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English Pages 421 [420] Year 2005
2001 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori w i t h t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n of a n u m b e r of s c h o l a r s , u n d e r t h e a u s p i c e s of t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m i t t e e of H i s t o r i c a l S c i e n c e s
MÜNCHEN 2 0 0 6
The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 - 61) was edited by Michel Fran?ois and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glenisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 - 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G Saur Munich.
Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb.ddb.de.
© Printed on acid-free paper / Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier © 2006 by Κ. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, München Printed in Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher / Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Erlaubnis des Verlags ist unzulässig Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printed and Bound by Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach ISSN 0074-2015 ISBN-10: 3-598-20433-7 · ISBN-13: 978-3-598-20433-3
General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome t Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow f Wiesiaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk Läszlo BIRO, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Academia Belgica, Rome Luciano CANFORA, Universitä di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library Jean GLENISSON, Comite International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilem PRECAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris t Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zürich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubljana Abdeljellil TEMIMI, Fondation Temimi, Tunis §erban TURCU§, Universitä 'Babe$-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIC, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDIYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Kira E. AGEEVA, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (.Russian historiography) Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora (Portuguese historiography) Vassili Ν. BABENKO, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) t Wiesiaw BIENKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk {Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien {Austrian historiography) Läszlo BIRO, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest {Hungarian historiography) Vera BRENOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague {Czech historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires, {Latin American historiography)
Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations) Laura DE GIORGI, Universitä di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library (.Finnish historiography) Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Biez^cej (Polish historiography) Alessandro GUERRA, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Modern religious history) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Libby KAHANE, The Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Historiography of Israel) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo {Japanese historiography) Mauro LENZI, Societä Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Universite Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modem history) Stjepan MATKOVIC, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Marco SANTUCCI, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Ancient history) Evgeny E. S AVITSKI, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Alzbeta SEDLIAKOVÄ, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) A. SLIVA, Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Moskva (Russian historiography) Natale SPINETO, Universitä di Milano (History of religions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Universitä di Roma 'La Sapienza' (.Ancient history) §erban TURCU§, Universitä 'Babe§-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca, (Romanian historiography) Michaela VALENTE, Universitä del Molise (Modern religious history) Alec VUIJLSTEKE, Academia Belgica, Rome (Belgian historiography) Galina A. YANKOVSKAYA, Perm State University, Perm (Russian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDIYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Universite de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Universitä di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca
Giusto TRAINA, Universitä di Lecce Pietro VANNICELLI, Universitä di Urbino Andre VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant
Michele VOLLARO, Rome
FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. Β. Ο. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. Β. Ο. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. Β. Ο. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. Β. Ο. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.
Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. Β. Ο. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. Ο. Β. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXX, 2001 mentions the works published with the date: 2001. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance c, c, s, s are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, 0, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: «Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies...» At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. Β. Ο. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the «collation» of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by «Cf. n°...», have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.
A AUXILIARY SCIENCES (p. 1-14) § 1. Palaeography. 1-25. - § 2. Diplomatics. 26-34. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 35-178. - § 4. Chronology. 179-188. - § 5. Genealogy and family history. 189-210. - § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 211-231. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 232-241 - § 8. Linguistics. 242-270. - § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 271-311. - § 10. Iconography and images. 312-336.
MANUALS, GENERAL WORKS AND WORKS ON LARGE PERIODS (p. 15-44) § 1. Archives, libraries and museums {a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 337-421. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 422-616. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 617-656. - § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 657-688. - § 5. General history. 689-749. - § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 750-779. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 780-816. - § 8. Economic and social history. 817-853. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 854-913. - § 10. History of art. 914-925. § 1 1 . History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 926-1025. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1026-1032. § 13. History of literature. 1033-1068.
c PREHISTORY (p. 45-50) § 1. General. 1069-1093. - § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 1094-1140. - § 3. Neolithic. 1141-1163. - § 4. Bronze age. 1164-1180.-§ 5. Iron age. 1181-1196.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic States (p. 51-58)
§ 1. General. 1197-1215. - § 2. The Near East. 1216-1238. - § 3. Egypt. 1239-1293. - § 4. Mesopotamia. 12941335. - § 5. Hittites. 1336-1353. - § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1354-1394. § 7 . Iran. 1395-1407.
GREEK HISTORY (p. 59-73) § 1. Classical world in general. 1408-1437. - § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1438-1455. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1456-1500. - § 4. General and political history. 1501-1528. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 1529-1549. - § 6. Economic and social history. 1550-1577. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1578-1721. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 1722-1747. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1748-1817.
F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE (p. 75-95) § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1818-1839. - § 2. The Etruscans. 1840-1853. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources, (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1854-1967. - § 4. General and political history. 1968-2050. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 2051-2103. - § 6. Economic and social history. 2104-2173. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2174-2293. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 2294-2325. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2326-2401. - § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2402-2422.
G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT (p. 97-103) § 1. Sources. 2423-2467. - § 2. General. 2468-2474. - § 3. Special studies. 2475-2581. - § 4. Hagiography. 2582-2589.
BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 105-110) § 1. Sources. 2590-2635. - § 2. General. 2636-2652. - § 3. Special studies. 2653-2744.
HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES (p. 111-149) § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2745-2861. - § 2. General works. 2862-2933. - § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476-900; c. 900-1300; d. 1300-1500). 2934-2999. § 4. Jews. 3000-3017. - § 5. Islam. 3018-3042. - § 6. Vikings. 3043-3057. - § 7. History of law and institutions. 3058-3106. - § 8. Economic and social history. 3107-3223. - § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 3224-3413. - § 10. History of art. 34143449. - § 11. History of music. 3450-3477. - § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science (a. Sources; b. Studies). 3478-3517. - § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3518-3647. - § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 36483669.
MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS (p. 151-206) § 1. General. 3670-3728. - § 2. History by countries. 3729-5037.
L MODERN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (p. 207-216) § 1. General. 5038-5102. - § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 5103-5207. - § 3. Orthodox Church. 5208-5216. - § 4. Protestantism. 5217-5264. § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 5265-5296.
I. [Austria], Österreichische historische Bibliographie. Austrian historical bibliography 1999. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° /.] Hrsg. v. Günther HÖDL und Wolfdieter BIHL. Graz, Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio, 2001, 599 p. II. [Belgium] Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Belgie 1999. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° //.]. Ed. par Romain VAN EENOO, Jean BOVESSE [et al.]. Revue Beige de philologie et d'histoire Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2001, 79, 2*, [s. p.]. III. [Czechoslovak Republik] Bibliografie dejin Ceskych zemi za rok 1996. Praha, Historicky ustav CAV, 2001, 444 p. IV. [Finland] ANTIN (Kirsti). Finländsk historisk litteratur 1999 i bibliografiskt urval. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° IV.] (La litterature historique de la Finlande. Une selection bibliographique. 1999). Historisk Tidskrift (Finland), 2001, 86, p. 135-167. V. [France] Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du V e sifecle ä 1958. Annee 2000. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° V.] Redigee par Martine SONNET, Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KERIVEN et Claude GHIATT. Paris, Ed. du C. N. R. S., 2001, LXXVII-1053 p. VI. [Germany] Historische Bibliographie. Berichtsjahr 2000 [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, η" V/.] Hrsg. von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 1023 p. - Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 52. Jahrgang 2000. Mit Nachträgen. [51. Jahrgang 1999. Cf. Bibl, 2000, n° VI.] Hrsg. von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2001, LXVII-1468 p. VII. [Great Britain] Annual bibliography of British and Irish history. Publications of 2000. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° VII.] Ed. by Austin GEE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 520 p. - Annual bulletin of historical literature, 2001, 85, [s. p.], - WINTERS (Jane), PAYNE (Annie). Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom. I. Theses completed 2000. II. Theses in progress 2001, list n° 62. Historical research, 2001, list n° 62, part I, 57 p.; part II, 183 p. VIII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografia internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXV, 1996 [Vol. LXIII, 1994. Vol. LXIV, 1995. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° VIII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with the contribution of a number of scholars. München, Κ. G. Saur, 2001, XVIII-415 p. IX. [Italy] Bibliografia storica nazionale. Anno LXI. 1999 [Anno LX, 1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° IX.] A cura di M. BETTONI, M . AIRES e G. PIZZORUSSO. Dir. da R. VILLARI e G. VITUCCI. R o m a e Bari, Laterza, 2 0 0 1 , 6 9 4 p. (Giunta cen-
trale per gli studi storici). - TURI (Gabriele). Bibliografia storica nazionale. Passato e presente, 2001, 19, 53, p. 149152. X. [Mexico] Bibliografia historica mexicana. Publ. Anual del Centro de estudios histöricos, Collegio de Mexico. Vol. 31 [Vol. 30. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° X.] Mexico, Collegio de Mexico, 2001, [s. p.], X I . [ N e t h e r l a n d s ] V A N DER PLAAT ( G . N . ) , DE KEUNING ( M . ) , VAN HERWIJNEN (G.), VAN VLIET (C.). Kroniek.
Lijst van de voornaamste in 2000 versehenen boeken en artikelen op het terrein van de Nederlandse geschiedenis. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 200, n ü A7.] La Haye, Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, 2001, [s. p.], XII [Norway] Norsk bokfortegnelse. (The Norwegian National Bibliography. Historical works published in Norway, 2001) [2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° XIII.] Oslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket, 2001, [s. p.], XIII. [Slovakia] SEDLIAKOVÄ (Alzbeta). Slovenska historiografia 1999. Vyberova bibliografia. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, η" XVI.] (Historiography in Slovakia. Selected bibliography). Historicky casopis, 2001, 4 9 , 4 , p. 727-770. XIV. [Spain] Indice historico espanol. Publication semestral del centro de estudios histöricos internacionales. Ed. por Pere MOLAS RIBALTA y Rosa ORTEGA CANADELL. Vol. 37, η. 112. Barcelona, Publicacions de la Universität de Barcelona, 2001, 360 p.
X V . [Switzerland] Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Bibliographie de l'histoire suisse. 1998. [1997. Cf. Bibl. 2000, η" XVIII.] Bearb. v./Etablie par P. L. SURCHAT. Bern, Bibliotheque nationale suisse/Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, 2000, XXVI-269 p.
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-25. - § 2. Diplomatics. 26-34. - § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 35-178. - § 4. Chronology. 179-188. - § 5. Genealogy and family history. 189-210. - § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 211-231. - § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 232-241 - § 8. Linguistics. 242-270. - § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 271-311. - § 10. Iconography and images. 312-336.
§ 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. A cura della Scuola di specializzazione per Conservator! di beni archivistici librari della civilta medievale. Universitä di Cassino, Vol. 9. [Vol. 8. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1.] Roma, Viella, 2001, 375 p. * 2. Bulletin codicologique, publie par le Centre International de Codicologie. [2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 2.] Scriptorium, 2001, 55, [s. p.].
3. ABUKHANFUSA (Kerstin), ANDERSSON (Roger),
GEJROT (Claes). Ny väg till medeltidsbreven. (Les chartes medievales: nouvelles approches). Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2001, 443 p. (Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet, 18). 4. BERRY (Paul). Roman handwriting at the time of Christ. Lewiston a. Lampeter, E. Mellen Press, 2001, VI-170 p. (ill.). (Studies in classics, 15). 5. BOYLE (Leonard E.). Integral palaeography. With an introduction by Fabio TRONCARELLI. Tumhout, Brepols, 2001, XVIII-174 p. (ill.). (Textes et etudes du Moyen Age, 16). 6. Catalogue of medieval manuscript fragments in the Helsinki University Library. Fragmenta membranea. IV. 1-2. Text part: Ilkka TAITTO. Helsinki, [s. n.], 2001, 2 vol., 253 p., 227 p. (Publ. of the Helsinki University Library, 67). 7. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters prior to the ninth century. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Part 57, Italy XXVIII, Piemonte II, Novara, Torino. Edited by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ, published by Gian Giacomo FLSSORE and Antonio OLIVIERI. Part 59. Italy XXXI. Verona I. Edited by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICO-
LAJ, published by Francesca SANTONI. Zürich, Graf, 2001,2 vol., 164 p., 135 p. 8. Conseils pour Γ edition des textes medievaux. Fase. 1. Conseils göniraux. Fase. 2. Actes et documents d ' a r c h i v e s . Coord. Ο. GUYOTJEANNIN et F. VIELLIARD.
Paris, Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2001, 2 vol., 175 p., 265 p. (Orientations et methodes). 9. EDROIU (Nicolae). Paleografia romäno-chirilicä (sec. XVI-XIX). (Romanian-Cyrillic palaeography, sec. XVI-XIX). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Accent, 2001, 168 p. 10. GAL'CHENKO (Marija G.). Knizhnaja kul'tura. Knigopisanie. Nadpisi na ikonakh Drevnej Rusi: Izbrannye raboty. (Book culture, book-production, inscriptions on icons of Medieval Russia: selected papers). Muzej im. Andreja Rubleva. Moskva, UNIK i SanktPeterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 495 p. (facs.; tables; bibl. p. 486-493). (Trudy Tsentr. muzeja drevnerusskoj kul'tury i iskusstva im. Andreja Rubleva, 1). 11. GASPARRI (Frangoise). Bibliotheque et archives de l'abbaye de Saint-Victor de Paris au XIF siecle. Scriptorium, 2001, 55, 2, p. 275-284. 12. Greek script (The). Die griechische Schrift. Edited by Ioannis TOURATSOGLOU [et al.]. Athens, Epigraphic Museum, 2001, 170 p. 13. Greek scripts: an illustrated introduction. Edited by Pat EASTERLING and Carol HANDLEY. L o n d o n , So-
ciety for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 2001, 72 p. 14. LUNDT HANSEN (Anders). I begyndelsen var or-
det: overgangen fra runer til romerskrift i Danmark 800-1300. (Au debut etait le verbe: le passage des runes ä l'ecriture latine au Danemark, 800-1300). K0benhavn, Net-Bog-Klubben, 2001,98 p. 15. MANN (Gurinder Singh). The making of Sikh scripture. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XI-193 p.
16. NAYEEM (Μ. Α.). Origin of ancient writing in Arabia and new scripts from Oman: an introduction to south Semitic epigraphy and palaeography. Hyderabad, Hyderabad Publishers, 2001, XIX-186 ρ (ill.).
cultade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 2001, 256 p. (ill.). (Colecfao Estudos Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Letras, 37).
17. PETRUCCI (Armando). Fatti protomercanteschi. Scrittura e civiltä, 2001, 25, p. 167-176. - IDEM. Formes et histoire de l'ecriture en Italie. In: Histoire de l'ecriture de l'idöogramme au multimedia. Ed. par AnneMarie CHRISTIN. Paris, Flammarion, 2001, p. 309-310. IDEM. La descrizione del manoscritto. Storia, problemi, modelli. Roma, Carocci, 2001, [s. p.]. (Beni culturali, 24). - IDEM. Le mani e le scritture del canzoniere Vaticano. In: I canzonieri della lirica italiana delle origini. IV. Studi critici. A cura di Lino LEONARDI. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001, p. 25-41. (Biblioteche e archivi, 6, 4).
rie-Jose). La diplomatique fran^aise du Haut Moyen Äge. Inventaire des chartes originales anterieures ä 1121 conservees en France. Τ. 1. Introduction generale, album diplomatique, table chronologique, table des auteurs. T. 2. Table des destinataires, table des genres diplomatique, table des etats de la tradition manuscrite, table des sceaux, table des chirographes, table de code d'archive ou de bibliotheque. Avec la collaboration de Philippe DEMONTY, sous la direction de Benoit-Michel TOCK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, 2 vol., XV-425 p., 428 p.
18. Roman, Runes and Ogham: medieval inscriptions in the insular world and on the continent. Edited by John HIGGITT, Katherine FORSYTH and David N. PARSONS. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2001, XIX-222 p. 19. SAMARRA'I (Qasim). Ilm al-iktinah al-'Arabi al-Islami. (Arabic Islamic palaeography and codicology). Al-Riyad, Markaz al-Malik Faysal lil-Buhuth wa-alDirasat al-Islamiyah, 2001, 562 p. (ill.). 20. SCHWAB (Ute). Zur Schriftkultur des frühen Mittelalters im west- und nordgermanischen Bereich. Ein kritischer Überblick zu drei Bänden runologischer Forschungsliteratur im letzten Jahrzehnt des zweiten Millenniums. Studi medievali, 2001, 42, 2, p. 797-839. 21. SHCHERBAK (Α. M.). Tiurkskaia runika: proiskhozhdenie drevneishei pis'mennosti tiurok, granitsy ee rasprostraneniia i osobennosti ispol'zovaniia. SanktPeterburg, Nauka, 2001,147 p. 22. SILVA PRADA (Natalia). Manual de paleografia y diplomätica hispanoamericana, siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, 2001, 313 p. (ill.). (Libros de texto, manuales de präcticas y antologias). 23. SPURKLAND (Terje). I begynnelsen var fuj)ark. Norske runer og runeinnskrifter. (Norwegian runes and inscriptions of runes). Oslo, Cappelen akademisk forlag, 2001, 224 p. (ill.). (LNUs skriftserie, 138). 24. Vangelo (II) dei principi: la riscoperta di un testo mitico tra Aquileia, Praga e Venezia. A cura di Giordano BRUNETTIN; coordinamento di Gilberto GANZER. Udine, P. Gaspari, 2001, 75 p. (ill.). (Libri rari, 6). 25. VASISHTHA RAVINDRA (Kumar). Brahmi script: its palaeography (from third century to sixth century A.D.). Delhi, Nag, 2001, VIII-265 p. Cf. n" 26-34, 76, 398, 1264, 2745-2861 § 2. Diplomatics. 26. COELHO DA CRUZ (Maria Helena). Estudos de diplomätica portuguesa. Lisboa, Edicoes Colibri, Fa-
27. COURTOIS ( M i c h e l e ) , GASSE-GRANDJEAN ( M a -
28. Vacat, 29. KLEIN (Holger Α.). Niketas und das wahre Kreuz. Kritische Anmerkungen zur Überlieferung des Chronicon Paschale ad annum 614. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001,94, 2, p. 580-587. 30. LLKHACHEV (Ν. P). Diplomatika: iz lektsii, chitannykh ν S.-Peterburgskom Arkheologicheskom Institute: iz lektsii po sfragistike. Moskva, GPIB, 2001, 330 p. (ill·). 31. LORENZO CADARSO ( P e d r o L.). El d o c u m e n t o
real en la epoca de los Austrias, 1516-1700. Caceres, Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001,233 p. (ill.). 32. RÄBADE OBRADÖ (Maria del Pilar). Ongenes del notariado madrileno: los escribanos publicos en el siglo XV. Madrid, Colegios Notariates de Espana, 2001, 222 p. 33. ROMS VACA (Maria Dolores). Los inicios del notariado publico en el reino de Castilla. Aportacion a su estudio. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2001, 31,1, p. 329-400. 34. VAZQUEZ
notarfas y documentos en Santiago y su tierra en el siglo XV. Sada-A Coruna, Ediciös do Castro, 2001, 213 p. (Galicia medieval, Estudios, 7). Cf. nos 1-25, 2745-2861
§ 3. History of the book. a. Manuscripts * 35. Checklist of editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic papyri, ostraca, and tablets. Edited by John F. OATES. 5lh edition. Oakville, American Society of Papyrologists, 2001, XIII-121 p. (Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. Supplements, no. 9). * 36. GACEK (Adam). The Arabic manuscript tradition: a glossary of technical terms and bibliography Leiden, Brill, 2001, XVI-269 p. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. 1. Abt., Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten, 58).
37. AGATI (Maria Luisa). Giovanni Onorio da Maglie, copista greco (1535-1563). Roma, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 2001, 349 p. (ill.). 38. ALTURO Ι PERUCHO (Jesus). El llibre manuscrit a Catalunya: origens i esplendor. Barcelona, Generalität de Catalunya-Editorial 92, 2001, 291 p. 39. ANZUINI (Carlo Alberto). I manoscritti coranici della Biblioteca apostolica vaticana e delle biblioteche romane. Cittä del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2001, XIII-488 p. (Studi e testi, 401). 40. Art (L') du livre arabe: du manuscrit au livre d'artiste. Sous la dir. de Marie-Genevieve GUESDON et d'Annie VERNA Y-NOURI. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 2001, 214 p. 41. ATSALOS (Vasiles). La terminologie du livremanuscrit ä l'epoque byzantine. Termes designant le livre-manuscrit et l'ecriture. Thessalonike, University Studio Press, 2001, 322 p. (Hellenika. Parartema, 21). 42. AVENOZA (Gemma). La biblia de Ajuda y la Megillat Antiochus en romance. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2001, 215 p. (Biblioteca de filologfa hispänica, 25). 43. BLOOM (Jonathan M.). Paper before print: the history and impact of paper in the Islamic world. New Haven and London, Yale U. P., 2001, XIV-270 p. 44. BOBROV (Aleksandr G.). Monastyrskie knizhnye tsentry Novgorodskoj respubliki. (The monastic centers of book-production in the Novgorodian Republic), in·. Knizhnye tsentry Drevnej Rusi: Severnorusskie monastyri [Cf. n" 79], p. 3-123. [Cf. n° 2831.] 45. BURIN (Elizabeth). Manuscript illumination in Lyons, 1473-1530. Tumhout, Brepols, 2001, IX-469 p. (Ars nova). 46. CARER! (Maria), FERY-HUE ( F r a n j o i s e ) , GASPARRI ( F r a n f o i s e ) , HASENOHR ( G e n e v i e v e ) , LABORY
(Gillette), LEFEVRE (Sylvie), LEURQUIN (Anne-Franfoise), RUBY (Christine). Album de manuscrits frangais du XIII e siecle. Mise en page et mise en texte. Roma, Viella, 2001, XXXIX-238 p.
52. Corpus catalogorum Belgii, the medieval booklists of the Southern Low Countries. Volume IV. Provinces of Brabant and Hainaut. Edited by Albert DEROLEZ, with the association of Benjamin VICTOR and Wouter BRACKE, with the collaboration of Jan Willem KLEIN. Bruxelles, Paleis der Academien, 2001, 475 p. 53. Corpus of British medieval library catalogues. 8. Peterborough abbey. Ed. by Karsten FRIIS-JENSEN and James M. W. WLLLOUGHBY. 9. Syon Abbey. Ed. by Vincent GILLESPIE. London, British Library in association with the British Academy, 2001, 2 vol., XLVI-254 p., LXXIII-819 p. (tab.). 54. CRIVELLO (Fabrizio). La miniatura a Bobbio tra IX e X secolo e i suoi modelli carolingi. Torino, London e Venezia, Umberto Allemandi, 2001, 214 p. (Archivi di Arte Antica). 55. CROWN (Alan David). Samaritan scribes and manuscripts. Tubingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2001, ΧΠΙ-555 p. (ill.). (Texts and studies in ancient Judaism / Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum, 80). 56. Cum picturis ystoriatum: codici devozionali e liturgici della Biblioteca Palatina. Introduzione di Leonardo FARINELLI. Modena, II bulino, 2001, 303 p. (ill.). (II giardino delle Esperidi) [Catalogo della Mostra tenuta a Parma nel 2001], 57. DE HAMEL (Christopher). The British Library guide to manuscript illumination: history and techniques. London, British Library, 2001, 88 p. 5 8 . DENNISON ( L y n d a ) , DRIVER ( M a r t h a W . ) , NICH-
OLS (Ann Eljenholm), SCOTT (Kathleen L.). An index of images in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c. 1380-c. 1509: the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 2: MSS Dodsworth-Marshall. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, 192 p. 59. DENZINGER (Götz). Die Handschriften der Hofschule Karls des Grossen: Studien zu ihrer Ornamentik. Langwaden, Grevenbroich, 2001, 373 p. (ill.).
47. CASTILLO GOMEZ (Antonio). Entre public et prive. Strategies de l'ecrit dans l'Espagne du Siecle d'Or. Annates, 2001, 56,4-5, p. 803-830.
60. DORTMUND (Annette). Römisches Buchwesen um die Zeitenwende: War T. Pomponius Atticus (110-32 v. Chr.) Verleger? Mit einem Geleitwort von St. FÜSSEL. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2001, X-333 p. (Buchwissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München, 66).
48. Catalogue of the kabbalistic manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish community of Mantua. Fiesole, Cadmo, 2001, 400 p. (Mantua Judaica).
61. DZUROVA (Aksinija). La miniatura bizantina: i manoscritti miniati e la loro diffusione. Milano, Jaca Book, 2001, 295 p. (ill.). (Corpus bizantino slavo).
49. CAVALLO (Guglielmo). "Le rossignol et l'hirondelle". Lire et ecrire ä Byzance, en Occident. Annates, 2001,56,4-5, p. 849-862. 50. CHARTIER ( R o g e r ) . Culture ecrite et litterature ä
l'äge moderne. Annales,
2001, 5 6 , 4 - 5 , p. 783-802.
51. Commonplace books at Yale. Ed. by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. New Haven, The Beinecke Rare book and Manuscript Library-Yale University, 2001, [s. p.].
62. Ecrivain (L') editeur. 1. Du Moyen Äge ä la fin du XVIIP siecle. Sous la direction de Frangois BESSIRE. Geneve, Droz, 2001, 402 p. (Travaux de litterature, 14). 63. Fondo (II) musicale della Cappella dei can tori del Duomo di Torino. A cura di Enrico DEMARIA, introduzione di Marie-Therese BOUQUET BOYER. Lucca, Libreria musicale italiana, 2001, LIX-595 p. (Cataloghi di fondi musicali del Piemonte, 2).
64. GAVINELLI (Simona). Manoscritti di eta carolingia a Intra sul Lago Maggiore. Italia medioevale e umanistica, 2001, 42, p. 45-62. 65. GISLER (Monika). Mündlichkeit und Schrifthandeln. Eine Untersuchung aargauischer Offnungen des Spätmittelalters. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte., 2001, 51, 3, p. 261-278. 66. GNEUSS (Helmut). Handlist of anglo-Saxon manuscripts: a list of manuscripts and manuscript fragments written or owned in England up to 1100. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2001, VII-188 p. (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 241). 67. GOUSSET (Marie-Therese). Eden. Le jardin medieval ä travers l'enluminure, XIII e -XVI e siecle. Avec la collaboration de Nicole FLEURIER. Paris, Albin Michel et Bibliotheque nationale de France, 2 0 0 1 , 9 5 p. 68. Graduale Alderspacense: colour microfiche edition of the manuscript München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 2541/2542. Introduction to the Gradual of Aldersbach and Cistercian plainschant by David HILEY. München, Η. Lengenfelder, 2001, 10 microfiches and 56 p. (Codices illuminati medii aevi, 61). 69. Handschriften (Die) der Universitätsbibliothek Basel: Arabische Handschriften. Unter der Leitung von Gregor SCHOELER, beschrieben von Gudrun SCHUBERT und Renate WURSCH, vorarbeiten von Fritz MEIER, Gertrud SPIESS und Hedwig DJEDDIKAR. Basel, Schwabe, 2001, X X V - 6 0 3 p. (ill.). (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Basel, 4). 70. HAVENS (Earle). Commonplace books: a history of manuscripts and printed books from antiquity to the twentieth century. N e w Haven, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library a. Yale U. P., 2001, 99 p. 71. Hebrew manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. Catalogue ed. by Benjamin RICHLER; paleographical and codicological descriptions of Malachi BEIT-ARIE. Jerusalem, Jewish national and university library, 2001, X X X - 5 7 4 p. (tab.). 72. Homilies d'Organyä: facsimil del manuscrit. Edicions i crftica d'Amadeu-J. SOBERANAS i Andreu ROSSINYOL, amb un estudi D'Armand PuiG Ι TÄRRECH. Barcelona, Barcino, 2001, 338 p. (Els nostres clässics. Colleccio B, 20). 73. IRIGOIN (Jean). Le livre grec des origines ä la Renaissance. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 2001, 94 p. (Conferences Leopold Delisle). 74. JOSLIN (Mary Coker), WATSON (Carolyn Coker Joslin). The Egerton Genesis. London, British Library a. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2001, XXVII312 p. (British Library Studies in Medieval Culture). 75. KARKOV (Catherine E.). Text and picture in Anglo-Saxon England: narrative strategies in the Junius 11 Manuscript. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXII-225 p. (tab., ill.). (Cambridge Studies in angloSaxon England, 31).
7 6 . KASHTANOV (Sergej Μ . ) , STOLJAROVA
bov' V.). Ο predmete i zadachakh kodikologii i ee meste sredi drugikh spetsial'nykh istoricheskikh distsiplin. (On the subject and purposes of codicology and its place among the other historical disciplines). Srednevekovaja Rus', Moskva, Indrik, 2001, 3, p. 222-231. 77. KlDD (Peter). Medieval manuscripts from the Collection of T. R. Buchanan in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Oxford, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2001, XLV-209 p. 78. KLANICZAY (Gabor), KRISTÖF (Ildikö). Ecritures saintes et pactes diaboliques. Les usages religieux de l'ecrit (Moyen Age et Temps modernes). Annales, 2 0 0 1 , 5 6 , 4-5, p. 947-980. 79. Knizhnye tsentry Drevnej Rusi: Severnorusskie monastyri. (The centres of book-production in Medieval Russia: the monasteries of Northern Rus'). Ed. Svetlana A. SEMJACHKO. RAN, In-t russkoj literatury (Pushkinskij dom). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 389 p. (ill.; tables; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 375387). [Cf. n° 44.] - Knizhnye tsentry Drevnej Rusi: Solovetskij monastyr'. (The centres of book-production in Medieval Russia: The Solovki Monastery). Ed. Svetlana A. SEMJACHKO. RAN, In-t russkoj literatury (Pushkinskij dom). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 5 3 6 p. (portr.; tables; facs.; pers. ind. p. 517-534). 80. KOGMAN-APPEL (Katrin). Omanut yehudit ben Islam le-Natsrut: Nitur sifre Tanakh Ivriyim bi-Sefarad. Tel Aviv, ha-Kibuts ha-me'uhad, 2 0 0 1 , 2 5 0 p. 81. Leaves of gold: manuscript illumination from Philadelphia Collections. Edited by James R. TANIS [et al.], with the collaboration of Jennifer A. THOMPSON. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2001, XIV242 p. 82. Leben und Abenteuer des großen Königs Apoll o n i a von Tyrus zu Land und zur See. Ein Abenteuerroman von Heinrich von Neustadt verfaßt zu Wien um 1300 nach Gottes Geburt, übertragen mit allen Miniaturen der Wiener Handschrift C. Hrsg. v. Helmut BIRKHAN. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, N e w York, Oxford u. Wien, Lang, 2001, 4 6 3 p. 83. LEVSHUN (L.V.). Istoriia vostochnoslavianskogo knizhnogo slova X I - X V I I vv. Minsk, Ekonompress, 2 0 0 1 , 3 5 1 p. 84. Manoscritti liturgici della Diocesi di Trento dal secolo XI. Catalogo-inventario. A cura di Fortunato TURRINI. Trento, Vita Trentina, 2001, XVIII-374 p. (ill.). 85. MARTINEZ (Marcos). Los libros antiguos: como han llegado hasta nosotros? La Laguna, Universidad de La Laguna, 2001, 38 p. (Serie conferencias, 2). 86. MATHEWS ( T h o m a s ) , TAYLOR ( A l i c e ) . T h e Ar-
menian gospel of Gladzor: the life of Christ illuminated. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2001, 120 p.
87. METAVER (Christine). Normes graphiques et pratiques de l'ecriture. Maitres ecrivains et ecrivains publics ä Paris aux XVII e et XVIIF siecles. Annates, 2001,56, 4-5, p. 881-902.
ber bis 4. November 2001. Hrsg. v. Kathrin PAASCH in Zusammenarbeit mit Eckehart DÖBLER im Auftrag der Kulturdirektion der Landeshauptstadt Erfurt. Erfurt, Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek, 2001,227 p.
88. MROZOWICZ (Wojciech). Mittelalterliche Handschriften oberschlesischer Autoren in der Universitätsbibliothek BreslauAVroclaw. Heidelberg, Palatina Verlag, 2001, 112 p. (Archivreihe der Stftung Haus Oberschlesien, 5).
99. Scripturaria: el llibre i el document al llarg de la histöria. Exposicio amb motiu del XII Congres de l'Associacio Internacional de Bibliofilia: Museu Diocesä de Barcelona, edifici de la Pia Almoina, 6 septembre7 octubre de 2001. Coordinacio Pere Jordi FIGUEROLA ROTGER, Josep Maria MARTI BONET. Brcelona, Museu Diocesä de Barcelona, 2001, 125 p.
89. MUZERELLE (Denis). Manuscrits dates des bibliotheques de France. 1. Cambrai. Avec la collaboration de Genevieve GRAND, Guy LANOE et Monique PEY-
RAFORT-HUIN. Paris, CNRS Bd., 2001, XXVI-330 p. 9 0 . OSORIO PEREZ ( M a n ' a J o s e ) , AMPARO MORENO
TRUJILLO (Man'a), DE LA OBRA SIERRA (Juan Man'a), MONTOYA MARTINEZ (Jesus). Trastiendas de la cul-
tural librerias y libreros en la Granada del siglo XVI. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2001, 598 p. (Biblioteca Chronica nova de estudios histöricos, 69). 91. PASTENA (Carlo), SALERNO (Marco), PALMA
(Marco). Breve storia dei materiali scrittori dalle origini al XV secolo. Palermo, Regione siciliana, Assessorato dei beni culturali e ambientali e della Pubblica istruzione, 2001, 154 p. (ill.). (Quaderni della Biblioteca centrale della Regione siciliana, 12). 92. PATTERSON (Robert B.). The scriptorium of Margam Abbey and the scribes of early Angevin Glamorgan: secretarial administration in a Welsh Marcher Barony c.l 1 5 0 - C . 1 2 2 5 . Woodbridge, Boydell, 2 0 0 1 , 288 p. (ill.). 93. PETRIZZELLI (Michela). I libri e i Longobardi: produzione e circolazione libraria in Campania tra il IX e XI secolo. Fasano, Schena Editore, 2001, 96 p. 94. PEYRAFORT-HUIN (Monique). La bibliothfeque medievale de l'abbaye de Pontigny (XH c -XIX e siecle): histoire, inventaires anciens, manuscrits. Avec la collaboration de Patricia STIRNEMANN et une contribution de Jean-Luc BENOIT. Paris, CNRS Ed., 2001, 846 p. (Documents, etudes et repertoires publies par Γ Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, 60). 95. Reading and the book in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Susan J. RlDYARD. Sewanee, University of the South Press, 2001, 111 p. (Sewanee medieval studies, 11). 96. ROGGERO (Marina). L'alphabetisation en Italie: une conquete feminine? Annates, 2001, 56, 4-5, p. 903926. 97. SAURMA-JELTSCH (Lieselotte Ε.). Spätformen mittelalterlicher Buchherstellung: Bilderhandschriften aus der Werkstatt Diebold Laubers in Hagenau. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2001, 2 vol., XII-294, XII-345 p. (ill.). 98. Schatz (Der) des Amplonius: die grosse Bibliothek des Mittelalters in Erfurt. Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung der Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek Erfurt und des Angermuseums Erfurt, vom 2. Septem-
100. SMITH (Lesley). Masters of the sacred page: manuscripts of theology in the latin West to 1274. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2001, IX190 p. (The Medieval Book, 2). 101. Subject-guide (A) to the Arabic manuscripts in the British Library. Compiled by Peter STOCKS, ed. by Colin F. BAKER. London, The British Library, 2001, XVIII-483 p. 102. Testo e immagine nel Medioevo germanico: atti del 26. Convegno dell'Associazione italiana di filologia germanica, Venezia, 26-28 maggio 1999. A cura di Maria Grazia SAIBENE e Marina BUZZONI. Milano, Cisalpino, 2001, VIII-295 p. (tav., ill.). (Le bricole, 7). 103. TEVIOTDALE (Elizabeth C.). The Stammheim Missal. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2001, VI94 p. (Getty Museum Studies on Art). 104. THOMPSON (R. M.). A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral Library. With a contribution on the bindings by Michael GULLICK. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer for the Dean and Chapter of Worcester Cathedral, 2001, XLVIII-256 p. 105. VANWIJNSBERGHE (Dominique). D e fin or et
d'azur: les commanditaires de livres et le metier de l'enluminure ä Tournai ä la fin du Moyen Age (XIV e -XV c siecles). Leuven, Peeters, 2001, LXV-466 p. (Corpus of illuminated manuscripts, vol. 10). 106. VÄTH (Paula). Die illuminierten lateinischen Handschriften deutscher Provenienz der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1200-1350. 1. Texte. 2. Abbildungen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2001, 2 vol., IX-200 p., V-224 p. (Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung, 3/3). 107. WALTHER (Ingo F.), WOLF (Norbert). Codices illustres: the world's most famous illuminated manuscripts 400-1600. Köln a. London, Taschen, 2001, 504 p. 1 0 8 . WOLTER- VON DEM KNESEBECK ( H a r a l d ) . D e r
Elisabethpsalter in Cividale del Friuli: Buchmalerei fur den Thüringer Landgrafenhof zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2001, 378 p. (ill.). 109. ZELZER (Michaela). Buch und Text von Augustus zu Karl dem Grossen. Mitteilungen des Instituts für
Österreichische p. 291-314.
2001, 109, 3-4,
Cf. nos 10, 398, 1051, 5381, 5475
b. Printed books * 110. Bibliographie der Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte (BBB). Vol. 19. 1999. [Vol. 18, 1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n" 84.] Hrsg. v. Horst MEYER. Bad Iburg, Bibliographischer Verlag Dr. Horst Meyer, 2001, [s. P·]. * 111. ERBER-BADER (Ulrike). Deutschsprachige Verlagsalmanache des 20. Jahrhunderts: eine Bibliographie: mit einer Auswahl von Sortimenter-Almanachen. Band I. A-M, Nr. 1-1493. Band II. N-Z, Nr. 14942538, Register. Marbach, Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 2001, [s. p.]. 112. AMEDEI (Cristiano), RANDI (Pietro). Cinque secoli di libri: tipografi, editori, librai a Padova dal Quattrocento al Novecento. Padova, Libreria Draghi, 2001,70 p. 113. APPEL (Charlotte). Laesning og bogmarked i 1600-tallets Danmark. (Lecture et marche du Ii vre dans le Danemark du \ T siöcle). K0benhavn, Museum Tusculanum, 2001, 2 tomes, 1009 p. (ill.). (Danish humanists texts and studies, 23). [Res. anglais]. 114. Art (The) of the book: from medieval manuscript to graphic novel. On the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum Library. Ed. by James ΒΕΤΓLEY. London, V&A Publications, 2001, 208 p. 115. Audiovisualität vor und nach Gutenberg: zur Kulturgeschichte der medialen Umbrüche. Hrsg. v. Horst WENZEL, W i l f r i e d SEIPEL u n d G o t t h a r d
Milano, Skira u. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2001, 291 p. (Schriften des Kunsthistorischen Museums, 6).
116. BALDACCHJNI (Lorenzo). II libro antico. Nuova edizione aggiornata. Roma, Carocci, 2001,173 p. (Universita. Beni culturali, 23). 117. BARTRAM (Alan). Five hundred years of book design. London, British Library, 2001, 192 p. 118. BEKKER-NIELSEN (T0nnes) [et al.]. Gads historieleksikon. (Dictionnaire historique de l'editeur Gad). K0benhavn, Gad, 2001, 683 p. (ill.). 119. BERNSTEIN (Jane Α.). Print culture and music in sixteenth-century Venice. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XIV-233 p. (ill.). 120. Book history and print culture: an exhibition celebrating the collaborative program at the University of Toronto, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 1 March-25 May, 2001. Catalogue by Sandra ALSTON [et al.], general editors, Marie KOREY,
Toronto, University of Toronto Library, 2001, 99 p.
121. Books and their readers in eighteenth-century England: new essays. Ed. by Isabel RIVERS. Leicester, Leicester U. P., 2001, X-294 p. 122. Bookshop (The) of the world: the role of the Low Countries in the book-trade, 1473-1941. Proceedings of a conference held in London 15-17 September 1999 organized by The Association for Low Countries Studies. Ed. by Lotte HELLINGA [et al.], assisted by Elaine PAINTIN. 't Goy-Houten, Hes & De Graaf, 2001, 332 p. 123. BUIJNSTERS (P.J.), BUIJNSTERS-SMETS (Leon-
tine). Lust en leering: geschiedenis van het Nederlandse kinderboek in de negentiende eeuw. Zwolle, Waanders, 2001,504 p. 124. CAVE (Roderick). Fine printing and private presses: selected papers. London, British Library, 2001, XII-267 p. (ill.). (British Library studies in the history of the book). 125. Collecting early American imprints: from Brinley to Zinman. Ed. by William S. REESE. The Zinman Collection and the Library Company. Ed. by James GREEN. Philadelphia, Library Company of Philadelphia, 2001,45 p. 126. Cultura (La) del libro en la edad moderna: Andalucia y America. Ed. por Manuel ΡΕΝΑ DIAZ, Ped r o RUIZ PEREZ y J u l i a n SOLANA PUJALTE. C o r d o b a ,
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cordoba, 2001, VIII-297 p. (Estudios de historia moderna. Coleccion "Maior", 16). 127. DESORMEAUX (Daniel). La figure du bibliomane: histoire du livre et Strategie litteraire au XIX e siecle. Saint-Genouph, Nizet, 2001, 251 p. 128. Ecriture, pouvoir et sociiti en Espagne aux XVF et X V i r siecles. Hommage du CRES ä Augustin Redondo. Dir. par Pierre CIVIL. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, Presse de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2001, 535 p. 129. Empresa y cultura en tinta y papel (1800-1860). Coordinaciön general, Laura Beatriz SuÄREZ DE LA TORRE, ediciön, Miguel Angel CASTRO. Möxico, Instituto Mora, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogräficas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2001, 662 p. 130. Entre el ocio y el negocio: industria editorial y literatura en la Espana de los 90. Ed. por Jose Manuel LOPEZ DE ABIADA, H a n s - J ö r g NEUSCHÄFER y A u g u s t a
LÖPEZ BERNASOCCHI. Madrid, 2001, 335 p. (Ensayo).
131. FREMMER (Anselm). Venezianische Buchkultur: Bücher, Buchhändler und Leser in der Frührenaissance. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, IX-452 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 51). 132. GILLESPIE (Alexandra). Chaucer and Lydgate in print: the medieval author and the history of the book, 1476-1579. Oxford, University of Oxford, Faculty of English Language and Literature, 2001, XIV-423 p.
133. GUEDES (Fernando). Ο livro como tema: historia, cultura, industria. Prefäcio de Anibal PINTO DE CASTRO. Lisboa, Verbo, 2001, 410 p. 134. Vacat. 135. History (A) of the book in Australia, 1891-1945: a national culture in a colonised market. Ed. by Martyn LYONS and John ARNOLD. St. Lucia a. Portland, University of Queensland Press, XIX-444 p. 136. HOCHMAN (Barbara). Getting at the author: reimagining books and reading in the age of American realism. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2001, XI-185 p. (ill.). (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 137. Holocaust (The) and the book: destruction and preservation. Ed. by Jonathan ROSE. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2001, 314 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the Book). 138. Illuminating letters: typography and literary interpretation. Ed. by Paul C. GUTJAHR and Megan L. BENTON. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2001, IX-198 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 139. Insatsu hakubutsushi. (Artes imprimendi). Henshu Toppan Insatsu Kabushiki Kaisha, Insatsu Hakubutsushi Hensan Iinkai. Tokyo, Toppan Insatsu Kabushiki Kaisha, 2001, XXII1192 p. 140. ISAAC (Peter C. G.), MAC KAY (Barry). The moving market: continuity and change in the book trade. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 2001, XIV-201 p. (ill.). (Print networks, 5). 141. Istoriia na knigata: knigata ν istoriiata. Sustaviteli Ani GERGOVA, Krasimira DASKALOVA. Sofiia, UI "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2001, 355 p. 142. JACOBSSON (Roger). Medierad kultur: bokhistorisk kulturforskning, kommunikation och innebörder. Stockholm, Carlsson, 2001, 109 p. (Bokhistoriska skrifter, 3). 143. JUDA (Maria). Pismo drukowane w Polsce XV-XVIII wieku. (Die Druckschrift in Polen XV.-XVIII Jahrhundert). Lublin, Wydaw. UMSC, 2001,366 p. 144. JURADO (Augusto). La imprenta y el libra en Espana: desde los inicios hasta el principio de las actuates tecnicas: las artes gräficas en el umbral del siglo XXI. Madrid, Comunicaciön Gräfica, 2001, 410 p. 145. KHAN (Mofakhkhar Hussain). The Bengali book: history of printing and book making, 1667-1866. Dhaka, Bangla Academy, 2001, [s. p.]. 146. Lettera (La) e il torchio: studi sulla produzione libraria tra XVI e XVIII secolo. A cura di Ugo ROZZO. Udine, Forum, 2001,487 p. (Libri e biblioteche, 10).
147. Vacat. 148. LYONS (Martyn). Readers and society in nineteenth-century France: workers, women, peasants. New York, Palgrave, 2001, XI-208 p. 149. MALAGUZZI (Francesco). Xilografie nclle edizioni piemontesi del XV e XVI secolo. Torino, Centro studi piemontesi, 2001, 381 p. 150. MARTIN ABAD (Julian). Post-incunables ibericos. Madrid, Ollero & Ramos, 2001, 572 p. 151. MASLEN (Keith). Samuel Richardson of London, printer: a study of his printing based on ornament use and business accounts. Dunedin, Department of English-University of Otago, 2001, XII-317 p. (Otago studies in English, 7). 152. MEERKERK (Edwin. Achter de schermen van het boekbedrijf: Henri Du Sauzet (1687-1754) in de wereld van de uitgeverij en boekhandel in de Republiek. Amsterdam, ΑΡΑ-Holland Universiteits Pers, 2001, XI-469 p. (Studies van het Instituut Pierre Bayle voor Intellectuele Betrekkingen tussen de West-Europese Landen in de Nieuwe Tijd = Etudes de l'lnstitut Pierre Bayle, 31). 153. MONTECCHI (Giorgio). Itinerari bibliografici: storie di libri, di tipografi e di editori. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 214 p. (Studi e ricerche di storia deU'editoria, 12). 154. Moving (The) market: continuity and change in the book trade. Edited by Peter ISAAC and Barry MAC KAY. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 2001, XIV201 p. (Print networks, 5). 155. Mutations (Les) du livre et de Γ edition dans le monde du XVIIf siecle ä l'an 2000: actes du colloque international, Sherbrooke, 2000. Sous la dir. de Jacques MLCHON et Jean-Yves MOLLIER. Saint-Nicolas, Presses de Γ Universite Laval et Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001,597 p. 156. PAWLEY (Christine). Reading on the middle border: the culture of print in late nineteenth-century Osage, Iowa. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2001, XI-265 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 157. PELLEGRINI (Paolo). Cheir che ira niptei. Per gli incunaboli di Giovanni Calfurnio, umanista editore. Italia medioevale e umanistica, 2001, 42, p. 181-283. 158. Per sommi libri: gli artisti delle avanguardie e il libra. A cura di Artemisia CALCAGNI ABRAMI e Lucia CHIMIRRI. Firenze, Centro Di, 2001, 69 p. 159. PLEBANI (Tiziana). II "genere" dei libri: storie e rappresentazioni della lettura al femminile e al maschile tra Medioevo ed etä moderna. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 227 p. (ill., ports.). (Studi e ricerche di storia deU'editoria, 11). 160. Printed matters: printing, publishing, and urban culture in Europe in the modern period. Edited by Malcolm GEE and Tim KIRK. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, [s. P·].
161. Printing and the book in Manchester, 1700-1850. Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2001,200 p.
176. VERCELLIN (Giorgio). Venezia e l'origine della stampa in caratteri arabi. Padova, II poligrafo, 2001, 126 p.
162. Raamatu osa eeti arengus. Toimetanud Tonu TENDER. Tartu, OÜ Greif triikikoda, 2001, 342 p.
177. WEST (Anthony James). The Shakespeare first folio: the history of the book. An account of the first folio based on its sales and prices. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, [s. p.],
163. REES (Eiluned). Libri Walliae: a catalogue of welsh books and books printed in Wales, 1546-1820. Supplement compiled by Charles PARRY. Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, 2001, XIII-249 p. 164. REIMO (Tiiu). Raamatukultuur Tallinnas 18. sajandi teisel poolel. (Die Buchkultur in Tallinn [Reval] in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts). Tallinn, Pedagoogikaülikooli Kirjastus, 2001, 393 p.
178. WILHOLT (Nanske). Voor alles artiste: Uitgever Stols en het literaire leven in het interbellum. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2001, 224 p. (Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse boekhandel; nieuwe reeks, 6). Cf. nos 377-399, 5464-5514
165. Vacat. 166. SELBORNE (Joanna). British wood-engraved book illustration, 1904-1940: a break with tradition. London, British Library a. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 2001, XXIII-433 p. 167. SHCHEGLOVA (O. P.). Persoiazychnaia litografirovannaia kniga indiiskogo proizvodstva (XIX v.). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2001, 298 p. (Orientalia). 168. SLIGHTS (William W.E.). Managing readers: printed marginalia in English Renaissance books. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2001, XIII-298 p. (Editorial theory and literary criticism). 169. STAIKOS (Kostantinos. Sp.). Ta kentra tou hellenikou vivliou 15 os -19 os aionas: typographoi, ekdotes, semata kai emvlemata. Katalogos tes Ektheses, Europaiko Politistiko Kentro Delphon. (Centers of Greek book production 15th-19th century: printers, publishers, devices and emblems. Catalogue of exhibition, European Cultural Centre of Delphi). Athena, Ekdoseis Kotinos, 2001,53 p. 170. Vacat. 171. TAVONI (Maria Gioia). Precarietä e fortuna nei mestieri del libro in Italia: dal secolo dei lumi ai primi decenni della Restaurazione. Bologna, Patron, 2001, 151 p. (Lyceum, 2). 172. TITEL (Volker). Entstehung und Frühzeit des Schweizerischen Buchhändlervereins. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001, 51, 3, p. 279-295. 173. TONDEL (Janusz). Ksi^zka w dawnym Krölewcu Pruskim. (Das Buch in dem alten Königsberg in Preußen). Toruii, Wydaw. Uniw. M. Kopernika, 2001,325 p. 174. VAN DER HAEGEN (Pierre L.). Der frühe Basler Buchdruck: ökonomische, sozio-politische und informationssystematische Standortfaktoren und Rahmenbedingungen. Basel, Schwabe, 2001, 218 p. (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Basel, 5). 175. VAN DYK (Stephen H.). Rare books. London and New York, Scala Publishers in association with Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum and Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Smithsonian Institution, 2001, 112 p.
§ 4. Chronology. 179. ÄGREN (Henrik). Time and communication: a preindustrial modernisation of the awareness of time. Scandinavian economic history review, 2001, 49, 2, p. 55-77. 180. BEGUNOV (Iurii Konstantinovich). Russkaia istoriia protiv "novoi khronologii". (Russian history and the new chronology). Moskva, Russkaia panorama, 2001, 215 p. (Antifomenko). 181. BERTRAND (D.). Chronologie et exegese chez Sulpice Severe. In: Historiographie (L') de l'Eglise des premiers siecles [Cf. n° 481], p. 451-467. 182. HAUSTEIN (Heinz-Dieter). Weltchronik des Messens: Universalgeschichte von Mass und Zahl, Geld und Gewicht. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2001, IX-386 p. 183. Karolingische Reichskalender (Der) und seine Überlieferung bis ins 12. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. V. Arno BORST. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2001, 3 vol., LIII-V-V-1906 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Libri memoriales, 2). 184. Κ WONG (Luke S. K.). The rise of the linear perspective on history and time in Late Qing China c. 1860-1911. Past and present, 2001, 173, p. 157-190. 185. Medieval concept (The) of time: studies on the scholastic debate and its reception in early modern philosophy. Ed. by Pasquale PORRO. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2001, X-587 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 75). 186. 0 CROININ (Däibhi). Early Irish history and chronology. Dublin, Four Courts, 2001, XII-228 p. 187. Procesos de cambio y conceptualization del tiempo: Memoria de la Primera Mesa Redonda de Monte Alban. Ed. por Nelly M. ROBLES GARCIA. Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia), 2001,349 p. 188. Time matters: global and local time in Asian societies. Ed. by Willem VAN SCHENDEL and Henk
SCHULTE NORDHOLT. A m s t e r d a m , V U U . P., 2 0 0 1 ,
140 p. (Comparative Asian studies, 21). Cf. n° 3286 § 5. G e n e a l o g y a n d f a m i l y h i s t o r y . 189. ARCHASSAL (Pierre-Valery). La genealogie. Paris, Rammarion, 2001, 126 p. (ill.). 190. BIZZOCCHI (Roberto). In famiglia. Storie di interessi e affetti nell'Italia moderna. Roma e Ban, Laterza, 2001,218 p. 191. BRAND (Hanno). Les elites de Leyde et leurs families ä la fin du Moyen Age: morphologie, rapports et structures. Revue historique, 2001, 303, 619, p. 603638.
192. BURGUIERE (Andre). L'Etat monarchique et la famille (16 c -18 e siecle). Annates, 2001, 56, 2, p. 313336. 193. CALLEJA PUERTA (Miguel). El conde Suero Vermudez, su parentela y su entorno social: la aristocracia asturleonesa en los siglos XI y XII. Oviedo, KRK Ediciones, 2001, 855 p. 194. Vacat. 195. DELILLE (Gerard). Reflexions sur le systeme europeen de la parente et de l'alliance. [Note critique]. Annates, 2001, 56, 2, p. 369-380. 196. DOGAN (Ismail). Osmanh ailesi: sosyolojik bir yakla$im. (La famille Ottomane: une approche sociologique). Ankara, Yeni Tiirkiye, 2001, 181 p. 197. ERTEN (Hayri). Konya §er'iyye sicilleri i§iginda ailenin sosyo-ekonomik ve kiiltiirel yapisi (XVIII. y.y. ilk yarisi). (La structure socio-economique et culturelle de la famille d'apres les registres du cadi ä Konya dans la premiere moitie du XVIIF siecle). Ankara, Kültiir Bakanligi yayinlari, 2001, XVIII-221 p. 198. Family and local history handbook. Genealogical services directory. York, Genealogical Services Directory, 2001, [s. p.], 199. Family life in early modern times, 1500-1789. E d . b y D a v i d I. KERTZER a n d M a r z i o BARBAGLI. N e w
Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, XXXII-365 p. (History of European family, 1). 200. FOWLER (Simon). The Public Record Office introduction to the joys of family history. Richmond, Public Record Office, 2001, 80 p. 201. GENTE (Magali). The expansion of the nuclear family unit in Great Britain between 1910 and 1920. History of the family, 2001, 6, I, p. 125-142. 202. HELK (Velio). Stambogsskikken i det danske monarki indtil 1800: med en fortegnelse over danske, norske, islandske og slesvig-holstenske stamb0ger samt udlasndinges stamb0ger med indf0rsler fra ophold i det danske monarki. (L'usage des geneologies dans la mo-
narchic danoise jusqu'en 1800). Odense, Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001, 416 p. (ill.). (Odense University studies in history and social sciences, 237). 203. Μ AUERER (Esteban). Südwestdeutscher Reichsadel im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Geld, Reputation, Karriere: das Haus Fürstenberg. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 456 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 66). 204. NLEHUSS (Merith). Familie, Frau und Gesellschaft: Studien zur Strukturgeschichte der Familie in Westdeutschland, 1945-1960. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 425 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 65). 205. ORNATO (Monique). Repertoire prosopographique de personnages apparentes ä la Couronne de France au XIVC et XV e siecles. Preface de Jean-Philippe GENET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 240 p. (Publications de la Sorbonne. Histoire ancienne et medievale, 65). 206. OZMENT (Steven E.). Ancestors: the loving family in old Europe. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2001, 162 p. 207. Sources for Irish family history: a listing of books and articles on the history of Irish families. Compiled by James G. RYAN. Glenageary, Flyleaf Press, 2001, 180 p. 208. SPERKA (Jerzy). Szafrancowie herbu Stary Κοή. Ζ dziejow kariery i awansu w poznosredniowiecznej Polsce. (Familie Szafraniec Geschlechtswappen Stary Κοή [Altes Roß]. Aus der Geschichte der Karriere und des Aufstiegs in spätmittelalterlichem Polen). Katowice, US, 2001, 592 p. (Prace Nauk. Uniw. äl^skiego w Katowicach, 1986). 209. TULARD (Jean). Napoleon et la noblesse d'Empire: avec la liste des membres de la noblesse imperiale (1808-1815). Paris, Tallandier, 2001, 361 p. (Approches). 210. Vostochnaja Evropa ν drevnosti i srednevekov'je: Genealogija kak forma istoricheskoj pamjati: XIII chtenija pamjati V. T. Pashuto, Mat-ly konf. (Eastern Europe in Antiquity and Middle Ages: genealogy as a form of historical memory: proceedings of the 13th Conference dedicated to the memory of Vladimir T. Pashuto). Ed. Elena A. MEL'NIKOVA. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, IVI RAN, 2001, 223 p. (bibl. incl.). [Cf. Bibl.. 2000, n° 706.] Cf. nos 214, 327 § 6. S i g i l l o g r a p h y a n d h e r a l d r y . 211. ADAMS (Alison). Georgette de Montenay and the device of the Dordrecht printer Frangois Bosselaer. Bibliotheque d'humanisme et Renaissance, 2001, 63, 1, p. 63-72.
212. BABUIN (Α.). Standards and insignia of Byzantium. Byzantion, 2001, 71, p. 5-59. 2 1 3 . BÄCKMARK ( M a g n u s ) , WASLING (Jesper). H e -
raldiken i Sverige Heraldry in Sweden. Lund, Historiska Media, 2001, 110 p. 214. Diccionario hispanoamericano de heräldica, onomästica y genealogia. Vol. 20 = 5. AragoncilloAriarte. Por Endika DE MOGROBEJO. Bilbao, Vizcaya: Editorial Mogrobejo-Zabala, 2001,496 p. 215. Emblems from Alciato to the Tattoo: selected papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference 18-23 August, 1996. Ed. by Peter M. DALY, John MANNING and Marc VAN VAECK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, XV-359 p. (Imago figurata. Studies, lc). 216. FABRE (Martine). Sceau medieval: analyse d'une pratique culturelle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 336 p. (Collection Patrimoines & societes). 217. GIGILEWICZ (Edward). Herby biskupöw warmmskich. (Die Wappen der Ermlander Bischöfe). Lublin, Red. Wydawnictw KUL, 2001, 219 p. (KUL. Wydz. Nauk Humanist.). 218. GYSELEN (Rika). The four generals of the Sasanian empire: some sigillographic evidence. Roma, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2001, 53 p. (Conferenze, 14). 219. Historiography in the cuneiform world. Vol. 2. Seals and seal impressions. Ed. by William W. HALLO and Irene J. WINTER. Bethesda, CDL Press, 2001, [s. P·]. 220. HOCHNER (Nicole). Louis XII and the porcupine: transformations of a royal emblem. Renaissance studies, 2001, 15, l , p . 17-36. 221. Interregnum (An) of the sign: the emblematic age in France: essays in honour of Daniel S. Russell. Ed. by David GRAHAM. Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Dept. of French, 2001, XIX-251 p. (Glasgow emblem studies, 6). 222. JOVICEVIC (Milan). Montenegrin state and dynastic emblems: coats of arms, flags, national anthem. Cetinje, National Museum of Montenegro, 2001, 153 p. (Heritage edition / National Museum of Montenegro, 1). 223. LAVRENT'EV (Α.V.). Tsarevich - Tsar - Tsesar': Lzhedmitrij I, ego gosudarstvennye pechati, nagradnye znaki i medali (1604-1606 gg.). (False Dmitry I, his official seals, decorations and medals). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 240 p. (ill.; bibl. inch; ind. p. 223-233). 224. RANEKE (Jan). Svenska medeltidsvapen. Bd. 13. (Manuel d'heraldique suedoise. Tomes 1-3). Nora, Doxa, 2001, 3 vol., 422 p., 477 p., 57 p. (ill.). [R6sum6 anglais], 225. ROSAIA (Roberto Lucio) [et al.]. Les sceaux: empreintes du pouvoir. Paris, Editions Langlaude, 2001,223 p.
226. SPICA (Anne-Elisabeth). L'expression du temps au miroir de l'emblematique. Litteratures classiques, 2 0 0 1 , 4 3 , p. 75-85.
227. TRAN QUOC (Trung). Le Marquetis d'Antoine Du Saix: du recueil comme mosaique ä l'emblfemc comme signature. Bibliotheque d'humanisme et Renaissance,
2 0 0 1 , 63, 3, p. 5 7 5 - 5 9 5 .
2 2 8 . WOODCOCK ( T h o m a s ) , ROBINSON (John M a r -
tin). The Oxford guide to heraldry. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2 0 0 1 , 2 8 8 p.
§ 6. A d d e n d a 2 0 0 0 . 229. LOVETT (Patricia). The British Library companion to calligraphy, illumination and heraldry. A history and practical guide. London, British Library, 2000, 3 2 0 p. 230. PASTOREAU (Michel). Bleu, histoire couleur. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2000, 215 p. (ill.).
231. Precis d'heraldique. Nouvelle edition revue et mise ä jour. Ed. par Th6odore VEYRIN-FORRER et Michel POPOFF. Paris, Larousse, 2000, 198 p. (Comprendre et connaitre). § 7. N u m i s m a t i c s a n d m e t r o l o g y . * 232. BOSSOLI (Ferdinando). Antiquarian books on coins and medals: from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. London, Spink & Son a. Crestine, Kolbe, 2001, 87 p. (Studies in the history of numismatic literature, 1). ** 233. DELGADO Υ HERNANDEZ (Antonio). Estudios
de numismätica aräbigo-hispana: considerada como comprobante histörico de la dominacion islämica de la peninsula. E d . p o r A l b e r t o CANTO GARCIA [et al.]. M a -
drid, Real Academia de la Historia, 2001, XLVI-487 p. (Publicaciones del Gabinete de Antigtiedades de la Real Academia de la Historia. Antiquaria hispänica, 7). 234. ANDERSON (Michael). A numismatic history of Ecuador. With an introduction by David B. FLERO. Witham, Greenlight and Latin American Press, 2001, XI394 p. 235. Dictionnaire de numismatique. Sous la dir. de Michel AMANDRY. Paris, Larousse, 2001, 628 p. (ill.). 236. FRIED (Torsten). Schrift und Bild. Münzen als Herrschaftszeichen. In: Turbata per aequora mundi. Hrsg. v. Olaf B. RADER. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2001, p. 233-252. 237. LE RIDER (Georges). La naissance de la monnaie: pratiques monetaires de 1'Orient ancien. Pref. de Pierre CHAUNU. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2001, XIV-286 p. (Histoires). 238. MANVILLE (Harrington E.). Tokens of the Industrial Revolution: foreign silver coins countermarked for use in Great Britain c. 1787-1828. London, Spink, 2001, XX-307 p. (British Numismatic Society special publication, 3).
8. LINGUISTICS 239. ÖZGÜDENLI (Osman G.)· Yeni Paralann I^iginda Kurulu? Devri Selguklularinda Häkimiyet Münasebetleri Hakkinda Bazi Düjünceler. (Reflections on the early sovereignty relations of the Seljuqs of Rum in the light of new coins). Belleten, 2001, 65, 243, p. 547570.
2001, 207 p. (ill.; tables; maps; bibl. p. 169-191; ind. p. 193-207). (Studia historica. Series minor). [English summary],
240. Pondera: pesi e misure nell'antichitä. A cura di Carla CORTI e Nicoletta GIORDANI. Campogalliano, Museo della Bilancia, Centro di documentazione, 2001, 410 p. (Grandezze e misure nella storia).
252. Early contacts between Uralic and Indo-European. Linguistic and archaeological considerations. Papers presented at the international symposium held at Tvärminde Research Station of the University of Helsinki, 8-10 January 1999. Ed. By Asko PARPOLA [et al.]. Helsinki, 2001, 456 p. (ill., maps). (Suomal.Ugr. seuran toim., 242).
241. VOLTES (Bou). Historia de la peseta. Barcelona, Edhasa, 2001, 338 p. (Ensayo).
253. FUMAROLI (Marc). Quand l'Europe parlait fran$ais. Paris, Editions de Fallois, 2001, 489 p.
Cf. nm 312-336, 2797
254. GONZALEZ (Pierre-Gabriel). Grand dictionnaire des noms de famille. Geneve, Ambre, 2001, 504 p.
§ 8. Linguistics. 242. ALLIERES (Jacques). Manuel de linguistique romane. Pref. de Pierre BEC. Paris, Champion, 2001, XVI-323 p. (Bibliothfeque de grammaire et de linguistique, 10). 243. BÄRCZI (Geza). Geschichte der ungarischen Sprache. Innsbruck, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 2001, 502 p. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, 110). 244. ΒΕΑΤΤΥ (Michael Α.). County name origins of the United States. Jefferson a. London, McFarland, 2001, V-665 p. 245. BESSAT (Hubert), GERMI (Claudette). Les noms du paysage alpin: atlas toponymique. Savoie, Vallee d'Aoste, Dauphine, Provence. Grenoble, ELLUG, 2001,324 p. 246. BIANCONI (Sandro). Lingue di frontiera: una storia linguistica della Svizzera italiana dal medioevo al 2000. Bellinzona, Casagrande, 2001, 222 p. (Biblioteca di storia, 5). 247. Changements politiques et Statut des langues: histoire et epistemologie 1780-1945. Red. Marie-Christine Κοκ ESCALLE et Francine MELKA. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2001, 374 p. (Faux titre, 206).
255. Historiens (Les) et le latin medieval: colloque tenu ä la Sorbonne les 9, 10 et 11 septembre 1999. Textes reunis par Monique GOULLET et Michel PARISSE. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 288 p. (Histoire ancienne et medievale, 63). 256. Lingua (La) nella storia d'ltalia. A cura di Luca SERIANNI. Roma, Societä Dante Alighieri, 2001, 747 p. 257. LODARES (Juan Ramon). Gente de Cervantes: historia humana del idioma espanol. Madrid, Taurus, 2001, 238 p. (Pensamento). 258. PEES (Andre). ForSt mythique basque et foret, memoire de l'homme. Toponymie et patronymie locales d'origine en langues basque et gasconne. Societe des sciences, lettres et arts de Bayonne, 2001, 156, p. 289-322. 259. Periodisierung: die zeitliche Gliederung der deutschen Sprachgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Thorsten ROEL CKE. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 437 p. (Dokumentation germanistischer Forschung, 4). 260. PERRET (Michele). Introduction ä l'histoire de la langue franjaise. Paris, Armand Colin, 2001, 191 p. (Campus. Linguistique). 261. PETROCELLI (Corrado). Le parole e le armi. Omofonia/omoglossia in guerra. Quaderni di storia, 2001,27, 54, p. 69-97.
248. COUGOULAT (C. G. H.). Dictionnaire etymologique et historique des noms de famille frangais d'origine gauloise. Nantes, Editions du Petit Vehicule, 2001, 283 p.
262. Preistoria (La) dell'italiano. Atti della tavola rotonda di Linguistica storica, Universitä Ca'Foscari di Venezia, 11-13 giugno 1998. Ed. Jozsef HERMAN e Anna MARINETTI. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2001, 279 p.
249. D'ACHILLE (Paolo). Breve grammatica storica dell'italiano. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 126 p. (Bussole, 10).
263. PRIESTLY (Tom). Vandali, Veneti, Vindisarji: (pasti amaterske historicne lingvistike). (Vandals, Veneti, Windischer). Ljubljana, Slavisticno drustvo Slovenije, 2001 p. 275-303.
2 5 0 . D E AZEVEDO FERRIERA (Jose). E s t u d o s d e his-
toria da lingua portuguesa: obra dispersa. Minho, Universidade do Minho, Centro de Estudos Humanfsticos, 2001, XXXI-496 p. (Colecfao Poliedro, 7).
264. RAYBURN (Alan). Naming Canada: stories about Canadian place names. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2001, XIV-360 p.
2 5 1 . DZHAKSON [JACKSON] ( T a t ' j a n a N.). A u s t r ί
265. READ (Allen Walzer). America-naming the country and its people. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2001, IX-267 p. (Studies in onomastics, 4).
Gör3um: Drevnerusskie toponimy ν drevneskandinavskikh istochnikakh. (Old Russian place-names in Old Norse sources). Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury,
266. RIVAROLA (Jose Luis). El espafiol de America en su istoria. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2001, 244 p. (Coleccion "Acceso al saber.". Serie Lengua espanola). 267. STOCLET (Alain J.). Pepin dit «le Bref»: considerations sur son surnom et sa legende. Revue beige dephilologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 4, p. 1057-1095. 268. TESI (Riccardo). Storia dell'italiano: la formazione della lingua comune dalle origini al Rinascimento. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, VII-325 p. (Manuali Laterza, 152). 269. Toponymie urbaine (La): significations et enjeux: actes du colloque tenu ä Aix-en-Provence, 1112 decembre 1998. Organise par l'UMR TELEMME; sous la direction de Jean-Claude BOUVIER et Jean-Marie GUILLON. Paris, Montreal et Budapest, L'Harmattan, 2001, 256 p. 270. VOM BRUCK (Gabriele). Le nom comme signe corporel. L'exemple de la noblesse yemenite. Annales, 2 0 0 1 , 5 6 , 2, p . 2 8 3 - 3 1 2 .
Cf. nos 214, 287, 2797
§ 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. * 271. Europäische Reiseberichte des späten Mittelalters: eine analytische Bibliographie. Hrsg. v. Werner PARAVICINI. T. 1. Deutsche Reiseberichte. Bearbeitet von Christian HALM. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2001, [s. p.]. (Kieler Werkstücke; Reihe D. Beiträge zur europäischen Geschichte des späten Mittelalters, 5). ** 272. Italian reports on America, 1493-1522: letters, dispatches, and papal bulls. Ed. by Geoffrey SYMCOX; textual editor Giovanna RABITTI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001,161 p. (Repertorium Columbianum, 10). ** 273. MEL'NIKOVA (Elena Α.). Drevneskandinavskie itinerarii ν Rim, Konstantinopol' i Svjatuju Zemlju. (Old Norse itineraries to Rome, Constantinople and the Holy Land: [Old Icelandic and Latin texts, intr., Russian transl. and comments].). In: Drevnejshie gosudarstva Vostochnoj Evropy, 1999 g. [Cf. n° 2881], p. 363-436. (maps; bibl. incl.). [Cf. n c 2797.]
274. Bulgarite atlac = The Bulgarians atlas. Obshta redakcija Aleksandur FOL. Sofiia, Tangra, 2001, 277 p. 275. Cälätori sträini despre tärile Romane. Vol. Χ. Partea a II-a. (Foreign travelers on the Romanian Countries. Vol. 10 Part. 2). Bucure?ti, Editura Academiei, 2001, p. 797-1499. 276. CARILE (Paolo). Huguenots sans frontieres: voyage et ecriture ä la Renaissance et ä Γ Age classique. Paris, Champion, 2001, 319 p. (Les geographies du monde, 3).
277. CHATELET-LANGE (Liliane). Strasbourg en 1548: le plan Conrad Morant. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2001, 165 p. (ill.). 278. CHEKIN (Leonid S.). Pervye karty Skandinavskogo poluostrova. (The earliest maps of the Scandinavian Peninsula, [c. 1100-1300]). In: Drevnejshie gosudarstva Vostochnoj Evropy, 1999 g. [Cf. n° 2881], p. 44-85. (facs.; bibl. incl.). [Cf. Bibl. 1999, n° 322.] 279. CLIFFORD (Nicholas). "A Truthful Impression of the Country": British and American travel writing in China, 1880-1949. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2001, XXI-231 p. 280. COCKS (Catherine). Doing the town: the rise of urban tourism in the United States, 1850-1915. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2001, XIII-287 p. 281. Corpus der älteren Germania-Karten: ein annotierter Katalog der gedruckten Gesamtkarten des deutschen Raumes von den Anfängen bis um 1650. Bearb. v. Peter H. MEURER. Alphen aan den Rijn, Canaletto Uitgeverij, 2001, 151 maps, 41 χ 58 cm a. 1 vol., 504 p. 2 8 2 . CRAFTS ( N i c h o l a s F . R . ) , VENABLES ( A n t h o n y
J.). Globalization in history: a geographical perspective. London, Centre for Economic Performance, 2001, 50 p. (Discussion paper, 524). 283. DE ALMEIDA (Andre Ferrand). A formagao do espa?o brasileiro e ο projecto do novo atlas da America portuguesa (1713-1748). Lisboa, Comissao nacional para os comemora^oes dos descobrimentos Portugueses, 2001,208 p. 284. Deutsche auf dem Ural und in Sibirien: (XVI.-XX. Jh.): Forschungsbeiträge der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz "Deutschland-Russland: historische Erfahrungen interregionaler Zusammenarbeit im XVI.-XX. Jahrhundert" = Nemtsy na Urale i ν Sibiri: materialy nauchnoi konferentsii "Germaniia-Rossiia: istoricheskii opyt mezhregional'nogo vozdeistviia XVI-XX vv.: Ekaterinburg, 03-09.09.1999. Otv. redaktor N. N. BARANOV. Ekaterinburg, Izdatel'stvo "Volot", 2001, 579 p. 285. DINGSDALE (Alan). Mapping modernities: geographies of central and eastern Europe, 1920-2000. London, Routledge, 2001, 256 p. 286. DRIVER (Felix). Geography militant. Cultures of exploration and empire. Oxford a. Maiden, Blackwell, 2001, VIII-258 p. 287. Vacat. 288. GAGO COUTINHO (Almirante). Historia
descobrimentos: novas reflexoes. Parede, Publicafoes Quipu, 2001, 120 p. (ill.). 289. GARCIA-ROMERAL PEREZ (Carlos). Bio-biblio-
grafia de viajeros por Espana y Portugal (siglos Χ ν - Χ ν ί - Χ ν Π ) . Madrid, Ollero & Ramos, 2001, 334 p.
290. Geographes en pratiques (1870-1945): le terrain, le livre, la cite. Sous la dir. de Guy BAUDELLE, Marie-Vic OZOUF-MARIGNIER et Marie-Claire ROBIC.
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2001, 390 p. (ill.). 291. Geography: discipline, profession and subject since 1870: an international survey. Ed. by Gary S. DUNBAR. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 2001, VII-331 p. (GeoJournal library, 62). 292. HOSTETLER (Laura). Qing colonial enterprise: ethnography and cartography in early modern China. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, XX-257 p. 293. KETTERMANN (Günter). Atlas zur Geschichte des Islam. Mit einer Einleitung von Adel Theodor KHOURY. Darmstadt, Primus, 2001, VI-186 p. 294. KLEIN (Bernhard). Maps and the writing of space in early modern England and Ireland. New York, St. Martin's Press, 2001, XII-235 p. 295. LANDES (Joan B.). Visualizing the nation: gender, representation, and revolution in eighteenthcentury France. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2001, XIII-254 p. (ill.). 296. Literature, mapping, and the politics of space in early modern Britain. Ed. by Andrew GORDON and Bernhard KLEIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIII-276 p. (ill). 297. MILITELLO (Paolo). La contea di Modica tra storia e cartografia. Rappresentazione e pratiche di uno spazio feudale (XVI-XIX secolo). Palermo, L'EPOS, 2001, 110 p. 298. MORGAN (Marjorie). National identities and travel in Victorian Britain. New York, Palgrave, 2001, X-271 p. (Studies in Modern History). 299. MUTAFIAN
305. SEVIN (Veli). Anadolu'nun Tarihi Cografyasi I. (La geographie historique de l'Anatolie). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2001, XV-306 p. 306. SHAFFER (Marguerite S.). See America first: tourism and national identity, 1880-1940. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 2001,429 p. 307. Slovenija na vojaskem zemljevidu 1763-1787. Zv. 7. Sekcije 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 11-10, 11-11, 11-12, 11-13, 111-13, III-14 [Kartografsko gradivo]: karte = Josephinische Landesaufnahme 1763-1787 fur das Gebiet der Republik Slowenien. Bd. 7. Sektionen 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1110, 11-11, 11-12, 11-13, 111-13, ΠΙ-14: Karten. Vodja projekta, toponimija sekcij, indeks, redakcija Vincenc RAJSP; transliteracija in prevod Aleksandra SERSE. Ljubljana, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Arhiv Republike Slovenije, 2001, [s. p.]. 308. Viajeros Portugueses por Espana en el siglo XIX. Recopilacion, introduction, version, edition y notas de Carlos GARCIA-ROMERAL PEREZ. Madrid, Miraguano, 486 p. (Viajes y costumbres). 309. Voyages and exploration in the North Atlantic from the Middle Ages to the XVIIlh century: papers presented at the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Oslo 2000. Ed. by Anna AGNARSD0TTIR. Reykjavik, Institute of History, University of Iceland, University of Iceland Press, 2001, 146 p. 310. WITHERS (Charles W. J.). Geography, science and national identity: Scotland since 1520. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XVII-310 p. (Cambridge studies in historical geography, 31). 311. WOLFF (Larry). Venice and the slavs: the discovery of Dalmatia in the age of Enlightenment. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, X-408 p. Cf. n° 10
Atlas historique de ΓΑπηέηίε: Proche-Orient et SudCaucase du VHP siecle av. J.-C. au ΧΧΓ siecle. Preface de Alain DUCELLIER. Paris, Editions Autrement, 2001, 143 p. (Collection Atlas/memoires). 300. Penguin atlas (The) of British and Irish history. Consultant editors Barry CUNLIFFE [et al.J. London, Penguin, 2001, 320 p. 301. PLSKOZUB (Andrzej). Rzeki w dziejach cywilizacji. (Flüsse in der Geschichte der Zivilisation). Toπαή, Wydaw. Α. Marszalek, 2001, 252 p. 302. REICHERT (Folker). Erfahrung der Welt. Reisen und Kulturbegegnung im späten Mittelalter. Stuttgart, Berlin u. Köln, Kohlhammer, 2001, 314 p. 303. RONDA (James P.). Finding the West: explorations with Lewis and Clark. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2001, XXII-138 p. (Histories of the American Frontier). 304. SCHULTEN (Susan). The geographical imagination in America, 1880-1950. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, X-319 p.
§ 10. Iconography and images. 312. AGULHON (Maurice), ΒΟΝΤΕ (Pierre). Marianne dans la cite. Paris, Dexia Ed. et Imprimerie nationale Ed., 2001, 134 p. 313. AGULHON (Maurice). Les metamorphoses de Marianne: rimagerie et la symbolique republicaines dc 1914 ä nos jour. Paris, Flammarion, 2001, 320 p. 314. AMBROSE (Kirk). The fall of Simon Magus on a capital at Vezelay. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 2001, 143, 6, 137,1587, p. 151-166. 315. BAUDIENVILLE (M.-P.). Iconographie de Γ Apocalypse et histoire de Γ art. Melanges de science religieuse, 2001, 58, p. 23-38. 316. CARMASSI (Patrizia). Die hochmittelalterlichen Fresken der Unterkirche von San Clemente in Rom als programmatische Selbstdarstellung des Reformpapsttums. Neue Einsichten zur Bestimmung des Entstehungskontexts. Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 2001, 81, p. 1-66.
317. CAROFF (Fanny). La croix prechee et la croix du croise. Le moment de la prise de croix dans les manuscrits enlumines du XIIIe au XV e siecle. Revue Mabillon, 2001, 12, p. 65-96. 3 1 8 . DELUMEAU
bine). Le paradis. Paris, Fayard et Ed. de la Martiniere, 2 0 0 1 , 2 0 5 p. (ill.).
319. GlNZBURG (Carlo). 'Your Country Needs You': a case study in political iconography. History workshop,!^, 52, p. 1-22. 320. GRAF (Katrin). Les portraits d'auteur de Hildegarde de Bingen. Une etude iconographique. Scriptorium,
2 0 0 1 , 5 5 , 2, p. 1 7 9 - 1 9 6 .
321. GWIAZDOWSKA (Ewa). Widoki Szczecina. Zrodla ikonograficzne do dziejow miasta od XVI wieku do 1945 roku. (Stadtansichten - Szczecin [Stettin]. Ikonographische Quellen zur Stadtgeschichte vom XVI. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1945). Szczecin, Muzeum Nar., 2001, 598 p. 322. HAMBLOT (Laurent). Emblematique et mythologie medievale, le cygne, une devise princiSre. Histoire de l'art, 2001, 49, p. 51-64. 323. LECLERC (Marie-Dominique). «Femme sains töte, tout en est bon»: livrets, images, enseignes. Vieux Papier,
2 0 0 1 , 3 6 , 3 6 1 , p. 9 3 - 1 0 4 .
324. MALTON (J. Elisabeth). Continuity and change in the iconography of Saint Joseph in Tuscan art during the Trecento. London, [s. n.], 2001, 52 p. (ill.). [Dissertation (MA) - University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2001]. 325. MARAL (Alexandre). La chapelle royale de Versailles: programme iconographique. Revue de l'art, 2 0 0 1 , 1 3 2 , P. 2 9 - 4 2 .
326. MASON (Peter). The lives of images. London, Reaktion, 2001, 175 p. (Picturing history). 327. MINGUEZ (Victor). Los reyes solares: iconografia astral de la monarquia hispänica. Castello de la Plana, Universität Jaume I, 2001, 345 p. (Col.leccio "Humanitats", 7). 328. MUJICA PINILLA (Ramon). Rosa limensis. Mistica, politica e iconografia en torno a la patrona de America. Lima, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Institut
fran9ais d'etudes andines y Banco central de Reserva del Peru, 2001,485 p. 329. National imaginaries, American identities: the cultural work of American iconography. Ed. by Larry J. REYNOLDS and Gordon HUTNER. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2000, 245 p. 330. OFFERLE (Michel). Les figures du vote. Pour une iconographie du suffrage universe!. Societes et representations,
2 0 0 1 , 12, p . 1 0 9 - 1 3 0 .
331. RISCHPLER (Susanne). Biblia Sacra figuris expressa. Mnemotechnische Bilderbibeln des 15. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2001, 2 vol., 231 p., 55 p. (Wissensliteratur im Mittelalter. Schriften des Sonderforschungsbereichs, 226, Würzburg/Eichstätt, 36). 332. SIDEN (Karin). Den ideala bamdomen: studier i det stormaktstida barnporträttets ikonografi och funktion. (L'enfance ideale: etude de l'iconographie et des fonctions du portrait d'enfant en Suede au 17e siecle). Stockholm, Raster, 2001, 382 p. (ill.). [Res. anglais], 333. TATE (William Carroll). Solomonic iconography in early Stuart England: Solomon's wisdom, Solomon's folly. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Mellen, 2001, XV315 p. (Studies in British history, 63). 334. THIEBAUT (Michel). De la perception de ΓΑηtiquite par les images de bandes dessinees et de leur relation avec l'histoire. Memoires de la Societe d'emulation du Doubs, 2001, 43, p. 159-169. 335. WALLISER-WURSTER (Michaela). Fingerzeige: Studien zu Bedeutung und Funktion einer Geste in der bildenden Kunst der italienischen Renaissance. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2001, 266 p. (ill.). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXVIII, Kunstgeschichte, 376 = Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie XXVIII, Histoire de l'art, 376 = European university studies. Series XXVIII, History of art, 376).
§ 10. Addenda 2000. 336. FLECKNER (Uwe). La rhetorique de la main cachee. De l'Antiquite au Napoleon, Premier Consul de Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Revue de l'art, 2000, 130, p. 27-35. Cf. n" 232-241,
M A N U A L S , G E N E R A L W O R K S A N D W O R K S ON L A R G E P E R I O D S
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 337-421. - § 2. History of historiography (a. General; b. Special studies). 422-616. - § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 617-656. - § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 657-688. - § 5. General history. 689-749. - § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 750-779. - § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 780-816. - § 8. Economic and social history. 817-853. - § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 854-913. - § 10. History of art. 914-925. § 1 1 . History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 926-1025. - § 12. History of philosophy. 1026-1032. § 13. History of literature. 1033-1068.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums. a. Archives
343. BARRIL (Paul). Les archives secrötes de Mitterrand. Paris, Albin Michel, 2001, 248 p. (ill.). 344. BELAVAL (Philippe). Archives et Republique. In: Archives: quelle politique? [Cf. n° 337], p. 100-117.
337. Archives: quelle politique? Debat, 2001, 115, p. 100-156. [Cf. n°s 344, 345.] 338. Archives nationales. Archives de la presidence de la Republique. IV e Republique. Vincent Auriol (16janvier 1947—16 janvier 1954). Rene Coty (16janvier 1954-8 janvier 1959). Inventaire par Fran$oise ADNES. Paris, Archives de France, 2001,402 p. (ill.). 339. Armenian history materials in the archives of Central Europe. Ed. by Gabriella ULUHOGIAN. Yerevan, [s. n.], 2001, 136 p. 340. Arnavutluk Devlet Ar$ivleri Osmanli yazmalar katalogu = Katalogu i doreshkrimeve Osmane ne arkivat e shqiperise. (Ottoman manuscripts catalog of Albanian State Archives). Prepared by Giyasettin AYTA§ et Haci YiLMAZ. Ankara, Gazi Üniversitesi Türk Kültiirii ve Haci Bekta? Veli Ara§tirma Merkezi, 2001, III211 p. 341. AVTOKRATOV (Vladimir N.). Teoreticheskie problemy otechestvennogo arkhivovedenija. (Theoretical problems of the Russian archival studies). Ed. with intr. by Tat'jana I. KHORKHORDINA. ROS. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2001, 394 p. (bibl. incl.). (Istorija i pamjat'). 342. BABICKA (Väcslav), KALINA (TomäS), PAZDE-
ROVA (Alena). Stätni üstfedni archiv Ν Praze a jeho sidla. (The Central State Archives in Prague and its building). Praha, Statni üstfedni archiv, 2001, 126 p. (ill·)·
345. BERLIERE (Jean-Marc). Des archives pour quoi faire? In: Archives: quelle politique? [Cf. n° 337], p. 118124. 346. BOBKOVA (T. S.) [et al.]. Tsentr dokumentatsii novejshej istorii Udmurtskoj respubliki: Putevoditel'. (The Center of Documentation of the Udmurt Republic, [Russia]: a guide). Ed. A. A. TRONIN. Komitet po delam arkhivov pri Pravitel'stve Udmurtsoj Respubliki. Izhevsk, Udmurtija, 2001, 311 p. (ind. p. 277-300). 347. BOLES (Frank), GREENE (Mark). Confusing the bun for the burger. Rehabilitating the role of content in the archival context. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 424-447. 348. CHINSKY (Pavel). Staline: archives inedites, 1926-1936. Preface de Nicolas WERTH. Paris, Berg, 2001, 155 p. 349. CHIQUET (Simone). Was heisst eigentlich archivwürdig? In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 470-486. 350. CLEYET-MICHAUD (Rosine). La selection dans les archives. Une reflexion et une pratique en constante evolution. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 461-469. 351. COUTAZ (Gilbert). Le paradigme de revaluation: l'elimination, inseparable de la conservation. Quelques reflexions autour des pratiques des Archives cantonales vaudoises en matiere d'archives officielles.
In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 487-494. 352. DEGGELLER (Kurt). Fragen der Bewertung und Überlieferungsbildung im Bereich audiovisueller Medien. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 504-512. 353. FERNANDEZ BAJÖN (Maria Teresa). Politicas de information y documentation en la Espana del siglo XIX. Gijön, Ediciones Trea, 2001, 254 p. (Biblioteconomia y administration cultural, 50). 354. Gosudarstvennyj arkhiv Rossijskoj Federatsii. Putevoditel. (The State Archive of the Russian Federation: a guide). Vol. 5. Lichnye fondy Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Rossijskoj Federatsii, 1917-2000. (Personal archival funds, 1917-2000). Ed. Sergej V. MLRONENKO. Moskva, Izd-vo Gos, 2001, 651 p. 355. Gosudarstvennyj arkhiv Tambovskoj oblasti. (The State Archive of the Tambov region). Moskva, Zven'ja, 2001, 895 p. (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli). (Archives of Russia: guides). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 653 p. (8 f. ill.; ind. p. 553-634). 356. Gosudarstvennyj arkhiv Tomskoj oblasti: Putevoditel'. (The State Archive of the Tomsk region: a guide). Moskva, Zven'ja, 2001, 895 p. (bibl. p. 891895; ind. p. 870-890). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli. Archives of Russia: guides). 357. GRIMSTED (Patricia Kennedy). Trophies of war and empire: the archival heritage of Ukraine, World War II, and the international politics of restitution. Cambridge, Harvard U. P. for the Ukrainian Research Institute, 2001, XLVII-749 p. (ill., map). (Harvard papers in Ukrainian studies). 358. HAGMANN (Jürg). Archivische Bewertung in Bankarchiven. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n"373], p. 513-527. 359. Handbuch der bayerischen Archive. Hrsg. v. Bayerischen Archivtag. München, Generaldirektion der staatlichen Archive Bayerns, 2001, 560 p. 360. HOLEC (Frantisek). Archiv hlavniho mesta Prahy ν letech 1919-1945. Prispevek k 150. vyroci archivu. (Archiv der Hauptstadt Prag in den Jahren 1919-1945. Beitrag zum 150. Jahrestag des Archivs). Archivni casopis, 2001, 51, 3, p. 175-200. 361. LANGE (Vilhelm), MANGSET (Dag), 0DEGAARD (0yvind). Privatarkiver. Bevaring og tilgjengeliggj0ring. (Privat archives. Preservation and accessibility). Oslo, Kommuneforlaget, 2001, 335 p. (ill.). (Skriftserie/Riksarkivaren, 11). 362. LODOLINI (Elio). Storia dell'archivistica italiana: dal mondo antico alia metä del secolo XX. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 316 p. (Temi di storia, 23).
364. MARTINS (Ana Maria). Documentos Portugueses do Noroeste e da regiao de Lisboa: da produgao primitiva ao seculo XVI. Lisboa, Imprensa NacionalCasa da Moeda, 2001, 567 p. (Filologia portuguesa). 365. MENNE-HARITZ (Angelika). Archivische Bewertung. Der Prozess der Umwidmung von geschlossenem Schriftgut zu auswertungsbereitem Archivgut. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 448-460. 366. OLDEN-J0RGENSEN (Sebastian). Til kilderne! introduktion til historisk kildekritik. (Aux sources! Introduction ä la critique historique des sources). K0benhavn, Gad, 2001, 103 p. (ill.). 367. PICTET (Robert). Evaluation des archives communales du canton de Vaud. Reflexions ä l'occasion de la publication d'un "Guide de pratique de gestion". In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 495-503. 368. Repertoire des archives de ΓΙΗΤΡ. Presentation par Anne-Marie PATHE et Henry ROUSSO. Bulletin de VInstitut d'histoire du temps present, 2001, 77, 173 p. 369. Speicher des Gedächtnisses: Bibliotheken, Museen, Archive. Hrsg. v. Moritz CSÄKY und Peter STACHEL. Wien, Passagen, 2001, [s. p.]. (Orte des Gedächtnisses). 370. STEIGMEIER (Andreas). Kein Kernprozess im Unternehmen. Defizite der Archivierung in der privaten Wirtschaft. In: Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung [Cf. n° 373], p. 528-534. 371. TAVARES (Rodrigo Rodrigues). Ο porto vermelho: a mare revolucionäria ( 1 9 3 0 - 1 9 5 1 ) . Sao Paulo, Arquivo do Estado/Imprensa Oficial, 2001, 221 p. (Colecjao Inventärio Deops. Modulo VI, Comunistas). 372. Tsentr khranenija arkhivnogo fonda Altajskogo kraja. Otdel spetsial'noj dokumentatsii. Putevoditel'. (The stock of the archival fund of the Altai region: the Department of Special Documentation: a guide). Ed. Natalia I. RAZGON. Compiled by E. D. EGOROVA. Upravlenie arkhivnogo dela Altajskogo kraja. Moskva, Zven'ja, 2001, 959 p. (bibl. p. 957-959; ind. p. 953-956). (Arkhivy Rossii: Putevoditeli (Archives of Russia: guides). 373. Überlieferungsbildung und Bewertung. Evaluation et formation des sources archivistiques. Einleitung Andreas KELLERHALS-MAEDER. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001, 51, 4, p. 413-534. [Cf. n os 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 358, 365, 367, 370.] 374. ZALA (Sacha). Geschichte unter der Schere politischer Zensur: Amtliche Aktensammlungen im internationalen Vergleich. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2001, 385 p. 3 7 5 . ZORAIDA VÄZQUEZ (Josefina), GONZAJLBO AIZ-
363. MAC COOG (Thomas M.). A guide to Jesuit archives. St. Louis, The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2001, XII-178 p. (Subsidia ad Historiam S.I., 12).
PURU (Pilar). Guia de protocolos, Archivo General de Notarias de la Ciudad de Mexico: ano de 1860. Mexico, El Colegio de Möxico, 2001, 556 p.
a. Addenda 2000 376. Repertoire des collections [Paris, Institut Memoires de Γ edition contemporaine], Paris, Institut Memoires de l'Editions contemporaine, 2000, XIV-231 p. Cf. n"s 2768, 4657, 5265
b. Libraries 377. Alexandries (Des). Vol. 1. Du livre au texte. Sous la direction de Luce GIARD et Christian JACOB. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 2001, 496 p. (ill.). 378. BALSAMO (Luigi). How to doctor a bibliography: Antonio Possevino's practice. In: Church censorship and culture in early modern Italy [Cf. n c 5114], p. 50-78. 379. Collections (Les) sous le regard des ecrivains. Revue de la Bibliotheque nationale de France, 2001, 8, p. 19-69. 380. COMAS I GÜELL (Montserrat). Lectura i biblioteques populars a Catalunya: 1793-1914. Pröleg de Manuel JORBA. Barcelona, Curial Ediciones Catalanes, Publications de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2001, 270 p. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana, 84). 381. DECULTOT (Elisabeth) [et al.]. Bibliotheques d'ecrivains. Sous la direction de Paolo D'IORIO et Daniel FERRER. Paris, CNRS, 2001, 255 p. (ill.). (Collection "Textes et manuscrits"). 382. ESCOLAR (Hipolito). La biblioteca de Alejandria. Madrid, Editorial Gredos, 2001, 202 p. 383. FERNANDEZ ROBAINA (Tomas). Apuntes para la historia de la Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti de Cuba. La Habana, Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti, 2001, 138 p. 384. GABEL (Gemot Uwe). Historic libraries in Europe: Beiträge zur europäischen Bibliotheksgeschichte. Überreicht von Gisela GABEL-JAHNS. Hürth, Gemini, 2001, 187 p. 385. GANDA (Arnaldo). Un bibliotecario e archivista moderno. Profilo bibliografico di Tommaso Gar (1807-1871) con carteggi inediti. Parma, Universitä degli Studi, Facoltä di Lettere e Filosofia, 2001, 539 p. 386. Humanistes (Les) et leur bibliotheque: actes du colloque international, Bruxelles 26-28 aout 1999 = Humanists and their libraries: proceedings of the International conference: Brussels 26-28 August 1999. Ed. par Rudolf DE SMET. Leven, Peeters, 2001, 286 p. (Travaux de l'lnstitut interuniversitaire pour Γ etude de la Renaissance et de l'humanisme, 13). 387. JEANDILLOU (Jean-Francois). Supercheries litteraires: la vie et l'oeuvre des auteurs supposes. Preface de Michel ARRIVE. Geneve, Droz, 2001, ΧΠ-513 p. (Titre courant, 20). 388. JUNKER (Carl). Zum Buchwesen in Österreich: gesammelte Schriften (1896-1927). Hrsg. v. Murray
G. HALL. Wien, Edition Praesens, 2001, 677 p. (Buchforschung, 2). 389. KIRK (Andrew Glenn). Collecting nature: the American environmental movement and the conservation library. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2001, XIX-243 p. (Development of Western Resources). 390. Livres, lecteurs et bibliotheques de l'Italie mc dievale, IX e -XV e siecles, sources, textes et usages: actes de la table ronde italo-fran$aise, Rome, 7 - 8 mars 1997 = Libri, lettori e biblioteche dell'Italia medievale, secoli IX-XV, fonti, testi, utilizzazione del libro: atti della tavola rotonda italo-francese, Roma 7 - 8 marzo 1997. Publies par Giuseppe LOMBARDI et Donatella NEBBIAI-DALLA GUARDA. Paris, CNRS ed. et Roma, ICCU, 2001, 560 p. (Documents, etudes et repertoires (Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, 64). 391. MUSSER (Ricarda). Das Bibliothekswesen in Portugal: historische Entwicklungslinien und aktuelle Tendenzen. Berlin, Logos, 2001, X-300 p. (Berliner Arbeiten zur Bibliothekswissenschaft, 4). 392. NIERZWICKI (Krzysztof). Biblioteki kartuzji kaszubskiej oraz jej konwentow filiarnych w Berezie Kartuskiej i Gidlach. (Die Bibliotheken des kaschubischen Kartäuseklosters sowie dessen Filialkonvente in Bereza Kartuska und Gidle). Pelplin, Bernardinum, 2001, 588 p. 393. SORDET (Yann). L'amour des livres au siecle des Lumieres: Pierre Adamoli et ses collections. Preface de Daniel ROCHE. Paris, Ecole des Chartes, 2001, 537 p. (Memoires et documents de Γ Ecole des Charter, 60).
394. SZOCKI (Jözef). KsiQgozbiory domowe w Galicji Wschodniej (1772-1918). (Hausbibliotheken in Ostgalizien, 1772-1918). Krakow, Wydaw. Nauk. AP, 2001, 351 p. (Akad. Pedagog. im. Komisji Edukacji Nar. w Krakowie, Prace Monogr., 308). 395. Vieusseux (II): storia di un Gabinetto di lettura, 1819-2000: cronologia, saggi, testimonianze. A cura di Laura DESIDERI. Firenze, Polistampa, 2001, 299 p. (ill.). 396. Vacat. 397. Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek (Die) und die Entwicklung kommunaler Bibliotheksstrukturen in Europa seit 1945. Hrsg. v. Jörg FLIGGE und Peter BORCHARDT. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2001, 447 p. (Wolfenbütteler Schriften für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 34). 398. Zapadnoevropejskaja kul'tura ν rukopisjakh i knigakh Rossijskoj natsional'noj biblioteki: Sb. pamjati A. D. i V. S. Ljublinskikh. (West European culture in the manuscripts and printed books of the Russian National Library, [Saint-Petersburg] articles dedicated to the memory of Aleksandra D. Ljublinsky and Vladimir S. Ljublinsky). Ed. Ljudmila I. KLSELEVA. RAN, Institut rossijskoj istorii, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-1. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 320 p. (bibl. incl.).
b. Addenda 1998 3 9 9 . NEBBIAI-DALLA GUARDA (D.). Ι d o c u m e n t i
per la storia delle biblioteche medievali (secc. IX-XV). Roma, Jouvence, 98, 146 p. (Materiali e ricerche, 15. Collana della Facoltä di lettere e filosofia dell'Universitä di Venezia in San Sebastiano. Sezione di studi storici, 8). Cf. nm 110-178, 369
c. Museums ** 400. KACHALINA (G. I.) [et al.]. Zhurnaly zasedanij Soveta Ermitazha. (The journals of the meetings of the Council of the Hermitage, [Petrograd]). Gen. ed. Boris M. PIOTROVSIOJ. Gos. Ermitazh. Part. 1. 1917-1919 gody. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Gos. Ermitazha, 2001, 604 p. (Stranitsy istorii Ermitazha, 1). 401. CARRIER (David). Art museums, old paintings, and our knowledge of the past. History and theory, 2001,40, 2, p. 170-189. 402. EBENFELD (Stefan). Geschichte nach Plan? Die Instrumentalisierung der Geschichtswissenschaft in der DDR am Beispiel des Museums für Deutsche Geschichte in Berlin (1950 bis 1955). Marburg, Tectum, 2001, 180 p. 403. EDWARDS (Elizabeth). Raw histories: photographs, anthropology and museums. Oxford, Berg, 2001, XIII-270 p. (Materializing culture). 404. FLOOD (Sandra). Canadian craft and museum practice, 1900-1950. Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2001, XV-335 p. (Mercury series. Paper / Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, 74). 405. FRESNAIS (Jocelyne). La protection du patrimoine en Republique populaire de Chine, 1949-1999. Paris, Ed. du CTHS, 2001, 653 p. (ill., maps). (Format, 40). 406. HOFFENBERG (Peter H.). An empire on display: English, Indian, and Australian exhibitions from the Crystal Palace to the Great War. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2001, XXVII418 p. 407. HÖTTE (Herbert). Das historische Museum in Bewegung: das Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte: eine Fallstudie. Hamburg, Dölling und Galitz, 2001, 322 p. 408. JIMENEZ DIAZ (Pablo). El coleccionismo manierista de los Austrias: entre Felipe II y Rodolfo II. Madrid, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoracion de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, 2001, 261 p. (ill.). (Colecciönarte). 409. JOACHIMIDES (Alexis). Die Museumsreformbewegung in Deutschland und die Entstehung des modernen Museums 1880-1940. Dresden, Verlag der Kunst, 2001, 295 p.
410. Medien der Präsenz: Museum, Bildung und Wissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Jürgen FOHRMANN,
Köln, DuMont, 2001,213 p. 411. MEYER (Anne-Doris). «Le musee personnel». De la collection privee au musee public: parcours de l'objet d'art en France au XIX e siecle. Strasbourg, [s. n.], 2001, [s. p.]. [These (Doct. Hist. Art) - Universite de Strasbourg, 2001). 412. Pinx. Maalaustaide Suomessa. Arki- ja pyhäpuvussa. (Pinx. Anthology of the Finnish painting collections and portrait painters. Part. In everyday and occasional outfit). Toim. Ed.: Anssi MÄKINEN [et. al.]. Espoo, W & G, 2001, 304 p. (ill.). 413. PLATO (Alice von). Präsentierte Geschichte: Ausstellungskultur und Massenpublikum im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2001, 410 p. (ill.). 414. Sammeln als Wissen: das Sammeln und seine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Bedeutung. Hrsg. v. Anke TE HEESEN und E. C. SPARY. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2001, 223 p. (ill.). (Wissenschaftsgeschichte). [Contents: TE HEESEN (Anke), SPARY (E. C.). Sammeln als Wissen. - MÜLLER-WILLE (Staffan). Carl von Linnes Herbarschrank. Zur epistemischen Funktion eines Sammlungsmöbels. - SPARY (E. C.). Codes der Leidenschaft. Französische Vogelsammlungen als eine Sprache der vornehmen Gesellschaft im 18. Jahrhundert. - TE HEESEN (Anke). Vom naturgeschichtlichen Investor zum Staatsdiener. Sammler und Sammlungen der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin um 1800. - HAMM (Ernst P.). Goethes Sammlungen auspacken. Das Öffentliche und das Private im naturgeschichtlichen Sammeln. - GRASSENI (Cristina). Ein Unbeschriebener. Der wandernde Naturforscher Charles Waterton. - MATYSSEK (Angela). Die Wissenschaft als Religion, das Präparat als Reliquie. Rudolf Virchow und das Pathologische Museum der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. - MAYER (Andreas). Objektwelten des Unbewussten. Fakten und Fetische in Charcots Museum und Freuds Behandlungspraxis. JARDINE (Nicholas). Sammlung, Wissenschaft, Kulturgeschichte]. 415. SEUTHE (Rupert). "Geistig-moralische Wende"? Der politische Umgang mit der NS-Vergangenheit in der Ära Kohl am Beispiel von Gedenktagen, Museumsund Denkmalprojekten. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 338 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 905 = Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 905 = European university papers. Series III, History and allied studies, 905). 416. TUR'INSKAJA (Khristina M.). Muzejnoe delo ν Rossii ν 1907-1936 gody. (Museums in Russia in 1907-1936). RAN, Institut etnologii i antropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklajja. Moskva, IEA RAN, 2001, 122 p. (bibl. incl.).
2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY 417. VÄÜA (Vaclav), FRICOVÄ (Yvonna). Narodni kulturni pamdtky a pamätky Ceske republiky zapsane na seznam svetoveho dedictvi UNESCO. (National cultural monuments and monuments of the Czech Republic on the UNESCO World Heritage List). Praha, Titanic, 2001, 119 p. (photogr.). 418. VLAD (Laurentiu). Imagini ale identitäfii nationale. Romania la Expozi(iile Universale de la Paris, 1867-1937. (Projections of national identity. Romania in the World Fairs of Paris, 1867-1937). Bucure?ti, Editura Meridiane, 2001, 212 p. 419. YILDIZ (Giiltekin). Ottoman participation in World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago-1893). Marmara Universitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tiirkliik Araftirmalari Dergisi, 2001, 9, p. 131-167. c. Addenda 2000 420. DIAS (Nelia). Musees et colonialisme: entre passe et present. In: Du musee colonial au musee des cultures du monde [Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 383], p. 15-33. 421. Domestiquer l'histoire. Ethnologie des monuments historiques. Sous la dir. de Daniel FABRE. Textes reunis par Claudie VLOSENAT. Paris, Ed. de la Maison des Sciences de Γ Homme, 2000, 222 p. Cf n" 665
§ 2. History of historiography.
a. General * 422. Bollettino di storiografia. 2000-2001. [1998-2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 398.] Dir. da Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, 79 p. (Storiografia, supplemento critico e bibliografico, 5, 2001). * 423. FRITZSCHE (Peter). The case of modern memory. [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 1, p. 87-117. 424. ADAS (Michael). From settler colony to global hegemon: integrating the exceptionalist narrative of the American experience into world history. American historical review, 2001, 106, 5, p. 1692-1720. 425. AMALVI (Christian). Repertoire des auteurs de manuels scolaires et de livres de vulgarisation historique de langue frangaise de 1660 ä 1960. Paris, La Boutique de l'Histoire, 2001, 286 p. 426. Antike und Altertumswissenschaft in der Zeit von Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus. Kolloquium Universität Zürich 14.-17. Oktober 1988. Hrsg. v. Beat NÄF unt. Mitarb. v. Tim KAMMASCH. Mandelbachtal u. Cambridge, Edition Cicero, 2001, 641 p. (Texts and Studies in the History of Humanities, 1). 427. AVLAMI (Chryssanthi). L'ecriture de l'histoire grecque en France au XIXe siecle: temporalites histori-
ques et enjeux politiques. Romantisme, 2001, 31, 113, p. 61-87. 4 2 8 . BENDIKOWSKI ( T i l m a n n ) , HOFFMANN ( A r n d ) ,
SAWICKI (Diethart). Geschichtslügen. Vom Lügen und Fälschen im Umgang mit der Vergangenheit. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2001, 153 p. 429. BENEDICT (Barbara M.). Curiosity, a cultural history of early modem inquiry. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, IX-321 p. 430. BERAN (Jiri). Κ vyvoji spolecenskych ved ν Ceskoslovensku ν sedesätych letech 20. stoleti. (Concerning the development of social sciences in Czechoslovakia in the 60s of the twentieth century). In: Ceska veda a Prazske jaro (1963-1970) [Cf. n" 5575], p. 175194. 431. BLIGHT (David W.). Race and reunion: the Civil War in American memory. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2001, 512 p. 432. BOIA (Lucian). History and myth in Romanian conciousness. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2001,285 p. 433. BOLKHOVITINOV (Nikolaj N.). Rol' russkikh istorikov ν stanovlenii rusistiki ν SShA. (The role of Russian historians in the development of Russian studies in the USA). Voprosy istoriii, 2001, 79, 4, p. 3-20. 434. BRÄNDLI (Sebastian). Konstruierte Heimat. Zürcher Gemeinden im Bundesstaat. Ortsgeschichte und nationale Identitätsbildung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001, 51, 3, p. 318-341. 435. BRYLD (Claus). Kampen om historien: brug og misbrug af historien siden murens fald: 15 essays. (Le combat pour l'histoire: usages et mesusages de l'histoire depuis la chute du Mur: 15 essais). Frederiksberg, Roskilde universitetsforlag, 2001, 237 p. 436. BUCK (Thomas Martin). Vergangenheit als Gegenwart. Zum Präsentismus im Geschichtsdenken des Mittelalters. Saeculum, 2001, 52, 2, p. 217-244. 437. CALVI (Giulia). Rinascimento e fascismo a Firenze. Storica, 2001, 7, 19, p. 12-66. 438. CANIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge). How to write the history of the New World: histories, epistemologies, and identities in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, XVIII-450 p. (Cultural Sitings). 439. ÖAPLOVICOVÄ (Kristina). Absolutizmus ako historicky pojem a jav. (Der Absolutismus als der historische Begriff und Ereignis). Historicky casopis, 2 0 0 1 , 4 9 , 1, p . 100-118.
440. CATTARUZZA (Alejandro). La historia y la profesion de historiador en la Argentina de entreguerras. Saber y tiempo, 2001, p. 107-139. 441. CELENZA (Christopher S.). Late Antiquity and the Florentine Renaissance: historiographical parallels. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001, 62, 1, p. 17-35.
442. Changing history? The past and the historian. International Students of History Association ISHA seminar, October 2-7, 2000, Turku, Finland. Ed. by Pekka PITKÄLÄ. Turku, ISHA-Turku, 2001, 54 p. (ill.). 443. CHARBONNEAU (Frederic). Les silences de l'histoire: les memoires fran^ais du XVII e sidcle. SainteFoy, Presses de l'Universite Laval, 2001, XIII-299 p. (ill.). (Les collections de la Republique des Lettres, Etudes). 444. CHIANG (Yung-Chen). Social engineering and the social sciences in China, 1919-1949. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIV-299 p. (Cambridge Modem China Series). 445. Country (The) of memory: remaking the past in late socialist Vietnam. Ed. by Hue-Tam Ho TAI. Foreword by John BODNAR. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2001, XIII-271 p. 446. CRACCO RUGGINI (Lellia). Eloquenza, antiquitates e storia antica in Piemonte, dal primo Ottocento alia vigilia della seconda guerra mondiale. Roma, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 2001, p. 159-272. (ill.). (Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 2001, 398). 447. CROKE (Brian). Count Marcellinus and his chronicle (from AD 379 to 534). Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-300 p. 448. Cronache medievali (Le) di Milano. A cura di Paolo CHIESA. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2001, IX-202 p. (Scienze storiche, 73). [Cf. n° 509.] 449. DAMOUSI (Joy). Living with the aftermath: trauma, nostalgia and grief in post-war Australia. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, VIII-240 p. 450. DEKKER (Rudolf). Childhood, memory and autobiography in Holland: from the golden age to Romanticism. New York, St. Martin's, 2001, IX-174 p. (Early Modern History: Society and Culture). 451. Deset let soudobych dejin. Jednani sekce Soudobe dejiny. (Ten years of contemporary history. Proceedings of the Contemporary History section at the VIII Congress). Ed. Jiri KOCIAN and Oldfich TÜMA. Praha, IJstav pro soudobe dejiny AV CR, 2001, 143 p. [Cf. n o s < c h o i c e > 4 6 3 , 3 9 2 2 . ]
452. Deutsche Landesgeschichtsschreibung im Zeichen des Humanismus. Hrsg. v. Franz BRENDE, Dieter
Les lignes genörales de l'historiographie au XVI e siecle. In: Histoire (L') et les historiens au XVI e siecle [Cf. n°477], p. 13-25. 456. DUVAL (Frederic). La traduction du Romuleon par Sebastien Mamerot. Etudes sur la diffusion de l'histoire romaine en langue vemaculaire ä la fin du Moyen Age. Geneve, Droz, 2001, 480 p. (Publications romanes et frangaises, 228). 457. Egypte imaginaire (L') de la Renaissance ä Champollion: colloque en Sorbonne. Sous la direction de Chantal GRELL. Paris, Presses de l'Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, 2001, 199 p. (ill.). (Mythes, critique et histoire). 458. Es hat sich viel ereignet, Gutes wie Böses. Lateinische Geschichtsschreibung der Spät- und Nachantike. [Beiträge einer wissenschaftlichen Begegnung zwischen Mitgliedern der Freien Universität Berlin und ihrer Partnerschaftsuniversität Prag, in Berlin vom 13.15. 1. 2 0 0 0 ] . H r s g . v. G . THOME, J. HOLZHAUSEN u n d
S. ANZINGER. München, K. G. Säur, 2001, 213 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 141). 459. FERRAÜ (Giacomo). II tessitore di Antequera. Storiografia umanistica meridionale. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2001, XLIV-309 p. 460. FRITZSCHE (Peter). Specters of history: on nostalgia, exile, and modernitä. American historical review, 2001, 106, 5, p. 1587-1618. 461. FUBINI (Riccardo). L'umanesimo italiano e i suoi storici: origini rinascimentali, critica modema. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 347 ρ (Studi e ricerche storiche, 285). 462. GARCIADIEGO (Javier). Revistas revisitadas: ventana a la hi storiografia mexicana del siglo XX. Historic! mexicana, 2001, 51, 202, 2, p. 221-232. 463. GEBHART (Jan). Retrospektiva a deziderata. Desetiletä bilance ceske historiografie obdobi 1938-1945. (Retrospective and desiderata. A ten-years statement of Czech historiography from the period, 1938-1945). In: Deset let soudobych dejin [Cf. n° 451], p. 24-41. 464. GLASSBERG (David). Sense of history: the place of the past in American life. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2001, XVII-267 p.
Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, VII-295 p. (Contubernium, 56).
465. GODICHEAU (Francis). La represion y la guerra civil espanola. Memoria y tratamiento historico. Prehistoria, 2001, 5, p. 103-121.
453. Deutsche Erinnerungsorte I. Hrsg. v. Etienne FRANCOIS und Hagen SCHULZE. München, Beck, 2001,724 p.
466. G0ULEM0T (Jean M.). Adieu les philosophes: que reste-t-il des Lumieres? Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 214 p. (L'avenir du passe).
454. Divided past (The): rewriting post-war German history. Ed. by Christoph KLESSMANN. Oxford, Berg, 2001, VII-200p.
467. GRAFTON (Anthony). Bring out your dead: the past as revelation. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2001, VI-360 p.
455. DUBOIS (Claude-Gilbert). Le bei aujourd'hui de la Renaissance: que reste-t-il du XVF siecle? Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 198 p. (L'avenir du passe). - IDEM.
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(Theorie historique, 114). [Cf. nos 181, 2486, 2524, 2534, 2558, 2569, 2584.] 482. History and memory in modern Ireland. Ed. by Ian MAC BRIDE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XI-278 p. 4 8 3 . HOLL (Karl), KLOFT ( H a n s ) , FESSER ( G e r d ) .
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472. HAVELKA (Milos). Dejiny a smysl. Obsahy, akcenty a posuny «ceske otäzky» 1895-1989. (History and meaning. The contents, accents, and shifts of meaning of the «Czech Question», 1895-1989). Praha, Lidove noviny, 2001, 203 p. (Dejiny a soucasnosti). 473. HAVRILA (Marek). Rozvijanie historickych disciplin na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzite Komenskeho ν Bratislave ν rokoch 1945-1968. (Das Entwickeln der geschichtlichen Disziplinen an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität von Comenius in Bratislava in den Jahren 1945-1968). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 4, p. 655-682. 4 7 4 . HERRMANN (Irene), PALMIERI (Daniel).
voir de memoire ou devoir d'oubli? Les guerres civiles suisse et americaine comme ferment d'union nationale. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001, 5 1 , 2 , p. 143-165. 475. Hervorragend (Eine) nationale Wissenschaft. Deutsche Prähistoriker zwischen 1900 und 1995. Unt. Mitarb. v. Dietrich HAKELBERG. Hrsg. v. Heiko STEUER. Berlin, W. De Gruyter, 2001, 518 p. (ill.). (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, 29). 476. HIRSCHLER (K.). Defining the nation: Kurdish historiography in Turkey in the 1990s. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 3, p. 145-166. 477. Histoire (L') et les historiens au XVF siecle. Actes du 8e Colloque du Puy-en-Velay. Etudes reunies et presentees par Marie VLALLON-SCHONEVELD. SaintEtienne, Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, 2001, 204 p. [Cf. n"s 455, 599.] 478. Historia social y ciencias sociales: actas del IV Congreso de Historia Social de Espana: Lleida, 12-15 de diciembre de 2000. Coordinadores Santiago CASTILLO y Roberto FERNANDEZ. Lleida, Milenio, 2001, 374 p. (Coleccion Actas). 479. Historians and ideologues. Essays in honor of Donald R. Kelley. Ed. by Anthony T. GRAFTON and J. Η. M. SALMON. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2001, XI-358 p. 480. Historian's craft (The) in the age of Herodotus. Ed. by Nino LURAGHI. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, X340 p. 481. Historiographie (L') de l'Eglise des premiers siecles.
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les mutations des savoirs (cosmographie, geographie, ethnographie, histoire) dans l'Antiquite chretienne (30-630 apres J.-C.). Paris, Institut d'etudes augustiniennes, 2001, 632 p. (Collection des etudes augustiniennes. Serie Antiquite, 166). - IDEM. Le developpement de l'historiographie chretienne dans le monde mediterraneen ( I P - V I F siecles de notre ere). Mediterraneo antico, 2001, 4, p. 559-584. 486. Invention (L') des grands hommes de la Rome antique = Die Konstruktion der grossen Männer Altroms: actes du Colloque du Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, Äugst, 16-18 septembre 1999. Textes rassembles et presentes par Marianne COUDRY et Thomas SPÄTH. Paris, De Boccard, 2001, 492 p. (ill., ports.). (Etudes d'archeologie et d'histoire ancienne). [Cf. nüs 1976, 1980, 1986,2023, 2044,2203, 2268,2272.] 487. Iranistika ν Rossii i iranisty. (Iran studies and Iranists in Russia, [the 19 lh -20 lh centuries]). Ed. Ljudmila M. KULAGINA. RAN, Institut vostokovedenija. Moskva, IV RAN, 238 p. (bibl. incl.). [English summary] 488. JOHANSSON (Roger). Kampen om historien: Ädalen 1931: sociala konflikter, historiemedvetande och historiebruk 1931-2000. (Combat pour l'histoire: conflits sociaux, conscience historique et usage de l'histoire ä propos d'Ädalen 1931, 1931-2000). Stockholm, Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2001, 557 p. (ill.). [Resume anglais]. 489. KÄÄR (Pekka). Evolution of human life cycle. An analysis on historical human populations. Turku, Turun yliopisto, 2001, 39 p., [62] p. (ill.). (A. Univ. Turkuensis, A 2, 148.). 490. KHACHATURJAN (Nina Α.). Sovremennaja medievistika ν Rossii ν kontekste mirovoj istoricheskoj nauki. (Recent Medieval studies in Russia in the context of the historical science in the world). Srednie veka, 2001,62, p. 194-212. 491. KLUBOCK (Thomas Miller). Writing the history of women and gender in twentieth-century Chile.
In: Gender and sexuality in Latin America [Cf. n° 6205], p. 493-518. 492. KNAEPEN (Arnaud). L'histoire greco-romaine dans les sources litteraires latines de la premiere moitie du IXC siecle: quelques conclusions provisoires. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 2, p. 341372. 4 9 3 . KOCIAN (Jiri), PANEK ( J a r o s l a v ) , PESEK (Jiri).
Historikove proti znäsilnoväni dejin. Stanovisko Sdruzeni historikü Ceske republiky. (Historians against the abuse of history. An attitude of the Club of Czech Historians). Zpravodaj Historickeho klubu, 2001, 12, 2, suppl. p. 3-7. 4 9 4 . KONSTANTINOV ( S e r g e j V . ) , USHAKOV ( A l e k -
sandr I.). Istorija posle istorii: Obrazy Rossii na postsovetskom prostranstve. (A history after history: the images of Russia in the Post-Soviet countries). Assotsiatsija issledovatelej rossijskogo obshchestva XX v. Moskva, AIRO-XX, 2001, 208 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 71-77). 4 9 5 . KÖRNTGEN
Gottes Gnade. Zu Kontext und Funktion sakraler Vorstellung in Historiographie und Bildzeugnissen der ottonisch-frühsalischen Zeit. Berlin, Akademie, 2001, 504 p. (Orbis Medievalis, Vorstellungswelten des Mittelalters, 2).
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municative ä la memoire culturelle. Le passe dans les temoignages d'Arezzo et de Sienne (1177-1180). Annales, 2001, 56, 3, p. 563-590. 506. MARCUSE (Harold). Legacies of Dachau: the uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-2001. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXII-590 p. (ill.). 507. MARKWICK (Roger D.). Rewriting history in soviet Russia: the politics of revisionist historiography, 1956-1974. Foreword by Donald J. RALEIGH. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, XX-327 p.
4 9 6 . KOROLEV ( G . I.). M e d i e v i s t i c h e s k a j a a r k h e o -
grafija za rubezhom: Trudy XVI-XVIII vekov. (Editing of Medieval sources abroad: the works of the 16 th 18th centuries). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2001, 198 p. (bibl. p. 186-187, pers. ind. p. 188-195).
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4 9 7 . KOZLOV ( V l a d i m i r P . ) . O b m a n u t a j a , n o t o r -
509. MESCHINI (Stefano). Bernardino Corio storico del Medioevo e del Rinascimento milanese. In: Cronache medievali (Le) di Milano [Cf. n° 448], p. 101173.
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wissenschaft in den Planungen des Sicherheitsdienstes der SS: der SD-Historiker Hermann Löffler und seine Denkschrift "Entwicklung und Aufgaben der Geschichtswissenschaft in Deutschland". Bonn, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 2001, 320 p. (ill.). (Archiv für Sozialgeschichte. Beiheft, 21). 501. LINDERBORG (Äsa). Socialdemokraterna skriver historia: historieskrivning som ideologisk maktresurs 1892-2000. (Les Sociaux-democrates ecrivent l'histoire: l'historiographie comme element ideologique du pouvoir, 1892-2000). Stockholm, Atlas, 2001, 549 p. (ill.). [Resume anglais].
510. MEZNI'K (Jaroslav). Ceskoslovensky historicky samizdat. (Der tschechoslowakische historische Samizdat). Acta Universitatis Palackianae, Fac. Philosophica. Historica 30: Sbornik praci historickych, 2001, 18, p. 13-23. 511. MODERAN (Yves). Mythe et histoire aux derniers temps de Γ Afriquc antique: ä propos d'un texte d'Ibn Khaldün. Revue historique, 2001, 303, 618, p. 315341. 512. MOELLER (Robert G.). War stories. The search for a usable past in the Federal Republic of Germany. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2001, XIII-329 p. 5 1 3 . MOLL-MURATA
Regionalbeschreibung: Entwicklung und Funktion einer Quellengattung, dargestellt am Beispiel der Präfekturbeschreibungen von Hangzhou. Herausgegeben von der Fakultät für Ostasien Wissenschaften der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Schriftleitung: Wolfgang BEHR. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2001, XVIII-408 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 47).
514. MORTIMER (G.)· Did contemporaries recognize a 'Thirty Years W a r ' ? English historical review, 2001, 116,465, p. 124-136. 515. Myth, memory, and the making of the American landscape. Ed. by Paul A. SHACKEL. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2001, XIII-286 p. 516. Nauchno-pedagogicheskaja shkola istochnikovedenija Istoriko-arkhivnogo instituta. (The scientific and pedagogical school of source studies of the Institute of History and Archives, [Moscow]). Ed. Viktor A. MURAV'EV. Moskva, RGGU, 2001, 227 p. 517. NOBLE (Peter). The importance of old French chronicles as historical sources of the Fourth Crusade and the early Latin Empire of Constantinople. Journal of Medieval history, 2001, 2 7 , 4 , p. 399-416. 518. Obrazy istoriografii: Stat'i. (Images of historiography: articles). Ed. Aleksandr P. LOGUNOV. Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2001, 350 p. (bibl. incl.). [Eng. summaries] - LOGUNOV (Aleksandr P.). Otechestvennaja istoriograficheskaja kul'tura: Sovremennoe sostojanie i tendentsii transformatsii. (The historiographycal culture in Russia: the present-day confition and transformation tendencies). In: Ibid., p. 7-58. [Eng. summary] - JUDEL'SON (Aleksandr V.). Metodologicheskij poisk sovetskikh istorikov ν 1960-e gg.: Κ voprosu ob "ottajavshem" vo vremja istoriograficheskoj ottepeli. (The Soviet historian's methodological search in the 1960s: what was Thawed at the Thaw Running). In: Ibid., p. 147-172. [Eng. summary] - CHECHEL' (Irina D.). Istoricheskie predstavlenija sovetskogo obshchestva epokhi perestrojki. (The historical images in the Soviet society of Perestroika period.). In: Ibid., p. 199-234. [Eng. summary] LUK'JANOV [Lukianov] (Dmitrij V.). Teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie aspekty istoriograficheskoj situatsii kontsa 1980 - nachala 1990-kh godov. (Theoretical and methodological aspects of the historiographical situation in Russia in the late 1980s and the early 1990s). In: Ibid., p. 235-254. [Eng. summary] 519. PALTI (Elias Jose). The nation as a problem: historians and the "National Question". History and theory, 2001, 40, 3, p. 324-346. 520. PALVA (Heikki). Arab studies in Finland since the seventeenth century. Vantaa, [s. n.], 2001, 12 p. (Proceedings of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, 1/2001). 521. PANI (Mario). Le ragioni della storiografia in Grecia e a Roma. Una introduzione. Bari, Edipuglia, 2001, 155 p. 522. POHL (Walter). Werkstätte der Erinnerung: Montecassino und die Gestaltung der langobardischen Vergangenheit. Wien, R. Oldenbourg, 2001, 271 p. (ill., facs., tab., map). (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Ergänzungsband, 39). 523. PORCIANI (Leone). Prime forme della storiografia greca. Prospettiva locale e generale della nar-
razione storica. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, 156 p. (Historia: Einzelschriften). 524. Proceedings of the XLV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale: historiography in the cuneiform world. Vol. 1. Historiography in the cuneiform world. Ed. by Tzvi ABUSCH [et al.] with the assistance of Carol NOYES. Bethesda, CDL Press, 2001, [s. p.], 525. Pytania ο sredniowiecze. Potrzeby i perspektywy badawcze polskiej mediewistyki. (Die Fragen nach dem Mittelalter. Die Bedürfnisse und Forschungsaussichten der polnischen Mediävistik). Hrsg. v. Wojciech FAI.KOWSKI. Warszawa, Neriton, 2001, 302 p. 526. Quando os frades faziam histöria. De Marcos de Lisboa a Simao de Vasconcellos. Dir. Jose Adriano CARVALHO DE FREITAS. Porto, Centro Interuniversitario de Histöria de Espiritualidade, 2001, 178 p. 527. RAPHAEL (Lutz). Radikales Ordnungsdenken und die Organisation totalitärer Herrschaft: Weltanschauungseliten und Humanwissenschaftler im NSRegime. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 1, p. 5-40. 528. REICHEL (Peter). Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Deutschland. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der NSDiktatur von 1945 bis heute. München, Beck, 2001, 252 p. (Beck'sehe Reihe, 1416). 529. REPE (Bozo). Juhoslovanskä historiografia do osemdesiatych rokov 20. storocia. (Die Jugoslawische Geschichtsschreibung bis zu den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 2, p. 294-306. 530. Rever l'archeologie au XIX e siecle: de la science ä l'imaginaire. Texted reunis et presentes par Eric PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR; en collaboration avec lequipe Litterature/Histoire: rhetorique et representation, Universite Jean-Monnet-UMR L.I.R.E. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, 2001, 323 p. (Memoires / Centre Jean-Paleme, 23). 531. RIDOUX (Charles). Evolution des etudes medievales en France de 1860 ä 1914. Paris, H. Champion, 2001, 1187 p. 532. RLGNEY (Ann). Imperfect histories: the elusive past and the legacy of Romantic historicism. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, XII-209 p. 533. ROJAS (Cristina). Civilization and violence: regimes of representation in nineteenth-century Colombia. Foreword by Michael J. SHAPIRO. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2001, 224 p. (Borderlines, 19). 534. Rusko ν ceske historiografii. Sbornik Prazske skupiny historikü ruskych dejin. (Russia in Czech historiography. Studies published by the Prague Group of Russian history specialists). Ed. by MiluSa BUBENIKOVÄ. Praha, Narodni knihovna CR, 2001, 526 p. (photogr.). 535. SABROW (Martin). Das Diktat des Konsenses. Geschichtswissenschaft in der DDR 1949-1969. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 488 p. (Ordnungssysteme, 8).
536. SCHABERG (David). A patterned past: form and thought in early Chinese historiography. Cambridge a. London, Harvard University Asia Center, 2001, XVI503 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 205). 537. SESTAK (Miroslav). Vychodoevropskä studia a ceska historiografie. (East European studies and the Czech Historiography). Slovanske historicke Studie, 2 0 0 1 , 2 7 , P. 7 - 1 4 .
538. SHAVIT (Yaacov). History in black: AfricanAmericans in search of an ancient past. Portland, Frank Cass, 2001, XIX-422 p. 539. SHUVALOV (Vladimir I.). Sotsial'no-psikhologicheskij aspect izuchenija istorii ν rossijskoj istoriografii poslednej treti XIX - pervoj poloviny XX v. (Socio-psycological aspect of historical studies in the Russian historiography of the late 19th and the first half of the 20TH century). Moskovskij pedagog. un-t. Moskva, M P U , 2001, 227 p. (bibl. p. 189-225). 540. SIERRA
dependencia y reforma: introduciön a la historiografia hondurena (1876-2000). Tegucigalpa, Fondo Editorial, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Francisco Morazan, 2001, 155 p. (Colecciön textos). 541. Slovenska kronika XIX. Stoletja. 1. 1800-1860. (Slovene chronicles of the nineteenth century). Vec avtoijev; uredil Janez CVIRN. Ljubljana, Nova revija, 2001,473 p. 542. Soziale Gedächtnis (Das): Geschichte, Erinnerung, Tradierung. Hrsg. v. Harald WELZER. Hamburg, Hamburger Editino, 2001, 349 p. 543. Spätmittelalterliche städtische Geschichtsschreibung in Köln und im Reich: die "Koelhoffsche" Chronik und ihr historisches Umfeld. Hrsg. v. Georg MÖLICH, U w e NEDDERMEYER u n d W o l f g a n g SCHMITZ;
mit Beiträgen von Anna-Dorothee von DEN BRINCKEN [et al.]. Köln, SH Verlag, 2001, VIII-160 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins e V., 43). 544. Storia e storici d'Europa nel XX secolo. A cura di Maria Matilde BENZONI e Brunello VLGEZZL. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001, 307 p. 545. SUNY (Ronald Grigor). Constructing primordialism: old histories for new nations. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73,4, p. 862-896. 546. TAVAKOLI-TARGHI (Mohamad). Refashioning Iran: orientalism, occidentalism and historiography. New York, Palgrave, 2001, XVI-216 p. (St. Antony's Series). 547. Telling stories: indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand. Ed. by Bain ATTWOOD and Fiona MAGOWAN. Crows Nest, Allen and Unwin, 2001, XVII-269 p. 548. TICHI (Cecelia). Embodiment of a nation: human form in American places. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2001, XII-303 p.
549. Transilvania §i sa§ii ardeleni in istoriografie. Din publicatiile Asociatiei de Studii Transilvane Heidelberg. (Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons in historical writing. From the publications of the Heidelberg Association for Transylvanian Studies). Sibiu, Editura Hora, 2001, 221 p. 550. Traumatic pasts: history, psychiatry, and trauma in the Modern Age, 1870-1930. Ed. by Mark S. MICALE and Paul LERNER. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIV-316 p. (Cambridge Studies in the History of Medicine). 551. UGLOW (Nathan). The historian's two bodies: the reception of historical texts in France, 1701-1790. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XIV-255 p. 552. Usages politiques (Les) du passe. Sous la dir. de F r a n c i s HARTOG et Jacques REVEL. Paris, EHESS, 2001, 206 p. (Enquetes). [Contents: HARTOG (Francis), RAVEL (Jacques). Note de conjoncture histiographique. LEVI (Giovanni). Le passe lointoin. - HERZFELD (Michael). Vers une phenomenologie ethnographique de l'esprit grec. - BASCHET (Jerome). L'histoire face au present perpetuel. - WERNER (Michael). Deux nouvelles mises en scene de la nation allemande: les experiences du Deutsches Historisches Museum (Berlin) et du Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bonn). - SLLBERMAN (Neil Asher). Structurer le passe: les Israeliens, les Palestiniens et l'autorite symbolique des monuments archeologiques. - SANBAR (Elias). Hors du lieu, hors du temps: pratiques palestiniennes de l'histoire. - RUIZ TORRES (Pedro). Les uages politiques de l'histoire en Espagne. - VALENSL (Lucette). Notes sur deux histoires discordantes: le cas des Armeniens pendant la Premere Guerre mondiale. HARTOG (Francois). Presentation de Charles Peguy, Le jugement historique. - PEGUY (Charles). Le jugement historique. - SEBTI (Abdelahad). Variations marocaines autour du moment colonial]. 553. VAN WIJNENDAELE (Jacques). Un exemple d'utilisation de l'histoire: Les empereurs ottoniens (962-1002) dans la polemique des Investitures. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 4, p. 10951132. 554. VANDERPUTTEN (S.). Pourquoi les moines du moyen äge ecrivaient-ils de l'histoire? Une approche socio-constructiviste du probleme. Studi medievali, 2001,42, 2, p. 705-724. 555. VETTENNIEMI (Erkki). Surviving the Soviet meat grinder. The politics of Finnish Gulag memoirs. Helsinki, Aleksanteri Institute, 2001, 263 p. (Kikimora publications. Series A, 6). 556. Von der dargestellten Person zum erinnerten Ich. Europäische Selbstzeugnisse als historische Quellen (1500-1850). Hrsg. v. Kaspar von GREYERZ, Hans MEDICK und Patrice VEIT unt. Mitarb. v. Sebastian LEUTERT und Gudrun PILLER. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2001, X-461 p. (Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit, 9).
557. WEHLER (Hans-Ulrich). Historisches Denken am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts: 1945-2000. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2001, 108 p. (Essener kulturwissenschaftliche Vorträge, 2).
569. JAKSIC (Ivan). Andres Bello: scholarship and nation-building in nineteenth-century Latin America. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXIV-254 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Cambridge Latin American studies, 87).
558. WLERZBICKI (Andrzej). Grozni i wielcy. Polska mysl historyczna XIX i XX wieku wobec rosyjskiej despotii. (Die Strengen und Großen. Das polnische historische Konzept des XIX. und des XX. Jahrhunderts angesichts der russischen Despotie). Warszawa, Sic!, 2001,248 p.
570. SVENDSEN (Äsmund). Nasjonens behov og vitenskapens krav. Michael Birkeland og stiftelsen av Den norske historiske forening i 1869. (Michael Birkeland and the foundation of the Norwegian Historical Association). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2001, 80, 3, p. 303-322.
559. WILCHER (Robert). The writing of royalism, 1628-1660. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XII403 p.
571. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Introduzione a Bloch. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 185 p. - VERHULST (Adriaan). Marc Bloch and Henri Pirenne on comparative history. A biographical note. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 2, p. 507-511.
560. WINKLER (Heinrich August). Hans Rothfels ein Lobredner Hitlers? Quellenkritische Bemerkungen zu Ingo Haars Buch "Historiker im Nationalsozialismus" [Diskussion]. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2001, 49, 4, p. 6 4 3 - 6 5 2 .
561. WINTERER (Caroline). The culture of classicism: Ancient Greece and Rome in American intellectual life, 1780-1910. Baltimore a. London, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2 0 0 1 , X - 2 4 4 p.
562. WOLFFE (John). Great deaths: grieving, and nationhood in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, IX-231 p. 563. ZIMMERMAN (Andrew). Anthropology and antihumanism in Imperial Germany. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2001, IX-364 p. a. Addenda
564. Erudizione e devozione. Le Raccolte di Vite di santi in etä moderna e contemporanea. A cura di Gennaro LUONGO. Roma, Viella, 2000, XVI-367 p. (Sacro/ santo, 4). 565. GRELL (Chantal). La monarchie franfaise et l'histoire au XVIF siecle: etat des recherches en France. In: Les princes et l'histoire au XVIIIe siecle [Cf. Bibl. 1998, n° 658], p. 535-554. 566. Invention (La) de la nation. Lecturas de la identidad de Herder a Homi Bhabba. Comp. Alvaro FERNANDEZ BRAVO. Buenos Aires, Manantial, 2000, 219 p. 567. PALTI (Elias). La Historia de Belgrano de Mitre y la problemätica conception de un pasado national. Boletin del Institute de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. E. Ravignani, 2000, 21, p. 77-100. Cf. nm 210, 341, 415, 416, 665, 672, 2406, 2408, 2637, 5345, 5690, 5874, 5875, 5881, 5885, 5887, 6261, 6338, 6477, 6894, 7406
572. MAC NEILL (William H.). Fernand Braudel, historian. [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 1, p. 133-146. - WONG (R. Bin). Entre monde et nation: les nations braudeliennes en Asie. Annates, 2001, 56, 1, p. 5-42. 573. WEISS (Stefan). Otto Brunner und das Ganze Haus oder Die zwei Arten der Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 273, 2, p. 335-370. 574. MADUROWICZ-URBANSKA (Helena). Franciszek Bujak - ο nowy ksztalt historii. (Franciszek Bujak - um einer neuen Form der Geschichte willen). Krakow, PAU, 2001, 186 p. (PAU. Komisja Historii Nauki, Monografie, 3). 575. BAUER (Stefan). Polisbild und Demokratieverständnis in Jacob Burckhardts «Griechischer Kulturgeschichte». Basel, Schwabe u. München, C. H. Beck, 2001, 271 p. (Beiträge zur Jacob Burckhardt, 3). 576. CORCY-DEBRAY (Stephanie). Jerome Carcopino, un historien Ä Vichy. Preface de Pascal ORY. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 530 p. (Collection Logiques historiques). 577. CimNELLl-RENDlNA (Emanuele). Rileggendo gli 'Scritti su Machiavelli' di Federico Chabod. La cultura, 2001, 39, 2, p. 199-238. 578. CAFAGNA (Luciano). Ricordo di Carlo Maria Cipolla. Rivista di storia economica, 2001,17, 2, p. 235244. 579. BLANCHARD (Joel). Prolegomenes ä une edition critique des Memoires de Commynes. Studi francesi, 2001, 45, 134, p. 287-297. 580. BERGER (Stefan). William Harbutt Dawson: the career and politics of an historian of Germany. English historical review, 2001, 116,465, p. 76-113.
b. Special studies
581. BEJCZY (Istvän Pieter). Erasmus and the Middle Ages: the historical consciousness of a Christian humanist, Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2001, XVII-202 p.
568. SOMMER (Andreas Urs). Triumph der Episode über die Universalhistorie? Pierre Bayles Geschichtsverflüssigungen. Saeculum, 2001, 52, 1, p. 1-40.
582. CAROTENUTO (E.). Tradizione e innovazione nella Historia ecclesiastica di Eusebio di Cesarea. Napoli, [s. n.], 2001, XXXII-194 p.
583. SCHÜTTLER (Peter). Lucien Febvre, Luther et les Allemands. Postface ä une nouvelle traduction allemande de Lucien Febvre. Bulletin de la societe de l'histoire du protestantisme frangais, 2001, 147, p. 966. 584. HARTMANN (Martina). Humanismus und Kirchenkritik: Matthias Flacius Illyricus als Erforscher des Mittelalters. Stuttgart, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2001, 336 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters, 19). 585. Atti della giornata in ricordo di Plinio Fraccaro (Bassano, 18 marzo 2000). Athenaeum, 2001, 89, p. 5-105. 586. FREYRE (Gilberto). Antecipacoes. Textos reunidos, anotados e prefaciados por Edson NERY DA FONSECA. Recife, EDUPE, 2001, 251 p. (Cole^ao nordestina, 18). 587. HALLBERG (P.). Mirrors of the nation: the construction of national character and difference in the historical writings of E. G. Geijer. Scandinavian journal of history, 2001, 26, 1, p. 25-52.
588. DEL BEN (Andrea). «Ιο credo vorria qualche presente»: revisioni nell'opera di Paolo Giovio. Aevum, 2001,75, 3, p. 695-704. 589. HEINZELMANN (Martin). Gregory of Tours: history and society in the sixth century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XII-235 p. 590. Adolf von Harnack. Theologe, Historiker, Wissenschaftspolitiker. Hrsg. ν. Kurt NOWAK und Otto Gerhard OEXLE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 448 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 161). 591. ALBERIGO (Giuseppe). Hubert Jedin storiografo (1900-1980). Cristianesimo nella storia, 2001, 22, 2, p. 315-338. - Die Erforschung der Kirchengeschichte. Leben, Werk und bedeutung von Hubert Jedin (1900-1980). Hrsg. v. Heribert SMOLINSKY. Münster, Aschendorff, 2001, VIII-116 p. (Katholisches Leben und Kirchenreform im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 61).
595. MAYR-HARTING (Henry). Liudprand of Cremona's account of his legation to Constantinople (968) and Ottonian imperial strategy. English historical review, 2001, 116,467, p. 539-556. 596. Josepho Macurek — Viginti Lustra Complenti Oblatum. (Josef Macurek and his contribution to historiography on Central and East Europe). Ed. Vladimir GONfic. Brno, Masarykova univerzita, 2001, 78 p. 597. Noma u istochnika sud'by: Sbornik statej ν chest' E. A. Mel'nikovoj. (Articles presented to Elena A. Melnikova). Ed. Tat'jana Ν. JACKSON. RAN, Institut vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Indrik, 2001, 479 p. (bibl. incl.; bibliography of works by E.A. Melnikova p. 456-470). [Articles in Russian, English, German, Danish, Norwegian] 598. Correspondance genörale [de Michelet], T. 12. 1871-1874 et supplements. Textes reunis et annotes par Louis LE GUILLOU. Paris, H. Champion, 2001, 1049 p. - GOSSMAN (Lionel). Michelet and natural history: the alibi of nature. Proceedings of the American philosophical Society, 2001, 145, 3, p. 283-333. Michelet entre naissance et renaissance (1798-1998): actes du colloque du bicentenaire tenu au chateau de Vascoeuil-Musee Michelet en septembre 1998. Textes reunis et presentes par Simone BERNARD-GRIFFITHS; avec la collaboration de Christian CROISELLE; avec l'aide technique de Laurence HALLOUIN. Clermont-Ferrand, Presses universitäres Blaise Pascal, 2001, 373 p. (Cahier romantique, 6). 599. BOTS (Wilhelmus Josephus Aloysius). Montaigne historien et/ou conteur d'historiettes. In: Histoire (L') et les historiens au XVf siecle [Cf. nü 477], p. 133-140. 600. KRÜGER (Reinhard). Ein Mythos der Moderne: die Erdscheibentheorie im Mittelalter und die Verfälschung des Hexameron des Basilius von Caesarea durch Bernard de Montfaucon (1706). Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 2001, 36,1, p. 3-29.
592. LE GOFF (Jacques). Mon ami le saint roi: Joinville et Saint Louis. [Reponse ä Christopher Lucken].
601. AUDOIN-ROUZEAU (Stephane). George L. Messe: reflexion sur une meconnaissance fran$aise. Annales, 2001, 56, 1, p. 183-186. - WINTER (Jay). De l'histoire intellectuelle ä l'histoire culturelle: la contribution de George L. Mosse. Annales, 2001, 56, 1, p. 177-
2001, 56, 2, p. 469-478. - LUCKEN (Chris-
topher). L'Evangile du roi: Joinville, temoin et auteur de la Vie de Saint Louis. Annales, 2001, 56, 2, p. 445468.
593. Victor Klemperers Werk: Texte und Materialien für Lehrer. Hrsg. v. Karl-Heinz SLEHR. Berlin, Aufbau Taschenbuch, 2001, 306 p. 594. GERARD (Alice). Philippe Sagnac revu et corrige par Ernest Lavisse: un modele de censure discrete. Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2001, 48, p. 123-159. - RÜTH (Axel). The battle of Bouvines: event history vs. problem history [Duby and Lavisse]. Modern language notes, 2001, 116, 4, p. 816-843.
602. POLISENSKY (Josef). Historik ν menicim se svete. (A historian in a changing world). Praha, Univerzita Karlova, 2001, 349 p. (photogr.). 603. IKAS (Wolfgang-Valentin). Martinus Polonus' chronicle of the popes and emperors: a Medieval bestseller and its neglected influence on Medieval English chroniclers. English historical review, 2001, 116, 466, p. 327-341. 604. Ernesto Ragionieri e la storiografia del dopoguerra. A cura di Tommaso DETT1 e Giovanni GOZZINI. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 237 p.
605. RIBERI (Lorenzo). Arthur Rosenberg. Democrazia e socialismo tra storia e politica. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2001, 503 p. - ROSENBERG (Arthur). La Repubblica Romana, traduzione di Franco L o RE. Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 54, p. 5-26. 606. MARCONE (Arnaldo). La storia di una riedizione difficile: la Social and economic history of the Roman empire di M. Rostovtzeff. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 357373. 607. BIESTER (Björn). Der innere Beruf zur Wissenschaft: Paul Ruben (1866-1943). Studien zur deutschjüdischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Berlin u. Hamburg, Reimer, 2001, 315 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 14). 608. Historia integra. Studia ζ historii ρβήβΙ^Β i prawa, dziejöw kultury, religii i oswiaty epoki nowozytnej. KsiQga pami^tkowa ofiarowana Prof. Stanislawowi Salmonowiczowi w siedemdziesi^ciolecie urodzin. (Historia integra. Studien zur Geschichte des Staates, des Rechtswesens, der Kultur, Religion und der Bildung der Neuzeit. Prof. Stanislaw Salmonowicz zum siebzigsten Geburtstag gewidmetes Gedenkbuch). Hrsg. v. Danuta JANICKA und Ryszard LASZEWSKI. Torun, Tow. Nauk. Organizacji i Kierownictwa "Dom Organizatora, 2001, 484 p. 609. Drog^ historii. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Jozefowi Szymanskiemu w siedemdziesi^ta roczmc^ urodzin. (Der Geschichte auf der Spur. Professor Jözef Szymanski zum siebzigsten Geburtstag gewidmete Studien). Hrsg. v. Piotr DYMMEL, Krzysztof SKUPIENSKI und Barbara TRELINSKA. Lublin, Wydaw. UMCS, 2001,491 p. 610. COMPAGNON (Antoine), TORTONESE (Paolo),
MLCHAUD (Yves), ZIMMERMANN (Michael F.). Relire Taine. Paris, Musee du Louvre et Ecole nazionale superieure des Beauz-Arts, 2001, 221 p. 611. RENTON (David). Opening the books: the personal papers of Dona Torr. History workshop, 2001, 52, p. 236-245. 612. CICALESE (Maria Luisa). La luce della storia. Gioacchino Volpe a Milano tra religione e politica. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2001, 160 p. 613. MOUREAUX ( J e a n - M i c h e l ) . V o l t a i r e historien:
un chantier qui s'ouvre. Revue d'histoire la France, 2001, 101, 2, p. 227-261.
614. WARBURG (Aby). Tagebuch der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Bibliothek Warburg. Mit Einträgen ν. Gertrud BING und Fritz SAXL. Hrsg. v. Karen MICHELS und Charlotte SCHOELL-GLASS. Berlin, Akademie, 2001, XXXIX-681 p. (Aby Warburg, Gesammelte Schriften, Studienausgabe, 7). 615. WINTERLING (Aloys). Die römische Republik im Werk Max Webers. Rekonstruktion - Kritik - Aktualität. Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 273, 3, p. 595636. - IDEM. "Mit dem Antrag Kanitz also säßen die Cäsaren noch heute auf ihrem Throne." Max Webers
Analysen der römischen Agrargeschichte. Archiv Kulturgeschichte, 2001, 83, 2, p. 413-450. b. Addenda
616. CHAUVIN (Charles). Renan: 1823-1892. Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2000, 157 p. Cf. n° 4640 § 3. M e t h o d o l o g y , p h i l o s o p h y , a n d t e a c h i n g of h i s t o r y . 617. ANKERSMIT (F. R.). Historical representation. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, IX-321 p. (Cultural memory in present). 618. BEDARIDA (Francois). Une invitation ä penser l'histoire: Paul Ricceur, La memoire, l'histoire et l'oubli. Revie historique, 2001, 125, 305, 619, p. 731-739. 619. BIANCO (Franco). Introduzione a Dilthey. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 286 p. (I filosofi, 45). 620. BURKE (Peter). Eyewitnessing: the uses of images as historical evidence. Ithaca, Cornell U. P. 2001, 223 p. 621. DE LUNA (Giovanni). La passione e la ragione: fonti e metodi dello storico contemporaneo. Firenze, La nuova Italia, 2001, XII-292 p. (Nuovi orchi). 622. DESCAMPS (Florence). L'historien, l'archiviste et Ie magnetophone. De la source orale ä son exploitation. Paris, Comite pour l'Histoire economique et financiere de la France, 2001, 864 p. 623. Dialog so vremenem: Al'manakh intellektu al'noj istorii. (Dialogue with time: yearbook of intellectual history). Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. RAN, Institut vseobshchej istorii. Vol. 5. Istoricheskaja biografija i personal'naja istorija. (Historical biography and personal history). Moskva, Editorial URSS, 2001, 398 p. [English summaries]. 624. DOSSE (Francis). Le moment Ricceur. XX* siede, 2001, 69, p. 137-152. 625. Fatti: storie dell'evidenza empirica. A cura di Simona CERUTTI e Gianna POMATA. Quaderni storici, 2001, 36, 108, 3, p. 647-914. [Cf. n°s 865, 868, 906, 3102, 5580, 5628, 5646, 6259,6431.] 626. FRIED (Johannes). Erinnerung und Vergessen. Die Gegenwart stiftet die Einheit der Vergangenheit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 273, 3, p. 561-594. 627. GOERTZ (Hans-Jürgen). Unsichere Geschichten. Zur Theorie historischer Referentialität. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2001, 131 p. 628. GRUNENBERG (Antonia). Die Lust an der Schuld. Von der Macht der Vergangenheit über die Gegenwart. Berlin, Rowohlt, 2001, 223 p. 629. GÜNTHER (Dagmar). "And now for something completely different". Prolegomena zur Autobiographie
als Quelle der Geschichtswissenschaft. Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 1, p. 25-62.
630. HACOHEN (Malachi Haim). The «Poverty of Historicism» [by Karl Popper], 1935-1940. Storiografla, 2001, 5, p. 67-72. 631. HANSEN (Μ. H.). What is a document? An illdefined type of source. Classica et Mediaevalia, 2001, 52, p. 317-343. 632. HOWELL (Martha), PREVENIER (Walter). From reliable sources: an introduction to historical methods. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2001, IX-207 p. 633. IGGERS (Georg G.). Historiographie zwischen Forschung und Dichtung. Gedanken über Hayden Whites Behandlung der Historiographie. [Diskussionsforum]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 2, p. 327 340.
634. Inchiesta (Un') sullo storicismo. A cura di Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Storiografia, 2001, 5, XI-46 p. 635. JEANNENEY (Jean-Noel). L'Histoire va-t-elle plus vite? Variations sur une vertige. Paris, Gallimard, 2 0 0 1 , 1 7 6 p. 636. JEWSIEWICKI (Bogumil). Pour un pluralisme epistemologique en sciences sociales. Annales, 2001, 5 6 , 3, p. 6 2 5 - 6 4 2 .
637. JURGANOV (Andrej L.). Opyt istoricheskoj fenomenologii. (An attempt at historical phenomenology). Voprosy istorii, 2001, 79, 9, p. 36-52. 638. KNEILE-KLENK (Karin). Der Nationalsozialismus in Unterrichtsfilmen und Schulfernsehsendungen der DDR. Weinheim, Beltz, 2001, 376 p. (ill.). (Schriften zur Geschichtsdidaktik, 12). 639. KOLOMIJTSEV (Valentin F.). Metodologija istorii (ot istochnika k issledovaniju). (Methodology of history: from a source to a study). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 191 p. (bibl.p. 183-190). 640. LACAPRA (Dominick). Writing history, writing trauma. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2001, XVI226 p. 641. LUCAS (Nicole). Enseigner l'histoire dans le secondaire. Etude des manuels depuis 1880. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2001, 230 p. 642. MAC PHAIL (Eric). The plot of history from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001, 62, 1, p. 1-16. 643. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Liberation from the past. European legacy, 2001, 6, 1, p. 37-48.
the context of universal history: synergetics, psychology and futurology). Moskva, Per Se, 2001, 239 p. (bibl. p. 224-237). [English summary] 646. Novel history: historians and novelists confront America's past (and each other). Ed. by Mark C. CARNES. N e w York, Simon and Schuster. 2001, 351 p. 647. OLSTAD (Finn). En annen historie? OM ä ta den spräklige vendingen pä alvor. (Another history? How to take the Linguistic turn seriously). HIFO-nytt, 2 0 0 1 , 3 , p. 14-19. 648. PALTI (Elias). Aporfas. Tiempo, modernidad, historia, sujeto, nacion, ley. Buenos Aires, Alianza Editorial, 2001, 279 p. 649. Personal'naja istorija: Ispoved' sud'by. (Personal history). Ed. Dmitrij M. VOLODIKHIN. Moskva, Anvik, 2001, 303 p. (bibl. incl.). 650. Praktika i teorija arkheologicheskikh issledovanij: Trudy Otdela okhrannykh raskopok. (Practice and theory of archaeological studies: proceedings of the Department of Preservative Excavations [of the Institure of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences]). Ed. A. S. SMIRNOV. RAN, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, IA RAN, 2001, 307 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 651. RÜSEN (Jörn). Zerbrechende Zeit: Uber den Sinn der Geschichte. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, 357 p. 652. SCHWARTZ (Vanessa R.). Walter Benjamin for historians. American historical review, 2001, 106, 5, p. 1721-1743. 653. SEDOVÄ (Tatiana). Κ faktu a vysvetleniu ν historiografii. (Zum Fakt und zur Erklärung in der Geschichtsschreibung). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 3, p. 477-500. 654. TAKAHASHI (Tetsuya). Rekishi/Shüseishugi. (History/Revisionism). Tokyo, Iwanami Shuppansha, 2001, 122 p. 655. VowiNCKEL (Annette). Geschichtsbegriff und historisches Denken bei Hannah Arendt. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, VI-380 p. 656. WHITE (Hayden). Entgegnung auf Georg G. Iggers. [Diskussionsforum]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 2, p. 341-349. Cf. η" 1492
§ 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology.
644. MEDICK (Hans). Historical event and contemporary experience: the capture and destruction of Magdeburg in 1631. History workshop, 2001, 52, p. 2348.
657. Anthropologie (L') de la Mediterranee. Anthropology of the Mediterranean. Sous la dir. de Dionigi ALBERA, Anton BLOK et Christian BROMBERGER. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, Maison mediterraneenne des sciences de l'homme, 2001, 756 p.
645. NAZARETJAN (Akop P.). Tsivilizatsionnye krizisy ν kontekste universal'noj istorii: Sinergetica, psikhologija i futurologija. (Crises of civilizations in
658. BAIS (Marco). Albania caucasica: ethnos, storia, territorio attraverso le fonti greche, latine e armene. Milano, Mimesis, 2001, 224 p. (Simorg).
659. BAUER (Arnold J.). Goods power, history: Latin America's material culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XX-245 p. 660. BLDART (Pierre). La singularite basque: genealogie et usages. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2001, 367 p. (Collection "Ethnologies"). 661. BRAVO (Gian Luigi). Italiani. Racconto etnografico. Roma, Meltemi, 2001, 287 p. 662. BRUSINA (Ol'ga I.). Slavjane Ν Srednej Azii: Etnicheskie i sotsial'nye protsessy: Konets XIX - konets XX veka. (Slavs in Central Asia: ethnic and social processes, from the late 19th to the late 20th century). RAN, Institut etnologii i antropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklajja. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2001, 240 p. (ill.; tables; bibl. p. 197-215). [English summary] 663. COLE (Jennifer). Forget colonialism? Sacrifice and the art of memory in Madagascar. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2001, XVII-361 p. (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity, 1). 664. CORSO (Raffaele). La vita sessuale nelle credenze, pratiche e tradizioni popolari italiane. A cura di Giovanni Battista BRONZINI; saggio introduttivo di Lutz RÖHRICH. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2001, XVIII328 p. (Biblioteca di "Lares", 54). 665. DE JONG (Adriaan Antonie Marinus). De dirigenten van de herinnering: musealisering en nationalisering van de volkscultuur in Nederland 1815-1940. Nijmegen, SUN, 2001, 687 p. (Memoria). 666. Dl NOLA (Alfonso M.). Gli aspetti magicoreligiosi di una cultura subalterna italiana. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2001, 340 p. 6 6 7 . GÖCKENJAN
Orientalische Berichte über die Völker Osteuropas und Zentralasiens im Mittelalter: die Gayhani-Tradition (Ibn Rusta, Gardizi, Hudud al-'Alam, al-Bakri und alMarwazi). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2001, XVI-342 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica, 54). 668. HAY (Jonathan). Shitao: painting and modernity in early Qing China. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXIV-412 p. (RES Monographs in Anthropology and Aesthetics). 669. HUHTA (Ilkka). "Täällä on oikea Suomenkansa", körttiläisyyden julkisuuskuva 1880-1918. ("Hier steht das wahre finnische Volk", das Öffentlichkeitsbild einer finnischen Erweckungsbewegung 1880-1918). Helsinki, SKS, 2001, 287 p. (ill.). (Suomen Kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toim., 186). [Dt. Zfassung]. 670. ISAKSSON (Pekka). Kumma kuvajainen rasismi rotututkimuksessa, rotuteorioiden saamelaiset ja suomalainen fyysinen antropologia. (An odd vision. Racism in racial research. The racial theory and the Lapponian people and Finnish physical anthropology). Inari, Kustannus Puntsi, 2001, 397 p. (ill.). (Pohjoiset historiat, 1).
671. IVANOVA (Tat'jana G.). "Malye" ochagi severnorusskoj bylinnoj traditsii: Issledovanija i teksty. (The 'minor' centers of North Russian epic tradition: studies and texts). Appendix: LOBKOVA (G. V.). Cherty stilja epicheskikh napevov Rusi. (Aspects of the style of Russian epic songs). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 455 p. (notes; portr.). 672. JANSEN (Jan). Epopee, histoire, societe: le cas de Soundjata: Mali et Guinee. Paris, Karthala, 2001, 307 p. (Collection Hommes et societes). 673. JETSU (Laura). Rahden maailman välillä. Etnografinen tutkimus venäjänkarjalaisten hautausrituaaleista 1990-luvulla. (Between two worlds. An ethnographic study of burial rituals in Russian Karelia in the 1990's.). Helsinki, [s. n.], 2001, 292 p. (ill., maps). (Suomal. Kirjall. Seuran toim., 853). [Eng. Summary]. 674. KOZENKOVA (Valentina I.). Poselok-ubezisce kobanskoj kul'tury u aula Serzen'-Jurt ν Cecne kak istoriceskij istocnik (Severnyj Kavkaz). (The Koban culture settlement near Sergent-Jurt aul in Chechnya as an historical sources. Northern Caucasus). RAN. In-t arkhaeologii. Moskva, Nauka, 2001, 198 p. 675. KUHAR (Alojzij). Pokristjanjevanje Slovencev in nemsko-slovanska etnicna meja ν vzhodnih Alpah. (The conversion of the Slovenes and the German-Slav ethnic boundary in the Eastern Alps). Ravne na Koro§kem, Koroski muzej a. V Celovcu, Mohorjeva zalozba, 2001, 176 p. (ill.). 676. LEHTOLA (Teuvo). Saamelainen perintö. (Our Lapponian inheritance). Inari, Kustannus Puntsi, 2001, 176 p. (ill.). 677. MAHE (Alain). Histoire de la Grande Kabylie, XIX c -XX e siecles. Anthropologie historique du lien social dans les communautes villageoises. Paris, Editions Bouchene, 2001,650 p. 678. MAZALOVA (Ν. E.). Chelovek ν traditsionnykh somaticheskikh predstavlenijakh russkikh. (Human being in the traditional somatic views of the Russians). RAN, Muzej antropologii i etnografii im. Petra Velikogo (Kunstkamera). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2001, 192 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). (Ethnographica Petropolirraca, 8). 679. MILAN (Karl). Fennen und Finnen: Tacitus' Fennenschilderung im Vergleich mit Lappenschilderungen späterer Zeiten. Jyväskylä, University of Jyvaskylä, 2001, 116 p. (Studia philologica Jyväskyläensia, 61). 680. Muchas hispanoamericas: antropologia, historia y enfoques culturales en los estudios latinoamericanistas. Ed. por Thomas KRLIGGELER y Ulrich MÜCKE. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2001,224 p. 6 8 1 . MURASKO ( Ο . Α . ) , KRENKE ( Ν . Α . ) . K u l ' t u r a
aborigenov Obdorskogo Severa ν XIX veke: Po arkheologo-etnograficeskim kolleccijam Muzeja antropologii MGU. (The culture of indigenous people of Obdorsk
North in the 19th century: from materials of the archeological-ethnographic collection Museum of anthropology of Moscow state university). RAN. In-t arkheologii i drugie. Moskva, Nauka, 2001,155 p. 682. Natsional'nye diaspory ν Rossii i za rubezhom ν X I X - X X vv.: Sbornik statej. (National diasporas in Russia and abroad, the 19 ,h -20 lh centuries: articles). Ed. by Jurij A. POLJAKOV and Galina Ja. TARLE. Compiled by Galina. Ja. TARLE. RAN, Institut rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, IRI RAN, 2001, 329 p. (bibl. incl.). 683. OXAAL (Astrid). Drakt og nasjonal identitet 1760-1917. Den sivile uniformen, folkedrakten og nasjonen. (Dress and national identity 1760-1917. The civilian uniform, the national costume and the nation). Oslo, Unipub, 2001, V-440 p. (ill.). (Acta humaniora, 96). 684. REINHARD (Wolfgang). Was ist europäische politische Kultur? Versuch zur Begründung einer politischen Historischen Anthropologie. [Diskussionsforum]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 4, p. 593616. 685. Russkij Sever: etniceskaja istorija i narodnaja kul'tura XII-XX veka. (The Russian North: ethnohistory and folk culture in the 12 lh -20 lh centuries). RAN. In-t etnologii i antropologii imeni Ν. N. MiklukhoMaklaja; Otv. red. I. V. VLASOVA. Moskva, Nauka, 2001,848 p. 686. SCHUMAKER (Lyn). Africanizing anthropology: fieldwork, networks, and the making of cultural knowledge in Central Africa. Durham, Duke U. P., 2001, XII-376 p. 687. VAKIMO (Sinikka). Paljon kokeva, vähän näkyvä. Tutkimus vanhaa naista koskevista kulttuurisista käsityksistä ja vanhan naisen elämänkäytännöistä. (Out of sight but full of life. A study of cultural conceptions of old women and their life practices). Helsinki, [s. n.], 2001, 368 p. (Suomal. Kirjall. Seuran toim., 818). [Eng. Summary]. 688. VLRTANEN (Matti). Fennomanian perilliset. Poliittiset traditiot ja sukupolvien dynamiikka. (The heritance of Fennomany. The political traditions and the generation gap). Helsinki, SKS, 2001, (Suomal. Kigali. Seuran Toim., 831). Cf. n" 791, 4682, 5761, 5763, 6007 § 5. G e n e r a l h i s t o r y . * 689. Antisemitism: an annotated bibliography. Vol. 13. 1997. [Vol. 12. 1996. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 896.] Ed. by Susan Sarah COHEN. München, Κ. G. Saur, 2001, XXIX-544 p. * 690. Bibliografia militar espanola 1939-2000. Ministerio de Defensa. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, 2001,784 p. * 691. Bibliographie internationale d'histoire militaire. International bibliography of military history.
Internationale militärgeschichliche Bibliographie. Selection 1997-2000. Romanel-sur-Morges, Commission internationale d'Histoire militaire comparee, 2001, 238 p. * 692. SOLAK (Fahri). Türkistan Ve Kafkasya lie Ilgili Türkge Kitaplar Bibliyografyasi. (Bibliographie des livres en Turc concernant la Turkestan et la Caucasie). Türk Diinyasi Araftirmalari, 2001, 134, p. 193-234. 693. Adam i eva: Al'manakh gendernoj istorii. (Adam and Eva: yearbook of gender history). Ed. Lorina P. REINA. RAN, Institut vseobshchej istorii. Vols. 12. Moskva, IVI RAN, 2001, 2 vol., 287 p., 287 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. incl.). [English summaries]. 694. African American experience (The). An historiographical and bibliographical guide. Ed. by Arvarh E. STRICKLAND and Robert E. WEEMS Jr. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2001, VIII-447 p. 695. AHMETBEYOÖLU (Ali). Avrupa Hun imparatorlugu. (L'Empire des Huns en Europe). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2001, XI-203 p. 6 9 6 . AMBROGI ( P . R . ) , THOMAS ( J . - P . ) . S e n a t e u r s :
dictionnaire des parlementaires de la Gauche democratique et du Rassemblement democratique et social europeen, 1891-2001. Anglet, Atlantica, 2001, 497 p. (ill.). 6 9 7 . ANDERSEN ( D a n
En anden historie: ni alternative Danmarkshistorier. (Une autre histoire: neuf histoires alternatives du Danemark). [K0benhavn], Aschehoug, 2001, 350 p. (ill.). 698. ARIKAN (Zeki). Egin Kasabasi'mn Tarihi Geli§imi. (Developpement historique de la ville d'Egin). Otam: Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanli Tarihi Arcvjtirma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 2001, 12, p. 1-64. 699. Biographisches Lexikon zur Weltgeschichte. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Otfried DANKELMANN [et al.]; unter Mitar. v. Andreas GlRBARDT [et al.]. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2001, 1416 p. 7 0 0 . BLOCH
ärstal. (Histoire du Danemark, annee par annee). [K0benhavn], Aschehoug, 2001,441 p. 701. Companion (A) to 19th century America. Ed. by William L. BARNEY. Maiden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2001, X-414 p. 702. COOK (Chris), BROADHEAD (Philip). The Longman handbook of early modern Europe, 1453-1763. Harlow, Longman, 2001, IX-352 p. (Longman handbooks to history). 703. Cronologfa del siglo XX: cultura y politica en Ecuador y el mundo. Compilation de Jorge Enrique ADOUM. Quito, Eskeletra, 2001, 199 p. 704. Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon. Bind 2. Karen Hannover - Ann-Sofi Norin. (Dictionnaire biographique des femmes danoises. Tome 2). Ed. par Jytte LARSEN. K0benhavn, Rosinante, 2001, VII-695 p. (ill.).
5. G E N E R A L H I S T O R Y 705. DEL NEGRO (Piero). Guerra ed eserciti da Machiavelli a Napoleone. Roma, Laterza, 2001, 167 p. (Biblioteca essenziale Laterza, 38). 706. Dictionary (A) of British history. Ed. by John CANNON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, IX-708 p. (Oxford paperback reference). 707. Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse. Redacteur en chef, Marco JORIO; publie par la Fondation dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (DHS). Hauterive, G. Attinger, 2001, [s. p.], 708. Dizionario biografico degli Italiani. Vol. 56. Giovanni di Crescenzio - Giulietti. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001, X X - 7 9 4 p. 709. Empires. Perspectives from archaeology and history. Ed. by Susan E. A L C O C K , Terence N. D ' A L T R O Y , Kathleen D. M O R R I S O N and Carla Μ. SLNOPOLL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, 523 p. 710. ERICSON (Lars). Stockholms historia under 7 5 0 är. (Histoire de Stockholm depuis 7 5 0 ans). Lund, Historiska media, 2001, 415 p. (ill., pi.).
ordonatori: Dumitru PROTASE $i Alexandru SUCEVEANU. Vol. 3. Genezele romanejti. Coordonatori: Acad. Stefan PASCU $i Acad. R ä z v a n THEODORESCU. V o l . 4 . D e
la universalitatea cre§tinä cätre Europa "patriilor". Coordonator: Acad. §tefan §TEFÄNESCU Acad. Camil MURE$ANU. Bucurejti, Editura Enciclopedicä, 2001, 4 vol., X X I X - 8 6 5 p., X X I - 8 4 2 p., X V I - 6 9 5 p., X V I I 878 p. 719. Istorija Mordovii: S drevnejshikh vremen do serediny X I X veka. (A history of Mordovia: from the earliest times to the middle of the 19th century). Ed. by Nikolaj M. A R S E N T ' E V and Valerij A . J U R C H E N K O V . Mordovskij gos. un-t im. I. P. Ogareva. Saransk, Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2001, 343 p. (ill.). 720. JÄGER (Friedrich). Bosniaken, Kroaten, Serben: ein Leitfaden ihrer Geschichte. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 702 p. (ill., maps). 721. Journal de la France et des Fran^ais. Paris, Gallimard, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.], (Quarto Gallimard). 722. KALUSKI (Marian). Polacy w Chinach. (Polen in China). Warszawa, Pax, 2001, 304 p.
historica de Cuba 1492-2000. Miami, Ediciones Universal, 2001, 183 p. (Coleccion Cuba y sus jueces).
723. KAYHAN (Hüseyin). Irak Selpuklulari ( 5 1 4 5 9 0 / 1 1 2 0 - 1 1 9 4 ) . (Les Seldjukides de l'Iraq), Konya, Cizgi Kitabevi, 2001, 363 p.
712. GOLDSTEIN (Joshua S.). War and gender. How gender shapes the war system and vice versa. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, 523 p.
724. KIENIEWICZ (Jan). Hiszpania w zwierciadle polskim. (Spanien im Spiegel Polens). Gdansk, Novus Orbis, 2001, 374 p. (Eseje Hist.).
713. Handbuch der bayerischen Geschichte. Bd. 3. Teilbd. 2. Geschichte Schwabens bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts. 3. Hrsg. v. Max SPINDLER, neu bearb. Aufl. Neu hrsg. v. Andreas KRAUS. München, Beck, 2001, X X V I I - 9 1 9 p.
725. Komintern: l'histoire et les hommes. Dictionnaire biographique de International communiste en France. Sous la dir. de Jose GOTOVITCH et Mikhail NARINSKI. Paris, Les Editions de 1'Atelier, 2001, 604 p. (ill.). (Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international).
7 1 1 . FERNANDEZ SANTALICES (Manuel). Cronologfa
714. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte. Bd. 9. REINHARD (Wolfgang). Probleme deutscher Geschichte, 1 4 9 5 - 1 8 0 6 ; Reichsreform und Reformation, 1 4 9 5 - 1 5 5 5 .
Bd. 10. LANZINNER (Maximilian). Konfessionelles Zeitalter, 1555-1618. SCHORMANN (Gerhard). Dreissigjähriger Krieg, 1 6 1 8 - 1 6 4 8 . Bd. 13. KOCKA (Jürgen). Das lange 19. Jahrhundert: Arbeit, Nation und bürgerliche Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, Klett Cotta, 2001, 3 vol., X X - 4 1 4 p., X L V I I I - 3 2 0 p., X I X - 1 8 7 p.
715. Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands. Hrsg. v. Stefan PLAGGENBORG. Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 2001, X X - 1 7 3 p. 716. Handbuch der Geschichte Weißrusslands. Hrsg. v. Dietrich BEYRAU und Rainer LINDNER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 543 p. (ill., maps). 717. Histoire de l'Adriatique. Dir. par Pierre CABANES; pref. de Jacques LE GOFF. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2 0 0 1 , 6 7 2 p.
718. Istoria Romänilor. (History of the Romanians). Vol. 1. Mo$tenirea timpurilor mdepärtate. Coordonatori: Acad. Mircea PETRESCU-DAMBOVIJA $i Alexandru VULPE. Vol. 2. Daco-romani, romanici, alogeni. Co-
726. Kuninkaallisia, keisarillisia, tasavaltalaisia. Suomen valtionpäämiehet j a heidän puolisonsa. Kansallisbibliografian artikkeleita. (Royals, imperials and republicans. The heads of state of Finland and their spouses. Articles in national biography). Toim. Risto VALJUS. Helsinki, S K S , 2001, 6 7 2 p. (Studia biographica, 1:2). 727. LEWANDOWSKI (Jan). Estonia. (Estland). Warszawa, Trio, 2001, 298 p. (Historia Panstw Swiata w X X Wieku). 728. LOSSOWSKI (Piotr). Litwa. (Litauen). Warszawa, Trio, 2001, 277 p. (Historia Panstw Swiata w X X Wieku). 729. Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca Meje kot ovire in mostovi - primeijava treh obmejnih obmocij: Slovenija/Italija, Irska/Severna Irska, zahodno Sredozemlje, Koper, 14.-16. September 2001 = Convegno intemazionale Confini come ostacoli e ponti - confronto dei tre territori del confine: Slovenia/Italia, Irlanda/lrlanda del nord, Mediterraneo occidentale, Capodistria, 1 4 - 1 6 settembre 2001 = International Scientific Conference Borders as Barriers and Bridges - a Comparative Look at Three Borderlands: Slovenia/
Italy, Irland/Northern Irland, West Mediterranean, Köper, 14-16 September 2001. Urednik, editor Vesna
744. U.S.A. (Die) und Deutschland im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges 1945-1990. Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. v.
D e t l e f JUNKER, P h i l i p p GASSERT u n d W i l f r e d MAUS-
sredisce Republike Slovenije = Capodistria, Centra di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia = Koper, Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, 2001, 52 p.
BACH [et al.]. Bd. 1. 1945-1968. Bd. 2. 1968-1990. Stuttgart u. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2001, 2 vol., 874 p. 977 p.
730. MOLNÄR (Miklos). A concise history of Hungary. Cambridge, New York a. Port Chester, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XVIII-370 p.
E d . b y D . CHAMBERS a n d B . PULLAN. T o r o n t o , U n i -
731. Nation und Religion in der deutschen Geschichte. Hrsg. ν. Heinz-Gerhard HAUPT U. Dieter LANGEWIESCHE. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2001, 655 p. 732. North Africa, Islam, and the Mediterranean world: from the Almoravids to the Algerian War. Ed. by Julia CLANCY-SMITH. London, Frank Cass, 2001, 202 p. (ill., maps). (Cass series - history and society in the Islamic world). 733. Oxford companion (The) to Canadian history. Ed. by Gerald HALLOWELL. Toronto a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 800 p. 734. Oxford companion (The) to Scottish history. Ed. by Michael LYNCH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XXV-732 p. 735. Oxford companion (The) to United States history. Editor in chief, Paul S. BOYER; editors, Melvyn DUBOFSKY [et al.]. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XLIV940 p. 736. Political chronology (A) of Africa. Editor: David LEA; assistant editor: Annamarie ROWE. London, Europa, 2001, IX-499 p. (Political chronologies of the world, 4). 737. Political chronology (A) of Europe. London, Europa, 2001, IX-364 p. (Political chronologies of the world). 738. Polska diaspora. Leksykon historyczny. (Polish diaspora). Ed. by Adam. WALASZEK. Krakow, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2001, 606 p. 739. ROSSER (John Hutchins). Historical dictionary of Byzantium. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow Press, 2001, XLI-479 p. (Historical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras, 4). 740. SADOWSKI (Tomasz). Ksi^Z^ta opolscy i ich panstwo. (Die Fürsten der Linie von Oppeln [Opole] und deren Staat). Wroclaw, Rzeka, 2001,229 p. 741. SCHMALE (Wolfgang). Geschichte Europas. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2001, 307 p.
745. Venice. A documentary history, 1450-1630. versity of Toronto Press, 2001,484 p. 746. WENDE (Peter). Großbritannien 1500-2000. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, X-235 p. (Oldenbourg Grundriß der Geschichte, 32). 747. ZALEWSKI (Bogdan). Polska morska mysl wojskowa 1918-1989. (Die Erkenntnisse im Bereich der polnischen Kriegsmarine 1918-1989). Torun, Wydaw. A. Marszalek, 2001, 405 p. 748. ZENKIEWICZ (Mieczysiaw). Litwa na przestizeni wiekow i jej powi^zania ζ Polsk% (Litauen im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte und dessen Verbindungen mit Polen). Torun, Wydaw. Uniw. M. Kopernika, 2001, 233 p. § 5. A d d e n d a 2 0 0 0 . 749. BUDANOVA (Vera P.). Varvarskij mir epokhi Velikogo pereselenija narodov. (Barbarian world of the peoples great migration epoch). Chapt. 5. Ethnonymy of tribes of epoch of the peoples great migration [a dictionary], p. 119-417. App.: Dictionary of Antique and Early Medieval authors, p. 418-443. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2000, 544 p. (ill., maps). [Eng. summary and table of contents] Cf. nm 354, 372, 433, 487, 671, 678, 772, 847, 36703728, 4230, 4234, 4936, 5282, 7745, 7755, 7768, 7770 § 6. T h e o r y of the s t a t e a n d of s o c i e t y . ** 750. BAGEHOT (Walter). The English constitution. Ed. by Paul SMITH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXXII-253 p. (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought). ** 751. BURKE (Edmund). Reflections on the Revolution in France. A critical edition edited by J. C. D. CLARK. S t a n f o r d , S t a n f o r d U . P . , 2 0 0 1 , 4 6 4 p. - IDEM.
Reflections on the Revolution in France. Ed. by Frank M. TURNER; with essays by Conor Cruise O'BRIEN [et al.]. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, 352 p. (Rethinking the Western tradition).
742. SKOU (Kaare R.). Dramatiske d0gn i folkestyret. (Journees dramatiques de l'histoire danoise). K0benhavn, Aschehoug, 2001, 404 p. (ill.).
752. BARBU (Daniel). Bizant contra Bizanf. Explorern in cultura politicä romäneascä. (Byzantium against Byzantium. Explorations into Romanian political culture). Bucure§ti, Editura Nemira, 2001, 304 p.
743. STUART-FOX (Martin). Historical dictionary of Laos. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 2001, LXI-527 p. (Asian/Oceanian historical dictionaries series, 35).
753. BIDUSSA (David). La mentalitä totalitaria. Storia e antropologia. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2001, 115 p. (II pellicano rosso).
7. CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY 754. BLACK (Antony). The history of Islamic political thought: from the Prophet to the present. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2001, XVIII-377 p. 755. BLEEK (Wilhelm). Geschichte der Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland. München, Beck, 2001, 536 p. 756. CANFORA (Luciano). Per una critica della retorica democratica. Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 53, p. 93-104. 757. Cicero's Republic. Ed. by J. G. F. POWELL and J. A. NORTH. London, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2001, 153 p. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, 76). 758. COSTA (Pietro). Civitas. Storia della cittadinanza in Europa. 3. La civiltä liberale. 4. L'etä dei totalitarismi e della democrazia. Roma e Bad, Laterza, 2001, 2 vol., XI-662 p., X-620 p. 759. Dual nationality, social rights and federal citizenship in the U.S. and Europe: the reinvention of citizenship. Ed. by Randall HANSEN and Patrick WEIL. Oxford a. New York, Berghahn, 2001, IX-300 p. 760. Encyclopedia (The) of political thought. Ed. by Garrett WARD SHELDON. New York, Facts on File, 2001, IX-342 p. (Facts on File library of World history). 761. FLSTETTL (Francesco). La tirannide degli antichi e dei moderni. Una controversia tra L. Strauss e A. Kojeve. Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 53, p. 175-208. 762. GENTILE (Emilio). Le religioni della politica. Fra democrazie e totalitarismi. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 276 p. (Storia e Societä). 763. HEIDEKING (Jürgen), HENRETTA (James Α.).
Republicanism and liberalism in America and the German states, 1750-1850. Washington, German Historical Institute a. Cambridge U. P., 2001, IX-309 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 764. History (The) of political thought in national context. Ed. by Dario CASTIGLIONE and Iain HAMPSHERΜΟΝΚ. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIV-313 p. (Ideas in context, 61).
769. Linguaggi (I) delle istituzioni. A cura di Aldo MAZZACANE. Napoli, CUEN, 2001, 220 p. 770. MARX (Christoph). Fundamentalismus und Nationalstaat. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 1, p. 87-117. 771. MASTROPAOLO (Alfio). II realismo di un aristocratico: la democrazia di Alexis de Tocqueville. Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 53, p. 69-92. 772. M O T Y L (Alexander J.). Imperial ends: the decay, collapse, and revival of empires. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2001, 163 p. (ill.). 773. NEIDLEMAN (Jason Andrew). The general will is citizenship: inquiries into French political thought. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001, VII195 p. 774. OTTMANN (Henning). Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Band 1. Die Griechen. Teilband 1. Von Homer bis Sokrates. Teilband 2. Von Piaton bis zum Hellenismus. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2001, 2 vol., XVl· 267 p., XII-332 p. 775. Preußische Stile. Ein Staat als Kunststück. Hrsg. v. Patrick BAHNERS und Gerd ROELLECKE. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2001, 574 p. 776. RÖHRICH (Wilfried). Hen-schaft und Emanzipation: Prolegomena einer kritischen Politikwissenschaft. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 611 p. 777. SIRINELLI (Jean-Frangois). Aux marges de la Republique: essai sur le metabolisme republicain. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2001, 139 p. (Noeud gordien). 778. STORM (Eric). pensamiento politico en (1890-1914). Foreword drid, Biblioteca Nueva, toria Biblioteca Nueva).
La perspectiva del progreso: la Espana del cambio de siglo by Jose ALVAREZ JUNCO. Ma2001, 414 p. (Coleccion His-
779. WATANABE (Morimichi). Concord and reform: Nicholas of Cusa and legal and political thought in the fifteenth century. Ed. by Thomas M. IZBICKI and Gerald CHRISTIANSON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XXV333 p. (Variorum collected studies series, CS709). Cf. n° 684
765. HOWLAND (Douglas). Translating liberty in nineteenth-century Japan. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001,62, l , p . 161-181.
§ 7. Constitutional and legal history.
766. JONES (David Martin). The image of China in Western social and political thought. Houndmills, Palgrave, 2001, VII-238p.
* 780. DILCHER (Gerhard). Die Kommune als europäische Verfassungsform. [Neue historische Literatur], Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 3, p. 667-674.
767. KAHAN (Alan S.). Aristocratic liberalism: the social and political thought of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill, and Alexis de Tocqueville. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2001, VIII-242 p. 768. KHARKHORDIN (Oleg). What is the state? The Russian concept of Gosudarstvo in the European context. History and theory, 2001, 40, 2, p. 206-240.
** 781. DE SOLORZANO PEREIRA (Juan). D e India-
rum iure. Liber I. De inquisitione Indiarum. Ed. por C. BACIERO [et al.]. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigation Cientificas, 646 p. (Corpus Hispanorum de Pace. Segunda Serie, 8). ** 782. GERNET (Louis). Recherches sur le developpement de la pensee juridique et morale en Grece:
etude semantique. Paris, Albin Michel, 2001, XXI-467 p. (L'evolution de l'humanite).
cial review in the Ottoman legal system (the classical period)]. Belleten, 2001, 65, 244, p. 961-1012.
** 783. TADDEI (Andrea). Louis Gernet e le tecniche del diritto ateniese: con il testo delle Etudes sur la technique du droit athenien ä l'epoque classique. Pisa, Giardini editori, 2001, 194 p. (Biblioteca di studi antichi, 85).
796. ERCAN (Yavuz). Osmanli yönetiminde gayrimüslimler: kurulu§tan Tanzimat'a kadar sosyal, ekonomik ve hukukt durumlan. (Les non-musulmans sous l'administration Ottomane: leurs situations sociales, economiques et juridiques de la fondation de l'Empire Ottoman jusqu'ä Tanzimat). Ankara, Turhan, 2001, XII-316-55 p.
784. ALESSI (Giorgia). II processo penale. Profilo storico. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 278 p. 785. Aveu (L'). Histoire, sociologie, philosophie. Sous la dir. de Renaud DULONG. Paris, Presses universitäres de France, 2001, 298 p. (Droit et justice). 786. BAKER (John). The law's two bodies. Some evidential problems in English legal history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XIX-197 p. (Clarendon law lectures). 7 8 7 . CANCELLI (Elizabeth). A cultura do crime e da lei, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 3 0 . Brasilia, Edi?oes Humanidades, 2 0 0 1 , 267 p. (Serie Prometeu).
788. Cici (Recep). Osmanli dönemi islam hukuku 9ali§malan: kurulu^tan Fatih devrinin sonuna kadar. (Recherces sur le droit musulman ottoman: de la fondation de l'Empire jusqu'ä la fin du regne de Fatih). Bursa, Arasta yayinlan, 2001, XX-418 p. 789. CORTESE (Ennio). Le grandi linee della storia giuridica medievale. Roma, II cigno Galileo Galilei, 2001, X-531 p. (Collana II pendolo). 790. Crime and punishment in Latin America: law and society since late colonial times. Ed. by Ricardo D. SALVATORE, Carlos AGUIRRE, and Gilbert M . JOSEPH. Durham, Duke U. P., 2001, XXIV-448 p. 791. Culpabilite (La). Ed. par Jacqueline HOAREAUD O D I N E A U et Pascal TEXIER. Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2001, 690 p. (Cahiers de Γ Institut d'Anthropologie Juridique, 6). 792. Diritto generale e diritti particolari nell'esperienza storica: atti del Congresso intemazionale della Societä italiana di storia del diritto (Torino, 19-21 novembre 1998). Roma, Fondazione Sergio Mochi Onory per la storia del diritto italiano, 2001, 498 p. (Biblioteca della Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 38). 793. Disputes au village chinois. Formes du juste et recompositions locales des espaces normatifs. Ed. par Isabelle THIREAU et Wang H A N S H E N G . Paris, Ed. de la MSH, 2001,342 p. 794. Dret comu (El) y Catalunya. Actes del X Simposi International Barcelona, 2 - 3 de juny de 2000. La superacio d'una sistemätica: el Dret patrimonial. Ed. por Aquilino IGLESIA FERREIROS. Barcelona, Associacio Catalana d'Historia del Dret "Jaume de Montjuic" y Editorial Gräficas Signo, 2001, 249 p. (Coleccion Efimera, 1). 795. EKINCI (Ekrem Bugra). Osmanli Hukukunda Mahkeme Kararlarinin Kontrolü (Klasik Devir). [Judi-
797. FENSKE (Hans). Der moderne Verfassungsstaat. Eine vergleichende Geschichte von der Entstehung bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöning, 2001, 577 p. 798. GARCIA DE ENTERRI'A (Eduardo). La lengua de los derechos: La formation del derecho publico europeo tras la revolution Francesa. Madrid, Civitas, 2001, 224 p. 799. GROSSI (Paolo). Mitologie giuridiche della modernitä. Milano, Giuffre, 2001, XII-124 p. 800. HELMHOLZ (Richard H . ) . The ius commune in England. Four studies. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XV-270 p. 801. N A G E L (Tilman). Das islamische Recht: eine Einführung. Westhofen, WVA-Verlag Skulima, 2001, XII-386 p. 802. Przez tysi^clecia: Pahstwo - Prawo - Jednostka. (Durch Jahrtausende: Staat - Recht - Der Einzelne). Gesamtpolnische Tagung der Rechtshistoriker, Östron 17.-20. September 2000. Hrsg. v. Adam LlTYNSKl und Marian MIKOLAJCZYK. Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Sl^skiego, 2001, 3 vol., 279 p., 220 p., 268 p. 803. Sachsen im Spiegel des Rechts. Ius Commune Propriumque. Hrsg. v. Adrian SCHMIDT-RECLA, Eva S C H U M A N N und Frank THEISEN. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, XIII-419 p. 804. SANCHEZ-ARCILLA B E R N A L (Jose). Historia del derecho espanol. Barcelona, Cälamo, 2001, 365 p. (Manuales bäsicos). 805. SCHÄFER (Frank L.). Das Bereicherungsrecht in Europa. Einheits- und Trennungslehren im gemeinen, deutschen und englischen Recht. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 983 p. (Untersuchungen zum europäischen Privatrecht, 10). 806. SCHLOSSER (Hans). Grundzüge der neueren Privatrechtsgeschichte. Rechtsentwicklungen im europäischen Kontext. Heidelberg, Müller, 2001, XII-315 p. (UTB für Wissenschaft, 882). 807. SCHRÖDER (Jan). Recht als Wissenschaft: Geschichte der juristischen Methode vom Humanismus bis zur historischen Schule (1500-1850). München, C. H. Beck, 2001, XIV-327 p. 808. SCHROEDER (Klaus-Peter). Vom Sachsenspiegel zum Grundgesetz. Eine deutsche Rechtsgeschichte in Lebensbildern. München, Beck, 2001, XIV-277 p.
8. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY 809. Storia del diritto romano. A cura di Aldo Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2001, X-326 p.
810. THIREAU (Isabelle), H U A (Linshan). Le sens du juste en Chine. En quete d'un nouveau droit du travail. Annales, 2001, 56, 6, p. 1283-1312. 811. THIREAU (lean-Louis). Introduction historique au droit. Paris, Flammarion, 2001, 386 p. (Champs universite. Droit, 3014). 812. TIERNEY (Brian). Kant on property: the problem of permissive law. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001, 62, 2, p. 301-312. - IDEM. Permissive natural law and property: Gratian to Kant. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001, 62, 3, p. 381-399. 813. Verfassungswandel um 1848 im europäischen Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Martin KIRSCH und Pierangelo SCHIERA. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 408 p. (Schrifte zur Europäischen Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte, 38). (Alan). Legal history and a common law for Europe. Stockholm, Rönneis Antikvariat AB, 2001, Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning Serien III, Rtshistorisk skrifter, 2). 8 1 4 . WATSON
815. Wechselseitige Beeinflussungen und Rezeptionen von Recht und Philosophie in Deutschland und Frankreich. Influences et receptions mutuelles du droit et de la philosophie en France et en Allemagne. Hrsg. v. Jean-Frangois KERVEGAN und Heinz MOHNHAUPT. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2001, X-498 p. (Ius Commune Sonderheft, 144). 816. Z A M B R A N A M O R A L (Patricia). Derecho Concursal Historico. I. Trabajos de Investigacion. Barcelona, Talleres Editoriales Cometa S. Α., 2001, 243 p.
8. Economic and social history. * 817. Ars Mercatoria, Handbücher und Traktate für den Gebrauch des Kaufmanns. Eine analytische Bibliographie in 6 Bänden. Band 3. Analysen (1470-1700). Hrsg. v. Jochen HOOCK, Pierre JEANNIN und Wolfgang KAISER. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2001,206 p. * 818. Bibliographie rurale 1998-2000 (suite). Ruralia, 2001,8, p. 237-257.
819. AMBROSIUS (Gerold). Staat und Wirtschaftsordnung. Eine Einführung in Theorie und Geschichte. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, 232 p. (Grundzüge der modernen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 3). 820. A N D E R S S O N PALM (Lennart). Livet, kärleken och döden: fyra uppsatser om svensk befolkningsutveckling 1300-1850. (La vie, Γ amour et la mort: quatre etudes sur revolution demographique en Suede, 1300-1850). Göteborg, L. Palm, Visby, Books-on-demand, 2001, 203 p. (ill.). [Resume anglais].
821. BERKOVITZ (Jay R.). Social and religious controls in pre-revolutionary France: the beginnings of modernity. Jewish history, 2001, 15, l , p . 1-40. 822. BEVILACQUA (Piero). Demetra e Clio. Uomini e ambiente nella storia. Roma, Donzelli, 2001, XVI139 p. (Saggi. Natura e artefatto). 823. CATTERALL (Douglas). «Secondo il resoconto di sua madre che ancora abita a Oostenhuysen»: migranti e politiche della migrazione nella societa urbana nordeuropea. In. Migrazioni [Cf. n° 834], p. 23-38. 824. D A U M A L I N (Xavier), R A V E U X (Olivier). Marseille (1831-1865). Une revolution industrielle entre Europe du Nord et Mediterranee. Annales, 2001, 56, 1, p. 153-176. 825. Encyclopedia of European social history from 1350 to 2000. Ed. by Peter N. STEARNS. Vol. 1. New York, Charles Scribner, 2001, XLIII-553 p. 826. Etudes sur les villes du Proche-Orient XVI e -XIX e siecle. Hommage ä Andre Raymond. Ed. par Brigitte MARINO. Damas, Institut fran9ais d'etudes arabes de Damas, 2001, 274 p. 827. G A S S E R T (Michael). Kulturtransfer durch Fernhandelskaufleute: Stadt, Region und Fernhandel in der europäischen Geschichte: eine wirtschaftshistorische Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen wirtschaftlichen Vorgängen und kulturellen Entwicklungen anhand von Karten, 12. bis 16. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2001, 377 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 915 = Publications universitäres europeennes. Serie III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de Γ histoire, 915 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 915). 828. H A N S E N (E. Damsgaard). European economic history: from mercantilism to Maastricht and beyond. K0benhavn, Copenhagen Business School Press, 2001, 528 p. 829. Historie emigrace ζ ceskych zemi. (The history of emigration from the Bohemian Lands). Mladä Boleslav, Okresni muzeum, 2001, 179 p. (photogr.). 830. HOFFMAN (Susan). Politics and banking. Baltimore a. London, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2001, XII-304 p. 831. JACOBS (Nancy J.). The great Bophuthatswana donkey massacre: discourse on the ass and the politics of class and grass. American historical review, 2001, 106, 2, p. 485-507. 832. Matrimoni in dubbio. Unioni controverse e nozze clandestine in Italia dal XIV al XVIII secolo. A cura di Silvana SEIDEL MENCHI e Diego QUAGLIONI. Bologna, II Mulino, 2001, 581 p. (I processi matrimoniali degli archivi ecclesiastici italiani, 2 = Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, quaderni, 57). 833. M A U R (Eduard). Gutsherrschaft und "zweite Leibeigenschaft" in Böhmen: Studien zur Wirtschafts-,
sozial- und Bevölkerungsgeschichte (14.-18. Jahrhundert). Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik u. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 246 p. (Sozial- und wirtschaftshistorische Studien, 26). 834. Migrazioni. A cura di Angiolina ARRU, Josef EHMER e Franco RAMELLA. Quaderni storici, 2001, 36, 106, 1, p. 3-260. [Cf. n°s 823, 6116, 6126, 6302; cf. anche n os 6197, 6222, 6241.] 835. Mord, misshandel och sexuella övergrepp: historiska och kulturella perspektiv ρέ kön och vald. (Meurtres, maltraitance et abus sexuels: perspectives historiques et culturelles sur le sexe et la violence). Red. Par Inger LÖVKRONA. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2001, 238 p. 836. Morfologia sociale e forma della citta: Germania, Gran Bretagna. Introduzione di Paolo CAPUZZO. Storia urbana, 2001, 25, 96, p. 5-90. 837. OLSON (James S.). Historical dictionary of the Great depression, 1929-1940. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2001, VIII-355 p. 838. ORMAN (Sabri). iktisat, tarih ve toplum. (Economic, histoire et societe). Istanbul, Küre Yayinlan, 2001, XVI-380 p. 839. PIHKALA (Erkki). Suomalaiset maailmantaloudessa keskiajalta EU-Suomeen. (Finns in the global economy from the Middle Ages to EU). Helsinki, SKS, 2001, 380 p. (Tietolipas, 181). 840. Rebanos (Los) de Gerion. Pastores y trashumancia en Iberia antigua y medieval. Seminario celebrado en la Casa de Velazquez (15-16 de enero de 1996). Actas sous la direccion de Joaquin GOMEZPANTOJA. Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2001, ΧΠΙ-348 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velazquez, 73). 841. Riget, magten og aeren: den danske adel 1350-1660. (Le royaume, le pouvoir et l'honneur: la noblesse danoise de 1350 Ä 1660). Ed. par Per INGESMAN et Jens Villiam JENSEN. Ärhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2001, 668 p. (ill.). [Res. anglais],
minine, droit masculin: mariage, propri6te et pouvoir dans les temps anciens). Hedemora, Gidlund, 2001, 222 p. [Resume anglais]. 847. Sobstvennost' ν Rossii: Srednevekov'e i rannee novoe vremja. (Property in Medieval and Early Modern Russia). Ed. by Natalia A. GORSKAJA. RAN, Institut rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2001, 283 p. (bibl. p. 273-274; pers. ind. p. 275-282). 848. SUBRAHMANYAM (Sanjay). Du Tage au Gange au 16c siecle: une conjoncture millenariste ä l'echelle eurasiatique. Annales, 2001, 56, 1, p. 51-84. 849. Town and country in Europe, 1300-1800. Ed. by S. R. EPSTEIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XI-343 p. 850. Umwelt-Geschichte. Arbeitsfelder Forschungsansätze - Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Sylvia HAHN und Reinhold REITH. Wien u. München, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik/Oldenbourg, 2001, 239 p. (Querschnitte, 8). 851. Ville (La) de sciences sociales. Sous la dir. de Bernard LEPETIT et Christian TOPALOV. Paris, Belin, 2001,409 p. 852. VOLCKART (Oliver). Zur Transformation der mitteleuropäischen Wirtschaftsordnung, 1000-1800. Vierteljahrschrifi für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2 0 0 1 , 8 8 , 3 , p. 281-310. 853. WARD (Stuart). Sentiment and self-interest: the imperial ideal in Anglo-Australian commercial culture. Australian historical review, 2001, 32, 116, p. 91-107. Cf. n" 189-210, 282, 478, 5827-5871,
9. H i s t o r y of c i v i l i z a t i o n , s c i e n c e s a n d education. * 854. Bibliographie 1947-1997. Medizinhistorisches Institut, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Mainz, Medizinhistorisches Institut, 2001, 169 p.
842. RUSSELL (Edmund). War and nature: fighting humans and insects with chemicals from World War I to silent spring. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XVII-315 p. (Studies in Environment and History).
* 855. GUERRINO (Antonio Alberto). Bibliografia historica de la medicina argentina. Buenos Aires, Editorial Dunken, 2001, 516 p.
843. RUTTAN (Vernon W.). Technology, growth and development: an induced innovation perspective. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-656 p.
* 856. Isis current bibliography of the history of science and its cultural influences. Vol. 92. [Vol. 91. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1185.] Ed. by Joy HARVEY. Chicago, University of Chicago press, 2001, XXII-263 p.
844. Schiavitü (La) nel Mediterraneo. A cura di Giovanna FIUME. Quaderni storici, 2001, 36, 107, 2, p. 323-474. [Cf. n os 3174, 3191, 5948, 6172, 6186,6198, 6265.] 845. Siderurgie alpine (La) en Italic ( X i r - X V I I c siecle). Ed. par Philippe BRAUNSTEIN. Roma, Ecole frangaise de Rome, 2001, XVI-624 p. (Collection de l'Ecole franfaise de Rome, 290). 846. SJÖBERG (Maria). Kvinnors jord, manlig rätt: äktenskap, egendom och makt i äldre tid. (Terre fe-
8 5 7 . ANDERSSON ( A s a ) , BERG ( M a g n u s ) , NATLAND
(Sidsel). Här borta, där hemma. Möten med Orienten i Sverige och Norge. (Ici et lä-bas. Rencontres avec Γ Orient en Suede et en Norvöge). Stockholm, Carlssons, 2001,258 p. 858. ARASLI (Atlan). Avrupa'da Türk izleri. (Les traces turques en Europe). Ankara, Kültür Bakanligi yayinlan, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.].
859. BAYKARA (Tuncer). Türk kültUr tarihine bakijlar. (Regards sur I'histoire de la culture turque). Ankara, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 2001, 234 p.
872. EARLE (Rebecca). Creole patriotism and the myth of the 'Loyal Indian'. Past and present, 2001, 172, p. 125-145.
860. BERNARD (Bruno). Loisir, paresse, oisivete: debats ideologiques autour de ces notions (XVIT-XIX C siecles). Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 2, p. 523-532.
873. EKIRCH (A. Roger). Sleep we have lost: preindustrial slumber in the British Isles. American historical review, 2001, 106, 2, p. 343-386.
861. BOLENS (Guillemette). La logique du corps articulaire. Les articulations du corp humain dans la l i terature occidentale. Rennes, Presses de l'Universite de Rennes, 2001, 249 p. 862. Ciencia, poder e ideologia: el saber y el hacer en la evoluciön de la medicina espanola (siglos XIV-XVIII). Ed. por Maria Estela GONZALEZ DE FAUVE. Buenos Aires, Institute de Historia de Espana "Claudio Sänchez-Albomoz," Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2001, 333 p. 863. Corps (Le) des jeunes filles de l'Antiquite ä nos jours. Sous la dir. de Louise BRUIT ZAIDMAN, Gabrielle HOUBRE, Christiane KLAPISCH-ZUBER et Pau-
line SCHMITT PANTEL. Paris, Perrin, 2001, 327 p. 864. COURTWRIGHT (David T.). Forces of habit: drugs and the making of the modern world. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2001, VIII-277 p. 865. CRISCIANI (Chiara). Fatti, teorie, "narratio" e i malati a corte. Note su empirismo in medicina nel tardo-medioevo. In: Fatti: storie dell'evidenza empirica [Cf. n° 625], p. 695-718. 866. DAKHLIA (Jocelyne). La " culture nebuleuse " ou l'lslam ä l'epreuve de la comparaison. Annates, 2001,56, 6, p. 1177-1200. 867. DANIEL (Ute). Kompendium Kulturgeschichte. Theorien, Praxis, Schlüsselwörter. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2001, 476 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 1523). 868. DASTON (Lorraine). Perche i fatti sono brevi? In: Fatti: storie dell'evidenza empirica [Cf. n° 625], p. 745-770. 869. DE BRUYN (Odile). Les promoteurs du jardin paysager "ä l'anglaise" au XVIIP siecle et les jardins greco-romains ... en quete de legitimite et de modeles? Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, 1, p. 127-173.
870. Dictionnaire des politiques culturelles de la France depuis 1959. Sous la direction de Emmanuel DE WARESQUIEL; avec les conseils de Laurent LE BON et Philippe REGNIER; et du collaboration du Centre national de la recherche scientifique et du Comite d'histoire du minist'ere de la Culture. Paris, Larousse et CNRS Ed., 2001, XIV-657 p. (ill.). 871. DJEBBAR (Ahmed). Une histoire de la science arabe: introduction ä la connaissance du patrimoine scientifique des pays d'Islam. Entretiens avec Jean ROSMORDUC. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 384 p. (ill.). (Points. Sciences, 144).
874. Figures de l'anonymat: medias et societe. Actes du Colloque organise par le Centre d'etude de 1'ecriture, juin 1999. Textes reunis et presentes par Frederic LAMBERT. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 349 p. 875. Finnish sauna (The), the Japanese furo, the Indian inipi. Bathing on three continents. Ed. by Juha PENTIKÄINEN. Alkuteos: Löylyn henki. Kolmen mantereen kylvyt. Helsinki, Building Information, 2001, 168 p. (ill., maps). 876. FISCHER (Gayle V.). Pantaloons and power: nineteenth-century dress reform in the United States. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2001, X-262 p. 877. Food, drink and identity: cooking, eating and drinking in Europe since the middle ages. Ed. by Peter SCHOLLIERS. Oxford, berg, 2001, XII-224 p. 878. FRIED (Johannes). Aufstieg aus dem Untergang. Apokalyptisches Denken und die Entstehung der modernen Naturwissenschaft im Mittelalter. München, Beck, 2001,262 p. 879. FUHRMANN (Manfred). Latein und Europa. Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts in Deutschland von Karl dem Großen bis Wilhelm II. Köln, Dumont, 2001,248 p. 880. GARRIGUES (Dominique). Jardins et jardiniers de Versailles au Grand Siecle. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2001, 386 p. (Epoques). 881. GWIOZDZIK (Jolanta). Biblioteka panien benedyktynek lacmskich we Lwowie (XVI-XVIII wiek). (Die Bibliothek der lateinischen Benediktinerinnen in Lwow, XVI.-XVIII. Jahrhundert). Katowice, Wydaw. υ έ , 2001, 196 p. (Prace Nauk. Uniw. Sl^skiego w Katowicach, 2032). 882. Handbuch der Mediengeschichte. Hrsg. v. Helmut SCHANZE. Stuttgart, Kröner, 2001, XVI-575 p. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 360). 883. HALL (Catherine). Men and their histories: civilizing subjects. History workshop, 2001, 52, p. 49-66. 884. HASAN (Ümit). Osmanli: örgüt-inanij-davramj'tan hukuk-ideoloji'ye. (Ottomans: de l'organisationcroyance-comportement au droit-ideologie). Istanbul, ileti$im, 2001,243 p. 885. Historia de la tecnologia en Espana. Dir. por Francisco Javier AYALA-CARCEDO. [S. 1.], Valatenea, 2001,835 p. (ill.). 886. JOUANNA (Arlette) [et al.]. La France de la Renaissance: histoire et dictionnaire. Paris, R. Laffont, 2001, 1226 p. (ill.). (Bouquins).
887. ΚΑβίκςΐ (Nihat). Mora'dan Viyana'ya Osmanlinin Avrupasi: iilkeler - §ehirler - iz birakanlar. (Europe des Ottomans de Moree ä Vienne: pays - villes acteurs humains). Ankara, Türk Metal Sendikasi Arajtirma Bürosu, 2001, 352 p. 888. KASSON (John F.). Houdini, Tarzan, and the perfect man: the white male body and the challenge of modernity in America. New York, Hill and Wang, 2001, VIII-256 p. 889. KELLY (Catriona). Refining Russia: advice literature, polite culture, and gender from Catherine to Yeltsin. New York, Oxford U. P., 2001, XLIV-438 p. 890. KIRKPINAR (Leyla). Tiirkiye'de toplumsal degi§me ve kadin. (Changement sociale et la femme en Turquie). Ankara, Kültür Bakanligi yayinlan, 2001, X-357 p. 891. Kulturhandbuch Berlin: Geschichte und Gegenwart von A-Z. Hrsg. v. Klaus SIEBENHAAR. Berlin, Bostelmann & Siebenhaar, 2001, 584 p. (ill.). 892. Lebensreform (Die). Entwürfe zur Neugestaltung von Leben und Kunst um 1900. Hrsg. v. Kai BUCHHOLZ,
LATOCHA, H i l k e
Klaus WOLBERT. Darmstadt, hausser-media/Häusser, 2 0 0 1 , 2 vol., 624 p., 607 p. 893. LEMAIRE (Andre). Recherches sur l'histoire intellectuelle du peuple hebreu [Experts et pouvoir dans l'antiquite (II)]. Revue historique, 2001, 303, 617, p. 131152. 894. Magus (Der): seine Ursprünge und seine Geschichte in verschiedenen Kulturen. Hrsg. v. Anthony GRAFTON und Moshe IDEL. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2001, VI-263 p. (Einstein Bücher). 895. MANDLER (Emanuel). Cesi i Nemci. Legendy, spory, realita. (Czechs and Germans. Legends, disputes, reality). Praha, Libri, 2001, 175 p. (Otazniky nasich dejin, 2). 896. ÖNGEL (Hasan Basri). Türk kültür tarihinde spor. (Le sport dans l'histoire de la culture turque). Ankara, Kültür Bakanligi yayinlan, 2001, X-478 p. 897. OREDSSON (Sverker). Svensk rädsla: offentlig fruktan i Sverige under 1900-talets första hälft. (Les peurs suedoises dans la premiere moitie du 20 c siecle). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2001,407 p. (ill.). 898. OSGERBY (Bill). Playboys in paradise: masculinity, youth and leisure-style in modern America. New York, Berg, 2001, XII-232 p. 899. PETERS (Edward). The desire to know the secrets of the world. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001,62, 4, p. 593-610. 900. RANGER (Terence). Colonialism, consciousness and the Camera. Past and present, 2001, 171, p. 203215. 901. REDDY (William M.). The navigation of feeling: a framework for the history of emotions. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIV-380 p.
902. RILEY (James C.). Rising life expectancy: a global history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XII243 p. 903. RUSSO (Lucio). La rivoluzione dimenticata: il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna. Prefazione di Marcello ClNl. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2001, 487 p. (Universale economica, 1644). 904. SCHILDT (Axel). Das Jahrhundert der Massenmedien. Ansichten zu einer künftigen Geschichte der Öffentlichkeit. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 2, p. 177-206. 905. Scientists, wars, and diplomacy: a European perspective. Ed. by Jesse H. ARUEL, Alexander KEYNAN and Jean-Jacques SALOMON. Technology in society, 2001,23, 3, p. 285-503. 906. SIRAISI (Nancy G.). Medicine and the Italian universities, 1250-1600. Leiden, Brill, 2001, IX-389 p. (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 12). - EADEM. Segni evidenti, teoria e testimonianza nelle narrazioni di autopsie del Rinascimento. In: Fatti: storie dell'evidenza empirica [Cf. n° 625], p. 719-744. 907. SOLNIT (Rebecca). Wanderlust: a history of walking. London, Verso, 2001, 328 p. 908. STEARNS (Peter N.). Consumerism in world history: the global transformation of desire. London a. New York, Routledge, 2001, XII-147 p. 909. Utviklingsteorier og historiesyn. 15 vitenskapshistoriske studier. (Theories of evolution and history. 15 articles on the history of science). Ed. by Mai Britt GULENG and Kjell M. PAULSSEN. Oslo, Forum for universitetshistorie, Universitetet i Oslo, 2001, 300 p. (ill.). (Skriftserie / Forum for universitetshistorie, 1/2001). 910. YEO (Richard). Encyclopaedic vision: scientific dictionaries and Enlightenment culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXI-336 p. 911. YlLMAZ (Hasan). Medeniyetin izinde: Yunanistan'dan Almanya'ya adim adim Balkanlar ve Avrupa. (A la trace de la civilisation: les Balkans et l'Europe ä partir de la Grece jusqu'ä l'Allemagne). Ankara, Kültür Bakanligi yayinlan, 2001, XIV-314 p. 912. ZAKIM (Michael). Sartorial ideologies: from homespun to ready-made. American historical review, 2001, 106, 5, p. 1553-1586.
§ 9. Addenda 2000. 913. Lachen (Das) der Völker. Le rire des nations. Universalität und Relativität der humoristisch-satirischen Pressezeichnung. Universalite et relativite de la satire et de l'humour graphiques. Textes reunis par l'humour graphiques. Textes reunis par Ursula E. KOCH et Jean-Claude GARDES. Actes du Colloque de Munich, 2 - 4 mars 2000. Ridiculosa, 2000, 7, 377 p. Cf. η"' 398, 7714
11. H I S T O R Y O F R E L I G I O N S
§ 10. History of art. * 914. BHA. Bibliography of the history of Art. Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'art. Vol. 11. 1-4. 2001. [Vol. 10, 1-4, 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1255.]. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique a. Santa Monica, The J. Paul Getty Trust, 2001, CD-ROM. 915. ABBATE (Francesco). Storia dell'arte nell'Italia meridionale. Vol. III. U cinquecento. Roma, Donzelli, 2001, XXI-410 p. (tav.). (Progetti). 916. AKIN (Nur). Balkanlarda Osmanli dönemi konutlan. (Les domiciles aux Balkans ä l'epoque de l'Empire Ottoman). Istanbul, Literatür, 2001, 242 p. 917. Allgemeines Künsterlexikon: die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. World bibliographica dictionary of Artists. Vol. 28. Disney-Donnus. Vol. 29. Donny-Du. Vol. 30. Dua-Dunlap. München u. Leipzig, K. G. Saur, 2001, 3 vol., [s. p.]. 918. Cambridge companion (The) to Delacroix. Ed. by Beth S. WRIGHT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XVI-240 p. (Cambridge companions to the history of art). 919. DEHN-NIELSEN (Henning). Kort og godt om danske borge. (Forteresses et chateaux au Danemark). [K0benhavn], Aschehoug, 2001, 92 p. (ill., cartes). 920. FRANITS (Wayne E.). The Cambridge companion to Vermeer. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXIV-241 p. (Cambridge companion to the history of art). 921. HOROWITZ (Elliott). Le peuple de l'image. Les Juifs et Γ art. Annates, 2001, 56, 3, p. 665-684. 922. KAUFMANN (Thomas DaCosta). Antiquarianism, the history of objects, and the history of art before Winckelmann. Journal of the history of ideas, 2001, 6 2 , 3, p. 5 2 3 - 5 4 1 .
923. Pittori attivi in Toscana dal Trecento al Settecento. Catalogo a cura di Francesca BALDASSARI. Firenze, Polistampa, 2001, 205 p. (ill.). 924. SASSOON (Donald). Mona Lisa: the best known girl in the whole wide world. History workshop, 2 0 0 1 , 5 1 , p. 1 - 1 8 . 925. SIUKONEN (Jyrki). Uplifted spirits, earthbound machines. Studies on artists and the dream of flight, 1900-1935. Helsinki, SKS, 2001, 192 p. (ill.). (Suomal. Kirjall. seuran Toim., 819). Cf. n°s 614, 1171, 1222, 7569, 7738
* 927. Critical review of books in religion. 2000. [1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1296.]. Ed. by Charles PREBISH. 2 0 0 1 , 1 3 , [s. p.]
* 928. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae cura E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. FAMEREE, E . GAZIAUX, J . HAERS, A . HAQUIN, M . LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, G . VAN BELLE,
J. VERHEYDEN. Tomus LXXVII. [Tomus LXXVI. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1297.] Leuven, Peeters, 2001, 744 p. * 929. Religious Studies Review, 2001, 27, 1, 2, 3, 4, 434 a. 32 p. [2000, 26, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1300.] * 930. Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique. Bibliographie. Tome 96. 2001. [Tome 95. 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1301.] Ed. par M. HAVERALS. Louvain-la-Neuve, Bureaux de la R. Η. E. Bibliotheque de l'universite, 2001, [s. p.].
931. Appartenere ad un gruppo religioso. Daimon, 2001, 1, p. 11-161. 932. ELLWOOD (Robert). Is mythology obsolete? Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2001, 69, p. 6 7 3 - 6 8 6 .
933. Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Hrsg. ν. Hubert CANCIK, Burkhard GLADIGOW und Karl-Heinz KOHL. Band V. SäkularisierungZwischenwesen. Register. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2001, 4 9 6 p. 934. JENSEN (Jeppe). Universals, general terms and the comparative study of religion. Numen, 2001, 48, P. 2 3 8 - 2 6 6 .
935. Kirke og kristendom: leksikon. (Dictionnaire de l'Eglise et du christianisme). Ed. par Carsten BACHNIELSEN, H e l l e SAXIL ANDERSEN e t J a n LINDHART.
[K0benhavn], Rosinante, 2001, 450 p. (ill.). 936. MARTIN (Luther H.). Comparativism and sociobiological theory. Numen, 2001, 48, p. 290-308. 937. MONTANARI (Enrico). Categorie e forme nella storia delle religioni. Milano, Jaca Book, 2001, 189 p. 938. PADEN (William E.). Universals revisited: human behaviors and cultural variations. Numen, 2001, 4 8 , P. 2 7 6 - 2 8 9 .
939. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. H a n s D i e t e r BETZ, D o n S. BROWNING, B e r n d t JANOWSKI, E b e r h a r d JUNGEL. B a n d 4 . I - K . T ü b i n g e n , M o h r , 2001, L X X I I p.-1924 col.
940. SALER (Benson). Comparison: some suggestions for improving the inevitable. Numen, 2001, 48, p. 267-275.
§ 11. History of religions. a. General * 926. Chroniques bibliographiques. Hieros, 2001, 6, p. 42-70. [2000, 5. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1295.]
9 4 1 . SAWYER ( J o h n F. Α . ) , SIMPSON (J. Μ .
ASHER (R. E.). Concise encyclopedia of language and religion. Oxford, Elsevier, 2001, XXXI-580 p. 942. SEGAL (Robert). In defense of comparative m e t h o d . Numen,
2 0 0 1 , 4 8 , p. 3 3 9 - 3 7 3 .
943. Ultimate Realities. Ed. by Robert CUMMINGS NEVILLE and Wesley J. WILDMAN. Albany NY, State University of New York Press, 2001, XXVIII-363 p. 944. WOOD (Mark D.). Religious studies as critical organic intellectual practice. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2001, 69, p. 129-162. 945. World Religions. An overview of the second millennium. Journal ofDharma, 2001, 26, p. 441-548. Cf. na 5038-5102 b. Special studies * 946. ALTHANN (Robert). Elenchus of Biblica. 1997. Roma, Pontifxcio Istituto Biblico, 2001, 736 p. (Elenchus of biblical bibliography, 13). * 947. Bibliographia intemationalis spiritualitatis. Vol. 33. 1998. Roma, Ed. del Teresianum, 2001, XXX534 p. * 948. Bulletin de bibliographie biblique. N. 31. Avril 2001, VI-140 p. N. 32. Juillet 2001, VIII-145 p. N. 33. Nov. 2001, VIII-143 p. [ nos 28-30. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1323.] * 949. Index Islamicus 1999. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1324.] E d . b y G . J. ROPER a n d C . H . BLEANEY. L o n -
don, Melbourne, München a. New Providence, BowkerSaur, 2001, [s. p.], * 950. Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete. International Review of Biblical Studies. Revue internationale des etudes bibliques. Bd. XLVI 1999-2000. [Band XLV, 1998-1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1325.] Düsseldorf, Patmos Verlag, 2001, XV-312 p. * 951. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 45, 2001, 683 p. [Vol. 44. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1326.] * 952. NORTH (Robert). Elenchus of biblical bibliography. Vol. 13. 1997. [Vol. 12, 1996. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1327.] Roma, Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 2001, [s. p.]. * 953. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 24, 2001, 652 p. [Vol. 23. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1327.] 954. Academic study of religion during the World War: East and West. Ed. Iva DOLEZALOVA, Luther H. MARTIN, Dalibor PAPOUSEK. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles a. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2001, XVIII-336 ρ (Toronto Studies in Religion, 27). 955. ALLES (Gregory D.). Toward a genealogy of the holy: Rudolf Otto and the apologetics of religion. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2001, 69, p. 323-341. 956. Antiquity and humanity. Essays on ancient religion and philosophy. Presented to Hans Dieter ΒΕΤΖ on his 70lh Birthday. Ed. Adela YARBRO COLLINS and Margaret M. MITCHELL. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2001, XX-561 p.
957. ARNDT (Martin). Die Basier Syntroglodyten Overbeck und Nietzsche. Eine Freundschaft im Dissens. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 2001, 53, p. 193-226. 958. ASAD (Talal). Reading a modern classic: W. C. Smith's the meaning and end of religion. History of religions, 2001, 40, p. 205-222. 959. ASSMANN (Jan). Das Geheimnis der Wahrheit. Das Konzept der "doppelten Religion" und die Erfindung der Religionsgeschichte. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2001,3, p. 108-134. 960. BELTZ (Walter). Religions wissenschaftliche Merkzeichen 2000. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 2001, 53, p. 65-70. 961. BERLINERBLAU (Jacques). Toward a sociology of heresy, orthodoxy and doxa. History of religions, 2001,40, p. 327-351. 962. BEYDiLLt (Kemal). Osmanli döneminde imamlar ve bir imamin günlügü. (Les imams ä l'epoque de l'Empire Ottoman et le journal d'un imam). Istanbul, Tarih ve Tabiat Vakfi, 2001, X-309 p. 963. Bischöfe (Die) des Heiligen Römischen Reiches 1198 bis 1448. Ein biographisches Lexikon. Hrsg. v. Erwin GATZ. Unt. Mitw. v. Clemens BRODKORB. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, CXCI-926 p. 964. BONIFACE (Xavier). L'Aumönerie militaire fran9aise (1914-1962). Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2001, 596 p. (Histoire religieuse de la France). 965. CAZELLES (Henri). Histoire des religions, Etats et Eglise. Revue de l'Institut Catholique de Paris, 2001, 80, p. 171-186. 966. Changing religious worlds. The meaning and end of Mircea Eliade. Ed. Bryan RENNIE. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2001, XXIV-306 p. 967. CHRYSSIDES (George D.). Historical dictionary of new religious mouvements. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow, 2001, XXXI-514 p. 968. COLEMAN (Kristy). Matriarchy and myth. Religion, 2001, 31, p. 247-263. 969. Comparare diritti religiosi. Daimon, 2001, 1, p. 165-223. 970. Conversions islamiques. Identites religieuses en Islam mediterraneen. Islamic conversions. Religious identities in Mediterranean Islam. Sous la dir. de Mercedes GARCIA-ARENAL. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2001,460 p. 971. CORNU (Philippe). Dictionnaire encyclopedique du Bouddhisme. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 843 p. 972. DEMERATH (Ν. J. III). Crossing the gods. World religions and wordly politics. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2001, XV-284 p. 973. Dictionary of Asian Christianity. Ed. by Scott W. SUNQUIST, David Wu Chu SING and John Chew
Hiang CHEA. Grand Rapids a. Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2001, XLIII-937 p. 974. Dictionary of Christian biography. Ed. Michael WALSH. London, New York, Continuum, 2001, XIV1 2 5 0 p. 975. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographie ecclesiastiques. Ed. par Roger AUBERT. Tome 28. Fasc. 163. Joseph-Marie-Julien de Cividale. Paris, Letouzey et Ane, 2001, col. 257-512. 976. DOCHHORN (Jan). Zur Entstehungsgeshichte der Religion bei Euhemeros - mit einem Ausblick und Philo von Byblos. Zeitschrift fiir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte,
2 0 0 1 , 53, p. 2 8 9 - 3 0 1 .
977. Encyclopedia of fundamentalism. Ed. Brenda Ε. BRASHER. New York a. London, Routledge, 2001, XVIII-558 p. 978. Vacat. 979. Encyclopedia of the world Muslims: tribes, castes and communities. Ed. by Ν. K. SINGH and A. M. KHAN. New Delhi, Global Vision, 2001,4 voll., 1644 p. 980. Encyclopedic de L'lslam. Ed. par P. J. BEARMAN, T . BIANQUIS, C . E . BOSWORTH, E . VAN DONZEL
et W. P. HEINRICHS. Volume X. 175-176. TunbürTürk-Odjaghi. Leiden, Brill, 2001, p. 873-784. 981. Femme (La) dans les civilisations orientales. Ed. Christian CANNUYER. Melanges Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt. Acta, Bruxelles et Louvain-laNeuve-Leuven, 2001, 332 p. (Orientalia Belgica, 15). 982. Fieldwork, ethnography, and the history of religions. Method and theory in the study of religion, 2001, 13, p. 1-136. 983. FINNESTAND (Ragnhild Bjerre). The study of religions in Norway. Method and theory in the study of religion. 2001, 13, p. 243-253. 9 8 4 . GARCIA QUINTELA ( M a r c o V . ) . G e o r g e s D u -
mezil. Une introduction. Crozon, Armeline, 2001, 222 p. 985. GEELS (Antoon). William James, drugs, and mysticism. Temenos, 2001-2002, 37-38, p. 71-86. 986. Gender and the study of religion. Ed. Randi R. WARNE. Method and theory in the study of religion, 2001, 13, p. 139-241. 987. Globalisation (La) du religieux. Ed. par Jean-
991. HELVE (Helena), PYE (Michael). Theoretical correlations between world-view, civil religion, institutional religion and informal spiritualities. Temenos, 2001-2002, 37-38, p. 87-106. 992. HORYNA (Bretislav). Czech religious studies, past, present, future. Method and theory in the study of religion, 2001, 13, p. 254-268. 993. HUET (Richard). La litterature et le mythe. Paris, Achette education, 2001, 175 p. 994. Juden in Europa. Ihre Geschichte in Quellen. Hrsg. ν. Julius Η. SCHOEPS und Hiltrud WALLENBORN. Bd. 1. Von den Anfängen bis zum späten Mittelalter. Darmstadt, Primus, 2001, VIII-309 p. 995. Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. Ed. Ralf ELGER. Munich, Beck, 2001, 334 p. 996. LAURANT (Jean-Pierre). Le regard esoterique. Paris, Bayard, 2001, 256 p. 997. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. Zehnter Bd. San-Thomaschristen-Zytomir. Elfter Bd. Nachträge, Register, Abkürzungsverzeichnis. Hrsg. v. Walter KASPER [et al.]. Freiburg, Basel, Rom, Wien, Herder, 2001, 14 p.-1536 col. 16 p.-264 col. p. 151-746. 998. LINCOLN (Bruce). The center of the world and the origins of life. History of religions, 2001, 40, p. 311326. 999. LLTTELL (Franklin H.). Historical atlas of Christianity. New York, Continuum, 2001, XV-440 p. 1000. MALY (Radomir). Cirkevni dejiny. (Church history). Olomouc, Matice cyrilometodejskä, 2001, 283 p. 1001. NEUSNER (Jacob). Theology comes home: the role of theology in the academic study of religion and the role of theology of Judaism in the academic study of Judaism. Religion, 2001, 31, p. 1-18. 1002. ORYE (Lieve). "It's about Us", religious studies as human science. Method and theory in the study of religion, 2001, 13, p. 355-373. 1003. Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. Hrsg. v. Ernst DASSMANN. 153. Kaiserpriester-Kannibalismus. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2001, col. 961-1276. 1004. Religion and Media. Ed. S. WEBER and Hent DE VRIES. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, XVII-649 p.
P i e r r e BASTIAN, K a t h y ROUSSELET et F r a n ^ o i s e CHAM-
PION. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 282 p. 988. GRIFFITHS (Paul J.). Problems of religious diversity. Oxford a. Maiden, Blackwell, 2001, XV-176 p. 989. HAKL (Hans Thomas). Der verborgene Geist von Eranos. Bretten, Verlag Neue Wissenschaft, 2001, 474 p. 990. HÄUSSLING (Ansgar). Religionsgeschichte innerhalb der Grenzen der Zeit: Kritische Anmerkungen. Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, 2001, 13, p. 107-124.
1005. Religious identity and the invention of tradition. Papers Read at a NOSTER Conference in Soestenberg, January 4 - 6 , 1999. Ed. by Jan Willem VAN HENTEN and Anton HOUTEPEN. Assen, Royan van Gorcum, 2001, X-367 p. (Studies in Theology and Religion, 3). 1006. Representation in religion: studies in honor of Moshe Barasch. Ed. by Jan ASSMANN and Albert I. BAUMGARTEN. Leiden, Brill, 2001, XVII-363 p. (Numen book series. Studies in the history of religions, 89).
1007. Rivers (The) of paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as religious founders. Ed. by David Noel FREEDMAN and Michael J. MAC CLYMOND. Grand Rapids a. Cambridge, Eardmans, 2001, IX-702 p. 1008. RYBA (Thomas). Comparative religion, taxonomies and 19th century philosophies of science: Chantepie de la Saussaye and Thiele. Numen, 2001,48, p. 339-373. 1009. SACCO (Leonardo). La biblioteca del Dipartimento di Studi Storico-religiosi dell'Universitä "La Sapienza" di Roma. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2001, 67, p. 161-188. 1010. SETZER (Claudia). Resurrection of the dead as symbol and strategy. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2001, 69, p. 65-101. 1011. SHARMA (Arvind). Portrait. Eric J. Sharpe ( 1 9 3 3 - 2 0 0 0 ) . Religion,
2 0 0 1 , 31, p. 6 3 - 6 6 . - IDEM. T o
the things themselves. Essays on the discourse and practice of the phenomenology of religion. Berlin a. New York, De Gruyter, 2001, XXI-311 p. 1012. SHAROT (Stephen). Comparative sociology of world religions. Virtuosos, priests, and popular religion. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2001, 344 p. 1013. SMITH (Jonathan Z.). A twice-told tale: the history of the History of Religions' history. Numen, 2001, 48, p. 132-146. 1014. SPINETO (Natale). Mircea Eliade and 'Traditional Thought'. Aries, 2001, 1, 1, p. 62-87. 1015. STROUMSA (Guy). John Spencer and the roots of idolatry. History of religions, 2001, 41, p. 1-23. IDEM. Richard Simon. From philology to comparatism. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2001, 3, p. 89-107. 1016. Symposium on Steven Wasserstrom's religion after religion: Gershom Scholem, Mircea Eliade, and Henry Corbin at Eranos. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2001, 69, p. 427-463. 1017. TAUBES (Jacob). Messianesimo e cultura: saggi di politica, teologia e storia. A cura di Elettra STIMILLI. Milano, Garzanti, 407 p. 1018. Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Hrsg. v. Gerhard MÜLLER. Bd. 32. Spurgeon-Taylor. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2001, IV-783 p. 1019. TIMMERMANS (Claire). Comparatisme et sensibilite historique dans Γ etude des religions. Le cas de la Chine. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2001, 3, p. 5666.
1020. Toward a global civilization? The contribution of religions. Ed. by Patricia M. MISCHE and Melissa MERKLING. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles a. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2001, X-427 p. 1021. TRIGANO (Shmuel). Qu'est-ce que la religion? Paris, Flammarion, 2001, 331 p.
1022. Usages (Les) du livre dans l'Islam et dans le christianisme. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2001, 218, p. 5-141. 1023. Women and miracle stories: a multidisciplinary exploration. Ed. by Anne Marie KORTE. Leiden, Brill, 2001, XI-350 p. (Studies in the History of Religions, 88). 1024. World Christian encyclopedia. A comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world. Second Edition. Ed. David B. BARRETT, George T. KURIAN and Todd M. JOHNSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 2 vol., XII-876 p. VI-823 p. 1025. Wörterbuch der Mythologie. Hrsg. ν. Η. W. HAUSSIG u n d Ε. SCHMALZRIEDT. 1. A b t e i l u n g . D i e al-
ten Kluturvölker. Die Mythologie der mongolischen Volksreligion. 34. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2001, p. 8771098. Cf. n" 5104, 7738 § 12. History of philosophy. * 1026. Bibliografia filosofica italiana, 1999. [1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1409.] Α cura di C. SCALABRIN. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2001, 241 p. (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana). * 1027. Bibliography of philosophy = Bibliographie de la philosophic: a quarterly bulletin. Vol. 48, 2001. Fasc. 1-4. [Vol. 47, 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1410.] Paris, Vrin, 2001, [s. p.], * 1028. International philosophical bibliography = Repertoire bibliographique de la philosophic. Vol. 53, 2001. [Vol. 52, 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1411.] Louvain, Ed. de l'lnstitut Superieur de Philosophie, 2001, XLIII-1083 p. 1029. Dictionnaire Marx contemporain. Sous la direction de Jacques BIDET et Eustache KOUVELAKIS. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2001, 589 p. (Actuel Marx confrontation). 1030. HAUTMANN (Hans). Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels: ein Vademekum über ihr Leben und Werk. Wien, Alfred-Klahr-Gesellschaft, 2001, 412 p. (ill.). (Quellen & Studien. Sonderband, 1). 1031. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Hrsg. v. Joachim RITTER, Karlfried GRÜNDER und Gottfried GABRIEL. Bd. 11. U-V. Basel, Schwabe, 2001, [s. p.]. 1032. SICHIROLLO (Livio). Filosofia storia istituzioni. Urbino, Universitä degli studi di Urbino, 2001, 346 p. (Pubblicazioni dell'Universitä di Urbino. Serie di filosofia pedagogia psicologia, 9). Cf. nos 5515-5561, 7738 § 13. History of literature. * 1033. Bibliografia en resümcnes de la literatura espanola: articulos, 1997. [1996. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1429.]
Dir. por Emilio MARTfNEZ MATA. Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001, 164 p.
Francesco BRUNI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2001, VIII-446 p. (Presente storico, 18).
* 1034. Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Clemens KOTTELWESCH. XL. 2000. [XXXIX, 1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1430.] Bearb. v. Doris MAREK und Susanne PROGER. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2001, XXXII-1018 p.
1047. DOTTI (Ugo). Petrarca civile. Alle origini dell'intellettuale moderno. Roma, Donzelli, 2001, 240 p. (Universale).
* 1035. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. XXXVIII. 2000. [XXXVII, 1999. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1431.] Begründet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2001, 1226 p. * 1036. BIGLI. Bibliografia generale della lingua e della letteratura italiana. Vol. 9. 1999. [Vol. 8, 1998. Cf. Bibl. 2000, n° 1432.] Diretta da Enrico MALATO. Roma, Salerno, 2001, 2 vol., 1542 p. * 1037. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: biographischbibliographisches Handbuch. Begründet von Wilhelm KOSCH; fortgeführt von Carl Ludwig LANG. Band 21. Streit-Techim. Hrsg. v. Hubert HERKOMMER (Mittelalter) und Konrad FEILCHENFELDT (ca. 1500 bis zur Gegenwart). Zürich, Saur, 2001, XV-675 p.
1048. Ecriture et typographic en Occident et en Extreme-Orient. Centre d'etude de Γ ecriture; textes reunis par Philippe BUSCHINGER. Paris, Universite Paris 7Denis Diderot, UFR "Science des textes et documents", 2001, 197 p. (ill.). 1049. EDWARDS (Michael). Ombres de lune: reflexions sur la creation litteraire. Montpellier, Ed. Espaces 34, 2001, 291 p. (Collection Espace international). 1050. ENGiNÜN (Inci). Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk edebiyati. (La litterature turque ä l'epoque de la Republique). Istanbul, Dergäh, 2001, 450 p. 1051. From letter to publication: Studies on correspondence and the history of the book. With the Besterman Lecture 2000. General editor Anthony STRUGNELL. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2001, V-295 p. (SVEC, 2001, 10).
* 1038. Deutsches Literatur-Lexicon: das 20. Jahrhundert: biographische-bibliographisches Handbuch. Begründet von Wilhelm KOSCH; fortgeführt von Carl Ludwig LANG. Band 2. Bauer-Ose - Björnson. Band 3. Blaas - Braunfels. Hrsg. v. Konrad FEILCHENFELDT. Bern, K. G. Saur, 2001, 2 vol., XIV-722 p., XIV-670 p.
1052. Fuente sellada: aproximaciones al discurso manierista en la lirica espanola. Ed. por Hans FELTEN y David NELTING. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2001, XI-138 p. (Studien und Dokumente zur Geschichte der romanischen Literaturen, 43).
1039. BORGES (Jorge Luis). Arte poetica: seis conferencias. Traduction de Justo NAVARRO; prologo de Pere GIMFERRER; edicion, notas y epflogo de CalinAndrei MIHAILESCU. Barcelona, Critica, 2001, 181 p. (Letras de humanidad).
1054. Geschichte der deutschen Lyrik vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Walter HINDERER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2001, 708 p.
1040. CANFORA (Luciano). Storia della letteratura greca. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 888 p. (Storia e Societa). 1041. Canzonieri iberici. Edicion al cuidado de Patrizia BOTTA, Carmen PARRILLA e Ignacio PEREZ PAS-
CUAL. Noia, Editorial Toxosoutos, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Biblioteca filolögica, 7-8). 1042. CATALAN (Diego). La epica espanola: nueva documentaciön y nueva evaluaciön. Madrid, Fundacion Ramon Menendez Pidal, 2001, 1021 p. 1043.
DALLAPIAZZA (M.), SANTI (C.). Storia della
letteratura tedesca. 3. II Novecento. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 356 p. (Manuali Laterza, 148). 1044. DALLAPIAZZA (M.). Storia della letteratura tedesca. 1. Dal Medioevo al Barocco. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 214 p. (Manuali Laterza, 146). 1045. Dictionnaire de poesie de Baudelaire ä nos jours. Publie sous la direction de Michel Jarrety. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2001, XIV-896 p. 1046. Donne (Le), i cavalier, Γ arme, gli amori: poema e romanzo: la narrativa lunga in Italia. A cura di
1053. GARDINER (John). The Dickensian and us. History workshop, 2001, 51, p. 226-237.
1055. GIAMMATTEI (Emma). La biblioteca e il dragone: Croce, Gentile e la letteratura. Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2001, 308 p. (Crociana, 1). 1056. GÖTTSCHE (Dirk). Zeit im Roman: literarische Zeitreflexion und die Geschichte des Zeitromans im späten 18. und im 19. Jahrhundert. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2001, 848 p. (Corvey-Studien zur Literaturund Kulturgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, 7). 1057. HOFFMANN (Dieter). Arbeitsbuch deutschsprachige Lyrik 1880-1916: vom Naturalismus bis zum Expressionismus. Tübingen, A. Francke, 2001, 468 p. (UTB für Wissenschaft. Uni Taschenbücher, 2199). 1058. Lost in space: geographies of science fiction. Ed. by R o b KLTCHIN and J a m e s KNEALE. London,
Athlone, 2001, 256 p. 1059. NATE (Richard). Wissenschaft und Literatur im England der frühen Neuzeit. München, W. Fink, 2001, 362 p. (ill.). (Figuren, 9). 1060. Poetiques de l'objet: l'objet dans la poesie frangaise du Moyen Age au XX e siecle: actes du Colloque international de Queen's University (mai 1999). Reunis et presentes par F r a n c i s ROUGET; avec la collaboration de John STOUT. Paris, Champion, 2001, 551 p.
(Colloques, congres et conferences sur l'Epoque moderne et contemporaine, 7). 1061. RENE PEREZ (Galo). Literatura del Ecuador (Cuatrocientos Anos): critica y selecciones. Quito, Ediciones Abya-Yala, 2001, 333 p. 1062. Scrittura infinita (La): Bibbia e poesia in etä medievale e umanistica: atti del convegno di Firenze, 26-28 giugno 1997, promosso dalla Fondazione Carlo Marchi, dal Centra Romantico del Gabinetto Vieusseux, dalla SISMEL e da "Semicerchio: rivista di poesia comparata". A cura di Francesco STELLA. Tavarnuzze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001, XI-628 p. (Millennio medievale, 28). 1063. SERIANNI (Luca). Introduzione alia lingua poetica italiana. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 280 p. (Universitä. Lingua e letteratura italiana, 281). 1064. STAROBINSKI (Jean). Le poeme d'invitation. Precede d'un entretien avec Frederic WANDELERE; et suive d'un propos d'Yves BONNEFOY. Geneve, La Dogana, 2001, 130 p.
1065. STÖCKMANN (Ingo). Vor der Literatur: eine Evolutionstheorie der Poetik Alteuropas. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2001, 402 p. (Communicatio, 28). 1066. TIMPANARO (Sebastiano). Virgilianisti antichi e tradizione indiretta. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2001, XVII-181 p. (Studi. Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La Colombaria, 195). 1067. ULLMANN (Manfred). Arabische Gedichte über Seerosen und Lotosblumen. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 83 p. (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. I, PhilologischHistorische Klasse; Jahrg. 2001, 12). 1068. VIEILLARD-BARON (Michel). Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241) et la notion d'excellence en poesie: theorie et pratique de la composition dans le Japon classique. Paris, College de France, Institut des hautes Stüdes japonaises, 2001, 534 p. (Bibliothöque de l'Institut des hautes etudes japonaises). Cf. n°! 50, 381
§ 1. General. 1069-1093. - § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 1094-1140. - § 3. Neolithic. 1141-1163. - § 4. Bronze age. 1 1 6 4 - 1 1 8 0 . - § 5. Iron age. 1181-1196.
§ 1. General.
1069. ANDERSEN (S0ren). Jsegerstenalderen. (Les chasseurs de l'äge de pierre). In: Oldtiden i Danmark. Bind 1. (La prehistoire au Danemark. Tome 1). Ed. par Per K0LLE et Vibeke SCHEUER. K0benhavn, Sesam, 2001, 198 p. (ill.). 1070. ANDRUKH (Svetlana I.), TOSHCHEV (Gennadij Ν.). Mogil'nik Mamaj-Gora. (Burial ground Mamay-Gora, [generally Scythian]) Part 2. Zaporozh'e, Izd-vo Zaporozhskogo un-ta, 2001, 283 p. 1071.
ARANGUREN ( B i a n c a m a r i a ) , REVEDIN ( A n n a ) .
Note tecniche e tipologiche sui ritagli di bulino. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 455-464. 1072. ΒίςΑΚςΐ (Erhan). Tcpecik/^iftlik Höyügü (Nigde) Kazisi I§iginda Orta Anadolu Tarihöncesi Kültiirleri ile Ilgili Yeni bir Degerlendirme. [A new approach on the Prehistoric cultures of central Anatolia in the view of Tepecik/^iftlik (Nigde) excavations]. TÜBAAR Ttirkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2001,6, p. 25-42. 1073. BORGNA (Elisabetta). I ripostigli del Friuli: proposta di seriazione cronologica e di interpretazione funzionale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 289-335. 1074.
B R O W N ( K e n Α . ) , PLUCIENNIK ( M a r k ) .
chaeology and human genetics: lessons for both. Antiquity, 2 0 0 1 , 7 5 , p. 101-106. 1075. BUENDIA ESCUDERO (Francisco Javier). Tras los origenes de la Mancha de Vejezate. Socuellamos, Ayuntamiento de Socuellamos, 2001, 134 p. 1076.
CIPRIANI ( N i c o l a ) , DINI ( M a r i o ) ,
(Massimiliano), MARTINI (Fabio), TOZZI (Carlo). L'approvvigionamento della materia prima in alcuni tecnocomplessi della Toscana appenninica. Rivista di scienze preistoriche,
2 0 0 1 , 5 1 , p. 3 3 7 - 3 8 8 .
DAVID ( B r u n o ) , BRAYER (John), M A C NIVEN
(Ian J.), WATCHMAN (Alan). Why digital enhancement of rock paintings works: rescaling and saturating colours. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 781-792. 1078.
D E L A BLAS CORTINA ( M i g u e l Α.), CORRET-
GE CASTANO (L. Guillermo). El origen geologico, galaico, del ejemplar de Marabiu (Teverga, Asturias) y consideraciones culturales sobre los utiles-arma, calificados de "hachas nordicas", del Noroeste iberico. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 143-158. 1079. GARCIA (Susana V.), PODGORNY (Irina). Pedagogia y nacionalismo en Argentina: lo internacional y lo local en la institucionalizacion de la ensenanza de la arqueologia. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 9-26. 1080.
GARCFA VUELTA (Oscar). El c o n j u n t o d e C a n -
gas de Onis: arqueologia del oro castreno asturiano. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 109-127. 1081.
GONZALEZ URIARTE ( A n t o n i o ) . L a c o n c i e n -
cia evadida, la conciencia recuperada. Diälogos en torno a la arqueologia de la mente y su aplicacion al registro funerario iberico. La necropolis de Baza. Madrid, Collecion Lynx, 2001, 193 p. 1082. JIMENEZ (Jose Luis), MATA (Consuelo). Creencias religiosas versus gestion del patrimonio arqueologico: el caso del cementerio Judio de Valencia. Tra bajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 27-40. 1083. Kamennyj vek evropejskikh ravnin: Ob'ekty iz organicheskikh materialov i struktura poselenij kak otrazhenie chelovecheskoj kul'tury: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii, Sergiev Posad, 1 - 5 Ijulja 1997. (The Iron Age of the Flat Europe: organic objects and the structure of settlements as a reflection of human culture: proceedings of International Conference, Sergiev Posad, 1 - 5 July 1997). Ed. T. N. MANUSHINA [et al.]. Sergievo-Posadskij gosudarstvennyj istoriko-khudozhestvennyj muzej-zapovednik; RAN, Institut istorii
material'noj kul'tury. Sergiev Posad, Podkova, 2001, 315 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 1084. KELLY (Robert L.). Prehistory of the Carson desert and Stillwater mountains: environment, mobility and subsistence in a Great Basin Westland. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 2001, XVI-360 p. 1085. KRIISKA (Aivar). Stone Age settlement and economic processes in the Estonian coastal area and islands. Helsinki, University of Helsinki, 2001, 168 p. (ill., maps). 1086. LONGO (Laura), IOVINO (Maria Rosa), LEMORINI (Cristina). L'analisi funzionale per lo studio delle Industrie litiche. Con un'appendice sull'analisi funzionale delle materie dure animali. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 389-454. 1087. MÜLLER-SCHEEßEL (Nils). Fair prehistory: archaeological exhibits at French Expositions Universelles. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 391-401. 1088. NEELY (James Α.). Prehistoric agricultural fields and water management technology of the Safford Valley, southwestern Arizona. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 681-682. 1089. NICHOLSON (Paul T.). Three-dimensional imaging in archaeology: its history and future. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 402-209. 1090. Pozdnie skify Kryma: Pamjati Natalii A. Bogdanovoj (1924-1987). (The late Scythians of the Crimea: dedicated to the memory of Natalia A. Bogdanova [1924-1987]). Ed. by Irina I. GUSHCHINA and Denis V. ZHURAVLEV. Moskva, GIM, 2001, 281 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 263-278). (Trudy Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeja, 118). [English summary] 1091. ROSS (Main). Emerging trends in rock art research: hunter-gatherer culture, land and landscape. Antiquity, 2001,75, p. 543-548. 1092. TARANTINI (Massimo). La storia dell'archeologia e la storia degli storici. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 3-20. 1093. VAN DE NOORT (Robert), CHAPMAN (Henry P.), CHEETMAN (James L.). In situ preservation as a dynamic process: the example of Sutton Common UK. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 94-100. Cf. η 650 2. P a l a e o l i t h i c a n d M e s o l i t h i c . 1094. APELLANIZ (Juan Maria). La abstraction en el arte figurativo del Paleolitico. Anälisis del componente abstracto en la figuration naturalista del grafismo paleolitico. Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2001, 231 p. 1095. ARTJUKHOVA (Ο. Α.), DEREVJANKO (A. P.), PETRIN (V. Τ.), TAJMAGAMBETOV (Ζ. K.). Paleolitices-
kie kompleksy Semizbugu, punkt 4 (Severnoe PribalkhaS'e). (Complexes pal6olithiques de Semizbougou,
point 4. Nord de la region du lac Balkhach). RAN. Sibirskoe otdelenie, In-t arkheologii i etnografii i drugie. Novosibirsk, [s. p.], 2001, 118 p. 1096.
AY AN VILA (Jorge M i g u e l ) , AMADO REINO
(Xesus). La evaluation de impacto arqueologico de la red de gasification de Galicia: consideraciones metodologicas y sintesis de resultados. Trabajos de prehistoric 2001, 58, 1, p. 127-141. 1097. BAHN (Paul G.). Palaeolithic weaving - a contribution from Chauvet. Antiquity, 2001,75, p. 271-272. 1098. BRANTINGHAM (P. Jeffrey), OLSEN (John W.), SCHALLER (George B.). Lithic assemblages from the Chang Tang region, Northern Tibet. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 319-327. 1099. CACHO QUESADA (Carmen), JORDA PARDO (Jesüs), DE LA TORRE SAINZ (Ignacio), YRAVEDRA
SÄINZ DE LOS TERREROS (Jose). El Tossal de la Roca (Alicante). Nuevos datos sobre el Magdaleniense Mediterräneo de la Peninsula Iberica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 71-93. 1100. COLLINS (Tracy), LYNCH (Linda). Prehistoric burial and ritual in southwest Ireland. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 493-494. 1101. CREMASCHI (Mauro), DI LERNIA (Savino). Environment and settlements in the Mid-Holocene palaeo-oasis of Wadi Tanezzuft (Libyan Sahara). Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 815-824. 1102. D'ERRICO (Francesco), HENSHILWOOD (Christopher), NILSSEN (Peter). An engraved bone fragment from c. 70000-year-old Middle Stone age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for the origins of symbolism and language. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 309318. 1103.
RODRIGO (Manuel). ^Diferencias conductuales entre Neandartales y humanos modernos? El caso del Paleolitico Medio en el Proximo Oriente. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 29-50. 1104.
DE SILVA ( M i c h e l e ) , FENU (Pino), PIZZIOLO
(Giovanna), SARTI (Lucia), VlTI (Sabina). Verso un sistema informativo geografico per lo studio dei contesti preistorici nell'area di Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze). Lo stato della ricerca. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 471-481. 1105. DEDET (Bernard). Tombes et pratiques funeraires protohistoriques des Grands Causses du Gevaudon (Aveyron, Gard, Lozere). Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 2001, 356 p. 1106. DlNI (Mario). La stazione officina dell'Epigravettiano finale di La Greppia: studio tecnologico. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001,51, p. 201-220. 1107. FABREGAS VALCARCE (Ramon). Los petroglifos y su contexto: un ejemplo de la Galicia meridional. Vigo, Instituto de Estudios Vigueses (Fundacion Provigo), 2001, 121 p.
FIELD (Judith), FULLAGAR (Richard), LORD
(Garry). A large area archaeological excavation at Cuddie Springs. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 696-702. 1109.
AMS 14C age determinations of Rapanui (Easter Island) wood sculpture: moai kavakava ET 48.63 from Brussels. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 529-532. 1110. GAUMOVA (Madina S.). Pamjatniki pozdnego paleolita i mezolita ν ust'e reki Kamy. (Upper palaeolithic an mesolithic sites in the Kama mouth region). AN Tatarstana. In-t istorii. Moskva, Kazan', Janus-K, 2 0 0 1 , 2 7 2 p.
1111. GARCIA (Marcos), ORTEGA (Ana Isabel), MARTIN (Miguel Angel), HORTOLÄ (Policarp), ZuLUAGA (Maria Cruz). Arte rupestre de estilo paleolitico del Portalon de Cueva Mayor de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Ibeas de Juarros, Burgos): /cronologia paleolitica ο contemporänea? Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, P. 153-169. 1112.
GOFF (J. R.), MAC FADGEN (B. G.). C a t a -
strophic seismic-related events and their impact on prehistoric human occupation, coastal New Zealand. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 155-162. 1113. Η AO (Shou-Gang), MA (Xue-Ping), YUAN (Si-Xun), SOUTHON (John). The Donghulin woman from Western Beijing: 14C age and an associated compound shell necklace. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 517-522. 1114. HODGETTS (Lisa), RAHEMTULLA (Farid). Land and sea: use of terrestrial mammal bones in coastal hunter-gatherer communities. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 56-62. 1115.
KALAI ( C h a f i k a ) , MONCEL ( M a r i e - H e l e n e ) ,
RENAULT-MlSKOVSKY (Josette). Le paleoenvironnement vegetal des occupations humaines de la Grotte de Payre ä la fin du Pleistocene moyen et au debut du Pleistocene superieur (Ardeche, France). Trabajos de prehistoria,
2 0 0 1 , 5 8 , 1, p. 143-151.
1116. KONSTANTINOV (Aleksandr V.). Drevnie ziliSca Zabajkal'ja: (Paleolit, mezolit). (Ancient dwellings of Zabaikaliye: palaeolithic, mesolithic age). Otv. Red. Μ. V. KONSTANTINOV; Citinskij in-t prirodnykh resursov Sibirskogo otdelenija RAN. Zabaikal'skij gosudarstvennyj pedagogiceskij universitet imeni N. G. Cernysevskogo. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2001, 223 p. 1117. LEOCATA (Fabio). Osservazioni sui 'flauti' paleolitici. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 177-200. 1118. LORBLANCHET (Michel). La grotte ornee de Pergouset (Saint-Jery, Lot). Un sanctuaire secret paleolitique. Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de 1'Homme, 2001, 188 p. 1119. MAC GOWAN (Christopher). The dragon seekers: how an extraordinary circle of fossilists discovered the dinosaurs that paved the way for Darwin. Cambridge, Perseus, 2001, IX-237 p.
MADSEN ( D a v i d B.), JINGZEN (Li), BRAN-
TINGHAM (P. Jeffrey), XING (Gao), ELSTON (Robert G.), BETTINGER (Robert L.). Dating Shuidonggou and the Upper Palaeolithic blade industry in north China. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 706-716. 1121. MARTINEZ (Gustavo Α.). 'Fish-tail' projectile points and megamammals: new evidence from Paso Otero 5 (Argentina). Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 523-538. 1122. MARTINEZ (Kenneth), RANDO (Jose Maria). Organization y funcionalidad de la producion litica en un nivel del Paleolitico Medio de Abric Romani, Nivel Ja (Capellades, Barcelona). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001,58, 1, p. 51-70. 1123. MARTINI (Fabio), Di CARLO (Roberto), MARTINO (Gabriele). Una nuova facies gravettiana sul versante tirrenico a Grotta della Serratura. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 139-175. 1124. MARTIN0N-TORRES (Marcos). Los megalitos de termino. Cronica del valor territorial de los monumentos megaliticos a partir de las fuentes escritas. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 95-108. 1125. MONTES BARQUIN ( R a m o n ) , MUNOZ FERNANDEZ (Emilio), MORLOTE EXPOSITO ( J o s e M . ) . La
cueva de los Moros de San Vitores (Medio Cudeyo). Una nueva estacion de arte rupestre paleolitico en Cantabria. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 129-142. 1126. MOYER (Colin Campbell), ROLLAND (Nicolas). Understanding the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage typology. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 39-43. 1127. OSENTON (Clifford J.). Megalithic engineering techniques: experiments using axe-based technology. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 293-298. 1128. OTTE (Marcel), DEREVIANKO (Anatoly). The Aurignacian in Altai. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 44-49. 1129. Paleolit vostocnykh predgorij Arc-Bogdo (Juznaja Gobi). (The palaeolithic of Eastern foothills of Arts-Bogdo. Southern Gobi). Otv. red. D. CEVENDORZ; RAN. Sibirskoe otdelenie, In-t arkheologii i etnografii, AN MNR. In-t istorii. Sovmestnaja rossijsko-mongol'skaja istoriko-kul'turnaja ekspedicija. Novosibirsk, [s. n.], 2001, 151 p. 1130. PAPPU (Shanti). Middle Palaeolithic: stone tool technology in the Kortallayar Basin, South India. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 107-117. 1131. PERESANL (Marco). II Paleolitico Medio dei Colli Euganei (Veneto): stratigrafia e industra litica del sito di Monte Versa. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 73-137. 1132.
PETTITT (P. B.), PIKE (A. W . G.). B l i n d in a
cloud of data: problems with the chronology of Neanderthal extinction and anatomically modem human expansion. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 415-420. 1133. PLUMMER (Thomas), FERRARO (Joseph), DITCHFIELD (Peter), BISHOP (Laura), POTTS (Richard).
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NIEMEYER (Hermann Μ.). Direction of dispersion of cochineal (Dactylopius coccus Costa) within the Americas. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 73-77. 1136.
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(Marco), ROSSETTI (Patrizia). An Acheulean site of the last interglacial at Boccabianca (Cupra Marittima, Marche). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 2171. 1 1 3 7 . VFXASCO VAZQUEZ (Javier), M A R ™ RODRIGUEZ ( E r n e s t o ) , GONZALEZ REIMERS ( E m i l i o ) , ARNAY D E L A ROSA ( M a t i l d e ) , BETANCOR RODRIGUEZ ( A n -
tonio). Contribution de la bioantropologia a la reconstruction de los procesos productivos prehistoricos. Exostosis en el canal auditivo en la problacion prehispänica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 109125. 1138. WEISLER (Marshall I.). Precarious landscapes: prehistoric settlement of the Marshall Islands. Antiquity,
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3. N e o l i t h i c . 1141. BEYNEIX (Alain). Aux origines de la guerre: actes de violence et massacres dans le Neolitique europeen. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 329342. 1142. BOSCHIAN (Giovanni), BRILLI (Prasildo), FALCHI (Paola), FENU (Pino), MARTINI (Fabio), PLTZALLS
(Giuseppe), SARTI (Lucia), TOZZI (Carlo). Prime ricerche nell'abitato neolitico di Contraguda (Perfugas, Cagliari). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 235-287. 1143. BRADLEY (Richard). Orientations and origins: a symbolic dimension to the long house in Neolithic Europe. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 50-56.
1144. CAUWE (Nicolas). L'heritage des chasseurscueilleurs dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Europe (10000-3000 avant notre ere). Paris, Editions Errance, 2001, 208 p. 1145. CESSFORD (Craig). A new dating sequence for £atalhöyük. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 717-725. 1146. CUNLIFFE (Β.). Facing the Ocean. The Atlantic and its peoples, 8000BC-AD 1500. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, VIII-600 p.
1147. DÜRING (Bleda S.). Social dimensions in the architecture of Neolithic fatalhöyiik. Anatolian studies, 2001, 51, p. 1-18. 1148.
GARASANIN ( M i l u t i n ) , RADOVANOVIC ( I v a -
na). A pot in house 54 at Lepenski Vir I. 2001, 75, p. 118-125.
1149. GATSOV (Ivan). Epipalaeolithic /Mesolitihic Neolithic periods chipped stone assemblages from southern Bulgaria and north west Turkey: similarities and differences. (Epipalaeolitik/Mezolitik, Neolitik Devirler Dogu Bulgaristan ile Tiirkiye'nin Kuzey Batisindaki Yontmata? Buluntu Topluluklan; Benzerlikler ve Aynliklar). TÜBA-AR Tiirkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2001, 6, p. 101-112. 1150. GUILAINE (Jean), BRIOIS (Frangois), CARRERE (Isabelle), CRUBEZY (Eric), GIRAUD (Thierry), PHILIBERT (Sylvie), VLGNE (Jean-Denis), WLLLCOX (George).
Travaux mencs en collaboration avcc l'Ecole frangaisc en 2000: l'habitat neolithique pre-ceramique de Shillourokambos (Parekklisha, Chypre). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 649-654. 1151.
HORNE (Peter D.), MAC LEOD (David), OS-
WALD (Alastair). A probable Neolithic causewayed enclosure in northern England. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 1718. 1152.
(Henrik), RASMUSSEN (Marianne). The south Scandinavian barrows with well-preserved oak-log coffins. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 126-136. 1153.
TSIRTSONI (Zo'i), YIOUNI (Parask6vi). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole frangaise d'Athenes en 2000: la production des poteries neolithiques ä decor peint «noir sur rouge» en Grece du Nord. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 630-632. 1154. MOLODIN (Vjacheslav I.). Pamjatnik Sopka-2 na reke Omi. Kul'turno-khronologichskij analiz pogrebal'nykh kompleksov epokhi neolita i rannego metalla. (Sopka-2: site on the Om river bank: the culturalchronological analysis of the Burial sites belonging to the Neolithic and the Early Metal periods). Ed. by A. P. DEREVJANKO. Vol. 1. Novosibirsk, IAE S O A N , 2001,
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1156. NOWAK (Marek). The second phase of Neolithization in east-central Europe. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 582-592. (Bemat Marti), A R I A S - G A G O D E L MOLINO (Antonio), MARTINEZ VALLE (Rafael), JUANCABANILLES (Joaquim). Los tubos de hueso de la Cova de L'Or (Beniarres, Alicante). Instrumentes musicales en el Neolitico Antiguo de la Peninsula Iberica. Trabajos deprehistoria, 2 0 0 1 , 5 8 , 2 , p. 4 1 - 6 7 . 1157.
1158. Problemy izuchenija neolita Zapadnoj Sibiri. (Aspects of study of the West Siberian Neolithic). Ed. by V. A. ZAKH. RAN, Sibirskoe otd., In-t problem osvoenija Severa. Tjumen', IPOS SO RAN, 2001, 171 p. (ill., bibl. incl.). 1159. PULLEN (Daniel J.). Toward a social archaeology of the Greek Neolithic. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 321-324. 1160. TOMKINS (Peter), DAY (Peter M.). Production and exchange of the earliest ceramic vessels in the Aegean: a view from early Neolithic Knossos, Crete. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 259-260. 1161. TOZZI (Carlo), ZAMAGNI (Barbara). Una stauetta fittile dal villaggio neolitico di Catignano (Pescara). Nota preliminare. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2001, 51, p. 465-469. 1162. TSIRTSONI (Ζοϊ). Les poteries de debut du Neolithique Recent en Macedonie, II. Les fonctions des recipients. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 1-39. 1163. VOUZAXAKIS (Konstantinos). A new Neolithic site in Thessaly (Greece): the Belitsi magoula. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 15-16.
river). RAN. In-t arkheologii, In-t etnologii i antropologii. Moskva, Vostocnaja literatura RAN, 2001, 295 p. 1168.
JOVER MESTRE (Francisco Javier), LÖPEZ (Juan Antonio), M A C H A D O Y A N E S (Carmen), HERRÄEZ MARTIN (M A Isabel), RIVERA NIJNEZ (Diego), PRECIOSO AREVALO ( M A Luisa), LLORACH A S U N CION (Rafael). La production textil durante la Edad del Bronce: un conjunto de husos ο bobinas de hilo del yacimiento de Terlinques (Villena, Alicante). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 171-186. PADILLA
1169. KANTA (Α.). Cretan refuge settlements: problems and historical implications within the wider context of the Eastern Mediterranean towards the end of the Bronze age. In: Defensive settlements of the Aegean [Cf. n° 1442], p. 13-21. 1 1 7 0 . KOLB (Michael J.), TUSA (Sebastiano). The late Bronze age and early Iron age landscape of interior Western Sicily. Antiquity, 2 0 0 1 , 7 5 , p. 5 0 3 - 5 0 4 .
1171. KOVTUN (Igor' V.). Izobrazitel'nye traditsii epokhi bronzy Tsentral'noj i Severo-Zapadnoj Azii: Problemy genezisa i khronologii ikonograficheskikh kompleksov Severo-Zapadogo Sajano-Altaja. (The traditions of art of the Bronze Age of Central and Northwestern Asia: on the genesis and the chronology of iconographical complexes of the North-Western SaianoAltai). Ed. by V. I. MOLODIN. RAN, Sibirskoe otd., Int arkheologii i etnografii; Kemerovskij gos. un-t; Kuzbasskaja laboratorija arkheologii i etnografii. Novosibirsk, IAE SO RAN, 2001, 183 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 174181). 1172.
(O.). The town of Naxos at the end of the late Bronze age: the Mycenaean fortification wall. In: Defensive settlements of the Aegean [Cf. nc 1 4 4 2 ] , ANASTASIOU
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4. Bronze age. 1164. BLAKE (Emma). Constructing a nuragic locale: the spatial relationship between tombs and towers in Bronze Age Sardinia. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 145-161. 1165. B L A U (Soren). Fragmentary endings: a discussion of 3 rd -millennium BC burial practices in the Oman peninsula. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 557-570. 1166. EFE (Turan), A Y - E F E (Deniz S. M.). Kiilliioba: ϊς Kuzeybati Anadolu'da bir Ilk Tun? Qagi Kenti; 1996-2000 Yillan Arasinda Yapilan Kazi £ahijmalanmn Genel bir Degerlendirilmesi. (Küllüoba: an Early Bronze Age settlement in North-West Anatolian hinterland; an overview on the archaeological work done between the years 1996-2000). TÜBA-AR Tiirkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2001,6, p. 4378. 1167. ITINA (Marianna Α.), JABLONSKIJ (Leonid T.). Mavzolei Severnogo Tagiskena: Pozdnij bronzovyj vek Niznej Syrdar'i. (Mausoleums of the Northern Tagisken, the late bronze age of the Low Syr-Darya
1173. MAGRILL (Pamela), MIDDLETON (Andrew). Did the potter's wheel go out of use in Late Bronze age Palestine? Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 137-144. 1174. MANNING (Sturt W . ) , WENINGER (Bernhard), (Alison K . ) , KLING (Barbara), KUNIHOLM (Peter Ian), M U H L Y (James D.), HADJISAVVAS (Sophocles), SEWELL (David Α.), CADOGAN (Gerald). Absolute age range of the late Cypriot IIC period on Cyprus. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 328-340. SOUTH
1175. MOLODIN (Vjacheslav I.). Chicha: Gorodishche perekhodnogo ot bronzy k zhelezu vremeni ν Barabinskoj lesostepi: Pervye rezul'taty issledovanij. (Chicha: a fortified settlement of the transition from Bronze to Iron in the Barabinskaya forest-steppe: the preliminary results of the study). RAN, Sibirskoe otd., In-t arkheologii i etnografii; Germanskij arkheologicheskij in-t, Evrazijskoe otd. Novosibirsk, IAE SO RAN, 2001, 237 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 235-251). (Materialy po arkheologii Sibiri, 1). [German summary] 1176. MOORTGAT-CORRENS (Ursula). Der Tell Chuera im Rückblick (1958-1985). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 353-388.
1177. MULLIN (David). Remembering, forgetting and the invention of tradition: burial and natural places in the English early Bronze age. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 5 3 3 - 5 3 7 . 1178.
OBYDENOV ( M i k h a i l F.), GORBUNOV ( V l a -
dimir S.), MURAVKINA (Ljudmila I.), [et al.]. Tjubjak: Poselenie bronzovogo veka na Juzhnom Urale. (Tyubyak: a Bronze-Age settlement in the Southern Urals). Ed. by Vladimir S. GORBUNOV. Bashkirskij gos. pedagog. un-t. Ufa, BGPU, 2001, 159 p. (ill., bibl. p. 159). 1179. ÖZGEN (Engin), HELWING (Barbara). Ausgrabungen auf dem Oylum Höyük, 1997-2000. Zweiter vorläufiger Bericht. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 61-136. 1180.
PAUK (U.). Bronze age Myanmar (Burma): a report on the people from the cemetery of Nyaunggan, Upper Myanmar. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 273-278.
1187. HEALD (Andrew). Knobbed spearbutts of the British and Irish Iron age: new examples and new thoughts. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 689-696. 1188. HOLAND (Ingegerd). Sustaining life. Vessel import to Norway in the first millennium AD. Stavanger, Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger, 2001, 261 p. (ill.). (AmS-skrifter, 17). 1189. KRYLASOVA (Natalia B.). Istorija prikamskogo kostjuma: Kostjum srednevekovogo naselenija Permskogo Predural'ja. (The dressings of the population of Kama Region, the Perm Pre-Urals Territory [the 7lh -12th centuries A.D.]). Permskij gos. pedagog. un-t. Perm, PGPU, 2001, 257 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 245-252). [English summary] 1190.
5 8 , 2, p. 6 9 - 8 8 . 1191.
5. Iron age.
AUGIER ( L a u r e n c e ) , BUCHSENSCHUTZ (Oli-
vier), FROQUET (Helene), MILCENT (Pierre-Yves), RALSTON (Ian). The 5 th century BC at Bourges, Berry, France: new discoveries. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 23-24. 1182. BELORYBKIN (Gennadij Ν.). Zolotarevskoe poselenie. (The Zolotaryovskoye settlement, [the 8 l h 13th centuries A.D., Penza Region, Russia]). RAN, Institut istorii material'noj kul'tury; Penzenskij gos. pedagog. un-t im. V. G. Belinskogo. Sankt-Peterburg, [s. n.], 2001, 197 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 188-191). [English and German summaries] 1183. BOARDMAN (J.). Greek gems and finger rings: early Bronze Age to late Classical. London, Thames a. Hudson, 2001, 480 p. 1184.
BOUCHARLAT ( R e m y ) , LOMBARD (Pierre). Le
bätiment G de Rumeilah (oasis d'Al Ain). Remarques sur les salles ä poteaux de l'äge du Fer en Peninsule d'Oman. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 213-238. 1185. GONZALEZ URQUIJO (Jesus), IBÄNEZ ESTEVEZ ( J u a n J o s e ) , ZAPATA PENA (Lydia), PENA CHOCARRO
(Leonor). Estudio arqueologico sobre la ceramica Gzaua (Marruecos). Tecnica y contexto social de un artesanado arcaico. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 1, p. 5-27. 1186. GREAVES (Alan M.), HELWING (Barbara). Archaeology in Turkey: the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages, 1997-1999. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 463-511.
L0PEZ JIMENEZ (Oscar). E u r o p a y la Crea-
d o n de los modelos "celticos". El origen del paradigma etnico-cultural. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, MAC GRATH (R. J.), BOYD ( W . E.). T h e
chronology of the Iron Age 'moats' of northeast Thailand. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 349-360. 1192. MOUSAVI (Ali). La region de Teheran ä l'aube de l'äge du Fer: reflections et commentaires sur les necropoles du IIe millenaire av. J.-C. Iranica antiqua, 2001,36, p. 151-212. 1193. Rlos GONZALEZ (Sergio), GARCIA DE CASTRO VALDES (Cesar). Observaciones en torno al problamiento castreno de la Edad del Hierro en Asturias. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2001, 58, 2, p. 89-107.
1194. SKRE (Dagfinn). The social context of settlement in Norway in the first millennium AD. Norwegian archaeological review, 2001, 34, 1, p. 1-12. (ill.). 1195. Tverskoj arkheologicheskij sbornik. (Tver archaeological collection). Ed. Igor' N. CHERNYKH. Part. 4. Materialy vtoroj Tverskoj arkheologicheskoj konferentsii i pjatogo zasedanija nauchnogo seminara 'Tverskaja zemlja i sopredel'nye territorii ν drevnosti' (The Materials of the II"11 Tver Archaeological Conference and the Vth Meeting of Scientific Seminar 'Tver Land and Neibouring Territories'). Vol. 2. Tver', Tverskoj gos. ob'ed. muzej, 2001, 396 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [English summaries] 1196. VASIL'EV (Vitalij N.). Vooruzhenie i voennoe delo kochevnikov Juzhnogo Urala ν VI-II vv. do n.e. (The armament and war of the Nomads of the Southern Urals, the 6,H-2ND centuries B.C.). RAN, Ufimskij nauchnyj tsentr, In-t istorii, jazyka i literatury AN Respubliki Bashkortostan. Ufa, Gilem, 2001, 153 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 119-127).
Cf. nos 1175, 2797
D THE A N C I E N T EAST (the Hellenistic states included)
§ 1. General. 1197-1215. - § 2. The Near East. 1216-1238. - § 3. Egypt. 1239-1293. - § 4. Mesopotamia. 12941335. - § 5. Hittites. 1336-1353. - § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1354-1394. § 7. Iran. 1395-1407.
§ 1. General.
1205. Hellenistic economies. Ed. By Zofia ARCHIBALD, John DAVIES, Vincent GABRIELSEN and G . J.
1197. ARENTZEN (Wout). Frank Calvert, Henry Austen Layard and Heinrich Schliemann. Anatolian studies, 2 0 0 1 , 5 1 , p . 1 6 9 - 1 8 5 .
1198. ARSLAN (Nurettin). Die Funde des Kiciki^la Höyiik. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 167-189. 1199. BILGI (Önder). Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi Protohistorik Qag Maden Sanatinin Kökeni ve Geli$imi. (The origin and development of metallurgy in the Black Sea region during the Protohistoric Era). Belleten, 2 0 0 1 , 6 5 , 2 4 2 , p . 1 - 3 6 .
1200. BORD (L.-J.). La loi, le droit et la justice. Reflexions sur les droits cuneiforms et biblique. A propos de deux livres recents. Biblica, 2001, 82, p. 99-107. 1201. CANTERA (Alberto). EL uso del nominativoacusativo neutro singular como plural y el abreviamiento de vocales finales en el Rg-Veda. Aula orientalis, 2 0 0 1 , 19, p . 1 7 3 - 2 0 5 .
1202. DÖNMEZ ($evket). 1997-1999 Yillan Yüzey Ara§tirmalannda Incelenen Samsun-Amasya illeri T.0.2. Binyili Yerle^meleri. (The 2ND millennium B.C. settlements in the provinces of Samsun and Amasya in the light of field study conducted in the year 1997-1999). Belleten,
2001, 65, 244, P. 873-904.
1203. FRANGIPANE (Marcella). The transition between two opposing forms of power at Aslantepe (Malatya) at the beginning of the 3RD millenium B.C. [M.Ö. 3. Bin Yil Bajlannda Aslantepe'de (Malatya) Ortaya (,'ikan Iki Karjit Erkin Yer Degijtirmesi]. TÜBA-AR TUrkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2001, 6, p. 1-24. 1204. HAASE (Richard). "Eine Wunde ohne Arzt ist wie Hunger ohne Nahrung". Vom Arzt in den keilschriftlichen Rechtscorpora. Altorientalische Forschungen,
2001, 28, p. 276-281.
OLIVER. London and New York, Routledge, 2001, XVI-400 p. 1206. LANCELLOTTI (Maria Grazia). Euphrates il "Peratico" e la denominazione dei Perati. Aula orientalis, 2001,19, p. 299-303. 1207. Linguaggio e terminologia diplomatica dall' Antico Oriente aH'Impero Bizantino. Atti del Convegno Nazionale (Genova, 19 novembre 1998). A cura di Maria Gabriella ANGELI BERTINELLI, Luigi PICCI-
RILLI. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2001, 168 p. [Cf. n° 1537.] 1208. MITREA (loan). Comunitä{i säte?ü la est de Carpati in epoca migratiilor. Ajezarea de la Davideni din sec. V-VIII. (Rural communities east of the Carpathians in the migration age. The settlement of Davideni in the 5 lh -8 th centuries). Piatra-Neamt, Constant s Matasa, 2001, 395 p. 1209. Questione (La) delle influenze vicino-orientali sulla religione greca. Stato degli studi e prospettiva della ricerca. Atti del Colloquio Internazionale (Roma CNR, 20-22 maggio 1999). A cura di Maria ROCCHI, Sergio RIBICHINI, Paolo XELLA. Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2001, 440 p. [Cf. n" 1734.] 1210. Seidenstraße (Die): Handel und Kulturaustausch in einem eurasiatisehen Wegenetz. Hrsg. von Ulrich HÜBNER, Jens KAMLAH, Lucian REINFANDT.
Hamburg, EB-Verlag, 2001, VI-260 p. 1211. SUCH-GUTIERREZ (Marcos). Die Prinzessin Meistarän. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 87-108. 1212. Von Göttern und Menschen erzählen. Formkonstanzen und Funktionswandel vormoderner Epik. Hrsg. von Jörg RÜPKE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, 200 p. [Cf. n° 1317.]
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1327. SCHLOEN (J. David). The house of the father as fact and symbol: patrimonialism in Ugarit and the ancient Near East. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2001, XV-414 p.
1340. GLORGIERI (Maurizio). Der Löwe und der Fuchs in dem Brief KBo 1, 14. Orientalia, 2001, 70, p. 89-96.
1328. SEIDL (Ursula). Das Ringen um das richtige Bild des Samas von Sippar. Zeitschriftfiir Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2001, 91, p. 120132. 1329. SELZ (Gebhard J.). "Guter Hirte, Weiser Fürst" - Zur Vorstellung von Macht und zur Macht der Vorstellung im altmesopotamischen Herrschaftsparadigma. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 8-39. 1330. STEINKELLER (Piotr). New light on the hydrology and topography of southern Babylonia in the third millennium. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2001, 91, p. 22-84. 1331. STRECK (Michael P.). Das Onomastikon der Beamten am neubabylonischen Ebabbar-Tempel in Sippar. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2001,91, p. 110-119. 1332. TROPPER (Josef). Probleme der ugaritischen Epigraphik. Zu D. Pardees Remarks on J. Τ.'s 'Epigraphische Anmerkungen'. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 135-138. 1333. VELDHU1S (Niek). Α multiple month account from the Gu'abba Rest House. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2001, 91, p. 85-109. 1334. VISICATO (Giuseppe). Una famiglia di mercanti di Adab in periodo sargonico. Aula orientalis, 2 0 0 1 , 19, p. 3 0 9 - 3 1 2 .
1335. WATSON (Wilfred G. Ε.). El's erudition (KTU 1. 4 v. 3-5). Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 138142. - IDEM. Some comments on DLU vol. I. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 281-293. - IDEM. The lexical aspect of Ugaritic toponyms. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 109-123.
§ 5. Hittites. 1336. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo). Further studies on the Ini-Teäub sealing. Part II: a prosopographic approach. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 267-275.
1341. GLRBAL (Christian). Hattisch tahanti "groß, angesehen". Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 289-297. 1342. GRODDEK (Detlev). Fragmenta Hethitica dispersa XI. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 108-119. - IDEM. Fragmenta Hethitica dispersa XII. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 236-245. 1343. HAAS (Volkert), WEGNER (Ilse). Hethitologische Notizen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 120-123. 1344. HAASE (Richard). Über Bienen und Schafe in der Hethitischen Rechtssatzung. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 124-131. 1345. KARAUGUZ (Güngör). Hitit mitolojisi. (Mithologie hittite). Konya, £izgi Kitabevi, 2001, 223 p. 1346. MILLER (Jared L.). Anum-Hirbi and his kingdom. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 65-101. 1347. PLRART (E.). Les Neasatya, vol. II. Geneve, Droz, 2001, 422 p. 1348. POPKO (Maciej). MurSili II, der mächtige Wettergott und Katapa. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 147-153. 1349. SIEGELOVÄ (Jana). Der Regionalpalast in der Verwaltung des hethitischen Staates. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 193-208. 1350. SOYSAL (Oguz). Ist das hattische Wort für "Kuh" gefunden? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 282-288. 1351. TARACHA (Piotr). Hethitisch. 6kippa- und das Sumerogramm (E)GI.PAD mesopotamischer Texte. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 132-146. 1352. VAN GESSEL (Ben H. L.). Onomasticon of the Hittite pantheon, part III. Leiden, Boston and Köln, Brill, 2001, XVIII-401 p. 1353. YAYLALI (Serap). An engraved pithos from the Erzurum Museum. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 143-165. Cf. n" 1216
1337. DEZZI BARDESCHI (Chiara). Further studies on the Ini-Te§ub sealing. Part I: apergu sur les sceaux d'Ini-Tesub, roi de KarkemiS. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 246-266.
§ 6. J e w s and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world.
1338. EMEL'JANOV (Vladimir V.). Drevnij Shumer: Ocherki kul'tury. (Ancient Sumer: essays on culture). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2001, 359 p. (bibl. p. 357-359). (Mir Vostoka).
preinte de sceau de Tell Afis. Orientalia, 2001, 70, p. 318-324.
AMADASI GUZZO ( M a r i a G i u l i a ) . U n e
1355. BALTRUSCH (Ernst). Königin Salome Alexandra (76-67 v.Chr.) und die Verfassung des hasmonäischen Staates. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 163-179. 1356. BARRE (Michael L.). "Wandering about" as a topos of depression in ancient near eastern literature and in the Bible. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001, 60, p. 177-187.
1357. BASAL (Nasir). Kitäb al-nutaf by Judah Hayyüj: a critical edition. Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, 2001, XVI-343 p. (XVI in English language; 343 in Hebrew language). 1358.
BEECH ( M a r k ) , SHEPHERD ( E l i z a b e t h ) .
chaeobotanical evidence for early date consumption on Dalma Island, United Arab Emirates. Antiquity, 2001, 7 5 , p. 8 3 - 8 9 .
1359. BENRAMDANE (Zoulikha). L'origine du peuplement noir au Sahara selon les sources arabes et les etudes archeologiques. Essai de rapprochement. Antiques africaines, 2001, 37, p. 63-70. 1360. BROWN (John Pairman). Israel and Hellas. Vol. 3: The legacy of Iranian imperialism and the individual. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2001, XXXII-548 p. 1361. CATASTINI (Alessandro). La Lettera di Aristea e i suoi destinatari. In: Studi ellenistici [Cf. n° 1436], p. 167-190. 1362. COTTON (H.), PRICE (J.). A bilingual tombstone from Zo'ar (Arabia) (Hecht Museum, Haifa, Inv. No. H.-3029, Naveh's list No. 18). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2001, 134, p. 277-283. 1363. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). In search of the Canaanite Lucifer. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 125-132. 1364. FASSBERG (S.). The first Sg. Suffix - a y in Western neo-aramaic: a historical perspective. Orientalia, 2001,70, p. 104-112. 1365. FENTRESS (Elizabeth). Villas, wine and kilns: the landscape of Jerba in the late Hellenistic period. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 249-268. 1366. GABBAY (Uri). A collection of Pazuzu objects in Jerusalem. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientate, 2001, 95, p. 149-154. 1367. HEALY (John F.). The religion of the Nabataeans. A conspectus. Leiden, Brill, 2001, 160 p. 1368. HELTZER (Michael). The South-Judean family BNY GLG(w)L between the VIII century B.C. and the II century A.D. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 185-189. 1369. HOLTZ (Shalom E.). ' T o go and marry any man that you please": a study of the formulaic antecedents of the Rabbinic writ of divorce. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001, 60, p. 241-258. 1370. HOYOS (Dexter). Identifying Hamilcar Barca's heights of Heircte. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 490495.
1371. KONKEL (Michael). Architektonik des Heiligen: Studien zur zweiten Tempelvision Ezechiels (Ez. 40-48). Berlin, Philo Verlagsgesellschaft, 2001, XVI-398 p. 1372. LEMAIRE (Andre). Nouvelles tablettes arameennes. Geneve, Droz, 2001, 160 p. 1373. LEMBKE (Katja). Phönizische anthropoide Sarkophage. Mainz, von Zabern, 2001, XIII-169 p. 1374. LULL GARCIA (Jose). En torno a la campana palestina de Sheshonq I. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 225-244. 1375.
M A C CORRISTON ( J o y ) , OCHES ( E r i c ) . T w o
early Holocene check dams from southern Arabia. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 675-676. 1376. MASTER (Daniel). State formation theory and the kingdom of Israel. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001, 60, p. 117-131. 1377. MILLER (Stuart S.). Josephus on the cities of Galilee: factions, rivalries and alliances in the first Jewish revolt. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 453-467. 1378. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa). Lilit(s) in der aramäisch-magischen Literatur der Spätantike. Teil I: Wüstenbeherrscherin, Baum-Lilit und Kindesräuberin. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 338-352. 1379. NIEHOFF (Maren). Philo on Jewish identity and culture. Tübingen, Mohr, 2001, XVII-319 p. 1380. POMPONIO (Francesco). Due tavolette di messaggeri da Umma. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 47-52. 1381. POTTS (D. T.). Ostrich distribution and exploitation in the Arabian peninsula. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 182-190. 1382. RAJAK (Tessa). The Jewish dialogue with Greece and Rome. Studies in cultural and social interaction. Leiden, Boston and Köln, Brill, 2001, XIX-579 p. 1383. SAVAGE (Stephen H.), ZAMORA (Kurt Α.), KELLER (Donald R.). Archaeology in Jordan. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 427-461. 1384. SCHALIT (Abraham). König Herodes. Der Mann und sein Werk. Berlin und New York, de Gruyter, 2001, XXXII-889 p. 1385. SCHERBERICH (Klaus). Josephus und seine Quellen im 19. Buch der Antiquitates Iudaicae (Ant. lud. 19, 1-273). Klio, 2001, 83, p. 134-151. 1386. SCHNEIDER (Madeleine). Points communs aux steles funeraires musulmanes du Higäz et des lies Dahlak (Mer Rouge). Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 53-78. 1387. SCHULTZ (Warren C.). Ayyubid and Mamluk coins preserved in the Oriental institute of the University of Chicago. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001,60, p. 269-273. 1388. SIEVERS (Joseph). Synopsis of the Greek sources for the Hasmonean period: 1-2 Maccabees and
Josephus, War 1 and Antiquities 12-14. Roma, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2001, XI1-336 p. 1389. SlMA (Α.). Altsüdarabische Konditionalsätze. Orientalia, 2001, 70, p. 283-312. 1390. STUCKY (R. Α.). Acculturation et retour aux sources: Sidon aux epoques perse et hellenistique. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 247-258. 1391. TSIRKIN (Ju. B.). Canaan. Phoenicia. Sidon. Aula orientalis, 2001, 19, p. 271-279. 1392. WALSER (G.). The Greek of the ancient Synagogue. An investigation on the Greek of the Septuagint, Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2001, XXV-197 p. 1393. WARD (Seth). Muhammad said: "You are only a Jew from the Jews of Sepphoris". Allegations of the Jewish ancestry of some Umayyads. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001, 60, p. 31-42. 1394.
ZERTAL (Α.). T h e 'corridorbuilders' of cen-
tral Israel: evidence for the settlement of the 'northern sea peoples'? In: Defensive settlements of the Aegean [ C f . n° 1 4 4 2 ] , p . 2 1 5 - 2 3 2 .
§ 7. Iran. 1395. ABDI (Kamyar). A visit to the Deh Luran Plain. Antiquity, 2001, 75, p. 247-250. - IDEM. Nationalism, politics and the development of archaeology in Iran. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 5 1 - 7 6 .
(Manijeh). Schach
Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 329-359. 1397. AMIET (Pierre). La sculpture susienne Ä l'epoque de l'empire parthe. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 2 3 9 - 2 9 1 .
1398. BRENTJES (Burchard). Skythen und Indianer im "Schwizzelt". Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 183-184. 1399. DAEMS (Aurelie). The iconography of the pre-Islamic women in Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 1-150. 1400.
GRILLOT-SUSINI (Frangoise). Le monde d'en
bas en Susiane. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie Orientale, 2001, 95, p. 141-148.
1401. LENFANT (Dominique). La «decadence» du grand roi et les ambitions de Cyrus le Jeune: aux sources perses d'un mythe occidental? Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 407-438. 1402. MANHART (Christian). The Afghan cultural heritage crisis: UNESCO's response to the destruction of statues in Afghanistan. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 387-388. 1403. MEHR KIAN (Jafa). Trois bas-reliefs parthes dans les monts Bakhtiaris. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 293-298. 1404. PLETSCH (Ch.). Ein Spielwerk in den Händen der Götter? Zur geschichtlichen Kausalität des Menschen bei Herodot am Beispiel der Kriegsentscheidung des Xerxes (Hist. VII 5-19). Gymnasium, 2001, 108, p. 205-221. 1405. SARKHOSCH CURTIS (Vesta). Parthian belts and belt plaques. Iranica antiqua, 2001, 36, p. 299327. 1406. TANI (Nicoletta). More about the "HeSni Conspiracy". Altorientalische Forschungen, 2001, 28, p. 154-164. 1407. TAVERNIER (Jan). An Achaemenid royal inscription: the text of paragraph 13 of the Aramaic version of the Bisitun inscription. Journal of near eastern studies, 2001, 60, p. 161-176.
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1408-1437. - § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1438-1455. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1456-1500. - § 4. General and political history. 1501-1528. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 1529-1549. - § 6. Economic and social history. 1550-1577. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science {a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1578-1721. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 1722-1747. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1748-1817.
§ 1. Classical world in general. * 1408. Annee philologique (L'). Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquite greco-latine. Publiee par la Societe Internationale de Bibliographie Classique. Tome LXX, Bibliographie de l'annee 1999 et complements d'annees anterieures. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001, LXI-1560 p.
1416. CAIRNS (D. L.). Anger and the veil in ancient Greek culture. Greece and Rome, 2001, 48, p. 18-32. 1417. CERRI (Giovanni). II ruolo dell'istruzione classica nel mondo contemporaneo. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale diNapoli, 2001, 23, p. 391-403. 1418.
DARBO-PESCHANSKI (C.). Se construire un
devenir: enquete sur les categories grecques de l'historicite. In: Antico (L') dei moderni [Cf. n° 1410], p. 1729.
1409. ALVONI (G.). Altertumswissenschaften digital. Datenbanken, Internet und e-Ressourcen in den Altertumswissenschaftlichen. Hildesheim, Zurich und New York, Georg Olms, 2001, 191 p.
1419. DUBUISSON (Michel). Barbares et barbarie dans le monde grico-romain. L'antiquite classique, 2 0 0 1 , 7 0 , p. 1 - 1 6 .
1410. Antico (L') dei moderni. A cura di Guglielmo CAJANI, Diego LANZA. Palermo, Palumbo, 2001, 181 p. [Cf. nos 1414,1418, 1719.]
1420. FROLOV (E. D.). Grecija Ν epochu pozdnej klassiki: Obscestvo. Licnost' Vlast'. (Greece during the late classic period: society, personality, power). SanktPeterburg, Gumanitarnaja akademija, 2001, 601 p.
1411. ARSLAN (Nurettin). Kilikia Bölgesindeki Grek Kolonizasyonu. (La colonisation Grecque dans la region de Cilicie). OLBA: (Mersin Üniversitesi Kilikia Arkeolojisini Ara^tirma Merkezi), 2001, 4, p. 1-19. 1412. BEDERMAN (David J.). International law in antiquity. Cambridge, New York and Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIV-322 p. 1413. BLLLAULT (Alain). La belle saison de l'hellenisme. Etudes de litterature antique offerts au Recteur Jacques Bompaire. Paris et Sorbonne, Presses de Γ Universite, 2001,210 p. 1414. BOUVIER (D.). Memoria epica e memoria storica in Grecia antica. In: Antico (L') dei modemi [Cf. n° 1410], p. 31-60. 1415. BURKERT (Walter). Kleine Schriften I: Homerica. Hrsg. von Christoph RIEDWEG, Franziska EGLI,
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, IX-281 p.
1421. Gab es das Griechische Wunder? Griechenland zwischen dem Ende des 6. und der Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Tagungsbeiträge des 16. Fachsymposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung veranstaltet vom 5. bis 9. April 1999 in Freiburg im Breisgau. Hrsg. von Dietrich PAPENFUB, Volker Michael STROCKA. Mainz, von Zabem, 2001, XX-438 p. [Cf. nos < A u s w a h l > 1513, 1577, 1700.]
1422. GOULD (John). Myth, ritual memory and exchange: essays in Greek literature and culture. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, X-424 p. 1423. Greci (I) in Adriatico I. Supplemento al Convegno Internazionale (Urbino, 21-24 ottobre 1999). A cura di Lorenzo BRACCESI, Mario LUNI. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2001, 348 p. [Cf. n° 1734.]
1424. Griechenland in der Kaiserzeit. Neue Funde und Forschungen zu Skulptur, Architektur und Topo-
graphie. Kolloquium zum sechzigsten Geburstag von Prof. Dietrich Willers, Bern, 12.-13. Juni 1998. Hrsg. von Christoph REUSSER. Bem, Institut für klassische Archäologie der Universität Bern, 2001, 145 p. [Cf. n"s 1233, 1810.] 1425. Integrazione, mescolanza, rifiuto. Incontri di popoli, lingue e culture in Europa dairantichitä all'umanesimo. Atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli 2 1 - 2 3 settembre 2000. A cura di Gianpaolo URSO. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2001, 354 p. [Cf. n"s 1435, 1586, 2138, 2145, 2171, 2512.] 1426.
EBERL (Nikolaus). Unser täglisches Griechisch. Lexicon des altgriechischen Spracherbes. Mainz, von Zabem, 2001, XLIII-1209 p. 1427. LANGTON (Susan). Beyond the grave: biographies from early Greece. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 579-606. 1428. LEWIS (M. J. T.). Surveying instruments of Greece and Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, X X - 3 8 9 p.
1429. LUCAS (Gavin). Critical approaches to fieldwork: contemporary and historical archaeological practice. London, Routledge, 2001, 246 p. 1430. Musique et poesie dans l'antiquite. Actes du colloque de Clermont-Ferrand, Universite Blaise Pascal, 23 mai 1997. Ed. par Georges-Jean PLNAULT. Clermont-Ferrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2001, 129 p. [Cf. n° 1551.] 1431. Neue Pauly (Der). Enzyklopädie der Antike. H r s g v o n H . CANCIK u n d H . SCHNEIDER. V o l . 10, A l -
tertum, Pol-Sal. Vol. 11, Altertum, Sam Tal. Vol. 15/1, Rezeptions- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, La-Ot. Stuttgart und Weimar, J. B. Metzler, 2001, 3 vol., 1278 p., 1 2 3 4 p., 1 2 6 0 p. 1432. PUTNA (M. C.). Antika ν dfle Väclava Vokolka. Listy filologicki, 2001, 124, p. 114-126. 1433. SCHUMACHER (Leonhard). Sklaverei in der Antike. Alltag und Schicksal der Unfreien. München, Steiner, 2001,368 p. 1434. SCHWARTZ (Seth). Imperialism and Jewish society, 200 B.C.E. to 640 C.E. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2001, ΧΙ-320 p. (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modem World).
§ 1. A d d e n d a 2 0 0 0 . 1437.
KOLOSOVSKAJA ( J u l i j a K . ) . R i m i m i r p i e -
men na Dunae, I-IV vv. n.e. (Rome and the tribal world of Danube, l s , -4 l h centuries A.D). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2000, 288 p. (ill.). § 2. P r e h e l l e n i c e p o c h . 1438.
ARAVANTINOS ( V a s s i i i s L.), GODART ( L o u i s ) ,
SACCONI (Anna). Thebes. Fouilles de la Cadmee. I: les tablettes en linear Β de la Odos Pelopidou. Edition et commentaire. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, 460 p. 1439. CAIN (C. D.). Dancing in the dark: deconstructing a narrative of Epiphany on the Isopata ring. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 27-49. 1440. DALONGEVILLE (Remi). Malia: un marais parle. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 6 7 - 8 8 .
1441. DANDRAU (Alain). La peinture murale minoenne, III. Methodes et techniques d'execution. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 41-66. 1442. Defensive settlements of the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean after 1200 B.C. Proceedings of an international workshop held at Trinity College Dublin, 7 LH -9 TH m a y 1 9 9 9 . E d . b y V a s s o s KARAGEORGHIS,
Christine E. MORRIS. Nicosia, Trinity College Dublin a. Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation, 2001, XIII-259 p. [Cf. n os 1169, 1172, 1394, 1443, 1445, 1449, 1455.] 1443.
LEACH ( P . ) , VUJNOVIC ( N . ) , W A R D L E ( D . ) . E n c l o s u r e
and defence: the context of Mycenaean contact within central Dalmatia. In: Defensive settlements of the A e g e a n [Cf. n° 1442], p. 137-156.
1444. GUILLAUME-COIRIER (Germaine). Le pavot fertile dans les mondes mycenien, grec et remain: realit£ et symbolique. Melanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome,
2 0 0 1 , 113, p. 9 9 9 - 1 0 4 4 .
1445. HAGGIS (D. C.). A dark age settlement system in east Crete and a reassessment of the definition of refuge settlements. In: Defensive settlements of the A e g e a n [Cf. n° 1442], p. 4 1 - 5 9 .
1446. HELLDEN (Jan). The Homeric epics collective memory or collective fantasy? In: Inclinate aurem [Cf. n° 3 2 4 9 ] , p. 2 1 - 5 3 .
1435. SORDI (Marta). Integrazione, mescolanza, rifiuto nell'Europa antica: il modello greco e il modello romano. In: Integrazione, mescolanza, rifiuto [Cf. n° 1425], p. 17-26. 1436. Studi ellenistici XIII. A cura di Biagio ViRGILIO. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, 306 p. [Cf. n os 1218, 1235, 1361, 1458, 1647.]
1447. HERTEL (Dieter). Troia. Archäologie, Geschichte, Mythos. München, Beck, 2001, 128 p. 1448. IAKOVIDIS (Spyros E.). Gla and the Kopais in the 13"1 century B.C. Athens, Library of the archaeological society at Athens, 2001, XV-172 p. 1449. KARAGEORGHIS (Vassos). Patterns of fortified settlements in the Aegean and Cyprus c. 1200 B.C.
3. SOURCES AND CRITICISM OF SOURCES In: Defensive settlements of the Aegean [Cf. n° 1442], p. 1-12. 1450. KNAUSS (Jost). Späthelladische Wasserbauten. Erkundungen zu wasserwirtschaftlichen Infrastrukturen der mykenischen Welt. München, Technische Universität - Lehrstuhl für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft im Institut für Wasserwesen, und Obernach, Walchensee, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, 2001, VI-144 p. 1451. MACDONALD (Colin F.). Chronologies of the Thera eruption. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 527-532. 1452.
MELENA (Jose L.), PALAIMA (Thomas G.).
IX 2,103). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 1 2 5 , p. 2 3 9 - 2 8 7 . 1464.
KALINOWSKI ( A n g e l a ) , TAEUBER ( H a n s ) . A
new Antonine inscription and a new imperial statuegroup from the bouleuterion at Ephesos. Journal of Roman archaeology,
2 0 0 1 , 14, p. 3 5 1 - 3 5 7 .
1465. KNOEPFLER (Denis). La reintegration de Thebes dans le Koinon beotien apres son relevement par Cassandre, ou les surprises de la Chronologie epigraphique. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [ C f . n° 1 5 2 2 ] , p . 1 1 - 2 6 . - IDEM. L o i d ' E r e t r i e c o n t r e la
tyrannie et Γ Oligarchie (premiere partie). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 195-238.
100 years of Linear Β from Knossos. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 316-320.
1466. PARCA (M.). Local languages and native cultures. In: Epigraphic evidence [Cf. n° 1461], p. 57-72.
1453. MERig (Recep), MOUNTJOY (P. Α.). Three Mycenaean vases from Ionia. Istanbuler Mitteilungen,
1467. QUEYREL (Fran?ois). Inscriptions et scenes figurees peintes sur le mur de fond du xiste de Delphes. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125,
2 0 0 1 , 5 1 , P. 1 3 7 - 1 4 1 .
1454. NIXON (Lucia). Seeing voices and changing relationships: film, archaeological reporting and the landscape of people in Sphakia. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 77-97. 1455. NOWICKI (K.). Seariders and refugees: problems of defensible sites in Crete c. 1200 B.C. In: Defensive settlements of the Aegean [Cf. n° 1442], p. 23-40.
p. 333-387.
1468. SKEGRO (Ante). Javni natpisi s dviju mramornih ploca iz grckog grada Tanaisa na uscu Dona u Azovsko more. (Public inscriptions on two marble tablets from Greek city Tanais at Don estuary on Azov Sea). Povijesni prilozi, 2001, 21, p. 253-271. 1469. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, 1998, 4 8 . E d . b y H . W . PLEKET, R . S. STROUD, A . CHANIO-
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources. a. Epigraphical sources * 1456. Bulletin epigraphique. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 478-603. 1457. BODEL (John). Epigraphy and the ancient historian. In: Epigraphic evidence [Cf. n° 1461], p. 1-56. 1458. BOFFO (Laura). Sentirsi greco nell'impero romano: espressioni epigrafiche. In: Studi ellenistici [ C f . n° 1 4 3 6 ] , p. 2 7 5 - 2 9 8 .
1459. CHANKOWSKY (Veronique). Un nouveau proces delien: le comptes des naopes de Delos et la procedure athenienne au IVe siecle. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 175-193.
TIS, J. Η. M. STRUBBE. Amsterdam, J. C. Gieben, 2001, X X V I - 8 7 4 p.
Cf. n" 210 b. Literary sources * 1470. ALONSO-NÜNEZ (J. M.). Bulletin de bibliographic critique: historiographie hellenistique postpolybienne. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 604-613.
1471. [Achilles Tatius] WHITMARSH (Tim). Achilles Tatius. Leucippe and Clitophon. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XXXIX-164 p. 1472. [Alcidamas] MUIR (J. V.). Alcidamas: the works and fragments. London, Duckworth, 2001, XXXIII-94 p.
1460. Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum (editio maior). Ed. by Peter KOVÄCS. Debrecen, University of Debrecen-Dept. of ancient history, 2001, 115 p.
1473. [Appianus] GOUKOLOWSKI (Paul). Appien. Histoire romaine. Tome VII, livre XII: la guerre de Mithridate. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001, CLXXXVI254 p.
1461. Epigraphic evidence. Ancient history from inscriptions. Ed. by John BODEL. London and New York, Routledge, 2001, XXVI-146 p. [Cf. nos 1457,
1474. [Apsines] PATILLON (M.). Apsincs. Art rhetorique. Problemes ä Faux-Semblant. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001, CXII-214 p.
1462. FABIANI (Roberta). Un decreto ateniese riprodotto a lasos. La parola del passato, 2001, 56, p. 69-100.
1475. [Aristocles Messenius] CHIESARA (M. L.). Aristocles of Messene. Testimonia and fragments. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XLII-218 p.
1463. HELLY (Bruno). Un decret federal des Thessaliens meconnu dans une cite d'Achai'e Phthiotide (IG
1 4 7 6 . [ A r i s t o p h a n e s ] PRATO (Carlo), DEL CORNO ( D a r i o ) . A r i s t o f a n e . L e d o n n e alle T e s m o f o r i e . M i l a n o ,
Fondazione Lorenzo Valla/Arnoldo Mondadori, 2001, LXXXVI-372 p. 1477. [Aristophanes] SOMMERSTEIN (Alan H.). Aristophanes. Vol. 11: Wealth. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 2001, XIV-321 p. 1478. [Aristoteles] LENNOX (James J.). Aristotle. On the parts of the animals I-IV. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2001, XV-404 p. 1479. [Aristoteles] SIFAKIS (G. M.). Aristotle on the function of tragic poetry. Herakleion, Crete U. P., 2001, 206 p. 1480. [Callimachus] NISETICH (Frank). The poems of Callimachus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, LVI-350 p. 1481. [Diodorus Siculus] HAILLET (Jean). Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque historique. Livre XI. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001, XLV-207 p. 1482. [Euripides] ALLAN (W.). Euripides. The children of Heracles. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 2001, 236 p.
1494. [Mythographi] FOWLER (R. L.). Early Greek mythography. Vol. I: text and introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XLVII-459 p. 1495. [Pindarus] RUTHERFORD (Ian). Pindar's Paeans: a reading of the fragments with a survey of the genre. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-546 p. 1496. [Plutarchus] MAGINI (D.). Plutarco. Del mangiare carne. Trattati sugli animali. Milano, Adelphi, 2001,296 p. 1497. [Polybius] MUSTI (Domenico), MARI (Manuela), THORNTON (John). Polibio. Storie: libri I-II. Milano, Rizzoli, 2001, 681 p. (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli). 1498. [Polybius] MUSTI (Domenico), MARI (Manuela), THORNTON (John). Polibio. Storie: libri III-IV. Milano, Rizzoli, 2001, 605 p. (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli). 1499. [Sophocles] MARCH (J.). Sophocles. Electra. Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 2001, 236 p.
1483. [Euripides] COZZOLI (Adele-Teresa). Euripide. Cretesi. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, 127 p.
1500. [Xenophon] PETROCELLI (Corrado). Senofonte. Ipparchico. Manuale per il comandante di cavalleria. Bari, Edipuglia, 2001, XXXV-219 p.
1484. [Euripides] SUSANETTI (D.). Euripide. Alcesti. Venezia, Marsilio, 2001, 301 p.
Cf. nm 1578-1721
[Flavius Philostratus] BERENSON MACLEAN
(Jennifer K.), BRADSHAW AITKEN (Ellen). Flavius Philostratus. Heroikos. With a prologue by Gregory NAGY and an epilogue by Helmut KOESTER. Atlanta, Society of Biblical literature, 2001, XCVII-318 p. 1486. [Hermes Trismegistus] SCHIAVONE (V.). Ermete Trismegisto. Corpus Hermeticum. Milano, Rizzoli, 2001, 375 p. (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli). 1487. [Hymni Homerici] APPEL (Wlodzimierz). Hymnoi Homerikoi czyli Hymny Homeryckie. Tonin, Algo, 2001,364 p. 1488. [Hymni Homerici] TORRES GUERRA (Jose B.). Himno homerico a Demeter. Pamplona, EUNSA, 2001, 112 p. 1489. [Hypereides] WHITEHEAD (David). Hypereides. The forensic speeches. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVIII-523 p. 1490. [Isocrates] LIVINGSTONE (N.). A commentary on Isocrates' Busiris. Leiden, Boston and Köln, Brill, 2001, XI-225 p. 1491.
[ L o n g i n u s ] PATILLON (M.), BRISSON (L.).
Longin: Fragments, Art rhetorique, Rufus. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001,390 p. 1492. [Lucianus Samosatensis] PLRAS (Giovanna). Luciano di Samosata. Come si dcve scrivere la storia. Premessa di Luciano CANFORA. Napoli, Liguori, 2001, 143 p. 1493. [Menander] BALME (M.). Menander. The plays and fragments. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XXXIV-312 p.
§ 4. General and political history. 1501. BAKER (Patrick). Remarques sur la defense ä Cos ä l'epoque hellenistique. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 183-195. 1502. BALOT (Ryan). Pericles' anatomy of democratic courage. American journal of philology, 2001, 122, p. 505-525. 1503. BALTRUSCH (Ernst). Mythos oder Wirklichkeit? Die Helotengefahr und der Peloponnesische Bund. Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 1, p. 1-24. 1504. BIRASCHI (Anna Maria). Efeso ed Atene nel V secolo. La parola delpassato, 2001, 56, p. 169-188. 1505. BYL (Simon). Aristophane et les guerres mediques. L'antiquite classique, 2001, 70, p. 35-47. 1506. CHRYSSANTHAKI (Katerina). Les trois fondations d'Abdere. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 383-406. 1507. DE LIBERO (L.). Delphi und die archaische Tyrannis. Hermes, 2001, 129, p. 3-20. 1508. DICKEY (Eleanor). Kyrie, despota, domine. Greek politeness in the Roman empire. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 1-11. 1509. FORSDYKE (Sarah). Athenian democratic ideology and Herodotus' Histories. American journal of philology, 2001, 122, p. 329-358. 1510. GlOVANNINI (Adalberto). Les antecedents de la deuxieme guerre de Macedonie. In: Recherches re-
centes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 97113.
1523. REGER (Gary). The Mykonian synoikismos. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 157-181.
1511. GLRAUD (Jean-Marie). Lysandre et le chef ideal de Xenophon. Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 53,
1524. RUBINCAM (Catherine). The topography of Pylos and Sphakteria and Thucydides' measurements of distance. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 77-90.
p. 3 9 - 6 8 .
1512. HADLEY (Robert Α.). A possible lost source for the career of Eumenes of Kardia. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 3-33. 1513. HÖLKESKAMP (K.-J.). Marathon - vom Monument zum Mythos In: Gab es das Griechische Wunder? [Cf.n° 1421], p. 329-353. 1514. KULISHOVA (Oksana V.). Del'fijskij orakul Ν sisteme antichnykh mezhgosudarstvennykh otnoshenij, VII-V vv. do n.e. (The Delphi Oracle in the system of the interrelations of ancient states, the 7TH-5TH centuries B.C.). Intr. by Eduard D. FROLOV. Sankt-Peterburg, Gumanitarnaja akademija, 2001, 431 p. (bibl. p. 407427).
1515. MILLAR (Fergus). Greece and Rome from Mummius Achaicus to St. Paul: reflections on a changing world. Bulletin de correspondance helleniqueSupplement, 2001, 39, p. 1-11. 1516. MUELLER-GOLDINGEN (Christian). Dichter und Herrscher. Bemerkungen zur Polykratesode des Ibykos. L'antiquite classique, 2001, 70, p. 17-26. 1517. MUSTI (Domenico). Pantelleria: origine del nome dell'isola. Hesperia. Studi sulla grecitä d'Occidente, 2001, 14, p. 191-197. 1518. NEFEDKIN (Aleksandr K.). Boevye kolesnitsy i kolesnichie drevnikh grekov (XVI-I vv. do n.e.). (Military chariots and their drivers, Greece, the 16 lh 1st centuries B.C.). Intr. by A. I. ZAJTSEV. Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2001, 527 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 463-495, ind. p. 496-511). [English summary] 1519. OLBRYCHT (Marek J.). Die Aorser, die Oberen Aorser und die Siraker bei Strabon. Zur Geschichte und Eigenart der Völker im nordostpontischen und nordkaukasischen Raum im 2.-1. Jh. v.Chr. Klio, 2001, 83, p. 425-450. 1520. PICCIRILLI (Luigi). La diplomazia nella Grecia antica: temi del linguaggio e caratteristiche degli ambasciatori. Museum Helveticum, 2001, 58, ρ. 1-31. 1521. PIERART (Marcel). Argos, Philippe II et la Cynourie (Thyreatide): les frontieres du partage d'Heraclides. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 27-43. 1522. Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique. Actes du colloque international organisee ä l'occasion du 60e anniversaire de Pierre Ducrey (Lausanne, 20-21 novembre 1998). Ed. par Regula FREI-STOLBA et Kristine GEX. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford and Wien, Lang, 2001, 321 p. [Cf. nos 1224, 1247, 1390, 1465, 1510, 1521, 1534, 1571, 1750.]
1525. SCHNEIDER (Pierre). He megale thalassa: un autre nom de l'Erythree? Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 626-635. 1526.
STEPHENSON (F. R i c h a r d ) , FATOOHI ( L o u a y
J.). The eclipses recorded by Thucydides. 2001,50, p. 245-253.
1527. TAKAHASHI (Hideki). Arukaikku-ki Atenai to kösö. (Archaic Athene and the struggles-between 'stasises'). Tokyo, Taga Shuppan, 2001, 262 p. 1528. THIRY (Sebastien). Aspects geopolitiques de l'histoire des lies ioniennes aux epoques classiques et hellenistiques. Historia, 2001, 50, p. 131-144.
§ 5. History of law and institutions.
1529. AMMENDOLA (S.). Limitazioni del diritto di libcrta di parola nell'Atene del V secolo ed in particolare nel teatro attico. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 2001, 23, p. 41-113. 1530. BOFFO (Laura). Lo statuto di terre, insediamenti e persone nell'Anatolia ellenistica. Documenti recenti e problemi antichi. Dike, 2001,4, p. 233-255. 1531. CARTLEDGE (Paul). Spartan reflections. London, Duckworth, 2001, XII-276 p. 1532. GASTI (Eleni). L'Oreste sofocleo e l'efebia. La parola del passato, 2001, 56, p. 313-327. 1533. GIEBEL (Marion). Das Orakel von Delphi. Geschichte und Texte. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2001, 125 p. 1534. HATZOPOULOS (Miltiades B.). La lettre d'Antigon Doson ä Beroia et le recrutement de l'armee macedonienne sous les derniferes Antigonides. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 45-52. 1535. KARVOUNIS (Christos). Schlug Demosthenes tatsächlich eine Erhöhung des Symmorienzahl von 20 auf 100 vor (Demosth. Or. 14)? Klio, 2001, 83, p. 52-67. 1536. MASHIMO (Hidenobu). Den-Kusenopon 'Atenai-jin no kokusei' no kenkyü. (A study of pseudoXenophon 'Constitution of the Athenians'). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2001,358 p. 1537. MuSTl (Domenico). La syngeneia e la oikeiotes: sinonimi ο nuances? In: Linguaggio e terminologia diplomatica [Cf. n° 1207], p. 45-63. - IDEM. Questioni pausaniane e delfiche: l'Anfizionia in etä romana. Rivista difilologia e di istruzione classica, 2001, 129, p. 465-493.
1538. Ο'SULLIVAN (Lara). Philochorus, Pollux and the nomophulakes of Demetrius of Phalerum. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 51-62. 1539. PRADEAU (J.-F.). La economia politica de las Leyes. Observaciones sobre la institution de los kleroi. In: Plato's laws [Cf. n° 1712], p. 149-160. 1540. PRITCHETT (W. Kendrick). Athenian calendars and ekklesias. Amsterdam, Gieben, 2001, XIII2 5 0 p. 1541. RHODES (P. J.). Public documents in the Greek States: archives and inscriptions. Parts I-II. Greece and Rome, 2001, 48, p. 33-44; 48, p. 136-153. 1542. ROSSETTI (L.). Le Leggi di Platone nel contesto della cultura e della letteratura giuridica attica. In: Plato's laws [Cf. n° 1712], p. 203-220. 1543. ROWE (C. J.). Killing Socrates: Plato's later thoughts on democracy. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 63-76. 1544. RUBEL (Alexander). Hellespontophylakes Zöllner am Bosporos? Überlegungen zur Fiskalpolitik des attischen Seebundes (IG I3 61). Klio, 2001, 83, p. 3951. 1545. SANCHEZ (Pierre). L'amphictionie des Pyles et de Delphes. Recherches sur son role historique, des origines au ΙΓ siecle de notre ere. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001,574 p. 1546. SATO (Ν.). Athenian patronage and active political participation. Journal of classical studies, 2001, 49, p. 98-107 (in Japanese language). 1547. SCHMITZ (Winfried). "Drakonische Strafen". Die Revision der Gesetze Drakons durch Solon und die Blutrache in Athen. Klio, 2001, 83, p. 7-38. 1548. WARREN (James). Socratic suicide. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 91-106. 1549. WATSON (Alan). The evolution of western private law. Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2001, XV-320p. § 6. E c o n o m i c and social h i s t o r y . 1550. ALLAN (William). Euripides in Megale Hellas: some aspects of the early reception of tragedy. Greece and Rome, 2001, 48, p. 67-86. 1551. BONNET (Α.). En parcourant le Val des Muses. Remarques sur un concours musical de l'antiquite: les Mouseia de Thespies. In: Musique et poesie dans l'antiquite [Cf. n" 1430], p. 53-70. 1552. CHANKOWSKI (Veronique). Athenes, Delos et les Cyclades ä l'epoque classique: un reseau economique? Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 83-102. 1553. COHEN (Edward E.). A new balance sheet for the ancient economy. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 313-315.
1554. COIN-LONGERAY (Sandrine). La richesse mortelle: l'Agamemnon d'Eschyle. Etude d'un emploi particulier de la famille de ploutos. L'antiquite classique, 2001,70, p. 27-34. 1555. CURREN (R. R.). Aristotle on the necessity of public education. Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield, 2001, XV-279 p. 1556. DE LA GENIERE (Juliette). Xenoi en Sicile dans la premiere moitie du V e siecle (Diod. XI 72, 3). Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 24-36. 1557. DELRIEUX (Francis). Iasos ä la fin du IVe siecle a.C. Les monnaies aux fruits de mer, des fils de Theodotos au versement de l'ekklesiasterion. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 160-189. 1558. DESCAT (Raymond). La loi delienne sur les bois et charbons et le röle de Delos comme marchi. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 125-130. 1559.
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naies de Γ Archegesion de Delos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 145-174. 1560. Economies beyond agriculture in the classical world. Ed. by David J. MATTINGLY and John SALMON. London and New York, Routledge, 2001, XII-324 p. 1561. GABRIELSEN (Vincent). Economic activity, maritime trade and piracy in the Hellenistic Aegean. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 219-240. 1562. GARCIA ROMERO (Fernando). El deporte en los proverbios griegos antiguos. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2001, XVI-170 p. 1563. GERO (E.-C.), JOHNSSON (H.-R.). Where are the women when the men laughed at Lysistrata? An inquiry into the question whether the audience of the Old Comedy also included female spectators. Eranos, 2001,99, p. 87-99. 1564. GILL (David W. J.). The decision to build the temple of Atena Nike (IG I3 35). Historia, 2001, 50, p. 257-278. 1565. GRAHAM (A. J.). Collected papers on Greek colonization. Leiden, Boston and Köln, Brill, 2001, XV-414 p. 1566. HUNT (Peter). The slaves and the generals of Arginusae. American journal of philology, 2001, 122, p. 359-380. 1567. LANZA (Letizia). Donne greche (e dintomi). Da Omero a Ingeborg Bachmann. Padova, Supernova, 2001,211 p. 1568. LE GUEN (Brigitte). L'activite dramatique dans les lies grecques ä l'epoque hellenistique. Revue des etudes anciennes, 2001, 103, p. 261-298. 1569. MUSTI (Domenico). II simposio nel suo sviluppo storico. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 162 p. 1570. PFAFF (Christopher). Fifth-century contractors' marks at the Argive Heraion. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2001, 101, p. 150-153.
7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 1571. RIZAKIS (A. D.). Les cites peloponnesiennes entre l'epoque hellenistique et l'empire: le paysage economique et social. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 75-96. 1572. ROSENBERGER (Veit). Griechische Orakel. Eine Kulturgeschichte. Stuttgart, Thesis und Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001, 213 p. 1573. SATO (Noboru). Minshusei-Atenai ni okeru patoroneji. (Patronage in democratic Athens). Shigaku Zasshi, 2001, 110, 7, p. 1-34. [Eng. summary], 1574. TACON (Judith). Ecclesiastic thorubos: interventions, interruptions and popular involvement in the Athenian assembly. Greece and Rome, 2001, 48, p. 173191. 1575. TAYLOR (Claire). Bribery in Athenian politics. Part I. Accusations, allegations and slander. Part II. Ancient reaction and perceptions. Greece and Rome, 2 0 0 1 , 4 8 , p . 5 3 - 6 6 ; 4 8 , p. 154-172.
1576. TOHER (Mark). Telemachus' rite of passage. La parola delpassato, 2001, 56, p. 149-168. 1577. VINOGRADOV (J. G.). Ostrakismos als strenges Kampfmittel für Demokratie im Lichte der neuen Funde aus Chersonesos Taurike. In: Gab es das Griechische Wunder? [Cf. n° 1421], p. 379-386. Cf. n"' 782, 783 § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science.
1585. BANDINI (Michele). Dione di Prusa, Or. 6, 18. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2001, 129, p. 57-61. 1586. BEARZOT (Cinzia). Xenoi e profughi nell' Europa di Isocrate In: Integrazione, mescolanza, rifiuto [Cf. n° 1425], p. 47-63. 1587. BERNARD (Wolfgang). Das Ende des Ödipus bei Sophokles. Untersuchung zur Interpretation des 'Ödipus auf Kolonos'. München, Beck, 2001, 278 p. 1588. BIERL (Α.). Der Chor in der Alten Komödie. Ritual und Performativität. Leipzig, K. G. Saur München, 2001,457 p. 1589. BLLLAULT (Alain). L'histoire de la rhetorique dans les Vies paralleles de Plutarque: l'exemple des Vies de Demosthenc et de Ciceron. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 256-268. - IDEM. Le spectacle tragique dans la Poetique d'Aristotle. In: Lectures antiques de la tragedie grecque [Cf. n° 1629], p. 43-59. 1590. BLANCHARD (Α.). La division tripartite de la comedie: essai d'interpretation. Wiener Studien, 2001, 114, p. 75-84. 1591. BRISSON (LUC). Le dernier anneau de la chaine d'or. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 269282. 1592. BROWN (P. G.). Love and marriage in Greek New Comedy. In: Oxford readings in Menander, Plautus and Terence [Cf. n° 1639], p. 53-64. 1593. BUCK SUTTON (S.). A temple worth seeing. Pausanias, travelers and the narrative landscape at Nemea. In: Pausanias [Cf. n° 1643], p. 175-191.
a. Literature
1594. BYL (Simon). Les infirmites physiques de la vieillesse dans les epigrammes de l'Anthologie Palatine. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 439-455.
1578. ALDEN (Maureen). Homer beside himself: para-narratives in the Iliad. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XIV-384 p.
1595. CAMASSA (Giorgio). La polypragmosyne e i suoi effetti (Aristofane "Acarnesi" 833). Klio, 2001, 83, p. 348-352.
1579. ALTMEYER (M.). Unzeitgemäßes Denken bei Sophokles. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2001, 330 p.
1596. CAMPAGNER (R.). Lcssico agonistico di Aristofane. Roma e Pisa, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2001, 338 p.
1580. ANDERSEN (0ivind), Im Garten der Rhetorik. Die Kunst der Rede in der Antike. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft - Primus, 2001, 335 p.
1597. CECCARELLI (L.). L'eroe e il suo limite. Responsabilitä personale e valutazione etica nell'Iliade. Bari, Edipuglia, 2001, 108 p.
1581. ANDERSON (J. K.). Xenophon. London, Duckworth, 2001, IX-206 p.
1598. COLESANTI (Giulio). Dittografie e scambi simposiali nel corpus teognideo. Athenaeum, 2001, 89, p. 459-496.
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1739. PlETTRE (Renee). Images et perception de la presence divine en Grece ancienne. Melanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 2001, 113, p. 211 -224. 1740. PÖTSCHER (W.). Chans und Aphrodite (Horn. II. 18, 382 f., Od. Ο, 266 ff.). Wiener Studien, 2001, 114, p. 9-24. 1741. ROB1ANO (Patrick). Un discours encomiastique: en l'honneur d'Apollonios de Tyane. Revue des etudes grecques, 2001, 114, p. 637-646.
§ 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1748. ALEXANDRESCU (Petre). L'aigle et le dauphin. Etudes d'archeologie pontique. Bucarest, Editura Enciclopedicä et Paris, De Boccard, 2001, XVI-303 p. 1749. AMORE (Maria Grazia), BEJKO (Lorenc), CE ROVA (Ylli), GJIPALI (Ilir). The Via Egnatia (Albania) project and the bridge at Topfias. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 381-389. 1750.
ANDREIOMENOU (A. K.). Les necropoles de
Levadia et d'Akraiphia ä l'epoque hellenistique: une comparison. In: Recherches recentes sur le monde hellenistique [Cf. n° 1522], p. 155-190. 1751. ANGELICOUSSIS (Elizabeth). The Holkham collection of classical sculptures. Mainz, von Zabem, 2001, 189 p. 1752.
ARSEN'EVA ( T a t ' j a n a M . ) , BEZUGLOV ( S e r -
gej I.), TOLOCHKO (Irina V.). Nekropol' Tanaisa: Raskopki 1981-1995 gg. (The Necropolis of Tanais: excavations of 1981-1995). Ed. by G. A. KOSHELENKO. RAN, In-t arkheologii, Muzej "Tanais". Moskva, Paleograf, 2001, 274 p. (109 p. ill. and tables; bibl. p. 262-267). [English summary] 1753. BALLARD (Robert D.), HIEBERT (Fredrik T.), COLEMAN (Dwight F.), WARD (Cheryl), SMITH (Jennifer S.), WILLIS (Kathryn), FOLEY (Brendan), CROFF
(Katherine), MAJOR (Candace), TORRE (Francesco). Deepwater archaeology of the Black Sea: the 2000 season at Sinop, Turkey. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 607-623. 1754.
BERNABO BREA (Luigi), CAVALIER ( M a d e -
leine). Maschere e personaggi nel teatro greco nelle terrecotte liparesi. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2001,316 p.
minique), OULHEN (Jacques). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole firan^aise d'Athenes en 2000: Delphes. Bulle-
1767. D] VITA (Α.). Edilizie ed espansione urbana a Gortina fra il II secolo a.C. ed il I secolo a.C. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39,
tin de correspondence
p. 5 1 7 - 5 2 6 .
BOMMELAER ( J e a n - F r a n f o i s ) , MULLIEZ ( D o -
2 0 0 1 , 125, p. 5 8 1 - 5 8 5 .
1756. Bosporskij rel'ev so stsenoj srazhenija (Amazonomakhija?). (Bosporan battle relief [Amazonomachia?]). Ed. Elena SAVOSTINA. Moskva, Gos. muzej izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv im. A. S. Pushkina - SanktPeterburg, Letnij sad, 2001, 331 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [All articles given parallel in Russian and English or German]
figurig. Panathenäische Preisamphoren und Vasenmaler des späten 5. und des frühen 4. Jhs. v. Chr. In: Panathena'ika [Cf. n° 1802], p. 83-90.
BOYD ( M i c h a e l ) , PROVOST ( S a m u e l ) . A p p l i c a -
1 7 6 9 . ETIENNE ( R o l a n d ) , WURCH-KOZELJ ( M a n u e la), PROST ( F r a n c i s ) , SARRIS ( A p o s t o l o s ) , MORETTI ( J e a n - C h a r l e s ) , FRAISSE ( P h i l i p p e ) , ALABE ( F r a n c i s ) , BRUNET ( M i c h e l e ) , JOCKEY ( P h i l i p p e ) . R a p p o r t s u r les
tion de la prospection geophysique ä la topographie urbaine, I. Philippes, les quarters Sud-Ouest. Bulletin
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2 0 0 1 , 125, p . 4 5 3 - 5 2 1 .
IDEM. Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole franfaise d'Athenes en 2000: Philippes. Bulletin de correspondance
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VREKAJ (Bashkim). Travaux menes en collaboration avec l'Ecole fran9aise en 2000: Apollonia d'lllyrie. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 7 0 1 - 7 1 5 .
1759. CARUSO (Fabio). Apollo, Orione e la crisi beotica (osservazioni su un vaso perduto del pittore di Syriskos). Melanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 2 0 0 1 , 113, p . 1 2 3 - 1 7 3 . 1760.
CAVANAGH ( W i l l i a m ) ,
REN ARD (Josette). Travaux menes en collaboration avec l'Ecole franjaise en 2000: Kouphovouno (Messenie). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p . 6 4 5 - 6 4 8 .
1761. CHANKOWSKY (Veronique). Travaux menes en collaboration avec l'Ecole frangaise en 2000: Pistiros (Bulgarie). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 731-736. 1762. Corpus vasorum antiquorum, Deutschland. 73. Göttingen, Archäologisches Institut der Universität. Band 2: korinthische und etruskische Keramik. Hrsg von
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München, Beck, 83 p. 1763. CROMEY (R.). Athena's panathenaic episema and democracy's return in 403. In: Panathena'ika [Cf. n° 1 8 0 2 ] , p. 9 1 - 1 0 0 .
1764. CURTI (Francesca). La bottega del pittore di Meleagro. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2001, 294 p. 1765. D'ONOFRIO (Anna Maria). Immagini di divinitä nel materiale votivo dell'edificio ovale geometrico ateniese e indagine sull'area sacra alle pendici settentrionali dell'Areopago. Melanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 1766.
2 0 0 1 , 113, P. 2 5 7 - 3 2 0 .
1770. ETIENNE (Roland). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole fran9aise d'Athenes en 2000. Les activites de l'EFA et hommage ä A. Pariente. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 549-561. 1771. FABBRINI (F.). La ricerca di opere d'arte nel III e II secolo a.C. come momento per una definizione di 'classicitä'. Maecenas, 2001, 1, p. 13-46. 1772. GARLAND (Robert). The Piraeus from the fifth to the first century BC. London, Duckworth, 2001, XI-280 p. 1773. GOETTE (Hans Rupprecht). Athens, Attica and the Megarid: an archaeological guide. London, Routledge, 2001, XVI-400 p. 1774.
GORI ( B a r b a r a ) , PIERINI ( T i z i a n a ) . L a c e r a m i -
ca comune. I: ceramica comune di impasto. Π: ceramica comune di argilla figulina. Bari, Edipuglia, 2001, 277 p.; 2001, XII-281-431 p. 1 7 7 5 . GRECO ( E m a n u e l e ) , KALPAXIS ( T h a n a s s i s ) , PAPADAKIS ( N i k o s ) , SCHNAPP ( A l a i n ) , VIVIERS ( D i -
dier). Travaux menes en collaboration avec l'Ecole frangaise en 2000: Itanos (Crete Orientale). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 637-644. 1776. GROS (Pierre). Rapport de synthese: urbanisme et topographie civique. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 387-399. 1777.
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search of Muzins. Journal of Roman 2001, 14, p. 334-350. 1778.
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KO2ELJ (Tony). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole
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fraiNjaise ä Amathonte en 2000. Bulletin de dance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 633-636.
1781. IACOVELLA (Andrea). Les premieres fouilles ä Megara Hyblaea (1860-1897): reactualisation des decouvertes ä partir des documents dell'Archivio centrale dello Stato. ΜHanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 2001, 113, p. 401-469.
1794. MARCHETTI (P.). Rapport de synthese: edifices et complexes monumentaux. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 137-154. 1795. MARTIN (Archer). The south-west building at Olympia: the ceramic and glass evidence for its dating. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001,39, p. 313-322.
1782. JACQUEMIN (Anne), LAROCHE (Didier). Le monument de Daochos ou le tresor des Thessaliens. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 305332.
1796. MEDRI (M.). La diffusione dell'opera reticola: considerazioni a partire dal caso di Olimpia. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 15-40.
1783. JACQUEMIN (Anne). De la miconaissance Ä Tabus du sanctuaire: l'apprentissage de la Grece par les chefs de guerre romains. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 155-165.
1797. MORELLI (Giuseppe). Teatro attico e pittura vascolare. Una tragedia di Cheremone nella ceramica italiota. Hildesheim, Ziirich e New York, Olms, 2001, 179 p.
1784. JENKINS (Jan). Cleaning and controversy: the Parthenon sculptures 1811-1939. London, The Trustees of the British Museum, 2001, VI-65 p.
1798. MORENO (Paolo). La bellezza classica. Guida al piacere dell'antico. Torino, Allemandi & C., 2001, 267 p.
KOHL ( M a r k u s ) , M A R C ( J e a n - Y v e s ) , VIVIERS
(Didier). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole frangaisc d'Athenes en 2000: Thasos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 592-608. 1786. KOHL (Markus). La genese du portique d'Attale II. Origine et sens des singularites d'un bätiment construit dans le cadre de la nouvelle organisation de l'agora d'Athenes au He siecle av. J.-C. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 237-266. 1787. LAPATIN (Κ. D. S.). Chryselephantine statuary in the ancient Mediterranean world. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-242 p. 1788. LAWALL (Mark L.). Amphoras in the 1990s: in need of archaeology. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 533-537. (Petrika), TOUCHAIS (Gilles). Travaux menes en collaboration avec l'Ecole frangaise en 2000: Sovjan (Albanie). Bulletin de correspondance helleni1789.
2 0 0 1 , 125, p. 7 1 6 - 7 3 0 .
1 7 9 0 . LIPPOLIS (Enzo). Culto e iconografie delta coroplastica votiva: problemi interpretative a Taranto e nel mondo greco. Melanges de l'Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 2001, 113, p. 225-255.
Rocco ( G . ) . II santuario di Asklepios, Hygieia e Homonoia nel demo di Isthmos a Coo. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001,39, p. 371-384. 1791.
1 7 9 2 . MANIATIS (Yannis), TREUIL (Rene), TSIRTSONi (Ζοϊ). Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole frangaisc d'Athenes en 2000: Dikili Tash. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 590-591.
1793. MARC (Jean-Yves). L'agora de Thasos du IF siecle av. J.-C. au Ier siecle ap. J.C.: etat des recherches. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 495-516.
1799. MORETTI (Jean-Charles). Kleröteria trouves ä Delos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 133-143. - IDEM. Le Stade et les xystes de Delos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001,39, p. 349-370. 1800. NEILS (J.). The Parthenon frieze. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIX-294 p. 1801. 0DEGÄRD (Knut). Det arkadiske landskap. (Norwegian archaeological excavations in Tega, Peloponnes). Klassiskforum, 2001, 1, p. 31-42. (ill.). 1802. Panathenai'ka. Symposion zu den Panathenäischen Preisamphoren Rauischholzhausen, 25.1129.11.1998. Hrsg. von Martin BENTZ, Norbert ESCHos BACH. Mainz, von Zabern, XV-205 p. [Cf. n 1763, 1768, 1811, 1813.] 1803. PEPPA-PAPA'IOANNOU (Irini). Un relief de type melien trouve ä Trezene. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 109-131. 1804. PHILIPPA-TOUCHAIS (Anna), TOUCHAIS (Gilles), PIERART (Marcel), PARIENTE (Anne). Rapport sur
les travaux de l'Ecole franjaise d'Athenes en 2000: Argos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 563-580. 1805. $AHIN (Mustafa). Hellenistic braziers in the British Museum: trade contacts between ancient Mediterranean cities. Anatolian studies, 2001, 51, p. 91-132. 1806. SCHAUER (Chr.). Ein späthellenistischer Bau in Olympia (Grabungen des DAI, 1987-1991). Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 323-328. 1807. SCHMID (Stephan G.). Worshipping the emperor(s): a new temple of the imperial cult at Eretria and the ancient destruction of its statues. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 113-142. 1808.
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chen. Frühe Polyxena-Bilder. Mitteilungen
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sehen Archäologischen 2001, 116, p. 35-50.
1809. STEFANIDOU-TIVERIOU (Thea). Ein Tropaion für den Sieg bei Actium. Ein Fragment einer Kolossalstatue in Thessaloniki. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts-Athenische Abteilung, 2001, 116, p. 159-188.
1813. TSOUKLIDOU (D.). New panathenaic amphorae of the Hellenistic period. In: Panathenaika [Cf. n° 1802], p. 33-40. 1814. TZACHOU-ALEXANDRI (Olga Ε.). Le stamnos d'Athfenes n° 5898 du peintre de Brygos. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 89-108. 1815.
VICKERS ( M ) , KAKHIDZE ( Α . ) . T h e B r i t i s h -
1810. THEMELIS (P.). Das Gymnasion von Messene in der römischen Zeit. In: Griechenland in der Kaiserzeit [Cf. n" 1424], p. 9-20.
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1811. TLVERIOS (M.). Panathenaen und Makedonien. Panathenäische Preisamphoren aus dem nordgriechischen Raum. In: Panathenaika [Cf. n" 1802], p. 41-54.
1816. VlTTI (Massimo). Adattamento e trasformazione delle cittä della provincia Macedonia. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique-Supplement, 2001, 39, p. 473-494.
1812. TOUCHAIS (Gilles), Huber (Sandrine), PHIL1PPA-TOUCHAIS (Anna). Chronique de fouilles et decouvertes archeologiques en Grece en 2000. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 7791063.
p. 65-90.
1817. WILSON JONES (Mark). Doric measure and architectural design 2: a modular reading of the classical temple. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 675-713.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1818-1839. - § 2. The Etruscans. 1840-1853. - § 3. Sources and criticism of sources, (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1854-1967. - § 4. General and political history. 1968-2050. - § 5. History of law and institutions. 2051-2103. - § 6. Economic and social history. 2104-2173. - § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2174-2293. - § 8. Religion and mythology. 2294-2325. - § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2326-2401. - § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2402-2422.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1818. ADRARIO (Claudia). Weihegaben für die Wassergottheit: Votivbronzen in sardischen Brunnenheiligtümern. Antike Welt, 2001, 32, p. 7-16. 1819. ARNAULD (P.). Les Ligures: la construction d'un concept geographique et ses £tapes de l'epoque archai'que ä l'empire romain. In: Origines gentium [Cf. n° 2021], p. 327-346. 1820. BOTTINI (Α.). Gli Italici della mesogaia lucana ed il loro sistema insediativo. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [Cf. ηϋ 1831], p. 109-116. 1821. BRIQUEL (D.). Les deux origines de Lanuvium. Irv. Origines gentium [Cf. n° 2021], p. 297-308. 1822. CHIAI (Gian Franco). Ginnasi, templi e tribunali in Sardegna. Rivista di studi fenici, 2001, 29,
1828. MARCOTTE (D.). Samnites, Lucaniens et Brettiens. L'ltalie sabellique dans l'ethnographie grecque. In: Origines g e n t i u m [Cf. n° 2 0 2 1 ] , p. 2 8 5 - 2 9 5 .
1829. MASSERIA (Concetta). Garaguso. Santuari e culti di un centro enotrio. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V s e c o l o a . C . [ C f . n° 1 8 3 1 ] , p. 8 3 - 1 0 7 .
1830. MELE (Α.). II mondo enotrio tra VI e V secolo a.C. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [ C f . n° 1 8 3 1 ] , p. 2 5 3 - 3 0 1 .
1831. Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. Atti dei seminari napoletani (1996-1998). A cura di Maurizio BUGNO e Concetta MASSERIA. Napoli, Loffredo, 2001, 374 p. [Cf. n os 1820, 1823, 1827, 1829, 1830, 1834, 1836, 1837, 1838.]
1832. NASO (Alessandro). Egeo, Piceno ed Europa centrale in periodo arcaico. Anemos, 2001, 2, p. 87-110.
p. 3 5 - 5 2 .
1823. COLONNA (Giovanni). L'iscrizione del cippo di Tortora. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [Cf. n° 1831], p. 243-252. 1824. LA GRECA (Fernando). Fonti letterarie greche e latine per la storia della Lucania tirrenica. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2001, 418 p. 1825. LAZZARINI (Maria Letizia), POCCETTI (Paolo). L'iscrizione paleoitalica da Tortora. Napoli, Loffredo, 2 0 0 1 , 2 1 3 p.
1833. NAVA (Maria Luisa), POCCETTI (Paolo). II santuario lucano di Rossano di Vaglio: una nuova dedica osca ad Ercole. Melanges de Γecole frangaise de Rome. Antiquites,
2 0 0 1 , 113, p. 9 5 - 1 2 2 .
1834. POCCETTI (P.). Intorno ai problemi linguistici del mondo enotrio. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V sec o l o a . C . [ C f . n ° 1 8 3 1 ] , p. 1 4 9 - 1 9 8 .
1835. SCHAUENBURG (Konrad). Studien zur unteritalischen Vasenmalerei. 3. Kiel, Ludwig, 2001, 152 p. (ill.).
1826. LEFEVRE-NOVARO (Daniela). Echanges commerciaux et culturels entre Piceniens et Grecs: l'exemple de Numana (VF-IV 6 siecle av. J.-C.). Melanges de l'ecole frangaise de Rome. Antiquites, 2001, 113, p. 71-93.
1836. SILVESTRI (D.). Per una etimologia del nome Italia. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [Cf.
1827. LOMBARDO (M.). Enotri e Lucani: continuitä e discontinuita. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [Cf. n° 1831], p. 329-345.
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1838. TORELLI (Mario). Per un'archeologia dell'Oinotria. In: Mondo enotrio (II) tra VI e V secolo a.C. [Cf. n° 1831], p. 7-28. 1839. WHITEHOUSE (Ruth D.). Exploring gender in prehistoric Italy. Papers of the British school at Rome, 2001,69, p. 49-96. § 2. The E t r u s c a n s . 1840. ADAM (A.-M.). Des 'condottieri' en Etrurie et dans le Latium ä l'epoque archai'que? Latomus, 2 0 0 1 , 6 0 , p. 8 7 7 - 8 8 9 .
1841. BECKER (Marshall Joseph). Multiple cremations in a Volterran cinerary chest: testing a variation of Etruscan mortuary procedures using Hellenistic examples in the collection of the Museo Lapidario Maffeiano at Verona. Analecta Romana instituti Danici, 2 0 0 1 , 2 7 , p. 47-65.
1843. BENTZ (Martin), STEINBAUER (Dieter). Neues zum Aplu-Kult in Etrurien. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2 0 0 1 , P. 6 9 - 7 7 .
1844. BRIQUEL (D.). Les inscriptions etrusques conservees dans les musees de province. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2001, p. 9 - 2 4 . 1845. Corpus speculorum Etruscorum. Schweiz. 1, Basel - Schaffhausen - Bem - Lausanne. Hrsg. von Ines JUCKER. Bem, Stämpli, 2001, 292 p. (Taf.). 1846. DL FAZIO (Massimiliano). Sacrifici umani e uccisioni rituali nel mondo etrusco. Rendiconti dell'Accademia dei Lincei, serie 9a, 2001, 12, p. 435-505. 1847. FONTAINE (Paul). Les fortifications second a r e s de l'Etrurie: aspects et problemes. Revue archeologique, 2001, n.s., p. 173-177.
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ERDEMGIL (Selahattin). The sigillata manufactories of Pergamon and Sagalassos. Journal of Roman archaeology, i m , 14, p. 143-165. 2385. Pompeji wiederbelebt! Entdeckung, Nachleben und Rekonstruktion eines antiken Wohnhauses. Hrsg. v. H.-U. CAIN und F. PIRSON. Leipzig, PassageVerlag, 2001, 36 p. (Abb.). 2386. Recherches archeologiques franco-tunisiennes ä Acholla. Les mosai'ques des maisons du quartier central et les mosai'ques eparses. Releves, plans, dessins et restitutions. Ed. par Suzanne GOZLAN, Nabiha JEDDI, V e r o n i q u e BLANC-BIJON et A r i a n e BOURGEOIS.
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2377. Ostia, port et porte de la Rome antique. Catalogue de Γ exposition Ostia. Port de la Rome antique, Geneve, Musee Rath, 23 fevrier-22 juillet 2001. Ed. par J.-P. DESCOEUDRES. Geneve, Georg editeur, 2001, XVI-465 p. (ill.).
2390. Scavi del Palatino I. L'area sud-occidentale del Palatino tra l'etä protostorica e il IV secolo a.C. Scavi e materiali della struttura ipogea sotto la cella del tempio della Vittoria. Α cura di Patrizio PENSABENE e Stella FALZONE. Roma, L " E r m a ' di Bretschneider, 2001, XXXIII-290 p. (ill.).
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2391. SCHMID (S.). Worshipping the emperor(s): a new temple of the imperial cult at Eretria and the ancient destruction of its statues. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 113-142.
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113, p. 8 9 7 - 9 1 2 .
2394. STOREY (G. R.). Regionaries-type insulae I: architectural/residential units at Ostia. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 389-401.
2381. PARISE BADONI (Franca). Narciso a Pompei nella casa dei Quattro Stili? Melanges de l'ecole frangaise de Rome. Antiquites, 2001, 113, p. 787-798.
2395. TERRENATO (N.). The auditorium site in Rome and the origins of the villa. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 5-32.
2396. TYBOUT (R. Α.). Roman wall-painting and social significance. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2001, 14, p. 33-55.
2410. GARNSEY (Peter D. Α.), HUMFRESS (Caroline). The evolution of the late antique world. Cambridge, Orchard Academic, 2001, XV-253 p.
2397. VEDDER (Ursula). Grabsteine mit Porträt in Augusta Emerita (Lusitania). Zur Rezepetion spätrömischer Sepulkralkunst in einer Provinzhaupstadt mit einem ausführlichen Anhang zu den Emeritenser Grabaltären. Rahden, Leidorf, 2001, 157 p. (Abb., Taf.).
2411. Interpreting late antiquity: essays on the postclassical world. Ed. by Glen Warren BOWERSOCK, Peter Robert Lamont BROWN and Oleg GRABAR. Cambridge, Belknap press of Harvard U. P. 2001, XIII-280 p. (ill.).
2398. VENDRIES (Chr.). Ventre affame n'a pas d'oreilles? La representation d'un esclave tibicen dans une scöne de banquet sculptee sur un cippe d'Arlon. L'antiquite classique, 2001, 70, p. 123-136. 2399. Volubilis. Eine römische Stadt in Marokko von der Friihzeit bis in die islamische Periode. Hrsg. v. Martina RlßE. Mainz, von Zabern, 2001, IV-120 p. (Taf.). 2400. WEBSTER (J.). Creolizing the Roman provinces. American journal of archaeology, 2001, 105, p. 209-225. 2401. WREDE (Henning). Senatorische Sarkophage Roms. Der Beitrag des Senatorenstandes zur römischen Kunst der hohen und späten Kaiserzeit. Mainz, von Zabern, 2001, 146 p. (Taf.). § 10. L a t e a n t i q u i t y . T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of the Roman world. 2402. ALFÖLDY (Maria R.). Gloria Romanorum. Schriften zur Spätantike. Zum 75. Geburtstag der Verfasserin am 6. Juni 2001. Hrsg. v. Heinz BELLEN und Hans-Markus von KAENEL. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001, XI-381 p. (Abb.). (Historia Einzelschriften, 153). 2403. ARJAVA (Α.). The survival of Roman family law after the barbarian settlements. In: Law, society and authority in late antiquity [Cf. n° 2413], p. 33-51.
2412. KOLB (F.). Herrscherideologie in der Spätantike. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2001, 274 p. 2413. Law, society and authority in late antiquity. Ed. by Ralph W. MATHISEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XV-324 p. [Cf. n os 2072, 2074, 2403, 2417, 2507, 2513, 2540,2568.] 2414. Lexicon mediae et infimae Latinitatis Polonorum. Editur Christina WEYSSENHOFF BROZKOWA. Krakow, Polska Akademia Nauk, Istytut J^zyka Polskiego, 2001, p. 1601-1800. 2415. LIEBS (Detlef). Sklaverei aus Not im germanisch-römischen Recht. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 2001, 118, p. 286-311. 2416. MEROLA (G. D.). Autonomia doganale nella tarda antichitä intorno a CIL 3, 7151-7152. In: Atti dell'Accademia romanistica costantiniana, XIII convegno internazionale in memoria di Andre Chastagnol [Cf. n°2053], p. 277-291. 2417. SIRKS (B.). The farmer, the landlord, and the law in the fifth century. In: Law, society and authority in late antiquity [Cf. n° 2413], p. 256-271. 2418. Societa multiculturali nei secoli V-IX. Scontri, convivenza, integrazione nei Mediterraneo occidentale. Atti delle VII giornate di studio sull'etä romanobarbarica, Benevento 31 maggio-2 giugno 1999. A cura di Marcello ROTILI. Napoli, Arte tipografica, 2001, 364 p.
2404. BALMELLE (Catherine). Les demeures aristocratiques d'Aquitaine. Societe et culture de l'Antiquite tardive dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule. Bordeaux et Paris, Ausonius, 2001, 497 p. (Memoires. Aquitania, suppl., 10).
2419. Topographies of power in the early Middle ages. Ed. by Mayke DE JONG, Frans THEUWS and Carine VAN RHUN. Leiden, Brill, 2001, X-609 p. (The transformation of the Roman world, 6).
2405. BANAJI (Jairus). Agrarian change in late antiquity. Gold, labour, and aristocratic dominance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVII-286 p.
2420. Transformation (The) of frontiers: from late antiquity to the Carolingians. Edited by Walter POHL, Ian WOOD and Helmut REIMITZ. Leiden, Brill, 2001, 299 p. (The transformation of the roman world, 10).
2406. BOWERSOCK (Glen Warren). Recapturing the past in late antiquity. Mediterraneo antico, 2001, 4, p. 1-15. 2407. BRANDT (Hartwin). Das Ende der Antike. Geschichte des spätrömischen Reiches. München, Beck, 2001, 116 p. 2408. CROKE (B.). Chronicles, annals and 'consular annals' in late antiquity. Chiron, 2001, 31, p. 291-331. 2409. DE MITRI (C.). Un piccolo contributo alio studio della ceramica tardoantica di Marsiglia. Scavi della Borsa (1982-1983). Area 2. Settore 2. Periodo 1. Latomus, 2001, 60, p. 677-708.
§ 10. A d d e n d a 2 0 0 0 . 2421. BAR-ILAN (M.). The attitude toward mamzerim in Jewish society in late antiquity. Jewish history, 2000, 14, 2, p. 125-170. 2422. BURRUS (Virginia). "Begotten, not made": conceiving manhood in late antiquity. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2000, XVI-240 p. (ill.). (Figurae: reading medieval culture). Cf. nDS 2423-2589
§ 1. Sources. 2423-2467. - § 2. General. 2468-2474. - § 3. Special studies. 2475-2581. - § 4. Hagiography. 2582-2589.
§ 1. Sources. * 2423. LUTZKA (Carolina). Bibliographie. Ostkirchliche Studien,
2 0 0 1 , 50, 3-4, P. 2 8 3 - 3 7 1 .
2424. [Ambrosius] Ambrose, De officiis. Introduction, translation and commentary. Vol. II: Commentary. Ed. by Ivor J. DAVIDSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, p. 439-982. 2425. [Anonymus] PETIT (Fr.). La chaine sur l'Exode. Edition integrale, IV. Fonds catenique ancien (Exode 15, 22-40, 32). Leuven, Peeters, 2001, XIV359 p. 2426. [Asterius] KINZIG (W.). Asterius, Psalmenhomilien. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2001, XIV-297 p. 2427. [Athanasius Alexandrinus] STOCKHAUSEN (Α. von). Athanasius von Alexandrien. Epistula ad Afros. Einleitung, Kommentar und Übersetzung. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2001, X-367 p. 2428. [Augustinus] JANNER (Sara), JUROT (Romain). Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus. Band IX: Schweiz. Teil 1. Werkverzeichnis; Teil 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001, 272-208 p. 2429. [Basilius Caesariensis] LLPATOV (Ν. Α.). St. Basil the Great: commentary on the Prophet Isaiah. Mandelbachtal a. Cambridge, Edition Cicero, 2001, VI-431 p. 2430. [Basilius Minimus] SCHMIDT (Th. S.). Basilii Minimi in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationem XXXVIII commentarii. Turnhout, Brcpols a. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2001, LXXXIII-196 p. 2431. [Constantinus Acropolites] KALATZI (M.). Un discours inedit de Constantin Acropolite en l'honneur des saints martyrs Floras et Lauras. Byzantion, 2001, 71, p. 505-516.
2432. [Cyrillus Alexandrinus-Paulus Emcsenus] ALEXOPOULOS (S.). An example of ecclesial reconciliation in the early church. Three homilies by Paul of Emesa and Cyril of Alexandria. St. Vladimir's theological quarterly, 2001, 45, p. 339-358. 2433. [Ephraem Syrus] HEID (St.). Ephraem Graeci homilia de iudicio et pretiosa cruce (Clavis PG 4105). Orientalia Christiana periodica, 2001, 67, p. 353-370. 2434. [Eusebius Caesariensis] Eusebe dc Cesarec. La theologie politique de l'empire Chretien. Louanges de Constantin (Triakontaeterikos). Ed. par Pierre MARAVAL. Paris, Du Cerf, 2001, 216 p. 2435. [Eusebius Cesareensis] BARNES (T. D.). Constantin's speech to the assembly of the saints: place and date of delivery. Journal of theological studies, 2001,52, p. 26-36. 2436. [Evagrius Ponticus] HARMLESS (W.), FITZGERALD (R. R.). The sapphire light of the mind. The skemmata of Evagrius Ponticus. Theological studies, 2001,62, p. 458-529. 2437. [Evagrius Ponticus] YOUNG (R. D.). Evagrius the iconographer: monastic pedagogy in the Gnostikos. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2001, 9, p. 53-71. 2438. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] HAELEWYCK (].CI.). Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio syriaca, I, Oratio XL. Tumhout, Brepols a. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2001, XL-223 p. 2439. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] LEQUEUX (X.). Gregorii Presbyteri Vita Gregorii Theologi. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 44. Corpus Nazianzenum, 11 ] Turnhout, Brepols u. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2001, XXII-285 p. 2440. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio iberica, III. Oratio XXXVIII. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 45. Corpus Nazianzenum, 12). Hrsg. v. Η. METREVELI. Turnhout, Brepols u. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2001, XV-221 p.
2441. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio arabica antiqua, II. Orationes I, XLV, XLIV (arab. 9, 10, 11). (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 43. Corpus Nazianzenum, 10). Hrsg. v. L. TuERLlNCKX. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, XLIII-295 p. 2442. [Gregorius Nyssenus] MATURI (G.). Contributi stoici e reminiscenze del giudaismo alessandrino ncl De anima et resurrectione di Gregorio di Nissa. Studi sull'oriente cristiano, 2001, 5, p. 5-24. 2443. [Gregorius Nyssenus] MEIS (Α.). Die theologische Bedeutung des homochronos: zu Adversus Arium et Sabellium von [Gregor von Nyssa], Vigiliae Christianae, 2001, 55, p. 406-426. 2444. [Hilarius Pictauiensis] WILLIAMS ( D . H . ) . Defining orthodoxy in Hilary of Poitiers' «Commentarium in Matthaeum». Journal of early christian studies, 2001,9, p. 151-171. 2445. [Irenaeus] FERGUSON (Th. C. K.). The rule of truth and Irenaean rhetoric in book I of Against heresies. Vigiliae Christianae, 2001, 55, p. 356-375. 2446. [Johannes Chrysostomus] HILL ( R . C.). St. John Chrysostom's Homilies on Hannah. St. Vladimir's theological quarterly, 2001, 45, p. 319-338. 2 4 4 7 . [Johannes Chrysostomus] DELGADO JARA (I.). Sermones in Genesim de San Juan Crisostomo. Helmantica. Revista de filologia clasica y hebrea de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2001, 160, 202 p. [Johannes Chrysostomus] PRADELS ( W . ) , BRÄNDLE ( R . ) , HEIMGARTNER (M.). Das bisher vermißte Textstück in Johannes Chrysostomus, Adversus Judaeos, Oratio 2. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 2 0 0 1 , 5 , P. 2 3 - 4 9 .
2448. [Leontius Constantinopolitanus] Voicu (S. J.). Dieci omelie di Leonzio di Costantinopoli. Studi sull'oriente cristiano, 2001, 5, p. 165-190. 2449. [Lactantius] Lucius Caelius Firmianus genannt Lactantius, Göttliche Unterweisungen in Kurzform. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert v. Eberhard HECK und Gudrun SCHICKLER. München u. Lepzig, Saur, 2001, 190 p. 2450. [Oecumenius] DE GROOTE (Μ.). Die Kirchenväter in Oecumenius' Scholia in Ioannem Chrysostomum. Vigiliae christianae, 2001, 60, p. 191-200. 2451. [Paulinus Petricordiensis] GÄRTNER (Th.). Zur christlichen Imitationstechnik in der 'Vita sancti Martini' des Paulinus von Petricordia. Vigiliae Christianae, 2001, 55, p. 71-85. 2452. [Proclus Constantinopolitanus] BARKHUIZEN (J. H.). Proclus bishop of Constantinople. Homilies on the life of Christ. Brisbane, Australian Catholic University, 2001, XVI-240 p. 2453. [Prudentius] GNILKA (Christian). Prudentiana II. Exegetica. München u. Lepizig, Saur, 2001, 648 p. 2454. [Tertullianus] Tertullien, Contre Marcion. Tome IV (Livre IV). Texte critique, introduction, tra-
duction at commentaire. Ed. par Claudio MORESCHINI et Rene BRAUN. Paris, Du Cerf, 2001, 545 p. 2455. [Testamentum novum] GRÄSSER (Erich). Forschungen zur Apostelgeschichte. Tübingen, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2001, XI-359 p. 2456. [Testamentum novum] K R A U S (Thomas J.). Sprache, Stil und historischer Ort des zweiten Petrusbriefes. Tübingen, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2001, XV486 p. 2457. [Testamentum novum] REISER (Marius). Sprache und literarische Formen des Neuen Testaments. Eine Einführung. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2001, XIV-257 p. 2458. [Testamentum novum] Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel. Nach Petrus Sabatier neu gesammelt und hrsg. von der Erzabtei Beuron unter der Leitung von Roger Gryson. 26/2: Apocalypsis Johannis. Hrsg. v. Roger GRYSON. 3. Lfg.: Apc. 2, 7-4, 1. Freiburg, Herder, 2001, p. 161-240. 2459. [Testamentum vetus] Ancient Christian commentary on Scripture. Old Testament I. Genesis 1-11. Ed. by A. LOUTH. Downes Grove, InterVarsity press, 2001, LII-204 p. 2460. [Testamentum vetus] LEVIN (Christoph). Das Alte Testament. München, Beck, 2001, 128 p. 2461. [Testamentum vetus] SLEGERT (Folker). Zwischen Hebräischer Bibel und Altem Testament. Eine Einführung in die Septuaginta. Münster, Hamburg, Berlin u. London, Lit Verlag, 2001, VII-342 p. 2462. [Testamentum vetus] Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel. Nach Petrus Sabatier neu gesammelt und hrsg. von der Erzabtei Beuron unter der Leitung von Roger GRYSON. 7/2. Judith. Hrsg. v. PierreMaurice BOGAERT unter Mitwirkung v. Ignace BAISE. Fase. I: Introduction. Freiburg i. Br., Herder, 2001, 80 p. 2463. [Testamentum vetus] Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel. Nach Petrus Sabatier neu gesammelt und hrsg. von der Erzabtei Beuron unter der Leitung von Roger G R Y S O N . 11/2. Sirach (Ecclesiasticus). Hrsg. v. Walter THIELE. Freiburg, Herder, 2001, p. 561-640. 2464. [Theodoretus] C O R S A N O (M.). Teodoreto di Ciro e l'esegesi del Libro di Ruth. Medioevo greco, 2001, 1, p. 79-95. 2465. [Theodoretus] HILL (R. C.). Theodoret of Cyrus. Commentary on the Psalms 73-150. Washington, Catholic University of America press, 2001, XII383 p. 2466. [Theodoretus] HILL (R. C.). Theodoret von Cyrus. Commentary on the Song of Songs. Brisbane, Australian catholic University, 2001, IX-130 p. 2467. [Venantius Fortunatus] ROBERTS (M.). The last epic of antiquity: generic continuity and innovation in the Vita Sancti Martini of Venantius Fortunatus.
3. SPECIAL STUDIES Transactions of the American philological 2001, 131, p. 257-285.
Cf. n s 946, 1882, 1883, 1944
2477. ARGOV (Ε. I.). Giving the heretic a voice: Philostorgius of Borissus and greek ecclesiastical historiography. Athenaeum, 2001, 89, p. 497-524. 2478.
§ 2. General. 2468. Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 18, 19, Ergänzungen. 5, 6. Hrsg. ν. F. W. BAUTZ undT. BAUTZ. Herzberg, Bautz, 2001, XXXIX p. 1600 col., XXXIX p. 1600 col. 2469. Evangelizzazione dell'occidente dal terzo all'ottavo secolo. Lingua e linguaggi. Dibattito teologico. Saggi raccolti ed editi. A cura di Innocenzo MAZZINI e Lucia BACCI. Roma, Herder, 2001, 209 p. 2470. Lateinische Westen (Der) und der byzantinische Osten (431-642). Die Geschichte des Christentums. Bd. 3: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Katalog. Hrsg. v. L. PIETRI. Freiburg, Herder, 2001, XXVI-1334 p. 2471. Origins (The) of Christendom in the West. Ed. by Alan KREIDER. Edinburgh, Clark, 2001, XVI371 p. 2472. PAUL (Andre). Jesus-Christ, la rupture: essai sur la naissance du christianisme. Paris, Bayard, 2001, 279 p. 2473. Studia Patristica XXXIV (Historica, Biblica. Theologica et Philosophica). [Cf. nüs 2509, 2536, 2537, 2544.] XXXV. Ascetica, Gnostica, Liturgica, Orientalia. XXXVI. Critica et Philologica; Nachleben; First two centuries; Tertullian to Arnobius; Egypt before Nicaea; Athanasius and his opponents. XXXVII. Cappadocian writers, other Greek writers. XXXVIII. St. Augustine and his opponents. Other Latin writers, with index auctorum and table of contents of Vols. XXXIV-XXXVIII. Papers presented at the thirteenth international conference on patristic studies held in O x f o r d 1999. Ed. by M . F. WILES, E. J. YARNOLF
and P. M. PARVIS. Leuven, Peeters, 2001, 5 vol., XVII6 0 4 p., X V - 5 3 5 p., X V - 5 1 9 p., X V - 6 3 5 p., X V - 5 5 0 p.
2474. Thesaurus Patrum Graecorum. Thesaurus Asterii Amaseni et Firmi Caesariensis. Opera omnia. Ed.
ASIEDU (F. Β. Α.). T h e s o n g of s o n g s and the
ascent of the soul: Ambrose, Augustine, and the language of mysticism, Vigiliae Christianae, 2001, 55, p. 2 9 9 - 3 1 7 .
2479. BARNISH (S. J. B.). «Religio in stagno»: nature, divinity, and the Christianization of the countryside in late antique Italy. Journal of early christian studies, 2001, 9, p. 387-402. 2480. BATSON (David). The treasure chest of the early Christians: faith, care and community from the apostolic age to Constantine the Great. Leominster, Gracewing a. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2001, XVI128 p. 2481. BAUDRY (G.-H.). Le bapteme et ses symboles: aux sources du salut. Paris, Beauchesne, 2001, VI-196 p. 2482. BAUM (Armin Daniel). Pseudepigraphie und literarische Fälschung im frühen Christentum. Mit ausgewählten Quellentexten samt deutscher Übersetzung. Tübingen, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2001, XVI-313 p. 2483. BAUMERT (Norbert). Charisma - Taufe Geisttaufe. 2 voll. Würzburg, Echter, 2001, 320, 399 p. 2484. BEATRICE (Pier Franco). Anonymi monophysitae Theosophia. An attempt at reconstruction. Leiden, Brill, 2001,262 p. 2485. BEHR (John). The way to Nicaea. Crestwood, St. Vladimir's seminary press, 2001, XII-261 p. 2486. BLANCHETIERE (Frangois). De l'importance de l'an 135 dans revolution respective de la synagogue et du christanisme. In: Historiographie (L') de l'Eglise des premiers siecles [Cf. n" 481], p. 91-96. - IDEM. Enquete sur les racines juives du mouvement chretien. Paris, Du Cerf, 2001, 587 p. 2487. BLAUDEAU (Philippe). Vice mea. Remarques sur les representations pontificales aupres de I'empereur d'Orient dans la seconde moitie du Vc siecle (452496). Melanges de l'ecole frangaise de Rome. Antiquites, 2001, 113, p. 1059-1123.
by B. COULIE and B . KINDT. T u m h o u t , B r e p o l s , 2 0 0 1 , X I X - 1 0 0 p.
2488. BOISMARD (M.-E.). Le bapteme chretien Selon le Nouveau Testament. Paris, Du Cerf, 2001, 143 p.
Cf. n " 1261, 3584
2489. BRAKKE (D.). Jewish flesh and Christian spirit in Athanasius of Alexandria. Journal of early Christian studies, 2001, 9, p. 453-481.
§ 3. Special studies. 2475.
ACERBI (S.). Conflitti politico-ecclesiastici in
Oriente nella tarda antichitä. II II Concilio di Efeso (449). Madrid, Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense, 2001, 335 p. - IDEM. Le liste dei vescovi partecipanti al II Concilio di Efeso (449). Un'appendix sull'episcopato Orientale nella I metä del V secolo. Erytheia, 2001, 22, p. 23-63. 2476. ADAMIK (Tamäs). "Flagitia Christianorum". Wiener Studien, 2001, 114, P. 397-404.
2490. BREDENKAMP (F.). Some Alexandrian perspectives on the relationship of church and state: Athanasios and Kyrillos. Ekklesiastikos pharos, 2001, 83, p. 145-152. 2491.
BUENACASA PEREZ (Charles). El p a t r i m o n i o
eclesiästico de la Iglesia africana romana: estrategias de adquisicion, acrecentamiento y consolidation, siglos I—V. Barcelona, Publications Universität de Barcelona, 2001, [s. p.] (3 microfiches, 816 photogrammes, 1 brochure).
2492. CALLAN (T.). The soteriology of the second letter of Peter. Biblica, 2001, 82, p. 549-559. 2493.
CALTABIANO (M.). R a p p o r t i
tra le
d'Africa e la corte imperiale: alcune riflessioni sulle lettere 19a e 22a di S. Agostino. In: Atti dell'Accademia romanistica costantiniana, ΧΙΠ convegno internazionale in memoria di Andre Chastagnol [Cf. n° 2053], p. 373388.
2494. CANEVET (M.). L'unicite de la foi comme fondement de la communion dans l'eglise: Athanase et la controverse autour de Nicee. Revue des sciences religieuses, 2001, 75, p. 68-76. 2495. CARFORA (Anna), Morte e presente nelle Meditazioni di Marco Aurelio e negli Atti dei martiri contemporanei. Napoli, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, Edizioni 'La cittä del sole', 2001, 127 p. 2496. CHAPOT (F.). Priere et sentiment religieux chez Firmicus Maternus. Revue des etudes augustiniennes, 2001,47, p. 63-83. 2497. Chretiens (Les) face ä leurs adversaires dans Γ Occident latin au IVe siecle. Actes des journees d'etudes du GRAC. Rouen, 25 avril 1997 et 28 avril 2000. Ed. Par Jean-Michel POINSOTTE. Rouen, Publications de l'Universite de Rouen, 2001, 232 p. 2498. Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus Patrum Graecorum, 12. Thesaurus Asterii Amaseni et Firmi Caesariensis. Hrsg. v. B. COULIE und Β. KINDT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, p. 254-364. 2499. DAL COVOLO (Enrico). Wymogi formacji i tozsamosci kapiariskiej: mi^dzy Antiochi^ i Aleksandriq. (II—IV wiek). (Le requisits de la formation et de l'identit^ sacerdotales: entre Antioche et Alexandrie, I i r - I V c siecles). Vox Patrum, 2001, 21, p. 157-172. 2500. DE SALVO (L.). L'oikonomeion di Giovanni Crisostomo. In: Atti dell'Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana [Cf. n° 2053], p. 275-290. 2501. DEG0RSKI (Bazyli). Sformulowanie wiary w trojjedynego Boga w latach 360-380: formula dogmatyczna «mia ousfa treis hypostäseis». (La formation du mystere trinitaire dans les annees 360-380: la formulation dogmatique «mia ousfa treis hypostäseis»). Vox patrum, 2001, 21, p. 227-235. 2502. DELGADO JARA (I.). El perfodo antioqueno de la vida de San Juan Crisostomo. Helmantica. Revista de fdologia cldsica y hebrea de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2001, 157, p. 23-50. 2503. DELIERNEUX (Nathalie). Pratiques et venerations orientales et occidentales des images chretiennes dans l'antiquite tardive: ä propos de quelques ambiguites. Revue beige de philologie et d'histoire, 2001, 79, p. 373-420. 2504. DI BERARDINO (Α.). Wege der Koinonia in den ersten christlichen Jahrhunderten. Concilium, 2001, 3 7 P. 2 8 4 - 2 9 7 .
2505. DIETRICH (J.). Negative Theologie bei PseudoDionysios Aeropagita und Mose ben Maimon. Theologie und Philosophie, 2001, 76, p. 161-184. 2506. DÖRNER (Norbert). Ambrosius in Trier. Zu den Hintergründen der zweiten Gesandtschaft bei Maximus (Ambrosius, epist. 30 [24]). Historia, 2001, 50, p. 217-244. 2507. DOSSEY (L.). Judicial violence and the ecclesiastical courts in late antique north Africa. In: Law, society and authority in late antiquity [Cf. n° 2413], p. 98-114. 2508. DOVAL (A. J.). Cyril of Jerusalem. Mystagogue: the authorship of mystagogic catecheses. Washington, Catholic University of America press, 2001, XIV-281 p. 2509. DRIJVERS (J. W.). Marutha of Maipherqat on Helena Augusta, Jerusalem and the Council of Nicaea. In: Studia patristica XXXIV [Cf. n° 2473], p. 51-64. 2510. DU TOIT (D. S.). Prolepsis als Prophetie. Zur christologischen Funktion narrativer Anachronie im Markusevangelium. Wort und Dienst. Jahrbuch der Kirchlichen Hochschule Bethel, 2001, 26, p. 149-164. 2511. DULAEY (M.). Des forets de symboles: l'initiation chretienne et la Bible (F r -VF siecle). Paris, Librairie generale franjaise, 2001, 287 p. - IDEM. La figure de Jacob dans l'exegese paleochretienne (Gn. 2733). Recherches augustiniennes, 2001, 32, p. 75-168. 2512. ELGLER (U.). La missione di trasmissione Girolamo come mediatore di culture differenti. In: Integrazione, mescolanza, rifiuto [Cf. n° 1425], p. 185-198. 2513.
EVANS GRUBBS (J.). V i r g i n s a n d
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BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian)
§ 1. Sources. 2590-2635. - § 2. General. 2636-2652. - § 3. Special studies. 2653-2744.
§ 1. S o u r c e s . * 2590. Byzantinische Zeitschrift: Bibliographie. Jg. 84 (1991) - Jg. 93 (2000). Hrsg. v. Karl KRUMBACHER, Peter SCHREINER und Reinhard HISS. Mainz u. Düsseldorf, Saur, 2001, CD-ROM.
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[Anna Comnena] Anne Komnene: Alexias.
Hrsg. v. A. KAMBYLIS und D. R. REINSCH. Berlin u.
New York, De Gruyter, 2001, 896 p. (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, 40). 2593. [Anna Comnena] REINSCH (D. R.). Textkritisches zu den Büchern 1-14 der Alexias Anna Komnenes. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 608-640. 2594. [Bessarion] LUSINI (G.). Bessarione di Nicea, Orazione dogmatica sull'unione dei Greci e dei Latini (introduzione, traduzione e commento). Napoli, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, 2001, 242 p. 2595. [Boethius] KORENJAK (M.). Die beste Tragödie? Die Consolatio Philosophiae des Boethius und das dramatische Verständnis des platonischen Dialogs. Poetica, 2001, 33, p. 23-50. 2596.
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GRAU GUIJARRO (S.). Textos literaris bizantins. Dels origines al segle X. Antologia grec-catalä. Barcelona, Publications de Γ Universität de Barcelona, 2001, 281 p. 2597. DAWE (R. W.). Notes on Theodoras Prodromus Rhodanthe and Dosicles and Nicetas Eugenianus Drosilla and Charicles. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 11-19. 2598. [Demetrius Cydonius] MALAMUT (E.). Les discours de Demetrius Cydones comme temoignage de l'ideologie byzantine vis-ä-vis des peuples de l'Europe
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2602. [Georgios Gemistos Plethon] MPALOGLOU (Chr.). Plethoneia oikonomikä meletemata. Athen, Eleuthere Skepsis, 2001,213 p. 2603. [Georgios Gemistos Plethon] NERI (M.). Giorgio Gemisto Pletone. Delle differenze fra Piatone e Aristotele. Traduzione italiana. Rimini, Raffaelli, 2001, 95 p. 2604. [Georgios Gemistos Plethon] NERI (M.). Giorgio Gemisto Pletone: De differentiis. Rimini, Raffaelli, 2001, 61 p. 2605. [Georgios Gennadios Scholarios] LIVANOS (C.). Greek and Latin traditions in the work of George Gennadios Scholarios. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 2001, Χ-182 p. 2606. Griechische Papyrusurkunden spätrömischer und byzantinischer Zeit aus Hermupolis Magna (BGU XVII). Hrsg. v. G. POETHKE. München u. Leipzig, Saur, 2001, XXIX-184 p. 2607. GRÜNBART (M.). Epistularum Byzantinarum Initia. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms-Weidmann, 2001, 372 p. 2608. [Johannes Cinnamus] DEMIRKENT (I.). Ioannes Kinnamos'un Historia'si (1118-1176). (The
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2632. [Suda] ROBERTO (U.). Note sulla memoria e sull'uso della storia antica nel Lessico della Suda. Mediterraneo antico, 2001, 4, p. 249-270.
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2001, XXIII-254 p.
2634. Tresors de Byzance. Manuscrits grecs de la Bibliotheque nationale de France. Ed. par Ch. FORSTEL. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, 2001, 32 p.
ber 1999. Ed. by C. SODE and S. TAKÄCS. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XIX-450 p. [Cf. n os 2619, 2633, 2693, 2718, 2719, 2739.]
2635. [Zacharias Mytilenaeus] VERRYCKEN (K.). La Metaphysique d'Ammonius chez Zacharie de Mytilfene. Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques, 2001,85 p. 241-266.
2646. Oi skoteinoi aiones tou Byzantiou The Dark Centuries of Byzantium (7 th -9" 1 c.). Ed. by E. KOUNTOURA-GALAKI. Athens, Ethniko Idryma Ereunon ESTIA, 2001, 462 p.
Cf. n0' 2797, 2858, 3590
2647. PATLAGEAN (Evelyne). Figures du pouvoir Ä Byzance (IX e -XIF siecle). Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2001, VIII-231 p. (Collectanea, 13).
§ 2. G e n e r a l . 2636. ANGOLD (M.). Byzantium. The bridge from antiquity to the middle ages. New York, St. Martin press, 2001, XIII-186 p.
2648. Prosopography (The) of the Byzantine empire (641-867). Ed. by J. R. MARTINDALE. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2001, CD-ROM.
2637. BEZOBRAZOV (Pavel V.), LJUBARSKIJ (Jakov N.). Vizantijskij pisatel' i gosudarstvennyj dejatel' Mikhail Psell: Lichnost' i tvorchestvo. (Michael Psellus: a Byzantine writer and political figure). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 543 p. (bibl. p. 513-529; pers. ind. p. 532-542). (Vizantijskaja biblioteka: Issledovanija).
2649. SHUKUROV (Rustam Μ.). Velikie Komniny i Vostok (1204-1461). (The Great Comnens and the East, 1204-1461). Ed. by S. P. KARPOV. Moskovskij gos. un-t im Μ. V. Lomonosova, Istoricheskij f-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 446 p. (bibl. p. 377408, ind. p. 414-438). (Vizantijskaja biblioteka: Issledovanija). [English summary]
2638. Byzance. Ed. par N. NIKOLOUDIS. Paris, Herodotos, 2001, 224 p.
2650. Vizantijaskie ocherki: Trudy rossijskikh uchenykh k XX mezhdunar. kongressu vizantinistov. (Byzantine essays: papers of the Russian delegation at the 20 ,h International Congress of Byzantinists). Ed. by
2639. Eastern approaches to Byzantium. Papers from the thirty-third Spring symposium of Byzantine studies, University of Warwick, Coventry, March 1999. Ed. by A. EASTMOND. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 320 p. [Cf. n us 2677, 2682, 2729, 2730.] 2640.
FERNANDEZ JIMENEZ (F. M.). El a p o g e o del
imperio bizantino al final del primer milenio. 2001,22, p. 17-144.
2641. Historia de Bizancio. Ed. por E. PATLAGEAN, A. DUCELLIER, C. ASDRACHA, R. MANTRAN. Barcelona,
Editorial Critica, 2001, 372 p. 2642. KODER (J.). Der Lebensraum der Byzantiner. Historisch-geographischer Abriß ihres mittelalterlichen Staates im östlichen Mitteimeeraum. Wien, Fassbaender, 2001,222 p. 2643. Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, besonders des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts, 1. Band Α-K. Hrsg. v. E. TRAPP, W . HÖRANDNER, J. DIETHART, A. STEINERWEBER, E. SCHIFFER, M . CASSIOTOU-PANAYOTOPOU-
LOS, S. SCHÖNAUER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001, X-905 p. Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, besonders des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts, 4. Faszikel (Zoostaghes-köpheusis). Hrsg. v. E. TRAPP, W . HÖRANDNER, J. DIETHART, M . CASSIOTOU-PANAYOTOPOULOS, S. SCHÖNAUER,
E. SCHIFFER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001, 257 p.
G e n n a d i j G . LITAVRIN a n d I g o r ' S. CHICHUROV. R A N ,
Institut vseobshchej istorii. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 181 p. (Vizantijskaja biblioteka: Issledovanija). (bibl. incl.). 2651. Vizantijskij vremennik = ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ. (Byzantine review). Vol. 60 (85). Ed. Gennadij G. Litavrin. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2001, 255 p. (16 f. ill.; bibl. incl.). 2652. WADA (H.). Bizantsu Teikoku Si. (Die Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates) Tokyo, Kobunsya, 2001,748 p. Cf. n° 1261 § 3. S p e c i a l s t u d i e s . 2653.
AFIGENOV (D.). T h e c o n s p i r a c y of M i c h a e l
Traulos and the assassination of Leo V: history and fiction. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 329-338. 2654.
ALEXAKIS (Alexander). Was there life beyond
the life beyond? Byzantine ideas on reincarnation and final restoration. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 155-177. 2655.
ALYGIZAKIS (A. E.). T h e p h i l o s o p h i c a l and
theological background of music in Byzantium. In: Byzantine Macedonia: art, architecture, music and hagi-
2644. LILIE (R.-J.). Bizancio. Historia del imperio romano de Oriente, 326-1453. Madrid, Acento Editorial, 2001, 141 p.
o g r a p h y [Cf. n° 2 6 6 6 ] , p. 112-121.
2645. Novum millennium. Studies on Byzantine history and culture dedicated to Paul Speck 19 Decem-
S e e of R o m e . Ed. b y Μ. V. ANASTOS, Sp. VRYONIS and N. GOODHUE. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, X V I - 3 4 2 p.
2656. Aspects of the mind of Byzantium. Political theory, theology and ecclesiastical relations with the
Christos-Evergetis-Kloster und zur Theodosiakirche am Goldenen Horn. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 435-444. 2658. AUGE (I.). La reconquete des Comnenes en Orient vue par les panegyristes byzantins. Bizantinistica, 2001,3, p. 313-328.
tine literature. Dumbarton p. 91-124.
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2671. CORTASSA (G.). Un filologo di Bisanzio e il suo committente: la lettera 88 dell' "Anonimo di Londra". Medioevo greco, 2001, 1, p. 97-138. 2672. Crusades (The) from the perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim world. Edited by Angeliki
BÄDENAS DE LA PENA (P.). L a teocrazia bi-
E. LAIOU and R o y PARVIS MOTTAHEDEH. W a s h i n g t o n ,
zantina, compromiso entre el poder y el espfritu. Erytheia, 2001,22, p. 193-212.
Dumbarton Oaks research library and collection, 2001, VII-297 p. [Cf. n° 2684.]
2660. Barlaam Calabro. L'uomo, Γ opera, il pensiero. Atti del convegno internazionale Reggio CalabriaSemi nara-Gerace, 10-12 dicembre 1999. A cura di A. FYRIGOS. Roma, Gangemi, 2001, 160 p.
2673. CUTLER (Anthony). Gifts and gift exchange as aspects of the Byzantine, Arab, and related economies. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 245-278.
2661. BARRET (T.). Anna of Byzantium. New York, Random House International a. Hi Marketing, 2001,224 p. 2662. BERNABÖ (M.). Un episodio della demonizzazione dell'arte bizantina in Italia: la campagna contro Strzygowski, Toesca e Lionello Venturi sulla stampa fascista nel 1930. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 1-10.
2674. DAGRON (G.). Orthodoxie byzantine et culture hellenique autour de 1453. Melanges de l'ecole frangaise de Rome. Moyen Age, 2001, 113, p. 767-791. 2675. DALEY, S. J. (Brian E.). "At the hour of our death": Mary's dormition and christian dying in late patristic and early byzantine literature. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 71-89. 2676. DENNIS (George T.). Death in Byzantium. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 1-7.
2663. BORODIN (O. R.). Ravenskij ekzarkhat. Vizantijcy ν Itaiii. (The exarchate of Ravenna. Byzantines in Italy). Otv. red. G. G. LITAVRIN. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 473 p.
2677. EVANS (H. C.). Imperial aspirations: Armenian Cilicia and Byzantium in the thirteenth century. In: Eastern approaches to Byzantium [Cf. n° 2639], p. 243256.
2664. Byzantine Constantinople. Monuments, topography and everyday life. Ed. by N. NECIPOÖLU. Leiden, Brill, 2001, XV-363 p. [Cf. n os 2689, 2701.]
2678. FARELLO (F. Α.). Niceforo Foca e la riconquista di Creta. Medioevo greco, 2001, 1, p. 139-160.
2665. Byzantine law. Proceedings of the international symposium of jurists, Thessaloniki, 10-13 December 1998. Ed. by C h . PAPASTATHIS. Thessaloniki, B a r as-
sociation, 2001, 316 p. 2666. Byzantine Macedonia: art, architecture, music and hagiography. Papers from the Melbourne Confere n c e July 1995. Ed. by J. BURKE and R. SCOTT. M e l -
bourne, National centre for Hellenic studies & research and La Trobe University, 2001, XIV-254 p. [Cf. n° 2655.] 2667. Byzantium and East Central Europe. Ed. by G. PRINZING, M . SALAMON, P . STEPHENSON. C r a c o w ,
Historia Iagellonica, 2001, 248 p. [Cf. η05 2598, 2679, 2720.]
2679. GOLDSTEIN (I.). The disappearance of Byzantine rule in Dalmatia in the 11"1 century. In: Byzantium and East Central Europe [Cf. n° 2667], p. 129-139. 2680.
2669. CESARETTI (P.). Teodora. Ascesa di una imperatrice. Milano, Mondadori, 2001, 339 p. 2670. CONSTAS (Nicholas). "To sleep, perchance to dream": the middle state of souls in patristic and byzan-
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Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, P. 564-579.
2681. HERRIN (J.). Women in purple: three byzantine empresses. London, Weindenfeld & Nicolson, 2001,320 p. 2682. HOLMES (C.). 'How the east was won' in the reign of Basil II. In: Eastern approaches to Byzantium [Cf. n° 2639], p. 41-56. 2683. JAMES (L.). Empresses and power in aerly Byzantium. London, Leicester U. P., 2001, 192 p. 2684.
2668. Byzanz. Das Licht aus dem Osten. Kult und Alltag im Byzantinischen Reich vom 4. bis 15. Jahrhundert. Katalog der Ausstellung in Erzbischöflichen Diözesanmuseum Paderborn 2001. Hrsg. v. Christoph STIEGEMANN. Mainz, Von Zabern, 2001, XIX-412 p. (ill.) [Cf. n° 2728.]
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beast of the West": immediate literary reactions in Byzantium to the Second Crusade. In: Crusades (The) from the perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim world [Cf. n° 2672], p. 101-116. 2685. JOLIVET-LEVY (C.). Etudes Cappadociennes / Studies in Byzantine Cappadocia. London, Pindar, 2001,530 p. 2686. KAEGI (W. E.). Byzantine Sardinia and Africa face the Muslims: seventh century evidence. Bizantinistica, 2001, 3, p. 1-24.
2687. KALDELLIS (Α.). Notes on the Byzantine topography and history of Lesbos. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, P. 61-72.
2702. MAZAL (O.). Justinian I. und seine Zeit: Geschichte und Kultur des Byzantinischen Reiches im 6. Jahrhundert. Köln u. Wien, Böhlau, 2001, VI-764 p.
2688. KALOGERAS (Ν.). What do they think about children? Perceptions of childhood in early Byzantine literature. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2001, 2 5 , p. 2 - 1 9 .
2703. MERGIALI-SAHAS (Sophia). Α Byzantine ambassador to the west and his office during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. A profile. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 588-604. - EADEM. Byzantine emperors and holy relics. Use and misuse of sanctity and authority. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, p. 41-60.
2689. KAPLAN (M.). Les artisans dans la societe de Constantinople aux V I F - X F siecles. In: Byzantine Constantinople [Cf. n° 2 6 6 4 ] , p. 2 4 5 - 2 6 0 .
2690. KARABELIAS (EV.). Droits de l'antiquite. Monde byzantin. Revue historique de droit frangais et etranger, 2001, 79, p. 375-429.
2704. MOLLE (Α.). La resurrezione dei corpi nella cultura bizantina. Giornate di studio. Cassino e Roma 1 3 - 1 4 aprile. Roma, Fondazione Fabio Testa, 2001, [s.p.]
2691. ΚΝΑΕΡΕΝ (Α.). L'image du roi vandale Gelimer chez Procope de Cesaree. Byzantion, 2001, 71, p. 383-403.
2705. MORRISSON (Cecile). Coin usage and exchange rates in Badoers's Libro dei conti. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 217-243.
2692. LAIOU (Angeliki E.). Use and circulation of coins in the despotate of Epiros. Dumbarton oaks pa-
2706. MURE$AN (D.). Rever Byzance. Le dessein du Prince Pierre Rares pour liberer Constantinople. Etudes byzantines et postbyzantines, 2001, 4, p. 207266.
2 0 0 1 , 5 5 , p. 2 0 7 - 2 1 5 .
2693. LANGDON (J. S.). John III Ducas Vatatzes and the Venetians: the episode of his anti-venetian campaigns, 1230 and 1234. In: Novum millennium [Cf. n° 2645], p. 231-249. 2694. LARSSON (G.). Frän öst till vast till öst: AlAndalus, Bysans och det osmanska imperiet. (From east to west and from west to est: Al-Andalus, Byzantium and the Ottoman empire). Dragomanen, 2001,5, p. 61-72. 2695.
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ritimes en Mediterranee occidentale au VII e siecle et les „flottes byzantines d'intervention". Mesogeios, 2001, 13-14, p. 1 0 9 - 1 2 2 .
2696. LILIE (R.-J.), LUDWIG (C.), PRATSCH (Th.), ZLELKE (B.). Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit. Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001, 31 p.
2707. NEVILLE (L.). Information, ceremony and power in Byzantine fiscal registers: varieties of functions in the cadasters of Thebes. Byzantine and modern Greek studies, 2001, 25, p. 20-43. 2708. NLCOL (D. M.). Bizans' in Soylu Kadinlari. On Porte. 1250-1500. (Aristocratical women of Byzance: Ten portraits. 1250-1500). Istanbul, Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlan, 2001, [s.p.] 2709. NLEDERKORN (J. P.). Die Bündnisverhandlungen König Konrads III. mit Johannes II. Komnenos. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, p. 189-198. 2710. ODORICO (P.). Ideologie politique, production litteraire et patronage au X® siecle: l'empereur Constantin VII et le synaxariste Evariste. Medioevo greco, 2001, 1, p. 199-219. 2711.
2697. LOUNGHIS (T. C.). Les invasions dans les Balkans pendant le V c siecle. Mesogeios, 2001, 13-14, p. 95-108.
BIANCO (U.). Sicilia bizantina. Architettura, pittura, scultura. San Giovanni La Punta (Catania), Edizioni clio, 2 0 0 1 , 2 5 4 p.
2698. MAC GUCKIN (J. Α.). Standing in God's holy fire: the Byzantine tradition. Maryknoll, Orbis books, 2 0 0 1 , 1 7 2 p.
2712. PAPACONSTANTINOV (Α.). Le culte des saints en Egypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides. L'apport des inscriptions et des papyrus grecs at coptes. Paris, 2001, 474 p.
2699. MALIARAS (N.). Die Musikinstrumente im byzantinischen Heer vom 6. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, p. 73-104.
2713. PEKAK (M. Sacit). Die kreuzförmige Kirche von Güzelöz (Mavrucan). Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 415-434.
2700. MANIATES (George C.). The domain of private guilds in the byzantine economy, tenth to fifteenth centuries. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 339-369.
2714. PESCHLOW (U.). Die befestigte Residenz von Mermerkule. Beobachtungen an einem spätbyzantinischen Bau im Verteidigungssystem von Konstantinopel. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, p. 385-403.
2701. MATSCHKE (Κ. P.). Builders and building in late Byzantine Constantinople. In: Byzantine Constantinople [Cf. n° 2664], p. 315-328.
2715. PITSAKIS (K. G.). Saintete et empire. Ä propos de la saintete imperiale: formes de saintete „d'of-
fice" et de saintete collective dans l'empire d'Orient. Bizantinistica, 2001, 3, p. 155-227. 2716. PONTANI (F.). Le cadavre adore: Sappho ä Byzance? Byzantion, 2001, 71, p. 233-250. 2717. REGAN (G.). First crusader. Byzantium's holy wars. Phoenix Mill, Stroud, 2001, VIII-280 p. 2718. REINERT (S. W.). Political dimensions of Manuel II Palaiologos' 1392 marriage and coronation: some new evidence. In: Novum millennium [Cf. n° 2645], p. 291-303. 2719.
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ziehungen zwischen Byzanz und dem Kalifat in der Zeit der syrischen Dynastie (717-802). In: Novum millennium [Cf. n° 2645], p. 305-325. 2720. ROSTOWSKI (G.). Hungary between Byzantium, central and eastern Europe (ca. 1118-1135). In: Byzantium and East Central Europe [Cf. n° 2667], p. 159-177. 2721. Sacre (Le) et son inscription dans l'espace ä Byzance et en Occident. Etudes comparees. Editees par Michel KAPLAN. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 319 p. (Byzantina Sorbonensia, 18). 2722. SAINT-GUILLAIN (G.). Amorgos au XIV e siecle. Une seigneurie insulaire entre Cyclades feodales et Crete venitienne. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 62-189. 2723. SAULNIER (Jean-Michel). Collection Canellopoulos, XX. Les monnaies byzantines. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 2001, 125, p. 413-451. 2724. SCHMINCK (Α.). Zum Todesjahr des Michael Psellos. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001,94, p. 190-196. 2725. SCHMITT (Oliver Jens). „El viazo de Patras" Venezianische Kaufleute und die moreotische Gesellschaft in den letzten Jahrzehnten der byzantinischen Peloponnes (1430-1458). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001,94, p. 670-683. 2726. SCHMITT (Oliver). Untersuchungen zur Organisation und zur militärischen Stärke Oströmischer Herrschaft im vorderen Orient zwischen 628 und 633. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 197-229. 2727. SCHOLZ (C.). In fremden Landen Handel treiben - ausländische Händler in Byzanz. Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung, 2001, 6, p. 91-107. 2728. SCHREINER (P.). „Stadt und Gesetz - Dorf und Brauch". Versuch einer historischen Volkskunde von Byzanz: Methoden, Quellen, Gegenstände, Beispiele. Göttingen, Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001, 96 p. - IDEM. Drei Kulturen in Byzanz: Kaiser und Hof - Volk - Kleriker und Mönche. In: Byzanz [Cf. n° 2668], p. 2-18. 2729. SHEPARD (J.). Constantine VII, Caucasian openings and the road to Aleppo. In: Eastern approaches to Byzantium [Cf. n° 2639], p. 19-40.
2730. SHUKUROV (R.). Turkoman and Byzantine self-identity. Some reflections on the logic of titlemaking in twelfth- and thirteenth century Anatolia. In: Eastern approaches to Byzantium [Cf. n° 2639], p. 259276. 2731. SlMEONOVA (L.). Constantinopolitan attitudes towards aliens and minorities, 860s-1020s. Etudes Balkaniques, 2001, 37, p. 83-98. 2732. SODE (CI.). Jerusalem-Konstantinopel-Rom. Die Viten des Michael Synkellos und der Brüder Theodoras und Theophanes Graptoi. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2001,316 p. 2733. SPIESER (J.-M.). Urban and religious spaces in late antiquity and early Byzantium. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XII-344 p. 2734. STAHL (Alan M.). Coinage and money in the latin empire of Constantinople. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001,55, p. 197-206. 2735. STICHEL (Rudolf H. W.). Das Coliseo de Spiriti in Konstantinopel: ein Phantom. Ein Beitrag zur Erklärung der Stadtansicht vom Vavassore-Typus. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 445-460. 2736. TALBOT (A.-M.). Woman and religious life im Byzantium. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XII-310 p. 2737. TODT (K.-P.). Region und griechisch-orthodoxes Patriarchat von Antiochia in mittelbyzantinischer Zeit (969-1084). Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2001, 94, p. 239-267. 2738. TRAVAINI (Lucia). The Normans between Byzantium and the islamic world. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 179-196. 2739. VAN DE VRIES DER VELDEN (E.). Exempla aus der griechischen Geschichte in Byzanz. In: Novum millennium [Cf. n° 2645], p. 425-438. 2740. VAN DEUN (P.). Une collection inconnue de questions et reponses traitant du Tritheisme: etude et edition. Jahrbücher der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2001, 51, p. 105-111. 2741. VELKOVSKA (Elena). Funeral rites according to the byzantine liturgical sources. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001, 55, p. 21-51. 2742. WETTER (K. J.). The changing relationship between archetype and image troughout the era of Byzantine iconoclasm. Ann Arbor, Michigan University Microfilms, 2001, XIV-255 p. 2743. WORTLEY (John). Death, judgement, heaven, and hell in byzantine 'benefical tales'. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2001,55, p. 53-68. 2744. ZÄH (Alexander). Das spätantike und byzantinische Kaunos. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2001, 51, p. 403-414.
Cf. nos 2796, 2940
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2745-2861. - § 2. General works. 2862-2933. - § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476-900; c. 900-1300; d. 1300-1500). 2934-2999. § 4. Jews. 3000-3017. - § 5. Islam. 3018-3042. - § 6. Vikings. 3043-3057. - § 7. History of law and institutions. 3058-3106. - § 8. Economic and social history. 3107-3223. - § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 3224-3413. - § 10. History of art. 34143449. - § 11. History of music. 3450-3477. - § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science (a. Sources; b. Studies). 3478-3517. - § 13. History of the Church and religion {a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3518-3647. - § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 36483669.
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources. a. Non-literary sources 2745. Actes de la famille Porcelet d' Aries: 972-1320. Publie par Martin AURELL. Paris, Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 2001, LXV-732 p. (Collection de documents inedits sur l'histoire de France, 27). 2746. Actes de Vatopedi. 1. Des origines ä 1329. Edite par Jacques BOMPAIRE, Jacques LEFORT, Vassiliki KRAVARI et Christophe GIROS. Paris, Lethielleux, 2001, 2 vol., XIX-475,111-88 p. (Archives de l'Athos, 21). 2747. Actes des eveques de Laon des origines ä 1151. Edites par Annie DUFOUR-MALBEZIN. Paris, C.N.R.S., 2001, 68 p. (Documents, etudes et repertoires publies par 1'I.R.H.T., 65). 2748. ADACHI (Takashi). Ariara to 11-seiki Aragonchihö nöson shakai: Tochi baibai bunsho no bunseki wo chüshin to shite. (Ariala and rural society in eleventh century Aragon: An analysis of land sale charters). Shigaku Zasshi, 2001, 110, 1, p. 42-69. [Eng. summary], 2749. ALVAREZ (Manuel), ARIZA (Manuel), MENDOZA (Josefa). Un padron de Sevilla del siglo XIV. Estudio filologico y edicion. Sevilla, Ajuntamiento de Sevilla, 2001, 353 p. 2750. Anales de Orihuela de Mosen Pedro Bellot (siglos XIV-XVI). Estudio, edieiön y notas de Juan TORRES FONTES. Alicante, Diputacion de Alicante, 2001, 2 vol., 5 2 5 p., 4 1 5 p. 2751. Archivio (L') del Convento di San Nicola in Tolentino: inventario. A cura di Laura MOCCHEGIANI e
Mauro MEI. Tolentino, Convento San Nicola, Biblioteca Egidiana e Regione Marche, Centra beni cultural), 2001, XLIV-200 p. (pl„ ill.). (Fondi storici nelle biblioteche marchigiane, 11). 2752. BALLETTO (Laura). Liber Officii provisionis Romanie (Genova, 1424-1428). Genova, Glauco Brigati, 2001, LXXVI-515 p. (Universita degli Studi di Genova, sede di Aqui Terme, collana di Fonti e Studi, 6). 2753. BANTI (Ottavio). Epigrafia e storia. A proposito delle epigrafi come fonti storiche. Studi medievali, 2001,42, 2, p. 841-857. 2754. BATTELLI (Giulio). Suppliche al papa di Giacomo II, re di Maiorca, e di Giacomo II, re di Aragona. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2001,31, 1, p. 3-31. 2755. BAUTIER (Robert-Henri), SORNAY (Janine). Les sources de l'histoire economiques et sociale du Moyen Age. Les Etats de la Maison de Bourgogne. Vol. 1. Archives centrale de l'Etat bourguignon (1384-1500). Archives des prineipautes territoriales. 1. Les prineipautes du Sud. 2. Les prineipautes du Nord (supplement). Comtes de Hollande et Zelande et duche de Gueldre, par Michel VAN GENT. Mise ä jour du fasc. 2: additions et corrections. Paris, CNRS Ed., 2001,782 p. 2756.
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FUERTES. Leon, Centro de Estudios e Investigation San Isidora, Caja Espana de Inversiones, Archivo Historico Diocesano, 2001, 620 p. (Fuentes y estudios de historia leonesa, 89). 2772. Colecciön documental medieval de los monasteries de San Claudio de Leon, Monasterio de Vega y San Pedro de las Duenas. Ed. por Santiago DOMINGUEZ SÄNCHEZ. Leon, Centro de Estudios e Investigation "San Isidora", Caja Espana de Inversiones, Archivo Historico Diocesano, 2001, 517 p. (Fuentes y estudios de historia leonesa, 90). 2773. Collection diplomätica de Santa Catalina de Monte Corbän. Ed. por Rosa Maria DE TORO MIRANDA. Santander, Fundaciön Marcelino Botin, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.] (Historia y documentos. Documentation histörica de Cantabria, 4.9.1, 4.9.2). 2774. Comptes de l'argentier de Charles le Temeraire, due de Bourgogne. Vol. 1. An nee 1468. Le registre Β 2068 des Archives departamentales du Nord. Ed. par Anke GREVE et Emilie LEBAILLY. Paris, De Boccard, 2001, XXIII-616 p. (Recueil des historiens de la France, Documents financiers et administratifs, 10, 1). 2775. Comptes des recettes et des depenses de la ville de Cadillac (1457-1468). Publies par Michel BoCHACA et Jacques MLCHEAU. Bordeaux, Centre Montaigne, 2001, XVI-154 p. (Etudes et documents d'histoire du Bordelais, X V ' - X V F siecles, 1). 2776. Diplomatari de l'Orient catalä (1301-1409): colleciö de documents per a la historia de l'expedicio catalana a Orient i dels ducats d'Atenes i Neopätria. Per Antonio RUBIÖ Y LLUCH, Maria Teresa FERRER I
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de l'Ecole
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Cf. nos 510, 3677, 4310, 7047 Denmark 3948. BÄK (Sofie Lene). J0deaktionen oktober 1943: forestillinger i offentlighed og forskning. (L'arrestation des Juifs en octobre 1943: representations officielles et dans la recherche). K0benhavn, Museum Tusculanum, 2001, 198 p. (ill.). [Res. anglais], 3949.
FOGED ( E b b e ) , M0LGAARD NIELSEN ( K i m ) ,
ROSLYNG-JENSEN (Palle). Danmark i nyeste tid: Danmarks historie efter 1973. (Histoire du Danemark apres 1973). K0benhavn, Gyldendal Uddannelse, 2001, 192 p. (ill.). 3950. JOHANSEN (Hans Chr.). Danish population history, 1600-1939. Odense, University Press of Southern Denmark, 245 p. (ill.). (University Press of Southern Denmark in history and social sciences, 254). 3951. KIRCHHOFF (Hans). Samarbejde og modstand under besaettelsen: en politisk historie. (Collaboration et resistance pendant l'Occupation: une histoire politique). Odense, Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001, 367 p. 3952. KLATT (Martin). Flygtningene og Sydslesvigs danske bevaegelse 1945-1955. (Les refugies et le mouvement danois du Sud-Schleswig, 1945-1955). Flensborg, Studieafdelingen ved Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig, Padborg, Padborg Bog & Ide, 2001, 460 p. (ill.). (Studieafdelingens udgivelser, 44) (resume en allemand). 3953. KNUDSEN (Tim). Dansk demokratihistorie. Bind 1: Da demokrati blev til folkestyre. (Histoire de la democratic danoise. Tome 1: Quand la democratie devint complete). [K0benhavn], Akademisk, 2001, 175 p.
3956. LUNDBAK (Henrik). Staten stEerk og folket frit: Dansk Sämling mellem fascisme og modstandskamp 1936-1947. (Un Etat fort et un peuple libre: le 'Rassemblement danois' entre fascisme et resistance, 1936-1947). K0benhavn, Museum Tusculanum, K0benhavns Universitet, 2001, 728 p. (ill.). 3957. M0RCH (S0ren). 24 statsministre: 24 fortaellinger om magten i Danmark i det tyvende ärhundrede og en kort forklaring pä, hvor den 25. er blevet af. (24 premiers ministres danois: 24 recits sur le pouvoir au Danemark au 20c siecle et une breve explication sur la nomination du vingt-cinquieme). [K0benhavn], Gyldendal, 2001, 479 p. (ill.). 3958. Nationale mindretal i det dansk-tyske graenseland 1933-1945. (Les minorites nationales dans la zone frontaliere germano-danoise). Ed. par Robert BOHN, Uwe DANKER et Jorgen KÜHL. Aabenraa, Institut for grasnseregionsforskning, 2001, 212 p. (ill.). 3959. S0RENSEN (Vibeke). Denmark's social democratic government and the Marshall Plan, 1947-1950. Ed. by Mogens RÜDIGER. K0benhavn, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2001, 360 p. (Studies in 20th and 21st century European history, 3). 3960. TROMMER (Aage). Disse fem är: tvaersnit og indsnit: Danmark 1940-1945. (Le Danemark pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). Odense, Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001, 167 p. (Odense University studies in history and social sciences, 240). 3961. "Vor kamp vil vokse og styrkes": dokumenter til belysning af Danmarks kommunistiske Partis og Frit Danmarks virksomhed 1939-1943/1944. ('Notre combat va grandir et s'amplifier': documents sur l'activite du Parti communiste danois et de l'organisation Frit Danmark, 1939-1943/1944). Ed. par Hans KIRCHHOFF et Aage TROMMER. [K0benhavn], Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie, 2001, 658 p. Dominican
3962. BONILLA (Walter). La revolution de Abril y Puerto Rico. Santo Domingo, Editora Cole, 2001, 147 p. (Academia). 3963. VEGA (Bernardo). Almoina, Galindez y otros crimenes de Trujillo en el extranjero. Santo Domingo, Fundacion Cultural Dominicana, 2001, 147 p. (ill.). Ecuador 3964. MORELLI (Federica). Territorio ο nazione. Riforma e dissoluzione dello spazio imperiale in Ecuador, 1765-1830. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2001, 466 p.
PÄEZ CORDERO ( A l e x e i ) . L o s o r f g e n e s d e la
izquierda ecuatoriana. Quito, Fundacion de Investigaciones Andino-Amazonicas y Ediciones Abya-Yala, 2001, 1 6 5 p. Egypt 3966. JANKOWSKI (James P.). Nasser's Egypt, Arab nationalism, and the United Arab Republic. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001, [s. p.], 3967. YOHANNES (Okbazghi). Political economy of an authoritarian modern state and religious nationalism in Egypt. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen, 2001, VII-349 p. (Studies in religion and society, 49).
3975. LOIMA (Jyrki). Muukalaisina Suomessa. Kaakkoisen Kannaksen kreikkalaiskatoliset venäläisseurakunnat kansallisena ongelmana 1889-1939. (Aliens in Finland. The Greek Catholic Russian congregations of the Southeastern Karelian isthmus as a national problem in 1889-1939). Järvenpää, J. Loima, 2001, 324 p. (ill., maps). 3976. PYLKKÄNEN (Ali). Suojeluskuntalaiset - keitä he olivat? Vapaaehtoisen maanpuolustajien sosiaalinen keroostuneisuus 1917-1944. (The civil guard volunteers - Who were they? The social strata of voluntary defenders of the nation 1917-1944). Helsinki, 2001, 238 p. (ill.). (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun Sotahistorian laitoksen julkaisusarja 1 no 5). [Eng. summary],
El Salvador 3968. CASTELLANOS (Juan Mario). El Salvador, 1930-1960: antecedentes historicos de la guerra civil. San Salvador, Direction de Publicaciones e Impresos, 2001, 326 p. (maps). (Biblioteca popular, 56). Cf. n° 7340 Eritrea 3969. POOL (David). From guerrillas to government: the Eritrean People's Liberation Front. Oxford, J. Currey a. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2001, XVI-206 p. (maps). (Eastern African studies). Estonia 3970. Russkoe natsional'noe men'shinstvo ν Estonskoj Respublike, 1918-1940. (The Russian national minority in the Estonian Republic, 1918-1940). Ed. Sergej G. ISAKOV. Tartu, Kripta a. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 448 p. (pers. ind. p. 419-444). Ethiopia 3971. Ethiopia: socialism and after. Ed. by Wendy JAMES [et al.]. Oxford, James Currey, 2001, 320 p. (Eastern African Studies). 3972.
MINALE ( A d u g n a ) . W o m e n a n d w a r f a r e in
Ethiopia: a case study of their role during the campaign of Adwa, 1895/96, and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 19351941. Addis Ababa, OSSREA, 2001, VI-41 p. (Gender issues research report series, 13). Fiji 3973. KELLY (John Dunham), KAPLAN (Martha). Represented communities: Fiji and world decolonization. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2001, XIV-243 p. (ill.). Finland 3974. LAPPALAINEN (Jussi T.). Sadan vuoden sotatie. Suomen sotilaat 1617-1721. (A hundred years of war. The Finnish military forces, 1617-1721). Helsinki, SKS, 2001, 224 p. (ill., maps). (Suomal. Kirjall. Seuran Toim. 823).
France * 3977. ZARETSKY (Robert D.). Neither Left, nor Right, nor straight ahead: recent books on Fascism in France. [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2001,73, 1, p. 118-132. ** 3978. FESSARD (Gaston). Journal de la conscience franijaise, 1940-1944: suivi de, Qu'est-ce qu'un gouvemement legitime. Texte etabli et annote par Michel SALES; preface de Rene REMOND. Paris, Plön, 2001, 338 p. ** 3979. JAURES (Jean). Les temps de l'affaire Dreyfus, 1897-1899. 1. Vol. 1. Novembre 1897-septembre 1898. Vol. 2. Octobre 1898-septembre 1899. Textes rassembles et presentes par Eric CAHM; avec la collaboration de Madeleine REBERIOUX; notes etablies par Madeleine REBERIOUX et Eric CAHM; avant-propos de Madeleine REBERIOUX. Paris, Fayard, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Oeuvres de Jean Jaures, 6-7). 3980. Age (L') d'or des Republicans (1863-1914): actes du troisieme colloque international de l'A.E.C.P. (Association des amis d'Eugene et Camille Pelletan); Assemblee nationale, dimanche 6 juin 1999. Sous la direction de Paul BAQUIAST. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 288 p. 3981. AGULHON (Maurice). De Gaulle. Histoire, symbole, mythe. Paris, Plön, 2000, 165 p. 3982. ALBERTINI (Pierre), SICART (Isabelle). Histoire du septennat, 1873-2000. Paris, Economica, 2001, 143 p. (Mieux connattre). 3983. Annees Mitterrand (Les): les annees du changement, 1981-1984. Actes du Colloque 'Changer la vie, les annees Mitterrand 1981-1984,' organise par l'lnstitut Francois Mitterrand et le Centre d'histoire de l'Europe du XXC siecle (Fondation nationale des sciences politiques) les 14, 15 et 16 janvier 1999. Sous la direction de Serge BERSTEIN, Pierre MILZA et JeanLouis BIANCO. Paris, Perrin, 2001,973 p. 3984. ARZAKANJAN (Marina Ts.). General de Göll' na puti k vlasti. (General de Gaulle on his way to the power). Moskva, Progress-Traditsija, 2001, 261 p.
3985. Associations et champ politique. La loi de 1901 ä l'epreuve du siecle. Sous la dir. de Claire ANDRIEU, Gilles LE BEGUEC et Danielle TARTAROWSKY.
Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 723 p. 3986. AUDIGIER (Francois). L'Union des Jeunes pour le Progres, une ecole de formation politique. Revue historique,
2001, 303, 618, p. 451-487.
3987. BEECHER (Jonathan). Victor Considerant and the rise and fall of French romantic socialism. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2001, XVI584 p. (ill., maps, ports). 3988. BELL (David Α.). The cult of the nation in France: inventing nationalism, 1680-1800. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2001, XIV-304 p. (ill., map).
4001. CHIAPPE (Jean Francois), VATRE (Eric). Histoire des droites franfaises. Τ. 1. De 1789 au centenaire de la Revolution. Monaco, Rocher, 2001, [s. p.]. 4002. CHIZUKA (Tadami). Hukko öseiki ni okeru kakumei saiten to jakoban kurabu 1790-1793. (Memories of the French Revolution under the Restoration). Shigaku Zasshi, 2001, 110, 12, p. 1-35. [Eng. summary], 4003. COINTET (Jean-Paul). Paris 40-44. Paris, Perrin, 2001,334 p. (ill.). 4004. COWANS (Jon). To speak for the people: public opinion and the problem of legitimacy in the French Revolution. New York, Routledge, 2001, 249 p. 4005. Crisis and renewal in France, 1918-1962.
3989. BERSTEIN (Serge). Histoire du gaullisme. Paris, Pen-in, 2001, 568 p.
Oxford, Berghahn, 2001, 312 p.
3990. BIDDISCOMBE (Perry). The last White Terror: the Maquis Blanc and its impact in liberated France, 1944-1945. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 4, p. 811-861.
4006. DALTON (Susan). Gender and the shifting ground of revolutionary politics: the case of Madame Roland. Canadian journal of history, 2001, 36, 2, p. 259282.
BOURDERON (Roger). L a negotiation:
1940: crise au PCF. Pref. de Serge WOLIKOW. Paris, Editions Syllepse, 2001, 253 p. (ill.). (Collection Utopie critique). 3993.
3994. BROCHE (Frangois). La IIP Republique. 18701895, de Thiers a Casimir-Perier. Paris, Pygmalion, 2001, 540 p. (Histoire politique de la France). 3995.
3996. BURTON (Richard D. E.). Blood in the city: violence and revelation in Paris, 1789-1945. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, XV-395 p. 3997. CABANIS (Andre), MARTIN (Michel L.). La dissolution parlementaire ä la frangaise. Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques, 2001, 221 p. 3998. CASSINA (Cristina). II bonapartismo ο la falsa eccezione. Napoleone III, i francesi e la tradizione illiberale. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 191 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 10). 3999.
CHERVEL (Marc), ALZIARI (Georges) [et al.].
De la Resistance aux guerres coloniales: des officiers republicans temoignent. Paris, L'Harmattan, 327 p. (ill.). (Collection "Memoires du XX e siecle"). 4000. CHEYNET (Pierre Dominique). Les procesverbaux du Directoire executif, an V-an VIII: inventaire des registres des deliberations et des minutes des arretes, lettres et actes du Directoire faisant suite au Recueil des actes du Directoire executif d'Antonin Debidour. Vol. 1. 16 pluviöse-10 prairial an V [4 fevrier-29 mai 1797], Avant-propos par Philippe BELAVAL. Paris, Centre historique des archives nationales, 2001, [s. p.].
Ed. by Kenneth MOURE and Martin S. ALEXANDER.
4007. DALY (Gavin). Inside Napoleonic France: state and society in Rouen, 1800-1815. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 296 p. (maps). 4008. DARRIULAT (Philippe). Les patriotes: la gauche republicaine et la nation, 1830-1870. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 325 p. (Univers historique). 4009. DELFAU (Gerard). Radicalisme et republique: les temps heroi'ques, 1869-1914. Paris, Editions Balland, 2001, 329 p. 4010. DL RLENZO (Eugenio). L'aquila e il berretto frigio: per una storia del movimento democratico in Francia da Brumaio ai Cento giorni. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2001, 263 p. (Identitä di Clio, 21). 4011. DRAKE (David). Intellectuals and politics in post-war France. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, X-254 p. (French politics, society and culture). 4012. DURAND (Yves). L'ordre du monde: ideal politique et valeurs sociales en France, X V F - X V I I P siecle. Paris, Sedes, 2001, 398 p. (Regards sur l'histoire, 148. Histoir moderne). 4013. EINAUDI (Jean-Luc). Octobre 1961: un massacre ä Paris. Paris, Fayard, 2001, 384 p. (ill.). 4014. Eloquence politique (L') en France et en Italie de 1870 Ä nos jours. Etudes reunies par Fabrice D'ALMEIDA. Rome, Ecole frangaise de Rome, 2001, 330 p. (Collection de l'Ecole fran5aise de Rome, 292). 4015. FEENBERG (Andrew), FREEDMAN (Jim). When poetry ruled the streets: the French May events of 1968. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2001, XXIV-192 p. (ill., map). 4016. Fragments of revolution. Ed. by Howard G. LAY and Caroline WEBER. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, 230 p. (ill., ports.). (Yale French studies, 101).
4017. FRANCOIS (Bastien). Misere de la VE Republique: essai. Paris, Denoel, 2001, 179 p. 4018. Frantsuzskij liberalizm ν proshlom i nastojashchem. (French liberalism: past and present). Ed. by Vladislav P. SMIRNOV. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. unta, 2001, 224 p. (Trudy Istoricheskogo fakul'teta MGU, 20; Ser. 2: Istoricheskie issledovanija, 5). 4019. GAILLARD (Jean-Michel). Les 40 jours de Blum. Les vrais debuts du front populaire 27 avril5 juin 1936. Paris, Perrin, 2001, 316 p. (ill.). 4020. GAINOT (Bernard). 1799, un nouveau Jacobinisme? La democratic representative, une alternative Ä Brumaire. Pref. de Jean-Clement MARTIN. Paris, Ministere de l'Education nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie, Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2001, 542 p. (ill., maps). (Memoires et documents d'histoire de la Revolution frangaise, 55). 4021. GAL (Stephane). Malaise et Utopie parlementaires au temps de la Ligue: les "moyenneurs" du parlement de Dauphine. Revue historique, 2001, 303, 618, p. 403-431. 4022. GLLDEA (Robert). France since 1945. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 288 p. (ill., maps). 4023. GIRET (Vincent), PELLEGRIN (Bernard). Vingt ans de pouvoir, 1981-2001. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 274 p. (L'Epreuve des faits). 4024. Grandes figures (Les) du radicalisme: les ra dicaux dans le siecle, 1901-2001. Sous la direction de Stephane BAUMONT et Alexandre DORNA. Toulouse, Editions Privat, 2001, 286 p. (Bibliotheque historique Privat).
4030. ITO (Shigeo). Jühasseiki furansu no kokyo jigyö to chiho zaisei. (Public work and local finance in eighteenth-century southern France). Seiyoshigaku, 2001, 201, p. 1-21. 4031. IZQUIERDO (Jean-Marie). Le Pays Basque de France: la difficile maturation d'un sentiment nationaliste basque. Pref. de Daniel-Louis SEILER. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 223 p. (Collection Horizons, Espagne). 4032. KESSLER (Nicolas). Histoire politique de la Jeune Droite (1929-1942): une revolution conservatrice Ä la frangaise. Pref. de Jean-Louis LOUBET DEL BAYLE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 492 p. 4033. KREUZER (Marcus). Institutions and innovation: voters, parties, and interest groups in the consolidation of democracy. France and Germany, 1870-1939. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2001, XII210 p. (ill.). (Interests, identities, and institutions in comparative politics). 4034. LABORIE (Pierre). Les Frangais des annees troubles: de la guerre d'Espagne ä la Liberation. Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2001, 266 p. (Histoire). - IDEM. L'opinion frangaise sous Vichy: les Frangais et la crise d'identite nationale 1936-1944. Paris, Ed. Du Seuil, 2001,406 p. (ill.). 4035.
4036. LE ROY LADURIE (Emmanuel). Histoire de France des regions: la peripheric frangaise des origines Ä nos jours. Pref. de Jacques JULLIARD. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 2001, 427 p. (map). (L'Univers historique). 4037.
4025. GRUZINSKI (Serge). Les mondes meles de la Monarchie catholique et autres "connected histories". Annates, 2001,56, 1, p. 85-118.
4038. LEGAY (Marie-Laure). Les etats provinciaux dans la construction de Γ etat moderne: aux XVIf et XVIIP siecles. Geneve, Droz, 2001, 565 p. (Travaux du Grand Siecle, 20).
4026. GUERY (Alain). Versailles: le phantasme de l'absolutisme. [Note critique]. Annates, 2001, 56, 2, p. 507-518.
4039. LEHNING (James R.). To be a citizen: the political culture of the early French Third Republic. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, X-193 p. (ill.).
4027. HAZAREESINGH (Sudhir), WRIGHT (Vincent). Francs-Macons sous le Second Empire: les loges provinciales du Grand-Orient ä la veille de la Troisieme Republique. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2001, 255 p. (ill.). (Collection Carnot).
4040. LINTON (Marisa). The politics of virtue in Enlightenment France. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, 258 p. (Studies in modern history).
4028. HAZAREESINGH (Sudhir). Intellectual founders of the Republic: five studies in nineteenth-century French political thought. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 320 p. 4029. Implantation (L') du socialisme en France au XX e siecle: partis, reseaux, mobilisation; actes de la journee d'etudes du Centre de recherches sur I'Espace, les Societes et les Cultures, Universite de Paris 13, Villateneuse, 20 mai 1999. Sous la direction de Jacques GIRAULT, avec la collaboration de Jean-Wiliam DEREYMEZ [et all.]. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 369 p. (Histoire de France aux XIXC et XXC siecles, 52).
4041. LIVESEY (James). Making democracy in the French Revolution. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2001, 326 p. (Harvard historical studies, 140). 4042. LOVE (Ronald S.). Blood and religion: the conscience of Henri IV, 1553-1593. Montreal a. London, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2001, ΧΠ-457 p. (ill., ports). 4043. MLQUEL (Pierre). Les rois de l'Elysee. Paris, Fayard, 2001,414 p. 4044. MONTERO (Muriel). La France de 1914 Ä 1945. Publie sous la direction de Jean GARRIGUES. Paris, A. Colin, 2001, 187 p. (Campus. Histoire). 4045. Parlement (Le) de Dauphine des origines ä la Revolution. Sous la direction de Rene FA VIER. Gre-
noble, Presses universitäres de Grenoble, 2001, 262 p. (ill.). (Collection "La pierre et l'ecrit"). 4046. Parlementaires (Les) de la Seine sous la troisiöme Republique. Vol. 1. Etudes. Sous la direction de Jean-Marie MAYEUR. Vol. 2. Dictionnaire biographique. Par Arlette SCHWEITZ. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.], (Histoire de la France aux XIX e et XX e sifccles, 55). 4047. PARROTT (David). Richelieu's army: war, government and society in France, 1624-1642. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXIV-599 p. (Cambridge Studies in Early Modem History). 4048.
4049. PIERRE (Patrick). Les Bretons et la Republique: la construction de l'identite bretonne sous la Troisieme Republique. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2001, 427 p. (Collection "Histoire"). 4050. Pierre Mendes France et la modernite. Actes du Colloque organise ä l'Assemblee nationale, Paris, 15 juin 2001. Materiaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, 2001,63-64, 188 p. 4051.
4052. Prifets (Les), leur röle, leur action dans le domaine de la defense de 1800 ä nos jours: actes du colloque tenu au Chateau de Vincennes, 29-30 septembre 2000. Sous la direction de Maurice VAI'SSE. Bruxelles, Bruylant et Paris, LGDJ, 2001, XII-422 p. (Collection Histoires). 4053. PREVOTAT (Jacques). Les catholiques et l'Action frangaise: histoire d'une condamnation 18991939. Pref. de Rene REMOND. Paris, Fayard, 2001, 742 p. (ill., maps). (Pour une histoire du XX e siecle). 4054. PRICE (Roger). The French Second Empire. An anatomy of political power. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, 507 p. 4055. Retours d'URSS: les prisonniers de guerre et les internes frangais dans les archives sovietiques, 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 5 1 . Coordonne par Catherine KLEIN-GOUSSEFF; Elena V . ANISKINA, G a l i n a A. KOUZNETSOVA,
Oganes V. MARININE; traduction de Vsevolode GOUSSEFF. Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001, 428 p. (plates, ill., map). (Mondes russes. Etats, societes, nations). 4056. 4057.
Vacat. RIVIALE (Philippe). L ' i m p a t i e n c e du
heur: apologie de Gracchus Babeuf. Paris, Editions Payot & Rivages, 2001, 268 p. (Critique de la politique Payot). 4058. Robespierre et le pouvoir provincial: denonciation et emancipation politique: ä la nation artesienne, sur la necessite de reformer les etats provinciaux. Edition critique presentee et annotee par Marie-Laure LEGAY. Arras, Commission departementale d'histoire et d'archeologie du Pas-de-Calais, 2001, 111 p. (ill., ports.). (Mömoires de la Commission departementale d'histoire et d'archeologie du Pas-de-Calais, 35).
4059. ROSANVALLON (Pierre). Le sacre du citoyen: histoire du suffrage universel en France. Paris, Gallimard, 2001, 640 p. (ill.). (Folio. Histoire, 100). 4060. ROTH (Frangois). Raymond Poincare. Paris, Fayard, 2001,715 p. 4061. ROUSSO (Henry). Vichy: 1'evenement, la memoire, l'histoire. Paris: Gallimard, 2001, 746 p. (Folio, histoire; 102). 4062. RYNNING (Sten). Changing military doctrine: presidents and military power in fifth Republic France, 1958-2000. Westport a. London, Praeger, 2002, XXVIII-219 p. (ill.). 4063. SALMON (Frederic). Atlas electoral de la France 1848-2001. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, XV-94 p. (ill., maps, ports). 4064. SANDERS (Paul). Histoire du marche noir: 1940-1946. Paris, Perrin, 2001, 374 p. (Collection Terre d'histoire). 4065.
4066. SLNEAU (Mariette). Profession: femme politique; sexe et pouvoir sous la Cinquifeme Republique. Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2001, 305 p. (ill.). 4067. SMIRNOV (V. P.). Frantsija Ν XX veke. (France in the twentieth century). Moskva, Drofa, 2001, 560 p. (bibl. p. 345-347; pers. ind. p. 348-352). 4068. SOWERWINE (Charles). France since 1870: culture, politics and society. London, Palgrave, 2001, XXV-505 p. 4069. STOVALL (Tyler Edward). France since the Second World War. Harlow a. New York, Longman, 2001, [s. p.]. (Seminar studies in history). 4070. TEYSSIER (Arnaud). La ΠΓ Republique. 18951919, de Felix Faure a C16menceau. Paris, PygmalionG. Watelet, 2001, 405 p. 4071. TURPIN (Fröderic). Printemps 1954. Echec ä de Gaulle: un retour au pouvoir manque. Revue historique, 2001, 303, 620, p. 913-927. 4072. VALLA (Jean-Claude). La gauche petainiste. Premiere partie. Le ralliement du 10 juillet 1940. Paris, Ed. de la Librairie nationale, 2001, 116 p. (ill.). (Cahiers Libres d'Histoire, 5). 4073. Varfolomeevskaja noch': Sobytie i spory. (The Eve of St Bartholomeus: the event and the discussions). Ed. by Pavel Ju. UVAROV. ROS. gos. gumanit. un-t; RAN, Institut vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, [s. n.], 2001, 250 p. (bibl. incl.). (Istorija i pamjat'). [English summaries] 4074. VAROUXAKIS (Georgios). Victorian political thought on France and the French. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, 239 p. 4075. VLDAL (Georges). L'armee frangaise face au Probleme de la subversion communiste au debut des
1956-1957. Bearb. v. Ralf BEHRENDT und Uta RÖSSEL. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 663 p.
4076. VOGEL (Wolfram). Demokratie und Verfassung in der V. Republik: Frankreichs Weg zur Verfassungsstaatlichkeit. Opladen, Leske-Budrich, 2001, 347 p. (ill.). (Frankreich Studien, 4).
** 4087. Legislating the holocaust: the Bernhard Loesener memoirs and other documents. Ed. by Karl A. SCHLEUNES; memoirs translated by Carol SCHERER. Boulder a. Oxford, Westview, 2001, IX-187 p.
4077. WIEVIORKA (Olivier). Les orphelins de la Republique: destinees des deputes et senateurs fran5ais, (1940-1945). Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001, 458 p. (L'univers historique).
** 4088. ORLOVA (Ju. G.) [et al.]. Spetsial'nye lageija NKVD/MVD SSSR ν German», 1945-1950 gg.: Sbornik dokumentov. (The special camps of the Soviet home office in Germany, 1945-1950: documents). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 376 p. (Arkhiv novejshej istorii Rossii. Ser. 'Publikatsii', 2).
annees 1930. Guerres mondiales et conflits rains, 2001,51,204, p. 41-66.
4078. WINOCK (Michel). La Fievre hexagonale: les grandes crises politiques de 1871 ä 1968. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2001,474 p. 4079. WINTROUB (Michael). L'ordre du rituel et l'ordre des choses: Γ entree royale d'Henri II ä Rouen. Annales, 2001, 56, 2, p. 479-506. 4080. WOLOCH (Isser). Napoleon and his collaborators: the making of a dictatorship. New York, W. W. Norton, 2001,XV-281 p. France. Addenda 2000 4081. KlNOSHlTA (Kenichi). Dainiteisei to pariminshuu no sekai. (The French Second Empire and the world of common people in Paris). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2000, 300 p. Cf. n°s 4444, 4747, 6381 Gabon 4082. AURACHER (Tim). Le Gabon, une democratic bloquee? Reculs et avancees d'une decennie de lutte. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 135 p. (Collection Etudes africaines). Germany * 4083. MAUCH (Christof). Im Westen angekommen. Ideengeschichtliche Forschungen zur frühen Bundesrepublik. [Neue historische Literatur], Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 1, p. 107-114. ** 4084. Besatzungszeit, Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Deutsche Demokratische Republik (19451969). Akten und persönliche Quellen. Bearb. v. Michael HOLLMANN. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001, VIII-160 p. (Quellenkunde zur deutschen Geschichte der Neuzeit von 1500 bis zur Gegenwart, 7). ** 4085. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Hrsg. durch die Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jüngere Reihe: Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Kaiser Karl V. Bd. 15: Der Speyerer Reichstag von 1544. T. 1-4. Bearb. v. Erwein ELTZ. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 2404 p. ** 4086. Kabinettsprotokolle (Die) der Bundesregierung. Kabinettsausschuß für Wirtschaft. Bd. 3.
** 4089. Politbüro-Prozess (Der): eine Dokumentation. Hrsg. Redaktion "Neue Justiz". Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2001, 579 p. (Schriftenreihe Rccht und Justiz der DDR, 2). ** 4090. Protokolle (Die) des Preußischen Staatsministeriums 1817-1934/38. Hrsg. v. der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (vormals Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften unter der Leitung v. Jürgen KOCKA und Wolfgang NEUGEBAUER. Bd. 1. 19. März 1817 bis 30. Dezember 1829. Bearb. v. Christina RATHGEBER. Bd. 5. 10. November 1858 bis 28. Dezember 1866. Bearb. v. Rainer PAETAU. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms-Weidmann, 2001, 2 vol., IX-443 p., IX-451 p. (Acta Borussica, NF., 1, 1 u. 3). ** 4091. Regierungsakten des Herzogtums Nassau, 1803-1814. Bearbeitet von Uta ZLEGLER. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, VIII-415 p. (Quellen zu den Reformen in den Rheinbundstaaten, 5). ** 4092. Tagebücher (Die) von Joseph Goebbels. Teil 1. Aufzeichnungen 1923-1941. Hrsg. v. Elke FRÖHLICH, im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte und in Verbindung mit dem Bundesarchiv. Band 3/II. März 1936-Februar 1937. Bearbeitet von Jana RICHTER. München u. New York, K. G. Saur, 2001,428 p. ** 4093. WIRSCHING (Andreas). "Man kann nur Boden germanisieren". Eine neue Quelle zu Hitlers Rede vor den Spitzen der Reichswehr am 3. Februar 1933. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2001, 49, 3, p. 517550.
4094. 1600-1850. Hrsg. v. Ralf PROVE und Norbert WINNIGE. Berlin, Berlin Verlag u. Arno Spitz, 2001, 256 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts für die Geschichte Preussens e.V., 2). 4095. After the GDR: new perspectives on the old GDR and the young Länder. Ed. by Laurence MAC FALLS and Lothar PROBST. Amsterdam a. Atlanta, Rodopi, 2001,307 p. 4096.
4097. ANGERMEIER (Heinz). Deutschland als politisches Rätsel: Gegenwartsanalysen und Zukunftsperspektiven repräsentativer Zeitgenossen des 20. Jahr-
hunderte. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2001, 328 p. 4098. ARTEMOV (V. Α.), K A R D A S H O V A (E. V.). Fridrikh Ebert - pervyj president Germanii. (Friedrich Ebert - the first president of Germany). Voronezh, Voronezhskij gos. un-t, 2001, 342 p. 4099. BAJOHR (Frank). Parvenüs und Profiteure: Korruption in der NS-Zeit. Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 2001, 255 p. 4100. BASTIAN (Till). Sinti und Roma im Dritten Reich: Geschichte einer Verfolgung. München, C. H. Beck, 2001,94 p. (ill., maps). (Beck'sehe Reihe). 4101. B A U S (Ralf Thomas). Die Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands in der sowjetisch besetzten Zone, 1945 bis 1948: Gründung, Programm, Politik. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001, 590 p. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, 36). 4102. Bayern im Bund. Band 1. Die Erschliessung des Landes, 1949 bis 1973. Band 2. Gesellschaft im Wandel, 1949 bis 1973. Hrsg. v. Thomas SCHLEMMER und Hans WOLLER. 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 52, 53). 4103.
4104. BECKER (Frank). Bilder von Krieg und Nation. Die Einigungskriege in der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Deutschlands 1864-1913. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 601 p. (Ordnungssysteme, 7). 4105. BENNER (Thomas). Die Strahlen der Krone: die religiöse Dimension des Kaisertums unter Wilhelm II. vor dem Hintergrund der Orientreise 1898. Marburg, Tectum, 2001, 392 p. (ill.). 4106. Bernhard August von Lindenau (1779-1854). Teil 2. Reden, Schriften, Briefe: eine Auswahl. Bearbeitet von Joachim EMIG und Ingeborg TlTZMATUSZAK. Weimar, Böhlau, 2001, 386 p. (Veröffentlichung des Thüringischen Staatsarchiven, 5/2). 4107. BLASIUS (Tobias). Olympische Bewegung, Kalter Krieg und Deutschlandpolitik 1949-1972. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2001, VIII-328 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 908 = Publications universitäres europeennes. Serie III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 908 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 908). 4108. BONILLO (Marion). "Zigeunerpolitik" im deutschen Kaiserreich, 1871-1918. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2001, 276 p. (Sinti- und Romastudien, 28). 4109. BORGSTEDT (Angela). Entnazifizierung in Karlsruhe, 1946 bis 1951: politische Säuberung im Spannungsfeld von Besatzungspolitik und lokalpolitischem Neuanfang. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2001, 387 p. (Karlsruher Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, 5).
4110. B O S C H (Frank). Die Adenauer-CDU: Gründung, Aufstieg und Krise einer Erfolgspartei 19451969. Stuttgart, Deutsche-Anstalt, 2001, 575 p. 4111. BREUER (Stefan). Ordnungen der Ungleichheit - die deutsche Rechte im Widerstreit ihrer Ideen 1871-1945. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2001, 424 p. 4112. B R I N G M A N N (Wilhelm). Preussen unter Friedrich Wilhelm II. (1786-1797). Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford u. Wien, P. Lang, 2001,738 p. 4113. B R O S E (Eric Dorn). The Kaiser's army: the politics of military technology in Germany during the Machine Age, 1870-1918. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001,318 p. 4114. BUCHNER (Bernd). Um nationale und republikanische Identität. Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie und der Kampf um die politischen Symbole in der Weimarer Republik. Bonn, Dietz, 2001, 407 p. (Historisches Forschungszentrum der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Reihe: Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, 57). 4115. Bürokratien: Initiative und Effizienz. Hrsg. v. Wolf GRUNER und Armin NOLZEN. Berlin, Assoziation A, 2001, 280 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, 17). 4116. CHILDS (David). The fall of the GDR: Germany's road to unity. Harlow a. New York, Longman, 2001, XVII-188 p. (Themes in modem German history series). 4117. C O H N (Η. J.). Did bribes induce the German Electors to choose Charles V as Emperor in 1519? German history, 2001, 19, 1, p. 1-27. 4118. Demokratie und Politik in der Bundesrepublik 1949-1999. Hrsg. ν. Ulrich WILLEMS. Opladen, Leske Budrich, 2001,245 p. 4119. Deutsche Fragen: von der Teilung zur Einheit. Hrsg. v. Heiner TIMMERMANN. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 688 p. (ill.). (Dokumente und Schriften der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen, 97). 4120. DIEDRICH (Torsten), W E N Z K E (Rüdiger). Die getarnte Armee: Geschichte der Kasernierten Volkspolizei der DDR 1952 bis 1956. Herausgegeben vom Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt. Berlin, Links, 2001, XIV-921 p. (ill). 4121. Diktaturdurchsetzung: Instrumente und Methoden der kommunistischen Machtsicherung in der SBZ/DDR 1945-1955. Hrsg. v. Andreas HILGER, Mike SCHMEITZNER und Ute SCHMIDT. Dresden, HannahArendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, 2001, 190 p. (Berichte und Studien, 35). 4122. D O B S O N (Sean). Authority and upheaval in Leipzig, 1910-1920: the story of a relationship. New York, Columbia U. P., 2001, XVI-476 p. (ill.). 4123. DÖRING (Martin). "Parlamentarischer Arm der Bewegung": die Nationalsozialisten im Reichstag der Weimarer Republik. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001,492 p.
(ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 130).
Germany on the eve of Hitler's coming to power. New materials). Vopr. 1st., 2001, 6, p. 116-125.
4124. Einsichten: Diktatur und Widerstand in der DDR. Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig (Hg.). Redaktion Anne MARTIN und Barbara HAMMERSCHMITT. Leipzig, Reclam, 2001, 231 p. (ill.).
4138. GISPEN (Kees). Poems in steel: National socialism and the politics of inventing from Weimar to Bonn. New York, Berghahn Books, 2001, [s. p.]. (Monographs in German history, 6).
4125. FATTMANN (Rainer). Bildungsbürger in der Defensive: die akademische Beamtenschaft und der "Reichsbund der höheren Beamten" in der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 272 p. (ill.). (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 145). 4126.
4127. Feministischer Eigensinn: Kompass für Politik und ihre Wissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Ayla SATILMIS und Telse JACOBS. Hamburg, Argument Verlag, 2001, 206 p. (Argument-Sonderband, 283). 4128. FÖLLMER (Moritz). Der "kranke Volkskörper". Industrielle, hohe Beamte und der Diskurs der nationalen Regeneration in der Weimarer Republik. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 1, p. 41-67. 4129. "Freier Gebrauch der Kräfte": eine Bestandsaufnahme der Hardenberg-Forschung. Hrsg. v. Thomas STAMM-KUHLMANN. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 263 p. 4130. FREIS (Britta), JOPP (Marlon). Spuren der deutschen Einheit: Wanderungen zwischen Theorien und Schauplätzen der Transformation. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 532 p. (ill.).
4139. GREEN (Abigail). Fatherlands: state-building and nationhood in nineteenth-century Germany. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XI-386 p. (New Studies in European History). 4140.
HAIGH ( R . H . ) , MORRIS
(A. R.). The rise and rise of the Third Reich: Nazi foreign policy 1933-1939. Sheffield, Shieffield Hallam University, 2001,262 p. 4141. HERBERT (Ulrich). Geschichte der Ausländerpolitik in Deutschland. Saisonarbeiter, Zwangsarbeiter, Gestarbeiter, Füchtlinge. München, Beck, 2001, 442 p. 4142. HEWITSON (Mark). The Kaiserreich in question: constitutional crisis in Germany before the First World War. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 4, p. 725-780. 4143. HOCKERTS (Hans Günter). Wiedergutmachung in Deutschland. Eine historische Bilanz 19452000. Vierteljahrshefte ßr Zeitgeschichte, 2001, 49, 2, p. 167-214. 4144. HOUGH (Dan). The fall and rise of the PDS [Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus] in eastern Germany. Birmingham, Birmingham U. P., 2001, X239 p. (ill.). (The new germany in context).
4131. FREVERT (Ute). Die kasernierte Nation. Militärdienst und Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland. München, Beck, 2001,458 p.
4145. JEISMANN (Michael). Auf Wiedersehen gestern: die deutsche Vergangenheit und die Politik von Morgen. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2001, 214 p.
4132. FRIE (Ewald). Preußische Identitäten im Wandel (1760-1870). Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 2, p. 353-376.
4146. JOHNSON (David). Righteous deception: German officers against Hitler. Westport a. London, Praeger, 2001, VIII-239 p. (ill., maps).
4133. GALLUS (Alexander). Die Neutralisten. Verfechter eines vereinten Deutschlands zwischen Ost und West 1945-1990. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001, V-555 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 12).
4147. JÜNGER (Ernst). Politische Publizistik 1919 bis 1933. Herausgegeben, kommentiert und mit einem Nachwort von Sven Olaf BERGGÖTZ. Stuttgart, KlettCotta, 2001, 898 p.
4134. GAWATZ (Andreas). Wahlkämpfe in Württemberg: Landtags- und Reichstags wählen beim Übergang zum politischen Massenmarkt (1889-1912). Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001, 489 p. (ill., maps). (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 128). 4135. GELLATELY (Robert). Backing Hitler: consent and coercion in Nazi Germany. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-359 p. (plates, ill.). 4136.
4137. GINCBERG (Lev I.). Frakcionnaja bor'ba Ν KPG ν kanun prikhoda Gitlera k vlasti. Novye materialy. (Factional struggle in the Communist party of
4149. KEUNECKE (Ulrich). Die gescheiterte Neugliederung Berlin-Brandenburg. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 431 p. (ill.). (Schriften zum öffentlichen Recht, 844). 4150. Klassiker des politischen Denkens. Bd. 2. Von John Locke bis Max Weber. Hrsg. v. Hans MAIER und Horst DENZER. München, Beck, 2001, 250 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1362). 4151. KÖGLMEIER (Georg). Die zentralen Rätegremien in Bayern, 1918/19: Legitimation, Organisation, Funktion. München, C. H. Beck, 2001, XXVI-564 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 135).
4152. KOTSCH (Detlef). Das Land Brandenburg zwischen Auflösung und Wiederbegründung: Politik, Wirtschaft und soziale Verhältnisse in den Bezirken Potsdam, Frankfurt (Oder) und Cottbus in der DDR (1952 bis 1990). Berlin, Berlin Verlag Spitz, 2001, 677 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothek der brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte, 8). 4153. KRABBE (Wolfgang R.). "Rekrutendepot" oder politische Alternative? Funktion und Selbstverständnis der Partei-Jugendverbände. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2001, 27, 2, p. 274-307. 4154. KRÄMER (Jörg D.). Das Verhältnis der politischen Parteien zur Entnazifizierung in NordrheinWestfalen. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 536 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 898 = Publications universitäres europeennes. Serie III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire; vol. 898 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied sciences, 898). 4155. KUNZE (Thomas). Staatschef a. D.: die letzten Jahre des Erich Honecker. Berlin, Links, 2001, 222 p. (ill.). 4156. LAPORTE (Norman H.). 'Stalinization' and its limits in the Saxon KPD [Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands], 1925-1928. European history quarterly, 2 0 0 1 , 3 1 , 4 , p. 5 4 9 - 5 9 0 .
4157. LEMKE (Michael). Einheit oder Sozialismus? Die Deutschlandpolitik der SED 1949-1961. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2001, 546 p. (Zeithistorische Studien, 17). 4158.
4159. Liberalism, anti-semitism, and democracy: essays in honour of Peter Pulzer. Ed. by Henning TEWES and Jonathan WRIGHT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, VIII-300 p.(ill.). 4160. LOCKENOUR (Jay). Soldiers as citizens: former Wehrmacht officers in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955. Lincoln a. London, University of Nebraska Press, 2001, XII-255 p. (Studies in war, society, and the military). 4161.
4162. MAC ADAMS (A. James). Judging the past in unified Germany. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, X I X - 2 4 4 p . (ill.).
4163. MAC DONOUGH (Frank). Opposition and resistance in Nazi Germany. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, 68 p. (ill., ports). (Cambridge perspectives in history). 4164. Machtokkupation und Systemimplosion: Anfang und Ende der DDR, zehn Jahre danach: Dieter Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Lothar MERTENS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 147 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung e. V., 80).
4165. MEIER (Brigitte). Das brandenburgische Stadtbürgertum als Mitgestalter der Moderne: die kommunale Selbstverwaltung und die politische Kultur des Gemeindeliberalismus. Berlin, Verlag A. Spitz, 2001, 350 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs, 44). 4166. MENSING (Wilhelm), ERLER (Peter). Von der Ruhr in den Gulag: Opfer des Stalinschen Massenterrors aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Essen, Klartext, 2001, 396 p. 4167. MERLIO (Gilbert). Les resistances allemandes ä Hitler. Paris, Talladier, 2001, 323 p. (plates, ill.). (Documents d'histoire). 4168.
4169. MlYAKE (Tatsuru). Doitsu kaigun no atsui natsu: Suiheitachi to kaigun shöködan 1917 nen. (German sailors and navy officer corps of 1917). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2001, 361 p. 4170.
4171. MOLL (Martin). Steuerungsinstrument im "Ämterchaos"? Die Tagungen der Reichs- und Gauleiter der NSDAP. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2001,49, 2, p. 215-274. 4172. MÜLLER (Markus). Die Christlich-Nationale Bauern- und Landvolkpartei, 1928-1933. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001, 578 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 129). 4173. MYERS FEINSTEIN (Margarete). State symbols: the quest for legitimacy in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1959. Boston, Brill, 2001, XXIII-255 p. (Studies in Central European Histories). 4174. Nachkrieg in Deutschland. Hrsg. v. Klaus NAUMANN. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, 2001, 576 p. 4175. Nineteenth-century Germany: politics, culture, and society 1780-1918. Ed. by John BREUILLY. London, Arnold, 2001, VI-292 ρ (ill., maps). 4176. NONN (Christoph). Die Ruhrbergbaukrise: Entindustrialisierung und Politik, 1958-1969. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, 422 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 149). 4177. Otto von Bismarck und die Parteien. Hrsg. v. Lothar GALL. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2001, XI-154 p. (Wissenschaftliche Reihe, Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung, 3).
4178. PITZ (Ernst). Bürgereinung und Städteeinung: Studien zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Hansestädte und der deutschen Hanse. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, XXVIII-444 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Hansischen Geschichte. Neue Folge, 52). 4179. POHLMANN (Friedrich). Deutschland im Zeitalter des Totalitarismus: politische Identitäten in Deutschland zwischen 1918 und 1989. München, 01zog, 2001, 176 p.
4180. Politische Gefangene in Südwestdeutschland. Herausgegeben vom Haus der Geschichte BadenWürttemberg in Verbindung mit der Landeshaupstadt Stuttgart. Tübingen, Silberburg-Verlag, 2001, 349 p. (ill.). (Stuttgarter Symposion, 9). 4181. QUATAERT (Jean H.). Staging philanthropy: patriotic women and the national imagination in dynastic Germany, 1813-1916. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2001, XIV-317 p. (ill.). (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany). 4182. RASCHKA (Johannes). Zwischen Überwachung und Repression: politische Verfolgung in der DDR 1971 bis 1989. Hrsg. v. Eberhard KUHRT; in Verbindung mit Hannsjörg F. BUCK und Gunter HOLZWEissrG; im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern. Opladen, Leske - Büdlich, 2001, 387 p. (ill.). (Am Ende des realen Sozialismus, 5). 4183.
4184. RIETHMÜLLER (Jürgen). Die Anfänge des demokratischen Denkens in Deutschland: demokratische Staatsphilosophie, Grundlegung einer demokratischen Verfassungstradition und Ausstrahlung auf die Unterschichten im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert. Neuried, Ars Una, 2001, VIII-518 p. (Deutsche Hochschuledition, 114). 4185. RÖHL (John C. G.). Wilhelm II: der Aufbau der persönlichen Monarchie, 1888-1900. München, Beck, 2001, 1437 p. 4186. RÜHRMAIR (Alfred). Der Bundesrat zwischen Verfassungsauftrag, Politik und Länderinteressen. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 181 p. (Beiträge zum Parlamentsrecht, 50). 4187. SCHÄFER (Annette). Zwangsarbeit in den Kommunen. "Ausländereinsatz" in Württemberg 19391945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2001,49, 1, p. 53-76. 4188. SCHMEITZNER (Mike). Schulen der Diktatur: die Kaderausbildung der KPD/SED in Sachsen 19451952. Herausgegeben vom Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung e. V. an der Technischen Universität Dresden. Dresden: Hannah-Arendt-Institut für, Totalitarismusforschung, 2001, 179 p. (ill.). (Berichte und Studien / Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, 33). 4189. SCHMIDTKE (Evelyn). Der Bundeskanzler im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kanzlerdemokratie und Parteiendemokratie: ein Vergleich der Regierungsstile Konrad Adenauers und Helmut Kohls. Marburg, Tectum, 2001,343 p. 4190. SCHÖNBERGER (Christoph). Die überholte Parlamentarisierung. Einflußgewinn und fehlende Herrschaftsfähigkeit des Reichstags im sich demokratisierenden Kaiserreich. Historische Zeitschrift, 2001, 272, 3, p. 623-666. 4191. SCHUMANN (Dirk). Politische Gewalt in der Weimarer Republik 1918-1933: Kampf um die Straße
und Furcht vor dem Bürgerkrieg. Essen, Klartext, 2001, 400 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Soziale Bewegungen. Schriftenreihe A, Darstellungen, 17). 4192. Social outsiders in Nazi Germany. Ed. by Robert GELLATELY and Nathan STOLTZFUS. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2001, VI-332 p. 4193.
4194. Stillstand, Erneuerung und Kontinuität: Einsprüche zur Preussenforschung. Hrsg. v. Jörg WOLFF. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 257 p. (ill.). (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 234). 4195. STOLTZFUS (Nathan). Resistance of the heart: intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse protest in Nazi Germany. New Brunswick a. London, Rutgers U. P., 2001, XXIX-386 p. (ill.). 4196. STRASSHEIM (Peter). Die Reichstagswahlen im 1. Kurhessischen Reichstagswahlkreis Rinteln-Hofgeismar-Wolfhagen von 1866 bis 1914: eine Wahlanalyse. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 407 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 897 = Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 897 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 897). 4197. Third Reich (The) between vision and reality: new perspectives on German history, 1918-1945. Ed. by Hans MOMMSEN. Oxford, Berg, 2001, VII-127 p. (German historical perspectives, 12). 4198. Twentieth-century Germany: politics, culture and society 1918-1990. Ed. by Mary FULBROOK. London, Arnold, 2001, VI-310 p. (ill., maps). 4199. Umbruch in Ostdeutschland: Politik, Utopie und Biographie im Übergang. Hrsg. v. Karin BOCK und Werner FIEDLER. Wiesbaden, Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001, 187 p. (ill.). 4200. Verfassungspolitik und Verfassungswandel: Deutschland und Grossbritannien im Vergleich. Hrsg. v. G e r t - J o a c h i m GLAESSNER, W e r n e r REUTTER
Charlie JEFFERY. Wiesbaden, Westdeitscher Verlag, 2001,200 p. (ill.). 4201. Vielstimmiges Schweigen: neue Studien zum DDR- Antifaschismus. Hrsg. v. Annette LEO und Peter REIF-SPIREK. Berlin, Metropol, 2001, 319 p. 4202. WAGNER (Andreas). Mutschmann gegen von Killinger: Konfliktlinien zwischen Gauleiter und SAFührer während des Aufstiegs der NSDAP [Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei] und der "Machtergreifung" im Freistaat Sachsen. Beucha, Sax-Verlag, 2001, 159 p. (ill.). 4203. Warum wir Adolf Hitler wählten: Jungwähler von 1933/38 berichten. Hrsg. v. Kai S. SCHREYBER. Kiel, Arndt, 2001,478 p.
4205. WESTARP (Kuno Friedrich). Konservative Politik im Übergang vom Kaiserreich zur Weimarer Republik. Bearbeitet von Friedrich Freiherr HILLER VON GAERTRINGEN unter Mitwirkung von Karl J. MAYER und Reinhold WEBER. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2001, 32-615 p. (ill.). (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, Dritte Reihe, Die Weimarer Republik, 10). 4206. WIEN (Bernhard). Politische Feste und Feiern in Baden 1814-1850: Tradition und Transformation: zur Interdependenz liberaler und revolutionärer Festkultur. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2001, 702 p. (ill., maps). 4207. WILDENTHAL (Lora). German women for empire, 1884-1945. Durham, Duke U. P., 2001, XI336 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 4208. WILLIAMSON (D. G.). Germany from defeat to partition, 1945-1963. Harlow, Longman, 2001, XVII179 p. (ill., maps). (Seminar studies in history). 4209. Wir sind das Volk? Ostdeutsche Bürgerrechtsbewegungen und die Wende. Hrsg. v. Andrea
4216. MAC CASKIE (T. C.). Asante identities: history and modernity in an African village, 1850-1950. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2001, IX-277 p. (ill., facsims, plans). (International African library). 4217. Regionalism and public policy in northern Ghana. Ed. by Yakubu SAABA. New York, Peter Lang, 2001, XI-242 p. 4218. WLLKS (Ivor). Akwamu, 1640-1750: a study of the rise and fall of a West African empire. Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept of History, 2001, LXVIII-172 p. (Trondheim studids in history, 35. African series, 5). Cf. n°\6661 Great Britain ** 4219. Proceedings in the opening session of the Long Parliament: House of Commons and The Strafford Trial. Vol. 3. 22 March-17 April 1641. Ed. by Maija JANSSON; assisted by Jennifer Klein MORRISON, Ailsa PLANT and Shawn SMITH. Rochester a. Woodbridge, University of Rochester Press, 2001, XXXVII608 p. (Proceedings of the English Parliament).
PABST, K a t h a r i n a SCHULTHEISS u n d P e t e r BOHLEY.
Tübingen, Attempto, 2001, 173 p. 4210. WOLFART (Johannes). Religion, government and political culture in early modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, 272 p. (ill., maps). (Early modern history. Society and culture). 4211. WOLTERS (Michael). Die Zentrumspartei und die Entstehung des BGB. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2001,452 p. (Fundamentajuridica, 39). 4212. WYDEN (Peter). The Hitler virus: the insidious legacy of Adolf Hitler. New York, Arcade Pub, 2001, XI-340 p.
4213. ZEIDLER (Stephan). Die CDU [ChristlichDemokratische Union] in der DDR vor dem Mauerbau (1953-1961). Bonn, Holos, 2001, 475 p. (Holos Reihe Geschichte, 2). 4214. ZÖBL (Dorothea). Das periphere Zentrum: Ort und Entwicklung der Bundes- und Reichsbehörden im Gross-Berliner Stadtraum 1866/67-1914. Potsdam, Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, 2001, 491 p. (ill.). (Brandenburgische historische Studien, 10). Cf. n°s 755, 3697, 3786, 4033, 4310, 6315, 6346, 6397, 6455, 6793, 6866, 6874, 6941, 6992, 7025, 7302
Ghana 4215. BERRY (Sara S.). Chiefs know their boundaries: essays on property, power, and the past in Asante, 1896-1996. Portsmouth, Heinemann a. Oxford, James Currey a. Cape Town, David Philip, 2001, XXXIX-226 p. (maps). (Social history of Africa series).
4220. ADAMS (Simon). Leicester and the court: essays on Elizabethan politics. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, 256 p. (Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain). 4221. ALLENDER (Paul). What's wrong with Labour? A critical history of the Labour Party in the twentieth century. London, Merlin Press, 2001, XII-175 p. 4222. BARR (Alexander James). The Bow Group: a history. London, Politico's, 2001, XXIV-248 p. (ill.). 4223. BENTLEY (Michael). Lord Salisbury's world: conservative environments in late-Victorian Britain. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, VIII-334 p. 4224. BETTS (G. Gordon). The twilight of Britain: cultural nationalism, multiculturalism, and the politics of toleration. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2001, [s. p.], 4225. BLACK (Jeremy). Walpole in power. Stroud, Sutton, 2001, XI-212 p. (ill.). 4226. BLACK (Lawrence) [et al.]. Consensus or coercion? The state, the people and social cohesion in post-war Britain. Foreword by Ross MAC KIBBIN. Cheltenham, New Clarion, 2001, X-214 p. 4227. BOOTHROYD (David). Politico's guide to the history of British political parties. London, Politico's, 2001, XIV-338 p. 4228. BRADDICK (Michael J.). State formation in early modem England, c. 1550-1700. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, IX-448 p. 4229. Britain Since 1945. Ed. by Jonathan HOLLOWELL. Maiden, Blackwell, 2001, 320 p. (Making contemporary Britain).
4230. British political leaders: a biographical dictionary. Ed. by Keith LAYBOURN. Santa Barbara, ABC-Clio, 2001, XIII-363 p. (ill.).
4246. HYLTON (Stuart). Their darkest hour: the hidden history of the Home Front, 1939-1945. Stroud, Sutton, 2001, XVII-183 p. (ill.).
4231. British political opinion, 1937-2000: the Gallup polls. Ed. by Anthony KING; compiled by Robert J. WYBROW; foreword by Alec GALLUP. London, Politico's, 2001, XVI-367 p.
4247. JOHNSTON (Ron) [et al.]. From votes to seats: the operation of the UK electoral system since 1945. New York, Manchester U. P., 2001, XIII-241 p.
(Fulvio). To save England from decline: the National Party of Common Sense, British conservatism and the challenge of democracy (1885-1892). Lanham a. Oxford, University Press of America, 2001, 164 p. 4232.
4 2 3 3 . CONWAY (Stephen). War and national identity in the mid-Eighteenth-century British Isles. English
2001, 116, 468, p. 863-893.
4248. KAWAMURA (Sadae). Igirisu kindai feminizumu undo no rekishizö. (The history of feminism movement in Victorian and Edwardian Britain). Tokyo, Akashi Shoten, 2001, 300 p. 4249. LABUTINA (Tat'jana L.). Vospitanie i obrazovanie anglichanki ν XVII veke. (Training and education of an English 17 Ih -century woman). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 244 p. (bibl. p. 231-235; pers. ind. p. 236-244). (Pax Britannica).
4234. CROWSON (N. J.). The Longman companion to the Conservative Party since 1830. Harlow, Longman, 2001, 336 p. (Longman companions to history).
4250. LALTY(Paul). The British peace movement, 1870-1914. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2001, IX-270 p. (Oxford historical monographs).
4 2 3 5 . CUNNINGHAM (Hugh). The challenge of democracy: Britain 1832-1918. Harlow, Longman, 2001, VIII-303 p. (New history of Britain).
4251. LAYBOURN (Keith). A century of Labour: a history of the Labour Party. Stroud, Sutton, 2001, XVIII-204 p. (ill.).
4236. DARLINGTON (Ralph), LYDDON (Dave). Glorious summer: class struggle in Britain, 1972. London, Bookmarks, 2001, XII-304 p. 4237. DURSTON (Christopher). Cromwell's majorgenerals: godly government during the English Revolution. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, X-260 p. (Politics, culture, and society in early modern Britain). 4238. DYKSTAL (Timothy). The luxury of skepticism: politics, philosophy, and dialogue in the English public sphere, 1660-1740. Charlottesville a. London, University Press of Virginia, 2001, X-222 p. 4239. EDWARDS (Philip). The making of the modern English state, 1460-1660. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave, 2001, VII-439 p. (ill.). (British studies series).
4252. M A C L E A N (Iain). Rational choice and British politics: an analysis of rhetoric and manipulation from Peel to Blair. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XIII256 p. (ill.). 4253. MACHIN (G. I. T.). The rise of democracy in Britain, 1830-1918. London, Macmillan a. New York, St. Martin's Press, 2001, IX-182 p. (British studies series). 4254. MATSUZUKA (Shunzo). Rekishi no naka no kyoshi: Kindai igirisu no kokka to shakai. (Dame schools, popular culture and liberal state in nineteenthcentury Britain). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2001, 289 p.
4240. EPINOUX (Estelle). Les murs de la paix en Irlande du Nord. In: Murs et lignes dans les conflits contemporains. 2 [Cf. n° 6535], p. 23-34.
4255. MEISEL (Joseph S.). Public speech and the culture of public life in the age of Gladstone. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2001, XIV-382 p. (plates, ill., ports.).
4241. FRY (Geoffrey Kingdon). The politics of crisis: an interpretation of British politics, 1931-1945. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave, 2001, X-304 p.
4256. MOORE (Peter R.). The heraldic charge against the Earl of Surrey, 1546-1547. English historical review, 2001, 116,467, p. 557-583.
4242. GARRARD (John). Democratisation in Britain: elites, civil society and reform since 1800. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, 317 p. (British studies series).
4257. PACKER (Ian). Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land: the land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914. Rev. by Anthony SUTCLIFFE. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Royal Historical Society/Boydell Press, 2001, XII-222 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history. New series). [Revised version of the author's thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford],
4243. GOODARE (Julian). The admission of lairds to the Scottish Parliament. English historical review, 2001, 116, 469, p. 1103-1133. 4244. HAGGARD (Robert F.). The persistence of Victorian liberalism: the politics of social reform in Britain, 1879-1900. Westport, Greenwood, 2001, 209 p. (Contributions to the Study of World History, 77). 4245. HARRIS (Tim). The politics of the excluded, c. 1500-1850. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, IX-295 p. (Themes in focus).
4258. Parliament, politics and elections, 16041648. Ed by Chris R. KYLE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. For the Royal Historical Society, 2001, 355 p. (Camden fifth series). 4259. PEARCE (Cyril). Comrades in conscience: the story of an English community's opposition to the
Great War. London, Francis Boutle Publishers, 2001, 369 p. (ill., ports.).
Scotland, and the Border (1603-1611). Canadian journal of history, 2001, 36, 2, p. 229-258.
4260. PICKERING (Paul Α.). 'And Your Petitioners &c': Chartist petitioning in popular politics 18381848. English historical review, 2001, 116, 466, p. 368388.
4274. SMYTH (Jim). The making of the United Kingdom, 1660-1800: state, religion and identity in Britain and Ireland. Harlow a. New York, Longman, 2001, [s. p.], (The four nations series).
4261. Political lives. Selected by Hugo YOUNG. New York, Oxford U. P., 2001, XIX-643 p.
4275. STAPLETON (Julia). Political intellectuals and public identities in Britain since 1850. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, X-220 p.
4262. Politics and empire in Victorian Britain: a reader. Ed. by Antoinette BURTON. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, XIII-343 p. 4263. PROKOPOV (A. Ju.). FaSisty Britanii; Sojuz Osval'da Mosli: ideologija i politika (1932-1940 gody). (British fascists: Oswald Mosley's Union: ideologists and politics, 1932-1940). RAN. In-t vseobscej istorii. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 474 p. 4264. Putney debates (The) of 1647: the army, the Levellers, and the English state. Ed. by Michael MENDLE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XII-297 p. 4265. Regicides (The) and the execution of Charles I. Ed. by Jason PEACEY. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, X294 p. 4266. ROSE (Richard). The prime minister in a shrinking world. Cambridge, Polity Press a. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 2001, VIII-282 p. (ill.). 4267. ROYLE (Edward). Revolutionary Britannia: reflections on the threat of revolution in Britain, 17891848. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, IX-214 p. 4268. RUOTSILA (Markku). British and American anticommunism before the Cold War. London a. Portland, Frank Cass, 2001, XIV-274 p. (Cold War history, 3). 4269. SANKEY (Margaret), SZECHI (Daniel). Elite culture and the decline of Scottish Jacobitism 1716— 1745. Past and present, 2001, 173, p. 90-128. 4270. SAPRYKIN (Dmitrij L.). Regnum hominis: Imperskij proekt Frensisa Bekona. (The imperial project of Francis Bacon). RAN, Institut istorii estestvoznanija i tekhniki im. S.I. Vavilova. Moskva, Indrik, 2001, 223 p. (bibl. p. 198-213; pers. ind. p. 214-220). [English summary] 4271. SCHÜTH (Matthias). Englands politische Universitätsjugend, 1931-1940: ein Beitrag zur Erforschung politischer Kollektivmentalitäten im Europa der dreissiger Jahre. Munster u. London, Lit, 2001, VIII390 p. (Schriftenreihe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 11). 4272. SEEL (G. E.), SMITH (David L.). Crown and parliaments, 1558-1689. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, IV-116 p. (ill., ports.). (Cambridge perspectives in history). 4273. SIZER (Jared R. M.). The good of this service consists in absolute secrecy: the Earl of Dunbar,
4276. STEFFEN (Lisa). Defining a British state, treason and national identity, 1608-1820. New York, Palgrave, 2001, X-245 p. (Studies in Modem History). 4277. SWIFT (John). Labour in crisis: Clement Attlee and the Labour Party in opposition, 1931-1940. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave, 2001, IX-209 p. 4278. SZECHI (Daniel). A blueprint for tyranny? Sir Edward Hales and the Catholic Jacobite response to the Revolution of 1688. English historical review, 2001, 116, 466, p. 342-367. 4279. WHITFIELD (Bob). The extension of the franchise, 1832-1931. Oxford, Heinemann Educational, 2001, 282 p. (ill., 1 map). (Heinemann advanced history). 4280. WLTHERELL (Larry L.). Lord Salisbury's 'Watching Committee' and the fall of Neville Chamberlain, May 1940. English historical review, 2001, 116, 469, p. 1134-1166. 4281. Women, privilege, and power: British politics, 1750 to the present. Ed. by Amanda VLCKERY. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, X-413 p. (ill.). 4282. WOOD (Andy). Riot, rebellion and popular politics in Early Modern England. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, XV-227 p. (Social history in perspective). 4283. WORDEN (Blair). Roundhead reputations: the English Civil Wars and the passions of posterity. London, Allen Lane the Penguin Press, 2001, ΧΠ-386 p. (ill.). 4284. WORLEY (Matthew). Class against class: the Communist Party in Britain between the wars. London, I. B. Tauris, 2001,224 p. 4285. Writing the early modern English nation: the transformation of national identity in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England. Ed. by Herbert GRABES. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2001, XV-199 p. (Costerus. New series, 137).
Great Britain. Addenda 2000 4286. Shüen kara no manazashi: Mouhitotsu no igirisu kindai. (Perspectives from the periphery: alternative history of modem Britain). Ed. by Minora KAWAKITA and Akihiro SASHI. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2000, 290 p. Cf. Γ 4200, 6905, 7210
* 4 2 8 7 . LIAKOS (Antonis). La storia della Grecia come costruzione di un tempo nazionale. Contemporanea, 2001,4, 1, p. 155-170.
4300. Impact (The) of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic world. Ed. by David P. GEGGUS, Rosemary B R A N A - S H U T E and Randy J. SPARKS. Columbia, University of South Carolina, 2001, XVIII-261 p. (The Carolina lowcountry and the Atlantic world).
4288. ALEXAKIS (Emmanuel G.). He Hellenike dexia: dome kai ideologia tes Neas Demokratias, 19741993: (The Greek right; structure and ideology of the New Democracy Party). Athena, Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2001, XIV-457 p. (Thesmoi tes Hellenikes koinonias, 15).
4301. RHODES (Leara). Democracy and the role of the Haitian media. Lewiston, Ε. Mellen Press, 2001, XV-217 p. (Caribbean studies, 11).
Honduras 4289. KASSIMERIS (George). Europe's last red terrorists: the Revolutionary Organization 17 November. London, C. Hurst & Co., 2001, IX-262 p. 4290. K E N N A (Margaret E.). The social organisation of exile: Greek political detainees in the 1930s. Amsterdam, Harwood Academic, 2001, X-123 p. (ill., map). 4 2 9 1 . KOLIOPOULOS (Giannes S . ) , VEREMIS (Thabos M.). Greece: the modem sequel. London, C. Hurst,
4302. B O W M A N (Kirk). The public battles over militarisation and democracy in Honduras, 1954-1963. Journal of Latin American studies, 2001, 33, 3, p. 539560. 4303. PEREZ CHAVEZ (Porfirio). Estructura economica de Honduras: gobierno del general Francisco Ferrera, 1840-1844. Tegucigalpa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, 2001, 222 p. (Coleccion Realidad nacional).
2 0 0 1 , 3 2 0 p.
4292. KRUGOVAJA (Elena G.). "Cernye polkovniki" ν Grecii. 1967-1974 gody. ("Black colonels" in Greece in 1967-1974). Nov. novejs. 1st., 2001, 3, p. 64-80. 4293. PANTAZOPOULOS (Andreas). "Gia to lao kai to ethnos": e stigme Andrea Papandreou, 1965-1989. Prologos Giorgos PASCHOS. Athena, Polis, 2001, 345 p. (Robert Shannan). National histories, natural states: nationalism and the politics of place in Greece. London, I.B. Tauris, 2001, XVI-224 p. (maps). 4294.
4295. SFIKAS (Thanasis D.). Polemos kai eirene ste stratigike tou KKE [Kommounistikon Komma tes Hellados]: 1945-1949. Athena, Philistor, 2001, 138 p. Guatemala 4 2 9 6 . A L D A MEJI'AS (Sonia). La participacion indigena en la construction de la Republica de Guatemala, siglo XIX. Madrid, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2001, 285 p. (Coleccion de estudios, 69).
4297. BARRIOS (Lina Ε . ) . Tras las huellas del poder local: la alcaldia indigena en Guatemala del siglo XVI al siglo XX. Guatemala, Universidad Rafael Landivar, Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas y Sociales, 2001, XVIII-420 p. (ill.). (Serie socio-cultural). 4 2 9 8 . FORSTER (Cindy). The time of freedom: campesino workers in Guatemala's October Revolution. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001, X I - 2 8 7 p. (ill., maps). (Pitt Latin American series).
4299. Historia y nacionalidad en Guatemala y Mexico. Por Clever Alfonso CHÄVEZ M A R I N [et al.]. Zapopan, Colegio de Jalisco y Guatemala, Archivo Historico Municipal de la Ciudad de la Antigua Guatemala, 2001, 120 p.
4304. VLLLARS (Rina). Para la casa mäs que para el mundo: sufragismo y feminismo en la historia de Honduras. Tegucigalpa, Editorial Guaymuras, 2001, 704 p. (Coleccion Codices).
Hungary 4305. AMBROSY (Anna). A brave nation: a short political and social history of twentieth century Hungary. Melbourne, Hungarian Life Edition, 2001, X-216 p. (ill., maps). 4306. C O N G D O N (Lee). Seeing red: Hungarian intellectuals in exile and the challange of communism. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2001, XII-223 p. 4307. HABER (Peter). Die Anfänge des Zionismus in Ungarn (1897-1904). Köln, Böhlau, 2001, 196 p. (ill.). (Lebenswelten osteuropäischer Juden, 8). 4308. ISLAMOV (Tofik M.). Avstro-Vengria ν pervoj mirovoj vojne Krakh imperii. (Austria-Hungary in the First World War. The empire's collapse). Nov. novejs. Ist., 2001, 5, p. 14-46. 4309. KIRÄLY (Bela Κ . ) . Basic history of modern Hungary, 1867-1999. Malabar, Krieger Pub., 2001, VIII-208 p. (maps). (Anvil series). 4310. SAXONBERG (Steven). The fall: a comparative study of the end of communism in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary and Poland. Amsterdam, Harwood Academic, 2001, XVII-434 p. (ill.). (International studies in global change, 11). 4311. ZELICKI (Bela J.). Tragiceskaja sud'ba Laslo Rajka. Vengrija 1949 goda. (The tragic fate of Laslo Ryke. Hungary, 1949). Nov. novejs. 1st., 2001, 2, p. 125138. Cf. nos 3677, 3697, 3792, 7327
India 4312. ALI (Μ. Athar). The Mughal nobility under Aurangzeb. New Delhi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2001, XXV-294 p. (Oxford India paperbacks). 4313. AMARJIT (Singh). Punjab divided: politics of the Muslim League and partition, 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 4 7 . New Delhi, Kanishka Publishers, 2 0 0 1 , X - 2 3 5 p. (map). 4314. ARORA (Anju). The princely states: British paramountcy and internal administration, 1858-1948: a case study of the Kapurthala State. New Delhi, National Book Organisation, 2001, XIV-348 p. 4315.
(Jackie). L'Inde. Desir de nation,
2001,347 p. 4316. A T A Ö V (Türkkaya). Kashmir and neighbours: tale, terror, truce. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XIV-244 p. (plates, ill., maps). 4317. BERNARD (Jean Alphonse). From Raj to the republic: a political history of India, 1935-2000. New Delhi, Har Anand Publications, 2001,500 p. (maps). 4318. BHATT (Chetan). Hindu nationalism: origins, ideologies and modern myths. Oxford, Berg, 2001, VIII-232 p. 4319. COPLAND (Ian). India 1885-1947: the unmaking of an empire. Harlow, Longman, 2001, XVIII138 p. (plates, ill., maps). (Seminar studies in history). 4320. DABAS (Bal Kishan). The political and social history of the Jats. Delhi, Sanjay Prakashan, 2001, 291 p. 4321. Everyday state (The) and society in modern India. Ed. by C . J. FULLER and Veronique Β Ε Ν Ε Ϊ . London, Hurst, 2001, VIII-221 p. 4322. Freedom movement in princely states of Maharashtra. Ed. by Arun BHOSALE, Ashok CHOUSALKAR and Lakshminarayana TARODI. Kolhapur, Shivaji University, 2001, XXVI-238 p. 4 3 2 3 . FYRTH (Jim). An Indian landscape, 1 9 4 4 1946. London, Socialist History Society, 2001, 96 p. (ill., ports). (Occasional papers series, 12).
4324. GOOPTU (Nandini). The politics of the urban poor in early twentieth-century India. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XXIII-464 p. (Cambridge studies in Indian history and society, 8). 4325. GUPTA (Maya), GUPTA (Amit Kumar). Defying death: struggle against imperialism and feudalism, New Delhi, Tulika, 2001, VIII-283 p. 4326. MAC LAREN (Martha). British India and British Scotland, 1780-1830: career building, empire building, and a Scottish school of thought on Indian governance. Akron, University of Akron Press, 2001, VIII-306 p. (map). (Series on international, political, and economic history). 4327. MORE (J. B. P.). Freedom movement in French India: the Mahe Revolt of 1948. Tellicherry, IRISH, 2001, XV-262 p. (maps, port). (Institute for Re-
search in Social Sciences and Humanities, MESHAR, series, 3). 4328. Partitions (The) of memory: the afterlife of the division of India. Ed. by Suvir KAUL. New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2001, XIV-301 p. 4329. Pleasure and the nation: the history, politics and consumption of popular culture in India. Ed. by Rachel DWYER and Christopher PLNNEY. Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2001, 280 p. (SOAS studies on South Asia). 4330. PRAYER (Mario). The "Gandhians" of Bengal: nationalism, social reconstruction and cultural orientations 1920-1942. Pisa, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, 363 p. (map). (Rivista degli studi orientali, 74, suppl. no. 1-2). 4331. QUDDUS (Abdul). The political parties and the consitutional reforms in British-India, 1 9 0 9 - 1 9 4 7 . Dhaka, Gatidhara, 2001, 303 p. 4332. RAJAGOPAL (Arvind). Politics after television. Religious nationalism and the reshaping of the Indian public. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, 393 p. 4333. SAMADDARA (Ranabira). A biography of the Indian nation, 1947-1997. New Delhi a. London, Sage, 2001,342 p. 4334. SHARMA (Malti). Indianization of the civil services in British India, (1858-1935). New Delhi, Manak, 2001, VI-272 p. 4335. SIVASANKARAREDDI (Palle). Civil disobedience movement in Andhra. New Delhi, Classical Pub. Co., 2001, VIII-262 p. 4336. State and diplomacy under Tipu Sultan: documents and essays. Ed. by Irfan HABIB. New Delhi, Tulika, 2001, XXV-169 p. (ill, maps). 4337. SUBRAHMANYAM (Sanjay). Penumbral visions: the making of polities in early modern South India. Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, IX-295 p. (maps). Cf. nos 4554, 7397, 7425 Indonesia 4338. CHALLIS (Roland). Shadow of a revolution: Indonesia and the generals. Stroud, Sutton, 2001, XII260 p. (ill., map). 4339. ELSON (Robert Edward). Suharto: a political biography. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIX389 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 4340. KAHFI (Erni Haryanti). Islam and nationalism: Agus Salim and nationalist movement in Indonesia during the early twentieth century. Jakarta, Logos, 2001, XI-157 p. (Indonesian Islamic studies series). Irak 4 3 4 1 . SORBY (Karol). Vniitropoliticky vyvoj Ν Iraku po druhej svetovej vojne, 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 5 4 . (Die Innen-
politische Entwicklung im Irak nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1945-1954). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 2, p. 255-273. [Deutsche Zfassung],
4356. LANE (Fintan). In search of Thomas Sheahan: radical politics in Cork, 1824-1836. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2001, 69 p. (ill ). (Maynooth studies in Irish local history, 37).
4357. MAC LAUGHLIN (Jim). Reimagining the nation-state: the contested terrains of nation-building. London, Pluto Press, 2001, 289 p.
4342. AKA (Ismail). Iran'da Turkmen Häkimiyeti (Kara Koyunlular Devri). (La Souverainete des Turcomans en Iran). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2001, IX102 p. 4343. ANSARI (Α. M.). The myth of the White Revolution: Mohammad Reza Shah, 'Modernization' and the consolidation of power. Middle Eastern studies, 2001,37,3, p. 1-24. 4344.
4358. MAILLOT (Paul). IRA: les republicans irlandais. Presentation de Paul BRENNAN. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2001, 329 p. 4359. MURPHY (James H.). Abject loyalty: nationalism and monarchy in Ireland during the reign of Queen Victoria. Crosses Green, Cork U. P., 2001, XXXIV360 p.
4345. BERBERIAN (Houri). Armenians and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911: the love for freedom has no fatherland. Boulder, Westview Press, 2001, XII-226 p.
4360. Northern Ireland and the divided world: the Northern Ireland conflict and the Good Friday Agreement in comparative perspective. Ed. by John MAC GARRY. Oxford, Oxford u. P., 2001, XVI-358 p. (ill.).
4346. CHAQUERL (Cosroe). Origins of social democracy in modern Iran. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2001, 352 p. (ill., facsims., maps, ports.).
4361. NOVICK (Ben). Conceiving revolution: Irish nationalist propaganda during the First World War. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, 272 p. (ill.).
4347. FLOOR (Willem). Safavid government institutions. Costa Mesa, Mazda Publishers, 2001, X-311 p.
4362. PEATLING (Gary). British opinion and Irish self-government, 1865-1925: from unionism to liberal Commonwealth. Dublin a. Portland, Irish Academic Press, 2001, XVI-316 p. (ill.).
FRINGS-HESSAMI ( Κ . V . ) . T h e I s l a m i c
bate about land reform in the Iranian Parliament, 19811986. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37,4, p. 136-181. 4349. KiA (M.). Inside the Court of Naser od-Din Shah Qajar, 1881-1896: the life and diary of Mohammad Hasan Khan E'temad os-Saltaneh. Middle Eastern studies, 2001,37, l , p . 101-141. 4350. MASROORI (C.). Mirza Ya'qub Khan's call for representative government, toleration and Islamic reform in nineteenth-century Iran. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 1, p. 89-100.
4363. Political discourse in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Ireland. Ed. by D. George BOYCE, Robert ECCLESHALL and Vincent GEOGHEGAN. Houndmills a.
New York, Palgrave, 2001, XII-309 p. 4364. Rebellion and remembrance in modem Ireland. Ed. by Laurence M. GEARY. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, 237 p. (ill., map). 4365. STAUNTON (Enda). The Nationalists of Northern Ireland, 1918-1973. Blackrock, Columba Press, 2001,397 p. (ill., ports.).
Cf. n" 7300 Ireland 4351. CANNY (Nicholas P.). Making Ireland British, 1580-1650. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2001, X I V - 6 3 3 p. (maps).
4352. ELLIOTT (Marianne). The Catholics of Ulster: a history. New York, Basic Books, 2001, XLIII-642 p. 4353. HUSSEY (Christopher M.). For Protestant selfdetermination: the key to the Ulster question. Dublin, Dunesk Press, 2001, 88 p. 4354. Irish parliament (The) in the eighteenth century: the long apprenticeship. Ed. by D. W. HAYTON. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P. for the Parliamentary History Yearboock Trust, 2001, 156 p. (maps). 4355. Kingdoms in crisis: Ireland in the 1640's; essays in honour of Donal Cregan. Ed. by Micheäl Ο SLOCHRÜ. Dublin a. Portland, Four Courts, 2001, 288 p. (maps).
4366. TANNER (Marcus). Ireland's holy wars: the struggle for a nation's soul, 1500-2000. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, X-498 p. (ill, maps, ports.). 4367. Writings (The) of Theobald Wolfe Tone, 1763-1798. Vol. 2. America, France, and Bantry Bay, August 1795 to December 1796. Ed. by Robert Brendan MAC DOWELL, Theodore William MOODY a.
Christopher J. WOODS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVIII-435 p.
Israel 4368. BIGER (Gideon). Erets rabat gevulot: me'ah ha-shanim ha-rishonot shel tihum gevuloteha shel Erets-Yisra'el, 1840-1947. (Land of many boundaries: the first hundred years of the delimitation of the new boundaries of Palestine-Eretz Israel). Kiryat SedehBoker, ha-Merkaz le-moreshet Ben-Guryon: Hotsa'at ha-sefarim shel Universität Ben Guryon ba-Negev, 2001, 278 p. (ill., maps).
4369. GANIM (As"ad). The Palestinian-Arab minority in Israel, 1948-2000: a political study. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2001, XIV-238 p. (SUNY series in Israeli studies). 4370. Global politics: essays in honour of David Vital. Ed. by Abraham BEN-ZVI and Aharon KLIEMAN. London, Cass, 2001, X-406 p. (Israeli history, politics, and society). 4371. HAZONY (Yoram). The Jewish state: the struggle for Israel's soul. New York, Basic Books, 2001, XXX-432 p. 4372. KARSH (Efraim). Israel: the first hundred years. Vol. 1 Israel's transition from community to state. Vol. 2. From war to peace. Vol. 3. Israeli society and politics since 1948. London, Frank Cass, 2001, 3 vol., [s. p.]. (Israeli history, politics and society). 4373. MORAG (N.). Water, geopolitics and state building: the case of Israel. Middle Eastern studies, 2001,37, 3, p. 179-198.
4382. BROERS (Michael). Politics and religion in Napoleonic Italy: the war against God, 1801-1814. London a. New York, Routledge, 2001, XVI-238 p. 4383. CAMPANILI (Giorgio). II pensiero politico di Luigi Sturzo. Caltanissetta, S. Sciascia, 2001, 271 p. (Studi del Centra "A. Cammarata", 40). 4384. CAMPI (Alessandro). Mussolini. Bologna, II Mulino, 2001, 206 p. (L'identitä italiana, 21). 4385. CANONICI (Claudio). La fedelta e l'obbedienza: governo del territorio a Viterbo e nel Patrimonio in etä napoleonica. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 309 p. (plates, ill.). (Studi storici Carocci, 16). 4386. CARLI (Maddalena). Nazione e rivoluzione: il "socialismo nazionale" in Italia: mitologia di un discorso rivoluzionario. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001, 222 p. (Biblioteca di storia contemporanea, 4). 4387. Carlo e Nello Rosselli e l'antifascismo europeo. A cura di Antonio BECHELLONI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2001, 367 p. (Centra studi Piero Gobetti, 14).
4374. Peacemaking in a divided society: Israel after Rabin. Ed. by Sasson SOFER. London, Frank Cass, 2001, X-260 p. (ill.). (Cass series - Israeli history, politics, and society, 12).
4388. CARUSI (Paolo). I partiti politici italiani dall' unitä ad oggi. Roma, Studium, 2001, 276 p. (Nuova universale Studium, 103).
4375. WEITZ (Y.). Taking leave of the 'Founding Father': Ben-Gurion's resignation as Prime Minister in 1963. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 2, p. 131-152.
4389. Condottieri e uomini d'arme nell'Italia del Rinascimento. A cura e con un saggio introduttivo di Mario DEL TREPPO. Napoli, Liguori, 2001, XIX-484 p. (ill., maps). (Europa mediterranea. Quaderni, 18).
Cf. n" 4557 Italy * 4376. Storie d'ltalia. A cura di Gabriele TURI. Passato e presente, 2001, 19, 52, p. 133-178. ** 4377. ROSSI (Ernesto). Nove anni sono molti: lettere dal carcere 1930-1939. A cura di Mimmo FRANZINELLI; con una testimonianza di Vittorio FOA. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2001, CXLI-888 p. (ill., ports.). (Nuova cultura, 83). ** 4378. SALVEMINI (Gaetano). Memorie e soliloqui. Diario 1922-1923. A cura di Roberto PERTICI. Introduzione di Roberto VIVARELLI. Bologna, II Mulino, 2001,422 p. 4379. ALBANESE (Giulia). Alle origini del fascismo: la violenza politica a Venezia 1919-1922. Presentazione di Mario ISNENGHI. Padova, II poligrafo, 2001, 261 p. (Ricerche. Universitä degli studi di Venezia. Facoltä di lettere e filosofia, 18). 4380. Art (The) of persuasion: political communication in Italy from 1945 to the 1990s. Ed. by Luciano CHELES and Lucio SPONZA. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, XV-384 p. (ill., ports.). 4381. BIANCHI (Bruna). La follia e la fuga: nevrosi di guerra, diserzione e disobbedienza nell'esercito italiano, 1915-1918. Roma, Bulzoni, 2001, 566 p. (ill.). (Storia e document!, 31).
4390. COUZIN (Thierry). Originalite en politique: le cas du Piemont dans la naissance de l'ltalie (18311848): gouverner le royaume de Sardaigne ä l'epoque de Charles-Albert. Pref. de Jose-Gentil DA SILVA. Zurich, Thesis, 2001, 218 p. (Ars historica). 4391. Cultural politics (The) of Duke Cosimo I de' Medici. Ed. by Konrad EISENBICHLER. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XXI-262 p. (ill., ports.). 4392. DARBY (Graham). The unification of Italy. Harlow, Longman, 2001, 118 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Longman history in depth). 4393. DE BERNARDI (Alberto). Una dittatura moderna: il fascismo come problema storico. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2001, 322 p. (Testi e pretesti). 4394. DE GRAND (Alexander J.). The hunchback's tailor: Giovanni Giolitti and liberal Italy from the challenge of mass politics to the rise of fascism, 18821922. Westport a. London, Praeger, 2001, X-294 p. (Italian and Italian American studies). 4395. DELLA PERUTA (Franco). Carlo Cattaneo politico. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 201 p. (Storia; 296). 4396. Disastro! Disasters in Italy sincc 1860: culture, politics, society. Ed. by John DICKIE, John FOOT and Frank M. SNOWDEN. New York, Basingstoke, 2001, VI-342p. (ill.). 4397. EINAUDI (Luigi). Riflessioni di un liberale sulla democrazia: 1943-1947. A cura di Paolo SODDU.
Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2001, XXVIII-300 p. (Studi. Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 40).
Roma, Editori Riuniti e Istituto Luce, 2001, 267 p. (L'immagine e la storia).
4398. EMICH (Birgit). Bürokratie und Nepotismus unter Paul V. (1605-1621): Studien zur frühneuzeitlichen Mikropolitik in Rom. Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 2001, 2001, VIII-473 p. (Päpste und Papsttum, 30).
4411. Intorno al 1898: Italia e Spagna nella crisi di fine secolo. A cura di Silvana CASMIRRI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2001, 329 p. (Temi di storia, 26).
4399. FANTI (Guido), FERRI (Gian Carlo). Cronache dall'Emilia rossa: l'impossibile riformismo del PCI. Bologna, Pendragon, 2001, 272 p. (ill.). (Le sfere).
4412. Italian fascism and antifascism: a critical anthology. Ed. with introduction, notes and vocabulary by Stanislao PUGLIESE. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2001, IX-250 p. (Italian texts).
4400. Federzoni e la storia della destra italiana nella prima metä del Novecento. A cura di Benedetto CocciA e Umberto GENTILONI SLLVERI. Bologna, II Mulino, 2001, 284 p.
4413. LA ROCCA (Felice). L'eredita perduta: Aldo Moro e la crisi italiana. Prefazione di Orazio BARRESE. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2001, 215 p. (Problemi aperti).
4401. FlORI (Antonio). II filtro deformante: la censura sulla stampa durante la prima guerra mondiale. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per l'etä moderna e contemporanea, 2001, XIII-716 p. (ill.). (Studi di storia moderna e contemporanea, 19).
4414. LAW (John E.). Venice and the Veneto in the early Renaissance. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 350 p. (ill.). (Variorum collected studies series).
4402. FLAMINI (Gianni). I pretoriani di Pace e liberta: storie di guerra fredda in Italia. Roma, Editori riuniti, 2001, 126 p. (II caso italiano). 4403. FOLIN (M.). Rinascimento estense. Politica, cultura, istituzioni di un antico Stato italiano. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, XX-VIII-457 p. (Percorsi, 29). 4404. FURIOZZI (Gian Biagio). Dali'Italia liberale all'Italia fascista. Napoli Edizioni scientifiche italiane e Perugina, Universita degli studi di Perugia, 2001, 236 p. (Studi e ricerche. Dipartimento di studi storico-artistici, Sezione studi storici, Facoltä di scienze della formazione dell'Universitä di Perugina, 19). 4405. GAST ALDI (Virginio Paolo), COLOMBO (ΑΓturo), ANGELINI (Giovanna). Poteri e libertär autonomie e federalismo nel pensiero democratico italiano. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 159 p. (Studi e ricerche storiche, 286). 4406. GINSBORG (Paul). Italy and its discontents: family, civil society, state 1980-2001. London a. New York, Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 2001, XV-520 p. (ill.). 4407. GIOVANNINI (Elio). L'ltalia massimalista: sociali smo e lotta sociale e politica nel primo dopoguerra italiano. Roma, Ediesse, 2001, 236 p. (Storia e memoria). 4408. GOHR (Antonia). Die Lega Nord, eine Herausforderung für Italien: zwischen Föderalismus und Separatismus. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2001, 178 p. (ill., maps). (Europäische Hochschul Schriften. Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, 426 = Publications universitäres europeennes. Serie XXXI, Sciences politiques, 426 = European university studies. Series XXXI, Political science, 426). 4409. GREGORY (Desmond). Napoleon's Italy. Cranbury, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2001, 242 p. 4410. Immagine (L') del duce: Mussolini nelle fotografie dell'Istituto Luce. A cura di Sergio LUZZATTO.
4415. LEONI (Francesco). Storia dei partiti politici italiani. Napoli, A. Guida, 2001, 529 p. 4416. LUZZATTO (Sergio). La mummia della repubblica: storia di Mazzini imbalsamato, 1872-1946. Milano, Rizzoli, 2001, 222 p. (plates, ill.). 4417. MAGGI (Michele). L'ltalia che non muore: la politica di Croce nella crisi nazionale. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2001, 201 p. (Saggi Bibliopolis, 69). 4418. Marginalismo e socialismo nell'Italia liberale 1870-1825. A cura di Marco E. L GUIDI e Luca MlCHELINI. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2001, CXXXIV-617 p. (Annali. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 35). 4419. Modello laburista (II) nell'Italia del Novecento. A cura di Ariane LANDUYT e Gian Biagio FuRIOZZI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2001, 248 p. (Europa socialismo democrazia. Istituto socialista di studi storici, 1). 4420. PACELLI (Mario). Cattivi esempi: storie dimenticate dell'Italia "perbene". Palermo, Sellerio, 2001, 172 p. (Divano, 181). 4421. PCI [Paitito comunista italiano] (II) nell'Italia repubblicana, 1943-1991. A cura di Roberto GUALTIERI; prefazione di Giuseppe VACCA. Roma, Carocci, 2001, XXVII-407 p. (Annali). 4422. PERRONE (Nico). Enrico Mattei. Bologna, II Mulino, 2001, 167 p. (L'identitä italiana, 22). 4423. PLGNOTTL (Marco). Notabili, candidate, elezioni: lotta municipale e politica nella Liguria giolittiana. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001, 416 p. (Europa socialismo democrazia, 3). 4424. Questione (La) dei «criminali di guerra» italiani e una Commissione di inchiesta dimenticata. A cura di Filippo FOCARDI e Lutz KLINKHAMMER. Contemporanea, 2001, 4, 3, p. 497-528. 4425. Radici (Le) della crisi: l'ltalia tra gli anni Sessanta e Settanta. A cura di Luca BALDISSARA. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 298 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 9).
4426. RlZZO (D.). II Partito socialista e Raniero Panzieri in Sicilia: 1949-1955. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2001, 242 p. (ill.). (Saggi; 97). 4427. ROCCUCCI (Adriano). Roma capitale del nazionalismo ( 1 9 0 8 - 1 9 2 3 ) . Roma, Archivio Guido Izzi, 2001, 577 p. (Biblioteca scientifica. Serie II, Memorie. Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 46). 4428.
Quando si έ fatto politica in Italia? Storia di situazioni pubbliche. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2001, 288 p. (Saggi, 89).
177 p. (Economia. Sez. 5.: Ricerche di economia applicata, 142). 4442. VACCARO (Rosa). Comuni e Stato nell'Italia liberale. Padova, C E D A M , 2001, VII-234 p. 4443. VRANDECIC (Josip). Cittadino Ivan Bujovic i gradanska Venecija: svibanj-listopad 1797. (Cittadino Ivan Bujovic and the bourgeois Venice: May-October, 1797). Historijski zbornik, 2001, 54, p. 33-46. 4444. WITT (Mary Ann Frese). The search for modern tragedy: aesthetic fascism in Italy and France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, XII-259 p.
4429. SACCO (Domenico). La febbre d'America: il socialismo italiano e l'emigrazione ( 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 1 5 ) . Manduria, P. Lacaita, 2001, 284 p. (Biblioteca di storia contemporanea, 45).
Cf. nas 4014, 4056, 4065, 4801, 5325, 5488, 5868, 5930, 6374, 7009, 7228, 7302
4430. SALVADORI (M. L.). La Sinistra nella storia italiana. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2001, 278 p. (Economica Laterza, 226).
4445. HELLEGERS (Dale M.). We, the Japanese people: World War II and the origins of the Japanese constitution. Vol. 1. Washington. Vol. 2. Tokyo. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, 2 vol., XVI1-404 p., VIII421 p.
4431. SCALISI (Lina). Ai piedi dell'altare: politica e conflitto religioso nella Sicilia d'eta modema. Catanzaro, Meridiana libri, 2 0 0 1 , 1 3 8 p. (Saggi, 32).
4432. SCIROCCO (Alfonso). Garibaldi: battaglie, amori, ideali di un cittadino del mondo. Roma, Laterza, 2001, IX-434 p. (Storia e societä).
4446. KASZA (Gregory J.). Fascism from above? Japan's Kakushin right in comparative perspective. In: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 183-232.
4433. SPAGNOLO (Carlo). La stabilizzazione incompiuta: il piano Marshall in Italia, 1947-1952. Prefazione di Charles S. MAIER. Roma, Carocci, 2001, 297 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 6).
4447. MATSUSAKA (Yoshihisa Tak). The making of Japanese Manchuria, 1 9 0 4 - 1 9 3 2 . Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2001, 522 p.
4434. SPATARO (Mario). I primi secessionisti: separatismo in Sicilia, 1866 e 1 9 4 3 - 1 9 4 6 . Napoli, Controcorrente, 2001, 371 p. (ill.).
4448. ORR (James Joseph). The victim as hero: ideologies of peace and national identity in postwar Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2001, VIII-271 p.
4435. STADLER (Peter). Cavour. Italiens liberaler Reichsgriinder. München, Oldenbourg, 2001, 182 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, 30). 4436. Stato fascista (Lo). A cura di Marco PALLA; contributi di Fabio BERTINI [et al.]. Milano, La nuova Italia, 2001, XI-435 p. (Storia d'ltalia nel secolo ventesimo. Parte 2. Italia fascista, 1). 4437. Storia dello Stato italiano dall'Unitä a oggi. A cura di Raffaele ROMANELLI. Roma, Donzelli, 2001, XVI-512 p. (Progetti). 4438. Storia d'ltalia. Le regioni dall'Unitä a oggi. La Lombardia. A cura di Duccio BIGAZZI e Marco MERIGGI. Torino, Einaudi, 2001, XVII-1299 p. 4439. TOGLIATTI (Palmiro). Scritti su Gramsci. A cura di Guido LIGUORI. Roma, editori Riuniti, 2001, 316 p. (Nuova biblioteca di cultura). 4440. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola). L'ltalia repubblicana e l'eredita del fascismo. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2001, 282 p. (Ventunesimo secolo, 1). 4441. TRAVAGLIANTE (Pina). Nella crisi del 1848: cultura economica e dibattito politico nella Sicilia degli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta. Milano, F. Angeli, 2001,
4449. PEREZ (Louis G.). Mutsu Munemitsu and identity formation of the individual and the state in modern Japan. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2001, IX-320 p. (Japanese studies, 14). 4450. RUOFF (Kenneth James). The people's emperor: democracy and the Japanese monarchy, 1 9 4 5 1995. Cambridge a. London, Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard U. P., 2001, XIV-331 p. (ill.). (Harvard East Asian monographs, 211). 4451. SASAKI-UEMURA (Wesley). Organizing the spontaneous: citizen protest in postwar Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2001, XIV-293 p. 4452. SERAPHIM (Franziska). Negotiating the postwar: politics and memory in Japan, 1945—1995. Ann Arbor, UMI, 2001, XVII-369 p. 4453. SIMS (Richard). Japanese political history since the Meiji Renovation, 1 8 6 8 - 2 0 0 0 . London, Hurst, 2001, XXIV-395 p. 4454. SPROTTE (Maik Hendrik). Konfliktaustragung in autoritären Herrschaftssystemen: eine historische Fallstudie zur friihsozialistischen Bewegung im Japan der Meiji-Zeit. Marburg, Tectum, 2001, 408 p.
4455. TIPTON (Elise Κ.). Modem Japan: a social and political history. London, Routledge, 2002, XIII258 p. (ill, map.). (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series). Cf. nos 7023,
7682-7735 Jordan
4456. ABU N o w AR (Ma'an). The struggle for independence, 1939-1947: a history of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2001, X3 6 3 p. 4457. MASSAD (Joseph Andoni). Colonial effects: the making of national identity in Jordan. New York, Columbia U. P., 2001, XIV-396 p. 4458.
(Peter). Jordan: a Hashemite legacy. London, Routledge, 2001, XXII-135 p. (map). (The contemporary Middle East). 4459. Resilience (The) of the Hashemite rule: politics and the state in Jordan, 1946-1967. Ed. by Tariq TELL. Beirut, Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur le Moyen-Orient contemporain, 2001, 155 p. (Cahiers du CERMOC, 25).
4466. SCHULZE (Kirsten Ε.). The Jews of Lebanon: between coexistence and conflict. Brighton a. Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2001, XI-192 p. (ill., maps). 4467. SCHUMANN (Christoph). Radikalnationalismus in Syrien und Libanon: politische Sozialisation und Elitenbildung 1930-1958. Hamburg, Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2001, 354 p. (Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft des Vorderen Orients. Schriften des Deutschen Orient-Instituts). Lithuania 4468. VASILIAUSKAS (Arturas). Local politics and clientage in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1587-1632. London, [s. n.], 2001, 292 p. [Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of London] Cf. nos 6708,
6715 Luxembourg
4469. Elites nobiliaires (Les) dans les Pays-Bas au seuil des temps modernes: mobilite sociale et service du pouvoir. Ed. Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis. [Responsable d'ed.: Jean-Marie CAUCHIES]. Bruxelles, Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, 2001, 102 p. (Cahier / Centre de Recherches en Histoire du Droit et des Institutions, 16).
Kazakhstan Macedonia
Cf. n" 6114 Kenya 4460. LEWIS (Joanna). Empire state-building: war and welfare in Kenya, 1925-1952. London, James Currey a. Nairobi, E.A.E.P. a. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2001, XVII-393 p. (ill., maps). (Eastern African studies). 4461. PETERSON (Derek). Wordy women: gender trouble and the oral politics of the East African revival in northern Gikuyuland. Journal of African history, 2001, 42, 3, p. 469-489.
4470. GANIAGE (Jean). Les luttes entre Chretiens de Macedoine. Grecs et Serbes contre Bulgares (1904-1908). In: Civils et militaires dans les conflits du XX C siecle [Cf. n° 6500], p. 113-136. - IDEM. Terrorisme et guerre civile en Macedoine (1895-1903). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2001, 51, 201, p. 55-82. Malawi 4471. BAKER (Colin). Revolt of the ministers: the Malawi cabinet crisis 1964-1965. London, I. B. Tauris, 2001, XI-370 p. (ill., maps, ports.).
Korea Mexico 4462. LANKOV (Andrei). From Stalin to Kim II Song: the formation of North Korea, 1945-1960. London, C. Hurst, 2001, 256 p. Cf nm 7309,
** 4472. CHIMALPÄHIN (Domingo). Diario. Ed. y trad, de Rafael TENA. Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2 0 0 1 , 4 4 0 p. (Cien de Mexico).
7736-7740 Lebanon
4463. HAMZEH (A. Nizar). Clientalism, Lebanon: roots and trends. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 3, p. 167-178. 4464. KAUFMAN (Α.). Pheonicianism: the formation of an identity in Lebanon of 1920. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 1, p. 173-194. 4465. O'BALLANCE (Edgar). Civil war in Lebanon, 1975-1992. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, XXIII-234 p. (maps.).
4473. ADAME CER0N (Miguel Angel). Politica y poder en la posrevolucion mexicana: cardenismo, indigenismo, neocardenismo y neozapatismo en el bonapartismo y en el neoliberalismo mexicanos. Mexico, Editorial Itaca, 2001, 165 p. (ill.). 4474. AGUILAR RIVERA (Jose Antonio). El manto liberal: los poderes de emergencia en Mexico, 1 8 2 1 1876. Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2001, XI-287 p. (Serie Doctrina juridica, 46). 4475. AVILA ESPINOSA (Felipe Arturo). Los origenes del zapatismo. Mexico, El Colegio de Mexico,
Centre de Estudios Historicos, Universidad Nacional Autonome de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Histöricas, 2001, 332 p.
4489. HODGES (Donald Clark), GANDY (Daniel Ross). Mexico: the end of the revolution. Westport, Praeger, 2001, [s. p.],
4476. BABB (Sarah). Managing Mexico: economists from nationalism to neoliberalism. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2001, XV-295 p.
4490. LANGSTON (Joy). Why rules matter: changes in candidate selection in Mexico's PRI [Partido Rev o l u t i o n a r y Institutional], 1988-2000. Journal of Latin American studies, 2001, 33, 3, p. 485-511.
4477. CAMPOS GARCIA (Melchor). Faccionalismo y votaciones en Yucatan, 1824-1832. Historia mexicana, 2001, 51, 2 0 1 , 1 , p. 59-102. 4478. CANEQUE (Alejandro). Cultura vicerregia y Estado colonial. Una aproximacion crftica al estudio de la histöria politica de la Nueva Espana. Historia mexicana, 2 0 0 1 , 5 1 , 2 0 1 , l , p . 5-58. 4479. CÄRDENA AYALA (Elisa). Le laboratoire democratique: le Mexique en revolution ( 1 9 0 8 - 1 9 1 3 ) . Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001, 504 p. 4480. Colonia (De) a nation: impuestos y politica en Mexico, 1750-1860. Compiladores Carlos MARICHAL y Daniela MARINO. Mexico, El Colegio de Mexico, Centra de Estudios Historicos, 2001, 2 7 9 p. (ill·). 4481. CONNAUGHTON HANLEY (Brian Francis). Dimensiones de la identidad patriotica: religion, politica y regiones en Mexico, siglo XIX. Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa y M.A. Pomia, 2001, 252 p. (Biblioteca de signos, 8). 4482. CARDENAS (Nicolas), TENORIO (Mauricio). Mexico 1920's-1940's: revolutionary government, reactionary politics. In: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 593634. 4483. FALLAW (Ben). Cardenas compromised: the failure of reform in postrevolutionary Yucatan. Durham, Duke U. P., 2001, X-222 p. 4484. GABBERT (Wolfgang). Social categories, ethnicity and the state in Yucatan, Mexico. Journal of Latin American studies, 2001, 33, 3, p. 459-484. 4485.
GUADARRAMA OLIVERA ( R o c i o ) . L o s
presarios nortenos en la sociedad y la politica del Mexico moderno, Sonora ( 1 9 2 9 - 1 9 8 8 ) . Mexico y Sonora, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, El Colegio de Mexico, El Colegio de Sonora, 2001, 293 p. (ill., maps). (Coleccion CSH). 4486. GUERRA MANZO (Enrique). Guerra cristera y orden publico en Coalcomän Michoacän ( 1 9 2 7 - 1 9 3 2 ) . Historia mexicana, 2001, 51, 202, 2, p. 325-362. 4487. HENDERSON (Peter V. N.). Un gobernador maderista: Jose Maria Maytorena y la Revolution en Sonora. Historia mexicana, 2001, 51, 201, 1, p. 151 -186. 4488. HERRERO BERVERA (Carlos). Revuelta, rebelion y revolution en 1810: historia social y estudios de caso. Mexico, Centra de Estudios Historicos Internationales, M.A. Pomia, 2001, 287 p. (map).
4491. LEAR (John). Workers, neighbors, and citizens: the revolution in Mexico City. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2001, XII-441 p. 4492. LENKERSDORF (Gudrun). Repiiblicas de indios: pueblos mayas en Chiapas, siglo XVI. Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autönoma de M6xico, 2001, 317 p. 4493. LOMNITZ (Adler Claudio). Deep Mexico, silent Mexico: an anthropology of nationalism. Minneapolis a. London, University of Minnesota Press, 2001, XXIII-354 p. (ill.). (Public worlds, 9). 4494. MARVÄN LABORDE (Ignacio). De instituciones y caudillos: las relaciones entre la Cämara de Diputados de la XXVIII Legislatura y el presidente Carranza. Historia mexicana, 2001, 51, 202, 2, 261-324. 4495. MUNOZ PATRACA (Victor Manuel). Del autoritarismo a la democracia: dos decenios de cambio politico en Mexico. M6xico, Siglo Veintiuno y Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales, 2001, 113 p. 4496. PANI (Erika). Para mexicanizar el Segundo Imperio. El imaginario politico de los imperialistas. Mexico, Colegio de Mexico e Instituto Mora, 2001, 278 p. 4497. QUEZADA (Sergio). Breve historia de Yucatan. Mexico, El Colegio de Mexico, Fideicomiso Historia de las Americas, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2001, 288 p. (maps). (Serie Breves historias de los estados de la Republica Mexicana). 4498. cedentes cultad de Editorial,
SÄEZ PUEYO (Carmen). Justo Sierra: antedel partido unico en Mexico. Mexico, FaCiencias Politicas y Sociales, Pornia Grupo 2 0 0 1 , 3 9 1 p.
4499. SERVI'N (Elisa). Ruptura y oposicion: el movimiento henriquista, 1945-1954. Mexico, Cal y arena, 2 0 0 1 , 4 3 4 p. 4500. TECUANHUEY SANDOVAL (Alicia). Los conflictos electorales de la elite politica en una epoca revolucionaria: Puebla, 1910-1917. Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Estudios Historicos de la Revolution Mexicana, 2 0 0 1 , 4 0 7 p. (ill.). 4501. TORRES MEJI'A (David). Proteccionismo politico en Mexico, 1946-1977. Coyoacan, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2001, 231 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Posgrado, 14). 4502. TORRES SANCHEZ (Rafael). Revolution y vida cotidiana: Guadalajara, 1914-1934. Mexico, Galileo
Ediciones y Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, 2001, 443 p. (Presencias).
BÄK. Hilversum, Verloren, 2001, 384 p. (ill.). (Passage reeks, 16).
4503. V A N YOUNG (Eric). The other rebellion: popular violence, ideology, and the Mexican struggle for independence, 1810-1821. Stanford, Stanford U. P. a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XVII-702 p.
4514. B o s (Dennis). Waarachtige volksvrienden: de vroege socialistische beweging in Amsterdam 18481894. Amsterdam, B. Bakker, 2001, 444 p. (ill.).
(Theodore G.). The legacy of Vicente Guerrero, Mexico's first Black Indian president. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2001, XII-336 p. (ill., map). 4504.
4505. W O O D (Andrew Grant). Revolution in the street: women, workers, and urban protest in Veracruz, 1870-1927. Wilmington, SR Books, 2001, XXIII-239 p. (ill.). (Latin American silhouettes). Cf. nos 4299, 6026, 6674 Montenegro ** 4506. Montenegro: political and ethnic boundaries, 1840-1920. Vol. 1. 1840-1880. Vol. 2. 18801920. Ed. by Beitullah DESTANI. Slough, Archive Editions, 2001, 2 vol., XVI-838 p., XI-886 p. (ill.). Morocco 4507. ~ARAWI F Abd Allah). Les origines sociales et culturelles du nationalisme marocain, 1830-1912. Casablanca, Centre Culturel Arabe, 2001, 480 p. 4508. DALLE (Ignace). Le regne d'Hassan II: 19611999: une esperance brisee. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose et Casablanca, Tarik, 2001, 309 p. 4509. EL ACHOURI (Mohammed-Fouad). La notion de democratie au Maroc: essai d'analyse des discours du Tröne (1962-1995). Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2001, 486 p. (These ä la carte). 4510. ELAHMADI (Mohaine). Islamisme et modemite au Maroc post-colonial. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2001, 466 p. Cf. n" 368J Mozambique (Teresa). Igrejas protestantes e consciencia politica no sul de Mozambique: ο caso da Missao Suifa ( 1 9 3 0 - 1 9 7 4 ) . Maputo, Promedia, 2 0 0 1 , 286 p. (ill., maps). 4511.
4515. BRUNEEL (Claude). Les grand commis du gouvernement des Pays-Bas autrichiens. Avec la collaboration de Jean-Paul HOYOIS. Bruxelles, Archives generates du Royaume, 2001, 740 p. (Studia, 84). 4516. CATTERALL (Douglas). Community without borders: Scot migrants and the changing face of power in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1700. Boston, Brill, 2001, [s. p.]. (Studies in medieval and Reformation thought, 86). 4517. Dutch Jews as perceived by themselves and by others: proceedings of the eighth International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands. Ed. by Chaya B R A S Z and Yosef KAPLAN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2001, XIV-457 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Brill's series in Jewish studies, 24). 4518. JANSSENS (R.). De opbouw van de Antirevolutionaire Partij, 1850-1888. Hilversum, Verloren, 2001, 411 p. (ill.). (Passage reeks, 13). 4519. Kabinet-Drees III (Het): 1952-1956: barsten in de brede basis. Red. Carla VAN B A A L E N en Jan R A MAKERS; Centrum voor Parlementaire Geschiedenis, Nijmegen. Den Haag, Sdu, 2001, XVIII-631 p. (ill.). (Parlementaire geschiedenis van Nederland na 1945, 5). 4520. KOENIGSBERGER (H. G.). Monarchies, states generals and parliaments: the Netherlands in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XIX-381 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge studies in early modern history). 4521. N A M A Z O V A (Alia S.). Brabantskaja revoljucija 1787-1790 godov ν Avstrijskikh Niederlandakh. (The Brabant revolution of 1787-1790 in the Austrian Netherlands). Nov. noveis. 1st., 2001, 6, p. 149-164. 4522. Origins (The) and development of the Dutch revolt. Ed. by Graham DARBY. London a. New York, Routledge, 2001, XXI-175 p. (ill., maps). 4523. Polder politics: the re-invention of consensus democracy in the Netherlands. Ed. by Frank HENDRIKS and Theo A. J. TOONEN. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, XII-320 p. (map).
4524. STOOP (J. P.). Om het volvoeren van een christelijke staatkunde: de Anti-Revolutionaire Partij in het Interbellum. Hilversum, Hilversum Verloren, 2001, 362 p. (ill.). (Passage reeks, 17).
4 5 1 2 . TEWARI (Santwana). Democratic movement in Nepal and the Indian left. Delhi, Kalinga Publications, 2001, X-148 p.
4525. V A N DER HEIJDEN (Chris). Grijs verleden: Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Contact, 2001,470 p.
Cf. n" 7218
Netherlands 4513. Antirevolutionaire partij (De), 1829-1980. Redactie George HARINCK, Roel KUIPER en Peter
4526. V A N R A A K (Ronald). In naam van het volmaakte: conservatisme in Nederland in de negentiende eeuw van Gerrit Jan Mulder tot Jan Heemskerk Azn. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek, 2001, 269 p. (ill.).
2. H I S T O R Y B Y C O U N T R I E S
4527. VOERMAN (G.). De meridiaan van Moskou: de CPN [Communistische Partij van Nederland] en de Communistische Internationale, 1919-1930. Amsterdam, Veen, 2001, 664 p. (ill.).
4539. IBRAHIM (Omar Farouk). Prince of the times: Ado Bayero and the transformation of emiral authority in Kano. Trenton a. Asmara, 2001, XXII-298 p. (ill., ports.).
4528. WARD (James Paul). The cities and states of Holland (1506-1515): a participative system of government under strain. Leiden, Universiteit Leiden, 2001, 4 3 2 p.
4540. OMORUYI (Omo). Beyond the tripod in Nigerian politics: lessons from the past experiment with NPP [Nigerian People's Party] (1977-1979). Benin City, Published for the Center for the Advancement of Democracy in Africa by Amfitop Books, 2001, XXII299 p. (ill.).
Cf. nos 3805, 4469 New Zealand 4529. MARTIN (Ged). Australia, New Zealand and federation, 1883-1901. London, Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, 2001, XVI-163 p.
4541. REYNOLDS (Jonathan). Good and bad Muslims: Islam and indirect rule in northern Nigeria. International journal of African historical studies, 2001, 34, 3, p. 601-618. Cf. n° 6616
Nicaragua ** 4530. Documentos historicos de Nicaragua, 17501940. Compilada por Jose Rizo CASTELLÖN. Managua, Banco Central de Nicaragua, 2001, 303 p. (Coleccion Josi Rizo Castellon).
4531. ARELLANO (Jorge Eduardo). Emilio Benard Doude (1840-1879) y su epoca. Managua, A. y E. Chamorro Benard, 2001, 160 p. (ill. maps).
4542. ANGELL (Svein Ivar). Den svenske modellen og det norske systemet. Tilh0vet mellom modemisering og identitetsdanning i Sverige og Noreg ved overgangen til det 20. hundreäret. (The Swedish model and the Norwegian system. Modernization and the formation of identity in Sweden and Norway in the 20lh century). Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen, 2001, III376 p.
4532. BABB (Florence E.). After revolution: mapping gender and cultural politics in neoliberal Nicaragua. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2001, VIII304 p. (ill., maps).
4543. BERG (Roald). Profesjon, union, nasjon: 1814-1905. (Profession, union and nation, 1814-1905). Bergen, Eide, 2001, 344 p. (ill.). (Norsk forsvarshistorie, 2).
4533. CRUZ S (Arturo J.). Nicaragua's conservative republic, 1858-1893. Basingstoke, Palgrave in association with St Antony's College, Oxford, 2001, 196 p. (St. Antony's series).
4544. BJ0RNSON (0yvind). The Social Democrats and the Norwegian Welfare State: some perspectives. Scandinavian journal of history, 2001, 26, 3, p. 197223.
4534. SOTO (Lily). Nicaragua: el desarrollo historico de los partidos politicos en la decada del 60 (19601969). Managua, Fondo Editorial CIRA, 2001, 346 p. (Sociedad y politica).
4545. HOBSON (RolQ, KRISTIANSEN (Tom). Total krig, n0ytralitet og politisk splittelse 1905-1940. (War, neutrality and political discord, 1905-1940). Bergen, Eide, 2001, 348 p. (ill.). (Norsk forsvarshistorie, 3).
4535. VARGAS (Oscar-Rene). Historia del siglo XX. Managua, Centra de Estudios de la Realidad Nacional de Nicaragua y Centra de Documentacion de Honduras, 2001, [s. p.],
4546. SKOGRAND (Kjetil), TAMNES (Rolf). tens likevekt. Atombomben, Norge og verden 1970. (The atom bomb, Norway and the world, 1970. Norway's security policy during the Cold Oslo, Tiden, 2001, 359 p. (ill., bibl.).
Niger 4536.
DJIBO (Mamoudou). Les transformations po-
litiques au Niger ä la veille de l'independance. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 292 p. (Collection Societes africaines et diaspora). 4537. HAMANI (Abdou). Les femmes et la politique au Niger. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 160 p. (Etudes africaines). Nigeria 4538.
FALOLA ( T o y i n ) , OGUNTOMISIN ( G . O . ) . Y o -
ruba warlords of the nineteenth century. Trenton, a. Asmara, Africa world press, 2001, XVIII-301 p.
4547. THEIEN (Iselin). Norwegian fascism, 193340: the position of the Nasjonal Sämling in Norwegian politics. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, VIII-340 p. [Thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford], Pakistan ** 4548. JINNAH (Mahomed Ali). Pakistan: pangs of birth: 15 August-30 September 1947. Editor-in-chief Ζ. H. ZAIDI. Islamabad, Quaid-i-Azam Papers Project, Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan, 2001, 725 p. (ill.). (Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah papers; 1st series, 5).
4549. AFZAL (M. Rafique). Pakistan: history and politics, 1947-1971. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVI-490 p.
Prölogo de Emilio CAMACHO. Asunciön, Arandurä, 2001,331 p. Cf. η" 7209
4550. ARIF (Khalid Mahmud). Khaki Shadows: the Pakistan Army, 1947-1997. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XVII-452 p. (ill., maps). 4551. Aziz (Khursheed Kamal). Religion, land and politics in Pakistan: a study of Piri-Muridi. Lahore, Vanguard, 2001, XII-370 p. 4552. BANERJEE (Mukulika). The Pathan unarmed: opposition and memory in the North West Frontier. New Delhi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2001, X-238 p. (ill., ports.). 4553. KHAN (Hamid, L L. M). Constitutional and political history of Pakistan. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, XXV-959 p.
Peru 4562. BONFIGLIO (Giovanni). La presencia europea en el Peni. Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Peru, 2001,381 p. (ill.). 4563. CHAMBERS (Sarah C.). Republican friendship: Manuela Säenz writes women into the nation, 1835— 1856. Hispanic American historical review, 2001, 81, 2, p. 225-257. 4564. CHARNEY (Paul). Indian society in the Valley of Lima, Peru, 1532-1824. Lanham, University Press of America, 2001, XXV-218 p. (ill, maps).
4554. MALIK (Muhammad Aslam). The making of the Pakistan resolution. Karachi, Ameena Saiyid a. Oxford U. P., 2001, XII-292 p.
4565. DÄMMERT (Manuel). Fujimori - Montesinos: el estado mafioso: el poder imagocrätico en las sociedades globalizadas. Lima, Ediciones El Virrey, 2001, 404 p.
4555. SLDDIQA-AGHA (Ayesha). Pakistan's arms procurement and military build-up, 1979-1999: in search of a policy. Foreword by Lawrence FREEDMAN. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, XVI-231 p. (ill., map).
4566. DEL BUSTO DUTHURBURU (Jose Antonio). Breve historia de los negros del Peru. Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Peru, 2001, 126 p. (ill.).
4556. TALHA (Naureen). Economic factors in the making of Pakistan, (1921-1947). Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, X-220 p. (Oxford Pakistan paperbacks). Cf. if 7397 Palestine 4557.
GELBER ( Y o a v ) . P a l e s t i n e , 1 9 4 8 : w a r , e s c a p e
and the emergence of the Palestinian refugee problem. Brighton a. Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2001, X I - 3 9 9 p . (ill., m a p s ) .
4558. HACOHEN (D.). British immigration policy to Palestine in the 1930s: implications for Youth Aliyah. Middle Eastern studies, 2001, 37, 4, p. 206-218. 4559. HELLER (Joseph). The failure of fascism in Jewish Palestine 1935-1948. In: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 362392.
Tupac Amaru en debate: estudio bibliogräfico critico. Lima, Biblioteca Nacional del Peril, Fondo Editorial, 2001, 219 p. (ill.). (Serie Investigaciones bibliogräficas, 3). 4568. Independencia (La) en el Peru: de los Borbones a Bolivar. Compiladora Scarlett O'PHELAN GODOY. Lima, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Instituto Riva-Agiiero, 2001, 542 p. (ill.). 4569. MÜCKE (Ulrich). Elections and political participation in nineteenth-century Peru: the 1871-1872 presidential campaign. Journal of Latin American studies, 2001, 33, 2, p. 311-346. 4570. MURRAY (Pamela S.). 'Loca' or 'Libertadora'? Manuela Säenz in the eyes of history and historians, 1900-C.1990. Journal of Latin American studies, 2001,33,2, p. 291-310.
Papua (New Guinea)
4571. ÖSTERLUND (Markus). Politics in the midst of terror: religious beliefs and political action in the Peruvian Andes. Helsinki, Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2001, 320 p. (maps). (Commentationes scientiarum socialium, 61).
4560. PERKINS (John). The swastika among the coconuts: Nazism in New Guinea in the 1930's. In: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 287-312.
4572. SALA I VILA (Nuria). Selva y Andes: Ayacucho (1780-1929), historia de una region en la encrucijada. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto de Historia, 2001, 260 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de historia de America; no. 22.).
Cf. n° 4368
Paraguay 4561. BONZI (Antonio). Proceso historico del Partido Comunista Paraguayo: (un itinerario de luces y sombras).
4573. SALAZAR HERRERA (Catalina). Actuation politica de mujeres peruanas durante el siglo XX: tentando una cronologia. Lima, Manuela Ramos, 2001, 304 p. (ill.). (Mujer y politica, 1).
4574. S U Ä R E Z (Margarita). Desafios transatlanticos: mercaderes, banqueros y el estado en el Peru virreinal, 1600-1700. Lima, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Insituto Riva-Aguero, Fondo de Culture Econömica, Instituto Frances de Estudios Andinos, 2001, XIII528 p. (ill.). (Publicacion del Instituto Riva-Agiiero, 194). Cf. n" 3815 Philippines 4575.
4576. Philippine revolution (The) of 1896: ordinary lives in extraordinary times. Ed. by Florentino R O D A O and Felice Noelle R O D R I G U E Z . Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila U. P., 2001, XX-316 p.
nego [Frauenliga für Kriegsnothilfe] bis Ochotnicza Legia Kobiet [Freiwillige Frauenlegion]). Torun, Wydaw. Adam Marszalek, 2001, 374 p. 4 5 8 5 . G 4 S I O R O W S K J (Wladyslaw). Zohiierze ζ kilofami. Monografie zolnierzy-gömiköw Okr^gu Plockiego. (Soldaten mit Keilhauen. Die Monographie der Soldaten-Bergleute des Kreises von Piock). Sierpc u. Plock, Krajowy Zarz^d ZRPZG. Zarz^d OkrQg., 2001, 188 p. 4 5 8 6 . I N A C H I N (Kyra T.). "Märtyrer mit einem kleinen Häuflein Getreuer". Der erste Gauleiter der NSDAP in Pommern Karl Theodor Vahlen. Viertel-
für Zeitgeschichte,
2001, 49, 1, p. 31-52.
4577. S A L M A N (Michael). The embarrassment of slavery: controversies over bondage and nationalism in the American colonial Philippines. Manila, Ateneo de Manila U. P., 2001, XI-335 p.
4 5 8 7 . J U R K O W S K I (Roman). Ziemianstwo polskie Kresow Pötnocno-Wschodnich 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 0 4 . Dzialalnosc spoleczno-gospodarcza. (Die polnischen Gutsbesitzer der Nord-Ost-Gebiete 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 0 4 . Die sozial-wirtschaftliche Tätigkeit). Warszawa, Wydaw. "Przegl^du Wschodniego", 2001, 604 p. (Bibliotheca Europae Orientalis. Monogr., 21).
4 5 7 8 . W E E K L E Y (Kathleen). The Communist Party of the Philippines, 1 9 6 8 - 1 9 9 3 : a story of its theory and practice. Quezon City, University of the Philippines Press, 2001, X-310 p.
4 5 8 8 . K N O P E K (Jacek). Migracje Polaköw do Afryki Potnocnej w XX wieku. (Die Migrationen der Polen nach Nordafrika im XX. Jahrhundert). Bydgoszcz, Wydaw. Akad. Bydgoskiej im. Kazimierza Wielkiego,
Cf. η 6594
2 0 0 1 , 3 7 2 p.
Poland ** 4579. Stan wojenny w Polsce. Dokumenty i materialy archiwalne 1981-1983. (Der Kriegszustand in Polen. Dokumente und Archivmaterialien 1981-1983). Hrsg. v. Tadeusz W A L I C H N O W S K I . Warszawa, Comandor, 488 p. 4580. A U G U S T Y N I A K (Urszula). Krzysztofa Radziwitta (1585-1640). tronatu. (Hofleute und Klientel von will, 1585-1640. Mechanismen des szawa, Semper, 2001, 386 ρ.
Dwor i klientela Mechanizmy paKrzysztof RadziPatronats). War-
4581. B L O B A U M (Robert). The politics of antisemitism in Fin-de-Siecle Warsaw. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 2, p. 275-306. 4582. C A B A N (Wieslaw). Stuzba rekrutow ζ Krölestwa Polskiego w armii carskiej w latach 1831-1873. (Der Dienst der Rekruten des Königreichs Polen in der Zarenarmee in den Jahren 1831-1873). Warszawa, DiG, 2001, 268 p. (Tow. Milosn. Historii).
4 5 8 9 . KORKU6 (Maciej), P T A K (Apolonia). Zolnierze porucznika W^dolnego. Ζ dziejöw niepodleglosciowego podziemia na ziemi wadowickiej 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 4 7 . (Die Soldaten unter Leutnant W^dolny. Aus der Geschichte der um Unabhängigkeit kämpfenden Untergrundorganisation auf dem Boden von Wadowice 19451 9 4 7 ) . Kraköw, Fundacja Dokumentacji Czynu Niepodleglosciowego; Inst. PamiQci Nar., 2001, 125 p. (Bibl. Centrum Czynu Niepodleglosciowego, 12). 4 5 9 0 . L A C H (Stanislaw). Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe w konfrontacji ζ wladz^ komunistyczn^ na Pomorzu Zachodnim w latach 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 4 7 . (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe [Polnische Bauernpartei] in der Konfrontation mit der kommunistischen Macht in Westpommern [Pomorze Zachodnie] in den Jahren 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 4 7 ) . Stupsk, Wydaw. Uczelniane PAP, 2 0 0 1 , 243 p. (Pomorska Akad. Pedagog. w Shipsku). 4 5 9 1 . M A K O W S K I (Edmund). Poznanski czerwiec 1956. Pierwszy bunt spoleczenstwa w PRL. (Posener Juni 1956. Der erste Aufstand der Gesellschaft in der VRP). Poznari, Wydaw. Poznanskie, 2001, 395 p.
4583. C H O D A K I E W I C Z (Marek Jan). Zydzi i Polacy 1918-1955. Wspolistnienie, zaglada, komunizm. (Juden und Polen 1918-1955. Koexistenz, Vernichtung und Kommunismus). Warszawa, Fronda, 2001, 731 p. (Biblioteka Frondy).
4 5 9 2 . M A R S Z A L (Maciej). Wloski faszyzm i niemiecki narodowy socjalizm w pogl^dach ideologöw narodowej demokracji 1 9 2 6 - 1 9 3 9 . (Der italienische Faschismus und der deutsche Nationalsozialismus in den Anschauungen der Ideologen der Nationaldemokratie 1 9 2 6 - 1 9 3 9 ) . Wroclaw, Kolonia, 2 0 0 1 , 2 3 6 p.
4584. D U F R A T (Joanna). Kobiety w kr^gu lewicy niepodleglosciowej. Od Ligi Kobiet Pogotowia Wojennego do Ochotniczej Legii Kobiet (1908-1918/ 1919). (Frauen im Kreis der um Unabhängigkeit kämpfenden Linke. Von der Liga Kobiet Pogotowia Wojen-
4 5 9 3 . MR0Z (Lech). Dzieje Cyganow-Romow w Rzeczypospolitej X V - X V I I I w. (Die Geschichte der Zigeuner-Roma in der Republik Polen XV.-XVIII. Jh.). Warszawa, DiG, 2001, 537 p. (Stow. Romow w Polsce).
4594. PIWNICKI (Grzegorz). Polscy wojskowi i zestancy w carskiej armii na Kaukazie w XIX i na pocz^tku XX wieku. (Polnische Militäre und Verbannte in der Zarenarmee im Kaukasus im XIX. und am Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts). Toruri, Wydaw. A. Marszaiek, 2001,269 p. 4595. RYDEL (Jan). W stuzbie cesarza i kröla. Generalowie i admiralowie narodowosci polskiej w silach zbrojnych Austro-WQgier w latach 1868-1918. (Im Dienst des Kaisers und des Königs. Die Generäle und Admiräle polnischer Nationalität in Österreich-Ungarns Streitkräften in den Jahren 1868-1918). Krakow, KsiQg. Akademicka, 2001, 346 p. 4596. SCHLENDER (Grazyna). "Solidarnosc" Wielkopolski Potudniowej 1980-2000. Zarys dziejöw. ("Solidarnosc" ["Solidarität"] des Süd-Großpolen (Wielkopolska Pohidniowa) 1980-2000. Geschichte im Grundriss). Kalisz, Zarz^d Regionu Wielkopolska Pohidniowa NSZZ "Solidarnosc", 632 p. 4597. SIKORSKA-KOWALSKA (Marta). Wizerunek kobiety todzkiej przelomu XIX i XX wieku. (Das Bild der Frau - Einwohnerin von Lodz [Lodz] um die Wende des XIX. zum XX. Jahrundert). Lodz, Ibidem, 2001, 222 p. (Inst. Historii Uniw. Lödzkiego). 4598. SK0RA (Wojciech). Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Szczecinie w latach 1925-1939. Powstanie i dzialalnosc. (Das Konsulat der Republik Polen in Szczecin [Stettin] in den Jahren 1925-1939. Gründung und Tätigkeit). Shipsk, PAP, 2001, 295 p. (Pomorska Akad. Pedagog. w Slupsku). 4599. SROGOSZ (Tadeusz). Pomoc weteranom, rannym i chorym na ziemiach polskich w latach 1806 1807. (Hilfe für Veteranen, Verletzte und Kranke auf polnischem Boden in den Jahren 1806-1807). CzQstochowa, Wydaw. WSP, 2001, 204 p. (Wyzsza Szkola Pedagog. w CzQstochowie). 4600. STAUTER-HALSTAD (Keely). The nation in the village: the genesis of peasant national identity in Austrian Poland, 1848-1914. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, X-272 p. 4601. TANDECKI (Janusz). Struktury administracyjne i spoleczne oraz formy zycia w wielkich miastach Prus Krzyzackich i Krölewskich w sredniowieczu i na progu czasow nowozytnych. (Die Verwaltungs- und Sozialstrukturen sowie Lebensformen in den Großstädten des Ordenspreußens und des Königlichen Preußens im Mittelalter und an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit). Toruii, Wydaw. Uniw. im. M. Kopernika, 2001, 210 p. 4602. TRYJARSKI (Edward). Ormianie w Warszawie. Materialy do dziejöw. (Armenier in Warschau. Materialien zur Geschichte). Krakow, Ormianskie Tow. Kult., 2001, 152 p. 4603. TYMINSKI (Maciej). PZPR i przedsi?biorstwo. Nadzör partyjny nad zakladami przemyslowymi 19561970. (PZPR [Polnische Vereinigte Arbeiterpartei] und Unternehmen. Industriebetriebe unter Aufsicht der Par-
tei 1956-1970). Warszawa, Trio, 2001, 267 p. (W Krainie PRL). 4604. WOLFF (Larry). Dynastie conservatism and poetic violence in Fin-de-Siecle Cracow: the Habsburg matrix of Polish modernism. American historical review, 2001, 106, 3, p. 735-764. 4605. ZLENTARA (Wlodzimierz). Sarmatia Europiana oder sarmatia Asiana? Polen in den deutschsprachigen Druckwerken des 17. Jahrhunderts. Τοηιή, Wydaw. UMK, 2001,259 p. Cf. nos 3677, 3697, 3804, 4310, 4676, 4904, 5265, 6708, 6715, 6724, 6727, 6898, 7025
Portugal ** 4606. Nos bastidores das eleigoes de 1881 e 1901: correspondencia politica de Jose Luciano de Castro. Organiza9ao, prefäcio e notas Pedro TAVARES DE ALMEIDA, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2001, 215 p. (Colecgao Horizonte historico).
4607. ANICA (Aurizia). A transformagao da violencia no seculo XIX: ο caso da comarca de Tavira. Lisboa, Colibri, 2001, 302 p. (ill., maps). (Colecgao Sociologia e antropologia, 4). 4608. BALLESTEROS GARCIA (Rosa Maria). El movimento feminista portugues: del despertar republicano a la exclusion salazarista, 1909-1947. Malaga, Universidad de Malaga, 2001, 374 p. (Atenea, 34). 4609. CAMPOS (Maria Amelia demente). As mulheres deputadas e ο exercicio do poder politico representative em Portugal: do pos-25 de Abril aos anos noventa. Lisbon e Porto, Assembleia da Repubblica e Edicoes Afrontamento, 2001, 375 ρ (Colecfao Parlamente, 10). 4610. CRUZ (M. Leonor). A governa?ao de D. Joao III: a fazenda real e os seus vedores. Lisboa, Centro de Historie da Universidade de Lisboa, 2001, 406 p. (ill.). (Colec9ao Textos Universitarios, 1). 4611. DORIA (Luis). Do cisma ao convenio: estado e Igreja de 1831 a 1848. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais, 2001, 276 p. (Colecgao Estudos e investigates, 16). 4612. GASPAR (Jose Martinho). Os discursos e ο discurso de Salazar. Prefäcio de Luis Reis TORGAL. Lisboa, Prefäcio, 2001, 247 p. (Historia de Portugal. Documentos). 4613. GODINHO (Paula). Memorias da resistencia rural no Sul: Cougo (1958-1962). Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2001, XV-360 p. 4614. HENRIQUES (Joao Miguel). Cascais: do final da Monarquia ao alvorecer da Repüblica (1908-1914). Lisbo, Edicoes Colibri e Cascais, Camara Municipal de Cascais, 2001, 214 p. (ill., map). (Extra-colecgao).
4615. Imigratjao e politica: ο caso portugues. Coordenafao, Maria Ioannis BAGANHA e Jose Carlos MARQUES. Lisboa, Fundagao Luso-Americana, 2001, 119 p. 4616.
LAPLAINE GUIMARAIS ( A l b e r t o ) [et al.]. O s
presidentes e os governos da Republica no seculo XX. Lisboa, Caixa Geral de Depositos, Imprensa NacionalCasa da Moeda, 2001,503 p. (ill.). 4617.
LOURENGO (Gabriela), COSTA (Jorge), ΡΕΝΑ
(Paulo). Grandes pianos: oposifao estudantil ä ditadura, 1956-1974. Lisboa, Ancora, 2001, 205 p. (ill., ports.). 4618. MELO (Daniel). Salazarismo e cultura popular (1933-1958). Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais, 2001, 407 p. (Colec9ao Estudos e investigagoes, 22). 4619. OLIVAL (Fernanda). As Ordens Militares e Ο Estado Moderno: Honra, Merce e Venalidade em Portugal (1641-1789). Lisboa, Estar Editoria, 2001, XIV570 p. (ill.). (Colec?ao Thesis, 3). 4620. Pais (O) em revolugao. Coordenagao, Jose Maria BRANDAO DE BRITO. Lisboa, Editorial Noticias, 2001, 399 p. (ill., maps). (Revolu9ao e democracia, 2). 4621. Portugal: da paz da restauragao ao ouro do Brasil. Coordena9ao de Avelino DE FREITAS DE ΜΕNESES. Lisboa, Editorial Presenga, 2001, 750 p. (ill., maps). (Nova histöria de Portugal, 7). 4622. Presidentes (Os) da Republica Portuguese. Coordenador, Antonio Costa PINTO, com a colaboragao de Maria Inäcia REZOLA. Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2001,280 p. (ill.). 4623. RAMOS (Rui). Joao Franco e Ο fracasso do reformismo liberal (1884-1908). Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais, 2001, 222 p. (Colec^ao Breve. Biografias). 4624. SCHAUB (Jean-Frederic). Le Portugal au temps du Comte-Duc d'Olivares (1621-1640): le conflit de juridictions comme exercice de la politique. Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2001, 521 p. (maps). (Bibliotheque de la Casa de Velazquez, 18). 4625. VILLACORTA BANOS (Antonio). Don Sebastian, rey de Portugal. Barcelona, Editorial Ariel, 2001, 314 p. (Biograffas). Cf. n'" 6903, 7343
** 4628. Izvoare istorice suedeze privind Räscoala lui Horea (1784-1785). (Sweedish historical sources on Horea's uprising, 1784-1785). Edifie de George CRISTEA $i Nicolae EDROIU. Cluj-Napoca, Central de Studii Transilvane, 2001, XXV-249 p. ** 4629. Izvoarele Räscoalei lui Horea. Seria A. Diplomataria. (Fontes Seditionis Horaianae. Series A. Diplomataria). Räscoala lui Horea in Comitatul Bihor. Volumul 1. 1776-1784. Volumul 2. 1785. Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitarä Clujeanä, 2001, 2 vol., LXXIII367 p., XLI-409 p. ** 4630. MOCANU (Marin Radu). Cenzura comunistä: documente. Bucure^ti, Albatros, 2001, 464 p. ** 4631. PANAITESCU (Petre P.). Corespondenta lui Constantin Ypsilanti cu Guvernul Rusesc. 1806-1810. Pregätirea Eteriei §i a Renajterii politice romane§ti. (Constantin Ypsilanti's correspondence with the Russian government 1806-1810. The preparation of the Eteria Movement and the Romanian political rennaissance). Bucure§ti, Profile Publishing, 2001, 142 p.
4632. AGRIGOROA1EI (Ion). Romania interbelica. Cuvänt inainte de Gh. PLATON. Ia$i, Editura Universitäfii "Alexandra loan Cuza", 2001, VI-287 p. (Historica, 23). 4633. ARENS (Meinolf). Habsburg und Siebenbürgen, 1600-1605: gewaltsame Eingliederungsversuche eines ostmitteleuropäischen Fürstentums in einen frühabsolutistischen Reichsverband. Köln, Böhlau, 2001, XIV-397 p. (map). (Studia Transylvanica, 27). 4634. CÄTÄNUS (Dan). Cadrilaterul. Ideologie comintemistä $i iredentism bulgar. 1919-1940. (The Cadrilater. Comintemist ideology and Bulgarian irredentism. 1919-1949). Bucurejti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001, 346 p. 4635. CIUCEANU (Radu), ROSKE (Octavian), TRONCOTÄ (Cristian). Inceputurile mi§cärii de rezistcntä In Romania. Vol. 2. Iunie-noiembrie 1946. (Beginnings of the resistance movement in Romania. Vol. 2. June-November 1946). Bucure^ti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001, 350 p. 4636. CIUCEANU (Radu). Mi$carea Nationalä de Rezistenfä din Oltenia. (The national movement in Oltenia). Vol. I. 1947-1949. Bucure?ti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001, 495 p.
Reunion 4626.
MAESTRI (Edmond),
(Danielle). Chronologie de la Reunion: de la departementalisation ä la loi d'orientation: (1946-2001). Paris, SEDES, 2001, 192 p. Romania ** 4627. Copilaria comunismului romänesc in arhiva Comintemului. Editie de documente coordonatä de Alina TUDOR-PAVELESCU. Bucure§ti, Arhivele Nationale ale Romäniei, 2001, 455 p.
4637. CONSTANTINIU (Florin). P.C.R. [Partidul Comunist din Romania], Päträ§canu §i Transilvania (19451946). Bucure?ti, Editura Enciclopedic:, 2001, 217 p. (Biblioteca de istorie contemporanä a Romäniei). 4638. COSMA (Ela). Presa säseascä §i revolutia in Transilvania la 1848/1849 = Sächsische Presse und Revolution in Siebenbürgen 1848/1849. Cluj, Presa Univ. Clujeana, 2002,447 p. 4639. DIENER (Georges). L'autre communisme en Roumanie: resistance populaire et maquis 1945-1965.
Preface de Catherine DURANDIN. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 214 p. (Collection "Aujourd'hui l'Europe"). IDEM. Resistance populaire et maquis en Roumanie (1945-1965). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2001, 51, 204, p. 125-140. 4640. ELIADE (Mircea). Textele "legionare" §i despre "romänism". Ed. §i pref. de Mircea HANDOCA. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 2001, 160 p. (Colecjia Alternative, 10). 4641.
4651. TURLEA (Petre). Nicolae Iorga intre dictatura regalä ?i dictatura legionarä. Bucure^ti, Editura Enciclopedicä, 2001, 307 p. - IDEM. Partidul National Liberal-Tätärescu. Bucure§ti, Libra, 2001, 284 p. (Colecjia Contemporaneea). Romania. Addenda
HAUSLEITNER (Mariana). Die Rumänisierung
der Bukowina: die Durchsetzung des nationalstaatlichen Anspruchs Großrumäniens 1918-1944. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2001, 497 p. (Siidosteuropäische Arbeiten, 111). 4642. IORDACHE (Anastasie). Parlamentul Romäniei in anii reformelor ?i ai primului räzboi mondial. 1907-1918. (The Romanian Parliament in the years of reforms and World War I. 1907-1918). Bucure$ti, Editura Paideia, 2001, 159 p. (ill.). 4643. LEVY (Robert). Ana Pauker: the rise and fall of a Jewish Communist. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2001, XII-407 p. (ill., map). 4644.
in Romania. Vol. 3. January 1 1920-February 3 1921). Bucurejti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001, 336 p.
MADGEARU (Alexandru). Romänii in opera
Notarului Anonim. (The Romanians in the anonymous notar's work). Cluj-Napoca, Central de Studii Transilvane, 2001, 269 p. 4645. Mecanisme represive in Romania. 1945-1989. Dicponar biografic. A-C. (Repressive mechanisms in Romania. 1945-1989. Biographical dictionary. A-C.). Coordonator Octavian ROSKE. Bucure$ti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001, 576 p. 4646. MÜLLER (Dietmar). Agrarpopulismus in Rumänien: Programmatik und Regierungspraxis der Bauernpartei und der Nationalbäuerlichen Partei Rumäniens in der Zwischenkriegszeit. St. Augustin, Gardez!, 2001, 193 p. (Rumänien-Studien, 1). 4647. RUSSU (V.). Viafa politicä in Romania, 1866-1871. V. 1. De la domnia pamänteana la printul strain. V. 2. De la liberalismul radical la conservatorismul autoritär. Ia$i, Editura Universitätii "Alexandru loan Cuza", 2001, [s. p.]. (Historica, 22). 4648. SBARNA (Gheorghe). Partidele politice din Romania 1918-1940: programe ?i orientari doctrinare. Bucurejti, Sylvi, 2001, 383 p. 4649. SCURTU (loan). Istoria romänilor in timpul celor patru regi (1866-1947). (The Romanians' history during the four kings, 1866-1947). Vol. 1. Carol I. Vol. 2. Ferdinand I. Vol. 3. Carol al H-lea. Vol. 4. Mihai I. Bucure$ti, Editura Enciclopedicä, 2001. 4 vol., 235 p., 197 p., 337 p., 241 p. 4650. TÄNÄSESCU (Florian), COSTEA (Dumitru), IACO§ (Ion), NEAC$U (Gheorghe), STANESCU (Marin
C.), TÄNÄSESCU (Nicolae). Ideologie structuri comuniste in Romania. Vol. 3. 1 ianuarie 1920-3 februarie 1921. (Communist ideology and organizations
CLUCEANU (Radu), ROSKE (Octavian), TRON-
COTÄ (Cristian). inceputurile mijcärii de rezistenjä in Romania. Vol. 1. 11 aprilie 1945-31 mai 1946. (Beginnings of the resistance movement in Romania. Vol. 1. April 11, 1945-May 31, 1946). Bucure^ti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 1998, 214 p. 4653. TÄNÄSESCU (Florian), COSTEA (Dumitru), LACOS (Ion), NEAC?U (Gheorghe), STÄNESCU (Marin
C.), TÄNÄSESCU (Nicolae). Ideologie ?i structuri comuniste in Romania. Vol. 1. 1917-1918. (Communist ideology and organizations in Romania. Vol. 1. 19171918). Vol. 2. 9 decembrie 1918-31 decembrie 1919. (Communist ideology and organizations in Romania. Vol. 2. December 9 1918-December 31 1919). Bucure$ti, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 95-97, 2 vol., 662 p., 424 p. Cf. n° 3697 Russia (USSR) * 4654. IL'IN (Pavel V.). 14 dekabija 1825 goda: Istochniki, issledovanija, istoriografija, bibliografija. (14 December 1825: sources, studies, historiography, bibliography). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Parts 4. To the 175th Anniversary of the December Revolt. SanktPeterburg a. Kishinev, Nestor, 2001, 606 p. (tables; bibl. p. 605-606). See IBHS'2000 K2 (Russie): *[Il'in] * 4655. Politbjuro TsK RKP (b) - VKP (b). Povestki dnja zasedanij. 1919-1952: Katalog. (Catalogue of agenda of sessions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RKP(b) - VKP(b), 1919-1952). Vol. 2. 1930-1939. Vol. 3. 1940-1952. Ed. Grant M. ADIBEKOV and Kirill M. ANDERSON. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 2 vol., 1200 p., 1016 p. For vol. 1 see IBHS'2000 K2 (Russie): *[Lykova] * 4656. VOSKOBOJNIKOVA (N. P.), BELIKOV (V. Ju.), DEMIDOVA (N. F.), ZENCHENKO (M. Ju.), IVANOVA
(G. Α.). Pistsovye knigi Russkogo Severa. (The books of land-survey of the Russian North). Moskva, Pamjatniki istoricheskoj mysli, 2001, 480 p. (ill.; ind. p. 397-476). (Katalog pistsovykh knig Russkogo gosudarstva. Dokumenty zemel'nogo kadastra i zemleustrojstva XVI-XVII vv. (Catalogue of the books of land-survey in the Russian State, the 16th—17th centuries.), RGADA, f. 1209. Pomestnyj prikaz, 1). * 4657. ZJUZINA (I. A.) [et al.]. Protokoly rukovodjashchikh organov Narodnogo komissariata po delam natsional'nostej RSFSR, 1918-1924: Katalog
2. H I S T O R Y B Y C O U N T R I E S
dokumentov. (Minutes of the leading organs of the People's Comissariat of the Affairs of Nationalities of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1918-1924: catalogue of documents). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 295 p. (ind. p. 258-294). (Arkhiv novejshej istorii Rossii. Ser.; Katalogi, 7).
KPSS i drugie dokumenty. (Georgy Zhukov: the shorthand of the October (1957) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU and other documents). Moskva, Mezhdunar. fond 'Demokratija', 2001, 817 p. (pers. ind. p. 684-803). (Rossija. XX vek. Dokumenty). [English summary]
** 4658. BARANOV (Konstantin V.). Velikij Novgorod vo vtoroj polo vine XVI v.: Sbornik dokumentov. (Great Novgorod in the second half of the 16th century: documents). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 275 p. (ind. p. 226-259).
** 4667. Partija sotsialistov-revoljutsionerov: Dokumenty i materialy, 1900-1925 gg. (The Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries: documents and materials, 19001925). Vol. 2. Ijun' 1907 g.-fevral' 1917 g. (June 1906-February 1917). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001,584 p.
** 4659. BOKHANOV (Aleksandr N.), KUDRINA (Julija V.). Imperator Aleksandr III i imperatritsa Marija Fedorovna. Perepiska, 1884-1894 gody. (Emperor Alexander III and Emperess Maria Fedorovna. the correspondence, 1884—1894). Moskva, Russkoe slovo, 2001, 351 p. (ill.; facs.; pers. ind. p. 336-350).
(Nikita Α.). Sochinenija i pis'ma. (Works and letters). Vol. 1. Pis'ma (Letters, [1813-1827]). Irkutsk, Memorial'nyj muzej dekabristov, 2001, 432 p. (portr.; ill.; pers. ind. p. 415-428).
** 4660. BORÄK (Mecislav). Materiäly k perzekuci ceskoslovenskych obcanü ν SSSR ve 30.-50. letech ν ruskych archivech. (Materials on the persecution of Czechoslovakian nationals in the Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s in the Russian Archives). In: Vczefiske systemy ν Ceskoslovensku a ve stredni Evrope 19451955. Ed. DuSan JANÄK. Opava, [s. n.], 2001, p. 78-88. ** 4661. Enemies within the gates? The Comintern and the Stalinist repression, 1934-1939. Ed. by William J. CHASE. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, XXI-514 p. (Annals of communism series). ** 4 6 6 2 . FEL'SHTINSKIJ (Jurij G.), CHERNJAVSKIJ
(Georgij I.). Krasnyj terror ν gody Grazhdanskoj vojny: Po materialam Osoboj sledstvennoj komissii. (The Red Terror during the Civil War: materials of the Special Investigation Commission). Voprosy istorii, 2001, 7 9 , 7, p. 3 - 3 4 ; 8, p. 3 - 3 4 ; 9, p. 10-35; 10, p. 3 - 2 4 .
** 4663. GAL'PERINA (Bella D.). Osobye zhurnaly Soveta ministrov Rossijskoj Imperii, 1909-1917 gg.: Sbornik dokumentov i materialov. (The special journals of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire, 1909-1917 gg.). [Vol.]: "1910 g.". Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001,496 p. ** 4 6 6 4 . KHRUSTALEV ( V . M.), STEJNBERG ( M . D.).
Skorbnyj put' Romanovykh, 1917-1918. (The Romanov family, 1917-1918: documents and materials). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 320 p. (bibl. p. 301-303; pers. ind. p. 304-318). (Arkhiv novejshej istorii Rossii. Ser. 'Publikatsii', 3). ** 4665. KORELIN (Avenir P.). Ob'edinennoe dvorjanstvo: S'ezdy upolnomochennykh gubemskikh dvoijanskikh obshchestv, 1906-1916 gg. (United nobility: meetings of Province Societies of Nobles, 19061916). Ed. Valentin V. SHELOKHAEV. Vol. 1. 19061908 gg. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 926 p. (Politicheskie partii Rossii: Konets XIX - pervaja tret' XX veka: Dokumentärnoe nasledie). ** 4666. NAUMOV (Vladimir P.). Georgij Zhukov: Stenogramma Oktjabr'skogo (1957 g.) Plenuma TsK
** 4 6 6 8 . PAVLJUCHENKO ( E l e o n o r a Α . ) . MURAV'EV
** 4669. PAVLOV (D. B.). Liberal'noe dvizhenie ν Rossii, 1902-1905 gg. (The Liberal movement in Russia, 1902-1905). Ed. by Ο. N. LEZHNEVA. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 648 p. (Politicheskie partii Rossii. Konets ΧΙΧ-pervaja tret' XX veka. Dokumentär noe nasledie). ** 4670. PETROV (Konstantin V.). Opisi arkhiva Razijadnogo prikaza XVII v. (The 17'h-century catalogues of the archives of the military office). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 808 p. (ind. p. 643-807). ** 4671. SMAGINA (G. I.). Ο smysle slova "vospitanie": Sochinenija, pis'ma, dokumenty. (On the sense of the word 'training': works, letters, documents). Ed. and comm. by Ekaterina Romanovna DASHKOVA. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 464 p. (ill). ** 4672. "Sovershenno sekretno": Lubjanka - Stalinu ο polozhenii ν strane, 1922-1934 gg. (Lubyanka to Stalin on the situation in the country, 1922-1934). Ed. G. N. SEVOST'JANOV [et al.]. RAN, Institut rossijskoj istorii. Vol. 1. 1922-1923 gg. Part 1. 1922 g. Part 2. 1923 g. Vol. 2. 1924 g. Vol. 4. Parts 1-2. 1926 g. Moskva, 2001,3 vol., 1103 p., 511 p., 1191 p. ** 4673. Voices of Revolution, 1917. Ed. by Mark D. STEINBERG. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, XIV-404 p. (Annals of communism series). ** 4674. Vosstanie dekabristov: Documenty. (The revolt of the 14th of December, 1825: documents). Ed. by Vladimir P. KOZLOV and Sergej V. MLRONENKO. Vol. 19. Dela Verkhovnogo ugolovnogo suda i Sledstvennoj komissii. (The Documents of the Supreme Penal Court and the Investigation Committee). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 528 p. 4675. ASCHER (Abraham). P. A. Stolypin: the search for stability in late Imperial Russia. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2001, XII-468 p. (ill., map). 4676. BORISENOK (Jurij Α.). Mikhail Bakunin i "pol'skaja intriga": 1840-e gody. (Mikhail Bakunin and the 'Polish Intrigue': the 1840s). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001,303 p.
4677. 4678.
Κ. M O D E R N H I S T O R Y , G E N E R A L W O R K S
Vacat. B R A N D E S ( D e t l e f ) , SAVIN ( A n d r e j ) . D i e S i -
biriendeutschen im Sowjetstaat 1919-1938. Essen, Klartext, 2001, 495 p. (maps). (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 19). 4679. BUSHKOVITCH (Paul). Peter the Great: the struggle for power, 1 6 7 1 - 1 7 2 5 . Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2001, XII-485 p. (New studies in European history). 4680. CVETKOV (Vasilij Z.). Specsluzby (razvedka i kontrrazvedka) belogo dvizenija ν 1917-1922 godakh. (Secret services [intelligence and counterintelligence] of the white movement, 1917-1922). Vopr. 1st., 2001, 10, p . 1 2 1 - 1 3 6 .
DANILOV ( A l e k s a n d r Α.), PYZHIKOV ( A l e k -
sandr V.). Rozhdenie sverkhderzhavy: SSSR ν pervye poslevoennye gody. (The birth of a superstate: the USSR in the first years after the War, [1945-1953]). Moskva, R O S S P E N , 2001, 303 p. (bibl. p. 278-300). 4682. DAVIDSON (Apollon B.). Nikolaj Gumilev: Poet, puteshestvennik, voin. (Nikolay Gumilev: poet, traveller, warrior). Smolensk, Rusich, 2001, 414 p. (ill.). 4683. DUSKIN (J. Eric). Stalinist reconstruction and the confirmation of a new elite, 1945-1953. New York, Palgrave, 2001, VIII-195 p. 4684. GERACI (Robert P.). W i n d o w on the East: national and imperial identities in late Tsarist Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, XIV-389 p. 4685. GROSUL (Vladimir Ja.). Mezhdunarodnye svjazi rossijskoj politicheskoj emigratsii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka. (International connections of Russian political emigrants in the second half of the 19"1 century). R A N , Institut rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, R O S S P E N , 2 0 0 1 , 4 0 7 p. (pers. ind. p. 389-406). 4686. Guldet fra Moskva: finansieringen af de nordiske kommunistpartier 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 9 0 . ( L ' o r de Moscou: le financement des partis communistes nordiques de 1917 ä 1990). Ed. par Morten THING. K0benhavn, Forum, 2 0 0 1 , 3 3 5 p. (ill.). 4687. JAROV (Sergej V.). Istochniki po istorii politicheskogo protesta ν Sovetskoj Rossii ν 1 9 1 8 1923 gg.: Uchebnoe posobie. (Sources for the history of political protest in Soviet Russia, 1918-1923: an introduction). Evropejskij universitet ν Sankt-Peterburge. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2001, 131 p. 4688. KELLER (Shoshana). To Moscow, not Mecca: the Soviet campaign against Islam in Central Asia, 1917-1941. Westport, Praeger, 2001, XIX-277 p. 4689. KHROMOV (Semen S.). Leonid Krasin: Neizvestnye stranitsy biografii, 1920-1926. (Leonid Krasin: unknown aspects of the biography, 1920-1926). R A N , Intstitut rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, IRI R A N , 2001, 210 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 170-187; pers. ind. p. 188209).
4690. KIR'JANOV (Jurij I.). Pravye partii ν Rossii, 1911-1917 gg. (The Right parties in Russia, 1911-1917). Moskva, R O S S E N , 2001, 463 p. (ind. p. 431-456). 4691. KOSTYRCHENKO (Gennadij V.). Tajnaja politika Stahna: Vlast' i antisemitizm. (The secret politics of Stalin: power and anti-semitism). Moskva, Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2001, 784 p. (bibl. p. 710749, 775-779; pers. ind. p. 750-771). 4692. LUR'E (Felix M.). Peterburg, 1703-1917: Istorija i kul'tura ν tablitsakh. (Saint-Petersburg, 1 7 0 3 1917: history and culture in tables). Sankt-Peterburg, Zolotoj Vek, 2001, 268 p. (tables; ill.; ind. p. 198-257). 4693. MARTIN (Terry). An affirmative action empire: nations and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2001, XVII-496 p. (The Wilder House Series in Politics, History, and Culture). 4694. NARSKIJ (I. V.). Zhizn' ν katastrofe: Budni naselenija Urala ν 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 2 2 gg. (Life in catastrophy: everyday life of the population of Urals in 1917-1922). Moskva, R O S S P E N , 2001, 632 p. 4695. PAVLOVA (Irina V.). Mekhanizm vlasti i stroitel'stvo stalinskogo sotsializma. (The mechanism of power and the construction of the Stalinist Socialism). Novosibirsk, Izd-vo S O RAN, 2001, 4 6 0 p. (ill.; portr.; pers. ind. p. 450-459). 4696. PERRIE (Maureen). T h e cult of Ivan the terrible in Stalin's Russia. Houndmills, Palgrave, 2001, XV-255 p. (ill.). (Studies in Russian and East European history and society). 4697. PETROVICHEVA (Elena M.). Zemstva Tsentral'noj Rossii ν period D u m s k o j monarkhii, 1906 g. pervaja polovina 1914 g. (The local self-government (zemstva) of Central Russia under the D u m a Monarchy, 1906 - the 1st half of 1914). Moskovskij pedagog. gos. un-t. Moskva, M P G U , 2001, 201 p. (bibl. incl.). - EADEM. Zemstva Tsentral'noj Rossii ν period Pervoj mirovoj vojny. (The local self-government (zemstva) of Central Russia during the First World War). Moskovskij pedagog. gos. un-t. Moskva, M P G U , 2001, 126 p. (bibl. incl.). 4698. PETRUKHINTSEV (Nikolaj N.). Tsarstvovanie Anny Ioannovny: Formirovanie vnutripoliticheskogo kursa i s u d ' b y armii i flota, 1730-1735. (The reign of Anna Ioannovna: the formation of the home policy and the fortunes of the army and the navy, 1730-1735). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2001, 351 p. (bibl. p. 343349). 4699. Provincial landscapes: local dimensions of Soviet power, 1917-1953. Comp, by Donald J. RALEIGH. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001, XI-407 p. (ill., maps). (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies). 4700. PYPIN (Aleksandr N.). Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie ν Rossii pri Aleksandre I. (The public movement under Alexander I, [1801-1825]). Sankt-Peterburg,
Akademicheskij proekt, 2001, 560 p. (Pushkinskaja biblioteka). 4701. RIEBER (Alfred J.). Stalin, man of the borderlands. American historical review, 2001, 106, 5, p. 16511691. 4702. Rossijskie liberaly. (The Liberals of Russia, [the 19th and the early 20th centuries]). Ed. by Boris S. ITENBERG and Valentin V. SHELOKHAEV. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2001, 575 p. (bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 563574). 4703. SCHORKOWITZ (Dittmar). Staat und Nationalitäten in Russland: der Integrationsprozess der Burjaten und Kalmücken, 1822-1925. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001, 616 p. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 61).
Saudi Arabia 4712.
AL-FARSY ( F o u a d ) .
of the
holy mosques, King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz. St Peter's Port, Knight Communications, 2001, 282 p. (ill.). 4713. TEITELBAUM (Joshua). The rise and fall of the Hashimite Kingdom of Arabia. London, Hurst & Company, 2001, XVIII-310 p. (ill., maps). Senegal 4714. DlOUF (Mamadou). Histoire du Senegal: le modele islamo-wolof et ses peripheries. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2001, 250 p. (ill.).
J o s h u a RUBENSTEIN a n d V l a d i m i r P. NAUMOV. N e w
4715. ROCHE (Christian). Le Senegal ä la conquete de son independance: (1939-1960): chronique de la vie politique et syndicale, de l'Empire franjais ä l'independance. Paris, Karthala, 2001, 286 p. (ill.). (Collection "Hommes et societes").
Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, XXVII-527 p. (Annals of communism series).
Sierra Leone
4705. STEGNIJ (Petr V.). Khronika vremen Ekateriny II. (Chronicle of the times of Catherine II, [17621796]). Moskva, Olma-Press, 2001, 511 p. (ill.; portr.; 16 f. ill.).
4716. FERME (Mariane Conchita). The underneath of things: violence, history, and the everyday in Sierra Leone. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2001, XII-287 p.
4706. UTEKHIN (Il'ja). Ocherki kommunal'nogo byta. (Essays on 'Communal' everyday life). Moskva, OGI, 2001,215 p.
4704. Stalin's secret pogrom: the postwar inquisition of the Jewish Antifascist Committee. Ed. by
VALZANIA ( S e r g i o ) . L ' a c c e r c h i a m e n t o d e l l a
Russia (1815-1915). Quaderni di storia, 2001, 27, 54, p. 99-132.
4708. WEINER (Amir). Making sense of war: the Second World War and the fate of the Bolshevik Revolution. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2001, XV416 p. (ill., maps). 4709. WHITE (James D.). Lenin: the practice and theory of revolution. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001, X272 p. (European history in perspective). 4710.
ZOLOTARAEV ( V . Α . ) , SAKSONOV ( O . V . ) ,
JUSKEVIC (S. Α.). Voennaja istorija Rossii. (The military history of Russia). Rossijskaja akademia estestvennykh nauk: Otdelenie voennoj istorii, kul'tury i prava. Moskva, Zukovskij, Kuckovo pole, 2001, 735 p. Cf. n s 223, 341, 354, 400, 416, 433, 487, 490, 497, 518, 539, 649, 662, 682, 2823, 2843, 3673, 3913, 3970, 4088, 4912, 5211, 5265, 5316, 5343, 5353, 5372, 5377, 5381, 5407, 5493, 5763, 5979, 5987, 5988, 5994, 5999, 6014, 6024, 6059, 6103, 6114, 6134, 6150, 6338, 6727, 6730, 6874, 6894, 6940, 6941, 7023, 7025, 7038, 7042, 7047, 7143, 7186
494, 3672, 5311, 5437, 6007, 6240, 6992,
Rwanda 4711. MAMDANI (Mahmood). When victims become killers: colonialism, nativism, and the genocide in Rwanda. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2001, XVI-364 p.
4717. GABZDILOVÄ (Sona). Situäcia nemeckej mensiny na Slovensku pri nävrate ζ evakuäcie na jar a ν lete 1945. (Die Situation der deutschen Minderheit nach dem Rückkehr aus der Evakuation im Frühling und Sommer 1945). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 3, p. 453-475. [Deutsche Zfassung]. 4718. HOLEC (Roman). Posledni Habsburgovci a Slovensko. (The last Habsburgs and Slovakia). Bratislava, Ikar, 2001,302 p. 4719. KATUNINEC (Milan). Vyvoj krest'anskeho odboroveho hnutia na Slovensku ν prvych rokoch CSR. (Die Entwicklung der christlichen Gewerkschaftsbewegung in der Slowakei kurz nach der Entstehung der ersten CSR). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 2, p. 223-235. [Deutsche Zfassung], 4720. KovÄC (Dusan). Organizovany odsun Nemcov zo Slovenska po roku 1946. (Die organisierte Aussiedlung der Deutschen aus der Slowakei im Jahre 1946). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 2, p. 237-254. [Deutsche Zfassung]. 4721. LONDÄK (Miroslav). Priprava ekonomickej reformy a Slovensko ν rokoch 1963-1967. (Die ökonomische Reform und die Slowakei in den Jahren 1963-1967). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 4, p. 635653. [Deutsche Zfassung]. 4722. PESEK (Jan). Slovensko ν rokoch 1953-1957. Kapitoly ζ politickeho vyvoja. (Slovakia in the years 1953-1957. Chapters in political development). Brno, Prius, 2001,130 p.
4723. PETRANSKY (Ivan Α.). Stät a katolicka cirkev na Slovensku 1945-1946. (The State and the Catholic Church in Slovakia in the years 1945-1946). Nitra, Garmond, 2001,318 p. 4724. Rozpravy k slovenskym dejinäm. Zbornik prispevkov k nedozitemu 75. vyrociu narodenia Pavla Horväth. (Discussion about Slovak history. Contributions miscellany for 75lh anniversary in memoriam of Pavol Horväth). Ed. Viliam CICAJ. Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press - Historicky ustav Slovenskej akademie vied, 2001,327 p. 4725. RYCHLI'K (Jan). Obdobie pred Slovenskym narodnym povstanim ν sprävach bulharskych diplomatov. (Die Zeitepoche vor dem Slowakischen Nationalaufstand in den Berichten der bulgarischen Diplomaten). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 3, p. 515-534. 4726. TAJTÄK (Ladislav). Vychodne Slovensko ako regionälny fenomen. (Die Ostslowakei als das regionale Phänomen). Historicky casopis, 2001, 49, 2, p. 307-329. 4727. ULICNY (Ferdinand). Dejiny osidlenia Zemplinskej zupy. (History of the settlement of Zemplin Country). Michalovce, Zemplinska spolocnost', 2001, 760 p. [Eng. summary]. 4728. VNUK (Frantiäek). Popustene putä. Katolicka cirkev na Slovensku ν obdobi liberalizacie a nästupu normalizäcie (1967-1971). (The Catholic Church in Slovakia in 1967-1971). Martin, Matica slovenskä, 2001. 299 p. [Eng. summary]. 4729. ZENUCH (Peter). Κ dejinäm podkarpatskych a vychodoslovenskych Rusinov. (Zur Geschichte der subkarpatischen und ostslowakischen Ruthenen). Historicky casopis, 2001,49, 3, p. 501-514. 4730. Zlatä a striebomä cesta cisära Frantiska Stefana Lotrinskeho po stredoslovenskych banskych mestäch. Zbornik prispevkov ζ medzinärodneho seminära, Banskä Stiavnica, 6.-9. juna 2001. = Die goldene und silberne Reise des Kaisers Franz Stephan von Lothringen in die mittelslowakischen Bergstädte. Sammelschrift der Beiträge des internationalen Seminars, Banskä Stiavnica, den 6.-9. Juni 2001. Hrsg. v. Eva KOWALSKÄ und Maria CELKOVÄ. Banskä Stiavnica, Slovenske banske miizeum u. Bratislava, Historicky üstav Slovenskej akademie vied, 2001, 289 p. [Deutsche Zfassung]. Cf. nas 6796, 7047 Slovenia 4731. FINK-HAFNER (Danica). Politicne stranke. (Political parties). Ljubljana, Fakulteta za druzbene vede, 2001, 285 p. (Rnjizna zbirka. Politicni procesi in ingtitucije). 4732. prej" in publike and the
Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca "Dan odhod zadnjega vojaka JLA ζ ozemlja ReSlovenije (2001; Köper). («The day before» departure of the last soldier of the Yugoslav
Army from the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. On the tenth anniversary of Slovene independence. Ed. by Mateja SEDMAK and Eva PODOVSOVNIK. Koper,
Znanstveno-raziskovalno sredisce Republike Slovenije = Centro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia = Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Zgodovinsko drustvo za juzno Primorsko, 2001,71 p. 4733. Od sanj do resnicnosti: razvoj slovenske drzavnosti: razstava od 24. maja do 25. junija 2001 [v Stanovski dvorani Ljubljanskega gradu]. (From dreams to reality: the development of the state of Slovenia). Razstavo pripravil Arhiv Republike Slovenije; zasnova kataloga in avtor uvoda in povzetkov dokumentov France M. DOUNAR. Ljubljana, Arhiv Republike Slovenije, 2001, 291 p. (ill.). (Publikacije Arhiva Republike Slovenije. Katalogi, 18). 4734. Pokrajinske konference Komunisticne partije Slovenije na Primorskem: 1942-1944. (Regional conferences of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Primorsko: 1942-1944). Zbrala, spremno besedo in opombe napisala Vida DEZELAK BARIC. Ljubljana, Arhivsko druStvo Slovenije, 2001, 179 p. (ill.). (Viri / Arhivsko drustvo Slovenije, 16).
South Africa 4735. DUFFY (Joanne Louise). Afrikaner unity, the National Party, and the Afrikaner nationalist right in Stellenbosch, 1934-1948. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, XX341 p. [Thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford]. 4736. FRANKEL (Philip). An ordinary atrocity: Sharpeville and its massacre. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2001, VIII-263 p. 4737. GAY (Jeff J.). Fascism, Nazism, nationalism and the Foundation of Apartheid Ideology, /n: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 427-468. 4738. GLASER (Daryl). Politics and society in South Africa: a critical introduction. London, sage, 2001, XVIII-278 p. (Sage politics texts). 4739. LA HAUSSE DE LALOUVIERE (Paul). Restless identities: signatures of nationalism, Zulu ethnicity and history in the lives of Petros Lamula (c. 1881-1948) and Lymon Maling (1889-c. 1936). Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2001, XVI-317 p. 4740. MAYLAM (Paul). South Africa's racial past: the history and historiography of racism, segregation, and apartheid. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, VI-264 p. (Research in migration and ethnic relations series). 4741. NAMPHY (Andre Christophe). Class, race, and institutional reform in Cape Town and its environs during the era of emancipation, 1823-1853. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, X-334 p. [Thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford],
4742. WILSON (Richard Α.). The politics of truth and reconciliation in South Africa: legitimizing the post-apartheid state. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2 0 0 1 , X X I - 2 7 1 p.
4743. WOTSHELA (Luvuyo Ellwood). Homeland consolidation, resettlement and local politics in the Border and the Ciskei region of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, 1960 to 1996. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, XIV365 p. (maps). [Thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford], Spain ** 4744. ARAQUISTAIN (Luis). La revista "Espana" y la crisis del estado liberal. Estudio preliminar de Angeles BARRIO. Santander, Universidad de Cantabria, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001, 242 p. (Cantabria 4). ** 4745. D'ABADAL I CALDER0 (Raion). Dietari de guerra, exili i retorn, 1936-1940. Edicio a cura de Francesc VLLANOVA I VILA-ABADAL. Barcelona, Pu-
blicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2001, 485 p. (Biblioteca "Abat Oliba", 236). 4746. Actes de les Jornades sobre la Fi de la Guerra Civil (1999: Olot, Espana). Olot, Patronat d'Estudis Histories d'Olot i Comarca, 2001, 537 p. (ill.). 4747. Adhesion et resistances ä Γ etat en France et en Espagne, 1620-1660. Textes reunis et presentes par Anne-Marie COCULA; avec la collaboration de Marie B0ISS0N-GABARR0N. Pessac, Presses universitäres de Bordeaux, 2001, 187 p. 4748. ALVARADO PLANAS (Javier). Constitucionalismo y codificaciön en las provincias de ultramar: la supervivencia del Antiguo Regimen en la Espana del XIX. Madrid, Centra de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2001, 344 p. (Historia de la sociedad politica). 4749. ALVAREZ JUNCO (Jose). Mater dolorosa: la idea de Espana en el siglo XIX. Madrid, Taurus Historia, 2001, 684 p. (ill.). (Historia). 4750.
ARNABAT MATA ( R a m o n ) . L a r e v o l u c i o d e
1820 i el trienni liberal a Catalunya. Pröleg de Josep FONTANA. Vic, Eumo Editorial, 2001, 355 p. (Referencies, 34). 4751.
AYALA VICENTE (Fernando). Las elecciones
en la provincia de Cäceres durante la Segunda Repiiblica (1931-1936). Merida, Editora Regional de Extremadura, 2001, 401 p. (ill., maps). (Coleccion Estudio, 18). 4752. BALCELLS (Albert). Violencia social i poder politic: sis estudis histories sobre la Catalunya contemporänia. Barcelona, Portic, 2001, 286 p. (Monografies / Portic, 11). 4753. CARO CANCELA (Diego). Violencia politica y luchas sociales: la Segunda Repiiblica en Jerez de la Frontera, (1931-1936). Jerez, Servicio de Publicacio-
nes, Ayuntamiento de Jerez, 2001, 489 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Colecciön premios Manuel Esteve, 3). 4754. CASTELLANO (Pablo). Por Dios, por la patria y el rey: una vision crftica de la transition espanola. Madrid, Ediciones Temas de Hoy, 2001, 327 p. (Grandes temas). 4755. CLARA (Josep). Girona, 1939: quatre sentencies de mort. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2001, 238 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca Serra d'Or, 2 6 3 ) . 4756. Conflictivo (Lo) y lo consensual en Castilla: sociedad y poder politico, 1521-1715; homenaje a Francisco Tomas y Valiente. Ed. por Francisco Javier GUILLAMÖN ALVAREZ y Jose Javier R u i z IBANEZ.
Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2001, 478 p. (ill.). (Cuadernos del Seminario "Floridablanca", 4). 4757. CORCUERA ATIENZA (Javier). La patria de los vascos: origenes, ideologia y organization del nacionalismo vasco (1876-1903). Madrid, Taurus, 2001, 695 p. (Pensamiento). 4758. CORTES PENA (Antonio Luis). Religion y politica durante el Antiguo Regimen. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2001, 267 p. (Biblioteca de bolsillo, 1). 4759.
DI (Justo G.), ANGUERA (Pere). La Espafla de los nacionalismos y las autonomias. Madrid, Editorial Sintesis, 2001,462 p. (Historia de Espana, 3er. milenio, 38). 4760. DE URQUIJO Y GOITIA (Jose Ramon). Gobiernos y ministros espanoles (1808-2000). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfficas, 2001, 589 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 48). 4761.
DELGADO BARRADO (Jose Miguel). El pro-
yecto politico de Carvajal: pensamiento y reforma en tiempos de Fernando VI. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2001, 301 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 42). 4762. Dificil camino (El) a la democrazia. Coordinador Antonio MORALES MOYA. Madrid, Sociedad Estatal Espana Nuevo Milenio, 2001, 279 p. (Claves de la Espana del siglo XX). 4763. DOMINGUEZ NAFRI'A (Juan Carlos). El real y supremo consejo de guerra (siglos XVI-XVIII). Madrid, Centre de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2001, 873 p. (Historia de la sociedad politica). 4764. Epoca (La) de Franco, 1939-1975. V. 2. Sociedad, vida y cultura. Por Juan Pablo FUSI AIZPURÜA [et al.]. Coordinaciön por Juan Pablo Fusi AIZPURÜA. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2001, 511 p. (Historia de Espana, 4 1 , 2 ) . 4765. Espana (La) de Ferdinando VII. Vol. 2. La position Europea y la emancipation Americana. Por Maria Victoria L0PEZ-CORD0N CORTEO [et al.]. C o -
ordinaciön por Maria Victoria L0PEZ-CORD0N CORTEO. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 2001, LXIII-674 p. (ill.). (Historia de Espana, 32).
FERNANDEZ (POZO). La depuration del ma-
gisterio nacional de la ciudad de Malaga, 1936-1942. Malaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, Deputation Provincial de Malaga, 2001, 209 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca popular malaguefia, 86). (Ricardo). Salamanca: cronica del siglo XX. Salamanca, Diputacion Provincial de Salamanca, 2001, 263 p. (ill.). (Serie Publicaciones generates, 37). 4767.
4778. KEENE (Judith). Fighting for Franco: international volunteers in Nationalist Spain during the Spanish civil war, 1936-1939. Foreword by Gabriel JACKSON. London, Leicester U. P., 2001, VIII-310 p. 4779. L0PEZ RODRIGUEZ (Pedro). Elites y poder: cambio estructural y dinamica politica bajo el caciquismo liberal, La Rioja, 1890-1923. Logrono, Gobierno de La Rioja, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2001, 682 p. (Coleccion Ciencias historicas, 2).
4768. FONT I AGULLÖ (Jordi). Arriba el campo! Primer franquisme i actituds politiques en Γ ambit rural nord-catalä. Girona, Diputacio de Girona, 2001, 410 p. (ill.). (Col.lectio Francesc Eiximenis, 2).
4780. MAC ROBERTS (Kenneth). Catalonia: nation building without a state. Don Mills a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2001, 258 p.
4769. Franquisme i transicio democrätica a les terres de parla catalana: actes del 2n Congres de la CCEPC (Palma, 16, 17 i 18 d'octubre de 1997). Ed. por
lisme blasquista: Valencia, 1898-1913. Simat de la Valldigna, La Xara Edicions, 2001,189 p. (Col.lectio Pais, 6).
Ramon ARNABAT i Marti MARIN. Vails, Coordinadora
de Centres d'Estudis de Parla Catalana, Institut d'Estudis Balearics, Fundacio Publica Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs i Cossetänia Edicions, 2001, 763 p. (Publications de la Coordinadora de Centres d'Estudis de Parla Catalana, 1). 4770.
El aldabonazo: comunistas extremenos: las detenciones de 1973 en Don Benito y La Serena. Llerena, Editores Extremenos, 2001, 171 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Politica y sociedad). 4771. Govern i politiques publiques a Catalunya: 1980-2000. 2. Coneixement, sostenibilitat i territori. Coords. Ricard GOMÄ, Joan SUBIRATS. Barcelona, Edicions Universität de Barcelona, 2001, 375 p. (ill.). (Manuals de la Universität Autönoma de Barcelona, 27). 4772. HAUBRICH (Walter). Spaniens schwieriger Weg in die Freiheit. Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie. Band 3. 1977-1979. Berlin, Edition Tranvia, 2001, 319p. 4773. Izu BELLOSO (Miguel Jose). Navarra como problema: nation y nacionalismo en Navarra. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2001, 461 p. (Coleccion Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 4 7 7 4 . JIMENEZ DE ABERÄSTURI (Juan Carlos). De la guerra civil a la guerra fria, 1939: cronologia de historia contemporänea del Pais Vasco. San Sebastian, Txertoa, 2001, 300 p. (ill.). (Illargi amandrea).
4775. JOVERZAMORA (Jose Maria), GOMEZ-FERRER MORANT (Guadalupe), Fusi AIZPUROA (Juan Pablo). Espana: sociedad, politica y civilization (siglos XIXXX). Edition de Isabel BELMONTE L0PEZ. Madrid, Debate Editorial, 2001, 893 p. (Arete). (Josep), MARTINEZ RUIZ (Enrique). Politica interior y exterior de los Borbones. Tres Cantos, Istmo, 2 0 0 1 , 4 1 2 p. (Coleccion Fundamentos). 4776.
4777. KAMEN (Henry). Philip V of Spain: the king who reigned twice. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2001, VIII-277 p.
MAGENTI JAVALOYAS (Silvia). L'anticlerica-
4782. MARIN (Josd Maria), MOLINERO (Carme), YSÄS (Pere). Historia politica de Espana, 1939-2000. Madrid, Ediciones Istmo, 2001, 511 p. (Coleccion Fundamentos, 194). 4 7 8 3 . MARTI'NEZ GALLEGO ( F r a n c e s c Α . ) , CHUST CALERO ( M a n u e l ) , HERNANDEZ GASCON ( E u g e n i o ) .
Valencia, 1900: movimientos sociales y conflictos politicos durante la guerra de Marruecos, 1906-1914. Castello de la Plana, Universität Jaume I, 2001, 307 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de les aules, 11). 4 7 8 4 . MARTINEZ GALLEGO (Francesc Α . ) . Conservar progresando: la Union Liberal, 1 8 5 6 - 1 8 6 8 . Valencia, Centra Francisco Tomas y Valiente, UNED Alzira, Fundacion Instituto de Historia Social, 2001, 256 p. (Biblioteca Historia social, 9).
4785. MARTINEZ NAVAS (Isabel). Gobierno y administration de la ciudad de Logrono en el Antiguo regimen: ordenanzas municipales de los siglos XVI y XVII. Madrid, Instituto Nacional de la Administration Publica, 2001, 190 p. (Coleccion Cläsicos de historia de la administration). 4786. MAYMI' (Josep). Entre la violencia politica i el conflicte social: els comites antifeixistes de Salt i d'Orriols en el context de la Guerra Civil 1936-1939. Pröleg de Joan J. PUJADAS. Barcelona, Publications de l'Abadia de Montserrat i Salt, Ajuntament de Salt, 2001, 145 p. (Biblioteca Serra d'or, 275). 4787. Memoria de la transicio a Espanya i a Catalunya: sindicalisme, genere i qiiestio nacional. Vol. 2. Ponencias presentadas en el curso celebrado en el Centre d'Estudis Histories Internationals, ano 2000. Ed. por Rafael ARACIL i Antoni SEGURA. Barcelona, Ediciones Universität de Barcelona, 2001, 335 p. (ill.). 4788. MOLAS (Isidre). Les arrels teöriques de les esquerres catalanes. Barcelona, Edicions 62,2001,231 p. (Llibres a l'abast, 367). 4789. MOLAS RlBALTA (Pedro). Los magistrados de la Ilustracion. Madrid, Boletin Oficial del Estado, Centra de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2001, 148 p. (Historia de la sociedad politica).
4790. MONTERO (Mercedes). Cultura y comunicacion al servicio de un regimen: historia de la ACN de Ρ [Asociacion Catölica Nacional de Propagandistas] entre 1945 y 1959. Pamplona, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2001, 289 p. (Coleccion Comunicacion / Ediciones Universidad de Navarra). 4791. MONTOYA TAMAYO (Maria Angeles). Teorfa y practica de la etica republicana, 1931-1936. Madrid, Ediciones Libertarias, 2001, 204 p. (Ensayo, 130). 4792. MORENO GÖMEZ (Francisco). La resistencia armada contra Franco: tragedia del maquis y la guerrilla: el centro-sur de Espana, de Madrid al Guadalquivir. Prologo de Paul PRESTON. Barcelona, Critica, 2001, XXI-816 p. (ill., maps). (Critica contrastes).
4802. Patriotisme (Del) al catalanisme: societat y politica (segles XVI-XIX). Ed. por Joaquim ALBAREDA I SALVAD0. Vic, Eumo Editorial, Universität de Vic, 2001, 337 p. (Referencies, 32). 4803. PAZ (Abel). CNT 1939-1951: el anarquismo contra el estado franquista. Madrid, Fundacion de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, 2001, 378 p. (ill.). 4804. PEREZ ROLDAN (Carmen). El Partido Republicano Federal: 1868-1874. Madrid, Ediciones Endymion, 2001, 485 p. (Ensayos, 136). 4805. Poder (El) de la influencia: geografia del caciquismo en Espana (1875-1923). Dir. por Jose VARELA ORTEGA. Madrid, Centra de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2001, 776 p. (ill., maps). (Historia).
4793. MOTA MUNOZ (Jose Fernando). La Republica, la guerra i el primer franquisme a Sant Cugat del V alles (1931-1941). Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat i Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Valles, 2001, 367 p. (Biblioteca Serra d'or, 271).
4806. Represion bajo (La) el franquismo. Ed. por la Asociacion de Historia Contemporanea. Madrid, Asociacion de Historia Contemporanea y Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, 2001, 297 p. (Ayer, 43).
4794. Nationalismes (Les) dans l'Espagne contemporaine: ideologic, mouvements, symboles. Coordonne par Jean-Louis GUERENA. Paris, Temps, 2001, 383 p. (Questions de civilisation).
4807. RILOVA PEREZ (Isaac). Guerra Civil y violencia politica en Burgos, 1936-1943. Burgos, Editorial Dossoles, 2001, 444 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Dossoles historia).
4795. NUNEZ SEIJAS (Xose-Manoel). The region as essence of the fatherland: regionalist variants of Spanish nationalism (1840-1936). European history quarterly, 2001, 31, 4, p. 483-518.
4808. RIOS BERGANTINHOS (Noa). A mulher no na cionalismo galego (1900-1936): ideologia e realidade. Santiago de Compostela, Edicions Laiovento, 2001, 181 p. (Edicions Laiovento, 145. Ensaio).
4796. Oposicion (La) durante el franquismo. Vol. 1. BARBA PRIETO (Donato). La Democracia Cristiana, 1936-1977. Prologo de Javier TUSELL. Vol. 2. MOA RODRIGUEZ (Ρίο). De un tempo y un pais, la izquierda violenta (1968-1978). Madrid, Encuentro Ediciones, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Ensayos, 183, 187).
4809. RODRIGUEZ (Mikel). Maquis: la guerrilla vasca 1938-1962. Tafalla, Txalaparta, 2001, 267 p.
4797. ORELLA (Jose Luis). La formacion del Estado Nacional durante la Guerra Civil Espanola. Madrid, Actas editorial, 2001, 174 p. (ill.). (Coleccion El estado de la cuestion, 5).
4810. ROTHER (Bernd). Spanien und der Holocaust. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2001, VI-359 p. (Romania Judaica), 5). 4811. Ruiz (Julius). Justicia al reves: the Francoist repressions in Madrid after the Spanish Civil War. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, IX-321 p. [Thesis (D. Phil.) University of Oxford. Faculty of Modern History], 4812.
JIMENEZ (Jose Luis). Para acercarnos a una historia del franquismo. Madrid, Ediciones Academicas, 2001, IX223 p. 4799.
PARDO MOLERO (Juan Francisco). L a d e f e n s a
del Imperio: Carlos V, Valencia y el Mediterräneo. Madrid, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoracion de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, 2001, 451 p. (Coleccion Historia). 4800. PASCUAL MARTINEZ (Pedro). La union con Espana: exigencia de los diputados americanos en las Cortes de Cadiz. Madrid, Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid, Consejeria de Education y Cultura, 2001, 332 p. (Biblioteca academica, 3). 4801. PASCUAL SASTRE (Isabel Maria). La Italia del Risorgimento y la Espana del sexenio democrätico (1868-1874). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2001, XX-543 p. (ill., map). (Biblioteca de historia, 45).
SALMER0N GIMENEZ ( F r a n c i s c o Javier). C a -
ciques murcianos: la construction de una legalidad arbitraria, 1891-1910. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2001,310 p. 4813.
SAN MIGUEL PEREZ (Enrique). L a instaura-
cion de la monarquia borbonica en Espana. Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Consejeria de Educacion, 2001, 190 p. 4814.
SÄNCHEZ Ι CERVELLÖ (Josep). C o n f l i c t e i
violencia a l'Ebre: de Napoleo a Franco. Barcelona, Flor de Vent, 2001, 448 p. (Col.leccio De llevant a ponent, 13). 4815. SCHATZ (Sara). Democracy' s breakdown and the rise of fascism: the case of the Spanish Second Republic, 1931-1936. Social history, 2001, 26, 2, p. 145-165. 4816. SERRANO (Secundino). Maquis: historia de la guerrilla antifranquista. Madrid, Temas de Hoy, 2001, 430 p. (map). (Temas de hoy historia).
4817. Sociabilidad y liberalismo en la Espana del siglo XIX: homenaje al professor Alberto Gil Novales. Ed. por Juan Francisco FUENTES y Lluis ROURA I AULINAS. Lleida, Editorial Milenio, 2001, 348 p. (ill.). (Coleccion Hispania, 16). 4818. THOMAS (Joan Maria). La Falange de Franco: Fascismo y fascistizacion en el regimen franquista (1937-1945). Barcelona, Plaza and Janes, 2001, 398 p. (Asi fue: La historia rescatada, 47). 4819. THOMSON (Guy). Garibaldi and the legacy of the revolutions of 1848 in Southern Spain. European history quarterly, 2001, 31, 3, p. 353-395. 4820.
TOLEDANOI GONZALEZ ( L l u i s F e r r a n ) . E n t r e
el sermo i el trabuc: el carlisme catalä contra la revolucio setcmbrina, 1868-1872. Lleida, Pages Editors, 2001,239 p. (ill., maps). 4 8 2 1 . URZAY BARRIOS ( J o s e A n g e l ) , SANGÜESA GARCES ( A n t o n i o ) , IBARRA CASTELLANO ( I s a b e l ) . C a -
latayud a finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII (1570-1610): la configuration de una sociedad barrica. Calatayud, Centra de Estudios Bilbilitanos, Institucion "Fernando el Catolico", 2001, 384 p. (ill,). (Publication no. 70 del Centra de Estudios Bilbilitanos y no. 2198 de la Institucion "Fernando el Catolico"). 4822. VARELA ORTEGA (Jose). Los amigos politicos: partidos, elecciones y caciquismo en la Restauration, 1875-1900. Castilla y Leon, Junta de Castilla y Leon, Consejeria de Education y Cultura y Madrid, Martial Pons, 2001, 565 p. 4823. VILANOVA 1 VILA-ABADAL (Francesc). Als dos costats de la frontcra: relacions politiques entre exili i interior a la postguerra, 1939-1948. Barcelona, Publications de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2001, 237 p. (Biblioteca Serra d'or, 258). 4824.
VILCHES GARCIA ( J o r g e ) . E m i l i o C a s t e l a r , la
patria y la republica. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2001, 317 p. (Coleccion "Perfiles del poder", 6). - IDEM. Progresso y libertad: el Partido Progresista en la revolution liberal espanola. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2001, 452 p. (Alianza ensayo, 186). 4825. Violencia i repressio a Catalunya durant el franquisme: balan? historiogräfic i perspectives. Ed. por Conxita MIR, Carme AGUSTi i Josep GELONCH. Lleida, Universität de Lleida, 2001, 145 p. (Espai. Temps, 42). 4826. WILLIAMS (Patrick). Philip II. Houndmills, Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave, 2001, XI-302 p. (European history in perspective).
4828. JENDIA (Catherine). The Sudanese civil conflict, 1969-1985. New York, Peter Lang, 2001, 237 p. (Society and politics in Africa, 12). 4829. KURITA (Yoshiko). Kindai Sudan ni okeru taise hendö to minzoku keisei. (Power and nation in modern Sudan). Tokyo, Ostuki Shoten, 2001, 798 p. 4830. LEBARON (Joseph). The impact of structural economic change on political movements in Sudan, 1900-1953. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International, 2001, 252 p. 4831. MOORE-HARELL (Alice). Gordon and the Sudan: prologue to the Mahdiyya, 1877-1880. With a foreword by Gabriel WARBURG. London a. Portland, Frank Cass, 2001, XV-286 p. (maps).
Sweden ** 4832. HAMMARSKJÖLD (Dag). Ungdomsärens vittnesbörd: brev och uppteckningar 1925-1931. (Le temoignage des annees de jeunesse: lettres et notes 1925-1930). Ed. par Karl E. BIRNBAUM. Stockholm, Kungl. Samf. för utgivande av handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia, 2001, 198 p. (ill.). (Handlingar / Kungl. Samfundet for utgivande av handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia, 23). 4833. ARONSON (Torbjörn). För kung och fosterland: Svensk tidskrifts nationalistiska opinionsbildning 1911-1914. (Pour le roi et la patrie: la formation de l'opinion nationaliste dans la revue Svensk Tidskrift, 1911-1914). Uppsala, Provita, 2001, VIII-160 p. 4834. EDGREN (Monika). Fran rike till nation: arbetskraftspolitik, befolkningspolitik och nationell gemenskapsformering i den politiska ekonomin i Sverige under 1700-talet. (Du royaume ä la nation: la politique de la main d'eeuvre, la politique demographique et formation de la communaute nationale en Suede au 18e siecle). Lund, Historiska media, 2001, 200 p. [Resume anglais]. 4835. HALLENBERG (Mats). Kungen, fogdarna och riket: lokalförvaltning och statsbyggande under tidig Vasatid. (Le souverain, les baillis et le royaume: administration locale et construction de l'Etat en Suede au 16'' siecle). Eslöv, B. Östlings bokförl. Symposion, 2001, 446 p. [R£sum6 anglais], 4836. Karl ΧΠ som faltherre. (Charles XII, chef de guerre). Red. par Alex SVENSSON. Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibl., 2001, 158 p. (ill.).
4837. LAPPALAINEN (M.). Regional elite group and the problem of territorial integration: the Finnish nobility and the formation of the Swedish "Power State", c. 1570-1620. Scandinavian journal of history, 2001, 26,1, p. 1-24.
4827. 1DRIS (Amir H.). Sudan's civil war: slavery, race and formational identities. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2001, V M 5 9 p. (African studies, 56).
4838. LUND (Arwid). Albert Jensen och revolutionen: syndikalismens revolutionära ideer 1900-1950. (Albert Jensen et la revolution: les idees du syn-
Cf. n" 4411
dicalisme revolutionnaire en Sufede, 1900-1950). Stockholm, Federativ, 2001,220 p. (ill.).
hundert. Schweizerische Zeitschrift ßr Geschichte, 2001, 5 1 , 4 , p. 535-541.
4839. MALMBORG (Mikael af). Neutrality and statebuilding in Sweden. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave, 2001, VIII-227 p. (St. Antony's series).
4850. GOLAY (Eric). Quand le peuple devint roi: mouvement populaire, politique et revolution ä Geneve de 1789 Ä 1794. Preface de Michel VOVELLE. Geneve, Slatkine, 2001, 688 p. (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumieres, 3).
4840. Mellan makten och menigheten: ämbetsmän i det tidigmoderna Sverige. (Entre le pouvoir et le peuple: les fonctionnaires suddois au debut des temps modernes). Red. par Böije HARNESK et Maria TAUSSI SJÖBERG. Stockholm, Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, 2001, 275 p. (Rättshistoriska skrifter. Serien 3, 1). 4841. Olof Palme i sin tid. (Olof Palme dans son epoque). Red. Par Kjell ÖSTBERG. Huddinge, Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertöms högskola, 2001, 101 p. 4842. Rösträtten 80 är: forskarantologi. (Le droit de vote a 80 ans en Suede: recueil d'articles de chercheurs). Red. par Christer JÖNSSON. Stockholm, Justitiedepartementet, 2001, 269 p. 4843. RYSTAD (Göran). Karl XI: en biografi. (Biographie du roi Charles XI de Suede). Lund, Historiska media, 2001, 395 p. (ill.). 4844. SCOTT (C.-G.). Swedish sanctuary of American deserters during the Vietnam War: a facet of Social Democratic domestic politics. Scandinavian journal of history, 2001, 26, 2, p. 123-142. 4845. SENNEFELT (Karin). Den politiska sjukan: Dalupproret 1743 och frihetstida politisk kultur. (Le mal politique: la revoke de 1743 en Dalecarlie et la culture politique de l'Ere de la Liberte). Hedemora, Gidlund, 2001, 352 p. [Resume anglais], 4846. Svenska framgängssagan (Den)? (Quelle reussite pour la Suede?). Red. Par Torbjörn ARONSON et Kay GLANS. Stockholm, Fischer & Co, 2001, VIII-394 p. Cf nm 3788, 4542
4851. HAHN (Patrick von). "Sauberer" als Bern? Schweizerische und Basier Politik gegenüber den nationalsozialistischen Organisationen in der Schweiz (1931-1946). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001,51, 1, p. 46-58. 4852. HUONKER (Thomas), LUDI (Regula). Roma, Sinti und Jenische: schweizerische Zigeunerpolitik zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus: Beitrag zur Forschung. Herausgegeben von Unabhängigen Expertenkommission Schweiz-Zweiter Weltkrieg. Zürich, Chronos, 2001, 131p. (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Expertenkommission Schweiz-Zweiter Weltkrieg, 23). 4853. KELLER (Alexis). Le liberalisme sans la democratic: la pensee republicaine d'Antoine-Elisee Cherbuliez, 1797-1869. Preface d'Alfred DUFOUR. Lausanne, Payot Lausanne, 2001, XXIII-388 p. (Sciences politiques et sociales). 4854. Memoire (La) de 1798 en Suisse romande: representations collectives d'une periode revolutionnaire: actes du colloque de Lausanne du 13 novembre 1999. Publies par Irene HERRMANN et Corinne WALKER. Lausanne, Societe d'histoire de la Suisse romande, 2001, 202 p. (ill.). (Pour memoire). 4855. PETERSEN (Andreas). Radikale Jugend: die sozialistische Jugendbewegung der Schweiz 19001930: Radikalisierungsanalyse und Generationentheorie. Zürich, Chronos, 2001, 639 p. (ill.). 4856. SPILLMANN (Kurt) [et al.]. Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik seit 1945: zwischen Autonomie und Kooperation. Zürich, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2001, 295 p.
Switzerland ** 4847 FELDMANN (Markus). Tagebuch 1923-1958. 1. Tagebuch 1923-1939. 2. Tagebuch 1939-1941. 3. Tagebuch 1942-1945. 4. Tagebuch 1945-1955. 5. Tagebuch 1956-1958. 6. Einleitung und Register zum Tagebuch 1923 1958. Bearbeitet von Peter MOSER unter Mitarbeit von Roger SLDLER [et al.]; herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Geschichte. Basel, Kommissionsverlag Krebs, 2001, 6 vol., [s. P.]. (Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte. Abt. 3, Briefe und Denkwürdigkeiten; n. F., 13). 4848. DAME (Frederick William). History of Switzerland. Modem Switzerland: from the Restoration to the future. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2001, X-410 p. (ill.). 4849. GEISSBÜHLER (Simon). "Une Suisse neutre ne doit pas etre une Suisse morte". Drei alternative Neutralitätskonzeptionen aus dem 19. und frühen 20. Jahr-
Cf. η 6526 Syria 4857. HINNEBUSCH (Raymond). Syria: revolution from above. London, Routledge, 2001, XI-186 p. (map). 4858. SALAMANDRA (Christa). The construction of social identity in Damascus. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, I276 p. (maps). [Thesis (D. Phil.) - University of Oxford], 4859. TALHAMI (Ghada Hashem). Syria and the Palestinians: the clash of nationalisms. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2001, IX-257 p. 4860. WEISMANN (Itzchak). Taste of modernity: sufism, salafiyya, and Arabism in late Ottoman Damascus. Leiden, Brill, 2001, XII-343 p. (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts, 34). Cf. nos 4467, 7368
Tanzania 4861. FAIR (Laura). Pastimes and politics: culture, community, and identity in post-abolition urban Zanzibar, 1890-1945. Athens, Ohio U. P. a. James Currey, 2001, XVI-370 p. (ill., maps). (Eastern African studies). 4862. MIDDLETON (William Α.). Britain and Tanzania: the imperialism of decolonization, 1961-1968: British policy and influence in post-colonial Tanzania. Oxford, [s. n.], 2001, 89 p. (Nuffield College theses). [Thesis (M. Phil.) - University of Oxford. Division of Social Sciences].
** 4871. Hicrf 859 Tarihli Süret-i Defter-i Sancak-i Tirhala I. (Registres du sandjak de Tirhala date de 859 de l'Hegire). Ed. par Melek DELILBA§I et Muzaffer ARIKAN. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2001, 2 vol., [s. p.]. ** 4872. JACOBSON (Maria). Diaries of a Danish missionary: Harpoot, 1907-1919. Translated by Kristen VLND; edited and with an introduction by Ara SARAFIAN. Princeton a. London, Gomidas Institute Books, 2001, XIX-266 p. (ill., map, ports.).
** 4873. PEKTAS (Kadir). Bitlis tan hi mezarhklari ve mezar ta§lari. (Les cimetieres historiques de Bitlis et ses pierres tombales) Ankara, Kültür Bakanligi yayinlan, 2001, IX-317 p.
4863. ENGLEHART (Neil Α.). Culture and power in traditional Siamese government. Ithaca, Southeast Asia Program Publications, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2001, 130 p. (Southeast Asia Program series, 18).
4874. ABU-MANNEH (Butrus). Studies on Islam and the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century (18261876). Istanbul, The Isis Press, 2001, 208 ρ (Analecta Isisiana, 52).
4864. KASRAN (Techaphira). Commodifying Marxism: the formation of modern Thai radical culture, 1927-1958. Kyoto, Melbourne a. Portland, Kyoto U. P., 2001, XIV-390 p. (ill., ports.). (Kyoto area studies on Asia, 3).
4875. ADANR (Fikret). Kemalist authoritarianism and fascist trends in Turkey during the interwar period. In: Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism [Cf. n° 3685], p. 313-361.
4865. SUWANNATHAT-PIAN (Kobkua). Kings, country and constitutions: Thailand's political development, 1932-2000. Richmond, Curzon, 2001, X-276 p. (ill.).
4876. AKYILDIZ (Ali). Sultan II. Mahmud'un Hastaligi Ve Ölümü. (La maladie et la mort du Sultan Mahmud II). Türk Kültürü Incelemeleri Dergisi, 2001, 4, p. 49-84.
Togo Cf. n" 6661 Tunisia 4866. LARGUECHE (Dalenda). Territoire sans frontieres: la contrebande et ses reseaux dans la Regence de Tunis au XIXC siecle. Tunis, Centre de publication universitäre, 2001, 236 p. 4867. SEBAG (Paul). Communistes de Tunisie, 1939-1943: souvenirs et documents. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001, 190 p. 4868. WLNDLER (Christian). Representing a state in a segmentary society: French Consuls in Tunis from the Ancien Regime to the Restoration. Journal of modern history, 2001, 73, 2, p. 233-274. Cf. n" 368J Turkey * 4869. KIESER (Hans-Lukas). Die Armenierverfolgungen in der spätosmanischen Türkei. Neue Quellen und Literatur zu einem unbewältigten Thema. [Literaturbericht]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2001, 51, 1, p. 97-105. ** 4870. ATACAN (Veysel), BEKAR (Serdar). Rize
Hem^in yöresi Osmanli mezar ta$lari ve kitabeleri. (Ottoman tombstones and epigraphes in Hem§in area of Rize). Ankara, Türk Halk Kültürünü Ara$tirma ve Tanitma Vakfi, 2001, 112 p.
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