al potere. Pref. di Salvatore LUPO. Roma, Donzelli, 2007, IX-260 p. (Saggi Storia e scienze sociali). 3947. DUGGAN (Christopher). The force of destiny. A history of Italy since 1796. London, Penguin, 2007, 653 p. 3948. Fascismo e realtà locali. Bologna, Clueb, 2007, 215 p. (Storia e problemi contemporanei, 46). 3949. FERRARI (Paolo). In cammino verso Occidente: Berlinguer, il PCI e la comunità europea negli anni '70. Bologna, CLUEB, 2007, 272 p. (European progress, 9). 3950. Giornata di studio sul tema: Giuseppe Dossetti all'Assemblea Costituente e nella politica italiana: atti del convegno promosso dalla Fondazione della Camera dei deputati: Palazzo Montecitorio, Sala della Lupa, 5 dicebre 2006. Roma, Camera dei deputati, 2007, VIII-151 p. (Convegni e conferenze, 120). 3951. Giovanni Giolitti: al governo, in parlamento, nel carteggio. 1. I governi Giolitti (1892-1921). A cura di Aldo MOLA e Aldo G. RICCI. Foggia, Bastogi, 2007, 716 p. 3952. Giuseppe Dossetti: la fede e la storia: studi nel decennale della morte. A cura di Alberto MELLONI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 415 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose. Nuova serie, 39). 3953. GOOCH (John). Mussolini and his generals: the armed forces and fascist foreign policy, 1922–1940. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-651 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge military histories). 3954. ISNENGHI (Mario). Dalla Resistenza alla desistenza: l'Italia del "Ponte," 1945–1947. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 418 p. (L'Italia di Piero Calamandrei. Storia e società). 3955. Italia (L') e la "grande vigilia": Gabriele D'Annunzio nella politica italiana prima del fascismo.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES A cura di Romain H. RAINERO e Stefano B. GALLI. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 336 p. (Storia della società, dell'economia e delle istituzioni, 22). 3956. KNOX (MacGregor). To the threshold of power 1922–1933. Origins and dynamics of the Fascist and National Socialist dictatorships. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-448 p. (ill., maps). 3957. LANDONI (Enrico). Il laboratorio delle riforme: Milano dal centrismo al centro-sinistra, 1956–1961. Manduria, P. Lacaita, 2007, 535 p. (Società e cultura, 48). 3958. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). L'eclissi della nazione (1940–1945). Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1249-1275. 3959. Monferrato (Dal) alla costruzione dello Stato sociale italiano: l'esperienza intellettuale, scientifica e politica di Carlo Francesco Ferraris (Moncalvo 1850– Roma 1924): atti del convegno tenuto in Alessandria e Moncalvo, 22–24 marzo 2007. A cura di Corrado MALANDRINO. Torino, Claudiana, 2007, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Studi storici). 3960. MORGAN (Philip). The fall of Mussolini: Italy, the Italians, and the Second World War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-263 p. (ill., maps). 3961. MUSIEDLAK (Didier). Parlementaires en chemise noire: Italie (1922–1943). Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007, 486 p. (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, 815. Série "Historiques", 27). 3962. OSTENC (Michel). La guerre et le mythe de la "résurrection" chez les intellectuels italiens. Réforme morale et révolution nationale (1902–1915). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 227, p. 23-41. 3963. PAGANO (Emanuele). Enti locali e Stato in Italia sotto Napoleone: Repubblica e Regno d'Italia, 1802– 1814. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 325 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 124). 3964. PETERSEN (Jens). The Italian aristocracy, the Savoy monarchy, and fascism. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 91110. 3965. POMBENI (Paolo). Il primo De Gasperi: la formazione di un leader politico. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 305 p. (maps). (Biblioteca storica). 3966. Prefetti (I) in età repubblicana: 1946–2002. A cura di Stefano SEPE. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 372 p. (ill.). (Percorsi). 3967. Questione elettorale (La) nella storia d'Italia: da Crispi a Giolitti, 1893–1913. A cura di Pier Luigi BALLINI. Roma, CD, Archivio storico, 2007, XVI-702 p. (Fonti di storia parlamentare). 3968. RIALL (Lucy). Garibaldi. Invention of a hero. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 482 p. 3969. RICCARDI (Andrea). Il partito romano: politica italiana, chiesa cattolica e curia romana da Pio XII


a Paolo VI. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007, XXIII-324 p. (Storia, 21). 3970. RICCIARDELLI (Fabrizio). The politics of exclusion in Early Renaissance Florence. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, XIV-294 p. 3971. SALE (Giovanni). Popolari, chierici e camerati. 2. Fascismo e Vaticano prima della conciliazione. Prefazione di Pietro SCOPPOLA. Milano, Jaca book, 2007, XXVII-505 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 726). 3972. SASSOON (Donald). Mussolini and the rise of fascism. London, HarperPress, 2007, 187 p. (ill.). 3973. SCIRÉ (Giambattista). Il divorzio in Italia: partiti, Chiesa, società civile dalla legge al referendum (1965–1974). Milano, B. Mondadori, 2007, XI-210 p. (Sintesi). 3974. STOLZI (Irene). L'ordine corporativo. Poteri organizzati e organizzazione del potere nella riflessione giuridica dell'Italia fascista. Venezia, Giuffrè editore, 2007, 463 p. (Per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 71). 3975. Storia d'Italia nel secolo ventesimo. 1. L'Italia repubblicana vista da fuori, 1945–2000. A cura di Stuart WOOLF. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 498 p. (Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Italia). 3976. STORRS (Christopher). Provincial governors and the absolute state: Piedmont 1713–1748. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 1, p. 35-60. 3977. TALBOT (George). Censorship in Fascist Italy, 1922–1943. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, IX-251 p. 3978. VARVARO (Paolo). Sul fascismo: il pregiudizio antiliberale nella costruzione del regime totalitario. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 103 p. (Tra politica e finanza). 3979. VERSACE (Eliana). Montini e l'apertura a sinistra: il falso mito del vescovo progressista. Milano, Guerini studio, 2007, 281 p. (Contemporanea, 18). 3980. Vacat. Cf. nos 3330, 3617, 4532, 4610, 4982, 6174, 6192, 6425, 6475, 6892 Japan 3981. Democracy in occupied Japan: the U.S. occupation and Japanese politics and society. Ed. by Mark E. CAPRIO and Yoneyuki SUGITA. Milton Park a. New York, Routledge, 2007, 245 p. (Routledge studies in Asia's transformations, 18). 3982. DOAK (Kevin Michael). A history of nationalism in modern Japan: placing the people. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-292 p. (Handbook of Oriental studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Section five, 13). 3983. Japon contemporain (Le). Sous la dir. de JeanMarie BOUISSOU. Paris, Fayard et Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2007, 623 p. (ill., maps).



3984. KIM (Kyu Hyun). The age of visions and arguments: parliamentarianism and the national public sphere in early Meiji Japan. Cambridge a. London, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, XVIII-520 p. (ill.). (Harvard East Asian monographs, 247). 3985. MAUL (Heinz Eberhard). Warum Japan keine Juden verfolgte: die Judenpolitik des Kaiserreiches Japan während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (1933–1945). Mit einem Geleitwort von W. Michael BLUMENTHAL. München, Iudicium, 2007, 195 p. (ill., map). 3986. NAGAI (Hideo). Nihon no kindai-ka to Hokkaido. (Modernization in Japan and Hokkaido). Sapporo, University of Hokkaido Press, 2007, 396 p. 3987. SHIMIZU (Yuichiro). Seitǀ to kanryǀ no kindai: Nihon ni okeru rikken tǀchi kǀzǀ no sǀkoku. (Political parties and bureaucrats in the modern period: Conflicts in the structure of the constitutional administration in Japan). Tokyo, Fujiwara Shoten, 2007, 334 p.

3996. LEE (Namhee). The making of minjung. Democracy and the politics of representation in South Korea. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XII-349 p. 3997. Sangjing esǂ tongwǂn ǎro: 1980-yǂndae minjuhwa undong ǎi munhwajǂk tonghak. [Cultural dynamics of the Korean pro-democracy movements]. CHǁNG Ch'ǂr-hǎi oe chiǎm. Sǂul, Ihaksa, 2007, 359 p. (ill.). 3998. Sǁ (Chung-sǂk). Han'guk hyǂndaesa 60-yǂn. (Contemporary history of South Korea: 60 years). Minjuhwa Undong Kinyǂm Saǂphoe kihoek. Sǂul-si, Yǂksa Pip'yǂngsa, 2007, 246 p. (ill.). Cf. no 7299 Laos Cf. no 6929 Latvia

3988. SMETHURST (Richard J.). From foot soldier to finance minister. Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan's Keynes. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, XIV-377 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 292).

** 3999. Aizvestie: 1949. gada 25. Marts. (Deported. March 25 1949). Redaktore Guna PENCE. RƯgƗ, Latvijas Valsts arhƯvs, Nordik, 2007, 870 p.

3989. WATANABE (Takaki). Nihon seitǀ seiritsu-shi josetsu. (An introduction to the formation of Japanese political parties). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2007, 391 p.

4000. OkupƝtƗ Latvija, 1940–1990: Latvijas VƝsturnieku komisijas 2005. gada pƝtƯjumi = Occupied Latvia, 1940–1990: research of the Commission of the Historians of Latvia, 2005. Red. kol. Andris CAUNE [et al.]. RƯga, Latvijas vƝstures institnjta apgƗds, 2007, 507 p. (Symposium of the Commission of the Historians of Latvia, 19. SƝjums).

Cf. nos 6693, 6797, 7252-7298 Jordan 3990. ALON (Yoav). The making of Jordan: tribes, colonialism and the modern state. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XIV-214 p. (ill.). (Library of modern Middle East studies, 61). 3991. SHLAIM (Avi). Lion of Jordan. The life of king Hussein in war and peace. London, Allen Lane, Penguin Books, 2007, XX-698 p. Kenya 3992. ALAM (S. M. Shamsul). Rethinking Mau Mau in colonial Kenya. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-249 p. (maps). 3993. PARSONS (Timothy). The Lanet incident, 2–25 January 1964: military unrest and national amnesia in Kenya. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 51-70. Cf. no 6394 Korea 3994. BRAZINSKY (Gregg). Nation building in South Korea: Koreans, Americans, and the making of a democracy. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-311 p. (ill.). (New cold war history). 3995. KIM (Choong Nam). The Korean presidents: leadership for nation building. Norwalk, EastBridge, 2007, XIV-424 p. (ill.). (Signature books).


4001. TotalitƗrie režƯmi un to represijas LatvijƗ 1940–1956. gadƗ: Latvijas VƝsturnieku komisijas 2000. gada pƝtƯjumi = Totalitarian regimes and their repressions carried out in Latvia in 1940–1956: research of the Commission of the Historians of Latvia (2000). Redakcijas kolƝgija, Valdis BƜRŽINS [et al.]. RƯga, Latvijas vƝstures institnjta apgƗds, 2007, 743 p. (Latvijas VƝsturnieku komisijas raksti, 3). Cf. nos 4223, 6187 Lebanon ** 4002. TALEB-BENDIAB (Choaïb). Le Liban à la veille de la guerre civile: journal d'un ambassadeur, 1967–1970. Alger, Casbah Editions, 2007, 223 p. (ill.). _______________________

4003. CHAITANI (Youssef). Post-colonial Syria and Lebanon: the decline of Arab nationalism and the triumph of the state. London, Tauris, 2007, XIV-210 p. (Library of Middle East history, 11). 4004. GEUKJIAN (Ohannes). The policy of positive neutrality of the Armenian political parties in Lebanon during the civil war, 1975–1990: a critical analysis. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 1, p. 65-73. 4005. RAI (Bassem). Le Pacte National libanais de 1943 et la genèse de l'identité et de la démocratie libanaises. Laer, Oros, 2007, 339 p. (Münsteraner theologische Abhandlungen, 70).

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4006. TRABOULSI (Fawwaz). A history of modern Lebanon. London, Pluto Press, 2007, XI-306 p. (maps). Cf. no 4343 Lesotho 4007. ELDREDGE (Elizabeth A.). Power in colonial Africa: conflict and discourse in Lesotho, 1870–1960. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2007, XII275 p. (map). (Africa and the diaspora: history, politics, culture). Liberia 4008. KIEH (George Klay). The first Liberian civil war: the crises of underdevelopment. New York, Peter Lang, 2007, 212 p. (Society and politics in Africa, 17). Libya 4009. DEL BOCA (Angelo). A un passo dalla forca: atrocità e infamie dell'occupazione italiana della Libia nelle memorie del patriota Mohamed Fekini. Milano, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2007, 291 p. (ill., maps). (Saggi, 329). 4010. ROUMANI (Maurice M.). The Jews of Libya: coexistence, persecution, resettlement. Brighton, Sussex Academic, 2007, XXI-310 p. (ill.). Lithuania 4011. ARLAUSKAITƠ (Inga), KŠSANYTƠ-ARMSTRONG (Raminta). Okupacinơ kariuomenơ Lietuvoje. (L'armée d'occupation en Lituanie). Vilnius, Versus aureus, 2007, 261 p. 4012. LEWANDOWSKA (Stanisáawa). Wilno 1944– 1945: oczekiwania i nastroje. (Vilnius 1944–1945: expectations and attitudes). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 190 p. (ill., map, ports., facsims.). 4013. àOSSOWSKI (Piotr). Káajpeda kontra Memel: problem Káajpedy w latach 1918–1939–1945. (Káajpeda vs Memel: the problem of Klaipeda in the years 1918–1939–1945). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 231 p. (maps). 4014. MASLAUSKIENE (Nijole), PETRAVIýINjTE (Inga). Okupantai ir kolaborantai: pirmoji sovietine okupacija (1940–1941) = Occupants and collaborators: the first Soviet occupation (1940–1941). Vilnius, Margi raštai, 2007, 607 p. (Totalitariniǐ režimǐ nusikaltimai Lietuvoje, 3). 4015. SENN (Alfred Erich). Lithuania 1940: revolution from above. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007, 290 p. (On the boundary of two worlds, 9). 4016. STARKAUSKAS (Juozas). Represiniǐ struktnjrǐ ir komunistǐ partijos bendradarbaviamas Ƴtvirtinant okupacinƳ režimą Lietuvoje 1944–1953 m. (Structures répressives et le renforcement de la coopération entre le Parti communiste et le régime d'occupation en Lituanie en 1944–1953). Vilnius, LGGiRTC, 2007, 765 p. (ill.). Cf. no 4223

159 Macedonia

4017. TROEBST (Stefan). Das makedonische Jahrhundert: von den Anfängen der nationalrevolutionären Bewegung zum Abkommen von Ohrid, 1893–2001: ausgewählte Aufsätze. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 461 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 130). Cf. nos 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239 Madagascar 4018. ELLIS (Stephen). Tom and Toakafo: the Betsimisaraka kingdom and state formation in Madagascar, 1715–1750. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 439-455. Malawi 4019. Government and Politics in Malawi. Ed. by Nandini PATEL and Lars SVÅSAND. Zomba, Kachere Series, 2007, X-420 p. (Kachere books, 33). Malaysia ** 4020. KUA (Kia Soong). May 13: declassified documents on the Malaysian riots of 1969. Petaling Jaya, SUARAM, 2007, 136 p. _______________________

4021. FARIDAH JAAFAR. Perdana menteri dan dasar luar Malaysia, 1957–2005. (The prime minister and foreign policies of Malaysia, 1957–2005). Kuala Lumpur, Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2007, XIX-250 p. (ill.). 4022. MAHANI MUSA. Malay secret societies in the northern Malay states, 1821–1940s. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2007, X-185 p. (ill., maps). (Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Malaysian Branch. Monograph, 39). 4023. RAJ (J. J., Dato'). The struggle for Malaysian independence. Petaling Jaya, MPH Group Pub., 2007, XXXIV-425 p. (ill., maps). Mali 4024. TRAORÉ (Badara Alou). Politiques et mouvements de jeunesse en Afrique noire francophone: le cas du Mali. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 135 p. (Points de vue). Mexico ** 4025. SPENSER (Daniela). Unidad a toda costa: la Tercera Internacional en México durante la presidencia de Lázaro Cárdenas. México D. F., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, 2007, 555 p. (ill.). (Publicaciones de la Casa Chata. Historias). ** 4026. Testaments (The) of Toluca. Edited and translated with commentary and an introductory study by Caterina PIZZIGONI. Stanford, Stanford U. P. a. UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 2007, XV-250 p. (Nahuatl Studies, 8. UCLA Latin American Studies, 90). _______________________



4027. ALANÍS ENCISO (Fernando Saúl). Que se quedan allá: el gobierno de México y la repatriación de mexicanos en Estados Unidos (1934–1940). Tijuana, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte y San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2007, 346 p. (ill., maps). 4028. Ayuntamientos y liberalismo gaditano en México. Ed. por Juan ORTÍZ ESCAMILLA y José Antonio SERRANO ORTEGA. Zamora, El Colegio de Michoacán y Veracruz, Universidad Veracruzana, 2007, 504 p. 4029. BARROS VAN H. (Alonso). Cien años de guerras mixes: territorialidades prehispánicas, expansión burocrática y zapotequización en el Istmo de Tehuantepec durante el siglo XVI. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 2, p. 325-403. 4030. BEEZLEY (William H.). Cómo fue que "El Negrito" salvó a México de los franceses: las fuentes populares de la identidad nacional. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 2, p. 405-444. 4031. BOBROW-STRAIN (Aaron). Intimate enemies. Landowners, power, and violence in Chiapas. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XV-271 p. 4032. BUCHENAU (Jürgen). Plutarco Elías Calles and the Mexican Revolution. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, XXVII-277 p. (ill., maps). (Latin American silhouettes). 4033. CARREGHA LAMADRID (Luiz), SALAZAR MEN(Flor de María). Dos estancias de Benito Juárez en San Luis Potosí, 1863 y 1867. Pról. de Brian R. HAMNETT. San Luis Potosí, Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosí, Archivo Histórico del Estado, 2007, 136 p. (ill.). DOZA

4034. CEJA ANDRADE (Claudia). Al amparo del Imperio: ideas y creencias sobre la justicia y el buen gobierno durante el Segundo Imperio mexicano. Ciudad Juárez, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2007, 193 p. (maps). 4035. CONDÉS LARA (Enrique). Represión y rebelión en México (1959–1985). T. 1. La Guerra fría en México. El discurso de la represión. T. 2. Los años dorados del priato y los pilares ocultos del poder. 1968 y el fin de una etapa. Los acólitos del diablo. México D. F., Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2007, 2 vol., 301 p., 245 p. y 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.). 4036. Cycles of conflict, centuries of change: crisis, reform, and revolution in Mexico. Ed. by Elisa SERVÍN, Leticia REINA and John TUTINO. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, XVI-405 p. 4037. DZIB CAN (Ubaldo). PRI, elites y fresas: los desafíos del PRI municipal en la era de la transición a la democracia (Jacona, Michoacán, 1960–2001). Zamora, El Colegio de Michoacán, 2007, 383 p. (ill., maps). 4038. Faith and impiety in revolutionary Mexico. Ed. by Matthew BUTLER. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VI-295 p. (Studies of the Americas). 4039. GONZALES (Michael J.). Imagining Mexico in 1910: visions of the patria in the centennial celebration

in Mexico City. Journal of Latin American studies, 2007, 39, 3, p. 495-533. 4040. GREENE (Kenneth F.). Why dominant parties lose: Mexico's democratization in comparative perspective. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-350 p. (ill.). 4041. Guerra e imaginarios políticos en la época de las Independencias. Coordinador Moisés GUZMÁN PÉREZ. Morelia, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2007, 286 p. (maps). (Colección Bicentenario de la independencia, 2). [Cf. no 4468.] 4042. LISBONA GUILLÉN (Miguel). Los inicios de la política anticlerical en Chiapas durante el periodo de la Revolución (1910–1920). Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 2, p. 491-530. 4043. LÓPEZ LEYVA (Miguel Armando). La encrucijada: entre la protesta social y la participación electoral (1988). México D. F., Plaza y Valdés, FLACSO México e Hidalgo, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2007, 350 p. (ill.). 4044. MAC NAMARA (Patrick J.). Sons of the Sierra: Juárez, Díaz, and the people of Ixtlán, Oaxaca, 1855– 1920. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIV-282 p. (ill., map). 4045. Mil rostros (Los) de Juárez y del liberalismo mexicano. Coordinación y edición de Héctor Cuauhtémoc HERNÁNDEZ SILVA; con la colaboración de María del Carmen BERDEJO BRAVO. México D. F., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2007, 399 p. (ill.). (Colección del bicentenario del nacimiento de Benito Juárez). 4046. Movimientos sociales, Estado y sistema político en México. Coordinador Jaime TAMAYO. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2007, 327 p. (ill.). 4047. PADILLA (Tanalís). From agraristas to guerrilleros: the Jaramillista movement in Morelos. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 2, p. 255-292. 4048. Pueblos indios (Los) en los tiempos de Benito Juárez (1847–1872). Coordinador Antonio ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE. México D. F., Universidad Autónoma 'Benito Juárez' de Oaxaca, 2007, 363 p. (Colección del Bicentenario del Nacimiento de Benito Juárez, 1806–2006). 4049. Resistencia (La) en el mundo maya. Coordinadora María del Carmen VALVERDE VALDÉS. México D. F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciónes Filológicas, Centro de Estudios Mayas, 2007, 161 p. 4050. RÍOS ZÚÑIGA (Rosalina). Popular uprising and political culture in Zacatecas: the Sombrerete uprisings (1829). Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 3, p. 499-536. 4051. SAMANIEGO LÓPEZ (Marco Antonio). La revolución mexicana en Baja California: maderismo, magonismo, filibusterismo y la pequeña revuelta local. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 4, p. 1201-1262.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4052. TERÁN FUENTES (Mariana). De provincia a entidad federativa: Zacatecas, 1786–1835. Zacatecas, Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Estado de Zacatecas, 2007, 192 p. (ill., maps). (Serie Medios preparatorios, 3). 4053. VÁZQUEZ LÓPEZ (Raúl). Los orígenes de la "transición": la reforma del Estado en México de 1984 a 1994. México D.F., Plaza y Valdés y Puebla, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, 2007, 182 p. (Política). 4054. Women's revolution (The) in Mexico, 1910– 1953. Ed. by Stephanie MITCHELL and Patience A. SCHELL. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Pub., 2007, VIII-233 p. (Latin American silhouettes series). 4055. YANKELEVICH (Pablo). Conflictos, denuncias y deportaciones: prejuicios antihispanos en el México posrevolucionario. Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 151-170. Cf. nos 3434, 4393, 6709 Moldova 4056. TOMULEğ (Valentin). Protestele úi revendicările populaĠiei din Basarabia: anii 1812–1828. (Proteste e rivendicazioni della popolazione della Bessarabia: anni 1812–1828). Chiúinău, CEP USM, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill., map). Mongolia 4057. Istorija Mongolii: XX vek. (A history of Mongolia: The 20th century). RAN, In-t vostokovedeniia. Ed. Galina S. JASKINA. Moskva, IV RAN, 2007, 448 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 425–433; ind. p. 434–444). [English summary] 4058. XX zuuny Mongolchuud. 2. Sotsialist Mongolyn uls toriin am'dral. (Twentieth century in Mongolia. 2. Political life in Socialist Mongolia). Redaktor I. LKHAGVASUREN, Yuki KONAGAIA. Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, 2007, 418 p. (Senri ethnological reports, 72).


chen Transformationsprozesses unter Muhammad Ibn 'Abd al-KarƯm al HattƗbƯ. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz, 2007, 147 p. (ill., map). (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 275). Mozambique 4063. SCHAFER (Jessica). Soldiers at peace: veterans and society after the civil war in Mozambique. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-244 p. (maps). 4064. ZAWANGONI (Salvador André). A FRELIMO e a formação do homem novo: 1964–1974 e 1975– 1982. Maputo, CIEDIMA, 2007, 121 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3310, 6432 Myanmar 4065. Myanmar politics 1958–1962. Volume II. Prepared by Dr. DAW MYINT KYI and Dr. NAW ANGILINE; approved by the Committee for the Compilation of Historical Facts. Yangon, Ministry of Culture Historical Research Centre, Shwe Minn Tha Press, 2007, VII-336 p. 4066. Myanmar: state, society and ethnicity. Ed. by Narayanan GANESAN and KYAW YIN HLAING. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies a. Hiroshima, Hiroshima Peace Institute, 2007, VII-311 p. (ill.). Namibia 4067. EBERHARDT (Martin). Zwischen Nationalsozialismus und Apartheid: die deutsche Bevölkerungsgruppe Südwestafrikas 1915–1965. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 584 p. (Periplus Studien, 10). 4068. PETERS (Claudia). Identität und Exil: Lebensgeschichten ehemaliger Exilanten und ihre Identitätskonstruktionen in der Phase des Unabhängigkeitskampfes Namibias. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2007, 305 p. (Imago vitae, 5). Nepal


4069. KERGOAT (Michelle). Histoire politique du Népal: aux origines de l'insurrection maoïste. Paris, Karthala, 2007, 315 p. (maps).

** 4059. Ministarstvo inostranih djela 1879–1915: zbornik dokumenata. (Il ministero degli affari esteri 1879–1915). Priredio Slavko BURZANOVIû. Podgorica, CID, 2007, 508 p. (ill., facisms.). (Biblioteka Svjedoþanstva).

4070. BLOM (Ron). De oude Socialistische Partij van Harm Kolthek: ontstaan, opkomst en ondergang van een 'libertair-socialistische' partij (1918–1928). Delft, Eburon, 2007, 308 p. (ill.).


4060. KNEŽEVIû (Radule). Istorija politiþke kulture u Crnoj Gori: politiþka kultura slobode. (Storia della cultura politica in Montenegro). Podgorica, CID, 2007, 320 p. (Biblioteka Crna Gora, 12). Cf. nos 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239 Morocco 4061. AKALAY (Omar). Du Protectorat francais au Maroc: 30 mars 1912–16 novembre 1955. Casablanca, Marshan, 2007, 129 p. (ill.). 4062. EL-ASROUTI (Fouzia). Der Rif-Krieg 1921– 1926: eine kritische Untersuchung des gesellschaftli-


4071. DE VALK (Hans). Between distance and attraction: Dutch aristocracy and the political right wing in the interwar period. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 73-90. 4072. DEN HERTOG (Johan). Cort van der Linden (1846–1935): minister-president in oorlogstijd: een politieke biografie. Amsterdam, Boom, 2007, 901 p. (ill.). 4073. JANSE (Maartje). De afschaffers: publieke opinie, organisatie en politiek in Nederland 1840–1880. Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2007, 395 p. 4074. MÖRKE (Olaf). Wilhelm von Oranien, 1533– 1584. Fürst und "Vater" der Republik. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 316 p.



4075. ONNEKINK (David). The Anglo-Dutch favourite: the career of Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (1649–1709). Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate Pub., 2007, 297 p. (ill., plans). (Politics and culture in north-western Europe, 1650–1720). 4076. RULOF (Bernard). 'Een leger van priesters voor een heilige zaak': SDAP [Sociaal-democratische Arbeiders-Partij], politieke manifestaties en massapolitiek, 1918–1940. Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2007, 399 p. (Natiestaat). New Zealand 4077. MAC INTYRE (William David). Dominion of New Zealand: statesmen and status, 1907–1945. Wellington, New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 2007, 211 p. (ill.). Nicaragua 4078. SCHROEDER (Michael J.). Social memory and tactical doctrine: the air war in Nicaragua during the Sandino rebellion, 1927–1932. International history review, 2007, 29, 3, p. 507-549. 4079. WOLFE (Justin). The everyday nation-state: community and ethnicity in nineteenth-century Nicaragua. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XI272 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 3518, 4577, 6727 Nigeria 4080. AJAYI (Gboyega). The military and the Nigerian state, 1966–1993: a study in the strategies of political power control. Trenton, Africa World, 2007, XVI186 p. 4081. HAMMAN (Mahmoud). The Middle Benue Region and the Sokoto Jihad, 1812–1869: the impact of the establishment of the Emirate of Muri. Kaduna, Arewa House, Ahmadu Bello University, 2007, XXII219 p. (maps). (Arewa House studies series). 4082. History of the Urhobo people of Niger Delta. Ed. by Peter P. EKEH. Buffalo, Urhobo Historical Society, 2007, XII-710 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Urhobo Historical Society monograph, 3). 4083. UCHENDU (Egodi). Women and conflict in the Nigerian civil war. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2007, XVIII-307 p. (ill., maps). Norway 4084. HJELLUM (Torstein). Politisk korrupsjon som demokratisk problem. Oslo, Cappelen Akademisk, 2007, 304 p. (ill.). 4085. LØVHAUG (Johannes W.). Politikk som idékamp: et intellektuelt gruppeportrett av Minerva-kretsen, 1957–1972. Oslo, Pax forlag, 2007, 336 p. (ill., ports.). 4086. NYDAL (Knut). Sosialmoralsk engasjement og politisk aktivisme: framveksten av en antirasistisk bevegelse i Norge 1975–1988. Oslo, Forum for Samtidshistorie, IAKH, Universitetet i Oslo, Unipub, 2007, 514 p. (Acta humaniora, 289).

4087. SUPPHELLEN (Steinar). 'Rational Norwegian patriotism' in the 1780s. A Norwegian civil servant's endeavour to define his identity and his loyalties. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 376-387. Oman 4088. PETERSON (John). Oman's insurgencies: the sultanate's struggle for supremacy. London, Saqi, 2007, 522 p. (ill., maps). Pakistan ** 4089. AYUB KHAN (Mohammad). Diaries of Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, 1966–1972. Ed. and annotated by Criag BAXTER. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-599 p. _______________________

4090. Deadly embrace (The): religion, politics and violence in India and Pakistan 1947–2002. Ed. by Ian TALBOT. Karachi, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-191 p. (ill.). (Subcontinent divided: a new beginning). 4091. From the colonial to the postcolonial: India and Pakistan in transition. Ed. by Dipesh CHAKRABARTY, Rochona MAJUMDAR and Andrew SARTORI. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-369 p. 4092. KHAN (Yasmin). The great Partition: the making of India and Pakistan. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XXI-251 p. (ill., maps). 4093. KLEINER (Juergen). Pakistan: an unsettled nation. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 1-25. Cf. no 6823 Palestine 4094. BUNTON (Martin). Colonial land policies in Palestine, 1917–1936. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 217 p. 4095. KHALIDI (Rashid). The iron cage: the story of the Palestinian struggle for statehood. Oxford, Oneworld Publications, 2007, XLII-281 p. Panama 4096. CAUMARTIN (Corinne). 'Depoliticisation' in the reform of the Panamanian security apparatus. Journal of Latin American studies, 2007, 39, 1, p. 107-132. 4097. SÁNCHEZ (Peter M.). Panama lost? US hegemony, democracy, and the canal. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, X-251 p. Paraguay 4098. ARECES (Nidia R.). Estado y frontera en el Paraguay: Concepción durante el gobierno del Dr. Francia. Asunción, Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, 2007, 496 p. (map). (Biblioteca de estudios paraguayos, 68. Colección Bicentenario). 4099. Guerres (Les) du Paraguay aux XIXe et XXe siècles: actes du colloque international le Paraguay à l'ombre de ses guerres, acteurs, pouvoirs et représentations, Paris, 17–19 novembre 2005. Sous la direction

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES de Nicolas RICHARD, Luc CAPDEVILA et Capucine BOIDIN. Paris, CoLibris, 2007, 600 p. (ill., maps). 4100. HORST (René Harder). The Stroessner regime and indigenous resistance in Paraguay. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, 224 p. (maps). 4101. SAEGER (James Schofield). Francisco Solano López and the ruination of Paraguay: honor and egocentrism. Lanham a. Plymouth, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, XI-239 p. (ill., map). (Latin American silhouettes). o

Cf. n 6559 Peru ** 4102. Informe de los prefectos durante el primer gobierno del Mariscal Ramón Castilla, (1845–1850). Compilación Nanda LEONARDINI. Lima, Seminario de Historia Rural Andina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2007, 270 p. (ill.). _______________________


4110. SKUBAN (William E.). Lines in the sand: nationalism and identity on the Peruvian-Chilean frontier. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2007, XXVII-314 p. 4111. TORRES ARANCIVIA (Eduardo). Buscando un rey: el autoritarismo en la historia del Perú: siglos XVI–XXI. Lima, Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2007, 295 p. 4112. WILSON (Fiona). Transcending race? Schoolteachers and political militancy in Andean Peru, 1970– 2000. Journal of Latin American studies, 2007, 39, 4, p. 719-746. Cf. no 6086 Philippines 4113. FULLER (Ken). Forcing the pace: the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas: from foundation to armed struggle. Diliman, University of the Philippines Press, 2007, XIV-365 p.

4103. BURT (Jo-Marie). Political violence and the authoritarian state in Peru: silencing civil society. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVIII286 p. (ill., map).

4114. SAN JUAN (Epifanio). U.S. imperialism and revolution in the Philippines. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XXIX-265 p.

4104. CHANG-RODRÍGUEZ (Eugenio). Una vida agónica: Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre: Testimonio de parte. Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2007, XXVIII-378 p.

* 4115. KENNEY (Padraic). After the blank spots are filled: recent perspectives on modern Poland. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 1, p. 134-161.

4105. DEGREGORI (Carlos Iván), MELÉNDEZ (Carlos). El nacimiento de los otorongos: el Congreso de la República durante los gobiernos de Alberto Fujimori (1990–2000). Lima, IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2007, 187 p. (ill.). (Serie Ideología y política, 30).

** 4116. CHàAPOWSKI (Krzysztof). Starostowie w Wielkopolsce, na Kujawach i Mazowszu 1565í1696: (materiaáy Ĩródáowe). (Governors in the Great Poland, in Kujawy and Mazovia 1565–1696). Warszawa, Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 127 p.

4106. MAC EVOY (Carmen). Homo politicus: Manuel Pardo, la política peruana y sus dilemas, 1871–1878. Lima, Instituto Riva-Agüero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales, 2007, 378 p. (ill., maps). (Coediciones, 2. Publicación del Instituto RivaAgüero, 242. Serie Estudios históricos, 47).

** 4117. Protokoáy z VI i VII Plenum Komitetu Centralnego Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej z 1956 r. (Minutes of the VI and VII Plenum of the Central Committee of Polish United Workers' Party, 1956). Opracowanie, wybór i przygotowanie do druku Wiesáaw WàADYKA i Wáodzimierz JANOWSKI. Warszawa, Wydziaá Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych, 2007, 901 p. (ill.). (Polska mniej znana 1944–1989).

4107. MARKS (Patricia H.). Deconstructing legitimacy. Viceroys, merchants, and the military in late colonial Peru. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, 403 p. 4108. ROJAS INGUNZA (Ernesto). El báculo y la espada: el obispo Goyoneche y la Iglesia ante la 'iniciación de la República', Perú 1825–1841. Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto Riva-Agüero, Fundación Manuel J. Bustamante De la Fuente, 2007, 293 p. 4109. SÁNCHEZ (Marté). Pensar los senderos olvidados de historia y memoria: la violencia política en las comunidades de Chuschi y Quispillaccta, 1980–1991. Lima, Asociación Servicios Educativos Rurales, SER, Fondo Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales UNMSM [Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos], 2007, 359 p. (Serie Tesis. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales).


** 4118. Solidarity (From) to martial law: the Polish crisis of 1980–1981: a documentary history. Ed. by Andrzej PACZKOWSKI and Malcolm BYRNE; associate editors, Gregory F. DOMBER and Magdalena KLOTZBACH. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2007, XLVII548 p. (ill.). (National Security Archive Cold War readers). _______________________

4119. ARNDT (Agnes). Intellektuelle in der Opposition: Diskurse zur Zivilgesellschaft in der Volksrepublik Polen. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2007, 169 p. (Campus Forschung, 919). 4120. BUCHOLC-SROGOSZ (Katarzyna). Departament Wojskowy Rady Nieustającej w latach 1775–1789 i 1793– 1794. (Military Department of the Permanent Council in the years 1775–1789 and 1793–1794). PoznaĔ, Wydawn.



PoznaĔskie, 2007, 166 p. (PoznaĔskie studia historyczne, 18). 4121. CHORĄĩYCZEWSKI (Waldemar). Przemiany organizacyjne polskiej kancelarii królewskiej u progu czasów nowoĪytnych. (Organizational transformation of Polish royal chambers at the threshold of modern times). ToruĔ, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikoáaja Kopernika, 2007, 312 p. (ill.). 4122. Konspiracja antykomunistyczna i podziemie zbrojne w Wielkopolsce w latach 1945–1956. (Conspiracy and underground anti-communist forces in Wielkopolska in the years 1945–1956). Pod redakcją Agnieszki àUCZAK-KADàUBOWSKA i Aleksandry PIETROWICZ. PoznaĔ, Oddziaá Instytutu PamiĊci Narodowej Komisja ĝcigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w Poznaniu, 2007, 262 p. (ill.). (Studia i materiaáy IPN). 4123. MACHCEWICZ (Paweá). "Monachijska menaĪeria": walka z Radiem Wolna Europa 1950–1989. ("The Munich Menagerie": the fight against Radio Free Europe 1950–1989). Warszawa, Instytut PamiĊci Narodowej, 2007, 442 p. (ill.). (Monografie, 33). 4124. MARCOē (Witold). Unifikacja województwa Ğląskiego z II Rzecząpospolitą. (Unification of Silesia with the Second Republic). ToruĔ, Wydawn. Adam Marszaáek, 2007, 334 p. 4125. MIRONOWICZ (Eugeniusz). Biaáorusini i UkraiĔcy w polityce obozu piásudczykowskiego. Biaáystok, Wydawn. Uniwersyteckie Trans Humana, 2007, 293 p. 4126. NOWAK (Magdalena). Narodowcy i UkraiĔcy: Narodowa Demokracja wobec mniejszoĞci ukraiĔskiej w Polsce, 1922–1939. (Nationalists and Ukrainians: the National Democratic Party against the Ukrainian minority in Poland, 1922–1939). GdaĔsk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu GdaĔskiego, 2007, 304 p.

the north-east of the Second Republic). Warszawa, Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu w Biaáymstoku, Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM, 2007, 400 p. (Seria wschodnia). 4131. ĝwiat wokóá Rzeczypospolitej: problematyka zagraniczna w polskiej myĞli politycznej w pierwszej poáowie XX wieku. (The world around the Republic: Foreign issues in Polish political thought in the first half of the twentieth century). Pod redakcją Waldemara PARUCHA i Krystyny TREMBICKIEJ. Lublin, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skáodowskiej, 2007, 529 p. (map). 4132. SZUMIàO (Mirosáaw). UkraiĔska Reprezentacja Parlamentarna w Sejmie i w Senacie RP (1928– 1939). (Ukrainian Parliamentary representation in the Sejm and the Senate, 1928–1939). Warszawa, Wydawn. Neriton, 2007, 325 p. 4133. WITKOWSKI (Wojciech). Historia administracji w Polsce: 1764–1989. (Storia dell'ammistrazione in Polonia, 1764–1989). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2007, 469 p. (ill.). 4134. ZDRADA (Jerzy). Historia Polski: 1795–1914. Warszawa, Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2007, XXIX-859 p. (maps). Cf. nos 4214, 4223, 4372, 6644 Portugal ** 4135. Manuel de Arriaga: documentos políticos. Coordenação de Sérgio CAMPOS MATOS; organização e introdução, Elisa TRAVESSA e Joana GASPAR DE FREITAS. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2007, 304 p. (Horizonte histórico, 77). _______________________

4136. Burocracia, estado e território: Portugal e Espanha: (séculos XIX–XX). Coordenaç ão Pedro TAVARES DE ALMEIDA e Rui Miguel C. BRANCO. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2007, 224 p.

4127. OSĉKA (Piotr). Rytuaáy stalinizmu: oficjalne ĞwiĊta i uroczystoĞci rocznicowe w Polsce 1944–1956. (Rituals of Stalinism: official holidays and anniversary celebrations in Poland, 1944–1956). Warszawa, Trio, Instytut Studiów Politycnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2007, 264 p. (ill.). (W krainie PRL).

4137. CARDOSO (A. Monteiro). A revolução liberal em Trás-os-Montes (1820–1834): o povo e as elites. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007, 390 p. (maps). (Biblioteca das ciências sociais. História, 27).

4128. Pommern im 19. Jahrhundert: staatliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in vergleichender Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Thomas STAMM-KUHLMANN. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 332 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Pommern. Reihe V, Forschungen zur pommerschen Geschichte, 43).

4138. Conflicto político, democracia y dictadura: Portugal y España en la década de 1930. Ed. por Mercedes GUTIÉRREZ SÁNCHEZ y Diego PALACIOS CEREZALES. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2007, 312 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Estudios políticos (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales).

4129. PUFELSKA (Agnieszka). Die "Judäo-Kommune": ein Feindbild in Polen: das polnische Selbstverständnis im Schatten des Antisemitismus 1939–1948. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2007, 284 p. (ill.).

4139. Corporativismo (O) em português: estado, política e sociedade no salazarismo e no varguismoSeminário "Salazarismo e Varguismo: Duas Ditaduras em Comparação" (2006: Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa). Organizadores António COSTA PINTO e Francisco Carlos PALOMANES MARTINHO. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Civilização Brasileira, 2007, 365 p. (ill.).

4130. ĝLESZYēSKI (Wojciech). BezpieczeĔstwo wewnĊtrzne w polityce paĔstwa polskiego na ziemiach póánocno-wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej. (The internal security policy of the Polish state on the lands of

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4140. FARINHA (Luís), FLUNSER PIMENTEL (Irene). Vítimas de Salazar: Estado Novo e violência política. Coordenador João MADEIRA. Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2007, 452 p. (ill.). 4141. LOUSADA (Abílio Pires). O exército e a ruptura da ordem política em Portugal, 1820–1974. Lisboa, Prefácio, 2007, 143 p. (ill.). (História militar. Estudos e documentos). 4142. MESQUITA (António Pedro). Salazar na história política do seu tempo. Lisboa, Editorial Caminho, 2007, 326 p. (Quadros). 4143. Militares (Os) e a democrazia. Coordenação científica de Nuno SEVERIANO TEIXEIRA. Lisboa, Edições Colibri e Instituto de História Contemporânea, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2007, 128 p.


4152. BOTTONI (Stefano). Transilvania rossa: il comunismo romeno e la questione nazionale (1944–1965). Roma, Carocci, 2007, 238 p. (Saggi e monografie del Dipartimento di discipline storiche dell'Università di Bologna, 7). 4153. BUCUR (Maria). Carol II of Romania. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 87-118. 4154. ENACHE (Răzvan). Structura ficĠiunilor comunitare. TradiĠional úi modern în discursul politic românesc interbelic. (Structure of communitary fiction. Tradition and modern in Romanian interwar political discourse). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa CărĠii de ùtiinĠă, 2007, 314 p.

4144. MONTEIRO CARDOSO (António). A revolução liberal em Trás-os-Montes (18201834). O povo e as elites. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007, 390 p. (Biblioteca de ciências sociais. História, 27).

4155. ExperienĠe carcerale în România comunistă. Vol. I-II. (Inprisonment experiences in communist Romania. Vol. I-II). volum coordonat Cosmin BUDEANCĂ, prefaĠă de Lucia HOSSU LONGIN. Iaúi, Editura Polirom, 2007, 390, 405 p.

4145. PARDAL (Rute). As elites de Évora ao tempo da dominação Filipina: estratégias de controlo do poder local (1580–1640). Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2007, 210 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca Estudos e Colóquios, 14).

4156. FORREST (Robert). Nicolae Ceauúescu, the "Great Genius of the Carpathians". In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 319-354.

4146. PENA RODRÍGUEZ (Alberto). Salazar, a imprensa e a Guerra Civil de Espanha. Coimbra, Minerva Coimbra, 2007, 265 p. (Minerva Ciências da comunicação, 10).

4157. GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël). La mémoire roumaine de la mission Berthelot (1918–2007). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 228, p. 23-35.

4147. TAVARES (José Manuel Soares). O campo de concentração do Tarrafal (1936–1954): a origem e o quotidiano. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2007, 262 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 4889, 6896 Puerto Rico 4148. AYALA (César J.), BERNABE (Rafael). Puerto Rico in the American century: a history since 1898. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XVI-428 p. Romania ** 4149. Au ales libertatea! DicĠionar. 2265 de fiúe personale din evidenĠele SecurităĠii. (They chose freedom! Dictionary. 2265 personal files in the Securitate evidence). EdiĠie îngrijită de Veronica NANU úi Dumitru DOBRE. Bucureúti, Editura Pro Historia, 2007, 838 p. ** 4150. "Partiturile" securităĠii. Directive, ordine, instrucĠiuni (1947–1987). (The Securitate's "scores". Norms, orders, directives, 1947–1987). Documente editate de Cristina ANISESCU, Silviu B. MOLDOVAN úi Mirela MATIU. Studii úi note de Cristina ANISESCU úi Silviu B. MOLDOVAN. Glosar de termeni de Cristina ANISESCU. Bucureúti, Editura Nemira, 2007, 695 p. _______________________

4151. BOISDRON (Matthieu). La Roumanie des années trente: de l'avènement de Carol II au démembrement du royaume, 1930–1940. Parçay-sur-Vienne, Anovi, 2007, 221 p. (maps).

4158. HEINEN (Armin). Rumänien, der Holocaust und die Logik der Gewalt. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 208 p. (ill.). (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 135). 4159. HORVÁTH (Sz. Ferenc). Elutasítás és alkalmazkodás között: a romániai magyar kisebbségi elit politikai stratégiái, 1931–1940. (Zwischen Ablehnung und Anpassung: politische Strategien der ungarischen Minderheitselite in Rumänien 1931–1940). Csíkszereda, Pro-Print Könyvkiadó, 2007, 333 p. (Magyar kisebbség könyvtára). – [German edition: Zwischen Ablehnung und Anpassung: politische Strategien der ungarischen Minderheitselite in Rumänien 1931–1940. München, Verlag Ungarisches Institut, 2007, 441 p. (maps). (Studia Hungarica, 50).] 4160. IORDACHI (Constantin). Aristocracy, fascism, and the social origins of mass politics in interwar Romania. In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 201-233. 4161. ISAR (Nicolae). Doctrina úi legislaĠia junimistconservatoare în dezbaterile Parlamentului român. 1891– 1895. (Junimea-conservatory doctrine in the debates of Romanian Parliament. 1891–1895). Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii din Bucureúti, 2007, 223 p. 4162. JIKELI (Erwin Peter). Siebenbürgisch-sächsische Pfarrer, Lehrer und Journalisten in der Zeit der kommunistischen Diktatur (1944–1971). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 321 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1044 = Publications universitaires européennes. Serie III, Sciences historiques et sciences



auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1044 = European university papers. Series III, History, paleography, and numismatics, 1044).

and the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, March 1946–March 1953). Moskva, Materik, 2007, 652 p. (pers. ind. p. 617-631). (Rossija. XX vek. Dokumenty).

4163. LEUSTEAN (Lucian N.). The political control of Orthodoxy in the construction of the Romanian state, 1859–1918. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 1, p. 61-80.

** 4174. RAZDORSKIJ (Aleksej I.). Kniga tamozhennogo i pitejnogo sbora Kurska i Kurskogo uezda 1720 g.: Issledovanie. Tekst. Kommentarii. (The book of custom and drinking proceeds of Kursk and the Kursk district, 1720: Study, text, commentary). RAN, SanktPeterburgskij in-t istorii. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2007, 632 p. (tabl., facs., portr., ind. p. 509-620).

4164. MILATA (Paul). Zwischen Hitler, Stalin und Antonescu: Rumäniendeutsche in der Waffen-SS. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XI-349 p. (ill.). (Studia Transylvanica, 34). 4165. MORAR-VULCU (Călin). Republica îúi făureúte oamenii. ConstrucĠia identităĠilor politice în discursul oficial în România, 1948–1965. (The republic makes its own people. Building-up political identities in the official discourse in Romania, 1948–1965). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Eikon, 2007, 542 p. 4166. RUS (Alin). Mineriadele. Între manipulare politică úi solidaritate muncitorească. (Mineriads. Between political manipulations and labour solidarity). Bucureúti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2007, 640 p. 4167. ùANDRU (Dumitru). Comunizarea societăĠii româneúti în anii 1944–1947. (Communization of Romanian society during 1944–1947). Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2007, 298 p. 4168. SANDU (Traian). Mémoire de la première guerre mondiale au sein des jeunes droites roumaines de l'entredeux-guerres. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 228, p. 7-21. 4169. SÎLEA (Marin). Aeronautica militară română în perioada anilor 1930–1940. (Romanian military aeronautics during 1930–1940). Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii NaĠionale de Apărare "Carol I", 2007, 351 p. Addendum 2006 4170. Dreapta politică românească. Vol. 1. Miúcarea liberală din România post 1989. (Romanian political right. Vol. 1. Liberal movement from post 1989 Romania). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Ecumenica Press, 2006, 357 p. Cf. nos 4184, 4606 Russia * 4171. EGAN (David R.), EGAN (Melinda A.). Joseph Stalin: an annotated bibliography of English-language periodical literature to 2005. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2007, X-487 p. ** 4172. BÉRÉLOVICH (André), NAZAROV (Vladislav D.), UVAROV [Ouvarov] (Pavel Ju.). Sostojanie Rossijskoj imperii. Zh. Marzheret v dokumentakh i issledovanijakh (Teksty, kommentarii, stat'i). (Estat de l'Empire de Russie et Grand-de Duché de Moscovie, [1607]: Jaques Margeret in documents and studies: texts, comments, articles). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii, etc. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskikh kul'tur, 2007, 551 p. (ill., bibl. p. 499-502, ind. p. 503-550). ** 4173. KHAUSTOV (Vladimir N.). Lubjanka. Stalin i MGB SSSR: Mart 1946ímart 1953 (Lubyanka. Stalin

** 4175. Soviet union (The). A documentary history. Vol. 2. 1939–1991. Ed. by Edward ACTON and Tom STABLEFORD. Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2007, XXXI-543 p. _______________________

4176. BADCOCK (Sarah). Politics and the people in revolutionary Russia: a provincial history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-260 p. (ill., maps). 4177. BARON (Nick). Soviet Karelia: politics, planning and terror in Stalin's Russia, 1920–1939. London, Routledge, 2007, XIX-331 p. (ill., maps). (BASEES / Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 43). 4178. BAUTZ (Annegret). Sozialpolitik statt Wohltätigkeit? Der Konzeptionswandel städtischer Fürsorge in Sankt Petersburg von 1892 bis 1914. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 221 p. (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 68). 4179. BERNSTEIN (Frances Lee). The dictatorship of sex. Lifestyle advice for the Soviet masses. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, 264 p. 4180. BORÁK (Meþislav). Popravy jako souþást politických represí v SSSR a dosud zjištČné obČti z Ĝad ýechĤ a þeskoslovenských obþanĤ. (The executions as a part of political represion in the USSR and hitherto ascertained victims among Czechs and Czechoslovak citizens). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 1. VČzni a popravení. Opava, 2007, p. 117-236. 4181. BROOKS (Jeffrey), CHERNYAVSKIY (Georgiy). Lenin and the making of the Soviet state: a brief history with documents. Boston, Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007, XIV-176 p. (ill.). (Bedford series in history and culture.). 4182. BROWN (Archie). Seven years that changed the world: perestroika in perspective. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XX-350 p. 4183. CADIOT (Juliette). Le laboratoire impérial: Russie-URSS, 18701940. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 266 p. 4184. CHEN (Cheng). The prospects for liberal nationalism in post-Leninist states. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, XII-245 p. (ill.). 4185. DANIELS (Robert V.). The rise and fall of communism in Russia. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, IX-481 p.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4186. FILTZER (Donald). Soviet workers and late Stalinism: labour and the restoration of the Stalinist system after World War II. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVIII-276 p. 4187. GIMEL'SHTEJN (A.V.), DAMESHEK (L.M.), SENINA (E.A.). Obraz "inorodcev" na stranicah sibirskoj periodicheskoj pechati. (The image of nonRussians [inorodtsy] in the press of pre-revolutionary Siberia). Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskaja izdatel'skaja kompanija, 2007, 320 p. 4188. GOLDMAN (Wendy Z.). Terror and democracy in the age of Stalin. the social dynamics of repression. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-274 p. 4189. HALFIN (Igal). Intimate enemies: demonizing the Bolshevik opposition, 1918–1928. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007, 416 p. (ill.). (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies). 4190. JANDIEVA (Mar'jam D.), MAL'SAGOV (Adam A.). Gosudarstvennyi terror v Ingushetii, 20–50-e gody XX veka. Issledovanie i martirologi. (The state terror in Ingushetia, the 1920–1950s: Study and martirologies). Moskva, Enzhaev A.K., 2007, 271 p. (Ingushskij "Memorial"). 4191. KING (Francis). The Narodniks in the Russian Revolution. Russia's Socialist-Revolutionaries in 1917. Wymondham, Socialist history society, 2007, 114 p. (Socialist history society occasional paper, 25). 4192. KRICHEVCEV (Mikhail V.). Imperatorskij kabinet: Vedomstvo lichnoj kantseljarii rossijskogo monarkha, 1741–1801. (The Emperor's Cabinet: the agency of Russian monarchs' personal chancery, 1741– 1801). Novosib. gos. un-t. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Novosib. gos. un-ta, 2007, 248 p. (ill., portr., bibl. incl., pers. ind. p. 237-248). (Trudy Gumanitarnogo fakul'teta NGU. Ser. 1: Monografii). 4193. KUROMIYA (Hiroaki). The voices of the dead. Stalin's great terror in the 1930s. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, VIII-295 p. 4194. NESMEJANOVA (Irina I.). Rossiiskii imperatorskii dvor pervoi poloviny XIX veka kak sotsiokul'turnyi fenomen. (The Russian emperor's court as a sociocultural phenomenon). Cheliabinsk, Rekpol, 2007, 362 p. (ill., facs., bibl. p. 234–279). 4195. NETHERCOTT (Frances). Russian legal culture before and after communism: criminal justice, politics, and the public sphere. London, Routledge, 2007, XIII198 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European Studies, 39). 4196. NOSACH (Viktor I.), ZVEREVA (Nina D.). Rasstrel'nye 30-e gody i profsoiuzy. (The terror of the Soviet 1930s and trade unions). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2007, 528 p. (ill., portr., bibl. incl.). 4197. OGUSHI (Atsushi). The demise of the Soviet Communist Party. London, Routledge, 2007, XIV-218 p.


(BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 41). 4198. Petr Velikij. (Peter the Great). Comp. and ed. Evgenij V. ANISIMOV. Moskva, O.G.I., 2007, 339 p. (Natsiia i kul'tura. Novye issledovaniia: Rossiia / Russia). (bibl. incl., pers. ind. p. 334-339). 4199. PIKHOJA (Rudol'f G.). Moskva. Kreml'. Vlast': dve istorii odnoi strany: Rossiia na izlome tysiacheletii, 1985–2005. (Moscow. Kremlin. Power. Two histories of Russian at the edge of the millenium, 1985–2005). Moskva, Rus'-Olimp, 2007, 551 p. í IDEM. URSS. histoire du pouvoir. 1. Quarante ans d'après-guerre 2. Le retour de l'Aigle bicéphale. Longueuil, Les Éditions Kéruss, 2007, 2 vol., 696 p., 509 p. 4200. PISAR'KOVA (Lubov' F.). Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossii s kontsa XVII do kontsa XVIII veka: Evoljutsija bjurokraticheskoj sistemy. (The state administration in Russia from the late 17th to the late 18th century: the evolution of the bureaucratic system). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 743 p. (tabl., bibl. incl., pers. ind. p. 726-736). 4201. PÖPPEL (Ludmila). The rhetoric of Pravda editorials: a diachronic study of a political genre. Stockholm, Stockholm University, 2007, 305 p. (ill.). (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 33. Stockholm Slavic studies). 4202. POZHIGAJLO (Pavel A.). Stolypinskaia programma preobrazovaniia Rossii: (1906–1911). (Stolypin's program of changing Russia, 1906–1911). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 239 p. (bibl. incl.). 4203. PRIESTLAND (David). Stalinism and the politics of mobilization: ideas, power, and terror in interwar Russia. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-487 p. 4204. RABINOWITCH (Alexander). The Bolsheviks in power: the first year of Soviet rule in Petrograd. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XV-494 p. (ill.). 4205. REDIN (Dmitrij A.). Administrativnye struktury i bjurokratija Urala v epokhu Petrovskih reform (zapadnye uezdy Sibirskoj gubernii v 1711–1727 gg.). (Administrative structures and bureaucracy of Urals in the time of the reforms of Peter the Great: The western districts of the Siberian province, 1711–1727). Ed. Nina A. MINENKO. Ural'skij gos. un-t im. A.M. Gor'kogo. Ekaterinburg, Volot, 2007, 607 p. (bibl. incl., pers. ind. p. 591–606). 4206. Russian empire: space, people, power, 1700– 1930. Ed. by Jane BURBANK, Mark von HAGEN and Anatolyi REMNEV. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XII-538 p. (ill., maps). (Indiana-Michigan series in Russian and East European studies). 4207. Severnyj Kavkaz v sostave Rossijskoi imperii: Sbornik statei. (The North Caucasus under the rule of the Russian Empire: Articles). Ed. Vladimir O. BOBROVNIKOV i I. BABICH. Moskva, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007, 460 p.



4208. Sibir' v sostave Rossiiskoi imperii. (Siberia under the rule of the Russian Empire). Ed. Lev M. DAMESHEK, Anatolij V. REMNEV. Moskva, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007, 362 p. (ill., maps, bibl. p. 350– 352). (Historia Rossica. Okrainy Rossijskoj imperii).

4221. WITZENRATH (Christoph). Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598–1725: manipulation, rebellion and expansion into Siberia. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-259 p. (Routledge studies in the history of Russia and Eastern Europe, 8).

4209. Sovetskaja propaganda v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny: "Kommunikatsija ubezhdenija" i mobilizatsionnye mekhanizmy. (Soviet propaganda during the Second World War: the 'communication of convincing' and mechanisms of mobilization). Comp. A. Ja. LIVSHIN, Igor' B. ORLOV. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 806 p. (ill.).

4222. ZAKHAROV (Vladimir A.). Imperator Pavel I i Orden svjatogo Ioanna Ierusalimskogo. (Emperor Paul I of Russia and the Order of St John of Jerusalem). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, Ist. kn., 2007, 283 p. (bibl. p. 242-282). (Istoricheskaja kniga).

4210. Soviet Union (The). Ed. by Peter WALDRON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXIV-537 p. (International library of essays on political history). 4211. STUPPO (Oxana). Das Feindbild als zentrales Element der Kommunikation im Spätstalinismus: der Fall Sverdlovsk, 1945–1953. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 206 p. (ill., maps). (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 70). 4212. TEPLJAKOV (Aleksej G.). "Nepronitsaemye nedra": VChK-OGPU v Sibiri, 1918–1929 gg. (VChKOGPU in Siberia, 1918–1929). M, AIRO-XXI, 2007, 287 p. (bibl. incl.). (Airo – pervaja monografija). 4213. TOLMACHEV (Evgenij P.). Voennaja politika i reformy Aleksandra II. (Military policy and reforms of Alexander II). Moskva, Voenizdat, 2007, 335 p. (ill.; portr.). 4214. TREES (Pascal). Wahlen im Weichselland: die Nationaldemokraten in Russisch-Polen und die Dumawahlen 1905–1912. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 448 p. (map). (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 74). 4215. TSUTSIEV (Artur A.). Atlas etnopoliticheskoj istorii Kavkaza (1774–2004). (An atlas of ethnic and political history of the Caucasus, 1774–2001). Moskva, Evropa, 2007, 128 p. (bibl. p. 124-128). 4216. VATLIN (Aleksandr Ju.), MALASHENKO (L.N.). Istoriia VKP(b) v portretakh i karikaturakh ee vozhdej. (The history of VKP(b) in portraits and caricatures of its chiefs). RGASPI. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 143 p. (ill.; portr.). 4217. VIOLA (Lynne). The unknown gulag. The lost world of Stalin's special settlements. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXV-278 p. 4218. WALDRON (Peter). Governing Tsarist Russia. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VIII-210 p. (ill.). (European history in perspective). 4219. WERTH (Nicolas). La terreur et le désarroi. Staline et son système. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 614 p. 4220. WIDERKEHR (Stefan). Die eurasische Bewegung: Wissenschaft und Politik in der russischen Emigration der Zwischenkriegszeit und im postsowjetischen Russland. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, VII-398 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 39).

4223. Zapadnye okrainy Rossiiskoj imperii. (The western outskirts of the Russian Empire). Ed. Mikhail D. DOLBILOV, Aleksej I. MILLER. Moskva, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007, 608 p. Cf. nos 5396, 6674 Rwanda 4224. PÉRIÈS (Gabriel), SERVENAY (David). Une guerre noire: enquête sur les origines du génocide rwandais (1959–1994). Paris, Découverte, 2007, 414 p. (maps). (Cahiers libres). Senegal 4225. AYALA (Luis) [et al.]. Senghor et le socialisme. Paris, Fondation Jean Jaurès et L'Harmattan, 2007, 90 p. (ill.). 4226. BABOU (Cheikh Anta). Fighting the greater jihad: Amadu Bamba and the founding of the Muridiyya of Senegal, 1853–1913. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2007, XIII294 p. (ill., map). (New African histories series). 4227. BAYTIR DIOP (Adama). Le Sénégal à l'heure de l'indépendance: le projet politique de Mamadou Dia (1957–1962). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 289 p. (Études africaines). Serbia ** 4228. OsmanlÕ arúiv belgelerinde Kosova vilayeti =: Vilajeti i Kosovës në dukumentet arkivore Osmane. (The Vilayet of Kosovo in the Ottoman archival documentation). Proje yöneticisi, Yusuf SARINAY; proje sorumlularÕ, Mustafa BUDAK, Önder BAYIR, Ahmet Zeki øZGÖER. østanbul, T.C. BaúbakanlÕk Devlet Arúivleri Genel Müdürlü÷ü, OsmanlÕ Arúivi Daire BaúkanlÕ÷Õ, 2007, 424 p. (ill., maps). (OsmanlÕ Arúivi Daire BaúkanlÕ÷i, 87). _______________________

4229. BAJC (Gorazd). 'Plaþanci ௅ agenti / špijoni zahoda': primer retorike povojnih jugoslovanskih oblasti glede pomena in vloge TIGR-a in ocene britanskih obvešþevalnih služb. ("Hirelings – agents/spies of the West". An example of the rhetoric of post-war Yugoslav authorities regarding the significance and role of 'TIGR' and estimates of British Intelligence Services). Acta Histriae, 2007, 15, 1, p. 261-276. 4230. BOZEVA-ABAZI (Katrin). The shaping of Bulgarian and Serbian national identities, 1800–1900. Skopje, Institute for National History, 2007, 326 p.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4231. COHEN (Lenard J.). The Milosevic dictatorship: institutionalizing power and ethno-populism in Serbia. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 425474. 4232. CVETKOVIû (Srÿan). Portreti disidenata. (Portraits of dissidents). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2007, 318 p. (ill, ports.). 4233. DJOKIC (Dejan). Elusive compromise. A history of interwar Yugoslavia. London, Hurst, 2007, 250 p. 4234. FARLEY (Brigit). King Aleksandar and the Royal Dictatorship in Yugoslavia. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 51-86. 4235. FINE (John V. A.). Strongmen can be beneficial: the exceptional case of Josip Broz Tito. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 269-318. 4236. MITROVIû (Andrej). Serbia's Great War, 1914– 1918. London, Hurst, 2007, XVI-386 p.


1944). Ed. Miroslav FABRICIUS, Katarína HRADSKÁ. Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV – Academic Electronic Press, 2007, 696 p. _______________________

4245. CSÉFALVAY (František), KÁZMEROVÁ (ďubica). Slovenská republika 1939–1945. Chronológia najdôležitejších udalostí. (La république slovaque 1939–1945. Chronologie des évènements les plus importants). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV vo vydavateĐstve Prodama, 2007, 182 p. 4246. DANGL (Vojtech). Bitky a bojiská v našich dejinách. Zv. 2. Od vzniku stálej armády po prvú svetovú vojnu. (Les combats et les lieux de combat dans notre histoire. 2. A partir de l'existance d'une armée stable jusqu'à la première guerre mondiale). Bratislava, Perfekt, 2007, 291 p. (Ed. Ilustrované dejiny). 4247. KRAJýOVIýOVÁ (Natália). Emil Stodola. Džentlmen slovenskej politiky. (Emil Stodola. Le gentleman de la politique slovaque). Bratislava, Kalligram, 2007, 232 p.

4237. PAVLOVIû (Vojislav). La mémoire et l'identité nationale: la mémoire de la grande guerre en Serbie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 228, p. 51-60.

4248. MANNOVÁ (Elena). Koncept lojality. Postoj k autoritám na Slovensku poþas prvej svetovej vojny. (The concept of loyalty. Attitudes to the authorities in Slovakia during the First World War). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 681-698. [Deutsche Zsfassung].

4238. SUNDHAUSSEN (Holm). Geschichte Serbiens: 19.–21. Jahrhundert. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 514 p. (ill., maps).

4249. MIHÁLIKOVÁ (Silvia). Festivals in Slovakia as part of political rituals. Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, Supplement, p. 161-176.

4239. TROUDE (Gilles). Conflits identitaires dans la Yougoslavie de Tito 1960–1980. Paris, Association Pierre Belon, 2007, 484 p. (maps). (Textes, documents, études sur le monde byzantin, néohellénique et balkanique, 8).

4250. SEGEŠ (Dušan), BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián). Reflexia medzivojnového politického vývoja na Slovensku oþami Varšavy. (Reflections on inter-war political developments in Slovakia through the eyes of Warsaw). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 2, p. 339-364.

4240. ŽUTIû (Nikola). Liberalizam i Srbi u prvoj polovini XX vijeka: iz historije ideologije graÿanskog liberalizma. (Liberalism and the Serbs in the first half of the twentieth century: the history of civic ideology of liberalism). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2007, 237 p. (Studije i monografije, 53).

4251. ŠMIGEď (Michal), ŠUCHOVÁ (Xénia) [et al.]. Radikálny socializmus a komunizmus na Slovensku (1918–1989). SpoloþnosĢ medzi demokraciou a totalitou. (Radical socialism and communism in Slovakia, 1918–1989. Society between democracy and totalitarianismsm). Banská Bystrica, Katedra histórie FHV Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici a. Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2007, 249 p. [Eng. Summary].

Sierra Leone 4241. DAY (Lynda R.). Nyarroh of Bandasuma, 1885–1914: a re-interpretation of female chieftaincy in Sierra Leone. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 415-437. 4242. JALLOH (Alusine). Muslim Fula business elites and politics in Sierra Leone. African economic history, 2007, 35, p. 89-104. 4243. MAGAZINER (Daniel R.). Removing the blinders and adjusting the view: a case study from early colonial Sierra Leone. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 169188. Slovakia ** 4244. Jozef Tiso. Prejavy a þlánky. Zv. 2. 1938– 1944. (Jozef Tiso. Reden und Artikel. Bd. 2. 1938–

4252. Vznik Slovenského štátu. 14. marec 1939. Spomienky aktérov historických udalostí. Diel 1. (L'origine de l'Etat slovaque. 14. mars 1939. Les souvenirs des acteurs des évènements historiques. Partie 1). Zost. Valerián BYSTRICKÝ, Róbert LETZ, Ondrej PODOLEC. Bratislava, AEPress, 2007, 339 p. Cf. nos 3461-3486 Slovenia 4253. DEŽELAK BARIý (Vida). Komunistiþna partija Slovnije in revolucionarno gibanje 1941–1943. (Communist Party of Slovenia and the revolutionary movement of 1941–1943). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2007, 429 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja = Recognitiones, 7).



4254. FERENC (Mitja), KUŽATKO (Želimir). Prikrivena grobišta Hrvata u Republici Sloveniji = Prikrita grobišþa Hrvatov v Republiki Sloveniji. (Hidden croatian mass graves in the Republic of Slovenia). Zagreb, Poþasni bleiburški vod, 2007, 199 p. 4255. GAŠPARIý (Jure). SLS pod kraljevo diktaturo: diktatura kralja Aleksandra in politika Slovenske ljudske stranke v letih 1929–1935. (SLS under the royal dictatorship: the dictatorship of King Alexander and the policy of the Slovenian People's Party in the years 1929–1935). Ljubljana, Modrijan, 2007, 304 p. 4256. LUSA (Stefano). La dissoluzione del potere: il Partito comunista sloveno ed il processo di democratizzazione della Repubblica. Prefazione di Jože PIRJEVEC. Udine, Kappa vu, 2007, 363 p. 4257. PIRJEVEC (Jože). "Trst je naš!": boj Slovencev za morje (1848–1954). ("Trieste is Ours!": the Slovenian battle for the sea, 1848–1954). Ljubljana, Nova revija, 2007, 542 p. (Zbirka Korenine). Cf. nos 4229, 4233, 4235, 4234, 4239 South Africa 4258. BAINES (Gary). The master narrative of South Africa's liberation struggle: remembering and forgetting June 16, 1976. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 2, p. 283-302. 4259. MEREDITH (Martin). Diamonds, gold, and war: the British, the Boers, and the making of South Africa. New York, PublicAffairs, 2007, XI-570 p. (ill., maps.). 4260. SEEKINGS (Jeremy). 'Not a single white person should be allowed to go under': swartgevaar and the origins of South Africa's welfare state, 1924–1929. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 375-394. 4261. WELLS (Julia C.). Rebellion and uproar: Makhanda and the great escape from Robben Island, 1920. Pretoria, University of South Africa Press, 2007, X-46 p. (ill.). (Hidden histories series). Spain * 4262. BUSCHAK (Willy). "Über uns flog die Wolke der Hoffnung schnell": Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Veröffentlichungen zum Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 239 p. ** 4263. NAVARRO BONILLA (Diego). Cartas entre espias e inteligencias secretas en el siglo de los validos: Juan de Torres-Gaspar Bonifaz, 1632–1638. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2007, 268 p.

4266. BERAMENDI (Justo G). De provincia a nación: historia do galeguismo político. Vigo, Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 2007, 1244 p. (ill., maps). 4267. BRINKMANN (Sören). Katalonien und der Spanische Bürgerkrieg: Geschichte und Erinnerung. Berlin, Edition Tranvía, Verlag Walter Frey, 2007, 160 p. (Reihe "Kultur und Gesellschaft der katalanischen Länder", 4). 4268. BUNK (Brian D.). Ghosts of passion. Martyrdom, gender, and the origins of the Spanish Civil War. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X-244 p. 4269. CABELLOS I MÍNGUEZ (Pilar), PÉREZ I VALL(Eulàlia). Destino, política de unidad (1939– 1946): tres aspectes de l'inici d'una transformació obligada. Barcelona, Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer, 2007, 55 p. (Textos d'història i cultura, 4). VERDÚ

4270. CANDELA SEVILLA (Virgilio Francisco). Del franquismo a la democracia: la formación de la UCD en la provincia de Alicante. Alicante, Instituto Alicantino de Cultura "Juan Gil-Albert", 2007, 336 p. 4271. COLLADO SEIDEL (Carlos). Aristocracy, fascism, and the Franco dictatorship (1931–1945). In: European aristocracies and the radical right 1918–1939 [Cf. no 3257], p. 111-128. 4272. Crisis y decomposición del franquismo. Ed. por Ismael SAZ CAMPOS. Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2007, 306 p. (Ayer, 68). 4273. CUENCA TORIBIO (José Manuel). Dos siglos de postración: política y políticos en la Andalucía contemporánea, 1810–2006. Sevilla, Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2007, 326 p. 4274. Cuestión religiosa y democracia republicana en España, 1931–1939. Ed. por Javier DRONDA MARTÍNEZ y Emilio MAJUELO GIL. Pamplona, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 2007, 364 p. (maps). (Colección historia, 24). 4275. DURGAN (Andrew). The Spanish Civil War. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XX-156 p. (maps). (Studies in European history). 4276. ESCUDERO ANDÚJAR (Fuensanta). Dictadura y oposición al franquismo en Murcia: de las cárceles de posguerra a las primeras elecciones. Murcia, Editora Regional, Universidad de Murcia, 2007, 543 p. (ill., facsims.). (Editum. Miradas).


4277. España (La) de las autonomías. Coordinación por Juan Pablo FUSI AIZPURÚA y Guadalupe GÓMEZFERRER MORANT. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill., maps). (Historia de España Menéndez Pidal, 43, 1-2).

4264. ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel del). Hambre de siglos: mundo rural y apoyos sociales del franquismo en Andalucía oriental, 1936–1951. Prólogo de Michael RICHARDS. Granada, Editorial Comares, 2007, XXIV513 p. (maps). (Comares historia).

4278. Femmes et démocratie: les espagnoles dans l'espace public, 1868–1978. Ouvrage collectif coordonné par Marie-Aline BARRACHINA, Danièle BUSSY GENEVOIS et Mercedes YUSTA. Nantes, Editions du Temps, 2007, 255 p. (Questions de civilization).

4265. BALFOUR (Sebastian), QUIROGA (Alejandro). The reinvention of Spain. Nation and identity since democracy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-239 p.

4279. FERNÁNDEZ ALBALADEJO (Pablo). Materia de España: cultura política e identidad en la España Moderna. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2007, 350 p.



4280. FONTANA (Josep). Historia de España. Vol. 6. La época del liberalismo. Barcelona, Crítica y Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2007, XVII-571 p. (ill., maps, ports.)

4293. MORENO-LUZÓN (Javier). Political clientelism, elites, and Caciquismo in restoration Spain (1875–1923). European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 3, p. 417-441.

4281. FUENTES ARAGONÉS (Juan Francisco). El fin del antiguo régimen (1808–1868): política y sociedad. Madrid, Síntesis, 2007, 550 p. (Historia de España, 3er. Milenio, 24).

4294. NORDBERG (Ilkka). Regionalism, capitalism and populism. The Basque nationalist party, the PNV, and politico-economic power in the Basque country of Spain, 1980–1998. Helsinki, Finnish Academy of Science and Lettrers, 2007, 252 p.

4282. GALLEGO MARGALEFF (Ferran). Barcelona, mayo de 1937: la crisis del antifascismo en Cataluña. Barcelona, Debate, 2007, 627 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Debate historias). í IDEM. Los orígenes de la crisis de mayo de 1937. Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 99-124. 4283. HERNÁNDEZ SANDOICA (Elena), RUIZ CAR(Miguel Ángel), BALDÓ LACOMBA (Marc). Estudiantes contra Franco (1939–1975): oposición política y movilización juvenil. Madrid, Esfera de los Libros, 2007, 507 p. NICER

4284. HILL (Christopher). The role of elites in the Spanish transition to democracy (1975–1981): motors of change. With a preface by Paul M. HEYWOOD. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, VIII-214 p. (ill.). 4285. Historia y memoria de la Guerra Civil y primer Franquismo en Castilla y León. Coordinador Pablo GARCÍA COLMENARES. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2007, 272 p. (ill.). (Historia y sociedad, 122). 4286. ITÇAINA (Xabier). Les virtuoses de l'identité: religion et politique en Pays Basque. Préf. de Jacques PALARD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 353 p. (ill., map). (Sciences des religions). 4287. JARQUE MARTÍNEZ (Encarna). Zaragoza en la monarquía de los Austrias: la política de los ciudadanos honrados (1540–1650). Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico", Diputación de Zaragoza, 2007, 426 p. (ill.). (Colección Estudios. Historia. Publición número 2726 de la Institución "Fernando el Católico"). 4288. LEDESMA VERA (José Luis). El pasado opaco del 36: la violencia en la zona republicana durante la guerra civil y sus narrativas. Historia social, 2007, 58, p. 151-168. 4289. MARTÍN (Luis P). Los arquitectos de la república: los masones y la política en España, 1900– 1936. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, 2007, 214 p. (maps). (Historia). 4290. Modernizar España: proyectos de reforma y apertura internacional (1898–1914). Ed. por Guadalupe GÓMEZ-FERRER MORANT y Raquel SÁNCHEZ. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2007, 282 p. (Colección Historia). 4291. Monarquía y república en la España contemporánea. Ed. por Ángeles LARIO. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva y Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2007, 383 p. (Colección Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 4292. MONFERRER CATALÁN (Luis). Odisea en Albión: los republicanos españoles exiliados en Gran Bretaña, 1936–1977. Madrid, Ediciones de la Torre, 2007, 542 p. (Biblioteca de nuestro mundo. Cronos, 507).

4295. NOVELLA (Jorge). El pensamiento reaccionario español, 1812–1975: tradición y contrarrevolución en España. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2007, 274 p. (Colección Razón y sociedad, 62). 4296. NÚÑEZ GARCÍA (Víctor M). Huelva en las Cortes: élites y poder político durante la década moderada (1843–1854). Huelva, Universidad de Huelva, 2007, 304 p. (ill.). (Serie Arias Montano, 89). 4297. OLIVARI (Michele). La Marquesa del Valle: un caso de protagonismo político femenino en la España de Felipe III. Historia social, 2007, 57, p. 99-126. 4298. PAGÈS (Pelai). Cataluña en guerra y en revolución: (1936–1939). Sevilla, Ediciones Espuela de Plata, 2007, 405 p. (España en armas, 9). 4299. PATTERSON (Ian). Guernica and total war. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 199 p. 4300. QUIROGA (Alejandro). Making Spaniards: Primo de Rivera and the nationalization of the masses, 1923–1930. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XI-234 p. (ill.). 4301. ROHR (Isabelle). The Spanish right and the Jews, 1898–1945: antisemitism and opportunism. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2007, XVII-211 p. (ill.). (Cañada Blanch/Sussex Academic studies on contemporary Spain). 4302. RUBIO LINIERS (María Cruz), TALAVERA DÍAZ (María). El carlismo. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 243 p. (Bibliografías de historia de España, 13). 4303. RUIZ JIMÉNEZ (Marta). El liberalismo exaltado: la confederación de comuneros españoles durante el trienio liberal. Madrid, Fundamentos, 2007, 334 p. (Colección Ciencia, 299). 4304. SMITH (Angel). Anarchism, revolution, and reaction: Catalan labour and the crisis of the Spanish state, 1898–1923. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, 405 p. (ill., maps). (International studies in social history, 8). í IDEM. The Catalan counter-revolutionary coalition and the Primo de Rivera Coup, 1917–1923. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 1, p. 7-34. 4305. SOBALER SECO (María de los Angeles). Oligarquia y poder en Soria: la institución de los "doce liajes" en los siglos XVI y XVII. Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2007, 510 p. (Estudios de historia). 4306. Spain transformed: the Franco dictatorship, 1959–1975. Ed. by Nigel TOWNSON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XI-265 p.



4307. TERMES (Josep). La catalanitat obrera: la república catalana, l'estatut de 1932 i el moviment obrer. Catarroja, Editorial Afers, 2007, 331 p. (Recerca i pensament, 34).

4321. WILLIS (Justin). 'A Model of its Kind': representation and performance in the Sudan self-government election of 1953. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 3, p. 485-502.

4308. THOMSON (Guy). Mazzini y España, 1820– 1872. Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 21-54.


4309. TIMMERMANN (Andreas). Die "gemäßigte Monarchie" in der Verfassung von Cadiz (1812) und das frühe liberale Verfassungsdenken in Spanien. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, VIII-421 p. (Spanische Forschungen der Görresgesellschaft. Zweite Reihe, 39). 4310. TUSELL (Javier). La transición a la democracia: España, 1975–1982. Prólogo de Juan Pablo FUSI AIZPURÚA. Madrid, Espasa, 2007, 304 p. (ill., ports.). (Espasa fórum). 4311. VALLEJO GARCÍA-HEVIA (José María). El Consejo Real de Castilla y sus escribanos en el siglo XVIII. Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2007, 602 p. (ill.). 4312. VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA (Joaquín). Política y Constitución en España: (1808–1978). Prólogo de Francisco RUBIO LLORENTE. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2007, XXI-649 p. (Estudios constitucionales). 4313. VIÑAS (Angel). El escudo de la República: el oro de España, la apuesta soviética y los hechos de mayo de 1937. Barcelona, Crítica, 2007, XVIII-734 p. (Crítica contrastes). 4314. VINCENT (Mary). Spain 1833–2002: people and state. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-281 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 601, 3550, 3809, 4136, 4138, 4146 Sri Lanka 4315. MARASINGHE (Manabharana Lakshman). The evolution of constitutional governance in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Vijitha Yapa Publicaitons, 2007, XII-412 p. 4316. SIVARAJAH (Ambalavanar). The federal party of Sri Lanka: the strategy of an ethnic minority party in government and opposition 1949–2002. Colombo, Kumaran Book House, 2007, XXIV-158 p. Sudan 4317. DALY (M. W.). Darfur's sorrow. A history of destruction and genocide. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-368 p. 4318. GALLAB (Abdullahi A.). The first Islamist republic: development and disintegration of Islamism in the Sudan. Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, 2007, IX183 p. 4319. SORBY (Karol). Sudán na ceste k štátnosti (1936–1955). (Sudan's road to a national state). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 487-502. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4320. VEZZADINI (Elena). The 1924 revolution: hegemony, resistance, and nationalism in the colonial Sudan. Bergen, University of Bergen, 2007, XVIII-482 p.

** 4322. Works (The) and correspondence of Axel Oxenstierna. 2nd series. V. 13. Letters from Sir James Spens and Jan Rutgers. Ed. by Arne JÖNSSON. Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 2007, 643 p. _______________________

4323. ADOLFSSON (Mats). Bondeuppror och gatustrider: 1719í1932. (Jacqueries et combats de rue en Suède 1719–1932). Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 2007, 311 p. (Svenska uppror). í IDEM. Fogdemakt och bondevrede: 1500–1718. (Pouvoir local et colères paysannes en Suède 1500–1718). Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 2007, 315 p. (Svenska uppror). í IDEM. När borgarna brann: forntiden-1499. (Histoire des révoltes en Suède jusqu'en 1499). Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 2007, 311 p. (Svenska uppror). 4324. ASKER (Björn). Hur riket styrdes/ förvaltning, politik och arkiv (1520–1920). (Le gouvernement du royaume: administration, politique et archives 1520– 1920). Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2007, 253 p. (Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet, 27). 4325. Gud, konung och undersåtar: politisk predikan i Sverige under tidigmodern tid. (Dieu, le roi et ses sujets: prédication politique en Suède au début de l'époque moderne). Red. Peter ERICSSON. Uppsala, Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, 2007, 245 p. (Opuscula historica Upsaliensia, 35). 4326. HOLM (Johan). Konstruktionen av en stormakt: kungamakt, skattebönder och statsbildning 1595 till 1640. (La construction d'une grande puissance: pouvoir royal, paysans et formation de l'Etat de 1595 à 1640). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2007, 273 p. (Stockholm studies in history, 90). 4327. LUNDBERG (Victor). Folket, yxan och orättvisans rot. Betydelsebildning kring demokrati i den svenska rösträttsrörelsens diskursgemenskap, 1887–1902. Umeâ, h:ström ௅ Text & kultur, 2007, 526 p. (Ser. Akademie 6). 4328. MÖLLER (Tommy). Svensk politisk historia: strid och samverkan under tvåhundra år. (Histoire politique de la Suède: affrontements et coopération depuis deux siècles). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2007, 328 p. 4329. NURMIAINEN (Jouko). Particular interests and the common good in Swedish mid-18th-century Diet politics: the 'Finnish' perspective. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 388-404. 4330. OLSEN (Lennart). Rödgrön reda: regeringssamverkan 1998–2006. (La Coalition rouge-verte: la coopération gouvernementale en Suède 1998–2006). Stockholm, Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2007, 358 p.

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4331. ÖSTLUND (Joachim). Lyckolandet: maktens legitimering i officiell retorik från stormaktstid till demokratins genombrott. (Le pays du bonheur: la légitimation du pouvoir en Suède dans la rhétorique officielle depuis l'époque de grandeur jusqu'à la percée de la démocratie). Lund, Sekel, 2007, 301 p. 4332. Säkerhetspolitik och historia: essäer om stormaktspolitiken och Norden under sjuttio år: vänbok till Krister Wahlbäck. (Essais sur la politique suédoise à l'époque de Grandeur). Red. Mats BERGQUIST, Alf W. JOHANSSON. Stockholm, Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2007, 497 p. 4333. Självstyrande medborgaren (Den)? Ny historia om rättvisa, demokrati och välfärd. (Le citoyen autonome? Nouvelle histoire de la justice, de la démocratie et de la société de bien-être). Red. Christina FLORIN, Elisabeth ELGAN, Gro HAGEMANN. Stockholm, Institutet för framtidsstudier, 2007, 174 p.(Framtidens samhälle, 7). 4334. WOLFF (Charlotta). Aristocratic republicanism and the hate of sovereignty in 18th-century Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 358-375. Cf. nos 6480 Switzerland 4335. ARGAST (Regula). Staatsbürgerschaft und Nation: Ausschliessung und Integration in der Schweiz 1848–1933. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 379 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 174). 4336. GOPPOLD (Uwe). Politische Kommunikation in den Städten der Vormoderne: Zürich und Münster im Vergleich. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, VIII-364 p. (Städteforschung. Reihe A Darstellungen, 74). 4337. HACKE (Daniela). Church, space and conflict: religious co-existence and political communication in seventeenth-century Switzerland. German history, 2007, 25, 3, p. 285-312. 4338. LANGENDORF (Jean-Jacques), STREIT (Pierre). Face à la guerre: l'armée et le peuple suisses, 1914– 1918/1939–1945. Gollion, Infolio, 2007, 330 p. (ill., maps). 4339. MESMER (Beatrix). Staatsbürgerinnen ohne Stimmrecht: die Politik der schweizerischen Frauenverbände 1914–1971. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 360 p. 4340. ROSA (Raphaël), BOLENS (Matthias). Peuple et identité: représentations vaudoises après la révolution (1798–1814). Lausanne, Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 2007, 317 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 129). 4341. "Streit und Staat": Geschichte der politischen Unruhen im Kanton Schwyz. Herausgeberin, Kulturkommission Kanton Schwyz. Schwyz, Verlag Schwyzer Hefte, 2007, 108 p. (ill., maps). (Schwyzer Hefte, 90). Cf. no 6714

173 Syria

4342. MUNDY (Martha), SAUMAREZ SMITH (Richard). Governing property, making the modern state: law, administration and production in Ottoman Syria. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, XIII-306 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 9). 4343. TEJEL (Jordi). Le mouvement kurde de Turquie en exil: continuités et discontinuités du nationalisme kurde sous le mandat français en Syrie et au Liban (1925–1946). Bern et New York, Peter Lang, 2007, XI376 p. (ill., maps). Cf. no 4003 Tanzania 4344. ECKERT (Andreas). Herrschen und Verwalten. Afrikanische Bürokraten, staatliche Ordnung und Politik in Tanzania, 19201970. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, VII-313 p. í IDEM. Useful instruments of participation? Local government and cooperatives in Tanzania, 1940s to 1970s. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 97-118. 4345. GIBLIN (James L.). Creating continuity: liberal governance and dissidence in Njombe, Tanzania, 1960– 1961. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 27-50. 4346. JENNINGS (Michael). "A Very Real War": popular participation in development in Tanzania during the 1950s and 1960s. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 71-96. 4347. LAURENCE (Tony), MAC RAE (Christopher). The Dar Mutiny of 1964 and the armed intervention that ended it. Brighton, Book Guild, 2007, XI-243 p. Thailand 4348. ASKEW (Marc). Conspiracy, politics, and a disorderly border: the struggle to comprehend insurgency in Thailand's deep south. Washington, East-West Center Washington a. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007, XI-100 p. (Policy studies, 29). 4349. THANƜT ƖPHƿNSUWAN. Rebellion in Southern Thailand: contending histories. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies a. Washington, East-West Center Washington, 2007, XI-89 p. (Policy studies, 35). Timor-Leste os

Cf. n 6384, 6675 Togo Cf. no 6413 Trinidad and Tobago 4350. NEPTUNE (Harvey R.). Caliban and the Yankees: Trinidad and the United States occupation. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIII-274 p. (ill.).



** 4351. Ligue nationale kurde Khoyboun (La): mythes et réalités de la première organisation nationaliste kurde. Documents recueillis, annotés et présentés par Jordi TEJEL. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 155 p. (Etudes kurdes, hors série, 3).

Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz, 2007, 103 p. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 279).


4365. ÖZBEK (Nadir). Defining the public sphere during the late Ottoman Empire: War, mass mobilization and the young Turk regime (1908–1918). Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 5, p. 795-809.

4352. AHMAD (Feroz). Kemal Ataturk and the founding of modern Turkey. In: Balkan strongmen: dictators and authoritarian rulers of South Eastern Europe [Cf. no 3246], p. 141-164.

4366. ÖZDOGAN (Mehmet Mihri). Nation und Symbol: der Prozess der Nationalisierung am Beispiel der Türkei. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2007, 316 p. (ill.). (Campus Forschung, 916).

4353. AKTAR (Ayhan). Debating the Armenian massacres in the last Ottoman parliament, November – December 1918. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 240-270.

4367. RÖMER (Matthias). Die deutsche und englische Militärhilfe für das Osmanische Reich 1908– 1914. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 406 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 3, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1042 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série 3, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1042 = European university studies. Series 3, History and allied studies, 1042).

4354. ANDREESCU (ùtefan). Marea Neagră în lupta pentru succesiunea la tronul otoman din anii 1510– 1512. (The Black Sea in the struggle for succession to the Ottoman throne in 1510–1512). Studii úi Materiale de Istorie Medie, 2007, 25, p. 29-46. 4355. AYMES (Marc). Provincialiser l'empire. Chypre et la Méditerranée ottomane au XIXe siècle. Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1313-1344. 4356. BOTTONI (Rossella). Secolarizzazione e modernizzazione nell'Impero ottomano e nella Repubblica di Turchia: alle origini del principio di laicità. Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 2007, 74, 2, p. 242-260. 4357. BOYAR (Ebru). Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans. Empire lost, relations altered. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, XII-243 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 12). 4358. BURRIS (Gregory A.). The Other from within: Pan-Turkist mythmaking and the expulsion of the Turkish left. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 4, p. 611-624. 4359. ÇADIRCI (Musa). Tanzimat sürecinde Türkiye ülke yönetimi. (L'administration de l'Etat de la Turquie en Tanzimat). Ankara, ømge Kitabevi, 2007, 311 p. 4360. Early modern Ottomans (The). Remapping the empire. Ed. by Virginia H. AKSAN and Daniel GOFFMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 363 p. 4361. ERDEMIR (Halil). The Turkish political history. øzmir, Maisa Ofset BasÕn YayÕn MatbaacÕlÕk, 2007, XVI-243 p. 4362. HEPER (Metin). The state and Kurds in Turkey: the question of assimilation. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, IX-249 p. 4363. KIESER (Hans-Lukas). A quest for belonging: Anatolia beyond empire and nation (19th–21st centuries). Istanbul, Isis Press, 2007, 497 p. (ill.). (Analecta Isisiana, 97). 4364. MARCINKOWSKI (Marcin). Die Entwicklung des Osmanischen Reiches zwischen 1839 und 1908: Reformbestrebungen und Modernisierungsversuche im

4368. TOPRAKYARAN (Erdal). Das osmanische Petitionswesen (mezalim) seit dem 18. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Stadt und Provinz Trabzon. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2007, 314 p. (Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des modernen Vorderen Orients, 35). Cf. nos 3845, 3903, 4228, 4343 Uganda 4369. MÉDARD (Henri). Le royaume du Buganda au XIXe siècle: mutations politiques et religieuses d'un ancien État d'Afrique de l'Est. Nairobi/Paris, IFRA / Karthala, 2007, 651 p. 4370. MUSHEMEZA (Elijah Dickens). The politics and empowerment of Banyarwanda refugees in Uganda, 1959–2001. Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2007, XIV164 p. 4371. RUBONGOYA (Joshua B.). Regime hegemony in Museveni's Uganda: Pax Musevenica. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XVI-283 p. (ill., map). Ukraine 4372. BRUDER (Franziska). "Den ukrainischen Staat erkämpfen oder sterben!" Die Organisation Ukrainischer Nationalisten (OUN) 1929–1948. Berlin, Metropol, 2007, 299 p. (Reihe Dokumente, Texte, Materialien / Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin, 64). 4373. Ukraïna-politychna istoriia: XX-pochatok XXI stolittia. Red. kol. Valerii SMOLII [et al.]. Kyïv, Parlaments'ke vyd-vo, 2007, 1027 p. 4374. YEKELCHYK (Serhy). Ukraine: birth of a modern nation. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-280 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 4056, 4132, 4223

2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES United States of America * 4375. IRWIN (Raymond). Books on early American history and culture, 1961í1970: an annotated bibliography. Westport a. London, Praeger Publishers, 2007, X-324 p. (Bibliographies and indexes in American history, 54).


Penny von ESCHEN. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, X-335 p. 4388. CORKE (Sarah-Jane). US covert operations and Cold War strategy: Truman, secret warfare and the CIA, 1945–1953. London, Routledge, 2007, IX-240 p. (Studies in intelligence series).

* 4376. STRUPP (Christoph), DREISBACH (Kai). German Americana: 1956–2005: a comprehensive bibliography of German, Austrian, and Swiss books and dissertations on the United States. With assistance of Patricia C. SUTCLIFFE and Birgit ZISCHKE. Washington, German Historical Institute, 2007, 1633 p. (German Historical Institute reference guides, 22).

4389. CRITCHLOW (Donald T.). The conservative ascendancy: how the GOP right made political history. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, 359 p.

** 4377. Letters (The) of Pierce Butler, 1790–1794: nation building and enterprise in the new American republic. Ed. by Terry W. LIPSCOMB. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2007, LXV-370 p.

4391. DONALDSON (Gary A.). The first modern campaign: Kennedy, Nixon, and the election of 1960. Lanham a. Plymouth, Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group, 2007, IX-199 p.

** 4378. Reagan diaries (The). Ed. by Douglas BRINKLEY. New York, HarperCollins, 2007, XIV-767 p. (ill.).

4392. DORSEY (Leroy G.). We are all Americans, pure and simple. Theodore Roosevelt and the myth of Americanism. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2007, XII-218 p.


4379. American vice-presidency (The) in the last half of the nineteenth century: a documentary history. Edited and compiled by Leonard SCHLUP and Thomas SUTTON; with a foreword by Douglas STEEPLES. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, V-302 p. (ill., ports.). 4380. ARMITAGE (David). The declaration of independence. A global history. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, VI-300 p. 4381. ASHWORTH (John). Slavery, capitalism, and politics in the antebellum republic. Vol. 2. The coming of the Civil War, 1850–1861. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-683 p. 4382. BERMAN (David R.). Radicalism in the mountain West, 1890–1920. Socialists, populists, miners, and Wobblies. boulder, university press of colorado, 2007, XIV-386 p. 4383. BOUTON (Terry). Taming democracy. "The people", the founders, and the troubled ending of the American Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-332 p. 4384. CARP (Benjamin L.). Rebels rising: cities and the American Revolution. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-334 p. (ill., maps). (Oxford scholarship online). 4385. CHARLES (Douglas M.). J. Edgar Hoover and the anti-interventionists: FBI political surveillance and the rise of the domestic security state, 1939–1945. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2007, IX-197 p. 4386. Civil rights legacy (The) of Harry S. Truman. Ed. by Raymond H. GESELBRACHT. Kirksville, Truman State U. P., 2007, XXII-224 p. (ill.). (Truman legacy series, 2). 4387. Contested democracy: freedom, race, and power in American history. Ed. by Manisha SINHA and

4390. DALLEK (Robert). Nixon and Kissinger. Partners in power. New York, HarperCollins, 2007, XII740 p.

4393. DOUGHERTY (Kevin). Civil War leadership and Mexican war experience. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2007, XI-207 p. 4394. DUNN (Susan). Dominion of memories. Jefferson, Madison, and the decline of Virgina. New York, Basic Books, 2007, IX-310 p. 4395. DURHAM (Martin). White rage: the extreme right and American politics. New York, Routledge, 2007, 180 p. 4396. ELLIS (Richard E.). Aggressive nationalism: McCulloch v. Maryland and the foundation of federal authority in the young republic. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 265 p. (Oxford scholarship online). 4397. EYAL (Yonatan). The young America movement and the transformation of the Democratic party, 1828–1861. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII252 p. 4398. FERLING (John). Almost a miracle: the American victory in the War of Independence. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIII-679 p. (ill., maps). 4399. FERMAGLICH (Kirsten). American dreams and Nazi nightmares: early Holocaust consciousness and liberal America, 1957–1965. Waltham, Brandeis U. P. a. London, University Press of New England, 2007, XII-252 p. (Brandeis series in American Jewish history, culture, and life). 4400. FORBES (Robert Pierce). The Missouri compromise and its aftermath. Slavery and the meaning of America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 369 p. 4401. FREUND (David M.P.). Colored property: state policy and white racial politics in suburban America. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XII-514 p. (ill.). (Historical studies of urban America).



4402. GASSERT (Philipp), HÄBERLEIN (Mark), WALA (Michael). Kleine Geschichte der USA. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2007, 550 p.

4418. KELLER (Morton). America's three regimes: a new political history. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 336 p.

4403. GEIGER (Rudolf). Der deutsche Amerikaner: Carl Schurz; vom deutschen Revolutionär zum amerikanischen Staatsmann. Gernsbach, Katz, 2007, 410 p.

4419. LEES (Lorraine M.). Yugoslav-Americans and national security during World War II. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, X-270 p.

4404. GOTTFRIED (Paul Edward). Conservatism in America: making sense of the American right. New York, Palgrave, 2007, XVIII-189 p.

4420. Lincoln and freedom: slavery, emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment. Ed. by Harold HOLZER and Sara VAUGHN GABBARD. Carbondale, Southern Illinois U. P., 2007, VIII-271 p. (ill.).

4405. GOYENS (Tom). Beer and revolution. The German anarchist movement in New York City, 1880– 1914. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, X-263 p.

4421. Lincoln emancipated. The president and the politics of race. Ed. by Brian R. DIRCK. Dekalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, XIV-189 p.

4406. GRIFFIN (Patrick). American leviathan. Empire, nation, and revolutionary frontier. New York, Hill & Wang, 2007, 368 p.

4422. LITTLE (Ann M.). Abraham in arms. War and gender in colonial New England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, 262 p.

4407. GUYATT (Nicholas). Providence and the invention of the United States, 1607–1876. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-341 p.

4423. MAC COOL (Daniel), OLSON (Susan M.), ROBINSON (Jennifer L.). Native vote: American Indians, the Voting Rights Act, and the right to vote. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-232 p.

4408. HAMILTON (Daniel W.). The limits of sovereignty. Property confiscation in the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War. chicago, university of chicago press, 2007, 231 p. 4409. HAMMOND (John Craig). Slavery, freedom, and expansion in the early American West. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2007, XI-245 p. (Jeffersonian America). 4410. HARRIS (William C.). Lincoln's rise to the presidency. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XII-412 p. 4411. HESS (Earl J.). Trench warfare under Grant and Lee. Field fortifications in the Overland campaign. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XVIII-313 p. (Civil War America). 4412. HOGAN (Wesley C.). Many minds, one heart. SNCC[Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee]'s dream for a New America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-463 p. 4413. HOWE (Daniel Walker). What hath God wrought. The transformation of America, 1815–1848. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-888 p. (Oxford history of the United States). 4414. HUREWITZ (Daniel). Bohemian Los Angeles and the making of modern politics. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, X-367 p. 4415. IKE (Roberto Marie). Advocacy coalition and welfare policy: analyzing coalition consensus. Lanham a. Plymouth, University Press of America, 2007, XVII211 p. (ill.). 4416. JEFFREYS-JONES (Rhodri). The FBI, a history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, VIII-317 p. 4417. JOHNSON (Kimberly S.). Governing the American state. Congress and the new federalism, 1877–1929. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, 226 p. (Princeton studies in American politics).

4424. MAC DONNELL (Michael A.). The politics of war. Race, class, and conflict in revolutionary Virginia. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XVIII-544 p. 4425. MAC KENNA (George). The Puritan origins of American patriotism. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XIV-431 p. 4426. MAGLIOCCA (Gerard N.). Andrew Jackson and the Constitution: the rise and fall of generational regimes. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XI-186 p. (ill.). 4427. MAHER (Neil M.). Nature's new deal: Franklin Roosevelt, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the roots of the American environmental movement. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-316 p. (ill., maps). 4428. MERCANTINI (Jonathan). Who shall rule at home? The evolution of South Carolina political culture, 1748–1776. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2007, XII-314 p. (Carolina Lowcountry and the Atlantic World). 4429. MOYER (Paul B.). Wild yankees. The struggle for independence along Pennsylvania's revolutionary frontier. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XVI-216 p. 4430. MULLER (Eric L.). American inquisition: the hunt for Japanese American disloyalty in World War II. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 197 p. (ill.). (H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman series). 4431. NEELY (Jeremy). The border between them. Violence and reconciliation on the Kansas-Missouri line. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2007, XVI-305 p. 4432. NEELY (Mark E. Jr.). The Civil War and the limits of destruction. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 277 p.



4433. NELSON (Scott Reynolds), SHERIFF (Carol). A people at war: civilians and soldiers in America's Civil War, 1854–1877. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII372 p. (ill., maps).

4447. ROSEN (Deborah A.). American Indians and state law: sovereignty, race, and citizenship, 1790– 1880. Lincoln a. London, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XVII-340 p.

4434. NICHOLS (David A.). A matter of justice. Eisenhower and the beginning of the civil rights revolution. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2007, 336 p.

4448. SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón). Boricua power: a political history of Puerto Ricans in the United States. New York a. London, New York U. P, 2007, IX-278 p. (ill.).

4435. OAKES (James). The radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the triumph of antislavery politics. New York a. London, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007, XXII-328 p. 4436. OWENS (Robert M.). Mr. Jefferson's hammer. William Henry Harrison and the origins of American Indian policy. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007, XXX-311 p. 4437. PALMER (Bryan D.). James P. Cannon and the origins of the American Revolutionary left, 1890–1928. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XVIII-542 p. (Working class in American history). 4438. PAPAS (Phillip). That ever loyal island. Staten Island and the American Revolution. New York, New York U. P., 2007, XI-185 p. 4439. PHILLIPS (Jason). Diehard rebels. The confederate culture of invincibility. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, X-257 p. 4440. Progressive era (The) in the USA, 1890–1921. Ed. by Kristofer ALLERFELDT. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XXVI-451 p. (ill., map). (International library of essays on political history). 4441. RANSON (Edward). The American mid-term elections of 1922: an unexpected shift in political power. With a foreword by Oonagh WALSH. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, XVIII-444 p. (ill.). 4442. REINHARDT (Akim D.). Ruling Pine Ridge. Oglala Lakota politics from the IRA to Wounded Knee. Lubbock, Texas Tech U. P., 2007, XXVIII-274 p. (Plains histories). 4443. RHODES (Jane). Framing the Black Panthers. The spectacular rise of a Black power icon. New York, New Press, 2007, X-404 p. 4444. RIORDAN (Liam). Many identities, one nation. The revolution and its legacy in the Mid-Atlantic. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, X-353 p. 4445. RITCHIE (Donald A.). Electing FDR [Franklin Delano Roosevelt]: the New Deal campaign of 1932. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, X-274 p. (ill.). (American presidential elections). 4446. ROLINSON (Mary G.). Grassroots Garveyism. The Universal Negro Improvement Association in the rural South, 1920–1927. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-286 p. (John Hope Franklin series in African American history and culture).

4449. SARTAIN (Lee). Invisible activists. Women of the Louisiana NAACP [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] and the struggle for civil rights, 1915–1945. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2007, 212 p. 4450. SHEEHAN-DEAN (Aaron). Why Confederates fought, family and nation in Civil War Virginia. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIV291 p. 4451. SISNEROS (Anthony A.). The emergence of Latino Americanos on the United States political stage: the case of Illinois. With a preface by Lon MACKELPRANG. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, XXI-197 p. (ill.). 4452. SMITH (Adam I.P.). The American Civil War. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XXII-275 p. (ill., maps). (American history in depth). 4453. STONE (Gary). Elites for peace: the Senate and the Vietnam War, 1964–1968. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2007, XXXIV-302 p. (ill.). 4454. War and society in the American Revolution. Mobilization and home fronts. Ed. by John RESCH and Walter SARGENT. Dekalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, VIII-318 p. 4455. WHITE (Mark J.). Against the president: dissent and decision-making in the White House: a historical perspective. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2007, X-370 p. 4456. WHITTINGTON (Keith E.). Political foundations of judicial supremacy: the presidency, the Supreme Court, and constitutional leadership in U.S. history. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XII-303 p. (Princeton studies in American politics). 4457. Who's the boss? Leadership and democratic culture in America. Ed. by Hans KRABBENDAM and Wil VERHOEVEN. Amsterdam, VU University Press, 2007, 220 p. (European contributions to American studies, 67). 4458. WILLIAMS (Patrick G.). Beyond redemption. Texas Democrats after reconstruction. College Station, Texas A & M U. P., 2007, X-234 p. (Red River Valley books, 1). 4459. WÜSTENBECKER (Katja). Deutsch-Amerikaner im Ersten Weltkrieg: US-Politik und nationale Identitäten im Mittleren Westen. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 428 p. (ill.). (Transatlantische historische Studien, 29. Geschichte). 4460. ZAVODNYIK (Peter). The age of strict construction: a history of the growth of federal power, 1789–



1861. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, VIII-372 p. Cf. nos 3765, 5581, 6814, 6992 Uruguay 4461. DELIO MACHADO (Luis María). Nuevo enfoque sobre los orígenes intelectuales del Batllismo: la contribución fundamental de la Facultad de Derecho. Montevideo, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria, 2007, 581 p. 4462. FREGA (Ana) [et al.]. Historia del Uruguay en el siglo XX, 1890–2005. Montevideo, Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 2007, 406 p. (ill., maps). 4463. FREGA (Ana). Pueblos y soberanía en la revolución artiguista: la región de Santo Domingo Soriano desde fines de la colonia a la ocupación portuguesa. Montevideo, Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 2007, 397 p. (ill.). 4464. GARAVAGLIA (Juan Carlos). Construir el estado, inventar la nación: el Rio de la Plata, siglos XVIII– XIX. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2007, 405 p. (ill.). Venezuela 4465. AZPURUA AYALA (Enrique). Evolución político-constitucional de Venezuela: el período fundacional, 1810–1830. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2007, 236 p. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Fuentes para la historia republicana de Venezuela, 90).

4466. LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ (Roberto Antonio). El movimiento estudiantil de LUZ y proceso político venezolano, 1958–1989. Maracaibo, Universidad del Zulia, Ediciones del Vice Rectorado Académico, 2007, 170 p. (ill.). (Colección Textos universitarios). 4467. LOVERA REYES (Elina). De leales monárquicos a ciudadanos republicanos: Coro 1810–1858. Caracas, Academia Nacional de Historia, 2007, 342 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de Historia. Fuentes para la historia republicana de Venezuela, 87). 4468. ROJAS (Reinaldo). Venezuela 1811: crisis del antiguo régimen, imaginario político y nación. In: Guerra e immaginario políticos en la época de las Independencias [Cf. no 4041], [s. p.]. Yugoslavia Cf. nos 4017, 4233, 4234, 4235, 4239 Zambia 4469. LARMER (Miles), MACOLA (Giacomo). The origins, context, and political significance of the Mushala rebellion against the Zambian one-party state. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 3, p. 471-496. Zimbabwe 4470. MSINDO (Enocent). Ethnicity and nationalism in urban colonial Zimbabwe: Bulawayo, 1950 to 1963. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 267-290.

L MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY RELIGIOUS HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 4471-4497. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4498-4601. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4602-4607. – § 4. Protestantism. 4608-4644. – § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 4645-4672. § 1. General. _______________________

4471. APPLEBY (David J.). Black Bartholomew's day. Preaching, polemic and Restoration nonconformity. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XIV-255 p. 4472. Augsburger Religionsfrieden 1555 (Der): wissenschaftliches Symposium aus Anlaß des 450. Jahrestages des Friedensschlusses, Augsburg 21. bis 25. September 2005. Hrsg. v. Heinz SCHILLING und Heribert SMOLINSKY. Munster, Aschendorff, 2007, VII-486 p. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 150). 4473. Auteurs et acteurs de la séparation des Eglises et de l'Etat: actes du colloque tenu à Lille les 29 et 30 septembre 2005. Textes réunis et présentés par Sylvie HUMBERT et Jean-Pierre ROYER; préface de Gérard DEFOIS et Pierre TRUCHE. Lille, Centre d'histoire judiciaire, 2007, 482 p. (ill.). 4474. BAKER (William J.). Playing with God. Religion and modern sport. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 322 p. 4475. Culto (Il) dei santi e le feste popolari nella Terraferma veneta: l'inchiesta del Senato veneziano, 1772–1773. A cura di Simonetta MARIN; con un saggio di Claudio POVOLO. Costabissara, A. Colla, 2007, LXXXIII-731 p. (Cultura popolare veneta. Serie 3, 4). 4476. DE GIORGI (Fulvio). Laicità europea: processi storici, categorie, ambiti. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007, 224 p. (Storia, 18).

4480. GEFFARTH (Renko D.). Religion und arkane Hierarchie. Der Orden der Gold- und Rosenkreuzer als Geheime Kirche im 18. Jahrhundert. Leiden u. Boston, Brill, 2007, X-360 p. (Aries book series. Text and studies in Western esotericism, 4). 4481. HEAL (Bridget). The cult of the Virgin Mary in Early Modern Germany. Protestant and Catholic piety, 1500–1648. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI338 p. (Past and present publications). 4482. HECLO (Hugh). Christianity and American democracy. With responses by Mary Jo BANE, Michael KAZIN and Alan WOLFE. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, IX-299 p. 4483. HILLGRUBER (Christian). Staat und Religion: Überlegungen zur Säkularität, zur Neutralität und zum religiös-weltanschaulichen Fundament des modernen Staates. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 121 p. (Schönburger Gespräche zu Recht und Staat, 10). 4484. Iustus ordo e ordine della natura: sacra doctrina e saperi politici fra XVI e XVIII secolo: Convegno di studi, Milano, 5–6 marzo 2004. A cura di Fausto ARICI e Franco TODESCAN. Padova, CEDAM, 2007, XIV-328 p. (Biblioteca di Lex naturalis, 5). 4485. KAPLAN (Benjamin J.). Divided by faith. Religious conflict and the practice of toleration in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2007, VIII-415 p.

4477. DE GIUSEPPE (Massimo). Messico 1900–1930: Stato, Chiesa e popoli indigeni. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007, 504 p. (ill.). (Storia, 22).

4486. Kirchen im Krieg: Europa 1939–1945: mit einer Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache. Hrsg. v. Karl-Joseph HUMMEL und Christoph KÖSTERS. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2007, 614 p. (ill.).

4478. DIEDRICH (Angelika). Religion und Politik in deutschen Fürstenspiegeln von 1767 bis 1799: "Das Geschäft mit dem Himmel". Würzburg, Ergon-Verl., 2007, 309 p. (Spektrum Politikwissenschaft, 36).

4487. KLUETING (Harm). Das konfessionelle Zeitalter: Europa zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne; Kirchengeschichte und allgemeine Geschichte. Darmstadt, Primus, 2007, 480 p.

4479. ERNESTI (Jörg). Ökumene im Dritten Reich. Paderborn, Bonifatius, 2007, 411 p. (Konfessionskundliche und Kontroverstheologische Studien, 77).

4488. Konversion und Konfession in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Ute LOTZ-HEUMANN, Jan-Friedrich MISSFELDER und Matthias POHLIG. Gütersloh, Gütersloher



Verlagshaus, 2007, 563 p. (ill.). (Schriften des Vereins für Reformationsgeschichte, 205). 4489. MAC LEOD (Hugh). The religious crisis of the 1960s. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 290 p. 4490. MANER (Hans-Christian). Multikonfessionalität und neue Staatlichkeit. Orthodoxe, griechisch-katholische und römisch-katholische Kirche in Siebenbürgen und Altrumänien zwischen den Weltkriegen (1918– 1940). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 408 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 29).

ardo DI FLUMERI. San Giovanni Rotondo, Padre Pio da Pietralcina, 2007, 1387 p. (ill.). _______________________

4500. ARTIAGA (Loïc). Des torrents de papier. Catholicisme et lectures populaires au XIXe siècle. Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2007, 193 p. 4501. ATIENZA LÓPEZ (Angela). De beaterios a conventos: nuevas perspectivas sobre el mundo de las beatas en la España Moderna. Historia social, 2007, 57, p. 145-168.

4491. MANTEN (Georg). Das Notbischofsrecht der preußischen Könige und die preußische Landeskirche zwischen staatlicher Aufsicht und staatlicher Verwaltung: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kirchenund Religionspolitik Friedrich Wilhelms II. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 594 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 32).

4502. BALÍK (Stanislav), HANUŠ (JiĜí). Katolická církev v ýeskoslovensku 1945–1989. (Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989). Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2007, 400 p.

4492. MASSON (Catherine). Les laïcs dans le souffle du concile. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 349 p. (Histoire).

4504. BELLIGNI (Eleonora). Le antinomie della Controriforma. Note in margine al libro di Franco Motta, Bellarmino. Una teologia politica della Controriforma. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 1, p. 407-442.

4493. Pieties in transition. Religious practices and experiences, c. 1400–1640. Ed. by Robert LUTTON and Elisabeth SALTER. Aldershot, Ashgate press, 2007, 241 p. 4494. ROBERTSON (Nancy Marie). Christian sisterhood, race relations, and the YWCA [Young women's Christian association], 1906–1946. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XVII-276 p. (Women in American history). 4495. ROMÁN (Reinaldo L.). Governing spirits: religion, miracles, and spectacles in Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1898–1956. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-273 p. 4496. SAUZET (Robert). Au grand siècle des âmes: guerre sainte et paix chrétienne en France au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 300 p. 4497. Trennung (Die) von Staat und Kirche: Modelle und Wirklichkeit in Europa. Hrsg. v. Burkhard KÄMPER und Hans-Werner THÖNNES. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, X-257 p.: (Essener Gespräche zum Thema Staat und Kirche, 40). Cf. nos 686-719, 3726, 6388 § 2. Roman Catholicism. _______________________

a. General ** 4498. DE LUBAC (Henri). Carnets du Concile. 2. Annexes, Index. Annoté par Loic FIGOUREUX; avant-propos de François-Xavier DUMORTIER et Jacques DE LAROSIÈRE; préface de Jacques PRÉVOTAT. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 567 p. ** 4499. PADRE PIO DA PIETRALCINA. Epistolario. 1: Corrispondenza con i direttori spirituali: 1910–1922. A cura di MELCHIORRE DA POBLADURA e ALESSANDRO DA RIPABOTTONI. Ed. riveduta e corretta da Padre Ger-

4503. BARBERINI (Giovanni). L'ostpolitik della Santa Sede: un dialogo lungo e faticoso. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, XIV-419 p. (Santa Sede e politica nel Novecento, 6).

4505. Cantieri (Dai) della storia: liber amicorum per Paolo Prodi. A cura di Gian Paolo BRIZZI e Giuseppe OLMI. Bologna, CLUEB, 2007, 696 p. (ill.). 4506. Chiesa cattolica e mondo moderno: scritti in onore di Paolo Prodi. A cura di Adriano PROSPERI, Pierangelo SCHIERA e Gabriella ZARRI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 544 p. (ill.).; 4507. CIOCÎLTAN (Alexandru). Catolicismul în ğara Românească în relatările edite úi inedite ale arhiepiscopului de Sofia Petru Bogdan Baksic (1663, 1668, 1670). (Catholicism in Wallachia in published and unpublished narrations of archbishop of Sophia Petru Bogdan Baksic. 1663, 1668, 1670). Revista Istorică, 2007, 18, 1-2, p. 61-90. 4508. CONNELLY (John). Catholic racism and its opponents. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 4, p. 813-847. 4509. FILORAMO (Giovanni). La Chiesa e le sfide della modernità. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XVII-187 p. (Sagittari Laterza, 155). 4510. GALINIER-PALLEROLA (Jean-François). La résignation dans la culture catholique (1870–1945). Préf. de Claude BRESSOLETTE; postface par Gérard CHOLVY. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 497 p. (Histoire). 4511. GARELLI (Franco). La Chiesa in Italia. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 134 p. (Farsi un'idea, 135). 4512. GIUNIPERO (Elisa). Chiesa cattolica e Cina comunista: dalla rivoluzione del 1949 al Concilio Vaticano II. Pref. di Agostino GIOVAGNOLI. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007, 254 p. (ill.). (Storia, 20). 4513. HROMJÁK (L'uboslav). La Santa Sede e la questione slovacca durante il pontificato di Leone XIII

2. ROMAN CATHOLICISM e di Pio X: 1878–1914. Roma, Pontificia università gregoriana, 2007, VIII-212 p. 4514. Kommunikation und Transfer im Christentum der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Irene DINGEL und WolfFriedrich SCHÄUFELE. Mainz, von Zabern, 2007, IX325 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz: Beiheft: Abteilung für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, 74). 4515. Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus. Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600. Hrsg. v. Heinz SCHILLING. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, IX-320 p. (Schriften des historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien, 70). 4516. LIDA (Miranda). La Iglesia católica en las más recientes historiografías de México y Argentina: religión, modernidad y secularización. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 4, p. 1393-1426. 4517. LUZZATTO (Sergio). Padre Pio: miracoli e politica nell'Italia del Novecento. Torino, G. Einaudi, 2007, VIII-419 p. (ill.). (Einaudi storia, 18). 4518. MAC CAFFERTY (John). The reconstruction of the Church of Ireland. Bishop Bramhall and the Laudian reforms, 1633–1641. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-268 p. 4519. PEHR (Michal). Der politische Katholizismus in den böhmischen Ländern 1945–1948. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 305322.


4526. SCATENA (Silvia). In populo pauperum: la Chiesa latinoamericana dal Concilio a Medellin: 1962– 1968. Pref. di Gustavo GUTIÉRREZ. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, XVIII-545 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose. Nuova serie, 40). 4527. ŠEBEK (Jaroslav). Gesellschaft und Kirche in der Tschechoslowakei 1945–1948. Einschätzungen und Kommentare der Zeitschrift "Katolík". In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 331340. 4528. SLUHOVSKY (Moshe). Believe not every spirit. Possession, mysticism, and discernment in Early Modern Catholicism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, X-374 p. 4529. STěÍBRNÝ (Jan). Die Rolle der Kirchen im "Protektorat". Ausgewählte Forschungsprobleme. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. n o 4523], p. 147-158. 4530. TAVUZZI (Michael). Renaissance inquisitors. Dominician inquisitors and inquisitorial districts in Northern Italy, 1474–1527. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIII286 p. 4531. TEPLÝ (Martin). Religionsfreiheit in der "Dritten Republik". In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 285-304. 4532. TRANIELLO (Francesco). Religione cattolica e stato nazionale: dal Risorgimento al secondo dopoguerra. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 344 p. (Saggi, 670).

4520. POULAT (Emile). Les diocesaines: Republique française, Eglise catholique: loi de 1905 et associations cultuelles, le dossier d'un litige et de sa solution (1903– 2003). Paris, La documentation française, 2007, IV577 p.

4533. TUTINO (Stefania). Law and conscience. Catholicism in Early Modern England, 1570–1625. Burlington, Ashgate publishing, 2007, VI-256 p. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700).

4521. POYO (Gerald E.). Cuban Catholics in the United States, 1960–1980: exile and integration. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame, 2007, XIV-369 p.

b. History of the Popes

4522. PROSPERI (Adriano). L'abiura dell'eretico e la conversione del criminale. Prime linee di ricerca. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 126, p. 719-730. 4523. Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938– 1948: Diktatur, Krieg und Gesellschaftswandel als Herausforderungen für religiöses Leben und kirchliche Organisation. Hrsg. v. Martin ZÜCKERT und Laura HÖLZLWIMMER. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 432 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 115). [Cf. nos 4519, 4527, 4529, 4531, 4563, 4568, 4656, 6855.] 4524. Religion und Nation: Katholizismen im Europa des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Urs ALTERMATT und Franziska METZGER. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, 254 p. (Religionsforum, 3). 4525. RESTIF (Bruno). La révolution des paroisses. Culture paroissiale et Réforme catholique en HauteBretagne aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes/ Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Bretagne, 2007, 415 p.

Cf. nos 3971, 3979, 6198

** 4534. Suppliche al Pontefice. Diocesi di Trento, 1566–1605. A cura di Cristina BELLONI. Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, 861 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italogermanico di Trento, 6). ** 4535. WASSILOWSKY (Günther), WOLF (Hubert). Päpstliches Zeremoniell in der Frühen Neuzeit: das Diarium des Zeremonienmeisters Paolo Alaleone de Branca während des Pontifikats Gregors XV. (1621–1623). Münster, Rhema, 2007, 464 p. (ill.). (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme, 20). _______________________

4536. FATTORINI (Emma). Pio XI, Hitler e Mussolini: la solitudine di un papa. Torino, G. Einaudi, 2007, XXIX-252 p. (Einaudi storia, 15). 4537. MENNITI IPPOLITO (Antonio). Il governo dei papi nell'età moderna: carriere, gerarchie, organizzazione curiale. Roma, Viella, 2007, 214 p. (La storia. Temi, 2). 4538. MICCOLI (Giovanni). I dilemmi e i silenzi di Pio XII: Vaticano, Seconda guerra mondiale e Shoah. Milano, Rizzoli, 2007, XV-608 p. (BUR. Storia).



4539. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia). Church, state and dynasty in Renaissance Poland: the Career of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon: (1468–1503). Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XX-222 p. (ill.). (Catholic Christendom, 1300– 1700). 4540. Papauté (La) à la Renaissance. Sous la dir. de Florence ALAZARD et Frank LA BRASCA. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 756 p. 4541. PASQUALUCCI (Paolo). Giovanni XXIII e il Concilio ecumenico vaticano II: Analisi critica della lettera, dei fondamenti, dell'influenza e delle conseguenze della "Gaudet mater ecclesia", allocuzione di apertura del Concilio di S.S. Giovanni XXIII. Albano Laziale, Ichthys, 2007, 415 p. (La tradizione cattolica, 2007, 18, 3 (65), supplemento. Contemplata aliis tradere, 12). 4542. REINHARDT (Volker). Der unheimliche Papst: Alexander VI Borgia, 1431–1503. München, C.H. Beck, 2007, 277 p. (ill.). (Beck'sche Reihe, 1748). 4543. RONCALLI (Angelo Giuseppe) [Giovanni XXIII]. Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (Giovanni 23). 7. Pater amabilis: agende del pontefice, 1958–1963. Edizione critica e annotazione a cura di Mauro VELATI. Bologna, Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2007, XXXVII-569 p. 4544. SCHLOTT (René). Die Friedensnote Papst Benedikts 15. vom 1. August 1917: eine Untersuchung zur Berichterstattung und Kommentierung in der zeitgenössischen Berliner Tagespresse. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2007, 125 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 57). 4545. TORNIELLI (Andrea). Pio XII: Eugenio Pacelli: un uomo sul trono di Pietro. Milano, Mondadori, 2007, 661 p. (ill.). (Le scie). Cf. nos 6481, 6888 c. Special studies * 4546. WEBER (Christoph). Die Bücherzensur der römischen Inquisition und der Indexkongregation im 19. Jahrhundert [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 1, p. 111-122. ** 4547. Missale Romanum: ex decreto SS. Concilii tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum: editio typica (1962). Edizione anastatica e introduzione. A cura di Manlio SODI e Alessandro TONIOLO. Città del Vaticano, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2007, XVIII-1096 p. (Monumenta liturgica piana, 1). _______________________

4548. Augusto 1933: lineamenti fascismo. A cura puglia, 2007, 248 24).

Curi arcivescovo di Bari, 1925– di governo pastorale negli anni del di Francesco SPORTELLI. Bari, Edip. (Per la storia della Chiesa di Bari,

4549. AYALA BENÍTEZ (Luis Ernesto). La Iglesia y la independencia política de Centro América: "El caso de El Estado de El Salvador" (1808–1833). Roma,

Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2007, 405 p. (ill., facsims.). (Tesi gregoriana. Serie Storia ecclesiastica, 9). 4550. BRUNET (Serge). De l'Espagnol dedans le ventre! Les catholiques du Sud-Ouest de la France face à la Réforme: vers 1540–1589. Paris, H. Champion, 2007, 998 p. (Bibliotheque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 23). 4551. Cardinale Aurelio Sabattani (Il) (1912–2003): omelie, discorsi, testimonianze. A cura di Vicente CÁRCEL ORTÍ. Roma, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2007, 387 p. (ill.). 4552. Cardinale Ercole Consalvi: 250 anni dalla nascita: atti del convegno di Roma, 8 giugno 2007. A cura di Roberto REGOLI. Trieste, Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis, 2007. 157 p. (ill.). (Neoclassico: semestrale di arti e storia, 30). 4553. Cardinale Giuseppe Siri (Il): testimonianze a cento anni dalla nascita. Genova, Arcidiocesi di Genova, 2007, 131 p. (ill.). (Atti del congresso tenutosi a Genova nel 2006). 4554. CHOLVY (Gérard). Le cardinal de Cabrières (1830–1921). Un siècle d'histoire de la France, Paris, Cerf, 2007, 519 p. 4555. CORRADI (Alessandro). Il Concilio a Verona: mons. Giuseppe Carraro, vescovo di Verona testimone ed esecutore del Concilio vaticano II, 1965–1978. Verona, Archivio storico Curia diocesana, 2007, 199 p. 4556. DE MARCO (Vittorio). Storia dell' Azione cattolica negli anni settanta. Roma, Città nuova, 2007, 250 p. (Società e socialità, 19). 4557. Dialogue possible (Le): Paul VI et les cultures contemporaines: journée d'études Paris, 13 décembre 2005. Sous la dir. de Gabriele ARCHETTI. Brescia, Istituto Paolo VI, 2007, XVII-67 p. (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo 6, 28). 4558. EHM (Martin). Die kleine Herde: die katholische Kirche in der SBZ und im sozialistischen Staat DDR. Berlin u. London, Lit, 2007, 236-XXXVII p. (ill.). (Beiträge zu Theologie, Kirche und Gesellschaft im 20. Jahrhundert, 12). 4559. FRAGNITO (Gigliola). Un archivio conteso: le "carte" dell'Indice tra Congregazione e maestro del Sacro Palazzo. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 12761318. 4560. FRIGATO (Sabino). La difficile democrazia: la dottrina sociale della Chiesa da Leone XIII a Pio XII (1878–1958). Cantalupa, Effatà, 2007, 156 p. (Studia Taurinensia. Michele Pellegrino, 1). 4561. GAGNEUX (Yves). Reliques et reliquaires à Paris (XIXe–XXe siècles). Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 324 p. (Histoire religieuse de la France). 4562. HAHN (Waltraud). Un objet religieux et sa pratique. Le chemin de croix portatif aux XIXe et XXe siècles en France. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2007, 312 p.



4563. HANUŠ (JiĜí). Katholische Mentalitäten im Umbruch 1945–1948. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 233-241. í IDEM. Vybrané rysy spirituality þeské katolické církve (1948– 1989). (Features of Roman Catholic spirituality in the Bohemian lands, 1948–1989). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 2/3, p. 341-353.

4574. RINAUDO (Basilio), MIRACOLA (Salvatore). Il cardinale Scipione Rebiba, 1504–1577: vita e azione pastorale di un vescovo riformatore. Patti, L'Ascesa, 2007, 199 p. (ill.). (Quaderni del Seminario, 1).

4564. HARRISON (Carol E.). Zouave stories: gender, Catholic spirituality, and French responses to the Roman question. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 2, p. 274305.

4576. SLAWSON (Douglas J.). Ambition and arrogance: Cardinal William O'Connell of Boston and the American Catholic Church. San Diego, Cobalt Productions, 2007, XI-232 p.

4565. HERZIG (Tamar). Savonarola's women. Visions and reform in Renaissance Italy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVI-333 p.

4577. SMITH (Calvin L.). Revolution, revival, and religious conflict in Sandinista Nicaragua. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIV-312 p. (maps). (Religion in the Americas series, 6).

4566. Inquisition et sorcellerie en Suisse romande. Le registre Ac 29 des Archives cantonales vaudoises (1438–1528). Textes réunis par Martine OSTORERO et Kathrin UTZ KEMP en collaboration avec Georg MODESTIN. Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 2007, 562 p. (Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale, 41). 4567. KOROLEVSKIJ (Cyrille Pavloviþ). Kniga bytija moego: mémoires autobiographiques. 3. Documents (1900–1926). 4. Documents (1927–1964). 5. Bibliographie, tables et index. Édités et annotés par Giuseppe M. CROCE. Città del Vaticano, Archives secrètes vaticanes, 2007, 3 vol., CXI-XXV-2305 p., XIII-640 p. (ill.). 4568. KUNŠTÁT (Miroslav). Widerspruch von Tradition und Moderne? Prolegomena zum Verhältnis von sudetendeutscher Identität und Katholizismus im 20. Jahrhundert. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938– 1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 49-71. 4569. MAC CUARTA (Brian). Catholic revival in the North of Ireland, 1663–1641. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 288 p. 4570. MAINES (David R.), MAC CALLION (Michael J.). Transforming Catholicism: liturgical change in the Vatican II Church. Lanham, Lexington books, 2007, XII-152 p. 4571. MENA (Miguel D.). Iglesia, espacio y poder: Santo Domingo (1498–1521), experiencia fundacional del Nuevo Mundo. Santo Domingo, Archivio General de la Nación, 2007, 421 p. (ill.). (Archivo General de la Nación, 30). 4572. MUTONKOLE MUYOMBI (Anicet). L'engagement de l'Église catholique dans le processus de démocratisation en République Démocratique du Congo. Frankfurt am Main et Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 256 p. (Publications universitaires Européennes. Série 23, Théologie, 842 = Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII, Theologie, 842 = European university studies. Series 23, Theology, 842). 4573. Reichskonkordat 1933 (Das): Forschungsstand, Kontroversen, Dokumente. Hrsg. v. Thomas BRECHENMACHER. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 309 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte. Reihe B, Forschungen, 109).

4575. SHELLEY (Thomas J.). The bicentennial history of the archdiocese of New York, 1808–2008. Strasbourg, Signe, 2007, 623 p.

4578. TANZARELLA (Sergio). Gli anni difficili: Lorenzo Milani, Tommaso Fiore e le "Esperienze pastorali". Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2007, 278 p. (Oi christianoi. Sezione moderna/contemporanea, 1). 4579. TELESCA (Ignacio). Pueblo, curas y Vaticano: la reorganización de la Iglesia paraguaya después de la guerra contra la Triple Alianza, 1870–1880. Asunción, FONDEC, 2007, 171 p. Cf. nos 67, 3518, 6194 d. Religious orders 4580. Archivio storico (L') della Basilica patriarcale di Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi, 1445í1957. A cura di Andrea MAIARELLI; con la collaborazione di Tiziana NANDESI e Valeria VESTRELLI. S Maria degli Angeli, Porziuncola, 2007, LXIV-202 p. (ill.). (Nova archiva, 3). 4581. FONTANA CASTELLI (Eva). La Compagnia di Gesù sotto altro nome: Niccolò Paccanari e la Compagnia della fede di Gesù (1797–1814). Roma, Institutum Historicum S. I., 2007, 325 p. (Bibliotheca Instituti historici Societatis Iesu, 62). 4582. HOULISTON (Victor). Catholic resistance in Elizabethan England. Robert Person's Jesuit polemic, 1580–1610. Aldershot, Ashgate and Institutum Historicum Societatis Jesu, 2007, XVII-212 p. 4583. KIRK (Stephanie L.). Convent life in colonial Mexico: a tale of two communities. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, IX-241 p. 4584. MAC KEVITT (Gerald). Brokers of culture: Italian Jesuits in the American West, 1848–1919. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XVIII-428 p. (ill.). 4585. Maria Arcangela Biondini (1641–1712) e il Monastero delle Serve di Maria di Arco. A cura di Giorgio BUTTERINI e Cecilia NUBOLA. Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, 338 p. 4586. MAZZONIS (Querciolo). Spirituality, gender, and the self in Renaissance Italy. Angela Merici and the company of St. Ursula, 1474–1540. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2007, XVII-247 p.



4587. MEIER (Johannes). "Totus mundus nostra fit habitatio": Jesuiten aus dem deutschen Sprachraum in Portugiesisch- und Spanisch-America. Mainz, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur u. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 36 p. (ill.). (Abhandlungen der Geistesund sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, 2007, 2). 4588. MOLIGNINI (Luca). Gli abati claustrali dell'Abbazia di Casamari: dall'introduzione della riforma trappista (1717) all'erezione canonica della Congregazione di Casamari (1929). Casamari, Edizioni Casamari, 2007, 300 p. (ill.). (Con appendice di documenti). 4589. SCHROTH (Raymond A.). The American Jesuits: a history. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2007, XII-313 p. 4590. SHORE (Paul). Jesuits and the politics of religious pluralism in eighteenth-century Transylvania. Culture, politics and religion, 1693–1773. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 246 p. Cf. no 4222 e. Missions 4591. AUSTIN (Alvyn). Chinas millions: the China Inland Mission and late Qing society, 1832–1905. Grand Rapids a. Cambridge, W. B. Eerdmans, 2007, XXXI-506 p. (ill.). (Studies in the history of Christian missions). 4592. BROCKEY (Liam Matthew). Journey to the East: the Jesuit mission to China, 1579–1724. Cambridge, Belknap press of Harvard U. P., 2007, XII-496 p. (ill.). 4593. CANTÙ (Francesca). La conquista spirituale: studi sull'evangelizzazione del Nuovo Mondo. Roma, Viella, 2007, 445 p. (Frontiere della modernità, 5). 4594. COGNOLI (Virginio). I protagonisti della missione d'Oceania 1852–1856: biografie dei primi missionari del Pime nelle isole del Pacifico. Roma, Ufficio storico Pontificio istituto Missioni estere, 2007, 144 p. (Studi e documenti dagli archivi del P.I.M.E., 5). 4595. COLOMBO (Emanuele). Convertire i musulmani: l'esperienza di un gesuita spagnolo del Seicento. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2007, XI-175 p. (ill.). (Testi e pretesti). 4596. Desde los confines de los imperios ibéricos: los jesuitas de habla alemana en las misiones americanas. A cura di Karl KOHUT y María Cristina TORALES PACHECO. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2007, XXXVII-741 p. 4597. HARRIES (Patrick). Butterflies and barbarians: Swiss missionaries and systems of knowledge in South-East Africa. Oxford, James Currey, 2007, 286 p. 4598. LAVALLÉ (Bernard). Bartolomé de Las Casas: entre l'épée et la croix. Paris, Payot, 2007, 328 p. 4599. MOLNÁR (Antal). Le Saint-Siège, Raguse et les missions catholiques de la Hongrie ottomane, 1572– 1647. Roma, Accademia d'Ungheria, 2007, 431 p. (Studia / Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae – Roma, 1).

4600. NEBGEN (Christoph). Missionarsberufungen nach Übersee in drei Deutschen Provinzen der Gesellschaft Jesu im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2007, 384 p. 4601. RUS (Vasile). Operarii in Vinea Domini. Misionarii iezuiĠi în Transilvania, Banat úi Partium (1579– 1715). Volumul 1. Tablouri istorice úi spirituale. (Jesuit missionaries in Transylvania, Banat and Partium. 1579– 1715. Vol. 1. Historical and spiritual descriptions). ClujNapoca, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, 455 p. Cf. nos 6291, 6419, 6462 § 3. Orthodox Church. _______________________

4602. BOLFĂ-OTIC (Victoria). Aspecte din istoria comunităĠii Surorilor Baziliene din România: fondarea úi perioada de persecuĠie 1948–1989. (Aspects of the history of Bazilian Sisters from Romania: the foundation and oppression period 1948–1989). Târgu-Lăpuú, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007, 259 p. 4603. BRUSANOWSKI (Paul). Reforma constituĠională din Biserica Ortodoxă a Transilvaniei între 1850–1925. (Constitutional reform within the Orthodox Church of Transylvania between 1850–1925). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, 294 p. 4604. POPPE (Andrzej). Christian Russia in the making. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, [s. p.]. (Collected studies series, 867). 4605. SIVONEN (Mika). Me inkerikot, vatjalaiset ja karjalaiset. Uskonnollinen integrointi ja ortodoksisen vähemmistön identiteetin rakentuminen Ruotsin Inkerissä 1680–1702. (We Izhorians, Votes and Karelians: religious integration and building the identity of the Orthodox population in Swedish Ingria in the years 1680–1702). Helsinki, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 258 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliotheca historica 111). 4606. STAN (Lavinia), TURCESCU (Lucian). Religion and politics in post-communist Romania. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-270 p. 4607. STEINBERG (Mark D.), COLEMAN (Heather J.). Sacred stories. religion and spirituality in Modern Russia. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, VII-420 p. Cf. no 4163 § 4. Protestantism. ** 4608. LE NEVE (John). Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1541–1857. 12. Exeter diocese. Compiled by William H. CAMPBELL. London, University of London, School of advanced study, Institute of historical research, 2007, XXV-138 p. ** 4609. NeoprotestanĠii din Transilvania în timpul regimului comunist. Studiu de caz: baptiútii din judeĠul Cluj. Mărturii úi documente. (Neoprotestants in Transylvania during communism. Case study: the Baptists from Cluj county. Testimonies and documents). Editor

4. PROTESTANTISM Denisa BODEANU. Studiu introductiv Denisa BODEANU. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2007, 335 p. ** 4610. SPINI (Giorgio). Italia di Mussolini e protestanti. A cura di Stefano GAGLIANO; prefazione di Carlo Azeglio CIAMPI; introduzione di Guido VERUCCI. Torino, Claudiana, 2007, 326 p. (Studi storici. Saggi). _______________________

4611. Adaptations of Calvinism in Reformation Europe. Ed. by Brian G. HOLT. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 252 p. 4612. ANDREASSON (Hans). Liv och rörelse: Svenska missionskyrkans historia och identitet. (Histoire et identité de l'Eglise missionnaire suédoise). Stockholm, Verbum, 2007, 384 p. (Studia theologica Holmiensia, 15). 4613. AUSTIN (Kenneth). From Judaism to Calvinism. The life and writings of Immanuel Tremellius (c. 1510–1580). Burlington, Ashgate publishing company, 2007, XXIV-223 p. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). 4614. CALVIN (Jean). Opera omnia. Ser. 4. Scripta didactica et polemica. Vol. 2. Brieve instruction pour armer tous bons fideles contre les erreurs de la secte commune des anabaptistes. Edidit Mirjam VAN VEEN. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2007, 149 p. 4615. CARAVALE (Giorgio). Sulle tracce dell'eresia. Ambrogio Catarino Politi (1484–1553). Firenze, Olschki, 2007, 320 p. 4616. ENGELHARDT (Paul Erik). Skåne mellem dansk og svensk: en undersøgelse af de nationale brydninger i Skåne stift i årene 1658 til 1679: holdninger hos biskoppen og i præstegjeldet. (La Scanie entre danois et suédois: recherches sur les conflits nationaux dans le clergé du diocèse de Scanie de 1658 à 1679). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2007, 315 p. (ill.). 4617. FINCHAM (Kenneth), TYACKE (Nicholas). Altars restored. The changing face of English religious worship, 1547–c. 1700. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-396 p. 4618. Fragmenta Melanchthoniana. Bd. 3. Melanchthons Wirkung in der europäischen Bildungsgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Günter FRANK und Sebastian LALLA. Heidelberg, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2007, 267 p. 4619. FRANCISCO (Adam S.). Martin Luther and Islam: a study in sixteenth-century polemics and apologetics. Leiden, Brill, 2007, 260 p.


4623. INGRAM (Robert G.). Religion, reform and modernity in the eighteenth century: Thomas Secker and the Church of England. Woodbridge, Boydell press, 2007, XVII-310 p. (Studies in modern British religious history). 4624. JALAGIN (Seija). Japanin kutsu. Suomalaiset naislähetit Japanissa 1900–1941. (Answering the call. Finnish missionary women in Japan, 1900–1941). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 353 p. (ill.). (Bibliotheca historica 107). 4625. KIDD (Thomas S.). The great awakening. The roots of evangelical Christianity in colonial America. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XIX-392 p. 4626. LEHMAN (James O.), NOLT (Steven M.). Mennonites, Amish, and the American Civil War. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XI-353 p. (Young center books in Anabaptist & Pietist studies). 4627. MATċJKA (OndĜej). "Jsou to berani, ale mĤžeme je využít". ýeští evangelíci a komunistický režim 1948– 1956. ('They are lambs, but we can use them'. Czech Protestants and the Communist regime in the 1950s). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 2/3, p. 305-340. 4628. Michel Servet (1511–1553): hérésie et pluralisme du XVIe au XXIe siècle: actes du colloque de l'Ecole pratique des hautes études, 11–13 décembre 2003. Réunis par Valentine ZUBER. Paris, H. Champion, 2007, 374 p. (ill.). (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance, 56). 4629. MIKKONEN (Juha). Luther and Calvin on Paul's Epistle to the Galatians: an analysis and comparison of substantial concept in Luthers 1531/35 and Calvins 1546/48 commentaries on Galatians. Abo, Abo Akademi U. P., 2007, VII-308 p. 4630. PATTERSON (Mary Hampson). Domesticating the Reformation. Protestant best sellers, private devotion, and the revolution of English piety. Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2007, 449 p. 4631. Pingströrelsen. D. 1 & 2, Händelser och utveckling under 1900-talet. (Histoire, activités et évolution du mouvement pentecôtiste). Red. Claes WAERN, Jan-Åke ALVARSSON. Örebro, Libris, 2007, 2 vol., 432 p., 454 p.

4620. GUNTHER (Karl), SHAGAN (Ethan H.). Protestant radicalism and political thought in the Reign of Henry VIII. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 35-74.

4632. POPOVICI (Alexa). Istoria baptiútilor din România. Trei volume într-o singură carte. Volumul 1. 1856–1919. Volumul 2. 1919–1944. Volumul 3. 1944– 1989. EdiĠie revizuită. (History of the Baptists from Romania. Three volumes in a single book. Revised edition). Oradea, Editura Făclia, 2007, 936 p.

4621. HÖSCHELE (Stefan). Christian remnant, African folk church: Seventh-Day Adventism in Tanzania, 1903–1980. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XV-622 p.

4633. Protestant nonconformist texts. Vol. IV. The twentieth century. Ed. by David M. THOMPSON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVI-416 p.

4622. HUDNUT-BEUMLER (James). In pursuit of the Almighty's dollar. A history of money and American Protestantism. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XVIII-267 p.

4634. RECHTER (David). The Jews of Vienna and the First World War. Oxford, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2007, XIII-218 p. (Littman library of Jewish civilization).



4635. SHEPARDSON (Nikki). Burning zeal. The rhetoric of martyrdom and the Protestant community in Reformation France, 1520–1570. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2007, 206 p.

tion de l'association des oulémas d'Algérie pour la séparation du culte musulman et de l'État (1931–1956). Gèneses, 2007, 69, p. 49-69.

4636. SIMPSON (James). Burning to read. English fundamentalism and its Reformation opponents. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, VIII-346 p.

4647. ADOLPHSON (Mikael S.). The teeth and claws of the Buddha. Monastic warriors and sohei in Japanese history. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, XVI-212 p.

4637. SPICER (Andrew). Calvinist churches in Early Modern Europe. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, X-272 p. (Studies in Early Modern European history).

4648. AL-JABRI (Mohammed Abed). La raison politique en Islam. Hier et aujourd'hui. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 331 p.

4638. Staatsmacht und Seelenheil. Gegenreformation und Geheimprotestantismus in der Habsburgermonarchie. Hrsg. v. Rudolf LEEB, Susanne Claudine PILS und Thomas WINKELBAUER. Wien u. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 420 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 47).

4649. Antisemitismo (El) en España. Coordinadores: Gonzalo ÁLVAREZ CHILLIDA y Ricardo IZQUIERDO BENITO. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2007, 266 p.

4639. STANGLIN (Keith D.). Arminius on the assurance of salvation: the context, roots, and shape of the Leiden debate, 1603–1609. Leiden a. Boston: Brill, 2007, XVIII-285 p. (Brill's series in Church history, 27). 4640. STRONG (Rowan). Anglicanism and the British empire, c. 1700–1850. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-323 p. 4641. Théodore de Bèze (1519–1605): actes du Colloque de Genève, septembre 2005, publiés par l'Institut d'histoire de la Réformation sous la direction d'Irena BACKUS. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2007, 598 p. (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 424). 4642. Umbrüche. Der deutsche Protestantismus und die sozialen Bewegungen in den 1960er und 70er Jahren. Hrsg. v. Siegfried HERMLE, Claudia LEPP und Harry OELKE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 408 p. (Arbeiten zur kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, 47). 4643. WAITE (Gary K.). Eradicating the devil's minions. Anabaptists and witches in Reformation Europe, 1525–1600. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XVI-319 p. 4644. YAMAGUCHI (Midori). The religious rebellion of a clergyman's daughter. Women's history review, 2007, 16, 5, p. 641-660. Cf. nos 4828, 5937, 6932 § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. ** 4645. ANDERNACHT (Dietrich). Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in der Reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main von 1520–1616. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Helga ANDERNACHT in Verbindung mit dem Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt und dem Arye MaimonInstitut für Geschichte der Juden an der Universität Trier. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, 2 vol., VIII-1419 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden. Abteilung B, Quellen, 2). _______________________

4646. ACHI (Raberh). «L'islam authentique appartient à Dieu, "l'islam algérien" à César». La mobilisa-

4650. BRISTOL (Joan Cameron). Christians, blasphemers, and witches. Afro-Mexican ritual practice in the seventeenth century. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2007, XIV-283 p. 4651. CAFFIERO (Marina). Battesimi, libertà e frontiere. Conversioni di musulmani ed ebrei a Roma in età moderna. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 126, p. 819-840. 4652. CALIÒ (Tommaso). La leggenda dell'ebreo assassino: percorsi di un racconto antiebraico dal Medioevo ad oggi. Roma, Viella, 2007, 270 p. (Sacro/santo. Nuova serie, 10). 4653. CAMPANINI (Massimo), MEZRAN (Karim). Arcipelago Islam: tradizione, riforma e militanza in età contemporanea. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XXVI210 p. (Storia e società). 4654. GOOSSAERT (Vincent). The Taoists of Peking, 1800–1949. A social history of urban clerics. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XI-395 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 284). 4655. HALEVI (Leor). Muhammad's grave. Death rites and the making of Islamic society. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIII-400 p. 4656. HANKOVÁ (Monika). Versuchter Wiederaufbau. Das jüdische religiöse Gemeindeleben in den böhmischen Ländern 1945–1948. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 373-392. 4657. HERTZ (Deborah). How Jews became Germans. The history of conversion and assimilation in Berlin. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XII-276 p. 4658. JELINEK (Yeshayahu A.). The Carpathian diaspora. The Jews of Subcarpathian Rus' and Mukachevo, 1848–1948. Boulder, East Europan Monographs, 2007, XXI-412 p. (Classics of Carpatho-Rusyn scholarship, 13). 4659. JUDD (Robin). Contested rituals. Circumcision, Kosher butchering, and Jewish political life in Germany, 1843–1933. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XII283 p. 4660. KARAMUSTAFA (Ahmet T.). Sufism. The formation period. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XII-202 p.



4661. KAUFMANN (Uri R.). Kleine Geschichte der Juden in Baden. Karlsruhe, Braun, 2007, 224 p.

delphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VIII314 p.

4662. KLEIN (Denise). Die osmanischen Ulema des 17. Jahrhunderts. Eine geschlossene Gesellschaft? Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2007, 224 p. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 274).

4667. RUDERMAN (David B.). Connecting the covenants. Judaism and the search for Christian identity in eighteenth-century England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, VIII-141 p.

4663. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwartz). Jødesympati og jødehad i folkekirken: forholdet mellem kristne og jøder i Danmark fra begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede til 1948. (Judéophilie et haine des Juifs dans l'Eglise danoise: relations entre Chrétiens et Juifs au Danemark du début du 20e siècle à 1948). København, Anis, 2007, 502 p. (Kirkehistoriske studier, 3. række / udgivet af Kirkehistorisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, 13).

4668. RUSPIO (Federica). La nazione portoghese: ebrei ponentini e nuovi cristiani a Venezia. Torino, S. Zamorani, 2007, 358 p.

4664. PELLI (M.). Haskalah and Modernity: Beginnings and Continuity: the Reception of the early Haskalah in the 19. century. [S. l.], Hakibutz Hameuchad, 2007, 371 p. 4665. PREUß (Monika). Gelehrte Juden. Lernen als Frömmigkeitsideal in der Frühen Neuzeit. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 155 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden, 31). 4666. RAZ-KRAKOTZKIN (Amnon). The Censor, the editor and the text: the Catholic Church and the shaping of the Jewish canon in the sixteenth century. Phila-

4669. RUSTOW (Marina). Karaites real and imagined: three cases of Jewish heresy. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 35-74. 4670. SALOMONI (Antonella). L'Unione Sovietica e la shoah: genocidio, resistenza, rimozione. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 356 p. (Biblioteca storica). 4671. SHAVIT (Yaacov), ERAN (Mordechai). The Hebrew bible reborn. From Holy Scripture to the Book of Books. A history of biblical culture and the battles over the bible in modern Judaism. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2007, X-566 p. (Studia judaica, 38). 4672. TSADIK (Daniel). Between foreigners and Shi'is. Nineteenth-century Iran and its Jewish minority. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XXI-295 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). Cf. nos 3899, 4010, 4129, 4226

M HISTORY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY CULTURE _________ § 1. General. 4673-4779. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4780-4812. – § 3. Education. 4813-4867. – § 4. The Press. 4868-4937. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 4938-4975. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 4976-5078. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5079-5138. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5139-5204. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5205-5381. § 1. General. * 4673. HAMMERSTEIN (Notker). Die respublica litteraria und ihre Netzwerker [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 3, p. 643-651. ** 4674. CAMPO (Cristina) [Vittoria Guerrini], SPINA (Alessandro). Carteggio. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007. 253 p. (ill.). (Il pellicano rosso. Nuova serie, 51). ** 4675. CAPITINI (Aldo), BINNI (Walter). Lettere 1931–1968. A cura di Lanfranco BINNI e Lorella GIULIANI. Introduzione di Mario MARTINI. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 194 p. (Epistolario di Aldo Capitini, 1). ** 4676. DE LUCA (Giuseppe), MAJNONI (Massimiliano). Carteggio, 1936–1957. A cura di Sebastiano NEROZZI; introduzione di Stefano MAJNONI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, XCVI-504 p. (Epistolari, carteggi e testimonianze). _______________________

4677. ABROSIMOV (Kirill). Die Genese des Intellektuellen im Prozess der Kommunikation. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 2, p. 163-197. 4678. ALLIOT (David). L'affaire Louis-Ferdinand Céline: les archives de l'ambassade de France à Copenhague, 1945–1951. Paris, Horay, 2007, 181 p. (ill.). 4679. ANDERSON (Margaret Lavinia). "Down in Turkey, far away": human rights, the Armenian massacres, and Orientalism in Wilhelmine Germany. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 1, p. 80-111. 4680. ARMENTEROS (Carolina). From human nature to normal humanity: Joseph de Maistre, Rousseau, and the origins of moral statistics. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 1, p. 107-130. 4681. ARNOLD (Claus). Kleine Geschichte des Modernismus. Freiburg, Basel u. Wien, Herder, 2007, 160 p. 4682. ASADA (Sadao). Culture shock and JapaneseAmerican relations. Historical essays. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2007, XI-290 p.

4683. BACCHILEGA (Cristina). Legendary Hawai'i and the politics of place. Tradition, translation, and tourism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XII-230 p. 4684. BARBERIS (Giorgio). Louis de Bonald: potere e ordine tra sovversione e provvidenza. Pref. di Maurilio GUASCO. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007, 324 p. (Maestri del pensiero, 19). 4685. BARTH (Volker). Mensch versus Welt. Die Pariser Weltausstellung von 1867. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 472 p. 4686. BAYARD (Pierre). Comment parler des livres que l'on n'a pas lus? Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2007, 162 p. 4687. BÉGHIN (Laurent). Da Gobetti a Ginzburg. Diffusione e ricezione della cultura russa nella Torino del primo dopoguerra. Bruxelles, Brepols Publishers e Roma, Istituto Storico Belga di Roma, 2007, 501 p. 4688. BERGLUND (Barbara). Making San Francisco American. Cultural frontiers in the Urban West, 1846– 1906. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XVIII-294 p. 4689. BEßLICH (Barbara). Der deutsche NapoleonMythos. Literatur und Erinnerung, 1800–1945. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 504 p. 4690. BIALAS (Wolfgang). Ostdeutsche Intellektuelle und der gesellschaftliche Umbruch der DDR. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 2, p. 289-308. 4691. BILLIANI (Francesca). Culture nazionali e narrazioni straniere: Italia, 1903-1943. Firenze, Le lettere, 2007, 374 p (Saggi, 65). 4692. BIRN (Raymond). La censure royale des livres dans la France des Lumieres. Préf. de Daniel ROCHE. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2007, 179 p. (Collège de France). 4693. BLAKENEY WILLIAMS (Louise). Overcoming the "Contagion of Mimicry": the cosmopolitan nation-



alism and modernist history of Rabindranath Tagore and W. B. Yeats. American historical review, 2007, 112, 1, p. 69-100.

4708. FABRE (Giorgio). Uno sconosciuto articolo razzista di Mussolini (con una nota sui suoi autografi). Quaderni di storia, 2007, 33, 65, p. 129-178.

4694. BOCCALINI (Traiano). Considerazioni sopra la Vita di Agricola. A cura di Guido BALDASSARRI. Roma, Antenore, 2007, LV-126 p.

4709. FEINER (Shmuel). Jüdische Aufklärung. Geschichte einer kulturellen Revolution. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2007, 505 p. (Netiva, Wege deutsch-jüdischer Geschichte, 8).

4695. BOILLET (Élise). L'Arétin et la Bible. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2007, 587 p. (ill.). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 425). 4696. BOLLENBECK (Georg). Eine Geschichte der Kulturkritik: von J. J. Rousseau bis G. Anders. München, C.H. Beck, 2007, 318 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1768). 4697. BONSAVER (Guido). Censorship and literature in fascist Italy. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, Toronto U. P., 2007, XIV-405 p. 4698. BROPHY (James M.). Popular culture and the public sphere in the Rhineland 1800–1850. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-365 p. (New studies in European history). 4699. CALABRI (Maria Cecilia). Il costante piacere di vivere. Vita di Giaime Pintor. Torino, Utet, 2007, XXIII-639 p. 4700. CHÉDOZEAU (Bernard). Port-Royal et la Bible: un siècle d'or de la Bible en France, 1650–1708. Préf. de Philippe SELLIER. Paris: Nolin, 2007, 511 p. 4701. CLARK (Stuart). Vanities of the eye. Vision in early Modern European culture. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-415 p. 4702. CLARKE (Michael Tavel). These days of large things. The culture of size in America, 1865–1930. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, 326 p. 4703. Cultural translation in early Modern Europe. Ed. by Peter BURKE and R. Po-Chia HSIA. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-252 p. 4704. "Devant le verre d'eau". Regards croisés sur la conférence comme vecteur de la vie intellectuelle (1880– 1950). Sous la dir. de Alain CLAVIEN et François VALLOTTON. Lausanne, Antipodes, 2007, 142 p. 4705. DODSON (Michael S.). Orientalism, empire and national culture. India, 1770–1880. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 268 p. 4706. DRAGÚĕ (Stanislav). Nemecko-slovenská dohoda z roku 1942 o spolupráci na kultúrnom poli a jej realizácia v praxi. (The German ௅ Slovak agreement from 1942 on cooperation in the cultural field and its practical implementation). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 559-576. 4707. EDROIU (Nicolae). Genealogiile preoĠeúti úi protopopeúti din Transilvania (ConsideraĠii privind studiul carierelor intelectuale româneúti din sec. XVIII– XIX). (The genealogy of the priests and archpriests from Transylvania. Considerations on the Romanian intellectuals careers in the 18th–19th c). In: Biserică, societate, identitate. In Honorem Nicolae Bocúan. ClujNapoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 73-82.

4710. FINKEL (Stuart). On the ideological front. The Russian intelligentsia and the making of the Soviet public sphere. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, VIII-338 p. 4711. GIBBINS (John). John Grote. Cambridge University and the development of Victorian thought. Exeter, Imprint Academic, 2007, 530 p. 4712. GOLDBERG (Ann). The Black Jew with the blond heart: Friedrich Gundolf, Elisabeth Salomon and conservative Bohemianism in Weimar Germany. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 2, p. 306-334. 4713. GRABNER-HAIDER (Anton), STRASSER (Peter). Hitlers mythische Religion: theologische Denklinien und NS-Ideologie. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 281 p. 4714. GRIFFIN (Roger). Modernism and Fascism. The sense of a new beginning under Mussolini and Hitler. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2007, 470 p. 4715. HAIM HACOHEN (Malachi). The Congress for Cultural Freedom in Austria: Forum, the rémigrés and postwar culture. Storiografia, 2007, 11, p. 162-171. 4716. Historia literaria. Neuordnungen des Wissens im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Frank GRUNERT und Friedrich VOLLHARDT. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, XI278 p. 4717. Höfe ௅ Salons ௅ Akademien. Kulturtransfer und Gender im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Gesa STEDMAN und Margarete ZIMMERMANN. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2007, VII-372 p. 4718. HÖPEL (Thomas). Von der Kunst- zur Kulturpolitik. Städtische Kulturpolitik in Deutschland und Frankreich 1918–1939. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 516 p. (Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung, 7). 4719. HOWARTH (David). The invention of Spain. Cultural relations between Britain and Spain, 1770– 1870. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XVII-244 p. 4720. JANEKOVIû RÖMER (Zdenka). On the influence of Byzantine culture on Renaissance Dubrovnik and Dalmatia. Dubrovnik annals, 2007, 11, p. 7-24. 4721. JENNINGS (Jeremy). The debate about luxury in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French political thought. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 1, p. 79-105. 4722. JOBST (Kerstin S.). Die Perle des Imperiums. Der russische Krim-Diskurs im Zarenreich. Konstanz, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 2007, 485 p. (Historische Kulturwissenschaft, 11).

1. GENERAL 4723. JOHNSON (Michael L.). Hunger for the wild. America's obsession with the untamed West. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XVII-533 p. 4724. JØRGENSEN (Jens Anker). Humanisten Christiern Pedersen: en præsentation. (Un humaniste danois: Christiern Pedersen ca 1480–1554). København, C.A. Reitzel, 2007, 111 p. (ill.). 4725. JOSTOCK (Ingeborg). La censure négociée: le contrôle du livre à Genève, 1560–1625. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2007, 440 p. (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 430). 4726. KANGAS (Anni). The knight, the beast and the treasure: a semeiotic inquiry into the Finnish political imaginary on Russia, 1918–1930s. Tampere, Tampere U. P., 2007, 320 p. (ill.). (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, 1283). 4727. KIRK (Andrew G.). Counterculture green. The "Whole earth catalog" and American environmentalism. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XIII303 p. (Culture-America). 4728. KISIû KOLANOVIû (Nada). "Islamska varijanta" u morfologiji kulture u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj. (The "Islamic Variant" in the morphology of culture in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941–1945). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2007, 39, 1, p. 63-95. 4729. KRESSE (Kai). Philosophising in Mombasa: knowledge, Islam and intellectual practice on the Swahili coast. Edinburg, Edinburg U. P., 2007, X-288 p. 4730. KROLL (Thomas). Kommunistische Intellektuelle im westlichen Deutschland (1945–1956). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 2, p. 258-288. 4731. Kulturelle Moderne (Die) zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Die Weimarer Republik und danach. Hrsg. v. Bernd WIRKUS. Konstanz, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 2007, 376 p. 4732. LAHR (Angela M.). Millennial dreams and apocalyptic nightmares. The Cold War origins of political Evangelicalism. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-281 p. 4733. MAMINA (Alexandru). Structurile intelectuale ale romantismului revoluĠionar úi contrarevoluĠionar ௅ cazurile istoricilor francezi, germani, români. (Intellectual structures of revolutionary and counter-revolutionary romanticism ௅ the cases of French, German, Romanian historians). Târgoviúte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2007, 245 p. 4734. MANDLER (Peter). The English national character. The history of an idea from Edmund Burke to Tony Blair. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, X-348 p. 4735. MARTINI (Magda). La cultura all'ombra del muro: relazioni culturali tra Italia e DDR, 1949–1989. Bologna, Il mulino, 2007, 463 p. (ill.). (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 47). 4736. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Libertà della cultura e 'guerra fredda culturale': Bobbio, gli intellettuali


atlantici e i comunisti: alle origini di Politica e cultura (1955). Storiografia, 2007, 11, p. 9-137. 4737. MEUNIER (E.-Martin). Le pari personnaliste. Modernité et catholicisme au XXe siècle. Québec, Fides, 2007, 370 p. (Héritage et progress). 4738. MICHALSKE (Hainer). Die Gutenberg-Reichsausstellung 1940. Ein Beitrag zur nationalsozialistischen Kulturpolitik. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, 382 p. 4739. MILLER (Nick). The nonconformists. Culture, politics, and nationalism in a Serbian intellectual circle, 1944–1991. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2007, XVI-380 p. 4740. Modernité et sécularisation: Hans Blumenberg, Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss. Sous la direction de Michaël FOESSEL, Jean-François KERVEGAN et Myriam REVAULT D'ALLONNES. Paris, CNRS, 2007, 171 p. 4741. MOSES (A. Dirk). German intellectuals and the Nazi past. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-293 p. 4742. MÜHLEGGER (Florian). Hugo Grotius: ein christlicher Humanist in politischer Verantwortung. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2007, XIV-546 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 103). 4743. MÜLLER (Tim B.). Die gelehrten Krieger und die Rockefeller-Revolution. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 2, p. 198-227. 4744. MURACA (Daniela). L'Associazione italiana per la libertà della cultura: il caso italiano e il Congress for Cultural Freedom. Storiografia, 2007, 11, p. 139-160. 4745. OMISSI (David). Europe through Indian eyes: Indian soldiers encounter England and France, 1914– 1918. English historical review, 2007, 122, 496, p. 371396. 4746. Orientdiskurse in der deutschen Literatur. Hrsg. v. Klaus-Michael BOGDAL. Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2007, 363 p. 4747. PANIKKAR (K. N.). Colonialism, culture, and resistance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 279 p. 4748. Papes, princes et savants dans l'Europe moderne: melanges à la memoire de Bruno Neveu. Reunis par Jean-Louis QUANTIN et Jean-Claude WAQUET. Genève, Droz, 2007, XII-441 p. (ill.). (Centre de recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la IV section de l'École pratique des hautes études, 5. Hautes études médiévales et modernes 90). 4749. PINE (Lisa). Hitler's "National community". Society and culture in Nazi Germany. London, Hodder Arnold, 2007, X-262 p. 4750. PRESNER (Todd Samuel). Mobile modernity. Germans, Jews, trains. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIV-368 p. 4751. Qu'était-ce qu'écrire une encyclopédie en Chine? = What did it mean to write an encyclopedia in



China? Préparé par Florence BRETELLE-ESTABLET et Karine CHEMLA. Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2007, 224 p. (facsims.). (Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident. Hors série). 4752. Railway (The) and modernity. Time, space, and the machine ensemble. Ed. by Matthew BEAUMONT and Michael FREEMAN. Bern, Peter Lang, 2007, 262 p. 4753. RANKI (Kristina). Isänmaa ja Ranska: suomalainen frankofilia 1880–1914. (Fatherland and France: Finnish francophilia 1880–1914). Helsinki, Suomen tiedeseura, 2007, 333 p. (ill.). (Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk, 169).

4765. SHELFORD (April G.). Transforming the republic of letters. Pierre-Daniel Huet and European intellectual life, 1650–1720. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, XII-264 p. (Changing perspectives on Early Modern Europe, 7). 4766. SHERRY (Michael S.). Gay artists in modern American culture. An inmagined conspiracy. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 292 p. 4767. Signums svenska kulturhistoria. Gustavianska tiden. (Histoire culturelle de la Suède à l'époque gustavienne). Red. Jakob CHRISTENSSON. Stockholm, Signum, 2007, 515 p.

4754. Resultanze in merito alla vita e all'opera di Piero Jahier: saggi e materiali inediti. A cura di Franco GIACONE. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2007, XI-366 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum Romanicum. Serie 1, Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 332).

4768. SMULYAN (Susan). Popular ideologies. Mass culture at mid-century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, 202 p.

4755. Revival and communication: studies in the history of Scandinavian revivals, 1700–2000. Ed. by Arne Bugge AMUNDSEN. Lund, Lunds universitets kyrkohistoriska arkiv, 2007, 175 p. (Bibliotheca historico-ecclesiastica Lundensis, 49).

4770. Stefan Collini's "Absent Minds". Forum. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 3, p. 363-405. [Contents: ENGLISH (James F.). Hazards of the higher debunkery. – CAINE (Barbara). Stefan Collini, Virginia Woolf, and the question of intellectuals in Britain. – BENTLEY (Michael). News from nowhere. – JENNINGS (Jeremy). The view from Calais. – RODGERS (Daniel T.). Anatomy of a cliché. – COLLINI (Stefan). Author's response].

4756. REY FAJARDO (José del). La república de las letras en la Venezuela colonial. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2007, 758 p. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Fuentes para la historia colonial de Venezuela, 262). 4757. RIES (Klaus). Kultur als Politik. Das "Ereignis Weimar-Jena" und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer "Kulturgeschichte des Politischen". Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 2, p. 303-354. 4758. ROBERTS (Mary). Intimate outsiders. The harem in Ottoman and orientalist art and travel literature. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, 195 p. 4759. ROZARIO (Kevin). The culture of calamity. Disaster and die making of modern America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, X-313 p. 4760. RUBINGER (Richard). Popular literacy in Early Modern Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, XII-238 p. 4761. RUSSO (Elena). Styles of Enlightenment. Taste, politics, and authorship in eighteenth-century France. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XI-346 p. (Parallax, re-visions of culture and society). 4762. SALDERN (Adelheid von). Bürgerliche Repräsentationskultur. Konstanz und Wandel der Wohnformen im Deutschen Reich und in der Bundesrepublik (1900– 1980). Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 2, p. 345-383. 4763. SCHOLZ (Natalie). Die imaginierte Restauration. Repräsentationen der Monarchie im Frankreich Ludwigs XVIII. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, 306 p. 4764. SCOPPOLA (Pietro). La coscienza e il potere. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, XX-264 p. (I Robinson. Letture).

4769. SOAVE (Sergio). Gramsci e Tasca. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 3, p. 671-710.

4771. STEWART-STEINBERG (Suzanne). The Pinocchio effect. On making Italians (1860–1920). Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XV-431 p. 4772. TOBIA (Simona). Note sulla diplomazia culturale americana in Italia negli anni della guerra fredda. Storiografia, 2007, 11, p. 173-202. 4773. VITTORIA (Albertina). Una "grande muraglia di libri fra me e i mongoli". Sulla biografia di Giaime Pintor. Studi storici, 2007, 48, 4, p. 965-992. 4774. WAKELIN (Daniel). Humanism, reading, and English literature, 1430–1530. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 254 p. 4775. WILLS (Clair). That neutral island. A cultural history of Ireland during the Second World War. London Faber & Faber, 2007, 502 p. 4776. WOLF (Hubert). Index: der Vatikan und die verbotenen Bücher. München, C. H. Beck, 2007, 303 p. (ill.). (Beck'sche Reihe, 1749). 4777. YOUNG (B. W.). The Victorian eighteenth century. An intellectual history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 190 p. 4778. ZNAMENSKI (Andrei A.). The beauty of the primitive: Shamanism and Western imagination. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 434 p. § 1. Addendum 2006. 4779. BODEI (Remo). Piramidi di tempo: storie e teoria del dejà vu. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 152 p. (Intersezioni, 293). Cf. nos 3954, 4194, 4225, 4666, 5789, 6282



§ 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations.

versitäten 1933–1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 1, p. 123-186.


4792. HAUPTS (Leo). Die Universität zu Köln im Übergang vom Nationalsozialismus zur Bundesrepublik. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 406 p. (Studien zur Geschichte der Universität zu Köln, 18).

4780. All souls under the Ancien Régime. Politics, learning, and the arts, c. 1600–1850. Ed. by S. J. D. GREEN and Peregrine HORDEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 400 p. 4781. BERTHERAT (Bruno). L'élection à la chaire de médecine légale à Paris en 1879. Acteurs, réseaux et enjeux dans le monde universitaire. Revue historique, 2007, 644, p. 823-856. 4782. Bilder ௅ Daten ௅ Promotionen: Studien zum Promotionswesen an deutschen Universitäten der frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Rainer A. MÜLLER. Bearbeitet v. Hans-Christoph LIESS und Rüdiger Vom BRUCH. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2007, 390 p. (ill.). (Pallas Athene, 24). 4783. BUDDRUS (Michael), FRITZLAR (Sigrid). Die Professoren der Universität Rostock im Dritten Reich: ein biographisches Lexikon. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte. München, Saur, 2007, 503 p. (Texte Und Materialien Zur Zeitgeschichte, 16). 4784. CAPROÁS (Iulia). Košickí študenti na univerzite v Krakove v 15. a na zaþiatku 16. storoþia. (Students from Košice at the University of Cracow in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 2, p. 249-266. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4785. CARELLA (Candida). L'insegnamento della filosofia alla "Sapienza" di Roma nel Seicento: le cattedre e i maestri. Firenze, Olschki, 2007, XXVIII-258 p., (ill.). (Corrispondenze letterarie, scientifiche ed erudite dal rinascimento all'età moderna. Subsidia, 7). 4786. Destrucción (La) de la ciencia en España: depuración universitaria en el franquismo. Ed por Luis Enrique OTERO CARVAJAL. Madrid, Editorial Complutense, 2007, XII-365 p. (ill.). 4787. DOS SANTOS (Augusto Dias). Para a história da Universidade do Porto. Porto, Editora da Universidade do Porto, 2007, 211 p. (Série memória, 2). 4788. Exil unter Halbmond und Stern: Herbert Scurlas Bericht über die Tätigkeit deutscher Hochschullehrer in der Türkei während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Faruk ùEN und Dirk HALM. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 230 p. 4789. FERNÁNDEZ TECHERA (Julio). Jesuitas, masones y universidad en el Uruguay. T. 1. 1680í1859. Montevideo, Ediciones de la Plaza, 2007, 267 p. (Colección Ensayos. Ediciones de la Plaza).

4793. Institut d'Études politiques (L') d'Aix-enProvence dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Actes du colloque du cinquantenaire de l'IEP d'Aix-en-Provence des 23 et 24 novembre 2006. Sous la dir. Jean-Charles JAUFFRET. Marseille, Éd. CRES, 2007, 243 p. 4794. JONES (H. S.). Intellect and character in Victorian England. Mark Pattison and the invention of the don. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 285 p. 4795. KELLY (Catriona). Children's world. Growing up in Russia, 1890–1991. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XXII-714 p. 4796. KHURANA (Rakesh). From higher aims to hired hands. The social transformation of American business schools and the unfulfilled promise of management as a profession. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, VIII-531 p. 4797. Medizinische Fakultät (Die) der Universität Gießen. Institutionen, Akteure und Ereignisse von der Gründung 1607 bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Ulrike ENKE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 450 p. (Die medizinische Fakultät der Universität Gießen 1607 bis 2007, 1). 4798. MÍŠKOVÁ (Alena). Die Deutsche (Karls-) Universität vom Münchener Abkommen bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Universitätsleitung und Wandel des Professorenkollegiums. Praha, Karolinum, 2007, 346 p. 4799. NECKERMAN (Kathryn M.). Schools betrayed. Roots of failure in inner-city education. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XII-260 p. 4800. ØHRGAARD (Per). Fra forsvarsven til scavenianer. Carl Roos (1884–1962), Professor i tysk. [Die Wandlungen eines dänischen Nationalisten. Carl Roos (1884-1962), Professor der Germanistik]. Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 2, p. 442-476. 4801. REICHERT (Steffen). Unter Kontrolle: die Martin-Luther-Universität und das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit 1968í1989. Halle (Saale), Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2007, 2 vol., 533 p., 142 p. (ill). 4802. SAAGE-MAAß (Miriam). Die Göttinger Sieben ௅ demokratische Vorkämpfer oder nationale Helden? Zum Verhältnis von Geschichtsschreibung und Erinnerungskultur in der Rezeption des Hannoverschen Verfassungskonfliktes. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2007, 240 p.

4790. Geschichte (Zur) der Universität Duisburg 1655–1818. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium veranstaltet im Oktober 2005 anläßlich des 350. Jahrestages der Gründung der alten Duisburger Universität. Hrsg. v. Dieter Geuenich und Irmgard Hantschke. Duisburg, Mercator, 2007, VI-374 p. (Duiburger Forschungen, 53).

4803. Storia delle università in Italia. A cura di Gian Paolo BRIZZI, Piero DEL NEGRO e Andrea ROMANO. Messina, Sicania, 2007, 3 v. (ill.).

4791. GRÜTTNER (Michael), KINAS (Sven). Die Vertreibung von Wissenschaftlern aus den deutschen Uni-

4804. SÜSS (Peter A.). Grundzüge der Würzburger Universitätsgeschichte 1402í2002: eine Zusammen-



schau. Neustadt an der Aisch, Degener, 2007, 251 p. (Quellen und Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Würzburg, 10). 4805. SZASZ (Margaret Connell). Scottish highlanders and native Americans. Indigenous education in the eigtheenth-century Atlantic world. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007, XV-285 p. 4806. Universitätsgeschichte als Landesgeschichte: die Universität Leipzig in ihren territorialgeschichtlichen Bezügen; Tagung der Historischen Kommission der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig vom 7. bis 9. Oktober 2004. Hrsg. von Detlef DÖRING. Leipzig, Evang. Verl.-Anst., 2007, 504 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Leipziger Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Reihe A, 4). 4807. Université (L') dans le devenir de l'Afrique: un demi-siècle de présence au Congo-Zaïre. Sous la direction de Isidore NDAYWEL È NZIEM. Préfacé par Elikia M'BOKOLO. Bruxelles et Paris, CUD et L'Harmattan, 2007, 406 p. (maps). (Mémoires lieux de savoir. Archive congolaise). 4808. VALLEJO (Gustavo). Escenarios de la cultura científica argentina: ciudad y universidad (1882í1955). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 452 p. (ill.). (Estudios sobre la ciencia, 49). 4809. Vergangenheitspolitik in der universitären Medizin nach 1945: institutionelle und individuelle Strategien im Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus. [Ergebnisse einer Tagung zum Thema "Die Universitäre Medizin nach 1945: Institutionelle und Individuelle Strategien im Umgang mit der Vergangenheit", die im Oktober 2005 am Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der JustusLiebig-Universität Gießen stattfand]. Hrsg. v. Sigrid OEHLER-KLEIN und Volker ROELCKE. Unter Mitarbeit von Kornelia GRUNDMANN und Sabine SCHLEIERMACHER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 419 p. (ill.). (Pallas Athene, 22). 4810. VOGT (Annette). Vom Hintereingang zum Hauptportal? Lise Meitner und ihre Kolleginnen an der Berliner Universität und in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 550 p. (ill.). (Pallas Athene: Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 17). 4811. Wege der Wissenschaft im Nationalsozialismus: Dokumente zur Universität Jena, 1933í1945. Bearbeiter Joachim HENDEL [et al.]. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2007, 314 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Jena, 7). 4812. ZIMMERMAN (David). 'Narrow-Minded People': Canadian Universities and the Academic Refugee Crises, 1933–1941. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 2, p. 291-315. Cf. nos 4937-4977 § 3. Education. _______________________

4813. ALAPERRINE-BOUYER (Monique). La educación de las elites indígenas en el Perú colonial. Lima,

Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos y Instituto RivaAgüero y Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú y Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2007, 345 p. (ill., maps). (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines, 238). 4814. AMANO (Chieko). Kodomo to Gakkǀ no seiki: 18 seiki Furansu no shakai-bunka-shi. (The century of children and schools: a sociocultural history of 18thcentury France). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 309 p. 4815. BAILEY (Paul J.). Gender and education in China. Gender discourses and women's schooling in the early twentieth century. New York, Routledge, 2007, IX246 p. (Routledge contemporary China series). 4816. BATHILDE (Sandrine), TRAMIER (Jean-Marie). Histoire de l'éducation nationale de 1789 à nos jours: de la vocation à la fonctionnarisation. Paris, Ellipses, 2007, 269 p. 4817. BETCHAKU (Atsuko). Thomas Chalmers, David Stow and the St John's experiment: a study in educational influence in Scotland and beyond, 1819–c. 1850. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2007, 27, 2, p. 170190. 4818. BUSTAMANTE VISMARA (José). Las escuelas de primeras letras en la campaña de Buenos Aires, 1800í1860. La Plata, Instituto Cultural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural, Archivo Histórico "Dr. Ricardo Levene" y Asociación Amigos del Archivo Histórico, 2007, 347 p. (ill.). (Estudios sobre la historia y la geografía histórica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 19). 4819. CHIOSSO (Giorgio). Carità educatrice e istruzione in Piemonte: aristocratici, filantropi e preti di fronte all'educazione del popolo nel primo '800. Torino, Società Editrice Internazionale, 2007, XII-302 p. (Teoria e storia dell'educazione). 4820. CORDONA (Patricia). La nación de papel: textos escolares, lectura, y política. Estados Unidos de Colombia, 1870í1876. Medellín, Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2007, 180 p. (ill.). (Colección Académica). 4821. DE BELLAIGUE (Christina). Educating women. Schooling and identity in England and France 1800– 1867. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-276 p. 4822. DI LUZIO (Adolfo Scotto). La scuola degli Italiani. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 423 p. (Le vie della civiltà). 4823. "Die Erziehung zum deutschen Menschen": völkische und nationalkonservative Erwachsenenbildung in der Weimarer Republik. Hrsg. v. Paul CIUPKE. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 298 p. (ill.). (Geschichte und Erwachsenenbildung, 23). 4824. École française (L') et les langues régionales: actes du colloque RedÒc-C.E.O. Communications recueillies et éditées par Hervé LIEUTARD et MarieJeanne VERNY. Montpellier, Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007, 356 p. (ill. 1 videodisc). (Études occitanes, 3).

3. EDUCATION 4825. Educación superior, interculturalidad y descolonización. Ed. por José Luis SAAVEDRA y Arturo ESCOBAR. La Paz, Programa de Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia y Comité Ejecutivo de la Universidad Boliviana, 2007, 364 p. (Debate académico). 4826. Educación, guerra y revolución: Valencia, 1936– 1939. Ed. por Juan Manuel FERNÁNDEZ SORIA y Alejandro MAYORDOMO. Valencia, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2007, 267 p. 4827. Educazione (L') nell'Europa moderna: teorie e istituzioni dall'Umanesimo al primo Ottocento. A cura di Giorgio CHIOSSO. Milano, Mondadori università, 2007, VI-232 p. 4828. Evangelische Akademien in der DDR: Quellen und Untersuchungen zu Bildungsstätten zwischen Widerstand und Anpassung. Hrsg. v. Martha FRIEDENTHAL-HAASE. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007, 712 p. (ill.). 4829. FEAR-SEGAL (Jacqueline). White man's club. Schools, race, and the struggle of Indian acculturation. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XXIII395 p. 4830. France et l'Algérie (La): leçons d'histoire: de l'école en situation coloniale à l'enseignement du fait colonial. Ed. par Frédéric ABÉCASSIS. Lyon, Université Claude-Bernard-Lyon I (IUFM), 2007, 260 p. (ill.). (Education, histoire, mémoire). 4831. FROESCHLÉ (Michel). L'école au village: les petites écoles de l'Ancien Régime à Jules Ferry. Cabris, Association "Histoire et culture en pays de HauteSiagne" et Nice, Serre, 2007, 262 p. (ill., map). 4832. GABRIý (Aleš). Tudi uþence tepejo, kajne? Boštanjska afera leta 1953. (They beat pupils as well, don't they? The Boštanj affair in 1953). Kronika (Ljubljana), 2007, 55, 3, p. 485-506. 4833. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Bárbara Yadira). De la educación doméstica a la educación pública en Colombia: transiciones de la colonia a la república. Bogotá, Fondo de Publicaciones, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 2007, 482 p. (ill.). 4834. GERNET (Jacques). Société et pensée chinoises aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles: Résumés des cours et séminaires au collège de France. Chaire d'histoire intellectuelle et sociale de la Chine, 1975í1992. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 201 p.


4838. HOLM (Stephan). Erziehung als Staatsangelegenheit? Die Transformation des Schulsystems in der SBZ und DDR. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007, 72 p. 4839. HULIN (Nicole). L'enseignement secondaire scientifique en France d'un siècle à l'autre: 1802í1980: évolution, permanences et décalages. Préface d'Hélène GISPERT, postface de Jean-Pierre KAHANE. Lyon, Institut national de recherche pédagogique, 2007, 166 p. (Education, histoire, mémoire). 4840. Instrução pública no Portugal de oitocentos: da administração centralizada à gestão periférica. Ed. por Áurea ADÃO e Maria Neves GONÇALVES. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2007, 175 p. (Biblioteca do Educador, 160). 4841. JACOWAY (Elizabeth). Turn away thy son. Little Rock, the crisis that shocked the nation. New York, Free Press, 2007, XIII-477 p. 4842. JELÍNEK (Tomáš). Organizace Kuratoria pro výchovu mládeže v ýechách a na MoravČ v Praze. (Die Organisation des Kuratoriums für Jugenderziehung in Böhmen und Mähren in Prag). Documenta Pragensia, 2007, 26, p. 417-426. 4843. JÉZÉQUEL (Jean-Hervé). Grammaire de la distinction colonial. L'organisation des cadres de l'enseignement en Afrique occidentale francaise (1903–fin des années 1930). Gèneses, 2007, 69, p. 4-25. 4844. KRAUSE (Ingo Till). "Koloniale Schuldlüge"?: Die Schulpolitik in den afrikanischen Kolonien Deutschlands und Britanniens im Vergleich. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2007, 361 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 51). 4845. KRAUSE (Julia). Die Erziehung indianischer Mädchen im Zentralmexiko des 16. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2007, 304 p. (ill., map.). (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 49). 4846. LEE (Jinil). Zwischen Klassenkampfbildung und Staatsbürgerbildung: die gewerkschaftliche Bildungsarbeit in Berlin und der Beitrag von Fritz Fricke zur Arbeiterbildung in der Weimarer Republik. Berlin, Logos, 2007, VII-341 p. 4847. LEMPA (Heikki). Beyond the gymnasium. Educating the middle class bodies in classical Germany. Lanham, Lexington books, 2007, XI-292 p.

4835. GRÈZES-RUEFF (François), LEDUC (Jean). Histoire des élèves en France: de l'ancien régime à nos jours. Paris, Colin, 2007, 450 p.

4848. MIETHE (Ingrid). Bildung und soziale Ungleichheit in der DDR: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer gegenprivilegierenden Bildungspolitik. Opladen, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2007, 387 p. (ill.).

4836. GRUDER (Vivian R.). The notables and the nation. The political schooling of the French, 1787–1788. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, X-495 p. (Harvard historical studies, 157).

4849. MODEROW (Hans-Martin). Volksschule zwischen Staat und Kirche: das Beispiel Sachsen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 545 p. (Geschichte und Politik in Sachsen, 25).

4837. HIGUCHI (Takehiko). Numazu heigakkǀ no kenkynj. (Study of Numazu military academy in the early Meiji period). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 662 p.

4850. PFISTER BLOCH (Alexandra). Priester der Volksbildung: der Professionalisierungsprozess der Zürcher Volksschullehrkräfte zwischen 1770 und 1914. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 576 p.



4851. Plaire et instruire: le spectacle dans les collèges de l'ancien régime: actes du colloque de Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 17í19 novembre 2005. Sous la direction d'Anne PIÉJUS. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 370 p. (ill.). (Collection Interférences). 4852. PRESCOTT (Heather Munro). Student bodies. The influence of student health services in American society and medicine. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, XI-234 p. (Conservations in medicine and society). 4853. PROST (Antoine). Regards historiques sur l'éducation en France XIXeíXXe siècles. Paris, Belin, 2007, 271 (ill.). (Histoire de l'éducation). 4854. QUESADA CAMACHO (Juan Rafael). Educación y ciudadanía en Costa Rica de 1810 a 1821: del crepúsculo colonial al umbral de la modernidad política. San José, Editorial UCR, 2007, X-182 p. 4855. Regards sur l'enfance au XVIIe siècle: actes du colloque du Centre de recherches sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600í1700): Universitéғ Michel de Montaigne ௅ Bordeaux III, 24í25 novembre 2005. Ed. par Anne DEFRANCE, Denis LOPEZ et François-Joseph RUGGIU. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2007, 390 p. (ill.). (Biblio 17, 172). 4856. RODRÍGUEZ ROSALES (Isolda). Historia de la educación en Nicaragua: 50 años en el sistema educativo, 1929-1979. Managua, Hispamer, 2007, 274 p. (ill.). 4857. ROGERS (Rebecca). Les bourgeoises au pensionnat. L'éducation féminine au XIXe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 390 p. (Histoire). 4858. SANTONI RUGIU (Antonio). La lunga storia della scuola secondaria. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 228 p. (Frecce, 42). 4859. SCHREINER (Gisela). Mädchenbildung in Kurmainz im 18. Jahrhundert. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Residenzstadt. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, XIII-267 p. (Geschichtliche Landeskunde, 65). 4860. Scuola e nazione in Italia e in Francia nell'Ottocento: modelli, pratiche, eredità: nuovi percorsi di ricerca comparata. A cura di Pier Luigi BALLINI e Gilles PÉCOUT. Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2007, XI-318 p. (Biblioteca luzzattiana: fonti e studi, 14). 4861. SETH (Sanjay). Subject lessons. The Western education of colonial India. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X-264 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 4862. TILLICH (Paul). Vorlesungen über Geschichtsphilosophie und Sozialpädagogik: (Frankfurt 1929/30). Hrsg v. und mit einer historischen Einleitung versehen von Erdmann STURM. Berlin und New York, De Gruyter u. Trebbin, Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 2007, 379 p. (Tillich, Paul, 1886–1965. Selections. 1971, 15). 4863. TSIRPANLƜS (Zacharias N.). HƝ ekpaideutikƝ politikƝ tǀn Italǀn sta DǀdekanƝsa (1912-1943) =: La

politica scolastica Italiana nel Dodecaneso (1912– 1943). ThessalonikƝ, University Studio Press, 2007, 97 p. (ill.). 4864. VILLEGGIA (Nemo). La scuola per la classe dirigente: vita quotidiana e prassi educative nei licei durante il fascismo. Presentazione di Francesco SUSI. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2007, 208 p. (Storia sociale dell'educazione, 22). 4865. VOISIN (André-Roger). L'école des poilus: l'enseignement de la guerre dans les écoles primaires de 1870 à 1914. Coudray-Macouard, Cheminements, 2007, 267 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Une mémoire). 4866. Zwischen christlicher Tradition und Aufbruch in die Moderne: das Hallesche Waisenhaus im bildungsgeschichtlichen Kontext. Hrsg. v. Juliane JACOBI. Tübingen, Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen Halle im Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2007, VI-227 p. (ill.). (Hallesche Forschungen, 22). 4867. Zwischen Idee und Zweckorientierung: Vorbilder und Motive von Hochschulreformen seit 1945. Hrsg v. Andreas FRANZMANN und Barbara WOLBRING. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 237 p. (ill). Cf. nos 4283, 4898-4936 § 4. The Press. _______________________

4868. AESCHIMANN (Eric). Libération et ses fantômes. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 90 p. 4869. Ausgrenzung (Die) der Juden in der Tagespresse des Dritten Reiches (1933–1941): eine Dokumentation. Hrsg. v. Wolfhard BUCHHOLZ. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2007, 240 p. 4870. BACON (Jacqueline). Freedom's journal. The first African newspaper. Lanham, Lexington books, 2007, X-325 p. 4871. BLACK (Alistair), MUDDIMAN (Dave), PLANT (Helen). The early information society. Information management in Britain before the computer. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIII-288 p. 4872. BLANDIN (Claire). Le Figaro: deux siècles d'histoire. Paris, A. Colin, 2007, VI-308 p. 4873. BOFFA (Elisa), GASPERONI (Lucia), SECCHI TARUGI (Elena). Dalla forma alla pagina: saggi sulla stampa in Italia nell'età moderna. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2007, 287 p. (ill.). (Arti, spazi, scritture, 6). 4874. BOTÍA (Alejandro). Auge y crisis del cuarto poder: la prensa en democracia. Caracas, Debate, 2007, 327 p. (ill.). (Colección Actualidad). 4875. BOURRELIER (Paul-Henri). La Revue blanche: une génération dans l'engagement, 1890í1905. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 1199 p. (ill., maps). 4876. BROOKS (Tim). British propaganda to France, 1940–1944. Machinery, method, and message. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, XVIII-233 p.

4. THE PRESS 4877. CHECA (Antonio). La comunicación durante la II República y la Guerra Civil. Madrid, Editorial Fragua, 2007, 631 p. (Biblioteca de ciencias de la comunicación, 13). 4878. COHEN (Pierre). La presse Juive editee au Maroc: 1870í1963. Préface de Jamaâ BAIDA. Rabat, Edicions & Impressions Bouregreg Communication, 2007, 346 p. (ill.). 4879. CRAIA (Sultana). DicĠionarul ziariútilor români. (Dictionary of Romanian journalists). Bucureúti, Editura Meronia, 2007, 223 p. 4880. CRUZ SEOANE (María), DOLORES SAIZ (María). Cuatro siglos de periodismo en España: de los avisos a los periódicos digitales. Madrid, Alianza, 2007, 395 p. 4881. DÍAZ (Javier Itúrbide). Escribir e imprimir: el libro en el Reino de Navarra en el siglo XVIII. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2007, 445 p. (ill., map, CD-ROM). (Arte, 43). 4882. Dictionnaire des imprimeurs, libraires et gens du livre à Paris, 1701í1789 A-C. Sous la direction de Frédéric BARBIER, Sabine JURATIC et Annick MELLERIO. Avec la collaboration de Marie-Cécile ANFRAY. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2007, IX-688 p. (ill., map). (Histoire et civilisation du livre, 30). 4883. "Diener des Staates" oder "Widerstand zwischen den Zeilen"? Die Rolle der Presse im "Dritten Reich": (XVIII. Königswinterer Tagung Februar 2005). Hrsg. v. Christoph STUDT. Berlin, Lit, 2007, II-195 p. (Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgemeinschaft 20. Juli, 8).


Verão Quente de 1975. Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra, 2007, 225 p. (ill.). (Minerva Ciências da comunicaçâo, 11). 4890. FORNER (Sean A.). Für eine demokratische Erneuerung Deutschlands: Kommunikationsprozesse und Deutungsmuster engagierter Demokraten nach 1945. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 2, p. 228-257. 4891. GEPPERT (Dominik). Pressekriege: Öffentlichkeit und Diplomatie in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen (1896–1912). München, Oldenbourg, 2007, VII490 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London, 64 = Publications of the German Historical Institute London, 64). 4892. Giornalismo italiano. Vol. 1. 1860í1901. Vol. 2. 1901í1939. A cura e con un saggio introduttivo di Franco CONTORBIA. Milano, A. Mondadori, 2007, 2 vol., LXXII-1759 p., LXX-1847 p. (Meridiani). 4893. GLUNZ (Claudia). Information Warfare: die Rolle der Medien (Literatur, Kunst, Photographie, Film, Fernsehen, Theater, Presse, Korrespondenz) bei der Kriegsdarstellung und -deutung. Hrsg. v. Artur PEàKA und Thomas F. SCHNEIDER. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2007, 636 p. (ill.). (Schriften des Erich Maria RemarqueArchivs, 22). 4894. HAJJI (Abderraouf). Saïd Hajji: naissance de la presse nationale Marocaine. Publication et diffusion: Mohammed HAJJI. Québec, Lebonfon Inc., 2007, 704 p. (ill.).

4884. DUNTZE (Oliver). Ein Verleger sucht sein Publikum: die Strassburger Offizin des Matthias Hupfuff (1497/98í1520). München, K.G. Saur, 2007, 508 p. (ill.). (Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens. Studien, 4).

4895. HAUG (Christine). Reisen und Lesen im Zeitalter der Industrialisierung: die Geschichte des Bahnhofs- und Verkehrsbuchhandels in Deutschland von seinen Anfängen um 1850 bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 415 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Leipziger Arbeitskreises zur Geschichte des Buchwesens, 17).

4885. Ebraismo, sionismo e antisemitismo nella stampa socialista italiana: dalla fine dell'Ottocento agli anni Sessanta. A cura di Mario TOSCANO. Venezia, Marsilio e Fondazione Modigliani, 2007, X-241 p. (Due libertà).

4896. HERNÁNDEZ CASILLAS (Horacio), VÁZQUEZ FLORES (Erika Julieta). Racismo y poder: la negación del indio en la prensa del siglo XIX. México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2007, 444 p. (Colección científica. Serie Historia).

4886. Editori e tipografi anarchici di lingua italiana tra Otto e Novecento. A cura di Claudio ALBERTANI e Maurizio ANTONIOLI. Pisa, BFS, 2007, 223 p. (Quaderni della Rivista storica dell'anarchismo, 2).

4897. HILS (Jochen). Manipuliertes Volk? Mediendemokratie und die militärische Interventionspolitik der USA am Beispiel der Kosovokriege. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, 350 p. (ill.). (Internationale Beziehungen, 5).

4887. EKSTRAND (Eva). Kaj Anderssons Morgonbris: kvinnopress, trettiotal och längtan efter fri tid. (La revue Morgonbris: presse féminine, années 1930 et désir de temps libre). Umeå, Department of Culture and Media, Umeå University, 2007, 272 p. (Medier & kommunikation, 10).

4898. HRUBÝ (Petr). ýeský realismus v exilu. O þasopise Skuteþnost (1948–1953). (Czech realism in exile. The periodical Skuteþnost, 1948–1953). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 4, p. 744-756.

4888. Érudition et polémique dans les périodiques anciens: XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles. Sous la direction de Françoise GEVREY et Alexis LÉVRIER. Reims, EPURE, 2007, 206 p. (ill.). 4889. FIGUEIRA (João). Os jornais como actores políticos: o Diário de Notícias, Expresso e Jornal novo no

4899. Impresos y libros en la historia económica de México: siglos XVIíXIX. Ed. por María del PILAR GUTIÉRREZ LORENZO. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2007, 220 p. 4900. Journalisten und Journalismus in der DDR: Berufsorganisation, Westkorrespondenten, "Der schwarze Kanal"- Hrsg. v. Jürgen WILKE. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, V313 p. (Medien in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 23).



4901. LAMBERT (Dominique). La presse catholique en Franche-Comté: Cité Fraternelle, 1944í1967. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007, 350 p. (ill., maps). (Annales littéraires de l'Université de France-Comté, 819).

4914. RESKE (Christoph). Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet: auf der Grundlage des gleichnamigen Werkes von Josef Benzing . Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, XXXI-1090 p. (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 51).

4902. Ley (La) de los profanos: delito, justicia y cultura en Buenos Aires (1870í1940). Ed. por Lila CAIMARI. Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007, 276 p. (ill.). (Sección de obras de istoria).

4915. RIGOGNE (Thierry). Between state and market. Printing and bookselling in eighteenth-century France. Oxford, Voltaire foundation, 2007, XVII-313 p.

4903. MASELLA (Luigi). Laterza dopo Croce. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, 150 p. 4904. MONDADORI (Alberto), MONDADORI (Arnoldo), PALAZZESCHI (Aldo). Carteggio, 1938í1974. A cura di Laura DIAFANI. Roma e Firenze, Edizioni di storia e letteratura e Università degli studi di Firenze, 2007, LIII-362 p. (ill.). (Carte Palazzeschi). 4905. ORUÉ POZZO (Aníbal). Periodismo en el Paraguay: estudios e interpretaciones. Asunción, Arandurã Editorial, 2007, 276 p. 4906. PANELLA (Claudio), FONTICELLI (Marcelo). La prensa de izquierda y el peronismo (1943–1949): socialistas y comunistas frente a Perón. La Plata, Edulp, 2007, 156 p. (ill.). (Colección Sociales). 4907. PARADA (Alejandro E.). Cuando los lectores nos susurran: libros, lecturas, bibliotecas, sociedad y prácticas editoriales en la Argentina. Buenos Aires, INIBI, 2007, 229 p. (Cuadernos de bibliotecología, 21). 4908. PIAZZONI (Irene). Valentino Bompiani: un editore italiano tra fascismo e dopoguerra. Milano, LED, 2007, 422 p. (Il filarete. Pubblicazioni della facoltà di lettere e filosofia. Sezione di storia medievale e moderna, 236). 4909. PINILLA GARCÍA (Alfonso). "Información" y "deformación" en la prensa: el caso del atentado contra Carrero Blanco. Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2007, 399 p. (ill.). (Colección Para dialogar con el pasado, 8). 4910. PISANO (Laura). La società della comunicazione: indagini sul giornalismo tra '800 e '900. Cagliari, CUEC, 2007, 302 p. (maps). (University Press. Studi sulla comunicazione, 1). 4911. Potere e circolazione delle idee: stampa, accademie e censura nel Risorgimento italiano: atti del convegno di studi nel bicentenario della nascita di Giuseppe Mazzini. A cura di Domenico Maria BRUNI. Prefazione di Natale GRAZIANI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007, 430 p. (La società moderna e contemporanea, 103). 4912. Presse communiste, presse radicale, 1919í 2000: passé, présent, avenir. Sous la direction de José GOTOVITCH et Anne MORELLI. Bruxelles, Aden, 2007, 353 p. (ill). 4913. RAINERO (Romain H.). Propaganda e ordini alla stampa: da Badoglio alla Repubblica sociale italiana. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 308 p. (Studi e ricerche di storia dell'editoria, 37).

4916. Rivista Botteghe oscure (La) e Marguerite Caetani: la corrispondenza con gli autori stranieri, 1948í 1960. Direzione di Jacqueline RISSET. Roma "L'Erma" di Bretschneider e Fondazione Camillo Caetani, 2007 (ill.). (Pubblicazioni della Fondazione Camillo Caetani. Studi e documenti d'archivio, 13). 4917. ROBIN (Diana). Publishing women. Salons, the presses, and the Counter-Reformation in sixteenthcentury Italy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XXVIII-365 p. 4918. RODRÍGUEZ INFIESTA (Víctor). Socialización política y prensa de masas: el proceso de la opinión pública en Asturias, 1898í1923. Oviedo, Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 2007, 535 p. (ill.). 4919. RUTZ (Rainer). Signal: eine deutsche Auslandsillustrierte als Propagandainstrument im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 446 p. (ill.). 4920. SABATO (Milena). Poteri censori: disciplina e circolazione libraria nel Regno di Napoli fra '700 e '800. Prefazione di Giuseppe GALASSO. Galatina, Congedo, 2007, 223 p. (ill.). (Saggi e ricerche, 70). 4921. SAINT-PIERRE (Jocelyn). Histoire de la Tribune de la presse à Québec, 1871í1959. Préface de Gisèle GALLICHAN et Gilles NORMAND. Montréal, VLB, 2007, 315 p. (ill.). (Études québécoises; 76). 4922. SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA (Encarnación). Imprenta y cultura en la Nápoles virreinal: los signos de la presencia española. Firenze, Alinea, 2007, 187 p. (ill.). (Secoli d'oro, 53). 4923. SANTAGATA (Silvia). Gli opinionmaker liberali inglesi, il fascismo e la Società delle nazioni. A cura di Gian Mario BRAVO. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 380 p. (Collana "Gioele Solari", 49). 4924. SCHRAMM (Martin). Das Deutschlandbild in der britischen Presse, 1912–1919. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 598 p. (ill.). 4925. SHER (Richard B.). The Englightenment and the book. Scottish authors and their publishers in eighteenth-century Britain, Ireland and America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XXVI-815 p. 4926. SIEMENS (Daniel). Metropole und Verbrechen: die Gerichtsreportage in Berlin, Paris und Chicago, 1919í1933. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 444 p. (ill.). (Transatlantische historische Studien, 32). 4927. Sport et presse en France: XIXeíXXe siècles. Sous la direction de Evelyne COMBEAU-MARI. Paris, Publieur, 2007, 431 p.

5. PHILOSOPHY 4928. TƗrƯkh-i mabnj'Ɨt-i AfghƗnistƗn: az Shams alNahƗr tƗ JumhnjrƯyat (1863–1973). (History of printing press of Afghanistan). Ta'lƯf-i 'Abd al-Rasnjl RAHƮN. Stockholm, ShnjrƗ-yi FarhangƯ-i AfghƗnistƗn, 2007, [s. p.]. (Silsilah-i NasharƗt-i ShnjrƗ-yi FarhangƯ-i AfghƗnistƗn, 12). 4929. THÉRENTY (Marie-Ève). La littérature au quotidien. Poétiques journalistiques du XIXe siècle. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2007, 401 p. 4930. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola), VITTORIA (Albertina). Storia degli editori italiani: dall'unità alla fine degli anni Sessanta. Roma, Laterza, 2007, XII-578 p. (Biblioteca storica Laterza). 4931. TREPP (Gian). Bertelsmann: eine deutsche Geschichte. Zürich, Unionsverlag, 2007, 313 p. (ill.). 4932. VIDAL (Natalia I.). La construcción de legitimidad editorial: los proyectos editoriales de las revistas Die Fackel, Der Sturm y Martín Fierro: metrópoli y literatura. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2007, 227 p. (ill.). (Colección Comunicación y crítica cultural). 4933. WALLRATH-JANSSEN (Anne-M.). Der Verlag H. Goverts im Dritten Reich. München, Saur, 2007, 497 p. (ill.). (Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens. Studien, 5). 4934. WILKE (Jürgen). Presseanweisungen im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert: Erster Weltkrieg, Drittes Reich, DDR. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, VII-348 p. (ill.). (Medien in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 24). 4935. ZAGARRIO (Vito). "Primato": arte, cultura, cinema del fascismo attraverso una rivista esemplare. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2007, 280 p. (Politica e storia, 58). 4936. Zensur im Jahrhundert der Aufklãrung: Geschichte-Theorie-Praxis. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm HAEFS und York-Gothart MIX. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 454 p. (ill.). (Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 12). 4937. ZIMMERMANN (Clemens). Medien im Nationalsozialismus. Deutschland 1933–1945, Italien 1922– 1943, Spanien 1936–1951. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 316 p. Cf. nos 58-87, 3327, 3381, 3697, 4146, 4187, 4201, 6231, 6624 § 5. Philosophy. _______________________

a. General 4938. ANTONI (Carlo). Il problema della filosofia moderna e lo storicismo. Presentazione di Michele BISCIONE. Napoli, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, 2007, 316 p. (Momenti e problemi della storia del pensiero, 28). 4939. LESTITION (Steven). Countering, transposing, or negating the Enlightenment? A response to Robert Norton. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 659-681. [Cf. no 4942].


4940. MORANI (Roberto). Soggetto e modernità: Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger interpreti di Cartesio. Presentazione di Mario RUGGENINI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007, 405 p. (Filosofia, 184). 4941. MORAT (Daniel). Von der Tat zur Gelassenheit: konservatives Denken bei Martin Heidegger, Ernst Jünger und Friedrich Georg Jünger; 1920–1960. Göttingen, Wallstein-Verl., 2007, 592 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Zeitgeschichtlichen Arbeitskreises Niedersachsen, 24). 4942. NORTON (Robert E.). The myth of the counterEnlightenment. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 635-658. [Cf. no 4939]. 4943. ROSSET (Nathalie). Popular philosophy in early nineteenth-century Scotland. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2007, 27, 2, p. 150-169. Cf. nos 553-583, 720-724 b. Special studies 4944. Hannah Arendt: das private Adressbuch 1951–1975. Hrsg. v. Christine FISCHER-DEFOY. Leipzig, Koehler & Amelang, 2007, 240 p. (ill., maps). – Hannah Arendt: verborgene Tradition, unzeitgemäße Aktualität? Hrsg. v. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Stefanie ROSENMÜLLER und Robert FURLONG. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 371 p. (ill.). (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Sonderband, 16). – ROMBERG (Regine). Athen, Rom oder Philadelphia? Die politischen Städte im Denken Hannah Arendts. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 256 p. 4945. BAYLE (Pierre). Correspondance de Pierre Bayle. Tome 5 Août 1684–fin juillet 1685, lettres 309450. Publiées et annotées par Elisabeth LABROUSSE, avec la collaboration de Eric-Olivier LOCHARD. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2007 (ill.). 4946. SCHWARTZBERG (Melissa). Jeremy Bentham on fallibility and infallibility. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 563-585. 4947. Alchemy (The) of extremes: the laboratory of the Eroici furori of Giordano Bruno. Ed. by Eugenio CANONE and Ingrid D. ROWLAND. Pisa, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2007, 172 p. (ill.). (Bruniana & campanelliana. Supplementi, 16. Studi, 8). – BRUNO (Giordano). Centoventi articoli sulla natura e sull'universo contro i peripatetici: Centum et viginti articuli de natura et mundo adversus Peripateticos. A cura di Eugenio CANONE. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2007, XXII-43 p. (Bruniana & Campanelliana. Supplementi, 19. Testi, 5). – BRUNO (Giordano). Opere italiane. Commento di Giovanni AQUILECCHIA. Torino, UTET, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). (Classici italiani, 42). – Favole, metafore, storie: seminario su Giordano Bruno. Introduzione di Michele CILIBERTO. A cura di Olivia CATANORCHI e Diego PIRILLO. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, XXX-731 p. (ill.). (Seminari e convegni, 10). – TESSICINI (Dario). I dintorni dell'infinito: Giordano Bruno e l'astronomia del Cinquecento. Pisa, F. Serra, 2007, 205 p. (ill.). (Bruniana & campanelliana. Supplementi, 20. Studi, 9).



4948. O'NEILL (Daniel I.). The Burke-Wollstonecraft debate. Savagery, civilization, and democracy. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P, 2007, XII-291 p. 4949. FOPPA PEDRETTI (Caterina). Bibliografia primaria e secondaria di Aldo Capitini, 1926–2007. Milano, V&P, 2007, XII-191 p. (Pedagogia e scienze dell'educazione. Contributi. Vita e pensiero. Strumenti). 4950. CASSIRER (Ernst). Aufsätze und kleine Schriften (1941–1946).Text und Anmerkungen bearbeitet von Claus ROSENKRANZ. Hamburg, F. Meiner, 2007 (Gesammelte Werke, Hamburger Ausgabe. Ernst Cassirer, Bd. 24). – CASSIRER (Ernst). The myth of the state. Text und Anmerkungen bearbeitet von Maureen LUKAY. Hamburg, F. Meiner, 2007, VI-327 p. (Gesammelte Werke, Hamburger Ausgabe. Ernst Cassirer, Bd. 25). – CHOI (Kyeong-Seop). Im Dialog mit den Wissenschaften: phänomenologische und neukantianische Wissenschaftsphilosophie bei Husserl und Cassirer. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 214 p. (ill.). (Epistemata, 436. Reihe Philosophie). 4951. COLUSSI (Davide). Tra grammatica e logica: saggio sulla lingua di Benedetto Croce. Pisa, F. Serra, 2007, 362 p. (Italiana, 4). – CROCE (Benedetto), CURTOPASSI (Maria). Dialogo su Dio: carteggio 1941–1952. A cura di Giovanni RUSSO. Milano, Archinto, 2007, 179 p. (ill.). – CROCE (Benedetto), MAZZONI (Guido). Carteggio: 1893–1942. A cura di Michele MONSERRATI. Firenze, Società editrice fiorentina, 2007, XLII-143 p. (ill.). (Quaderni Aldo Palazzeschi; nuova ser., 17). – CROCE (Benedetto). Scritti su Francesco De Sanctis. A cura di Teodoro TAGLIAFERRI e Fulvio TESSITORE. Napoli, Giannini, 2007, 2 vol., CCCXV-627 p. (Fonti e ricerche per la storia sociale e culturale del Mezzogiorno d'Italia, 12). 4952. ALBAGLI (Nicole). Descartes et les fondements de l'anthropologie. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 90 p. (L'ouverture philosophique). – ANGELINI (Elisa). Le idee e le cose: la teoria della percezione di Descartes. Pisa, ETS, 2007, 268 p. (Philosophica, 31). – Enjeux (Les) du rationalisme moderne: Descartes, Locke et Leibniz: actes du colloque organisé à Beït al Hikma du 24 au 27 janvier 2004 sous la direction de Tahar BEN GUIZA. Carthage, Académie tunisienne des sciences, des lettres et des arts (Beït al Hikma), Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales de Tunis, Laboratoire PHILAB, 2007, 431 p. – GASPARRI (Giuliano). Le grand paradoxe de M. Descartes: la teoria cartesiana delle verità eterne nell'Europa del XVII secolo. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2007, XXXIV-315 p. (Corrispondenze letterarie, scientifiche ed erudite dal rinascimento all'età moderna. Subsidia, 8). – SCARAVELLI (Luigi). Scritti su Cartesio. A cura di Giuseppe D'ACUNTO. Prefazione di Raffaele BRUNO. Milano, F. Angeli, 2007, 245 p. (Cultura, scienza e società, 32). – WLADIKA (Michael). Breite des Ichs: systematische Studien zu Descartes. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 263 p. 4953. MAURSETH (Anne Beate). L'analogie et le probable: pensée et écriture chez Denis Diderot. Ox-

ford, Voltaire Foundation, 2007, VIII-226 p. (ill.). (SVEC, 2007:09). 4954. Foucault. Dossier. Prés. de Paolo NAPOLI. Annales, 2007, 62, 5, p. 1121-1182. [BÜTTGEN (Philippe). Théologie politique et pouvoir pastoral. – GRENIER (Jean-Yves), ORLÉAN (André). Michel Foucault, l'économie politique et le libéralisme]. – LEGRAND (Stéphane). Les normes chez Foucault. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, VI-316 p. 4955. ANGLANI (Bartolo). Solitudine di Gramsci: politica e poetica del carcere. Roma, Donzelli, 2007. XX-330 p. (Saggi. Arti e lettere). – BARATTA (Giorgio). Antonio Gramsci in contrappunto: dialoghi col presente. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 301 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 417. Per Gramsci, 7). – GRAMSCI (Antonio). Nel mondo grande e terribile: antologia di scritti 1914í1935. A cura di Giuseppe VACCA. Torino, Einaudi, 2007, XCIV-322 p. (Einaudi tascabili, 1456. Saggi). – GRAMSCI (Antonio). Quaderni del carcere. Quaderni di traduzioni (1929í1932). A cura di Giuseppe COSPITO e Gianni FRANCIONI. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 2007. 4956. Französische Hegel (Der). Hrsg. v. Ulrich Johannes SCHNEIDER. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, 251 p. (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Sonderband, 12). – HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich). Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Kunst. Hrsg. v. Annemarie GETHMANN-SIEFERT. Hamburg, Meiner, 2007, XLVI-389 p. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 550). – HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich). Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Natur: Berlin 1825/26. Nachgeschrieben von Heinrich Wilhelm DOVE. Hrsg. v. Karol BAL. Hamburg, Meiner, 2007XLV-217 p. (Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770 1831. Lectures. Selections, 17). – KERVÉGAN (JeanFrançois). L'effectif et le rationnel: Hegel et l'esprit objectif. Paris, J. Vrin, 2007, 407 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle série). – LINSER (Bernhard Karl). Weltgeist und Weltpolitik. Hegels Philosophie des Staates und der internationalen Beziehungen. Herbolzheim, Centaurus, 2007, 378 p. (Sozialwissenschaften, 25). – Logik (Von der) zur Sprache. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger BUBNER und Gunnar HINDRICHS. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2007, 698 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Hegel-Vereinigung, 24). – ORTEGA Y GASSET (José). Hegel: notas de trabajo. Ed. por Domingo HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ. Madrid, Fundación Ortega y Gasset, Abada, 2007, 216 p. (Lecturas de filosofía). – ROMETSCH (Jens). Hegels Theorie des erkennenden Subjekts: systematische Untersuchungen zur enzyklopädischen Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 272 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie, 441). – SALVUCCI (Pasquale). Lezioni sulla hegeliana filosofia della storia. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007, 126 p. 4957. PARKIN (Jon). Taming the leviathan. The reception of the political and religious ideas of Thomas Hobbes in England, 1640–1700. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 449 p. 4958. HUME (David). A dissertation on the passions: The natural history of religion. Ed. by Tom L.

5. PHILOSOPHY BEAUCHAMP. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2007, CXXXV317 p. (The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume). – HUME (David). A treatise of human nature. Ed. by David Fate NORTON and Mary J. NORTON. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2007, 2 vol., XVI-1173 p. (Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume). – HUME (David). An enquiry concerning human understanding. Ed. with an introduction and notes by Peter MILLICAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XLV-238 p. (Oxford world's classics). – LI (Ching-Shui). La régularité, l'ordre, et le sensualisme chez David Hume. Paris, Publibook, 2007, 387 p. – LI (Ching-Shui). Le miracle et l'ordre dans la première enquête de David Hume. Paris, Publibook, 2007, 254 p. – SIMHA (Suzanne). Comprendre Hume. Paris, Armand Colin, 2007, X-256 p. (Cursus. Philosophie). 4959. PHILLIPS (Paul T.). One world, one faith: the quest for unity in Julian Huxley's religion of evolutionary humanism. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 613-633. 4960. Kant em Portugal, 1974í2004. Organização Leonel Ribeiro dos SANTOS. Lisboa, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2007, 517 p. (Studia, 1). – Kant-Bibliographie 1896í1944. Begründet von Rudolf MALTER. Hrsg. v. von Margit RUFFING unter Mitarbeit von Paul MATTERER. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann, 2007, XIV-427 p. (Veröffentlichungen der KantForschungsstelle am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Mainz). – LOOCK (Reinhard). Schwebende Einbildungskraft: Konzeptionen theoretischer Freiheit in der Philosophie Kants, Fichtes und Schelling. ௅ Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 508 p. – LOSURDO (Domenico). Autocensura e compromesso nel pensiero politico di Kant. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2007, 251 p. (Saggi Bibliopolis, 93). – MARINI (Giuliano). La filosofia cosmopolitica di Kant. A cura di Nico DE FEDERICIS, Maria Chiara PIEVATOLO. Roma, Laterza, 2007, XXI-278 p. (Percorsi, 103). – RUMORE (Paola). L'ordine delle idee: la genesi del concetto di rappresentazione in Kant attraverso le sue fonti wolffiane (1747– 1787). Firenze Le Lettere, 2007, 306 p. (Giornale critico della filosofia italiana. Quaderni, 15). – Was ist und was sein soll: Natur und Freiheit bei Immanuel Kant. Hrsg. v. Udo KERN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XIII-548 p. (ill.). – WUNSCH (Matthias). Einbildungskraft und Erfahrung bei Kant. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2007, XI-285 p. (Kantstudien, 155 Ergänzungshefte). 4961. DAWSON (Hannah). Locke, language and earlymodern philosophy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 361 p. 4962. GAILLE (Marie). Machiavel et la tradition philosophique. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 155 p. (Philosophies, 192). – JURDJEVIC (Mark). Machiavelli's hybrid republicanism. English historical review, 2007, 122, 499, p. 1228-1257. – Machiavelli nel XIX e XX secolo: Machiavel aux XIXe et XXe siècles: giornate di studio organizzate dal Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche di Trento, l'Université Paris 8 e l'ENS-LSH de Lyon, Lione, 3–4 giugno 2003, Parigi, 5–7 giugno


2004. A cura di Paolo CARTA e Xavier TABET. Padova, CEDAM, 2007, VI-369 p. (Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Università di Trento, 67). 4963. ELLUL (Jacques). Les successeurs de Marx: cours professé à l'Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux. Mis en forme et annoté par Michel HOURCADE, Jean-Pierre JÉZÉQUEL et Gérard PAUL. Paris, Table ronde, 2007, 218 p. (Contretemps). – Geld, Kapital, Wert: zum 150. Jahrestag der Niederschrift von Marx' ökonomischen Manuskripten 1857/58 Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Hrsg. v. Carl-Erich VOLLGRAF, Richard SPERL und Rolf HECKER. Hamburg, Argument, 2007, 319 p. (ill). (Beiträge zur Marx-EngelsForschung). – LEOPOLD (David). The young Karl Marx. German philosophy, modern politics, and human flourishing. Cambrige, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 315 p. – MACCHIORO (Aurelio). Keynes, Marx e l'Italia. A cura di Luca MICHELINI. Prefazione di Giuseppe VACCA. Roma, Carocci, 2007, XII-316 p. (Annali della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, 14). – MARX (Karl), ENGELS (Friedrich). Exzerpte und Notizen: September 1853 bis Januar 1855. Bearbeitet von Manfred NEUHAUS und Claudia REICHEL. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 2 vol., XVII-1745 p. (Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), Bd. 12 4 Abt., Exzerpte. Notizen. Marginalien). – MARX (Karl). Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte. Kommentar von Hauke BRUNKHORST. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2007, 329 p. (Suhrkamp Studienbibliothek, 3). – TARCUS (Horacio). Marx en la Argentina: sus primeros lectores obreros, intelectuales y científicos. Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2007, 542 p. (ill.). (Sociología y política). 4964. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat). Geographica. Sous la direction de Catherine VOLPILHACAUGER. Textes établis, présentés et annotés par Sylviane ALBERTAN-COPPOLA. Coordination éditoriale Caroline VERDIER. Oxford et Napoli, Voltaire Foundation et Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, 2007, XLVIII449 p. (Œuvres complètes de Montesquieu, 16). 4965. CREMASCHI (Sergio). L'etica moderna: dalla riforma a Nietzsche. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 333 p. (Studi superiori, 538). – HEIDEGGER (Martin). 1. Nietzsches Metaphysik: 2. Einleitung in die Philosophie. Denken und Dichtung. Hrsg. v. Petra JAEGER. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2007, VII-162 p. (Gesamtausgabe. Martin Heidegger Bd. 50 II. Abteilung, Vorlesungen 1919–1944). – Nietzsche und Europa, Nietzsche in Europa. Hrsg. von Volker GERHARDT und Renate RESCHKE. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 282 p. (Nietzscheforschung, 14). 4966. REINHOLD (Karl Leonhard). Gesammelte Schriften: kommentierte Ausgabe. Band 2. Teil 1. Briefe über die kantische Philosophie. Hrsg. v. Martin BONDELI. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2007, 349 p. 4967. Paul Ricœur et les sciences humaines. Sous la dir. de Christian DELACROIX, François DOSSE et Patrick GARCIA. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 250 p. 4968. LEPAN (Géraldine). Jean-Jacques Rousseau et le patriotisme. Paris, Champion, 2007, 538 p. (Les dix-



huitièmes siècles, 110). – Lire la correspondance de Rousseau: actes du colloque international de Paris, 28, 29 et 30 novembre 2002. Textes rassemblès et édités par Jacques BERCHTOLD et Yannick SÉITÉ. Genéve, Droz, 2007, 551 p. (Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 47). 4969. BLUMENBERG (Hans), SCHMITT (Carl). Briefwechsel 1971í1978 und weitere Materialien. Hrsg. v. Alexander SCHMITZ und Marcel LEPPER. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2007, 309 p. – FORSTHOFF (Ernst), SCHMITT (Carl). Briefwechsel Ernst Forsthoff-Carl Schmitt (1926–1974). Hrsg. v. Dorothee MUSSGNUG, Reinhard MUSSGNUG und Angela REINTHAL. In Zusammenarbeit mit Gerd GIESLER und Jürgen Tröger. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, XII-592 p. (ill.). – JÜNGER (Gretha), SCHMITT (Carl). Briefwechsel Gretha Jünger, Carl Schmitt: 1934í1953. Hrsg. v. Ingeborg VILLINGER und Alexander JASER. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, 240 p., (ill.). – MONOD (Jean-Claude). Penser l'ennemi, affronter l'exception: réflexions critiques sur l'actualité de Carl Schmitt. Paris, Découverte, 2007, 191 p. – SCHMITT (Carl), FEUCHTWANGER (Ludwig). Briefwechsel 1918í1935. Hrsg. v. Rolf RIESS. Mit einem Vorwort von Edgar J. FEUCHTWANGER. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 447 p. – Staat (Der) des Dezisionismus: Carl Schmitt in der internationalen Debatte. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger VOIGT. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, 263 p. (Staatsverständnisse, 14). 4970. BAQUEDANO JER (Sandra). Wille zur Phantasie: Versuch das "Nichts" bei Schopenhauer auszuloten. Frankfurt am Main und Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 240 p. (Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Bd. 63). 4971. BARBARAS (Françoise). Spinoza: la science mathématique du salut. Paris, CNRS, 2007, 205 p. (ill.). – SPINOZA (Baruch). Tractatus theologico-politicus. Trattato teologico politico. A cura di Pina TOTARO. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2007, XLVII-750 p. (Benedictus de Spinoza. Opere. Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici). – Spinoza au XIXe siècle: actes des journées d'études organisées à la Sorbonne, 9 et 16 mars, 23 et 30 novembre 1997. Sous la direction d'André TOSEL, Pierre-François MOREAU et Jean SALEM. présentation par André TOSEL. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 490 p. (Publications de la Sorbonne, 15). – Spinoza, ricerche e prospettive: per una storia dello spinozismo in Italia: atti delle Giornate di studio in ricordo di Emilia Giancotti, Urbino, 2í4 ottobre 2002. A cura di Daniela BOSTRENGHI e Cristina SANTINELLI. Introduzione di Cristina SANTINELLI. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2007, 707 p. (ill.). (Serie studi. Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, 34). – WESTSTEIJN (Thijs). Spinoza sinicus: an Asian paragraph in the history of the radical Enlightenment. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 537-561. 4972. ALTMAN (William H. F.). Leo Strauss on "German Nihilism": learning the art of writing. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 4, p. 587-612. 4973. BROGAN (Hugh). Alexis de Tocqueville. A life. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 724 p.

4974. VOLTAIRE (François-Marie Arouet). Les œuvres complètes de Voltaire 18A. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2007, XXV-336 p. (ill.). 4975. FRASCOLLA (Pasquale). Understanding Wittgenstein's Tractatus. London, Routledge, 2007, XIII244 p. – HALAIS (Emmanuel). Wittgenstein et l'énigme de l'existence: la forme et l'expression. Préface de Allan JANIK. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, XI-270 p. (Science, histoire et société). § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. ** 4976. LEVALLOIS (Anne). Une psychanalyste dans l'histoire. Paris, Campagne Première, 2007, 279 p. _______________________

4977. Alfred Maury, érudit et rêveur. Les sciences de l'homme au milieu du XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Jacqueline CARROY et Nathalie RICHARD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 204 p. 4978. ARMOGATHE (Jean Robert). La nature du monde: science nouvelle et exégèse au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 289 p. (Epiméthée). 4979. ARONOWITZ (Robert A.). Unnatural history. Breast cancer and American society. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-366 p. 4980. Arts et sciences à la Renaissance. Ed. par Evelyne BARBIN. Paris, Ellipses, 2007, 318 p. (ill.). 4981. AUGUSTINE (Dolores L.). Red Prometheus: engineering and dictatorship in East Germany, 1945– 1990. Cambridge a. London, MIT Press, 2007, XXX381 p. (ill.). (Transformations). 4982. BAFFIGI (Alberto). Cultura statistica e cultura politica: l'Italia nei primi decenni unitari. Roma, Banca d'Italia, 2007, 86 p. (Quaderni dell'Ufficio Ricerche Storiche). 4983. BARTZ (Olaf). Der Wissenschaftsrat: Entwicklungslinien der Wissenschaftspolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1957–2007. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, 312 p. (ill.). (Geschichte). 4984. BERTUCCI (Paola). Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie: scienza e curiosità nell'Italia del Settecento. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007, 294 p. (ill.). (Nuova cultura, 161). 4985. BONAH (Christian). Histoire de l'expérimentation humaine en France: discours et pratiques en France, 1900í1940. Préface de Susan E. LEDERER. Paris, Belles lettres, 2007, 423 p. (Médecine & sciences humaines, 6). 4986. BOOTH (Alan). The management of technical change. Automation in the UK and USA since 1950. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XI-274 p. 4987. BRATTAIN (Michelle). Race, racism, and antiracism: UNESCO and the politics of presenting science to the postwar public. American historical review, 2007, 112, 5, p. 1386-1413.

6. EXACT, NATURAL, MEDICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNIQUE 4988. BRUZZANITI (Giuseppe). Enrico Fermi: il genio obbediente. Torino, Einaudi, 2007, XIII-386 p. (ill.). 4989. BUCCIANTINI (Massimo). Galileo e Keplero: filosofia, cosmologia e teologia nell'Età` della Controriforma. Torino, Einaudi, 2007, XXVIII-359 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca Einaudi, 227. Storia). 4990. BUELTZINGSLOEWEN (Isabelle von). L'hécatombe des fous. La famine dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques français sous l'Occupation. Paris, Aubier, 2007, 512 p. (Collection historique). 4991. BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc). Oeuvres. Ed. par Stéphane SCHMITT. Paris, Gallimard, 2007 (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 532). 4992. CHAPERON (Sylvie). Les origines de la sexologie, 18501900. Paris, Louis Audibert, 2007, 287 p. 4993. COHEN (Daniel J.). Equations from God. Pure mathematics and Victorian faith. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, X-242 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in the history of mathematics). 4994. COOK (Harold J.). Matters of exchange. Commerce, medicine, and science in the Dutch golden age. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XIV-562 p. 4995. COOPER (Alix). Inventing the indigenous. Local knowledge and natural history in early Modern Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-218 p.


5004. EDGERTON (David). The shock of the old. Technology and global history since 1900. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-270 p. 5005. EHRENREICH (Eric). The nazi ancestral proof. Genealogy, racial science, and the final solution. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XX-234 p. 5006. EINSTEIN (Albert). The essential Einstein: his greatest works. Ed. by Stephen HAWKING. London, Penguin, 2007, XI-468 p. (ill.). 5007. FAIRCHILD (Amy L.), BAYER (Ronald), COL(James). Searching eyes. Privacy, the state, and disease surveillance in America. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XXIV-342 p. (California/milbank books on health and the public). GROVE

5008. FERRONE (Vincenzo). Una scienza per l'uomo: illuminismo e rivoluzione scientifica nell'Europa del Settecento. Torino, UTET, 2007, XXII-375 p. (ill.). 5009. Fisico sublime (Il): Amedeo Avogadro e la cultura scientifica del primo Ottocento. A cura di Marco CIARDI. Bologna, Il mulino, 2007, 271 p. (Prismi). 5010. GENERALI (Dario). Antonio Vallisneri: gli anni della formazione e le prime ricerche. Firenze, Olschki, 2007, XIV-466 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca dell'Edizione nazionale delle opere di Antonio Vallisneri, 2).

4996. CROWTHER (M. Anne), DUPREE (Marguerite W.). Medical lives in the age of surgical revolution. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-425 p. (Cambridge studies in population, economy, and society in past time, 43).

5011. Genesis (The) of general relativity: the promise of mathematics. Volume 4. Gravitation in the twilight of classical physics. Ed. by Jurgen RENN and Matthias SCHEMMEL. Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, 250).

4997. CUETO (Marcos). Cold war, deadly fevers: malaria eradication in Mexico, 1955–1975. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press a. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XVI-264 p. (ill.).

5012. Geschichte (Zur) der Geowissenschaften in der DDR. Hrsg. v. Olaf HARTMANN, Martin GUNTAU und Werner PÄLCHEN. Ostklüne, Stör, 2007, 421 p. (ill., maps). (Schriftenreihe für Geowissenschaften, 16).

4998. CUEVAS CARDONA (Consuelo). Ciencia de punta en el Instituto Bacteriológico Nacional (1905– 1921). Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 1, p. 53-89.

5013. GOMIS BLANCO (Alberto), JOSA LLORCA (Jaume). Bibliografía crítica ilustrada de las obras de Darwin en España, 1857í2005. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007, 439 p. (ill.). (Estudios sobre la ciencia, 42).

4999. CURTIS (Heather D.). Faith in the great physician. Suffering and divine healing in American culture, 1860–1900. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XIV269 p. (Lived religions). 5000. DALGALARRONDO (Sébastien). Savoir thérapeutique et logique commerciale. Le cas de l'AZT. Annales, 2007, 62, 2, p. 299-326. 5001. DELSOL (Michel). Darwin, le hasard et Dieu. Présentation et postface de Jean-Michel MALDAMÉ. Paris, Vrin, 2007, 142 p. (Science, histoire, philosophie).

5014. GREENE (Benjamin P.). Eisenhower, science advice, and the nuclear test-ban debate, 1945–1963. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XIII-358 p. 5015. HANKE (Christine). Zwischen Auflösung und Fixierung: zur Konstitution von "Rasse" und "Geschlecht" in der physischen Anthropologie um 1900. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007, 293 p. (ill.). (Science studies).

5002. DUTTON (Paul V.). Differential diagnoses. A comparative history of health care problems and solutions in the United States and France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XIV-253 p. (Culture and politics of health care work).

5016. HANSSON (Sara). I den goda vårdens namn: sinnesslövård i 1950-talets Sverige. (Au nom de la bonne prophylaxie: le traitement des "faibles d'esprit" dans les années cinquante en Suède). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2007, 206 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 229).

5003. ECKART (Wolfgang Uwe), JÜTTE (Robert). Medizingeschichte: eine Einführung. Köln, Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 378 p. (Uni-Taschenbücher, 2903).

5017. HARKNESS (Deborah E.). The jewel house. Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XVIII-349 p.



5018. HART (Mitchell B.). The healthy Jew. The symbiosis of Judaism and modern medicine. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-264 p. 5019. HAURAY (Boris), URFALINO (Philippe). Expertise scientifique et intérêts nationaux. L'évaluation européenne des médicaments 1965–2000. Annales, 2007, 62, 2, p. 273-298. 5020. HEILBRON (John. L.). Advancements of learning: essays in honour of Paolo Rossi. Firenze, Olschki, 2007, VIII-275 p. (Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi, 62). 5021. HODACS (Hanna), NYBERG (Kenneth). Naturalhistoria på resande fot: om att forska, undervisa och göra karriär i 1700-talets Sverige. (L'Histoire naturelle à pied: chercher, enseigner et faire carrière dans la Suède du 18e siècle). Stockholm, Nordic Academic Press, 2007, 264 p. 5022. HOTSON (Howard). Commonplace learning. Ramism and its German ramifications, 1543–1630. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-333 p. (OxfordWarburg studies). 5023. Innovationsgeschichte. Erträge der 21. Arbeitstagung der Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 30. März bis 2. April 2005 in Regensburg. Hrsg. v. Rolf WALTER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 362 p. (VSWG, 188). 5024. JACOBSEN (Kurt), LARSEN (Klaus). Ve og velfærd, læger, sundhed og samfund gennem 200 år. (Maux et bien-être: médecins, santé et société depuis deux siècles au Danemark). København, Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2007, 536 p. (ill.). 5025. JANKO (Jan). VČda v renesanci a novovČku. (Science in Renaissance and modern times). PlzeĖ, Západoþeská univerzita, 2007, 100 p. 5026. JEATER (Diana). Law, language, and science. The invention of the "native mind" in Southern Rhodesia, 1890–1930. Portsmouth, Heinemann, 2007, XXI273 p. (Social history of africa). 5027. KASSUNG (Christian). Das Pendel: eine Wissensgeschichte. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2007, 426 p. (ill.). 5028. KELLER (Richard C.). Colonial madness. Psychiatry in French North Africa. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XI-294 p. 5029. KIISKINEN (Terhi). Sigfrid Aronus Forsius: astronomer and philosopher of nature. Bern, Peter Lang, 2007, 537 p., ill. (Europäische Studien zur Ideen- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. European Studies in the History of Science and Ideas, 15). 5030. KÖNIG (Wolfgang). Wilhelm II und die Moderne. Der Kaiser und die technisch-industrielle Welt. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2007, 330 p. 5031. Kreationismus in Deutschland: Fakten und Analysen. Hrsg. v. Ulrich KUTSCHERA. Berlin, Lit, 2007,

370 p. (ill.). (Science and religion, 1. Naturwissenschaft und Glaube, 1). 5032. LAISSUS (Yves). Buffon, la nature en majesté. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 127 p. (ill.). (Découvertes, 504. Sciences et techniques). 5033. LAMY (Jérôme). L'observatoire de Toulouse aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: archéologie d'un espace savant. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 537 p. (Collection "Histoire"). 5034. LANGNER (Rainer-K.). Kopernikus in der Verbotenen Stadt: wie der Jesuit Johannes Schreck das Wissen der Ketzer nach China brachte. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2007, 311 p. (ill.). 5035. LESCH (John E.). The first miracle drugs. How the sulfa drugs transformed medicine. New York, Oxford U. p., 2007, X-364 p. 5036. LIGHTMAN (Bernard). Victorian popularizers of science. Designing nature for new audiences. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVI-545 p. 5037. LIST (Elisabeth). Vom Darstellen zum Herstellen: eine Kulturgeschichte der Naturwissenschaften. Weilerswist, Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2007, 254 p. 5038. MACKIE (Robin). Counting chemists: the distribution of chemical expertise in Scotland in the first half of the twentieth century. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2007, 27, 1, p. 48-74. 5039. MAGUIRE (Richard). Scientific dissent amid the United Kingdom government's nuclear weapons programme. History workshop journal, 2007, 63, p. 113135. 5040. Männlichkeit und Gesundheit im historischen Wandel: ca. 1800–ca. 2000. Hrsg. v. Martin DINGES. Interdisziplinäre Tagung "Männlichkeit und Gesundheit im historischen Wandel 1850–2000"; (Stuttgart): 2005. 10. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 398 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 27). 5041. MAZAURIC (Simone). Fontenelle et l'invention de l'histoire des sciences à l'aube des Lumières. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 390 p. (Histoire de la pensée). 5042. MAZZOTTI (Massimo). The world of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, mathematician of God. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XX-217 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in the history of mathematics). 5043. Medicine and religion in enlightenment Europe. Ed. by Ole Peter GRELL and Andrew CUNNINGHAM. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 267 p. (History of medicine in context). 5044. Medicine and the market in England and its colonies, c. 1450c. 1850. Ed. by Mark S.R. JENNER and Patrick WALLIS. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-269 p. 5045. MICHL (Susanne). Im Dienste des "Volkskörpers": deutsche und französische Ärzte im Ersten Weltkrieg. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 307 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 177).



5046. MORENO CORRAL (Marco Arturo). Las ciencias exactas en México: época colonial. México, UACM, 2007, 196 p. (Ciencia y sociedad).

1878 bis 1950. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 288 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 178).

5047. MOSLEY (Adam). Bearing the heavens. Tycho Brahe and the astronomical community of the late sixteenth century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV354 p.

5062. Scienze e storia nell'Italia del Novecento. A cura di Claudio POGLIANO. Pisa, Plus-Pisa U. P., 2007, 383 p. (Linee di confine, 2).

5048. NIEDERHUT (Jens). Wissenschaftsaustausch im Kalten Krieg: die ostdeutschen Naturwissenschaftler und der Westen. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, VII-374 p. (Kölner historische Abhandlungen, 45). 5049. O'CONNOR (Ralph). The earth on show. Fossils and the poetics of popular science, 1802–1856. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIII-541 p. 5050. Origine (All') della scienza moderna: Federico Cesi e l'Accademia dei Lincei. A cura di Andrea BATTISTINI, Gilberto DE ANGELIS e Giuseppe OLMI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 479 p. (ill.). (Percorsi). 5051. PASSETTI (Cristina). Verso la rivoluzione: scienza e politica nel Regno di Napoli, 1784í1794. Presentazione di Anna Maria RAO. Napoli, Vivarium, 2007, XXIV-284 p. (Libertà, eguaglianza, 15) 5052. PEPE (Luigi). Rinascita di una scienza: matematica e matematici in Italia (1715í1814). Bologna, CLUEB, 2007, 255 p. 5053. PONT (Jean-Claude). Pour comprendre le XIXe: histoire et philosophie des sciences à la fin du siècle. Firenze, Olschki, XLVIII-543 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire des sciences, 9). 5054. PROCHÁZKA (Ivan). ýeskoslovenští lékaĜi ve službách Britské armády v letech 1940–1945. (Czechoslovak physicians in the British Army in 1940–1945). Historie a vojenství, 2007, 56, 2, p. 4-36. 5055. PURSELL (Carroll). Technology in postwar America. A history. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XVI-280 p. 5056. RADICK (Gregory). The simian tongue. The long debate about animal language. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIV-577 p. 5057. RAJ (Kapil). Relocating modern science. Circulation and the construction of knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650–1900. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-285 p.

5063. ŠIMģNEK (Michal). Eugenics, social genetics and racial hygiene. Plans for the scientific regulation of human heredity in the Czech Lands, 1900–1925. In: Blood and homeland. Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900–1940 [Cf. no 3248], p. 145-166. 5064. SIRAISI (Nancy G.). History, medicine, and the traditions of Renaissance learning. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, IX-438 p. (Cultures of knowledge in the Early Modern world). 5065. Société (La) du probable: les mathématiques sociales après Augustin Cournot: conférence du Centre Cournot pour la recherche en économie. Sous la direction de Jean-Philippe TOUFFUT. Paris, A. Michel, 2007, 228 p. (Collection "Bibliothèque Albin Michel). 5066. SOUKUP (Rudolf Werner). Chemie in Österreich: Bergbau, Alchemie und frühe Chemie: von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts: Geschichte der frühen chemischen Technologie und Alchemie des ostalpinen Raumes unter Berücksichtigung von Entwicklungen in angrenzenden Regionen. Wien, Böhlau, 2007XVIII-623 p. (ill.). 5067. SUFIAN (Sandra M.). Healing the land and the nation. Malaria and the Zionist project in Palestine, 1920–1947. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XVIII-385 p. 5068. SVOBODNÝ (Petr). ýeská lékaĜská fakulta a mČstské zdravotní a sociální ústavy za protektorátu (1939–1945). (Die tschechische medizinische Fakultät und städtische Gesundheits- und Sozialeinrichtungen im Protektorat, 1939–1945). In: V komnatách palácĤ ௅ v ulicích mČst. Ed. KateĜina JÍŠOVÁ. Praha, 2007, p. 181204. 5069. TETLEY (William). The October Crisis, 1970: an insider's view. Montréal, London, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2007, XXXVIII-274 p.

5058. REGGIANI (Andrés Horacio). God's eugenicist. Alexis Carrel and the sociobiology of decline. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, XVIII-241 p.

5070. VASAK (Anouchka). Météorologies: discours sur le ciel et le climat des Lumières au Romantisme. Paris, H. Champion, 2007, 533 p. (Les dix-huitièmes siècles, 112).

5059. SABISCH (Katja). Das Weib als Versuchsperson: medizinische Menschenexperimente im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Syphilisforschung. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2007, 245 p. (Science studies).

5071. VOSS (Julia). Darwins Bilder: Ansichten der Evolutionstheorie 1837 bis 1874. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2007, 379 p. (ill.).

5060. SCHICKORE (Jutta). The microscope and the eye. A history of reflections, 1740–1870. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, IX-317 p. 5061. SCHREIBER (Christine). Natürlich künstliche Befruchtung? Eine Geschichte der In-vitro-Fertilisation von

5072. Weltanschauung, Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Kurt BAYERTZ, Myriam GERHARD und Walter JAESCHKE. Band 1. Der Materialismus-Streit. Band 2. Der Darwinismus-Streit. Band 3. Der Ignorabimus-Streit. Hamburg, Meiner, 2007, 3 vol., 336 p., 275 p., 283 p.



5073. WENKEL (Simone). Max Delbrück and Cologne: an early chapter of German molecular biology. Singapore, World Scientific, 2007, XII-318 p. (ill.). 5074. ZÁRATE C. (María Soledad). Dar a luz en Chile, siglo XIX: De la 'ciencia de hembra' a la ciencia obstétrica.Santiago de Chile, Ediciones de la Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, 2007, 547 p. § 6. Addenda 1998–2006. 5075. CORSI (Pietro). A devils chaplains calling? Journal of Victorian culture, 98, 3, p. 129-137. – IDEM. After the revolution: scientific language and French politics, 1795–1802. In: Practice (The) of reform in health, medicine, and science, 1500–2000. Essays for Charles Webster. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005, p. 223-245. [Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 5440.] – IDEM. Before Darwin: transformist concepts in European natural history. Journal of the history of biology, 2005, 38, p. 67-83. – IDEM. How to use centres in the periphery: Italian geology in the nineteenth century. In: Centre and periphery revisited: the structures of European science, 1750– 1914. Revue de la Maison Française d'Oxford, 2003, 1, 2, p. 51-67. [Cf. Bibl. 2003, no 5500.] – IDEM. Lamarck. Il mondo naturale si affaccia all'evoluzione. Milano, Le Scienze, 2000, 111 p. – IDEM. Much ado about nothing: the Italian geological survey, 1861–2006. Earth sciences history. Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society, 2006, 26, 1, p. 97-125. – IDEM. The Italian geological survey: the early history of a divided community. In: Four centuries of the word 'Geology', Ulisse Aldrovandi 1603 in Bologna. Bologna, Minerva, 2003, p. 255-279. 5076. Lamarck, philosophe de la nature. Sous la dir. de Pietro CORSI [et al.]; préface d'Armand DE RICQLÈS. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, XII-167 p. (Science, histoire et société). 5077. Sciences (Les) pour la guerre (19401960). Sous la dir. de Amy DAHAN et Dominique PESTRE. Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2004, 401 p. 5078. Sciences et langues en Europe, 1500–2000. Actes du Congrès International, Paris 18–21 novembre 1994. Sous la dir. de Roger CHARTIER et Pietro CORSI. Paris, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 96, 270 p. Cf. nos 3248, 5408 § 7. Literature. _______________________

5081. Lyrik und Narratologie: Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Jörg SCHÖNERT, Peter HÜHN und Malte STEIN. Berlin, W. De Gruyter, 2007, VIII-333 p. (ill.). (Narratologia, 11). 5082. POLEZZI (Loredana), ROSS (Charlotte). Traditional Japanese literature: an anthology, beginnings to 1600. Ed. by Haruo SHIRANE. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2007, XXVIII-1255 p. (ill.). (Translations from the Asian classics). 5083. Writing Taiwan: a new literary history. Ed. by David Der-wei WANG and Carlos ROJAS. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X-412 p. (Asia-Pacific). 5084. ZACHARASIEWICZ (Waldemar). Images of Germany in American literature. Iowa city, University of Iowa Press, 2007, VIII-253 p. Cf. nos 5329, 5377 b. Renaissance 5085. CHEVROLET (Teresa). L'idée de fable: théories de la fiction poétique à la Renaissance. Genève, Droz, 2007, 765 p. (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, n. 423). 5086. Don Quijote por tierras extranjeras: estudios sobre la recepción internacional de la novela cervantina. Ed. por Juan Bravo CASTILLO [et. al.]. Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2007, 375 p. (ill.). (Colección Humanidades, 89). 5087. Herencia cultural de España en América: poetas y cronistas andaluces en el Nuevo Mundo, siglo XVI: actas del I Encuentro de Literatura Hispanoamericana Colonial. Ed. por Trinidad BARRERA. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2007, 206 p. (Colección Actas, n. 67). 5088. Rime sacre tra Cinquecento e Seicento. A cura di Maria Luisa DOGLIO e Carlo DELCORNO. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 256 p. (Collana di studi della Fondazione Michele Pellegrino). 5089. ROSTON (Murray). Tradition and subversion in Renaissance literature: studies in Shakespeare, Spenser, Jonson, and Donne. Pittsburgh, Duquesne U. P., 2007, XIII-258 p. (Medieval & Renaissance literary studies). 5090. SHAKESPEARE (William). Complete works: the RSC Shakespeare. Ed. by Jonathan BATE and Eric RASMUSSEN. Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2007, 2485 p. (ill., ports.).

a. General

c. Classicism

5079. BIRNS (Nicholas), MAC NEER (Rebecca). The Edinburgh history of Scottish literature. Ed. by Ian BROWN and Susan MANNING. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, 3 vol., 1112 p.

5091. BOMBART (Mathilde). Guez de Balzac et la querelle des Lettres. Écriture, polémique et critique dans la France du premier XVIIe siècle. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 553 p.

5080. Literarische Moderne: Begriff und Phanomen. Hrsg. v. Sabina BECKER und Helmuth KIESEL. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2007, 550 p. (ill.).

5092. DELEHANTY (Ann T.). Mapping the aesthetic mind: John Dennis and Nicolas Boileau. Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 2, p. 233-253.

7. LITERATURE 5093. Exil et épistolaire aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: des éditions aux inédits. Études réunies et publiées par Rodolphe BAUDIN, Simone BERNARD-GRIFFITHS, Christian CROISILLE et Elena GRETCHANAÏA. ClermontFerrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2007, 338 p. (Cahiers d'études sur les correspondances des XIXe et XXe siècles, 16). 5094. History (A) of seventeenth-century English literature. Ed. by Thomas N. CORNS. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, XI-463 p. (ill.). (Blackwell histories of literature).


writings. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2007, IX-256 p. 5107. Deutschsprachige Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Ursula HEUKENKAMP und Peter GEIST. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2007, 787 p. 5108. DI RUZZA (Floriana), La funzione del nome proprio nell'opera di Giacomo Leopardi. Birmingham, University of Birmingham, 2007, 223 p. 5109. DUBOIS (Jacques). Stendhal, une sociologie romanesque. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 252 p. (Textes à l'appui/ Laboratoire des sciences sociales).

5095. PABST (Esther Suzanne). Die Erfindung der weiblichen Tugend: kulturelle Sinngebung und Selbstreflexion im französischen Briefroman des 18. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 339 p. (Ergebnisse der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, n.F., 12).

5110. FISCHER (Dagmar). Der Rätselcharakter der Prosa Franz Kafkas und Thomas Manns Zauberberg: Textimmanente Interpretationen. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2007, 285 p.

5096. ZAREMBA (Michael). Christoph Martin Wieland. Aufklärer und Poet. Eine Biographie. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 314 p.

5111. FRAITURE (Pierre-Philippe). La mesure de l'autre. Afrique subsaharienne et roman ethnographique de Belgique et de France, 19181940. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 280 p.

d. Romanticism and after 5097. ANTOSCHINA (Olga). Kritische Lyrik der DDR mit einem vergleichenden Ausblick auf Sowjetrussland. Berlin, Europäischer Universitätsverlag, 2007, 360 p. (Bochumer Germanistik, 9). 5098. Autobiographisches Schreiben in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Band 2. Grenzen der Fiktionalität und der Erinnerung. Hrsg. v. Christoph PARRY und Edgar PLATEN. München, Iudicium, 2007, 344 p. 5099. BARENGHI (Mario). Italo Calvino, le linee e i margini. Bologna, Il mulino, 2007, 281 p. (Saggi, 668). 5100. BARRANTES MARTÍN (Beatriz). Ciudad y modernidad en la prosa hispánica de vanguardia. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2007, 164 p. (ill.). (Serie Literatura, 69). 5101. BEASLEY (Rebecca). Ezra Pound and the visual culture of modernism. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-221 p. (ill.). 5102. Belgique (Le) entre deux siècles: laboratoire de la modernité, 1880í1914. Ed. par Nathalie AUBERT, Pierre-Philippe FRAITURE et Patrick MAC GUINNESS. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 272 p. (ill.). (Romantisme et après en France, vol. 12).

5112. GUYAUX (André). Baudelaire: un demi-siècle de lectures des Fleurs du mal, 1855í1905. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 1143 p. (ill.). (Mémoire de la critique). 5113. HATAVARA (Mari). Historia ja poetiikka Fredrika Runebergin ja Zacharias Topeliuksen historiallisissa romaaneissa. (History and poetics in Fredrika Runeberg's and Zacharias Topelius' historical novels). Helsinki, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 340 p. (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1128). 5114. HATTE (Jennifer). La langue secrète de Jean Cocteau: la Mythologie personnelle du poète et l'histoire cachée des Enfants terribles. Oxford a. New York, Peter Lang, 2007, 332 p. (Modern French identities, 47). 5115. HONG (Zicheng), A history of contemporary Chinese literature. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007. XIX636 p. (Brill's humanities in China library, 1). 5116. HUANG (Shih Yen). Literatur und Performanz im deutschen Roman um 1800. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 344 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 1953 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série I, Langue et littérature allemandes, 1953 = European university studies. Series I, German language and literature, 1953).

5104. CANFORA (Davide). Postilla manzoniana. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 33, 65, p. 201-226.

5117. Jan Patoþka, þeské dČjiny a Evropa. Sborník referátĤ z vČdecké konference konané ve dnech 1.-2. þercvna 2007 ve Vysokém nad Jizerou. (Jan Patoþka, Czech history and Europe, Proceedings of the Conference, June 1–2, 2007, Vysoké nad Jizerou). Ed. Ivo NAVRÁTIL, Tomáš HERMANN. Semily, MČstské muzeum, 2007, 304 p. (Z ýeského ráje a Podkrkonoší, 12).

5105. CARROLL (David). Albert Camus, the Algerian: colonialism, terrorism, justice. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIV-237 p.

5118. KHRUSHCHEVA (Nina L.). Imagining Nabokov: Russia between art and politics. New Haven, Yale U. P., XVII-233 p.

5106. COSGROVE (Brian). James Joyce's negations: irony, indeterminacy and nihilism in Ulysses and other

5119. Kleine Prosa: Theorie und Geschichte eines Textfeldes im Literatursystem der Moderne. Hrsg. v.

5103. BUTTI DE LIMA (Paulo). La sentenza rubata: il Seneca di Poe. Quaderni di storia, 2007, 33, 65, p. 83128.



Thomas ALTHAUS, Wolfgang BUNZEL und Dirk GÖTTSCHE. Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 2007, XXVII-378 p.

HUNTER. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2007, XIII-498 p.

5120. LEE (Ying S.). Masculinity and the English working class: studies in Victorian autobiography and fiction. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-252 p. (ill.). (Literary criticism and cultural theory).

5134. STENDHAL. Oeuvres romanesques complète. Edition établie par Yves ANSEL, Philippe BERTHIER et Xavier BOURDENET. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, XVII1468 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 13).

5121. LOUIS (Annick). Borges ante el fascism. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 374 p. (Hispanic studies: culture and ideas, 7).

5135. STURM (Marcel). Goethes Weg nach Weimar: zur Kontinuität und Diskontinuität des Sturm und Drang in den Jahren 1770í1790. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2007, 244 p. (Forschungen zur Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, 75).

5122. MAZZEO (Tilar J.). Plagiarism and literary property in the Romantic period. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XIV-236 p. (Material texts). 5123. MONNIER (Pierre-Emmanuel). Romans et mythes coloniaux revisités: le coeur des ténèbres et les sources du nil dans la littérature. Frankfurt am Main et Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 306 p. 5124. PARKER (Michael). Northern Irish literature: the imprint of history. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 2 vol., 691 p. (maps). 5125. Poesia scapigliata (La). A cura di Roberto CARNERO. Milano, Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 2007, 498 p. (BUR poesia). 5126. Poetische Ordnungen: zur Erzählprosa des deutschen Realismus. Hrsg. v. Ulrich KITTSTEIN und Stefani KUGLER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 290 p. 5127. Pop in Prosa: erzählte Populärkultur in der deutsch und ungarischsprachigen Moderne. Hrsg. v. Amália KEREKES [et al.]. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 264 p. (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft, 11). 5128. POPPE (Sandra). Visualität in Literatur und Film: eine medienkomparatistische Untersuchung moderner Erzähltexte und ihrer Verfilmungen. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 334 p. (Palaestra, 327). 5129. Postmoderne Lyrik, Lyrik in der Postmoderne: Studien zu den romanischen Literaturen der Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Gerhard PENZKOFER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. 284 p. (ill.). 5130. REFFAIT (Christophe). La Bourse dans le roman du second XIXe siècle. Discours romanesque et imaginaire social de la spéculation. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 642 p. 5131. ROY (Ayon). The specter of Hegel in Coleridge's "Biographia Literaria". Journal of the history of ideas, 2007, 68, 2, p. 279-304. 5132. SANTOS (Maria Irene Ramalho Sousa). Poetas do Atlântico: Fernando Pessoa e o modernismo angloamericano. Prefácio de Harold BLOOM. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007, 327 p. (Colecção Textos, Afrontamento, 62). 5133. Sons of Arthur, children of Lincoln: Welsh writing from the American Civil War. Ed. by Jerry

5136. T. S. Eliot and the concept of tradition. Ed. by Giovanni CIANCI and Jason HARDING. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-229 (ill.). 5137. ULAöLI (Serhat). L'image de l'Orient turc dans la littérature française: les idées, les stéréotypes et les stratégies. Istanbul, Éditions Isis, 2007, 251 p. (Cahiers du Bosphore, 45). 5138. VERGARA (Gloria). Identidad y memoria en las poetas mexicanas del siglo XX. México, D.F, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2007, 221 p. (Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavijero). Cf. nos 3318, 5259, 5292, 5360 § 8. Art and industrial art. _______________________

a. General 5139. ADAMSON (Walter L.). Embattled avantgardes: modernism's resistance to commodity culture in Europe. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2007, XII-435 p. 5140. AICHHOLZER (Anukis). "I believe media is art": das Sujet der Massenmedien im Werk Andy Warhols. Wien, Guthmann-Peterson, 2007, 120 p. (ill.) 5141. ANDERSEN (Kirsti). The geometry of an art: the history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge. New York a. London, Springer, 2007, XXXVII-812 p. (ill.). (Sources and studies in the history of mathematics and physical sciences). 5142. ANDERSEN (Wayne V.). German artists and Hitler's mind: avant-garde art in a turbulent era. Boston, Editions Fabriart, 2007, V-443 p. (ill.). 5143. Angriff auf die Avantgarde. Kunst und Kunstpolitik im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Uwe FLECKNER. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, VII-308 p. (Schriften der Forschungsstelle Entartete Kunst, 1) 5144. ANTLIFF (Mark). Avant-garde fascism: the mobilization of myth, art, and culture in France, 1909– 1939. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, XV-352 p. (ill.). 5145. Art and the Augustinian order in early Renaissance Italy. Ed. by Louise BOURDUA and Anne DUNLOP. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-231 p. (ill.). (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West).



5146. BONNKE (Manuela). Kunst in Produktion. Bildende Kunst und volkseigene Wirtschaft in der SBZ/ DDR. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 496 p. (Dredner historische Studien, 6).

5161. Viewing Renaissance art. Ed. by Kim W. WOODS, Carol M. RICHARDSON and Angeliki LYMBEROPOULOU. New Haven, Yale U. P. a. Milton Keynes, 2007, 333 p. (ill. col. map.). (Renaissance art reconsidered, 3).

5147. BRINK (Andrew). Desire and avoidance in art: Pablo Picasso, Hans Bellmer, Balthus and Joseph Cornell: psychobiographical studies with attachment theory. New York a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 211 p. (ill.).

5162. ARTIGAS (Isabel). Antoni Gaudí: complete works = das gesamte Werk = l'Oeuvre complète. Köln, Evergreen, 2007, 2 vol., 600 p., (ill. ports., plans.).

5148. Collective inventions: surrealism in Belgium. Ed. by Patricia ALLMER and Hilde VAN GELDER. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2007, 247 p. (ill.). (Lieven Gevaert series, 5). 5149. Critical readings in Impressionism and postImpressionism: an anthology. Ed. by Mary Tompkins LEWIS. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2007, X-347 p. (ill.). (Ahmanson Murphy fine arts imprint). 5150. ESCH (Arnold). Economia, cultura materiale ed arte nella Roma del Rinascimento. Studi sui registri doganali romani, 1445–1485. Rome, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2007, 467 p. (Inedita saggi, 36).

b. Architecture

5163. Bauhaus, 1911–1933. Ed. by Michael SIEand Lutz SCHÖBE. London, Parkstone, 2007, 255 p. (col. ill.). (Temporis collection), BENBRODT

5164. BEVAN (Robert). The destruction of memory: architecture at war. London, Reaktion, 2007, 240 p. (ill.). 5165. FULLER (Mia). Moderns abroad: architecture, cities and Italian imperialism. London, Routledge, 2007, XIII-273 p. (Architext series). 5166. HERNEOJA (Aulikki). Jälleenrakennuskauden kodin väritys. arki ja arkkitehtuuri. (The colouration of the home during the post-war reconstruction period: the everyday and architecture). Oulu, Oulun yliopisto, 2007, 380 p. (ill.). (Oulun yliopiston teknillisen tiedekunnan arkkitehtuurin osaston julkaisuja A, 45).

5151. JOBY (Christopher Richard). Calvinism and the arts: a re-assessment. Leuven a. Dudley, Peeters, 2007, 240 p. (ill.). (Studies in philosophical theology, 38).

5167. HESS (Alan). Frank Lloyd Wright: mid-century modern. New York, Rizzoli, 2007, 335 p. (col. ill.).

5152. LYFORD (Amy). Surrealist masculinities: gender anxiety and the aesthetics of post-World War I. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007, 237 p.

5168. MEDVEDKOVA (Olga). Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond architecte, 16791719. De Paris à SaintPétersbourg. Paris, Alain Baudry, 2007, 359 p.

5153. MARCADÉ (Bernard). Marcel Duchamp: la vie à crédit: biographie. Paris, Flammarion, 2007, 595 p., (ill.). (Grandes biographies).

5169. NELSON (George). Building a new Europe: portraits of modern architects. New Haven, Yale U. P. a.Yale University School of Architecture, 2007, IX-174 p. (ill.)

5154. Marcel Duchamp and eroticism. Ed. by Marc DÉCIMO. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, XIII-300 p. (ill.). 5155. PADIYAR (Satish). Chains: David, Canova, and the fall of the public hero in postrevolutionary France. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, XII225 p. (ill.). David (Jacques Louis), Canova (Antonio) 5156. Philosophy and conceptual art. Ed. by Peter GOLDIE and Elisabeth SCHELLEKENS. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2007, XXI-273 p. (ill.).

5170. PARE (Richard). Verlorene Avantgarde. Russische Revolutionsarchitektur 1922–1932. München, Schirmer/Mosel, 2007, 347 p. 5171. PICCOLI (Edoardo). Disegni, pietre e architetture: intorno al municipio di Metz (1754–1771). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 125, p. 491-516. 5172. RODRÍGUEZ KURI (Ariel). La proscripción del aura. Arquitectura y política en la restauración de la catedral de México, 1967–1971. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 4, p. 1309-1391.

5157. POMMIER (Édouard). Comment l'art devient l'Art dans l'Italie de la Renaissance. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 544 p. (ill.).

5173. SAMUEL (Flora). Le Corbusier in detail. Oxford, Elsevier/Architectural Press, 2007, XVI-232 p. (ill.).

5158. Rivoluzione surrealista (La): antologia 19241929. A cura di Antonio BERTOLI. Firenze, Giunti, 2007, 285 p. (ill., facsims.). (Citylights).

5174. SHULMAN (Julius). Modernism rediscovered, 1939–1981. Köln a. Los Angeles, Taschen, 2007, 3 vol., 1008 p. (ill.).

5159. SAWDAY (Jonathan). Engines of the imagination: Renaissance culture and the rise of the machine. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-402 p. (ill.).

5175. STURM (Hermann). Industriearchitektur als Kathedrale der Arbeit. Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Mythos. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 208 p.

5160. Value, art, politics: criticism, meaning and interpretation after Postmodernism. Ed. by Jonathan HARRIS. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P. 2007, XI-423 p. (ill., facsims., ports.). (Value, art, politics).

5176. SUOMINEN-KOKKONEN (Renja). Aino and Alvar Aalto: a shared journey: interpretations of an everyday modernism. Jyväskylä, Alvar Aalto Foundation, 2007, 224 p. (ill.). (Aalto studies, 1).



5177. Vers une architecture du livre: Le Corbusier, 1912í1965. Ed. par Catherine DE SMET. Baden, Lars Müller Publishers, 2007, 303 p. (ill., facsims., ports.).

5193. Paul Klee als Seelenforscher. Hrsg. v. Fujio MAEDA. Tokyo, Keio University, 2007, XII-230 p. (col. ill.).

5178. VYBÍRAL (Jindrich). Junge Meister: Architekten aus der Schule Otto Wagners in Mähren und Schlesien. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 319 p. (ill.). (Ars viva, 11).

5194. SIMON (Robin). Hogarth, France & British art: the rise of the arts in 18th-century Britain. London, Hogarth Arts, 2007, 313 p. (ill.).

c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing

5195. SOUTER (Gerry). Edward Hopper: light and dark. New York, Parkstone, 2007, 255 (ill.)

5179. ACIDINI LUCHINAT (Cristina). Michelangelo: pittore. Milano, F. Motta, 2007, 397 p. (ill.). (Grandi libri d'arte). 5180. ACKERMANN (Felix). Die Altäre des Gian Lorenzo Bernini: das barocke Altarensemble im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Petersberg, Imhof, 2007, 272 p. (ill.). (Identifier Studien zur internationalen Architektur und Kunstgeschichte, 50). 5181. ARCANGELI (Francesco). Giorgio Morandi: stesura originaria inedita. Introduzione, apparati, note a cura di Luca CESARI. Torino, U. Allemandi, 2007, 710 p. (ill.). (I classici Allemandi della letteratura artistica).

5196. VINCIGUERRA (Lucien). Archéologie de la perspective sur Piero della Francesca, Vinci, et Dürer. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 163 p. (ill.). (Lignes d'art). 5197. Wassily Kandinsky: Gesammelte Schriften, 1889௅1916: Farbensprache, Kompositionslehre und andere unveröffentlichte Texte. Hrsg. v. Helmut FRIEDEL. München u. London, Prestel, 2007, 742 p. (ill., port.) 5198. WILSON (Jonathan). Marc Chagall. New York, Nextbook-Schocken, XI-237 p. (ill.). (Jewish encounters).

5182. BERTI (Silvia). Ancora su Bernard Picart. Alcune sue importanti opere ritrovate. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 818-834.

5199. WITTMAN (Richard). Architecture, print culture, and the public sphere in eighteenth-century France. New York, Routledge, 2007, 290 p.

5183. BORCHARDT (Stefan). Heldendarsteller: Gustave Courbet, Edouard Manet und die Legende vom modernen Künstler. Berlin, Reimer, 2007, 354 p. (ill.).

d. Decorative, popular and industrial art

5184. Caravaggio. Ed by Félix WITTING and M. L. PATRIZI. New York, Parkstone Press, 2007, 239 p. (ill. col.). 5185. CARRETE PARRONDO (Juan). Goya: estampas, grabado y litografía. Barcelona, Electa, 2007, 384 p. (ill.). 5186. FANÉS (Fèlix). Pintura, collage, cultura de masas: Joan Miró, 1919–1934. Madrid, Alianza, 2007, 256 p. (ill.). (Alianza forma, 154). – IDEM. Salvador Dalí: the construction of the image, 1925–1930. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, VIII-239 p. 5187. JACHEC (Nancy). Politics and painting at the Venice Biennale, 1948–1964. Italy and the idea of Europe. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 213 p. 5188. JOYEUX-PRUNEL (Béatrice). L'internationalisation de la peinture avant-gardiste, de Courbet à Picasso: un transfert culturel et ses quiproquos. Revue historique, 2007, 644, p. 857-885. 5189. KRAFT (Carolin). Duürer und die Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts: Facetten künstlerischer Rezeption. Hamburg, Dr. Kovac, 2007, 215 p. (ill.). (Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte, 15). 5190. LE MEN (Ségolène). Courbet. Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod, 2007, 399 p. 5191. Max Ernst: vie et oeuvre. Sous la dir. de Werner SPIES. Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2007, 351 p. (ill.). 5192. Michelangelo 1475–1564: Das vollständige Werk. Hrsg. v. Frank ZÖLLNER, Christof THOENES und Thomas PÖPPER. Köln, Taschen, 2007, 768 p. (ill.).

** 5200. Henry van de Velde in Weimar: Dokumente und Berichte zur Förderung von Kunsthandwerk und Industrie (1902–1915). Hrsg. v. Volker WAHL. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 532 p. (ill., ports.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen. Große Reihe, 14). _______________________

5201. Gute Leben (Das): der Deutsche Werkbund nach 1945. Hrsg. v. Gerda BREUER. Tübingen, Wasmuth, 2007, 272 p. (ill.). 5202. HAUPT (Herbert). Das Hof- und hofbefreite Handwerk im barocken Wien 1620–1770: ein Handbuch. Teil 1. Das Hof- und hofbefreite Handwerk: Geschichte und soziales Umfeld – Teil 2. Hof- und hofbefreite Handwerker von A bis Z. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2007, 992 p. (ill.). (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte, 46). 5203. HELLER (Steven). Shop America: midcentury storefront design, 1938–1950. Ed. by. Jim HEIMANN. Koöln, London, Taschen, 2007, 241 p. (ill. plans). 5204. Leleu: décorateurs ensembliers. Sous la dir. de Françoise SIRIEX. Saint-Rémy-en-l'Eau, Monelle Hayot, 2007, 480 p. (ill.). § 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting. ** 5205. Ausgewahlte Dokumente zum Nachwirken Johann Sebastian Bachs 1801–1850. Hrsg v. Andres GLOCKNER, Anselm HARTINGER und Karen LEHMANN. Kassel, Barenreiter, 2007, XXXIII-782 p. (Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke; Johann Sebastian Bach. Supplement 6). ** 5206. Cartas, documentos y escrituras del Dr. Frey Lope Félix de Vega Carpio (1562–1635). Ed. por



Krzysztof SLIWA. Newark, Juan de la Cuesta, 2007, 2 vol., 890 p. (ill.). (Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic monographs).

5219. BEAM (Sara). Laughing matters. Farce and the making of absolutism in France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, X-268 p.

** 5207. Dokumente zu Leben, Werk und Nachwirken Johann Sebastian Bachs 1685–1800: neue Dokumente Nachträge und Berichtigungen zu Band I-III. Hrsg. v. Hans-Joachim SCHULZE. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2007, XII-451 p. (Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, Johann Sebastian Bach. Supplement, 5).

5220. BEDNAěÍK (Petr). Pražská kina za Protektorátu. (Die Prager Kinos während des Protektorats). Documenta Pragensia, 2007, 26, p. 327-342.


5221. BENAMOU (Catherine L.). It's all true: Orson Welles's Pan-American Odyssey. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2007, XVI-400 p. (ill., maps, music, ports.).

5208. ALBRIGHT (Daniel). Musicking Shakespeare: a conflict of theatres. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, X-317 p. (ill., music). (Eastman studies in music).

5222. BERGER (Karol). Bach's cycle, Mozart's arrow: an essay on the origins of musical modernity. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007, XI-420 p. (ill., music). (Simpson, imprint in humanities).

5209. ANDERSON (Iain). This is our music. Free jazz, the Sixties, and American culture. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, 254 p. (Arts and intellectual life in modern America).

5223. Berlioz and Debussy: sources, contexts and legacies: essays in honour of François Lesure. Ed. by Barbara L. KELLY and Kerry MURPHY, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXV-209 p. (ill., music).

5210. ANDERSSON (Greger), GEISLER (Ursula). Myt och propaganda: musiken i nazismens tjänst i Sverige och Tyskland. (Mythe et propagande: la musique au service du nazisme en Suède et en Allemagne). Stockholm, Forum för levande historia, 2007, 123 p. (Forum för levande historia, 5).

5224. BERTAGNOLLI (Paul). Prometheus in music: representations of the myth in the romantic era. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XV-369 p. (ill., music).

5211. Anglo-American media interactions, 1850– 2000. Ed. by Joel WIENER and Mark HAMPTON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 309 p. 5212. APPOLD (Juliette Laurence). Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Landschaften in Briefen, Bildern und Musik. Essen, Verlag Die Blaue Eule, 2007, 306 p. (ill., music). (Musikwissenschaft/Musikpädagogik in der Blauen Eule, 77). 5213. ARNOLD (Oliver). The third citizen. Shakespeare's theater and the early Modern House of Commons. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, 308 p. 5214. ARROW (Michelle). 'The most sickening piece of snobbery I have ever heard': Race, radio listening, and the 'aboriginal question' in Blue Hills. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 130, p. 244-260. 5215. Avant-garde film. Ed. by Alexander GRAF and Dietrich SCHEUNEMANN. Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2007, XI-405 p. (ill.). (Avant-garde critical studies, 23). 5216. BAKER (Eillen R.). On strike and on film. Mexican American families and blacklisted filmmakers in Cold War America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-349 p. 5217. BARNETT (Vincent L.). Popular novelists and the British film industry, 1927–1932. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 1, p. 73-100. 5218. BASCOMB (Neal). Red mutiny: mutiny, revolution and revenge on the battleship Potemkin. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2007, XV-363 p. (ill. map ports.).

5225. Beyond the soundtrack: representing music in cinema. Ed. by Daniel GOLDMARK, Lawrence KRAMER and Richard LEPPERT. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007, VII-324 p. (ill., music). 5226. BIZIMANA (Aimé-Jules). De Marcel Ouimet à René Lévesque. Les correspondants de guerre canadiensfrançais durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Montréal, VLB, 2007, 371 p. 5227. BONACKER (Max). Goebbels' Mann beim Radio: der NS-Propagandist Hans Fritzsche (1900– 1953). München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 289 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 94). 5228. BORHAN (Pierre), SAILLARD (Olivier). Hommes pour hommes: homoérotisme et homosexualité masculine dans l'histoire de la photographie depuis 1840. Paris, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, 286 p. (ill.). 5229. BÖSCH (Frank). Film, NS-Vergangenheit und Geschichtswissenschaft. Von Holocaust zu Der Untergang. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 1, p. 1-32. 5230. BOUHAÏK-GIRONÈS (Marie). Les clercs de la Basoche et le théâtre comique (Paris, 14201550). Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 309 p. 5231. BROWN (A. Peter). The European symphony from ca. 1800 to ca. 1930: Germany and the Nordic countries. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XXXV1103 p. (ill., music). (Symphonic repertoire, 3-A). 5232. Buñuel 1950: Los olvidados: guión y documentos. Ed. por Carmen PEÑA ARDID y Víctor M. LAHUERTA GUILLÉN. Teruel, Diputación Provincial de Teruel, Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, Caja Rural de Teruel y Zaragoza, Gobierno de Aragón, Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2007, 717 p. (ill.). (Colección Luis Buñuel – Estudios y documentos).



5233. BUTLER (Martin, Dr.). Voices of the down and out: the Dust Bowl Migration and the Great Depression in the songs of Woody Guthrie. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, VIII-268 p. (American studies, 153). 5234. BUTLER (Nicholas Michael). Votaries of Apollo. The St. Cecilia society and the patronage of concert music in Charleston, South Carolina, 1766– 1820. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2007, XX-375 p. 5235. BUTTERS (Gerald R. Jr.). Banned in Kansas. Motion picture censorship, 1915–1966. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2007, XVI-348 p. 5236. CAMINATI (Luca). Orientalismo eretico: Pier Paolo Pasolini e il cinema del terzo mondo. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2007, X-131 p. (ports.). (Ricerca). 5237. Carmen on film: a cultural history. Ed. by Phil POWRIE [et al.]. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XII303 p. (ill., ports.). 5238. Changing face (The) of evil in film and television. Ed. by Martin F. NORDEN. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007, XXI-244 p. (ill.). (At the interface/probing the boundaries, 41). 5239. CHATEL DE BRANCION (Laurence). Le cinéma au siecle des Lumieres. Saint-Rémy-en-l'Eau, Monelle Hayot, 2007, 144 p. (ill.). 5240. CLAXTON (Robert Howard). From Parsifal to Perón: early radio in Argentina, 1920–1944. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XXVI-224 p. 5241. CLAY (Lauren). Patronage, profits, and public theaters: rethinking cultural unification in Ancien Régime France. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 4, p. 729-771. 5242. CONIO (Gérard). Eisenstein: le cinéma comme art total. Gollion, Infolio, 2007, 223 p. (ill.). (Illico, 13). 5243. COOK (Richard). It's about that time: Miles Davis on and off record. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, IX-373 p. (ill.). 5244. COOPER (John Michael). Mendelssohn, Goethe, and the Walpurgis night: the heathen muse in European culture, 1700í1850. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, XVI-284 p. (ill., music). (Eastman studies in music, 43). 5245. COUPE (Laurence). Beat sound, beat vision: the beat spirit and popular song. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 217 p. 5246. Cross the water blues: African American music in Europe. Ed. by Neil A. WYNN. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2007, XII-289 p. (ill.). (American made music series).

sity of Rochester Press, 2007, XVIII-529 p. (ill., music). (Eastman studies in music, 46). 5249. DECANT (Françoise). L'écriture chez Henrik Ibsen, un savant nouage: accueil du réel et problématique paternelle: essai psychanalytique. Ramonville SaintAgne, Érès, 2007, 205 p.(Collection Hypothèses). 5250. DENIS (Sébastien). Cinéma et panarabisme en Algérie entre 1945 et 1962. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 37-51. 5251. DI PASQUALE (Daniela). Metastasio al gusto portoghese: traduzioni e adattamenti del melodramma metastasiano nel Portogallo del Settecento. Roma, Aracne, 2007, 435 p. (ill.). (Terra iberica, 2). 5252. Doppio sogno (Il) di Stanley Kubrick: Traumnovelle/Eyes wide shut: contributi per una lettura comparata. A cura di Luigi CIMMINO, Daniele DOTTORINI e Giorgio PANGARO. Milano, Il castoro, 2007, 279 p. (ill.). 5253. EMILIANI (Vittorio). Il furore e il silenzio: vite di Gioacchino Rossini. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 480 p., (ill.). (Biblioteca storica). 5254. FELDMAN (Martha). Opera and sovereignty: transforming myths in eighteenth-century Italy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press a. Bristol, University Presses Marketing, 2007, XXV-545 p. (ill.). 5255. FISCHER (Jens Malte). Vom Wunderwerk der Oper. Wien, Paul Zsolnay, 2007, 299 p. 5256. FOSLER-LUSSIER (Danielle). Music divided. Bartók's legacy in Cold War culture. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XX-229 p. (California studies in twentieth-century music, 7). 5257. Framing the fifties: cinema in a divided Germany. Ed. by John DAVIDSON and Sabine HAKE. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, VI-250 p. (ill.). (Film Europa). 5258. FREYTAG (Julia). Verhüllte Schaulust: die Maske in Schnitzlers Traumnovelle und in Kubricks Eyes wide shut. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2007, 140 p. (ill.). 5259. Friedrich Schiller und Europa: Ästhetik, Politik, Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Alice STAŠKOVÁ. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 297 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, 238). 5260. FRIES-DIECKMANN (Marion). Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Sprache: eine Untersuchung der deutschen Übersetzungen des dramatischen Werks. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007, 220 p. (Anglistik ௅ Amerikanistik – Anglophonie, 4). 5261. GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ (Alberto Nahum). Una revisión fílmica de Franco y la Guerra Civil: contrapropaganda y memoria en "Caudillo". Historia social, 2007, 57, p. 27-48.

5247. DAVIS (Mary E.). Erik Satie. London, Reaktion Books, 2007, 175 p. (ill., music). (Critical lives).

5262. GELLY (Dave). Being Prez: the life and music of Lester Young. London, Equinox, 2007, XI-171 p. (ill.). (Popular music history).

5248. DAY-O'CONNELL (Jeremy). Pentatonicism from the eighteenth century to Debussy. Rochester, Univer-

5263. GLAS (Norbert). August Strindberg (1849– 1912): Wiederverkörperung, Schicksal, Krankheit an

9. MUSIC, THEATRE, CINEMA AND BROADCASTING einem historischen Beispiel dargestell. Basel, Perseus, 2007, 207 p. (ill.). (Europäer-Schriftenreihe, 14). 5264. GÖSSLING (Bettina). Die Zusammenarbeit von Opernsänger und Regisseur: zwei Fallstudien aus der heutigen Opernproduktion: Giuseppe Verdis "Nabucco" und Jacques Offenbachs "Les Contes d'Hoffmann". München, M. Press, Martin Meidenbauer, 2007, 268 p. (Forum Musikwissenschaft, 4). 5265. GOULD (Jonathan). Can't buy me love: Beatles, Britain and America. London, Portrait, 2007, 661 p. (ill.). 5266. GUERRA (Michele). Il meccanismo indifferente: la concezione della storia nel cinema di Stanley Kubrick. Roma, Aracne, 2007, 237 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, 238). 5267. GUSTAFSSON (Tommy). En fiende till civilisationen: manlighet, genusrelationer, sexualitet och rasstereotyper i svensk filmkultur under 1920-talet. (Un ennemi de la civilisation: masculinité, genre, sexualité et stéréotypes raciaux dans la culture cinématographique suédoise des les années 1920). Lund, Sekel, 2007, 403 p. 5268. GUTIÉRREZ LOZANO (Juan Francisco). Memoria televisiva e pubblico nella ricerca storica sulla televisione. Memoria e ricerca, 2007, 26, p. 83-96. 5269. HALL-WITT (Jennifer). Fashionable acts. Opera and elite culture in London, 1780–1880. Lebanon, University of New England Press, 2007, 390 p. 5270. HARDOUIN (Frédéric). Le cinématographe selon Godard: introduction aux Histoire(s) du cinéma, ou, réflexion sur le temps des arts. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 154 p. (Champs visuels). 5271. HARROW (Kenneth W.). Postcolonial African cinema. From political engagement to postmodernism. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XV-268 p. 5272. HAUSER (Kitty). Shadow sites. Photography, archaeology, and the British landscape, 1927–1955. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 314 p. 5273. Haydn and the performance of rhetoric. Ed. by Tom BEGHIN and Sander M. GOLDBERG. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XX-366 p. (ill., music). 5274. HEINRICH (Anselm). Entertainment, propaganda, education. Regional theatre in Germany and Britain between 1918 and 1945. Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire Press a. London, Society for Theatre Research, 2007, XVI-271 p. 5275. HENSELER (Ute). Zwischen "musique pure" und religiösem Bekenntnis: Igor Stravinskijs Ästhetik von 1920 bis 1939. Hofheim am Taunus, Wolke, 2007, 390 p. (ill.). (Sinefonia, 9). 5276. HEYLIN (Clinton). The act you've known for all these years: the life, and afterlife, of Sgt. Pepper. Edinburgh, Canongate, 2007, XVI-336 p. (ill.). 5277. HICKS (Jeremy). Dziga Vertov: defining documentary film. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XI-194 p. (ill.). (KINO: the Russian cinema series).


5278. Hitchcock and philosophy: dial M for metaphysics. Ed. by David BAGGETT and William A. DRUMIN. Chicago, Open Court, 2007, XII-273 p. (ill.). (Popular culture and philosophy, 27). 5279. HOEFER (Natascha N.). Geraubte Augenblicke: Andenken und Inspiration bei Mörike, um Mozart, im 19. Jahrhundert. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 618 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, 244). 5280. HOGAN (Peter K.). The rough guide to The Velvet Underground. London, Rough Guides, 2007, VIII-300 p. (ill., map). 5281. JACKSON (Myles W.). Harmonious trades. Physicists, musicians, and instrument makers in nineteenth-century Germany. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2007, X-395 p. 5282. JANCSÓ (Daniella). Excitements of reason: the presentation of thought in Shakespeare's plays and Wittgenstein's philosophy. Heidelberg, Winter, 2007, 257 p. (ill.). (Anglistische Forschungen, 383). 5283. JOHNSON (Randal). Manoel de Oliveira. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XIII-191 p. (ill.). (Contemporary film directors). 5284. KARUSH (Matthew B.). The melodramatic nation: integration and polarization in the Argentine cinema of the 1930s. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 2, p. 293-326. 5285. KEENAN (Richard C.). The films of Robert Wise. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2007, X-209 p. (ill.). 5286. KING (Elliott H.). Dalí, surrealism and cinema. Harpenden, Kamera Books, 2007, 218 p., ill. 5287. KIRKBY (Diane). 'Ocker Sheilahs' and 'Bloody Barmaids': Caddie, biography and gender history in 1970s Australian historical film. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 130, p. 279-295. 5288. KNUST (Martin). Sprachvertonung und Gestik in den Werken Richard Wagners: Einflüsse zeitgenössischer Deklamations und Rezitationspraxis. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2007, 524 p. (ill.). (Greifswalder Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft, 16). 5289. KOZLOFF (Max). The theatre of the face: portrait photography since 1900. London a. New York, Phaidon, 2007, 335 p. (ill. col.). 5290. LA CHAPELLE (Peter). Proud to be an Okie. Cultural politics, country music, and migration to Southern California. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XIV-350 p. 5291. LAFOSSE (Philippe). L'étrange cas de madame Huillet et monsieur Straub: comédie policiere avec Daniele Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub et le public, Toulouse, Ombres et Ivry-sur-Seine, Á propos, 2007, 316 p. 5292. LAGO (Paolo). L'ombra corsara di Menippo: la linea culturale menippea fra letteratura e cinema, da Pasolini a Arbasino e Fellini. Grassina, Le Monnier università, 2007, XII-223 p. (Lingue e letterature).



5293. LALOY (Louis). Debussy, Ravel et Stravinski: textes de Louis LaLoy (1874í1944). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 387 p. (ill., music). (Univers musical).

5308. Modes of censorship and translation: national contexts and diverse media. Ed. by Francesca BILLIANI. Manchester, St. Jerome, 2007, 328 p.

5294. LARREA (Juan). Ilegible, hijo de flauta: texto con correspondencia, adaptación fìlmica y nuevas escenas inéditas. Argumento cinematográfico original de Juan Larrea y Luis Buñuel basado en un libro perdido de Juan Larrea. Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2007, 379 p. (Colección Iluminaciones, 32).

5309. MOTTA (Antonello). Il volto del poeta dietro la maschera dell'architetto: gli allestimenti ibseniani di Ingmar Bergman. Stockholm, Department of Musicology and Performance Studies, Stockholm University, 2007, 168 p. (Theatron-serien).

5295. LE BER (Jocelyne). L'Antigone de Jean Cocteau: une analyse informatisée du mythe et de la tragédie contractés. Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, III-195 p. (ill). 5296. LEAB (Daniel J.). Orwell subverted. The CIA and the filming of "Animal farm". University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P:, 2007, XXIV-195 p. 5297. LEHMKUHL (Josef). Gott und Gral: eine Exkursion mit Parsifal und Richard Wagner. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 206 p. (ill.) 5298. LEHNING (James R.). The melodramatic thread. Spectacle and political culture in Modern France. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, 180 p. (Interdisciplinary studies in history). 5299. LIMA (Evelyn), LACROIX (Nicole). Théâtre et société dans la région du Minas au Brésil: un public métis pour les salles de spectacle. Canadian journal of history, 2007, 42, 1, p. 25-52. 5300. LINDEPERG (Sylvie). "Nuit et Brouillard", un film dans l'histoire. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2007, 289 p. 5301. LINDNER (Martin). Rom und seine Kaiser im Historienfilm. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike, 2007, 332 p. 5302. LOYER (Emmanuelle), DE BAECQUE (Antoine). Histoire du Festival d'Avignon. Paris, Gallimard, 2007, 607 p. 5303. LUSIN (Caroline). Virginia Woolf und Anton P. ýechov: die Semantisierung von Raum und Zeit. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007, 326 p. (ELCH, 29). 5304. MAC DERMID (Paul). Love, desire and identity in the theatre of Federico García Lorca. Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2007, 217 p. (Colección Támesis. Serie A, Monografías, 241). 5305. MARSHALL (Lee). Bob Dylan: the never ending star. Cambridge, Polity, 2007, XII-308 p. (ill.). 5306. Medicine's moving pictures. Medicine, health, and bodies in American film and television. Ed. by Leslie J. REAGAN, Nancy TOMES and Paula A. TREICHLER. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, VI-343 p. (Rochester studies in medical history). 5307. Mito e historia en el teatro de Lope de Vega. Ed. por Teresa J. KIRSCHNER y Dolores CLAVERO. Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, 2007, 307 p. (MG, Monografías).

5310. MUIR (Edward). The culture wars of the late Renaissance. Skeptics, libertines, and opera. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XVI-175 p. (Bernard Berenson lectures on the Italian Renaissance). 5311. Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780–1940: portrayal of the East. Ed. by Martin CLAYTON and Bennett ZON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XV347 p. (ill., music). (Music in nineteenth-century, Britain). 5312. Musical voyager (The): Berlioz in Europe. Ed. by David CHARLTON and Katharine ELLIS. Frankfurt, Lang, 2007, XVIII-320 p. (ill., music). (Perspektiven der Opernforschung, 14). 5313. Musiktheater im Exil der NS-Zeit. Bericht über die internationale Konferenz am musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Hamburg 3. bis 5. Februar 2005. Hrsg. v. Peter PETERSEN und Claudia MAURER ZENCK. Hamburg, von Bockel, 2007, 422 p. (Musik im Dritten Reich und im Exil, 12). 5314. NEBRIG (Alexander). Rhetorizität des hohen Stils: der deutsche Racine in französischer Tradition und romantischer Modernisierung. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2007, 448 p. (Münchener komparatistische Studien, 10). 5315. NESBET (Anne). Savage Junctures: Sergei Eisenstein And the Shape of Thinking. London, I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd., 2007, IX-260 p. (ill.). (KINO: the Russian cinema series). 5316. NEUMAYR (Anton). Berühmte Komponisten im Spiegel der Medizin. Wien, Ibera/European U. P., 2007, 4 vol., 1300 p. 5317. New film history (The). Ed. by James CHAPMark GLANCY and Sue HARPER. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 XI-256 p. MAN,

5318. NEYRAT (Cyril). François Truffaut. Paris, Cahiers du cinéma et Paris, Le Monde, 2007, 94 p. (ill.). (Collection Grands cinéastes, 10). 5319. Oceano (L') dei suoni: migrazioni, musica e razze nella formazione delle società euroatlantiche. A cura di. Torino, Otto, 2007, XVIII-239 p. (ill.). (Nova americana). 5320. OSUMARE (Halifu). The Africanist aesthetic in global hip-hop: power moves. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-219 p. (ill.). 5321. PACZULLA (Jutta). "Talking to India": George Orwell's work at the BBC, 1941–1943. Canadian journal of history, 2007, 42, 1, p. 53-70.

9. MUSIC, THEATRE, CINEMA AND BROADCASTING 5322. PAINTER (Karen). Symphonic aspirations: German music and politics, 1900í1945. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, XVI-354 p. 5323. PARKER (Roger). The New Grove guide to Verdi and his operas. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-252 p. (ill., music). (New Grove operas). 5324. PECKNOLD (Diane). The selling sound. The rise of the country music industry. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X-294 p. (Refiguring American music).


Press, 2007, XXIV-447 p., (ill., music). (Evers Renaissance studies). 5338. ROSS (Alex). The rest is noise: listening to the twentieth century. New York, Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2007, XIV-624 p. 5339. RUSSELL (Tony). Country music originals: the legends & the lost. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVIII-258 p. (ill.).

5325. PENOT-LACASSAGNE (Olivier). Vies et morts d'Antonin Artaud. Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, C. Pirot, 2007, 238 p. (ill.). (Collection Maison d'écrivain).

5340. RYAN-SCHEUTZ (Colleen). Sex, the self, and the sacred: women in the cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2007, X-297 p. (ill.). (Toronto Italian studies).

5326. Percorsi del teatro spagnolo in Italia e Francia. A cura di Fausta ANTONUCCI. Firenze, Alinea Editrice, 2007, 198 p. (Commedia aurea spagnola e pubblico italiano, 5. Secoli d'oro, 54).

5341. SABATINI (Federico). Im-marginable: lo spazio di Joyce, Beckett, e Genet. Roma, Aracne, 2007, 259 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, 279).

5327. POWELL (Anna). Deleuze, altered states and film. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2007, VII-211 p.

5342. SAJOUS D'ORIA (Michèle). Bleu et or. La scène et la salle en France au temps des Lumières, 17481807. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 277 p.

5328. POZZETTO (Gabriella). Lo cerco dappertutto: Cristo nei film di Pasolini. Milano, Àncora, 2007, 176 p. (ill.). (Maestri di frontiera). 5329. Processes of transposition: German literature and film. Edited by Christiane SCHÖNFELD and Hermann RASCHE. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007, 383 p. (ill.). (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, 63). 5330. PRODGER (Phillip). E.O. Hopper's Amerika: modernist photographs from the 1920's. New York a. London, W. W. Norton, 2007, 176 p. (ill.). 5331. RATLIFF (Ben). Coltrane: the story of a sound. London, Faber and Faber, 2007, XXI-250 p. (ill.). 5332. REICHEL (Peter). Erfundene Erinnerung. Weltkrieg und Judenmord in Film und Theater. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Taschenbuch, 2007, 374 p. (Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus). 5333. REINEKE (Christian). Der musikalische Gedanke und die Fasslichkeit als zentrale musiktheoretische Begriffe Arnold Schönbergs. Kassel, G. Bosse, 2007, 185 p. (ill., music). (Kölner Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft, 10). 5334. Retour (Le) du tragique: le théâtre espagnol aux prises avec l'histoire et la rénovation esthétique: 1920í1996. Ed. par Begoña RIESGO, Frédérico BRAV [et al.]. Nantes, Editions du Temps, 2007, 223 p. (Lectures d'une oeuvre). 5335. ROBINSON (Cedric J.). Forgeries of memory and meaning. Blacks and the regimes of race in American theater and film before World War II. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XX-431 p. 5336. ROBINSON (Jeremy Mark). The sacred cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky. Maidstone, Crescent Moon, 2007, 601 p. (ill.). 5337. ROSAND (Ellen). Monteverdi's last operas: a Venetian trilogy. Berkeley, University of California

5343. SCHERER (Jacques). Molière, Marivaux, Ionesco: 60 ans de critique. Saint-Genouph, Nizet, 2007, 362 p. (port.). 5344. SCHLICKE (Cornelius). Tonträgerindustrie und Vermittlung von Livemusik in Kuba: populäre Musik im Kontext ökonomischer Organisationsformen und kulturpolitischer Ideologien. Berlin, Lit, 2007, X-512 p. (Populäre Musik und Jazz in der Forschung, 13). 5345. SCHUBERT (Gesa). Die Kunst des Scheiterns: die Entwicklung der kunsttheoretischen Ideen Samuel Becketts. Berlin, Lit, 2007, IX-265 p. (Anglistik, Amerikanistik, 28). 5346. SCHULTES (Stefan). Faszination des Bösen: Orson Welles' Filme in Hollywood. Remscheid, Gardez!, 2007. 494 p. (ill.). (Filmstudien, 54). 5347. SCHWARTZ (Vanessa R.). It's so French! Hollywood, Paris, and the making of cosmopolitan film culture. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007. XVII-259 p. (ill.). 5348. SCOTT (Clive). Street photography: from Atget to Cartier-Bresson. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2007, XI-233 p. (ill.). 5349. SHAFFER (Jason). Performing patriotism. National identity in the colonial and revolutionary American theater. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, 230 p. (Early American studies). 5350. SHAW (Tony). Hollywood's Cold War. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2007, X-342 p. 5351. SILVER (Alain). The samurai film. London, Duckworth, 2007. 320 p. (ill.). 5352. Sociétés (Les) de musique en Europe, 1700 1920. Structures, pratiques musicales, sociabilités. Sous la dir. de Hans Erich BÖDEKER et Patrice VEIT. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2007, 512 p.



5353. Spartacus: film and history. Ed. by Martin M. WINKLER. Malden, Blackwell Pub., 2007, X-267 p., (ill.). 5354. STOKES (Melvyn). D. W. Griffith's the birth of a nation. A history of "the most controversial motion picture of all time". New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VIII-413 p. 5355. STRIGL (Sandra). Traumreisende: eine narratologische Studie der Filme von Ingmar Bergman, André Téchiné und Julio Medem. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2007, 234 p. (ill.). (Film – Transcript). 5356. Strindberg on drama and theatre: a source book. Ed. by Egil TORNQVIST and Birgitta STEENE. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2007, 206 p. (NUR, 670). 5357. STROBL (Gerwin). The swastika and the stage. German theater and society, 1933–1945. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-341 p. (Cambridge studies in modern theater). 5358. STUNZ (Holger R.). Hitler und die "Gleichschaltung" der Bayreuther Festspiele. Ausnahmezustand, Umdeutung und sozialer Wandel einer Kulturinstitution 1933–1934. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 2, p. 237-268. 5359. SUÁREZ (Juan Antonio). Pop modernism: noise and the reinvention of the everyday. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2007, X-321 p. (ill.). 5360. TAN (Yuan). Der Chinese in der deutschen Literatur: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung chinesischer Figuren in den Werken von Schiller, Döblin und Brecht. Göttingen, Cuvillier, 2007, 268 p. 5361. TAYLOR (Alan). Jacobean visions: Webster, Hitchcock and Google culture. Frankfurt a. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 201 p. 5362. TAYLOR (Timothy Dean). Beyond exoticism: western music and the world. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XV-304 p. (ill., music). (Refiguring American music). 5363. TEGEL (Susan). Nazis and the cinema. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, X-324 p. 5364. Television viisi vuosikymmentä: suomalainen televisio ja sen ohjelmat 1950-luvulta digiaikaan. (Five decades of television: Finnish television and its programmes from the 1950s to the digital age). Toim. Juhani WIIO. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 675 p. (ill). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1145). 5365. THACKER (Toby). Music after Hitler, 1945– 1955. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 280 p. 5366. THOMAS (David), CARLTON (David), ETIENNE (Anne). Theatre censorship. from Walpole to Wilson. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVI-280 p.

5367. TONNING (Erik). Samuel Beckett's abstract drama: works for stage and screen, 1962–1985. Bern a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, 291 p. (Stage and screen studies, 10). 5368. TROTTER (David). Cinema and modernism. Malden, Blackwell Pub., 2007, XII-205 p. (ill.). (Critical quarterly book series). 5369. Unsilvered screen (The): surrealism on film. Ed. by Graeme HARPER and Rob STONE. London a. New York, Wallflower Press, 2007, X-179 p. 5370. VEIT (Patrice). Bach à Berlin en 1829: une "redécouverte"? Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1347-1386. 5371. VILLANI (Simone). L'essenza e l'esistenza: Fritz Lang e Jean Renoir: due modelli di regia, due modelli di autore. Torino, Lindau, 2007, 170 p., (ill.). (Spettacolo e comunicazione, 10). 5372. "Vom Erkennen des Erkannten": musikalische Analyse und Editionsphilologie. Hrsg. v. Friederike WISSMANN, Thomas AHREND und Heinz von LOESCH. Wiesbaden, Breitkopf & Härtel, 2007, 568 p. 5373. WALTON (Benjamin). Rossini in restoration Paris: the sound of modern life. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-349 p. (ill., music). (Cambridge studies in opera). 5374. WIESE (Walter). Kammermusik der Romantik: Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms. Winterthur, Amadeus, 2007, 419 p. (ill., music). 5375. WILLIAMS (Keith). H.G. Wells, modernity and the movies. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2007, 279 p., (ill.). (Liverpool science fiction texts and studies, 35). 5376. WILSON (Alexandra). The Puccini problem: opera, nationalism and modernity. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-321 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in opera). 5377. WOLLAEGER (Mark A.). Modernism, media, and propaganda: British narrative from 1900 to 1945. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007. 5378. WOLTER (Christoph). Jean Cocteau et l'Allemagne: mythes et réalité de la réception de son théâtre. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 521 p. (Critiques littéraires). 5379. Women's experimental cinema: critical frameworks. Ed. by Robin BLAETZ. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, VIII-421 p. (ill.). 5380. YOUNGBLOOD (Denise J.). Russian war films. On the cinema front, 1914–2005. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XVI-319 p. 5381. ZARDINI (Francesca). Gli Ulissi di Giacomo Badoaro: albori dell'opera a Venezia. Verona: Fiorini, 2007, 368 p. (ill.). (Mneme, 11). Cf. nos 4123, 6859

N MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 5382-5442. – § 2. Political economy. 5443-5457. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 54585541. – § 4. Trade. 5542-5612. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5613-5658. – § 6. Money and finance. 5659-5725. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 5726-5806. – § 8. Social history. 5807-6085. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 6086-6143. § 1. General. _______________________

5382. ARRIGHI (Giovanni). Adam Smith in Beijing. Lineages of the twenty-first century. New York, Verso, 2007, XIII-418 p. 5383. BALOG (Iosif Marin). Dilemele modernizării. Economie úi societate în Transilvania 1850–1875. (Dilemma of modernization. Economy and society in Transylvania 1850–1875). Cluj-Napoca, Editura International Book Access, 2007, 359 p. 5384. BEREND (Ivan Tibor). Markt und Wirtschaft. Ökonomische Ordnungen und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 238 p. (Synthesen, 4). 5385. BERGH (Andreas). Den kapitalistiska välfärdsstaten: om den svenska modellens historia och framtid. (L'Etat-providence capitaliste: à propos de l'histoire et de l'avenir du modèle suédois). Stockholm, Ratio, 2007, 173 p. 5386. BOOTH (Anne). Night watchman, extractive, or developmental states? Some evidence from late colonial south-east Asia. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 2, p. 241-266. 5387. BORSDORF (Götz Hajo). Die Internationalisierung deutscher Unternehmen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis 1973. Aachen, Shaker, 2007, 286 p. 5388. BROWNLOW (Graham). The causes and consequences of rent-seeking in Northern Ireland, 1945– 1972. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 1, p. 70-96. 5389. ÇIFTÇI (Cafer). Islam's impact on the economic mentality of Ottomans. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 78-99. 5390. COLLINS (William J.), MARGO (Robert A.). The economic aftermath of the 1960s riots in American cities: evidence from property values. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 4, p. 849-883.

5391. DAUNTON (Martin). Wealth and welfare. An economic and social history of Britain, 1851–1951. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, 656 p. (Economic and social history of Britain, 4). 5392. DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm). Nach dem Boom. Brüche und Kontinuitäten der Industriemoderne seit 1970. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 4, p. 559-582. 5393. Economic disasters of the twentieth century. Ed. by Michael J. OLIVER and Derek H. ALDCROFT. Cheltenham a. Northampton, Edward Elgar, 2007, IX361 p. 5394. Économie (L') de la zone non occupée, 1940– 1942. Éd. par Hervé JOLY. Paris, CTHS, 2007, 378 p. (ill., maps). (CTHS histoire, 24). 5395. EICHENGREEN (Barry). The European economy since 1945. Coordinated capitalism and beyond. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XX-495 p. 5396. FAVAREL-GARRIGUES (Gilles). La police des mœurs économiques. De l'URSS à la Russie, 1965 1995. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 320 p. 5397. FISCHBACK (Price) [et al.]. Government and the American economy: a new history. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIX-613 p. 5398. FLORES (Roberto D.). Gran Bretaña entre Argentina y Chile: su influencia económica (1879–1902). Buenos Aires, Ediciones Cooperativas, 2007, 258 p. (ill., maps). 5399. GAGGIO (Dario). In gold we trust. Social capital and economic change in the Italian jewelry towns. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XVI-352 p. 5400. GEORGIEV (Ivo). Die Arbeiter als Modernisierungsbremse im realsozialistischen Bulgarien? Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 67-77. 5401. GLAISYER (Natasha). Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economic figures in early eight-



eenth-century England. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 4, p. 685-711. 5402. GUESLIN (André). Mythologies de l'argent. Essai sur l'histoire des représentations de la richesse et de la pauvreté dans la France contemporaine (XIXe– XXe siècles). Paris, Economica, 2007, 124 p. 5403. HANNAH (Leslie). The 'Divorce' of ownership from control from 1900 onwards: Re-calibrating imagined global trends. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 404438. 5404. HARDACH (Gerd). Kontinuität und Wandel. Hessens Wirtschaft seit 1945. Darmstadt, Hessisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, 2007, 287 p. (Schriften zur Hessischen Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte 7). 5405. IMLAY (Talbot). Democracy and war: political regime, industrial relations, and economic preparations for war in France and Britain up to 1940. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 1, p. 1-47. 5406. ISCHER (Philipp). Umbau der Telekommunikation: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Innovationsprozessen und institutionellem Wandel am Beispiel der schweizerischen PTT (1970–1998). Zürich, Lit-Verlag, 2007, 311 p. 5407. JONES (Cecily). "If this be living I'd rather be dead": enslaved youth, agency and resistance on an eighteenth century Jamaican estate. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 92-103. 5408. KLEINSCHMIDT (Christian). Technik und Wirtschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, XII-185 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 79). 5409. KOKKINEN (Arto), JALAVA (Jukka), HJERPPE (Riitta), HANNIKAINEN (Matti). Catching up in Europe: Finland's convergence with Sweden and the EU15. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 2, p. 153-171. 5410. KOMLOS (John), CINNIRELLA (Francesco). European heights in the early 18th century. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 3, p. 271-284. 5411. LI (Wei). Deutsche Pläne zur europäischen wirtschaftlichen Neuordnung, 1939–1945: Weltwirtschaft, kontinentaleuropäische Autarkie und mitteleuropäische Wirtschaftsintegration. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2007, 280 p. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 61). 5412. LONDÁK (Miroslav). Ekonomika na Slovensku dvadsaĢ rokov po februári 1948. (The Slovak economy 20 years after February 1948). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 577-596. í IDEM. Rok 1968 a ekonomická realita Slovenska. (L'an 1968 et la réalité économique en Slovaquie). Bratislava, Historický ústav, 2007, 177 p. 5413. MAC FERRIN (Randy), WILLS (Douglas). High noon on the Western range: a property rights analysis of the Johnson County war. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 69-92.

5414. MAC GOVERN (Tom). Why do successful companies fail? A case study of the decline of Dunlop. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 886-907. 5415. MAC WILLIAMS (James E.). Building the Bay Colony. Local economy and culture in early Massachusetts. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2007, XI-201 p. 5416. MARMÉ (Michael). Survival through transformation: how China's Suzhou-centred world economy weathered the general crisis of the seventeenth century. Social history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 144-165. 5417. MATHIEU (Christian), GRABAS (Margrit). Zur Dekonstruktion eines "Ökomythos" ௅ Venedigs Gewässerpolitik in der Frühen Neuzeit und die Produktion eines Strukturproblems des venezianischen Herrschafts- und Wirtschaftsraums. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 1, p. 27-46. 5418. MAURER (Noel), HABER (Stephen). Related lending and economic performance: evidence from Mexico. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 551581. 5419. MERKI (Christoph Maria). Wirtschaftswunder Liechtenstein: die rasche Modernisierung einer kleinen Volkswirtschaft im 20. Jahrhundert. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 342 p. 5420. MIGANI (Guia). La Communauté économique européenne et la Commission économique pour l'Afrique de l'ONU: la difficile convergence de deux projets de développement pour le continent africain (1958–1963). Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 1, p. 133-146. 5421. NIBLOCK (Tim), MALIK (Monica). The political economy of Saudi Arabia. London, Routledge, 2007, XVIII-254 p. 5422. NISHIDA (Satoshi). Der Wiederaufbau der japanischen Wirtschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: die amerikanische Japanpolitik und die ökonomischen Nachkriegsreformen in Japan 1942–1952. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 469 p. (VSWG, Beih. 193). 5423. NÜTZENADEL (Alexander). Wirtschaftskrisen und die Transformation des Sozialstaats im 20. Jahrhundert. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 31-46. 5424. O'HARA (Glen). From dreams to disillusionment. Economic and social planning in 1960s Britain. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 301 p. 5425. OGILVIE (Sheilagh). 'Whatever is, is right'? Economic institutions in pre-industrial Europe. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 4, p. 649-684. 5426. OLDROYD (David). Estates, enterprise and investment at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Estate management and accounting in the North-East of England, c. 1700–1780. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 217 p. 5427. PANJEK (Aleksander). Dezintegracija med Trstom in Koprom: o razdruževanju gospodarskega prostora v



case of Austria, 1918–1939. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, 413 p. (Beiträge zur Unternehmensgeschichte, 25).

Svobodnem tržaškem ozemlju. (Disintegration between Trieste and Koper: on the division of the economic space in the free territory of Trieste). In: Dopoguerra di confine: progetto Interreg IIIA/Phare CBC Italia ௅ Slovenia: Projekt Interreg IIIA/Phare CBC Italija ௅ Slovenija. A cura di Tullia CATALAN, Giulio MELLINATO, Pio NODARI, Raoul PUPO e Marta VERGINELLA. Trieste, Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, Università, Dipartimento di Scienze Geografiche e Storiche e Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, 2007, p. 443-465.

5440. WIEN (Markus). Markt und Modernisierung: deutsch-bulgarische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1918–1944 in ihren konzeptionellen Grundlagen. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 356 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 128).

5428. PARKER (Randall E.). The economics of the Great Depression: a twenty-first century look back at the economics of the Interwar era. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007, XI-257 p.

§ 1. Addendum 2006.

5429. ROBBINS (W.M.), HARRISS (Ian). A theatre of words and wages: reading the script of the harvester hearing. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 87-108. 5430. ROWLINSON (Michael), TOMS (Steven), WIL(John F.). Competing perspectives on the 'Managerial Revolution': from 'Managerialist' to 'Anti-Managerialist'. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 464-482. SON

5431. SCHANETZKY (Tim). Die große Ernüchterung. Wirtschaftspolitik, Expertise und Gesellschaft in der Bundesrepublik 1966 bis 1982. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, 310 p. (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 17). 5432. SCOTT (Peter). Triumph of the South. A regional economic history of early twentieth century Britain. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-324 p. (Modern economic and social history series). 5433. SEYFERTH (Alexander). Die Heimatfront 1870/ 71: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im deutsch-französischen Krieg. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 602 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 35). 5434. SPICKA (Mark E.). Selling the economic miracle: economic reconstruction and politics in West Germany, 1949–1957. New York, Berghahn Books, 2007, XVI-288 p. (ill.). (Monographs in German history, 18). 5435. STEINSIEK (Peter-M.). Forstliche Großraumszenarien bei der Unterwerfung Osteuropas durch Hitlerdeutschland. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 2, p. 141-164. 5436. TENOLD (Stig). Norway's interwar tanker expansion – a reappraisal. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 3, p. 244-261. 5437. TOOZE (Adam). Ökonomie der Zerstörung. Die Geschichte der Wirtschaft im Nationalsozialismus. München, Siedler Verlag, 2007, 928 p. 5438. Was die Nationalsozialisten "Arisierung" nannten: Wirtschaftsverbrechen in Gelsenkirchen während des "Dritten Reiches". Hrsg. v. Heinz-Jürgen PRIAMUS. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 224 p. (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Stadtgeschichte, Beiträge, 13). 5439. WESSELS (Jens-Wilhelm). Economic policy and microeconomic performance in inter-war Europe. The

5441. ZLATEV (Zlatko Denev). Stopanskata politika na bălgarskite pravitelstva (1944í1949). (Politique économique des gouvernements bulgares 1944í1949). Sofija, IK Kota, 2007, 151 p. 5442. SMITH (Scott Jason). Building New Deal liberalism: The political economy of public works, 1933 1956. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-283 p. Cf. no 5668 § 2. Political economy. _______________________

5443. ALACEVICH (Michele). L'economia dello sviluppo come istituzione: alcune riflessioni a partire dal dibattito tra Albert Hirschman e Lauchlin Currie. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 1, p. 81-110. 5444. BJERKHOLT (Olav), QVIGSTAD (Jean F.). Su uno scritto di Frisch del 1933: Introduction to Ragnar Frisch's 1933 pamphlet Saving and circulation regulation. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 2, 23, p. 209232. [Cf. no 5449]. 5445. BLUMENTHAL (Karsten von). Die Steuertheorien der Austrian Economics. Von Menger zu Mises. Marburg, Metropolis, 2007, 436 p. (Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Ökonomie, 31). 5446. CONGDON (Tim). Keynes, the Keynesians and monetarism. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2007, XV-339 p. 5447. DOBRENKO (Evgeny). Political economy of socialist realism. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XXI386 p. 5448. DOSTALER (Gilles). Keynes and his battles. Cheltenham a. Northampton, Edward Elgar, 2007, VI374 p. 5449. FRISCH (Ragnar). Saving and circulation control. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 2, p. 233248. [Cf. no 5444]. 5450. HASSELBERG (Ylva). Industrisamhällets förkunnare: Eli Heckscher, Arthur Montgomery, Bertil Boëthius och svensk ekonomisk historia 1920–1950. (Prédicateurs de la société industrielle: Eli Heckscher, Arthur Montgomery, Bertil Boëthius et l'histoire économique suédoise 1920–1950). Hedemora/Möklinta, Gidlund, 2007, 392 p. 5451. HOLUB (Hans-Werner). Eine Einführung in die Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens. 4. Der Sozialismus von Babeuf bis Marx. Wien u. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 264 p. (Einführungen Wirtschaft, 9).



5452. MARCHIONATTI (Roberto). La Scuola economica torinese nelle sue riviste. La "Riforma Sociale" e "La Rivista di Storia economica" . 1894–1943. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1048-1088. 5453. NALDI (Nerio). 6 November 1924: Piero Sraffa and Keynes's new theory and social policy. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 2, p. 131-158. 5454. NISHIZAWA (Tamotsu). MƗsharu to rekishigakuha no keizai shisǀ(Hitotsubashi daigaku keizai kenkynj sǀsho bessatsu). (Economic thoughts of Alfred Marshall and the historical school). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 646 p. (The economic study series of the Hitotsubashi University). 5455. O'HARA (Glen). Towards a new Bradshaw? Economic statistics and the British state in the 1950s and 1960s. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 1, p. 1-34. 5456. PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro). European patterns of development in historical perspective. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 3, p. 187221. 5457. TONIOLO Gianni). La vita di un economista: Riccardo Faini. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 2, p. 249-262. Cf. nos 3472, 3821, 4174, 6723

5465. BONIN (Hubert). Business interests versus geopolitics: the case of the Siberian pipeline in the 1980s. Business history, 2007, 49, 2, p. 235-254. 5466. BROADBERRY (Stephen), BURHOP (Carsten). Comparative productivity in British and German manufacturing before World War II: reconciling direct benchmark estimates and time series projections. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 315-349. 5467. BRUNT (Liam). Where there's muck, there's brass: the market for manure in the industrial revolution. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 2, p. 333-372. 5468. BURHOP (Carsten). Die Bautätigkeit während der deutschen Industrialisierung. Anmerkungen zu den Zeitreihen von Walther G. Hoffmann. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 2, p. 165-172. 5469. BÜSCHENFELD (Jürgen). Boge ௅ ein Familienunternehmen aus Bielefeld. Bielefeld, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2007, 175 p. 5470. BUTLER (Lawrence J.). Copper empire: mining and the colonial state in Northern Rhodesia, c. 1930– 1964. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-426 p. (maps). (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).


5471. CHICK (Martin). Electricity and energy policy in Britain, France and the United States since 1945. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007, X-205 p.

5458. ALDRICH (Mark). Running out of steam: federal inspection and locomotive safety, 1912–1940. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 4, p. 884-916.

5472. CROMPTON (Gerald), JUPE (Robert). Network Rail – forward or backward? Not-for-profit in British transport. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 908-928.

5459. ALLEN (Douglas W.). Information sharing during the Klondike Gold Rush. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 4, p. 944-967.

5473. DALE (Pamela), GREENLEES (Janet), MELLING (Joseph). The kiss of death or a flight of fancy? Workers' health and the campaign to regulate shuttle kissing in the British cotton industry, c. 1900–1952. Social history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 54-75.

§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation.

5460. AMMANN (Klaus), ENGLER (Christian). Husten, Schmerz und Kommunismus: das Basler PharmaUnternehmen F. Hoffmann-La Roche in Osteuropa, 1896–1957. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 323 p. 5461. BARRY (Kathleen M.). Femininity in flight. A history of flight attendants. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XV-304 p. (Radical perspectives). 5462. BÁRTÍK (František). Budování táborĤ pro nesvobodné pracovní síly v místech produkce uranové rudy na území ýeské republiky. (Building camps for the involuntary workforce in uranium ore production areas in the territory of the Czech Republic). Podbrdsko, 2007, 14, p. 57-78. 5463. BEAR (Laura). Lines of the nation. Indian railway workers, bureaucracy, and the intimate historical self. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XII-346 p. (Cultures of history). 5464. BEYER (Burkhard). Vom Tiegelstahl zum Kruppstahl: Technik- und Unternehmensgeschichte der Gussstahlfabrik von Friedrich Krupp in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Essen, Klartext-Verl., 2007, 623 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Soziale Bewegungen: Schriftenreihe A, Darstellungen, 34).

5474. DEL VALLE PAVÓN (Guillermina). Los excedentes del ramo Alcabalas: habilitación de la minería y defensa del monopolio de los mercaderes de México en el siglo XVIII. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 9691016. 5475. DES COGNETS (Charles). De la toile aux chemins de fer: l'extension nationale d'une entreprise bretonne au XIXe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 291 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 5476. DÖRSCHNER (Andreas). Wohnungswirtschaft für die Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG, 1933–1945: Entstehung, Organisation, Bestandsbewirtschaftung und Wohnungsbau der Rheinische Wohnstätten AG, Rheinisch Westfälische Wohnstätten AG, Westfälische Wohnstätten AG und Westdeutsche Wohnhäuser AG. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 492 p. 5477. EVANS (Chris), RYDEN (Göran). Baltic iron in the Atlantic world in the eighteenth century. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-359 p. 5478. FARRENKOPF (Michael). Vom Entwurf zum Depositum: über den wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit

3. INDUSTRY, MINING AND TRANSPORTATION dem zeichnerischen Nachlass der Industrie. Bochum, Selbstverlag des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums, 2007, 172 p. (Veröffentl. aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 154. Schriften des Bergbau-Archivs, 19). 5479. FENOALTEA Stefano). The chemical, coal and petroleum products, and rubber industries in Italy, 1861–1913: a statistical reconstruction. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 1, p. 33-80. 5480. FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ (Paloma). Small firms and networks in capital intensive industries: The case of Spanish steel wire manufacturing. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 647-667.


5491. IBSEN (Christian Lyhne), POULSEN (Lauge Skovgaard). Path dependence and independent utility regulation: The case of Danish energy and telecommunications regulation. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 1, p. 41-63. 5492. Internationalisation and globalisation of the insurance industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. Ed. by Peter BORSCHEID and Robin PEARSON. Marburg, Philipps-University, 2007, 196 p. 5493. JAMES (Kevin J.). Handloom weavers in Ulster's linen industry, 1815–1914. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 184 p.

5481. FERNÁNDEZ ROCA (Francisco Javier). The adaptive strategies of Spanish cotton industry companies, 1939–1970. Business history, 2007, 49, 1, p. 75-97.

5494. KARLSCH (Rainer). Uran für Moskau. Die Wismut. Eine populäre Geschichte. Berlin, Links Verlag, 2007, 280 p.

5482. FONES-WOLF (Ken). Glass towns. Industry, labor, and political economy in Appalachia, 1890–1930s. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XXVIII-236 p. (Working class in American history).

5495. KARLSSON (Birgit). Egenintresse eller samhällsintresse: Nazityskland och svensk skogsindustri 1933–1945. (Dans son propre intérêt ou dans celui de la société: l'industrie forestière suédoise et l'Allemagne nazie 1933–1945). Lund, Sekel, 2007, 219 p.

5483. FRABOULET (Danièle). Quand les patrons s'organisent. Stratégies et pratiques de l'Union des industries métallurgiques et minières 19011950. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2007, 370 p. (avec cédérom). 5484. FREEMAN (Mark), PEARSON (Robin), TAYLOR (James). Technological change and the governance of joint-stock enterprise in the early nineteenth century: The case of coastal shipping. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 573-594. 5485. FREMDLING (Rainer), DE JONG (Herman), TIMMER (Marcel P.). British and German manufacturing productivity compared: a new benchmark for 1935/ 36 based on double deflated value added. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 350-378. 5486. FRICKE (Andreas). Markteintritt und -bearbeitung in der Automobilindustrie: Volkswagen in den USA; eine empirische Untersuchung auf Basis von Dunnings Eklektischem Paradigma. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 333 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, 5. Volksund Betriebswirtschaft, 3272). 5487. GILMOUR (Alison). The trouble with Linwood: compliance and coercion in the car plant, 1963–1981. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2007, 27, 1, p. 7594. 5488. Haus (Ein) für ein Unternehmen. Thyssen und Landsberg. Hrsg. v. Uta HASSLER und Norbert NUSSBAUM. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2007, 189 p. 5489. HUNTER (Ian). Age of enterprise. Rediscovering the New Zealand antrepreneur, 1880–1910. Auckland, Auckland U. P., 2007, VIII-280 p. 5490. HÜRLIMANN (Gisela). "Die Eisenbahn der Zukunft". Automatisierung, Schnellverkehr und Modernisierung bei den SBB [Schweizerische Bundesbahnen] 1955 bis 2005. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2007, 408 p. (Interferenzen, 12).

5496. KEAY (Ian). The engine or the caboose? Resource industries and twentieth-century Canadian economic performance. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 1-32. 5497. KERR (Melissa). Labour management practices in non-union firms: Australian abrasive industry 1945–70. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 75-88. 5498. KIESEWETTER (Hubert). Die Industrialisierung Sachsens. Ein regional vergleichendes Erklärungsmodell. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 630 p. (Regionale Industrialisierung, 5). 5499. KINGSTON (Christopher). Marine insurance in Britain and America, 1720–1844: a comparative institutional analysis. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 379-409. 5500. KLEIN (Maury). The genesis of industrial America, 1870–1920. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-224 p. 5501. KOHAMA (Hirohisa). Industrial development in postwar Japan. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XIV-226 p. 5502. KOPPER (Christopher). Die Bahn im Wirtschaftswunder. Deutsche Bundesbahn und Verkehrspolitik in der Nachkriegsgesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2007, 466 p. (Beiträge zur historischen Verkehrsforschung, 9). 5503. KRIEDTE (Peter). Taufgesinnte und großes Kapital: die niederrheinisch-bergischen Mennoniten und der Aufstieg des Krefelder Seidengewerbes (Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts–1815). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 803 p. (Veröffentl. des Max-PlanckInstituts für Geschichte, 223). 5504. KUNNAS (Jan). Potash, saltpeter and tar. Production, exports and use of wood in Finland in the 19th



century. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 281-311. 5505. LAAKSO (Seija-Riitta). Across the oceans. Development of overseas business information transmission, 1815–1875. Helsinki, Finnish Literature Society, 2007, 459 p. (ill., maps). (Studia Fennica, Historica 13). 5506. LACINA (Vlastislav). PrĤmyslové podnikatelské elity a hospodáĜská politika meziváleþného ýeskoslovenska. 1, UplatnČní vlivu prĤmyslníkĤ na hospodáĜskou politiku prostĜednictvím ÚstĜedního svazu þs. prĤmyslníkĤ pĜi a po vzniku ýSR. (The industrialist elite and economic policy of interwar Czechoslovakia. The Central Union of Czechoslovak Industrialists as a lobbying body promoting the interests of industrialists in matters of economic policy during and after the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 92-110. 5507. LEWIS (Daniel). Iron horse imperialism. The Southern Pacific of Mexico, 1880–1951. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2007, XV-179 p. 5508. LINDNER (Erik). Die Reemtsmas. Geschichte einer deutschen Unternehmerfamilie. Hamburg, Hoffmann & Campe, 2007, 592 p. 5509. LUBINSKI (Christina). Im Labyrinth der Löhne. Betriebsmanagement durch Lohngestaltung im Kontext flexibler Spezialisierung: Der Maschinenbaubetrieb der Handelsgesellschaft Jacobi, Haniel und Huyssen, 1869–1872. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 3, p. 285-308. 5510. MAC CULLOCH (Jock). The mine at Baryulgil: work, knowledge, and asbestos disease. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 113-128. 5511. MAC IVOR (Arthur), JOHNSTON (Ronald). Miners' lung. A history of dust disease in British coal mining. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVIII-374 p. 5512. MAC LEOD (Christine). Heroes of invention. Technology, liberalism and British identity, 1750–1914. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-458 p. (Cambridge studies in economic history). 5513. MADUREIRA (Nuno Luís). Enterprises, incentives and networks: The formative years of the electrical network in Portugal, 1920–1947. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 625-645. 5514. MATTHEWS (Derek). The performance of British manufacturing in the Post-War long boom. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 763-779.

Raum Halle (Saale); eine Zeitreise durch zwei Jahrhunderte. Hrsg. v. Thomas BROCKMEIER und Peter HERTNER. Unter Mitw. von Andrea HAUSER. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2007, 288 p. 5517. MURRAY (John. E.). Origins of American health insurance: a history of industrial sickness funds. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XIV-313 p. 5518. PASKOFF (Paul F.). Troubled waters. Steamboat disasters, river improvements, and American public policy, 1821–1860. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2007, XVII-324 p. 5519. PINEDA (Yovanna). Manufacturing profits and strategies in Argentine industrial development, 1904– 1930. Business history, 2007, 49, 2, p. 186-210. 5520. POETTINGER (Monika). Imprenditori tedeschi nella Lombardia del primo Ottocento: spirito mercantile, capitale sociale ed industrializzazione. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 3, p. 319-360. 5521. POULSEN (René Taudal). Liner shipping and technological innovation: Ostasiat and the container revolution, 1963–1975. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 2, p. 83-100. 5522. PRINZ (Gerhard). "Für einen tüchtigen Maschinen-Dienst": die ersten Lokomotivführer in Esslingen. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 185 p. (Geschichte, 82). 5523. ROBERTSON (Emma), KORCZYNSKI (Marek), PICKERING (Michael). Harmonious relations? Music at work in the Rowntree and Cadbury factories. Business history, 2007, 49, 2, p. 211-234. 5524. ROSSFELD (Roman). Schweizer Schokolade: industrielle Produktion und kulturelle Konstruktion eines nationalen Symbols 1860–1920. Baden, Hier u. Jetzt, 2007, 538 p. 5525. SCHÖN (Lennart). Technological shifts and convergence in a European perspective since 1950. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 3, p. 222-243. 5526. SCHWARZ (Leonard). Custom, wages and workload in England during industrialization. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 143-175. 5527. SEDLÁKOVÁ (Monika). Arizace v potravináĜském prĤmyslu a obchodu jako násilná obmČna elit. (Arisierung in der Lebensmittelindustrie und im Handel als gewaltsamer Wandel der Eliten). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí Štaif. Praha, 2007, p. 387-401. 5528. SEGAL (Naomi). 'War conducted under certain rules, but nonetheless war': arbitration, capital and labour in the Western Australian gold mining industry, 1901–1914. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 109-126.

5515. MEIER (Brigitte). Jüdische Seidenunternehmer und die soziale Ordnung zur Zeit Friedrichs II., Moses Mendelssohn und Isaak Bernhard. Interaktion und Kommunikation als Basis einer erfolgreichen Unternehmensentwicklung. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2007, 303 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs 52).

5529. SMITH (David). Defence contractors and diversification into the civil sector: Rolls-Royce, 1945–2005. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 669-694.

5516. Menschen, Märkte & Maschinen: die Entwicklung von Industrie und mittelständischer Wirtschaft im

5530. SØRENSEN (Peter), PEDERSEN (Kurt). Limits to scale and scope: the Failure of a Danish Slaughter-

4. TRADE house Merger in 1890/91. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 595-624. 5531. SUÁREZ ARGÜELLO (Clara Elena). La quiebra de una casa de conductas novohispana en los inicios del siglo XIX: sus causas. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 817-862. 5532. SUNDERLAND (David). Social capital, trust and the industrial revolution, 1780–1880. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-260 p. (Routledge explorations in economic history, 34). 5533. TUDOR (Marian). A face cunoscut úi iubit "soarele electric". Societatea română úi electricitatea (1882–1916). (Making the "electric sun" known and loved. Romanian society and electricity, 1882–1916). Iaúi, Editura Dominor, 2007, 113 p. 5534. TÜRK (Fahri). Die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie in ihren Türkeigeschäften zwischen 1871 und 1914: die Firma Krupp, die Waffenfabrik Mauser und die Deutschen Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken: ein Beitrag zu deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 230 p. (Ethnien ௅ Regionen – Konflikte, 13). 5535. VAN DRIEL (Hugo), DE GOEY (Ferry), VAN GERWEN (Jacques). Testing the Chandler Thesis: Comparing middle management and administrative intensity in Dutch and US industries, 1900–1950. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 439-463 5536. VAUTHIER-VÉZIER (Anne). L'estuaire et le port. L'identité maritime de Nantes au XIXe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 235 p. (Histoire). 5537. VERNUS (Pierre). Art, luxe et industrie. Bianchini Férier, un siècle de soieries lyonnaises. Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2007, 419 p. 5538. VIZCARRA (Catalina). Bourbon intervention in the Peruvian tobacco industry, 1752–1813. Journal of Latin American studies, 2007, 39, 3, p. 567-593. 5539. WOODRUM (Robert H.). "Everybody was black down there". Race and industrial change in the Alabama coalfields. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XIV-304 p. (Politics and culture in the twentiethcentury South). 5540. YEATS (Christine). [Research Note] Industrial arbitration transcripts and related sources in the NSW [New South Wales] State Archives, 1902–1991. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 145-154. 5541. ZELLER (Thomas). Driving Germany. The landscape of the German Autobahn, 1930–1970. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, 289 p. (Studies in German history, 5). Cf. nos 5405, 5564, 5568, 5580, 6751 § 4. Trade. * 5542. ROLLINGS (Neil). British business history: a review of the periodical literature for 2005. Business history, 2007, 49, 3, p. 271-292.


** 5543. Bright-Meyler papers (The). A Bristol-West India connection, 1732–1837. Ed. by Kenneth MORGAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XX-706 p. _______________________

5544. ÅGREN (Karin). Köpmannen i Stockholm: grosshandlares ekonomiska och sociala strategier under 1700-talet. (Stratégies économiques et sociales des négociants à Stockholm au 18e siècle). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2007, 276 p. (Uppsala studies in economic history, 82). 5545. Anglo-Saxons in the Mediterranean: commerce, politics and ideas, XVIIíXX centuries. Ed. by Carmel VASSALLO and Michela D'ANGELO. Msida, Malta U. P., 2007, XII-236 p. 5546. BAER (William C.). Early retailing: London's shopping exchanges, 1550–1700. Business history, 2007, 49, 1, p. 29-51. 5547. BINDA (Veronica), IVERSEN (Martin Jes). Towards a 'Managerial Revolution' in European Business? The transformation of Danish and Spanish Big Business, 1973–2003. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 506-530. 5548. BLACK (Jeremy). Trade, empire and British foreign policy, 1689–1815. The politics of a commercial state. London, Routledge, 2007, 219 p. 5549. BRUYN KOPS (Henriette De). A spirited exchange. The wine and brandy trade between France and the Dutch Republic in its Atlantic framework, 1600– 1650. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIII-371 p. (Northern world, 32). 5550. CHOREV (Nitsan). Remaking U.S. trade policy: from protectionism to globalization. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XIV-242 p. 5551. CIRIACONO (Salvatore). Scambi commerciali e produzione di beni di lusso nel Giappone del periodo Edo. Una lettura storiografica. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 125, p. 591-622. 5552. CIRIACY-WANTRUP (Katharina Von). Familienund erbrechtliche Gestaltungen von Unternehmen der Renaissance: eine Untersuchung der Augsburger Handelsgesellschaften zur Frühen Neuzeit. Münster, Lit Verlag, 2007, LVIII-319 p. (Augsburger Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 6). 5553. CIRONISOVÁ (Eva). PlzeĖský Prazdroj v nČmeckých zemích. (Der Pilsner Urquell in deutschen Ländern). Minulostí Západoþeského kraje, 2007, 42, 1, p. 235-276. 5554. CLARK (Henry C.). Compass of society. Commerce and abolutism in old-regime France. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2007, XX-389 p. 5555. CLARKE (Sally H.). Trust and power. Consumers, the modern corporation, and the making of the United States automobile market. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVIII-296 p.



5556. Commerce, voyage et expérience religieuse (XVIeXVIIIe siècles). Sous la dir. de Albrecht BURKARDT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 503 p. 5557. COX (Howard). Business on trial: The tobacco securities trust and the 1935 pepper debacle. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 823-843. 5558. COX (Nancy), DANNEHL (Karin). Perceptions of retailing in Early Modern England. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XV-214 p. 5559. D'AMELIA (Marina). Agenti e intermediari tra negozi curiali e merci false (Roma fra Cinque e Seicento). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 43-78. 5560. DAVIS (Lance E.), NEAL (Larry), WHITE (Eugene). The highest price ever: the great NYSE seat sale of 1928–1929 and capacity constraints. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 705-739. 5561. DE BRUYN KOPS (Henriette). A spirited exchange: the wine and brandy trade between France and the Dutch Republic in its Atlantic framework, 1600– 1650. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XIV-371 p. 5562. ELENA (Eduardo). Peronist consumer politics and the problem of domesticating markets in Argentina, 1943–1955. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 1, p. 111-149. 5563. FERTIG (Georg). Äcker, Wirte, Gaben: ländlicher Bodenmarkt und liberale Eigentumsordnung im Westfalen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Akademie, 2007, 275 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beiheft 11). 5564. FLATSCHER (Sandra). Der Bayerische Industrie- und Handelskammertag 1909–1936. Entstehung ௅ Entwicklung ௅ Tätigkeit. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 493 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 3. Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1037). 5565. FLOOR (Willem M.). The Persian Gulf: the rise of the Gulf Arabs: the politics of trade on the Persian littoral, 1747–1792. Washington, Mage Publishers, 2007, XVII-363 p. (maps). 5566. GARCÍA RUIZ (José Luis). Cultural resistance and the gradual emergence of modern marketing and retailing practices in Spain, 1950–1975. Business history, 2007, 49, 3, p. 367-384. 5567. GRANT (Jonathan A.). Rulers, guns, and money. The global arms trade in the age of imperialism. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XIV-288 p. 5568. HILLS (Jill). Regulation, innovation and market structure in International Telecommunications: the case of the 1956 TAT1 submarine cable. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 868-885. 5569. HILTON (Matthew). Social activism in an age of consumption: the organized consumer movement. Social history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 121-143. 5570. HIROTA (Makoto). Kǀbe Gakuin Daigaku keizai-gaku kenkynj sǀsho 15: Kindai Nihon no nichiyǀ-

hin kouri shijǀ. (The retail market of daily necessities in modern Japan). Osaka, Seibundo Shuppan, 2007, 271 p. (Kǀbe Gakuin University economic research series 15). 5571. HOFF (Annette). Gehrdt de Lichtenberg: storkøbmand, godsejer, pengeudlåner og fabrikant (G. de Lichtenberg: grand négociant, propriétaire foncier, prêteur de fonds et industriel). Horsens, Horsens Museum, 2007, 368 p. (Dansk Center for Herregårdsforskning). 5572. IBARRA (Antonio), DEL VALLE PAVÓN (Guillermina). Redes sociales e instituciones comerciales en el imperio español, siglos XVII al XIX. México D.F., Instituto Mora y UNAM, Facultad de Economía, 2007, 340 p. 5573. IBARRA (Antonio). Redes de circulación y redes de negociantes en Guadalajara colonial: mercado, élite comercial e instituciones. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 1017-1041. 5574. IRWIN (Douglas A.). Tariff incidence in America's gilded age. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 582-607. 5575. JONES (Geoffrey), MISKELL (Peter). Acquisitions and firm growth: creating Unilever's ice cream and tea business. Business history, 2007, 49, 1, p. 8-28. 5576. KAISER (Wolfgang). Una missione impossibile? Riscatto e comunicazione nel Mediterraneo Occidentale (sec. XVI–XVII). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 19-42. 5577. Vacat. 5578. KESSLER (Amalia D.). A revolution in commerce. The Parisian merchant court and the rise of commercial society in eighteenth-century France. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, X-391 p. 5579. KIKKAWA (Takeo), KASUYA (Makoto). Nihon hudǀsan-shi: Sangyǀ keisei kara posuto Baburu-ki made. (History of the real estate business in Japan: from the 19th century to the present). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2007, 402 p. 5580. KLEEDEHN (Patrick). Die Rückkehr auf den Weltmarkt: Die Internationalisierung der Bayer AG Leverkusen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zum Jahre 1961. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, 385 p. 5581. KNOTHE (Danke). Macht und Möglichkeit: eingebetteter Unilateralismus in der Handels- und Klimaschutzpolitik der USA. Berlin u. London, Lit, 2007, XII391 p. (Liberale internationale politische Ökonomie, 4). 5582. KUNTZ FICKER (Sandra). El comercio exterior de México en la era del capitalismo liberal, 1870–1929. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2007, 531 p. 5583. MANDELBLATT (Bertie). A transatlantic commodity: Irish salt beef in the French Atlantic World. History workshop journal, 2007, 63, p. 18-47. 5584. MILNE (Graeme J.). British business and the telephone, 1878–1911. Business history, 2007, 49, 2, p. 163-185.

4. TRADE 5585. MITCHELL (Ian). The changing role of fairs in the long eighteenth century: evidence from the north midlands. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 3, p. 545573. 5586. MONTENACH (Anne). Fare affari con l'incertezza: Scelte e strategie del piccolo commercio alimentare (Lione XVII sec). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 79-96. 5587. NOVOTNÝ (JiĜí), ŠOUŠA (JiĜí). Podnikatelské elity v obchodních spoleþnostech þeských zemí v 19. století a v první polovinČ 20. století. (Business elites in commercial companies. Czech Lands in the 19th and first half of the 20th century). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 128-142. 5588. NYE (John V. C.). War, wine and taxes. The political economy of Anglo-French-trade, 1689–1900. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XVII-174 p. 5589. NYLAND (Chris), MAC LEOD (Amanda). The scientific management of the consumer interest. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 717-735. 5590. PEARCE (Adrian J.). British trade with Spanish America, 1763–1808. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2007, XXXVIII-320 p. 5591. PEZZOLO (Luciano). Violenza, costi di protezione e declino commerciale nell'Italia del Seicento. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 1, p. 111-124. 5592. POPINIGIS (Fabiane). Proletários de casaca: Trabalhadores do comércio carioca (1850–1911). Campinas, Editora da UNICAMP, 2007, 263 p. 5593. POPP (Andrew). Building the market: John Shaw of Wolverhampton and commercial travelling in early nineteenth-century England. Business history, 2007, 49, 3, p. 321-347. 5594. Rinascimento italiano (Il) e l'Europa. Vol. IV. Commercio e cultura mercantile. A cura di Franco FRANCESCHI, Richard A. GOLDTHWAITE e Reinhold C. MUELLER. Treviso, Angelo Colla editore, 2007, 819 p. 5595. ROBIN (Thierry). Les relations commerciales de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne avec la République populaire de Chine (début des années 1950). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 1, p. 41-58. 5596. ROLLINGS (Neil). British business in the formative years of European integration, 1945–1973. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-278 p. (Cambridge studies in the emergence of global enterprise). 5597. RUANGSILP (Bhawan). Dutch East India Company merchants at the court of Ayutthaya: Dutch perceptions of the Thai kingdom, ca. 1604–1765. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVII-279 p. (maps). (TANAP monographs on the history of Asian-European interaction, 8). 5598. SALERNO (Sergio). Notizie sul mercato. "Market abuse" e legislazioni nazionali (Stati Uniti ed Europa 1934–2006). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 205230.


5599. SALVEMINI (Biagio). Far negozio senza informazioni. "Marinai" pugliesi nell'Adriatico settecentesco. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 155-204. 5600. SÁNCHEZ I SANTIRÓ (Ernest). Las incertidumbres del cambio: redes sociales y mercantiles de los hacendados-comerciantes azucareros del centro de México (1800–1834). Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 919-968. 5601. SASAKI (Satoshi). Nihon-teki rynjtsnj no keieishi. (Business history of Japanese distribution system, 1920s–1960s). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2007, 374 p. 5602. SCHULTE BEERBUHL (Margrit). Deutsche Kaufleute in London. Welthandel und Einbürgerung (1600– 1818). München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, X-512 p. (Veröffentl. des Deutschen historischen Instituts London, 61). 5603. Selling modernity. Advertising in twentiethcentury Germany. Ed. by Pamela E. SWETT, S. Jonathan WIESEN and Jonathan R. ZATLIN. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XX-364 p. 5604. STOLTZFUS (Duane C. S.). Freedom from advertising. E. W. Scripps's Chicago experiment. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, X-187 p. (History of communication). 5605. SUNSERI (Thaddeus). The political ecology of the copal trade in the Tanzanian coastal hinterland, c. 1820–1905. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 201-220. 5606. TAUDAL POULSEN (René). An environmental history of North Sea ling and cod fisheries, 1840–1914. Esbjerg, Fiskeri- og soefartsmuseets forlag, 2007, 306 p. (Fiskeri- og soefartsmuseets studieserie, 22). 5607. THOMAS (James H.). The East India Company and the provinces in the eighteenth century. Vol. II. Captains, agents, and servants. A gallery of East India Company portraits. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, XIX-478 p. 5608. Varans vägar och världar: handel och konsumtion i Skandinavien ca 1600–1900. (Les routes de la marchandise et les mondes: commerce et consommation en Scandinavie 1600–1900). Red. Christer AHLBERGER, Pia LUNDQVIST. Göteborg, Historiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2007, 165 p. (Skrifter från Historiska institutionen i Göteborg, 9). 5609. WAHRMANN (Carl Christian). Aufschwung und Niedergang: die Entwicklung des Wismarer Seehandels in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, LIT, 2007, 154 p. (Kleine Stadtgeschichte, 4). 5610. WARREN (Wilson J.). Tied to the great packing machine. The Midwest and meatpacking. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2007, XII-317 p. 5611. WEINDL (Andrea). Wer kleidet die Welt? Globale Märkte und merkantile Kräfte in der europäischen Politik der Frühen Neuzeit. Mainz, von Zabern, 2007, XI289 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, 211).



5612. Welthandel (Vom) des 18. Jahrhunderts zur Globalisierung des 21. Jahrhunderts: Leipziger Überseetagung 2005, [vom 20. bis 22. Mai]. Hrsg. v. Markus A. DENZEL. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 147 p. (Beiträge zur europäischen Überseegeschichte, 92). os

Cf. n 5474, 5477, 5484, 5520, 5643, 6282, 6868 § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. ** 5613. REWJAKINA (Luisa). Die Kominterne, die Bauerninternationale und die Bauernparteien auf dem Balkan 1923-1931. Dokumente. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 155-202. _______________________

5614. ALCÁNTARA LÓPEZ (Alvaro). Elites ganaderas, redes sociales y desobediencia cotidiana en el sur de Veracruz a finales del siglo XVIII. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 779-816.

reassessing the African contribution to rice cultivation in the Americas. American historical review, 2007, 112, 5, p. 1329-1358. 5626. ERVIN (Michael A.). The 1930 Agrarian census in Mexico: agronomists, middle politics, and the negotiation of data collection. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 3, p. 537-570. 5627. FALBEL (Nachman). Jewish agricultural settlement in Brazil. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 3, p. 325-340. 5628. FRENCH (Henry R.), HOYLE (Richard W.). The character of English rural society. Earls Colne, 1550– 1750. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XXV-309 p. 5629. FRIEDGUT (Theodore H.). Jewish pioneers on Canada's prairies: the Lipton Jewish agricultural colony. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 3, p. 385-411.

5615. BANNER (Stuart). Possessing the Pacific. Land, settlers, and indigenous people from Australia to Alaska. Cambridge, Harvard U. P, 2007, 388 p.

5630. Front line (The) of freedom. British farming in the Second World War. Ed. by Brian SHORT, Charles WATKINS and John MARTIN. Exeter, British Agricultural History Society, 2007, XVI-238 p.

5616. BATTISTINI (Francesco). Seta ed economia in Italia. Il prodotto 1500–1930. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 3, p. 283-318.

5631. GAUDIN (Corinne). Ruling peasants. Village and state in late imperial Russia. Dekalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, X-271 p.

5617. BEN-ARTZI (Yossi). Jewish rural settlement in Cyprus 1882–1935: a "springboard" or a destiny? Jewish history, 2007, 21, 3, p. 361-383.

5632. GODFREY (Matthew C.). Religion, politics, and sugar. The Mormon church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907–1921. Logan, Utah State U. P., 2007, 226 p.

5618. BLANDO (Antonino). Informazioni e buone ragioni. La politica economica del grano nella Sicilia del XVIII secolo. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 111132.

5633. GRIFFITHS (Clare V. J.). Labour and the countryside. The politics of rural Britain, 1918–1939. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XV-404 p.

5619. BOYER (Christopher R.). Revolución y paternalismo ecológico: Miguel Angel de Quevedo y la política forestal en México, 1926–1940. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 1, p. 91-138.

5634. HODGE (Joseph Morgan). Triumph of the expert. Agrarian doctrines of development and the legacies of British colonialism. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2007, XIV-402 p. (Series in ecology and history).

5620. BRINKMANN (Tobias). Between vision and reality: reassessing Jewish agricultural colony projects in nineteenth century America. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 3, p. 305-324

5635. IVANOV (Martin), TOOZE (Adam). Convergence or decline on Europe's Southeastern periphery? Agriculture, population, and GNP in Bulgaria, 1892–1945. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 672-703.

5621. CARSWELL (Grace). Cultivating success in Uganda: Kigezi farmers & colonial policies. Oxford, James Currey, 2007, 258 p.

5636. JENSEN (J.P.). Fra stilstand til vækst: studier i dansk landbrugs udvikling fra 1682 til 1914. (De la stagnation à la croissance: études sur le développement de l'agriculture danoise de 1682 à 1914). Auning, Landbohistorisk Selskab, 2007, 288 p. (ill.).

5622. DENNISON (T. K.), OGILVIE (Sheilagh). Serfdom and social capital in Bohemia and Russia. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 3, p. 513-544. 5623. EELLEND (Johan). Cultivating the rural citizen: modernity. agrarianism and citizenship in late tsarist Estonia. Stockholm, Stockholm University, Centre for Baltic Studies, 2007, 247 p. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. serie II, 1. Studia Baltica). 5624. ELLENBERG (George B.). Mule South to tractor South. Mules, machines, and the transformation of the cotton South. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2007, XIII-219 p. 5625. ELTIS (David), MORGAN (Philip), RICHARD(David). Agency and diaspora in Atlantic history:


5637. JONES (Peter). Swing, Speenhamland and rural social relations: the 'moral economy' of the English crowd in the nineteenth century. Social history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 271-290. 5638. KATEB (Kamel). Les immigrés espagnols dans les camps en Algérie (1939–1941). Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 155-175. 5639. Ländliche Ökonomien: Arbeit und Gesellung in der frühneuzeitlichen Agrargesellschaft. Hrsg. v. Silke LESEMANN und Axel LUBINSKI. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2007, 286 p. (Aufklärung und Europa, 20).

6. MONEY AND FINANCE 5640. LEVIN (Yehuda). Labor and land at the start of Jewish settlement in Argentina. Jewish history, 2007, 21, 3, p. 341-359.


5654. SERELS (Steven). Political landscaping: land registration, the definition of ownership and the evolution of colonial objectives in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899í1924. African economic history, 2007, 35, p. 59-75.

5641. MAKANA (Nicholas E.). Increased agricultural production in the midst of escalating ecological distress: Bungoma district in the 1930s & 1940s. African economic history, 2007, 35, p. 105-129.

5655. SWAIN (Nigel). Decollectivization politics and rural change in Bulgaria, Poland and the former Czechoslovakia. Social history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 1-26.

5642. MEYER (Carrie A.). Days on the family farm. From the Golden Age through the Great Depression. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, X251 p.

5656. TOPINKA (JiĜí). Kolektivizace venkova v PlzeĖském kraji 1955–1960. (Collectivization of the countryside in the PlzeĖ region, 1955–1960). Minulostí Západoþeského kraje, 2007, 42, 2, p. 459-527.

5643. MORITA (Takako). Kindai tochi seido to hudǀsan keiei. (Modern land system and management of real estates in Meiji Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2007, 299 p.

5657. VIGNERON (Sylvain). La pierre et la terre. Le marché foncier et immobilier dans les dynamiques sociales du Nord de la France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2007, 416 p.

5644. NELSON (Lynn A.). Pharsalia. An environmental biography of a Southern plantation, 1780–1880. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XVIII-295 p. 5645. NEŠPOR (ZdenČk R.). Transformation strategies in the agricultural sector. In: The Czech Labour Market. Changing structures and work orientations. Ed. JiĜí VEýERNÍK. Praha, 2007, p. 69-84. 5646. NOËL (Gilbert), WILLAERT (Emilie). Georges Pompidou, une certaine idée de la modernité agricole et rurale. Bruxelles et Oxford, PIE-Peter Lang, 2007, 481 p. (Georges Pompidou. Archives, 2). 5647. OLMSTEAD (Alan L.), RHODE (Paul W.). Not on my farm! Resistance to bovine tuberculosis eradication in the United States. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 768-809. 5648. PAULY (Philip J.). Fruits and plains. The horticultural transformation of America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XI-336 p. 5649. PHILLIPS (Sarah T.). This land, this nation. Conservation, rural America, and the New Deal. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-289 p. 5650. QUESADA AVENDAÑO (Florencia). La modernización entre cafetales: San José, Costa Rica, 1880– 1930. Helsinki, Instituto Renvall, 2007, XIV-316 p. 5651. ROSKE (Octavian), ABRAHAM (Florin), CĂ(Dan). Colectivizarea agriculturii în România. Cadrul legislativ 1949–1962. (Agricultural collectivization in Romania. Legal aspects 1949–1962). Bucureúti, Editura Institutului NaĠional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2007, 516 p. TĂNUù

5652. RYDÉN (Reine). Smallholders, organic farmers, and agricultural policy. The case of Sweden compared with Denmark and Norway, from the 1970s to 2003. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 63-85. 5653. SCHERSTJANOI (Elke). SED-Agrarpolitik unter sowjetischer Kontrolle 1949–1953. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, VII-648 p. u. 1 CD-ROM. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 70. Veröffentlichungen zur SBZ- /DDR-Forschung im Institut für Zeitgeschichte).

5658. When the potato failed. Causes and effects of the "last" European subsistence crisis, 1845–1850. Ed. by Cormac Ó GRÁDA, Richard PAPING and Eric VANHAUTE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, 342 p. (Comparative rural history of the North Sea area, 9). Cf. nos 3471, 3929, 4202 § 6. Money and finance. _______________________

5659. AHRENS (Ralf). Die dresdner Bank 1945– 1957. Konsequenzen und Kontinuitäten nach dem Ende des NS-Regimes. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 505 p. 5660. ÁLVAREZ NOGAL (Carlos), LO BASSO (Luca), MARSILIO (Claudio). La rete finanziaria della famiglia Spinola: Spagna, Genova e le fiere dei cambi (1610– 1656). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 97-110. 5661. AUSTIN (Peter E.). Baring Brothers and the birth of modern finance. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2007, XIV-265 p. 5662. BALTZER (Markus). Der berliner Kapitalmarkt nach der Reichsgründung 1871. Gründerzeit, internationale Finanzmarktintegration und der Einfluss der Makroökonomie. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 193 p. (Münsteraner Beiträge zur Cliometrie und quantitativen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 11). 5663. Bankiers und Finanziers. Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte. Hrsg. v. Harald WIXFORTH. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 181 p. (Geld und Kapital 8/2004). 5664. BARRY (Frank). Foreign direct investment and institutional co-evolution in Ireland. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 3, p. 262-288. 5665. BELLANTA (Melissa). Transcending class? Australia's single taxers in the early 1890s. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 17-30. 5666. BILLINGS (Mark), CAPIE (Forrest). Capital in British banking, 1920–1970. Business history, 2007, 49, 2, p. 139-162. 5667. BOEHME (Olivier). Monetary affairs in the heart of Africa. The National Bank of Belgium and finance



in Congo, 1945–1974. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 1, p. 13-46. 5668. BUELENS (Frans). Congo 1885–1960. Een financieel-economische geschiedenis. Berchem, EPO, 2007, 671 p. 5669. BULGARELLI (Odoardo). L'Italia verso la globalizzazione. La liberalizzazione valutaria del 1990. Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 2, p. 159-182. 5670. CASSIS (Youssef). Capitals of capital. A history of international financial centres, 1780–2005. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-385 p. 5671. Centres and peripheries in banking. The historical development of financial markets. Ed. by Philip L. COTTRELL, Even LANGE and Ulf OLSSON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-326 p. 5672. Conflict potentials in monetary unions. Ed. by Lars JONUNG and Jürgen NAUTZ. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 181 p. (Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 108). 5673. CROGHAN KAMOIE (Laura). Irons in the fire: the business history of the Tayloe family and Virginia's gentry, 1700–1860. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2007, X-222 p. 5674. CRUMPLIN (Tim E.). Opaque networks: business and community in the Isle of Man, 1840–1900. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 780-801. 5675. Deutsche Bank (Die) in Hannover. München, Piper, 2007, 148 p. (Piper, 4777). 5676. DJELIC (Marie-Laure), AMDAM (Rolv Petter). Americanization in comparative perspective: the managerial revolution in France and Norway, 1940–1990. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 483-505. 5677. DRELICHMAN (Mauricio). Sons of something: taxes, lawsuits, and local political control in sixteenthcentury Castile. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 608-642. 5678. EICHENGREEN (Barry). Global imbalances and the lessons of Bretton Woods. Cambridge a. London, MIT press, 2007, XIV-187 p. (Cairoli lectures. Universidad Torcuato di Tella). 5679. Financing innovation in the United States, 1870 to the present. Ed. by Naomi R. LAMOREAUX and Kenneth L. SOKOLOFF. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2007, XIII-503 p. 5680. FOHLIN (Caroline). Finance capitalism and Germany's rise to industrial power. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-392 p. 5681. FOLKMAN (Peter), FROUD (Julie), JOHAL (Sukhdev), WILLIAMS (Karel). Working for themselves? Capital market intermediaries and present day capitalism. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 552-572. 5682. GEHLEN (Boris). Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe: Paul Silverberg, der RDI und die Bank für deutsche Indust-

rieobligationen 1929 bis 1933. Ein Beitrag zur Wirksamkeit persönlicher Vernetzung. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 1, p. 1-26. 5683. Geschichte des Finanzplatzes München. Hrsg. v. Hans POHL. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 297 p. 5684. GOETZMANN (William N.), UKHOV (Andrey D.), ZHU (Ning). China and the world financial markets 1870–1939: modern lessons from historical globalization. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 2, p. 267-312. 5685. GOODSTADT (Leo F.). Profits, politics and panics. Hong Kong's banks and the making of a miracle economy, 1935–1985. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2007, XI-315 p. 5686. GRIGOROVA (Irina). Les créances financières françaises en Bulgarie et leur règlement au milieu des années 50 du XXe siècle. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 36-66. 5687. GRYGOWSKI (Dimitri). Les Etats-Unis et l'unification monétaire de l'Europe: bilan d'ensemble et perspectives de recherche, 1968–1998. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 1, p. 111-132. 5688. HALLON (ďudovít). The role of Milan Hodža in Slovak Commercial Banking (1918–1938). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, Supplement, p. 97-112. 5689. HANSMANN (Marc). Wege in den Schuldenstaat. Die strukturellen Probleme der deutschen Finanzpolitik als Resultat historischer Entwicklungen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 3, p. 425-462. 5690. HAWKINS (Richard A.). American boomers and the flotation of shares in the city of London in the late nineteenth century. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 802822. 5691. HEINIGER (Alix), DESHUSSES (Frédéric). La Banque de Genève: premières notes sur la composition du conseil d'administration et les actionnaires. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 4, p. 441-456. 5692. HILT (Eric). Investment and diversification in the American whaling industry. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 292-314. 5693. HOFFMANN (Philip T.), POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles), ROSENTHAL (Jean-Laurent). Surviving large losses. Financial crises, the middle class, and the development of capital markets. Cambridge a. London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2007, VII-263 p. 5694. HOHENSTEIN (Kurt). Coining corruption. The making of the American campaign finance system. Dekalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, X-310 p. 5695. HORTLUND (Per). The provision of liquidity in the Swedish note banking system, 1878–1901. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 1, p. 2040. 5696. HUNTER (Ian). Making a little go further: capital and the New Zealand entrepreneur. Business history, 2007, 49, 1, p. 52-74.

6. MONEY AND FINANCE 5697. ISHII (Kanji). Keizai hatten to ryǀ-gae shǀ. (Economic development and finance of money changers in the last decades of Tokugawa government). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2007, 295 p. 5698. JOHANSEN (Hans Christian). Dansk skattehistorie. Bd. 6. Indkomstskatter og offentlig vækst 1903– 2005. (Histoire fiscale du Danemark: impôts directs et croissance publique 1903–2005). København, Told- og Skattehistorisk Selskab, 2007, 334 p. 5699. KALIK (Judith). Between the census and the poll-tax: the Jewish population of Crown Poland during the XVIIIth century. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 1, p. 101-126. 5700. KIRSHNER (Jonathan). Appeasing bankers. Financial caution on the road to war. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XII-233 p. 5701. KOBRAK (Christopher). Banking on global markets: Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the present. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-484 p. 5702. KONRADS (Oliver). Die Mittelstandsförderung der Sparkassenorganisation ௅ Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: eine Analyse der Jahre 1948–1963 unter Beachtung von Wettbewerbsaspekten. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 366 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, R. 5, Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft, 3260). 5703. KUBģ (Eduard), ŠOUŠA (JiĜí). ýeské (þeskoslovenské) finanþní elity v evropském kontextu. Komparace domácích a evropských finanþních elit. Cesta k poznání jejich pĤvodu, zrání, mentality, místa v národní spoleþnosti a na mezinárodní scénČ. [Czech (Czechoslovak) financial elites in the European context. A comparison of domestic and European financial elites. Towards an understanding of their origins, development, mentality, and place in their own society and on the international scene]. In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 37-53. 5704. MACLEAN (Mairi), HARVEY (Charles), PRESS (Jon). Managerialism and the Post-war evolution of the French national business system. Business history, 2007, 49, 4, p. 531-551. 5705. Marché financier français (Le) au XIXe siècle. 1. Récit. 2. Aspects quantitatifs des acteurs et des instruments à la Bourse de Paris. Sous la dir. de Georges GALLAIS-HAMONNO et Pierre-Cyrille HAUTCOEUR. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007, 2 vol., 526 p., 640 p. 5706. MIHM (Stephen). A nation of counterfeiters. Capitalists, con men, and the making of the United States. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, IX-457 p. 5707. MURPHY (Anne L.). "Come vanno i titoli"? Informazione e investimenti a Londra alla fine del XVII secolo. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 124, p. 133-152. 5708. OFFICER (Lawrence H.). Pricing theory, financing of international organisations and monetary history. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-324 p.


5709. OLIVER (Michael J.), HAMILTON (Arran). Downhill from devaluation: The battle for sterling, 1968– 1972. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 3, p. 486-512. 5710. REIS (Jaime). An 'art', not a 'science'? Central bank management in Portugal under the gold standard, 1863–1887. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 4, p. 712741. 5711. RICHARDSON (Gary). The check is in the mail: correspondent clearing and the collapse of the Banking System, 1930 to 1933. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 643-671. 5712. ROSELLI (Alessandro). The question of "The Albanian Gold". Rivista di storia economica, 2007, 23, 2, p. 183-208. 5713. SCHOCKET (Andrew M.). Founding corporate power in early national Philadelphia. De Kalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, XIII-274 p. 5714. SILBER (William L.). When Washington shut down Wall Street. The great financial crisis of 1914 and the origins of America's monetary supremacy. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, 217 p. 5715. SMITH (S.D.). Paying the levy: taxable wealth in Bridgetown, Barbados, 1680–1715. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 116-129. 5716. Soziale Praxis des Kredits, 16.–20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Jürgen SCHLUMBOHN. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, 200 p. (Veröffentl. der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 238). 5717. SPICKSLEY (Judith M.). 'Fly with a duck in thy mouth': single women as sources of credit in seventeenth-century England. Social history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 187-207. 5718. Taxation, state, and civil society in Germany and the United States from the 18th to the 20th century. Ed. by Alexander NÜTZENADEL and Christoph STRUPP. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, 236 p. 5719. TAYLOR (James). Company fraud in Victorian Britain: the Royal British Bank scandal of 1856. English historical review, 2007, 122, 497, p. 700-724. 5720. THIAM (Samba). Les indigènes paysans entre maisons de commerce et administration coloniale: pratiques et institutions de crédit au Sénégal, 1840–1940. Avant-propos de Bernard DURAND; préface de Albert LOURDES. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires d'AixMarseille Faculté de droit et science politique, 2007, 498 p. (Collection d'histoire du droit. Série "Thèses et travaux", 12). 5721. TOMZ (Michael). Reputation and international cooperation. Sovereign debt across three centuries. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XXI-299 p. 5722. TORRE (Jose R.). The political economy of sentiment. Paper credit and the Scottish enlightenment in early Republic Boston, 1780–1820. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2007, X-251 p. (Financial history, 2).



5723. WALL (Richard). Widows and unmarried women as taxpayers in England before 1800. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 250-267. 5724. ZACHLOD (Christian M.). Die Staatsfinanzen des Hochstifts Hildesheim vom Ende des Siebenjährigen Krieges bis zur Säkularisation, 1763–1802/03. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 311 p. (Studien zur Gewerbe- und Handelsgeschichte der vorindustriellen Zeit, 27). 5725. ZATLIN (Jonathan R.). The currency of socialism. Money and political culture in East Germany. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-377 p. (Publications of the German historical institute). Cf. nos 3988, 4174, 4622, 5520, 6738 § 7. Demography and urban history. * 5726. IACOB (Dan Dumitru), NIEDERMAIER (Paul), PÁL (Judit). Bibliografia istorică a oraúelor din România. (Historical bibliography of the Romanian cities). Coordonatori Vasile CIOBANU, Anda-Lucia SPÂNU. Bucureúti, Editura Academiei Române, 2007, 505 p.

5736. BENTI (Getahun). Addis Ababa: migration and the making of a multiethnic metropolis, 1941–1974. Trenton a. Asmara, Red Sea Press, 2007, XVIII-279 p. (ill., maps). 5737. Bessatsu toshishi kenkynj: Edo to Rondon. (Edo and London). Ed. by Kazuhiko KONDO and Takeshi ITO. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 242 p. (Urban History: Extra Issue). 5738. BIJAK (Jakub), KUPISZEWSKA (Dorota), KU(Marek), SACZUK (Katarzyna), KICINGER (Anna). Population and Labour Force Projections for 27 European Countries, 2002–2052: Impact of International Migration on Population Ageing. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 1, p. 1-31. PISZEWSKI

5739. BOCQUET (Denis). Rome ville technique, 1870 1925. Une modernisation conflictuelle de l'espace urbain. Roma, École française de Rome, 2007, VIII440 p.


5740. BRIAND (Virginie). Manger au quotidien. La vulnérabilité des familles urbaines en Afrique. Paris, IRD /Karthala, 2007, 259 p.

5727. ALDERS (Maarten), KEILMAN (Nico), CRUIJSEN (Harri). Assumptions for long-term stochastic population forecasts in 18 European countries. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 1, p. 33-69.

5741. BROWN (John C.), GUINNANE (Timothy W.). Regions and time in the European fertility transition: problems in the Princeton Project's statistical methodology. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 3, p. 574-595.

5728. ALEXANDER (Sally). A new civilization? London surveyed 1928–1940s. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 296-320.

5742. Capital cities at war. Paris, London, Berlin 1914–1919. Vol. 2. A cultural history. Ed. by Jay WINTER and Jean-Louis ROBERT. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-545 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare, 25).

5729. ARMUS (Diego). La ciudad impura: salud, tuberculosis y cultura en Buenos Aires, 1870–1950. Buenos Aires, Ensayo Edhasa, 2007, 413 p. 5730. ASKEW (Marc), LOGAN (William S.), LONG (Colin). Vientiane: transformations of a Lao landscape. New York, Routledge, 2007, 265 p. 5731. BABOU (Cheikh Anta). Urbanizing mystical Islam: making murid space in the cities of Senegal. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 2, p. 197-224. 5732. BALDWIN (Davarian L.). Chicago's new negroes. Modernity, the great migration, and Black urban life. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIV-363 p. 5733. BARBIERI (Magali). De l'utilité des statistiques démographiques de l'Indochine française (1862–1954). Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 85126. 5734. BASHFORD (Alison). World population and Australian land: demography and sovereignty in the twentieth century. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 130, p. 211-227. 5735. BEASCOECHEA GANGOITI (José María). Apropiación territorial en el origen de la urbanización burguesa del Abra de Bilbao, 1850í1905. Historia social, 2007, 58, p. 97-122.

5743. CHICKERING (Roger). The Great War and urban life in Germany. Freiburg, 1914–1918. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-628 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare, 24). 5744. COEN (Deborah R.). Vienna in the age of uncertainty. Science, liberalism, and private life. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XII-380 p. 5745. COWAN (Alexander), STEWARD (Jill). The city and the senses. Urban culture since 1500. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 264 p. 5746. DOMINGUEZ PEREZ (Maurício). Lacerda na Guanabara: a reconstrução do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 1960. Rio de Janeiro, Odisséia Editorial, 2007, 319 p. (ill.). 5747. DRESSER (Madge). Set in stone? Statues and slavery in London. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 162-199. 5748. EALHAM (Chris). Una "geografía imaginada": ideología, espacio urbano y protesta en la creación del "barrio chino" de Barcelona, c. 1835–1936. Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 55-76. 5749. ECHENBERG (Myron). Plague ports. The global urban impact of bubonic plague, 1894–1901. New York, New York U. P., 2007, XVI-349 p.



5750. Elämää ja maalaiselinkeinoja keskiaikaisessa kaupungissa. (History in town). Toim. Katri MOTUSTE. Turku, Turun maakuntamuseo, 2007, 79 p. (ill, maps).

5765. KLINGLE (Matthew). Emerald city. An environmental history of Seattle. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XIX-344 p. (Lemar series in Western history).

5751. ELZINGA (Cees H.), LIEFBROER (Aart C.). Destandardization of family-life trajectories of young adults: a cross-national comparison using sequence analysis. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 3/4, p. 225250.

5766. KOK (Jan). Principles and prospects of the life course paradigm. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 203-230.

5752. Ende (Das) der kleinen Reichsstädte. 1803 im süddeutschen Raum. Hrsg. v. Rainer A. MÜLLER, Helmut FLACHENECKER und Reiner KAMMERL. München, Beck, 2007, VI-332 p. (ill.). (Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte, B, 27). 5753. ETEMAD (Bouda). Pour une approche démographique de l'expansion coloniale de l'Europe. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 13-32. 5754. FENLON (Iain). The ceremonial city. History, memory and myth in Renaissance Venice. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XVI-448 p. 5755. GARRIC (Henri). Portraits de villes. Marches et cartes: la représentation urbaine dans les discours contemporains. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 571 p. 5756. Geschichte der Stadt Mannheim. Bd. 1. 1607– 1801. Hrsg. Ulrich NIEß und Michael CAROLI. Heidelberg, Ubstadt-Weiher, Basel, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2007, XV-671 p. 5757. Geschichte der Stadt Würzburg. Vom Übergang an Bayern (1814) bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Ulrich WAGNER. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2007, 1219 p. (Geschichte der Stadt Würzburg, 3, 1, 3, 2). 5758. Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. IV. Tweestrijd om de hoofdstad, 19002000. Onder red. van Piet DE ROOY. Amsterdam, SUN, 2007, 655 p. 5759. GOTTREICH (Emily). The "mellah" of Marrakesh. Jewish and Muslim space in Morocco's red city. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XV-201 p. (Indiana series in Middle East studies). 5760. GRIBAUDI (Maurizio). Forme, continuità e rotture nella Parigi della prima metà dell'Ottocento. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 125, p. 393-432. 5761. HARRIS (A. Katie). From Muslim to Christian Granada. Inventing a city's past in Early Modern Spain. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, XXI-255 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). 5762. JERRAM (Leif). Germany's other modernity. Munich and the building of metropolis, 1895–1930. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 240 p.

5767. KRMAC (Dean). La popolazione di Trieste a metà Ottocento. Una prima ricostruzione della topografia dei flussi immigratori. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 835-895. 5768. KUýERA (ZdenČk). Zanikání sídel v pohraniþí po roce 1945. Základní analýza. (Settlement desertion in Bohemian borderland after 1945. A primary analysis). Historická geografie, 2007, 34, p. 317-334. 5769. LANDWEHR (Achim). Die Erschaffung Venedigs. Raum, Bevölkerung, Mythos 1570–1750. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2007, 563 p. 5770. LEES (Andrew), LEES (Lynn Hollen). Cities and the making of Modern Europe, 1750–1914. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-300 p. (New approaches to European history, 39) 5771. LINDBERG (Erik). Mercantilism and urban inequalities in eighteenth-century Sweden. Scandinavian economic history review, 2007, 55, 1, p. 1-19. 5772. Linz zwischen Wiederaufbau und Neuorientierung: 1945–1984. Archiv der Stadt Linz. Hrsg. v. Fritz MAYRHOFER und Walter SCHUSTER. Linz, Archiv der Stadt, 2007, 226 p. (Linz-Bilder, 3). 5773. LOSADA (Leandro). ¿Oligarquía o elites? Estructura y composición de las clases altas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1880 y 1930. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 1, p. 43-75. 5774. LUQUE AZCONA (Emilio José). Ciudad y poder: la construcción material y simbólica del Montevideo colonial (1723–1810). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos y Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, 2007, 356 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Americana, 31). 5775. MATHIEU (Christian). Inselstadt Venedig. Umweltgeschichte eines Mythos in der Frühen Neuzeit. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 292 p. (Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 63). 5776. MICHONNEAU (Stéphane). Barcelone. Mémoire et identité, 1830–1930. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 349 p.

5763. JOINER (Thekla Ellen). Sin in the city. Chicago and revivalism, 1880–1920. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2007, XIV-271 p.

5777. MILLER (Julie). Transatlantic anxieties: New York's nineteenth-century Foundling Asylums and the London Foundling Hospital. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 37-58.

5764. KIDAMBI (Prashant). The making of an Indian metropolis: colonial governance and public culture in Bombay, 1890–1920. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIX268 p. (ill., maps). (Historical urban studies).

5778. MINCHOM (Martin). El pueblo de Quito: 1690– 1810: demografía, dinámica sociorracial y protesta popular. Quito, FONSAL, 2007, 303 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Biblioteca básica de Quito, 13).



5779. MORLOT (Sophie). Secourir les enfants en province. L'exemple du Dijon révolutionnaire et consulaire. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 59-82. 5780. MUNCK (Thomas). Keeping the peace. 'Good police' and civic order in 18th-century Copenhagen. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 38-62. 5781. MUSI (Aurelio). Napoli 1647. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 2, p. 804-817. 5782. NAHMIAS (Petra), STECKLOV (Guy). The dynamics of fertility amongst Palestinians in Israel from 1980 to 2000. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 1, p. 71-99. 5783. NATAKE (Natsuki). Toshi no tenkai to tochi shoynj: Meiji ishin kara kǀdo keizai seichǀ-ki made no Osaka toshin. (The spread of cities and landholdings: The urban centre in Osaka from the Meiji Restoration to the 1970s). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsya, 2007, 221 p. 5784. NÚÑEZ (Fernando), ARVIZU (Carlos), ABONCE (Ramón). Space and place in the Mexican landscape: the evolution of a colonial city. College Station, Texas A & M U. P., 2007, X-182 p. (Studies in Architecture and Culture, 7). 5785. Ombra (All') de' cipressi e dentro l'urne...: i cimiteri urbani in Europa a duecento anni dall'editto di Saint Cloud: Bologna 24–26 novembre 2004. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2007, 425 p. (ill.). 5786. OYÓN (José Luis). La ruptura de la ciudad obrera y popular: espacio urbano, inmigración y anarquismo en la Barcelona de entreguerras, 1914–1936. Historia social, 2007, 58, p. 123-150. 5787. PANT (Mohan), FUNO (Shuji). Stupa and swastika: historical urban plannning principles in Nepal's Kathmandu Valley. Kyoto, Kyoto U. P. a. Singapore, NUS Press, 2007, XVII-266 p. (ill., maps). 5788. PERETTI (Burton W.). Nightclub city. Politics and amusement in Manhattan. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XVIII-284 p. 5789. PIKE (David L.). Metropolis on the styx. The underworlds of modern urban culture, 1800–2001. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XVII-377 p. 5790. RATCLIFFE (Barrie M.), PIETTE (Christine). Vivre la ville. Les classes populaires à Paris (Ière moitié du XIXe siècle). Paris, La boutique de l'histoire, 2007, 584 p. 5791. RAUSCH (Jane M.). From frontier town to metropolis: a history of Villavicencio, Colombia, since 1842. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, 256 p. 5792. RICCA (Simone). Reinventing Jerusalem: Israel's reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter after 1967. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, XIII-258 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 65). 5793. RICHOMME (Olivier). La classification "ethnoraciale" des Statistiques démographiques aux États-Unis.

Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 177202. 5794. SÁNCHEZ-BARRICARTE (Jesús J.), FERNÁNDEZ-CARRO (Remo). Patterns in the delay and recovery

of fertility in Europe. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 2, p. 145-170. 5795. ŠORN (Mojca). Življenje Ljubljanþanov med drugo svetovno vojno. (The life of the citizens of Ljubljana during World War II). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2007, 499 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja, 6). 5796. Stadtgemeinde und Ständegesellschaft: Formen der Integration und Distinktion in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt. Hrsg. v. Patrick SCHMIDT und Horst CARL. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 260 p. (Geschichte, Forschung und Wissenschaft, 20). 5797. Stadtwohnen. Geschichte, Städtebau, Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Tilman HARLANDER [et al.]. München, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 2007, 400 p.

5798. Testimonies of the city. Identity, community and change in a contemporary urban world. Ed. by Richard RODGER and Joanna HERBERT. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVI-278 p. 5799. VALL (Natasha). Cities in decline? A comparative history of Malmö and Newcastle after 1945. Malmö, Malmö Hogskola, 2007, 242 p. 5800. VAN DE PUTTE (Bart), NEVEN (Muriel), ORIS (Michel). Societal openness during the urban crisis. Partner selection in the 19th-century Belgian textile cities Ghent and Verviers. History of the family, 2007, 12, 1, p. 62-78. 5801. Who ran the cities? City elites and urban power structures in Europe and North America, 1750–1940. Ed. by Ralf ROTH and Robert BEACHY. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XXXI-278 p. 5802. WHYTE (Nicola). Landscape, memory and custom: parish identities c. 1550–1700. Social history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 166-186. 5803. WRIGLEY (E. A.). English county populations in the later eighteenth century. Economic history review, 2007, 60, 1, p. 35-69. 5804. YEH (Wen-Hsin). Shanghai splendor. Economic sentiments and the making of modern China, 1843–1949. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XIII-305 p. (A Philip E. Lilienthal book in Asian studies). 5805. ZEITZ (Joshua M.). White ethnic New York. Jews, Catholics, and the shaping of postwar politics. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIII-278 p. 5806. ZELLER (Olivier). Changement agraire et récession démographique: la première enquête Orry (1730). L'exemple de l'élection d'Issoudun. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 143-171. Cf. nos 3419, 6416

8. SOCIAL HISTORY § 8. Social history. * 5807. NYE (Robert A.). Western masculinities in war and peace. American historical review, 2007, 112, 2, p. 417-438. _______________________

5808. AASSVE (Arnstein), BILLARI (Francesco C.), PICCARRETA (Raffaella). Strings of adulthood: a sequence analysis of young British women's work-family trajectories. European journal of population, 2007, 23, 3/4, p. 369-388. 5809. ABEL (Emily K.). Tuberculosis and the politics of exclusion. A history of public health and migration to Los Angeles. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2007, X-188 p. 5810. ABU-LUGHOD (Janet L.). Race, space, and riots in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-344 p. 5811. ACHIN (Catherine), LÉVÊQUE (Sandrine). Femmes, énarques et professionnelles de la politique. Des carrières exceptionnelles sous contraintes. Gèneses, 2007, 67, p. 24-44. 5812. ACUÑA (Rodolfo F.). Corridors of migration. The Odyssey of Mexican laborers, 1600–1933. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2007, XVII 408 p. 5813. ADAM (Thomas). Stiften in deutschen Bürgerstädten vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg: Das Beispiel Leipzig. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 1, p. 46-72. 5814. Adel in Sachsen-Anhalt. Höfische Kultur zwischen Repräsentation, Unternehmertum und Familie. Hrsg. v. Eva LABOUVIE. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 380 p. 5815. ÅGREN (Maria). A domestic secret: marriage, religion and legal change in late seventeenth-century Sweden. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 75-106. 5816. AHMAD (Diana L.). The opium debate and Chinese exclusion laws in the nineteenth-century American West. Reno, University of Nevada Press, 2007, XIII-132 p. 5817. ALBALA (Ken). The banquet: dining in the great courts of late Renaissance Europe. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XIV-223 p. 5818. AMINOFF-WINBERG (Johanna). På flykt i eget land: internflyktingar i Sverige under stora nordiska kriget. (Réfugié dans son propre pays: les migrations intérieures en Suède pendant la grande Guerre du Nord). Åbo, Åbo Akademis förlag, 2007, 462 p. 5819. AMUSSEN (Susan Dwyer). Caribbean exchanges. Slavery and the transformation of English society, 1640–1700. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XIV-302 p. 5820. ANDRÉO (Christophe). Surveillance et contrôle des jeunes des quartiers populaires sur une plage marseillaise à la fin des années 1990. Gèneses, 2007, 67, p. 89-108.


5821. ANDREWS (George Reid). Remembering Africa, inventing Uruguay: sociedades de Negros in the Montevideo carnival, 1865–1930. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 4, p. 693-726. 5822. ANISESCU (Cristina), CHINDRIù (Ioan), COMùA (Daniela), SĂLĂGEAN (Tudor), EPPEL (Marius). Masoneria în Transilvania. Repere istorice. (Masonry în Transylvania. Historical landmarks). Coordonatori: Tudor SĂLĂGEAN úi Marius EPPEL. Cluj-Napoca, Editura International Book Access, 2007, 192 p. 5823. ANKARLOO (Bengt). Satans raseri: en sannfärdig berättelse om det stora häxoväsendet i Sverige och omgivande länder. (La fureur de Satan: la sorcellerie en Suède et dans les pays voisins). Stockholm, Ordfront, 2007, 293 p. (pl.). 5824. ANTLER (Joyce). You never call! You never write! A history of the Jewish mother. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-321 p. 5825. ANTON (Fabian). Biserica úi masoneria. Slujitori ai cultelor religioase în masoneria română. Mic dicĠionar. (Church and masonry. Religious servants în Romanian masonry. Pocket dictionary). Piteúti, Editura Paralela 45, 2007, 158 p. 5826. ARROM (Silvia Marina). Las Señoras de la Caridad: pioneras olvidadas de la asistencia social en México, 1863–1910. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 2, p. 445490. 5827. ASCH (Ronald). Einführung: Adel in der Neuzeit. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 3, p. 317– 325. í IDEM. Staatsbildung und adlige Führungsschichten in der Frühen Neuzeit: Auf dem Weg zur Auflösung der ständischen Identität des Adels? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 3, p. 375-397. 5828. ASHLEY (Scott). How navigators think: the death of Captain Cook revisited. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 107-137. 5829. ATKINS (P. J.), LUMMEL (P.), ODDY (Derek). Food and the city in Europe since 1800. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVI-260 p. 5830. ATTEBERY (Jennifer Eastman). Up in the Rocky Mountains. Writing the Swedish immigrant experience. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, XX304 p. 5831. BACIGALUPO (Ana Mariella). Shamans of the foye tree: gender, power, and healing among Chilean Mapuche, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, XI321 p. 5832. BAHENSKÁ (Marie). Nezájem žen o úþast v politice na stránkách þeského ženského tisku ve druhé polovinČ 19. století a na poþátku 20. století. (Interest and lack of interest of women in participation in politics according to Czech women's magazines from the second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 2, p. 267-288. [Deutsche Zsfassung].



5833. BALBO (Ivan). Torino oltre la crisi: una business community tra Otto e Novecento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 312 p. (Percorsi).

la constitution: réglementation et discussion de la prostitution au Danemark dans la période ca 1860–1906). København, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2007, 324 p.

5834. BEIK (William). The violence of the French crowd from Charivari to Revolution. Past and present, 2007, 197, p. 75-110.

5849. BOIGEOL (Anne). Le genre comme ressource dans l'accès des femmes au "gouvernement du barreau": l'exemple du barreau de Paris. Gèneses, 2007, 67, p. 6688.

5835. BÉLIGAND (Nadine). La muerte en la ciudad de México en el siglo XVIII. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 1, p. 5-52. 5836. BENSON (Susan Porter). Household accounts. Working-class family economies in the Interwar United States. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XIII-233 p. 5837. BERBEL (Márcia Regina), DE BIVAR MAR(Rafael). The absence of race: slavery, citizenship, and pro-slavery ideology in the Cortes of Lisbon and the Rio de Janeiro Constituent Assembly (1821– 1824). Social history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 415-433. QUESE

5838. BERENI (Laure), REVILLARD (Anne). Des quotas à la parité: "féminisme d'État" et représentation politique (1974–2007). Gèneses, 2007, 67, p. 5-23. 5839. BERGLUND (Tomas). Det goda faderskapet: i svenskt 1800-tal. (Le concept de paternité en Suède au e 19 siècle). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2007, 345 p. 5840. BERRY (Daina Ramey). "Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe". Gender and slavery in antebellum Georgia. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XVI-224 p. (Women in American history). 5841. BERTELLI (Carlo A.). Sulla soglia. Edilizia e denaro tra XVI e XVIII secolo a Genova. Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 125, p. 461-490. 5842. BERTRAND (Michel). Poder, negocios y familia en Guatemala a principios del siglo XIX. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 3, p. 863-917. 5843. BIRKELAND (Sven Arvid). Taget af tyskerne: danskere i 2. Verdenskrig. (Les Danois pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 589 p. 5844. Black worker (The). Race, labor, and civil rights since emancipation. Ed. by Eric ARNESEN. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, 319 p. 5845. BLACKSTOCK (Allan). Tommy Downshire's boys: popular protest, social change and political manipulation in Mid-Ulster 1829–1847. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 125-172. 5846. BODDY (Janice A.). Civilizing women. British crusades in colonial Sudan. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XXXVII-402 p. 5847. BOENTERT (Annika). Kinderarbeit im Kaiserreich, 1871–1914. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2007, 475 p. 5848. BØGE PEDERSEN (Merete). Prostitutionen og grundloven: regulering af og debat om prostitution i Danmark i perioden ca. 1860–1906. (La prostitution et

5850. BOLOVAN (Sorina Paula), BOLOVAN (Ioan). Familie úi comportament matrimonial în Transilvania între 1850 úi 1914 (între tradiĠie úi modernizare). (Family and matrimonial behaviour in Transylvania between 1850 and 1914. Between tradition and modernization). In: Om úi societate. Studii de istoria populaĠiei României (sec. XVIIíXXI). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 107-134. 5851. BOTEZ (Victor), RADEù (Corneliu). Nobilimea la români. Compendiu. La noblesse Roumaine. Romanian nobility. Bucureúti, Editura Floare Albastră, 2007, 512 p. 5852. BOULLE (Pierre H.). Race et esclavage dans la France de l'Ancien Régime. Paris, Perrin, 2007, 286 p. 5853. BRALIû (Ante). Zadarski fin-de siècle – Politiþke i društvene prilike u Zadru i Dalmaciji uoþi Prvoga svjetskog rata. (The Fin-de siècle in Zadar. Political and social conditions in Zadar and Dalmatia on the eve of the First World War). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2007, 39, 3, p. 731-775. 5854. BRUNET (Guy), BIDEAU (Alain). Le pupille adolescent et l'inspecteur: une difficile transition vers l'âge adulte l'exemple du département de l'Ain (1871– 1914). Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 99-126. 5855. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf). Women, the family and the state: female experiences in privaye life in socialist Bulgaria (1944í1989). Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 3-4, p. 136-157. 5856. BRYLD (Claus). 'The five accursed years'. Danish perception and usage of the period of the German Occupation, with a wider view to Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 86-115. 5857. BUCHANAN (Tom). The impact of the Spanish Civil War on Britain. War, loss and memory. Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2007, X-267 p. (Sussex studies in Spanish history). 5858. Bundesdeutsche Massenkonsumgesellschaft 1950–2000 (Die). Verantwortlich: Alfred RECKENDREES und Toni PIERENKEMPER. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2007, 284 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2007, 2). 5859. BURGEROVÁ (Lenka). Židovské podnikatelské elity v Teplicích-ŠanovČ. Metody statistického vyþíslení židovského majetku v Teplicích-ŠanovČ v letech 1938– 1945 a jejich využití v projektu židovských podnikatelských elit. (Jüdische Unternehmereliten in TeplitzSchönau. Methoden der statistischen Erhebung zum jüdi-

8. SOCIAL HISTORY schen Vermögen in Teplitz-Schönau 1938–1945 und deren Nutzung im Projekt jüdischer Unternehmereliten). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 264-280. 5860. BURNARD (Trevor). Evaluating gender in early Jamaica, 1674–1784. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 81-91. 5861. BURTON (Andrew). The haven of peace purged: tackling the undesirable and unproductive poor in Dar es Salaam, ca. 1950s–1980s. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 119-151. 5862. CAHN (Susan). Sexual reckonings. Southern girls in a troubling age. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 375 p. 5863. CASANOVA (Christian). Nach-Leben. Orte, Akteure und obrigkeitliche Disziplinierung in Zürich, 1523– 1833. Zürich, Chronos, 2007, 511 p. 5864. CASAS (María Raquél). Married to a daughter of the land. Spanish-Mexican women and interethnic marriage in California, 1820–1880. Reno, University of Nevada Press, 2007, XIII-261 p. 5865. CASEY (James). Family and community in Early Modern Spain. The citizens of Granada, 1570– 1739. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 314 p. 5866. CAVALLO (Sandra). Artisans of the body in early modern Italy. Identities, families and masculinities. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XII-281 p. (Gender in history). 5867. ýEý (Dragica). Nasilne detomorilke ali neprištevne žrtve? Spreminjanje podobe detomora v 18. in zaþetku 19. Stoletja. (Violent child murderesses or insane victims? The conception of infanticide during the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century). Acta Histriae, 2007, 15, 2, p. 415-440.


5874. CULLATHER (Nick). The foreign policy of the calorie. American historical review, 2007, 112, 2, p. 337364. 5875. CUMFER (Cynthia). Separate peoples, one land. The minds of Cherokees, Blacks, and Whites on the Tennessee frontier. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XII-324 p. 5876. DAVIDSON (Denise Z.). France after revolution. Urban life, gender, and the new social order. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XI-257 p. 5877. DEFERME (Jo). Uit de ketens van de vrijheid. Het debat over de sociale politiek in België, 1886– 1914. Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2007, 512 p. 5878. DESSENS (Nathalie). From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans. migration and influences. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XIV-257 p. 5879. DI CAPRIO (Lisa). The origins of the Welfare state. Women, work, and the French Revolution. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XIII-259 p. 5880. DIERKES (Frank). Streitbar und Ehrenfest. Zur Konfliktführung im münsterländischen Adel des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, 223 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 1). 5881. DIETRICH-DAUM (Elisabeth). Die "Wiener Krankheit". Eine Sozialgeschichte der Tuberkulose in Österreich. Wien, Oldenbourg, 2007, 397 p. (Sozialund wirtschaftshistorische Studien, 32). 5882. DUMMITT (Chris). The manly modern. Masculinity in postwar Canada. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2007, 224 p. 5883. DYBDAL MØLLER (Erik). Danskere som indvandrere: det dansk-argentinske eksempel. (Les émigrants danois: l'exemple dano-argentin). Herning, Poul Kristensen, 2007, 173 p.

5868. Cent ans de mouvements étudiants. Sous la dir. de Jean-Philippe LEGOIS, Alain MONCHABLON et Robi MORDER. Paris, Syllepse, 2007, 434 p.

5884. EDELSON (S. Max). Reproducing plantation society: women and land in colonial South Carolina. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 130-141.

5869. CHILTON (Lisa). Agents of empire. British female migration to Canada and Australia, 1860s–1930. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2007, VIII-240 p.

5885. EGERBLADH (Inez), KASAKOFF (Alice Bee), ADAMS (John W.). Gender differences in the dispersal of children in northern Sweden and the northern USA in 1850. History of the family, 2007, 12, 1, p. 2-18.

5870. CHUDACOFF (Howard P.). Children at play. An American history. New York, New York U. P., 2007, XVI-269 p. 5871. COLLSTEDT (Christopher). Duellanten och rättvisan: duellbrott och synen på manlighet i stormaktsväldets slutskede. (Le Duelliste et la justice: duel et conception de la virilité à la fin de la période de Grandeur en Suède). Lund, Sekel, 2007, 341 p.

5886. EHRHARDT (Michael). "Dem großen Wasser allezeit entgegen". Zur Geschichte der Deiche in Wursten. Stade, Verlag des Landschaftsverbandes der Ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden e.v., 2007, XVI-693 p. (Geschichteder Deiche an Elbe und Weser, 4. Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der Ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 29).

5872. CORBIN (Alain). L'harmonie des plaisirs. Les manières de jouir du siècle des Lumières à l'avènement de la sexologie. Paris, Éditions Perrin, 2007, 540 p.

5887. EICHENHOFER (Eberhard). Geschichte des Sozialstaats in Europa. Von der "Sozialen Frage" bis zur Globalisierung. München, Beck, 2007, 219 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1761).

5873. COWAN (Alexander). Marriage, manners and mobility in early Modern Venice. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XVIII-210 p.

5888. Eighteenth-century Russia. Society, culture and economy. Ed. by Roger BARTLETT and Gabriella LEHMANN-CARLI Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2007, 568 p.



5889. EKBERG (Carl J.). Stealing Indian women. Native slavery in the Illinois country. Urbana, Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XVI-236 p.

5904. FRENCH (Henry R.). The middle sort of people in provincial England, 1600–1750. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 305 p.

5890. ELDER (Catriona). 'Diggers' Waifs': desire, anxiety and immigration in post-1945 Australia. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 130, p. 261-278.

5905. French masculinities. History, culture and politics. Ed. by Christopher E. FORTH and Bertrand TAITHE. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XI-249 p.

5891. ERENBERG (Lewis A.). The greatest fight of our generation. Louis vs. Schmeling. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-274 p. 5892. EßMANN (August-Wilhelm). Vom Eigennutz zum Gemeinnutz. Gemeine, fromme und milde Legate von Lübecker und Kölner Bürgern des 17. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel ihrer Testamente. Lübeck, Schmidt-Römhild, 2007, 382 p. (Veröffentl. zur Geschichte der Hansestadt Lübeck, R. B, 45). 5893. EVANS (Stephanie Y.). Black women in the ivory tower, 1850–1954. An intellectual history. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XIV-275 p. 5894. FABIAN (Steven). Curing the cancer of the colony: Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, and socioeconomic struggle in German East Africa. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 3, p. 441-470 5895. Familienbande ௅ Familienschande. Geschlechterverhältnisse in Familie und Verwandtschaft. Hrsg. v. Eva LABOUVIE und Ramona MYRRHE. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 300 p. 5896. Family (The) in Early Modern England. Ed. by Helen BERRY and Elizabeth FOYSTER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 269 p. 5897. FEARON (Peter). Kansas in the Great Depression: work relief, the Dole, and rehabilitation. Columbia a. London, University of Missouri Press, 2007, XV-316 p. 5898. FENEMORE (Mark). Thugs and rock'n roll. Teenage rebels in Cold-War East Germany. New York, Berghahn Books, 2007, XVIII-277 p. (Monographs in German history, 16). 5899. FIELD (Deborah A.). Private life and communist morality in Khrushchev's Russia. New York, Peter Lang, 2007, X-148 p.

5906. Fuori della norma: storie lesbiche nell'Italia della prima metà del Novecento. A cura di Nerina MILLETTI e Luisa PASSERINI. Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2007, 241 p. (ill.). (La storia & le storie). 5907. GARCÍA ESPUCHE (Albert). Del territorio a la casa: Sobre la decisiva transformación de Cataluña en los siglos XVI y XVII. Historia social, 2007, 58, p. 71-96. 5908. GARRIGUS (John D.). "To establish a community of property": marriage and race before and during the Haitian Revolution. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 142-152. 5909. Gendering the fertility decline in the Western world. Ed. by Angelique JANSSENS. Bern, Lang, 2007, 364 p. (Population, family, and society, 7). 5910. Générations en guerre au XXe siècle. Introduction de Jean-François SIRINELLI. Revue historique, 2007, 641, p. 137-179. [CABANES (Bruno). "Génération du feu": aux origines d'une notion. – PIKETTY (Guillaume). "Générations résistantes à l'épreuve de la sortie de guerre". – BANTIGNY (Ludivine). Temps, âge et génération à l'épreuve de la guerre: la mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli des appelés en Algérie]. 5911. GERMANY (Kent B.). New Orleans after the promises. Poverty, citizenship, and the search for the great society. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XII-460 p. 5912. Geschichte der Sozialpolitik in Deutschland seit 1945. Band 4. 1957–1966. Sozialpolitik im Zeichen des erreichten Wohlstands. Hrsg. v. Michael RUCK und Marcel BOLDORF. Band 11. 1989–1994. Sozialpolitik im Zeichen der Vereinigung. Hrsg. v. Gerhard A. RITTER. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, 2 vol., 1049 p., 900 p.

5900. FOLKE AX (Christina). Incorporating new ideas in a local community. A reform society in Iceland, 1833–1870. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 119-140.

5913. Gesellschaftlicher Wandel im Jahrhundert der Politik. Nordwestdeutschland im internationalen Vergleich, 1920–1960. Hrsg. v. Michael PRINZ. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 547 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 58).

5901. Food and the city in Europe since 1800. Ed. by Peter J. ATKINS, Peter LUMMEL and Derek J. ODDY. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 260 p.

5914. GILLIES (Mary Ann). The professional literary agent in Britain, 1880–1920. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2007, XI-247 p.

5902. FOSTER (R. F.). Luck and the Irish. A brief history of change, 1970–2000. London, Allen Lane, 2007, 228.

5915. GLEBE-MØLLER (Jens). Struensees vej til skafottet: fornuft og åbenbaring i Oplysningstiden. (Ce qui mena Struensee à l'échafaud: raison et révélation au Danemark à l'époque des Lumières). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2007, 134 p. (ill.).

5903. Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte des Nationalsozialismus. Fragestellungen, Perspektiven, neue Forschungen. Hrsg. v. Johanna GEHMACHER und Gabriella HAUCH. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, Studien Verlag, 2007, 256 p.

5916. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar). Afectos e intereses en los matrimonios en la ciudad de México a fines de la colonia. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 4, p. 1117-1161.



5917. GRATTON (Brian), GUTMANN (Myron P.), SKOP (Emily). Immigrants, their children, and theories of assimilation: family structure in the United States, 1880–1970. History of the family, 2007, 12, 3, p. 203222.

5932. HOFFMANN (Stefan-Ludwig). The politics of sociability. Freemasonry and German civil society, 1840–1918. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, X-413 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany).

5918. GREGORY (James). Of victorians and vegetarians. The vegetarian movement in nineteenth-century Britain. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, 313 p.

5933. HOGANSON (Kristin L.). Consumers' imperium. The global production of American domesticity, 1865–1920. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, X-402 p.

5919. GREHAN (James). Everyday life and consumer culture in eighteenth-century Damascus. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2007, XVI-320 p. 5920. GRIFFIN (Emma). Blood sport. Hunting in Britain since 1066. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 283 p. 5921. GROSSMANN (Atina). Jews, Germans, and Allies. Close encounters in occupied Germany. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XV-393 p. 5922. GUNDLE (Stephen). Bellissima. Feminine beauty and the idea of Italy. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 301 p. 5923. HAMLIN (David D.). Work and play. The production and consumption of toys in Germany, 1870– 1914. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, X-286 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany). 5924. HARSCH (Donna). Revenge of the domestic. Women, the family, and communism in the German Democratic Republic. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, XVI-350 p. 5925. HATTAM (Victoria). In the shadow of race: Jews, Latinos, and immigrant politics in the United States. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIV-273 p. (ill.). 5926. HEIMES (Daniel). Sozialstruktur und soziale Mobilität der Koblenzer Bürgerschaft im 17. Jahrhundert. Trier, Kliomedia, 2007, 272 p. 5927. HERZOG (Tamar). Terres et déserts, société et sauvagerie. De la communauté en Amérique et en Castille à l'époque moderne. Annales, 2007, 62, 3, p. 507-538. 5928. HETÉNYI (Martin). Spoloþenské aktivity maćarskej menšiny v okrese Nitra v rokoch 1939– 1944. (Social activities of the Hungarian minority in the Nitra district in the period 1939–1944). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 3, p. 503-530. 5929. HEYWOOD (Colin). Growing up in France. From the Ancient Régime to the Third Republic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-313 p. 5930. HILL (Helena). Befria mannen! Idéer om förtryck, frigörelse och förändring hos en svensk mansrörelse under 1970- och tidigt 1980-tal. (Libérez l'homme! Idées sur l'oppression, l'émancipation et le changement dans le mouvement masculin suédois dans les années 1970 et au début des années 1980). Umeå, h:ström ௅ Text & kultur, 2007, 294 p. (Serie akademi, 4). 5931. HOCKERTS (Hans Günter). Vom Problemlöser zum Problemerzeuger? Der Sozialstaat im 20. Jahrhundert. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 3-30.

5934. HOLDEN (Katherine). The shadow of marriage. Singleness in England, 1914–1960. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, 257 p. 5935. HOLMAN (Andrew C.). The Canadian hockey player problem: cultural reckoning and national identities in American collegiate sport, 1947–1980. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 3, p. 439-468. 5936. HONG (Sok Chul). The burden of early exposure to malaria in the United States, 1850–1860: malnutrition and immune disorders. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 4, p. 1001-1035. 5937. Hugenotten und deutsche Territorialstaaten. Immigrationspolitik und Integrationszprozesse. Hrsg. v. Guido BRAUN und Susanne LACHENICHT. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 255 p. (Pariser historische Studien, 82). 5938. HUR (Nam-Lin). Death and social order in Tokugawa Japan. Buddhism, anti-Christianity, and the danka system. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XII550 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 282). 5939. Idræt, nation og politik: nordiske komparationer. (Sport, nation et politique: comparaisons nordiques). Red. Sine AGERGAARD, Anne Lykke POULSEN, Solveig Skovmose VINTHER. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2007, 197 p. (Idrætshistorisk årbog, 23). 5940. IGO (Sarah E.). The averaged American. Surveys, citizens and the making of a mass public. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 398 p. 5941. IGRA (Anna R.). Wives without husbands. Marriage, desertion, and welfare in New York, 1900–1935. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, VIII-175 p. (Gender and American culture). 5942. Irish migration, networks and ethnic identities since 1750. Ed. by Enda MELANEY and Donald M. MACRAILD. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XXII-305 p. 5943. JABLONKA (Ivan). L'ascension sociale des jeunes filles de l'assistance publique (1880–1940). Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 127141. 5944. JABOUR (Anya). Scarlett's sisters. Young women in the Old South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, X-374 p. 5945. JANÁK (Dušan). ýeskoslovenští obþané a ýeši v sovČtských vČznicích a táborech (1918–1956). (Czechoslovak citizens and Czechs in the Soviet prisons and



camps, 1918–1956). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 1. VČzni a popravení. Ed. Meþislav BORÁK. Opava, 2007, p. 15-116. 5946. JEREMIAH (David). Representations of British motoring. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XIII258 p. 5947. JIRÁSEK (ZdenČk). K problematice repatriace þeskoslovenských obþanĤ ze SSSR. (Repatriation of Czechoslovak citizens from the USSR). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918– 1956). 2. Váleþní zajatci a internovaní. Ed. Meþislav Borák. Opava, 2007, p. 357-385. 5948. JOBS (Richard Ivan). Riding the new wave. Youth and the rejuvenation of France after the Second World War. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XIV-364 p. 5949. KAELBLE (Hartmut). Sozialgeschichte Europas. 1945 bis zur Gegenwart. München, Beck, 2007, 437 p. 5950. KALC (Aleksej). Politika priseljevanja v Trstu v 18. stoletju. (Immigration policy in 18th century Triest). Annales, Series historia et sociologia., 2007, 17, 1, p. 83106. 5951. KALINOVÁ (Lenka). Spoleþenské promČny v þase socialistického experimentu. K sociálním dČjinám v letech 1945–1969. (Social changes in the period of the socialistic experiment. Social history in the years 1945–1969). Praha, Academia, 2007, 363 p. 5952. KAPLAN (Karel). PromČny þeské spoleþnosti 1948–1960. (Changes of the Czech Society, 1948– 1960). Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2007, 313 p. (ýeská spoleþnost po roce 1945, 3). 5953. KAYE (Anthony E.). Joining places. Slave neighborhoods in the Old South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, X-365 p. (John Hope Franklin series in African American history and culture). 5954. KEBER (Katarina). ýas kolere: epidemije kolere na Kranjskem v 19. Stoletju. (Time of cholera: cholera epidemic in Carniola in the 19th century). Ljubljana, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2007, 234 p. (Thesaurus memoriae, Dissertationes, 6). 5955. KILDAY (Anne-Marie). Women and violent crime in Enlightenment Scotland. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2007, 183 p. 5956. KING (Desmond), TUCK (Stephen). De-centring the South: America's nationwide white supremacist order after reconstruction. Past and present, 2007, 194, p. 213253. 5957. KIRCHHOFF (Hans), RÜNITZ (Lone). Udsendt til Tyskland: dansk flygtningepolitik under besættelsen. (Expulsé vers l'Allemagne: la politique danoise vis-àvis des réfugiés pendant l'Occupation). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2007, 522 p. 5958. KLAPPER (Melissa R.). Small strangers. The experience of immigrant children in America, 1880–

1925. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2007, XIX-210 p. (American childhoods). 5959. KOLENOVSKÁ (Daniela). BČloruská emigrace v ýeskoslovensku (1918–1938). (Belarusian émigrés in Czechoslovakia, 1918–1938). Soudobé dČjiny, 2007, 14, 1, p. 78-105. 5960. KOLLMEIER (Kathrin). Ordnung und Ausgrenzung: die Disziplinarpolitik der Hitler-Jugend. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 368 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 180). 5961. KOLUMBÁN KÁNTOR (Zsuzsánna). DivorĠul în dioceza Odorhei în sec. al XIX-lea. (Divorce in Odorhei diocese in the 19th c.). In: Om úi societate. Studii de istoria populaĠiei României (sec. XVII–XXI). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 207-240. 5962. KÖNIG (Malte). Prostitution und Emanzipation. Die Schließung der staatlich lizensierten Bordelle Italiens 1958. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 4, p. 617-640. 5963. KOOP (Volker). "Dem Führer ein Kind schenken". Die SS-Organisation Lebensborn e.V. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, X-306 p. 5964. KORNBLUH (Felicia). The battle for welfare rights. Politics and poverty in modern America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, XI287 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 5965. KOSLOFSKY (Craig). Princes of darkness: the night at court, 1650–1750. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 2, p. 235-273. 5966. KOUDAL (Jens Henrik). Grev Rabens dagbog: hverdagsliv i et adeligt miljø i 1700-tallet. (Journal du comte Raben: la vie quotidienne au 18e siècle dans un milieu aristocratique danois). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2007, 318 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, Folkemindesamlingens kulturstudier bd 10, 330). 5967. Krankheit in Briefen im deutschen und französischen Sprachraum: 17.–21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Martin DINGES und Vincent BARRAS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 267 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Beiheft 29). 5968. KÜMIN (Beat). Drinking matters. Public houses and social exchange in early Modern Central Europe. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XX-283 p. (Early modern history, society and culture). 5969. KUNZ (Barbara). Von der Rebellion zur Emanzipation. Zürcher 68erinnen erinnern sich. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 3, p. 272-295. 5970. KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ (Ingrid). Szechényi-Kollonichov chudobinec v Bratislave v kontexte transformácie systému sociálnej starostlivosti v Uhorsku v ranom novoveku. (The Szechényi-Kollonich poorhouse in Bratislava in the context of the transformation of the system of social care). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 659680. [Deutsche Zsfassung].



5985. MAC HUGH (Tim). Hospital politics in seventeenth-century France. The crown, urban elites and the poor. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 202 p.

5971. LAHTINEN (Anu). Sopeutuvat, neuvottelevat, kapinalliset. Naiset toimijoina Flemingin sukupiirissä 1470–1620. (Conciliatory, negotiating, insubordinate women: female agency in the Fleming family, 1470– 1620). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 241 p. (ill.). (Bibliotheca historica 108).

5986. MAC LELLAN (Josie). State socialist bodies: East German nudism from ban to boom. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 1, p. 48-79.

5972. LANZA (Janine M.). From wives to widows in early Modern Paris. Gender, Economy and law. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 252 p.

5987. MARCUS (Sharon). Between women. Friendship, desire, and marriage in Victorian England. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, X-356 p.

5973. LARSSON (Esbjörn). Manligt och omanligt på Karlberg. En studie av pennalistiskt våld inom Krigsakademiens kadettkår. (The masculine and the nonmasculine at Karlberg: A study of bullying at the Swedish cadet corps). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 3, p. 475-494. 5974. LAWI (Yusufu Qwaray). Tanzania's operation Vijiji and local ecological consciousness: the case of Eastern Iraqwland, 1974–1976. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 1, p. 69-93. 5975. LERNER (Michael A.). Dry Manhattan. Prohibition in New York City. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 351 p. 5976. LESSER (Jeffrey). A discontented diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the meanings of ethnic militancy, 1960–1980. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, XXX219 p. 5977. LILIENTHAL (Andrea). Die Fürstin und die Macht: welfische Herzoginnen im 16. Jahrhundert: Elisabeth, Sidonia, Sophia. Hannover, Hahn, 2007, 310 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens, 127). 5978. LINGELBACH (Gabriele). Die Entwicklung des Spendenmarktes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von der staatlichen Regulierung zur medialen Lenkung. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 1, p. 127-157. 5979. LOCKLIN (Nancy). Women's work and identity in eighteenth-century Brittany. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 162 p.

5988. MARÍN HERNÁNDEZ (Juan José). Prostitución, honor y cambio cultural en la provincia de San José de Costa Rica: 1860–1949. San José, Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 2007, XV-445 p. 5989. MARSH (Ben). Georgia's frontier women. Female fortunes in a Southern Colony. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XIII-253 p. 5990. MARSH (Ben). Planting families: intent and outcome in the development of colonial Georgia. History of the family, 2007, 12, 2, p. 104-115 5991. MARTIN (Alexander M.). Lost Arcadia: the 1812 war and Russian images of aristocratic womanhood. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 603621. 5992. Mascolinità all'italiana: costruzioni, narrazioni, mutamenti. A cura di Elena DELL'AGNESE e Elisabetta RUSPINI. Prefazione di Chiara SARACENO. Torino, UTET, 2007, XXIII-357 p. (ill.) 5993. MATSUMOTO (Yuko). Tsukurareru Amerika kokumin to tasha: 'Amerikaka' jidai no citizenship. (Constructing the American nation: Boundaries of citizenship in the age of Americanization). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2007, 340 p. 5994. MAZZONI (Stanislao), MANFREDINI (Matteo). Les enfants abandonnés à l'hôpital de Parme (Italie) dans la commune de Pellegrino Parmense. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 83-98.

5980. LONGUENESSE (Élisabeth). Professions et société au Proche-Orient. Déclin des élites, crise des classes moyennes. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 254 p.

5995. Metamorfozy spoáeczne: badania nad dziejami spoáecznymi XIX i XX wieku. 2. (Social Metamorphoses: research on the social history of nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 2). Redaktor naukowy Janusz ĩARNOWSKI. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 257 p. (ill.).

5981. LOVETT (Laura L.). Conceiving the future. Pronatalism, reproduction, and the family in the United States, 1890–1938. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XI-236 p.

5996. MÉTHOT (Mélanie). Bigamists meet polygamists: Confronting the popular image of bigamists in Canadian society. History of the family, 2007, 12, 3, p. 169-177.

5982. LUDDY (Maria). Prostitution and Irish society, 1800–1940. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII352 p.

5997. MEYZIE (Philippe). La table du Sud-Ouest et l'émergence des cuisines régionales (17001850). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 432 p.

5983. LUNDQVIST (Åsa). Familjen i den svenska modellen. (La Famille dans le modèle suédois). Umeå, Boréa, 2007, 295 p.

5998. MILTON (Cynthia E.). The many meanings of poverty: colonialism, social compacts, and assistance in eighteenth-century Ecuador. Palo Alto, Stanford U. P., 2007, XXI-356 p.

5984. MAC ELYA (Micki). Clinging to mammy. The faithful slave in twentieth-century America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, 322 p.

5999. MINCHIN (Timothy J.). From rights to economics: the ongoing struggle for Black equality in the



U.S. South. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XII-212 p. 6000. MOELLER (Katrin). Dass Willkür über Recht ginge: Hexenverfolgung in Mecklenburg im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Gütersloh, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2007, 544 p. (Hexenforschung, 10). 6001. MOLINA PUCHE (Sebastián). La diferenciación social en el siglo XVII: las elites locales del corregimiento de Chinchilla-Villena. Historia social, 2007, 58, p. 3-22. 6002. MORING (Beatrice). The standard of living of widows: inventories as an indicator of the economic situation of widows. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 233-249. 6003. MORT (Frank). Striptease: the erotic female body and live sexual entertainment in mid-twentiethcentury London. Social history, 2007, 32, 1, p. 27-53. 6004. MOUTON (Michelle). From nurturing the German nation to purifying the Volk. Weimar and Nazi family policy, 1918–1945. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-310 p. (Publications of the German historical institute). 6005. MUCHEMBLED (Robert). Fils de Caïn, enfants de Médée. Homicide et infanticide devant le parlement de Paris (1575–1604). Annales, 2007, 62, 5, p. 10631094. 6006. NIEMI (Marjaana). Public health and municipal policy making: Britain and Sweden, 1900–1940. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, X-228 p. (ill., maps). (Historical urban studies). 6007. PANAYI (Panikos). Life and death in a German town. Osnabrück from the Weimar Republic to World War II and beyond. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XVIII360 p. 6008. PARKER (David). Hertfordshire children in war and peace, 1914–1939. Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire Press, 2007, X-378 p. 6009. PASTORE (Stefania). Mujeres, lecturas y alumbradismo radical: Petronila de Lucena y Juan del Castillo. Historia social, 2007, 57, p. 51-74 6010. PÉREZ BENAVIDES (Amada Carolina). Actores, escenarios y relaciones sociales en tres publicaciones periódicas mexicanas de mediados del siglo XIX. Historia mexicana, 2007, 56, 4, p. 1163–1199. 6011. PÉREZ VEJO (Tomás). La vida como estereotipo: memorias de un comerciante montañés en la Nueva España del siglo XVIII. Historia mexicana, 2007, 57, 1, p. 193-262.

kontaktinmuodostus Valkealassa 1630–1750. (Material and immaterial security: households, ecological and economic resources and formation of contacts in Valkeala parish from the 1630s to the 1750s). Helsinki, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007, 394 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliotheca historica 106). 6014. PODESTÀ (Gian Luca). L'émigration italienne en Afrique orientale. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 59-84. 6015. POGET KERN (Noemi). Au service d'autrui: la domesticité à Genève au XVIIIe siècle. Activité, statut juridique et patrimoine. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 2, p. 147-173. 6016. Politiques (Les) au stade. Étude comparée des manifestations sportives du XIXe au XXIe siècle. Sous la dir. de André GOUNOT, Denis JALLAT et Benoît CARITEY. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 230 p. 6017. PORTER BENSON (Susan). Household accounts: working-class family economies in the Interwar United States. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2007, XIII-233 p. 6018. PROTZNER (Wolfgang), KÖGLMAIER-HORN (Christiane). Culina Franconiae. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 512 p. (Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 109). 6019. QUINLAN (Sean M.). The great nation in decline. Sex, modernity and health crises in Revolutionary France, c. 1750–1850. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 265 p. (History of medicine in context). 6020. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub). Elity družstevnictví v meziváleþném ýeskoslovensku. Metodologické a teoretické otázky. (The cooperative system elites in interwar Czechoslovakia. Methodological and theoretical questions). In: Moderní podnikatelské elity. Metody a perspektivy bádání. Ed. JiĜí ŠTAIF. Praha, 2007, p. 7790. 6021. RAZZELL (Peter). Population and disease. Transforming English society, 1550–1850. London, Caliban Books, 2007, XVIII-314 p. 6022. REAGIN (Nancy R.). Sweeping the German nation: Domesticity and national identity in Germany, 18701945. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 247 p. 6023. RENNES (Juliette). Le mérite et la nature. Une controverse républicaine: l'accès des femmes aux professions de prestige, 18801940. Paris, Fayard, 2007, 594 p. 6024. ROECK (Bernd). Civic culture and everyday life in Early Modern Germany. Leiden, Brill, 2007, 286 p.

6012. PERRIN (Cédric). Entre glorification et abandon. L'État et les artisans en France, 19381970. Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2007, XIII-519 p.

6025. ROLLET-VEY (Catherine). Les enfants abandonnés: d'une histoire institutionnelle aux trajectoires individuelles. Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 114, p. 7-12.

6013. PIILAHTI (Kari-Matti). Aineellista ja aineetonta turvaa. Ruokakunnat, ekologis-taloudelliset resurssit ja

6026. ROMAN (Nicoleta). Avortul úi infanticidul în lumea rurală românească din prima jumătate a secolului

8. SOCIAL HISTORY al XIX-lea. (Abortion and infanticide in Romanian rural world in early 19th century). Studii úi Materiale de Istorie Modernă, 2007, 20, p. 75-86.


6041. SCHUMACHER (Reto), RYCZKOWSKA (Grazyna), PERROUX (Olivier). Unwed mothers in the city. Illegitimate fertility in 19th-century Geneva. History of the family, 2007, 12, 3, p. 189-202.

6027. ROSANVALLON (Pierre). The demands of liberty. Civil society in France since the Revolution. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, VIII-254 p. (Harvard historical studies, 154).

6042. SCHWERHOFF (Gerd). Justice et honneur. Interpréter la violence à Cologne (XVe–XVIIe siècle). Annales, 2007, 62, 5, p. 1031-1062.

6028. RUDLOFF (Wilfried). Bildungspolitik als Sozialund Gesellschaftspolitik. Die Bundesrepublik in den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren im internationalen Vergleich. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 237-268.

6043. Sedligt, renligt, lagligt: prostitution i Norden 1880–1940. (Moral, propre, légal: la prostitution en Europe du nord 1880–1940). Red. Anna JANSDOTTER, Yvonne SVANSTRÖM. Göteborg, Makadam, 2007, 248 p.

6029. RUGGIERO (Guido). Machiavelli in love. Sex, self, and society in the Italian Renaissance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, X-285 p.

6044. SEELBACH (Kirsten Renate). In dieser harten und sterbenden Zeit: Maßnahmen gegen die Pest 1620– 1750. Marburg, Tectum, 2007, 529 p.

6030. Ruhrgebiet (Das) in Rheinland und Westfalen: Koexistenz und Konkurrenz des Raumbewusstseins im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Karl DITT und Klaus TENFELDE. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 511 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 57).

6045. SHAPELY (Peter). The politics of housing. Power, consumers, and urban culture. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, VI-231 p.

6031. SAADA (Emmanuelle). Les enfants de la colonie. Les métis de l'empire français entre sujétion et citoyenneté. Paris, La Découverte, 2007, 336 p. (L'espace de l'histoire). 6032. SAGER (Eric W.). Women teachers in Canada, 1881–1901: revisiting the 'feminization' of an occupation. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 2, p. 201-236. 6033. SAHADEO (Jeff). Russian colonial society in Tashkent, 1865–1923. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, X-316 p. 6034. SALAIS (Robert). Europe and the deconstruction of the category of "Unemployment". Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 371-402. 6035. SALOMON (Christine). Jungle Fever. Genre, âge, race et classe dans une discothèque parisienne. Gèneses, 2007, 69, p. 92-111. 6036. SAMBRON (Diane). Femmes musulmanes. Guerre d'Algérie 1954–1962. Paris, Editions Autrement, 2007, 194 p. (Collection Mémoires. Histoire, 133). 6037. SANGSTER (Joan). The Polish 'Dionnes': gender, ethnicity, and immigrant workers in post-Second World War Canada. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 3, p. 469-500. 6038. SCHMIDT (Ariadne). Survival strategies of widows and their families in early Modern Holland, c. 1580–1750. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 268281. 6039. SCHROER (Timothy L.). Recasting race after World War II. Germans and African Americans in American-occupied Germany. Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2007, XIV-295 p. 6040. SCHULZ (Kristina). Neue Frauenbewegung in der Schweiz. Vorwort zum Themenschwerpunkt / Nouveau mouvement des femmes en Suisse. Avant-propos. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 3, p. 237-248.

6046. SLACK (Paul). The politics of consumption and England's happiness in the later seventeenth century. English historical review, 2007, 122, 497, p. 609-631. 6047. SOGNER (Sølvi), VAN LOTTUM (Jelle). An immigrant community? Norwegian sailors and their wives in 17th-century Amsterdam. History of the family, 2007, 12, 3, p. 153-168. 6048. Sozialversicherung in Diktatur und Demokratie: Begleitband zur Wanderausstellung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Erinnerung und Verantwortung" der Sozialversicherungsträger in NRW. Hrsg. v. Marc von MIQUEL. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 415 p. (Geschichtsort, 8). 6049. Spiel (Das) mit dem Fußball. Interessen, Projektionen und Vereinnahmungen. Hrsg. v. Jürgen MITTAG und Jörg-Uwe NIELAND. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 592 p. 6050. STEEGE (Paul). Black market, Cold War. Everyday life in Berlin, 1946–1949. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIX-348 p. 6051. STEPHENS (Robert P.). Germans on drugs. The complications of modernization in Hamburg. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, IX-318 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany). 6052. STOBART (Jon), HANN (Andrew), MORGAN (Victoria). Spaces of consumption. Leisure and shopping in the English town, c. 1680–1830. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, VIII-247 p. 6053. STYLES (John). The dress of the people. Everyday fashion in eighteenth-century England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, 431 p. 6054. SUNDSTROM (William A.). The geography of wage discrimination in the pre-civil rights South. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 2, p. 410-444. 6055. SÜß (Winfried). Der bedrängte Wohlfahrtsstaat. Deutsche und europäische Perspektiven auf die Sozialpolitik der 1970er-Jahre. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 95-126.



6056. SZELÉNYI (Balázs A.). From minority to Übermensch: the social roots of ethnic conflict in the German diaspora of Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 215-251.

bensstandards im "Dritten Reich", 1933–1939. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2007, 94, 3, p. 309-332.

6057. SZOàTYSEK (Mikoáaj). Central European household and family systems, and the 'Hajnal–Mitterauer' line: The parish of Bujakow (18th–19th centuries). History of the family, 2007, 12, 1, p. 19-42.

6071. WAGNER (Jeffrey), LOSCHKY (David), MAC DANIEL (Charles). Real income and mortality in a household production model: English mortality from 1541 to 1871. Journal of European economic history, 2007, 36, 1, p. 47-72.

6058. TANAKA (Kimiko). Graves and families in Japan: continuity and change. History of the family, 2007, 12, 3, p. 178-188.

6072. WALL (Richard). Family relationships in comic postcards 1900–1930. History of the family, 2007, 12, 1, p. 50-61.

6059. THIRSK (Joan). Food in early Modern England. Phases, fads, fashions, 1500–1760. London, Continuum, 2007, XX-396 p.

6073. Welfare peripheries. The development of welfare states in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe. Ed. by Steven KING and John STEWART. Bern, Peter Lang, 2007, 267 p.

6060. TOMAN (Cynthia). An officer and a lady. Canadian military nurses and the Second World War. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2007, 261 p. 6061. TORRE (Angelo). "Faire communauté". Confréries et localité dans une vallée du Piémont (XVIIeXVIIIe siècle). Annales, 2007, 62, 1, p. 101-136. í IDEM. La genesi dello spazio: il miracolo dell'ostia (Asti, 10 maggio 1718). Quaderni storici, 2007, 42, 125, p. 355. 6062. UGOLINI (Laura). Men and menswear. Sartorial consumption in Britain, 1880–1939. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 292 p. 6063. USBORNE (Cornelie). Cultures of abortion in Weimar Germany. New York, Berghahn Books, 2007, XII-284 p. 6064. VACANTE (Jeffery). Evolving racial identity and the consolidation of men's authority in early twentieth-century Quebec. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 3, p. 413-438. 6065. VAN AERT (Laura). The legal possibilities of Antwerp widows in the late sixteenth century. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 282-295. 6066. VAN DER HEIJDEN (Manon), SCHMIDT (Ariadne), WALL (Richard). Broken families: economic resources and social networks of women who head families. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 223-232. 6067. VAN DER HEIJDEN (Manon), VAN DEN HEUVEL (Danielle). Sailors' families and the urban institutional framework in early Modern Holland. History of the family, 2007, 12, 4, p. 296-309. 6068. VILLIGER (Carole). Le Mouvement de Libération des Femmes de Genève: du mégaphone à la voix de la raison. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 3, p. 249271. 6069. VINTILĂ-GHIğULESCU (ConstanĠa). The father and his daughter. Marriage strategies and issues in Romanian society. 18th century). Roumanian journal of society and politics, 2007, 1, 1-2, p. 133-145. 6070. WAGNER (Andrea). Ein Human Development Index für Deutschland und die Entwicklung des Le-

6074. WHITEHEAD (Kay). Careers advice for women and the shaping of identities. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 57-74. 6075. WILLIAMS (John Alexander). Turning to nature in Germany. Hiking, nudism, and conservation, 1900– 1940. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, X-354 p. 6076. WILSON (Kathleen). Nelson's women: female masculinity and body politics in the French and Napoleonic Wars. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 562-581. 6077. WILTSE (Jeff). Contested waters. A social history of swimming pools in America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, X-276 p. 6078. WITHINGTON (Phil). Company and sociability in early modern England. Social history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 291-307. 6079. WOLF (Diane L.). Beyond Anne Frank. Hidden children and postwar families in Holland. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XIII391 p. 6080. WREDE (Martin). Code, Konzept und Konjunkturen des Rittertums in der französischen Hofkultur des 17. Jahrhunderts. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2007, 33, 3, p. 350-374. 6081. WURSCHI (Peter). Rennsteigbeat. Jugendliche Subkulturen im Thüringer Raum 1952–1989. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2007, 312 p. (Europäische Diktaturen und ihre Überwindung, 11). 6082. ZAPNIK (Jörg). Pest und Krieg im Ostseeraum: der "Schwarze Tod" in Stralsund während des Großen Nordischen Krieges (1700–1721). Hamburg, Dr. Kovac, 2007, 330 p. (Greifswalder historische Studien, 7). 6083. Zwangsmigrationen im mittleren und östlichen Europa. Völkerrecht, Konzeptionen, Praxis (1938– 1950). Hrsg. v. Ralph MELVILLE, Jiri PESEK und Claus SCHARF. Mainz, von Zabern, 2007, XV-463 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, 69).

9. WORKING-CLASS MOVEMENT AND SOCIALISM 6084. Zwischen Erziehung und Vernichtung: Zigeunerpolitik und Zigeunerforschung im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Michael ZIMMERMANN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 591 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 3). § 8. Addendum 2006. 6085. SNELL (K.D.M.). Parish and belonging: Community, identity and welfare in England and Wales, 17001950. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV541 p. Cf. nos 99-129, 531, 664, 3359, 3636, 3670, 3889, 3902, 4178, 5461, 5572, 6528, 6543, 6801 § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. _______________________

6086. ALEXANDER (Robert Jackson). A history of organized labor in Peru and Ecuador. With the collaboration of Eldon M. PARKER. Westport a. London, Praeger, 2007, XIV-238 p. 6087. ANDERSEN (Lars Schädler). 'Embedsmandsbakterien' i socialpolitikken. En studie i arbejderforsikringsrådets forvaltning 1898–1916. (The 'Public Servant Germ' in social policy: a study of the workers' insurance board 1898–1916). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 2, p. 412-440. 6088. ANTHONY (Thalia). Reconciliation and conciliation: the irreconcilable dilemma of the 1965 'Equal' wage case for Aboriginal station workers. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 15-34. 6089. ARCHER (Robin). American liberalism and labour politics: labour leaders and liberty language in late nineteenth century Australia and the United States. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 1-16. 6090. BERGAMINI (Ivo). Alle origini del movimento operaio indiano: classi, caste e movimenti politici nell'India coloniale, 1857–1918. Milano, Pantarei, 2007, XXXIX-671 p. (maps). 6091. BERGSTRÖM (Villy). Rättvisa, solidaritet och anpassning: Landsorganisationens ekonomiska politik under fem årtionden. (Justice, solidarité et aptitude à négocier: la politique économique de la fédération syndicale LO depuis cinquante ans). Stockholm, Atlas, 2007, 270 p. 6092. BOXER (Marilyn J.). Rethinking the socialist construction and international career of the concept "bourgeois feminism". American historical review, 2007, 112, 1, p. 131-158. 6093. ÇAKMAKÇI (Ufuk), OBA (Beyza). The role of employer unions in hegemonic struggle, interest representation and promotion of managerial perspectives in Turkey. Business history, 2007, 49, 5, p. 695-716. 6094. CHIN (Rita). The guest worker question in postwar Germany. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XII-281 p.


6095. CHRISTENSEN (Lars K.), KOLSTRUP (Søren), EKLUND HANSEN (Anette). Arbejdernes historie i Danmark 1800–2000. (Histoire des ouvriers au Danemark 1800–2000). København, Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens Historie, 2007, 464 p. (ill.). (Selskabet til forskning i arbejderbevægelsens historie / SFAH: skriftserie, 46). 6096. COCKFIELD (Sandra). Mobilising at the workplace: state regulation and collective action in three workplaces, 1900 to the 1920s. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 35-56. 6097. COLE (Peter). Wobblies on the waterfront. Interracial unionism in progressive-era Philadelphia. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, X227 p. (Working class in American history). 6098. COLISTETE (Renato P.). Productivity, wages, and labor politics in Brazil, 1945–1962. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 93-127. 6099. DE GEER (Hans). Från svenska modellen till Svenskt näringsliv: om SAF och den svenska arbetsmarknadens organisering under 1990-talet. (Du modèle suédois à Svenskt näringsliv: la confédération patronale suédoise et l'organisation du marché du travail en Suède dans les années 1990). Stockholm, Ratio, 2007, 205 p. 6100. DYRENFURTH (Nick), QUARTLY (Marian). Fat man v. 'the People': Labour intellectuals and the making of oppositional identities, 1890–1901. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 31-56. 6101. EDEBALK (Per Gunnar). Sjukförsäkring och sjuklön. Om statliga beslut och arbetsmarknadens organisationer 1955–1992. (Health insurance and sick pay. On state decisions and labour market organizations 1955–1992). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 1, p. 4569. 6102. FAISON (Elyssa). Managing women. Disciplining labor in modern Japan. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XIV-227 p. 6103. FETZER (Thomas). Turning Eurosceptic: British trade unions and European integration (1961–1975). Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 85-102. 6104. FÖCKING (Friederike). Fürsorge im Wirtschaftsboom: die Entstehung des Bundessozialhilfegesetzes von 1961. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 556 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 73). 6105. GERTEIS (Joseph). Class and the color line. Interracial class coalition in the Knights of Labor and the Populist movement. Durham, Duke U. P., 2007, X274 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 6106. GOUTOR (David). Constructing the 'Great Menace': Canadian labour's opposition to Asian immigration, 1880 – 1914. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 4, p. 549-576. í IDEM. Guarding the gates. The Canadian labour movement and immigration, 1872–



1934. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2007, XI-273 p. 6107. GREBING (Helga). Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Von der Revolution 1848 bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Vorwärts-Buch, 2007, 326 p. 6108. GREENLESS (Janet). Female labour power. Women workers' influence on business practices in the British and American cotton industries, 1780–1860. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XX-244 p. (Studies in labour history). 6109. HAFTER (Daryl M.). Women at work in preindustrial France. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2007, IX-318 p. 6110. HEARN (Mark). Making liberal citizens: Justice Higgins and his witnesses. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 57-72. í IDEM. Sifting the evidence: labour history and the transcripts of industrial arbitration proceedings. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 3-14. 6111. HONEYMAN (Katrina). Child workers in England, 1780–1820. Parish apprentices and the making of the early industrial labour force. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-340 p. 6112. HUFF (Gregg), CAGGIANO (Giovanni). Globalization, immigration, and Lewisian elastic labor in preWorld War II Southeast Asia. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 33-68. 6113. IGHE (Ann). I faderns ställe: genus, ekonomisk förändring och den svenska förmyndarinstitutionen ca 1700í1860. (A la place du père: genre, transformations économiques et institution de tutelle entre 1700 et 1860). Göteborg, Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen vid Göteborgs universitet, 2007, 280 p. (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, 99). 6114. JONES (Ann). 'Sindicalistas Australianos': a case study of international trade unionism. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 197-212. 6115. KATUNINEC (Milan). Charakter rakúskych a slovenských kresĢanských odborov v prvej polovici 20. storoþia. (The character of Austrian and Slovak Christian Trade Unions in the first half of the 20th century). Historický þasopis, 2007, 55, 4, p. 699-719. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6116. KLESSMANN (Christoph). Arbeiter im "Arbeiterstaat" DDR: deutsche Traditionen, sowjetisches Modell, westdeutsches Magnetfeld (1945–1971). Bonn, Dietz, 2007, 892 p. (ill.). (Geschichte der Arbeiter und der Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland seit dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, 14). 6117. KRINN (Carsten). Zwischen Emanzipation und Edukationismus: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Schulungsarbeit der Weimarer KPD [Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands]. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 669 p. (Geschichte und Erwachsenenbildung, 22). 6118. KULLER (Christiane). Soziale Sicherung von Frauen – ein ungelöstes Strukturproblem im männlichen

Wohlfahrtsstaat. Die Bundesrepublik im europäischen Vergleich. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 199236. 6119. LENGWILER (Martin). Im Schatten der Arbeitslosen- und Altersversicherung. Systeme der staatlichen Invaliditätsversicherung nach 1945 im europäischen Vergleich. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 325-348. 6120. LINDNER (Ulrike). Die Krise des Wohlfahrtsstaats im Gesundheitssektor. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Großbritannien und Schweden im Vergleich. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 297-324. 6121. LIPIN (Lawrence M.). Workers and the wild. Conservation, consumerism, and labor in Oregon, 1910– 1930. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007, XV-213 p. 6122. MATHEWS (Race). Collateral damage: B.A. Santamaria and the marginalising of social catholicism. Labour history, 2007, 92, p. 89-112. 6123. MAUL (Daniel). Der transnationale Blick. Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation und die sozialpolitischen Krisen Europas im 20. Jahrhundert. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 349-370. 6124. NISHINARITA (Yutaka). Kindai Nihon rǀdǀshi: Rǀdǀryoku hensei no ronri to jisshǀ. (A labour history of modern Japan: logic of the formation of labour). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2007, 391 p. 6125. PATCH (William). The legend of compulsory unification: the Catholic clergy and the revival of trade unionism in West Germany after the Second World War. Journal of modern history, 2007, 79, 4, p. 848880. 6126. PATMORE (Greg). Employee representation plans at the Minnequa Steelworks, Pueblo, Colorado, 1915–1942. Business history, 2007, 49, 6, p. 844-867. 6127. PERKINS (Anne). A very British strike. 3 May12 May 1926. London, Pan Macmaillan, 2007, XVIII301 p. 6128. PERRY (Matt). Prisoners of want. The experience and protest of the unemployed in France, 1921– 1945. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XIV-296 p. (Studies in labour history). 6129. RITTER (Gerhard A.). Eine Vereinigungskrise? Die Grundzüge der deutschen Sozialpolitik in der Wiedervereinigung. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2007, 47, p. 163-198. 6130. SALA (Roberto). Vom Fremdarbeiter zum Gastarbeiter. Die Anwerbung italienischer Arbeitskräfte für die deutsche Wirtschaft (1938–1973). Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 1, p. 93-122. 6131. SERRALLONGA I URQUIDI (Joan). El cuento de la regularización sanitaria y asistencial en el régimen franquista: una primera etapa convulsa, 1936–1944. Historia social, 2007, 59, p. 77-98.

9. ADDENDA 2006 6132. SERVICE (Robert). Comrades! A history of world communism. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, XVIII-571 p. 6133. SHELDON (Peter). The dirtiest of jobs: maintaining Sydney's sewers, 1890–1910. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 127-144. 6134. SILÉN (Birgitta). Uppdrag solidaritet: arbetarrörelsen och Södra Afrika 1960–1994. (Mission solidarité: le mouvement ouvrier suédois et l'Afrique du sud 1960–1994). Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén, 2007, 188 p. 6135. SUNDGREN (Per). Kulturen och arbetarrörelsen: kulturpolitiska strävanden från August Palm till Tage Erlander. (La culture et le mouvement ouvrier suédois: la politique culturelle d'August Palm à Tage Erlander). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2007, 391 p.


welfare state. An international and a local perspective. Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2007, 4, p. 679-694. 6139. Work and pay in twentieth-century Britain. Ed. by Nicholas CRAFTS, Ian GAZELEY and Andrew NEWELL. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VI369 p. 6140. ZIEGER (Robert H.). For jobs and freedom: race and labor in America since 1865. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 2007, IX-276 p. 6141. Zwangsarbeit im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts: Bewältigung und vergleichende Aspekte. Hrsg. v. HansChristoph SEIDEL und Klaus TENFELDE. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 253 p. (Veröffentl. des Instituts für Soziale Bewegungen, Schriftenreihe C, Arbeitseinsatz und Zwangsarbeit im Bergbau, 5). § 9. Addenda 2006.

6136. SÜßMANN (Johannes). Die Wurzeln des Wohlfahrtsstaats – Souveränität oder Gute Policey?. Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 285, 1, p. 19-47.

6142. JOBIN (Paul). Maladies industrielles et renouveau syndical au Japon. Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2006, 560 p.

6137. WISE (Nathan). The lost labour force: workingclass approaches to military service during the Great War. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 161-176.

6143. Valeur (La) du travail. Histoire et histoires des syndicats suisses. Ed. par Valérie BOILLAT [et al.]. Lausanne, Éditions Antipodes, 2006, 330 p.

6138. WOLFFRAM (Dirk Jan). Social politics and the

Cf. nos 3335, 3347, 3418, 3721, 4304, 4307

O MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 6144-6173. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6174-6185. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 61866206. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6207-6270. – § 5. International law. 6271-6272. § 1. General. _______________________

6144. 100 Jahre Richtervereinigung. Beiträge zur juristischen Zeitgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Barbara HELIGE und Thomas OLECHOWSKI. Wien, Linde, 2007, 256 p. 6145. ADLBERGER (Susanne). Wilhelm Kisch, Leben und Wirken (1874–1952): von der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg bis zur nationalsozialistischen Akademie für Deutsches Recht. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 338 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 354). 6146. BARANOWSKI (Günter). Feuerbachs Vorschläge für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft in Russland: sein Manuskript von 1809. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 1-17. 6147. BAVAJ (Riccardo). Otto Kirchheimers Parlamentarismuskritik in der Weimarer Republik. Ein Fall von Linksschmittianismus? Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 1, p. 33-52. 6148. FARLAM (Ian). The old authorities in South African practice. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 4, p. 399-408. 6149. FAYE JACOBSEN (Anette). Parallelle retsordener. En retspluralistisk tolkning af jura og retskultur i Danmark fra slutningen af det 17. til begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. (Parallel legal systems: a legal pluralist interpretation of law and legal culture in Denmark from the end of the seventeenth to the beginning of the twentieth century). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 1, p. 71-100. 6150. FEENSTRA (Robert). Juridical works in the oldest catalogue of Leiden University Library (1595). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 3, p. 241255.

Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, IV-191 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 136). 6153. HETZENECKER (Andreas). Stephan Kuttner in Amerika, 1940–1964. Grundlegung der modernen historisch-kanonistischen Forschung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 479 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 133). 6154. HEYMANN (Britta). Ernst Melsheimer, 1897– 1960. Eine juristische Karriere in verschiedenen staatlichen Systemen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 285 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 353). 6155. Höchstgerichte in Europa. Bausteine frühneuzeitlicher Rechtsordnungen. Hrsg. v. Leopold AUER, Werner OGRIS und Eva ORTLIEB. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, VIII-242 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich, 53). 6156. HOLLERBACH (Alexander). Julius Federer (1911–1984). Rechtshistoriker und Verfassungsrichter. Karlsruhe, Verlag der Gesellschaft für Kulturhistorische Dokumentation, 2007, 72 p. (Schriftenreihe des Rechtshistorischen Museums, 13). 6157. HOLLSTEIN (Thorsten). Die Verfassung als "Allgemeiner Teil". Privatrechtsmethode und Privatrechtskonzeption bei Hans Carl Nipperdey, 1895–1968. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, 395 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 51). 6158. HORÁK (OndĜej). Vznik ýeskoslovenska a recepce práva. K právní povaze a významu zákona þ. 11/1918 Sb. z.a n. s pĜihlédnutím k otázce recepce právního Ĝádu. (Die Entstehung der Tschechoslowakei und die Rezeption des Rechts). PrávnČhistorické studie, 2007, 38, p. 153-169.

6151. FERGUSON (Robert A.). The trial in American life. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XIII400 p.

6159. Juden im Recht: neue Zugänge zur Rechtsgeschichte der Juden im Alten Reich. Hrsg. v. Andreas GOTZMANN und Stephan WENDEHORST. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, VI-419 p. (Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 39).

6152. Hermann Roesler. Dokumente zu seinem Leben und Werk. Hrsg. v. Anna BARTELS-ISHIKAWA.

6160. Juristen im Ostseeraum: Dritter Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum 20.í22. Mai 2004. Hrsg. v. Jörn



ECKERT, Pia LETTO-VANAMO und Kjell Å. MODÉER. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 238 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 342). 6161. KLEIN (Martin D.). Demokratisches Denken bei Gustav Radbruch. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2007, IX-354 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte, Abt. 4. Leben und Werk ௅ Biographien und Werkanalysen, 9). 6162. KRISCHER (André). Das diplomatische Zeremoniell der Reichsstädte, oder: Was heißt Stadtfreiheit in der Fürstengesellschaft? Historische Zeitschrift, 2007, 284, 1, p. 1-30. 6163. LEVIN (Aline). Erinnerung? Verantwortung? Zukunft? Die Beweggründe für die gemeinsame Entschädigung durch den deutschen Staat und die deutsche Industrie für historisches Unrecht. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 194 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 356). 6164. LUMINATI (Michele). Priester der Themis: richterliches Selbstverständnis in Italien nach 1945. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, XIII-463 p. (Veröffentl. des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte. Rechtsprechung Materialien und Studien, 25). 6165. MAC PHERSON (B. H.). The reception of English law abroad. Brisbane, Supreme Court of Queensland Library, 2007, XLV-520 p. 6166. MAFFEI (Paola). Un magistrato paladino della lingua italiana: Giambattista Somis di Chiavrie (Torino 1763–1839). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 97-124. 6167. Modernisierung durch Transfer zwischen den Weltkriegen. Hrsg. v. Tomasz GIARO. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, VIII-317 p. (Rechtskulturen des modernen Osteuropa, Traditionen und Transfers 2. Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 215). 6168. NÖRR (Knut Wolfgang). Die Republik der Wirtschaft: Recht, Wirtschaft und Staat in der Geschichte Westdeutschlands. Teil 2. Von der sozial-liberalen Koalition bis zur Wiedervereinigung. Tübingen, Mohr, 2007, X-303 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 25, 53). 6169. OSIPOVA (Sanita). Lettische Rechtswissenschaft nach der Gründung des lettischen Staates 1918. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 60-65. 6170. VAN CAENEGEM (R.C.). Chance and legal history. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 2, p. 179-188. 6171. WIJFFELS (Alain). An unedifying monument? J.M. Kemper and some early controversies around the French civil code. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 2, p. 213-229. 6172. WINKEL (Laurens). Francisco de Vitoria on just war on both sides and on the legal position of Burgundy. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 3, p. 355-362.

6173. WÖRNER (Bernd). Adelbert Düringers Einfluß als Richter am Reichsgericht in Leipzig auf dem Gebiet des Personengesellschaftsrechts. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 227 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 340). Cf. nos 584-604 § 2. History of constitutional law. _______________________

6174. BONINI (Francesco). Storia costituzionale della Repubblica: un profilo dal 1946 a oggi. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 224 p. (Quality paperbacks, 198). 6175. DRESSEL (Carl-Christian). Die Entwicklung von Verfassung und Verwaltung in Sachsen-Coburg 1800–1826 im Vergleich. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 975 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte, 79). 6176. GROTHE (Ewald). Verfassungsgeschichte als "politische Wissenschaft". Carl Schmitt "über die neuen Aufgaben" und die Deutung der deutschen Verfassungsgeschichte im Nationalsozialismus. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 66-87. 6177. HOLTON (Woody). Unruly Americans and the origins of the Constitution. New York, Hill & Wang, 2007, XI-370 p. 6178. KAWAGUCHI (Akihiro). Meiji Kenpǀ kintei-shi. (History of the establishment of Meiji Constitution by the imperial order). Sapporo, University of Hokkaido Press, 2007, 589 p. 6179. KLEIN (Winfried). Die Domänenfrage im deutschen Verfassungsrecht des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 242 p. 6180. KNECHT (Ingo). Der Reichsdeputationshauptschluss vom 25. Februar 1803: Rechtmäßigkeit, Rechtswirksamkeit und verfassungsgeschichtliche Bedeutung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 328 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte, 77). 6181. LEPSIUS (Oliver). Die Begründung der Verfassungsrechtswissenschaft in Großbritannien durch A.V. Dicey. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 47-59. 6182. PURCELL (Edward A. Jr.). Originalism, federalism, and the American constitutional enterprise. A historical inquiry. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, X-301 p. 6183. Rheinbündischer Konstitutionalismus. Hrsg. v. Hartwig BRANDT und Ewald GROTHE. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 149 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 350). 6184. SEN (Sarbani). The Constitution of India: popular sovereignty and democratic transformations. New Delhi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, 214 p. 6185. WILHELM (Birgit). Das Land Baden-Württemberg: Entstehungsgeschichte, Verfassungsrecht, Verfassungspolitik. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, XIV-396 p. (ill., col. maps). Cf. nos 553-583, 3627, 3765, 3799, 4309, 4312, 4315

4. CIVIL AND PENAL LAW § 3. Public law and institutions. * 6186. SORDI (Bernardo). Recent studies of public law history in Italy (1992–2005). Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 3/4, p. 260-276. ** 6187. HOFFMANN (Thomas). Der Landrechtsentwurf David Hilchens von 1599: ein livländisches Rechtszeugnis polnischer Herrschaft. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2007, XIV-304 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 345). ** 6188. Nordatlanten og Troperne: forvaltningshistoriske kilder fra Færøerne, Grønland, Island og Tropekolonierne. (L'Atlantique nord et les Tropiques: sources d'histoire administrative pour les îles Féroé, le Groenland, l'Islande et les colonies danoises des Tropiques). Red. Erik NØRR, Jesper THOMASSEN. København, Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie, 2007, 416 p. (ill.). (Kilder til dansk forvaltningshistorie, 5). _______________________

6189. CANCIK (Pascale). Verwaltung und Öffentlichkeit in Preußen: Kommunikation durch Publikation und Beteiligungsverfahren im Recht der Reformzeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XVII-507 p. (Jus publicum, 171). 6190. CASARI (Marco). Emergence of endogenous legal institutions: property rights and community governance in the Italian Alps. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 191-226. 6191. CROOK (Tom). Sanitary inspection and the public sphere in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain: a case study in liberal governance. Social history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 369-393. 6192. DI SIMONE (Maria Rosa). Istituzioni e fonti normative in Italia dall'antico regime al fascismo. Torino, Giappichelli editore, 2007, XIV-425 p. 6193. FISCHER-LANGOSCH (Petra). Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Familiengesetzbuches der DDR von 1965. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 208 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 347). 6194. FOSI (Irene). La giustizia del papa: sudditi e tribunali nello Stato pontificio in età moderna. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, IX-232 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 139). 6195. GROEBNER (Valentin). Who are you? Identification, deception, and surveillance in Early Modern Europe. New York, Zone Books, 2007, 349 p. 6196. HEPPE (Rafael von). Patentverletzungen. Eine Analyse der reichsgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung von 1879 bis 1918 zu § 4 und § 35 (§ 34a) des Patentgesetzes vom 7. April 1891. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 494 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 135). 6197. HILBINK (Lisa). Judges beyond politics in democracy and dictatorship: lessons from Chile. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-299 p. 6198. JANKOWIAK (François). La Curie romaine de Pie IX à Pie X. Le gouvernement central de l'Église et la fin des États pontificaux (1846–1914), Roma, Ecole


française de Rome, 2007, 852 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 330). 6199. MANCA (Anna Gianna). Öffentlichkeit und Organisation der Parlamentsarbeit im konstitutionellen Deutschland (1815–1918): Plenum, Ausschüsse und Fraktionen. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 3/4, p. 215-239. 6200. MONBALLYU (J.). De politieke verantwoordelijkheid voor koninklijke genadebesluiten in België tijdens de 20ste eeuw. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 3, p. 275-294. í IDEM. The political responsibility for Royal pardons in Belgium during the 19th century (1830–1900). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 2, p. 153-178. 6201. Repertorium der Policeyordnungen der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Karl HÄRTER [et al.]. Bd. 8. Reichsstädte. 3. Ulm. Hrsg. v. Susanne KREMMER [et al.]. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, VIII-920 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 218). 6202. RIOS-BORDES (Alexandre). Le secret d'État à l'épreuve. Herbert O. Yardley et "la chambre noire américaine". Gèneses, 2007, 68, p. 97-115. 6203. RÜCKER (Simone). Rechtsberatung: das Rechtsberatungswesen von 1919–1945 und die Entstehung des Rechtsberatungsmissbrauchsgesetzes von 1935. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XX-517 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 54). 6204. RUFF (Holger). Sittenwidrige Rechtsgeschäfte in der späten Kaiserzeit: die Entwicklung der reichsgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung zu § 138 BGB von 1900 bis 1914. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 507 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 139). 6205. SCHENNACH (Martin P.). Jagdrecht, Wilderei und "gute Policey": Normen und ihre Durchsetzung im frühneuzeitlichen Tirol. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, 341 p. (Studien zu Policey und Policeywissenschaft). 6206. SWANN (Julian). Disgrace without dishonour: the internal exile of French Magistrates in the eighteenth century. Past and present, 2007, 195, p. 87-126. Cf. nos 553-583, 3974, 4200, 4205, 6104 § 4. Civil and penal law. ** 6207. Acuerdos de la Real Audiencia de La Plata de Los Charcas. Real Audiencia de la Plata. V. 1. 1561– 1568. V. 2. 1569–1575. V. 3. 1576–1587. V. 4. 1588– 1635. V. 5. 1636–1660. V. 6. 1661–1737. V. 7. 1738– 1776. V. 8. 1777–1800. V. 9. Penas de Cámara, 1566– 1813. Testimonios de autos acordados, 1664–1826. Pleitos propios, 1564. V. 10. Servicios y méritos, 1582– 1693. José Miguel LÓPEZ VILLALBA, director técnico del proyecto. Sucre, Corte Suprema de Justicia de Bolivia y Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia y Embajada de España en Bolivia y Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, 2007, 10 vol., XXXVIII546 p., 629 p., 598 p., 593 p., 583 p., 569 p., 597 p., 456 p., 782 p., 859 p.



** 6208. Briefe Hermann Theodor Goltdammers an Karl Josef Anton Mittermaier. Hrsg. v. Dorothee MUßGNUG. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, X-251 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 224. Juristische Briefwechsel des 19. Jahrhunderts). ** 6209. Justicia y tortura en los Andes: recurso de Judas Tadeo Andrade ante la Audiencia de Charcas, 1791. Estudios críticos y transcripción; coordinadoras Marcela INCH CALVIMONTE y Marta IRUROZQUI VICTORIANO. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y Sucre, Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia, 2007, 178 p. (ill.). ** 6210. Recht im fin de siècle. Briefe von Raymond Salleiles an Eugen Huber (1895–1911). Hrsg. v. Alfons ARAGONESES. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, VII-216 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 224. Juristische Briefwechsel des 19. Jahrhunderts). ** 6211. Reform (Die) des Ehescheidungsrechts von 1976. Quellen zum Ersten Gesetz vom 14.6.1976 zur Reform des Ehe- und Familienrechts (Parlamentarische Ausschussprotokolle--Anglikanische Denkschrift von 1966 zur Scheidungsrechtsreform ௅ Schlussabstimmung 1969 in der Eherechtskommission des Bundesministeriums der Justiz). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Werner SCHUBERT. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, LXXIV-374 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 338). _______________________

6212. Aktienrecht im Wandel. Hrsg. v. Walter BAYER und Mathias HABERSACK. 1. Entwicklung des Aktienrechts. 2. Grundsatzfragen des Aktienrechts. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, V-1153 p., VI-1288 p. 6213. ASHOLT (Martin). Straßenverkehrsstrafrecht: Reformdiskussion und Gesetzgebung seit dem Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, bwv Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2007, XII-384 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte: Abt. 3, Beiträge zur modernen deutschen Strafgesetzgebung: Materialien zu einem historischen Kommentar, 28). 6214. BAUMGARTEN (Steffen). Die Entstehung des Unehelichenrechts im Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch. Köln, Böhlau, 2007, 311 p. (Rechtsgeschichte und Geschlechterforschung, 8). 6215. BERNAUDEAU (Vincent). La justice en question. Histoire de la magistrature angevine au XIXe siècle. Préface de Jacques-Guy PETIT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 349 p. 6216. CERUTTI (Simona). A qui appartiennent les biens qui n'appartiennent à personne ? Citoyenneté et droit d'aubaine à l'époque moderne. Annales, 2007, 62, 2, p. 355-384. 6217. CHAUVAUD (Frédéric). Justice et déviance à l'époque contemporaine. L'imaginaire, l'enquête et le scandale. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 392 p. (Histoire). 6218. CLAUSTRE (Julie). La dette, la haine et la force: les débuts de la prison pour dette à la fin du Moyen Âge. Revue historique, 2007, 644, p. 797-821.

6219. CONTIGIANI (Ninfa). Il processo penale pontificio tra ancoraggi inquisitori e spettro riformista (1831– 1858). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 189-314. 6220. COTTIAS (Myriam). Ces "hommes dangereux" de 1848. L'amnistie à l'épreuve de l'abolition de l'esclavage. Gèneses, 2007, 66, p. 30-50. 6221. DELBECKE (Bram). Gerechtelijke nationale cultuur en haar blinde vlek: de mercuriales en gelegenheidsredes van Charles Faider als procureur-generaal bij het Hof van Cassatie (1871–1885). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 4, p. 363-394. 6222. DEZZA (Ettore). Beiträge zur Geschichte des italienischen Strafprozesses im Kodifikationszeitalter. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 166 p. (Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsgeschehen, 5). 6223. EDWARDS (Laura F.). Status without rights: African Americans and the tangled history of law and governance in the nineteenth-century U.S. South. American historical review, 2007, 112, 2, p. 365-393. 6224. ELLIS (Mark R.). Law and order in Buffalo Bill's country. Legal culture and community on the Great Plains, 1867–1910. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XIX-262 p. (Law in the American West). 6225. EMSLEY (Clive). Crime, police and penal policy. European experiences 1750–1940. Oxford u. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-285 p. 6226. FERRI (Giordano). Alcune riflessioni sul requisito della opinio juris nella stagione dei codici unitari italiani. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 379-430. 6227. FREEMAN (Mark), PEARSON (Robin), TAYLOR (James). 'Different and Better?' Scottish joint-stock companies and the law, c. 1720–1845. English historical review, 2007, 122, 495, p. 61-81. 6228. FREGOSO (Edoardo). La separazione dei coniugi nell'ordinamento parmense del XIX secolo. Una ricognizione ricostruttiva tra norme e giurisprudenza. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 315378. 6229. GARNEAU (Jean-Philippe). Une culture de l'amalgame au prétoire: les avocats de Québec et l'élaboration d'un langage juridique commun au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 1, p. 113-148. 6230. GÄRTNER (Florian). Joachim Georg Darjes und die preußische Gesetzesreform. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte des ALR. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 245 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 131). 6231. GERGEN (Thomas). Die Nachdruckprivilegienpraxis Württembergs im 19. Jahrhundert und ihre Bedeutung für das Urheberrecht im Deutschen Bund. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 455 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 137).



6232. HAMZA (Gábor). Wege der Entwicklung des Privatrechts in Europa. Römischrechtliche Grundlagen der Privatrechtsentwicklung in den deutschsprachigen Ländern und ihre Ausstrahlung auf Mittel- und Osteuropa. Passau, Schenk, 2007, 264 p.

6244. LITZINGER (Heike Kathrin). Juristen und die Bauernfrage: die Diskussion um das bäuerliche Grundeigentum in Russland von 1880 bis 1914. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, XII-317 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 221).

6233. HELLWEGE (Phillip). Der formularmäßige Ausschluss der Haftung der Gastwirte für eingebrachte Sachen im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 3/4, p. 240-259.

6245. LOCATELLI (Francesca). "Oziosi, vagabondi e pregiudicati": labor, law, and crime in Colonial Asmara, 1890–1941. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 2, p. 225-250.

6234. HUBER (Christian Thomas). Die Rechtsprechung der deutschen Feldkriegsgerichte bei Straftaten von Wehrmachtssoldaten gegen Angehörige der Zivilbevölkerung in den besetzten Gebieten. Marburg, Tectum, 2007, VIII-279 p.

6246. LÖHNIG (Martin). Der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums von Autoren im Preußischen Landrecht von 1794. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 3/4, p. 197-214.

6235. HUGHES (Steven C.). Politics of the sword. Dueling, honor, and masculinity. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2007, XV-360 p. (History of crime and criminal justice). 6236. JONJIû (Tomislav). Sudbina švicarske imovine u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj 1941.–1945. (The fate of Swiss property in the independent state of Croatia, 1941–1945). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2007, 39, 2, p. 385-418. 6237. JØRGENSEN (Poul Johannes). Dansk strafferet: fra Reformationen til Danske Lov. (La législation criminelle danoise de la Réforme à la Loi nationale). København, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2007, 447 p. (Bibliotek for ret og kultur, 1). 6238. Juristenausbildung in Osteuropa bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Zoran POKROVAC. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, VIII-425 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte. Veröffentl. des Max-PlanckInstituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte Frankfurt am Main 225. Rechtskulturen des modernen Osteuropa. Traditionen und Transfers, 3). 6239. Justice française (La) et le droit pendant le protectorat en Tunisie. Sous la dir. de Nada AUZARYSCHMALTZ. Tunis, Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain et Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2007, 199 p. (Connaissance du Maghreb). 6240. KÄHLER (Jan Jelle). Französisches Zivilrecht und französische Justizverfassung in den Hansestädten Hamburg, Lübeck und Bremen, 1806–1815. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 389 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 341). 6241. KELLY (James). Poynings' law and the making of law in Ireland, 1660–1880. Portland, Four Courts Press, 2007, XI-401 p. (Irish legal history society). 6242. KOHL (Gerald). Stockwerkseigentum: Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis der materiellen Gebäudeteilung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Rechtstatsachen aus Österreich. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 575 p. (Schriften zur europäischen Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte, 55). 6243. KRIIK (M.). Eesti kriminaalpolitsei: 1920– 1940. (La polizia criminale estone, 1920–1940). Tallinn, Olion, 2007, 331 p. (ill.).

6247. LUDYGA (Hannes). Die Rechtsstellung der Juden in Bayern von 1819 bis 1918: Studie im Spiegel der Verhandlungen der Kammer der Abgeordneten des bayerischen Landtags. Berlin, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag 2007, XV-479 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte, 8, 3). 6248. LUTZE (Nora). Der Verwandtenunterhalt nach den §§ 1601 bis 1603 und §§ 1610 bis 1612 BGB in der Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts: unter Berücksichtigung der Entstehung des BGB. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 300 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 351). 6249. MADDISON (Ben). 'The skilful unskilled labourer': the decline of artisanal discourses of skill in the NSW [New South Wales] Arbitration Court, 1905– 1915. Labour history, 2007, 93, p. 73-86. 6250. MERTENS (Bernd). Das Aktiengesetz von 1937 ௅ unpolitischer Schlussstein oder ideologischer Neuanfang? Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 88-117. 6251. OJO (Olatunji). "Èmú" (Àmúyá): the Yoruba institution of panyarring or seizure for debt. African economic history, 2007, 35, p. 31-58. 6252. PAHLOW (Louis). Ein "Geschöpf der ganzen civilisirten handeltreibenden Welt". Der Versicherungsvertrag im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2007, 29, 1/2, p. 1846. 6253. PAVANELLO (Roberto). Sull'ordinamento dell'avvocatura a Trieste tra Settecento e Ottocento. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 71-96. 6254. PEŠEK (JiĜí), TģMA (OldĜich). Die Rechtsnormen in Bezug auf die Deutschen in der Tschechoslowakei und anderen ausgewählten europäischen Staaten 1938–1948. In: Deutschsprachige Minderheiten in Europa 1945. Bilanz eines deutsch-tschechischen Projekts. München, 2007, p. 39-85. 6255. POHLMANN (Jörg). Entstehung, Rechtsträgerschaft und Auflösung der juristischen Person: dogmengeschichtliche Betrachtungen im Vorfeld des BGB-Vereinsrechts 1900. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 221 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, 2, 4491). 6256. Procès politiques (Les) (XIVe–XVIIe siècle). Études réunies par Yves-Marie BERCÉ. Roma, Ecole



française de Rome, 2007, 709 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 375). 6257. RANIERI (Filippo). Das Europäische Privatrecht des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsvergleichung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 503 p. (Schriften zur europäischen Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte, 54). 6258. RICHTER (Klaus W.). Die Wirkungsgeschichte des deutschen Kartellrechts vor 1914: eine rechtshistorisch-analytische Untersuchung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, XI-244 p. (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 138). 6259. ROHRER (Frank). Strafjustiz im Dritten Reich und in der SBZ/DDR: die personelle und organisatorische Neuordnung des Justizapparates in den totalitären Diktaturen (1933í1955) mit ihren Auswirkungen auf die Rechtsprechung zum politischen Strafrecht. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 388 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 360). 6260. RÖMERMANN (Martin Klaus). Kündigungen und Kündigungsschutz im Franquismus. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 187 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 344). 6261. SCHLOTTAU (Ralf). Deutsche Kolonialrechtspflege: Strafrecht und Strafmacht in den deutschen Schutzgebieten 1884 bis 1914. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 466 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 349). 6262. SCIUMÈ (Alberto). Causalità e casualità: il problema del nesso di causalità materiale nel diritto penale italiano tra il 1889 e il 1929. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 5-70. 6263. SOFFIETTI (Isidoro). Il Codice di procedura criminale sardo del 1847–1848: dai modelli a modello. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2007, 80, p. 431444.

6266. ULLMANN (Ingo). Die rechtliche Behandlung holsteinischer Leibeigener um die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts: dargestellt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schmoeler Leibeigenschaftsprozesse von 1738 bis 1743 sowie von 1767 bis 1777. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, 504 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 346). 6267. VAN RHEE (C.H.). Civil litigation in twentieth century Europe. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 3, p. 307-319. í IDEM. The role of the judge in civil litigation in the 19th century: case-management avant la lettre in Geneva, The Netherlands and Belgium. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2007, 75, 2, p. 189-198. 6268. Verbrecher im Visier der Experten: Kriminalpolitik zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Désirée SCHAUZ und Sabine FREITAG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 334 p. (Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft, 2) 6269. VOLLMERSHAUSEN (Christiane E.). Vom Konkursprozess zum Marktbereinigungsverfahren: das deutsche Konkursverfahren vom Jahr 1700 bis heute; eine exemplarische Untersuchung. Münster, Lit Verlag, 2007, XXIX-355 p. (Augsburger Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 7). 6270. VOM FELD (Ina). Staatsentlastung im Technikrecht: Dampfkesselgesetzgebung und -überwachung in Preußen 1831–1914. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2007, XI-264 p. (Recht in der industriellen Revolution, 5). § 5. International law. _______________________

6264. SPERLICH (Peter W.). The East German social courts: law and popular justice in a Marxist-Leninist society. Westport a. London, Praeger Publishers, 2007, XIV-345 p.

6271. PAPP (Konstanze von). Die Integrationswirkung von Grundrechten in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft: die Rolle der Gemeinschaftsgrundrechte bei der Verwirklichung der Grundfreiheiten und des allgemeinen Freizügigkeitsrechts. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, 353 p. (Heidelberger Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht und Europarecht, 36).

6265. Strafgedanke (Der) in seiner historischen Entwicklung. Ringvorlesung zur Strafrechtsgeschichte und Strafrechtsphilosophie. Hrsg. v. Eric HILGENDORF und Jürgen WEITZEL. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 255 p. (Schriften zum Strafrecht, 189).

6272. STRAUMANN (Benjamin). Hugo Grotius und die Antike. Römisches Recht und römische Ethik im frühneuzeitlichen Naturrecht. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2007, VII-221 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts, 14).

P HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS _________ § 1. General. 6273-6332. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6333-6470. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6471-6516. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6517-6546. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6547-6606. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 6607-6669. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 6670-6784. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 6785-7008. § 1. General. * 6273. PEDERSEN (Susan). Back to the League of Nations. American historical review, 2007, 112, 4, p. 1091-1117. ** 6274. Ɯpeiros kai austriakƝ diplǀmatia. Hypo Euripidou Z. SOURLA. AthƝna: Ekdoseis "DǀdǀnƝ", 2007, 126 p. (ƜpeirǀtikƝ vivliothƝkƝ/Monographies). _______________________

6275. Acteurs diplomatiques et ordre international, XVIIIe–XIXe siècle. Textes réunis par Marc BELISSA et Gilles FERRAGU. Paris, Kimé, 2007, 138 p. (Sens de l'histoire). 6276. AGSTNER (Rudolf). Von Kaisern und Konsuln. Addis Abeba, Austrian Embassy, 2007, 168 p. (ill.). (Occasional paper / Austrian Embassy Addis Abeba, 1/ 2007). 6277. AKIMOV (Jurij T.). Problemy istorii rossijskokanadskikh otnoshenii. Ucheb. posobie. (Problems of history of the relations between Russia and Canada: A manual). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo S-Peterburg. un-ta, 2007, 63 p. (bibl. p. 54-590. 6278. America, war and power: defining the state, 1775–2005. Ed. by Lawrence SONDHAUS and A. James FULLER. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-226 p. (War, history and politics). 6279. ARMUS (Seth D.). French anti-Americanism, 1930–1948. Critical moments in a complex history. Lanham, Lexington books, 2007, X-179 p. 6280. ASTIÉ-BURGOS (Walter). Encuentros y desencuentros entre México y Estados Unidos en el siglo XX: del porfiriato a la posguerra fría. México D. F., Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2007, 459 p. 6281. AVREISKI (Nicolas). La lutte pour les Balkans – l'étape consécutive. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 3-4, p. 3-37.

6282. BAILEY (Jonathan). Great power strategy in Asia: empire, culture and trade, 1905–2005. London, Routledge, 2007, VII-312 p. 6283. BHATTACHARYA (Swapna). India-Myanmar relations, 1886–1948. Kolkata, K P Bagchi, 2007, XX-438 p. 6284. CALLAGHAN (John). The Labour Party and foreign policy: a history. London, Routledge, 2007, 346 p. 6285. CAMPBELL (Duncan Andrew). Unlikely allies: Britain, America, and the Victorian origins of the special relationship. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, VIII-307 p. (ill., map). 6286. Caribe (El): vínculos coloniales, modernos y contemporáneos: nuevas reflexiones, debates y propuestas. Coordinadores, María del Rosario RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ y Jorge CASTAÑEDA ZAVALA. Morelia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y Benito Juárez, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Caribe, 2007, 425 p. (ill., maps). 6287. CATTARUZZA (Marina). L'Italia e il confine orientale, 1866–2006. Bologna, Il mulino, 2007, 392 p. (maps). (Saggi, 661). 6288. CLYMER (Kenton). Troubled relations. The United States and Cambodia since 1870. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, XI-254 p. 6289. COMOR (André-Paul). Aux origines de l'infanterie portée et de la cavalerie blindée: les compagnies montées et la cavalerie de la légion étrangère en Afrique du nord (1881–1939). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 37-45. 6290. DAVIDSON (Christopher M.). Arab nationalism and British opposition in Dubai, 1920–1966. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 6, p. 879-892. 6291. DE MÉNONVILLE (Corinne). Les aventuriers de Dieu et de la République: consuls et missionnaires en



Chine (1844–1937). Paris, Indes savantes, 2007, 227 p. (ill.). (Collection Rivages des Xantons). 6292. DE PARSEVAL (Hervé). La cavalerie blindée à l'aune de l'armée moderne. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 93-104. 6293. DI NOLFO (Ennio). Dagli imperi militari agli imperi tecnologici: la politica internazionale dal 20. secolo a oggi. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2007, X-446 p. 6294. DICKIE (J.). The British consul. Heir to a great tradition. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, CXIII-261 p. 6295. Diplomats' world (The). A cultural history of diplomacy, 1815–1914. Ed. by Markus MÖSSLANG and Torsten RIOTTE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 476 p. 6296. DONIS RÍOS (Manuel Alberto). El báculo pastoral y la espada: relaciones entre la Iglesia Católica y el Estado en Venezuela (1830–1964). Prólogo Elías Pino ITURRIETA. Caracas, Bid & Co Editor, 2007, 260 p. (Colección histórica, 5).

6306. KENNEDY (Dane). Essay and reflection: on the American empire from a British Imperial perspective. International history review, 2007, 29, 1, p. 83-108. 6307. KVIST (Jacob), SKIPPER (Jon Bloch). Udenrigsminister: seks politiske portrætter. (Six portraits politiques de ministres des Affaires étrangères). København, People's Press, 2007, 443 p. 6308. LLOYD (Lorna). Diplomacy with a difference. The Commonwealth office of High commissionier, 1880–2006. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XIX-353 p. 6309. LOUGHLIN (James). The British monarchy and Ireland: 1800 to the present. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-398 p. (ill.). 6310. MAKOVSKY (Michael). Churchill's promised land. Zionism and statecraft. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XV-342 p. 6311. MAYERS (David). Dissenting voices in America's rise to power. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XI-446 p.

6297. EBERSTEIN (Bernd). Preussen und China: eine Geschichte schwieriger Beziehungen. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2007, 281 p. (ill.).

6312. MEHRA (Parshotam). Essays in frontier history: India, China, and the disputed border. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-306 p.

6298. Encounters under the southern cross: two centuries of Russian-Australian relations 1807–2007. Ed. by Alexander MASSOV, John MAC NAIR and Thomas POOLE. Belair, Crawford House Publishing Australia, 2007, XIV-419 p. (ill.).

6313. MORA (Frank O.), COONEY (Jerry W.). Paraguay and the United States: distant allies. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XIV-333 p. (United States and the Americas).

6299. ERLIKH (ণagai). Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia: Islam, Christianity, and politics entwined. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007, XI-249 p.

6314. N'DIMINA-MOUGALA (Antoine-Denis). Les conflits africains au XXe siècle. Essai de typologie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 121-131.

6300. Flexible frontier. change and continuity in Finnish-Russian relations. Ed. by Maria LÄHTEENMÄKI. Helsinki, Aleksanteri Institute, 2007, 266 p. (maps). (Aleksanteri series 5).

6315. ONLEY (James). The Arabian frontier of the British Raj: merchants, rulers, and the British in the nineteenth-century Gulf. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XXXV-352 p. (Oxford historical monographs).

6301. FOGLESONG (David S.). The American mission and the "Evil Empire": the crusade for a "Free Russia" since 1881. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-352 p. (ill.).

6316. OREN (Michael B.). Power, faith, and fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. New York, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007, XXII-778 p. (ill., maps, ports.).

6302. HAASE (Christian). In Search of a European Settlement: Chatham House and British-German Relations, 1920–1955. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 3, p. 371-397. 6303. HORNYÁK (Árpád). The Balkan federetion 1866௅1948. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 1-2, p. 217-232. 6304. HUNT (Michael H.). The American ascendancy: how the United States gained and wielded global dominance. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 404 p. (ill.). (H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman series). 6305. Japanese envoys in Britain, 1862–1964: a century of diplomatic exchange. Compiled and edited by Ian NISH. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2007, XIV-255 p. (ill., ports.).

6317. OWEN (Nicholas). The British Left and India: metropolitan anti-imperialism, 1885–1947. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-340 p. (ill.). (Oxford historical monographs). 6318. PATRÍCIO (Raquel Cristina de Caria). Relações em eixo Franco-Alemãs e as relações em eixo ArgentinoBrazil: génese dos processos de integração. Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2007, 576 p. 6319. PATRIOTA DE MOURA (Cristina). O Instituto Rio Branco e a diplomacia brasileira: um estudo de carreira e socialização. Rio de Janeiro, FGV Editora, 2007, 134 p. 6320. PINEO (Ronn F.). Ecuador and the United States: useful strangers. Athens a. London, University of Georgia Press, 2007, XIII-260 p. (maps). (United States and the Americas).



6321. Politique extérieure (La) des Etats-Unis au XXe siècle. Le poids des déterminants. Sous la dir. de Pierre MELANDRI et Serge RICARD. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 367 p.

under 200 år. (L'art de survivre: études sur la défense, la stratégie et la politique de la sécurité de la Suède depuis deux siècles). Stockholm, Försvarshögskolan, 2007, 280 p. (Försvaret och det kalla kriget [FOKK], 11).

6322. Race, nation and empire in American history. Ed. by James T. CAMPBELL, Matthew PRATT GUTERL and Robert G. LEE. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, VI-383 p.

Cf. nos 3245-3299, 4097, 6963

6323. RÜGER (Jan). The great naval game: Britain and Germany in the age of empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-337 p. (ill.). (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare, 26). 6324. RUIZ GUERRA (Rubén). Más allá de la diplomacia: relaciones de México con Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú, 1821–1994. México D. F., Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección General del Acervo Histórico Diplomático, 2007, 238 p. (ill.). (Colección Latinoamericana). 6325. SHARE (Michael B.). Where empires collided: Russian and Soviet relations with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. Hong Kong, Chinese U. P., 2007, XXII376 p. (ill., map). 6326. Torno (En) a las "invasiones inglesas": relaciones políticas y culturales con Gran Bretaña a lo largo de dos siglos. Compiladoras Ana FREGA y Beatriz VEGH. Montevideo, Departamentos de Historia del Uruguay y de Letras Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República, 2007, 158 p. (ill., maps). 6327. TOSHKOVA (Vitka). SASht i Bǎlgarija 1919– 1989: politicheski otnoshenija = USA and Bulgaria 1919–1989: political relations. Sofija, IK "Sineva", 2007, 430 p.

§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization. _______________________

a. General * 6333. JACKSON (Ashley). Empire and beyond: the pursuit of overseas national interests in the late twentieth century. English historical review, 2007, 122, 499, p. 1350-1366. ** 6334. 1885, le tournant colonial de la République: Jules Ferry contre George Clemenceau, et autres affrontements parlementaires sur la conquête colonial. Introduction de Gilles MANCERON. Paris, Découverte, 2007, 166 p. (La découverte/Poche, 244). _______________________

6335. BELL (Duncan). The idea of greater Britain. Empire and the future of the world order, 1860–1900. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, X-321 p. 6336. Beyond sovereignty: Britain, empire, and transnationalism, c. 18801950. Ed. by Kevin GRANT, Philippa LEVINE and Frank TRENTMANN. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VII-250 p. 6337. British slave trade (The): abolition, parliament and people. Ed. by Stephen FARRELL, Melanie UNWIN and James WALVIN. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P. for the Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust, 2007, XIII-346 p. (ill.).

6328. U.S.-Middle East historical encounters: a critical survey. Ed. by Abbas AMANAT and Magnus T. BERNHARDSSON. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, 242 p.

6338. BROWNELL (Josiah). The taint of communism: the Movement for Colonial Freedom, the Labour Party and the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1954– 1970. Canadian journal of history, 2007, 42, 2, p. 235258.

6329. VITALIS (Robert). America's kingdom. Mythmaking on the Saudi oil frontier. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XXVII-353 p. (Stanford studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures).

6339. CLARKE (Peter). The last thousand days of the British Empire: the demise of a superpower 1944–1947. London, Penguin, 2007, XXVII-559 p. (ill., maps, ports.).

6330. Warfare in Latin America. Ed. by Miguel A. CENTENO. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 2 vol., XIX-533 p., VIII-559 p. (International Library of Essays in Military History Series). 6331. Wendepunkte in den Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen, Tschechen und Slowaken 1848–1989. Für die Deutsch-Tschechische und Deutsch-Slowakische Historikerkommission herausgegeben von Detlef BRANDES, Dušan KOVÁý und JiĜí PEŠEK. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 336 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Deutsch-Tschechischen und Deutsch-Slowakischen Historikerkommission, 14. Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 28). [Cf. nos 350, 3283.] 6332. ZETTERBERG (Kent). Konsten att överleva: studier i Sveriges försvar, strategi och säkerhetspolitik

6340. DRAPER (Nick). 'Possessing Slaves': ownership, compensation and metropolitan society in Britain at the time of emancipation 1834–1840. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 74-102. 6341. Drugs and empires. Essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c. 1500–c. 1930. Ed. James H. MILLS and Patricia BARTON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, X-252 p. 6342. European decolonization. Ed. by Martin THOAldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXVI-547 p. (International library of essays on political history). MAS.

6343. FITZPATRICK (Matthew). A fall from grace? National unity and the search for naval power and colonial possessions 1848–1884. German history, 2007, 25, 2, p. 135-161.



6344. GRIMMER-SOLEM (Erik). The professors' Africa: economists, the elections of 1907, and the legitimation of German imperialism. German history, 2007, 25, 3, p. 313-347. 6345. HARLAND-JACOBS (Jessica L.). Builders of empire. Freemasons and British Imperialism, 1717– 1927. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 384 p. 6346. HART (Jonathan Locke). Empires and colonies. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007, IX-387 p. 6347. Histoire de la colonisation. Réhabilitations, falsifications et instrumentalisations. Sous la dir. de Sébastien JAHAN et Alain RUSCIO. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2007, 355 p. 6348. KIMURA (Kazuo). Kita taiheiyǀ no 'hakken': Kegawa kǀeki to Amerika taiheiyǀ-gan no bunkatsu. ('Discovering' the North Pacific Ocean: the maritime fur trade and the division of the northwest coast of America). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 250 p.

South America in the early seventeenth century. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XII-372 p. (ill., maps). (Atlantic world, 12). 6359. OBADELE-STARKS (Ernest). Freebooters and smugglers. The foreign slave trade in the United States after 1808. Fayetteville, University of Arkansas Press, 2007, X-270 p. 6360. OLIVEIRA (Pedro Aires). Os despojos da aliança: a Grã-Bretanha e a questão colonial portuguesa, 1945–1975. Lisboa, Tinta-da-China, 2007, 598 p. (ill., ports.). 6361. PARKINSON (Charles). Bills of rights and decolonization: the emergence of domestic human rights instruments in Britain's overseas territories. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIII-299 p. (Oxford studies in modern legal history). 6362. POTTER (Simon J.). Richard Jebb, John S. Ewart and the Round Table, 1898–1926. English historical review, 2007, 122, 495, p. 105-132.

6349. LAIDLAW (Zoë). Heathens, slaves and aborigines: Thomas Hodgkin's critique of missions and antislavery. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 133-161.

6363. RÉGENT (Frédéric). La France et ses esclaves. De la colonisation aux abolitions, 1620í1848. Paris, Grasset, 2007, 354 p.

6350. LARA (Oruno D.). Suffrage universel et colonisation: 1848–1852. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 696 p.

6364. RUPPENTHAL (Jens). Kolonialismus als "Wissenschaft und Technik": das Hamburgische Kolonialinstitut 1908 bis 1919. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2007, 273 p. (Historische Mitteilungen: Beihefte, 66).

6351. LEVINE (Philippa). The British Empire: sunrise to sunset. Harlow a. New York, Pearson Longman, 2007, X-252 p. (ill., maps). (Recovering the past). 6352. LIAUZU (Claude). Histoire de l'anticolonialisme en France: du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Paris, Armand Colin, 2007, 302 p. 6353. Liverpool and transatlantic slavery. Ed. by David RICHARDSON, Suzanne SCHWARZ and Anthony TIBBLES. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2007, XII-315 p. (ill.). 6354. MANELA (Erez). The Wilsonian moment: selfdetermination and the international origins of anticolonial nationalism. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XVII-331 p. (ill.). (Oxford Studies in international history). 6355. MARCOS (Daniel da Silva Costa). Salazar e de Gaulle: a França e a questão colonial portuguesa, 1958– 1968. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 2007, 254 p. (Colecção Biblioteca diplomática. Série D, Teses, 8). 6356. MAUL (Daniel). Menschenrechte, Sozialpolitik und Dekolonisation. Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (IAO), 1940–1970. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 447 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Soziale Bewegungen A, 35). 6357. MORGAN (Kenneth). Slavery and the British empire from Africa to America. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-221 p. 6358. NEWSON (Linda A.), MINCHIN (Susie). From capture to sale: the Portuguese slave trade to Spanish

6365. Slavery in diplomacy: the Foreign Office and the suppression of the transatlantic slave trade. London, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 2007, VI-162 p. (ill., ports). (Foreign and Commonwealth Office historians history note, 17). 6366. STEINMETZ (George). The devil's handwriting: precoloniality and the German colonial state in Qingdao, Samoa, and Southwest Africa. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, [s. p.]. (Chicago studies in practices of meaning). 6367. SUBRAHMANYAM (Sanjay). Holding the world in balance: the connected histories of the Iberian overseas empires, 1500–1640. American historical review, 2007, 112, 5, p. 1359-1385. 6368. Sugarlandia revisited: sugar and colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800 to 1940. Ed. by Ulbe BOSMA, Juan GIUSTI-CORDERO and G. Roger KNIGHT. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, 233 p. (International studies in social history, 9). 6369. SUNDERLAND (David). Managing British colonial and post-colonial development: the Crown Agents, 1914–1974. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2007, 296 p. 6370. THOMAS (Dominic). Black France: colonialism, immigration and transnationalism. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XV-305 p. 6371. THOMAS (Martin). The French empire at war, 1940–1945. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2007, XVIII-298 p. (maps). (Studies in imperialism).

2. HISTORY OF COLONIZATION AND DECOLONIZATION b. Asia ** 6372. Towards freedom: documents on the movement for independence in India, 1946. Ed. by Sumit SARKAR; with a preface by Sabyaschi BHATTACHARYA. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, CXXV-987 p. (Towards freedom. Indian Council for Historical Research). _______________________

6373. ANDRADE (Tonio). How Taiwan became Chinese. Dutch, Spanish, and Han colonization in the seventeenth century. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, (Guttenberg-e online history series). 6374. BAYLY (Christopher), HARPER (Tim). Forgotten wars. The end of Britain's Asian Empire. London a. NewYork, Allen Line, 2007, XXX-673 p. 6375. BÈGUE (Sandrine). La fin de Goa et de l'Estado da Índia: décolonisation et guerre froide dans le sous-continent Indien, 1945–1962. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Instituto Diplomático, 2007, 2 vol., 1392 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca diplomática. Série D: Teses, 9). 6376. BODIN (Michel). La cavalerie en Indochine, 1945–1954. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 63-79. 6377. COHEN (Benjamin B.). Kingship and colonialism in India's Deccan, 1850–1948. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-231 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 6378. India's princely states: people, princes, and colonialism. Ed. by Waltraud ERNST and Biswamoy PATI. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-231 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 45). 6379. ISHIHARA (Shun). Kindai Nihon to Ogasawara shǀtǀ: Idǀ-min no shimajima to teikoku. (The Japanese empire and the Ogasawara/Bonin Islands: socio-historical studies on the naturalized people's encounters with sovereign powers). Tokyo, Heibonsha, 2007, 533 p. 6380. LLEWELLYN-JONES (Rosie). The great uprising in India, 1857–1858. Untold stories, Indian and British. Rochester, Boydell & Brewer, 2007, XVIII-237 p. 6381. METCALF (Thomas R.). Imperial connections: India in the Indian Ocean arena, 1860–1920. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007, XV-264 p. 6382. OGBORN (Miles). Indian ink. Script and print in the making of the English East India Company. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2007, XXIII-318 p. 6383. OKAMOTO (Takashi). Zokkoku to hogo no aida: 1880nendai shotǀ, Betonamu wo meguru ShinFutsu kǀshǀ. (Between vassalite and protectorate: The Sino-French controversy on the Tonkin affair, 1880í 1883). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 1, p. 1-31. 6384. PÉLISSIER (René). Timor em guerra: a conquista portuguesa, 1847–1913. Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 2007, 508 p. (maps). (Histórias de Portugal, 53).


6385. PINTO (Rochelle). Between empires: print and politics in Goa. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XIV-299 p. (SOAS studies on South Asia). 6386. PONS (Sylvain). Les visages d'un ennemi: la fabrication du Viêt-Minh, 1945–1946. Relations internationales, 2007, 130, p. 29-46. 6387. SCHRIKKER (Alicia). Dutch and British colonial intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780–1815: expansion and reform. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2007, XVI-270 p. (maps). (TANAP monographs on the history of the Asian-European interaction, 7). 6388. STRATHERN (Alan). Kingship and conversion in sixteenth-century Sri Lanka: Portuguese imperialism in a Buddhist land. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-280 p. (ill., maps). (University of Cambridge oriental publications, 66). 6389. TRAVERS (Robert). Ideology and empire in eighteenth century India: the British in Bengal. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVI-273 p. (map). (Cambridge studies in Indian history and society, 14). Cf. nos 3891, 4023, 5764, 7009-7299 c. Africa ** 6390. Eritrea 1885–1898: nascita di una colonia attraverso i documenti e le fotografie di Antonio Gandolfi, Ledru Mauro e Federigo Guarducci. A cura di Maria Grazia BOLLINI; con saggi di Giovanni PALTRINIERI, Manuela ROSSI e Massimo ZACCARIA; un inedito di Federigo GUARDUCCI. Bologna, Comune di Bologna, 2007, 588 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca de "L'Archiginnasio", Serie III, 7). _______________________

6391. AFEADIE (Philip Atsu). Spoken reminiscences of political agents in Northern Nigeria I. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 1-30. 6392. AÏT-EL-DJOUDI (Dalila). La guerre d'algérie vue par l'ALN [Armé de libération nationale], 1954– 1962. L'armée française sous le regard des combattants algériens. Paris, Editions Autrement, 2007, 241 p. 6393. BIALUSCHEWSKI (Arne). Thomas Bowrey's Madagascar manuscript of 1708. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 31-42. 6394. BRANCH (Daniel). The enemy within: loyalists and the war against Mau Mau in Kenya. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 291-315. 6395. CANDIDO (Mariana P.). Merchants and the business of the Slave trade at Benguela, 1750–1850. African economic history, 2007, 35, p. 1-30. 6396. Colonisation et colonisés au Gabon. Préf. de Florence BERNAULT. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 184 p. (Etudes africaines). 6397. DAVIS (Diana K.). Resurrecting the granary of Rome: environmental history and French colonial expansion in North Africa. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2007, XV296 p.



6398. DOOLING (Wayne). Slavery, emancipation and colonial rule in South Africa. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2007, XI-249 p. (Ohio University research in international studies, africa series, 87). 6399. DRAMÉ (Patrick-Papa). L'impérialisme colonial français en Afrique: enjeux et impacts de la défense de l'AOF, 1918–1940. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 480 p. (Histoire de la défense). 6400. DURAND (Pierre). La cavalerie à cheval pendant la guerre d'Algérie, 1956–1962. Survivance ou résurrection? Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 81-91. 6401. ERIKSEN (Tore Linné). Det første folkemordet i det tjuende århundret: Namibia 1903–1908. (The first genocide of the XXth century: Namibia 1903–1908). [S. l.], Unipub, 2007, 210 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 6402. HARRISON (Alexander). Le défi à de Gaulle: l'OAS et la contre-révolution en Algérie, 1954–1962. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 310 p. (ill.). 6403. HOFFMANN (Florian). Okkupation und Militärverwaltung in Kamerun: Etablierung und Institutionalisierung des kolonialen Gewaltmonopols 1891–1914. Teil I. Teil II. Die kaiserliche Schutztruppe und ihr Offizierskorps. Göttingen, Cuvillier, 2007, 2 vol., 433 p., 261 p. (maps). 6404. HOGERZEIL (Simon J.), RICHARDSON (David). Slave purchasing strategies and shipboard mortality: day-to-day evidence from the Dutch African Trade, 1751–1797. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 1, p. 160-190. 6405. HORNE (Gerald). The deepest South: the United States, Brazil, and the African slave trade. New York, New York U. P., 2007, V-341 p. 6406. IBHAWOH (Bonny). Imperialism and human rights: Colonial discourses of rights and liberties in African history. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2007, 226 p. 6407. IKEDA (Ryo). The paradox of independence: the maintenance of influence and the French decision to transfer power in Morocco. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 4, p. 569-592. 6408. KAKOU (Courier Noël). Conquêtes coloniales et intégration des peuples: cas des Kabiyè au Togo (1898–1940). Préf. de Akrima KOGOE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 347 p. (maps). (Etudes africaines). 6409. KEESE (Alexander). Living with ambiguity: integrating an African elite in French and Portuguese Africa, 19301961. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2007, 344 p. í IDEM. The role of Cape Verdeans in war mobilization and war prevention in Portugal's African Empire, 1955–1965. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 3, p. 497-511. 6410. KRIKLER (Jeremy). The Zong and the Lord Chief Justice. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 29-47.

6411. LA BARBERA (Serge). Défaite militaire et enjeux d'influence entre pouvoir et opinion publique: l'exemple de la Tunisie entre mai et juillet 1940. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 109120. 6412. LAMBERT (David). Sierra Leone and other sites in the war of representation over slavery. History workshop journal, 2007, 64, p. 103-132. 6413. LAWRANCE (Benjamin N.). Locality, mobility, and "nation": periurban colonialism in Togo's Eweland, 1900–1960. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, XIV-288 p. (ill., maps). (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora, 31). 6414. LOHRMANN (Ullrich). Voices from Tanganyika: Great Britain, the United Nations and the decolonization of a trust Territory, 1946–1961. Berlin, Lit, 2007, XX-597 p. (maps). (Europa-Übersee, 16). 6415. LOUCOU (Jean-Noël). Côte-d'Ivoire: les résistances à la conquête coloniale. Abidjan, Éditions du CERAP, 2007, 150 p. (map). (Histoire de la Côte d'Ivoire). 6416. MANN (Kristin). Slavery and the birth of an African city: Lagos, 1760–1900. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XII-473 p. (maps). 6417. MARQUES DOS SANTOS (Victor). A questão africana e as relacões luso-britânicas 1884–1912. Lisboa, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2007, 234 p. 6418. Mémoire de l'immigration et histoire coloniale. Sous la direction de Hédi SAÏDI; préface de Janine PONTY. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 192 p. (Espaces interculturels). 6419. Missions, states and European expansion in Africa. Ed. by Chima J. KORIEH and Raphael Chijioke NJOKU. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-302 p. 6420. MORANDO (Laurent). Les instituts coloniaux et l'Afrique, 1893–1940: ambitions nationales, réussites locales. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2007, 303 p. (Hommes et sociétés). 6421. MOUSER (Bruce). Rebellion, marronage and Jihad: strategies of resistance to slavery on the Sierra Leone coast, C. 1783–1796. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 1, p. 27-44. 6422. OLOA ZAMBO (Anicet). L'affaire du Cameroun septentrional: Cameroun/Royaume-Uni. Préf. de Jean-Paul MESSINA. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 288 p. (Études africaines). 6423. PERVILLÉ (Guy). La guerre d'Algérie (1954– 1962). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 127 p. (Que sais-je, 3765). 6424. PIQUET (Caroline). Suez: une entreprise dans la decolonization. Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 103-115. 6425. Ricerca (Alla) delle colonie (1876–1896). A cura di Pier Luigi BALLINI e Paolo PECORARI. Venezia,

2. HISTORY OF COLONIZATION AND DECOLONIZATION Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2007, VI-377 p. (Biblioteca luzzattiana, 13). 6426. RIZZO (Lorena). The elephant shooting: colonial law and indirect rule in Kaoko, northwestern Namibia, in the 1920s and 1930s. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 245-266. 6427. SALL (Ibrahima Abou). Mauritanie du sud: Conquêtes et administration coloniales françaises, 1890– 1945. Paris, Karthala, 2007, 815 p. (Hommes et sociétés). 6428. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth). Cold War and decolonization in Guinea, 1946–1958. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2007, XIV-310 p. (ill., maps). (Western African studies). í EADEM. Cold War in Guinea: the Rassemblement démocratique africain and the struggle over communism, 1950–1958. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 1, p. 95121. 6429. SELLAM (Sadek). Abdelkader Barakrok (1915– 2006), ancien secrétaire d'Etat à l'Algérie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 133142. 6430. SIMON (Jacques). Algérie: Le passé. L'Algérie française. La révolution, 1954–1958. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 507 p. (CREAC-histoire). 6431. Slavery in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. Ed. by Henri MÉDARD and Shane DOYLE. Oxford, James Currey, 2007, XIV-273 p. 6432. SOUTO (Amélia Neves de). Caetano e o ocaso do "Império": administração e guerra colonial em Moçambique durante o Marcelismo, 1968–1974. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007, 453 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca das ciências sociais, 28. História). 6433. STERN (Philip J.). Politics and ideology in the early East India Company-State: the case of St Helena, 1673–1709. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 1, p. 1-23. 6434. THOMPSON (J. Lee). A wider patriotism: Alfred Milner and the British Empire. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2007, 265 p. (Empires in perspective, 2). í IDEM. Forgotten patriot. A life of Alfred Viscount Milner of St. James's and Cape Town, 1854–1925. Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2007, 455 p.


d. America ** 6438. Coletânea de documentos raros do período colonial (1727–1746). Organizadores Eliane Maria OLIVEIRA MORGADO [et al.]. Cuiabá, EdUFMT e Entrelinhas, 2007, 4 vol., [s. p.]. (NDIHR ௅ Documentos Ibéricos. Série Transcrição, correspondências). ** 6439. Desde la otra orilla: Cartas de Indias en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (Siglos XVI–XVIII). Ed. por María del Carmen MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ. León, Universidad de León, 2007,, 759 p. (Tradición clásica y humanística en España e Iberoamérica, 4). ** 6440. Sublevando el virreinato: Documentos contestatarios a la historiografía tradicional del Perú colonial. Ed. por Laura LAURENCICH MINELLI y Paulina NUMHAUSER. Quito, Ediciones Abya-Yala, 2007, 467 p. _______________________

6441. ADELMAN (Jeremy). Sovereignty and revolution in the Iberian Atlantic. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2007, X-409 p. 6442. Atlantic World (The) and Virginia, 1550– 1624. Ed. by Peter C. MANCALL. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, VI-596 p. 6443. BERGAD (Laird W.). The comparative histories of slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. New York a. Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-314 p. 6444. BERTRAND (Michel). Configurations sociales et jeux politiques aux confins de l'empire espagnol. Annales, 2007, 62, 4, p. 855-884. 6445. BLAUFARB (Rafe). The Western question: the geopolitics of Latin American independence. American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 742-763. 6446. CARLO ALTIERI (Gerardo A.). Justicia y gobierno: La Audiencia de Puerto Rico (1831–1861). Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos y San Juan, Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia, 2007, 493 p. 6447. Colonial America and the early republic. Ed. by Philip N. MULDER. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXIV525 p. (ill., maps). (International library of essays on political history).

6435. VANTHEMSCHE (Guy). La Belgique et le Congo: empreintes d'une colonie, 1885–1980. Préface de Jean-Luc VELLUT. Bruxelles, Editions complexe, 2007, 357 p. (Nouvelle histoire de belgique, 4. Questions a l'histoire).

6448. DAVIES (Catherine), BREWSTER (Claire), OWEN (Hilary). South American independence. Gender, politics, text. Liverpool, University of Liverpool Press, 2007, XI-321 p.

6436. VIVIER (Jean-Loup). L'affaire Gasparin: Un scandale colonial oublié. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 144 p. (Points de vue).

6449. DE LA FUENTE (Alejandro). Slaves and the creation of legal rights in Cuba: Coartación and papel. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 4, p. 659-692.

6437. WRIGHT (John). The Trans-Saharan slave trade. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XIV-226 p. Cf. nos 3310, 3398, 3992, 4320, 4470, 5165, 5720, 7300-7345

6450. EPSTEIN (James). Politics of colonial sensation: the trial of Thomas Picton and the cause of Louisa Calderon. American historical review, 2007, 112, 3, p. 712-741.



6451. GASCÓN (Margarita). Naturaleza e imperio: Araucanía, Patagonia, Pampas (1598–1740). Buenos Aires, Editorial Dunken, 2007, 182 p. 6452. GAUTHIER (Florence). L'aristocratie de l'épiderme: le combat de la Société des citoyens de couleur, 1789–1791. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2007, 446 p. (ill.). (Histoires pour aujourd'hui). 6453. GRAUBART (Karen B.). With our labor and sweat: indigenous women and the formation of colonial society in Peru, 1550–1700. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XII-249 p. (ill., map). 6454. HOSOKAWA (Michihisa). Kanada nashonarizumu to Igirisu-teikoku. (Canadian nationalism and the Commonwealth). Tokyo, Tosui Shobo, 2007, 293 p. 6455. Indian conquistadors: indigenous allies in the conquest of Mesoamerica. Ed. by Laura E. MATTHEW and Michel R. OUDIJK. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007, XIV-349 p. 6456. JALABERT (Laurent). La colonisation sans nom. La Martinique de 1960 à nos jours. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2007, 295 p. 6457. JOHNSON (Lyman L.). "A lack of legitimate obedience and respect": slaves and their masters in the courts of late colonial Buenos Aires. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 4, p. 631-657. 6458. LENNOX (Jeffers). An empire on paper: the founding of Halifax and conceptions of imperial space, 1744–1755. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 3, p. 373-412. 6459. MORRIS (Mark). Language in service of the state: the Nahuatl conterinsurgency broadsides of 1810. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 3, p. 433470. 6460. PAQUETTE (Gabriel B.). State-civil society cooperation and conflict in the Spanish Empire: the intellectual and political activities of the ultramarine Consulados and economic societies, c. 1780–1810. Journal of Latin American studies, 2007, 39, 2, p. 263-298. 6461. PARMENTER (Jon), ROBISON (Mark Power). The perils and possibilities of wartime neutrality on the edges of Empire: Iroquois and Acadians between the French and British in North America, 1744–1760. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 2, p. 167-206. 6462. ROBINS (Nicholas A.). Priest-Indian conflict in upper Peru: the generation of rebellion, 1750–1780. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2007, X-315 p. (Religion and politics). 6463. RUIZ MEDRANO (Carlos Rubén). "Alevosos, ingratos y traidores ¿queréis sacudir el yugo del monarca más católico?": el discurso de la contrainsurgencia en la Nueva España durante el siglo XVIII. Hispanic American historical review, 2007, 87, 3, p. 471-497. 6464. Saint-Domingue espagnol et la révolution nègre d'Haïti (1790–1822): commémoration du bicentenaire de la naissance de l'état d'Haïti (1804–2004). Sous la

dir. de Alain YACOU. Paris, Karthala et Pointe-à-Pitre, CERC, 2007, 683 p. (ill., maps). (Hommes et sociétés). 6465. TANGER (Margaret). Les juridictions coloniales devant la cour de cassation, 1828í1848: Essai de contribution de la cour de cassation à l'émergence des droits civils des Noirs dans les colonies françaises d'Amérique de 1828 à 1848. Préf. de Bruno COTTE. Paris, Economica, 2007, XXI-139 p. 6466. THORNTON (John K.), HEYWOOD (Linda M.). Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles, and the foundation of the Americas, 15851660. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 384 p. Cf. nos 3359, 5538, 5572, 6207, 7346-7351 e. Oceania 6467. ATTARD (Bernard). From free-trade imperialism to structural power: New Zealand and the capital market, 1856–1868. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 4, p. 505-527. 6468. BANIVANUA-MAR (Tracey). Violence and colonial dialogue. The Australian-Pacific indentured labor trade. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2007, X270 p. 6469. HORNE (Gerald). The white Pacific: U.S. imperialism and Black slavery in the South Seas after the Civil War. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, V-253 p. (ill.). 6470. NETTELBECK (Amanda), FOSTER (Robert). Reading the elusive letter of the law: policing the South Australian frontier. Australian historical review, 2007, 38, 130, p. 296-311. Cf. nos 4077, 7352-7358 § 3. From 1500 to 1789. _______________________

a. General ** 6471. Lettres consulaires reçues de Chypre par le chargé d' affaires du roi à Malte. Vol. 5. Pr 6265. Publiées par Alain BLONDY. Nicosie, Centre de recherche scientifique, 2007, 146 p. (Sources et études de l'histoire de Chypre, 56. Texts and studies of the history of Cyprus, 56). _______________________

6472. BÉLY (Lucien). L'art de la paix en Europe. Naissance de la diplomatie moderne, XVIeXVIIIe siècle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, 742 p. í IDEM. La naissance de la diplomatie moderne. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 271-294. 6473. DAVIES (Brian L.). Warfare, state and society on the Black Sea steppe: 1500–1700. London, Routledge, 2007, X-256 p. (map). (Warfare and history). 6474. LUCA (Cristian). ğările Române úi VeneĠia în secolul al XVII-lea: din relaĠiile politico-diplomatice, comerciale úi culturale ale ğării Româneúti úi ale Moldovei cu Sereneissima. Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică,

3. FROM 1500 TO 1789 2007, 486 p. (ill.). (ColecĠia "Biblioteca enciclopedică de istorie a României"). 6475. OSBORNE (Toby). The surrogate war between the Savoys and the Medici: sovereignty and precedence in Early Modern Italy. International history review, 2007, 29, 1, p. 1-21. 6476. SONNINO (Paul). Dieu et la diplomatie dans l'esprit de Mazarin. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 193-204. 6477. Wahrnehmungen des Fremden. Differenzerfahrungen von Diplomaten im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Michael ROHRSCHNEIDER und Arno STROHMEYER. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, VIII-403 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der neueren Geschichte, 31). Cf. no 4496 b. 1500–1648 ** 6478. Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Serie III. Abt. B. Bd. 1. Die Friedensverträge mit Frankreich und Schweden. Teil 2. Materialien zur Rezeption. Bearbeitet von Guido BRAUN, Antje OSCHMANN und Konrad REPGEN. Teil 3. Materialien zur Erschließung und Register. Bearbeitet von Antje OSCHMANN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, 2vol., XLVII-710 p., XXVIII-504 p. u. 1 CDROM. ** 6479. PROCHÁZKA-EISL (Gisela), RÖMER (Claudia). Osmanische Beamtenschreiben und Privatbriefe der Zeit SüleymƗns des Prächtigen aus dem Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv zu Wien. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007, 227 p. u. 1 CD-ROM (Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 357). _______________________

6480. FINDEISEN (Jörg-Peter). Axel Oxenstierna: Architekt der schwedischen Grossmacht-Ära und Sieger des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Gernsbach, C. Katz, 2007, 486 p. (ill.). 6481. GATTONI (Maurizio). Gregorio XIII e la politica iberica dello Stato pontificio, 1572–1585. Roma, Studium, 2007, 186 p. (Religione e società, 50. Storia della Chiesa e dei movimenti cattolici). 6482. HANKE (Ullrich Christoph). Fulda in Hessens Hand. Die Besetzung des Stifts Fulda durch HessenKassel (1631/32–1634). Fulda, Parzeller, 2007, 631 p. 6483. PATTERSON (Benton Rain). With the heart of a king: Elizabeth I of England, Philip II of Spain, and the fight for a nation's soul and crown. New York, St. Martins Press, 2007, X-340 p. (ill., map).


Philippe II: du Traité du Cateau-Cambrésis (1559) à la mort de Henri III (1589). Préf. de Jean-Pierre AMALRIC. Paris, H. Champion, 2007, 733 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque Littéraire de la Renaissance, 68). 6486. ROHRSCHNEIDER (Michael). Der gescheiterte Frieden von Münster: Spaniens Ringen mit Frankreich auf dem Westfälischen Friedenskongress (1643–1649). Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, XIII-560 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der Neueren Geschichte, 30). 6487. RÜDE (Magnus). England und Kurpfalz im werdenden Mächteeuropa (1608–1632): Konfession, Dynastie, kulturelle Ausdrucksformen. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2007, LI-324 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in BadenWürttemberg. 166. Reihe B, Forschungen). 6488. SÉRÉ (Daniel). La paix des Pyrénées. Vingtquatre ans de négociations entre la France et l'Espagne (16351659). Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 607 p. Cf. nos 6519, 6525 c. 1648–1789 ** 6489. Conde (El) de Cervelló y el Consejo de Italia: escritos políticos en el exilio austracista (1724– 1746). Transcripción y estudio preliminar de Amparo FELIPO ORTS. Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2007, 222 p. (ill.). (Arxius i documents, 40). ** 6490. LE MAIRE (Louis). Relation abrégée de ce qui s'est passé dans la guerre de Hongrie depuis le commencement de la campagne de 1705 jusqu'au mois de mars 1708. Texte établi et présenté par Jean BÉRENGER. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 314 p. (map). (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 25 ** 6491. Négocier sur un volcan: Dominique-Vivant Denon et sa correspondance de Naples avec le comte de Vergennes, 1782–1785. Édition critique par Françoise JANIN; sous la direction et avec une introduction de Jean-Claude WAQUET. Paris, Direction des archives, Ministère des affaires étrangères et Bruxelles et Oxford, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2007, LXXIX-687 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Diplomatie et histoire). ** 6492. Papers (The) of Benjamin Franklin. Vol. 38. August 16, 1782, through January 20, 1783. Edited by Ellen R. COHN. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, 691 p. (ill.) ** 6493. POSTMA (Mirte). Johan de Witt en Coenraad van Beuningen: correspondentie tijdens de Noordse oorlog (1655–1660). Deventer, Scriptio, 2007, 160 p. (ill.). _______________________

6484. REBITSCH (Robert). Matthias Gallas, 1588– 1647. Generalleutnant des Kaisers zur Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Eine militärische Biographie. Münster, Aschendorff, 2007, VII-483 p.

6494. ALBAREDA (Joachim). La Catalogne et Philippe V d'Espagne dans la guerre de Succession d'Espagne: des espérances de 1705 à la perte des libertés de 1714. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 231248.

6485. RIBERA (Jean-Michel). Diplomatie et espionnage: les ambassadeurs du roi de France auprès de

6495. BARR (Juliana). Peace came in the form of a woman. Indians and Spaniards in the Texas borderlands.



Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XI-397 p. 6496. BEAUREPAIRE (Pierre-Yves). Le mythe de l'Europe française au XVIIIe siècle: diplomatie, culture et sociabilités au temps des Lumières. Paris, Autrement, 2007, 299 p. (Mémoires-histoire).

6510. POUMAREDE (Geraud). Francesco Luppazzoli, consul de Venise à Smyrne et "doyen de l'humanité"? Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 205-216. 6511. Vacat.

6497. BELISSA (Marc). Les causes de la première partition de la Pologne selon les contemporains. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 249-270.

6512. Redefining William III: the impact of the king-stadholder in international context. Ed. by Esther MIJERS and David ONNEKINK. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, XX-293 p. (ill.). (Politics and culture in north-western Europe, 1650-1720).

6498. CĂZAN (Ileana). Frontul antiotoman úi noul echilibru de forĠe în Balcani úi la linia Dunării (1683– 1718) în istoriografia română veche. [Anti-Ottoman front and the new force balance in the Balkans and the Danube line (1683–1718) in old Romanian historiography]. Revista Istorică, 2007, 18, 3-4, p. 307-325.

6513. RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Antonio José). España, Flandes y la Guerra de Devolución (1667–1668): guerra, reclutamiento y movilización para el mantenimiento de los Países Bajos españoles. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2007, 436 p. (ill., maps). (Colección ADALID, 56).

6499. CHILDS (John). The Williamite Wars in Ireland, 1688–1691. London a. New York, Hambledon Continuum, 2007, XXII-440 p.

6514. SCHUMANN (Matt), SCHWEIZER (Karl W.). The Seven Years War: a transatlantic history. London, Routledge, 2007, VIII-300 p. (War, history and politics series).

6500. CLAYDON (Tony). Europe and the making of England, 1660í1760. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-370 p. (Cambridge studies in early modern British history). 6501. Cultures in conflict: the Seven Years' War in North America. Ed. by Warren HOFSTRA. Lanham a. Plymouth, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007, XIII191 p. (ill., map).

6515. SCHÜTZ (Ernst). Die Gesandtschaft Großbritanniens am immerwährenden Reichstag zu Regensburg und am Kur(Pfalz-)Bayerischen Hof zu München, 1683–1806. München, Beck, 2007, LVII-367 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 154). 6516. SIMMS (Brendan). Three victories and a defeat: the rise and fall of the first British Empire, 1714– 1783. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XVII-803 p.

6502. GENET-ROUFFIAC (Nathalie). Le grand exil: les Jacobites en France, 1688–1715. Vincennes, Service historique de la défense, 2007, 701 p.

Cf. nos 5548, 6488, 6535, 6538, 6583

6503. HARDING (Nick). Hanover and the British Empire, 1700–1837. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2007, IX-292 p. (ill.). (Studies in early modern cultural, political and social history, 4).

** 6517. LAPORTE (Joseph). Mon voyage en Egypte et en Syrie: carnets d'un jeune soldat de Bonaparte. Préface de Jean TULARD. Paris, Presses universitaires de France et Genève, Fondation Martin Bodmer, 2007, 23-416 p. (ill., maps). (Sources).

6504. JETTOT (Stephane). Les parlementaires anglais et la politique extérieure dans les premières années de la Restauration (1660–1668). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 3, p. 217-230. 6505. JOHNSTON (A. J. B.). Endgame 1758. The promise, the glory, and the despair of Louisbourg's last decade. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, 365 p. (France overseas, studies in empire and decolonization).

§ 4. From 1789 to 1815.

** 6518. Rapoarte consulare úi diplomatice engleze privind Principatele Dunărene, 1800–1812. Editor Paul CERNOVODEANU. Brăila, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei, 2007, XXVII-487 p. _______________________

6519. AKSAN (Virginia H.). Ottoman wars 1700– 1870: an empire besieged. Harlow, Longman/Pearson, 2007, XX-599 p. (ill., maps). (Modern wars in perspective).

6506. MAC INNES (Allan I.). Union and Empire: the making of the United Kingdom in 1707. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XV-382 p. (Cambridge studies in early modern British history).

6520. BELISSA (Marc). Regards croisés: les relations internationales à l'époque révolutionnaire. Annales historiques de la Révolution Française, 2007, 349, p. 179-202.

6507. OSTWALD (Jamel). Vauban under siege. Engineering efficiency and martial vigor in the war of the Spanish succession. Leiden, Brill, 2007, 390 p.

6521. BELL (David A.). The first total war: Napoleon's Europe and the birth of modern warfare. Londres, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007, X-420 p.

6508. PHILLIPS (Carla Rahn). The treasure of the San José. Death at sea in the war of the Spanish Succession. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2007, VIII-258 p.

6522. Danmark og Napoleon. (Le Danemark et Napoléon). Red. Eric Lerdrup BOURGOIS, Niels HØFFDING. Højbjerg, Hovedland, 2007, 314 p. (ill.).

6509. PLACER (Cervera Gustavo). Inglaterra y la Habana, 1762. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2007, XIII-334 p. (ill., maps). (Historia de Cuba).

6523. ESDAILE (Charles J.). Napoleon's wars: an international history, 1803–1815. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XVII-622 p.

5. FROM 1815 TO 1910 6524. FAIVRE D'ARCIER (Amaury). Les oubliés de la liberté: négociants, consuls et missionnaires français au levant pendant la Révolution (1784–1798). Bruxelles et Paris, PIE Peter Lang et Direction des archives, ministère des affaires étrangères, 2007, 266 p. (Diplomatie et histoire, 15). 6525. Galizische Grenze (Die) 1772–1867: Kommunikation oder Isolation? Hrsg. v. Christoph AUGUSTYNOWICZ und Andreas KAPPELER. Wien, Lit, 2007, II245 p. (ill., maps). (Europa Orientalis / herausgegeben vom Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Wien, 4). 6526. Gender, war and the nation in the period of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: European perspectives. Guest editors Katherine AASLESTAD, Karen HAGEMANN and Judith MILLER. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 499-646. 6527. HILLINGSØ (K.G.). Landkrigen 1807. (La guerre au Danemark en 1807). København, Gyldendal, 224 p. (ill.). 6528. HOPKIN (David). Sieges, seduction and sacrifice in Revolutionary War: the `Virgins of Verdun', 1792. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 528-547. 6529. JESSEN (Olaf). "Preußens Napoleon"? Ernst von Rüchel; 1754–1823; Krieg im Zeitalter der Vernunft. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 490 p. 6530. København 1807: belejring og bombardement. (Le siège et le bombardement de Copenhague en 1807). Red. Peter HENNINGSEN. København, Jyllands-Postens forlag (i samarbejde med Københavns Stadsarkiv), 2007, 349 p. (ill.). 6531. LAFON (Jean-Marc). L'Andalousie et Napoléon: contre-insurrection, collaboration et résistances dans le midi de l'Espagne (1808–1812). Paris, Nouveau Monde, Foundation Napoléon, 2007, 590 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque Napoléon. Série "Etudes"). 6532. LATIMER (Jon). 1812. War with America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XV-637 p. 6533. LEGGIERE (Michael V.). The fall of Napoleon. Vol. 1. The allied invasion of France, 1813–1814. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XVII-686 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge military histories). 6534. LENTZ (Thierry). Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire. Vol. 3. La France et l'Europe de Napoléon, 1804–1814. Paris, Editions Fayard, 2007, 835 p. 6535. MARICHAL (Carlos). Bankruptcy of empire: Mexican silver and the wars between Spain, Britain and France, 1760–1810. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIV-318 p. 6536. MUNCH-PETERSEN (Thomas). København i flammer: hvordan England bombarderede København og ranede den danske flåde i 1807. (Copenhague en flammes: comment l'Angleterre a bombardé Copenhague et saisit la flotte danoise en 1807). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 275 p.


6537. Napoleon and his empire: Europe, 1804–1814. Ed. by Philip G. DWYER and Alan FORREST. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-228 p. 6538. Ottoman rule and the Balkans, 1760–1850: conflict, transformation, adaptation: proceedings of an international conference held in Rethymno, Greece, 13–14 December 2003. Ed. by Antonis ANASTASOPOULOS and Elias KOLOVOS. Rethymno, University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology, 2007, XIV-263 p. 6539. PLANERT (Ute). Der Mythos vom Befreiungskrieg: Frankreichs Kriege und der deutsche Süden; Alltag ௅ Wahrnehmung ௅ Deutung 1792–1841. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2007, 739 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 33). 6540. SCHEEN (Rolf). Flådens ran: tabet af den dansk-norske flåde 1807. (Le vol de la flotte: la perte de la flotte dano-norvégienne en 1807). København, Gyldendal, 2007, 215 p. (ill.). 6541. SUCHUGOVA (Natalija Ju.). Diplomaticheskaia missija Dzhona Kuinsi Adamsa v Rossii v 1789í1814 godakh: Russko-amerikanskie politicheskie i kul'turnye svjazi nachala XIX veka. (The diplomatic mission of John Quincy Adams in Russia in 1789–1814: The political and cultural connections between Russia and America in the early 19th century). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 263 p. (tabl.l; bibl. p. 251–261). 6542. TAYLOR (Stephen). Storm and conquest. The battle for the Indian Ocean, 1809. London, Faber & Faber, 2007, XX-380 p. 6543. TONE (John Lawrence). A dangerous amazon: Agustina Zaragoza and the Spanish Revolutionary War, 1808–1814. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 4, p. 548-561. 6544. Venskabelige bombardement (Det): København 1807 som historisk begivenhed og national myte. (Le bombardement amical: Copenhague 1807 comme événement historique et mythe national). Red. Rasmus GLENTHØJ, Jens Rahbek RASMUSSEN. København, Museum Tusculanum, 2007, 269 p. (ill.). 6545. Warfare in Europe, 1792–1815. Ed. by Frederick C. SCHNEID. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XXVI525 p. (International library of essays on military history). 6546. Waterloo ௅ 18. Juni 1815: Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Folgen einer europäischen Schlacht. Hrsg. v. Josef Johannes SCHMID. Bonn, Nova & Vetera, 2007, 277 p. (ill.). (Studia academica historica, 1). Cf. nos 5548, 6472, 6496, 6503, 6515, 6573, 6577, 6583, 6602 § 5. From 1815 to 1910. ** 6547. Documenti diplomatici Italiani (I). Serie 3. Vol. 3. 1896–1907. 3 novembre 1903–28 marzo 1905. Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca Dello Stato, 2007, LXXVI-930 p.



** 6548. Mrs Duberly's war. Journal and letters from the Crimea, 1854–1856. Ed. by Christine KELLY. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XLVIII-355 p. ** 6549. Naval intelligence from Germany. The reports of the British naval attachés in Berlin, 1906– 1914. Ed. by Matthew S. SELIGMANN. Aldershot, Ashgate, for the naval records society, 2007, XXXV-574 p. ** 6550. Paraguay y Brasil: documentos sobre las relaciones binacionales, 1844–1864. Compiladores Guido RODRÍGUEZ ALCALÁ y José Eduardo ALCÁZAR. Asunción, Tiempo de Historia, 2007, XXXIX-460 p. ** 6551. RAưCHEVSKI (Stojan). Diplomatic records on the ruination of Bulgarians from Macedonia and the region of Edirne in the times of reforms 1904–1908. Sofia, Bulgarian Bestseller ௅ National Museum of Bulgarian Books and Polygraphy, 2007, 128 p. (ill.). ** 6552. ROMPKEY (Ronald). En mission à TerreNeuve: les dépêches de Charles Riballier des Isles, 1885–1903. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 261 p. (Mémoire commune). ** 6553. SARTORIUS (Francis), DE PAEPE (Jean-Luc). Une légation dans la tourmente: correspondance des agents diplomatiques belges en poste à Paris sous la Commune. Tusson, Du Lérot, 2007, 166 p. (ill.). ** 6554. Tilkidom and the Ottoman Empire: the letters of Gerald Fitzmaurice to George Lloyd, 1906– 1915. Ed. by Geoff BERRIDGE. Istanbul, Isis Press, 2007, 182 p. _______________________

6555. AAN DE WIEL (Jérôme). La relation inconnue: l'Autriche-Hongrie et l'Irlande, 1900–1914. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 105120. 6556. ANTIû (ýedomir). Neutrality as independence: Great Britain, Serbia and the Crimean War = Neutralnost kao nezavisnost: Velika Britanija, Srbija i Krimski rat. Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2007, 235 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Posebna izdanja = Special editions, 95). 6557. BARKO (Ivan). Georges Biard d'Aunet: la vie et la carrière du premier Consul général de France à Sydney. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 2, p. 97-120.

6561. CROSS (Coy F. II). Lincoln's man in Liverpool: Consul Dudley and the legal battle to stop Confederate warships. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2007, X-180 p. (ill.). 6562. DELAUNAY (Jean-Marc). La Ligue de défense des droits de l'homme et du citoyen et les affaires espagnoles au début du XXe siècle. Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 27-38. 6563. DELAY (Brian). Independent Indians and the U.S.-Mexican war. American historical review, 2007, 112, 1, p. 35-68. 6564. DI PAOLA (Pietro). The spies who came in from the heat: the international surveillance of the anarchists in London. European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 2, p. 189-215. 6565. FERRAIOLI (Gianpaolo). Politica e diplomazia in Italia tra XIX e XX secolo: vita di Antonino di San Giuliano (1852–1914). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 1016 p. (Collana di studi diplomatici, 15). 6566. GONZÁLEZ BARRIOS (René). Chile en la independencia de Cuba. La Habana, Casa Editorial Verde Olivo, 2007, 254 p. (ill.). 6567. HEINZEN (Jasper). The guelph 'conspiracy': Hanover as would-be intermediary in the European system, 1866–1870. International history review, 2007, 29, 2, p. 258-281. 6568. HENDERSON (Timothy J.). A glorious defeat: Mexico and its war with the United States. New York, Hill and Wang, 2007, XXI-216 p. (ill., map). 6569. HICKS (Geoffrey). Peace, war and party politics: the Conservatives and Europe, 1846–1859. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, X-268 p. 6570. HOLMES (James R.). Theodore Roosevelt and world order: police power in international relations. Washington, Potomac Books, 2007, 327 p. (ill.). 6571. HOLOVCHENKO (Volodymyr Ivanovych), MAT(Viktor). Dyplomatychna istoriia Ukraïny vid naƱdavnishykh chasiv do XIX stolittia: navchal'nyƱ posibnyk. Kyïv, Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyƱ tsentr "Kyïvs'kyƱ universytet", 2007, 480 p. VIIENKO

6572. KELIHER (Macabe). Anglo-American rivalry and the origins of U.S. China policy. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 2, p. 227-257.

6558. Boxers (The), China, and the world. Ed. by Robert BICKERS and R.G. TIEDEMANN. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, XXVIII-231 p. (ill.).

6573. KNUESEL (Ariane). British Diplomacy and the telegraph in nineteenth-century China. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 3, p. 517-537.

6559. CAPDEVILA (Luc). Une guerre totale: Paraguay, 1864–1870: essai d'histoire du temps présent. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 510 p. (ill., maps). (Histoire).

6574. KREIS (Georg). Frankreichs republikanische Großmachtpolitik 1870–1914. Innenansicht einer Außenpolitik. Mainz, von Zabern, 2007, XI-662 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt.für Universalgeschichte, 218).

6560. Conselho de Estado (O) e a política externa do Império: consultas da Seção dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 1863–1867. Centro de História e Documentação Diplomática. Rio de Janeiro, FUNAG, 2007, XXVIII413 p.

6575. KROLL (C. Douglas). Friends in peace and war: the Russian Navy's landmark visit to Civil War San Francisco. Washington D.C., Potomac, 2007, XVI188 p. (ill.). (Potomac's military controversies).

5. FROM 1815 TO 1910 6576. KUTZ (Jens Peter). Vom Bruderkrieg zum casus foederis: die Schutz- und Trutzbündnisse zwischen den süddeutschen Staaten und Preußen (1866–1870). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007, XXXI-250 p. (ill.). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1045 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1045 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1045).


6589. PRISCO (Salvatore). Progressive era diplomat: Lloyd C. Griscom and trade expansion. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 3, p. 539-549. 6590. RENDALL (Matthew). A qualified success for collective security: the concert of Europe and the Belgian crisis, 1831. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 2, p. 271-295.

6577. LABBÉ (Morgane). Les usages diplomatiques des cartes ethnographiques de l'Europe centrale et orientale au XIXe siècle. Gèneses, 2007, 68, p. 25-47.

6591. Rethinking the Russo-Japanese War, 1904– 1905. Vol. 2. The Nichinan papers. Ed. by John W.M. CHAPMAN and Inaba CHIHARU. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2007, XXXV-348 p.

6578. LE MOAL (Frederic). Paris et les deux Rome: la France et la question romaine lors du renouvellement de la Triplice (1886–1888). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 2, p. 121-134.

6592. ROAITĂ (Alice Ionela D.). Protectoratul rusesc úi ğările Române (1829–1848). (Russian protectorate and the Romanian Principalities. 1829–1848). Piteúti, Editura Paralela 45, 2007, 100 p.

6579. LETTER (Paul). Die Schweiz und die nationale Einigung Italiens 1859: historische Studie. Berlin, Frieling, 2007, 139 p. (ill., map). (Geschichte).

6593. RODOGNO (David). Réflexions liminaires à propos des interventions humanitaires des Puissances européennes au XIXe siècle. Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 9-25.

6580. MAC DONOUGH (Frank). The Conservative Party and Anglo-German relations, 1905–1914. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, IX-201 p. 6581. MAC KERCHER (B. J. C.), ENJAMIO (S.). "Brighter futures, better times": Britain, the empire, and Anglo–American economic competition in Cuba, 1898– 1920. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 663687. 6582. MAC LEAN (David). Trade, politics and the navy in Latin America: the British in the Paraná, 1845– 1846. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 3, p. 351-370. 6583. MANER (Hans-Christian). Galizien: eine Grenzregion im Kalkül der Donaumonarchie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. München, IKGS-Verlag, 2007, 329 p. (maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas an der LudwigMaximilians-Universität München. Wissenschaftliche Reihe, 111). 6584. MAWBY (Spencer). A crisis of empire: the Anglo-Ottoman dispute over the Aden frontier, 1901– 1905. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 27-52. 6585. MILLER (Stephen M.). Volunteers on the veld: Britain's citizen-soldiers and the South African war, l899–1902. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007, XII-236 p. 6586. MOTTE (Martin). Autour de Kiel et Tanger: Charles Maurras et la politique étrangère de la France. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 2, p. 135152. 6587. OTTE (Thomas G.). The China question: great power rivalry and British isolation, 1894–1905. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-363 p. (maps). (Oxford scholarship online). 6588. Ottoman-Russian war (The) of 1877–1878. Ed. by Ömer TURAN. Ankara, Middle East University, Department of History, 2007, VIII-344 p. (ill., maps).

6594. Russo-Japanese War (The) in global perspective. Volume II. World War Zero. Ed. by David WOLFF [et al.]. Leiden, Brill, 2007, XV-583 p. (History of warfare, 40). 6595. SATER (William F). Andean tragedy: fighting the war of the Pacific, 1879–1884. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2007, XI-442 p. (Studies in war, society, and the military). 6596. SERGEEV (Evgeny). Russian military intelligence in the war with Japan, 1904–1905: secret operations on land and at sea. London, Routledge, 2007, XIII-252 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge studies in the history of Russia and Eastern Europe, 7). 6597. SHAW (Carole Cameron). The foreign destruction of Korean independence. Seoul, Seoul National U. P., 2007, XXVIII-315 p. (ill.). 6598. SILBEY (David). A war of frontier and empire: the Philippine-American war, 1899–1902. New York, Hill and Wang, 2007, XVI-254 p. (ill., maps). 6599. STEVENSON (David). Battlefield or barrier? Rearmament and military planning in Belgium, 1902– 1914. International history review, 2007, 29, 3, p. 473507. 6600. TEFNER (Zoltán). Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia lengyelpolitikája, 1867–1914. (Die Polenpolitik der Österreich-Ungarischen Monarchie 1867–1914). Budapest, L'Harmattan, 2007, 606 p. 6601. VALIÑAS (Francisco). La misión del Capitán Mahan en Montevideo (1873–1875). Montevideo, Torre del Vigia-Ediciones, Academía Uruguaya de Historia Marítima y Fluvial, 2007, 184 p. (ill.). (Historia maritima del Uruguay, 24. Aporte documental, 12). 6602. Victorian visions of global order: empire and international relations in nineteenth-century political thought. Ed. by Duncan BELL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX-297 p. (Ideas in context, 86).



6603. VILLAFAÑE GOMES SANTOS (Luís Cláudio). El imperio del Brasil y las repúblicas del pacífico: las relaciones de Brasil con Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, 1822–1889. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y Corporación Editora Nacional, 2007, 168 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 23). 6604. WAGNER (Thomas H.). "Krieg oder Frieden, Unser Platz an der Sonne". Gustav Stresemann und die Außenpolitik des Kaiserreichs bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs. Paderborn, München, Wien, Schöningh, 2007, 237 p. 6605. WAKOUNIG (Marija). Ein Grandseigneur der Diplomatie: die Mission von Franz de Paula Prinz von und zu Liechtenstein in St. Petersburg, 1894–1898. Wien u. Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2007, 350 p. (ill.). (Europa Orientalis / herausgegeben vom Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Wien, 1). 6606. WRIGHT (O.J.). Sea and Sardinia: Pax Britannica versus Vendetta in the new Italy (1870). European history quarterly, 2007, 37, 3, p. 398-416. Cf. nos 3373, 4059, 4891, 5398, 5534, 6417, 6503, 6519, 6525, 6538, 6539, 6620, 6637, 6653 § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. * 6607. WOODWARD (David R.). America and World War I: a selected annotated bibliography of Englishlanguage sources. New York a. London, Routledge, 2007, XI-432 p. (Routledge research guides to American military studies). ** 6608. Documenti diplomatici Italiani (I). Serie 6. Vol. 3. 1918–1922. 24 marzo–22 giugno 1919. Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca Dello Stato, 2007, LXXXIII991 p. ** 6609. Finland 1917–1918 in the documents of the US Department of State. Selected and edited by Jarosáaw SUCHOPLES. Wrocáaw, "Atut", 2007, 599 p. ** 6610. Quellen zur Außenpolitik der Weimarer Republik 1918–1933. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang ELZ. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007, XVIII-237 p. (Ausgewählte Quellen zur Deutschen Geschichte der Neuzeit, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe, 32). ** 6611. Slovenci v oþeh Imperija: priroþniki britanskih diplomatov na pariški mirovni konferenci leta 1919 =The Slovenes in the eyes of the Empire: handbooks of the British diplomats attending the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Glavni urednik Ernest PETRIý. Mengeš, Center za evropsko prihodnost, 2007, 524 p. (Studia diplomatica Slovenica. Fontes, 1). ** 6612. VIGUIER (Prosper). Un chirurgien de la Grande Guerre. Présentation de Rémy CAZALS. Toulouse, Privat, 2007, 161 p. _______________________

6613. 1916, la Grande-Bretagne en guerre. Dirigé par Henry DANIELS et Nathalie COLLÉ-BAK. Nancy,

Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2007, 412 p. (ill., maps). (Regards croisés sur le monde Anglophone). 6614. After the Versailles Treaty: enforcement, compliance, contested identities. Ed. by Conan FISCHER and Alan SHARP. London, Routledge, 2007, IX-211 p. 6615. AGUILA (Jaime R.). Mexican/U.S. immigration policy prior to the Great Depression. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 2, p. 207-225. 6616. AMBROSIUS (Lloyd E.). Woodrow Wilson and the birth of a nation: American democracy and international relations. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 689-718. 6617. ASHWORTH (Lucian M.). International relations and the Labour Party: intellectuals and policy making from 1918–1945. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, IX-294 p. (Tauris Academic Studies). 6618. BALDIN (Damien). Les tranchées ont-elles enterré la cavalerie? Entre disparition et mutation: la cavalerie française durant la première guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 7-20. 6619. BARIÉTY (Jacques). Aristide Briand, la Société des Nations et l'Europe, 1919–1932. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2007, 542 p. 6620. BERRIDGE (G.R.). Gerald Fitzmaurice (1865– 1939), chief dragoman of the British embassy in Turkey. Leiden, Nijhoff, 2007, XXVIII-263 p. (ill., maps). (History of international relations, diplomacy, and intelligence, 1). 6621. BIREBENT (Christian). Militants de la paix et de la SDN: les mouvements de soutien à la Société des nations en France et au Royaume-Uni, 1918– 1925. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 373 p. (ill.). (International). 6622. BORGOGNI (Massimo). Tra continuità e incertezza: Italia e Albania, 1914–1939: la strategia politicomilitare dell'Italia in Albania fino all'operazione Oltre mare Tirana. Milano, F. Angeli, 2007, 412 p. (ill.). (Temi di storia, 113). 6623. CONSTANT (Monique). Combats contre la traite des femmes à la Société des Nations (1920–1940). Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 39-47. 6624. DALBIN (Stephanie). Visions croisées francoallemandes de la première guerre mondiale: étude de deux quotidiens: la Metzer Zeitung et L'Est Républicain. Bern et Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007, XII-396 p. (Convergences, 41). 6625. DAVIES (R. T.). The possibilities of transnational activism. The campaign for disarmament between the two World Wars. Leiden a. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2007. 282 p. 6626. DELORGE (Pierre-Henri). Pourquoi avoir gardé une cavalerie à cheval (1918–1939)? Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 21-36.

6. FROM 1910 TO 1935. THE FIRST WORLD WAR 6627. DIMITROV (Bozhidar). Istinskata istorija na Balkanskata vojna. (La véritable histoire de la Guerre balkanique). Sofija, "168 chasa" EOOD, 2007, 86 p. 6628. DU RÉAU (Elisabeth). L'ordre mondial, de Versailles à San Francisco, (juin 1919–juin 1945). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007, XII-333 p. (ill., maps). (Thémis. Histoire). 6629. ELIZALDE (Maria-Dolores). Les relations entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Espagne pendant la première guerre mondiale par le biais des services des renseignements: organisation et objectifs britanniques en Espagne. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 23-36. 6630. ENGLISH (Adrian J.). The Green Hell: a concise history of the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay 1932–1935. Stroud, Spellmount, 2007, 224 p. (ill., maps). (Spellmount military studies).


schen Frankreich und Deutschland während 1919. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 3-4, p. 87-112. 6641. KATO (Yoko). ShirƯzu Nihon kingendai-shi 5: Manshnj jihen kara Nicchnj sensǀ he. (From the Manchu incident to the Sino-Japanese War). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 272 p.(History of modern Japan series, 5). 6642. KRAMER (Alan). Dynamic of destruction. Culture and mass killing in the First World War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, VI-434 p. (Making of the modern world). 6643. Kriegseintritt Italiens (Der) im Mai 1915. Hrsg. v. Johannes HÜRTER und Gian Enrico RUSCONI. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 143 p. (map). (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Sondernummer).

6631. FREIVOGEL (Zvonimir). Austrougarske podmornice u I. svjetskom ratu. (Austro-Hungarian Submarines in World War I). Rijeka, Adamiü, 2007, 117 p.

6644. KRZAK (Andrzej). Kontrwywiad wojskowy II Rzeczpospolitej przeciwko radzieckim sáuĪbom specjalnym: 1921–1939. (Military counterintelligence of the Second Republic against the Soviet special services). ToruĔ, Wydawn. Adam Marszaáek, 2007, 383 p. (maps).

6632. GOODE (James F.). Negotiating for the past. Archaeology, nationalism, and diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919–1941. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007, XII-293 p.

6645. LEGER (Yannick). Vers une démocratie européenne? Le concept de démocratie libérale dans la politique extérieure d'Aristide Briand dans les années 1920. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 2, p. 153-168.

6633. GUY (Nicola). The Albanian question in British policy and the Italian intervention, August 1914–April 1915. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 109131.

6646. LIPKES (Jeff). Rehearsals. The German army in Belgium, August 1914. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2007, 815 p.

6634. HAGEN (Mark von). War in a European borderland: occupations and occupation plans in Galicia and Ukraine, 1914–1918. Seattle a. London, University of Washington Press, 2007, XI-122 p. 6635. HAMILTON (Keith). Falsifying the record: Entente diplomacy and the preparation of the Blue and Yellow Books on the War crisis of 1914. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 89-108. 6636. HEIKKILÄ (Pauli). Northern replies to the Briand Memorandum in 1930. The European federal union in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 215-236. 6637. Improbable war (An)? The outbreak of World War I and European political culture before 1914. Ed. by Holger AFFLERBACH and David STEVENSON. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, XIV-365 p. (ill.). 6638. IVANJAN (Eduard A.). U istokov sovetskoamerikanskikh otnoshenij. (At the sources of SovietAmerican relations). Moskva, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 2007, 364 p. 6639. JƜKABSONS (Ɯriks). PiesardzƯgƗ draudzƯba: Latvijas un Polijas attiecƯbas 1919. un 1920. GadƗ. (Cautious friendship: Latvian-Polish relations 1919 and 1920). RƯga, LU AkadƝmiskais apgƗds, 2007, 244 p. (ill., maps). 6640. JOTOV (Dobrin). Krieg oder Frieden? Aufbau der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Beziehungen zwi-

6647. MAC KERCHER (B. J.C.). "A certain irritation": the White House, the State Department, and the desire for a naval settlement with Great Britain, 1927– 1930. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 5, p. 829-863. 6648. MATSUMOTO-BEST (Saho). British and Italian imperial rivalry in the Mediterranean, 1912–1914: the case of Egypt. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 2, p. 297-314. 6649. MICHEL (Bernard). Les conséquences économiques des traités de paix en Europe centrale, 1919– 1920. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 97-108. 6650. MITCHÉVA (Tsvétana). Relations internationales à l'appui de l'Organisation Révolutionnaire Intérieure Macédonienne (ORIM). 1928í1934. Bulgarian historical review, 2007, 35, 3-4, p. 113-135. 6651. NEûAK (Dušan). Dollfussovi diplomati o politiþnem dogajanju v Sloveniji (1933/1934). (Dollfuss's diplomats on political developments in Slovenia, 1933/1934). In: Problemi demokracije na Slovenskem v letih 1918í1941: zbornik prispevkov na simpoziju 7. in 8. decembra 2006. Ed. Jože PIRJEVEC, Janko PLETERSKI. Ljubljana, SAZU, 2007, p. 317-328. (Razprave, 23). 6652. NOVÁK (Petr). ýeskoslovenská diplomacie a Ĝecko-turecká válka 1920–1922. (Czechoslovak diplomacy and the Greek-Turkish War 1920–22). Moderní dČjiny, 2007, 15, p. 183-220.



6653. OGAWA (Manako). The "White Ribbon League of Nations" meets Japan: the trans-Pacific activism of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1906–1930. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 1, p. 21-50. 6654. OTTE (Thomas G.). A "German paperchase": the "Scrap of Paper" controversy and the problem of myth and memory in international history. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 53-87. 6655. PAWLEY (Margaret). The watch on the Rhine: the military occupation of the Rhineland, 1918–1930. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, XVI-221 p. (ill.). 6656. RENTON (James). The Zionist masquerade: the birth of the Anglo-Zionist alliance 1914–1918. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XI-231 p. (ill.). 6657. RIDEL (Charles). Les embusqués. Préf. de Stéphane AUDOIN-ROUZEAU. Paris, A. Colin, 2007, 348 p. 6658. ROBERTS (Priscilla). The First World War as catalyst and epiphany: the case of Henry P. Davison. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 2, p. 315-350. 6659. RÓĩAēSKI (Przemysáaw). Stany Zjednoczone wobec kwestii Īydowskiej w Polsce 1918–1921. (United States towards the question of the Jews in Poland 1918–1921). GdaĔsk, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu GdaĔskiego, 2007, 386 p. (ill., ports.). 6660. SELF (Robert). Perception and posture in Anglo-American relations: the war debt controversy in the 'official mind', 1919–1940. International history review, 2007, 29, 2, p. 282-312. 6661. STONE (Norman). World War One. A short history. London, Penguin Books, 2007, 226 p. 6662. THIEL (Jens). "Menschenbassin Belgien": Anwerbung, Deportation und Zwangsarbeit im Ersten Weltkrieg. Essen, Klartext, 2007, 426 p. (ill.). (Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, n. F., 20). 6663. THRELKELD (Megan). The Pan American Conference of women, 1922: successful suffragists turn to international relations. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 5, p. 801-828. 6664. TRIPODI (Christian W.E.). The Foreign Office and Anglo-Italian involvement in the Red Sea and Arabia, 1925–1928. Canadian journal of history, 2007, 42, 2, p. 209-234. 6665. TUCKER (Robert W.). Woodrow Wilson and the Great War. Reconsidering America's neutrality, 1914–1917. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2007, XV-246 p. 6666. VAN ALSTEIN (Maarten). "No More War?" Belgian reception of the League of Nations and arbitration after the First World War. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 133-153. 6667. VOURKOUTIOTIS (Vasilis). Making common cause: German-Soviet relations, 1919–1922. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VI-200 p.

6668. ŽALYS (Vytautas). Lietuvos diplomatijos istorija (1925–1940). (Diplomatic history of Lithuania, 1925– 1940). T. 1. Vilnius, Versus aureus, 2007, 583 p. 6669. Vacat. Cf. nos 3344, 3358, 3373, 3398, 3469, 3678, 3682, 3856, 4059, 4078, 4138, 4236, 4250, 4891, 5534, 6417, 6549, 6554, 6555, 6562, 6564, 6565, 6570, 6574, 6580, 6581, 6589, 6599, 6600, 6604, 6672, 6683, 6715, 6716, 6725, 6728, 6743, 6752, 6762 § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War. _______________________

a. General ** 6670. Al III-lea Reich úi Holocaustul din România. 1940–1944. Documente din arhivele germane. (The Third Reich and the Holocaust in Romania. 1940– 1944. Documents from the German archives). SelecĠia, traducerea din limba germană úi note de Ottmar TRAùCĂ. Editori, Dennis DELETANT, Editori, Ottmar TRAùCĂ. Studiu introductiv Dennis DELETANT. Bucureúti, Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel", 2007, 831 p. ** 6671. German Foreign Office documents on the Holocaust in Greece (1937–1944). Compiled, translated and annotated with an introduction by Irith DUBLON-KNEBEL; edited by Marion DUMAN and Judy KRAUSZ. Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, 2007, 496 p. (Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center, 176. The Chair for the History and Culture of the Jews of Salonika and Greece, 7). ** 6672. RYCHLÍK (Jan). Makedonská otázka ve svČtle þeskoslovenských diplomatických dokumentĤ. (Macedonian question in the light of Czechoslovak diplomatic documents). Slovanské historické studie, 2007, 32, p. 103-111. _______________________

6673. BARTULIN (Nevenko). The NDH as a 'Central European Bulwark against Italian Imperialism': an assessment of Croatian-Italian relations within the German 'New Order' in Europe. Review of Croatian history, 2007, 3, 1, p. 49-73. 6674. BELLAMY (Chris). Absolute war: Soviet Russia in the Second World War: a modern history. London, Macmillan, 2007, XXIX-813 p. (ill., maps). 6675. BORDA D'AғGUA (Flávio). Le Timor Oriental face à la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1941–1945). Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Instituto Diplomático, 2007, 263 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca diplomática. Série D: Teses, 14). 6676. DĄBROWSKI (Dariusz). Rzeczpospolita Polska wobec kwestii Rusi Zakarpackiej (Podkarpackiej) 1938–1939. (The Republic of Poland towards the question of the Carpathian Ruthenia, 1938–1939). ToruĔ, Europejskie Centrum Edukacyjne, 2007, 413 p. (ill., ports.).



6677. Danilo Gregoriü i 25. mart 1941. Priredili Kosta NIKOLIû i Bojan B. DIMITRIJEVIû. Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2007, 265 p. (Posebna izdanja, 11).

6690. KORNAT (Marek). Polityka Rownowagi, 1934– 1939: Polska miedzy Wschodem a Zachodem. (La politique d'équilibre, 1934–1939: la Pologne entre Orient et Occident). Cracow, Wydawnictwo Arcana, 2007, 499 p.

6678. DIAMOND (Hanna). Fleeing Hitler. France, 1940. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XV-255 p.

6691. Latin America during World War II. Ed. by Thomas M. LEONARD and John F. BRATZEL. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, VIII-226 p. (ill., map). (Jaguar books on Latin America series).

6679. End (The) of the Pacific war. Reappraisals. Ed. by Tsuyoshi HASEGAWA. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XVI-331 p. 6680. France (La), l'Allemagne et la seconde guerre mondiale: quelles mémoires? Sous la dir. de Stephan MARTENS. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2007, 288 p. (Crises du XXe siècle). 6681. FRIEDL (JiĜí). Internace þeskoslovenských vojákĤ v SSSR 1939–1941. (The internment of Czechoslovak soldiers in the USSR in 1939–1941). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 2. Váleþní zajatci a internovaní. Ed. Meþislav BORÁK. Opava, 2007, p. 157-200. 6682. Hitler and his allies in World War II. Ed. by Jonathan R. ADELMAN. London, Rourledge, 2007, 253 p. 6683. HOTTA (Eri). Pan-Asianism and Japan's war, 1931–1945. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIV290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan series in transnational history). 6684. KIRCHHOFF (Hans). Udbringes af riget. Om udleveringen af den første tyske emigrant til Gestapo under besættelsen. En mikrostudie i dansk neutralitets- og flygtningepolitik 1939/40. (The extradition of Waldemar Pötzsch: a micro-study in Danish neutrality and refugee policy 1939–1940). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2007, 107, 1, p. 102-146. 6685. KLEIN (Anne). Flüchtlingspolitik und Flüchtlingshilfe 1940–1942: Varian Fry und die Komitees zur Rettung politisch Verfolgter in New York und Marseille. Berlin, Metropol, 2007, 542 p. (ill.). (Reihe Dokumente, Texte, Materialien, 61). 6686. KNOX (MacGregor). Das faschistische Italien und die Endlösung 1942/43. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 1, p. 53-92. 6687. KOERNER (Francis). Les transplantations d'alsaciens-lorrains dans le Reich (1941–1945). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 53-68. 6688. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav). ýinnost orgánĤ UPVI [Upravlenije po delam vojennoplennych i internirovannych] NKVD na þeskoslovenském území v letech 1944–1945. (Activities of UPVI NKVD authorities in the territory of Czechoslovakia in 1944–1945). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 2. Váleþní zajatci a internovaní. Ed. Meþislav Borák. Opava, 2007, p. 325-356. 6689. KÖNIG (Malte). Kooperation als Machtkampf: das faschistische Achsenbündnis Berlin-Rom im Krieg 1940/41. Köln, SH-Verlag, 2007, 368 p. (Italien in der Moderne, 14).

6692. LAUSTSEN (Jørgen). Medløbere og modløbere: DKP, besættelsen og illegaliteten. (Le Parti communiste danois pendant l'occupation allemande). København, Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2007, 271 p. 6693. MARGOLIN (Jean-Louis). L'armée de l'Empereur: violences et crimes du Japon en guerre, 1937– 1945. Paris, A. Colin, 2007, 479 p. (maps). (Les enjeux de l'histoire). 6694. MORENO Julià (Xavier). Hitler y Franco. Barcelona, Planeta, 2007, 789 p. (ill.). (EspañaEscrita, 11). 6695. NAGAI (Kazu). Nicchnj sensǀ kara Sekai sensǀ he. (From the Sino-Japanese War to the World War II). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2007, 504 p. 6696. Occupation et répression militaire allemandes. La politique de "maintien de l'ordre" en Europe occupée, 1939–1945. Sous la dir. de Gaël Eismann et Stefan Martens. Paris, Editions Autrement, 2007, 259 p. (Mémoires, histoire, 127). 6697. RÉTI (György). The European consequences of the Italian aggression against Ethiopia. Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 2007, 74, 3, p. 426-431. 6698. RICHARDSON (Gunnar). Förtroligt och hemligt: kunglig utrikespolitik och svensk neutralitet under andra världskriget. (Cordiale et secrète: la politique étrangère du roi et la neutralité suédoise pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2007, 303 p. 6699. ROSLYNG-JENSEN (Palle). Danskerne og besættelsen: holdninger og meninger 1939–1945. (Les Danois et l'Occupation: attitudes et opinions 1939– 1945). København, Gad, 2007, 395 p. (ill.). 6700. RUTHERFORD (Phillip T.). Prelude to the final solution. The Nazi program for deporting ethnic Poles, 1939–1941. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XVI-328 p. 6701. Second World War (The). V. 1. The German war 1939–1942. V. 2. The German war 1943–1945. V. 3. The Japanese war 1941–1945. V. 4. The home fronts. V. 5. The Holocaust. V. 6. Causes and background. V. 7. Alliance politics and grand strategy. Ed. by Jeremy BLACK. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2007, 7 vol., XXI-561 p., XXI-472 p., XX-542 p., XX-477 p., XXIV-484 p., XX-500 p., XX-443 p. (ill., maps). 6702. SMITH (Hazel Knowles). The changing face of Channel Islands Occupation. Record, memory and myth. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 312 p. 6703. SSSR, Vostochnaja Evropa i Vtoraja mirovaja vojna, 1939–1941: Diskussii, kommentarii, razmyshle-



niia. (The USSR, Eastern Europe and the Second World War, 1939–1941: Discussions, commentaries, thoughts). Ed. Ts. Z. SLUCH. Moskva, Nauka, 2007, 486 p. 6704. Sverige och Nazityskland: skuldfrågor och moraldebatt. (La Suède et l'Allemagne nazie: culpabilité et débat moral). Red. Lars M. ANDERSSON, Mattias TYDÉN. Stockholm, Dialogos, 2007, 421 p. 6705. TRAùCĂ (Ottmar). AtaúaĠii de poliĠie SS din cadrul LegaĠiei Germane din Bucureúti úi influenĠa activităĠii lor asupra evoluĠiei relaĠiilor româno-germane, 1940í1944. (SS police attaches within the German Legation in Bucharest and the influence of their activity on the evolution of Romanian-German relations, 1940– 1944). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "George BariĠiu" din Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 46, p. 319-383. 6706. TWOMEY (Christina). Australia's forgotten prisoners. Civilians interned by the Japanese in World War Two. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, X-262 p. 6707. VALIŠ (ZdenČk). ýechoslováci v táborech a vČznicích NKVD za druhé svČtové války (1940–1944). VýbČr dokumentĤ z fondĤ Vojenského ústĜedního archivu a Archivu Ministerstva vnitra ýR. (Czechoslovaks in the NKVD camps and prisons during Second World War). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 2. Váleþní zajatci a internovaní. Ed. Meþislav BORÁK. Opava, 2007, p. 201324. 6708. VEGA (Bernardo). Trujillo y Haití. Vol. III. 1939–1946. La agresión contra Lescot. Santo Domingo, Fundación Cultural Dominicana, 2007, 381 p. (ill.). 6709. VELÁZQUEZ FLORES (Rafael). La política exterior de México durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Oaxaca, Universidad del Mar y México D. F., Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2007, 205 p. (Política). 6710. VIVIER (Thierry). L'armée française et la guerre d'Espagne: 1936–1939. Paris, Officine, 2007, 408 p. (ill., ports.). 6711. WADDINGTON (Lorna). Hitler's crusade: Bolshevism and the myth of the international Jewish conspiracy. London, Tauris, 2007, X-294 p. 6712. WILDANGEL (René). Zwischen Achse und Mandatsmacht: Palästina und der Nationalsozialismus. Berlin, Schwarz, 2007, 444 p. (ill.). (Studien / Zentrum Moderner Orient, Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V., 24).

b. Diplomacy. Economy ** 6715. Advocate for the doomed. The diaries and papers of James G. Mac Donald. Vol. 1932–1935. Ed. by Richard BREITMAN, Barbara MAC DONALD STEWART and Severin HOCHBERG. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, X-838 p. ** 6716. Aussenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich, 1918–1938 (ADÖ); Sonderband. Von SaintGermain zum Belvedere: Österreich und Europa 1919– 1955. Hrsg. v. Klaus KOCH [et al.]. Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik u. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 253 p. ** 6717. ýehoslovaþki diplomatski dokumenti za Makedonija, II. Tom. 1934–1939. (Czechoslovak diplomatic documents on Macedonia. Vol. II. 1934–1939). Eds. Novica VELJANOVSKI, Jan RYCHLÍK. Skopje, Državen Arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2007, [s. p.]. ** 6718. DEJMEK (JindĜich). Diplomatické dokumenty ýeskoslovenska za období 1.1.–31.7.1937. (Diplomatic documents of Czechoslovakia, 1.1.–31.7.1937). Praha, Ústav mezinárodních vztahĤ, 2007, 630 p. (Dokumenty þsl. zahraniþní politiky, A 19/1). ** 6719. FABELA (Isidro), RODRÍGUEZ (Luis I.). Diplomáticos de Cárdenas: una trinchera mexicana en la guerra civil (1936–1940). Con una introducción de Fernando SERRANO MIGALLÓN; edición y presentación de Manuel ORTUÑO MARTÍNEZ. Madrid, Trama Editorial, 2007, 180 p. (Largo recorrido. Barlovento). ** 6720. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne: 1938. Redaktor Marek KORNAT; wspóápraca Piotr DàUGOàĉCKI, Maria KONOPKA-WICHROWSKA i Marta PRZYàUSKA. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw MiĊdzynarodowych, 2007, LXV-894 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 6721. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne: 1939 wrzesieĔ–grudzieĔ. (I documenti diplomatic polacchi: 1939 settembre–dicembre). Redaktor Wojciech ROJEK; wspóápraca Piotr DàUGOàĉCKI, Maria KONOPKA-WICHROWSKA, Marta PRZYàUSKA. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw MiĊdzynarodowych, 2007, LXV-637 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 6722. RÉMY (Pierre-Jean). Diplomates en guerre: la Seconde guerre mondiale racontée à travers les Archives du Quai d'Orsay. Paris, Lattès, 2007, 1079 p.

6713. WRIGHT (Jonathan). Germany and the origins of the Second World War. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-223 p. (Making of the 20th century).

** 6723. SCHERNER (Jonas). Bericht zur deutschen Wirtschaftslage 1943/44. Eine Bilanz des Reichsministeriums für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion über die Entwicklung der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft bis Sommer 1944. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 3, p. 499-546.

6714. WYSS (Marco). Un Suisse au service de la SS Dr. Franz Riedweg et le "travail germanique" de la SS. Revue suisse d'histoire, 2007, 57, 4, p. 417-440.

** 6724. Stafford Cripps in Moscow 1940–1942. Diaries and papers. Ed. by Gabriel GORODETSKY. London a. Portland, Vallentine Mitchell, 2007, 253 p.

Cf. nos 3358, 3469, 3580, 3682, 3809, 3856, 4138, 4146, 4209, 4250, 6614, 6617, 6623, 6625, 6824, 6848, 6888, 6898


6725. CANALI (Mauro). Mussolini e il petrolio iracheno: l'Italia, gli interessi petroliferi e le grandi potenze.

7. FROM 1935 TO 1945. THE SECOND WORLD WAR Torino, Einaudi, 2007, XIII-204 p. (maps). (Gli struzzi, 628). 6726. CASINI (Fabio). Espansionismo giapponese e contromisure anglo-americane fra la due guerre: la missione Ingersoll (Londra, gennaio 1938). Siena, Nuova immagine, 2007, 142 p. (ill., maps). 6727. CRAWLEY (Andrew). Somoza and Roosevelt: good neighbour diplomacy in Nicaragua, 1933–1945. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 288 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 6728. ELORANTA (Jari), NUMMELA (Ilkka). Finnish nickel as a strategic metal, 1920–1944. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 4, p. 322-345. 6729. FERRO (Marc). Ils étaient sept hommes en guerre: 1918–1945: histoire parallèle. Paris, R. Laffont, 2007, 365 p. (ill., ports.). 6730. FIGALLO (Beatriz J.). Diplomáticos y marinos argentinos durante la crisis española: los asilos de la Guerra Civil. Buenos Aires, Librería Histórica, 2007, 264 p. (Colección Histórica, 23). 6731. FRIEDL (JiĜí). Na cestČ ke konfliktu. Kontakty þeskoslovenské exilové vlády s Polským výborem národního osvobození a polskou zatímní vládou. (Auf dem Weg zum Konflikt. Kontakte der tschechoslowakischen Exilregierung mit dem Polnischen Ausschuss für Nationalbefreiung und mit der Provisorischen Regierung Polens). Moderní dČjiny, 2007, 15, p. 239-285. 6732. GILLARD (David). Appeasement in crisis: from Munich to Prague, October 1938–March 1939. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave, 2007, VIII-221 p. 6733. HAGLUND (David G). Roosevelt as "Friend of France"–But which one? Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 5, p. 883-908. 6734. KAWAMURA (Noriko). Emperor Hirohito and Japan's decision to go to war with the United States: reexamined. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 1, p. 51-79. 6735. KERSHAW (Ian). Fateful choices: ten decisions that changed the world, 1940–1941. London, Allen Lane, 2007, XXIV-623 p. (ill.). 6736. LAMÉZEC (Yann). Le traité franco-britannique de Dunkerque: un traité oublié. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007, 157 p. (Mondes contemporains). 6737. LAVERY (Brian). Churchill goes to war: Winston's wartime journeys. London, Conway, 2007, 392 p. (ill., maps). 6738. LOOSE (Ingo). Kredite für NS-Verbrechen. Die deutschen Kreditinstitute in Polen und die Ausraubung der polnischen und jüdischen Bevölkerung, 1939í1945. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 495 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 75). 6739. LUNA TOBAR (Alfredo). La misión diplomática Sotomayor Luna ante la Santa Sede. Quito, Abya-Yala, 2007, 146 p.


6740. MAR'INA (Valentina V.). Sovetskij Sojuz i chekho-slovatskij vopros vo vremja Vtoroj mirovoj vojny: 1939–1945 gg. (The USSR and the question of Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, 1939– 1945). Book 1. 1939–1941 gg. Moskva, Indrik, 2007, 448 p. 6741. MILLER (Edward S.). Bankrupting the enemy. The US-financial siege of Japan before Pearl Harbor. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2007, XVI-323 p. 6742. NAUMOV (A.O.). Diplomaticheskaia bor'ba v Evrope nakanune Vtoroj mirovoj vojny. Istorija krizisa Versal'skoj sistemy. (Diplomatic struggle in Europe at the eve of the Second World War: a history of the crisis of Versailles system). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2007, 416 p. 6743. NEILSON (Keith). Perception and posture in Anglo-American relations: the legacy of the SimonStimson affair, 1932–1941. International history review, 2007, 29, 2, p. 313-337. 6744. RECORD (Jeffrey). The specter of Munich: reconsidering the lessons of appeasing Hitler. Washington, Potomac, 2007, XI-164 p. (maps). 6745. ROFE (J. Simon). Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy and the Welles mission. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 270 p. (ill.). (World of the Roosevelts). 6746. SCHWARZ (Stephan). Ernst Freiherr von Weizsäckers Beziehungen zur Schweiz (1933–1945): ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Diplomatie. Bern u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 706 p. (Geist und Werk der Zeiten, 101). 6747. SMETANA (Vít). Old Wine in New Bottles? British Policy towards Czechoslovakia, 1938–1939 and 1947–1948). In: Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe 1918–1948 [Cf. no 3469], p. 143-167. 6748. SU (Hungdah). The father of Europe in China: Jean Monnet and creation of the C.D.F.C. [China Development Finance Corporation] (1933–1936). Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 1, p. 9-24. 6749. THOMÀS (Joan Maria). Roosevelt y Franco: de la guerra civil española a Pearl Harbor. Barcelona, Edhasa, 2007, 659 p. (ill.). (Ensayo histórico Edhasa). 6750. TIERNEY (Dominic). FDR [Franklin Delano Roosevelt] and the Spanish Civil War: neutrality and commitment in the struggle that divided America. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, 223 p. (maps). (American encounters/global interactions). 6751. Travailler dans les entreprises sous l'Occupation: actes du Ve colloque du GDR du CNRS "Les entreprises françaises sous l'Occupation", tenu à Dijon, les 8 et 9 juin 2006 et à Besançon, les 12 et 13 octobre 2006. Textes réunis et présentés par Christian CHEVANDIER et Jean-Claude DAUMAS. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007, 523 p. (ill., maps). (Les cahiers de la MSH Ledoux, 10. Série Intelligence territorial, 5). 6752. VENN (Fiona). The Anglo-American oil war: international politics and the struggle for foreign petro-



leum, 1912–1945. London, I. B. Tauris, 2007, 288 p. (Library of international relations, 36). Cf. nos 3564, 4313, 6622, 6628, 6632, 6660, 6809, 6813, 6822, 6826, 6856, 6858, 6880, 6885 c. Military operations ** 6753. Bombardare Roma: gli alleati e la "città aperta" (1940–1944). A cura di Umberto GENTILONI SILVERI e Maddalena CARLI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 297 p. (Biblioteca storica). _______________________

6754. ANDERSEN (Jens). Tysk invasionsforsvar i Danmark 1940–1945. (Les défenses allemandes au Danemark 1940–1945). København, Statens Forsvarshistoriske Museum, 2007, 424 p. (ill.). (Forsvarshistoriske skrifter, 4). 6755. BJÖRKMAN (Leif). Det svenska vinterkriget 1939–1940: spioner, kontraspioner, intrigörer, krigsfångar. (La Guerre d'Hiver et la Suède 1939–1940: espionnage, contrespionnage, intrigues, prisonniers de guerre). Stockholm, Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2007, 293 p. 6756. CALDWELL (Donald), MULLER (Richard). The Luftwaffe over Germany. Defense of the Reich. London, Greenhill Books, 2007, 336 p. 6757. CALLAHAN (Raymond). Churchill and his generals. Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 2007, 310 p. 6758. COCHET (François). La cavalerie francaise à la lumière de la campagne de mai–juin 1940: compromis et rigidité. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 225, p. 47-61.

6765. GRIER (Howard D.). Hitler, Dönitz and the Baltic sea. The Third Reich's last hope, 1944–1945. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2007, XXII-287 p. 6766. GUINN (Gilbert S.), BENNETT (G.H.). British Naval aviation in World War II: the US Navy and AngloAmerican relations. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, XII-217 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 11). 6767. HARRISON (E.D.R.). On secret service for the Duce: Umberto Campini in Portuguese East Africa, 1941–1943. English historical review, 2007, 122, 499, p. 1318-1349. 6768. LUCAS (Peter). The OSS in World War II Albania: covert operations and collaboration with communist partisans. Foreword by Fatos TARIFA. Jefferson a. London, McFarland, 2007, IX-210 p. (ill., ports.). 6769. MAREK (JindĜich). PrĤzkumná þinnost þeskoslovenských vojákĤ v obleženém Tobruku (Ĝíjen–prosinec 1941). (Czechoslovak reconnaissance patrols in besieged Tobruk, October–December 1941). Historie a vojenství, 2007, 56, 1, p. 45-60. 6770. PATRICELLI (Marco). L'Italia sotto le bombe: guerra aerea e vita civile, 1940–1945. Roma, Laterza, 2007, XII-363 p. (ill., maps). (I Robinson. Letture). 6771. PATTINSON (Juliette). Behind enemy lines. Gender, passing and the special operations executive in the Second World War. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XV-236 p.

6759. Deutschland im Luftkrieg: Geschichte und Erinnerung. Hrsg. v. Dietmar SÜSS. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 152 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, 1).

6772. PENÍŽKOVÁ (Xenie), PTÁýNÍKOVÁ (SvČtlana). ýeskoslovenští letci pĤsobící za druhé svČtové války v RAF ve fondech Archivu bezpeþnostních složek MV ýR. Sv. 1. [Archive materials on Czechoslovak RAF pilots (so called "Past People") in Section 1 and 3 of the ABS Archive. Tomo 1]. Sborník Archivu bezpeþnostních složek, 2007, 5, p. 297-322.

6760. DOUGLAS (W. A. B.) [et al.]. A blue water navy. The official operational history of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War, 1943–1945. Vol. 2. Pt. 2. St. Catharines, Vanwell Publishing, 2007, XVII-650 p.

6773. Politics (The) and strategy of clandestine war: Special Operation Executive, 1940í1946. Ed. by Neville WYLIE. London, Routledge, 2007, VIII-214 p. (Cass series on intelligence and military affairs. Studies in intelligence series).

6761. ERBSLÖH (Philipp). Bombenangriffe auf Köln und Rotterdam im Vergleich: dargestellt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ausgewählter lokaler Presse. München, Grin, 2007, 144 p.

6774. RODRÍGUEZ JIMÉNEZ (José Luis). De héroes e indeseables: la División Azul. Madrid, Espasa, 2007, 391 p. (ill., maps). (Espasa fórum).

6762. GARRAUD (Philippe). La politique de fortification des frontières de 1925 à 1940: logiques, contraintes et usages de la "Ligne Maginot". Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 3-22. 6763. GLANTZ (David M.). Red storm over the Balkans: the failed Soviet invasion of Romania Spring 1944. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2007, XIV-448 p. (ill., maps, plans, ports.). (Modern war studies). 6764. GORDIN (Michael D.). Five days in August. How World War II became a nuclear war. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2007, XV-209 p.

6775. STANSKY (Peter). The first day of the blitz: September 7, 1940. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XII-212 p. Cf. nos 6626, 6644 d. Resistance ** 6776. LEWIN (Erwin). Antifaschistischer Widerstand in Albanien (1942–1943/44): neue Quellen zu Akteuren und Zielen. Leipzig, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Sachsen, 2007, 195 p. (Diskurs: Streitschriften zu Geschichte und Politik des Sozialismus, 24). _______________________

8. FROM 1945 6777. ARRIGHI (Paul). Silvio Trentin et le mouvement de résistance libérer et fédérer: "de la résistance vers la révolution". Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 226, p. 121-130. 6778. BRAKEL (Alexander). "Das allergefährlichste ist die Wut der Bauern." Die Versorgung der Partisanen und ihr Verhältnis zur Zivilbevölkerung. Eine Fallstudie zum Gebiet Baranowicze 1941–1944. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 3, p. 393-424. 6779. CAPOGRECO (Carlo Spartaco). Il piombo e l'argento: la vera storia del partigiano Facio [Dante Castellucci]. Roma, Donzelli, 2007, VIII-232 p. (ill.). (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). 6780. Femmes et résistance en Belgique et en zone interdite: 1940–1944: colloque organisé à Bondues par l'Institut de recherches historiques du septentrion (IRHiS) et la ville de Bondues le 28 janvier 2006. Ed. par Robert VANDENBUSSCHE. Villeneuve d'Ascq, IRHiS, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3, Centre de gestion de l'édition scientifique, 2007, 246 p. (ill.). (Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, 38). 6781. Jeunes (Les) et la Résistance. Sous la dir. de Laurence THIBAULT; préf. de Jean-Marie DELABRE. Paris, AERI, Documentation française, 2007, 191 p. (ill., map). (Cahiers de la résistance).


hower and Kennedy. London, I.B. Tauris, 2007, XXVI494 p. (ill.). (Library of international realtions, 30). 6788. BASTIEN (Frédéric). Les relations internationales de Montréal depuis 1945. Relations internationales, 2007, 130, p. 5-27. 6789. BEN-ZVI (Abraham). The origins of the American-Israeli alliance: the Jordanian factor. Abingdon, Routledge, 2007, XIV-111 p. (Israeli history, politics and society, 47). 6790. BOAS PEDERSEN (Michael). Danmark under den kolde krig: småstat mellem supermagter. (Le Danemark pendant la guerre froide: un petit Etat entre les grandes puissances). Frederiksberg, Frydenlund, 2007, 175 p. (ill.). 6791. CAIN (Frank). Economic statecraft during the Cold War: European responses to the US trade embargo. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XII-211 p. 6792. CALVO-GONZALEZ (Oscar). American military interests and economic confidence in Spain under the Franco dictatorship. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 3, p. 740-767. 6793. CEDERBERG (Björn). Kamrat spion: om Sverige i stasiarkiven. (Camarade espion: la Suède dans les archives de la Stasi). Stockholm, Mormor, 2007, 281 p.

6782. LIEB (Peter). Konventioneller Krieg oder NSWeltauschauungskrieg? Kriegsführung und Partisanenbekämpfung in Frankreich 1943/44. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, X-631 p. (Zeitgeschichte, 69).

6794. CHETAIL (Vincent). La banalité du mal de Dachau au Darfour: réflexion sur l'évolution du concept de génocide depuis 1945. Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 49-72.

6783. STRODS (Heinrihs). PSRS kaujinieki LatvijƗ (1941–1945). (USSR combatants in Latvia, 1941–1945). 2. Dokumenti i materiƗli. RƯga, Latvijas UniversitƗtes žurnƗla "Latvijas VƝsture" fonds, 2007, 415 p. (ill., ports., facsims.).

6795. COHEN (Michael J.). From 'Cold' to 'Hot' War: Allied strategic and military interests in the Middle East after the Second World War. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 5, p. 725-748.

6784. Widerstand in Österreich, 1938–1945: die Beiträge der Parlaments-Enquete 2005. Hrsg. v. Stefan KARNER und Karl DUFFEK. Graz u. Wien, Verein zur Förderung der Forschung von Folgen nach Konflikten und Kriegen, 2007, 316 p. (ill., map). (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung, Graz-Wien-Klagenfurt, 7). o

Cf. n 6768 § 8. From 1945. _______________________

a. General 6785. ÄLMEBERG (Roger). Hemliga förbindelser: DC-3:an, Sverige och det kalla kriget. (Le DC 3, la Suède et la Guerre froide). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2007, 464 p. 6786. BARBOSA (Carlos Alberto Leite). Desafio inacabado: a política externa de Jânio Quadros. São Paulo, Atheneu Cultura, 2007, XXIV-364 p. (ill.). 6787. BARRETT (Roby Carol). The greater Middle East and the Cold War: US foreign policy under Eisen-

6796. Controlling the uncontrollable? The Great Powers in the Middle East. Ed. by Tore T. PETERSEN. Trondheim, Tapir Academic Press, 2007, XII-114 p. 6797. COONEY (Kevin J.). Japan's foreign policy since 1945. Armonk, M.E. Sharpe, 2007, XX-295 p. (ill., maps). (An East Gate book). 6798. CROWSON (N. J.). The Conservative Party and European integration since 1945: at the heart of Europe. London, Routledge, 2007, XIII-306 p. (Routledge advances in European politics, 41). 6799. DECAUX (Emmanuel). La Sous-Commission des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, de 1947 à nos jours. Relations internationales, 2007, 132, p. 59-77. 6800. DIAKITÉ (Saloum). Sékou Touré face au Général de Gaulle. Dakar, Éditions feu de brousse, 2007, 330 p. 6801. East plays West: sport and the Cold War. Ed. by Stephen WAGG and David L. ANDREWS. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-338 p. 6802. ENGEL (Jeffrey A.). Cold War at 30000 feet. The Anglo-American fight for aviation supremacy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XI-351 p.



6803. Foreign policies of the major powers: politics and diplomacy since World War II. Vol. 1. United States of America. Ed. by Pauline EADIE and Lloyd PETTIFORD. Vol. 2. The Soviet Union and Russia. Ed. by Owen N. WORTH and Lloyd PETTIFORD. Vol. 3. China and Japan. Ed. by Phoebe MOORE and Lloyd PETTIFORD. Vol. 4. Europe. Ed. by Chris WHITE and Lloyd PETTIFORD. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2007, 4 vol., XII-388 p., XII-430 p., XII-294 p., XI424 p. (Tauris guides to international relations).

6816. MOHD NOOR YAZID. Hegemonic powers, radical politics and developmental state: the case of Indonesia-Malaysia political relations during the Cold War. Kota Kinabalu, Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2007, 322 p. 6817. NUTI (Leopoldo). La sfida nucleare: la politica estera italiana e le armi atomiche, 1945–1991. Bologna, Il mulino, 2007, 425 p. (Ricerca).

6804. GODA (Norman J. W.). Tales from Spandau: Nazi criminals and the Cold War. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XIII-390 p. (ill.).

6818. PETRUF (Pavol). ýeskoslovenská zahraniþná politika 1945–1992. (Vybrané udalosti a fakty v dátumoch). (La politique internationale tchécoslovaque 1945–1992. Les évènements et faits choisis en dates). Bratislava, Prodama spoloþnosĢ s r. o., 2007, 541 p.

6805. GOODMAN (M. S.). Spying on the bear. AngloAmerican intelligence and the Soviet bomb. Palo Alto, Stanford U. P., 2007, 320 p.

6819. PHYTHIAN (Mark). The Labour Party, war and international relations, 1945–2006. London, Routledge, 2007, X-189 p.

6806. HEYDE (Veronika). Le mouvement fédéraliste français "La Fédération", les Americains et l'Unité Européenne. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 2, p. 169.

6820. Plánování nemyslitelného. ýeskoslovenské váleþné plány 1950–1990. (Planning the unthinkable. Czechoslovak military plans, 1950–1990). Ed. Petr LUĕÁK. Praha, DokoĜán, 2007, 439 p. (tab.).

6807. HORNE (Gerald). Cold War in a hot zone: the United States confronts labor and independence struggles in the British West Indies. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2007, 262 p. (ill.).

6821. Portugal e a integração Europeia, 1945–1986: a perspectiva dos actores. Organização de Nuno SEVERIANO TEIXEIRA e António COSTA PINTO. Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2007, 224 p.

6808. HOVE (Mark T.). The Arbenz factor: Salvador Allende, U.S.-Chilean relations, and the 1954 U.S. intervention in Guatemala. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 4, p. 623-663.

6822. RUCHNIEWICZ (Krzysztof). Polskie zabiegi o odszkodowania niemieckie w latach 1944/45–1975. (Polish efforts to obtein German compensation, 1944/45–1975). Wrocáaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocáawskiego, 2007, 341 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2930. Historia, 174).

6809. Italia all'ONU (L'), 1939–1999: gli anni con Paolo Fulci: quando la diplomazia fa gioco di squadra. A cura di Ranieri TALLARIGO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, 210 p. (ill.). (Collana di studi diplomatici, 13). 6810. KENNEDY-PIPE (Caroline). The origins of the cold war. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, VIII-193 p. 6811. LEFFLER (Melvyn P.). For the soul of mankind: the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War. New York, Hill and Wang, 2007, XX-586 p. (ill.). 6812. LERNER (Mitchell). Biting the land that feeds you: North Korea and the United States in the Cold War and beyond. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 831-869. 6813. LOCKWARD (Angel). Informes secretos: de Trujillo a Franco. Ciudad Universitaria, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana, Editora Universitaria, UASD, 2007, 316 p. (Colección Historia y sociedad, 123). 6814. Long war (The): a new history of US national security policy since World War II. Ed. by Andrew J. BACEVICH. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIV-586 p. 6815. MAZURKIEWICZ (Anna). Dyplomacja Stanów Zjednoczonych wobec wyborów w Polsce w latach 1947 i 1989. (Diplomacy of the United States against the elections in Poland in 1947 and 1989). Warszawa, Wydawn. Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, 2007, 319 p.

6823. SATTAR (Abdul). Pakistan's foreign policy 1947– 2005: a concise history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, XII-329 p. (maps, ports.). 6824. SMITH (R. B.). Changing visions of East Asia, 1943–1993: transformations and continuities. Ed. by Chad J. MITCHAM. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XV-260 p. 6825. STÖVER (Bernd). Der Kalte Krieg 1947–1991. Geschichte eines radikalen Zeitalters. München, Beck, 2007, 528 p. 6826. SUTTON (Michael). France and the construction of Europe, 1944–2007: the geopolitical imperative. Oxford, Berghahn, 2007, XIV-366 p. (Berghahn monographs in French studies). 6827. SWAMI (Praveen). India, Pakistan and the secret jihad: the covert war in Kashmir, 1947–2004. London, Routledge, 2007, IX-258 p. (Asian security studies). 6828. UNGERER (Carl). Influence without power: middle powers and arms control diplomacy during the Cold War. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 2, p. 393414. 6829. Vier Mächte (Die) in Berlin: Beiträge zur Politik der Alliierten in der besetzten Stadt. Hrsg. v. Michael BIENERT, Uwe SCHAPER und Andrea THEISSEN; unter Mitarbeit von Werner BREUNIG. Berlin, Landesarchiv

8. FROM 1945 Berlin, 2007, 264 p. (ill., maps). (Schriftenreihe des Landesarchivs Berlin, 9). 6830. WAGNER (Armin), UHL (Matthias). BND contra Sowjetarmee: westdeutsche Militärspionage in der DDR. Herausgegeben vom Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt. Berlin, Links, 2007, VIII-294 p. (Militärgeschichte der DDR, 14). 6831. WISWA WARNAPALA (W. A.). Sri Lanka Soviet relations: a study in retrospect. Colombo, Godage International Publishers, 2007, 278 p. (ill.). 6832. XU (Guangqiu). Congress and the U.S.-China relationship, 1949–1979. Akron, University of Akron Press, 2007, XI-407 p. (maps). (Series on international, political, and economic history). 6833. ZINOV'EV (Georgij V.). Istoriia amerikanokitajskikh otnoshenij i tajvan'skij vopros. (The relations between the USA and China and the question of Taiwan). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomsk. gos. un-ta, 2007, 347 p. (bibl. incl.). [Text partly in English] 6834. ZUBOK (Vladislav M.). A failed empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, XVI-467 p. (ill., ports.). (New Cold War history). Cf. nos 6375, 6672 b. 19451956 ** 6835. British documents on foreign affairs: reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. General eds. Paul Preston and Michae Partridge. Pt. 5. From 1951 through 1956. Ser. A. The Soviet Union and Finland, 1953. Ed. by Daniel KOWALSKY. Vol. 3. The Soviet Union and Finland, 1953. Ser. B. Near and middle east 1953. Ed. by Bülent GÖKAY. Vol. 5. Afghanistan, Turkey, Persia, Iraq and The Middle East (general), 1953. Vol. 6. Arabia, Lebanon, Israel, Syria and Jordan, 1953. Ser. C. North America 1953. Ed. by Iwan MORGAN. Vol. 3. United States, 1953. Ser. D. Latin America 1953. Ed. by James DUNKERLEY. Vol. 3. Latin America, 1953. Ser. E. Asia, 1953. Ed. by Anthony BEST. Vol. 4. China, Japan and Korea, 1953. Vol. 5. Siam, Burma, South East Asia, Indochina, Indonesia, Nepal and the Philippines, 1953. Ser. F. Europe 1953. Ed. by N. Piers LUDLOW. Vol. 10. Germany, France, Western Europe (general), 1953. Vol. 11. Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Roumania, Yugoslavia and Albania, 1953. Vol. 12. Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, 1953. Vol. 13. Greece, Italy and Trieste, Portugal, Spain, The Vatican, 1953. Ser. G. Africa 1953. Ed. by Peter WOODWARD. Vol. 3. Africa (general), Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, Libya, 1953. Bethesda, LexisNexis, 2007, 12 vol., XX-468 p., XXIII-421 p., XXIII-402 p., XIX-454 p., XXI-587 p., XXV-477 p., XXV-445 p., XX-622 p., XX-436 p., XX450 p., XX-432 p., XX-408 p. ** 6836. Documenti diplomatici Italiani (I). Serie 11. Vol. 3. 1948–1953. 1 luglio 1949–26 gennaio 1950. Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca Dello Stato, 2007, 729 p.


** 6837. Documents diplomatiques français, 1940– 1954. Ministère des affaires étrangères, Commission des archives diplomatique. 1947. Tome 1. 1er janvier-30 juin. Bruxelles, PIE-P. Lang et Paris, Ministère des affaires étrangères, 2007, XLI-1125 p. ** 6838. Foreign relations of the United States, 1950–1955: the intelligence community 1950–1955. Editors Douglas KEANE, Michael WARNER; general editor Edward C. KEEFER. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 2007, XXX-839 p. (Department of State publication, 11441). ** 6839. Gouverneursbesprechungen: die deutschen Protokolle der Besprechungen zwischen Vertretern der Regierung von Württemberg-Hohenzollern und der französischen Militärregierung in Tübingen 1945–1952. Bearbeitet von Frank RABERG; herausgegeben von Edwin Ernst WEBER. Konstanz, Edition Isele, 2007, 445 p. (ill., map, ports.). (Documenta suevica, 13). ** 6840. Istruzioni agli ambasciatori e inviati medicei in Spagna e nell'"Italia spagnola", 1536–1648. 1. 1536– 1586. A cura di Alessandra CONTINI e Paola VOLPINI. 2. 1587–1648. A cura di Francesco MARTELLI e Cristina GALASSO. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Fonti, 47). ** 6841. SEMENOV (V.M). Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnoshenija, 1949–1952. Dokumenty. (The relations between the USSR and the USA, 1949–1952: Documents). Ed. Grigorij N. SEVOST'IANOV. Moskva, Materik, 2006, 702 p. ** 6842. Stalins großer Bluff: die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Peter RUGGENTHALER. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 256 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 95). ** 6843. Vasfüggöny keleten: iratok a magyar-román kapcsolatok történetérĘl, 1948–1955. (Iron Curtain in the East: documents the history of Hungarian-Romanian relations, 1948–1955). Válogatta, sajtó alá rendezte, szerkesztette, a bevezetĘ tanulmányt és a jegyzeteket írta FÜLÖP Mihály és VINCZE Gábor. Debrecen, Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2007, 392 p. (maps, ports.). ** 6844. Zaolzie w œwietle szyfrogramów polskiej placówki dyplomatycznej w Pradze oraz Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych w Warszawie 1945–1949. (TransOlza in the light of coded telegrams from the Polish diplomatic representation in Prague and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw in 1945–1949). Ed. JiĜí FRIEDL. ýeský TČšín, Kongres Polaków w Republice Czeskiej, 2007, 335 p. (Bibliotheca Tessinensis, 3/2). _______________________

6845. 1956: the Polish October in world politics. Ed. by Jan ROWIēSKI; in cooperation with Tytus JASKUàOWSKI. Warsaw, Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2007, 353 p. 6846. ALVAH (Donna). Unofficial ambassadors: American military families overseas and the Cold War,



1946–1965. New York, New York U. P., 2007, XI-291 p. (ill.).

BÉKÉS Csaba. Budapest, 1956-os Intézet, Gondolat Kiadó, 2007, 404 p.

6847. ALVAREZ (David). Trying to make the MAGIC last: American diplomatic codebreaking in the early Cold War. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 5, p. 865–882.

6861. FEJÈRDY (Gergely). La réaction diplomatique d'un petit pays européen face à l'insurrection hongroise de 1956: la Belgique. Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 117-137.

6848. ALVES (Vágner Camilo). Da Itália à Coréia: decisões sobre ir ou não à guerra. Belo Horizonte, Editora UFMG e Rio de Janeiro, IUPERJ, 2007, 268 p. (Coleção Origem). 6849. AMPIAH (Kweku). The political and moral imperatives of the Bandung Conference of 1955: the reactions of the US, UK and Japan. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2007, X-252 p. 6850. AUNESLUOMA (Juhana), PETERSSON (Magnus), SILVA (Charles). Deterrence or reassurance? Nordic responses to the first Détente, 1953–1956. Scandinavian journal of history, 2007, 32, 2, p. 183-208. 6851. BEN-DROR (Elad). The Arab struggle against partition: the international arena of summer 1947. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 2, p. 259-293. 6852. BONNEVILLE (Anne-Claire). Le différend angloégyptien à propos du Soudan (1947). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 1, p. 5-20. 6853. BRADSHAW (Tancred). History invented: the British–Transjordanian 'collusion' revisited. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 1, p. 21-43. 6854. CONSTANTINIU (Florin), POP (Adrian). Schisma roúie. România úi declanúarea conflictului sovietoiugoslav (1948–1950). (The red schism. Romania and the triggering of Soviet-Yugoslavian conflict, 1948– 1950). Bucureúti, Editura Compania, 2007, 256 p. 6855. CUHRA (Jaroslav). Der Vatikan und die Tschechoslowakei 1945–1948. In: Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938–1948 [Cf. no 4523], p. 323-330. 6856. DIMITROV (Vesselin). Stalin's Cold War: Soviet foreign policy, democracy and communism in Bulgaria, 1941–1948. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 1 online resource (264 p.). (Global conflict and security since 1945). 6857. DOST (Pinar). Perception d'une menace soviétique et intérêts nationaux croisés: les relations turcoaméricaines de 1945 à la fin des années 50. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 1, p. 75-91. 6858. DRAGIŠIû (Petar). Jugoslovensko-bugarski odnosi 1944–1949. (Relazioni jugoslavo-bulgare, 1944– 1949). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2007, 270 p. (Biblioteka "Studije i monografije" / Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 38).

6862. FRANK (Matthew). Expelling the Germans: British opinion and post-1945 population transfer in context. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, X-320 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 6863. FRIEDMAN (Hal M.). Governing the American Lake: the US defense and administration of the Pacific, 1945–1947. East Lansing, Michigan State U. P., 2007, XXXI-276 p. (ill., maps). 6864. GINAT (Rami). Egypt's efforts to unite the Nile Valley: diplomacy and propaganda, 1945–1947. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 2, p. 193-222. 6865. GOODMAN (Michael). With a little help from my friends: the Anglo-American Atomic intelligence partnership, 1945–1958. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 155-183. 6866. HATZIVASSILIOU (Evanthis). Heirs of the kingmakers: the British Embassy in Athens, 1951–1961. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 3, p. 573-591. 6867. HIVERT (Émilia Robin). Le facteur allemand dans la politique soviétique à l'égard de la construction européenne (1947í1957). Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 9-20. 6868. JENSEN-ERIKSEN (Niklas). The first wave of the Soviet oil offensive: the Anglo-American Alliance and the flow of 'Red Oil' to Finland during the 1950s. Business history, 2007, 49, 3, p. 348-366. 6869. JOHNSON (Molly Wilkinson). The Friedensfahrt: international sports and East German socialism in the 1950s. International history review, 2007, 29, 1, p. 57-82. 6870. KAPLAN (Lawrence S.). Nato 1948: the birth of the transatlantic alliance. With the assistance of Morris HONICK. Lanham a. Plymouth, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, XI-273 p. 6871. KECSKÉS (Gusztáv D.). Franciaország és a magyar forradalom, 1956. (France and the Hungarian Revolution, 1956). Budapest, História, MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2007, 317 p. (História könyvtár. 22. Monográfiák). 6872. KOOP (Volker). Besetzt: britische Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland. Berlin, Be.bra Verlag, 2007, 327 p. (ill.).

6859. ETMANSKI (Johannes). Das Deutschlandbild in der polnischen Wochenschau und die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen, 1945–1956. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2007, VI-261 p.

6873. KRAKOVSKÝ (Roman). Une représentation de la guerre froide: le camp de la paix et le camp de la guerre en Tchécoslovaquie (1948–1960). Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 21-35.

6860. Evolúció és revolúció: Magyarország és a nemzetközi politika 1956-ban. (Evolution and revolution: Hungary and international politics in 1956). Szerk.

6874. LAFOND (Patrick). Pierre Mendès France et l'Italie: une grande influence méconnue? Relations internationales, 2007, 130, p. 65-85.

8. FROM 1945


6875. LE PAGE (Jean-Marc). Les Occidentaux face à la menace chinoise en Asie du Sud-est (1949–1956). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 1, p. 21-40.

6888. PHAYER (Michael). Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War. Bloomington a. Indianapolis, Indiana U. P., 2007, XVI-333 p.

6876. LORENZINI (Sara). L'Italia e il trattato di pace del 1947. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 218 p. (Universale paperbacks, 514).

6889. QING (Simei). From allies to enemies: visions of modernity, identity, and U.S.-China diplomacy, 1945–1960. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, XII-396 p.

6877. LUKES (Igor). Ein nachrichtendienstliches Versagen. Die Amerikaner und die kommunistische Machtergreifung in der Tschechoslowakei 1948. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 2, p. 201-236. 6878. Magyar forradalom (A) és hispán világ, 1956. The Hungarian Revolution and the Hispanic wolrd, 1956). Szerk. ANDERLE Ádám. Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Hispanisztika Tanszék, 2007, 173 p. 6879. MarshallĤv plán: šedesát let poté. (Marshall's plan: sixty years after). Ed. JindĜich DEJMEK, Marek LOUŽEK. Praha, Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku, 2007, 187 p. (Ekonomika, právo, politika, 61). 6880. MISCAMBLE (Wilson D.). From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, XX-393 p. (ill.). 6881. MIYASHITA (Yuichiro). La France et la signature du traité de paix avec le Japon en 1951. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2007, 121, 1, p. 59-74. 6882. NEVILLE (Peter). Britain in Vietnam: prelude to disaster, 1945–1946. London, Routledge, 2007, XVI232 p.

6890. RADVANOVSKÝ (ZdenČk). The Transfer of Czechoslovakia's Germans and its impact in the border region after the Second World War. In: Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe 1918–1948 [Cf. no 3469], p. 217-229. 6891. RAFLIK (Jenny). Lorsque l'OTAN s'est installée en France... Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 3749. 6892. RISSO (Linda). Against rearmament or against integration? The PCI and PCF's Opposition to the European defence community and the Western European Union, 1950–1955. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 11-32. í EADEM. Divided we stand: the French and Italian political parties and the rearmament of West Germany, 1949–1955. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2007, XIV-295 p. (ill.). 6893. RODEGHERO (Carla Simone). Capítulos da Guerra Fria: o anticomunismo brasileiro sob o olhar norte-americano (1945–1964). Porto Alegre, UFRGS Editora, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2007, 269 p. (ill., facsims.).

6883. OSMONT (Matthieu). De nouvelles relations? L'ouverture de l'ambassade de France à Bonn en 1955. Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 67-83.

6894. SAPPINO (Sara). Il rilancio del processo d'integrazione europeo visto da Washington (1955–1957). Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 2007, 74, 1, p. 5170.

6884. PAàYS (Piotr). Czechosáowackie roszczenia graniczne wobec Polski, 1945–1947: Racibórz, Gáubczyce, Káodzko. (Czechoslovakian claims against the Polish border, 1945–1947: Raciborz, Gáubczyce, Káodzko. Opole, Wydawnictwo i Agencja Informacyjna "WAW" Grzegorz Wawoczny, 2007, 169 p. (ill., ports., facsims.).

6895. SCHNAKENBERG (Ulrich). Democracy-building: britische Einwirkungen auf die Entstehung der Verfassungen Nordwestdeutschlands 1945–1952. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2007, 296 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 237).

6885. Paul-Henri Spaak et la France: actes du colloque organisé à l'occasion de la remise, par la Fondation Paul-Henri Spaak, à l'Université catholique de Louvain, des CD-roms reproduisant les archives de PaulHenri Spaak, Louvain-la-Neuve, 15–16 mai 2006. Textes réunis par Geneviève DUCHENNE, Vincent DUJARDIN et Michel DUMOULIN. Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 300 p. (Bibliothèque de la fondation Paul-Henri Spaak).

6896. SERRÃO (Joaquim Veríssimo). História de Portugal. Vol. 17. O terceiro mundo contra o Portugal ultramarino, 1951–1960. Pt. 2. História diplomática, institucional, económica e cultural. Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 2007, 545 p. (ill., ports.).

6886. PETROV (B.). Comradeship on trial: Bulgarian Communist Party – Communist Party of Greece relations during the Greek civil war. Etudes balkaniques, 2007, 1, p. 41-56. 6887. PETROVIû (Vladimir). Jugoslavija stupa na Bliski istok: stvaranje jugoslovenske bliskoistoþne politike 1946–1956. (Yugoslavia comes to the Middle East: the creation of the Yugoslav Near East policy 1946–1956). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2007, 261 p. (ill.). (Studije i monografije, 53).

6897. SMITH (Simon C.). Integration and Disintegration: The Attempted Incorporation of Malta into the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 1, p. 49-71. 6898. SMITH (T.O.). Britain and the origins of the Vietnam War: UK policy in Indo-China, 1943–1950. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XIII-229 p. (ill., maps). (Global conflict and security since 1945). 6899. STANċK (Tomáš). ýeskoslovenští obþané v systému GUPVI NKVD-MVD v SSSR v letech 1945– 1956 a nČmeþtí váleþní zajatci v ýeskoslovensku v etapČ 1945–1950. (Czechoslovak citizens in the system GUPVI NKVD-MVD in the USSR in 1945–1956 and



German prisoners of war in Czechoslovakia in 1945– 1950). In: Perzekuce þeskoslovenských obþanĤ v SovČtském svazu (1918–1956). 2, Váleþní zajatci a internovaní. Ed. Meþislav BORÁK. Opava, 2007, p. 15-156. 6900. TAKATORI (Yuki). 'America's' war crimes trial? Commonwealth leadership at the International military tribunal for the Far East, 1946–1948. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 4, p. 549-568. 6901. VARDABASSO (Valentina). La CED était-elle déjà morte en 1953? Le poids du facteur italien dans son échec (janvier–mars 1953). Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 51-65. í EADEM. La Convention européenne des droits de l'homme. (Rome, le 4 novembre 1950). Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 73-90. 6902. Vacat. 6903. WENKEL (Christian). Inquiétudes parlementaires. La perception du problème allemand à travers les débats de la commission des Affaires étrangères de l'Assemblée nationale, 1949–1955. Relations internationales, 2007, 129, p. 85-102. 6904. WOODS (Jeff). Richard B. Russell: Southern nationalism and American foreign policy. Lanham,: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007, XXI-173 p. (ill.). (Biographies in American foreign policy). 6905. ZONOVA (Tatiana V.). Budapest in the context of Cold and Hot Wars. Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 2007, 74, 2, p. 198-211.

bindung mit Daniel HOFMANN. München, Oldenbourg, 2007, 1065 p. ** 6910. FƖRIS AL-FƖRIS (Muhammad). Juzur alImƗrƗt al-muhtallah wa-mubƗhathƗt al-ittihƗd al-tusƗ'Ư: qirƗ'ah fƯ al-wathƗ'iq al-BarƯƗnƯyah li-ǥƗmay, 1971– 1972. [Contains documents in Arabic and English relating to the Emirates-Iran dispute over Abu Musa Island and the Tunbs, and Great Britain's involvement therein]. ǥAmmƗn, al-AhlƯyah, 2007, 292 p. (ill., facsims.). ** 6911. Foreign relations of the United States, 1969–1976. General editor Edward C. KEEFER. Vol. 18. China, 1973–1976. Editor David P. NICKLES. Vol. 29. Eastern Europe; Eastern Mediterranean, 1969–1972. Editors James E. MILLER, Douglas E. SELVAGE, Laurie VAN HOOK. Vol. 30. Greece; Cyprus; Turkey, 1973– 1976. Editor Laurie VAN HOOK. Vol. 39. European security, 1969–1976. Edtior Douglas E. SELVAGE. Vol. 40. Germany and Berlin, 1969–1972. Editor David C. GEYER. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 2007, 5 vol., XXXI-1002 p., XLIV-1160 p., XXIX-873 p., XXXVIII-1131 p., XXXII-1142 p. (Department of State publication, 11442, 11443, 11444, 11445, 11446). ** 6912. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne: 1974. Redaktorzy Aleksander KOCHAēSKI i Mikoáaj MORZYCKI-MARKOWSKI. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw MiĊdzynarodowych, 2007, 835 p.

c. From 1956

** 6913. Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnoshenija. Gody razriadki, 1969–1976. Sb. dokumentov. (The relations between the USSR and the USA: The years of relaxation, 1969–1976: Documents). MID RF; Gos. dep. SShA. Vol. 1. 1969–mai 1972. Book 1. 1969í1971. Book 2. Janvar'–mai 1972. Moskva, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 2007, 2 vol., 725 p., 622 p.

** 6906. Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1976. Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee PAUTSCH; Bearbeiter Matthias PETER, Michael PLOETZ und Tim GEIGER. Band 1. 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1976. Band 2. 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 1976. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2007, 2 vol., LXXXVI-1868 p.

6914. 1956 Hungarian revolution (The) and the Soviet bloc countries: reactions and repercussions. Ed. by János M. RAINER and Katalin SOMLAI. Budapest, Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 2007, 152 p. [Cf. no 6997.]

Cf. nos 3469, 3981, 4388, 4678, 5411, 6708, 6716, 6747, 6773, 6787, 6916, 6920, 6923, 6929, 6937, 6949, 6951, 6953, 6956, 6970, 6973, 6979, 6990, 7002, 7004

** 6907. Auswärtige Ausschuss (Der) des Deutschen Bundestages: Sitzungsprotokolle, 1969–1972. Eingeleitet von Wolfgang HÖLSCHER; bearbeitet von Joachim WINTZER und Wolfgang HÖLSCHER; unter Mitwirkung von Benedikt WINTGENS, Stephanie URBACH und Gaby SONNABEND. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2007, 2 vol., CLXIII1783 p. u. 1 CD-ROM. (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien. Vierte Reihe, Deutschland seit 1945, 13/VI). ** 6908. Documents relatifs aux relations extérieures. 27. 1960. Sous la direction de Janice CAVELL [et al.]. Ottawa, Ministere des affaires international, Department of foreign affairs and international trade, 2007, LVIII1361 p. (ill.). ** 6909. Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik. 6. Reihe. Bd. 4. 1. Januar 1975 bis 31. Dezember 1976. Bearbeitet von Hans-Heinrich JANSEN, Monika KAISER in Ver-


6915. ABRAHAM (Nils). Die politische Auslandsarbeit der DDR in Schweden. Zur Public Diplomacy der DDR gegenüber Schweden nach der diplomatischen Anerkennung (1972í1989). Münster, Lit Verlag, 2007, 554 p. 6916. AGGER (Jonathan Søborg). Ikke-provokation, beroligelse og afspænding, karakteren af dansk imødekommende politik over for Sovjetunionen 1949–1969. (Non-provocation, apaisement et détente: la politique du Danemark vis-à-vis de l'Union soviétique 1949– 1969). København, Det humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns universitet, 2007, 295 p. 6917. AHLBERG (Kristin L.). "Machiavelli with a heart": the Johnson administration's Food for Peace Program in India, 1965–1966. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 4, p. 665-701.

8. FROM 1945 6918. ALDRIGHI (Clara). La intervención de Estados Unidos en Uruguay (1965–1973). T. 1. El caso Mitrione. Montevideo, Trilce, 2007, [s. p.] 6919. ANTON (Mioara). Ieúirea din cerc. Politica externă a regimului Gheorghiu-Dej. (The turning point. Foreign policy of Gheorghiu-Dej system). Bucureúti, Editura Institutului NaĠional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2007, 222 p. 6920. Äthiopien in den politischen Berichten der österreichischen Diplomatie = Ethiopia in Austrian diplomatic reports. Teil 1. 1948–1974. Die Epoche von Kaiser Haile Selassie = The period of Emperor Haile Selassie. Hrsg. v. Rudolf AGSTNER. Addis Abeba, Austrian Embassy, 2007, [s. p.] (Occasional paper / Austrian Embassy Addis Abeba, 4/2007). 6921. BAIN (Mervyn J.). Soviet-Cuban relations, 1985 to 1991: changing perceptions in Moscow and Havana. Lanham a. Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2007, XII-151 p. (ill.). 6922. BERDAT (Christophe). L'avènement de la politique méditerranéenne globale de la CEE. Relations internationales, 2007, 130, p. 87-109. 6923. BOTHWELL (Robert). Alliance and illusion: Canada and the world, 1945–1984. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2007, XVI-464 p. 6924. BRACKE (Maud). From the Atlantic to the Urals? Italian and French communism and the question of Europe, 1956–1973. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 33-54. 6925. BRANDS (Hal). Richard Nixon and economic nationalism in Latin America: the problem of expropriations, 1969–1974. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 215-235. 6926. British-Egyptian relations from Suez to the present day. Ed. by Noel BREHONY and Ayman ELDESOUKY. London a. Berkeley, Saqi, 2007, 334 p. (ill.). (SOAS Middle East issues). 6927. BRUZELIUS (Nils). "Near friendly or neutral shores": the deployment of the fleet ballistic missile submarines and US policy towards Scandinavia, 1957í 1963. (Rivages presque amis ou neutres: la politique américaine envers la Scandinavie 1957í1963 et le déploiement de sa flotte sous-marine). Stockholm, Avd. för teknik- och vetenskapshistoria, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2007, 109 p. (Stockholm papers in history and philosophy of technology/Forum navale, 22).


6930. CIOBOTEA (Dinică), MARINAù (Ileana). Din istoria relaĠiilor româno-franceze. Vizita generalului De Gaulle la Craiova. (From the history of RomanianFrench relations. Visit of general De Gaulle to Craiova). Craiova, Editura Aius, 2007, 231 p. 6931. Cold War (The) in the Middle East: regional conflict and the superpowers, 1967–1973. Ed. by Nigel J. ASHTON. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, X212 p. (Cold War history series, 19). 6932. CORSE (Theron). Protestants, revolution, and the Cuba-U.S. bond. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, XI-195 p. 6933. D'OTTAVIO (Gabriele). The Treaties of Rome: continuity and discontinuity in SPD's Europe policy. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 103-114. 6934. DUNLEA (Claudia). Charles de Gaulle und das Scheitern einer europäischen Diplomatie. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 3, p. 463-486. 6935. ELLI (Mauro). Politica estera ed ingegneria nucleare: i rapporti del Regno Unito con l'EURATOM, 1957–1963. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2007, 160 p. (Collana Politica estera e opinione pubblica). 6936. ELLISON (James). The United States, Britain and the transatlantic crisis. Rising to the Gaullist challenge, 1963–1968. Basingtoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-263 p. 6937. ENGLER (Katja). Die deutsche Frage im Nahen Osten: politische Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Irak und zu Jordanien 1951–1965. Berlin, Lit, 2007, 176 p. (Chemnitzer Beiträge zur Politik und Geschichte, 2). 6938. European commission 1958–1972 (The). History and memories. Ed. by Michel DUMOULIN. Luxembourg, Office for Offical Publications of the European Communities, 2007, 626 p. 6939. European integration and the Cold War: Ostpolitik-Westpolitik, 1965–1973. Ed. by N. Piers LUDLOW. London, Routledge, 2007, VIII-194 p. (Cold War history series). 6940. FAIVRE (Maurice). Le retrait des forces soviétiques d'Europe de l'est. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2007, 228, p. 135-138. 6941. FERRARO (Matthew F.). "Tough going": AngloAmerican relations and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Lincoln, iUniverse, 2007, XVI-141 p.

6928. BURIGANA (David). L'Europe, s'evolera-t-elle? Le lancement d'Airbus et le sabordage d'une coopération aéronautique "communautaire" (1965–1978). Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 1, p. 91-110.

6942. FÖLDES (György). Magyarország, Románia és a nemzetiségi kérdés: 1956–1989. (Hungary, Romania and the nationality issue: 1956–1989). Budapest, Napvilág Kiadó, 2007, 562 p.

6929. CESARI (Laurent). Les droits de l'homme à l'époque de la guerre du Viêt-Nam. Relations internationales, 2007, 132, p. 5-21. í IDEM. Les grandes puissances et le Laos: 1954–1964. Arras, Artois presses université, 2007, 374 p. (maps). (Histoire).

6943. FONSECA (Ana Mónica). A força das armas: o apoio da República Federal da Alemanha ao Estado Novo (1958–1968). Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Instituto Diplomático, 2007, 241 p. (Biblioteca diplomática. Série D, Teses, 7).



6944. GINOR (Isabella), REMEZ (Gideon). Foxbats over Dimona: the Soviets' nuclear gamble in the SixDay War. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, XI287 p. (maps). 6945. GRAY (William Glenn). Floating the system: Germany, the United States, and the breakdown of Bretton Woods, 1969–1973. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 2, p. 295-323. 6946. GREINER (Bernd). Krieg ohne Fronten: Die USA in Vietnam. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, 2007, 595 p. 6947. GUARNA (Luigi). L'amministrazione Carter e l'Italia. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 11921220. 6948. GUSTAFSON (Kristian). Hostile intent: U.S. covert operations in Chile, 1964–1974. Washington, Potomac Books, 2007, XIV-317 p. 6949. HAASE (Christian). Pragmatic peacemakers: institutes of international affairs and the liberalization of West Germany 1945–1973. Augsburg, Wißner-Verlag, 2007, 294 p. (Beiträge zur England-Forschung, 58). 6950. HARTMUT (Philippe). "The Germans hold the key": Anglo-German relations and the second British approach to Europe. Augsburg, Wissner-Verlag, 2007, 216 p. (Beiträge zur England-Forschung, 57). 6951. HINDENBURG (Hannfried von). Demonstrating reconciliation: state and society in West German foreign policy toward Israel, 1952–1965. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2007, VII-229 p.

6958. KEESE (Alexander). First lessons in neocolonialism: the personalisation of relations between African politicians and French officials in sub-Saharan Africa, 1956–1966. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 4, p. 593-613. 6959. KIRKENDALL (Andrew J.). Kennedy men and the fate of the alliance for progress in LBJ era Brazil and Chile. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 745772. 6960. KLITZING (Holger). The nemesis of stability: Henry A. Kissinger's ambivalent relationship with Germany. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2007, XIV-515 p. (Mosaic, 30). 6961. KOCHAVI (Noam). Idealpolitik in disguise: Israel, Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union, and the Nixon administration, 1969–1974. International history review, 2007, 29, 3, p. 550-572. 6962. KREIS (Georg). L'embargo, arme contre l'apartheid ? La Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud, 1960–1990. Relations internationales, 2007, 131, p. 91-104. 6963. KREUTZ (Andrej). Russia in the Middle East. Friend or foe? Westport, Praeger, 2007, VIII-222 p. 6964. LITERA (Bohuslav). K vývoji sovČtského bloku ve druhé polovinČ 60. let. (Zur Entwicklung des sowjetischen Blocks in der zweiten Hälfte der 60er Jahre). Moderní dČjiny, 2007, 15, p. 329-351. 6965. LUMBERS (Michael). "Staying out of this Chinese muddle": the Johnson administration's response to the Cultural Revolution. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 2, p. 259-294.

6952. HOFMANN (Arne). The emergence of Détente in Europe: Brandt, Kennedy and the formation of Ostpolitik. London, Routledge, 2007, XIV-225 p. (Cold War history series, 15).

6966. MAC PHERSON (Alan). The limits of populist diplomacy: Fidel Castro's April 1959 trip to North America. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 237-268.

6953. HUGHES (R. Gerald). Britain, Germany and the Cold War: the search for a European Detente, 1949– 1967. New York, Routledge, 2007, XV-253 p. (Cold War history series, 17).

6967. MACINTYRE (Terry). Anglo-German relations during the Labour governments, 1964–1970: NATO strategy, détente and European integration. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2007, XII-259 p.

6954. HULL (Chris). Our arms in Havana: British military sales to Batista and Castro, 1958–1959. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 3, p. 593-616.

6968. MARQUARDT (James J.). Open skies and American primacy. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 3, p. 617-639.

6955. JACKSON (Donna R.). Jimmy Carter and the Horn of Africa. Cold War policy in Ethiopia and Somalia. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2007, 240 p. í EADEM. The Carter administration and Somalia. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 4, p. 703-721.

6969. MARTINI (Edwin A.). Invisible enemies: the American war on Vietnam, 1975–2000. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2007, XII-280 p. (Culture, politics, and the cold war).

6956. JAJESNIAK-QUAST (Dagmara). Reaktionen auf die Westeuropäische Wirtschafts-integration in Ostmitteleuropa: Die Tschechoslowakei und Polen in den fünfziger bis zu den siebziger Jahren. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 2, p. 69-84. 6957. JAKOVINA (Tvrtko). Sovjetska intervencija u Afganistanu 1979. i Titova smrt. (Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in 1979 and Tito's death). Historijski zbornik, 2007, 60, p. 295-320.

6970. MELLIES (Dirk). Trojanische Pferde der DDR? Das neutralistisch-pazifistische Netzwerk der frühen Bundesrepublik und die Deutsche Volkszeitung 1953– 1973. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2007, 181 p. (ill.). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1039 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1039 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1039).

8. FROM 1945 6971. MEREN (David). Les sanglots longs de la violence de l'automne. Canadian historical review, 2007, 88, 4, p. 613-644. 6972. NEWMAN (Kitty). Macmillan, Khrushchev and the Berlin crisis 1958–1960. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-227 p. (Cold War history series, 14). 6973. NILSSON (Mikael). Tools of hegemony: military technology and Swedish-American security relations 1945–1962. (Les outils de l'hégémonie: technologie militaire et relations américano-suédoises 1945–1962). Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press, 2007, 462 p. (Stockholm papers in the history and philosophy of technology). 6974. PAN (Liang). Whither Japan's military potential? The Nixon administration's stance on Japanese defense power. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 1, p. 111-141. 6975. PEARSON (Ivan). The Syrian crisis of 1957, the Anglo-American 'special relationship', and the 1958 landings in Jordan and Lebanon. Middle Eastern studies, 2007, 43, 1, p. 45-64. 6976. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.). Human rights and foreign policy: Wilson and the Greek Dictators, 1967– 1970. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 1, p. 185-214. 6977. PINE (Melissa). Harold Wilson and Europe: pursuing Britain's membership of the European Community. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2007, X274 p. (International library of political studies, 21). 6978. RANDOLPH (Stephen P.). Powerful and brutal weapons. Nixon, Kissinger, and the Easter offensive. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2007, X-401 p. 6979. Relaciones México-Cuba, 1950–2006: historias y perspectivas. Cátedra Extraordinaria "José Martí", 30 y 31 de octubre de 2006, Cátedra "Benito Juárez", 11 y 12 de diciembre de 2006. México D. F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2007, 344 p. (ill.). (Serie Memorias, 4). 6980. ROSS (César). Chile y Japón: 1973–1989: de la incertidumbre a la alianza estratégica. Santiago de Chile, LOM Ediciones y USACH, 2007, 231 p. (Ciencias humanas. Relaciones internacionales). 6981. SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan). Green politics, green and orange diplomacy: Lyndon Johnson and Eamon de Valera's farewell tour of the United States. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 2, p. 369-392. 6982. SCOTT (Len). The Cuban missile crisis and the threat of nuclear war. Lessons from history. London, Continuum, 2007, 222 p. 6983. SEPPÄNEN (Esa). Itäsuhteiden kolmiodraama: Kekkonen-Brežnev-Kosygin 1960–1980: henkilökohtaisten suhteiden luonne, rooli ja merkitys. (The triangle drama: Kekkonen-Brežnev-Kosygin 1960–1980: nature, role and results of the personal relationships between the President of Finland and the Soviet leaders). Turku, Turun yliopisto, 2007, 750 p. (ill.). (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, Sarja C, Scripta Lingua Fennica edita, 256).


6984. SEREWICZ (Lawrence W.). America at the brink of empire: Rusk, Kissinger, and the Vietnam War. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2007, X-233 p. (Political traditions in foreign policy series). 6985. SIMONOFF (Alejandro). Los dilemas de la autonomía: la política exterior de Arturo Illia (1963–1966). Buenos Aires, Nuevohacer, Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 2007, 240 p. 6986. ŠKORJANEC (Viljenka). Osimska pogajanja. (Osimo negotiations). Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središþe, Založba Annales, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2007, 382 p. (Knjižnica Annales Majora). 6987. Sovetskij Sojuz, Frantsija i mezhdunarodnye krizisy semidesiatykh godov XX veka: Sb. nauch. st. (Soviet Union, France and the international crises of the 1970s: Articles). Ed. M. NARINSKIJ, M. VAIS. Moskva, MGIMO-Universitet, 2007, 143 p. 6988. Soviet-American relations: the détente years, 1969–1972. Supervisory editor, Edward C. KEEFER, editors, David C. GEYER and Douglas E. SELVAGE. Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2007, XLIII-1027 p. (ill.). (Department of State publication, 11438). 6989. SPELLER (Ian). An African Cuba? Britain and the Zanzibar revolution, 1964. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2007, 35, 2, p. 283-302. 6990. STATLER (Kathryn). Replacing France. The origins of American intervention in Vietnam. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2007, XII-378 p. 6991. STODDART (Kristan). Nuclear weapons in Britain's policy towards France, 1960–1974. Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 719-744. 6992. SURI (Jeremi). Henry Kissinger and the American century. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2007, IX-358 p. 6993. TAFFET (Jeffrey F.). Foreign aid as foreign policy: the Alliance for Progress in Latin America. New York, Routledge, 2007, X-301 p. (ill.). 6994. TOOMEY (Jane). Harold Wilson's EEC application: inside the Foreign Office, 1964–1967. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2007, XI-147 p. 6995. TORIKATA (Yuko). Reexamining de Gaulle's peace initiative on the Vietnam War. Diplomatic history, 2007, 31, 5, p. 909-938. 6996. Transforming NATO in the Cold War: challenges beyond deterrence in the 1960s. Ed. by Andreas WENGER, Christian NUENLIST and Anna LOCHER. London a. New York, Routledge, 2007, XIII-251 p. (CSS studies in security and international relations). 6997. TģMA (OldĜich). The impact of the Hungarian revolution on Czechoslovakia, 1956–1968. In: 1956 Hungarian revolution (The) and the Soviet Bloc countries [Cf. no 6914], p. 69-78. 6998. TÜRK (Henning). The Grand Coalition in West Germany and Great Britain's second application to join



the European Communities, 1966–1969. Journal of European integration history, 2007, 13, 1, p. 49-68.

of 1968). Slovanské historické studie, 2007, 32, p. 149165.

6999. UHL (Matthias), WAGNER (Armin). "Die Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Grenzen nachrichtendienstlicher Aufklärung". Bundesnachrichtendienst und Mauerbau, Juli–September 1961. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2007, 55, 4, p. 681-726.

7004. WARDAYA (F. X. Baskara Tulus). Cold war shadow: United States policy toward Indonesia, 1953– 1963. Yogyakarta, PUSDEP in collaboration with Galangpress, 2007, XVII-500 p. (ill., maps).

7000. VAN DER BIJL (Nicholas). Confrontation: the war with Indonesia, 1962–1966. With a foreword by Denis HEALEY. Barnsley, Pen & Sword, 2007, XXI280 p. (ill., maps). 7001. VIDELA CIFUENTES (Ernesto). La desconocida historia de la mediación papal: diferendo austral Chile/ Argentina, 1977–1985. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, 2007, 709 p. (ill., maps). (Divulgación).

7005. WEBER (Pierre-Frédéric). Le triangle RFARDA-Pologne (1961–1975): guerre froide et normalisation des rapports germano-polonais. Préf. de Henri MÉNUDIER. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 417 p. (Allemagne d'hier et d'aujourd'hui). 7006. WILLIAMS (Gary). US-Grenada relations: revolution and intervention in the backyard. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, XII-298 p. 7007. WILSON (James Graham). How grand was Reagan's strategy, 1976–1984? Diplomacy and statecraft, 2007, 18, 4, p. 773-803.

7002. VILLANI (Angela). L' Italia e l'ONU negli anni della coesistenza competitiva (1955–1968). Prefazione di Luciano TOSI. Padova, CEDAM, 2007, XXVIII-487 p. (Centro interuniversitario per lo studio della storia delle organizzazioni internazionali e dei processi e movimenti di cooperazione internazionale, 8).

7008. WIRTH (Michael). Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen während der Kanzlerschaft von Helmut Schmidt (1974–1982): "Bonne entente" oder öffentlichkeitswirksame Zweckbeziehung? Berlin, WVB, Wiss. Verl., 2007, 144 p.

7003. VOJTċCHOVSKÝ (OndĜej). Aktivizace jugoslávských InformbyrovcĤ v ýeskoslovensku v dĤsledku krize roku 1968. (The activation of Yugoslav proponents of Informbyro in Czechoslovakia as a result of the crisis

Cf. nos 3404, 3405, 3408, 3918, 4002, 4021, 4453, 6355, 6846, 6857, 6865, 6866, 6867, 6868, 6869, 6873, 6885, 6888, 6889, 6893, 6894, 6896, 6897, 6904

R ASIA _________ § 1. General. 7009-7020. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7021-7032. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 70337045. – § 4. China. 7046-7251. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7252-7298. – § 6. Korea. 7299. § 1. General. _______________________

7009. Asia (L') negli anni del drago e dell'elefante, 2005í2006: l'ascesa di Cina e India, le tensioni nel continente e il mutamento degli equilibri globali. A cura di Michelguglielmo TORRI. Milano, Guerrini e associati, 2007, 509 p. 7010. BAYLY (Susan). Asian voices in a postcolonial age: Vietnam, India and beyond. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 281 p. 7011. DI RIENZO (Giulia). La visione dell'India tra esoticismi e orientalismi. Riflessioni in margine alla storia dell'India di M. Torri. Rivista storica italiana, 2007, 119, 3, p. 1221-1248. 7012. España y el Oriente islámico entre los siglos XV y XVI: Imperio Otomano, Persia y Asia central: actas del congreso Università degli Studi di Napoli "l'Orientale" Nápoles 30 de septiembreí2 de octubre de 2004. Edición de Encarnación SANCHEZ GARCÍA, Pablo MARTÍN ASUERO y Michele BERNADINI. østambul, Editorial Isis, 2007, 344 p. (Cuadernos del Bósforo, 6). 7013. KONOVALOVA (Irina G.). Srednevekovyj Vostok: Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. (The East in the Middle Ages: a lecture course). RAN, Gos. un-t gumanit. nauk, NOTs po istorii. Moskva, Astrel', 495 p. 7014. LAMONT (Peter), BATES (Crispin). Conjuring images of India in nineteenth-century Britain. Social history, 2007, 32, 3, p. 308-324. 7015. LARDINOIS (Roland). L'invention de l'Inde. Entre ésotérisme et science. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 496 p. 7016. LEFÈVRE (Corinne). Pouvoir et noblesse dans l'empire moghol. Perspectives du règne de Jahangýr (1605–1627). Annales, 2007, 62, 6, p. 1287-1312. 7017. MATHUR (Saloni). India by design. Colonial history and cultural display. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2007, XI-219 p. 7018. Passioni d'oriente: eros ed emozioni nelle civiltà asiatiche sezione Asia orientale: atti del convegno, Roma,

"La Sapienza", 29í31 maggio 2003. A cura di Paolo SANTANGELO. Pisa, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2007, 200 p. (ill.). (Rivista degli studi orientali. Supplemento, 78, 2, 2). 7019. TRAVERS (Robert). Death and the Nabob: imperialism and commemoration in eighteenth-century India. Past and present, 2007, 196, p. 83-124. 7020. Unpredictability (The) of the past: memories of the Asia-Pacific War in US-East Asian relations. Ed. by Marc GALLICCHIO. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2007, 337 p. Cf. nos 6372-6389 § 2. Western and central Asia. _______________________

7021. AKIBA (Jun). Kadilik Teskilatinda Tnzimat'in Ugygulanmasi: 1840 Tarihli Ta'linm-ame-i. (The application of Tanzimat in the system of gadi: orders for the islamic judges in 1840). Journal of Ottoman studies, 2007, 29, p. 9-40. 7022. KAWAGUCHI (Takushi). Timnjru teikoku shihaisǀ no kenkynj. (The study of the ruling elite of the Timurid Empire). Sapporo, Hokkaido U. P., 2007, 399 p. 7023. KONDO (Nobuaki). (The bazaar of Tehran during the nineteenth century: expansion, organization, and ownership). Jochi ajia gaku, 2007, 25, p. 161-195. [Eng. Summary]. 7024. MIYA (Noriko). Mongoru teikoku ga unda sekaizu: Chizu wa kataru. (World maps by the Mongol Empire: the Map's story). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Shuppansha, 2007, 299 p. 7025. MORIKAWA (Tomoko). Romansu kara hisutoria he: bƯsothun hibun to iran ni okeru rekishi ninshiki. (The Bisotun inscription and the Persians: the place of gods, romance, and historicity). Jochi ajia gaku, 2007, 25, p. 1-48. [Eng. Summary]. í IDEM. ShƯa-ha seichi sankei no kenkynj. (Studies of Shiite pilgrimage to the sacred 'AtabƗt). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2007, 422 p.



7026. MORIYASU (Takao). Nishi Uighur bukkyǀ no kuronorojƯ: Bezekuriku no GuryunvƝderu hengǀ dai 8 kutsu (shin hengǀ dai 18 kutsu) no hekiga nendai saikǀ. (Chronology of West Uighur Buddhism: Re-examination of the dating of the wall-paintings in Grunwedel's cave no. 8 [new: no. 18], Bezeklik). Bukkyo Kenkyu, 2007, 62-63, p. 1-45. 7027. NODA (Jin). 18 seiki chnjǀ Ajia ni okeru Ro-shin kankei: Jnjngaru chǀ seiken hǀkai kara Kazafu Arutai shozoku no kizoku mondai e. (Russo-Qing relations concerning Central Asia in the eighteenth century: the Junghar conquest and the question of the subjection of the Kazakhs and Altai groups). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 9, p. 1-37. [Eng. Summary]. 7028. OTSUKA (Osamu). Kiniku zoku to AfurƗshiyƗbu: Perushia go fuhenshi jojutsu no tenkai to Serujnjku chǀ no kigen. (The Qiniq and Afrasiyab: The development of the Persian general histories and the origin of the Saljuqids). Oriento, 2007, 50, 1, p. 80-105. [Eng. Summary]. 7029. Situating the Uyghurs between China and Central Asia. Ed. by Ildikó BELLÉR-HANN [et al.]. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 249 p. 7030. STEBLEVA (Ija V.). Zhizn' i literatura doislamskikh tjurkov: Isotriko-kul'turnyj kontekst drevnetjurkskoj literatury. (Life and literature of pre-Islamic Turks: historical and cultural context of Ancient Turkish literature). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2007, 208 p. (bibl. p. 203–206). 7031. TSENDINA (Anna D.). Mongol'skie letopisi XVII–XIX vekov: Povestvovatel'nye traditsii. (The Mongolian manuscripts of the 17th–19th centuries: the narrative traditions). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, Izd-vo RGGU, 2007, 272 p. 7032. YAGI (Kumiko). Arabu Isuramu sekai ni okeru tashazǀ no hensen. (The changing image of the 'Other' in the Arab-Islamic world). Sagamihara, Gendai Tosho, 2007, 253 p. Cf. no 4057 § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. _______________________

7033. ITO (Shoji). Tǀnan Ajia Bijutsu-shi. (A history of Southeast Asian art). Tokyo, Yuzankaku, 2007, 197 p. 7034. KABA (Toyohiko). 19 seiki Indo no rǀma-ji ronsǀ. (The controversy over the Romanization of vernaculars in British India during the 19th century). Toyo Gakuho, 2007, 88, 4, p. 1-20. [Eng. Summary]. 7035. MIZUNO (Kosuke). Indoneshia ni okeru sonraku-kaigi to sonraku-gikai: Shokuminchi-ki 20 seiki shotǀ ni okeru sonraku-shnjkai no keisei to sonrakukyǀgikai no kokoromi. (The emergence of Village Meetings and the introduction of Village Assemblies in early twentieth century colonial Indonesia). Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (Kyoto University), 2007, 45, 2, p. 161-183. [Eng. Summary].

7036. NAGAFUCHI (Yasuyuki). Bari, shnjkyǀ, kokka: Hindu no seido-ka wo tadoru. (Bali, religions and states: a study of the institutionalization of Hinduism). Tokyo, Seidosha, 2007, 311 p. 7037. SHIGA (Miwako). Madorasu shnj ni okeru hibaramon undǀ no tenkai: Kyǀsan-shugi to no kankei wo chnjshin ni. (Non-Brahmin movement in the Madras presidency from the 1920s to the 1930s: a study on its relation with communism). Kiyo (The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo), 2007, 151, p. 321-380. [Eng. Summary]. 7038. SHIN'E (Toshihiko). Betonamu no shǀsnj-minzoku teijnj-seisaku-shi. (A historical study of the policies on domiciliation of the minority races in Vietnam). Tokyo, Fukyosha, 2007, 438 p. 7039. SUEHIRO (Akiko). Dekan chihǀ shusshin-sha to Mugaru shihai: MansabudƗrƯ shisutemu wo chnjshin ni. (The 'Deccanis' and the Mughal Empire in the 17th century: an analysis of the Mansabdari system). Toyo Gakuho, 2007, 89, 2, p. 1-24. [Eng. summary]. 7040. SUGIMOTO (Kiyoshi). Oriya nashonarizumu no keisei to hen'yǀ: Eiryǀ-Indo Orissa shnj no sǀsetsu ni itaru identity to kyǀkai no politics. (The formation and the transformation of Oriya nationalism: identity and politics of borders through the formation of the state of Orissa in British India). Hatano, Tokai U. P., 2007, 375 p. 7041. UZUKI (Hideaki). Indo-yǀ nishi-kaiiki to 'kindai': Dorei no rynjtsnj wo jirei ni shite. (The western Indian Ocean and 'modern period': A case study of slave distribution). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 7, p. 1-33. [Eng. Summary]. 7042. VANINA (Evgenija Ju.). Srednevekovoe myshlenie: Indijskii variant. (Medieval thinking: the Indian variant). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, Vostochnaia literatura, 2007, 375 p. 7043. VIGASIN (Aleksej A.). Drevnjaja Indija. Ot istochnika k istorii. (Ancient India: from sources to history: [Selected papers]). Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2007, 390 p. 7044. WADA (Ikuko). Indo Gǀrukonda-ƿkoku ni okeru kunshu to kǀshi kaijǀ kǀeki no kankei: SurutƗn 'Abd Allah (1626–1672) no chisei wo chnjshin ni. (The relationship of the Sultans of Golkonda and maritime trade and ports: focusing on the reign of Sultan 'Abd Allah Qutb Shah, 1626–1672). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 1, p. 1-27. 7045. ZAMINDAR (Vazira Fazila-Yacoobali). The long partition and the making of Modern South Asia. Refugees, boundaries, histories. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIV-288 p. (Cultures of history). § 4. China. * 7046. D'ARELLI (Francesco). La Cina in Italia: una bibliografia dal 1899 al 1999. Roma, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2007, XIV-392 p. (Repertoria ac bibliographica, 2). _______________________

4. CHINA 7047. 1910 nian dai de Zhongguo. (China in 1910's). Edited by Research Center for the Republican era of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute of Cultural History of the University of Sichuan. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 2, 3, 517 p. 7048. AHN (Daeok). Min matsu seiyǀ kagaku tǀdenshi: "Tengaku shokan" kihen no kenkynj. (Transition of eastern science to Ming China: study of "TiƗn xue chnj hƗn", field of natural science). Tokyo, Chisen Shokan, 2007, 312 p. 7049. AIHARA (Yoshiyuki). Shindai chuki, Kishnj tǀnanbu Shinsuikǀ ryuiki ni okeru mokuzai no ryutu kǀzǀ. (The distribution of timber in southeastern Guizhou Qingshui-jiang valley during the mid-Qing period). Shakai Keizai Shigaku, 2007, 72, 5, p. 25-44. 7050. AO (Guangdan). 1920 niandai guonei Mengu wenti zhi zheng – yi Zhong E jiaoshe zuihou jieduan zhi lunzheng wei zhongxin. (The controversies over the Mongolian issue in China in the 1920s: centered on arguments in the late stages of Sino-Russian negotiations). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 55-73. 7051. BAI (Cuiqin). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Wei Jin Nan Bei chao minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 3, 396 p. 7052. BAI (Shouyi). Zhongguo jiaotong shi. (A history of Chinese communication). Beijing, Tuanjie chubanshe, 2007, 2, 4, 254 p. 7053. BAN (Guoqi). Beiyang zhengfu shiqi guonei gongzhai zong'e ji qi zuoyong pingxi. (An analysis of domestic debt and their role during the Beiyang government period). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 76-94. 7054. BROWN (Miranda). The politics of mourning in early China. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2007, XIV-205 p. 7055. CAO (Ying). Liantan de kuaize: wan Qing Zhong Ying guanyu Xianggang zai Zhongguo yanhai maoyi zhongde diwei zhi zheng. (The Sino-British conflict about Hong Kong's position in Chinese maritime trade in late Qing). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 109-119. 7056. CHANG (Chun-Shu). The rise of the Chinese empire. Frontier, immigration, and empire in Han China, 130 b.c.–a.d. 157. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, XL-301 p. í IDEM. The rise of the Chinese Empire. Nation, state, and imperialism in early China, ca. 1600-b.c.–a.d. 8. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007, XXXI-461 p. 7057. CHANG (Michael G.). A court on horseback. Imperial touring and the construction of Qing rule, 1680–1785. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2007, XXII550 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 287). 7058. CHEN (Feng). Bei Song yu Liao zhanlüe de yanbian yu 'Chanyuan zhi meng' de chansheng ji yinxiang. (The evolution of Song dynasty's resisting strat-


egy to cope with Liao dynasty and the engendering and influence of Chanyuan peace negotiations). Shixue jikan, 2007, 3, p. 26-30. 7059. CHEN (Jiahua). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Song Liao Jin shiqi minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history in the period of Song, Liao and Jin dynasties). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 7, 406 p. 7060. CHEN (Jinwen). Xiandaihua jincheng zhong de duiwai maoyi – yi 1930–1936 nian Zhongguo de duiwai maoyi wei li. (Foreign trade in modernization: Chinese foreign trade 1930–1936). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 101-108. 7061. CHEN (Ming). "Shang hu zhe zi kua": Zhong gu hu ahang de yaocai maoyi yu zuowei. (Foreign merchants' trade in herbal medicines and fake medicaments in Medieval China). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 4-26. 7062. CHEN (Rui). Ming Qing shiqi Huizhou zongzu sitang de kongzhi gongneng. (Clan temples in Huizhou in Ming and Qing). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 54-71. 7063. CHEN (Xia). Jindai Zhongguo xiaoxue kecheng yanbian shi (History of evolution of primary school curriculum in modern China). Fuzhou, Fujian jiaoyu chubanshe, 2007, 27, 12, 2, 94 p. 7064. CHEN (Yingfang). 'Qingnian' yu Zhongguo de shehui bianqian. ('Youth' and social change in modern China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 6, 275 p. 7065. CHEN (Zu'en). Xun fang dongyang ren: jindai Shanghai de Riben juliumin 1868–1945. (Japanese migrants in Shanghai 1868–1945). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2007, 4, 5, 4, 346 p. 7066. CHENG (Meibao). Jindai difang wenhua de kuadi yuxing – 20 shiji er san shi niandai Yue ju, Yue yue he Yue qu zai Shanghai. (The translocality of local cultures in modern China: Cantonese opera, music and songs in Shanghai 1920s–1930s). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 1-17. 7067. CHENG (Minsheng). Song chu heping tongyi zhanlüe yu shijian. (The peaceful unification strategy and practice in the early Song dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 2, p. 11-19. 7068. Chinese state (The) at the borders. Ed. by Diana LARY. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2007, X-306 p. 7069. DAI (Dongyang). Jiashen shibian qianhou Li Shuchang de Liuqiu zhanlüe. (Li Shuchang's strategies with regard to the Ryukyu question before and after the December incident of 1884 in Seoul). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 88-107. 7070. DAI (Jianguo). Songdai suanzhang zhidu tansi – yi renkou tongji wei zhongxin. (A discussione of th registration and statistics system in the Song dynasty: centering on household registration). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 33-52.



7071. DE WEERDT (Hilde). Competition over content. Negotiating standards for the civil service examinations in imperial China (1127–1279). Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, XVI-495 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 289). 7072. DENG (Ye). Ri Su guanxi yu Guo Gong de zhanlüe liyi – 1943 nian Jiang Jieshi zhicai Zhonggong de cihua yu quxiao. (Sino-Soviet relations and the Nationalists and Chinese Communist Party's strategic interests: the planning and cancellation of Chiang Kaishek's 1943 sanctions against the communists). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 1-20. 7073. DENG (Yibing). Qingdai qianqi shuiguan de kaohe biaozhun. (The standard of examination for tax officials in early Qing). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 46-53. 7074. DENG (Zhihua). Shishen jiaohua yu diyu shehui biange. (The education of the gentry and the change of local society). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 34-40. 7075. DOU (Kun). Qing mo Minguo shiqi mingpian ji qi shehui gongneng. (Name cards and their utiliy in late Qing and Republican period). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 3, p. 70-76. 7076. FANG (Lishu). Minguo wenguan zhidu de dute chuanxing. (The unique institution of civil service system in the Republic of China). Shixue jikan, 2007, 6, p. 28-34. 7077. FANG (Zhiyuan). "Chuanfeng guan" yu Ming Chenghua shidai. (Officials appointed by imperial decrees and the Chenghua period in the Ming). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 41- 62. 7078. FAURE (David). Emperor and ancestor: State and lineage in South China. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XII-464 p. 7079. FENG (Bangyan). Xianggang jinrongye bainian (A century of Hong Kong financial development). Shanghai, Dongfang chuban zhongxin, 2007, 6, 3, 490 p. 7080. FRIEDMAN (Edward), PICKOWICZ (Paul G.), SELDEN (Mark). Revolution, resistance, and reform in village China. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2007, X-340 p. (ill.). 7081. FU (Tongxian). Zhongguo Hui jiao shi. (History of Chinese Hui religion). Beijing, Beijing zhongxian tuofang keji fazhan youxian gongsi, 2007, 6, 240 p.

Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2007, XXX-639 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Philip E. Lilienthal book). 7085. GONG (Guan). Jindai Tianjin jinrongye yanjiu, 1861–1936. (A reaserch for finance in modern Tianjin). Tianjin, Tianjin renmin chuban she, 2007, 3, 3, 3, 318 p. 7086. GUAN (Shaohong). Zhong gua de dou: Qing ji waiguan gaizhi de yulun ji fang'an xuanze. (Reaping what you did not sow: choice of plans for reforming the provincial bureaucratic system in the Qing period and public reaction). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 21-40. 7087. GUAN (Shuhe). Yuan Shikai dui Ri waijiao shulun. (A discussion on Yuan Shikai's diplomatic policy toward Japan). Shixue jikan, 2007, 1, p. 29-37 7088. GUAN (Xiaohong). Duduan yu heyi: Qing mo zhi sheng huiyiting de shezhi yu yunzuo. (Autocratic rule and the collegiate system: the establishment of operation of provincial councils in late Qing). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 65-81. 7089. Gudai Zhongguo: shehui zhuanxing yu duoyuan wenhua. (Ancient China: social formation and multiculturalism). Ed. by HAN Sheng. Shanghai, Shanghai ren min chubanshe, 2007, 3, 2, 467 p. 7090. HAN (Guanghui), LIN (Yujun), WANG (Changsong). Song Liao Jin Yuan jianzhi chengshi de chuxian yu chengshi tixi de xingcheng. (Cities as administrative units and the development of urban systems in Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan period). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 4262. 7091. HAO (Bingjian). Wan Qing minjian zhishifenzi de 'jiaotong' de sixiang – yi Shanghai shuyuan wei li. (The conception of 'communication' among late Qing intellectuals – focusing on Shanghai academy). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 4, p. 78-87. 7092. History (The) of the PRC (1949–1976). Ed. by Julia STRAUSS. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2007, VIII-251 p. (ill.). (China quarterly special issues, 7). 7093. HONG (Yu). Jindai Shanghai xiaobao yu shimin wenhua yanjiu, 1897–1937 (Tabloids and petty urbanities culture in modern Shanghai 1897–1937). Shanghai, Shanghai shudian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 7, 488 p.

7082. FU (Yiling). Ming Qing shidai shangren ji shangye ziben. Ming dai Jiangnan shimin jingji shitan. (Merchants and commercial capitalisms in Ming and Qing periods. Urban economy in Ming Jiangnan). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2007, 6, 2, 341 p.

7094. HU (Cheng). Jian yi, zhong zu yu zujie zhengzhi – 1919 nian Shanghai shuyibing li faxian hou de Hua yang chongtu. (Quarantine, race and politics in the international settlement: the clashes between Chinese and foreigners after the outbreak of the plague in Shanghai in 1910s). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 74-90.

7083. GENG (Zhanjun), YANG (Wenxiu). Han Tang Chang'an de yuewu yu baixi. (Music, dancing and drama of the Han and Tang dynasties of Chang'an). Xi'an, Xi'an chubanshe, 2007, 4, 3, 288 p.

7095. HU (Tieqiu). Jindai Xibei pimao maoyi yu shehui bianqian – yi Gan Ning Qing Sui sisheng wei lie. (The fur trade and social change in modern Northwest China). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 91-108.

7084. GOLDSTEIN (Melvyn C.). A history of modern Tibet. Vol. 2. The calm before the storm, 1951–1955.

7096. HU (Xiangyu). Qing qianqi jingshi chuji shenban zhidu biangeng. (The reform of the judicial system

4. CHINA of frist degree in early Qing capital city). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 2, p. 42-52. 7097. HUANG (Daoxuan). Xilian. 1946 nian zhi 1948 nian nongcun tugai zhongde ganbu zhenggai. (Wash your face. Rectification of cadres in the land reform). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 89-110. 7098. HUANG (Dingtian). Zhong E guanxi tongshi. (A general history of Sino-Russian relations). Ha'erbin, Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe, 2007, 2, 3, 276 p. 7099. HUANG (Jinyan). Cong Zhangjiashan zhujian kan Han chu de fushui zhengke zhidu. (The system of levying taxes in early Han dynasty deen from the bamboo slips unearthed at Zhangjiashan). Shixue jikan, 2007, 2, p. 3-10. 7100. HUO (Xinbin). 'Wuqingji' shijian: Guomin geming hoqi laozi jiufen de shizheng kaocha. (The "pink slip' incident: a probe into disputes between labor and management in the late period of nationalist revolution). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 41-55. 7101. IMAI (Shun). Shisenshǀ to kindai Chnjgoku: Gumbatsu kakkyo kara kǀnichisen no daikǀhǀe. (Sichuan province and the republic of China [1912–1945]: from the world of warlords to the great rear of the antiJapanese war). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2007, 695 p. 7102. ISETT (Christopher Mills). State, peasant, and merchant in Qing Manchuria, 1644–1862. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XIV-418 p. (maps). 7103. IZUTANI (Yoko). Chnjgoku kenkoku shoki no seiji to keizai: Taishnj undǀ to shakai shugi taisei. (Politics and economy in the formative period of the People's Republic of China: mass movement and socialist system). Tokyo, Ochanomizu Shobo, 2007, 236 p. 7104. JIANG (Pei), LI (Lina). Tielu yu Shanxi chengzhen biandong: 1907–1937. (Railways and the change of urban centers in Shanxi 1907–1937). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 2, p. 50-57. 7105. Jindai Zhongguo yu jindai Hunan. (Modern China and Modern Hunan). Ed. by Jiping WANG. Changsha, Hunan renmin chubanshe, 2007, 2 v., [s. p.]. 7106. KASHIMA (Jun). Seiken kǀtai to Shanhai zaisei kǀzǀ no hendǀ 1945–1956. (The Chinese communist revolution and changes in the fiscal structure of Shanghai municipality: 1945–1956). Ajia Keizai, 2007, 48, 7, p. 2-32. 7107. LEWIS (Mark Edward). The early Chinese empires. Qin and Han. Cambridge a. London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2007, 321 p. 7108. LI (Chenggui). Rushi shi yu zhong de Fojiao: Songdai Rushi Fojiao guan yanjiu. (Confucians literati and Buddhism in Song era). Beijing, Zongjiao wen hua chubanshe, 2007, 3, 5, 2, 3, 595 p. 7109. LI (Honghe). Xin Zhongguo de yibing liuxing yu shehui yingfu 1949–1959 (The spread of pestilence and social response in new China). Beijing. Zhonggong dangshi chubanshe, 2007, 3, 3, 3, 338 p.


7110. LI (Hongquan). Lun Jin Yuan Quanzhen jiao jingji shenghuo fangshi de yanbian. (On the evolution of economic lifestyle of Quanzhenjiao during the Jin and Yuan dynasties). Shixue jikan, 2007, 6, p. 9-17. 7111. LI (Jun). Qang Tang zhengfu dui Hexi dongbu diqu de jingying. (Governance in the Eastern Hexi corridor in the late Tang dynasty). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 27-41. 7112. LI (Junli). Zhongguo chuantong wenhua yu Makesi zhuyi de zaoqi chuanbo. (Chinese traditional culture and the early dissemination of Marxism in China). Shixue jikan, 2007, 3, p. 31-36 7113. LI (Lillian M.). Fighting famine in North China. State, market, and environmental decline, 1690s– 1990s. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XIX-520 p. 7114. LI (Mingshan), CHANG (Qing). Zhongguo dangdai banquan shi. (History of copyright in contemporary China). Beijing, Zhishi chanquan chubanshe, 2007, XIII-VII-513 p. 7115. LI (Ping). Bei Wei Longcheng zhuhou kaoshi. (Empresses from Longcheng and imperial court politics in the Northern Wei dynasty). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 20-32. 7116. LI (Qingxin). Ming dai haiwai maoyi zhidu. (Overseas trade system of Ming dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 571 p. 7117. LI (Xiuyun). Zhongguo xiandai xinwen sixiangshi. (History of the ideas about journalism in China). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2007, 2, 321 p. 7118. LI (Zhaoxiang). Zhonghua minguo zaoqi. (1912–1928) waijiao lifa shulun. (Foreign policy legislation in the early Republic). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 2, p. 58-64. 7119. LIANG (Lei). Zhang Jian yu jindai Su zhong shizhen de fazhan. (Zhang Jian and the urbanization of modern Jiangsu). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 81-86. 7120. LIU (Chang). Peasants and revolution in rural China: rural political change in the North China plain and the Yangzi delta, 1850–1949. London, Routledge, 2007, XII-258 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge studies on the Chinese economy, 25). 7121. LIU (Lanxiao). Wan Qing baokan yu jindai shixue. (Late Qing newspapers and modern historiography). Beijing, Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2007, 4, 4, 16, 335 p. 7122. LIU (Shaoxue). Zhongguo daxue jiaoyu shi. (The history of Chinese university education). Taiyuan, Shanxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 2007, 3, 3, 210 p. 7123. LIU (Shuang). Ha'erbin Youtai qiaomin shi. (A history of the Jews of Harbin) Beijing, Fangzhi chubanshe, 2007, 3, 3, 3, 3, 215 p. 7124. LIU (Wei). Zhang Xuecheng 'Liujing xie shi' shuo de benyuan yu yilan. (Origins and implications of



Zhang Xuecheng's theory that 'the Six Classics are all history'). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 63-88.

Northern Dynasties). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2007, 2, 233 p.

7125. LIU (Yizhang), XIAO (Zili). 'Guangzhou shijian' yu nacui Deguo chuqi de dui Hua zhengce. (The Canton incident and Nazi Germany's early politics toward China). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 1, p. 82-88.

7136. MILLWARD (James A.). Eurasian crossroads. A history of Xinjiang. New York, Columbia U. P., 2007, XIX-440 p.

7126. LIU (Yonghua). Daojiao chuantong, shidafu wenhua yu difang shehui. Song Ming yilai Min xi Sibao Zougong chongbai yanjiu. (Taoist tradition, gentry culture and local societies: the cult of Zou Gong at Sibao in Western Fujian since the Song and Ming dynasties). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 72-87. 7127. LU (Xijun). Riben de guoji zhanlüe yu Zhong Ri zhanzheng de kuodahua – lun lianjie Zhong Ri zhanzheng he Taipingyang zhanzheng de yige guanjian yuanyin. (Japan's international strategy and the expansion of the war in China: on a key factor linking the war in China and the Pacific war). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 6. p. 41-61. 7128. LU (Xun), XIAO (Zhixing), ZHU (Qiyuan). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Sui Tang minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of Sui and Tang dynasties). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 5, 380 p. 7129. LUO (Jianqiu). Xueshu tiaorong yu wan Qing zhaxue de sixiang huoli. (Academic coordination and the intellectual vigor of rites studies in the late Qing period). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 42-58. 7130. LUO (Min). Maodun zhengce zhong zhaoxun chulu: sijie wuzhong quanhui qianhou de Hu Hanmin yu xi nan shiju. (Looking for a way out amid "contradictory policies": Hu Hanmin and the political situation in the Southwest before and after the fifth plenary session of the fourth national congress of the Nationalist Party). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 59-72 7131. LUO (Yixing). Ziyuan kongzhi yu difang rentong. Ming yilai hubao zongzu zuzhi de goujian yu fazhan. (Control of resources and local recognition). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 41-53. 7132. MA (Qiang). Lun Song Yuan zhi Ming Qing Hanzhong pendi nongye jingji de fazhan. (The development of rural economy in the basin of central Han river from Song Yuan to Ming Qing). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 103. 7133. MA (Xueqiang). Jiangnan Xi jia: Zhongguo yi ge jingshang dazu de bianqian. (The Xi family in Jiangnan). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2007, 2, 12, 252 p. 7134. MATSUMURA (Shiho). Chnjka jinmin kyǀwakoku kenkoku shoki no "sadenteisan kǀsaku" nǀgyo tokei chosa no kokoromi to sono zasetsu. (The campaign of land acreage measurement and crop yield assessment in the early period of the People's Republic of China: attempts and failures of agricultural statistics survey). Ajia Kenkyu, 2007, 53, 4, p. 74-90. 7135. MENG (Siming). Wei Jin Nan Bei chao de shehui. (Society under the Wei, Jin and Southern and

7137. MIYAKE (Kiyoshi). Shin-Kan keibatsu taikƝ keisƝshi he no ichi shiron: fukƝ to juhenkƝ. (An essay on the history of the development of the penal system during the Qin and Han dynasties: castration and punitive military service). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 3, p. 133. [Eng. Summary]. 7138. MIZUHA (Nobuo). Chnjgoku kindai no riberarizumu: Chnjgoku riberarizumu no hǀga to zasetsu wo saguru. (Liberalism in modern China: its birth and failure). Tokyo, Toho Shoten, 2007, 224 p. 7139. MORIHIRA (Masahiko). Chǀ to shi no aida: Kǀraiǀ to Gen Chnjshoshǀ no ǀfuku bunsho. (The official correspondence exchanged between the King of Goryeo and Zhongshusheng of Yuan). Shien, 2007, 144, p. 93-137. 7140. MORIYASU (Takao). Tǀ-dai ni okeru Ko to bukkyǀ-teki sekai-chiri. (The Hu [Sogdian] during the Tang dynasty and Buddhist world geography). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 3, p. 1-33. [Eng. Summary]. 7141. MURAI (Hiroshi). "Ryǀ-ynj" gahǀ to Kakyo nettowa-ku Honkon Kakyoken tono kanren kara mita Shanhai taishu bunkashi. (The pictorial magazine Liangyou and the overseas Chinese network: The history of "Shanghai" popular culture as seen from its relationship with Hong Kong and the overseas Chinese sphere). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 1, p. 32-60. 7142. NAKAJIMA (Gakusho). Hǀwa to tsnjkǀ: 1594 nen no Ninpǀ kaikǀ mondai wo megutte. (Investing the king of Japan as a vassal and receiving tribute: the issue of opening Ningbo to the tribute trade in 1594). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 2, p. 107-139. [Eng summary]. 7143. OKA (Hiroki). Shindai mongoru meiki seido no kenkynj. (Study on Hushuu Chuulganii Dürem of Qing Era Mongolia). Tokyo, Toho Shoten, 2007, 295 p. 7144. Ouyang Xiu yu Songdai shidafu. (Ouyang Xiu and Song literati). Ed. by Gang ZHU and Ning LIU. Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2007, 2, 389 p. 7145. PANG (Laikwan). The distoring mirror. Visual modernity in China. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, VIII-280 p. 7146. PENG (Nansheng). Bangong yehua: jindai Zhongguo xiangcun shougongye de fazhan yu shehui bianqian. (Rural handcraft and social change in modern China). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2007, 7, 5, 478 p. 7147. PI (Qingsheng). Taxiang zhi shen: Songdai Zhang wang xinying chuanbo yanjiu. (Gods from other places: the spread of the cult of king Zhang in Song times). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 53-71. 7148. QI (Chunfeng). Guomin geming shiqi de fandi wenti zai tantao – Guomindang Zhongyang yu Ji an

4. CHINA hou fanri yundong guanxi bian. (Revisiting the issue of anti-imperialism at the time of nationalist revolution: the relationship between the Nationalist central government and the movement against Japanese aggression after the Jinan massacre). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 134155. 7149. QIN (Baoqi). Tiandihui qiyuan xin lun. (A new theory on the birth of the Heaven and Earth society). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 3, p. 32-40. 7150. Qingdai quan shi. (A comprehensive history of the Qing dynasty). Ed. by Xun LI and Hong XUE. Beijing, Fangzhi chubanshe, 2007, 10 v., [s. p.]. 7151. QU (Yanbin). Zhongguo diandang shihua. (A narrative of mortgage in China's history). Shenyang, Shenyang chubanshe, 2007, 2, 263 p. 7152. ROWE (William T.). Crimson rain. Seven centuries of violence in a Chinese county. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2007, XIII-437 p. 7153. SANG (Bing). Fu Sinian 'shixue zhi shi shiliaoxue' zai xi. (Re-analysis of Fu Sinian' s view that 'The study of history is only the study of historical materials'). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 26-41. 7154. SASAGAWA (Yuji), OKUMURA (Satoshi). Jyugo no Chnjgoku shakai: Nicchnj sensǀ ka no sǀdǀin to noson. (Chinese society on the home front: Total mobilization and agricultural community during the SinoJapanese War). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 273 p. 7155. Shanghai jiaoshi yundong shi 1919–1949. (History of teachers' movement in Shanghai 1919– 1949). Ed. by Liren JIN. Beijing, Zhonggong dangshi chubanshe, 2007, 2, 2, 6, 390 p. 7156. SHEN (Changyun). Xia zu xingqi yu gu He Ji zhijian de kaogu kaocha. (Present day Puyang in Henan province is the cradle of the Xia people: an archeological observation). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 4-16. 7157. SHEN (Dongmei). Cha yu Songdai shehui shenghuo. (Tea and social life in Song times). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2007, 4, 3, 5, 324 p. 7158. SHEN (Shibei). Jindai 'san wai shang' zai Anhui de shiyou longduan jingying ji qi dui shehui jingji de yingxiang. (The three foreign merchants and oil monopoly in Anhui). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 52-64. 7159. SHEN (Yuan). Qing mo zhu wai shi lingguan guanshe de chutan. (A preliminary study of Chinese consulates abroad in late Qing). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 4, p. 72-77. 7160. SHEN (Zhihua). Cong guanshang heban dao guojia longduan: Zhongguo chaye gongsi de chengli ji jingying huodong. (From government-private partnership to State monopoly: the estalishment and operational activities of the China Tea Trade). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 110-131. í IDEM. Mao Zedong, Chilushaofu yu yijiuwuqi nian Mosike huiyi. (Mao Zedong, Khrushchev and the 1957 Moscow conference). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 82-109.


7161. SHI (Rui). Tangdai qianqi qianxian zhidu de yanjin. (The development to the official selection system in the early Tang.). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 32 –42. 7162. SHIBUYA (Koichi), Kǀkinenkan no shin no torugnjto kenshi to Roshia. (The Qing Embassy to the Kalmyk in K'ang hsi Period and Russia). Shiho, 2007, 39, p. 69-87. 7163. SHU (Jingnan), WANG (Xiaohua). Sishu shengge yundong yu Song dai sishuxue de xingqi – Hanxue xiang Songxue zhuanxing de jingdian quanyi licheng. (The four books elevation to canonical status and their study in the Song dynasty: interpretation of confucian classics in the transformation from Han learning to Song learning). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 7694. 7164. SONG (Dequan). Da Jin fu wang bian. (An assessment of the fall of the Jin dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 1, p. 14-20. 7165. SONG (Jie). Dong Han de Luoyang yu. (Luoyang jails in Eastern Han). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 17-35. 7166. SONG (Zuanyou). Guangdong ren zai Shanghai (1843–1949). (Cantonese in Shanghai 1843–1949). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2007, 5, 4, 449 p. 7167. STANDEN (Naomi). Unbounded loyalty. Frontier crossing in Liao China. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, XIII-279 p. 7168. SUN (Hongqi). Jindai shijie tixi de queli yu Zhong Fei guanxi de genben zhuanbian. (The foundation of modern world order and the fundamental changes in Sino-African relations). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 4, p. 23-29. 7169. SUN (Jiang). Kindai Chnjgoku no kakumei to himitsukessha: Chnjgokukakumei no shakaishi teki kennkyu 1895–1955. (Secret Society and revolution in modern China: Social studies in Chinese revolution 1895–1955). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2007, 611 p. 7170. SUN (Qiang). Wan Ming shangren jiedai de lixi lü yu shangyexing jiedai de fazhan. (On the interest rate of business loan and the development of commercial loan during the late Ming dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 2, p. 20-26. 7171. SUN (Shaochun). Ru jia tian ren guan de zhengzhi zhexue fansheng. (A reflection on the Confucian's conception of heaven and man from the perspective of political philosophy). Shixue jikan, 2007, 4, p. 3-10. 7172. TAKATSU (Junya). Shǀsho shohen no seiritsu ni kansuru ichi kǀsatsu: Sengoku shokoku ni okeru dǀji-heikǀ-teki na seisho ni tsuite. (On the origins of the Shang-shu: parallel compilation during the warring states period). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 11, p. 1-35. [Eng. Summary]. 7173. TANG (Gang). Kangzhan shiqi de Xibu gonglu jianshe. (The road construction in North-Western regions during the war of resistance). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 1, p. 101-107



7174. TANG (Qihua). 1924–1927 nian Zhong E huiyi yanjiu. (A research on the Sino-Russian conferences 1924–1927). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 29-54. 7175. Tang Song hang hui yanjiu. (Studies on the guilds and associations in Tang and Song period). Ed. by Tian'an WEI, Panghai DAI. Zhengzhou, Henan renmin chubanshe, 2007, 3, 8, 3, 235 p. 7176. TIAN (Jizhou). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Qin Han minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of Qin and Han dynasties). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 2, 342 p. í IDEM. Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Xian Qin minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of early Qin dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 3, 296 p. 7177. TOMIYA (Itaru). Girei to keibatsu no hazama: wairozai no hensen. (Between ritual and punishment: the transition of the crime of bribery). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2007, 66, 2, p. 34-69. [Eng. Summary]. 7178. TONG (Zhixia). Zhongguo guoji xinwen chuanbo shi. (A history of international news communication of China). Beijing, Zhongguo chuanmei daxue chubanshe, 2007, 5, 384 p. 7179. TOYOOKA (Yasufumi). Shin-dai chnjki Kanton enkai jnjmin no katsudǀ, 1785–1815: 'Rika daihon' kynjsan-shobun-rui wo chnjshin ni. (Activities of maritime people on the Cantonese coast in mid-Qing China, 1785–1815). Shakai Keizai Shigaku, 2007, 73, 3, p. 6986. [Eng. Summary]. 7180. TRESCOTT (Paul B.). Jingji Xue. The history of the introduction of Western economic ideas into China, 1850–1950. Hong Kong, Chinese U. P., 2007, XXIV-442 p. 7181. WANG (Chaoguang). Beijing zhengzhi de changtai he yitai – guanyu Li Yuanhong yu Duan Qirui zhengyuan de zheng de yanjiu. (Normal and abnormal stats of Beijing politics – a study of the controversy between Li Yuanhong's presidential palace and Duan Qirui's state council). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 3. p. 51-65. 7182. WANG (Donglin). 1938–1949 nian hou de Liang Shuming. (The late Liang Shuming 1938–1949). Beijing, Dangdai Zhongguo chubanshe, 2007, 4, 217 p.

7186. WANG (Sihan). 1934–1937 nianjian de xin shenghuo yundong yu jidujiao. (The new life movement and christian religion 1934–1937). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 65-82. 7187. WANG (Wei). Lun Han lü. (On Han dynasty law). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 4-19. 7188. WANG (Weijiang). 'Qingliu' yu 'Shenbao'. (The Qingliu and 'Shenbao'). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 6. p. 6277. 7189. WANG (Wentao). Qin Han shehui baozhang yanjiu: yi zaihai juizhu wei zhongxin de kaocha. (A study of social security in Qin and Han times). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2007, 7, 401 p. 7190. WANG (Xiaotong). Zhongguo shangye shi. (History of trade in China). Beijing, Tuanjie chubanshe, 2007, 287 p. 7191. WANG (Yichen). Wei Jin Nan Bei chao huobi jiaoyi he faxing. (The exchange and circulation of currency during the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties). Taibei, Wenjin chubanshe youxian gongsi, 2007, 2, 3, 370 p. 7192. WANG (Yuanzhou). Renshi tazhe yu fanguan ziwo: jindai Zhongguo ren de Hanguo renshi. (Understanding the other and self-observation: modern Chinese people's perception of Korea). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 61-79. 7193. WANG (Yuru). Jindai Zhongguo wujia, gongzi he shenghuo shuiping yanjiu. (A study on prices, salaries and life standards in modern China). Shanghai, Shanghai caijing daxue chubanshe, 2007, 2, 2, 236 p. 7194. WANG (Zhimin). Yongzheng chao yinjian wenguan dili fenbu shi xi. (On the geographical distribution of introduced civil servants in the Yongzheng period). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 3, p. 41-49. 7195. WANG (Zijin). Liang Han tong jia jiaoyu. (On children's education in Western and Eastern Han dynasties). Shixue jikan, 2007, 3, p. 15-25. 7196. WATANABE (Miki). Rynjkynj jin ka wajin ka: 16seikimatsu kara 17seiki hajime no Chnjgoku tǀnan enkai ni okeru "Rynjkynj jin" zǀ. (Ryukyuan or Japanese? The "Ryukyuan" image on the southeastern seacoast of Ming China at the turn of the 16th century). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 10, p. 1-36.

7183. WANG (Jianhua). Minguo zhengdang jingfei laiyuan yanjiu – yi Gonghe (tongyi) Guomin (tongmeng) liang dang wei yi an. (A study on financial resources of political parties in the Republican period). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 1, p. 56-59.

7197. WEI (Tian'an). Song dai shi yifa dejingying moshi. (The management of urban exchange law in Song times). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 20-30.

7184. WANG (Qingcheng). Wan Qing Hua bei xiangcun: lishi yu guimo. (Villages in North China in the late Qing dynasty: history and size). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 78-87.

7198. WEI (Wenxiang). Gongshang tuanti yu Nanjing zhengfu shiqi de yingye tuibao zhengzhi. (Industrial and commercial groups and farming out the business tax in the Nanking Decade). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 6, p. 78-91.

7185. WANG (Qisheng). Xin wenhua shi ruhe 'yundong' qilai de – yi 'Xin Qingnian' wei shidian. (How did the New Culture begin to 'move' – focusing on New Youth magazine). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 21-40.

7199. WEN (Xin). Tangdai chai ke bu zhizuo guocheng. Cong Aisitanna 61 hao mu suo chu yizhi wenshu tanqi. (The making of the graded labor force regis-

4. CHINA ters in the Tang dynasty. A discussion based on the labor service documents unearthed from tomb n. 1961 in Astana). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 43-59. 7200. WU (Tong). Sun Zhongshan yu huguo yundong. (Sun Yat-sen and the movement for nation protection). Shixue jikan, 2007, 6, p. 23-27. 7201. WU (Yixiong). Quanli yu tizhi: Yilü yu 1834– 1839 nian de Zhong Ying guanxi. (Power and system. Charles Elliotta and the Sino-British relations). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 63-87. í IDEM. Xintai hangshang qian an yu yapian zhanzheng qianxi de hangshang tizhi. (The Hingtae Hong debt case and the Canton hong system at the eve of the Opium war). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 56-75. 7202. WU (Youjiang). Tianxing yuannian tumin yu bei Wei chunian de xingzheng quhua. (Migration int the first year of Tianxing and the administration districts in the early Northern dynasties). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 66-75. 7203. XIAO (Yuqiu). 1864 nian yiqian Eguo lai Hua liuxuesheng. (Russian students in China before 1864). Lishi dang'an, 2007, 1, p. 87-95. 7204. XIAO (Zongzhi). Wan Qing xinzheng shiqi guanyuan de jiaoyu peixun yu qi zuoyong. (A study on the officials education training and its function during the new political reform of the Late Qing Dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 2, p. 36-49. 7205. XU (Buzeng). Xun fang Youtai ren: Youtai wenhua jingying zai Shanghai. (Jewish culture in Shanghai). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2007, 2, 6, 2, 11, 251 p. 7206. XU (Xiaoqing). Nanjing guomin zhengfu chuqi Zhongyang daxue qu shiyan ji qi kunjing. (The experiment with a university district system in the early Nanking government period and its difficulties). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 40-60. 7207. XU (Xiaoqun). Minguo shiqi de guojia yu shehui: ziyou zhiye tuanti zai Shanghai de xingqi, 1912– 1937. (State and society in the Republican era: professional associations in Shanghai). Beijing, Xinxing chubanshe, 2007, 3, 350 p. 7208. XU (Yiliang). Qing mo Taiwan de fangjun. (The defence corps in Taiwan in the late Qing dynasty). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 78-99. 7209. YAMAMOTO (Eishi). Shindai Chnjgoku no chiiki shihai. (Regional governance in the Qing dynasty). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2007, 476 p. 7210. YANG (Kuisong). Cong gonggei zhi dao zhiwu dengji gongzi zhi – Xin Zhongguo jianli qianhou dangzheng renyuan shouru fenbei zhidu de yanbian. (From provisions of goods to a wage hierarchy based on rank: changes in income distribution system for party and government officials at the time of the establishment of the People's Republic of China). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 111-137.


7211. YANG (Kuisong). Wuhan Guomindang de 'liang Gong' yu 'fen Gong'. (The Wuhan Nationalist party's policies of 'uniting with the communists" and 'breaking with the communists'). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 2650. 7212. YANG (Liwen). Beifa qianhou guomin gemingjun de dang daibiao zhi. (The system of party representatives in the revolutionary army before and after the Northern expedition). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 1, p. 60-67. 7213. YANG (Shaoyou), MO (Junqing). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Ming dai minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of Ming dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 6, 388 p. 7214. YANG (Tianhong). Beiyang waijiao yu Huafu huiyi tiaoyue guiding de tupo – Guanshui huiyi de shishi liuli yu wenti fenxi. (The Beiyang government's foreign policy and a breakthrough with regard to the provisions determined at the Washington conference: sorting out the facts and analyzing the isses for the tariff conference). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 119-133. 7215. YANG (Tianhong). Zhengdang jianzhi yu Minchu zhenzhi zouxiang – cong 'geming jun qi, geming dang xiao' kouhao de tichu lunqi. (The establishment of political parties and political system's trend in early republican China: beginning with the appearance of the slogan 'as the revolutionary army rises, the revolutionary party disappears). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 2, p. 18-39. 7216. YANG (Xuechen). Zhongguo lidai minzu shi. Qing dai minzu shi. (Series of Chinese ethnic history in past dynasties. The ethnic history of Qing dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 6, 414 p. 7217. YANG (Yong). Jindai Zhongguo gongsi zhili: sixiang yanbian yu zhidu bianqian. (Corporate management in modern China). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2007, 10, 4, 316 p. 7218. YANG (Zhumin). Ming Qing liang chao kaoju xue zhi bijiao yanjiu. (A comparative study on the textual research of Ming and Qing dynasties). Shixue jikan, 2007, 5, p. 9-14. 7219. YE (Lijun). Minguo Beijing zhengfu shiqi xuanju zhidu yanjiu. (A study of the electoral system under the Beijing government in the Republican era). Changsha, Hunan renmin chubanshe, 2007, 4, 3, 428 p. 7220. YOSHIZAWA (Seiichiro). Goshi undo ni okeru bǀryoku to titujyo. (Violence and order during the May Fourth movement). Rekishi Hyoron, 2007, 681, p. 16-29. 7221. YOU (Biao). Song dai 'dieshi' zhidu lunkao. (A study on 'die shi' of the Song dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 4, p. 11-19. 7222. YUAN (Tingzhi). Mingdai zongzu de xingcheng yu diyu shehui. Yi Fujian Yongchun xian taoyuan Liu shi wei zhongxin. (The emergence of clans and local society in Ming. Focusing on Fujian Yongchun district). Zhongguo shehui jingji shi yanjiu, 2007, 4, p. 11-25.



7223. ZANG (Yungu). Riben midang zhong de 'Wang Jingwei gongzuo' kaolun. (An analysis of 'Wang Jingwei work' in Japan's secret archives). Minguo dang'an, 2007, 3, p. 95-105. 7224. ZANG (Zhifei). Han ru jiazhi guannian bianqian jige wenti. (Several problems about the transformation of value-orientation of the Confucians in the Han dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 1, p. 3-13. 7225. ZHANG (Huateng). Shilun Zhongguo jindai shehui de fazhan yanjiu. Jian lun Beiyang jituan ji Zhongguo zaoqi xiandaihua. (The development and evolution of Chinese modern society–On Beiyang group and the early modernization in China as well). Shixue jikan, 2007, 6, p. 18-22. 7226. ZHANG (Jinfan). Zhongguo jiancha fazhi shigao. (A history of Chinese legal prosecution). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2007, 8, 605 p. 7227. ZHANG (Jinguang). Pubian shou tianzhi de zongjie yu siyou diquan de xingcheng. Zhangjiashan Han jian yu Qing jian bijiao yanjiu zhiyi. (The end of the universal land ownership and the establishment of the private land ownership: a comparative study of the Han and Qin dynasties documents unearthed in Zhangjiashan). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 5, p. 49-65. 7228. ZHANG (Junyi). Nanfang zhengfu daiqqu guanyu shijian yu Yingguo de fanying 1923–1924. (Interception of tariff by the Southern Government and the British government's reaction). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 115-130 7229. ZHANG (Ning). Zhongguo jindai huobi shilun. (History of currency in modern China). Wuhan, Hubei renmin chubanshe, 2007, 3, 20, 275 p. 7230. ZHANG (Peitian). Fa de licheng: Zhongguo sifa shenpan zhidu de yanjin. (The course of the law: evolution of the traditional trial system in China). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2007, 5, 281 p. 7231. ZHANG (Pengyuan). Zhongguo minzhu zhengzhi de kunjing (1909–1949): wan Qing yi lai lijie yihui xuanju shulun. [The dilemma of Chinese democratic politics (1909–1949): elections and assemblies from the late Qing]. Taibei, Lianjing chuban shiye gufen youxian gongsi, 2007, VI-423 p.

ciples of international order: the case of the recognition negotiations between China and Siam 1853–1928). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 1, p. 88-114. 7234. ZHANG (Suling). Wenhua, xingbie yu jiaoyu: 1900–1930 niandai de Zhongguo nü daxuesheng. (Culture, gender and education: female college students in China 1900s–1930s). Beijing, Jiaoyu kexue chubanshe, 2007, 4, 2, 2, 224 p. 7235. ZHANG (Xiaoye). Guan, min yu fa: Ming Qing guojia yu jiceng shehui. (Bureacracy, people and the law. State and society in Ming and Qing). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2007, 2, 281 p. 7236. ZHANG (Zhaojun). Wan Qing shiqi ru xue de geju yu puxi. (The pattern and pedigree of Confucianism in the late Qing dynasty). Shixue jikan, 2007, 1, p. 21-28. 7237. ZHANG (Zhongmin), ZHU (Ting). Nanjing guomin zhengfu shiqi de guoyou qiye, 1927–1949. (State enterprises during the national government in Nanjing). Shanghai, Shanghai caijing daxue chubanshe, 2007, 2, 5, 3, 496 p. 7238. ZHAO (Dong). Jindai kexue yu Zhongguo bentu shijian. (On modern science's localization practice in China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007, 4, 311 p. 7239. ZHAO (Dongyu). Qin wei Chunqiu daguo shuo. (Qin as a powerful state in the Spring and Autumn period). Shixue jikan, 2007, 3, p. 9-14 7240. ZHENG (Ruoling). Keju, gaokao yu shehui zhi guanxi yanjiu. (A Study on relationship of imperial examination and college entrance examination to society). Wuhan, Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2007, 3, 2, 2, 352 p. 7241. Zhong Ri wenhua jiaoliu shi. (A History of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges). Ed. by WANG Jianmin. Beijing, Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chubanshe, 2007, 5, 210 p. 7242. Zhong Ri xuezhe lun Zhongguo gudai chengshi shehui. (Chinese and Japanese scholars debates on urban society in ancient China). Ed. by Jingshang CHE, Zhenhong YANG. Xi'an, Sanqin chubanshe, 2007, 2, 2, 1, 449 p.

7232. ZHANG (Qing). Cai Xixue: xueke cidizhi lunbian ji qi yiyi – Lüelun wan Qing dui 'Xixue menjing' de tantao. (Adoption of Western learning: debates on the hierarchy of academic disciplines and tis significance – with a brief discussion of the exploration of 'Approaches to Western learning' in the late Qing dynasty). Lishi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 107-128. í IDEM. Minchu 'sixiang jie' tansi – baokan meijie yu dushu ren de shenghuo xingtai. (Intellectual circles in early Republican era – print media and intellectuals' life style). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 1-25.

7244. Zhongguo fazhi shi. (The legal history of China). Ed. by Zhongxin FAN and Jingliang CHEN. Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2007, 2, 5, 610 p.

7233. ZHANG (Qixing). Dong Xi guoji chengxu yuanli de chongtu – Qing mo Min chu Zhong Xian jianjiao de mingfen jiaoshe. (East-West conflicts on prin-

7246. Zhongguo jindai bianjie shi. (History of border regions in modern China). Ed. by Yiran LEI. Chengdu, Sichuan renmin chubanshe, 2007, 2 v., 12, 8, 1228 p.

7243. Zhongguo difang shigang. (A compendium of Chinese local history). Ed. by Nina CHENG. Changchun, Jilin daxue chubanshe, 2007, 6, 9, 746 p.

7245. Zhongguo jiating shi. (A general history of Chinese family). Ed. by Guogang ZHANG. Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2007, 5 v., [s. p.].

5. JAPAN (ESP. BEFORE 1868) 7247. Zhongguo kang Ri zhanzheng miwen. (The secret information of China's anti-Japanese war). Ed. by Zhibo LIN. Beijing, Jinghua chubanshe, 2007, 2, 6, 412 p. 7248. Zhongguo renkou tongshi. (History of Chinese population). Ed. by Zuliang YUAN. Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2007, 11 v., [s. p.]. 7249. ZHOU (Dongqi). Jindai kexue yu Zhongguo shehui. (Modern science and Chinese society). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2007, 3, 303 p. 7250. ZHU (Ying). Cong 'gong tui' dao 'piao ju': jindai Tianjin shanghui zhiyuan tuixuan zhidu dei quzhe yanjin. (From 'public recommendation' to 'election': the tortuous evolution of staff election system of the Tianjin chamber of commerce). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2007, 3, p. 66-78. 7251. ZOU (Zhenhuan). Xifang chuanjiao shi yu wan Qing xi shi dong jian: yi 1815 zhi 1900 nian xifang lishi yi zhu de chuanbo yu yingxiang wei zhongxin. (Western missionaries and Western history diffusion in the East in late Qing: the circulation and influence of Western history translations from 1815 to 1900). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007, 4, 463 p. Cf. nos 4184, 7029 § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). _______________________

7252. Chnjsei buke keizu no shiryǀ-ron: Jǀkan. (Studies of pedigrees of military families in Medieval Japan: I). Chnjsei buke keizu no shiryǀ-ron: Gekan. (Studies of pedigrees of military families in Medieval Japan: II). Ed. by Sumio MINEGISHI, Nobuo IRUMADA and Yasuhiro SHIRANE. Tokyo, Koshi Shoin, 2007, 2 vol., 253 p., 314 p. 7253. Chnjsei no jiin to toshi kenryǀku. (The power of temples and cities in medieval Japan). Ed. by Fumihiko GOMI and Hiroki KIKUCHI. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 415 p. 7254. Chnjsei tǀgoku no shakai kǀzǀ: Chnjsei tǀgokuron: Ge. Chnjsei tǀgoku no seiji kǀzǀ: Chnjsei tǀgokuron: Jǀ. (The social structure of eastern Japan in the Middle Ages). Ed. by Hironobu SATO. Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2007, 2 vol., 336 p., 305 p. 7255. FUJITA (Satoru). Minerva nihon hyǀden sen: Tanuma Okitsugu: Gofushin wo koumuru koto mini oboe nashi. (Tanuma Okitsugu: I have no idea why I'm looked upon with suspicion). Kyoto, Minerva Shobǀ, 2007, 292 p. (Minerva series of Japanese biographies). 7256. Haka to sǀsǀ no chnjsei. (Graves and funerals in medieval Japan). Ed. by Shinichi SAGAWA. Tokyo, Koshi Shoin, 2007, 298 p. 7257. HASEGAWA (Masatoshi). Kinseishi kenkynj sǀsho: Kinsei no chihou jiin to shomin shinkǀ. (Provincial temples and commoner's faith in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2007, 374 p. (Series of studies of early modern history).


7258. HIROSE (Kazuo). Kofun jidai seiji kozo no kenkynj. (Studies in the political structure in the Tumulus period). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2007, 488 p. 7259. HOSOI (Hiroshi). Kodai no tenpin ihen to sisho. (Phenomenal disasters and historical books in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 369 p. 7260. IMANISHI (Hajime). Ynjjo no shakaishi: Shimabara Yoshiwara no rekishi kara shokuminchi kǀshǀ sei made. (Social history of Japanese prostitutes: from the time of Shimabara and Yoshiwara to colonial 'official prostitution'). Yushisha, 2007, 272 p. 7261. ISOGAI (Fujio). Nihon chnjsei dorei-sei-ron. (A study of the Medieval Japanese slavery). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2007, 674 p. 7262. KAWAKATSU (Morio). Kinsei Nihon ni okeru sekkai no seisan rynjtsnj kǀzǀ. (Structure of production and distribution of limestones in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 555 p. 7263. KIKUCHI (Isao). Jinbutsu sǀsho: Sugae Masumi. (Sugae Masumi). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 317 p. (Series of biographies). 7264. KINDA (Akihiro). Heiankyǀ Kyoto: Toshizu to toshi-kǀzǀ. (Heiankyo and Kyoto: plans and structure of the city). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2007, 246 p. 7265. Kinsei ǀsaka no hou to shakai. (Law and society in early modern Osaka). Ed. by Takashi TSUKADA. Kyoto, Seibundo shuppan, 2007, 472 p. 7266. KINUGAWA (Jin). Chnjsei jiin seiryoku ron akusǀ to taishnj no jidai.(On the power of temples in medieval Japan: the age of armed monks and people). Tokyo, Yoshikawa-kǀbunkan, 2007, 317 p. 7267. KONDO (Yoshikazu). Shǀzoku no nihon shi: Heian kizoku ha nani wo kite ita no ka. (History of Japanese dress in late ancient period: What dress did the nobles wear in the Heian era?). Tokyo, Heibonsha, 2007, 228 p. 7268. KURODA (Satoshi). Chnjsei shǀzǀ no bunka-shi. (A cultural study of medieval Japanese portraits). Tokyo, Perikansha, 2007, 478 p. 7269. KURODA (Tatsuya). Chǀsen, Chnjgoku to Nihon kodai daijin sei: Daijin dairen sei ni tsuite no saikentǀ.(Korea, China and ministry system in ancient Japan). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2007, 433 p. 7270. MATSUKATA (Fuyuko). Oranda fnjsetsu gaki to kinsei Nihon. (Dutch newsletters and early modern Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2007, 321 p. 7271. MATSUMOTO (Shiro). Bakumatsu ishin ki no toshi to keizai. (Cities and economy at the end of the Edo era). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2007, 346 p. 7272. MATSUURA (Akira). Edo jidai karabune ni yoru Nicchnj bunka kǀrynj. (Japanese-Chinese cultural exchanges through Chinese ships in Edo era). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2007, 459 p.



7273. MORISHITA (Tǀru). Buke hǀkǀnin to rǀdǀ shakai. (Servants of samurai houses and labour society). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 101 p. 7274. MURAI (Sanae). Kinseishi kenkynj sǀsho: Kirishitan kinsei no chiikiteki tenkai. (Ban of Christianity and regional development in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2007, 316 p. (Series of studies of early modern history). 7275. Muromachi sengoku-ki kenkynj wo yominaosu. (Rereading preceding studies in the Muromachi and the Warring States periods). Ed. Chusei-koki kenkyukai. Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2007, 388 p.

7287. TAKAYAMA (Keiko). Edo fukagawa ryǀshi-machi no seiritsu.(The formation of a hunter town, Edo-Fukagawa). Tokyo, Meicho-kanko kai, 2007, 324 p. 7288. TAWADA (Masayasu). Yamakawa rekishi monograph: Kinsei shinshnj no kokumotsu rynjtsnj to chiiki kǀzǀ.(Distribution of grain and regional structure in early modern Shinshu). Tokyo, Yamakawa shuppansha, 2007, 302 p. 7289. TONO (Haruyuki). Kentǀshi. (Japanese envoys to China during the Tang Dynasty). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2007, 205 p.

7276. NAKABAYASHI (Takayuki). Nihon kodai kokka no bukkyǀ hensei. (Organisation of Buddhism by the ancient state in Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2007, 440 p.

7290. TORAO (Toshiya). Engishiki. (Engishiki codified by Fujiwara Tokihira and Tadahira, 905–927). Tokyo, Shueisha, 2007, 1481 p.

7277. Nanto jiin monjo no sekai. (The world of historical documents of Nara temples in the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties). Ed. by Seiji KATSUYAMA. Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2007, 388 p.

7291. TSANG (Carol Richmond). War and faith. Ikko Ikki in late Muromachi Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, X-315 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 288).

7278. NAOKI (Kojiro). Nukatano ǀkimi. (Princess Nukata). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 368 p. (Library of biography).

7292. TSUKADA (Takashi). Kinsei Osaka no Hinin to Mibunteki shnjen. (Outcastes in early modern Osaka and social periphery). Kyoto, Buraku Mondai Kenkyujo, 2007, 327 p.

7279. NISHIGAI (Kenji). Kinsei no yugyǀ hijiri to Mokujiki Kanzei. (Early modern mendicant priests and Mokujiki Kanzei). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 482 p. 7280. OBOROYA (Hisashi). Fujiwara Michinaga: Otoko ha tsuma gara nari. (Fujiwara Michinaga, 966–1027). Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2007, 392 p. 7281. Owarihan shakai no sǀgǀ kenkynj dai 3 hen. (Comprehensive studies of the Owari clan society vol. 3). Ed. by Toshihiko KISHINO. Osaka, Seibundo Shuppan, 2007, 402 p. 7282. RICHMOND TSANG (Carol). War and faith: Ikkǀ ikki in late Muromachi Japan. Cambridge a. London, Harvard University Asia Center, 2007, X315 p. 7283. Saikǀ: Chnjsei shǀen-sei. (Reconsidering the manorial system in medieval Japan). Ed. by Yuriko ENDO, Shigehiro KURAMOCHI and Noriyoshi TAMURA. Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2007, 315 p. 7284. SATO (Makoto). Kodai no chihǀ kanga to shakai. (Provincial government and local society in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yamakawa Ahuppansha, 2007, 105 p. 7285. SEKIGUCHI (Tsutomu). Sekkan jidai bunka shi kenkynj. (Studies in the cultural history of the regency period in Japan). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2007, 482 p. 7286. Shigakukai symposium sǀsho: zen-kindai no nihon rettǀ to chǀsen hantǀ. (Pre-modern Japanese archipelago and the Korean peninsula). Ed. by Makoto SATƿ and Satoru FUJITA. Tokyo, Yamakawa shuppansha, 2007, 267 p.

7293. UMEMURA (Keiko). Kazoku no kodai shi: Renai, kekkon, kosodate. (Ancient history of family: love, marriage and child care). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2007, 202 p. 7294. Waka to kizoku no sekai: Uta no chikara (Rekihaku Kokubunken kyǀdǀ fǀramu). (The world of Japanese tanka and the aristocracy: the power of tanka). Ed. Kokuritsu rekishi minzoku hakubutsukan. Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2007, 256 p. (A collaborative forum of the National Museum of Japanese History with the Society of National Culture). 7295. WATANABE (Hisashi). Gǀnǀ sonraku kyǀdǀtai to chiiki shakai: Kinsei kara kindai he. (Landowner, village community and local society: From early modern to modern Japan). Tokyo, Kashiwa Shobo, 2007, 324 p. 7296. WATANABE (Hisashi). Kinsei no sonraku to chiiki shakai.(Villages and regional societies in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa shobo, 2007, 433 p. 7297. Zen-kindai no Nihon rettǀ to Chǀsen hantǀ (Shigakukai shinpojiumu sǀsho). (The Japanese Islands and the Korean Peninsula in premodern era). Ed. by Makoto SATO and Satoru FUJITA. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2007, 267 p. (Symposia series of the Historical Society of Japan). § 5. Addenda 2004. 7298. FRIDAY (Karl F.). Samurai, warfare and the state in Early Medieval Japan. New York, Routledge, 2004, 236 p. (Warfare and history). Cf. nos 3981-3989

6. KOREA § 6. Korea. _______________________

7299. KIMURA (Taku). 17seiki zenhan Chǀsen no tai-Nichi gaikǀ no henyǀ: "Isei itoku"in no seikaku


henka wo megutte. (Changes in the Korean diplomacy towards Japan in the early 17th century as seen through the use of the Korean royal seal). Shigaku Zasshi, 2007, 116, 12, p. 1-32. Cf. nos 3994-3998

S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) _________ ** 7300. Istorija Afriki v dokumentakh, 1870–2000. (African history in documents). Gen. ed. Appolon B. DAVIDSON. Vol. 2. 1919–1960. Ed. S. V. MAZOV. Vol. 3. 1961–2000. Ed. V. P. GORDONOV. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii; etc. Moskva, Nauka, 2007, 2 vol., 719 p., 420 p. ** 7301. ZMERLI (Adnan). Hannibal, Massinissa, Jugurtha: figures de proue de notre passé antique. Préf. de Jehan DESANGES. Tunis, Déméter, 2007, 132 p. (ill.). (Réflexions). _______________________

7302. Africa orientale italiana (L') nel dibattito storico contemporaneo. A cura di Bianca Maria CARCANGIU e Tekeste NEGASH. Roma, Carocci, 2007, 255 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 131). 7303. Afrikanische Horizonte: Studien zu Sprachen, Kulturen und zur Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Catherine GRIEFENOW-MEWIS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007, 172 p. (ill.). (Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 31). 7304. ALPERN (Stanley Bernard). On updating J.D. Fage's Guide to precolonial sources for Western Africa. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 427-435. 7305. ASANTE (Molefi Kete). The history of Africa. The quest for eternal harmony. London, Routledge, 2007, 397 p. 7306. BALTY (Janine). L'écuyer de Lycomède: note de iconographie. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 6978. 7307. BARBER (Karin). The anthropology of texts, persons and publics: oral and written culture in Africa and beyond. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, IX276 p. 7308. BONIFAY (Michel). Cargaisons africaines: reflets des entrepots. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 253260. 7309. BOSTOEN (Koen). Pots, words and the Bantu problem: on lexical reconstruction and early African history. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 173199.

7310. BRIAND-PONSART (Claude). Les "lancers de cadeaus" (missilia) en Afrique du Nord romaine. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 79-98. 7311. BURTON (Andrew), JENNINGS (Michael). The emperor's new clothes? Continuities in governance in late colonial and early postcolonial East Africa [Introduction of IJAHS special issue: Continuities in governance in late colonial and early postcolonial East Africa]. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 1, p. 1-26. 7312. CHRISTOL (Michel), AIBÈCHE (Youcef). Mopti municipum: le municipe de Mopt(h)i, entre Sétif et Cuicul. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 47-68. 7313. COLLINS (Robert O.), BURNS (James M.). A history of Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 406 p. 7314. COTTIAS (Myriam). La question noire: histoire d'une construction coloniale. Paris, Bayard, 2007, 123 p. 7315. DE ROMANIS (Federico). In tempo di guerra e di peste. Horrea e mobilità del grano pubblico tra gli Antonini e i Severi. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 187-230. 7316. DRINE (Ali). Les entrepots de Méninx. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 239-252. 7317. FANTAR (Mounir). Silos et entrepots en Afrique préromaine: des témoignages historiques et archéologiques. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 231-238. 7318. GLOVER (John). Sufism and Jihad in modern Senegal. The Murid order. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2007, VIII-236 p. (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora). 7319. ILIFFE (John). Africans. The history of a continent. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2007, 365 p. 7320. ISHIKAWA (Hiroki). Soromon chǀ kǀki no hokubu Echiopia ni okeru rekishi jojutsu no tokushitsu. (Characteristics of the historiography of Northern Ethiopia during the second half of the Solomonic Period). Oriento, 2007, 49, 2, p. 182-199. [Eng. Summary].



7321. KNIGHTON (Ben). Of war-leaders and firemakers: a rejoinder. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 411420. [Cf. no 7326].

7333. PRATTEN (David). The man-leopard murders. History and society in colonial Nigeria. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2007, XII-425 p.

7322. LARSON (Pier M.). Enslaved Malagasy and 'Le travail de la parole' in the pre-revolutionary Mascarenes. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 457479.

7334. REID (Richard). War in pre-colonial Eastern Africa. The patterns and meanings of state-level conflict in the nineteenth century. London, British Institute in Eastern Africa, 2007, XVI-256 p. (Eastern African series).

7323. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Claude). Populations et économies des colonies d'implantation européenne en Afrique (Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Kenya et Rhodésie du Sud). Annales de démographie historique, 2007, 113, p. 33-58.

7335. SAHLI (Mohamed Chérif). Décoloniser l'histoire. Préf. de Mohamed BALHI. Alger, Edition ANEP, 2007, 139 p. (Voix de l'anticolonialisme).

7324. LYDON (Ghislaine). Islamic legal culture and slave-ownership contests in nineteenth-century Sahara. International journal of African historical studies, 2007, 40, 3, p. 391-440. 7325. Maghrib (The) in the new century. Identity, religion and politics. Ed. by Bruce MADDY-WEITZMAN and Daniel ZISENWINE. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2007, IX-278 p. 7326. MIRZELER (Mustafa Kemal). The Importance of being honest: verifying citations, rereading historical sources, and establishing authority in the Great Karamoja Debate. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 383-409. [Cf. no 7321]. í IDEM. The tricksters of Karamoja. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 421-426. [Cf. no 7321]. 7327. MONROE (J. Cameron). Continuity, revolution or evolution on the slave coast of West Africa? Royal architecture and political order in precolonial Dahomey. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 349-373. 7328. NUGENT (Paul). Cyclical history in the Gambia/Casamance borderlands: refuge, settlement and Islam from c. 1880 to the present. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 2, p. 221-243. 7329. OGEN (Olukoya). The Akoko-Ikale: a revision of colonial historiography on the construction of ethnic identity in Southeastern Yorubaland. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 255-271. 7330. PAPI (Emanuele), MARTORELLA (Francesco). I granai della Numidia. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 171-186. 7331. PARKER (John), RATHBONE (Richard). African history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2007, 65 p. 7332. Perspectives historiques sur le genre en Afrique. Sous la dir. de Odile GOERG. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 285 p. (Groupe Afrique, Laboratoire SEDET/CNRS, Université Paris VII ௅ Denis-Diderot, Cahier, 23).

7336. SALAMA (Pierre). Le trésor de Fadhiline (Tunisie). Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 133-164. 7337. SALMON (Pierre). Nouvelle introduction à l'histoire de l'Afrique. Liminaire de Firouzeh NAHAVANDI; préface de Pierre DE MARET. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 299 p. (Etudes africaines). 7338. SCHEUB (Harold). A collection of stories and its preservation in the digital age. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 447-451. 7339. SCHMIDT (Heike). The future of Africa's past: observations on the discipline. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 453-460. 7340. SKINNER (Kate). Agency and analogy in African history: the contribution of extra-mural studies in Ghana. History in Africa, 2007, 34, p. 273-296. í EADEM. Reading, writing and rallies: the politics of 'Freedom' in southern British Togoland, 1953–1956. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 1, p. 123-147. 7341. TSUJI (Asuka). Mamurnjku chǀ Ejiputo ni okeru jimmƯ seisaku no tenkan: 1301 nen no hǀrei o chnjshin ni. (The turning point in the Mamluk policy towards the dhimmis: the decree of 1301). Oriento, 2007, 49, 2, p. 165-181. [Eng. Summary] 7342. Villes d'Afrique: explorations en histoire urbaine. Sous la dir. de Jean-Luc VELLUT. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 237 p. (Cahiers africains = Afrika studies, 73). 7343. VIRLOUVET (Catherine). Entrepots de stockage, entrepots et marchés: Pour une typologie des horrea dans l'Afrique du Nord Antique. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 165-170. 7344. VISMARA (Cinzia). Amphitheatralia africana. Antiquités Africaines, 2007, 43, p. 99-132. 7345. WERTHMANN (Katja). Gold mining and Jula influence in precolonial southern Burkina Faso. Journal of African history, 2007, 48, 3, p. 395-414. Cf. nos 6390-6437

T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) _________ 7346. America sive mundus novus: le lettere a stampa attribuite ad Amerigo Vespucci. A cura di Luciano FORMISANO e Carla MASETTI; presentazione di Ilaria LUZZANA CARACI. Roma, Società geografica italiana, 2007, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). 7347. BATES (Robert H.), COATSWORTH (John H.), WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.). Lost decades: postindependence performance in Latin America and Africa. Journal of economic history, 2007, 67, 4, p. 917-943. 7348. HAVARD (Gilles). Le rire des jésuites. Une archéologie du mimétisme dans la rencontre franco-amérindienne (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Annales, 2007, 62, 3, p. 539-574. 7349. JAFFARY (Nora E.). Gender, race and religion

in the colonization of the Americas. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, XII-206 p. 7350. REID (Michael). Forgotten continent: the battle for Latin America's soul. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2007, XV-384 p. 7351. STADEN (Hans). Warhaftige Historia: zwei Reisen nach Brasilien (1548í1555) = História de duas viagens ao Brasil. Kritische Ausgabe = edição crítica: Franz OBERMEIER; Übertragung ins heutige Deutsch: Joachim TIEMANN; tradução ao português, Guiomar CARVALHO FRANCO. Sao Paulo, Instituto MartiusStaden u. Kiel, Westensee Verlag, 2007, LXVI-410 p. (ill., facsims.). (Fontes Americanae, 1). Cf. nos 6438-6466

U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) _________ 7352. CRETTON (Viviane). Négocier le conflit à Fidji: "cérémonies du pardon" et enjeux du coup d'état de 2000. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 326 p. (maps). (Mondes océaniens). 7353. GEIGER (Jeffrey). Facing the Pacific: Polynesia and the American imperial imagination. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, 303 p. (ill.). 7354. Genes, language, and culture history in the Southwest Pacific. Ed. by Jonathan Scott FRIEDLAENDER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2007, XI-248 p. (ill.). (Human evolution series). 7355. Growth (The) and collapse of Pacific island societies: archaeological and demographic perspectives. Ed. by Patrick V. KIRCH and Jean-Louis RALLU.

Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2007, XVI390 p. 7356. Histoire de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Approches croisées. Sous la dir. de Frédéric ANGLEVIEL. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2007, 307 p. 7357. TCHERKÉZOFF (Serge). Polynésie, Mélanésie: l'invention française des "races" et des régions de l'Océanie, XVIe–XXe siècles. Pirae Tahiti, Au vent des îles, 2007, 374 p. (maps). 7358. WESLEY-SMITH (Terence). China in Oceania: new forces in Pacific politics. Honolulu, East-West Center, 2007, 35 p. (Pacific Islands policy, 2). Cf. nos 6467-6470

INDEX OF NAMES1 A Aalto (Aino), 5176. Aalto (Alvar), 5176. AAN DE WIEL (Jérôme), 6555. AASLESTAD (Katherine), 3636, 6526. AASSVE (Arnstein), 5808. ABATTOUY (Mohamed), 2472. ABBONDANZA (Letizia), 1243. 'Abd Allah Qutb Shah, Sultan of Golconda, 7044. Abd el-Krim, 4062. ABDULKARIM (Maamoun), 835. ABE (Toshihiro), 3066. ABÉCASSIS (Frédéric), 4830. ABED (Julien), 2715. ABEL (Emily K.), 5809. Abelardus (Petrus), 2982. ABLONCZY (Balázs), 3866. ABONCE (Ramón), 5784. ABRAHAM (Florin), 265, 5651. ABRAHAM (Kathleen), 920. ABRAHAM (Nils), 6915. Abraham, biblical patriarch, 2035, 2111. ABRAVANEL (Isaac), 2444. ABROSIMOV (Kirill), 4677. ABU-LUGHOD (Janet L.), 5810. ACCARDO (Simona), 1906. Achenaten, king of Egypt, 895. ACHI (Raberh), 4646. ACHIN (Catherine), 5811. ACIDINI LUCHINAT (Cristina), 5179. ACKERMANN (Felix), 5180. ACQUAVIVA (Gennaro), 3920. ACQUAVIVA (Paolo), 2801. ACTON (Edward), 4175. ACUÑA (Rodolfo F.), 5812. Adad-nirari III, king of Assyria, 955. ADAK (Mustafa), 845. ADAM (Klaus-Peter), 2031. ADAM (Thomas), 5813. ADAMS (Colin E. P.), 1738. ADAMS (Ellen), 1096.

ADAMS (Geoff W.), 1625. ADAMS (Gwenfair Walters), 3171. ADAMS (James N.), 1785. Adams (John Quincy), 6541. ADAMS (John W.), 5885. Adams (John), 345. ADAMSON (Peter), 2476, 2482. ADAMSON (Walter L.), 5139. ADÃO (Áurea), 4840. ADDISON (Paul), 504. ADEJUMOBI (Saheed A.), 3523. Adela, Countess of Blois, Chartres and Meaux, 2414. ADELMAN (Jeremy), 6441. ADELMAN (Jonathan R.), 6682. ADIEGO (Ignacio J.), 147. ADLBERGER (Susanne), 6145. ADLER (William), 2000. ADOLFSSON (Mats), 4323. ADOLPHSON (Mikael S.), 4647. ADORNO (Salvatore), 3929. ADRADOS RODRIGUEZ (Francisco), 1244. Aegidius Romanus, 3010. Aelianus (Claudius), 1300. AESCHIMANN (Eric), 4868. Aeschylus, 1250, 1252, 1329, 1332. AFEADIE (Philip Atsu), 6391. AFENTOULIDOU-LEITGEB (Eirini), 2168. AFFLERBACH (Holger), 6637. AFONSO (Luís Urbano), 2935. AGAPITOS (Panagiotis A.), 383. AGATI (M. L.), 28. AGERGAARD (Sine), 5939. AGGER (Jonathan Søborg), 6916. Agnesi (Maria Gaetana), 5042. AGNESINI (Alex), 1584. AGNOLETTI (Silvia), 2685. AGOSTI (Gianfranco), 1563. AGOSTINI (Lucia), 778. ÅGREN (Karin), 5544. ÅGREN (Maria), 5815. Agricola (Gnaeus Iulius), 4694. AGSTNER (Rudolf), 6276, 6920.

AGUILA (Jaime R.), 6615. AGULHON (Maurice), 3602. Agustín (Antonio), 231. AHARONI (Reuven), 3511. Ahiqar, grand vizier of Assyria, 1044. AHLBERG (Kristin L.), 6917. AHLBERGER (Christer), 5608. AHMAD (Diana L.), 5816. AHMAD (Feroz), 4352. AHN (Daeok), 7048. AHREND (Thomas), 5372. AHRENS (Ralf), 5659. AIBÈCHE (Youcef), 7312. AICHHOLZER (Anukis), 5140. AIHARA (Yoshiyuki), 7049. AINSWORTH (Peter F.), 2346. AIRALDI (Gabriella), 2552. AÏT-EL-DJOUDI (Dalila), 6392. AJAYI (Gboyega), 4080. AKALAY (Omar), 4061. AKERMAN (Jamks R.), 181. AKIBA (Jun), 7021. AKIMOV (Jurij T.), 6277. AKSAN (Virginia H.), 4360, 6519. AKTAR (Ayhan), 4353. AL QUNTAR (Salam), 950. ALACEVICH (Michele), 5443. Alaleone de Branca (Paolo), 4535. ALAM (Muzaffar), 163. ALAM (S. M. Shamsul), 3992. ALANÍS ENCISO (Fernando Saúl), 4027. ALANUS DE INSULIS, 2738. ALANYÀ I ROIG (Josep), 3138. ALAPERRINE-BOUYER (Monique), 4813. Alaricus, rex Gothorum, 1667. ALAURA (Silvia), 964. ALAZARD (Florence), 4540. ALBAGLI (Nicole), 4952. ALBALA (Ken), 5817. ALBANIDIS (Evangelos), 1216. ALBAREDA (Joachim), 6494. ALBAYRAK (ørfan), 921. ALBERT OF AACHEN, 2340.

1 The Slavonic and in particular the Russian names are given in their national form transliterated following the usual methods and are classified accordingly. Characters with diacritics, for instance ü, Ğ, þ, š are considered as if ordinary c, s. the German modified vowels ä, ö, ø, ü are considered as if a, o, u. The names of Classical authors, Byzantine King and Emperors, Saints and Popes are indexed in their Latin form. Authors' names are given in capital letters.

304 ALBERTAN-COPPOLA (Sylviane), 4964. ALBERTANI (Claudio), 4886. ALBERTI (Gianmarco), 1488. Alberti (Leandro), 176. ALBERTI (Leon Battista), 2739, 5141. ALBERTI (Verena), 3378. Alberto da Intimiano, arcivescovo di Milano, 3067. ALBRIGHT (Daniel), 5208. Alcaeus, 1375. ALCÁNTARA LÓPEZ (Alvaro), 5614. ALCÁZAR (José Eduardo), 6550. ALCINA ROVIRA (Juan), 231. Alcmanes, 1270. ALCOCK (Susan E.), 1489, 1493. ALDCROFT (Derek H.), 5393. ALDERS (Maarten), 5727. ALDRETE (Gregory S.), 1739. ALDRICH (Mark), 5458. ALDRIGHI (Clara), 6918. ALEGRE I URGELL (Montserrat), 2740. ALEGRÍA (Ricardo E.), 3453. Aleksandar I Karaÿorÿeviü, kralj Jugoslavije, 4234, 4255. Aleksandr II Nikolaeviþ Romanov, Russian emperor, 4213. ALESSANDRO: DA RIPABOTTONI, 4499. ALEXANDER (Jonathan James Graham), 48. ALEXANDER (Michael), 266. ALEXANDER (Robert Jackson), 6086. ALEXANDER (Sally), 5728. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, 1441. Alexander VI, Papa, 4542. Alexandros III ho Megas, king of Macedonia, 1130, 1163, 1189, 1190, 1196. Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 2242. ALFANI (Guido), 643. Alfani (Tindaro), 2661. ALFONSO ANTÓN (Isabel), 2632. Alfonso V el Magnànimo, rey de Aragona, 2442. Alfonso VIII, rey de Castilla, 2464. Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla y de Leon, 2467, 2831. AL-HIJJI (Yacoub Yousef), 1975. ALICI (Luigi), 691. ALIZADEH (Karim), 1046. AL-JABRI (Mohammed Abed), 4648. AL-KHWƖRIZMƮ, 2964. Al-KindƯ, 2476. ALLAG (Claudine), 2940. Allaiturahi, 974.

INDEX OF NAMES ALLAM (Schafik), 879. ALLARD (Joe), 2781. ALLEGRA (Luciano), 267. ALLEGREZZA (Paolo), 3930. ALLEMAND-GAY (Marie-Thérèse), 3534. ALLEMEYER (Marie Luisa), 616. ALLEN (Douglas W.), 5459. ALLEN (Nicholas J.), 1068. ALLEN (Valerie), 2654. Allende Gossens (Salvador), 6808. ALLERFELDT (Kristofer), 4440. ALLIOT (David), 4678. ALLMER (Patricia), 5148. ALLUÉ (Ethel), 752. ÄLMEBERG (Roger), 6785. ALMUNI BALADA (Maria Victòria), 2911. ALON (Yoav), 3990. ALONSO (Paula), 3312. ALONSO (Victor), 1197. ALONSO ÁLVAREZ (Raquel), 3101. ALPERN (Stanley Bernard), 7304. ALSHECH (Eli), 990. ALTENBURG (Tilo), 2980. ALTERMATT (Urs), 4524. ALTHANN (Robert), 686. ALTHAUS (Thomas), 5119. Althoff (Gerd), 469. ALTHOFF (Jochen), 1398, 1440. ALTMAN (William H. F.), 4972. ALVAH (Donna), 6846. ALVAREZ (David), 6847. ALVAREZ (Lourdes Maria), 2477. AғLVAREZ (Yamile), 3313. ÁLVAREZ CHILLIDA (Gonzalo), 4649. ÁLVAREZ MÁRQUEZ (María del Carmen), 60. ÁLVAREZ NOGAL (Carlos), 5660. ALVARSSON (Jan-Åke), 4631. ALVES (Vágner Camilo), 6848. ALVES DOS SANTOS (Ivair Augusto), 3374. Alzate Avendaño (Gilberto), 3426. AMADO (Teresa), 2762. AMADORI (Saverio), 2515. AMALOU (Thierry), 3535. AMALRIC (Jean-Pierre), 6485. AMANAT (Abbas), 6328. AMANO (Chieko), 4814. AMAT (Jacqueline), 1786. AMATO (Eugenio), 1246, 2173. AMATO (Giuliano), 592. AMBAGLIO (Dino), 1247. Ambrosiaster (or PseudoAmbrosius), 1970. AMBROSIUS (Lloyd E.), 6616. Ambrosius Mediolanensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 1971. AMBROSOLI (Mauro), 168.

AMDAM (Rolv Petter), 5676. AMEISEN (Jean-Claude), 645. AMICO (Antonella), 394. AMIDON (Philip R.), 2009. AMIET (Pierre), 922. AMINOFF-WINBERG (Johanna), 5818. AMMANN (Klaus), 5460. AMMANNATI (Giulia), 2276, 2650. Ammianus Marcellinus, 1578. AMORY (Hugh), 73. AMPIAH (Kweku), 6849. AMPOLO (Carmine), 331. AMUNDSEN (Arne Bugge), 4755. AMUSSEN (Susan Dwyer), 5819. Anastasius Sinaites, Sanctus, 2145. ANASTASOPOULOS (Antonis), 6538. Anaxagoras Clazomenius, 1134. ANCEAU (Eric), 3621. ANDÅS (Margrete Syrstad), 2931. ANDENNA (Cristina), 3102. ANDENNA (Giancarlo), 3215. ANDERLE (Ádám), 6878. ANDERMANN (Jens), 3245. ANDERNACHT (Dietrich), 4645. ANDERNACHT (Helga), 4645. ANDERS (Friedrich), 1945. ANDERSEN (Jan), 164. ANDERSEN (Jens), 6754. ANDERSEN (Kirsti), 5141. ANDERSEN (Lars Schädler), 6087. ANDERSEN (Per), 2533. ANDERSEN (Peter Hvilshøj), 2763. ANDERSEN (Wayne V.), 5142. ANDERSEN-WYMAN (Kathleen), 2764. ANDERSON (Clare), 3869. ANDERSON (Glaire D.), 2493. ANDERSON (Graham), 2765. ANDERSON (Iain), 5209. ANDERSON (Margaret Lavinia), 4679. ANDERSON (Roberta), 3039. ANDERSSON (Greger), 5210. ANDERSSON (Lars M.), 6704. ANDERSSON (Roger), 3183. ANDO (Takaho), 3536. Andrade (Judas Tadeo), 6209. ANDRADE (Tonio), 6373. ANDRÉ (Nadine), 3870. ANDREAE (Bernard), 1907. ANDREANI (Laura), 2539. Andreas Caesariensis, Sanctus, 2146, 2764. ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE, 2965. ANDREASI (Osanna), 3137. ANDREASSON (Hans), 4612. ANDREESCU (ùtefan), 4354. ANDRÉO (Christophe), 5820.

INDEX OF NAMES ANDREWS (David L.), 6801. ANDREWS (George Reid), 5821. ANDRISANO (Angela), 233. ANELLO (Paola), 1160. ANEZIRI (Sophia), 1217. ANFRAY (Marie-Cécile), 4882. ÁNGEL NÚÑEZ BELTRÁ (Miguel), 3051. ANGELINI (Elisa), 4952. ANGELUCCI (Federica), 3227. ANGLANI (Bartolo), 4955. ANGLEVIEL (Frédéric), 7356. ANISESCU (Cristina), 4150. ANISESCU (Cristina), 5822. ANISIMOV (Evgenij V.), 4198. ANKARLOO (Bengt), 5823. Anna Comnena, 2263. ANNOSCIA (Giorgia Maria), 3228. Anonimo di Giamblico, 1350. ANSARI (Abdul Haseeb), 585. Antef, king of Egypt, 889. ANTHONY (David W.), 743. ANTHONY (Thalia), 6088. ANTIû (ýedomir), 6556. Antiochos III, re di Siria, 847, 853. ANTLER (Joyce), 5824. ANTLIFF (Mark), 5144. ANTOHI (Sorin), 328. ANTOLIC (Pia), 2999. ANTON (Fabian), 5825. ANTON (Mioara), 6919. ANTONI (Carlo), 4938. Antoninus Pius (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius), Roman emperor, 1905. ANTONIOLI (Maurizio), 4886. ANTONIUTTI (Arianna), 2809. ANTONOPOULOU (Th.), 2166. ANTONSSON (Haki), 3139. ANTOSCHINA (Olga), 5097. Anysius Thessalonicensis, Archiepiscopus, 2062. ANZINGER (Silke), 1787. AO (Guangdan), 7050. Aphtonius, 1347. Apollonius Rhodius, 1135, 1273, 1368. Appianus, 1136. APPLEBY (David J.), 4471. APPOLD (Juliette Laurence), 5212. Apuleius (Lucius), 1581, 1816, 1840. Aquila Romanus, 1582. AQUILECCHIA (Giovanni), 4947. Ara (Angelo), 384. ARABEYRE (Patrick), 590. ARAGONESES (Alfons), 6210. ARAKI (Yoiku), 2555. ARANDA JIMÉNEZ (Gonzalo), 798. ARANGUREN (Biancamaria), 753, 799.

Aratus, 1301. ARAUJO PEREIRA (Amilcar), 3378. ARAUZ (Diana), 2516. Arbasino (Alberto), 5292. Arbenz Guzmán (Jacobo), 6808. ARBUTHNOT (Sharon J.), 2649. ARCANGELI (Alessandro), 268. ARCANGELI (Francesco), 5181. ARCHAN (Christophe), 2517. Archelaus, 1523. ARCHER (Robin), 6089. ARCHETTI (Gabriele), 4557. ARCHI (Alfonso), 965. Archilochus, 1137, 1278, 1279, 1351. ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel del), 4264. ARD BOONE (Rebecca), 3537. ARDEVAN (Radu), 1626. ARECES (Nidia R.), 4098. ARENA (Valentina), 1698. ARENAS ESTEBAN (Jesús Alberto), 828. Arendt (Hannah), 4944. ARESI (Stefano), 2955. ARGAST (Regula), 4335. ARGENZIANO (Raffaele), 29. Argilagues (Francesc), 61. ARICI (Fausto), 4484. ARISI ROTA (Arianna), 3931. Aristaenetus, 1138. Aristarchus, 1378. Aristophanes, 1139, 1140, 1198, 1275, 1321, 1322, 1391, 1398. Aristoteles, 1141, 1142, 1404, 1405, 1413, 1417, 1420, 1427, 1433, 1454, 1456, 2155. ARÍZAGA BOLUMBURUV (Beatriz), 2575. ARLAUSKAITƠ (Inga), 4011. ARMENTEROS (Carolina), 4680. Arminius (Jacobus), 4639. Arminius, prince of the Cherusci, 1632. ARMITAGE (David), 4380. ARMOGATHE (Jean Robert), 4978. ARMSTRONG (Adrian), 62. ARMSTRONG (Lawrin David), 2615. ARMUS (Diego), 5729. ARMUS (Seth D.), 6279. ARN (M.-J.), 2767. ARNAOUTOGLOU (Ilias), 1109. ARNAUD (Daniel), 923. ARNDT (Agnes), 4119. ARNESEN (Eric), 611, 5844. ARNOLD (Claus), 4681. Arnold (Klaus), 2663. ARNOLD (Oliver), 5213. Arnolfo di Cambio, 2928. ARNORSDOTTIR (Agnes S.), 2605.

305 ARNOULD (Dominique), 1069. ARONOWITZ (Robert A.), 4979. Arriaga (Manuel de), 4135. ARRIGHETTI (Graziano), 1248. ARRIGHI (Giovanni), 5382. ARRIGHI (Paul), 6777. ARRIGHI (Simona), 800. ARRIZABALAGA (Jon), 61. ARROM (Silvia Marina), 5826. ARROW (Michelle), 5214. Artaud (Antonin), 5325. Artemidorus Ephesinus, 1533. Artemidorus, 1260, 1261, 1269, 1344, 1354, 1363, 1377. ARTIAGA (Loïc), 4500. ARTIGAS (Isabel), 5162. Artigas (José Gervasio), 4463. ARVIZU (Carlos), 5784. ARZROUNI (Christopher), 3501. ASADA (Sadao), 4682. ASAJI (Keizo), 2424. Asakawa (Kan'ichi), 386. ASANTE (Molefi Kete), 7305. ASCH (Ronald), 5827. ASCHER (Abraham), 3639. ASCHERI (Mario), 586. Asclepiades Myrleanensis, 1143. ASGHARZADEH (Alireza), 3895. ASH (Rhiannon), 1621. ASHE (Laura), 2769. ASHERI (David), 1147. ASHLEY (Scott), 5828. ASHOLT (Martin), 6213. ASHTON (Nigel John), 6931. ASHWORTH (John), 4381. ASHWORTH (Lucian M.), 6617. ASKER (Björn), 4324. ASKEW (Marc), 4348, 5730. ASKHOLM (Ib), 120. ASLIHAN YENER (K.), 801. ASPER (Markus), 1399. ASSMANN (Aleida), 269. Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, 947, 954. AST (Stefan), 2531. ASTIÉ-BURGOS (Walter), 6280. ASUTAY-EFFENBERGER (Neslihan), 2199. ATABAKI (Touraj), 3903. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), 4352. Atget (Eugene), 5348. Athanasius Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 1972, 2122. ATIENZA LÓPEZ (Angela), 4501. ATKINS (Peter J.), 5829, 5901. ATTARD (Bernard), 6467. ATTEBERY (Jennifer Eastman), 5830. ATTWOOD (Catherine), 2770. AUBERT (Nathalie), 5102. AUBERT (Roger), 700.

306 AUBRUN (Michel), 3058. AUER (Leopold), 6155. AUGE (Oliver), 2908. AUGUSTINE (Dolores L.), 4981. Augustinus Aurelius, Sanctus, 2063, 2091. Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 1575, 1631, 1635, 1648, 1687, 1749, 1824, 1896, 1905, 1922. AUGUSTYNOWICZ (Christoph), 6525. AULICH (James), 206. AUMÜLLER (Gerhard), 651. AUNESLUOMA (Juhana), 6850. AURAST (Anna), 2691. AURELL (Martin), 2403, 2656, 2672. AURIG (Rainer), 3231. AUSTIN (Alvyn), 4591. AUSTIN (Kenneth), 4613. AUSTIN (Peter E.), 5661. AUWERS (J.-M.), 687. AUZARY-SCHMALTZ (Nada), 6239. AVERROES, 2966. Averroes, 2983. Avicenna, 2983. AVILOVA (Liudmila), 802. Avogadro (Amedeo), 5009. AVREISKI (Nicolas), 6281. AVRIL (François), 31, 48. AXTMANN (Ronald), 3274. AYALA (César J.), 4148. AYALA (Luis), 4225. AYALA BENÍTEZ (Luis Ernesto), 4549. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto), 3426. AYMES (Marc), 4355. AYUB KHAN (Mohammad), 4089. AZORÍN ABELLÁN (José), 102. AZOULAY (Vincent), 1218. AZPURUA AYALA (Enrique), 4465. B BABICH (I.), 4207. BABLITZ (Leanne E.), 1740. BABOU (Cheikh Anta), 4226, 5731. BACCHILEGA (Cristina), 4683. Bacchylides, 1266, 1293. BACCI (Michele), 2198. BACEVICH (Andrew J.), 6814. Bach (Johann Sebastian), 5205, 5207, 5222, 5370. BACH (Valérie), 2658. BACHECHI (Luca), 776. BACHER (Ernst), 2914. BACHRACH (David Steward), 270. BACIGALUPO (Ana Mariella), 5831. BACKUS (Irena), 4641.

INDEX OF NAMES BACON (Jacqueline), 4870. BADCOCK (Sarah), 4176. BADE (Klaus J.), 613. Badoaro (Giacomo), 5381. Badoglio (Pietro), 4913. BADOUD (Nathan), 1487. BAECHLER (Christian), 3640. BAENA PREYSLER (Javier), 804. BAER (William C.), 5546. BÁEZ PIMIENTO (Adriana), 3427. BAFFIGI (Alberto), 4982. BAGCHI (Sanjoy), 3871. BAGGARLY (John D.), 2145. BAGGE (Sverre), 2425. BAGGETT (David), 5278. BAGLIONI (Lapo), 803. BAHENSKÁ (Marie), 5832. BAHGAT (Gawdat), 3512. BAHLCKE (Joachim), 3715. BAI (Cuiqin), 7051. BAI (Shouyi), 7052. BAIDA (Jamaâ), 4878. BAIETTO (Laura), 3068. BAILEY (Donald M.), 880. BAILEY (Jonathan), 6282. BAILEY (Paul J.), 4815. BAILEY (Terence), 2953, 2958. BAILLY (Christophe), 183. BAILLY-MAÎTRE (Marie Christine), 2613. BAIN (E.), 3172. BAIN (Mervyn J.), 6921. BAINES (Gary), 4258. BAIONI (Massimo), 271. BAJC (Gorazd), 4229. BAKER (Eillen R.), 5216. BAKER (William J.), 4474. BAKEWELL (Geoffrey W.), 1249. BAKHOUCHE (Béatrice), 2001. BAKKER (Janine), 1047. BAKKER (Paul J. J. M.), 3018. Baksic (Petru Bogdan), archbishop of Sophia, 4507. BAL (Karol), 4956. BĂLĂCEANU-STOLNICI (Constantin), 113. Balaguer (Joaquín), 3505. BALAVOINE (Guillaume), 187. BALBI (Fernando Alberto), 3315. BALBIER (Uta Andrea), 3641. BALBO (Ivan), 5833. BALDASSARRI (Guido), 4694. BALDELLI (Ignazio), 2771. BALDIN (Damien), 6618. BALDINGER (Kurt), 145. BALDISSARA (Luca), 369. BALDÓ ALCOZ (Julia), 2659. BALDÓ LACOMBA (Marc), 4283. BALDWIN (Anna P.), 2772. BALDWIN (Davarian L.), 5732. BALFOUR (Sebastian), 4265.

BALHI (Mohamed), 7335. BALÍK (Stanislav), 4502. BALLHORN (Egbert), 2054. BALLIN SMITH (Beverley), 2509. BALLINI (Pier Luigi), 3967, 4860, 6425. BALOG (Iosif Marin), 5383. BalthusCornell (Joseph), 5147. BALTRUSCH (Ernst), 1636. BALTUSSEN (Han), 1400. BALTY (Janine), 7306. BALTZER (Markus), 5662. Balzac (Jean-Luis Guez), 5091. BALZANI (Roberto), 249. BƗmbƗ (Aতmadnj), 4226. BAMPI (Massimiliano), 2773. BAN (Guoqi), 7053. BANAJI (Jairus), 1946. BANE (Mary Jo), 4482. BANG (Peter Fibiger), 1741. BANIVANUA-MAR (Tracey), 6468. BANNER (Stuart), 5615. BANNERMAN (Gordon), 3760. BANON (Patrick), 1742. BAQUEDANO JER (Sandra), 4970. BARANOWSKI (Elfriede), 2952. BARANOWSKI (Günter), 6146. BARAēSKI (Zygmunt G.), 2774. BARATTA (Giorgio), 4955. BARBAGALLO (Francesco), 419. BARBARAS (Françoise), 4971. BARBARO (Ermolao), 2744. BARBER (Karin), 7307. BARBER (Malcolm), 2413. BARBERINI (Giovanni), 4503. BARBERIS (Giorgio), 4684. BARBICHE (Bernard), 5. BARBIER (Frédéric), 80, 4882. BARBIERI (Alvaro), 152. BARBIERI (Luca), 2745. BARBIERI (Magali), 5733. BARBIN (Evelyne), 4980. BARBOSA (Carlos Alberto Leite), 6786. BARBU (Violeta), 103. BĂRBULESCU (Michaeli), 1754. BARCELÓ (Juan Antonio), 773. BARCELÓ (Pedro), 1163, 1627. BARCHIESI (Alessandro), 1807. BARDSLEY (Sandy), 2560. BARELI (Avi), 3917. BARENGHI (Mario), 5099. BARIÉTY (Jacques), 6619. BARILE (Nicola Lorenzo), 3206. BARIS (Tommaso), 3932. BARKER (Andrew), 1401. BARKO (Ivan), 6557. BARNES (John C.), 2802. BARNETT (Vincent L.), 5217. BARNISH (Sam J.), 490. BAROLINI (Teodolinda), 2852.

INDEX OF NAMES BARON (Nick), 4177. BARONI (Anselmo), 1699. BARR (Juliana), 6495. BARRACHINA (Marie-Aline), 4278. BARRANTES MARTÍN (Beatriz), 5100. BARRAS (Vincent), 5967. BARRA-SALZÉDO (Edoarda), 1250. BARRATT (Nicholas), 2275, 2318. BARRAU (L.), 2344. BARRERA (Trinidad), 5087. BARRESI (Paolo), 991, 1490. BARRETT (James Harold), 3236. BARRETT (Roby Carol), 6787. BARROS (Maria Filomena Lopes de), 2479. BARROS VAN H. (Alonso), 4029. BARRY (Frank), 5664. BARRY (Kathleen M.), 5461. BARTELS-ISHIKAWA (Anna), 6152. BARTH (Volker), 4685. BARTHÉLEMY (Dominique), 2660. BARTHOLEYNS (Gil), 432. BARTHOLOMAEUS (Anglicus), 2967, 2968. BÁRTÍK (František), 5462. BARTL (Július), 272. BARTLETT (Roger), 5888. BARTLETT (W. B.), 2404. Bartók (Béla), 5256. Bartolo da Sassoferrato, 2535. Bartolomé de Las Casas, 4598. BARTON (Patricia), 6341. BARTONƞK (Antonin), 1097. BARTULIN (Nevenko), 6673. BARTUSCHAT (J.), 2775. BARTZ (Olaf), 4983. BARUCH (Marc Olivier), 3538. BARVÍKOVÁ (Hana), 663. BASCOMB (Neal), 5218. BASHFORD (Alison), 5734. Basilius Caesariensis, Sanctus, 1973. Basilius I, Byzantine emperor, 2269. BASSANI (Alessandra), 2661. BASSO (Patrizia), 1908. Bastian (Adolf), 470. BASTIEN (Frédéric), 6788. BATE (Jonathan), 5090. BATELY (Janet), 2499. BATES (Crispin), 7014. BATES (Davis), 3114. BATES (Robert H.), 7347. BATHILDE (Sandrine), 4816. Batista y Zaldívar (Fulgencio), 6954. BATLLE (Carme), 2307. Batlle y Ordóñez (José), 4461. BATT (Catherine M.), 749. Battelli (Giulio), 385.

Batthyány (Lajos, gróf), 3864. BATTISTINI (Andrea), 5050. BATTISTINI (Francesco), 5616. BATTY (Roger), 1628. BAUCELLS I REIG (Josep), 2561. Baudelaire (Charles), 5112. BAUDIN (Rodolphe), 5093. Baudissin (Wolf, Graf von), 3752. BAUDRY (G. H.), 696. BAUER (Josef), 924. BAUER (Renate), 2780. BAUER (Thomas Johann), 2017, 2048. BAUER-EBERHARDT (Ulrike), 32. BAUMEISTER (Peter), 925. BAUMGARTEN (Steffen), 6214. BAUMGARTNER (Emmanuèle), 2752. BAUMIER (Béatrice), 3539. BAUN (Jane), 2049. BAUR O'CONNELL (Christine), 2776. BAUTZ (Annegret), 4178. BAUTZ (Friedrich Wilhelm), 694. BAUTZ (Traugott), 694. BAVAJ (Riccardo), 6147. BAXTER (Craig), 4089. BAXTER (Stephen), 2342, 2426. BAYARD (Pierre), 4686. BAYER (Ronald), 5007. BAYER (Walter), 6212. BAYERDÖRFER (Hans-Peter), 471. BAYERTZ (Kurt), 5072. BAYIR (Önder), 4228. BAYLE (Pierre), 4945. BAYLY (Christopher), 6374. BAYLY (Susan), 7010. BAYTIR DIOP (Adama), 4227. BAZZANI (Marina), 2181, 2182. BEACH (Alison I.), 3098, 3123. BEACHY (Robert), 5801. BEAL (Richard H.), 966. BEAM (Sara), 5219. BEAR (Laura), 5463. BEARD (Mary), 1700. BEARZOT (Cinzia), 1152. BEASCOECHEA GANGOITI (José María), 5735. BEASLEY (Rebecca), 5101. BEATTIE (Blake R.), 3040. BEATTIE (Cordelia), 2562. BEAUCHAMP (Tom L.), 4958. BEAUMONT (Matthew), 4752. BEAUREPAIRE (Pierre-Yves), 6496. BECATTINI (Roberto), 753. BECEIRO PITA (Isabel), 232. BECH LARSEN (Margit), 3488. BECHERT (Tilmann), 1629. BECK (Anthony), 835. BECK (Friedrich), 6, 2337. BECK (Lorenz Friedrich), 6.

307 BECK (Markus), 1251. BECKER (Adam H.), 2471. BECKER (Franz G.), 3642. BECKER (Jürgen), 2050. BECKER (Marc), 3508. BECKER (Sabina), 5080. BECKER (Winfried), 273. BECKET (Thomas), 2341. Beckett (Samuel), 5260, 5341, 5345, 5367. Beda Venerabilis, Sanctus, 2793. BEDNAěÍK (Petr), 5220. BEELEY (Christopher A.), 1985. BEER (Daniel), 646. BEEZLEY (William H.), 4030. BÉGHIN (Laurent), 4687. BEGHIN (Tom), 5273. BÈGUE (Sandrine), 6375. Behaim (Albert), 294. BEHRENDT (Andreas), 2954. BEHRENDT (Ralf), 3629. BEHRINGER (Wolfgang), 606. BEIHAMMER (Alexander), 2273. BEIK (William), 5834. BEINART (William), 607. BEITZEL (Barry J.), 2039. BEJCZY (István Pieter), 3025. BEJKO (Lorenc), 1527. BÉKÉS (Csaba), 6860. BEKKEN (Per Jarle), 2018. BELHADJ (Salah), 3305. BÉLIGAND (Nadine), 5835. BELISSA (Marc), 6275, 6497, 6520. BELL (Adrian R.), 2563. BELL (Bill), 68. BELL (David A.), 6521. BELL (Duncan), 6335, 6602. BELL (Lanny), 967. BELL (Richard H.), 2051. BELL (Thomas J.), 2982. BELLAMY (Chris), 6674. BELLANTA (Melissa), 5665. Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo), Sanctus, 4504. BELLENGER (Dominic Aidan), 3039. BELLER (Steven), 499. BELLÉR-HANN (Ildikó), 7029. BELLIGNI (Eleonora), 4504. BELLINI (Erika), 2896. Bellmer (Hans), 5147. BELLONI (Cristina), 4534. BELMONTE DÍAZ (José), 2448. BELO (Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura), 2983. BELTRAN (Vicenç), 2662, 2778. BÉLY (Lucien), 6472. Belzu (Manuel Isidoro), 3371. BEN GUIZA (Tahar), 4952. BEN PLOTKIN (Mariano), 3316. BEN TAHAR (Sami), 1035.

308 BENAISSA (Amin), 2148. BENAMOU (Catherine L.), 5221. BEN-ARTZI (Yossi), 5617. BENDIX ANDERSEN (Morten), 274. BEN-DROR (Elad), 6851. BENEDETTI (Marina), 3069. Benedictus XI, Papa, 3069. Benedictus XV, Papa, 4544. BENELLI (Enrico), 1554. BENELLI (Giorgio), 2052. BENERICETTI (Ruggero), 3140. BENGA (Daniel), 2200. BÉNICHOU-SAFAR (Hélène), 992. BENIGNO (Francesco), 593. BENITO I MONCLÚS (Pere), 2579. BENJAMIN (Thomas), 516. BENNETT (G.H.), 6766. BENNETT (Julian), 1564. BENNEWITZ (Ingrid), 2878. BENOIST (Stéphane), 339. BENOZZO (Francesco), 2779. BENSALAH (Mohamed), 215. BEN-SHAMMAI (Haggai), 524. BENSON (Susan Porter), 5836. Bentham (Jeremy), 4946. BENTI (Getahun), 5736. BENTLEY (Michael), 4770. BENVENUTI (Marco), 800. BENZ (Wolfgang), 3717. Benzing (Josef), 4914. BEN-ZVI (Abraham), 6789. BERAMENDI (Justo G), 4266. BERARDI (Francesco), 1788. BERBEL (Márcia Regina), 5837. BERCÉ (Yves-Marie), 6256. BERCHTOLD (Jacques), 338, 4968. BERDAT (Christophe), 6922. BERDEJO BRAVO (María del Carmen), 4045. BÉRÉLOVICH (André), 4172. BEREND (Ivan Tibor), 5384. BEREND (Nora), 2385. BÉRENGER (Jean), 6490. BERENI (Laure), 5838. BERESFORD (Andrew M.), 3141. BERGAD (Laird W.), 6443. BERGAMINI (Ivo), 6090. BERGER (Albercht), 2144. BERGER (Karol), 5222. BERGER (Stefan), 378. BERGH (Andreas), 5385. BERGIER (Jean-François), 2644. BERGLUND (Barbara), 4688. BERGLUND (Tomas), 5839. Bergman (Ingmar), 5309, 5355. BERGQUIST (Mats), 4332. BERGSMA (John Sietze), 2053. BERGSTRÖM (Villy), 6091. BERHANU (Kassahun), 3524. BERL (Emmanuel), 3529. BERLIÈRE (Jean-Marc), 3540.

INDEX OF NAMES Berlinguer (Enrico), 3949. Berlioz (Hector), 5223, 5312. BERMAN (Daniel W.), 1252. BERMAN (David R.), 4382. BERMON (Pascale), 2984. BERMÚDEZ (Jorge R.), 130. BERNABE (Rafael), 4148. BERNABÒ SILORATA (Mario), 2405. BERNARD (Mathias), 3541. BERNARD (Philippe), 3156. BERNARD-GRIFFITHS (Simone), 5093. Bernardino da Feltre, 2515. BERNARDO (Manuel), 3849. Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sanctus, 3173, 3180. BERNAUDEAU (Vincent), 6215. BERNAULT (Florence), 6396. BERNDT (Guido M.), 1947. BERNETT (Monika), 1883. Bernhard (Isaak), 5515. BERNHARDSSON (Magnus T.), 6328. BERNHEIMER (G. Max), 1491. Bernini (Gian Lorenzo), 261, 5180. BERNSDORFF (Hans), 1253. BERNSTEIN (Frances Lee), 4179. BERNSTEIN (Frank), 1630. BERRIDGE (G.R.), 6620. BERRIDGE (Geoff), 6554. BERRY (Daina Ramey), 5840. BERRY (Helen), 5896. BERSCHIN (Walter), 2782. BERSTAN (Robert), 793. BERTAGNA (Federica), 3330. BERTAGNOLLI (Paul), 5224. BERTELLI (Carlo A.), 5841. BERTELLI (Sandro), 2783. BERTELLI (Sergio), 422. Berthelot (Henri-Mathias), 4157. BERTHERAT (Bruno), 4781. BERTHIER (Philippe), 5134. BERTI (Emanuele), 1789. BERTI (Silvia), 5182. BERTI (Vittorio), 993. BERTINI (Fabio), 3933. BERTOLI (Antonio), 5158. BERTOŠA (Miroslav), 3244. BERTRAND (Michel), 5842, 6444. BERTRAND (Olivier), 2840. Bertrand de Goth, archevêque de Périgord, 3064. BERTUCCI (Paola), 4984. BERWINKEL (Holger), 2406. BƜRŽINS (Valdis), 4001. BESAMUSCA (Bart), 2768. BESNARDEAU (Wilfrid), 2784. BESSAC (Jean-Claude), 1048. BEßLICH (Barbara), 4689. BEST (Anthony), 6835. BESTER (Dörte), 2032.

BETCHAKU (Atsuko), 4817. BETHENCOURT (Francisco), 189. BETT (Richard), 1402. BETZ (Hans Dieter), 710, 711. BEUSHAUSEN (R.), III. BEUTIN (Heidi), 2785. BEVAN (Robert), 5164. BEW (Paul), 3908. BEYER (Burkhard), 5464. Bèze (Théodore de), 4641. BEZZEL (Hannes), 2033. BHATTACHARYA (Atin), 3872. BHATTACHARYA (Sabyaschi), 6372. BHATTACHARYA (Swapna), 6283. BIAGINI (Eugenio F.), 3909. BIAGIOLI (Ilaria), 408. BIALAS (Wolfgang), 4690. BIALE (David), 647. BIALUSCHEWSKI (Arne), 6393. BIANCHETTI (Serena), 1254. BIANCHI (Ettore), 3067. BIANCHI (Paola), 1701. BIANCO (Elisabetta), 1164. BIANCO (Furio), 168. BIARD (Michel), 3542. Bibó (István), 415. BIBOLET (Françoise), 31. BICHLER (Reinhold), 403. BICKERS (Robert A.), 6558. BICKLE (Penny), 777. BIDDISCOMBE (Perry), 3643. BIDEAU (Alain), 5854. BIDUSSA (David), 277. BIENERT (Michael), 6829. BIERMANN (Friedhelm), 2564. BIERNAT (Carolina), 3317. BIESS (Frank), 3648. BIFFI (Inos), 3173. BIFFI (Nicola), 1255. BIGET (Jean-Louis), 3175. BIGGS (Frederick M.), 2862, 2863. BIGLARI (F.), 771. Bigod (Roger), 2600. BIJAK (Jakub), 5738. BIJSTERVELD (Arnoud-Jan A.), 2565. BILES (Zachary), 1256. Billanovich (Giuseppe), 2766. BILLARI (Francesco C.), 5808. BILLEN (Claire), 2647. BILLIANI (Francesca), 4691, 5308. Billig (Gerhard), 3231. BILLINGS (Mark), 5666. BINDA (Veronica), 5547. BINGEN (Jean), 881. BINNI (Lanfranco), 4675. BINNI (Walter), 4675. Biondini (Maria Arcangela), 4585. BIRASCHI (Anna Maria), 285. BIRBALSINGH (Frank), 3850. BIREBENT (Christian), 6621.

INDEX OF NAMES BIRKELAND (Sven Arvid), 5843. BIRN (Raymond), 4692. BIRNS (Nicholas), 734, 5079. BISCIONE (Michele), 4938. BISHOP (Chris), 2867. BISKUP (Radoslaw), 3071. Bismarck (Otto Eduard Leopold von), 3666. BISPHAM (Edward), 1631. Bizet (Georges), 5237. BIZIMANA (Aimé-Jules), 5226. BJERKHOLT (Olav), 5444. BJÖRKMAN (Leif), 6755. BJØRN (Claus), 3489. BJÖRNE (Lars), 587. BLACK (Alistair), 4871. BLACK (Jeremy), 3761, 5548, 6701. BLACK (Robert), 2897. BLACKBOURN (David), 179. BLACKSTOCK (Allan), 5845. BLAETZ (Robin), 5379. BLAHOVÁ (KateĜina), 435. BLAIR (John), 2895. BLAIS (Marie-Claude), 554. BLAIVE (Muriel), 3464. BLAKE (Raymond B.), 3410. BLAKELY (Sandra), 1257. BLAKENEY WILLIAMS (Louise), 4693. BLAKESLEY (Rosalind P.), 684. BLANCHARD (Joël), 416. BLANCHET (Marie-Hélène), 2152. Blanco (Luis Carrero), 4909. BLANDIN (Claire), 4872. BLANDO (Antonino), 5618. BLANKE (Horst Walter), 441. BLANNING (T. C. W.), 3247. BLANTON (Thomas R.), 2019. BLANTON (Virginia), 3142. BLASCO BOSQUED (María Concepción), 804. BLASIUS (Rainer), 3637. BLAUFARB (Rafe), 6445. BLAŽEK (Pavel), 2985. BLAŽEK (Petr), 3463. BLEIBER (Helmut), 3638. BLICK (Sarah), 3174. BLICKLE (Peter), 584. BLOCH (David), 1141. Bloch (Marc), 386. BLOCKMANS (Wim), 2359. BLOM (Hans), 3278. BLOM (Ron), 4070. BLONDY (Alain), 6471. BLOOM (Harold), 5132. Blum (Robert), 3724. BLUMENBERG (Hans), 4740, 4969. BLUMENKRANZ (Bernhard), 2449. BLUMENTHAL (Christian), 2020. BLUMENTHAL (Karsten von), 5445.

BLUMENTHAL (W. Michael), 3985. BLURTON (Heather), 2788. BOARELLI (Mauro), 3934. BOAS PEDERSEN (Michael), 6790. Bobbio (Norberto), 4736. BOBO DE LA PEÑA (Miguel), 1403. BOBROVNIKOV (Vladimir O.), 4207. BOBROW-STRAIN (Aaron), 4031. Boccaccio (Giovanni), 2774. BOCCALINI (Traiano), 4694. BOCCINI (Floriano), 3924. BOCHACA (Michel), 3240. BÖCKMANN (Walter), 1632. BOCQUET (Denis), 5739. Bocúan (Nicolae), 4707. Bodashtart, king of Sidon, 1045. BODDY (Janice A.), 5846. BODEANU (Denisa), 4609. BODEI (Remo), 4779. BODEI GIGLIONI (Gabriella), 1165. BÖDEKER (Erich), 5352. BÖDEKER (Hans Erich), 234. BODIAN (Miriam), 695. BODIN (Michel), 6376. BOEDEKER (Deborah), 1457. BOEHME (Olivier), 5667. BOEHRINGER (Sandra), 1072. BOEKE (Hanna), 1258. BOËLDIEU-TRÉVET (Jeannine), 1166. BOENTERT (Annika), 5847. Boethius (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus), 1990. Boëthius (Bertil), 5450. BOETHIUS, 2969. BŒUF (Estelle), 235. BOFFA (Elisa), 4873. BOFFO (Laura), 994. BOGDAL (Klaus-Michael), 4746. Boge (familie), 5469. BØGE PEDERSEN (Merete), 5848. BOGUCKI (Mateusz), 139. BOHLENDER (Matthias), 555. BOHN (Robert), 3282. BOIDIN (Capucine), 4099. BOIGEOL (Anne), 5849. Boileau (Nicola), 5092. BOILLAT (Valérie), 6143. BOILLET (Élise), 4695. BOISDRON (Matthieu), 4151. BOITANI (Piero), 728. BOIVIN (Nicole), 781. BOIX (Carles), 573. BOIY (Tom), 1073. Bojcov (Michail A.), 2916. BOLDAN (Kamil), 36. BOLDEA (Ligia), 104. BOLDORF (Marcel), 5912. BOLENS (Matthias), 4340.

309 BOLFĂ-OTIC (Victoria), 4602. BOLL (Katharina), 2789. BOLLENBECK (Georg), 4696. BOLLINI (Maria Grazia), 6390. BOLLMEYER (Heiko), 3644. BOLONYAI (Gábor), 1259. BOLOVAN (Ioan), 5850. BOLOVAN (Sorina Paula), 5850. BOLTON (Brenda), 2381. BOLZ (Peter), 470. BOMBART (Mathilde), 5091. BOMBI (Barbara), 2382, 3050. Bompiani (Valentino), 4908. BONA (Aixa), 3321. BONA (Edoardo), 2134. BONACASA CARRA (Rosa Maria), 3042. Bonachea Hernández (Ramón Leocadio), 3449. BONACKER (Max), 5227. BONAH (Christian), 4985. BONAMENTE (Giorgio), 1592. Bonaparte (Luigi), 4963. BONDELI (Martin), 4966. BONIFAY (Michel), 7308. Bonifaz (Gaspar), 4263. BONIN (Hubert), 5465. BONINI (Francesco), 6174. BONNAH (George Kwame Agyei), 2021. BONNAUD (Jean-Luc), 2518. BONNER (Anthony), 2987. BONNET (Marie Rose), 3095. BONNEVILLE (Anne-Claire), 6852. BONNKE (Manuela), 5146. BONSAVER (Guido), 4697. BONVEý (Bernd), 3713. BOOS (Andreas), 3230. BOOTH (Alan), 4986. BOOTH (Anne), 5386. Boquín (familia), 122. BORÁK (Meþislav), 223, 4180, 5945, 6681. BORCHARDT (Karl), 3115. BORCHARDT (Stefan), 5183. BORDA D'AғGUA (Flávio), 6675. BORDES GARCIA (José), 2566. BORDONE (Renato), 2559. BORDREUIL (Pierre), 995. BORGER (Rykle), 926. Borges (Jorge Luis), 5121. BORGHI (Beatrice), 3226. BORGOGNI (Massimo), 6622. BORHAN (Pierre), 5228. Boris III, Tsar na Bălgarija, 3387. BÖRM (Henning), 2172. BORSCHEID (Peter), 5491. BORSDORF (Götz Hajo), 5387. BOS (Abraham P.), 1404. BOSCH (Brian J.), 3505. BÖSCH (Frank), 5229.

310 BÖSEL (Richard), 3344. BOSHOF (Egon), 2360. BOSMA (Ulbe), 6368. BOSOM (Sebastià), 2309. BOSSELMANN-CYRAN (Kristian), 2694. BOSSINA (Luciano), 1260. BOSTOEN (Koen), 7309. BOSTRENGHI (Daniela), 4971. BOTER (Gerard), 1261. BOTEZ (Victor), 5851. BOTHWELL (Robert), 6923. BOTÍA (Alejandro), 4874. BOTTAZZI (M.), 3176. BOTTONI (Rossella), 4356. BOTTONI (Stefano), 4152. BÖTTRICH (Christfried), 2086. Boudica, queen of the Iceni, 1695. BOUGARD (François), 586, 2584. BOUGY (Catherine), 568. BOUHAÏK-GIRONÈS (Marie), 5230. BOUISSOU (Jean-Marie), 3983. BOULLE (Pierre H.), 5852. Boupalos, 1277. BOURBOUHAKIS (Emmanuel C.), 2163. BOURDENET (Xavier), 5134. BOURDUA (Louise), 5145. BOUREAU (Alain), 2988. BOURGOIS (Eric Lerdrup), 6522. BOURGUINAT (Nicolas), 203. BOURIN (Monique), 2553. BOURIN (Monique), 2722. BOURRELIER (Paul-Henri), 4875. BOUSSAHBA-BRAVARD (Myriam), 3830. BOUTEAUX (Anne), 769. BOUTON (Terry), 4383. BOUTOULLE (Frédéric), 2567. BOUVIER (Beatrix), 3645. BOVEY (Alixe), 56. BOWEN (Lloyd), 3762-3763. BOWERS (Barbara S.), 2882, 2890. BOWERS (John M.), 2790. BOWIE (Angus M.), 1148. BOWIE (Karin), 3764. Bowrey (Thomas), 6393. BOXER (Marilyn J.), 6092. BOYAR (Ebru), 4357. BOYER (Christoph), 3249. BOYER (Christopher R.), 5619. BOYER (Vincent), 3543. BOYNTON (Susan), 3177. BOZEVA-ABAZI (Katrin), 4230. BRABENCOVÁ (Jana), 500. BRACHA (Krzysztof), 3178. BRACHT (Katharina), 302. BRACK (Duncan), 559. BRACKE (Maud), 6924. BRADBROOK (Bohuslava R.), 729. BRADBURY (Jim), 2407.

INDEX OF NAMES BRADLEY (Marshell Carl), 2055. BRADSHAW (Tancred), 6853. Brahe (Tycho), 5047. BRAHM GARCÍA (Enrique I.), 3413. Brahms (Johannes), 5374. BRAIDA (Antonella), 2803. BRAKEL (Alexander), 6778. BRALIû (Ante), 5853. BRÄM (Andreas), 33. Bramhall (John), 4518. Branca (Vittore), 387. BRANCH (Daniel), 6394. BRANCIANI (Luchina), 64. BRANCO (Rui Miguel C.), 4136. BRANCOLI BUSDRAGHI (Piero), 586. BRAND (Hanno), 2582. BRAND (Paul A.), 2510. BRANDA (Pierre), 3544. BRANDES (Detlef), 6331. BRANDES (Wolfram), 2069. BRANDL (Ulrich), 1965. BRANDS (Hal), 6925. BRANDSMA (Frank), 2768. BRANDT (Hartwig), 6183. BRANDT (Hartwin), 1948. Brandt (Willy), 6952. BRANTLEY (Jessica), 3179. BRATHER (Sebastian), 1969. BRATLUND (Bodil), 761. BRATOŽ (Rajko), 1633. BRATTAIN (Michelle), 4987. BRATULIû (Josip), 236. BRATZEL (John F.), 6691. BRAUERS (Christof), 3646. BRAUN (Guido), 2339, 5937, 6478. BRAUN (Manuel), 2815. BRAUN (Matthias), 246. BRAV (Frédérico), 5334. BRAVI (Alessandra), 882. BRAVO (Gian Mario), 4923. BRAW (J. D.), 275. BRAZINSKY (Gregg), 3994. BREAUGH (Martin), 556. BRECHENMACHER (Thomas), 4573. BRÉCHET (Christophe), 1262. Brecht (Bertold), 5360. BREEN (Michael P.), 3545. BREEZE (David John), 1634. BREHONY (Noel), 6926. BREMER (Thomas), 708. BREMMER (Rolf H., Jr.), 52, 2900. BRENDECKE (Arndt), 88. BRENES JIMÉNEZ (Roberto), 3441. BRENK (Frederick E.), 1458. BRENNECKE (Hanns Christof), 1972, 2040. BRESC (Henri), 2568. BRESSOLETTE (Claude), 4510. BRETELLE-ESTABLET (Florence), 4751.

BREUER (Gerda), 5201. BREUNIG (Werner), 6829. BREWSTER (Claire), 6448. BREYTENBACH (Cilliers), 2016, 2070. Brezhnev (Leonid Il'ich), 6983. Briand (Aristide), 6619, 6645. BRIAND (Virginie), 5740. BRIAND-PONSART (Claude), 7310. BRIBOSIA (Hervé), 592. BRICAULT (Laurent), 883. BRICE (Catherine), 207. BRIDGES (Emma), 1171. Bridget of Sweden, Sancta, 296. BRIER (Stephen), 218. BRIETMAN (Richard), 6715. BRIGGS (Elizabeth), 39. Bright (family), 5543. BRILLANTE (Carlo), 1263. BRINGMANN (Klaus), 1635. BRINK (Andrew), 5147. BRINKER-VON DER HEYDE (Claudia), 2791. BRINKLEY (Douglas), 4378. Brinkley (Richard), 2990. BRINKMANN (Sören), 4267. BRINKMANN (Tobias), 5620. BRIQUEL CHATONNET (Françoise), 996. BRISTOL (Joan Cameron), 4650. BRITO (E.), 687. BRIZ GODINO (Iván), 773. BRIZZI (Gian Paolo), 4505, 4803. BRIZZI (Giovanni), 1636. BROADBERRY (Stephen), 5466. BROBJER (Thomas H), 433. BROCHIER (Jacques É.), 754. BROCK (Sebastian P.), 1405. BROCKER (Manfred), 565. BROCKEY (Liam Matthew), 4592. BROCKMANN (Robert), 3362. BROCKMANN (Thomas), 5516. BROGAN (Hugh), 4973. BROGIOLO (Gian Pietro), 2556. BROICH (Ulrich), 3286. BRON (François), 997. BROODBANK (Cyprian), 1098. BROOK (Leslie C.), 2816. BROOKES (Stuart), 2570. BROOKS (Chris), 2563. BROOKS (Jeffrey), 4181. BROOKS (Tim), 4876. BROPHY (James M.), 4698. Broszat (Martin), 388. BROUN (Dauvit), 2383, 3092. BROWN (A. Peter), 5231. BROWN (Archie), 4182. BROWN (Ian), 5079. BROWN (John C.), 5741. BROWN (Miranda), 7054. BROWN (Peter), 2665, 2671.

INDEX OF NAMES BROWN (Stephen F.), 720. BROWNELL (Josiah), 6338. BROWNING (Don S.), 710. BROWNLOW (Graham), 5388. BRUBAKER (Leslie), 2215. BRUCE (Scott G.), 3103. BRUDER (Franziska), 4372. Brügel (Johann Wolfgang), 389. BRÜGGER (Silvia Maria Jardim), 105. BRUMFIEL (Elizabeth), 744. BRUNA (Denis), 2666. BRUNDAGE (Anthony), 3765. BRUNET (Guy), 5854. BRUNET (Serge), 4550. BRUNI (Domenico Maria), 4911. BRUNI (Francesco), 142. Brüning (Heinrich), 3745. BRUNKHORST (Hauke), 4963. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf), 3386, 3393, 5855. BRUNNER (Horst), 2688. BRUNO (Giordano), 4947. BRUNOT (Patrick), 3546. BRUNT (Liam), 5467. BRUSANOWSKI (Paul), 4603. BRUTER (Annie), 434. BRUUN (Christer), 1909. BRUUN (Mette Birkedal), 3180. BRUYN KOPS (Henriette De), 5549. BRUZELIUS (Nils), 6927. BRUZZANITI (Giuseppe), 4988. BRYANT (Chad Carl), 3465. BRYLD (Claus), 5856. BUBNER (Rüdiger), 4956. BUCCIANTINI (Massimo), 3016, 4989. BUCHANAN (Tom), 5857. BUCHENAU (Jürgen), 4032. BUCHHOLZ (Wolfhard), 4869. BUCHLOH (Ingrid), 106. BÜCHNER (Christine), 2989. BUCHOLC-SROGOSZ (Katarzyna), 4120. BUCUR (Maria), 4153. BUDAK (Mustafa), 4228. BUDAK (Neven), 2361. Budde (Jöns), 2704. BUDDRUS (Michael), 4783. BUDEANCĂ (Cosmin), 4155. BUDELMANN (Felix), 1264. BUELENS (Frans), 5668. BUELTZINGSLOEWEN (Isabelle von), 4990. BUENO SERRANO (Ana Carmen), 2833. BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc), 4991, 5032. BUHAGIAR (Mario), 3181. BUIS (Emiliano), 1198. BULGARELLI (Odoardo), 5669.

BULLÓN-FERNÁNDEZ (María), 2363. BULST (Neithard), 2637. BUNK (Brian D.), 4268. BUNTON (Martin), 4094. Buñuel (Luis), 5232, 5294. BÜNZ (Enno), 3047. BUNZEL (Wolfgang), 5119. Buonarroti (Michelangelo), 5192. BUORA (Maurizio), 1550. BURBANK (Jane), 4206. BURDETT (Charles), 166. BURGE (John), 1931. BURGEROVÁ (Lenka), 5859. BURGERS (J. W. J.), 2341. BURGESS (Glenn), 562, 3784. BURGESS (Glyn Sheridan), 2816. BURHOP (Carsten), 5466, 5468. BURIGANA (David), 6928. BURKARDT (Albrecht), 5556. Burke (Edmund), 4948. BURKE (Peter), 4703. BURLAND (Margaret Jewett), 2792. Burley (Gauthier), 2990. BURMAN (Thomas E.), 2480. BURNARD (Trevor), 5860. BURNS (James M.), 7313. BURNS (Richard Dean), 501. BURNS (Robert I.), 2335. BURRIS (Gregory A.), 4358. BURSÍK (Tomáš), 3466. BURT (Jo-Marie), 4103. BURT (Richard), 740. BURTON (Andrew), 5861, 7311. BURTON (Dan), 2978. BURTON (Janet E.), 2376. BURZACCHINI (Gabriele), 1265. BURZANOVIû (Slavko), 4059. BUSBY (Keith), 2768. BUSCH (Jörg W.), 2384. BUSCHAK (Willy), 4262. BÜSCHENFELD (Jürgen), 5469. Bush (George W.), 508. BUSH (Julia), 3766. BUSSIÈRES (Marie-Pierre), 1970. BUSSY GENEVOIS (Danièle), 4278. BUSTAMANTE VISMARA (José), 4818. BUTLER (Lawrence J.), 5470. BUTLER (Martin, Dr.), 5233. BUTLER (Matthew), 4038. BUTLER (Nicholas Michael), 5234. Butler (Pierce), 4377. BUTLER (Sara M.), 2667. Butterfield (Herbert), 390. BUTTERINI (Giorgio), 4585. BUTTERS (Gerald R. Jr.), 5235. BUTTERWORTH (Philip), 2846. BÜTTGEN (Philippe), 4954. BUTTI DE LIMA (Paulo), 5103. BUTTREY (T. V.), 1790.

311 BÜYÜKKOLANCI (Mustafa), 868. BYNUM (Caroline Walker), 3182. BYRNE (Malcolm), 4118. BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián), 4250, 4252. C CABALLERO ZOREDA (Luis), 2919. CABANES (Pierre), 1117. CABELLOS I MÍNGUEZ (Pilar), 4269. CABRERA (Miguel A.), 456. Cabrières (François de Roverié de), 4554. CACCIATORE (Giuseppe), 444. CACHO BLECUA (Juan Manuel), 2833. CADILI (Alberto), 3072. CADIOT (Juliette), 4183. ÇADIRCI (Musa), 4359. CADOTTE (Alain), 1885. Caelestinus V, Papa, 3074. Caesar (Gaius Iulius), 1583, 1637, 1675, 1678, 1688, 1689, 1712, 1716, 1843. Caetani (Margherite), 4916. CAFFIERO (Marina), 277, 4651. CAFFIO (Maria Angela), 3935. CAGGIA (M.Piera), 850. CAGGIANO (Giovanni), 6112. CAHN (Susan), 5862. CAILLY (Marie), 2794. CAIMARI (Lila), 4902. CAIN (Frank), 6791. CAINE (Barbara), 4770. CAIRNS (Douglas), 1266. ÇAKMAKÇI (Ufuk), 6093. CALABI (Francesca), 1595. CALABRI (Maria Cecilia), 4699. CALCAGNILE (Lucio), 819, 823. Calderon (Louisa), 6450. CALDWELL (Donald), 6756. CALÈ (Luisa), 2803. CALERO SECALL (Inés), 1199. Caligula (Gaius Iulius Caesar Germanicus), Roman emperor, 1625. CALIÒ (Tommaso), 4652. CALLAGHAN (John), 6284. CALLAHAN (Raymond), 6757. CALLARD (Caroline), 3936. CALLATAŸ (François de), 430. Calles (Plutarco Elías), 4032. Callimachus, 1383. Callistus I Constantinopolitanus, Patriarch, 2259. CALMA (Monica), 2907. CALOGERO (Elena Laura), 132. CALONACI (Stefano), 2883. CALVET (Antoine), 2884. CALVI REZIA (Gabriella), 778. CALVIN (Jean), 4614, 4629, 5151. Calvino (Italo), 5099.

312 CALVO-GONZALEZ (Oscar), 6792. CAMARA (Mohamed Saliou), 3847. CAMBIANO (Giuseppe), 557. CAMEROTA (Michele), 3016. CAMEROTTO (Alberto), 1459. CAMIA (Francesco), 1200. CAMINATI (Luca), 5236. CAMMARANO (Fulvio), 369. CAMOUS (Thierry), 1543. CAMPANA (Pierpaolo), 1702. CAMPANINI (Massimo), 4653. CAMPBELL (Bruce M. S.), 2571. CAMPBELL (Duncan Andrew), 6285. CAMPBELL (Ewan), 2572. CAMPBELL (James T.), 6322. CAMPBELL (Peter R.), 3548. CAMPBELL (Robert), 167. CAMPBELL (William H.), 4608. Campini (Umberto), 6767. CAMPO (Cristina) [Vittoria Guerrini], 4674. CAMPO (Marta), 138. CAMPOREALE (Giovannangelo), 1492. CAMPOS DAROCA (Francisco Javier), 1267, 1268, 1362. CAMPOS MATOS (Sérgio), 4135. Camus (Albert), 5105. CANALI (Luca), 1791. CANALI (Mauro), 6725. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo), 1638. CAÑAS GÁLVEZ (Francisco de Paula), 2427. CANBY (Courtlandt.), 503. CANCIK (Pascale), 6189. CANCILA (Rossella), 628. CANDELA SEVILLA (Virgilio Francisco), 4270. CANDIDO (Mariana P.), 6395. CANETTI (Luigi), 3144. CANFORA (Davide), 5104. CANFORA (Luciano), 1269, 1639. CAÑIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge), 276. CANNATA (Maria), 884. Cannon (James P.), 4437. CANNON (John), 3767. CANOBBIO (Elisabetta), 3049. CANONE (Eugenio), 4947. Canova (Antonio), 5155. Cantimori (Delio), 391. CANTÓN ALONSO (José Luis), 3013. CANTÙ (Francesca), 4593. CAO (Ying), 7055. CAPACCIONI (Andrea), 222. ýAPAITƠ (Rnjta), 7. CAPDETREY (Laurent), 836. CAPDEVILA (Luc), 4099, 6559.

INDEX OF NAMES Capétiens, 2402. Capétiens, rois de France, 2407. Capgrave (John), 3036. CAPIE (Forrest), 5666. CAPITANI (Ovidio), 2668. CAPITINI (Aldo), 465, 4949. CAPOGRECO (Carlo Spartaco), 6779. CAPPOZZO (Mario), 247. CAPPUCCINI (Luca), 1555. CAPRIGLIONE (Jolanda C.), 1074. CAPRIO (Mark E.), 3981. CAPROÁS (Iulia), 4784. CAPUTO (Nina), 2450. CAPUZZO (Paolo), 440. Caracalla (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1647, 1684. CARACI VELA (Maria), 2955. CARANDINI (Andrea), 588, 1886, 1910. Caravaggio, 5184. CARAVALE (Giorgio), 4615. CARAWAN (Edwin), 1201. CARBÓ GARCÍA (Juan R.), 1640. CARBONELL I ROURA (Eudald), 770. CARBONELL MANILS (Juan), 231. CARCANGIU (Bianca Maria), 7302. CÁRCEL ORTÍ (Vicente), 4551. CARDELLE DE HARTMANN (Carmen), 2795. Cárdenas (Lázaro), 4025, 6719. CARDIM (Pedro), 367. CARDINI (Franco), 425, 2628. CARDOSO (A. Monteiro), 4137. CARELLA (Candida), 4785. CARITEY (Benoît), 6016. CARL (Horst), 5796. CARLÀ (Filippo), 1703. CARLETTI (Gabriele), 2395. CARLI (Maddalena), 6753. CARLO ALTIERI (Gerardo A.), 6446. CARLOTTI (Jean-François), 885. CARLSON (David R.), 2293. CARLTON (David), 5366. CARLUCCI (Claudia), 1544. CARLUCCI (Giuseppe), 2169. CARMENT (David), 3332. CARNERO (Roberto), 5125. Carol al II-lea, Rege al României, 4151, 4153. CAROLI (Michael), 5756. CAROZZI (Claude), 2683. CARP (Benjamin L.), 4384. CARPENTER (D. A.), 3145. CARPENTER (Stanley D. M.), 3783. CARPI (Olivia), 3572. Carraro (Giuseppe), vescovo di Verona, 4555.

CARRASCO LAZARENO (María Teresa), 2306. CARRÉ (Antonia), 2796. CARREGHA LAMADRID (Luiz), 4033. Carrel (Alexis), 5058. CARRETE PARRONDO (Juan), 5185. CARROLL (Anthony J.), 429. CARROLL (David), 5105. CARROY (Jacqueline), 4977. CARSANA (Chiara), 1136. CARSWELL (Grace), 5621. CARTA (Paolo), 4962. Carter (James Earl 'Jimmy'), 6947, 6955. CARTER (Lionel), 3867. Cartier-Bresson (Henri), 5348. CARUCCI (Margherita), 1911. CARVALHO FRANCO (Guiomar), 7351. CASADO QUINTANILLA (Blas), 2290. CASAGRANDE (Alessandro), 30. CASALI (Sergio), 1792. CASANA (Jesse), 837. CASANOVA (Christian), 5863. CASANOVA-ROBIN (Hélène), 1602. CASARI (Marco), 6190. CASAS (María Raquél), 5864. CASAÚS ARZÚ (Marta), 107. CASERTANO (Giovanni), 1407. CASEY (James), 5865. CASIDAY (Augustine), 3041. CASINI (Fabio), 6726. CASPAR (Helmut), 136. CASPER (Scott E.), 73. CASSAGNES-BROUQUET (Sophie), 111. CASSANDRO (Giorgia), 405. CASSET (Marie), 3073. CASSIDY (Brendan), 2917. CASSINA (Cristina), 558. CASSIO (Albio Cesare), 1270. CASSIRER (Ernst), 4950. CASSIS (Youssef), 5670. Cassius Dio, 1331. CASTAGNA (Luigi), 1864. CASTAGNETO (Pierangelo), 5319. CASTAÑEDA ZAVALA (Jorge), 6286. CASTEJÓN DOMÈNECH (Nativitat), 2284. CASTEL (Corinne), 805. CASTELLI (Patrizia), 2728. CASTELLI (Silvia), 998. Castellucci (Dante), 6779. CASTELNOVI (Michele), 191. Castilla (Ramón), 4102. CASTILLO (Juan Bravo), 5086. CASTORIANO (Martine), 1758. CASTRO (Francesco), 589. Castro Ruz (Fidel), 6954, 6966.

INDEX OF NAMES CASTRONOVO (Russ), 648. CATALAN (Tullia), 5427. CATALDI (Sergio), 1168. CATANORCHI (Olivia), 4947. CĂTĂNUù (Dan), 5651. Catilina (Lucius Sergius), 16111614. CATTARUZZA (Alejandro), 278. CATTARUZZA (Marina), 6287. Catullus (Gaius Valerius), 15841586, 1797, 1845. CAUMARTIN (Corinne), 4096. CAUNE (Andris), 4000. CAUSTON (Ann), 2446. CAVACIOCCHI (Simonetta), 2630. CAVAGHON (Alberto), 422. CAVALLO (Guglielmo), 2-4, 8. CAVALLO (Sandra), 5866. CAVELL (Janice), 6908. CAVERO DOMÍNGUEZ (Gregoria), 3105. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine), 927, 999. CAWSEY (Kathy), 2873. CAZAL (Françoise), 3150. CAZALS (Rémy), 6612. CĂZAN (Ileana), 6498. CAZANAVE (Caroline), 2797. CAZENAVE (Annie), 2669. CAZZELLA (Alberto), 806. Ceauúescu (Nicolae), 4156. ýEý (Dragica), 5867. CECCANTI (Melania), 2923. CECCARELLI (Alessia), 3937. CECCARELLI (Paola), 1271. CECCARELLI LEMUT (Maria Luisa), 2628. CECCHERINI (Irene), 9. ýechov (Anton P.), 5303. CEDERBERG (Björn), 6793. CEDERHOLM (Mathias), 2573. CEJA ANDRADE (Claudia), 4034. Celer, architect, 1909. Céline (Louis-Ferdinand), 4678. CENTENO (Miguel A.), 6330. CEPPARI RIDOLFI (Maria A.), 2313. CEPRAGA (Dan Octavian), 152. CERCHIAI (Geri), 2460. CERNOVODEANU (Paul), 6518. CERRI (Giovanni), 1272. CERRINI (Simonetta), 3106. CERRUTI (Gerardo), 2282. CERUTTI (Simona), 6216. Cervantes (Miguel de), 5086. Cervelló (Juan Basilio de Castellví, conde de), 6489. CESALLI (Laurent), 2990. CESARI (Laurent), 6929. CESARI (Luca), 5181. Cesi (Federico), 5050. CEULEMANS (Reinhart), 1273, 2164.

ÇEVIK (Özlem), 807. CEVIZOöLU (Hüseyin), 846. Chaban-Delmas (Jacques), 3578. CHACÓN GÓMEZ-MONEDERO (F. Antonio), 2306. CHACÓN NAVARRO (Maria Gema), 769. Chagall (Marc), 5198. CHAITANI (Youssef), 4003. CHAKRABARTI (Manasi), 3873. CHAKRABARTI (Radharaman), 3885. CHAKRABARTY (Dipesh), 4091. CHALKOMATAS (Dionysios), 1793. CHALLET (Vincent), 2635. Chalmers (Thomas), 4817. CHAMBERLAIN (Andrew), 794. CHAMPAGNE (Alain), 2574. CHAMPION (C.P.), 3401. CHANDLER (Clive), 1408. CHANG (Chun-Shu), 7056. CHANG (Michael G.), 7057. CHANG (Qing), 7114. CHANG-RODRÍGUEZ (Eugenio), 4104. CHANIOTIS (Angelos), 847, 1111, 1460. CHAPA (Juan), 891. CHAPERON (Sylvie), 4992. CHAPLIN (Jane D.), 1597. CHAPMAN (James), 5317. CHAPMAN (John W. M.), 6591. CHAPNICK (Adam), 3400. CHARBONNEL (Augustin), 3064. CHARDONNENS (László Sándor), 2747. Chariton Aphrodisiensis, 1319, 1372. CHARLES (Douglas M.), 4385. CHARLES (Michael B.), 1049, 1641, 1794. Charles Edward, prince, 3781. Charles II, king of Great Britain and Ireland, 3780, 3832. Charles, duc d'Orléans, 2767. Charles, prince of Wales, 3776. CHARLES-EDWARDS (T. M.), 2513. CHARLTON (David), 5312. CHARPIN (Dominique), 919. CHARRUE (Jean-Michel), 1409. CHARTIER (Roger), 5078. CHARY (Frederick), 3387. CHASSAGNE (Annie), 237. CHASSEL (Jean-Luc), 134. CHATEL DE BRANCION (Laurence), 5239. CHATTERJI (Joya), 3874. CHAUCER (Geoffrey), 739, 2665, 2748, 2749, 2760, 2790, 2817, 2824, 2832, 2835. CHAUCHADIS (Claude), 3150.

313 CHAUSSON (François), 108. CHAUVAUD (Frédéric), 6217. CHAUVIN (Adriana M.), 755. CHAVARRIA ARNAU (Alexandra), 2556. CHÁVEZ ZAMORANO (Omar), 3363. CHE (Jingshang), 7242. CHECA (Antonio), 4877. CHÉDOZEAU (Bernard), 4700. CHEMLA (Karine), 4751. CHEN (Cheng), 4184. CHEN (Feng), 7058. CHEN (Jiahua), 7059. CHEN (Jingliang), 7244. CHEN (Jinwen), 7060. CHEN (Ming), 7061. CHEN (Rui), 7062. CHEN (Xia), 7063. CHEN (Yingfang), 7064. CHEN (Zu'en), 7065. CHENERY (Carolyn), 794. CHENEY (Mary Gwendolen), 3053. CHENG (Meibao), 7066. CHENG (Minsheng), 7067. CHENG (Nina), 7243. CHERNYAVSKIY (Georgiy), 4181. CHERRY (John F.), 1219. CHESTER (Andrew), 2056. CHETAIL (Vincent), 6794. CHEVANDIER (Christian), 6751. CHEVROLET (Teresa), 5085. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude), 2206. Chiang (Kai-shek), 7072. CHICK (Martin), 5471. CHICKERING (Roger), 3250, 5743. CHICOTE (Gloria B.), 2810. CHIFFOLEAU (Jacques), 2540. CHIHARU (Inaba), 6591. Childe (Vere Gordon), 751. CHILDS (John), 6499. CHILTON (Lisa), 5869. CHIN (Rita), 6094. CHINDRIù (Ioan), 5822. CHING (Erik Kristofer), 3517, 3519. CHINNICI (Valentina), 1865. CHIOSSO (Giorgio), 4819, 4827. CHIPPINDALE (Christopher), 1505. CHITTOLINI (Giorgio), 3232. CHàAPOWSKI (Krzysztof), 4116. CHLUP (Radek), 1461. CHOI (Kyeong-Seop), 4950. CHOI (Sung Bok), 2022. CHOLLET (Laurent), 208. CHOLVY (Gérard), 4510, 4554. CHǁNG (Ch'ǂr-hǎi), 3997. CHORĄĩYCZEWSKI (Waldemar), 4121. CHOREV (Nitsan), 5550. CHOSKY (Jamsheed K.), 1050.

314 CHOWDHURI (Satyabrata Ray), 3875. CHRAÏBI (Aboubakr), 474. CHRÉTIEN (Jean-Pierre), 3396. CHRISTENSEN (Lars K.), 6095. CHRISTENSSON (Jakob), 4767. Christian IV, konge af DanmarkNorge, 3492. Christian X, konge af Danmark, 3496. CHRISTIDES (Vassilios), 1975. CHRISTIEN (Jacqueline), 1169. CHRISTOL (Michel), 7312. Christophorus Mitylenaius, 2149, 2238. CHRYSSANTHAKI-NAGLE (Katerina), 1220. CHUDACOFF (Howard P.), 5870. Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer sir), 6310, 6737. CIAMPI (Carlo Azeglio), 4610. CIANCI (Giovanni), 5136. CIARALLI (Antonio), 2280, 2541. CIARALLO (Annamaria), 1912. CIARDI (Marco), 5009. CIARDIELLO (Rosaria), 1941. CIARICO (Alessandra), 809. CICCOZZI (Erminia), 3924. Cicero (Marcus Tullius), 1452, 1587, 1588, 1698, 1728, 1731, 1734, 1780, 1793, 1801, 1805, 1843, 1844, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1874, 1875, 1936. CIERBIDE (Ricardo), 3095. ÇIFTÇI (Cafer), 5389. CILENTO (Adele), 2362. CILIBERTO (Michele), 4947. CIMMINO (Luigi), 5252. Cincinnatus (Lucius Quinctius), 1672. CINGOLANI (Stefano Maria), 280. CINNIRELLA (Francesco), 5410. CIOBANU (Vasile), 5726. CIOBOTEA (Dinică), 6930. CIOCÎLTAN (Alexandru), 4507. CIOCÎLTAN (Virgil), 2626. CIOTTA (Gianluigi), 851. CIPRIANI (Giovanni), 732. CIRIACONO (Salvatore), 5551. CIRIACY-WANTRUP (Katharina Von), 5552. CIRONISOVÁ (Eva), 5553. CÍSAěOVSKÁ (Blanka), 3461. CITINO (Robert M.), 262. CIULA (Arianna), 2279. CIUPKE (Paul), 4823. CLAAS (Ulrike), 473. CLACKSON (James), 141. CLAEYS (Gregory), 3251. CLARK (A. Kim), 3508. CLARK (Anna J.), 1887.

INDEX OF NAMES Clark (Charles Manning Hope), 3331. CLARK (David), 2506. CLARK (Gregory), 609. CLARK (Henry C.), 5554. CLARK (James G.), 3107. CLARK (Linda), 2386. CLARK (Stuart), 4701. CLARKE (Ben), 3768. CLARKE (John R.), 1743, 1913. CLARKE (Joseph), 3547. CLARKE (Michael Tavel), 4702. CLARKE (Peter D.), 2519. CLARKE (Peter), 6339. CLARKE (Sally H.), 5555. CLASSEN (Albrecht), 2670, 2798. Claudianus (Claudius), 1746, 1809. Claudius Etruscus, 1702. Claudius Ptolemaeus, 1403. Clausen (Frits), 3502. CLAUSI (Benedetto), 2140. CLAUSS (Martin), 2786. CLAUSTRE (Julie), 2520, 6218. CLAVERO (Dolores), 5307. CLAVIEN (Alain), 4704. CLAXTON (Robert Howard), 5240. CLAY (Lauren), 5241. CLAYDON (Tony), 6500. CLAYER (Nathalie), 3302. CLAYTON (Martin), 5311. CLAYTON (Paul B. Jr.), 2057. CLEAL (Ros), 794. Cleanthes, 1432. Clearistos, 1297. CLEARY (Simon Esmonde), 1642. Clemenceau (Georges), 3620, 6334. CLEMENS (Raymond), 35. Clemens Romanus, Sanctus, 2010. Clemens VI, Papa, 3085. CLÉMENT (Jean-Louis), 583. CLÉMENT (Pierre), 3530. CLEMENTE (Guido), 411. CLERMONT-FERRAND (Meredith), 2749. CLINE (Eric H.), 808. CLOGG (P. W.), 1544. Cloquard (Ancel), 3087. CLOSTERMAN (Wendy E.), 1494. CLOUZOT (Martine), 2949. Clovis, king of the Franks, 1647. Clunies Ross (Margaret), 2903. CLYMER (Kenton), 6288. COAKLEY (Sarah), 2058. COARELLI (Filippo), 1935. COATSWORTH (Elizabeth), 2880. COATSWORTH (John H.), 7347. Cobden (Richard), 3760. COBETTO GHIGGIA (Piero), 1144. COCCHI GENIK (Daniela), 779. COCCO (Cristina), 2744.

COCHET (François), 6758. COCKFIELD (Sandra), 6096. Cocteau (Jean), 5114, 5295, 5378. CODIGNOLA (Luca), 422. CODOÑER MERINO (Carmen), 1993, 3160. CODY (Gabrielle H.), 733. Cóemáin (Gilla), 2871. COEN (Deborah R.), 5744. CŒURÉ (Sophie), 224, 3260. COGNOLI (Virginio), 4594. COHEN (Benjamin B.), 6377. COHEN (Daniel J.), 4993. COHEN (Edward E.), 1202. COHEN (Gidon), 3769. COHEN (Jeremy), 697. COHEN (Lenard J.), 4231. COHEN (Michael J.), 6795. COHEN (Pierre), 4878. COHEN (Yoram), 968. COHN (Ellen R.), 6492. COHN (Samuel K., Jr), 2452. COLBERT (Jean-Baptiste), 3530. COLDEWEY (John C.), 2838. COLE (Laurence), 3255, 3348. COLE (Peter), 2454, 6097. COLEMAN (Heather J.), 4607. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor), 5131. COLGROVE (James), 5007. COLISTETE (Renato P.), 6098. COLLADO SEIDEL (Carlos), 4271. COLLARD (Christopher), 1274, 1314. COLLÉ-BAK (Nathalie), 6613. COLLINI (Stefan), 4770. COLLINS (Ann), 2992. COLLINS (Robert O.), 7313. COLLINS (Roger), 281. COLLINS (William J.), 5390. Collinson (Patrick), 3812. COLLSTEDT (Christopher), 5871. COLOMBO (Emanuele), 4595. COLONESE (André Carlo), 756. Coltrane (John), 5331. COLUSSI (Davide), 4951. COLVIN (Stephen), 1099. COMAN (O.), 1976. COMBEAU-MARI (Evelyne), 4927. COMI (Armando), 2993. COMO (David R.), 3770. COMOR (André-Paul), 6289. COMPAGNON (Antoine), 580, 741. COMPATANGELO (Rita), 1750. COMùA (Daniela), 5822. CONCA (Fabrizio), 2186, 2201. CONCIONI (Graziano), 3093. CONDÉS LARA (Enrique), 4035. CONGDON (Tim), 5446. CONIO (Gérard), 5242. CONLEY (Richard Steven.), 508. CONLEY (Tom), 440.

INDEX OF NAMES CONNELLY (Joan Breton), 1462. CONNELLY (John), 4508. CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE (Chantal), 2811. CONNOLLY (Annaliese Frances), 214. CONNOLLY (Joy), 1643. CONNOLLY (S. J.), 509. CONNOR (Ian), 3649. Consalvi (Ercole), 4552. Constans II, Byzantine emperor, 2207. CONSTANT (Monique), 6623. CONSTANTIN (Florina Manuela), 103. CONSTANTINIU (Florin), 284, 6854. Constantinus (Lucius Flavius Valerius), Roman emperor, 108, 1590, 1659, 1661, 1662, 1665, 1683, 1686, 1692, 1897, 2069, 2079. Constantinus VII Porphyrogennetus, Byzantine emperor, 2216. Constantius Ducas, 2263. CONTAMINE (Philippe), 2616. CONTE (Gian Biagio), 1796. CONTE (Ignacio Clemente), 773. CONTESSA (Maria Pia), 2883. CONTI (Fulvio), 531. CONTIGIANI (Ninfa), 6219. CONTINI (Alessandra), 6840. CONTORBIA (Franco), 4892. CONTRERAS OSORIO (Rodrigo), 3414. CONZE (Eckart), 3650. COOK (David), 699. COOK (Harold J.), 4994. Cook (James), 5828. COOK (Richard), 5243. COOKE (David), 3771. COOLEY (Alison E.), 1565. COOLS (Hans), 3266. COONEY (Jerry W.), 6313. COONEY (Kevin J.), 6797. COOPER (Alix), 4995. COOPER (John Michael), 5244. COOPER (Kate), 1745, 1889, 2106. COPANI (Fabio), 1170. COPAT (Valentina), 806. COPINGER (Walter Arthur), 66. COPLEY (Mark S.), 793. COPPOLA (Gauro), 2644. COPPOLA (Goffredo), 392. COQUERY-VIDROVITCH (Catherine), 3651. COQUEUGNIOT (Gaëlle), 1495. CORBELLARI (Alain), 2856. CORBEL-MORANA (Cécile), 1275. CORBIER (Mireille), 1562. CORBIN (Alain), 704, 5872.

Corbulo (Gnaeus Domitius), 1812. CORCELLA (Aldo), 1147, 1276, 2173. CÓRDOBA (Joaquín María), 2733. CORDONA (Patricia), 4820. CORDOVANA (Orietta Dora), 1070, 1075, 1644. CORFIS (Ivy A.), 2711. CORKE (Sarah-Jane), 4388. ýORNEJ (Petr), 435. Cornelia (mother of the Gracchi), 1646. CORNS (Thomas N.), 5094. CORNWALL (Mark), 3469. CORONA (Gabriella), 200. CORRADI (Alessandro), 4555. CORREA RESTREPO (Juan Santiago), 3428. CORRIENTE CÓRDOBA (Federico), 1000. CORSE (Theron), 6932. CORSI (Pietro), 5075, 5076, 5078. CORSO (Antonio), 1496. CORTÉS ARRESE (Miguel), 2205. CORTESE (Maria Elena), 2577. CORTESI (Mariarosa), 2872. COSENTINO (Salvatore), 2207. COSENTINO (Serena), 809. COSGROVE (Brian), 5106. COSGROVE (Richard A.), 3765. COSI (Dario M.), 701. Cosmas Indicopleustes, 1974, 2118. COSPITO (Giuseppe), 4955. COSS (Peter R.), 404. COSTA (Wilma Peres), 3379. COSTA PINTO (António), 6821. COSTAMBEYS (Marios), 2578. COSTANTINI (Fabrizio), 2799. COSTANZA (Salvatore), 2208. COSTE (Laurent), 3549. COTTE (Bruno), 6465. COTTIAS (Myriam), 6220, 7314. COTTRELL (Philip L.), 5671. Coubèche (Saïd Ali), 3504. COULIANO (Ioan P.), 701. COULON (Damien), 2586. COUMERT (Magali), 286. COUPE (Laurence), 5245. COUPLAND (Simon), 2500. Courbet (Gustave), 5183, 5190. Cournot (Augustin), 5065. COURTOIS (Stéphane), 3252, 3569. COUVENHES (Jean-Christophe), 1112, 1179. COVINGTON (Sarah), 3773. COVINI (Nadia), 3940. COWAN (Alexander), 5745, 5873. COX (Howard), 5557. COX (John K.), 3445. COX (Nancy), 5558.

315 COX (Ronald), 2059. CRACCO (Giorgio), 2364. CRAFTS (Nicholas), 6139. CRAGOE (Matthew), 3774. CRAIA (Sultana), 4879. CRAINZ (Guido), 3941. CRAMER (Kevin), 287. CRAMPTON (R. J.), 3388. Crawford (Barbara E.), 2509. CRAWFORD (Harriet E. W.), 577. CRAWLEY (Andrew), 6727. CRAWLEY QUINN (Josephine), 1497. CRAXI (Bettino), 3920. CREMASCHI (Sergio), 4965. CRESCI (L. R.), 2176. CRESPO (Horacio), 3314. CRESPO GARCÍA (Begoña), 2777. CRESPO REDONDO (Jesús), 3233. CREğAN (Remus), 143. CRETTON (Viviane), 7352. CREZZINI (Jacopo), 800. CRICK (Julia), 2286. Cripps (Richard Stafford), 6724. CRISTIANI (Marta), 680. CRITCHLOW (Donald T.), 4389. CROCE (Benedetto), 436, 4903, 4951. CROCE (Giuseppe M.), 4567. CROENEN (Godfried), 2346. CROGHAN KAMOIE (Laura), 5673. CROISILLE (Christian), 5093. CROISSANT (Francis), 1498. CROKE (Brian), 2209. CROMPTON (Gerald), 5472. Cromwell (Henry), 3759. Cromwell (Oliver), 3775, 3828. CRONIN (Stephanie), 3896. CRONK (Nicholas), 4974. CROOK (David), 2275. CROOK (Tom), 6191. CROSS (Coy F. II), 6561. CROUCHER (Karina), 1051. CROUZET-PAVAN (Élisabeth), 2677. CROWSON (N. J.), 6798. CROWTHER (Charles), 848. CROWTHER (M. Anne), 4996. CRUIJSEN (Harri), 5727. CRUMPLIN (Tim E.), 5674. CRUSELLES GÓMEZ (Enrique), 2292. CRUZ SEOANE (María), 4880. CSÉFALVAY (František), 4245. CUBITT (Geoffrey), 437. CUCCHIARELLI (Andrea), 1807. CUENCA TORIBIO (José Manuel), 4273. CUESTA TORRE (María Luzdivina), 2759. CUETO (Marcos), 4997.

316 CUEVAS CARDONA (Consuelo), 4998. CUFALO (Domenico), 1153. CUFFEL (Alexandra), 3184. CUGUSI (Paolo), 1566. CUHRA (Jaroslav), 6855. CULLATHER (Nick), 5874. CULLIN (Olivier), 2956. CUMFER (Cynthia), 5875. CUNNINGHAM (Andrew), 5043. CUOMO (Serafina), 1410. CUOMO (Valentina), 288. CUPITÒ (Cristiana), 1914. CURD (Patricia), 1134. Curi (Augusto), arcivescovo di Bari, 4548. CURRAN (Brian A.), 289. Currie (Lauchlin), 5443. CURSCHMANN (Michael), 2675. CURSI (Marco.), 2800. CURTIS (Heather D.), 4999. CURTO (Diogo Ramada), 72, 189. CURTOPASSI (Maria), 4951. CURZEL (Emanuele), 2288. CUST (Richard), 3776. CUSUMANO (Nicola), 238. CUTLER (Anthony), 2930. CVETKOVIû (Srÿan), 4232. Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus, Sanctus, 2143. CZERNIAK (Lech), 818. D D'ACUNTO (Giuseppe), 4952. D'ACUNTO (Matteo), 1277. D'ACUNTO (Nicolangelo), 3075, 3109. D'AGOSTINO (Anacleto), 815. D'ALFONSO (Francesca), 1278. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), 849. D'ALMEIDA (Fabrice), 3254. D'AMELIA (Marina), 5559. D'ANCONA (Cristina), 1428. D'ANDRIA (Francesco), 850. D'ANGELO (Lucio), 3942. D'ANGELO (Michela), 5545. D'ANNA (Alberto), 2041. D'Annunzio (Gabriele), 3955. D'ARELLI (Francesco), 7046. D'ARONCO (M.A.), 2899. D'Aunet (Georges Biard), 6557. D'ELIA (Anthony F.), 3076. D'ELIA (Marisa), 823. D'ELIA (Nicola), 391. D'HUMIÈRES (Henry), 3551. D'ORSI (Angelo), 3943. D'OTTAVIO (Gabriele), 6933. DA CUNHA CORRÊA (Paula), 1279. DA ORDEN (María Liliana), 3327. DAB (Jayanta Kumar), 3876. DĄBROWSKA (Maágorzata), 2210.

INDEX OF NAMES DĄBROWSKI (Dariusz), 6676. DACOSTA (Arsenio), 116, 2305. DADUNASHVILI (Elguja), 475. DAEMS (Aurelie), 1051. DAGRON (Gilbert), 2211. DAGUET-GAGEY (Anne), 339. DAHAN (Amy), 5077. DAHL (Jacob L.), 928. DAHLKE (Matthias), 3652. DAHLMAN (Britt), 2135. DAI (Dongyang), 7069. DAI (Jianguo), 7070. DAI (Panghai), 7175. DAIBER (Hans), 722. DAISE (Michael A.), 2060. DAKHLIA (Jocelyne), 290, 431. DAL SANTO (Nicola), 791. Daladier (Edouard), 3597. DALARUN (Jacques), 3108. DALBIN (Stephanie), 6624. DALE (Pamela), 5473. DALE (Sharon), 2343. DALGALARRONDO (Sébastien), 5000. Dalhousie (James Andrew Broun Ramsay, marquis of), 3870. Dalì (Salvador), 5186, 5286. DALISSON (Rémi), 3552. DALLA ROSA (Alberto), 1567. DALLEK (Robert), 4390. DALLI REGOLI (Gigetta), 3185. Dalton (Roque), 3519. DALY (M. W.), 4317. DAMESHEK (L.M.), 4187, 4208. DAMIGOS (Ioannes), 2212. Damon, 1251. DANA (Dan), 1113. DANCY (Russell M.), 1411. DANESI (Michela), 806. DANGL (Vojtech), 4246. Daniel of Sketis, Saint, 2135. DANIELS (Henry), 6613. DANIELS (Robert V.), 4185. DANNEHL (Karin), 5558. Dante Alighieri, 2774, 2776, 2783, 2801, 2802, 2803, 2843, 2858, 2865, 3031. DANVOYE (Stéphanie), 1746. DARBO-PESCHANSKI (Catherine), 291. DARCOS (Xavier), 1620. Darjes (Joachim Georg), 6230. DARVISH (J.), 771. Darwin (Charles), 5001, 5013, 5071. DASTI (Matthew R.), 1412. DASTON (Lorraine), 438. DAUGHTON (J. P.), 3553. DAUM (Werner), 292. DAUMAS (Jean-Claude), 6751. DAUNTON (Martin), 5391.

DAUPHINAIS (Michael), 2981. DAUSSY (Hugues), 3575. DAVERIO ROCCHI (Giovanna), 1076. DAVID (Barry), 2981. David (Jacques Louis), 5155. David Thessalonicensis, Sanctus, 2249. David, king of Israel, 1009, 1029, 2031, 2100. DAVIDSON (Appolon B.), 7300. DAVIDSON (Basil), 3755. DAVIDSON (Christopher M.), 6290. DAVIDSON (Clifford), 2804. DAVIDSON (Denise Z.), 5876. DAVIDSON (John), 5257. DAVIE (John N.), 1615. DAVIES (Brian L.), 6473. DAVIES (Catherine), 6448. DAVIES (John K.), 1172. DAVIES (Malcolm), 1280, 1463. Davies (R. R.), 2394. DAVIES (R. T.), 6625. DAVIES (Wendy), 3186. DAVIS (Diana K.), 6397. DAVIS (Isabel), 2805. DAVIS (Jack L.), 1499. DAVIS (Jon), 3777. DAVIS (Lance E.), 5560. DAVIS (Mary E.), 5247. Davis (Miles), 5243. DAVIS (Richard H.), 217. Davison (Henry P.), 6658. DAW MYNT KYI, 4065. DAWSON (Hannah), 4961. DAWSON (Jane E. A.), 3778. DAY (Jon), 3779. DAY (Lynda R.), 4241. DAY-O'CONNELL (Jeremy), 5248. DE ANGELIS (Francesco), 1281. DE ANGELIS (Gilberto), 5050. DE BAECQUE (Antoine), 5302. DE BELLAIGUE (Christina), 4821. DE BERNARDI FERRERO (Daria), 851. DE BIVAR MARQUESE (Rafael), 5837. DE BLOIS (Lucas), 1757. De Bonald (Louis), 4684. DE BONI (Claudio), 3933. DE BOURBON-PARME (SixteHenry), 3546. DE BRABANDER (Kris), 2061. DE BRUYN KOPS (Henriette), 5561. De Certeau (Michel), 440. De Clare (family), 2600. DE CLEMENTI (Andreina), 369. De Coeurderoy (Michel Joseph), 3534. DE CRESPIGNY (Rafe), 522.

INDEX OF NAMES DE DAINVILLE-BARBICHE (Ségolène), 5. DE DIVITIIS (Bianca), 2918. DE FALLOIS (Bernard), 3529. DE FÁTIMA SOUSA SILVA (Maria), 1282. DE FEDERICIS (Nico), 4960. DE FIDIO (Pia), 1283. DE FLEURQUIN (L.), 687. DE FLORIANI (Anna), 2923. DE FRANCESCHI (Sylvio Hermann), 293. De Gasperi (Alcide), 3945, 3965. De Gaulle (Charles), 3405, 3551, 3564, 6355, 6800, 6930, 6934, 6995. DE GEER (Hans), 6099. DE GIORGI (Andrea U.), 852. DE GIORGI (Fulvio), 4476. DE GIUSEPPE (Massimo), 4477. DE GOEY (Ferry), 5535. DE GRAEF (Katrien), 1052. DE GROOT (Joanna), 3897. DE GROOTE (Marc), 2158. DE GROSSI MAZZORIN (Jacopo), 823. DE HEMPTINNE (Thérèse), 26. DE JONG (Herman), 5485. DE KREY (Gary S.), 3780. DE LA COVA (Antonio Rafael), 3450. DE LA FUENTE (Alejandro), 6449. DE LA IGLESIA (José Ignacio), 2366. De la Platiére (Jean-Marie Roland), 193. DE LAROSIÈRE (Jacques), 4498. DE LEO (Pietro), 2136. DE L'ESTOILE (Benoit), 250. De Lichtenberg (Gehrdt), 5571. DE LIGT (Luuk), 1704. DE LUBAC (Henri), 4498. DE LUCA (Giuseppe), 4676. DE LUCIA BROLLI (Maria Anna), 1544. DE MAEYER (Jan), 3356. De Maistre (Joseph), 560, 4680. DE MARCHI (Andrea), 2912. DE MARCO (Vittorio), 4556. DE MARET (Pierre), 7337. DE MARTINO (Stefano), 969. DE MEDEIROS (Marie-Thérèse), 2752. DE MÉNONVILLE (Corinne), 6291. DE MICO (Nico), 3038. DE MIRANDA (Adriana), 1001. DE NARDO (Lucia Ludovica), 2945. De Oliveira (Manoel), 5283. DE OLIVEIRA GOMES (Claudia), 1173.

DE PAEPE (Jean-Luc), 6553. DE PALMA (Claudio), 1100. DE PARSEVAL (Hervé), 6292. DE PASCALE (Andrea), 757. DE POLIGNAC (François), 1162. DE PRISCO (Antonio), 3146. DE PUIG (Jaume), 3059. DE RICQLÈS (Armand), 5076. DE ROBERTIS (Teresa), 10. DE ROGUIN (Claire-Françoise), 1284. DE ROMANIS (Federico), 7315. DE ROOY (Piet), 5758. De Rosa (Luigi), 393. DE RUBEIS (Flavia), 2. DE SAINT VICTOR (Jacques), 3554. DE SANCTIS (Francesco), 4951. De Sanctis (Gaetano), 394. DE SMET (Catherine), 5177. De Valera (Eamon), 3910, 6981. DE VALK (Hans), 4071. DE VITO (John), 210. De Vitoria (Francisco), 6172. DE VIVO (Filippo), 3944. DE VRIES (Kelly Robert), 2886. DE WEERDT (Hilde), 7071. DE WIT (Johannes Jacobus), 1705. De Witt (Johan), 6493. DE WITTE (Bruno), 592. Dean (James), 219. DEAN (Trevor), 2521. DEBUS KEHR (Monique), 2580. Debussy (Claude), 5223, 5248, 5293. DECANT (Françoise), 5249. DECAUX (Emmanuel), 6799. DÉCIMO (Marc), 5154. DECLERCQ (Georges), 40. DECTER (Jonathan P.), 2453. DECULTOT (Elisabeth), 512. DEFERME (Jo), 5877. DEFOIS (Gérard), 4473. DEFOSSE (Pol), 1556. DEFRANCE (Anne), 4855. DEGIOVANNI (Fernando), 3318. DEGL'INNOCENTI (Antonella), 3146. DEGN (Ole), 3487. DEGREGORI (Carlos Iván), 4105. Dehon (Léon Gustave), 3616. DEJMEK (JindĜich), 6718, 6879. DEKKER (K.), 2900. DEKONINCK (Ralph), 213. DEL BARRIO VEGA (Marisa), 1285. DEL BO (Beatrice), 3049. DEL BOCA (Angelo), 4009. DEL NEGRO (Piero), 4803. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio), 929, 1002. DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ (Francisco), 1003.

317 DEL VALLE PAVÓN (Guillermina), 5474, 5572. DELABRE (Jean-Marie), 6781. DELACROIX (Christian), 4967. DELANEY (Enda), 5942. DELATTRE (Charles), 1464. DELAUNAY (Jean-Marc), 6562. DELAURENTI (Béatrice), 2676. DELAY (Brian), 6563. DELBECKE (Bram), 6221. Delbrück (Max), 5073. DELCORNO (Carlo), 5088. DELEHANTY (Ann T.), 5092. DELETANT (Dennis), 6670. Deleuze (Gilles), 5327. DELIBES DE CASTRO (Germán), 804. DELIGNE (Chloé), 2647. DELILLE (Gérard), 476. DELIO MACHADO (Luis María), 4461. DELL'AGNESE (Elena), 5992. DELORGE (Pierre-Henri), 6626. DELPIANO (Patrizia), 67. DELPORTE (Christian), 3555. DELSOL (Michel), 5001. DEMANDT (Alexander), 1661, 1747, 1950. Demaratus king of Sparta, 1395. DEMÉLAS (Marie-Danielle), 3360, 3364. DEMETRACOPOULOS (J. A.), 2154. Demetrius Tornikes, 2179. Democritus, 1408, 1420. Demosthenes, 1144. DEN BOEFT (Jan), 1578. DEN HERTOG (Johan), 4072. DENG (Ye), 7072. DENG (Yibing), 7073. DENG (Zhihua), 7074. DENIS (Sébastien), 5250. DENLEY (Peter), 2898. Dennis (John), 5092. DENNISON (T. K.), 5622. Denon (Dominique-Vivant), 6491. DENORD (François), 3556. DENZEL (Markus A.), 5612. DEPEYROT (Georges), 137. DEPKAT (Volker), 3654. DEPREUX (Philippe), 2584. DERBES (Anne), 677. Derby (Edward Stanley, Earl of), 3790. DERCKSEN (Jan Gerrit), 930. DÉROCHE (Vincent), 2189. DES COGNETS (Charles), 5475. DESACHY (Matthieu), 3166. DESANGES (Jehan), 7301. Descartes (René), 4940, 4952. DESHUSSES (Frédéric), 5691. DESIDERI (Paolo), 285.

318 DESLAURIERS (Marguerite), 1413. DESSENS (Nathalie), 5878. DÉSVEAUX (Emmanuel), 477. DETORAKI (Marina), 2213. DETTI (Tommaso), 439. DEVÁTÁ (Markéta), 3468. DEVLIN (Zoe), 2678. DEWERPE (Alain), 3622. DEWHURST LEWIS (Mary), 3557. Dexileos, 1510. DEYERMOND (Alan), 279. DEŽELAK BARIý (Vida), 4253. DEZZA (Ettore), 6222. DI CAPRIO (Lisa), 5879. DI CAPUA (Giovanni), 3945. DI CORI (Paola), 440. DI FIGLIA (Matteo), 3946. DI LUZIO (Adolfo Scotto), 4822. DI MARCO (F.), 2137. DI MARCO (Massimo), 1414. DI MEGLIO (Gabriel), 3319. DI MEO (Paolo), 1797. DI NOLFO (Ennio), 6293. DI PAOLA (Lucietta), 1963. DI PAOLA (Pietro), 6564. DI PASQUALE (Daniela), 5251. DI RIENZO (Giulia), 7011. DI RUZZA (Floriana), 5108. DI SIMONE (Maria Rosa), 6192. Dia (Mamadou), 4227. DIACONESCU (Alexandru), 1568. DIAFANI (Laura), 4904. DIAGO HERNANDO (Máximo), 2581. DIAKITÉ (Saloum), 6800. DIAMOND (Hanna), 6678. DÍAZ (Javier Itúrbide), 4881. Díaz (Porfirio), 4044. DÍAZ ARIAS (David), 3442. DÍAZ-BRIQUETS (Sergio), 3451. Dicey (Albert Venn), 6181. DICKASON (Renée), 3796. DICKERMAN (Edmund H.), 3558. DICKIE (J.), 6294. DICKSON (Keith), 931. Dickson (M. Gary), 3149. DICKSON (P. G. M.), 3339. Diderot (Denis), 4953. DIDI-HUBERMAN (Georges), 211. DIECKMANN (Sandra), 2952. DIEDERICH (Silke), 1873. DIEDRICH (Angelika), 4478. DIEFENBACH (Steffen), 2138. Diels (Hermann), 288. DIEM (Werner), 2483. DIERKES (Frank), 5880. DIETHART (Johannes), 2150. DIETL (Cora), 2908. DIETRICH-DAUM (Elisabeth), 5881. DIGNAS (Beate), 1465, 1951.

INDEX OF NAMES DIJON DE MONTETON (CharlesPhilippe), 560. DIK (Helma), 1286. DILCHER (Gerhard), 2529. DILIBERTO (Paolo), 1798. DILLON (John), 2232. DILLON (Matthew), 1114. DIMAURO (Elisabetta), 1287. DIMITRIJEVIû (Bojan B.), 6677. DIMITROV (Bozhidar), 6627. DIMITROV (Theodor), 2214. DIMITROV (Vesselin), 6856. DIMO (Vangjel), 1500. DINGEL (Irene), 4514. DINGEL (Joachim), 1616. DINGES (Martin), 5040, 5967. DINGMANN (Matthias), 1645. DINKOVA-BRUUN (Greti), 3162. DINZELBACHER (Peter), 703, 1952, 3187. Dio Chrysostomus, 1246, 1299, 1345. Diocletianus (Gaius Aurelius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1749, 1950. Diodorus Siculus, 1187. Diogenes Laertius, 1414. Dionysius Aeropagites, 2232. Dionysius Halicarnassensis, 1298. DIOSONO (Francesca), 1706. DIRCK (Brian R.), 4421. DISTEL (Barbara), 3717. DITCHBURN (David), 165. DITCHFIELD (Philip), 2679. DITT (Karl), 6030. DITTMER (Jon), 904. DIXON (Suzanne), 1646. DJELIC (Marie-Laure), 5676. DJOKIC (Dejan), 4233. DàUGOàĉCKI (Piotr), 6720, 6721. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav), 1174. DOAK (Kevin M.), 523, 3982. DOBIAS-LALOU (Catherine), 1288. Döblin (Alfred), 5360. DÖBÖR (András), 3854. DOBRE (Dumitru), 4149. DOBRENKO (Evgeny), 5447. DOBRINSKI (Claudia), 2729, 3121. DOBROV (Gregory W.), 1289. DOBSZAY (László), 2958. DOCTER (Roald F.), 1035. DODD (Gwilym), 2522, 2530. DODSON (Michael S.), 4705. DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm), 5392. DOGLIANI (Patrizia), 3928. DOGLIO (Maria Luisa), 5088. DOLAN (Claire), 604. DOLBILOV (Mikhail D.), 4223. DOLORES SAIZ (María), 4880. DOMBER (Gregory F.), 4118.

DOMINGO SANZ (Inés), 780. DOMINGUEZ (Véronique), 2806. DOMINGUEZ PEREZ (Maurício), 5746. DOMINICUS GUNDISSALINUS, 2971. DOMINIK (William J.), 1795. Domitianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 1790, 1922. DONAHUE (Charles, Jr.), 2523. DONALDSON (Gary A.), 4391. DONATI (Claudio), 3277. DONATTINI (Massimo), 176. DONBAZ (Veysel), 999. DONIS RÍOS (Manuel Alberto), 6296. Dönitz (Karl), 6765. DONNACHIE (Ian), 513. Donne (John), 5089. DONOGHUE (Daniel), 835. DOOLING (Wayne), 6398. DORAN (Linda), 2392. DÖRING (Detlef), 4806. DÖRR (Nikolas), 3656. DÖRSCHNER (Andreas), 5476. DORSEY (Leroy G.), 4392. DOS SANTOS (Augusto Dias), 4787. DOSSE (François), 440, 4967. Dossetti (Giuseppe), 3921, 3950, 3952. DOST (Pinar), 6857. DOSTALER (Gilles), 5448. DOTTORINI (Daniele), 5252. DOU (Kun), 7075. DOUGHERTY (Kevin), 4393. DOUGLAS (W. A. B.), 6760. Douglass (Frederick), 4435. DOUKELLIS (Panagiotis N.), 1748. DOVE (Heinrich Wilhelm), 4956. DOVE (Mary), 3188. DOVETTO (Francesca M.), 1290. DOWNHAM (Clare), 2501. DOYLE (Shane), 6431. DRÄGER (Paul), 1591. DRAGIŠIû (Petar), 6858. DRAGO (Anna Tiziana), 1138. DRAGÚĕ (Stanislav), 4706. DRAMÉ (Patrick-Papa), 6399. DRAPER (Nick), 6340. DREISBACH (Kai), 4376. DRELICHMAN (Mauricio), 5677. DRESKA (Gábor), 3094. DRESSEL (Carl-Christian), 6175. Dressel (Heinrich), 1541. DRESSER (Madge), 5747. DRÉVILLON (Hervé), 652. DREXHAGE (Heinrich-Wilhelm), 1749. DREYER (Boris), 853. DREYER (Elizabeth), 3189. Dreyfus (Alfred), 3533.

INDEX OF NAMES DREYFUS (Hubert L.), 721. DRINE (Ali), 7316. DRINKWATER (John F.), 1647. DRINKWATER (Megan O.), 1800. DROESE (Janine), 2952. DROGULA (Fred K.), 1707. DRONDA MARTÍNEZ (Javier), 4274. DRONKE (Peter), 2807, 3159. DROSSBACH (Gisela), 661, 3204. DROUIN (Michel), 3533. DROYSEN (Johann Gustav), 441. DRUMIN (William A.), 5278. DRYBURGH (Paul), 2279, 2563, 3190. DSCHULNIGG (Peter), 2023. Du Plat Taylor (Joan), 814. DU RÉAU (Elisabeth), 6628. DU TOIT (David S.), 302. Duan (Qirui), 7181. Duberly (Frances Isabella), 6548. DUBLON-KNEBEL (Irith), 6671. DUBOIS (Colette), 3504. DUBOIS (Jacques), 5109. DUBOIS (Laurent), 1108. DUBOULOZ (Julien), 1861. DUCCI (Annamaria), 679. Ducetius, 1170. Duchamp (Marcel), 5153-5154. DUCHENNE (Geneviève), 6885. DUCHES (Rossella), 758. DUCHHARDT (Heinz), 295, 3657, 3740. Dudley (Thomas Haines), 6561. DUFFEK (Karl), 6784. DUFFY (Christopher), 3781. DUFOUR (Jean), 2320, 2345. DUFRÊNE (Bernadette), 248. DUGGAN (Anne), 2994. DUGGAN (Christopher), 3947. DUHAMEL (Éric), 3559. DUHOUX (Yves), 1101, 1203. DUJARDIN (Vincent), 6885. DULLES (John Watson Foster), 3375. DULLIN (Sabine), 3260. DUMAIL (Pascal), 3530. DUMAN (Marion), 6671. DUMMITT (Chris), 5882. DUMOLYN (Jan), 2428. DUMORTIER (François-Xavier), 4498. DUMOULIN (Michel), 6885, 6938. DUMVILLE (D. N.), 11. DUNKERLEY (James), 3365, 6835. DUNLEA (Claudia), 6934. DUNLOP (Anne), 5145. DUNN (Geoffrey D.), 2062. DUNN (Susan), 4394. DUNS SCOTUS (John), 2972, 2990, 3005. DUNTZE (Oliver), 4884.

DUPAQUIER (Jean-François), 3396. DUPONT (Pierre), 1487. DUPRAT (Annie), 212. DUPREE (Marguerite W.), 4996. DURAND (Bernard), 5720. DURAND (Pierre), 6400. DURAND (Virginia), IV. DURANTI (Tommaso), 2282. DURBEC (Yannick), 1291. Dürer (Albrecht), 5189, 5196. DURGAN (Andrew), 4275. DURHAM (Martin), 4395. Düringer (Adelbert), 6173. DUSSEL (Enrique D.), 561. DUTEIL (Jean-Pierre), 170. DUTILH NOVAES (Catarina), 2995. DUTTON (David), 3782. DUTTON (Paul Edward), 3237. DUTTON (Paul V.), 5002. DUVAL-ARNOULD (Louis), 3096. DWYER (Philip G.), 3560, 6537. DYBDAL MØLLER (Erik), 5883. DYER (Christopher), 404. Dylan (Bob), 5305. DYRENFURTH (Nick), 6100. DZIB CAN (Ubaldo), 4037. DZIMIRA (Sylvain), 409. E EADIE (Pauline), 6803. EALHAM (Chris), 5748. EARLE (Rebecca), 478. EASTWOOD (Bruce S.), 2996. EBBELER (Jennifer V.), 2063. EBERHARDT (Jacob), 539. EBERHARDT (Martin), 4067. EBERSTEIN (Bernd), 6297. EBERT (Theodor), 1142. EBNER (Martin), 2064. ECHENBERG (Myron), 5749. ECHTERNKAMP (Jörg), 382. ECK (Werner), 1569, 1648. ECKART (Wolfgang Uwe), 5003. ECKERT (Andreas), 4344. ECKERT (Astrid M.), 225. ECKERT (Jörn), 6160. Eckhart (Meister), 2989. EDEBALK (Per Gunnar), 6101. EDELSON (S. Max), 5884. EDGERTON (David), 5004. EDGINGTON (Susan B.), 2340. EDROIU (Nicolae), 4707. EDSON (Evelyn), 2681. Edward the Confessor, king of England, Sanctus, 3145. EDWARDS (Laura F.), 6223. EDWARDS (Michael), 1151. EDWARDS (Nancy), 2291. EDWARDS (Penny), 3397. EDWARDS (Phillip C.), 759. EELLEND (Johan), 5623.

319 EFE (Turan), 810. EFFENBERGER (Arne), 1915. EFSTATHIOU (Athanasios), 1204. EGAN (David R.), 4171. EGAN (Melinda A.), 4171. Egaña (Mariano), 3413. EGAWA (Yuko), 2524. EGERBLADH (Inez), 5885. EGGERS (Marti), 2216. EHLERS (Axel), 3110. EHLERS (Caspar), 2583. EHLING (Kay), 1004. EHM (Martin), 4558. EHRENPREIS (Stefan), 659. EHRENREICH (Eric), 5005. EHRHARDT (Michael), 5886. EICHENGREEN (Barry), 5395, 5678. EICHENHOFER (Eberhard), 5887. EICHLER (Daniel), 2297. EIDINOW (Esther), 1466. EILER (Ferenc), 3856. EINSTEIN (Albert), 5006. EISENHARDT (Peter), 90. Eisenhower (Dwight D.), 4434, 5014, 6787. EISENKOPF (Anke), 2997. Eisenstein (Sergei Mikhailovich), 5218, 5242, 5315. EISMANN (Gaël), 6696. EKBERG (Carl J.), 5889. EKEH (Peter Palmer), 4082. EKLÖF AMIRELL (Stefan), XII. EKLUND HANSEN (Anette), 6095. EKONOMOU (Andrew J.), 3077. EKROLL (Øystein), 2931. EKSTRAND (Eva), 4887. EL-ASROUTI (Fouzia), 4062. ELAYI (J.), 1005. ELBL (Ivana), 2615. ELBL (Martin), 2615. ELDER (Catriona), 5890. EL-DESOUKY (Ayman Ahmed), 6926. ELDREDGE (Elizabeth A.), 4007. ELENA (Eduardo), 5562. ELEY (Geoff), 514. ELGAN (Elisabeth), 4333. Eliade (Mircea), 701. ELICE (Martina), 1582. Elijah, prophet, 2126. ELIOT (Simon), 37. Eliot (Thomas Stearns), 5136. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 214, 3804, 6483. ELIZALDE (Maria-Dolores), 6629. ELLARD (Peter), 2998. ELLENBERG (George B.), 5624. ELLENBLUM (Ronnie), 2368. ELLI (Mauro), 6935. Elliott (Charles), 7201. ELLIS (Katharine), 5312.

320 ELLIS (Mark R.), 6224. ELLIS (Richard E.), 4396. ELLIS (Stephen), 4018. ELLISON (James), 6936. ELLUL (Jacques), 4963. ELM (Ludwig), 3658. ELM VON DER OSTEN (Dorothee), 1890. ELORANTA (Jari), 6728. ELSNER (Jas), 1916. ELTIS (David), 5625. ELUKIN (Jonathan M.), 2455. ELZ (Wolfgang), 6610. ELZER (Herbert), 3659. ELZINGA (Cees H.), 5751. EMBLOW (Alison), 59. EMILIANI (Vittorio), 5253. EMLYN-JONES (Chris), 1154. EMMER (P. C.), 613. EMRE ùERIFOöLU (Tevfik), 811. EMSLEY (Clive), 6225. ENACHE (Răzvan), 4154. ENCKELL (Julie), 2938. ENDERS (Ulrich), 3629. ENDO (Yuriko), 7283. ENDREY (Anthony), 2387. ENGBERG (Jakob), 2065. ENGEL (Gisela), 443. ENGEL (Jeffrey A.), 6802. ENGELHARDT (Paul Erik), 4616. ENGELS (Friedrich), 4963. ENGELS (Jens Ivo), 3561. ENGEMANN (Josef), 1661. ENGLBERGER (Johann), 294. ENGLER (Christian), 5460. ENGLER (Katja), 6937. ENGLERT (Anton), 2499. ENGLISH (Adrian J.), 6630. ENGLISH (James F.), 4770. ENGLISH (Mary C.), 1292. ENJAMIO (S.), 6581. ENKE (Ulrike), 4797. Ennius (Quintus), 1589. Ennodius (Magnus Felix), episcopus, 2904. ENQVIST (Ove), 3526. ÉPAUD (Frédéric), 2887. Ephorus, 1356. Ephraem Syrus, Sanctus, 1984. Epictetus, 2013. Epicurus, 1409. EPIMAKHOV (A.V.), 813. Epiphanius Salaminius, Sanctus, 1976. EPPEL (Marius), 5822. EPSTEIN (James), 3786, 6450. ERAN (Mordechai), 4671. Eratosthenes, 1145, 1254. Erbach (familie), 127. ERBSLÖH (Philipp), 6761. ERDEMIR (Halil), 4361.

INDEX OF NAMES ERDKAMP (Paul), 1744. ERENBERG (Lewis A.), 5891. ERGO (André-Bernard), 3435. ERHART (Peter), 2298. ERICSON WOLKE (Lars), 655. ERICSSON (Peter), 4325. ERIKSEN (Tore Linné), 6401. ERLER (Michael), 1415. ERLIKH (ণagai), 6299. ERMINI PANI (Letizia), 2539. ERNESTI (Jörg), 4479. Ernst (Max), 5191. ERNST (Waltraud), 6378. ERVIN (Michael A.), 5626. ESCH (Arnold), 5150. ESCHEN (Penny von), 4387. ESCOBAR (Arturo), 4825. ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE (Antonio), 4048. ESCUDERO (José Antonio), 174. ESCUDERO ANDÚJAR (Fuensanta), 4276. ESDAILE (Charles J.), 6523. Eshmounazor, king of Sidon, 1043. ESPAGNE (Michel), 512. ESPOSITO (Anna), 3129. ESQUIVEL GUERRERO (José Antonio), 798. EßMANN (August-Wilhelm), 5892. ESTEBAN ERLÉS (Patricia), 2833. ESTÉVEZ ESCALERA (Jordi), 773. ESTRADA MARTÍN (Alicia), 752. ETEMAD (Bouda), 5753. Etheldreda, Sancta, Queen of Northumbria, 3142. ETIENNE (Anne), 5366. ETIENNE (Sauveur Pierre), 3851. ETMANSKI (Johannes), 6859. ETTEL (Peter), 1550. ETTLINGER (Gerard H.), 1977. ETZKORN (Girard), 2974. EUMANN (Ulrich), 3660. Eumenes II, king of Pergamum, 861. Eunomius, 1978. Eupolis, 1321. Euripides, 1267, 1268, 1274, 1282, 1323, 1334, 1338 1362, 1373, 1386. Eusebius Caesariensis, 1590, 1591, 1979, 1980, 2122. Eustathius of Epiphania, 2185. Eustathius Thessalonicensis, episcopus, 1533, 2231, 2264. Evagrius Ponticus, 1981. EVANGELISTI (Silvia), 702. EVANS (Chris), 5477. EVANS (Christopher P.), 3159. EVANS (Dylan Foster), 2756. EVANS (Gillian Rosemary), 3043. EVANS (Jane), 794.

EVANS (Jean M.), 932. EVANS (Linda), 886. EVANS (Martin), 3306. EVANS (Matthew), 1416. EVANS (R. J. W.), 3337. EVANS (Robert John Weston), 3469. EVANS (Stephanie Y.), 5893. EVANS (Suzanne), 3402. EVANS-ROMAINE (Karen), 653. EVERGATES (Theodore), 2589. EVERSCHOR (Britta), 1751. Evodius Romanus, Sanctus, 900. Ewart (John S.), 6362. EWER (Peter), 3333. Exarchos (Alexander Stojlovic Beyo÷lu), 3395. EXPERT (David), 2715. EYAL (Yonatan), 4397. EYELOM (Franklin), 3398. EYRE (Christopher J.), 887. EZOV (Amiram), 1708. F FABELA (Isidro), 6719. FABER (Andrea), 1925. FABIAN (Steven), 5894. FABIANI (Jean-Louis), 442. FABIANI (Roberta), 854. Fabius Maximus Cunctator (Quintus), 1649. FÁBOS (Anita Häusermann), 3514. FABRE (Giorgio), 4708. FABRICIUS (Miroslav), 4244. FADHIL (Abduillah), 838. FAEMS (An), 240. FAES DE MOTTONI (Barbara), 3000. Fage (J. D.), 7304. FAHRMEIR (Andreas), 563. Faider (Charles), 6221. Faini (Riccardo), 5457. FAIRCHILD (Amy L.), 5007. Fairfax (Thomas), 3793. FAISON (Elyssa), 6102. FAIVRE (Maurice), 6940. FAIVRE D'ARCIER (Amaury), 6524. FALBEL (Nachman), 5627. FALCONE (Lidia), 1501. FALKENBURG (Reindert), 3205. FALLOWS (David), 2943. FAMERÉE (J.), 687. FAN (Zhongxin), 7244. FANÉS (Fèlix), 5186. FANG (Lishu), 7076. FANG (Zhiyuan), 7077. FANGERAU (Heiner), 644. FANTAR (Mounir), 7317. FANTASIA (Ugo), 331. FARBSTEIN (Rebecca), 760. FARCY (Jean Claude), 226. FARGEIX (Caroline), 2590.

INDEX OF NAMES FARHI (Yoav), 1006. FARIDAH JAAFAR, 4021. FARIÑA VICUÑA (Carmen), 3412. Farinacci (Roberto), 3946. FARINELLI (Franco), 171. FARINELLI (Roberto), 3234. FARINHA (Luís), 4140. FƖRIS AL-FƖRIS (Muhammad), 6910. FARKAS (Nikoletta), 1545. FARLAM (Ian), 6148. FARLEY (Brigit), 4234. FARNEY (Gary D.), 1752. FARRELL (Stephen), 6337. FARRENKOPF (Michael), 5478. FATTORINI (Emma), 421, 4536. Faulenbach (Heinrich), 115. FAÚNDEZ (Julio), 3415. FAURE (David), 7078. FAUVET (Jean-Christian), 3607. FAVAREL-GARRIGUES (Gilles), 5396. FAVIER (Jean), 3166. Favorinus, 1146. FAYE JACOBSEN (Anette), 6149. FEARN (David), 1293. FEARON (Peter), 5897. FEAR-SEGAL (Jacqueline), 4829. FECHNER (Dieter), 70. FECIORU (Dumitru), 1984, 19951997. FEDELE (Santi), 3855. Federer (Julis), 6156. FEENEY (Denis C.), 89. FEENSTRA (Robert), 6150. FEES (Irmgard), 2323. FEEST (David), 3520. FEHRENBACH (Jérôme), 110. FEICHTINGER (Hans), 2066. FEIG VISHNIA (Rachel), 1649. FEINER (Shmuel), 4709. FEISS (Hugh), 3159. FEJÈRDY (Gergely), 6861. FEJLEK (V.), 3462. Fekini (Mohamed), 4009. FELDMAN (Martha), 5254. Felipe II, rey de España, 6483. Felipe V, rey de España, 6494. FELIPO ORTS (Amparo), 6489. FELLE (Antonio Enrico), 1007. FELLER (Laurent), 2591. Fellini (Federico), 5292. FELLMETH (Ulrich), 1082. FELTEN (Franz J.), 396, 3143. FENEMORE (Mark), 5898. FENG (Bangyan), 7079. FENLON (Iain), 5754. FENOALTEA Stefano), 5479. FERENC (Mitja), 4254. FERGUSON (Robert A.), 6151. FERJAOUI (Ahmed), 1008.

FERLAMPIN-ACHER (Christine), 2857. FERLING (John), 4398. FERM (Olle), 296. FERMAGLICH (Kirsten), 4399. Fermi (Enrico), 4988. FERNÁNDEZ (Claudia N.), 1294. FERNÁNDEZ ABARA (Joaquín), 3416. FERNÁNDEZ ALBALADEJO (Pablo), 4279. Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (Gonzalo), 184. FERNÁNDEZ DELGADO (José Antonio), 1295. FERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ (Francisco María), 2217. FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ (Concepción), 1571. FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ (Paloma), 5480. FERNÁNDEZ QUISBERT (Ramiro), 3366. FERNÁNDEZ ROCA (Francisco Javier), 5481. FERNÁNDEZ SORIA (Juan Manuel), 4826. FERNÁNDEZ TECHERA (Julio), 4789. FERNÁNDEZ UBIÑA (José), 2067. FERNÁNDEZ-CARRO (Remo), 5794. FERONE (Claudio), 1296. FERRAGU (Gilles), 6275. FERRAGUD DOMINGO (Carmel), 2592. FERRAIOLI (Gianpaolo), 6565. FERRAN (André), 3562. FERRARA (Giuliano), 421. FERRARI (Cleophea), 1417. FERRARI (Giovanni R.F.), 1406. FERRARI (Mirella), 47. FERRARI (Paolo), 3949. Ferraris (Carlo Francesco), 3959. FERRARO (Matthew F.), 6941. FERRÉ (Barbara), 1601. FERREIRA (António José), 553. FERREIRA (Jorge), 3380. FERREIRA (Oliveiros S), 3376. FERRER (M. Teresa), 2307. FERRERI (Luigi), 1297. FERRERO CALABUIG (José L.), 780. FERRI (Giordano), 6226. FERRIÈS (Marie-Claire), 1650. FERRITER (Diarmaid), 3910. FERRO (Marc), 6729. FERRONE (Vincenzo), 5008. Ferry (Jules), 4831, 6334. FERTIG (Georg), 5563. FERWERDA (Rein), 1404. FESTA (Gianni), 3137. FESTENSTEIN (Matthew), 3784.

321 Festus (Sextus Pompeius), 1870. FETZER (Thomas), 6103. FEUCHTWANGER (Edgar J.), 4969. FEUCHTWANGER (Ludwig), 4969. Feuerbach (Ludwig), 6146. FEUERHERM (Karljürgen G.), 933. FEY (Carola), 2713. FEYEL (Christophe), 1205. FIACCADORI (Gianfranco), 1115, 2201. Fichte (Johann Gottlieb), 4960. FICK (Carolyn E.), 3853. FIDORA (Alexander), 2971, 2999, 3024. FIEDORCZUK (Jan), 761. FIELD (Deborah A.), 5899. FIELDS (Jill), 658. FIELDS (Nic), 1709. FIGALLO (Beatriz J.), 6730. FIGOUREUX (Loïc), 4498. FIGUEIRA (João), 4889. FILGES (Axel), 1502. FILHOL (Emmanuel), 3563. FILOCHE (Christina), 1825. FILORAMO (Giovanni), 4509. FILTZER (Donald), 4186. FINCHAM (Kenneth), 4617. FINCHELSTEIN (Federico), 3320. FINDEISEN (Jörg-Peter), 6480. FINE (John V. A.), 4235. FINGLASS (Patrick J.), 1156, 1314. FINKEL (Stuart), 4710. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), 1009. FINKIELSZTEJN (Gerald), 1010. FINLAYSON (Bill), 788. FIOCCHI (Claudio), 3001. Fiore (Tommaso), 4578. FIORENTINO (Girolamo), 823. FIRICEL-DANA (Madalina), 1116. FIRPO (Giulio), 1710, 2812. FISCH (Stefan), 3702. FISCHBACK (Price), 5397. FISCHER (Bernd J.), 3246, 3303. FISCHER (Conan), 6614. FISCHER (Dagmar), 5110. FISCHER (Georg), 2034. FISCHER (Holger), 3857. FISCHER (Jens Malte), 5255. Fischer (Joschka), 3676. FISCHER (Lars), 3661. FISCHER (Louise), 3916. FISCHER (Manuela), 470. FISCHER (Marina), 1503. FISCHER (Moshe), 1011. FISCHER-DEFOY (Christine), 4944. FISCHER-LANGOSCH (Petra), 6193. FISHWICK (Marshall William), 1801. FITZGERALD (Allan D.), 691. FITZGERALD (William A.), 1589. FITZGERALD (William), 1802.

322 Fitzmaurice (Gerald Henry), 6554, 6620. Fitzpatrick (Brian Charles), 3331. FITZPATRICK (Matthew), 6343. FITZPATRICK (Sheila), 297, 3331. FLACH (Dieter), 1610. FLACHENECKER (Helmut), 5752. FLAIG (Egon), 517. FLAMBARD-HÉRICHER (AnneMarie), 2402. FLAMENCO RAMÍREZ (Alfonso), 244. FLAS (D.), 771. FLASCASSOVITTI (Chiara D.), 2312. FLATSCHER (Sandra), 5564. Flavius Damianus Ephesinus, 1490. FLECKNER (Uwe), 5143. Fleming (family), 5971. FLEMING (Katherine Elizabeth), 2484. FLEMING (Patricia), 74. FLEMMING (Jens), 3655. FLETCHER (Alexandra), 934. FLETCHER (Richard), 1418. FLEURY (Georges), 3564. FLEURY (Pascale), 1419. FLINTERMAN (Jaap Jan), 1261. FLOOR (Willem M.), 5565. FLOR (Ingrid), 2920. FLORES (Juan Carlos), 720. FLORES (Roberto D.), 5398. FLORI (Jean), 3193. FLORIAN (Karin), 1803. FLORIN (Christina), 4333. FLORUS LUGDUNENSIS, 3157. FLOTZINGER (Rudolf), 2950. FLUNSER PIMENTEL (Irene), 4140. FLURY-SCHÖLCH (André), 2035. Focillon (Henri), 679. FÖCKING (Friederike), 6104. FOESSEL (Michaël), 4740. FOGLESONG (David S.), 6301. FOHLIN (Caroline), 5680. FÖLDES (György), 6942. FOLKE AX (Christina), 5900. FOLKMAN (Peter), 5681. Folz (Robert), 396. FOMERAND (Jacques.), 518. FONES-WOLF (Ken), 5482. FONNESBERG-SCHMIDT (Iben), 3079. FONSECA (Ana Mónica), 6943. FONSECA (Cosimo Damiano), 3197. FONTAINE (Michael), 1804. FONTANA (Josep), 4280. FONTANA CASTELLI (Eva), 4581. FONTENELLE, (Bernard Le Bovier), 5041.

INDEX OF NAMES FONTES-BARATTO (Anna), 2855. FONTICELLI (Marcelo), 4906. FONZI (Paolo), 298. FOPPA PEDRETTI (Caterina), 4949. FORBES (Robert Pierce), 4400. FORD (Caroline), 605. FORMENTIN (Vittorio), 2814. FORMIGLI (Edilberto), 1927. FORMISANO (Luciano), 7346. FORNARO (Pasquale), 3855. FORNER (Sean A.), 4890. FORNIS (César), 1175. FORREST (Alan), 6537. FORREST (Robert), 4156. Forsius (Sigfrid Aronus), 5029. FÖRSTER (Hans), 2068. FÖRSTER (Jürgen), 3662. FORSTHOFF (Ernst), 4969. FORTH (Christopher E.), 5905. FORTUNELLI (Simona), 1546. FORTUNY I CAPAFONS (Eusebi), 3518. Foscari (Francesco), 2435. FOSI (Irene), 6194. FOSKOLOU (Vicky), 2190. FOSLER-LUSSIER (Danielle), 5256. FOSS (Clive), 2218. FOSSIER (Robert), 2365. FOSTER (Benjamin R.), 935. FOSTER (R. F.), 5902. FOSTER (Robert), 6470. FOTHERINGHAM (Lynn S.), 1805. FOUCAULT (Didier), 1071. Foucault (Michel), 4954. FOUQUET (Gerhard), 2638. FOX (Matthew), 1874. FOXHALL (Lin), 1221. FOYSTER (Elizabeth), 5896. FRABOULET (Danièle), 5483. FRADKIN (Raúl), 3326. Fraenkel (Eduard), 288. FRAGNITO (Gigliola), 4559. FRAGONARD (Marie-Madeleine), 338. FRAISSE (Philippe), 1504. FRAITURE (Pierre-Philippe), 5102, 5111. FRANCE (R. T.), 2024. FRANCESCA (Ersilia), 431. FRANCESCHI (Franco), 5594. FRANCESCHINI (Adriano), 2456. Francia (José Gaspar Rodríguez de), 4098. FRANCIONI (Gianni), 4955. FRANCISCO (Adam S.), 4619. Franciscus Assisiensis, Sanctus, 719, 2771. FRANCO (Marina), 317. Franco Bahamonde (Francisco), 4271, 4283, 4306, 5261, 6694, 6749, 6792, 6813.

Francovich (Riccardo), 3229. FRANDSEN (Paul John), 888. FRANGOUDAKI (Anna), 3845. FRANK (Günter), 4618. FRANK (Matthew), 6862. FRANK (Thomas), 2906, 3167. FRANKE (Detlef), 889. FRANKEL (Robert), 172. Franklin (Benjamin), 6492. FRANKOPAN (Peter), 2220. FRANSEN (Paul-Irénée), 3157. FRANTZEN (Allen J.), 2793. Franz I, Prince of Liechtenstein, 6605. FRANZINA (Emilio), 3330. FRANZMANN (Andreas), 4867. Frapolli (Lodovico), 3630. FRASCOLLA (Pasquale), 4975. FRASER (Constance M.), 2511. FRASSETTO (Michael), 2451, 3194. FRATANTUONO (Lee Michael), 1806. FRĂğILĂ (Vasile), 143. FRAZIER (Lessie Jo), 3417. FREDLUND (Glen), 745. FREEMAN (Mark), 5484, 6227. FREEMAN (Michael), 4752. Freeman Regalado (Nancy), 2674. FREGA (Ana), 4462, 4463, 6326. FREGOSO (Edoardo), 6228. FREI (Norbert), 388. FREITAG (Klaus), 468. FREITAG (Sabine), 6268. FREIVOGEL (Zvonimir), 6631. FREMDLING (Rainer), 5485. FRENCH (Henry R.), 5628, 5904. FREUDENBURG (Kirk), 1807. FREUND (David M.P.), 4401. FREYDANK (Helmut), 936. FREYTAG (Julia), 5258. FRIBERG (Katarina), 445. FRICKE (Andreas), 5486. Fricke (Fritz), 4846. FRIDAY (Karl F.), 7298. FRIED (Johannes), 2069. FRIEDEBURG (Robert von), 3285. FRIEDEL (Helmut), 5197. FRIEDEL (Robert D.), 614. FRIEDENTHAL-HAASE (Martha), 4828. FRIEDGUT (Theodore H.), 5629. FRIEDL (JiĜí), 6681, 6731, 6844. FRIEDLAENDER (Jonathan Scott), 7354. FRIEDLÄNDER (Saul), 3663. FRIEDMAN (Edward), 7080. FRIEDMAN (Hal M.), 6863. FRIEDRICH (Thomas), 3664. Friedrich I Barbarossa, röm.deutscher Kaiser, 324, 2406.

INDEX OF NAMES Friedrich II der Große, König von Preußen, 3671. Friedrich II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2274, 2405. Friedrich III, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2324. Friedrich Wilhelm II, König von Preußen, 3706, 4491. FRIES-DIECKMANN (Marion), 5260. FRIGATO (Sabino), 4560. FRIIS (Thomas Wegener), 3282. FRIISBERG (Claus), 3490. FRIMMOVÁ (Eva), 299. FRISCH (Ragnar), 5444, 5449. FRITZLAR (Sigrid), 4783. Fritzsche (Hans), 5227. FROBERT (Ludovic), 402. FROESCHLÉ(Michel), 4831. FRÖHLICH (Elke), 3634. FROISSART (Jean), 2346. FRÖLICH (Jürgen), 3632. FROMMER (Sören), 446. FROUD (Julie), 5681. Fry (Varian), 6685. Fu (Sinian), 7153. FU (Tongxian), 7081. FU (Yiling), 7082. FUCHS (Ralf-Peter), 88. FUDGE (John D.), 71. FUENTES ARAGONÉS (Juan Francisco), 4281. FUHRMANN (Sebastian), 2071. FUJII (Yoshio), 2595. Fujimori (Alberto), 4105. FUJITA (Satoru), 7255, 7286, 7297. Fujiwara (Michinaga), 7280. FUKSAS (Anatole Pierre), 2850. Fulci (Paolo), 6809. FULLER (A. James), 6278. FULLER (Dorian Q.), 781, 782. FULLER (Ken), 4113. FULLER (Mia), 5165. FULLER (Robert L.), 3566. FÜLÖP (Mihály), 6843. FULTON (Rachel), 2700. FÜNDLING (Jörg), 1651. FUNO (Shuji), 5787. FÜRBETH (Frank), 2687. FURIÓ (Antoni), 2308. FURLONG (Robert), 4944. FÜRST (Thomas), 3665. FUSI AIZPURÚA (Juan Pablo), 4277, 4310. FUß (Barbara), 2025. G GABBA (Emilio), 300. GABBAY (Uri), 937. GABRIý (Aleš), 4832. GADOT (Yuval), 1021.

GAGGIO (Dario), 5399. GAGLIANO (Stefano), 422, 4610. GAGLIARDI (Antonio), 2485. GAGLIARDO (Maria C.), 1931. GAGNEUX (Yves), 4561. Gail (Jean-Baptiste), 1069. GAILLE (Marie), 4962. GAISSER (Julia), 1585. GAJEWSKI (Alexandra), 2942. GAL (Stéphane), 3567. GALÁN (José M.), 890. Galante Garrone (Alessandro), 397. GALASSO (Cristina), 6840. GALASSO (Giuseppe), 407. Galba (Servius Sulpicius), Roman emperor, 1812. GALE (Monica), 1598. GALIANO (Paolo), 1711. Galilei (Galileo), 4989. GALIMBERTI (Alessandro), 1652. GALINIER (Martin), 1917. GALINIER-PALLEROLA (JeanFrançois), 4510. GALISON (Peter), 438. GALL (Lothar), 3666. GALLAB (Abdullahi A.), 4318. GALLAIS-HAMONNO (Georges), 5705. Gallas (Matthias), 6484. GALLEGO MARGALEFF (Ferran), 4282. GALLI (Daniela), 1622. GALLI (Giancarlo), 3945. GALLI (Marco), 1070, 1077. GALLI (Stefano B.), 3955. GALLIA (Andrew B.), 1298. GALLICCHIO (Marc), 7020. GALLICHAN (Gilles), 74. GALLICHAN (Gisèle), 4921. GALONNIER (Alain), 2969. GALUNOV (Todor), 3389. GAMBERALE (Leopoldo), 1991. GAMBERINI (Andrea), 151. Gandolfi (Antonio), 6390. GANESAN (Narayanan), 4066. GANGLOFF (Anne), 1299. GANIBAN (Randall Toth), 1808. GARAMBOIS-VASQUEZ (Florence), 1809. GARAPON (Jean), 3596. GARAVAGLIA (Juan Carlos), 4464. Garbini (Giovanni), 398. GARCIA (Patrick), 4967. GARCÌA ATIÉNZAR (Gabriel), 783. GARCÍA BORJA (Pablo), 780. GARCÍA CATALÁN (Sergio), 762. GARCÍA COLMENARES (Pablo), 4285. GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR (Fernando), 173.

323 GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE (José Angel), 2921. GARCÍA DÍAZ (Isabel), 2294. GARCÍA ESPUCHE (Albert), 5907. GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ (Ernesto), 2596. GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ (Alejandro), 2881. GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ (Francisco Javier), 1267, 1362. GARCÍA HERAS (Manuel), 748. GARCÍA LEAL (Alfonso), 23. García Lorca (Federico), 5304. GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ (Alberto Nahum), 5261. GARCÍA MORENO (Alejandro), 784. GARCÍA RUIZ (José Luis), 5566. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Bárbara Yadira), 4833. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Jairo Javier), 146. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Alejandro), 2486. GARCÍA VALDÉS (Manuela), 1300. GARCÍA-ARGÜELLES I ANDREU (Pilar), 752. GARCIA-OLIVER (Ferran), 2308. GARDINER (Mark F.), 3238. GARDNER (Andrew), 1753. GARELLI (Franco), 4511. Garibaldi (Giuseppe), 3968. GARLAN (Yvon), 1487. GARNEAU (Jean-Philippe), 6229. GARNETT (George), 2409. GARRAUD (Philippe), 6762. GARRIC (Henri), 5755. GARRIGUES (Jean), 3574. GARRIGUS (John D.), 5908. GÄRTNER (Florian), 6230. GÄRTNER (Thomas), 1301. GÄRTNER (Ursula), 1810. Garvey (Marcus), 4446. GASCÓN (Margarita), 6451. GASMAND (Marion), 3080. GASPAR DE FREITAS (Joana), 4135. GAŠPARIý (Jure), 4255. Gasparin (Lucien), 6436. GASPARRI (Giuliano), 4952. GASPERONI (Lucia), 4873. GASSERT (Philipp), 4402. GASTALDI (Viviana), 1302. GASTI (Fabio), 1811. GATES (Marie-Henriette), 379. GATTAGRISI (Clelia), 4. GATTO (Ludovico), 3074. GATTONI (Maurizio), 6481. GAUCHET (Marcel), 564. Gaudí (Antoni), 5162. GAUDIN (Corinne), 5631. Gaugé (famille), 110. GAUL (Niels), 2221.

324 GAUNT (Peter), 3759. GAUTHIER (Florence), 6452. GAUTHIER (Philippe), 1108. GAUTIER DE COINCI, 2750. GAUVARD (Claude), 2525, 2540. GAWLIKOWSKI (Michaá), 1012. GAY-SYLVESTRE (Dominique), 3457. GĂZDAC (Cristian), 1754. GAZEAU (Véronique), 2402, 3114. GAZELEY (Ian), 6139. GAZIAUX (É.), 687. GEBHARDT (Miriam), 109. GEDDERTH (Brunhilde), 2729, 3121. GEDDES (Anne), 1303. GEFFARTH (Renko D.), 4480. GÉHIN (Paul), 1981. GEHLEN (Boris), 5682. GEHLER (Michael), 3922. GEHMACHER (Johanna), 5903. GEIGER (Jeffrey), 7353. GEIGER (Rudolf), 4403. GEIGER (Tim), 6906. GEISER (Melanie), 1812. GEISLER (Ursula), 5210. GEIST (Peter), 5107. GÉLINAS (Xavier), 3403. GELLATELY (Robert), 3261. GELLY (Dave), 5262. Gelon, 1160. GEMEINHARDT (Peter), 2042. GEMELLI MARCIANO (M. Laura), 1420. GEMIE (Sharif), 3568. GENERALI (Dario), 5010. Genet (Jean), 5341. GENÊT (Jean-Philippe), 578. GENET-ROUFFIAC (Nathalie), 6502. GENG (Zhanjun), 7083. Gennadius Scholarius (Georgius), 2152. GENTILE (Emilio), 301, 412. GENTILONI SILVERI (Umberto), 6753. GENTLES (Ian), 3787. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH, 2347. GEORG (Odile), 7332. GEORGE (Andrew R.), 938. George II, king of Great Britain, 3761. George III, king of Great Britain, 3767. GEORGIEV (Ivo), 5400. Georgius Acropolites, 2153. Georgius Alexandrinus 2157. Georgius Gennadius Scholarius, 2154. Georgius Maniaces, 2248. Georgius Pachymeres, 2155. GEPPERT (Dominik), 4891.

INDEX OF NAMES GERARDO DI FLUMERI, 4499. GERBER (Christoph), 812, 985. GERBER-VISSER (G.), 631. GERBRANDY (Piet), 1813. GERGEN (Thomas), 6231. Gerhard (Dietrich), 357. GERHARD (Myriam), 5072. GERHARDT (Johannes), 3667. GERHARDT (Volker), 4965. Germanus, Sanctus, episcopus parisiensis, 3156. GERMANY (Kent B.), 5911. GERNET (Jacques), 4834. GERSON (Carole), 74. GERTEIS (Joseph), 6105. GERUZZI (Salvatore), 2728. GERWARTH (Robert), 3262, 3297. GESELBRACHT (Raymond H.), 4386. GETHMANN-SIEFERT (Annemarie), 4956. GEUENICH (Dieter), 4790. GEUKJIAN (Ohannes), 4004. GEUS (Klaus), 1145. GEVA (Hillel), 1013. GEVREY (Françoise), 4888. GEYER (David C.), 6911, 6988. GEYSSEN (John), 1814. Gheorghiu-Dej (Gheorghe), 6919. GHERCHANOC (F.), 660. GHIATI (Claude), IV. GHIO (José-María), 3322. GHIRINGHELLI (Robertino), 3939. GHISALBERTI (Alessandro), 2986. GIACONE (Franco), 4754. GIANCARLO (Matthew), 2818. GIANDREA (Mary Frances), 3195. GIANNAKOPOULOS (Angelos), 3841. GIANNARELLI (Elena), 2139. GIANNUZZI (Maria Elisabetta), 1158. GIARO (Tomasz), 6167. GIARRIZZO (Giuseppe), 422. GIATSIS (Sotirios), 1216. GIBBINS (John), 4711. GIBLIN (James L.), 4345. GIBSON (Alex M.), 793. GIBSON (Roy K.), 1815. GIBSON (Shimon), 1010. Gielemans (Johannes), 3148. GIESECKE (Annette Lucia), 1079. GIESEKE (Jens), 3738. GIGANTE LANZARA (Valeria), 1467. Gilbert (Felix), 357. GILBERT (François), 1712. GILBERT (Mark), 519. GILDENHARD (Ingo), 1875. GILHULY (Kate), 1304. GILIBERT (Alessandra), 970.

GILL (David), 1505. GILLARD (David), 6732. GILLESPIE (Stuart), 1599. GILLESPIE (Vincent), 3196. GILLI (Patrick), 2909. GILLIES (Mary Ann), 5914. Gillingham (Bryan), 2723, 2953. GILLOT (Jean-Jacques), 3569. GILLY (Adolfo), 3368. GILMOUR (Alison), 5487. GILOMEN (Hans-Jörg), 2638. GIMEL'SHTEJN (A.V.), 4187. GIMENO BLAY (Francisco), 41. GINAT (Rami), 6864. GINOR (Isabella), 6944. Giolitti (Giovanni), 3951. GIORDANENGO (Claire), 2300, 2326. GIORGI (Luigi), 3921. GIORGIERI (Mauro), 969. Giorgio di Baliano Flatri, 2883. Giotto, 677. GIOVAGNOLI (Agostino), 421, 4512. GIOVANNINI (Adalberto), 1176. GIRARDET (Klaus Martin), 1653, 1662. GIRARDI (Raffaele), 2819. GIRAULT (Marcel), 3163. GIRAULT (Pierre-Gilles), 3163. GIRBAL (Christian), 971. GÎRBEA (Catalina), 2820. GIRONELLA (Anna), 2311. GISI (Lucas Marco), 479. GISPERT (Hélène), 4839. GIUA (Maria Antonietta), 423. GIUDICE (Giada), 1506. GIUFFRIDA (Antonino), 3104. GIULIANI (Lorella), 4675. GIUNIPERO (Elisa), 4512. GIUNTI (Paolo), 767. GIUSTI-CORDERO (Juan A.), 6368. GIUVA (Linda), 227. GIVIGLIANO (Gian Piero), 1177. Gladstone (William Ewart), 3827. GLAISYER (Natasha), 5401. GLANCY (Mark), 5317. GLANTZ (David M.), 6763. GLAS (Norbert), 5263. GLASSHEIM (Eagle), 3470. GLAUSER (Jürg), 202. GLEBE-MØLLER (Jens), 5915. GLEI (Reinhold), 1588. GLEINIG (Ruth), 256. GLENTHØJ (Rasmus), 3491, 6544. GLICK (Thomas F.), 2689. GLINISTER (Nadine), 1870. GLOCK (Anne), 1903. GLOCKNER (Andres), 5205. GLOSECKI (Stephen O.), 2845. GLOVER (John), 7318.

INDEX OF NAMES GLOZIER (Matthiew), 3618. GLUNZ (Claudia), 4893. GLUSKA (Ami), 3918. GNAU (Christoph), 3668. GNILKA (Joachim), 2072. GODA (Norman J. W.), 6804. Godard (Jean-Luc), 5270. GODDARD (Christophe), 1891. GODDEERIS (Anne), 939. GODDING (Robert), 304. GODEA (Ioan), 480. Godefroy (Théodore), 399. GODEŠA (Bojan), 305. GODFREY (Matthew C.), 5632. Goebbels (Joseph), 3634. GOEBEL (Stefan), 228. GOERLITZ (Uta), 2821. Goethe (Wolfgang von), 5135, 5244. GOETTE (Hans Rupprecht), 1507. GOETZ (Hans-Werner), 2691. GOETZMANN (William N.), 5684. GOFF (Matthew J.), 2073. GOFFMAN (Daniel), 4360. Goguet (Antoine-Yves), 400. GÖKAY (Bülent), 6835. GOLDBERG (Ann), 4712. GOLDBERG (Jeremy), 2597. GOLDBERG (Sander M.), 5273. GOLDEN (Peter B.), 524. GOLDGAR (Anne), 3263. GOLDIE (Peter), 5156. GOLDMAN (Andrew L.), 855. GOLDMAN (Wendy Z.), 4188. GOLDMARK (Daniel), 5225. GOLDSTEIN (Melvyn C.), 7084. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.), 5594. GOLINSKI (Jan), 615. GOLITSIS (Pantelis), 2155. Goltdammer (Hermann Theodor), 6208. GÓMEZ (Ana Margarita), 3846. GÓMEZ REDONDO (Fernando), 2822. GÓMEZ-FERRER MORANT (Guadalupe), 4277, 4290. GOMI (Fumihiko), 7253. GOMILLE (Monika), 644. GOMIS BLANCO (Alberto), 5013. GONÇALVES (Maria Filomena), 153. GONÇALVES (Maria Neves), 4840. GONÇALVES (Regina Célia), 3377. GONDERMANN (Thomas), 481. GONG (Guan), 7085. GONTARD (Maurice), 3570. GONTHIER (Nicole), 2692. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar), 5916. GONZALES (Michael J.), 4039. GONZÁLEZ BARRIOS (René), 6566. González de Santalla (Tirso), 4595.

GONZÁLEZ DELUCA (María Elena), 306. GOOCH (John), 3953. GOODE (James F.), 6632. GOODICH (Michael E.), 3198. GOODMAN (M. S.), 6805. GOODMAN (Martin), 1892. GOODMAN (Michael), 6865. GOODMAN (Penelope J.), 1654. GOODSTADT (Leo F.), 5685. GOOSSAERT (Vincent), 4654. GOPPOLD (Uwe), 4336. GORDIN (Michael D.), 6764. GORDONOV (V. P.), 7300. GORING-MORRIS (Nigel), 785. GÖRKE (Susanne), 972. GORMAN (Jonathan), 447. GORMAN (Michael M.), 3199. GORMAN (Robert J.), 1305. GORMAN (Vanessa B.), 1305. GORMANS (Andreas), 2915. GORODETSKY (Gabriel), 6724. GORRIE (Charmaine), 1918. GORTON (Ted J.), 2478. GOSCILO (Helena), 653. GÖSSLING (Bettina), 5264. GOSSMAN (Lionel), 448. GOSTOLI (Antonietta), 1150. GOTKOWITZ (Laura), 3367. GOTOVITCH (José), 4912. GOTTFRIED (Paul Edward), 4404. GOTTREICH (Emily), 5759. GÖTTSCHE (Dirk), 5119. GOTTSMANN (Andreas), 3344. GOTZMANN (Andreas), 6159. GOUESBIER (Yvan), 307. GOUIFFÈS (Pierre-François), 3788. GOULD (Eliga H.), 3264. GOULD (Jonathan), 5265. GOULET (Richard), 1421. GOUNOT (André), 6016. GOUTOR (David), 6106. GOVI (Elisabetta), 1558. Gower (John), 2832. GOWERS (Emily), 1589. Goya (Francisco), 5185. Goyeneche y Barreda (José Sebastián), 4108. GOYENS (Tom), 4405. GOZZOLI (Sandra), 1655. GRABAS (Margrit), 5417. GRABNER-HAIDER (Anton), 2043, 4713. GRABOWSKY (Annette), 2543. GRAF (Alexander), 5215. GRAFTON (Anthony T.), 308, 448. GRAHAM (Oliver), 1206. GRAHAM (Timothy), 35. GRAHAM-CAMPBELL (James), 2358, 2508. Gramsci (Antonio), 4769, 4955.

325 GRANCEA (Mihaela), 482. GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël), 4157. GRANT (Alison E.), 1656. GRANT (Jonathan A.), 5567. GRANT (Kevin), 6336. Grant (Ulysses Simpson), 4411. GratianusGregorius IX Papa, 2528. GRATTON (Brian), 5917. GRAU MIRA (Ignacio), 746. GRAUBART (Karen B.), 6453. GRAVERINI (Luca), 1816. GRAY (Daniel), 582. GRAY (William Glenn), 6945. GRAZIANI (Natale), 4911. GRAZIOSI (Andrea), 413. Graziosi (Paolo), 776. GREAVES (Alan M.), 839. GREBE (Anja), 42. GREBING (Helga), 6107. GRECO (Emanuele), 1161. GREEN (Carin M. C.), 1893. GREEN (D. H.), 2693. GREEN (E. H. H.), 3829. GREEN (S. J. D.), 4780. GREENE (Benjamin P.), 5014. GREENE (Kenneth F.), 4040. GREENGRASS (Mark), 3571. GREENLEES (Janet), 5473, 6108. Grégoire de Tours, 401. Gregoriþ (Danilo), 6677. Gregorius Antiochus, 2179. Gregorius Ariminensis, 2984. Gregorius I, Papa, 2598, 3046, 3065, 3146. Gregorius IX, Papa, 2405. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Sanctus, 1984-1987. Gregorius Nyssenus, Sanctus, 1988, 1989. Gregorius Thaumaturgus, Sanctus, 2140. Gregorius VII, Papa, 3066. Gregorius XIII, Papa, 6481. Gregorius XV, Papa, 4535. GREGORY (James), 5918. GREGORY (Tullio), 3003. GREHAN (James), 5919. GREINER (Bernd), 6946. GRELE (Ronald), 352. GRELL (Chantal), 3550. GRELL (Ole Peter), 5043. GRENIER (Jean-Yves), 4954. GRESSER (Georg), 3081. GRETCHANAIA ࡇ (Elena), 5093. GREWE (Klaus), 873. GREY (Cam), 1713. GREZ TOSO (Sergio), 3418. GRÈZES-RUEFF (François), 4835. GRIBAUDI (Maurizio), 5760. GRIEFENOW-MEWIS (Catherine), 7303.

326 GRIER (Howard D.), 6765. GRIESBACH (Jochen), 1919. GRIFFIN (Emma), 5920. GRIFFIN (Patrick), 4406. GRIFFIN (Roger), 4714. Griffith (David Wark), 5354. GRIFFITHS (Claire), 101. GRIFFITHS (Clare V. J.), 5633. GRIFFITHS (Fiona J.), 2696. GRIGORIU (Parascheva), 2177. GRIGOROVA (Irina), 5686. GRIMMER-SOLEM (Erik), 6344. Griscom (Lloyd C.), 6589. GRODDEK (Detlev), 973. GROEBNER (Valentin), 6195. GROGAN (Jane), 1306. GROH (Stefan), 1884. GROHMANN (Marianne), 2074. GROS (Pierre), 1920. GROSS (Guillaume), 2951. GROSSE (Rolf), 22. GROSSMANN (Atina), 5921. GROSSMANN (Johannes), 3679. Grote (John), 4711. GROTHE (Ewald), 6176, 6183. Grotius (Hugo), 4742, 6272. GROTOWSKI (Piotr L.), 2222. GRUDER (Vivian R.), 4836. GRUDZEN (Gerald J.), 3004. GRUMMITT (David), 3266. GRÜNBART (Michael), 2156, 2223, 2870. GRUNDMANN (Kornelia), 651, 4809. Grundtvig (N. F. S.), 3489. GRUNERT (Frank), 4716. GRÜTTNER (Michael), 4791. GRYGOWSKI (Dimitri), 5687. GRYSON (R.), 3155. GUALTIERO DI MORTAGNE, 3030. GUAN (Shaohong), 7086. GUAN (Shuhe), 7087. GUAN (Xiaohong), 7088. GUARDASOLE (Alessia), 1422. GUARDUCCI (Federigo), 6390. GUARNA (Luigi), 6947. GUASCO (Maurilio), 4684. GUCCIONE (Eugenio), 3923. GUERCIO (Mariella), 229. GUÉRIN-BEAUVOIS (Marie), 2558. GUERRA (Michele), 5266. GUESLIN (André), 5402. GUFI (Luca), 3167. GUGLIELMINO (Riccardo), 823. GUHA (Ramachandra), 3877. GUICHARD (Luis Arturo), 1307. GUIDERDONI-BRUSLÉ (Agnès), 213. GUIDETTI (Massimo), 1953. GUIDI (Remo L.), 2697.

INDEX OF NAMES GUIFFO (Jean-Philippe), 3310. GUILLELMUS (a Sancto Theodorico), 2973. Guillelmus de Ockham, 3029. GUINN (Gilbert S.), 6766. GUINNANE (Timothy W.), 5741. GUINOT (Enric), 2328. GUITTARD (Charles), 1895. GUMBERT (J. P.), 2341. GUMBERT-HEPP (Marijke), 2341. GUNDLE (Stephen), 5922. Gundolf (Friedrich), 4712. GUNN (Steven), 3266. GUNTAU (Martin), 5012. GUNTHER (Karl), 4620. GÜNTHER (Linda-Marie), 1658. GURNEY (John), 3789. GUSTAFSON (Kristian), 6948. GUSTAFSSON (Harald), 309. GUSTAFSSON (Tommy), 5267. GUSTIN (Mitja), 1550. Guthrie (Woody), 5233. GUTIÉRREZ (Gustavo), 4526. GUTIÉRREZ (Leandro), 3323. GUTIÉRREZ LOZANO (Juan Francisco), 5268. GUTIÉRREZ RAMOS (Jairo), 3429. GUTIÉRREZ SÁNCHEZ (Mercedes), 4138. GUTIÉRREZ SANÍN (Francisco), 3430. GUTMANN (Myron P.), 5917. GUTWIRTH (Eleazar), 2457. GUTZWILLER (Kathryn), 1308. GUY (Nicola), 6633. GUYATT (Nicholas), 4407. GUYAUX (André), 5112. GUYNN (Noah D.), 2823. GUYOT (Peter), 1082. GUYOTJEANNIN (Oliver), 24. GUZ (Tadeusz), 598. GUZMÁN ARMARIO (Francisco Javier), 1817. GUZMÁN PÉREZ (Moisés), 4041. GUZZO (Pier Giovanni), 1921. GWENFAIR WALTERS (Adams), 3201. GWYNN (David M.), 2075. GYSELINCK (Wannes), 1309. H HAACK (Marie-Laurence), 1559. HAAS (Volkert), 974. HAASE (Christian), 6302, 6949. HAASE (Richard), 940. HABER (Stephen), 5418. HABERLAND (Detlef), 65. HÄBERLEIN (Mark), 4402. HABERSACK (Mathias), 6212. HACK (Achim Thomas), 2277. HACKE (Daniela), 4337.

HADJILAZARO THIMME (Danae), 1525. HADLER (Frank), 333. Hadrianus (Publius Aelius), Roman emperor, 1119, 1652, 1928, 2131. HAEFS (Wilhelm), 4936. HAELEWYCK (Jean-Claude), 1986. HAENSCH (Rudolf), 1715. HAERS (J.), 687. HAFTER (Daryl M.), 6109. HAGBERG (Johnny), 3120. HAGEMANN (Gro), 4333. HAGEMANN (Karen), 3670, 6526. HAGEN (Mark von), 4206, 6634. HAGGAR (Bichara Idriss), 3411. HAGGIS (Donald C.), 1102. HAGLUND (David G), 6733. HAHN (Hans-Werner), 310. HAHN (Johannes), 2686. HAHN (Marcus), 3679. HAHN (Peter L.), 520. HAHN (Peter-Michael), 3671. HAHN (Waltraud), 4562. Haile Selassie I (born Tafari Makonen), emperor of Ethiopia, 6920. HAIM HACOHEN (Malachi), 4715. HAINES (John), 25. HAJDARI (Arben), 1117. HAJJI (Abderraouf), 4894. HAJJI (Mohammed), 4894. HAJNAL (Ivo), 1245. HAKE (Sabine), 5257. HAKI (Antonsson), 2502. HAKKI (Murat Metin), 3460. HALAIS (Emmanuel), 4975. HALBRAINER (Heimo), 3338, 3340. HALDON (John F.), 2247. Haldon (John), 2188. HALEVI (Leor), 4655. Halévy (Elie), 402. HALFIN (Igal), 4189. HALL (Alexander W), 3005. HALL (Bo G.), 449. HALL (Catherine), 3267. HALL (David D.), 73. HALL (Edith), 1171. HALL (Jonathan M.), 1080. HALL (Thomas N.), 2862. Haller (Carl Ludwig von), 560. HALLON (ďudovít), 5688. HALL-WITT (Jennifer), 5269. HALM (Dirk), 4788. HALPÉRIN (Jean-Louis), 590. HALPERIN DONGHI (Tulio), 3324. HALSALL (Guy), 401, 2367. HAM (Rüdiger), 3672. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.), 3113. HAMESSE (Jacqueline), 2348. HAMILAKIS (Yannis), 311.

INDEX OF NAMES HAMILTON (Arran), 5709. HAMILTON (Daniel W.), 4408. HAMILTON (Keith), 6635. HAMLIN (David D.), 5923. HAMM (Berndt), 714, 3200. HAMMAN (Mahmoud), 4081. HAMM-BRÜCHER (Hildegard), 3646. HAMMER (C. I.), 2399. HAMMERSTEIN (Notker), 4673. HAMMOND (John Craig), 4409. Hammurabi, king of Babylon, 940. HAMNETT (Brian R.), 4033. HAMPE (Michael), 594. HAMPTON (Mark), 5211. HAMZA (Gábor), 6232. HAN (Guanghui), 7090. HAN (Sheng), 7089. HANAK (W. K.), 2224. HANAWALT (Barbara A.), 2526. HANCOCK (Ian), 3334. HANKE (Christine), 5015. HANKE (Ullrich Christoph), 6482. HANKELN (Roman), 2958. HANKOVÁ (Monika), 4656. HANKS (B.K.), 813. HANN (Andrew), 6052. HANNA (Katharine A.), 2272, 2287. HANNA (Ralph), 2757. HANNAH (Leslie), 5403. Hannibal, 1627, 1636, 1641, 7301. HANNIKAINEN (Matti), 5409. HANSEN (Mogens Herman), 1092, 1178. Hansen Egede (Poul), 164. HANSMANN (Marc), 5689. HANSON (Victor Davis), 498. HANSSON (Sara), 5016. HANTSCHKE (Irmgard), 4790. HANUŠ (JiĜí), 4502, 4563. HAO (Bingjian), 7091. HAOUR (Anne), 2599. HAQUIN (A.), 687. HARDACH (Gerd), 5404. HARDING (Jason), 5136. HARDING (Nick), 6503. HARDOUIN (Frédéric), 5270. HARDTWIG (Wolfgang), 3716. HARDWICK (Paul), 2839. HAR-EVEN (Benny), 1023. HARKNESS (Deborah E.), 5017. HARLANDER (Tilman), 5797. HARLAND-JACOBS (Jessica L.), 6345. HARLOW (Mary), 1755. HARNA (Josef), 3471. HARPER (Graeme), 5369. HARPER (Sue), 5317. HARPER (Tim), 6374.

HARPER-BILL (Christopher), 2410, 3052. HARRIES (Jill), 1714. HARRIES (Patrick), 4597. HARRIS (A. Katie), 5761. HARRIS (Jason), 2873. HARRIS (Jay Michael), 2461. HARRIS (Jonathan), 5160. HARRIS (Michael), 63, 69. HARRIS (William C.), 4410. HARRIS (William Vernon), 312. HARRIS-NORTHALL (Ray), 2711. HARRISON (Alexander), 6402. HARRISON (Carol E.), 4564. HARRISON (E.D.R.), 6767. HARRISON (Julian), 3092. HARRISON (Stephen J.), 1594, 1818. Harrison (William Henry), 4436. HARRISS (Ian), 5429. HARROW (Kenneth W.), 5271. HARSCH (Donna), 5924. HART (Jonathan Locke), 6346. HART (Mitchell B.), 5018. HARTENSTEIN (Judith), 2076. HÄRTER (Karl), 6201. HARTINGER (Anselm), 5205. HARTLAND (Beth), 2279, 2600. HARTMANN (Elke), 1081. HARTMANN (Olaf), 5012. HARTMANN (Sieglinde), 2684. HARTMANN (Wilfried), 2528, 2543. HARTMUT (Philippe), 6950. HARVEY (Charles), 5703. HARVEY (Emma), 782. HARVEY (John), 386. HARVEY (Leonard Patrick), 2487. HARVEY (Steven), 1014. HASECKER (Jyri), 3099. HASEGAWA (Masatoshi), 7257. HASEGAWA (Tsuyoshi), 6679. HASHEMI (N.), 771. HASLINGER (Peter), 3292. HASQUIN (Hervé), 3341. HASS (Andrew), 738. HAß (Karin), 1819. HASSELBERG (Ylva), 5450. Hassenpflug (Ludwig), 3672. HASSLER (Éric), 131. HASSLER (Uta), 5488. HASTETTER (Michaela Christine), 3065. HATA (Naomi), 2527. HATAVARA (Mari), 5113. HATTAM (Victoria), 5925. HATTE (Jennifer), 5114. HATTENDORF (John B.), 536. HATZILAMBROU (Rosaria G.), 891. HATZIVASSILIOU (Evanthis), 6866.

327 HATZOPOULOS (Miltiades B.), 1118. HAUBOLD (Johannes), 1053. HAUCH (Gabriella), 5903. HAUG (Andreas), 2931. HAUG (Christine), 4895. HAUGEN (Odd Einar), 2761. HAUPT (Heinz-Gerhard), 450. HAUPT (Herbert), 5202. HÄUPTLI (Bruno W.), 1617. HAUPTS (Leo), 4792. HAURAY (Boris), 5019. HAUSER (Andrea), 5516. HAUSER (Kitty), 5272. HAUSES (Regina), 2014. HAUTALA (Roman), 313. HAUTCOEUR (Pierre-Cyrille), 5705. HAVARD (Gilles), 7348. HAVELANGE (Isabelle), IV. HAVRILA (Marek), 314. HAWKING (Stephen), 5006. HAWKINS (Angus), 3790. HAWKINS (Richard A.), 5690. Haya de la Torre (Víctor Raúl), 4104. Haydn (Franz Joseph), 5273. HAYS (Richard B.), 2077. HAYWARD (Jack), 3573. Hazael, king of Damasco, 1038. HAZAREESINGH (Sandip), 3878. HAZAREESINGH (Sudhir), 3621. HAZEBROUCK-SOUCHE (Véronique), 3147. HAZRA (Kanai Lal), 3892. HEAL (Bridget), 4481. HEALEY (Denis), 7000. HEALEY (Helizabeth), 786. HEARN (Mark), 6110. HEBENSTREIT (Laurent F.), 928. HÉBERT (Michel), 2322. HECK (Christian), 2706. HECK (Eberhard), 2002. HECKER (Rolf), 4963. HECKMANN (Dieter), 2354. HECKMANN (Marie-Luise), 2354. Heckscher (Eli), 5450. HECLO (Hugh), 4482. HEFTNER (Herbert), 1657. HEGEDUS (Tim), 2078. HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich), 4940, 4956, 5131. HEHL (Ernst-Dieter), 3055. HEIBERG (Steffen), 3492. HEIDEGGER (Martin), 721, 4940, 4941, 4965. HEIDEN (Bruce), 1310. HEIKKILÄ (Pauli), 6636. HEIL (Uta), 1972, 2040. HEILBRON (John. L.), 5020. HEILMANN (Anja), 1990.

328 HEIMANN (Jim), 5203. HEIMES (Daniel), 5926. HEIN RASMUSSEN (Søren), 3503. HEINE NIELSEN (Thomas), 1223. HEINEN (Armin), 3679, 4158. HEINEN (Heinz), 2079. HEINIG (Paul-Joachim), 2324. HEINIGER (Alix), 5691. HEINONEN (Meri), 3202. HEINRICH (Anselm), 5274. HEINRICHS (Johannes), 1715. HEINZ (Carsten), 2080. HEINZ (Werner), 1952. HEINZEN (Jasper), 6567. HEITSCH (Ernst), 1311. HEKSTER (Olivier), 1949. HELIGE (Barbara), 6144. Heliodorus, 1255. HELLER (Steven), 5203. HELLWEGE (Phillip), 6233. HELLY (Bruno), 1312. HELMHOLZ (R. H.), 2698. HELMRATH (Johannes), 3045, 3056. HÉMERY (Daniel), 316. HEN (Yitzhak), 2699. HENDEL (Joachim), 4811. HENDERSON (John), 1313, 3006. HENDERSON (Timothy J.), 6568. HENDRICH (Christof), 1508. HENIG (Martin), 3124. HENKE (Josef), 3629. HENNING (Joachim), 3241. HENNINGSEN (Peter), 6530. HENNOCK (E. P.), 3791. HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, 2974. Henry II, king of England, 2410, 2412. Henry III, king of England, 2275, 2279, 2318, 3145. Henry VIII, king of England, 3820, 4620. HENSELER (Ute), 5275. HENTSCHKE (Jens R.), 3384. HEPER (Metin), 4362. HEPPE (Rafael von), 6196. Heraclitus, 1445. Heraclius (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 2228. HERBERS (Klaus), 714, 2695. HERBERT (Joanna), 5798. HERBSTRITT (Georg), 3675. HÉRITIER (Françoise), 128. HERKLOTZ (Friederike), 1896. HERLES (Michael), 941. HERMANN (Angela), 3634. HERMANN (Pernille), 315. HERMANN (Tomáš), 5117. HERMANT (Maxence), 31. HERMLE (Siegfried), 4642. Hermocrates, 1160.

INDEX OF NAMES HERNÁNDEZ (Juan Luis), 3361. HERNÁNDEZ CASILLAS (Horacio), 4896. HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ (Domingo), 4956. HERNÁNDEZ SANDOICA (Elena), 4283. HERNÁNDEZ SILVA (Héctor Cuauhtémoc), 4045. HERNEOJA (Aulikki), 5166. Herodes Antipas, 1004. Herodes I, king of Judaea, 1658. Herodotus, 403, 1147, 1148, 1342, 1360, 1395. Herondas, 1294. HERRERA GARCÍA (Antonio), 3051. HERRERA MENA (Sajid Alfredo), 3846. HERRERO BERVERA (Carlos), 244. HERRERO DE JÁUREGUI (Miguel), 1468. HERRICK (Samantha Kahn), 3148. HERRIN (Judith), 2191. HERRMANN-OTTO (Elisabeth), 1659. HERTNER (Peter), 5516. HERTZ (Deborah), 4657. HERWEG (Mathias), 2688. HERWIG (Henriette), 644. HERZIG (Carine), 3150. HERZIG (Tamar), 4565. HERZOG (Tamar), 5927. HERZOG (Ze'ev), 1009. Hesiodus, 1280, 1310, 1383. HESLIN (Peter), 1922. HESLOP (Kate), 2903. HESS (Alan), 5167. HESS (Earl J.), 4411. HETÉNYI (Martin), 5928. HETZENECKER (Andreas), 6153. HEUKENKAMP (Ursula), 5107. HEUSCH (Christine), 1315. HEWITT (George), 513. HEWITT (John), 206. HEWITT (Vernon), 3879. HEYDE (Veronika), 6806. HEYLIN (Clinton), 5276. HEYMAN (George), 2081. HEYMANN (Britta), 6154. HEYWOOD (Colin), 5929. HEYWOOD (Linda M.), 6466. HEYWOOD (Paul), 4284. HEYWORTH (S. J.), 1608. HIBBS (Thomas S.), 3007. HICKS (Geoffrey), 6569. HICKS (Jeremy), 5277. HICKS (Leonie V.), 3203. HICKS (Michael), 2349. Hieronymus, Sanctus, 1991, 2136, 2141. Hierotheos, monk, 2156.

Higging (Henry Bournes), 6110. HIGHAM (N. J.), 2569. HIGLEY (Sarah Lynn), 3158. HIGUCHI (Takehiko), 4837. Hilarion of Gaza, Sanctus, 2141. HILBINK (Lisa), 6197. Hilchen (David), 6187. Hildegard von Bingen, 2980. HILDEGARDIS (Bingensis), 3158, 3159. HILEY (David), 2948, 2958. HILGENDORF (Eric), 6265. HILGER (Susanne), 617. HILL (Christopher), 4284. HILL (Helena), 5930. HILL (Robert C.), 2038. Hill (Thomas D.), 2862. HILLGRUBER (Christian), 4483. HILLINGSØ (K.G.), 6527. HILLMER (Norman), 3400. HILLNER (Julia), 2106. HILLS (Jill), 5568. HILS (Jochen), 4897. HILSON (Mary), 445. HILT (Eric), 5692. HILTON (Matthew), 5569. Hilton (Rodney H.), 404. Himerius, 1149. HINDENBURG (Hannfried von), 6951. HINDLEY (Geoffrey), 2488. HINDRICHS (Gunnar), 4956. HINDS (Stephen), 1820. HINES (John), 2505, 2793. HINOJOSA MONTALVO (José), 2458. HINTERBERGER (Martin), 383. Hipponax, 1137, 1277. Hirohito, Emperor Shǀwa, emperor of Japan, 6734. HIROSE (Kazuo), 7258. HIROTA (Makoto), 5570. Hirschman (Albert), 5443. Hitchcock (Alfred), 5278, 5361. Hitler (Adolf), 3261, 3664, 4536, 4713, 4714, 5142, 5358, 6694, 6765. HIVERT (Émilia Robin), 6867. HJELLUM (Torstein), 4084. HJERPPE (Riitta), 5409. HLENCH (Kathrin), 2975. HOARE (Marko Attila), 526. Hobbes (Thomas), 4957. HÖBELT (Lothar), 3342. HOCHBERG (Severin), 6715. HOCKENOS (Paul), 3676. HOCKERTS (Hans Günter), 5931. HODACS (Hanna), 5021. HODGE (Joseph Morgan), 5634. Hodgkin (Thomas), 6349. HODNE (Lasse), 2922.

INDEX OF NAMES HODSON (Simon), 562. Hodža (Milan), 3477, 5688. HOEFER (Natascha N.), 5279. HOFF (Annette), 5571. HØFFDING (Niels), 6522. HOFFMAN (Eva Rose F.), 2929. HOFFMANN (Adolf), 856. HOFFMANN (Carl A.), 3681. HOFFMANN (Florian), 6403. HOFFMANN (Peter), 2999, 3628. HOFFMANN (Philip T.), 5693. HOFFMANN (Philippe), 1423. HOFFMANN (Stefan-Ludwig), 5932. HOFFMANN (Thomas), 6187. Hoffmann (Walther G.), 5468. HOFMANN (Arne), 6952. HOFMANN (Dagmar), 1954. HOFMANN (Daniel), 6909. HOFMANN (Daniela), 777. HOFMANN (Mara), 48. HOFSTRA (Warren), 6501. HOGAN (Peter K.), 5280. HOGAN (Wesley C.), 4412. HOGANSON (Kristin L.), 5933. HOGERZEIL (Simon J.), 6404. Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (Chlodwig, Fürst zu), 3753. HOHENSTEIN (Kurt), 5694. Holborn (Hajo), 357. HOLDEN (Katherine), 5934. HOLENSTEIN (André), 631. HOLL (Karl), 3677. HOLLANDER (David B.), 1756. HOLLENBERG (Günter), 3627. HOLLERBACH (Alexander), 6156. HOLLIS (Adrian S.), 1316, 1593. HOLLOWAY (Paul A.), 2157. HOLLSTEIN (Thorsten), 6157. HOLLÝ (Karol), 2411. HOLM (Johan), 4326. HOLM (Stephan), 4838. HOLMAN (Andrew C.), 5935. HOLMES (Clive), 3792. HOLMES (James R.), 6570. HOLMSTED LARSEN (Chris), 3493. HOLMSTEDT (Robert D.), 1015. HOLOVCHENKO (Volodymyr Ivanovych), 6571. HÖLSCHER (Tonio), 1509. HÖLSCHER (Wolfgang), 6907. HOLSINGER (Bruce W.), 2700. HOLT (Brian G.), 4611. HOLT NIELSEN (Knud), 3494. HOLTON (Woody), 6177. HOLTZ (Gudrun), 2082. HOLUB (Hans-Werner), 5451. HOLWERDA (Daniel), 1139. HOLZBERG (Niklas), 1603. HOLZBRECHER (Frank), 2083. HOLZER (Harold), 4420.

HÖLZLWIMMER (Laura), 4523. Homerus, 1053, 1150, 1176, 1263, 1272, 1408. Honecker (Erich), 3684. HONEYMAN (Katrina), 6111. HONG (Sok Chul), 5936. HONG (Yu), 7093. HONG (Zicheng), 5115. HONICK (Morris), 6870. HOOGVLIET (Margriet), 175. HOOLEY (Daniel M.), 1821. Hoover (J. Edgar), 4385. HOOVER (James W.), 3880. HOOVER (Oliver D.), 857. HÖPEL (Thomas), 3268, 4718. HÖPKEN (Wolfgang), 3393. HOPKIN (David), 6528. HOPKINS (Amanda), 2816. HOPKINS (Lisa), 214. HOPKINSON (Terry), 763. HOPPE (Bert), 3678. HOPPENBROUWERS (Peter), 2359. HOPPER (Andrew), 3793. Hopper (Edward), 5195, 5330. HORÁK (OndĜej), 6158. HÖRANDER (Wolfram), 2175. Horatius Flaccus (Quintus), 1594, 1815, 1818, 1822, 1842. HORýÁKOVÁ (Václava), III. HORDEN (Peregrine), 2594, 4780. HORDIS (Sandra M.), 2839. HÖRMANN-THURN UND TAXIS (Julia), 2610. Hormezd I, 1065. HORN (Gerd-Rainer), 3269. HORNE (Gerald), 6405, 6469, 6807. HORNYÁK (Árpád), 6303. HOROBIN (Simon), 2824. HORROCKS (Geoffrey C.), 141. HORST (René Harder), 4100. Horst (Ulrich), 3119. HORTLUND (Per), 5695. HORVÁTH (Sz. Ferenc), 4159. HÖSCHELE (Stefan), 4621. HOSELITZ (Virginia), 318. HOSHINO (Haruhiko), 3743. HOSLER (John D.), 2412. HOSOI (Hiroshi), 7259. HOSOKAWA (Michihisa), 6454. HOSSU LONGIN (Lucia), 4155. HOTSON (Howard), 5022. HOTTA (Eri), 6683. HOTZE (Gerhard), 2084. HOUBEN (Hubert), 3104. HOULISTON (Victor), 4582. HOURCADE (Michel), 4963. HOURIHANE (Colum), 2924, 2939, 2941. HOUSLEY (Norman), 2413. HOVE (Mark T.), 6808.

329 HOVSEPIAN (Nubar), 549. HOWARTH (David), 4719. HOWE (Anthony), 3760. HOWE (Daniel Walker), 4413. HOWE (Nicholas), 649. HOWE (Tankred), 1955. HOWES (Laura L.), 2854. HOWIE (Cary), 2825. HOWLETT (David R.), 144. Hoxha (Enver), 3301, 3303. HOYLE (Richard W.), 5628. HOYOS (Dexter), 1660. HRADSKÁ (Katarína), 4244. HROMJÁK (L'uboslav), 4513. HRUBÝ (Petr), 4898. HSIA (R. Po-Chia), 4703. HU (Cheng), 7094. Hu (Hanmin), 7130. HU (Tieqiu), 7095. HU (Xiangyu), 7096. HUANG (Chun-Chieh), 319. HUANG (Daoxuan), 7097. HUANG (Dingtian), 7098. HUANG (Jinyan), 7099. HUANG (Shih Yen), 5116. HUBER (Christian Thomas), 6234. HUBER (Christoph), 2828. Huber (Eugen), 6210. HUDEK (Adam), 320. HUDEMANN (Rainer), 3679. HUDNUT-BEUMLER (James), 4622. HUDSON (John), 3054. HUE (V.), 660. HUEBNER (Sabine R.), 892. HUEMER (Johann), 2012. HUERTA BARAJAS (Justo A.), 190. HUERTAS VALLEJOS (Lorenzo), 344. Huet (Pierre-Daniel), 4765. HUFF (Gregg), 6112. HUGHES (J. B.), 2325. HUGHES (Lotte), 607. HUGHES (R. Gerald), 6953. HUGHES (Steven C.), 6235. HUGO (Wayne), 2901. HÜHN (Peter), 5081. Huillet (Daniele), 5291. HUILLET (Jean), 3562. HULIN (Nicole), 4839. HULL (Chris), 6954. HULLUNG (Mark), 566. HUMBERT (Sylvie), 4473. Humboldt (Alexander von), 162. HUME (David), 4958. HUMMEL (Karl-Joseph), 4486. HUNDSNURSCHER (Franz), 2813. HUNT (Michael H.), 6304. HUNT (Tony), 2738. HUNT MOORE (Elizabeth), 43. HUNTER (Ian), 5489, 5696. HUNTER (Jerry), 5133.


330 HUNTER (Virginia), 1207. HUO (Xinbin), 7100. HUOT (Jean-Louis), 989. Hupfuff (Matthias), 4884. HUR (Nam-Lin), 5938. HURBANIý (Martin), 2225. HURBON (Laënnec), 3851. HUREL (Arnaud), 527. HUREWITZ (Daniel), 4414. HURLEY (Cecilia), 260. HÜRLIMANN (Gisela), 5490. HURREN (Elizabeth T.), 3794. HÜRTER (Johannes), 6643. HURWIT (Jeffrey M.), 1510. Hus (Jan), 2993. HUSAIN (Adnan Ahmed), 2484. HÜSKEN (Wim N. M), 2652. Hussein, king of Jordan, 3991. Husserl (Edmund), 4950. Huxley (Julian), 4959. HYBEL (Nils), 2601. HYLTON (Forrest), 3368. I IACOB (Dan Dumitru), 5726. IANCU (Andreea-Roxana), 103. IANCU (Michaël), 3576. IBÁÑEZ DEL CAMPO (Carlos), 3416. IBARRA (Antonio), 5572, 5573. IBHAWOH (Bonny), 6406. IBN AL-ATHƮRRICHARDS (D. S.), 2474. Ibn al-Sid al-Batalyawsi, 2490. Ibn Batuta, 2487. IBN EZRA (Abraham ben Meïr), 2445. IBRAHIM (Raymond), 498. IBRAHIMI (Niamatullah), 3300. IBSEN (Christian Lyhne), 5491. Ibsen (Henrik), 5249, 5309. Iesus Christus, 2048, 2050, 2060, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2072, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2101, 2103, 2110, 2114, 2124. IGEL (Oliver), 256. IGHE (Ann), 6113. Ignatius Antiochenus, episcopus, Sanctus, 1992. IGO (Sarah E.), 5940. IGRA (Anna R.), 5941. IHALAINEN (Pasi), 567. IHRIG (Martin A.), 1823. IKAMBANA (Peta), 3436. IKE (Roberto Marie), 4415. IKEDA (Ryo), 6407. IKEGAMI (Shuichi), 3044. Ila-kabkabis, king of Assyria, 955. ILDEFONSUS (Toletanus), episcopus, Sanctus, 1993, 3160. ILIFFE (John), 7319.

ILLERT (Martin), Iesus Christus, 1994. Illia (Arturo Umberto), 6985. IMAI (Shun), 7101. IMANISHI (Hajime), 7260. IMLAY (Talbot), 5405. INCH CALVIMONTE (Marcela), 6209. INFANTE (Fernando A.), 3506. INGEMARK (Dominic), 1758. Ingersoll (Royal Eason), 6726. INGESMAN (Per), 2605. INGLEHART (Jennifer), 1824. INGOLD (Felix Philipp), 662. INGRAM (Robert G.), 4623. INGRISCH (Florian), 1716. INNES (Matthew), 2369. Innocentius I, Papa, 2062. Innocentius III, Papa, 3061, 3086. INWOOD (Brad), 1876. Ioannes Buridanus, 3028. Ioannes Climacus, Sanctus, 2166. Ioannes Geometres, 2158. Ioannes Mauropous, 2149. Ioannes Scytopolitanus, 2159. Iohannes Baptista, Sanctus, 1004. Iohannes Chrysostomus, Sanctus, 1984, 1996-1999, 2004, 2157. IOHANNES SCOTTUS seu ERIUGENA, 2976. Iohannes XXIII, Papa, 4541, 4543. Iohannes, evangelista, Sanctus, 2029, 2060, 2096, 2131. ION (Narcis Dorin), 113. Ion Chius, 1303, 1318, 1320, 1361, 1364, 1393, 1400, 1418, 1479. Ionesco (Eugène), 5343. IORDACHI (Constantin), 4160. Iosephus (Flavius), 1595, 1669, 1742, 2086. IRSIGLER (Franz), 2612. IRUMADA (Nobuo), 7252. IRUROZQUI VICTORIANO (Marta), 6209. IRVINE (William D.), 3577. IRWIN (Douglas A.), 5574. IRWIN (Raymond), 4375. Isaeus, 1151. ISAR (Nicolae), 4161. ISAVEY (Elena), 1759. ISCHER (Philipp), 5406. ISETT (Christopher Mills), 7102. ISHIHARA (Shun), 6379. ISHII (Kanji), 5697. ISHIKAWA (Hiroki), 7320. Isidore of Kiev, Cardinal, 2251. Isidorus Hispalensis, 3006. ISMARD (Paulin), 1208. ISNENGHI (Mario), 3954. Isocrates, 1203, 1218. ISOGAI (Fujio), 7261.

ISOTTA (Claudio), 789. ITÇAINA (Xabier), 4286. ITO (Shoji), 7033. ITO (Tadashi), 1209. ITO (Takeshi), 5737. ITÚRBIDE DÍAZ (Javier), 75. ITURRIETA (Elías Pino), 6296. Iulia Domna, 1671, 1684. Iulianus (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 392, 1130, 1690. Iulius Africanus (Sextus), 2000. Iulius Pollux, 1152. Iulius Valerius, 1854. Iustinianus I (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 1944, 1950, 2209. Iustinus I (Flavius), Eastern Roman emperor, 2209. Iuvenalis (Decimus Iunius), 1827, 1832, 1877. IVANJAN (Eduard A.), 6638. IVANOV (Martin), 5635. IVERSEN (Martin Jes), 5547. IVERSEN (Paul A.), 1224. IWAMURA (Seita), 2902. øZGÖER (Ahmet Zeki), 4228. IZQUIERDO BENITO (Ricardo), 4649. IZUTANI (Yoko), 7103. IZZET (Vedia), 1560. J JABLONKA (Ivan), 5943. JABOUR (Anya), 5944. JACHEC (Nancy), 5187. Jackson (Andrew), 4426. JACKSON (Ashley), 6333. JACKSON (Ben), 3797. JACKSON (Donna R.), 6955. JACKSON (Myles W.), 5281. JACOBI (Juliane), 4866. JACOBSEN (Anders-Christian), 2122. JACOBSEN (Hans-Adolf), 3682. JACOBSEN (Kurt), 5024. JACOBY (David), 2226. JACOWAY (Elizabeth), 4841. JACQUART (Danielle), 2893. JACQUEMIN (Anne), 1317. JACQUES-AUGUSTE DE THOU, 395. JAEGER (Petra), 4965. JAESCHKE (Walter), 5072. JAFFARY (Nora E.), 7349. Jagiellon (Fryderyk), 4539. JAHAN (Sébastien), 6347. Jahier (Piero), 4754. JÄHN (Adina), 3683. JAILLARD (Dominique), 1469. JAJESNIAK-QUAST (Dagmara), 6956. JAKOVINA (Tvrtko), 6957.

INDEX OF NAMES JAKUBOWSKI-TIESSEN (Manfred), 616. JALABERT (Laurent), 6456. JALAGIN (Seija), 4624. JALAVA (Jukka), 5409. JALLAT (Denis), 6016. JALLOH (Alusine), 4242. JALOVAARA (Ville), 3527. JAMES (John), 2925. JAMES (Kevin J.), 5493. JAMES (Liz), 2187. JAMES (N.), 787. JAMES-RAOUL (Danièle), 2680. JAMME (Armand), 3088. JANÁK (Dušan), 5945. JANýÍK (Drahomír), 3472. JANCSÓ (Daniella), 5282. JANDIEVA (Mar'jam D.), 4190. JANEKOVIû RÖMER (Zdenka), 2602, 4720. JANIK (Allan), 4975. JANIN (Françoise), 6491. JANIŠOVÁ (Milena), 3461. JANKO (Jan), 5025. JANKOWIAK (François), 6198. JANKULAK (Karen), 2370. JANOWSKI (Berndt), 710. JANOWSKI (Wáodzimierz), 4117. JANSDOTTER (Anna), 6043. JANSE (Maartje), 4073. JANSEN (Christian), 292. JANSEN (Hans-Heinrich), 6909. JANSSENS (Angélique), 114, 5909. JANSSON (Maija), 3287. JANY (János), 1054. JARAMILLO SALGADO (Diego), 3431. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.), 283. JARNUT (Jörg), 3143. JARQUE MARTÍNEZ (Encarna), 4287. JASER (Alexander), 4969. JASKINA (Galina S.), 4057. JASKUàOWSKI (Tytus), 6845. JASPER (David), 738. JASPER (Detlev), 2351. JASPERT (Nikolas), 2695, 3115. JAUFFRET (Jean-Charles), 4793. Jaume the Conqueror, 2335. JAY (Elisabeth), 738. Jean d'Orléans, comte d'Angoulême, 2749. JEAN-MARIE (Laurence), 2623. JEATER (Diana), 5026. Jebb (Richard), 6362. Jefferson (Thomas), 4394, 4436. JEFFREYS-JONES (Rhodri), 4416. JƜKABSONS (Ɯriks), 6639. JELÍNEK (Tomáš), 3473, 4842. JELINEK (Yeshayahu A.), 4658. JENKINS (Jacqueline), 2840.

JENKINS (John I.), 3008. JENKYNS (Richard), 1879. JENNER (Mark S. R.), 3275, 5044. JENNINGS (Jeremy), 4721, 4770. JENNINGS (Michael), 4346, 7311. JENNINGS (Paul), 664. JENNINGS (Victoria), 1318, 1393. JENSEN (J.P.), 5636. JENSEN (Vivi), 3495. JENSEN-ERIKSEN (Niklas), 6868. JEREMIAH (David), 5946. Jeremiah, prophet, 2033, 2034. JEREMIAS (Jörg), 2036. JERRAM (Leif), 5762. JES (Kai), 858. JESPERSEN (Knud J.V.), 3496. JESSEN (Olaf), 6529. JESSENE (Jean-Pierre), 610. JETTOT (Stephane), 6504. JEWELL (Helen M.), 2603. JEŽEK (Václav), 321, 2227. JÉZÉQUEL (Jean-Hervé), 4843, 4963. JIANG (Pei), 7104. JIKELI (Erwin Peter), 4162. JIMÉNEZ DE RADA (Rodrigo), 2350. JIMÉNEZ MENESES (Orián), 483. JIN (Liren), 7155. JIRÁSEK (ZdenČk), 5947. JÍŠOVÁ (KateĜina), 5068. JOBIN (Paul), 6142. JOBS (Richard Ivan), 5948. JOBST (Kerstin S.), 4722. JOBY (Christopher Richard), 5151. JOCHUM (Uwe), 239. JOCKEL (Joseph T.), 3404. Joel, prophet, 2036. JOHAL (Sukhdev), 5681. JOHANNES VON GMUNDEN, 2975. JOHANSEN (Hans Christian), 5698. JOHANSSON (Alf W.), 4332. JOHANTERWAGE (Vera), 2913. JOHNSON (Aaron P.), 1979. JOHNSON (Galen K.), 709. JOHNSON (Kimberly S.), 4417. JOHNSON (Lyman L.), 6457. Johnson (Lyndon Baines), 501, 6917, 6959, 6965, 6981. JOHNSON (Michael L.), 4723. JOHNSON (Molly Wilkinson), 6869. JOHNSON (Patricia J.), 1826. JOHNSON (Randal), 5283. JOHNSTON (A. J. B.), 6505. JOHNSTON (Ronald), 5511. JOINER (Thekla Ellen), 5763. JOLY (Hervé), 5394. Jona, prophet, 2036. JONES (Adrian), 451. JONES (Ann), 6114. JONES (Cecily), 5407. JONES (Chris), 2388.

331 JONES (Christopher A.), 3116. JONES (Christopher P.), 1119. JONES (Frederick), 1827. JONES (Geoffrey), 5575. JONES (Grace Perpetua), 832. JONES (H. S.), 4794. JONES (Harriet), 504. JONES (Michael), 2315. JONES (Norman Leslie), 2709. JONES (Peter V.), 1828. JONES (Peter), 5637. JONES TRUMBORE (Anna), 3070. JONGELING (Karel), 1016. JONJIû (Tomislav), 6236. Jonson (Ben), 5089. JÖNSSON (Arne), 4322. JONSSON (Pernilla), 452. JONUNG (Lars), 5672. JORDAN (David), 1120. JORDAN (Gesine), 3117. JØRGENSEN (Jens Anker), 4724. JØRGENSEN (Poul Johannes), 6237. JØRGENSEN (Torben Jarl), 3497. JORIO (Marco), 525. JOSA LLORCA (Jaume), 5013. JOSEFSSON (Gunlög), 148. Joseph II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3341. Joseph, père, 3603. JOSTOCK (Ingeborg), 4725. JOTOV (Dobrin), 6640. JOUANNA (Arlette), 3579. JOUHAUD (Christian), 322. Joyce (James), 5106, 5341. JOYEUX-PRUNEL (Béatrice), 5188. Juan II, rey de Castilla y León, 2427. Juárez (Benito), 4044-4045, 4048. Juba II, king of Mauretania, 896. JUDAH HA-LEVI, 2447. Judas Iskariot, 2094. JUDD (Robin), 4659. JUDT (Matthias), 3684. Jugurtha, King of Numidia, 7301. JULIEN (Marie-Anne), 769. JUNG (Christian), 3685. JÜNGEL (Eberhard), 710. Jünger (Ernst), 4941. Jünger (Friedrich Georg), 4941. JÜNGER (Gretha), 4969. JÚNIOR (Miguel), 3311. JUNOT (Michel), 3580. JUPE (Robert), 5472. JURATIC (Sabine), 4882. JURDJEVIC (Mark), 263, 323, 4962. JURKOWSKI (Maureen), 3111. JURSA (Michael), 942. JUSTE (David), 3009. Justina, Empress, consort of Valentinian, Roman emperor, 108. JÜTTE (Robert), 5003.

332 K KABA (Toyohiko), 7034. KACZA (Thomas), 3304. Kádár (János), 3858. KADLEC (Lauriane), 3581. KAEGI (Walter E.), 2228. KAELBLE (Hartmut), 5949. Kafka (Franz), 5110. KAGAY (Donald J.), 2389. KAHANE (Jean-Pierre), 4839. KÄHLER (Jan Jelle), 6240. KAHLOS (Maijastina), 1956, 2087. KAIMAKAMOVA (Miliana), 2204. KAISER (Brooks A.), 1225. KAISER (Jean-Christoph), 708. KAISER (Monika), 6909. KAISER (Thomas E.), 3548, 3582. KAISER (Wolfgang), 1717, 5576. KAISER (Wolfram), 3270. KAIZER (Ted), 1226. KAKOU (Courier Noël), 6408. KALAITZAKES (Phanes), 1974. KALC (Aleksej), 5950. KALDELLIS (Anthony), 2192, 2229. KALIK (Judith), 5699. KALINOVÁ (Lenka), 5951. KALLERES (Dayna S.), 1987. KALLET (Lisa), 1227. KALVESMAKI (Joel), 1121. KAMEL (Susan), 470. KAMENEC (Ivan), 3271. KAMINSKY (Annette), 256. KAMMERL (Reiner), 5752. KAMPER (Burkhard), 4497. KÄMPER (Heidrun), 149. KAMUSELLA (Tomasz), 3343. Kandinsky (Wassily), 5197. KANGAS (Anni), 4726. KANGAS (Sini), 3207. KANIUTH (Kai), 1055. Kant (Immanuel), 4960. KANTIRÉA (Maria), 1470. KAPLAN (Benjamin J.), 4485. KAPLAN (Karel), 3474, 5952. KAPLAN (Lawrence S.), 6870. KAPPELER (Andreas), 6525. KARAMUSTAFA (Ahmet T.), 4660. KARAPIN (Roger), 3686. KARGAKOS (Sarantos), 2230. Karl I der Große, röm-deutscher Kaiser, König der Franken, 2398, 2933. Karl I, Kaiser von Österreich, 3344. Karl IV, König von Ungarn, 3344. Karl V, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3719. KARLA (Grammatiki), 2231. KARLSCH (Rainer), 5494. KARLSSON (Birgit), 5495. KARNER (Stefan), 6784.

INDEX OF NAMES KARR (David), 3786. KARROW (Robert W.), 181. KARSGAARD (Philip), 950. KARUSH (Matthew B.), 5284. KASAKOFF (Alice Bee), 5885. KASFIR (Sidney Littlefield), 681. KASHIMA (Jun), 7106. KASPRZYK (Dimitri), 1319. KASSUNG (Christian), 5027. KASTENMEIER (Pia), 1923. KASUYA (Makoto), 5579. KATEB (Kamel), 5638. KATO (Yoko), 6641. KATONA (Tünde), 65. KATSAROS (Andrea), 1320, 1393. KATSUYAMA (Seiji), 7277. KATUNINEC (Milan), 6115. KAUFMANN (Eric), 3912. KAUFMANN (Thomas), 708. KAUFMANN (Uri R.), 4661. KAUL (Camilla G.), 324. KAWAGUCHI (Akihiro), 6178. KAWAGUCHI (Takushi), 7022. KAWAKATSU (Morio), 7262. KAWAMURA (Noriko), 6734. KAY (Sarah), 2826. KAYE (Anthony E.), 5953. KAYLOR (Noel Harold, Jr.), 2690, 3021. KAZIN (Michael), 4482. KÁZMEROVÁ (ďubica), 4245. KEANE (Catherine), 1877. KEANE (Douglas), 6838. KEAVENEY (Arthur), 1718. KEAY (Ian), 5496. KEAY (Simon), 1544. KEBER (Katarina), 5954. KECSKÉS (Gusztáv D.), 6871. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.), 2368, 2408, 2702. KEEBLE (Pat), 115. KEEFER (Edward C.), 6838, 6911, 6988. KEEFER (Sarah Larratt), 52. KEENAN (Richard C.), 5285. KEESE (Alexander), 6409, 6958. KEETMAN (Jan), 943. KEILMAN (Nico), 5727. Kekkonen (Urho), 3527, 6983. KELIHER (Macabe), 6572. KELLER (Donald R.), 1034. KELLER (Hagen), 2531. KELLER (Johannes), 1774. KELLER (Morton), 4418. KELLER (Richard C.), 5028. KELLY (Barbara L.), 5223. KELLY (Catriona), 4795. Kelly (Christine), 6548. KELLY (James), 6241. KELLY (S. E.), 2271. KELLY (Susan E.), 2285.

KEMKES (Hugo), 2304. KEMP (Barry), 893. Kemper (J. M.), 6171. KEMPF (Gabriele), IX. KEMPF (Sabine), 3687. KENÉZ (Csaba János), IX. KENNEDY (Dane), 6306. KENNEDY (David), 1017. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald), 501, 4391, 6787, 6952. KENNEDY (Sean), 3583. KENNEDY-PIPE (Caroline), 6810. KENNEY (Padraic), 4115. Kepler (Johannes), 4989. KER (James), 1829. KERBER (Linda K.), 569. KEREKES (Amália), 5127. KERGOAT (Michelle), 4069. KERHERVÉ (Jean), 2616. KERIVEN (Brigitte), IV. KERKHECKER (Arnd), 1596. KERN (Udo), 4960. KERR (Julie), 3118. KERR (Melissa), 5497. KERSHAW (Ian), 6735. KERVÉGAN (Jean François), 4740, 4956. KESSELRING (K. J.), 3798. KESSENER (Paul), 873. KESSLER (Amalia D.), 5578. KESSLER (Herbert L.), 2926. KEYDER (Caglar), 3845. Keynes (John Maynard), 4963, 5446, 5448, 5453. KEZBERE (Ilze), 2088. KHALIDI (Rashid), 549, 4095. KHAN (Dan'el), 1018. KHAN (Sarah), 2927. KHAN (Yasmin), 4092. KHAUSTOV (Vladimir N.), 4173. KHERAJ (Sean), 618. Khrushchev (Nikita Sergeevitch), 6972, 7160. KHRUSHCHEVA (Nina L.), 5118. KHURANA (Rakesh), 4796. KIBAROöLU (Mustafa), 3898. KIBATA (Yoichi), 3795. KICINGER (Anna), 5738. KIDAMBI (Prashant), 5764. KIDD (Thomas S.), 4625. KIEH (George Klay), 4008. KIENING (Christian), 202. KIEPE (Jan), 3688. KIESEL (Helmuth), 5080. KIESER (Hans-Lukas), 4363. KIESEWETTER (Hubert), 5498. KIESSLING (Rolf), 3681. KIISKINEN (Terhi), 5029. KIKKAWA (Takeo), 5579. KIKUCHI (Hiroki), 7253. KIKUCHI (Isao), 7263.

INDEX OF NAMES KILDAY (Anne-Marie), 5955. KIM (Choong Nam), 3995. KIM (Kyu Hyun), 3984. KIMBELL (David), 1180. KIMURA (Kazuo), 6348. KIMURA (Taku), 7299. KINAS (Sven), 4791. KINDA (Akihiro), 7264. KING (Andy), 2429. KING (Anthony), 3799. KING (Desmond), 5956. KING (Elliott H.), 5286. KING (Francis), 4191. KING (Steven), 6073. King of Numidia, 7301. KINGSTON (Christopher), 5499. KINUGAWA (Jin), 7266. KIPLE (Kenneth F.), 619. KIRAZ (Elife), 859. KIRBY (John Lavan), 2301. KIRCH (Patrick Vinton), 7355. Kirchheimer (Otto), 6147. KIRCHHOFF (Hans), 5957, 6684. KIRIAKIDI (Natalia), 1321. KIRIATZI (Evangelia), 1098. KIRK (Andrew G.), 4727. KIRK (Stephanie L.), 4583. KIRK (Tim), 3689. KIRKBY (Diane), 5287. KIRKEGAARD ESPESEN (Espen), 537. KIRKENDALL (Andrew J.), 6959. KIRSCHNER (Teresa J.), 5307. KIRSHNER (Jonathan), 5700. Kisch (Wilhelm), 6145. KISHINO (Toshihiko), 7281. KISIû KOLANOVIû (Nada), 4728. KISS (Gábor Ferenc), 3854. KIßEL (Walter), 1606. Kissinger (Henry A.), 4390, 6960, 6978, 6984, 6992. KITCHEN (Martin), 3690. KITSON (Simon), 3584. KITTS (Margo), 1471. KITTSTEIN (Ulrich), 5126. KLABJAN (Borut), 3272. KLAýKA (Jozef), 325. KLAPP (Otto), 727. KLAPPER (Melissa R.), 5958. KLAPP-LEHRMANN (Astrid), 727. KLÁPŠTċ (Jan), 2557. KLARIC (Laurent), 764. KLEBINDER-GAUß (Gudrun), 860. Klee (Paul), 5193. KLEEDEHN (Patrick), 5580. KLEIN (Anne), 6685. KLEIN (Denise), 4662. KLEIN (Jacob), 920, 944. KLEIN (Martin D.), 6161. KLEIN (Maury), 5500. KLEIN (Thomas), 3691.

KLEIN (Thoralf), 620. KLEIN (Winfried), 6179. KLEINER (Juergen), 4093. KLEINGÄRTNER (Sunhild), 2503. KLEINSCHMIDT (Christian), 5408. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald), 2390, 3710. KLEMKE (Ulrich), 529. KLENGEL (Horst), 975. KLEPPER (Deeana Copeland), 2459. KLESSMANN (Christoph), 6116. KLING (Barbara), 814. KLINGER (Jörg), 976. KLINGLE (Matthew), 5765. KLINGNER (Jens), 2331. KLITENIC WEAR (Sarah), 2232. KLITGAARD POVLSEN (Karen), 185. KLITZING (Holger), 6960. KLOTZBACH (Magdalena), 4118. KLUETING (Harm), 4487. KLUGE (Bernd), 2302. KLÜVER (Per Vingaard), 537. KNABE (Hubertus), 3692. KNAPPETT (Carl), 1103. KNECHT (Ingo), 6180. KNEFELKAMP (Ulrich), 2694. KNEŽEVIû (Radule), 4060. KNIBBS (Eric), 2283. KNIGHT (G. Roger), 6368. KNIGHT (Jeremy K.), 1957. KNIGHT (Robert), 3345. KNIGHTON (Ben), 7321. KNJAZKIJ (Igor O.), 1663. KNOCH (Habbo), 3647. KNOTHE (Danke), 5581. KNOX (MacGregor), 3956, 6686. KNUDSEN (Tim), 3498. KNUESEL (Ariane), 6573. KNÜSEL (Chris), 794. KNUST (Martin), 5288. KÖB (Ansgar), 2682. KOBAYASHI (Katsuji), 945. KOBRAK (Christopher), 5701. KOCH (Alois), 1998, 2604. KOCH (Klaus), 6716. KOCH (Walter), 12, 2274, 2336. KOCHAēSKI (Aleksander), 6912. KOCHAVI (Noam), 6961. KOCHER (Ursula), 2906. KOCIAN (JiĜí), 326, 3475. KOEHN (Barbara), 3693. KOEHN (Clemens), 861, 1083. KOEMOTH (Pierre P.), 894. KOERNER (Francis), 6687. KÖGLMAIER-HORN (Christiane), 6018. KOGOE (Akrima), 6408. KOHAMA (Hirohisa), 5501. KOHEN (Elli), 2233.

333 KOHL (Gerald), 6242. KOHUT (Karl), 4596. KOHÚTOVÁ (Mária), 327. KOK (Jan), 5766. KOKKINEN (Arto), 5409. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav), 6688. KOLÁě (Pavel), 328. KOLB (Frank), 1924. KÖLBEL (Bernd), 162. KOLENOVSKÁ (Daniela), 5959. KOLIēSKI (Rafaá), 946. KOLLER (Edith), 88. KOLLER (Heinrich), 2324. KOLLMEIER (Kathrin), 5960. KOLOVOS (Elias), 6538. KOLSKA HORWITZ (Liora), 785. KOLSTRUP (Else), 761. KOLSTRUP (Søren), 6095. Kolthek (Harm), 4070. KOLUMBÁN KÁNTOR (Zsuzsánna), 5961. KOMLOS (John), 5410. KONDO (Kazuhiko), 3800, 5737. KONDO (Nobuaki), 7023. KONDO (Yoshikazu), 7267. KONDRACKI (Tadeusz), 3801. KÖNIG (Eberhard), 48. KÖNIG (Götz), 1056. KÖNIG (Helmut), 1728. KÖNIG (Ingemar), 1664, 1958. KÖNIG (Malte), 5962, 6689. KÖNIG (Wolfgang), 5030. KONISHI (Sho), 3273. KONOPKA-WICHROWSKA (Maria), 6720, 6721. KONOVALOVA (Irina G.), 7013. KONRADS (Oliver), 5702. KONRADT (Matthias), 2089. KONUK (Koray), 147. KOOP (Volker), 5963, 6872. KOPEýEK (Michal), 328, 415. KOPPER (Christopher), 5502. KORCZYNSKI (Marek), 5523. KORIEH (Chima J.), 6419. KORISETTAR (Ravi), 781. KORN (Lorenz), 1019. KORNAROU (Eleni), 1322. KORNAT (Marek), 6690, 6720. KORNBLUH (Felicia), 5964. KOROLEVSKIJ (Cyrille Pavloviþ), 4567. KORTEKAAS (Georgius A. A.), 1579. KORTHAUS (Michael), 2090. KOSLOFSKY (Craig), 5965. Kossuth (Lajos), 3857. KÖSTERS (Christoph), 4486. Kosygin (Aleksey Nikolayevich), 6983. KOSZTA (László), 3082. KOTOWSKI (Albert S.), 3694.

334 KOTTJE (Raymund), 708. KOUDAL (Jens Henrik), 5966. KOUKOULI-CHRYSANTHAKI (Ch.), 1107. KOUSSER (Rachel), 1926. KOVÁý (Dušan), 6331. KOVACS (David), 1323. KOVAěÍK (David), 3476. KOWALSKY (Daniel), 6835. KOWALZIG (Barbara), 1472. KOZLOFF (Max), 5289. KRABBENDAM (Hans), 4457. Kraemer (Joel L.), 642. KRÆMMER (Michael), 2606. KRAFT (Carolin), 5189. KRAJýOVIýOVÁ (Natália), 4247. KRAKOVSKÝ (Roman), 6873. Král (Václav), 406. KRAMER (Alan), 6642. KRAMER (Lawrence), 5225. KRÄMER (Torsten), 2091. KRAUS (Hans-Christof), 303. KRAUS (Thomas J.), 1982. KRAUSE (Ch.), 1666. KRAUSE (Hans-Georg), 2351. KRAUSE (Ingo Till), 4844. KRAUSE (Julia), 4845. KRAUSE (K. M.), 2750. KRAUSE (Stefan), 3390. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk), 2147. KRAUSS (Rolf), 895. KRAUSZ (Judy), 6671. KRAYE (Jill), 387. KREIS (Georg), 6574, 6962. KREMER (Markus), 572. KREMMER (Susanne), 6201. KRESSE (Kai), 4729. KRETSCHMER (Marek Thue), 2827. KRETZSCHMAR (Robert), 225. KREUTZ (Andrej), 6963. KRICHEVCEV (Mikhail V.), 4192. KRIEB (Steffen), 2713. KRIECHBAUM (Maximiliane), 2532. KRIEDTE (Peter), 5503. KRIEGEL (Lara), 251. KRIIK (M.), 6243. KRIKLER (Jeremy), 6410. KRINN (Carsten), 6117. KRINSKY (Carol Herselle), 55. KRISCHER (André), 6162. KRMAC (Dean), 5767. KROENER (Bernhard R.), 3277. KROLL (C. Douglas), 6575. KROLL (Thomas), 4730. KRÜGER (Astrid), 3161. KRÜGER (Elmar), 3010. KRÜGER (Ingrid), 2928. KRÜGER (Nina), 3695. KRUKE (Anja), 3696. Krupp (Friedrich), 5464.

INDEX OF NAMES KRUPPA (Nathalie), 3100. KRUSCHWITZ (Peter), 1866. KRUSE (Britta-Juliane), 2607. KRYNEN (Jacques), 590. KRYSZAT (Guido), 977. KRZAK (Andrzej), 6644. KŠSANYTƠ-ARMSTRONG (Raminta), 4011. KUA (Kia Soong), 4020. KÜBLER (Thomas), 2331. KUBOYAMA (Hisashi), 3802. Kubrick (Stanley), 5252, 5258, 5266, 5353. KUBģ (Eduard), 5703. KUýERA (ZdenČk), 177, 5768. KUEHN (Clement A.), 2145. KUGELMEIER (Christoph), 1830. KUGLER (Stefani), 5126. KUHLMANN (Peter), 1831. KÜHNL (Reinhard), 3668. KUHSE (Lucie), 2663. KUIJT (Ian), 788. KULIKOWSKI (Michael), 1667. KULLER (Christiane), 6118. KULLMANN (Wolfgang), 1424. KUMAR (Ajit), 3881. KÜMIN (Beat), 5968. KUNDERT (Ursula), 2657. Kundt (Hans), 362. KUNNAS (Jan), 621, 5504. KUNST (Christiane), 1473. KUNŠTÁT (Miroslav), 4568. KUNTZ FICKER (Sandra), 5582. KUNZ (Barbara), 5969. KUNZE (Max), 1511. KUPFERSCHMIDT (Uri M.), 3515. KUPISZEWSKA (Dorota), 5738. KUPISZEWSKI (Marek), 5738. KURAMOCHI (Shigehiro), 7283. KURIUZAWA (Takeo), 2391. KURODA (Satoshi), 7268. KURODA (Tatsuya), 7269. KUROMIYA (Hiroaki), 4193. KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ (Ingrid), 5970. KUTSCHERA (Ulrich), 5031. Kuttner (Stephan), 6153. KUTZ (Jens Peter), 6576. KUUSK (Pearu), 3521. KUŽATKO (Želimir), 4254. KUZMICS (Helmut), 3274. KVAýEK (Robert), 3477. KVAPILOVÁ (Iva), 3478. KVIST (Jacob), 6307. KYAW YIN HLAING, 4066. KYNASTON (David), 3803. L LA BARBERA (Serge), 6411. LA BRASCA (Frank), 4540. LA CHAPELLE (Peter), 5290. LA PENNA (Antonio), 329.

LA ROCCA (Cristina), 2653. LAAKSO (Seija-Riitta), 5505. LAAR (M.), 3522. LABBÉ (Morgane), 6577. LABOUVIE (Eva), 5814, 5895. Labriola (Antonio), 407. LABROUSSE (Elisabeth), 4945. LABUSSIÈRE (Jean), 3697. Lacerda (Carlos), 5746. LACH (JiĜí), 330. LACHAISE (Bernard), 3578. LACHAUD (Frédérique), 576, 2393. LACHENICHT (Susanne), 5937. LACINA (Vlastislav), 3471, 5506. LACKNER (Christian), 2321. LACORNE (Denis), 705. LACROIX (Nicole), 5299. Lactantius (Lucius Caecilius Firmianus), 2001, 2002. LĂCUSTĂ (Ioan), 76. LADERO QUESADA (Miguel Angel), 2611. Ladislau Kán, voievod al Transilvaniei, 2438. LAFFI (Umberto), 1719. LAFON (Jean-Marc), 6531. LAFOND (Patrick), 6874. LAFOSSE (Philippe), 5291. LAGERÅS (Per), 3235. LAGERLUND (Henrik), 3002. LAGERSTRÖM (Ingemar), 1583. LAGIOIA (Alessandro), 1324. LAGO (Paolo), 5292. LAHR (Angela M.), 4732. LÄHTEENMÄKI (Maria), 6300. LAHTINEN (Anu), 5971. LAHUERTA GUILLÉN (Vìctor M.), 5232. LAHUSEN (Götz), 1927. LAIDLAW (Zoë), 6349. LAISSUS (Yves), 5032. LAKE (Peter), 3819. LALIENA CORBERA (Carlos), 2283. LALLA (Sebastian), 4618. LALMY (Pascal-Eric), 3585. LALOU (Élisabeth), 2303. LALOY (Louis), 5293. LAMAGNA (Mario), 1325. LAMANTE (Simona), 978. Lamarck (Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de), 50755076. LAMBERG (Marko), 495, 2704. LAMBERIGTS (M.), 687. LAMBERT (David), 6412. LAMBERT (Dominique), 4901. LAMBERT (Stephen D.), 1210. Lambert évêque d'Arras, 2300. LAMÉZEC (Yann), 6736. LAMONDE (Yvan), 74. LAMONT (Peter), 7014.

INDEX OF NAMES LAMOREAUX (Naomi R.), 5679. LAMPAKIS (Stylianos), 2203. LAMY (Jérôme), 5033. LANDI (Aldo), 422. LANDOLFI (Luciano), 1799, 1865. LANDONI (Enrico), 3957. LANDUCCI (Franca), 1152. LANDWEHR (Achim), 5769. LANDWEHR (Christa), 896. LANDY (Joshua), 1425. LANERI (Nicola), 815, 862. Lanfranco, vescovo di Pavia, 3057. Lanfrancus, Cantuariensis episcopus, 2992. Lanfredini (Giovanni), 2440. Lang (Fritz), 5371. LANGE (Even), 5671. LANGE (Hermann), 2532. LANGENDORF (Jean-Jacques), 596, 4338. LANGERMANN (Y. Tzvi), 642. Langland (William), 2772, 2790. LANGLOIS (Claude), 408. LANGNER (Rainer-K.), 5034. Langton (Walter), 2325. LANZA (Diego), 1228. LANZA (Janine M.), 5972. LANZANI (Vittorio), 3057. LANZETTA (Domizia), 1898. LAPATIN (Kenneth), 1512. LAPENA MARCHENA (Óscar), 1817. LAPINI (Walter), 1326. LAPLANCHE (François), 409. LAPORTE (Joseph), 6517. LARA (Oruno D.), 6350. LARA-MARTÍNEZ (Rafael A.), 3519. LARDINOIS (Roland), 7015. LARDJANE (Omar), 3513. Lario (Ángeles), 4291. LARMER (Miles), 4469. LARMOUR (David H. J.), 1937. LARREA (Juan), 5294. LARSEN (Anne R.), 612. LARSEN (Klaus), 5024. LARSMO (Ola), 665. LARSON (Brooke), 3369. LARSON (Pier M.), 7322. LARSON (Stephanie L.), 1327. LARSSON (Esbjörn), 5973. LARSSON (Gunilla), 829. LARSSON (Lars), 830. LARY (Diana), 7068. LASPE (Dewid), 1668. LASSO (Marixa), 3432. LATERZA (Alessandro), 277. Laterza (Giovanni), 4903. LATIMER (Jon), 6532. LAUBINGER (Andres), 2729. Laud (William), 4518. LAUKÖTTER (Anja), 252.

LAURENCE (Tony), 4347. LAURENCICH MINELLI (Laura), 6440. LAURENTIUS A BRUNDUSIO, 3168. LAURICELLA (Giuseppe), 439. LAURIDSEN (John T.), 3346. LAURIOLA (Rosanna), 1328. LAURITZEN (Frederick), 2149. LAURSEN (John Christian), 3278. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwartz), 4663. LAUSTSEN (Jørgen), 6692. LAVALLÉ (Bernard), 4598. LAVERY (Brian), 6737. LAW (Robin), 3756. LAWI (Yusufu Qwaray), 5974. LAWRANCE (Benjamin N.), 6413. LAWRENCE (Stuart E.), 1329. LAWSON (Robert), 3698. LAYBOURN (Keith), VI. LAYTON (Bentley), 897. LAZĂR (Gheorghe), 103. LAZARIDIS (Nikolaos), 898. LAZAROVICI (Cornelia-Magda), 816. LAZAROVICI (Gheorghe), 816. LAZZARI (L.), 2899. LAZZARINI (Lorenzo), 1513. LE BÉGUEC (Gilles), 3578. LE BER (Jocelyne), 5295. LE BLÉVEC (Daniel), 2909. Le Blond (Jean-Baptiste Alexandre), 5168. LE BOHEC (Yann), 1720. LE BOT (Florent), 3586. LE BOURHIS (Jean-Pierre), 178. Le Corbusier, 5173, 5177. LE GOFF (Jacques), 2364. LE GRANT (Hervé), 2315. LE GUEN (Brigitte), 1229. LE JAN (Régine), 2584. LE MAIRE (Louis), 6490. LE MAO (Caroline), 3587. LE MEN (Ségolène), 5190. LE MOAL (Frederic), 6578. LE NAOUR (Jean-Yves), 3588. LE NEVE (John), 4608. LE PAGE (Jean-Marc), 6875. LE RIDER (Jacques), 512. LEAB (Daniel J.), 5296. LEACH (Elizabeth Eva), 2830. LEADER-NEWBY (Ruth), 1110. LEÃO (Angela Vaz), 2831. LEAVESLEY (Matthew G.), 765. LEBEDYNSKY (Iaroslav), 484. LECA (Antoine), 597. LECLERC (Pierre), 2141. LECOUTEUX (Claude), 485. LEDESMA VERA (José Luis), 4288. Ledru (Mauro), 6390. LEDUC (Jean), 4835. LEE (A. Doug), 1959.

335 LEE (Christina), 486. LEE (Jinil), 4846. LEE (Namhee), 3996. Lee (Robert Edward), 4411. LEE (Robert G.), 6322. LEE (Stephen J.), 3804. LEE (Stuart D.), 2860. LEE (Ying S.), 5120. LEEB (Josef), 3624-3625. LEEB (Rudolf), 4638. LEES (Andrew), 5770. LEES (Lorraine M.), 4419. LEES (Lynn Hollen), 5770. LEFÈVRE (Corinne), 7016. LEFÈVRE (Marine), 3405. LEFFLER (Melvyn P.), 6811. LEGER (Yannick), 6645. LEGGIERE (Michael V.), 6533. LEGOIS (Jean-Philippe), 5868. LEGRAND (Stéphane), 4954. LEHMAN (James O.), 4626. LEHMANN (Karen), 5205. LEHMANN (Sebastian), 3699. LEHMANN-CARLI (Gabriella), 5888. LEHMKUHL (Josef), 5297. LEHMSTEDT (Mark), 3626. LEHNING (James R.), 5298. LEHNUS (Luigi), 1330. LEHOUX (Daryn), 840. LEHR (Stefan), 230. LEHTIPUU (Outi), 2092. LEHTONEN (Tuomas M. S.), 2585. LEI (Yiran), 7246. Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm von), 4952. LEIKERT (Jozef), 3479. LEITER (Brian), 723. Leleu (Jules), 5304. LEMAIRE (André), 1020. LEMAITRE (Jean-Loup), 3166. LEMBERG (David S.), 503. LEMPA (Heikki), 4847. LENDARI (Tina), 2160. LENDINARA (P.), 2899. LENDON (Jon E.), 1181. LENGWILER (Martin), 6119. LENHARDT (Philippe), 1500. Lenin (Vladimir Il'ich), 3261, 4181. LENNOX (Jeffers), 6458. LENTANO (Mario), 1760. LENTES (Thomas), 2915. LENTZ (Thierry), 6534. LENZI (Massimiliano), 1426. Leo I Magnus, Papa, Sanctus, 2066. Leo IX, Papa, 2351. Leo XIII, Papa, 4513. LEONARD (Thomas M.), 6691. LEONARDI (Claudio), 2357.

336 LEONARDINI (Nanda), 4102. Leonardo da Vinci, 5196. LEONI (Alessia), 405. LEONI (Tommaso), 1669. LEONTSINI (Maria), 2203. Leopardi (Giacomo), 5108. LEOPOLD (David), 4963. LEPAN (Géraldine), 4968. LEPP (Claudia), 4642. LEPPER (Marcel), 4969. LEPPERT (Richard), 5225. LEPPIN (Hartmut), 1670, 1944. LEPPIN (Volker), 3200. LEPSCHY (Anna Laura), 387. LEPSIUS (Oliver), 6181. LERNER (Michael A.), 5975. LERNER (Mitchell), 6812. LEROUGE (Charlotte), 1547. LESCH (John E.), 5035. Lescot (Elie), 6708. Lesdiguières (François de Bonne, duc de), 3567. LESEDUARTE (Pilar), 2448. LESEMANN (Silke), 5639. Lesoire (François), 5223. LESSER (Jeffrey), 5976. LESTITION (Steven), 4939. LESTRINGANT (Franck), 395. LETTA (Cesare), 1331. LETTER (Paul), 6579. LETTICH (Giovanni), 2003. LETTO-VANAMO (Pia), 6160. LETURCQ (Samuel), 622. LETZ (Róbert), 4252. LEUSTEAN (Lucian N.), 4163. LEVALLOIS (Anne), 4976. LÉVÊQUE (Sandrine), 5811. LEVERING (Matthew Webb), 2981. LEVICK (Barbara Mary), 1671. LEVIEILS (Xavier), 2093. LEVIN (Aline), 6163. LEVIN (Carole), 612. LEVIN (Florencia), 317. LEVIN (Yehuda), 5640. LEVINE (Philippa), 6336, 6351. LÉVRIER (Alexis), 4888. LEWANDOWSKA (Stanisáawa), 4012. LEWIN (Alison Williams), 2343. LEWIN (Erwin), 6776. LEWIS (Christopher Piers), 2380. LEWIS (Daniel), 5507. LEWIS (Derek), 530. LEWIS (Jill), 3347. LEWIS (John Masters), 2291. LEWIS (Mark Edward), 7107. LEWIS (Mary Dewhurst), 3589. LEWIS (Mary Tompkins), 5149. LEYH (Peter), 441. LHOMME (Vincent), 766. LI (Chenggui), 7108.

INDEX OF NAMES LI (Ching-Shui), 4958. LI (Honghe), 7109. LI (Hongquan), 7110. LI (Jun), 7111. LI (Junli), 7112. LI (Lillian M.), 7113. LI (Lina), 7104. LI (Mingshan), 7114. LI (Ping), 7115. LI (Qingxin), 7116. Li (Shuchang), 7069. LI (Wai-Yee), 332. LI (Wei), 5411. LI (Xiuyun), 7117. LI (Xun), 7150. Li (Yuanhong), 7181. LI (Zhaoxiang), 7118. LIAIGRE (Franck), 3540. LIAMPI (Katerini), 1514. LIANG (Lei), 7119. Liang (Shuming), 7182. LIATSI (Maria), 1427. LIAUZU (Claude), 6352. Libanius, 1340. LIBECAP (Gary D.), 623. LIBRÁN MORENO (Miryam), 1332. LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi), 2534, 3097. LIDA (Clara E.), 3314. LIDA (Miranda), 4516. LIDDEL (Peter), 1230. LIEB (Peter), 6782. LIEBING SCHLABER (Gerret), 3499. LIEBS (Detlef), 1721. LIEFBROER (Aart C.), 5751. LIEGLE (Josef), 1596. LIENERT (Elisabeth), 2742. LIERMANN (Christiane), 372. LIESAU VON LETTOW-VORBECK (Corina), 804. LIESS (Hans Christoph), 4782. LIEUTARD (Hervé), 4824. LIEVEN (Alexandra von), 899. LIGHTFOOT (Jane L.), 1619. LIGHTMAN (Bernard), 5036. LIGHTSEY (Scott), 2707. LIGOTA (Christopher), 1333, 1337. LILIE (Ralph-Johannes), 2193, 2235. LILIENTHAL (Andrea), 5977. LILLETHUN (Abby), 657. LIMA (Evelyn), 5299. LIMONCINI (Pasquale), 2986. LIN (Yujun), 7090. LIN (Zhibo), 7247. LIN (Zhiqiu), 3406. LINARDOU (Kalliroe), 2215. Lincoln (Abraham), 4410, 4420, 4421, 4435. LINCOLN (Bruce), 1057. LINDAUER (Josef), 1612.

LINDBERG (Erik), 5771. LINDBLOM (J.), 2236. LINDEBOOM (Benjamin Willem), 2832. LINDENBERGER (Thomas), 283. LINDEPERG (Sylvie), 5300. LINDERS (Tullia), 1515. LINDERT (Peter H.), 624. LINDNER (Erik), 5508. LINDNER (Martin), 5301. LINDNER (Ulrike), 6120. LINDO-FUENTES (Héctor), 3519. LINEHAN (P. A.), 3083. LINEHAN (Peter), 2708. LINEHAN (Thomas), 3806. LINFORD (Neil), 794. LINGELBACH (Gabriele), 5978. LINHARD (Frank), 90. LINSER (Bernhard Karl), 4956. LINTON (Marisa), 3548, 3582. Linton (William James), 3276. LIOU-GILLE (Bernadette), 1672. LIPIN (Lawrence M.), 6121. LIPKES (Jeff), 6646. LIPSCHITS (Oded), 1021, 1022, 1037, 1041. LIPSCOMB (Terry W.), 4377. LISBONA GUILLÉN (Miguel), 4042. LISENO (Alessandra), 1548. Lisle (John), 3792. LIST (Elisabeth), 5037. LITERA (Bohuslav), 6964. LITTLE (Ann M.), 4422. LITTLE (Lester K.), 1962. LITTLE (Patrick), 3775, 3807. LITTLEWOOD (Cedric A. J.), 1832. LITTMAN (Robert J.), 1085. LITZINGER (Heike Kathrin), 6244. LIU (Chang), 7120. LIU (Lanxiao), 7121. LIU (Ning), 7144. LIU (Shaoxue), 7122. LIU (Shuang), 7123. LIU (Wei), 7124. LIU (Yizhang), 7125. LIU (Yonghua), 7126. LIVANOS (Christopher), 2238. LIVERANI (Mario), 841. LIVINGSTONE (Alasdair), 947. Livingstone (David), 188. Livius (Titus), 1597. LIVSHIN (A. Ja.), 4209. LLEAL GALCERÁN (Coloma), 2314. LLEWELLYN-JONES (Rosie), 6380. LLIBRER ESCRIG (José Antonio), 2609. LLOYD (Alan), 1147. LLOYD (Howell A.), 562. LLOYD (Lorna), 6308. Lloyd of Dolobran (George, Baron), 6554.

INDEX OF NAMES Llull (Ramon), 2987. LO BASSO (Luca), 5660. LO CASCIO (Elio), 1761. LOBUR (John Alexander), 1833. LOCATELLI (Francesca), 6245. LOCHARD (Eric-Olivier), 4945. LOCHER (Anna), 6996. Locke (John), 4952, 4961. LOCKHART (Paul Douglas), 3500. LOCKLIN (Nancy), 5979. LOCKWARD (Angel), 6813. LOCKYEAR (Kris), 1762. LODES (Birgit), 2962. LOESCH (Heinz von), 5372. LOGAN (William S.), 5730. LOHMANN (Hans), 863, 1516. LÖHNIG (Martin), 6246. LOHRMANN (Ullrich), 6414. LOHSE (Eduard), 2026. LOMAS (Richard), 2430. LOMBARDO (Mario), 1161. LONA (Horacio E.), 2094. LONDÁK (Miroslav), 5412. LONG (Colin), 5730. LONG (R. James), 2968. LONG (Véronique), 253. LONGO (Fausto), 1231. LONGO (Laura), 767, 789. LONGUENESSE (Élisabeth), 5980. Longus, 1389. LOOCK (Reinhard), 4960. LOOSE (Ingo), 6738. Lope de Vega, 5206, 5307. Lopes (Fernão), 2762. LOPEZ (Denis), 4855. López (Francisco Solano), 4101. LÓPEZ BERNAL (Carlos Gregorio), 3517. LÓPEZ CACHERO (Javier), 831. LÓPEZ CASTRO (Armando), 2759. LÓPEZ CRUCES (Juan Luis), 1334, 1362. LÓPEZ FÉREZ (Maria Y.), 1335. LÓPEZ LEYVA (Miguel Armando), 4043. LÓPEZ MORA (Pilar), 2512. LÓPEZ QUIROGA (Jorge), 3128. LÓPEZ RIVERO (Sergio), 3452. LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ (Fernando), 1763. LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ (Roberto Antonio), 4466. LÓPEZ VALDÉS (Rafael L.), 3452. LÓPEZ VILLALBA (José Miguel), 6207. LÓPEZ-ROMERO GONZÁLEZ DE LA ALEJA (Elías), 748, 790. LOPRETE (Kimberly), 2414. LORBER (Catherine C.), 1474. LORENZ (Maren), 3700. Lorenz (Peter), 3652. LORENZINI (Sara), 6876.

LORETO (Luigi), 1673. LORI SANFILIPPO (Isa), 21. LORUSSO (Vito), 1878. LOSADA (Leandro), 5773. LÖSCHHORN (B.), 1336. LOSCHKY (David), 6071. àOSSOWSKI (Piotr), 4013. LOSURDO (Domenico), 4960. LOTTIN (Alain), 3357. LOTZ (Christian), 3701. LOTZ (John-Paul), 1992. LOTZ-HEUMANN (Ute), 4488. LOUBARIS (Mohammed-Najib), 570. LOUCOU (Jean-Noël), 6415. LOUD (G. A.), 3084. LOUGHLIN (James), 180, 6309. LOUIS (Annick), 5121. Louis (Joe), 5891. Louis Ier, le Pieux, roi des Francs, 2297. Louis XI, roi de France, 2428. Louis XIV, roi de France, 3590. Louis XVIII, roi de France, 4763. LOUNGHIS (T.), 2203. LOURDES (Albert), 5720. LOUSADA (Abílio Pires), 4141. LOUŽEK (Marek), 6879. LOVELUCK (Christopher), 3236. LOVERA REYES (Elina), 4467. LOVETT (Laura L.), 5981. LØVHAUG (Johannes W.), 4085. LOW (Polly), 1182. LOWDEN (John), 56. Löwith (Karl), 4740. LOYER (Emmanuelle), 5302. LU (Xijun), 7127. LU (Xun), 7128. LUBINSKI (Axel), 5639. LUBINSKI (Christina), 5509. LÜBKE (Christian), 2378. LUBOMIERSKI (Nina), 2142. LUCA (Cristian), 6474. Luca, evangelista, Sanctus, 2084, 2088, 2092, 2100, 2116, 2215. Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), 1787, 1799, 1845. LUCARELLI (Ute), 1623. LUCAS (Peter), 6768. LUCASSEN (Leo), 613. LUCCHESI (Enzo), 900. LUCE-DUDEMAINE (Dominique), 2834. LUCENTINI (Paolo), 3011. LUCIAK (Ilja A.), 3454. Lucianus Samosatensis, 1299, 1304, 1333, 1337, 1341, 1351, 1355, 1387. Lucilius (Gaius), 1819. Lucius (Gaius), 1837. Lucretius Carus (Titus), 1598, 1599, 1791, 1845, 1879.

337 àUCZAK-KADàUBOWSKA (Agnieszka), 4122. LUDDY (Maria), 5982. LUDLOW (N. Piers), 6835, 6939. LUDYGA (Hannes), 6247. LUIS LÓPEZ (Carmelo), 2299. LUKAS (Veronika), 2351. LUKAY (Maureen), 4950. LUKE (Lavan), 2894. LUKES (Igor), 6877. LULL (José), 901. LULL (Vicente), 571. LULL SANTIAGO (Vicente), 747. LULLUS (Raimundus), 2977. LUMBERS (Michael), 6965. LUMENGANESO-KIOBE (Antoine), 3437. Lumière (August), 5239. Lumière (Louis), 5239. LUMINATI (Michele), 6164. LUMMEL (P.), 5829. LUMMEL (Peter), 5901. LUNA MARISCAL (Karla Xiomara), 2833. LUNA TOBAR (Alfredo), 6739. LUĕÁK (Petr), 6820. LUNDBERG (Victor), 4327. LUNDQVIST (Åsa), 5983. LUNDQVIST (Pia), 5608. LUO (Jianqiu), 7129. LUO (Min), 7130. LUO (Yixing), 7131. LUPO (Salvatore), 3946. Luppazzoli (Francesco), 6510. LUQUE AZCONA (Emilio José), 5774. LUSA (Stefano), 4256. LUSCHNIG (Cecelia A.E.), 1338. LUSIN (Caroline), 5303. LUST (J.), 687. LUTHER (Andreas), 1078. Luther (Martin), 4619, 4629. LUTTON (Robert), 4493. LUTTRELL (Antony), 3115, 3122. LUTZ-BACHMANN (Matthias), 2999. LUTZE (Nora), 6248. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Claude), 7323. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Ralf), 3085. LUZZANA CARACI (Ilaria), 7346. LUZZATI (Michele), 625. LUZZATTO (Sergio), 4517. Lycophron, 1291, 1316, 1324. LYDON (Ghislaine), 7324. LYFORD (Amy), 5152. LYMBEROPOULOU (Angeliki), 5161. LYNCH (Kathryn L.), 2748. LYNE (Richard O. A. M.), 1834. LYONS (Stuart), 1822. Lysias, 1203.

338 Lysippus, 1521. LYSÝ (Miroslav), 2431. LYTLE (Ephraim), 1122. LYTTLETON (James), 2392. M MA (John), 1123. MA (Qiang), 7132. MA (Sheng-mei), 666. MA (Xueqiang), 7133. Maas (Paul), 288, 1330. MAAß (Michael), 1517. MAC CABE (Anne), 2239. MAC CAFFERTY (John), 4518. MAC CALLION (Michael J.), 4570. MAC CASKIE (T. C.), 3757. MAC CLEERY (Alistair), 68. MAC COOL (Daniel), 4423. MAC CORMACK (Frances), 2835. MAC CORMICK (Michael), 3237. MAC CUARTA (Brian), 4569. Mac Culloch (James W.), 4396. MAC CULLOCH (Jock), 5510. MAC CULLOUGH (Roy L.), 3590. MAC DANIEL (Charles), 6071. MAC DERMID (Paul), 5304. MAC DIARMID (John F.), 3812. Mac Donald (James G.), 6715. MAC DONALD (Marianne), 731. MAC DONALD (R. Andrew), 2415. MAC DONALD STEWART (Barbara), 6715. MAC DONNELL (Michael A.), 4424. MAC DONOUGH (Frank), 6580. MAC DONOUGH (Tom), 3591. MAC ELLIGOTT (Jason), 3824. MAC ELYA (Micki), 5984. MAC EVOY (Carmen), 4105. MAC FERRIN (Randy), 5413. MAC GOVERN (Tom), 5414. MAC GUINNESS (Patrick), 5102. MAC HUGH (Tim), 5985. MAC INNES (Allan I.), 6506. MAC INTYRE (William David), 4077. MAC IVOR (Arthur), 5511. MAC KAY (Angus), 165. MAC KENNA (George), 4425. MAC KENZIE (Judith), 902. MAC KERCHER (B. J. C.), 6581, 6647. MAC KEVITT (Gerald), 4584. MAC KINNON (Michael), 1518. MAC LAUGHLIN (Martin L.), 2774. MAC LEAN (David), 6582. MAC LEAN (Simon), 165. MAC LELLAN (Josie), 5986. MAC LEOD (Amanda), 5589. MAC LEOD (Christine), 5512. MAC LEOD (Hugh), 4489. MAC MAHON (Augusta), 950.

INDEX OF NAMES MAC MENAMIN (Mark A.S.), 1519. MAC MILLEN (Christian W.), 487. MAC NAIR (John), 6298. MAC NAMARA (Patrick J.), 4044. MAC NEER (Rebecca), 734, 5079. MAC NEILL (John), 3124. MAC NELIS (Charles), 1835. MAC PHEE (Graham), 3256. MAC PHERSON (Alan), 6966. MAC PHERSON (B. H.), 6165. MAC QUADE (Melanie), 768. MAC RAE (Christopher), 4347. MAC SHANE (Angela), 3275. MAC WILLIAMS (James E.), 5415. MACALL (Peter C.), 6442. MACASKILL (Grant), 2095. MACCHIORO (Aurelio), 4963. MACDONALD (Colin F.), 1103. MACHCEWICZ (Paweá), 4123. Machiavelli (Niccolò), 4962, 6029. MACINKOWSKA-ROSÓL (Maria), 1429. MACINTYRE (Stuart), 3331. MACINTYRE (Terry), 6967. MACKAY (Jode), 788. MACKELPRANG (Lon), 4451. MACKIE (Robin), 5038. MACKIE (Scott D.), 2027. MACKLIN (Graham), 3808. MACLEAN (Mairi), 5703. MACLENNAN (Keith), 1624. Macmillan (Harold), 6972. MACOLA (Giacomo), 4469. MACPHERSON (Anne S.), 3359. MACRAILD (Donald M.), 5942. MACRIDES (Ruth), 2153. MADDEN (Paul), 3703. MADDICOTT (J. R.), 2416. MADDISON (Ben), 6249. MADDOLI (Gianfranco), 864, 1339. MADDY-WEITZMAN (Bruce), 7325. MADEIRA (João), 4140. MADGEARU (Alexandru), 2240. MADIGAN (Kevin), 3012. Madison (James), 4394. MADUREIRA (Nuno Luís), 5513. MAEDA (Fujio), 5193. MAES (Yanick), 2829. MAFFEI (Paola), 6166. MAFFEIS (Stefania), 3704. Maffeo d'Aquileia, 2327. MAGAZINER (Daniel R.), 4243. Magdalena de Guzmán, marquesa del Valle, 4297. MAGDALINO (Paul), 2241. MÄGELE (Semra), 865. MAGEN (Yitzhak), 1023. MAGGIULLI (Gigliola), 1836. MAGGIULLI (Giovanna), 823. MAGINI (Leonardo), 1561. MAGISTRALE (Francesco), 4.

MAGLIOCCA (Gerard N.), 4426. Magnus, Saint, Earl of Orkney, 3139. MAGRIS (Claudio), 384. MAGUIRE (Richard), 5039. Mahan (Alfred Thayer), 6601. MAHANI MUSA, 4022. MAHER (Neil M.), 4427. MAHSAS (Ahmed), 3307. MAI (Gunther), 626. MAIARELLI (Andrea), 2970, 4580. MAIER (Karl Heinz), 3705. MAILLET (Thomas), 2738. Maimonides (Moses), 2460, 2461, 3013. MAINES (David R.), 4570. MAIOLO (Francesco), 2535. MAIREY (Aude), 2836. MAJERUS (Benoît), 3358. MAJID (Harun Abdul), 3385. MAJNONI (Massimiliano), 4676. MAJUELO GIL (Emilio), 4274. MAJUMDAR (Deepa), 1430. MAJUMDAR (Rochona), 4091. MAKAMBU (Mulopo Apollinaire), 2096. MAKANA (Nicholas E.), 5641. Makana, 4261. MAKOVSKY (Michael), 6310. Malalas (Iohannes), 2099, 2161, 2185. MALAMIDOU (D.), 1107. MALAMUD (Margaret), 1674. MALAMUT (Élisabeth), 2242. MALANDRINO (Corrado), 3959. MALANIMA (Paolo), 627. MALASHENKO (L.N.), 4216. MALATO (Enrico), 725. MALAVASI (Massimiliano), 725. Malchus, Sanctus, 2141. MALDAMÉ (Jean-Michel), 5001. MALEON (Bogdan-Petru), 706. MALGERI (Francesco), 421. MALGIERI (Angelalea), 1558. MALIK (Monica), 5421. MALINOWSKI (Stephan), 3262, 3592. MALKIEL (David), 2462. Mallius Theodorus (Flavius), 1600. MALLTEZI (Luan), 3301. MALNATI (Luigi), 1558. MALONEY (S. M.), 3407. MALOSSE (Pierre-Louis), 1340. MAL'SAGOV (Adam A.), 4190. Malvy (Louis-Jean), 3588. MALYE (Jean), 1675. MAMELI IRIARTE (Laura), 773. MAMINA (Alexandru), 4733. MANCA (Anna Gianna), 6199. MANCERON (Gilles), 6334.

INDEX OF NAMES MANCINELLI (Maria Letizia), 3060. MANDELBLATT (Bertie), 5583. MANDELBROTE (Giles), 63, 69. MANDLER (Peter), 3805, 4734. MAÑÉ (M.Cinta), 2307. MANEKIN (Charles), 2463. MANELA (Erez), 6354. MANER (Hans-Christian), 4490, 6583. Manet (Édouard), 5183. MANFREDI (Antonio), 2766. MANFREDINI (Matteo), 5994. MANGAFA (M.), 1107. MANGANARO PERRONE (Giacomo), 1124. MANGANI (Elisabetta), 1104. MANIACI (Marilena), 45. MANINCHEDDA (Paolo), 2837. MANISCALCO (Laura), 817. MANN (Christian), 1183. MANN (Kristin), 6416. MANN (Susan), 117. Mann (Thomas), 5110. MANNING (Susan), 5079. MANNOVÁ (Elena), 4248. MANSUETO (Donato), 132. MANTEGNA (Cristina), 3. MANTELLI (Luca), 2685. MANTEN (Georg), 4491. MANTENA (Rama), 334. MANTOVANI (Dario), 1837. Manuel I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 2263. Manuel I, rei de Portugal, 2469. Manuel II Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2210. Manuel Philes, 2162. MANUWALD (Gesine), 1838. Manzoni (Alessandro), 5104. Mao (Zedong), 7160. MARAITE (Hubert), 2979. MARANGOU-LERAT (Antigone), 1487. MARASINGHE (Manabharana Lakshman), 4315. MARAZZI (Federico), 490. MARCADÉ (Bernard), 5153. MARCHENA GÓMEZ (Manuel), 182. MARCHIARO (Michaelangiola), 38. MARCHIONATTI (Roberto), 5452. MARCHITELLI (Simonetta), 3038. MARCINIAK (Arkadiusz), 818. MARCINKOWSKI (Marcin), 4364. MARCOē (Witold), 4124. MARCONE (Arnaldo), 2097. MARCOS (Daniel da Silva Costa), 6355. MARCUS (Sharon), 5987. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor, 1651.

Marcus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2023, 2108. MAREC (Yannick), 2651. MAREK (Doris), 726. MAREK (JindĜich), 6769. MARENBON (John), 3014. Margeret (Jaques), 4172. MARGO (Robert A.), 5390. MARGOLIN (Jean-Louis), 6693. MARI (Zaccaria), 1928. Maria Magdalena, 2076, 2121. Maria, Mother of Jesus Christ, 2076. MARICHAL (Carlos), 6535. MARIN (Simonetta), 4475. MARÍN HERNÁNDEZ (Juan José), 5988. MAR'INA (Valentina V.), 6740. MARINAù (Ileana), 6930. MARINCOLA (John), 282, 1184. MARINI (Giuliano), 4960. Marinus of Cyprus, priest, 2005. MARIOT (Nicolas), 3593. MARIOTTI (Italo), 1611. MARIOTTI LIPPI (Marta), 753, 800. Marivaux (Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de), 5343. MARKOVÁ (Markéta), III. MARKS (Patricia H.), 4107. MARKS (Richard), 682. MARKSCHIES (Christoph), 2098. MARMÉ (Michael), 5416. MARMURSZTEJN (Elsa), 3015. Maroboduus, king of the Marcomannni, 1632. MARQUARDT (James J.), 6968. MARQUARDT (Janet T.), 254. MARQUÈS (Josep), 3059. MARQUES DOS SANTOS (Victor), 6417. MARSÁ (María), 78. MARSALA (Rosanna), 3923. MARSDEN (John), 2504. MARSH (Ben), 5989, 5990. Marshall (Alfred), 5454. MARSHALL (Lee), 5305. MARSHALL (Peter), 794. MARSILIO (Claudio), 5660. Marsilius Patavinus, 3032, 2535. MARTEL (Gordon), 505. MARTELLI (Francesco), 6840. MARTENS (Stefan), 335, 382, 6696. MARTENS (Stephan), 6680. MARTEZ MARTÍNEZ (María del Carmen), 6439. Martialis (Marcus Valerius), 1771, 1790, 1802, 1820, 1839, 1856, 1863. MARTIN (Alexander M.), 5991. Martin (C. E. 'Clarrie'), 3335. MARTIN (Jean-Clément), 3608.

339 MARTIN (Jean-Marie), 2558. MARTIN (John), 5630. MARTIN (Louise), 794. MARTÍN (Luis P), 4289. MARTIN (Nick), 3335. MARTÍNEZ HEREDIA (Fernando), 3455. MARTÍNEZ SOPENA (Pascual), 2553, 2722. MARTÍNEZ TEJERA (Artemio M.), 3128. MARTINEZ-SÈVE (Laurianne), 903. MARTINI (Edwin A.), 6969. MARTINI (Fabio), 756. MARTINI (Magda), 4735. MARTINI (Mario), 4675. MARTINS (Jose V. de Pina), 241. MARTLAND (Samuel), 3419. MARTORELLA (Francesco), 7330. Martyrius Antiochenus, episcopus, 2004. MARUCA (Lisa), 79. MARX (Karl), 4963. Mary, queen of Scots, 3835. MARZANO (Annalisa), 1764. MASARYK (Tomáš Garrigue), 3462, 3479. MASELLA (Luigi), 4903. MASETTI (Carla), 7346. MASHKOUR (M.), 771. Masinissa, 7301. MASLAUSKIENE (Nijole), 4014. MASON (Fran), 736. MASPERO (Giulio), 1988. MASSART (Claire), 1929. MASSELLI (Grazia Maria), 732. MASSELOS (Jim), 3882. MASSIMILLA (Edoardo), 436. MASSING (Jean-Michel), 1341. MASSÓ (J.), 2344. MASSON (Catherine), 4492. MASSOV (Alexander), 6298. MASTELLONE (Salvo), 3276. MASTROCINQUE (Attilio), 1572. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo), VII, 3958, 4736. MASTRUZZO (Antonino), 2650. MATAJC (Vanesa), 455. MATEI-POPESCU (Florian), 337. MATċJKA (OndĜej), 4627. MATEOS CRUZ (Pedro), 2919. MATEO-SECO (Lucas Francisco), 1988. MATES (Lewis H.), 3809. MATHEUS (Michael), 368. MATHEWS (Race), 6122. MATHIESON (Ian), 904. MATHIEU (Christian), 5417, 5775. MATHIEU (Jon), 2371. MATHON (G.), 696. MATHUR (Saloni), 7017.

340 MATIU (Mirela), 4150. MATSUKATA (Fuyuko), 7270. MATSUMOTO (Shiro), 7271. MATSUMOTO (Yuko), 5993. MATSUMOTO-BEST (Saho), 6648. MATSUMURA (Shiho), 7134. MATSUURA (Akira), 7272. MATTEO (Rocchina), 1135. MATTEONI (Olivier), 2536. MATTERER (Paul), 4960. Matthaeus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2024, 2055, 2089, 2112, 2125, 2130. MATTHEW (Laura E.), 6455. MATTHEWS (Derek), 5514. MATTHEWS (Roger), 866. MATTHEWS (Stephen), 2710. MATTIACCI (Silvia), 1839. MATULIû (Rusko), XIII. MATVIIENKO (Viktor), 6571. MAUCH (Peter), 547. MAUL (Daniel), 6123, 6356. MAUL (Heinz Eberhard), 3985. Maultasch (Margarete), Gräfin von Tirol, 2610. MAURER (Noel), 5418. MAURER (Tina), 656. MAURER ZENCK (Claudia), 5313. MAURIN (Jules), 3602. Maurras (Charles), 6586. MAURSETH (Anne Beate), 4953. Maury (Alfred), 4977. Mauss (Marcel), 409. MAVROJANNIS (Theodoros), 1342. MAWBY (Spencer), 6584. Maxentius (Marcus Aurelius Valerius), 1670. Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully, 3558. Maximus Homologetes, 2005. Maximus Tyrius, 1243. MAY (Ernest R.), 264. Mayer (Hans), 3626. MAYER (Péter), 1343. MAYER (Roland), 1765. MAYER (Werner R.), 948. MAYERS (David), 6311. MAYEWSKI (Paul A.), 3237. MAYNE KIENZLE (Beverly), 3159. MAYORDOMO (Alejandro), 4826. MAYRHOFER (Fritz), 5772. MAZAURIC (Simone), 5041. MAZGAJ (Paul), 3594. MAZOV (S. V.), 7300. MAZURKIEWICZ (Anna), 6815. MAZZARA (Giuseppe), 1431, 1448. Mazzarino (Giulio Raimondo), 6476. MAZZEI (Rita), 422. MAZZEO (Tilar J.), 5122. MAZZIERI (Paola), 791.

INDEX OF NAMES Mazzini (Giuseppe), 3276, 4308, 4911. MAZZOLI (Giancarlo), 1840. MAZZONI (Guido), 4951. MAZZONI (Stanislao), 5994. MAZZONIS (Querciolo), 4586. MAZZOTTI (Massimo), 5042. M'BOKOLO (Elikia), 4807. MBUYAMBA MUSUNGAI (Symphorien), 3437. Meda (Filippo), 3923. MEDAGLIA (Silvio M.), 1086. MÉDARD (Henri), 4369, 6431. Medem (Julio), 5355. MEDVEDKOVA (Olga), 5168. MEEK (Christine), 2381. MEENS (Rob), 3208. MÉGALOUDI (F.), 1475. Megethius, 2173. MEGILL (Allan), 453. Mehmet II, 2251. MEHRA (Parshotam), 6312. MÉHU (Didier), 3210. MEIER (Brigitte), 3706, 5515. MEIER (Johannes), 4587. MEIER (Mischa), 2099. MEIJER (Piet A.), 1432. Meinecke (Friedrich), 410. MEIRINHOS (José Francisco), 3017. MEIßNER (Burkhard), 1087. MEISTER (Florian), 1676. Meitner (Lise), 4810. MEJÍA ARANGO (Lázaro), 3433. MELANDRI (Pierre), 6321. MELCHIORRE DE POBLADURA, 4499. MELE (Alfonso), 1185. MELÉNDEZ (Carlos), 4105. MELFI (Milena), 1476, 1520. MELION (Walter S.), 3205. MELIS (Maria Grazia), 819. MELLERIO (Annick), 4882. MELLET (Paul-Alexis), 3595. MELLIES (Dirk), 6970. MELLINATO (Giulio), 5427. MELLING (Joseph), 5473. MELLONI (Alberto), 421, 3952. MELÓN PIRRO (Julio César), 3327. Melsheimer (Ernst), 6154. MELVE (Leidulf), 2712. MELVILLE (Gert), 3126. MELVILLE (Ralph), 6083. Memnon, 1174. MENA (Miguel D.), 4571. Menander, 1325. MENANT (François), 610. MÉNARD (Philippe), 2857. Mendelssohn (Felix), 5212, 5244, 5374. Mendelssohn (Moses), 5515. Mendès France (Pierre), 6874.

MENESTÒ (Enrico), 2539. MENG (Siming), 7135. MENGOTTI (Cristina), 1930. MENI (Manuela), 30. Menippo di Gadara, 5292. Menkheperra 901. MENNITI IPPOLITO (Antonio), 4537. MÉNUDIER (Henri), 7005. MERATI (Patrizia), 2295. MERCANTINI (Jonathan), 4428. MEREDITH (Martin), 4259. MEREN (David), 6971. MERGEL (Thomas), 3258. Merici (Angela), 4586. MERKI (Christoph Maria), 5419. MERLO GRADO (Giovanni), 3125. MERTENS (Bernd), 6250. MERVIN (Sabrina), 3899. MESCHINI (Marco), 3086. MESENHÖLLER (Mathias), 333. MESMER (Beatrix), 4339. MESNER (Maria), 3349. MESQUITA (António Pedro), 4142. MESSA (Pietro), 2970. Messali Hadj, 3308. Metastasio (Piero), 5251. Metaxas (Ioannis), 3842. METCALF (Thomas R.), 6381. MÉTHOT (Mélanie), 5996. MÉTHY (Nicole), 1607. MÉTIVIER (Sophie), 2189. METZGER (Franziska), 4524. MEUNIER (E.-Martin), 4737. MEUNIER (Florence), 2243. MEYBOOM (Paul G.P.), 883. MEYER (Andreas), 2888. MEYER (Carrie A.), 5642. MEYER (Heinz), 2968. MEYER (Stefan), 3707. MEYER (Viola), 2742. Meyler (family), 5543. MEYNIER (Gilbert), 532. MEYZIE (Philippe), 5997. Mezio (Federico), 2169. MEZRAN (Karim), 4653. MICCOLI (Giovanni), 340, 4538. Micha, prophet, 2036. Michael Attaleiates, 2229. Michael Glykas, 2163. Michael Psellus, 2164. MICHAàOWSKA (Teresa), 2841. MICHALSKE (Hainer), 4738. MICHEL (Bernard), 6649. Michelangelo Buonarroti, 5179. MICHELINI (Luca), 4963. MICHL (Jan), 3480. MICHL (Susanne), 5045. MICHON (Jacques), 74. MICHONNEAU (Stéphane), 5776. MICOZZI (Laura), 1841.

INDEX OF NAMES MICUNCO (Stefano), 1344. MIDGLEY (Clare), 3810. MIEDEMA (Nine Robijntje), 2813. MIELI (Gianfranco), 809. MIETHE (Ingrid), 4848. MIGANI (Guia), 5420. MIGLIO (Massimo), 368. MIGLIORINI (Tommaso), 2183. MIHÁLIKOVÁ (Silvia), 4249. MIHM (Stephen), 5706. MIICÓ (Rafael), 571. MIJERS (Esther), 6512. MIKABERIDZE (Alexander), 533. MIKAT (Paul), 2044. MIKKONEN (Juha), 4629. MIKSIC (John N.), 534. MILANESI (Claudio), 800. MILANEZI (Silvia), 1125, 1179, 1271. Milani (Lorenzo), 4578. MILANICH (Nara), 100. MILATA (Paul), 4164. MILAZZO (Antonino M.), 1345. MILAZZO (Vincenza), 2140. MILES (David), 832. MILITZER (Klaus), 2332. MILLER (Aleksej I.), 4223. MILLER (Edward S.), 6741. MILLER (James Edward), 6911. MILLER (Jared L.), 905, 979. MILLER (John), 3811. MILLER (Judith A.), 6526. MILLER (Julie), 5777. MILLER (Nick), 4739. MILLER (Peter N.), 411. MILLER (Shawn William), 629. MILLER (Stephen M.), 6585. MILLETT (Martin), 1544. MILLETT (Paul), 1433. MILLETTI (Nerina), 5906. MILLICAN (Peter), 4958. MILLS (James H.), 6341. MILLWARD (James A.), 7136. MILNE (Graeme J.), 5584. Milner (Alfred), 6434. Miloševiü (Slobodan), 4231. MILTON (Cynthia E.), 5998. MINAS-NERPEL (Martina), 906. MINCHIN (Susie), 6358. MINCHIN (Timothy J.), 5999. MINCHOM (Martin), 5778. MINDT (Nina), 1842. MINEGISHI (Sumio), 7252. MINENKO (Nina A.), 4205. MINNIS (Alastair), 2869. MINON (Sophie), 1126. MINUTOLI (Diletta), 1963. MIOTTO (Marco), 2244. MIQUEL (Marc von), 6048. MIRACOLA (Salvatore), 4574. MIRALA (Petri), 3911.

MIRKOVIC (Miroslava), 1677. Miró (Joan), 5186. MIRONOWICZ (Eugeniusz), 4125. MIRZELER (Mustafa Kemal), 7326. MISCAMBLE (Wilson D.), 6880. MISKELL (Peter), 5575. MÍŠKOVÁ (Alena), 663, 4798. MISRA (Maria), 3883. MISSFELDER (Jan-Friedrich), 4488. MISSIOU (Anna), 1346. MITALAITÉ (Kristina), 3019. MITCHAM (Chad J.), 6824. MITCHELL (Ian), 5585. MITCHELL (Stephanie), 4054. MITCHELL (Stephen), 1565, 1960. MITCHÉVA (Tsvétana), 6650. Mithridates VI Eupator, 1179. MITRE FERNÁNDEZ (Emilio), 3211. Mitrione (Dan), 6918. MITROVIû (Andrej), 4236. MITTAG (Jürgen), 6049. Mitterand (François), 3559. MITTERAUER (Michael), 2614. Mittermaier (Karl Josef Anton), 6208. MIURA (Yuzuru), 2100. MIX (York-Gothart), 4936. MIYA (Noriko), 7024. MIYAKE (Kiyoshi), 7137. MIYASHITA (Yuichiro), 6881. MIZUHA (Nobuo), 7138. MIZUNO (Kosuke), 7035. Mladenov (Dimităr Markov), 3394. MO (Junqing), 7213. Mobutu Sese Seko, 3436, 3437. MOCAN (Mira), 2843. MODÉER (Kjell Å.), 3265, 6160. MODEROW (Hans-Martin), 4849. MODESTIN (Georg), 4566. MOE (Espen), 630. MOELLER (Bernd), 708. MOELLER (Katrin), 6000. MOENIKES (Ansgar), 2101. MOFFITT (John F.), 2933. MOGHIRA (Mohamed Anouar), 3516. MOHASEB (A.), 771. MOHD NOOR YAZID, 6816. MÖHREN (Frankwalt), 145. MOLA (Aldo A.), 3951. MOLAS RIBALTA (Pere), XI. MOLDOVAN (Silviu B.), 4150. Molière, 5343. MOLIGNINI (Luca), 4588. MOLINA JIMÉNEZ (Iván), 3443. MOLINA PUCHE (Sebastián), 118, 6001. MÖLLER (Frank), 3623. MÖLLER (Horst), 3714. MÖLLER (Tommy), 4328. MOLNÁR (Antal), 4599.

341 Momigliano (Arnaldo), 411. MONBALLYU (J.), 6200. MONCEL (Marie-Hélène), 769. MONCHABLON (Alain), 5868. MONDADORI (Alberto), 4904. MONDADORI (Arnoldo), 4904. Monet (Jean), 6748. MONFERRER CATALÁN (Luis), 4292. MONFERRER SALA (Juan Pedro), 1024. Monge (Gaspard), 5141. MONIER (Frédéric), 3597. MONINA (Giancarlo), 3927. MONNET (Pierre), 396. MONNIER (Pierre-Emmanuel), 5123. MONOD (Jean-Claude), 4969. MONROE (J. Cameron), 7327. Monroe (Marilyn), 210. MONSERRATI (Michele), 4951. Montchenu (Jean de), 2943. MONTEIRO CARDOSO (António), 4144. MONTENACH (Anne), 5586. MONTERO RUIZ (Ignacio), 748. Montes de Oca Gamero (Faustino), 3440. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat), 4964. Monteverdi (Claudio), 5337. Montgomery (Arthur), 5450. MONTGOMERY (Janet), 794. MONTI (Carla Maria), 2766. MOODY (Jane), 730. MOORE (James), 3772. MOORE (Phoebe), 6803. MORA (Clelia), 849, 867. MORA (Frank O.), 6313. MORALES (Edgardo M.), 2141. MORANDI (Flaminia), 341. Morandi (Giorgio), 5181. MORANDO (Laurent), 6420. MORANI (Roberto), 4940. MORAR-VULCU (Călin), 4165. MORAT (Daniel), 4941. MORDER (Robi), 5868. MORE (Charles), 3814. MOREAU (Pierre-François), 4971. MOREL (Barbara), 2537, 2934. MORELLE (Laurent), 24. MORELLI (Anne), 4912. MORELLI (Giuseppe), 1347. MORENO (Alfonso), 1232. MORENO CORRAL (Marco Arturo), 5046. MORENO GARCÍA (Juan Carlos), 907. MORENO Julià (Xavier), 6694. MORENO RUDOLPH (Federica), 773.

342 MORENO-LUZÓN (Javier), 4293. MORENZONI (F.), 3087. MORESCHINI (Claudio), 2045. MORETTI (Felice), 2714. MORETTI (Jean-Charles), 1504. MORGAN (Giles), 2194. MORGAN (Iwan), 6835. MORGAN (Janett E.), 1477. MORGAN (Kenneth), 5543, 6357. MORGAN (Philip), 3960, 5625. MORGAN (Simon), 3760. MORGAN (Teresa), 1766. MORGAN (Victoria), 6052. MORI (Akira), 1723. MORIGI (Alessia), 1025. MORIHIRA (Masahiko), 7139. MORIKAWA (Tomoko), 7025. MORIMOTO (Yoshiki), 2617. MORIN (Bernadette), 1348. MORIN (Georges-André), 1961. MORÍN DE PABLOS (Jorge), 3128. MORING (Beatrice), 6002. MORINTZ (Alexandru S.), 792. MORISHITA (Tǀru), 7273. MORITA (Takako), 5643. MORIYASU (Takao), 7026, 7140. MÖRKE (Olaf), 4074. MORLEY (Neville), 1088. MORLIER (Hélène), 183. MORLOT (Sophie), 5779. MORNET (Élisabeth), 2585. MORO (Renato), 369. MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana), 800. MORPURGO (Giulia), 1558. MORRIS (Ian M.), 1186. MORRIS (Ian), 608. MORRIS (Mark), 6459. MORRIS (Sarah P.), 1527. MORRISON (Andrew D.), 1349. MORRISSEY (John), 2614. MORSTEIN-MARX (Robert), 1678. MORT (Frank), 6003. MORZYCKI-MARKOWSKI (Mikoáaj), 6912. MOSCATI (Paola), 1544. MOSCONI (Gianfranco), 1350. MOSES (A. Dirk), 4741. MOSKOWICH-SPIEGEL FANDIÑO (Isabel Sofia), 2777. MOSLEY (Adam), 5047. Mosley (Oswald Ernald), 3808, 3834. MOSQUERA MARTÍNEZ (Marina), 770. MOSSÉ (Claude), 1162, 1233. Mosse (George L.), 412. MÖSSLANG (Markus), 6295. MOTTA (Antonello), 5309. Motta (Franco), 4504. MOTTE (Martin), 6586.

INDEX OF NAMES MOTUSTE (Katri), 5750. MOTZ-LINHART (Reinelde), 3350. MOUCKAGA (Hugues), 1767. MOULIN (Claudine), 2319. MOULINIER (Laurence), 77. MOURALIS (Bernard), 737. MOURITSEN (Henrik), 1724. MOUSER (Bruce), 6421. MOUSOURAKIS (George), 1725. MOUTON (Alice), 980. MOUTON (Michelle), 6004. MOUYSSET (Sylvie), 119. MOWBRAY (Ken), 774. MOYER (Paul B.), 4429. Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus), 5222, 5279. MSINDO (Enocent), 4470. MUCHEMBLED (Robert), 6005. MÜCKE (Pavel), 463. MUDDIMAN (Dave), 4871. MUELLER (Reinhold C.), 5594. MUELLER-GOLDINGEN (Christian), 1159. MUESSIG (Carolyn A.), 3159, 3192. Muhammad ǥAlƯ BƗshƗ, Governor of Egypt, 3511. MUHLACK (Ulrich), 417. MÜHLBERGER (Detlef), 3703. MÜHLEGGER (Florian), 4742. MUHLY (James D.), 814. MUIR (Edward), 5310. MUIR (Lynette R.), 2846. MUIRHEAD (Bruce), 3408. MUKHERJEE (Anna J.), 793. MUKHERJEE (Arun Prosad), 3884. MULDER (Philip N.), 6447. MULLEN KREAMER (Christine), 683. MÜLLER (Anne), 3126. MULLER (Eric L.), 4430. MÜLLER (Frank Lorenz), 3708. MÜLLER (Gerhard), 718. MÜLLER (Heribert), 3045, 3056. MÜLLER (Jan-Dirk), 2868. MÜLLER (Leos), 2582. MÜLLER (Rainer A.), 4782, 5752. MULLER (Richard), 6756. MÜLLER (Sven Oliver), 3709. MÜLLER (Tim B.), 4743. Müller (Ulrich), 2878. MÜLLER (Walter), 1105. MÜLLER (Wolfgang), 2538. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa), 1026. MÜLLER-LÜCKNER (Elisabeth), 2868. MÜLLER-MERTENS (Eckhard), 2432. MULLETT (Margaret), 2219. Mulroney (Brian), 3410. MUMFORD (Jeremy Ravi), 3409. MUNCH-PETERSEN (Thomas), 6536.

MUNCK (Thomas), 5780. MUND (Robert), 2331. MUNDÓ (Anscario M.), 2946. MUNDY (Martha), 4342. Munro (John Henry Alexander), 2615. MÜNSTER-SWENDSEN (Mia), 2533. MUNZERT (Heidrun), 3200. MUNZI (Luigi), 2751. MURACA (Daniela), 4744. MURAI (Hiroshi), 7141. MURAI (Sanae), 7274. MURAKAWA (Clotilde de Almeida Azevedo), 153. MURAUER (Rainer), 3061. MURCIA (Carles), 908. MURDOCH (Alexander), 3290. Murdoch Smith (Robert), 1540. MURPHY (Anne L.), 5707. MURPHY (Anne), 342. MURPHY (Kerry), 5223. MURRAY (John. E.), 5517. Murri (Romolo), 3942. Muršilis II, king of Hittites, 973. MUSEVENI (Yoweri), 4371. MUSGROVE (Robert), 115. MUSHEMEZA (Elijah Dickens), 4370. MUSI (Aurelio), 5781. MUSIEDLAK (Didier), 3961. MUSSFELDT (Sebastian), 2007. MUSSGNUG (Dorothee), 4969, 6208. MUSSGNUG (Reinhard), 4969. Mussolini (Benito), 3953, 3960, 3972, 4536, 4610, 4708, 4714, 6725. Mustafá KƗmil, 3516. MUSTI (Domenico), 1521. MUTGÉ (Josefina), 2307. MUTONKOLE MUYOMBI (Anicet), 4572. MUTTI (Angela), 820. MYERS (Kathleen Ann), 184. MYERS (Robin), 63, 69. MYLLYNTAUS (Timo), 621. MYRRHE (Ramona), 5895. N N'DIMINA-MOUGALA (AntoineDenis), 6314. NA'AMAN (Nadav), 949, 1027. Nabokov (Vladimir), 5118. NADAL (Jordi), 752. NADALI (Davide), 821. NADERI (R.), 771. NADIG (Peter), 909. NAFISSI (Massimo), 1187. NAGAFUCHI (Yasuyuki), 7036. NAGAI (Hideo), 3986. NAGAI (Kazu), 6695.

INDEX OF NAMES NAGY (Gregory), 1549. NAGY (Joseph Falaky), 2844. NAHAVANDI (Firouzeh), 7337. Nahmanides, 2470. NAHMIAS (Petra), 5782. NAHON (Gérard), 3576. NAIDEN (Fred S.), 1478. NAKABAYASHI (Takayuki), 7276. NAKAJIMA (Gakusho), 7142. NALDI (Nerio), 5453. NAM (Jong-Kuk), 2618. Namier (Lewis), 413. NANDESI (Tiziana), 4580. NANI (Michele), 343. NANU (Veronica), 4149. NAOKI (Kojiro), 7278. Napoléon Ier, empereur de France, 423, 3544, 3560, 3611, 4689, 6521, 6522, 6523, 6531, 6533, 6534, 6537. NAPRAN (Laura), 2275. NARCY (Michel), 1434, 1448. NARDUCCI (Emanuele), 1843. NARINSKIJ (N.), 6987. NASH (David), 707. NATAKE (Natsuki), 5783. Naudé (Gabriel), 235. NAUMOV (A.O.), 6742. NAUROY (Gérard), 1971. NAUTZ (Jürgen), 5672. NAVARRO BONILLA (Diego), 4263. NAVONI (Marco), 47. NAVRÁTIL (Ivo), 5117. NAW ANGILINE, 4065. NAZAROV (Vladislav D.), 4172. NAZMI (Ahmad), 2475. NDAYWEL ÈNZIEM (Isidore), 4807. NEAL (Larry), 5560. NEBGEN (Christoph), 4600. NEBRIG (Alexander), 5314. NEûAK (Dušan), 6651. NECHUTOVÁ (Jana), 2847. NECKERMAN (Kathryn M.), 4799. NEDERMAN (Cary J.), 3025. NEEDHAM (Stuart), 794. NEELY (Jeremy), 4431. NEELY (Mark E. Jr.), 4432. NEGASH (Tekeste), 7302. NEGRI (Monica), 1844. Negro (Antonella), 1978. NEIBERG (Michael S.), 552. NEILSON (Keith), 6743. NEISKE (Franz), 2716. NELSON (George), 5169. Nelson (Horatio), 6076. NELSON (Janet L.), 2400, 2705. NELSON (Lynn A.), 5644. NELSON (Robert S.), 2245. NELSON (Scott Reynolds), 4433. NENCI (Giuseppe), 331. NENNA (Maurizio), 2246.

NEPTUNE (Harvey R.), 4350. NERI (Maria Luisa), 3112. NERI SERNERI (Simone), 200. Nero Claudius Caesar, Roman emperor, 1663, 1909. NEROZZI (Sebastiano), 4676. NESBET (Anne), 5315. NESMEJANOVA (Irina I.), 4194. NEŠPOR (ZdenČk R.), 5645. NEŠPOROVÁ (Olga), 488. NESSELRATH (Heinz-Günther), 1351. Nesubanebdjed, 901. NETHERCOTT (Frances), 4195. NETHERTON (Robin), 2889. NETTELBECK (Amanda), 6470. NETTERSTROEM (Jeppe Büchert), 2593. NEUHAUS (Manfred), 4963. NEUMAN DE VEGVAR (Carol), 3217. NEUMANN-HARTMANN (Arlette), 1211, 1352. NEUMAYR (Anton), 5316. NEUNSINGER (Silke), 452. NEVEN (Muriel), 5800. NEVETT (Lisa), 1522. Neveu (Bruno), 4748. NEVILLE (Peter), 6882. NEWBURY (David S.), 427. NEWBY (Andrew G.), 3815. NEWBY (Zahra), 1110, 1523. NEWELL (Andrew), 6139. NEWHAUSER (Richard), 3212, 3220. NEWMAN (Barbara), 3159. NEWMAN (Kitty), 6972. NEWSON (Linda A.), 6358. NEWTON BYRD (Miriam), 1435. NEYRAT (Cyril), 5318. NEZHODOVÁ (SoĖa), 389, 3476. Nibhururiya, king of Egypt, 905. NIBLOCK (Tim), 5421. NICASIO (Irma), 489. NICCOLI (Ottavia), 431. Nicephorus Antiochenus, Sanctus, 2264. Nicephorus Blemmydes, 2165. Nicephorus Bryennius, 2263. Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, 2166. Nicephorus Gregoras, 2167. NICHOLS (David A.), 4434. NICHOLSON (Helen J.), 3115. NICKLAS (Thomas), 156, 303. NICKLES (David P.), 6911. NICOLAJ (G.), 385. NICOLAJ (Giovanna), 2-4. NICOLAS (Michel), 3598. Nicolaus Cusanus, 2997, 3022, 3026.

343 Nicolaus V, Papa, 2224, 3076. NICOLLE (David), 2247, 2417. NICOLOSI (Anika), 1137. NICOUD (Marilyn), 2891. NICULESCU (Alexandru), 152. NIDITCH (Susan), 1028. NIEDERHUT (Jens), 5048. NIEDERMAIER (Paul), 5726. NIEDERSTÄTTER (Alois), 535, 2324. NIELAND (Jörg-Uwe), 6049. Niels, Konge af Danmark, 2433. NIELSEN (Anders Reinholdt), 2619. NIELSEN (Kai), 120. NIEMANN (Mario), 3711. NIEMI (Marjaana), 6006. NIEß (Ulrich), 5756. Nietzsche (Friedrich Wilhelm), 433, 4940, 4965. NIEUS (Jean-François), 2732. NIGHTINGALE (Pamela), 2620. NIKOLIû (Kosta), 6677. NIKU (Maria), 1234. NILES (John D.), 2717. NILSSON (K. Robert), 519. NILSSON (Mikael), 6973. NINOMIYA (Hiroyuki), 3599. Nipperdey (Hans Carl), 6157. NIRENBERG (David), 2464. NISH (Ian), 6305. NISHIDA (Satoshi), 5422. NISHIGAI (Kenji), 7279. NISHIKAWA (Masao), 3280. NISHINARITA (Yutaka), 6124. NISHIZAWA (Tamotsu), 5454. NIVAT (Georges), 363. NIVET (Philippe), 3572. Nixon (Richard Milhous), 4390, 4391, 6925, 6961, 6974, 6978. NIZZO (Valentino), 1524. NJOKU (Raphael Chijioke), 6419. Nkrumah (Kwame), 3755, 3758. NOBILI (Franco), 421. NOBILI (Mario), 2621. NODA (Jin), 7027. NODARI (Pio), 5427. NOÈ (Eralda), 1768. NOËL (Gilbert), 5645. NOIZET (Hélène), 2622. NOKES (Richard Scott), 2690. Nöldeke (Theodor), 414. NOLT (Steven M.), 4626. NOLTE (Jakob), 3712. NOMBERTO BAZÁN (Víctor Raúl), 344. NONN (Ulrich), 2317. NORDBERG (Ilkka), 4294. NORDEN (Martin F.), 5238. NORELLI (Enrico), 2045. NOREÑA (Carlos F.), 1769. NORET (Jacques), 1977.

344 NORMAND (Gilles), 4921. NÖRR (Dieter), 1726. NØRR (Erik), 6188. NÖRR (Knut Wolfgang), 6168. NORRIS (Frederick W.), 3041. NORRIS (Stephen), 216. NORTH (Michael), 2372. NORTH (Richard), 2781. NORTMANN (Ulrich), 1142. NORTON (David Fate), 4958. NORTON (Mary J.), 4958. NORTON (Robert E.), 4942. NOSACH (Viktor I.), 4196. NOVÁK (Petr), 6652. NOVELLA (Jorge), 4295. NOVELLO (Giampiero), 2248. NOVOA PORTELA (Feliciano), 2733. NOVOTNÝ (JiĜí), 5587. NOWAK (Kurt), 708. NOWAK (Magdalena), 4126. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia), 4539. NUBOLA (Cecilia), 4585. NUGENT (Paul), 7328. NUMHAUSER (Paulina), 6440. NUMMEDAL (Tara), 2718. NUMMELA (Ilkka), 6728. NÚÑEZ (Fernando), 5784. Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Alvar), 192. NÚÑEZ GARCÍA (Víctor M), 4296. NÚÑEZ QUINTANA (Ramona), 3051. NÜNLIST (Christian), 6996. NURMIAINEN (Jouko), 4329. NUSSBAUM (Norbert), 5488. NÜßLEIN (Theodor), 1587. NUTI (Leopoldo), 6817. NUTTALL (Anthony David), 742. NÜTZENADEL (Alexander), 5423, 5718. Nyarroh of Bandasuma, 4241. NYBERG (Kenneth), 5021. NYBERG (Tore), 2433. NYDAL (Knut), 4086. NYE (John V. C.), 5588. NYE (Robert A.), 5807. NYLAND (Chris), 5589. O Ó CARRAGÁIN (Éamonn), 2869, 3217. Ó GRÁDA (Cormac), 5658. Ó SIOCHRÚ (Micheál), 3816. O'BRIEN (Denis), 1436. O'BRIEN (Thomas), 3281. O'Connell (William), 4576. O'CONNOR (Erin), 3509. O'CONNOR (Ralph), 5049. O'DONNELL (Lorna), 768. O'DUFFY (Brendan), 3817. O'FLAHERTY (Ronan), 822.

INDEX OF NAMES O'HARA (Glen), 5424, 5455. O'HARA (James J.), 1845. O'MARA (Veronica), 3165. O'NEILL (Daniel I.), 345, 4948. O'QUINN (Daniel), 730. O'RIORDAN (Michelle), 2848. O'SULLIVAN (Timothy M.), 1353. OAKES (James), 4435. OATES (Joan), 950. OBA (Beyza), 6093. OBADELE-STARKS (Ernest), 6359. Obadja, prophet, 2036. OBEDIENTE (Enrique), 154. OBER (Josiah), 1191. Oberhueber (Familie), 126. OBERMEIER (Franz), 7351. OBERSTE (Jörg), 2331, 2703. OBOROYA (Hisashi), 7280. OBREGÓN QUESADA (Clotilde), 3440. OCHSENMEIER (Erwin), 2006. Octavia Thurina Minor, 1918. ODDY (Derek J.), 5829, 5901. Odo Cluniacensis, 3116. ODORICO (Paolo), 383, 2249. ØEBY-NIELSEN (Gunhild), 2892. OEHLER-KLEIN (Sigrid), 4809. OELKE (Harry), 4642. OEMING (Manfred), 1021. OEXLE (Otto Gerhard), 2916. Offenbachs (Jacques), 5264. OFFENSTADT (Nicolas), 2434. OFFICER (Lawrence H.), 5708. OGAWA (Manako), 6653. OGBORN (Miles), 6382. OGDEN (Jack), 1058. OGEN (Olukoya), 7329. OGILVIE (Sheilagh), 5425, 5622. OGRIS (Werner), 6155. OGURA (Kinichi), 2373. OGUSHI (Atsushi), 4197. OHNESORG (Aenne), 868. ØHRGAARD (Per), 4800. OJO (Olatunji), 6251. OKA (Hiroki), 7143. OKAMOTO (Takashi), 6383. OKEY (Robin), 3373. OKUMURA (Satoshi), 7154. Olai (Ericus), 2355. OLASZ (Lajos), 3859. OLCH STERN (Wilma), 1525. OLDFIELD (Paul), 2418. OLDING (Guy), 1479. OLDROYD (David), 5426. OLECHNOWICZ (Andrzej), 3813. OLECHOWSKI (Thomas), 6144. OLIVA HERRER (Hipólito Rafael), 2579. OLIVARI (Michele), 4297. OLIVEIRA (Ana Rodrigues), 2625.

OLIVEIRA (Cecília Helena de Salles), 3379. OLIVEIRA (Pedro Aires), 6360. OLIVEIRA MORGADO (Eliane Maria), 6438. OLIVER (Graham J.), 1235. OLIVER (Michael J.), 5393, 5709. OLLÉ (Andreu), 770. OLMI (Giuseppe), 4505, 5050. OLMSTEAD (Alan L.), 5647. OLOA ZAMBO (Anicet), 6422. OLSEN (Lennart), 4330. OLSHAUSEN (Eckart), 551, 1082. OLSON (Lynette), 2374. OLSON (Susan M.), 4423. OLSSON (Ulf), 5671. OLSZEWSKI (Mikolai), 3035. OLTEAN (Ioana A.), 1679. OMISSI (David), 4745. ONLEY (James), 6315. ONNEKINK (David), 3618, 4075, 6512. OPAýIû (Zoë), 2942. OPITZ (Rachel), 1544. OREN (Michael B.), 6316. ORESME (Nicole), 2978. Origenes, 2098. Origenes, 2122. ORIS (Michel), 5800. ORLANDI (Silvia), 1573. ORLÉAN (André), 4954. Orléans (House of), 125. ORLIN (Eric), 1899. ORLOV (Boris), 3713. ORLOV (Igor' B.), 4209. ORR (James J.), 346. Orsini (Giovanni Gaetano), 3040. ORTEGA CANADELL (Rosa), XI. ORTEGA Y GASSET (José), 4956. ORTÍZ ESCAMILLA (Juan), 4028. ORTLIEB (Eva), 6155. ORTUÑO MARTÍNEZ (Manuel), 6719. ORUÉ POZZO (Aníbal), 4905. Orwell (George), 3768, 5321. ORY (Pascal), 3552. OSBORNE (Robin), 1127, 1480, 1493. OSBORNE (Toby), 6475. OSCHMANN (Antje), 2339, 6478. OSĉKA (Piotr), 4127. OSHEIM (Duane J.), 2343. OSIPOVA (Sanita), 6169. OSMONT (Matthieu), 6883. OSSICINI (Adriano), 3925. Osta (Ernesto), 1524. OSTENC (Michel), 3962. ÖSTERBERG (Eva), 633. ØSTERGAARD (Bent), 634. ÖSTLUND (Joachim), 4331. OSTORERO (Martine), 4566.

INDEX OF NAMES OSTWALD (Jamel), 6507. OSUMARE (Halifu), 5320. OTERO CARVAJAL (Luis Enrique), 4786. OTRANTO (Rosa), 1354. OTSUKA (Osamu), 7028. OTT (John S.), 3070. OTTE (M.), 771. OTTE (Thomas G.), 6587, 6654. OTTOLINI (R.), 3213. OUDIJK (Michel R.), 6455. Ouyang (Xiu), 7144. OVERLAET (Bruno), 1059. Ovidius Naso (Publius), 732, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1792, 1800, 1803, 1814, 1815, 1820, 1826, 1828, 1831, 1840, 1845, 1847, 1859, 1865. OWEN (Hilary), 6448. OWEN (Nicholas), 6317. OWEN-CROCKER (Gale R.), 2880, 2889. OWENS (Robert M.), 4436. Oxenstierna (Axel, greve), 4322, 6480. OXTOBY (Willard Gurdon), 698. OYÓN (José Luis), 5786. ÖZBEK (Nadir), 4365. ÖZDOöAN (Mehmet Mihri), 4366. ÖZDOöAN (Mehmet), 842. ÖZFIRAT (Aynur), 869. ÖZTEPE (Erhan), 1526. P PABST (Esther Suzanne), 5095. Paccanari (Niccolò), 4581. PACE (Valentino), 2936. PACKER (James E.), 1931. PACZKOWSKI (Andrzej), 4118. PACZULLA (Jutta), 5321. PADBERG (Lutz von), 3143. PADE (Marianne), 2849. PADILLA (Tanalís), 4047. PADIYAR (Satish), 5155. PADOA SCHIOPPA (Antonio), 599. PADRE PIO DA PIETRALCINA, 4499, 4517. PAGANI (Lara), 1143. PAGANO (Emanuele), 3963. PAGÈS (Pelai), 4298. PAGLIARA (Cosimo), 823. PAHLOW (Louis), 6252. PAHUD DE MORTANGES (René), 600. Painedjem II, 901. PAINTER (Karen), 5322. PÁL (Judit), 5726. PALACIOS CEREZALES (Diego), 4138. PALARD (Jacques), 4286. PALAZZESCHI (Aldo), 4904.

PÄLCHEN (Werner), 5012. PALMER (Bryan D.), 4437. PALMER (Simon), 832. PALMIERI (Lorena), 30. PALOMANES MARTINHO (Francisco Carlos), 4139. PALTRINIERI (Giovanni), 6390. PAàYS (Piotr), 6884. PÀMIAS (Jordi), 1145. PAMMER (Michael), 703. PAN (Liang), 6974. PANAGL (Victoria), 2808. PANAH (Maryam), 3900. PANAITE (Viorel), 155. PANAYI (Panikos), 6007. PANAYOTOVA (Stella), 34. PANELLA (Claudio), 4906. PANG (Laikwan), 7145. PANGARO (Giorgio), 5252. PANGERL (Andreas), 1569. PANI (Mario), 1680. PANI ERMINI (Letizia), 2576, 3046. PANIKKAR (K. N.), 4747. PANIZZA (Letizia), 1337, 1355. PANJEK (Aleksander), 5427. PANSTERS (Krijn), 3214. PANT (Mohan), 5787. PANTI (Cecilia), 680. PAOLI (Andrea), 222. PAOLI (Emore), 3146. PAOLICCHI (Luciano), 1618. PAPACONSTANTINOU (Arietta), 2930. PAPACOSMA (S. Victor), 3842. PAPACOSTEA (ùerban), 2626. PAPADIMITRIOU (Despina), 3843. Papadopoulos (Georgios), 3843. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.), 1527. PAPADOPOULOS (S.), 1475. PAPAS (Phillip), 4438. PAPI (Emanuele), 1779, 7330. PAPING (Richard), 5658. PAPP (Konstanze von), 6271. PAPPAS (Alexandra), 1127. PAPPÉ (Ilan), 528. PAPY (Jan), 2829. PAQUETTE (Gabriel B.), 6460. PARADA (Alejandro E.), 4907. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Agostino), 2893. PARDAL (Rute), 4145. Pardee (Dennis G.), 929. Pardo (Manuel), 4106. PARE (Richard), 5170. PARENTE (Fausto), 2102. PARENTE (Ulderico), 209. PARENTI (Stefano), 2237. PARINGER (Thomas), 3718. PARISE (Nicola), 1528. PARISSE (Michel), 3114. PARKER (David), 6008.

345 PARKER (Eldon M.), 6086. PARKER (John), 7331. PARKER (Michael), 5124. PARKER (Randall E.), 5428. PARKER (Roger), 5323. PARKER (Victor), 1356. PARKER PEARSON (Mike), 794. PARKIN (Jon), 4957. PARKIN (Tim G.), 1770. PARKINSON (Charles), 6361. PARLATO (Giorgia), 1357. Parmenides, 1429, 1436, 1450. PARMENTER (Jon), 6461. PARODI (Gabriella), 30. PARRY (Christoph), 5098. PARRY (Richard D.), 1437. PARSONS (Jotham), 347. PARSONS (Peter J.), 891. PARSONS (Timothy), 3993. Parthenius, 1253. PARTRIDGE (Michael), 6835. PARUCH (Waldemar), 4131. PASCALE (Giuseppe), 2171. PAŠKIN (Nicolaj), 2250. PASKOFF (Paul F.), 5518. Pasolini (Pier Paolo), 5236, 5292, 5328, 5340. PASQUALUCCI (Paolo), 4541. PASQUINUCCI (Marinella), 1358. PASSERINI (Luisa), 5906. PASSETTI (Cristina), 5051. PASTOOR (Charles), 709. PASTORE (Alessandro), 169. PASTORE (Stefania), 6009. PATCH (William), 6125. PATEL (Nandini), 4019. PATI (Biswamoy), 6378. PATLAGEAN (Évelyne), 2008. PATMORE (Greg), 6126. Patoþka (Jan), 415, 5117. PATOU-MATHIS (Maryléne), 769. PATRICELLI (Marco), 6770. PATRÍCIO (Raquel Cristina de Caria), 6318. PATRIOTA DE MOURA (Cristina), 6319. PATRIZI (M. L.), 5184. PATTERSON (Benton Rain), 6483. PATTERSON (Cynthia), 1236. PATTERSON (Henry), 3912. PATTERSON (Ian), 4299. PATTERSON (Lee), 2817. PATTERSON (Mary Hampson), 4630. PATTERSON (Richard), 1438. PATTINSON (Juliette), 6771. Pattison (Mark), 4794. PAUER (Jan), 3283. PAUL (André), 667. PAUL (Gérard), 4963. PAUL (Suzanne), 3165.

346 Paulinus Nolanus, Sanctus, 2007. PAULUS (Simon), 2465. Paulus Eremita, Sanctus, 2141. Paulus VI, Papa, 3979, 4557. Paulus, apostolus, Sanctus, 2018, 2022, 2030, 2077, 2083, 2111, 4629. Paulus, Diaconus, 1870. PAULY (Michel), 2612, 2627. PAULY (Philip J.), 5648. Pausanias II, king of Sparta, 1281, 1287, 1288, 1376. PAUTSCH (Ilse Dorothee), 6906. PAVANELLO (Roberto), 6253. Pavel I Petroviþ Romanov, Russian emperor, 4222. Paveliü (Ante), 3445. PAVESE (Carlo Odo), 1359. PAVIû (Milorad), 186. PAVLIýEVIû (Dragutin), 538. PAVLOVIû (Vojislav), 4237. PAVÓN (Pilar), 1770. PAVONE (Claudio), 3284. PAWLEY (Margaret), 6655. PAYEN (Pascal), 1071. PAYNE (Andy), 794. PEACOCK (David), 1089. PEARCE (Adrian J.), 5590. PEARCY (Roy J.), 2851. PEARSALL (Mark), 121. PEARSON (Ivan), 6975. Pearson (Lester Bowles 'Mike'), 3401. PEARSON (Robin), 5484, 5492, 6227. PEýAR (Andreas), 693. PECH (Rémy), 3602. PECKNOLD (Diane), 5324. PECORARI (Paolo), 6425. PECORELLA LONGO (Chiara), 1212. PÉCOUT (Gilles), 187, 4860. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.), 6976. PEDEN (G. C.), 3818. Pedersen (Christiern), 4724. PEDERSEN (Kurt), 5530. PEDERSEN (Susan), 6273. PEDRAZA (Silvia), 3456. PEHR (Michal), 3467, 4519. PEKÁR (Martin), 348. PEKNÍK (Miroslav), 3481. PELI (Santo), 349. PELIKAN (Egon), 455. PELIKÁNOVÁ (Hana), 463. PÉLISSIER (René), 6384. PELIZAEUS (Ludolf), 3719. PEàKA (Artur), 4893. PELLEGRINI (Silvia), 2103. PELLI (M.), 4664. PELLING (Christopher), 1360, 1361. PELLISTRANDI (Benoît), 3550.

INDEX OF NAMES PELLIZZARI (Andrea), 285. PELTENBURG (Edgar), 805. PEÑA ARDID (Carmen), 5232. PEÑA MARTÍN (Salvador), 2490. PENA RODRÍGUEZ (Alberto), 4146. PENCE (Guna), 3999. PÉNEL (Jean-Dominique), 3504. PENELLA (Robert J.), 1149. PENG (Nansheng), 7146. PENÍŽKOVÁ (Xenie), 6772. PENMAN (Michael A.), 2393, 2429. PENNA (Lincoln de Abreu), 3381. PENNINGROTH (Dylan C.), 635. PENNINGTON (Kenneth), 2528. PENOT-LACASSAGNE (Olivier), 5325. PENROSE (Jane), 1681. PENSABENE (Patrizio), 851. PENSLAR (Derek J.), 3919. PENZKOFER (Gerhard), 5129. PEPE (Luigi), 5052. PERALTA C. (Paulina), 3420. PERAZZI (Paola), 799. Percy (family), 2430. PEREIRA-MENAUT (Gerardo), 1727. PERESANI (Marco), 758. PERETTI (Burton W.), 5788. PÉREZ (Hésper Eduardo), 3434. PÉREZ (Odalís G.), 489. PÉREZ BENAVIDES (Amada Carolina), 6010. PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ (Alfredo), 770. PÉREZ I VALLVERDÚ (Eulàlia), 4269. PÉREZ MONTFORT (Ricardo), 491. PÉREZ VEJO (Tomás), 6011. PÉREZ-LÓPEZ (Jorge), 3451. PERI (Giulia), 1848. Pericles, 1167, 1193, 1457. PÉRIÈS (Gabriel), 4224. PERILLO (Graziano), 680. PERKINS (Anne), 6127. PERNET (C.), 2161. Pero Ferruz, 2457. Perón (Juan Domingo), 3316, 4906. PEROTTI (Pier Angelo), 1849. PERRIN (Cédric), 6012. PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR (Eric), 1213. PERRONE (L.), 1980. PERROUX (Olivier), 6041. PERRUCCIO (Andrea), 1839. PERRY (Matt), 6128. PERSELLO (Ana Virginia), 3325. Persius Flaccus (Aulus), 1606. Person (Robert), 4582. PERVILLÉ (Guy), 6423. PEŠEK (JiĜí), 350, 6083, 6254, 6331.

Pessoa (Fernando), 5132. PESTRE (Dominique), 5077. Pétain (Philippe), 3551. PETEL (Philippe), 374. PETER (Matthias), 6906. PETERS (Claudia), 4068. PETERSEN (Jens), 3964. PETERSEN (Nils Holger), 2931. PETERSEN (Peter), 5313. PETERSEN (Tore T.), 6796. PETERSON (John), 4088. PETERSSON (Magnus), 6850. PETIT (Jacques-Guy), 6215. PETITFRÈRE (Claude), 3539. PETÖ (Andrea), 3860. Pëtr I Velikij [le Grand], empereur de Russie, 4198. PETRALIA (Giuseppe), 151. Petrarca (Francesco), 18, 2774, 2812, 2852. PETRAVIýINjTE (Inga), 4014. PETRELLA (Giancarlo), 81. Petri (Olavus), 296. PETRIý (Ernest), 6611. PETRIE (Jennifer), 2801, 2802. PETROCELLI (Corrado), 1188. PETRONE (Gianna), 1734. Petronius Arbiter, 1791, 1864, 1871, 1878. PETROV (B.), 6886. PETROVA (Dimitrina), 3391. PETROVIû (Vladimir), 6887. PETRUCCI (Armando), 2650, 2720. PETRUCCI NARDELLI (Franca), 13. PETRUCCIONE (John F.), 2038. PETRUF (Pavol), 6818. Petrus Damianus, Sanctus, 3140. Petrus Lombardus, 3023, 3027. Petrus, apostolus, Sanctus, 2076. PETTEGREE (Andrew), 82. PETTI BALBI (Giovanna), 150, 3232. PETTIFORD (Lloyd), 6803. PETTITT (Clare), 188. PEUST (Carsten), 910. PEZZOLO (Luciano), 5591. PFEIFFER (Stefan), 878. PFISTER BLOCH (Alexandra), 4850. Phaedrus, 1810. PHAYER (Michael), 6888. PHELPSTEAD (Carl), 2506, 2507. Pherekydes Atheniensis, 1257. Philinna, 1330. PHILIP (Graham), 835. PHILIPPE DE COMMYNES, 416. Philippe IV le Bel, roi de France, 2303. PHILIPPI (Hans), 3720. PHILIPPIDES (Marios), 2251. Philippus II king of Macedonia, 1323.

INDEX OF NAMES Philippus Monotropus, 2168. PHILLIPS (Carla Rahn), 6508. PHILLIPS (David D.), 1214. PHILLIPS (Jason), 4439. PHILLIPS (Johathan), 2408. PHILLIPS (John), 1439, 3306. PHILLIPS (Jonathan), 2419. PHILLIPS (Paul T.), 4959. PHILLIPS (Philip Edward), 3021. PHILLIPS (Richard), 351. PHILLIPS (Sarah T.), 5649. Philo Alexandrinus, 2134. Philopoemen, 1281. Philostorgius, 2009. Philostratus, 1309. Photius, 2169, 2170. PHYTHIAN (Mark), 6819. PI (Qingsheng), 7147. PIANEZZOLA (Emilio), 1604. PIAZZI (Lisa), 1605. PIAZZONI (Irene), 4908. PICARD (Christophe), 2586. PICARIELLO (Stefania), 2252. Picart (Bernard), 5182. Picasso (Pablo), 5147. PICCARRETA (Raffaella), 5808. PICCINELLI (Gian Maria), 589. PICCOLI (Edoardo), 5171. PICCOLOMINI (Enea Silvio), 2754, 2853. PICKERING (Michael), 5523. PICKOWICZ (Paul G.), 7080. PICONE (Michelangelo), 472. Picton (Thomas), 6450. PIÉJUS (Anne), 4851. PIEPENBRINK (Karen), 668. PIERENKEMPER (Toni), 5858. PIERETTI (Antonio), 691. PIERGIOVANNI (Vito), 3130. Piero della Francesca, 5196. PIERRE (Benoist), 3603. PIETILÄ-CASTRÉN (Leena), 1529. Pietro Aretino, 4695. PIETROWICZ (Aleksandra), 4122. PIETSCH-BRAOUNOU (Euthymia), 2162. PIETTE (Christine), 5790. PIEVATOLO (Maria Chiara), 4960. PIGEAUD (Romain), 772. PIGNANI (Adriana), 2184. PIILAHTI (Kari-Matti), 6013. PIKE (David L.), 5789. PIKHOJA (Rudol'f G.), 4199. PILAR GUTIÉRREZ LORENZO (María del), 4899. PILS (Susanne Claudine), 4638. Piásudski (Józef), 4125. PINCHERLE ARA (Marcella), 384. PINCUS (Steven), 3819. Pindarus, 1258, 13838. PINE (Lisa), 4749.

PINE (Melissa), 6977. PINEDA (Yovanna), 5519. PINELLI (Lucia), 2357. PINEO (Ronn F.), 6320. PINI (Ingo), 1105. PINILLA GARCÍA (Alfonso), 4909. PINO (Corrado), 823. Pinochet Ugarte (Augusto), 3422. PINTO (António Costa), 4139. Pinto (Heráclito Sobral), 3375. PINTO (Pasquale Massimo), 1362. PINTO (Rochelle), 6385. PINTO VALLEJOS (Julio), 3421. Pintor (Giaime), 4699, 4773. PIOK ZANON (Cornelie), 870. PIQUÉ HUERTA (Raquel), 773. PIQUET (Caroline), 6424. PIRILLO (Diego), 4947. PIRILLO (Paolo), 3239. PIRJEVEC (Jože), 4256, 4257, 6651. PIRONTI (Gabriella), 1481. PISANO (Debora), 725. PISANO (Laura), 4910. PISAR'KOVA (Lubov' F.), 4200. PITOU (Frédérique), 3575. PITTIA (Sylvie), 1861. PITTS (Martin), 1932. Piu XII, Papa, 4538. Pius II, Papa, 3049. Pius X, Papa, 4513. Pius XI, Papa, 4536. Pius XII, Papa, 4545, 6888. PIZZIGONI (Caterina), 4026. PLACER (Cervera Gustavo), 6509. PLANERT (Ute), 6539. PLANT (Helen), 4871. Plantagenêts, 2402. Planudes (Maximus), 2171. PLASARI (Ndreçi), 3301. PLATEN (Edgar), 5098. Plato, 574, 1153, 1154, 1404, 1405, 1407, 1415, 1416, 1419, 1426, 1430, 1431, 1435, 1436, 1438, 1444, 1446, 1447, 1449. PLATT (Verity), 1237. Plautus (Titus Maccius), 1804, 1851, 1857. PLEBANI (Eleonora), 3074. PLETERSKI (Janko), 6651. PLEXIDAS (Ioannes), 2170. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Gaius), minor, 1607, 1769. Plinius Secundus (Gaius), maior, 1768. PLOENUS (Michael), 3721. PLOETZ (Michael), 6906. Plotinus, 1155, 1409. PLUSKOWSKI (Aleksander), 2664. Plutarchus, 1262, 1317, 1361, 1394, 1451, 2849. Plutarchus, 1360.

347 POCHOSHAJEW (Igor), 3216. PODDAR (Prem), 3256. PODDIGHE (Elisabetta), 1189. PODESTÀ (Gian Luca), 6014. PODLECH (Adalbert), 669. PODOLAK (Pietro), 2159. PODOLEC (Ondrej), 4252. Poe (Edgard Allan), 5103. POETTINGER (Monika), 5520. POGET KERN (Noemi), 6015. POGLIANO (Claudio), 5062. POHL (Hans), 5683. POHLIG (Matthias), 4488. POHLMANN (Jörg), 6255. POHL-RESL (Brigitte), 2673. POIREY (Sophie), 568. POISSON (Jean-Michel), 2613. POKROVAC (Zoran), 6238. POLASCHEK (Martin F.), 3338. Polemarchus, 1259. POLEMES (Ioannes D.), 2180. POLEZZI (Loredana), 5081. POLI (Jean-Pierre), 3604. Politi (Ambrogio Catarino), 4615. POLITIS (Konstantinos D.), 1697. POLLARD (A. Mark), 749. POLLARD (Josh), 794. POLLOCK (Sheldon), 91. POLO FRIZ (Luigi), 3630. POLONI (Alma), 2420. Polybius, 861, 1195, 1296. POMBENI (Paolo), 3921, 3965. POMEROY (Arthur J.), 1770. POMMIER (Édouard), 5157. Pompeius Magnus (Gnaeus), 1645. Pompidou (Georges), 5646. PONCET (Olivier), 3088. PONS (Sylvain), 6386. PONT (Anne-Valérie), 1128. PONT (Jean-Claude), 5053. PONTRANDOLFO (Angela), 1530. PONTY (Janine), 6418. POOLE (Thomas), 6298. POOR (Sara S.), 2877. POP (Adrian), 6854. POPINIGIS (Fabiane), 5592. POPKES (Enno Edzard), 1983. POPKIN (Jeremy D.), 3852. POPKO (Maciej), 981. POPOVA (Nina), II. POPOVICI (Alexa), 4632. POPP (Andrew), 5593. POPPE (Andrzej), 4604. POPPE (Sandra), 5128. PÖPPEL (Ludmila), 4201. PÖPPER (Thomas), 5192. Porcari (Stefano), 3076. Porcher (Edwin A.), 1540. PORMANN (Peter E.), 2491. PORT (Andrew I.), 3722.

348 PORTALES (Diego José Víctor), 3412. PORTELLI (Alessandro), 352. PORTER BENSON (Susan), 6017. Portland (William Bentinck, Earl of), 4075. POSAMENTIR (Richard), 1531. Posidippus, 1307, 1326, 1385. POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles), 624, 636, 5693. POSTGATE (J.Nicholas), 871. POSTICĂ (Gheorghe), 2721. POSTLEWATE (Laurie), 2652. POSTMA (Mirte), 6493. POTTER (Simon J.), 6362. POTTS (Daniel T.), 1060, 1190. Pötzsch (Waldemar), 6684. POUCHET (Jean-Robert), 1973. POUDERON (Bernard), 2104. POULAT (Emile), 4520. POULLE (Bruno), 1532. POULLE (Emmanuel), 14. POULSEN (Anne Lykke), 5939. POULSEN (Bjørn), 2593, 2601, 2605. POULSEN (Lauge Skovgaard), 5491. POULSEN (René Taudal), 5521. POULTER (Andrew G.), 1967. POUMAREDE (Geraud), 6510. Pound (Ezra), 5101. POVOLO (Claudio), 4475. POWELL (Anna), 5327. POWELL (James M.), 2421. POWER (Timothy), 1364. POWRIE (Phil), 5237. POYO (Gerald E.), 4521. POZHIGAJLO (Pavel A.), 4202. POZUELO RODRÍGUEZ (Felipe), 2278. POZZETTO (Gabriella), 5328. POZZI (Regina), 558. PRABHA RAY (Himanshu), 1190. PRADEAU (Christophe), 741. PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro), 5456. PRAG (Jonathan R. W.), 1682, 1862. Prasad (Rajendra), 3873. PRATSCHER (Wilhelm), 2010. PRATT GUTERL (Matthew), 6322. PRATTEN (David), 7333. Praxagoras Atheniensis, 1130. Praxiteles, 1496, 1538. PREýAN (Vilém), 389, 3461. PREDA (Sabin), 2178. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes), 2253. PRESCENDI (Francesca), 1900. PRESCOTT (Heather Munro), 4852. PRESNER (Todd Samuel), 4750. PRESS (Jon), 5704.

INDEX OF NAMES PRESSOUYRE (Léon), 2934. PRESTON (Paul), 6835. PRETAGOSTINI (Roberto), 1365. PRETEL (Aurelio), 2492. PREUS (Anthony), 724. PREUß (Monika), 4665. PREVENIER (Walter), 26. PRÉVOTAT (Jacques), 4498. PRIAMUS (Heinz-Jürgen), 5438. PRICE (Munro), 3605. PRIESTLAND (David), 4203. PRIMAVERA (Milena), 823. Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja (Miguel), marques de Estella, 4300, 4304. PRINCE (Simon), 3913. Princess Nukata, 7278. Princess Salomea, 2411. PRINGLE (Denys), 2937. PRINZ (Gerhard), 5522. PRINZ (Michael), 5913. PRIOUX (Évelyne), 1366. PRISCO (Salvatore), 6589. PRIVITERA (Santo), 1533. PROCACCI (Giuliano), 157. PROCHÁZKA (Ivan), 5054. PROCHÁZKA-EISL (Gisela), 6479. Proclus, 1439. Procopius Caesariensis, 2172. Procopius Gazaeus, 2173. PRODGER (Phillip), 5330. Prodi (Paolo), 591, 4505-4506. PRÖGER (Susanne), 726. Propertius (Sextus), 1608, 1815, 1824, 1853. PROSPERI (Adriano), 3209, 4506, 4522. PROST (Antoine), 4853. PROTZNER (Wolfgang), 6018. PROVIDENTE (S.), 2254. Prudentius Clemens (Aurelius), 2080. PRÜGL (Thomas), 3119. PRÜHLEN (Sünje), 2663. PRUNIER (Gérard), 3525. Prusias I, king of Bithynia, 1174. PRYCE (Huw), 2394. PRZYBYLA (Francis), 3606. PRZYàUSKA (Marta), 6720, 6721. Psellus (Michael), 2155, 2174. Pseudo-Gregorius Agrigentinus, 1977. Pseudo-Gregorius Nyssenus, 1977. Pseudo-Xenophon, 1397. PSÔMA (Sélènè), 1238. PTÁýNÍKOVÁ (SvČtlana), 6772. Ptolemaei, Egyptian dynasty, 916. Ptolemaeus VIII Euergetes II, king of Egypt, 909. Ptolemaeus, prince of Mauretania, 896.

Publilia, wife of Cicero, 1780. Publius Ovidius Naso, 2745. Puccini (Giacomo), 5376. PUCHADES I BATALLER (Ramon J.), 2316. PUDJIASTUTI (Titik), 3893. PUECH (Vincent), 2189. PUELL DE LA VILLA (Fernando), 190. PUFELSKA (Agnieszka), 4129. PUIG RODRÍGUEZ-ESCALONA (Mercè), 1850. PUIRSÉIL (Niamh), 3914. PUPO (Raoul), 5427. PURCELL (Edward A. Jr.), 6182. PURNELLE (Gérald), 1846. PURSELL (Carroll), 5055. PUTTER (Ad.), 3192. PUTTKAMER (Joachim von), 3292. Q Qasim (Abd al-Karim), 3904. QI (Chunfeng), 7148. QIN (Baoqi), 7149. QIN (Ling), 782. QING (Simei), 6889. QU (Yanbin), 7151. QUACK (Joachim Friedrich), 911. Quadros (Jânio), 6786. QUAGLIONI (Diego), 2529. QUAINI (Massimo), 191. QUAINTON (Malcolm), 62. QUANTIN (François), 1500. QUANTIN (Jean Louis), 4748. QUARTA (Gianluca), 819, 823. QUARTLY (Marian), 6100. QUELLIER (Florent), 670. QUÊME (Philippe), 3607. QUENET (Philippe), 824. QUENZEL (Karl-Heinz), 133. QUESADA AVENDAÑO (Florencia), 5650. QUESADA CAMACHO (Juan Rafael), 4854. QUESTA (Cesare), 1851. Quevedo (Miguel Angel de), 5619. Quidde (Ludwig), 3677. QUINLAN (Sean M.), 6019. QUINN (Judy), 2903. QUINN (Suyapa O. Zelaya Boquín de), 122. QUINTAVALLE (Arturo Carlo), 2912, 2932. QUIROGA (Alejandro), 4265, 4300. QVIGSTAD (Jean F.), 5444. R RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.), 1090, 1095, 1191, 1239. RAAS (Susanne), 602. Raben (Otto Ludvig), 5966.

INDEX OF NAMES Rabenou (Serge), 922. RABERG (Frank), 6839. RÁBIK (Vladimír), 2629. RABINOWITCH (Alexander), 4204. Racine (Jean), 732, 5314. Radbruch (Gustav), 6161. RADDE-GALLWITZ (Andrew), 1989. RADDING (Charles M.), 2541. RADEù (Corneliu), 5851. RADICK (Gregory), 5056. RADKE (Gyburg), 1367. RADT (Stefan), 1157. RADU (V.), 771. RĂDVAN (LaurenĠiu), 632. RADVANOVSKÝ (ZdenČk), 6890. RADY (Martyn C.), 2393. RAFFLER (Marlies), 257. RAFLIK (Jenny), 6891. RAGIA (Efi), 2255. RAHƮN ('Abd al-Rasnjl), 4928. RAHMAN (Ahmad A.), 3758. RAI (Bassem), 4005. RAưCHEVSKI (Stojan), 6551. RAINER (M. János), 6914. RAINERO (Romain H.), 3955, 4913. RAINIS (G.), 2542. RAJ (J. J., Dato'), 4023. RAJ (Kapil), 5057. RAJAEE (Farhang), 3901. Rajk (Júlia), 3860. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub), 6020. RALLU (Jean-Louis), 7355. RAMET (Sabrina P.), 3446. RAMÍREZ LUENGO (José Luis), 158. RAMÓN MARQUÉS (Núria), 49. RAMONAT (Oliver), 417. RAMSAY (Nigel), 3111. RAMSBROCK (Annelie), 283. RAMSBY (Teresa R.), 1574, 1772. RAMSEY (John Tayler), 1613. Ramus (Petrus), 5022. RANCE (Philip), 2256. RANDALL (Ed), 559. RANDOLPH (John), 123. RANDOLPH (Stephen P.), 6978. RANIERI (Filippo), 6257. RANIERI (Ruggero), 222. Ranke (Leopold von), 275, 417. RANKI (Kristina), 4753. RANKIN (Susan), 2947. RANSEL (David L.), 353. RANSON (Edward), 4441. RAO (Anna Maria), 5051. RAPANIû (Željko), 3242. RASCH (Hermann), 5329. RASCHER (Angela), 2105. RASHED (Marwan), 1441. Rashi, 2470.

RAŠKA (Francis Dostál), 3482. RASMUSSEN (Eric), 5090. RASMUSSEN (Jens Rahbek), 6544. RATCLIFFE (Barrie M.), 5790. RATHBONE (Richard), 7331. RATHMANN (Michael), 204. RATLIFF (Ben), 5331. RATTI VIDULICH (Paola), 2296. RATTO (Silvia), 3328. RAUSCH (Jane M.), 5791. RAVARA MONTEBELLI (Cristina), 1551. Ravel (Maurice), 5293. RAVEN (James), 83. RAVENNA (Paolo), 2456. RAVIOLA (Blythe Alice), 198. RAVN (Ole), 3502. RAY (Sudhir), 3885. RAYMOND (James), 3820. RAYNERO (Lucía), 354. RAYSSAC (Michel), 258. RAZDORSKIJ (Aleksej I.), 4174. RAZ-KRAKOTZKIN (Amnon), 4666. RAZZELL (Peter), 6021. RE (Mario), 15. REAGAN (Leslie J.), 5306. Reagan (Ronald), 508, 4378, 7007. REAGIN (Nancy R.), 6022. Rebiba (Scipione), 4574. REBITSCH (Robert), 6484. REBOTON (Joany), 1117. RECHTER (David), 4634. RECKENDREES (Alfred), 5858. RECORD (Jeffrey), 6744. REDIN (Dmitrij A.), 4205. REDKNAP (Mark), 2291. REDONDI (Pietro), 92. REED (Annette Yoshiko), 2471. REED (Jay D.), 1852. Reemtsma (familie), 5508. REEVE (Michael D.), 1091, 2347. REFFAIT (Christophe), 5130. RÉGENT (Frédéric), 6363. REGGIANI (Andrés Horacio), 5058. REGNIER (Claude), 2741. REGOLI (Roberto), 4552. REGULSKI (Ilona), 912. REHBERG (Andreas), 3129. REIBEL (Carl-Wilhelm), 3673, 3723. REICH (Ronny), 1029. REICHEL (Claudia), 4963. REICHEL (Peter), 3724, 5332. REICHERT (Steffen), 4801. REID (Donald), 456. REID (Michael), 7350. REID (Ralph S.), 99. REID (Richard), 7334. REID (Susan E.), 684. REIMANN (Bruno W.), 3725. REINA (Leticia), 4036.

349 REINEKE (Christian), 5333. REINER (Erica), 951. REINHARDT (Akim D.), 4442. REINHARDT (Klaus), 3022. REINHARDT (Volker), 4542. REINHOLD (Karl Leonhard), 4966. REINISCH SULLAM (Giovannina), 387. REINSCH (Diether Roderich), 2174, 2257. REINTHAL (Angela), 4969. REIS (Jaime), 5710. REIS FILHO (Daniel Aarão), 3380. REISER (Marius), 355. REISIGL (Martin), 3351. REISS (Matthias), 3293. REITAN (Earl A.), 3821. REITER (Margit), 3349. RELIHAN (Joel C.), 1581. REMAOUN (Hassan), 215. REMEZ (Gideon), 6944. Remigius Autissiodorensis, Benedectine monk, 2012. REMNEV (Anatolij V.), 4208. REMNEV (Anatolyi), 4206. RÉMOND (Réne), 374. RÉMY (Pierre-Jean), 6722. RENDALL (Matthew), 6590. RENFREW (A.C.), 813. RENGAKOS (Antonios), 1368. RENN (Jurgen), 5011. RENNES (Juliette), 6023. Renoir (Jean), 5371. RENTON (Dave), 3438. RENTON (James), 6656. RENTON (Simon), 3111. RENTZHOG (Sten), 259. RENZI (Martina), 1030. REPETTI (Enzo), 30. REPGEN (Konrad), 2339, 6478. RESCH (John), 4454. RESCHKE (Renate), 4965. RESENDE-SANTOS (João), 3288. RESÉNDEZ (Andrés), 192. RESKE (Christoph), 4914. RESTA (Antonio), 418. RESTIF (Bruno), 4525. RETALLACK (James), 179. RÉTI (György), 6697. RETZER (Markus), 124. RETZLEFF (Alexandra), 1933. REUTER (Hans-Richard), 572. Reut-Nicolussi (Eduard), 3922. REVAULT D'ALLONNES (Myriam), 4740. REVEDIN (Anna), 753. REVELL (Louise), 1901. REVILLARD (Anne), 5838. REWJAKINA (Luisa), 5613. REXOVÁ (Kristina), III. REY FAJARDO (José del), 4756.

350 REYNAUD PALIGOT (Carole), 492. REYNOLDS (Frances), 872. REYNOLDS (Philip Lyndon), 639, 2514. REZVANI (Hassan), 1061. RHOBY (Andreas), 2175. RHODAN (Peter), 1641. RHODE (Paul W.), 5647. RHODES (Jane), 4443. RHODES (Peter John), 1171, 1192. RHYS GOCH ERYRI, 2756. RIAL COSTAS (Benito), 84. RIALL (Lucy), 3968. RIBAK (Eliya), 2258. Riballier des Isles (Charles), 6552. Ribbentrop (Joachim von), 3698. RIBERA (Jean-Michel), 6485. RICARD (Serge), 6321. RICCA (Simone), 5792. RICCARDI (Andrea), 421, 3969. RICCI (Aldo G.), 3951. RICCI (Luigi Giovanni Giuseppe), 2598. RICCIARDELLI (Fabrizio), 3970. RICCIARDI (Andrea), 426. RICE (Prudence M.), 93. RICHARD (Gilles), 356, 3601. RICHARD (Julian), 865. RICHARD (Nathalie), 4977. RICHARD (Nicolas), 4099. Richard II, king of England, 2293. RICHARDS (Colin), 794. RICHARDS (Michael), 4264. RICHARDS (Mike), 794. RICHARDSON (Carol M.), 5161. RICHARDSON (David), 5625, 6353, 6404. RICHARDSON (Gary), 5711. RICHARDSON (Gunnar), 6698. RICHARDSON (James H.), 1934. RICHARDSON (Nicholas James), 1314, 1369. RICHARDSON (Todd M.), 3205. Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de), 399, 3531, 3603. RICHMOND TSANG (Carol), 7282. RICHOMME (Olivier), 5793. RICHTER (Emanuel), 1728. RICHTER (Klaus W.), 6258. RICHTER (Thomas), 982. RICHTER (Tonio Sebastian), 913. RICOEUR (Paul), 465, 4967. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe), 193, 397. RIDDER (Klaus), 2828. RIDEL (Charles), 6657. RIDOLFI (Maurizio), 369, 3928. RIEDEL (Peter), 2682. RIEDENAUER (Markus), 3026. Riedweg (Franz), 6714. RIEGER (Michael), 1729. Riel (Louis), 3409.

INDEX OF NAMES RIEMER (Peter), 1370. RIERA (Sebastià), 2307. RIERA I SANS (Jaume), 2466. RIES (Julien), 712, 717. RIES (Klaus), 4757. RIESENWEBER (Thomas), 1853. RIESGO (Begoña), 5334. RIESS (Rolf), 4969. RIGAUDIÈRE (Albert), 2616. RIGO (Antonio), 2259. RIGOGNE (Thierry), 4915. RILEY-SMITH (Jonathan Simon Christopher), 2368, 2408. RINAUDO (Basilio), 4574. RINON (Yoav), 1371. RIORDAN (Liam), 4444. RÍOS DE LA LLAVE (Rita), 3131. RÍOS MENDOZA (Patricia), 804. RÍOS ZÚÑIGA (Rosalina), 4050. RIOS-BORDES (Alexandre), 6202. RIOTTE (Torsten), 6295. RIOUX (Jean-Pierre), 511. RIPPON (Stephen), 3238. RISSET (Jacqueline), 4916. RISSO (Linda), 6892. RITCHIE (Donald A.), 445. RITTER (Alexander), 3726. RITTER (Gerhard A.), 357, 5912, 6129. RITTICH (Kerry), 873. RIVAUD (David), 3609. RIVERA GARRETAS (MaríaMilagros), 2329. RIVIÈRE-DE FRANCO (Karine), 3796. RIZESCU (Oana), 159. RIZZO (Lorena), 6426. ROAITĂ (Alice Ionela D.), 6592. ROBB (Peter), 3886. ROBBINS (W.M.), 5429. ROBERG (Francesco), 94. ROBERT (Hervé), 125. ROBERT (Jean-Louis), 5742. ROBERTS (David Dion), 457. ROBERTS (Jane), 2869. ROBERTS (Mary), 4758. ROBERTS (Priscilla), 6658. ROBERTSON (Emma), 5523. ROBERTSON (Nancy Marie), 4494. ROBIANO (Patrick), 1372. ROBIN (Diana Maury), 612. ROBIN (Diana), 4917. ROBIN (Thierry), 5595. ROBINO (Paolo), 30. ROBINS (Nicholas A.), 6462. ROBINSON (Cedric J.), 5335. ROBINSON (Cynthia), 2494. ROBINSON (Jennifer L.), 4423. ROBINSON (Jeremy Mark), 5336. ROBINSON (Lucy), 3822. ROBISON (Mark Power), 6461.

ROCA (José Luis), 3370. ROCHE (Daniel), 4692. RODA (Sergio), 285. RODEGHERO (Carla Simone), 6893. RODGER (Alan), 1730. RODGER (Richard), 5798. RODGERS (Daniel T.), 4770. RODOGNO (David), 6593. RODRIGUEZ (Jarbel), 2631. RODRIGUEZ (Junius P.), 638. RODRÍGUEZ (Luis I.), 6719. RODRÍGUEZ ALCALÁ (Guido), 6550. RODRÍGUEZ ALVAREZ (Xosé Pedro), 770. RODRÍGUEZ BARRAL (Paulino), 2467. RODRÍGUEZ CARBALLO (José), 2972. RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ (María del Rosario), 6286. RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Antonio José), 6513. RODRÍGUEZ IBARRA (Juan Carlos), 3422. RODRÍGUEZ INFIESTA (Víctor), 4918. RODRÍGUEZ JIMÉNEZ (José Luis), 6774. RODRÍGUEZ KURI (Ariel), 5172. RODRÍGUEZ LA O (Raúl), 3449. RODRÍGUEZ MAYORGAS (Ana), 358. RODRÍGUEZ ROSALES (Isolda), 4856. RODRÍGUEZ SAN JUAN (Felix J.), 1640. ROECK (Bernd), 6024. ROELCKE (Volker), 4809. Roesler (Hermann), 6152. ROFE (J. Simon), 6745. ROFFE (David), 2330. ROFFEY (Simon), 2957. ROGARI (Sandro), 3933. ROGERS (Rebecca), 4857. ROGERS (Shannon L.), 2760. Rognvaldr, king of Man and the Isles, 2415. ROGOBETE (Cristina), 2178. ROH (Taeseong), 2028. ROHKRÄMER (Thomas), 3727. Röhm (Ernst), 3362. ROHR (Isabelle), 4301. ROHRBAUGH (Richard L.), 2107. ROHRER (Frank), 6259. ROHRSCHNEIDER (Michael), 6477, 6486. Roig (Jaume), 2796. ROJAS (Carlos), 5083. ROJAS (Reinaldo), 4468. ROJAS INGUNZA (Ernesto), 4108.

INDEX OF NAMES ROJAS-MIX (Miguel), 3422. ROJEK (Wojciech), 6721. ROLDÁN GARCÍA (Clodoaldo), 780. ROLING (Bernd), 2968. ROLINSON (Mary G.), 4446. ROLLASON (David W.), 39. ROLLASON (Lynda), 39. ROLLE (Richard, of Hampole), 2757. ROLLET-VEY (Catherine), 6025. ROLLINGER (Robert), 403, 1078. ROLLINGS (Neil), 5542, 5596. ROMAGNOLI (Silvia), 1558. ROMAN (Danièle), 1773. ROMAN (Nicoleta), 6026. ROMÁN (Reinaldo L.), 4495. ROMAN (Yves), 1773. ROMANCHUK (Robert), 2260. ROMANINI (Francesca), 1600. ROMANO (Andrea), 4803. ROMANO (Dennis), 2435. Romano (Francesco), 3030. ROMANO (Roberto), 2261. ROMANO (Serena), 2938. Romanus Melodus, Sanctus, 21762178. ROMBERG (Regine), 4944. RÖMER (Claudia), 6479. RÖMER (Matthias), 4367. RÖMERMANN (Martin Klaus), 6260. ROMERO (Luis Alberto), 3323. ROMERO MARISCAL (Lucía P.), 1267, 1362, 1373. ROMETSCH (Jens), 4956. ROMPKEY (Ronald), 6552. ROMSICS (Ignác), 3861. RÓNA-TAS (András), 524. RONCELLI (Angelita), 3137. RONCONI (Filippo), 50. RONNING (Christian), 1683. Roos (Carl), 4800. ROOS (Dorothea),. ROOS (Gilbert), 3610. Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), 4427, 4445, 6727, 6733, 6745, 6749, 6750. Roosevelt (Theodore), 4392, 6570. ROSA (Raphaël), 4340. ROSAND (Ellen), 5337. ROSANVALLON (Pierre), 6027. Rosas (Juan Manuel José Domingo Ortiz de), 3319. Roscius (Sextus), 1733. ROSE (Christian), 2108. ROSE (Jonathan), 37. ROSE (Lisle A.), 3823. ROSE (Sonya O.), 3267. ROSELLI (Alessandro), 5712. ROSELLINI (Michela), 1854.

ROSEMAN (Mark), 3648. ROSEMANN (Philipp W.), 3027. ROSEN (Deborah A.), 4447. ROSEN (Michael), 723. Rosenberg (Hans), 357. RÖSENER (Werner), 2713. ROSENKRANZ (Claus), 4950. ROSENMÜLLER (Stefanie), 4944. ROSENTHAL (Jean-Laurent), 5693. ROSENTHAL (Joel Thomas), 2587. ROSINI (Martina), 778. ROSKAM (Geert), 1442. ROSKE (Octavian), 5651. ROSLYNG-JENSEN (Palle), 6699. ROSNER (Willibald), 3350. ROSS (Alex), 5338. ROSS (César), 6980. ROSS (Charlotte), 5081. ROSS (Margaret Clunies), 2755. RÖSSEL (Uta), 3629. ROSSER-OWEN (Mariam), 2493. ROSSET (Nathalie), 4943. Rossetti (Gabriella), 3232. ROSSETTI (Livio), 1443, 1448. ROSSFELD (Roman), 5524. ROSSI (Henri), 3611. ROSSI (Manuela), 6390. ROSSIGNOL (Rosalyn), 739. Rossini (Gioacchino), 5253, 5373. ROSTON (Murray), 5089. ROTA (Giovanni), 2460. ROTA (Simona), 3038. ROTH (Ralf), 5801. ROTH (Roman), 1774. ROTHE (Johannes), 2353. ROTONDI SECCHI TARUGI (Luisa), 2853. ROTTLOFF (Andrea), 3218. ROUAULT (Olivier), 867. ROUMANI (Maurice M.), 4010. Rousseau (Jean-Jacques), 4680, 4968. ROUSSET (Denis), 1108. ROUSSILLON (Henry), 3543. ROUSSO (Henry), 3612. ROUSTAEI (Kourosh), 1061. ROUX (Sophie), 3016. ROVIRA (Manuel), 2307. ROWE (Christopher), 1444. ROWE (William T.), 7152. ROWIēSKI (Jan), 6845. ROWLAND (Ingrid D.), 4947. ROWLAND (Joanne), 914. ROWLINSON (Michael), 5430. ROY (Ayon), 5131. ROY (Srirupa), 3887. ROYER (Jean Pierre), 4473. RÓĩAēSKI (Przemysáaw), 6659. ROZARIO (Kevin), 4759. RUANGSILP (Bhawan), 5597. RUBERTO (Antonella), 1062.

351 RUBIN (Aaron D.), 1031. RUBIN (Avshalom H.), 3904. RUBIN (Patricia Lee), 2724. RUBINGER (Richard), 4760. RUBINI (Luisa), 472. RUBIO ALBARRACIN (Josep Enric), 2977. RUBIO LINIERS (María Cruz), 4302. RUBIO LLORENTE (Francisco), 4312. RUBONGOYA (Joshua B.), 4371. Rüchel (Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Philipp von), 6529. RUCHNIEWICZ (Krzysztof), 6822. RUCK (Michael), 5912. RÜCKER (Simone), 6203. RÜDE (Magnus), 6487. RUDERMAN (David B.), 4667. RÜDIGER (Björn), 3728. RUDLOFF (Wilfried), 6028. RUFF (Holger), 6204. RÜFFER (Jens), 2954. RUFFING (Margit), 4960. RUFFINI (Martha), 3329. RÜGER (Jan), 6323. RUGGE (Michela), 823. RUGGENTHALER (Peter), 6842. RUGGIERO (Guido), 6029. RUGGIU (François-Joseph), 119, 4855. RUGGLES (Clive), 794. RUIJGH (Cornelis J.), 1374. RUIZ (Teofilo F.), 2436. RUIZ ALBI (Irene), 2289. RUIZ ASENCIO (José Manuel), 2289. RUIZ CARNICER (Miguel Ángel), 4283. RUIZ DE LOIZAGA (Saturnino), 2726. RUIZ GUERRA (Rubén), 6324. RUIZ JIMÉNEZ (Marta), 4303. RUIZ MEDRANO (Carlos Rubén), 6463. RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ (Carlos), 3423. RULOF (Bernard), 4076. RUMMEL (Philipp von), 1966. RUMMEL (Walter), 3631. RUMORE (Paola), 4960. Runeberg (Fredrika), 5113. RÜNITZ (Lone), 5957. RÜPKE (Jörg), 692, 713, 1888, 1894, 1903. RUPPE (Ulrich), 874. RUPPELT (Georg), 242. RUPPENSTEIN (Florian), 1106. RUPPENTHAL (Jens), 6364. RUPPERT (Karsten), 3729. RUPPRECHT (Kai), 1855. Rupprecht von Bayern, 3748.

352 RUS (Alin), 4166. RUS (Vasile), 4601. RUSCIO (Alain), 6347. RUSCONI (Gian Enrico), 6643. RUSCU (Luigia Cristina), 1534. Rusk (Dean), 6984. RUSPINI (Elisabetta), 5992. RUSPIO (Federica), 4668. RUS-RUFINO (Salvador), 616. RUSSELL (Brian D.), 2037. RUSSELL (Mark A.), 428. RUSSELL (Norman), 2109. RUSSELL (Paul), 2513. Russell (Richard B.), 6904. RUSSELL (Tony), 5339. RUSSO (Barbara), 915. RUSSO (Carlo Ferdinando), 418. RUSSO (Elena), 4761. RUSSO (Giovanni), 4951. RUSSO (Giuseppe), 1375. Russo (Luigi), 418. RUST (Martha Dana), 2725. RUSTOW (Marina), 4669. Rutgers (Johannes), 4322. RUTHERFORD (Phillip T.), 6700. Rutilius Namatianus, 1609, 1825. RUTLEDGE (Steven H.), 1904. RUTZ (Rainer), 4919. RUZÉ (Françoise), 1169. RYAN-SCHEUTZ (Colleen), 5340. RYCHLÍK (Jan), 194, 6672, 6717. RYCZKOWSKA (Grazyna), 6041. RYDEN (Göran), 5477. RYDÉN (Reine), 5652. RYDER (Alan Frederick Charles), 2437. Ryland (John), 94. S SAADA (Anne), 234. SAADA (Emmanuelle), 6031. SAAGE-MAAß (Miriam), 4802. SAAVEDRA (José Luis), 4825. SAAVEDRA-GUERRERO (Daría), 1684. SABAINO (Daniele), 2955. SABATAKAKIS (Vassilios), 2150. SABATÉ (Flocel), 2633. SABATINI (Federico), 5341. SABATINI (Gaetano), 393. SABATO (Milena), 4920. SABATTANI (Aurelio), 4550. Sabattani (Aurelio), 4551. SABEAN (David Warren), 2371. Sabinus, episcopus, 2252. SABISCH (Katja), 5059. SACZUK (Katarzyna), 5738. SADER (Hélène), 1032. SAEGER (James Schofield), 4101. SAERENS (Lieven), 3355.

INDEX OF NAMES SAGAWA (Shinichi), 7256. SAGER (Eric W.), 6032. SAHADEO (Jeff), 6033. SAHLI (Mohamed Chérif), 7335. SAIBENE (Luigi), 701. SAÏDI (Hédi), 6418. SAILLARD (Olivier), 5228. SAINCLIVIER (Jacqueline), 3601. SAINT-DENIS (Alain), 396. SAINT-GUILLAIN (Guillaume), 2189. SAINT-PIERRE (Jocelyn), 4921. SAJOUS D'ORIA (Michèle), 5342. SAKTOROVÁ (Helena), 85. SALA (Roberto), 6130. Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, 2488. SĂLĂGEAN (Tudor), 2438, 5822. SALAIS (Robert), 6034. SALAMA (Pierre), 7336. SALAMANCA LÓPEZ (Manuel), 2306. SALAMON (Maciej), 2204. SALAZAR (António de Oliveira), 553, 4142, 4146, 6355. SALAZAR MENDOZA (Flor de María), 4033. SALCITO (Ariel), 3361. SALDERN (Adelheid von), 4762. SALE (Giovanni), 3971. SALEM (Jean), 4971. SALERNO (Sergio), 5598. SALES (Jean Rodrigues), 3382. SALIBA (George), 2495. SALICRÚ I LLUCH (Roser), 2496. SALL (Ibrahima Abou), 6427. SALLABERGER (Walther), 953. Salleiles (Raymond), 6210. SALLER (Richard), 608. Sallustius Crispus (Gaius), 16101614. SALMON (Pierre), 7337. SALOMON (Christine), 6035. Salomon (Elisabeth), 4712. SALOMONI (Antonella), 4670. SALTER (Elisabeth), 4493. SALVADÓ RECASENS (Joan), 231. SALVEMINI (Biagio), 5599. Salvemini (Gaetano), 419. SALVINI (Mirjo), 952. SALVUCCI (Pasquale), 4956. SALWAY (Benet), 1565. SAMANIEGO LÓPEZ (Marco Antonio), 4051. SAMANIEGO MESÍAS (Augusto), 3423. SAMBRON (Diane), 6036. SAME KOLLE (Samuel), 493. SAMONS II (Loren J.), 1167, 1193. SAMSÓ (Julio), 2497. SAMUEL (Flora), 5173.

SAN FRANCISCO (Alejandro), 3424. San Giuliano (Antonino di), 6565. SAN JUAN (Epifanio), 4114. SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), 4448. SÁNCHEZ (Marté), 4109. SÁNCHEZ (Peter M.), 4097. SÁNCHEZ (Pierre), 1731. SÁNCHEZ (Raquel), 4290. SÁNCHEZ C. (Fernando F.), 3444. SÁNCHEZ COBOS (Amparo), 3458. SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA (Encarnación), 4922. SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Juan Pablo), 1376. SÁNCHEZ HERRERO (José), 3051. SÁNCHEZ I SANTIRÓ (Ernest), 5600. SÁNCHEZ VENDRAMINI (Darío N.), 1856. SÁNCHEZ-BARRICARTE (Jesús J.), 5794. SANDER-PIEPER (Gudrun), 1857. SANDL (Marcus), 359. SANDLER (Lucy Freeman), 48, 55. SANDONA (Mark), 677. ùANDRU (Dumitru), 4167. SANDU (Traian), 4168. SANER (Turgut), 925. SANFILIPPO (Marina), 494. SANFILIPPO (Matteo), 360. SANG (Bing), 7153. SÄNGER (Dieter), 2011. SANGSTER (Joan), 6037. SANKARI (K.), 3888. SANOK (Catherine), 3152. SANTAGATA (Silvia), 4923. Santamaria (Bartholomew Augustine), 6122. SANTANGELO (Federico), 1685. SANTANGELO (Paolo), 7018. SANTBERG (Andreas), 2354. SANTINELLI (Cristina), 4971. SANTONI RUGIU (Antonio), 4858. SANTOS (Leonel Ribeiro dos), 4960. SANTOS (Maria Irene Ramalho Sousa), 5132. SANTOS SANZ (Arnaldo F.), 601. Santos Vargas (José), 3360, 3364. SANTOSUOSSO (Alma), 2953. SANTUCCI (Francesco), 2771. SANTUCCI (Marco), 1445. SANZI (Ennio), 875. SAPIN (Christian), 2940. Sapiti (Andrea), 3050. Sappho, 1081, 1265, 1375. SAPPINO (Sara), 6894. SARACENO (Chiara), 5992. SARAÇGIL (Ayse), 458.

INDEX OF NAMES SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan), 6981. SARANTIS (AlexanderConstantine), 2894. SARAZIN (Jean-Yves), 195. SARGENT (Walter), 4454. Sargon II, king of Assyria, 920, 949. SARINAY (Yusuf), 4228. SARKAR (Sumit), 6372. SARNOWSKY (Jürgen), 2663, 2787, 3099. Sarpi (Paolo), 420. SARRAZIN (Jean Luc), 3240. SARTAIN (Lee), 4449. SARTI (Lucia), 778. SARTORI (Andrew), 4091. SARTORIUS (Francis), 6553. SASAGAWA (Yuji), 7154. SASAKI (Satoshi), 5601. SASSATELLI (Giuseppe), 1558. SASSON (Aharon), 1033. SASSOON (Donald), 3972. SASSOON (Rosemary), 16. SATER (William F), 6595. SATIA (Priya), 3905. Satie (Erik), 5247. SATO (Hironobu), 7254. SATO (Hiroyuki), 2634. SATO (Hitomi), 2439. SATƿ (Makoto), 7284, 7286, 7297. SATO (Masayuki), 361. SATTAR (Abdul), 6823. SAUER (Hans), 2780. SAUER (Vera), 551. SAUL (Samir), 3906. Saul, king of Israel, 2031. SAUMAREZ SMITH (Richard), 4342. SAUNDERS (Anna), 3730. SAUNTVED (Jakob Kidde), 539. SAURON (Gilles), 1936. SAUTER (Michael J.), 95. SAUZET (Robert), 4496. SAVAGE (Stephen H.), 1034. SAVAGE-SMITH (Emilie), 2491. SAVINEAU (Denise), 101. SAVONA (Paolo), 393. Savonarola (Girolamo), 4565. SAVVIDƜS (AlexƝs G. K.), 2422. SAWDAY (Jonathan), 5159. SAYAR (Mustafa H.), 856. SAZ CAMPOS (Ismael), 4272. SBLENDORIO CUGUSI (Maria T.), 1566. Scaevola (Quintus Cervidius), 1735. SCAFI (Alessandro), 685. SCAGNO (Roberto), 152, 701. SCALFARI (Eugenio), 421. SCALFATI (Silio P. P.), 17. SCARANO (Teodoro), 823.

SCARAVELLI (Luigi), 4952. SCARTON (Elisabetta), 2440. SCARZANELLA (Eugenia), 3259. SCATENA (Silvia), 4526. SCATOZZA HOERICHT (Lucia Amalia), 1535. SCHAARSCHMIDT (Thomas), 3714. SCHABEL (Christopher David), 3033. SCHÄFER (Christian), 3020. SCHAFER (Jessica), 4063. SCHÄFER (Peter), 2110. SCHAICH (Michael), 3279. SCHANETZKY (Tim), 5431. SCHAPER (Uwe), 6829. SCHARF (Claus), 6083. SCHARF (Gian Paolo G.), 2534. SCHAUER (Markus), 1858. SCHÄUFELE (Wolf-Friedrich), 4514. Schaumburg-Lippe (Georg Wilhelm Fürst zu), 3707. SCHAUZ (Désirée), 6268. SCHEEN (Rolf), 6540. SCHEID (John), 1575, 1902. SCHEIDEL (Walter), 608, 1775. SCHEINDLIN (Raymond P.), 2447. SCHEITHAUER (Andrea), 1859. SCHELBERT (Leo), 540. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey), 3371. SCHELL (Bernadette Hlubik), 671. SCHELL (Patience A.), 4054. SCHELLEKENS (Elisabeth), 5156. Schelling (Friedrich Wolhelm Joseph), 4960. SCHEMMEL (Matthias), 5011. SCHENNACH (Martin P.), 6205. SCHERER (Jacques), 5343. SCHERNER (Jonas), 6723. SCHERSTJANOI (Elke), 5653. SCHEUB (Harold), 7338. SCHEUNEMANN (Dietrich), 5215. SCHEYHING (Hans), 843. SCHIANO (Claudio), 1377. SCHICKORE (Jutta), 5060. SCHIERA (Pierangelo), 4506. SCHILD (Romuald), 761. Schiller (Friedrich), 5259, 5360. SCHILLING (Heinz), 659, 4472, 4515. SCHINDLER (Norbert), 126. SCHINDLING (Anton), 3635. SCHISSLER (Hanna), 3648. SCHLAFFER (Rudolf J.), 3752. SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN (Heinrich), 1897. SCHLEIERMACHER (Sabine), 4809. SCHLEMMER (Martin), 3731. SCHLICKE (Cornelius), 5344. SCHLIEßER (Benjamin), 2111. SCHLOSSER (Marianne), 3119.

353 SCHLOTT (René), 4544. SCHLOTTAU (Ralf), 6261. SCHLUMBOHM (Jürgen), 5716. SCHLUP (Leonard), 4379. Schmeling (Max), 5891. SCHMID (Barbara), 2657. SCHMID (Josef Johannes), 6546. SCHMID (Regula), 2657. SCHMIDLIN (Bruno), 1732. SCHMIDT (Alexandre), 3732. SCHMIDT (Ariadne), 6038, 6066. SCHMIDT (Carsten), 3733. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth), 6428. SCHMIDT (Ernst A.), 1880. SCHMIDT (Georg), 410. SCHMIDT (Heike), 7339. Schmidt (Helmut), 7008. SCHMIDT (Josef), 2112. SCHMIDT (Patrick), 5796. SCHMIDT (Walter), 3638. SCHMIDT (Wilhelm R.), 726. SCHMIDT (Wolfgang), 3752. SCHMIDT-SCHWEIZER (Andreas), 3862. SCHMIEJA (Horst), 2966. SCHMITT (Bernhard), 3734. SCHMITT (Carl), 4740, 4969, 6176. SCHMITT (Jean-Claude), 96. SCHMITT (Oliver), 1686. SCHMITT (Stéphane), 4991. SCHMITT-PANTELET (Pauline), 1162. SCHMITZ (Alexander), 4969. SCHMITZ (Philip), 1034. SCHNAKENBERG (Ulrich), 6895. SCHNEID (Frederick C.), 6545. SCHNEIDER (Herbert), 3062. SCHNEIDER (Horst), 1590. SCHNEIDER (Ronald M.), 3289. SCHNEIDER (Thomas F.), 4893. SCHNEIDER (Ulrich Johannes), 4956. SCHNELLE (Udo), 2113. SCHNETTGER (Matthias), 156. SCHNIEWIND (Alexandrine), 1155. SCHÖBE (Lutz), 5163. SCHOCKET (Andrew M.), 5713. SCHÖCK-QUINTEROS (Eva), 3680. SCHOFF ERWIN (R.), 86, 2767. SCHOFIELD (Phillipp R.), 2376. SCHOLLWER (Wolfgang), 3632. SCHOLZ (Michael F.), 3282. SCHOLZ (Natalie), 3608, 4763. SCHOLZ (Susanne), 443. SCHÖN (Lennart), 5525. Schonberg (Arnold), 5333. SCHÖNERT (Jörg), 5081. SCHÖNFELD (Christiane), 5329. Schopenhauer (Arthur), 4970. SCHÖPFER-PFAFFEN (MarieClaude), 656.

354 SCHORKOWITZ (Dittmar), 2378. SCHORN-SCHÜTTE (L.), 3285. SCHÖTZ (Susanne), 3638. SCHRAMM (Martin), 4924. Schreck (Johannes), 5034. SCHREIBER (Christine), 5061. SCHREIBMAN (Susan), 735. SCHREINER (Gisela), 4859. SCHREINER (Peter), 2262. SCHRIEFER (Andreas), 362. SCHRIKKER (Alicia), 6387. SCHRÖDER (Bianca-Jeanette), 2904. SCHROEDER (Chad Matthew), 1378. SCHROEDER (Michael J.), 4078. SCHRÖER (Christina), 3608. SCHROER (Timothy L.), 6039. SCHRÖTER (Jens), 2114. SCHROTH (Raymond A.), 4589. SCHUBERT (Ernst), 2544. Schubert (Franz), 5374. SCHUBERT (Gesa), 5345. SCHUBERT (Werner), 6211. SCHUBIGER (Benno), 260. Schüler (Gottlieb Christian), 3623. SCHULER (Peter-Johannes), 541. SCHÜLER (Sibylle), 3623. SCHULLER (Florian), 1665. SCHULMAN (Jana K.), 2877. SCHULTE BEERBUHL (Margrit), 5602. SCHULTES (Stefan), 5346. SCHULTZ (Helga), 3653. SCHULZ (Kristina), 6040. SCHULZE (Hans-Joachim), 5207. SCHULZE (Wolfgang), 953. SCHULZ-GROBERT (Jürgen), 2888. SCHUMACHER (Reto), 6041. Schuman (Robert), 5374. SCHUMANN (Matt), 6514. Schumann (Robert), 678. SCHUOL (Monika), 1687. SCHÜRMANN (Dorothea Schwinn), 260. Schurz (Carl), 4403. SCHUSTER (Walter), 5772. SCHUTTE (Andrea), III. SCHÜTZ (Ernst), 6515. SCHWAETZER (Harald), 3022. SCHWARTZ (Vanessa R.), 5347. SCHWARTZBERG (Melissa), 4946. SCHWARZ (Hans-Volker), 3735. SCHWARZ (Leonard), 5526. SCHWARZ (Stephan), 6746. SCHWARZ (Suzanne), 6353. SCHWEIZER (Karl W.), 6514. SCHWERHOFF (Gerd), 6042. SCHWINDT (Rainer), 2115. SCHWINGES (Rainer Christoph), 656.

INDEX OF NAMES SCHWITTER (Thomas), 656. SCIASCIA (Laura), 3048. Scipio Africanus (Publius Cornelius), 1636. SCIRÉ (Giambattista), 3973. SCIUMÈ (Alberto), 6262. SCOPACASA (Rafael), 1552. SCOPPOLA (Pietro), 421, 3971, 4764. SCORDIA (Lydwine), 576. SCOTT (Clive), 5348. SCOTT (Hamish), 3253. SCOTT (K. L.), 51. SCOTT (Len), 6982. SCOTT (Peter), 5432. SCREEN (John Ernest Oliver), 3528. SCREPANTI (Ernesto), 2441. Scripps (Edward Willis), 5604. SCUCCIMARRA (Luca), 593. SCUDERI (Rita), 1576. SCULLION (Scott), 1379. Scurla (Herbert), 4788. SEAGER (Robin), 1733. SEALEY (Raphael), 1093. SEAWRIGHT (David), 3825. SEBASTIO (Leonardo), 2858. ŠEBEK (Jaroslav), 4527. SECCHI TARUGI (Elena), 4873. Secker (Thomas), 4623. SEDDON (David), 3438. SEDGUI (Hamideh), 3902. SEDLÁKOVÁ (Monika), 5527. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbieta), III, X. SEDLMAYER (Helga), 1884. Sedulius, 2012. SEEHER (Jürgen), 983. SEEKINGS (Jeremy), 4260. SEELBACH (Kirsten Renate), 6044. SEEMANN (Christoph), 3629. SEGAL (Alan F.), 698. SEGAL (Eliezer), 97. SEGAL (Naomi), 5528. SEGEŠ (Dušan), 4250. SEGGERN (Harm von), 2638. SEGRE (Mario), 1129. SÉGUY-DUCLOT (Alain), 1446. SEIDEL (Hans-Christoph), 6141. SEIDENFUß (Manfred), 2786. SEIDL (Ursula), 954. SEIFRIED (Peter-Michael), 2954. SÉITÉ (Yannick), 4968. SEKIGUCHI (Tsutomu), 7285. SELA (Shlomo), 2445. Selbold (familie), 129. SELDEN (Mark), 7080. Seleucidi, dinastia di Siria, 857. SELF (Robert), 6660. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.), 6549. SELLAM (Sadek), 6429. SELLHEIM (Rudolf), 414.

SELLIER (Philippe), 4700. SELLNER (Hans Jörg), 2116. SELVAGE (Douglas Eugene), 6911, 6988. SEMENOV (V.M), 6841. SEMOTANOVÁ (Eva), 196. SEMPLE (Sarah), 3191. ùEN (Faruk), 4788. SEN (Sarbani), 6184. SÉNAC (Philippe), 2489, 2646. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus), 1615, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1789, 1830, 1836, 1856, 1876, 1882, 5103. Senghor (Léopold Sédar), 4225. SENGUPTA (Nitish K.), 3354. SENINA (E.A.), 4187. SENN (Alfred Erich), 4015. SENN (Marcel), 602. SEPE (Stefano), 3966. SEPPÄNEN (Esa), 6983. SÈRE (Bénédicte), 3028. SÉRÉ (Daniel), 6488. SERELS (Steven), 5654. SEREWICZ (Lawrence W.), 6984. SERGEEV (Evgeny), 6596. SERPICO (Fulvia), 3219. SERRA (Ana), 3459. SERRALLONGA I URQUIDI (Joan), 6131. SERRANO MIGALLÓN (Fernando), 603, 6719. SERRANO ORTEGA (José Antonio), 4028. SERRÃO (Joaquim Veríssimo), 6896. SERRÃO (Vítor), 2935. Sertorius (Quintus), 1676. SERVAJEAN (Frédéric), 98. SERVATIUS (Carlo), 3055. SERVENAY (David), 4224. Servet (Michel), 4628. SERVICE (Robert), 6132. SERVÍN (Elisa), 4036. Servius Honoratus (Maurus), 1798. SETH (Sanjay), 4861. SETTIA (Aldo A.), 637. Seuse (Heinrich), 2989. SEVERIANO TEIXEIRA (Nuno), 4143, 6821. Severinus Boetius, 3021. SEVERN (John), 3826. Severus, architect, 1909. SEVERY-HOVEN (Beth), 1772. SEVOST'IANOV (Grigorij N.), 6841. SEYBOLD (Klaus), 2117. SEYER (Martin), 876. SEYFERTH (Alexander), 5433. Seyssel (Claude de), 3537. SGALAMBRO (Sergio), 1928. SGOUROU (M.), 1475. SHAFFER (Jason), 5349.

INDEX OF NAMES SHAFFERN (Robert W.), 3221. SHAGAN (Ethan H.), 4620. SHAGRIR (Iris), 2368. SHAKESPEARE (William), 740, 5089, 5090, 5208, 5213, 5282. SHANNON (Richard), 3827. SHANSKE (Darien), 424. SHAPELY (Peter), 6045. SHAPIRO (Harvey Alan), 502. SHARE (Michael B.), 6325. SHARETT (Moshe), 3916. SHARLACH (Tonia M.), 944. SHARMA (Ravi), 1447. SHARP (Alan), 6614. SHATZMILLER (Maya), 2498. SHAVIT (Yaacov), 4671. SHAW (Carole Cameron), 6597. Shaw (John), 5593. SHAW (Tony), 5350. SHEAR (Julia L.), 1536. SHEEHAN-DEAN (Aaron), 4450. SHELDON (Peter), 6133. SHELFORD (April G.), 4765. SHELL (Alison), 59. SHELLEY (Thomas J.), 4575. SHEN (Changyun), 7156. SHEN (Dongmei), 7157. SHEN (Shibei), 7158. SHEN (Yuan), 7159. SHEN (Zhihua), 7160. Shenute, archimandrita, 2142. SHEPARDSON (Christine C.), 1999. SHEPARDSON (Nikki), 4635. SHER (Richard B.), 4925. SHERIDAN (Alison), 794. SHERIFF (Carol), 4433. SHERRY (Michael S.), 4766. SHEVCHENKO (Nadezda), 243. SHI (Rui), 7161. SHIBA (Osami), 2396. SHIBUYA (Koichi), 7162. SHIDRANG (S.), 771. SHIELDS (James), 3613. SHIGA (Miwako), 7037. SHILOAH (Amnon), 2468. SHIMAHARA (S.), 3225. SHIMIZU (Yuichiro), 3987. SHIN'E (Toshihiko), 7038. SHIRANE (Haruo), 5082. SHIRANE (Yasuhiro), 7252. SHLAIM (Avi), 3991. SHOGIMEN (Takashi), 3029. SHORE (Paul), 4590. SHORT (Brian), 5630. SHOTTER (David), 1860. SHPUZA (Saïmir), 1117. SHU (Jingnan), 7163. SHUKRON (Eli), 1029. SHULMAN (Julius), 5174. SICKINGER (James), 1240. SIDDALL (Luis Robert), 955.

SIDERAS (Alexander), 2179. SIDIBE (Mandiouf Mauro), 3848. SIEBENBRODT (Michael), 5163. SIECIENSKI (A. Edward), 2005. SIEMENS (Daniel), 4926. SIEMENS (Raymond George), 735. SIGH (Helle), 537. SIGNORI (Gabriela), 135, 2375. SIGNORINI (M.), 18. SIJPESTEIJN (Petra M.), 2473. SILBER (William L.), 5714. SILBEY (David), 6598. SÎLEA (Marin), 4169. SILÉN (Birgitta), 6134. Silius Italicus (Tiberius Catius Asconius), 1838. Silo, rey de Asturia, 23. SILVA (Charles), 6850. SILVER (Alain), 5351. Silverberg (Paul), 5682. SILVESTRINI (Card. Achille), 421. SIMHA (Suzanne), 4958. SIMMS (Brendan), 3253, 6516. SIMON (Dominique), 3736. SIMON (Jacques), 3308, 6430. Simon (John), 6743. SIMON (Robin), 5194. SIMONI (Marcella), 459. Simonides, 1263, 1343. SIMONOFF (Alejandro), 6985. SIMONUTTI (Luisa), 3278. Simplicius, 1420. SIMPSON (Christopher J.), 1688. SIMPSON (James), 4636. ŠIMģNEK (Michal), 5063. SINDEEV (Alekaej), 3713. SINGER (Wendy), 3889. SINGER-AVITZ (Lily), 956, 1009. SINHA (Manisha), 4387. SINKIEWICZ (Jan), 2118. SIRACUSA (Joseph M.), 501. SIRAISI (Nancy G.), 5064. Siri (Giuseppe), 4553. SIRIEX (Françoise), 5204. SIRINELLI (Jean-François), 3578, 3614, 5910. SISANI (Simone), 1553. SISNEROS (Anthony A.), 4451. SIVARAJAH (Ambalavanar), 4316. SIVASUNDARAM (Sujit), 365. SIVONEN (Mika), 4605. SIZGORICH (Thomas), 366. SJÖBERG (Maria), 672. SKALLI (Cedric Cohen), 2444. SKINNER (Kate), 7340. SKINNER (Marilyn B.), 1586. SKIPPER (Jon Bloch), 6307. SKOP (Emily), 5917. ŠKORJANEC (Viljenka), 6986. SKRE (Dagfinn), 2505. SKUBAN (William E.), 4110.

355 SLACK (Paul), 6046. SLATER (William), 1241. SLAWSON (Douglas J.), 4576. ĝLESZYēSKI (Wojciech), 4130. SLIWA (Krzysztof), 5206. SLUCH (Ts. Z.), 6703. SLUHOVSKY (Moshe), 4528. ŠMAHEL (František), 2905. SMETANA (Vít), 6747. SMETHURST (Richard J.), 3988. ŠMIGEď (Michal), 4251. SMITH (Adam I.P.), 4452. Smith (Adam), 5382. SMITH (Alex), 832. SMITH (Angel), 4304. SMITH (Arthur L. Jr.), 3682. SMITH (Brendan), 3190. SMITH (Calvin L.), 4577. SMITH (David L.), 3807, 3824. SMITH (David), 5529. SMITH (Gregg A.), 2859. SMITH (Hazel Knowles), 6702. SMITH (John), 3772. SMITH (Joseph), 542. SMITH (Kathryn Ann), 55. SMITH (Peter J.), 2871. SMITH (R. B.), 6824. SMITH (Robert Douglas), 2886. SMITH (Rowland B.E.), 1130. SMITH (S.D.), 5715. SMITH (Scott Jason), 5442. SMITH (Simon C.), 6897. SMITH (T.O.), 6898. SMITH (Virginia), 673. SMOLII (Valerii), 4373. SMOLINSKY (Heribert), 4472. SMORĄG RÓĩYCKA (Maágorzata), 2204. SMORODINSKAYA (Tatiana), 653. SMOUTS (Marie-Claude), 364. SMULYAN (Susan), 4768. SNELL (K.D.M.), 6085. SNODGRASS (Anthony), 1537. Sǁ (Chung-sǂk), 3998. SOARES (Carmen), 1380. SOARES DA CUNHA (Mafalda), 367. SOASTI TOSCANO (Guadalupe), 3507. SOAVE (Sergio), 4769. SOBALER SECO (María de los Angeles), 4305. Socrates, 1218, 1398, 1418, 1431, 1448. SODI (Manlio), 2809, 4547. SODINI (Carla), 422. SOFFIETTI (Isidoro), 6263. SOGNER (Sølvi), 6047. SOGNO (Cristiana), 2063. SOKOLOFF (Kenneth L.), 5679. Sokoto Jihad, 4081. SOLANA DUESO (José), 1449.

356 SOLCAN (ùarolta), 2636. SOLDANI (Maria Elisa), 2442. SOLDWISCH (Ines), 3737. SOLER SEGURA (Javier), 750. Solomon, King of Israel, 2743. Solon, 1179. SOLOPOVA (Elizabeth), 2860. SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA (Jesús Ángel), 2575. SOLOVYOV (Sergey), 1531. ŠOLTÉS (Peter), 3483. Somis di Chiavrie (Giambattista), 6166. SOMLAI (Katalin), 6914. SOMMER (Petr), 2557. SOMMERLECHNER (Andrea), 3061. Somoza (Anastasio), 6727. SOMVILLE (Pierre), 1482. SONDHAUS (Lawrence), 6278. SONENSCHER (Michael), 3615. SONG (Dequan), 7164. SONG (Jie), 7165. SONG (Zuanyou), 7166. SONNABEND (Gaby), 6907. SONNABEND (Holger), 197, 1082, 1776. SONNINO (Paul), 6476. Sophocles, 1156, 1264, 1328, 1335, 1370. SORACI (Cristina), 2119. SORBY (Karol), 4319. SORDI (Bernardo), 6186. SØRENSEN (Peter), 5530. ŠORN (Mojca), 5795. Sosylus, 1296. Sotomayor Luna (Manuel), 6739. SOUKUP (Rudolf Werner), 5066. SOURLAS (EuripidƝs Z.), 6274. ŠOUŠA (JiĜí), 5587, 5703. SOUTER (Gerry), 5195. SOUTO (Amélia Neves de), 6432. SOYER (François), 2469. Spaak (Paul-Henri), 6885. SPANNEUT (Michel), 2013. SPÂNU (Anda-Lucia), 5726. Spartacus, 1817. SPÄTH (Markus), 3132. SPEIDEL (Michael Alexander), 1722. SPEISER (J.-M.), 2195. ŠPELIý (Miran), 2986. SPELLER (Ian), 6989. SPENCER (Alice), 2864. Spencer (Brian), 3174. SPENCER (Diana), 1937. Spens (James, Sir), 4322. SPENSER (Daniela), 4025. Spenser (Edmund), 5089. SPENTHOF (Odair José), 3383. SPERL (Richard), 4963. SPERLICH (Peter W.), 6264.

INDEX OF NAMES Sphodrias, 1356. SPICER (Andrew), 4637. SPICKA (Mark E.), 5434. SPICKSLEY (Judith M.), 5717. SPIEGEL (Gabrielle M.), 460. SPIER (Jeffrey), 2046, 2120. SPIES (Werner), 5191. Spieser (Jean-Michel), 2930. SPIESS (Karl-Heinz), 2637. SPINA (Alessandro), 4674. SPINA (Luigi), 1381. SPINEI (Victor), 2721. SPINETO (Natale), 717. SPINI (Daniele), 422. SPINI (Giorgio), 422, 4610. SPINK (Walter M.), 521. Spinola (famiglia), 5660. SPINOZA (Baruch), 4971. SPISAK (Arthur L.), 1863. SPORTELLI (Francesco), 4548. SPRAGUE (Maurice), 44. SPRINCHORN (Evert), 733. SPRINGER (Claudia), 219. SPURLOCK (R. Scott), 3827. Sraffa (Piero), 5453. STABILE (Giorgio), 3031. STABLEFORD (Tom), 4175. STACEY (Peter), 579. STACEY (Robin Chapman), 2545. STACKELBERG (Roderick), 543. STADEN (Hans), 7351. STAGNI (Ernesto), 2650. ŠTAIF (JiĜí), 3472, 5859. Stalin (Iosif Visarionoviþ Džugašvili), 3261, 3678, 4171, 4173, 4177, 4219, 6842. STALLINGS (Alicia E.), 1879. Stambolov (Stefan), 3389. STAMM-KUHLMANN (Thomas), 4128. STAN (Lavinia), 4606. STANCHI (Nicola), 1382. STANCIU (Emil Constantin), 650. STANDEN (Naomi), 7167. STANċK (Tomáš), 6899. STANGLIN (Keith D.), 4639. STANKOVIû (Vlada), 2263. STANSFIELD (Gareth R. V.), 3907. STANSKY (Peter), 6775. STANTCHEV (Krassimir), 2237. STAPLES (William G.), 654. STARK (Isolde), 1483. STARKAUSKAS (Juozas), 4016. STAŠKOVÁ (Alice), 5259. Statius (Publius Papinius), 1702, 1787, 1808, 1835, 1841, 1872. STATLER (Kathryn), 6990. STAUBACH (Nikolaus), 2913. STAUSBERG (Michael), 715. STAVROU (Michel), 2165. STEBER (Martina), 390.

STEBLEVA (Ija V.), 7030. STECKLOV (Guy), 5782. STEDMAN (Gesa), 4717. STEEGE (Paul), 6050. STEELE (Karen Margaret), 3915. STEENE (Birgitta), 5356. STEEPLES (Douglas), 4379. STEFANIDIS (Ioannis D.), 3844. STEIGER (Uli), 127. Stein (Karl), 3657. STEIN (Malte), 5081. STEIN (Oliver), 3739. STEINBACH (Sebastian), 3133. STEINBERG (Justin), 2865. STEINBERG (Mark D.), 4607. STEINBY (Christa), 1777. STEINER (Deborah), 1383. STEINER (Richard C.), 1036. STEINER (Stephan), 3352. STEIN-KECKS (Heidrun), 714. STEINKELLER (Piotr), 957. STEINMETZ (George), 6366. STEINMETZ (Karl-Heinz), 3065. STEINMETZ (Willibald), 575. STEINS (Georg), 2054. STEINSIEK (Peter-M.), 5435. STELLA (Francesco), 2944. STENDHAL ANSEL (Yves), 5134. Stendhal, 5109. STEPHENS (Robert P.), 6051. STERN (Ben), 749. STERN (E. Marianne), 1384. STERN (Ephraim), 1037. STERN (Josef), 642. STERN (Philip J.), 6433. Sterzinger (Joseph), 238. STEVENSON (David), 6599, 6637. STEWARD (Jill), 5745. STEWART (Andrew), 1538. STEWART (John), 6073. STEWART-STEINBERG (Suzanne), 4771. STIELDORF (Andrea), 27. ŠTIH (Peter), 2640. Stimson (Henry L.), 6743. STOBART (Jon), 5052. STÖBER (Karen), 3134. STOCKHAMMER (Robert), 199. STOCKHAUSEN (Annette von), 1972, 2040. STODDART (Kristan), 6991. Stodola (Emil), 4247. STOKES (Melvyn), 5354. STOKES (Susan Carol), 573. STOLPE (Staffan), 2151. STOLTZFUS (Duane C. S.), 5604. Stolypin (Pëtr Arkad'eviþ), 4202. STOLZI (Irene), 3974. STONE (A.), 2264. STONE (Gary), 4453. STONE (Norman), 6661.

INDEX OF NAMES STONE (Rob), 5369. STONES (A.), 2750. STORA (Benjamin), 316. STOREY (H. Wayne), 2852. STÖRMER-CAYSA (Uta), 2866. STORN-JASCHKOWITZ (Tanja), 2333. STORRS (Christopher), 3976. STOUKALOV-POGODIN (Gabriel), 135. STOURZH (Gerald), 384. STÖVER (Bernd), 6825. Stow (David), 4817. STOW (Kenneth), 3222. STOY (Manfred), 370. Strabo, 1157, 1283, 1358. STRANO (Gioacchino), 2265. STRASSENREITER (Erzsébet), 3863. STRASSER (Peter), 4713. STRATHERN (Alan), 6388. Strato Sardensis, 1158. Straub (Jean-Marie), 5291. STRAUCH (Dieter), 3741. STRAUMANN (Benjamin), 6272. STRAUSS (Julia C.), 7092. Strauss (Leo), 4740, 4972. STRAUSS (Rita), 984. Stravinskij (Igor), 5275, 5293. STRECK (Michael P.), 958. STREIT (Pierre), 4338. Stresemann (Gustav), 6604. STREUBEL (Christiane), 3680. STRIANO (Araceli), 1131. STěÍBRNÝ (Jan), 4529. STRICKLAND (Debra Higgs), 3149. STRIGL (Sandra), 5355. Strindberg (August), 5263, 5356. STROBEL (Karl), 985. STROBL (Gerwin), 5357. STROCKA (Volker Michael), 1385. STRODS (Heinrihs), 6783. Stroessner (Alfredo), 4100. STROH (Wilfried), 160. STROHM (Paul), 2842. STROHMAIER (Gotthard), 844. STROHMEYER (Arno), 3624, 6477. STRONG (Rowan), 4640. STRUNCK (Christina), 261. STRUPP (Christoph), 4376, 5718. STRUTT (Kristian), 1544. STUBER (M.), 631. STUDNICKI-GIZBERT (Daviken), 201. STUDT (Birgit), 112. STUDT (Christoph), 4883. STUNZ (Holger R.), 5358. STUPARU (F.), 2146. STUPPO (Oxana), 4211. STURM (Erdmann), 4862. STURM (Hermann), 5175. STURM (Marcel), 5135.

Stützel (Karl), 3665. STYLES (John), 6053. SU (Hungdah), 6748. SUÁREZ (Juan Antonio), 5359. SUÁREZ ARGÜELLO (Clara Elena), 5531. SUBRAHMANYAM (Sanjay), 163, 6367. SUBRENAT (Jean), 2741. SUCHODOLSKI (Stanisáaw), 139. SUCHOPLES (Jarosáaw), 6609. ŠUCHOVÁ (Xénia), 4251. SUCHUGOVA (Natalija Ju.), 6541. SUEHIRO (Akiko), 7039. Suetonius Tranquillus (Gaius), 1843. SUFIAN (Sandra M.), 5067. Sugae (Masumi), 7263. SUGIMOTO (Kiyoshi), 7040. SUGITA (Yoneyuki), 547, 3981. SUHELMI (Ahmad), 3894. SUHL (Alfred), 2030. SUK (JiĜí), 3468. Süleyman I, Sultan of the Turks, 6479. Sulla Felix (Lucius Cornelius), 1685, 1699, 1716. SULLIVAN (James Jan), 1386. SUMMERELL (Orrin Finn), 574. SUMNER (Graham), 1778. SUN (Hongqi), 7168. SUN (Jiang), 7169. SUN (Qiang), 7170. SUN (Shaochun), 7171. Sun (Yat-sen), 7200. SUNDELIN (Lennart), 2473. SUNDERLAND (David), 5532, 6369. SUNDGREN (Per), 6135. SUNDHAUSSEN (Holm), 4238. SUNDSTROM (Linea), 745. SUNDSTROM (William A.), 6054. SUNSERI (Thaddeus), 5605. SUOMINEN-KOKKONEN (Renja), 5176. SUPPHELLEN (Steinar), 4087. SURI (Jeremi), 6992. SURIANO (Juan), 3325. SURIANO (Matthew J.), 1038. SUSI (Francesco), 4864. SÜSS (Dietmar), 6759. SÜSS (Peter A.), 4804. SÜß (Winfried), 6055. SÜßMANN (Johannes), 443, 6136. SUTCLIFFE (Patricia C.), 4376. SUTTON (Michael), 6826. SUTTON (Thomas), 4379. SVANSTRÖM (Yvonne), 6043. SVÅSAND (Lars), 4019. SVOBODA (JiĜí), 760. SVOBODNÝ (Petr), 5068. SWAIN (Nigel), 5655.

357 SWAIN (Simon), 1387, 1881. SWAMI (Praveen), 6827. SWANN (Julian), 6206. SWANSON (Robert Norman), 3223. SWARTZ DODD (Lynn), 833. SWETT (Pamela E.), 5603. SWIFT (R. E.), 3831. SYKES (Naomi Jane), 2641. SYMES (Carol), 2727. Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius), 2063. Syncletica, Sancta, 2134. Syrianus Magister, 2256. SYROS (Vasileios), 3032. SZARMACH (Paul E.), 2690. SZASZ (Margaret Connell), 4805. SZELÉNYI (Balázs A.), 6056. SZNYCER (Maurice), 1039. SZOàTYSEK (Mikoáaj), 6057. SZUMIàO (Mirosáaw), 4132. SZYDLAK (Richard), 551. SZYLLER (Slawomir), 2348. T TABET (Xavier), 4962. TABUTEAU (Bruno), 2588. Tacitus (Cornelius), 1620, 1621, 1812, 1823, 4694. TADDEY (Gerhard), 3635. TAFFET (Jeffrey F.), 6993. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro), 436, 4951. Tagore (Rabindranath), 4693. TAHAN (I.), 54. TAITHE (Bertrand), 5905. TAJTÁK (Ladislav), 371. Takahashi (Korekiyo), 3988. TAKATORI (Yuki), 6900. TAKATSU (Junya), 7172. TAKAYAMA (Keiko), 7287. TALA'I (Hoseyn), 834. TALAVERA DÍAZ (María), 4302. TALBOT (George), 3977. TALBOT (Ian), 4090. TALEB-BENDIAB (Choaïb), 4002. TALLARIGO (Ranieri), 6809. TAMAYO (Jaime), 4046. TAMAYO ERRAZQUIN (José Ángel), 1735. TAMCKE (Martin), 2481. TAMURA (Eiko), 3743. TAMURA (Noriyoshi), 7283. TAN (Yuan), 5360. TANAKA (Kimiko), 6058. TANG (Gang), 7173. TANG (Qihua), 7174. TANGER (Margaret), 6465. Tangheroni (Marco), 2628. TANNER (D. M.), 3829. Tanuma (Okitsugu), 7255. TANZARELLA (Sergio), 4578.

358 TANZINI (Lorenzo), 2546. TAPLIN (Oliver), 1539. TAPSELL (Grant), 3832. TARCUS (Horacio), 4963. TARIFA (Fatos), 6768. Tarkovsky (Andrei), 5336. TARNOW (Ulrike), 2906. Tasca (Angelo), 4769. TASCHL-ERBER (Andrea), 2121. TASSIN (Guy), 128. TATAKIS (Basil N.), 2266. TAUDAL POULSEN (René), 5606. Tauler (Johannes), 2989. TAVARES (José Manuel Soares), 4147. TAVARES DE ALMEIDA (Pedro), 4136. TAVIANI-CAROZZI (Huguette), 2683. TAVUZZI (Michael), 4530. TAWADA (Masayasu), 7288. TAXEL (Tamar), 1011. Tayloe (family), 5673. TAYLOR (Alan), 5361. TAYLOR (James), 5484, 5719, 6227. TAYLOR (Simon), 2509. TAYLOR (Stephen), 6542. TAYLOR (Timothy Dean), 5362. TAYLOR SMITH (Kathleen), 3510. TCHERKÉZOFF (Serge), 7357. TEBRUCK (Stefan), 3047. Téchiné (André), 5355. TEDESCHI (Arcangela), 392. TEFNER (Zoltán), 6600. TEGEL (Susan), 5363. ğEICU (Dumitru), 3224. TEISSIER-ENSMINGER (A.), 395. TEJA (Ramón), 2921. TEJEL (Jordi), 4343, 4351. TEKIN (Halin), 795. Teleki (Pál), 3866. TELELIS (Ioannis G.), 2267. TELESCA (Ignacio), 4579. TENFELDE (Klaus), 6030, 6141. TENOLD (Stig), 5436. TEODORSSON (Sven-Tage), 1388. TEPEDINO GUERRA (Adele), 1146. TEPLJAKOV (Aleksej G.), 4212. TEPLÝ (Martin), 4531. TERÁN FUENTES (Mariana), 4052. TEREJOVA (N.N.), 802. Terentia, wife of Cicero, 1780. Terentius Afer (Publius), 1851, 1866. TERKEN (Lucie), 162. TERLIZZI (Francesco Paolo), 3089. TERMES (Josep), 4307. TERNON (Yves), 3294. TERRADAS BATLLE (Xavier), 773.

INDEX OF NAMES Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Florens), 2014, 2015, 2061, 2128. TERTÜNTE (Stefan), 3616. TESI (Riccardo), 161. TESSA (Ahmed), 3309. TESSICINI (Dario), 4947. TESSITORE (Fulvio), 436, 444, 461, 4951. TETLEY (William), 5069. TEUSCHER (Simon), 2371, 2547. THACKER (Toby), 5365. THALER (Peter), 3295. THANƜT ƖPHƿNSUWAN, 4349. Thatcher (Margaret), 3788. Thecla, Sancta, 2137, 2139. THEISSEN (Andrea), 6829. Theocritus, 1294. Theodora, Byzantine empress, 1081. Theodoretus Cyrrhensis, episcopus, 2038, 2057, 2126. THEODORIDIS (Dimitri), 2268. Theodorus Metochites, 2180. Theodorus Prodromus, 2181-2183. Theodorus Studites, Sanctus, 2184, 2270. Theodosius I (Flavius), Roman emperor, 108, 1915. Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, 2109. Theophrastus, 1433. THÉRENTY (Marie-Ève), 4929. THIAM (Samba), 5720. THIBAUDET (Albert), 580, 741. THIBAULT (Laurence), 6781. THIEL (Jens), 6662. Thiers (Adolphe), 423. THIJSSEN (Johannes M. M. H.), 3018. THIRSK (Joan), 6059. THOENES (Christof), 5192. THOM (Catherine), 3135. THOMAS (David), 5366. THOMAS (Dominic), 6370. THOMAS (Edmund), 1938. THOMAS (James H.), 5607. THOMAS (Jean-François), 1867. THOMÀS (Joan Maria), 6749. THOMAS (Julian), 794. THOMAS (Martin), 6342, 6371. THOMAS (Yan), 1736. Thomas Aquinas, 3005, 3007, 3008, 3037. Thomas Becket, Sanctus, 2994. Thomas de Celano, 3108. Thomas Magister, 2221. Thomas, apostolus, Sanctus, 1983, 2076. THOMASSEN (Jesper), 6188. THOMASSET (Claude), 2680.

THOMINE (Alice), 679. THOMPSON (Daniel), 877. THOMPSON (David M.), 4633. THOMPSON (J. Lee), 6434. THOMPSON (James), 3833. THOMPSON (Kathleen), VI. THOMSEN (Anders Holm), 462. THOMSON (Erik), 399. THOMSON (Guy), 4308. THOMSON (Rodney Malcom), 2356. THOMSON (Sinclair), 3368. THÖNNES (Hans-Werner), 4497. THORN (Dorothy May), 1540. THORNE (James A.), 1689. THORNTON (Claus-Jürgen), 2085. THORNTON (John K.), 6466. THRELKELD (Megan), 6663. Thucydides, 424, 1311, 1346. THURNER (Martin), 3020. THYEN (Hartwig), 2029. TIAN (Jizhou), 7176. TIBBLES (Anthony), 6353. TIBBS (Clint), 2123. TIEDEMANN (R. G.), 6558. Tief (Otto), 3522. TIEMANN (Joachim), 7351. TIERNEY (Dominic), 6750. TILLEY (Chris), 794. TILLEY (Virginia), 3517. TILLICH (Paul), 4862. TILLIETTE (Jean-Yves), 2856. TIMMER (Marcel P.), 5485. TIMMERMANN (Andreas), 4309. Timotheus I, 993. Timotheus, 1164. TINNEFELD (Franz), 2167. ğIPLIC (Ioan Marian), 3243. Tiso (Jozef), 4244. Tito (Josip Broz), 4235, 4239, 6957. TIULEKOV (Dimităr), 3392. TJÄLLÉN (Biörn), 2355. Toaf (Ariel), 267, 277, 340, 425. TOBIA (Simona), 4772. TOBIAS (Norman), 2269. Tocqueville (Alexis de), 4973. TODESCAN (Franco), 4484. TODOROKI (Kotaro), 2548. TODOUA (Maïa), 1450. TOLAN (John), 719. TOLMACHEV (Evgenij P.), 4213. TOMAN (Cynthia), 6060. TOMASIK (Timothy J.), 2655. TOMASSOLI MANENTI (Giannina), 2281. Tombalbaye Ngarta (François), 3411. TOMBEUR (Paul), 2979, 3168. TOMES (Nancy), 5306. TOMIYA (Itaru), 7177.

INDEX OF NAMES TOMS (Steven), 5430. TOMULEğ (Valentin), 4056. TOMZ (Michael), 5721. TONDO (Isabella), 1868. TONE (John Lawrence), 6543. TONER (Gregory), 2746. TONG (Zhixia), 7178. TONIOLO (Alessandro), 4547. TONIOLO (Gianni), 5457. Toniolo (Giuseppe), 3923. TONNING (Erik), 5367. TONO (Haruyuki), 7289. TOOMASPOEG (Kristjan), 3104. TOOMEY (Jane), 6994. TOOZE (Adam), 5437, 5635. Topelius (Zacharias), 5113. TOPINKA (JiĜí), 5656. TOPRAKYARAN (Erdal), 4368. TORALES PACHECO (María Cristina), 4596. TORALLAS TOVAR (Sofia), 2473. TORAO (Toshiya), 7290. TORELLI (Mario), 1920. TORIKATA (Yuko), 6995. TORNIELLI (Andrea), 4545. TORNQVIST (Egil), 5356. TORRE (Angelo), 6061. TORRE (Jose R.), 5722. Torres (Juan de), 4263. TORRES ARANCIVIA (Eduardo), 4111. Torri (M.), 7011. TORRI (Michelguglielmo), 7009. TORRÓ (Josep), 2328. TORTORELLI GHIDINI (Marisa), 1132, 1484. TOSATTI (Bianca Silvia), 2910. TOSCANO (Mario), 4885. TOSEL (André), 4971. TOSHKOVA (Vitka), 6327. TOSI (Luciano), 7002. TOSONE (Lorella), 222. TOTARO (Pina), 4971. TOUATI (François-Olivier), 386. TOUFFUT (Jean-Philippe), 5065. TOUGHER (Shaun), 1690. Touré (Ahmed Sékou), 3847, 3848, 6800. TOWNEND (Paul A.), 3296. TOWNSON (Nigel), 4306. TOYOOKA (Yasufumi), 7179. TRABOULSI (Fawwaz), 4006. TRACHSLER (Richard), 2715. Traianus Germanicus Dacicus (Marcus Ulpius), Roman Emperor, 137, 1640, 1683, 1769. TRAINA (Giusto), 1691. TRAMIER (Jean-Marie), 4816. TRAMONTANO (Nunzia), 820. TRAMPEDACH (Kai), 693. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola), 4930.

TRANIELLO (Francesco), 369, 4532. TRAORÉ (Badara Alou), 4024. TRAùCĂ (Ottmar), 6670, 6705. TRAVAINI (Lucia), 140. TRAVERS (Robert), 6389, 7019. TRAVERSO (Antonella), 796. TRAVESSA (Elisa), 4135. TREADGOLD (Warren), 2185, 2196. TREES (Pascal), 4214. TREFFORT (Cécile), 2874. TREGGIARI (Susan M.), 1780. TREICHLER (Paula A.), 5306. TREITLER (Leo), 2959. TREMBICKA (Krystyna), 4131. Tremellius (Immanuel), 4613. TRÉMOUILLE (Marie-Claude), 986. TRENCSÉNYI (Imre), 3865. Trentin (Silvio), 6777. TRENTMANN (Frank), 6336. TREPP (Gian), 4931. Tresckow (Henning von), 3628. TRESCOTT (Paul B.), 7180. TRICARD (Jean), 2334. Trimalchio, 1786. TRIPODI (Christian W.E.), 6664. TRITLE (Lawrence A.), 1194. TRIZIO (Michele), 2197. TROANSKI (Khristo), 3394. TROEBST (Stefan), 4017. TROHA (Gašper), 455. TROPEA (Frank), 210. TROTTER (David), 5368. TROUDE (Gilles), 4239. TRUCHE (Pierre), 4473. Truffaut (François), 5318. Trujillo Molina (Rafael Leónidas), 3506, 6708, 6813. Truman (Harry S.), 4386, 4388, 6880. TRZASKOMA (Stephen Michael), 1389. TRZCIONKA (Silke), 1040. TSADIK (Daniel), 4672. TSANG (Carol Richmond), 7291. TSENDINA (Anna D.), 7031. TSHIBANGU (Mwamba), 3439. TSIRPANLƜS (Zacharias N.), 4863. TSUJI (Asuka), 7341. TSUKADA (Takashi), 7265, 7292. TSUTSIEV (Artur A.), 4215. TSUTSUI (William M.), 506. TUBA ÖKSE (Aymur), 959. TUCK (Stephen), 5956. TUCKER (Penny), 2549. TUCKER (Robert W.), 6665. TUCKER (Spencer), 515. TUDOR (Marian), 5533. TukultƯ-Ninurtas I, king of Assyria, 958. TULARD (Jean), 6517.

359 Tullia, daughter of Cicero, 1780. TģMA (OldĜich), 3468, 6254, 6997. TUORI (Kaius), 1737. TURAN (Ömer), 6588. TURCAN (Marie), 2015. TURCESCU (Lucian), 4606. TURDA (Marius), 3248. TÜRK (Fahri), 5534. TÜRK (Henning), 6998. TURNBULL (Stephen R.), 2247. TURNER (Marion), 2875. TUSELL (Javier), 4310. Tutanchaten, king of Egypt, 895. TUTINO (John), 4036. TUTINO (Stefania), 4533. TWAGILIMANA (Aimable), 545. TWELLS (Alison), 546. TWOMEY (Christina), 6706. TWOMEY (Michael W.), 2968. TWYMAN (M.), 87. TYACKE (Nicholas), 3785, 4617. TYDÉN (Mattias), 6704. TYSZKIEWICZ (Lech A.), 2377. U UCHENDU (Egodi), 4083. UDEN (James), 1869. UEKÖTTER (Frank), 640. UGGERI PATITUCCI (Stella), 3229. UGOLINI (Laura), 6062. UHL (Matthias), 6830, 6999. UKHOV (Andrey D.), 5684. ULAöLI (Serhat), 5137. ULIANICH (Boris), 209. ULLMANN (Ingo), 6266. ULRICH (Jörg), 2040, 2122. ULRICHS (Karl Friedrich), 2124. UMEMURA (Keiko), 7293. UNALI (Anna), 2642. UNGER (Corinna R.), 373. UNGER (Richard W.), 2730. UNGERER (Carl), 6828. UNOWSKY (Daniel L.), 3348. UNTERTHINER (Evi), 3922. UNWIN (Melanie), 6337. UR (Jason A.), 950, 1046. URBACH (Karina), 3257, 3834. URBACH (Stephanie), 6907. URBÁN (Aladár), 3864. URBAN (Markus), 3742. URBAēCZYK (Przemysáaw), 2378. Urbanus II, Papa, 3066. Urbanus V Papa, 3087. URFALINO (Philippe), 5019. URFELS-CAPOT (Anne-Élisabeth), 3169. URMILA (Ningthoukhongjam), 3890. USBORNE (Cornelie), 6063. USSISHKIN (David), 1009. UTZ KEMP (Kathrin), 4566.

360 UVAROV [Ouvarov] (Pavel Ju.), 4172. UZUKI (Hideaki), 7041. V VACANTE (Jeffery), 6064. VACCA (Giuseppe), 4955, 4963. VAHDATI (Ali A.), 1063. VAIS (M.), 6987. VALAMOTI (Soultana Maria), 797, 1107. VALE (Malcolm Graham Allan), 2397. Valens (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1578. VALENTINI (Stefano), 815. Valentinianus I, Roman emperor, 1578. VALÉRIAN (Dominique), 2586. Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus (Gaius), 1622, 1787, 1890. Valerius Maximus, 1623. Valiani (Leo), 426. VALIÑAS (Francisco), 6601. VALIŠ (ZdenČk), 6707. VALL (Natasha), 445, 5799. VALLEJO (Gustavo), 4808. VALLEJO GARCÍA-HEVIA (José María), 4311. VALLERANI (Massimo), 2550. Vallisneri (Antonio), 5010. VALLOTTON (François), 4704. VALOR (Magdalena), 2358. VALVERDE VALDÉS (Carmen), 4049. VALZANIA (Sergio), 171. VAN ACKER (Marieke), 3153. VAN ACKEREN (Marcel), 574. VAN AERT (Laura), 6065. VAN ALSTEIN (Maarten), 6666. VAN BELLE (G.), 687. VAN BETTERAY (Dirk), 2960. Van Beuningen (Coenraad), 6493. VAN CAENEGEM (R.C.), 6170. VAN COOLPUT-STORMS (ColetteAnne), 240. VAN DAM (Raymond), 1692. VAN DE PUTTE (Bart), 5800. Van de Velde (Henry), 5200. VAN DEN ABEELE (Baudouin), 2968. Van den Driessche (Jan), 2428. VAN DEN HEUVEL (Danielle), 6067. VAN DER BIJL (Nicholas), 7000. VAN DER HEIJDEN (Manon), 60666067. VAN DEUSEN (Nancy Elizabeth), 2723. VAN DIETEN (Jan Louis), 2167. VAN DOMMELEN (Peter), 1693. VAN DOORSLAER (Rudi), 3355.

INDEX OF NAMES VAN DRIEL (Hugo), 5535. VAN EENOO (Romain), I. VAN GELDER (Hilde), 5148. VAN GERWEN (Jacques), 5535. VAN GEUNS (Jan), 162. VAN HECK (Adrianus), 2754. VAN HOOK (Laurie), 6911. VAN LEEUWEN (Richard), 2876. VAN LIERE (Franciscus A.), 2965. VAN LOTTUM (Jelle), 6047. VAN NAHL (Astrid), 2761. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter), 1451, 2143. VAN REENEN (Pieter), 2338. VAN RHEE (C.H.), 6267. VAN RHIJN (Carine), 3063. VAN SANT (John E.), 547. VAN TILBURG (Cornelis), 1781. VAN VEEN (Mirjam), 4614. VAN WINTER (Johanna Maria), 2731. VANDENBUSSCHE (Robert), 6780. VANDER LINDEN (Marc), 825. VANDERHOOFT (David), 1021, 1022, 1037, 1041. VANċK (Miroslav), 463. VANHAUTE (Eric), 5658. VANINA (Evgenija Ju.), 7042. VANJA (Christina), 651, 3655. VANOLI (Alessandro), 2362. Vansina (Jan), 427. VANTHEMSCHE (Guy), 6435. VANWIJNSBERGHE (Dominique), 57. VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel), 770. VÁRADY (László), 424. VARANINI (Gian Maria), 2288. VARDABASSO (Valentina), 6901. VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA (Joaquín), 4312. VARESE (Ranieri), 679. Vargas (Getúlio), 3384. VARGYAS (Zoltán), 3858. VÁRHELYI (Zsuzsanna), 1939. Varus (Publius Quintilius), 1632, 1694. VARVARO (Paolo), 3978. VASAK (Anouchka), 5070. VASALLO (Carmel), 5545. VAŠEK (Richard), 3462. VASIC (Miloje), 1965. VATLIN (Aleksandr Ju.), 4216. Vauban (Sébastien Le Prestre de), 6507. VAUCHEZ (André), 3147. VAUGHN GABBARD (Sara), 4420. VAUTHIER-VÉZIER (Anne), 5536. VAVRA (Elisabeth), 2701. VÁZQUEZ FLORES (Erika Julieta), 4896.

VÁZQUEZ LÓPEZ (Raúl), 4053. VÁZQUEZ MANTECÓN (Carmen), 244. VECCHI (Fabio), 405. VEýERNÍK (JiĜí), 5645. VEGA (Bernardo), 6708. VEGA GARCÍA-FERRER (María Julieta), 2961. Vegetius Renatus (Publius Flavius), 1794. VEGH (Beatriz), 6326. VEÏSSE (Anne-Emmanuelle), 916. VEIT (Patrice), 5352, 5370. VELATI (Mauro), 4543. VELÁZQUEZ FLORES (Rafael), 6709. VELJANOVSKI (Novica), 6717. Velleius Paterculus, 1833. VELLUT (Jean-Luc), 7342. VENAYRE (Sylvain), 203. VENN (Fiona), 6752. VENTURA (Iolanda), 2967. VENUS (Theodor), 3349. VERBAAL (Wim), 2829. VERBOVEN (Koenraad), 1782. VERDEYEN (Paul), 2973. Verdi (Giuseppe), 5264, 5323. VERDIER (Caroline), 4964. VERDÚN (Ester), 773. VERGARA (Gloria), 5138. Vergennes (Charles Gravier, comte de), 6491. VERGER (Jacques), 2677, 2909. VERGÉS (Josep M.), 770. VERGEZ-CHAIGNON (Bénédicte), 3529. Vergilius Maro (Publius), 1624, 1787, 1791, 1796, 1806, 1808, 1818, 1825, 1845, 1852, 1855, 1858. VERGINELLA (Marta), 5427. VERHEYDEN (J.), 687. VERHOVEN (Wil), 4457. VERNON (James), 674. VERNUS (Pierre), 5537. VERNY (Marie-Jeanne), 4824. VÉRONÈSE (Julien), 2743. Verres (Gaius), 1861. Verrius Flaccus (Marcus), 1870. VERSACE (Eliana), 3979. VERSLUYS (Miguel John), 883. Vertov (Dziga), 5277. VERUCCI (Guido), 4610. Vespucci (Amerigo), 7346. VESTRELLI (Valeria), 4580. VEYNE (Paul), 2047. VEYRAC (Alain), 1940. VEZIN (Jean), 19. VEZZADINI (Elena), 4320. VIAL (Eric), 3617. VIAN (Giovanni Maria), 716.

INDEX OF NAMES VICIANO NAVARRO (Pau), 2643. Victor Vitensis, 1955. VIDAL (Natalia I.), 4932. VIDALE (Massimo), 751. VIDELA CIFUENTES (Ernesto), 7001. VIEIRA (José Miguel), 2279. VIELBERG (Meinolf), 2686. VIGASIN (Aleksej A.), 7043. VIGNAL-SOULEYREAU (MarieCatherine), 3531. VIGNERON (Sylvain), 5657. VIGNUZZI (Ugo), 2771. VIGUIER (Prosper), 6612. VILA (Susanna), 2309. VILA I MITJÁ (Assumpció), 773. VILABOA (Juan), 3321. VILADAMOR (Antoni), 548. VILLACÈQUE (Noémie), 1215. VILLAFAÑE GOMES SANTOS (Luís Cláudio), 6603. VILLALBA RUÍZ DE TOLEDO (F. Javier), 2733. VILLANI (Angela), 7002. VILLANI (Simone), 5371. VILLANUEVA MORTE (Concepción), 2645. VILLAR I TORRENT (Joan), 2310. VILLARD (Pierre), 960. VILLAUME (Poul), 3503. VILLEGGIA (Nemo), 4864. VILLIGER (Carole), 6068. VILLINGER (Ingeborg), 4969. VIÑAS (Angel), 4313. VINCENT (Mary), 4314. VINCENT (Nicholas), 2410. VINCIGUERRA (Lucien), 5196. VINCZE (Gábor), 6843. VINTHER (Solveig Skovmose), 5939. VINTILĂ-GHIğULESCU (ConstanĠa), 103, 6069. VIOLA (Lynne), 4217. VIRGILIO (Biagio), 1195. VIRLOUVET (Catherine), 7343. VISBLUM (Mosheh), 2470. Visconti (Giovanni), arcivescovo di Milano, 3072. VISMARA (Cinzia), 7344. VITA (Juan-Pablo), 987. VITAGLIANO (Silvana), 774. VITALE (Emma), 3042. VITALI (Stefano), 227, 3744. VITALIS (Robert), 6329. VITOLO (Giovanni), 150, 3232. VITT (Flavia), 2327. VITTORIA (Albertina), 4773, 4930. VITULLO (Juliann M.), 2655. VIVANT (Carole), 374. VIVANTI (Corrado), 420. VIVIANO (Benedict Thomas), 2125.

VIVIER (Jean-Loup), 6436. VIVIER (Thierry), 6710. VIZCARRA (Catalina), 5538. VLASSOPOULOS (Kostas), 581. VLYSIDOU (Vasiliki), 2203. VOGEL (Christian), 3136. VOGELSANG (Kai), 375. VOGL (Heidemarie), 3170. VOGT (Annette), 4810. VOGT (Helle), 2533. VOGTHERR (Thomas), 2544. VOIGT (Rüdiger), 1728, 4969. VOILLERY (Pierre), 3395. VOISIN (André-Roger), 4865. VOITHOFER (Richard), 3353. VOJTċCHOVSKÝ (OndĜej), 7003. VOLKMANN (Peer Oliver), 3745. VOLLGRAF (Erich), 4963. VOLLHARDT (Friedrich), 4716. VOLLMERSHAUSEN (Christiane E.), 6269. VOLLRATH (Hanna), 469. VOLPILHAC-AUGER (Catherine), 4964. VOLPINI (Paola), 6840. VOLTAIRE (François-Marie Arouet), 4974. VOM BRUCH (Rüdiger), 4782. VOM FELD (Ina), 6270. VONDRÁŠEK (Václav), 3484. VONDROVÁ (Jitka), 406. VOŠAHLÍKOVÁ (Pavla), 500. VOSS (Julia), 5071. VÖSSING (Konrad), 1452. VOURKOUTIOTIS (Vasilis), 6667. VOUT (Caroline), 1783. VOVKO (Andrej), 220. VRANDEýIû (Josip), 3244. VYBÍRAL (Jindrich), 5178. Vytautas Didysis, Grand Duke of Lithuania, 7. W WADA (Ikuko), 7044. WADDINGTON (Lorna), 6711. WAELKENS (Marc), 865. WAERN (Claes), 4631. WAGENER (Hans-Jürgen), 3653. WAGG (Stephen), 6801. WAGNER (Andrea), 6070. WAGNER (Armin), 6830, 6999. WAGNER (Christoph), 3746. WAGNER (Jeffrey), 6071. Wagner (Otto), 5178. Wagner (Richard), 5288, 5297. WAGNER (Thomas H.), 6604. WAGNER (Ulrich), 5757. WAGNER (Wolfgang), 3624. WAHEEB (Mohammed), 826. WAHL (Volker), 5200. WAHNICH (Sophie), 595.

361 WAHRMANN (Carl Christian), 5609. WAITE (Gary K.), 4643. WAITE (John), 1695. WAKELIN (Daniel), 4774. WAKOUNIG (Marija), 6605. WALA (Michael), 4402. WALDRON (Peter), 4210, 4218. WALKENHORST (Peter), 3747. WALKER (Anita M.), 3558. WALKER (David Martin), 582. WALKER (Joel), 1064. WALL (Richard), 5723, 6066, 6072. WALLACE (Rex), 1094. WALLACE (Robert W.), 1191. WALLIS (Patrick), 5044. WALLRAFF (Martin), 2000, 2004. WALLRATH-JANSSEN (Anne-M.), 4933. WALMSLEY (Alan), 1042. WALRAVENS (Hartmut), 58. WALSH (Christine), 3154. WALSH (Oonagh), 4441. WALTER (Rolf), 5023. WALTHER (Helmut G.), 3047. WALTON (Benjamin), 5373. WALTON (J. Michael), 731. WALTON (Kristen Post), 3835. WALVIN (James), 6337. WANG (Changsong), 7090. WANG (Chaoguang), 7181. WANG (David Der-wei), 5083. WANG (Donglin), 7182. WANG (Jianhua), 7183. WANG (Jianmin), 7241. Wang (Jingwei), 7223. WANG (Jiping), 7105. WANG (Qingcheng), 7184. WANG (Qisheng), 7185. WANG (Sihan), 7186. WANG (Wei), 7187. WANG (Weijiang), 7188. WANG (Wentao), 7189. WANG (Xiaohua), 7163. WANG (Xiaotong), 7190. WANG (Yichen), 7191. WANG (Yuanzhou), 7192. WANG (Yuru), 7193. WANG (Zhimin), 7194. WANG (Zijin), 7195. WANGQ. Edward), 464. WAQUET (Jean Claude), 4748, 6491. Warburg (Aby), 428. WARBURTON (David A.), 917. WARD (Aengus), 2350. WARDAYA (F. X. Baskara Tulus), 7004. WARDHAUGH (Jessica), 3600. WARD-PERKINS (Bryan), 1696. Warhol (Andy), 5140.

362 WARNER (Michael), 6838. WARNIER (Jean-Pierre), 3399. WARREN (Wilson J.), 5610. WASSERSTEIN (Bernard), 3298. WASSERSTROM (Jeffrey N.), 376. WASSILOWSKY (Günther), 4535. WATANABE (Hisashi), 7295, 7296. WATANABE (Miki), 7196. WATANABE (Takaki), 3989. WATKINS (C. S.), 3034. WATKINS (Charles), 5630. WATSON (Rowan), 37. WATSON (Wilfred G.E.), 961, 963. WATTS (Edward), 1453. WATTS (John Lovett), 2394. WEAVER (Joel A.), 2126. WEBB (Diana), 2735, 3151. WEBBER (Teresa), 20. WEBER (Christoph), 4546. WEBER (Edwin Ernst), 6839. WEBER (Gregor), 1084. WEBER (Hartmut), 3629. Weber (Max), 429. WEBER (Pierre-Frédéric), 7005. WEBER (Ursula), 1065. WEEBER (Karl-Wilhelm), 1784. WEI (Tian'an), 7175, 7197. WEI (Wenxiang), 7198. WEIDUSCHAT (Gerhard), 3633. WEIGELT (Sylvia), 2353. WEIJERS (Olga), 2907. WEILER (Björn), 2423. WEILL-PAROT (Nicolas), 77. WEINDL (Andrea), 5611. WEINDLING (Paul J.), 3248. WEIß (Carina), 1541. WEIß (Dieter J.), 3748. WEISS (Peter), 1577. WEITZ (Eric D.), 3749. WEITZEL (Jürgen), 6265. Weizsäcker (Ernst, Freiherr von), 6746. WELCH (Katherine Ethel), 1942. Welf (House of), 5977. WELHAM (Kate), 794. WELLER (Patrick Moray), 3336. Welles (Benjamin Summer), 6745. Welles (Orson), 5221, 5346. Wellesley (family), 3826. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, duke of), 3826. Wells (Herbert George), 5375. WELLS (Julia C.), 4261. WELTERS (Linda), 657. WEN (Xin), 7199. WENDEHORST (Alfred), 3090. WENDEHORST (Stephan), 6159. WENGER (Andreas), 6996. WENKEL (Christian), 6903. WENKEL (Simone), 5073. WERLE (Dirk), 245.

INDEX OF NAMES WERNER (Dorothée), 2971, 2999. Werner (Matthias), 3047. WERNER (Thomas), 2736. WERTH (Nicolas), 4219. WERTHMANN (Katja), 7345. WESLEY-SMITH (Terence), 7358. WESSELS (Jens-Wilhelm), 5439. West (Martin L.), 1314. WEST (Nigel.), 550. WESTENHOLZ (Aage), 962. WESTGATE (Ruth), 1542. WESTHEIDER (Ortrud), 1907. WESTHOLM (Gun), 2443. WESTSTEIJN (Thijs), 4971. WHITE (Chris), 6803. WHITE (Eugene), 5560. WHITE (Hayden), 465. WHITE (Joel), 2127. WHITE (Mark J.), 4455. WHITEHEAD (Kay), 6074. WHITTAKER (David J.), 544. WHITTINGTON (Keith E.), 4456. WHYTE (Nicola), 5802. WICKBERG (Daniel), 377. WICKERSHAM (John M.), 1242. WICKHAM (Chris), 336, 404. WIDERKEHR (Stefan), 4220. WIEGELS (Rainer), 1694. Wieland (Christoph Martin), 5096. Wieland (Georg), 2908. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich), 1196. WIEN (Markus), 5440. WIENER (Joel), 5211. Wiese (Robert), 5285. WIESE (Walter), 5374. WIESEHÖFER (Josef), 1066, 1078. WIESEN (S. Jonathan), 5603. WIIO (Juhani), 5364. WIJFFELS (Alain), 6171. Wilamowitz Moellendorff (Ulrich von), 288. WILDANGEL (René), 6712. WILDBERGER (Jula), 1882. WILDT (Michael), 3750. WILHELM (Birgit), 6185. Wilhelm II, Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen, 5030. Wilhelm von Oranien, 4074. WILHITE (David E.), 2128. WILKE (Jürgen), 4900, 4934. WILKINSON (Richard H.), 918. WILLAERT (Emilie), 5646. William III, King of England, 6512. WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY, 2356. WILLIAMS (Anna Ngaire), 2129. WILLIAMS (Chris), 507. WILLIAMS (David), 1089. WILLIAMS (Gareth), 2508, 2509. WILLIAMS (Gary), 7006. WILLIAMS (Howard), 3191.

WILLIAMS (John Alexander), 6075. WILLIAMS (Karel), 5681. WILLIAMS (Keith), 5375. WILLIAMS (Patrick G.), 4458. WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.), 7347. WILLIAMSON (Samuel R. Jr.), 264. WILLINGHAM (Elizabeth Moore), 2753. WILLIS (Justin), 4321. WILLITTS (Joel), 2130. WILLMOTT (Jo), 1390. WILLOWEIT (Dietmar), 3669. WILLS (Clair), 4775. WILLS (Douglas), 5413. WILLS (Tarrin), 2903. WILSCHEWSKI (Frank), 3091. WILSON (Alexandra), 5376. WILSON (Colette E.), 3619. WILSON (Fiona), 4112. WILSON (G. A.), 2974. Wilson (Harold), 6977, 6994. WILSON (James Graham), 7007. WILSON (John F.), 5430. WILSON (Jonathan), 5198. WILSON (Kathleen), 6076. WILSON (Nigel Guy), 1140, 1391. WILSON (Peter), 1222, 1392, 1485. Wilson (Woodrow), 6616, 6665. WILTSE (Jeff), 6077. Winckelmann (Johann Joachim), 430. WINDSCHEFFEL (Alex), 3836. WINEROITHER (David), 3751. WINGFIELD (Nancy M.), 3485. WINKEL (Laurens), 6172. WINKELBAUER (Thomas), 4638. WINKLER (Martin M.), 5353. WINOCK (Michel), 3620. WINSTEAD (Karen A.), 3036. WINTER (Engelbert), 1951. WINTER (Jay), 5741. WINTERBOTTOM (Michael), 2356. WINTGENS (Benedikt), 6907. WINTJES (Angelika), 1972. WINTZER (Joachim), 6907. WIPFLER (Katrin), 3121. WIPPEL (John F.), 3037. WIRKUS (Bernd), 4731. WIRSCHING (Andreas), 3674. WIRTH (Michael), 7008. WISCHERMANN (Clemens), 109. WISE (Nathan), 6137. WISSMANN (Friederike), 5372. WISWA WARNAPALA (W. A.), 6831. WITHERS (Charles W. J.), 205. WITHINGTON (Phil), 3837, 6078. WITKOWSKI (Wojciech), 4133. WITTE (John Jr.), 639. WITTE (John), 2514. Wittgenstein (Ludwig), 4975, 5282.

WITTING (Félix), 5184. WITTKE (Anne-Maria), 551. WITTMAN (Richard), 5199. WITULSKI (Thomas), 1905, 2131. WITZENRATH (Christoph), 4221. WIXFORTH (Harald), 5663. WLADIKA (Michael), 4952. WàADYKA (Wiesáaw), 4117. WLOSOK (Antonie), 2002. WOERTHER (Frédérique), 1454. WOLBRING (Barbara), 4867. WOLF (Diane L.), 6079. WOLF (Hubert), 4535, 4776, 708. WOLF (Manfred), 2304. WOLFE (Alan), 4482. WOLFE (Justin), 4079. WOLFF (Charlotta), 4334. WOLFF (David), 6594. WOLFF (Étienne), 1609. WOLFF (Hartmut), 1665. WOLFFRAM (Dirk Jan), 6138. WOLKAN (Rudolf), 2754. WOLLAEGER (Mark A.), 5377. WOLLOCH (Nathaniel), 400. Wollstonecraft (Mary), 345, 4948. WOLTER (Christoph), 5378. WOLZOGEN (Christoph von), 3532. Wong (R. Bin), 624, 641. WOOD (Andy), 3838. WOODING (Jonathan M.), 2370. WOODMAN (Anthony J.), 1614. WOODRUM (Robert H.), 5539. WOODS (Claire), 1870. WOODS (Jeff), 6904. WOODS (Kim W.), 5161. WOODWARD (David R.), 6607. Woodward (Peter), 6835. WOOLF (Alex), 2379. WOOLF (Daniel R.), 2709. WOOLF (Stuart), 277, 3975. Woolf (Virginia), 4770, 5303. WORMALD (Patrick), 2705. WÖRNER (Bernd), 6173. WORTH (Owen N.), 6803. WRATHALL (Mark A.), 721. WREDE (Martin), 3299, 6080. WRIGHT (Charles Darwin), 2862. Wright (Frank Lloyd), 5167. WRIGHT (John), 6437. WRIGHT (Jonathan), 6713. WRIGHT (Neil), 2347. WRIGHT (O.J.), 6606. WRIGHT (Thomas C.), 3425. WRIGHT (Vincent), 3621. WRIGLEY (E. A.), 5803. WU (Tong), 7200. WU (Yixiong), 7201. WU (Youjiang), 7202. WUNSCH (Matthias), 4960. WURSCHI (Peter), 6081. WÜSTENBECKER (Katja), 4459.



Wycliffe (John), 2835, 2990. WYLIE (Neville), 6773. WYRWA (Ulrich), 292. WYSS (Marco), 6714.

YOUNGBLOOD (Denise J.), 5380. Yuan (Shikai), 7087. YUAN (Tingzhi), 7222. YUAN (Zuliang), 7248. YUN CASALILLA (Bartolomé), 380. YUNIS (Harvey), 1455. YUSTA RODRIGO (Mercedes), 4278. YVANOFF (Xavier), 2737. YVERNAULT (Martine), 111.

X XANTHAKOU (Margarita), 496. XELLA (Paolo), 1043. Xenophon, 1159, 1287, 1306, 1356, 1431, 1443. Xerxes, king of Persia, 1053, 1172. XIAO (Yuqiu), 7203. XIAO (Zhixing), 7128. XIAO (Zili), 7125. XIAO (Zongzhi), 7204. XU (Buzeng), 7205. XU (Guangqiu), 6832. XU (Xiaoqing), 7206. XU (Xiaoqun), 7207. XU (Yiliang), 7208. XUE (Hong), 7150. Y YACOU (Alain), 6464. YAGI (Kumiko), 7032. YAMAGUCHI (Midori), 4644. YAMAMOTO (Eishi), 7209. YANG (Kuisong), 7210. YANG (Kuisong), 7211. YANG (Liwen), 7212. YANG (Shaoyou), 7213. YANG (Tianhong), 7214, 7215. YANG (Wenxiu), 7083. YANG (Xuechen), 7216. YANG (Yong), 7217. YANG (Zhenhong), 7242. YANG (Zhumin), 7218. YANKELEVICH (Pablo), 3314, 4055. YANNOPOULOS (Panayotis), 2270. Yardley (Herbert O.), 6202. YARZA (Joaquín), 46. YARZA URQUIOLA (Valeriano), 1993, 3160. YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), 808. YATES (Nigel), 3839. YE (Lijun), 7219. YEATS (Christine), 5540. Yeats (W. B.), 4693. YEH (Wei-jong), 1871. YEH (Wen-Hsin), 5804. YEKELCHYK (Serhy), 4374. YILDIRIM (Bahadir), 379. YONA (Shamir), 1044. Yongzheng (Emperor), 7194. YOSHIZAWA (Seiichiro), 7220. YOU (Biao), 7221. YOUNG (B. W.), 4777. YOUNG (Christopher), 2815. Young (Lester), 5262. YOUNG (Suzanne M.M.), 749.

Z ZABORSKA (Urszula), IX. ZACCARIA (Massimo), 6390. ZACHARASIEWICZ (Waldemar), 5084. ZACHAU (Olav), 3753. ZACHLOD (Christian M.), 5724. ZAGARRIO (Vito), 4935. ZAGDOUN (Mary-Anne), 1456. ZAKAR (Péter), 3854. ZAKHAROV (Vladimir A.), 4222. ZALLER (Robert), 3840. ŽALYS (Vytautas), 6668. ZAMBON (Francesco), 2758. ZAMBUJO FIALHO (Maria do Céu), 1394. ZAMINDAR (Vazira FazilaYacoobali), 7045. ZAMORA LÓPEZ (José Angel), 1045. ZAMPONI (Stefano), 38. ZANG (Yungu), 7223. ZANG (Zhifei), 7224. ZANGARA (Adriana), 466. ZANINI (Enrico), 2894. ZANKER (Paul), 1943. ZANNI ROSIELLO (Isabella), 227. ZAPATER EQUIOÍZ (Horacio), 497. ZAPKE (Susana), 2946. ZAPNIK (Jörg), 6082. ZÁRATE C. (María Soledad), 5074. ZARDINI (Francesca), 5381. ZAREMBA (Michael), 5096. ĩARNOWSKI (Janusz), 5995. ZARRI (Gabriella), 4506. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef), 3486. ZATLIN (Jonathan R.), 5603, 5725. ZAVACKÁ, (Marína), 467. ZAVODNYIK (Peter), 4460. ZAWANGONI (Salvador André), 4064. ZDRADA (Jerzy), 4134. ZEHFUSS (Maja), 3754. ZEILIG (Leo), 3438. ZEILINGER (Gabriel), 2648. ZEINER-CARMICHAEL (Noelle K.), 1872. ZEITZ (Joshua M.), 5805. Zeller (Familie), 124. ZELLER (Olivier), 5806.

364 ZELLER (Thomas), 5541. Zemon Davis (Natalie), 431. Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, 1666. ZERBINI (Livio), 1626. ZETTERBERG (Kent), 6332. Zeuxis, 1532. Zhang (family), 117. ZHANG (Guogang), 7245. ZHANG (Huateng), 7225. Zhang (Jian), 7119. ZHANG (Jinfan), 7226. ZHANG (Jinguang), 7227. ZHANG (Junyi), 7228. ZHANG (Ning), 7229. ZHANG (Peitian), 7230. ZHANG (Pengyuan), 7231. ZHANG (Qing), 7232. ZHANG (Qixing), 7233. ZHANG (Suling), 7234. ZHANG (Xiaoye), 7235. Zhang (Xuecheng), 7124. ZHANG (Zhaojun), 7236. ZHANG (Zhongmin), 7237. ZHAO (Dong), 7238. ZHAO (Dongyu), 7239. ZHENG (Ruoling), 7240. Zhivkov (Todor), 3390. ZHOU (Dongqi), 7249. ZHU (Gang), 7144.

INDEX OF NAMES ZHU (Ning), 5684. ZHU (Qiyuan), 7128. ZHU (Ting), 7237. ZHU (Ying), 7250. ZIEG (Michael), 129. ZIEGER (Robert H.), 6140. ZIEGLER (Mario), 2132. ZIEMANN (Benjamin), 381, 3258. ZIEMANN (Daniel), 2401. ZIEMSSEN (Hauke), 1670. ZIER (Marcus A.), 2965. ZIGGIOTTI (Sara), 758, 775. ZIKA (Charles), 221. ZIMMERMAN (David), 4812. ZIMMERMANN (Christiane), 2133. ZIMMERMANN (Clemens), 4937. ZIMMERMANN (Margarete), 4717. ZIMMERMANN (Michael), 6084. ZIMMERMANN (Thomas), 827, 988. ZINOV'EV (Georgij V.), 6833. Zinzendorf (Karl von), 3339. ZIOLKOWSKI (Jan M.), 2879, 2963. ZISCHKE (Birgit), 4376. ZISENWINE (Daniel), 7325. ZITZLSPERGER (Ulrike), 530. Zizizi, 977. ZLATEV (Zlatko Denev), 5441. ZMERLI (Adnan), 7301.

ZNAMENSKI (Andrei A.), 4778. Zog I, Skanderbeg III, king of the Albanians, 3303. ZOGRAPHOU (Gerasimoula), 1395. ZÖHL (Caroline), 48. ZÖLLNER (Frank), 5192. ZOMENO (Amalia), 2473. ZON (Bennett), 5311. ZONOVA (Tatiana V.), 6905. ZOREMA (J.), 3891. ZORODDU (Donatella), 1396. ZORZI (Andrea), 2540. Zosimus, 2186. ZOU (Zhenhuan), 7251. ZOVATTO (Pietro), 2003. ZUBER (Valentine), 4628. ZUBIETA NÚÑEZ (Filomeno), 344. ZUBOK (Vladislav M.), 6834. ZÜCKERT (Martin), 4523. ZULAWSKI (Ann), 3372. ZUNINO (Maddalena Luisa), 1133, 1397. ZURLI (Loriano), 1580. ZURRO (Débora), 773. ZUSHI (Nobutada), 2551. ŽUTIû (Nikola), 4240. ZUTSHI (P. N. R.), 3083. ZVEREVA (Nina D.), 4196. ZWYNS (N.), 771.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A ÁbdƝra, 1220. Abingdon, 3054. Abra de Bilbao, 5735. Abruzzo, 809. Abu Musa island, 6910. Achaia, 1200. Actium, 1631, 1668. Addis Ababa, 5736. Aden, 6584. Adrene, 1113. Adriatique (mer), 5599. Aegaeum (mare), 1098, 1107. Aegyptus, 878-918, 1738, 1896. Afghanistan, 1058, 3300, 4928, 6835, 6957. Afrique, 101, 681, 683, 737, 1008, 1720, 1885, 4844, 4870, 5111, 5246, 5271, 5320, 5420, 5740, 6314, 6357, 6390-6437, 6835, 7168, 7300-7345, 7347.  A. du sud-est, 4597.  A. du sud-ouest, 6366. í A. occidentale française, 4843. í A. occidentale, 7304. í A. orientale, 6014, 6767, 7311, 7334. í A. proconsularis, 1644. í A. septentrionale, 5028, 6289, 6397. í A. sub-saharienne, 6958, 7313. Ain (département de l'), 5854. Aïn-Youssef, 997. Aix-en-Provence, 4793. Aizanoi, 858. Ajanta, 521. Alabama, 5539. Alalakh, 801. Alaska, 167. Albacete, 2492. Albania v. Shqipëri. Alberta, 3406. Albi, 3166. Alcalá, 2457. Aleppo, 1003. Alexandria, 902, 903. Algérie, 215, 532, 3305-3309, 3513, 4646, 4830, 5105, 5250, 5638, 5910, 6036, 6392, 6400, 6402, 6423, 6429, 6430, 6835, 7323. Alicante, 783, 4270. Almuñecar (Granada), 1005.

Alpi, 2644, 6190. Al-Rawda (Syria), 805. Alsace, 2580. Amarna, 905. Amérique, 184, 192, 705, 3287, 4925, 5203, 5246, 5319, 5625, 5927, 6357, 6368, 6438-6466, 7346-7351. í A. latine, 100, 497, 542, 629, 3281, 3289, 4526, 4596, 5087, 6330, 6358, 6441, 6448, 6691, 6835, 6925, 6993, 7347, 7350. í A. méridionale, 3259. í A. septentrionale, 477, 529, 3269, 5801, 6461, 6501, 6835, 6966. í v. Hispanoamérica. í v. Iberoamérica. í v. Mesoamerica. Amsterdam, 5758, 6047. Anatolia, 807, 810, 818, 839, 842, 959, 988. Ancient Near East, 785, 802, 837, 843, 845-877, 967. Andalucía, 182, 2473, 2477, 2478, 2486, 2489, 2490, 2493, 2494, 2497, 4264, 4273, 6531. Andes, 3366, 4112. Angola, 3310-3311. Anguillara Sabazia (Roma), 1906. Anio [Aniene] (flumen), 1914. Antiochia, 852, 857. Antwerp, 6065. Apliki Karamallos (Cyprus), 814. Apollonia Illyrica, 1500. Appalachia, 5482. Aquileia, 2327. Aquitaine, 2567. Arabia, 6664, 6835. Arabian peninsula, 6315. Aragón, 2314, 2328, 2389, 2496, 2554, 2592, 2631. Araucanía, 6451. Arco, 4585. Argentina, 278, 3245, 3312-3330, 3425, 3434, 4464, 4516, 4906, 4907, 4963, 5121, 5240, 5284, 5398, 5519, 5562, 5640, 6318, 6730, 7001. Arginusae (insulae), 1201. Aricia, 1893. Arpad (BƯt Agnjsi), 1018. Arras, 2326, 2727.

Artois, 3357. Asculum, 1631. Asie, 1190, 6282, 6368, 63726389, 6835, 7009-7299. í A. centrale, 58, 524, 7012, 70217032. í A. du sud-est, 534, 5386, 6112, 6835, 6875, 70337045. í A. méridionale, 5057, 7033-7045. í A. Minor, 859, 861, 1490, 1905, 2255, 6824, 7018, 7020. í A. occidentale, 7021-7032. í v. Eurasie. Asmara, 6245. Astana, 7199. Athenae, 1122, 1161, 1162, 1164, 1168, 1179, 1181, 1183, 1185, 1189, 1193, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1249, 1256, 1276, 1305, 1317, 1397, 1433, 1452, 1497, 1536, 6866. Atlantique (world), 5583. Attica, 1336. Augsburg, 3625, 5552. Auschwitz v. OĞwiĊcim. Australia, 99, 734, 3331-3336, 5287, 5497, 5528, 5665, 5734, 5869, 5890, 6089, 6298, 6470, 6706. Avignon, 5302. Axsum, 1115. Ayala, 116, 2305. B Babylon, 940. Baden, 3635, 4661. Baden-Württemberg, 6185. Bagamoyo, 5894. Baja California, 4051. Bălgarija, Bulgaria, 2401, 33863395, 4230, 5400, 5440, 5441, 5635, 5655, 5686, 5855, 6327, 6551, 6835, 6856, 6858, 6886. Balkans, 1577, 1965, 4357, 5613, 6281, 6303, 6498, 6538, 6627. Balma del Gai (Bages, Barcelona), 752. Baltique (mer, pays), 3079, 3282, 6765. Banat, 104, 3224, 4601. Bangladesh, 3354.

366 Banten, 3893. Baranowicze region, 6778. Barcelona, 2284, 2307, 2561, 4282, 5748, 5776, 5786. Baronnies, 3570. Baryulgil, 5510. Basel, 3056. Bath (Abbey), 2271. Bath and Wells, diocese, 2285. Bayern, 2399, 3665, 3669, 3718, 5564, 6247, 6515. Beijing, 4654, 7181, 7219. Beirut, 1032. Belarus v. Belorossija. Belgique, 26, 2565, 3355-3358, 5102, 5111, 5148, 5667, 5877, 6200, 6267, 6435, 6553, 6590, 6599, 6646, 6662, 6666, 6780, 6835, 6861. Belize, 3359. Belorossija, Belarus, 4223. Bengal, 3872, 3874, 3885. Benguela, 6395. Benue State (Nigeria), 4081. Beotia, 1327. Berezan, 1531. Bergamo, 2439. Berlin, 95, 1541, 3664, 3691, 3735, 4657, 4846, 4926, 5370, 5662, 5742, 6050, 6829, 6911, 6972. Betica, 1571. Bihar, 3881. Bithynia, 1174. Black Sea, 2226, 2626, 4354, 6473. Boeotia, 1242, 1469. Bo÷azköy, 979. Bolivia, 3360-3372, 6324, 6603, 6630. Bombay, 3878, 3882, 5764. Bordeaux, 3587. Bosna-Hercegovina, 526, 3373, 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239. Boštanj, 4832. Boston, 5722. Botteghino (Parma), 791. Bourges, 3609. Bourgogne, 2595, 6172. Brasil, 3245, 3374-3384, 4139, 5592, 5627, 5837, 5976, 6098, 6318, 6319, 6405, 6443, 6550, 6560, 6603, 6786, 6848, 6893, 6959. Bratislava, 5970. Bremen, 6240. Breslau, 3639. Bretagne, 3568, 3598, 5979. Bridgetown (Barbados), 5715. Bristol, 3227, 5543. Britannia, 1569, 1634, 1656, 1695, 1753. Brunei, 3385.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Bruxelles, 2595, 3358. Buenos Aires, 3323, 3326, 4818, 4902, 5729, 5773, 6457. Bujakow, 6057. Bulawayo, 4470. Bulgaria v. Bălgarija. Bungoma (district), 5641. Burgos, 3233. Burkina Faso, 7345. Burma, 6835. Burundi, 3396. Byzantium, Constantinopolis, 1915, 1975, 2144-2270, 2422. C Cabo Verde, 6409. California, 5290, 5864. Camarina, 1124. Cambodia, 3397, 6288. Cameroun, 3398, 3399, 6403, 6422. Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid), 804. Campania, 2936. Canada, 74, 3400-3410, 3698, 5496, 5629, 5869, 5882, 5996, 6032, 6037, 6060, 6106, 6454, 6760, 6908, 6923. Canton, 7166, 7179, 7201. Caribe, 3453, 6286. Carniche (Prealpi), 758. Carniola, 5954. Carthago, 1660. Casale Monferrato, 30. Casamance, 7328. Casamari (Abbazia di), 4588. Castilla y León, 2516, 3101, 3127, 4285. Castilla, 3131, 5677, 5927. Cataluña, 548, 2450, 2633, 2642, 2796, 3066, 4267, 4282, 4298, 4304, 4307, 5907, 6494. Cattolica, 1551. Cava dei Tirreni, 2298. ýechy, 500, 729, 2847, 3485, 4519, 4523, 4563, 4656, 4842, 5063, 5622, 5768. ýeskoslovensko, 326, 488, 663, 3461-3486, 4502, 4527, 4531, 4627, 5462, 5506, 5587, 5655, 5703, 5832, 5952, 5959, 6020, 6158, 6254, 6331, 6652, 6672, 6676, 6688, 6717, 6718, 6740, 6747, 6818, 6820, 6835, 6844, 6855, 6873, 6877, 6884, 6890, 6899, 6956, 6997, 7003. Chad v. Tchad. Chalcedon, 2057. Champagne, 31, 134, 2338, 2589. Chang'an, 7083.

Channel islands, 6702. Charcas, 3370, 6207. Charleston (South Carolina), 5234. Charonne, 3538. Chiapas, 4031, 4042. Chicago, 937, 4926, 5732, 5763, 5810. Chile, 3412-3425, 4110, 5074, 5398, 5831, 6197, 6566, 6603, 6808, 6948, 6959, 6980, 7001. China, 58, 191, 319, 332, 375, 522, 4512, 4591, 4592, 4751, 4815, 4834, 5115, 5382, 5416, 5595, 5684, 5804, 6291, 6297, 6312, 6383, 6558, 6572, 6573, 6587, 6641, 6695, 6748, 6803, 6832, 6833, 6835, 6875, 6889, 6911, 6965, 7009, 7046-7251, 7269, 7272, 7289, 7358. Chinchilla-Villena, 118, 6001. Chuschi, 4109. Cibyratis, 876. Cilicia, 795, 810. Città del Vaticano, 4503, 4513, 4599, 6194, 6198, 6296, 6481, 6739, 6835. Claydon Pike, 832. Clazomenae, 846. Cluj, 4609. Cluny (Abbey of), 254. Cnossos, 1101, 1103. Colombia, 3426-3434, 4820, 4833, 6603. Concepción, 4098. Concordia Sagittaria (Venezia), 2003. Congo, 3435-3439, 4572, 4807, 5667, 5668, 6435. Constantinopolis v. Byzantium. Corcyra, 1514. Córdoba, 2512, 3216. Corse, 3604. Cos, 1129. Costa Rica, 3440-3444, 4854. Côte d'Ivoire, 6415. Cotswold Water Park, 832. Cova de l'Or (Beniarés, Alacant), 780. Craiova, 6930. Creta, 1096, 1542. Crna Gora, Montenegro, 4059, 4060, 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239. Croatia v. Hrvatske. Croton, 1532. Crustumium, 1551. Cuba, 130, 3448-3459, 4495, 5344, 6443, 6449, 6566, 6581, 6921, 6932, 6954, 6979, 6982. Cuenca del Sever (PortugalEspaña), 790.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Cueva de El Rascaño (MironesCantabria), 755. Cuma, 1524. Cyrene, 1271, 1540. Cythera, 1098. D Dacia, 337, 1626, 1679, 1754. Dahomey, 7327. Dakhleh, 906. Dalmacija, 3244, 4720, 5853. Damascus, 2019, 5919. Danmark, 120, 537, 634, 2499, 2601, 2605, 2619, 2763, 3295, 3487-3503, 4663, 4678, 5024, 5491, 5530, 5547, 5636, 5652, 5698, 5848, 5856, 5915, 5957, 6095, 6149, 6237, 6522, 6527, 6536, 6540, 6684, 6692, 6699, 6754, 6790, 6835, 6916. Danube river, 792, 2240. Danuvius (flumen), 1628, 1677, 1967. Dar es Salaam, 4347, 5861, 5894. Darfur, 4317. Dead Sea, 2073. Delphi, 1517. Deutschland, 133, 136, 228, 256, 298, 310, 359, 373, 433, 530, 543, 616, 661, 2373, 2423, 2604, 2639, 2648, 2821, 3098, 3182, 3202, 3204, 3268, 3295, 3299, 3623-3754, 4479, 4481, 4642, 4679, 4690, 4706, 4718, 4730, 4735, 4738, 4741, 4749, 4750, 4762, 4791, 4823, 4828, 4838, 4844, 4847, 4848, 4848, 4890, 4891, 4895, 4900, 4924, 4933, 4937, 4983, 5012, 5031, 5045, 5081, 5084, 5097, 5098, 5107, 5116, 5126, 5127, 5143, 5146, 5200, 5201, 5210, 5231, 5257, 5260, 5274, 5281, 5313, 5322, 5329, 5357, 5360, 5363, 5378, 5411, 5431, 5433, 5435, 5437, 5440, 5466, 5485, 5495, 5502, 5534, 5541, 5603, 5680, 5689, 5701, 5718, 5725, 5847, 5858, 5898, 5912, 5913, 5921, 5923, 5932, 5978, 5986, 6004, 6022, 6024, 6028, 6039, 6063, 6070, 6075, 6094, 6107, 6120, 6125, 6130, 6147, 6179, 6193, 6199, 6204, 6211, 6212, 6233, 6234, 6252, 6258, 6259, 6261, 6302, 6318, 6323, 6331, 6366, 6403, 6515, 6539, 6580, 6604, 6610, 6640, 6667, 6670, 6671, 6680, 6682, 6687, 6689, 6700, 6704, 6705, 6712, 6723, 6738, 6746, 6756, 6759, 6822, 6835,

6859, 6867, 6869, 6872, 6883, 6892, 6895, 6903, 6906, 6909, 6911, 6915, 6933, 6937, 6943, 6945, 6950, 6953, 6960, 6967, 6998, 7005, 7008, 7125. Dhra', 788. Didyma (Hieron), 2255. Dijon, 3545, 5779. Djibuti, 3504. DǀdekanƝsa, 4863. Doliche, 875. Dra Abu el-Naga, 890. Dresden, 1933, 2331, 3733, 5659. Dubai, 6290. Dublin, 768. Dubrovnik, 32, 2602, 4599, 4720. Duisburg, 4790. E Earls Cone, 5628. Ebro (valle del), 1763. Ecuador, 3507-3509, 5998, 6086, 6320, 6324, 6603, 6739. Edessa, 1994. Edo, 5737, 7287. Eesti, Estland, Estonie, 3520-3522, 4223, 5623, 6187, 6243, 6636. Egypt, 289, 577, 3510-3516, 6517, 6648, 6835, 6852, 6864, 6926. í v. Aegyptus. Eisenach, 2353. El Ceremeño (Herrería), 828. El Salvador, 3517-3519, 3846, 4549. Elam, 922. Eleusis, 1457. el-Hosh, 912. Emar, 968. En Gedi, 1037. England, 20, 79, 83, 266, 445, 609, 612, 664, 682, 2330, 2342, 2363, 2397, 2409, 2426, 2429, 2522, 2530, 2555, 2559, 2562, 2563, 2569, 2571, 2620, 2641, 2667, 2671, 2678, 2690, 2698, 2709, 2710, 2769, 2777, 2788, 2836, 2839, 2842, 2863, 2895, 3034, 3111, 3118, 3134, 3152, 3171, 3179, 3195, 3201, 3223, 3266, 3274, 3275, 3764, 3837, 3838, 3840, 4533, 4582, 4617, 4623, 4630, 4636, 4667, 4734, 4745, 4794, 4821, 4844, 4957, 5044, 5094, 5120, 5217, 5401, 5426, 5526, 5558, 5588, 5593, 5637, 5717, 5723, 5803, 5896, 5904, 5934, 5987, 6021, 6046, 6052, 6053, 6059, 6071, 6078, 6085, 6111, 6165, 6487, 6500, 6504, 6509, 6950. Ephesos, 860, 868, 2057.

367 Epirus, 1514, 6274. Erfurt, 3624. Eritrea, 6390. España, 46, 146, 173, 174, 190, 201, 232, 494, 601, 616, 2363, 2436, 2448, 2453, 2454, 2646, 2708, 2711, 2726, 2810, 2822, 2919, 2921, 2939, 3150, 3186, 3550, 3809, 4136, 4138, 4146, 4262-4314, 4501, 4719, 4786, 4880, 4937, 5013, 5326, 5334, 5480, 5481, 5547, 5566, 5660, 5857, 6260, 6367, 6485, 6486, 6488, 6507, 6513, 6535, 6562, 6629, 6710, 6719, 6730, 6750, 6792, 6835, 6840, 6878, 7012. Esslingen, 5522. Estland v. Eesti. Estonie v. Eesti. Ethiopia, 3523-3525, 6299, 6697, 6835, 6955, 7320. Etruria, 1559. Euphrates (flumen), 925, 959. Eurasie, 701, 743, 751. Europe, 156, 165, 203, 206, 221, 308, 380, 575, 584, 592, 593, 598, 599, 610, 613, 649, 753, 763, 777, 825, 1550, 1662, 1945, 1952, 2216, 2235, 2364, 2374, 2375, 2462, 2593, 2902, 3044, 3247, 3249, 3253, 3257, 3258, 3260, 3270, 3277, 3279, 3285, 3287, 3291, 3297, 3298, 3820, 4485, 4486, 4497, 4637, 4643, 4703, 4717, 4827, 4855, 4952, 4965, 4995, 5008, 5043, 5057, 5139, 5169, 5244, 5246, 5312, 5319, 5352, 5384, 5395, 5409, 5420, 5425, 5525, 5594, 5598, 5687, 5753, 5770, 5785, 5794, 5801, 5817, 5829, 5887, 5901, 5949, 6073, 6084, 6103, 6141, 6155, 6195, 6267, 6496, 6521, 6537, 6569, 6619, 6696, 6742, 6791, 6798, 6803, 6806, 6821, 6826, 6835, 6892, 6894, 6901, 6922, 6924, 6928, 6934, 6938, 6939, 6952, 6977. í E. central, 179, 2385, 3248, 3255, 5968, 6577, 6649. í E. du centre-est, 333, 495, 3292. í E. du sud-est, 3246, 3248, 3292. í E. occidentale, 2585, 3269, 6835. í E. orientale, 538, 5435, 5460, 6083, 6238, 6577, 6703, 6911, 6940. í E. septentrionale, 495, 2585. í v. Eurasie. Euskal Herria, Pais Vasco, Pays Basque, 4286, 4294. Evora, 4145. Exeter, 4608.

368 F Færøerne, 6188. Falerii Veteres, 1544. Far East, 701. Farfa, 2578. Ferrara, 1964, 2456. Fiji, 7352. Filipinas, 4113, 4114, 6598, 6835. Finalese, 757. Firenze, 531, 2441, 2442, 2546, 2577, 2685, 2724, 2897, 3239, 3936, 3970. Flandes, 43, 2527, 6513. Fontvieille (Bouches-du-Rhône), 754. Fosso Mergaoni (Ancona), 775. France, 43, 62, 82, 119, 187, 195, 258, 335, 434, 511, 527, 558, 597, 612, 661, 670, 2345, 2388, 2397, 2407, 2536, 2548, 2588, 2616, 2674, 2794, 2934, 3204, 3251, 3254, 3268, 3343, 35293622, 3702, 3791, 3956, 4128, 4286, 4336, 4491, 4520, 4550, 4554, 4558, 4562, 4573, 4635, 4659, 4678, 4718, 4721, 4745, 4753, 4761, 4763, 4788, 4814, 4821, 4824, 4830, 4834, 4835, 4836, 4839, 4853, 4860, 4876, 4883, 4915, 4927, 4934, 4981, 4985, 5002, 5045, 5095, 5111, 5137, 5144, 5199, 5219, 5227, 5241, 5298, 5326, 5342, 5347, 5394, 5402, 5405, 5433, 5434, 5471, 5549, 5554, 5561, 5578, 5588, 5595, 5653, 5657, 5676, 5704, 5705, 5834, 5852, 5876, 5879, 5905, 5924, 5929, 5948, 5985, 6012, 6019, 6027, 6031, 6109, 6116, 6117, 6128, 6168, 6171, 6180, 6185, 6206, 6264, 6279, 6318, 6343, 6344, 6352, 6355, 6363, 6370, 6371, 6383, 6407, 6430, 6478, 6485, 6486, 6488, 6502, 6524, 6533, 6534, 6535, 6539, 6557, 6574, 6576, 6578, 6586, 6618, 6621, 6640, 6657, 6678, 6680, 6710, 6713, 6733, 6736, 6751, 6782, 6806, 6826, 6829, 6830, 6835, 6837, 6839, 6839, 6871, 6874, 6881, 6883, 6885, 6891, 6892, 6903, 6907, 6924, 6930, 6949, 6951, 6970, 6987, 6990, 6991, 6999, 7008. Franconia, 6018. Franken, 3090. Frankfurt am Main, 2373, 4645. Fraore Oratorio (Parma), 820. Freiburg, 5743. Frosinone, 3932.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Fujian, 7126, 7222. Fulda, 6482. G Gabon, 6396. Galicia, 4266. Galizien, 6525, 6583, 6634. Gallia Transpadana, 1576. Gallia, 1654, 1720. Gambia, 7328. Gansu, 7095. Gascogne, 2567. GazƯra, 1019. Gelsenkirchen, 5438. Genève, 4725, 5691, 6015, 6041, 6267. Genova, 150, 2496, 2552, 3937, 5660, 5841. Georgia, 475, 533, 5840, 5989, 5990. Gerasa, 1017. Germania Inferior, 1629. Ghana, 3755-3758, 7340. Ghent, 5800. Ghizène (Jerba), 1035. Gießen, 3725, 4797. Girona, 3059. Giza, 907. Glasgow, 3802. Gloucester, 3779. Gáubczyce, 6884. Goa, 6375, 6385. Godekta Lescuhdei (Somalia), 776. Gordion (Galatia), 855. Gorgo del Ciliegio (Sansepolcro, Arezzo), 800. Gortyna, 1203. Göttingen, 4802. Graecia, 311, 797, 1076, 1079, 1107, 1176, 1401, 1440, 1462, 1476, 1481, 1513. Grammata (Albania), 1117. Granada, 2496, 2498, 5761, 5865. Gravisca (Viterbo), 1546. Great Britain, 206, 228, 251, 279, 318, 504, 507, 546, 615, 730, 2380, 2383, 2423, 2501, 2572, 2880, 3251, 3267, 3296, 37593840, 3905, 3909, 4075, 4292, 4640, 4719, 4770, 4871, 4891, 4925, 4968, 5039, 5194, 5211, 5265, 5272, 5274, 5311, 5377, 5391, 5398, 5405, 5424, 5432, 5455, 5466, 5471, 5472, 5473, 5485, 5499, 5511, 5512, 5514, 5548, 5584, 5590, 5595, 5630, 5633, 5666, 5719, 5857, 5914, 5918, 5920, 5946, 6006, 6062, 6103, 6108, 6120, 6127, 6139, 6181, 6191, 6284, 6285, 6290, 6294, 6302, 6305, 6306, 6309,

6315, 6317, 6323, 6326, 6335, 6336, 6338, 6339, 6340, 6345, 6351, 6357, 6360, 6361, 6365, 6369, 6387, 6414, 6417, 6422, 6434, 6500, 6503, 6506, 6515, 6516, 6518, 6535, 6536, 6556, 6572, 6573, 6580, 6581, 6582, 6584, 6585, 6587, 6606, 6613, 6617, 6621, 6629, 6633, 6647, 6648, 6656, 6660, 6664, 6724, 6726, 6736, 6743, 6747, 6752, 6766, 6798, 6802, 6805, 6819, 6829, 6835, 6849, 6852, 6853, 6865, 6866, 6868, 6872, 6882, 6895, 6897, 6898, 6910, 6926, 6935, 6936, 6941, 6953, 6954, 6967, 6975, 6977, 6989, 6991, 6994, 6998, 7014, 7055, 7201, 7228,. Great lakes region (East Africa), 6431. Grenada, 7006. Grønland, 164, 3488, 6188. Groß-Rosen v. RogoĨnica. Grotta del Romito (Cosenza), 756. Guadalajara, 2299, 5573. Guangdong, 7066. Guangzhou, 7125. Guatemala, 107, 3846, 5842, 6808. Guernica, 4299. Gueux, 3357. Guinea, 3847, 3848, 6428. Guinea-Bissau, 3849. Guizhou Qingshui-jiang valley, 7049. Guyana, 3850. H Haftavan (Iran), 834. Hainaut, 3357. Haïti, 3851-3853, 5908, 6464, 6708. Halifax, 6458. Halle, 5516. Hamburg, 3636, 3646, 6051, 6240. Hannover, 3687, 5675, 6503. Harbin, 7123. Hassek Höyük, 812. Hatti, 988. Hattuša, 968. Haute-Bretagne, 4525. Haut-Poitou, 2574. Haveluy, 128. Hawai'i, 4683. Hawarte, 1012. Hazarajat, 3300. Hebrus (flumen), 1296. Heiankyo, 7264. Hellas, 282, 496, 502, 608, 724, 731, 1067-1542, 2049, 3841-

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 3845, 6652, 6671, 6835, 6886, 6911, 6976. í v. Graecia. Hellespontus, 1180. Henan, 7156. Heraclea Pontica, 1174. Hérault, 3576. Herculaneum, 1927. Hertfordshire, 6008. Hesbaye (Belgium), 1929. Hessen, 3627, 3726, 5404. Hessen-Kassel, 3720. Hexi corridor, 7111. Hierapolis (Phrygia), 850, 851, 873. Hildesheim, 5724. Hinzert, 3717. Hipponion, 1132. Hirbemerdon Tepe, 815. Hispanoamérica, 158, 478, 5590, 6878. Holstein, 6266. Hong Kong, 5685, 6325, 7055, 7079, 7141. Horum Höyük, 934. Hrvatska, Croatia, 236, 2361, 3445-3447, 4229, 4233-4235, 4239, 4254, 4728, 538, 6236, 6673. Huelva, 4296. Hunan, 7105. I Iasos, 848, 854, 864, 1121. Ibérica (peninsula), 1676, 2464, 6481. Iberica paeninsula, 1676. Iberoamérica, 4587. Iceland, 2507, 2761, 5900, 6188, 6835. Illinois, 4451, 5889. Illyria, 1514. India, 163, 217, 334, 521, 781, 3867-3891, 3905, 4090, 4091, 4092, 4705, 4861, 6090, 6184, 6283, 6312, 6317, 6372, 6375, 6377, 6378, 6380, 6381, 6389, 6827, 6917, 6955, 7009, 7010, 7011, 7014, 7017, 7019, 7034, 7042. Indian (océan), 6542, 7041. Indochine, 5733, 6376, 6835, 6898. Indonesia, 3892-3894, 6816, 6835, 7000, 7004, 7035. Ingria, 4605. Ingushetia, 4190. Irak, 993, 3904-3907, 6725, 6835, 6937. Iraklion, 1105. Iran, 163, 1046-1066, 3895-3903, 4672, 6835, 6910, 7012. Iraqwland, 5974.

Ireland, 509, 2370, 2392, 2501, 2517, 2572, 2649, 3135, 3296, 3815, 3817, 3908-3915, 4518, 4569, 4775, 4925, 5124, 5388, 5664, 5902, 5982, 6241, 6309, 6499, 6555. Isle of Man, 5674. Israel, 459, 528, 1027, 1028, 2077, 2089, 2130, 3916-3919, 5782, 6789, 6835, 6951, 6961. Issoudun, 5806. Istria, 3244. Italia, 67, 140, 166, 168, 176, 193, 200, 207, 263, 289, 292, 307, 312, 323, 329, 341, 457, 494, 519, 612, 625, 627, 661, 1548, 1631, 1685, 1764, 1775, 1935, 2206, 2343, 2399, 2418, 2422, 2440, 2521, 2531, 2542, 2558, 2559, 2578, 2679, 2710, 2720, 2799, 2814, 2849, 2855, 2917, 3068, 3084, 3151, 3204, 3254, 3255, 3330, 3617, 3920-3979, 4511, 4517, 4530, 4532, 4556, 4565, 4586, 4610, 4691, 4697, 4735, 4771, 4772, 4803, 4822, 4860, 4873, 4885, 4892, 4911, 4913, 4917, 4930, 4937, 4963, 4971, 4982, 4984, 5052, 5062, 5075, 5157, 5254, 5326, 5399, 5479, 5591, 5594, 5616, 5669, 5866, 5922, 5962, 5992, 6029, 6164, 6174, 6186, 6192, 6222, 6226, 6262, 6287, 6425, 6475, 6489, 6547, 6578, 6579, 6606, 6608, 6622, 6633, 6643, 6648, 6664, 6673, 6686, 6689, 6697, 6809, 6817, 6835, 6836, 6874, 6876, 6892, 6901, 6924, 6947, 7002. Iudaea, 1648, 1883. Ixtlán (Oaxaca), 4044. øzmir, 6510. J Jacona, 4037. Jamaica, 5407, 5860. Japan, 58, 346, 506, 523, 536, 547, 3273, 3981-3989, 4624, 4682, 4760, 5082, 5422, 5501, 5551, 5601, 5643, 6058, 6102, 6124, 6142, 6305, 6591, 6594, 6596, 6641, 6653, 6683, 6693, 6695, 6726, 6734, 6741, 6797, 6803, 6835, 6849, 6881, 6974, 6980, 7065, 7072, 7087, 7127, 7148, 7223, 7241, 7252-7298, 7299. Jena, 3721, 4811. Jerusalem, 998, 1006, 1009, 1013, 2102, 4222, 5792. Jiangnan, 7082, 7133.

369 Jinan, 7148. Johnson County, 5413. Jordan, 1017, 1034, 3990-3991, 6789, 6835, 6937, 6975. Judah, 1027. Jugoslavija, 6835, 6854, 6858, 6887, 7003. K KalÕnkaya-Toptaútepe (Anatolia), 827. Kanesh, 801. Kansas, 4431, 5235s, 5897. Kaoko, 6426. Karasis (Berg) (Kozan, Adana), 856. Karelia, 4177. Karkemisch, 970. Karlberg, 5973. Kärnten, 3345, 3352. Kashmir, 6827. Kassel, 3655. Kathmandu Valley, 5787. Kavkaz, 4207, 4215. Kenchreai (Corinthos), 1525. Kent, 2570. Kenya, 3992, 3993, 6394, 7323. Khabur (river), 946. Khorsabad, 949. Kisurra, 939. Klaipơda, 4013. Káodzko, 6884. Klondike, 5459. København, 5780, 6536, 6544, 6530. Koblenz, 5926. Köln, 3697, 4792, 5073, 5892, 6042, 6761. Konstanz, 3056. Korea, 58, 3994-3998, 6597, 6812, 6835, 7192, 7269, 7286, 7297, 7299. Košice, 4784. Kosovo, 4228. Krakow, 4784. Krym, 4722, 6548, 6556. Kujawy, 4116. Kul Tarike (Kurdestan, Iran), 1061. Kültepe, 930. Kur (river), 1059. Kurdistan, 4351. Kurpfalz, 6487. Kursk, 4174. Kyoto, 7264. Kypros, 2273, 3460, 4355, 5617s, 6471, 6911. L La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), 1030. La Habana, 6509.

370 Lagos, 6416. Lakkos (Petras), 1102. Languedoc, 3086. Laos, 6929. Larsa, 933. Latium, 1543, 1546. Latvija, Lettonie, 3999-4001, 4223, 6187, 6169, 6639, 6783. Lausitz, 3715. Lazio v. Latium. Lebanon, 549, 4002-4006, 4343, 6835, 6975. Lebena, 1520. Leiden, 6150. Leipzig, 4806, 5813. Lesotho, 4007. Lessini (monti), 767. Lettonie v. Latvija. Liberia, 4008. Libya, 4009, 4010, 6835. Liechtenstein, 5419. Lietuva, Lithuania, Lituanie, 7, 4011-4016, 4223, 6668. Liffey (river), 768. Liguria, 2552, 3130. Limenas (Thasos, Graecia), 1475. Linz, 5772. Lione, 5586. Lithuania v. Lietuva. Little Rock, 4841. Lituanie v. Lietuva. Liverpool, 6353. Livorno, 3933. Ljubljana, 5795. Lofkënd (Albania), 1527. Lombardia, 3931, 5520. London, 2526, 2549, 3836, 5017, 5269, 5546, 5602, 5690, 5707, 5728, 5737, 5742, 5747, 5777, 6003, 6564. Longcheng, 7115. Lorca, 2294. Los Angeles, 4414, 5809, 5810. Louisbourg, 6505. Louisiana, 4449. Lübeck, 5892, 6240. Lucca, 4, 2420. Lugdunum (Gallia), 1642. Lunigiana, 2621. Luoyang, 7165. Luxembourg, 2319, 6835. Lycia, 845. Lyon, 2590, 5537. M Macao, 6325. Madagascar, 4018, 6393. Madras, 3880, 3888. Maeander (flumen), 877. Maghreb, 215, 2489, 2497, 7325. Magna Graecia, 1185, 1506.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Magnesia ad Sipylum, 1376. Magyarország, 274, 2411, 2431, 3337, 3344, 3854-3866, 4184, 4599, 5127, 6056, 6490, 6555, 6600, 6631, 6835, 6843, 6860, 6861, 6871, 6878, 6905, 6914, 6942, 6997. Mähren, 5178. Mainz, 4859. Makedonija, 4017, 4229, 4233, 4235, 4239, 6551, 6650, 6672, 6717. Málaga, 2961. Malatya-Elazi÷, 811. Malawi, 4019. Malaysia, 4020-4023, 6816. Mali, 4024. Malmö, 5799. Malta, 193, 3181, 6897. Man (isle of), 2415. Manchester, 3800. Manchuria, 7102. Manhattan, 5788. Manipur, 3890. Mannheim, 5756. Marche, 3112. Marlik, 1063, 4878, 4894, 6407, 6835. Maroc, 4061, 4062. Marrakech, 5759. Marseille, 3584, 5820, 6685. Martinique, 6456. Maryland, 4396. Marzabotto, 1558. Mascarene islands, 7322. Masovia, 4116. Massachusetts, 5415. Massalia, 1533. Mauretania Tingitana, 1577. Mauretania, 1569, 6427. Meckleburg, 3737, 6000. Méditerranée (mer), 628, 2421, 4355, 5545, 5576, 6648, 6911, 6922. Mélanésie, 7357. Melanippion, 845. Melrose, abbey, 3092. Mendoza, 3313. Méninx, 7316. Mesoamerica, 6455. Mesopotamia, 824, 842, 919-962. Metz, 5171. México D.F., 4039, 5172, 5835, 5916. México, 244, 491, 603, 3434, 4025-4055, 4393, 4477, 4516, 4583, 4845, 4899, 4997, 5046, 5138, 5418, 5474, 5507, 5582, 5600, 5619, 5626, 5784, 5812, 5826, 6010, 6280, 6324, 6563, 6568, 6615, 6709, 6719, 6979.

Middle East, 147, 520, 6310, 6316, 6328, 6632, 6787, 6795, 6796, 6835, 6931, 6963. Milano, 2406, 3049, 3176, 3213, 3957. Minas Gerais, 5299. Minufiyeh, 914. Missouri, 4400, 4431. Mizoram, 3891. Moesia Superior, 1677. Moldova, 706, 4056, 6474, 6518. Molí de Salt (Vimbodí, Tarragona), 762. Mongolia, 4057, 4058, 7031, 7050, 7143. Monte d'Accoddi (Sassari), 796. Monte Vico, 1535. Montenegro v. Crna Gora. Montevideo, 5774, 5821. Montréal, 6788. Mopt(h)i, 7312. Moraleda de Zafayona, 1020. Moravia, 4842. Morelos, 4047. Moskva, 7160. Mozambique, 3310, 4063, 4064, 6432. Mughan Steppe (Iran), 1046. Muhlberg, 3744. Mukachevo, 4658. Mukiš, 801, 974. München, 1514, 5683, 5762, 6515. Münster, 2304, 4336, 5880. Murcia, 4276. Myanmar, 4065, 4066, 6283. Mykale, 863. N Namibia, 4067, 4068, 6401. Nancy, 3534. Nanjing, 7198, 7206, 7237. Nantes, 5536. Napoli (Regno di), 4920, 5051. Napoli, 150, 2918, 4922, 5781, 6491. Narni, 2539. Natzweiler, 3717. Navarra, 2659, 4881. Navarra, 75. Near East, 147, 577, 5980, 6835, 6887. í v. Ancient Near East. Nebi Samwil, 1023. Nederland, 2559, 2565, 3214, 3263, 3266, 4070-4076, 4994, 5535, 5549, 5561, 6038, 6067, 6079, 6267, 6387, 6493, 6513, 6835. Nepal, 4069, 6835. Neuengamme, 3717. New England, 4422. New Orleans, 5878, 5911.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New South Wales, 3334, 3335, 5540, 6249. New York, 774, 4405, 4575, 5777, 5805, 5810, 5941, 5975, 6685. New Zealand, 4077, 5489, 5696, 6467. Newbury, 3779. Newcastle, 5799. Newfoundland and Labrador, 6552. Nicaea, 2093. Nicaragua, 3518, 4078, 4079, 4577, 4856, 6727. Nicopolis ad Istrum, 1534. Niger River Delta, 4082. Nigeria, 4080-4083, 6391, 7333. Nile valley, 6864. Nilus (flumen), 883, 908. Nîmes, 1940. Ningxia, 7095. Nippur, 944. Nitra, 5928. Njombe, 4345. Nord (mer du), 2599. Nordic countries, 309, 587, 2425, 6043, 6850. Norge, 2499, 2505, 2761, 2903, 4084-4087, 5436, 5652, 5676, 5856, 6540, 6835. Normandie, 568, 2402, 2887, 3073, 3114, 3148, 3203. North Saqqara, 904. North sea, 5606. Northern Territory (Australia), 3332. Northumberland, 2511. Norwich, 3052. Nouvelle-Calédonie, 7356. Nueva España, 5531, 6011, 6463. O Oberschwaben, 3681. Oceania, 4594, 6467-6470, 73527358. Ogasawara/Bonin Islands, 6379. Okinawa (Ryukyu), 7069. Olympia, 1223. Oman, 4088. Oratino-La Rocca (Campobasso), 806. Ordohei, 5961. Oregon, 6121. Öresund, 3265. Osaka, 5783, 7265, 7292. Osnabrück, 6007. Osrhoene, 925. Österreich, 370, 499, 535, 2321, 2914, 3274, 3337-3353, 3373, 3734, 4715, 5066, 5439, 5445, 5881, 6115, 6274, 6276, 6555, 6600, 6605, 6631, 6651, 6716, 6784, 6835.

Ostschwaben, 3681. OĞwiĊcim, Auschwitz, 3717. Otranto, 3935. P Pacifique (océan), 5615, 6595, 6679, 6863. Paestum, 1907. Pais Vasco v. Euskal Herria. Pakistan, 4089-4093, 6823, 6827. Palafrugell, 2310. Palancia, 2645. Palermo, 238, 3048. Palestine, 186, 459, 528, 1648, 4094-4095, 5067, 6712. Palmyra, 1226. Pampas, 6451. Panamá, 4096, 4097. Paphlagonia (Turkey), 866. Papua New Guinea, 473. Paraguay, 4098-4101, 4579, 4905, 6313, 6550, 6559, 6630. Paraíba, 3377. Paraná, 6582. Paris, 80, 110, 928, 2520, 2907, 3532, 3600, 3619, 4561, 4685, 4781, 4882, 4926, 5230, 5373, 5578, 5742, 5760, 5790, 5849, 5972, 6005, 6035, 6553. Parma, 3929, 5994, 6228. Partium, 4601. Passau, 3746. Pasto, 3429. Patagonia, 3321, 6451. Pavia, 849. Payre (Ardèche, France), 769. Pays Bas, 240, 2634. Pays Basque v. Euskal Herria. Pellegrino Parmense, 5994. Península Ibérica, 762. Pennsylvania, 4429. Pergamum, 870, 1174. Périgord, 3064, 3569. Perousia, 1556. Persia, 1054, 1951. Persian Gulf, 5565. Perú, 344, 4102-4112, 4813, 5538, 6086, 6324, 6440, 6453, 6462, 6603. Perugia, 2661, 2896, 2970. Pessinus, 1483. Petrograd, 4204. Pharsalia plantation, 5644. Phaselis, 845. Philadelphia, 5713, 6097. Piacenza, 2, 3. Pian delle More, 758. Pianacci dei Fossi (Marche), 803. Picardie, 3572. Piemonte, 3926, 3976, 4819, 6061.

371 Pienza-Cava Barbieri, 778. Pine Ridge Indian reservation, 4442. Pisa, 17, 1358, 2614, 3056. Pithecusa, 1535. Plataeae, 1263, 1343. Platani (river), 817. PlzeĖ, 5656. Poitiers, 3609. Politorium, 1543. Polska, 761, 2411, 2841, 3178, 4115-4134, 4214, 4223, 4372, 4539, 5655, 5699, 6497, 6600, 6639, 6644, 6659, 6676, 6690, 6700, 6720, 6721, 6738, 6815, 6822, 6835, 6844, 6845, 6859, 6884, 6912, 6956, 7005. Polynésie, 7353, 7357. Pommern, 4128. Pompeii, 1776, 1921, 1927, 1931, 1935, 1936. Ponticello di Campo, 1556. Pontus, 1628, 1803. Porto, 4787. Port-Royal de Paris, 4700. Portugal, 189, 201, 367, 536, 2469, 2479, 2625, 2711, 2919, 41354147, 4840, 4889, 4960, 5251, 5513, 5710, 5837, 6355, 6358, 6360, 6384, 6388, 6417, 6432, 6821, 6835, 6896, 6943. Praha, 2905, 3473, 4842, 5220. PĜedmostí (Czech Republic), 760. Preußen, 243, 3633, 3666, 3667, 3708, 3712, 3734, 3740, 4491, 6189, 6230, 6246, 6270, 6297, 6576. Priene, 874. Primorska region, 3272. Provence, 2322, 2518. Prut-Dniester, 2721. Pueblo, 6126. Puerto Rico, 4148, 4495, 6446. Puigcerdà, 2309. Punjab, 3867. Purulia, 3876. Puyang, 7156. Pyrenaei (montes), 1642. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, 3546. Q Qadamgah (Fars), 1048. Qinghai, 7095. Québec, 3403, 3405, 4921, 6064, 6229. Quigdao, 6366. Quirinalis (collis), 1910. Quispillaccta, 4109. Quito, 5778. Qumran, 2053.

372 R Racibórz, 6884. Ramat Rahel, 1021. Red Sea, 6664. Redon, 3117. Regensburg, 3230, 3624, 6515. República Dominicana, 489, 3505, 3506, 6464, 6708. Rhamnus, 1112. Rheinland, 3731, 3741, 4698, 6655. Rheinland-Pfalz, 3631. Rhenus (flumen), 1708. Rhodesia, 5026, 7323. Rhodus, 1104. Rio de Janeiro, 5746. Rio de la Plata, 4464. Río Negro, 3329. Robben Island, 4261. Roca (Melengugno, Lecce), 823. Rocky Mountains, 5830. RogoĨnica, 3717. Roma, 21, 261, 282, 339, 358, 578, 588, 608, 731, 1079, 1195, 1532, 1543-1969, 2106, 2138, 2237, 2938, 3076, 3077, 3217, 3228, 4651, 4785, 5150, 5301, 5559, 5739, 6578, 6753, 6770. România, 113, 480, 482, 632, 650, 816, 4149-4170, 4184, 4490, 4602, 4606, 4632, 4879, 5533, 5651, 5726, 5825, 5851, 6026, 6056, 6069, 6474, 6592, 6670, 6705, 6763, 6835, 6843, 6919, 6930, 6942. Rossija, 123, 216, 646, 653, 662, 2260, 2385, 2391, 3273, 41714223, 4604, 4607, 4710, 4726, 4795, 5097, 5118, 5170, 5380, 5396, 5622, 5631, 5888, 5899, 5991, 6146, 6244, 6298, 6300, 6301, 6325, 6541, 6575, 6588, 6591, 6592, 6594, 6596, 6638, 6674, 6803, 6854, 6963, 7050, 7098, 7162, 7174, 7203. í v. SSSR. Rostock, 4783. Rotterdam, 6761. Rough Cilicia, 871. Ruhrgebiet, 6030. Ruthenia, 6676. Rwanda, 545, 4224. S Saar, 3642, 3659, 3679. Sabina, 3060. Sachsen, 3091, 3231, 3695, 5498, 6233. Sachsen-Anhalt, 5814. Sachsen-Coburg, 6175. Sagalassos (Pisidia, Turkey), 865.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Sahara, 6437, 7324. Sahel, 2599. Sahul, 765. Saint Gall, 3117. Salamis, 1516. Salzburg, 2914, 3353. Samland, 3071. Samoa, 6366. Samus, 1508. San Francisco, 4688, 6575. San Giovanni in Marignano, 1551. San José de Costa Rica, 5650, 5988. San Lorenzo a Greve (Firenze), 799. San Luis de Potosí, 4033. Sankt Gall, 2960. Sankt-Petersburg, 4178, 6605. Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi, 4580. Santa Restituta, 1535. Santa Teresa di Gavorrano (Grosseto), 1555. Santander (Colombia), 3427. Santiago de Compostela, 84. Santo Domingo, 4571. São João del Rei, 105. Sardegna, 819, 1657, 2598, 2837, 6263, 6606. Saskatchewan, 3406. Saudi Arabia, 5421, 6299, 6329. Savoy, 198. Scandinavie, 185, 567, 2385, 4755, 5608, 6927. Scaptia (urbs), 1934. Schaumburg-Lippe, 3707. Schlesien, ĝląsk, 3343, 4124, 5178. Schleswig, 3499. Schleswig-Holstein, 3699. Schweiz, 193, 260, 525, 540, 600, 4335-4341, 4566, 5406, 5490, 5524, 6040, 6068, 6143, 6579, 6714, 6746, 6835, 6962. Schwyz, 4341. Scotland, 68, 513, 2379, 2383, 2429, 3290, 3764, 3773, 3778, 3828, 4817, 4943, 5038, 5079, 5955, 6227. Seattle, 5765. Senegal, 4225-4227, 5720, 5731, 7318. Senlis, 3535. Serbia v. Srbija. Serpis (river), 783. Sevilla, 60, 3051. Shanghai, 5804, 7065, 7066, 7091, 7093, 7094, 7106, 7155, 7166, 7205, 7207. Shanxi, 7104. Shenoute, 897.

Shinshu, 7288. Shnan, 1121. Shqipëri, Albania, 3301-3304, 6622, 6633, 6768, 6776, 6835. Siam, 6835. Sibao, 7126. Sibir', 4187, 4205, 4208, 4212, 4221, 5465. Sichuan, 7101. Sicilia, 193, 817, 1120, 1231, 1346, 1861, 1935, 2362, 2421, 2568, 3104, 3197, 5618. Sidney, 6133, 6557. Siena, 2313. Sierra Leone, 4241-4243, 6412, 6421. Šimaški, 957. Sinope, 1116. Siracusae, 1124, 1228, 1935. Skåne, 2573, 4616. Skara, 3120. ĝląsk v. Schlesien. Slavonija, 2361. Slovakia v. Slovensko. Slovenija, 220, 305, 4229, 4233, 4235, 4234, 4239, 4253-4257, 6651. Slovensko, Slovakia, 85, 272, 299, 314, 325, 327, 348, 362, 371, 467, 510, 2629, 3271, 3461, 3463, 3464, 3466, 3468, 3471, 3472, 3474, 3475, 4244-4252, 4513, 4706, 5412, 5688, 6056, 6115. Småland, 2573. Smyrna, 1376. Somalia, 6955. Sombrerete, 4050. Soria, 4305. Soriano, 4463. Sos Höyük (Turkey), 945. Soucy (Paris), 766. South Africa, 4258-4261, 6134, 6148, 6398, 6434, 6585, 6962, 7323. South Carolina, 4428, 5884. Sparta, 1169, 1181, 1395. Srbija, Serbia, 1965, 4228-4240, 6556. Sri Lanka, 365, 4315, 4316, 6387, 6388, 6831. SSSR, 297, 4313, 4670, 5945, 5947, 6325, 6667, 6681, 6703, 6707, 6724, 6740, 6763, 6803, 6805, 6811, 6829, 6831, 6834, 6835, 6841, 6867, 6868, 6899, 6913, 6916, 6921, 6944, 6957, 6961, 6987, 6988, 7072. St Helena, 6433. St. Albans (Abbey), 2286.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Staten Island, 4438. Steiermark, 3338, 3340. Stockholm, 5544. Stonehenge, 794. Stralsund, 6082. Strasbourg, 2524. Straubing, 124. Stutthof v. Sztutowo. Subcarpathian Rus', 4658. Subiaco, 64. Sudan, 4317-4321, 5654, 5846, 6852. Suez, 6424. Suhu, 1027. Suiyuan, 7095. Suomi, 621, 1529, 3526-3528, 4753, 5364, 5409, 5504, 6300, 6609, 6636, 6728, 6835, 6868. Susa, 1052. Sverige, 296, 445, 655, 665, 672, 829, 2773, 4322-4334, 4612, 4767, 5016, 5021, 5210, 5267, 5385, 5409, 5450, 5495, 5652, 5695, 5771, 5815, 5818, 5823, 5839, 5856, 5871, 5885, 5930, 5983, 6006, 6099, 6120, 6134, 6135, 6332, 6478, 6480, 6636, 6698, 6704, 6755, 6785, 6793, 6835, 6915, 6973. Swahili coast, 4729. Sybaris, 1177. Syria, 795, 835, 967, 1001, 1018, 1040, 1042, 2218, 2244, 4003, 4342-4343, 6517, 6835, 6975. Sztutowo, 3717. T Taiwan, 5083, 6325, 6373, 6833, 7208. Tall-i Kamin (Fars, Iran), 1059. Tampa, 1503. Tanagra, 1469. Tanganyka, 6414. Tanzania, 4344-4347, 4621, 5605. Tarrafal (Cabo Verde), 4147. Tashkent, 6033. Tavium (Büyüknefes, Yozgat), 985. Tchad, Chad, 3411. Tehran, 7023. Tehuantepec (istmo de), 4029. Tel Beersheba, 1033. Tel Dan, 1038. Tell Asmar, 932. Tell brak, 989. Tell El-'Umeeiri (Jordan), 826. Tell el-Amarna, 893. Tell Khuera (Syria), 824. Tennessee, 5875. Teos, 847, 1123.

Teplitz-Schönau, 5859. Terina, 1124. Terqa, 867. Texas, 4458, 6495. Thailand (Siam), 4348-4349, 5597, 7233. Thames (river), 832. Thapsos, 1488. Thebae, 901, 1252, 1356. Thessalia, 1514. Thessalonica, 2070. Thracia, 1216. Thurii, 1187, 1528. Thüringen, 2353, 6081. Tianjin, 7085, 7250. Tiberis (flumen), 883, 1739, 1914. Tibet, 7084. Tierra del Fuego, 773. Tigris (flumen), 795, 815. Timiú, 143. Timor-Leste, 6384, 6675. Tirol, 2610, 2914, 3922, 6205. Titriú Höyük (Turkey), 862. Tobruk, 6769. Togo, 6408, 6413. Togoland, 7340. Toledo, 2217, 2464. Toluca de Lerdo, 4026. Tongres (Belgium), 1929. Tonkin, 6383. Toprakkale, 952. Torino, 4687, 5452, 5833. Tortosa, 2911, 3138. Toscana, 799, 2566, 2897, 3234, 3933. Toul-e Talish, 1063. Toulouse, 2551, 5033. Toumba (Lefkandi), 1342. Tours, 2622, 3609. Toury-en-Beauce, 622. Trabzon, 4368. Transilvania, 2438, 3243, 4152, 4490, 4590, 4601, 4603, 4707, 5383, 5822, 5850. Transjordan, 6853. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 4137. Trás-os-Montes, 4144. Traunstein, 126. Trento, 4534. Trieste, 3272, 5427, 5767, 5950, 6253, 6835. Trinidad and Tobago, 4350. Troia, 810. Trondheim, 2931. Tunbs, 6910. Tunisie, 6239, 6411, 6835. Türkiye, 379, 458, 869, 3845, 3903, 4228, 4343, 4351-4368, 4679, 5137, 5389, 5534, 6093,

373 6519, 6538, 6554, 6584, 6588, 6620, 6652, 6835, 6857, 6911, 7012. Tyanide, 849. U U.S.A., 172, 218, 353, 518, 520, 542, 547, 566, 569, 611, 638, 3281, 3408, 3765, 3981, 4027, 4114, 4375-4460, 4482, 4521, 4584, 4589, 4622, 4625, 4626, 4682, 4702, 4723, 4727, 4759, 4766, 4796, 4852, 4979, 4986, 4999, 5002, 5007, 5055, 5132, 5133, 5209, 5211, 5216, 5221, 5265, 5335, 5347, 5349, 5390, 5397, 5422, 5471, 5486, 5499, 5517, 5518, 5535, 5550, 5555, 5574, 5581, 5598, 5610, 5620, 5624, 5647, 5648, 5649, 5679, 5687, 5692, 5694, 5701, 5706, 5714, 5718, 5793, 5816, 5836, 5870, 5885, 5917, 5925, 5933, 5936, 5940, 5944, 5953, 5956, 5958, 5964, 5981, 5984, 5999, 6017, 6054, 6077, 6089, 6108, 6140, 6151, 6153, 6177, 6182, 6223, 6278, 6279, 6280, 6285, 6288, 6301, 6304, 6306, 6311, 6313, 6316, 6320, 6321, 6322, 6327, 6328, 6329, 6359, 6405, 6443, 6469, 6532, 6541, 6563, 6568, 6572, 6581, 6598, 6601, 6607, 6609, 6615, 6616, 6638, 6647, 6659, 6660, 6665, 6726, 6734, 6741, 6743, 6752, 6766, 6768, 6787, 6789, 6791, 6792, 6802, 6803, 6805, 6807, 6808, 6811, 6812, 6814, 6815, 6829, 6832, 6833, 6835, 6838, 6841, 6847, 6849, 6857, 6863, 6865, 6868, 6877, 6889, 6894, 6904, 6911, 6913, 6917, 6918, 6927, 6932, 6936, 6941, 6945, 6946, 6948, 6955, 6959, 6960, 6961, 6965, 6968, 6969, 6973, 6974, 6975, 6981, 6984, 6988, 6990, 6992, 7004, 7006, 7020. Uganda, 4369-4370, 5621. Ugarit, 929, 938. Ukraine, 230, 4056, 4132, 4223, 4372-4374, 6571, 6634. Ulm, 6201. Ulster, 180, 3911, 5493, 5845. Uluburun, 808. Umbria, 1553. United Arab Emirates, 6910. Uppåkra (Sweden), 830. Ur, 928. Urals, 813, 4205. Urugu, 4789.

374 Uruguay, 4461-4464, 6326, 6601, 6918. Uzbekistan, 1055. V Valachia, 103, 2636, 4507, 6518. Valencia, 49, 2292, 2308, 2335, 2458, 2643, 4826. Valkeala parish, 6013. Valladolis, 78. Valle de las Orquídeas (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos), 770. Valle del Asón (Cantabria), 784. Valparaiso, 3419. Van (lake), 869. Vancouver, 618. Vaucluse, 3597. Vaud, 4340. Veneto, 4475. Venezia, 186, 2296, 2435, 3944, 4668, 5187, 5337, 5381, 5417, 5754, 5769, 5775, 5873, 6474, 6510. Venezuela, 306, 354, 4465-4468, 4756, 6296. Veracruz, 5614. Verona, 767, 2280, 2281, 4555. Verviers, 5800. Vesuvius (mons), 1331, 1776. Vientiane, 5730.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Vietnam, 3493, 4453, 6386, 6882, 6929, 6946, 6969, 6984, 6990, 6995, 7010, 7038. Vignale (Viterbo), 1544. Villamagna, 2312. Villavicencio, 5791. Villena, 102. Vilnius, 4012. Virginia, 4394, 4424, 4450, 5673, 6442. Visby, 2443. Viterbo, 3167. Volaterrae, 1358. Vorarlberg, 2914, 3681. W Wales, 2291, 2370, 2513, 3134, 3763, 5133. Wales, 6085. Washington D.C., 1026. Waterloo, 6546. Wells (Cathedral), 2271. Weser, 2564. West Indies (British), 5543, 6807. Westfalen, 5563. Wielkopolska, 4116, 4122. Wien, 4634, 5202, 5744. Wismar, 5609. Worcester, 3053. Wuhan, 7211. Wursten, 5886.

Württemberg, 3635, 6231. Württemberg-Hohenzollern, 6839. Würzburg, 4804, 5757. X Xanthos, 845. Xinjiang, 7136. Y Yafteh Cave (Lorestan, Iran), 771. Yangtze (river), 782. Yangtze river delta, 7120. Yavneh, 1011. Yehud, 1006, 1013, 1021, 1022, 1029, 1037, 1041. Yorubaland, 7329. Z Zacatecas, 4052. Zadar, 5853. Zagros, 771. Zambia, 4469, 5470. Zanzibar, 6989. Zaragoza, 4287, 6543. Zhangjiashan, 7099, 7227. Zimbabwe, 4470. Zulia, 4466. Zürich, 4336, 4850, 5863.