International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 82 2013 9783110530674, 9783110528282

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International Bibliography of Historical Sciences: Band 82 2013
 9783110530674, 9783110528282

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VOLUME LXXXI 2012 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori

De Gruyter Oldenbourg

The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 - 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.

ISBN 978-3-11-046254-8 e-ISBN 978-3-11-046487-0 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-046270-8 ISSN 0074-2015 Bibliographie Information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at © 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: CPI books GmbH, Leck ∞ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany

General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library † Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilém PREČAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIĆ, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations) Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Damiano GAROFALO, Università degli studi di Padova (Modern history) Gabriela GOLASOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography)


Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Bieżącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Old Rus') Shunsuke KATSUTA, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Marina A. KURYSHEVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Byzantine studies) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Ljudmila S. OKOUNEVA, MGIMO, Moscow, (Russian historiography, Latin America) Ol'ga V. OKOUNEVA, Instistute of General History of RAS, Moscow (Modern history, discoveries, international relations) Katri OJANIEMI, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Marija A. PETROVA, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, Modern history of Russia) Gloria RAPONI, Rome, (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern religious and cultural history) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Eva ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, (Czech historiography) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Ancient history) Andrea TAGLIABRACCI, Pesaro, (Ancient history) Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Samuil B. VOLF'SON, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography, North America and international relations) Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Michael ZEMLIAKOV, Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris


† Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Paris-Sorbonne Pietro VANNICELLI, Sapienza università di Roma André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Gloria RAPONI, Rome

CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................


SCHEME ........................................................................................................................................................


GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................


INDEX OF NAMES .......................................................................................................................................


GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................................


FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.



Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. O. B. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXXII, 2013 mentions the works published with the date: 2013. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ć, č, ś, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.




§ 1. Palaeography. 1-8. – § 2. Diplomatics. 9-17. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 1854. – § 4. Chronology. 55-63. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 64-92. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 93-101. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 102-113.– § 8. Linguistics. 114-144. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 145-206. – § 10. Iconography and images. 207-218.


§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 219-257. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 258-444. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 445496. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 497-529. – § 5. General history. 530-618. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 619-634. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 635-661. – § 8. Economic and social history. 662-725. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 726-800. – § 10. History of art. 801-816. – § 11. History of religions. 817-874. – § 12. History of philosophy. 875-890. – § 13. History of literature. 891-913.

C PREHISTORY (p. 37-42)

§ 1. General. 914-925. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 926-947. – § 3. Neolithic. 948-995. – § 4. Bronze age. 996-1036. – § 5. Iron age. 1037-1050.



D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 43-52)

§ 1. General. 1051-1061. – § 2. The Near East. 1062-1107. – § 3. Egypt. 1108-1165. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 11661215. – § 5. Hittites. 1216-1231. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1232-1272. – § 7. Iran. 1273-1307.

E GREEK HISTORY (p. 53-67)

§ 1. Classical world in general. 1308-1332. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1333-1351. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1352-1399. – § 4. General and political history. 1400-1428. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1429-1443. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1444-1466. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1467-1638. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1639-1681. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1682-1735.


§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1736-1745. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1746-1758. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1759-1806. – § 4. General and political history. 1807-1877. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1878-1920. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1921-1968. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1969-2063. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2064-2093. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2094-2140. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2141-2165.


§ 1. Sources. 2166-2213. – § 2. General. 2214-2231. – § 3. Special studies. 2232-2345. – § 4. Hagiography. 23462351.



H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 93-98)

§ 1. Sources. 2352-2393. – § 2. General. 2394-2404. – § 3. Special studies. 2405-2482.


§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2483-2556. – § 2. General works. 2557-2594. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2595-2685. – § 4. Jews. 2686-2700. – § 5. Islam. 2701-2714. – § 6. Vikings. 2715-2728. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2729-2772. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2773-2887. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2888-3046. – § 10. History of art. 3047-3150. – § 11. History of music. 3151-3165. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3166-3209. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3210-3422. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3423-3471.


§ 1. General. 3472-3514. – § 2. History by countries. 3515-4724.


§ 1. General. 4725-4764. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4765-4906. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4907-4919. – § 4. Protestantism. 4920-4981. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 4982-5026.




§ 1. General. 5027-5179. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 5180-5219. – § 3. Education. 5220-5301. – § 4. The Press. 5302-5388. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5389-5445. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5446-5619. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5620-5784. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5785-5865. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5866-5987.


§ 1. General. 5988-6036. – § 2. Political economy. 6037-6047. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 60486143. – § 4. Trade. 6144-6208. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 6209-6251. – § 6. Money and finance. 6252-6390. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6391-6464. – § 8. Social history. 6465-6792. – § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. 6793-6875.


(p. 277-283) § 1. General. 6876-6882. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6883-6901. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 69026924. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6925-7007. – § 5. International law. 7008-7021.


§ 1. General. 7022-7072. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 7073-7252. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 7253-7321. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7322-7351. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7352-7425. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7426-7541. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7542-7654. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7655-7911.



R Asia

(p. 321-327) § 1. General. 7912-7916. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7917-7926. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 79277929. – § 4. China. 7930-8036. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 8037-8077. – § 6. Korea. 8078-8083.

S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 329)

Nos 8084-8090.

T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 331)

Nos 8091-8100.

U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 333)

Nos 8101-8104

GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria]. Österreichische Historische Bibliographie. Austrian Historical Bibliography 2010. [2009. Cf. bibl. 2012, no I.] Hrsg. v. Johannes GRABMAYER. Bearb. von Martha JAUERNIG und Bettina LOITSCH. Unter Mitarbeit von Gerald KRENN. Graz, Wolfgang Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio Press, 2013, 823 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België. 2011 (Avec compléments des années antérieures. Met aanvullingen uit voorafgaande jaren) [2010. Cf. bibl. 2012, no II.] Sous la dir. de Romain VAN EENOO. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire ‒ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2013, 91, 2bis, p. 1*-519*. III. [Dominican Republic]. MOYA PONS (Frank). Bibliografía de la historia dominicana, 1730–2010. Tomo I. Relación periódica y temática. Tomo II. Relación cronológica. Tomo III. Relación alfabética. Santo Domingo, Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 2013, 3 vol., 893 p., 845 p., 833 p. IV. [France]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de France (BHF). Sous la dir. de Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KERIVEN, Florence GALLI-DUPIS et Marilyne DELBÈS. Paris, Bibliothèque de France, online [Cf. Bibl. 2012, n° III] V. [Germany]. Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2012. [2011. Cf. bibl. 2012, no IV.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinscheft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, [s. p.] (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). ‒ Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Datenbank-Online. Hrsg. von der Berlin-Branderburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag [Cf. bibl. 2012, no IV.] VI. [Great Britain] Bibliography of British and Irish history (Online, Institute of historical research). [Cf. bibl. 2012, no V.] VII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografía internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXXVIII, 2009. [Vol. LXXVII, 2008. Cf. bibl. 2012, no VI.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with contribution of a number of scholars. München, K.G. Saur, 2013, XX-407 p. VIII. [Italy]. Bibliografia storica nazionale. Roma, Giunta centrale degli studi storici, online. IX. [Poland]. Bibliografia historii Pomorza Wschodniego i Zachodniego oraz krajów regionu Bałtyku za rok 2011 wraz z uzupełnieniami z lat poprzednich. [2010. Cf. bibl. 2012, no VII.] Oprac. Urszula ZABORSKA i Adam BIEDRZYCKI; współpr. Gabriele KEMPF. Toruń, Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2013, 332 p. (Zapiski Historyczne, 78). X. [Slovakia]. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta). Slovenská historiografia 2011. Výberová bibliografia. (Slovak Historiography in 2011. Selected Bibliography). [2010. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no VIII.] Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 4, p. 729-785. ADDENDA 2012 XI. [Switzerland]. Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte ‒ Bibliographie de l'histoire suisse ‒ Bibliografìa della storia svizzera. 2009. [2008. Cf. bibl. 2011, no IX.] Herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek, Bern. Redaktion Karin von WARTBURG und Nathalie VUILLEUMIER. Bern, Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek, 2013, XX-266 p.


§ 1. Palaeography. 1-8. – § 2. Diplomatics. 9-17. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 1854. – § 4. Chronology. 55-63. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 64-92. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 93101. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 102-113.– § 8. Linguistics. 114-144. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 145-206. – § 10. Iconography and images. 207-218. § 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB: bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. Vol. 21. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990, raccolti dal 5 settembre 2012 al 1° ottobre 2013. [Vol. 20. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 1.] Roma, Viella, 2013, 365 p. ** 2. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 82, Italia 54, Lucca 11. Publ. by Clelia GATTAGRISI, Pasquale CORDASCO, Corinna DRAGO TEDESCHINI. Part 83, Italia 55, Lucca 12. Publ. by Antonino MASTRUZZO. Part 106, Switzerland 9, Sankt Gallen 7. Publ. by Peter ERHART, Bernhard ZELLER, Karl HEIDECKER. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2013, 3 vol., 156 p., 152 p., 140 p. (facs., bibl.). ______________________

3. Medieval autograph manuscripts. Proceedings of the XVIIth colloquium of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine held in Ljubljana, 7–10 September 2010. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XIV-601 p. (ill., bibl.). 4. ROSSI (Maria Cristina). Scritture e scriventi in una città mediterranea: Pisa tra XI e XII secolo. Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2013, 182 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). (Didattica e ricerca). § 1. Addenda 2012. 5. FONKICH (Boris L.). O sovremennykh metodakh issledovanija grecheskikh i russkikh dokumentov XVII veka. Kriticheskie zametki. (On modern research methods of Greek and Russian sources of the 17th century: Critical sketches). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre "Palaeography, codicology, diplomatics". Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 184 p. (10 ill.; list of manuscripts p. 179-180; bibl. incl.). (Russia and Christian East. The library, vol. 10).

6. GABDRAKHMANOV (Pavel Sh.). Strannyj srednevekovyj svitok. Zagadki opisanija altarnykh tributariev v abbatstve svjatogo Petra v Gente XIII v. (A strange medieval roll. Puzzles of descriptions of altar's tributaries of St. Peter's abbey in the 13th century Ghent = Un étrange rouleau médiéval: l'énigmatique description des tributaires de l'abbaye Saint-Pierre de Gand au XIIIe siècle). Vol. 1. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, 2012, 306 p. 7. TJURINA (Galina A.). Iz istorii izuchenija grecheskikh rukopisej v Evrope v XVIII – nachale XIX v.: Khristian Fridrikh Mattei (1744–1811). (From the history of studies of Greek manuscripts in Europe, 18th– early 19th centuries. Christian Friedrich Matthaei, 1744– 1811 = Zur Geschichte der Erforschung griechischer Handschriften in Europa im 18. – frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Christian Friedrich Matthaei, 1744–1811). Ed. Boris L. FONKICH. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre "Palaeography, codicology, diplomatics". Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 424 p. (8 f. ill.; portr.; facs.; suppl. p. 264-367; pers. ind. p. 390-397; list of manuscripts p. 398-400; bibl. p. 368-384). (Montfaulcon, vol. 2). [Also Latin, Greek and German texts; German resume p. 385-389]. 8. VINOGRADOV (Andrej Ju.). Nabljudenija nad paleografiej rannevizantijskikh nadpisej Severnogo Prichernomor'ja. (Some observations on the palaeography of early Byzantine inscriptions in the North Pontic area). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 1 (280), p. 182-195. (9 ill.). Cf. nos 9-17, 2481, 2483-2556 § 2. Diplomatics. _______________________

9. Æbelholt Kloster Brevbog med dansk oversættelse, indledninger og noter. (Les chartes latines du monastère d'Æbelholt avec traduction danoise, intro-



ductions et notes). Red. Finn Erik KRAMER. København, Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, 2013, 591 p. (ill.).

Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 577 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 60).

10. DE PAERMENTIER (Els). Une chancellerie complexe. La production d'actes dans l'entourage comtal pendant l'union personnelle des comtés de Flandre et de Hainaut (1191–1244). Revue historique, 2013, 665, p. 23-56.

20. Books of Hours reconsidered. Ed. by Sandra HINDMAN und James H. MARROW. London, Harvey Miller, 2013, 532 p. (ill.). (Studies in medieval and early Renaissance art history, 72).

11. HERBERS (Klaus), KÖNIGHAUS (Waldemar P.). Von Outremer bis Flandern. Miscellanea zur Gallia Pontificia und zur Diplomatik. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VI327 p. (bibl.). (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 26. Studien zu Papstgeschichte und Papasturkunden).

21. BURINI (Emanuela). La bibbia di Borso d'Este: storia di un prezioso manoscritto. Bergamo, Sestante, 2013, 80 p. 22. CAHU (Frédérique). Un témoin de la production du livre universitaire dans la France du XIIIe siècle: la collection des Décrétales de Grégoire IX.Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 528 p. (ill., bibl.). (Bibliologia).

12. KLEIN (Francesca). Scritture e governo dello stato a Firenze nel Rinascimento: cancellieri, ufficiali, archivi. Firenze, Edifir Edizioni Firenze, 2013, 317 p. (bibl.). (Studi di storia e documentazione storica, 4).

23. CANART (Paul). La syntaxe du codex: essai de codicologie structurale. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 214 p. (ill.).

13. NICOLAJ (Giovanna). Storie di documenti, storie di libri quarant'anni di studi, ricerche e vagabondaggi nell'età antica e medievale. A cura di Cristina MANTEGNA. Dietikon-Zürich, Graf, 2013, 632 p. (ill.).

24. COLEMAN (Joyce), CRUSE (Mark), SMITH (Kathryn). The social life of illumination: manuscripts, images, and communities in the late Middle Ages. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 552 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medieval texts and cultures of Northen Europe, 21).

14. Notariato e medievistica: per i cento anni di "Studi e ricerche di diplomatica comunale" di Pietro Torelli. Atti delle giornate di studi (Mantova, Accademia nazionale Virgiliana, 2–3 dicembre 2011). A cura di Giuseppe GARDONI e Isabella LAZZARINI. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, 334 p. (ill., bibl.). 15. OULION (Rémi). Scribes et notaires face à la norme dans la Toscane du haut Moyen Âge, VIIe–XIe siècles. Clermont-Ferrand, Institut universitaire Varenne, 2013, XVIII-578 p. (ill., tab., bibl.). (Collection des thèses, 86). 16. PEDRO (Susana Tavares). As notícias medievais portuguesas: análise, classificação e edição de documentos dos séculos X a XIII. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. 2013, 400 p.(ill.). (Textos universitários de ciências sociais e humanas). 17. Tauschgeschäft und Tauschurkunde vom 8. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert / L'acte d'échange, du VIIIe au XIIe siècle. Hrsg. v. Irmgard FEES und Philippe DEPREUX. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 508 p. (ill., bibl.). (Archiv für Diplomatik, 13). Cf. nos 1-8, 2483-2556 § 3. History of the book. _______________________

a. Manuscripts 18. Albani-Psalter (Der): Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung / The St Albans Psalter: current research and perspectives. Hrsg. v. Jochen BEPLER und Christian HEITZMANN. Hildesheim, Olms, 2013, 230 p. (Hildesheimer Forschungen, 4). 19. BARBET-MASSIN (Dominique). L'Enluminure et le Sacré: Irlande et Grande-Bretagne, VIIe–VIIIe siècles.

25. Form and function in the late medieval Bible. Ed. by Eyal POLEG and Laura LIGHT. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-412 p. (ill., bibl.). (Library of the written word, 27. The manuscript world, 4). 26. FREULER (Gaudenz). Italian miniatures from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2013, 2 vol., 927 p. (ill., bibl.). 27. GOEHRING (Margaret). Space, place and ornament the function of landscape in medieval manuscript illumination. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 196 p. (ill., bibl.). 28. HAUSCHILD (Stephanie). Skriptorium. Die mittelalterliche Buchwerkstatt. Darmstadt, von Zabern, 2013, 144 p. (ill., bibl.). 29. HOFFMANN (Annette). Die Bibel von Gerona und ihr Meister. Berlin u. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2013, 400 p. (ill.). (Italienische Forschungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, 9). 30. Jean Pucelle: innovation and collaboration in manuscript painting. Ed. by Kyunghee PYUN and Anna RUSSAKOFF. London, Miller and Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 218 p. (ill.). (Studies in medieval and early Renaissance art history, 59). 31. LASKARIS (Caterina Zaira). Un monumento da sfogliare: il "Messale de Firmonibus" di Fermo. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 150 p. (ill.). (Riflessi in Elicona, 6). 32. Manoscritti scientifici miniati: fra tradizione classica e modelli arabi. A cura di Teresa D'URSO e Alessandra PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE. Battipaglia, Laveglia & Carlone. 2013, 188 p. (ill). 33. Manuscripts and printed books in Europe 1350– 1550: packaging, presentation and consumption. Ed. by Emma CAYLEY and Susan POWELL. Liverpool, Liver-

§ 4. Chronology pool Universwity press, 2013, XX-327 p. (ill.). (Exeter studies in medieval Europe). 34. Medieval manuscript miscellanies: composition, authorship, use. Ed. by Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ and Kimberly A. RIVERS. Krems, Medium Aevum Quotidianum, 2013, 300 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medium Aevum Quotidianum, 31). 35. MÜLLER (Monika E.). Der Bernward-Psalter im Wandel der Zeiten. Eine Studie zu Ausstattung und Funktion. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, 384 p. (ill., bibl.). (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, 23). 36. NEBBIAI DALLA GUARDIA (Donatella). Le discours des livres: bibliothèques et manuscrits en Europe, IXe–XVe siècle. Rennes, Presses Univ. de Rennes, 2013, 311 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 37. Quand l'image relit le texte. Regards croisés sur les manuscrits médiévaux. Éd. par Sandrine HÉRICHÉPRADEAU. Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouv, 2013, 367XXXV p. (ill., tab.). 38. SCHIPKE (Renate). Das Buch in der Spätantike. Herstellung, Form, Ausstattung und Verbreitung in der westlichen Reichshälfte des Imperium Romanum. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2013, 280 p. 39. Speaking to the eye: sight and insight through text and image (1150–1650). Ed. by Thérèse DE HEMPTINNE, Veerle FRAETERS and María Eugenia GÓNGORA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XX-311 p. (ill.). (Medieval identities socio-cultural spaces, 2). 40. STEIMANN (Martin). Handschriften im Mittelalter: eine Quellensammlung. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2013, 932 p. (ill.). 41. Studi in onore del cardinale Raffaele Farina. A cura di Ambrogio PIAZZONI. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2013, 2 vol., XXVIII-1382 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studi e testi, 477-478). 42. Texte et image dans les manuscrits de chasse médiévaux. Éd. par Baudouin van den ABEELE. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2013, 712 p. (ill.). (Conférences Léopold Delisle). b. Printed books 43. Blockbücher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Eine Experimentierphase im frühen Buchdruck. Beiträge der Fachtagung in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München am 16. und 17. Februar 2012. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, VI-350 p. (ill., bibl.). (Bibliothek und Wissenschaft). 44. CADEGAN (Una M.). All good books are Catholic books: print culture, censorship, and modernity in twentieth-century America. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-230 p. (Cushwa Center studies of Catholicism in twentieth-century America). 45. Dessiner pour graver, graver pour dessiner. Part 2. Le dessin dans la révolution de l'estampe. Dijon, l'Échelle de Jacob et Paris, Société du Salon du Dessin, 2013, 205 p. (ill.).


46. Dizionario degli editori, tipografi, librai itineranti in Italia tra Quattrocento e Seicento. Coordinato da Marco SANTORO, a cura di Rosa Marisa BORRACCINI, Giuseppe LIPARI, Carmela REALE, Marco SANTORO, Giancarlo VOLPATO. Pisa e Roma, Fabrizio Serra, 2013 (Biblioteca di "Paratesto", 10), 3 vol., XXXII-1238 p. 47. Documenting the early modern book world inventories and catalogues in manuscript and print. Ed. by Malcolm WALSBY and Natasha CONSTANTINIDOU. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XV-416 p. (ill.). 48. HUNTER (Emma). Language, Empire and the World: Karl Roehl and the history of the Swahili Bible in East Africa. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 600-616. 49. KOK (Ina). Woodcuts in incunabula printed in the Low Countries.Vol. 1.Text. Vol. 2. Indexes, concordances, lists. Vol. 3. T. 1. Illustrations, woodcut numbers 1-79. T. 2. Illustrations, woodcut numbers 80-323. Houten, Hes & De Graaf, 2013, 4 vol., XXXI-638 p., 222 p.. 986 p. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica Series major, 2, 1-2-3-4). 50. LASAGNI (Roberto). L'arte tipografica in Parma. Vol. 1. Da Portilia agli Ugoleto (1471–1528). Parma, Silva, 2013, XVIII-612 p. (ill.). 51. LENGWILER (Guido). Die Geschichte des Siebdrucks zur Entstehung des vierten Druckverfahrens. Sulgen, Niggli, 2013, 485 p. (ill.). 52. Mobilità dei mestieri del libro tra Quattrocento e Seicento. Convegno internazionale, Roma, 14–16 marzo 2012. A cura di Marco SANTORO e Samantha SEGATORI. Pisa, Serra, 2013, 392 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di "Paratesto", 8). 53. STEINHEIDER (Judith). Schattenbild und Scherenschnitt als Gestaltungsmittel der Buchillustration: Geschichte und Bibliografie. Marburg, Tectum-Verlag, 2013, 311 p. (ill.). (Kontext. Kunst – Vermittlung – kulturelle Bildung, 11). 54. VAN ORDEN (Kate). Music, authorship, and the book in the first century of print. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2013, XIII-240 p. Cf. nos 2542-2556, 5302-5388 § 4. Chronology. _______________________

55. ASSMANN (Aleida). Ist die Zeit aus den Fugen? Aufstieg und Fall des Zeitregimes der Moderne. München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013, 334 p. 56. BARAK (On). On time: technology and temporality in modern Egypt. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIII-341 p. 57. BEVERNAGE (Berber), LORENZ (Chris). Breaking up time. Negotiating the borders between present, past and future. Storia della storiografia, 2013, 63, 1, p. 31-50. 58. BLAKE (Stephen P.). Time in early Modern Islam: calendar, ceremony, and chronology in the Safavid,



Mughal, and Ottoman Empires. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-209 p. 59. Breaking up time. Negotiating the borders between present, past and future. Ed. by Chris LORENZ and Berber BEVERNAGE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 274 p. 60. KINNERBROCK (Werner). Was macht die Zeit, wenn sie vergeht? Wie die Wissenschaft die Zeit erklärt. München, C. H. Beck Verlag, 2012, 160 p. 61. MAC CROSSEN (Alexis). Marking modern times: a history of clocks, watches, and other timekeepers in American life. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XVI-255 p. 62. OGLE (Vanessa). Whose time is it? The pluralization of time and the global condition, 1870s–1940s. American historical review, 2013, 118, 5, p. 1376-1402. 63. SANZ DE LA HIGUERA (Francisco José). Relojes, espacios y tiempo. Burgos en el setecientos. Historia social, 2013, 77, p. 23-47. § 5. Genealogy and family history. _______________________

64. Az Esterházy család és a magyarországi művelődés: képek és szövegek a XVII-XIX. Századból. (The Esterházy family and the Hungarian culture: pictures and texts from the XVII-XIX. Century). Válogatta, szerkesztette, az előszót írta KNAPP Éva, TÜSKÉS Gábor. Budapest, MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet Kiadó, 2013, 222 p. 65. BAILEY (Joanne), GIESE (Loreen). Marital cruelty: reconsidering lay attitudes in England, c. 1580 to 1850. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 289-305. 66. BORELLO (Benedetta), CALVI (Giulia), COLOMBO (Emanuele), FECI (Simona), LANZINGER (Margareth), LORENZETTI (Luigi), MIRIZZI (Ferdinando), TEUSCHER (Simon). A proposito di quattro libri recenti sulla storia della famiglia. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 597648. 67. British family life, 1780–1914. Gen. ed. Claudia NELSON. Volume 1. Growing up. Ed. by Claudia NELSON. Volume 2. Husbands and fathers. Ed. by JulieMarie STRANGE. Volume 3. Wives and mothers. Ed. by Susan B. EGENOLF. Volume 4. Extended families. Ed. by Susan B. EGENOLF. Volume 5. Substitute families. Ed. by Julie-Marie STRANGE. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 5 vol., XXXIV-364 p., XXIII-408 p., XXII-352 p., XXXIV-364 p. XXII-391 p. 68. CIPEL (Adrien), GHILES-MEILHAC (Samuel). Des Français israélites: une saga familiale, du XVIIIe au XXIe siècle. Paris, Michel de Maule, 2013, 268 p.

71. DOHNA (Lothar Graf zu). Die Dohnas und ihre Häuser. Profil einer europäischen Adelsfamilie. Unter Mitw. v. Alexander Fürst zu DOHNA (†) und mit einem Beitrag v. Ursula Gräfin zu DOHNA. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 2 vol., 929 p. 72. FABRICIUS MØLLER (Jes). Dynastiet Glücksborg: en Danmarkshistorie. (La dynastie Glücksbourg: une histoire danoise). København, Gads forlag, 2013, 319 p. 73. Familie Hohenlohe (Die). Eine europäische Dynastie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Alma HANNIG und Martina WINKELHOFER-THYRI. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 413 p. 74. FESSNER (Michael). Die Grüns. Eine Unternehmerfamilie in Hessen-Nassau. Kiel, Verlag Ludwig, 2013, 752 p. 75. FOUILLERON (Thomas). Français par le livre. Les princes de Monaco et l'incroyable longévité d'une généalogie fabuleuse (XVIIe–XIXe siècle). Revue historique, 2013, 667, p. 601-636. 76. GINSBORG (Paul). Famiglia Novecento. Vita familiare, rivoluzione e dittature, 1900-1950. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, 684 p. 77. IORGA (Filip Lucian). Strămoşi pe alese. Călătorie în imaginarul genealogic al boierimii române. (The chosen ancestry. A journey in the genealogical imaginary of Romanian boyards). Cuvânt înainte de Neagu DJUVARA. Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2013, 321 p. 78. KÜSS (Tobias). Die älteren Diepoldinger als Markgrafen in Bayern (1077-1204): adlige Herrschaftsbildung im Hochmittelalter. München, Herbert Utz, 2013, 432 p. (Münchner Beiträge zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 8). 79. LAURSEN (Jesper), SCHMIDT (Eva). Herremanden: en adelig families storhed og fald. (Seigneur propriétaire terrien: grandeur et décadence d'une famille noble). København, Gad, 2013, 219 p. (ill.). 80. MARTSCHUKAT (Jürgen). Die Ordnung des Sozialen. Väter und Familien in der amerikanischen Geschichte seit 1770. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 474 p. 81. MAYER (Herbert). Familienbuch Schag und Paratz im Temescher Banat mit den Filialen Ligeth und Karbonarpusta. Mannheim, H. Mayer, 2013, 2 vol., XXVIII-1794 p. (Schriftenreihe zur donauschwäbischen Herkunftsforschung, 184). 82. MENDOZA MUÑOZ (Jesús). El Palmar, un árbol de familia: estudio poblacional y genealógico de un pueblo queretano. Cadereyta, Fomento Histórico y Cultural de Cadereyta, 2013, 320 p. (Fomento Histórico y Cultural de Cadereyta, XI).

69. CONT (Alessandro). L'autunno dello scorpione: la famiglia Annibaldi della Molara in età moderna. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 635 (1), p. 105-144.

83. MITTERAUER (Michael). Historische Verwandtschaftsforschung. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 248 p.

70. DIETZE (Gabriele). Weiße Frauen in Bewegung. Genealogien und Konkurrenzen von Race- und Genderpolitiken. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 518 p.

84. MÜLLER (Albert). Familienbuch der römischkatholischen Pfarrgemeinde Traunau im Banat 17841990. Wernau, Eckhardt Petendra, 2013, 663 p. (Deut-

§ 7. Numismatics and metrology sche Ortssippenbücher, 724. Schriftenreihe zur donauschwäbischen Herkunftsforschung, 177). 85. ORTÍZ SOTELO (Jorge). Lazos de sangre: la familia Cortés en Perú y Chile (Siglos XVII al XX). Lima, IPEP, Valparaíso, PEIsur y Santiago, UBO, 2013, 243 p. 86. REINHARDT (Volker). Die Borgia. Geschichte einer unheimlichen Familie. München, Beck, 2013, 129 p. 87. Sabaudian studies: political culture, dynasty, and territory, 1400–1700. Ed by Matthew VESTER. Kirksville, Truman State U. P., 2013, IX-333 p. 88. VIRET (Jérôme Luther). La famille normande. Mobilité et frustrations sociales au siècle des Lumières. Rennes, Presses Univer-sitaires de Rennes, 2013, 432 p. (Histoire). 89. WEIL (François). Family trees: a history of genealogy in america. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 304 p. 90. WETTERBERG (Gunnar). Wallenberg: ett familjeimperium. (Un empire familial: les Wallenberg). Stockholm, Bonnier, 2013, XXI-313 p. § 5. Addenda 2012. ** 91. Latukhinskaja stepennaja kniga. 1676 god. (The Book of degrees of the Royal genealogy of [merchant] Latukhin). Ed. Nikolaj N. POKROVSKIJ, Aleksej V. SIRENOV. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 879 p. 92. LÓPEZ MORELL (Miguel Angel). La Casa Rothschild en España: 1812–1941. Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2005, 565 p. (Marcial Pons historia. Memorias y biografías). Cf. nos 96, 229, 2780, 2876 § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. ______________________

93. ALÃO DE MORAIS (Cristovão). Compendio das armas dos reynos de Portugal e Algarve e das cidades e vilas principaes delles: precedido de uma introducção summaria das regras da armaria. Ed. da Cristóvão ALÃO DE MORAIS e Miguel Metelo de SEIXAS. Porto, Caminhos Romanos, 2013, 382 p. 94. GÖBL (Michael). Wappen-Lexikon der habsburgischen Länder. Schleinbach, Winkler-Hermaden, 2013, 208 p. 95. Héraldique et numismatique: Moyen Âge-Temps modernes. Sous la dir. d'Yvan LOSKOUTOFF. Rouen, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2013, 3 vol., 262 p., 318 p., 255 p. 96. MENDOLA (Louis). Sicilian genealogy and heraldry. New York a. Palermo, Trinacria, 2013, 295 p. 97. MÉRINDOL (Christian de). Images du royaume de France au Moyen Âge: décors monumentaux peints et armoriés; art et histoire. Pont-Saint-Esprit, Conseil Général du Gard, 2013, 284 p.


98. Niedersächsische Wappenrolle: Gesamtausgabe 1910-2012. Hrsg. v. Volkmar TöNNIES und Horst-Gunter RATZKE. Hannover, Heraldischer Verein "Zum Kleeblatt", 2013, 342 p. 99. PÁL-ANTÁL (Sándor). Sigiliile instituţiilor mureşene. (Institutions seals from Mureş county). TârguMureş, Editura Mentor, 2013, 536 p. 100. PASTOUREAU (Michel). Les signes et les songes. Études sur la symbolique et la sensibilité médiévales. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XI405 p. (Micrologus' Library, 53). 101. STOIA (Romeo Lucian). Evoluţia heraldicii româneşti de-a lungul veacurilor oglindită în filatelie. (The Evolution of Romanian heraldry throught the ages reflected in philately). Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 2013, 147 p. § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________

102. BOLDUREANU (Ana). Moneda otomană în Moldova în perioada 1512–1603. (Ottoman coins in Moldavia from 1512 to 1603). Chişinău, Editura Bons Offices, 2013, 191 p. 103. DENGIS (Jean-Luc). Trouvailles et trésors monétaires en Belgique. XVIII Province de Flandre Orientale: du moyen âge à 1794. Wetteren, Moneta, 2013, 199 p. (Collection Moneta, 162). 104. FREY-KUPPER (Suzanne). Die antiken Fundmünzen vom Monte Iato, 1971-1990: ein Beitrag zur Geldgeschichte Westsiziliens. Lausanne, Éd. du Zèbre, 2013, 2 vol., XVI-816 p. (Studia Ietina, 10). 105. JAMBU (Jérôme). Tant d'or que d'argent. La monnaie en Basse Normandie à l'époque moderne (XVIe–XVIIIe siècle). Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 639 p. (Histoire). 106. Moneda (La) y su papel en las sociedades feniciopúnicas: XXVII Jornadas de Arqueología FenicioPúnica (Eivissa, 2012). Ed. por Benjamí COSTA y Jordi H. FERNÁNDEZ. Eivissa, Museu Arqueològic d'Éivissa i Formentera, 2013, 222 p. (Treballs del Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera, 68). 107. Numismatique (La) pour passion: études d'histoire monétaire offertes à Suzanne Frey-Kupper par quelques-uns de ses amis à l'occasion de son anniversaire 2013. Réunies par Simon FREY. Lausanne, Zèbre, 2013, 356 p. (Études de numismatique et d'histoire monétaire, 9). 108. Origines (Aux) de la monnaie fiduciaire: traditions métallurgiques et innovations numismatiques. Actes de l'atelier international des 16 et 17 novembre 2012 à Tours. Textes réunis par Catherine GRANDJEAN et Aliki MOUSTAKA. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, 197 p. (Scripta antiqua, 55). 109. SCREEN (Elina). Sylloge of coins of the British Isles, Norwegian Collections, Parts I. Vol. 65. Part II. Vol. 66. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 354 p.



110. Unificazione (L') metrologica: le vicende non concluse di un complesso percorso storico e geografico. A cura di Fabrizio BENINCASA. Roma, CNR, 2013, X-179 p. 111. WEBER (Manfred), GEISSEN (Angelo). Die alexandrinischen Gaumünzen der römischen Kaiserzeit. Die ägyptischen Gaue und ihre Ortsgötter im Spiegel der numismatischen Quellen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, XIII-427 p. § 7. Addenda 2012. 112. FROLOVA (Nina A.), ABRAMZON (Mikhail G.). Antichnye monety Khersonesa Tavricheskogo v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeja (kollektsija N.N. Grandmezona. Katalog). (Ancient coins of Chersonesus Taurica in the State historical Museum of Russia. Collection of N.N. Grandmaison. A catalogue). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 1 (280), p. 55-80; 2 (281), p. 70101. 113. PLAKSIN (Sergej G.). Bogi i mifologicheskie geroi na monetakh Rimskoj respubliki. Slovar'. (The gods and mythological heroes on the coins of Roman republic: A dictionary). Moskva, Hobbie-Press, 2012, 808 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. 610-641; suppl. p. 644-798). (The library of ancient history and numismatics). Cf. nos 207-218 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________

114. Adventuring in the Englishes: language and literature in a postcolonial globalized world. Ed. by Ikram Ahmed ELSHERIF and Piers Michael SMITH. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XII214 p. 115. Analysing fascist discourse: European fascism in talk and text. Ed. by Ruth WODAK and John E. RICHARDSON. New York, Routledge 2013, VI-327 p. (Routledge critical studies in discourse, 5). 116. Artes, vocabularios, doctrinas y confesionarios en lenguas de México. Coordinadores Andrés ACOSTA FÉLIX, Zarina ESTRADA FERNÁNDEZ y Aarón GRAGEDA BUSTAMENTE. Hermosillo, Universidad de Sonora, 2013, 313 p. (Colección Lingüística. Serie 4, Estudios lingüístico). 117. BASTARDÍN CANDÓN (Teresa). Vocabulario indígena en la Historia de fray Bernardino de Sahagún. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 828 p. (Fondo hispánico de lingüística y filología, 16). 118. BECCARIA (Gian Luigi). Alti su di me: maestri e metodi, testi e ricordi. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, VI-269 p. 119. BERMAN (Harold Joseph). Law and language: effective symbols of community. Ed. by John WITTE. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-209 p. 120. Bloomsbury companion to historical linguistics. Ed. by Silvia LURAGHI and Vit BUBENIK. London a. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, XIX-453 p. (Bloomsbury companions).

121. BRANDTNER (Andreas). Franckreichs Geist (1689): argumentatives Handeln in der Frühaufklärung. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, XII-254 p. (Kulturgeschichtliche Beiträge zum Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit, 6). 122. BRYCE (Benjamin). Linguistic ideology and state power: German and English education in Ontario, 1880– 1912. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 2, p. 207233. 123. Cambridge history (The) of the Romance languages. Vol. 2. Contexts. Ed. by Martin MAIDEN, John Charles SMITH and Adam LEDGEWAY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 553 p. 124. CANNING (Patricia). Style in the Renaissance: language and ideology in early modern England. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, IX-209 p. (Advances in stylistics). 125. DIAZ HERNÁNDEZ (Roberto A.). Tradition und Innovation in der offiziellen Sprache des Mittleren Reiches: ein strukturalistischer Vergleich der historisch-biographischen mit den literarischen Texten der 1. Zwischenzeit und der 12. Dynastie. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, X-143 p. (Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe, Ägypten, 56). 126. Édification linguistique (L') en URSS: thèmes et mythes. Éd. par Elena SIMONATO. Lausanne, UNIL, 2013, 156 p. (Cahiers de l'ILSL, 35). 127. EDROIU (Nicolae). Scrierea chirilică românească. (The Romanian cyrillic writing). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 307 p. 128. FÄHNRICH (Heinz). Die ältesten georgischen Inschriften. Boston, Brill, 2013, 247 p. 129. FEDATTO (Carolina P.). Um saber nas ruas: o discurso histórico sobre a cidade brasileira. Campinas, UNICAMP, 2013, 215 p. 130. FRANCO FIGUEROA (Mariano). El español de Filipinas: documentos coloniales. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, 2013, 266 p. 131. GIRARD (Philippe R.). Quelle langue parlait Toussaint Louverture ? Le mémoire du fort de Joux et les origines du kreyòl haïtien. Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 109132. 132. GUBITOSI (Patricia). La expresión de la pasividad en el sudoeste de los Estados Unidos y México (1855–1950). New York, Peter Lang, 2013, VI-172 p. (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, 210). 133. HELMER (Ángela). El latín en el Perú colonial: diglosia e historia de una lengua viva. Lima, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Fondo Editorial, Grupo Pakarina, 2013, 373 p. 134. Lingua (La) di Galileo. Atti del convegno, Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 13 dicembre 2011. A cura di Elisabetta BENUCCI e Raffaella SETTI. Firenze,

§ 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries Accademia della Crusca, 2013, IX-140 p. (Le varietà dell'italiano, 5). 135. Lingua tedesca (La): storia e testi. A cura di Donatella MAZZA. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 378 p. (Antologie, 25). 136. NOTARIUS (Tania). The verb in archaic Biblical poetry: a discursive, typological, and historical investigation of the tense system. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIX351 p. (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics, 68). 137. ṔEREZ-MILANS (Miguel). Urban schools and English language education in late modern China: a critical sociolinguistic ethnography. New York, Routledge, 2013, XII-195 p. (Routledge critical studies in multilingualism, 5). 138. Plurilinguismo e diglossia nella tarda antichità e nel Medio Evo. A cura di Piera MOLINELLI e Federica GUERINI. Firenze, SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, X-342 p. (Traditio et renovatio, 7). 139. Poderes (Los) de la palabra: el improperio en la cultura hispánica del Siglo de Oro. Ed. por Carmela PÉREZ-SALAZAR, Cristina TABERNERO y Jesús M. USUNÁRIZ. New York, Peter Lang, 2013, VI-297 p. (Ibérica, 41). 140. SCHLOSSER (Horst Dieter). Sprache unterm Hakenkreuz. Eine andere Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 423 p. 141. STAMMERJOHANN (Harro). La lingua degli angeli: italiano, italianismi e giudizi sulla lingua italiana. Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2013, 357 p. (Studi e testi, 3). 142. SULEIMAN (Yasir). Arabic in the fray: language ideology and cultural politics. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, IX-308 p. e

143. Texte épistolaire (Le) du XVII siècle à nos jours: aspects linguistiques. Textes réunis par David BANKS. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 224 p. (Espaces littéraires). § 8. Addendum 2012. 144. Imenoslov. Istorija jazyka. Istorija kul'tury. (Word-list. The history of language and culture). Ed. Fedor B. USPENSKIJ. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies, Dmitry Pozharsky University. Мoskva, Russkij fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2012, 408 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. incl.). (Papers of the Center of Slavic and German studies.Vol. 2). Cf. nos 294, 634, 2946 § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. ** 145. LUQUE MORENO (Jesús). Granada en el siglo XVI: testimonios de la época. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2013, 621 p. ** 146. Réveil (Le) des cœurs. Journal de voyage du frère morave Fries (1761–1762). Ed. par Dieter GEMBICKI et Heidi GEMBICKI-ACHTNICH. Saintes, Le Croît Vif, 2013, 528 p. (Documentaires).


** 147. VESPUCCI (Amerigo). Cronache epistolari: lettere, 1476-1508. A cura di Leandro PERINI. Firenze, Firenze, U. P., 2013, l-186 p. (Storici e cronisti di Firenze. Biblioteca di storia, 22). _______________________

148. Amerigo Vespucci e i mercanti viaggiatori fiorentini del Cinquecento. A cura di Margherita AZZARI e Leonardo ROMBAI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2013, XIII289 p. (Biblioteca di storia, 19). 149. AMIN (Abbas). Ägyptomanie und Orientalismus: Ägypten in der deutschen Reiseliteratur (1175–1663). Mit einem kommentierten Verzeichnis der Reiseberichte (383–1845). Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-507 p. (Studien zur deutschen Literatur, 202). 150. AMRITH (Sunil S.). Crossing the bay of Bengal: the furies of nature and the fortunes of migrants. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 353 p. 151. ANZA (Juan Bautista de). Diarios de las expediciones a la Alta California, 1774, 1775-1776. Ed. por Ángel Luis ENCINAS MORAL. Madrid, Miraguano, 2013, 341 p. (Viajes y costumbres). 152. BESSE (Jean-Marc). Sui passi di Sebastian Münster. Pratiche dello spazio e scrittura geografica nel Rinascimento. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 167-196. 153. BRANCO (Isabel Araújo). Descrição geral do reino do Peru, em particular de Lima. Edição de Isabel Araujo BRANCO, Margarita Eva RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA e Teresa LACERDA. Lisboa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar, 2013, 210 p. (Estudos & documentos, 21). 154. BROOK (Timothy). Mr. Selden's map of China: decoding the secrets of a vanished cartographer. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2013, XXIV-211 p. 155. BYRNE (Angela). Geographies of the romantic North: science, antiquarianism, and travel, 1790–1830. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-265 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 156. COCKS (Catherine). Tropical whites: the rise of the tourist South in the Americas. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 255 p. (Nature and culture in America). 157. COMBERIATI (Daniele). "Affrica": il mito coloniale africano attraverso i libri di viaggio di esploratori e missionari dall'unità alla sconfitta di Adua (1861–1896). Firenze, Franco Cesati editore, 2013, 148 p. (Storie d'Italia, 6). 158. Découverte (La) du Japon par les Européens, 1543-1551. Éd. par Xavier de CASTRO. Paris, Chandeigne, 2013, 413 p. (Magellane. Découverte, 1). 159. DELMAS (Adrien). Les voyages de l'écrit. Culture écrite et expansion européenne à l'époque moderne: essais sur la Compagnie hollandaise des Indes orientales. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 286 p. (L'atelier des voyages, 8). 160. DUQUE MUÑOZ (Lucía). Impactos territoriales en la transición de la colonia a la república en la Nueva



Granada. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2013, 202 p. 161. Early scientific expeditions and local encounters: new perpectives on Carl Niebuhr and the "Arabian journey". Proceedings of a symposium on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Danish Expedition to Arabia Felix. Ed. by Ib FRIIS, Michael HARBSMEIER and Jørgen Bæk SIMONSEN. København, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2013, 252 p. (ill.). (Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica, 4). 162. Enigmas, geografía, expediciones y cartografía de las Américas. Ed. por Sabrina GUERRA MOSCOSO. Quito, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, 2013, 150 p. 163. FIESELER (Christian). Der vermessene Staat. Kartographie und die Kartierung nordwestdeutscher Territorien im 18. Jahrhundert. Hannover, Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2013, 393 p. 164. FRÖMEL (Mike). Offene Räume und gefährliche Reisen im Eis: Reisebeschreibungen über die Polarregionen und ein kolonialer Diskurs im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2013, 285 p. (Aufklärung und Moderne, 28). 165. FURTADO (Júnia Ferreira). O mapa que inventou o Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Versal, 2013, 453 p. 166. GANDINI (María Juliana). Fragmentos imperiales: textos e imágenes de los imperios coloniales en América (siglos XVI-XVIII). Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2013, 126 p. (Investigaciones y ensayos). 167. GROEBNER (Valentin). Touristischer Geschichtsgebrauch. Über einige Merkmale neuer Vergangenheiten im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 2, p. 408-428. 168. HUMPHRIES (John). Search for the Nile's source: the ruined reputation of John Petherick, nineteenth-century Welsh explorer. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2013, XIII-178 p. 169. IDRISSI ALAMI (Ahmed). Mutual othering: Islam, modernity, and the politics of cross-cultural encounters in pre-colonial Moroccan and European travel writing. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2013, XI-260 p. 170. KARSVALL (Olof). Retrogressiv metod: En översikt med exempel från historisk geografi och agrarhistoria. (Retrogressive method. An overview of approaches in historical geography and agrarian history). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 3, p. 411-435.

173. KOENKER (Diane P.). Club red. Vacation travel and the Soviet dream. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XI307 p. 174. LAMBERT (David). Mastering the Niger: James MacQueen's African geography and the struggle over Atlantic slavery. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII-309 p. 175. MAC CORRISTINE (Shane). "Involuntarily we listen": hearing the Aurora Borealis in nineteenth-century Arctic exploration and science. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 1, p. 29-62. 176. Making (The) of a cultural landscape: the English lake district as tourist destination, 1750–2010. Ed. by John K. WALTON and Jason WOOD. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XV-276 p. 177. Mapping medieval geographies: geographical encounters in the Latin West and beyond, 300-1600. Ed. by Keith D. LILLEY. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XIII-333 p. (ill.). 178. MARTIN-NIELSEN (Janet). Eismitte in the scientific imagination: knowledge and politics at the center of Greenland. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII214 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of science and technology). 179. MAZZEI (Rita). Per terra e per acqua: viaggi e viaggiatori nell'Europa moderna. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 334 p. (Frecce). 180. Modificazioni (Le) del paesaggio nell'Altoadriatico tra pre-protostoria ed Altomedioevo. A cura di Giuseppe CUSCITO. Trieste, Editreg, 2013, 282 p. (Antichità altoadriatiche, LXXVI). 181. NIEDERL-GARBER (Claudia). Wie Europa Armenien "entdeckte": das Bekanntwerden der Kunstgeschichte Armeniens im Spiegel westlicher Reisender. Wien, Lit, 2013, 336 p. (Grazer, 14). 182. O'DOHERTY (Marianne). The Indies and the Medieval West: thought, report, imagination. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2013, XIV-377 p. (Medieval voyaging, 2). 183. OLIVARES SANDOVAL (Omar). Atlas histórico del estado de México. Toluca de Lerdo, Consejo Editorial de la Administración Pública Estatal, 2013, 379 p. 184. PACHECO (Albino Manoel). A journey from Tete to Zumbo (Uma Viagem de Tete ao Zumbo). Ed. by Malyn NEWITT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XLIX157 p. (Fontes historiae Africanae, 11).

171. KLAUŽER (Vedran). Senjski brodski kapetani i njihova plovidba Jadranom sredinom 18. stoljeća. (Sea captains of Senj and their navigation in the Adriatic in the mid-eighteenth century). Povijesni prilozi, 2013, 32, 45, p. 263-281.

185. Parcourir le monde, les voyages d'Orient. Études réunies par Dominique de COURCELLES. Paris, École des chartes, 2013, 234 p. (Études et rencontres de l'École des chartes, 40).

172. KOCHANEK (Piotr). Genezis skhematicheskogo obraza poberezh'ya Chornogo morya na kartakh XV veka. (The genesis of the schematic image of the Black Sea Coast maps from the 15th century). Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 3-32.

186. Paris, de parcelles en pixels: analyse géomatique de l'espace parisien médiéval et moderne. Sous la dir. de Hélène NOIZET, Boris BOVE et Laurent COSTA. Saint-Denis, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, Comité d'histoire de la ville de Paris 2013, 343 p.

§ 10. Iconography and images 187. PROTZEL (Javier). Espacio-tiempo y movilidad: narrativas del viaje y de la lejanía. Lima, Fondo Editorial, Universidad de Lima 2013, 311 p. (Investigaciones). 188. RAMÍREZ DE ALBA (Horacio). A pie por la ruta de Cortés. Mexico, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, 2013, 370 p. 189. ROBERTS (Sean). Printing a Mediterranean world: Florence, Constantinople, and the renaissance of geography. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XVI-293 p. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history). 190. ROSA (Frederico Delgado). Exploradores portugueses e reis africanos: viagens ao coração de África no século XIX. Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2013, 357 p. 191. SALLAS (Ana Luisa Fayet). Ciência do homem e sentimento da natureza: viajantes alemães no Brasil do século XIX. Curitiba, UFPR 2013, 334 p. (Pesquisa, 222). 192. SÁNCHEZ (Antonio). La espada, la cruz y el Padrón: soberanía, fe y representación cartográfica en el mundo ibérico bajo la Monarquía Hispánica, 1503– 1598. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2013, 333 p. (Colección Universos americanos, 11). 193. Santa Cruz: vista por cronistas y autores nacionales y extranjeros, siglos XVI al XXI. Selección y prólogo de Mariano BAPTISTA GUMUCIO. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Editorial El País, 2013, 367 p. (Ciencias sociales/ historia, 30). 194. SEVILLA PÉREZ (Ana María). El Ecuador en sus mapas: estado y nación desde una perspectiva espacial. Quito, FLACSO, 2013, 273 p. (Atrio). 195. TCHOUKARINE (Igor). The sea connects; it does not divide: Czech tourism on the interwar Adriatic. Journal of Tourism History, 2013, p. 1-19. 196. Través (A) del Mediterráneo: la visión de los viajeros judíos, cristianos y musulmanes. Ed. por Beatriz MOLINA RUEDA y María José CANO. Granada, Comares, 2013, 205 p. (Salam). 197. UGGERI (Giovanni). La via dei pellegrini: in Terrasanta nell'età di Costantino. Bologna, EDB, 2013, 132 p. (Sguardi). 198. VAGNON (Emmanuelle). Cartographie et représentations de l'Orient méditerranéen en Occident: du milieu du XIIIe à la fin du XVe siècle. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 453 p. (Terrarum orbis, 11). 199. VAN RUYMBEKE (Bertrand). L'Amérique avant les États-Unis. Une histoire de l'Amérique anglaise 1497–1776. Paris, Flammarion, 2013, 561 p. (Au fil de l'histoire). 200. Viaggi e viaggiatori nell'Ottocento: itinerari, obiettivi, scoperte. A cura di Marco SEVERINI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 462 p. 201. VIDART (Daniel). Cuando el Uruguay era sólo un río: testimonios de los cronistas y los viajeros (siglos


XVI al XVIII). Montevideo, Ediciones B, 2013, 365 p. (No ficción). 202. WROBEL (David M.). Global West, American frontier: travel, empire, and exceptionalism from manifest destiny to the Great Depression. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XV-312 p. (Calvin P. Horn lectures in Western history and culture). 203. ZABEL (Tobias). Nach Schottland also! Schottlandwahrnehmungen und Deutungen deutscher Reisender zwischen Romantik und Sachlichkeit von 1800-1870. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 445 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur europäischen Kulturgeschichte, 2). 204. ZEMAN (Mirna). Reise zu den "Illyriern": Kroatien-Stereotype in der deutschsprachigen Reiseliteratur und Statistik (1740-1809). München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 376 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 147). 205. ZWIERLEIN (Cornel). Entangled History, Vermischungen? Europäische Blicke auf Tunis und Algier in der Frühen Neuzeit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 3, p. 621-656. § 9. Addendum 2012. 206. AKIMOV (Jurij G.). Portugal'skie otkrytija v Severnoj Amerike na rubezhe XV–XVI vekov: ekspeditsii brat'ev Korte-Realov. (Portuguese discoveries in the North America at the end of 15th – early 16th centuries: Corte-Real brothers' voyages = Los descubrimientos del Portugal en América del Norte en la confluencia de los siglos XV–XVI. Expediciones de los hermanos Corte-Real). Latin America, 2012, 3, p. 77-87. Cf. nos 5272, 7147 § 10. Iconography and images. _______________________

207. BASILIO (Miriam M.). Visual propaganda, exhibitions, and the Spanish Civil War. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, XVI-304 p. 208. BECKER (Anne). 9/11 als Bildereignis. Zur visuellen Bewältigung des Anschlags. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 325 p. 209. BELTING (Hans). Faces. Eine Geschichte des Gesichts. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 343 p. 210. Bilder av Kristina. Drottning av Sverige, drottning i Rom. (Représentations de Christine. Reine de Suède, reine à Rome). Red.: Per SANDIN. Stockholm, Livrustkammaren, 2013, 309 p. (ill.). 211. Face (The) of the dead and the early Christian world. Ed. by Ivan FOLETTI. Roma, Viella a. Brno, Masaryk University, 2013, 192 p. (I libri di Viella. Arte· Studia artium medievalium Brunensia, 1). 212. KLEMM (Tanja). Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 323 p. 213. MOXEY (Keith). Visual time: the image in history. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, 207 p. (ill.).



214. PAUL (Gerhard). BilderMACHT. Studien zur Visual History des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 676 p. 215. Signs of power in Habsburg Spain and the New World. Ed. by Jason MAC CLOSKEY and Ignacio LÓPEZ ALEMANY. Lanham, Bucknell U. P., 2013, XXII-246 p. 216. Visualising China, 1845-1965: moving and still images in historical narratives. Ed. by Christian HENRIOT and Wen-hsin YEH. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 489 p. (ill., ports.). (China studies, 23).

217. YOICHI (Sato). Spazio urbano e sua immagine fotografica nella ricostruzione postbellica di Ginza (Tokyo, 1945). Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 140-141, 3-4, p. 183220. 218. SARAB'JANOV (Vladimir D.). Suzdal'skie Zolotye vrata: rekonstruktsija pervonachal'nogo ikonograficheskogo zamysla i vopros datirovki pamjatnika. Vizantijskij vremennik, 2012, 71 (96), p. 212-229. (5 f. ill.). Cf. nos 102-113, 801-816


§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 219-257. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 258-444. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 445496. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 497-529. – § 5. General history. 530-618. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 619-634. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 635-661. – § 8. Economic and social history. 662-725. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 726-800. – § 10. History of art. 801-816. – § 11. History of religions. 817-874. – § 12. History of philosophy. 875-890. – § 13. History of literature. 891-913. § 1. Archives, libraries and museums. ______________________

a. Archives 219. Archivführer zur ungarndeutschen Geschichte in den Komitatsarchiven Ungarns 1670–1950. Redaktion: Erzsébet APRÓ, Ágnes TÓTH. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 1094 p. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 44).

224. DE VIVO (Filippo), CLAVIER (Aurore). Cœur de l'État, lieu de tension. Le tournant archivistique vu de Venise (XVe–XVIIe siècle). Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 699728. 225. FRIEDRICH (Markus). Die Geburt des Archivs. Eine Wissensgeschichte. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 320 p.

220. Audioarchive. Tondokumente digitalisieren, erschließen und auswerten. Hrsg. v. Ruth-E. MOHRMANN. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2013, 155 p.

226. HAMPSHIRE (Edward). 'Apply the flame more searingly': the destruction and migration of the Archives of British colonial administration: a Southeast Asia case study. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 334-352.

221. BACIA (Jürgen), WENZEL (Cornelia). Bewegung bewahren. Freie Archive und die Geschichte von unten. Berlin, Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag KG, 2013, 266 p.

227. HENNING (Eckhart). Archivalien und Archivare Preußens. Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Mit einem Geleitwort v. Jürgen KLOOSTERHUIS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 280 p.

222. BARRETT (Michèle), STALLYBRASS (Peter). Printing, writing and a family archive: recording the First World War. History workshop, 2013, 75, p. 1-32.

228. HOCHEDLINGER (Michael). Österreichische Archivgeschichte. Vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Ende des Papierzeitalters. Wien, Böhlau u. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 522 p. (Historische Hilfswissenschaften).

223. Comment penser avec les archives sonores, visuelles et audiovisuelles? Quand les archives infléchissent la conceptualisation de l'objet d'étude. Sociétés & Représentations, 2013, 35, 1, p. 117-207. [POELS (Géraldine). De l'autre côté de l'écran: faire l'histoire des publics et de la réception télévisuelle. – TSIKOUNAS (Myriam). Comment travailler sur les archives de la télévision en France? – JOST (François). Qu'a changé l'accès aux archives de la télévision dans mes recherches? – MERVANT-ROUX (Marie-Madeleine). Peut-on entendre Sarah Bernhardt? Le piège des archives audio et le besoin de protocoles. – JOUTARD (Philippe), GRANET-ABISSET (Anne-Marie). Histoires de vie, histoire dans la vie. Philippe Joutard et l'histoire orale à la française. Entretiens des 4 octobre et 12 décembre 2012.]

229. Lieux de conservation des archives sonores, visuelles et audiovisuelles: quels périmètres pour ces archives? Sociétés & Représentations, 2013, 35, 1, p. 1558. [SABY (Frédéric). Approche historique du dépôt légal en France, p. 15-26 – PRADERVAND (Olivier), VALLOTTON (François). Le patrimoine audiovisuel en Suisse: genèse, ressources, reconfigurations, p. 27-39. – MOTA GOMES (Itania Maria). Les politiques publiques de conservation et d'accès aux collections télévisées au Brésil, p. 41-58] 230. MARCILLOUX (Patrice). Les ego-archives. Traces documentaires et recherche de soi. Rennes, Pur, 2013, 250 p.



231. MORE (Anna H.). Baroque sovereignty: Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora and the Creole archive of colonial Mexico. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 350 p. 232. NARSKY (Igor). Mémoire familiale et archives privées du XXe siècle soviétique. Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 429-460. 233. SCHENK (Dietmar). "Aufheben, was nicht vergessen werden darf". Archive vom alten Europa bis zur digitalen Welt. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 273 p. 234. SEARS (Laurie J.). Situated testimonies: dread and enchantment in an Indonesian literary archive. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XXV-318 p. 235. SECHI (Salvatore). Archivi e segreti di Stato. Nuova storia contemporanea, 2013, 17, 2, p. 117-134. b. Libraries 236. BARBIER (Frédéric). Histoire des bibliothèques. D'Alexandrie aux bibliothèques virtuelles. Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 304 p. (U). 237. Book (The): a global history. Ed. by Michael F. SUAREZ and Henry R. WOUDHUYSEN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-748 p. (Oxford companion to the book). 238. GEHREN (Miriam von). Die Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Weimar: zur Baugeschichte im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 391 p. 239. MOLINO (Paola). "Farsi spazio". Riflessioni sulla costruzione della biblioteca imperiale di Vienna alla fine del Cinquecento. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 117140. Cf. nos 43-54 c. Museums 240. Animals on display: the creaturely in museums, zoos, and natural history. Ed. by Liv Emma THORSEN, Karen A. RADER and Adam DODD. University Park: Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, 222 p. (Animalibus: Of Animals and Cultures, 3). 241. ARNOLD-DE SIMINE (Silke). Mediating memory in the museum. Trauma, empathy, nostalgia. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-239 p. 242. BARNETT (Teresa). Sacred relics: pieces of the past in nineteenth-century America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-250 p. 243. BERNSAU (Tanja). Die Besatzer als Kuratoren? Der Central Collecting Point Wiesbaden als Drehscheibe für einen Wiederaufbau der Museumslandschaft nach 1945. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, VIII-635 p. 244. BURNS (Andrea A.). From storefront to monument: tracing the public history of the Black Museum Movement. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, X-249 p. (Public history in historical perspective).

245. BYALA (Sara). A place that matters yet: John Gubbin's MuseumAfrica in the postcolonial world. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XI-329 p. 246. Does war belong in museums? The representation of violence in exhibitions. Ed. by Wolfgang MUCHITSCH. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 223 p. 247. GRIESSER-STERMSCHEG (Martina). Tabu Depot. Das Museumsdepot in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 174 p. 248. HOURCADE (Renaud). Un musée d'histoire face à la question raciale: l'International Slavery Museum de Liverpool. Genèses, 2013, 92 (3), p. 6-27. 249. MILLER (Ian Jared). The nature of the beasts: empire and exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XXVII-322 p. (Asia: Local Studies/Global Themes, 27). 250. Musées (Les) d'ethnologie. Culture, politique et changement institutionnel. Ed. par Camille MAZÉ, Frédéric POULARD et Christelle VENTURA. CharentonLe-Pont, Laboratoire d'anthropologie et d'histoire de l'institution de la culture, 2013, 295 p. 251. POHL (Karl Heinrich). Der kritische Museumsführer. Neun Historische Museen im Fokus. Schwalbach am Taunus, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2013, 271 p. 252. POST (Robert C.). Who owns America's past? The Smithsonian and the problem of history. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XXVI-370 p. 253. Sammeln, Erforschen, Zurückgeben? Menschliche Gebeine aus der Kolonialzeit in akademischen und musealen Sammlungen. Hrsg. v. Holger STOECKER, Thomas SCHNALKE und Andreas WINKELMANN. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 528 p. 254. SKOGH (Lisa). Material worlds. Queen Hedwig Eleonora as collector and patron of the arts. Stockholm, Center for the History of Science at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2013, 359 p. (ill.). (Bidrag till Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens historia, 44). 255. STEINKRÜGER (Jan-Erik). Thematisierte Welten. Über Darstellungspraxen in Zoologischen Gärten und Vergnügungsparks. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 348 p. 256. VAGT (Kristina). Politik durch die Blume. Gartenbauausstellungen in Hamburg und Erfurt im Kalten Krieg (1950–1974). München, Dölling und Galitz Verlag, 2013, 320 p. 257. WALKER (William S.). A living exhibition: the Smithsonian and the transformation of the universal museum. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, XI-291 p. (Public history in historical perspective). § 2. History of historiography. ______________________

* 258. Bollettino di storiografia. Anno 17. 2013. [Anno 16. 2012. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 212.] Dir. da Massimo

§ 2. History of historiography


MASTROGREGORI. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2013, 128 p.

Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, IX-509 p. (Brill's Companions to European History, 3).

259. APPELBAUM (Nancy P.). Reading the past on the mountainsides of Colombia: mid-nineteenth-century patriotic geology, archaeology, and historiography. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 3, p. 347376.

273. Construction (La) de l'étruscologie au début du XXe siècle. Actes des journées d'études internationales des 2 et 3 décembre 2013 (Amiens). Sous la dir. de Marie-Laurence HAACK, avec la coll. de Martin MILLER. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2015, 222 p. (Scripta Receptoria, 3).

260. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David), CHAPLIN (Joyce E.), MAC GRATH (Ann Kristin). AHR Conversation. How size matters: the question of scale in history. American historical review, 2013, 118, 5, p. 1431-1472.

274. COOTER (Roger), STEIN (Claudia). Writing history in the age of biomedicine. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-350 p.

261. BERNHARD (Roland). Geschichtsmythen über Hispanoamerika. Entdeckung, Eroberung und Kolonisierung in deutschen und österreichischen Schulbüchern des 21. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2013, 244 p. (Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe, 134). 262. Biografía. Métodos, metodologías y enfoques. Coord. Mílada BAZANT. México D.F., El Colegio Mexiquense, 2013, 324 p. 263. BLAIVE (Muriel). Hidden transcripts and microhistory as a comparative tool: two case studies in communist Czechoslovakia. East Central Europe, 2013, 40, 1-2, p. 74-96. 264. BOCK (Gisela). Women's History zwischen Amerika und Europa. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 259-278. 265. BONORA (Elena). La "censura inavvertita". Censura romana e opere di storia tra l'Italia e la Francia nel primo Seicento. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 41-75. 266. BOUM (Aomar). Memories of absence: how Muslims remember Jews in Morocco. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XVII-220 p. 267. BROUČEK (Stanislav). On reflection of the past in memory. Czechs in the Republic of South Africa. Journal of Ethnology (Národopisná revue), 2013, 23, 5, p. 19-30. 268. BUTLER (Kelly Jean). Witnessing Australian stories: history, testimony, and memory in contemporary culture. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2013, VII-294 p. 269. CHIARAMONTE (José Carlos). Usos políticos de la historia: lenguaje de clases y revisionismo histórico. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2013, 300 p. 270. CHRISTIANSEN (Erik). Channeling the past: politicizing history in postwar America. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XIV-302 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 271. Cluny après Cluny. Constructions, reconstructions et commémorations, 1790–2010. Sous la dir. de Didier MÉHU. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 404 p. (Histoire). 272. Companion (A) to Enlightenment historiography. Ed. by Sophie BOURGAULT and Robert SPARLING.

275. CORNELL (Tim J.). The Fragments of the Roman historians. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, [s. p.]. 276. COX (Pamela). The future uses of history. History workshop journal, 2013, 75, 1, p. 125-145. 277. CRONON (William). Storytelling. American historical review, 2013, 118, 1, p. 1-19. 278. DETERMANN (Jorg Matthias). Historiography in Saudi Arabia. Globalization and the state in the Middle East. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, 320 p. 279. DONALDSON (Peter). Remembering the South African War: Britain and the memory of the AngloBoer War, from 1899 to the present. Liverpool: Liverpool U. P., 2013, X-193 p. 280. ĎURKOVÁ (Mária). Historiografia v Historickom ústave SAV v rokoch 2011–2012. (Historiography in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2011–2012). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 551-568. 281. EM (Henry H.). The great enterprise. Sovereignty and historiography in modern Korea. Durham, NC, Duke U. P., 2013, XI, 265 p. 282. FIGARI (Arnaud). "Faire le quartier, faire l'histoire". Inscription au patrimoine mondial et passé dictatorial à Valparaiso. Genèses, 2013, 92 (3), p. 28-51. 283. FOGEL (Joshua A.). Japanese historiography and the Gold Seal of 57 C.E.: relic, text, object, fake. Boston, Brill, 2013, VIII-385 p. (Brill's Japanese studies library, 42). 284. Frühe Neuzeit (Die): Revisionen einer Epoche. Hrsg. v. Andreas HÖFELE, Jan-Dirk MÜLLER und Wulf OESTERREICHER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XX-450 p. (Pluralisierung & Autorität, 40). 285. GALLAS (Elisabeth). "Das Leichenhaus der Bücher". Kulturrestitution und jüdisches Geschichtsdenken nach 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 351 p. 286. GARDEY (Delphine). Comment écrire l'histoire des relations corps, genre, médecine au XXe siècle? Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 2013, 37, p. 143-162. 287. Gefallenengedenken im globalen Vergleich. Nationale Tradition, politische Legitimation und Individualisierung der Erinnerung. Hrsg. v. Manfred HETTLING und Jörg ECHTERNKAMP. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 540 p.



288. Gender history across epistemologies. Ed. by Donna R. GABACCIA and Mary Jo MAYNES. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 40 p. (ill.). (Gender and history). 289. Geschlecht und Geschichte in populären Medien. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth CHEAURÉ, Sylvia PALETSCHEK und Nina REUSCH. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 314 p. 290. GIBNEY (John). The shadow of a year: the 1641 rebellion in Irish history and memory. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XII-229 p. (History of Ireland and the Irish diaspora). 291. GIRGENTI (Giuseppe). Tempo e racconto nella storiografia antica. Bollettino di storiografia, 2013, 17, p. 15-26. 292. Graben für Germanien. Archäologie unterm Hakenkreuz. Hrsg. v. Focke-Museum unt. Mitarb. v. Sandra GERINGER, Frauke von DER HAAR, Uta HALLE [et. al.] Stuttgart, Theiss, 2013, 216 p. 293. GRETHLEIN (Jonas). Experience and teleology in ancient historiography: futures past from Herodotus to Augustine. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 431 p. 294. GUALDO (Riccardo). La scrittura storico-politica. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 297 p. (L'italiano: testi e generi. Itinerari. Filologia e critica letteraria). 295. GUTERL (Matthew Pratt). Comment: the futures of transnational history. American historical review, 2013, 118, 1, p. 130-139. 296. HANNIG (Alma), FERDINAND (Franz). Die Biografie. Wien, Amalthea Signum, 2013, 349 p. 297. HARDTWIG (Wolfgang). Deutsche Geschichtskultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München: Oldenbourg, 2013, 400 p. (ill) 298. HAUSEN (Karin). Geschlechtergeschichte als Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 394 p. 299. HENSCHEN (Jan). Die RAF-Erzählung. Eine mediale Historiographie des Terrorismus. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 273 p. 300. HIRIBARREN (Vincent). A European and African joint-venture: writing a seamless history of Borno (1902– 1960). History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 77-98. 301. Histoire contemporaine (L') à l'ère du numérique. Ed. par Frédéric CLAVERT et Serge NOIRET. Bruxelles, Peter Lang/Bern, 2013, 381 p. 302. Historias (Las) de España: visiones del pasado y construcción de identidad. Coordinación de José ÁLVAREZ JUNCO. Barcelona, Crítica, 2013, XXVII-914 p. (Historia de España, 12). 303. Historical imagination (The) in nineteenth-century Britain and the Low Countries. Ed. by Hugh DUNTHORNE and Mickaël WINTLE. Leyden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXI-268 p. 304. Historicités du 20e siècle. Coexistence et concurrence des temps. Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire,

2013, 117, 1, p. 13-250. [DELUERMOZ (Quentin). Les formes incertaines du temps. Une histoire des historicités est-elle possible ? – BANTIGNY (Ludivine). Historicités du 20e siècle. Quelques jalons sur une notion. ‒ Entre traditions et accélérations: les vacillements de la modernité: DUARA (Prasenjit). Histoire et concurrence des temps. Le cas de l'Asie orientale. – CHAPOUTOT (Johann). L'historicité nazie. Temps de la nature et abolition de l'histoire. – ABELES (Marc). Construction européenne, démocratie et historicité. – BOYER (Robert). Les crises financières comme conflit de temporalités. – HARTMUT (Rosa). Mouvement historique et histoire suspendue. Le rapport du changement social et de l'expérience de l'histoire. ‒ Temps et contretemps de la pensée: représenter l'historicité: LÖWY (Michael). Temps messianique et historicité révolutionnaire chez Walter Benjamin. – STORME (Tristan). Maintenir l'histoire en mouvement. Carl Schmitt, penseur de l'historicité moderne. – DOSSE (François). Le moment structuraliste ou Clio en exil. – DE BAECQUE (Antoine). Jean-Luc Godard et la critique des temps de l'histoire. ‒ Contestations des temps dominants? Crises et discontinuités: BEAUPRE (Nicolas). La guerre comme expérience du temps et le temps comme expérience de guerre. Hypothèses pour une histoire du rapport au temps des soldats français de la Grande Guerre. – ABRAVANEL (Nicole). L'historicité en milieu sépharade ou le primat de la spatialité. – BRANCHE (Raphaëlle). "Au temps de la France". Identités collectives et situation coloniale en Algérie. – BANTIGNY (Ludivine). Le temps politisé. Quelques enjeux politiques de la conscience historique en Mai-Juin 68. – BANTIGNY (Ludivine) [et al.] Entretien avec Christophe Charle. Autour de Discordance des temps: une brève histoire de la modernité. ‒ HARTOG (François). Conclusion.] 305. Historiographie des Humanismus: literarische Verfahren, soziale Praxis, geschichtliche Räume. Hrsg v. Johannes HELMRATH, Albert SCHIRRMEISTER, Stefan SCHLELEIN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 349 p. (Transformationen der Antike, 12). 306. History blogosphere. Bloggen in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Peter HABER und Eva PFANZELTER. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 201 p. 307. History by generations. Generational dynamics in modern history. Ed. by Hartmut BERGHOFF, Uffa JENSEN, Christina LUBINSKI and Bernd WEISBROD. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 299 p. (Göttinger Studien zur Generationsforschung, 11). 308. History in the digital age. Ed. by Toni WELLER. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, 212 p. 309. HOFMEYR (Isabel). African history and global studies: a view from South Africa. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 341-349. 310. HUDEK (Adam). Overcoming the old borders: beyond the paradigm of Slovak national history. Bratislava, Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2013, 214 p. 311. IBARRA (Ana Carolina). Cambios en la percepción y el sentido de la historia (Nueva España, 1816– 1820). Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 645-688.

§ 2. History of historiography 312. Intelligence studies in Britain and the US: historiography since 1945. Ed. by Christopher R. MORAN and Christopher J. MURPHY. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, XIX-316 p. 313. JANNEY (Caroline E.). Remembering the Civil War: reunion and the limits of reconciliation. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-451 p. (Littlefield history of the Civil War era). 314. JANSEN (Jan C.). Celebrating the "nation" in a colonial context: "Bastille Day" and the contested public space in Algeria, 1880–1939. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 1, p. 36-68. 315. JEANNENEY (Jean-Noël). La Grande Guerre si loin, si proche. Réflexions sur un centenaire. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2013, 162 p. 316. JENSEN (Mikkel Munthe). De lærdes identitet og fællesskab i den danske helstat. Fædrelandspatriotiske og transnationale selvforståelser i anden halvdel af det 18. århundrede. (Identität und Gemeinschaftsgefühl der Gelehrten im dänischen Gesamtstaat. Vaterlandspatriotisches und transnationales Selbstverständnis in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 1, p. 80-120. 317. JONES (Polly). Myth, memory, trauma: rethinking the Stalinist past in the Soviet Union, 1953–1970. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XII-362 p. (Eurasia past and present). 318. JOUTARD (Philippe). Histoire et mémoires, conflits et alliance. Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 341 p. 319. KOERFER (Daniel). Diplomatenjagd. Joschka Fischer, seine Unabhängige Historikerkommission und Das Amt. Potsdam, Strauss Edition, 2013, 544 p. 320. KOLLER (Christian). Glencoe 1692: Ein Massaker als komplexer Erinnerungsort. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 1, p. 1-28. 321. Kommunismusforschung und Erinnerungskulturen in Ostmittel- und Westeuropa. Hrsg. v. Volkhard KNIGGE. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 202 p. 322. KÖSTER (Manuel). Historisches Textverstehen. Rezeption und Identifikation in der multiethnischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, 303 p. 323. KOZLOV (Denis). The readers of Novyi Mir: coming to terms with the Stalinist past. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 431 p. 324. LAHUSEN (Christiane). Zukunft am Ende. Autobiographische Sinnstiftungen von DDR-Geisteswissenschaftlern nach 1989. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 323 p. 325. LANZA (Diego). Interrogare il passato. Lo studio dell'antico tra Otto e Novecento. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 256 p. (Frecce, 150) 326. LEROY (Béatrice). L' historien et son roi: essai sur les chroniques castillanes, XIVe‒XVe siècles. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2013, 116 p. (Essais de la Casa de Velázquez, 6)


327. LEVINE (Emily J.). The other Weimar: the Warburg Circle as Hamburg school. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 2, p. 307-330. 328. LI (Huaiyin). Reinventing modern China: imagination and authenticity in Chinese historical writing. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XII-338 p. 329. Lieux de mémoire au Luxembourg II: Jeux d'échelles. Erinnerungsorte in Luxemburg II: Perspektivenwechsel. Ed. par Sonja KMEC et Pit PÉPORTÉ. Luxembourg, Editions Saint-Paul, 2013, 280 p. 330. LINK (William A.). Atlanta, cradle of the new South: race and remembering in the Civil War's aftermath. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, 251 p. (Civil War America). 331. LOWE (David), JOEL (Tony). Remembering the Cold War. Global contest and national stories. London, Routledge, 2013, XX-260 p. 332. MACDONALD (Sharon). Memorylands. Heritage and identity in Europe today. London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, XIV-293 p. 333. MACHTAN (Lothar). Autobiografie als geschichtspolitische Waffe. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 4, p. 481-512. 334. MAGNÚSSON (Sigurður Gylfi). Gender: a useful category in the analysis of ego-documents? Memory, historical sources and microhistory. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 202-222. 335. Making women's histories: beyond national perspectives. Ed. by Pamela S. NADELL and Kate HAULMAN. New York, New York U. P., 2013, X-278 p. 336. MANEA (Nadia). Cronicarii, adevărul şi puterea. Istorie şi ideologie în cronistica moldovenească a secolului al XVII-lea. (Chroniclers, truth and power. History and ideology in the Moldavian chronicles of the 17th century). Bucureşti, Editura Oscar Print, 2013, 528 p. 337. MANIAS (Chris). Race, science, and the nation: reconstructing the ancient past in Britain, France and Germany. New York, Routledge, 2013, XIV-301 p. (Routledge studies in cultural history, 21). 338. MANNING (Patrick). African and world historiography. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 319330. 339. MARTINAT (Monica). Tra storia e fiction. Il racconto della realtà nel mondo contemporaneo. Milano, Et al. edizioni, 2013, 185 p. 340. Memorialkultur im Fußballsport. Medien, Rituale und Praktiken des Erinnerns, Gedenkens und Vergessens. Hrsg. v. Markwart HERZOG. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2013, 447 p. 341. Memory and commemoration in Medieval culture. Ed. by Elma BRENNER, Meredith COHEN and Mary FRANKLIN-BROWN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 354 p. (ill.). 342. Memory and postwar memorials. Confronting the violence of the past. Ed. by Marc SILBERMAN and



Florence VATAN. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVIII-252 p. 343. Memory and religious experience in the GrecoRoman world. Ed. by Nicola CUSUMANO, Valentino GASPARINI, Attilio MASTROCINQUE [et al.] Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 223 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 45). 344. MERLO (Grado G.). Qualche considerazione su "Storici e religione nel Novecento italiano". Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 185-206. 345. MEYEN (Michael). "Wir haben freier gelebt". Die DDR im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Deutschen. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 232 p. 346. MILLIGAN (Ian). Illusionary order: online databases, optical character recognition, and Canadian history, 1997–2010. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 4, p. 540-569. 347. Mittelalterbilder im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg v. Maike STEINKAMP und Bruno REUDENBACH. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 190 p. (ill.). (Hamburger Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte, 9). 348. MONINA (Giancarlo). Storia digitale. Il dibattito storiografico in Italia. Memoria e ricerca, 2013, 43, p. 185-203. 349. MORILLO (Stephen), PAVKOVIC (Michael F.). What is military history? Cambridge, Polity Press, 2013, 165 p. 350. MÜCKE (Pavel). Dole i niedole czeskiej oral history (1990–2012). (Czech oral history 's ups and downs, 1990–2012). Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 2013, 3, p. 131-160. 351. NEUFELD (Matthew). The Civil Wars after 1660: public remembering in late Stuart England. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2013, XIV-284 p. (Studies in early modern cultural, political and social history, 17). 352. NICHOLSON (Nigel). Cultural studies, oral tradition, and the promise of intertextuality. American journal of philology, 2013, 134, p. 9-21. 353. NIPPEL (Wilfried). Klio dichtet nicht. Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Althistorie. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 402 p. (Campus Historische Studien, 69). 354. NYFFENEGGER (Nicole). Authorising history: gestures of authorship in fourteenth-century English historiography. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, 218 p. (ill.) 355. O'HANLON (Rosalind). Performance in a world of paper: Puranic histories and social communication in early Modern India. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 87126. 356. OSMERS (Maria). "Wir aber sind damals und jetzt immer die gleichen". Vergangenheitsbezüge in der polisübergreifenden Kommunikation der klassischen Zeit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 407 p. (Historia – Einzelschriften, 226).

357. PAIRÓ MARTÍN (Ignacio). Historiadores en España. Historia de la historia y memoria de la profesión. Zaragoza, Prensas universitarias de Zaragoza, 2013, 404 p. (Ciencias sociales). 358. PÁNEK (Jaroslav). Historici mezi domovem a světem: studie – články – glosy – rozhovory = Historians from home and abroad: studies – articles – commentaries – interviews. Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice, 2013, 797 p. 359. PASAMAR ALZURIA (Gonzalo Vicente). El recuerdo de la guerra civil española durante la transición: los editores y las colecciones históricas y de memorias. Historia social, 2013, 77, p. 49-67. 360. Pensent les historiens (À quoi)? Dir. por Christophe GRANGER. Paris, Éditions Autrement, 2013, 317 p. (Faire de l'histoire au XXIe siècle). 361. PÉREZ (Louis A.). The structure of Cuban history: meanings and purpose of the past. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XV-336 p. 362. PÉREZ MONTFORT (Ricardo). Representación e historiografía en México 1930–1950. "Lo mexicano" ante la propia mirada y la extranjera. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1651-1694. 363. Philologie als Literatur und Rechtswissenschaft. Germanistik und Romanistik 1730–1870. Hrsg. v. Claudia LIEB und Christoph STROSETZKI. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013, 286 p. (Beihefte zum Euphorion, 67). 364. PLASSART (Anna). "Scientific whigs"? Scottish historians on the French Revolution. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 1, p. 93-114. 365. Politics (The) of memory in Chile: from Pinochet to Bachelet. Ed. by Cath COLLINS, Katherine HITE and Alfredo JOIGNANT. Boulder a. London, First Forum Press, 2013, XIX-279 p. 366. Public history reader (The). Ed. by Hilda KEAN and Paul MARTIN. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, 348 p. 367. Remembering and rethinking the GDR: multiple perspectives and plural authenticities. Ed. by Anna SAUNDERS and Debbie PINFOLD. Hampshire a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 253 p. 368. RODRÍGUEZ HORRILLO (Miguel Ángel). Nacimiento y consolidación de la historiografía griega. Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2013, 495 p. (Monografías de filología griega, 22) 369. SAUNIER (Pierre-Yves). Transnational history. Houndmills, Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 193 p. 370. SPENCE (John). Reimagining history in AngloNorman prose chronicles. York, York Medieval P., 2013, 222 p. 371. STEINBOCK (Bernd). Social memory in Athenian public discourse. Uses and meanings of the past. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, XII-411 p.

§ 2. History of historiography 372. Storiografia ed erudizione storica in Valdelsa fra medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Francesco SALVESTRINI. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, 328 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea storica della Valdelsa, 119). 373. Storiografia italiana (recensioni), a cura di Ilaria PORCIANI e Gianpasquale SANTOMASSIMO. Passato e presente, 2013, 90, p. 153-167. [PORCIANI (Ilaria). Recensione di SCARCELLA (Emilia), Storici e storie tra Ottocento e Novecento, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2010, p. 155-156 – SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale). Recensione di CHIANTERA-STUTTE (Patricia). Delio Cantimori. Un intellettuale del Novecento, p. 159-160. – MORETTI (Mauro). Recensione di SASSO (Gennaro). Storiografia e decadenza, Roma, Viella, 2012, p. 160-162.] 374. Storytelling, history, and the postmodern South. Ed by Jason PHILLIPS. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, 240 p. 375. ŠUBRT (Jiří), VINOPAL (Jiří), VÁVRA (Martin). The Czechs and their view of history. European Societies, 2013, 15, 5, p. 729-752. 376. SWENSON (Astrid). The rise of heritage. Preserving the past in France, Germany and England, 1789–1946. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 432 p. (New studies in European history). 377. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro). Dimensioni della storiografia contemporanea. Vol. 1. Nel secolo della storia. Napoli, Giannini, 2013, 419 p. 378. TENDLER (Joseph). Opponents of the Annales School. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-266 p. (Studies in modern history). 379. THAPAR (Romila). The past before us: historical traditions of early North India. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XVII-758 p. 380. Theoretical discussions of biography. Approaches from history, microhistory, and life writing. Ed. by Hans RENDERS and Binne DE HAAN. Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XI.-433 p. 381. TOWNSEND (Robert B.). History's babel: scholarship, professionalization, and the historical enterprise in the United States, 1880–1940. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIII-258 p. 382. Transnational challenges to national history writing. Ed. by Matthias MIDDELL and Lluis ROURA. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 533 p. (Writing the nation: national historiographies and the making of nation states in 19th and 20th century Europe). 383. Transnationalism and contemporary global history. Ed. by Matthew HILTON and Rana MILLER. Past and present. Supplement, 2013. 384. Unterdrückten eine Stimme geben (Den)? Die International Oral History Association zwischen politischer Bewegung und wissenschaftlichem Netzwerk. Mit einem Nachwort von Lutz Niethammer. Hrsg. v. Annette LEO und Franka MAUBACH. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 378 p.


385. URBANSKI (Charity). Writing history for the king: Henry II and the politics of vernacular historiography. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XI-252 p. 386. VENAYRE (Sylvain). Les origines de la France. Quand les historiens racontaient la nation. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 422 p. 387. Vie (La) des autres. Histoire, prosopographie, biographie dans l'Empire romain. Sous la dir. de Stéphane BENOIST et Christine HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE. Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 383 p. 388. WIEVIORKA (Olivier). La mémoire désunie: le souvenir politique des années sombres, de la Libération à nos jours. Paris, Points, 2013, 303 p. (Points. Histoire) 389. WILSON (Christopher P.). Beyond Anıtkabir. The funerary architecture of Atatürk. The construction and maintenance of national memory. London, Ashgate, 2013, 149 p. 390. WOLLER (Hans), ZARUSKY (Jürgen). Der "Fall Theodor Eschenburg" und das Institut für Zeitgeschichte [Diskussion]. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 4, p. 551-566. 391. WOOD (Andy). The memory of the people: custom and popular senses of the past in early Modern England. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 396 p. 392. WOOD (Philip). The Chronicle of Seert: christian historical imagination in late Antique Iraq. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-305 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 393. Writing history at the Ottoman court: editing the past, fashioning the future. Ed. by H. Erdem CIPA and Emine FETVACI. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, 200 p. 394. Writing imperial histories. Ed. by Andrew THOMPSON. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 293 p. (ill.). (Studies in imperialism). 395. Writing political history today. Ed. by Willibald STEINMETZ, Ingrid GILCHER-HOLTEY and Heinz-Gerhard HAUPT. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 413 p. (History of political communication, 21). 396. Writing the history of the global: challenges for the 21st century. Ed. by Maxine BERG. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 214 p. (ill.). 397. ZERMEÑO (Guillermo). La historiografía en México: un balance (1940–2010). Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1695-1742. 398. ZIMMERMAN (Andrew). Africa in imperial and transnational history: multi-sited historiography and the necessity of theory. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 331-340. a. Addenda 2012. 399. KOVALEV (Mikhail V.). Russkie istoriki-emigranty v Prage (1920-1940 god). (Russian historians– emigrants in Prague). Saratov, Izd-vo Saratov. gos. tekh.



un-ta, 2012, 407 p. (bibl. p. 330-375; pers. ind. p. 376406). 400. LAPTEVA (Ljudmila P.). Istorija slavjanovedenija v Rossii v kontse XIX – pervoj treti XX veka. (The history of Slavic studies in Russia, the end of 19th – early 20th centuries). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 840 p. 401. TIKHONOV (Vitalij V.). Moskovskaja istoricheskaja shkola v pervoj polovine XX veka: nauchnoe tvorchestvo Ju. V. Got'e, S. B. Veselovskogo, A. I. Jakovleva i S. V. Bakhrushina. (Moscow historical school in the first half of 20th century: The scholarly inheritance of Jurij V. Got'e, Stepan B. Veselovskij, Aleksej I. Jakovlev, Sergej V. Bakhrushin). Moskva, Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istorija, 2012, 328 p. Cf. nos 1806, 1919, 2471, 3949, 4440, 5158 b. Special studies 402. BRAUDEL (Fernand). Geschichte als Schlüssel zur Welt. Vorlesungen in deutscher Kriegsgefangenschaft 1941. Aus dem Französischen von Peter SCHÖTTLER und Jochen GRUBE, herausgegeben von Peter Schöttler. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2013, 227 p. 403. MARCONE (Arnaldo). Charles de Brosses studioso di Sallustio. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 475-496. 404. CANTIMORI (Delio), MANACORDA (Gastone). Amici per la storia: lettere, 1942-1966. A cura di Albertina VITTORIA. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 526 p. (Annali Fondazione Gramsci, 18). 405. KLEIMAN (Irit Ruth). Philippe de Commynes: memory, betrayal, text. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, 296 p. 406. DE GIORGI (Fulvio). La Controriforma come totalitarismo: nota su Croce storico. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 173 p. (Il pellicano rosso, 181). 407. SEGATORI (Samanta). Giuseppe De Luca. Dopo cinquant'anni (1962‒2012). Pisa e Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, 2013, 108 p. (Nuovi saggi). 408. MUSTI (Domenico). Gaetano De Sanctis tra biografia e studi. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 398-435. 409. WILLIAMS (Susan Reynolds). Alice Morse Earle and the domestic history of Early America. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, XVI-315 p. (Public history in historical perspective). 410. Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer (1790–1861). Der Gelehrte und seine Aktualität im 21. Jahrhundert. Konferenz der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Kommission für interdisziplinäre Südosteuropaforschung der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (München, 6. Juni 2011). Hrsg. v. Claudia MÄRTL und Peter SCHREINER. München, Beck, 2013, 169 p. (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, NF., H. 139). 411. Moses Finley and politics. Ed. by William V. HARRIS. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, X155 p.

412. Foucault historien? Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2013, 60, 4-5, p. 7-161. [BEHRENT (Michael C.). Penser le XXe siècle avec Michel Foucault, p. 7-28; NAPOLI (Paolo). Foucault et l'histoire des normativités, p. 29-48; PALTRINIERI (Luca). Biopouvoir, les sources historiennes d'une fiction politique, p. 4975; TOPÇU (Sezin). Technosciences, pouvoirs et résistances: une approche par la gouvernementalité, p. 76-96; BERLIVET (Luc). Les ressorts de la "biopolitique": "dispositifs de sécurité" et processus de "subjectivation" au prisme de l'histoire de la santé, p. 97-121; FRESSOZ (Jean-Baptiste). Biopouvoir et désinhibitions modernes: la fabrication du consentement technologique au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXesiècles, p. 122-138; DENIS (Vincent). L'histoire de la police après Foucault. Un parcours historien, p. 139-155; ARTIÈRES (Philippe). Un historien foucaldien, p. 156-161.] 413. Kreuzburg (Von) nach München. Horst Fuhrmann – Lebensstationen eines Historikers. Hrsg. v. Martina HARTMANN und Claudia MÄRTL. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 157 p. 414. PROCHASSON (Christophe). François Furet. Les chemins de la mélancolie. Paris, Stock, 2013, 558 p. 415. MARTINO (Floriano). Due inediti di Eugenio Garin. Rivista di storia della filosofia, 2013, 2, p. 357380. 416. TARANTINO (Giovanni). Republicanism, Sinophilia, and historical writing: Thomas Gordon (c.16911750) and his 'History of England'. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 626 p. (Early English research, 4). 417. Pekka Hämäläinen's The Comanche Empire [Book Forum]. Intr. by Brian GRATTON. History & theory, 2013, 52, 1, p. 49-90. [Contents: GRATTON (Brian). Introduction. – REID (Josh). Indigenous power in The Comanche Empire. – JACOBY (Karl). Indigenous empires and native nations: beyond history and ethnohistory in Pekka Hämäläinen's The Comanche Empire. – TUTINO (John). Globalizing The Comanche Empire. – ST. JOHN (Rachel). Imperial spaces in Pekka Hämäläinen's The Comanche Empire. – HÄMÄLÄINEN (Pekka). What's in a concept? The kinetic empire of the Comanches]. 418. NEUHAUS (Helmut). Karl Hegels Gedenkbuch. Lebenschronik eines Gelehrten des 19. Jahrhunderts. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 414 p. 419. BRANSCOME (David). Textual rivals: self-presentation in Herodotus' Histories. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, 262 p.– BREHM (Johannes). Generationenbeziehungen in den Historien Herodot. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, XIV- 285 p. – Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit. Ed. par Jean ALAUX. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 206 p. [Cf. nos 419, 1487, 1508, 1527, 1528, 1559, 1560, 1586.] – Herodots Quellen – Die Quellen Herodots. Hrsg. v. Boris DUNSCH und Kai RUFFING. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, VII351 p. – Herodotus and the narrative of the past. Ed. by Rosaria VIGNOLO MUNSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 495 p. (Oxford readings in classical studies). – PAYEN

§ 2. History of historiography (Pascal). Hérodote et Lévi-Strauss. Questions d'ethnographie. In: Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit [cf. n° 419], p. 179-196. 420. KOCKA (Jürgen). Eric J. Hobsbawm (1917– 2012). International review of social history, 2013, 58, 1, p. 1-8. – FOSTER (Roy). Eric Hobsbawm. Past and present, 2013, 218, 1, p. 3-15. 421. ROMANO (Antonella). La prima storia della Cina. Juan Gonzales de Mendoza fra l'Impero spagnolo e Roma. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 89-116. 422. SALANITRO (Giovanni). Concetto Marchesi filologo. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 203-206. 423. TURCUŞ (Şerban). Istoricul Constantin Marinescu despre Universitatea din Cluj (politică de cadre, atmosferă, programe de studiu). (Historian Constantin Marinescu about the University of Cluj. Staff policy, state of mind, curricula). In: Politici culturale şi modele intelectuale in România. Editori Lucian NASTASĂ și Dragoș SDROBIȘ. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2013, p. 228-250. 424. MUSCOLINO (Francesco). Michele Amari e Theodor Mommsen. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 683-692. – Theodor Mommsen und die Bedeutung des Römischen Rechts. Hrsg. v. Iole FARGNOLI und Stefan REBENICH. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 184 p. 425. SERNERI (Simone Neri). Guerra, moralità e Resistenza. Rileggendo Claudio Pavone vent'anni dopo. Interventi di Simone Neri Serneri, Laurent Douzou, Alessandro Casellato, Luca Baldissara, Dianella Gagliani. Contemporanea, 2013, 1, p. 111-144. 426. MILTSIOS (Nikos). The shaping of narrative in Polybius. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 173 p. (Trends in classics, 23). – Polybios und seine Historien. Hrsg. v. Volker GRIEB und Clemens KOEHN. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 359 p. – Polybius and his world: essays in memory of F.W. Walbank. Ed by Bruce GIBSON and Thomas HARRISON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 416 p. (ill.). 427. MEIER (Christian). Hans Schaefer und sein Seminar. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 211-231. 428. NONN (Christoph). Theodor Schieder. Ein bürgerlicher Historiker im 20. Jahrhundert. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2013, 454 p. 429. James C. Scott: miradas desde la historia [Dossier]. Coord. por Ana CABANA IGLESIA y Miguel CABO VILLAVERDE. Historia social, 2013, 77, p. 69-174. [Contenido: CABANA IGLESIA (Ana), CABO VILLAVERDE (Miguel). James C. Scott y el estudio de los dominados: su aplicación a la historia contemporánea. – BASCUÑÁN AÑOVER (Oscar). ¿Resistencia campesina o delincuencia? Los ilegalismos en los Montes de la Sierra de Cuenca. – JONES (Elizabeth B.). "¿Un gran plan de mejora?": la colonización interna en el imperio alemán. – VIOLA (Lynne). Muzhiks y babas. Confrontaciones con el poder soviético en el torbellino de la colectivización. – RODRÍGUEZ BARREIRA (Oscar J.). Cambalaches: hambre,


moralidad popular y mercados negros de guerra y postguerra.] 430. SCHRÖDER (Wilt Aden). Die Göttinger Promotion Bruno Snells im Jahre 1922 und Snells Verhältnis zu Wilamowitz. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 78, p. 171-194. 431. GOLDMAN (Lawrence). The life of R. H. Tawney: socialism and history. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, XIV-411 p. 432. TAYLOR (C.J.). Continuing education: my life as a historian. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 1, p. 113-138. 433. CORCELLA (Aldo). L'opera storica di Teopompo e le realtà librarie del IV secolo a.C. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 69-118. 434. E.P. Thompson and English radicalism. Ed. by Roger FIELDHOUSE and Richard K. S. TAYLOR. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XIV-258 p 435. MEISTER (Klaus). Thukydides als Vorbild der Historiker: von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2013, 278 p. – Thucydides between history and literature. Ed. by Antonis TSAKMAKIS, Melina TAMIOLAKI. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2013, XVI-532 p. (Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 17). [Cf. nos 1421, 1467, 1468, 1483, 1495, 1503, 1507, 1525, 1536, 1544, 1551, 1558, 1560, 1561, 1562, 1564, 1568, 1573, 1583, 1586, 1589, 1594, 1605.] – VINEL (Jean-Christian). Christopher Tomlins' The State and the Unions today: what the critical synthesis can teach us now that the unions have gone. Labour history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 177-192. 436. GERHARDS (Thomas). Heinrich von Treitschke. Wirkung und Wahrnehmung eines Historikers im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 514 p. 437. BANDELLI (Gino). Piero Treves, alcuni storici antichi e la cultura dell'Otto-Novecento. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 175-184. 438. Jean-Pierre Vernant dedans dehors. Sous la dir. de Maurice OLENDER et François VITRANI. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 211 p. 439. Dalla rivolta anti-spagnola a un sogno di libertà. Forum. Studi storici, 2013, 54, 2, p. 267-322. [MARINO (John A.). Naples in the History of Europe: Rosario Villari and "Un sogno di libertà". – MUTO (Giovanni). Dalla rivolta al sogno: riscritture e riletture dell'opera di Villari. – RAO (Anna Maria). Villari e la storia delle rivolte.] 440. HARLOE (Katherine). Winckelmann and the Invention of Antiquity. History and Aesthetics in the Age of Altertumswissenschaft. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXVI-275 p. (Classical Presences). 441. KEMPTER (Klaus). Joseph Wulf. Ein Historikerschicksal in Deutschland. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 422 p. (Schriften des Simon-DubnowInstituts, 18). 442. Dossier: Natalie Zemon Davis. Pres. por Mary NASH. Historia social, 2013, 75, p. 63-179. [Contenido:



NASH (Mary). Dossier: Natalie Zemon Davis: presentación. – NASH (Mary). La emoción del diálogo con la gente del pasado. Una conversación con Natalie Zemon Davis. – DE LA PASCUA SÁNCHEZ (María José). Natalie Z. Davis o la historia de las mujeres desde una historia social renovada. – AMELANG (James S.). Fama y reserva: Natalie Z. Davis y la autobiografía. – PONS (Anaclet), SERNA ALONSO (Justo). La obra de Natalie Zemon Davis. Sobre la recepción española. – ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie). Las lenguas criollas y sus usos: la colonia de Surinam como ejemplo. – ZEMON (DAVIS Natalie). Descentralizando la historia: relatos locales y cruces culturales en un mundo globalizado.] b. Addenda 2010–2012. 443. GONZÁLEZ HERNÁNDEZ (María Jesús). Raymond Carr: la curiosidad del zorro: una biografía. Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, Círculo de lectores, 2010, 679 p. (Serie biografías, memorias y testimonio). 444. DURNOVTSEV (Valerij I.), TIKHONOV (Vitalij V.). Zhizn' i trudy istorika B. I. Syromjatnikova. (Life and works of historian Boris I. Syromjatnikov). Moskva, Canon + ROII "Reabilitation", 2012, 480 p. (portr.; suppl. p. 75-471; list of works of Boris I. Syromjatnikov p .472-478; bibl, incl.). Cf. no 2467 § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. _______________________

445. AHLSKOG (Jonas). Psykoanalysen som metod inom historieforskningen: Joan W. Scott och tanken om en psykoanalytisk läsningspraktik. (Psychoanalysis as a method in historical research: Joan W. Scott and the idea of a psychoanalytic reading practice). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 3, p. 355-382. 446. ANKERSMIT (Frank). History as the science of the individual. Journal of the philosophy of history, 2013, 3, 7, p. 396-425. – IDEM. Representation as a cognitive instrument. History & theory, 2013, 52, 2, p. 171193. 447. ASSMANN (Aleida). Das neue Unbehagen an der Erinnerungskultur. Eine Intervention. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 231 p. 448. BAGERIUS (Henric), NILSSON (Ulrika Lagerlöf), LUNDQVIST (Pia). Skönlitteraturen i historievetenskapen – några metodologiska reflektioner. (Methodological reflections on fiction in historical research). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 3, p. 384-410. 449. BEVERNAGE (Berber). History memory and state sponsored violence: time and justice. London, Routledge, 2013, XII-250 p. 450. BONDÌ (Davide). Filosofia e storiografia. Il dibattito anglo-americano sulla svolta linguistica. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2013, 223 p. – IDEM. La svolta linguistica nella filosofia della storia. Louis O. Mink e Hayden White. Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, 2013, 3, p. 131-157. – IDEM. La teoria della storia. Pasquale

Villari e Antonio Labriola. Milano, Unicopli, 2013, 191 p. IDEM. Prova, retorica e trauma. La filosofia della storia dopo il "Linguistic Turn". Intersezioni. Rivista di storia delle idee, 2013, 3, p. 425-442. 451. Bourdieu and historical analysis. Ed. by Philip S. GORSKI. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, 422 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 452. BREITENSTEIN (Peggy H.). Die Befreiung der Geschichte. Geschichtsphilosophie als Gesellschaftskritik nach Adorno und Foucault. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 325 p. 453. CHAPMAN (James). Film and history. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 192 p. (Theory and history) 454. CHARLE (Christophe). Homo historicus: réflexions sur l'histoire, les historiens et les sciences sociales. Paris, Colin, 2013, 319 p. (Le temps des idées). 455. CHRISTIN (Olivier). Historia de los conceptos, semántica histórica y sociología crítica de los usos léxicos en las ciencias sociales: cuestionamiento de los inconscientes académicos nacionales. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 803-836. 456. DESPRET (Vinciane). From secret agents to interagency. History & theory, 2013, 52, 4, p. 29-44. 457. Emotionen, Geschichte und historisches Lernen. Geschichtsdidaktische und geschichtskulturelle Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Juliane BRAUER und Martin LÜCKE. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 305 p. 458. Ends of history (The): questioning the stakes of historical reason. Ed. by Amy SWIFFEN and Joshua NICHOLS. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, 222 p. (ill.). (Glass House book). 459. ERNST (Wolfgang). Signale aus der Vergangenheit: eine kleine Geschichtskritik. Munich, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 211 p. 460. FAVUZZI (Pellegrino). Scienza della storia e arte della storiografia. Ernst Kantorowicz teorico della conoscenza storica. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 151-174. 461. FOGU (Claudio). Fascismo e stilizzazione del tempo. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 123-138. 462. GABRIEL (Gottfried). Fakten oder Fiktionen? Zum Erkenntniswert der Geschichte. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 1, p. 1-26. 463. GONZÁLEZ CALLEJA (Eduardo). Memoria e historia. Vademécum de conceptos y debates fundamentales. Madrid, Cataratta, 2013, 207 p. 464. HARTOG (François). Croire en l'Histoire. Paris, Flammarion, 2013, 309 p. (ill.). – IDEM. La chambre de veille. Entretiens avec Felipe BRANDI et Thomas HIRSCH. Paris, Flammarion, 2013, 217 p. 465. JENSEN (Anthony K.). Nietzsche's philosophy of history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 237 p.

§ 3. Addenda 2012 466. JOHNSON (Peter). Collingwood's The idea of history: a reader's guide. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XXII-175 p. (Reader's guides). 467. KANG (Taran). Origin and essence: the problem of history in Hannah Arendt. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 1, p. 139-160. 468. KLÜNERS (Martin). Geschichtsphilosophie und Psychoanalyse. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 352 p. 469. Können wir der Geschichte entkommen? Geschichtsphilosophie am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Christian SCHMIDT. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 324 p. 470. LACAPRA (Dominick). History, literature, critical theory. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, 237 p. 471. LOMBARDI (Marco). L'arte del racconto tra epica, eloquenza e discorso storico. Novità nella continuità. Athenaeum. Studi di letteratura e storia dell'antichità, 2013, 101, 2, p. 423-462.


Problem. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 2, p. 297319. 483. RAU (Susanne). Räume, Konzepte, Wahrnehmungen, Nutzungen. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 237 p. (Historische Einführungen, 14). 484. REDFIELD (James Adam). Towards a history of presence: Husserl's Intersubjectivity and Rouch's Montage. Journal of the philosophy of history, 2013, 1, 7, p. 1–31. 485. RITZ (Hauke). Der Kampf um die Deutung der Neuzeit: die geschichtsphilosophische Diskussion in Deutschland vom Ersten Weltkrieg bis zum Mauerfall. München, Fink, 2013, 373 p. 486. ROBERTS (David D.). Herman Paul, Hayden White, Benedetto Croce, and the varieties of intellectual history. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 111-118.

472. MAGGI (Michele). La filosofia-storia di Benedetto Croce. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 83-92.

487. ROHBECK (Johannes). Zukunft der Geschichte. Geschichtsphilosophie und Zukunftsethik. Berlin, Akademie, 2013, 202 p. (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 31).

473. MAGNÚSSON (Sigurður Gylfi), SZIJÁRTO (István M.). What is microhistory? Theory and practice. London, Routledge, 2013, VII-181 p.

488. RUEHL (Martin A.). Das Allgemeine und sein Bild. Zur Geschichtsphilosophie Jacob Burckhardts. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 1, p. 49-83.

474. MAURER (Kathrin). Visualizing the past: the power of the image in German historicism. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, 250 p. (ill.).

489. RÜSEN (Jörn). Historik: Theorie der Geschichtswissenschaft. Böhlau-Verlag GmbH, 2013, 322 p.

475. Memory and history: understanding memory as source and subject. Ed. by Joan TUMBLETY. London, Routledge, 2013, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, 224 (The Routledge guides to using historical sources).

490. SAGE handbook (The) of historical theory. Ed. by Nancy PARTNER and Sarah FOOT. Los Angeles, SAGE, 2013, XV-527 p. 491. SCHLOßBERGER (Matthias). Geschichtsphilosophie. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 269 p.

476. PANDEL (Hans-Jürgen). Geschichtsdidaktik. Eine Theorie für die Praxis. Schwalbach im Taunus, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2013, 478 p.

492. VERSTEGEN (Ian). A realist theory of art history. London, Routledge, 2013, XIX-168 p. (Ontological explorations).

477. PAUL (Herman). Figure and fulfillment: how Hayden White reads Erich Auerbach. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 93-110.

493. WHITE (Hayden). Comment on the Paul-Roberts exchange. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 119-122.

478. PERIVOLAROPOULOU (Nia). Siegfried Kracauer, le temps et l'histoire. Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia, 2013, 17, p. 139-154.

494. Zwischen Sprache und Geschichte. Zum Werk Reinhart Kosellecks. Hrsg. v. Carsten DUTT und Reinhard LAUBE. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 296 p.

479. PETERS (Rik). History as thought and action. The philosophies of Croce, Gentile, De Ruggiero and Collingwood. Laudari, Imprint Academic, 2013, 250 p. (British idealist studies). 480. PHILLIPS (Mark Salber). On historical distance. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2013, XVII-293 p. (Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history). 481. Philosophy of history after Hayden White. Ed. by Robert DORAN. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 256 p. (Bloomsbury studies in American philosophy). 482. POHLIG (Matthias). Vom Besonderen zum Allgemeinen? Die Fallstudie als geschichtstheoretisches

§ 3. Addenda 2012. 495. RAKHSHMIR (Pavel Ju.). Intellektual'naja zaschita bunta protiv intellektualov. (Intellectual defense of a rebellion against intellectuals). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 38, 2012, p. 129-141. 496. SAVEL'EVA (Irina M.). Istoricheskie issledovanija v XXI veke: teoreticheskij frontir. (Historical studies in the 21st century: theoretical frontier). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of



General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 2012, 38, p. 25-53.

Dokumenten des mittelalterlichen Ungarn). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 421-436.

Cf. nos 5, 5424, 5722

510. MAC CLIVE (Cathy). Engendrer le tabou. L'interprétation du Lévitique 15, 18-19 et 20-18 et de la menstruation sous l'Ancien Régime. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 165-210.

§ 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. _______________________

497. Ancient ethnography. Ed. by Eran ALMAGOR and Joseph SKINNER. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 279 p. (New Approaches). 498. BRADEMANN (Jan). Mit den Toten und für die Toten. Zur Konfessionalisierung der Sepulkralkultur im Münsterland (16. bis 18. Jahrhundert). Münster, Rhema, 2013, 559 p. (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme, 43). 499. CONKLIN (Alice L.). In the museum of man: race, anthropology, and empire in France, 1850–1950. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-374 p. 500. DÉSVEAUX (Emmanuel). Avant le genre. Triptyque d'anthropologie hardcore. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS, 2013, 292 p. 501. DRACE-FRANCIS (Alex). The traditions of invention: Romanian ethnic and social stereotypes in historical context. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 310 p. 502. GEISTHÖVEL (Alexa). Intelligenz und Rasse: Franz Boas' psychologischer Antirassismus zwischen Amerika und Deutschland, 1920–1942. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 325 p. 503. HIRSCH (Thomas). Un "Flammarion" pour l'anthropologie ? Lévy-Bruhl, le terrain, l'ethnologie. Genèses, 2013, 90 (1), p. 105-132. 504. Introduction (An) to Scottish ethnology. Ed. by Alexander FENTON and Margaret A. MACKAY. Edinburgh, John Donald a. European Ethnological Research Centre, 2013, XVI-592 p. (Scottish life and society: a compendium of Scottish ethnology, 1). 505. KLAASSEN (Frank). The transformations of magic: illicit learned magic in the later Middle Ages and Renaissance. University Park: Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, X-280 p. (Magic in history). 506. KOUNINE (Laura). The gendering of witchcraft: defence strategies of men and women in German witchcraft trials. German history, 2013, 31, 3, p. 295-317. 507. KRASBERG (Ulrike). "Hab ich vergessen, ich hab nämlich Alzheimer!" Beobachtungen einer Ethnologin in Demenzwohngruppen. Bern, Verlag Hans Huber, 2013, 291 p. 508. LOIMEIER (Roman). Muslim societies in Africa: a historical anthropology. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XV-358 p. 509. LYSÝ (Miroslav). "Cuiuscumque nationis homines, Saxones videlicet, Hungarii, Sclaui seu alii." Odraz etnicity v normách a úradných dokumentov stredovekého Uhorska. ("Cuiuscumque nationis homines, Saxones videlicet, Hungarii, Sclaui seu alii." Wiederspielung der Ethnizität in den Normen und amtlichen

511. MANDLER (Peter). Return from the natives: how Margaret Mead won the Second World War and lost the Cold War. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XV-366 p. 512. Mellan nation och tradition: idéströmningar i 1800-talets insamlingar av folklore. Föredrag från ett symposium i Visby 27–28 september 2011. (Entre nation et tradition: les courants d'idées dans les collections folkloristiques au 19e siècle. Communications au colloque de Visby les 27–28 septembre 2011). Red.: Ulf PALMENFELT. Uppsala, Kungl. Gustav Adolfs akademien för svensk folkkultur, 2013, 153 p. (ill.). (Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi, 124). 513. Oxford handbook (The) of witchcraft in early Modern Europe and colonial America. Ed. by Brian P. LEVACK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-630 p. 514. PARREIRA (Adriano). Dicionário de etnologia angolana. Porto Luanda, Plural, 2013, 712 p. 515. PAVLICOVÁ (Martina), UHLÍKOVÁ (Lucie). Folklore movement and its function in the totalitarian society (on an example of the Czech Republic in the 2nd half of the 20th century). Journal of Ethnology (Národopisná revue), 2013, 23, 5, p. 31-42. 516. POP-CURŞEU (Ioan). Magie şi vrăjitorie în cultura română. Istorie, literatură, mentalităţi. (Magic and witchcraft in Romanian culture. History, literature, mentalities). Bucureşti; Iaşi, Cartea Românească; Editura Polirom, 2013, 511 p. 517. RAHIER (Jean Muteba). Kings for three days: the play of race and gender in an Afro-Ecuadorian festival. Champaign, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XII-197 p. 518. Ritual und Ritualdynamik. Schlüsselbegriffe, Theorien, Diskussionen. Hrsg. v. Christiane BROSIUS, Axel MICHAELS und Paula SCHRODE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 240 p. 519. ROBCIS (Camille). The law of kinship: anthropology, psychoanalysis, and the family in France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVI-301 p. 520. Scottish witches and witch-hunters. Ed. by Julian GOODARE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 258 p. 521. Verkehrte Welten? Forschungen zum Motiv der rituellen Inversion. Hrsg. v. Dominik FUGGER. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 339 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte [Neue Folge], 60). 522. WILLUMSEN (Liv Helene). Children accused of witchcraft in 17th-century Finnmark. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 18-41.

§ 5. General history 523. WIMMER (Andreas). Ethnic boundary making: institutions, power, networks. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, vii-293 p. äääääZeile3 524. WOODARD (Roger D.). Myth, ritual, and the warrior in Roman and Indo-European antiquity. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-289 p. § 4. Addenda 2012. 525. BEREZKIN (Jurij E.). Mifologicheskie derev'ja v lesu kul'tury. (Mytological trees in the forest of culture). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 6, p. 3-18. (5 ill.). 526. Etnichnost' i religija v sovremennykh konfliktakh. (Ethnic factors and religion in modern conflicts). Ed. Valerij A. TISHKOV, Viktor A. SHNIREL'MAN. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of ethnology and anthropology. Moskva, Nauka, 2012, 654 p. (40 ill.; 16 tabl.; bibl. incl.). 527. IVANOV (Aleksej V.). Sistema pitanija i sotsial'naja struktura chenchu Juzhnoj Indii. (The nutririon system and social structure of the Chenchu of Southern India). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 1, p. 32-50. (tabl., ill.). 528. MOROZOV (Igor' A.). Pischa "bogataja" i "bednaja": pischevye markery sotsiokul'turnykh ierarkhij. (The food "rich" and "poor": food markers of sociocultural hierarchies). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 5, p. 13-23. 529. SHNIREL'MAN (Viktor A.). Aborigennye narody, etnichnost' i politika. (Indigenous peoples. Ethnicity and politics). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 2, p. 3444. o

Cf. n 8100 § 5. General history. ** 530. Acta Borussica, NF. Rh. 2. Preußen als Kulturstaat. Hrsg. v. der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften unt. der Leitung v. Wolfgang NEUGEBAUER. Abt. 2. Der preußische Kulturstaat in der politischen und sozialen Wirklichkeit. Bd. 4. MEINECKE (Andreas). Geschichte der preußischen Denkmalpflege 1815 bis 1860. Berlin, München u. Boston, Akademie u. de Gruyter, 2013, VII-627 p. ______________________

531. Aachen. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Bd. 2. Karolinger – Ottonen – Salier. Hrsg. für die Stadt Aachen und den Aachener Geschichtsverein e.V. Thomas R. KRAUS. Neustadt an der Aisch, Verlagsdruckerei Schmidt, 2013, 611 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Aachen, 14; Beihefte der Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins, 8). 532. AFFLERBACH (Holger). Die Kunst der Niederlage. Eine Geschichte der Kapitulation. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 320 p. 533. ÁLVAREZ-NOGAL (Carlos), PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro). The rise and fall of Spain (1270– 1850). Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 1-37.


534. Atlante storico dell'Italia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica. A cura di Maria Pia DONATO, David ARMANDO, Massimo CATTANEO e Jean-François CHAUVARD. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, XII-440 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 477). 535. BERG (Manfred). Geschichte der USA. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, XIV-233 p. (Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte, 42). 536. BERNECKER (Walther L.), HERBERS (Klaus). Geschichte Portugals. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 354 p. 537. Beyond the Balkans. Towards an inclusive history of Southeastern Europe. Ed. by Sabine RUTAR. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2013, 499 p. 538. BOZARSLAN (Hamit). Histoire de la Turquie. De l'Empire à nos jours. Paris, Tallandier, 2013, 589 p. 539. Cambridge companion (The) to ancient Rome. Ed. by Paul ERDKAMP. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-625 p. (Cambridge companions to the ancient world). 540. Cambridge history (The) of Australia. Ed. by Alison Bashford and Stuart Macintyre. V. 1. Indigenous and colonial Australia. V. 2. The Commonwealth of Australia. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 2 vol., XXXII-636 p., XXVI-644 p. 541. CHAPPEY (Jean-Luc). Ordres et désordres biographiques. Dictionnaires, listes de noms, réputation des Lumières à Wikipédia, Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2013, 400 p. 542. Chronologie de l'histoire du Maroc. (Des temps préhistoriques à la fin du XXe siècle). Présentation et direction Mohamed KABLY. Rabat, Institut Royal pour la Recherche sur l'Histoire du Maroc, 2013, XVIII-300 p. (Publications de l'Institut Royal pour la Recherche sur l'Histoire du Maroc). 543. CHURCH (Clive H.), HEAD (Randolph C.). A concise history of Switzerland. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 339 p. 544. COHEN (Warren I.). The new Cambridge history of American foreign relations. Vol. 4. Challenges to American primacy, 1945 to the present. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVII-377 p. 545. Companion (A) to Roman imperialism. Ed. by Dexter HOYOS. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIX-393 p. 546. Companion (A) to the era of Andrew Jackson. Ed. by Sean Patrick ADAMS. Malden, Oxford a. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, XIII-597 p. (Blackwell companions to American history). 547. Companion (A) to the French Revolution. Ed. by Peter MAC PHEE. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2013, XXIV-544 p. 548. Companion (A) to the Neronian Age. Ed. by Emma BUCKLEY, Martin T. DINTER. Chichester, WileyBlackwell, 2013, XVI-486 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world).



549. Companion (A) to Woodrow Wilson. Ed. by Ross A. KENNEDY. Malden a. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, XII-668 p. (Wiley-Blackwell companions to American history). 550. CONRAD (Sebastian). Globalgeschichte. Eine Einführung. München, Beck, 2013, 300 p. 551. Costantino I: enciclopedia costantiniana sulla figura e l'immagine dell'imperatore del cosiddetto editto di Milano 313-2013. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 2013, (3 voll.), XLIV-1059, XXVII-927, XXVII786 p.

564. Geschichte (Die) der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. Georg KREIS. Basel, Schwabe, 2013, XI-645 p. 565. Geschichte der Welt. Hrsg. v. Akira IRIYE und Jürgen OSTERHAMMEL. 1945 bis heute. Die globalisierte Welt. Hrsg. v. Akira IRIYE. Mit Beitr. v. Wilfried LOTH, Thomas W. ZEILER, John R. MAC NEILL [et al.]. München, Beck, 2013, 955 p. 566. Habsburger Herrschaft vor Ort weltweit (1300– 1600). Hrsg. v. Jeannette RAUSCHERT, Simon TEUSCHER und Thomas ZOTZ. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, VII- 282 p.

552. Deutsche Geheimgesellschaften, Von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Jost HERMAND und Sabine MÖDERSHEIM. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 197 p.

567. Handbuch Zeitgeschichte im Geschichtsunterricht. Hrsg. v. Markus FURRER und Kurt MESSMER. Schwalbach im Taunus, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2013, 555 p.

553. Dictionnaire des corsaires et des pirates. Sous la dir. de Gilbert BUTI et Philippe HRODEJ. Paris, CNRS, 2013, XVII-989 p.

568. HARRISON LINDBERGH (Katarina), HARRISON (Dick). 101 föremål ur Sveriges historia. (101 objets de l'histoire de Suède). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2013, 352 p. (ill.).

554. Dictionnaire historique et critique du racisme. Sous la dir. de Pierre-André TAGUIEFF. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2013, XLII, 1964 p. 555. Dizionario biografico degli Italiani. Vol. 78. Natta-Nurra. Vol. 79. Nursio-Ottolini Visconti. Diretto da Raffaele ROMANELLI. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2013, XV-847 p., XV, 856 p. 556. Dizionario enciclopedico delle mafie in Italia. A cura di Claudio CAMARCA. Roma, Castelvecchi, 2013, 959 p. 557. EMMERICH (Alexander). Deutsche Geschichte: Menschen, Ereignisse, Epochen. Bonn, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2013, 287 p. (Schriftenreihe, 1302). 558. Encyclopaedic prosopographical lexicon of Byzantine history and civilization. Vol. III: Faber Felix– Juwayni, Al. Ed. by Alexis G. C. SAVVIDES, Benjamin HENDRICKX. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XLVIII-427 p. 559. Encyclopedia (The) of ancient history. Ed. by Roger S. BAGNALL, Kai BRODERSEN, Craige B. CHAMPION, Andrew ERSKINE and Sabine R. HUEBNER. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 13 vol., CXLIV-7492 p. 560. Encyclopédie de la Grande Guerre, 1914-1918: histoire et culture. Sous la dir. de Stephane AUDOIN-ROUZEAU et Jean-Jacques BECKER. Montrouge, Bayard, 2013, 1279 p. 561. Entangled histories of the Balkans. Volume 1. National ideologies and language policies. Ed. by Roumen DASKALOV and Tchavdar MARINOV. Volume 2. Transfers of political ideologies and institutions. Ed. by Roumen DASKALOV and Diana MISHKOVA. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, 2 vol., 552 p., 595 p. 562. FAULKNER (Neil). A Marxist history of the world: from Neanderthals to neoliberals. London, Pluto Press, 2013, 342 p. (ill.). 563. FRELLER (Thomas). Die Geschichte Mallorcas. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 200 p.

569. HEUSER (Béatrice). Penser la stratégie de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Paris, Picard, 2013, 430 p. – EADEM. Rebellen – Partisanen – Guerilleros. Asymmetrische Kriege von der Antike bis heute. Paderborn/München/ Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 307 p. 570. Hidden history (The) of crime, corruption, and states. Ed. by Renate BRIDENTHAL. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, VIII-273 p. 571. HIGHAM (Nicholas J.), RYAN (Martin J.). The Anglo-Saxon World. New Haven, Yale U.P., 2013, XVI-477 p. 572. História do Brasil para ocupados: os mais importantes historiadores apresentam de um jeito original os episódios decisivos e os personagens fascinantes que fizeram o nosso país. Organização de Luciano FIGUEIREDO. Rio de Janeiro, Casa da Palavra setembro de 2013, 503 p. 573. Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Hrsg. v. der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS). Chefred.: Marco JORIO. Bd. 12. Stich–Vinzenz Ferrer. Basel, Schwabe, 2013, 909 p. 574. Historisches Lexikon des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Bd. 1. A bis L. Bd. 2. M bis Z. Red. Arthur BRUNHART, Fabian FROMMELT, Donat BÜCHEL [et al.]. Zürich, Chronos, 2013, XLVIII-1093 p. 575. HOCMARD (Gérard). La Grande-Bretagne. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013. (Culture guides). 576. IRIYE (Akira). The new Cambridge history of American foreign relations. Vol. 3. The globalizing of America, 1913–1945. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-253 p. 577. Islands and military orders, c.1291–c.1798. Ed. by Emanuel BUTTIGIEG and Simon PHILLIPS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XX-276 p. 578. Ist Militärgeschichte (Das)! Probleme – Projekte – Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Christian Th. MÜLLER und Matthias ROGG. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 517 p.

§ 5. General history 579. JACKSON (Ashley). The British Empire: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV143 p. (Very short introductions, 355).


a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXII-536 p. (Oxford handbooks).

580. JUARISTI (Jon). Historia mínima del País Vasco. México D.F, El Colegio de México, 2013, 341 p.

595. Oxford handbook (The) of modern diplomacy. Ed. by Andrew F. COOPER, Jorge HEINE and Ramesh THAKUR. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXV-953 p.

581. KATOUZIAN (Homa). Iran: politics, history and literature. London, Routledge, 2013, XIX-315 p. (Iranian studies, 15).

596. Oxford handbook (The) of postcolonial studies. Ed. by Graham HUGGAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-734 p. (Oxford Handbook).

582. KROENER (Bernhard). Kriegswesen, Herrschaft und Gesellschaft, 1300-1800. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, XIV-170 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 92).

597. Oxford handbook (The) of the American Revolution. Ed. by Edward G. GRAY and Jane KAMENSKY. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXII-673 p.

583. KROLL (Frank-Lothar). Geburt der Moderne. Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Berlin, be.bra, 2013, 216 p. (Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert, 1).

598. Oxford handbook (The) of the archaeology of the contemporary world. Ed. by Paul GRAVES-BROWN, Rodney HARRISON and Angela PICCINI. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXVII-823 p. (Oxford handbooks in archaeology).

584. LAFEBER (Walter). The new Cambridge history of American foreign relations. Vol. 2. The American search for opportunity, 1865–1913. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 272 p. 585. LIEBERMAN (Benjamin). Remaking identities: god, nation, and race in world history. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2013, IX-307 p. 586. MAM-LAM-FOUCK (Serge), ANAKESA-KULU(Apollinaire). Nouvelle histoire de la Guyane française: des souverainetés amérindiennes aux mutations de la société. Matoury, Ibis rouge, 2013, 381 p. LUKA

587. MARIN (Irina). Contested frontiers in the Balkans: Habsburg and Ottoman rivalries in Eastern Europe. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XVI-228 p. (Library of European studies, 19).

599. Oxford handbook (The) of the Cold War. Ed. by Richard H. IMMERMAN and Petra GOEDDE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-660 p. (Oxford handbooks). 600. Oxford handbook (The) of the European Bronze Age. Ed. by Harry FOKKENS and Anthony HARDING. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXI-979 p. (Oxford handbooks). 601. Oxford handbook (The) of the state in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Ed. by Peter Fibiger BANG and Walter SCHEIDEL. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-555 p. 602. Oxford handbook (The) of warfare in the Classical world. Ed by Brian CAMPBELL and Lawrence A. TRITLE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXI-783 p.

588. MORRISON (Kenneth), ROBERTS (Elizabeth). The Sandžak. A history. London, Hurst & Co., 2013, XIX285 p.

603. Paraguay reader (The): history, culture, politics. Ed. by Peter LAMBERT and Andrew NICKSON. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XII-475 p. (Latin America readers).

589. Musulmans (Les) dans l'histoire de l'Europe. Part 2. Passages et contacts en Méditerranée. Éd. par Jocelyne DAKHLIA et Wolfgang KAISER. Paris, Albin Michel, 2013, 650 p. (ill., bibl.). (Bibliothèque histoire).

604. RAPPORT (Michael). The Napoleonic wars: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-149 p. (Very short introductions, 344).

590. Narrating war: early modern and contemporary perspectives. Ed. by Marco MONDINI and Massimo ROSPOCHER. Bologna, Il mulino a. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 277 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento. Contributi, 28). 591. Neue Geschichte (Die). Eine Einführung in 16 Kapiteln. Mit einem Vorwort von Jürgen Osterhammel. Hrsg. v. Ulinka RUBLACK. Frankfurt am Main, p. Fischer, 2013, 576 p. 592. Oxford handbook (The) of ancient Iran. Ed. by Daniel T. POTTS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 1064 p. [Cf. no 1013.] 593. Oxford handbook (The) of cities in world history. Ed. by Peter CLARK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXIX-882 p. (Oxford handbooks). 594. Oxford handbook (The) of modern African history. Ed. by John PARKER and Richard REID. London

605. RICHÉ (Pierre). Dictionnaire des Francs: les Mérovingiens et les Carolingiens. Paris, Bartillat, 2013, 575 p. 606. RINKE (Stefan), SCHULZE (Frederik). Kleine Geschichte Brasiliens. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 232 p. 607. ROGG (Matthias). Kompass Militärgeschichte. Ein historischer Überblick für Einsteiger. Freiburg, Rombach, 2013, 385 p. 608. RYCHLÍK (Jan), RYCHLÍKOVÁ (Magdaléna). Hospodářský, sociální, kulturní a politický vývoj Podkarpatské Rusi 1919–1939. (Die wirtschaftliche, soziale, kulturelle und politische Entwicklung der Podkarpatská Rus 1919–1939). Prag, Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, 2013, 183 p. 609. SCHLIE (Ulrich). Das Duell: der Kampf zwischen Habsburg und Preußen um Deutschland. Berlin, Propyläen, 2013, 431 p.



610. Seeraub im Mittelmeerraum. Piraterie, Korsarentum und maritime Gewalt von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Nikolas JASPERT und Sebastian KOLDITZ. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 501 p. (Mittelmeerstudien, 3).

623. GROSSER (Florian). Theorien der Revolution zur Einführung. Hamburg, Junius Verlag, 2013, 212 p. 624. Herrschaftsverlust und Machtverfall. Hrsg. v. Peter HOERES, Armin OWZAR und Christina SCHRÖER. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VIII, 312 p.

611. Siziliens Geschichte. Insel zwischen den Welten. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang GRUBER und Stephan KÖHLER. Wien, Mandelbaum Verlag, 2013, 262 p.

625. HÜPPAUF (Bernd). Was ist Krieg? Zur Grundlegung einer Kulturgeschichte des Kriegs. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 562 p.

612. SJUNNESSON (Jan). The Swedish story: from extreme experiment to normal nation. (L'histoire suédoise: d'une expérience extrême à une nation normale). Visby, Nomen, 2013, 216 p. (ill.).

626. KALIFA (Dominique). Les bas-fonds. Histoire d'un imaginaire social. Paris, Le Seuil, 2013, 395 p.

613. VANHAUTE (Eric). World history. an introduction. London, Routledge, 2013, 182 p. 614. VOCELKA (Karl). Frühe Neuzeit 1500–1800. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013, 256 p. 615. Vsemirnaja istorija v 6 tt. (General History. 6 vols.). Vol. 2: Srednevekovye tsivilizatsii Zapada i Vostoka. (Medieval civilisations of West and East). Ed. Pavel Ju. OUVAROV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Nauka, 2012, 894 p. 616. WEEKS (William Earl). The new Cambridge history of American Foreign Relations. Vol. 1. Dimensions of the American empire, 1754–1865. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXVIII-308 p.

627. KÄMPER (Heidrun). Wörterbuch zum Demokratiediskurs 1967/68. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 1131 p. 628. KARILA-COHEN (Pierre). Une histoire sans les chefs est-elle possible ? Pour une histoire concrète des relations d'autorité. Genèses, 2013, 91 (2), p. 118-136. 629. NYQUIST (Mary). Arbitrary rule: slavery, tyranny, and the power of life and death. Chicago a. London, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIII-421 p. 630. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of nationalism. Ed. by John BREUILLY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXX-775 p. (Oxford handbooks).

§ 5. Addenda 2012.

631. Prince (Le), son peuple et le bien commun de l'Antiquité tardive à la fin du Moyen Âge. Ed. par Hervé OUDART, Jean-Michel PICARD et Joêlle QUAGHEBEURE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 447 p.

617. FUSI AIZPURÚA (Juan Pablo). Historia mínima de España. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Turner, 2012, 306 p.

632. Quarant'anni di scienza politica in Italia. A cura di Gianfranco PASQUINO, Marta REGALIA e Marco VALBRUZZI. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 322 p. (Percorsi).

618. Istorija Ispanii. (The history of Spain = Historia de España). Vol. 1. S drevnejshikh vremen do kontsa XVII veka. (From ancient times to the end of 17th century = Desde la prehistoria hasta finales del siglo XVII). Ed. Vladimir A. VEDJUSHKIN, Galina A. POPOVA. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 694 p. (12 f. ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 629652; ind. p. 660-689).

633. TALMON (Jacob L.). Die Geschichte der totalitären Demokratie. Hrsg. u. eingel. v. Uwe BACKES unt. Mitarb. v. Silke ISAAK und Annett ZINGLER. Bd. 1. Die Ursprünge der totalitären Demokratie. Bd. 2. Politischer Messianismus: Die romantische Phase. Bd. 3. Der Mythos der Nation und die Vision der Revolution: Die Ursprünge ideologischer Polarisierung im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Göttingen u. Bristol, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 1746 p. (Wege der Totalitarismusforschung).

Cf. nos 630, 3472-3514 § 6. Theory of the state and of society. _______________________

619. Companion (A) to ancient Greek government. Ed. by Hans BECK. Malden a. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, XXII-590 p. (Blackwell companions to the Ancient world). 620. Dictionnaire genre & science politique: concepts, objets, problèmes. Sous la dir. de Catherine ACHIN et Laure BERENI. Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2013, 699 p. (Références. Sociétés en mouvement). 621. FORST (Rainer). Toleration in conflict: past and present. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 635 p. 622. Gemeinschaftsdenken in Europa: Das Gesellschaftskonzept 'Volksheim' im Vergleich 1900–1938. Hrsg. v. Detlef LEHNERT. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 327 p.

§ 6. Addendum 2012. 634. LESKINEN (Marina V.). Konceptsija "nrava naroda" v jazyke opisanija rossijskoj nauki vtoroj poloviny XIX v.: definitsii, sposoby vyjavlenija, funktsii. (The concept of "national character / national temper" in the language of Russian social sciences in the second half of the 19th century: definitions, ways of identification, functions). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 2012, 39, p. 148-169. Cf. nos 5128, 5317 § 7. Constitutional and legal history. ______________________

635. "Auctoritas omnium legume", Francisco Suárez' De legibus zwischen Theologie, Philosophie und Juris-

§ 8. Economic and social history


prudenz. Hrsg. v. Oliver BACH, Norbert BRIESKORN und Gideon STIENING. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog, 2013, XXVII-414 p.

650. HUNT (Lynn). L'invention des droits de l'homme. Histoire, psychologie et politique. Genève, Editions Markus Haller, 2013, 310 p.

636. BAKER (John). Collected papers on English legal history. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 3 vol., XXVIII-1648 p.

651. KANWISCHER (Simon). Der Grenzbereich zwischen öffentlichem Strafanspruch und intimer Lebensgestaltung. Verschiebungen in der historischen Entwicklung – aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Strafbarkeit des Inzests (173 StGB). Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2013, 194 p.

637. BARANOWSKI (Günter). Russische Rechtsgeschichte – Texte und Erläuterungen. Teil 1. Von den Anfängen bis 1612/1613. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, 544 p. 638. BRETONE (Mario). Soliloquio sul diritto antico. La filosofia di una tecnica. Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2013, 139 p. 639. CHIŞ (Ioan). Drept execuţional penal. Istoria închisorilor româneşti, legislaţia închisorilor din feudalism până în anul 1989, executarea pedepselor privative de libertate. (Executional criminal law. The history of Romanian prisons, prison legisaltion from the Middle Age to 1989, the execution of custodial sentences). Bucureşti, Editura Universul Juridic, 2013, 410 p. 640. Couples en justice IVe–XIXe siècle. Éd. par Claude GAUVARD et Alessandro STELLA. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 250 p. (ill.). (Homme et société, 45). 641. DEBAENST (Bruno). A study on juridification. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 247-273. 642. Désuétude (La). Entre oubli et mort du droit ? Sous la dir. de Luc GUÉRAUD. Limoges, Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2013, 235 p. (Cahiers de l'Institut d'anthropologie juridique, 36). 643. Dizionario biografico dei giuristi italiani (XII– XX secolo). Diretto da Italo BIROCCHI, Ennio CORTESE, Antonello MATTONE e Marco Nicola MILETTI. Vol. 1. A-LES. Vol. 2. Lev.Z. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 2 vol., XXX-2285 p. 644. Encyclopedia of transitional justice. Ed. by Lavinia STAN and Nadya NEDELSKY. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2013, 3 vol., XLII-302 p., XXV532 p., XII-501 p. 645. European Supreme Courts: a portrait through history. Ed. by Alan WIJFFELS and Cornelis Hendrik VAN RHEE. London, Third Millennium Publishing, 2013, 288 p. 646. GERHARD (Ute). Die Frau als Rechtsperson – oder: Wie verschieden sind die Geschlechter? Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 281-304. 647. GORDLEY (James). The jurists. A critical history. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-320 p. 648. GROSSI (Paolo). Il messaggio giuridico dell'Europa e la sua vitalità: ieri, oggi, domani. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 5-21. 649. Handbook (The) of international humanitarian law. Ed. by Dieter FLECK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, LII-714 p.

652. KRENNERICH (Michael). Soziale Menschenrechte. Zwischen Recht und Politik. Schwalbach, Wochenschau-Verlag, 2013, 526 p. 653. LYONS (David). Confronting injustice: moral history and political theory. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 256 p. 654. MEDER (Stephan). Familienrecht von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 278 p. 655. Oxford handbook (The) of international human rights law. Ed. by Dinah SHELTON. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, LVIII-1018 p. (Oxford handbooks in law). 656. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of international law. Ed. by Bardo FASSBENDER, Anne PETERS, Simone PETER and Daniel HÖGGER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XL-1228 p. 657. PROSPERI (Adriano). Delitto e perdono. La pena di morte nell'orizzonte mentale dell'Europa cristiana. XIV–XVIII secolo. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, 577 p. 658. Revolten und politische Verbrechen zwischen dem 12. und 19. Jahrhundert. Rechtliche Reaktionen und juristisch-politische Diskurse. Hrsg. v. Angela DE BENEDICTIS und Karl HÄRTER. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2013, X-477 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte: Veröffentlichungen des MaxPlanck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, 285). 659. SCHMOECKEL (Mathias). Nemesis: a historical glimpse into the Christian reasons for punishment. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 159197. 660. Shame between punishment and penance: the social usages of shame in the Middle Ages and early Modern times. Ed. by Bénédicte SÈRE and Jörg WETTLAUFER. Florence, Sismel-Ed. del Galluzzo, 2013, XLIV-451 p. 661. Wohl (Vom) und Wehe der Staatsverschuldung. Erscheinungsformen und Sichtweisen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Thorsten BEIGEL und Georg ECKERT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 342 p. § 8. Economic and social history. ** 662. Adlige Lebenswelten in Sachsen. Kommentierte Bild- und Schriftquellen. Hrsg. v. Martina SCHATTKOWSKY. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 505 p. _______________________



663. Adelsbilder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Johannes SCHOLZ und Süßmann JOHANNES. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 131 p. 664. Age of strategy (The): strategy, organizations and society. Guest ed.: Chris CARTER [et al.] Business history [Special issue], 2013, 55, 7 p. 1047-1264.

678. ELDEN (Stuart). The birth of territory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XI-493 p. 679. Espace (L') du Nouveau Monde. Mythologies et ancrages territoriaux. Sous la dir. de Georges-Henry LAFFONT, Arlette GAUTIER, Denis MARTOUZET, Nicolas BERNARD et Gilles CHAMEROIS. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 307 p. (Amériques).

665. AMBROSIUS (Gerold), HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian). Integration von Infrastrukturen in Europa im historischen Vergleich. Band 1. Synopse. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 238 p.

680. Extra moenia. Il controllo del territorio nelle campagne e nei piccoli centri. A cura di Livio ANTONIELLI. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013, 159 p.

666. Ashgate research companion (The) to women and gender in early Modern Europe. Ed. by Allyson M. POSKA; Jane COUCHMAN and Katherine A. MAC IVER. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 554 p.

681. FRIBORG HANSEN (Vilfred). Kalø slottet og godset i 700 år. (Histoire du château et du domaine de Kalø de 1313 à aujourd'hui). Rønde, Boggalleriet, 2013, 299 p. (ill.).

667. BALISTRERI (Corrado), ZANVERDIANI (Dario). Venezia nel tempo: atlante storico dello sviluppo urbano, 726-1797. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 272 p. (Esempi di architettura. Spazi di riflessione, 6).

682. FUHRMANN (Bernd). Holzversorgung, Waldentwicklung, Umweltveränderung und wirtschaftliche Tendenzen in Spätmittelalter und beginnender Neuzeit. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 3, p. 311-336.

668. BELINA (Bernd). Raum. Zu den Grundlagen eines historisch-geographischen Materialismus. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2013, 172 p. (Einstiege, 20). 669. BETHENCOURT (Francisco). Racisms. From the Crusades to the twentieth century. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2013, 444 p. 670. Companion (A) to Medieval Palermo. The history of a Mediterranean city from 600 to 1500. Ed. by Annliese NEF. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, XVIII-542 p. 671. Controllare il territorio: norme, corpi e conflitti tra medioevo e prima guerra mondiale. Convegno internazionale di studi, Convento dell'Annunciata, Abbiategrasso, Università degli studi, Milano, 15–17 settembre 2010. A cura di Livio ANTONELLI e Stefano LEVATI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 523 p. (ill.). 672. DARI-MATTIACCI (Giuseppe). Slavery and information. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 79116. 673. DE VITO (Christian G.), LICHTENSTEIN (Alex). Writing a global history of convict labour. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 2, p. 285-325. 674. DESCIMON (Robert). Détours et contours de la rente. Les structures pérennes de la transmission entre générations. Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 839-848. 675. Dicionário de história empresarial portuguesa: séculos XIX e XX. Vol. 1 Instituições bancárias. Coordenação Miguel Figueira de FARIA e José Amado MENDES. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2013, 644 p.

683. GELDERBLOM (Oscar). Cities of Commerce: the institutional foundations of international trade in the Low Countries, 1250–1650. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XII-293 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western world). 684. Gewalt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Christian GUDEHUS und Michaela CHRIST. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2013, VIII-420 p. 685. GHERMAN (Traian). Vechi obiceiuri agrare la români. Claca de la secerat şi cununa de grâu. (Old Romanian agricultural traditions. The harvest group work and the weath wreath). Ediţie îngrijită de Teodor PAVEL, Ileana BOZAC, Ileana ROMAN şi Lucia PAVEL. ClujNapoca, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 522 p. 686. GUÉRY (Alain). L'insoutenable ambiguïté du don. Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 821-837. 687. GUESLIN (André). D'ailleurs et de nulle part. Mendiants vagabonds, clochards, SDF en France depuis le Moyen Âge. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 536 p. 688. Handbook of trade policy for development. Ed. by Arvid LUKAUSKAS, Robert STERN and Gianni ZANINI. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXI-986 p. 689. HARRISON (Mark). Accounting for secrets. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 1017-1049. – IDEM. Contagion: how commerce has spread disease. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XVIII-376 p.

676. Dictionnaire des gens de couleur dans la France moderne (début XVIe siècle–1792). Volume II, La Bretagne. Ed. par Erick NOËL. Geneve, Librairie Droz p.A., 2013, 964 p.

690. HENNING (Friedrich-Wilhelm). Handbuch der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Deutschlands. Bd. 3. Deutsche Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. T. 2. Deutsche Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 1933 bis 1945. Hrsg. v. Markus A. DENZEL. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, XVIII-867 p.

677. EISENBERG (Christiane). The rise of market society in England 1066–1800. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2013, IX-165 p.

691. HESSE (Jan-Otmar). Ökonomischer Strukturwandel. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 1, p. 86115. – IDEM. Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Entstehung und

§ 8. Economic and social history Wandel der modernen Wirtschaft. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2013, 242 p. (Historische Einführungen, 15). 692. JOSEPHSON (Paul), DRONIN (Nicolai), MNATSAKANIAN (Ruben), CHERP (Aleh), EFREMENKO (Dmitry), LARIN (Vladislav). An environmental history of Russia. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 340 p.

693. KJÆRULFF HELLESEN (Jette) [et al.]. Slagelse bys historie. (Histoire de la ville de Slagelse). Slagelse, Slagelse arkiverne, Slagelse kommun, 2013, 439 p. (ill.). 694. Kvinnorna gör mannen. Maskulinitetskonstruktioner i kvinnors text och bild 1500–2000. (Les femmes font l'homme. Constructions de la masculinité dans les textes et les représentations féminins 1500–2000). Reds.: Kristina FJELLKESTAM, Helena HILL, David TJEDER. Göteborg, Makadam, 2013, 351 p. (ill.). 695. LABBÉ (Thomas), GAVEAU (Fabien). Les dates de vendange à Beaune (1371–2010). Analyse et données d'une nouvelle série vendémiologique. Revue historique, 2013, 666, p. 333-367. 696. LAHIRE (Bernard). Dans les plis singuliers du social. Individus, institutions, socialisations. Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 173 p. 697. LAUDAN (Rachel). Cuisine and empire: cooking in world history. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIV-464 p. (California studies in food and culture, 43). 698. LEPENIES (Philipp). Die Macht der einen Zahl. Eine politische Geschichte des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2013, 186 p. 699. Longue Durée (The) and World-Systems Analysis. Ed. by Richard E. LEE. New York, State University of New York Press, 2012, 285 p.


707. Pottery and social dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond in medieval and post-medieval times. Ed. by John L. BINTLIFF and Marta CAROSCIO. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, IV-98 p. (ill., bibl.). (BAR Internationa series, 2557). 708. Property rights, land markets and economic growth in the European countryside (thirteenth-twentieth centuries). Ed. by Gérard BÉAUR [et al.]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 535 p. (Rural history in Europe, 1). 709. Settler economies in world history. Ed. by Christopher LLOYD, Jacob METZER and Richard SUTCH. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, 605 p. 710. SÖDERBERG (Johan). Resistance to commodification: farmland prices and rents in Sweden, 1274–1649. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 1, p. 8299. 711. SOMMER (Michael). Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Antike. München, Beck, 2013, 128 p. 712. SQUIRES (Graham). Urban and environmental economics: an introduction. London, Routledge, 2013, VIII-214 p. 713. Stadt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Harald A.MIEG und Christoph HEYL. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2013, IX-335 p. 714. SUMMITT (April R.). Contested waters: an environmental history of the Colorado River. Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2013, XVI-286 p. 715. Technology, Skills and the Pre-Modern Economy in the East and the West. Ed. by Maarten PRAK and Jan LUITEN VAN ZANDEN. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, 353 p.

700. MAYHEW (N. J.). Prices in England, 1170–1750. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 3-39.

716. TOCH (Michael). The economic history of European Jews. Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, X, 374 p.

701. NUVOLARI (Alessandro), RICCI (Mattia). Economic growth in England 1250–1850: some new estimates using a demand side approach. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 31-54.

717. TORTELLA (Gabriel), QUIROGA (Gloria). Entrepreneurship and growth: an international historical perspective. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVI248 p.

702. Oxford handbook (The) of Adam Smith. Ed. by Christopher J. BERRY, Maria Pia PAGANELLI and Craig SMITH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 656 p.

718. Umweltgeschichte und Geschlecht. Von der Antiatomkraftbwegung bis Ökofeminismus. Hrsg. v. Astrid Mignon KIRCHHOF und Laura SCHIBBE. Kassel, Stiftung Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung, 2013, 82. p.

703. Oxford handbook (The) of the Italian economy since unification. Ed. by Gianni TONIOLO. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 720 p. 704. Oxford handbook (The) of women and gender in Medieval Europe. Ed. by Judith M. BENNETT and Ruth Mazo KARRAS. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XIV626 p.

719. Umweltgeschichte(n). Ostmitteleuropa von der Industrialisierung bis zum Postsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Horst FÖRSTER, Julia HERZBERG und Martin ZÜCKERT. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 346 p.

705. PEACOCK (Mark P.). Introducing money. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, XII, 212 p.

720. Usla, elända och arma: samhällets utsatta under 700 år. (Malheureux, misérables et pauvres: les réprouvés de la société pendant 700 ans). Reds.: Sofia HOLMLUND, Annika SANDEN. Stockholm, Natur & Kultur, 2013, 423 p. (ill.).

706. PESANTE (Maria Luisa). Le monete di Home, gli economisti e gli storici. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 297-352.

721. Venezia nel tempo: atlante storico dello sviluppo urbano, 726–1797. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 272 p. (ill., pl.). (Esempi di architettura. Spazi di riflessione, 6).



722. Victoria history (The) of the counties of England: a history of the County of Stafford. Vol. XI. Audley, Keele and Trentham. Ed. by Nigel J. TRINGHAM. Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer Press, 2013, XXI297 p. 723. Villes antiques (Les) et médiévales: patrimoines matériels et immatériels. Journeés d'études Université de Nîmes, 28 mai 2010. Éd. par Isabelle ORTEGA. Paris, Le Léopard d'Or, 2013, 245 p. (ill., bibl.). (Cahiers du Léopard d'Or, 15).

736. BERGQVIST (Johanna). Läkare och läkande: läkekonstens professionalisering i Sverige under medeltid och renässans. (Médecins et soins curatifs: la professionnalisation de la médecine en Suède au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance). Lund, Lunds universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia, 2013, 478 p. (ill.). (Lund studies in historical archeology, 16). 737. BERRIDGE (Virginia). Demons. Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco & drugs. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-292 p.

724. Water on sand: environmental histories of the Middle East and North Africa. Ed. by Alan MIKHAIL. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-326 p.

738. BERTRAND (GILLES). Histoire du carnaval de Venise XIe-XXIe siècle. Paris, Pygmalion, 2013, 358 p. (pl., ill., bibl.).

725. ZEUSKE (Michael). Handbuch Geschichte der Sklaverei. Eine Globalgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, XIV-725 p.

739. Blood & Kinship. Matter for metaphor from ancient Rome to the present. Ed. by Christopher J. JOHNSON, Bernhard JUSSEN, David Warren SABEAN and Simon TEUSCHER. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, X-357 p.

Cf. nos 64-92, 5988-6036 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. _______________________

726. AGAMBEN (Giorgio). The highest poverty: monastic rules and form-of-life. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2013, XIII-157 (bibl.). 727. AMATO (Joseph A.). Surfaces: a history. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XVII-289 p. 728. AMBROSOLI (Mauro). Nuove ricerche sulla storia del paesaggio in Italia e in Francia. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 109-150. 729. Amor e historia, la expresión de los afectos en el mundo de ayer. Coord. Pilar GONZALBO AIZPURU. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 472 p. 730. ANDRIESCU (Bogdan). Viaţa privată din Transilvania (sec. XVII–XIX) în însemnări pe cartea românească veche (centre tipografice transilvănene). (Private Life in Transylvania [17th to 19th centuries] in marginal notes on Old Romanian Books. Transylvanian Printing Centers). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 192 p. 731. ARTEUS (Gunnar). Gustaviansk människosyn. (La conception de l'homme à l'époque gustavienne). Stockholm, Medström, 2013, 142 p. (ill.). 732. AUGHEY (Arthur), OAKLAND (John). Irish civilization: an introduction. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XXXVIII-340 p. 733. BACH (Olaf). Die Erfindung der Globalisierung. Entstehung und Wandel eines zeitgeschichtlichen Grundbegriffs. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 270 p.

740. Bologna: cultural crossroads from the Medieval to the Baroque. Recent Anglo-American scholarship. Ed. by Gian Mario ANSELMI, Angela DE BENEDICTIS and Nicholas TERPSTRA. Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2013, XI-285 p. (ill., bibl.). 741. Cambridge encyclopedia (The) of Darwin and evolutionary thought. Ed. by Michael RUSE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVII-568 p. 742. Cambridge history (The) of science.Vol. 2. Medieval science. Ed. by David C. LINDBERG. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXIV-677 p. (ill). 743. CAMPBELL (Brian), TRITLE (Lawrence A.). The Oxford handbook of warfare in the classical world. Ed. by Brian CAMPBELL and Lawrence A. TRITLE. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXI-783 p. (Oxford handbooks in classics and ancient history). 744. CAVINA (Marco). Padroni del corpo: prime osservazioni sul problema storico della eutanasia. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 57-80. 745. Cultural history (A) of gardens. Ed. by Michael LESLIE and Hunt John DIXON. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013; 6 vol., 1675 p. 746. DADIĆ (Žarko). Na razmeđu civilizacija: zapadna Europa, Bizant i islamske zemlje: tragovima povijesti znanosti i prirodne filozofije. (At the crossroads of civilisations: Western Europe, Byzantine Empire and Islamic lands: traces of the history of sciences and natural philosophy). Zagreb, Izvori, 2013, 344 p. 747. DAVIDS (Karel). Religion, technology, and the great and little divergences: China and Europe compared, c. 700–1800. Leiden: Brill, 2013, XXII-365 p.

734. BALL (Philip). Curiosity. How science became interested in everything. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 480 p.

748. DBE: dizionario biografico dell'educazione, 1800–2000. Vol. 1. A-K. Vol. 2. L-Z. Diretto da Giorgio CHIOSSO e Roberto SANI. Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2013, XIV-721 p., 732 p.(Grandi opere, 13).

735. BAYERL (Günter). Technik in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2013, 199 p.

749. DIACONESCU (Alexandru). Forurile Sarmizegetusei. O plimbare imaginară prin centrul politico-admi-

§ 9. History of civilization, sciences and education nistrativ al micii Rome de la poalele Retezatului. (The forums of Sarmizegetusa. An imaginary walk in the political-administative center of the Small Rome at the foothills of Retezat Mountains). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 214 p. 750. Disappeared science: biographical dictionary of Jewish scholars from Bohemia and Moravia – victims of Nazism, 1939–1945. Ed. by Michal V. ŠIMŮNEK and Antonín KOSTLÁN. Červený Kostelec, Pavel Mervart a. Praha, Kabinet dějin vědy ÚSD AV ČR, 2013, 323 p. 751. Early Modern things: objects and their histories, 1500–1800. Ed. by Paula FINDLEN. London, Routledge, 2013, XXIV-389 p. 752. Encyclopédire. Formes de l'ambition encyclopédique dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge. Sous la dir. de Arnaud ZUCKER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 504 p. 753. Erbe. Übertragungskonzepte zwischen Natur und Kultur. Hrsg. v. Stefan WILLER, Sigrid WEIGEL und Bernhard JUSSEN. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2013, 274 p. 754. ETKIND (Alexander). Warped Mourning. Stories of the undead in the land of the unburied. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XVI-300 p. 755. Être médecin à la cour (Italie, France, Espagne, XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Ed. par Elisa ANDRETTA et Marilyn NICOUD. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, VI-285 p. (Micrologus' Library, 52). 756. Formations of modernity. Ed. by Stuart HALL and Bram GIEBEN. Cambridge, Polity a. Open University, 2013, VIII-342 p. (Understanding modern societies, 1). 757. Fortiden under os. (Le Passé sous nos pieds). Red. Camilla MORDHORST, Vivi Lena ANDERSEN, Katrine JOHNSEN ANDREASEN. København, Københavns Museum, 2013, 115 p. (ill.). (Danish Golden age studies, 8). 758. FOSCATI (Alessandra). Ignis sacer. Una storia culturale del 'fuoco sacro' dall'antichità al Settecento. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XVII257 p. (bibl.). 759. Franken und Südtirol: zwei Kulturlandschaften im Vergleich. Akten der internationalen Tagung vom 1. bis 3. März 2007 an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Innsbruck, Wagner, 2013, 384 p. 760. GARNIER (Guillaume). L'oubli des peines. Une histoire du sommeil (1700–1850). Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 409 p. (Histoire). 761. GHINOIU (Ion). Mitologie română. Dicţionar. (Romanian mythology. Dictionary). Bucureşti, Univers Enciclopedic, 2013, 351 p. 762. Global intellectual history. Ed. by Samuel MOYN and Andrew SARTORI. New York, Columbia U. P., 2013, 342 p. (Columbia studies in international and global history). 763. GUSTAFSSON (Harald). Historia på frukostbordet. Historiebruk i två nordiska dagstidningar 1987 och


2012. (History at the breakfast table). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 2, p. 197-225. 764. HAMBLIN (Jacob Darwin). Arming mother nature. The birth of catastrophic environmentalism. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-298 p. 765. Handbuch der Reformpädagogik in Deutschland (1890–1933). Teil 1. Gesellschaftliche Kontexte, Leitideen und Diskurse. Teil 2. Praxisfelder und pädagogische Handlungssituationen. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang KEIM und Ulrich SCHWERDT. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang/ Frankfurt am Main, 2013, 1256 p. 766. Handbuch Medien der Literatur. Hrsg. v. Natalie BINCZEK, Till DEMBECK und Jörgen SCHÄFER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, X-596 p. 767. HANLON (Gregory). The decline of violence in the west: from cultural to post-cultural history [Review article]. English historical review, 2013, 128, 531, p. 367400. 768. HANSEN (Peter H.). The summits of modern man: mountaineering after the Enlightenment. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-380 p. 769. HOHENDORF (Gerrit). Der Tod als Erlösung vom Leiden. Geschichte und Ethik der Sterbehilfe seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 327 p. 770. Hrvati i Bugari kroz stoljeća: povijest, kultura, umjetnost i jezik. (Croats and Bulgarians through the centuries: history, culture, arts, and languages). Ed. Damir KARBIĆ and Tihana LUETIĆ. Zagreb, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 2013, 425 p. 771. HÜHN (Manfred). Neues zum Satorquadrat. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2013, 95, 2, p. 437-446. 772. Imperial Debris: on ruins and ruination. Ed. by Ann Laura STOLER. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XI365 p. 773. Individual and individuality? Approaches towards an archaeology of personhood in the first millennium AD. Ed. by Babette LUDOWICI. Stuttgart, In Kommission bei Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2013, 232 p. (ill., bibl.). (Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, 4). 774. Italien, Mitteldeutschland, Polen: Geschichte und Kultur im europäischen Kontext vom 10. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang HUSHNER. Leipzig, Leipziger Univ.-Verl, 2013, 879 p. (ill., bibl.). (Schriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde. 42). 775. JACOB (Frank). Die Thule-Gesellschaft und die Kokuryûkai. Geheimgesellschaften im global-historischen Vergleich. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 301 p. 776. JENCO (Leigh). Revisiting Asian values. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 2, p. 237-258. 777. KETT (Joseph F.). Merit: the history of a founding ideal from the American Revolution to the twentyfirst century. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, IX-332 p. (American institutions and society).



778. KILBRIDE (Daniel). Being American in Europe, 1750–1860. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, 230 p. 779. LANGHAMER (Claire). The English in love: the intimate story of an emotional revolution. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXII-289 p. 780. Lexikon der deutsch-französischen Kulturbeziehungen nach 1945. Hrsg. v. Nicole COLIN, Corine DEFRANCE, Ulrich PFEIL und Joachim UMLAUF. Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto GmbH & Co. KG, 2013, 512 p. 781. LINDBERG (David C.), SHANK (Michael H.). The Cambridge history of science. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, (The Cambridge History of Science). 782. MAC MAHON (Darrin M.). Divine fury: a history of genius. New York, Basic Books, 2013, XXII312 p. 783. MARGREITER (Klaus). Das Kanzleizeremoniell und der gute Geschmack. Verwaltungssprachkritik 1749– 1839. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 3, p. 657-688. 784. Médecine et religion: compétitions, collaborations, conflits (XIIe–XXe siècles). Études réunis par Maria Pia DONATO, Luc BERLIVET, Sara CABIBBO, Raimondo MICHETTI, et Marilyn NICOUD. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 400 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 476). 785. Mediterráneos: an interdisciplinary approach to the cultures of the Mediterranean Sea. Ed. by Sergio CARRO MARTÍN, Arturo ECHAVARREN, Esther FERNÁNDEZ MEDINA, Daniel RIAÑO RUFÍLANCHAS, Katja ŠMID, Jesús TÉLLEZ RUBIO and David TOROLLO SÁNCHEZ. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, IX537 p. 786. MUZZARELLI (Maria Giuseppina). Nelle mani delle donne: nutrire, guarire, avvelenare dal Medioevo a oggi. Bari, Laterza, 2013, XI-200 p. (ill.). (I Robinson).

792. Sea (The): thalassography and historiography. Edited by Peter N. MILLER. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, XIV-293 p. (Bard graduate center cultural histories of the material world). 793. SHARMA (Ajay). Beyond Newton and Archimedes. Cambridge, Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2013, XIV-324 p. 794. Sport (Le), l'historien et l'histoire. Sous la dir. de Thierry TERRET et Tony FROISSART. Rennes, EPURE, 2013, 309 p. 795. STALFORT (Jutta). Die Erfindung der Gefühle. Eine Studie über den historischen Wandel menschlicher Emotionalität (1750–1850). Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 460 p. 796. TAUSCHEK (Markus). Kulturerbe. Eine Einführung. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2013, 212 p. 797. Theorising the Ibero-American Atlantic. Edited by Harald E. BRAUN and Lisa VOLLENDORF. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII-307 p. (Medieval and early Modern Iberian world). 798. UTHER (Hans-Jörg). Handbuch zu den "Kinderund Hausmärchen" der Brüder Grimm: Entstehung, Wirkung, Interpretation. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XV-623 p. 799. WEIJERS (Olga). In Search of the Truth. A history of disputation techniques from Antiquity to early Modern times. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, 341 p. (Studies in the faculty of arts. History and influence, 1). § 9. Addendum 2012 800. KUROKAWA (Masatake). Majo to merankorī. (Witches and melancholy). Tokyo, Shinhyoron, 2012, 366 p. § 10. History of art. ______________________

787. Oxford handbook (The) of childhood and education in the classical world. Ed. by Judith Evans GRUBBS and Tim PARKIN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXIII-690 p. (Oxford handbooks).

801. BALADI (Mauro). Dicionário de cinema brasileiro: filmes de longa-metragem produzidos entre 1909 e 2012. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, Selo Martins, 2013, XVIII, 1865 p.

788. Oxford handbook (The) of climate change and society. Ed. by John S. DRYZEK, Richard B. NORGAARD and David SCHLOSBERG. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-727 p. (Oxford handbooks).

802. Cambridge companion (The) to African American theatre. Ed. by Harvey YOUNG. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIX-291 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).

789. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of physics. Ed. by Jed Z. BUCHWALD and Robert FOX. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, IX-945 p. (Oxford handbooks).

803. Cambridge companion (The) to theatre history. Ed. by David WILES and Christine DYMKOWSKI. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-318 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).

790. PETERSEN (Ove Bjørn). Og dette solens lys fra Frankrig. Franskmænd, der skrev sig ind i Danmarks historie. (Cette lumière du soleil venue de France. Les Français qui s'inscrirent dans l'histoire du Danemark). Odense, Mellemgaard, 2013, 330 p. (ill.). 791. Plunder (From) to preservation: Britain and the heritage of empire c. 1800–1940. Ed. by Astrid SWENSON and Peter MANDLER. Oxford, Oxford U. P. for the British Academy, 2013, XIII-304 p.

804. CARANFIL (Tudor). Dicţionar subiectiv al realizărilor filmului românesc. (Subjective Dictionary of Romanian Film-makers). Iaşi; Bucureşti, Editura Polirom, 2013, 271 p. 805. Companion (A) to the archaeology of the Roman Republic. Ed. by Jane DEROSE EVANS. Chichester, Blackwell, 2013, XX-722 p. (Blacwell companions to the ancient world).

§ 11. History of religions 806. COTTINGTON (David). The avant garde: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 160 p. (Very short introductions, 342). 807. Enciclopedia del Románico en Galicia. Tomo 4. A Coruña. Ed. por José María PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ y José Carlos VALLE PÉREZ. Aguilar de Campo, Fundación Santa María La Real, Centro de Estudios del Románico, 2013, 2 vol., 1403 p. (ill., tab., bibl.). 808. Forschen aller (Das). Artistic Research als Wissensproduktion zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Hrsg. v. Sibylle PETER P. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 200 p. 809. GLINOER (Anthony), LAISNEY (Vincent). L'Âge des cénacles. Confraternités littéraires et artistiques au XIXe siècle, Paris, Fayard, 2013, 714 p. 810. HACHLILI (Rachel). Ancient synagogues – Archaeology and art: new discoveries and current research. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXXIV-738 p. (Handbook of Oriental studies. Section 1. Ancient Near East, 105).

33 § 11. History of religions.

* 817. ALTHANN (Robert). Elenchus of Biblica. Vol. 26. 2010. [Vol. 25. 2009. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 749.] Roma, Ed. Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 2013, 1003 p. * 818. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Band 34. Ergänzungen 21. [Band 33. Ergänzungen 20. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 750.] Hrsg v. Traugott BAUTZ. Nordhausen, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2013, LIII-1600 coll. * 819. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae cura J.-M. AUWERS, E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. FAMERÉE, É. GAZIAUX, J. HAERS, A. HAQUIN, M. LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, G. VAN BELLE, J. VERHEYDEN. Tomus LXXXIX. [Tomus LXXXVIII. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 751.] Leuven, Peeters, 2013, [s. p.] * 820. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 57, 2013, [s. p.] [Vol. 56, 2012. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 752.] * 821. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 36, 2013, [s. p.] [Vol. 35, 2012. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 753.]

811. Lexikon of the Hispanic Baroque. Transatlantic exchange and transformation. Ed. by Evonne LEVY and Kenneth MILLS. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, 352 p.

* 822. Religious Studies Review, 39, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2013, [s. p.] [2012, 38, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 754.]

812. Oxford handbook (The) of Chinese cinemas. Ed. by Carlos ROJAS and Eileen CHENG-YIN-CHOW. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII-709 p. (Oxford handbooks).

823. 1700 Jahre Christentum in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ein Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte. Hrsg. v. Erwin GATZ † und Marcel ALBERT. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 192 p.

813. Oxford handbook (The) of the Georgian theatre, 1737-1832. Ed. by Julia SWINDELLS and David Francis TAYLOR. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXV-656 p. (Oxford handbooks of literature). 814. SÖRRIES (Reiner). Spätantike und frühchristliche Kunst. Eine Einführung ins Studium der christlichen Archäologie. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 332 p. § 10. Addenda 2012. 815. BRILEVA (Ol'ga A.). Drevnjaja bronzovaja antropomorfnaja plastika Kavkaza (XV vek do n.e. – V vek n.e.). (Ancient bronze anthropomorphic figurines of Caucasus, 15th cent. BC – 10th cent. AD). State Museum of Oriental art. Moskva, TAUS, 2012, 424 p. (18 f. col. ill.; b/w ill.; maps; tabl.; catalogue p. 259-405; bibl. p. 406-421). 816. Vlijanie akhemenidskoj kul'tury v Juzhnom Priural'e (V–III veka do n.e.). (The influence of Akhaemenid culture in Southern Ural, 5th–3th centuries BC = Einflüsse der achämenidischen Kultur im südlichen Uralvorland, 5.–3. Jh. v. Chr.). Vol. 1–2. Ed. Mikhail Ju. TREISSNER, Leonid T. JABLONSKIJ. Free University of Berlin, Institute of Archaelogy of Asia Minor (Germany), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. Moskva, TAUS, 2012, 2 vol., 672 p., 468 p. (Ancient toreutics and jewellery of Eastern Europe, 5).


824. Ashgate research companion (The) to the Counter-Reformation. Ed. by Alexandra BAMJI, Geert H. JANSSEN and Mary LAVEN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XIX-488 p. 825. Ashgate Research companion (The) to World Methodism. Ed. by William GIBSON, Peter FORSAITH and Martin WELLINGS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XII, 537 p. 826. BARTLETT (Robert). Why can the dead do such great things? Saints and worshippers from the martyrs to the Reformation. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2013, XVIII-787 p. 827. BRAVO LÓPEZ (Fernando). Islamofobia: acerca de la continuidad y el cambio en la tradición antimusulmana. Historia social, 2013, 75, p. 41-61. 828. BRONWEN (Neil), DEL SANTO (Matthew). A companion to Gregory the Great. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIV-427 p. (bibl.). (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 47). 829. Cambridge companion (The) to American Islam. Ed. by Juliane HAMMER and Omid SAFI. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-371 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 830. Cambridge companion (The) to American Methodism. Ed. by Jason E. VICKERS. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-392 p. (Cambridge companions to religion).



831. Cambridge companion (The) to ancient Mediterranean religions. Ed. by Barbette Stanley SPAETH. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-367 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 832. Cambridge companion (The) to the Cistercian order. Ed. by Mette Birkedal BRUUN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 318 p. (Cambridge companions to religion).

845. DÜRKOP (Martina). Das Archiv für Religionswissenschaft in den Jahren 1919 bis 1939: dargestellt auf der Grundlage des Briefwechsels zwischen Otto Weinrich und Martin Persson Nilsson. Berlin, LIT, 2013, IX-506 p. (Religionswissenschaft, 20). 846. Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia. Sotto la dir. di Massimo INTROVIGNE e Pierluigi ZOCCATELLI. Torino, Elledici, 2013, 1239 p.

833. Cambridge history (The) of religions in the ancient world. Vol. 1. From the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Age. Vol. 2. From the Hellenic Age to Late Antiquity. Ed. by Michele R. SALZMAN and Marvin Alan SWEENEY. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-450 p., XVIII-589 p.

847. Germania Sacra. Die Kirche des Alten Reiches und ihre Institutionen. 3. Folge, 6. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Paderborn, 1. Die Zisterzienserabtei Bredelar. Im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen bearb. v. Helmut MÜLLER. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2013, XIII-449 p.

834. CARTWRIGHT (Steven R.). A companion to St. Paul in the Middle Ages. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XI-509 p. (ill.). (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 39).

848. GIGLIOTTI (Valerio). La tiara deposta: la rinuncia al papato nella storia del diritto e della Chiesa. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, XL-468 p. (Biblioteca della Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa. Studi 29).

835. CHEBEL (Malek). Changer l'islam: dictionnaire des réformateurs musulmans des origines à nos jours. Paris, Albin Michel, 2013, 363 p. 836. Church (The) on its past. Ed. by Peter D. CLARKE and Charlotte METHUEN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XXVI-512 p. (Studies in Church history, 49). 837. Companion (A) to Gregory the Great. Ed. by Bronwen NEIL, Matthew DAL SANTO. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXV-427 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 47). 838. Companion (A) to Meister Eckhart. Ed. by Jeremiah M. HACKETT. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXX-781 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 36). 839. DALL'OLIO (Guido). Martin Lutero. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 246 p. (Frecce, 167). 840. Dictionnaire des monothéismes. Sous la dir. de Cyrille MICHON et Denis MOREAU. Paris, Seuil, 2013, 701 p. 841. Dictionnaire du monde religieux dans la France contemporaine. Tome XI. Arras. Artois-Côte d'Opale. Sous la dir. de Michel BEINAERT, Xavier BONIFACE, Audrey CASSAN et Yves-Marie HILAIRE. Paris, Beauchesne, 2013, 666 p. 842. Dictionnaire du Vatican et du Saint-Siège. Sous la dir. de Christophe DICKÈS, avec la coll. de Marie LEVANT et Gilles FERRAGU. Paris, Robert Laffont, 2013, 1095 p. (Bouquins). 843. Dictionnaire encyclopédique d'éthique chrétienne. Sous la dir. de Laurent LEMOINE, Éric GAZIAUX et Denis MÜLLER. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013, 2169 p. 844. DOROFTEI (Doina). Inscripţii în limba latină din bisericile României, din perioada 1290–1850, cu privire specială asupra bisericilor maghiare din Transilvania. (Latin inscriptions on Romanian Churches from 1290 to 1850 with special emphasis on the Hungarian churches from Transylvania). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 319 p.

849. Historical atlas of ancient Christianity. Ed. by Angelo DI BERARDINO. St. Davids, ICCS Press, 2013, 478 p. 850. Kirchengeschichte als Wissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Bernd JASPERT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 210 p. 851. LEE (Michael J.). The erosion of Biblical certainty: battles over authority and interpretation in America. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 244 p. 852. LEVACK (Brian P.). The devil within: possession and exorcism in the Christian West. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XII-346 p. 853. Lexicon Gregorianum: Wörterbuch zu den Schriften Gregors von Nyssa. Bd. 9, Tagma – ōchrotēs. Hrsg. v. Friedhelm MANN. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV784 p. 854. Lexikon des Dialogs. Grundbegriffe aus Christentum und Islam. Bd. 1. Abendmahl – Kult. Bd. 2. Kultur – Zwölferschiiten. Im Auftrag der Eugen-BiserStiftung hrsg. v. Richard HEINZMANN in Zusammenarb. mit Peter ANTES, Martin THURNER, Mualla SELÇUK [et al.]. Freiburg, Basel u. Wien, Herder, 2013, 851 p. 855. LIVINGSTONE (E.A.). The concise Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-632 p. (Oxford paperback reference). 856. New Cambridge history (The) of the Bible. Vol. 1: From the beginnings to 600. Ed. by James Carleton PAGET and Joachim SCHAPER. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXVII-979 p. 857. NIRENBERG (David). Anti-Judaism. The Western tradition. London, Norton, 2013, 610 p. 858. Oxford handbook (The) of Islam and politics. Ed. by John L. ESPOSITO and Emad El-Din SHAHIN. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-684 p. (Oxford Handbooks). 859. Oxford handbook (The) of Quaker studies. Ed. by Stephen W. ANGELL and Pink DANDELION. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIX-644 p.

§ 12. History of philosophy


860. PALMIÉ (Stephan). The cooking of history: how not to study Afro-Cuban religion. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-360 p.

DMITRIEV. Moscow State University, Centre for Ukrainian and Byelorussian studies. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 344 p. (8 tabl.; bibl. incl.).

861. Paulus Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Friedrich W. HORN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVI-653 p.

Cf. nos 784, 884, 4725-4764

862. PENSLAR (Derek J.). Jews and the military: a history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XIV-360 p. 863. Perception et construction du divin dans l'Antiquité. Sous la dir. de Philippe BORGEAUD et Doralice FABIANO. Genève, Droz, 2013, 354 p. (Recherches et rencontres, 31). 864. Preaching and political society. From late Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages / Depuis l'Antiquité tardive jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Âge. Ed. by Franco MORENZONI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 340 p. (SERMO). 865. Priests and prophets among pagans, Jews and Christians. Ed. by Beate DIGNAS, Robert PARKER, Guy G. STROUMSA. Leuven, Peeters. 2013, XI-248 p. (Studies in the history and anthropology of religion, 5). 866. Réduire le schisme? Ecclésiologies et politiques de l'Union entre Orient et Occident (XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Sous la dir. de Marie-Hélène BLANCHET et Frédéric GABRIEL. Paris, Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance (Collège de France – CNRS), 2013, 376 p. (Monographies, 39). 867. SCHMIDT (Bernward). Die Konzilien und der Papst: von Pisa (1409) bis zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1962-65). Freiburg, Herder, 2013, 318 p. 868. SCHÖKEL (Luis Alonso). Dizionario di ebraico biblico. Edizione italiana a cura di Marco ZAPPELLA. Consulenza scientifica di Gian Luigi PRATO. Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2013, XXI-1034 p. (I dizionari San Paolo).

§ 12. History of philosophy. _______________________

875. BOECKH (August). Encyclopédie et méthodologie des sciences philologiques: première partie principale. Édité par Marie-Dominique RICHARD. Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2013, 309 p. 876. Cambridge Companion (The) to Aristotle's politics. Ed. by Marguerite DESLAURIERS and Pierre DESTRÉE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV426 p. 877. Cambridge companion (The) to Heidegger's Being and time. Ed. by Mark A. WRATHALL. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-426 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 878. Cambridge companion (The) to virtue ethics. Ed. by Daniel C. RUSSELL. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-365 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 879. Companion (A) to Albert the Great: theology, philosophy, and the sciences. Hrsg. v. Irven M. RESNICK. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XV-833 p. (ill., bibl.). (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 38). 880. CONTI (Alessandro D.), AMERINI (Fabrizio). A companion to Walter Burley, late medieval logician and metaphysician. Leiden, Brill, 2013, IX-441 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 41).

869. SILVERSTEIN (Adam J.). Breve storia dell'Islam. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 142 p.

881. Dictionnaire Martin Heidegger: vocabulaire polyphonique de sa pensée. Sous la dir. de François FÉDIER, Philippe ARJAKOVSKY et Hadrien FRANCE-LANORD. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013, 1450 p. (Passages).

870. Storia religiosa della Francia. Sotto la dir. di Catherine VINCENT e Alain TALLON. A cura di Luciano VACCARO. Milano, Centro Ambrosiano, 2013, 2 vol., 640 p. (Europa ricerche, 17).

882. Islamische Philosophie im Mittelalter: ein Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Heidrun EICHNER, Matthias PERKAMS und Christian SCHÄFER. Darmstadt, WBG, 2013, 400 p.

871. Topographies of faith. Religion in urban spaces. Ed. by Irene BECCI, Marian BURCHARDT and José CASANOVA. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, 235 p.

883. NAEVE (Nico). Naturteleologie bei Aristoteles, Leibniz, Kant und Hegel: eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung. Freiburg, Verlag Karl Alber, 2013, 487 p. (Physis, 2).

872. TURNER (John P.). Inquisition in Early Islam: the competition for political and religious authority in the Abbasid Empire. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2013, XVI228 p. (Library of Middle East history, 35). 873. WILKEN (Robert Louis). I primi mille anni: storia globale del cristianesimo. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, XIV-447 p. (La biblioteca, 4).

884. Oxford guide (The) the historical reception of Augustine. Editor in chief Karla POLLMANN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 3 vol., 1930 p.

§ 11. Addendum 2012

885. Oxford handbook (The) of British philosophy in the eighteenth century. Ed. by James A. HARRIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-670 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).

874. Pravoslavie Ukrainy i Moskovskoj Rusi v XV– XVII vekakh: obschee i osobennoe. (Orthodox Church of Ukraine and Muscovian Russia in the 15th–17th centuries: common and different features). Ed. Mikhail V.

886. Oxford handbook (The) of British philosophy in the seventeenth century. Ed. by Peter R. ANSTEY. Oxford a. England, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-651 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).



887. Oxford handbook (The) of Nietzsche. Ed. by Ken GEMES and John RICHARDSON . Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-792 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).

900. Cambridge companion (The) to the literature of the American South. Ed. by Sharon MONTEITH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-242 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).

888. Oxford handbook (The) of philosophy of death. Ed. by Ben BRADLEY, Fred FELDMAN and Jens JOHANSSON. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-502 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).

901. Cambridge companion (The) to the poetry of the First World War. Ed. by Santanu DAS. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-295 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).

889. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of analytic philosophy. Ed. by Michael BEANEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-1161 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).

902. Companion (A) to Australian aboriginal literature. Ed. by Belinda WHEELER. Rochester a. New York, Camden House, 2013, XXIV-216 p. (Camden House companion volumes).

890. Rousseau und die Moderne: eine kleine Enzyklopädie. Hrsg. v. Iwan-Michelangelo D'APRILE und Stefanie STOCKHORST. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 348 p.

903. Companion (A) to Terence. Ed. by Antony AUAriana TRAILL. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, XII-41 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world, 103).

Cf. nos 5389-5445 § 13. History of literature. * 891. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. L. 2012. [XLIX. 2011. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 815.] Begründet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2013, 1264 p. * 892. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter. Autoren und Werke nach Themenkreisen und Gattungen. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang ACHNITZ. Bd. 5 Epik (Vers – Strophe – Prosa) und Kleinformen. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, L-2136 c. _______________________

893. Auto(r)fiktion: literarische Verfahren der Selbstkonstruktion. Hrsg. v. Martina WAGNER-EGELHAAF. Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2013, 377 p. 894. Brill's companion to Horace. Ed. by Hans-Christian GÜNTHER. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 646 p. 895. Cambridge companion (The) to American novelists. Ed. by Timothy PARRISH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXXIV-328 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 896. Cambridge companion (The) to Cicero. Ed. by Catherine STEEL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-422 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 897. Cambridge companion (The) to Latin love elegy. Ed. by Thea S. THORSEN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-435 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 898. Cambridge companion (The) to sensation fiction. Ed. by Andrew MANGHAM. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-234 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 899. Cambridge companion (The) to the literature of Paris. Ed. by Anna-Louise MILNE. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXIII-259 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 914.


904. Dictionnaire littéraire de la nuit. Sous la dir. de Alain MONTANDON. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 2 vol., III-1622 p. (Dictionnaires & références, 24). 905. Enzyklopädie der Philologie: Themen und Methoden der Klassischen Philologie heute. Hrsg. v. Ulrich SCHMITZER.Göttingen, Ruprecht, 2013, 313 p. (Vertumnus, 11). 906. GUARINO (Gabriella). L'animale e l'ibrido nella cultura e letteratura: prospettive teoriche dai Greci a Dante. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 332 p. (bibl.). (Aracne 10, 932). 907. Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Exilliteratur: von Heinrich Heine bis Herta Müller. Hrsg. v. Bettina BANNASCH und Gerhild ROCHUS. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, XIX-653 p.(De Gruyter handbook). 908. Handbuch Nachkriegskultur: Literatur, Sachbuch und Film in Deutschland (1945-1962). Hrsg. v. Elena AGAZZI und Erhard SCHÜTZ. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XV-708 p. (De Gruyter handbook). 909. KLINGNER (Jacob), LIEB (Ludger). Handbuch Minnereden. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 2 vol., 1106 p., 369 p. 910. ROBINSON (Peter John Edgley). The Oxford handbook of contemporary British and Irish poetry. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIX-761 p. (Oxford handbooks of literature). 911. SCHNEIDER (Manfred). Transparenztraum. Literatur, Politik, Medien und das Unmögliche. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 2013, 342 p. 912. TÖTÖSY DE ZEPETNEK (Steven), MUKHERJEE (Tutun). Companion to comparative literature, world literature, and comparative cultural studies. New Delhi, Cambridge U. P. India, 2013, VIII-528 p. 913. Virgil (The) encyclopedia. Ed. by Richard F. THOMAS, Jan M. ZIOLKOWSKI. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, (3 voll.) LXXVIII-1525 p.


§ 1. General. 914-925. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 926-947. – § 3. Neolithic. 948-995. – § 4. Bronze age. 996-1036. – § 5. Iron age. 1037-1050. § 1. General. * 914. Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria: attività 2012. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 267-280. ______________________

915. ARCÀ (Andrea). Le Meraviglie del Bego e le coppelle delle Alpi nel quadro della scoperta scientifica ottocentesca delle incisioni rupestri alpine. Schizzi, rilievi, calchi epigrafici, pantografi e "lottinoplastica": uno sguardo sulla storia delle ricerche e sui metodi di documentazione. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 217-253. 916. BREZINA (Pavol). Acoustics of historic spaces as a form of intangible cultural heritage. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 574-580.

922. OGUNDIRAN (Akinwumi). The end of prehistory? An Africanist comment. American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 788-801. 923. RISCH (Roberto). Una entrevista con Hermanfrid Schubart, Moraira (Alicante, 14-XI-2012). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 231-240. 924. SMAIL (Daniel Lord), SHRYOCK (Andrew). History and the "Pre". American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 709-737. 925. WINDER (Isabelle C.), KING (Geoffrey C.P.), DEVÈS (Maud), BAILEY (Geoff N.). Complex topography and human evolution: the missing link. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 333-349. § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. _______________________

917. CAMPBELL (Ewan), LEIPER (Rob). Digging deeper in the archaeological psyche. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 589-596. 918. DE MARINIS (Raffaele Carlo). De Profundis per la divulgazione scientifica in campo preistorico e protostorico. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 255263. 919. ESTEBAN (César), ESCACENA CARRASCO (José Luis). Arqueología del cielo. Orientaciones astronómicas en edificios protohistóricos del sur de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 114-139. 920. Investigating the history in prehistories. AHR Forum. American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 708801 [Introduction; p. 708, SMAIL (Daniel Lord) – ANDREW (Shryock). History and the "Pre", p. 709-737 – O'HANLON (Rosalind). Contested conjunctures: Brahman communities and "Early Modernity" in India, p. 765787 – OGUNDIRAN (Akinwumi). The end of prehistory? An Africanist comment, p. 788-801.] 921. LONGA MARTÍNEZ (Víctor Manuel). Un análisis computacional de las líneas prehistóricas: diseños geométricos y lenguaje. Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 15-43.

926. ALCARAZ-CASTAÑO (Manuel), ALCOLEA GONZÁLEZ (Javier), DE BALBÍN BEHRMANN (Rodrigo), GARCÍA VALERO (Miguel Ángel), SAINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José Yravedra), BAENA PREYSLER (Javier). Los orígenes del Solutrense y la ocupación pleniglaciar del interior de la Península Ibérica: implicaciones del nivel 3 de Peña Capón (valle del Sorbe, Guadalajara). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 28-53. 927. ALTAMURA (Flavio). Reuse of prehistoric lithic implements in historical times: case studies from the Alban hills. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 7-30. 928. BARKAI (Ran), GOPHER (Avi), SOLODENKO (Natalya), LEMORINI (Cristina). An Amudian oddity: a giant biface from Late Lower Palaeolithic Qesem Cave. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 176-186. 929. BELLO (Silvia M.), DELBARRE (Gabrielle), PAR(Simon A.), CURRANT (A.P.), KRUSZYNSKI (Robert), STRINGER (Christopher Brian). Lost and found: the remarkable curatorial history of one of the earliest discoveries of Palaeolithic portable art. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 237-244.




930. CHAZAN (Michael). Butchering with small tools: the implications of the Evron Quarry assemblage for the behaviour of Homo erectus. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 350-367. 931. DE LA PEÑA ALONSO (Paloma). Estudio estratigráfico y tecnotipológico de los niveles basales de la cueva de Les Mallaetes (Barx, Valencia): nuevas claves para el Paleolítico Superior inicial mediterráneo. Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 61-88. 932. DELANNOY (Jean-Jacques), DAVID (Bruno), GE(Jean-Michel), KATHERINE (Margaret), BARKER (Bryce), WHEAR (Ray L.), GUNN (Robert G.). The social construction of caves and rockshelters: Chauvet Cave (France) and Nawarla Gabarnmang (Australia). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 12-29. NESTE

933. FANO (Miguel A.), CLEMENTE (Ignacio), RI(Olivia). Apuntes en torno al uso de los arpones magdalenienses: primeras observaciones microscópicas a partir de los materiales de El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 332-345.


934. FUENTES (Oscar). The depiction of the individual in prehistory: human representations in Magdalenian societies. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 985-1000. 935. GARCÍA CATALÁN (Sergio), GÓMEZ DE SOLER (Bruno), SOTO QUESADA (María), VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel). Los sistemas de producción lítica en el Paleolítico Superior Final: el caso del nivel Asup del Molí del Salt (Vimbodí i Poblet, Tarragona). Zephyrus, 2013, 72, p. 39-58. 936. HARDY (Karen), BUCKLEY (Stephen), HUFFMAN (Michael). Neanderthal self-medication in context. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 873-878. 937. HERON (Carl), ANDERSEN (Søren), FISCHER (Anders), GLYKOU (Aikaterini), HARTZ (Sönke), SAUL (Hayley), STEELE (Val), CRAIG (Oliver). Illuminating the Late Mesolithic: residue analysis of 'blubber' lamps from Northern Europe. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 178-188. 938. LI (Feng), GAO (Xing), CHEN (Fuyou), PEI (Shuwen), ZHANG (Yue), ZHANG (Xiaoling), LIU (Decheng), ZHANG (Shuangquan), GUAN (Ying), WANG (Huimin), KUHN (Steven L.). The development of Upper Palaeolithic China: new results from the Shuidonggou site. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 368-383. 939. MARTIN (Louise), EDWARDS (Yvonne), GARRARD (Andrew). Broad spectrum or specialised activity? Birds and tortoises at the Epipalaeolithic site of Wadi Jilat 22 in the Eastern Jordan steppe. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 649-665. 940. MEVEL (Ludovic). Magdalenian pioneers in the Northern French Alps, 17.000 cal BP. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 384-404. 941. NILSSON STUTZ (Liv), LARSSON (Lars), ZA(Ilga). The persistent presence of the dead: recent excavations at the hunter-gatherer cemetery at Zvejnieki (Latvia). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1016-1029.


942. PRYOR (Alexander J.E.), STEELE (Madeline), JONES (Martin K.), SVOBODA (Jiří), BERESFORD-JONES (David G.). Plant foods in the Upper Palaeolithic at Dolní Vӗstonice? Parenchyma redux. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 971-984. 943. RÍOS GARAIZAR (Joseba), GÁRATE MAIDAGÁN (Diego), GÓMEZ OLIVENCIA (Asier), ARCEREDILLO ALONSO (Diego), IRIARTE AVILÉS (Eneko), GARCÍA MORENO (Alejandro), GARRIDO PIMENTEL (Daniel), SAN PEDRO CALLEJA (Ziortza). El final del Solutrense en el Oriente Cantábrico a través de las ocupaciones de la cueva de Arlanpe (Lemoa, Vizcaya). Zephyrus, 2013, 72, p. 15-38. 944. RIVERO VILÁ (Olivia), GÁRATE MAIDAGÁN (Diego). Arte parietal Paleolítico en la cueva de Hornos de la Peña (Cantabria): nuevos datos sobre su conjunto exterior. Zephyrus, 2013, 72, p. 59-72. 945. SANTAMARÍA ÁLVAREZ (David), DE LA RASILLA VIVES (Marco). Datando el final del Paleolítico medio en la Península Ibérica. Problemas metodológicos y límites de la interpretación. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 241-263. 946. SUNYER (Miquel Roy), TARRIÑO VINAGRE (Andoni), BENITO-CALVO (Alfonso), MORA TORCAL (Rafael), MARTÍNEZ-MORENO (Jorge). Aprovisionamiento de sílex en el Prepirineo oriental durante el Paleolítico superior antiguo: el nivel arqueológico 497C de Cova Gran (Santa Linya, Lleida). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 7-27. 947. YRAVEDRA SÁINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José), DÍEZ MARTÍN (Fernando), SÁNCHEZ YUSTOS (Policarpo), GÓMEZ DE LA RÚA (Diana), DÍAZ MUÑOZ (Isabel), GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ (José Ángel). Estrategias de subsistencia durante el Paleolítico medio en la Submeseta Norte. La Cueva Corazón (Mave, Palencia). Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 45-60. § 3. Neolithic. ______________________

948. ACQUAFREDDA (Pasquale), MUNTONI (Italo M.), PALLARA (Mauro). Sem-eds and xrf characterization of obsidian bladelets from Portonovo (An) to identify raw material provenance. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 69-82. 949. AMKREUTZ (Luc). Home is when you build it. Characteristics of building and occupation in the Lower Rhine area wetlands (5500–2500 cal BC). In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 229-259. 950. BÁNFFY (Eszter). Tracing the beginning of sedentary life in the Carpathian basin. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 117-149. 951. BAYSAL (Emma). A tale of two assemblages: Early Neolithic manufacture and use of beads in the Konya plain. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 1-15. 952. BEA (Manuel), ROYO (José Ignacio). ¿También un arte 'macro-levantino'? El arquero de grandes dimensiones de Val del Charco del Agua Amarga (Al-

§ 3. Neolithic cañiz, Teruel). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 166174. 953. BEJENARU (Luminiţa), STANC (Simina). Arheozoologia neoliticului din estul şi sud-estul României. (Neolithic archeozoology in Eastern and South.-Eastern Romania). În colaborare cu Mariana POPOVICI şi Adrian BĂLĂŞESCU. Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 220 p. 954. BICKLE (Penny). Of time and the house: the Early Neolithic communities of the Paris basin and their domestic architecture. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 151-181. 955. BURDO (Natalia) ET ALII. Houses in the archaeology of the Tripillia-Cucuteni groups. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 95-115. 956. CALLANAN (Martin). Melting snow patches reveal Neolithic archery. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 728-745. 957. CATALANO (Paola), DI GIANNANTONIO (Stefania). An anthropological study of the human remains from the archaeological excavation of Portonovo-Fosso Fontanaccia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 57-63. 958. CELANT (Alessandra). Anthracological remains from a Neolithic settlement in the Conero Natural Park. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 66-68. 959. CHI (Zhang), HUNG (Hsiao-chun). Jiahu 1: earliest farmers beyond the Yangtze river. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 46-63. 960. CONATI BARBARO (Cecilia). Cooking, working and burying in ancient Neolithic: the ovens of Portonovo (Marche, Italy). Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 31-51. 961. CUENCA SOLANA (David), CANTILLO DUARTE (Juan Jesús), VIJANDE VILA (Eduardo), MONTAÑÉS CABALLERO (Manuel), CLEMENTE CONTE (Ignacio), VILLAPANDO MORENO (Antonio). Utilización de instrumentos de concha para la realización de actividades productivas en sociedades tribales comunitarias del Sur de la Península Ibérica. El ejemplo de Campo de Hockey (San Fernando, Cádiz) y Set Parralejos (Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz). Zephyrus, 2013, 72, p. 95-111. 962. D'ALPOIM GUEDES (Jade), JIANG (Ming), HE (Kunyu), WU (Xiaohong), JIANG (Zhanghua). Site of Baodun yields earliest evidence for the spread of rice and foxtail millet agriculture to South-West China. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 758-771. 963. DE BLAS CORTINA (Miguel Ángel). La implantación neolítica en la bahía de Gijón desde las postrimerías del V milenio a.C.: enfoque arqueológico y paleoambiental y notas sobre la monumentalidad megalítica. Zephyrus, 2013, 72, p. 73-93. 964. DENHAM (Tim). Early farming in island Southeast Asia: an alternative hypothesis. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 250-257.


965. DRAGOMAN (Radu-Alexandru). O biografie a ceramicii neolitice de la Vădastra. (A biography on the neolithic pottery from Vădastra). Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, 168 p. 966. FERNÁNDEZ ERASO (Javier). La estación megalítica de La Rioja Alavesa: cronología, orígenes y ciclos de utilización. Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 89-106. 967. HODDER (Ian). From diffusion to structural transformation: the changing roles of the Neolithic house in the Middle East, Turkey and Europe. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 349362. 968. HOFMANN (Daniela) [et al.] Dwelling, materials, cosmology. Transforming houses in the Neolithic. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 117. 969. HOFMANN (Daniela). Living by the lake. Domestic architecture in the Alpine foreland. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 197-227. 970. JENNINGS (Richard P.), SHIPTON (Ceri), ALOMARI (Abdulaziz), ALSHAREKH (Abdullah M.), CRASSARD (Rémy), GROUCUTT (Huw), PETRAGLIA (Michael D.). Rock art landscapes beside the Jubbah palaeolake, Saudi Arabia. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 666-683. 971. JONES (G.), CHARLES (Michael P.), JONES (Martin K.), COLLEDGE (Sue), LEIGH (Fiona J.), LISTER (Diane A.), SMITH (Lydia M.J.), POWELL (Wayne), BROWN (T.A.), JONES (Huw). DNA evidence for multiple introductions of barley into Europe following dispersed domestications in Western Asia. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 701-713. 972. LARSSON (Lars) [et al.]. Lost and found: houses in the Neolithic of Southern Scandinavia. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 329-347. 973. LAST (Jonathan). The end of the longhouse. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 261-282. 974. LELLI (Roberta). Bone collagen carbon (d13c) and nitrogen (d15n) stable isotope analysis of human and faunal samples from Portonovo. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 64-65. 975. LESPEZ (Laurent), TSIRTSONI (Zoï), DARCQUE (Pascal), KOUKOULI-CHRYSSANTHAKI (Haïdo), MALAMIDOU (Dimitra), TREUIL (René), DAVIDSON (Robert), KOURTESSI-PHILIPPAKIS (Georgia), OBERLIN (Christine). The lowest levels at Dikili Tash, Northern Greece: a missing link in the Early Neolithic of Europe. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 30-45. 976. MAC FADYEN (Lesley). House, household, home. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 363-372. 977. MAFFI (Maria), TIRABASSI (Iames). Il sito Neolitico di S. Ilario d'Enza (Reggio Emilia): scavi MonacoBernardi. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 3976.



978. MANCUSI (Viviana Germana). Le asce in pietra levigata del Neolitico: note preliminari sulla produzione e funzione delle lame polite in Italia Meridionale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 21-37.

990. SHERIDAN (Alison). Early Neolithic habitation structures in Britain and Ireland: a matter of circumstance and context. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 283-300.

979. MANNING (Katie), DOWNEY (Sean S.), COLLEDGE (Sue), CONOLLY (James), STOPP (Barbara), DOBNEY (Keith), SHENNAN (Stephen). The origins and

991. SHILLITO (Lisa-Marie), RYAN (Philippa). Surfaces and streets: phytoliths, micromorphology and changing use of space at Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 684-700.

spread of stock-keeping: the role of cultural and environmental influences on early Neolithic animal exploitation in Europe. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1046-1059. 980. MARGARITIS (Evi). Distinguishing exploitation, domestication, cultivation and production: the olive in the third millennium Aegean. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 746757. 981. MAZZUCCO (Niccolò), GIBAJA (Juan Francisco), GUILAINE (Jean), BRIOIS (François), CREMONESI (Giuliano). Il sito Neolitico antico di Torre Sabea (Gallipoli, LE): nuovi dati sulla pratiche agricole e venatorie attraverso l'analisi funzionale dell'industria litica. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 5-20. 982. MONTGOMERY (Janet), BEAUMONT (Julia), JAY (Mandy), KEEFE (Katie), GLEDHILL (Andrew R.), COOK (Gordon T.), DOCKRILL (Stephen J.), MELTON (Nigel D.). Strategic and sporadic marine consumption at the onset of the Neolithic: increasing temporal resolution in the isotope evidence. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1060-1072. 983. MORALES (Juan Ignacio), VERGÈS (Josep M.), FONTANALS (Marta), OLLÉ (Andreu), ALLUÉ (Ethel), ANGELUCCI (Diego E.). Procesos técnicos y culturales durante el Holoceno inicial en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Los niveles B y Bb de La Cativera (El Catllar, Tarragona). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 54-75. 984. MUNTONI (Italo M.), RUGGIERO (Grazia). Estimating firing temperatures of pyrotechnological processes in the Neolithic site of Portonovo. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 52-56. 985. NAUMOV (Goce). Embodied houses: the social and symbolic agency of Neolithic architecture in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 65-94. 986. PĂTROI (Cătălin Nicolae). Neo-eneoliticul în Oltenia. Repertoriu de aşezări şi descoperiri. (The neo-eneolithic age in Oltenia. Repertory of settlements and findings). Craiova, Editura Sitech, 2013, 251 p. 987. PEPPOLONI (Silvia), DI CAPUA (Giuseppe). Uno sguardo d'insieme sugli eventi geologici e climatici che caratterizzano l'Olocene nell'area baltica e mediterranea. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 341362. 988. PERLÈS (Catherine), QUILES (Anita), VALLADAS (Hélène). Early seventh-millennium AMS dates from domestic seeds in the initial Neolithic at Franchthi Cave (Argolid, Greece). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1001-1015. 989. PYZEL (Joanna). Change and continuity in the Danubian longhouses of lowland Poland. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 183-196.

992. SMYTH (Jessica). Tides of change? The house through the Irish Neolithic. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 301-327. 993. SOUVATZI (Stella). Diversity, uniformity and the transformative properties of the house in Neolithic Greece. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 45-64. 994. Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe. Ed. by Daniela HOFMANN, Jessica SMYTH. New York, Springer, 2013, VIII-406 p. [Cf. nos 949, 950, 954, 955, 967, 968, 969, 972, 973, 976, 985, 989, 990, 992, 993, 995, 1077.] 995. WATERSON (Roxana). Transformations in the art of dwelling: some anthropological reflections on Neolithic houses. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 373-396. Cf. no 1740 § 4. Bronze age. ______________________

996. ARMADA (Xosé Lois), RAFEL (Núria), GRAELLS (Raimon), ROQUÉ (Ramón). Orígenes del urbanismo y dinámicas sociales en el Bronce Final de Cataluña meridional: El Avenc del Primo (Bellmunt del Priorat, Tarragona). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 278-294. 997. BECKMAN (Joy Elizabeth). The meaning of material: ritual vessel assemblages in Chu burials of the fourth and third centuries BC, China. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 772-787. 998. BIETTI SESTIERI (Anna Maria), SALZANI (Luciano), GIARDINO (Claudio), VERLY (Georges). Ritual treatment of weapons as a correlate of structural change in the Italian LBA communities: the bronze hoard of Pila del Brancon (Nogara, Verona). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 155-169. 999. BONORA (Gian Luca), VIDALE (Massimo). The Middle Chalcolithic in Southern Turkmenistan and the archaeological record of Ilgynly-Depe. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 145-170. 1000. BORGNA (Elisabetta). Di periferia in periferia. Italia, Egeo e Mediterraneo orientale ai tempi della koiné metallurgica: una proposta di lettura diacronica. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 125-153. 1001. Bronze Age and craftsmen in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş. 5–7 October 2012. Edited by Botond REZI, Rita E. NÉMETH and Sándor BERECKI. Târgu Mureş, 2013, 345 p.

§ 4. Bronze age 1002. CAZZELLA (Alberto), RECCHIA (Giulia). The human factor in the transformation of Southern Italian Bronze Age societies: agency theory and Marxism reconsidered. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 191-210. 1003. CHAIRKINA (Natalia M.), KUZMIN (Yaroslav V.), BURR (George S.). Chronology of the perishables: first AMS 14C dates of wooden artefacts from Aeneolithic–Bronze Age waterlogged sites in the Trans-Urals, Russia. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 418-429. 1004. COSTA CARAMÉ (Manuel Eleazar). Las estelas del Suroeste en el valle del Guadalquivir y Sierra Morena: distribución espacial y nuevas perspectivas de investigación. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 7694. 1005. CULTRARO (Massimo). Barrel-shaped vessels in context: a long-range model of dairy production in Eastern and Central Mediterranean during the late fourth and early third millennia BC. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 157190. 1006. ENRÍQUEZ NAVASCUÉS (Juan Javier), PALOMO LECHÓN (Sandra). Conjunto metálico con puntas de jabalina procedentes del yacimiento de La Pestaña (Badajoz). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 346-351. 1007. FILIPE (Victor), GODINHO (Ricardo), GRANJA (Raquel), VALERA (António Carlos). Espacios funerarios de la Edad del Bronce en Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal): la necrópolis de hipogeos. Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 107-129. 1008. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Marcos). Las Pozas (Casaseca de las Chanas, Zamora): dos nuevos recintos de fosos calcolíticos en el Valle del Duero. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 175-184. 1009. GARCÍA PUCHOL (Oreto), AUBÁN (Joan Bernabeu), CARRIÓN MARCO (Yolanda), MOLINA BALAGUER (Lluís), PÉREZ JORDÀ (Guillem), GÓMEZ PUCHE (Magdalena). Una perspectiva funeraria sobre el periodo campaniforme en el Mediterráneo occidental. Leyendo el contexto social de los enterramientos individuales de La Vital (Gandía, Valencia). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 264-277. 1010. GIUMLIA-MAIR (Alessandra). Baltico e Mediterraneo orientale nel II millennio a.C. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 319-340. 1011. GRAHAM (Philip J.), SMITH (Alexia). A day in the life of an Ubaid household: archaeobotanical investigations at Kenan Tepe, South-Eastern Turkey. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 405-417. 1012. HAFSAAS-TSAKOS (Henriette). Edges of bronze and expressions of masculinity: the emergence of a warrior class at Kerma in Sudan. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 79-91. 1013. HELWING (Barbara). The Chalcolithic of Northern Iran. In: Oxford handbook (The) of ancient Iran [cf. n° 592], p. 79-92.


1014. IVANOVA (Mariya). Domestic architecture in the Early Bronze Age of Western Anatolia: the rowhouses of Troy I. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 17-33. 1015. JOVER MAESTRE (Francisco Javier), LÓPEZ PADILLA (Juan Antonio). La producción textil durante la Edad del Bronce en el cuadrante suroriental de la Península Ibérica: materias primas, productos, instrumentos y procesos de trabajo. Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 149-171. 1016. KOUKA (Ourania). Minding the gap: against the gaps. The Early Bronze Age and the transition to the Middle Bronze Age in the Northern and Eastern Aegean/Western Anatolia. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 569-580. 1017. LANGGUT (Dafna), FINKELSTEIN (Israel), LITT (Thomas). Climate and the Late Bronze collapse: new evidence from the Southern Levant. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 149-175. 1018. LEGARRA HERRERO (Borja). Modern political views and the emergence of early complex societies in the Bronze Age Mediterranean. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 245-249. 1019. MÁRQUEZ-ROMERO (José E.), JIMÉNEZ-JÁIMEZ (Víctor). Monumental ditched enclosures in Southern Iberia (fourth–third millennia BC). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 447-460. 1020. NASHLI (Hassan Fazeli), VALIPOUR (Hamid Reza), AZIZI KHARANAGHI (Mohammed Hossein). The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age in the Qazvin and Tehran plains: a chronological perspective. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 107130. 1021. PAGLIETTI (Giacomo). Da Barumini a Lipari. Due contesti del Bronzo finale a confronto. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 171-194. 1022. PELTENBURG (Edgard). Conflict and exclusivity in Early Bronze Age societies of the Middle Euphrates Valley. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 233-252. 1023. PIGNOCCHI (Gaia), LANDOLFI (Maurizio). I siti con ceramica a squame di Campograsso di Castelfidardo e Piazza Malatesta di Ancona nella sequenza dell'Eneolitico marchigiano e dell'Italia centrale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 77-93. 1024. PRIMAVERA (Milena), FIORENTINO (Girolamo). Acorn gatherers: fruit storage and processing in SouthEast Italy during the Bronze Age. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 211228. 1025. PRIVITERA (Santo). Principi, Pelasgi e pescatori. L'Attica nella Tarda Età del Bronzo. Atene e Paestum, Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2013, 174 p. 1026. PULLEN (Daniel J.). Minding the gap: bridging the gaps in cultural change within the Early Bronze Age Aegean. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 545-553.



1027. RACZKY (Pál), SIKLÓSI (Zsuzsanna). Reconsideration of the Copper Age chronology of the Eastern Carpathian basin: a Bayesian approach. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 555-573. 1028. RADIVOJEVIĆ (Miljana), REHREN (Thilo), KUZMANOVIĆ-CVETKOVIĆ (Julka), JOVANOVIĆ (Marija), NORTHOVER (J. Peter). Tainted ores and the rise of tin bronzes in Eurasia, c. 6500 years ago. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1030-1045. 1029. RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ (Alonso), PAVÓN SOLDEVILA (Ignacio), DUQUE ESPINO (David M.), PONCE DE LEÓN IGLESIAS (Moisés), HUNT ORTIZ (Mark A.), MERIDETH (Craig). La explotación tartésica de la casiterita entre los ríos Tajo y Guadiana: San Cristóbal de Logrosán (Cáceres). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 95113. 1030. ROLFO (Mario Federico), ACHINO (Katia Francesca), FUSCO (Ivana), SALARI (Leonardo), SILVESTRI (Letizia). La Grotta Mora Cavorso a Jenne (Roma): i livelli dell'Antica-media Età del Bronzo. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 95-123. 1031. SCHUHMACHER (Thomas X.), BANERJEE (Arun), DINDORF (Willi), SASTRI (Chaturvedula), SAUVAGE (Thierry). La utilización de marfil de cachalote en el Calcolítico de Portugal. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 185-203. 1032. STRUPLER (Néhémie). Vorratshaltung im mittelbronzezeitlichen Bogazköy. Spiegel einer häuslichen und regionalen Ökonomie. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 17-50.

1039. BELARTE (Maria Carme), MALGOSA (Assumpció), GÖTZ (Manuel), KRAUSSE (Dirk). Rethinking NOGUERA (Jaume), OLMOS (Pau), PIGA (Giampaolo). Las necrópolis protohistóricas tumulares de Cataluña meridional: el ejemplo de Sebes (Flix, Tarragona). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 295-314. 1040. BENDER JØRGENSEN (Lise). The question of prehistoric silks in Europe. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 581588. 1041. CHAPA BRUNET (Teresa), PEREIRA SIESO (Juan), CABRERA DÍEZ (Ana), CHARRO LOBATO (Cristina), MORENO-GARCÍA (Marta), RUIZ ALONSO (Mónica), PÉREZ DÍAZ (Sebastián), LÓPEZ SÁEZ (José Antonio), ARAUJO (Rafael). Una fosa-vertedero de época vettona en el Cerro de la Mesa (Alcolea de Tajo, Toledo). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 140-165. 1042. FERNÁNDEZEarly Iron Age urbanisation in Central Europe: the Heuneburg site and its archaeological environment. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 473-487. 1043. HARICHARAN (Smriti), ACHYUTHAN (Hema), SURESH (N.). Situating megalithic burials in the Iron Age-Early Historic landscape of Southern India. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 488-502. 1044. MARTIN (Mario A.S.), FINKELSTEIN (Israel). Iron IIA pottery from the Negev Highlands: petrographic investigation and historical implications. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 6-45. 1045. MÜLDNER (Gundula). Stable isotopes and diet: their contribution to Romano-British research. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 137-149.

1033. VILLALOBOS GARCÍA (Rodrigo). Artefactos singulares de filiación meridional en el Calcolítico de la Meseta Norte española: un vaso calcáreo procedente de El Fonsario (Villafáfila, Zamora). Zephyrus, 2013, 71, p. 131-148.

1046. PÊCHE-QUILICHINI (Kewin). Contributo cronologico e culturale dell'analisi del vasellame ceramico del Bronzo Finale e della prima Età del Ferro della Corsica. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2013, 63, p. 195-215.

1034. WEBB (Jennifer M.), FRANKEL (David). Cultural regionalism and divergent social trajectories in Early Bronze Age Cyprus. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 59-81.


1035. WIENER (Malcolm H.). Minding the gap: gaps, destructions, and migrations in the Early Bronze Age Aegean. Causes and consequences. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 581-592. 1036. WILSON (David E.). Ayia Irini II-III, Kea: the phasing and relative chronology of the Early Bronze Age II settlement. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 385-434. § 5. Iron age. _______________________

1037. ABOUSAMRA (Gaby), LEMAIRE (André). Astarte in Tyre according to new Iron Age funerary stelae. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 153-157. 1038. AHRENS (Alexander). Einleitung: "Schnittpunkt Levante" – Kulturelle Interaktionen während der Bronze- und Eisenzeit. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 193-194.

1047. URBINA MARTINEZ (Dionisio), GARCÍA-VUEL(Oscar). Cronología radiocarbónica de Las Lunas (Yuncler, Toledo), un gran poblado de fines de la Prehistoria en la Meseta Sur. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 352-360. 1048. VALÉRIO (Pedro), MONGE SOARES (António M.), ARAÚJO (María Fátima), SILVA (Rui J.C.), SANTOS (Filipe J.C.). El ajuar de la necrópolis de Palhais (Beja, Portugal). Nuevos conocimientos sobre la evolución metalúrgica bajo la influencia orientalizante en el extremo suroriental de Iberia. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 361-371. 1049. VEGA MAESO (Cristina), CARMONA BALLES(Eduardo). Nuevos datos sobre la Edad del Hierro en Alto Duero: el castro de El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 372-384. TERO

1050. VIKSTRAND (Per). Järnålderns bebyggelsenamn. Om bebyggelsenamnens uppkomst och ålder. (La toponymie de l'Age de fer. Origine et ancienneté des noms d'habitat). Uppsala, Institutet för språk och folkminnen, 2013, 232 p. (ill.). (Skrifter utgivna av Institutet för språk och folkminnen. Namnarkivet i Uppsala. Serie B, 13).

D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included)

§ 1. General. 1051-1061. – § 2. The Near East. 1062-1107. – § 3. Egypt. 1108-1165. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 1166-1215. – § 5. Hittites. 1216-1231. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1232-1272. – § 7. Iran. 12731307. § 1. General. ______________________

1051. ARNAUD (Daniel). Textes du Levant (supplément). Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 5-17.

und im Alten Testament. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Theologie, 2013, 412 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum alten und neuen Testament, Bd. 134). § 1. Addendum 2012.

1052. CHARVÁT (Petr). The birth of the State: ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Prague, Karolinum, 2013, 358 p.

1061. JAKOBSON (Vladimir A.). Vvedenie v istoriju bjurokratii. (An Introduction to the history of bureaucracy). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 1 (280), p. 81-125.

1053. DARDANO (Paola). L'allineamento sintattico delle lingue indoeuropee dell'Anatolia: vecchi problemi e nuove proposte alla luce di una recente pubblicazione. Orientalia, 2013, 82, p. 29-67.

§ 2. The Near East.

1054. Hellenistic West (The). Rethinking the Ancient Mediterranean. Ed. by Jonathan R. W. PRAG and Josephine Crawley QUINN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXI-471 p. 1055. KITTS (Margo). The Near Eastern Chaoskampf in the river battle of Iliad 21. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 86-112. 1056. MARAZZI (Massimiliano). Scrittura: competenza e supporti scrittorî fra Egeo, Egitto e Vicino Oriente nel II millennio a.C. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 1-13. 1057. PFEIFER (Guido). Konfliktlösungsmechanismen in altvorderasiatischen Staatsverträgen. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 13-22. 1058. PONCHIA (Simonetta). Riflessioni a cent'anni dalla polemica Babel-Bibel. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 85-99.


1062. ARCHI (Alfonso). Ritualization at Ebla. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 212–237. 1063. ARRAYÁS MORALES (Isaías). Elites en conflicto. El impacto de las guerras mitridáticas en las poleis de Asia Menor. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 517-534. – IDEM. Piratería, deportación y repoblamiento. La Anatolia meridional en el marco de las guerras mitridáticas. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 180-210. 1064. ASLAN (Carolyn Chabot), PERNICKA (Ernst). Wild goat style ceramics at Troy and the impact of Archaic period colonisation on the Troad. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 35-53. 1065. BACHMANN (Martin). Das ehemalige deutsche Generalkonsulat. Zeuge der kosmopolitischen Vergangenheit Izmirs. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 421-454. 1066. BELAYCHE (Nicole). Fonctions de l'écriture dans les inscriptions religieuses de l'Anatolie romaine: du monumentum à l'écriture efficace. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 253-272.

1059. STOLLEIS (Michael). Staatsverträge in der Neueren Staats- und Völkerrechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 1-12.

1067. BULUT (Hülya). West slope ware from Daskyleion. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 75-128.

1060. YAMAYOSHI (Tomohisa). Von der Auslösung zur Erlösung: Studien zur Wurzel PDY im Alten Orient

1068. CHRISTOF (Eva). Neufund aus Istanbul/Byzantion. Eine hellenistische Grabstele einer Priesterin der



Artemis von Sardis. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 129-156. 1069. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), MORA (Clelia). Missione archeologica a Kinik Höyük. Uno sguardo d'insieme a conclusione della seconda campagna di scavo (2012). Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 693-708. 1070. D'ANDRIA (Francesco). Il 'Ploutonion' a Hierapolis di Frigia. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 157217. 1071. DEBORD (Pierre). Le pays de Colophon (Colophon, Claros, Notion) et les Séleucides. Revue des études anciennes, 2013, 115, p. 5-27. 1072. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). Il and hrn: divine power vs. magic. A new look at KTU 1.100, Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 39-62. – IDEM. Ug. dg ans in RS 96.2042 [KTU 6.105]: a discussion. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 213-220. 1073. DI NOCERA (Gian Maria). Organization of production and social role of metallurgy in the prehistoric sequence of Arslantepe (Turkey). Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 111142. 1074. DUPLOUY (Alain). Les Mille de Colophon. Totalité symbolique d'une cité d'Ionie (VIe-IIe s. av. J.-C.). Historia, 2013, 62, p. 146-166. 1075. EMME (Burkhard). "Das Märchen von den drei Märkten". Bauten merkantiler Funktion und die städtebauliche Entwicklung des hellenistischen Milet. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 51-74. 1076. GENSHEIMER (Maryl B.), WELCH (Katherine E.). The Achilles and Penthesilea statue group from the tetrastyle court of the Hadrianic baths at Aphrodisias. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 325-377. 1077. GORING-MORRIS (A. Nigel) ET ALII. Houses and households: a Near Eastern perspective. In: Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe [cf. n° 994], p. 19-44. 1078. HERRMANN (Ulrike). Die Überwölbung der westlichen 'parodos' im Odeion des Pergamener Gymnasiums. Baugeschichtliche Beobachtungen anlässlich der Restaurierung 2012. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 455-462. 1079. HERTEL (Thomas K.). Old Assyrian legal practices: law and dispute in the Ancient Near East. Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2013, XLII-479 p.

1082. JACOBS (Ine), WAELKENS (Marc). Five centuries of glory. The North-South colonnaded street of Sagalassos in the first and the sixth century A.D. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 219-266. 1083. KAPTIJN (Eva), POBLOME (Jeroen), VANHAVERBEKE (Hannelore), BAKKER (Johan), WAELKENS (Marc). Societal changes in the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine periods. Results from the Sagalassos territorial archaeological survey 2008 (Southwest Turkey). Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 75-95. 1084. LEWIS (Theodore J.). The Shaʿtiqatu narrative from the Ugaritic story about the healing of King Kirta. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 188–211. 1085. LLOP-RADUA (Jaume). Textile terminologies. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 139-148. 1086. LUKE (Christina), COBB (Elvan). Dwelling in Hacıveliler: social-engineering policies in the context of space, place and landscape in rural, Western Turkey. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 155-173. 1087. MÁRQUEZ ROWE (Ignacio). The seal of king Ammurapi of Ugarit. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 221226. 1088. MATTHAEI (Albrecht). Münzbild und Polisbild. Untersuchung zur Selbstdarstellung kleinasiatischer Poleis im Hellenismus. München, Utz, 2013, 164 p. (Münchner Studien zur Alten Welt, 3). 1089. MIGLIO (Adam E.). A study of the serpent incantation KTU2 1.82: 1-7 and its contributions to Ugaritic mythology and religion. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 30-48. 1090. MÜNNICH (Maciej M.). The God Resheph in the Ancient Near East. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, 320 p. 1091. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp), DIKILITAŞ (Gülseren), ERKUL (Ercan), GIESE (Stefan), GORECKI (Joachim), PROCHASKA (Walter), SARI (Deniz), STÜMPEL (Harald), VARDAR (Ali), WALDNER (Alice), WALSER (Andreas Victor), WOITH (Heiko). Bronze Age höyüks, Iron Age hilltop forts, Roman poleis and Byzantine pilgrimage in Germia and its vicinity. 'Connectivity' and a lack of 'definite places' on the central Anatolian high plateau. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 97-136. 1092. OWEN (David I.). Treasures of the sacristy. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 29-42.

1080. HRITZ (Carrie). Urbanocentric models and rural messiness: a case study in the Balikh river Valley, Syria. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 141-161.

1093. PASQUALI (Jacopo). Symbolique de mort et de renaissance dans les cultes et les rites éblaïtes: dga-na-na, les ancêtres et la royauté. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 43-70.

1081. ISMAELLI (Tommaso). Ancient architectural restoration in Asia Minor. Typology, techniques and meanings discussed with reference to examples of large-scale public buildings in Hierapolis of Phrygia, a seismic city in Western Turkey. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 267-324.

1094. POMPONIO (Francesco). Further considerations on kiški in the Ebla texts. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 71-83. 1095. READE (Julian Edgeworth), ANDERSON (Julie Renee). Gunduk, Khanes, Gaugamela, Gali Zardak –

§ 3. Egypt notes on Navkur and nearby rock-cut sculptures in Kurdistan. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 69–123. 1096. RIES (Gerhard). Der Erlass von Schulden im Alten Orient als obrigkeitliche Massnahme zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 3-16. 1097. Rituals of triumph in the Mediterranean world. Ed. by Anthony J. SPALINGER, Jeremy ARMSTRONG. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 157 p. (Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 63). 1098. RUBIO (Gonzalo). Sanga₂: a graphic story. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 101-104. 1099. SANMARTÍN ASCASO (Joaquín). Ars Syra: how to do things with words. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 111-118. 1100. ŞARE (Tuna). The sculpture of the heroon of Perikle at Limyra: the making of a Lycian king. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 55-74. 1101. SCHIERUP (Stine). Al Mina pottery in the National Museum of Denmark. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 251-300. 1102. SMITH (Andrew M. II). Roman Palmyra. Identity, community and state formation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII-293 p. 1103. SOLANS (Bárbara). La "falta" (hitu) y la confiscación de inmuebles en los textos jurídicos de Emar y Ekalte. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 261-278. 1104. SZIDAT (Sabine). Versteinert durch Gorgos Blick. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2013, 63, p. 379-420. 1105. TONIETTI (Maria Vittoria). Ich will den Kopf des Jochanaan, or the head of the king of Kakmium. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 159-172. 1106. VAN DER SLUIJS (Marinus Anthony), JAMES (Peter). Saturn as the "Sun of the night" in Ancient Near Eastern tradition. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 279-322. 1107. WILHELM (Gernot). The dispute on manumission at Ebla: why does the Stormgod descend to the Netherworld? Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 187-191. § 3. Egypt. ______________________

1108. ABDEL-RAZIQ (Abdalla). A Middle Kingdom funerary stela of a woman at Al-Salam School Museum, Assiut. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 275-280. 1109. ALLEN (James P.). A neglected funerary text. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 300307. 1110. Ancient Egyptian administration. Ed. by Juan Carlos MORENO GARCIA. Leiden, Brill, 2013, IX-1099 p.


(Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung. Nahe und der Mittlere Osten, 104). 1111. BAGNALL (Roger S.). Eine Wüstenstadt. Leben und Kultur in einer ägyptischen Oase im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 79 p. (SpielRäume der Antike, 2). 1112. BARBOTIN (Christophe). Un cas égyptien de texte constitutif de l'image: les statues stéléphores. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 53-66. 1113. BERMEJO (Fernando). La plegaria repetida: un texto maniqueo, de Egipto a Asia Central. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 17-33. 1114. BEUTHE (Tatjana). On the validity of sexing data from early excavations: examples from Qau. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 308-312. 1115. BOJOWALD (Stefan). Der Lautwandel zwischen "k" und "t" in der ägyptischen Sprache. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 207-212. – IDEM. Zu einigen mit ägyptisch "I'h" "Mond" gebildeten Wortspielen. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 33-38. – IDEM. Zum Ausfall von anlautendem "w" im Ägyptischen. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 197-206. 1116. BOOZER (Anna Lucille). Frontiers and borderlands in Imperial perspectives: exploring Rome's Egyptian frontier. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 275-292. 1117. BOSCH PUCHE (Francesc). The Egyptian royal titulary of Alexander the Great, I: Horus, two ladies, golden Horus, and throne names. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 131-154. 1118. BRICAULT (Laurent). Le culte isiaques dans le monde gréco-romain. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, 575 p. 1119. CANEVA (Stefano G.). Arsinoe divinizzata al fianco del re vivente Tolemeo II: uno studio di propaganda greco-egiziana (270–246 a.C.). Historia, 2013, 62, p. 280-322. 1120. CAPASSO (Mario). Le raccolte di papiri storici greci e latini. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 66-78. 1121. COLELLA (Lucia C.). P.Schubart 4: ricontestualizzazione e nuova proposta di datazione. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 51-63. 1122. CROMWELL (Jennifer). A Coptic epistolary exercise from Wadi Sarga. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 272-274. – EADEM. Keeping it in the family: property concerns in eighth century A.D. Thebes. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 213-232. 1123. EL-ALFY (Marwa M.E.). P.Cairo Box n. 3089: giuramento. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 5-7. 1124. ELLIOTT (Chris). Compositions in Egyptian hieroglyphs in nineteenth century England. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 171-190.



1125. ENMARCH (Roland). Some literary aspects of the Kamose inscriptions. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 253-264. 1126. FAROUT (Dominique). Images ou hiéroglyphes? Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 19-52. 1127. FATI (Lorenzo). P.Petrie III 104-106 e l'introduzione della figura del toparches nell'Arsinoites. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 19-41. 1128. FISCHER (Erika). Sphingen in Ägypten und in der Levante: Variationen eines vielseitigen Motivs. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 220–281. 1129. FISCHER-ELFERT (Hans-Werner). Stolz auf seine Fachbibliothek oder Die thaumaturgischen Hände des Dr. Nefer. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 106-113. 1130. FRANKE (Regina). The headquarters building in the tetrarchic fort at Nag'al-Hagar (Upper Egypt). Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 456-463. 1131. GESTOSO SINGER (Graciela). The gold and silver hoard from Tell El-Amarna. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 249-260. 1132. GRAHAM (Angus), STRUTT (Kris D.), EMERY (Virginia L.), JONES (Sarah), BARKER (Dominic S.). Theban harbours and waterscapes survey, 2013. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 35-52. 1133. IACOVIELLO (Annalinda), MONTANARO (Rosanna). Piaghe d'Egitto. I dati archeologici e la loro elaborazione: una veduta d'insieme. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 169-188. 1134. JARMUŻEK (Łukasz). A stable of the Third Intermediate Period at Tell el-Retaba. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 281-289. 1135. JÖRDENS (Andrea). Amnestien im römischen Ägypten. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 319-336. 1136. KELDER (Jorrit). Narmer, scorpion and the representation of the early Egyptian court. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 143156. 1137. KEMP (Barry J.). Tell el-Amarna, 2012-13. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 1-34. 1138. KEMP (Barry J.), STEVENS (Anna), DABBS (Gretchen R.), ZABECKI (Melissa), ROSE (Jerome C.). Life, death and beyond in Akhenaten's Egypt: excavating the South tombs cemetery at Amarna. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 64-78. 1139. LA'DA (Csaba A.). Amnesty in Hellenistic Egypt. A survey of the sources. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 163-212. – IDEM. Amnesty in Pharaonic Egypt. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 17-46. 1140. LORAND (David). A block of Ramesses II reused as a threshold in the Wakala of Qawsun (Cairo). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 270-271.

1141. LULL (José). Astronomía y arqueología en el Egipto antiguo. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, 341-348. 1142. LUPO (Silvia), CREMONTE (Maria Beatriz). Local vessels and imported copies manufactured in sandy fabrics at Tell el-Ghaba, North Sinai. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 191-216. 1143. METAWI (Dina). A brother for Thutmose III (Cairo Museum Bn 104). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 101-116. 1144. MONFERRER-SALA (Juan Pedro). Reconstrucción de un texto siriaco perdido. Apocalipsis de Baruc y sus testimonios siriaco, árabe y griego de los fragmentos papiráceos de Oxírrinco. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 63-78. 1145. MYNÁŘOVÁ (Jana). Being a loyal servant. Egypt and the Levant from the perspective of juridical terminology of the 18th dynasty. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 7988. 1146. NICHOLSON (Paul T.), JACKSON (Caroline M.). Glass of Amenhotep II from tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 85-100. 1147. RIGGS (Christina). A Roman period child's mummy in the Saffron Walden Museum. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 265-269. 1148. ROSSETTI (Ilaria). Bakchias alla luce delle ultime scoperte: topografia e urbanistica. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 189-200. 1149. ROWLAND (Joanne), IKRAM (Salima), TASSIE (Geoffrey J.), YEOMANS (Lisa). The Sacred Falcon necropolis of Djedhor(?) at Quesna: recent investigations from 2006–2012. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 53-84. 1150. SAFRONOV (Alexander). New titles of the Great Chancellor Bay. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 290-294. 1151. SCHIAVO (Renata). Sulla possibile funzione giuridica di alcune lettere ai morti. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 125-145. 1152. SPALINGER (Anthony). Further remarks on the Old Kingdom phyle system. Orientalia, 2013, 82, p. 157206. 1153. STEFANOVIĆ (Danijela). The sole royal ornament, priestess of Hathor, iAm-Hqt. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 209-212. 1154. SUÁREZ DE LA TORRE (Emilio). Divination et magie. Remarques sur les papyrus grecs de l'Égypte gréco-romaine. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 157-172. 1155. THOMAS (Siân E.). The Pastophorion: priests' houses in legal texts from Ptolemaic Pathyris and elsewhere in Egypt. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 155-170. 1156. TRAMPIER (Joshua), TOONEN (Willem), SIMONY (Aude), STARBIRD (Jennifer). Missing koms and aban-

§ 4. Mesopotamia


doned channels: the potential of regional survey in the Western Nile Delta landscape. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 217-240.

1170. BEYER (Klaus). Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 25-62.

1157. TURRIZIANI (Valeria). Divinità ai margini. Confini geografici, frontiere e mondo divino nell'Egitto dell'Antico Regno. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 147-167.

1171. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine). Le monstre du troisième acte dans la Lamentation sur Uruk. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 4–15.

1158. ULJAS (Sami). Some remarks on a negated earlier Egyptian nominal sentence and related constructions. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 241-252. 1159. VAN OPPEN DE RUITER (Branko). Lagus and Arsinoe: an exploration of legendary royal bastardy. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 80-107. 1160. VITALE (Marco). Kleopatra auf einer Inschrift aus Ägypten und auf Münzprägungen syrischer Poleis. Das Schweigen der Erinnerungsmedien nach Actium? Klio, 2013, 95, p. 455–470. 1161. WILFONG (Terry G.). The oracular amuletic decrees: a question of length. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2013, 99, p. 295-299. 1162. WILLIAMS (Bruce). Three rulers in Nubia and the Early Middle Kingdom in Egypt. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 1-10. 1163. WOLFF (Hans Julius). Diritto greco–diritto tolemaico. Dike, 2013, 16, p. 97-122. § 3. Addenda 2012. 1164. MALYKH (Svetlana E.). Sosud i ego soderzhimoe: k voprosu ob interpretatsii nekotorykh drevneegipetskikh grobnichnykh stsen epokhi Drevnego tsarstva. (Vessel and its contents: on the interpretation of some Egyptian tomb scenes of the Old Kingdom). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 4 (283), p. 122-133. (4 ill.). 1165. POMERANTSEVA (Natalija A.). Kartiny i obrazy Drevnego Egipta. (The pictures and images of Ancient Egypt). Moscow State Academic Art Institute, Department of theory and history of art. Moskva, Galart, 2012, 584 p. § 4. Mesopotamia. ______________________

1166. ABRAHAM (Kathleen), GABBAY (Uri). Kaštiliašu and the Sumundar canal: a new Middle Babylonian royal inscription. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 183–195. 1167. ALLEN (Spencer L.). Rearranging the Gods in Esarhaddon's succession treaty (SAA 2 6:414–465). Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 1-24. 1168. BADAMCHI (Hossein). Old Babylonian international law and the protection of merchants against robbery. Responsibility of local ruler for robbery. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 59-78. 1169. BATMAZ (Atilla). A new ceremonial practice at Ayanis fortress: the Urartian sacred tree ritual on the Eastern shore of Lake Van. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 65-83.

1172. CREGAN-REID (Vybarr). Discovering Gilgamesh: geology, narrative and the historical sublime in Victorian culture. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 256 p. 1173. DA RIVA (Rocio). Nebuchadnezzar II's prism (EŞ 7834): a new edition. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 196–229. 1174. EPPIHIMER (Melissa). Representing Ashur: the Old Assyrian rulers' seals and their Ur III prototype. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 35-49. 1175. ERDEM (Aylin Ü.). Potters' marks in Urartu on the basis of new evidence from Ayanis fortress. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 193-220. 1176. FELIU (Lluis). New cuneiform texts in Barcelona. Aula orientalis, 203, 31, p. 227-234. 1177. FRAHM (Eckart). A sculpted slab with an inscription of Sargon II mentioning the rebellion of Yaubi'di of Hamath. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 42–54. 1178. GARCIA-VENTURA (Agnes). Sanitary towels in Ur III administrative texts. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 235-248. 1179. GELLER (Markham J.), TRAINA (Giusto). Tigranu, the crown prince of Armenia: evidence from the Babylonian astronomical diaries. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 447– 454. 1180. GROSS (Melanie M.), HACKL (Johannes). Bitten und Danken in Briefen. Zur Deutung der Wendung ana appi šūṣû. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 55–67. 1181. HUNDLEY (Michael B.). Here a god, there a god: an examination of the divine in Ancient Mesopotamia. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 68–107. 1182. HUROWITZ (Victor Avigdor). An underestimated aspect of Enki/Ea. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 3-10. 1183. KARLSSON (Mattias). Early Neo-Assyrian state ideology. Relations of power in the inscriptions and iconography of Ashurnasirpal II (883-859) and Shalmaneser III (858-824). Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2013, 393 p. 1184. KERTAI (David). The queens of the Neo-Assyrian empire. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 108–124. 1185. KESER-KAYAALP (Elif), ERDOĞAN (Nihat). The cathedral complex at Nisibis. Anatolian studies, 2013, 63, p. 137-154.



1186. KLEINERMAN (Alexandra), GADOTTI (Alhena). Two additional old Babylonian Sumerian literary letters from Nippur. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 149–161. 1187. LAUINGER (Jacob). The Neo-Assyrian adê: treaty, oath, or something else? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 99116. 1188. LENZI (Alan). A new Akkadian Shuila-prayer to the three paths of heaven and the third tablet of Bīt salā' mê. Orientalia, 2013, 82, p. 1-10. 1189. LYNCH (Matthew J.). The Prophet's šārtum u sissiktum "hair and hem" and the mantic context of prophetic oracles at Mari. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 11–29. 1190. MAC MAHON (Augusta), STONE (Adam). The edge of the city: urban growth and burial space in 4th millennium BC Mesopotamia. Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2013, 35, p. 83-110. 1191. MAC MAHON (Augusta). Space, sound, and light: toward a sensory experience of ancient monumental architecture. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 163-179. 1192. MAUL (Stefan M.). Ein altorientalischer Pferdesegen – Seuchenprophylaxe in der assyrischen Armee. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 16–37. 1193. MAYER (Werner R.). Wie die Alten Babylonier und Assyrer einander Vorwürfe machten und einander beschimpften. Orientalia, 2013, 82, p. 207-271. 1194. MICHALOWSKI (Piotr). From the collections of an old Babylonian literary connoisseur. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 15-22. 1195. MILLER (Naomi F.). Symbols of fertility and abundance in the royal cemetery at Ur, Iraq. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 127-133. 1196. MOLINA MARTOS (Manuel). Court officials at Umma in Ur III times. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 125–148. 1197. NAHM (Werner). The case for the lower middle chronology. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 350–372. 1198. NOTIZIA (Palmiro). Ur III tablets from the Columbia University Libraries. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 149-172. 1199. OERS (Lotte). To invest in harvest. Field leases in Old Babylonian Susa. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 155-170.

riod (c. 2112-2004 BCE): a case study of the Umma province. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2013, 328 p. 1202. PELED (Ilan). Votive inscriptions of Ur-Bau, Gudea, Sîn-kāšid and Nabû-kudurrī-uṣur from the Princeton University Library collection. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 142–149. 1203. ROTH (Martha T.). On mār awīlim in the Old Babylonian law collections. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 267-272. 1204. SALLABERGER (Walther). Altar und parakku – Zur Außenansicht der Tempel von Babylon. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 38–42. – IDEM. Der Trinkhalm für Bier: ein präsargonischer Textbeleg. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 105-110. 1205. SASSON (Jack M.). It is for this reason that I have not come down to my Lord... Visit obligations and vassal pretexts in the Mari archives. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 119-129. 1206. SMITH (Duane E.). Portentous birds flying West: on the Mesopotamian origin of Homeric birddivination. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 49-85. 1207. STEINKELLER (Piotr). An archaic "prisoner plaque" from Kiš. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 131-157. 1208. TSOUPAROPOULOU (Christina). Killing and skinning animals in the Ur III period: the Puzriš-Dagan (Drehem) office managing of dead animals and slaughter by-products. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 150–182. 1209. VEENHOF (Klaas R.). New Mesopotamian treaties from the second millennium BC from Kārum Kanesh and Tell Leilan (Šehna). Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 2358. 1210. VIDAL PALOMINO (Jordi). Calculating percentages of battle casualties: on the reliability of Assyrian annals and reliefs from the 9th Century B.C. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 183–192. 1211. WELLS (Bruce). The long view: from Hammurabi to the Bible to the Rabbis. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 171-178. 1212. WILCKE (Claus). Dieser Ur-Namma hier... Eine auf die Darstellung weisende Statueninschrift. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 173186.

1200. OTTO (Adelheid). Königssiegel als Programm – Überlegungen zum Selbstverständnis altorientalischer Herrscher und zur Deutung der Tierkampfszene. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 45–68.

1213. WINITZER (Abraham). A new OB collection of Padānum and related omens in Los Angeles. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 162–182.

1201. OUYANG (Xiaoli). Monetary role of silver and its administration in Mesopotamia during the Ur III pe-

1214. ZAWADZKI (Stefan). Era of unrest and Uruk prebendaries in the light of a new document. Zeitschrift

§ 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 230–236. § 4. Addendum 2012. ** 1215. KOGAN (Leonid E.), NURULLIN (Rim M.). "Gil'gamesh" I. M. D'jakonova: popytka restavratsii. (Igor M. Dyakonov's Gilgamesh: A reconstruction). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 3 (282), p. 191-232; 4 (283), p. 220-263. § 5. Hittites. * 1216. WATSON (Wilfred G.E.). La lengua y la historia de los hurritas y de los urarteos: tercera bibliografía complementaria. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 109-138. ______________________

1217. AKDOĞAN (Rukiye). Zu einigen unveröffentlichten Bo-Tafeln. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 1–19. 1218. BECKMAN (Gary). The ritual of Palliya of Kizzuwatna (CTH 475). Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 113-145.


1229. SIMON (Zsolt). Die hethitische Präsenz in der Levante während der Spätbronzezeit: Archäologische vs. schriftliche Quellen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 295–313. 1230. TARACHA (Piotr). Political religion and religious policy: how the Hittite king chose his patron Gods. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 373–384. 1231. VAN DEN HOUT (Theo P.J.), AKDOĞAN (Rukiye). Zwei weitere Beamtensiegel aus Boğazköy. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2013, 103, p. 43–44. § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. _______________________

1232. ABATE (Emma). Contrôler les démons. Formules magiques et rituelles dans la tradition juive entre les sources qumrâniennes et la Genizah. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 273-295. 1233. ABUSCH (Tzvi). Jonah and God: plants, beasts, and humans in the Book of Jonah (an essay in interpretation). Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions, 2013, 13, p. 146–152.

1219. BROSCH (Cyril). Gemischte und pluralische Koordinationen im Hethitischen und ihr Kongruenzverhalten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 314– 336. – IDEM. Koordinierte singularische Nomina im Hethitischen und ihr Kongruenzverhalten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 20–41.

1234. ACHENBACH (Reinhard). Zwischen Mose und Zarathustra. Zur gesellschaftlichen Stellung der Juden im antiken Perserreich. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 283-306.

1220. CAMMAROSANO (Michele). Hittite cult inventories – part one. The Hittite cult inventories as textual genre. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 63-105.

1235. ALEKSIUM (Natalia). The mother of Eshmunazor, priest of Astarte: a study of her cultic role. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 158-178.

1221. DEVECCHI (Elena). (Re-)defining the Corpus of the Hittite treaties. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 89-98.

1236. BARKAN (Diego), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), MOMMSEN (Hans), BEN-SHLOMO (David), KAHANOV (Yaacov). The 'Dor 2006' shipwreck: the ceramic material. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 117-143.

1222. GALMARINI (Niccolò). Remarks on the formation and textual tradition of the Hittite AN.TAḪ.ŜUM festival: the cases of CTH 615, 616 and 618. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 337–349. 1223. GONZÁLEZ SALAZAR (Juan Manuel). Rituales hititas: entre la magia y el culto. Madrid, Akal, 2013, 288 p. 1224. GRODDEK (Detlev). Hethitische Texte in Transkription KBo 49. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 234 p. 1225. GÜTERBOCK (Hans G.), HOFFNER (Harry A.), VAN DEN HOUT (Theo P.J.). The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Volume Š, fascicle 3. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2013, p. 333-508.

1237. BECKING (Bob), WETTER (Anne-Mareike). Boaz in the gate (Ruth 4:1-12): legal transaction of religious ritual? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 253-266. 1238. BEN-JERBANIA (Imed). Observations sur les amphores de tradition punique d'après une nouvelle découverte près de Tunis. Antiquités Africaines, 2013, 49, p. 179-192. 1239. BOCHER (Efrat), LIPSCHITS (Oded). The yršlm stamp impressions on jar handles: distribution, chronology, iconography and function. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 99-116.

1226. KLOEKHORST (Alwin). The signs TA and DA in Old Hittite: evidence for a phonetic difference. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 125–141.

1240. BOSCHLOOS (Vanessa). Interregional contacts in the Biqāẚ Valley from a beetle's point of view: Egyptian and Egyptianising scarabs at Bronze Age Kāmid alLōz (Kumidi). Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 195–219.

1227. MILLER (Jared L.). Vier hethitische Tontafelfragmente im Antikenmuseum Basel. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 114-118.

1241. CHRISTIAN (Mark), SCHMITT (Rüdiger). Permutations of Astarte. Introduction. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 150-152.

1228. MORA (Clelia). Sculptors in or from Hattuša? Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2013, 107, p. 23-28.

1242. CHRISTIAN (Mark). Phoenician maritime religion: sailors, Goddess worship, and the Grotta Regina. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 179-205.



1243. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). La Bíblia del Exilio. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 333-340. 1244. FEDER (Yitzhaq). Contagion and cognition: bodily experience and the conceptualization of pollution (ṭumʾah) in the Hebrew Bible. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 151-167.

1258. PORAT (Naomi), AVNER (Uzi), HOLZER (Assaf), SHEMTOV (Rahamim), HORWITZ (Liora Kolska). Fourth-millennium-BC 'leopard traps' from the Negev desert (Israel). Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 714-727.

1245. GOPHER (Avi), LEV-YADUN (Simcha), ABBO (Shahal). A response to "Arguments against the core area hypothesis" for plant domestication. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 187-196.

1259. PRIOLETTA (Alessia). Inscription from the Southern highlands of Yemen. The epigraphic collections of the museums of Baynun and Dhamar. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 408 p. – EADEM. Remarks on some processes of assimilation and innovation in the language and culture of Hadramawt during its ancient history. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 93-108.

1246. GREENBERG (Raphael), ROTEM (Yael), PAZ (Sarit). The earliest occupation at Tel Bet Yerah. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 197-225.

1260. ROUTLEDGE (Bruce). On water management in the Mesha inscription and Moab. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 51-64.

1247. HECKL (Raik). Mose als Schreiber. Am Ursprung der jüdischen Hermeneutik des Pentateuchs. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 179-234.

1261. SAPIR-HEN (Lidar), BEN-YOSEF (Erez). The introduction of domestic camels to the Southern Levant: evidence from the Aravah Valley. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 277-285.

1248. HERNÁNDEZ-GASCH (Jordi), QUINTANA (Carlos). Cuando el vino impregnó la isla de Mallorca: el comercio púnico-ebusitano y las comunidades locales durante la segunda mitad del siglo V y el siglo IV a.C. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2013, 70, p. 315-331.

1262. SCHMITT (Rüdiger). Astarte, mistress of horses, lady of the chariot: the warrior aspect of Astarte. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 213-225.

1249. HIDALGO-CHACÓN DÍEZ (M. del Carmen). El origen semítico de la palabra sarasa. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 173-180. 1250. HOBSON (G. Thomas). Kosher in the Greek: the giraffe and the snake-fighter? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 307-312. 1251. ISHIDA (Tomoo). Yudayakyōshi: Seisho no tami no rekishi. (A history of Judaism: The people of the Book and their history). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2013, 368 p.

1263. SERGI (Omer). Judah's expansion in historical context. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 226-246. 1264. SMITH (Patricia), STAGER (Lawrence E.), GREENE (Joseph A.), AVISHAI (Gal). Cemetery or sacrifice? Infant burials at the Carthage tophet: age estimations attest to infant sacrifice at the Carthage tophet. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1191-1199. 1265. SWEENEY (Deborah). The Maghara (Sinai) family revisited. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 46-54. 1266. TAYYARA (Abed el-Rahman). The evolution of the term qarn in Early Islamic sources. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 99-110.

1252. KERR (Robert M.). Notre-Dame-de-la-Huronie? A note on 'strthr. Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 206-212.

1267. VIDAL (Jordi). Francisco Pérez Bayer y los estudios de epigrafía fenicia. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 323-332.

1253. KUNZ-LÜBCKE (Andreas). Behind closed doors and between the lines of Deuteronomy: Tamar's rape in 2 Sam 13:1-22 as a narrative reading of the juridical text Deut 22:13-29. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 235-248.

1268. WAGNER (Volker). Israelitisches Recht in der Weisheitsliteratur des Alten Testaments. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 267-282.

1254. LEFEBVRE (Philippe). Anthropophanies. Est-il possible de voir un être humain? Lectures bibliques. Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 273-288. 1255. MEDINA (Richard W.). The syntax of dependent clauses in the war scroll (1QMilhamah) in comparison with other Hebrew corpora. Orientalia, 2013, 82, p. 272-307. 1256. MEIBERG (Linda). Casting a wide net: notes on the inspiration for the fish motif on Philistine pottery. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 55-71. 1257. NA'AMAN (Nadav). The kingdom of Judah in the 9th century BCE: text analysis versus archaeological research. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 247-276.

1269. XELLA (Paolo), QUINN (Josephine), MEL(Valentina), VAN DOMMELEN (Peter). Cemetery or sacrifice? Infant burials at the Carthage tophet: Phoenician bones of contention. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 1199-1207.


1270. YEZERSKI (Irit). Iron Age burial customs in the Samaria Highlands. Tel Aviv, 2013, 40, p. 72-98. 1271. ZERNECKE (Anna). The lady of the titles: the lady of Byblos and the search for her "true name". Die Welt des Orients, 2013, 43, p. 226-242. § 6. Addendum 2012. 1272. KANTOR (Georgij M.). "Razbirat' svoi tjazhby": sudy iudejskikh obschin v provintsii Azija. ("Decide their controversies with one another": jewish courts in the

§ 7. Iran. province of Asia). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 3 (282), p. 29-50. Asie § 7. Iran. ______________________

1273. ACHENBACH (Reinhard). Symmachieeide im Kampf zwischen persischer Reichsauthorität und lokalen Autonomiebestrebungen. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 137-152. 1274. ALDEN (John R.). The Kur river basin in the Proto-Elamite era – surface survey, settlement patterns, and the appearance of full-time transhumant pastoral nomadism. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 207-232. 1275. Ancient Iran and its neighbours: local developments and long-range interactions in the 4th millennium BC. Ed. by Cameron A. PETRIE. Oxford, Oxbow books, 2013, VIII-469 p. [Cf. nos 999, 1020, 1274, 1278, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1289, 1290, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1300, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306.] 1276. CALMEYER (Peter). Zwischen Hunden und Löwen. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 21-37. 1277. CHOKSY (Jamsheed K.). Sailors, soldiers, priests, and merchants. Reappraising Iran's early connections to Ceylon. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 363-391. 1278. DAHL (Jacob), PETRIE (Cameron A.), POTTS (Daniel T.). Chronological parameters of the earliest writing system in Iran. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 353-378. 1279. DEVILLERS (Anne). Did the Arabian oryx occur in Iran? Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 1-19. 1280. ELLERBROCK (Uwe). Religiöse Ikonographie auf parthischen Münzen. Der Einfluss politisch-gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen auf das Bild der Göttin Tyche im Parthischen Reich. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 253-311. 1281. HAERINCK (Ernie), OVERLAET (Bruno). An Early Bronze Age tomb near Khorramabad (W-Iran) – Herzfeld's Gilviran revisited. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 39-76. 1282. HELWING (Barbara). Some thoughts on the mode of culture change in the fourth-millennium BC Iranian highlands. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 93-105. 1283. HOPPER (Kristen), WILKINSON (Tony J.). Population and settlement trends in South-West Iran and neighbouring areas. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 35-50. 1284. JONES (Matthew), DJAMALI (Morteza), STEVENS (Lora), HEYVAERT (Vanessa), ASKARI (Hajar), NOROLAHIE (Dariosh), WEEKS (Lloyd). Mid-Holocene

environmental and climatic change in Iran. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 25-34. 1285. KROLL (Stephan). Hasanlu period III. Annotations and corrections. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 175192.


1286. LHUILLIER (Johanna). Les cultures "à céramique modelée peinte" en Asie Centrale. Un aperçu de l'assemblage céramique de la deuxième moitié du 2e millénaire av. n.è. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 103146. 1287. LINCOLN (Bruce). Religion, empire, and the spectre of Orientalism: a recent controversy in Achaemenid studies. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 253-265. 1288. MAKUJINA (John). Old Persian and the marking of narrative sequence in Biblical Aramaic: the possible influence of Pasāva on Bēʾdayin and ʾĕdayin. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 85-97. 1289. MATTHEWS (Roger). The power of writing: administrative activity at Godin Tepe, central Zagros, in the later fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 337-352. 1290. MUTIN (Benjamin). Ceramic traditions and interactions on the South-Eastern Iranian plateau during the fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 253-276. 1291. OUDBASHI (Omid), EMAMI (S. Mohammadamin), MALEKZADEH (Mehrdad), HASSANPOUR (Ata), DAVAMI (Parviz). Archaeometallurgical studies on the bronze vessels from Sangtarashan, Luristan, W-Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 147-174. 1292. OVERLAET (Bruno). And man created God? Kings, priests and Gods on Sasanian investiture reliefs. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 313-354. 1293. PAYNE (Richard). Cosmology and the expansion of the Iranian empire, 502–628 ce. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 3-33. 1294. PETAC (Emanuel), IONESCU (Aurelian). Some Sassanian silver coins discovered at Axiopolis (Cernavodă, Constanţa county, Romania). Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 355-361. 1295. PETRIE (Cameron A.), SARDARI (Alireza), BALLANTYNE (Rachel), BERBERIAN (Manuel), LANCELOTTI (Carla), MASHKOUR (Marjan), MAC CALL (Bernadette), POTTS (Daniel T.), WEEKS (Lloyd). Mamasani in the fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 171-194. 1296. PIRART (Éric). Genealogía de los primeros Kavi. Aula orientalis, 2013, 31, p. 79-92. 1297. PITTMAN (Holly). Imagery in administrative context: Susiana and the West in the fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 293-336. 1298. ROP (Jeffrey). Reconsidering the origin of the scythed chariot. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 167-181. 1299. ROTHMAN (Mitchell). Interpreting the role of Godin Tepe in the "Uruk expansion". In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 75-92. 1300. SARDARI (Alireza). Northern Fars in the fourth millennium BC: cultural developments during the Lapui



phase. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 195-206.

fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 233-252.

1301. SILVERMAN (Jason M.). Iranian details in the Book of Heavenly Luminaries (1 Enoch 72-82). Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2013, 72, p. 195-208.

1305. WEEKS (Lloyd). Iranian metallurgy of the fourth millennium BC in its wider technological and cultural contexts. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 277-292.

1302. SOLTYSIAK (Arkadiusz). Report on selected human remains from Lama, Southern Zagros, Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2013, 48, p. 77-101. 1303. THORNTON (Christopher P.), GÜRSAN-SALZ(A.), DYSON JR. (R.H.). Tepe Hissar and the fourth millennium of North-Eastern Iran. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 131-144.


1304. VIDALE (Massimo), DESSET (François). Mahtoutabad I (Konar Sandal South, Jiroft): preliminary evidence of occupation of a Halil Rud site in the early

1306. WRIGHT (Henry T.). A bridge between worlds: South-Western Iran during the fourth millennium BC. In: Ancient Iran and its neighbours [cf. n° 1275], p. 51-74. § 7. Addendum 2012. 1307. KOLESNIKOV (Alij I.). Sasanidskij Iran: istorija i kul'tura. (Sasanian Iran: history and culture). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental manuscripts, Saint Petersburg State University, Philological Department. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istorija, 2012, 520 p.


§ 1. Classical world in general. 1308-1332. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1333-1351. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1352-1399. – § 4. General and political history. 1400-1428. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1429-1443. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1444-1466. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1467-1638. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1639-1681. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1682-1735. § 1. Classical world in general. * 1308. Année (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine. Publiée par la Société internationale de bibliographie classique. Tome LXXXIL: bibliographie de l'année 2011 et compléments d'années antérieures. [LXXXI. 2010. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 1238.] Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, [s. p.] * 1309. SCHULZ (Raimund). Eine Welt voller Schlachten? Neue englischsprachige Bücher zum Krieg in der Antike. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 3, p. 727-733. ______________________

1310.ANDRADE (Nathanael J.). Syrian identity in the Greco-Roman world. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXIII-412 p. (Greek Culture in the Roman World). 1311. ASCOUGH (Richard S.), HARLAND (Philip A.), KLOPPENBORG (John S.). Associations in the GrecoRoman world. A sourcebook. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2013, XXVIII-394 p. 1312. Banquet (Le) du monarque dans le monde antique. Sous la dir. de Catherine GRANDJEAN, Christophe HUGONIOT et Brigitte LION. Rennes, Tours, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Presses Universitaires FrançoisRabelais, 2013, 550 p. (Tables des Hommes). 1313. BELAYCHE (Nicole), MASSA (Francesco). Écrire dans les pratiques rituelles de la Méditerranée antique. Identités et autorités. Avant-propos. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 155-165. 1314. BIFFI (Nicola). Leggevano Omero le donne greche e romane? Maia, 2013, 65, p. 308-314. 1315. DAVIS (Jack L.), VOGEIKOFF-BROGAN (Natalia). Philhellenism, philanthropy, or political convenience? Introduction. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 1-14. 1316. DILLON (Matthew), GARLAND (Lynda). The Ancient Greeks. History and culture from Archaic Times

to the death of Alexander. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XXXIII-656 p. 1317. Fayyûm (Das) in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit. Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike. Hrsg. v. Carolin ARLT und Martin Andreas STADLER. Unt. Mitarbeit v. Ulrike WEINMANN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, VII-226 p. 1318. FEDELI (Paolo). I classici traducono i classici. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 453-468. 1319. FOXHALL (Lin). Studying gender in classical antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-188 p. 1320. FULKERSON (Laurel). No regrets. Remorse in classical Antiquity. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIX263 p. 1321. HUTCHINSON (Gregory O.). Greek to Latin. Frameworks and contexts for intertexuality. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-438 p. 1322. Indagine (L') e la rima. Scritti per Lorenzo Braccesi. 2 voll. A cura di Flavio RAVIOLA, Andrea DEBIASI, Maddalena BASSANI, Elena PASTORIO. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 1400 p. [cf. nos 1356, 1366, 1370, 1376, 1401, 1404, 1405, 1439, 1452, 1456, 1476, 1477, 1506, 1517, 1521, 1689, 1693, 1696, 1702, 1718.] 1323. KARAGIANNIS (Nathalie), WAGNER (Peter). The liberty of the moderns compared to the liberty of the ancients. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 371-388. 1324. MANN (Christian). Militär und Kriegführung in der Antike. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, IX168 p. 1325. Mental disorders in the classical world. Ed. by W. V. HARRIS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XV-512 p. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 38).



1326. TCHERNIA (André), SALVIAT (François). Vins, vignerons et buveurs de l'antiquité. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 248 p.

1338. DEVOLDER (Maud). Le Quartier Nu (Malia, Crète). L'occupation néopalatiale. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 1-82.

1327. TODISCO (Luigi). Prodezze e prodigi nel mondo antico. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 256 p.

1339. FEINMAN (Gary M.). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. Reenvisioning ancient economies: beyond typological constructs. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 453-459.

1328. VALVO (Eva). L'altro nell'antichità tra ostilità e fascinazione. Giornale italiano di filologia, 2013, 65, p. 311-318. 1329. Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike. Beiträge zum Ersten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte 27-28.10.2008. Hrsg. v. Kaja HARTER-UIBOPUU, Fritz MITTHOF. Wien, Holzhausen Verlag, 2013, XIII-416 p. [Cf. nos 1096, 1135, 1139, 1431, 1435, 1441, 1442.] 1330. Vermessung der Oikumene. Hrsg. v. Klaus GEUS und Michael RATHMANN. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, 409 p. (Topoi. Berlin studies of the Ancient World, 14). 1331. VULPE (Radu). Studii privind protoistoria Daciei. (Studies on the protohistory of Dacia). Ediţie îngrijită de Doina Olariu. Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, 405 p. § 1. Addendum 2011. 1332. Mnemon. Issledovanija i publikatsii po istorii antichnogo mira. (Mnemon. Studies and publications on history of Ancient world). Ed. Eduard D. FROLOV. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburg. gos. un-ta, 2011, 11, 472 p. (bibl. incl.). [English resumes p. 455462]. § 2. Prehellenic epoch. _______________________

1333. APRILE (Jamie D.). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. The new political economy of Nichoria: using intrasite distributional data to investigate regional institutions. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 429-436. 1334. BROGAN (Thomas M.). Minding the gap: reexamining the Early Cycladic III gap from the perspective of Crete. A regional approach to relative chronology, networks, and complexity in the Late Prepalatial period. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 555-567. 1335. BROODBANK (Cyprian). Minding the gap: thinking about change in Early Cycladic island societies from a comparative perspective. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 535-543.

1340. GROTKAMP (Nadine). Das koinodikion der kretischen Staatsverträge – ein Bundesgericht? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 117-126. 1341. HRUBY (Julie). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. The palace of Nestor, craft production, and mechanisms for the transfer of goods. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 423-427. 1342. KAUL (Flemming). The Nordic razor and the Mycenaean lifestyle. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 461-472. 1343. Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Abteilung Athen (27.-29. Januar 2006). Hrsg. v. Wolf-Dietrich NIEMEIER, Oliver PILZ, Ivonne KAISER. München, Hirmer Verlag, 2013, IX-487 p. 1344. LETESSON (Quentin). Minoan halls: a syntactical genealogy. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 303-351. 1345. MÜHLENBRUCH (Tobias). Zum Phänomen der mykenischen Keramik und der red lustrous wheelmadeware im östlichen Mittelmeerraum des 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2013, 40, p. 282– 294. 1346. PAPADATOS (Yianni), TOMKINS (Peter). Trading, the longboat, and cultural interaction in the Aegean during the late fourth millennium B.C.E.: the view from Kephala Petras, East Crete. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 353-381. 1347. PARKINSON (William A.), NAKASIS (Dimitri), GALATY (Michael L.). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. Introduction. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 413-422. 1348. PULLEN (Daniel J.). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. Exchanging the Mycenaean economy. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 437-445. 1349. RUTTER (Jeremy B.). "Minding the gap": from filling archaeological gaps to accounting for cultural breaks. A 2013 perspective on a continuing story. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 593-597.

1336. Corinthia (The) and the Northeast Peloponnese. Topography and History from Prehistoric Times until the End of Antiquity. Hrsg. v. Konstantinos KISSAS and Wolf-Dietrich NIEMEIER. München, Hirmer Verlag, 2013, XVI, 558 p.

1350. SHELMERDINE (Cynthia W.). Crafts, specialists, and markets in Mycenaean Greece. Economic interplay among households and states. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 447-452.

1337. CUCUZZA (Nicola). Leadership e culto della personalità nell'Egeo del secondo millennio a.C. In: Maschere del potere (Le) [cf. n° 1414], p. 1-22.

1351. WEIBERG (Erika), FINNÉ (Martin). Mind or matter? People-environment interactions and the demise of Early Helladic II society in the Northeastern

§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources Peloponnese. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 1-31. § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________

a. Epigraphical sources * 1352. DUBOIS (Laurent), MINON (Sophie), SÈVE (Michel), HAMON (Patrice), FEYEL (Christophe), FRÖHLICH (Pierre), ROUSSET (Denis), KNOEPFLER (Denis), DECOURT (Jean-Claude), HELLY (Bruno), HATZOPOULOS (Miltiade), AVRAM (Alexandre), FEISSEL (Denis), GATIER (Pierre-Louis), KAYSER (François), DOBIASLALOU (Catherine). Bulletin épigraphique. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 421-613. [2012, 125. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 1262.] 1353. ARENA (Emiliano). Alessandro basileus nella documentazione epigrafica: la dedica del Tempio di Atena a Priene (I. Priene 156). Historia, 2013, 62, p. 48-79. 1354. AUPERT (Pierre), FLOURENTZOS (Pavlos). Inscriptions d'Amathonte X. Inscriptions grecques et latines de l'agora d'Amathonte. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 363-405. 1355. DELL'ORO (Francesca). Après l'inscription de la coupe de Nestor: disposition du texte et formes de transtextualité dans les épigrammes de l'époque archaïque en Grande Grèce et Sicile. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 307-332. 1356. DI VITA (Antonino). Gortina. La grande iscrizione da documento di vita a cimelio culturale. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 603-614. 1357. DUBOIS (Laurent). Une inscription sicilienne déconcertante. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 1-19. 1358. Epigraphical approaches to the post-classical polis. Fourth Century BC to Second Century AD. Ed. by Paraskevi MARTZAVOU and Nikolaos PAPAZARKADAS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-370 p. (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents). 1359. FOURNIER (Julien), DADAKI (Stavroula). Hérodès fils de Samos et sa famille. Autour d'une inscription funéraire en remploi dans la basilique Nord du site d'Hagios Vassileios (Thasos). Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 269-298. 1360. GARLAN (Yvon). La distinction des fabricants homonymes sur les timbres amphoriques grecs. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 319-338. 1361. GRAHAM (Abigail S.). The word is not enough: a new approach to assessing monumental inscriptions. A case study from Roman Ephesos. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 383-412. 1362. GRANDJEAN (Yves). Inscriptions de Thasos. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 225268. 1363. KONTORINI (Vassa). Inscriptions de Rhodes pour des citoyens morts au combat, andres agathoi genomenoi. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 339-361.


1364. KOSMIN (Paul Joseph). Rethinking the Hellenistic gulf: the new Greek inscription from Bahrain. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2013, 133, p. 61-79. 1365. LALONDE (Gerald V.). Two horos inscriptions of the Bouleuterion of the Areopagus: epigraphy and topography. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 435-457. 1366. LAZZARINI (Maria Letizia). Un Greco a Tartesso. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 877884. 1367. LEWIS (David M.). Slave marriages in the Laws of Gortyn: a matter of rights? Historia, 2013, 62, p. 390-416. 1368. LIDDEL (Peter), LOW (Polly). Inscriptions and their uses in Greek and Latin literature. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-403 p. 1369. LISSARRAGUE (François). La place des mots dans l'imagerie attique. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 69-80. 1370. LOMBARDO (Mario). Enertha Epidamno in una iscrizione arcaica da Olimpia e i più antichi insediamenti greci in Adriatico. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 885-892. 1371. MARCELLESI (Marie-Christine). La question d'une subdivision du chalque: l'apport des sources épigraphiques et littéraires. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 391-419. 1372. MAZRTZAVOU (Paraskevi), PAPAZARKADAS (Nikolaos). Epigraphical approaches to the post-classical polis. Fourth century BC to second century AD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 370 p. 1373. MÉNDEZ DOSUNA (Julián). Notas a un testamento de Terina y las abreviaturas de demóticos en la Magna Grecia. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 46-60. 1374. MEYER (Elizabeth A.). Inscriptions and the city in democratic Athens. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 205-226. – EADEM. Inscriptions as honors and the Athenian epigraphic habit. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 453-505. – EADEM. The inscriptions of Dodona and a new history of Molossia. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 201 p. (Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, 54). 1375. NAFISSI (Massimo). La stele di Damonon (IG V 1, 213 = Moretti, IAG 16), gli Hekatombaia (Strabo 8,4,11) e il sistema festivo della Laconia d'epoca classica. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 105-174. 1376. NOCITA (Michela). Le dediche degli Italiotai di Delo alle divinità orientali. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 1021-1030. 1377. SIEWERT (Peter), TAEUBER (Hans). Neue Inschriften von Olympia. Die ab 1896 veröffentlichen Texte. Wien, Holzhausen Verlag, 2013, 442 p. 1378. TENTORI MONTALTO (Marco). Una nuova esegesi del lapis C della base con gli epigrammi di Mara-



tona (IG i 3 503/504). Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 139-154.

phyre (De mysteriis). Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, CLVI-364 p.

1379. THÜR (Gerhard). Gebietsstreit in einer neuen Inschrift aus Messene. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 19, p. 127-136.

1395. [Ion Chius] VALERIO (Francesco). Ione di Chio. Frammenti elegiaci e melici. Bologna, Pàtron editore, 2013, 171 p.

1380. TRIBULATO (Olga). Phoenician lions: the funerary stele of the Phoenician Shem/Antipatros. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 459-486.

1396. [Marcus Aurelius] GILL (Christopher). Marcus Aurelius, Meditations. Books 1-6. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, LXXXVI-221 p.

1381. VALLARINO (Giulio). Instrumentum publicum e democrazia a Taranto: rilettura di un'iscrizione vascolare. Archeologia classica, 2013, 64, p. 545-555.

1397. [Pindarus] GENTILI (Bruno), CATENACCI (Carmine), GIANNINI (Pietro), LOMIENTO (Liana). Pindaro, Le Olimpiche. Milano, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori editore, 2013, LVI-663 p.

1382. WALBANK (Michael B.). Greek inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: fragments of a financial nature. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 301-339. 1383. ZELNICK-ABRAMOVITZ (Rachel). Taxing freedom in Thessalian manumission inscriptions. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, XIV-176 p. b. Literary sources 1384. [Alexander Aphrodisiensis] DUFOUR (Richard). Alexandre d'Aphrodise, De l'âme II (Mantissa). Québec, Presses de l'Université de Laval, 2013, 169 p. 1385. [Alexander Aphrodisiensis] GROISARD (Jocelyn). Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Sur la mixtion et la croissance (De mixtione). Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, CXCIV-148 p. 1386. [Apollodorus Pergamenus, Theodorus Gadarensis] WOERTHER (Frédérique). Apollodore de Pergame, Théodore de Gadara, Fragments et témoignages. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, XLVII-186 p. 1387. [Appianus] ÉTIENNE-DUPLESSIS (Maud). Appien, Histoire romaine. Tome XII, livre XVII, Guerres civiles, livre 5. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, CCXXXIII197 p. 1388. [Aristoteles] CURNIS (Michele), ACCATTINO (Paolo). Aristotele, La politica, Libro III. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 276 p. 1389. [Aristoteles] KOUREMENOS (Theokritos). Aristotle's de Caelo Γ. Introduction, translation and commentary. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 121 p. 1390. [Didymus Alexandrinus] BRASWELL (Bruce Karl). Didymos of Alexandria, Commentary on Pindar. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2013, 325 p. 1391. [Eratosthenes Cyrenaicus] PAMIAS I MASSANA (Jordi), ZUCKER (Arnaud). Ératosthènes de Cyrène, Catastérismes. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, CXXIII423 p. 1392. [Galenus (Claudius)] WILKINS (John). Galien, Tome V. Sur les faculties des aliments. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, XLIII-257 p. 1393. [Herodotus] Histories, Book V. Ed. by Simon HORNBLOWER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXII-351 p. 1394. [Iamblichus] SAFFREY (Henri Dominique), SEGONDS (Alain-Philippe). Jamblique, Réponse à Por-

1398. [Plutarchus] LINTOTT (Andrew). Plutarch, Demosthenes and Cicero. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-226 p. 1399. [Proclus] LUNA (Concetta), SEGONDS (AlainPhilippe). Proclus, Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Tome IV, 1re partie. Livre IV, 2e partie. Notes complémentaires et Index du Livre IV. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, CXLIII-570 p. Cf. nos 1467-1638, 2360 § 4. General and political history. ______________________

1400. Aneignung und Abgrenzung. Wechselnde Perspektiven auf die Antithese von 'Ost' und 'West' in der griechischen Antike. Hrsg. v. Nicolas ZENZEN, Tonio HÖLSCHER und Kai TRAMPEDACH. Heidelberg, Verlag Antike, 2013, 521 p. 1401. ANTONELLI (Luca). Nerone e la maschera di Periandro. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 6382. 1402. ARNASON (Johann P.). Exploring the Greek needle's eye: civilizational and political transformations. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 21-46. 1403. BEARZOT (Cinzia Susanna). Sparta agli inizi del IV secolo: un "sistema riformabile"? Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 175-193. 1404. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Clistene e la democrazia ateniese (508-411 a.C.). In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 317-328. 1405. DAVERIO ROCCHI (Giovanna). La concordia di Alessandro e il banchetto di Opis. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 453-468. 1406. FLAIG (Egon). Die Versammlungsdemokratie am Nadir. Entscheidungstheoretische Überlegungen zum Arginusenprozess. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 1, p. 27-63. 1407. GRAY (Benjamin). Justice or harmony? Reconciliation after stasis in Dikaia and the fourth-century BC polis. Revue des études anciennes, 2013, 115, p. 369401. – IDEM. Scepticism about community: Polybius on Peloponnesian exiles, Good Faith (Pistis) and the Achaian League. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 323-360.

§ 5. History of law and institutions 1408. Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy: a politico-cultural transformation and its interpretations. Ed. by Johann P. ARNASON, Kurt A. RAAFLAUB, Peter WAGNER. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, X416 p. (Ancient world: comparative histories). [Cf. nos 1323, 1374, 1402, 1417, 1423, 1426, 1438, 1455, 1461, 1465, 1476, 1515, 1525, 1598, 1666, 5433.] 1409. Groupes et associations dans les cités grecques (IIIe siècle av. J.-C.–IIe siècle apr. J.-C.). Actes de la table ronde de Paris, INHA, 19–20 juin 2009. Ed. par Pierre FRÖHLICH et Patrice HAMON. Genève, Droz, 2013, VIII-338 p. (Hautes Etudes du monde gréco-romain, 49). 1410. ILIAKIS (Michael). Greek mercenary revolts in Bactria: a re-appraisal. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 182-195. 1411. LAFARGUE (Philippe). Cléon, le guerrier d'Athéna. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, 354 p. 1412. LANDUCCI GATTINONI (Franca). Gli Spartani e la Macedonia in età classica e protoellenistica. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 265-285. 1413. MARCACCINI (Carlo). Rivoluzione oligarchica o restaurazione della democrazia? I Cinquemila, la prokrisis e la patrios politeia. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 405-428. 1414. Maschere del potere (Le). Leadership e culto della personalità nelle relazioni fra gli Stati dall'antichità al mondo contemporaneo. A cura di Luigi SANTI AMANTINI, Francesca GAZZANO. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 256 p. [Cf. nos 1337, 1419, 1427, 1577.] 1415. MUCCIOLI (Federicomaria). Gli epiteti ufficiali dei re ellenistici. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 562 p. 1416. PRITCHARD (David M.). Sport, democracy and war in classical Athens. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-251 p. 1417. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Perfecting the "political creature": equality and "the political" in the evolution of Greek democracy. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 323-350.


tive per le alleanze del 420 a.C. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 71-104. 1423. WAGNER (Peter). Transformations of democracy: towards a history of political thought and practice in long-term perspective. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 47-70. 1424. WORTHINGTON (Ian). Demosthenes of Athens and the fall of Classical Greece. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXVIII-382 p. 1425. YATES (David). The Persian war as civil war in Plataea's temple of Athena Areia. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 369390. 1426. YUNIS (Harvey). Political uses of rhetoric in democratic Athens. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 144-162. 1427. ZUNINO (Maddalena Luisa). La maschera del tiranno. Il potere, la giustizia e l'identità civica. In: Maschere del potere (Le) [cf. n° 1414], p. 23-55. § 4. Addendum 2012. 1428. SURIKOV (Igor' E.). Arkhontat v Afinakh: ot istokov instituta do utraty im politicheskogo znachenija. (Archonship in Athens: from the origins of the institution to the loss of its political significance). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 2 (281), p. 29-54. Cf. no 1332 § 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________

1429. CANEVARO (Mirko). The documents in the Attic orators. Laws and decrees in the public speeches of the Demosthenic corpus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-389 p. – IDEM. Thieves, parent abusers, draft dodgers... and homicides? The authenticity of Dem. 24.105. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 25-47. 1430. CERRI (Giovanni). L'agora ephoria di Dracone e l'elegia Salamina di Solone: tra legge orale e legge scritta. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 105, p. 45-52.

1418. RUSSELL (Bertrand). Democrazia e rivoluzione (inedito). Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 243-260.

1431. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Normen stärker als Emotionen? Der kulturhistorische Kontext der griechischen Amnestie. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 47-70.

1419. SALOMONE GAGGERO (Eleonora). L. Emilio Paolo dal trionfo sui Liguri al trionfo sulla Macedonia. In: Maschere del potere (Le) [cf. n° 1414], p. 77-100.

1432. CHAPOUTOT (Johann). Loi des anciens, loi de la race: la norme nazie à l'école de l'Antiquité. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 5-25.

1420. Splendors (The) and miseries of ruling alone. Encounters with monarchy from archaic Greece to the Hellenistic Mediterranean. Ed. by Nino LURAGHI. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 284 p. (Studies in Ancient Monarchies, 1).

1433. COŞKUN (Altay). Weitere Überlegungen zu den Voraussetzungen und Folgen des Perikleischen Bürgerrechtsgesetzes: Naturalisierung und Epigamie im Klassischen Athen. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 391-404.

1421. TOMPKINS (Daniel P.). The language of Pericles. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 447-464.

1434. DOMÍNGUEZ MONEDERO (Adolfo Jerónimo). Uniones matrimoniales desiguales en el mundo griego. Distintos tipos, su consideración y sus consecuencias. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 43-70.

1422. TUCI (Paolo A.). Hesychia spartana e neoteropoiia ateniese: un caso di manipolazione nelle tratta-

1435. DREHER (Martin). Die Herausbildung eines politischen Instruments. Die Amnestie bis zum Ende der



klassischen Zeit. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 71-94.äääääS.58, Zeile2 1436. FILONIK (Jakub). Athenian impiety trials: a reappraisal. Dike, 2013, 16, p. 11-96.

1454. FERRUCCI (Stefano). Archippe, la moglie del banchiere. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 11-28.

1437. KAMEN (Deborah). Status in classical Athens. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XIV-144 p.

1455. FORSDYKE (Sara L.). The impact of democracy on communal life. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 227-259.

1438. LANNI (Adriaan). Law and democracy in classical Athens. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 163-180.

1456. GORINI (Giovanni). Le monete greche nei depositi dei santuari medio-alto adriatici (III-I sec. a.C.). In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 783-804.

1439. LONGO (Oddone). Per riconoscerci nel passato. Streifzüge nel diritto ateniese di V-IV secolo a.C. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 893-900.

1457. GROS (Jean-Sébastien). La circulation de la céramique à Thasos. Nouvelles perspectives commerciales à l'époque imperial. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 299-317.

1440. ROUSSET (Denis). Sacred property and public property in the Greek city. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2013, 133, p. 113-133.

1458. HARRIS (Edward M.). Finley's studies in land and credit sixty years later. Dike, 2013, 16, p. 123-146.

1441. RUBINSTEIN (Lene). Forgive and forget? Amnesty in the Hellenistic period. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 127-162.

1459. KALLET (Lisa). The origins of the Athenian economic ARCHE. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2013, 133, p. 43-60.

1442. SCHEIBELREITER (Philipp). Atheniensium vetus exemplum. Zum Paradigma einer antiken Amnestie. In: Vergeben und Vergessen? [cf. n° 1329], p. 95-126.

1460. KELLOGG (Danielle L.). Marathon fighters and men of maple. Ancient Acharnai. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-348 p. – EADEM. The place of publication of the ephebic oath and the oath of Plataia. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 263-276.

1443. THÜR (Gerhard). The statute on homologein in Hyperides' speech Against Athenogenes. Dike, 2013, 16, p. 1-10. § 6. Economic and social history. _______________________

1444. APERGHIS (Gerassimos G.). Athenian mines, coins and triremes. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 1-24. 1445. ARCHIBALD (Zosia Halina). Ancient economies of the northern Aegean, fifth to first centuries BC. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 416 p.

1461. MOSSÉ (Claude). The demos's participation in decision-making: principles and realities. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 260-273. 1462. PATAY-HORVÁTH (András). Die Perserbeute von Plataia, die Anfänge der elischen Münzprägung und die finanziellen Grundlagen der Großbaustelle Olympia. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 61-83.

1446. BERLINZANI (Francesca). La musica a Sparta in età classica. Paideia e strumenti musicali. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 203-263.

1463. PEACOCK (Mark S.). Accounting for money: The legal presuppositions of money and accounting in ancient Greece. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 280-301.

1447. BETTALLI (Marco). Mercenari. Il mestiere delle armi nel mondo greco antico. Età arcaica e classica. Roma, Carocci editore, 2013, 479 p.

1464. SHINOZAKI (Mitsuo). Kokkai engan no kodai girishia shokumin-shi. (Ancient Greek colonies in the coastal areas of the Black Sea). Hadano, Tokai U. P., 2013, 387 p.

1448. CORDANO (Federica). Sparta e le Olimpiadi in età classica. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 195-202. 1449. COSTANZI (Michela). Invitation à une nouvelle réflexion sur les fondations grecques en Libye. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 345-370. 1450. DAVERIO ROCCHI (Giovanna). Virtù spartane: andreia kai homonoia. Aristonothos, 2013, 8, p. 13-29. 1451. DAVIES (Philip). Kalos Kagathos and scholarly perceptions of Spartan society. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 259279. 1452. DE SENSI SESTITO (Giovanna). Olimpiadi e potere in Magna Grecia. Il caso di Sibari. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 485-502. 1453. DELLA BONA (Maria Elena). Gare simposiali di enigmi e indovinelli. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 169-182.

1465. TRITLE (Lawrence A.). Democracy and war. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 298-322. 1466. ZURBACH (Julien). La formation des cités grecques. Statuts, classes et systèmes fonciers. Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 957-998. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. ______________________

a. Literature 1467. ALLAN (Rutger J.). History as presence. Time, tense and narrative modes in Thucydides. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 371390. 1468. ALLISON (June). The balance of power and compositional balance: Thucydides Book 1. In: Thucy-

§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science


dides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 257270.

1484. BRUIT-ZAIDMAN (Louise). Xénophon, l'oracle de Delphes et la divination. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 59-72.

1469. ANAGNOSTOU-LAOUTIDES (Eva). Apollonius Rhodius, Cyzicus, and the Near East. Giornale italiano di filologia, 2013, 65, p. 117-148.

1485. BUDELMANN (Felix), POWER (Timothy). The inbetweenness of sympotic elegy. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2013, 133, p. 1-19.

1470. ANDRÉ (Laury-Nuria). Regard et représentation du paysage dans l'épopée grecque d'époque impériale: le cas des mirabilia. Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 183-202.

1486. BUIS (Emiliano). Échos sophistiques d'une rhétorique du droit dans le langage de Phidippide. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 151-167.

1471. ARPAIA (Maria). Trasposizione scenica della diegesi epica: il meccanismo dell'agnizione nelle Coefore, nell'Elettra di Sofocle e nell'Ifigenia in Tauride. AION. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientali di Napoli, 2013, 35, p. 35-61.

1487. CALAME (Claude). Hérodote sur le Nil et Somare sur le Sépik: historiographies mixtes et configurations pratiques du temps. In: Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit [cf. n° 419], p. 65-94. – IDEM. La poésie de Sappho aux prises avec le genre: polyphonie, pragmatique et rituel (à propos du fr. 58b). Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 45-68.

1472. ASSENMAKER (Pierre). Les trophées syllaniens de Chéronée: une relecture de Plutarque, Vie de Sylla 19, 9-10 à la lumière des découvertes archéologiques. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 946-955. 1473. BEGHINI (Andrea). La bellezza di Teosseno. Ipotesi interpretativa di Pindaro fr. 123, 13-15 Maehler. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 270-283. 1474. BELLUCCI (Nikola D.). Osservazioni interpretative su P.Dura 3: un glossario ad Omero, Il. IV 301-316, lemmi e interpretamenta. Aegyptus, 2013, 93, p. 43-50. 1475. BENEDIKTSON (D. Thomas). Ring structures in five Homeric similes. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 105, p. 29-44. 1476. BERTELLI (Lucio). Aristofane e la religione. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 189-208. – IDEM. Democracy and dissent: the case of comedy. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 99-125. 1477. BIANCHETTI (Serena). Peripli e periegesi: strumenti indispensabili a disegnare il mondo? In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 221-240. 1478. BILLAULT (Alain). La composition politique du Discours VII de Dion Chrysostome. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 85-102. 1479. BOEHRINGER (Sandra). Je suis Tithon, je suis Aurore: performance et érotisme dans le 'nouveau' fr. 58 de Sappho. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 23-44. 1480. BOTTACCHIARI (Martina). La ricezione di Aristofane negli scritti nietzscheani sulla tragedia. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 597-619. 1481. BRIAND (Michel). Vision spectaculaire et vision imaginative dans la poésie mélique grecque. Le cas des épinicies de Pindare. Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 115-132. 1482. BRILLANTE (Carlo). La morte di Aiace in Sofocle e nei poemi del ciclo epico. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 103, p. 33-54. 1483. BROWN FERRARIO (Sarah). "Reading" Athens: foreign perceptions of the political roles of Athenian leaders in Thucydides. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 181-198.

1488. CALDERÓN DORDA (Esteban). La portentosa vida de Alejandro Magno: visiones, prodigios y presagios en la Vita Alexandri de Plutarco. Revue des études anciennes, 2013, 115, p. 463-476. 1489. CANEVA (Stefano G.). Il coro del re. Capo e comprimari nella storiografia e nell'epos fra IV e III secolo a.C. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 167-206. 1490. CASO (Daniela). La bibliothèque grecque du cardinal Bessarion et la version latine de la Monodie pour Smyrne d'Aelius Aristide par Niccolò Perotti. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 635-644. 1491. CATENACCI (Carmine). Saffo, un'immagine vascolare e la poesia del distacco. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 69-76. 1492. CECCARELLI (Paola). Ancient Greek letter writing. A cultural history (600 BC-150 BC). Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-435 p. 1493. CERCHIAI MANODORI SAGREDO (Claudia). Nettare di Dioniso. La vite e il vino attraverso le parole degli autori antichi. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 422 p. 1494. CERRI (Giovanni). Giudici-rapsodi in Esiodo e Omero. AION. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientali di Napoli, 2013, 35, p. 7-24. – IDEM. La place de la Gorgone: où est passée la tête de Méduse? (Odyssée, XI, 627 et suiv.). Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 13-42. 1495. CHRISTODOULOU (Panos). Thucydides' Pericles. Between historical reality and literary representation. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 225-256. 1496. CODOÑER MERINO (Carmen). No es suficiente una Medea. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 243-266. 1497. Comédie et philosophie: Socrate et les "Présocratiques" dans les Nuées d'Aristophane. Ed. par André LAKS, Rossella SAETTA COTTONE. Paris, Rue d'Ulm, 2013, 259 p. [Cf. nos 1486, 1522, 1530, 1599, 1613, 1623, 1632, 1634.] 1498. CONDELLO (Federico). Il cane e il fiume: interpretazione di Thgn. 347 sg. (con un excursus sulla figura



d'identificazione). Giornale italiano di filologia, 2013, 65, p. 5-42. 1499. COSTANZA (Salvatore). Il m'ama non m'ama con il tēléphilon (Theocr. 3, 29; Poll. 9, 127; Agath. AP V 296). Maia, 2013, 65, p. 559-573. – IDEM. Più veloce del vento. La rapidità prodigiosa di Ificlo da Esiodo a Nonno. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 17-36.

1514. FERRERI (Luigi). Questione teognidea, questioni di lirica e oralità. Giornale italiano di filologia, 2013, 65, p. 43-116. 1515. FLAIG (Egon). To act with good advice: Greek tragedy and the democratic political sphere. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 71-98.

1500. CURRIE (Bruno G.F.). The genitive Odyseus (Od. 24.398) and Homer's 'awkward' parentheses. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2013, 133, p. 21-42.

1516. FRANGOULIS (Hélène). Description et récit. Fonction proleptique des ecphraseis chez Nonnos. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 237-252.

1501. CUSSET (Christophe). Souffrance et vaillance. Sur un acrostiche méconnu au chant III des Argonautiques d'Apollonios de Rhodes. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 623-633.

1517. FRISONE (Flavia). Le fonti greche di età classica e l'orizzonte geografico-territoriale del mondo 'enotrio'. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 705-726.

1502. DAIX (David-Artur). Les silences d'Homère. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 289-344.

1518. FRÖHLICH (Bettina). Selbsterkenntnis bei Pindar. Zur Traummetapher in der Achten Pythie (8, 95/ 96). Wiener Studien, 2013, 126, p. 7-24.

1503. DE BAKKER (Mathieu). Character judgements in the Histories: their function and distribution. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 23-40.

1519. FURIANI (Patrizia Liviabella). A proposito dell'intervento degli dèi in Erodoto. Giornale italiano di filologia, 2013, 65, p. 319-336.

1504. DE MARTINO (Luigi). Il mito di Ceneo in un threnos pindarico (fr. 57 Cannatà Fera). Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 281-286. 1505. DE ROBERTIS (Francesca). P.Michigan inv. 918: Demostene, Terza Filippica, 29-35, 61-68. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 78, p. 235-246. 1506. DEBIASI (Andrea). Trame euboiche (arcaiche ed ellenistiche) nelle Dionisiache di Nonno di Panopoli: Eumelo ed Euforione. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 503-546. 1507. DEBNAR (Paula). Blurring the boundaries of speech: Thucydides and indirect discourse. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 271286. 1508. DEMONT (Paul). Le Nomos-Roi: Hérodote, III, 38. In: Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit [cf. n° 419], p. 37-46. 1509. DI SANTO (Federico). Economia ed estensione dei sistemi formulari in contesti di produzione scritta. L'imitazione della formularità omerica nell'Italia del Trissino. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 120-134. 1510. DUICHIN (Marco). Il lato oscuro di Odisseo: eroe greco o "sciamano" nordico? Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 267-298. 1511. ERTO (Maurizio). Traduzione scritta e interpretazione orale delle scritture: sul significato del verbo semaino nella Lettera di Aristea. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 207-216. 1512. FABBRO (Elena). A proposito di Aristofane Vespe 312-314 e di un sacchettino vuoto. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 551-558. 1513. FEDELI (Giacomo). Tradition and animal imagery in Aeschylus' Oresteia. Maia, 2013, 65, p. 257279.

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§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science 1530. JUDET DE LA COMBE (Pierre). Théâtre et connaissance. La tension entre philosophie et réalité selon les Nuées. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 169190.


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1544. MILTSIOS (Nikos). The narrative legacy of Thucydides: Polybius, Book I. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 329-352.

1560. PONTIER (Pierre). The litotes of Thucydides. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 353-370. – IDEM. Une question de point de vue: quelques remarques sur Gygès, d'Hérodote à Platon. In: Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit [cf. n° 419], p. 117-130.

1545. MIMIDOU (Evangelia). In looks you resemble exactly one of the daughters of Cadmus (Euripides, Bacchae, 917). The disguise of Pentheus in Bacchae

1561. POTHOU (Vassiliki). Transformation of landscapes in Thucydides. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 167-180.



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1564. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.). Ktema es aiei: Thucydides' concept of "learning through history" and its realization in his work. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 3-20.

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1581. SERAFINI (Nicola). La dea Ecate, le torce e le Ninfe Lampadi: un frammento di Alcmane da rivalutare (fr. 63 Davies). Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 11-22. 1582. SIERRA MARTÍN (César). Desde la lógica de Herodóto: Milcíades y el asedio de Paros. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 255-261. – IDEM. Diaita. Estilo de vida y alteridad en la Anábasis de Jenofonte. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 463-478. 1583. STAHL (Hans-Peter). The dot on the 'i': Thucydidean epilogues. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 309-328. 1584. STEFEC (Rudolf). Quelques apercus sur la tradition manuscrite de l'Anabase apropos du manuscrit de Xenophon conserve dans la bibliotheque du monastere Vlatadon a Salonique. Wiener Studien, 2013, 126, p. 4166. 1585. STEINER (Deborah). The Gorgons' lament: auletics, poetics, and chorality in Pindar's Pythian 12. American journal of philology, 2013, 134, p. 173-208. 1586. TAMIOLAKI (Melina). Ascribing motivation in Thucydides. Between historical research and literary representation. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 41-72. – EADEM. Lucien précurseur de la Liar School of Herodotus. Aspects de la réception d'Hérodote dans l'Histoire Vraie. In: Hérodote. Formes de pensée, figures du récit [cf. n° 419], p. 147-160. 1587. TOZZI (Maria Vittoria). La datazione dei Sicioni di Menandro e il contesto storico-politico. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 104, p. 77-86. 1588. TRIPODI (Giacomo). Riflessioni naturalistiche sui versi omerici. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 259-266. 1589. TSAKMAKIS (Antonis), THEMISTOKLEOUS (Charalambos). Textual structure and modality in Thucydides' military exhortations. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 391-408. 1590. VANDERSMISSEN (Marc). Hélène ou Oenone? Note sur les vers 1156-1161 de l'Agamemnon d'Eschyle. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 249-253. 1591. VERHELST (Berenice). As multiform as Dionysus: new perspectives on Nonnus' Dionysiaca. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 267-278. 1592. VILLACÈQUE (Noémie). Spectateurs de paroles! Délibération démocratique et théâtre à Athènes à

§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science l'époque classique. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 432 p. (Histoire). 1593. VINCI (Felice). Evidenze di un'originaria matrice nordica dell'Iliade e dell'Odissea. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 381-488. 1594. WĘCOWSKI (Marek). In the shadow of Pericles: Athens' Samian victory and the organisation of the pentekontaetia in Thucydides. In: Thucydides between history and literature [cf. n° 435], p. 153-166.


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1609. GIANGRASSO (Maria Dorella). La doppia citazione del fr. 964 di Euripide nel De indolentia di Galeno. Revue des études anciennes, 2013, 115, p. 71-79.

a. Addendum 2012.

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1611. GYSEMBERGH (Victor). Aristotle on the "Great year", Eudoxus, and Mesopotamian "Goal year" astronomy. AION. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientali di Napoli, 2013, 35, p. 111-123. – IDEM. Une référence à la médecine de Cnide dans le débat philosophique entre Platon et Eudoxe. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 615–622. 1612. HARDIE (Alex). Empedocles and the Muse of the Agathos Logos. American journal of philology, 2013, 134, p. 209-246. 1613. IRIBARREN (Leopoldo). Sophistique contre cosmologie. À propos d'une allusion à Parménide dans les Nuées. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 133149. 1614. JEREMIAH (Edward). The development, logic, and legacy of reflexive concepts in Greek philosophy. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 507-529. 1615. JOUANNA (Jacques). "Hippocrate sceptique": une nouvelle découverte de la philologie moderne (Diogène Laërce 9, 73). Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 65-83. 1616. JOUET-PASTRÉ (Emmanuelle). Que signifie voir l'intelligible dans les dialogues de Platon? Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 217-224. 1617. LAMI (Alessandro). Una scheda e un passo di Ippocrate Affezioni Interne (capp. 4/5 e 46). Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 11-22. 1618. LAMPE (Kurt). Rationality, eros, and Daemonic influence in the Platonic Theages and the Academy of Polemo and Crates. American journal of philology, 2013, 134, p. 383-424. 1619. LAPINI (Walter). Testi frammentari e critica del testo. Problemi di filologia filosofica greca. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, 268 p. 1620. LAZARIS (Stavros). L'image paradigmatique: des Schémas anatomiques d'Aristote au De materia medica de Dioscoride. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 131-164. 1621. MANNI (Elisa). Il libro IV del de ingenio sanitatis di Galeno: note alla traduzione di Gerardo da Cre-



mona alla luce dell'esame di quattro testimoni. Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 125-136. 1622. MIÉ (Fabián). El uso de la dialéctica en la metodología científica de Aristóteles. La alternativa empirista de Aristóteles a la dicotomía entre coherentismo y fundacionismo. I. II. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 103, p. 93-124.; 104, p. 109-138 1623. MOURELATOS (Alexander P.D.). Xénophane et son "astro-néphologie" dans les Nuées. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 31-60. 1624. NAKANO (Satomi). Puriniusu no Rōma: Shizen to hito e no sanka. (Pliny's Rome: Hymns for nature and the human). Tokyo, Yuzankaku, 2013, 308 p.

1637. WILKINS (John), BHAYRO (Siam). The Greek and Syriac traditions of Galen de alimentorum facultatibus. Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 95-110. b. Addendum 2012. 1638. IWATA (Yasuo). Girishia shisō nyūmon. (An introduction to Greek thought). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2012, 251 p. Cf. nos 1384-1399, 2288 § 8. Religion and mythology. ______________________

1639. ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC (Ágnes), GĂZDAC (Cristian). Who pays the ferryman? The testimony of ancient sources on the myth of Charon. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 285–314.

1625. PIETROBELLI (Antoine). Galien agnostique: un texte caviardé par la tradition. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 103-135. – IDEM. Une nouvelle copie d'impression de l'aldine de Galien: le Guelferbytanus Gud. gr. 11 (= 4198). Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 137-150.

1640. BAUMER (Lorenz E.). Entre dieux et mortels – le contact visuel sur les reliefs votifs grecs classiques. Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 43-54.

1626. PUCCI (Nadia). Il dramma del perdono in Fedone 113e-114b in rapporto ad una norma di codificazione orale. AION. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientali di Napoli, 2013, 35, p. 101-110.

1641. BONNECHERE (Pierre). Oracles et mentalités grecques. La confirmation d'un oracle par une seconde consultation au même sanctuaire. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 7394.

1627. QUATTROCCHIO (Annalisa). Il giudizio di Teofrasto su Eraclito: melancolia e scrittura. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 284-299.

1642. BOULIC (Nicolas). Procuste et son lit dans la littérature et la céramique antique: lectures symboliques. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 229-250.

1628. RAFFA (Massimo). Per chi fu scritto il commento di Porfirio agli Harmonica di Tolemeo? Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 361-372.

1643. BUSSÈS (Stamatis). Dreaming of Hercules: dreams and royal images. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 119-144.

1629. RAIOLA (Tommaso), MASCOLO (Angelo). Galeno e la Campania (De meth. med. v 12). AION. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientali di Napoli, 2013, 35, p. 125-136.

1644. CARBONI (Romina). Divagazione sul tema del sandalo: significato e valenza tra la sfera celeste e quella ctonia. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 113-131.

1630. RESCIGNO (Andrea). Un commentario alessandrino al De caelo di Aristotele. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 479-516. 1631. ROSELLI (Amneris). Due note sui bagni di sudore in Erodoto medico e in Rufo. Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 2932. 1632. SAETTA COTTONE (Rossella). Aristophane et le théâtre du soleil. Le dieu d'Empédocle dans le choeur des Nuées. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 61-85. 1633. SANTA-MARÍA (Andrés). Plotino, las formas platónicas y el noûs aristotélico. Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía, 2013, 30, p. 311-330. 1634. SANTORO (Fernando). La citation des Nuées dans l'Apologie de Socrate de Platon. In: Comédie et philosophie [cf. n° 1497], p. 193-206. 1635. SAVINO (Christina). Il commento di Damascio agli Aforismi di Ippocrate e la tradizione manoscritta del commento di Galeno. Galenos, 2013, 7, p. 45-54 1636. SIERRA MARTÍN (César). Hipócrates y los Espartanos. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 49-67.

1645. CLO (Magdaleine). La panoplie de Persée: fonctions de l'objet-attribut. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 43-58. 1646. CRUCCAS (Emiliano). Tra mito e culto. Antropologia del vaso nei miti di fondazione dei culti dei Cabiri e dei Grandi Dei. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 279-303. 1647. CUSUMANO (Nicola). Fabriquer un culte ethnique. Écriture rituelle et généalogies mythiques dans le sanctuaire des Paliques en Sicile. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 167-184. 1648. CUVELIER (Pierre). Objet de valeur, objet de désir et signes de pouvoir: l'épaule de Pélops et la marque des Pélopides. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 191-210. 1649. DASEN (Véronique), WILGAUX (Jérôme). De la palmomantique à l'éternuement, lectures divinatoires des mouvements du corps. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 111-122. 1650. DEL ZOTTO (Carla). Il mito di Troia e la migrazione di Odino in Scandinavia. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 489-516. 1651. DETIENNE (Marcel). Entrer en religion et comparer. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 77, p. 27-48. 1652. Divine men and women in the history and society of Late Hellenism. Ed. by Maria DZIELSKA and

§ 9. Archaeology and history of art Kamilla TWARDOWSKA. Kraków, Jagiellonian U. P., 2013, 168 p. 1653. FOWLER (Robert L.). Early Greek mythography. II. Commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXI-825 p. 1654. FRONTISI-DUCROUX (Françoise). À propos de l'autel: le bomos, un capteur graphique. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 81-96. 1655. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim). Theoroi in und aus Olympia. Beobachtungen zur religiösen Kommunikation in der archaischen Zeit. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 40-60. 1656. GIUMAN (Marco). L'adamantino dono di Ermes. L'harpe di Perseo: uno strumento divino al servizio dell'eroe. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 59-79. 1657. Greek federal states and their sanctuaries. Identity and integration. Proceedings of an international conference of the cluster of excellence "Religion and Politics" held in Münster, 17.06.–19.06.2010. Ed. by Peter FUNKE and Matthias HAAKE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 244 p.


1670. PIANO (Valeria). Le papyrus de Derveni et son contexte de découverte: parole écrite et rituels funéraires dans la Macédoine grecque antique. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 233-252. 1671. ROBERTS (Helle Salskov). The myth of Iphigenia in the literary and pictorial tradition of Greece and Magna Graecia. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 123-148. 1672. ROUGEMONT (Georges). L'oracle de Delphes: quelques mises au point. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 45-58. 1673. SATO (Noboru). Miretosu shinwa to Dhidyuma. (The mythologyof Miletos and Didyma). Seiyo Kotengaku Kenkyu, 2013, 61. p. 12-23. 1674. SFAMENI GASPARRO (Giulia). Oracoli e teologia: praxis oracolare e riflessioni. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 139-156. 1675. SFORZA (Ilaria). L'eroe affidato alle acque: valenze dell'arca dall'epica al mito. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 211228.

1658. HALM-TISSERANT (Monique). Réalités et imaginaire des supplices en Gréce ancienne. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2013, 213 p.

1676. SOMMERSTEIN (Alan H.), BAYLISS (Andrew J.). Oath and state in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Lynn A. KOZAK and Isabelle C. TORRANCE. Berlin a. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, X-376 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 306).

1659. KÖIV (Mait). Early history of Elis and Pisa: invented or evolving traditions? Klio, 2013, 95, p. 315368.

1677. TERRANOVA (Chiara). Il mito di Amphiaraos in età omerica fra costruzione e destrutturazione. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 2013, 103, p. 11-32.

1660. KOULAKIOTIS (Elias). Aspects de la divination dans la monarchie macédonienne. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 123-138.

1678. THEOTIKOU (Maria). Die ekecheiria zwischen Religion und Politik. Der sogenannte "Gottesfriede" als Instrument in den zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen der griechischen Welt. Münster, Lit, 2013, 435 p. (Geschichte, 118).

1661. MACKOWIAK (Karin). Le singe miroir de l'homme? Enjeux d'une confrontation en Grèce ancienne. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 5-36. 1662. MAIURI (Arduino). Il Nord nel mondo grecoromano. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2013, 55, p. 567-586. 1663. MASSA (Francesco). Écrire pour Dionysos: la présence de textes écrits dans les rituels dionysiaques. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, p. 209-232. 1664. MOTTE (André). Qu'entendait-on par prophètès dans la Grèce ancienne? Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 9-23. 1665. NAIDEN (F. S.). Smoke signals for the gods. Ancient Greek sacrifice from the archaic through Roman periods. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-421 p. 1666. OSBORNE (Robin). Democracy and religion in classical Greece. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 274-297. 1667. PELLIZER (Ezio). La kíbisis di Perseo: brevi riflessioni narratologiche. Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 81-93. 1668. PETRILLI (Aurore). Le trésor du dragon: pomme ou mouton? Gaia, 2013, 16, p. 133-154. 1669. PFAFF (Christopher A.). Artemis and a hero at the Argive Heraion. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 277-299.

1679. USTINOVA (Yulia). Modes of prophecy, or modern arguments in support of the ancient approach. Kernos, 2013, 26, p. 25-44. 1680. ZACHOS (Giorgos). Epeios in Greece and Italy. Two different traditions in one person. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 5-24. § 8. Addendum 2012. 1681. SURIKOV (Igor' E.). Polis, logos, kosmos: mir glazami ellina. Kategorii drevnegrecheskoj kul'tury. (Polis, Logos, cosmos: the world seen by ancient Hellene. The categories of ancient Greek culture). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Dmitry Pozharsky University. Мoskva, Russkij fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2012, 300 p. (bibl. incl.). § 9. Archaeology and history of art. * 1682. BARR-SHARRAR (Beryl). Review article. Some comprehensive new publications on Ancient Macedonia. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 599-608. * 1683. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), DUPONT (Pierre), FON(Didier), FRÈRE (Dominique), MAFFRE (JeanJacques), MÁRTON (András), POUZADOUX (Claude), SIEBERT (Gérard). Bulletin archéologique céramique. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 137-234.





1684. ARENA (Emiliano). Alessandro IV e la tomba III del 'Grande Tumulo' di Vergina. Per un riesame storico. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 71-102. 1685. BANKEL (Hansgeorg). Ancient construction drawings and new methods of documentation: 3D white light scanning and 3D modeling. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 383-392. 1686. BARFOED (Signe). The mystery of the seated goddess: archaic terracotta figurines in the Northeastern Peloponnese. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 85-106. 1687. BENNETT (Rebecca), WELHAM (Kate), HILL (Ross A.), FORD (Andrew). Airborne spectral imagery for archaeological prospection in grassland environments – an evaluation of performance. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 220-236. 1688. BOMMELAER (Jean-François). Delphica 4. La niche-portique SD 108. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 123-177. 1689. BONACASA (Nicola). Una curiosità dell'archeologo. A proposito dei tre ritratti marmorei di Pantelleria. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 241-256. 1690. BOURGEOIS (Brigitte), JEAMMET (Violaine), PAGÈS-CAMAGNA (Sandrine). Color siderum. La dorure des figurines en terre cuite grecques aux époques hellénistique et romaine. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 483-510. 1691. CAPELLI (Claudio), CONTINO (Alessia). Amphores tripolitaines anciennes ou amphores africaines anciennes? Antiquités Africaines, 2013, 49, p. 199-208. 1692. CICALA (Luigi). Il quartiere occidentale di Elea-Velia. Un'analisi preliminare. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 2013, 125, p. 115-137. 1693. CORSO (Antonio). The art of Praxiteles IV. The late phase of his activity. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 262 p. – IDEM. The education of artists in ancient Greece. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 369-400. 1694. DAVIS (Jack L.). Minding the gap: a problem in Eastern Mediterranean chronology, then and now. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 527-533. 1695. DE LA GENIÈRE (Juliette). "Vases des Lénéennes". Cent ans après. Revue des études grecques, 2013, 126, p. 21-48. 1696. DE MIRO (Ernesto). Akragas. Genesi e svolgimento dell'attività costruttiva e religiosa sotto Terone. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 469-484. 1697. DILLON (Sheila), BALTES (Elizabeth P.). Honorific practices and the politics of space on Hellenistic Delos: portrait statue monuments along the dromos. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 207246. 1698. FORMIGLI (Edilberto). Colore e luce nella statuaria antica in bronzo. Indagini archeometriche e sperimentali. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 128 p.

1699. GALANAKIS (Yannis). Early Prehistoric research on Amorgos and the beginnings of Cycladic archaeology. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 181-205. 1700. GALBOIS (Estelle). Le visage du pouvoir: les souverains hellénistiques entre texte et image. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 111-130. – EADEM. Un jeu de regards. Réflexions sur l'élaboration du portrait royal dans la peinture hellénistique. Pallas, 2013, 92, p. 71-86. 1701. GILETTI (Federico). L'Acropoli di Taranto: un contributo preliminare sulle nuove ricerche. Archeologia classica, 2013, 64, p. 521-544. 1702. GIUDICE (Filippo), GIUDICE (Elvia), GIUDICE (Giada), SCICOLONE (Rossano), TATA (Sebastiano Luca). Le importazioni di ceramica attica a Rodi: costruzione del quadro di riferimento. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 749-782. 1703. GRANDJEAN (Yves), SALVIAT (François). Hippocrate et le sanctuaire de la Délienne à Thasos. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 215-223. 1704. GUIMIER-SORBETS (Anne-Marie). Deux Érotes et un lion sur un embléma délien. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 407-419. 1705. HELLY (Bruno). Recherches sur les stèles funéraires de Démétrias. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 179-214. 1706. INTERDONATO (Elisabetta). Asklepieion di Kos: archeologia del culto. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 410 p. 1707. JACOBSEN (Jan Kindberg). Consumption and production of Greek pottery in the Sibaritide during the 8th century BC. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 1-24. 1708. JACQUEMIN (Anne), LAROCHE (Didier). Notes sur quatre édifices d'époque classique à Delphes. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 83-122. 1709. LAMBRUGO (Claudia). Profumi di argilla. Tombe con unguentari corinzi nella necropoli arcaica di Gela. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 464 p. 1710. LANGIN-HOOPER (Stephanie M.), MARTIN (S. Rebecca), ÖNAL (Mehmet), MOLHOLT (Rebecca). Zeugma as the provenance of 12 mosaic fragments at Bowling Green State University. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 439-455. 1711. MA (John). Statues and cities. Honorific portraits and civic identity in the Hellenistic world. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXV-378 p. 1712. MAC KENZIE (Judith S.), REYES (Andres T.). The Alexandrian Tychaion: a Pantheon? Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 36-52. 1713. MACKOWIAK (Karin). Le singe dans la coroplastie grecque: enquête et questions sur un type de représentation figurée. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2013, 137, p. 421-482. 1714. MAFFRE (Jean-Jacques). Vases à parfum de la fin de l'époque classique mis au jour à Apollonia de

§ 9. Addendum 2012 Cyrénaïque: les analyses de contenus. Revue archéologique, 2013, 55, p. 57-80.


1726. ROBINSON (Betsey A.). Playing in the sun: hydraulic architecture and water displays in imperial Corinth. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 341-384.

1715. MARION (Domenico), CORRADO (Margherita), CRISTIANO (Francesco), MITTICA (Gloria Paola). Materiali greci e coloniali della prima fase dell'antica Kroton dallo scavo 2009 nel quartiere settentrionale. Osservazioni preliminari. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 197-226.

1727. SAKKA (Niki). A debt to ancient wisdom and beauty: the reconstruction of the Stoa of Attalos in the ancient Agora of Athens. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 203227.

1716. MEI (Oscar). Cirene e la ceramica laconica. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 138 p.

1728. SANEV (Goran). Red-figure vases in the FYR Macedonia. Revue archéologique, 2013, 55, p. 3-55.

1717. NÄF (Beat). Testimonia Alt-Paphos. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2013, XVIII-116 p.

1729. SAPIRSTEIN (Philip). Painters, potters, and the scale of the Attic vase-painting industry. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 493-510.

1718. NASO (Alessandro). Sul thesauros di Spina nel santuario di Apollo a Delfi. In: Indagine (L') e la rima [cf. n° 1322], p. 1013-1020.

1730. STEWART (Daniel R.). Most worth remembering: Pausanias, analogy, and classical archaeology. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 231-261.

1719. OLTEAN (Ioana A.). Burial mounds and settlement patterns: a quantitative approach to their identification from the air and interpretation. Antiquity, 2013, 87, p. 202-219.

1731. THOMASEN (Hanne). A reinterpretation of the early Protocorinthian globular aryballos. Acta Hyperborea, 2013, 13, p. 25-50.

1720. PACE (Rossella). Une grande stèle funéraire hellénistique recomposée de Kymè d'Éolide (Turquie). Revue archéologique, 2013, 56, p. 347-366.

1732. VENTURINI (Filippo). I mosaici di Cirene di età ellenistica e romana, un secolo di scoperte. Roma, L'erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 280 p.

1721. PACILIO (Giovanna), MONTANARO (Andrea Celestino). La Tomba dei capitelli ionici di Tiati, San Paolo di Civitate (FG). Archeologia classica, 2013, 64, p. 169-221.

1733. WILLIAMS II (Charles K.). Corinth, 2011: investigation of the West hall of the theater. Hesperia, 2013, 82, p. 487-549.

1722. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.). Always present, ever changing, never lost from human view: the Athenian Acropolis in the 21st century. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 135-140. 1723. PAPANTONIOU (Giorgos). Cyprus from basileis to strategos: a sacred-landscapes approach. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 33-57. 1724. PROULX (Blythe Bowman). Archaeological site looting in "glocal" perspective: nature, scope, and frequency. American journal of archaeology, 2013, 117, p. 111-125. 1725. QUEYREL (François). Les statues honorifiques entre texte et image. Pallas, 2013, 93, p. 99-110.

1734. ZIMMERMANN-ELSEIFY (Nina). Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Deutschland: Berlin, Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium. Band 13. München, C.H. Beck, 2013, 83 p. § 9. Addendum 2012. 1735. Drevnosti Bospora. Supplementum III: Tsarskaja khora Bospora. (po materialam raskopok v Krymskom Priazov'e). (The antiquities of The Bosporan Kingdom. Suppl. III: Tsar's chora of the Bosporan Kingdom on the archaeological sources of Sea of Azov shore). Vol. 2. Individual'nye nahodki i massovyj arkheologicheskij material. (Singular artefacts and mass archaeological sources). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. Moskva, Izd-vo In-ta arkheol. RAN, 2012, 232 p.


§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1736-1745. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1746-1758. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1759-1806. – § 4. General and political history. 1807-1877. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1878-1920. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1921-1968. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1969-2063. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2064-2093. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2094-2140. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 21412165. § 1. The peoples of Italy. ______________________

1736. BARTOLONI (Gilda). The Villanovan culture: at the beginning of Etruscan history. In: Etruscan world (The) [cf. n° 1747], p. 79-98. 1737. BRACCESI (Lorenzo), VERONESE (Francesca) Padova prima di Padova: la città e l'universo veneto. Sommacampagna, Cierre, 2013, 213 p. 1738. LONEY (Helen L.). Social change and technology in prehistoric Italy. London, Accordia Research Institute, University of London, 2013, 226 p. (Accordia specialist studies on Italy, 16). 1739. MURANO (Francesca). Le tabellae defixionum osche. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2013, 259 p. (Ricerche sulle lingue di frammentaria attestazione, 8). 1740. PEARCE (Mark). Rethinking the north Italian early Neolithic. London, Accordia Research Institute, 2013, 245 p. (Accordia specialist studies on Italy, 17). 1741. RICHARDSON (Amy). In search of the Samnites: adornment and identity in archaic central Italy, 750–350 B.C. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, XI-162 p. (BAR international series, 2550). 1742. Roma (Tra) e l'Etruria: cultura, identità e territorio dei Falisci. A cura di Gabriele CIFANI. Roma, Quasar, 2013, VIII-322 p. 1743. TABOLLI (Jacopo). Narce tra la prima età del ferro e l'orientalizzante antico: l'abitato, i tufi e la petrina. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2013, (2 voll.) 797 p. (Mediterranea. Supplemento, 9). 1744. Venetkens. Viaggio nella terra dei veneti antichi. A cura di Mariolina GAMBA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 462 p. 1745. YNTEMA (Douwe G.). The archaeology of South-East Italy in the first millennium BC. Greek and

native societies of Apulia and Lucania between the 10th and the 1st century BC. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2013, VIII-304 p. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 20). § 2. The Etruscans. _______________________

1746. BRIQUEL (Dominique). Etruscan origins and the ancient authors. In: Etruscan world (The) [cf. n° 1747], p. 36-55. 1747. Etruscan world (The). Ed. by Jean MAC INTOSH TURFA. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XLVIII1167 p. [Cf. nos 1736, 1746.] 1748. LÓPEZ MONTERO (Roberto). La expresión del parentesco en lengua etrusca: materiales epigráficos para una reconstrucción. Toledo, Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso, 2013, 408 p. 1749. MATTIOLI (Chiara). Atlante tipologico delle forme ceramiche di produzione locale in Etruria padana. Bologna, Ante Quem, 2013, 568 p. (Kainua, 3). 1750. MEYERS (Gretchen E.). Approaching monumental architecture: mechanics and movement in archaic Etruscan palaces. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2013, 81, p. 39-66. 1751. Origini (Le) degli Etruschi: storia, archeologia, antropologia. A cura di Vincenzo BELLELLI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 496 p. (Studia archaeologica, 186). 1752. PAGANELLI (Barbara L.). Le radici della religione etrusca. Influenze e correnti culturali dall'Europa al Mediterraneo orientale. Sossano, Anguana, 2013, 302 p. 1753. PITTAU (Massimo). Lessico della lingua etrusca: appellativi, antroponimi, toponimi. Roma, ItaliAteneo, 2013, VIII-232 p.



1754. Riflessioni su Pyrgi. Scavi e ricerche nelle aree del santuario. A cura di Maria Paola BAGLIONE, Maria Donatella GENTILI. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 305 p. (Supplementi e monografie della rivista "Archeologia classica", 8). 1755. San Giovenale V, 1: The Borgo. Excavating an Etruscan quarter: architecture and stratigraphy. Ed. by Carl NYLANDER, Lars KARLSSON. Roma, Svenska Institutet Rom, 2013, 224 p. 1756. Spina: scavi nell'abitato della città etrusca 2007–2009. A cura di Caterina CORNELIO CASSAI, Silvia GIANNINI, Luigi MALNATI. Firenze, Cooperativa archeologica, 2013, 208 p. 1757. Tomba (La) del guerriero di Tarquinia. identità elitaria, concentrazione del potere e networks dinamici nell'avanzato VIII sec. a.C. = Das Kriegergrab von Tarquinia. Eliteidentität, Machtkonzentration und dynamische Netzwerke im späten 8. Jh. v. Chr. Ed. by Andrea BABBI, Uwe PELTZ. Mainz, RGZM, 2013, XIII-439 p. (Monographien. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, 109). 1758. WOUDHUIZEN (Fred C.). The Liber linteus: a word for word commentary to and translation of the longest Etruscan text. Innsbruck, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck Bereich Sprachwissenschaft, 2013, 210 p. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, 5). § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________

a. Epigraphical sources * 1759. Année (L') épigraphique 2010. [2009. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 1649.] Éd. par Mireille CORBIER. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2013, 987 p. 1760. Antiqua beneventana: la storia della città romana attraverso la documentazione epigrafica. A cura di Paola CARUSO. Benevento, La Provincia Sannita, 2013, 503 p. 1761. BATTISTONI (Filippo). Il Chronicon Romanum: il suo posto nella cronografia, e dietro le tabulae Iliacae. Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 221-242 1762. CORTÉS BÁRCENA (Carolina). Epigrafia en los confines de las ciudades romanas. Los termini publici en Hispania, Mauretania y Numidia. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 321 p. (Hispania antigua. Serie historica, 7). 1763. CRINITI (Nicola). Mantissa Veleiate. Faenza F.lli Lega, 2013, 206 p. (Epigrafia e antichità, 32). 1764. ECK (Werner), PANGERL (Andreas). Neue Diplome mit den Namen von Konsuln und Statthaltern. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2013, 187, p. 273-294. 1765. EHMIG (Ulrike). Pro & contra. Erfüllte und unerfüllte Gelübde in lateinischen Inschriften. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 2, p. 297-329. – EADEM. Subjektive und faktische Risiken. Votivgründe und Todesur-

sachen in lateinischen Inschriften als Beispiele für Nachrichtenauswahl in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 127-198. 1766. ESTEBAN ORTEGA (Julio). Corpus de inscripciones latinas de Cáceres. III, Capera. Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2013, 356 p. 1767. HILLARD (Tom). Graffiti's engagement. The political graffiti of the late Roman Republic. In: Written space in the Latin West, 200 BC to AD 300. [cf. n° 1779], p. 105-122. 1768. KŁODZIŃSKI (Karol). The Roman empire in the light of epigraphical and normative sources. Toruń, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 2013, 175 p. (Society and Religions: studies in Greek and Roman history, 4). 1769. LÓPEZ VILAR (Jordi). César contra Pompeyo. Glandes inscriptae de la batalla de Ilerda (49 a.C.). Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 431-457. 1770. MAURIZI (Luca). Il cursus honorum senatorio da Augusto a Traiano: sviluppi formali e stilistici nell'epigrafia latina e greca. Helsinki, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2013, 324 p. (Commentationes humanarum litterarum, 130). 1771. MITTHOF (Fritz). Überteuerter Weizen und private Munifizenz: Bemerkungen zu zwei Weihungen aus Thuburnica und verwandten Inschriften. In: Studia epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy. [cf. n° 1774], p. 163-204. 1772. MRÁV (Zsolt). Septimius Severus and the cities of the middle Danubian provinces. In: Studia epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy. [cf. n° 1774], p. 205-240. 1773. Paisajes epigraficos de la Hispania Romana. Monumentos, contextos, topografias. Ed. por Josè M. IGLESIAS GIL, Alicia RUIZ GUTIÉRREZ. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 285 p. (Hispania antigua. Serie histórica, 9). 1774. Studia epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy. Hrsg. v. Werner ECK, Bence FEHÉR, Péter KOVÁCS. Bonn, Habelt, 2013, X-401 p. (Antiquitas, 1. Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte, 61). [Cf. nos 1771, 1772.] 1775. Sylloge epigraphica barcinonensis SEBArc XI. Ed. por Marc MAYER I OLIVÉ, Giulia BARATTA. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Department de filologia llatina, 2013, 228 p. 1776. TOURATIER (Christian). La fibule de Préneste. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2013, 273 p. (Langues et langage, 23). 1777. VENDRIES (Christophe). Une stèle de musicien dans la nécropole de Pont-l'Evêque à Autun. Le tibicen Brunnius. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 1022-1033. 1778. WOYTEK (Bernhard E.). Signatores in der römischen Münzstätte: CIL VI 44 und die numismatische Evidenz. Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 243-284.

§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources 1779. Written Space in the Latin West, 200 BC to AD 300. Ed. by Gareth SEARS, Peter KEEGAN, Ray LAURENCE. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, X-293 p. (Classical studies and archaeology). [Cf. no 1767.] b. Literary sources 1780. [Ammianus Marcellinus] DEN BOEFT (Jan), DRIJVERS (Jan Willem), HENGST (Daniël den), TEITLER (Hans Carel). Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXIX. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, XXI-301 p. 1781. [Ausonius] D. Magnus Ausonius, Mosella. Kritische Ausgabe, Übersetzung, Kommentar von Joachim GRUBER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, X-370 p. (Texte und Kommentare, 42). 1782. [Catullus] Il carme 67 di Catullo. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Orazio PORTUESE. Cesena, Stilgraf, 2013, 417 p. (Quaderni di Paideia, 16). 1783. [Cicero] Cicero: Pro Marco Caelio. Ed. by Andrew R. DYCK. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-206 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). 1784. [Cicero] Cicero's Pro L. Murena oratio. Introduction and commentary by Elaine FANTHAM. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 224 p. (American Philological Association texts and commentaries series). 1785. [Cicero] Marcus Tullius Cicero. Die philippischen Reden. Hrsg. v. Rainer NICKEL. Berlin, Akademie, 2013, 690 p. 1786. [Cicero] Markos Tullios Kikerōn. Hyper tou Markou Kailiou (Marcus Tullius Cicero. Pro Caelio). Ed. by Vasiles A. PHYNTIKOGLOU. Thessalonikē, University Studio Press, 2013, 455 p.


1793. [Plautus] Plautus. Stichus, Three-dollar Day, Truculentus, The Tale of a Traveling-bag, Fragments. Ed. by Wolfgang DE MELO. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, X-515 p. (Loeb classical library, 328). 1794. [Plinius minor] Pliny the Younger. Epistles, book II. Ed. by Christopher WHITTON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-328 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). 1795. [Priscianus] Grammaire. Livres XIV, XV, XVI. Les invariables (préposition, adverbe et interjection, conjonction). Texte latin, traduction introduite et annotée par le Groupe Ars Grammatica. Paris, Vrin, 2013, 329 p. (Histoire des doctrines de l'Antiquité classique, 44). 1796. [Pseudo-Quintilianus] RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Ana M.). Duo testamenta (Ps. Quint. Decl. Min. 308). El derecho en la escuela. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 569603. 1797. [Seneca rhetor] Die Suasorien des älteren Seneca: Einleitung, Text und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Stefan FEDDERN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-544 p. (Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, 4). 1798. [Sextus Turpilius] Sesto Turpilio. I frammenti delle commedie. A cura di Alfonso TRAINA. Bologna, Patron, 2013, 82 p. 1799. [Tacitus] Il libro quarto degli Annales. Introduzione, testo e traduzione, commento (e repertorio prosopografico) di Crescenzo FORMICOLA. Napoli, Loffredo, 2013, 288 p. (Studi latini, 83). 1800. [Tacitus] The Annals of Tacitus. Book 11. Ed. by Simon J. V. MALLOCH. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXI-538 p. (Cambridge classical texts and commentaries, 51).

1787. [Fulgentius] Fulgence. Mythologies. Éd. par Étienne WOLFF, Philippe DAIN. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 201 p.

1801. [Terentius] Terence, Hecyra. Ed. by Sander M. GOLDBERG. Cambridge, a. New York Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII-223 p. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics).

1788. [Iuvenalis] Giovenale, Satira V. Introduzione, traduzione e commento di Biagio SANTORELLI. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, 246 p. (Texte und Kommentare, 44).

1802. [Vergilius] HORSFALL (Nicholas). Virgil, "Aeneid" 6: a commentary. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, (2 voll.) XL-706 p.

1789. [Livius] Livy. Rome's Italian wars: books six to ten. Ed. by John C. YARDLEY, Dexter HOYOS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-391 p. 1790. [Macarius Magnus] Apokritikos: kritische Ausgabe mit deutscher Übersetzung. Hrsg. v. Ulrich VOLP. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XXXVI-468 p. (Texte und Untesuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 169). 1791. [Palladius] Palladius: the work of farming (Opus agriculturae) and Poem on grafting. A new translation from the Latin by John G. FITCH. Totnes, Prospect, 2013, 302 p. 1792. [Petronius] SALANITRO (Maria). I nuovi frammenti del Satyricon. Urbino, QuattroVenti, 2013, 115 p.

1803. [Vergilius] P. Vergilius Maro: Bucolica et Georgica. Hrsg. v. Silvia OTTAVIANO, Gian Biagio CONTE. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 220 p. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). 1804. [Victorinus] C. Marius Victorinus commenta in Ciceronis Rhetorica. Accedit incerti auctoris tractatus De attributis personae et negotio. Hrsg. v. Thomas RIESENWEBER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XXVIII-264 p. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). 1805. Fragmente Römischer Memoiren. Hrsg. v. Peter SCHOLZ und Uwe WALTER; übers. u. komm. v. Peter SCHOLZ u. Uwe WALTER unt. Mitarb. v. Christian WINKLE. Heidelberg, Verlag Antike, 2013, 189 p. (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 18).



1806. Fragments (The) of the Roman historians. Ed. by Tim J. CORNELL. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 3 vol., L-662 p., VIII-1159 p., VIII-829 p. Cf. nos 1969-2063 § 4. General and political history. _______________________

the Western provinces. In: War and warfare in late antiquity [cf. n° 2165], p. 655-682. 1821. Entre archéologie et épigraphie: nouvelles perspectives sur l'armée romaine. Éd. par Florence BERTHOLET et Christophe SCHMIDT HEIDENREICH. Frankfurt am Main u. Bern, 2013, XXVI-253 p. (Echo, 10).

1807. Ammianus Marcellinus, Julianus, de laatste heidense keizer. Nadagen van een wereldrijk. Hrsg. v. Daniël DEN HENGST. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Athenaeum, 2013, 752 p.

1822. ESPADA RODRÍGUEZ (Julián). Los dos primeros tratados romano-cartagineses: análisis historiográfico y contexto histórico. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2013, 325 p.

1808. ARRAYÁS MORALES (Isaías). Más piratas que corsarios. Mitridates Eupátor y Sertorio ante el fenómeno pirático. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 96-121.

1823. FAURE (Patrice). L'aigle et le cep: les centurions légionnaires dans l'empire des Sévères. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, (2 voll.) 1106 p. (Scripta antiqua, 54).

1809. BECKER (Audrey). Les relations diplomatiques romano-barbares en Occident au Ve siècle: acteurs, fonctions, modalités. Paris, De Boccard, 2013, 317 p. (Collections de l'Université de Strasbourg. Études d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne).

1824. FERJANČIĆ (Snežana). Konstantin (Constantine, 306–337). Beograd, Službeni glasnik, 2013, 229 p.

1810. BELLEMORE (Jane). The identity of Drusus: the making of a Princeps. In: Julio-Claudian (The) succession. [cf. n° 1830], p. 79-94. 1811. BINGHAM (Sandra). The Praetorian guard: a history of Rome's elite special forces. Waco, Baylor U. P., 2013, XI-240 p. 1812. BÖRM (Henning). Westrom. Von Honorius bis Justinian. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 240 p. 1813. CABRERO PIQUERO (Javier). La muerte como represalia política. Las proscripciones en el contexto del enfrentamiento político durante la Primera Guerra Civil Romana: marianistas contra silanos. In: Formas de morir y formas de matar en la Antigüedad romana. [cf. n° 1825], p. 251-264. 1814. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo). Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma. Volume 3. Dalla resistenza di Fabio fino alla vittoria di Scipione (215–201 a.C.). Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2013, X-214 p. 1815. Caracalla. Kaiser Feldherr Tyrann. Hrsg. v. Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg. Darmstadt, Philipp von Zabern Verlag, 2013, 144 p. 1816. Community and communication. Oratory and politics in Republican Rome. Ed. by Catherine STEEL and Henriette VAN DER BLOM. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-401 p. 1817. CONYARD (John). Recreating the late Roman army. In: War and warfare in late antiquity [cf. n° 2165], p. 523-570. 1818. COSTABILE (Felice). Caius Iulius Caesar. Dal dictator al princeps, dal Divi filius al Cristo; Augusto e le maschere del potere. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 246 p. (Minima epigraphica et papyrologica. Supplementa, 5). 1819. DAHLHEIM (Werner). Die Römische Kaiserzeit. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 191 p. 1820. ELTON (Hugh W.). Imperial campaigns between Diocletian and Honorius: the Rhine frontier and

1825. Formas de morir y formas de matar en la Antigüedad romana. Ed. por Gonzalo BRAVO CASTAÑEDA, Raúl GONZÁLEZ SALINERO. Madrid, Signifer Libros, 2013, 613 p. (Signifer, 38). [Cf. no 1813.] 1826. GEIGER (Michael). Gallienus. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 433 p. 1827. GUERRA (Roberto). Cohortes Alpinorum: truppe ausiliarie nell'antica Roma: analisi storica e catalogo delle fonti epigrafiche, archeologiche e numismatiche. Venezia, Tipolitografia Rubino, 2013, 322 p. 1828. HARRISSON (Juliette). Dreams and dreaming in the Roman empire: cultural memory and imagination. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, IX-309 p. 1829. HERRMANN (Katrin). Gordian III. Kaiser einer Umbruchszeit. Speyer, Kartoffeldruck, 2013, 203 p. 1830. Julio-Claudian (The) succession. Reality and perception of the "Augustan model". Ed. by Alisdair G. G. GIBSON. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 179 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 349). [Cf. no 1810.] 1831. KELLY (Gavin). The political crisis of AD 375–376. Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 357-409. 1832. KENDALL (Seth). The struggle for Roman citizenship: Romans, allies, and the wars of 91–77 BCE. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2013, XIV-944 p. (Gorgias studies in classical and late antiquity, 2). 1833. LABITZKE (Marcel). Marius. Der verleumdete Retter Roms. Münster, ATE, 2013, 539 p. 1834. LAMP (Kathleen S.). A city of marble: the rhetoric of Augustan Rome. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2013, XVI-195 p. (Studies in rhetoric/communication). 1835. LANGFORD (Julie). Maternal megalomania: Julia Domna and the imperial politics of motherhood. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XI-203 p. 1836. LEMCKE (Lukas), COSKUN (Altay). Users and issuers of permits of the imperial information and transportation system in the 1st century CE. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 1034-1054.

§ 4. General and political history 1837. LEVITHAN (Joshua). Roman siege warfare. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, VIII247 p. 1838. LO SCHIAVO (Aldo). Roma e la romanizzazione: i fondamenti della civiltà romana. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2013, 490 p. 1839. Lucius Cornelius Sulla: history and tradition. Ed. by Dariusz SŁAPEK, Ireneusz ŁUĆ. Lublin, Maria Curie-Sklodowska U. P., 2013, 253 p. 1840. MAC EVOY (Meaghan A.). Child emperor rule in the late Roman West, AD 367–455. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-367 p. (Oxford classical monographs). 1841. MARAVAL (Pierre). Les fils de Constantin. Constantin II (337–340); Constance II (337–361); Constant (337–350). Paris, CNRS, 2013, 334 p. 1842. MEISTER (Jan B.). Adventus und Profectio: aristokratisches Prestige, Bindungswesen und Raumkonzepte im republikanischen und frühkaiserzeitlichen Rom. Museum Helveticum, 2013, 70, p. 33-56. 1843. MELCHOR GIL (Enrique). Entre el deseo de perpetuidad y la necesidad de renovación: sobre el reclutamiento de decuriones y la estabilidad de las aristocracias locales durante los siglos II y III d.C. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 217-238. 1844. NAPOLI (Joëlle). Évolution de la poliorcétique romaine sous la République jusqu'au milieu du IIe siècle avant J.-C. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2013, 238 p. (Collection Latomus, 340). 1845. Neros Wirklichkeiten: zur Rezeption einer umstrittenen Gestalt. Hrsg. v. Christine WALDE. Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013., VI-354 p. (Litora classica, 7). 1846. NESSELRATH (Theresa). Kaiser Julian und die Repaganisierung des Reiches. Konzept und Vorbilder. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, VIII-220 p. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband, 9). 1847. OPPEDISANO (Fabrizio). L'impero d'Occidente negli anni di Maioriano. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 402 p. (Saggi di storia antica, 36). 1848. PASEK (Steve). Coniuratio ad principem occidendum faciendumque. Der erfolgreiche Staatsstreich gegen Commodus und die Regentschaft des Helvius Pertinax (192/193 n. Chr.). München, Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, 2013, 442 p. – IDEM. Imperator Caesar Didius Iulianus Augustus. Seine Regentschaft und die Usurpationen der Provinzstatthalter (193 n. Chr.). München, AVM, 2013, 451 p. 1849. Potere e politica nell'età della famiglia teodosiana (395–455): i linguaggi dell'impero, le identità dei barbari. A cura di Isabella BALDINI LIPPOLIS, Salvatore COSENTINO. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 259 p. [Cf. nos 1872, 2096.] 1850. POTTER (David S.). Constantine the Emperor. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-368 p.


1851. RANTALA (Jussi). Maintaining loyalty, declaring continuity, legitimizing power. Ludi saeculares of Septimius Severus as a manifestation of the golden age. Tampere, Tampereen Yliopisto, 2013, 201 p. (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis). 1852. RISING (Thilo). Senatorial opposition to Pompey's eastern settlement. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 196-221. 1853. ROHMANN (Dirk). Book burning as conflict management in the Roman empire (213 BCE-200 CE). Ancient society, 2013, 43, p.115-149. 1854. Roman empire during (The) the Severan dynasty: case studies in history, art, architecture, economy and literature. Ed. by Eric C. DE SENA. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2013, XV-571 p. (American journal of ancient history, 6-8). 1855. Roms vergessener Feldzug. Die Schlacht am Harzhorn. Hrsg. v. Heike PÖPPELMANN, Korana DEPPMEYER und Wolf-Dieter STEINMETZ. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2013, 408 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Braunschweigischen Landesmuseums, 115). 1856. ROSEN (Klaus). Konstantin der Große. Kaiser zwischen Machtpolitik und Religion. Stuttgart, KlettCotta, 2013, 495 p. 1857. Sack (The) of Rome in 410 AD: the event, its context and its impact. Proceedings of the conference held at the German Archaeological Institute at Rome, 4–6 November 2010. Ed. by Johannes LIPPS, Carlos MACHADO, Philipp von RUMMEL. Wiesbaden, Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2013, 455 p. 1858. SARTI (Laury). Die Identität des Kämpfenden nach dem Zusammenbruch des römischen Militärwesens in Gallien. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2013, 95, 2, p. 309-332. 1859. SCHLUDE (Jason M.). Pompey and the Parthians. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 163-181. 1860. SCHMIDT (Joel). Hadrien. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 359 p. 1861. SCHULLER (Wolfgang). Cicero oder Der letzte Kampf um die Republik. Eine Biographie. München, Beck, 2013, 254 p. 1862. SKINNER (Alexander). Political mobility in the Later Roman Empire. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 1753. 1863. SOMMER (Michael). Rom und die antike Welt bis zum Ende der Republik. Stuttgart, Kröner, 2013, XXXII-654 p. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 449). 1864. STEEL (Catherine), VAN DER BLOM (Henriette). Community and communication: oratory and politics in Republican Rome. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-401 p. 1865. STEEL (Catherine). The end of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC: conquest and crisis. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, 284 p. 1866. STEIN-HÖLKESKAMP (Elke). Macht, Memoria und Monumente: Marius, Sulla und der Kampf um den öffentlichen Raum. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 429-446.



1867. TEYSSIER (Éric). Pompée: l'anti-César. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 430 p. 1868. Theodosian Age (The) (A.D. 379–455). Power, Place, Belief and Learning at the End of the Western Empire. Ed. by Rosa GARCÍA-GASCO, Sergio GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ and David HERNÁNDEZ DE LA FUENTE. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, VIII-261 p. 1869. Theodosius II: rethinking the Roman empire in late antiquity. Ed. by Christopher KELLY. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-324 p. (Cambridge classical studies) 1870. TONER (Jerry P.). Roman disasters. Cambridge, Polity, 2013, IX-220 p. 1871. VANACKER (Wouter). Conflicts and instability in Mauretania and Gaius' realpolitik. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 725-741. 1872. VANESSE (Michael). La militarizzazione dell'impero: il ruolo dei barbari (395–455 a.C.). In: Potere e politica nell'età della famiglia teodosiana (395–455): i linguaggi dell'impero, le identità dei barbari. [cf. n° 1849], p. 87-112. 1873. VITALE (Marco). Kolchis in der Hohen Kaiserzeit: Römische Eparchie oder nördlicher Außenposten des 'limes ponticus'? Historia, 2013, 62, p. 241-258. 1874. WALLRAFF (Martin). Sonnenkönig der Spätantike. Die Religionspolitik Konstantins des Großen. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 221 p. 1875. WASHBURN (David A.). Banishment in the later Roman empire, 284–476 CE. New York, Routledge, 2013, 239 p. (Routledge studies in ancient history, 5). § 4. Addenda 2012. 1876. MAJAK (Ija L.). Rimskie drevnosti po Avlu Gelliju: istorija, pravo: Monografija. (Roman antiquities on Aulus Gellius. History. Law: A study). Moskva, Izd-vo Argamak, 2012, 336 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 299-308; ind. p. 309-334). (Scientific community). 1877. SMORCHKOV (Andrej M.). Religija i vlast' v Rimskoj respublike: magistraty, zhretsy, khramy. (Religion and authority in Roman republic: magistrates, priests, temples). Мoskva, Izd-vo Ros. gos. gumanit. un-ta, 2012, 606 p. Cf. no 1332 § 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________

1878. Administración (La) de las provincias en el Imperio romano. Ed. por José María BLÁZQUEZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo OZCÁRIZ GIL. Madrid, Dykinson, 2013, 242 p.

1881. BANFI (Antonio). Acerrima indago. Considerazioni sul procedimento criminale romano nel IV sec. d.C. Torino, Giappichelli, 2013, IX-174 p. 1882. BUZZACCHI (Chiara). Lex rivi hiberiensis: per un'indagine sul processo civile nelle province. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 224 p. (Minima epigraphica et papyrologica. Supplementa, 6). 1883. CORBO (Chiara). Constitutio antoniniana: ius philosophia religio. Napoli, D'Auria, 2013, 207 p. (Studi e testi di Koinonia, 4). 1884. Corpus der römischen Rechtsquellen zur antiken Sklaverei (CRRS). Hrsg. v. Tiziana J. CHIUSI, Johanna FILIP-FRÖSCHL, J. Michael RAINER. T. 3. Die Rechtspositionen am Sklaven. 2. Ansprüche aus Delikten am Sklaven. Bearb. v. Jan Dirk HARKE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, XII-219 p. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, 3). 1885. CORTESE (Barbara). Quod sine iusta causa apud aliquem est potest condici. Napoli, Jovene, 2013, VIII-167 p. (Centro di eccellenza in diritto europeo Giovanni Pugliese, 18). 1886. D'ALOJA (Chiara). L'idea di egalitarismo nella tarda Repubblica romana. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 187 p. 1887. DE WILDE (Marc). The Dictatorship and the Fall of the Roman Republic. Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 1-39. 1888. DETTENHOFER (Maria H.). Verweigerung als Form der Abstimmung oder: von der Ausnahme zur Regel. Das Senatsquorum von der mittleren Republik bis zum frühen Prinzipat. In: Genesis und Dynamiken der Mehrheitsentscheidung. Hrsg. v. Egon FLAIG. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, p. 153-172. 1889. DI PINTO (Loredana). Cura studiorum: tra pensiero giuridico e legislazione imperiale. Napoli, M. D'Auria, 2013, 241 p. (Storie e testi, 23). 1890. FELICI (Maurilio). Profili storico-giuridici del pluralismo cittadino in Roma antica. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 167 p. (Quaestio, 1). 1891. Fontes iuris. Atti del VI Jahrestreffen Junger Romanistinnen und Romanisten, Lecce, 30–31 marzo 2012. A cura di Pierangelo BUONGIORNO, Sebastian LOHSSE. Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013, XXX-308 p. 1892. GIUFFRÈ (Vincenzo). Homines militares e status rei publicae: torsioni di una costituzione. Napoli, Jovene, 2013, X-126 p. (Storia politica costituzionale e militare del mondo antico, 7).

1879. ARCES (Pierfrancesco). Studi sul disporre mortis causa. Dall'età decemvirale al diritto classico. Milano, LED, 2013, 261 p.

1893. GOLDEN (Gregory K.). Crisis management during the Roman Republic: the role of political institutions in emergencies. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVII-245 p.

1880. BALBO (Mattia). Riformare la res publica: retroterra sociale e significato politico del tribunato di Tiberio Gracco. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 148 p. (Pragmateiai, 25).

1894. HEUFT (Christian). Spätantike Zwangsverbände zur Versorgung der römischen Bevölkerung. Rechtshistorische Untersuchungen zu Codex Theodosianus 13.5-9

§ 5. Addenda 2012 sowie 14.2-4. Hildesheim, Olms, 2013, VI-373 p. (Sklaverei, Knechtschaft, Zwangsarbeit, 11). 1895. JEHNE (Martin). Konsensfiktionen in römischen Volksversammlungen. Überlegungen zur frührepublikanischen Curienversammlung und zu den kaiserzeitlichen Destinationscenturien. In: Genesis und Dynamiken der Mehrheitsentscheidung. Hrsg. v. Egon FLAIG. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, p. 129-152. 1896. KAISER (Wolfgang). Spätantike Rechtstexte in agrimensorischen Sammlungen. Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 273-347. 1897. KUHNERT (Anne). Der römische Senat im 3. und 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Entscheidung, Konflikt und Konsens – zum Verhältnis von Senat und Senator. Jena, Leander Wissenschaft, 2013, V-284 p. 1898. LAFFI (Umberto). In greco per i Greci: ricerche sul lessico greco del processo civile e criminale romano nelle attestazioni di fonti documentarie romane. Pavia, IUSS Press, 2013, X-132 p. (Pubblicazioni del Cedant, 12). 1899. LAURENDI (Rossella). Leges regiae e ius papirianum. Tradizione e storicità di un corpus normativo. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 125 p. (Studia juridica, 88). 1900. LONARDI (Anna). La cura riparum et alvei Tiberis. Storiografia, prosopografia e fonti epigrafiche. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, 210 p. (BAR. International series, 2464). 1901. MATTIANGELI (Daniele). Der Kaufvertrag im römischen Recht. In: Kauf, Konsum und Märkte. Wirtschaftswelten im Fokus – Von der römischen Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. V. Monika FRASS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, p. 87-102. 1902. MUSUMECI (Francesco). Protezione pretoria dei minori di 25 anni e ius controversum in età imperiale. Torino, Giappichelli, 2013, XI-262 p. (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Università di Catania, 268). 1903. New frontiers. Law and society in the Roman world. Ed. by Paul J. DU PLESSIS. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, IX-246 p. 1904. PAHUD (Samuel). Le statut de l'esclave et sa capacité à agir dans le domaine contractuel. Étude de droit romain de l'époque classique. Genève, Schulthess, 2013, 538 p. (Recherches juridiques lausannoises, 55). 1905. PINA POLO (Francisco). The political role of consules designati at Rome. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 420452. 1906. PIRO (Isabella). Spose bambine: risalenza, diffusione e rilevanza giuridica del fenomeno in età romana, dalle origine all'epoca classica. Milano, Giuffrè editore, 2013, 192 p. 1907. PLATSCHEK (Johannes). Das Edikt De pecunia constituta. Die römische Erfüllungszusage und ihre


Einbettung in den hellenistischen Kreditverkehr. München, Beck, 2013, IX-292 p. (Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 106). 1908. QUERZOLI (Serena). Scienze giuridica e cultura retorica in Ulpio Marcello. Napoli, Loffredo, 2013, 250 p. (Antiquitas, 1). 1909. ROSSETTI (Giulietta). Poena e rei persecutio nell'actio ex Lege Aquilia. Napoli, Jovene, 2013, XII261 p. (Monografie. Università degli studi Roma Tre, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 38). 1910. Sacertà e repressione criminale in Roma arcaica. Napoli, Jovene, 2013, VI-371 p. (Storia e teoria del processo, 3). 1911. Senados municipales y decuriones en el Occidente romano. Ed. por Enrique MELCHOR GIL, Antonio D. PÉREZ ZURITA, Juan F. RODRIGUEZ NEILA. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2013, 459 p. 1912. STOLTE (Bernard H.). A heretical hypothesis: on the beginning of the Codex Justinianus. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 109128. 1913. TRAN (Nicolas). Les statuts de travail des esclaves et des affranchis dans les grands ports du monde romain (Ier siècle av. J.-C.–IIe siècle apr. J.-C.). Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 999-1025. 1914. UCHIDA (Yasutaka). Kyōwaseiki Rōma no shisseikan senkyo to yūsen tōhyō Kentouria. (Consular elections and centuria praerogative in the Roman Republic). Seiyo Kotengaku Kenkyu, 2013, 61, p. 73-85. 1915. VALDITARA (Giuseppe). Diritto pubblico romano. Torino, Giappichelli, 2013, X-323 p. 1916. VERHAGEN (H.L.E.). The evolution of pignus in classical Roman law. Ius honorarium and 'ius novum'. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 5179. 1917. Vir bonus. Un modello ermeneutico della riflessione giuridica antica; incontro di studio, Trani, 28– 29 ottobre 2011. A cura di Andrea LOVATO. Bari, La matrice, 2013, 234 p. 1918. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich). Voces populi. Akklamationen als Surrogat politischer Partizipation. In: Genesis und Dynamiken der Mehrheitsentscheidung. Hrsg. v. Egon FLAIG. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, p. 173202. § 5. Addenda 2012. 1919. LAPYRENOK (Roman V.). Zarubezhnaja istoriografija o probleme tsenza 125/124 gg. do n.e.: starye– novye reshenija. (Foreign historiography on the problem of the census of 125/124 BC: new and / or old solutions). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 1 (280), p. 40-54. 1920. MAREJ (Aleksandr V.). Koldovstvo v zakonodatel'stve Pozdnej Imperii. (Magic in the late Roman imperial legislation). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 2 (281), p. 166-175.


F. HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE § 6. Economic and social history. _______________________

1921. ADAMS (James N.). Social variation and the Latin language. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXI-933 p. äääS76, Z 5 1922. AKAR (Philippe). Concordia: un idéal de la classe dirigeante romaine à la fin de la République. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 499 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 122). 1923. ANTOLINOS MARÍN (Juan Antonio), DÍAZ ARIÑO (Borja), GUILLÉN RIQUELME (Mariano C.). Minería romana en Carthago Nova: el Coto Fortuna (Murcia) y los precintos de plomo de la Societas Argentifodinarum Ilucronensium. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 88-121 .

School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013, XIII-278 p. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, 120). 1934. CUNEO (Paola O.). Ricerche sul matrimonio romano in età imperiale (I-V secolo d.C.). Roma, Aracne, 2013, 306 p. 1935. Disabilities in Roman antiquity: disparate bodies, a capite ad calcem. Ed. by Christian LAES, Chris F. GOODEY, Martha L. ROSE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIII-318 p. (Mnemosyne, supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity). 1936. FAYER (Carla). Meretrix. La prostituzione femminile nell'antica Roma. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 813 p. (Problemi e ricerche di storia antica, 30).

1924. BERNI MILLET (Piero), GOROSTIDI (Diana). C. Iulius Valerianus et C. Iulius Iulianus: mercatores del aceite bético en un signaculum de plomo para ánforas Dressel 20. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 167-190.

1937. FILOCAMO (Andrea). Politiche monetarie e fraus monetae nella legislazione del tardo impero. Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013, 167 p. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Dipartimento di giurisprudenza ed economia, 15).

1925. BERNSTEIN (Neil W.). Ethics, identity and community in later Roman declamation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-229 p.

1938. FLOHR (Miko). The textile economy of Pompeii. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 5378. – IDEM. The world of the fullo: work, economy, and society in Roman Italy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-401 p. (Oxford studies on the Roman economy).

1926. BINOT (Cyril). Se faire un nom: les élites à la fin de la République romaine, entre tradition familiale et construction personnelle. Le cas de L. Manlius Torquatus (pr. 49). Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 625-641. 1927. BORG (Barbara E.). Crisis and ambition: tombs and burial customs in third-century CE Rome. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-308 p. (Oxford studies in ancient culture and representation). 1928. BROEKAERT (Wim). Financial experts in a spider web. A social network analysis of the archives of Caecilius Iucundus and the Sulpicii. Klio, 2013, 95, p. 471-510. – IDEM. Navicularii et negotiantes. A prosopographical study of Roman merchants and shippers. Rahden, Leidorf, 2013, 564 p. (Pharos, 28).

1939. Gemeinsinn und Gemeinwohl in der römischen Antike. Hrsg. v. Martin JEHNE, Christoph LUNDGREEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 220 p. [Cf. no 2076.] 1940. GILBERT (François). Gladiateurs, chasseurs et condamnés à mort. Le spectacle du sang dans l'amphithéâtre. Lacapelle-Marival, Archéologie nouvelle, 2013, 172 p. 1941. GOLDMAN (Rachel B.). Color-terms in social and cultural context in ancient Rome. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2013, VIII-193 p. (Gorgias studies in classical and late antiquity, 3).

1929. BRYEN (Ari Z.). Violence in Roman Egypt: a study in legal interpretation. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 363 p. (Empire and After).

1942. GUEYE (Mariama). Captifs et captivité dans le monde romain. Discours littéraire et iconographique (IIIe siècle avant J.-C.–IIe siècle après J.-C.). Paris, Harmattan, 2013, 316 p. (Collection Histoire, textes, sociétés).

1930. CARLSEN (Jesper). Freedmann and wine production in Roman Italy. In: Kauf, Konsum und Märkte. Wirtschaftswelten im Fokus – Von der römischen Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. V. Monika FRASS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, p. 12-24.

1943. HAEUSSLER (Ralph). Becoming Roman? Diverging identities and experiences in ancient Northwest Italy. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press, 2013, 386 p. (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London).

1931. CENTLIVRES CHALLET (Claude-Emmanuelle). Like man, like woman: Roman women, gender qualities and conjugal relationships at the turn of the first century. Oxford, Lang, 2013, VI-201 p.

1944. HAYNES (Ian). Blood of the provinces: the Roman auxilia and the making of provincial society from Augustus to the Severans. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-430 p.

1932. COBB (Matthew A.). The reception and consumption of eastern goods in Roman society. Greece & Rome, 2013, 60, p. 136-152.

1945. HIN (Saskia). The demography of Roman Italy: population dynamics in an ancient conquest society (201 BCE – 14 CE). Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-406 p.

1933. Creating ethnicities and identities in the Roman world. Ed. by Andrew GARDNER, Edward HERRING, Kathryn LOMAS. London, Institute of Classical Studies,

1946. IACOB (Mihaela). Moesia Inferior între Orient şi Occident. Identitatea culturală şi economică a provin-

§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science


ciei în contextul lumii romane. (Moesia inferior between East and West. The cultural and economical identity of the province in the context of the Roman world). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 302 p.

1960. RUFFING (Kai). Auctions and markets in the Roman empire. In: Kauf, Konsum und Märkte. Wirtschaftswelten im Fokus – Von der römischen Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. V. Monika FRASS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, p. 213-228.

1947. JACOTOT (Mathieu). Question d'honneur. Les notions d'honos, honestum et honestas dans la République romaine antique, Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 818 p.

1961. RUSSELL (Ben). The economics of the Roman stone trade. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXI-449 p. (Oxford studies on the Roman economy).

1948. JENKYNS (Richard). God, space and city in the Roman imagination. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII407 p. 1949. KAMPEN (Natalie B.). Slaves and liberti in the Roman army. In: Roman slavery and Roman material culture [cf. n°1957], p. 180-198. 1950. LAVAN (Myles). Slaves to Rome. Paradigms of empire in Roman culture. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-288 p. (Cambridge classical studies). 1951. Lieux de mémoire en Orient grec à l'époque impériale. Ed. par Anne GANGLOFF. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 395 p. (Collection de l'Institut d'Archéologie et des Sciences de l'Antiquité de l'Université de Lausanne, 9). 1952. Making textiles in pre-Roman and Roman times. People, places, identities. Ed. by Margarita Y. GLEBA, Judit PÁSZTÓKAI-SZEOKE. Oxford, Oxbow, 2013, XVII-238 p. (Ancient textiles series, 13). 1953. MARZANO (Annalisa). Harvesting the sea. The exploitation of marine resources in the Roman Mediterranean. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-365 p. (Oxford studies on the Roman economy). 1954. OPAIŢ (Andrei). Producţia şi consumul de vin în ţinuturile dintre Carpaţi şi Marea Neagră (secolele II a. Chr. – III p. Chr.): unele consideraţii. (Production and consumption of wine between the Carpathians and the Black Sea, 2nd c. B.C.–3rd c. A.D. Some considerations). Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche şi arheologie, 2013, 64, 1-2, p. 21-65. 1955. POLIDORI (Gino). L'oro dell'impero. Banche e banchieri nella Roma antica. Roma, Ecra, 2013, 186 p.

1962. SHAW (Brent D.). Bringing in the sheaves: economy and metaphor in the Roman world. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XX-456 p. 1963. TEMIN (Peter). The Roman market economy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XII-299 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western World). 1964. ŢENTEA (Ovidiu). Modele ale civilizaţiei romane în provinciile dunărene între identităţi locale şi valori universale. (Models of Roman civilization in the Danubian provinces between local identities and universal values). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 236 p. 1965. TERPSTRA (Taco T.). Trading communities in the Roman world: a micro-economic and institutional perspective. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIII-244 p. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 37). 1966. Themes in Roman society and culture: an introduction to ancient Rome. Ed. by Matt GIBBS, Milorad NIKOLIC and Pauline RIPAT. Don Mills, Oxford U. P. Canada, 2013, XXXI-464 p. 1967. TRAN (Nicolas). Dominus tabernae: le statut de travail des artisans et des commerçants de l'Occident romain (Ier siècle av. J.-C. – IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.). Roma, École française de Rome, 2013, VIII-416 p. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 360). 1968. Women and the Roman city in the Latin West. Ed. by Emily HEMELRIJK, Greg WOOLF. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXII-408 p. (Mnemosyne supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 360). § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________

a. Literature

1956. Roman agricultural economy (The): organisation, investment and production. Ed. by Alan BOWMAN, Andrew WILSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII333 p. (Oxford studies on the Roman economy).

1969. ADAMS (Geoff W.). Marcus Aurelius in the Historia Augusta and beyond. Lanham a. Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2013, IX-333 p.

1957. Roman slavery and Roman material culture. Ed. by Michele GEORGE. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, 240 p. (Phoenix supplementary volumes, 52). [Cf. no 1949.]

1970. ATKINS (Jed W.). Cicero on politics and the limits of reason: the Republic and Laws. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-270 p. (Cambridge classical studies).

1958. Rome beyond its frontiers. Imports, attitudes and practices. Ed. by Peter S. WELLS. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2013, 131 p. (Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 94).

1971. Augustan poetry and the Roman Republic. Ed. by Joseph FARRELL, Damien P. NELLS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-393 p.

1959. ROWAN (Clare). The profits of war and cultural capital: silver and society in Republican Roma. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 361-386.

1972. BALLESTEROS PASTOR (Luis). Pompeyo Trogo, Justino y Mitrídates: Comentario al Epítome de las Historias Filípicas (37,1,6-38,8,1). Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2013, XV-368 p. (Spudasmata, 154).



1973. BEHRENDT (Anja). Mit Zitaten kommunizieren: Untersuchungen zur Zitierweise in der Korrespondenz des Marcus Tullius Cicero. Rahden, VML, 2013, 382 p. (Litora classica, 6). 1974. BERNARD (Jacques-Emmanuel). La sociabilité épistolaire chez Cicéron. Paris, Champion, 2013, 641 p. (Babeliana, 16). 1975. BJORNLIE (Michael S.). Politics and tradition between Rome, Ravenna and Constantinople: a study of Cassiodorus and the Variae 527–554. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-370 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought, 89). 1976. BOCCI (Stefano). Ammiano Marcellino XXVIII e XXIX: problemi storici e storiografici. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 271 p. (Il potere e il consenso, 3). 1977. BURGESS (Richard W.), KULIKOWSKI (Michael). Mosaics of time: the Latin chronicle traditions from the first century BC to the sixth century AD. Vol. 1. A historical introduction to the chronicle genre from its origins to the high Middle Ages. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XIII-444 p. (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 33). 1978. CALTOT (Pierre-Alain). Terror habet vates (Theb. III, 549): l'effroi du prophète face à la mort chez Lucain et Stace. Bulletin de l'association Guillaume Budé, 2013, 1, p. 169-201. 1979. CARMIGNANI (Marcos). Poeta vesanus, recitator acerbus. Die auf Horaz basierende Karikierung des Eumolpus in Petronius, Sat. 118. Rheinisches Museum, 2013, 156, p. 27-46.

tary. London, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 2013, XV-503 p. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 121). 1988. FULKERSON (Laurel). Cicero's palinode: inconsistency in the late Republic. Greece & Rome, 2013, 60, p. 246-261. 1989. GAERTNER (Jan F.), HAUSBURG (Bianca C.). Caesar and the Bellum Alexandrinum: an analysis of style, narrative technique, and the reception of Greek historiography. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 372 p. (Hypomnemata, 192). 1990. GAGLIARDI (Paola). L'ecl. 1 e l'ecl. 10 di Virgilio: considerazioni su un rapporto complesso. Philologus, 2013, 157, p. 94-110. 1991. GARDNER (Hunter H.). Gendering time in Augustan love elegy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII285 p. (Oxford studies in classical literature and gender theory). 1992. Generic interfaces in Latin literature: encounters, interactions and transformations. Ed. by Theodore D. PAPANGHELIS, Stephen J. HARRISON, Stavros FRANGOULIDIS. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-478 p. (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 20). 1993. GOLDSMITH (Nora). Shaggy crowns: Ennius' Annales and Virgil 's Aeneid. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-258 p. 1994. GÖTTLICHER (Arvid). Ausonius' Mosella und das antike Seewesen. Gutenberg, Computus Druck Satz und Verlag, 2013, 399 p.

1980. COLE (Spencer). Cicero and the rise of deification at Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VII208 p.

1995. GROSS (Daniel). Plenus litteris Lucanus: zur Rezeption der horazischen Oden und Epoden in Lucans Bellum Civile. Rahden, Leidorf, 2013, 305 p. (Litora classica, 3).

1981. CURLEY (Dan). Tragedy in Ovid. Theater, metatheater, and the transformation of a genre. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-275 p.

1996. HAMMAR (Isak). Making enemies: the logic of immorality in Ciceronian oratory. Lund, Lund University, 2013, XI-381 p.

1982. DAY (Henry J. M.). Lucan and the sublime: power, representation and aesthetic experience. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-262 p. (Cambridge classical studies).

1997. HARRISON (Stephen J.). Framing the ass: literary texture in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-293 p.

1983. DUFALLO (Basil). The captor's image. Greek culture in Roman ecphrasis. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-279 p. (Classical culture and society). 1984. ELLIOTT (Jackie). Ennius and the architecture of the Annales. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-590 p. 1985. FEDELI (Paolo), ZEVI (Fausto). Fam. 1, 9, 15 e il 'monumentum' di Cicerone. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 137-160. 1986. Flavian epic interactions. Ed. by Gesine MANUBerlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-447 p. (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 21). WALD.

1987. FOTHERINGHAM (Lynn S.). Persuasive language in Cicero's Pro Milone: a close reading and commen-

1998. HEIL (Andreas). Die dramatische Zeit in Senecas Tragödien. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, VI-250 p. (Mnemosyne supplements. Monographs on Greek and Latin language and literature, 357). 1999. HÖMKE (Nicola). Reden zu Gott, beten zu Göttern. Vorstellungen vom Göttlichen in den Precationes Variae und der Gratiarum Actio des Ausonius. Philologus, 2013, 157, p. 315-337. 2000. HUNT (Jeffrey M.). Elegy in a landscape. Propertius' poetic program in I 18. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 135-151. 2001. ITGENSHORST (Tanja). Tibulle et la "révolution augustéenne". Quelques réflexions sur l'apport de l'élégie romaine à l'histoire sociale du début du Haut empire. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 380-399.

§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science 2002. JEPPESEN-WIGELSWORTH (Alison). Amici and coiniuges in Cicero's letter? Atticus and Terentia. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 350-365. 2003. KHARIOUZOV (Astrid). Prodigien in der römischen Königszeit: eine motivgeschichtliche und narratologische Analyse im 1. Buch des Livius. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2013, 168 p. (Klassische Philologie, 5). 2004. KIRICHENKO (Alexander). Lehrreiche Trugbilder: Senecas Tragödien und die Rhetorik des Sehens. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013, 304 p. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, 142). 2005. KLEINSCHMIDT (Anika L.). Ich-Entwürfe in spätantiker Dichtung. Ausonius, Paulinus von Nola und Paulinus von Pella. Heidelberg, Winter, 2013, 364 p. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, 138). 2006. KOHN (Thomas D.). The dramaturgy of Senecan tragedy. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, 184 p. 2007. KUZNETSOV (Alexander). Quisnam Saturnium populum pepulit?. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 3-27 2008. LA PENNA (Antonio). La letteratura latina del primo periodo augusteo. 42–15 a.C. Roma, Laterza, 2013, VII-566 p. 2009. Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates, XVI. Pseudolus (Sarsina, 29 settembre 2012). A cura di Renato RAFFAELLI e Alba TONTINI. Urbino: 2014, 123 p. (Ludus philologiae, 17). 2010. LEWIS (Anne-Marie). Astronomical evidence in Tristia I, 3 for the date of Ovid's departure into exile. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 45-68. 2011. LIEBESCHUETZ (Wolf). Propertius IV, 1: introducing the last book of Propertius. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 971-983. 2012. LINDERMANN (Jens-Olaf). Varro und Isidor in den gromatici veteres. Philologus, 2013, 157, p. 119140. 2013. MAC ELDUFF (Siobhán). Roman theories of translation. Surpassing the source. New York, Routledge, 2013, 266 p. (Routledge monographs in classical studies, 14). 2014. MAGALLÓN GARCÍA (Ana Isabel). El gramatico Pompeyo y el legado sintáctico de Servio. L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 69-90. 2015. MARCHETTA (Antonio). Vita agreste e poesia agreste nel finale del libro II delle Georgiche di Virgilio. Tivoli, Tored, 2013, XIII-557 p. (Ricerche di filologia, letteratura, storia, 18).


IDEM. Comment lire les vers 12 et 13 de la 4e Bucolique de Virgile?. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 168-185. 2018. MICHEL (Anne-Claire). L'Octavie: un discours sur la succession impériale?. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 742760. 2019. MILEO (Antonio). Struttura e funzione del monologo nel teatro terenziano. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 194 p. (Meridionalia, 7). 2020. MINDT (Nina). Martials epigrammatischer Kanon. München, Beck, 2013, 318 p. (Zetemata, 146). 2021. NADEAU (Yvan). Dog bites Caesar!: a reading of Juvenal's satire 5 (with Horace's Satires I.5; II.5; II.6; Epistles I.1; I.16; I.17). Bruxelles, Latomus, 2013, 100 p. (Collection Latomus, 342). 2022. NOCCHI (Francesca R.). Tecniche teatrali e formazione dell'oratore in Quintiliano. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, X-232 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 316). 2023. Norm und Poesie. Zur expliziten und impliziten Poetik in der lateinischen Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Beate HINTZEN, Roswitha SIMONS. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-301 p. (Frühe Neuzeit, 178). 2024. NORTON (Elizabeth A.). Aspects of ecphrastic technique in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Newcastle upon Tynes, Cambridge Scholars, 2013, 236 p. 2025. OTT (Frank-Thomas). Die zweite Philippica als Flugschrift in der späten Republik. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-615 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 326). 2026. PELLECCHI (Luigi). Per una lettura giuridica della Rudens di Plauto. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 103162. 2027. PERDICOYIANNI-PALÉOLOGOU (Hélène). Anaphore, cataphore et deixis chez Plaute. Les emplois de "is, hic, iste, ille". Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XXI-227 p. (Orbis, 38). 2028. Petronii Satyricon Concordantia. Ed. by James E. HOLLAND, William J. DOMINIK. Hildesheim, OlmsWeidmann, 2013, VI-564 p. (Alpha-Omega: Reihe A, Lexika, Indizes, Konkordanzen zur klassischen Philologie, 263). 2029. Poésie augustéenne et mémoires du passé de Rome. En hommage au professeur Lucienne DESCHAMP. Éd. par Olivier DEVILLERS. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, 244 p. (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 50). 2030. POLT (Christopher B.). The humour and thematic centrality of the Patera in Plautus' Amphitruo. Greece & Rome, 2013, 60, p. 232-245.

2016. MERLI (Elena). Dall'Elicona a Roma. Acque ispiratrici e lima poetica nell'Ovidio dell'esilio e nella poesia flaviana di omaggio. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VI215 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 318).

2031. Renaissance (La) de l'épigramme dans la latinité tardive: actes du colloque de Mulhouse, 6–7 octobre 2011. Éd. par Marie-France GUIPPONI-GINESTE, Céline URLACHER-BECHT. Paris, Boccard, 2013, 571 p. (Collections de l'Université de Strasbourg. Études d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne).

2017. MEULDER (Marcel). 8e Bucolique: Pollion et le souvenir d'Anténor. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 660-676. –

2032. RIDLEY (Ronald T.). Death and the historian; Livy's benignitas. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 689-710.



2033. SAUER (Vera). Religiöses in der politischen Argumentation der späten römischen Republik: Ciceros Erste Catilinarische Rede – eine Fallstudie. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 299 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 42).

MS lat. Q.v.IV.5 iz sobranija RNB. (Researching the Volume of Pompeius Trogus: Marginal notes of MS lat. Q.v.IV.5 from the Russian National Library collection). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (3-4), p. 290-299.

2034. SEIDER (Aaron M.). Memory in Vergil's Aeneid: creating the past. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-229 p.

Cf. nos 1780-1806

2035. SEO (Joanne M.). Exemplary traits: reading characterization in Roman poetry. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-220 p.

2049. ARMISEN-MARCHETTI (Mireille). La digestion du philosophe. Le commentaire des citations finales dans les vingt-neuf premières lettres à Lucilius de Sénèque. Athenaeum, 2013, 101, p. 221-242.

2036. SHELTON (Jo-Ann). The women of Pliny's letters. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, IX-436 p. 2037. STEENBLOCK (Maike). Sexualmoral und politische Stabilität. Zum Vorstellungszusammenhang in der römischen Literatur von Lucilius bis Ovid. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-277 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 304). 2038. STEVENS (Benjamin E.). Silence in Catullus. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, X-338 p. 2039. STUCCHI (Silvia). Nozioni sul concetto di eleganza in Cicerone. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 642-659. 2040. SYSON (Antonia). Fama and fiction in Vergil's Aeneid. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2013, VIII-240 p. 2041. TEMPEST (Kathryn). An ethos of sincerity: echoes of the Republica in Cicero's Pro Marcello. Greece & Rome, 2013, 60, p. 262-280. 2042. THAKUR (Sanjaya). Dido and gift-giving in Vergil's Aeneid. Studi italiani di filologia classica, 2013, 11, p. 167-198. 2043. Thema (Das) Kleidung in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla und im Summarium Heinrici 1. Hrsg. v. Mechthild MÜLLER, Malte-Ludolf BABIN, Jörg RIECKE. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-621 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 80). 2044. VASSILIADES (Georgios). Les sources et la fonction du metus hostilis chez Salluste. Bulletin de l'association Guillaume Budé, 2013, 1, p. 127-168. 2045. VERGIN (Wiebke). Das Imperium Romanum und seine Gegenwelten: die geographisch-ethnographischen Exkurse in den "Res Gestae" des Ammianus Marcellinus. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, X-316 p. (Millennium-Studien: Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr., 41). 2046. WIEGAND (Isabella). Neque libere neque vere: die Literatur unter Tiberius und der Diskurs der res publica continua. Tübingen, Narr, 2013, XIII-358 p. (Classica Monacensia, 45).

b. Philosophy and science

2050. BOHLIN (Erik). On the geometrical term radius in ancient Latin. Philologus, 2013, 157, p. 141-153. 2051. COSTA (Stefano). "Quod olim fuerat": la rappresentazione del passato in Seneca prosatore. Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 2013, XII-386 p. (Spudasmata, 152). 2052. DEMANCHE (Diane). Provocation et vérité. Forme et sens des paradoxes stoiciens dans la poésie latine, chez Lucilius, Horace, Lucain et Perse. Paris, Belles Lettres, 2013, 499 p. (Études anciennes. Série latine, 76). 2053. Documents d'arpentage de l'Antiquité tardive. Éd. par Jean PEYRAS. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013, 83 p. (Institut des sciences et techniques de l'antiquité). 2054. DONATO (Antonio). Boethius' Consolation of philosophy as a product of late antiquity. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, VI-221 p. 2055. GATZEMEIER (Susanne). Ut ait Lucretius. Die Lukrezrezeption in der lateinischen Prosa bis Laktanz. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 341 p. (Hypomnemata, 189). 2056. GRIFFIN (Miriam T.). Seneca on society: a guide to De Beneficiis. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-397 p. 2057. HORST (Claudia). Marc Aurel: Philosophie und politische Macht zur Zeit der Zweiten Sophistik. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 232 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 225). 2058. JACKSON (Giorgio). Commento a Lucrezio, De rerum natura, libro V 1-280. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2013, 296 p. (AION, 17). 2059. Lucretius: poetry, philosophy, science. Ed. by Daryn LEHOUX, Andrew D. MORRISON, Alison SHARROCK. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-326. 2060. MATTERN (Susan P.). The prince of medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-334 p.

2047. ZIOGAS (Ioannis). Ovid and Hesiod: the metamorphosis of The catalogue of women. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-247 p.

2061. PANIAGUA (David). Parerga gromatica: igino 2,9; Siculo Flacco 2, 38. Rheinisches Museum, 2013, 156, p. 74-84.

a. Addendum 2012

2062. PICONE (Giusto). Le regole del beneficio: commento tematico a Seneca, De beneficiis, libro I. Palermo, Palumbo, 2013, 205 p. (Letteratura classica, 38).

2048. SIDOROV (Aleksandr I.). Perechityvaja "Epitomu Pompeja Troga": Marginalii na poljakh rukopisi

§ 8. Religion and mythology


2063. RIHLLO (Tracey E.). Depreciation in Vitruvius. Classical quarterly, 2013, 63, p. 893-987.

di Bretschneider, 2013, 173 p. (Storia delle religioni, 19).

Cf. nos 1780-1806

2079. MORENO RESANO (Esteban). Los cultos tradicionales en la poltica legislativa del Emperador Constantino (306–337). Madrid, Dykinson, 2013, 286 p.

§ 8. Religion and mythology. ______________________

2064. BIRKLE (Nicole). Untersuchungen zur Form, Funktion und Bedeutung gefiederter römischer Votivbleche. Bonn, Habelt, 2013, (2 voll.) 428, 159 p. (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 234). 2065. COLLAR (Anna C. F.). Religious networks in the Roman empire: the spread of new ideas. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-322 p. 2066. Costruzione (La) del mito augusteo. A cura di Mario LABATE, Gianpiero ROSATI. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013, VI-323 p. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, 141). 2067. DI FAZIO (Massimiliano). Feronia: spazi e tempi di una dea dell'Italia centrale antica. Roma, Quasar, 2013, 145 p. 2068. FARAONE (Christopher A.). The amuletic design of the Mithraic bull-wounding scene. Journal of Roman studies, 2013, 103, p. 96-116. 2069. GALIANO (Paolo), VIGNA (Massimo). Il tempo di Roma. Gli dèi e le feste nel calendario di Roma. Roma, Simmetria, 2013, 452 p. 2070. HENSEN (Andreas). Mithras: der Mysterienkult an Limes, Rhein und Donau. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2013, 96 p. (Die Limesreihe, 62). 2071. Imperium der Götter: Isis; Mithras; Christus. Kulte und Religionen im Römischen Reich. Hrsg. v. Harald SIEBENMORGEN. Karlsruhe, Theiss, 2013, 480 p. 2072. KESKIAHO (Jesse). Re-visiting the Libri Sibyllini: some remarks on their nature in Roman legend and experience. In: Studies in ancient oracles and divination [cf. n° 2093], p. 145-172. 2073. KOORTBOJIAN (Michael). The divinization of Caesar and Augustus: precedents, consequences, implications. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXIII-341 p. 2074. LANZETTA (Domizia). La fortuna e il fato nella religione di Roma e altri scritti. Roma, Simmetria, 2013. 228 p. 2075. LENNON (Jack J.). Pollution and religion in Ancient Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX229 p. 2076. LUNDGREEN (Christoph). Zivilreligion in Rom? Ein modernes Konzept und die römische Republik. In: Gemeinsinn und Gemeinwohl in der römischen Antike [cf. n° 1939], p. 177-202.

2080. MURGIA (Emanuela). Culti e romanizzazione: resistenze, continuità, trasformazioni. Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013, XI-495 p. (Polymnia. Studi di archeologia, 4). 2081. Religiöse Vielfalt und soziale Integration: die Bedeutung der Religion für die kulturelle Identität und die politische Stabilität im republikanischen Italien. Hrsg. v. Martin JEHNE, Bernhard LINKE, Jörg RÜPKE. Heidelberg, Verlag Antike, 2013, 333 p. (Studien zur alten Geschichte, 17). 2082. REY (Sarah). Le parti d'Auguste et son action religieuse en Italie: quelques pistes de réflexion (20 av. J.-C.-30 ap. J.-C.). L'antiquité classique, 2013, 82, p. 149-164. 2083. RICHARDSON (James H.). The Dioscuri and the liberty of the Republic. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 901-918. 2084. Ritual and religion in Flavian epic. Ed. by Antony AUGOUSTAKIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-406 p. 2085. Roman power and Greek sanctuaries: forms of interaction and communication. Ed. by Marco GALLI. Atene, Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2013, 346 p. (Tripodes, 14). 2086. ROTONDI (Valentina). Il sacrificio a Roma: riti, gesti, interpretazioni. Roma, Aracne, 2013, IX-277 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storicoartistiche, 930). 2087. SANTANGELO (Federico). Divination, prediction and the end of the Roman Republic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-357 p. – IDEM. Priestly auctoritas in the Roman Republic. Classical quarterly, 2013, 63, p. 743-763. 2088. SANZI (Ennio). Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus: un "culto orientale" fra tradizione e innovazione: riflessioni storico-religiose. Roma, Lithos, 2013, 398 p. (Saggi, 52). 2089. SCHEID (John). Les dieux, l'État et l'individu. Réflexions sur la religion civique à Rome. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 218 p. 2090. SCHEUERMANN (Leif). Religion an der Grenze. Provinzialrömische Götterverehrung am Neckar- und äußeren obergermanischen Limes. Rahden, Leidorf, 2013, 231 p. (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption, 17).

2077. MAC INTYRE (Gwynaeth). Deification as consolation: the divine children of the Roman imperial family. Historia, 2013, 62, p. 222-240.

2091. SCHMIDT HEIDENREICH (Christophe). Le glaive et l'autel. Camps et piété militaire sous le Haut-empire romain. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 518 p.

2078. MAIURI (Arduino). Sacra privata. Rituali domestici e istituti giuridici in Roma antica. Roma, 'L'Erma'

2092. ŠTERBENC ERKER (Darja). Religiöse Rollen römischer Frauen in "griechischen" Ritualen. Stuttgart,



Steiner, 2013, 310 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 43). 2093. Studies in ancient oracles and divination. Ed. by Mika KAJAVA. Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2013, 224 p. (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 40). [Cf. no 2072.] § 9. Archaeology and history of art. _______________________

2094. ALBERS (Jon). Campus Martius: die urbane Entwicklung des Marsfeldes von der Republik bis zur mittleren Kaiserzeit. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2013, 292 p. (Studien zur Antiken Stadt, 11). 2095. ALLISON (Penelope M.). People and spaces in Roman military bases. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-487 p. 2096. BALDINI (Isabella). L'architettura urbana come spazio politico e sociale. In: Potere e politica nell'età della famiglia teodosiana (395–455): i linguaggi dell'impero, le identità dei barbari. [cf. n° 1849], p. 65-86. 2097. BLAND (Roger). What happened to gold coinage in the 3rd c. A.D.? Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 263-280. 2098. CAMERON (Alan D. E.). The origin, context and function of consular diptychs. Journal of Roman studies, 2013, 103, p. 174-207. 2099. CANNATÀ (Maurizio). La colonia latina di Vibo Valentia. Roma, G. Bretschneider, 2013, XXVI-236 p. (Archaeologica, 171). 2100. COARELLI (Filippo). Argentum signatum. Le origini della moneta d'argento a Roma. Roma, Istituto italiano di numismatica, 2013, 201 p. (Studi e materiali, 15). 2101. Contesti ceramici dai fori imperiali. A cura di Monica CECI. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, V-173 p. 2102. CRAWLEY QUINN (Josephine), WILSON (Andrew). Capitolia. Journal of Roman studies, 2013, 103, p. 117-173. 2103. DESSALES (Hélène). Le partage de l'eau: fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l'habitat urbain de l'Italie romaine. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, XIV-602 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 351). 2104. DIACONESCU (Alexandru). "Clasicismul" în plastica minoră din Dacia romană. ("The Clasicism" in minor plastic arts from Roman Dacia), Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 240 p. 2105. DONEUS (Michael). Die Canabae von Carnuntum. Eine Modellstudie der Erforschung römischer Lagervorstädte. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 291 p. (Der römische Limes in Österreich, 47). 2106. DROST (Vincent). Le monnayage de Maxence. (306–312 après J.-C.). Zürich, Société Suisse de Numismatique, 2013, 368 p. (Schweizer Studien zur Numismatik, 3).

2107. ESMONDE CLEARY (Simon). The Roman West, AD 200–500: an archaeological study. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-533 p. 2108. FIORIELLO (Custode S.), MANGIATORDI (Anna). Urban and rural Roman landscapes of central Apulia. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 143-166. 2109. FRASSINE (Matteo). Palus in agro: aree umide, bonifiche e assetti centuriali in epoca romana. Pisa, F. Serra, 2013, 192 p. (Agri centuriati. Supplementa, 1). 2110. GEREMIA NUCCI (Roberta). Il tempio di Roma e di Augusto a Ostia. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 330 p. (Supplementi e monografie della rivista "Archeologia classica", 10). 2111. GERRARD (James). The ruin of Roman Britain: an archaeological perspective. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-348 p. 2112. HABERMEHL (Diederick). Settling in a changing world: villa development in the Northern provinces of the Roman empire. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2013, IX-240 p. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 19). 2113. HERTEL (Dieter). Die Bildnisse des Tiberius. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2013, XXII-271 p. 2114. HORSTER (Marietta). Coinage and images of the imperial family: local identity and Roman rule. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 243-262. 2115. Iconographie funéraire romaine et société: corpus antique, approches nouvelles? Éd. par Martin GALINIER, François BARATTE. Perpignan, Presses universitaires de Perpignan, 2013, 271 p. 2116. JACOBS (Ine). Aesthetic maintenance of civic space: the 'classical' city from the 4th to the 7th c. AD. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XI-1028 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 193). 2117. JÄGGI (Carola). Ravenna. Kunst und Kultur einer spätantiken Residenzstadt; die Bauten und Mosaiken des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 333 p. 2118. JONES (Frederick). Drama, boundaries, imagination, and columns in the Garden Room at Prima Porta. Latomus, 2013, 72, p. 997-1021. 2119. KLUCZEK (Agata A.). Roma marmorea (235– 284). Zapomniana epoka rzymskiego budownictwa (Roma marmorea (235–284): a forgotten epoch of Roman architecture). Poznan, Wydawnictwo Poznanskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciól Nauk, 2013, 275 p. 2120. KONTOKOSTA (Anne H.). Reconsidering the arches (fornices) of the Roman Republic. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 7-35. 2121. LAUBER (Johannes). Arae Flaviae. 6, Der Gebäudekomplex M von Rottweil. Studien zur Entwicklung eines innerstädtischen Siedlungsareals. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2013, 340 p. (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vorund Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 114). 2122. LEITCH (Victoria). Reconstructing history through pottery: the contribution of Roman N African

§ 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world cookwares. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 281-306. 2123. MADIGAN (Brian C.). The ceremonial sculptures of the Roman gods. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXVIII120 p. (Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 20). 2124. MALGIERI (Angelalea). La bottega delle immagini parietali, I sec. a. C. – I sec. d.C. Roma, Scienze e lettere, 2013, XI-144 p. 2125. MANDER (Jason). Portraits of children on Roman funerary monuments. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-397 p. 2126. MARLOWE (Elizabeth M.). Shaky ground: context, connoisseurship and the history of Roman art. London. Bloomsbury, 2013, X-168 p. 2127. MEADE (Carroll W.). Seat of the world. The Palatine of ancient Rome. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2013, 130 p. (Studia archaeologica, 189). 2128. MEYBOOM (Paul G. P.), MOORMANN (Eric M.). Le decorazioni dipinte e marmoree della domus aurea di Nerone a Roma. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, (2 vols.) VIII-287; VII-190 p. (Babesch supplements, 20) 2129. MIRSCHENZ (Manuela). Fließende Grenzen: Studien zur römischen Kaiserzeit im Ruhrgebiet. Rahden, Leidorf, 2013, 223 p. (Bochumer Forschungen zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie, 6). 2130. Palast und Stadt im severischen Rom. Hrsg. v. Natascha SOJC, Aloys WINTERLING, Ulrike WULFRHEIDT. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, XVI- 306 p. 2131. Peintures murales et stucs d'époque romaine: de la fouille au muséè. Actes des 24e et 25e colloques de l'AFPMA, Narbonne, 12 et 13 novembre 2010 et Paris, 25 et 26 novembre 2011. Éd. par Julien BOISLÈVE, Alexandra DARDENAY, Florence MONIER. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, 492 p. (Pictor, 1). 2132. PENSABENE (Patrizio). I marmi nella Roma antica. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 710 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 890). 2133. POULTER (Andrew G.). Dobri Dyal: a late Roman fortress on the lower Danube. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 362-382. 2134. Römische Gräber augusteischer und tiberischer Zeit im Westen des Imperiums. Akten der Tagung vom 11. bis 14. November 2010 in Trier. Hrsg. v. Stephan BERKE, Torsten MATTERN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, 228 p. (Philippika, 63). 2135. RUSSELL (Ben). Roman and late-antique shipwrecks with stone cargoes: a new inventory. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 331-361. 2136. SALVETTI (Carla). I mosaici antichi pavimentali e parietali e i sectilia pavimenta di Roma nelle collezioni Capitoline. Pisa, Fabrizio Serra, 2013, 380 p. (Musiva & Sectilia, 6). 2137. SAURON (Gilles). L'art romain des conquêtes aux guerres civiles. Paris, Picard, 2013, 308 p.


2138. TAYLOR (Jeremy). Roman urbanism: a view from the countryside. Oxford journal of archaeology, 2013, 32, p. 413-432. 2139. VAQUERIZO (Desiderio). Topography, monumentalization and funerary customs in urban necropoleis in Baetica. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2013, 26, p. 209-242. 2140. WALLACE (Lacey). The foundation of Roman London: examining the Claudian fort hypothesis. Oxford journal of archaeology, 2013, 32, p. 275-291. § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. * 2141. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich). Late Antiquity 1971– 2001. Positionen der angloamerikanischen Forschung. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 1, p. 114-130. _______________________

2142. BARCELÓ (Pedro A.). Das Römische Reich im religiösen Wandel der Spätantike. Kaiser und Bischöfe im Widerstreit. Regensburg, Pustet, 2013, 220 p. 2143. BOIN (Douglas). Ostia in late antiquity. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIX-287 p. 2144. CAVALLO (Guglielmo). La cultura dello scritto: continuità e discontinuità nel tardoantico. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2013, 141, p. 373-397. 2145. CÉLÉRIER (Pascal). L'ombre de l'empereur Julien. Le destin des écrits de Julien chez les auteurs paiens et chrétiens du IVe au VIe siècle. Nanterre, Presses universitaires de Paris-Ouest, 2013, 527 p. 2146. GERTH (Matthias). Bildungsvorstellungen im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Macrobius, Martianus Capella und Sidonius Apollinaris. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII269 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 111). 2147. GIUFFRIDA (Claudia). Il potere e i suoi inganni. Nuovi modelli di comportamento nella tarda antichità. Acireale, Bonanno, 2013, 406 p. (Storia e politica, 94). 2148. Gnosticism, Platonism and the late ancient world. Essays in honour of John D. TURNER. Ed. by Kevin CORRIGAN, Tuomas RASIMUS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, LI-701 p. (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies, 82). 2149. HARPER (Kyle). From shame to sin: the Christian transformation of sexual morality in late antiquity. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 304 p. (Revealing antiquity, 20). 2150. Jews, Christians, and the Roman empire: the poetics of power in late antiquity. Ed. by Natalie B. DOHRMANN, Annette Y. REED. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, X-388 p. (Jewish culture and contexts). 2151. KASPERSKI (Robert). Teodoryk Wielki i Kasjodor. Studia nad tworzeniem "tradycji dynastycznej Amalów" (Theoderich der Grosse und Cassiodor. Studien über die Entstehung der "dynastischen Tradition der Amaler"). Kraków, Universitas, 2013, 296 p.



2152. LAFFERTY (Sean D. W.). Law and society in the age of Theoderic the Great: a study of the Edictum Theoderici. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX332 p. 2153. LEE (Anthony D.). From Rome to Byzantium AD 363 to 565: the transformation of ancient Rome. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, XVIII-337 p.

293 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 44). 2160. SALZMAN (Michele R.). Leo's liturgical topography: contestations for space in fifth-century Rome. Journal of Roman studies, 2013, 103, p. 208-232.

2154. LEONE (Anna). The end of the pagan city: religion, economy and urbanism in late antique North Africa. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXII-319 p.

2161. Strategies of identification. Ethnicity and religion in Early Medieval Europe. Ed. by Walter POHL and Gerda HEYDEMANN. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, XII-349 p. (Cultural encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 13).

2155. MARCONI (Giulia). Ennodio e la nobiltà galloromana nell'Italia ostrogota. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-188 p. (Testi, studi, strumenti, 27).

2162. TANASEANU-DÖBLER (Ilinca). Theurgy in late antiquity. The invention of a ritual tradition. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 325 p. (Beiträge zur europäischen Religionsgeschichte, 1).

2156. NÄF (Beat). Kaiser Honorius und der Fall Roms: zur Macht des Glaubens. In: Fall (Der) Roms und seine Wiederauferstehungen in Antike und Mittelalter [cf. n° 2570], p. 79-108.

2163. URBANO (Arthur P.). The philosophical life. Biography and the crafting of intellectual identity in late antiquity. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, XVII-353 p. (Patristic monograph series, 21).

2157. Post-Roman transitions. Christian and Barbarian identities in the early Medieval West. Ed. by Walter POHL and Gerda HEYDEMANN. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, X-580 p. (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 14).

2164. VAN DEN HOEK (Annewies), HERRMANN (John J.). Pottery, pavements, and paradise. Iconographic and textual studies on late antiquity. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXII-582 p. (Vigiliae Christianae. Supplements, 122).

2158. Purpose (The) of rhetoric in late antiquity: from performance to exegesis. Ed. by Alberto J. QUIROGA PUERTAS. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XI-265 p. (Studies and texts in antiquity and Christianity, 72).

2165. War and warfare in late antiquity. Ed. by Alexander SARANTIS, Neil CHRISTIE. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 2 vol., XXXIII-1084 p. (Late antique archaeology, 8). [Cf. nos 1817, 1820, 2386.]

2159. Religiöser Alltag in der Spätantike. Hrsg. v. Peter EICH, Eike FABER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013,

Cf. nos 38, 2052, 2117, 2166-2351, 2558, 2570, 2614, 2913


§ 1. Sources. 2166-2213. – § 2. General. 2214-2231. – § 3. Special studies. 2232-2345. – § 4. Hagiography. 23462351. § 1. Sources. ______________________

2166. [Anonymus] Funerary speech for John Chrysostom. Ed. by George BEVAN, Timothy D. BARNES. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, 193 p. (Translated tests for historians, 60). 2167. [Anonymus] La vita di San Nicola di Sion: traduzione, note e commentario. A cura di Vincenzo RUGGIERI. Roma, Edizioni Orientalia Christiana, 2013, 254 p. 2168. [Anonymus] The epistle to Diognetus (with the fragment of Quadratus). Introduction, text, and commentary. Ed. by Clayton N. JEFFORD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, IX-281 p. (Oxford Apostolic Fathers). 2169. [Anonymus] The life of Saint Helia. Critical edition, translation, introduction and commentary by Virginia BURRUS, Marco CONTI. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-212 p. (Oxford early Christian texts). 2170. [Anonymus] The martyrdom of St. Phokas of Sinope: the Syriac version. Ed. by Sebastian P. BROCK. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2013, XI-62 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 31). 2171. [Apocrypha] WAYMENT (Thomas A.). The text of the New Testament apocrypha. (100–400 CE). New York, Bloomsbury, 2013, 409 p. 2172. [Apophthegmata Patrum] I padri del deserto. Detti. Collezione sistematica. A cura di Luigi D'AYALA VALVA. Magnano, Qiqayon, 2013, 753 p. 2173. [Apophthegmata Patrum] The anonymous sayings of the Desert Fathers. A select edition and complete English translation. Ed. by John WORTLEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII-651 p. 2174. [Athanasius] ANATOLIOS (Khaled). "Christ the power and wisdom of God": biblical exegesis and polemical intertextuality Athanasius's Orations against the Arians. Journal of early christian studies, 2013, 21, p. 503-535.

2175. [Athanasius] Athanase d'Alexandrie, Lettre sur les synodes. Synodale d'Ancyre. Basile d'Ancyre, Traité sur la foi. Éd. por Hans G. OPITZ, Annick MARTIN, Xavier MORALES. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 409 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 563). 2176. [Augustinus] Abrégé de la grammaire de Saint Augustin. Texte établi, traduit et commenté par Guillaume BONNET. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, LII206 p. (Série latine de la Collection des Universités de France, 405). 2177. [Augustinus] De civitate Dei. Books VIII and IX. Ed. by Patrick G. WALSH. Oxford, Aris & Phillips, 2013, VI-193 p. 2178. [Augustinus] Die Lügenschriften. De mendacio; Contra mendacium; Ad Orosium contra Priscillianistas et Origenistas. Hrsg. v. Alfons Städele. Paderborn; München, Schöningh, 2013, 385 p. (Augustinus Opera, 50). 2179. [Constantinus] Konstantin. Oratio ad sanctorum coetum – Rede an die Versammlung der Heiligen. Hrsg. v. Klaus M. GIRARDET. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 291 p. (Fontes Christiani, 55). 2180. [Cyprianus Carthaginiensis] San Cipriano de Cartago. Obras completas, vol. I. Testimonios a Quirino; A Donato; La unidad de la Iglesia católica; La oración dominical; La condición mortal del hombre; A Demetriano; Sobre los bienes de la paciencia; Cartas. Ed. por Juan Atonio GIL-TAMAYO. Madrid, Biblioteca de autores cristianos, 2013, CLII-980 p. (Biblioteca de autores cristianos, 717). 2181. [Cyrillus Alexandrinus] St. Cyril of Alexandria: festal letters 13-30. Ed. by John J. O'KEEFE. Washington, The Catholic University of America Press, 2013, 232 p. (Fathers of the Church, 127). 2182. [Cyrillus Scythopolitanus] Chiril de Schitopolis. Viețile pustnicilor Palestinei (Kyrillos von Skythopolis. Die Viten der Asketen aus Palästina). Hrsg. v. Agapie CORBU. Arad, Sfântul Nectarie, 2013, LXXXVI-564 p.



2183. [Eusebius Caesariensis] Eusèbe de Césarée. Vie de Constantin. Texte critique par Friedhelm WINKELMANN, introduction et notes par Luce PIETRI, traduction par Marie-Joseph RONDEAU. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2013, 568 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 559). ääääS86,Z5 2184. [Eusebius Caesariensis] Eusebius of Caesarea: tradition and innovations. Ed. by Aaron P. JOHNSON, Jeremy M. SCHOTT. Washington, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2013, X-380 p. (Hellenic studies, 60). 2185. [Fulgentius Ruspensis] Fulgentius of Ruspe and the Scythian monks. Correspondence on christology and grace. Ed. by Rob R. MCGREGOR, Donald FAIRBAIRN. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, 251 p. (Fathers of the Church, 126). 2186. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] ABRAMS REBILLARD (Suzanne). The speech act of swearing: Gregory of Nazianzus's oath in Poema 2.1.2 in context. Journal of early christian studies, 2013, 21, p. 177-207. 2187. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Versio arabica antiqua. IV: orationes XI, XLI (arab. 8, 12). Ed. by Jacques GRAND'HENRY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, LV-252 p. (Corpus Nazianzenum, 27). 2188. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Versio iberica. VI: orationes XI, XXI, XLII. Ed. by Bernard COULIE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, X-357 p. (Corpus Nazianzenum, 26). 2189. [Gregorius Nyssenus] Grégoire de Nysse. Contre Eunome II. Éd. par Raymond WINLING. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 552 p. (sources chrétiennes, 551). 2190. [Hieronymus] CAIN (Andrew). Jerome and the monastic clergy. A commentary on letter 52 to Nepotian, with an introduction, text and translation. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIII-324 p. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 119). 2191. [Hieronymus] Jerome's epitaph on Paula: a commentary on the Epitaphium Sanctae Paulae. Ed. by Andrew CAIN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXX-569 p. (Oxford early Christian texts). 2192. [Hilarius Arelatensis] JUNG (Franz). Hilarius von Arles, Leben des hl. Honoratus. Eine Textstudie zu Mönchtum und Bischofswesen im spätantiken Gallien mit lateinisch-deutschem Text des "Sermo" sowie zweier Predigten über den hl. Honoratus von Faustus von Riez und Caesarius von Arles. Fohren-Linden, Carthusianus, 2013, 240 p. 2193. [Iacobus Iustus] Die Jakobus-Liturgie in ihren Überlieferungssträngen. Edition des Cod. arm. 17 von Lyon; Übersetzung und Liturgievergleich. Hrsg. v. Gabriele WINKLER. Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2013, XXXIX-597 p. 2194. [Iacobus Sarugiensis] Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the sinful woman. Ed. by Scott. F. JOHNSON. Piscataway, Gorgias, 2013, X-128 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 33).

2195. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] Jean Chrysostome, Homélies sur la Résurrection, l'Ascension et la Pentecôte. Tome I. Ed. par Nathalie RAMBAULT. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 322 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 561). 2196. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] Jean Chrysostome. Homélies sur l'impuissance du diable. Éd. par Adina PELEANU. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 226 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 560). 2197. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] Johannes Chrysostomus. De sacerdotio. Mit einer Studie zu Werk und Rezeption herausgegeben und kommentiert von Michael FIEDROWICZ. Übersetzt von Ingo SCHAAF und Claudia BARTHOLD Fohren-Linden, Carthusianus 2013, 375 p. 2198. [Iohannes Chrysostomus] The Syriac version of John Chrystostom's commentary on John. Ed. by Jeff W. CHILDERS. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, (2 voll.) XLIV331, XVIII-333 p. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 651-652). 2199. [Marcus Diaconus] Vita Sancti Porphyrii = Leben des heiligen Porphyrius. Hrsg. v. Adelheid HÜBNER. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 242 p. (Fontes Christiani, 53). 2200. [Papias] SHANKS (Monte A.). Papias and the New Testament. Eugene, Pickwick, 2013, XIV-310 p. 2201. [Philostorgius] Philostorge, Histoire ecclésiastique. Éd. par Joseph BIDEZ, Bruno BLECKMANN, Doris MEYER, Jean-Marc PRIEUR, Edouard DES PLACES. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 621 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 564). 2202. [Photinus] Żywot Jana Postnika [Vita Ioannis Ieiunatoris episcopi Constantinopoleos, BHG II 893, CPG 7971]. Ed. by Piotr Ł. GROTOWSKI. Vox Patrum, 2013, 33, p. 607-646. 2203. [Polycarpus] Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians and the Martyrdom of Polycarp. Introduction, text, and commentary. Ed. by Paul HARTOG. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-402 p. (Oxford Apostolic Fathers). 2204. [Scholia in Apocalypsin] TZAMALIKOS (Panagiotes). An ancient commentary on the Book of Revelation. A critical edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIX-464 p. 2205. [Sedulius] Sedulio tra prosa e poesia: l'Opus paschale e il Carmen paschale. A cura di Roberto MORI. Padova, Libreriauniversitaria, 2013, 152 p. 2206. [Sedulius] The Paschal song and hymns. Translation, introduction and notes by Carl P. E. SPRINGER. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2013, XLIII-279 p. (Writings from the Greco-Roman world, 35). 2207. [Testamentum novum] BEUTLER (Johannes). Das Johannesevangelium. Kommentar. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 576 p. 2208. [Testamentum novum] GESE (Michael). Der Epheserbrief. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Theologie, 2013, 208 p. (Die Botschaft des Neuen Testaments Neukirchener Theologie).

§ 3. Special studies


2209. [Testamentum novum] KLAIBER (Walter). Der Galaterbrief. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Theologie, 2013, 230 p. (Die Botschaft des Neuen Testaments Neukirchener Theologie).

2222. Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451. Vol. 2. De Paul apôtre à Ireénée de Lyon. Éd. par Bernard POUDERON, Enrico NORELLI. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 1012 p. (Initiations aux Pères de l'Église).

2210. [Theognostus] Theognostos, Treasury. Ed. by Joseph A. MUNITIZ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 310 p. (Corpus Christianorum in translation, 16).

2223. Jesus – Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galiläers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Gerd THEISSEN zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Petra VON GEMÜNDEN, David G. HORRELL, Max KÜCHLER. Göttingen, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2013, 709 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 100).

2211. [Titus Bostrensis] Contra Manichaeos libri IV, Graece et Syriace; cum excerptis e Sacris Parallelis Iohanni Damasceno attributis. Ed. by Paul-Hubert POIRIER, Agathe ROMAN, Thomas SCHMIDT, Eric CRÉGHEUR, José H. DECLERCK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, CLV-427 p. (Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca, 82).

2224. KARAMANOLIS (George). The philosophy of early Christianity. Durham, Acumen, 2013, XVI-317 p.

2212. BAUSI (Alessandro), CAMPIANI (Alberto). New Ethiopic documents for the history of Christian Egypt. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 2013, 17, p. 215-247.

2225. KOCH (Dietrich-Alex). Geschichte des Urchristentums. Ein Lehrbuch. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 665 p.

2213. Two early lives of Severos, patriarch of Antioch. Ed. by Sebastian P. BROCK, Brian FITZGERALD. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, VIII-175 p. (Translated texts for historians, 59).

2226. Language (The) of the New Testament. Context, history, and development. Ed. by Stanley E. PORTER, Andrew W. PITTS. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-525 p.

§ 2. General. ______________________

2214. Ascetic culture. Essays in honor of Philip ROUSSEAU. Ed. by Blake LEYERLE, Robin D. YOUNG. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2013, XIII-415 p. [Cf. nos 2347, 2349.] 2215. Between personal and institutional religion. Self, doctrine, and practice in late antique eastern Christianity. Ed. by Brouria BITTON-ASHKELONY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VI-345 p. (Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, 15). 2216. Christian origins and Greco-Roman culture. Social and literary contexts for the New Testament. Ed. by Stanley E. PORTER. Leiden, Brill, 2013), VII-751 p. (Texts and editions for New Testament study. Early Christianity in its hellenistic context, 1). 2217. Christologie (La) et la Trinité chez les Pères. Éd. par Marie-Anne VANNIER. Paris, Cerf, 448 p. (Patrimoines. Christianisme). 2218. Clavis conciliorum occidentalium septem prioribus saeculis celebratorum: qua ad investigationem synodorum fovendam tam optimas actorum synodalium editiones quam eorum testimonia conciliorum quorum mounumenta deperdita sunt. Ed. by Andreas WECKWERTH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXXIX-389 p. 2219. DAHLHEIM (Werner). Die Welt zur Zeit Jesu. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 492 p. 2220. Episcopus, civitas, territorium. Acta XV Congressus internationalis archaeologiae christianae, Toleti (8-12.9.2008). Ed. Olof BRANDT. Città del Vaticano, Pontificio istituto di Archeologia Crisgtiana, 2013, 2 vol., LVII-1790 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studi di antichità cristiana, 65). 2221. Ethische Normen des frühen Christentums. Gut – Leben – Leib – Tugend. Hrsg. v. Friedrich W. HORN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XII-478 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 313).

2227. LAW (Timothy M.). When God spoke Greek. The Septuagint and the making of the Christian Bible. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 216 p. 2228. POLANSKI (Tomasz). Christian art in oriental literatures: Greek, Syriac and Coptic sources from the 4th to the 7th century. Horn, Berger, 2013, XX-269 p. (Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für Klassische Altertumswissenschaft. Supplement, 15). 2229. Rise (The) and expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries of the common era. Ed. by Clare K. ROTHSCHILD, Jens SCHRÖTER . Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, IX-543 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 301). 2230. Studia Patristica. Papers presented at the sixteenth international conference on patristic studies held in Oxford 2011. Ed. by Markus VINZENT. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, (18 Voll.) XVIII-683 p. (Studia Patristica, 5370). 2231. Writing (On the) of New Testament commentaries. Festschrift for Grant R. OSBORNE on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Ed. by Stanley E. PORTER, Eckhard J. SCHNABEL. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXXVI-493 p. (Texts and editions for New Testament study, 8). § 3. Special studies. _______________________

2232. ADAMS (Edward). The earliest Christian meeting places: almost exclusively houses? London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XIV-263 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 450). 2233. ADAMS (Sean A.).The genre of Acts and collected biography. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-319 p. (Society for New Testament studies monograph series, 156). 2234. ALBA LÓPEZ (Almudena). Autoridad y poder en los escritos polémicos de Hilario de Poitiers. Madrid y Salamanca, Signifer, 2013, 109 p. (Mikrá, 5).



2235. Ancient perspectives on Paul. Ed. by Tobias NICKLAS. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 442 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, 102).

2248. BRUNS (Christoph). Trinität und Kosmos. Zur Gotteslehre des Origenes. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 357 p. (Adamantiana, 3).

2236. APEL (Matthias). Der Anfang in der Wüste – Täufer, Taufe und Versuchung Jesu. Eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu den Überlieferungen vom Anfang des Evangeliums. Stuttgart, Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2013, 317 p. (Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge, 72).

2249. BUGÁR (István). Szabadság, szeretet, személy: az ókeresztény teológia antropológiai vetülete (Freedom, love, and personhood: the anthropological dimension of early Christian theology). Budapest, Kairosz, 2013, 373 p. (Catena monográfiák, 15).

2237. Asceticism and exegesis in early Christianity. The reception of New Testament texts in ancient ascetic discourses. Ed. by Hans-Ulrich WEIDEMANN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 464 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, 101).

2250. BYERS (Sarah C.). Perception, sensibility, and moral motivation in Augustine: a stoic-platonic synthesis. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VII-248 p.

2238. Augustine and Manichaean Christianity. Selected papers from the first South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, University of Pretoria, 24–26 April 2012. Ed. by Johannes VAN OORT. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XV-236 p. (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies, 83).

2251. CALAWAY (Jared C.). The Sabbath and the sanctuary. Access to God in the Letter to the Hebrews and its priestly context. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIII-250 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 349). 2252. CARLSON (Donald H.). Jewish-Christian interpretation of the Pentateuch in the pseudo-Clementine homilies. Minneapolis, Fortress, 2013, XVI-250 p.

2239. Augustine and science. Ed. by John DOODY, Adam GOLDSTEIN, Kim PAFFENROTH. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, VI-233 p.

2253. CASIDAY (Augustine). Reconstructing the theology of Evagrius Ponticus: beyond heresy. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX-267 p.

2240. AYÁN (Juan José), CRESPO (Manuel), POLO (Jesús), GONZÁLEZ (Pilar). Osio de Córdoba. Un siglo de la historia del cristianismo. Obras, documentos conciliares, testimonios. Madrid, BAC, 2013, 944 p.

2254. CAVIN (Robert L.). New existence and righteous living. Colossians and 1 Peter in conversation with 4QInstruction and the Hodayot. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIV-279 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 197).

2241. BAŞ (Bilal). Eusebius of Caesarea's imperial theology and the poetics of the iconoclastic controversy. Lewiston, Mellen, 2013, XVII-350 p. 2242. Bedrängnis und Identität. Studien zu Situation, Kommunikation und Theologie des 1. Petrusbriefes. Hrsg. v. David S. DU TOIT. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIX, 391 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 200). 2243. BEDUHN (Jason D.). Augustine's Manichaean dilemma. 2. Making a "Catholic" self, 388–401 C.E. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, X538 p. 2244. BERNIER (Jonathan). Aposynagogos and the historical Jesus in John. Rethinking the historicity of the Johannine expulsion passages. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-172 p. (Biblical interpretation series, 122). 2245. BILDE (Per). The originality of Jesus. A critical discussion and a comparative attempt. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 303 p. (Studia Aarhusiana Neotestamentica, 1). 2246. BOERSMA (Hans). Embodiment and virtue in Gregory of Nyssa. An anagogical approach. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-284 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2247. Book (The) of Genesis in late antiquity. Encounters between Jewish and Christian exegesis. Ed. by Emmanouela GRYPEOU, Helen SPURLING. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-537 p. (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, 24).

2255. Character studies in the Fourth Gospel. Narrative approaches to seventy figures in John. Ed. by Steven A. HUNT, Francois TOLMIE, Ruben ZIMMERMANN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVII-724 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 314). 2256. COOPER (Kate). Band of angels. The forgotten world of early Christian women. London, Atlantic Books, 2013, XXI-342 p. 2257. COSTANZO (Eric). Harbor for the poor. A missiological analysis of almsgiving in the view and practice of John Chrysostom. Eugene, Pickwick, 2013, XVIII178 p. 2258. DAMGAARD (Finn). Recasting Moses. The memory of Moses in biographical and autobiographical narratives in ancient judaism and 4th century Christianity. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, XII-264 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 13). 2259. DAMM (Alex). Ancient rhetoric and the synoptic problem. Clarifying Markan priority. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XXXVIII-396 p. (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, 252). 2260. DANZ (Christian). Grundprobleme der Christologie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, IX-281 p. 2261. DEMACOPOULOS (George E.). The invention of Peter: apostolic discourse and papal authority in late antiquity. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 262 p.

§ 3. Special studies


2262. DENZEY LEWIS (Nicola). Introduction to Gnosticism: ancient voices, christian worlds. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXIV-305 p.

2275. FLOWER (Richard). Emperors and bishops in late Roman invective. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-294 p.

2263. Dialogues (Les) adversus Iudaeos: permanences et mutations d'une tradition polémique. Actes du colloque international organisé les 7 et 8 décembre 2011 à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne. Éd. par Sébastien MORLET, Olivier MUNNICH, Bernard POUDERON. Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2013, 428 p. (Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Antiquité, 196).

2276. GALVÃO-SOBRINHO (Carlos R.). Doctrine and power: theological controversy and Christian leadership in the later Roman empire. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, X-310 p. (Transformation of the classical heritage, 51).

2264. DINKLER (Michal B.). Silent statements. Narrative representations of speech and silence in the Gospel of Luke. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-261 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 191). 2265. DOOLE (J. Andrew). What was Mark for Matthew? An examination of Matthew's relationship and attitude to his primary source. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVI-221 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2, 344). 2266. DOWNING (Francis G.). Order and (dis)order in the first Christian century. A general survey of attitudes. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIII-395 p. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 151). 2267. DRAKE (Susanna). Slandering the Jew: sexuality and difference in early Christian texts. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 176 p. (Divinations: rereading late Ancient religion). 2268. DROBNER (Hubertus R.). Neu identifizierte Textzeugen zu den Predigten Augustins. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, 378 p. (Patrologia, 28). 2269. DÜMLER (Bärbel). Zeno von Verona zu heidnischer Kultur und christlicher Bildung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIV-661 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 75). 2270. Early Christian ethics in interaction with Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts. Ed. by Jan W. VAN HENTEN, Joseph VERHEYDEN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, VI-305 p. (Studies in theology and religion, 17). 2271. EDWARDS (Mark J.). Image, word, and God in the early Christian centuries. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 220 p. (Ashgate studies in philosophy & theology in late antiquity). 2272. EHRMAN (Bart D.). Forgery and counterforgery. The use of literary deceit in early Christian polemics. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-628 p. 2273. EUBANK (Nathan). Wages of cross-bearing and debt of sin. The economy of heaven in Matthew's gospel. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-235 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 196). 2274. FEWSTER (Gregory P.). Creation language in Romans: a study in monosemy. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV-204 p. (Linguistic biblical studies, 8).

2277. GIBSON (Jack J.). Peter between Jerusalem and Antioch. Peter, James and the gentiles. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIII-340 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 345). 2278. GRESCHAT (Katharina). Eine Sache der Familie? Zur Transformation häuslicher bzw. familiarer Religiosität im antiken Christentum. Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, 2013, 17, p. 242-261. 2279. GRÜNSTÄUDL (Wolfgang). Petrus Alexandrinus. Studien zum historischen und theologischen Ort des zweiten Petrusbriefes. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XII-363 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 353). 2280. HARRISON (Carol). The art of listening in the early Church. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-302 p. 2281. HARTMANN (Nicole). Martyrium. Variationen und Potenziale eines Diskurses im Zweiten Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, XI-216 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 14). 2282. HERMANN (Markus-Liborius). Die "hermeneutische Stunde" des Hebräerbriefs. Schriftauslegung in Spannungsfeldern. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, XII-401 p. (Herders biblische Studien, 72). 2283. HOFER (Andrew). Christ in the life and teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-270 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2284. HOLLINGWORTH (Miles). Saint Augustine of Hippo: an intellectual biography. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XIX-312 p. 2285. HUMPHRIES (Thomas L.). Ascetic pneumatology from John Cassian to Gregory the Great. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-237 p. (Oxford early Christian studies). 2286. Jewish and Christian cosmogony in late antiquity. Ed. by Lance JENOTT, Sarit Kattan GRIBETZ. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, X-336 p. (Texts and studies in Ancient Judaism, 155). 2287. JIPP (Joshua W.). Divine visitations and hospitality to strangers in Luke-Acts. An interpretation of the Malta episode in Acts 28: 1-10. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV-335 p. (Supplements to novum testamentum, 153). 2288. KALVESMAKI (Joel). The theology of arithmetic: number symbolism in Platonism and early Christianity. Washington, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2013, VI-231 p. (Hellenic studies, 59).



2289. KAZEN (Thomas). Scripture, interpretation, or authority? Motives and arguments in Jesus' Halakic conflicts. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVII-364 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 320). 2290. KRISTENSEN (Troels M.). Making and breaking the gods: Christian responses to pagan sculpture in late antiquity. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2013, 297 p. (Aarhus studies in Mediterranean antiquity, 12). 2291. KRISTIONAT (Jessica). Zwischen Selbstverständlichkeit und Schweigen. Die Rolle der Frau im frühen Manichäismus. Heidelberg, Antike, 2013, 494 p. (Oikumene. Studien zur antiken Weltgeschichte, 11). 2292. LEE (DooHee). Luke-Acts and 'tragic history'. Communicating Gospel with the world. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, IX-310 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 346). 2293. LEHNERT (Christian). Korinthische Brocken. Ein Essay über Paulus. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2013, 282 p. 2294. LINEBAUGH (Jonathan A.). God, grace, and righteousness in wisdom of Solomon and Paul's letter to the Romans. Texts in conversation. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII-268 p. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 152).

sians and the Pastoral Epistles. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XXIV-257 p. 2302. MALCOLM (Matthew R.). Paul and the rhetoric of reversal in 1 Corinthians. The impact of Paul's gospel on his macro-rhetoric. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-305 p. (Society for New Testament studies monograph series, 155). 2303. MARKLEY (John R.). Peter-apocalyptic Seer. The influence of the apocalypse genre on Matthew's portrayal of Peter. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XV285 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 348). 2304. MATHEWS (Mark D.) Riches, poverty, and the faithful. Perspectives on wealth in the Second Temple period and the Apocalypse of John. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-276 p. (Society for New Testament Studies monograph series, 154). 2305. MENDELS (Doron). Why did Paul go west? Jewish historical narrative and thought. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, VIII-181 p. (Jewish and Christian texts in contexts and related studies, 15). 2306. MINALE (Valerio M.). Legislazione imperiale e Manicheismo da Diocleziano a Costantino: genesi di un'eresia. Napoli, Jovene, 2013, XIX-279 p. (Diáphora, 15).

2295. Littérature (La) des questions et réponses dans l'Antiquité profane et chrétienne: de l'enseignement à l'exégèse. Actes du séminaire sur le genre des questions et réponses tenu à Ottawa les 27 et 28 septembre 2009. Éd. par Marie-Pierre BUSSIÈRES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VII-314 p. (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia, 64).

2308. NAPIER (Daniel A.). En route to the confessions. The roots and development of Augustine's philosophical anthropology. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XXXVI348 p. (Late antique history and religion, 2).

2296. LIU (Yulin). Temple Purity in 1-2 Corinthians. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XV-281 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 343).

2309. New approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris. Ed. by Johannes A. VAN WAARDEN, Gavin KELLY. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XI-397 p. (Late antique history and religion, 7).

2297. LÓPEZ (Ariel G.). Shenoute of Atripe and the uses of poverty: rural patronage, religious conflict and monasticism in late antique Egypt. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2013, XI-237 p. (Transformation of the classical heritage, 50).

2310. OCHS (Christoph). Matthaeus adversus Christianos. The use of the Gospel of Matthew in Jewish polemics against the divinity of Jesus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XV-410 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 350).

2298. LÖX (Markus). Monumenta sanctorum. Rom und Mailand als Zentren des frühen Christentums; Märtyrerkult und Kirchenbau unter den Bischöfen Damasus und Ambrosius. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2013, 279 p. (Spätantike-Frühes Christentum-Byzanz, 39).

2311. Offenbarung (Die) des Johannes. Kommunikation im Konflikt. Hrsg. v. Thomas SCHMELLER. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 260 p. (Quaestiones disputatae, 253).

2299. LUBINSKY (Crystal L.). Removing masculine layers to reveal a holy womanhood. The female transvestite monks of late antique eastern Christianity. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XII, 252 p. (Studia traditionis theologiae, 13). 2300. LUCKRITZ MARQUIS (Timothy). Transient apostle: Paul, travel, and the rhetoric of empire. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XVI-196 p. 2301. MAIER (Harry O.). Picturing Paul in empire. Imperial image, text and persuasion in Colossians, Ephe-

2307. MUEHLBERGER (Ellen). Angels in late ancient Christianity. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-279 p.

2312. PARDUE (Stephen T.). The mind of Christ. Humility and the intellect in early Christian theology. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XII-209 p. (T & T Clark studies in systematic theology, 23). 2313. Paul and pseudepigraphy. Ed. by Stanley E. PORTER, Gregory P. FEWSTER. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XV374 p. (Pauline studies, 8). 2314. Paul, John, and apocalyptic eschatology. Studies in honour of Martinus C. DE BOER. Ed. by Jan KRANS. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVI-308 p. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 149).

§ 3. Special studies 2315. PFUFF (Konrad). Die Einheit des Johannesprologs. Eine philologische Untersuchung. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, 121 p. 2316. PIETZNER (Katrin). Bildung, Elite und Konkurrenz. Heiden und Christen vor der Zeit Constantins. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, IX-479 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 77).


2329. SNYDER (Glenn E.). Acts of Paul. The formation of a Pauline Corpus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XII-317 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 352). 2330. SOLEVÅG (Anna R.). Birthing salvation. Gender and class in early Christian childbearing discourse. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV-287 p. (Biblical interpretation series, 121).

2317. POKORNY (Petr). From the Gospel to the Gospels. History, theology and impact of the Biblical term euangelion. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 237 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 195).

2331. SOROCEANU (Alina). Niceta von Remesiana. Seelsorge und Kirchenpolitik im spätantiken unteren Donauraum. Frankfurt am Main Lang, 2013, 281 p. (Zivilisationen & Geschichte, 23).

2318. Ponce Pilate. Éd. par Jean-Marc VERCRUYSSE. Arras, Artois Presses Université, 2013, 214 p. (Graphè, 22).

2332. Tertullian and Paul. Ed. by Todd. D. STILL, David E. WHITE. New York, Bloomsbury, 2013, XXIV320 p. (Pauline and patristic scholars in debate, 1).

2319. RAMELLI (Ilaria L. E.). The Christian doctrine of "Apokatastasis". A critical assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XX-890 p. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 120).

2333. TICCIATI (Susannah). A new apophaticism. Augustine and the redemption of signs. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XV-259 p. (Studies in systematic theology, 14).

2320. Reflections on the early Christian history of religion = Erwägungen zur frühchristlichen Religionsgeschichte. Ed. by Cilliers BREYTENBACH, Jörg FREY. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIV-374 p. (Ancient Judaism and Christianity, 81).

2334. TORCHIA (Joseph). Restless mind: curiositas and the scope of inquiry in St. Augustine's psychology. Milwaukee, Marquette U. P., 2013, 312 p. (Marquette studies in philosophy, 83).

2321. Religious conflict from early Christianity to the rise of Islam. Ed. by Wendy MAYER, Bronwen NEIL. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-256 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 121).

2335. TORRANCE (Alexis C.). Repentance in late antiquity. Eastern asceticism and the framing of the Christian life c. 400–650 CE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-244 p. (Oxford theology and religion monographies, 244).

2322. Role (The) of the bishop in late antiquity: conflict and compromise. Ed by Andrew FEAR, José Fernández URBIÑA, Mar MARCOS. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, IX-270 p.

2336. VAN DEN BROEK (Roelof). Gnostic religion in antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX255 p.

2323. ROSE (Paula J.). A commentary on Augustine's De cura pro mortuis gerenda: rhetoric in practice. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXI-622 p. (Amsterdam studies in classical philology, 20). 2324. SCHERBENSKE (Eric W.). Canonizing Paul: ancient editorial practice and the Corpus Paulinum. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-383 p. 2325. SCHMOECKEL (Mathias). Die Jugend der Justitia. Archäologie der Gerechtigkeit im Prozessrecht der Patristik. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIII-224 p. 2326. SCHOTTROFF (Luise). Der Erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 382 p. (Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, 7). 2327. SCHWARTZ (Daniel L.). Paideia and cult: Christian initiation in Theodore of Mopsuestia. Washington, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2013, XII-170 p. (Hellenic Studies, 57). 2328. SEEWANN (Maria-Irma). "Tag des Herrn" und "Parusie". 2 Thess 2 in der Kontroverse. Würzburg, Echter, 2013, 500 p. (Forschung zur Bibel, 130).

2337. VUONG (Lily C.). Gender and purity in the Protevangelium of James. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck. 2013, XVI-285 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2, 358). 2338. WALZ (Robert). Vorbereitung auf das Martyrium bei Cyprian von Karthago. Eine Studie zu Ad Fortunatum. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, XII-372 p. (Patrologia, 27). 2339. WEDDERBURN (Alexander J. M.). The death of Jesus. Some reflections on Jesus-traditions and Paul. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIV-225 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 299). 2340. WENGST (Klaus). Der wirkliche Jesus? Eine Streitschrift über die historisch wenig ergiebige und theologisch sinnlose Suche nach dem historischen Jesus. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 311 p. 2341. WHITFIELD (Bryan J.). Joshua traditions and the argument of Hebrews 3 and 4. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIII-316 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 194).



2342. ZAMFIR (Korinna). Men and women in the household of God. A contextual approach to roles and ministries in the pastoral epistles. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, XXII-473 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, 103). 2343. Zugänge zur Gnosis. Akten zur Tagung der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft vom 02.-05.01.2011 in Berlin-Spandau. Hrsg. v. Christoph MARKSCHIES, Johannes VAN OORT. Leuven, Peeters, 2013, XVII352 p. (Studien der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 12).

§ 4. Hagiography. ______________________

2346. Agiografia e iconografia nelle aree della civiltà rupestre. Atti del V Convegno internazionale sulla civiltà rupestre (Savelletri di Fasano, 17–19 novembre 2011). A cura di Enrico MENESTÒ. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-437 p. 2347. BURRUS (Virginia). Honor the Fathers: exegesis and autorithy in the Life of Saint Helia. In: Ascetic culture [cf. n° 2214], p. 445-457.

2344. ZWIERLEIN (Otto). Petrus und Paulus in Jerusalem und Rom. Vom Neuen Testament zu den apokryphen Apostelakten. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIV-314 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 109).

2348. CAPRON (Laurent). Codex Hagiographiques du Louvre sur Papyrus (P. Louvre Hag). Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, XXV-188 p. (Papyrologica Parisina, 2).

§ 3. Addendum 2012.

2349. CHOAT (Malcolm). The life of Antony in Egypt. In: Ascetic culture [cf. n° 2214], p. 50-74.

2345. VOJTENKO (Anton A.). Egipetskoe monashestvo v IV v.: "Zhitie prepodobnogo Antonija Velikogo", "Lavsaik", "Istorija monakhov". (Egyptian monasticism in the 4th century: "The life of Antony of Egypt", "Lausiac history" [of Palladius of Galatia], "History of the Egyptian monks"). Moskva, Izd-vo Tsentra egiptolog. issledovanij RAN, 2012, 318 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 270-293; pers. ind. p. 296-307; geogr. ind. p. 308-312). [English resume p. 313-316]. Cf. no 3222

2350. COSTACHE (Doru). Living above gender: insights from Saint Maximus the Confessor. Journal of early Christian studies, 2013, 21, p. 261-290. 2351. GEMEINHARDT (Peter). Antonius, der erste Mönch. Leben, Lehre, Legende. München, Beck, 2013, 240 p. – IDEM. Volksfrömmigkeit in der spätantiken Hagiographie. Potential und Grenzen eines umstrittenen Konzepts. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, 110, 2013, p. 410-438.

H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian)

§ 1. Sources. 2352-2393. – § 2. General. 2394-2404. – § 3. Special studies. 2405-2482. § 1. Sources. * 2352. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Band 106, Heft 1. Heft 2. [Band 104. Heft 2. Band 105. Heft 1. Heft 2. Cf. Bibl. 2012, no 2208.] Hrsg. v. Albrecht BERGER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 2 vol., p. 1-600, p. 595-1296. ______________________

2353.[Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum] Concilium Constantinopolitanum a. 691/2 in Trullo habitum (Concilium Quinisextum). Ed. by Heinz OHME. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, CX-130 p. 2354. [Anna Comnena] NEVILLE (Leonora). Lamentation, history, and female autorship in Anna Komnene's Alexiad Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2013, 53, p. 192-218. 2355. [Anonymus] Accounts of medieval Constantinople: the Patria. Ed. by Albrecht BERGER. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XXI-357 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library, 24). 2356. [Callistus Cataphygiotes] Calist Catafyghiotul, misticul contemplativ al Filocaliei bizantine, cu o nouă traducere despre unirea cu Dumnezeu și viața contemplative (Kallistos Kataphygiotes, der kontemplative Mystiker der byzantinischen Philokalie, mit einer neuen Übersetzung über die Vereinigung mit Gott und das kontemplative Leben). Hrsg. v. Sofia AVRAMOVA, Maria-Cornelia ICĂ, Ioan ICĂ. Sibiu, Deisis, 2013, 372 p. 2357. [Callistus I] Hoi Kata Grēgora homilies tou Patriarche Kōnstantinoupoleōs Kallistou Aʹ: kritikē ekdosē (The sermones of Kallistos I patriarch of Consantinople: critical edition). Ed. by Konstantinos PAÏDAS. Athēna, Grēgorē, 2013, 362 p. (Vyzantinē philospohia kai theologia, 1). 2358. [Chronica Alexandrina] BURGESS (Richard W.), DIJKSTRA (Jitse H. F.). The 'Alexandrian World Chronicle', its Consularia and the date of the destruction of the Serapeum (with an appendix on the list of Prefecti Augustale). Millennium, 2013, 10, p. 39-113.

2359. [Constantinus Manasse] AUGERINU-TZIOGA (Maria). He Synopsis Chronikē tou Konstantinou Manassē: Symbolē stēn hyphologikē meletē mias emmetrēs chronographias (The "Historical Synopsis" by Constantine Manasses. Contribution to the stylistic study of a rhythmic chronicle). Thessalonikē, Altintzes, 2013, 363 p. 2360. [Domninus Larissensis] RIEDLBERGER (Peter). Domninus of Larissa, Encheiridion and spurious works. Introduction, critical text, English translation and commentary. Pisa a. Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, 2013, 279 p. 2361. [Etymologicum Symeonis] Etymologicum Symeonis, G-E. Ed. by Davide BALDI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, LIV-423 p. (Corpus Christianorum series Graeca, 79). 2362. [Eunapius] Eunapios aus Sardes. Biographien über Philosophen und Sophisten. Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Matthias BECKER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 667 p. (Roma aeterna, 1). 2363. [Eustathius Thessalonicensis] Eustathios of Thessaloniki. Secular orations 1167/8 to 1179. Ed. by Andrew F. STONE. Brisbane, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 2013, XXV-241 p. (Byzantina Australiensia, 19). 2364. [Georgius Trapezuntius] Jorge de Trebisonda. Libros de Retórica. Libros I y II. Estudio preliminar, traducción e índices. Ed. por María A. SÁNCHEZ MANZANO. Madrid, Editorial Tecnos, 2013, 275 p. (Colección Clásicos del Pensamiento. Tercer Milenio). 2365. [Gregorius Palamas] Sfântul Grigorie Palama, Opere complete. Volumul II, Antiepigrafii. Epistolele către Achindin și Varlaam (St. Gregory Palamas. Complete works. Vol. II, Antiepigraphi. Letters to Akindynus and to Barlaam). Ed. by Cristian CHIVU, Cornel COMAN, Adrian TĂNĂSESCU, Caliopie PAPACIOC, Cristina-Costena ROGOBETE. București, Gândul Aprins, 2013, 332 p.



2366. [Iohannes Damascenus] Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos. Vol. 7. Commentarii in epistulas Pauli. Ed. by Robert VOLK. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XVI-581 p. (Patristische Texte und Studien, 68). 2367. [Iohannes Italus] Ioann Ital. Aporii (Ioannes Italos. Paradoxes). Ed. by Aleksandr J. KARNAČJEV. St. Petersburg, Svoje izdatel'stvo, 2013, 312 p. 2368. [Iohannes Lydus] Ioannes Lydus, On celestial signs (De ostensis). Translated and edited by Anastasius C. BANDY. Lewinston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XXXII-271 p. 2369. [Iohannes Lydus] Ioannes Lydus, On powers, or the magistracies of the Roman state (De magistratibus reipublicae romanae). Translated and edited by Anastasius C. BANDY. Lewinston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XXXIII-319 p. 2370. [Iohannes Lydus] Ioannes Lydus, On the months (De mensibus). Translated and edited by Anastasius C. BANDY. Lewinston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XXXIII-305 p. 2371. [Iohannes Xiphilinus] MALLAN (Christopher T.). The style, method, and programme of Xiphilinus' Epitome of Cassius Dio's Roman History. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2013, 53, p. 610-644. 2372. [Iohannes Zonaras] To hagiologiko kai homilētiko ergo tou Iōannē Zōnara: eisagōgikē meletē, kritikē ekdosē (The hagiographical and homiletic works of John Zonaras. A study with a critical edition). Ed. by Helenē KALTSOGIANNĒ. Thessalonikē, Kentro Vyzantinōn Ereunōn, 2013, XXIV-636 p. (Vyzantina keimena kai meletai, 60). 2373. [Marcus Monachus] Mönch Markos, Asketische Schriften. Florilegium und drei Traktate. Hrsg. v. Philipp ROELLI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 229 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 15). 2374. [Menander Protector] I regni romano-germanici, l'impero bizantino e il regno sasanide nei frammenti di Menandro Protettore. Prefazione, traduzione e note di Gianfranco DEGIULI. Verona, Stimmgraf, 2013, XII272 p. 2375. [Michael Apostolius] Die Briefe des Michael Apostoles. Hrsg. v. Rudolf STEFEC. Hamburg, Kovač, 2013, 193 p. (Schriften zur Kulturgeschichte, 29). 2376. [Michael Gabras] Weitere Briefe des Michael Gabras. Hrsg. v. Rudolf STEFEC. Byzantinoslavica, 2013, 71, p. 313-324. 2377. [Nicephorus Blemmydes] Nicéphore Blemmydès. Oeuvres théologiques. Vol. 2. Éd. par Michel STAVROU. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 420 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 558). 2378. [Nicetas David Paphlago] Nicetas David. The life of Patriarch Ignatius. Ed. by Andrew SMITHIES. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks, 2013, XXXVII-194 p. (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, 51). 2379. [Nicetas Pectoratus] Niketas Stethatos. The Life of Saint Symeon the New Theologian. Ed. by Rich-

ard P. H. GREENFIELD. Cambridge Harvard U. P., 2013, XXV-422 p. (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library, 20). 2380. [Nicolaus Cabasilas] POLEMIS (Ioannis). Nikolaos Kabasilas's De vita in Christo and its context. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 101-132. 2381. [Photius] Photii Patriarchae Lexicon. Volumen III, N–Φ. Hrsg. v. Christos THEODORIDIS. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XXVI-600. 2382. [Pseudo-Codinus] Pseudo-Kodinos and the Constantinopolitan court: offices and ceremonies. Ed. by Dimiter ANGELOV, Ruth J. MACRIDES, Joseph MUNITIZ. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, XXII-540 p. (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies, 15). 2383. [Theodorus Agallianus] Théodore Agallianos. Dialogue avec un moine contre les Latins (1442). Éd. par Marie-Hélène BLANCHET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, X-251 p. (Textes et documents d'histoire médiévale, 9). 2384. [Theodorus Studita] Teodoro lo Studita. Antirrheticus Adversus Iconomachos. Confutazioni contro gli avversari delle sante icone. A cura di Antonio CALISI. Bari, Chàrisma, 2013, 106 p. 2385. BAÁN (István). A XIV–XVI. századi magyar történelem bizánci és kora újkori görög nyelvű forrásai = Fontes Byzantini et postbyzantini ad res Regni Hungariae in saeculis XIV–XVI gestas pertinentes. Budapest, Balassi Kiadó – Bizantinológiai Intézeti Alapítvány, 2013. 703 p. 2386. COLVIN (Ian). Reporting battles and understanding campaigns in Procopius and Agathias: classicising historian's use of archived documents as sources. In: War and warfare in late antiquity [cf. n° 2165], p. 571-598. 2387. CONSTANTINOU (Eugenia S.). Guiding to a blessed end: Andrew of Caesarea and the Apocalypse. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, XV-350 p. 2388. FEIND (Robert). Verse auf byzantinischen Bleisiegeln. Teil II: Π-Ω. Regenstauf, Munzen und Sammeln, 2013, 664 p. 2389. GALDI (Giovanbattista). Syntaktische Untersuchungen zu Jordanes. Beiträge zu den "Romana". Hildesheim, Olms, 2013, XIII-528 p. (Spudasmata, 150). 2390. PAPAIOANNOU (Stratis). Michael Psellos: rhetoric and authorship in Byzantium. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-347 p. § 1. Addenda 2012. ** 2391. BARMIN (Aleksej V.). Sochinenie "O tajnoj vechere" Mikhaila Psella. (The writing "On the Last Supper" by Michael Psellos). Vizantijskij vremennik, 2012, 71 (96), p. 230-245. ** 2392. KUZENKOV (Pavel V.), GRATSIANSKIJ (Mikhail V.). Nikolaj Kavasila. O bezzakonnykh derzostjakh arkhontov v otnoshenii svjaschennykh [imuschestv].

§ 3. Special studies


(Discource concerning illegal acts of officials daringly committed against things sacred). Vizantijskij vremennik, 2012, 71 (96), p. 246-285.

LER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 308 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, 32).

** 2393. RJAZANOV (Pavel A.). Vizantijskij uchenyj Feodor Gaza i ego rech' o pol'ze izuchenija grecheskoj slovesnosti. (Prilozhenie: Rech' o grecheskoj slovesnosti Feodora Gazy, greka iz Fessaloniki). (Byzantine scholar Theodorus Gaza and his oration on the advantage of Greek studies. Appendix: Oration about Greek studies by Theodorus Gaza, Greek from Thessaloniki). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 198-231.

2403. Vizantijskij vremennik = BYZANTINA XRONIKA (Byzantine Review). Vol. 72 (97). Ed. by Sergey KARPOV. Moskva, Nauka, 2013, 360 p.

§ 2. General.

§ 2. Addendum 2012. 2404. Theodulos. Sbornik statej pamjati professora Igorja Sergeevicha Chichurova (Theodulos: Collected papers in memory of Igor' S. Chichurov). Ed. Pavel V. KUZENKOV, Аnton А. VOJTENKO, Mikhail V. GRATSIANSKIJ. Moskva, Izd-vo PSTGU, 2012, 440 p. § 3. Special studies.


2394. Abstracts of papers. Thirty-nine annual Byzantine studies conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 31 October–3 November 2013. Irvine, University of California, 2013, 94 p.


2405. ALTRIPP (Michael). Die Basilika in Byzanz: Gestalt, Ausstattung und Funktion sowie das Verhältnis zur Kreuzkuppelkirche. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX216 p. (Millennium-Studien, 42).

2395. Bizantsu: Kōryū to kyōsei no sennen teikoku. (Byzantium, the millennial empire of interchange and coexistence). Eds. Koichi INOUE and Yukio NEZU. Kyoto, Showado, 2013, 328 p.

2406. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS (Thalia). Aristotle and Byzantine Iconoclasm. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2013, 53, p. 763-790.

2396. Byzanz und das Abendland. Begegnungen zwischen Ost und West. Hrsg. v. Erika JUHÁSZ. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös József Collegium, 2013, 375 p. [Cf. no 2431.]

2407. ANGELOV (Dimiter). "Asia and Europe commonly called east and west": Constantinople and geographical imagination in Byzantium. In: Imperial geographies in Byzantine and Ottoman space [cf. n° 2434], p. 43-68.

2397. DE JONG (Hylkje). Byzantine and the Medieval West Roman tradition. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 3-4, p. 561-571. – EADEM. Ἀνὴρ ἀγαθός (vir bonus) – Eine byzantinische Interpretation des Digestenfragments 17,1,48,2. Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 348-372. 2398. GRÜNBART (Michael). Das Byzantinische Reich. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, VIII-152 p. 2399. MILLAR (Fergus). Religion, language and community in the Roman Near East. Constantine to Muhammad. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-177 p. 2400. Pour l'amour de Byzance. Hommage à Paolo Odorico. Ed. par. Christian GASTGEBER, Charis MESSIS, Dan Ioan MUREŞAN et Filippo RONCONI. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 250 p. 2401. Power and subversion in Byzantium. Papers from the forty-third Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies (Birmingham, March 2010). Ed. by Dimiter ANGELOV, Michael SAXBY. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVI- 299 p. (Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, 17). [Cf. no 2436.] 2402. Register (The) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. An essential source for the history and Church of late Byzantium. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Vienna, 5th-9th May 2009. Ed. by Christian GASTGEBER, Ekaterini MITSIOU, Johannes PREISER-KAPEL-

2408. ANGOLD (Michael). Turning points in history: the fall of Constantinople. Byzantinoslavica, 2013, 71, p. 11-30. 2409. ANTONOPOULOU (Theodora). "What agreement has the temple of God with idols?" Christian homilies, ancient myths, and the "Macedonian Renaissance". Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 595-622. 2410. Approaches to the Byzantine family. Ed. by Leslie BRUBAKER, Shaun TOUGHER. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 446 p. (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies). 2411. ARIANTZI (Despoina). Terminologische und sozialhistorische Untersuchungen zur Adoleszenz in Byzanz (6.-11. Jahrhundert). Teil I. Theorien, Konzepte, narrative Quellen. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2013, 63, p. 1-32. 2412. Authority in Byzantium. Ed. by Pamela ARMFarnham, Ashgate, 2013, XIII-366 p. (Publications of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London, 14). STRONG.

2413. AYROULET (Elie). De l'image à l'image. Réflexions sur un concept clef de la doctrine de la divinisation de Saint Maxime le Confesseur. Roma, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2013, 358 p. (Studia ephemeridis Augustinianum, 136). 2414. BANNIKOV (Andrej V.), MOROZOV (Maksim A.). Vizantijskaja armija, IV-CII vv. (The Byzantine army, 4th-12th c.). St. Petersburg, Evrazija, 2013, 688 p.



2415. BELL (Peter N.). Social conflict in the age of Justinian: its nature, management, and mediation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII-393 p.

troversia cristológica del siglo VI en Bizancio. Toledo, Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso, 2013, 381 p.

2416. BÖRM (Henning). Justinians Triumph und Belisars Erniedrigung. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Kaiser und Militär im späten Römischen Reich. Chiron, 2013, 43, p. 63-91.

2431. GASTGEBER (Christian). Der Umgang des Patriarchats von Konstantinopel mit der lateinischen Kirche im 14. Jahrhundert. In: Byzanz und das Abendland. Begegnungen zwischen Ost und West [cf. n° 2396], p. 131-159.

2417. BOWEN (Alan C.). Simplicius on the planets and their motions: in defense of a heresy. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVIII-329 p. (Philosophia antiqua, 133).

2432. HERRIN (Judith). Margins and metropolis: authority across the Byzantine empire. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XXIV-365 p.

2418. Byzantine gardens and beyond. Ed. by Helena BODIN, Ragnar HEDLUND. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2013, 256 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia, 13).

2433. HINTERBERGER (Martin). Phthonos. Missgunst, Neid und Eifersucht in der byzantinischen Literatur. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2013, 520 p. (Serta Graeca, 29).

2419. ČERNIAVSKIJ (Stanislav N.). Alekseĭ Komnin – spasiteľ Vizantiĭskoĭ imperii (Alexius Comnenus: the saviour of the Byzantine empire). St. Petersburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2013, 672 p. 2420. CHERNOGLAZOV (Dmitry). Beobachtungen zu den Briefen des Theodoros Daphnopates. Neue Tendenzen in der byzantinischen Literatur des zehnten Jahrhunderts. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 623-644. 2421. Court ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean. Comparative perspectives. Ed. by Alexander D. BEIHAMMER. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVIII-585 p. (The medieval Mediterranean, 98). 2422. CUOMO (Andrea M.). Manuele Caleca e la Sequencia de Apostolis. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 9-18. 2423. DARK (Ken R.), ÖZGÜMÜŞ (Ferudun). Constantinople: archaeology of a Byzantine megapolis. Final report on the Istanbul Rescue Archaeology Project 1998–2004. Oxford, Oxbow, 2013, VIII-181 p. 2424. DE JONG (Hylkje). The application of natura (physis) in Byzantine law. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 683-712. 2425. DECKER (Michael J.). The Byzantine art of war. Yardley, Westholme, 2013, X-267 p. 2426. Discours (Le) ethnographique à Byzance. Continuité et rupture. Éd. par Anthony KALDELLIS. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 247 p. (Séminaries Byzantines, 2).

2434. Imperial geographies in Byzantine and Ottoman space. Ed. by Sahar BAZZAZ, Yota BATSAKI, Dimiter ANGELOV. Boston and London, Harvard Center for Hellenic studies, 2013, 282 p. (Hellenic studies, 56). [Cf. nos 2407, 2448.] 2435. JANKOWIAK (Marek). Notitia 1 and the impact of the Arab invasion on Asia Minor. Millennium, 2013, 10, p. 435-461. 2436. KALDELLIS (Anthony). Ethnography after antiquity: foreign lands and peoples in Byzantine literature. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, X-275 p. – IDEM. How to usurp the throne in Byzantium: the role of public opinion in sedition and rebellion. In: Power and subversion in Byzantium [cf. n° 2401], p. 43-56. – IDEM. The military use of the icon of the Theotokos and its moral logic in the historians of the ninth-twelfth centuries. Estudios Bizantinos, 2013, 1, p. 56-75. 2437. KIOSOPOULOU (Tonia). Hoi "aorates" byzantines poleis ston helladiko chōro, 13os–15os aiōnas. (The "unseen" Byzantine towns in Greece, 13th–15th centuries). Athēna, Polis, 2013, 174 p. 2438. KOLDITZ (Sebastian). Johannes VIII. Palaiologos und das Konzil von Ferrara-Florenz (1438/39). Das byzantinische Kaisertum im Dialog mit dem Westen. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2013, (2 voll.) X-776 p. (Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 60).

2427. DROCOURT (Nicolas). La mort de l'ambassadeur: faits, causes, enjeux (7e-12e siècles). Revue des Études Byzantines, 2013, 71, p. 67-104.

2439. KONEČNÝ (Martin). Byzantská ríša a Antiochijské kniežatstvo za vlády Jána II. Komnena (1118– 1143). (Byzantinisches Reich und Fürstentum Antiochia während der Regierungszeit von Johannes II. Komnenos [1118–1143]). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 207225.

2428. FAILLER (Albert). La déposition de l'épiscopat unioniste après la mort de Michel VIII Palaiologos (mai 1283). Revue des Études Byzantines, 2013, 71, p. 173186.

2440. KONTOGIANNIS (Nikos). Translatio imaginis: assimilating the triple-towered castle in late Byzantine coinage. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 713744.

2429. FEATHERSTONE (Jeffrey M.). Der Große Palast von Konstantinopel: Tradition oder Erfindung? Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 19-38.

2441. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk), GRINCHENKO (Olga). The tenth-century stoudios-typikon and its impact on eleventh- and twelfth-century Byzantine monasticism. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2013, 63, p. 153-176.

2430. FERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ (Francisco M.). El comentario sobre el Apocalipsis de Ecumenio en la con-

§ 3. Special studies 2442. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk). On contents and structure of the Panagios Typikon: a contribution to the early history of 'extended' monastic rules Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 39-64. 2443. KUSABU (Hisatsugu). Comnenian orthodoxy and Byzantine heresiology in the twelfth century: the study of the Panoplia Dogmatica of Euthymios Zigabenos. Chicago, University of Chicago, 2013, 301 p. [Ph. D. Diss.]. 2444. KUŠČ (Tatjana V.). Na zakate imperii. Intellektualnaja sreda pozdnej Vizantii (At the empire's decline: the intellectual milieu of late Byzantium). Ekaterinburg, Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo Universiteta, 2013, 455 p. 2445. LAURITZEN (Frederick). The depiction of character in the Chronographia of Michael Psellos. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, X-260 p. (Byzantios: studies in Byzantine history and civilization, 7). 2446. LOLLAR (Joshua). To see into the life of things: the contemplation of nature in Maximus the Confessor and his predecessors. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 357 p. (Monothéismes et Philosophie, 18). 2447. LUNGES (Telemachos K.). Hē koinōnikē exelixē stē diakreia tōn legomenōn "skoteinōn aiōnōn", 602–867 (The social development during the so called "Dark Centuries", 602–867). Athēna, Herodotos, 2013, 208 p. 2448. MAGDALINO (Paul). Constantine VII and the historical geography of empire. In: Imperial geographies in Byzantine and Ottoman space [cf. n° 2434], p. 23-42.


from the Latin historiography of the Third Crusade. Byzantion, 2013, 83, p. 297-337. 2456. PALLIS (Georgios). Inscriptions on middle Byzantine marble templon screens. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 761-810. 2457. PANAGOPOULOS (Spyros P.). La magie comme méthode thérapeutique dans la première période byzantine: les rapports hagiographiques (IV–VII siècles après J.C.). Chronos, 2013, 27, p. 50-75. 2458. Pantokrator Monastery (The) in Constantinople. Ed. by Sofia KOTZABASSI. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, X-2764 p. [Cf. no 2468.] 2459. PFEILSCHIFTER (Rene). Der Kaiser und Konstantinopel. Kommunikation und Konfliktaustrag in einer spätantiken Metropole. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XV-722 p. (Millennium-Studien, 44). 2460. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes). He ton pleionon psephos. Der Mehrheitsbeschluss in der Synode von Konstantinopel in spätbyzantinischer Zeit – Normen, Strukturen, Prozesse. In: Genesis und Dynamiken der Mehrheitsentscheidung. Hrsg. v. Egon FLAIG. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, p. 203-228. 2461. PRIETO DOMÍNGUEZ (Óscar). La preceptiva epistolar en Bizancio: las normas vigentes según el patriarca Focio. Medioevo greco, 2013, 13, p. 177-203. 2462. Questions of gender in Byzantine society. Ed. by Bronwen NEIL, Lynda GARLAND. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, X-218 p.

2449. MARSENGILL (Katherine). Portraits and icons: between reality and spirituality in Byzantine art. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XI-463 p. (Byzantios, 5).

2463. RITTER (Max). Die vlacho-bulgarische Rebellion und die Versuche ihrer Niederschlagung durch Kaiser Isaakios II. (1185–1195). Byzantinoslavica, 2013, 71, p. 162-210.

2450. MELVANI (Nicholas). Late Byzantine sculpture. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, X-299 p. (Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages, 6).

2464. RUSSELL (Eugenia). Literature and culture in late Byzantine Thessalonica. London a. New York, Bloomsbury, 2013, XXIX-201 p.

2451. MESSIS (Charis), PAPAIOANNOU (Stratis). Histoires "gothiques" à Byzance. Le saint, le soldat et le miracle d'Euphémie et du Goth (BHG 739). Dumbarton Oaks Paper, 2013, 67, p. 15-47.

2465. SCHRIJVER (Frouke M.). The early Palaiologan court (1261–1354). University of Birmingham, 2013, 304 p. [Ph. D. Diss.].

2452. MORAN (Neil). Altrömische Offertoriums-Gesänge in medialen Tonarten. Zum Verhältnis des byzantinischen zum altrömischen und gregorianischen Choral. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 65-82. 2453. NAKADA (Kosuke). Gunjisho 'Takuthika' to Reon rokusei-ki no Bizantsu teikoku tōhō henkyō. (The military treatise 'Tactica' and the east frontier in Byzantine Empire under the reign of Leo VI). Chichukaigaku Kenkyu, 2013, 36, p. 3-24. 2454. Negotiating co-existence: communities, cultures and convivencia in Byzantine society. Ed. by Barbara CROSTINI, Sergio LA PORTA. Trier: WVT, 2013, 299 p. (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, 96). 2455. NEOCLEOUS (Savvas). Imaging Isaak Komnenos of Cyprus (1184–1191) and the Cypriots. Evidence

2466. SIGNES CODOÑER (Juan). Melkites and icon worship during the iconoclastic period. Dumbarton Oaks Paper, 2013, 67, p. 135-187. 2467. SIMPSON (Alicia). Niketas Choniates: a historiographical study. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI372 p. (Oxford studies in Byzantium). 2468. STANKOVIĆ (Vlada), BERGHER (Albrecht). The Komnenoi and Constantinople before the building of the Pantokrator complex. In: Pantokrator Monastery (The) in Constantinople [cf. n° 2458], p. 3-32. 2469. Theologica minora. The minor genres of Byzantine theological literature. Ed. by Antonio RIGO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, X-202 p. 2470. TOMOV (Thomas S.). Once again about the Christ Passion relics in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople. Byzantinoslavica, 2013, 71, p. 259-277.



2471. TREADGOLD (Warren). The middle Byzantine historians. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVII-546 p. 2472. VALIAVITCHARSKA (Vessela). Rhetoric and rhythm in Byzantium: the sound of persuasion. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII243 p. 2473. VARONA CODESO (Patricia), PRIETO DOMÍN(Óscar). Deconstructing Photios: family relationship and political kinship in middle Byzantium. Revue des Études Byzantines, 2013, 71, p. 105-148.


2474. VELIČKO (Aleksej M.). Vizantijskaja simfonija (The Byzantine symphony). Moscow, Veče, 2013, 384 p. 2475. VLAVIANOS (Stéphanie). La figure du mage à Byzance de Jean Damascène à Michel Psellos, VIIIe-fin XIe siècle. Paris, Centre d'études byzantines, néo-helleniques et sud-est européennes, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2013, 346 p. (Dossiers byzantines, 13). 2476. WANEK (Nina-Maria). Die sogenannte Missa Graeca – Schnitstelle zwischen Ost und West? Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2013, 106, p. 175-192. 2477. WARLAND (Rainer). Byzantinisches Kappadokien. Darmstadt, Zabern, 2013, 144 p. 2478. When East met West: the reception of Latin theological and philosophical thought in late Byzantium: acts of the Institute of Classical Studies international Byzantine Colloquium, London, 11–12 June 2012. Ed. by John A. DEMETRAKOPOULOS, Charalambos

DENDRINOS. Bari, Istituto di Teologia ecumenico-patristica, 2013, 136 p. 2479. WHITE (Monica). Military saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-255 p. 2480. Wonderful things: Byzantium through its art. Papers from the forty-second spring symposium of Byzantine studies, London, 20-22 March 2009. Ed. by Antony EASTMOND, Liz JAMES. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XIX-328 p. (Publications. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, 16). § 3. Addenda 2012. 2481. KURYSHEVA (Marina V.). Rukopisi vizantijskoj biblioteki monastyrja na Galisijskoj gore iz sobranija GIM (predvaritel'nye zamechanija). (Manuscripts from the Byzantine library of the Monastery on the Galesios Mountain, held in the State Historical Museum (preliminary observations)). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 321329. 2482. KUSCH (Tat'jana V.). Matrimonial'nyj put' ukreplenija imperatorskoj vlasti v Vizantii: rassuzhdenija Manuila II Paleologa o brake. (Marriage as a way of consolidation of imperial authority in the Byzantine Empire: the arguments of Manuel II Palaiologos). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 73-91. Cf. no 3149


§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2483-2556. – § 2. General works. 2557-2594. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2595-2685. – § 4. Jews. 2686-2700. – § 5. Islam. 2701-2714. – § 6. Vikings. 2715-2728. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2729-2772. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2773-2887. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2888-3046. – § 10. History of art. 3047-3150. – § 11. History of music. 3151-3165. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3166-3209. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3210-3422. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3423-3471. § 1. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________

a. Non-literary sources ** 2483. Regesten (Die) der Herzöge von Bayern 1180–1231. Bearb. v. Gabriele Schlütter-Schindler. München, Beck, 2013, LIX-307 p. (Regesten zur bayerischen Geschichte). 2484.Actes de Pierre de Dreux, duc de Bretagne (1213–1237). Ed. par Marjolaine LÉMEILLAT. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 293 p. (Sources médiévales de l'histoire de Bretagne).

versité Paris-Sorbonne le 17 janvier 2009. Sous la dir. de Xavier HÉLARY et Alain MARCHANDISSE. Le Moyen Âge, 2013, 119, 1, p. 11-129. 2490. Capitolare degli ufficiali al formento (metà del sec. XIV). A cura di Fabien FAUGERON. Roma, Vienna, 2013, 119 p. (ill., pl., facs.). (Fonti per la storia di Venezia. Archivi pubblici). 2491. Carte (Le) dell'Abbazia di Chiaravalle di Fiastra. Vol. 2. 1181 – 1200. A cura di Attilio DE LUCA. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, CX-380 p. (ill.).

2485. AMBROSIO (Antonella). Le pergamene di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN). (secc. XI–XII). Battipaglia, Laveglia & Carlone, 2013, XXXI-168 p. (Fonti per la storia del Mezzogiorno medievale, 21).

2492. Carte (Le) dell'Archivio di Castel Sant'Angelo relative all'Italia. Vol. 1. I documenti privati (sec. XIII). A cura di Andrea PIAZZA. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, 1130 p. (ill., bibl.). (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Regesta chartatum, 60).

2486. Archive der Freiherren von Degenfeld-Neuhaus und Gemmingen-Hornberg-Babstadt: Urkundenregesten 1439 bis 1902. Bearb. v. Martin BURKHARDT. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 241 p. (bibl.). (Inventare der nichtstaatlichen Archive in Baden-Württemberg, 39).

2493. Carteggio degli oratori sforzeschi alla corte pontificia. Vol. 1. Niccolò V (27 febbraio 1447–30 aprile 1452. A cura di Gianluca BATTIONI. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2013, 962 p. (Inedita, 58).

2487. Archives du duché de Caderousse, XIe–XIXe siècles. Éd. par Martine SAINTE-MARIE avec la collaboration de Sophie IZAC-IMBERT, sous la direction de Christine MARTELLA. Avignon, Département de Vaucluse, 2013, 317 p. (ill., pl., tab. gén., facs.). (Patrimoine Vaucluse. Histoire).

2494. Cartolare (Il) di Uberto I. Atti del notaio Giovanni, Savona (1213–1215). A cura di Antonella ROVERE. Atti e Memorie della Società Savonese di Storia Patria, 2013-2014, 49-50, p. XLVI-615.

2488. Archivio storico (L') del convento di San Francesco di Urbino. A cura di Anna FALCIONI. Ancona, Deputazione di storia patria per le Marche, 2013, 656 p. (ill.). (Studi e testi, 31).

2495. Cartulaires (Les) médiévaux: écrire et conserver la mémoire du pouvoir, le pouvoir de la mémoire / Los cartularios medievales: escribir y conservar la memoria del poder, el poder de la memoria. Éd. par Véronique LAMAZOU-DUPLAN et Eloísa RAMÍREZ VAQUERO. Pau, Presses de l'Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, 2013, 213 p. (ill.). (Cultures, arts et sociétés, 3).

2489. Autour des testaments des Capétiens. Actes de la journée d'étude internationale organisée à l'Uni-

2496. CASAGRANDE (Giovanna). Inventario dell'archivio storico del monastero di Sant'Agnese di Perugia



(secc. XIV–XX). Assisi, Edizioni Porziuncola, 2013, XLV-85 p. (Nova archivia, 4). 2497. Codice diplomatico tuscanese (dall'Alto Medioevo alla fine del 13. secolo). A cura di Giuseppe GIONTELLA. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2013, XXVI-384 p. (bibl.). 2498. Col·lecció diplomàtica de Sant Pere de Galligants (911–1300). Ed. por Elvis MALLORQUÍ Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2013, 2 vol., 960 p. (Diplomataris, 64-65). 2499. Collecció documental de la Cancelleria de la Corona d'Aragó. Textos en llengua catalana, 1291–1420. Ed. por Mateu Rodrigo LIZONDO. València, Universidad de Valenciak, 2013, 1124 p. 2500. Coluccio Salutati, cancelliere della Repubblica fiorentina: carteggio pubblico, 1375–1406. Indice onomastico e toponomastico. Riproduzioni degli originali in CD / Coluccio Salutati, chancellor of the Florentine republic: public correspondence, 1375–1406. Onomastic and toponomastic index. Reproductions of originals in CD. A cura di Roberto CARDINI e Franek SZNURA. Firenze, Polistampa, 2013, XXXVI-363 p. + 1 CD-ROM. 2501. Condaghe (Il) di San Pietro di Silki. A cura di Alessandro SODDU e Giovanni STRINNA. Nuoro, Ilisso, 2013, 462 p. (facsw., maps, bibl.). (Biblioteca sarda. Grandi opere). 2502. Corrispondenza degli ambasciatori fiorentini a Napoli. Vol. 3. Bernardo Rucellai (ottobre 1486–agosto 1487). A cura di Patrizia MELI. Salerno, Carlone, 2013, XLII-301 p. (Fonti per la storia di Napoli aragonese, 3). 2503. DE BIANCHI (Maria). I cartulari medievali del Lazio. Tivoli, Tored, 2013, 201 p. (bibl.). (Biblioteca del Lazio. Archivi e documenti, 4). 2504. Dernières (Les) volontés de Jean de Bourgogne, évêque de Cambrai (1439–1480). Édition critique des testaments et codicilles. Éd. par Monique MAILLARD-LUYPAERT. Le moyen Âge, 2013, 119, 1, p. 85-129. 2505. Diplomatari de Sant Llorenç del Munt (1101– 1230). Ed. por Pere PUIG I USTRELL. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2013, 621 p. (Diplomataris, 66). 2506. Diplomatari de Sant Pere d'Ègara i Santa Maria de Terrassa, 1203–1291. Ed. por Pere PUIG I USTRELL. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera i Lleida, Pagès, 2013, 592 p. (Diplomataris, 63). 2507. Documenti latini e greci del conte Ruggero I di Calabria e Sicilia. A cura di Julia BECKER. Roma, Viella, 2013, 365 p. (bibl.). 2508. Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Reiches und seiner Verfassung, 1336–1339. Bearb. v. Michael MENZEL. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, XLVII490 p. (bibl.). (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum et Regum, 7, 1). 2509. Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Reiches und seiner Verfassung, 1357–1359. Bearb. v.

Ulrike HOHENSEE, Mathias LAWO, Michael LINDNER und Olaf B. RADER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, L-778 p. (bibl.). (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum et Regum, 12). 2510. DUFOUR (Jean). Recueil des rouleaux des morts (VIIIe siècle–vers 1536). Publié sous la direction de Jean FAVIER. Paris, Diffusion de Boccard, 2013, 781 p. (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Recueil des Historiens de la France, Obituaires, série in-4°, 8, 5). 2511. Enquête (L') générale de Leopardo da Foligno dans la viguerie de Draguigan (janvier–mars 1333). Dir. par Thierry PÉCOUT. Èd. Par Michel HÉBERT. Paris, Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2013, CLXXXII-374 p. (ill., bibl.). (Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. Série in-8°, 64). 2512. Enquête (L') générale de Leopardo da Foligno en Provence occidentale (octobre 1331 et septembre–décembre 1333). Dir. par Thierry PÉCOUT. Paris, Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2013, LXXXIX-788 p. (ch., pl., bibl.). (Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. Série in-8°, 66). 2513. GONZAGA (Barbara). Die Briefe (1455–1508) = Le lettere (1455–1508). Bearb. v. Christina ANTENHOFER, Axel BEHNE, Daniela FERRARI, Jürgen HEROLD u. Peter RÜCKERT. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 492 p. (ill.). 2514. Inventari (Gli) di Angilberto del Balzo conte di Ugento e duca di Nardò: modelli culturali e vita di corte del Quattrocento meridionale. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. Latin 8751 D. A cura di Luciana PETRACCA. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 2013, CXLII-132 p. (bibl.). (Fonti e studi per gli Orsini di Taranto, 3). 2515. Lettere ai principi d'Este (1462 – 1476). A cura di Bartolomeo ROVERELLA. Ferrara, Centro Italiano di Studi Pomposiani, 2013, 261 p. (ill.). (Analecta pomposiana). 2516. Lettere degli ambasciatori estensi sulla guerra di Otranto (1480–1481): trascrizioni ottocentesche conservate a Napoli. A cura di Hubert HOUBEN. Galatina, Concedo, 2013, 2 vol., 1339 p. (ill.). 2517. LICURSI (Esterpaola), Le pergamene dell'Archivio capitolare di Cosenza. Cosenza, Pellegrini, 2013, 95 p. (ill.). 2518. Livre (Le) de raison de Paul de Sade, Avignon, 1390–1394. Éd. par Henri BRESC. Paris, Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2013, 569 p. (cartes, tab.). (Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. Section d'histoire et de philologie des civilisations médiévales. Série in-8°, 65). 2519. Livre (Le) foncier de l'abbaye de Saint-Pierremont (fin XIIIe–début XIVe siècle). Édition du manuscrit de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, nouv. acq. lat. 1608, fol. 61v-100. Éd. par Yoric SCHLEEF. Paris, Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2013, 214 p. (cartes, tab.). (Collection de documents inédits

§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources sur l'histoire de France. Section d'histoire et de philologie des civilisations médiévales. Série in-8°, 67). 2520. Livres (Les) de la famille d'Alberti: sources, sens et influence. Éd. par Michel PAOLI. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 477 p. (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne, 77). 2521. LOHWASSER (Nelo). Das frühmittelalterliche Reihengräberfeld von Pfakofen. Kallmünz/Opf., Lassleben, 2013, 337 p. (ill., plans, maps, bibl.). (Materialhefte zur bayerischen Archäologie. Fundinventare und Ausgrabungsbefunde, 98). 2522. Lorenzo de' Medici at home: the inventory of the Palazzo Medici in 1492. Ed. by Richard STAPLEFORD. University Park, Pennsylvania State University, 2013, IX-215 p. (ill., bibl.). 2523. MAZZONI (Vieri), MONTI (Alessandro). Il Libro dell'imposta di Montaccianico (1306): fiscalità discriminatoria e liste di proscrizione nella Firenze del Trecento. Firenze, Aska, 2013, 87 p. 2524. MERKÙ (Pavle). Nomi di persone e luoghi nei registri medioevali del Capitolo di San Giusto in Trieste. Trieste, Deputazione della storia patria per la Venezia Giulia, 2013, 543 p. (Fonti e studi per la storia della Venezia Giulia. Fonti, 15). 2525. Monastero (Il) Vallombrosano del Santo Sepolcro di Astino in Bergamo: appunti per una ricostruzione dei fondi archivistici. A cura di Maddalena FACHINETTI MAGGI e Vincenzo MARCHETTI. Bergamo, Sestante, 2013, 399 p. (bibl.). (Ateneo di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Bergamo. Fonti, 4). 2526. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum et Regum. Bd. 12. Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Reiches und seiner Verfassung 1357–1359. Bearb. v. Ulrike HOHENSEE, Mathias LAWO, Michael LINDNER und Olaf B. RADER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, L-778 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum et Regum, 12). 2527. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Die Urkunden der Deutschen Könige und Kaiser. Bd. 17. Die Urkunden Manfreds. Bearb. v. Christian FRIEDL unter Verwendung v. Vorarb. v. Markus BRANTL. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, XLII-804 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Diplomata Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae, 17). 2528. Nécrologes (çes) de l'Abbaye de Saint-Airy de Verdun. Éd. par Marie-Paule CROCHET-THÉRY. Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2013, X-350 p. (ill., bibl.). (Recueil des historiens de la France. Obituaires. Série in 8°, 12). 2529. Note (Le) di Giovanni da Lupico notaio patriarcale (1265, 1267–1271, 1273, 1277–1279, 1283–1285, 1288, 1294–1298). A cura di Sebastiano BIANCATO. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 2013, 742 p. (bibl.). (Fonti per la storia della chiesa in Friuli. Serie medievale, 15).


2530. Pergamene (Le) dell'Archivio Diocesano di Gravina (secc. XI–XIV). I. Fondo Capitolare (1091– 1398). II. Fondo Opera Pia Sacro Monte dei Morti (1147–1346). Bari, Società di Storia Patria per la Puglia, 2013, 192 p. (Codice diplomatico pugliese, 37). 2531. Portugalia pontificia. Materials for the history of Portugal and the papacy, 1198–1417. Ed. by Peter LINEHAN. Lisboa, Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013, 818 p. 2532. Primer cartulario (El) de los reyes de Navarra. El valor de lo escrito. Le premier cartulaire des rois de Navarre. La valeur de l'écrit. Ed. por Eloísa RAMÍREZ VAQUERO [et al.]. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2013, 733 p. 2533. Recueil des actes d'Henri le Libéral, comte de Champagne (1152–1181). T. 2. Indices et addenda. Éd. par Michel BUR. Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, 2013, 276 p. 2534. Regesten (Die) des kaiserreichs unter den Karolingern. 751–918 (926/962). Bd. 4. Papsregestem 800–911. Teil 3. 872–882. Bearb. v. Veronika UNGER.Wien u. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, XXVI-547 p. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Regesta Imperii – und Deutsche Kommission für die Bearbeitung der Regesta Imperii bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz). 2535. Regesten (Die) des kaiserreichs unter den Karolingern. 751–918 (987/1032). Bd. 3. Die Regesten des regnum Italiae und der burgundischen regna. Teil 4. Die burgundischen Regna 855 –1032. Faszikel 1. Niederburgund bis zur Vereinigung mit Hochburg und (855 −940er Jahre). Bearb. v. Herbert ZIELINSKI. Wien u. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, XXII-343 p. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Regesta Imperii – und Deutsche Kommission für die Bearbeitung der Regesta Imperii bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz). 2536. Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III., 1440–1493. Nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. H. 28. Die Urkunden und Briefe aus Archiven und Biblioteken der Stadt Nürnberg. Teil 3. 1456–1463. Bearb. v. Dieter RÜBSAMEN. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 263 p. (bibl.). (Regesta Imperi). 2537. Sorrento. Giovanni Raparo (2 gennaio–29 dicembre 1438). A cura di Sandra BERNATO. Battipaglia, Laveglia & Carlone, 2013, 239 p. (bibl.). (Cartulari notarili campani del XV secolo, 7). 2538. Sorrento. Giovanni Raparo (2 gennaio–4 luglio 1439). A cura di Sandra BERNATO. Battipaglia, Laveglia & Carlone, 2013, 191 p. (Cartulari notarili campani del XV secolo, 6). 2539. Urkundenregesten zur Tätigkeit des deutschen Königs- und Hofgerichts bis 1451. Band 16. Die Zeit Ruprechts 1404–1406. Bearb. v. Ute RÖDEL, herausgegeben von Bernhard DIESTELKAMP. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, LXXVIII-527 p.



2540. Vescovo (Il) e il notaio. Vol.2. Regesti e trascrizioni dai protocolli (1410–1416) di Francesco d'Antonio, notaio del vescovo Federico Frezzi da Foligno. A cura di Maria BIVIGLIA, Elena LAURETI e Federica ROMANI. Foligno, Centro di Ricerche Federico Frezzi, 2013, 183 p. (ill.). a. Addendum 2012 2541. OSAWA (Kazuo). Anguro Sakuson nendaiki. (Anglo-Saxon chronicle). Tokyo, Asahi Press, 2012, 343 p. Cf. nos 1-17 b. Literary sources 2542. Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow: Bede's 'Homily' i.13 on Benedict Biscop; Bede's 'History of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow'; The Anonymous 'Life of Ceolfrith'; Bede's 'Letter to Ecgbert, Bishop of York'. Ed. and tr. by Christopher GROCOCK and Ian N. WOOD. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2013, CXX-214 p. 2543. ALBERICUS AQUENSIS. History of the journey to Jerusalem. Vol. 1. Books 1-6, The First Crusade, 1095 – 1099. Vol. 2. Books 7-12, The early history of the Latin states, 1099 – 1119. Ed. by Susan B. Edgington. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 2 vol., X-249 p., X-289 p. (ill., bibl.). 2544. ASSER. Histoire du roi Alfred. Présentation et traduction par Alban GAUTIER. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, XCV-277 p. (Les classiques de l'histoire au Moyen Âge, 52). 2545. BRESC (Henri). Le Livre de raison de Paul de Sade (Avignon, 1390–1394), Paris, CTHS, 2013, 569 p. (Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France section d'histoire et de philologie des civilisations médiévales, 65). 2546. Chronicon Aulae regiae. Die Königsaaler Chronik eine Bestandsaufnahme. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2013, 246 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zu Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder). 2547. Chronicon. Medieval narrative sources. A chronological guide with introductory essays. Ed. by Ivan JURKOVIC and János M. BAK. Tourhout, Brepols, 2013, 493 p. (Brepols essays in European culture, 5). 2548. Cronaca (La) estravagante di Galvano Fiamma. A cura di Sante Ambrogio Cengarle Parisi e David Massimiliano. Milano, Casa del Manzoni, 2013, XXI-767 p. (ill., bibl.). (Mediolanensia, 2). 2549. DE BIASIO (Antonio). Odorico da Pordenone in Cina (rilettura dei capitoli cinesi della Relatio).Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013, 295 p. (ill.). 2550. ERCHEMPERTO. Piccola storia dei Longobardi di Benevento. A cura di Luigi BERTO. Napoli, Liguori, 2013, VIII-214 p. (Nuovo Medioevo, 94). 2551. NUHN (Johannes von Hersfeld). Die "Wallensteiner Chronik", mit Auszügen aus Nuhns "Chronolo-

gia". Bearb. v. Otfried KRAFFT. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2013, XIV-202 p. (ill., bibl.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 7.3. Chroniken von Hessen und Waldeck, 3). 2552. PAJUNG (Stefan), LILJEFALK (Lone). Helmolds Slaverkrønike som kilde til Danmarks, Vendens og Nordtysklands historie. (Helmold's Chronica Slavorum as a source for the history of Denmark, the Wends, and Northern Germany). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 1, p. 1-37. 2553. Rodulfi Trudonensis Gesta abbatum Trudonensium I-VII. Epistole. Ed. Paul TOMBEUR. Turhout, Brepols, 2013, LXVIII-242 (pl.). (Corpus Cristianorum, Continuatio mediaevalis, 257). 2554. SAVONAROLA (Girolamo). Trattato sul governo di Firenze. A cura di Gian Carlo GARFAGNINI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2013, 69 p. (Variazioni, 6). b. Addenda 2012 2555. D'JAKONOV (Igor' V.). Sakson Annalist. Кhronika. 741–1139. (Chronicle of Saxo the Annalist, 741– 1139 = Annalista Saxo. Chronicon. a. 741–1139). М., SPSL – Russkaja panorama, 2012, 712 p. (suppl. p. 642655: 4 maps, 10 tabl.; pers. ind. p. 656-692; geogr. ind. p. 693-711; bibl. incl.). (Mediævalia: Medieval literary sources). [Transl. from Latin]. 2556. SCHEGLOV (Andrej Dzh.), SVANIDZE (Adelaida A.). Olaus Petri. Shvedskaja khronika. (Olaus Petri. The Swedish chronicle). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Nauka, 2012, 421 p. (8 f. ill.; 3 maps; bibl. p. 415-419). (Literary monuments of historical thought). [Transl. from Latin]. Cf. nos 1-17 § 2. General works. ______________________

2557. ABERTH (John). An environmental history of the Middle Ages. The crucible of nature. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XVI-326 p. 2558. ALLEN (Pauline), NEIL (Bronwen). Crisis management in late antiquity (410–590 CE): a survey of the evidence from episcopal letters. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 284 p. (bibl.). (Supplements to Viginiae Christianae, 121). 2559. ARIMITSU (Hideyuki). Chūsei Buriten shotō-shi kenkyū: Neishon ishiki no shosō. (A study on the history of the medieval British Isles: Aspects of national consciousness). Tokyo, Tosui Shobo, 2013, 250 p. 2560. BELL (Adrian R.), CURRY (Anne), KING (Andy), SIMPKIN (David). The soldier in later Medieval England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-318 p. 2561. BEREND (Nora), URBAŃCZYK (Przemysław), WISZEWSKI (Przemysław). Central Europe in the high Middle Ages: Bohemia, Hungary and Poland, c. 900–c. 1300. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX-536 p. (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks).

§ 2. General works 2562. BILLING (Jan). Det medeltida Gotlands historia: en översikt över Gotlands historia 1000-1500. (Histoire de l'île de Gotland au Moyen Age: aperçu de l'histoire de Gotland de l'an mil à 1500). Klintehamn, Gotlandica, 2013, 208 p. (ill.). 2563. BRAUER (Michael). Quellen des Mittelalters. Historische Quellen interpretieren. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 153 p. 2564. CAZACU (Matei), MUREŞAN (Dan Ioan). Ioan Basarab, un domn român la începuturile Ţării Româneşti. (Basarab I, a Romanian prince of the beginning of Wallachia). Chişinău, Editura Cartier, 2013, 244 p. 2565. Center and periphery. Studies on power in the Medieval world in honor of William Chester Jordan. Ed. by, Katherine LUDWIG JANSEN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXVI-304 p. (ill., bibl.). 2566. CHARLES-EDWARDS (T. M.). Wales and the Britons, 350–1064. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX795 p. (History of Wales). 2567. East Anglia and its North Sea World in the Middle Ages. Ed. by David BATES and Robert LIDDIARD. Woodbridge, Boydell P., 2013, XIV-349 p. 2568. English Isles (The). Cultural transmission and political conflict in Britain and Ireland, 1100–1500. Ed. by Seán DUFFY and Susan FORAN. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2013, 184 p. 2569. Europas Aufstieg: eine Spurensuche im späten Mittelalter. Beiträge zweier Kongresse in der Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, vom 2. bis 5. März 2009 und vom 8. bis 11. März 2010. Wien, Mandelbaum-Verlag, 2013, 250 p. (ill., bibl.). (Expansion – Interaktion – Akkulturation). 2570. Fall (Der) Roms und seine Wiederauferstehungen in Antike und Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Henriette HARICH-SCHWARZBAUER und Karla POLLMANN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VI-323 p. (bibl.). (Millennium-Studien, 40). [Cf. no 2156.] 2571. Gründungsmythen Europas im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Michael BERNSEN, Matthias BECHER und Elke BRÜGGEN. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 225 p. 2572. HYUN (Jin Kim). The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe. Cambrudge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 338 p. 2573. INOUE (Masao). Kanossa eno michi: Rekishi to roman. (The road to Canossa: History and dream). Nishinomiya, Kwansei Gakuin U. P., 2013, 352 p. 2574. Itinerari mediterranei fra IV e IX secolo: cittàcapitale e deserto-monastico. Atti del convegno. A cura di Beatrice ASTRUA. Torino, Accademia Univ. Press, 2013, XXVII-273 p. (ill., bibl.). (Università degli Studi di Torino. Collana di studi del Centro interdipartimentale di Scienze Religiose, 5). 2575. JOHNS (Susan M.). Gender, nation and conquest in the high Middle Ages. Nest of Deheubarth. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII276 p. (Gender in history).


2576. KANGAS (Sini). Authorities in the Middle Ages. Influence, legitimacy and power in medieval society. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIII-312 p. (bibl.). (Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture, 12). 2577. Latin expansion in the medieval western Mediterranean. Ed. by Eleanor A. CONGDON. Franham, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, XXVII-389 p. (ill.). 2578. Medieval Christianity in the North: new studies. Ed. by Kirsi SALONEN, Kurt Villads JENSEN, and Torstein JØRGENSEN. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2013, XII-276 p. (Acta Scandinavica, 1). 2579. MILLIMAN (Paul). "The slippery memory of men": the place of Pomerania in the Medieval Kingdom of Poland. Boston, Brill, 2013, XV-319 p. (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450– 1450, 21). 2580. MISAGAWA (Akihiro). Doitsu-shi no hajimari: Chūsei rōma teikoku to doitsu-jin no etonosu seisei. (The beginning of German history: The medieval Roman Empire and the creation of German ethnos). Tokyo, Sobunsha, 2013, 754 p. 2581. Norman expansion. Connections, continuities and contrasts. Ed. by Keith J. STRINGER and Andrew JOTISCHKY. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 276 p. 2582. OEXLE (Otto Gerhard). Die Gegenwart des Mittelalters. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, V-45 p. (ill.). 2583. PELTZER (Jörg). Der Rang der Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein. Die Gestaltung der politisch-sozialen Ordnung des Reichs im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 504 p. (RANK. Politisch-soziale Ordnungen im mittelalterlichen Europa, 2). 2584. PLETERSKI (Andrej). The Invisible Slavs: Župa Bled in the "Prehistoric" Early Middle Ages. Založba. ZRC, 2013, 200 p. 2585. Religion und Politik im Mittelalter Deutschland und England im Vergleich. Beiträge einer Konferenz der Prinz-Albert-Gesellschaft in Coburg 2010. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 234 p. (ill.). (Prinz-Albert-Studien). 2586. Ricerca come incontro. Archeologi, paleografi e storici per Paolo Delogu. A cura di Carla FROVA, Anna ESPOSITO e Giulia BARONE. Roma, Viella, 2013, XI-498 p. (ill., bibl.). (Università di Roma. Dipartimento di storia, culture, religioni. Studi di storia moderna e contemporanea, 10). 2587. RUDDICK (Andrea). English identity and political culture in the fourteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2013, XIV-356 p. 2588. Sardegna (La) nel mediterraneo tardomedievale. Convegno di studio, Sassari, 13–14 dicembre 2012. A cura di Pinuccia F. SIMBULA e ALESSANDRO Soddu. Trieste, CERM, 2013, 452 p. (Atti, 7). 2589. SCHIEFFER (Rudolf). Christianisierung und Reichsbildungen: Europa 700 – 1200. München, Beck, 2013, 367 p. (Geschichte Europas).



2590. Studi in onore di Sergio Gensini. A cura di Franco CIAPPI e Orietta MUZZI. Firenze, Ed. Polistampa, 2013, 540 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca della Miscellanea storica della Valdelsa, 25).

2602. LECUPPRE-DESJARDIN (Élodie). Par-delà la muraille. La conscience politique urbaine dans les anciens Pays-Bas bourguignons à l'épreuve de la politique extérieure. Revue historique, 2013, 666, p. 259-288.

2591. Studi per Ovidio Capitani. Annali dell'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, 2012-13, 27, 1076 p.

2603. MADGEARU (Alexandru). Confrontations between Hungary, the Byzantine Empire and Bulgaria for the Belgrade-Vidin border region in the 9th–14th centuries. Transylvanian review, 2013, 22, Supliment 4, p. 125133.

2592. WOOD (Ian N.). The modern origins of the early Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, XII-374 p. (bibl.). 2593. TURILOV (Anatolij A.). Mezhslavjanskie kul'turnye svjazi epokhi Srednevekov'ja i istochnikovedenie istorii i kul'tury slavjan: etjudy i kharakteristiki. (Cultural relations between the Slavs in the Middle Ages and studies of Slavic sources, history and culture: sketches and features). Moskva, Znak, 2012, 808 p. § 2. Addendum 2012. 2594. VILKUL (Tat'jana L.). Kniga Ishod v "Rechi Filosofa". (The Exodus in the "Oration of Philosopher"). In: Srednevekovaja Rus'. K 1150-letiju zarozhdenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti. (Medieval Rus'. To the 1150th anniversary of Russian state). Ed. Anatolij A. GORSKIJ. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, 2012, 10, p. 113-134. § 3. Political history. _______________________

a. General 2595. BALZARETTI (Ross). Dark Age Liguria: regional identity and local power, c. 400–1020. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 184 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Studies in early medieval history).

2604. MUSTO (Ronald G.). Medieval Naples, a documentary history, 400–1400. New York, Italica Press, 2013, LXXVI-383 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Documentary history of Naples, 2). 2605. SERGI (Giuseppe). Gerarchie in movimento: spazi e progetti medievali fra Italia ed Europa. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-440 p. (bibl.). (Collectanea, 30). 2606. ŠTIH (Peter). I conti di Gorizia e l'Istria nel Medioevo. Rovigno, Centro di Ricerche Storiche, 2013, 285 p. (ill.). (Collana degli atti,. 36). 2607. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich). Die Goten in Italien. Wandlungen und Zerfall einer Gewaltgemeinschaft. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 3, p. 593-628. b. 476–900 2608. AZZARA (Claudio). Teoderico. Storia e mito di un re barbaro. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 166 p. (bibl.). 2609. BACHRACH (Bernard S.). Charlemagne's Early Campaigns (768–777): a diplomatic and military analysis. Boston, Brill, 2013, XV-723 p. (History of Warfare, 82).

2596. Circulation des idées et des pratiques politiques France et Italie (XIIIe–XVIe siècle). Éd. par Anne LEMONDE et Ilaria TADDEI. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 406 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 478).

2610. CARNEVALE (Giovanni), MORRESI CORRIDO(Alberto). The Discovery of the tomb and the body of Charlemagne at San Claudio / Il ritrovamento della tomba e del corpo di Carlo Magno a San Claudio. Corridonia, Centro Studi San Claudio al Chienti, 2013, 126 p. (ill.).

2597. DI PERNA (Giuseppe). I conti normanni di Lesina e Civitate: origini, famiglie, testimonianze. Apricena, Malatesta, 2013, 433 p. (ill.). (Centro Studi per il Medioevo di Capitanata e Mezzogiorno d'Italia, 5).

2611. DUMÉZIL (Bruno). Des Gaulois aux Carolingiens (du Ier au IXe siècle).Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013, 22p p. (maps). (Histoire personelle de la France).

2598. EARENFIGHT (Theresa). Queenship in Medieval Europe, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI356 p.

2612. FRIED (Johannes). Karl der Große. Gewalt und Glaube. Eine Biographie. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 735 p.

2599. Every inch a king: comparative studies on kings and kingship in the ancient and medieval worlds. Ed. by Lynette G. MITCHELL and Clarles MELVILLE. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVI-412 p. (ill.). (Rulers and Elites, 2).

2613. Gregorio Magno: un letterato al governo. Convegno di studi dedicato a don Vincenzo Recchia (Catania, 1–2 dicembre 2011). A cura di Giordano LISANIA e Marcello MARIN. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 306 p. (ill.). (Auctores nostri, 11).

2600. Heinrich V. in seiner Zeit. Herrschen in einem europäischen Reich des Hochmittelalters. Hrsg. v. Gerhard LUBICH. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 352 p.

2614. HEATHER (Peter J.). The restoration of Rome: barbarian popes and imperial pretenders. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-470 p.

2601. LATOWSKY (Anne A.). Emperor of the world: Charlemagne and the construction of imperial authority, 800–1229. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-290 p.

2615. INDELLI (Tommaso). Langobardìa: i Longobardi in Italia (VI–XI sec.). Padova, Edizioni di Ar, 2013, 401 p. (ill., bibl.). (La genealogia, 2).


§ 3. Political history


2616. Landscapes of defence in early medieval Europe. Ed. by John T. BAKER, Stuart BROOKES and Andrew J. REYNOLDS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XVIII383 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 28).

2628. GRAMSCH (Robert). Das Reich als Netzwerk der Fürsten. Politische Strukturen unter dem Doppelkönigtum Friedrichs II. und Heinrichs (VII.) 1225–1235. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 456 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 40).

2617. ROACH (Levi). Kingship and consent in AngloSaxon England, 871–978. Assemblies and the state in the early Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-301 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, fourth series).

2629. HLAWITSCHKA (Eduard). Die Ahnen der hochmittelalterlichen deutschen: Könige, Kaiser und ihrer Gemahlinnen: ein kommentiertes Tafelwerk. Bd. 3. 1198–1250. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, XLVIII11-482 p. (tab., bibl.).

2618. Salerno: una sede ducale della Langobardia meridionale. A cura di Paolo PEDUTO, Rosa FIORILLO e Angela COROLLA. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, VI-257 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studi e ricerche di archeologia e storia dell'arte, 16).

2630. Italy, 888–962: a turning point / Italia, 888– 962: una svolta. Proceedings of a conference held at Cassero di Poggio imperiale, Poggibonsi, December 4–6, 2009. Ed. by Chris WICKHAM and Marco VALENTI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 488 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Seminari internazionali del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l'archeologia dell'alto medioevo, 4).

2619. Zeit (Die) Karls des Großen in der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. Markus RIEK, Georges DESCOEUDRES und Jürg GOLL. Sulgen, Benteli, 2013, 327 p. (ill.). b. Addenda 2012 2620. GORSKIJ (Anatolij A.). Pervoe stoletie Rusi. (The first century of Rus'). In: Srednevekovaja Rus'. K 1150-letiju zarozhdenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti. (Medieval Rus'. To the 1150th anniversary of Russian state). Ed. Anatolij A. GORSKIJ. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, 2012, 10, p. 7-112. 2621. MIKHAJLOVA (Tat'jana A.). Irlandija ot vikingov do normannov: jazyk, kul'tura, istorija. (Ireland from the Vikings to Norsemen: language, culture, history). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of linguistics. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 400 p. Cf. no 1975 c. 900–1300 2622. AURELL (Martin). Des chrétiens contre les croisades, XIIe–XIIIe siècle Paris, Fayard, 2013, 407 p. 2623. Autorität und Akzeptanz das Reich im Europa des 13. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg v. Hubertus SEIBERT, Werner BOMM und Verena TÜRCK. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 368 p. (ill.). 2624. BATES (David). The Normans and empire: The Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford during Hilary Term 2010. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-237 p. 2625. BERARDOZZI (Antonio). I Prefetti: una dinastia signorile tra impero e papato (secoli XII–XV). Roma, Società romana di storia patria, 2013, XIII-250 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 58). 2626. BURT (Caroline). Edward I and the governance of England, 1272–1307. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XIII-300 p. 2627. CROUZET-PAVAN (Élisabeth). Le mystère des rois de Jérusalem, 1099–1187. Paris, Michel, 2013, 376 p. (bibl.). (Bibliothèque Albin Michel. Histoire).

2631. LUBICH (Gerhard). Heinrich V. in seiner Zeit. Herrschen in einem europäischen Reich des Hochmittelalters. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 352 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters. Beihefte zu J.F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii, 34). 2632. LYON (Jonathan R.). Princely brothers and sisters. The sibling bond in German politics, 1100–1250. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVII-294 p. 2633. Macht und Spiegel der Macht: Herrschaft in Europa im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert vor dem Hintergrund der Chronistik. Hrsg. v. Norbert KERSKEN und Grischa VERCAMER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 492 p. 2634. MILANESI (Giorgio). Bonifica delle immagini e propaganda in Aquitania durante lo scisma del 1130– 1138. Verona, Scripta Edizioni, 2013, 486 p. (ill., bibl.). (Ricerche di S/Confine, 7). 2635. MOSTI (Renzo), RASPA (Giampiero). Tivoli nel '200. Un secolo inesplorato di storia patria. Anagni, Achille, 2013, 227 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). 2636. PAC (Grzegorz). Kobiety w dynastii Piastów: rola społeczna piastowskich żon i córek do połowy XII wieku. Studium porównawcze [= Women in the Piast dynasty: the social role of the Piast wives and daughters until the mid-twelfth century. Comparative study]. Toruń, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2013, 696 p. (bibl.). (Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej). 2637. PAPA (Vito). I Maramonte di Terra d'Otranto: cavalieri, baroni, conti. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 136 p. (ill.). 2638. PERRY (Guy). John of Brienne: king of Jerusalem, emperor of Constantinople, c.1175–1237. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 221 p. 2639. POWER (Daniel). Who went on the Albigensian crusade? English historical review, 2013, 128, 534, p. 1047-1085. 2640. Signori da Passano (I): identità territoriale, grande politica e cultura europea nella storia di un'antica



stirpe del Levante Ligura. Giornale storico della Lunigiana e del territorio lucense, 2009-2011 (2013), 6062, 246 p. (ill.). 2641. TÜRCK (Verena). Beherrschter Raum und anerkannte Herrschaft Friedrich I. Barbarossa und das Königreich Burgund. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 362 p. (ill.). 2642. ZANINETTA (Paolo). Il potere raffigurato: simbolo, mito e propaganda nell'ascesa della signoria viscontea. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013, 258 p. (Studi di scienze della storia e della società, 11). 2643. ZOPPI (Alessio). Signorie e comunità nella Lunigiana medievale tra XII e XV secolo: la trasformazione dei rapporti socio-istituzionali conseguente all'affermazione dei Malaspina di Fosdinovo. Modena, Aedes Muratoriana, 2013, XVII-130 p. (ill.). (Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi. Biblioteca, 193). c. Addenda 2012 2644. AUROV (Oleg V.). Gorod i rytsarstvo feodal'noj Kastilii: Sepul'veda i Kuel'jar v XIII – seredine XIV veka. (City and knighthood in feudal Castile: Sepúlveda and Cuéllar from the 13th to the middle of 14th centuries = La ciudad y la caballería en la Castilla feudal: Sepúlveda y Cuéllar en los siglos XIII–XIV). Moskva, Izd-vo Ros. gos. gumanit. un-ta, 2012, 584 p. (2 f. color. ill.; bibl. p. 527-564). [Spanish and English resumes p. 576, 582].

d. 1300–1500 2649. AMBÜHL (Rémy). Prisoners of war in the Hundred Years War: Ransom culture in the late Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XIV-301 p. 2650. Anno 1363: la cessione coatta. Accadde a Bolzano. Bolzano, Athesia, 2013, 291 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Studi storico-culturali di Castel Roncolo, 5). 2651. BARBER (Richard). Edward III and the triumph of England: the battle of Crécy and the Company of the Garter. London, Allen Lane, 2013, XXI-649 p. 2652. BÖCK (Matthias). Herzöge und Konflikt. Das spätmittelalterliche Herzogtum Geldern im Spannungsfeld von Dynastie, ständischen Kräften und territorialer Konkurrenz (1339–1543). Geldern, Verlag des Historischen Vereins für Geldern und Umgegend, 2013, XIII824 p. 2653. BOYKOV (Grigor). Anatolian Emir in Rumelia: Isfendiyaroglu Ismail Bey's architectural patronage and governorship of Filibe (1460s–1470s). Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 1-2, p. 137-147. 2654. Caterina Cornaro last queen of Cyprus and daughter of Venice / = Caterina Cornaro, ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia. International conference, Venice, 16–18 September 2010. Ed. by Candida SYNDIKUS and Sabine ROGGE. Münster u. München, Waxmann, 2013, 447 p. (ill., bibl., tab.). (Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien / hrsg. vom Institut für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 9).

2645. Drevnerusskij nekropol' Pskova. X – nachalo XI veka: v 2-kh tt. (Old Russian necropolis of Pskov, 10th – early 11th centuries. 2 vols.). Vol. 1. Rannegorodskoj nekropol' drevnego Pskova (po materialam raskopov na territorii Srednego goroda). (Necropolis of Old Pskov according to the archaelogical sources of the "Middle town"). Ed. Inga K. LABUTINA. Archaeological Centre of Pskov oblast. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istorija, 2012, 300 p. (maps; plans; tabl.; bibl. p. 197-206; suppl.: col. ill. p. 215-277; b/w ill. 278-298). [English summary p. 208-212].

2655. Cuneo, 1259–1347: Fra monarchi e signori. In ricordo di Piero Camilla. Atti del convegno, Cuneo 7–8 dicembre 2012. A cura di Rinaldo COMBA, Paolo GRILLO e Riccardo RAO. Cuneo, Società per gli studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo, 2013, 224 p. (tab., ill., bibl.). (Storia di Cuneo e delle sue valli, 3. Bollettino della Società per gli studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo, 148).

2646. Rus' v IX–X vv.: arkheologicheskaja panorama. (Rus' in the 9th–10th centuries: archaeological panorama). Ed. Nikolaj A. MAKAROV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. Moskva, Vologda, Drevnosti Severa, 2012, 496 p. (b/w and col. ill.; bibl. p. 460-493). (The 1150th anniversary of Russian state).

2656. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Daniela). Čierna kráľovná. Barbora Celjská: (1392–1451) životný príbeh uhorskej, rímsko-nemeckej a českej kráľovnej. (The Black Queen. Barbara of Cilli: (1392–1451) the life story of Hungarian, Roman-German and Bohemian Queen). Budmerice, Vydavateľstvo RAK, 2013, 303 p.

2647. STEFANOVICH (Petr S.). Bojare, otroki, druzhiny: voenno-politicheskaja elita Rusi v X–XI vekakh. (Boyare, otroki, družiny: The military and political elite in the 10th and 11th century Rus'). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 656 p.

2657. FANTYSOVÁ-MATĔJKOVÁ (Jana). Wenceslas de Bohême, un prince au carrefour de l'Europe. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 658 p. (ill., bibl.). (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 56).

2648. Vlast' i obschestvo v literaturnykh tekstakh Drevnej Rusi i drugikh slavjanskikh stran (XII–XIII veka). Ed. Boris N. FLORJA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies. Moskva, Znak, 2012, 328 p. (15 f. ill.; bibl. incl.). Cf. no 2675

2658. FERENTE (Serena). Gli ultimi guelfi: linguaggi e identità politiche in Italia nella seconda metà del Quattrocento. Roma, Viella, 2013, 282 p. (La storia. Temi, 33). 2659. FUCHS (Franz). König und Kanzlist, Kaiser und Papst. Friedrich III. und Enea Silvio Piccolomini in Wiener Neustadt. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, VIII-338 p. (pl., ill., bibl.). (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte

§ 3. Political history


des Mittelalters. Beihefte zu J.F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii, 32).

Philippe GENET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne et Roma, École française de Rome, 2013, 527 p.

2660. Georges Ier d'Amboise, 1460–1510: une figure plurielle de la Renaissance. Sous la dir. Jonathan DUMONT et Laure FAGNART. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 272 p.

2673. Signorie cittadine in Toscana. Esperienze di potere e forme di governo personale (secoli XIII–XV). A cura di Anrea ZORZI. Roma, Viella, 2013, 395 p. (bibl.). (Italia comunale e signorile, 3).

2661. GIULIANI (Achille). L'Aquila pontificia e l'utopia della libertas_ zecca e monete nella dedizione a Innocenzo VIII, 1485–1486. Roseto degli Abruzzi, D'Andrea, 2013, 115 p. (ill., bibl.).

2674. Signorie cittadine nell'Italia comunale. A cura di Jean-Claude MAIRE VIGUEUR. Roma, Viella, 2013, 651 p. (Italia comunale e signorile, 1).

2662. GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Santiago). Las relaciones exteriores de Castilla a comienzos del siglo XV. La minoría de Juan II (1407–1420). Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, 2013, 371 p. 2663. GRILLO (Paolo). Milano guelfa (1302–1310). Roma, Viella, 2013, 265 p. (bibl.). (Italia comunale e signorile, 2). 2664. GUARD (Timothy). Chivalry, kingship and crusade: the English experience in the fourteenth century. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XIV-280 p. (Warfare in History). 2665. HEEBØLL-HOLM (Thomas K.). Ports, piracy and maritime war. Piracy in the English channel and the Atlantic, c. 1280-c. 1330, Leyde, Brill, 2013, 295 p. (Medieval law and its practice). 2666. LEONHARD (Julius). Genua und die päpstliche Kurie in Avignon (1305 – 1378): politische und diplomatische Beziehungen im 14. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, 375 p. 2667. Materielle Grundlagen der Diplomatie: Schenken, Sammeln und Verhandeln in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Hrsg. v. Mark HÄBERLEIN und Christof JEGGLE. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013, 292 p. (ill.). (Irseer Schriften, 9). 2668. Medici (Die) Menschen, Macht und Leidenschaft. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung "Die Medici – Menschen, Macht und Leidenschaft". Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 414 p. (ill.). (Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, 54). 2669. MODIGLIANI (Anna). Congiurare all'antica: Stefano Porcari, Niccolò V, Roma 1453. Con l'edizione delle fonti. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2013, 242 p. (bibl.). (RR inedita. Saggi, 57). 2670. PELLEGRINI (Marco). Le crociate dopo le crociate: da Nicopoli a Belgrado (1396–1456). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 384 p. (pl., bibl.). (Biblioteca storica). 2671. Principato (Un) territoriale nel Regno di Napoli? Gli Orsini del Balzo principi di Taranto (1399– 1463). Atti del convegno di studi (Lecce 20–22 ottobre 2009). A cura di Luciana PETRACCA e Benedetto VETERE. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013, 711 p. (ill., bibl.). (Fonti e studi per gli Orsini di Taranto. Studi, 1). 2672. Signes, traces, empreintes du pouvoir (XIIIe– XVIe siècle). Sous la dir. de Patrick BOUCHERON et Jean-

2675. Signorie italiane e modelli monarchici (secoli XIII–XIV). A cura di Paolo GRILLO. Roma, Viella, 2013, 358 p. 2676. Tiranni e tirannide nel Trecento italiano. A cura di Andrea ZORZI. Roma, Viella, 2013, 263 p. (Italia comunale e signorile, 5). 2677. Ungheria (L') angioina. A cura di Enikő CSURoma, Viella, 2013, 342 p. (map, ill., bibl.). (Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae, Roma. Studia, 3). KOVITS.

2678. VACCARO (Attilio). La platea di Cassano: storia dei poteri signorili ecclesiastici e laici nella diocesi di Cassano (secc. XV – XVI). Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 2013, 271 p. (ill., bibl.). 2679. WEBER (Benjamin). Lutter contre les turcs: les formes nouvelles de la croisade pontificale au XVe siècle. Roma, École française de Rome, 2013, VIII-594 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 472). 2680. WEFERS (Sabine). Das Primat der Außenpolitik. Das politische System des Reichs im 15. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 243 p. (Historische Forschungen, 99). 2681. WOODACRE (Elena). The queens regnant of Navarre. Succession, politics, and partnership, 1274–1512. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVI-267 p. d. Addenda 2012 2682. ASEJNOV (Renat M.). "Milost'ju bozh'ej gertsog Burgundii...": predstavlenija o vlasti gertsoga v burgundskoj politicheskoj mysli. (By the grace of God Duke of Burgundy: concepts of ducal power in Burgundian political thought). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 17-41. 2683. Chūsei Eifutsu kankeishi 1066-1500: Noruman seifuku kara Hyakunen-sensō syūketsu made. (The Anglo-Franco relationships in the middle ages 1066– 1500: From the Norman Conquest to the Hundred Years' War). Eds. Keizo ASAJI, Setsuo WATANABE and Makoto KATO. Osaka, Sogensha, 2012, 341 p. 2684. MATASOVA (Tat'jana A.). Evropejskij Sever i Severo-Vostok v predstavlenijakh russkikh i ital'jantsev v XIV – nachale XVI v. (European North and NorthEast in imagination of the Russians and Italians in the 14th–early 16th centuries). In: Srednevekovaja Rus'. K 1150-letiju zarozhdenija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti. (Medieval Rus'. To the 1150th anniversary of Russian state). Ed. Anatolij A. GORSKIJ. Russian Academy of



Sciences, Institute of General History, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, 2012, 10, p. 332-367. 2685. TSATUROVA (Susanna K.). Formirovanie instituta gosudarstvennoj sluzhby vo Frantsii XIII–XV vekov. (The formation of the institutes of state service in France, 13th–15th centuries = La formation de l'institution de la fonction publique en France aux XIIIe–XVe siècles). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Nauka, 2012, 622 p. Cf. nos 3570, 3782, 4159, 4546, 7066, 7270, 7282, 7285 § 4. Jews. _______________________

2686. CALIMANI (Riccardo). Storia degli ebrei italiani. Vol. 1 Dalle origini al XV secolo. Milano, Mondadori, 2013, 631 p. (Le scie). 2687. Christians and Jews in Angevin England: the York Massacre of 1190, narratives and contexts. Ed. by Sarah Rees JONES and Sethina WATSON. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2013, XX-355 p. 2688. Ebrei (Gli) a Fondi e nel suo territorio. Atti del convegno, Fondi, 10 maggio 2012. A cura di Giancarlo LACERENZA. Napoli, Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, 2013, 224 p. (Archivio di studi ebraici, 5). 2689. Ebrei (Gli) nel Salento (secoli IX–XVI). A cura di Fabrizio LELLI. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 453 p. (ill., bibl.). (Università del Salento, Dipartimento di studi storici dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea, 106). 2690. Ebrei (Gli) nella Calabria medievale. Atti della Giornata di Studio in memoria di Cesare Colafemmina (Rende, 21 maggio 2013). A cura di Giovanna DE SENSI SESTITO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 118 p. (ill., bibl.). 2691. Economic history (The) of European Jews: Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages. Ed. by Michael TOCH. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 373 p. (bibl.). 2692. FERREIRA (F. E. Rodrigues). Arqueologia altomedieval no regolfo do Alqueva: vestígios de uma ocupação judaica nas margens do Guadiana no século VII. Évora, EDIA – Empresa de desenvolvimento e infraestruturas do Alqueva e DRCALEN – Direcção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo, 2013, 183 p. (ill., pl.). (Memórias d'Odiana. Estudos arqueológicos do Alqueva, 11). 2693. Histoire des relations entre juifs et musulmans des origines à nos jours. Éd. par Abdelwahab MEDDEB et Benjamin STORA. Paris, A. Michel, 2013, 1145 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). 2694. LADERMAN (Shulamit). Images of cosmology in Jewish and Byzantine art: God's blueprint of creation. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIX-318 p. (ill.). (Jewish and Christian perspectives series, 25). 2695. MULÉ (Viviana). Judaica civitatis Siracusarum: vita, economia e cultura ebraica nella Siracusa medievale. Palermo, Officina studi medievali, 2013, X-241 p. (ill.). (Catasto intellettuale mediterraneo: inventario dei saperi mediterranei, 9. Machina philosophorum, 31).

2696. Mystiques (Les) juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes dans l'Egypte médiévale, VIIe–XVIe siècles: interculturalités et contextes historiques. Actes du colloque organisé à l'Ifao, 22–24 novembre 2010. Éd. par Giuseppe CECERE, Mireille LOUBET et Samuela PAGANI. Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2013, VII-474 p. (ill., bibl.). (RAPH. Religions, 35. IF, 1076). 2697. RAY (Jonathan). After expulsion: 1492 and the making of Sephardic Jewry. New York, New York U. P., 2013, X-214 p. 2698. SCHELLER (Benjamin). Die Stadt der Neuchristen: konvertierte Juden und ihre Nachkommen im Trani des Spätmittelalters zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 509 p. (ill.). (Europa im Mittelalter, 22). 2699. SHATZMILLER (Joseph). Cultural Exchange: Jews, Christians, and art in the Medieval marketplace. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XII-185 p. (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World). 2700. Synagogengarten Worms: mittelalterliches jüdisches Zentrum. Dokumentation des 5. Studentenworkshops des Deutschen Nationalkomiteees für Denkmalpflege vom 12. bis zum 18. September 2010 in Worms. Hrsg. v. Andrea PUFKE und Raphael THÖRMER. Bonn, Deutsches Nationalkomitees für Denkmalpflege, 2013, 68 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Nationalkomitees für Denkmalpflege, 79). Cf. no 2710 § 5. Islam. * 2701. Christian-Muslim relations: a bibliographical history. Vol. 5. 1350–1500. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIII-777 p. (History of Christian-Muslim relations, 20). ** 2702. AMRI (Nelly). Un "manuel" ifrîqiyen d'adab soufi: paroles de sagesse de 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Mzughî (m. 675–1276), compagnon de Shâdhilî. Sousse, Contraste édition, 2013, 243-28 p. (ill., bibl.). ______________________

2703. BURESI (Pascal). Gouverner l'empire: la nomination des fonctionnaires provinciaux dans l'Empire Almohade, Maghreb, 1224–1269. Manuscrit 4752 de la Ḥasaniyya de Rabat contenant 77 taqdīm-s. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2013, XIV-549 p. (ill., facs., bibl.). 2704. Constructing the image of Muhammad in Europe. Ed. by Avinoam SHALEM. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VI-160 (ill., bibl.). 2705. Corona (La) catalanoaragonesa, l'Islam i el món mediterrani: estudis d'història medieval en homenatge a la doctora Maria Teresa Ferrer i Mallol. Ed. por Josefina MUTGÉ I VIVES, Roser SALICRÚ I LLUCH i Carles VELA AULESA. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Institución Milá y Fontanals, Departamento de Estudios Medievales, 2013, 746 p. (ill., bibl.). (Anuario de estudios medievales. Anejos). 2706. Correspondance (La) entre souverains, princes et cités-états approches croisées entre l'Orient musul-

§ 7. History of law and institutions


man, l'Occident latin et Byzance (XIIIe–début XVIe siècle). Éd. par Denise AIGLE et Stéphane PÉQUIGNOT. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 238 p. (Miroir de l'Orient musulman, 2).

2718. Everyday life in Viking-age towns: social approaches to towns in England and Ireland, c. 800–1100. Ed. by Dawn M. HADLEY and Letty TEN HARKEL. Oxford, Oxbow Books. 2013, XII-227 p. (ill., bibl.).

2707. FANCY (Hussein). Theologies of violence: the recruitment of Muslim soldiers by the Crown of Aragon. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 39-73.

2719. GRAHAM-CAMPBELL (James). Viking art. London, Thames & Hudson, 2013, 208 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Thames & Hudson world of art).

2708. NOCILLA (Mara). Testimonianze islamiche a Roma: i "bacini" del campanile dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo (XII secolo). Roma, Quasar, 2013, 270 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. Memorie in 8°, 9).

2720. MAHER (Ruth Ann) . Landscapes of gender, age and cosmology: burial perceptions in Viking Age Iceland. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, IV-150 p. (ill., maps). (BAR international series, 2529).

2709. REID (Megan H.). Law and piety in Medieval Islam. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-249 p. (Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization). 2710. SAFRAN (Janina M.). Defining boundaries in Al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, IX-247 p. 2711. Sicilia (la) del IX secolo tra bizantini e musulmani. Atti del IX Convegno di studi. A cura di Marina CONGIU, Simona MODEO e Luigi SANTAGATI. Caltanissetta, S. Sciascia, 2013, 231 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Triskeles). 2712. Storia (La) di Bayād e Riyād (Vat. ar. 368): una nuova edizione e traduzione. A cura di Arianna D'OTTONE. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2013, 130-56 p. (ill., unif.). 2713. TOLAN (John Victor), VEINSTEIN (Gilles), LAURENS (Henry). Europe and the Islamic world: a history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XI-478 p. (ill.). 2714. VILLADS JENSEN (Kurt). For de tørster nemlig uophørligt efter de kristnes blod. Kristne middelalderlige skrifter om islam. (Car ils sont perpétuellement assoiffés de sang chrétien. Ecrits médiévaux chrétiens sur l'Islam). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 292 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 456). § 6. Vikings. ______________________

2715. ANDROSHCHUK (F. O.). Vikings in the East. Essays on contacts along the road to Byzantium (800– 1100). Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2013, VIII-272 p. (ill., tab, bibl.). (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia, 14). 2716. BRAUNMÜLLER (Bettina). Ritual, Tradition und Konvention: wikingerzeitliche Opferfunde in Altdänemark. Bonn, Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2013, 2 vol., 980 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 241). 2717. DOWNHAM (Clare). No horns on their helmets? Essays on the insular Viking-age. Aberdeen, The Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies and the Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2013, VIII-212 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian studies).

2721. Norman tradition and transcultural heritage exchange of cultures in the 'Norman' peripheries of medieval Europe. Brsg. v. Stefan BURKHARDT und Thomas FOERSTER. Farnham and Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, VI305. 2722. RAFFIELD (Ben). Landscapes of conflict and control: creating an archaeological atlas of Scandinavian occupied England, AD 878–954. Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen, Dept. of Archaeology, 2013, 2 vol., 387 leaves, 308 leaves (ill., maps). 2723. Scandinavian culture in medieval Poland. Ed. by Sławomir MOŹIOCH, Błażej STANISŁAWSKI and Przemysław WISZEWSKI. Wrocław, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013, 478 p. (ill,, maps). (Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies, 2). 2724. SOMERVILLE (Angus A.), MAC DONALD (Russell Andrew). The Vikings and their age. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XV-160 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Companions to medieval studies, 1). 2725. SONNE (Lasse Christian Arboe).Thor-kult i vikingetiden: historiske studier i vikingetidens religion [ = The cult of Thor in the Viking Age: historical studies in the Viking Age religion]. København, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Københavns Universitet, 2013, 236 p. (ill.). (Studier fra sprog- og oldtidsforskning). 2726. STAVNEM (Rolf). Krønike og kunst. Om den norrøne skjaldedigtning som kilde til vikingetiden. (Chronicle and art old Norse Skaldic poetry as a source for Viking Age history). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 321-340. 2727. STUMMANN HANSEN (Steffen). Toftanes: a Viking Age farmstead in the Faroe Islands. Archaeology, environment & economy. Acta Archaeologica, 2013, 84, 239 p. (ill., plans, bibl.). (Acta archaeologica. Supplementa, 13). 2728. WHITTOCK (Martyn J.), WHITTOCK (Hannah). The Viking Blitzkrieg: AD 789–1098. Stroud, The History Press, 2013, 287 p. (pl., ill., bibl.). Cf. no 2621 § 7. History of law and institutions. ** 2729. Glossen zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht. Die längere Glosse. Hrsg. v. Frank-Michael KAUFMANN. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2013, 3 vol., CVI-



VI-VI-1266 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, 9). ** 2730. Legislazione (La) antimagnatizia a Firenze. A cura di Silvia DIACCIATI. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013, XLIII-382 p. (bibl.). (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Antiquitates, 36). ** 2731. LICANDRO (Orazio). Edictum Theoderici: un misterioso caso librario del Cinquecento. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2013, 222 p. (ill.). (Fra Oriente e Occidente, 3). ** 2732. MENDOZA (Roberto). Lo Statuto di Subiaco del 1456: il governo dello Status sublacensis, il processo civile, il processo penale. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 337 p. (ill., bib.). (Scienze giuridiche). _______________________

2733. Aides (Les) et subsides dans le Luxembourg de 1360 à 1565. Contribution à l'étude du développement de la fiscalité dans une principauté territoriale. Éd. Par Roger PETIT et Jean-Pol WEBER. Bruxelles, Koninklijke Vlaamse academie van België. Koninklijke commissie voor geschiedenis / Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire. 2013, 4 vol., 1719 p. (bibl.). 2734. Appellation und Revision im Europa des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Leopold AUER und Eva ORTLIEB unter Mitarbeit von Ellen FRANKE. Wien. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 297 p. (bibl.). (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs). 2735. ASCHERI (Mario). The laws of late medieval Italy (1000–1500): foundations for a European legal system. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVI-427 p. (ill., bibl.). 2736. Ausbildung und Verbreitung des Lehnswesens im Reich und in Italien im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Karl-Heinz SPIEß. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013. 371 p. (ill.). (Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für Mittelalterliche Geschichte. Vorträge und Forschungen, 76). 2737. BACHRACH (David). Immunities as tools of Royal Military Policy under the Carolingian and Ottonian Kings. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 1-36. 2738. BADER (Matthias). Das Lehenswesen Herzog Heinrichs XVI. des Reichen von Bayern-Landshut. Eine schriftgutkundliche Studie zur Herrschafts- und Verwaltungspraxis eines Territorialfürstentums in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts. München, Kommission für bayerische Landesgeschichte, 2013, XIII-303 p. (Studien zur bayerischen Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte, 30). 2739. BAKER (John), BROOKES (Stuart). Beyond the Burghal Hidage: Anglo-Saxon civil defence in the Viking Age. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVII-480 p. 2740. BEDNARSKI (Steven). Curia: a social history of a provençal criminal court in the fourteenth century. Montpellier, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2013, 226 p. (ill., bibl.). (Histoire et sociétés).

2741. BETRAM (Martin). Kanonisten und ihre Texte (1234 bis Mitte 14. Jh.): 18 Aufsätze und 14 Exkurse. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXIII-653 p. (ill.). (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance). 2742. DANIELS (Tobias). Diplomatie, politische Rede und juristische Praxis im 15. Jahrhundert: der gelehrte Rat Johannes Hofmann von Lieser. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 581 p. (ill.). 2743. DIESTELKAMP (Bernhard). Vom einstufigen Gericht zur obersten Rechtsmittelinstanz. Die deutsche Königsgerichtsbarkeit und die Verdichtung der Reichsverfassung im Spätmittelalter. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 159 p. 2744. DUBLER (Anne-Marie). Staatswerdung und Verwaltung nach dem Muster von Bern: wie der Staat vom Mittelalter an entstand und sein Territorium verwaltete – und wie die Bevölkerung damit lebte. Baden, Hier & Jetzt, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2013, 374 p. (ill., bibl.). (Archiv des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern). 2745. Duel (Le) entre justice des hommes et justice de Dieu: du Moyen Age au XVIIe siècle. Éd. par Denis BJAÏ et Myriam WHITE-LE GOFF. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 259 p. (ill., bibl.). 2746. DUMASY-RABINEAU (Juliette). La vue, la preuve et le droit: les vues figurées de la fin du Moyen Âge. Revue historique, 2013, 668, p. 805-831. 2747. FAINI (Enrico). Le tradizioni normative delle città toscane. Le origini (secolo XII–metà XIII). Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 637 (3), p. 419-482. 2748. FIORI (Antonia). Il giuramento di innocenza nel processo canonico medievale. Storia e disciplina della "purgatio canonica". Frankfurt, Klostermann, 2013, XX646 p. (bibl.). (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 277). 2749. FISCHER (Carsten). Schildgeld und Heersteuer. Eine vergleichende Studie zur Entwicklung lehnsrechtlicher Strukturen durch die Umwandlung vasallitischer Kriegsdienste in Geldabgaben im normannisch-frühangevinischen England und staufischen Reich. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2013, 392 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 279). 2750. FUDGE (Thomas A.). The trial of Jan Hus. Medieval heresy and criminal procedure. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXIII-391 p. 2751. Goslarer Ratskodex (Der) – Das Stadtrecht um 1350. Edition, Übersetzung und begleitende Beiträge, hrsg. v. Maik LEHMBERG. Bielefeld, Verl. für Regionalgeschichte, 2013, 669 p. 2752. HÉBERT (Michel). Parlementer: assemblées représentatives et échange politique en Europe occidentale à la fin du Moyen Age. Paris, Éd. de Boccard, 2013, 687 p. (ill., bibl.). (Romanité et modernité du droit). 2753. HUDÁČEK (Pavol). Právne postavenie vdovy v stredovekom Uhorsku do roku 1222 a otázka venného.

§ 8. Economic and social history


(The legal position of widows in medieval Hungary up to 1222 and the question of dower). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 227-262.

2767. TOUREILLE (Valérie). Crime et châtiment au Moyen Âge, Ve–XVe siècle. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 329 p.

2754. KARASAWA (Koichi). Chūsei kōki no Serubia to Bosunia ni okeru kunshu to shakai: Ōkan to seiji shūkai. (Rulers and society of Serbia and Bosnia in the late medieval period: The crown and political assemblies). Tokyo, Tosui Shobo, 2013, 333 p.

2768. TURNING (Patricia). Municipal officials, their public, and the negotiation of justice in Medieval Languedoc: fear not the madness of the raging mob. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 199 p.

2755. LANDAU (Peter). Europäische Rechtsgeschichte und kanonisches Recht im Mittelalter. Ausgewählte Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1967 bis 2006 mit Addenda des Autors und Register versehen. Badenweiler, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2013, 930 p. 2756. Law and disputing in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Ninth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2012. Ed. by Per ANDERSEN, Kirsi SALONEN, Helle Møller SIGH and Helle VOGT. København, DJØF Publisghing 2013, IV-304 p. 2757. Lehnswesen (Das) im Alpenraum. Innsbruck, Studienverlag, 2013, 107 p. (Geschichte und Region). 2758. LYSÁ (Žofia). Bratislavskí hostia v 13. storočí. Zvyky, právo a správa. (Bratislava guests in the 13th century. customs, law and administration). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 4, p. 603-625. 2759. MORDINI (Paola). Il feudo ecclesiastico nella prima età dei glossatori. Milano, Giuffrè, 2013, VIII490 p. (Quaderni di "Studi senesi", 137). 2760. PANGERL (Daniel Carlo). Die Metropolitanverfassung des karolingischen Regnum Italiae. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung, 2013, 99, p. 72-104. 2761. RADDING (Charles). Le origini della giurisprudenza medievale: una storia culturale. A cura di Antonio CIARALLI. Roma, Viella, 2013, 307 p. (La storia. Temi, 32). 2762. RENNIE (Kriston R.). The Collectio Burdegalensis: a study and register of an eleventh-century Canon Law collection. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, 247 p. 2763. SALRACH I MARÉS (Josep M.). Justícia i poder a Catalunya abans de l'ány mil. Vic, Eumo Editorial, 2013, 244 p. (Referències, 55). 2764. SARTORE (Melissa). Outlawry, governance, and law in Medieval England. New York, Peter Lang Publishing, 2013, 274 p. (American University studies, 206). 2765. TAROZZI (Simona), BASSANELLI SOMMARIVA (Gisella). Ravenna Capitale. Territorialità e personalità: compresenza di diversi piani normativi. Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli Editore, 2013, 140 p. 2766. TJARKS (Sven Ufe). Das "Venezianische" Stadtrecht Paduas von 1420 zugleich eine Untersuchung zum statuaren Zivilprozess im 15. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, XX-497 p. (Studi – Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Studienzentrums in Venedig, 7).

2769. ZECCHINO (Mario Rosario). La riforma monetaria varata da Ruggero II nell'assemblea di Ariano del 1140. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 303-324. § 7. Addenda 2012. ** 2770. SAMOKHODSKAJA (Ksenija I.). Críth Gablach: Traktat o statuse. (Críth Gablach: A lawtract on status). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (3-4), p. 365-408. ** 2771. Vestgotskaja pravda (Kniga prigovorov). Latinskij tekst. Perevod. Issledovanie. (The Visigothic Code (the Book of the Judges): Latin text, translation and studies). Ed. Oleg V. AUROV and Aleksandr V. MAREJ. Moskva, Russkij fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2012, 944 p. (Historical sources). 2772. VAR'JASH (Irina I.), RUSANOV (Aleksandr V.). Novaja nauchnaja interpretatsija gramoty 1338 goda, vydannoj Al'fonsu IV Portugal'skomu universitetu. (New interpretation of the charter of 1338 issued by Afonso IV to the Portuguese University). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (3-4), p. 326-340. Cf. nos 2152, 2685 § 8. Economic and social history. _______________________

2773. Accoglienza (L') religiosa tra tardo antico ed età moderna: luoghi, architetture, percorsi. A cura di Silvia BELTRAMO e Paolo COZZO. Roma, Viella, 2013, 223 p. (ill., bibl.). (Chiese d'Italia, 7). 2774. ADAMS (Jonathan). A maritime archaeology of ships. Innovation and social change in medieval and early modern Europe. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2013, 250 p. (ill., bibl.). 2775. Alberghi (Gli) di Pescia un alloggiamento di transito tra Lucca e Firenze. A cura di Amleto SPICCIANI. Pisa, ETS, 2013, 77 p. (ill., bibl.). (Quaderni della Biblioteca capitolare, 26). 2776. ANDEA (Susana). Congregaţii palatinale şi voievodale. Sec. XIII–XIV. (Congregations of the Palatine and the Voivode. The 13th–14th centuries). ClujNapoca, Argonaut; Editura Mega, 2013, 300 p. 2777. ANHEIM (Étienne). Les hiérarchies du travail artisanal au Moyen Âge entre histoire et historiographie. Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 1027-1038. 2778. Arriver en ville: les migrants en milieu urbain au Moyen Âge. Éd. par Cédric QUERTIER, Roxane CHILÀ et Nicolas PLUCHOT. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne,



2013, 239 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 119). 2779. Assistenza e solidarietà in Europa, secc. XIII– XVIII. Atti della Quarantaquattresima settimana di studi, 22–26 aprile 2012 / Social assistance and solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries. A cura di Francesco AMMANNATI. Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2013, IX-581 (ill., tab., bibl.). (Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini, Prato. Serie 2, Atti delle settimane di studi e altri convegni, 44). 2780. AURELL (Martin). Les stratégies matrimoniales (IXe–XIIIe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 363 p. (ill., bibl.). (Histoire de famille: la parenté au Moyen Age, 14). 2781. BERTONI (Laura). Pavia alla fine del Duecento una società urbana fra crescita e crisi. Bologna, CLUEB, 2013, 282 P. (bibl.). (Itinerari medievali, 17). 2782. BOUGARD (François), BÜHRER-THIERRY (Geneviève), LE JAN (Régine). Les élites du haut Moyen Âge. Identités, stratégies, mobilité. Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 1079-1112. 2783. BUR (Michel), BOUREUX (Jean-Pierre). Une famille et sa maison. Vanault-Le-Châtel (XIIe–XIVe siècles). Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2013, 208 p. (Archéologie, Espaces, Patrimoines). 2784. CHARON (Philippe). Un hôtel royal et ses dignitaires au XIVe siècle. L'exemple de l'hôtel de Charles II roi de Navarre. Revue historique, 2013, 667, p. 507-548. 2785. Vacat. 2786. CHASTANG (Pierre). La ville, le gouvernement et l'écrit à Montpellier (XIIe–XIVe siècle). Essai d'histoire sociale. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 478 p. 2787. CHILDS (Wendy R.). Trade and shipping in the Medieval West: Portugal, Castile and England. A series of lectures in memoriam for Professor Armindo de Sousa, given in the University of Porto, November 2009. Porto, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales, 2013, 186 p. (Textes et études du Moyen Âge, 70).

Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Arqueología, 2013, 384 (ill., maps, plants, bibl.). (Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, 66). 2792. Cour (La) de Bourgogne et l'Europe. Le rayonnement et les limites d'un modèle culturel. Éd. par Werner PARAVICINI, Ostfilden, Jan Thorbecke, 2013, 795 p. (bibl.). (Francia). 2793. CRABUS (Mirko). Kinderhaus im Mittelalter: das Leprosorium der Stadt Münster. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 268 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der Stadt Münster). 2794. Crisis alimentarias en la Edad Media: modelos, explicaciones y representaciones. Lleida, Milenio Publicaciones, 2013, 281 p. 2795. Cultural brokers at Mediterranean courts in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Marc von der HÖH, Nikolas JASPERT and Jenny Rahel OESTERLE. Paderborn, München a. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 282 p. (Mittelmeerstudien, 1). 2796. Cultural encounters during the Crusades. Red. Kurt VILLADS JENSEN, Kirsi SALONEN, Helle VOGT. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 329 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 445). 2797. DE VENUTO (Giovanni). Allevamento, ambiente ed alimentazione nella Capitanata medievale: archeozoologia e archeologia globale dei paesaggi. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 201 p. (ill., bibl.). (Insulae Diomedeae, 21). 2798. Devotio Moderna (Die). Sozialer und kultureller Transfer (1350–1580). Band 1. Frömmigkeit, Unterricht und Moral: Einheit und Vielfalt der Devotio Moderna an den Schnittstellen von Kirche und Gesellschaft, vor allem in der deutsch-niederländischen Grenzregion. Hrsg. v. Dick E. H. DE BOER und Iris KWIATKOWSKI. Band 2. Die räumliche und geistige Ausstrahlung der Devotio Moderna – zur Dynamik ihres Gedankengutes. Hrsg. v. Iris KWIATKOWSKI und Jörg ENGELBRECHT. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2013, 2 vol., 207 p., 262 p. 2799. DI MURO (Alessandro). Signori e contadini nel Mezzogiorno normanno: il codice Solothurn (fine sec. XII). Bari, Adda, 2013, 195 è. (ill.). (Itineraria, 15).

2788. CISTERNINO (Cataldo), VISCONTI (Gianfranco). L' economia di Otranto fra il XIV ed il XVI secolo: effetti della conquista turca. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 95 p. (ill., bibl.). (biblioteca di cultura pugliese, 193).

2800. DIACONESCU (Marius). Structura nobilimii din Transilvania în epoca angevină. (The structure of Transylvanian nobility during the Angevin period). ClujNapoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 512 p.

2789. Cittadinanza e disuguaglianze economiche: le origini storiche di un problema europeo (XIII–XVI secolo). Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome. Moyen âge, 2013, 125/2, p. 279-500 (bibl.).

2801. Documentary culture and the laity in the early Middle Ages. Ed. by Warren C. BROWN, Marios COSTAMBEYS, Matthew INNES and Adam J. KOSTO. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XVI-389 p.

2790. COHN (Samuel Kline). Popular protest in late Medieval English towns. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XIV-375 p.

2802. DUMÉZIL (Bruno). Servir l'état. Barbare dans la Gaule franque: du fonctionnariat antique à la noblesse médiévale, IVe–IXe siècle. Paris, Tallandier, 2013, 511 p. (ill., bibl.).

2791. CORDERO RUIZ (Tomás). El territorio emeritense durante la antigüedad tardía, siglos IV–VIII génesis y evolución del mundo rural lusitano. Mérida, Consejo

2803. Économie templière (L') en Occident: patrimoines, commerce, finances. Actes du colloque inter-

§ 8. Economic and social history national (Troyes-Abbaye de Clairvaux, 24–26 octobre 2012). Langres, Guéniot, 2013, 541 p. (ill., bibl.). 2804. Élites urbane e organizzazione sociale in area mediterranea fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna. Atti del seminario di studi, Cagliari, 1–2 novembre 2011. A cura di Maria MELONI. Cagliari, ISEM – Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 2013, 497 p. 2805. Expertise et valeur des choses au Moyen âge. Vol. 1. Le besoin d'expertise. Éd. par Claude DENJEAN et Laurent FELLER. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2013, XIII-279 p. (cartes, pl., tabl., ill., bibl.). (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 139). 2806. FENIELLO (Amedeo). Per la storia del commercio mediterraneo del lino. Il caso napoletano (X–XV). Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 635 (1), p. 3-34. 2807. FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Adolfo). O comercio tardoantigo no noroeste peninsular: unha análise da Gallaecia sueva e visigoda a través do rexistro arqueolóxico. Noia, Toxosoutos, 2013, 279 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Trivium). 2808. FIGLIUOLO (Bruno). I mercanti fiorentini e il loro spazio economico: un modello di organizzazione capitalistica. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 638 (4), p. 639-664. 2809. Financiar el reino terrenal: la contribución de la iglesia a finales de la Edad Media (siglos XIII – XVI). Trabajos presentados en una Jornada en Barcelona el 3 de junio de 2011. Ed. por Jordi MORELLÓ BAGET. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Institutión Milá y Fontanals, Departamento de Ciencias Históricas, Estudios Medievales, 2013, 409 p. 2810. FRANCOVICH ONESTI (Nicoletta). Le regine dei Longobardi e altri saggi. Roma, Artemide, 2013, 214 p. (bibl.). (Proteo, 72). 2811. FREUDENBERG (Sebastian). Trado atque dono. Die frühmittelalterliche private Grundherrschaft in Ostfranken im Spiegel der Traditionsurkunden der Klöster Lorsch und Fulda (750 bis 900). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 456 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, 224). 2812. FRIELING (Kirsten O.). Sehen und gesehen werden: Kleidung an Fürstenhöfen an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, (ca. 1450–1530). Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, VIII-345 p. (ill., tav.). (MittelalterForschungen, 41). 2813. GEMMILL (Elizabeth). The nobility and ecclesiastical patronage in thirteenth-century England. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 240 p.


um kommunale Conjuratio im Spätmittelalter. Stuttgart, Lucius & Lucius, 2013, X-339 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte, 57). 2816. HASAN (Mihai Florin). Aspecte ale relaţiilor matrimoniale dinastice munteano-maghiare din secolele XIV–XV. (Aspects of the Hungarian-Wallachian Dinasty matrimonial relations of the 14th and 15th centuries). Revista Bistriţei, 2013, 27, p. 128-159. 2817. Histoire religieuse et sociale du Midi médiéval. Hommage à Daniel Le Blévec. Annales du Midi, 2013, 282, 331 p. 2818. Hospitals and communities, 1100–1960. Ed. by Christopher BONFIELD. Oxford, Lang, 2913, XI-430 p. 2819. HUTHWELKER (Thorsten). Die Darstellung des Rangs in Wappen und Wappenrollen des späten Mittelalters. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 222 p. (ill., bibl.). (Rank, 3). 2820. Industries rurales dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne. Éd. par Jean-Michel MINOVEZ, Catherine VERNA, Liliane PÉREZ. Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2013, 310 p. (ill., bibl.). (Flaran, 33). 2821. JACOBS (Thibault). Des hôpitaux de métiers à Bruxelles ? Nouvelles perspectives sur la charité et la bienfaisance en milieu urbain à la fin du Moyen Âge. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 2, p. 215-255. 2822. JAKOBSSON (Sverrir). From reciprocity to manorialism. On the peasant mode of production in Medieval Iceland. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 273-295. 2823. JUDDE DE LARIVIÈRE (Claire), SALZBERG (Rosa M.). Le peuple est la cité. L'idée de popolo et la condition des popolani à Venise (XVe–XVIe siècles). Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 1113-1140. 2824. JULLIEN (Eva). Netzwerkanalyse in der Mediävistik. Probleme und Perspektiven im Umgang mit mittelalterlichen Quellen. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 2, p. 135-153. 2825. KAHLEYß (Julia). Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg des Martin Römer. Soziale Mobilität im westerzgebirgischen Bergbau des 15. Jahrhunderts. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 2, p. 154-177. 2826. KATAJALA-PELTOMAA (Sari). Fatherhood, masculinity and lived religion in late-Medieval Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 223-244. 2827. Kirche als Baustelle großer Sakralbauten des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Katja SCHRÖCK, Bruno KLEIN und Stefan BÜRGER. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 428 p. (ill., bibl.).

2814. Gens de mer: ports et cités aux époques ancienne, médiévale et moderne. Colloque organisé à l' université de Bretagne-Sud les 15 et 16 juin 2009. Éd. par Eric GUERBER et Gérard LE BOUËDEC. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 307 p. (ill., bibl.). (Histoire).

2828. KUSMAN (David). Usuriers publics et banquiers du prince: le rôle économique des financiers piémontais dans les villes du duché de Brabant (XIIIe–XIVe siècle).Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 467 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studies in European urban history, 28).

2815. GÜNTHER (Kai-Henrik). Sizilianer, Flamen, Eidgenossen. Regionale Kommunen und das soziale Wissen

2829. Landscapes and societies in medieval Europe east of the Elbe: interactions between environmental set-



tings and cultural transformations. Ed. by Sunhild KLEINTimothy P. NEWFIELD, Sébastien ROSSIGNOL and Donat WEHNER. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, XIV-406 p. (Papers in mediaeval studies, 23). GÄRTNER,

2830. LEWIS (Katherine J.). Kingship and masculinity in late Medieval England. New York, Routledge, 2013, IX-284 p. 2831. LÓPEZ-PORTILLO (José-Juan). Spain, Portugal and the Atlantic frontier of medieval Europe. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, XXXIV-380 p. (ill.). 2832. MAC DONOUGH (Susan Alice). Witnesses, neighbors, and community in late Medieval Marseille. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XV-234 p. (New Middle Ages). 2833. Malsani. Lebbra e lebbrosi nel medioevo. A cura di Giuseppina DE SANDRE GASPARINI e Maria Clara ROSSI. Caselle di Sommacampagna, Cierre, 2013, 372 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di storia religiosa, 19). 2834. MANCASSOLA (Nicola). Uomini senza storia. La piccola proprietà rurale nel territorio di Piacenza dalla conquista carolingia alle invasioni ungariche (774– 900). Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-478 p. (pl., maps, bibl.). (Istituzioni e società, 19). 2835. Marche (Le) e l'oltre Marche tra l'evo antico e il moderno: rapporti di varia natura alla luce della documentazione numismatica. 2° Convegno di Studi numismatici marchigiani (Ancona 13–14 maggio 2011). Atti e memorie della Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Marche, 2011 (2013), 109, 317 p. (ill., bibl.). 2836. Married women and the law in premodern northwest Europe. Ed. by Cordelia BEATTIE and Matthew Frank STEVENS. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, X-248 p. 2837. MAZZINI (Giovanni). Innalzate gli stendardi vittoriosi! Dalle compagnie militari alle contrade: Siena, XIII–XVI secolo. Siena, Nuova immagine, 2013, 353 p. (ill., bibl.). (Documenti di storia, 100). 2838. Medieval life cycles. Continuity and change. Ed. by. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, XX-357 p. (International Medieval Research, 18). 2839. MICHIENZI (Ingrid Houssaye). Datini, Majorque et le Maghreb (14e–15e siècles). Réseaux, espaces méditerranéens et stratégies marchandes. Leyden et Boston, Brill, 2013, XXX-694 p. 2840. MOTTOLA (Francesco). L'Universitas di Penne nel '400: autonomia cittadina, cultura, territorio. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2013, XXXI-261 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteca del "Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria", 26). 2841. MUCCIARELLI (Roberta). Fama e giustizia a Siena al tempo dei Nove. Per uno studio del disciplinamento sociale. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 638 (4), p. 615-638.

2842. NAISMITH (Rory). The English monetary economy, c. 973–1100: the contribution of single-finds. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 198-225. 2843. NIGHTINGALE (Pamela). Alien finance and the development of the English economy, 1285–1311. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 477-496. 2844. Objets sous contrainte. Circulation des richesses et valeur des choses au Moyen Âge. Sous la dir. de Laurent FELLER et Ana RODRÍGUEZ. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 463 p. 2845. PAJCIC (Kathrin). Frauenstimmen in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt? Testamente von Frauen aus Lüneburg, Hamburg und Wien als soziale Kommunikation. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 505 p. 2846. PINDARD (Xavier). L'entourage criminel de Charles de Navarre d'après les dépositions de 1378. Revue historique, 2013, 667, p. 549-574. 2847. Produzioni e commerci nelle province dello Stato pontificio: imprenditori, mercanti, reti (secoli XIV– XVI). Narni, CRACE, 2013, 266 p, (ill., bibl.). (Proposte e ricerche. Quaderni monografici). 2848. RAO (Riccardo). Una civiltà del castagno: uomini e boschi nell'Appennino ligure-piemontese durante l'apogeo del medioevo (secoli XII–metà XIV). Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 636 (2), p. 207-228. 2849. RAWCLIFFE (Carole). Urban bodies: communal health in late Medieval English towns and cities. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2013, XIII-431 p. 2850. RIESS (Frank). Narbonne and its territory in late antiquity: from the Visigoths to the arabs. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, X-288 p. (tab., maps). 2851. ROCH (Jean-Louis). Un autre monde du travail. La draperie en Normandie au Moyen Âge. Mont-SaintAignan, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2013, 336 p. 2852. ROLKER (Christof). Der Hermaphrodit und seine Frau. Körper, Sexualität und Geschlecht im Spätmittelalter. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 3, p. 593-620. 2853. SANTANGELO (Monica). Preminenza aristocratica a Napoli nel tardo medioevo: i tocchi e il problema dell'origine dei sedili. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 636 (2), p. 273-318. 2854. SAWYER (Peter). The wealth of Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 155 p. 2855. SCHARF (Gian Paolo Giuseppe). Potere e società ad Arezzo nel XIII secolo (1214–1312). Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, VII-676 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 39). 2856. SCHERMAN (Matthieu). Familles et travail à Trévise à la fin du Moyen Âge (vers 1434–vers 1509). Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, X-684 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. 358). 2857. Seide im früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Frauenstift. Besitz – Bedeutung – Umnutzung. Hrsg. v. Tho-

§ 8. Economic and social history mas SCHILP und Annemarie STAUFFER. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 288 p. (Essener Forschungen zum Frauenstift, 11). 2858. Seljuks (The) of Anatolia: court and society in the Medieval Middle East. Ed. by A. C. S. PEACOCK and Sara Nur YILDIZ. (Library of Middle East History, 38). New York, I. B. Tauris, 2013, XIII-308 p. 2859. SHARP (Buchanan). Royal paternalism and the moral economy in the reign of Edward II: the response to the Great Famine. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 628-647. 2860. SKINNER (Patricia). Medieval Amalfi and its diaspora, 800–1250. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, XIX-280 (ill., maps, tab. gen., bibl.). 2861. SKODA (Hannah). Medieval violence: physical brutality in Northern France, 1270–1330. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-282 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 2862. SMITH (Brendan). Crisis and survival in Late Medieval Ireland: The English of Louth and their neighbours, 1330–1450. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XVII-260 p. 2863. Social life (The) of illumination: manuscripts, images, and communities in the late Middle Ages. Ed. by Joyce COLEMAN, Mark CRUSE and Kathryn SMITH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 552 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 21). 2864. Society and culture in Medieval Rouen 911– 1300. Ed. by Leonie V. HICKS and Elma BRENNER. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, XIV-400 p. (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 39). 2865. Society in an age of plague. Ed. by Linda CLARK and Carole RAWCLIFFE. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, VIII-223 p. (Fifteenth century, 12). 2866. SOPRACASA (Alessio). Venezia e l'Egitto alla fine del Medioevo: le tariffe di Alessandria. Alexandrie, CEAlex – Centre d'Études Alexandrines, 2013, 852 p. (ill.). (Études alexandrines, 29. Alexandrie médiévale, 5). 2867. SPENCER (Andrew M.). Nobility and kingship in Medieval England: The Earls and Edward I. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 306 p. 2868. SQUATRITI (Paolo). Landscape and change in early medieval Italy: chestnuts, economy, and culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XIII236 p. (bibl.). 2869. Staging the Court of Burgundy. Proceedings of the conference "The splendour of Burgundy (1418– 1482): a multidisciplinary approach". Ed. by Wim BLOCKMANS and Till-Holger BORCHERT. London, Miller, 2013, 394 p. (ill.). (Studies in medieval and early Renaissance art history, 69). 2870. STAMM (Volker). Grundbesitz in einer spätmittelalterlichen Marktgemeinde. Land und Leute in Gries bei Bozen. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 135 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 222).


2871. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin). Daňové povinnosti banského a mincového mesta Kremnica v stredoveku. (Tax obligations of the mining and mint town of Kremnica in the Middle Ages). Historický časopis: vol. 61, 2013, 4, p. 645-654. 2872. Stratégies matrimoniales (Les) (IXe–XIIIe siècles). Ed. par Martin AURELL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 363 p. (Histoires de famille. La parenté au Moyen Âge, 14). 2873. TAYLOR (Craig). Chivalry and the ideals of knighthood in France during the Hundred Years War. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XVI-345 p. 2874. Territoires (Les) de la Méditerranée, XIe–XVIe siècle. Éd. par Annliese NEF. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 238 p. (ill., cartes). 2875. TRANCHANT (Mathias). Face aux risques maritimes la pluriactivité et la mutualisation comme stratégies individuelles et collectives (XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest, 2013, 120, 2, 211 p. (ill.). 2876. TRIPODI (Claudia). Gli Spini tra XIV e XV secolo: il declino di un antico casato fiorentino. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, XVIII-264 p. (Biblioteca storica toscana, 68). 2877. ULIČNÝ (Ferdinand). Výsadný a samovoľný rozvoj meštianstva a miest na Slovensku v 14. storočí. (Privilegierte und willkürliche Entfaltung des Bürgertums und der Städten in der Slowakei im 14. Jahrhundert). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 437-466. 2878. Urban elites and aristocratic behaviour in the Spanish kingdoms at the end of the middle ages. Ed. por María ASENJO GONZÁLEZ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, X-172 p. (ill.). (Studies in European urban history, 27). 2879. URSO (Carmelina). Le donne al tempo di Gregorio Magno: la testimonianza del Registrum epistularum. Trapani, Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2013, 258 p. (bibl.). (Oi christianoi. Sezione medievale, 1). 2880. Venezia e Dalmazia. A cura di Uwe ISRAEL e Oliver Jens SCHMITT. Roma, Viella, 2013, 181 p. (ill., bibl.). (Venetiana, 12). 2881. VERDON (Laure). La voix des dominés. Communautés et seigneurie en Provence au bas Moyen Âge. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 219 p. 2882. Via (La) Carolingia. Uomini e idee sulle strade d'Europa: dal sistemo viario al sistema informativo. A cura di Paola DE MARCHI e Stefano PILATO. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 323 p. (ill., bibl.). (Documenti di archeologia, 55). 2883. Wardens (The): managing a late medieval hospital. Browne's Hospital, Stamford, 1495–1518. Ed. by Alan ROGERS. Bury St Edmunds, Stamford and District Local History Society, 2013, 367 p. 2884. WICKHAM (Chris). Roma medievale: crisi e stabilità di una città, 900–1150. Roma, Viella, 2013, 575 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Storia. Saggi, 4).



2885. Wittelsbacher und die Kurpfalz im Mittelalter eine Erfolgsgeschichte?. Hrsg. v. Jörg PELTZER, Bernd SCHNEIDMÜLLER, Stefan WEINFURTER und Alfried WIECZOREK. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 408 p. (ill.). 2886. WOZNIAK (Thomas). Quedlinburg im 14. und 16. Jahrhundert: ein sozialtopographischer Vergleich. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, 537 p. (bibl.). (Hallische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit). 2887. YATES (Margaret). The market in freehold land, 1300–1509: the evidence of feet of fines. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 579-600. os

Cf. n 2155, 2769, 6213, 6229, 6388, 6468 § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education. _______________________

a. Civilization ** 2888. WACHOWSKI (Krzysztof). Emblemata mediaevalia profana. Przykład Polski. Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2013, 177 p. (tab., ill., bibl.). (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3509. Studia Archeologiczne, 46). 2889. Animals and otherness in the Middle Ages: perspectives across disciplines, Ed. by Francisco de Asís GARCÍA GARCÍA, Mónica ANN, Walker VADILLO and María Victoria CHICO PICAZA. Oxford, Archeopress, 2013, 153 p. (ill.). (Britisch Archaeological Reports. International Series, 2500). 2890. Anthropologie (L') des médecins (IXe–XVIIIe siècles). Revue de Synthèse, 2013, 134, 4, p. 416-578 (ill.). 2891. Aree (Le) montane come frontiere: spazi d'interazione e connettività. Atti del convegno internazionale, Udine, 10–12 dicembre 2009. A cura di Stefano MAGNANI, Paola MIOR e Leonardo GREGORATTI. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 680m p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Studi di frontiera, 1). 2892. Arma (The) Christi in medieval and early modern material culture. With a critical edition of "O Vernicle". Ed. by Lisa Hyatt COOPER and Andrea DENNYBROWN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XV-408 p. (ill., bibl.). 2893. Arts (Les) et les lettres en Provence au temps du roi René. Éd. par Chantal CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE. Aix-en-Provence, Presses Univ. de Provence, 2013, 292 p. (ill.). (Senefiance, 59). 2894. BAILEY (Michael D.). Fearful spirits, reasoned follies: the boundaries of superstition in late Medieval Europe. Ithaca, Cornell U.P., 2013, 295 p. 2895. BARGELLI (Claudio). Dal necessario al superfluo: le arti alimentari parmensi tra medioevo ed età moderna. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013, 224 p. (bibl.). (Temi di storia). 2896. Between creativity and norm-making: tensions in the late Middle Ages and the early modern era. Ed.

by Sigrid MÜLLER and Cornelia SCHWEIGER. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII-302 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 165) 2897. Book (The) of nature and humanity in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by David HAWKES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXV-322 p. (Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 29). 2898. CADDEN (Joan). Nothing natural is shameful: sodomy and science in late medieval Europe. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 327 p. (ill.). (Middle Ages series). 2899. Changing minds communication and influence in the High and Later Middle Ages. Ed. by Christian KRÖTZL and Miikka TAMMINEN. Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2013, 178 p. (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 39). 2900. Citation, intertextuality and memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Vol. 2. Cross-disciplinary perspectives on medieval culture. Ed. by Yolanda PLUMLEY and Giuliano DI BACCO.Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2013, X-259 p. (ill.). (Exeter studies in medievale Europe). 2901. Couple (le) dans le monde Franc (Ve–XIIe siècle). Médiévales, 2012 (2013), 65, 218 p. (tab., ill.). 2902. Cultural brokers at Mediterranean Courts in the Middle Ages. Hrsg v. Marc von der HÖH. Paderborn, Fink, 2013, 282 p. (Mittelmeerstudien, 1). 2903. Cultural history (A) of gardens in the medieval age. Hrsg. v. Michael LESLIE. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, XI-268 p. (ill., bibl.). 2904. DERSCHKA (Harald). Die Viersäftelehre als Persönlichkeitstheorie: zur Weiterentwicklung eines antiken Konzepts im 12. Jahrhundert. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, VII-293 p. 2905. Diavolo (Il) nel medioevo. Atti del XLIX Convegno Storico Internazionale, Todi, 14–17 ottobre 2012. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XI-626 p. (ill.). (Atti dei convegni del Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo, Accademia Tudertina, 26). 2906. Disembodied heads in medieval and early modern culture. Ed. by Catrien SANTING, Barbara BAERT and Anita TRANINGER. Leiden, Brill,. 2013, XX-311 p. (Intersection, 28). 2907. DONNINI (Mauro). Humanae ac divinae litterae. Scritti di cultura medievale e umanistica. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di Studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2013, XX-1075 p. (Biblioteca del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 25). (bibl.). 2908. East meets West in the Middle Ages and early modern times: transcultural experiences in the premodern world. Ed. by Albrecht CLASSEN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-818 p. (ill.). (Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture, 14).

§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education 2909. Emotions and health 1200–1700. Ed. by Elena CARRERA. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII-247 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studies in Medieval and Reformation traditions, 168). 2910. Entourages (Les) princiers à la fin du Moyen âge: une approche quantitative. Éd. par Alexandra BEAUCHAMP. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2013, VIII-211 p. (ill., bibl.). (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 134).


Stirling Conference. Ed. by Michael A. PENMAN. Donington, Tyas, 2013, XXII-298 p. (ill.). 2923. Mozárabes: identidad y continuidad de su historia. Antigüedad y cristianismo, 2011 (2013), 28, 687 p. (ill., bibl.).

2911. FOLKER (Reichert). Das Bild der Welt im Mittelalter. Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2013, 160 p. (ill.).

2924. NADRIGNY (Xavier). Information et opinion publique à Toulouse à la fin du Moyen âge. Paris, École des chartes, 2013, 501 p. (ill., facs., tab., bibl.). (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes, 94).

2912. Fuoco (Il) nell'alto medioevo, Spoleto, 12–17 aprile 2012. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-924 p. (ill., tav., bibl.). (Settimane di studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studio sull'Alto Medioevo, 60).

2925. NEDERMAN (Cary J.). 2012 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture. Civil Religion-Metaphysical, not political: nature, faith, and communal order in European thought, c. 1150–c.1550. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 1, p. 1-22.

2913. Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. Kulturgeschichte einer Region. Hrsg. v. Steffen DIEFENBACH und Gernot Michael MÜLLER. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2013, X-492 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr./Millennium Studies in the Culture and History of the First Millennium C. E., 43).

2926. O'DOHERTY (Marianne). The Indies and the medieval West: thought, report, imagination. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XIX-377 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medieval voyaging, 2).

2914. HAND (Joni M.). Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350–1550. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 251 p. 2915. Identidad europea e intercambios culturales en el Camino de Santiago (siglos XI – XV). Ed. por Santiago LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ-MORÁS, Marina MELÉNDEZ CABO y Gerardo PÉREZ BARCALA. Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2013, 417 p. (ill.). 2916. Late Medieval and early modern ritual studies in Italian urban culture. Ed. by Samuel Kline COHN, Franco FRANCESCHI, Marcello FANTONI, Fabrizio RICCIARDELLI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VIII-364 p. (ill., bibl.). (Europa sacra, 7). 2917. LETT (Didier). Hommes et femmes au Moyen Âge. Histoire du genre (XIIe–XVe siècle). Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 222 p. (Cursus). 2918. Mantischen (Die) Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Alexander FIDORA. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 208 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 74). 2919. Material (The) culture of the Italian "Signori". Ed. by Marina ARELI. I Tatti studies in the Italian Renaissance, 2013, 16, 1-2, p. 363-523. 2920. Médecine, astrologie et magie entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance: autour de Pietro d'Abano. Éd. par Jean-Patrice BOUDET, Franck COLLARD et Nicolas WEILL-PAROT. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XVI-340 p. (Micrologus' library, 50). 2921. MIGLIO (Massimo). Scrittura del sacro. Roma medievale. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, VIII-96 p. (bibl.). (Storia e letteratura, 280). 2922. Monuments and monumentality across medieval and early modern Europe. Proceedings of the 2011

2927. OSCHEMA (Klaus). Bilder von Europa im Mittelalter. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, XXXII678 p. (Mittlelalter-Forschungen, 43). 2928. SARTI (Laury). Perceiving war and the military in early Christian Gaul (ca. 400–700 A.D.). Leiden, Brill, 2013, 415 p. (Brill's series on the Early Middle Ages, 22). 2929. SCHLIEBEN (Barbara). Neugier im Mittelalter. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 2, p. 330-353. 2930. SCHMITT (Wolfram). Medizinische Lebenskunst: Gesundheitslehre und Gesundheitsregimen im Mittelalter. Berlin, LIT-Verlag, 2013, 204 p. (Medizingeschichte, 5). 2931. STANDLEY (Eleanor R.). Trinkets and charms the use: meaning and significance of dress accessories, 1300–1700. Oxford, Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, 2013, XII-136 p. (ill.). (Monograph, 78). 2932. Studies on Medieval empathies. Ed. by Karl F. MORRISON and Rudolph Mark BELL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXXII-347 p. (Disputatio, 25). 2933. Terre (La): connaissance, représentations, mesure au Moyen Âge. Èd. par Patrick GAUTIER DALCHÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 710 p. (ill.). (L'atelier du médiéviste, 13). 2934. Transkulturelle Verflechtungen im mittelalterlichen Jahrtausend: Europa, Ostasien, Afrika. Hrsg. v. Michael BORGOLTE. Darmstadt, WBG, 2012, 271 p. (ill., bibl.). 2935. Utopie im Mittelalter: Begriff, Formen, Funktionen. Hrsg. v. heiko HARTMANN und Werner RÖCKE. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, 221 p. (Das Mittelalter, 18, 2). 2936. VERNA (Catherine), BENITO I MONCLÚS (Pere). Savoirs des campagnes: Catalogne, Languedoc, Provence XIIe–XVIIIe siècles. Canet-en-Roussillon, Éditions Trabucaire, 2013, 207 p. (ill.).



2937. Viaggiare a Roma tra la fine del medio evo e l'inizio dell'età moderna. Contributi presentati alla sezione "Travelling to Rome, II: Politics and Petitioners" dell'International Medieval Congress di Leeds, 14 luglio 2010. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome. Moyen âge, 2013, 125, 1, p. 5-60. Cf. nos 2157, 2161, 2621 b. Literature SILVIUS PICCOLOMINI. Europe (c. ** 2938. 1400–1458). Ed. by Robert BROWN and Nancy BISAHA. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, XX-356 p. (ill., maps). AENEAS

** 2939. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Monarchia. A cura di Paolo CHIESA e Andrea TABARRONI. Roma, Salerno, 2013, CLII-594 p. (Centro Poi Rajna. Nuova edizione commentata delle opere di Dante, 4). ** 2940. DECEMBRIO (Pier Candido). Epistolarum iuvenilium libri octo. A cura di Federico Petrucci. Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2013, 509 p. (Premio tesi di dottorato, 33). ** 2941. Élie de Saint-Gilles d'après le manuscrit BnF n 2̊ 5516. Éd. par Bernard GUIDOT. Paris, H. Champion, 2013, 376 p. (bibl.). (Les classiques français du Moyen Age, 171). ** 2942. GUIDO DA PISA. EXPOSITIONES ET GLOSE. DECLARATIO SUPER 'COMEDIAM' DANTIS. A CURA DI MICHELE RINALDI. ROMA, SALERNO 2013, 2 VOL., 1356 P. (EDIZIONE NAZIONALE DEI COMMENTI DANTESCHI, 5). ** 2943. GUILLAUME DE DÉGUILEVILLE. Le pelerinage de Vie humaine. Faksimile und Edition des altfranzösischen Textes mit deutscher Übersetzung. Hrsg. v. Stephan DÖRR und Frankwalt MÖHREN. Bd. 1. Kommentarband. Bd. 2. Faksimileband. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 2 vol., 413 p., 85 f. (ill., bibl.). ** 2944. LEO (Domenic). Images, texts, and marginalia in a "Vows of the peacock" manuscript (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS G24). With a complete concordance and catalogue of Peacock manuscripts. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXXII-401 p. (ill.). (Library of the written word, 28. The manuscript world, 5). ** 2945. Pas (Le) du Perron Fée. Édition des manuscrits Paris, BnF fr 5739 et Lille BU 104. Éd. par Chloé HORN, Anne ROCHEBOUET et Michelle SZKILNIK, Paris, Champion, 2013, 316 p. (Classiques français du Moyen âge, 196). ** 2946. PAVLOV (Andrej A.). Paulus Diaconus. Epitoma sochinenija Seksta Pompeja Festa "O znachenii slov". Izbrannye glossy. (Pauli Diaconi Epitome Sexti Pompei Festi De verborum significatu: The selected glosses). Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2012, 2 (281), p. 219268. ** 2947. PONTANO (Giovanni Gioviano). Aegidius: dialogo. A cura di Francesco Tateo. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2013, 132 p. (RR inedita. Saggi, 56).

** 2948. RUCELLAI (Giovanni). Zibaldone. A cura di Gabriella BATTISTA. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, LXXIII-666p. (Memoria scripturarum, 7. Testi in volgare, 3). ** 2949. Versions (Les) en prose du purgatoire de saint Patrice en ancien français. Éd. par Martina DI FEBO. Paris, Champion, 2013, 294 p. (bibl.). (Classiques français du Moyen âge, 172). ** 2950. ZACCHIA (Laudivio). De captivitate ducis Iacobi. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Attilio GRISAFI, Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, LXXIV-104 p. (Teatro Umanistico, 12). 2951. ALLEGRETTI (Paola). Adespoti, prosimetri e filigrane. Ricerche di filologia dantesca. Ravenna, Longo, 2013, 375 p. (bibl.). (Memoria del tempo, 37). 2952. Ars dictaminis (Dall') al preumanesimo: per un profilo letterario del secolo XIII. A cura di Fulvio DELLE DONNE e Francesco SANTI. Firenze, SISMELEdizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XXXII-200 p. (bibl.). (Medievi, 2). 2953. Ars grammatica e ars rhetorica dall'antichità al rinascimento. A cura di Stefano PITTALUNGA. Genova, Dipartimento di antichità, filosofia e storia, Università di Genova, Scuola di scienze umanistiche, 2013, 126 p. (bibl.). (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET., 241). 2954. BAHR (Arthur). Fragments and assemblages: forming compilations of Medieval London. Chicago, IL: U. of Chicago P., 2013, 354 p. 2955. Beasts (From) to souls: gender and embodiment in Medieval Europe. Hrsg. v. E. Jane BURNS. Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2013, IX-269 p. (ill., bibl.). 2956. BERNARDINI (Fabiola). La leggenda di Jacopone da Todi. Todi, Edizioni dell'Anthurium, 2013, 135 p. (ill., bibl.). 2957. Boccaccio autore e lettore. Critica del testo, 2013, 16, 3, 387 p. 2958. Boccaccio e i suoi lettori: una lunga ricezione. A cura di Giovanni BAFFETTI, Sebastiana NOBILI, Carlo DELCORNO e Gian Mario ANSELMI. Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, 2013, 485 p. (ill., bibl.). (Collana del Dipartimento di filologia classica e italianistica dell'Università di Bologna. Sezione di italianistica, 26). 2959. Boccaccio: a critical guide to the complete works. Ed. by Victoria KIRKHAM, Janet Levarie SMARR and Michael SHERBERG. Chicago a. London, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIX-555 p. (pl., ill., bibl.). 2960. BOITANI (Piero). Dante e il suo futuro. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013, XIII-398 p. (bibl.). (Storia e letteratura, 278). 2961. CAMPOREALE (Dalvatore I.). Christianity, latinity, and culture two studies on Lorenzo Valla. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIV-336 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studies in the history of Christian traditions, 172).

§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education 2962. CASADEI (Alberto). Dante oltre la Commedia. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 284 p. (Studi e ricerche, 650). 2963. CELLI (Andrea). Dante e l'Oriente le fonti islamiche nella storiografia novecentesca. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 173 p. (Biblioteca medievale, 30). 2964. CHIECCHI (Giuseppe). Dante, Boccaccio, l'origine. Sei studi e una introduzione. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, XX-191 p. (Biblioteca di "Lettere italiane", 73). 2965. Chrétien de Troyes et la tradition du roman arthurien en vers. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 353 p. (bibl.). (Rencontres. Série civilisation médiévale, 6). 2966. Controversie dispute letterarie, storiche, religiose dall'Antichità al Rinascimento. A cura di Gloria LARINI. Padova,, 2013, 272 p. (bibl.). (Storie e linguaggi, 4). 2967. CORBETT (Geroge). Dante and Epicurus: a dualistic vision of secular and spiritual fulfilment. London, Legenda, 2013, XII-189 p. (ill., bibl.). (Italian perspective, 25). 2968. Corrispondenza epistolare (La) in Italia. Vol. 1. Secoli XII–XV. A cura di Miriam DAVIDE. Vol. 2. Forme, stili e funzioni della scrittura epistolare nelle cancellerie italiane (secoli V–XV). A cura di Stéphane GIOANNI e Paolo CAMMAROSANO. Trieste, Centro europeo di ricerche medievali e Roma, École française de Rome, 2013, 2 vol., 195 p., 418 p. 2969. CURSI (Marco). La scrittura e i libri di Giovanni Boccaccio. Roma, Viella, 2013, XII-171-XVI p. (ill., tav., bibl.). (Scritture e libri del medioevo, 13). 2970. Dante e il mondo animale. A cura di Luca MARe Giuseppe CRIMI. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 226 p. (ill.).


2971. Dante e la lingua italiana. A cura di Mirko TARavenna, Longo, 2013, 106 p.


2972. DE FILIPPIS (Renato). Loquax pagina: la retorica nell'Occidente tardo-antico e alto-medievale. Roma, Città Nuova, 2013, 510 p. (Institutiones, 2). 2973. Diffusione (La) europea del pensiero del Valla. Atti del convegno del Comitato Nazionale VI Centenario della nascita di Lorenzo Valla, Prato, 3–6 dicembre 2008. A cura di Mariangela REGOLIOSI e Clementina MARSICO. Firenze, Polistampa, 2013, 2 vol., XXXIX664 p. (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Lorenzo Valla. Strumenti, 4). 2974. EHLERS (Joachim). Otto von Freising. Ein Intellektueller im Mittelalter. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 383 p. 2975. EISNER (Martin). Boccaccio and the invention of Italian literature Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti, and the authority of the vernacular. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 260 p. (ill., bibl.). (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 87). 2976. Fachsprache(n) im mittelalterlichen Latein: Tagungsakten der fünften Internationalen Mittellateinischen


Lexikographentagung, München, 12.–15. September 2012. Genève, Droz, 2013, XXIII-416 p. (ill.). (Archivum latinitatis medii aevi). 2977. FINAZZI (Silvia). La metafora nella tradizione testuale ed esegetica della Commedia di Dante: problemi ecdotici e ricerca delle fonti. Firenze, Cesati, 2013, 217 p. (ill.). (Filologia e ordinatori, 18). 2978. Formes et fonctions de la parodie dans les littératures médiévales. Actes du colloque international, Zurich, 9–10 décembre 2010. Éd. par Johannes Bartuschat et Carmen CARDELLE DE HARTMANN. Firenze. Ed. del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2013, XII-244 p. (bibl.). (Pubblicazioni della Scuola di dottorato europea in filologia romanza, 6. Archivio romanzo, 27). 2979. GENNARI (Massimo), LAZZERINI (Simona). In viaggio con Boccaccio: i luoghi di Firenze e della Toscana nell'opera del grande narratore. Settimo centenario della nascita di Giovanni Boccaccio.m Certaldo, Federighi, 2013, 269 (ill.). 2980. HARTMANN (Florian). Ars dictaminis. Briefsteller und verbale Kommunikation in den italienischen Stadtkommunen des 11. bis 13. Jahrhunderts. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, X-399 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 44). 2981. HELMRATH (Johannes). Wege des Humanismus: Studien zu Techniken und Diffusion der AntikeLeidenschaft im 15. Jahrhundert. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, 449 p. 2982. Humanismus in Ingolstadt. Akten. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2013, 152 p. (ill.). (Pirckheimer-Jahrbuch für Renaissance- und Humanismusforschung). 2983. In principio fuit interpres. Hsrg. v. Alessandra PETRINA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XVIII-366 p. (The medieval translator, 15). 2984. JÄKEL (Gerd). …usque in praesentem diem. Kontinuitätskonstruktionen in der Eigengeschichtsschreibung religiöser Orden des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2013, V-266 p. (Vita regularis, Abhandlungen, 52). 2985. Lectura Dantis romana. Cento canti per cento anni. I. Inferno. T. 1. Canti I-XVII. T. 2. Canti XVIIIXXXIV. A cura di Enrico MALATO e Andrea MAZZUCCHI. Roma, Salerno, 2013, 2 vol., 572 p., VI-586 p. (tav., ill.). (La navicella dell'ingegno, I, 1-2). 2986. LENZ (Tanya S.). Dreams, medicine, and literary practice: exploring the western literary tradition through Chaucer. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 209 p. (ill.). (Cursor mundi, 18). 2987. Letter Collection (The) of Peter Abelard and Heloise. Ed. by David LUSCOMBE, transl. by Betty RADICE. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, CXXXVI-654 p. (Oxford Medieval Texts). 2988. MALATO (Enrico). Dante al cospetto di Dio: lettura del canto XXXIII del Paradiso. Roma, Salerno, 2013, 91 p. (Astrolabio, 2).



2989. Malory and christianity: essays on Sir Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Papers presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 2005 and 2006. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, 2013, 214 p. (bibl.). (Studies in medieval culture). 2990. MALZACHER (Alice). "Il nodo che ... me ritenne": riflessi intertestuali della "Vita nuova" di Dante nei "Rerum vulgarium fragmenta" di Petrarca. Firenze, Cesati, 2013, 297 p. (bibl.). 2991. MARCHIARO (Michelangiola). La biblioteca di Pietro Crinito. Manoscritti e libri a stampa della raccolta libraria di un umanista fiorentino. Tourhout, Brepols, 2013, 400 p. (bibl.). (Textes et Etudes du Moyen Age (TEMA), 67). 2992. MODONUTTI (Rino). Fra Giovanni Colonna e la storia antica da Adriano ai Severi. Padova, CLEUP, 2013, 252 p. (ill., bibl.). 2993. Mondo errante (Il): Dante fra letteratura, eresia e storia. Atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Bertinoro, 13–16 settembre 2010. A cura di Marco VEGLIA, Lorenzo PAOLINI e Riccardo PARMIGGIANI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XV-545 p. (Incontri di studio, 11). 2994. Mort (La) dans la littérature française du Moyen Âge. Sous la dir. de Jean-François KOSTATHÉFAINE. Villers-Cotterêts, Ressouvenances, 2013, 523 p. 2995. Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe: the Hull Dialogue. Ed. by Virginia BLANTON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXX-367 p. (ill.). (Medieval women, 26). 2996. Obscurity in medieval texts. Ed. by Lucie DOJeff RIDER and Alessandro ZIRONI. Krems, Medium Aevum Quotidianum, 2013, 196 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medium Aevum Quotidianum, 30).


2997. PALMA (Pina). Savoring power, consuming the times: the metaphors of food in medieval and Renaissance Italian literature. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2013, XI-428 (bibl.). 2998. PASTORE STOCCHI (Manlio). Il lume d'esta stella. Ricerche dantesche. Roma, Salerno, 2013, 265 p. (La navicella dell'ingegno, 2). 2999. Perspectives cavalières du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance: mélanges offerts à François Bérier. Éd. par Pierre JOURDE et Nicolas BOULIC. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 226 p. (bibl.). (Rencontres. Série civilisation médiévale, 5). 3000. POSSET (Franz). Marcus Marulus and the Biblia Latina of 1489: an approach to his biblical hermeneutics. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 250 p., 1 DVD-ROM. (Bausteine zur slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe A, Slavistische Forschungen, 74). 3001. Reading skin in medieval literature and culture. Ed. by Katie L. WALTER. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XX-225 p. (bibl.). (The new Middle Ages).

3002. REIFFERS (Moritz). Das Ganze im Blick: eine Kulturgeschichte des Überblicks vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 362 p. (ill.). 3003. REVEST (Clémence). La naissance de l'humanisme comme mouvement au tournant du XVe siècle. Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 665-696. 3004. RICCOBONO (Maria Gabriella). Dante: poetaprofeta, pellegrino, autore. Strutturazione espressiva della Commedia e visione escatologica dantesca. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 164 p (bibl.). (A 10, 872). 3005. RIVERSI (Eugenio). La memoria di Canossa: saggi di contestualizzazione della Vita Mathildis di Donizone. Pisa, ETS, 2013, 625 p. (bibl.). (Studi medioevali, 2). 3006. ROSSINI (Antonio). Trinità e comunione in Dante. Pisa, Serra, 2013, 133 p. (ill.). (Quaderni della "Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale", 12). 3007. Se mai continga. Exile, politics and theology in Dante. Ed. by Matthew TREHERNE and Claire E. HONESS.Ravenna, Longo, 2013, 127 p. (Memoria del tempo, 38). 3008. SERIACOPI (Massimo). La Commedìa di Dante Alighieri interpretata secondo gli antichi commenti. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 83 p. (bibl.). (Minima dantesca, 1). 3009. STEINBERG (Justin). Dante and the limits of the law. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII-231 p. (bibl.). 3010. STONE (Charles Russell). From tyrant to philosopher-king: a literary history of Alexander the Great in medieval and early modern England. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VII-254 p. (ill.). (Cursor Mundi, 19). 3011. TAHKOKALLIO (Jaakko). Monks, clerks, and King Arthur. Reading Geoffrey of Monmouth in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, Yleinen historia, 2013, 237 p. (bibl.). 3012. TARUD BETTINI (Simone). Luce, amore, visione: l'ottica nella lirica italiana del Duecento. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 319 p. (ill., bibl.). (Dulces Musae, 6). 3013. Texte et image. La transmission de données visuelles (alphabet, dessin et diagramme) dans la littérature scientifique et technnique de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance: pour un philologie parallèle du texte et de l'image. Actes du congrès international de Paris, I.N.H.A. & Observatoire, 4–7 mai 2010. Éd. par Francesco FURLAN. Humanistica, 2012 (2013), 7, 1-2, 338 p. (ill.). 3014. Trasmissione (La) dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin texts and their transmission. A cura di Paolo CHIESA e Lucia CASTALDI. 5. Gregorius I papa. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, 216 p. (Millennio medievale, 98). (bibl.). 3015. VEYRARD-COSME (Christiane). Tacitus nuntius. Recherches sur l'écriture des Lettres d'Alcuin (730?– 804). Paris, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 2013, 320 p.

§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (ill., bibl.). (Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Moyen âge et temps Modernes, 50). 3016. ZINK (Michel). Les troubadours: une histoire poétique. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 368 p. (ill., bibl.).


3028. ULIVI (Elisabetta). Gli abacisti fiorentini delle famiglie 'Del Maestro Luca', Calandri e Micceri e le loro scuole d'abaco (sec. XIV–XVI). Firenze, Olschki, 2013, X-296 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca sdi Nuncius, 70).

3017. ZUNINO (Estelle). Conquêtes littéraires et quête spirituelle: Jacopone da Todi (1230(?)–1306). Paris, Presses Universitaires Paris Sorbonne, 2013, 358 p. (ill., bibl.). (Jalons).

3029. VILLANO (Raimondo). Aspetti profilattici e terapeutici contro la peste in alcuni Stati italiani dal XIV al XVII secolo. Torre Annunziata, Chiron. 2013, 117 p. (ill.).

b. Addenda 2012

d. Education

3018. MEREMINSKIJ (Stanislav G.). Istoriopisanie v Anglii v 60–80-e gg. XI veka: preodolenie "kollektivnoj psikhologicheskoj travmy"? (Historical writing in England in the 1060–80s: The "trauma" and its consequences?). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (3-4), p. 300-314.

3030. Classics (The) in the Medieval and Renaissance classroom the role of ancient texts in the arts curriculum as revealed by surviving manuscripts and early printed books. Ed. by Melanie HEYWORTH, Juanita FEROS RUYS and John O. WARD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VIII-420 p. (ill., bibl.). (Disputatio, 20).

3019. NENAROKOVA (Marija R.). Karolingskaja ekloga: teorija i istorija zhanra. (Carolingian eclogue: theory and history of the genre). Moskva, Izd-vo IMLI RAN, 2012, 416 p.

3031. Craft treatises and handbooks: the dissemination of technical knowledge in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Ricardo CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE. Rurnhout, Brepols, 2013, 326 p. (ill., bibl.). (De diversis artibus, 91).

3020. TURILOV (Arkadij A.). Zabytye i maloizvestnye fakty iz istorii drevnejshego perevoda Prologa u juzhnykh slavjan (k probleme "pervogo vostochnoslavjanskogo vlijanija"). (Forgotten or less known facts from the history of the most ancient translation of the Prologue among the Southern Slavs – concerning the problem of the "first Eastern-Slavic influence"). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 2, p. 8-26.

3032. DREßEN (Angela). The library of the Badia Fiesolana. Intellectual history and education under the Medici (1462–1494). Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, X-175 p. (ill.). (Repertorio di inventari e cataloghi di biblioteche medievali dal secolo VI al 1520. Texts and studies, 1. Biblioteche e archivi, 26).

Cf. no 2648 c. Technology ** 3021. ADAM OF BOCKENFIELD. Glossae super De vegetabilibus et plantis: a critical edition with introduction. Ed. by James Long. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 196 p. (ill.). (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters). 3022. ALEXANDRE-BIDON (Danièle). Dans l'atelier de l'apothicaire: histoire et archéologie des pots de pharmacie, XIIIe–XVIe siècle. Paris, Picard, 2013, 336 p. (ill., bibl.). (Espaces médiévaux). 3023. BOCCALATTE (Paola Elena). Fabbri e ferri Italia, XII–XVI secolo. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, VI224 p. (ill., pl.). (BAR international series, 2543). 3024. FERRAIUOLO (Daniele). Tra canone e innovazione. Lavorazione delle epigrafi nella "Langobardia minor" (secoli VIII–X). Borgo San Lorenzo, All'Insegna del Giglio2013, 97 p. 3025. KRAUSE (Rüdiger). Mittelalterlicher Bergbau auf dem Kristberg im Montafon, Vorarlberg (Österreich). Bonn, Habelt, 2013, VI-146 p. (ill., bibl.). (Frankfurter Archäologische Schriften, 22). 3026. Medieval and early modern artisan culture. Ed. by Margaret PAPPANO and Nicole R. RICE. Journal of medieval and early modern studies, 2013, 43, 3, 216 p. 3027. TRAINI (Lino). La lavorazione della calce dall'antichità al Medioevo: Roma e le province dell'Impero. Roma, Scienze e lettere, 2013, IX-132 p. (Fecit te, 2).

3033. DUYNSTEE (Marguerite). L'enseignement du droit civil à l'université d'Orléans, du début de la guerre de Cent ans (1337) au siège de la ville (1428). Frankfurt, Klostermann, 2013, XI-454 p. (bibl.). 3034. Encyclopaedism from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Jason KÖNIG und Greg WOOLF. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XV-601 p. (ill., bibl.). 3035. FRIEDMAN (Russell L.). Intellectual traditions at the medieval university: the use of philosophical psychology in Trinitarian theology among the Franciscans and Dominicans, 1250 – 1350. Leiden, Brill, 2 vol., XXI-X-1006 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 108). 3036. GONZÁLEZ (Germain Gerard). El despertar epigrafico en el Renacimiento hispanico: corpora et manuscripta epigraphica saeculis XV et XVI. Faenza, Fratelli Lega, 2013, 265 p. (ill., bibl.). 3037. KAJIWARA (Yoichi). Chūsei makki ni okeru Dominiko-kai kyōiku to daigaku: Avinyon 'nageki no seibo' gakuryō no jirei kara. (Dominican education and university at the end of the middle ages: College of 'Notre-Dame de la Pitie' in Avignon). Seiyo Chusei Kenkyu, 2013, 5. p. 123-138. 3038. Lauree. Università e gradi accademici in Italia nel medioevo e nella prima età moderna. A. c. di Anna ESPOSITO e Umberto LONGO. Bologna, CLUEB, 2013, 150 p. (ill.). (Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia delle Università Italiane. Studi, 22). 3039. Limits to learning: the transfer of encyclopaedic knowledge in the early Middle Ages. Hrsg. v. Con-



cetta GILIBERTO. Leuve, Peeters, 2013, XVII-291 p. (Mediaevalia Groningana, 19). 3040. Lumières de la sagesse: écoles médiévales d'Orient et d'Occident. Éd. par Éric VALLET, Sandra AUBE et Thierry KOUAMÉ. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 424 p. (ill., bibl.). 3041. Neo-Latin commentaries and the management of knowledge in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, 1400–1700. Ed. by Henk J. M. NELLEN AND KARL A. E. ENENKEL. Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2013, XII-523 p. (ill., facs., bibl.). (Supplementa humanistica Lovaniensia, 33). 3042. NOVIKOFF (Alex J.). The Medieval culture of disputation: pedagogy, practice, and performance. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 327 p. (Middle Ages series). 3043. Santi patroni e università in Europa. A cura di Patrizia CASTELLI e Roberto GRECI. Bologna, CLUEB, 2013, XII-265 p. (ill., bibl.). (Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle università italiane. Studi, 21). 3044. SCHUH (Maximilian). Aneignungen des Humanismus. Institutionelle und individuelle Praktiken an der Universität Ingolstadt im 15. Jahrhundert. Leiden a. Boston. Brill, 2013, X-284 p. (ill.). (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 47). 3045. SCHWARZ (Brigide). Kurienuniversität und stadtrömische Universität von ca. 1300 bis 1471. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXI-923 p. (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 46). 3046. STOCLET (Alain J.). Fils du Martel: La Naissance, l'Éducation et la Jeunesse de Pépin, dit "le Bref" (v. 714–v. 741). Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, 386 p. (Histoires de famille. La parenté au Moyen Âge, 13). § 10. History of art. ** 3047. ALBERTI (Leon Battista). On painting: a new translation and critical edition. Ed. by Rocco SINISGALLI. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XV-214 p. (ill., bibl.). ** 3048. Archäologie und Bauforschung im Wiener Stephansdom: Quellen zur Baugeschichte des Domes bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Nikolaus HOFER. Wien, Wiener Dom-Verlag, 2013, 416 p. (ill.). ** 3049. Documents de la pintura valenciana medieval i moderna. Vol. 4. Llibre de l'entrada de Ferran d'Antequera. Ed. por María Milagros CÁRCEL ORTÍ, Juan Vicente GARCÍA MARSILLA. València, Universitat de València, 2013, 513 p. (ill.). (Fonts històriques valencianes, 57). ** 3050. SANTANTONIO (Giuliano). Ecclesia mater. La fabbrica della Cattedrale di Nardò attraverso gli atti delle visite pastorali. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 191 p. (ill., bibl.). (Quaderni degli Archivi diocesani di NardòGallipoli, 6). _______________________

3051. Abraham in medieval Christian, Islamic and Jewish art. Hrsg. v. Colum HOURIHANE. Princeton, Department of Art & Archaelogy, University Princeton, 2013, XIV-224 p. (ill.). (Index of Christian art. Recources, 4). 3052. ACIERNO (Marta). Magistra latinitas. L'architettura dell'XI secolo in Terra di Lavoro tra permanenza e innovazione. Roma, Ginevra Bentivoglio Editori, 2013, 336 p. (ill., bibl.). (Arti, 19). 3053. AMBROSE (Kirk). The Marvellous and the Monstrous in the Sculpture of Twelfth-century Europe. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 187 p. 3054. Andrea Mantegna: Cristo morto. A cura di Sandrina BANDERA BISTOLETTI. Milano, Skira, 201, 120 p. (ill., tab.). 3055. ANGHEBEN (Marcel). D'un jugement à l'autre: la représentation du jugement immédiat dans les Jugements derniers francais, 1100 – 1250. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VIII-686 p. (ill.). (Culture et société médiévales, 25). 3056. Antoniazzo Romano pictor Urbis, 1435/1440– 1508. A cura di Anna CAVALLARO e Stefano PETROCCHI. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2013, 199 p. (ill., bibl.). 3057. Architecture, décor et organisation de l' espace: les enjeux de l'archéologie médiévale. Mélanges d' archéologie et d'histoire de l'art du moyen âge offerts à Jean-François Reynaud. Éd. par Nicolas REVEYRON, Olivia PUEL y Charlotte GAILLARD. Lyon, Association de liaison pour le patrimoine et l'archéologie en RhôneAlpes et en Auvergne, 2013, 304 p. (ill.). (Documents d'Archéologie en Rhône-Alpes et en Auvergne, 38). 3058. Architettura dell'XI secolo nell'Italia del Nord: storiografia e nuove ricerche. Pavia, 8–10 aprile 2010, convegno internazionale. A cura di Anna SEGAGNIMALACART e Luigi Carlo SCHIAVI. Pisa, ETS, 2013, XV-XVI-597 p. (ill., tav., bibl.). 3059. Arte di corte in Italia del Nord programmi, modelli, artisti (1330–1402 ca.). A cura di Serena ROMANO e Denise ZARU. Roma, Viella, 2013, 468 p. (ill., bibl.). (Études lausannoises d'histoire de l'art, 15. Libri di Viella. Arte. Studi lombardi, 2). 3060. Artistic translations between fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. International seminar for young researches; proceedings. Ed. by Zuzanna SARNECKA and Aleksandra FEDOROWICZ-JACKOWSKA. Warsaw, Institute of Art History. University of Warsaw, 2013, 208 p. (tav., ill). 3061. ASCH (Léopold). L'Église et la Synagogue dans l'art médiéval: étude iconographique .Colmar, Bentzinger, 2013, 203 p. (ill., bibl.). 3062. AYERS (Tim). The Medieval stained glass of Merton College Oxford. Oxford, Oxford U.P., for the British Academy, 2013, 566 p. 3063. BANKER (James R.). Documenti fondamentali per la conoscenza della vita e dell'arte di Piero della

§ 10. History of art Francesca. Selci-Lama, Pliniana, 2013, XV-237 p. (bibl.). (Istituzione culturale Biblioteca museo archivi storici, Città di Sansepolcro. Fonti, 3). 3064. BARRETO (Joana). La majesté en images: portraits du pouvoir dans la Naples des Aragon. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, VIII-505 p. (ill.). 3065. Battistero (Il) di San Giovanni a Firenze. A cura di Anna Maria GIUSTI. Modena, F.C. Panini, 2013, 275 p. (ill., bibl.). 3066. BELLA (Tancredi). La basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano: l'opera inedita di Fernand De Dartein. Milano, Jaca Book, 2013, 227 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). 3067. Binding (Günther). Die Michaeliskirche in Hildesheim und Bischof Bernward als sapiens architectus. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchges, 2013, 328 p. (ill.). 3068. BOGGI (Flavio), GIBBS (Robert). Lippo di Dalmasio: "assai valente pittore". Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2013, 211 p. (ill., bibl.). 3069. BÖNING (Monika). Die Mittelalterlichen Glasmalereien in der Salzwedel: Pfarrkirche St. Marien, Pfarrkirche St. Katharinen, Johann-Friedrich-DanneilMuseum.Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, 354 p. (ill.). (Corpus vitrearum medii aevi. Deutschland, Band 19, 3). 3070. BOTTINEAU-FUCHS (Yves). L'équerre et le pinceau. L'architecture dans le tableau, IXe–XXe siècle. Arles, Actes Sud, 2013, 380 p. (pl., ill., bibl.). 3071. BOUCHERON (Patrick). Conjurer la peur Sienne, 1338: essai sur la force politique des images. Paris, Seuil, 2013, 285 p. (ill.). 3072. BRIDGEMAN (Jane), GRIFFITHS (Alan). A Renaissance wedding: the celebrations at Pesaro for the marriage of Costanzo Sforza & Camilla Marzano d'Aragona, 26–30 May 1475. London, Harvey Miller, 2013, 198 p. (ill., bibl.). 3073. BUCHIDID LOEWEN (Andrea). Lux pulchritudinis: sobre beleza e ornamento em Leon Battista Alberti. Coimbra Pinheiros, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra Annablume Clássica, 2013, 203 p. (ill.). 3074. BÜTTNER (Frank). Giotto und die Ursprünge der neuzeitlichen Bildauffassung: die Malerei und die Wissenschaft vom Sehen in Italien um 1300. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchges, 2013, 174 p. (ill.). 3075. CANNON (Joanna). Religious poverty, visual riches: art in the Dominican churches of central Italy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries. New Haven a. London, Yale University Press, 2013, XI-444 p. (ill., bibl.)


2013, XII-316 p. (ill., plans, music, bibl.). – EADEM. The experience of beauty in the Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, XII-233 p. (pl.). (OxfordWarburg Studies). 3078. CAVALDA (Cecilia). La pala d'altare a Bologna nel Rinascimento opere, artisti e città: 1450–1500. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2013, 415 p. (ill., bibl.). 3079. Chartes ornées (Les) dans l' Europe romane et gothique. Journée d' études, tenue aux Archives nationales le 15 mai 2007. Éd. par Ghislain BRUNEL et Marc SMITH. Bibliothèque de l' Ecole des Chartes, 2011 (2013), 169, 383 p. (ill., facs.). 3080. Civiltà urbana e committenze artistiche al tempo del maestro di Offida, secoli XIV–XV. Atti del convegno di studio svoltosi in occasione della XXIII edizione del Premio internazionale Ascoli Piceno (Ascoli Piceno, Palazzo dei Capitani, 1–3, dicembre 2011). A cura di Isa LORI SANFILIPPO e Silvia MADDALO. Ascoli Piceno, Istituto superiore di studi medievali "Cecco d'Ascoli" e Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013, 384 p. (ill., bibl.). (Atti del "Premio internazionale Ascoli Piceno"). 3081. COHEN (Matthew A.). Beyond beauty: reexamining architectural proportion through the Basilicas of San Lorenzo and Santo Spirito in Florence. Venezia, Centro Internazionale di Studi di architettura Andrea Palladio e Marsilio editore, 2013., 303 (ill., plans, bibl.). 3082. COOPER (Donald). The making of Assisi: the Pope, the Franciscans and the painting of the Basilica. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2013, XI-296 p. (ill., map, bibl.). 3083. Crocifissi lignei a Venezia e nei territori della Serenissima, 1350–1500: modelli, diffusione, restauro. Atti del convegno internazionale Venezia, Gallerie dell'Accademia, 18 maggio 2012. A cura di Elisabetta Francescutti. Padova, Centro Studi Antoniani, 2013, 172 p. (ill., bibl.). 3084. CURZI (Gaetano). Santa Maria del Casale a Brindisi: arte, politica e culto nel Salento angioino. Roma, Gangemi, 2013, 158 p. (ill., bibl.). 3085. D'ALBERTO (Claudia). Roma al tempo di Avignone: sculture nel contesto. Roma, Campisano, 2013, 241 p. (pl., ill., bibl.). (Saggi di storia dell'arte, 26). 3086. D'OVIDIO (Stefano). Scultura lignea del Medioevo a Napoli e in Campania. Napoli, Società Napoletana di Storia Patria, 2013, 288 p. (tav.).

3076. CARLOTTI (Mariella). Il luogo della memoria: l'opera di Beato Angelico nel convento di San Marco a Firenze. Firenze, Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2013, 104 p. (ill.).

3087. DALLI REGOLI (Gigetta). Pisa medievale e le arti: ricezione, elaborazione e diffusione fra XII e XIV secolo, nel segno di Buscheto e di Nicola Pisano. Pisa, ETS, 2013, 79 p. (ill.). (Libri de "Gli amici dei musei e monumenti pisani").

3077. CARRUTHERS (Mary J.). Rhetoric beyond words delight and persuasion in the arts of the Middle Ages. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge University Press,

3088. DE LUCA (Silvia). Gli affreschi della Camera pinta a Spoleto: fonti letterarie e filologia artistica. Perugia, fabbri, 2013, 220 p. (ill.).



3089. Demeure seigneuriale dans l'espace Plantagenêt: salles, chambres et tours. Éd. par Gwyn I. MEIRION-JONES. Rennes, Presses Univ. de Rennes, 2013, 485 p. (ill.). (Art & société). 3090. Early Medieval art and archaeology in the northern world. Studies in honour of James GrahamCampbell. Ed. by Andrew J. REYNOLDS and Leslie WEBSTER. Leiden, Brill, 2013, LI-948 p. (ill.). 3091. Erbe (Das) der Markgrafen: die Sammlung deutscher Malerei (1350–1550) in Karlsruhe. Hrsg. v. Anna MORAHT-FROMM. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 677 p. (ill.). 3092. ERTEL (Tobias). Padua regia civitas. Identität und Gedächtnis um 1400 im Oratorio di San Michele Arcangelo. Eine Fallstudie zum frühen Porträt. Kromsdorf, VDG Weimar, 2013, 265 p. (ill.). 3093. FALCHETTA (Piero). Fra' Mauro's world map: a history. Rimini, Imago, 2013, 121 p. (ill.). 3094. FALLACARA (Giuseppe), OCCHINEGRO (Ubaldo). Manoscritto Voynich e Castel del Monte: nuova chiave interpretativa del documento per inediti percorsi di ricerca / The Voynich Manuscript and Castel del Monte: new interpretative keys to reading the manuscript for an innovative research approach. Roma, Gangemi, 2013, 176 p. (ill., tav.). (Archinauti. Monigrafie, 59). 3095. Figura: Dynamiken der Zeiten und Zeichen im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Christian KIENING und Katharina MERTENS FLEURY. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 302 p. (ill.). (Philologie der Kultur, 8). 3096. FILIPPETTI (Roberto). Francesco secondo Giotto. Castel Bolognese, Itaca, 2013, 79 p. (ill.). 3097. Forme e significati della "firma" d'artista: contributi sul Medioevo, fra premesse classiche e prospettive moderne. A cura di Maria Monica DONATO. Roma, UniversItalia, 2013, XI-306 p. (ill., bibl.). 3098. GAETA (Marcello). Giotto und die "croci dipinte" des Trecento: Studien zu Typus, Genese und Rezeption. Mit einem Katalog der monumentalen Tafelkreuze des Trecento (ca. 1290–ca. 1400). Münster, Rhema, 2013, 457 p. (ill., bibl.). 3099. GARDNER (Julian). The Roman crucible: the artistic patronage of the papacy, 1198–1304. München, Hirmer, 2013, 520 p. (tab., ill., bibl.). (Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 33). 3100. GELAO (Chiara). Andrea Mantegna scultore e la Sant'Eufemia a Montepeloso. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 182 p. (ill.). 3101. GERAT (Ivan). Legendary scenes: an essay on medieval pictorial hagiography. Bratislava, Publishing House of the Slovak Akademy of Sciences, 2013, 344 p. (ill.). 3102. Histoire (L') d'Alexandre le Grand dans les tapisseries au XVe siècle: fortune iconographique dans les

tapisseries et les manuscrits conservés: la tenture d'Alexandre de la collection Doria Pamphilj à Gênes. Sous la dir. de Françoise BARBE, Laura STAGNO et Elisabetta VILLARI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 279 p. (Studies in Western tapestry). 3103. Hochaltarretabel (Das) in der Prenzlauer Marienkirche. Hrsg. v. Thomas DRACHENBERG. Beiträge der interdisziplinären Tagung im Dominikanerkloster in Prenzlau am 1. Dezember 2012. Berlin, Lukas-Verlag, 2013, 136 p. (ill.). (Arbeitshefte des Brandenburgischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologischen Landesmuseums, 28). 3104. HORCH (Caroline). "Nach dem Bild des Kaisers": Funktionen und Bedeutungen des Cappenberger Barbarossakopfes. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 328 p. (ill.). (Studien zur Kunst, 15). 3105. Immagine del Medioevo. Studi di arte medievale per Colette Dufour Bozzo. A cura di Anna DAGNINO, Claro DI FABIO, Mario MERCENARO, Luigina QUARTINO. Genova, De Ferrari, 2013, 333 p. (Ricerca). 3106. ISHINABE (Masumi). Firentse no seiki: Runesansu bijutsu to patoron no monogatari. (The century of Florence: A story of Renaissance art and patrons). Tokyo, Heibonsha, 2013, 524 p. 3107. KIMATA (Motokazu). Goshikku no shikaku uchū. (The visual universe of Gothic). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 475 p. 3108. KINCH (Ashby). Imago mortis: mediating images of death in late medieval culture. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XVI-301 p. (Visualising the Middle Ages, 9). 3109. Kunst und Kultur in ottonischer Zeit: Forschungen zum Frühmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Andreas RANFT. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 200 p. (ill.). (More Romano, 3). 3110. LAHOZ (M. Lucía). El intercambio artístico en el gótico la circulación de obras, de artistas y de modelos. Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2013, 248 p. (ill., bibl.). 3111. LAVAURE (Annik). L'image de Joseph au Moyen Âge. Rennes, Presses Univ. de Rennes, 2013, XXXII-368 p. (ill., bibl.). 3112. Lucensis ecclesiae monumenta a saeculo VII usque ad annum MCCLX. Vol. 3. T. 1. Cattedrale di San Martino: 685–1204. T. 2. Cattedrale di San Martino: 1205–1260. A cura di Graziano CONCIONI, Claudio FERRI e Giuseppe GHILARDUCCI. Lucca, M. Pacini Fazzi, 2013, 2 vol., 446 p., 460 p. (ill.). 3113. MARANESI (Giacomo). La chiesa di San Pietro a Fermo e il polittico disperso. Fermo, Livi, 2013, 262 p. (ill.). 3114. MARTELLI (Cecilia). Bartolomeo Della Gatta pittore e miniatore tra Arezzo, Roma e Urbino. Firenze, Centro DI, 2013, 415 p. (ill., bibl.). 3115. Masterly (A) hand interdisciplinary research on the late-medieval sculptor(s). Master of Elsloo in an

§ 10. History of art international perspective. Proceedings of the conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, 20–21 October 2011. Ed. by Famke PETERS. Brussels, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, 2013, 345 p. (ill.). (Scientia artis, 9), 3116. Mechanisms of exchange: transmission in medieval art and architecture of the Mediterranean, ca. 1000–1500. Ed. by Heather E. GROSSMAN a. Alicia WALKER. Medieval Encounters, 2012 (2013), 18, 4-5, 325 p. (ill., bibl.). 3117. Medieval royal palace (The) at Visegrád. Ed. by Gergely BUZÁS and József LASZLOVSZKY. Budapest, Archaeolingua Alapítvány, 2013, 397 p. (ill., plans, bibl.). (Archaeolingua, 27). 3118. MONCIATTI (Alessio). L'arte nel Duecento. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, XVIII-379 p. (ill.). (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi. Mappe, 6. Piccola storia dell'arte). 3119. MORÁIS MORÁN (José Alberto). Roma en el Románico: transformaciones del legado antiguo en el arte medieval. La escultura hispana: Jaca, Compostela y León (1075–1150). Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2013, 877 p., 1 CD-ROM (ill.). 3120. Münchner (Die) Moriskentänzer Repräsentation und Performanz städtischen Selbstverständnisses. Hrsg. v. Iris LAUTERBACH. München, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2013, 214 p. (ill., bibl.). (Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München, 32). 3121. Na gênese das racionalidades modernas: em torno de Leon Battista Alberti. Ed. por Carlos Antônio Leite BRANDÃO, Pierre CAYE, Francesco FURLAN e Mauricio LOUREIRO. Belo Horizonte, Editora UFMG, 2013m 548 p. (ill.). 3122. Notre-Dame de Paris, 1163–2013. Actes du colloque scientifique tenu au Collège des Bernardins, à Paris, du 12 au 15 décembre 2012. Éd. par Cédric GIRAUD. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 658 p. (ill.). 3123. Old Saint Peter's, Rome. Ed. by Rosamond MAC KITTERICK, John OSBORNE, Carol M. RICHARDSON and Joanna STORY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 512 p. 3124. Patronage: power & agency in medieval art. Hrsg. v. Colum HOURIHANE. Princeton, Index of Christian Art, 2013, XXIV-335 p. (ill., bibl.). (The index of Christian art occasional papers, 15). 3125. PAWLIK (Anna). Das Bildwerk als Reliquiar? Funktionen früher Großplastik im 9. bis 11. Jahrhundert. Petersberg, Imhof, 2013, 351 p. (ill.). (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 98) 3126. PERRINO (Giulia), Affari pubblici e devozione privata. Santa Maria del Casale a Brindisi. Bari, Caratteri Mobili, 2013, 125 p. (ill.). (Questioni di storia, 5). 3127. PIVA (Paolo). Chiese ad absidi opposte nell'Italia medievale (secoli XI–XII). Mantova, SAP, 2013, 110 p. (ill.). (Documenti di archeologia, 54).


3128. Platea (La) della diocesi di Tropea (sec. XV). A cura di Pietro DE LEO. Tropea, Meligrana, 2013, XXXIX-385 p. (ill., bibl.). (Tropiensia, 2). 3129. PLEYNET (Marcelin). Giotto. Paris, Hazan, 2013, 223 p. (ill., bibl.). (Bibliothèque Hazan). 3130. PRÉVOST (Bertrand). Peindre sous la lumière. Leon Battista Alberti et le moment humaniste de l'évidence. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 141 p. (Aesthetica). 3131. PRINGLE (Denys). Churches, castles and landscape in the Frankish East. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, XII-380 p. (maps). (Collected studies series, 2018). 3132. Productions céramiques (Des) de l'époque gallo-romaine à la Renaissance. Actes des journées d'étude sur les productions céramiques à Amiens et à Fosses. Éd. par Sandrine MOUNY. Revue archéologique de Picardie, 2013, 1/2, 249 p. (ill.). 3133. RIGOBELLO AUTIZI (Maria Beatrice). Moda e arte nel Trecento: lusso, fasto e identità al tempo dei Carraresi. Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2013, 174 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di arte, 5). 3134. ROBINSON (Cynthia). Imagining the passion in a multiconfessional Castile. The Virgin, Christ, Devotions, and Images in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. University Park, Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2013, X-466 p. (ill.). (bibl.). 3135. Saints (Des) et des hommes: l'image des saints dans les Alpes Occidentales à la fin du Moyen Âge. Éd. par Simone BAIOCCO et Marie Claude MORAND. Milano, Officina Libraria, 2013, 247 p. (ill.). 3136. SASTRE DE DIEGO (Isaac). Los altares de las iglesias hispanas tardoantiguas y altomedievales: estudio arqueológico. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, 650 p. (ill., bibl.). (Britisch Archaeological Reports. International Series, 2503). 3137. SCHWARZ (Mario). Die Baukunst des 13. Jahrhunderts in Österreich. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 496 p. (ill.). 3138. SKANG (Erling). Giotto and the flood of Florence in 1333: a study in catastrophism, guild organisation and art technology. Firenze, Giunti, 2013, 111 p. (ill.). 3139. SOTIRA (Letizia). Dal mondo pagano a quello cristiano: l'imago clipeata (IV–IX sec.). Mosaici e affreschi nel contesto archeologico-artistico mediterraneo. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 182 p. (ill.). (Riflessi in Elicona, 8). – EADEM. Gli altari nella scultura e nei mosaici di Ravenna (V–VIII secolo). Bologna, Ante Quem, 2013, 162 p. (ill, map, bibl.). (Università di Bologna Dipartimento di storia, culture, civiltà. Sezione di archeologia. Studi e scavi, 38). 3140. Sprache (Die) des Materials: die Technologie der Kölner Tafelmalerei vom "Meister der heiligen Veronika" bis Stefan Lochner. Berlin u. München, Dt. Kunstverlag, 2013, 267 p. (ill.).



3141. STERNBERG (Maximilian). Cistercian architecture and medieval society. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2013, XI-298 p. (ill.). (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 221). 3142. Umbria e Marche in età romanica: arti e tecniche a confronto tra XI e XIII secolo. Convegno. A cura di Enrica NERI LUSANNA. Todi, Ediart, 2013, 317 p. (ill., maps, plans, bibl.). 3143. UNGRUH (Christine). Das Bodenmosaik der Kathedrale von Otranto (1163 – 1165): normannische Herrscherideologie als Endzeitvision. Affalterbach, Didymos-Verlag, 2013, 454 p. (ill.). (Studien zur Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 9). 3144. VELLA (Charlene). The mediterranean artistic context of late medieval Malta, 1091–1530. Valletta, Midsea Books, 2013, VI-234 p. (ill.). 3145. Vierges à l'Enfant médiévales de Catalogne: mises en perspectives. Éd. par Marie-Pasquine SUBES. Perpignan, Presses Universitaire de Perpignan, 2013, 487 p. (ill., bibl.). (Collection Histoire de l'art, 5). 3146. Visibile parlare. Le arti nella Toscana medievale. A cura di Marco COLLARETA, Valerio ASCANI e Carlo CANTINI. Firenze, Edifir, 2013, 382 p. (ill., bibl.).

can- und Terenz-Handschriften. Kassel u. London, Bärenreiter, 2013, XIII-429 p. (ill., facs., music). (Monumenta monodica medii aevi. Subsidia, 5). 3152. CASWELL (Fuad Matthew). Three master musicians. Medieval Islamic music. Leicester, Matador, 2013, 144 p. (bibl.). 3153. CHIATTO (Demetrio). I codici liturgici musicali della tradizione bizantina e latina a Messina. Messina, Edas, 2013, 301 p. (ill.). (Musica e musicisti a Messina, 1). 3154. Codici (I) musicali trentini del Quattrocento: nuove scoperte, nuove edizioni e nuovi strumenti informatici. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi "The Trent Codices: New Findings, New Editions and New Electronic Resources", Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 28–29 novembre 2009. A cura di Danilo CURTI-FEININGER. Lucca, LIM Ed., 2013, 175 p. 3155. HUEFFER (Francis). The Troubadours: a History of Provençal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 390 p. (Cambridge Library Collection. Music).

3147. WIRTH (Jean). L' image du corps au Moyen Âge. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, V-250 p. (ill.). (Micrologus's library, 56)

3156. Instruments, ensembles and repertory, 1300– 1600. Essays in honour of Keith Polk. Ed. by Timothy J. MAC GEE and Stewart CARTER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XX-339 p. (ill., music). (Brepols collected essays in European culture, 4).

3148. WOLLESEN (Jens T.). Acre or Cyprus? A new approach to the crusader painting around 1300. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, X-202 p. (taf., bibl.).

3157. LOEWEN (Peter V.). Music in early Franciscan thought. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII.262 p. (ill., music, bibl.). (The Medieval Franciscan, 9).

§ 10. Addenda 2012.

3158. Music and culture in the age of the Council of Basel. Ed. by Matteo NANNI. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, 358 p.

3149. Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo. Iskusstvo srednevekovoj Rusi i Vizantii epokhi Andreja Rubleva. K 600letiju rospisi Uspenskogo sobora vo Vladimire: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferentsii. 1–2 oktjabrja 2008 g. (Russian Medieval art. Art of Medieval Rus' and Byzantium during the epoch of Andrey Roublev. To the 600th anniversary of the fresco-painting in the Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir. The proceedings of the international symposium, October 1st–2nd, 2008). Ed. Engelina S. SMIRNOVA. Moskva, Art-Volkhonka, 2012, 296 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [Also English text, English and French resumes]. 3150. ZOLOTOVA (Ekaterina Ju.). Knizhnaja miniatjura Zapadnoj Evropy XII–XVII vekov. Katalog illjustrirovannykh rukopisej v bibliotekakh, muzejakh i chastnykh kollektsijakh Moskvy. (Western European book miniatures of the 12th – 17th centuries. A catalogue of illuminated manuscripts in Moscow libraries, museums and private collections). State Institute of restauration (GosNIIR). Moskva, Severnyj palomnik; Kuchkovo pole, 2012, 464 p. Cf. nos 218, 2719 § 11. History of music. _______________________

3151. BOBETH (Gundela). Antike Verse in mittelalterlicher Vertonung: Neumierungen in Vergil-, Statius-, Lu-

3159. PLUMLEY (Yolanda). The art of grafted song: citation and allusion in the age of Machaut. Oxford a. New York, Oxford University Press, 2013, XXIV-460 p. 3160. Quod core cantas corde credas: studi in onore di Giacomo Baroffio Dahnk. A cura di Leandra SCAPPATICCI. Città del Vaticano, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2013. 743 p. (ill., music). (Monumenta studia instrumenta liturgica, 70). 3161. SALTZSTEIN (Jennifer). The refrain and the rise of the vernacular in medieval French music and poetry. Woodbridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2013, X-194 p. (ill., music). (Gallica, 30). 3162. UPTON (Elizabeth Randell). Music and performance in the later Middle Ages. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2'13, XVI-231 p. (bibl.). (New Middle Ages). 3163. VÖTTERLE (Veronica). Arabische Musikinstrumente in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2013, VI-171 p. (ill.). (Elementa musicae, 7). 3164. YAMAMOTO (Naruo). Seika-tai no tanjō: Kanburē daiseidō no ongaku soshiki. (The birth of church choir: The music constitution of Cambrai Cathedral). Tokyo, Chisen Shokan, 2013, 618 p.

§ 12. History of philosophy, theology and science § 11. Addendum 2012. ** 3165. Russkaja dukhovnaja muzyka v dokumentakh i materialakh. (Russian religious musik: sources and materials). Vol. 7. Afonskaja ekspeditsija Obschestva ljubitelej drevnej pis'mennosti (1906). (Mount Athos' expedition of Society of old writings admirers). Book 1. Dnevnik S.V. Smolenskogo. Pis'ma. Materialy. (Journal of S.V. Smolenskij, letters and materials). Book 2. Afonskaja kollektsija. (Mount Athos' collection). State Institute for art studies (GII). Ed. Marina P. RAKHMANOVA, Elena A. BORISOVETS. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 798, 520 p. (Language. Semiotics. Culture). § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. ** 3166. ALBERT LE GRAND. Le traité du flux. Tractatus de fluxu causatorum a causa prima et causarum ordine. Éd. par Sébastien MILAZZO. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2013, LXXXI-315 p. (bibl.). (Sagesses médiévales, 12). ** 3167. BEDA. De natura rerum. A cura di Elisa TIBari, Cacucci, 2013, 182 p. (Biblioteca della tradizione classica, 6).


** 3168. Cité (La) de Dieu de saint Augustin traduite par Raoul de Presles 1371–1375: édition du manuscrit BnF, fr. 22912. Vol. 1. T.1. Livres I à III. Éd. par Raoul DE PRESLES. Paris, H. Champion, 2013, 981 p. (facs., ill., bibl.). (Linguistique, traduction et terminologie, 1). ** 3169. NICOLAUS ORESMIUS. Questiones super Physicam (books I – VII). Hrsg. v. Stefano CAROTI. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XLIV-853 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 112). ** 3170. Petri de Alliaco Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum. Ed. Monica BRINZEI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, LXX-258 p. (Corpus christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 258). ** 3171. RICHARD DE MEDIAVILLA. Questions disputées. Tome III. Questions 14-22. La condition générale de l'ange, II: volonté, mouvement et temps. Éd. par Alain BOUREAU. Tome V. Questions 32-37. La vision béatifique et le savoir des anges. Éd. par Alain BOUREAU. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2013, 2 vol., LVI-462 p., XXXIV-284 p. (bibl.). (Bibliothèque scolastique).


3175. DALCHÉ (Patrick Gautier). L'espace géographique au Moyen Âge. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, X-464 p. (Micrologus' Library, 57). 3176. DALES (Douglas). Alcuin: theology and thought. Cambridge, James Clarke, 2013, 357 p. (bibl.). 3177. DE BOER (Sander W.). The science of the soul: the commentary tradition on Aristotle's 'De anima', c. 1260–c. 1360. Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2013, VII-333 p. (bibl.). (Ancient and medieval philosophy, 146). 3178. DEKKER (Ely). Illustrating the phaenomena: celestial cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 2013, X-467 p. (ill.). 3179. Dimensions (The) of colour. Robert Grosseteste's De colore: edition, translation and interdisciplinary analysis. Ed. by Greti DINKOVA-BRUUN. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, 94 p. (bibl.). (Durham medieval and renaissance texts, 4). 3180. GALLUZZO (Gabriele). The medieval reception of book zeta of Aristotle's "Metaphysics". Vol. 1. Aristotle's Ontology and the Middle Ages: the tradition of "Met.", Book Zeta. Vol. 2. Pauli Veneti "Expositio in duodecim libros Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber VII". Leiden, Brill, 2013, 2 vol., X-774 p., 609 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 110, 1-2). 3181. Glossario tommasiano fondamentale: communicatio, quaestio, desiderium, experentia, conscientia, contemplatio, electio, sanatio. A cura di Andrea DI MAIO e Antonella FANI. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 396 p. (bibl.). 3182. GRELLARD (Christophe). Jean de Salisbury et la renaissance médiévale du scepticisme. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 335 p. (bibl.). 335 p. (bibl.). (Histoire, 122). 3183. HOFF (Johannes). The analogical turn: rethinking modernity with Nicholas of Cusa. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2013, XXVI-214 p. (bibl.). (Interventions). 3184. INAGAKI (Ryosuke). Tomasu Akuinasu no shingaku. (The theology of Thomas Aquinas). Tokyo, Sobunsha, 2013, 474 p.


3185. Interpreting Avicenna: critical essays. Hrsg. v. Peter ADAMSON. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XI-300 p.

3172. Aristotle's categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin traditions. Ed. by Sten EBBESEN, John MARENBON and Paul THOM. Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2013, 339 p. (bibl.). (Scientia Danica. Humanistica 8, 5).

3186. Intus et foris. Une catégorie de la pensée médiévale? Sous la dir. de Manuel GUAY, Marie-Pascale HALARY et Patrick MORAN. Paris, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 276 p. (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 50).

3173. BOULNOIS (Olivier). Métaphysiques rebelles: genèse et structures d'une science au Moyen âge. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2013, 422 p. (bibl.). (Épiméthée).

3187. Jenseits der Geltung: Konkurrierende Transzendenzbehauptungen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Stephan DREISCHER, Christoph LUNDGREEN, Sylka SCHOLZ und Daniel SCHULZ. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-452 p. (ill., bibl.).

3174. D'ONOFRIO (Giulio). Vera philosophia. Studi sul pensiero cristiano in età tardo-antica, alto-medievale e umanistica. Roma, Città Nuova, 2013, 376 p. (ill., bibl.). (Institutiones, 1).

3188. Knowledge (From) to beatitude: St. Victor, twelfth-century scholars, and beyond. Essays in honor of Grover A. Zinn, Jr. Ed. by Edith Ann MATTER and



Lesley ADKINS. Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2013, XXIII-471 p. (ill., bibl.). 3189. KRUPA (Paweł). Une grave querelle l'Université de Paris: les mendiants et la conception immaculée de la Vierge (1387–1390). Warszawa, Instytut tomistyczny, 2013, 343 p. (Biblioteka instytutu tomistycznego. Teksty i studia, 6). 3190. LANZA (Lidia). Ei autem qui de politia considerat. Aristotele nel pensiero politico medievale. Barcelona, Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2013, 305 p. (bibl.). (Textes et études du moyen âge, 71). 3191. LOHR (Charles H.). Latin Aristotle commentaries Vol. I/1. Medieval authors, A-L. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XVII-375 p. 3192. Medieval legends (The) of philosophers and scholars, Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XIII-634 (Micrologus, 21). 3193. Medieval perspectives on Aristotle's "De anima". Ed. by Russell L. FRIEDMAN. Louvain-la-Neuve, Éd. de l'Inst. Supérieur de Philosophie et Louvain, Peeters, 2013, XXI-391 p. (Philosophes médiévaux, 58). 3194. Medieval supposition theory revisited. Acts of the 17th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics held at the University of Leiden (2–7 June 2008). Ed. by Egbert Peter BOS. Vivarium, 2013, 51, XIV-521 p. (bibl.). 3195. Medioevo e filosofia. Per Alfonso Maierù. A cura di Massimiliano LENZI, Cesare A. MUSATTI e Luisa VALENTE. Roma, Viella, 2013, 310 p. (I libri di Viella, 150). 3196. MÜLLER (Tom). Der junge Cusanus ein Aufbruch in das 15. Jahrhundert. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 216 p. (ill., bibl.). 3197. PASQUA (Hervé). Nicolas de Cues et l'Islam. Louvain, Peeters et Paris, Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, 2013, 202 p. (bibl.). 3198. Philosophical psychology in arabic thought and the latin aristotelianism of the 13th century. Ed. by Luis Xavier LÓPEZ FARJEAT and Jörg Alejandro TELLKAMP. Paris, J. Vrin, 2013, 303 p. (Sic et Non). 3199. POWER (Amanda). Roger Bacon and the defence of Christendom. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-303 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought). 3200. Rethinking virtue, reforming society: new directions in Renaissance ethics, c. 1350–1650. Ed. by David A. Lines and Sabrina Ebbersmeyer. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VI-351 p. (Cursor mundi, 3). 3201. Robert Grosseteste and his intellectual milieu. New editions and studies. Ed. by John FLOOD, James R. GINTHER and Joseph GOERING. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediavel Studies, 2013, XIII-429 p. (Papers in mediaeval studies, 24).

3202. ROHMANN (Gregor). Tanzwut. Kosmos, Kirche und Mensch in der Bedeutungsgeschichte eines mittelalterlichen Krankheitskonzepts. Göttingen u. Bristol, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 712 p. (Historische Semantik, 19). 3203. SACCENTI (Riccardo). Conservare la retta volontà: l'atto morale nelle dottrine di Filippo il Cancelliere e Ugo di Saint-Cher (1225–1235). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 244 p. (Test e ricerche di scienze religiose). 3204. SHOGIMEN (Takashi). Yōroppa seiji shisō no tanjō. (The birth of European political thought). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 324 p. 3205. TRONCARELLI (Fabio). L'ombra di Boezio: memoria e destino di un filosofo senza dogmi. Napoli, Liguori, 2013, XVI-326 p. (ill., tav., bibl.). (Nuovo Medioevo, 95). 3206. Universalità della Ragione. Pluralità delle Filosofie nel Medioevo / Universalité de la Raison. Pluralité des philosophies au Moyen Âge / Universality of Reason. Plurality of philosophies in the Middle Ages. XII Congresso Internazionale di filosofia medievale, Palermo, 17–22 settembre 2007. Sessioni plenarie. Schede Medievali, 2012 (2013), 50, XXXIX-378 p. (ill., bibl.). 3207. Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Reiner BERNDT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, XXXIII382 p. (Erudiri sapientia, 9). 3208. ZIEBART (K. Meridith). Nicolaus Cusanus on faith and the intellect: a case study in 15th-century FidesRatio controversy. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XII-328 p. (bibl.). (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 225). § 12. Addendum 2012. 3209. Renovatio et unitas – Nikolaus von Kues als Reformer. Theorie und Praxis der reformatio im 15. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Thomas FRANK und Norbert WINKLER. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2012, 253 p. § 13. History of the Church and religion. ______________________

a. General ** 3210. Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta editio critica. P. II. The general concils of Latin Christendom. Ed. Giuseppe ALBERIGO et Alberto MELLONI. Vol. 1. From Constantinople IV to PaviaSiena (869–1424). Vol. 2. From Basel to Lateran V (1431–1517). Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 2 vol., XII1518 p. (bibl.). (Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta, 2/1-2). ** 3211. Concilium Constantinopolitanum A. 691/2 in Trullo habitum (concilium quinisextum). Hrsg v. Heinz OHME. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 131 p. (bibl.). (Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum sub auspiciis Academiae scientiarum Bavaricae edita. Series secunda 2, 4). ** 3212. WECKWERTH (Andreas). Clavis Conciliorum Occidentalium septem prioribus saeculis celebratorum: qua ad investigationem synodorum fovendam tam op-

§ 13. History of the Church and religion timas actorum synodalium editiones quam eorum testimonia conciliorum quorum monumenta deperdita sunt commode contulit. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXXIX389 p. (bibl.). (Corpus christianorum. Claves. Subsidia, 3). 3213. APSAT 10. Chiese trentine dalle origini al 1250. Vol. 1. A cura di Gian Pietro BROGIOLO, Enrico CAVADA, Monica IBSEN, Nicoletta PISU e Matteo RAPANÀ. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 286 p. (ill., bibl.). (Progetti di archeologia, 11). 3214. APSAT 11. Chiese trentine dalle origini al 1250. Vol. 2. A cura di Gian Pietro BROGIOLO, Enrico CAVADA, Monica IBSEN, Nicoletta PISU e Matteo RAPANÀ. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 260 p. (ill., bibl.). (Progetti di archeologia, 12). 3215. BUCK (Thomas Martin), KRAUME (Herbert). Das Konstanzer Konzil (1414–1418): Kirchenpolitik, Weltgeschehen, Alltagsleben. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 390 p. (ill.). 3216. COX (Rory). A law of war? English protection and destruction of ecclesiastical property during the fourteenth century. English historical review, 2013, 128, 535, p. 1381-1417. 3217. English Episcopal Acta. 42: Ely, 1198–1256. Ed. by Nicholas KARN. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, CXIV-329 p. 3218. Envisioning Christ on the cross: Ireland and the early Medieval west. Ed. by Juliet MULLINS, Jenifer NÍ GHRÁDAIGH and Richard HAWTREE. Dublin, Four Court Press, 2013, XIV-370 p. (ill.). 3219. FABBRI (Alessandro). All'indomani del grande Scisma d'Occidente. Jean Le Fèvre canonista al servizio dei Valois e il trattato "De planctu bonorum" in riposta a Giovanni da Legnano. Firenze, Edofir, 2013, 317 p. (ill., bibl.). (Studi di Storia e Documentazione storica, 5). 3220. Heresy and the making of European culture: medieval and modern perspectives, Ed. by Andrew ROACH and James R. SIMPSON. Farnha, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-484 p. (ill., bibl.). 3221. Konstanzer (Das) Konzil 1414–1418. Weltereignis des Mittelalters. Bd. 2. Essays. Darmstadt, WBG Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 247 p. (ill., tab., bibl.). 3222. KÖTTER (Jan-Markus). Zwischen Kaisern und Aposteln: das Akakianische Schisma (484–519) als kirchlicher Ordnungskonflikt der Spätantike. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2013, 361 p. (Roma Aeterna. Beiträge zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, 2). 3223. KRÜGER (Thomas M.). Leitungsgewalt und Kollegialität. Vom benediktinischen Beratungsrecht zum Konstitutionalismus deutscher Domkapitel und des Kardinalkollegs (ca. 500–1500). Berlin/Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, 355 p. (Studien zur Germania Sacra, 2). 3224. LOUTH (Andrew). L'Orient grec et l'Occident latin: l'Église de 681 à 1071. Paris, Cerf, 2013, 459 p. (maps, bibl.).


3225. Réceptions (Les) des Pères de l'Église au Moyen Âge: le devenir de la tradition ecclésiale. Congrès du Centre Sèvres-Facultés jésuites de Paris (11–14 juin 2008). Éd. par Rainer BERNDT et Michel FÉDOU. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 2 vol., 1120 p. (ill., bibl.). (Archa Verbi. Subsidia, 10). 3226. Religiosità e civiltà. Conoscenze, confronti, influssi reciproci tra le religioni (secoli X–XIV). Atti del Convegno internazionale, Brescia, 15–17 settembre 2011. A cura di Giancarlo ANDENNA e Elisabetta FILIPPINI. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2013, XIII-362 (ill., bibl.). (Settimane internazionali della Mendola). 3227. Religious controversy in Europe, 1378–1536: textual transmission and networks of readership. Ed. by Michael VAN DUSSEN and Pavel SOUKUP. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VIII-350 p. (Medieval church studies, 27). 3228. Viaggio (Il) della fede. La cristianizzazione del Piemonte meridionale tra IV e VIII secolo. Atti del convegno di Cherasco, Bra, Alba, 10–12 dicembre 2010. Alba, Fondazione CRT, 2013, XIX-239 p. (ill., pl., maps, bibl.). b. History of the Popes ** 3229. CLAVERIE (Pierre-Vincente). Honorius III et l'Orient (1216–1227): étude et publications de sources inédites des Archives Vaticanes (ASV). Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIII-502 p. (The medieval Mediterranean, 97). ** 3230. DANIELS (Tobias). La congiura dei Pazzi: I documenti del conflitto fra Lorenzo de' Medici e Sisto IV. Le bolle di scomunica, la "Florentina Synodus", e la "Dissentio" insorta tra la Santità del Papa e i Fiorentini. Edizione critica e commento. Firenze, edifir, 2013, 206 p. (Studi di storia e documentazione storica, 6). ** 3231. Rotuli parisienses. Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Vol. III. 1378–1394. Ed. by William J. COURTENAY and Eric D. GODDARD. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 2 vol., XIV-1152 p. (bibl.), ** 3232. SANNA (Mauro). Onorio III e la Sardegna (1216–1227). Cagliari, Centro studi filologici sardi, CUEC, 2013, CXXVII-234 p. (ill., facs., bibl.). (Scrittori sardi. Testi e documenti, 13). 3233. ALTHOFF (Gerd). "Selig sind, die Verfolgung ausüben". Päpste und Gewalt im Hochmittelalter. Darmstadt, WBG, 2013, 254 p. (ill., bibl.). (Wissen verbindet). 3234. BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI (Alessandra). Una memoria controversa: Celestino V e le sue fonti. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XXI-334 p. (bibl.). 3235. Begrenzte (Das) Papsttum: Spielräume päpstlichen Handelns. Legaten, delegierte Richter, Grenzen. Hrsg. v. Klaus HERBERS, Frank ENGEL und Fernando LÓPEZ ALSINA. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII-332 p. (ill.). (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen Neue Folge, 25). 3236. Churchmen and urban government in late medieval Italy c. 1200–c. 1450: cases and contexts. Ed.



by Andrews FRANCES and Maria Agata PINCELLI. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2013, XVI-411 p. (bibl.).

3248. Pfarrei (Die) im späten Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Enno BÜNZ und Gerhard FOUQUET. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 439 p.

3237. DALARUN (Jacques). Bérard des Marses, 1080– 1130 un évêque exemplaire. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 150 p. (ill., bibl.). (Textes et documents d'histoire médiévale, 8).

3249. REINHARDT (Volker). Pius II. Piccolomini: der Papst, mit dem die Renaissance begann. Eine Biographie. München, Beck, 2013, 392 p. (ill.).

3238. FUJISAKI (Mamoru). Chūsei kyōkōchō no seiritsu to tenkai. (The formation and development of the Papal curia in the Middle Ages). Tokyo, Yasaka Shobo, 2013, 566 p. 3239. GENEQUAND (PHILIPPE).Une politique pontificale en temps de crise Clement VII d'Avignon et les premieres annees du grand schisme d'occident (1378– 1394). Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2013, 480 p. (ill., bibl.). (Bibliotheca Hevetica Romana, 35). 3240. Glanz der späten Karolinger. Hatto I., Erzbischof von Mainz (891 – 913): von der Reichenau in den Mäuseturm. Hrsg. v. Winfried WILHELMY. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 215 p. (ill.). (Publikationen des Bischöflichen Dom- und Diözesanmuseums Mainz, 3). 3241. Kardinäle (Die) des Mittelalters und der frühen Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Jürgen DENDORFER. Fisenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, VI-396 (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 95. Strumenti e studi, 33). 3242. LINEHAN (Peter). Portugalia Pontificia: Materials for the History of Portugal and the Papacy, 1198– 1417. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013, 2 vol., 818 p., 843 p. (Série de cultura portuguesa das edições da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian). 3243. MAC CAHILL (Elizabeth M.). Reviving the Eternal City: Rome and the Papal Court, 1420–1447. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2013, 288 p. (pl., ill., map, bibl.). 3244. MACKINTOSH (Robin). Augustine of Canterbury leadership, mission and legacy. Norwich, Canterbury Press, 2013, XVI-192 p. (bibl.). 3245. MARTYN (John R. C.). Gregory and Leander: an analysis of the special friendship between Pope Gregory the Great and Leander, archbishop of Seville. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XI-135 p. (bibl.). 3246. NEAGU (Răzvan Mihai). Episcopii de Cenad şi papalitatea de la Avignon. Intervenţia papalităţii în dieceza Cenadului în secolul al XIV-lea. (The Cenad Bishops and the Avignon papacy. The intervention of the papacy in the diocese of Cenad in the 14th century). Banatica, Muzeul Banatului Montan Reşiţa, 2013, 23, p. 527-544. – IDEM. Politica beneficială a Papalităţii de la Avignon în Transilvania (1305–1378). (The beneficial policy of the Avignon papacy in Transylvania, 1305–1378). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 432 p. 3247. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Agostino). Morte e elezione del papa: norme, riti e conflitti. Il Medioevo. Roma, Viella, 2013, XIV-354 p. (ill.). (La corte dei papi, 22)

3250. Riflessi di politica papale verso i saraceni al tempo di Innocenzo III. Evoluzione di colori e significati: "Croce disarmata". VIII centenario del Mosaico di San Tommaso in Formis (1210–2010), congresso internazionale, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, 26–28 gennaio 2011. A cura di Giulio CIPOLLONE. Città del Vaticano, Archivio segreto vaticano, 2013, 350 p. (Collectanea Archivi vaticani, 87). 3251. SALONEN (Kirsi), HANSKA (Jussi). Entering a clerical career at the Roman Curia, 1458–1471. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XII-295 p. (bibl.). (Church, faith, and culture in the medieval West). 3252. SCHERER (Cornelia). Der Pontifikat Gregors IV. (827–844). Vorstellungen und Wahrnehmungen päpstlichen Handelns im 9. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2013, XVI-345 p. 3253. SOUZA (José Antônio de Camargo Rodrigues de), BAYONA AZNAR (Bernardo). Doctrinas y relaciones de poder en el Cisma de Occidente y en la época conciliar (1378–1449). Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013, 386 p. (bibl.). (Ciencias sociales, 94). 3254. Spiritual (The) expansion of medieval Latin Christendom: the Asian missions. Ed. by James Daniel RYAN. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, XLV-367 p. (ill., bibl.). (The expansion of Latin Europe, 10001500, 11). 3255. Vescovi (Da) di Roma a papi: l'invenzione del Liber Pontificalis. Rivista di storia del Cristianesimo, 2013, 10, 1, p. 3-130 (ill.). 3256. WILKIN (Alexis), KUPPER (Jean-Louis). Évêque et prince: Notger et la Basse-Lotharingie aux alentours de l'an Mil. Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège 2013, 605 p. (Série Histoire, 2). 3257. ZANKE (Sebastian). Johannes XXII., Avignon und Europa: das politische Papsttum im Spiegel der kurialen Register (1316 – 1334). Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXIII418 p. (Studies in medieval and reformation traditions, 175). c. Monastic history ** 3258. AEGIDIUS ASSISIAS. Dicta. Ed. Stefano BRUSpoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, VII-357 p. (Edizione nazionale delle fonti francescane, 1).


** 3259. Charterhouse (The) of Liège as seen in the Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter. Ed. by James HOGG. Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2013, 194 p. (ill.). (Analecta Cartusiana).

§ 13. History of the Church and religion ** 3260. Dicta sive Sententiae sanctorum patrum de praxi vitae perfectae. Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2013, VI114 p. (Analecta Cartusiana). ** 3261. EIXIMENIS (Francesc). Il dodicesimo libro del cristiano, capp. 139-152 e 193-197: lo statuto della moneta negli scritti di un frate minore del secolo XIV. A cura di Paolo EVANGELISTI. Trieste, Edizioni Università di Triste, 2013, XV-224 p. (facs., bibl.). (Rei nummariae scriptores, 1). ** 3262. Gisleberti Trudonensis Gesta abbatum Trudonensium, VIII-XIII: Liber IX opus intextum Rodulfi Trudonensis. Ed. Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 172 P. (Corpus christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 257A). ** 3263. Libro della Confraternita de Sancto Tomasci de Aquino. A cura di Carlo DE MATTEIS. L'Aquila, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia dell' Aquila, 2013, LII-280 p. (Monumenta Civitatis Aquilae. Testi letterari e storiografici, 7). ** 3264. Liturgie und Reform im Kloster Medingen: Edition und Untersuchung des Propst-Handbuchs Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. e. 18. Hrsg. v. Ulrike HASCHER-BURGER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, X-432 p. (ill., bibl.). (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation). ** 3265. MARTINUS CAMALDULENSIS. Libri tres de moribus. Ed. Pierluigi Licciardello. Firenze, SISMELEdizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, 370 p. (bibl.). (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 33). ** 3266. PACIOCCO (Roberto). Frati minori e privilegi papali tra Due e Trecento. Con l'edizione del Liber privilegiorum della Biblioteca Antoniana di Padova (cod. 49). Padova, Centro Studi Antoniani, 2013, XIII274 p. (ill.). (Fonti e studi francescani, 16). ** 3267. PAXTON (Frederick S.). The death ritual at Cluny in the central Middle Ages / Le rituel de la mort à Cluny au Moyen Âge central. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 283 p. (ill.). (Disciplina Monastica, 9. Disciplina Monastica Fontes, 2). 3268. 900 Jahre Stift Herzogenburg: Aufbrüche, Umbrüche, Kontinuität. Tagungsband zum wissenschaftlichen Symposium vom 22.–24. September 2011. Innsbruck, Studienverlag, 2013, 499 p. (ill., maps). (Sonderpublikation des Vereins für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich). 3269. AALUND JENSEN (Leif). Middelalderens danske cistercienserklostre. (Les monastères cisterciens danois au Moyen Age). Odense, Mellemgård, 2013, 292 p. (ill.). 3270. Abbaye (L') Notre-Dame d'Évron, une grande abbaye du Maine. Actes du Colloque Évron du 23 octobre 2010, organisé par les Amis de l'abbaye SaintVincent avec le soutien de la ville d'Évron, l'Académie du Maine, la Société historique et archéologique de la Mayenne, la Société Historique de la Province du Maine. Éd. par André LÉVY. La Province du Maine, 2013, 26, 93, 192 p. (ill.).


3271. ALARIO (Leonardo R.). Conventi, chiese e figli di San Domenico della Diocesi di Cassano. Cosenza, Falco, 2013, 220 p. (ill.). 3272. AMBROGI (Annarena). L'abbazia di San Nilo a Grottaferrata il complesso monumentale e la raccolta archeologica. Tivoli, Tored, 2013, 221 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteca del Lazio. Archeologia, 2). 3273. ARNOLD (Ellen F.). Negotiating the landscape: environment and monastic identity in the Medieval Ardennes. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 301 p. (Middle Ages Series). 3274. BASSETTI (Sandro). I Templari a Viterbo, 1118– dicembre 1312. Orvieto, Intermedia, 2013, 218 p. (ill.). 3275. Benediktinische (Die) Klosterreform im 15. Jahrhundert. Beiträge einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung vom 19. bis 21. November 2010 im Benediktinerkloster Plankstetten. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, 315 p. (ill.). 3276. Beyond the text: franciscan art and the construction of religion. Ed. by Xavier John SEUBERT and Oleg V. BYCHKOV. Saint Bonaventure, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2013, XI-252 (ill., bibl.). 3277. BRUCH (Julia). Die Zisterze Kaisheim und ihre Tochterklöster. Studien zur Organisation und zum Wirtschaften spätmittelalterlicher Frauenklöster mit einer Edition des Kaisheimer Rechnungsbuches. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, XII-675 p. (Vita regularis, Editionen, 5). 3278. BUFFON (Giuseppe). Storia dell'ordine francescano: problemi e prospettive di metodo. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013, XXII-464 p. (Temi e testi). 3279. BURLAMACCHI (Maurizio). Nobility, honour and glory: a brief military history of the Order of Malta. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, IX-74 p. (ill.). (Archivum Romanicum Biblioteca, 1418). 3280. Chartreux (Les) et les élites, XIIe–XVIIIe siècles. Colloque international du CERCOR (30–31 août 2012). Saint-Étienne, CERCOR – Centre Européen de Recherche sur les Congrégations et les Ordres Religieux, 2013, 380 p. (ill.). 3281. Cisterciens (Les) dans le Maine et dans l'Ouest au Moyen Âge. Éd. par Ghislain BAURY, Vincent CORRIOL, Emmanuel JOHANS et Laurent MAILLET. Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest, 2013, 120, 3, 195 p. (ill.). 3282. Cluny les moines et la société au premier âge féodal. Éd. par Dominique IOGNA-PRAT, Michel LAUWERS, Florian MAZEL et Isabelle ROSÉ. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 586 p. (ill., maps. pl., bibl.). (Art & Société). 3283. CORBARI (Eliana). Vernacular theology. Dominican sermons and audience in Late Medieval Italy. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XIV-248 p. (ill.). (Trends in Medieval Philology, 22).



3284. DEMURGER (Alain). Les Hospitaliers de Jérusalem à Rhodes, 1050–1317. Paris, Tallandier, 2013, 573 p. (ill., bibl.). 3285. Francescani (I) e la Cina: un'opera di oltre sette secoli. Atti del X convegno storico di Greccio, Greccio, 4–5 maggio 2012. A cura di Alvaro CACCIOTTI e Maria MELLI. Milano e Roma, Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana Centro Culturale Aracoeli, 2013, 249 p. (bibl.). 3286. Frati osservanti (I) e la società in Italia nel secolo XV atti del XL. Convegno internazionale in occasione del 550° anniversario della fondazione del Monte di Pietà di Perugia, 1462, Assisi – Perugia, 11–13 ottobre 2012. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, X-389 p. (ill.). (Atti dei convegni della Società Internazionale di Studi Francescani e del Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Francescani, 23). 3287. GASSMANN (Guido). Konversen im Mittelalter: eine Untersuchung anhand der neun Schweizer Zisterzienserabteien. Berlin, Lit-Verlag, 2013, 361 p. (bibl.). (Vita regularis). 3288. Gerusalemme (Una) sul Tevere: l'abbazia e il "Burgus sancti Sepulcri" (secoli X – XV). Atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Sansepolcro, 22–24 novembre 2012. A cura di Massimiliano BASSETTI, Andrea CZORTEK e Enrico MENESTÒ. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XII-372 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteca del "Centro per il Collegamento degli Studi Medievali e Umanistici in Umbria", 27). 3289. GUIDI (Remo L.). Frati e umanisti nel Quattrocento. Alessandria, Edizione dell'Orso, 2013, VII-624 p. (bibl.). 3290. INTINI (Mariella). "Offero me et mea". oblazioni e associazioni all'Ordine Teutonico nel baliato di Puglia fra XIII e XV secolo. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 237 p. (Acta Theutonica, 8). 3291. JAMROZIAK (Emilia). The Cistercian order in Medieval Europe, 1090–1500. New York, Routledge, 2013, VII-315 p. (Medieval world). 3292. KŁOCZOWSKI (Jerzy). Klöster und Orden im mittelalterlichen Polen. Osnabrück, fibre Verlag, 2013, 541 p. 3293. LENOBLE (Clément). L' exercice de la pauvreté économie et religion chez les franciscains d'Avignon, XIIIe–XVe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 427 p. (ill., bibl.). (Histoire). 3294. Libri (I) del silenzio. Scrittura e spiritualità sulle tracce della storia dell'Ordine camaldolese a Ravenna: dalle origini al XVI secolo. A cura di Claudia GIULIANI. Ravella, Longo, 2013, 212 p. (ill.). (Interventi classensi, 23). 3295. LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi). Le visite pastorali all'abbazia di Sansepolcro nel Duecento. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 635 (1), p. 35-82. 3296. MARÍN DE SAN MARTÍN (Luis, O.S.A.). Gli agostiniani: origini e spiritualità. Institutum Historicum

Augustinianum, 2013, 305 p. (bibl.). (Studia augustiniana historica, 16). 3297. MASI RUGGIERO (Maria). Fu più potente colei che amò di più. Movimento benedettino femminile di Città di Castello. Città di Castello, Petruzzi, 2013, 213 p. (ill., bibl.). 3298. MOINE (Cecilia). Chiostri tra le acque. I monasteri femminili della laguna nord di Venezia nel basso Medioevo. Borgo S. Lorenzo, All'insegna del Giglio, 2013, 117 p. (ill.). 3299. Monasteries on the borders of medieval Europe: conflict and cultural interaction. Ed. by Emilia JAMROZIAK and Karen STÖBER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VIII-271 p. (ill., bibl.). (Medieval church studies, 28). 3300. Mosteiros cistercienses: história, arte, espiritualidade e património. Actas do congresso realizado em Alcobaça nos dias 14 a 17 de Junho de 2012. Ed. por José Luís Albuquerque CARREIRAS. Alcobaça, Jorlis, 2013, 3 vol., 436 p., 513 p., 479 p. (ill., bibl.). 3301. NAGEL (Elke). Die Klausur der Kartäuser: Typologie und Grundrissorganisation der großen Kreuzgänge im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Ordensidealen und örtlicher Lage.Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2013, 2 vol., 255 p., 659 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 297, 1-2). 3302. Nonantola. Vol. 4. L'abbazia e le sue chiese. A cura di Sauro GELICHI e Mauro LIBRENTI. All'Insegna del Giglio, 2013, 117 p. 3303. Ordini religiosi e santuari in età medievale e moderna. A cura di Lucia M. M. OLIVIERI. Bari, Edipuglia, 2013, 243 p. (ill.). 3304. Ordnung (Die) der Kommunikation und die Kommunikation der Ordnungen. Bd. 2. Zentralität: Papsttum und Orden im Europa des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Cristina ANDENNA, Gordon BLENNEMANN, Klaus HERBERS [et al.]. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 331 p. (Aurora. Schriften der Villa Vignoni, 1/2). 3305. Ordres (Les) militaires dans la ville médiévale, 1100–1350. Actes du colloque international de Clermont-Ferrand, 26–28 mai 2010. Éd. par Damien CARRAZ. Clermont-Ferrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2013, 312 p. (ill., bibl.). (Histoires croisées). 3306. PAGE (Sophie). Magic in the cloister: pious motives, illicit interests, and occult approaches to the Medieval universe. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, X-232 p. (Magic in history series). 3307. PASCAUD (Claire). Abbaye de Stavelot. T. 1 Histoire et représentations des édifices. Namur, SPW, Département du patrimoine, 2013, p. 160 (ill.). (Études et documents. Archéologie, 25). 3308. Place (La) et le rôle des femmes dans l'histoire de Cluny: en hommage à Ermengarde de Blesle, mère de Guillaume le Pieux. Actes du colloque de Blesle des 23 et 24 avril 2010. Éd. par Jean-Paul RENARD et

§ 13. History of the Church and religion


Dominique IOGNA-PRAT. Saint-Just-près-Brioude, Créer, 2013, 308 p. (ill.).

XXXIV-508 p. (bibl.). (Auteurs latins du Moyen Age, 26).

3309. Provincia celestina (La) di Romagna: indagini storiche locali e nuove prospettive di studio. Atti del convegno di studi, Museo del Balì-Saltara (PU), 14 maggio 2011. A cura di Andrea CICERCHIA, Samuele GIOMBI e Ugo PAOLI. Ancona, Edizioni di Studia Picena, 2013, XIII-302 p. (ill., bibl.). (Fonti e studi, 14).

** 3320. DEJURE (Antonella). La legenda volgare di santa Chiara da Montefalco nel codice Casanatense, 1819. Bari, Cacucci, XIII-397 p. (Studi neo-latini, 1).

3310. PUZICHA (Michaela). Der Regel als Lehrmeisterin folgen: Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Benediktusregel. St. Ottilien, Eos-Verlag, 2013, XV-587. 3311. RAPETTI (Anna Maria). Storia del monachesimo medievale. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 294 p. (bibl.). (Le vie della civiltà). 3312. Religiosus Ludens. Das Spiel als kulturelles Phänomen in mittelalterlichen Klöstern und Orden. Hrsg. v. Jörg SONNTAG. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII-300 p. (ill.). (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 122). 3313. ROEST (Bert). Order and Disorder. The poor Clares between foundation and reform. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 441 p. (ill., bibl.). 3314. SCHREINER (Klaus). Gemeinsam leben. Spiritualität, Lebens- und Verfassungsformen klösterlicher Gemeinschaften in Kirche und Gesellschaft des Mittelalters. Hrsg. in Verbindung mit Mirko BREITENSTEIN von Gert MELVILLE. Münster, Lit, 2013, XII-627 p. (Vita Regularis, Abhandlungen, 53). 3315. STRACKE (Daniel). Monastische Reform und spätmittelalterliche Stadt. Die Bewegung der Franziskaner-Observanten in Nordwestdeutschland. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 309 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 14). 3316. VANDERPUTTEN (Steven). Monastic reform as process: realities and representations in Medieval Flanders, 900–1100. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XI-247 p. – IDEM. Reform, conflict, and the shaping of corporate identities: collected studies on Benedictine monasticism, 1050–1150. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, XXXII-281 p. (Vita regularis).

** 3321. JOHANNES DE MALLIACO. Abbreviatio in gestis et miraculis sanctorum. Supplementum hagiographicum. Editio princeps. A cura di Giovanni Paolo MAGGIONI. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, CXCVIII-588 p. (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 97. Testi, 21). ** 3322. Passione (La) di Felice martire, vescovo di Nola (BHL 2869). A cura di Rosa MANFREDONIA e Edoardo D'ANGELO. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, 96 p. (bibl.). (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 32). ** 3323. Passioni (Le) dei martiri aquileiesi e istriani. Vol. 1. Vol. 2. A cura di Emanuela COLOMBI. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013, 3 vol., 585 p., 1100 p. (Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli. Serie medievale, 14/1, 2). ** 3324. RAIMUNDUS CAPUANUS. Legenda maior, sive, Legenda admirabilis virginis Catherine de Senis. Ed. Silvia NOCENTINI. Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XII-451 p. (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 31). ** 3325. Vie et miracles de Bérard évêque des Marses (1080–1130). Éd. par Jacques DALARUN. Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2013, 278 p. (bibl.). (Subsidia hagiographica, 93). 3326. ACCROCCA (Felice). Un santo di carta: le fonti biografiche di san Francesco d'Assisi. Milano e Roma, Ed. Biblioteca Francescana Centro Culturale Aracoeli, 2013, 598 p. (Provincia romana dei frati minori. Biblioteca di frate Francesco, 13). 3327. Antonino Pierozzi OP (1389 – 1459): la figura e l'opera di un santo arcivescovo nell'Europa del Quattrocento. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Storici (Firenze, 25–28 novembre 2009). A cura di Luciano Cinelli. Memorie domenicane, 2013, 43, 693 p. (ill.).

3317. WÜST (Marcus). Studien zum Selbstverständnis des Deutschen Ordens im Mittelalter. Weimar, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, 2013, IX-333 p (bibl., ill.). (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens).

3328. ARNOLD (John Charles). The footprints of Michael the Archangel: the formation and diffusion of a saintly cult, c. 300–c. 800. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVIII-274 p. (bibl.). (The new Middle Ages)

c. Addendum 2012

3329. Canonizzazione (La) di Santa Francesca Romana santità, cultura e istituzioni a Roma tra Medioevo ed eta moderna: atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 19–21 novembre 2009. A cura di Alessandra BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI. Firenze, SISMEL – Ed. del Galluzzo, 2013, XXVIII-626 p. (ill., bibl.). (La mistica cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente, 20. Francesca Romana advocata Urbis, 2. Studia Olivetana, 19).

3318. EFREMOVA (Julija A.). Osnovanie tsistertsianskikh monastyrej v XII veke: prirodnye uslovija i ikh vosprijatie. (The foundation of cistercian monasteries in the 12th century: natural conditions and their perception). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (3-4), p. 83-103. (map on p. 102). d. Hagiography ** 3319. BAUDRI DE BOURGUEIL. Oeuvres en prose. Vol. 3. Textes hagiographiques. Éd. par Armelle Coulbeaux-Le Hüerou. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013,

3330. Catherine of Siena: the creation of a cult. Ed. by Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER and Gabriela SIGNORI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, IX-338 p. (ill.), m (Medieval women, 13).



3331. Corte (Dalla) al chiostro: Santa Caterina Vigri e i suoi scritti. Atti della VI Giornata di Studio sull'Osservanza Francescana al Femminile, 5 novembre 2011, monastero Clarisse Corpus Domini, Ferrara. Assisi, Porziuncola, 2013, 224 p. (ill., bibl.). (Viator, 15). 3332. D'ANGELO (Edoardo). Narni e i suoi santi: storia, liturgia, epigrafia, agiografia. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, 349 p. (bibl.). (Quaderni del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 52. Studi sulla diocesi di Terni-Narni-Amelia, 3). 3333. DE ROSA (Daniele). San Francesco di Paola: mistico e riformatore del suo tempo (XV secolo). Milano, Jaca Book, 2013, XVIII-231 p. (Già e non ancora, 523). 3334. DE ROSSI (Giovanni Maria). Fossanova e San Tommaso. Sulle orme di San Tommaso D'Aquino a Fossanova: un percorso tra agiografia e topografia. Roma, Espera, 2013, 273 (tav., ill.). (Collana di studi archeologici, 1). 3335. Gemma lucens. Giacomo della Marca tra devozione e santità. Atti dei convegni, Napoli, 20 novembre 2009, Monteprandone, 27 novembre 2010. A cura di Fulvia SERPICO. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XXIII-275 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di San Giacomo, 3). 3336. HUNTINGTON (Joanna). St Margaret of Scotland: conspicuous consumption, genealogical inheritance, and post-conquest authority. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 2, p. 149-164. 3337. Invenzione (L') di Ranieri il Taumaturgo tra XII e XIX secolo: agiografia ed immagini. A cura di Patrizia CASTELLI. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2013, 194 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del Bollettino Storico Pisano, 59. Ricerche). 3338. Klara von Assisi. Gestalt und Geschichte Beiträge auf der Tagung der Johannes-Duns-Skotus-Akademie vom 8.–10. November 2012 in Aachen. Hrsg. v. Herbert SCHNEIDER. Mönchengladbach, Kühlen, 2013, 296 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Johannes-Duns-SkotusAkademie für Franziskanische Geistesgeschichte und Spiritualität Mönchengladbach, 32). 3339. LEMBERG (Margret). Item sant Elizabeth im kasten. Der Elisabethschrein – die erstaunliche Karriere eines Kunstwerks. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2013, X-218 p. (ill., bibl.). (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen). 3340. Letteratura francescana. A cura di Claudio LEONARDI. Vol. 4. Bonaventura, La leggenda di Francesco. Roma, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Milano, Mondadori, 2013, XXI-438 p. (Scrittori greci e latini). 3341. NAHMER (Dieter von der). Der Heilige und sein Tod Sterben im Mittelalter. Darmstadt, WBG Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 320 p. (bibl.). 3342. NUß (Daniel). Die hagiographischen Werke Hildeberts von Lavardin, Baudris von Bourgueil und

Marbods von Rennes. Heiligkeit im Zeichen der Kirchenreform und der Réécriture. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 257 p. (Beiträge zur Hagiographie, 12). 3343. RÄSÄNEN (Marika). Rauhaton ruumis. Tuomas Akvinolaisen pyhäinjäännökset kamppailun ja kunnioituksen kohteena myöhäiskeskiajan Etelä-Italiassa [ = The restless corpse: Thomas Aquinas' remains as the centre of conflict and cult in late medieval southern Italy]. Turku, Marika Räsänen, 2013, 276 p. (ill.). 3344. SILVESTRO (Silvia). Santi, reliquie e sacri furti: San Nicola di Bari fra Montecassino e Normanni. Napoli, Liguori, 2013, VIII-223 p. (ill., bibl.). (Nuovo medioevo, 93). 3345. Teobaldo di Provins, un "convertito" tra Francia e Italia nell'età di Gregorio VII. Atti del convegno di studi (Vicenza e Badia Polesine, ottobre 2012). A cura di Francesco BIANCHI. Roma, Viella, 2013, XVI-217 p. (pl., ill., facs., bibl.). (Venetomondo, 4). 3346. Wilfrid: abbot, bishop, saint. Papers from the 1300th Anniversary Conferences. Ed. by N.J. HIGHAM. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2013, XXVI-390 p. e. Special studies ** 3347. Art (The) of preaching. Five medieval texts and translations. Ed. by Sigfried WENZEL. Washington, The Catholic University of America Press, 2013, XVII267 p. (ill., bibl.). ** 3348. Credentium mater: i sermoni mariani di Ambrogio Autperto (m. 784). Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione, commento. A cura di Massimo BINI. Roma, Istituto patristico Augustinianum, 2013, IV-101 p. (bibl.). ** 3349. Epigrafi. Voci cristiane dal patriarcato di Aquileia attraverso la testimonianza epigrafica (secoli IV–VII). A cura di Giuseppe CUSCITO. Roma, Città Nuova, 2013, 179 p. (ill., bibl.). (Scrittori della chiesa di Aquileia, 13). ** 3350. Guillelmi Alverni Opera homiletica. Vol. 4. Sermones de communi sanctorum et de occasionibus. Ed. Franco MORENZONI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, CXI620 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 230C) ** 3351. Iacobi de Vitriaco Sermones vulgares vel ad status. Ed. Jean LONGÈRE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, CXIV-790 p. (Corpus Christianorm. Continuatio mediaevalis, 255). ** 3352. Incerti auctoris Glossa in Apocalypsin: e codice Bibliothecae Universitatis Cantabrigiensis Dd. X. 16. Ed. Roger GRYSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 151 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, 108G). ** 3353. Magistri Johannis Hus enarratio psalmorum (Ps. 109-118). Ed. Jana NECHUTOVÁ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XCIV-493 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 253- Joannes Hus, opera omnia, 17). ** 3354. Nicolai Maniacoria suffraganeus bibliothece. Ed. Cornelia LINDE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 210 p. (Corpus christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 262).

§ 13. History of the Church and religion ** 3355. Opere di Gregorio Magno. Vol. 9. Indici. A cura di Claudia SECCIANI. Roma, Città Nuova, 2013, 236 p. ** 3356. PATSCHOVSKY (Alexander). Die Concordia Novi ac Veteris Testamenti Joachims von Fiore († 1202). Klassifikation der Handschriften. Hannover, Hahn, 2013, XVIII-406 p. (bibl.). (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Hilfsmittel, 28). ** 3357. Rustici Diaconi Contra Acephalos. Ed. Sara PETRI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXV-119 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Serie Latina). ** 3358. URCEO (Antonio Codro). Sermones I-IV. Filologia e maschera nel Quattrocento. A cura di Loredana CHINES, Andrea SEVERI, ed Ezio RAIMONDI. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 457 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteca medievale, 144). 3359. ANGENENDT (Arnold). Offertorium das mittelalterliche Messopfer. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, XV562 p. (Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen, 101) 3360. ARABATZIS (Christos), DRAGAS (George Dion). Patristic hermeneutics: 4th–14th century. Columbia, Newrome Press LLC, 2013, XVIII-180 p. (bibl.). (Patristic monograph series, 1). 3361. Architecture and pilgrimage 1000–1500: southern Europe and beyond. Ed. by Paul DAVIES, Deborah HOWARD and Wendy PULLAN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XV-286 p. (ill., graph.). 3362. BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI (Alessandra). Santità e mistica femminile nel Medioevo. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIX-759 p. (ill., bibl.). (Uomini e mondi medievali, 37). 3363. BATTISTONI (Marta). L' Opera del Duomo di Pisa: il patrimonio e la sua gestione nei secoli XII– XVI. Pisa, Pacini, 2013, 231 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del Bollettino Storico Pisano, 60). 3364. BENEDETTI (Marina). I margini dell'eresia: indagine su un processo inquisitoriale (Oulx, 1492). Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2013, XIV-195 p. (Fonti e documenti dell'inquisizione. Secoli XIII–XIV). 3365. Bibbia (La) di San Bonaventura. Atti delle XVII Giornate di Studio per la Storia della Tuscia, Orte, 11 dicembre 2010. A cura di Silvia MADDALO e Salvatore SANSONE. Orte, Centro di Studi per il Patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia, 2013, 114 p. (ill.). (Atti delle giornate di studio per la storia della Tuscia, 9). 3366. Bruno the Carthusian: theology and reform in his commentary on the Pauline Epistles. Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2013, 202 p. (ill.). 3367. CÁRDENAS (Livia). Die Textur des Bildes: das Heiltumsbuch im Kontext religiöser Medialität des Spätmittelalters. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, VIII-427 p. (ill.)


3368. CHAPMAN (Alice). Sacred authority and temporal power in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2013, XII-237 p. (Medieval Church Studies, 25). 3369. Chiese altomedievali in Trentino e nell'arco alpino orientale. A cura di Elisa POSSENTI. Trieste, Editreg, 2013, 195 p. (ill.). (Antichità adriatiche). 3370. Come a Gerusalemme: evocazioni, riproduzioni, imitazioni dei luoghi santi tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Anna BENVENUTI e Pierantonio PIATTI. Firenze, SISLEM-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013, XXVI-1029 p. (ill., bibl.). (Toscana sacra, 4). 3371. Discorsi sulle stimmate dal medioevo all'età contemporanea / Discours sur les stigmates du moyen âge à l'époque contemporaine. A cura di Gábor KLANICZAY. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013, 519 p. (ill.). (Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, 26). 3372. DÖBLER (Marvin). Die Mystik und die Sinne: eine religionshistorische Untersuchung am Beispiel Bernhards von Clairvaux. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 251 p. (bibl.). 3373. FABER (Eike). Von Ulfila bis Rekkared: die Goten und ihr Christentum. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 300 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 51). 3374. FAVINI (Aldo). Insediamenti eremitici nella Toscana medievale. Firenze, Press & Archeos, 2013, 179 p. (ill., bibl.). (Nuova storiografia, 3). 3375. FOGLIADINI (Emanuela). L'immagine negata: il Concilio di Hieria e la formalizzazione ecclesiale dell'iconoclasmo. Milano, Jaca Book e Vicenza, Gasllerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari, 2013, XIX-217 p. (ill., tav., pl., bibl.). (Di fronte e attraverso. Storia dell'arte, 58. Guardando ad Oriente). 3376. FRESE (Tobias). Aktual- und Realpräsenz das eucharistische Christusbild von der Spätantike bis ins Mittelalter. Berlin, Mann, 2013, 290 p. (ill.). (Neue Frankfurter Forschungen zur Kunst, 13). 3377. GARGANO (Guido Innocenzo, O.S.B.). Il libro, la parola e la vita: l'esegesi biblica di Gregorio Magno. Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2013, 362 p. (bibl.). (La Parola di Dio). 3378. GARÍ (Blanca). Women's networks of spiritual promotion in the peninsular kingdoms (13th–16th centuries). Roma, Viella, 2013, 291 p. (bibl.). (Ircvm. Medieval cultures, 2). 3379. GOETZ (Hans-Werner). Die christlich-abendländische Wahrnehmung anderer Religionen im frühen und hohen Mittelalter: methodische und vergleichende Aspekte. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 82 p. (WolfgangStammler-Gastprofessur für Germanische Philologie Vorträge, 23). – IDEM. Die Wahrnehmung anderer Religionen und christlich-abendländisches Selbstverständnis im frühen und hohen Mittelalter (5.–12. Jahrhundert). Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 2 vol., XII-X-942 p. (bibl.).



3380. GUIDUGLI (Amedeo). Sul cammino del volto santo. Le strade e gli ospedali per pellegrini nella valle del Serchio in epoca medievale. Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Garfagnana editrice, 2013, 204 p. (ill., bibl.). (Vallisneria).

3394. OYARZÚN (José E., L.C.). El Prognosticon futuri saeculi de san Julián de Toledo: estudio históricodogmático de le primera síntesis de escatología cristiana. Toledo, Instituto teológico San Ildefonso, 2013, 426 p. (ill., bibl.).

3381. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.). Haec figura demonstrat: Diagramme in einem Pariser Exemplar von Lothars von Segni "De missarum mysteriis" aus dem frühen 13. Jahrhundert. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013. 161 p.

3395. PAOLI (Maria Pia). Città di Maria: tradizioni civiche e devozioni tra Medioevo e età moderna. Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa, 2013, 49, 3, p. 479685.

3382. Heilige Bücher. Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung im Herbstsemester 2011 an der Universität Zürich. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 2013, 140 p. (ill.). (Mittelalter).

3396. Parole (Le) sacrée: formes, fonctions, sens (XIe–XVe siècle). 47e colloque de Fanjeaux, du 4 au 7 juillet 2011. Toulouse, Privat, 2013, 589 p. (ill.). (Cahier de Fanjeaux, 47).

3383. Images and objects in ritual practices in medieval and early modern Northern and Central Europe. Ed. by Krista KODRES and Anu MÄND. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2013, VI-328 p. (ill.).

3397. Penitenza (La) tra Gregorio VII e Bonifacio VIII: teologia, pastorale, istituzioni. A cura di Roberto RUSCONI. Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013, 255 p. (ill., bibl.). (Monumenta studia istrumenta liturgica, 72).

3384. INDE (Tadao). "Aspects économiques de la célébration des messes à la fin du moyen âge. Les chapellenies gérées par le chapitre cathédral d'Avignon au xive siècle". Revue d'Histoire de l'Eglise de France, 2013, vol. 99, no. 1, p. 5-23.

3398. PIAZZA (Emanuele). Re e santi, pagani e missionari: itinerari di evangelizzazione nell'Alto Medioevo (secc. IV–IX). Acireale, Bonanno, 2013, 181 p. (Analecta humanitatis, 28).

3385. JASER (Christian). Ecclesia maledicens: rituelle und zeremonielle Exkommunikationsformen im Mittelalter. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XIII-633 p. (ill., bibl.).

3399. Pilgrims and pilgrimages as peacemakers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Ed, by Antón M. PAZOS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XI-279 p. (Compostela international studies in pilgrimage history and culture).

3386. Last judgement (The) in medieval preaching. Ed. by Thom MERTENS [et al.]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XXXIV-185 p. (Sermo, 3). 3387. MALEGAM (Jehangir Yezdi). The sleep of Behemoth: disputing peace and violence in Medieval Europe, 1000–1200. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV335 p. 3388. MÖBIUS (Friedrich). Die karolingische Reichsklosterkirche Centula (Saint-Riquier) und ihr Reliquienschatz: eine Fallstudie zum lebensweltlichen Verständnis frühmittelalterlicher Religiosität. Leipzig, Leipziger Univ. Verlag, 2013, 173 p. (ill.). 3389. MONAGLE (Clare). Orthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse: Peter Lombard's 'Sencences' and the development of theology. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, XIX-191 p. (Europa sacra, 8). 3390. O'LOUGHLIN (Thomas). Early medieval exegesis in the Latin West: sources and forms. Adershot a. Burlington, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, XVI-346 p. (Variorum collected studies series) 3391. OGATA (Kiwako). Kyōkai no kaibutsu tachi: Romanesuku no zuzōgaku. (Monsters in church: The iconology of the Romanesque). Tokyo, Kodansha, 2013, 350 p. 3392. ORME (Nicholas). The Church in Devon, 400– 1560. Exeter: Impress, 2013, 241 p. 3393. OSCULATI (Roberto). Evangelismo cattolico (secoli XIV–XVII): proposte di lettura. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 656 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose, 49).

3400. POIREL (Dominique). Des symboles et des anges: Hugues de Saint-Victor et le râeveil dionysien du XIIe siècle. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 589 p. (facs., bibl.). 3401. POZZO (Alessandra). La glossolalie en Occident. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2013, 449 p. (bibl.) 3402. Prédication et performance du XIIe au XVIe siècle. Actes du colloque international, Paris, Fondation Singer-Polignac et Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 23 et 24 juin 2011. Éd. par Marie Anne POLO DE BEAULIEU et Marie BOUHAÏK-GIRONÈS. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 329 p. (ill.). (Rencontres. Série Civilisation médiévale, 8). 3403. Réalités provinciales en histoire religieuse. Autour de la Lorraine, XIIe–XVIIIe siècles. Annales de l'Est, 2013, 2, 325 p. (ill., bibl.). 3404. Réforme (La) "grégorienne" dans le Midi, milieu XIe–début XIIIe siècle. 48e colloque de Fanjeaux. Toulouse, Privat, 2013, 680 p. (ill., bibl.). (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 48). 3405. Religiosità e civiltà: conoscenze, confronti, influssi reciproci tra le religioni (secoli X–XIV). Le Settimane internazionali della Mendola: atti del Convegno internazionale, Brescia, 15–17 settembre 2011. A cura di Giancarlo ANDENNA. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2013, XIII-362 p. (ill., bibl.). (Storia. Ricerche). 3406. Religious men and masculine identity in the Middle Ages. Ed. by P.H. CULLUM and Katherine J. LEWIS. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 214 p.

§ 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning 3407. Religious participation in ancient and medieval societies: rituals, interaction and identity. Ed. by Sari KATAJALA-PELTOMAA and Ville VUOLANTO. Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2013, 238 p. (ill., bibl.). (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 41). 3408. Ritus infidelium: Miradas interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la Edad Media. Ed. por José Martínez Gázquez y John Victor Tolan. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2013, 334 p. 3409. RIVAUD (David). Entrées épiscopales, royales et princières dans les villes du Centre-Ouest de la France XIVe–XVIe siècles. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2013, 276 p. (facs., ill., bibl.). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 508). 3410. Sarazenen (Von) und Juden, Heiden und Häretikern: die christlich-abendländischen Vorstellungen von Andersgläubigen im Früh- und Hochmittelalter in vergleichender Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Norman BADE und Anna AURAST. Bochum, Winkler, 2013, 189 p. 3411. Sermo doctorum. Compilers, preachers, and their audiences in the Early Medieval West. Ed. by Maximilian DIESENBERGER, Yitzhak HEN and Marianne POLLHEIMER. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, 452 p. (Sermo: studies on patristic, Medieval, and Reformation sermons and preaching, 9).


3419. VERHEYDEN (Joseph). The figure of Solomon in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition: king, sage and architect. Leiden, Brill, 2013, VI-274 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). (Themes in biblical narrative, 16). 3420. Visual (The) culture of baptism in the Middle Ages. Essays on medieval fonts, settings and beliefs. Ed. by Harriet M. SONNE DE TORRENS and Miguel A. TORRENS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XV-232 p. (bibl.). 3421. WEICHLEIN (Raphael, sac.). Gottmenschliche Freiheit: zum Verhältnis von Christologie und Willensfreiheit bei Maximus Confessor. Saarbrücken, Akademiker, 2013, 105 p. (bibl.). (Reihe Geisteswissenschaften). e. Addendum 2012 3422. VINOGRADOV (Andrej Ju.). Den' osvjaschenija khrama v traditsii Vostochnoj tserkvi (IV–XIII veka): strategii vybora. (Church consecration days in Eastern ecclesiastical tradition [4th to 13th century]: strategies of choice). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 154-177. (tabl.). Cf. nos 6, 2285 § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. _______________________

3412. Sermo mysticus: mystique et langage entre Moyen Âge et époque moderne. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2013, 230, 4, p. 443-670.

3423. ACIERNO (Marta). Il palazzo comunale di Anagni nel medioevo: innovazione e tradizione nell'edilizia pubblica dei primi comuni. Roma, GBE e Ginevra Bentivoglio Editori, 2013, 109 p. (ill.). (bibl.).

3413. SHIMAHARA (Sum). Haymon d'Auxerre, exégète carolingien. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 557 p. (bibl.). (Haut Moyen Age, 16).

3424. ADRIAN (Dominique). Augsbourg à la fin du moyen âge: la politique et l'espace. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 506 p. (ill.. bibl.).

3414. Significato e funzione della cattedrale, del giubileo e della ripresa della patristica dal Medioevo al Rinascimento. Atti del XXIII Convegno Internazionale (Chianciano Terme-Pienza 18–21 luglio 2011), A cura di Luisa SECCHI TARUGI. Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore, 2013. 635 p. (ill., bibl.). (Quaderni della Rassegna, 82).

3425. ANDERLINI (Danilo), MARCACCIOLI (Enzo). Il complesso monumentale di S. Giuliana da abbazia a ospedale. Perugia, Futura, 2013, 137 p. (ill., bibl.).

3415. STOCCHI (Mirko). La Basilica Vaticana e le sue chiese tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Vol. 1. Umbria. Città del Vaticano, Edizioni Capitolo Vaticano, 2013, XXV-318 p. (ill.). (Archivum Sancti Petri. Quaderni d'archivio, 8). 3416. TANASE (Thomas). Jusqu'aux limites du monde: la papauté et la mission franciscaine de l'Asie de Marco Polo à l'Amérique de Christophe Colomb. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, VIII-860 p. (ill., tab., maps, bibl.). (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 359). 3417. TERRIER (Laurence). La doctrine de l'Eucharistie de Guibert de Nogent, "De pigneribus" livre II. Paris, J. Vrin, 2013, 172 p. (bibl.). (Sic et non). 3418. THELIANDER (Claes). Kyrka och tro på medeltidens Gotland: till minne av Gunnar Svahnström (1915– 2012). (Eglise et foi à Gotland au Moyen Age. Mélanges offerts en mémoire de Gunnar Svahnström). Visby, Gotlands museum, 2013, 13. 207 p. (ill.). (Gotländskt arkiv, 85).

3426. APSAT 4. Castra, castelli e domus murate: corpus dei siti fortificati trentini tra tardo antico e basso Medioevo. Schede, 1. A cura di Elisa POSSENTI, Giorgia GENTILINI, Walter LANDI e Michela CUNACCIA. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 459 p. (ill., bibl.). (Progetti di archeologia). 3427. APSAT 5. Castra, castelli e domus murate: corpus dei siti fortificati trentini tra tardo antico e basso Medioevo. Schede, 2. A cura di Elisa POSSENTI, Giorgia GENTILINI, Walter LANDI e Michela CUNACCIA. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 302 p. (ill., bibl.). (Progetti di archeologia). 3428. APSAT 6. Castra, castelli e domus murate: corpus dei siti fortificati trentini tra tardo antico e basso medioevo. Saggi. A cura di Elisa POSSENTI, Giorgia GENTILINI, Walter LANDI e Michela CUNACCIA. Mantova, SAP, 2013, 311 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Progetti di archeologia). 3429. Basilica Portuense (La). Scavi 1991–2007. A cura di Mauro MAIORANO e Lidia PAROLI. Borgo San Lorenzo, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2013, 2 vol., 675 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). (Biblioteca di archeologia medievale, 22).



3430. BLASCHKE (Karlheinz), JÄSCHKE (Uwe Ulrich). Nikolaikirchen und Stadtentstehung in Europa. Von der Kaufmannssiedlung zur Stadt. Berlin, Akademie, 2013, VI-293 p. 3431. BOCCHI (Francesca). Per antiche strade caratteri e aspetti delle città medievali. Roma, Viella, 2013, 523 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). 3432. Borgare, bröder och bönder: arkeologiska perspektiv på Skänninges äldre historia. (Bourgeois, moines et paysans: perspectives archéologiques sur l'histoire ancienne de Skänninge). Reds.: Rikard HEDVALL, Karin LINDEBLAD, Hanna MENANDER. Stockholm, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 2013, 342 p. (ill.). 3433. BOVA (Giancarlo), ALPOPI (Cristina). Villaggi abbandonati e territorio tra Capua e Castelvolturno (X– XV sec.). Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013, 365 p. (ill.). (Civiltà e radici di Terra di Lavoro, 7). 3434. CAPRASECCA (Anna). Indagine topografica sulle aree di pertinenza dell'abbazia di San Salvatore al monte Amiata nella Tuscia meridionale, secoli VI–XIV. L'apporto della fotointerpretazione e dei documenti d'archivio alla ricerca archeologica. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, 160 p. (ill., bibl.). (BAR international series, 2465). 3435. Castello (Il) di San Donato in Poggio e il palazzo Malaspina: lo spazio della comunità, il segno del prestigio / The castle of San Donato in Poggio and palazzo Malaspina: the community and its space, the sign of prestige. A cura di Isabelle CHABOT e Paolo PIRILLO. Firenze, Edifir, 2013, 159 p. (ill.). 3436. Centri minori (I) della Toscana nel Medioevo: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Figline Valdarno, 23–24 ottobre 2009. A cura di Giuliano PINTO e Paolo PIRILLO. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2013, 313 p. 3437. Cinq (Les) sens de la ville du Moyen Age à nos jours. Éd. par Robert BECK, Ulrike KRAMPL et Emmanuelle RETAILLAUD-BAJAC. Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2013, 398 p. (ill., bibl.). (Villes et Territoires). 3438. COLE (Ann). The place-name evidence for a routeway network in early Medieval England. Oxford, Archaeopress for British Archaeological Reports, 2013, 344 p. 3439. CURTIS (Daniel R.). The emergence of concentrated settlements in Medieval Western Europe: explanatory frameworks in the historiography. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 2, p. 223-252. 3440. DE FRAJA (Simone). Fortificazioni medioevali in Valmarecchia: ricognizioni nel territorio di Badia Tedalda. Arezzo, Società Storica Aretina, 2013, 147 p. (ill.). (Studi di storia aretina, 9). 3441. DE LUCA (Serena), FILIPPI (Davide). Dalla terra alla storia: Santa Luce nelle colline pisane; insediamenti e viabilità dalle origini al secolo XV. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2013, 159 p. (ill.).

3442. DISSELKAMP (Martin). "Nichts ist, Rom, dir gleich". Topographien und Gegenbilder aus dem mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Ruhpolding, Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen, 2013, 259 p. (ill., bibl.). (Stendaler Winckelmann-Forschungen, 10). 3443. FRANCHETTI PARDO (Vittorio). Storia della città occidentale. Vol. 1. Le origini, Roma, il medioevo. Milano, Jaca book, 2013, VI-235 p. 3444. GÁLIK (Zdenko). Dejiny Hlohovca po páde Veľkej Moravy do roku 1275 s osobitným zreteľom na polohu hradu Szolgagyőr. (Hlohovec – die Geschichte von Hlohovec nach dem Niedergang von Großmähren bis zum Jahr 1275 mit besonderem Bezug auf die Lage der Burg Szolgagyőr). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 263-287. 3445. GATTIGLIA (Gabriele). Pisa medievale: archeologia, analisi spaziali e modelli predittivi. Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2013, 217 p. (ill., maps, plans). (MAPPA. Metodologie applicate alla predittività del potenziale archeologico). 3446. GUERRINI (Paola). Foligno dal municipium romano alla civitas medievale: archeologia e storia di una città umbra. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2012, XI-412 p. (ill., map, bibl.). (Biblioteca del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 24). 3447. In la terra de Formigine: archeologia di un abitato. A cura di Monica BALDASSARRI, Elena GRANDI e Mauro LIBRENTI. Borgo S. Lorenzo, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2013, 168 p. (ill., pl., bibl.). 3448. Insediamento (L') medievale nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia): il sito minerario di Rocchette Pannocchieschi dall'VIII al XIV secolo. A cura di Francesca GRASSI. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, 226 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (BAR internazional series, 2532). 3449. JANTZEN (Connie). Middelalderbyen Aarhus. (La ville médiévale d'Aarhus). [Århus], Den Gamle by, 2013, 185 p. (ill.). 3450. JONES (Sarah Rees). York: the making of a city, 1068–1350. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 373 p. 3451. KERN (Erika Harlitz). The Norwegian origins of the Swedish town of Lödöse, c. 1050–1300: a suggested change of perspectives. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 1-17. 3452. KEUPP (Jan), SCHWARZ (Jörg). Konstanz 1414– 1418. Eine Stadt und ihr Konzil. Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2013, 181 p. 3453. Königshof (Vom) zur Stadt. Kassel im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Ingrid BAUMGÄRTNER. Kassel, euregioverlag, 2013, 153 p. 3454. LESNES (Elisabeth), POISSON (Jean-Michel). Calathamet archéologie et histoire d'un chateau normand en Sicile. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 505 p. (ill., maps, plans, bibl.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 473).

§ 14. Addendum 2012 3455. LUPERINI (Ilario). La cintura di pietra: alla scoperta delle mura medievali di Pisa. Pisa, ETS, 2013, 83 p. (ill., bibl.). 3456. MAC MANAMA KEARIN (Lisa Karen). The use of GIS in determining the role of visibility in the siting of early Anglo-Norman stone castles in Ireland. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2013, XXXII-164 p., 1 CD-ROM (ill., bibl.). (BAR British series, 574).


2013, 76 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di archeologia dell'Emilia Romagna, 32). 3464. PASTURA (Giancarlo). Il territorio di Vasanello in età medievale. Vol. 1. La realtà rupestre. Vetralla, Ghaleb, 2013, 77 p. (ill.). (Archeologia, città, territorio, 1).

3457. MATHEUS (Michael). Ninfa, Pompeij des Mittelalters. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2013, 240 p. (ill.).

3465. Power (The) of space in late medieval and early modern Europe: the cities of Italy, Northern France and the Low Countries. Ed. by Marc BOONE and Martha C. HOWELL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, VI-215 p. (ill.).

3458. MAURO (Christian). La civita medievale di Lanuvio: analisi archeologica e topografica del castello e del territorio di Lanuvio dall'epoca romana al Medioevo e primo Rinascimento. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 162 p. (ill.).

3466. REGNER (Elisabet). Det medeltida Stockholm. En arkeologisk guidebok. (Guide archéologique de Stockholm au Moyen Age). Lund, Historiska media, 2013, 250 p. (ill.).

3459. MILANESE (Marco). Alghero: archeologia di una città medievale. Sassari, C. Delfino, 2013, 176 p. (ill., maps, bibl.). (Sardegna medievale, 4).

3467. SANTONI (Giuseppe), VANNOZZI (Stefano). Castelpagano nel contesto feudale tra Capitanata e Contado di Molise. Cerro al Volturno, Volturnia, 2013, 210 p. (ill., maps),

3460. Mittler zwischen Herrschaft und Gemeinde. Die Rolle von Funktions- und Führungsgruppen in der mittelalterlichen Urbanisierung Zentraleuropas. Internationale Tagung, Kiel, 23.–25.11.2011. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth GRUBER, Susanne Claudine PILS, Sven RABELER [et al.] Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2013, 407 p. (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte, 56). 3461. Occupation médiévale (Une) et post-médiévale à Maraîche (Tournai/Esplechin). Quelles relations avec l'abbaye Saint-Martin de Tournai? Namur, Service Public de Wallonie, 2013, 148 p. (ill.). (Etudes et documents. Archéologie, 24). 3462. Orte der Stadt im Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Gegenwart: Treffpunkte, Verkehr und Fürsorge. Hrsg. v. Lukas MORSCHER, Martin SCHEUTZ und Walter SCHUSTER. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 512 p. (ill., plans). (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas, 24). 3463. Ospitale (L') di San Bartolomeo di Spilamberto (MO). Archeologia, storia e antropologia di un insediamento medievale. A cura di Donato LABATE e Mauro LIBRENTI. Borgo San Lorenzo, All'Insegna del Giglio,

3468. TARANTINO (Samantha). Il luogo dei padri: Santa Maria del Patire nella ricerca storica-archeologica. Messina, EDAS, 2013, 194 p. (ill.). 3469. VALENTE DOS SANTOS (Heloísa). A ocupação medieval e moderna dos territórios da margem direita do Guadiana nos actuais concelhos de Moura e Mourão. Évora, EDIA – Empresa de desenvolvimento e infraestruturas do Alqueva e DRCALEN – Direcção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo, 2013, 187 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Memórias d'Odiana. Estudos arqueológicos do Alqueva, 10). 3470. Ville médiévale (La) en débat. Éd. par Amélia Aguiar ANDRADE et Adelaide MILLAN DA COSTa. Lisboa, IEM – Instituto de Estudos Medievais, 2013, 206 p. § 14. Addendum 2012. 3471. LOTMENTSEV (Andrej M.). Slavonskij Gradets. Libera regia civitas. (Slavonian Gradec, free king's community). Moskva, Izd-vo PSTGU, 2012, 184 p. Cf. nos 114-144, 2645


§ 1. General. 3472-3514. – § 2. History by countries. 3515-4724. § 1. General. * 3472. FORLIN (Olivier). Le fascisme. Historiographie et enjeux mémoriels. Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 405 p. ______________________

3473. 1913. Hrsg. v. Franz WALTER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 148 S. 3474. 1945 bis heute. Die globalisierte Welt. Hrsg. v. Akira IRIYE. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 955 p. 3475. 1989 revolutions (The) in Central and Eastern Europe: from communism to pluralism. Ed. by Kevin MAC DERMOTT and Matthew STIBBE. Manchester a. New York New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XX-296 p. [Cf. no 3700.] 3476. Aspects of violence in Renaissance Europe. Ed. by Jonathan DAVIES. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 266 p. 3477. BRUMMER (Alexandr). Slovanství a slovanská tradice v meziválečném Československu 1918–1938. (Slavic patriotism and tradition in the inter-war Czechoslovakia 1918–1938). Historický zborník: vedecký časopis o slovenských národných dejinách, 2013, 23, 2, p. 4662. 3478. ÇAĞLAYAN (Murat). Transregionale Identitäten im griechisch-türkischen Kulturraum: Pontusgriechen im identitätspolitischen Kontext (1869–1923). Bochum, Bochumer Universitätsverlag GmbH, 2013, 340 p. (Geschichte, 6).

3482. Estado (El) y la nación: cuestión nacional, centralismo y federalismo en la Europa del Sur. Ed. por Manuel SUÁREZ CORTINA y Maurizio RIDOLFI. Santander, Universidad Cantabria, 2013, 358 p. (Colección H, 3). 3483. Europe's 1968: voices of revolt. Ed. by Robert GILDEA, James MARK and Anette WARRING. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 382 p. 3484. FORMENT (Carlos A.). Democracy in Latin America, 1760–1900. Volume 1. Civic selfhood and public life in Mexico and Peru. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XXIX-454 p. (Morality and society). 3485. FRAMKE (Maria). Delhi – Rom – Berlin: die indische Wahrnehmung von Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus 1922–1939. Darmstadt, WBG, 2013, 360 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 21). 3486. GAJEK (Eva Maria). Imagepolitik im olympischen Wettstreit. Die Spiele von Rom 1960 und München 1972. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 559 p. 3487. GATRELL (Peter). The making of the modern refugee. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-312 p. 3488. GOBAT (Michel). The invention of Latin America: a transnational history of anti-imperialism, democracy, and race. American historical review, 2013, 118, 5, p. 1345-1375.

3479. COHEN (Yves). Le Siècle des chefs. Une histoire transnationale du commandement et de l'autorité (1890–1940). Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2013, 872 p.

3489. LANGEWIESCHE (Dieter). Das Jahrhundert Europas. Eine Annäherung in globalhistorischer Perspektive. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 1, p. 29-48.

3480. DE BROMHEAD (Alan), EICHENGREEN (Barry), O'ROURKE (Kevin H.). Political extremism in the 1920s and 1930s: do German lessons generalize? Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 2, p. 371-406.

3490. Latin American bureaucracy and the state building process (1780–1860). Ed. by Juan Carlos GARAVAGLIA and Juan Pro RUIZ. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XI-434 p.

3481. Entangled protest. Transnational approaches to the history of dissent in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Ed. by Robert BRIER. Osnabrück, fibre Verlag, 2013, 262 p.

3491. Latin American populism in the twenty-first century. Ed. by Carlos DE LA TORRE and Cynthia J. ARNSON. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press a. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XII-398 p.



3492. Liberté guidant (La) les peuples: les révolutions de 1830 en Europe. Sous la dir. de Sylvie APRILE, Jean-Claude CARON et Emmanuel FUREIX. Paris, Champ Vallon, 2013, 332 p. (Époques). 3493. MILLER (Martin A.). The foundations of modern terrorism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 293 p. 3494. Mythen und Politik im 20. Jahrhundert: Deutsche, Slowaken, Tschechen. Hrsg. v. Edita IVANIČKOVÁ, Dieter LANGEWIESCHE und Alena MÍŠKOVÁ. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 299 p. (Veröffentlichungen der DeutschTschechischen und Deutsch-Slowakischen Historikerkommission, 18. Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 42). 3495. Nation state (The) and beyond. Governing globalization processes in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ed. by Isabella LÖHR and Roland WENZLHUEMER. Berlin, Springer Gabler, 2013, 260 p. 3496. PARKER (Geoffrey). Global crisis: war, climate change, and catastrophe in the seventeenth century. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XXX-871 p. 3497. PAULMANN (Johannes). Regionen und Welten. Arenen und Akteure regionaler Weltbeziehungen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 3, p. 660-699. 3498. PLATO (Alexander von), VILÍMEK (Tomáš). Opposition als Lebensform: Dissidenz in der DDR, der ČSSR und in Polen. In Verbindung mit Piotr FILIPKOWSKI und Joanna WAWRZYNIAK. Berlin, Lit, 2013, 569 p. (Das andere Osteuropa, 2). 3499. Politique (La) par les armes. Conflits internationaux et politisation (XVe–XIXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Laurent BOURQUIN, Philippe HAMON, Alain HUGON et Yann LAGADEC. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 324 p. (Histoire). 3500. PRIBBLE (Jennifer). Welfare and party politics in Latin America. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-214 p. 3501. Re-imagining democracy in the age of revolutions: America, France, Britain, Ireland, 1750–1850. Ed. by Joanna INNES and Mark PHILP. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 240 p. 3502. République (La) en voyage, 1770–1850. Sous la dir. de Gilles BERTRAND et Pierre SERNA. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 442 p. (Histoire). 3503. SCHLÖGEL (Karl). Grenzland Europa. Unterwegs auf einem neuen Kontinent. München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013, 341 p. 3504. SCHWARTZ (Michael). Ethnische "Säuberungen" in der Moderne. Globale Wechselwirkungen nationalistischer und rassistischer Gewaltpolitik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, X-697 p. 3505. STAHL (Daniel). Nazi-Jagd. Südamerikas Diktaturen und die Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 430 p.

3506. Stille Revolutionen. Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989. Hrsg. v. Katharina KUCHER, Gregor THUM und Sören URBANSKY. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 250 p. § 1. Addenda 2012. 3507. Evropejskij sojuz v XXI veke: vremja ispytanij. (European Union in the 21st century: the time of severe trials). Ed. Ol'ga Ju. POTEMKINA, Nikolaj Ju. KAVESHNIKOV, Natalija B. KONDRAT'EVA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Europe. Moskva, Ves' mir, 2012, 654 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.). (The Old World – the new times). 3508. Istorija Balkan: vek devjatnadtsatyj (do Krymskoj vojny). (The history of the Balkans, 19th century – before the Crimean war [of 1853–1856]). Ed. Vladlen N. VINOGRADOV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies. Moskva, KRASAND (URSS), 2012, 496 p. (bibl. incl.). 3509. JAKOVLEVA (Nailja M.). Zhenschiny – prezidenty amerikanskikh stran. (The women presidents of American countries = Mujeres – presidentes de los países americanos). Latin America, 2012, 2, p. 4-18. (portr.; 3 tabl.). 3510. KHEJFETS (Viktor L.), KHEJFETS (Lazar' S.). Formirovanie i razvitie latinoamerikanskogo levogo dvizhenija v 1918–1929 gg. (The formation and progress of left movement in Latin America, 1918–1929). Vol. 1–2. Sankt-Peterburg, Мoskva, Izdat. tsentr Gos. un-ta aerokosmich. priborostroenija, Izd-vo ILA RAN, 2012, 390, 322 p. (bibl. vol. 1 p. 345-387; vol. 2 p. 300-319). 3511. KOSTJUK (Ruslan V.), NOVIKOVA (Irina N.). Proizoshel li v Evrope "pravyj povorot"? (The "right turn" in political life of modern Europe?). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 6, p. 25-35. 3512. Politicheskaja istorija stran Latinskoj Ameriki v XIX veke. (Political history of Latin American countries in the 19th century = Historia política de los países de América Latina en el siglo XIX). Ed. Andrej I. LARIN. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Nauka, 2012, 768 p. (ill.; portr.; 1 tabl.; bibl. p. 742-763). 3513. Realtà e memoria di una disfatta. Il Medio Oriente dopo la guerra dei sei giorni. A cura di Marcella SIMONI e Alberto TONINI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2010, 248 p. 3514. SCHELCHKOV (Andrej A.). Sotsial'nyj konservatism i khristianskij sotsialism v Latinskoj Amerike v XIX veke. (Social Conservatism and Christian Socialism in 19th century Latin America). In: Latinoamerikanskij istoricheskij al'manach. Ed. Andrej A. SCHELCHKOV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, 2012, 12, p. 87– 115. Cf. nos 284, 530-618, 6034, 7022-7072

§ 2. History by countries § 2. History by countries. ______________________

Albania 3515. CZEKALSKI (Tadeusz). The shining beacon of socialism in Europe: the Albanian state and society in the period of communist dictatorship 1944–1992. Kraków, Jagiellonian U. P., 2013, 168 p. (Jagiellonian studies in history, 3). Addendum 2012 3516. ISKENDEROV (Petr A.). Istoricheskie korni idei "Velikoj Albanii". (Historical roots of the idea of "Great Albania"). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 5, p. 30-40. Algeria 3517. FOIS (Marisa). La minoranza inesistente: i berberi e la costruzione delle Stato algerino. Roma, Carocci editore, 2013, 118 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 197). 3518. HADJEM (Belaïd). L'Algérie en 1962, de l'indépendance à la course au pouvoir. Alger, Chihab editions, 2013, 138 p. 3519. KITOUNI (Hosni). La Kabylie orientale dans l'histoire: pays des Kutama et guerre coloniale. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 268 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). Argentina * 3520. BASCHETTI (Roberto). Eva Perón: registros bibliográficos. Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Mariano Moreno, 2013, 141 p. 3521. CHUMBITA (Hugo). Historia crítica de las corrientes ideológicas argentinas: revolucionarios, nacionalistas y liberales, 1806–1898. La Matanza, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, 2013, 460 p. 3522. Conmemoración (La) de la Revolución de Mayo: prensa gráfica, historia y política, siglos XIX– XXI. Comp. Guillermo O. QUINTEROS. La Plata, Centro de Historia Argentina y Americana, 2013, 255 p. (Estudios/Investigaciones, 46). 3523. CONTRERAS (Gustavo Nicolás). Las tendencias peronistas en la Federación de la carne: practices gremiale y proyecciones políticas, 1946–1955. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 17-36. 3524. Cultura para todos: el suplemento cultural de La prensa cegetista (1951–1955). Compiladores Raanan REIN y Claudio PANELLA. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Biblioteca Nacional, 2013, 319 p. 3525. CUTRERA (María Laura). Subordinarlos, someterlos y sujetarlos al orden: Rosas y los indios amigos de Buenos Aires entre 1829 y 1855. Buenos Aires, Editorial Teseo y Universidad de San Andrés, 2013, 399 p.


tion in nineteenth-century Mendoza. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 3, p. 451-486. 3528. "Evita vive": estudios literarios y culturales sobre Eva Perón. Ed. por Anne-Berenike ROTHSTEIN y Pere Joan TOUS. Berlin, Edition Tranvia, 2013, 219 p. 3529. GELMAN (Jorge), SANTILLI (Daniel). Movilidad social y desigualdad en el Buenos Aires del siglo XIX: el acceso a la propiedad de la tierra entre el rosismo y el orden liberal. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 4, p. 659-684. 3530. GELMAN (Jorge). Economic inequalities in nineteenth-century Argentina. Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 47-86. 3531. Historia de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Vol. 3. De la organización provincial a la federalización de Buenos Aires (1821–1880). Ed. por Marcela TERNAVASIO. Vol. 4. De la federalización de Buenos Aires al advenimiento del Peronismo (1880–1943). Ed. por Juan Manuel PALACIO. Buenos Aires: UNIPE/Editorial Universitaria, 2013, 2 vol., 409 p., 467 p. 3532. JEREZ (Marcelo). El problema de la vivienda en Jujuy: durante los gobiernos populares (1946–1962). San Salvador de Jujuy, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, 2013, 196 p. (Pasado pensado. Perspectivas). 3533. LEVIN (Florencia). Humor político en tiempos de represión, Clarín 1976–1983. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2013, 320 p. 3534. NAHMÍAS (Gustavo J.). La batalla peronista: de la unidad imposible a la violencia política (Argentina, 1969-1973). Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2013, 339 p. (Ensayo). 3535. PÉREZ AGUIRRE (Martín). Palabras de plomo: la violencia politica y la lucha de clases en los 70s: un nuevo enfoque del conflicto histórico entre capital y trabajo por el reparto de la riqueza. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Cooperativas, 2013, 392 p. 3536. SALCEDO (Javier). Los Montoneros del barrio. Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2013, 327 p. 3537. SCHIAVI (Marcos). El poder sindical en la Argentina peronista, 1946–1955. Buenos Aires, Imago Mundi, 2013, XXXVI-375 p. (Colección Bitácora argentina). 3538. Segunda línea (La): liderazgo peronista, 1945– 1955. Compiladores Raanan REIN y Claudio PANELLA. Buenos Aires, EDUNTREF, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Pueblo Heredero Editorial, 2013, 359 p.

3526. EHRLICH (Laura). Nacionalismo y arquetipo heroico en la Juventud Peronista a comienzos de la década del '60. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 37-58.

3539. SPINELLI (María Estela). De antiperonistas a peronistas revolucionarios: las clases medias en el centro de la crisis política argentina: 1955–1973. Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2013, 217 p. (Nudos de la historia argentina).

3527. ESCOLAR (Diego). Huarpe archives in the Argentine desert: indigenous claims and state construc-

3540. TOSSOUNIAN (Cecilia). Women's associations and the emergence of a social state: protection for moth-



ers and children in Buenos Aires, 1920–1940. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 2, p. 297-324. 3541. TRANCHINI (Elina Mercedes). Granja y arado: spenglerianos y fascistas en la Pampa, 1910–1940. Buenos Aires, Editorial Dunken, 2013, 555 p. 3542. VALOBRA (Adriana María). Acción política y representación de las mujeres en la provincia de Buenos Aires, 1900–1955. La Plata, Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2013, 174 p. (Publicaciones del Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Estudios sobre la historia y la geografía histórica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires). Addenda 2012 3543. HERRERO (Fabián). "Capusotto cenador, Alberti almorzador". Sobre la política y el "voto de bronca" en los comicios nacionales: Argentina, 2001. Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2012, 232 p. 3544. PERREN (Joaquín). Las migraciones internas en la Argentina contemporánea. Una mirada desde la Patagonia (Neuquén, 1960–1991). Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2012, 350 p. Cf. no 4710 Australia 3545. ATKINSON (Alan). Federation, democracy and the struggle against a single Australia. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 262-279. 3546. BONGIORNO (Frank). Herbert Vere Evatt and British justice: the Communist Party Referendum of 1951. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 54-70. 3547. CLOHESY (Lachlan). A house committee on un-Australian activities? An alternative to the Dissolution Act. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 2336. 3548. DAMOUSI (Joy). 'Women–keep Australia free!' Women voters and activists in the 1951 referendum campaign. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 89-104. 3549. FINNANE (Mark). Deporting the Irish envoys: domestic and national security in 1920s Australia. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 403-425. 3550. GENOVESE (Ann). Australian Communist Party of Australia v The Commonwealth: histories of Australian legalism. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 6-22. 3551. GOOT (Murray), SCALMER (Sean). Party leaders, the media, and political persuasion: the campaigns of Evatt and Menzies on the referendum to protect Australia from Communism. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 71-88. 3552. MAHER (Laurence W.). Dealing with the king's enemies: the drafting of the Communist Party Dissolution Bill 1950. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 37-53.

3553. MURPHY (John). Conditional inclusion: Aborigines and welfare rights in Australia, 1900–1947. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 206-226. 3554. TAVAN (Gwenda). 'Poor Little Nancy': the Nancy Prasad case and the Commonwealth Immigration Department. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 227-244. 3555. WAGHORNE (James). Civil liberties and the referendum. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 105-116. Austria ** 3556. PIETRO LEOPOLDO D'ASBURGO LORENA. Relazione sullo stato della monarchia, 1784. A cura di Derek BEALES and Renato PASTA. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, XXXII-134 p. (Biblioteca del XVIII secolo, 23). ** 3557Protokolle (Die) des österreichischen Ministerrates, 1848–1867. Im Auftrag der Kommission für die Geschichte der Habsburgermonarchie hrsg. von Helmut RUMPLER. Red.: Stefan MALFÈR. Abt.2 Das Ministerium Schwarzenberg. Bd. 5. 4. Juni 1851–5. April 1852. Bearb. und eingel. von Thomas KLETEČKA. Wien, ÖBV & HPT, 2013, LXX-739 p. ** 3558. Protokolle des Ministerrates der Ersten Republik, 1918–1938. Abteilung 9. 29. Juli 1934 bis 11. März 1938. Bd. 8. Kabinett Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg: 4. Juni 1937 bis 21. Februar 1938. Bearb.: Gertrude ENDERLE-BURCEL [et al.] Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Staatsdruckerei, 2013, CXV-644 p. ** 3559. SCHWARZENBERG (Prince Ferdinand). Journal de la cour de Vienne : 1686–1688. Texte édité et annoté par Jean BÉRENGER. Paris, Champion, 2013, 264 p. (Bibliothèque d'études de l'Europe centrale, 12). 3560. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1933–1938–1945: Fallstudien zu Verwaltung und Bibliotheken. Hrsg. v. Gertrude ENDERLE-BURCEL, Alexandra NEUBAUERCZETTL und Edith STUMPF-FISCHER. Wien u. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 587 p. (Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs. Sonderband, 12). 3561. BUSHELL (Anthony). Polemical Austria: the rhetorics of national identity: from Empire to the Second Republic. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2013, 314 p. 3562. Dollfuss/Schuschnigg Regime 1933–1938 (Das): Vermessung eines Forschungsfeldes. Hrsg. v. Florian WENNINGER und Lucille DREIDEMY. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 638 p. 3563. HASSLER (Éric). La Cour de Vienne, 1680– 1740: service de l'empereur et stratégies spatiales des élites nobiliaires dans la monarchie des Habsbourg. Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2013, 378 p. (Les mondes germaniques). 3564. KWAN (Jonathan). Liberalism and the Habsburg monarchy, 1861–1895. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-308 p.

§ 2. History by countries 3565. LEHNGUTH (Cornelius). Waldheim und die Folgen. Der parteipolitische Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus in Österreich. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 529 p. 3566. MICHAUD (Claude). Ferdinand de Habsbourg (1503–1564), Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 388 p. (Bibliothèque d'études de l'Europe centrale, 10). 3567. RÖTHLISBERGER (Lucian Maximilian). Die Jakobiner in Österreich: Verfassungsdiskussionen in der Habsburgermonarchie zur Zeit der Französischen Revolution: Ablauf und Ideen. Frankfurt am Main, PL Academic Research, 2013, 169 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe II, Rechtswissenschaft, 5506 = European University Studies. Series II, Law, 5506 = Publications Universitaires Européennes. Série II, Droit, 5506). 3568. SCHMIT (Georg-Hans). Die christliche Arbeiterbewegung in den Jahren 1933–1946: vom Untergang der Demokratie bis zum Beginn der Zweiten Republik. Wien, Verlag des ÖGB, 2013, 304 p. (Berichte und Forschungen zur Gewerkschaftsgeschichte, 3). 3569. ŠTEFANČÍK (Radoslav). Politische Flüchtlinge aus der Tschechoslowakei im Zuge der ersten großen Nachkriegsmigration nach Osterreich. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 90-110. 3570. Stimme (Die) der ewigen Verlierer? Aufstände, Revolten und Revolutionen in den österreichischen Ländern (ca. 1450–1815). Hrsg. v. Peter RAUSCHER und Martin SCHEUTZ. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 468 p. 3571. TÁLOS (Emmerich). Das austrofaschistische Herrschaftssystem: Österreich 1933–1938. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, II-621 p. (Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 8). 3572. Zwangsarbeiter in Österreich 1939–1945 und ihr Nachkriegsschicksal. Ergebnisse der Auswertung des Aktenbestandes des "Österreichischen Versöhnungsfonds". Ein Zwischenbericht. Hrsg. v. Dieter BACHER und Stefan KARNER. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, Studien Verlag, 2013, 352 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung, 21). Cf. no 7491 Bangladesh 3573. AKANDA (Safar Ali). Language movement and the making of Bangladesh. Dhaka, University Press, 2013, XIV-269 p. 3574. RAGHAVAN (Srinath). 1971: a global history of the creation of Bangladesh. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 358 p. Belarus 3575. Historyia i suchasnaia arhanizatsyia dziarzhaŭnykh ustanoŭ Belarusi: dapamozhnik. (History and modern structure of public institutions in Belarus, manual). Aŭtary S.L. LUHAŬTSOVA i inshyia. Minsk, Belaruski dziarzhaŭny universitė, 2013, 275 p. 3576. KONIECZNA (Diana). Ustrój i funkcjonowanie sejmiku brzeskolitewskiego w latach 1565–1763 = Or-


ganizational structure and functions of the council of Brest-Litovsk 1565–1763. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo "DiG", 2013, 197 p. Belgium 3577. BAUDEWYNS (Pierre). Dynamiques électorales en Belgique: théorie des réalignements et analyse des résultats des élections législatives en Belgique depuis 1945. Louvain-La-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2013, 261 p. 3578. DELBECKE (Bram). Le jugement de l'opinion publique et la répression des provocations collectives non suivies d'effet en Belgique (1831–1914). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 219-246. 3579. GUIGNET (Philippe). Les apports de la longue durée pour l'étude du renouvellement des oligarchies municipales: la Loi de Bruxelles, du temps de Philippe le Bon à 1795. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 2, p. 289-315. 3580. JOZIC (Daniel). Liège entre guerre et paix. Contribution à l'histoire politique de la Principauté de Liège (1744–1755). Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2013, 528 p. Bolivia 3581. DUNKERLEY (James). The Bolivian revolution at 60: politics and historiography. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 2, p. 325-350. 3582. Japoneses (Los) en Bolivia: 110 años de historia de la inmigración japonesa en Bolivia. Ed. por Iyo KUNIMOTO. La Paz, Plural Editores, 2013, 359 p. 3583. KUENZLI (E. Gabrielle). Acting Inca: national belonging in early twentieth-century Bolivia. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, XI-194 p. (Pitt Latin American). 3584. POWĘSKA (Radoslaw). Indigenous movements and building the plurinational state in Bolivia. Warsaw, CESLA, University of Warsaw, 2013, 333 p. 3585. VAN VALEN (Gary). Indigenous agency in the Amazon: the Mojos in liberal and rubber-boom Bolivia, 1842–1932. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2013, XII-249 p. Bosnia 3586. BERGHOLZ (Max). Sudden nationhood: the microdynamics of intercommunal relations in BosniaHerzegovina after World War II. American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 679-707. 3587. HELMS (Elissa). Innocence and victimhood. Gender, nation and women's activism in Postwar BosniaHerzegovina. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, 348 p. 3588. HOARE (Marko Attila). The Bosnian Muslims in the Second World War: a history. London: Hurst, 2013, XVIII-478 p. 3589. PAREŽANIN (Ratko). Gavrilo Princip u Beogradu: Mlada Bosna i Prvi svetski rat. (Gavrilo Princip



in Belgrade: Mlada Bosna and the First World War). Beograd, Catena mundi, 2013, 227 p. (Biblioteka Srpsko stanovište, 6).

3601. KRAAY (Hendrik). Days of National Festivity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1823–1889. Stanford, CA: Stanford U. P., 2013, XII-562 p.

3590. TURHAN (Fatma Sel). Eski düzen adına: Osmanlı Bosna'sında İsyan, 1826–1836. (In the name of the old order: Ottoman rebellion in Bosnia, 1826– 1836). İstanbul, Küre Yayınları, 2013, 392 p. (Tarih, 7).

3602. LANGLAND (Victoria). Speaking of flowers: student movements and the making and remembering of 1968 in military Brazil. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XVIII-326 p.

3591. ŽÍLA (Ondřej). Sebeidentifikace, statistika a její interpretace – etnicky smíšená manželství, Jugoslávci a muslimská otázka v Bosně a Hercegovině v kontextu národnostní politiky socialistické Jugoslávie. (Selbstidentifizierung, Statistik und ihre Interpretation – ethnische Mischehen, Jugoslawen und die muslimische Frage in Bosnien und Herzegowina im Kontext der Nationalpolitik des sozialistischen Jugoslawiens). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 513-532.

3603. LESSER (Jeffrey). Immigration, ethnicity, and national identity in Brazil, 1808 to the present. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-208 p. (New approaches to the Americas).

Cf. nos 4441, 4442, 4444 Brazil ** 3592. FERNANDES (Hiram). Confidencial: documentos secretos da ditadura militar. Prefácio de Eduardo Henrique ACCIOLY CAMPOS. Recife, Companhia Editora de Pernambuco, 2013, 2 vol., 983 p. 3593. ABERS (Rebecca Neaera), KECK (Margaret E.). Practical authority: agency and institutional change in Brazilian water politics. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXII-263 p. 3594. BARBOSA (Luciano Senna Peres). "Viva o povo de Juiz de Fora!" Eleições e estratégias discursivas na Primeira República brasileira. Juiz de For a, Funalfa, Editora UFJF, 2013, 311 p. 3595. CASTILHO (Celso Thomas). Performing abolitionism, enacting citizenship: the social construction of political rights in 1880s Recife, Brazil. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 3, p. 377-409. 3596. DA SILVA (Augusto). O governo da ilha de Santa Catarina e sua terra firme: território, administração e sociedade (1738–1807). Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Justiça, Arquivo Nacional, 2013, 235 p. (Prêmio Arquivo Nacional de Pesquisa). 3597. DE OLIVEIRA (Walter Pinto). 1932, a Revolução Constitucionalista no Baixo Amazonas: contexto, revolta e produção do silêncio. Belém, Editora PakaTaku, 2013, 304 p. 3598. ESTEFANES (Bruno Fabris). Conciliar o Império: o Marquês de Paraná e a politica imperial, 1842– 1856. São Paulo, Annablume, 2013, 304 p. 3599. GERSTENBERGER (Debora). Gouvernementalität im Zeichen der globalen Krise: der Transfer des portugiesischen Königshofes nach Brasilien. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 452 p. (Lateinamerikanische Forschungen, 43). 3600. GUZMÁN (Tracy Devine). Native and national in Brazil: indigeneity after independence. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIX-327 p. (First peoples: new directions in indigenous studies).

3604. Política, instituições e personagens da Bahia (1850–1930). Organizadores Jeferson Afonso BACELAR e Cláudio Luiz PEREIRA. Salvador, EDUFBA, CEAO, 2013, 245 p. 3605. PUNTONI (Pedro). O Estado do Brasil: poder e política na Bahia colonial 1548–1700. São Paulo, Alameda, 2013, 342 p. 3606. SERZEDELLO CRESPIM LOPES (Juliana). Identidades políticas e raciais na Sabinada: (Bahia, 1837– 1838). São Paulo, Alameda, 2013, 233 p. 3607. SILVA BEGA (Maria Tarcisa). Letras e política no Paraná: simbolistas e anticlericais na República Velha. Curitiba, Editora UFPR, 2013, 540 p. (Série Pesquisa, 221). 3608. Sombras autoritárias e totalitárias no Brasil: integralismo, fascismos e repressão política. Org. João Fábio BERTONHA. Maringá, Eduem, 2013, 285 p. Bulgaria 3609. Bŭlgarskiiat komunizŭm: debati i interpretatsii: sbornik statii. Sŭstavitelstvo i redaktsiia Mikhail GRUEV i Diana MISHKOVA. Sofiia, Tsentŭr za akademichni izsledvaniia, 2013, 303 p. (Poreditsa Izsledovatelski forum). 3610. GESHEVA (Ĭordanka). Konservatorite, partiiata, lichnostite i izgrazhdane na bŭlgarskata dŭrzhava 1879– 1886 g. (Conservatives, party, personalities and building of the Bulgarian state 1879–1886). Sofiia, Izd. kŭshta Dio Mira, 2013, 404 p. 3611. GRIGOROVA (Lora Doncheva). Konstitutsionniiat vŭpros v Bŭlgariia: 1946–1947. Veliko Tŭrnovo, Faber, 2013, 464 p. 3612. MICHEVA (Tsvetana). Reconciliation Missions to Overcome the IMRO Split. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 1-2, p. 148-160. 3613. NEUBURGER (Mary C.). Balkan smoke: tobacco and the making of modern Bulgaria. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XII-307 p. 3614. RADU (Sorin). The Political Organisation of the Peasantry in Communist Romania: the Ploughmen's Front (1945–1953). Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 1-2, p. 79-101. 3615. RAĬCHEVSKI (Stoian). Etnicheskoto prochistvane na bŭlgarite v Iztochna i Zapadna Trakiia i Mala

§ 2. History by countries Aziia: (1903–1913–1923). (Ethnic cleansing of Bulgarians in Eastern and Western Thrace and Asia Minor). Sofiia, Izdatelstvo "Zakhariĭ Stoianov", 2013, 543 p. (Poreditsa bezhantsi). 3616. SIMIĆ (Bojan). In the spirit of National ideology: organization of state propaganda in Eastern and Southern Europe in the 1930s, comparative perspectives on Poland, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2013, 249 p. (Edition Monografije, 90). Addendum 2012 3617. VALEVA (Elena L.). Inakomyslie i oppozitsija v Bolgarii v 1980-e gody. (Dissent and opposition in Bulgaria in the 1980s). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 5, p. 7986. Cambodia 3618. FRÖBERG IDLING (Peter). Pol Pots Lächeln. Eine schwedische Reise durch das Kambodscha der Roten Khmer. Frankfurt am Main, Edition Büchergilde, 2013, 352 p. 3619. KUBOTA (Yuichi). Armed groups in Cambodian civil war: territorial control, rivalry, and recruitment. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-205 p. 3620. NHEM (Boraden). The Khmer Rouge: ideology, militarism, and the revolution that consumed a generation. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2013, XXII-216 p. Cameroon 3621. TERRETTA (Meredith). Nation of outlaws, state of violence: nationalism, grassfields tradition, and state building in Cameroon. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, XVI367 p. Canada 3622. AIVALIS (Christo). In the name of liberalism: Pierre Trudeau, organized labour, and the Canadian Social Democratic Left, 1949–1959. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 2, p. 263-288. 3623. BRYDEN (Penny). "A justifiable obsession": conservative Ontario's relations with Ottawa, 1943–1985. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, X-311 p. 3624. BUCKNER (Phil). Defining identities in Canada: regional, imperial, national. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 2, p. 289-311. 3625. LACKENBAUER (P. Whitney). The Canadian Rangers: a living history. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013, XV-618 p. (Studies in Canadian military history). 3626. MILLS (Sean). Quebec, Haiti, and the Deportation Crisis of 1974. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 3, p. 405-435 3627. NAYLOR (James). Socialism for a new generation: CCF Youth in the Popular Front era. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 1, p. 55-79. 3628. OUELLET (Éric), CONLEY (Devin). Les Forces canadiennes et les défis institutionnels des années 1960–


1970. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 41-54. 3629. SMITH (David E.). Across the aisle: opposition in Canadian politics. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XIII-228 p. 3630. SQUIRES (Jessica). Building sanctuary: the movement to support Vietnam war resisters in Canada, 1965–1973. Vancouver a. Toronto, UBC Press, 2013, XXI-348 p. 3631. Taking liberties: a history of human rights in Canada. Ed. by David GOUTOR and Stephen HEATHORN. Don Mills, Oxford U.P., 2013, 291 p. 3632. THOMPSON (Neville). Canada and the end of the imperial dream: Beverley Baxter's reports from London through war and peace, 1936–1960. Toronto, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-394 p. (Joanne Goodman lecture series, 2004). Chile ** 3633. Sesiones secretas del senado de Chile durante la Guerra del Pacífico: marzo de 1879 a septiembre de 1880. Director editorial, Juan ORTIZ BENITES. Lima, La Casa del Libro Viejo, 2013, 306 p. 3634. BASTIAS SAAVEDRA (Manuel). Sociedad civil en dictadura: relaciones transnacionales, organizaciones y socialización política en Chile (1973–1993). Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2013, 363 p. (Colección de historia). 3635. DÍAZ NIEVA (José). Patria y libertad: la vanguardia juvenil contra Allende. Madrid, Ediciones Barbarroja, 2013, 250 p. (Colección Hispanoamérica). 3636. FERMANDOIS (Joaquín). La revolución inconclusa: la izquierda chilena y el gobierno de la Unidad Popular. Santiago, Centro de Estudios Públicos, 2013, XXIII-851 p. 3637. FIGUEROA CLARK (Victor). Salvador Allende: revolutionary democrat. London, Pluto Press, 2013, X164 p. 3638. GAUDICHAUD (Franck). Chili 1970–1973: mille jours qui ébranlèrent le monde. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 345 p. (Collection Des Amériques). 3639. GUERRA ACUÑA (Alejandra). Pensar como no se debe: las ideas en crisis: conspiradores e ilustrados en Santiago de Chile (1780–1810). Valparaiso, Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2013, 295 p. 3640. IBÁÑEZ SANTA MARÍA (Adolfo). Historia de Chile (1860–1973). Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, 2013, 2 vol., 414 p., 347 p. 3641. Memoria a 40 años. Seminario Chile 1970 (2010: Universidad Jesuita Alberto Hurtado). Ed. por Pedro MILOS. Vol. 1. Chile 1970: el país en que triunfa Salvador Allende. Vol. 2. Chile 1971: el primer año de gobierno de la Unidad Popular. Vol. 3. Chile 1972: desde



'El Arrayán' hasta el 'Paro de octubre'. Vol. 4. Chile 1973: los meses previos al golpe de estado. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2013, 4 vol., 235 p., 258 p., 235 p., 259 p. (Colección de historia. Serie Chile contemporáneo). 3642. MONTALVA (Pía). Tejidos blandos: indumentaria y violencia política en Chile, 1973–1990. Santiago de Chile, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Fondo de Cultura Económica Chile, 2013, 458 p. (Tierra firme). 3643. RICHARDS (Patricia). Race and the Chilean miracle: neoliberalism, democracy and indigenous rights. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, XII261 p. 3644. RUBIO APIOLAZA (Pablo). Los civiles de Pinochet: la derecha en el régimen militar chileno, 1983– 1990. Santiago de Chile, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2013, 346 p. (Colección Sociedad y cultura, 4). 3645. VALDIVIA ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE (Verónica). Were women and young people the heart of the Pinochet regime? Rise and decline of the secretariats. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 4, p. 547-583. Addendum 2012 3646. SCHELCHKOV (Andrej A.). Otrazhenie evropejskogo 1848 goda v Chili: "Obschestvo ravenstva". (Reflections of the European 1848 year in Chile: the "equality society"). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 2, p. 64-79. China Cf. nos 7930-8036 Colombia 3647. ESCOBAR GUZMÁN (Brenda). De los conflictos locales a la guerra civil: Tolima a finales del siglo XIX. Bogotá, Academia Colombiana de Historia, 2013, 308 p. (Biblioteca de historia nacional, 169). 3648. Procesos políticos antioqueños durante la revolución neogranadina. Ed. por Jorge Giraldo RAMÍREZ. Medellín, Universidad EAFIT, 2013, 126 p. (Colección Bicentenario de Antioquia, 67). 3649. RAUSCH (Jane M.). Territorial Rule in Colombia and the Transformation of the Llanos Orientales. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2013, X186 p. 3650. Restauración conservadora (La), 1946–1957. Ed. by Rubén SIERRA MEJÍA. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2013, 422 p. (Pensamiento colombiano). 3651. STANFIELD (Michael Edward). Of beasts and beauty: gender, race, and identity in Colombia. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, X-280 p. 3652. URIBE LÓPEZ (Mauricio). La nación vetada: estado, desarrollo y guerra civil en Colombia. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2013, 344 p.

3653. VILLANUEVA MARTÍNEZ (Orlando). El Llano en armas: vida, acción y muerte de Guadalupe Salcedo. Bogotá, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 2013, 358 p. (Ciudadanía & democracia). Addendum 2012 3654. SCHELCHKOV (Andrej A.). Liberal'naja revoljutsija i "Plebejskaja respublika" v Kolumbii, 1849–1854 gg. (Liberal revolution and "Plebeian republic" in Colombia, 1849–1854). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. Мoskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, 2012, 260 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p 242-252; pers. ind. p. 253257). Congo 3655. MAHANIAH (Kimpianga). Kasa-Vubu, Lumumba et l'indépendance du Congo, 1956–1960. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 244 p. (Études africaines). Costa Rica 3656. PÉREZ ZUMBADO (Efraín Danilo). El control y la dominación política en el régimen de Tomás Guardia. San José, Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2013, XXXII-368 p. 3657. SOLÓRZANO (Juan Carlos). Los indígenas en la frontera de la colonización Costa Rica 1502–1930: (Guatuso, Orosi, Tucurrique, Tuis, Chirripó, Talamanca y el Pacífico Sur). San José, EUNED, Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2013, XVI-577 p. Cote d'Ivoire 3658. DIABATÉ (Henriette). Le Sanvi: un royaume akan (1701–1901). Paris, Karthala, Abidjan, CERAP et Marseille, IRD Éditions, 2013, 621 p. 3659. KEITA (Balla Mohamed). A political history of Côte D'Ivoire from 1936 to 2011: the politics of ethnicity, region, and religion. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XI-296 p. Croatia ** 3660. ARTUKOVIĆ (Mato), ANTIĆ (Ljubomir). Sudski progoni dr. Marka Veselice: dokumenti. (Judicial persecution of Dr. Marko Veselica: documents). Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2013, 599 p. (Biblioteka hrvatska povjesnica. Građa, IV/10). 3661. DESPOT (Igor). Balkanski ratovi 1912.–1913. i njihov odjek u Hrvatskoj. (The Balkan Wars and their reflections in Croatia). Zagreb, Plejada, 2013, 327 p. 3662. GEIGER (Vladimir). Brojidbeni pokazatelji o žrtvama logora Jasenovac, 1941.–1945.: (procjene, izračuni, popisi). (Numerical indicators of victims of the Jasenovac Camp, 1941–1945. Estimates, calculationas, lists). Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2013, 45, 2, p. 211-242. 3663. Hrvatski mučenici i žrtve iz vremena komunističke vladavine: zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa održanog u Zagrebu 24. i 25. travnja 2012. Godine. (Croatian martyrs and victims from communist rule: a collection of papers from an international scien-

§ 2. History by countries


tific meeting held in Zagreb on April 24 and 25, 2012). Glavni urednik Mile BOGOVIĆ. Zagreb, Glas Koncila, 2013, 707 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica, 10).

the eyes of Polish historians between the 20th and 21th Centuries. In: T.G. Masaryk a Slované [cf. no 3704], p. 147-161.

3664. Intelektualci i rat, 1939.–1947: zbornik radova s međunarodnog skupa Desničini susreti 2012. (Intellectuals and War, 1939–1947: Workshop from the International Meeting of Righteous Encounters 2012). Uredili Drago ROKSANDIĆ i Ivana CVIJOVIĆ JAVORINA. Zagreb, FF press – Filozofski fakultet, 2013, 2 vol., 291 p., 584 p. (Biblioteka Desničini susreti, 8).

3675. BOLFOVÁ (Petra). Czechs-Slovak Relations between 1918 and 1989 as a prerequisite to the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Politické vedy: časopis pre politológiu, najnovšie dejiny, medzinárodné vzťahy, 2013, 16, 4, p. 85-105.

3665. KORB (Alexander). Im Schatten des Weltkriegs. Massengewalt der Ustaša gegen Serben, Juden und Roma in Kroatien 1941–1945. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2013, 510 p. 3666. PREVIŠIĆ (Martin). Broj kažnjenika na Golom otoku i drugim logorima za ibeovce u vrijeme sukoba sa SSSR-om: (1948.–1956). (The number of convicts on the island of Goli Otok and other internment camps for cominform members during the conflict with the USSR). Historijski zbornik, 2013, 66, 1, p. 173-193. 3667. YEOMANS (Rory). Visions of annihilation: the Ustasha regime and the cultural politics of fascism, 1941– 1945. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, X-446 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies). Cf. nos 4441, 4442, 4444 Cuba 3668. RODRÍGUEZ (Rolando). Rebelión en la República: auge y caída de Gerardo Machado. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2013, 3 vol., X-450 p., VII-461 p., VII-454 p. (Historia). 3669. SIPPIAL (Tiffany A.). Prostitution, modernity, and the making of the Cuban Republic, 1840–1920. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-237 p. 3670. STOUT (Nancy). One day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution. New York, Monthly Review Press, 2013, 472 p. 3671. WHITNEY (Robert), LAFFITA (Graciela Chailloux). Subjects or citizens: British Caribbean workers in Cuba, 1900–1960. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, X-237 p. Cyprus 3672. GATES (Christianne). The 'Turkish' minority in Cyprus: an artificial identity? Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 870-886. Czech Republic 3673. ADAM (Alfons). Unsichtbare Mauern: die Deutschen in der Prager Gesellschaft zwischen Abkapselung und Interaktion (1918–1938/39). Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 472 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa, 41). 3674. BIAŁOKUR (Marek). The formation of Czechoslovakia and its president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk in

3676. ČAPKOVÁ (Kateřina), MICHAL (Frankl). Unsichere Zuflucht. Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland und Österreich 1933–1938. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 327 p. 3677. DALBERG (Dirk). Macht, Ideologie, Normen und Kummunikation. Václav Havel und das posttotalitäre System. (Power, ideology, norms and communication. Václav Havel and the post-totalitarian system). In: České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století VIII. Ústí nad Orlicí, Oftis, 2013, p. 383-390. 3678. DANIEL (Ondřej), LOMÍČEK (Jan). Zdivočelí rodáci: Jak (ne)zobrazovat nástup KSČ k moci. (Fellow countrymen gone wild: how (not) to depict the rise to power of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia). Forum Historiae, 2013, 7, 1, p. 75-91. 3679. Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild: politische, mediale und historiographische Deutungen. Hrsg. v. Ota KONRAD und Rene KÜPPER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, VI-306 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 129). [Cf. nos 3686, 3706, 7478, 7613.] 3680. FRANC (Martin), KNAPÍK (Jiří). Getting around to the human being in the next quarter: leisure time in the Czech Lands 1948–1956. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 77-100. 3681. HAMES (Peter). The golden sixties: the Czechoslovak new wave revisited. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 2013, 4, 2, p. 215-230. 3682. HANZLÍK (František), KONEČNÝ (Karel), POLLEY (Ivana). Czechoslovak Association of Legionnaires in exile 1949–1989. Prague, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic: MHI Prague, 2013, 165 p. 3683. HARNA (Josef). Střídání vlád a stabilita politického systému první Československé republiky. (Changes in government and the stability of the political system in the first Czechoslovak Republic). Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2013, 27, 1, p. 64-78. 3684. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří). Początki tzw. normalizacji w czechosłowackiej Armii Ludowej we wspomnieniach świadków. (The beginning of so called "normalisation" in the Czechoslovak People's Army, as recollected by witnesses). Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 2013, 3, 1, p. 205-223. 3685. HONSOVÁ (Karolína). Z modly zrádcem: soudní proces s Janem Antonínem Baťou. (An idol becomes a traitor. the trail of Jan Antonín Baťa). Sborník Archivu bezpečnostních složek, 2013, 11, p. 51-74.



3686. HORÁK (Pavel). "The shrimp who betrayed": Edvard Beneš in the discussions of Czech exile politicians recorded in London 1949–1950. In: Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild: politische, mediale und historiographische Deutungen [cf. no 3679], p. 195-203. 3687. KAPLAN (Petr). The Sudeten Germans and the twilight of the first republic. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 149-154. 3688. KINČOK (Branislav). Vyšetrovanec číslo 1940: Gustáv Husák vo vyšetrovacej väzbe Štátnej bezpečnosti (1951–1954). (Man No. 1940 under Investigation. Gustáv Husák in the state security detention, 1951– 1954). Pamäť národa, 2013, 9, 4, p. 17-39. 3689. KOPEČEK (Michal). The stigma of the past and the bond of belonging: Czech communists in the first decade after 1989. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 101-130. 3690. KRAPFL (James). Revolution with a human face: politics, culture, and community in Czechoslovakia, 1989–1992. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XXI-260 p. 3691. LÁNÍČEK (Jan). Czechs, Slovaks and the Jews, 1938–1948: beyond idealization and condemnation. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-265 p. 3692. LYONS (Pat). Adjectives of democracy: citizenship and political attitudes under socialist and liberal democracy in the Czech Republic. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2013, 470 p. 3693. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), SOMMER (Vítězslav). The 'Club of Politically Engaged Conformists'? The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, popular opinion and the crisis of communism, 1956. Washington, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2013, 78 p. 3694. MAREK (Jindřich). Nouzové řešení, výměna generací, či první čistka?: personální změny ve vedení čs. četnictva a policie v květnu 1945. (Emergency solution, change og generation or first purge? Personnel change in the leadership of the Czechoslovak gendarmerie and police in May 1945). Sborník Archivu bezpečnostních složek, 2013, 11, p. 39-50. 3695. MARKOVIĆ (Goran). Challenges of the Czech radical left. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 2013, 21, 1, p. 67-85. 3696. MASKALÍK (Alex). Nástup nového trendu národnostnej výstavby ČSĽA po federalizácii Československa a jeho limity. (A new trend in the national buildup of the Czechoslovak People's Army after federalization of Czechoslovakia and its limits). Vojenská história, 2013, 17, 1, p. 71-82. 3697. NIKODYM (Tomáš). The failure of the Šiks reform in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. Central European papers, 2013, 1, 1, p. 41-51. 3698. PEHR (Michal). Československá propaganda ve třicátých letech 20. století: nesnadná cesta k vytvoření ministerstva propagandy. (Czechoslovak Propaganda in

the 1930s: uneasy way towards the Czechoslovak propaganda ministry). Střed: časopis pro mezioborová studia střední Evropy 19. a 20. století, 2013, 5, 2, p. 57-76. 3699. PREČAN (Vilém). The Czech twentieth century? Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 7-19. 3700. PULLMANN (Michal). The demise of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, 1987–1989: a socioeconomic perspective. In: 1989 revolutions (The) in Central and Eastern Europe [cf. no 3475], p. 154-171. 3701. PYNSENT (Robert B.). The heart of Europe: the origins and fate of a Czech nationalist cliché. Central Europe, 2013, 11, 1, p. 1-23. 3702. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub). Kontinuita a diskontinuita vývoje sociálního státu v Československu (1918–1956). (Continuity and discontinuity in the history of the welfare state in Czechoslovakia, 1918–1956). Soudobé dějiny, 2013, 20, 1-2, p. 15-39. 3703. SEDLICKÁ (Magdalena). Examples of anti-semitism in the Czechoslovak Foreign Army in Great Britain during the Second World War: sources, literature and methodology. Judaica Bohemiae, 2013, 48, 2, p. 39-68. 3704. T.G. Masaryk a Slované = T.G. Masaryk and the Slavs. Vratislav DOUBEK, Ladislav HLADKÝ, Radomír VLČEK a kolektiv. Praha, Historický ústav AV ČR ve spolupráci s Masarykovým ústavem a Archivem AV ČR, 2013, 439 p. [Cf. no 3674.] 3705. TOMEŠ (Igor). Metamorfózy sociálního státu v Československu v letech 1956–1989. (The metamorphoses of the Czechoslovak welfare state, 1956–1989). Soudobé dějiny, 2013, 20, 1-2, p. 65-88. 3706. TOMEŠ (Josef), VAŠEK (Richard). The image of Edvard Beneš in the unpublished memoirs of Czech politicians. In: Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild: politische, mediale und historiographische Deutungen [cf. no 3679], p. 205-220. 3707. WOLCHIK (Sharon L.). Doing political science research in Husák's Czechoslovakia. Problems of PostCommunism, 2013, 60, 4, p. 22-27. 3708. ZADOROZHNJUK (Ella G.). Vatslav Gavel: portret v inter'ere istoricheskoj epokhi. (Václav Havel: a portrait against the background of a historical epoque). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 5, p. 13-29. 3709. ZERBST (Jan). Systém evidence nepřátelských osob po roce 1968. (The system of registration of enemy persons after 1968). Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2013, 27, 2, p. 132-141. Cf. nos 4085, 4453, 4456, 4458-4460 Denmark ** 3710. Aktstykker og oplysninger til rigsrådets og stændermødernes historie i Frederik III's tid. Bd. 3. 1654–1660. (Documents et notes pour l'histoire du Conseil du royaume et des assemblées des états sous le règne de Frédéric III de danemark. Tome 3. 1654–1660).

§ 2. History by countries


Red. Leon JESPERSEN, Christina LARSEN. København, Selskabet for udgivelse af kilder til dansk historie, 2013, 630 p.

SEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 583 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 453).

3711. ANDERSEN (Lars). Scavenius-affæren. En historie om privatliv, politik og moral i 1800-tallets København. (L'affaire Scavenius. Une histoire de vie privée, de politique et de morale dans le Copenhague du 19e siècle). Iborg, Iborg Universitetsforlag, 2013, 174 p. (ill.). (Studier i historie, arkiver og kulturarv, 1).

3721. MØRCH (Søren). Anders Fogh Rasmussen, en dansk statsminister fra det 21. århundrede. (Anders Fogh Rasmussen, un premier ministre du 21e siècle). København, Gyldendal, 2013, 290 p. (ill.).

3712. Danmark i krig: demokrati, politik og strategi i den militære aktivisme. (Le Danemark en guerre: démocratie, politique et stratégie de l'activisme militaire). Red. Kristian SØBY KRISTENSEN. København, Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, 2013, 264 p. (Studier i global politik og sikkerhed, 5). 3713. Dansk velfærdshistorie. BD 5. Velfærdsstaten i tidehverv 1973–1993. (Histoire de l'Etat-providence danois. Tome 5. L'Etat-providence pendant les années 1973–1993). Red. Jørn Henrik PETERSEN, Klaus PETERSEN, Niels Finn CHRISTIANSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 984 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 472). 3714. FRISK JENSEN (Mette). Korruption og embedsetik. Danske embedsmænds korruption i perioden 1800–1866. (Corruption et éthique de la fonction publique. La corruption chez les fonctionnaires danois pendant la période 1800–1866). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 339 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 449). 3715. GRINDER-HANSEN (Poul). Frederik 2. Danmarks renæssancekonge. (Le roi Frédéric II de Danemark [1534–1588]: un roi de la Renaissance). København, Gyldendal, 2013, 350 p. (ill.). 3716. Hærofficerer i 300 år 1713–2013. (Les officiers de l'armée danoise depuis 300 ans, 1713–2013). Frderiksberg, Hærens Officersskole, 2013, 313 p. (ill.). 3717. KARPANTSCHOF (René), MIKKELSEN (Flemming). Folkelige protestbølger og demokrati i Danmark 1700–2000. (Waves of popular protest and democracy in Denmark, 1700–2000). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 393-443. 3718. KV09, analyser of kommunalvalet 2009. (Analyses sur les élections municipales danoises de 2009). Eds. Jørgen ELKLIT et Ulrik KJÆR. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 427 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 454). 3719. Liberalisme. Danske og internationale perspektiver. (Le Libéralisme. Perspectives danoises et internationales). Red. Jeppe NEVERS, Niklas OLSEN, Casper SYLVEST. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 360 p. 3720. Magtens besegling. Enevoldsarveregeringsakterne af 1661 og 1662. (La confirmation du pouvoir. Les actes de 1661 et 1662 fondateurs de la monarchie héréditaire absolue au Danemark). Red. Allan TØNNE-

3722. NIELSEN (Eigil). Med idéen som følgesvend. En dansk kommunists erindringer. (Avec l'idée comme compagnon. Souvenirs d'un communiste danois). Højbjerg, Hovedland, 2013, 254 p. (tab.). 3723. OLSEN (Lars). En bygning slår revner: socialdemokratiet og det folkelige Danmark. (Une construction lézardée: la social-démocratie et le peuple au Danemark). København, Gyldendal, 2013, 232 p. 3724. PEDERSEN (Rasmus Brun). 'Footnote policy' and the Social Democratic Party's role in shaping Danish EEC positions, 1982–1986. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 5, p. 636-657. 3725. WENDEL-HANSEN (Jens Lei). ... ikke blot ved siden af Thronen, men højere end Thronen. Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg og Folketingsparlamentarismen. (Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg and the Constitutional struggle). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 479-495. Dominican Republic 3726. LIBERATO (Ana S. Q.). Joaquín Balaguer, memory, and diaspora: the lasting political legacies of an American protégé. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, XI-325 p. Ecuador 3727. JASKOSKI (Maiah). Military politics and democracy in the Andes. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XV-288 p. 3728. SCHURR (Carolin). Performing politics, making space: a visual ethnography of political change in Ecuador. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 213 p. Egypt 3729. ABUL-MAGD (Zeinab). Imagined empires: a history of revolt in Egypt. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, VII-201 p. 3730. BELLI (Mériam N.). An incurable past: Nasser's Egypt then and now. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XII-295 p. 3731. GINAT (Rami). Remembering history: the Egyptian discourse on the role of Jews in the communist movements. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 6, p. 919940. 3732. PIFFERO (Elena). Res publica e spazio pubblico: spazializzare la rivolta al Cairo. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 139, 2, p. 15-46. 3733. WHIDDEN (James). Monarchy and modernity in Egypt: politics, Islam, and neo-colonialism between



the Wars. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2013, VIII-235 p. (Library of Middle East history, 29). 3734. WICKHAM (Carrie Rosefsky). The Muslim Brotherhood: evolution of an Islamist movement. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2013, XVIII-360 p. El Salvador 3735. ACOSTA (Antonio). Los orígenes de la burguesía de El Salvador: el control sobre el café y el estado, 1848–1890. Barcelona, Taller de Estudios e Investigacions Andino-Amazónicos, Universidad de Barcelona y Sevilla, Instituto de Estudios sobre América, Universidad de Sevilla, 2013, XXVIII-419 p. Eritrea 3736. VENOSA (Joseph L.). The first line against second class citizenship: the Eritrean Muslim League, Islamic institutional autonomy, and representation on the eve of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Federation, 1950–1952. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 3, p. 397-422. Estonia 3737. KÕLL (Anu Mai). The village and the class war: anti-kulak campaign in Estonia. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2013, XII-283 p. (Historical studies in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 2). Cf. no 4223 Ethiopia 3738. ADJEMIAN (Boris). La fanfare du Négus: les Arméniens en Ethiopie: XIXe–XXe siècle. Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2013, 350 p. (Collection En temps & lieux, 47). 3739. SOULÉ (Aramis Houmed). Les Afar: la révolution éthiopienne et le régime du Derg, 1974–1991. Addis Abeda, Centre français des études éthiopiennes et Paris, CNRS, 2013, 238 p. 3740. Vacat. Finland 3741. NYSTRÖM (Samu). Helsinki 1914–1918: toivon, pelon ja sekasorron vuodet. (Helsinki 1914–1918: years of hope, fear and confusion). Helsinki, Minerva, 2013, 368 p.

3746. BLUM (Carol). Croître ou Périr. Population, reproduction et pouvoir en France au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, INED, 2013, 288 p. 3747. BRASSART (Laurent). Gouverner le local en révolution: état, pouvoirs et mouvements collectifs dans l'Aisne, 1790–1795. Paris, Sociéré des études robespierristes, 2013, 499 p. (Collection Prix Mathiez, 3). 3748. "Caricatures de présidents, 1848–2012". Numéro coordonné par Guillaume DOIZY et Pascal DUPUY. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 280 p. (Sociétés & Représentations, 36). 3749. CHAMOUARD (Aude). Une autre histoire du socialisme: les politiques à l'épreuve du terrain, 1919– 2000. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 339 p. (Histoire). 3750. CHAPUT (Paul). La France face à l'initiative de défense stratégique de Ronald Reagan: 1983–1986. De la guerre des étoiles à la construction européenne. Paris, Harmattan, 2013, 305 p. 3751. CODACCIONI (Vanessa). Punir les opposants. PCF [Parti communiste français] et procès politiques 1947–1962. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013, 424 p. 3752. COINTET (Michèle). La milice française. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 342 p. 3753. Contre-histoire (Une) de la IIIe République. Sous la dir. de Marion FONTAINE, Frédéric MONIER et Christophe PROCHASSON. Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 401 p. (Cahiers libres). 3754. Crisis (The) of the absolute monarchy: France from Old Regime to revolution. Ed. by Julian SWANN and Joël FÉLIX. Oxford, Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013, XIV-337 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 184). 3755. DARD (Olivier). Charles Maurras. Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 352 p. 3756. DENDENA (Francesco). I nostri maledetti scranni! Il movimento fogliante tra la fuga di Varennes e la caduta della monarchia, 1791–1792. Milano, Guerini e associati, 2013, 336 p. (Storiografica, 18). 3757. DEREYMEZ (Jean-William). Leur avant-guerre. Jeunesses socialistes en Isère (1938–1940). Revue historique, 2013, 666, p. 375-399.

3742. UOLA (Mikko). Unelma kommunistisesta Suomesta 1944-1953. (Dream of Communist Finland 1944– 1953). Helsinki, Minerva, 2013, 452 p.

3758. DEROCHE (Alexandre). L'apanage royal en France à l'époque modern. Paris, Éditions PanthéonAssas, 2013, 708 p. (Thèses).


3759. DOLAN (Claire). Délibérer à Toulouse au XVIIIe siècle. Les procureurs au parlement. Paris, Éd. du Cths, 2013, 340 p.

3743. 1792: entrer en République. Sous la dir. de Michel BIARD, Philippe BOURDIN, Hervé LEUWERS et Pierre SERNA. Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 328 p. (Recherches). 3744. BELISSA (Marc), BOSC (Yannick). Robespierre: la fabrication d'un mythe. Paris, Ellipses, 2013, 557 p. (Biographies et Mythes historiques). 3745. BÉLY (Lucien). Les secrets de Louis XIV: mystères d'État et pouvoir absolu. Paris, Tallandier, 2013, 687 p. (Histoire moderne. Publications de la Sorbonne).

3760. DOYLE (William). France and the age of revolution: regimes old and new from Louis XIV to Napoleon Bonaparte. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 232 p. 3761. EDELSTEIN (Melvin). La révolution française et la naissance de la démocratie électorale. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 599 p. (Histoire).

§ 2. History by countries 3762. Experiencing the French Revolution. Ed. by David ANDRESS. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, 332 p. 3763. French Revolution (The) in global perspective. Ed. by Suzanne DESAN, Lynn HUNT and William Max NELSON. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2013, 236 p. 3764. GARRAUD (Philippe). Un siècle de transformations du périmètre de l'État dans les fabrications d'armements: une comparaison intersectorielle. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 113129. 3765. Gaullistes (Les). Hommes et réseaux. Sous la dir. de François AUDIGIER, Bernard LACHAISE et Sébastien LAURENT. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2013, 604 p.


teenth century). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 442 p. 3777. LAHAYE (Matthieu). Le fils de Louis XIV: monseigneur le Grand Dauphin (1661–1711), Seyssel, Champ Vallon, "Époques", 2013, 422 p. 3778. LAWRENCE (Adria). Imperial rule and the politics of nationalism: anti-colonial protest in the French empire. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-276 p. (Problems of international politics). 3779. LE CROM (Jean-Pierre). Au secours, Maréchal! L'instrumentalisation de l'humanitaire (1940–1944). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013, 343 p. (Hors collection). 3780. LE ROUX (Nicolas). Le roi, la cour, l'État: de la Renaissance à l'absolutisme. Seyssel, Éditions Champ Vallon, 2013, 400 p. (Collection Époques).

3766. Gaullistes dans l'Ouest atlantique dans les élections législatives de 1958 à 1981. Sous la dir. de Laurent JALABERT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 210 p. (Histoire).

3781. LINTON (Marisa). Choosing terror: virtue, friendship, and authenticity in the French Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-323 p.

3767. GOUARNÉ (Isabelle). L'introduction du marxisme en France. Philosoviétisme et sciences humaines, 1920–1939. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 288 p.

3782. LLOANSI (Bernard). La noblesse des bourgeois honorés de Perpignan (1449–1789). Saint-Estève, Les Éditions Presses littéraires, 2013, 260 p. (Savoir(s) et connaissance).

3768. GRUNBERG (Gérard). La loi et les prophètes: les socialistes français et les institutions politiques: 1789– 2013. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2013, 361 p.

3783. MAC CLUSKEY (Phil). Absolute monarchy on the frontiers: Louis XIV's military occupations of Lorraine and Savoy. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, 226 p.

3769. GUIGO (Pierre-Emmanuel). Le chantre de l'opinion: la communication de Michel Rocard de 1974 à 1981. Bry-sur-Marne, INA, 2013, 263 p. (Médias histoire). 3770. Histoire de l'UDF [Union pour la démocratie française]: l'Union pour la démocratie française, 1978– 2007. Sous la dir. de Gilles RICHARD, Sylvie GUILLAUME et Jean-François SIRINELLI. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 196 p. (Histoire). 3771. HOROWITZ (Sarah). Friendship and politics in post-revolutionary France. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, XII-227 p. 3772. HOULLEMARE (Marie). Le parlement de Savoie (1536–1559), un outil politique au service du roi de France, entre occupation pragmatique et intégration au royaume. Revue historique, 2013, 665, p. 89-117. 3773. JOUANNA (Arlette). Le pouvoir absolu. Naissance de l'imaginaire politique de la royauté. Paris, Gallimard, 2013, 436 p. (L'Esprit de la cite). 3774. JULLIARD (Jacques). Les gauches françaises, 1762–2012: histoire et politique. Paris, Flammarion, 2013, 904 p. (Champs histoire, 1089). 3775. KOPP (Pierre-Guillaume). Die Bonapartes: französische Cäsaren in Politik und Kunst. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 236 p. 3776. KUDO (Akihito). Chichūkai teikoku no hen-ei: Furansu ryō Arujeria no 19 seiki. (The mirage of a Mediterranean empire: Algeria and France in the nine-

3784. MAC PHEE (Peter). Robespierre: a revolutionary life. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIX-299 p. 3785. MARY (Nicolas). Les intellectuels et les figures politiques charismatiques: De Gaulle, Mendès France, Mitterrand. Paris, Les Indes savants, 2013, 467 p. (Boutique de l'histoire). 3786. MATHIEU (Lilian). L'autre côté de la barricade: perceptions et pratiques policières en mai et juin 1968. Revue historique, 2013, 665, p. 145-172. 3787. MATTA-DUVIGNEAU (Raphaël). Gouverner, administrer révolutionnairement: le Comité de salut public (6 avril 1793–4 brumaire an IV). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 716 p. (Logiques juridiques). 3788. MELTZ (Renaud). Lorsque le Quai d'Orsay dictait des articles: la fabrication de l'opinion publique dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 33-50. 3789. MICHEL (Lise). Des princes en figure: politique et invention tragique en France (1630–1650). Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 355 p. (Theatrum mundi). 3790. Moment PRL (Le): le Parti républicain de la liberté, 1946–1951. Sous la dir. de Sylvie GUILLAUME, Gilles LE BÉGUEC, Christine MANIGAND, Jérȏme POZZI, Jean-Paul THOMAS et Sabrina TRICAUD; pref. de Gilles RICHARD. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 200 p. (Histoire).



3791. Nach "Achtundsechzig": Krisen und Krisenbewusstsein in Deutschland und Frankreich in den 1970er Jahren. Hrsg. v. Bernhard GOTTO [et al.]. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, VIII-193 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Sondernummer). 3792. NOIRIEL (Gérard). Les origines républicaines de Vichy. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 335 p. (Histoires). 3793. ODANAKA (Naoki). 19 seiki Furansu shakaiseijisi. (Studies on socio-political history of nineteenthcentury France). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2013, 262 p. 3794. Opposition parlementaire (L'). Sous la dir. d'Olivier ROZENBERG et d'Éric THIERS. Paris, La documentation française, 2013, 215 p. (Études de la Documentation française). 3795. Parti socialiste unifié (Le): histoire et postérité: actes du colloque des 8 et 9 novembre 2010 par le Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po avec le soutien de l'Institut universitaire de France. Sous la dir. de Noëlline CASTAGNEZ, Laurent JALABERT, Marc LAZAR, Gilles MORIN et Jean-François SIRINELLI. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 329 p. (Histoire). 3796. Partis politiques (Les) en France. Éd. par Pascal DELWIT. Bruxelles, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2013, 252 p. (Science politique). 3797. PASSMORE (Kevin). The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-391 p. 3798. PECH (Rémy), MAURIN (Jules). 1907, les mutins de la République: la révolte du Midi viticole: la rumeur de Béziers, 1914–1918. Toulouse, Éditions Privat, 2013, 353 p. (Histoire). 3799. PERRIER (Jérôme). Entre administration et politique: Michel Debré, 1912–1948: du service de l'État à l'entrée au forum. Bayonne, Institut Universitaire Varenne, 2013, 2 vol., XV-1114 p. (Collection des thèses, 84). 3800. Pierre Bérégovoy en politique. Sous la dir. de Noëlline CASTAGNEZ et Gilles MORIN, en collaboration avec Alexandre BORRELL. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 237 p. 3801. République (La) et ses symboles. Un territoire de signes. Sous la dir. de Gérard MONNIER et Évelyne COHEN. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 439 p. 3802. ROBERTS (Penny). Peace and authority during the French Religious Wars, c. 1560–1600. Baskingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-264 p. (Early modern history: society and culture). 3803. ROTA (Emanuel). A pact with Vichy: Angelo Tasca from Italian socialism to French collaboration. New York, Fordham U. P., 2013, XII-217 p. (World War II, the global, human, and ethical dimension). 3804. SANOS (Sandrine). The aesthetics of hate: farright intellectuals, antisemitism, and gender in 1930s France. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XI-369 p.

3805. SHURTS (Sarah E.). Resentment and the right: a twentieth-century cycle of reaction, revaluation, and retreat by the French extreme right. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 2, p. 257-278. 3806. STRECKERT (Jens). Die Hauptstadt Lateinamerikas. Eine Geschichte der Lateinamerikaner im Paris der Dritten Republik (1870–1940). Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 340 p. 3807. Territoires (Les) du communisme: élus locaux, politiques publiques et sociabilités militantes. Sous la dir. de Emmanuel BELLANGER et Julian MISCHI. Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 302 p. (Recherches). 3808. TORT (Olivier). La Droite française. Aux origines de ses divisions, 1814–1830. Paris, Éditions du CTHS, 2013, 352 p. 3809. TUMBLETY (Joan). Rethinking the Fascist aesthetic: mass gymnastics, political spectacle and the stadium in 1930s France. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 4, p. 707-730. 3810. VILLETTE (Vincent). Apprendre à voter sous la IIe République: le suffrage de masse dans le département de la Seine 1848–1851. Paris, Indes savants, 2013, 301 p. (Boutique de l'histoire). 3811. WREDE (Martin), HOURCADE (Emmanuel), LATTY (Lionel). Autonomie nobiliaire, mémoire familiale et pouvoir du souverain sous Louis XIV. Revue historique, 2013, 667, p. 575-600. 3812. YVERT (Benoît). La Restauration: les idées et les hommes. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2013, 262 p. 3813. ZUCCOTTI (Susan). Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish Rescue: How a French priest together with Jewish friends saved thousands during the Holocaust. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XV-276 p. Addenda 2012 3814. ARZAKANJAN (Marina Ts.). Velikij de Goll'. "Frantsija – eto ja!" (De Gaulle the Great: "France is me!"). Moskva, Jauza, EKSMO, 2012, 512 p. (20 f. ill.; bibl. p 478-490; pers. ind. p. 493-508). (The geniuses of authority). 3815. Fête (La) de la Fédération. Sous la dir. de Pascal DUPUY. Rouen, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2012, 164 p. (Les cahiers du GRHIS). Cf. no 4805 Gabon 3816. ANGOUÉ (Claudine-Augée). Pour une anthropologie du pouvoir au Gabon: la dialectique du politique et du religieux. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 131 p. (Études africaines). 3817. MOUCKAGA (HUGUES). Les déportés politiques au bagne de Ndjolé (Gabon), 1898–1913: l'Almamy Samory Touré, Cheikh Amadou, Bamba Mbacké, Dossou Idéou, Aja Kpoyizoun, et les autres. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 233 p. (Études africaines).

§ 2. History by countries Gambia 3818. State and society in the Gambia since independence: 1965–2012. Ed. by Abdoulaye SAINE, Ebrima CEESAY and Ebrima SALL. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, L-585 p. Georgia 3819. JONES (Stephen F.). Georgia: a political history since independence. London a. New York, I.B.Tauris, 2013, XXII-376 p. Germany * 3820. Thema "Preußen" (Das) in Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftspolitik vor und nach 1945. Hrsg. v. HansChristof KRAUS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 471 p. (Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte, 12). ** 3821. Adenauer und die FDP [Freie Demokratische Partei]. Hrsg. v. Rudolf MORSEY und Hans Peter SCHWARZ. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 2013, 1090 p. (Adenauer: Rhöndorfer Ausgabe). ** 3822. DDR (Die) im Blick der Stasi 1953: die geheimen Berichte an die SED-Führung. Bearb. v. Roger ENGELMANN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 320 p. ** 3823. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Reichsversammlungen 1556–1662. Hrsg. v. der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Maximilian Lanzinner. Der Reichstag zu Regensburg 1556/57. 2 Teilbde. Bearb. v. Josef LEEB. München, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2013, 1503 p. ** 3824. Heinrich Himmlers Taschenkalender 1940. Kommentierte Edition. Hrsg. v. Markus MOORS und Moritz PFEIFFER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 510 p. (Schriftenreihe des Kreismuseums Wewelsburg, 9). ** 3825. HEUSS (Theodor). Stuttgarter Ausgabe. Briefe. 6. Theodor Heuss. Der Bundespräsident. Briefe 1954–1959. Hrsg. u. bearb. v. Ernst Wolfgang BECKER, Martin VOGT und Wolfram WERNER. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, 710 p. ** 3826. Kabinettsprotokolle von Baden und Württemberg 1918–1933. T. 2. Die Protokolle der Regierung des Volksstaates Württemberg. Bd. 1. Die provisorische Regierung und das Kabinett Blos. November 1918–Juni 1920. Bearb. v. Ansbert BAUMANN. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, CXVIII-690 p. ** 3827. König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. und Wilhelm I. Briefwechsel 1840–1858. Hrsg. u. bearb. v. Winfried BAUMGART. Red. Mathias FRIEDEL. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 583 p. ** 3828. Kressbronner Kreis (Der): die Protokolle des Koalitionsausschusses der ersten Großen Koalition aus CDU [Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands], CSU [Christlich-Soziale Union] und SPD [Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands]. Eingeleitet und bearbeitet von Stefan MARX. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2013,


XXXVI-301 p. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, 63). ** 3829. Mut zur Verantwortung: Frauen gestalten die Politik der CDU [Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands]. Hrsg. v. Beate NEUSS und Hildigund NEUBERT. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 717 p. ** 3830. SCHLÜTTER-SCHINDLER (Gabriele). Die Regesten der Herzöge von Bayern. Die Zeit der Herzöge Otto I. und Ludwig I. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, LIX, 307 p. 3831. 17. Juni 1953 (Der) in Sachsen: Ursachen, Ereignis, Wirkung und Rezeption. Hrsg. v. Clemens HEITMANN und Thomas SCHUBERT. Berlin, Links, 2013, 200 p. (Forschungen zur DDR-Gesellschaft). 3832. 1968 und die 68er: Ereignisse, Wirkungen und Kontroversen in der Bundesrepublik. Hrsg. v. Gerrit DWOROK und Christoph WEIßMANN. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 232 p. 3833. ALLEN (Keith R.). Befragung – Überprüfung – Kontrolle. Die Aufnahme von DDR-Flüchtlingen in West-Berlin bis 1961. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 238 p. 3834. ASCHMANN (Birgit). Preußens Ruhm und Deutschlands Ehre: Zum nationalen Ehrdiskurs im Vorfeld der preußisch-französischen Kriege des 19. Jahrhunderts. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, XII-548 p. (Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte, 72). 3835. Asymmetrisch verflochten? Neue Forschungen zur gesamtdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Detlev BRUNNER, Udo GRASHOFF und Andreas KÖTZING. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 234 p. 3836. BAHRO (Berno). Der SS-Sport. Organisation – Funktion – Bedeutung. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 327 p. 3837. BAILEY (Christian). Between yesterday and tomorrow. German visions of Europe, 1926–1950. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, 274 p. 3838. Becoming East German. Socialist structures and sensibilities after Hitler. Ed. by Mary FULBROOK and Andrew I. PORT. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, X-303 p. (Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association, 6). 3839. Berlin 1933–1945. Stadt und Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Michael WILDT und Christoph KREUTZMÜLLER. München, Siedler Verlag, 2013, 496 p. 3840. Berliner Republik (Die). Beiträge zur deutschen Zeitgeschichte seit 1990. Hrsg. v. Michael C. BIENERT, Stefan CREUZBERGER, Kristina HÜBENER und Matthias OPPERMANN. Berlin, be.bra Verlag, 2013, 272 p. 3841. BOBSIN (Katrin). Das Presseamt der DDR. Staatliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die SED. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 477 p. 3842. BOCK (Bettina). "Blindes" Schreiben im Dienste der DDR-Staatssicherheit. Eine text- und diskurslin-



guistische Untersuchung von Texten der inoffiziellen Mitarbeiter. Bremen, Hempen Verlag, 2013, XIII-333 p. 3843. BOLDT (Werner). Carl von Ossietzky: Vorkämpfer der Demokratie. Hannover, Ossietzky, 2013, 820 p. 3844. BRANDT (Peter). Mit anderen Augen. Versuch über den Politiker und Privatmann Willy Brandt. Bonn, Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 2013, 279 p. 3845. BROPHY (James M.). The Rhine crisis of 1840 and German nationalism: chauvinism, skepticism, and regional reception. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 1, p. 1-35. 3846. BROWN (Timothy Scott). West Germany and the global Sixties. The antiauthoritarian revolt, 1962– 1978. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-397 p. (New studies in European history). 3847. BURDUMY (Alexander Bruce). Sozialpolitik und Repression in der DDR. Ost-Berlin 1971–1989. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 365 p. 3848. Bürgerkriegsarmee: Forschungen zur nationalsozialistischen Sturmabteilung (SA). Hrsg. v. Yves MÜLLER und Reiner ZILKENAT. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 469 p. 3849. CHRISTIANS (Annemone). Amtsgewalt und Volksgesundheit. Das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen im nationalsozialistischen München. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 374 p. (München im Nationalsozialismus, 1). 3850. CÜPPERS (Martin). Walther Rauff. In deutschen Diensten. Vom Naziverbrecher zum BND-Spion. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 438 p.

3857. EBERT (Jochen). Domänengüter im Fürstenstaat: die Landgüter der Landgrafen und Kurfürsten von Hessen (16.–19. Jahrhundert): Bestand – Typen – Funktionen. Darmstadt, Selbstverlag der Hessischen Historischen Kommission und der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 2013, X-493 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, 166). 3858. EDDIE (S. A.). Freedom's price. Serfdom, subjection, and Reform in Prussia, 1648–1848. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-356 p. 3859. ELEY (Geoff). Nazism as Fascism. Violence, ideology, and the ground of consent in Germany 1930– 1945. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, IX-233 p. 3860. FAULENBACH (Bernd). Willy Brandt. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 128 p. 3861. FENSKE (Michaela). Demokratie erschreiben. Bürgerbriefe und Petitionen als Medien politischer Kultur 1950–1974. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 437 p. 3862. FETTING (Martina). Zum Selbstverständnis der letzten deutschen Monarchen. Normverletzungen und Legitimationsstrategien der Bundesfürsten zwischen Gottesgnadentum und Medienrevolution. Frankfurt am Main, Bern u. Bruxelles, Lang, 2013, 418 p. (Mainzer Studien zur Neueren Geschichte, 30). 3863. FINGER (Jürgen), KELLER (Sven), WIRSCHING (Andreas). Dr. Oetker und der Nationalsozialismus. Geschichte eines Familienunternehmens 1933–1945. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 624 p. 3864. FINK-LANG (Monika). Joseph Görres. Die Biographie. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 384 p.

3851. CYR (Frédéric). Paul Levi, rebelle devant les extrêmes: une biographie politique. Paris et Hermann, Presses de l'université Laval, 2013, XIV-212 p.

3865. FITZPATRICK (Matthew P.). A state of exception? Mass expulsions and the German constitutional state, 1871–1914. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 4, p. 772-800.

3852. DAMM (Matthias). Die Rezeption des italienischen Faschismus in der Weimarer Republik. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2013, 424 p. (Extremismus und Demokratie, 27).

3866. FÜHRER (Karl Christian), MITTAG (Jürgen), SCHILDT (Axel), TENFELDE (Klaus). Revolution und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland 1918–1920. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 466 p.

3853. DEFFARGES (Anne). La social-démocratie sous Bismarck: histoire d'un mouvement qui changea l'Allemagne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 255 p.

3867. GENG (Denise). Monarch und Militär: zum Verhältnis von politischer und militärischer Führung im 19. Jahrhundert: Preussen – Deutschland im Vergleich. Berlin, Lit, 2013, 210 p. (Chemnitzer Beiträge zur Politik und Geschichte, 10).

3854. DENIS (Juliette). Complices de Hitler ou victimes de Staline ? Les déplacés baltes en Allemagne de la sortie de guerre à la guerre froide. Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 81-98. 3855. DORN BROSE (Eric). German history 1789– 1871. From the Holy Roman Empire to the Bismarckian Reich. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 388 p. 3856. "Dritte Reich" 1933–1945 (Das). Hrsg. v. Günter WOLLSTEIN. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 463 p. (Quellen zum politischen Denken der Deutschen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Freiherrvom-Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe, 9).

3868. GERICK (Gunter). SED und MfP. Das Verhältnis der SED-Bezirksleitung Karl-Marx-Stadt und der Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit 1961 bis 1989. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 487 p. 3869. Gott will Taten sehen: christlicher Widerstand gegen Hitler: ein Lesebuch. Ausgewählt, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Margot KÄSSMANN und Anke SILOMON. München, Beck, 2013, 479 p. 3870. GROß (Oliver). Die Debatten über den Adel im Spiegel der Grundrechtsberatungen in den deutschen

§ 2. History by countries Parlamenten 1848/49. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Edition, 2013, 469 p. (Studien zum mitteleuropäischen Adel, 6). 3871. GROSS (Raphael). November 1938. Die Katastrophe vor der Katastrophe. München, Beck, 2013, 128 p. 3872. HAHN (Peter-Michael). Friedrich II. von Preußen. Feldherr, Autokrat und Selbstdarsteller. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 268 p. 3873. Hamburger Arbeiter-, und Soldatenrat 1918/19 (Der). Eingeleitet und bearbeitet von Volker STALMANN; unter Mitwirkung von Jutta STEHLING. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2013, 1101 p. (Quellen zur Geschichte der Rätebewegung in Deutschland 1918/19, 4). 3874. HANSEN (Sebastian). Betrachtungen eines Politischen. Thomas Mann und die deutsche Politik 1914– 1933. Düsseldorf, Wellem, 2013, 349 p. 3875. HARDER (Ernesto). Vordenker der "ethischen Revolution": Willi Eichler und das Godesberger Programm der SPD. Bonn, Dietz, 2013, 227 p. (Reihe Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, 95). 3876. HEWITSON (Mark). Belligerence, patriotism and nationalism in the German public sphere, 1792–1815. English historical review, 2013, 128, 533, p. 839-876. 3877. HIKEL (Christine). Sophies Schwester. Inge Scholl und die Weiße Rose. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VII-278 p. 3878. HILLENBRAND (Klaus). Berufswunsch Henker: warum Männer im Nationalsozialismus Scharfrichter werden wollten. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2013, 292 p. 3879. HILMES (Oliver). Ludwig II. Der unzeitgemäße König. München, Siedler, 2013, 447 p. 3880. HOFFMANN (Peter). Carl Goerdeler gegen die Verfolgung der Juden. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 364 p. 3881. IIDA (Yoshihiro). Sōzō no Doitsu teikoku: Tōitsu no jidai ni okeru kokumin keisei to renpō kokka kensetsu. (Imagined imperial Germanies: Nation building and federal-state building in the process of German unification). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 440 p. 3882. IMHOOF (David). Becoming a Nazi town: culture and politics in Göttingen between the World Wars. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, XII278 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany).


Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski – Mythos und Realität. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 300 p. 3886. JUNGBLUTH (Franz). Mannheim 1914. Stadtgesellschaft, Weltkriegsmobilisierung und Burgfriedenspolitik. Ubstadt-Weiher, Heidelberg u. Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2013, 235 p. (Mannheimer Historische Schriften, 6). 3887. "Juni-Aktion" 1938 (Die). Eine Dokumentation zur Radikalisierung der Judenverfolgung. Hrsg. v. Christian FALUDI. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 420 p. 3888. KELLER (Sven). Volksgemeinschaft am Ende: Gesellschaft und Gewalt 1944/45. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VIII-497 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 97). 3889. KEßLER (Mario). Ruth Fischer. Ein Leben mit und gegen Kommunisten (1895–1961). Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 759 p. 3890. KIECHLE (Oliver). Fritz Selbmann als Kommunist und SED-Funktionär. Individuelle Handlungsspielräume im System. Eine politische Biographie. Düsseldorf, düsseldorf university press (dup), 2013, 511 p. 3891. KITZING (Michael). Für den christlichen und sozialen Volksstaat. Die Badische Zentrumspartei in der Weimarer Republik. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2013, 472 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 163). 3892. KNOLL (Michael. Atomare Optionen. Westdeutsche Kernwaffenpolitik in der Ära Adenauer. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang/Frankfurt am Main, 2013, 379 p. 3893. Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten. Der Nationalsozialismus in der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Birthe KUNDRUS und Sybille STEINBACHER. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 206 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, 29). 3894. KÖRNER (Torsten). Die Familie Willy Brandt. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2013, 509 p. 3895. KOSER (David). Das Ende der Weimarer Demokratie: Ereignisse und Schauplätze in Berlin 1929 bis 1933. Berlin, Stadtagentur David Koser, Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin, 2013, 239 p. 3896. KÖSTER (Fredy). Das Ende des Königreichs Hannover und Preußen. Die Jahre 1865 und 1866. Hannover, Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2013, 272 p.

3883. JAH (Akim). Die Deportation der Juden aus Berlin. Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik und das Sammellager Große Hamburger Straße. Berlin, be.bra Verlag, 2013, 756 p.

3897. KOWALCZUK (Ilko-Sascha). 17. Juni 1953. München, Beck, 2013, 128 p. – IDEM. Stasi konkret. Überwachung und Repression in der DDR. München, Beck, 2013, 428 p.

3884. JENA (Detlef). Carl Friedrich (1783–1853): Großherzog von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. Regensburg, Pustet, 2013, 304 p.

3898. KREUTZMÜLLER (Christoph), WEIGEL (Bjoern). Kristallnacht? Bilder der Novemberpogrome 1938 in Berlin. Berlin, Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, 2013, 64 p.

3885. JUDT (Matthias). Der Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung. Das DDR-Wirtschaftsimperium des

3899. KUBINA (Michael). Ulbrichts Scheitern. Warum der SED-Chef nicht die Absicht hatte, eine "Mauer" zu



errichten, sie aber dennoch bauen ließ. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 520 p. 3900. LAPP (Peter Joachim). Grenzregime der DDR. Aachen, Helios, 2013, 617 p. 3901. LEMMONS (Russel). Hitler's rival: Ernst Thälmann in myth and memory. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, IX-428 p.

nieniem Śląska, 1871–1933. [From the family land to the ideological homeland: the protection of the motherland (Heimatschutz), with particular emphasis on Silesia, 1871–1933]. Wrocław, Wydawnnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2013, 771 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Historia, 186. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3491).

3902. LIEB (Peter). Erwin Rommel. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 2, p. 303-344.

3916. OPITZ-VON BARDELEBEN (Peter). Das Generalgouvernement Niederrhein. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 197 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 444).

3903. LÖFFELBEIN (Nils). Ehrenbürger der Nation. Die Kriegsbeschädigten des Ersten Weltkriegs in Politik und Propaganda des Nationalsozialismus. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 494 p. (Zeit der Weltkriege, 1).

3917. Otto von Bismarck und die Wirtschaft. Hrsg. v. Michael EPKENHANS und Ulrich von HEHL. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, XIV-240 p. (Otto von Bismarck Stiftung, Wissenschaftliche Reihe, 17).

3904. LOHMANN (Uta). David Friedländer: Reformpolitik im Zeichen von Aufklärung und Emanzipation: Kontexte des preussischen Judenedikts vom 11. März 1812. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2013, 575 p.

3918. PALAORO (Simon). Städtischer Republikanismus, Gemeinwohl und Bürgertugend. Politik und Verfassungsdenken des Ulmer Bürgertums in Umbruchzeiten (1786–1825). Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 330 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ulm, 33).

3905. LOWER (Wendy). Hitler's furies. German women in the Nazi killing fields. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2013, 288 p. 3906. MAC ELLIGOTT (Anthony). Rethinking the Weimar Republic. Authority and authoritarianism, 1916– 1936. London, Bloomsbury Publisher, 2013, 384 p. 3907. MACHTAN (Lothar). Prinz Max von Baden. Der letzte Kanzler des Kaisers. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2013, 668 p. 3908. MIARD-DELACROIX (Hélène). Willy Brandt. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 312 p. 3909. MICHELS (Eckard). Guillaume, der Spion. Eine deutsch-deutsche Karriere. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 414 p. 3910. MILLINGTON (Richard). The limits of control: the 'public discourse' about the uprising of 17 June 1953 in novels and films in the German Democratic Republic. German history, 2013, 31, 1, p. 42-60. 3911. NENTWIG (Teresa). Hinrich Wilhelm Kopf (1893–1961). Ein konservativer Sozialdemokrat. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2013, 941 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 272). 3912. NEU (Tim). Die Erschaffung der landständischen Verfassung. Kreativität, Heuchelei und Repräsentation in Hessen (1509–1655). Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 581 p. 3913. NIEMEYER (Christian). Die dunklen Seiten der Jugendbewegung. Vom Wandervogel zur Hitlerjugend. Tübingen, A. Francke Verlag, 2013, 272 p. 3914. NOACK (Hans-Joachim). Willy Brandt. Ein Leben, ein Jahrhundert. Berlin, Rowohlt Berlin Verlag, 2013, 349 p. 3915. NOWOSIELSKA-SOBEL (Joanna). Od ziemi rodzinnej ku ojczyźnie ideologicznej: ruch ochrony stron ojczystych (Heimatschutz) ze szczególnym uwzględ-

3919. PETERSSON (Lars G.). Hitler's deserters. When law merged with terror. Stroud, Fonthill Media, 2013, 173 p. 3920. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar). Unter Soldaten und Agitatoren. Hitlers prägende Jahre im deutschen Militär 1918–1920. Paderborn/München/Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 377 p. 3921. PONGRATZ (Stefan). Adel und Alltag am Münchener Hof: die Schreibkalender des Grafen Johann Maximilian IV. Emanuel von Preysing-Hohenaschau (1687–1764). Kallmünz/Opf., Lassleben, 2013, XII-537 p. (Münchener historische Studien. Abteilung Bayerische Geschichte, 21). 3922. Pouvoir civil, pouvoir militaire en Allemagne: aspects politiques, sociaux et culturels. Sous la dir. de Corine DEFRANCE, Françoise KNOPPER et Anne-Marie SAINT-GILLE. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 233 p. (Histoire et civilisations). 3923. RADKAU (Joachim). Theodor Heuss. München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013, 640 p. 3924. REEKEN (Dietmar von), THIEßEN (Malte). 'Volksgemeinschaft' als soziale Praxis. Neue Forschungen zur NS-Gesellschaft vor Ort. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 377 p. (Nationalsozialistische "Volksgemeinschaft", 4). 3925. Revolution und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland, 1918–1920. Hrsg. v. Karl Christian FÜHRER, Jürgen MITTAG, Axel SCHILDT und Klaus TENFELDE. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 466 p. 3926. RIGOLL (Dominik). Staatsschutz in Westdeutschland. Von der Entnazifizierung zur Extremistenabwehr. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 524 p. 3927. ROHKRÄMER (Thomas). Die fatale Attraktion des Nationalsozialismus. Zur Popularität eines Unrechtsregimes. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 402 p.

§ 2. History by countries 3928. SACHSE (Christian). Ziel Umerziehung. Spezialheime der DDR-Jugendhilfe 1945–1989 in Sachsen. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 327 p. 3929. SA-Terror als Herrschaftssicherung. "Köpenicker Blutwoche" und öffentliche Gewalt im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Stefan HÖRDLER. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 272 p. 3930. SCHEIL (Stefan). Ribbentrop. Oder, Die Verlockung des politischen Aufbruchs. Eine politische Biographie. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 409 p. 3931. SCHMALER (Dirk). Die Bundespräsidenten und die NS-Vergangenheit – zwischen Aufklärung und Verdrängung. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 144 p. 3932. SCHMALZL (Markus). Erhard Auer. Wegbereiter der Parlamentarischen Demokratie in Bayern. Kallmünz, Opf., Laßleben, 2013, 592 p. (Münchener Historische Studien, Abt. Bayerische Geschichte, 20). 3933. SCHMIDT (Jürgen). August Bebel – Kaiser der Arbeiter. Eine Biografie. Zürich, Rotpunktverlag, 2013, 287 p. 3934. SCHRÖDER (Wolfgang). Wilhelm Liebknecht. Soldat der Revolution, Parteiführer, Parlamentarier. Ein Fragment. Hrsg. v. Renate DRESSLER-SCHRÖDER und Klaus KINNER. Berlin, Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin, 2013, 479 p. 3935. SCHROEDER (Steven M.). To forget it all and begin anew: reconciliation in occupied Germany, 1944– 1954. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XI237 p. (German and European studies, 14). 3936. SCHUI (Florian). Rebellious Prussians. urban political culture under Frederick the Great and his successors. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-221 p. 3937. SCHWARTZ (Michael). Funktionäre mit Vergangenheit. Das Gründungspräsidium des Bundes der Vertriebenen und das "Dritte Reich". In Zusammenarb. mit Michael BUDDRUS, Martin HOLLER u. Alexander POST. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, X-594 p. 3938. SCHWARZE (Ulrich). Die Einkreisung, 1871– 1914: vom saturierten Bismarckschen bis zum konkurrierenden Wilhelminischen Reich. Tübingen, Hohenrain, 2013, 397 p. (Deutschen und ihr Staat, 2. Veröffentlichung der Stiftung Kulturkreis 2000, 20). 3939. SENNHOLZ (Marco). Johann von Leers. Ein Propagandist des Nationalsozialismus. Berlin, be.bra Verlag, 2013, 459 p. (Biographische Studien zum 20. Jahrhundert, 3). 3940. SÖDERFELDT (Ylva). From pathology to public sphere. The German deaf movement 1848–1914. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 315 p. 3941. SPILKER (Annika). Geschlecht, Religion und völkischer Nationalismus. Die Ärztin und Antisemitin Mathilde von Kemnitz-Ludendorff (1877–1966). Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Campus Verlag, 2013, 447 p. 3942. STANGEL (Matthias). Die Neue Linke und die nationale Frage: deutschlandpolitische Konzeptionen und


Tendenzen in der Außerparlamentarischen Opposition (APO). Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 638 p. 3943. STIBBE (Matthew). Germany, 1914–1933: politics, society, and culture. Harlow a. New York, Longman, 2013, XXVII-258 p. 3944. STRUBE (Sebastian). Euer Dorf soll schöner werden. Ländlicher Wandel, staatliche Planung und Demokratisierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 256 p. 3945. Tag (Der) von Potsdam. Der 21. März 1933 und die Errichtung der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur. Hrsg. v. Christoph KOPKE und Werner TREß. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, VI-228 p. (Europäisch-jüdische Studien, Beiträge, 8). 3946. TAUBER (Christine). Ludwig II. Das phantastische Leben des Königs von Bayern. München, Beck, 2013, 368 p. 3947. THURN (John Philipp). Welcher Sozialstaat? Ideologie und Wissenschaftsverständnis in den Debatten der bundesdeutschen Staatsrechtslehre 1949–1990. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XV-631 p. (Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft, 20). 3948. TRITTEL (Günter J.). "Man kann ein Ideal nicht verraten…". Werner Naumann – NS-Ideologie und politische Praxis in der frühen Bundesrepublik. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 347 p. 3949. Troisième Reich (Le) dans l'historiographie allemande: lieux de pouvoir-rivalités de pouvoirs. Sous la dir. de Jean-Paul CAHN, Stefan MARTENS et Bernd WEGNER. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 399 p. (Histoire et civilisations). 3950. United Germany. Debating processes and prospects. Ed. by Konrad H. JARAUSCH. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, 300 p. 3951. 'Volksgemeinschaft' als soziale Praxis. Neue Forschungen zur NS-Gesellschaft vor Ort. Hrsg. v. Dietmar von REEKEN and Malte THIESSEN. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 377 p. (Nationalsozialistische 'Volksgemeinschaft', 4). 3952. VOLLMER (Antje), KEIL (Lars-Broder). Stauffenbergs Gefährten. Das Schicksal der unbekannten Verschwörer. Berlin, Hanser Berlin, 2013, 255 p. (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 1347). 3953. WALTER (Franz), MARG (Stine). Von der Emanzipation zur Meritokratie: Betrachtungen zur 150jährigen Geschichte von Arbeiterbewegung, Linksintellektuellen und sozialer Demokratie. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 160 p. 3954. Wandel des Politischen. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland während der 1980er Jahre. Hrsg. v. Meik WOYKE. Bonn, Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 2013, 716 p. 3955. Wannsee-Konferenz (Die) am 20. Januar 1942. Dokumente, Forschungsstand, Kontroversen. Hrsg. v. Norbert KAMPE und Peter KLEIN. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 481 p.



3956. WASKE (Stefanie). Nach Lektüre vernichten! Der geheime Nachrichtendienst von CDU und CSU im Kalten Krieg. München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013, 303 p. 3957. WEIGL (Michael). Die CSU [Christlich-Soziale Union]: Akteure, Entscheidungsprozesse und Inhalte einer Partei am Scheideweg. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 342 p. (Schriftenreihe Die politischen Parteien der Bundesrepublik Deutschland). 3958. WEISE (Niels). Eicke. Eine SS-Karriere zwischen Nervenklinik, KZ-System und Waffen-SS. Paderborn/München/Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 456 p. 3959. WENZKE (Rüdiger). Ulbrichts Soldaten. Die Nationale Volksarmee 1956 bis 1971. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 799 p. 3960. WETTE (Wolfram). Feldwebel Anton Schmid. Ein Held der Humanität. Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2013, 312 p. 3961. WICHMANN (Manfred). Waldemar Pabst und die Gesellschaft zum Studium des Faschismus 1931– 1934. Berlin, Edition Organon, 2013, 276 p.

WALD-KERKMANN und Ingrid HOLTEY. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 312 p.

3971. Zwischen Gleichschaltung und Bombenkrieg. Symposium zur Geschichte der deutschen Feuerwehren im Nationalsozialismus 1933-1945. Hrsg. v. Daniel LEUPOLD. Köln, vfdb-Vereinigung zur Förderung des deutschen Brandschutzes, 2013, 190 p. Addenda 2012 3972. BECKER (Bert). Michael Jebsen. 1835–1899. Reeder und Politiker. Kiel, Verlag Ludwig, 2012, 851 p. 3973. VATLIN (Aleksandr Ju.). Shternbergskaja kommuna: neizvestnyj epizod iz istorii Bavarskoj Sovetskoj respubliki 1919 goda. (Starnberger Commune: an unknown episode from the history of the Bavarian Soviet republic of 1919). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 2, p. 139-157. Cf. nos 3791, 4152, 4179, 4184, 4285, 4451, 4545 Ghana

3963. WINKEL (Carmen). Im Netz des Königs: Netzwerke und Patronage in der preußischen Armee 1713– 1786. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 364 p.

3974. ALLMAN (Jean). Kwame Nkrumah, African studies, and the politics of knowledge production in the black star of Africa. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 2, p. 181-203. – IDEM. Phantoms of the archive: Kwame Nkrumah, a nazi pilot Named Hanna [Reitsch], and the contingencies of postcolonial history-writing. American historical review, 2013, 118, 1, p. 104-129.

3964. WINZEN (Peter). Reichskanzler Bernhard von Bülow. Mit Weltmachtphantasien in den Ersten Weltkrieg. Eine politische Biographie. Regensburg, Pustet, 2013, 573 p.

3975. DARBY (Paul). 'Let us rally around the flag': football, nation-building, and pan-Africanism in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 221-246.

3965. WITZLEBEN (Georg von). "Wenn es gegen den Satan Hitler geht…". Erwin von Witzleben im Widerstand. Biografie. Mit einem Geleitwort v. Rüdiger von VOß. Hamburg, Osburg, 2013, 448 p.

3976. LAW (Robin). The government of Fante in the seventeenth century. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 31-51.

3962. WILKINS (Catherine). Landscape imagery, politics, and identity in a divided Germany, 1968–1989. Surrey, Ashgate, 2013, VIII-272 p.

3966. WOLFRUM (Edgar). Rot-Grün an der Macht. Deutschland 1998–2005. München, Beck, 2013, 848 p. 3967. WOLLE (Stefan). Der grosse Plan: Alltag und Herrschaft in der DDR, 1949–1961. Berlin, Ch. Links Verlag, 2013, 438 p. 3968. ZIEMANN (Benjamin). Contested commemorations: republican war veterans and Weimar political culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-315 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of Modern Warfare, 36).

3977. MAC GAFFEY (Wyatt). Chiefs, priests, and praise-singers: history, politics, and land ownership in northern Ghana. Charlottesville a. London, University of Virginia Press, 2013, XII-227 p. 3978. PIERRE (Jemima). The predicament of blackness: postcolonial Ghana and the politics of race. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIX-263 p. Great Britain ** 3979. Benjamin Disraeli letters. Vol. 9. 1865–1867. Ed. by Michael W. PHARAND [et al.]. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, LXXIII-533 p.

3969. Zusammenschlüsse und Neubildungen deutscher Länder im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Robert KRETZSCHMAR, Anton SCHINDLING und Eike WOLGAST. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2013, VIII323 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg. Reihe B, Forschungen, 197).

** 3980. Correspondence (The) of Henry Edward Manning and William Ewart Gladstone: the Complete Correspondence, 1833–1891. V. 1. 1833–1844. V. 2. 1844–1853. V. 3. 1861–1875. V. 4. 1882–1891. Ed. by Peter C. ERB. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013; 4 vols., CXX485 p., 557 p., 442 p., 550 p.

3970. Zwischen den Fronten. Verteidiger, Richter und Bundesanwälte im Spannungsfeld von Justiz, Politik, APO und RAF. Gespräche. Hrsg. v. Gisela DIE-

3981. ALDRICH (Richard J.). Counting the cost of intelligence: the Treasury, National Service and GCHQ. English historical review, 2013, 128, 532, p. 596-627.

§ 2. History by countries 3982. American experiment (The) and the idea of democracy in British culture, 1776–1914. Ed. by Ella DZELZAINIS and Ruth LIVESEY. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XI-242 p. (Ashgate series in nineteenth-century transatlantic studies). 3983. BALL (Stuart). Portrait of a party: the Conservative Party in Britain, 1918–1945. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XV-591 p. 3984. BAXTER (Kenneth). 'The advent of a woman candidate was seen … as outrageous': women, party politics and elections in interwar Scotland and England. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 2, p. 260283. 3985. BERG (Dieter). Heinrich VIII. von England: Leben – Herrschaft – Wirkung. Stuttgart, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2013, 318 p. (Kohlhammer Urban-Taschenbücher, 736). 3986. BROOKE (Stephen). Sexual politics: sexuality, family planning, and the British Left from the 1880s to the present day. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-284 p. 3987. By-Elections in British politics, 1832–1914. Ed. by Thomas OTTE and Paul READMAN. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2013, 320 p. 3988. CARR (Richard). Veteran MPs and Conservative politics in the aftermath of the Great War. The memory of all that. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, IX-234 p.


Ilay, 3rd Duke of Argyll. Kilkerran, Humming Earth, 2013, XVIII-553 p. (Perspectives: Scottish studies of the long eighteenth century). 3997. Éthique, politique et corruption au RoyaumeUni. Sous la dir. de David FÉE et Jean-Claude SERGEANT. Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2013, 213 p. (Sociétés contemporaines. Série Europe). 3998. Final Crisis (The) of the Stuart Monarchy. The Revolutions of 1688–1691 in their British, Atlantic and European contexts. Ed. by Tim HARRIS and Stephen TAYLOR. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2013, 315 p. 3999. FITZGIBBONS (Jonathan). Hereditary succession and the Cromwellian Protectorate: the offer of the crown reconsidered. English historical review, 2013, 128, 534, p. 1095-1128. 4000. FOXLEY (Rachel). The levellers: radical political thought in the English Revolution. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII-256 p. (Politics, culture, and society in early Modern Britain). 4001. FROST (Diane), NORTH (Peter). Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, X-218 p. 4002. GAUCI (Perry). William Beckford: first prime minister of the London empire. New Haven, Yale U.P., 2013, 290 p.

3989. CHASE (Malcolm). 1820: disorder and stability in the United Kingdom. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, X-247 p.

4003. GRAHAM (Aaron). Auditing Leviathan: corruption and state formation in early eighteenth-century Britain. English historical review, 2013, 128, 533, p. 806838.

3990. COLLINSON (Patrick). Richard Bancroft and Elizabethan Anti-Puritanism. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XVII-232 p. (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History).

4004. GROUNDWATER (Anna). The obligations of kinship and alliance within governance in the Scottish borders, 1528–1625. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 1, p. 1-28.

3991. COOPER (Chris). The politics of empire: Douglas Hailsham and the imperial policy of the national government, 1931–1938. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 426-450.

4005. GRUBE (Dennis). At the margins of Victorian Britain: politics, immorality, and Britishness in the nineteenth century. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, VIII-224 p.

3992. CRAGOE (Matthew). Sir Robert Peel and the 'moral authority' of the House of Commons, 1832– 1841. English historical review, 2013, 128, 530 p. 5577. 3993. CUST (Richard). Charles I and the Aristocracy, 1625–1642. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XVI350 p. 3994. DUDLEY (Christopher). Party politics, political economy, and economic development in early eighteenthcentury Britain. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 1084-1100. 3995. ELMER (Peter). The miraculous conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the body politic, and the politics of healing in Restoration Britain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-279 p. 3996. EMERSON (Roger L.). An enlightened duke: the life of Archibald Campbell (1682–1761), Earl of

4006. HARMES (Marcus K.). Bishops and power in early Modern England. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 222 p. 4007. Henry VIII and the court: art, politics and performance. Ed. by Thomas BETTERIDGE and Suzannah LIPSCOMB. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-327 p. 4008. HERZOG (Don). Household politics: conflict in Early Modern England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-209 p. 4009. HILTON (Matthew), MAC KAY (James), CROW(Nicholas), MOUHOT (Jean-François). The politics of expertise: how NGOs shaped modern Britain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-317 p.


4010. HINTON (James). The mass observers: a history, 1937–1949. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII401 p. 4011. HOEFFERLE (Caroline M.). British student activism in the long Sixties. London, Routledge, 2013, 253 p.



4012. HORN (Geoff). Crossing the floor: Reg Prentice and the crisis of British social democracy. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII-239 p. 4013. JOHNSON (Gaynor). Lord Robert Cecil: politician and internationalist. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 365 p. 4014. JOHNSON (Matthew). Militarism and the British Left, 1902–1914. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI-247 p. 4015. JOSEPH (Rosara). The war prerogative: history, reform, and constitutional design. Oxford, Oxford U.P. 2013, 242 p. 4016. JOYCE (Patrick). The state of freedom: a social history of the British state since 1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-376 p. 4017. KATSUTA (Shunsuke). The proposal for a militia interchange between Great Britain and Ireland. Irish Sword, 2013, 29, p. 139-150. 4018. KAWAKAMI (Tadao). 1847 nen kyōkō. (The financial crisis of 1847). Tokyo, Ochanomizu Shobo, 2013, 348 p. 4019. KENT (David). Containing disorder in the 'Age of Equipoise': troops, trains and the telegraph. Social history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 308-327. 4020. KESSELRING (K.J.). License to kill: assassination and the politics of murder in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 3, p. 421-440. 4021. KINKEL (Sarah). Disorder, discipline, and naval reform in mid-eighteenth-century Britain. English historical review, 2013, 128, 535, p. 1451-1482. 4022. KODITSCHEK (Theodore). Liberalism, imperialism and the historical imagination: nineteenth-century visions of Greater Britain. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-351 p. 4023. KONDO (Kazuhiko). Igirisu-shi jukkō. (Ten lectures on British history). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2013, 316 p. 4024. Languages of politics in nineteenth century Britain. Ed. by David CRAIG and James THOMPSON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 255 p. 4025. LOUGHLIN (James). Royal agency and state integration: Ireland, Wales and Scotland in a monarchical context, 1840s–1921. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 377-402. 4026. MAC CALL (Fiona). Baal's priests: the loyalist clergy and the English Revolution. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVI-336 p. 4027. MAC DANIEL (Iain). Adam Ferguson in the Scottish enlightenment: the Roman past and Europe's future. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-276 p. 4028. MATTHEWS (Wade). The New Left, national identity, and the break-up of Britain. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV-324 p.

4029. MERRITT (J. F.). Westminster 1640–1660: a royal city in a time of revolution. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII-276 p. (Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain). 4030. MORAN (Christopher R.). Classified: secrecy and the state in modern Britain. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-434 p. 4031. MUIR (Rory). Wellington: the path to victory, 1769–1814. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2013, XVI-728 p. 4032. MURAMATSU (Shigemi). Buriten mondai to Yōroppa renpō: Furettchā to shoki keimō. (The British question and European confederation: Andrew Fletcher and the early enlightenment). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, 349 p. 4033. NAGL (Dominik). No part of the mother country, but distinct dominions. Rechtstransfer, Staatsbildung und Governance in England, Massachusetts und South Carolina, 1630–1769. Münster, Lit, 2013, 789 p. (Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas, 33). 4034. Nature (The) of the English Revolution revisited: essays in honour of John Morrill. Ed. by Stephen TAYLOR and Grant TAPSELL. Woodbridge, Boydell P., 2013, 296 p. 4035. O'KELL (Robert). Disraeli: the romance of politics. Toronto, Toronto U.P., 2013, 595 p. 4036. OBATA (Shuntaro). Bensamu to Ingurando kokusei: Kokka, kyokai, seron. (Jeremy Bentham and the English constitution: state, church and public opinion). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2013, 325 p. 4037. PEARCE (Robert D.), GOODLAD (Graham). British prime ministers from Balfour to Brown. London, Routledge, 2013, XV-308 p. 4038. PELTONEN (Markku). Rhetoric, politics and popularity in pre-revolutionary England. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, VIII-278 p. 4039. PERRY (Matt). In Search of "Red Ellen" Wilkinson beyond frontiers and beyond the nation state. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 2, p. 219246. 4040. RAMAMURTHY (Anandi). Black star: Britain's Asian youth movements. London, Pluto Press, 2013, X226 p. 4041. Reassessing 1970s Britain. Ed. by Lawrence BLACK, Hugh PEMBERTON and Pat THANE. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XIII-266 p. 4042. REECE (Henry). The Army in Cromwellian England, 1649–1660. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI267 p. 4043. Religion, identity and conflict in Britain: from the Restoration to the twentieth century. Essays in Honour of Keith Robbins. Ed. by Stewart J. BROWN, Frances KNIGHT and John MORGAN-GUY. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 281 p.

§ 2. History by countries 4044. RICHARDSON (Sarah). The political worlds of women: gender and politics in nineteenth century Britain. London, Routledge, 2013, XVI-252 p. (Routledge research in gender and history, 15). 4045. ROBERTS (M.J.D.). Gladstonian liberalism and environment protection, 1865–1876. English historical review, 2013, 128, 531, p. 292-322. 4046. ROBERTSON (Iain J.M.). Landscapes of protest in the Scottish Highlands after 1914: the later Highland land wars. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 256 p.


4059. UGOLINI (Laura). Civvies: middle-class men on the English home front, 1914–1918. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, VIII-339 p. 4060. VERHOEVEN (Wilhelmus M.). Americomania and the French Revolution debate in Britain, 1789–1802. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII387 p. 4061. WARD (Stephanie). Unemployment and the state in Britain: the means test and protest in 1930s South Wales and North-East England. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, 292 p.

4047. SAKAI (Shigeki). Kinsei Igirisu no foresuto seisaku: Zaisei hōkensei no tenkai. (Forestry policy in early modern England: The development of the fiscal feudalism). Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2013, 384 p. (Minerva European history library, 98).

4062. WEIL (Rachel). A plague of informers: conspiracy and political trust in William III's England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XVI-344 p. (Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history).

4048. SATSUMA (Shinsuke). Politicians, merchants, and colonial maritime war: the political and economic background of the American Act of 1708. Parliamentary History, 2013, 32, 2, p. 317-336.

4063. WILLIAMSON (Philip). National days of prayer: the churches, the state and public worship in Britain, 1899–1957. English historical review, 2013, 128, 531, p. 323-366.

4049. SCHOFIELD (Camilla). Enoch Powell and the Making of Postcolonial Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2013, 371 p.

4064. WOODFORD (Benjamin). Perceptions of a monarchy without a king: reactions to Oliver Cromwell's power. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, IX-243 p.

4050. SHARPE (Kevin). Reading authority and representing rule in early Modern England. London: Bloomsbury, 2013, 330 p. – IDEM. Rebranding rule: the restoration and revolution monarchy, 1660–1714. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XXII-849 p.

4065. ZOOK (Melinda S.). Protestantism, politics, and women in Britain, 1660–1714. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-239 p. (Early Modern history: society and culture).

4051. SHEPHERD (John). Crisis? what crisis? The Callaghan government and the British 'winter of discontent'. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XIII-205 p.

4066. APPEL (Sabine). Heinrich VIII. Der König und sein Gewissen. Eine Biographie. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2012, 319 p.

4052. SOWERBY (Scott). Making toleration: the repealers and the Glorious Revolution. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, X-404 p. (Harvard historical studies, 181). 4053. STEPHEN (Jeffrey). Defending the revolution: the Church of Scotland, 1689–1716. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 348 p. 4054. STEVENSON (Christine). The city and the king: architecture and politics in Restoration London. New Haven, Yale U.P., 2013, 399 p. 4055. TANAKA (Hideo). Kindai shakai towa nanika: Kenburijji gakuha to Sukottorando keimō. (What is modern society? The Cambridge school and the Scottish enlightenment). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, 218 p. 4056. THACKERAY (David). Conservatism for the Democratic age: conservative cultures and the challenge of mass politics in early twentieth century England. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, 220 p. 4057. THOMAS (Geraint). The Conservative Party and Welsh politics in the inter-war years. English historical review, 2013, 128, 533, p. 877-913. 4058. THOMPSON (James). British political culture and the idea of 'public opinion', 1867–1914. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII-293 p.

Addenda 2012

4067. KISELEV (Aleksandr A.). Rozhdenie imperii. Britanskoe gosudarstvo i kolonializm v XVII–XVIII vv.: Monografija. (The emergence of Empire: British state and colonialism in the 17th–18th centuries. A study). Volgograd State University. Volgograd, Izd-vo VolGU, 2012, 332 p. (bibl. p. 302-331). Greece ** 4068. Cham Albanians (The) of Greece: a documentary history. Ed. by Robert ELSIE and Bejtullah DESTANI; in collaboration with Rudina JASINI. London, I.B. Tauris, in association with the Centre for Albanian Studies, 2013, XLIV-455 p. 4069. KITROMILIDES (Paschalis M.). Enlightenment and revolution: the making of modern Greece. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XVI-452 p. 4070. KORNETIS (Kostis). Children of the dictatorship: student resistance, cultural politics, and the "long 1960s" in Greece. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013, XVII-373 p. (Protest, culture, and society, 10). 4071. KOSTANTARAS (Dean J.). Christian elites of the Peloponnese and the Ottoman State, 1715–1821. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 4, p. 628-656. 4072. RICHTER (Heinz A.). Griechenland 1950–1974: zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Mainz, Rutzen u.



Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 501 p. (Peleus: Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns, 60). Guatemala 4073. CAREY (David). I ask for justice: Maya women, dictators, and crime in Guatemala, 1898–1944. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XXV-335 p. (Louann Atkins Temple women and culture, 33). 4074. Crisis of governance in Maya Guatemala: indigenous responses to a failing state. Ed. by John P. HAWKINS, James H. MAC DONALD and Walter Randolph ADAMS. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XIV-303 p. 4075. Guatemala, historia reciente (1954-1996). Editores, Virgilio ÁLVAREZ ARAGÓN [et al.]. Tomo 2. La dimensión revolucionaria. Tomo 3. Pueblos indígenas, actores políticos. Tomo 4. Proceso de paz y contexto internacional. Tomo 5. Guatemala: historia reciente. Ciudad de Guatemala, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2013, 4 vol., 369 p., 250 p., 380 p., 352 p. 4076. LEVENSON (Deborah T.). Adiós niño: the gangs of Guatemala City and the politics of death. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XI-183 p.

Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, Napvilág Kiadó, 2013, 359 p. a. DVD. ** 4084. SOMORJAI (Árpád Ádám), VECSEY (József). Törésvonalak Mindszenty bíboros emlékirataiban: tartalmi és szövegközlési sajátosságok. (Broken lines in Cardinal Mindszenty's memoirs: content and textual features). Budapest, ELTE Új-és Jelenkori Magyar Történeti Tanszék, 2013, 290 p. 4085. BAKKE (Elisabeth), SITTER (Nick). Why do parties fail? Cleavages, government fatigue and electoral failure in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 1992–2012. East European Politics, 2013, 29, 2, p. 208225. 4086. BALOGH (Margit). Vojnoví zajatci, intervenovaní, vysídlení. Aktivity Józsefa Mindszentyho, kardinála Maďarska v oblasti ľudských práv (1945–1948). (Kriegsgefangene, Internierte, Aussiedler. Aktivitäten von József Mindszenty, dem Kardinal von Ungarn auf dem Gebiet der Menschenrechte [1945–1948]). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 1, p. 45-84. 4087. FEJÉRDY (Gergely). Les idées d'unité européenne dans la Hongrie de l'entre-deux-guerres. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 2, p. 141-156.

4077. RECINOS (Ivonne). De la patria del criollo a la nación de las elites. Ciudad de Guatemala, FLACSO Guatemala, 2013, 174 p.

4088. GERMUSKA (Pál). Socialist miracle? Hungarian industrial development policy and economic growth, 1950–1975. Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 87-136.

4078. STANLEY (William). Enabling peace in Guatemala: the story of MINUGUA. Boulder a. London, Lynne Rienner, 2013, X-341 p.

4089. HARAI (Dénes). Gabriel Bethlen prince de Transylvanie et roi élu de Hongrie (1580–1629). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 302 p. (Histoire hongroise).

4079. War by other means: aftermath in post-genocide Guatemala. Ed. by Carlota MAC ALLISTER and Diane M. NELSON. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, IX-390 p.

4090. KIM (Dae Soon). The transition to democracy in Hungary: Árpád Göncz and the post-Communist Hungarian presidency. London, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, XXV-263 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 91).

Guinea 4080. IFFONO (Aly Gilbert). La Guinée: de Ahmed Sékou Touré à Alpha Condé ou le chemin de croix de la démocratie. Paris. L'Harmattan, 2013, 281 p. (Études africaines). Guinea-Bissau 4081. SOUSA (Julião Soares). Amílcar Cabral (1924– 1973): vida e morte de um revolucionário africano. Praia, Spleen edições, 2013, 570 p. Haiti 4082. LUCIEN (Georges Eddy). Une modernisation manquée: Port-au-Prince (1915–1956). Vol. 1. Modernisation et centralisation. Port-au-Prince, Éditions de l'Université d'État d'Haïti, 2013, 285 p. Hungary ** 4083. Lehallgatott kihallgatások: Rákosi és Gerő pártvizsgálatának titkos hangszalagjai, 1962: DVD mellékletben a lehallgatások hanganyaga. (Intercepted interviews: secret speech tapes of Rákosi and Gero's party examination, 1962: Audio attachment in the DVD). Szerkesztette BARÁTH Magdolna és FEITL István. Budapest,

4091. MARKUS (Adam). Die Geschichte des ungarischen Nationalismus. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Edition, 2013, 146 p. 4092. MICHELA (Miroslav), VÖRÖS (Ladislav). Rozpad Uhorska a trianonská mierová zmluva: k politikám pamäti na Slovensku a v Maďarsku. (The disintegration of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Treaty of Trianon. Politics of memory in Slovakia and Hungary). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 336 p. 4093. PAKSA (Rudolf). Magyar nemzetiszocialisták. Az 1930-as évek szélsőjobboldali mozgalma, pártjai, politikusai, sajtója. (Hungarian National Socialists. The far-right movement of the 1930s, its parties, its politicians, its press). Budapest, Osiris Kiadó, 2013, 400 p. 4094. RIEBER (Alfred J.). Salami tactics revisited: the Hungarian Communists on the road to power. Trondheim, Department of History and Classics, NTNU, 2013, 129 p. (Trondheim studies on East European cultures & societies, 33). 4095. Trójai faló a Belügyminisztériumban: az ÁVH [Államvédelmi Hatóság] szervezete és vezérkara 1953–

§ 2. History by countries 1956. (Trojans in the Ministry of the Interior: the organization and chiefs of the ÁVH 1953–1956). Szerkesztette GYARMATI György és PALASIK Mária. Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, 2013, 506 p. (Közelmúltunk hagyatéka). 4096. VALUCH (Tibor). Magyar hétköznapok. Fejezetek a mindennapi élet történetéből a második világháborútól az ezredfordulóig [Ungarische Alltage. Kapitel aus der Geschichte des Alltagslebens vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Jahrtausendwende]. Budapest, Napvilag, 2013, 344 p. Cf. no 7540 India 4097. AFZAL (M. Rafique). A history of the all-India Muslim League, 1906–1947. Karachi: Oxford U.P., 2013, 781 p. 4098. BAPU (Prabhu). Hindu Mahasabha in colonial North India, 1915–1930: constructing nation and history. London, Routledge, 2013, XVI-248 p. (Routledge studies in South Asian history). 4099. BECKER (Mary Louise). The All-India Muslim league, 1906–1947: a study of leadership in the evolution of a nation. Karachi, Oxford U.P., 2013, XLII-295 p. 4100. EVANS (Walter Bennett). The genesis of the Pakistan idea: a study in Hindu-Muslim relations. Karachi, Oxford U. P., 2013, LVIII-324 p. 4101. GUPTA (Sobhanlal Datta). Komintern und Kommunismus in Indien 1919–1943. Berlin, Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin, 2013, 365 p. 4102. India's national security: a reader. Ed. by Kanti P. BAJPAI and Harsh V. PANT. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-486 p. (Critical issues in Indian politics). 4103. JAYAL (Niraja Gopal). Citizenship and its discontents: an Indian history. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, VIII-366 p. 4104. ROY (Ranjit Kumar). Scholar rebels: Gandhian nationalism and the emergence of student politics in Bengal, 1920–1944. Kolkata, Progressive Publishers, 2013, 195 p. 4105. SARKAR (Ashim Kumar). Nationalism, communalism and partition in Bengal: Maldah, 1905–1953. Kolkata, Readers Service, 2013, XXI-230 p. 4106. USUDA (Masayuki). Kindai Bengaru ni okeru nashonarizumu to seisei. (Nationalism and sacredness in modern Bengal). Hadano, Tokai U. P., 2013, 290 p. (Tokai University Faculty of Letters series). Addendum 2012 4107. CHERESHNEVA (Larisa A.). Raduga nad Krasnym fortom: razdel kolonial'noj Indii v 1947 godu (Rainbow over the Red Fort: a division of colonial India in 1947). Lipetsk State Pedagogical University. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2012, 391 p. os

Cf. n 4311, 4314, 4516, 7098

165 Indonesia

4108. BENDA-BECKMANN (Franz von), BENDABECKMANN (Keebet). Political and legal transformations of an Indonesian polity: the Nagari from colonisation to decentralization. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXIII-499 p. (Cambridge studies in law and society). 4109. STEEDLY (Mary Margaret). Rifle reports: a story of Indonesian independence. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XVII-396 p. 4110. SURYOMENGGOLO (Jafar). Organising under the revolution: unions and the state in Java, 1945–1948. Singapore, NUS Press a. Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, XIII-215 p. (Kyoto CSEAS series on Asian studies, 9). 4111. YAMAGUCHI (Motoki). Indoneshia dokuritsu go no Arabu-jin kyōkai Irushādo no hen-yō: Kokumin kokka keiseiki ni okeru Arabu-jin ni yoru dōka, tōgō no ugoki. (Transformation of the Arab Association alIrshad after the Indonesian independence: Assimilation and integration of the Arabs in the period of nationstate formation). Shigaku, 2013, 81, 4, p. 599-624. Iran 4112. AXWORTHY (Michael). Revolutionary Iran: a history of the Islamic Republic. London. Allen Lane, 2013, XXII-495 p. 4113. COHEN (Ronen). The Hojjatiyeh Society in Iran: ideology and practice from the 1950s to the present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVI-194 p. 4114. ENAYAT (Hadi). Law, state, and society in modern Iran: constitutionalism, autocracy, and legal reform, 1906–1941. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 256 p. 4115. HERMANN (Denis). Akhund Khurasani and the Iranian Constitutional Movement. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 3, p. 430-453. 4116. KAZEMBEYKI (Mohammad Ali). Society, politics and economics in Māzandarān, Iran, 1848–1914. London, Routledge, 2013, 336 p. (Royal Asiatic Society books). 4117. MARTIN (Vanessa). Iran between Islamic nationalism and secularism: the constitutional revolution of 1906. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2013, XI-272 p. (BIPS Persian Studies, 6). 4118. MATIN (Kamran). Recasting Iranian modernity: international relations and social change. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XIII-154 p. 4119. MOAZAMI (Behrooz). State, religion, and revolution in Iran, 1796 to the present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-208 p. (Middle East today). Cf. no 7702 Iraq 4120. KHOURY (Dina Rizk). Iraq in wartime: soldiering, martyrdom, and remembrance. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-281 p.



4121. BIELENBERG (Andy). Exodus: the emigration of Southern Irish protestants during the Irish War of independence and the Civil War. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 199-233. 4122. BORGONOVO (John). The dynamics of war and revolution: Cork City, 1916–1918. Cork, Cork U. P., 2013, XVI-327 p. 4123. DARCY (Eamon). The Irish Rebellion of 1641 and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Woodbridge, Royal Historical Society a. Boydell Press, 2013, XIII212 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history new series, 86). 4124. GOLDEN (J.J.). The Protestant influence on the origins of Irish Home Rule, 1861–1871. English historical review, 2013, 128, 535, p. 1483-1516. 4125. KELLY (Stephen). Fianna Fáil, partition and Northern Ireland, 1926–1971. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2013, XIX-388 p. 4126. MAC CABE (Michael P.). For God and Ireland: the fight for moral superiority in Ireland, 1922–1932. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2013, X-310 p. 4127. MAC CONNEL (James). The Irish Parliamentary Party and the Third Home Rule crisis. Dublin, Four Courts P., 2013, 338 p. 4128. MAC DAID (Shaun). Template for peace: Northern Ireland, 1972–1975. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XXII-209 p. 4129. MAC LAUGHLIN (Robert). Irish Canadian conflict and the struggle for Irish independence, 1912–1925. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, VIII-275 p. 4130. OLLERENSHAW (Philip). Northern Ireland in the Second World War: politics, economic mobilisation and society, 1939–1945. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 256 p. 4131. PAŠETA (Senia). Irish nationalist women, 1900– 1918. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-292 p. 4132. STEWARD (Patrick), MAC GOVERN (Bryan). The Fenians: Irish rebellion in the North Atlantic world, 1858–1876. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2013, XVIII-315 p. 4133. Towards commemoration: Ireland in war and revolution, 1912–1923. Ed. by John HORNE and Edward MADIGAN. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2013, XII-182 p. 4134. Ulster since 1600: politics, economy, and society. Ed. by Liam KENNEDY and Philip OLLERENSHAW. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XV-355 p. Cf. no 7463 Israel 4135. ENDERLIN (Charles). Au nom du temple: Israël et l'irrésistible ascension du messianisme juif, 1967– 2013. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2013, 374 p.

4136. FARIS (Hani A.). The failure of the two-state solution: the prospects of one state in the Israel–Palestine conflict. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 400 p. 4137. GOLAN (Shimon). Milḥamah be-Yom ha-Kipurim: ḳabalat ha-haḥlaṭot ba-piḳud ha-ʻelyon be-Milḥemet Yom ha-Kipurim. (Decision making of Israeli high command in Yom Kippur War). Tel Aviv, Modan a. Tsahal, hotsa'at "Ma'arakhot", 2013, 1348 p. 4138. KIPNIS (Yigal). The Golan Heights: political history, settlement and geography since 1949. Milton Park, Routledge, 2013, IX-273 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern politics, 53). 4139. MONTERESCU (Daniel), SHAINDLINGER (Noa). La "Primavera Araba" di Tel Aviv. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 139, 2, p. 159-186. 4140. OREN (Amiram), BARAK (Oren), SHAPIRA (Assaf). 'How the mouse got his roar': the shift to an 'offensive-defensive' military strategy in Israel in 1953 and its implications. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 356-376. 4141. PICARD (Avi). 'Olim bi-meśurah: mediniyut Yiśra'el kelape 'aliyatam shel Yehude Tsefon Afriḳah, 1951–1956. (Cut to measure: Israel's policies regarding the Aliyah of North African Jews, 1951–1956). Beersheba, Mekhon Ben Gurion le-ḥeḳer Yiśra'el ṿeha-Tsiyonut a. Universiṭat Ben Guryon ba-Negev, 2013, 11-397 p. – IDEM. The reluctant soldiers of Israel's settlement project: the ship to village plan in the mid-1950s. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 1, p. 29-46. 4142. RAZ (Avi). The generous peace offer that was never offered: the Israeli Cabinet resolution of June 19, 1967. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 1, p. 85-108. 4143. ROBINSON (Shira). Citizen strangers: Palestinians and the birth of Israel's liberal settler state. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XV-330 p. (Stanford studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures). Italy ** 4144. Akten zur Südtirol-Politik 1959–1969. Hrsg. v. Rolf STEININGER. Bd. 7. 1968–1969: die Einigung. Bearb. von Rolf STEININGER. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 414 p. ** 4145. Epistolario di Urbano Rattazzi. A cura di Rosanna ROCCIA. V. 2. 1862. Roma, Gangemi, 2013, 413 p. (Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano. Biblioteca scientifica. Serie 2, fonti, 99, 103). 4146. 1874–1976, le elezioni politiche che hanno cambiato il Paese. A cura di Paolo CARUSI. Studium: rivista bimestrale, 2013, 2, p. 164-320 p. 4147. AGOSTI (Aldo). Il partito provvisorio: storia del Psiup [Partito socialista italiano di unità proletaria] nel lungo Sessantotto italiano. Roma, Laterza, 2013, VII295 p. (Quadrante, 194). 4148. AZZOLINI (Monica). The duke and the stars: astrology and politics in Renaissance Milan. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XVI-370 p. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history).

§ 2. History by countries


4149. BARBAGALLO (Francesco). La questione italiana: il Nord e il Sud dal 1860 a oggi. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, 238 p. (Storia e società).

4164. DUGGAN (Christopher). Fascist voices: an intimate history of Mussolini's Italy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXIV-501 p.

4150. BARTIKOWSKI (Kilian). Der italienische Antisemitismus im Urteil des Nationalsozialismus 1933– 1943. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 208 p.

4165. État (L') de la démocratie en Italie. Ed. par Mario TELÒ, Giulia SANDRI et Luca TOMINI. Bruxelles, Editions de L'Université de Bruxelles, 2013, 168 p. (Science politique).

4151. BORGOGNONE (Giovanni). Come nasce una dittatura: l'Italia del delitto Matteotti. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, 265 p. (Economica Laterza, 666). 4152. BREDEBACH (Patrick). Das richtige Europa schaffen: Europa als Konkurrenzthema zwischen Sozialund Christdemokraten-Deutschland und Italien von 1945 bis 1963 im Vergleich. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 423 p. (Schriften zur politischen Kommunikation, 13). 4153. BRICE (Catherine). Monarchy and nation in Italy at the end of the nineteenth century: a unique form of politicization? European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 1, p. 53-72. 4154. CANEPARI (Eleonora). Porteurs, mendiants, gentilshommes. La construction sociale du pouvoir politique (Rome, XVIe–XVIIe siècle). Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 729753. 4155. Carlo Cattaneo: federalismo e sviluppo. A cura di Carlo G. LACAITA e Franco MASONI. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2013, V-176 p. (Quaderni della Nuova antologia, 71). 4156. CASILIO (Silvia). Una generazione d'emergenza: l'Italia della controcultura (1965–1969). Firenze, Le Monnier, 2013, XVI-376 p. (Quaderni di storia). 4157. CATTUNAR (Alessandro). "Eravamo tutti goriziani"? La questione nazionale tra narrazioni pubbliche e percorsi individuali sul confine italo-jugoslavo. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 223-258. 4158. CIOCCA (Pierluigi). Brigantaggio ed economia nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia, 1860–1870. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 3-30. 4159. COCKRAM (Sarah D.P.). Isabella d'Este and Francesco Gonzaga. Power sharing at the Italian Renaissance Court. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-256 p. (Women and gender in the early Modern world). 4160. CONTI (Davide). L'anima nera della Repubblica: storia del MSI. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, XI-225 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 193). 4161. CRAIN MERZ (Noemi). L'illusione della parità: donne e questione femminile in Giustizia e libertà e nel Partito d'azione. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 171 p. (Collana dell'Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea "Giorgio Agosti". Testimoni della libertà, 29). 4162. Cult (The) of the Duce: Mussolini and the Italians. Edited by Stephen GUNDLE, Christopher DUGGAN, and Giuliana PIERI. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, X-286 p. 4163. DONATI (Sabina). A political history of national citizenship and identity in Italy, 1861–1950. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XVI-406 p.

4166. FALSINI (Luca). Esercito e fascismo: soldati e ufficiali nell'Italia di Mussolini (1919–1940). Roma, Aracne, 2013, 270 p. (Storia contemporanea, 21). 4167. FRAGNITO (Gigliola). Storia di Clelia Farnese. Amori, potere, violenza nella Roma della Controriforma. Bologna, il Mulino, 2013, 329 p. (Biblioteca storia). 4168. GALAVOTTI (Enrico). Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra crisi del fascismo e costruzione della democrazia 1940–1948. Bologna, il Mulino, 2013, 885 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose, 48). 4169. GENTILE (Emilio). The march on Rome: how antifascists understood the origins of totalitarianism (and coined the word) = La marcia su Roma: come alcuni antifascisti compresero le origini del totalitarismo (e coniarono il concetto). Roma, Viella, 2013, 103 p. (Gaetano Salvemini colloquium, Harvard University, 1). 4170. GENTILE (Pierangelo). Alla corte di re Carlo Alberto: personaggi, cariche e vita a palazzo nel Piemonte risorgimentale. Torino, Centro studi piemontesi, 2013, 191 p. (Quaderni della Fondazione "Filippo Burzio". Studi e ricerche, 3). 4171. GENTILE (Saverio). La legalità del male: l'offensiva mussoliniana contro gli ebrei nella prospettiva storico-giuridica, 1938–1945. Torino, G. Giappichelli editore, 2013, XIV-614 p. 4172. GIULI (Matteo). Il Governo di ogni giorno: Lucca, XVII–XVIII secolo. Roma, École Française de Rome, 2013, 588 p. 4173. GUASCO (Alberto). Cattolici e fascisti: la Santa Sede e la politica italiana all'alba del regime, 1919– 1925. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 576 p. 4174. LA MONICA (Salvatore), RICCI (Vittoria). Grandi di Spagna alla corte di Filippo II d'Asburgo: Juan de Zúñiga y Requesens e la consorte Dorotea Barresi e Santapau. Caltanissetta, Società nissena di storia patria, 2013, 261 p. (Scarabelliana: collana promossa dalla Società nissena di storia patria, 12). 4175. MACRY (Paolo). Ancora sul brigantaggio meridionale. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 3, p. 349354. 4176. MAZUR (Peter A.). The new Christians of Spanish Naples, 1528–1671. A fragile elite. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 197 p. 4177. MAZZEI (Federico). De Gasperi e lo "Stato forte": legislazione antitotalitaria e difesa della democrazia negli anni del centrismo (1950–1952). Milano, Le Monnier Università e Mondadori Education, 2013, XIX451 p. (Quaderni di storia).



4178. MELCHIORRE (Matteo). Conoscere per governare. Le relazioni dei sindici Inquisitori e il dominio veneziano in terraferma (1543–1626). Udine, Forum, 2013, 361 p. (Tracce. Itinerari di ricerca). 4179. NITZ (Wenke). Führer und Duce: politische Machtinszenierungen im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland und im faschistischen Italien. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 416 p. (Italien in der Moderne, 20). 4180. PERFETTI (Francesco). Fascismo e riforme istituzionali. Firenze, Le Lettere, 2013, 184 p. (Biblioteca di "Nuova storia contemporanea", 58). 4181. PIPITONE (Daniele). Il socialismo democratico italiano fra la liberazione e la legge truffa: fratture, ricomposizioni e culture politiche di un'area di frontiera. Milano, Ledizioni, 2013, 310 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di studi storici, Università di Torino, 4). 4182. POMBENI (Paolo). Giuseppe Dossetti: l'avventura politica di un riformatore cristiano. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 202 p. (Saggi 782). 4183. ROSSETTO (Luca). Il commissario distrettuale nel Veneto asburgico: Un funzionario dell'Impero tra mediazione politica e controllo sociale (1819–1848). Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 2013, 532 p. (Fondazione Bruno Kessler; Annali dell'Istituto storico italogermanico in Trento; monografie, 63). 4184. RUSCONI (Gian Enrico). Cavour und Bismarck. Zwei Staatsmänner im Spannungsfeld von Liberalismus und Cäsarismus. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 176 p. 4185. SACCOMAN (Andrea). Le Brigate rosse a Milano: dalle origini della lotta armata alla fine della colonna "Walter Alasia". Milano, UNICOPLI, 2013, 287 p. (Testi e studi, 259). 4186. SALSANO (Fernando). Quintino Sella ministro delle finanze: le politiche per lo sviluppo e i costi dell'Unità d'Italia. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 261 p. 4187. SARLIN (Simon). Le légitimisme en armes. Histoire d'une mobilisation internationale contre l'Unité italienne. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 331 p. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 355). 4188. SAVY (Pierre). Seigneurs et Condottières: les Dal Verme. Appartenances sociales, constructions étatiques et pratiques politiques dans l'Italie de la Renaissance. Roma, École franҫaise de Rome, 2013, 616 p. 4189. SCHIEDER (Wolfgang). Mythos Mussolini. Deutsche in Audienz beim Duce. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 404 p. 4190. SOPER (Steven C.). Building a civil society: associations, public life, and the origins of Modern Italy. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, VIII-310 p. (Toronto Italian studies). 4191. Unità (L') d'Italia in Europa. A cura di Andrea CIAMPANI. Roma, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2013, XII-394 p. (Biblioteca scientifica. Pro-

spettive = Biblioteca scientifica. Perspectives / Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 3). 4192. Valdo Magnani e l'antistalinismo comunista. A cura di Stefano BIANCHINI. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2013, 248 p. (Percorsi del Novecento, 4). 4193. VILLANI (Pasquale). Gerarchi e fascismo a Napoli (1921–1943). Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 163 p. (Il veliero). 4194. WILLSON (Perry). The nation in uniform? Fascist Italy, 1919–43. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 239272. 4195. ZOPPI (Sergio). Una battaglia per la libertà: "Il Saggiatore" di Gherardo Marone (Napoli 1924–1925). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 201 p. Cf. no 6212 Japan 4196. ARIYAMA (Teruo). Kaitei kēburu to tsūshinsha no tanjō. Jōhō haken to teikoku Nihon 1. (Undersea cable and the birth of news agency. Informational hegemony and Imperial Japan, 1). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 490 p. – IDEM. Tsūshin gijutsu no kakudai to sendensen. Jōhō haken to teikoku Nihon 2. (The development of communication technology and the war of propaganda. Informational hegemony and Imperial Japan, 2). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 650 p. 4197. BAYLISS (Jeffrey Paul). On the margins of empire: Buraku and Korean identity in prewar and wartime Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-437 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 349). 4198. Boshin sensō no shiryōgaku. (Sources of the Boshin war). Ed. Hiroshi HAKOISHI. Tokyo, Bensei Shuppan, 2013, 441 p. 4199. DICKINSON (Frederick R.). World War I and the triumph of a new Japan, 1919–1930. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-221 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 4200. FUSHIMI (Taketo). Kindai Nihon no yosan seiji 1900–1914: Katsura Tarō no seiji shidō to seitō naikaku no kakuritsu katei. (Budget politics during the formation of party government in modern Japan: The political leadership of Taro Katsura, 1900-1914). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 342 p. 4201. HARA (Akira). Nihon senji keizai kenkyū. (A study of wartime economy in Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 521 p. 4202. I (Hyeong-Sik). Chōsen sōtokufu kanryō no tōchi kōsō. (The ruling scheme of the officials of the Japanese Government General of Korea). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 276 p. 4203. Japan's 'lost decade': causes, legacies and issues of transformative change. Ed. by W. Miles FLETCHER III and Peter W. von STADEN. London, Routledge, 2013, X153 p.

§ 2. History by countries 4204. KUROSAWA (Ryo). Naimusyō no seijishi: Syūken kokka no hen-yō. (A political history of the Home Ministry: Transformation of the centralized state). Tokyo, Fujiwara Shoten, 2013, 286 p. 4205. Maboroshi no sangyō seisaku kishinhō: Jisshō bunseki to ōraru hisutorī ni yoru kaimei. (Machine Industry Promotion Act, a visionary industrial policy: Empirical and oral-history analyses). Eds. Konosuke ODAKA and Shigeru MATSUSHIMA. Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shinbun Shuppansha, 2013, 418 p. 4206. MAC CORMACK (Noah Y.). Japan's outcaste abolition: the struggle for national inclusion and the making of the modern state. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, XIV-197 p. (Asia's transformations, 36). 4207. MITANI (Hiroshi). Aikoku, kakumei, minshu: Nihonshi kara sekai o kangaeru. (Patriotism, revolution, democracy: Thinking the world history from the viewpoint of Japanese history). Tokyo, Chikuma Shobo, 2013, 349 p. 4208. NAGURA (Bunji). Nihon gunji kanren sangyōshi: Kaigun to Eikoku heiki gaisha. (A history of the military industry in Japan: the Japanese navy and the British big armament companies). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2013, 359 p. 4209. Nihon seijishi no naka no rikukai gun: Gunsei yūi taisei no keisei to hōkai 1868-1945. (The army and the navy in the political history of Japan: The formation and collapse of the militaristic regime). Eds. Michihiko KOBAYASHI and Fumitaka KUROSAWA. Tokyo, Minerva Shobo, 2013, 270 p. 4210. SASAMOTO-COLLINS (Hiromi). Power and dissent in Imperial Japan: three forms of political engagement. København, NIAS, 2013, XVII-312 p. (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies monograph series, 123). 4211. SAWAI (Minoru). Kindai Ōsaka no sangyō hatten: Shūseki to tayōsei ga hagukunda mono. (The industrial development of modern Osaka: A product of accumulation and diversity). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2013, 415 p. – IDEM. Mazā mashin no yume: Nihon kōsaku kikai kōgyōshi. (The Japanese machine tool industry from the 1890s to the 2000s). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 506 p. 4212. "Seizon" no Tōhokushi: Rekishi kara tou 3.11. ("Survival" and the history of the Northeast: 3.11 from historical perspectives). Ed. Masakatsu OKADO [et al.]. Tokyo, Otsuki Shoten, 2013, 317 p. 4213. Tumultuous decade: empire, society, and diplomacy in 1930s Japan. Ed. by Masato KIMURA and Tosh MINOHARA. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XXII-298 p. (Japan and global society series). 4214. WERT (Michael). Meiji restoration losers: memory and Tokugawa supporters in Modern Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2013, VIII225 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 358). 4215. YELLEN (Jeremy A.). The specter of revolution: reconsidering Japan's decision to surrender. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 205-226.

169 Addendum 2012

4216. SOGA (Yoshinari). Ōchō kokka seimu no kenkyū. (A study on the state affairs of Japan in the Ochostate period). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2012, 302 p. Cf. nos 8037-8077 Jordan 4217. TELL (Tariq). The social and economic origins of monarchy in Jordan. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-221 p. (Middle East today). Kazakhstan 4218. Islam, society and states across the Qazaq steppe (18th–early 20th centuries). Ed. by Niccolò PIANCIOLA and Paolo SARTORI. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 352 p. (Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 844. Bd. Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik, 72). Kenya 4219. ALIDOU (Ousseina D.). Muslim women in postcolonial Kenya: leadership, representation, and social change. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XIX-225 p. Korea 4220. KIM (Sŏng-hye). Chaewi chŏn'gi Kojong ŭi t'ongch'i hwaltong, 1864–1876. (Choseon Kojong's rule during the early years of his reign, 1864–1876). Sŏul-si, Sŏnin, 2013, 607 p. 4221. KIM (Suzy). Everyday life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945–1950. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIII-307 p. 4222. LAN'KOV (Andreĭ Nikolaevich). The real North Korea: life and politics in the failed Stalinist utopia. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-283 p. Cf. no 7773, 8078-8083 Latvia 4223. Baltic eugenics: bio-politics, race and nation in interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918–1940. Ed. by Björn M. FELDER and Paul J. WEINDLING. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2013, 333 p. (On the boundary of two worlds: identity, freedom, and moral imagination in the Baltics, 35). 4224. HANOVS (Deniss), TERAUDKALNS (Valdis). Ultimate freedom-no choice: the culture of authoritarianism in Latvia, 1934–1940. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X272 p. (Central and Eastern Europe, 2). 4225. MÖLLERS (Georg), POHL (Jürgen). Abgemeldet nach "unbekannt" 1942: die Deportation der Juden aus dem Vest Recklinghausen nach Riga. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 189 p. Lebanon 4226. HAKIM (Carol). The origins of the Lebanese national idea, 1840–1920. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XI-364 p.



4227. NAOR (Dan). The quest for a balance of power in Lebanon during Suleiman Frangieh's presidency, 1970–1976. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 6, p. 9901008.

accommodation, adaptation, assimilation. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 394 p. (Luxemburg-Studien, 4 = Études luxembourgeoises, 4).

4228. SFEIR (Antoine Charif). Genèse du Liban moderne (1711–1864). Paris, Riveneuve éditions, 2013, 485 p.

** 4238. VMRO 1893–1903: pogled niz dokumenti. (VMRO 1893-1903: overview of documents). Odbrani od Vančo Ǵorǵiev. Skopje, Matica makedonska, 2013, 507 p.

Liberia 4229. GERDES (Felix). Civil war and state formation: the political economy of war and peace in Liberia. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, X-291 p. Libya 4230. SZATKOWSKI (Tim). Gaddafis Libyen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1969 bis 1982. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 132 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, 15). Addenda 2006–2011 4231. CRESTI (Federico), CRICCO (Massimiliano). Storia della Libia. Dagli ottomani alla caduta di Gheddafi. Roma, Carocci, 2012, 331 p. – IIDEM. Gheddafi. I volti del potere. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 149 p. (Le sfere). 4232. KAWCYNSKI (Daniel). Seeking Gadaffi. London, Dialogue, 2010, XXI-281 p. 4233. Libia (La) tra Mediterraneo e mondo islamico: atti del convegno di Catania, La Libia tra Mediterraneo e mondo islamico, studi e tendenze della ricerca sulla Libia contemporanea, storia e società, Catania, Facoltà di scienze politiche, 1–2 dicembre 2000: aggiornamenti e approfondimenti. A cura di Federico CRESTI. Centro per gli studi sul mondo islamico contemparaneo e l'Africa. Milano, A. Giuffrè, 2006, XLIII-302 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di studi politici, 3). Lithuania 4234. DAVOLIŪTĖ (Violeta). The making and breaking of Soviet Lithuania: memory and modernity in the wake of war. London a. New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, XX-211 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 95). 4235. DIUKOV (Aleksandr). Protektorat "Litva": taĭnoe sotrudnichestvo s natsistami i nerealizovannyĭ stsenariĭ utraty litovskoĭ nezavisimosti, 1939–1940 gg. (Protectorate "Lithuania": secret cooperation with the Nazis and unrealized scenario of loss of Lithuanian independence, 1939–1940). Moskva, Istoricheskaia pamiatʹ. Fond sodeĭstviia aktualʹnym istoricheskim issledovaniiam, 2013, 261 p. (Vostochnaia Evropa. XX vek). 4236. RICHTER (Klaus). Antisemitismus in Litauen: Christen, Juden und die "Emanzipation" der Bauern (1889–1914). Berlin, Metropol, 2013, 447 p. (Studien zum Antisemitismus in Europa, 4). Cf. nos 4223, 4356 Luxembourg 4237. ARTUSO (Vincent). La collaboration au Luxembourg durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1940–1945):


4239. BROWN (Keith). Loyal unto death: trust and terror in Revolutionary Macedonia. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XX-257 p. (New anthropologies of Europe). 4240. CSAPLÁR-DEGOVICS (Krisztián), DEMETER (Gábor). Social conflicts, changing identities and everyday strategies of survival in Macedonia on the eve of the collapse of Ottoman Central Power (1903–1912). Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 60-89. 4241. Macedonia: the political, social, economic and cultural foundations of a Balkan state. Ed. by Victor C. DE MUNCK and Ljupcho RISTESKI. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XIII-302 p. (International library of historical studies, 87). Cf. nos 4441, 4442, 4444 Malaysia 4242. FALARTI (Maziar Mozaffari). Malay kingship in Kedah: religion, trade, and society. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, XXV-225 p. (Asia world). 4243. YONG (Kee Howe). The Hakkas of Sarawak: sacrificial gifts in Cold War era Malaysia. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, VIII-242 p. (Anthropological horizons). Mauritania 4244. N'DIAYE (Sidi). Le passé violent et la politique du repentir en Mauritanie: 1989–2012. Bayonne, Institut Universitaire Varenne, 2013, XV-439 p. (Collection des thèses, 82). Mexico 4245. ALBERRO (Solange), GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar). La sociedad novohispana. Estereotipos y realidades. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 363 p. 4246. FALLAW (Ben). Religion and State Formation in Postrevolutionary Mexico. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XX-329 p. – IDEM. The seduction of revolution: anticlerical campaigns against confession in Mexico, 1914– 1935. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 1, p. 91-120. 4247. Fin de siglos ¿fin de ciclos? 1810, 1910, 2010. Coordinado por Leticia REINA y Ricardo PÉREZ MONTFORT. México D.F., Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2013, 418 p. (Historia). 4248. GOEBEL (Michael). Una biografía entre espacios: M. N. Roy. Del nacionalismo indio al comunismo mexicano. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 14591495.

§ 2. History by countries 4249. Hacia una historia del poder en México. Coordinadores, Francisco LIZCANO FERNÁNDEZ y Cynthia Araceli RAMÍREZ PEÑALOZA. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados y Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2013, 309 p. (Ciencias sociales). 4250. HERNÁNDEZ JAIMES (Jesús). La formación de la Hacienda pública mexicana y las tensiones centroperiferias, 1821–1835. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2013, 438 p. 4251. INCLÁN FUENTES (Carlos). Perote y los nazis. Las políticas de control y vigilancia del Estado mexicano a los ciudadanos alemanes durante la segunda Guerra Mundial (1939–1946). México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, gobierno del Estado de Veracruz, 2013, 248 p. 4252. JAMES (Timothy M.). Mexico's Supreme Court: between liberal individual and revolutionary social rights, 1867–1943. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XVI-149 p. 4253. JOSEPH (Gilbert M.), BUCHENAU (Jürgen). Mexico's once and future revolution: social upheaval and the challenge of rule since the late nineteenth century. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2013, X-252 p. 4254. KAWAKAMI (Ei). Intermediario entre dos mundos: Francisco May y la mexicanización de los mayas rebeldes. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 247 (3), p. 11531210. 4255. Leyes (Las) de Reforma y el estado laico: importancia histórica y validez contemporánea. Coordinador Roberto BLANCARTE. Conferencia: Leyes de Reforma y el Estado Laico; Importancia Histórica y Validez Contemporánea, México D.F., 2009. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, El Colegio de México, 2013, 311 p. 4256. LOAEZA (Soledad). La reforma política de Manuel Ávila Camacho. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 251-358. 4257. Mexican revolution (The): conflict and consolidation, 1910–1940. Ed. by Douglas W. RICHMOND and Sam W. HAYNES. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2013, X-251 p. 4258. MORENO CHÁVEZ (José Alberto). Devociones políticas: cultura católica y politización en la Arquidiócesis de México, 1880–1920. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 269 p. 4259. PENSADO (Jaime M.). Rebel Mexico: student unrest and authoritarian political culture during the long Sixties. Stanford, CA: Stanford U. P., 2013, XVI-339 p. 4260. PÉREZ DANIEL (Gustavo Herón). Historia política de Nuevo León 1842–1933: hacia una historia de la esfera pública neoleonesa. Monterrey, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León y Ciudad Juárez, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2013, 282 p. (Tendencias).


4261. Política y elecciones en San Luis Potosí, 1810– 2010: de la Diputación Provincial al spot político-electoral televisivo. Coordinadores: Sergio Alejandro CAÑEDO GAMBOA, Pablo Sergio AISPURO CÁRDENAS y María de la Luz GALVÁN SALAZAR. Coloquio: Política y Elecciones en San Luis Potosí, 1810–2010, Colegio de San Luis, 2010. San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2013, 218 p. (Colección Investigaciones). 4262. RATH (Thomas). Myths of demilitarization in postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920–1960. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, IX-244 p. 4263. Relaciones de poder en el Estado de México: ayer y hoy. Coordinador Francisco LIZCANO FERNÁNDEZ. Toluca, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2013, 246 p. 4264. RUIZ LAGIER (Verónica). Ser mexicano en Chiapas: identidad y ciudadanización entre los refugiados guatemaltecos en La Trinitaria. México D.F., Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2013, 335 p. (Colección Etnología y antropología social. Serie Testimonios). 4265. SAKA (Mark Saad). For God and Revolution: priest, peasant, and agrarian socialism in the Mexican Huasteca. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XXI-186 p. 4266. Sufragio femenino (El) en México: voto en los estados (1917–1965). Coordinadores Ana LAU JAIVEN y Mercedes ZÚÑIGA ELIZALDE. Hermosillo, El Colegio de Sonora, 2013, 317 p. 4267. VÁZQUEZ (Juan de Dios). Rejas murallas y otras demarcaciones: David Alfaro Siqueiros y José Revueltas en "El palacio negro de Lecumberri". Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 247 (3), p. 1211-1265. 4268. VÉLEZ RENDÓN (Juan Carlos). Expresiones de malestar, desacato y desobediencia en un entorno de guerra. Autonomía y protesta civil en el sur y centro de México, 1913–1917. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 205-250. 4269. WALKER (Louise E.). Waking from the dream: Mexico's middle classes after 1968. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XVIII-321 p. Montenegro 4270. MIKAVICA (Dejan); VASIN (Goran); NINKOVIĆ (Nenad). Istorija Srba u Crnoj Gori 1496–1918. (History of Serbs in Montenegro, 1496–1918). Novi Sad, Prometej, 2013, 313 p. (Biblioteka Istorija). Cf. nos 4442, 4444, 4441 Morocco 4271. CORY (Stephen Charles). Reviving the Islamic caliphate in early modern Morocco. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XXV-265 p. 4272. EL HAMEL (Chouki). Black Morocco: a history of slavery, race, and Islam. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-331 p. (African Studies, 123).



4273. KĀFĪ (Aḥmad). Mashārī' al-iṣlāḥ al-siyāsī bial-Maghrib fī al-qarnayn al-tāsi' 'ashar wa-al-'ishrīn. (Projets de réforme politique au Maroc aux 19e et 20e siècles). al-Qāhirah, Dār al-Kalimah lil-Nashr wa-alTawzī', 2013, 384 p. 4274. MILLER (Susan Gilson). A history of modern Morocco. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXVII306 p. 4275. RHANI (Zakaria). Le pouvoir de guérir: mythe, mystique et politique au Maroc. Boston, Brill, 2013, 182 p. (Studies in the history and society of the Maghrib, 5). 4276. SMOLIN (Jonathan). Moroccan noir: police, crime, and politics in popular culture. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XVII-285 p. (Public cultures of the Middle East and North Africa).

2013, 418 p. (Zivilgesellschaftliche Verständigungsprozesse vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, 12). 4286. PIPKIN (Amanda Cathryn). Rape in the republic, 1609–1725: formulating Dutch identity. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XVI-271 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 172). 4287. RAEYMAEKERS (Dries). One foot in the palace: the Habsburg Court of Brussels and the politics of access in the reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598–1621. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2013, XVIII-366 p. 4288. REINDERS (Michel). Printed pandemonium: popular print and politics in the Netherlands, 1650– 1672. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, 271 p. (Library of the written word, 23. Handpress world, 17).


4289. VAN CRUYNINGEN (Arnout). De Staten-Generaal: vijfenhalve eeuw geschiedenis van het parlement. Utrecht, Omniboek, 2013, 240 p.

4277. SAMARA YAWNGHWE. Maintaining the Union of Burma, 1946–1962: the role of the ethnic nationalities in a Shan perspective. Bangkok, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 2013, XII-276 p.

4290. VAN DEN BERG (Johannes Theodorus Jozef); VIS (J.J.). De eerste honderdvijftig jaar: parlementaire geschiedenis van Nederland, 1796–1946. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2013, 785 p.


4291. Verloren consensus. Europa in het Nederlandse parlementair-politieke debat 1945–2013. Hrsg. v. Anjo G.HARRYVAN und Jan VAN DER HARST. Amsterdam, Uitgerverij Boom, 2013, 400 p.

4278. PETTIGREW (Judith). Maoists at the hearth: everyday life in Nepal's civil war. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, X-188 p. (Ethnography of political violence). 4279. Revolution in Nepal: an anthropological and historical approach to the People's War. Ed. by Marie LECOMTE-TILOUINE. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-432 p. Netherlands 4280. FORAY (Jennifer L.). An old empire in a new order: the global designs of the Dutch Nazi Party, 1931– 1942. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 1, p. 27-52. 4281. HORTAL MUÑOZ (José Eloy). The household of Archduke Albert of Austria from his election as governor of the Habsburg Netherlands until his investiture as sovereign prince of the Low Countries (1595–1598). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 4, p. 1011-1055. 4282. KLINKERT (Wim). Defending neutrality: the Netherlands prepares for war, 1900–1925. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, VII-284 p. (History of warfare, 90). 4283. KROEZE (D. B. R.). Een kwestie van politieke moraliteit: politieke corruptieschandalen en goed bestuur in Nederland, 1848–1940. Hilversum, Verloren, 2013, 334 p. 4284. LAARMAN (Charlotte). Oude onbekenden: het politieke en publieke debat over postkoloniale migranten in Nederland, 1945–2005. Hilversum, Verloren, 2013, 294 p. (Historische Migratiestudies, 4). 4285. MENNEN (Kristian). Selbstinszenierung im öffentlichen Raum: katholische und sozialdemokratische Repertoirediskussionen um 1930. Münster, Waxmann,

New Zealand 4292. CARLYON (Jenny), MORROW (Diana). Changing times: New Zealand since 1945. Auckland, Auckland U. P., 2013, VII-520 p. 4293. LEADBEATER (Maire). Peace, power & politics: how New Zealand became nuclear free. Dunedin, Otago U. P., 2013, 344 p 4294. MAC ALOON (Jim). Judgements of all kinds: economic policy-making in New Zealand, 1945–1984. Wellington, Victoria U. P., 2013, 281 p. 4295. PATTERSON (Brad), BROOKING (Tom), MAC ALOON (Jim), LENIHAN (Rebecca), BUELTMANN (Tanja). Unpacking the kists: the Scots in New Zealand. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P. a. Dunedin, Otago U. P., 2013, XX-412 p. (McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history. Series two, 34). Nicaragua 4296. HOWE (Cymene). Intimate activism: the struggle for sexual rights in postrevolutionary Nicaragua. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XII-236 p. Niger 4297. VAN WALRAVEN (Klaas). The yearning for relief: a history of the Sawaba movement in Niger. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XXVII-968 p. Nigeria 4298. AJALA (Aderemi Suleiman). Yoruba nationalism: culture, politics and violence in South-Western Nigeria (1900–2012). Köln, Rüdiger Köppe, 2013, XIV184 p. (Topics in interdisciplinary. African studies, 30).

§ 2. History by countries 4299. EAMES (Elizabeth Anne). The politics of wealth in southwestern Nigeria: why Ondo's women went to war. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, XXVI-218 p. 4300. GOULD (Michael). The Biafran War: the struggle for modern Nigeria. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XVIII-258 p.


Challenges to Democracy, Governance and National Unity" (2011: University of the Punjab). Lahore, Pakistan Study Centre & Research Society of Pakistan, University of the Punjab, 2013, XIII-487 p. (Publication, 110).

4301. SIOLLUN (Max). Soldiers of fortune: Nigerian politics under Buhari and Babangida (1983–1993). Abuja, Cassava Republic Press, 2013, 336 p.

4313. ROBINSON (Cabeiri deBergh). Body of victim, body of warrior: refugee families and the making of Kashmiri jihadists. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XXVII-324 p. (South Asia Across the Disciplines).

4302. Warfare, ethnicity and national identity in Nigeria. Ed. by Toyin FALOLA, Roy DORON and Okpeh O. OKPEH. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, X-356 p.

4314. SVENSSON (Ted). Production of postcolonial India and Pakistan: meanings of partition. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, X-200 p. (Interventions).

Norway 4303. Da det personlige ble politisk: den nye kvinneog mannsbevegelsen paa 1970-tallet. (When personal became political: the new women's and men's movement in the 1970s). Red. Hilde DANIELSEN. Oslo, SAP, Scandinavian Academic Press, 2013, 260 p. 4304. GARAU (Salvatore). Anticipating Norwegian fascism: the radicalization of urban right-wing nationalism in inter-war Norway. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 4, p. 681-706. 4305. HØIDAL (Oddvar K.). Trotsky in Norway. Exile, 1935–1937. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2013, 414 p. Oman 4306. MATSUO (Masaki). Omān no kokushi no tanjō: Omān-jin to Ei shokuminchi kanryō ni yoru Omānshi hyōshō. (The birth of the national history of Oman: Representation of the history of Oman made by Omanis and the British colonial officers). Tokyo, Ochanomizu Shobo, 2013, 216 p. (Utsunomiya University Faculty of International Studies, international studies series). 4307. TAKRITI (Abdel Razzaq). Monsoon revolution: republicans, sultans, and empires in Oman, 1965–1976. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-340 p. (Oxford Historical Monographs). Pakistan 4308. AHMED (Ishtiaq). Pakistan the garrison state: origins, evolution, consequences, 1947–2011. Karachi, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-494 p. 4309. Beyond Swat: history, society and economy along the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier. Ed. by Benjamin D. HOPKINS and Magnus MARSDEN. London, Hurst, 2013, XV-365 p. 4310. DEVJI (Faisal). Muslim Zion: Pakistan as a political idea. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, VII-278 p. 4311. Independence (The) of India and Pakistan: new approaches and reflections. Ed. by Ian TALBOT. Karachi, Oxford U. P., 2013, VI-295 p. (Subcontinent divided). 4312. Pakistan: challenges to democracy, governance and national unity. Ed. by Massarrat ABID and S. QALB-I-ABID. International Conference on "Pakistan:

Cf. no 4100 Palestine 4315. ALLEN (Lori). The rise and fall of human rights. Cynicism and politics in occupied Palestine. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, 280 p. (Stanford studies in human rights). 4316. BEN-BASSAT (Yuval). Petitioning the Sultan: protests and justice in late Ottoman Palestine. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XVI-331 p. 4317. GOLANI (Moṭi). Palestine between politics and terror, 1945–1947. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2013, XVII-255 p. (Schusterman series in Israel studies). 4318. HAIDUC-DALE (Noah). Arab Christians in British mandate Palestine: communalism and nationalism, 1917–1948. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U. P., 2013, VII221 p. 4319. WAWRZYN (Heidemarie). Nazis in the Holy Land 1933–1948. Berlin, De Gruyter a. Jerusalem, Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2013, XI-219 p. 4320. ZE'EV (Na'ama Ben). Civil associations in mandatory Haifa: a new perspective on PalestinianArab political life. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 6, p. 958-972. Cf. no 4136 Paraguay 4321. CHARTRAIN (François). La Iglesia y los partidos en la vida política del Paraguay desde la Independencia. Asunción, Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica, 2013, 559 p. (Biblioteca de estudios paraguayos, 101). 4322. CHESTERTON (Bridget María). The grandchildren of Solano López: frontier and nation in Paraguay, 1904–1936. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XII-179 p. Peru 4323. ALBERDI VALLEJO (Alfredo R.). El mundo esta perdido: influencias de Acuna y Arteaga en el ideario de Guaman Poma. Berlin, WVB, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 2013, 444 p. 4324. DEL AGUILA PERALTA (Alicia). La ciudadanía corporativa: política, constituciones y sufragio en el Perú,



1821–1896. Lima, IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2013, 327 p. (Serie Estudios históricos, 61). 4325. ESPINOSA (Antonino). Siembra, convicción y peripecia: el socialcristianismo en el Perú (1532–2010). Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2013, 425 p. 4326. Formas (Las) del recuerdo: etnografías de la violencia política en el Perú. Ed. por Ponciano DEL PINO y Caroline YEZER. Lima, IFEA, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos e IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2013, 307 p. (Serie estudios sobre memoria y violencia, 4. Travaux de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines, 314). 4327. IGLESIAS (Daniel). Les mythes fondateurs du Parti Apriste péruvien: sociohistoire de la culture politique d'un parti latino-américain (1923–1980). Paris, IHEAL éditions, 2013, 132 p. (Travaux et mémoires, 86). 4328. O'PHELAN (Scarlett). Mestizos reales en el virreinato del Perú: indios nobles, caciques y capitanes de mita. Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2013, XV-295 p. 4329. ROOT (Rebecca K.). Transitional justice in Peru. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 216 p. 4330. SCHULTE-BOCKHOLT (Alfredo). Corruption as power: criminal governance in Peru during the Fujimori era (1990–2000). Bern a. New York, Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers, 2013, XVII-318 p. 4331. THEIDON (Kimberly). Intimate enemies: violence and reconciliation in Peru. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, XIII-461 p. 4332. VALDIZÁN AYALA (José), ARMAS ASÍN (Fernando), PALACIOS RODRÍGUEZ (Raúl), SEINER LIZÁRRAGA (Lizardo). El Perú republicano: 1821–2011. Lima, Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial, 2013, 490 p. (Textos universitarios) 4333. VALLADARES QUIJANO (Manuel). El paro nacional del 19 de julio de 1977: movimientos sociales en la época del "Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas". Lima, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Pakarina, 2013, 146 p 4334. WHIPPLE (Pablo). La gente decente de Lima y su resistencia al orden republicano: Jerarquías sociales, prensa y sistema judicial durante el siglo XIX. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2013, 220 p. 4335. WILSON (Fiona). Citizenship and political violence in Peru: an Andean town [Tarma], 1870s–1970s. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-229 p. Cf. no 3727 Philippines ** 4336. RICHARDSON (Jim). The light of liberty: documents and studies on the Katipunan, 1892–1897. Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila U. P., 2013, XXV-514 p.

4337. FUENTECILLA (Jose V.). Fighting from a distance: how Filipino exiles helped topple a dictator. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XI-162 p. (Asian American experience). 4338. Introduction to Philippine politics: local politics, the state, nation-building, and democratization. Ed. by Maria Ela L. ATIENZA. Diliman, University of the Philippines Press, 2013, XXXVIII-241 p. (Third world perspectives on politics series). Poland ** 4339. Afera "Żelazo" w dokumentach MSW i PZPR. (The "Iron" affair in the documents of the Interior Ministry and the Polish United Workers' Party). Wybór, wstęp i opracowanie, Witold BAGIEŃSKI, Piotr GONTARCZYK. Warszawa, Instytut Pamięci NarodowejKomisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2013, 399 p. (Dokumenty, 55). ** 4340. Akta sejmikowe ziemi chełmskiej 1572– 1668. (Files of the Sejmik of Chełm 1572–1668). Opracowanie, Wiesław BONDYRA, Henryk GMITEREK, Jerzy TERNES. Lublin, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Archiwum Państwowe, 2013, 739 p. (Fontes Lublinenses, 5). ** 4341. Procesy polityczne działaczy NSZZ "Solidarność" w Łodzi w okresie stanu wojennego. (Processus politiques des activistes de NSZZ "Solidarność" à Lodz pendant la loi martiale). Wstęp i wybór Sebastian PILARSKI. Łódź, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni Przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu. Oddział, 2013, XXXIII-317 p. (Biblioteka Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Łodzi, 30). 4342. ARNDT (Agnes). Rote Bürger. Eine Milieu- und Beziehungsgeschichte linker Dissidenz in Polen (1956– 1976). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 288 p. 4343. BLOOM (Jack M.). Seeing through the eyes of the Polish Revolution: Solidarity and the struggle against communism in Poland. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 428 p. (Historical materialism, 50). 4344. CIMEK (Henryk). Elity politycznego ruchu chłopskiego w II Rzeczypospolitej. (The elite of the political peasant movement in the Second Republic). Rzeszów, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013, 270 p 4345. DAHLMANN (Hans-Christian). Antisemitismus in Polen 1968: Interaktionen zwischen Partei und Gesellschaft. Osnabrück, Fibre, 2013, 430 p. (Einzelveröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, 30). 4346. GAŁKA (Bogusław W.). Konserwatyści w Polsce lat 1935–1939. (Conservatives in Poland 1935–1939). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013, 436 p. 4347. II Rzeczpospolita wobec ruchu prometejskiego = Poland and the Promethean Movement: documents = Polʹsha i prometeĭskoe dvizhenie: sbornik dokumentov. Redakcja naukowa, wstęp, wybór i opracowanie Paweł LIBERA. Warszawa, Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe im.

§ 2. History by countries mjr. Bolesława Waligóry, 2013, 575 p. (Wojskowe Teki Archiwalne / Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe im. mjr. Bolesława Waligóry, Archiwum Akt Nowych, Instytut Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce, 4). 4348. ILSKI (Zdzisław). Formuła wyborcza u progu niepodległej Polski (do 1922 r.). (Formule électorale au seuil de la Pologne indépendante, jusqu'en 1922). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013, 547 p. 4349. KACZMARSKI (Krzysztof). O wielką Polskę na wojennym wychodźstwie: Stronnictwo Narodowe wobec rządu gen. Władysława Sikorskiego (1939–1943). (For the great Poland on the war of exile: National Party against the government of General Wladyslaw Sikorski, 1939–1943). Rzeszów, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Oddział w Rzeszowie, 2013, 400 p. (Seria wydawnicza IPN Oddział w Rzeszowie).


Ed. Al'bina F. NOSKOVA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 952 p. Cf. nos 3616, 4399 Portugal ** 4358. DUARTE DE JESUS (José Manuel). Os relatórios confidenciais da II Reparticão do Estado-Maior do exército para o CEMGFA: 5 novembro 1974/ 11 junho 1975. Coimbra, Almedina, 2013, 244 p. 4359. ABREU (Laurinda). Pina Manique: um reformador no Portugal das luzes. Lisboa, Gradiva, 2013, 484 p. 4360. ACCIAIUOLI (Margarida). António Ferro: a vertigem da palavra: retórica, política e propaganda no Estado Novo. Lisboa, Bizâncio, 2013, 432 p.

4350. LEBOW (Katherine). Unfinished utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish society, 1949–1956. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVI-233 p.

4361. ALMEIDA DE CARVALHO (Rita). A concordata de Salazar. Lisboa, Temas e Debates, Círculo de Leitores, 2013, 642 p.

4351. MOKLAK (Jarosław). The Lemko region in the Second Polish Republic: political and interdenominational issues, 1918–1939. Kraków, Jagiellonian U. P., 2013, 178 p. (Jagiellonian Studies in History, 2).

4362. BONIFÁCIO (Maria de Fátima). Um homem singular: biografia política de Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães (1787–1858). Alfragide, D. Quixote, 2013, 470 p.

4352. MOSKAL (Anna). Im Spannungsfeld von Region und Nation. Die Polonisierung der Stadt Posen nach 1918 und 1945. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 298 p. 4353. PIĘTA-SZAWARA (Anna). Elita Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej w życiu politycznym Polski w latach 1944–1957. (The elite of the Polish Socialist Party in Poland's political life in 1944–1957). Rzeszów, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013, 181 p. 4354. Prezydenci i rządy RP na uchodźstwie 19391990: wybrane problemy z historii polskiej emigracji. (The Presidents and Governments of the Republic of Poland in Exile 1939-1990: selected issues in the history of Polish emigration). Pod redakcją Haliny TABORSKIEJ, Michaela FLEMINGA i Arkadego RZEGOCKIEGO. Londyn, Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie a. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, 2013, 301 p

4363. CARROMEU GOMES (Francisco Manuel). Arcebispo e Maçon: o padre Marcos na reforma liberal do Estado e da Igreja (1820–1851). Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2013, 354 p. 4364. CARVALHO CAMPINA (Ana Cláudia). António de Oliveira Salazar: discurso político e "retórica" dos direitos humanos. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 2013, 646 p. (Colección Vítor, 338). 4365. Making (The) of modern Portugal. Ed. by Luís TRINDADE. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, VI-318 p. 4366. PEREIRA (José Pacheco). As armas de papel: publicações periódicas clandestinas e do exílio ligadas a movimentos radicais de esquerda cultural e política (1963–1974). Lisboa, Temas e Debates, Círculo de Leitores, 2013, 598 p. 4367. PIMENTEL (Irene Flunser). História da oposição à ditadura: 1926–1974. Porto, Figueirinhas, 2013, 774 p.

4355. ROGOWSKA (Barbara). Polityka polskich władz komunistycznych wobec Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. (The policy of the Polish communist authorities towards the Roman Catholic Church). Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2013, 606 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3571).

4368. VENTURA (António). Uma história da maçonaria em Portugal: 1727–1986. Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2013, 894 p.

Addenda 2012

4369. RODRÍGUEZ-SILVA (Ileana M.). Abolition, race, and the politics of gratitude in late nineteenth-century Puerto Rico. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 4, p. 621-657.

4356. NEMENSKIJ (Oleg B.). "Prava naroda" v pravoslavnoj mysli Rechi Pospolitoj kontsa XVI – pervoj poloviny XVII veka. ("The right of the people" in the Orthodox thought of the Polish-Lithuanian Commowealth [Rzeczpospolita] in the late 16th – first half of the 17th centuries). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 4, p. 3-11. 4357. Pol'sha v XX veke. Ocherki politicheskoj istorii. (Poland in the 20th century. Essays on political history).

Cf. no 4511 Puerto Rico

Romania ** 4370. Guvernaţi şi guvernanţi. Scrisori către putere 1945–1965. (Ruled and rulers. Letters to the authorities 1945–1965). Editori Mioara ANTON şi Laurenţiu CONSTANTINIU. Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013, 447 p.



** 4371. Munca obligatorie a evreilor din România (1940–1944). Documente. (The forced labor of the Jews in Romania, 1940–1944. Documents). Editori Ana BĂRBULESCU, Alexandru FLORIAN, Alexandru CLIMESCU şi Laura DEGERATU; Prefaţă de Paul A. SHAPIRO. Bucureşti şi Iaşi, Editura Institutului Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel", Editura Polirom, 2013, 562 p. ** 4372. Politica regimului Antonescu faţă de cultele neoprotestante. Documente. (Antonescu regime's policy toward Neo-Protestant denominations. Documents). Editori Viorel ACHIM; Cuvânt înainte de Alexandru FLORIAN. Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel" şi Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013, 935 p. 4373. ANDONE (Corneliu), MOŞNEAGU (Marian), GIURCĂ (Ion), POPA (Vasile), TUCĂ (Florian). Mareşali ai României. (Romanian Marshals). Coordonatorul lucrării Teodor FRUNZETI; Coordonator ştiinţific Ion GIURCĂ. Bucureşti, Editura RAO, 2013, 368 p. 4374. ANTON (Mioara). Guvernaţi şi guvernanţi. Rapoartele generale ale sectorului scrisorilor al CC al PMR (1948–1964). (Ruled and rulers. The General Reports of the letters division of the CC of RWP, 1948–1964). Revista Istorică, 2013, 24, 3-4, p. 285-303. 4375. BURUIANĂ (Ovidiu). Construind opoziţia. Istoria politică a Partidului Naţional Liberal între anii 1927 şi 1933. (Building up the opposition. The political history of the National Liberal Party between 1927 and 1933). Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 698 p. – IDEM. Liberalii. Structuri şi sociabilităţi politice liberale în România interbelică. (The liberals. Liberal structures and political sociabilities in interwar Romania). Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 694 p. 4376. CONSTANTE (Lena). Evadarea imposibilă. Penitenciarul politic de femei Miercurea-Ciuc 1957–1961. (The impossible escape. The political penitentiary for woman in Miercurea-Ciuc 1957–1961). Ediţie îngrijită, cuvânt înainte şi note de Ioana BOT. Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2013, 279 p. 4377. DASCALIUC (Lorin Constantin). Asasinatele legionare în anii '30. (Legionary murders in the '30). Botoşani, Editura Quadrat, 2013, 144 p. 4378. DIACONU (Adriana). Construire contre l'État en République socialiste de Roumanie (1947–1989). Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 71-82. 4379. FRÜHMESSER (Thomas). Hans Otto Roth. Biographie eines rumäniendeutschen Politikers (1890–1953). Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 332 p. 4380. GEISSBÜHLER (Simon). Blutiger Juli. Rumäniens Vernichtungskrieg und der vergessene Massenmord an den Juden 1941. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 241 p. 4381. GUZUN (Vadim). Indezirabilii. Aspecte mediatice umanitare şi de securitate privind emigraţia din Uniunea Sovietică în România interbelică. (The undesirables.

Media, humanitarian issues regarding the emigration from the Soviet Union in Romania during the interwar period). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 489 p. 4382. Inszenierte Gegenmacht von rechts. Die "Legion Erzengel Michael" in Rumänien 1918–1938. Hrsg. v. Armin HEINEN und Oliver Jens SCHMITT. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 400 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 150). 4383. Liberalismul românesc. Tendinţe, structuri, personalităţi. (Romanian liberalism. trends, structures, personalities). Volum editat de Liviu BRĂTESCU şi Ovidiu BURUIANĂ. Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 332 p. 4384. MARIAN (Cosmin Gabriel). Romanian parliamentary elections: 1990–2012: stability and stir. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 136 p. 4385. Partidul şi Securitatea. Istoria unei idile eşuate (1948–1989). (The Communist Party and the Securitate. The history of a failed romance, 1948–1989). Editori Florian BANU şi Luminiţa BANU. Iaşi, Editura Demiurg, 2013, 781 p. 4386. PĂUNOIU (Diana-Mihaela). Sărbătoare şi propagandă în timpul regelui Carol al II-lea (1938–1940). (Festival and propaganda during the reign of Carol II, 1938–1940). Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, 210 p. 4387. PLOSCARU (Cristian). Originile "Partidei nationale" din Principatele Române. Sub semnul politicii boiereşti (1771–1821). (The origins of "The National Party" in the Romanian Principalities. Under the sign of Boyars'policy, 1771–1821). Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 780 p. 4388. Securitatea şi intelectualii din România anilor '80. (The Securitate and the intellectuals of Romania in the '80s). Ediţie îngrijită, selecţia documentelor şi studiu introductiv de Liviu ŢĂRANU. Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 193 p. 4389. "Şi nu ne duce e noi în ispită ...". România şi "războaiele minţii": manipulare, propagandă şi dezinformare (1978–1989). ("And lead us not into temptation ..." Romania and "The wars of the mind": manipulation, propaganda and dezinformation, 1978–1989). Studiu introductiv, selecţia documentelor şi indice de nume Florian BANU. Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 433 p. 4390. TOFAN (Liviu). Şacalul Securităţii. Teroristul Carlos în solda spionajului românesc. (The Securitate jackal. Carlos the terrorist working for Romanian espionage). Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013, 256 p. 4391. VEITH (Martin). Unbeugsam – Ein Pionier des rumänischen Anarchismus. Panait Musoiu. Lich, Verlag Edition AV, 2013, 340 p. 4392. VERZEA (Mihaela Cristina). Partidul-Stat. Structuri politice (1948–1965). (The single-party state. Political structures, 1948–1965). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 478 p.

§ 2. History by countries 4393. ZAMFIRESCU (Dinu). Cârtiţele Securităţii. Agenţi de influenţă din exilul românesc (The Securitate moles. Agents of influence of the Romanian exile). Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2013, 256 p. Addendum 2012 4394. CLARK (Roland). European fascists and local activists. Romania's legion of the Archangel Michael (1922–1938). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2012, 496 p. Russia * 4395. KELLY (Catriona). What was Soviet studies and what came next? [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 1, p. 109-149. 4396. Anatomy (The) of Terror. Political violence under Stalin. Ed. by James HARRIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 352 p. 4397. BEMPORAD (Elissa). Becoming Soviet Jews: the Bolshevik experiment in Minsk. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XIV-276 p. (Modern Jewish experience). 4398. DVOŘÁK (Jan), HRADILEK (Adam). Perzekuce československých Židů v Sovětském svazu za druhé světové války. (The persecution of Czechoslovak Jews in the Soviet Union during World War II.). Historie – Otázky – Problémy, 2013, 1, p. 105-120. 4399. GANZENMÜLLER (Jörg). Russische Staatsgewalt und polnischer Adel. Elitenintegration und Staatsausbau im Westen des Zarenreiches (1772–1850). Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 425 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte Osteuropas, 46). 4400. GELLATELY (Robert). Stalin's curse: battling for communism in war and Cold War. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 477 p. 4401. GETTY (J. Arch). Practicing Stalinism: bolsheviks, boyars, and the persistence of tradition. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XVIII-359 p. 4402. HORNSBY (Robert). Protest, reform and repression in Khrushchev's Soviet Union. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-313 p. (New studies in European history). 4403. INGOLD (Felix Philipp). Der große Bruch. Russland im Epochenjahr 1913. Kultur, Gesellschaft, Politik. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 2013, XX-645 p. 4404. KUXHAUSEN (Anna). From the womb to the body politic: raising the nation in enlightenment Russia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XIII228 p. 4405. LOVELL (Stephen). Glasnost' in practice: public speaking in the era of Alexander II. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 127-158. 4406. LYANDRES (Semion). The fall of tsarism. Untold stories of the February 1917 revolution. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIX-322 p.


4407. MERLET (Pierre). L'opposition communiste en URSS: les trotskystes (1923–1938). (Tome 1. 1923– 1927: la lutte antibureaucratique dans le parti bolchevique). Pantin, Les bons caractères, 2013, 144 p. (Eclairage. Histoire, 11). 4408. MILLER (Burton Richard). Rural unrest during the first Russian Revolution: Kursk Province, 1905– 1906. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2013, XIV-448 p. (Historical studies in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 1). 4409. MOINE (Nathalie). La perte, le don, le butin. Civilisation stalinienne, aide étrangère et biens trophées dans l'Union soviétique des années 1940. Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 317-355. 4410. NEUTATZ (Dietmar). Träume und Alpträume. Eine Geschichte Russlands im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Beck, 2013, 688 p. (Europäische Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert). 4411. SMITH (Jeremy). Red nations: the nationalities experience in and after the USSR. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIX-391 p. 4412. Structure of Soviet history (The). Essays and documents. Ed. by Ronald Grigor SUNY. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 717 p. 4413. VELIKANOVA (Olga). Popular perceptions of Soviet politics in the 1920s: disenchantment of the dreamers. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XV251 p 4414. WORTMAN (Richard). Russian monarchy: representation and rule: collected articles. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2013, XXVI-332 p. (Imperial encounters in Russian history). 4415. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa). Transporter le secret d'État. La profession des coursiers en URSS, 1930–1960. Genèses, 2013, 90 (1), p. 85-104. 4416. Zerfall (Der) der Sowjetunion. Ursachen – Begleiterscheinungen – Hintergründe. Hrsg. v. Martin MALEK und Anna SCHOR-TSCHUDNOWSKAJA. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2013, 504 p. Addenda 2012 ** 4417. Moskva v 1812 godu. Vospominanija, pis'ma i oficial'nye dokumenty iz sobranija otdela pis'mennykh istochnikov Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeja. (Moscow in 1812: memoirs, letters and official papers from the collection of Department of sources of the State Historical Museum). Ed. Andrej D. JANOVSKIJ, Fedor A. PETROV. Moskva, Rukopisnye pamjatniki Drevnej Rusi, 2012, 446 p. (20 f. ill.; b/w ill.; map; tabl.; pers. ind. p. 437-445; bibl. incl.). ** 4418. "Otchiznu obnjala krovavaja zabota...": Rukopisnoe nasledie Otechestvennoj vojny 1812 goda v sobranijakh Pushkinskogo doma. ("La patrie saisie par une fièbre ardente"...: L'héritage manuscrit de la Guerre patriotique de 1812 dans le collections de la Maison Pouchkine). Ed. Gleb V. MARKELOV. Russian



Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian literature (the Pushkin House). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Pushkinskogo Doma, 2012, 448 p. (ill.; facs.; pers. ind. p. 436439; geogr. ind. p. 439-440; bibl. p. 441). ** 4419. Sledstvennoe delo bol'shevikov: Materialy predvaritel'nogo sledstvija o vooruzhennom vystuplenii 3–5 ijulja 1917 goda v gorode Petrograde protiv gosudarstvennoj vlasti. Ijul'–oktjabr' 1917 goda. Sbornik dokumentov v 2-kh knigakh. (Investigative files of the Bolsheviks: Documents of investigative actions on the armed rebellion of July 3rd–5th, 1917 in Petrograd against state authority. July to October, 1917. Collection of sources in 2 vol.). Vol. 1. Vol. 2. Part 1–2. Ed. Ol'ga K. IVANTSOVA. State Archive of Russian Federation. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 989, 822, 687 p. ** 4420. Spor o Rossii: V.A. Maklakov – V.V. Shul'gin. Perepiska 1919–1939 gg. (Discussions about Russia. Vasilij A. Maklakov – Vasilij V. Shul'gin: the letters, 1919–1939). Ed. Oleg V. BUDNITSKIJ. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History, Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Higher School of Economics, Historical Department. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 439 p. (8 f. b/w ill.; pers. ind. p. 427-434; bibl. incl.). (Russian treasures of Hoover tower). ** 4421. Takticheskij tsentr. Dokumenty i materialy. (Tactical centre: Documents and materials). Ed. Valentin V. SHELOKHAEV. Russian State Archive of social and political history, State Archive of Russian Federation, Central Archive of FSB [et al.]. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 758 p. (pers. ind. p.746-758). (Russian political parties. The end of 19th – early 20th centuries. Sources). 4422. BABKOV (Dmitrij I.). Gosudarstvennye i natsional'nye problemy v mirovozzrenii V.V. Shul'gina v 1917–1939 godakh. (State and national issues in the views of Vasilij V. Shul'gin, 1917–1939). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 303 p. (bibl. p. 263-287; list of works of Vasily V. Shul'gin p. 288-300; pers. ind. p. 301-302). 4423. BULDAKOV (Vladimir P.). Utopija, agressija, vlast'. Psikhosotsial'naja dinamika postrevoljutsionnogo vremeni. Rossija, 1920–1930-e gg. (Utopia, agression, authority: psychological and social dynamics of the post-revolutionary period in Russia, 1920–1930s). State Archive of Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of social and political history, International Memorial, President Centre of Boris N. Yeltsin [et al.]. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 760 p. (History of Stalinism). 4424. Dejateli liberal'nogo dvizhenija v Rossii. Seredina XVIII – 1917 god. Spravochnik i elektronnaja baza dannykh. (The politicians of liberal movement in Russia. From the middle of 18th century to 1917. Handbook and database directory). Ed. Nikolaj V. MAKAROV. State Archive of Russian Federation, Institute of public thought. Moskva, Pamjatniki istoricheskoj mysli, 2012, 775 p. (suppl.: 1 CD-ROM; bibl. incl.). 4425. GUSAROVA (Ksenija O.). "Nasuschnaja pischa proletariata": konstruirovanie proletarskoj identichnosti v SSSR 1920-kh gg. (The "vital food of proletariat":

construction of the proletarian identity in the USSR of the 1920s). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 5, p. 7183. 4426. MEL'NIKOVA (Ljubov' V.), SEKIRINSKIJ (Sergej S.), PODMAZO (Aleksandr A.) [et al.]. Otechestvennaja vojna 1812 goda v kul'turnoj pamjati Rossii: K 200-letiju pobedy Rossii v Otechestvennoj vojne 1812 goda. (The Patriotic War of 1812 in cultural memory of Russia: to the 200th anniversary of Russian victory in the Patriotic war of 1812). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, Kuchkovo pole, 2012, 448 p. 4427. PAPKOV (Sergej A.). Obyknovennyj terror. Politika stalinizma v Sibiri. (Ordinary terror. The policy of Stalinism in Siberia). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 440 p. (History of Stalinism). 4428. RYAN (James). Lenin's Terror. The ideological origins of early Soviet state violence. London, Routledge, 2012, XI-272 p. 4429. SAVCHENKO (Viktor A.). Neoficial'naja Odessa epokhi nepa (mart 1921 – sentjabr' 1929). (Unofficial Odessa in the times of the "New Economic Policy", March 1921 to September 1929). State Archive of Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of social and political history, International Memorial, President Centre of Boris N. Yeltsin [et al.]. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 289 p. (History of Stalinism). 4430. SHNEJDER (Konstantin I.). Mezhdu svobodoj i samoderzhaviem: istorija rannego russkogo liberalizma. Monografija. (Between freedom and autocracy: history of early Russian liberalism. A study). Russian society of intellectual history, Perm' State University. Perm', Izdvo Perm. gos. un-ta, 2012, 230 p. 4431. TJUTJUKIN (Stanislav V.). Aleksandr Kerenskij. Stranitsy politicheskoj biografii (1905–1917 gg.). (Alexandr Kerenskij: a sketch of political biography, 1905–1917). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 311 p. (The persons of Russia). 4432. TSIBUL'NIKOVA (Anastasija A.). Kazachki Kubani v kontse XVIII – seredine XIX v.: spetsifika povsednevnoj zhizni v uslovijakh voennogo vremeni. Monografija. (Cossack women of Kuban in the end of 18th – middle of 19th centuries: features of everyday life in the wartime). Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, Department of general and regional history. Armavir, Poliprint, 2012, 236 p. 4433. VATLIN (Aleksandr Ju.). "Nu i nechist' ". Nemetskaja operatsija NKVD v Moskve i Moskovskoj oblasti 1936–1941 gg. ("What's a riffraff"! "German operation" of the NKVD in Moscow and Moscow oblast, 1936–1941). Moskva. ROSSPEN, 2012, 342 p. (History of Stalinism). Cf. nos 7540, 5128, 6249 Saudi Arabia ** 4434. Expansion (The) of Wahhabi power in Arabia, 1798–1932: British documentary records. Vol. 1.

§ 2. History by countries 1798–1848. Vol. 2. 1853–1870. Vol. 3. 1871–1901. Vol. 4. 1902–1916. Vol. 5. 1917–June 1920. Vol. 6. July 1920–December 1924. Vol. 7. 1925–1928. Vol. 8. 1929–1932. Ed. by A.L.P. BURDETT. Cambridge, Cambridge Archive Editions, 2013, 8 vol., [s. p.]. 4435. CRONIN (Stephanie). Tribes, coups and princes: building a modern army in Saudi Arabia. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 1, p. 2-28. Senegal 4436. D'ANGELO (Sébastiano). Politique et marabouts au Sénégal: 1854–2012. Louvain-La-Neuve, AcademiaL'Harmattan, 2013, 352 p. (Thélème). 4437. JONES (Hilary). The métis of Senegal: urban life and politics in French West Africa. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XI-276 p. 4438. Tolerance, democracy, and Sufis in Senegal. Ed. by Mamdou DIOUF. New York, Columbia U. P., 2013, IX-282 p. Serbia 4439. CVETKOVIĆ (Srđan). Između srpa i čekića. 3 Oblici otpora komunističkom režimu u Srbiji 1944– 1991. (Between the heart and the hammer. Three forms of resistance to the communist regime in Serbia 1944– 1991). Beograd, Institut za Savremenu Istoriju, 2013, 526 p. (Studije i monografije). 4440. GORDY (Eric). Guilt, responsibility and denial. The past at stake in Post-Milošević Serbia. University Park, PA, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 288 p. 4441. HALDER (Marc). Der Titokult. Charismatische Herrschaft im sozialistischen Jugoslawien. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 368 p. 4442. Jugoslawien in den 1960er Jahren. Auf dem Weg zu einem (a)normalen Staat? Hrsg. v. Hannes GRANDITS und Holm SUNDHAUSSEN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 325 p. 4443. MÜNNICH (Nicole). Belgrad zwischen sozialistischem Herrschaftsanspruch und gesellschaftlichem Eigensinn. Die jugoslawische Hauptstadt als Entwurf und urbane Erfahrung. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 444 p. 4444. SAJTI (Enikő A.), JUHÁSZ (József), MOLNÁR (V. Atilla). A titói rendszer megszilárdulása a Tisza mentén (1945–1955) = Konsolidacija Titovog režima na Potisju (1945–1955). (The consolidation of Tito Yugoslavia, 1945–1955). Zenta, Zentai Történelmi Levéltár, MNL Csongrád Megyei Levéltár, Vajdasági Magyar Felsőoktatási Kollégium, 2013, 377 p. (Titói Jugoszlávia levéltári forrásai – Archivski izvori Titove Jugoslavije, 4)..Tito (Josip Broz) k2croatia; k2slovenia; k2bosnia; k2montenegro; k2macedonia Addenda 2012 4445. NIKIFOROV (Konstantin V.). Serbija na Balkanakh. XX vek. (Serbia on the Balkans, 20th century). Мoskva, Indrik, 2012, 176 p.


4446. SPASENIĆ (Jelena). The shadows of the past. A study of life-world and identity of Serbian youth after the Milošević regime. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, 2012, 303p. Sierra Leone 4447. ANDERSON (Richard). The diaspora of Sierra Leone's liberated Africans: enlistment, forced migration, and "Liberation" at Freetown, 1808-1863. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 101-138. 4448. HARRIS (David). Sierra Leone: a political history. London, Hurst & Company, 2013, VII-232 p. Singapore 4449. KOH (Ernest). Diaspora at war: the Chinese of Singapore between empire and nation, 1937–1945. Leiden, Brill, 2013, VIII-165 p. (Chinese overseas: history, literature, and society 1876–3847, 6). Slovakia 4450. BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián), ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava). Storočie procesov: súdy, politika a spoločnosť v moderných dejinách Slovenska. (The century of trials: tribunals, politics and society in the modern history of Slovakia). Bratislava, Veda, 2013, 272 p. 4451. DOELLINGER (David). Turning prayers into protests: religious-based activism and its challenge to state power in socialist Slovakia and East Germany. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2013, XII-288 p. 4452. KAMENEC (Ivan). Tragédia politika, kňaza a človeka: (Dr. Jozef Tiso 1887–1947). (The tragedy of a politician, priest and a man: [Dr. Jozef Tiso 1887– 1947]). Bratislava, Premedia Group s.r.o., 2013, 196 p. 4453. KOBUS (Andrzej). Poľské akcenty v českom a slovenskom samizdate a v exilových publikáciách v 80. rokoch 20. storočia. (Polish accents in Czech and Slovak Samizdats and in exile publications of the 1980s). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 1, p. 159-166. 4454. KOKORÁK (Ján). Die deutsche Minderheit in der Slowakei 1918–1945: die Parteienlandschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen deutschungarischer Tradition und deutsch-national(sozialistischem) Gedankengut. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2013, 324 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 90). 4455. KOVÁČ (Dušan). Ladislav Novomestský-Meakulpínsky: a zápas o moderné Slovensko. (Ladislav Novomestský-Meakulpínsky and the Struggle for the modern Slovakia). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 242 p. 4456. LETZ (Róbert), VAŠŠ (Martin), ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava), PODOLEC (Ondrej). Slováci pri budovaní základov Československej republiky: prvé desaťročie Československej republiky. (Slovaks at the construction of the foundations of the Czechoslovak Republic: the 1st decade of the Czechoslovak Republic). Bratislava, Literárne informačné centrum, 2013, 479 p.



4457. LONDÁK (Miroslav), MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). 20 rokov samostatnej Slovenskej republiky: jedinečnosť a diskontinuita historického vývoja. (Twenty years of independent Slovak Republic. uniqueness and disconituity of historical development). Bratislava, Veda, 2013, 679 p. 4458. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír), LONDÁK (Miroslav). Gustáv Husák: moc politiky – politik moci. (Gustáv Husák the power of politics – the politician of power). Bratislava, Veda, 2013, 1067 p. 4459. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). Za hranicou sloboda 1948–1953: (Dakoty "slobody" a vlak do Selbu). (Freedom behind the border 1948–1953 [Dakotas of "freedom" and train to Selb]). Bratislava, Veda, 2013, 340 p. 4460. MICHNIAK (Paweł Jacek). Kwestia słowacka w Czechosłowacji w latach 1945–1948. (Slovak question in Czechoslovakia in 1945–1948). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo DiG, 2013, 287 p. 4461. PEŠEK (Jan). Štátna moc a spoločnosť na Slovensku: 1945–1948–1989. (Political power and society in Slovakia. 1945–1948–1989). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 320 p. 4462. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava). Slovenská národná strana 1918–1938. (The Slovak national party 1918– 1938). Bratislava, Kalligram, 2013, 348 p. 4463. SIKORA (Stanislav). Po jari krutá zima: politický vývoj na Slovensku v rokoch 1968–1971. (After spring came the harsh winter: the political development in Slovakia from 1968 till 1971). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 283 p. – IDEM. The development of the leadership of the Communist Party of Slovakia from August 1968 to April 1969. In Historický časopis, 2013, 61, Supplement, p. 129-152. 4464. WARD (James Mace). Priest, politician, collaborator. Jozef Tiso and the making of fascist Slovakia. Ithaca, NY, Cornell U. P., 2013, 362 p. Cf. nos 3674, 3675, 3676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3681, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3686, 3688, 3690, 3691, 3693, 3694, 3696, 3697, 3698, 3700, 3702, 3703, 3704, 3705, 3706, 3707, 3708, 3709, 4085 Slovenia 4465. PEROVŠEK (Jurij). O demokraciji in jugoslovanstvu: slovenski liberalizem v kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji. (On democracy and Yugoslavism: Slovenian liberalism in the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2013, 320 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja/Recognitiones, 20). 4466. PRINČIČ (Jože). Pot do slovenske narodnogospodarske suverenosti 1945–1991. (Path towards Slovenian national-economic sovereignty 1945–1991). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2013, 388 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja, 19). Cf. nos 4441, 4442, 4444 Somalia 4467. KAPTEIJNS (Lidwien). Clan cleansing in Somalia: the ruinous legacy of 1991. Philadelphia, University

of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 308 p. (Pennsylvania studies in human rights). South Africa 4468. BADAT (Saleem). The forgotten people. Political banishment under apartheid. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, 364 p. 4469. BUTLER (Anthony). The Idea of the ANC [African National Congress]. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, VII-139 p. (Ohio short histories of Africa). 4470. GLASER (Clive). The ANC [African National Congress] Youth League. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, 168 p. 4471. HADFIELD (Leslie). Challenging the status quo: young women and men in Black consciousness community work, 1970s South Africa. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 247-267. 4472. ODENDAAL (André). The Founders: the origins of the ANC [African National Congress] and the struggle for democracy in South Africa. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, XV-569 p. 4473. REYNOLDS (Pamela). War in Worcester: youth and the apartheid state. New York, Fordham U. P., 2013, XII-239 p. (Forms of living). 4474. VAN HEYNINGEN (Elizabeth). The concentration camps of the Anglo-Boer War. A social history. Johannesburg, Jacana, 2013, XVII-391 p. Addenda 2012 4475. DAVIDSON (Appolon B.). Istoricheskij opyt Afrikanskogo natsional'nogo kongressa. (Historical experience of the African national congress). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 6, p. 103-112. 4476. ELLIS (Stephen). External mission: the ANC [African National Congress] in exile, 1960–1990. London, Hurst & Co., 2012, XII-384 p. Cf. nos 4721 Spain 4477. ALPERT (Michael). The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-374 p. 4478. CARIDAD SALVADOR (Antonio). El ejército y las partidas carlistas en Valencia y Aragón (1833–1840). Valencia, Universitat de Valéncia, 2013, 364 p. (Història). 4479. CARO CANCELA (Diego). El anarcosindicalismo y la victoria del frente popular en las elecciones de 1936. Historia social, 2013, 76, p. 45-66. 4480. CASTILLO DEL CARPIO (José María). La Generalitat valenciana durante el siglo XVI: su estructura burocrática, sus competencias, sus hombres. Valencia, Universitat de València, 2013, 229 p. 4481. Conservadores y tradicionalistas en la España del siglo XX. Coordinador Antonio CAÑELLAS MAS. Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2013, 287 p. (Estudios históricos La Olmeda. Colección Piedras angulares).

§ 2. History by countries 4482. Cortes (Las) de Cádiz y los significados políticos del primer liberalismo español: absolutistas y liberales aragoneses en Cortes (1810–1814). Coordinador Alberto SABIO ALCUTÉN. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, Diputación de Huesca, 2013, 136 p. 4483. CULLA I CLARÀ (Joan B.). Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya 1931–2012: una història política. Barcelona, La Campana, 2013, 778 p. öööS.181, Z. 8 4484. Culturas políticas monárquicas en la España liberal: discursos, representaciones y prácticas, 1808–1902. Ed. por Encarnación GARCÍA MONERRIS, Mónica MORENO SECO y Juan I. MARCUELLO BENEDICTO. Valencia, Universitat de València, 2013, 338 p. (Història). 4485. Democracia y mundo rural en España. Ed. por Antonio HERRERA GONZÁLEZ DE MOLINA y John MARKOFF. Madrid, Marcial Pons, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2013, 227 p. (Ayer. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 89/1). 4486. DOWLING (Andrew). Catalonia since the Spanish Civil War: reconstructing the nation. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2013, VII-213 p. (Sussex studies in Spanish history). – IDEM. The leading role of the party: Catalan communism and the Franco regime, 1939– 1975. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 3, p. 489507. 4487. Falange: las culturas políticas del fascismo en la España de Franco (1936–1975). Ed. por Miguel Á. RUIZ CARNICER. Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico", Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2013, 420 p. (Colección Actas. Historia). 4488. GIL PECHARROMÁN (Julio). El Movimiento Nacional (1937–1977). Barcelona, Planeta, 2013, 404 p. (EspañaEscrita, EE:34). 4489. Guerra (De la) al consenso: el lenguaje de la dictadura y de la democracia en España. Ed. por Julio PÉREZ SERRANO y Rebeca VIGUERA RUIZ. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2013, 470 p. (Historia del tiempo presente, 6). 4490. HENRY (Buckley). The life and death of the Spanish Republic: a witness to the Spanish Civil War. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 431 p. 4491. HERNÁNDEZ (Claudio). Franquismo a ras del suelo: zonas grises, apoyos sociales y actitudes durante la dictadura (1936–1976). Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2013, 447 p. 4492. Historia de la época socialista: España: 1982– 1996. Ed. por Álvaro SOTO CARMONA y Abdón MATEOS LÓPEZ. Asociación de Historiadores del Presente. Congreso Internacional (2011: Madrid). Madrid, Sílex, 2013, 505 p 4493. Izquierdas radicales (Las) más allá de 1968. Ed. por Emanuele TREGLIA. Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Marcial Pons, 2013, 250 p. (Ayer, 92). 4494. LORENZANA DE LA PUENTE (Felipe). La representación política en el Antiguo Régimen: las Cortes


de Castilla, 1655–1834. Madrid, Congreso de los Diputados, 2013, 1550 p. (Monografías, 98). 4495. MORENO ALONSO (Manuel). Proceso en Cádiz a la Junta Central, 1810–1812: un ensayo sobre el derrumbamiento del poder en la guerra de la Independencia. Madrid, Sílex, 2013, 404 p. (Historia contemporánea). 4496. MORENO SÁEZ (Francisco). La construcción de la democracia en la provincia de Alicante, 1977–1982. Alicante, Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Diputación de Alicante, 2013, 749 p. (Ensayo e investigación). 4497. Nacionalización (La) en España. Ed. por Alejandro QUIROGA y Ferran ARCHILÉS. Madrid, Marcial Pons, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2013, 246 p. (Ayer, Revista de Historia Contemporánea; 90). 4498. No solo miedo: actitudes políticas y opinión popular bajo la dictadura franquista (1936–1977). Ed. por Miguel Ángel DEL ARCO BLANCO, Carlos FUERTES MUÑOZ, Claudio HERNÁNDEZ BURGOS y Jorge MARCO. Granada, Editorial Comares, 2013, 232 p. (Historia). 4499. Partidos (Los) en la Transición: las organizaciones políticas en la construcción de la democracia española. Ed. por Rafael QUIROSA-CHEYROUZE Y MUÑOZ. Congreso Internacional "Historia de la Transición en España" (5th: 2011: Almería). Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2013, 423 p. (Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 4500. PEÑALBA (Mercedes). Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul: la integración del carlismo en Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (1936–1942). Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2013, 152 p. (Investigación sobre el carlismo). 4501. PEYROU (Florencia). A great family of sovereign men: democratic discourse in nineteenth-century Spain. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 2, p. 235256. 4502. QUIROSA-CHEYROUZE Y MUÑOZ (Rafael). Gabriel Morón Díaz (1896–1973): trayectoria política de un socialista español. Almería, Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2013, 817 p. 4503. Relatos de plomo: historia del terrorismo en Navarra, 1960–1986. Ed. por Javier MARRODÁN. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2013, 589 p. 4504. RICHARDS (Michael). After the Civil War: making memory and re-making Spain since 1936. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-393 p. 4505. RODRÍGUEZ BARREIRA (Óscar J.). Miserias del poder: los poderes locales y el nuevo Estado franquista 1936–1951. Valencia, Universitat de València, 2013, 445 p. (Història i memòria del franquisme). 4506. SÁNCHEZ MANTERO (Rafael). Miradas sobre España: estudios de historia contemporánea. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2013, 248 p. (Historia y geografía, 253). 4507. SMITH (Eric R.). American relief aid and the Spanish Civil War. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2013, XII-191 p.



4508. THOMAS (Maria). The faith and the fury: the construction of anticlerical collective identities in Spain, 1874–1931. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 1, p. 73-95. 4509. VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA (Joaquín). La monarquía doceañista (1810–1837): avatares, encomios y denuestos de una extraña forma de gobierno. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2013, 479 p. (Marcial Pons Historia) Addenda 2012 4510. ANIKEEVA (Natal'ja E.). Ispanskie sotsialisty u vlasti (2004–2011 gody). (Spanish socialists in power, 2004–2011). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 2, p. 8094. 4511. Iberijskie strany: trudnyj start v XXI vek. (Iberian countries: hard start to the 21st century = Países Ibéricos: el inicio complicado del siglo XXI = Países Ibéricos: o começo complexo do século XXI). Ed. Nailja M. JAKOVLEVA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Latin America, Center of Iberoamerican studies. Moskva, Izd-vo ILA RAN, 2012, 216 p.

2013, XIII-269 p. (Durham modern Middle East and Islamic world series). 4520. LEONARDI (Cherry). Dealing with government in South Sudan. Histories of chiefship, community and state. Suffolk, James Currey, 2013, 271 p. – IDEM. South Sudanese Arabic and the negotiation of the local state, c. 1840–2011. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 351-372. 4521. SERELS (Steven). Starvation and the state: famine, slavery, and power in Sudan, 1883–1956. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XXIV-253 p. (Palgrave series in Indian ocean world studies). Sweden 4522. ALKARP (Magnus). Fyra dagar i april: påskkravallerna i Uppsala 1943. (Quatre jours en avril: les manifestations de Pâques 1943 à Uppsala). Lund, Historiska media, 2013, 253 p. (pl.). 4523. ARTEUS (Gunnar). Gustav III: s hov. (La Cour de Gustave III). Stockholm, Medström, 2013, 159 p. (ill.).

4512. JAKOVLEV (Petr P.). Ispanija: vyzovy i riski novogo politicheskogo tsikla. (Spain: risks and challenge of new political cycle). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Latin America, Center of Iberoamerican studies. Moskva, Izd-vo ILA RAN, 2012, 135 p.

4524. BERGNER (Petter). Med historien som motståndare. SKP/VPK/V och det kommunistiska arvet 1956– 2006. (Avec l'histoire comme adversaire. Le parti communiste suédois et l'héritage communiste, 1956–2006). Stockholm, Atlas, 2013, 564 p.

4513. LUGSCHITZ (Renée). Spanienkämpferinnen. Ausländische Frauen im spanischen Bürgerkrieg 1936– 1939. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2012, 213 p.

4525. BLOMQVIST (Håkan). Myten om judebolsjevismen: antisemitism och kontrarevolution i svenska ögon. (Le mythe du judéobolchévisme: antisémitisme et contrerévolution vus de Suède). Stockholm, Carlsson.13. 248p. (ill.).

4514. SINEL'SCHIKOVA (Irina G.). Immigratsionnaja praktika Ispanii: riski, masshtaby, reglamentatsii. (Immigration practice of Spain: risks, scales, regulation = La práctica española de inmigratión: riesgos, escala y reglamentación). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Latin America, Center of Iberoamerican studies. Moskva, Izd-vo ILA RAN, 2012, 146 p. Sri Lanka 4515. HUGHES (Dhana). Violence, torture, and memory in Sri Lanka: life after terror. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XII-189 p. (Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian studies series). 4516. KUMARASINGHAM (Harshan). Political legacy of the British Empire: power and the parliamentary system in post-colonial India and Sri Lanka. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, 320 p. Sudan 4517. BASSIL (Noah R.). The post-colonial state and civil war in Sudan: the origins of conflict in Darfur. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XII-263 p. (International library of African studies, 34). 4518. BERRIDGE (William). The ambiguous role of the popular, society and public order police in Sudan, 1983–2011. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 4, p. 528546. 4519. ISMAEL (Tareq Y.). The Sudanese Communist Party: ideology and party politics. London, Routledge,

4526. Bortom det acceptablas gränser: Bengt Lidforss och det tidiga 1900-talets lundaradikalismen. (Audelà des limites de l'acceptable: Bengt Lidforss (1868– 1913) et le radicalisme de Lund au début du 20e siècle). Reds.: Bengt Olle BENGTSSON, Gunnar BROBERG. Lund, Ellerström, 2013, 283 p. 4527. ETZLER (Aron). Reinfeldteffekten: hur nya moderaterna tog över makten i Sverige och skakade socialdemokraterna i grunden. (L'effet Reinfeldt: comment les néoconservateurs ont pris le pouvoir en Suède et ébranlé en profondeur les sociaux-démocrates). Stockholm, Karneval, 2013, 332 p. 4528. Förnyelse eller förfall: svenska försvaret efter kalla krigets slut. (Renouvellement ou déclin: la défense suédoise après la fin de la Guerre froide). Red. Fredrik ERIKSSON. Huddinge, Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertörns högskola, 2013, 100 p. (Samtidshistoriska frågor, 25). 4529. HIGGINS (Winton), DOW (Geoff). Politics against pessimism: social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss. Bern a. New York, Peter Lang, 2013, 477 p. 4530. LAPIDUS (John). Why such a permissive attitude towards monopolistic associations? Social democracy up to the first Swedish law on cartels in 1925. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 65-88.

§ 2. History by countries 4531. ÖSTBERG (Kjell), ANDERSSON (Jenny). Sveriges historia 1965–2012. (Histoire de Suède de 1965 à 2012). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2013, 549 p. (ill.). 4532. PRYTZ (Cristina). Familjen i kronans tjänst. Donationspraxis, förhandling och statsformering under svenskt 1600-tal. (La famille au service de la Couronne. Pratiques de donation, négociation et formation de l'Etat au 17e siècle en Suède). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2013, 260 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 248). 4533. Reaching a state of hope. Refugees, immigrants and the Swedish welfare state 1930–2000. (Réfugiés, immigrants et l'Etat-providence suédois 1930–2000). Reds.: Mikael BYSTRÖM, Pär FROHNERT. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2013, 368 p. 4534. SCHERP (Joakim). De ofrälse och makten: en institutionell studie av Riksdagen och de ofrälse ståndens politik i maktdelningsfrågor 1660-1682. (Les roturiers et le pouvoir. Etude institutionnelle de la Diète (Riksdag) suédoise et de la politique des ordres non privilégiés en matière de répartition des pouvoirs entre 1660 et 1682). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2013, 375 p. (Stockholm studies in history, 96). 4535. SVANBERG (Mikael). Den svenska revolutionen: demokratisyner på kollisionskurs: debatter inför författningsreformen 1974. (La révolution suédoise: la démocratie en danger ? Les débats avant la réforme constitutionnelle de 1974). Karlstad, Karlstads universitet, 2013, 96 p. (Politiska och historiska studier, 2013:1). 4536. TISTEDT (Petter). Visioner om medborgerliga publiker: medier och socialreformism på 1930-talet. (Visions de publics citoyens: les médias et le social-réformisme en Suède dans les années 1930). Höör, Brutus Östlings förlag Symposion, 2013, 350 p. (ill.). 4537. Vad staten vill: mål och ambitioner i svensk politik. (Ce que veut l'Etat: objectifs et ambitions dans la politique suédoise). Red. Daniel TARCHYS, Marja LEMNE. Möklinta, Gidlund, 2013, 401 p. TARCHYS (Daniel), LEMNE (Marja) Addendum 2012 4538. KORUNOVA (Evgenija V.). Osobennosti shvedskogo natsional-sotsializma v 1920–1930-e gody. (Features of the Swedish National-Socialism in 1920–1930s). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 3, p. 59-71.


4542. KREIS (Georg). Walter Stuckis Aufruf an die Nation von 1937. Projekt einer eidgenössischen Sammelbewegung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 1, p. 19-47. 4543. MONNIER (Eric), EXCHAQUET-MONNIER (Brigitte). Retour à la vie. L'accueil en Suisse romande d'anciennes déportées françaises de la Résistance (1945– 1947). Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil, 2013, 411 p. 4544. NEIDHART (Leonhard). Politik und Parlament der Schweiz: ein Rückblick in das 20. Jahrhundert. Zürich, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2013, 779 p. (NZZ libro). 4545. NONOSE (Koji). Shūkyō kaikaku to nōdosei: Suisu to seinan Doitsu no jinkaku-teki shihai. (The reformation and serfdom: A history of the personal servitude in Switzerland and southwestern Germany). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2013, 520 p. 4546. WÜRGLER (Andreas). Die Tagsatzung der Eidgenossen. Politik, Kommunikation und Symbolik einer repräsentativen Institution im europäischen Kontext (1470–1798). Epfendorf, bibliotheca academica, 2013, 717 p. (Frühneuzeit-Forschungen, 19). 4547. ZIMMERMANN (Dorothe). Den Landesstreik erinnern. Antikommunistische Aktivitäten des Schweizerischen Vaterländischen Verbandes 1919–1948. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 479504. Syria 4548. FLETCHER (Robert S. G.). Running the corridor: nomadic societies and Imperial rule in the interwar Syrian desert. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 185215. 4549. LEFÈVRE (Raphaël). Ashes of Hama: the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. London: Hurst & Co., 2013, 273 p. 4550. PIERRET (Thomas). Religion and state in Syria: the Sunni Ulama from Coup to Revolution. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-276 p. Tanzania


4551. BENDER (Matthew V.). Being 'Chagga': natural resources, political activism, and identity on Kilimanjaro. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 199220.

** 4539. GRABER (Rolf). Wege zur direkten Demokratie in der Schweiz: eine kommentierte Quellenauswahl von der Frühneuzeit bis 1874. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 487 p.

4552. BJERK (Paul). The allocation of land as a historical discourse of political authority in Tanzania. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 2, p. 255-282.

4540. GUTTMANN (Aviva). Ernst Cinceras nichtstaatlicher Staatsschutz im Zeichen von Antisubversion, Gesamtverteidigung und Kaltem Krieg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 1, p. 65-86.

4553. FAIR (Laura). Drive-in Socialism: debating modernities and development in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. American historical review, 2013, 118, 4, p. 10771104.

4541. KREIS (Georg). Insel der unsicheren Geborgenheit. Die Schweiz in den Kriegsjahren 1914–1918. Zürich, Neue Zürcher Zeitung – Buchverlag, 2013, 225 p.

4554. WILSON (Amrit). Threat of liberation: imperialism and revolution in Zanzibar. London, Pluto Press, 2013, XII-175 p.



4555. Knights of the realm: Thailand's military and police, then and now. Ed. by Paul CHAMBERS. Bangkok, White Lotus Press, 2013, XVIII-721 p. 4556. WARREN (James Alastair). Gambling, the state and society in Thailand, c. 1800–1945. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XVI-244 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 82). Tunisia 4557. MAGGIOLINI (Paolo). Innovazione e conservazione in Tunisia: tempi, luoghi e discorsi del campo politico tunisino (1955–2011). Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 139, 2, p. 47-94. 4558. MONTANA (Ismael M.). The abolition of slavery in Ottoman Tunisia. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XXIII-205 p. Turkey 4559. Art (L') de l'État en Turquie: arrangements de l'action publique de la fin de l'Empire ottoman à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Marc AYMES, Benjamin GOURISSE et Élise MASSICARD. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2013, 428 p. (Meydan). 4560. BAJALAN (Djene Rhys). Between conformism and separatism: a Kurdish Students' Association in Istanbul, 1912 to 1914. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 5, p. 805-823. 4561. BALSOY (Gülhan). The politics of reproduction in Ottoman society, 1838–1900. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, X-180 p. (Body, gender and culture, 12). 4562. BEN-BASSAT (Yuval). Rural reactions to Zionist activity in Palestine before and after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 as reflected in petitions to Istanbul. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 3, p. 349-363. 4563. BLUMI (Isa). Ottoman refugees, 1878–1939: migration in a post-imperial world. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, XVII-274 p. 4564. ÇETINKAYA (Y. Doğan). The young Turks and the boycott movement: nationalism, protest and the working classes in the formation of modern Turkey. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, XI-291 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 41). 4565. DEAL (Roger A.). War refugees and violence in Hamidian Istanbul. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 2, p. 179-190.

4569. GAWRYCH (George W.). The young Atatürk. From Ottoman soldier to statesman of Turkey. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 287 p. 4570. GÜRPINAR (Doğan). The reinvention of Kemalism: between elitism, anti-elitism and anti-intellectualism. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 3, p. 454-476. 4571. KAYA (Ayhan). Europeanization and tolerance in Turkey: the myth of toleration. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-259 p. (Identities and modernities in Europe). 4572. KOSE (Talha). Between nationalism, modernism and secularism: the ambivalent place of 'Alevi Identities'. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 4, p. 590-607. 4573. LAMPROU (Alexandros). Nationalist mobilization and state-society relations: the people's houses' campaign for Turkish in Izmir, June–July 1934. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 5, p. 824-839. 4574. LÉVY (Noémı). Ordre et désordres dans l'Istanbul ottomane, 1879–1909: de l'état au quartier. Paris, Karthala, 2013, 347 p. (Meydan). 4575. MASSICARD (Elise). The Alevis in Turkey and Europe: identity and managing territorial diversity. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 2013, VII-244 p. 4576. Negotiating political power in Turkey: breaking up the party. Ed. by Élise MASSICARD and Nicole F. WATTS. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XV200 p. 4577. ONARAN (Burak). Détrôner le sultan: deux conjurations à l'époque des réformes ottomanes: Kuleli (1859) et Meslek (1867). Paris, Peeters, 2013, XXXI477 p. (Collection Turcica, 18). 4578. ÖZBUDUN (Ergun). Party politics and social cleavages in Turkey. London a. Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2013, X-154 p. 4579. PELT (Mogens). Military intervention and crisis democracy in Turkey: the Menderes era and its demise. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, VIII-301 p. (Library of modern Turkey, 1). 4580. Turkey in the Cold War: ideology and culture. Ed. by Cangül ÖRNEK and Çagdas ÜNGÖR. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-223 p.

4566. DÖŞEMECI (Mehmet). Debating Turkish modernity: civilization, nationalism, and the EEC. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-231 p.

4581. VAROL (Muharrem). Islahat siyaset tarikat: Bektaşiliğin ilgası sonrasında Osmanlı Devleti'nin tarikat politikaları (1826–1866): Yanya, Selanik ve Edirne tatbikatı. (The Tarikat's policies of Ottoman state after abolishing of the Bektashi order, 1826–1866). İstanbul, Dergâh Yayınları, 2013, 488 p. (Tarih serisi, 35).

4567. ERICKSON (Edward J.). Ottomans and Armenians. A study in counterinsurgency. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-299 p.

4582. WASTI Syed (Tanvir). A Distinguıshed and loyal Ottoman civil servant: Hüseyin Nâzım Pasha. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 3, p. 364-382.

4568. FUJINAMI (Nobuyoshi). Decentralizing centralists, or the political language on provincial administration in the second Ottoman constitutional period. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 6, p. 880-900.

4583. YANIKDAĞ (Yücel). Healing the nation: prisoners of war, medicine and nationalism in Turkey, 1914–1939. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U. P., 2013, IX303 p.

§ 2. History by countries 4584. YILMAZ (Hale). Becoming Turkish. Nationalist reforms and cultural negotiations in early Republican Turkey (1923–1945). New York, Syracuse U. P., 2013, 328 p. (Modern intellectual and political history of the Middle East). 4585. YILMAZ (Özcan). La formation de la nation kurde en Turquie. Genève, Graduate Institute Publications, 2013, 254 p. (Collection International). Uganda 4586. SJÖGREN (Anders). Between militarism and technocratic governance: state formation in contemporary Uganda. Kampala, Fountain Publishing a. Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, 2013, XI-299 p. Ukraine ** 4587. Partiĭno-radiansʹke kerivnytstvo USRR pid chas holodomoru 1932–1933 rr.: vozhdi, pratsivnyky, aktyvisty: zbirnyk dokumentiv ta materialiv. (PartyUkrainian SSR Soviet government during the famine in 1932–1933: Leaders. Employees. Activists. Collection of documents and materials). Uporiadnyky: Valeriĭ VASYLʹIEV, Nicolas VERT, Sergeĭ Anatolʹevich KOKIN. Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2013, 442 p. 4588. HILLIS (Faith). Children of Rus': right-bank Ukraine and the invention of a Russian nation. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, IX-329 p. 4589. KUŚNIERZ (Robert). W świecie stalinowskich zbrodni: Ukraina w latach czystek i terroru (19341938) w obserwacjach i analizach MSZ oraz wywiadu wojskowego Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. (In the world of Stalinist crimes: Ukraine in the years of purges and terror [1934–1938] in the observations and analyzes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and military intelligence of the Second Republic). Słupsk, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej, 2013, 425 p. 4590. PAPAKIN (Georgiĭ Vladimirovich). Chorna doshka: antyseliansʹki represiï (1932–1933). (Black board: anti-peasant repressions, 1932–1933). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2013, 418 p. 4591. Vidnosyny derzhavy, suspilʹstva i osoby pid chas stvorennia radiansʹkoho ladu v Ukraïni (1917– 1938 rr.). (Relationship of the State, Society and Person during the constructer of the soviet system in Ukraine, 1917–1938). Redaktor V.A. SMOLIĬ. Kyïv, Natsionalʹna akademiia nauk Ukraïny, 2013, 2 vol., 775 p., 812 p. Addendum 2012 4592. KOTLJARCHUK (Andrej S.). "V kuznitse Stalina": Shvedskie kolonisty Ukrainy v totalitarnykh eksperimentakh XX veka. ("In the Stalin's forge": Swedish colonists of Ukraine in totalitarian experimentations of the 20th century). State Archive of Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of social and political history, International Memorial, President Centre of Boris N. Yeltsin [et al.]. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 222 p. (History of Stalinism). Cf. nos 4429, 7528

185 United states of America

4593. After slavery: race, labor, and citizenship in the reconstruction South. Ed. by Bruce E. BAKER and Brian KELLY. Afterword by Eric FONER. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, VIII-266 p. (New Perspectives on the History of the South). 4594. All men free and brethren: essays on the history of African American Freemasonry. Ed. by Peter P. HINKS and Stephen KANTROWITZ. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XV-262 p. 4595. ANDERSEN (Lisa M. F.). The politics of prohibition: American governance and the Prohibition Party, 1869–1933. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-317 p. 4596. ASH (Stephen V.). A massacre in Memphis: the race riot that shook the nation one year after the Civil War. New York: Hill and Wang, 2013, XIV-269 p. 4597. BARKER (Gordon S.). Fugitive slaves and the unfinished American Revolution: Eight Cases, 1848– 1856. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2013, VII221 p. 4598. BINNINGTON (Ian). Confederate visions: nationalism, symbolism, and the imagined South in the Civil War. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2013, IX-198 p. (Nation Divided: studies in the Civil War era). 4599. BLOODWORTH (Jeffrey). Losing the center: the decline of American liberalism, 1968–1992. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, 345 p. 4600. BLOOM (Joshua), MARTIN (Waldo E.). Black against empire: the history and politics of the Black Panther Party. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XII-539 p. 4601. BOTTOMS (D. Michael). An aristocracy of color: race and reconstruction in California and the West, 1850–1890. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XIII-274 p. (Race and Culture in the American West, 5). 4602. BURT (John). Lincoln's tragic pragmatism: Lincoln, Douglas, and moral conflict. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, XVII-814 p. 4603. BYNUM (Thomas L.). NAACP youth and the fight for Black Freedom, 1936–1965. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2013, XXI-226 p. 4604. BYRD (James P.). Sacred scripture, sacred war: the Bible and the American Revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-243 p. 4605. CARLE (Susan D.). Defining the struggle: national organizing for racial justice, 1880–1915. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-404 p. 4606. CARRIGAN (William D.), WEBB (Clive). Forgotten dead: mob violence against Mexicans in the United States, 1848–1928. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-304 p.



4607. CASSANELLO (Robert). To render invisible: Jim Crow and public life in New South Jacksonville. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XV-188 p. 4608. CHAPUT (Erik J.). The people's martyr: Thomas Wilson Dorr and his 1842 Rhode Island rebellion. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XIII-322 p. 4609. CHENG (Cindy I-Fen). Citizens of Asian America: democracy and race during the Cold War. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XII-273 p. (Nation of newcomers: immigrant history as American history).

4621. DUNNE (Matthew W.). A Cold War state of mind: brainwashing and postwar American society. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, XII281 p. (Culture, politics, and the Cold War). 4622. EFFORD (Alison Clark). German immigrants, race, and citizenship in the Civil War era. New York, Cambridge U. P. a. Washington, German Historical Institute, 2013, X-267 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 4623. ELLIS (Sylvia). Freedom's pragmatist: Lyndon Johnson and Civil Rights. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XII-328 p.

4610. COLEMAN (Arica L.). That the blood stay pure: African Americans, Native Americans, and the predicament of race and identity in Virginia. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XXII-300 p. (Blacks in the Diaspora).

4624. FELDMAN (Glenn). The irony of the solid South: Democrats, Republicans, and race, 1865–1944. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2013, XIX-459 p.

4611. COLLEY (Zoe A.). Ain't scared of your jail: arrest, imprisonment, and the Civil Rights Movement. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, X-158 p. (New perspectives on the history of the South).

4625. FERGUSON (Karen). Top down: the Ford Foundation, black power, and the reinvention of racial liberalism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 327 p. (Politics and culture in modern America).

4612. CRAIG (Douglas B.). Progressives at war: William G. McAdoo and Newton D. Baker 1863–1941. Baltimore, Routledge, 2013, 501 p.

4626. FIXICO (Donald L.). Indian resilience and rebuilding: indigenous nations in the modern American West. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2013, XI284 p. (Modern American West).

4613. CRIBLEZ (Adam). Parading patriotism: Independence Day celebrations in the urban Midwest, 1826– 1876. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2013, XXII-193 p. (Early American places). 4614. DAL LAGO (Enrico). William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini: abolition, democracy, and radical reform. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XVI-269 p. (Conflicting worlds: new dimensions of the American Civil War). 4615. DANIELS (Maurice C.). Saving the soul of Georgia: Donald L. Hollowell and the struggle for civil rights. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, XIX-285 p. 4616. DARIEN (Andrew T.). Becoming New York's finest: race, gender, and the integration of the NYPD [New York Police Department], 1935–1980. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XX-279 p. 4617. DELTON (Jennifer A.). Rethinking the 1950s: how anticommunism and the Cold War made America liberal. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 198 p. 4618. DEVINE (Thomas W.). Henry Wallace's 1948 presidential campaign and the future of postwar liberalism. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIV-408 p. 4619. DOODY (Colleen). Detroit's Cold War: the origins of postwar conservatism. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, VIII-175 p. (Working class in American history). 4620. DRAKE (Brian Allen). Loving nature, fearing the state: environmentalism and antigovernment politics before Reagan. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2013, XV-245 p. (Weyerhaeuser environmental books).

4627. FLEEGLER (Robert L.). Ellis Island nation: immigration policy and American identity in the twentieth century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 270 p. (Haney Foundation series). 4628. FOLEY (Michael Stewart). Front porch politics: the forgotten heyday of American activism in the 1970s and 1980s. New York, Hill and Wang, 2013, X-401 p. 4629. FREDERICKSON (Kari). Cold War dixie: militarization and modernization in the American South. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, XII-226 p. (Politics and culture in the twentieth-century South). 4630. FRIEDMAN (Andrew). Covert capital: landscapes of denial and the making of U.S. empire in the suburbs of Northern Virginia. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, 416 p. (American Crossroads, 37). 4631. FRYDL (Kathleen J.). The drug wars in America, 1940–1973. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X447 p. 4632. FURE-SLOCUM (Eric). Contesting the postwar city: working-class and growth politics in 1940s Milwaukee. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-396 p. 4633. GILMORE (Stephanie). Groundswell: grassroots feminist activism in postwar America. New York, Routledge, 2013, X-178 p. 4634. GLEESON (David T.). The green and the gray: the Irish in the Confederate States of America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII307 p. (Civil war America). 4635. GOODALL (Alex). Loyalty and liberty: American countersubversion from World War I to the McCarthy

§ 2. History by countries era. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, VIII-322 p.ööööS 187 Z 2 4636. GOODIER (Susan). No votes for women: the New York State anti-suffrage movement. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, IX-255 p. (Women in American history). 4637. GREASON (Walter David). Suburban erasure: how the suburbs ended the Civil Rights Movement in New Jersey. Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2013, VIII-215 p. 4638. GRILLOT (Thomas). La deuxième tombe de Sitting Bull. Métamorphoses coloniales dans l'Amérique du XXe siècle. Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 135-168. 4639. HALL (Mark David). Roger Sherman and the creation of the American Republic. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-224 p. 4640. HAMPTON (Isaac). The black officer corps: a history of Black military advancement from integration through Vietnam. New York, Routledge, 2013, XIV241 p. 4641. HASHIKAWA (Kenryu). Nōsongata jigyō to Amerika shihonshugi no taidō: Kyōwakoku shoki no keizai nettowāku to toshi kinkō. (Rural enterprise in the rise of American capitalism: Land-based small businesses in New Jersey and emerging economic networks in the early republic). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 207 p. (American and the Pacific studies series). 4642. HUSTWIT (William P.). James J. Kilpatrick: salesman for segregation. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, IX-310 p. 4643. HUTTON (T. R. C.). Bloody breathitt: politics and violence in the Appalachian South. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, XII-430 p. (New directions in Southern history). 4644. James Buchanan and the Coming of the Civil War. Ed. by John W. QUIST and Michael J. BIRKNER. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, X-289 p.


4650. KERR-RITCHIE (Jeffrey R.). Freedom's seekers: essays on comparative emancipation. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XXVI-229 p. (Antislavery, abolition, and the Atlantic World). 4651. KLAPPER (Melissa R.). Ballots, babies, and banners of peace: American Jewish women's activism, 1890–1940. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XI-290 p. 4652. KREBS (Daniel). A generous and merciful enemy: life for German prisoners of war during the American Revolution. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XV-376 p. (Campaigns and commanders, 38). 4653. LAUGHLIN-SCHULTZ (Bonnie). The tie that bound us: the women of John Brown's family and the legacy of radical abolitionism. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, IX-276 p. 4654. MAC DANIEL (W. Caleb). The problem of democracy in the age of slavery: Garrisonian abolitionists and transatlantic reform. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XIV-344 p. (Antislavery, abolition, and the Atlantic World). 4655. MANTLER (Gordon K.). Power to the poor: Black-Brown coalition and the fight for economic justice, 1960–1974. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, 362 p. (Justice, power, and politics). 4656. MARAK (Andrae M.), TUENNERMAN (Laura). At the border of empires: the Tohono O'odham, gender, and assimilation, 1880–1934. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2013, XIII-209 p. 4657. Marines (Les) de la guerre d'Indépendance américaine. 1. L'instrument naval. Sous la dir. de Olivier CHALINE, Philippe BONNICHON et Charles-Philippe DE VERGENNES. Paris, Presses universitaires Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 453 p. (Histoire maritime). 4658. MARSHALL (James P.). Student activism and civil rights in Mississippi: protest politics and the struggle for racial justice, 1960–1965. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XXVI-300 p.

4645. JEFFREYS-JONES (Rhodri). The American Left: its impact on politics and society since 1900. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, VII-264 p.

4659. MARTIN (Robert W. T.). Government by dissent: protest, resistance, and radical democratic thought in the early American Republic. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XI-262 p.

4646. JENKINS (William). Between raid and rebellion: the Irish in Buffalo and Toronto, 1867–1916. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, XIX-511 p. (McGill-Queen's Studies in Ethnic History, 2.33).

4660. MARTINEZ (Jaime Amanda). Confederate slave impressment in the upper South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, 233 p. (Civil War America).

4647. JONES (William P.). The march on Washington: jobs, freedom, and the forgotten history of civil rights. New York: W. W. Norton, 2013, XXI-296 p.

4661. MIECZKOWSKI (Yanek). Eisenhower's Sputnik moment. The race for space and world prestige. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, 368 p.

4648. KEEHN (David C.). Knights of the Golden circle: secret empire, Southern secession, Civil War. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, VII-308 p. (Conflicting worlds: new dimensions of the American Civil War).

4662. MILLETT (Nathaniel). The Maroons of Prospect Bluff and their quest for freedom in the Atlantic World. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XIII345 p.

4649. KELMAN (Ari). A misplaced massacre: struggling over the memory of Sand Creek. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XIII-363 p.

4663. MORAN (Christopher Richard). The Last Assignment: David Atlee Phillips and the birth of CIA public relations. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 337-355.



4664. MORENO (Paul D.). The American state from the Civil War to the New Deal: the twilight of constitutionalism and the triumph of progressivism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-349 p. 4665. MORRIS-CROWTHER (Jayne). The political activities of Detroit clubwomen in the 1920s: a challenge and a promise. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2013, X217 p. (Great lakes books). 4666. NICHOLS (Roger L.). Warrior nations: the United States and Indian peoples. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XIII-237 p.

4679. SARTAIN (Lee). Borders of equality: the NAACP and the Baltimore civil rights struggle, 1914– 1970. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, 235 p. (Margaret Walker Alexander series for African American studies). 4680. SCANLON (Sandra). The pro-war movement: domestic support for the Vietnam War and the making of modern American conservatism. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, XIII-424 p. (Culture, politics, and the Cold War).

4667. NORWOOD (Stephen H.). Antisemitism and the American far left. Cambridge, MA, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 328 p.

4681. SCOTT (Katherine A.). Reining in the state: civil society and congress in the Vietnam and Watergate eras. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, X-233 p.

4668. O'BRIEN (M. J.). We shall not be moved: the Jackson Woolworth's sit-in and the movement it inspired. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, XII-340 p.

4682. SHELDEN (Rachel A.). Washington brotherhood: politics, social life, and the coming of the Civil War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII-281 p. (Civil War America).

4669. PASLEY (Jeffrey L.). The first presidential contest: 1796 and the founding of American democracy. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XI-516 p. (American presidential elections).

4683. SHERMER (Elizabeth Tandy). Sunbelt capitalism: Phoenix and the transformation of American politics. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, VIII-424 p. (Politics and culture in Modern America).

4670. PEATMAN (Jared). The long shadow of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Carbondale, Southern Illinois U. P., 2013, XVII-244 p. 4671. PERRY (Lewis). Civil disobedience: an American tradition. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XV-407 p.

4684. SKOTNES (Andor). A new deal for all? Race and class struggles in depression-era Baltimore. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XV-375 p. (Radical perspectives).

4672. PROSTERMAN (Daniel O.). Defining democracy: electoral reform and the struggle for power in New York City. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-276 p.

4685. SOLL (David). Empire of water: an environmental and political history of the New York City water supply. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-283 p.

4673. PURNELL (Brian). Fighting Jim Crow in the County of Kings: the Congress of racial equality in Brooklyn. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, IX-353 p. (Civil rights and the struggle for Black equality in the twentieth century).

4686. STIEGLITZ (Olaf). Undercover. Die Kultur der Denunziation in den USA. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 395 p.

4674. RAMOLD (Steven J.). Across the divide: Union soldiers view the Northern home front. New York, New York U. P., 2013, IX-223 p. 4675. Recollections of a Tejano life: Antonio Menchaca in Texas history. Ed. by Timothy M. MATOVINA and Jesús F. DE LA TEJA. With the collaboration of Justin POCHÉ. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013, X190 p. (Jack and Doris Smothers series in Texas history, life, and culture). 4676. ROBINSON (Todd E.). A city within a city: the black freedom struggle in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2013, XIX-226 p. 4677. ROHDE (Joy). Armed with expertise: the militarization of American social research during the Cold War. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-213 p. (American institutions and society). 4678. SALAFIA (Matthew). Slavery's borderland: freedom and bondage along the Ohio river. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 320 p. (Early American studies).

4687. STORRS (Landon R. Y.). The second Red Scare and the unmaking of the New Deal Left. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XIII-404 p. (Politics and society in twentieth-century America). 4688. TARTER (Brent). The grandees of government: the origins and persistence of undemocratic politics in Virginia. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2013, IX-453 p. 4689. TAYLOR (Nikki M.). America's first Black socialist: the radical life of Peter H. Clark. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, 308 p. 4690. TEWELL (Jeremy J.). A self-evident lie: Southern slavery and the threat to American freedom. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2013, VII-168 p. (American abolitionism and antislavery). 4691. THEOHARIS (Jeanne). The rebellious life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. Boston: Beacon Press, 2013, XVI304 p. 4692. THORNDIKE (Joseph J.). Their fair share: taxing the rich in the age of FDR. Washington, Urban Institute Press, 2013, XII-349 p.

§ 2. History by countries 4693. THURBER (Timothy N.). Republicans and race: the GOP's frayed relationship with African Americans, 1945–1974. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, IX-500 p. 4694. TORRES-ROUFF (David Samuel). Before L.A.: race, space, and municipal power in Los Angeles, 1781– 1894. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIII-361 p. (Lamar series in Western history). 4695. UMOJA (Akinyele Omowale). We will shoot back: armed resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XII-339 p. 4696. VERNET (Julien). Strangers on their native soil: opposition to United States' governance in Louisiana's Orleans territory, 1803–1809. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, VI-210 p. 4697. VINEL (Jean-Christian). The employee: a political history. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 293 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 4698. WIDELL (Robert W.). Birmingham and the Long Black Freedom Struggle. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-270 p. (Contemporary Black history). 4699. WILKINS (David E.). Hollow justice: a history of indigenous claims in the United States. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIX-249 p. (Henry Roe Cloud series on American Indians and modernity). 4700. WILLIAMS (Jakobi). From the bullet to the ballot: the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party and racial coalition politics in Chicago. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XVI-285 p. (John Hope Franklin series in African American history and culture). 4701. WILLIAMS (Mason B.). City of ambition: FDR, La Guardia, and the making of modern New York. New York, W. W. Norton, 2013, XVII-494 p. 4702. YOUNG (Alfred C.). Lee's army during the Overland Campaign: a numerical study. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XIV-428 p. 4703. YOUNG (Nancy Beck). Why we fight: congress and the politics of World War II. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XIII-366 p. Addenda 2012 4704. CHERNJAVSKIJ (Georgij I.). Franklin Ruzvel't. (Franklin D. Roosevelt). Moskva, Molodaja Gvardija, 2012, 542 p. (18 f. b/w ill.; bibl. incl.). 4705. KABASERVICE (Geoffrey). Rule and ruin: the downfall of moderation and the destruction of the Republican Party, from Eisenhower to the Tea Party. New York, Oxford U. P., 2012, XX-492 p. (Studies in postwar American political development). 4706. Statisticheskaja istorija SShA XVII – nachala XXI vv. (Statistical history of USA, 17th – early 21st century). Ed. Vladimir V. SOGRIN. Russian Academy of


Sciences, Institute of General History. Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, 2012, 234 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 232-233). Cf. no 4033 Uruguay 4707. CAETANO (Gerardo), GEYMONAT (Roger), GREISING (Carolina), SÁNCHEZ (Alejandro). El "Uruguay laico": matrices y revisiones (1859–1934). Montevideo, Taurus, 2013, 470 p. (Pensamiento). 4708. Historia conceptual: voces y conceptos de la política oriental (1750–1870). Coordinador Gerardo CAETANO. Montevideo, Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, Iberconceptos, 2013, 234 p. (Colección Pasado/futuro). 4709. PORRINI (Rodolfo). Las izquierdas y el carnaval: Montevideo, 1920–1950. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 101-116. 4710. RABINOVICH (Alejandro Martin). La société guerrière: pratiques, discours et valeurs militaires dans le Rio de la Plata, 1806–1852. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 348 p. (Des Amériques). 4711. WEGNER (Sonja). Zuflucht in einem fremden Land: Exil in Uruguay 1933–1945. Berlin, Assoziation A, 2013, 375 p. Uzbekistan 4712. WENNBERG (Franz). On the edge: the concept of progress in Bukhara during the rule of the later Manghits. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2013, 215 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, 22). Venezuela 4713. ALCIBÍADES (Mirla). Mujeres e independencia: Venezuela, 1810–1821. Caracas, Archivo General de la Nación, Centro Nacional de Historia, Casa Nacional de las Letras Andrés Bello, 2013, 298 p. (Colección Bicentenario, 16). 4714. CICCARIELLO-MAHER (George). We created Chávez: a people's history of the Venezuelan revolution. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XI-320 p. 4715. TARDIEU (Jean-Pierre). Resistencia de los negros en la Venezuela colonial: representaciones y planteamientos semiológicos. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2013, 263 p. (Tiempo emulado, 31). 4716. Venezuela y sus orígenes republicanos, 19 de abril 1810, 5 de julio de 1811: Jornadas Reflexiones de la Venezuela Histórica. Compilador Miguel PREPO CUSATI. Caracas, Universidad Monteávila, Fundación Bancaribe para la Ciencia y la Cultura, 2013, 470 p. 4717. ZAHLER (Reuben). Ambitious rebels: remaking honor, law and liberalism in Venezuela, 1780– 1850. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2013, XVII330 p.



Vietnam ** 4718. PHẠM (Thị Huệ). Phong trào dân tộcdân chủ ở Nam Kỳ 1930–1945: nghiên cứu qua tài liệu lưu trữ. (Nationalist-Democratic Movement in Cochinchine 1930–1945: research through archives). Hà Nội, Nhà xuất bản chính trị quốc gia-sự thật, 2013, 399 p. 4719. MILLER (Edward). Misalliance: Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and the fate of South Vietnam. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 419 p. 4720. SEKIMOTO (Noriko). Shokuminchi ki hokubu Betonamu no doryōkō tōitsu giron to sono haikei. (Discussion on the standardization of weights and measures in Northern Vietnam during the colonial period). Tonan Ajia, Rekishi to Bunka, 2013, 42, p. 32-58. Cf. no 7774


Cf. n 3616, 3666, 4465 Zimbabwe 4721. MAC MILLAN (Hugh). The Lusaka years: the ANC in exile in Zambia, 1963–1994. Auckland Park, Jacana Media, 2013, 357 p. 4722. MUNOCHIVEYI (Munyaradzi Bryn). The political lives of Rhodesian detainees during Zimbabwe's liberation struggle. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 2, p. 283-304. 4723. RANGER (Terence). Writing revolt: an engagement with African nationalism, 1957–1967. Suffolk, James Currey, 2013, 218 p. 4724. SCHMIDT (Heike I.). Colonialism and violence in Zimbabwe: a history of suffering. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2013, XVI-287 p.


§ 1. General. 4725-4764. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4765-4906. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4907-4919. – § 4. Protestantism. 4920-4981. – § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 4982-5026. § 1. General. ** 4725. RITSCHL (Albrecht), HERRMANN (Wilhelm). Briefwechsel 1875-1889. Hrsg. v. Christophe CHALAMET [et al.]. Tubingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XII, 520 p.

und die Ustaša im historischen Vergleich. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, 283 p. 4734. DRØNEN (Tomas Sundnes). Pentecostalism, globalisation, and Islam in northern Cameroon: megachurches in the making? Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-260 p.


4726. Angels, demons and the New World. Ed. by Fernando CERVANTES and Andrew REDDEN. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-318 p. 4727. Antitrinitarische Streitigkeiten: die tritheistische Phase, 1560 – 1568. Hrsg. v. Irene DINGEL und Kȩstutis DAUGIRDAS. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, IX, 622 p.(Controversia et Confessio: theologische Kontroversen, 80. Kritische Auswahledition, 9). 4728. ARIEL (Yaakov). An unusual relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York, New York U. P., 2013, X-307 p. (Goldstein-Goren series in American Jewish history). 4729. AUBERT (Annette G.). The German roots of nineteenth-century American theology. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-402 p. 4730. Cristianismos en America latina: tiempo presente, historias y memorias. Coord. Elisabeth JUDD, Fortunato MALLIMACI y Yves SOLIS [et al.]. Buenos Aires, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, 2013, 295 p. 4731. Critique du zèle. Fidélités et radicalités confessionnelles. France, XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Chrystel BERNAT et Frédéric GABRIEL. Paris, Beauchesne, 2013, 308 p. (Théologie historique). 4732. Cultural conversions: unexpected consequences of Christian missionary encounters in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. Ed. by Heather J. SHARKEY. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2013, XIV-328 p. 4733. DINU (Radu Harald). Faschismus, Religion und Gewalt in Südosteuropa. Die Legion Erzengel Michael

4735. Eastern Christianity in the Modern Middle East. Ed. by Anthony O'MAHONY and Emma LOOSLEY. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013 – XIII, 208 p. 4736. Écrire l'histoire du christianisme contemporain: autour de l'oeuvre d'Etienne Fouilloux. Sous la dir. de Annette BECKER, Frèdéric GUGELOT, Denis PELLETIER et Nathalie VIET-DEPAULE. Paris, Karthala, 2013, 445 p. 4737. Eglises (Les), les religions et la Shoah. Sous la dir. de Renée DRAY-BENSOUSAN. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2013, 358 p. 4738. FORCLAZ (Bertrand). L' expérience de la différence religieuse dans l'Europe moderne: (XVIe-XVIIIe siecles). Neuchâtel, Editions Alphil, 2013, 410 p. 4739. FRICK (David). Kith, kin, and neighbors: communities and confessions in seventeenth-century Wilno. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XXVI-529 p. 4740. FULLER (Robert C.). The body of faith: a biological history of religion in America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIV-231 p. (Chicago history of American religion). 4741. GAVRILYUK (Paul L.). Georges Florovsky and the Russian religious renaissance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-297 p. 4742. GAY (Jean-Pascal). Lettres de controverse. Religion, publication et espace public en France au XVIIe siècle. Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 7-41. 4743. GROßBÖLTING (Thomas). Der verlorene Himmel. Glaube in Deutschland seit 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 320 p.



4744. JOHNSON (Todd M.), GRIM (Brian J.). The worlds religions in figures: an introduction to international religious demography. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 392 p.

Ed. by Benjamin C. FORTNA, Stefanos KATSIKAS, Dimitris KAMOUZIS and Paraskevas KONORTAS. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XII-248 p. (SOAS/Routledge studies on the Middle East, 17).

4745. JÜTTE (Daniel). Interfaith encounters between Jews and Christians in the early Modern period and beyond: toward a framework. American historical review, 2013, 118, 2, p. 378-400.

4760. VONDUNG (Klaus). Deutsche Wege zur Erlösung: Formen des Religiösen im Nationalsozialismus. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 155 p.

4746. KABALA (James S.). Church-state relations in the early American republic, 1787–1846. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2013, IX-264 p. 4747. Kirchenbau (Der) zwischen Sakralisierung und Säkularisierung im 17./18. Jahrhundert und heute. Hrsg. von Eva-Maria SENG unter Mitwirkung von Gerd BRÜNE. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2013, 204 p. 4748. LINCK (Patrick-Dominique). Histoire religieuse de la Suède: (1520-1930). Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2013, 485 p. 4749. Luoghi sacri comuni (I) ai monoteismi: tra cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam. A cura di Dionigi ALBERA e Maria COUROUCLI. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 263 p. 4750. MACHÁLEK (Vít). Církve a poválečný český nacionalismus. (The churches and the post-war Czech nationalism). Theatrum historiae: sborník prací Katedry historických věd Fakulty filozofické Univerzity Pardubice, 2013, 13, p. 267-285. 4751. MIDELFORT (H. C. Erik). Witchcraft, madness, society, and religion in early modern German: a ship of fools. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2013, 1 vol. 4752. MILLER (Paul M.). Evangelical Mission in Cooperation with Catholics: a study of evangelical missiological tensions. Eugene, Wipf and Stock, 2013, 291 p. 4753. MOTTA (Franco). La fede e la spada: conflitti confessionali e pace civile nell'Europa del '600. Bologna, EDB, 2013, 64 p. 4754. OPREA (Cosmin Cristian). Tra Roma, Bucarest e Mosca: cattolici, ortodossi e regime comunista in Romania all'inizio della guerra fredda (1945-1951). Roma, Aracne, 2013, 567 p.

4761. WESLEY (Timothy L.). The politics of faith during the Civil War. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XI-273 p. 4762. Women and religion in the Atlantic age, 1550– 1900. Ed. by Emily CLARK and Mary LAVEN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 220 p. 4763. Zwischen Revolutionsschock und Schulddebatte. Münchner Katholizismus und Protestantismus im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Antonia LEUGERS. Saarbrücken, universaar, 2013, 310 p. (Theologie.Geschichte, 7). § 1. Addendum 2012. 4764. CHUMAKOVA (Tat'jana V.). Podgotovka k vsesojuznoj perepisi 1937 g. – sozdanie karty religij SSSR. (Preparation for the 1937 census: the making of the map of religions in the USSR). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 2012, 41, p. 296-316. Cf. nos 526, 817-874, 4063 § 2. Roman Catholicism. ______________________

a. General ** 4765. Carte Kanzler-Vannutelli (Le) dell'Archivio Vaticano: inventario. A cura di Vanessa POLSELLI. Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2013, XLVIII, 441 p.

4755. PRIEN (Hans-Jurgen). Christianity in Latin America. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXII-670 p.

** 4766. DECLERCK (Leo). Inventaire des Archives personnelles du cardinal J. Willebrands: secrétaire (1960– 1969) et président (1969-1989) du secrétariat pour l'unité des chrétiens, archevêque d'Utrecht (1975-1983). Avec une introduction par Karim SCHELKENS. Leuven, Maurits Sabbebibliotheek, 2013, 495 p.

4756. Protestant–Catholic conflict from the Reformation to the 21st century: the dynamics of religious difference. Ed. by John WOLFFE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 285 p.

** 4767. Documenti dell'Archivio della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali (ACO): 1894–1896. A cura di Georges-Henri RUYSSEN. Roma, Edizioni Orientalia Christiana, Lilamé, 2013, 351 p.

4757. ROGER (Alexandra). Contester l'autorité parentale: les vocations religieuses forcées au XVIIIe siècle en France. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 43-67.

** 4768. Documenti dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano (ASV): 1894–1896. A cura di Georges-Henri RUYSSEN. Roma, Orientalia Christiana, Lilamé, 2013, 686 p.

4758. SCHLERETH (Eric R.). An age of infidels: the politics of religious controversy in the Early United States. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 295 p. (Early American studies). 4759. State-nationalisms in the Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey: Orthodox and Muslims, 1830–1945.

** 4769. Documenti ufficiali della Santa Sede, 2011. A cura di Luca GRASSELLI. Bologna, EDB, 2013, XXXIX-947 p.(Strumenti. Enchiridion Vaticanum: testo ufficiale e versione italiana, 27). ** 4770. ROUTHIER (Gilles), LESAGE (Gilles). Inventaire des archives conciliaires du fonds Maurice Baudoux. Québec, Faculté de théologie et sciences reli-

§ 2. Roman Catholicism gieuses, Université Laval, 2013, 86 p. (Cahiers de recherche sur Vatican II, 6). 4771. BÄRSCH (Jürgen), HAUNERLAND (Winfried). Liturgiereform und Bistum: gottesdienstliche Erneuerung nach dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil. Regensburg, Pustet, 2013, 580 p. (Studien zur Pastoralliturgie, 36). 4772. BRAUN (Bettina). Princeps et episcopus. Studien zur Funktion und zum Selbstverständnis der nordwestdeutschen Fürstbischöfe nach dem Westfälischen Frieden. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 464 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 230). 4773. Catholicisme (Le) en chantiers: France, XIXeXXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Bruno DUMONS et Christian SORREL. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 282 p. 4774. Católicos y patriotas: iglesia y nación en la Europa de entreguerras. Coord. Alfonso BOTTI, Feliciano MONTERO y Alejandro QUIROGA. Madrid, Sílex, 2013, 328 p. 4775. Clercs (Les) et les princes: doctrines et pratiques de l'autorité ecclésiastique à l'époque moderne. Études réunies par Patrick ARABEYRE et Brigitte BASDEVANT-GAUDEMET. Paris, École des chartes, 2013, 506 p. 4776. CORRIN (Jay P.). Catholic progressives in England after Vatican II. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2013, X, 523 p. 4777. Cristiano (Un) alla corte dei Ming: Xu Guangqi e il dialogo interculturale tra Cina e Occidente. A cura di Elisa GIUNIPERO. Milano, Guerini, 2013, 303 p. 4778. DOMPNIER (Bernard). I linguaggi della convinzione religiosa: una storia culturale della riforma cattolica. Roma, Bulzoni, 2013, 267 p. 4779. Vacat. 4780. HIMES (Kenneth R.). Christianity and the political order: conflict, cooptation, and cooperation. Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 2013, XV, 359 p. 4781. KIRCHHOF (Tobias). Kirche als Einheit: zur Darstellung des Frühkatholizismus bei Johann Adam Möhler (1796–1838) und Ferdinand Christian Baur (1792–1860). Berlin, Kirchhof & Franke, 2013, 603 p. 4782. LA PARRA (Emilio), CASADO (María Ángeles). La inquisición en España: agonía y abolición. Madrid, Catarata, 2013, 222 p. 4783. MARZANO (Marco), URBINATI (Nadia). Missione impossibile: la riconquista cattolica della sfera pubblica. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 138 p. (Contemporanea, 227). 4784. MELLONI (Alberto). Il conclave: storia dell'elezione del papa. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 214 p. (Saggi, 543). 4785. MICCOLI (Giovanni). Antisemitismo e cattolicesimo. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 426 p.


4786. O'COLLINS (Gerald). The Second Vatican Council on other religions. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-214 p. 4787. Papacy, religious orders, and international politics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ed. by Massimo Carlo GIANNINI. Roma, Viella, 2013, 250 p. (I libri di Viella, 159). 4788. Papato e politica internazionale nella prima età moderna. A cura di Maria Antonietta VISCEGLIA. Roma, Viella, 2013, 649 p. (I libri di Viella, 153). 4789. ROONEY (Francis). The Global Vatican: an inside look at the Catholic Church, world politics, and the extraordinary relationship between the United States and the Holy See. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2013, 325 p. 4790. ROSA (Mario). La Curia romana nell'età moderna: istituzioni, cultura, carriere. Roma, Viella, 2013, XXIII-291 p. (La corte dei papi, 24). Cf. no 7682 b. History of the Popes ** 4791. Diari (I) di Achille Ratti. A cura di Sergio PAGANO e Gianni VENDITTI. Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2013, XLI-482 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 93) 4792. CHRISTOPHE (Paul). Benoît XVI: un pontificat contrasté. Paris, Les Éd. du Cerf, 2013, 168 p. (Histoire à vif). 4793. Diplomazia senza eserciti: le relazioni internazionali della chiesa di Pio XI. A cura di Emma FATTORINI. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 227 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 198). 4794. Gouvernement pontifical (Le) sous Pie XI: pratiques romaines et gestion de l'universel. Études réunies par Laura PETTINAROLI. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, XI-847 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 467). 4795. Paolo VI e la crisi postconciliare. Giornate di Studio, Bressanone, 25–26 Febbraio 2012, in collaborazione con Studio Teologico Accademico Bressanone / Paul VI. und die nachkonziliare Krise. Studientage, Brixen, Februar 2012, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Brixen. A cura di Jörg ERNESTI. Brescia, Istituto Paolo VI e Roma, Edizioni Studium, 2013, IX-166 p. (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI, 32). 4796. PATTENDEN (Miles). Pius IV and the fall of the Carafa: nepotism and papal authority in Counter-Reformation Rome. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 154 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 4797. SAMERSKI (Stefan). Pancratius Pfeiffer, der verlängerte Arm von Pius XII: der Salvatorianergeneral und die deutsche Besetzung Roms 1943/44. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 311 p. 4798. SCHLOTT (René). Papsttod und Weltöffentlichkeit seit 1878. Die Medialisierung eines Rituals. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 269 p.



4799. TICCHI (Jean-Marc). Le voyage de Pie VII à Paris pour le sacre de Napoléon (1804–1805). Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 599 p. (Bibliothèque d'études des mondes chrétiens, 2). 4800. VENTRESCA (Robert A.). Soldier of christ: the life of Pope Pius XII. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, 405 p. 4801. VISCEGLIA (Maria Antonietta). Morte e elezione del papa: norme, riti e conflitti. L'Età moderna. Roma, Viella, 2013, XVIII-590 p. Cf. no 7439 c. Special studies ** 4802. ANGELI (Giovanni). Lettere del Sant'Ufficio di Roma all'Inquisizione di Padova (1567-1660). Con nuovi documenti sulla carcerazione padovana di Tommaso CAMPANELLA. A cura di Antonino POPPI. Padova, Centro studi antoniani, 2013, XX-172 p. (Centro studi antoniani, 51). 4803. AL KALAK (Matteo), PAVAN (Ilaria). Un'altra fede: le case dei catecumeni nei territori estensi (1583– 1938). Firenze, Olschki, 2013, XV, 231 p. 4804. ALBERTS (Tara). Conflict and conversion: Catholicism in Southeast Asia, 1500–1700. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XVIII-242 p. 4805. BAECHLER (Christian). Clergé catholique et politique en Alsace. 1871–1940. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2013, 251 p. (Études alsaciennes et rhénanes). 4806. BALÍK (Stanislav), EIBL (Otto). Proměny postojů českých politických stran ke vztahu k církvi a státu v průběhu 19. a 20. století. (The changing positions of Czech political towards the relationship between Church and state during the 19th and 20th centuries). Sociální studia, 2013, 10, 3, p. 107-131. 4807. BALÍK (Stanislav). The Second Vatican Council and the Czechoslovak state. Religion, State and Society, 2013, 41, 1, p. 5-17. 4808. BATTELLI (Giuseppe). Società, Stato e Chiesa in Italia: dal tardo Settecento a oggi. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 207 p. (Quality paperbacks, 426). 4809. BEAUGÉ DE LA ROQUE (Pauline). Europe as a construction of the human mind: the example of the Irish Catholic Church's understanding of Europe in the late 1950's–early 1960' s. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 2, p. 243-257. 4810. BENOIST (Pierre). La monarchie ecclésiale: le clergé de cour en France à l'époque moderne. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2013, 460 p. 4811. Biblia y archivos de la Iglesia santoral hispanomozárabe en las diócesis de España. Actas del XXVI Congreso de la Asociación celebrado en Bilbao (12 al 16 de septiembre de 2011). Ed. por Agustín HEVIA BALLINA. Oviedo, Asociacion de archiveros de la Iglesia en Espana, 2013, 693 p. (Memoria ecclesiae, 38).

4812. BOŽIĆ BEGOVIĆ (Dubravka). Discipliniranje katoličkoga klera i vjernika u istočnoj Hrvatskoj krajem 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća. (Disciplining of Catholic clerics and believers in the Eastern Croatia at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries). Croatica Christiana Periodica, 2013, 37, 71, p. 79-101. 4813. BRETOS (Miguel A.). La Catedral de Mérida: la gran casa de Dios en medio de T'hó. With the collaboration of Comisión de Arte Sacro, Arquidiócesis de Yucatán. Mérida, Mexico: Cultura Yucatán, 2013, 311 p. 4814. CAMPANINI (Giorgio). La Gioventù cattolica e la svolta conciliare: Gioventù, 1957-1966. Roma, AVE, 2013, 215 p. (Ricerche e documenti 22). 4815. CANCOUËT (Michel). L'Afrique au Concile: journal d'un expert. Éd. par Daniel MOULINET. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 239 p. 4816. Cardinale (Il) Giuseppe Guarino e il suo tempo: Chiesa, movimenti, istituzioni civili nella Sicilia di fine Ottocento. Atti del Convegno di studi, Messina, 16-17 marzo 2012. A cura di Cesare MAGAZZÙ e Giovan Giuseppe MELLUSI. Messina, Società messinese di storia patria, 2013, 527 p. 4817. Catholics and the civil war. Washington, The Catholic University of America Press, 2013, 151 p. (U.S. Catholic Historian, 31, n. 1). 4818. CAZORLA-SÁNCHEZ (Antonio). Did you hear the sermon? Progressive priests, conservative catholics, and the return of political and cultural diversity in late Francoist Spain. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 3, p. 528-557. 4819. Chiesa cattolica (La) dell'Europa centro-orientale di fronte al comunismo: atteggiamenti, strategie, tattiche. A cura di András FEJÉRDY. Roma, Viella, 2013, 216 p. (Bibliotheca Academiae Hungariae, Roma 2). 4820. CHOWNING (Margaret). The Catholic Church and the ladies of the Vela Perpetua: gender and devotional change in nineteenth-century Mexico. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 197-237. 4821. "Chrétiens modérés" (Les) en France et en Europe, 1870–1960. Sous la dir. de Jacques PRÉVOTAT et Jean VAVASSEUR-DESPERRIERS; avec la collaboration de Jean-Marc GUISLIN. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 485 p. (Histoire et civilisations). 4822. CHRISTENSEN (Mark Z.). Nahua and Maya Catholicisms: texts and religion in colonial central Mexico and Yucatan. Stanford, Stanford U. P. and the Academy of American Franciscan History, 2013, XIV-318 p. 4823. Contributo (Il) dell'Azione cattolica alla costruzione della comunità nazionale italiana. A cura di Philippe CHENAUX e Paolo TRIONFINI. Roma, AVE, 2013, 223 p. 4824. DI STEFANO (Roberto). Lay patronage and the development of ecclesiastical property in Spanish Amer-

§ 2. Roman Catholicism ica: the case of Buenos Aires, 1700–1900. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 1, p. 67-98. 4825. ENGEBRETSEN (Eivind). The Catholic CounterReformation and the idea of hunger. A close reading of two appeals for alms from the Paris area in the year 1662. Social history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 477-496. 4826. FONTANA (Paolo). Riti proibiti: Liturgia e inquisizione nella Francia del Settecento. Roma, Carocci editore, 2013, 270 p. 4827. GARIGLIO (Bartolo). I cattolici dal Risorgimento a Benedetto XVI: un percorso dal Piemonte all'Italia. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 208 p. 4828. GIORDANO (Maria Laura). I "salici sterili" della religione esteriore. Sor Hipólita de Jesús e la Controriforma (1551–1699). Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 144, p. 857-888. 4829. GONZALO (Ibáñez Santa María). La ciudad cristiana y sus peripecias: el caso chileno. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Atenas, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2013, 489 p. 4830. Grenzen des katholischen Milieus. Stabilität und Gefährdung katholischer Milieus in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik und der NS-Zeit. Hrsg. v. Joachim KUROPKA. Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2013, 552 p. 4831. Hans Brask: biskop mellan påvemakt och kungamakt. (L'évêque Hans Brask [1464–1538]: entre papauté et pouvoir royal). Red.: Christina BLOMQVIST. Linköping, Stiftshistoriska sällskapet i Linköpings stift, 2013, 315 p. (ill.). (Stiftshistoriska sällskapet i Linköpings stifts skriftserie, 10). BLOMQVIST (Christina); Brask (Hans) 4832. HAYDEN (J. Michael). The Catholicisms of coutances: varieties of religion in Early Modern France, 1350–1789. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, XVI368 p. (McGill-Queen's studies in the history of religion: series two, 63). 4833. Iglesia (La) en el México colonial. Seminario de historia política y económica de la Iglesia en México. Coord. Antonio RUBIAL. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego", Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Ediciones de Educación y Cultura, 2013, 608 p. 4834. KANE (Paula M.). Sister Thorn and Catholic mysticism in modern America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-313 p.


4838. LOTTIN (Alain). Lille, citadelle de la ContreRéforme, 1598–1668. Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 540 p. 4839. LOUZAO VILLAR (Joseba). Catholicism versus laicism: culture wars and the making of Catholic national identity in Spain, 1898–1931. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 4, p. 657-680. 4840. LYNN (Kimberly). Between court and confessional: the politics of Spanish inquisitors. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-391 p. 4841. MAGDĂU (Petru), TURCU (Lucian), CÂRJA (Ion). Atitudinea Bisericii Greco-Catolice faţă de ceremonia încoronării regelui Ferdinand I şi a reginei Maria de la Alba Iulia din 1922. (The attitude ef the Greek Catholic Church towards the coronation ceremony of King Ferdinand I and Queen Marie în Alba Iulia in 1922). Annales Universitatis Apulensis, 2013, 17, nr. 1, p. 119-156. 4842. MARCOCCI (Giuseppe), PAIVA (José Pedro). História da Inquisição Portuguesa, 1536–1821 Lisbonne, A Esfera dos Livros, 2013, 607 p. 4843. MAYER (Thomas F.). The Roman Inquisition: a papal bureaucracy and its laws in the age of Galileo. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 385 p. (Haney Foundation Series). 4844. MELLONI (Alberto). Dossetti e l'indicibile. Il quaderno scomparso di "Cronache sociali": i cattolici per un nuovo partito a sinistra della Dc (1948). Roma, Donzelli, 2013, XI, 286 p. – IDEM. Tutto e niente: i cristiani d'Italia alla prova della storia. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, XII-125 p.(Sagittari Laterza, 190). 4845. MILANESCHI (Cesare). La Chiesa vetero-cattolica in Italia. Torino, Claudiana, 2013, 256 p. 4846. MOLNÁR (Antal). Die katholische Kirche auf dem osmanischen Balkan im 17. Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung, 2013, 99, p. 262-282. 4847. MYSCOFSKI (Carole A.). Amazons, wives, nuns, and witches: women and the Catholic Church in colonial Brazil, 1500–1822. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, X-308 p. (Louann Atkins Temple women and culture series). 4848. O'MALLEY (John W.). Trent: what happened at the council. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, 335 p.

4835. KRULL (Lena). Prozessionen in Preußen. Katholisches Leben in Berlin, Breslau, Essen und Münster im 19. Jahrhundert. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2013, 355 p. (Religion und Politik, 5).

4849. PERUGI (Giampaolo). 1907. La prima settimana sociale dei cattolici italiani: Pistoia, 23-28 settembre. Pistoia, Petit Plaisance, 2013, 380 p.

4836. LAVOPA (Marco). La diplomazia dei piccoli passi: l'Ostpolitik vaticana di Mons. Agostino Casaroli. Roma, GBE, 2013, 557 p. (Extravagantes, 24).

4850. PICCIAREDDA (Stefano). Le chiese indipendenti africane: una storia religiosa e politica del Novecento. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 261 p.

4837. LEON (Sharon M.). An image of god: the Catholic struggle with eugenics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, IX-226 p.

4851. PIERRE (Benoist). La monarchie ecclésiale. Le clergé de cour en France à l'époque moderne. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2013, 460 p.



4852. PLOSCARU (Ioan). Catene e terrore: un vescovo clandestino greco-cattolico nella persecuzione comunista in Romania. A cura di Marco DALLA TORRE. Bologna, EDB, 2013, 473 p.

4867. TONIZZI (Fabio), URBANI (Carlo), BERNARDI (Gianni). Napoleone e la Chiesa: il caso Venezia. A cura di Gianni BERNARDI. Venezia, Marcianum, 2013, 183 p.

4853. PORTIER (William L.). Divided friends: portraits of the Roman Catholic modernist crisis in the United States. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2013, XXIII-403 p.

4868. TRICOIRE (Damien). Mit Gott rechnen. Katholische Reform und politisches Kalkül in Frankreich, Bayern und Polen-Litauen. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 462 p. (Religiöse Kulturen im Europa der Neuzeit, 1).

4854. POUJOL (Catherine). L'Église de France et les enfants juifs des missions vaticanes à l'affaire Finaly (1944-1953). Paris, P. U. de France, 2013, 376 p.

4869. VAN OSSELAER (Tine). The pious sex: Catholic constructions of masculinity and femininity in Belgium, c.1800–1940. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2013, 272 p.

4855. Prediche e predicatori nel Seicento. A cura di Maria Luisa DOGLIO e Carlo DELCORNO. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 221 p. (Collana della Fondazione Michele Pellegrino).

4870. "Wahre" und "Falsche" Heiligkeit. Mystik, Macht und Geschlechterrollen im Katholizismus des 19. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Hubert WOLF. Oldenburg, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, X-265 p.

4856. QUARANTA (Flavio). Clero e mutuo soccorso in età giolittiana: le origini della Faci nell'arcidiocesi di Vercelli. Vercelli, Società storica vercellese, 2013, 190 p.

4871. WEBER (Sascha). Katholische Aufklärung? Reformpolitik in Kurmainz unter Kurfürst-Erzbischof Emmerich Joseph von Breidbach-Bürresheim 1763–1774. Mainz, Verlag der Gesellschaft für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte, 2013, X-405 p. (Quellen und Abhandlungen zur mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte, 132).

4857. RAMOS (Frances L.). Memoria colectiva y disensión política en la Puebla del siglo XVIII, México: el motín en honor del obispo Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 247 (3), p. 1019-1074. 4858. RECKER (Klemens-August). "Unter Preußenadler und Hakenkreuz". Katholisches Milieu zwischen Selbstbehauptung und Auflösung. Ein Beispiel aus Westfalen: Nordwalde 1850–1950. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 471 p.

4872. YOUNG (Ernest P.). Ecclesiastical colony: China's Catholic church and the French religious protectorate. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-383 p.

4859. Religione e politica in Italia: dal Risorgimento al Concilio Vaticano II. A cura di Sara ALIMENTI e Francesca CHIAROTTO. Torino, Nino Aragno, 2013, XVI456 p. (Biblioteca Aragno. Testi e studi).

4874. ZEDLER (Jörg). Bayern und der Vatikan: eine politische Biographie des letzten bayerischen Gesandten am Heiligen Stuhl Otto von Ritter (1909-1934). Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 553 p.

4860. Richard FitzRalph: his life, times and thought. Ed. by Michael W. DUNNE and Simon NOLAN. Dublin, Four Courts P., 2013, VII-216 p.

4875. ZULETA RUIZ (Fabián Beethoven). Territorio y catolicismo en Colombia: Antioquia (siglos XVII– XX). Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Vicerrectoría Académica, Editorial, 2013, 470 p. (Colección Obra selecta).

4861. RIGANO (Gabriele). La svolta razzista: controversie ideologiche tra Chiesa e fascismo. Bologna, EDB, 2013, 93 p. (Sguardi). 4862. SCHLÖGL (Rudolf). Alter Glaube und moderne Welt: Europäisches Christentum im Umbruch 17501850. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2013, 540 p. 4863. SCHWEDT (Herman H.). Die Anfänge der römischen Inquisition: Kardinäle und Konsultoren 1542 bis 1600. Freiburg, Herder, 2013, 293 p. 4864. Selbstbesinnung und Öffnung für die Moderne. 50 Jahre Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil. Hrsg. v. Jörg ERNESTI, Leonhard HELL und Günter KRUCK. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 143 p.

4873. YOUNG (Francis). English Catholics and the supernatural, 1553–1829. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 308 p.

Cf. nos 4084, 4173, 4258, 4321, 4361, 4363, 7280 d. Religious orders 4876. ALTABLE (Francisco). De la excepcionalidad política a la restricción jurisdiccional en la California franciscana (1768–1803). Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 535-590. 4877. Cinquecento monastico italiano. Atti del IX convegno di studi storici sull'Italia benedettina, San Benedetto Po (Mantova), 18-21 settembre 2008. A cura di Giovanni SPINELLI. Cesena, Badia di Santa Maria del Monte, 2013, XIII-542 p.

4865. STANFIELD-MAZZI (Maya). Object and apparition: envisioning the Christian divine in the colonial Andes. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2013, XV-264 p.

4878. GOUDOT (Grégory). Dévots et fondations de couvents en Auvergne au XVIIe siècle. Revue historique, 2013, 668, p. 833-874.

4866. Storia della Chiesa riminese. Vol. III. Dal Concilio di Trento all'età napoleonica. A cura di Samuele GIOMBI. Villa Verucchio, Pazzini e Rimini, Guaraldi, 2013, 672 p.

4879. LEHNER (Ulrich L.). Monastic prisons and torture chambers: crime and punishment in Central European monasteries, 1600–1800. Eugene, Cascade Books, 2013, 118 p.

§ 2. Roman Catholicism 4880. MAC COOG (Thomas M.). And touching our Society": fashioning Jesuit identity in Elizabethan England. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2013, XIV-476 p. 4881. MANZI (Stéphanie). Une économie de la pauvreté. La comptabilité du couvent des franciscains de Lausanne à la veille de la Réforme (1532–1536). Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 2013, 309 p. 4882. MICUS (Rosa). Die Bibliothek der ehemaligen Kartause Prüll bei Regensburg (1484-1803) mit erweiterten historischen Verzeichnissen (1803, 1595 und 1610). Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2013, VI-163 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 186.2). 4883. MOLIGNINI (Luca), FARINA (Federico). L'Abbazia di Casamari dal Concilio di Trento all'introduzione della riforma trappista (1717). Casamari, Edizioni Casamari, 2013, 363 p. 4884. Odense adeliga jomfrukloster. (Couvents séculiers pour femmes nobles à Odense). Red. Barbara ZALEWSKI. Odense, Realdania, 2013, 396 p. (ill.). 4885. PARDO-TOMÁS (José). Conversion medicine. Communication and circulation of knowledge in the Franciscan Convent and college of Tlatelolco, 1527– 1577. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 21-42. 4886. PAVONE (Sabina). I gesuiti dalle origini alla soppressione: 1540-1773. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, VIII-165 p. 4887. SCHATZ (Klaus). Geschichte der deutschen Jesuiten (1814–1983). Bd. 1. 1814–1872. Bd. 2. 1872–1917. Bd. 3. 1917–1945. Bd. 4. 1945–1983. Bd. 5. Glossar, Biogramme, Gesamtregister. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 5 vol., XXX-274 p., VI-321 p., VIII-451 p., X-534 p., V-490 p. 4888. SOUZA DE FARIA (Patricia). A conquista das almas do Oriente: franciscanos, catolicismo e poder colonial português em Goa (1540–1740). Rio de Janeiro, Faperj e 7Letras, 2013, 283 p. 4889. WOLF (Hubert). Die Nonnen von Sant'Ambrogio. Eine wahre Geschichte. München, Beck, 2013, 544 p. Cf. nos 4896, 7248 e. Missions ** 4890. Cartas anuas de la Provincia Jesuítica del Paraguay, 1663–1666, 1667–1668, 1669–1672, 1672–1675. Introducción, María Laura SALINAS; colaboración, Julio FOLKENAND. Asunción, Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica, 2013, 266 p. (Biblioteca de estudios paraguayos, 102). ** 4891. Missionnaires capucins et carmes aux Antilles. Édition critique de Bernard GRUNBERG, Benoît ROUX et Josiane GRUNBERG. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 383 p. (Corpus Antillais, 3). 4892. CASALI (Romina). Conquistando el fin del mundo: la Misión La Candelaria y la salud de la pobla-


ción Selk'nam (Tierra del Fuego 1895–1931). Rosario, Prehistoria Ediciones, 2013, 258 p. (Colección Historia argentina, 23). 4893. CERVERA (José Antonio). Tras al sueño de China: agustinos y dominicos en Asia Oriental a finales del siglo XVI. Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2013, 537 p. 4894. Christianisme (Le) en Chine aux XIXe et XXe siècles: évangélisation et conflits. Éd. par Alexandre Tsung-ming CHEN. Leuven, Ferdinand-Verbiest-Institute, 2013, 328 p. (Louvain Chinese studies, Ferdinand Verbiest Foundation, 25). 4895. DE LA TORRE CURIEL (José Refugio). Twilight of the Mission frontier: shifting interethnic alliances and social organization in Sonora, 1768–1855. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XXX-323 p. 4896. FLANNERY (John M.). The mission of the Portuguese Augustinians to Persia and beyond (1602– 1747). Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, VII-286 p. (Studies in Christian mission, 43). 4897. GAST (Holger), LEUGERS (Antonia), LEUGERSSCHERZBERG (August H.), SANDFUCHS (Uwe). Katholische Missionsschulen in Deutschland 1887–1940. Bad Heilbrunn, Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, 2013, 226 p. 4898. HARRISON (Henrietta). The missionary's curse and other tales from a Chinese Catholic village. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XV-276 p. (Asia: local studies/global themes, 26). 4899. HOSNE (Ana Carolina). The Jesuit missions to China and Peru, 1570–1610: expectations and appraisals of expansionism. Londres a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XV-195 p. 4900. JACKSON (Robert H.). Conflict and conversion in sixteenth century central Mexico: the Augustinian war on and beyond the Chichimeca frontier. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 284 p. 4901. LORENZEN (David N.). La Misión del Tíbet en Nueva España: las limosnas y el cobro del legado de Spinola. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 591643. 4902. MANKTELOW (Emily J.). Missionary families: race, gender, and generation on the spiritual frontier. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XXXVIII-252 p. (Studies in imperialism). 4903. MAXWELL (David). Freed slaves, missionaries, and respectability: the expansion of the Christian frontier from Angola to Belgian Congo. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 79-102. 4904. Missions and media: the politics of missionary periodicals in the long nineteenth century. Ed. by Felicity JENSZ [et al.]. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2013, 264 p. 4905. Missions chrétiennes en terre d'islam: XVIIeXXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Chantal VERDEIL. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 407 p. (Collection d'anthologies missionnaires, 5).



4906. SCHMID HEER (Esther). America die verkehrte Welt: Prozesse der Verräumlichung in den Paraguay-Berichten des Tiroler Jesuiten Anton Sepp (1655–1733). Nordhausen, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2013, 339 p. Cf. nos 4732, 4927 § 3. Orthodox Church. _______________________

4907. ALFEEV (Ilarion). La Chiesa ortodossa. Vol. I. Profilo storico. Bologna, EDB, 2013, 403 p. 4908. BREMER (Thomas). Cross and kremlin: a brief history of the Orthodox Church in Russia. Grand Rapids, W.B. Eerdmans, 2013, 190 p. 4909. MANDAMADIOTOU (Maria). The Greek Orthodox community of Mytilene: between the Ottoman Empire and the Greek state, 1876–1912. Oxford a. Berlin, Lang, 2013, VIII-250 p. (Byzantine and Neohellenic studies, 5). 4910. MILLER (Matthew Lee). The American YMCA and Russian culture: the preservation and expansion of Orthodox Christianity, 1900–1940. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, IX-283 p. 4911. Orthodox constructions of the West. Ed. by George E. DEMACOPOULOS and Aristotle PAPANIKOLAOU. New York, Fordham U. P., 2013, X-367 p. 4912. PAPASTATHIS (Konstantinos). Church finances in the colonial age: the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem under British Control, 1921–1925. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 5, p. 712-731. 4913. SĂSĂUJAN (Mihai). Biserică, naţiune şi putere de stat (secolele XVIII–XX). Contribuţii documentare la istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. (Church, nation and state power, 18th to 20th centuries. Documentary contributions to the history of the Romanian Orthodox church). Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2013, 305 p. 4914. VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU (Constanţa). Judicial archives and the history of the Romanian family: domestic conflict and the Orthodox Church in the eighteenth century. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 261-277. 4915. WIRTSCHAFTER (Elise Kimerling). Religion and Enlightenment in Catherinian Russia: the teachings of metropolitan platon. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2013, XII-193 p. § 3. Addenda 2012. 4916. GERD (Lora A.). Konstantinopol'skij patriarkhat i Rossija. 1901–1914 gg. (Patriarchate of Constantinople and Russia, 1901–1914). Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University, Philological Department, Greek Institute. Мoskva, Indrik, 2012, 320 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 302-313; pers. ind. p. 314-319). 4917. KRAKHMAL'NIKOV (Aleksej P.). Sochinenija staroverov belokrinitskogo soglasija (1846–1862 gg.). (Works of Old Believers of Belokrinitskaya [Austrian]

Hierarchy, 1846–1862). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 296 p. (suppl. p. 193-267: texts; bibl. p. 269-284; pers. ind. p. 285-293). 4918. PANCHENKO (Konstantin A.). Blizhnevostochnoe pravoslavie pod osmanskim vladychestvom. Pervye tri stoletija, 1516–1831. (The Middle Eastern Greek orthodox community under the Ottoman domination. The first three centuries, 1516–1831). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 656 p. 4919. ZHALNINA-VASIL'KIOTI (Irina L.). "Rodnoj komok zemli suhoj". Russkij nekropol' v Gretsii. ("Piece of dry earth": Russian cemeteries in Greece). Moskva, Knizhnitsa, Russkij put', 2012, 272 p. § 4. Protestantism. * 4920. DAMMASCHKE (Marion), VOGLER (Günter). Thomas-Müntzer-Bibliographie: (1519 – 2012). BadenBaden, Koerner, 2013, 536 p. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana, 233. Bibliotheca dissidentium: répertoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dixseptième siècles, 28). ** 4921. Finkenwalder Rundbriefe (Die): Briefe und Texte von Dietrich Bonhoeffer und seinen Predigerseminaristen 1935-1946. Hrsg. v. Ilse TÖDT. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2013, 709 p. ** 4922. Heinrich Bullinger Werke. Abt. 2. Briefwechsel. Bd. 15. Briefe des Jahres 1545. Bearb. v. Reinhard BODENMANN, Alexandra KESS und Judith STEINIGER. Unter Benützung der Abschriften v. Emil EGLI und Traugott SCHIEß. Philologische Beratung durch Ruth JÖRG. Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2013, 746 p. ______________________

4923. ADDANTE (Luca). Giampaolo Alciati della Motta e gli eretici piemontesi nell'Europa del '500. Torino, Nino Aragno, 2013, IX-135 p. 4924. ANDREWS (Edward E.). Native apostles: Black and Indian missionaries in the British Atlantic World. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 326 p. 4925. BENEDICT (Philip), FORNEROD (Nicolas). Les députés des Églises réformées à la cour en 1561–1562. Revue historique, 2013, 666, p. 289-332. 4926. BEUTEL (Albrecht). Spurensicherung: Studien zur Identitätsgeschichte des Protestantismus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, X-320 p. 4927. BITA LIHUN NZUNDU (Augustin). Missions catholiques et protestantes face au colonialisme et aux aspirations du peuple autochtone à l'autonomie et à l'indépendance politique au Congo Belge: (1908-1960): effort de synthese. Roma, Pontificia universita gregoriana, 2013, 796 p. l2e 4928. BORELLO (Céline). Du Désert au Royaume. Parole publique et écriture protestante (1765-1788). Édition critique du "Vieux Cévenol" et de sermons de Rabaut Saint-Étienne. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, X-394 p. (Vie des Huguenots 65). 4929. BREKUS (Catherine A.). Sarah Osborn's world: the rise of Evangelical Christianity in early America.

§ 4. Protestantism New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XV-432 p. (New directions in narrative history). 4930. CHRIST-VON WEDEL (Christine). Erasmus of Rotterdam. Advocate of a new Christianity. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2013, X-374 p. (Erasmus Studies). 4931. Clergy (The) in khaki: New Perspectives on British Army Chaplaincy in the First World War. Ed. by Michael SNAPE and Edward MADIGAN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 222 p. 4932. DAILY (Christopher A.). Robert Morrison and the Protestant plan for China. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2013, XIII-261 p. (Royal Asiatic society books). 4933. DORNHEIM (Stefan). Der Pfarrer als Arbeiter am Gedächtnis. Lutherische Erinnerungskultur in der Frühen Neuzeit zwischen Religion und sozialer Kohäsion. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 323 p. 4934. DUPONT (Carolyn Renée). Mississippi praying: southern White Evangelicals and the Civil Rights Movement, 1945–1975. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XIII-290 p.


4944. JARLAN (Bianca). Gloire à Dieu seul: Protestantismus in der französischen Prosaliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2013, 565 p. 4945. JONES (Timothy Willem). Sexual politics in the Church of England, 1857–1957. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-218 p. 4946. LANE (Calvin). The Laudians and the Elizabethan Church: history, conformity and religious identity in post-Reformation England. London, Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2013, XIV-236 p. (Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World). 4947. LINCK (Stephan). Neue Anfänge? Der Umgang der evangelischen Kirche mit der NS-Vergangenheit und ihr Verhältnis zum Judentum. Die Landeskirchen in Nordelbien. Band 1, 1945–1965. Kiel, Lutherische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2013, 352 p. 4948. LINK (Christoph). Zwischen königlichem Summepiskopat und Weltanschauungsdiktatur: die bayerische evangelische Kirche im Spiegel ihrer Verfassungsentwicklung 1800-1945. Nürnberg, Verein für Bayerische Kirchengeschichte, 2013, 120 p.

4935. ESKRIDGE (Larry). God's forever family: the Jesus People Movement in America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-386 p.

4949. LITTLE (Thomas J.). The origins of Southern Evangelicalism: religious revivalism in the South Carolina lowcountry, 1670–1760. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2013, XV-280 p.

4936. Evangelicalism and fundamentalism in the United Kingdom during the twentieth century. Ed. by David W. BEBBINGTON and David Ceri JONES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII, 409 p.

4950. LOEWEN (Royden). Village among nations: "Canadian" Mennonites in a transnational world, 1916– 2006. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, IX301 p.

4937. Evangelischen Pfarrerinnen (Die) und Pfarrer im Rheinland von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart. Zusammengest. u. bearb. v. Jochen GRUCH im Auftrag der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland und des Vereins für Rheinische Kirchengeschichte. Bd 2. E–J. Bonn, Habelt, 2013, 482 p. (Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Rheinische Kirchengeschichte, 175).

4951. MAC NUTT (Jennifer Powell). Calvin meets Voltaire: the clergy of Geneva in the age of Enlightenment, 1685–1798. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVI-358 p.

4938. FAROOQ (Jennifer). Preaching in eighteenthcentury London. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 345 p. (Studies in Modern British religious history, 30). 4939. Göttlicher Zorn und menschliches Maß: Religiöse Abweichung in frühneuzeitlichen Stadtgemeinschaften. Hrsg. v. Gerd SCHWERHOFF und Alex KÄSTNER. Konstanz, UVK, 2013, 218 p. 4940. GRAY (Jonathan Michael). Oaths and the English Reformation. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-272 p. (Cambridge studies in Early Modern British history). 4941. HART (D. G.). Calvinism: a history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XII-339 p. 4942. HOFMANN (Urs). Innenansichten eines Niedergangs. Das protestantische Milieu in Basel 1920 bis 1970. Baden, hier u. jetzt, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2013, 317 p. 4943. Huguenots (The): France, exile and diaspora. Ed. by Jane MAC KEE and Randolph VIGNE. Brighton, Sussex Academic, 2013, 255 p. [Cf. no 7312.]

4952. MANETSCH (Scott M.). Calvin's company of pastors: pastoral care and the emerging Reformed Church, 1536–1609. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV, 428 p. (Oxford studies in historical theology). 4953. Martin Luthers Tischreden: Neuansätze der Forschung. Hrsg. v. Katharina BÄRENFÄNGER, Volker LEPPIN und Stefan MICHEL. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, VIII-263 p. 4954. MUTCH (Alistair). 'Shared Protestantism' and British identity: contrasting church governance practices in eighteenth-century Scotland and England. Social history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 456-476. 4955. PETASCH (Gudrun). Religion und Modernisierung. Eine religionssoziologische Fallstudie zum deutschen Refuge. Bd. 1. Einleitung. Untersuchung der Hugenottensiedlung Neu-Isenburg. Bd. 2. Untersuchung der französisch-reformierten Exilkirche Frankfurt am Main. Schlussbetrachtungen und Materialien. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2013, CXLV-924 p. (Religionswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, 16/1–2). 4956. PRINTY (Michael). The determination of man: Johann Joachim Spalding and the Protestant Enlightenment. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 2, p. 189212.



4957. Reformed Churches in South Africa and the struggle for injustice: remembering 1960-1990. Ed. by Mary-Anne PLAAJIES-VAN HUFFEL and Robert VOSLOO. Stellenbosch, Sun Press, 2013, 425 p.

4972. TANETI (James Elisha). Caste, gender, and Christianity in colonial India: Telugu women in mission. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVIII-203 p. (Postcolonialism and religions).

4958. Restoration through redemption: John Calvin revisited. Ed. by Henk van den BELT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, VI-288 p. (Studies in Reformed Theology, 23).

4973. THOMAS (Samuel S.). Creating communities in restoration England: parish and congregation in Oliver Heywood's Halifax. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 212 p.

4959. ROEBER (Anthony Gregg). Hopes for better spouses: Protestant marriage and church renewal in early modern Europe, India, and North America. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2013, XXVIII-289 p. (Emory University studies in law and religion). 4960. RYRIE (Alec). Being Protestant in Reformation Britain. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XVI-498 p. 4961. SARAT (Leah). Fire in the canyon: religion, migration, and the Mexican dream. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XI-241 p. 4962. SCHATZ (Ronald W.). The Barons of Middletown [Dean Acheson] and the decline of the NorthEastern Anglo-Protestant elite. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 165-200. 4963. SCHWENDEMANN (Wilhelm). Reformation und Humanismus: Philipp Melanchthon und Johannes Calvin. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 390 p. (Übergänge, 21). 4964. SCOTT (Tom). The early Reformation in Germany: between secular impact and radical vision. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 302 p. 4965. SHAMIR (Avner). Bible burning in Reformation England. Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 367-391. 4966. SHANTZ (Douglas H.). An introduction to German Pietism: Protestant renewal at the dawn of Modern Europe. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, 530 p. 4967. SHPRINTZEN (Adam D.). The vegetarian crusade: the rise of an American Reform movement, 1817– 1921. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIV-268 p. 4968. SMITH (Samuel C.). A cautious enthusiasm: mystical piety and Evangelicalism in colonial South Carolina. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2013, XII-259 p. 4969. SPENCER (Leon P.). Toward an African church in Mozambique: Kamba Simango and the Protestant community in Manica and Sofala, 1892–1945. Mzuzu, Mzuni Press, 2013, 173 p. 4970. STANLEY (Brian). The global diffusion of evangelicalism: the age of Bill Graham and John Stott. Nottingham, Inter-Varsity Press, 2013, 283 p. 4971. STANWOOD (Owen). Between Eden and empire: Huguenot refugees and the promise of new worlds. American historical review, 2013, 118, 5, p. 1319-1344.

4974. Transatlantic world (The) of Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg in the eighteenth century. Ed. by Hermann WELLENREUTHER, Thomas MÜLLER-BAHLKE and Greg ROEBER. Halle an der Saale, Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen/Harrassowitz, 2013, XV-445 p. (Hallesche Forschungen, 35). 4975. WELLENREUTHER (Hermann). Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg und die deutschen Lutheraner in Nordamerika, 1742–1787. Wissenstransfer und Wandel eines atlantischen zu einem amerikanischen Netzwerk. Münster, Lit, 2013, X-710 p. (Atlantic Cultural Studies, 10). 4976. WENZEL (Gerhard). Das diakonische Engagement der Hugenotten in Frankreich – von der Reformation bis 1685. Diakonie zwischen Ohnmacht, Macht und Bemächtigung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 358 p. 4977. WIDMANN (Alexander Christian). Wandel mit Gewalt? Der deutsche Protestantismus und die politisch motivierte Gewaltanwendung in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 645 p. 4978. WORT (Oliver). John Bale and religious conversion in Reformation England. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 198 p. 4979. WUSTMANN (Markus). "Vertrieben, aber nicht aus der Kirche?" Vertreibung und kirchliche Vertriebenenintegration in SBZ und DDR am Beispiel der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Sachsens 1945 bis 1966. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 690 p. 4980. YARNELL (Malcolm B. III). Royal priesthood in the English Reformation. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 320 p. 4981. ZORN (Jean-François). Un'école qui fait date: l'École préparatoire de théologie protestante (18461990). Lyon, Olivétan, 2013, 342 p. Cf. nos 4006, 4065, 4772, 4996, 7184, 7255 § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. * 4982. WILDT (Michael). Dokumentation des Holocaust. Die Quellenedition zur Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 2, p. 417-421. ** 4983. Everyday Jewish life in imperial Russia. Select Documents (1772–1914). Ed. by ChaeRan Y. FREEZE and Jay M. HARRIS. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2013, XXVI-635 p. (Tauber Institute series for the study of European Jewry). ______________________

§ 5. Non-Christian religions and sects 4984. 1929: mapping the Jewish World. Ed. by Hasia R. DINER and Gennady ESTRAIKH. New York, New York U. P., 2013, VI-244 p. (Goldstein-Goren series in American Jewish history). 4985. AMELANG (James S.). Parallel histories: Muslims and Jews in Inquisitorial Spain. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XIV-207 p. 4986. ASHTON (Dianne). Hanukkah in America: a history. New York, New York U. P., 2013, 343 p. (Goldstein-Goren Series in American Jewish History). 4987. BELEJ (Milan), HLAVINKA (Ján), LEVICKÝ (Juraj). Dejiny židovskej komunity v Humennom = The history of the Jewish community in Humenné. Humenné, ADIN, 2013, 72 p.


4999. Judenfeindschaft und Antisemitismus in der deutschen Presse über fünf Jahrhunderte. Erscheinungsformen, Rezeption, Debatte und Gegenwehr. Band 1-2. Hrsg. v. Michael NAGEL und Moshe ZIMMERMANN. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2013, 2 vol., LIV-452 p., XII646 p. 5000. KAGANOVITCH (Albert). The long life and swift death of Jewish Rechitsa: A community in Belarus, 1625–2000. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XIII-402 p. 5001. KENEZ (Peter). The coming of the Holocaust: from antisemitism to genocide. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 306 p. 5002. KIM (Hwansoo Ilmee). Empire of the dharma. Korean and Japanese Buddhism, 1877–1912. Cambridge, MA, Harvard U. P., 2013, 415 p.

4988. Bilder des Jüdischen: Selbst- und Fremdzuschreibungen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Juliane SUCKER und Lea Wohl von HASELBERG. Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, VII-394 p. (Europäisch-jüdische Studien Beiträge, 6).

5003. KIRCHHOFF (Hans). Holocaust i Danmark. (L'holocauste au Danemark). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 362 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 464).

4989. BOIVIN (Michel). L'âghâ khân et les Khojah: islam chiite et dynamiques sociales dans le sous-continent indien (1843–1954). Paris, Karthala, IISMM, 2013, 351 p. (Coll. Terres et gens d'islam).

5004. KLEMP (Stefan). Vernichtung. Die deutsche Ordnungspolizei und der Judenmord im Warschauer Ghetto 1940–1943. Münster u. Berlin, Prospero, 2013, 288 p.

4990. BREITMAN (Richard), LICHTMAN (Allan J.). FDR and the Jews. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, VI-433 p.

5005. MAIDA (Bruno). La Shoah dei bambini: la persecuzione dell'infanzia ebraica in Italia: 1938–1945. Torino, Einaudi, 2013, VI-345 p. (Einaudi storia, 47).

4991. CAMPANINI (Massimo). Islam. Milano, La scuola, 2013, 147 p.

5006. MONACO (C. S.). The rise of modern Jewish politics: extraordinary movement. New York, Routledge, 2013, X-256 p. (Routledge studies in religion, 25).

4992. Ebrei, minoranze, Risorgimento: storia, cultura, letteratura. A cura di Marina BEER e Anna FOA. Roma, Viella, 2013, 216 p. (I libri di Viella, 151). 4993. Finland's holocaust: silences of history. Ed. by Simo MUIR and Hana WORTHEN. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, X-281 p. 4994. GRABOWSKI (Jan). Hunt for the Jews: betrayal and murder in German-occupied Poland. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XVI-303 p. 4995. GREEN (Nile). Spacetime and the Muslim journey west: industrial communications in the making of the "Muslim World". American historical review, 2013, 118, 2, p. 401-429. 4996. GRONAUER (Gerhard). Der Staat Israel im westdeutschen Protestantismus: Wahrnehmungen in Kirche und Publizistik von 1948 bis 1972. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 518 p. (Arbeiten zur kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte. Reihe B, Darstellungen, 57). l4

5007. New Jewish Argentina (The): facets of Jewish experiences in the Southern Cone. Ed. by Adriana BRODSKY and Raanan REIN. Boston, Brill, 2013, XIV399 p. (Jewish Latin America). 5008. NOUWEN (Mollie Lewis). Oy, my Buenos Aires: Jewish immigrants and the creation of Argentine national identity. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XIV-157 p. 5009. PUTÍK (Daniel). Slovenští Židé v ghettu Terezín (1944–1945). (Slowakische Juden im Ghetto Theresienstadt [1944–1945]). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 289-311. 5010. ROSENGREN (Henrik). 'A Wagner for the Jews': Moses Pergament, Richard Wagner and anti-Semitism in Swedish cultural life in the interwar period. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 245-261. 5011. SÉMELIN (Jacques). Persécutions et entraides dans la France occupée. Comment 75% des juifs en France ont échappé à la mort. Paris, les arènes, 2013, 912 p.

4997. Jews and Muslims in the Islamic world. Ed. by Bernard Dov COOPERMAN and Zvi ZOHAR. Bethesda, University Press of Maryland a. Ramat Gan, Dahan Centre of Bar-Ilan University, 2013, XII-384 p. (Studies and texts in Jewish history and culture, 21).

5012. SILBERKLANG (David). Gates of tears. The holocaust in the Lublin district. Jerusalem, Yad Vashem Publications, 2013, 497 p.

4998. JOSKOWICZ (Ari). The modernity of others. Jewish anti-catholicism in Germany and France. Standford, California, Stanford U. P., 2013, 373 p.

5013. SNYDER (Saskia Coenen). Building a public Judaism: synagogues and Jewish identity in nineteenthcentury Europe. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 350 p.



5014. STERN (Eliyahu). The genius: Elijah of Vilna and the Making of Modern Judaism. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-322 p. 5015. SUGAHARA (Yumi). Oranda shokuminchi taiseika Jawa ni okeru shūkyō undō: Shahon ni miru 19 seiki Indoneshia no Isurāmu chōryū. (Javanese religious movements under the Dutch colonial rule: Islamization in 19th century manuscripts). Osaka, Osaka U. P., 2013, 344 p. 5016. Synagogen in Brandenburg. Spurensuche. Hrsg. v. Maria BERGER, Uri FABER, Felicitas GRÜTZMANN, Matthias Albert KOCH und Elke-Vera KOTOWSKI. Berlin, Hentrich und Hentrich, 2013, 256 p. 5017. TAGLIACOZZO (Eric). The longest journey: Southeast Asians and the pilgrimage to Mecca. New York, Oxford U.P., 2013, 356 p. 5018. TERZIOĞLU (Derin). Where 'İlm-i Ḥāl meets catechism: Islamic manuals of religious instruction in the Ottoman Empire in the age of confessionalization. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 79-114. § 5. Addenda. 5019. ALEKSEEV (Aleksej I.). Religioznye dvizhenija na Rusi poslednej treti XIV – nachala XVI v.: strigol'niki i zhidovstvujuschie. (Religious movements in Rus' of the late 14th – early 16th centuries: heresies of the Strigolniki and the Judaizers). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 559 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 504-543; pers. ind. p. 544-559). 5020. HICKS (Jeremy). First Films of the Holocaust. Soviet Cinema and the Genocide of the Jews, 1938–1946. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012, IX300 p. 5021. JARZUTKINA (Anastasija A.). Ritualy dostatka: Traditsionnye zemledel'cheskie, skotovodcheskie i promyslovye kul'ty sibirskikh tatar. (Prosperity rites: tradi-

tional agricultural, cattle-breeding and trade cults of Siberian Tatars). Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk branch of Institute of ethnology and anthropology. Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2012, 320 p. 5022. RAUHUT (Claudia). Santería und ihre Globalisierung in Kuba. Tradition und Innovation in einer afrokubanischen Religion. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2012, 340 p. 5023. Religioznaja zhizn' narodov Tsentral'noj Evrazii: sbornik statej. (Religious life of Central Eurasian peoples: Collected papers). Ed. Valentina I. KHARITONOVA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of ethnology and anthropology. Moskva, Izd-vo IEA RAN, 2012, 336 p. (Ethnological studies of shamanism and other indigenous spiritual beliefs and practices, vol. 16). 5024. SHUMSKY (Dimitry). Zweisprachigkeit und binationale Idee. Der Prager Zionismus 1900–1930. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012, 336 p. 5025. Smert' v Makharashtre. Voobrazhenie, vosprijatie, voploschenie. (Death in Maharashtra: imagination, perception and expression). Ed. Irina P. GLUSHKOVA. Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Oriental studies, Moscow State University, Institute of Asia and Africa. Moskva, Izd-vo "Natalis", 2012, 816 p. 5026. ZHURAVEL' (Ol'ga D.). Literaturnoe tvorchestvo staroobrjadtsev XVIII – nachala XXI veka: temy, problemy, poetika. (Literary works of the Old Believers, 18th – early 21st centuries: topics, issues, poetics). Ed. Nikolaj N. POKROVSKIJ. Siberian department of RAS, Historical Institute, Novosibirsk State University. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo SO RAN, 2012, 442 p. Cf. nos 3731, 4097, 4728


§ 1. General. 5027-5179. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 5180-5219. – § 3. Education. 5220-5301. – § 4. The Press. 5302-5388. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5389-5445. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5446-5619. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5620-5784. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5785-5865. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5866-5987. § 1. General. ** 5027. IVANOV (Leonte). Prezenţe culturale româneşti în spaţiul rus: Antioh Cantemir şi Nicolae Milescu Spătarul. Corespondenţă particulară şi diplomatică. (Romanian cultural presence in Russia: Antioh Cantemir and Nicolae Milescu Spătarul. Private and diplomatic correspondance). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 132 p. ______________________

5028. ALBUQUERQUE (Durval Muniz de Jr.). A feira dos mitos: a fabricação do folclore e da cultura popular (Nordeste 1920-1950). São Paulo, Intermeios, Casa de Artes e Livros 2013, 246 p. 5029. ALVES (Vera Marques). Arte popular e nação no Estado Novo: a política folclorista do Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2013, 325 p. 5030. ANDREWS (Naomi J.). Breaking the ties: French romantic socialism and the critique of liberal slave emancipation. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 3, p. 489-527. 5031. ARMSTRONG (Catherine). Landscape and identity in North America's Southern colonies from 1660 to 1745. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Co., 2013, 218 p. 5032. Art (The) of arguing in the world of Renaissance humanism. Ed. by Marc LAUREYS and Roswitha SIMONS. Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2013, VIII232 p. (Supplementa humanistica Lovaniensia, 34). 5033. ATTAL (Frédéric). Histoire des intellectuels italiens au XXe siècle: prophètes, philosophes et experts. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2013, 768 p. 5034. Auf dem Weg in die Moderne: deutsche und österreichische Literatur und Kultur. Hrsg. v. Roswitha

BURWICK, Lorely FRENCH und Ivett Rita GUNTERSDORFER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XVI-287 p. 5035. BA (Daha Chérif). Cultures populaires en Sénégambie: l'exemple des Fulbe (1512-1980). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 390 p. (Études africaines). 5036. BĂDESCU (Laura-Eveline). Mentalităţi, retorică şi imaginar în secolul al XVIII-lea românesc: cărţile de blestem. (Mentalities, rhetorics and imaginary in 18th century Romania: malediction books). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii române, 2013, 294 p. 5037. BAKER (Nicholas Scott). The fruit of liberty: political culture in the Florentine Renaissance, 1480– 1550. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XIV-368 p. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history). 5038. BENÍTEZ (Miguel). Le foyer clandestin des Lumières: nouvelles recherches sur les manuscrits clandestins. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 2 vol., 897 p. (Libre pensée et littérature clandestine, 57). 5039. BUCLIN (Hadrien). "Surmonter le passé?": les intellectuels de gauche et le débat des années soixante sur la deuxième guerre mondiale. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 2, p. 233-249. 5040. CALVO MATURANA (Antonio Juan). Cuando manden los que obedecen: la clase política e intelectual de la España preliberal (1780-1808). Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2013, 312 p. (Historia. Estudios). 5041. CARVALHO (Bruno). Porous city: a cultural history of Rio de Janeiro (from the 1810s Onward). Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, XV-235 p. 5042. CASTILLA URBANO (Francisco). El pensamiento de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: vida activa, humanismo y guerra en el Renacimiento. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2013, 318 p. (Historia de la sociedad política).



5043. Catedral (La) ilustrada: iglesia, sociedad y cultura en la Valencia del siglo XVIII. Ed. por Emilio CALLADO ESTELA. Valencia, Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo, 2013, 355 p.

5058. DILETTOSO (Diego). La Parigi e la Francia di Carlo Rosselli: sulle orme di un umanista in esilio. Milano, Biblion, 2013, 317 p. (Storia, politica, società, 14).

5044. CAVALIERO (Roderick). Genius, power and magic: a cultural history of Germany from Goethe to Wagner. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, VI-378 p.

5059. DINÇKAL (Noyan). Sportlandschaften. Sport, Raum und (Massen)Kultur in Deutschland 1880–1930. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 346 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 221).

5045. Centre (The) and the margins in eighteenthcentury British and Italian cultures. Ed. by Frank O'GORMAN and Lia GUERRA. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, VI-191 p.

5060. EDELSTEIN (Dan), MORRISSEY (Robert), ROE (Glenn). To quote or not to quote: citation strategies in the Encyclopédie. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 2, p. 213-236.

5046. Chile y la guerra civil española: la voz de los intelectuales. Ed. por Matías BARCHINO. Madrid, Calambur, 2013, 693 p. (Hispanoamérica y la guerra civil española, 4).

5061. EGE (Moritz). "Ein Proll mit Klasse". Mode, Popkultur und soziale Ungleichheiten unter jungen Männern in Berlin. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 531 p.

5047. Cinco séculos de presença francesa no Brasil: invasões, missões, irrupções. Organizadora Leyla PERRONE-MOISÉS. São Paulo, EDUSP, 2013, 298 p.

5062. Embracing Brussels: art and culture in the court city, 1600-1800. Ed. by Katlijne VAN DER STIGHELEN, Leen KELCHTERMANS and Koenraad BROSENS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 277 p.

5048. CIOBANU (Vasile). Identitatea culturală a germanilor din România în perioada interbelică. (The cultural identity of the Germans from Romania during the interwar period). Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013, 247 p.

5063. ENCISO RECIO (Luis Miguel). Compases finales de la cultura ilustrada en la época de Carlos IV. Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia 2013, 350 p. (Clave historial, 40).

5049. Classics in the Modern World: A "Democratic Turn"? Ed. by Lorna HARDWICK and Stephen HARRISON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXVII-477 p. 5050. Constructions de l'espace dans les cultures d'expression allemande. Ed. par Francoise LARTILLOT et Ulrich PFEIL. Bern-Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, VIII467 p. (Convergences, 71). 5051. Contre-révolution (La): origines, histoire et postérité. Sous la dir. de Jean TULARD. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 527 p. (Biblis, 38). 5052. COPPOLA (Alessandra). Una faccia una razza? Grecia antica e moderna nell'immaginario italiano di età fascista. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 167 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 203). 5053. CROW (Joanna). The Mapuche in modern Chile: a cultural history. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 2013, XVI-288 p. 5054. Cultural exchange and consumption patterns in the Age of Enlightenment. Europe and the Atlantic World. Ed. by Veronika HYDEN-HANSCHO, Renate PIEPER and Werner STANGL. Bochum, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, 2013, 240 p. 5055. Defining digital humanities. A reader. Ed. by Melissa TERRAS, Julianne NYHAN and Edward VANHOUTTE. London, Ashgate, 2013, XV-314 p. 5056. DELUMEAU (Jean). La Seconde Gloire de Rome. XVe–XVIIe siècles. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 298 p. (Pour l'histoire). 5057. DESLANDES (Karine). Regards français sur le conflit nord-irlandais. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 256 p. (Studies in Franco-Irish relations, 5).

5064. Época colonial (La) en Guatemala: estudios de historia cultural y social. Coordinación de Robinson A. HERRERA y Stephen WEBRE. Ciudad de Guatemala, Editorial Unversitaria, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 2013, 397 p. (Colección Monografías). 5065. Europäische Wissenschaftskulturen und politische Ordnungen in der Moderne (1890–1970). Hrsg. v. Gangolf HÜBINGER. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 316 p. 5066. European cultural memory post-89. Ed. by Conny MITHANDER, John SUNDHOLM and Adrian VELICU. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2013, 326 p. (European studies: an interdisciplinary series in European culture, history and politics, 30). 5067. Exilerfahrung und Konstruktionen von Identität 1933 bis 1945. Hrsg. v. Hans OTTO HORCH, Hanni MITTELMANN und Karin NEUBURGER. Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-260 p. (Conditio Judaica, 85). 5068. FERRONE (Vincenzo). La "messa in scena" dei diritti in Francia tra arte e politica. Il Tardo illuminismo, l'opinione pubblica e la difesa dell'uomo. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 3, p. 764-816. 5069. Figures (Les) du monde renversé de la Renaissance aux Lumières: hommage à Louis van Delft. Sous la dir. de Lucie DESJARDINS. Paris, Hermann 2013, 437 p. (Les collection de la république des lettres. Symposiums). 5070. Figures et langages de la marginalité aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Maria Teresa RICCI. Paris, Champion, 2013, 190 p. (Le savoir de Mantice, 23). 5071. FOCARDI (Filippo). Il cattivo tedesco e il bravo italiano: la rimozione delle colpe della seconda guerra

§ 1. General mondiale. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, XIX-288 p. (Storia e società). 5072. Frontière méditerranéenne (La) du XVe au XVIIe siècle: échanges, circulations et affrontements. Ed. par Albrecht FUESS et Bernard HEYBERGER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 412 p. (Études renaissantes). 5073. Fruits de la terre: du produit exotique au symbole patriotique: Cuba, XVIIIe-XXIe. Ed. par Sylvie BOUFFARTIGUE. Paris, Indigo, 2013, 312 p. 5074. GARCÍA HINOJOSA (Pablo). Simbolismo, religiosidad y ritual barroco: la muerte en el siglo XVII. Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico", 2013, 577 p. (Colección de letras). 5075. GONZÁLEZ-ORTEGA (Nelson Arturo). Colombia: una nación en formación en su historia y literatura (siglos XVI-XXI): usos políticos de la historia y la literatura en la construcción de la nación (siglos XIX al XX). Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2013, 467 p. 5076. GOSSMAN (Lionel). The passion of Max von Oppenheim: archaeology and intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2013, XXVI- 388 p. 5077. GROSCHOPP (Horst), MÜLLER (Eckhard). Letzter Versuch einer Offensive: der Verband der Freidenker der DDR (1988-1990): ein dokumentarisches Lesebuch. Aschaffenburg, Alibri Verlag, 2013, 260 p. (Schriftenreihe der Humanistischen Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg, 8). 5078. GROSCHOPP (Horst). Der ganze Mensch: die DDR und der Humanismus: ein Beitrag zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte. Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2013, 559 p. 5079. Hacia 1812, desde el siglo ilustrado. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Ed. por Fernando DURÁN LÓPEZ. Somonte-Cenero Madrid, Ediciones Trea, Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 2013, 1198 p. (Estudios históricos La Olmeda. Piedras angulares). 5080. HEDSTROM (Matthew S.). The rise of liberal religion: book culture and American spirituality in the twentieth century. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 278 p. 5081. HILLIARD (Christopher). "Is it a book that you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?" Obscenity law and the politics of reading in Modern England. American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 653678. 5082. HIRT (Gerulf). Verkannte Propheten? Zur "Expertenkultur" (west)deutscher Werbekommunikatoren bis zur Rezession 1966/67. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 660 p.


5085. HOWIND (Sascha). Die Illusion eines Guten Lebens: Kraft durch Freude und Nationalsozialistische Sozialpropaganda. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 201 p.(Politische Kulturforschung, 8). 5086. ICKES (Scott). African-Brazilian culture and regional identity in Bahia, Brazil. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2013, XI-322 p. (New world diasporas). 5087. Ideologías, prácticas y discursos: la construcción cultural del mundo social, siglos XVII–XIX. Compiladores Jaime Antonio PEIRE, Mariano DI PASQUALE y Arrigo AMADORI. Caseros, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2013, 359 p. (Colección de estudios de historia cultural). 5088. Inde (L') des Lumières: discours, histoire, savoirs (XVIIe-XIXe siècle). Études réunies par Marie FOURCADE et Ines G. ŽUPANOV. Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2013, 415 p. (Collection Puruṣārtha, 31). 5089. Intelectuais (Os) e a nação: educação, saúde e a construção de um Brasil moderno. Organizado pela Karoline CARULA, Magali ENGEL, Maria Letícia CORRÊA. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa 2013, 316 p. 5090. Intellectual transfers: the translation of ideas in Enlightenment England, France and Ireland. Ed. by Lise ANDRIES, Frédéric OGÉE, John DUNKLEY and Darrach SANFEY. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, IX373 p. (SVEC, 12). 5091. Intellektuelle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Verschiebungen im politischen Feld der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. Hrsg. v. Thomas KROLL und Tilman REITZ. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 267 p. 5092. Intellektuelle und Antiintellektuelle im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Richard FABER und Uwe PUSCHNER. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 239 p. 5093. Invention (L') du mauvais goût à l'âge classique (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Études réunies et présentées par Carine BARBAFIERI et Jean-Christophe ABRAMOVICI. Leuven, Peeters 2013, IX-440 p. (La République des Lettres, 51). 5094. JANCKE (Gabriele). Gastfreundschaft in der frühneuzeitlichen Gesellschaft: Praktiken, Normen und Perspektiven von Gelehrten. Göttingen, V & R unipress 2013, 576 p. (Berliner Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung, 15). 5095. JOSSA (Stefano). Un paese senza eroi: l'Italia da Jacopo Ortis a Montalbano. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, XII-283 p. (Storia e società).

5083. Hof (Der). Ort kulturellen Handelns von Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Susanne RODE-BREYMANN und Antje TUMAT. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 386 p.

5096. JUNYK (Ihor). Foreign modernism: cosmopolitanism, identity, and style in Paris. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII-182 p.

5084. HOROWITZ (Brian). Russian idea – Jewish presence. Essays on Russian-Jewish intellectual life. Brighton, MA, Academic Studies Press, 2013, 307 p.

5097. KADELBACH (Thomas). "Swiss Made". Pro Helvetia et l'image de la Suisse à l'étranger (1945–1990). Neuchâtel, Presses universitaires suisses, 2013, 585 p.



5098. Kættere, kællinger, kontormænd og andre kunstnere: forfatterroller i den danske velfærdsstat. (Hérétiques, froussards, bureaucrates et autres artistes: les rôles des écrivains dans l'Etat-providence danois). Red. Anne-Marie MAI. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 351 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in Scandinavian languages and literature, 111). 5099. Käfern (Von), Märkten und Menschen. Kolonialismus und Wissen in der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Rebekka HABERMAS und Alexandra PRZYREMBEL. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 320 p. 5100. KOLB (Martina). Nietzsche, Freud, Benn, and the azure spell of Liguria. Toronto-Buffalo-London, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII-264 p. (German and European studies). 5101. KONISHI (Sho). Anarchist modernity: cooperatism and Japanese-Russian intellectual relations in modern Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2013, XI-411 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 356). 5102. Kultur all inclusive. Identität, Tradition und Kulturerbe im Zeitalter des Massentourismus. Hrsg. v. Burkhard SCHNEPEL, Felix GIRKE und Eva-Maria KNOLL. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 346 p. 5103. LEO (Per). Der Wille zum Wesen. Weltanschauungskultur, charakterologisches Denken und Judenfeindschaft in Deutschland 1890–1940. Berlin, Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 2013, 734 p. 5104. Libertin! Usage d'une invective aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Thomas BERNS, Anne STAQUET et Monique WEIS. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 329 p. (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance, 80). 5105. Lima, siglo XX: cultura, socialización y cambio. Ed. por Carlos AGUIRRE y Aldo PANFICHI. Lima, Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013, 446 p.

5112. MASTERS (Bruce). The Arabs of the Ottoman Empire, 1516–1918: a social and cultural history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-261 p. 5113. MATLIN (Daniel). On the corner: African American intellectuals and the urban crisis. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 350 p. 5114. MERKER (Nicolao). Il nazionalsocialismo. Storia di un'ideologia. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 296 p. 5115. MILANI (Pauline). Le diplomate et l'artiste. Construction d'une politique culturelle suisse à l'étranger (1938–1985). Neuchâtel, Alphil, 2013, 467 p. 5116. MONOD (Paul Kléber). Solomon's secret arts: the occult in the age of Enlightenment. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, X-430 p. 5117. MOURIC (Joël). Raymond Aron et l'Europe. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 368 p. (Histoire). 5118. MULLER (Raphaël). Le livre français et ses lecteurs italiens. De l'achèvement de l'unité à la montée du fascisme. Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 371 p. 5119. MYERS (Anne M.). Literature and architecture in early Modern England. Baltimore, John Hopkins U. P., 2013, 253 p. 5120. MYERS (Perry). German visions of India, 1871– 1918. Commandeering the Holy Ganges during the Kaiserreich. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-259 p. 5121. NÉRAUDAU (Jean-Pierre). L'Olympe du RoiSoleil: mythologie et idéologie royale au Grand Siècle. Paris, Belles Lettres, 2013, 333 p. (Réalia 28). 5122. NOLTE (Paul). Literaturbericht: Intellektuelle Zeitgeschichte im "Age of Fracture". Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 3, p. 391-408.

5106. LOMONACO (Fabrizio). Tolerance. Stages and modernity from Holland to Italy. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 250 p.

5123. Nouvelles recherches sur le littérature, la philosophie et la civilisation autrichiennes. Études réunies par Jürgen DOLL et Jacques LAJARRIGE. Mont-SaintAignon, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Harvre 2013, 229 p. (Austriaca 76).

5107. Lumières (Les) au-delà des Alpes et des Pyrénées: communications, transferts et échanges. Sous la direction de Armelle ST-MARTIN et Sante A. VISELLI. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 203 p. (La République des lettres. Symposiums).

5124. NUN (Katalin). Women of the Danish Golden Age: literature, theater and the emancipation of women. (Les Femmes de l'Age d'Or danois: littérature, théâtre et émancipation des femmes). København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2013, 180 p. (ill.).

5108. LYONS (Martyn). The writing culture of ordinary people in Europe, c. 1860–1920. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-278 p.

5125. OLLANDET (Jérôme). Le Nord-Congo: histoire et civilisations. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 326 p.

5109. MACHEK (Jakub). Populární kultura a státní socialismus. (Popular culture and state socialism). Forum Historiae, 2013, 7, 1, p. 62-74. 5110. MANTECÓN MOVELLÁN (Tomás Antonio). España en tiempos de Ilustración: los desafíos del siglo XVIII. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2013, 309 p. 5111. MARIOT (Nicolas). Tous unis dans la tranchée? 1914–1918, les intellectuels rencontrent le peuple. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 487 p. (L'Univers historique).

5126. Oltre la sfera pubblica: lo spazio della politica nell'Europa moderna. A cura di Massimo ROSPOCHER. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 180 p. (Studi e ricerche, 666). 5127. Open borders to a revolution: culture, politics, and migration. Ed. by Jaime MARROQUÍN ARREDONDO, Adela PINEDA FRANCO and Magdalena MIERI. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2013, XIII275 p. 5128. P. N. Miljukov: "Russkij evropeets". Publitsistika 20–30-kh gg. XX v. (Pavel N. Miljukov, the "Rus-

§ 1. General


sian European". Political essays of 1920–1930s). Ed. Margarita G. VANDALKOVSKAJA. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 326 p. (pers. ind. p. 311-326; bibl. incl.). (The persons of Russia).

5142. RIBOUILLAULT (Denis). Rome en ses jardins: paysage et pouvoir au XVIe siècle. Paris, CTHS, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2013, 361 p. (L'art & l'essai, 12).

5129. PELLICANI (Luciano). La genesi del capitalismo e le origini della modernità. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 587 p. (Saggi, 306).

5143. RICHARDS (Robert J.). Was Hitler a Darwinian? Disputed questions in the history of evolutionary theory. Chicago a. London, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 269 p.

5130. PÉREZ (Joseph). Humanismo en el Renacimiento español. Madrid, Gadir, 2013, 193 p. (Ensayo y biografía). 5131. Perú y la guerra civil española: la voz de los intelectuales. Ed. por Olga MUÑOZ CARRASCO. Madrid, Calambur, 2013, 559 p. (Hispanoamérica y la guerra civil española, 3-4). 5132. PESTRE (Dominique). À contre-science. Politiques et savoirs des sociétés contemporaines Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2013, 250 p. 5133. Peuple parisien (Le) au XIXe siècle: entre sciences et fictions. Sous la dir. de Nathalie PREISS, JeanMarie PRIVAT et Jean-Claude YON. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2013, 239 p. (Formes et savoirs). 5134. PEZZIMENTI (Rocco). Il pensiero politico del XX secolo: la fine dell'eurocentrismo. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 774 p. (Saggi, 305). 5135. PIPER (Ernst). Nacht über Europa. Kulturgeschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges. Berlin, Propyläen Verlag, 2013, 592 p. 5136. POLJAKOVA (Ekaterina). Differente Plausibilitäten: Kant und Nietzsche, Tolstoi und Dostojewski über Vernunft, Moral und Kunst. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII-560 p. (Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung, 63). 5137. PRUTSCH (Ursula), RODRIGUES-MOURA (Enrique). Brasilien. Eine Kulturgeschichte. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 261 p. (Amerika: Kultur – Geschichte – Politik). 5138. RAYNAUD (Philippe). La politesse des Lumières: les lois, les moeurs, les manières. Paris, Gallimard, 2013, 294 p. (L'esprit de la cité). 5139. Recepción (La) de la cultura extranjera en La Ilustracion Española y Americana (1869-1905). Ed. por Marta GINÉ, Marta PALENQUE y José M. GOÑI. Bern y New York, Peter Lang, 2013, 604 p. (Relaciones literarias en el ambito hispanico, 9). 5140. Renaissance studies in honor of Joseph Connors. Ed. by Machtelt ISRAËLS and Louis A. WALDMAN. Florence, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, 2013, 2 vol., XXXIII-1025 p., XIV-759 p.(Villa I Tatti, 29). 5141. Revisiting the Sixties: interdisciplinary perspectives on America's longest decade. Ed. by Laura BIEGER, Christian LAMMERT. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2013, 343 p. (North American studies, 32).

5144. RINKE (Stefan), DÜMMER SCHEEL (Silvia). Entre el norte y el sur: norteaméricanización en México y Chile en el siglo XX temprano. Una visión comparativa. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1609-1649. 5145. RÍOS CARRATALÁ (Juan A.). Usted puede ser feliz: la felicidad en la cultura del franquismo. Barcelona, Ariel, 2013, 312 p. 5146. ROMANI (Gabriella). Postal culture: writing and reading letters in post-unification Italy. Toronto, University of Toronto, 2013, X-272 p. (Toronto Italian studies). 5147. ROSSBACH (Nikola). Poiesis der Maschine: barocke Konfigurationen von Technik, Literatur und Theater. Berlin, Akademie, 2013, 317 p. 5148. RUBLACK (Ulinka). Matter in the material Renaissance. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 41-85. 5149. Russian émigré culture: conservatism or evolution? Ed. by Christoph FLAMM, Henry KEAZOR and Roland MARTI. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, X-343 p. 5150. SALDERN (Adelheid von). Amerikanismus. Kulturelle Abgrenzung von Europa und US-Nationalismus im frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 428 p. (Transatlantische Historische Studien, 49). 5151. SANTOS (Flávio Gonçalves dos). Economia e cultura do Candomblé na Bahia: o comércio de objetos litúrgicos afro-brasileiros, 1850/1937. Ilhéus, Bahia Editus 2013, 321 p. 5152. Scepticism in the eighteenth century: Enlightenment, Lumières, Aufklärung. Ed. by Sébastien CHARLES, Plínio J. SMITH. Dordrecht-London, Springer, 2013, XXVII-381 p. (Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 210). 5153. SCHNEIDER (Ulrich Johannes). Die Erfindung des allgemeinen Wissens. Enzyklopädisches Schreiben im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Berlin, Akademie, 2013, 259 p. 5154. SCHÖLZEL (Hagen). Guerillakommunikation: Genealogie einer politischen Konfliktform. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 365 p. (Kultur- und Medientheorie). 5155. SCHOR (Ralph). Écrire en exil: les écrivains étrangers en France, 1919-1939. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 346 p. 5156. SEEßLEN (Georg). Das zweite Leben des "Dritten Reichs": (Post)nazismus und populäre Kultur. Berlin, Bertz + Fischer, 2013, 2 vol., 227 p., 187 p.



5157. SELA (Ori). Through the prism of a plagiarism debate: eighteenth through twentieth-century Sino-Japanese intellectual relations. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 577-597. 5158. Sens (Le) du passé: pour une nouvelle approche des mémoires. Études réunies et présentées par Marc HERSANT, Jean-Louis JEANNELLE et Damien ZANONE. Directeur de la publication S. BIKIALO. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 393 p. (La Licorne, 104). 5159. SINGER (Barnett). The Americanization of France: searching for happiness after the Algerian war. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2013, VIII-281 p. 5160. STEDMAN (Gesa). Cultural exchange in seventeenth-century France and England. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 294 p. 5161. STENFELDT (Johan). Dystopiernas seger: totalitarism som orienteringspunkt i efterkrigstidens svenska idédebatt. (La victoire des dystopies: le totalitarisme comme point de repère dans les débats d'idées suédois de l'après-guerre). Höör, Agering, 2013, 427 p. (ill.). 5162. STOLZENBERG (Daniel). Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the secrets of antiquity. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-307 p. 5163. TAMINIAUX (Pierre). Littératures modernistes et arts d'avant-garde. Paris, Champion, 2013, 266 p. (Champion essais; 23). 5164. Thaw (The): Soviet society and culture during the 1950s and 1960s. Edited by Denis KOZLOV and Eleonory GILBURD. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII-512 p. 5165. THOMAS (Dominic). Africa and France: postcolonial cultures, migration, and racism. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XI-329 p. 5166. TONER (Jerry P.). Homer's Turk: how classics shaped ideas of the East. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2013, X-306 p. 5167. Tragédie espagnole (La) et son contexte européen: XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Ed. par Christophe COUDERC et Hélène TROPÉ. Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2013, 269 p. (Travaux du Centre de recherche sur l'Espagne des XVIe et XVIIe siècles). 5168. TURI (Gabriele). La cultura delle destre: alla ricerca dell'egemonia culturale in Italia. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2013, 175 p. (Temi, 235). 5169. TZOREF-ASHKENAZI (Chen). Romantic attitudes toward Oriental despotism. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 2, p. 280-320. 5170. VUILLEMIN (Jean-Claude). Épistémè baroque: le mot et la chose. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 391 p. (Collection Savoir lettres). 5171. VULOVIC (Jimmy). Reform eller revolt: litterär propaganda i socialdemokratisk, kommunistisk och nationalsocialistisk press. (Réforme ou révolte: la propa-

gande littéraire dans la presse social-démocrate, communiste et national-socialiste). Lund, Ellerström, 2013, 291 p. (Eureka. Ellerströms akademika). 5172. War memories. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in modern European culture. Ed. by Alan FORREST, Étienne FRANÇOIS and Karen HAGEMANN. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-414 p. (War, culture and society, 1750–1850). 5173. War of words: culture and the mass media in the making of the Cold War in Europe. Ed. by Judith DEVLIN and Hendrick MÜLLER. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2013, XIV-226 p. 5174. WERNER (Meike G.). Modern Jena as a model of cultural regeneration in Wilhelmine Germany. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 2, p. 267-288. 5175. WU (Judy Tzu-Chun). Radicals on the road: internationalism, Orientalism, and feminism during the Vietnam Era. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, VI-346 p. (United States in the World). 5176. ZÚÑIGA (Jean-Paul). "Muchos negros, mulatos y otros colores". Culture visuelle et savoirs coloniaux au XVIIIe siècle. Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 45-76. 5177. ZUNINO (Pier Giorgio). L'ideologia del fascismo. Miti, credenze e valori nella stabilizzazione del regime. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 432 p. (Storia paperbacks). § 1. Addenda 2012. 5178. ADAM (Thomas). Intercultural transfers and the making of the modern world, 1800–2000. Sources and contexts. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 158 p. 5179. Technology Fiction. Technische Visionen und Utopien in der Hochmoderne. Hrsg. v. Uwe FRAUNHOLZ und Anke WOSCHECH. Bielefeld, transcript, 2012, 304 p. Cf. nos 284, 5350, 5391, 5420, 5786, 5848, 7467 § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. * 5180. HAMMERSTEIN (Notker). Alltagsarbeit. Anmerkungen zu neueren Universitätsgeschichten. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 1, p. 102-125. ______________________

5181. Academia Română şi Casa Regală a României. Două destine paralele: 1866–1947/1948. (The Romanian Academy and the Romanian royal family. Two parallel destinies: 1866–1947/1948). Prefaţă de Dan BERINDEI; Studiu introductiv Păun Ion OTIMAN; Note biografice şi selecţia textelor Dorina N. RUSU. Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, 232 p. 5182. ANDREN (Carl-Gustaf). Visioner, vägval och verkligheter: svenska universitet och högskolor i utveckling efter 1940. (Visions, choix et réalités: l'évolution des universités et établissements d'enseignement supérieur en Suède après 1940). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2013, 281 p.

§ 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations 5183. CATRAIN (Elise). Hochschule im Überwachungsstaat: Struktur und Aktivitäten des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit an der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig (1968/69-1981). Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, IX-323 p. 5184. CHRISTEN (Andrea Martin). Das Ohr am Puls der Zeit. Die öffentliche Vortragstätigkeit der Freistudentenschaft der Universität Bern (1906–1990). Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 484 p. 5185. Colegios (De los) a las universidades: los jesuitas en el ámbito de la educación superior. Coordinadores Paolo BIANCHINI, Perla CHINCHILLA PAWLING y Antonella ROMANO. Lima, Universidad del Pacífico, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Puebla, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla y México D.F., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2013, 400 p. (Construcción de una identidad). 5186. Collegio (Il) dei nobili di Parma: la formazione della classe dirigente (secoli XVII- XIX). Atti del Convegno nazionale: Fornovo, Sala Baganza, Fontevivo, 2224 maggio 2008. A cura di Alba MORA. Parma, MUP, 2013, XI-392 p. (Crisopoli, IV). 5187. COQUILLARD (Isabelle). Les docteurs régents de la Faculté de médecine de Paris et la fourniture de soins aux "bons pauvres malades" dans les paroisses parisiennes (1644–1791). Revue historique, 2013, 668, p. 875-904. 5188. COX (Marcus S.). Segregated soldiers: military training at historically Black Colleges in the Jim Crow South. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XX-232 p. 5189. DHONDT (Pieter). Die Berliner Universität als Idealbild für belgische Studenten bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 3, p. 629-659. 5190. École (L') des Mines de Nancy (ENSMN) 1919– 2012. Entre université, grand corps d'État et industrie. Sous la dir. de Françoise BIRCK, préface d'André GRELON. Nancy, Presses universitaires de Lorraine, 2013, 419 p. (Histoire des institutions scientifiques). 5191. Gründung (Die) der drei Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversitäten: Universitäre Bildungsreform in Preußen. Hrsg. v. Thomas BECKER und Uwe SCHAPER. BerlinBoston, De Gruyter 2013, XIV-229 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin, 108). 5192. HECHLER (Daniel), PASTERNACK (Peer). Traditionsbildung, Forschung und Arbeit am Image. Die ostdeutschen Hochschulen im Umgang mit ihrer Zeitgeschichte. Leipzig, AVA-Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2013, 505 p. 5193. Historia de las universidades latinoamericanas: tradición y modernidad. Ed. por Cristina VERA DE FLACHS. Buenos Aires, CONICET, INNOVAT, Fundación para la Innovación y Transferencia de la Tecnología-U.V.T., y Córdoba, Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2013, 534 p.


(Colección de estudios sobre la universidad. Historia y prospectiva de universidad latinoamericana). 5194. Istituzioni universitarie (Le) e il Sessantotto. A cura di Alessandro BRECCIA. Bologna, CLUEB, 2013, XIV-331 p. (Studi. Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle università italiane, 20). 5195. LAZAR (Mehdi). Espace et histoire de l'université américaine: de Bologne à Harvard. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 203 p. (Diplomatie et stratégie). 5196. LEVIN (Matthew). Cold War university: Madison and the new left in the sixties. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, VII-224 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 5197. MARCONE (Arnaldo). Tra abilitazioni, valutazioni e tagli di bilancio: l'Università italiana e le sue crisi. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 3, p. 956-967. 5198. MAURER (Trude). Diskriminierte Bürger und emanzipierte "Fremdstämmige": Juden an deutschen und russischen Universitäten. Graz, Leykam, 2013, 119 p. (Vorlesungen des Centrums für Jüdische Studien, 5). 5199. MONCKEBERG (María Olivia). Con fines de lucro: la escandalosa historia de las universidades privadas en Chile. Santiago de Chile, Random House Mondadori, 2013, 645 p. (Actualidad). 5200. PETERSEN (Leif Inge Ree). Siege Warfare and military organization in the successor states (400–800 AD). Byzantium, the West and Islam. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, XXVII-819 p. 5201. PIETSCH (Tamson). Empire of scholars: universities, networks, and the British academic world, 1850– 1939. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XIV-242 p. (Studies in imperialism). 5202. Politics (The) of academic autonomy in Latin America. Ed. by Fernanda BEIGEL. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-270 p. 5203. POMANTE (Luigiaurelio). Per una storia delle università minori nell'Italia contemporanea: il caso dello Studium generale Maceratense tra Otto e Novecento. Macerata, EUM, 2013, 451 p. (Scienze dell'educazione. Studi. Biblioteca di "History of Education & Children's Literature, 5). 5204. PRÖGLER (Daniela). English students at Leiden University, 1575–1650. "Advancing your abilities in learning and bettering your understanding of the world and state affairs". Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, 317 p. 5205. ROBLEDO HERNÁNDEZ (Ricardo). Política e inquisición frente a "Un espíritu libre". La conjura contra Ramón Salas (1786–1797). Historia social, 2013, 75, p. 3-21. 5206. ROSAS (Fernando). Estado Novo e universidade: a perseguição dos professores. Lisboa, Tinta-daChina, 2013, 143 p. 5207. ROSE (Mary), DECTER (Moira), ROBINSON (Sarah), JACK (Sarah), LOCKETT (Nigel). Opportunities,



contradictions and attitudes: The evolution of university-business engagement since 1960. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 259-279. 5208. RÜCKHER (Johannes Nikolaus). Die Achtundsechziger-Bewegung und die Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Bonn: eine Fallstudie. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press, 2013, 265 p. (Medizin und Kulturwissenschaft, 9).

torical Institute, Moscow. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 671 p. (bibl. incl.). ("Ubi universitas, ibi Europa"). Cf. nos 5220-5301, 5983 § 3. Education. ______________________

5220. ALATRI (Giovanna). Gli asili d'infanzia a Roma tra Otto e Novecento. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2013, 250 p. (Storia sociale dell'educazione, 36).

5209. SCHERMAUL (Sebastian). Die Umsetzung der Karlsbader Beschlüsse an der Universität Leipzig, 1819-1848. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-105 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte, Abteilung 1. Allgemeine Reihe, 24).

5221. ALLEN (Gemma). The Cooke sisters: education, piety and politics in early Modern England. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XI-273 p. (Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain).

5210. Scholarly self-fashioning and community in the early Modern University. Ed. by Richard KIRWAN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 200 p.

5222. ANSELMI (Manuel). Chávez's children: ideology, education and society in Latin America. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013, VIII-161 p.

5211. SIFUENTES ESPINOZA (Daniel). La Universidad Socialista de Nuevo León. Monterrey, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2013, 153 p.

5223. ANTONELLI (Quinto). Storia della scuola trentina: dall'umanesimo al fascismo. Trento, Il margine, 2013, 509 p. (I larici).

5212. STENGEL (Friedemann). Ausgeschlossen: zum Gedenken an die 1933-1945 entlassenen Hochschullehrer der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Hrsg. v. Friedemann Stengel. Halle an der Saale, Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, 2013, XXXVI-401 p.

5224. APPEL (Charlotte). Dansk skolehistorie. 1. Da læraren holdt skole: tiden før 1780. (Histoire de l'école au Danemark. 1. Quand l'enseignant tenait école: la période avant 1780). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2013, 442 p. (ill.).

5213. TUCK (Stephen). Malcolm X's visit to Oxford University: U.S. civil rights, Black Britain, and the special relationship on race. American historical review, 2013, 118, 1, p. 76-103.

5225. BAGANZ (Carina). Diskriminierung, Ausgrenzung, Vertreibung: die Technische Hochschule Berlin während des Nationalsozialismus. Berlin, Metropol, 2013, 416 p.

5214. Universités (Les) dans la ville XVIe–XVIIIe siècles. Ed. by Thierry AMALOU and Boris NOGUÈS. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 252 p.

5226. BILASA (Pınar). Curriculum Perception in Turkey. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 1-2, p. 161-171.

5215. Universities for a New World. Making a global network in international higher education, 1913–2013. Ed. by Deryck M.SCHREUDER. London, Sage Publications, 2013, 425 p. 5216. WERNER (Anja). The Transatlantic world of higher education. Americans at German universities, 1776–1914. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 344 p. (European studies in American history, 4). 5217. WIENER (Christina). Kieler Fakultät und 'Kieler Schule': die Rechtslehrer an der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät zu Kiel in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und ihre Entnazifizierung. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 388 p. 5218. WOLBRING (Barbara). Trümmerfeld der bürgerlichen Welt. Universität in den gesellschaftlichen Reformdiskursen der westlichen Besatzungszonen (1945– 1949). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 488 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 87).

5227. Bildungsentwicklungen und Schulsysteme in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Hrsg. v. Christel ADICK. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2013, 320 p. 5228. BIX (Amy Sue). Girls coming to tech! A history of American engineering education for women. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, XII-360 p. (Engineering Studies). 5229. BOCCHETTI (Matteo Alfredo). La scuola elementare nel ventennio fascista: direttive politiche, didattica, cronache degli insegnanti. Bari, Laterza, 2013, 320 p. 5230. BOUSSION (Samuel). Les éducateurs spécialisés, naissance d'une profession: le rôle de l'Association nationale des éducateurs de jeunes inadaptés, 1947-1959. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 337 p. ("Histoire"). 5231. BOWERSOX (Jeff). Raising Germans in the age of empire: youth and colonial culture, 1871–1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 239 p.

§ 2. Addendum 2012.

5232. CAVALLERA (Hervé A.). Storia della scuola italiana. Firenze, Le lettere, 2013, 313 p. (Università, 87).

5219. Universitet v Rossijskoj imperii XVIII – pervoj polovine XIX veka. (The universities in Russian Empire from the 18th to first half of the 19th century). Ed. Andrej Ju. ANDREEV, Sergej I. POSOKHOV. German his-

5233. D'ASCENZO (Mirella). Col libro in mano: maestri, editoria e vita scolastica tra Otto e Novecento. Torino, Società editrice internazionale, 2013, XII-234 p. (Teoria e storia dell'educazione).

§ 3. Education 5234. DAVIS (Julie L.). Survival schools: the American Indian Movement and community education in the twin cities. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XV-307 p. 5235. DEL MORAL (Solsiree). Negotiating Empire. The cultural politics of schools in Puerto Rico, 1898– 1952. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, 242 p. 5236. DIPRETE (Thomas), BUCHMANN (Claudia). The rise of women: the growing gender gap in education and what it means for American schools. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2013, 296 p. 5237. Educación, redes y producción de élites en el siglo XVIII. Ed. por José María IMÍZCOZ y Álvaro CHAPARRO. Madrid, Sílex, 2013, 415 p. (Sílex universidad). 5238. Erinnern an Zwangsarbeit: Zeitzeugen-Interviews in der digitalen Welt. Hrsg. v. Nicolas APOSTOLOPOULOS und Cord PAGENSTECHER. Berlin, Metropol, 2013, 296 p. 5239. ESPINOZA (G. Antonio). Education and the state in modern Peru: primary schooling in Lima, 1821– c.1921. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-283 p. (Historical studies in education). 5240. EXTERMANN (Blaise). Une langue étrangère et nationale: histoire de l'enseignement de l'allemand en Suisse romande (1790-1940). Neuchâtel, Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2013, 479 p. (Histoire). 5241. GARCÍA TIMÓN (Ana Belén). Educación a la alemana. Elite y educación en Chile en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 235 p. 5242. GOFF (Barbara E.). 'Your secret language': classics in the British colonies of West Africa. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 239 p. (Classical diaspora) 5243. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar). Educación, familia y vida cotidiana en México virreinal. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2013, 168 p. y1 CD Rom. – EADEM. Orden, educación y mala vida en la Nueva España. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 7-50.


(1870–1940). Composidores Roberto ELISALDE, Martín ACRI y Daniel DUARTE. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013, 289 p. (Colección Libros de cátedra). 5248. HRUDA (Tomáš). Československý svaz tělesné výchovy v letech 1956–1968. (Czechoslovak Union of Physical Education in the years 1956–1968). Kuděj: časopis pro kulturní dějiny, 2013, 14, 2, p. 79-97. 5249. HUBER (Stefan Mario). Für die Jugend lehrreicher. Der religionspädagogische Wandel des Bildes des Kindes in Schweizer Kinderbibeln in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 597 p. 5250. Instituto (El) de San Isidro. Saber y patrimonio. Apuntes para una historia. Ed. por Leonor GONZÁLEZ DE LA LASTRA y Vicente José FERNÁNDEZ BURGUEÑO. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2013, 452 p. 5251. JACOBI (Juliane). Mädchen- und Frauenbildung in Europa. Von 1500 bis zur Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 509 p. 5252. JIREČEK (Miroslav). K výuce dějepisu na školách odpovídajících dnešním základním školám v Československu v letech 1948–1989. (History teaching in schools which are adequate to the current elementary schools in the Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989). Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2013, 27, 2, p. 176-195. 5253. KASPEROVÁ (Dana). Reflections on the focus of education in the Theresienstadt ghetto based on reports by Theresienstadt's educators. Studia paedagogica, 2013, 18, 4, p. 37-56. 5254. KEYSERS (Ralph Bernard). L'enfance nazie: une analyse de manuels scolaires 1933-1945. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 313 p. (Allemagne d'hier et d'aujourd'hui). 5255. KNAPÍK (Jiří). Socialistické školství a tzv. mimoškolní výchova v Československu v 50. a 60. letech. (The Socialist education and so-called non-formal school education in Czechoslovakia in the 50th and 60 years). Acta historica Neosoliensia, 2013, 16, 1-2, p. 88-106.

5244. GUTWERK (Simone). Host nation studies. A language and culture program in US-American elementary education in Germany. Bad Heilbrunn, Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, 2013, 201 p.

5256. KOPYCKA (Katarzyna). Demografischer Wandel, Bildungspolitik und Lehrerbeschäftigung: das Beispiel Polen. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2013, 280 p. (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung, 45).

5245. HEALY-CLANCY (Meghan). A world of their own: a history of South African women's education. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2013, XIV312 p. (Reconsiderations in Southern African history).

5257. KOSLOWSKI (Steffi). Die New Era der New Education Fellowship. Ihr Beitrag zur Internationalität der Reformpädagogik im 20. Jahrhundert. Bad Heilbrunn, Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, 2013, 339 p.

5246. HELFENBERGER (Marianne). Das Schulhaus als geheimer Miterzieher. Normative Debatten in der Schweiz von 1830 bis 1930. Bern, Haupt Verlag, 2013, 303 p.

5258. KÖSSLER (Till). Kinder der Demokratie. Religiöse Erziehung und urbane Moderne in Spanien, 1890– 1936. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 544 p. (Ordnungssysteme. Studien zur Ideengeschichte der Neuzeit, 41).

5247. Historia de la educación popular: experiencias hegemónicas y contrahegemónicas en Latinoamérica

5259. KOZHUHAROV (Asen). La formation et la carrière des officiers bulgares, élevés de l'école navale



militaire de Brest. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 34, p. 151-157.

Citizens, 1888–90. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 137159.

5260. LANGE (Christian). Öffentliche Kleinkindererziehung in Bayern. Die Rolle des Staates bei der Definition einer Lebensphase im 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2013, XI, 362 p.

5273. PICAZO VERDEJO (María Inés). Las políticas escolares de la Concertación durante la transición democrática. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2013, 369 p. (Colección Educación).

5261. LARSEN (Christian), NØRR (Erik), SONNE (Pernille). Dansk skolehistorie. 2. Da skolen tog form 1780– 1850. (Histoire de l'école au Danemark. 2. Quand l'école prit forme). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2013, 428 p. (ill.).

5274. POMERLEAU (Clark A.). Califia women: feminist education against sexism, classism, and racism. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XI-247 p.

5262. LEHMANN (Lukas). Zwang zur freiwilligen Zusammenarbeit. Steuerungsinstrumente und interkantonale Governance in der schweizerischen Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. Bern, h.e.p. verlag, 2013, 220 p. 5263. Lehrer (Die) an den Schulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949–2009. Hrsg. v. Peter LUNDGREEN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 350 p. 5264. LEMBRÉ (Stéphane). L'école des producteurs: aux origines de l'enseignement technique, 1800-1940. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 339 p. (Collection Carnot). 5265. LOCKETT (Andy), WRIGHT (Mike), WILD (Andrew). The co-evolution of third stream activities in UK higher education. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 236258. 5266. MAGAZINER (Daniel). Two stories about art, education, and beauty in twentieth-century South Africa. American historical review, 2013, 118, 5, p. 1403-1429. 5267. MÖLLER (Esther). Orte der Zivilisierungsmission. Französische Schulen im Libanon 1909–1943. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 448 p. 5268. MÜLLER (Heiko). "Kinder müssen Klassenkämpfer werden!" Der kommunistische Kinderverband in der Weimarer Republik (1920–1933). Marburg, Tectum – Der Wissenschaftsverlag, 2013, 307 p. 5269. Niños (Los) de la guerra: educación, historia, memoria y representaciones [Dossier]. Coord. por Angela CENARRO LAGUNAS. Historia social, 2013, 76, p. 87163. [Contenido: ALTED VIGIL (Alicia). El cine educativo en España (hasta 1936). – ALONSO CARBALLÉS (Jesús Javier). Los "niños de la guerra" o las huellas del exilio infantil en el espacio público. – SIERRA BLAS (Verónica). En el país del proletariado. Cultura escrita y exilio infantil en la URSS. – CENARRO LAGUNAS (Angela). Los niños del auxilio social: historia, memoria e identidades.] 5270. PALLUAU (Nicolas). La fabrique des pédagogues: encadrer les colonies de vacances, 1919-1939. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 302 p. ("Histoire").

5275. Précepteur francophone (Le) en Europe (XVIIeXIXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Vladislav RJÉOUTSKI et Alexandre TCHOUDINOV. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 455 p. (Éducations et sociétés). 5276. Prensa pedagógica y patrimonio histórico educativo: contribuciones desde la Europa Mediterránea e Iberoamericana. Ed. por José María HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2013, 433 p. (Colección aquilafuente, 195). 5277. PROST (Antoine). Du changement dans l'école. Les réformes de l'éducation de 1936 à nos jours, Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2013, 394 p. 5278. PRUTER (Robert). The rise of American high school sports and the search for control, 1880–1930. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2013, XX-417 p. (Sports and Entertainment). 5279. REESE (William J.). Testing wars in the public schools. A forgotten history. Cambridge, MS, Harvard U. P., 2013, 308 p. 5280. RINNER (Susanne). The German student movement and the literary imagination. Transnational memories of protest and dissent. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, 174 p. 5281. ROCHE (Helen). Sparta's German children. The ideal of Ancient Sparta in the Royal Prussian CadetCorps, 1818–1920, and in National-Socialist Elite Schools (the Napolas), 1933–1945. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2013, 320 p. 5282. ROWOLD (Katharina). Johanna Haarer and Frederic Truby King: when is a babycare manual an instrument of National Socialism? German history, 2013, 31, 2, p. 181-203. 5283. RUSSO (Valentina). Le lingue estere: storia, linguistica e ideologia nell'Italia fascista. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 349 p. (Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche). 5284. SAN MIGUEL (Guadalupe). Chicana/o struggles for education: activism in the community. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2013, 240 p. (University of Houston series in Mexican American studies, 7).

5271. PAPA (Catia). L'Italia giovane dall'unità al fascismo. Roma, Laterza, 2013, 239 p. (Quadrante, 190).

5285. SCHOLL (Sarah). "Soyez courageux et dociles!" Les normes religieuses comme vecteur d'éducation au patriotisme en Suisse (1870–1914). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 343-363.

5272. PELLEGRINO SUTCLIFFE (Marcella). The Toynbee Travellers' Club and the Transnational Education of

5286. SCHUCH (Jane). Mosambik im pädagogischen Raum der DDR. Eine bildanalytische Studie zur "Schule

§ 4. The Press der Freundschaft" in Staßfurt. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2013, X-245 p. 5287. SHAPIRO (Adam R.). Trying biology: the scopes trial, textbooks, and the antievolution movement in American schools. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 193 p. 5288. TANCK DE ESTRADA (Dorothy). Independencia y educación. Cultura cívica, educación indígena y literatura infantil. México, El Colegio de México, 2013, 360 p. 5289. THUESEN (Sarah Caroline). Greater than equal: African American struggles for schools and citizenship in North Carolina, 1919–1965. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XV-366 p. 5290. Transnationale Bildungsräume. Wissenstransfers im Schnittfeld von Kultur, Politik und Religion. Hrsg. v. Johannes WISCHMEYER und Esther MÖLLER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 195 p.


ish educational policies and the assimilation process among Kurds). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 5, p. 91-103. (tabl.). 5300. VANDERVEN (Elizabeth R.). A school in every village. Educational reform in a northeast China county (1904–1931). Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2012, XIII-222 p. 5301. ZAKURDAEV (Aleksej A.). Shkola i shkol'nik v kitajskoj kontseptsii obrazovanija: traditsii i sovremennost'. (School and pupil in the Chinese concept of education: traditions and modernity). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 5, p. 104-118. (tabl.). Cf. nos 4104, 5180-5219, 5349, 6705, 7232, 7648 § 4. The Press. _______________________

5302. ALLEN (Gene). Making national news: a history of Canadian press. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XI-443 p.

5291. TRÖHLER (Daniel). Pestalozzi and the Educationalization of the World.. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 172 p.

5303. ALVES (José Augusto dos Santos). Glória, memória e mito: o periodismo vintista (1820-1823). Porto, Editora Media XXI, 2013, 408 p.

5292. UGOLINI (Gherardo). Alle origini del Ginnasio Umanistico Prussiano. Quaderni di storia, 2013, 38, 78 (2), p. 5-54.

5304. ANTONELLI (Marina). Satira politica e Risorgimento: i giornali italiani, 1848-1849. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 242 p. (Pubblicazioni del Comitato di Torino dell'Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento Italiano. Nuova serie, 38).

5293. UMEHARA (Hideharu). Gesunde Schule und gesunde Kinder. Schulhygiene in Düsseldorf 1880–1933. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 357 p. (Düsseldorfer Schriften zur Neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichte Nordrhein-Westfalens, 86). 5294. Universidade (A) de Lisboa: séculos XIX e XX. Coordenacão Sérgio Campos MATOS e Jorge RAMOS DO Ó. Lisboa, Tinta-da-China, 2 vol., 1284 p. 5295. WEICHERS (Britta). Der deutsche Osten in der Schule. Institutionalisierung und Konzeption der Ostkunde in der Bundesrepublik in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang/Frankfurt am Main, 2013, 632 p. (Deutschen und das östliche Europa, Studien und Quellen, 10).

5305. Archivos (Los) de la memoria: testimonios, historia y periodismo. Compiladores Adriana FALCHINI y Luciano ALONSO. Santa Fe, Ediciones UNL, 2013, 310 p. (Itinerarios. Investigaciones). 5306. ARNDT (Johannes). Herrschaftskontrolle durch Öffentlichkeit. Die publizistische Darstellung politischer Konflikte im Heiligen Römischen Reich 1648–1750. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 610 p. 5307. Atrapados por la imagen: arte y politica en la cultura impresa argentina. Compiladoras Laura MALOSETTI COSTA y Marcela GENÉ. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2013, 354 p.

5296. WEINRICH (Arndt). Der Weltkrieg als Erzieher: Jugend zwischen Weimarer Republik und Nationalsozialismus. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 351 p. (Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, 27).

5308. BARRIOS (Amable). La voz de la mujer y El ideal: periódicos precursores de la prensa femenina en Centroamérica. Guatemala, Tipografía Nacional, 2013, 326 p.

5297. ŽUPAN (Dinko). Mentalni korzet: spolna politika obrazovanja žena u Banskoj Hrvatskoj (1868–1918). (Mental corset: sexual policy of women's education in Banja Croatia, 1868–1918). Osijek i Slavonski Brod, Učiteljski fakultet u Osijeku, HIP, 2013, 231 p. (Bibliotheca Croatica-Slavonica, Sirmiensia et Baranyensia. Studije, 17).

5309. BERNARDI (Emanuele), MATTESINI (Maria Chiara). Un mestiere difficile: giornalismo e Associazione stampa parlamentare tra politica e informazione, 1948-1971. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 201 p.

§ 3. Addenda 2012. 5298. Grandes controverses en éducation. Ed. par Alain VERGNIOUX. Bern, Peter Lang/Bern, 2012, 290 p. 5299. MOSAKI (Nodar Z.). Turetskaja obrazovatel'naja politika i assimiljatsionnye protsessy u kurdov. (Turk-

5310. BICAN (Bianca). Deutschsprachige kulturelle Presse Transsilvaniens: Einblicke in die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und in die Zwischenkriegszeit. Zürich, Lit, 2013, 174 p. (Transkulturelle Forschungen an den Österreich-Bibliotheken im Ausland, 10). 5311. BOURGUIGNON (Annie). Willy Brandt et le procès de Nuremberg. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 95-112.



5312. Brief-Edition im digitalen Zeitalter. Hrsg. v. Anne BOHNENKAMP und Elke RICHTER. Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, 247 p. (Beihefte zu Editio, 34). 5313. BROUSSARD (Jinx Coleman). African American foreign correspondents: a history. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, X-268 p. (Media and Public Affairs). 5314. CACCAMO (Francesco). Mezi exilem, domácí opozicí a mezinárodním veřejným míněním: exilový časopis Listy. (Between exile, the opposition at home, and international public opinion: the exile periodical Listy). Soudobé dějiny, 2013, 20, 3, p. 345-378. 5315. CALASSO (Roberto). L'impronta dell'editore. Milano, Adelphi, 2013, 164 p. (Piccola biblioteca Adelphi, 642). 5316. CASES (Cesare). Scegliendo e scartando. Pareri di lettura. A cura di Michele SISTO. Torino, Aragno, 2013, 628 p. 5317. CATTEEUW (Laurie). Censures et raisons d'État, une histoire de la modernité politique (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Paris, Albin Michel, 2013, 391 p. 5318. Censures et manipulations dans les mondes ibériques et latino-américain. Ed. by Monica ZAPATA et Jean-Louis GUERENA. Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2013, 388 p. 5319. Communicating Europe: journals and European integration, 1939–1979. Ed. by Daniele PASQUINUCCI, Daniela PREDA and Luciano TOSI. Bern-New York, Peter Lang 2013, 610 p. 5320. CRUZ (Luz Marina). Entre repeticiones sin origen y diferencias insumisas: escrituras y re-escrituras del signo mujer en la prensa femenina de habla hispana (1826-1889). Caracas, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Romulo Gallegos, 2013, 206 p. 5321. CRUZ GARCÍA (Raúl). Nueva Era y la prensa en el maderismo: de la caída de Porfirio Díaz a la Decena Trágica. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 2013, 320 p. (Serie de historia moderna y contemporánea, 63). 5322. DAVICO BONINO (Guido). Incontri con uomini di qualità: editori e scrittori di un'epoca che non c'è più. Milano, Il saggiatore, 2013, 387 p. (La cultura, 819). 5323. DE ROODE (Sven). Die Wahrnehmung der europäischen Integration in der britischen, deutschen und niederländischen Presse vor dem Hintergrund nationaler Selbstbilder 1951–1957. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 2, p. 380-407. 5324. Deutsche Presseforschung: Geschichte und Forschungsprojekte des ältesten historischen Instituts der Universität Bremen: mit einleitenden Beiträgen zur Bedeutung der historischen Presseforschung. hrsg. v. Holger Böning. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2013, 342 p. (Presse und Geschichte, 76). 5325. FLEURIAUD (Geoffrey). L'éducation par le crime: la presse et les faits divers dans l'entre-deux-

guerres. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 348 p. ("Histoire"). 5326. FORSS (Amy Helene). Black Print with a White Carnation: Mildred Brown and the Omaha Star Newspaper, 1938–1989. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2013, XII-241 p. (Women in the West). 5327. Geschichte der Edition in Skandinavien. Ed. by Paula HENRIKSON e Christian JANSS. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VII-537 p. (Bausteine zur Geschichte der Edition, 4). 5328. GIMÉNEZ (Iván). Agerre y Garcilaso: dos periodistas, víctima y verdugo del golpismo navarro. Pamplona, Pamiela, 2013, 285 p. (Ensayo y testimonio, 137). 5329. Guerre (La) après la guerre. L'Echo de la grande guerre dans la caricature (1918–2014). Ed. par Jean-Claude GARDES. Brest, Equipe interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l'Image Satririque, 2013, 214 p. 5330. HARBOU (Knud von). Wege und Abwege. Franz Josef Schöningh, Mitbegründer der Süddeutschen Zeitung. Eine Biografie. Hrsg. v. Maria-Theresia LORENZ und Rupert von SEIDLEIN. München, Allitera Verlag, 2013, 357 p. 5331. Imprenta y cultura de interés hispánico en Sicilia en los siglos XVI y XVII. Ed. por Assunta POLIZZI. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 267 p. 5332. JOHANSSON (Bengt), ANDERSSON ODEN (Tomas). Politiska annonser: partiernas valreklam i dagspressen genom 100 år. (Un siècle de publicité électorale des partis politiques dans la presse quotidienne suédoise). Göteborg, NORDICOM-Sverige, 2013, 199 p. (ill.). (Sylwan, 21). 5333. Journalisme et relations internationals. Intr. par Christian DELPORTE et François VALLOTTON. Relations internationales, 2013, 1, 153, p. 3-106. [Content: DELPORTE (Christian), VALLOTTON (François). Introduction. – CAPARELLI (André). "On nous écrit de Rio...": les frontières transnationales du système médiatique de la presse au XIXe siècle. – DANGUY (Laurence), KAENEL (Philippe). La plus ancienne revue satirique du monde. Genèse, histoire et visions du monde du Nebelspalter des années zurichoises (1875–1922). – PINSOLLE (Dominique). Quand la presse défie les États. Les ambitions internationales du Matin (1897–1944). – ELSIG (Alexandre). Propagande allemande et renouveau patriotique: l'enjeu médiatique des Feuilles suisses du dimanche (1915–1918). – CLAVIEN (Alain). Un procès improbable: Paris-Soir contre L'Écho Illustré (1938–1939). – LAVILLE (Camille). Les correspondants étrangers de l'Agence France Presse sous une double contrainte étatique. – ROBINET (François). Journalistes, responsables politiques et militaires français en Afrique: une information en co-production (1994–2008) ?] 5334. KACIAF (Nicolas). Les pages "Politique": histoire du journalisme politique dans la presse française (1945–2006). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 360 p. (Res Publica).

§ 4. The Press


5335. KVACH (John F.). De Bow's review: the antebellum vision of a new South. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, 270 p. (New directions in Southern history).ööööö

5348. OELS (David). Rowohlts Rotationsroutine. Markterfolge und Modernisierung eines Buchverlags vom Ende der Weimarer Republik bis in die fünfziger Jahre. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 440 p.

5336. LARRIBA (Elisabel). El público de la prensa en España a finales del siglo XVIII (1781-1808). Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013, 396 p. (Ciencias sociales, 95).

5349. ORTMEYER (Benjamin). Indoktrination. Rassismus und Antisemitismus in der Nazi-Schülerzeitschrift "Hilf mit!" (1933–1944)-Analyse und Dokumente. Weinheim, Beltz Juventa, 2013, 153 p.

5337. MARINELLI-KÖNIG (Gertraud). Die böhmischen Länder in den Wiener Zeitschriften und Almanachen des Vormärz (1805–1848). Tschechische nationale Wiedergeburt – Kultur- und Landeskunde von Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien – Kulturelle Beziehungen zu Wien. Teil II, Sprachwissenschaften – Philosophie, Ästhetik, Rhetorik – Geschichte – Bildungsinstitutionen. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, LV-706 p.

5350. PARISI (Valentina). Il lettore eccedente: edizioni periodiche del samizdat sovietico, 1956-1990. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 438 p. (Studi). m01

5338. MAUÉS (Flamarion). Livros contra a ditadura: editoras de oposição no Brasil, 1974-1984. São Paulo, Brasil, 2013, 287 p. 5339. MAZZINI (Elena). Ostilità convergenti: stampa diocesana, razzismo e antisemitismo nell'Italia fascista, 1937-1939. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2013, 247 p. (Collana della Scuola superiore di studi di storia contemporanea, 6). 5340. MENDOZA MICHILOT (María). 100 años de periodismo en el Perú. Lima, Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial, 2013, 2 vol., 497 p., 486 p. (Historia de los medios de comunicación en el Perú: siglo XX). 5341. MEYEN (Michael), FIEDLER (Anke). Wer jung ist, liest die Junge Welt. Die Geschichte der auflagenstärksten DDR-Zeitung. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 280 p. 5342. MICHELSON (Emily). The pulpit and the press in Reformation Italy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 262 p. (I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance history). 5343. MORÁN RAMOS (Luis Daniel). Batallas por la legitimidad: la prensa de Lima y de Buenos Aires durante las guerras de independencia. Los Olivos, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades Fondo Editorial, 2013, 291 p. 5344. NAVALLO (Tatiana). Miradas hacia los márgenes: dinámicas de la cultura impresa en el Río de la Plata (1801-1807). San Juan, Penélope Academic Press, 2013, 254 p. (Colección Hispanoamérica). 5345. NEWELL (Stephanie). The power to name: a history of anonymity in colonial West Africa. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, IX-255 p. 5346. Not dead things. Dissemination of popular print in England and Wales, Italy, and the Low Countries, 1500–1820. Ed. by Roeland HARMS, Joad RAYMOND and Jeroen SALMAN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XVII-328 p. (Library of the Written Word, 30). 5347. O'BRIEN (Phillips Payson). The American press, public, and the reaction to the outbreak of the First World War. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 446-475.

5351. PEACEY (Jason). Print and public politics in the English Revolution. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XXI-448 p. 5352. PEDIO (Alessia). Costruire l'immaginario fascista: gli inviati del "Popolo d'Italia" alla scoperta dell'altrove (1922-1943). Torino, Silvio Zamorani, 236 p. 5353. PORÁCZKY (Rozália). Cultură şi societate maghiară în Transilvania în secolul al XIX-lea. Presa şi tipăriturile maghiare din Transilvania şi problematica culturală. (Hungarian culture and society in 19th century Transylvania. The Hungarian press and printings in Transylvania and the cultural issue). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 350 p. 5354. Prensa británica (La) y la Guerra Civil española. Ed. de Antonio RODRÍGUEZ CELADA, Manuel GONZÁLEZ DE LA ALEJA BARBERÁN y Daniel PASTOR GARCÍA. Salamanca, Amarú Ediciones, 2013, 228 p. (Colección Armas y letras. Serie Ensayos, 5). 5355. Presse (La) judéo-espagnole, support et vecteur de la modernité. Ed. par Rosa SÁNCHEZ et MarieChristine BORNES VAROL. İstanbul, Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayıncılık, 2013, 350 p.(Histoire, 66). 5356. Pruebas de imprenta: estudios sobre la cultura editorial del libro en la España moderna y contemporánea. Ed. por Gabriel Sánchez ESPINOSA. Madrid, Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana, Vervuert, 2013, 284 p. 5357. REBENICH (Stefan). C.H. Beck 1763–2013. Der kulturwissenschaftliche Verlag und seine Geschichte. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 861 p. 5358. Revue (La): the twentieth-century periodical in French. Ed. by Charles FORSDICK and Andy STAFFORD. Oxford-Berlin, Lang, 2013, VIII-369 p. (Modern French identities, 66). 5359. ROJAS CLAROS (Francisco). Dirigismo cultural y disidencia editorial en España (1962-1973). San Vicente del Raspeig, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2013, 344 p. (Historia). 5360. ROWBOTHAM (Judith), STEVENSON (Kim), PEGG (Samantha). Crime news in Modern Britain: press reporting and responsibility, 1820–2010. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI-255 p. 5361. SALAMUROVIĆ (Aleksandra). Wie viele Gesichter hat Deutschland? Das Deutschlandbild in der ser-



bischen Presse 1990–2006. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013, XI-250 p. 5362. Schatzkammer der Revolution. Russische Kinderbücher von 1920–1935: Bücher aus bewegten Zeiten. Hrsg. v. Julian ROTHENSTEIN und Olga BUDASHEVSKAYA. Zürich, Lars Müller Publishers, 2013, 312 p. 5363. SCHEMMERT (Christian), SIEMENS (Daniel). Die Leipziger Journalistenausbildung in der Ära Ulbricht. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 3, p. 201238. 5364. SCHERR (Nadine). Die Übersetzung amerikanischer Texte in deutschen Printmedien: eine Analyse der Textsorten "Nachricht" und "Reportage" vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, 280 p. (Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik, 62).

5376. TOLL (Gil). Heraldo de Madrid: tinta catalana para la II República española. Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2013, 486 p. (Biblioteca histórica). 5377. ULRICH (Carmen). "Bericht vom Anfang": der Buchmarkt der SBZ und frühen DDR im Medium der Anthologie (1945–1962). Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2013, 665 p. (Chironeia, 8). 5378. Verbali (I) del mercoledí: riunioni editoriali Einaudi, 1953-1963. A cura di Tommaso MUNARI. Torino, Einaudi, XXXI-900 p. (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, 64). 5379. Verlage im "Dritten Reich". Hrsg. v. Klaus G. SAUR. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2013, 261 p. (Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 109).

5365. SEAL (Graham). The soldiers' press: trench journals in the First World War. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-256 p.

5380. VUATAZ (Daniel). Toutes frontières ouvertes. Franck Jotterand et la Gazette littéraire. Deux décennies d'engagement culturel en Suisse romande (1949–1972). Charmey, Editions de l'Hèbe, 2013, 247 p.

5366. SECORD (James A.). Visions of science: books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian Age. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 306 p.

5381. WARNE (Chris). Graphical terrorism? Bazooka, punk and leftist politics at Libération newspaper in 1970s France. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 212-234.

5367. SEFRIOUI (Kenza). La revue Souffles, 1966– 1973: espoirs de révolution culturelle au Maroc. Casablanca, Éd. du Sirocco, 2013, 448 p.

5382. WELLENREUTHER (Hermann). Citizens in a strange land. A study of German-American broadsides and their meaning for Germans in North America, 1730– 1830. University Park, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, XV-352 p. (Max Kade German-American Research Institute Series).

5368. SERRY (Hervé), VINCENT (Josée). Penser le rôle des foires internationales dans la mondialisation de l'édition. L'exemple des éditeurs québécois à la Buchmesse de Francfort. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 105116. 5369. SODERLUND (Gretchen). Sex trafficking, scandal, and the transformation of journalism, 1885–1917. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XVIII206 p. 5370. SOFRI (Gianni). Del fare libri. Mezzo secolo da Zanichelli. Bologna, Zanichelli, 2013, 184 p. 5371. SOULIER (Sébastien). La chronique criminelle dans la presse du Puy-de-Dôme de 1852 à 1914. Clermond-Ferrand, Fondation Varenne, 2013, XV-759 p. (Collection des thèses, 68). 5372. SPOO (Robert). Without copyrights: piracy, publishing, and the public domain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-355 p. (Modernist literature and culture). 5373. Sport (Le) dans la presse communiste. Sous la dir. de Michaël ATTALI et Évelyne COMBEAU-MARI. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 287 p. (Histoire). 5374. TELES (Amelinha), LEITE (Rosalina Santa Cruz). Da guerrilha à imprensa feminista: a construção do feminismo pós-luta armada no Brasil (1975-1980). São Paulo, Intermeios, 2013, 312 p. (Coleção Entregêneros). 5375. TÉTART (Philippe). Entre solidarité et défi. Le sport, la guerre, la grande presse. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 77-93.

5383. WESEL (Uwe). 250 Jahre rechtswissenschaftlicher Verlag C.H. Beck. 1763–2013. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 591 p. 5384. WHITE (Daniel E.). From little London to little Bengal: religion, print, and modernity in early British India, 1793–1835. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XIII-261 p. 5385. Wiener Wochenschrift (Die) Die Zeit (1894– 1904) und die zentraleuropäische Moderne: Studien-Dokumente = The Viennese weekly Die Zeit (1894-1904) and the Central European modernism. Hrsg. v. Lucie MERHAUTOVÁ und Kurt IFKOVITS. Praha, Masarykův Ústav a Archiv AV ČR, Klartext, 2013, 396 p. 5386. ZEGOUT (Kamel). La presse quotidienne en Grande-Bretagne: une analyse socio-historique de l'information médiatique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 188 p. 5387. Zensur im Vormärz: Pressefreiheit und Informationskontrolle in Europa. Edited by Gabriele B. CLEMENS. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 267 p. § 4. Addendum 2012. 5388. Nuclear age in popular media (The). A transnational history (1945–1965). Ed. Dick VAN LENTE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, X-280 p. Cf. nos 3524, 3522, 3533, 4288, 4798, 5118, 5569, 7350

§ 5. Philosophy § 5. Philosophy. ______________________

a. General


men REVILLA. Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2013, 214 p. (Filosofía política, 4).

5389. AUER (Michael). Wege zu einer planetarischen Linientreue? Meridiane zwischen Jünger, Schmitt, Heidegger und Celan. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 261 p.

5403. RODRÍGUEZ (Juan Carlos). De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de marxismo: teoría, literatura y realidad histórica. Madrid, Akal, 2013, 346 p. (Cuestiones de antagonismo, 70).

5390. CATTANEO (Fabrizio). L'idea di repubblica da Kant a Habermas.Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2013, XVII167 p. (Analisi e diritto. Serie storica, 5).

5404. RUMORE (Paola). Materia cogitans: l'Aufklärung di fronte al materialismo. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2013, 248 p. (Europaea memoria, 94).

5391. Interprétations de la pensée du soupçon au tournant du XIXe siècle: lectures italiennes de Nietzsche, Freud, Marx. Textes réunis par Elena BOVO, Antonella BRAIDA et Alberto BRAMBILLA. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013, 394 p. (Recherches interdisciplnaires et transculturelles, 85. Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, 914).

5405. SIEG (Ulrich). Geist und Gewalt. Deutsche Philosophen zwischen Kaiserreich und Nationalsozialismus. München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013, 315 p.

5392. JAKSIC (Ivan). Rebeldes académicos: la filosofía chilena desde la Independencia hasta 1989. Santiago, Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2013, 386 p. (Colección Pensamiento contemporáneo, 35). 5393. KRÜNES (Alexander). Die Volksaufklärung in Thüringen im Vormärz (1815–1848). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, X-662 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen, Kleine Reihe, 39). 5394. LEVINE (Emily J.). Dreamland of Humanists: Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XX-444 p. 5395. LORENZ (Andreas). Gewissheit versus Hypothese: postmetaphysische Untersuchungen zur Philosophieauffassung bei Kant, Newton und Schopenhauer. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 386 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie, 376). 5396. LOTTERIE (Florence). Le genre des Lumières: femme et philosophe au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 336 p. (L'Europe des Lumières, 23). 5397. MEIER (Heinrich). Politische Philosophie und die Herausforderung der Offenbarungsreligion. München, C.H. Beck, 2013, 238 p. 5398. MIRELLI (Raffaele). Der Daimon und die Figur des Sokrates: Entstehung einer gegenwärtigen, akademischen Subjektivität am Leitfaden von Platon und Nietzsche. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 301 p. (Nietzsche in der Diskussion). 5399. MORETTI (Giampiero). Heidelberg romantica: romanticismo tedesco e nichilismo europeo. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, 260 p. (Filosofia. Testi e studi, 48). 5400. MORVAN (Myriam). Descartes, Pascal, Spinoza et la question de l'effacement du tragique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, V-448 p.(La philosophie en commun). 5401. PAGDEN (Anthony). The Enlightenment and why it still matters. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, XIV436 p. 5402. Palabra liberada (La) del lenguaje: María Zambrano y el pensamiento contemporáneo. Ed. por Car-

5406. SIMON (Ralf). Die Idee der Prosa: zur Ästhetikgeschichte von Baumgarten bis Hegel mit einem Schwerpunkt bei Jean Paul. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 303 p. 5407. Staat und Ordnung im konservativen Denken. Hrsg. v. Michael GROßHEIM und Hans Jörg HENNECKE. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 381 p. 5408. TESSITORE (Fulvio). A partire da Dilthey, trittico anti-hegeliano: Weber, Meinecke, Rosenzweig. Roma, Scienze e lettere, 2013, 392 p. (Memorie. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, 9, 31, 2). a. Addendum 2012 5409. LABUTINA (Tat'jana L.), IL'IN (Dmitrij V.). Anglijskoe Prosveschenie: obschestvenno-politicheskaja i pedagogicheskaja mysl'. (The English Enlightenment: social, political and pedagogical ideas). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletheia, 2012, 304 p. (8 f. ill.; bibl. incl.). (Pax Britannica). Cf. nos 619-634, 875-890 b. Special studies 5410. Ambivalenzen der Ordnung: der Staat im Denken Hannah Arendts. Hrsg. v. Julia SCHULZE WESSEL, Christian VOLK und Samuel SALZBORN. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2013, 319 p. (Staat-Souveränität-Nation). – ARENDT (Hannah). Wahrheit gibt es nur zu zweien: Briefe an die Freunde. Hrsg. v. Ingeborg NORDMANN. München, Piper, 2013, 463 p. – Arrachement et évasion: Levinas et Arendt face á l'histoire. Coordination scientifique Mylène BOTBOL-BAUM et Anne-Marie ROVIELLO. Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2013, 187 p. (Annales de l'Institut de philosophie et de sciences morales, 2013). – LE NY (Marc). Hannah Arendt: le temps politique des hommes. Le temps comme dimension de la phénoménologie existentielle et politique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 487 p. (La philosophie en commun). – MATZNER (Tobias). Vita variabilis: Handelnde und ihre Welt nach Hannah Arendt und Ludwig Wittgenstein. Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 225 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie, 529). – MOSES (A. Dirk). Das römische Gespräch in a new key: Hannah Arendt, genocide, and the defense of republican civilization. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 4, p. 867913. – TÖMMEL (Tatjana Noemi). Wille und Passion:



der Liebesbegriff bei Heidegger und Arendt. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2013, 364 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 2077). 5411. CHARDEL (Pierre-Antoine). Zygmunt Bauman: les illusions perdues de la modernité. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 220 p. 5412. BENTHAM (Jeremy). Unsinn auf Stelzen. Schriften zur Französischen Revolution. Hrsg. v. Peter NIESEN. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 300 p. 5413. MAC GRATH (Larry). Bergson comes to America. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 599620. 5414. CHERNISS (Joshua Laurence). A mind and its time: the development of Isaiah Berlin's political thought. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII-264 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 5415. Reception (The) of Bodin. Ed. by Howell A. LLOYD. Leiden, Brill, 2013, 467 p. 5416. CARANNANTE (Salvatore). Giordano Bruno e la caccia divina. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2013, 127 p. (Variazioni, 10). – MORETTI (Mario). Processo di Giordano Bruno. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2013, 96 p. (Variazioni, 2). – ORIGO (Gaetano). La concezione della misura in Giordano Bruno rivista da Bertrando Spaventa. Roma, Bibliosofica, 2013, 109 p. – TIRINNANZI (Nicoletta). L'antro del filosofo: studi su Giordano Bruno. A cura di Elisabetta SCAPPARONE. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, XXII-411 p. (Studi e testi del Rinascimento europeo, 40). 5417. CASSIRER (Ernst). The Warburg years (1919– 1933): essays on language, art, myth, and technology. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XXXIII-385 p – CASSIRER (Ernst). Vorlesungen zu Hegels Philosophie der Moral, des Staates und der Geschichte. herausgegeben von Christian Möckel. Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2013, 342 p. (Nachgelassene Manuskripte und Texte, 16). – CURTHOYS (Ned). The legacy of liberal Judaism: Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt's hidden conversation. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013, 238 p. – MAIGNÉ (Carole). Ernst Cassirer. Paris, Belin, 2013, 237 p. (Voix allemandes). – MEYER (Thomas), TEMPLER (Bill). Ernst Cassirer's writings. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 3, p. 473-495. – MOYNAHAN (Gregory). Ernst Cassirer and the critical science of Germany, 1899–1919. New York City, Anthem Press, 2013, LII-225 p. – VERLEY (Xavier). Sur le symbolisme: Cassirer, Whitehead et Ruyer. Mazy, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2013, 209 p. – VLIET (Muriel van). La forme selon Ernst Cassirer: de la morphologie au structuralisme. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 371 p. (Aesthetica). 5418. CONTINI (Gianfranco). L'influenza culturale di Benedetto Croce. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2013, 105 p. (Variazioni, 9). – CRISPINI (Franco). Per una rivisitazione di Croce. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 61 p. – DIANA (Rosario). Configurazioni filosofiche di sé: studi sull'autobiografia intellettuale di Vico e Croce. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, 137 p. (Studi vichiani, 52).

5419. BIANCHINI (Sara). Dal "saggio" alla "meditazione": la scrittura filosofica in Montaigne e Cartesio. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 185 p. (Lemmata christianorum. Varia, I). – DESCARTES (René). Étude du bon sens: La recherche de la verité: et autres écrits de jeunesse (16161631). Ed. par Vincent CARRAUD et Gilles OLIVO avec la collaboration de Corinna VERMEULEN. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2013, 456 p. (Epiméthée: essais philosophiques). – Figures du "cogito". Sous la dir. de Xavier KIEFT. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2013, 147 p. (Cahiers de philosophie de l'Université de Caen, 50). – GRESS (Thibaut). Descartes, admiration et sensibilté. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2013, 168 p. (Philosophies, 225). – KELLERER (Sidonie). Zerrissene Moderne: Descartes bei den Neukantianern, Husserl und Heidegger. Paderborn, Konstanz U. P., 2013, 294 p. – NADLER (Steven). The philosopher, the priest, and the painter: a portrait of Descartes. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XVI-230 p. 5420. Demi-siècle (Un) d'Histoire de la folie: suivi de Foucault en Italie. Sous la direction de Daniele LORENZINI et Arianna SFORZINI. Paris, Éditions Kimé, 2013, 231 p. (Collection "Philosophie en cours"). – FOUCAULT (Michel). La grande étrangère. À propos de littérature. Édition établie et présentée par Philippe ARTIÈRES, Jean-François BERT, Mathieu POTTE-BONNEVILLE [et al.], Paris, Éd. de l'Ehess, 2013, 224 p. 5421. CANALI (Mauro). Il tradimento: Gramsci, Togliatti e la verità negata. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 255 p. (Nodi). – GRAMSCI (Antonio), STURZO (Luigi). Il Mezzogiorno e l'Italia. A cura di Giampaolo D'ANDREA e Francesco GIASI. Roma, Studium, 2013, 196 p. (Universale Studium. Nuova serie, 13. Storia, 2). – GRAMSCI (Antonio). Nel tempo della lotta [scritti fino al 1926] e Lettere (1926–1937). Milano, Il saggiatore, 2013, 507 p. (Tascabili. 297). – HOARE (George), SPERBER (Nathan). Introduction à Antonio Gramsci. Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 125 p. (Collection Repères. Sciences politiques, droit, 613). – LAUGGAS (Ingo). Hegemonie, Kunst und Literatur: Ästhetik und Politik bei Gramsci und Williams. Wien, Löcker, 2013, 220 p.(Cultural studies, 11). – LO PIPARO (Franco). L'enigma del quaderno: la caccia ai manoscritti dopo la morte di Gramsci. Roma, Donzelli, 2013, VI-161 p. (Saggine, 214). – NALDI (Nerio). La liberazione condizionale di Antonio Gramsci. Studi storici, 2013, 54, 2, p. 379-392. – SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale), BONGIOVANNI (Bruno), CHIAROTTO (Francesca). Tra biografia e filologia: la renaissance italiana di Gramsci. Passato e presente, 2013, 89, p. 33-62. [SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale). Gramsci da interpretare, p. 34-43 – BONGIOVANNI (Bruno). Anni giovanili e anni di carcere, p. 44-54. – CHIAROTTO (Francesca). A chi appartiene Antonio Gramsci, p. 55-62.] – VANZULLI (Marco). Il marxismo e l'idealismo: studi su Labriola, Croce, Gentile, Gramsci. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 308 p. (Cronogrammi. Sezione I, Politica, storia e società, 16). 5422. JONES (Meirav). Philo Judaeus and Hugo Grotius's Modern natural law. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 3, p. 339-359.

§ 5. Philosophy 5423. Arte, religione e politica in Hegel. A cura di Francesca IANNELLI. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2013, 264 p. (Philosophica, 116). – BOCKENHEIMER (Eva). Hegels Familien- und Geschlechtertheorie. Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2013, 446 p. (Hegel-Studien. Beiheft, 59). – DANGEL (Tobias). Hegel und die Geistmetaphysik des Aristoteles. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-342 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, 115). – Derecho, historia y religión: interpretaciones sobre la filosofía del derecho de Hegel. IV Congreso Internacional (22-24 septiembre de 2010). Ed. por Mariano ALVAREZ-GÓMEZ, Maria del Carmen PAREDES MARTÍN. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2013, 192 p. (Colección aquilafuente, 194). – DUSO (Giuseppe). Libertà e costituzione in Hegel. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 266 p. (Per la storia della filosofia politica, 27). – Freiheit und Bildung bei Hegel. Hrsg. v. Andreas BRAUNE, Jiří CHOTAŠ, Klaus VIEWEG und Folko ZANDER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 255 p. – Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. v. der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste. 23. Vorlesungen über die Wissenschaft der Logik: in drei Teilbänden. T.1. Nachschriften zu den Kollegien der Jahre 1801/ 02, 1817, 1823, 1824, 1825 und 1826. Hrsg. v. Annette SELL. 26. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Rechts. Hrsg. v. Dirk FELGENHAUER und Klaus GROTSCH. Hamburg, Meiner, 2013, X-435 p., VII-591 p. – Hegels Ästhetik als Theorie der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Annemarie GETHMANN-SIEFERT, Herta NAGL-DOCEKAL, Erzsébet RÓZSA und Elisabeth WEISSER-LOHMANN. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, Ein Wissenschaftsverlag der Oldenbourg Gruppe, 2013, 298 p. (Wiener Reihe. Themen der Philosophie, 17). – HERRMANN (Steffen). Symbolische Verletzbarkeit: die doppelte Asymmetrie des Sozialen nach Hegel und Levinas. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 229 p. (Sozialphilosophische Studien, 7). – KNAPPIK (Franz). Im Reich der Freiheit: Hegels Theorie autonomer Vernunft. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII534 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, 114). – KOK (Arthur). Kant, Hegel, und die Frage der Metaphysik: über die Möglichkeit der Philosophie nach der kopernikanischen Wende. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 287 p. (HegelForum). – MABILLE (Bernard). Hegel: l'épreuve de la contingence. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 384 p. (Philosophie). – RUGGIU (Luigi). Lo spirito è tempo: saggi su Hegel. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 542 p. (La scala e l'album. La scienza ricercata, 13). – TINLAND (Olivier). L'idéalisme hégélien. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 250 p. 5424. BACKMANN (Marius). Humean libertarianism: outline of a revisionist account of the joint problem of free will, determinism and laws of nature. Frankfurt, Ontos Verlag a. Piscataway, North and South America by Transaction Books, Rutgers University, 2013, 251 p. – David Hume. Ed. by Knud HAAKONSSEN and Richard WHATMORE. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-494 p. – David Hume: dialogues concerning natural religion in focus. Ed. by Stanley TWEYMAN. London, Routledge, 2013, VIII-226 p. (Routledge Library Editions. Philosophy of religion, 36). – David Hume: historical thinker,


historical writer. Ed. by Mark G. SPENCER. University Park, Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, XII-282 p. (International library of essays in the history of social and political thought) – FLEW (Antony). Hume's philosopy of belief: a study of his first inquiry. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, IX-286 p. (Routledge revivals). – LAIRD (John). Hume's philosophy of human nature. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2013, IX-312 p. (Routledge revivals). – MEEKER (Kevin). Hume's radical scepticism and the fate of naturalized epistemology. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-196 p. (Palgrave innovations in philosophy). – MERCADO (Juan Andres). Entre el interes y la benevolencia: la etica de David Hume. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 268 p. (EBL). – MOUMNI (Fatma). Aux sources de l'anthropologie positive: Auguste Comte lecteur de David Hume. Paris, Harmattan, 2013, 83 p. (Commentaires philosophiques). – PANAGIA (Davide). Impressions of Hume: cinematic thinking and the politics of discontinuity. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2013, XXIX-158 p. (Modernity and political thought). – Reception (The) of David Hume in Europe. Ed. by Peter JONES. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, XLII412 p. (The reception of British and Irish authors in Europe. Athlone critical traditions series). – ROCKNAK (Stefanie). Imagined causes: Hume's conception of objects. Dordrecht, New York a. London, Springer, 2013, XVI-289 p. (The New Synthese Historical Library, 71). – SCHWERIN (Alan). Hume's labyrinth: a search for the self. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XIII-368 p. – STRAWSON (Galen).The evident connexion: Hume on personal identity. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-165 p. – TOLONEN (Mikko). Mandeville and Hume: anatomists of civil society. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XIV-292 p.(SVEC, 7). 5425. AN (Yoon Ki). Transzendentale und empirische Subjektivität im Verhältnis: das reziproke Seinsverhältnis der beiden Subjektivitäten in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie.Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 204 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie, 521). – BACHMANN (Viktoria). Der Grund des guten Lebens: eine Untersuchung der paradigmatischen Konzepte von Sokrates, Aristoteles und Kant. Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 2013, 266 p. (Paradeigmata, 32). – BASILE (Giovanni Pietro). Kants Opus postumum und seine Rezeption. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XV-536 p. (Kantstudien. Ergänzungshefte, 175). – BOURIAU (Christophe). Le "comme si": Kant, Vaihinger et le fictionalisme. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2013, 245 p. (Passages). – COENEN (Ludwig). Immanuel Kant: "Sparsamkeit ist keine Tugend". Münster, ATE, 2013, 837 p. – Endzweck (Der) der Schöpfung: zu den Schlussparagraphen [(Paragraphen) 84-91] in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft. Hrsg. v. Michael HOFER, Christopher MEILLER, Hans SCHELKSHORN und Kurt APPEL. Freiburg, Verlag Karl Alber, 2013, 432 p. – HEIDEGGER (Martin). Gesamtausgabe. Abt. 4. Hinweise und Aufzeichnungen. Bd. 84 Seminare: Kant, Leibniz, Schiller. T. 1 Sommersemester 1931 bis Wintersemseter 1935/36. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2013, XXV-682 p. – HÖWING (Thomas).



Praktische Lust: Kant über das Verhältnis von Fühlen, Begehren und praktischer Vernunft. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-272 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, 113). – Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Im Auftrag der Kant-Gesellschaft. Hrsg. v. Stefano BACIN, Alfredo FERRARIN, Claudio LA ROCCA und Margit RUFFING. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, 5 vol., XVIII-817 p., XVIII-1029 p., XVIII-983 p., XVIII-951 p., XVIII-899 p. – Kant's "Tugendlehre": a comprehensive commentary. Ed. by Andreas TRAMPOTA, Oliver SENSEN and Jens TIMMERMANN. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, XIII-442 p. – KLINGNER (Stefan). Technische Vernunft: Kants Zweckbegriff und das Problem einer Philosophie der technischen Kultur. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII-334 p. (Kantstudien. Ergänzungshefte, 172). – MARZOLF (Hedwig). Libéralisme et religion: réflexions autour de Habermas et Kant. Paris, Ed. Cerf, 2013, 271 p. (Humanités). – MOLLOY (Seán). An 'All-Unifying Church Triumphant' a neglected dimension of Kant's theory of international relations. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 317-336. – MOSAYEBI (Reza). Das Minimum der reinen praktischen Vernunft: vom kategorischen Imperativ zum allgemeinen Rechtsprinzip bei Kant. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-274 p. (Kantstudien. Ergänzungshefte, 173). – MÜHLMANN (Heiner). Kants Irrtum: Kritik der Neuroästhetik. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 171 p. – PULS (Heiko). Funktionen der Freiheit: die Kategorien der Freiheit in Kants "Kritik der praktischen Vernunft". Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-148 p. (Kantstudien. Ergänzungshefte, 174). – SANDKÜHLER (Hans Jörg). Idealismus in praktischer Absicht: Studien zu Kant, Schelling und Hegel. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2013, 237 p. (Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften, 75). – SARDINHA (Diogo). L'émancipation de Kant à Deleuze. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 246 p. (Philosophie). – SCHADOW (Steffi). Achtung für das Gesetz: Moral und Motivation bei Kant. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XVII-328 p. (Kantstudien.. Ergänzungshefte, 171). – Schiller lettore di Kant. A cura di Alberto L. SIANI e Gabriele TOMASI. Pisa, ETS, 2013, 264 p. (Philosophica, 119). – SGARBI (Marco). Kant e l'irrazionale. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 200 p. (Filosofie, 258). – THEIS (Robert). Kant: théologie et religion. Paris, VRIN, 2013, 402 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie). – Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Hrsg. v. Oliviero ANGELI, Thomas RENTSCH, Nele SCHNEIDEREIT und Hans Vorländer. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 209 p. 5426. Reinhart Koselleck und die Politische Ikonologie. Hrsg. v. Hubert LOCHER und Adriana MARKANTONATOS. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2013, 312 p. 5427. LABRIOLA (Antonio). Da un secolo all'altro 1897–1903, Opere XI. A cura di Stefano MICCOLIS e Alessandro SAVORELLI. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2012, 372 p. 5428. BOEKER (Ruth). John Locke on persons and personal identity. St Andrews, 2013, 203 p. (University of St Andrews thesis). – LOWE (E. Jonathan). The Routledge guidebook to Locke's Essay concerning human

understanding. New York, Routledge, 2013, X-207 p. – MIURA (Nagamitsu). John Locke and the Native Americans: early English liberalism and its colonial reality. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013, VI-182 p. 5429. BLACK (Robert). Machiavelli. London, Routledge, 2013, XXVIII-376 p. – CANTIMORI (Delio). Machiavelli, Guicciardini, le idee religiose del Cinquecento. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2013, 256 p. (Variazioni, 7). – CIOCCA (Pierluigi). Machiavelli e l'economia. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 249-260. – CONNELL (William J.). La lettera di Machiavelli a Vettori del 10 dicembre 1513. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 638 (4), p. 665-724. – DE SIMONE (Antonio). Machiavelli, il conflitto e il potere: la persistenza del classico. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 125 p. (Filosofie, 314). – GHIA (Walter). España y Maquiavelo: el Príncipe ante el V Centenario. Vigo, Academia del Hispanismo, 2013, 161 p. (Publicaciones Académicas. Biblioteca de escrituras profanas, 38). – LANDON (William J.). Lorenzo di Filippo Strozzi and Niccolò Machiavelli: patron, client, and the Pistola fatta per la peste (An epistle written concerning the plague). Toronto-London, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XI-277 p. (Toronto Italian studies). – MACHIAVELLI (Niccolò). I discorsi di Nicolò Machiavelli sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2013, 200 p. – MACHIAVELLI (Niccolò). Teatro. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 252 p. (Classici, 25). – PEDULLÀ (Gabriele). Machiavelli e Dionigi: le ragioni di una proposta. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 611-631. – RAIMONDI (Fabio). L'ordinamento della libertà: Machiavelli e Firenze. Verona, Ombre, 2013, 172 p. (Culture). – TOMASELLO (Giovanna). Il Principe di Machiavelli e i cinque secoli della sua storia.Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 189 p. (Elementi). – VIROLI (Maurizio). Redeeming The Prince: the meaning of Machiavelli's masterpiece. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XVI-189 p. (Storia e società). – VIROLI (Maurizio). Scegliere il principe: i consigli di Machiavelli al cittadino elettore. Roma, Laterza 2013, IX-99 p. (Robinson. Letture). – VIVANTI (Corrado). Niccolò Machiavelli: an intellectual biography. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XVIII-261 p. 5430. Karl Marx: Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik. Hrsg. v. Rahel JAEGGI und Daniel LOICK. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 307 p. (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 34). – LA GRASSA (Gianfranco). L'altra strada: per uscire dall'impasse teorica. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 223 p. (Eterotopie, 198). – LINDNER (Urs). Marx und die Philosophie: wissenschaftlicher Realismus, ethischer Perfektionismus und kritische Sozialtheorie. Stuttgart, Schmetterling, 2013, 424 p. – MARX (Karl), ENGELS (Friedrich). Briefwechsel Januar 1862 bis September 1864. Bearbeitet von Galina GOLOVINA, Tat'jana GIOEVA und Rolf DLUBEK. Unter Mitwirkung von Hanno STRAUß. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 2 vol., XXI1529 p. (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). 3 Abt. Briefwechsel, 12). – Marx, Lacan: l'acte révolutionnaire et l'acte analytique, colloque de Cerisy. Sous la dir. de Silvia LIPPI et Patrick LANDMAN. Tou-

§ 5. Philosophy louse, Erès, 2013, 433 p.(Point hors ligne). – Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis. Hrsg. v. Rahel JAEGGI und Daniel LOICK. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2013, 518 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 2066). – Prüfstein Marx: zu Edition und Rezeption eines Klassikers. Hrsg. v. Matthias STEINBACH und Michael PLOENUS unter Mitarbeit von Benedikt EINERT. Berlin, Metropol, 2013, 382 p. – QUINIOU (Yvon). Retour à Marx: pour une société post-capitaliste. Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 2013, 167 p. – RINZIVILLO (Guglielmo). Karl Marx, dialettica e memoria. Roma, Armando editore, 2013, 399 p. (Modernità a società). – SPERBER (Jonathan). Karl Marx: a nineteenth-century life. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 2013, XX-648 p. – Wirken (Zum) von Marx und Engels und zur Editionsgeschichte ihrer Werke. Hrsg. v. Carl-Erich VOLLGRAF, Richard SPERL und Rolf HECKER. Hamburg, Argument, 2013, 247 p. (Beitrage zur Marx-Engels-Forschung, 2011). 5431. BARRIA-PONCET (Eleonora). L'Italie de Montesquieu: entre lectures et voyage. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 683 p. (Europe des lumières, 25). – FELICE (Domenico). Introduzione a Montesquieu. Bologna, CLUEB, 2013, 235 p. (Quaderni di "Dianoia", 8). – Lettres persanes (Les) de Montesquieu. Sous la dir. de Christophe MARTIN. Paris, Presses de l'Université ParisSorbonne, 2013, 348 p. (Vif). – MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat baron de). De l'esprit des lois: anthologie. Choix de textes, introduction, notices, notes, chronologie et bibliographie par Denis de CASABIANCA. Paris, Flammarion, 2013, 395 p. (Garnier Flammarion). 5432. BETTERIDGE (Thomas). Writing faith and telling tales: literature, politics, and religion in the work of Thomas More. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2013, 256 p. 5433. AUDI (Paul). L'affaire Nietzsche. Lagrasse, Éditions Verdier, 2013, 200 p. (Verdier poche). – FISCHER (Ole W.). Nietzsches Schatten: Henry van de Velde, von Philosophie zu Form. Berlin, G. Mann, 2013, 624 p. – GEORG-LAUER (Jutta). Nietzsches Denken im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz: ausgewählte Briefe von und an Friedrich Nietzsche aus den Jahren 1865-1889: mit Kommentaren und Exkursen. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 268 p. (Nietzsche in der Diskussion). – Moralkritik bei Schopenhauer und Nietzsche. Hrsg. v. Dieter BIRNBACHER und Andreas Urs SOMMER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 271 p. (Beiträge zur Philosophie Schopenhauers, 13). – NIEMEYER (Christian). Nietzsche: Werk und Wirkung eines freien Geistes. Darmstadt, Lambert Schneider, 2013, 208 p. – PRANGE (Martine). Nietzsche, Wagner, Europe. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-286 p.(Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung, 61). – ROVERSI (Roberto). Le origini dell'irrazionalismo di Nietzsche studiate nelle opere giovanili. Bologna, Pendragon, 2013, 100 p. (Le sfere). – RUPSCHUS (Andreas). Nietzsches Problem mit den Deutschen: Wagners Deutschtum und Nietzsches Philosophie. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XVI212 p. (Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung, 62). – SANCHIÑO MARTÍNEZ (Roberto). "Aufzeichnungen eines Vielfachen": zu Friedrich Nietzsches


Poetologie des Selbst. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 362 p. (Edition Moderne Postmoderne). – SÉMÉRIA (Yves), BONTE (Sylviane). Nietzsche italianissime: les paysages de l'esprit. III 1881-1889. Nice, Les Éditions Ovadia, 2013, 127 p. (Visions d'art). – SOMMER (Andreas Urs). Kommentar zu Nietzsches Der Antichrist, Ecce homo, Dionysos-Dithyramben und Nietzsche contra Wagner. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XX-921 p. (Historischer und kritischer Kommentar zu Friedrich Nietzsches Werken, 6/2). – STRONG (Tracy B.). Tyranny and tragedy in Nietzsche's understanding of the Greek polis. In: Greek polis (The) and the invention of democracy [cf. n° 1408], p. 351-370. – Texturen des Denkens: Nietzsches Inszenierung der Philosophie in Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Hrsg. v. Marcus Andreas BORN und Axel PICHLER. Germany, De Gruyter, 2013, XI-352 p. (Nietzsche Heute, 5). 5434. CARRIÈRE (Jean-Claude). Conversation avec Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Paris, Plon, 2013, 210 p. – CHARRAK (André). Rousseau: de l'empirisme à l'expérience. Paris, Vrin, 2013, 220 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie). – Dilemmi (I) della democrazia: Rousseau tra Tocqueville e Marx. A cura di Gian Mario BRAVO. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013, XIV-148 p. (Studi storici e politici, 7). – DRAI (Viviane). La sexualité dans Les confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: de Rousseau à Freud. Saint-Denis, Edilivre, 2013, 305 p. – Émile (L') de Rousseau: regards d'aujourd'hui. Sous la dir. de Anne-Marie DROUIN-HANS. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 530 p. (Colloque de Cerisy). – GHORBEL (Hichem). Études sur le XVIIIe siècle: Montesquieu et Rousseau, ou, Les conditions de la liberté. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 249 p. (Commentaires philosophiques). – HANSMANN (Otto). Logik der Paradoxie: Jean-Jacques Rousseaus Paradoxien im Spannungsfeld von Philosophie, Pädagogik und Politik. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 235 p. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau, l'homme comme projet inachevé. Sous la dir. de Pascal BOUVIER, Florence CLERC, Annie BARTHÉLÉMY et Michael KOHLHAUER. Chambéry, Université de Savoie, 2013, 222 p. (Écriture et représentation, 24). – Lange Schatten (Der) des Contrat social: Demokratie und Volkssouveränität bei Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Hrsg. v. Oliver HIDALGO. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2013, 306 p. (Staat – Souveränität – Nation, Beiträge zur aktuellen Staatsdiskussion). – Lectures de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: sélections, mimétismes et controverses. sous la direction d'Antoine Eche. Paris, Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2013, 229 p. ("Réseau lumières". Recherche-université). – MENIN (Marco). Il libro mai scritto: la morale sensitiva di Rousseau. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 374 p. (Studi e ricerche, 653). – Penser l'homme: treize études sur JeanJacques Rousseau. Sous la dir. de Claude HABIB et Pierre MANENT, avec la collaboration de Christophe LITWIN. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 223 p. (Europe des lumières, 24). – POMA (Iolanda). Una genesi ininterrotta: autobiografia e pensiero in Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 120 p. (Essere e libertà, 17). – Rousseau chez les juristes: histoire d'une référence philosophico-politique dans la pensée juridique. Sous la dir. de Carlos Miguel HERRERA. Paris, Kimé, 2013, 194 p.



(Nomos & Normes). – Rousseau und die Moderne: eine kleine Enzyklopädie. Hrsg. v. Iwan-Michelangelo D'APRILE und Stefanie STOCKHORST. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 348 p. – Zwischen Vielfalt und Imagination: Praktiken der Jean-Jacques Rousseau-Rezeption = Entre heterogeneite et imagination: pratiques de la reception de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Hrsg. v. Jesko REILING, Daniel TRÖHLER. Geneve, Slatkine, 2013, 446 p. (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumières, 15). 5435. Ausnahmezustand: Carl Schmitts Lehre von der kommissarischen Diktatur. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger VOIGT. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 265 p. (Staatsverständnisse, 57). – Carl Schmitt und die Öffentlichkeit: Briefwechsel mit Journalisten, Publizisten und Verlegern aus den Jahren 1923 bis 1983. Hrsg. v. Kai BURKHARDT in Zusammenarbeit mit Gerd GIESLER und Stefan KRINGS. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 234 p. – Carl Schmitt: nomos, droit et conflit dans les relations internationales. Actes de la Journée d'Études Krisis, Philosophie, Droit, Sciences Politiques, 21 octobre 2010, ENS de Lyon. Sous la dir. de Ninon GRANGÉ. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 127 p. (Univers des normes). – EGNER (David). Zur Stellung des Antisemitismus im Denken Carl Schmitts. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 2, p. 345-362. – FAYE (Jean Pierre). L'État total selon Carl Schmitt, ou, Comment la narration engendre des monstres. Meaux, Germina, 2013, 161 p. (Cercle de philosophie). – WILDE (Reinhard C.). "Die letzte globale Linie": Carl Schmitt und der Kampf um das Völkerrecht. Berlin, Wilde Research, 2013, 284 p. 5436. LENARDA (Antonio). Metafisiche della forma: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Simmel. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 188 p.(Collana di filosofia, 99). – Schopenhauer in Italia. Atti del I Convegno nazionale della Sezione italiana della Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft, San Pietro Vernotico-Lecce, 20 e 21 giugno 2013. A cura di Fabio CIRACÌ, Domenico M. FAZIO. Lecce, Pensa multimedia, 2013, 227 p. (Schopenhaueriana, 7). 5437. MAAß (Sebastian). Oswald Spengler. Eine politische Biographie. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 113 p. – Oswald Spengler als europäisches Phänomen. Der Transfer der Kultur- und Geschichtsmorphologie im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit 1919–1939. Hrsg. v. Zaur GASIMOV und Carl Antonius LEMKE DUQUE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 328 p. 5438. ALBIAC (Gabriel). La sinagoga vacía: un estudio de las fuentes marranas del espinosismo. Madrid, Tecnos, 2013, XIII-660 p.(Ventana abierta). – FRAENKEL (Carlos). Spinoza on miracles and the truth of the Bible. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 643658. – HARVEY (Warren Zev). Spinoza on Biblical Miracles. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 659675. – MILNER (Jean-Claude). Le sage trompeur: libres raisonnements sur Spinoza et les Juifs. Lagrasse, Verdier, 2013, 120 p. (Court traité de lecture, 1). – MORVAN (Myriam). Descartes, Pascal, Spinoza et la question de l'effacement du tragique. préface de Pierre-François Moreau. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, v-448 p. (La philosophie

en commun). – NADLER (Steven). Scripture and truth: a problem in Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 623-642. – Ragione (La) della parola: religione, ermeneutica e linguaggio in Baruch Spinoza. A cura di Francesco CAMERA e Andrea SANGIACOMO. Saonara, Il prato, 2013, 298 p.(I cento talleri, 55). – Revisiting Spinoza's Theological-political treatise. Ed. by António BENTO and José Maria Silva ROSA. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2013, 340 p.(Religion and civil society, 3). – SANGIACOMO (Andrea). L'essenza del corpo: Spinoza e la scienza delle composizioni. Hildesheim, Olms, 2013, 435 p. (Europaea memoria, Studien, 103). – Spinoza: la raison à l'épreuve de la pratique. Sous la dir. de J. Vicente CORTÉS et Sophie LAVERAN. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 161 p. (La philosophie à l'œuvre, 3). 5439. STEINER (Stephan). Weimar in Amerika. Leo Strauss' politische Philosophie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, 306 p. 5440. TROELTSCH (Ernst). Briefe I (1884-1894). Hrsg. v. Friedrich Wilhelm GRAF. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, XVI, 463 p. (Kritische Gesamtausgabe, 18). 5441. Vico in Europa (1800–1950). Ed by Peter KÖNIG. Heidelberg, Winter, 2013, 333 p. 5442. COCCO (Enzo). Le vie della felicità in Voltaire. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 172 p.(Filosofie, 288). – GARNOT (Benoît). Voltaire et l'affaire Calas: les faits, les débats, les enjeux. Paris, Hatier, 2013, 123 p.(Récits d'historien). – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 43. Questions sur l'encyclopédie, par des amateurs. VIII. Privilèges-Zoroastre. Sous la direction de Nicholas CRONK and Christiane MERVAUD. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation 2013, XXIX-623 p. – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 76. Œuvres de 1774-1775. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XXI628 p. – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 60C. Œuvres de 1766, I. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XXIII-354 p. – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 51B. Œuvres de 1760-1761, II. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XXVII-568 p. – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 26A. Essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations. VI Chapitres 130-162. Sous la dir. de Bruno BERNARD [et al.]. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XXXVII-439 p. – Œuvres complètes (Les) de Voltaire. Directeur de l'édition Nicholas CRONK. 71c. Œuvres de 1769-1770. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, XXV-483 p. – STACKELBERG (Jürgen von). Voltaire und Friedrich der Grosse. Hannover, Wehrhahn Verlag, 2013, 240 p.(Aufklärung und Moderne, 31). – Voltaire et la musique. Paris, Presses e l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 356 p. (Revue Voltaire, 13). – VOLTAIRE. Dizionario filosofico: tutte le voci del Dizionario filosofico e delle Domande sull'Enciclopedia. A cura di Domenico FELICE e Riccardo CAMPI. Milano, Bompiani, 2013, LXXXI-3081 p. (Il pensiero occidentale).

§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique 5443. Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Im Auftrag der Kommission für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften hrsg. v. Horst BAIER, Gangolf HÜBINGER, M. Rainer LEPSIUS [et al.] Abt. 1. Schriften und Reden. 23. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Soziologie. Unvollendet, 1919–1920. Hrsg. v. Knut BORCHARDT, Edith HANKE und Wolfgang SCHLUCHTER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVI845 p. – SCAFF (Lawrence A.). Max Weber in Amerika. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 375 p. 5444. ARBO (Alessandro). Entendre comme: Wittgenstein et l'esthétique musicale. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 320 p. (Collection du GREAM/Esthétique). – BEZZEL (Chris). Aspektwechsel der Philosophie: Wittgensteins Werk und die Ästhetik. Berlin, H-E Verlag, 2013, 216 p. (Wittgensteiniana, 6). – BOSSART (Yves). Ästhetik nach Wittgenstein: eine systematische Rekonstruktion. Frankfurt, Ontos, 2013, 317 p. – Dire, montrer: au coeur du sens. Sous la dir. de Hugues de CHANAY, Marion COLAS-BLAISE, Odile LE GUERN. Chambéry, Université de Savoie, 2013, 219 p. (Langages, 12). – Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Ed. by Hajo GREIF and Martin Gerhard WEISS. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter Ontos, 2013, 596 p. (Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 20). – Kulturen und Werte: Wittgensteins "Kringel-Buch" als Initialtext. Hrsg. v. Josef G. F. ROTHHAUPT und Wilhelm VOSSENKUHL. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-495 p. (Über Wittgenstein, 1). – Lectures de Wittgenstein. Sous la dir. de Yasmina KÉFI-GHODBANE. Tunis, Université de Tunis, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, 2013, 102 p. – Mind, language and action: papers of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium, August 11-17, 2013, Kirchberg am Wechsel = Geist, Sprache und Handlung: Beiträge des 36. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, 11.–17. August 2013, Kirchberg am Wechsel. Ed. by Danièle MOYAL-SHARROCK, Volker A. MUNZ and Annalisa COLIVA. Kirchberg, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2013, 470 p. (Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, XXI =Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, XXI). – SCHNEIDER (Karsten). Vom mystischen Schweigen zum Reden aus Gewissheit: Wittgensteins Sprachparadigmen theologisch gedeutet, mit einer Anwendung auf Tillichs. Frankfurt am Main, PL Academic Research, 2013, 365 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 23, Theologie 936). – SINI (Carlo). Scrivere il silenzio: Wittgenstein e il problema del linguaggio. Roma, Castelvecchi, 2013, 101 p. – STUHLDREHER (Anna). Wittgensteins Sprachspiel der Emotionen. Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2013, 291 p. (Kaleidogramme, 105). – VENEZIA (Simona). La misura della finitezza: evento e linguaggio in Heidegger e Wittgenstein. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 248 p. (Percorsi di confine, 8). – Wittgenstein, l'estetica e le arti. A cura di Elisa CALDAROLA, Davide QUATTROCCHI e Gabriele TOMASI. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 391 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 814). – Wittgenstein. Sous la dir. de Claude ROMANO. Paris, Ed. Le Cerf, 2013, 604 p. (Les cahiers d'histoire de la philosophie).


b. Addendum 2012 5445. BAJAZITOVA (Gul'nara I.), MITJUREVA (Dar'ja S.). V preddverii rozhdenija gosudarstva: jazyk, pravo i filosofija v politicheskoj teorii Zhana Bodena. Monografija. (On the threshold of the emergence of state: language, law and philosophy in political theory of Jean Bodin). Tjumen' State University, Institute of Humanities. Tjumen', Izd-vo Tjum. gos. un-ta, 2012, 240 p. (bibl. p. 188-200; suppl. p. 201-238: tabl.). Cf. nos 465-467 § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. ** 5446. Alexander von Humboldt / Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Briefwechsel. Mit einer einleitenden Studie von Bärbel HOLTZ. Hrsg. v. Ulrike LEITNER. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2013, 616 p. ** 5447. Correspondence (The) of Charles Darwin. Volume 20 1872. Ed. by Frederick BURKHARDT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXXIX-862 p. ** 5448. DARWIN (Charles). The descent of man: and selections in relation to sex. With an introduction by Janet BROWNE. Ware, Wordsworth Editions Limited, 2013, XXVIII-674 p. (Wordsworth classics of world literature). ** 5449. David Hilbert's lectures on the foundations of arithmetic and logic, 1917-1933. Ed. by William EWALD and Wilfried SIEG. Heidelberg, Springer, 2013, XXV-1062 p. (David Hilbert's foundation lectures, 3). ** 5450. Opere (Le) di Galileo Galilei: edizione nazionale. Appendice. Vol. 1. Iconografia galileiana. A cura di Federico TOGNONI. Firenze, Giunti, 2013, 603 p. ** 5451. Origini (Alle) dell'astrofisica italiana: il carteggio Secchi-Tacchini, 1861-1877. A cura di Ileana CHINNICI e Antonella GASPERINI. Firenze, Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, 2013, 496 p. (Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, 116). ** 5452. PILLOUD (Séverine). Les mots du corps: expérience de la maladie dans les lettres de patients à un médecin du 18e siècle; Samuel Auguste Tissot. Lausanne, Éditions BHMS, 2013, XVIII-373 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé). _______________________

5453. ADAMS (Andrea). Psychopathologie und "Rasse". Verhandlungen "rassischer" Differenz in der Erforschung psychischer Leiden (1890–1933). Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 333 p. 5454. AGOSTONI (Claudia). Médicos rurales y medicina social en el México posrevolucionario. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 745-801 5455. ALEXANDER (Daniel S.). A history of complex dynamics: from Schröder to Fatou and Julia. Wiesbaden, Vieweg, 2013, VII-165 p. (Aspects of mathematics, 24). 5456. AL-MASRI (Abdul Nasser), WALTER (Gerhard Franz). Einblick in die traditionelle islamische Medizin. Berlin, Lit, 2013, 318 p. (Medizin, 15).



5457. ALMEIDA (Maria Antónia de Figueiredo Pires de). Saúde pública e higiene na imprensa diária em anos de epidemias, 1854–1918. Lisboa, Colibri, 2013, 257 p. (Centro Interuniversitário de História da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2). 5458. AMSTER (Ellen J.). Medicine and the Saints: science, Islam, and the colonial encounter in Morocco, 1877–1956. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XIV-334 p. 5459. ARMOCIDA (Giuseppe), RIGO (Gaetana Silvia). Dove mi ammalavo: la geografia medica nel pensiero scientifico del XIX secolo. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 171 p. (Eterotopie, 158). 5460. ARNOLD (David). Everyday technology: machines and the making of India's modernity. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 223 p. (Science. Culture). 5461. Aspetti della matematica napoletana tra Ottocento e Novecento. A cura di Giovanni FERRARO. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 300 p. 5462. Automatismen – Selbst-Technologien. Hrsg. v. Hannelore BUBLITZ, Irina KALDRACK, Theo RÖHLE und Mirna ZEMAN. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013, 325 p. 5463. AUVINET (Jérôme). Charles-Ange Laisant: itinéraires et engagements d'un mathématicien de la Troisième République. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 241 p. (Histoire des sciences). 5464. BANDINELLI (Angela). Le origini chimiche della vita: legami tra la rivoluzione di Lavoisier e la biologia di Lamarck. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, IX-252 p. (Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi, 71). 5465. BASSIRI (Nima). The brain and the unconscious soul in eighteenth-century nervous physiology: Robert Whytt's Sensorium Commune. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 3, p. 425-448. 5466. BATTIMELLI (Giovanni). Fermi e dintorni: due secoli di fisica a Roma (1748-1960). Milano, Mondadori università, 2013, XI-295 p. 5467. BERGER (Rachel). Ayurveda made modern: political histories of indigenous medicine in North India, 1900–1955. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-232 p. (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies). 5468. BERNET (Brigitta). Schizophrenie. Entstehung und Entwicklung eines psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildes um 1900. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 390 p. 5469. Bernhard Riemann, "Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen". Historisch und mathematisch kommentiert von Jürgen JOST. Berlin, Springer Spektrum, 2013, X-156 p. 5470. BERNIER (Georges). Darwin: un pionnier de la physiologie végétale L'apport de son fils Francis. Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2013, 183. (Mémoires de la Classe des sciences).

5471. BERRA (Tim M.). Darwin and his children: his other legacy. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, xii-248 p. 5472. BLUME (Michael). Evolution und Gottesfrage: Charles Darwin als Theologe. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2013, 175 p. (Herder Spektrum, 6582). 5473. BOTTAZZINI (Umberto), NASTASI (Pietro). La patria ci vuole eroi: matematici e vita politica nell'Italia del Risorgimento. Bologna, Zanichelli, 2013, X-432 p. (Saggi). 5474. BÖTTCHER (Frauke). Das mathematische und naturphilosophische Lernen und Arbeiten der Marquise du Châtelet (1706-1749): Wissenszugänge einer Frau im 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin u. Heidelberg, Springer Spektrum, 2013, XII-343 p. 5475. BOWLER (Peter J.). Darwin deleted: imagining a world without Darwin. Chicago a. London, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 318 p. 5476. BRAGANTI (Gérard). L'invention de l'exploration cardiaque moderne par Louis Desliens, vétérinaire. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 175 p. (Acteurs de la science). 5477. BRAUNSCHWEIG (Sabine). Zwischen Aufsicht und Betreuung. Berufsbildung und Arbeitsalltag der Psychiatriepflege am Beispiel der Basler Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Friedmatt, 1886–1960. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 351 p. 5478. BROHARD (Yvan), LEBLOND (Jean-François). Une histoire des médecines populaires: herbes, magie, prières. Paris, Université Paris Descartes, Éditions de La Martinière, 2013, 223 p. 5479. BUCHWALD (Jed Z.), FEINGOLD (Mordechai). Newton and the origin of civilization. Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2013, IX-528 p. 5480. CAETANO DA ROSA (Catarina). Operationsroboter in Aktion: Kontroverse Innovationen in der Medizintechnik. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 392 p. 5481. CARROLL (Sean). Higgs: le boson manquant. Paris, Belin, Pour la science, 2013, 399 p. 5482. CASANOVA (Cesarina). Medici in provincia: le condotte nel Bolognese tra il dominio francese e l'Unità. Archivio storico italiano, 2013, 171, 635 (1), p. 83-104. 5483. CASSATA (Francesco). L'Italia intelligente. Adriano Buzzati-Traverso e il Laboratorio internazionale di genetica e biofisica (1962–1969). Roma, Donzelli, 2013, 460 p. 5484. Celestial novelties on the eve of the scientific revolution: 1540-1630. Ed. by Dario TESSICINI and Patrick J. BONER. Firenze, Olschki, XVI-282 p. (Biblioteca di Galilæana, 3). 5485. CHENG (Ta-Pei). Einstein's physics: atoms, quanta, and relativity: derived, explained, and appraised. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XX-350 p. 5486. Claude Bernard: la méthode de la physiologie. Sous la dir. de François DUCHESNEAU, Jean-Jacques

§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique KUPIEC et Michel MORANGE. Paris, Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 2013, 161 p. (Rencontres de Normale sup'). 5487. COCCO (Sean). Watching Vesuvius: a history of science and culture in early Modern Italy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XI-322 p. 5488. COEN (Deborah R.). The earthquake observers: disaster science from Lisbon to Richter. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 348 p. 5489. CREAGER (Angela N. H.). Life atomic: a history of radioisotopes in science and medicine. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XVI-489 p. (Synthesis: a series in the history of chemistry, broadly construed). 5490. DÄNZER-KANTOF (Boris), TORRES (Félix). L'Énergie de la France. De Zoé aux EPR, l'histoire du programme nucléaire. Lormont-Paris, Éditions François Bourin, 2013, 704 p. 5491. DAVIS (Ryan A.). The Spanish flu: narrative and cultural identity in Spain, 1918. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-255 p. 5492. DEN UIJL (Simon), DE VRIES (Henk J.). Pushing technological progress by strategic manoeuvring: the triumph of Blu-ray over HD-DVD. Business history, 2013, 55, 8, p. 1361-1384. 5493. DOYLE (Shane). Before HIV: sexuality, fertility and mortality in East Africa, 1900–1980. New York, Oxford U. P., for the British Academy, 2013, X-436 p. (Postdoctoral fellowship monographs). 5494. DUBACH (Roswitha). Verhütungspolitik. Sterilisationen im Spannungsfeld von Psychiatrie, Gesellschaft und individuellen Interessen in Zürich (1890– 1970). Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 351 p. 5495. ECKERT (Michael). Arnold Sommerfeld: Atomphysiker und Kulturbote, 1868-1951: eine Biografie. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 604 p. (Abhandlungen und Berichte, 29). 5496. Electrified voices. Medial, socio-historical and cultural aspects of voice transfer. Ed. by Dmitri ZAKHARINE and Nils MEISE. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2013, 416 p. 5497. ELSHAKRY (Marwa). Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860–1950. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII-439 p. 5498. ERASO (Yolanda). Representing Argentinian mothers: medicine, ideas and culture in the Modern era, 1900–1946. New York: Rodopi, 2013, XIII-293 p. (Clio Medica: Perspectives in Medical Humanities, 92). 5499. Erhard Weigel (1625–1699) und die Wissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Klaus-Dieter HERBST. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 190 p. 5500. ERICKSON (Paul), KLEIN (Judy L.), DASTON (Lorraine), LEMOV (Rebecca), STURM (Thomas), GORDIN (Michael D.). How reason almost lost its mind: the strange career of Cold War rationality. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII-259 p.


5501. ERIKSSON (Martin), WESTIN (Lars). Regional policy as interaction between national institutions and regional science. The Nordic growth centre policies, 1965–1980. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 367-386. 5502. Expériences de la folie. Criminels, soldats, patients en psychiatrie (XIXe–XXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Laurence GUIGNARD, Hervé GUILLEMAIN et Stéphane TISON. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 327 p. (Histoire). 5503. FALISOVÁ (Anna), LENGYELOVÁ (Tünde). Bioterapia optikou histórie: larválna terapia, apiterapia, hirudoterapia, bakteriofágová terapia, ichtyoterapia, helmintoterapia. (Biotherapy through the lens of history: larval therapy apitherapy, hirudoterapy, bacteriophage therapy ichtyotherapy, helmintoterapy). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 184 p. 5504. FALISOVÁ (Anna), TAKÁČ (Peter), LENGYE(Tünde). Výskum a vývoj nových bioterapeutických metód: chronológia, etnografické aspekty, pramene. (Research and development of new bio therapeutic methods: chronology, ethnographic aspects source). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 130 p. LOVÁ

5505. FEIST (Ulrike). Sonne, Mond und Venus: Visualisierungen astronomischen Wissens im frühneuzeitlichen Rom. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, VIII259 p. (Actus et Imago, 10). 5506. FINKELSTEIN (Gabriel). Emil du Bois-Reymond: neuroscience, self, and society in nineteenthcentury Germany. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, 384 p. 5507. FISCHER-TINÉ (Harald). Pidgin-Knowledge. Wissen und Kolonialismus. Zürich, diaphanes, 2013, 104 p. 5508. FUSO (Silvano). La falsa scienza: invenzioni folli, frodi e medicine miracolose dalla metà del Settecento a oggi. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 272 p. (Sfere). 5509. Geschichte der Gynäkopathologie in Österreich. Hrsg. v. Hellmuth PICKEL. Vienna, Facultas, 2013, 168 p. 5510. GOMES (Ana Carolina Vimieiro). Uma ciência moderna e imperial: a fisiologia brasileira no final do século XIX (1880-1889). Manguinhos, Editora FIOCRUZ, Campina Grande, EDUEPB e Belo Horizonte, Fino Traço, 2013, 166 p. 5511. GRAHAM (Loren). Lonely ideas: can Russia compete? Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2013, XII-204 p. 5512. GRÜNDLER (Jens). Armut und Wahnsinn. "Arme Irre" und ihre Familien im Spannungsfeld von Psychiatrie und Armenfürsorge in Glasgow, 1875–1921. Oldenburg, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VII-376 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London, 72). 5513. GUICCIARDINI (Niccolò). The role of musical analogies in Newton's optical and cosmological work. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 1, p. 45-67.



5514. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé), TISON (Stéphane). Du front à l'asile, 1914–1918. Paris, Alma éditeur, 2013, 416 p. 5515. HAFFNER (Jeanne). The view from above: the science of social space. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2013, XVI-203 p. 5516. HALLIWELL (Martin). Therapeutic revolutions: medicine, psychiatry, and American culture, 1945–1970. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2013, XIV-382 p. 5517. HANSEN (Randall), KING (Desmond). Sterilized by the state: eugenics, race, and the population scare in twentieth-century North America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII-303 p. 5518. HANSLMEIER (Arnold). Faszination Astronomie: Ein topaktueller Einstieg für alle naturwissenschaftlich Interessierten. Berlin, Springer Spektrum, 2013, XII246 p. 5519. HART (Bradley W.). Science, politics, and prejudice: the dynamics and significance of British anthropology's failure to confront Nazi racial ideology. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 2, p. 301-325. 5520. HAUSDORFF (Felix). Allgemeine Mengenlehre. Hrsg. v. Ulrich FELGNER, Vladimir KANOVEI, Peter KOEPKE und Walter PURKERT. Berlin, Springer, 2013, XXVI-537 p. 5521. HEATON (Matthew M.). Black skin, white coats: Nigerian psychiatrists, decolonization, and the globalization of psychiatry. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, X-249 p. 5522. "Heroische Therapien". Die deutsche Psychiatrie im internationalen Vergleich, 1918–1945. Hrsg. v. HansWalter SCHMUHL und Volker ROELCKE. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 320 p. 5523. HOFFMANN (Dieter). Einstein's Berlin: in the footsteps of a genius. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XIII-175 p. 5524. HÖGBERG (Ulf). Vita rockar och bruna skjortor. Nazimedicin och läkare på flykt. (Blouses blanches et chemises brunes. Médecine nazie et médecins en exil). Malmö, Universus, 2013, 318 p. 5525. HOLLÝ (Karol). Veda a slovenské národné hnutie: snahy o organizovanie a inštitucionalizovanie vedy v slovenskom národnom hnutí v dokumentoch 1863–1898. (Science and the Slovak National Movement. Efforts to organize and institutionalize the scientific research in Slovak National Movement in documents 1863–1898). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 130 p. 5526. HOLTORF (Christian). Der erste Draht zur neuen Welt. Die Verlegung des transatlantischen Telegrafenkabels. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 350 p.

Canada. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII323 p. 5529. INGLIS (Kerri A.). Ma'i Lepera: disease and displacement in nineteenth-century Hawai'i. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XVII-268 p. 5530. Interpretare e curare: medicina e salute nel Rinascimento. A cura di Maria CONFORTI, Andrea CARLINO, Antonio CLERICUZIO. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 435 p. (Frecce, 166). 5531. JACKSON (Mark). The age of stress, science and the search for stability. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 328 p. 5532. JONES (Ross L.). Macaws, elephants and mahouts: Frederic Wood Jones, the Rockefeller Foundation and the human biology project. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 189-205. 5533. JÜTTE (Robert). Krankheit und Gesundheit in der Frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, 238 p. 5534. KAUDERS (Anthony D.). Truth, truthfulness, and psychoanalysis: the reception of Freud in Wilhelmine Germany. German history, 2013, 31, 1, p. 1-22. 5535. KIKUCHI (Yoshiyuki). Anglo-American connections in Japanese chemistry: the lab as contact zone. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVII-279 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of science and technology). 5536. KJELLMAN (Ulrika). A whiter shade of pale. Visuality and race in the work of the Swedish State Institute for race biology. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 180-201. 5537. KLÄMBT (Nils). Hans Paul Kaufmann (18891971): Leben und Werk zwischen Pharmazie und Fettchemie. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013, 478 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Pharmazie, 97). 5538. KLAUTKE (Egbert). The mind of the nation. Völkerpsychologie in Germany, 1851–1955. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 194 p. 5539. LAUFS (Paul). Reaktorsicherheit für Leistungskernkraftwerke. Die Entwicklung im politischen und technischen Umfeld der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin, Springer Gabler, 2013, XXVIII-1.116 p. 5540. LAVINE (Matthew). The first atomic age: scientists, radiations, and the American public, 1895–1945. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-247 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of science and technology). 5541. LECKLIDER (Aaron). Inventing the egghead: the battle over brainpower in American culture. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 285 p.

5527. HUMPHREYS (Margaret). Marrow of tragedy: the health crisis of the American Civil War. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XIV-385 p.

5542. LEGGETT (Don). William Froude, John Henry Newman and scientific practice in the culture of Victorian doubt. English historical review, 2013, 128, 532, p. 571-595.

5528. HUMPHRIES (Mark Osborne). The Last Plague: Spanish Influenza and the politics of public health in

5543. LEONE (Frederico). Von der Lehre des 'geborenen' Verbrechers zur modernen Hirnforschung. Ein Bei-

§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique trag zur Geschichte der biologischen Kriminologie und ihrer Auswirkungen auf das Strafrecht. Hamburg, Kovač, 2013, 274 p. (Schriftenreihe Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis, 263). 5544. MAJERUS (Benoît), RICHEL (Julie). "L'invention" de l'immigré. La psychiatrie belge face à la migration maghrébine dans les années 1960 et 1970. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 31-44. 5545. MARTIN (Jean-Pierre). L'instrumentation médico-chirurgicale en caoutchouc en France: XVIIIe-XIXe. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 109 p.(Médecine à travers les siècles).


5557. OLDENZIEL (Ruth), HÅRD (Mikael). Consumers, tinkerers, rebels. The people who shaped Europe. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XXII-416 p. (Making Europe: technology and transformations, 1850– 2000). 5558. OOSTERHOFF (Richard J.). From pious to polite: Pythagoras in the Res publica litterarum of French Renaissance mathematics. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 531-552. 5559. OSSA-RICHARDSON (Anthony). Possession or insanity? Two views from the Victorian lunatic asylum. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 4, p. 553-575.

5546. MATTHEWS (Michael). The civilizing machine: a cultural history of Mexican railroads, 1876–1910. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2013, XIII-321 p. (Mexican experience).

5560. OTTOSSON (Anders). Gymnastik som medicin: berättelsen om en svensk exportsuccé. (La gymnastique suédoise comme médecine. Récit d'un succès à l'exportation). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2013, 183 p. (ill.).

5547. Medicine and narration in the eighteenth century. Ed. by Sophie VASSET. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, VII-260 p. (SVEC).

5561. PACHECO (Pablo Antonio). De Mendoza hacia el cosmos: astronomía, astrofísica y actividades espaciales en el siglo XX. Mendoza, EDIUNC, 2013, 279 p. (Colección Ida y vuelta, 2).

5548. Méthode et histoire: quelle histoire font les historiens des sciences et des techniques? Sous la dir. d'Anne-Lise REY. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 513 p.(Histoire et philosophie des sciences, 6) 5549. Miedo (El) a morir. Endemias, epidemias y pandemias en México: análisis de larga duración. Ed. por América MOLINA DEL VILLAR, Lourdes MÁRQUEZ MORFÍN y Claudia Patricia PARDO HERNÁNDEZ. México D.F., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2013, 560 p. 5550. Military engineers and the development of the early-Modern state. Ed. by Bruce P. LENMAN. Dundee, Dundee U.P., 2013, 362 p. 5551. MOGILNER (Marina). Homo imperii. A history of physical anthropology in Russia. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press 2013, XIV-486 p. (Critical studies in the history of anthropology). 5552. MONTALDO (Silvano). La statistica nel Regno di Sardegna (1814-1860). Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 353-396. 5553. MOORE (Aaron Stephen). Constructing East Asia: technology, ideology, and empire in Japan's wartime era, 1931–1945. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XII-314 p. 5554. MUNNS (David P. D.). A single sky: how an international community forged the science of radio astronomy. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, XI-247 p. 5555. NEER (Robert M.). Napalm: an american biography. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, VIII-310 p. 5556. NOVELLA (Enric). La ciencia del alma: locura y modernidad en la cultura española del siglo XIX. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 222 p.(La cuestión palpitante. Los siglos XVIII y XIX en España, 20).

5562. PADOVA (Thomas de). Leibniz, Newton und die Erfindung der Zeit. München, Piper, 2013, 347 p. 5563. PAOLI (François). Jean-Baptiste Morgagni, ou, La naissance de la médecine moderne. Paris, Glyphe, 2013, 196 p. 5564. PÄRR (Nora). Maximilian Hell und sein wissenschaftliches Umfeld im Wien des 18. Jahrhunderts. Nordhausen, Bautz, 2013, 333 p. (Religionsgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, 14). 5565. PEGLAU (Andreas). Unpolitische Wissenschaft? Wilhelm Reich und die Psychoanalyse im Nationalsozialismus. Gießen, Psychosozial-Verlag, 2013, 635 p. 5566. PELLET (Jean). Médecine et humanisme: le grand écart. Quatre siècles de folles aventures médicales. Gap, Yves Michel, 2013, 237 p. (Santé). 5567. PETTIT (Michael). Becoming glandular: endocrinology, mass culture, and experimental lives in the interwar age. American historical review, 2013, 118, 4, p. 1052-1076. 5568. PIEVANI (Telmo). Anatomia di una rivoluzione: la logica della scoperta scientifica di Darwin. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 195 p. (Epistemologia, 11). 5569. Poétiques scientifiques: dans les revues européennes de la modernité (1900-1940). Sous la dir. de Tania COLLANI et Noëlle CUNY. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 461 p.(Rencontres, 54). 5570. RADKAU (Joachim), HAHN (Lothar). Aufstieg und Fall der deutschen Atomwirtschaft. München, Oekom Verlag, 2013, 413 p. 5571. RANKIN (Alisha). Panaceia's daughters: noblewomen as healers in early Modern Germany. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIV-298 p. (Synthesis). 5572. RASK (Bart). Evolution by affirming the consequent: peer reviewed challenges to Darwin's theory



of evolution. Bethesda, Academica Press, 2013, XXVI439 p. 5573. RATCLIFF (Marc J.), BORELLA (Paloma). "Voilà donc une chaire désaxée". La nomination de Jean Piaget à l'Université de Genève. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 1, p. 1-18. 5574. RAUH (Philipp). Ernst Wilhelm Baader (18921962) und die Arbeitsmedizin im Nationalsozialismus. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2013, 257 p. (Medizingeschichte im Kontext, 18). 5575. REUSS (Paul). Du noyau atomique au réacteur nucléaire: la saga de la neutronique française. Les Ulis, EDP sciences, 2013, 248 p. (QuinteSciences). 5576. RIPPA BONATI (Maurizio). Il secolo d'oro della scuola medica dello Studium patavinum. Padova, CLEUP, 2013, 242 p. (Power lesson, 1). 5577. RODRÍGUEZ DE ROMO (Ana Cecilia), CASTALÓPEZ (Gabriela). Las primeras potosinas en la medicina mexicana. México D.F., Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2013, 264 p. ÑEDA

5578. SAKURAI (Ayako). Science and societies in Frankfurt am Main. London, Pickering and Chatto, 2013, XI-235 p. 5579. SALEM (Samia). Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Gentechnik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit den 1960er Jahren. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 314 p. (Pallas Athene, 47). 5580. SCHELL (Patience A.). The sociable sciences. Darwin and his contemporaries in Chile. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 312 p. 5581. SCHNEIDER (Michael C.). Wissensproduktion im Staat. Das königlich preußische statistische Bureau 1860–1914. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 467 p. 5582. SCHNEIDER (William H.). The history of blood transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, IX-239 p. 5583. SCHULZE (Bert-Wolfgang). Erlebnisse an Grenzen: Grenzerlebnisse mit der Mathematik. Basel, Birkhäuser, 2013, XII-255 p.

5588. Sociology and empire: the imperial entanglements of a discipline. Ed. by George STEINMETZ. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, 610 p. 5589. SOLOVEY (Mark). Shaky foundations: the politics-patronage-social science nexus in Cold War America. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2013, X-253 p. (Studies in Modern science, technology, and the environment). 5590. SOUSA (Germano de). História da medicina portuguesa durante a expansão. Lisboa, Temas e Debates, Círculo de Leitores, 2013, 328 p. 5591. SPÖRRI (Myriam). Reines und gemischtes Blut. Zur Kulturgeschichte der Blutgruppenforschung, 1900– 1933. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 410 p. 5592. STERNSTEIN (Wolfgang). "Atomkraft – nein danke!". Der lange Weg zum Ausstieg. Frankfurt am Main, Brandes & Apsel Verlag, 2013, 240 p. 5593. STÖLZLE (Astrid). Kriegskrankenpflege im Ersten Weltkrieg. Das Pflegepersonal der freiwilligen Krankenpflege in den Etappen des Deutschen Kaiserreichs. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 227 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 49). 5594. STONE (A. Douglas). Einstein and the quantum: the quest of the valiant Swabian. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, X-332 p. 5595. Storie e protagonisti della matematica italiana: per raccontare 20 anni di "Lettera Matematica Pristem". A cura di Renato BETTI, Angelo GUERRAGGIO e Settimo TERMINI. Milano, Springer, 2013, VIII-324 p. (I blu). 5596. TAPP (Christian). An den Grenzen des Endlichen: Das Hilbertprogramm im Kontext von Formalismus und Finitismus. Berlin, Springer Spektrum, 2013, XIII-376 p. (Mathematik im Kontext). 5597. TEGA (Walter). Tradizione e rivoluzione: scienza e potere in Francia, 1815-1840. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, IX-346 p. (Pansophia, 11).

5584. SEHRAWAT (Samiksha). Colonial medical care in North India: gender, state, and society c.1830–1920. New Delhi, Oxford U.P., 2013, LIV-292 p.

5598. Tobias Mayers Beiträge zur Wissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts im Lichte neuerer Untersuchungen. Hrsg. v. Erhard ANTHES und Armin HÜTTERMANN. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2013, 331 p. (Acta historica astronomiae, 48).

5585. SIEVERS (Kai Detlev). Wissenschaft und völkische Ideologie. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2013, 95, 2, p. 413-436.

5599. TOMS (Jonathan). Mental hygiene and psychiatry in Modern Britain. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 280 p.

5586. Siméon-Denis Poisson: les mathématiques au service de la science. Ed. par Yvette KOSMANNSCHWARZBACH. Palaiseau, Éditions de l'École polytechnique, 2013, XIII-522 p. (Histoire des mathématiques et des sciences physiques).

5600. TOPP (Sascha). Geschichte als Argument in der Nachkriegsmedizin. Formen der Vergegenwärtigung der nationalsozialistischen Euthanasie zwischen Politisierung und Historiographie. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2013, 370 p. (Formen der Erinnerung, 53).

5587. SIRAISI (Nancy G.). Communities of learned experience: epistolary Medicine in the Renaissance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, 163 p. (Singleton center books in premodern Europe).

5601. TOPPER (David R.). How Einstein created relativity out of physics and astronomy. New York, Springer, 2013, XV-254 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, 394).

§ 7. Literature 5602. TURDA (Marius). In Pursuit of greater Hungary: eugenic ideas of social and biological improvement, 1940–1941. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 3, p. 558-591. 5603. VALENCIUS (Conevery Bolton). The lost history of the New Madrid earthquakes. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 460 p. 5604. VARELLA (Alexandre C.). A embriaguez na conquista da América: medicina, idolatria e vício no México e Peru, séculos XVI e XVII. São Paulo, Alameda, FAPESP, 2013, 458 p. 5605. VEILLE (Simon). Einstein: dans la tragédie du XXe siècle: antisémitisme, Shoah, sionisme. Paris, Imago, 2013, 414 p. 5606. VEIT (Helen Zoe). Modern food, moral food. Self-control, science, and the rise of Modern American eating in the early twentieth century. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII-300 p. 5607. VOSKUHL (Adelheid). Androids in the Enlightenment: mechanics, artisans, and cultures of the self. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIV-279 p. 5608. WAUTIER (Jean-Luc). Le sens de la médecine, ou, La révolution culturelle dans le système de santé. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 164 p. (Éthique et pratique médicales). 5609. WEBEL (Mari). Medical auxiliaries and the negotiation of public health in colonial North-Western Tanzania. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 393416. 5610. WECKER (Regina), BRAUNSCHWEIG (Sabine), IMBODEN (Gabriela), RITTER (Hans Jakob). Eugenik und Sexualität. Die Regulierung reproduktiven Verhaltens in der Schweiz, 1900–1960. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 201 p. 5611. WEINSTEIN (Deborah). The pathological family: postwar America and the rise of family therapy. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIII-262 p. (Cornell studies in the history of psychiatry). 5612. WENZLHUEMER (Roland). Connecting the nineteenth-century world. The telegraph and globalization. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-339 p. 5613. WHEATCROFT (Sue). Worth saving: disabled children during the Second World War. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, XIX-203 p. 5614. WHOOLEY (Owen). Knowledge in the time of cholera: the struggle over American medicine in the nineteenth century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIII-307 p. 5615. Wissenschaftsdifferenzierung in der Pharmazie: die Vorträge der Pharmaziehistorischen Biennale in Regensburg vom 20. – 22. April 2012. Hrsg. v. Christoph FRIEDRICH und Wolf-Dieter MÜLLER-JAHNCKE. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013, 224 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Pharmaziegeschichte, 11).


5616. WOLFF (Joshua D.). Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845–1893. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-305 p. 5617. WOLTERS (Timothy S.). Information at sea: shipboard command and control in the U.S. Navy, from Mobile Bay to Okinawa. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XII-317 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in the history of technology). 5618. YILDIRIM (Rifat Vedat), ULMAN (Yesim Isil). A look at the Ottoman social and medical modernization through the life of Dr. Servicen. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 140-150. § 6. Addendum 2012. 5619. HALLER (Lea). Cortison. Geschichte eines Hormons, 1900–1955. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2012, 276 p. Cf. nos 5143, 5673 § 7. Literature. _______________________

a. General 5620. ADAMO (Giuliana). L'inizio e la fine: i confini del romanzo nel canone occidentale. Ravenna, Longo, 2013, 383 p. (Portico, 161). 5621. Avventure da non credere: romanzo e formazione. A cura di Walter NARDON. Trento, Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia, 2013, 215 p. (Labirinti, 150). 5622. BECCARIA (Gian Luigi). Ritmo e melodia nella prosa italiana: studi e ricerche sulla prosa d'arte. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, 334 p. (Saggi di "Lettere italiane", LXIX). 5623. BONNEFOY (Yves). L'autre langue à portée de voix: essais sur la traduction de la poésie. Paris, Seuil, 2013, 332 p. (Librairie du XXIe siècle). 5624. Chantiers du poème: prémisses et pratiques de la création poétique moderne et contemporaine. Ed. por Hugues AZÉRAD, Michael G. KELLY, Nina PARISH et Emma WAGSTAFF. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, VIII362 p. (Modern French identities, 104). 5625. CHARLO ORTIZ-REPISO (Ramón). La novela popular en España. Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2013, 265 p. (Literatura, 131). 5626. ErzählMacht: narrative Politiken des Imaginären. Hrsg. v. Kurt HAHN, Matthias HAUSMANN und Christian WEHR. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 283 p. 5627. Ficción y no ficción en los discursos creativos de la cultura española. Ed. por Norberto MÍNGUEZ. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert 2013, 306 p. (La casa de la riqueza. Estudios de la cultura de España, 26). 5628. Fiktion, Wahrheit, Interpretation: philologische und philosophische Perspektiven. Hrsg. v. Eva-Maria



KONRAD, Thomas PETRASCHKA, Jürgen DAIBER und Hans ROTT. Münster, Mentis, 2013, 322 p. 5629. Fiktionen und Realitäten: Schriftstellerinnen im deutschsprachigen Literaturbetrieb. Hrsg. v. Brigitte E. JIRKU und Marion SCHULZ. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 321 p. (Inter-Lit, 14). 5630. GIARDINELLI (Mempo). El género negro: orígenes y evolución de la literatura policial y su influencia en Latinoamérica. Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2013, 283 p. (Claves del arte). 5631. Historische Roman (Der) zwischen Kunst, Ideologie und Wissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Ina Ulrike PAUL und Richard FABER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 536 p. 5632. HONEY (David B.). The southern garden poetry society: literary culture and social memory in Guangdong. Hong Kong, Chinese U. P., 2013, XIV-258 p. 5633. KRAPPMANN (Jörg). Allerhand Übergänge: interkulturelle Analysen der regionalen Literatur in Böhmen und Mähren sowie der deutschen Literatur in Prag (1890-1918). Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 381 p. (Interkulturalität, 4). 5634. Krieg, von allen Seiten: Prosa aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm KRULL. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 222 p. 5635. Poéticas y políticas de género: ensayos sobre imaginarios, literaturas y medios en Centroamérica. Ed. por Mónica ALBIZÚREZ GIL y Alexandra ORTIZ WALLNER. Berlin, Edition Tranvía, Verlag Walter Frey, 2013, 312 p.(Fragmentierte Moderne in Lateinamerika, 15).


y Mercedes ZAVALA GÓMEZ DEL CAMPO. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios y San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2013, 252 p.

5643. VICH (Víctor). Voces más allá de lo simbólico: ensayos sobre poesía peruana. Lima, Fondo de Cultura Económica del Perú, 2013, 283 p. (Lengua y estudios literarios). 5644. WILLIAMS (Rosalind). The triumph of human empire: Verne, Morris, and Stevenson at the end of the world. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII416 p. a. Addenda 2012 ** 5645. MOROZOV (Boris N.). Tsar' Vasilij Shujskij pered pol'skim korolem (novyj pamjatnik "turetskoj temy" s legendarnoj perepiskoj pol'skogo korolja, turetskogo sultana i tsarja Mikhaila Fedorovicha). [Tsar Vasili Shuyskiy before the Polish king (a new source on the "Turkish" issue with the fictional correspondence of the Polish king, the Ottoman sultan and Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich)]. Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 2, p. 102106. ** 5646. SAZONOVA (Lidija I.). Skazanie o Napoleone-antikhriste: staroobrjadcheskij variant antinapoleonovskogo mifa. (The story of Napoleon the Antichrist: an old-believers version of anti-Napoleonic myth). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 2, p. 42-61. b. Renaissance 5647. ABITEBOUL (Maurice). L'esprit de la comédie shakespearienne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 425 p. (Critiques littéraires).

5636. Präsensroman (Der). Hrsg. v. Armen AVANESund Anke HENNIG. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VI291 p. (Narratologia: contributions to narrative theory, 36).

5648. BONNEFOY (Yves). Orlando furioso, guarito: de l'Arioste à Shakespeare. Paris, Mercure de France, 2013, 141 p. (Essais).

5637. Representaciones de la realidad en prosa y poesía: 1906-1912. Coordination de Francisco AROCA et d'Elisabeth DELRUE. Paris, Université de Picardie Jules Verne et Indigo, Centre d'études hispaniques d'Amiens, 2013, 389 p.

5649. CASTAÑÓN (Adolfo). Don Quijote y la máquina encantadora. Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, Dirección General Editorial y México, D. F., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2013, 222 p. (Biblioteca).

5638. ROSEN (David), SANTESSO (Aaron). The watchman in pieces: surveillance, literature, and liberal personhood. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XII-357 p.

5650. Cervantes y sus enemigos. Ed. por Eduardo URBINA y Jesús G. MAESTRO. Vigo, Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2013, 360 p. (Anuario de estudios cervantinos, 9).


5639. SAJDI (Dana). The barber of Damascus: nouveau literacy in the eighteenth-century Ottoman levant. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XV-293 p. 5640. SCHIAVONE (Oscar). Michelangelo Buonarroti: forme del sapere tra letteratura e arte nel Rinascimento. Firenze, Polistampa, 2013, 239 p. (Universitario. Storia dell'arte, 1). 5641. Totale Erziehung in europäischer und amerikanischer Literatur. Hrsg. v. ichard FABER. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 275 p. 5642. Variación regional en la narrativa tradicional de México. Ed. por Aurelio GONZÁLEZ, Nieves RODRÍ-

5651. Chaplains in early modern England: patronage, literature and religion. Ed. by Hugh ADLINGTON, Tom LOCKWOOD, and Gillian WRIGHT. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XI-228 p. (Politics, culture and society in Early Modern Britain). 5652. COPELLO (Veronica). Valori e funzioni delle similitudini nell'Orlando furioso. Bologna, I libri di Emil, 2013, 315 p. (Biblioteca del Rinascimento e del barocco, 5). 5653. DEL VILLANO (Bianca). Lo specchio e l'ossimoro: la messinscena dell'interiorità nel teatro di Shakespeare. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2013, 150 p. (Ricerca).

§ 7. Literature


5654. Exercices furieux: à partir de l'édition de l'Orlando furioso De Franceschi (Venise, 1584). Ed. por Ilaria ANDREOLI. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, VI-353 p. (Liminaires: passages interculturels, 26).

5669. Géneros poéticos (Los) del Siglo de Oro: centros y periferias. Edición de Rodrigo CACHO CASAL y Anne HOLLOWAY. Woodbridge y Rochester, Tamesis, 2013, XII-380 p. (Támesis. Serie A. Monografías, 324).

5655. GILMAN (Peter). L'énigme Pantagruel: une nouvelle introduction à l'œuvre de Rabelais. Paris, Éditions de la Différence, 2013, 348 p. (Essais, 81).

5670. LALLEMAND (Marie-Gabrielle). Les longs romans du XVIIe siècle: Urfé, Desmarets, Gomberville, La Calprenède, Scudéry. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 454 p. (Lire le XVIIe siècle, 21. Romans, contes et nouvelles, 2).

5656. HANNAK (Kristine). Geist=reiche Critik. Hermetik, Mystik und das Werden der Aufklärung in spiritualistischer Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, XII-557 p. 5657. KNOLL (Martin). Die Natur der menschlichen Welt. Siedlung, Territorium und Umwelt in der historisch-topografischen Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 461 p. 5658. LAGARTEMPE (Laurent). Don Quichotte à l'assaut du conformisme. Paris, Éditions de Paris, 2013, 319 p. 5659. LAGRANDEUR (Kevin). Androids and intelligent networks in early Modern literature and culture: artificial slaves. New York, Routledge, 2013, XIV-207 p. (Routledge studies in Renaissance literature and culture, 22). 5660. Maniérisme et littérature. Sous la dir. de Didier SOUILLER. Paris, Orizons, 2013, 375 p. (Universités. Comparaisons). 5661. MILIČIĆ (Irena). Književnost ili povijest? Knjižica o opisu putova u Tursku: Feliks Petančić i njegov renesansni bestseler. (Literature or history? The itineribus in Turciam libellus: Feliks Petančić and his renaissance bestseller). Povijesni prilozi, 2013, 32, 44, p. 155-168. 5662. MUSARRA (Franco). L'antiqua damigella: dell'ironia nell'Orlando furioso. Firenze, F. Cesati, 2013, 273 p. (Resoconti di letteratura italiana, 8). 5663. Pietro Bembo e l'invenzione del Rinascimento. A cura di Guido BELTRAMINI, Davide GASPAROTTO e Adolfo TURA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 439 p. 5664. Quijote (El) desde su contexto cultural. Coordinador Juan Diego VILA. Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2013, 349 p. (Ensayos). 5665. QUONDAM (Amedeo). Rinascimento e classicismi: forme e metamorfosi della modernità. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 275 p. (Saggi, 799). 5666. SANZ ALBIÑANA (Bartolomé). La expresión de la sexualidad en las traducciones españolas de Hamlet. San Vicente del Raspeig, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2013, 242 p. (Traducción). 5667. William Shakespeare e il senso del tragico. A cura di Simonetta DE FILIPPIS. Napoli, Loffredo, 2013, 317 p.

5671. STEDMAN (Allison). Rococo fiction in France, 1600-1715: seditious frivolity. Lanham, Bucknell University Press 2013, XIII, 227 p. (Transits: literature, thought & culture). 5672. TSIMBIDY (Myria). La mémoire des lettres: la lettre dans les Mémoires du XVIIe siècle. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 348 p. (Correspondances et mémoires, 9. Le grand siècle, 4). 5673. WAROLIN (Christian). Molière et le monde médical au XVIIe siècle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 194 p. (Médecine à travers les siècles). 5674. WURSTHORN (Friederike). Der Misanthrop in der Literatur der Aufklärung. Freiburg, Rombach, 2013, 314 p. (Rombach Wissenschaften. Reihe Litterae, 195). 5675. ZAWISZA (Elżbieta). L'âge d'or du péritexte: titres et préfaces dans les romans du XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Hermann e. Québec, Éd. du CIERL, 2013, 362 p. (Collections de la République des lettres. Études). Cf. no 5665 d. Romanticism and after ** 5676. Alfonso Reyes y sus corresponsales italianos (1918–1959): Guido Mazzoni, Achille Pellizzari, Mario Puccini, Dario Puccini, Elena Croce y Alda Croce. Comp. Gabriel ROSENZWEIG. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 200 p. ** 5677. ALVARO (Corrado). Scritti su Pirandello. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 248 p. (Studi e testi alvariani, 5). ** 5678. PASOLINI (Pier Paolo). Povera Italia: interviste e interventi, 1949–1975. A cura di Angela MOLTENI. Milano, Kaos, 2013, 403 p. (Culturclub). ** 5679. Register (Das) zum Gesamtwerk von Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Hrsg. v. Christoph MICHEL unter Mitwirkung von Karin FLÖRCHINGER. Berlin, Deutsche Klassiker, 2013, 2 vol., 1555 p., 966 p. (Johann Wolfgang Goether. Sämtliche Werke, Briefe, Tagebücher und Gespräche, 40. Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker, 195).

c. Classicism

5680. ÄCHTLER (Norman). Generation in Kesseln. Das Soldatische Opfernarrativ im westdeutschen Kriegsroman 1945–1960. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 455 p.

5668. DUFLO (Colas). Les aventures de Sophie: la philosophie dans le roman au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 287 p. (Biblis, 36).

5681. ALONSO ESTENOZ (Alfredo). Los límites del texto: autoría y autoridad en Borges. Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 2013, 214 p.(Verbum Ensayo).


Cf. n 4944



5682. Après Proust (D'). Sous la dir. de Philippe FOREST et Stéphane AUDEGUY. Paris, Gallimard, 2013, 322 p. (La nouvelle revue française).

5697. Chateaubriand et les choses. Textes réunis et présentés par Franc SCHUEREWEGEN. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2013, 172 p. (CRIN, 59).

5683. BARAJAS (María Josefina). Textos con salvoconducto: la crónica periodístico-literaria venezolana de finales del siglo XX. Caracas, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ediciones de la Biblioteca – EBUC, Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado – FHE, 2013, 348 p. (Arte y literatura).

5698. CHIONNI (Micaela). The insatiable vision: percorsi e rivelazioni dello sguardo in Henry James. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 200 p. (A10, 921).

5684. BAUBEAU (Patrice). La comédie (in)humaine de l'argent. Sous la dir. de Alexandre PÉRAUD. Lormont, Le Bord de l'Eau, 2013, 171 p. (Diagnostics). 5685. BEZ (Martin). Goethes "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre": Aggregat, Archiv, Archivroman. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-313 p. (Hermaea, 132). 5686. BÖHM (Alexandra). Heine und Byron: Poetik eingreifender Kunst am Beginn der Moderne. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, X-467 p. (Hermaea, 126). 5687. BON (François). Proust est une fiction. Paris, Seuil, 2013, 329 p. (Fiction & Cie). 5688. BORELLI (Massimiliano). Prose dal dissesto: antiromanzo e avanguardia negli anni Sessanta. Modena, Mucchi, 2013, 269 p. (Lettere persiane, 2). 5689. BOSCO (Alessandro). Il romanzo indiscreto: epistemologia del privato nei Promessi sposi. Macerata, Quodlibet, 2013, 284 p. (Scienze della cultura). 5690. BOTTACIN (Annalisa). Saggi Stendhaliani. Moncalieri, Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul "viaggio in Italia", 2013, 298 p. (Bibliothèque Stendhal. Études, 8). 5691. BUNIA (Remigius). Romantischer Rationalismus: zu Wissenschaft, Politik und Religion bei Novalis. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 227 p. 5692. CALVO SERRALLER (Francisco). La novela del artista: el creador como héroe de la ficción contemporánea. Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013, 326 p. (Tezontle). 5693. CARTAGO (Gabriella). Un laboratorio di italiano venturo: postille manzoniane ai testi di lingua. Milano, Centro nazionale studi manzoniani, 2013, 306 p. (Quaderni Manzoni, 10). 5694. CATALANO (Alessandro). Ideological literature in non-ideological perspective: the first modern history of Czech Literature of the Socialist era comes out twenty years after 1989. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 186-196. 5695. CAVALCANTI (Camillo). Modernidade brasileira: poesia oitocentista. Vitória da Conquista, UESB, 2013, 294 p. 5696. Chateaubriand et le récit de fiction. Sous la dir. de Fabienne BERCEGOL et Pierre GLAUDES. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 498 p. (Rencontres, 61. études dix-neuviémistes, 18).

5699. CITATI (Pietro). Il male assoluto: nel cuore del romanzo dell'Ottocento. Milano, Adelphi, 2013, 457 p. (Gli Adelphi, 442). 5700. CLYMER (Jeffory A.). Family money: property, race, and literature in the nineteenth century. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 204 p. (Oxford studies in American literary history). 5701. COLOMBO (Gloria). Goethe e la trasmigrazione delle anime. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 264 p. (Lingue e culture, 3). 5702. D'ANGELO (Paolo). Le nevrosi di Manzoni: quando la storia uccise la poesia. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 213 p. (Saggi, 788). 5703. DI IORIO (Eny V.). Il doppio nel teatro di Pirandello. Caltanissetta, Salvatore Sciascia, 2013, 269 p. (Sentieri saggistici). 5704. DÍAZ MÁS (Paloma), SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ (María). Los sefardíes y la poesía tradicional hispánica del siglo XVIII: el cancionero de Abraham Israel (Gibraltar, 1761-1770). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2013, 338 p. (Publicaciones de estudios sefardíes, 15). 5705. DOLAN (Frances E.). True relations: reading, literature, and evidence in seventeenth-century England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, VIII-331 p. 5706. DUEÑAS (Gabriela Polit). Narrating narcos: Culiacán and Medellín. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, VIII-224 p. (Illuminations: cultural formations of the Americas). 5707. ELLISON (David R.). Proust et la tradition littéraire européenne. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 324 p. (Bibliothèque proustienne, 4). 5708. ELTCHANINOFF (Michel). Dostoïevski: le roman du corps. Grenoble, Jerôme Millon, 2013, 355 p. (Krisis). 5709. Études Stéphane Mallarmé. 2013, n.1. Sous la dir. de Gordon MILLAN. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 173 p. 5710. GANDELMAN TEREKHOV (Vera). Jeu d'échecs: littérature et mondes possibles. Perec, Nabokov, Zweig, Lewis Carroll .... Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 240 p. (L'écarlate). 5711. GEIGER (Marion). Poétiques de la maladie: d'Honoré de Balzac à Thomas Mann. Louvain, Éditions Peeters, 2013, 281 p. (La République des Lettres, 49). 5712. GÉRARD (Gengembre). Balzac, le forçat des lettres. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 392 p. (Biographies).

§ 7. Literature 5713. GERIGK (Horst-Jürgen). Dostojewskijs Entwicklung als Schriftsteller: vom "Toten Haus" zu den "Brüdern Karamasow". Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Taschenbuch, 2013, 344 p.(Fischer. Klassik). 5714. GERSHKOVICH (Tatyana). Infecting, simulating, judging: Tolstoy's search for an aesthetic standard. Journal of the history of ideas, 2013, 74, 1, p. 115-137. 5715. Goethe und die Schweiz. Hrsg. v. Oliver RUF. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2013, 388 p. 5716. Goethes Liebeslyrik: Semantiken der Leidenschaft um 1800. Hrsg. v. Carsten ROHDE und Thorsten VALK. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VII-404 p. (Klassik und Moderne, 4).


5729. LAFORGUE (Pierre). La fabrique de la Comédie humaine. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013, 310 p.(Série Centre JacquesPetit, 123. Annales littéraires de l'Université de FrancheComté, 913). 5730. LAMPART (Fabian). Nachkriegsmoderne: Transformationen der deutschsprachigen Lyrik 1945-1960. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, VIII-494 p.(Linguae & litterae, 19). 5731. LECLER (Eric). L'absolu et la littérature du romantisme allemand à Kafka: pour une critique politique. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 340 p. (Théorie de la littérature, 7).

5717. GORGOLINI (Ida). L'anti-eroe nel teatro pirandelliano. Roma, Albatros, 2013, 175 p. (I saggi. Nuove Voci).

5732. LEYVA (José Mariano). Perversos y pesimistas. Los escritores decadentes mexicanos en el nacimiento de la modernidad. México D.F., Tusquets Editores, 2013, 292 p.

5718. GOULD (Philip). Writing the rebellion: loyalists and the literature of politics in British America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 217 p. (Oxford studies in American literary history).

5733. LILLO CABEZAS (Mario). Silencio, trauma y esperanza: novelas chilenas de la dictadura 1977-2010. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Católilca de Chile, 2013, 193 p.

5719. Gruppo 63: il romanzo sperimentale. A cura di Nanni BALESTRINI e Andrea CORTELLESSA. Roma, L'orma, 2013, 435 p. (Fuoriformato, 1).

5734. LINTZ (Katja). Thomas Manns Joseph und seine Brüder: ein moderner Roman. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, 202 p. (Münchener Studien zur literarischen Kultur in Deutschland, 47).

5720. HAMERŠAK (Filip). Tamna strana Marsa: hrvatska autobiografija i Prvi svjetski rat. (The dark side of Mars: Croatian autobiography and the First World War). Zagreb, Naklada Ljevak, 2013, 697 p. 5721. Heinrich von Kleists Novelle 'Die Verlobung in St. Domingo'. Literatur und Politik im globalen Kontext um 1800. Hrsg. v. Reinhard BLÄNKNER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2013, 234 p. 5722. HOHEISEL (Wiebke). Goethes Geschichtsdenken in seinen autobiographischen Schriften. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, IX-361 p. (Studien zur deutschen Literatur, 203). 5723. Ironie (L'), formes et enjeux d'une écriture contemporaine. Sous la dir. de Didier ALEXANDRE et Pierre SCHOENTJES. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 294 p. (Rencontres, 56. Série Littérature des XXe et XXIe siècles, 7). 5724. ITALIA (Paola). Editing Novecento. Rome, Salerno, 2013, 241 p. (Strumenti per l'università, 8). 5725. IZZO (Annalisa). Telos: il finale nel romanzo dell'Ottocento. Napoli, Liguori, 2013, 327 p. (Letterature, 88). 5726. JÄGER (Jana). Dämon und Charisma bei Goethe: ein zentrales Begriffsfeld in Goethes spätem Weltbild. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang 2013, 206 p. 5727. JENS (Inge). Am Schreibtisch: Thomas Mann und seine Welt. Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, 2013, 207 p. 5728. KINDER (Anna). Geldströme: Ökonomie im Romanwerk Thomas Manns. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 247 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 76).

5735. Littérature (La) en bas-bleus. T. II. Romancières en France de 1848 à 1870. Sous la dir. d'Andrea DEL LUNGO et Brigitte LOUICHON. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 335 p. (Masculin-féminin dans l'Europe moderne, 4. XIXe siècle, 2). 5736. LOUIS (Annick). Jorge Luis Borges: obras y memorias. Santa Fe, Argentina, Ediciones UNL, 2013, 451 p. 5737. LUDOT-VLASAK (Ronan). La réinvention de Shakespeare sur la scène littéraire américaine: 17981857. Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2013, 401 p. (Esthétique et représentation). 5738. MANCOSU (Paolo). Inside the Zhivago storm: the editorial adventures of Pasternak's masterpiece. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2013, XIV-402 p. (Annali, 47). 5739. Marcel Proust et la forme linguistique de la Recherche. Textes réunis et présentés par Geneviève HENROT et Isabelle SERÇA. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 370 p. (Recherches proustiennes, 30). 5740. Marcel Proust et les arts décoratifs: poétique, matérialité, histoire. Sous la dir. de Boris Roman GIBHARDT et Julie RAMOS. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 284 p. (Bibliothèque proustienne, 7). 5741. Marcel Proust: Bewegendes und Bewegtes. Hrsg. v. Matei CHIHAIA und Katharina MÜNCHBERG. München, Fink, 2013, 286 p. 5742. MARUCCI (Franco). Joyce. Roma, Salerno, 2013, 308 p.(Sestante, 26). 5743. MASON (Nicholas). Literary advertising and the shaping of British romanticism. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, VIII-202 p.



5744. MELO (Cimara Valim de). O lugar do romance na literatura brasileira contemporânea. São Paulo, Annablume, 2013, 346 p.

5760. PUPINO (Angelo Raffaele). Pirandello: poetiche e pratiche di umorismo. Roma, Salerno, 2013, 334 p. (Studi e saggi, 54).

5745. MENDELSON (David). Stéphane Mallarmé et "le blanc souci de notre toile": du livre à l'ordinateur. Paris, Orizons, 2013, 228 p. (Cardinales).

5761. Raumlektüren: der Spatial Turn und die Literatur der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Tim MEHIGAN, Alan Corkhill. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 320 p.(Lettre).

5746. MITE COLCERIU (Diana). Le paradigme chrétien autour de 1800: l'exemple de Chateaubriand et des romantiques allemands. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2013, 279 p.

5762. REGGIANI (Christelle). Rhétoriques de la contrainte: Georges Perec, l'OULIPO. Paris, Eurédit, 2013, 535 p.

5747. NUNNARI (Tano). Le fonti storiche dei "Promessi sposi". Milano, Casa del Manzoni, 2013, 554 p. (Quaderni Manzoni, 9). 5748. ORSSAUD (Geneviève). Le roman argentin des années 1970 à nos jours: les ombres portées de l'état d'exception. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 270 p. (Critiques littéraires). 5749. PADRÃO ÂNGELO (Andréa). Tradição e transgressão no conto policial de Jorge Luis Borges. Rio de Janeiro, 7Letras, 2013, 149 p. 5750. Pasolini e l'interrogazione del sacro. A cura di Angela FELICE e Gian Paolo GRI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, XII-303 p. (Pasolini. Ricerche, 3). 5751. PAVET (Pierrette). Stendhal et le ridicule. Paris, Eurédit, 2013, 467 p. 5752. PEDULLÀ (Walter). Racconta il Novecento: modelli e storie della narrativa italiana del XX secolo. Milano, BUR, 2013, 533 p. (Saggi). 5753. PISTELLI (Maurizio). La giovane narrativa italiana: scritture di fine millennio. Roma, Donzelli, 2013, X-258 p. (Virgola, 97). 5754. Poésies (Les) de langue française et l'histoire au XXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Laure MICHEL et Delphine RUMEAU. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 208 p. (Plurial, 21). 5755. Políticas poéticas: de canon y compromiso en la poesía española del siglo XX. Ed. por Araceli IRAVEDRA. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2013, 260 p. 5756. POPOVIC (Pierre). La mélancolie des Misérables: essai de sociocritique. Montréal, Le Quartanier, 2013, 310 p. (Erres essais). 5757. Populäre Kriegslyrik im Ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Nicolas DETERING, Michael FISCHER und Aibe-Marlene GERDES. Münster, Waxmann, 2013, 270 p. (Populäre Kultur und Musik, 7). 5758. POUCHAIN (Gérard). Victor Hugo par la caricature. Paris, Amateur, 2013, 211 p. 5759. Proust in der Konstellation der Moderne. Hrsg. v. Sophie BERTHO und Thomas KLINKERT = Proust dans la constellation des modernes. Études réunies par Sophie BERTHO et Thomas KLINKERT. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2013, 304 p. (Studien des Frankreich-Zentrums der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 21).

5763. REICHART (Cordula). Stil als Schöpfung: zur Genesis der Moderne bei Baudelaire und Flaubert. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 397 p. 5764. RIGONI (Mario Andrea). Il materialismo romantico di Leopardi. A cura di Gerardo FORTUNATO. Napoli, La scuola di Pitagora, 2013, 101 p. (Biblioteca di cultura europea, 6). 5765. RÎNCIOG (Diana). Histoire et mentalités dans l'oeuvre de Gustave Flaubert: étude sur la correspondance. Iaşi, Institutul European, 2013, 272 p. (Academica, 185). 5766. Rouge (Le) et le noir de Stendhal: lectures critiques. Sous la dir. de Martine REID. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 246 p. (Rencontres, 69. Série Études dix-neuvièmistes, 20). 5767. SALICETO (Élodie). Dans l'atelier néoclassique: écrire l'Italie, de Chateaubriand à Stendhal. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 551 p.(Études romantiques et dix-neuvièmistes, 38. Lire Chateaubriand, 5). 5768. SANMANN (Angela). Poetische Interaktion: französisch-deutsche Lyrikübersetzung bei Friedhelm Kemp, Paul Celan, Ludwig Harig, Volker Braun. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2013, XIII-394 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 79). 5769. SCHILLING (Gerhard). Ostdeutsche Kriminalliteratur nach der Wende: eine thematische und gattungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Marburg, Tectum, 2013, 248 p. (Studien zu Literatur und Film der Gegenwart, 7). 5770. SMADJA (Stéphanie). La nouvelle prose française: étude sur la prose narrative au début des années 1920. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013, 338 p. (Stylistique et poétique). 5771. SORRENTINO (Alessandra). Luigi Pirandello e l'altro: una lettura critica postcoloniale. Roma, Carocci, 2013, 142 p. (Lingue e letterature Carocci, 169). 5772. THOREL (Sylvie). "Le rouge et le noir": roman de 1830, impossible en 1830. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2013, 2013, 132 p. (Cours). 5773. Unendlichkeit (Die) des Erzählens: der Roman in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur seit 1989. Hrsg. v. Carsten ROHDE und Hansgeorg SCHMIDT-BERGMANN. Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2013, 387 p. 5774. VAILLANT (Alain). Le veau de Flaubert. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 242 p. (Fictions pensantes).

§ 8. Art and industrial art 5775. VALDIVIA OROZCO (Pablo). Weltenvielfalt: eine romantheoretische Studie im Ausgang von Gabriel García Márquez, Sandra Cisneros und Roberto Bolaño. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 559 p. (Mimesis, 56). 5776. VÁZQUEZ (Karina Elizabeth). Aprendices, fabriqueras y obreros: el trabajo industrial en la narrativa Argentina del siglo XX, (1930-2007). Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2013, 210 p. (Teoría y crítica). 5777. VERNA (Marisa). Le sens du plaisir: des synesthésies proustiennes. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 228 p. (Lingue e culture, 4). 5778. VUKUŠIĆ ZORICA (Maja). André Gide: les gestes d'amour et l'amour des gestes. Paris, Orizons, 2013, 505 p. (Universités). 5779. WANG (Xiaojue). Modernity with a Cold War face: reimagining the nation in Chinese literature across the 1949 divide. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2013, XIII-359 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 360). 5780. WEBER (Luigi). Due diversi deliri: Manzoni storico dei fatti della peste e della Rivoluzione francese. Ravenna, Giorgio Pozzi, 2013, 214 p. (Studi e testi di cultura letteraria, 7). 5781. WHITTAKER (Gwendolyn). Überbürdung – Subversion – Ermächtigung. Die Schule und die literarische Moderne 1880–1918. Göttingen, V&R uni press, 2013, 363 p. 5782. WYLIE (Lesley). Colombia's forgotten frontier: a literary geography of the Putumayo. Liverpool: Liverpool U. P., 2013, IX-262 p. 5783. ZAMA (Rita). Pensare con le parole: saggio su Alessandro Manzoni poeta e filosofo. Milano, Centro nazionale studi manzoniani, 2013, 252 p. (Quaderni Manzoni, 11). 5784. ZARETSKY (Robert). A life worth living: Albert Camus and the quest for meaning. Cambridge, Belknap a. Harvard U. P., 2013, 227 p. Cf. no 5975 § 8. Art and industrial art. ______________________

5785. ADAMS (Jacqueline). Art against dictatorship: making and exporting arpilleras under Pinochet. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, 311 p. (Louann Atkins Temple women and culture series). 5786. Aesthetics (The) of matter: modernism, the avant-garde and material exchange. Ed. by Sarah POSMAN [et al.]. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, XII-435 p. (European avant-garde and modernism studies, 3). 5787. Aufbruch (Der) in die Moderne: Herwarth Walden und die europäische Avantgarde. Hrsg. v. Irene CHYTRAEUS-AUERBACH und Elke UHL. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2013, 176 p. 5788. CUOZZO (Gianluca). Dentro l'immagine: natura, arte e prospettiva in Leonardo da Vinci. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 181 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche, 665).


5789. DAUB (Adrian). Tristan's shadow: sexuality and the total work of art after Wagner. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII-228 p. 5790. DOTOLI (Giovanni). XXe-XXIe siècles: avantgarde, tradition, intuition. Paris, Hermann, 2013, 179 p. (Vertige de la langue). 5791. FOX (Claire F.). Making art Panamerican: cultural policy and the Cold War. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XX-362 p. 5792. GELFER JØRGENSEN (Myriam). Japanisme på dansk kunst og design 1870–2010. (L'influence du Japon sur l'art et le design danois). København, Arkitektens Forlag, 2013, 422 p. (ill.). 5793. GERUND (Katharina). Transatlantic cultural exchange: African American women's art and activism in West Germany. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 315 p. (American studies, 5). 5794. Grupo Antillano: the art of Afro-Cuba. Ed. by Alejandro DE LA FUENTE. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, 341 p. 5795. JAGODZINSKI (Sabine). Die Türkenkriege im Spiegel der polnisch-litauischen Adelskultur. Kommemoration und Repräsentation bei den Żółkiewski, Sobieski und Radziwiłł. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2013, 258 p. 5796. JEANPIERRE (Laurent), MAYAUD (Isabelle), SO(Séverine). Représenter les commissaires d'exposition d'art contemporain en France: une intermédiation collective impossible ? Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 79-89. FIO

5797. KACHURIN (Pamela Jill). Making modernism Soviet: the Russian avant-garde in the early Soviet era, 1918–1928. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2013, XXIII145 p. 5798. KÖRNER (Stefan). Nikolaus II. Esterházy (1765– 1833) und die Kunst. Biografie eines manischen Sammlers. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 398 p. 5799. Kunst auf der Suche nach der Nation. Das Problem der Identität in der italienischen Malerei, Skulptur und Architektur vom Risorgimento bis zum Faschismus. Hrsg. v. Damian DOMBROWSKI, Berlin, Lukas, 2013, 281 p. 5800. Leonardo da Vinci and optics theory and pictorial practice. Ed. by Francesca FIORANI and Alessandro NOVA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 359 p. (ill., bibl.). (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut. Studi e ricerche, 10). 5801. NOGUEIRA (Isabel). Artes plásticas e crítica em Portugal nos anos 70 e 80: vanguarda e pós-modernismo. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013, 306 p. (Investigação). 5802. Nom (Au) de l'art. Enquête sur le statut ambigu des appellations artistiques de 1945 à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Katia SCHNELLER et Vanessa THÉODOROPOULOU. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 276 p.



5803. ORT (Thomas). Art and life in Modernist Prague: Karel Čapek and his generation, 1911–1938. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-258 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 5804. Puglia (La), il manierismo e la controriforma. A cura di Antonio CASSIANO e Fabrizio VONA. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 351 p. 5805. QUAGLINO (Margherita). Glossario leonardiano: nomenclatura dell'ottica e della prospettiva nei codici di Francia. Firenze, Olschki, 2013, XXXII-332 p. (ill., bibl.). (Biblioteca leonardiana, 4).

5819. Artes (Las) y la arquitectura del poder. Ed. por Víctor MÍNGUEZ. Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2013, 526 p. 5820. ARTUCIO URIOSTE (Alejandro). Uruguay: arquitectura de antaño: siglo XVIII, siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. compaginación general Alejandro Artucio Urioste. Montevideo, Tradinco, 2013, 508 p. 5821. ASHRAF (Kazi K.). The Hermit's hut: architecture and asceticism in India. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XIII-222 p. (Spatial Habitus).

5806. ROECK (Bernd). Gelehrte Künstler: Maler, Bildhauer und Architekten der Renaissance über Kunst. Berlin, Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 2013, 233 p.

5822. BLASCO ESQUIVIAS (Beatriz). Arquitectos y tracistas (1526–1700): el triunfo del Barroco en la corte de los Austrias. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica, 2013, 443 p. (Confluencias).

5807. SAYER (Derek). Prague, capital of the twentieth century: a surrealist history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XXIV-595 p.

5823. CAZZATO (Vincenzo). Lecce: architettura e storia urbana. Galatina, Congedo, 2013, 367 p. (Architettura e città, 9).

5808. SCHUBERT (Dietrich). Künstler im Trommelfeuer des Krieges 1914–18. Heidelberg, Wunderhorn Verlag, 2013, 558 p.

5824. Génie (Le) du lieu. La réception du langage classique en Europe, 1540-1650: sélection, interprétation, invention. Actes des sixièmes Rencontres d'architecture européenne, 11-13 juin 2009. Études réunies par Monique CHATENET et Claude MIGNOT. Paris, Picard, 2013, 264 p. (De architectura. Colloques, 14).

5809. SIEBRECHT (Claudia). The aesthetics of loss: German women's art of the First World War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-188 p. 5810. SMITH (Anthony D.). The nation made real: art and national identity in Western Europe, 1600–1850. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-213 p. 5811. TAWS (Richard). The politics of the provisional: art and ephemera in revolutionary France. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, XII-214 p. 5812. TORRES (Mónica Domínguez). Military ethos and visual culture in post-conquest Mexico. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XV-283 p. 5813. VERLAINE (Julie). Les associations professionnelles de marchands d'art après 1945: lobbying et modernisation à Paris et à New York. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 53-65. 5814. WETHERELL (Sam). Painting the crisis: community arts and the search for the 'ordinary' in 1970s and '80s London. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 235-249. 5815. ZUCKERMANN (Moshe). Kunst und Publikum: Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner gesellschaftlichen Hintergehbarkeit. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 190 p. Cf. nos 5266, 5850 b. Architecture 5816. AMENDOLA (Giandomenico). Il brusio delle città: le architetture raccontano. Napoli, Liguori, 2013, 103 p. (Città e dintorni, 7).

5825. HENDERSON (Susan R.). Building culture: Ernst May and the new Frankfurt initiative, 1926–1931. New York, Peter Lang, 2013, XX-591 p. 5826. HERTZIG (Stefan). Das barocke Dresden: Architektur einer Metropole des 18. Jahrhunderts. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2013, 319 p. 5827. JACKSON (Ashley). Buildings of empire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-317 p. 5828. KÖRTE (Arnold). Martin Gropius: Leben und Werk eines Berliner Architekten, 1824-1880. Berlin, Lukas, 2013, 590 p. 5829. LEAHU (Gheorghe). Arhitect în "epoca de aur". (Being an Architect in "Golden Age"). Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţiei Academia Civică, 2013, 256 p. 5830. LEMERLE (Frédérique). Architectures de papier. La France et l'Europe (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) suivi d'une bibliographie des livres d'architecture (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Tournout, Brepols, 2013, 266 p. (Études renaissantes). 5831. Max Schlup. Architekt / architecte. Hrsg. v. Architekturforum Biel. Sulgen, Niggli Verlag, 2013, 356 p. 5832. Metropolen 1850–1950: Mythen – Bilder – Entwürfe = Mythes – images – projets. Hrsg. v. JeanLouis COHEN und Hartmut FRANK. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2013, XLIII-389 p. (Passagen, 36).

5817. ANDRIEUX (Jean-Yves). Georges Maillols: architecte. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 247 p.

5833. OGATA (Amy F.). Designing the creative child: playthings and places in midcentury America. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XXII-293 p. (Architecture, landscape, and American culture series).

5818. Arte (L') dell'abitare nelle città toscane: magnificenza, decoro, ornamento, secolo XVI. A cura di Giuseppina Carla ROMBY. Firenze, Edifir, 2013, 199 p.

5834. OLES (James). Art and Architecture in Mexico. London, Thames & Hudson, 2013, 432 p. (Thames & Hudson world of art).

§ 8. Art and industrial art 5835. Patrimoine et architecture dans les états postsoviétiques. Sous la direction de Taline TER MINASSIAN. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 320 p. (Art et Société). 5836. PAUWELS (Yves). L'architecture et le livre en France à la Renaissance: "une magnifique décadence"? Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 430 p. (Arts de la Renaissance européenne, 2). 5837. SAND (Jordan). Tokyo vernacular: common spaces, local histories, found objects. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIII208 p. 5838. SCRIVANO (Paolo). Building transatlantic Italy: architectural dialogues with Postwar America. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Co., 2013, XVIII-235 p. (Ashgate studies in architecture series). 5839. TOBLER (Konrad), ULDRY (Dominique). Planung in der Agglomeration. Architektur in Köniz 1990– 2015. Eine Dokumentation. Bern, Stämpfli Verlag, 2013, 160 p. 5840. Trattato (Dal) al manuale: la circolazione dei modelli a stampa nell'architettura tra età moderna e contemporanea. A cura di Aurora SCOTTI TOSINI. Palermo, Caracol, 2013, 127 p. (Testo, immagine, luogo, 2). 5841. VARGAS CHÁVEZ (Jaime Alberto). Arquitectura para la administración pública: casas reales novohispanas siglo XVIII. Zamora, El Colegio de Michoacán, 2013, 452 p. (Imágenes). Cf. no 4054 c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing 5842. ANSALDI (Saverio). L'imagination fantastique: images, ombres et miroirs à la Renaissance. Paris, Belles Lettres, 2013, XXIV-422 p. (Ymagier, 3). 5843. ARROUYE (Jean). Éloquence de la peinture: figures seules et en couple. Aix-en-Provence, Pressess universitaires de Provence, 2013, 210 p. (Histoire, théorie et pratique des arts). 5844. B come Bodoni. I caratteri di Bodoni a Brera e nella grafica contemporanea. A cura di Andrea DE PASQUALE. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2013, 95 p. (ill.). 5845. BELLESI (Sandro). Studi sulla pittura e sulla scultura del '600-'700 a Firenze. Firenze, Edizioni Polistampa, 2013, 190 p. 5846. BOZAL FERNÁNDEZ (Valeriano). Historia de la pintura y la escultura del siglo XX en España. Madrid, A. Machado Libros, 2013, 2 vol., 295 p., 457 p. (La balsa de la Medusa, 191-192). 5847. CARERI (Giovanni). La torpeur des ancêtres. Juifs et chrétiens dans la chapelle Sixtine. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS, 2013, 325 p. 5848. CHECA CREMADES (Fernando). Tiziano y las Cortes del Renacimiento. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2013, 525 p. (Marcial Pons Historia).


5849. DOMBROWSKI (André). Cézanne, murder, and modern life. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, 320 p. (Phillips book prize series). 5850. Giorgio Vasari e il cantiere delle Vite del 1550. A cura di Barbara AGOSTI, Silvia GINZBURG e Alessandro NOVA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, 496 p. (Studi e ricerche. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, MaxPlanck-Institut, 9). 5851. GÖTZ (Anna-Maria). Die Trauernde: weibliche Grabplastik und bürgerliche Trauer um 1900. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 418 p. 5852. GRAEFF (Alexander). Kandinsky als Pädagoge. Herzogenrath bei Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2013, 328 p. 5853. Impressionnisme (L'): du plein air au territoire. Sous la dir. de Frédéric COUSINIÉ. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2013, 260 p. 5854. ISABEL (Nogueira). Artes plásticas e crítica em Portugal nos anos 70 e 80: vanguarda e pós-modernismo. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013, 306 p. (Investigação). 5855. LANFRANCHI (Jacques). Les statues des héros à Paris: les lumières dans la ville. Paris, Harmattan, 2013, 332 p. c. Addendum 2012. 5856. KOMOVA (Marianna A.). Ikonnoe nasledie Orlovskogo kraja XVIII–XIX vekov. (The icons of Orel oblast, 18th–19th centuries). Orel State University. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 512 p. d. Decorative, popular and industrial art 5857. Arte moltiplicata: l'immagine del '900 italiano nello specchio dei rotocalchi. A cura di Barbara CINELLI, Flavio FERGONI, Maria Grazia MESSINA e Antonello NEGRI. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2013, X-389 p. (Ricerca). 5858. BETSCHER (Silke). Von großen Brüdern und falschen Freunden. Visuelle Kalte-Kriegs-Diskurse in deutschen Nachkriegsillustrierten. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 420 p. 5859. BISHIR (Catherine W.). Crafting lives: African American artisans in New Bern, North Carolina, 1770– 1900. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-380 p. 5860. CANDRÉUS (Cecilia). En svensk verkstad för utländska lyxvaror. De kungliga pärlstickarna vid Gustav I:s hov 1523–1560. (Producing foreign splendor in domestic workshops: the royal embroiderers at the court of King Gustav I Vasa of Sweden 1523– 1560). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 4, p. 587-620. 5861. Gestaltung, Werk, Gesellschaft: 100 Jahre Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB. Hrsg. v. Thomas GNÄGI, Bernd NICOLAI und Jasmine WOHLWEND PIAI. Zürich, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2013, 464 p. 5862. Impero (L') nel cassetto: l'Italia coloniale tra album privati e archivi pubblici. A cura di Paolo BER-



TELLA FARNETTI, Adolfo MIGNEMI e Alessandro TRIULZI. Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 201 p. (Passato prossimo, 12).

5863. Manga girl seeks herbivore boy. Studying Japanese gender at Cambridge. Ed. by Brigitte STEGER and KOCH Angelika. Münster u.a., LIT Verlag, 2013, 240 p. 5864. RADI (Fabienne). Ça prend: art contemporain, cinema et pop culture. Genève, Mamco, 2013, 221 p. 5865. ROWLEY (Alison). Open letters: Russian popular culture and the picture postcard, 1880–1922. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII-323 p. § 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting. ** 5866. "Cher et beau neveu". Lettres de la princesse Carolyne de Sayn-Wittgenstein à Mieczysław Kamieńki (1855–1856) suivies du Journal de Mieczysław Kamieńki. Présentés et annotés par Marie-Paule RAMBEAU. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2013, 343 p. (Bibliothèque d'études de l'Europe centrale, 13). _______________________

5867. ABBATE (Carolyn), PARKER (Roger). Eine Geschichte der Oper. Die letzten 400 Jahre. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 735 p. 5868. AHRENS (Prue), LINDSTROM (Lamont), PAIS(Fiona). Across the world with the Johnsons: visual culture and American empire in the twentieth century. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Co., 2013, X-237 p. (Empires and the making of the modern world, 1650– 2000).


5869. Airy curtains in the European Ether. Broadcasting and the Cold War. Ed. by Alexander BADENOCH, Andreas FICKERS and Christian HENRICH-FRANKE. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 375 p. 5870. AITKEN (Rob). A 'world without end': post-war reconstruction and everyday internationalism in documentary film. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 657-680. 5871. ALT (Dirk). "Der Farbfilm marschiert!" Frühe Farbfilmverfahren und NS-Propaganda 1933–1945. München, belleville Verlag Michael Farin, 2013, 635 p. 5872. BÄCHLER (Maja). Inszenierte Bedrohung. Folter im US-amerikanischen Kriegsfilm 1979–2009. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 399 p. 5873. BEDNAŘÍK (Petr). The production of Czechoslovakia's most popular television serial 'The Hospital on the Outskirts' and its post-1989 repeats. VIEW Journal for European television history and culture, 2013, 2, 3, p. 27-36. 5874. BOHN (Anna). Denkmal Film. Band 1. Der Film als Kulturerbe. Band 2. Kulturlexikon Filmerbe. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 2 vol., 388 p., 493 p. 5875. BOOTS (Cheryl C.). Singing for equality: hymns in the American antislavery and Indian Rights movements, 1640–1855. Jefferson, McFarland & Co., 2013, XI-274 p.

5876. BRONFEN (Elisabeth). Hollywoods Kriege. Geschichte einer Heimsuchung. Frankfurt am Main, p. Fischer, 2013, 525 p. 5877. BUCHNER (Bernd). Wagners Welttheater. Die Geschichte der Bayreuther Festspiele zwischen Kunst und Politik. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 224 p. 5878. BURDICK (John). The color of sound: race, religion and music in Brazil. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2013, XI-225 p. 5879. BURNS (James). Cinema and society in the British Empire, 1895–1940. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 243 p. 5880. CAPELLE-POGĂCEAN (Antonela), RAGARU (Nadège). La culture habitée aux frontières du socialisme (Gorna Džumaja, 1944–1948). Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 391-427. 5881. CHOTKOWSKI LAFOLLETTE (Marcel). Science on American television: a history. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, X-306 p. 5882. CLAY (Lauren R.). Stagestruck: the business of theater in eighteenth-century France and its colonies. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVIII-334 p. 5883. CRESCIMANNO (Emanuele). Dall'analogico al digitale: fotografia, esperienza e progresso tecnologico. Palermo, Centro internazionale studi di estetica, 2013, 89 p. (Aesthetica. Pre-print, 97). 5884. Cumbia! Scenes of a migrant Latin American music genre. Ed. por Héctor FERNÁNDEZ L'HOESTE and Pablo VILA. Durham, Duke University Press, 2013, VIII302 p. 5885. CUSTODIS (Michael), GEIGER (Friedrich). Netzwerke der Entnazifizierung. Kontinuitäten im deutschen Musikleben am Beispiel von Werner Egk, Hilde und Heinrich Strobel. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2013, 256 p. 5886. DAVID-GUILLOU (Angèle). L'organisation des musiciens dans la Grande-Bretagne du XIXe siècle: vers une nouvelle définition de la profession. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 9-18. 5887. DOHERTY (Thomas). Hollywood and Hitler, 1933–1939. New York, Columbia U. P., 2013, XII-432 p. (Film and culture series). 5888. DRIEU (Cloé). Fictions nationales: cinéma, empire et nation en Ouzbékistan (1919–1937). Paris, Karthala, 2013, 392 p. (Meydan). 5889. ELLIS (Robert). Ernst Toller and German society: intellectuals as leaders and critics, 1914—1939. Madison, Farleigh Dickinson U. P., 2013, IX-239 p. 5890. ESTRADA (Isabel M .). El documental cinematográfico y televisivo contemporáneo: memoria, sujeto y formación de la identidad democrática española. Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2013, 196 p. (Támesis. Serie A, Monografías, 316).

§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting 5891. EVANS (Jennifer V.). Seeing subjectivity: erotic photography and the optics of desire. American historical review, 2013, 118, 2, p. 430-462. 5892. FAUSER (Annegret). Sounds of war: music in the United States during World War II. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-366 p. 5893. Film als Loch in der Wand. Kino und Geschichte bei Siegfried Kracauer. Hrsg. v. Drehli ROBNIK, Amália KEREKES und Katalin TELLER. Wien, Turia und Kant Verlag, 2013, 222 p. 5894. FINKE (Gesa). Die Komponistenwitwe Constanze Mozart. Musik bewahren und Erinnerung gestalten. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 354 p. 5895. Fotografien im 20. Jahrhundert. Vermittlung und Verbreitung. Hrsg. v. Annelie RAMSBROCK, Annette VOWINCKEL und Malte ZIERENBERG. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 301 p. 5896. FREY (Mattias). Postwall German Cinema. History, film history and cinephilia. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 208 p. 5897. FRITH (Simon), BRENNAN (Matt), CLOONAN (Martin), WEBSTER (Emma). The history of live music in Britain. Vol. I. 1950–1967. From Dance Hall to the 100 Club. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 221 p. 5898. FRITSCHE (Maria). Homemade men in Postwar Austrian Cinema. Nationhood, genre and masculinity. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, XI-274 p. 5899. FURNESS (Raymond). Richard Wagner. London, Reaktion Books, 2013, 224 p. 5900. Gang der Dinge (Der). Welche Zukunft haben photographische Archive und Nachlässe? Hrsg. v. Christiane E. FRICKE. Hildesheim, Fruehwerk-Verlag, 2013, 190 p. 5901. GARNCARZ (Joseph). Hollywood in Deutschland. Zur Internationalisierung der Kinokultur 1925– 1990. Frankfurt am Main, Stroemfeld Verlag, 2013, 230 p. 5902. GENOVA (James E.). Cinema and development in West Africa. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, X206 p. 5903. GHOSH (Anindita). Singing in a new world: street songs and urban experience in colonial Calcutta. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 111-136. 5904. Global Nollywood: the transnational dimensions of an African video film industry. Ed. by Matthias KRINGS and Onookome OKOME. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, VIII-371 p. 5905. GOLTZ (Maren). Musikstudium in der Diktatur. Das Landeskonservatorium der Musik / die Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Leipzig in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1933–1945. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 462 p. (Pallas Athene, 46). 5906. GONZALEZ (Sara). The musical iconography of power in seventeenth-century Spain and her territories. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 207 p.


5907. HALL (Linda B.). Dolores del Río: beauty in light and shade. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XI-358 p. 5908. HAMSCHA (Susanne). The fiction of America. Performance and the cultural imaginary in literature and film. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 334 p. 5909. HARROW (Kenneth W.). Trash: African cinema from below. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XII327 p. 5910. HAUSBERGER (Bernd), MORO (Raffaele). La Revolución Mexicana en el cine. Un acercamiento a partir de la mirada italoeuropea. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 306 p. 5911. HAUSBERGER (Bernd). ¡Viva Villa! Cómo Hollywood se apoderó de un héroe y el mundo se lo quitó. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1497-1550. 5912. HAYTON (Jeff). Härte gegen Punk: popular music, Western media, and state response in the German Democratic Republic. German history, 2013, 31, 4, p. 523-549. 5913. HEAD (Matthew). Sovereign feminine: music and gender in eighteenth-century Germany. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XXII-326 p. 5914. HEIDUSCHKE (Sebastian). East German cinema: DEFA and film history. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, II-344 p. 5915. HEINEN (Christina M.). "Tief in Neukölln". Soundkulturen zwischen Improvisation und Gentrifizierung in einem Berliner Bezirk. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 350 p. 5916. HEINS (Laura). Nazi film melodrama. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, VIII-240 p. 5917. HEINZ (Julia von). Die freundliche Übernahme. Der Einfluss des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens auf den deutschen Kinofilm von 1950 bis 2010. BadenBaden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 355 p. 5918. HEITNER (Devorah). Black power TV. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, 208 p. 5919. HERTZMAN (Marc A.). Making samba: a new history of race and Music in Brazil. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XVII-364 p. 5920. HILGERT (Nora). Unterhaltung, aber sicher! Populäre Repräsentationen von Recht und Ordnung in den Fernsehkrimis "Stahlnetz" und "Blaulicht", 1958/59– 1968. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 463 p. 5921. HIßNAUER (Christian), SCHMIDT (Bernd). Wegmarken des Fernsehdokumentarismus. Die Hamburger Schulen. Konstanz, UVK Verlag, 2013, 360 p. 5922. History (A) of Swedish broadcasting. Communicative ethos, genres and institutional change. (Histoire de la radio-télévision suédoise. Ethique de la communication, genres et changement institutionnel). Reds.: Monika DJERF-PIERRE, Mats EKSTRÖM. Göteborg, Nordicom, 2013, 379 p. DJERF-PIERRE (Monika); EKSTRÖM (Mats) Sverige



5923. HOCHBRUCK (Wolfgang). Geschichtstheater. Formen der "Living History". Eine Typologie. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 152 p.

5938. KRAMER (Michael J.). The republic of rock: music and citizenship in the Sixties counterculture. Oxford, Oxford U.P, 2013, 292 p.

5924. HOCK (Beata). Gendered artistic positions and social voices. Politics, cinema and the visual arts in statesocialist and post-socialist Hungary. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 284 p.

5939. KRIECHBAUMER (Robert). Zwischen Österreich und Großdeutschland. Eine politische Geschichte der Salzburger Festspiele 1933–1944. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2013, 445 p.

5925. HODGIN (Nick). Screening the East. Heimat, memory and nostalgia in German film since 1989. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 222 p.

5940. KUMMELS (Ingrid). Indigenismos populares y transnacionales en torno a los tarahumaras de principios del siglo XX: la concepción de la modernidad a partir del deporte, la fotografía y el cine. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1551-1607.

5926. HOERES (Peter). Parlamentsfotografie in der Weimarer Republik. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2013, 95, 1, p. 125-152. 5927. HORNING (Susan Schmidt). Chasing sound: technology, culture, and the art of studio recording from Edison to the LP. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, X-292 p. (Studies in industry and society). 5928. HOUDA (Přemysl). Rock and politics in Communist Czechoslovakia. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 176-179.

5941. LACEY (Kate). Listening publics. The politics and experience of listening in the Media age. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2013, 239 p. 5942. LANE (Jeremy F.). Jazz and machine-age imperialism: music, "race," and intellectuals in France, 1918– 1945. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, 226 p. (Jazz perspectives). 5943. LEFEBVRE (Michel). Guerra gráfica: photographes, artistes et écrivains en guerre. Paris, La Martinière, 2013, 319 p.

5929. HUI (Alexandra). The psychophysical ear: musical experiments, experimental sounds, 1840–1910. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, XXII-233 p. (Transformations: studies in the history of science and technology).

5944. LICHTNER (Giacomo). Fascism in Italian cinema since 1945. The politics and aesthetics of memory. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 280 p.

5930. Instantáneas de la memoria: fotografía y dictadura en Argentina y América Latina. Ed. por Jordana BLEJMAR, Natalia FORTUNY y Luis Ignacio GARCÍA. Buenos Aires, Libraria, 2013, 267 p.

5945. Luogo e identità nella fotografia italiana contemporanea. A cura di Roberta VALTORTA. Milano, Einaudi, 2013, XXII-350 p. (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, 601).

5931. JACKSON (Maureen). Mixing musics: Turkish Jewry and the urban landscape of a sacred song. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XV-254 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture).

5946. MATALLANA (Andrea). El tango entre dos Américas: la representación del tango en Estados Unidos, 1910–1939. Raleigh, Editorial A Contracorriente, 2013, 151 p. (Literatura y cultura).

5932. JAMES (Sarah E.). Common ground. German photographic cultures across the iron curtain. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, 267 p.

5947. Medienumbrüche im Rundfunk seit 1950. Hrsg. v. Uwe BREITENBORN, Gerlinde FREY-VOR und Christian SCHURIG. Köln, Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2013, 223 p.

5933. JAWORSKI (Rudolf), PETERS (Florian). Alltagsperspektiven im besetzten Warschau / Perspektywy codzienności w okupowanej Warszawie. Fotografien eines deutschen Postbeamten (1939–1944) / Fotografie niemieckiego urzędnika pocztowego (1939–1944). Marburg, Herder-Institut Verlag, 2013, 74 p.

5948. MICHELSEN (Morten) [et al.]. Rock i Danmark. Studier i populær musik fra 1950'erne til årtusindskiftet. (Le rock au Danemark. Etudes sur la musique populaire depuis les années 1950 jusqu'au tournant du siècle). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 529 p. (ill.).

5934. KARNES (Kevin C.). A kingdom not of this world: Wagner, the arts, and utopian visions in Fin-deSiècle Vienna. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-256 p.

5949. Mobilisierung der Sinne. Der HollywoodKriegsfilm zwischen Genrekino und Historie. Hrsg. v. Hermann KAPPELHOFF, David GAERTNER und Cilli POGODDA. Berlin, Verlag Vorwerk, 2013, 384 p.

5935. KLEINER (Stephanie). Staatsaktion im Wunderland. Oper und Festspiel als Medien politischer Repräsentation (1890–1930). München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 588 p.

5950. MOELLER (Robert G.). How to judge Stanley Kramer's "Judgment at Nuremberg" [1961]. German history, 2013, 31, 4, p. 497-522.

5936. KOTTE (Andreas). Theatergeschichte. Eine Einführung. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 434 p. 5937. KÖTZING (Andreas). Kultur- und Filmpolitik im Kalten Krieg. Die Filmfestivals von Leipzig und Oberhausen in gesamtdeutscher Perspektive 1954–1972. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 427 p.

5951. MOINE (Caroline). La Fédération internationale des associations de producteurs de films: un acteur controversé de la promotion du cinéma après 1945. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 91-103. 5952. MOISAND (Jeanne). Scènes capitales. Madrid, Barcelone et le monde théâtral fin de siècle. Madrid, Casa de Velásquez, 2013, 420 p.

§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting 5953. Musik und Revolution. Die Produktion von Identität und Raum durch Musik in Zentraleuropa 1848/49. Hrsg. v. Barbara BOISITS. Wien, Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2013, 671 p. 5954. Musique et relations internationals. Part I et II. Intr. par Antoine Marès, Anaïs Fléchet. Relations internationales, 2013, 3, 155, p. 3-120; 4, 156, 3-145 [Content: Part I. MARÈS (Antoine), FLÉCHET (Anaïs). Introduction. – CHARLE (Christophe). La circulation des opéras en Europe au XIXe siècle. – MOYSAN (Bruno). Le (petit) monde de Weimar et d'ailleurs: le réseau européen des élèves de Liszt. – PÉRONNET (Patrick). Musiques militaires et relations internationales de 1850 à 1914: le cas français. – LETERRIER (Sophie-Anne). Musiciens brancardiers en 1914–1918. Trois témoignages. – NIKOLIC-FUSS (Sandrine). Le Théâtre municipal de Strasbourg entre guerre et paix, 1918–1944. – SIBILLE (Christiane). La musique à la Société des Nations. – BOUCHARD (Carl). "Formons un chœur aux innombrables voix...": hymnes et chants pour la paix soumis à la Société des Nations. – Part II. TYRVÄINEN (Helena). Les musiciens finlandais à Paris au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles: dans les remous du cosmopolitisme et du nationalisme. – PISTONE (Danièle). La musique comme ambassadrice ? L'Association française d'action artistique (1922–2006): bilans et enjeux. – BALMER (Yves). La diffusion de l'œuvre d'Olivier Messiaen aux États-Unis: un révélateur des objectifs de la diplomatie culturelle française. – FLÉCHET (Anaïs). Le Conseil international de la musique et la politique musicale de l'Unesco (1945–1975). – FRANCFORT (Didier). Tournées musicales et diplomatie pendant la Guerre froide. – BUCH (Esteban). L'Orchestre de Paris et Daniel Barenboïm dans l'Argentine du général Videla (1980): la musique et le silence de la mort. – VELASCO PUFLEAU (Luis). Chansons humanitaires, dépolitisation des conflits et moralisation des relations internationales à la fin de la Guerre froide. – DEMONET (Gilles). Les relations musicales entre la Chine et l'Europe depuis les années 1980: un équilibre délicat entre marché et dirigisme. – FRANK (Robert). Conclusions.] 5955. NAUDIER (Delphine). La construction sociale d'un territoire professionnel: les agents artistiques. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 41-51. 5956. NICKEL (Sebastian). Männerchorgesang und bürgerliche Bewegung 1815–1848 in Mitteldeutschland. Wien, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 392 p. 5957. NILSSON (Ralph). Pilsnerfilm: svensk film 1930–1945. (Le cinéma suédois entre 1930 et 1945). Kristinehamn, Norlén & Slottner, 2013, 203 p. (ill.). 5958. NOA (Miriam). Volkstümlichkeit und Nationbuilding. Zum Einfluss der Musik auf den Einigungsprozess der deutschen Nation im 19. Jahrhundert. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2013, 374 p. 5959. OTTMANN (Solveig). Im Anfang war das Experiment. Das Weimarer Radio bei Hans Flesch und Ernst Schoen. Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2013, 440 p.


5960. OWEN (Jonathan L.). Avant-garde to new wave. Czechoslovak cinema, surrealism and the Sixties. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 256 p. 5961. PARRY (Manon). Broadcasting birth control: mass media and family planning. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2013, XII-192 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 5962. PLAGEMAN (Nate). Highlife saturday night: popular music and social change in urban Ghana. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XVI-318 p. (African expressive cultures). 5963. POLAK-SPRINGER (Peter). 'Jammin' with Karlik': The German-Polish 'Radio War' and the Gleiwitz 'Provocation', 1925–1939. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 2, p. 279-300. 5964. REA (Lauren). Argentine serialised radio drama in the infamous decade, 1930–1943: transmitting nationhood. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, 191 p. (New Hispanisms: cultural and literary studies). 5965. ROJAS RABIELA (Teresa), GUTIÉRREZ RUVAL(Ignacio). Cien ventanas a los paisajes de antaño: fotografías del campo mexicano de hace un siglo. México D.F., Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Teconología, Juan Pablo Editor, 2013, 275 p. CABA

5966. Samizdat, Tamizdat and beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism. Ed. by Friederike KIND-KOVÁCS and Jessie LABOV. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, XIII-366 p. 5967. SANTOS (Luc Sigalo). Portrait d'un service public en intermédiaire: l'ANPE Spectacle de Paris. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 31-40. 5968. SCHWARTZ (Mallory). A "Golden Age" of CBC television news for the military, 1952–1956. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 4, p. 489-513 5969. SCOLIERI (Paul A.). Dancing the New World: Aztecs, Spaniards, and the choreography of conquest. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XII-205 p. (Latin American and Caribbean arts and culture). 5970. Song and social change in Latin America. Ed. by Lauren SHAW. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, VI249 p. 5971. Sons (Les) du théâtre. Angleterre et France (XVIe–XVIIIe siècle). Éléments d'une histoire de l'écoute. Sous la dir. Xavier BISARO et Bénédicte LOUVATMOLOZAY. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 358 p. (Le Spectaculaire Théâtre). 5972. Soundscapes of the urban past. Staged sound as mediated cultural heritage. Ed. by Karin BIJSTERVELD. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 230 p. (Sound studies, 5). 5973. SPROUT (Leslie A.). The musical legacy of wartime France. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XXIV-280 p. (California studies in twentieth-century music).



5974. STÖBER (Rudolf). Neue Medien. Geschichte. Von Gutenberg bis Apple und Google – Medieninnovation und Evolution. Bremen, Edition Lumière, 2013, 498 p.

5982. WILLUMSON (Glenn). Iron muse: photographing the transcontinental railroad. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, X-242 p.

5975. SÜSELBECK (Jan). Im Angesicht der Grausamkeit. Emotionale Effekte literarischer und audiovisueller Kriegsdarstellungen vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 520 p.

5983. WINSTEAD (J. Lloyd). When colleges sang: the story of singing in American college life. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2013, XII-340 p.

5976. TENNENT (Kevin D.). A distribution revolution: Changes in music distribution in the UK 1950– 1976. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 327-347. 5977. TOMPKINS (Cynthia). Experimental Latin American cinema: history and aesthetics. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, X-294 p. 5978. TORRES MEDINA (Raúl Heliodoro). La manutención de la capilla de música de la Colegiata de Guadalupe. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 247 (3), p. 1075-1115. 5979. Undenkbare filmen (Das). Atomkrieg im Kino. Hrsg. v. Tobias NANZ and Johannes PAUSE. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 176 p. 5980. URWAND (Ben). The collaboration: Hollywood's pact with Hitler. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, 327 p. 5981. VAN CREVELD (Martin). Wargames: from gladiators to gigabytes. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-332 p.

5984. WINTER (Renée). Geschichtspolitiken und Fernsehen. Repräsentationen des Nationalsozialismus im frühen österreichischen TV (1955–1970). Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 320 p. 5985. Zooming in and out. Produktionen des Politischen in neueren deutschsprachigen Dokumentarfilmen. Hrsg. v. Aylin BASARAN, Julia B.KÖHNE und Klaudija SABO. Wien, Mandelbaum Verlag, 2013, 300 p. § 9. Addenda 2012. 5986. Ottoman Empire and European theatre. The age of Mozart and Selim III. (1756–1808). Ed. by Michael HÜTTLER and Hans Ernst WEIDINGER. Wien, Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2012, 1016 p. 5987. VIELHABER (Anna Sarah). Der populäre deutsche Film 1930–1970. Eine kulturvergleichende Analyse zur Erklärung seines Erfolgs. Norderstedt, Books on Demand – BoD, 2012, 262 p. Cf. nos 5433, 804.


§ 1. General. 5988-6036. – § 2. Political economy. 6037-6047. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 6048-6143. – § 4. Trade. 6144-6208. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 6209-6251. – § 6. Money and finance. 62526390. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6391-6464. – § 8. Social history. 6465-6792. – § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. 6793-6875. § 1. General. ______________________

5988. ACOCELLA (Nicola). Teoria e pratica della politica economica: l'eredità del recente passato. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 223-248. 5989. ALFANI (Guido). Calamities and the economy in Renaissance Italy: the grand tour of the horsemen of the apocalypse. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-257 p. 5990. ANDERSEN (Morten). De mange muligheders land. Sønderjyllands Erhvervsråd og egnsudviklingens historie 1945–1975. (Le pays des nombreuses possibilités. Le Conseil économique du Jutland du sud et l'histoire du développement de la région). Aabebraa, Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 2013, 246 p. (ill.). (Skrifter udgivet af Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 107). 5991. BABOŠ (Pavol), KLIMPLOVÁ (Lenka). Systematically uncoordinated? The Czech Republic and Slovakia in the view of varieties of capitalism. Contemporary European Studies, 2013, 8, 1, p. 71-98. 5992. BALABAN (Milan). General overview of the economic relations between Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia during the interwar period. In: České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století VIII. Ústí nad Orlicí, Oftis, 2013, p. 205-218. 5993. BECKERT (Jens). Einführung: Ursachen und Folgen ökonomischer Desintegration im 20. Jahrhundert. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 143-152. 5994. BETRÁN (Concha), PONS (Maria A.). Comparing past and present wage inequality in two globalisation periods. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 2, p. 140-166. 5995. BIELENBERG (Andy), RYAN (Raymond). An economic history of Ireland since independence. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XXII-282 p.

5996. BRAGGION (Fabio), MOORE (Lyndon). The economic benefits of political connections in late Victorian Britain. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 142-176. 5997. BROWN (Ian). Burma's economy in the twentieth century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII229 p. 5998. BULMER-THOMAS (Victor). Economic history of the Caribbean since the Napoleonic Wars. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXII-710 p. 5999. CARTER (Tim), GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.). Orpheus in the marketplace: Jacopo Peri and the economy of Late Renaissance Florence. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XIV-479 p. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history). 6000. CÎRSTEA (Marusia). Relaţii economice românobritanice (1919–1939). Studii şi documente. (BritishRomanian economical relations, 1919–1939. Studies and documents). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 350 p. 6001. CRAFTS (Nicholas), MILLS (Terence C.). Rearmament to the rescue? New estimates of the impact of "Keynesian" policies in 1930s' Britain. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 1077-1104. 6002. Development success: historical accounts from more advanced countries. Ed. by Augustin K. FOSU. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, VII-339 p. 6003. DODGSON (John). Gregory King and the economic structure of early modern England: an input–output table for 1688. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 993-1016. 6004. East German economy (The), 1945–2010. Falling behind or catching up? Ed. by Hartmut BERGHOFF and Uta Andrea BALBIER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-249 p.



6005. EDVINSSON (Rodney). New annual estimates of Swedish GDP, 1800–2010. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 1101-1126.

6020. MOSK (Carl). Nationalism and economic development in modern Eurasia. London, Routledge, 2013, XXI-298 p.

6006. ELMHORN (Camilla). Från hot till löfte: Stockholms ekonomiska omvandling 1945-2010. (De la menace aux promesses: la transformation économique de Stockholm entre 1945 et 2010). Stockholm, Stockholmia, 2013, 232 p. (ill.). (Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad, 239).

6021. Natural disaster and reconstruction in Asian economies. Ed. by Kinnia Yau SHUK-TING. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVI-222 p.

6007. FABRICIUS (Miroslav). Formovanie československej ekonomiky (1918-1920). (The formation of the Czechoslovak economy [1918–1920]). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 4, p. 627-644. 6008. FISHBACK (Price), CULLEN (Joseph A.). Second World War spending and local economic activity in US counties, 1939–1958. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 975-992. 6009. Global histories, imperial commodities, local interactions. Ed. by Jonathan CURRY-MACHADO. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, 304 p. 6010. GROSSMAN (Richard S.). Wrong: nine economic policy disasters and what we can learn from them. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-265 p. 6011. HÖPEL (Thomas). Die Herausbildung kommunaler Europapolitik – das Städtenetzwerk Eurocities. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 1, p. 23-42.

6022. PLOECKL (Florian). Local convergence: Baden 1829–1847. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 2, p. 122-139. 6023. PRESSLER (Florian). Die erste Weltwirtschaftskrise. Eine kleine Geschichte der großen Depression. München, Beck, 2013, 256 p. 6024. PRINZ (Michael). Der Sozialstaat hinter dem Haus. Wirtschaftliche Zukunftserwartungen, Selbstversorgung und regionale Vorbilder: Westfalen und Südwestdeutschland 1920–1960. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013, 454 p. 6025. ROY (Tirthankar). An economic history of early modern India. London a. New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, X-174 p. 6026. Sønderjysk erhvervshistorie 1800–2000. (Histoire économique du sud Jutland). Red. Hans SCHULTZ HANSEN, Elisabeth VESTERGAARG, Torben A. VESTERGAARD. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 206 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 471).

6012. JATTEAU (Arthur). Expérimenter le développement? Des économistes et leurs terrains. Genèses, 2013, 93 (4), p. 8-28.

6027. SPEICH CHASSÉ (Daniel). Die Erfindung des Bruttosozialprodukts. Globale Ungleichheit in der Wissensgeschichte der Ökonomie. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 344 p.

6013. KANDER (Astrid), MALANIMA (Paolo), WARDE (Paul). Power to the people: energy in Europe over the last five centuries. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, X457 p.

6028. SPOERER (Mark), STREB (Jochen). Neue deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, IX, 306 p.

6014. LAGERQVIST (Christopher). Reformer och revolutioner: en kort introduktion till Sveriges ekonomiska historia åren 1750-2010. (Réformes et révolutions: une brève introduction à l'histoire économique suédoise entre 1750 et 2010). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2013, 191 p. (ill.). 6015. LAINS (Pedro), GOMES DA SILVA (Ester), GUILERA (Jordi). Wage inequality in a developing open economy: Portugal, 1944–1984. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 3, p. 287-311. 6016. LAKE (Marilyn). 'This great America': H. B. Higgins and transnational progressivism. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 172-188. 6017. LINDERT (Peter H.), WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.). American incomes before and after the revolution. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 725-765. 6018. MAC LEAN (Ian W.). Why Australia prospered: the shifting sources of economic growth. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XIV-281 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western world). 6019. MOKYR (Joel). Cultural entrepreneurs and the origins of modern economic growth. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 1, p. 1-33.

6029. THIEMEYER (Guido). Economic models in France and Germany and the debates on the Maastricht Treaty. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 85-103. 6030. TOMLINSON (B. R.). The economy of modern India from 1860 to the twenty-first century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-250 p. 6031. Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Patrick HALBEISEN, Margrit MÜLLER und Béatrice VEYRASSAT. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2013, 1234 p. 6032. WRIGHT (Gavin). Sharing the prize: the economics of the civil rights revolution in the American South. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-353 p. 6033. ZMOLEK (Michael Andrew). Rethinking the Industrial Revolution: five centuries of transition from agrarian to industrial capitalism in England. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XX-915 p. (Historical materialism book series, 49). § 1. Addenda 2012. 6034. Latino–Karibskaja Amerika v kontekste global'nogo krizisa. (Latin and Carribean America in glo-

§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation bal crisis = America Latina y el Caribe: en el contexto de la crisis global). Ed. Vladimir M. DAVYDOV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Latin America. Moskva, Izd-vo ILA RAN, 2012, 258 p. (tabl.; diagr.; bibl. incl.). 6035. PETROV (Aleksandr Ju.). Natalija Shelikhova. U istokov Russkoj Ameriki. (Natalija Shelikhova: The origins of Russian America). Moskva, Ves' mir, 2012, 304 p. (ill.; maps; facs.; 2 tabl.; suppl. p. 215-292; bibl. p. 293-316). 6036. Voskhodjaschie gosudarstva–giganty BRICS: rol' v mirovoj politike, strategii modernizatsii: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. (Rising giant countries of BRICS, their weight in world politics and strategies of modernisation. Collected papers). Ed. Ljudmila S. OKOUNEVA, Aleksandr A. ORLOV. MGIMO, Institute of international studies. Moskva, MGIMO-University, 2012, 392 p. (bibl. incl.). Cf. no 7583 § 2. Political economy. ______________________

6037. ADELMAN (Jeremy). Worldly philosopher: the odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XVIII-740 p. 6038. BONNETT (John). Emergence and empire: Innis, complexity, and the trajectory of history. Montreal, Kingston a. London, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, IX371 p. 6039. BUSINO (Giovanni). Sulla perdurante attualità degli scritti di Luigi Einaudi. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 449-474.


6046. TOPOROWSKI (Jan). Michal Kalecki: an intellectual biography. Vol. I. Rendez-vous in Cambridge 1899–1939. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 200 p. 6047. Tranzitivní ekonomiky. Politická ekonomie Ruska, východní Evropy a střední Asie. (Transition economies. Political economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia). Ed. by Martin MYANT and Jan DRAHOKOUPIL. Prag, Nakladatelství Academia, 2013, 580 p. § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. * 6048. MEREDITH (David). In search of the Industrial Revolution [Review article]. English historical review, 2013, 128, 532, p. 628-640. _______________________

6049. AHR (Berenice). Integration von Infrastrukturen in Europa im historischen Vergleich. Band 2, Telekommunikation (Telefonie). Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 428 p. 6050. ANASTAKIS (Dimitry). Autonomous state: the struggle for a Canadian car industry from OPEC to Free Trade. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XVI549 p. 6051. ARESI (Monica). Il sistema infrastrutturale del Garda occidentale fra Ottocento e Novecento. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 73-94. 6052. ATACK (Jeremy). On the use of geographic information systems in economic history: the American transportation revolution revisited. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 2, p. 313-338. 6053. Automobilindustrie 1945–2000. Eine Schlüsselindustrie zwischen Boom und Krise. Hrsg. v. Stephanie TILLY und Florian TRIEBEL. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VI-433 p.

6040. Économie politique (L') et la sphère publique dans le débat des Lumières. Éd. par Jesús ASTIGARRAGA et Javier USOZ. Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2013, VIII-335 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 135).

6054. BÄHR (Johannes), ERKER (Paul). Bosch. Geschichte eines Weltunternehmens. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 704 p.

6041. FOGEL (Robert William), FOGEL (Enid M.), GUGLIELMO (Mark), GROTTE (Nathaniel). Political arithmetic: Simon Kuznets and the empirical tradition in economics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIII-168 p.

6055. BINI (Elisabetta). La potente benzina italiana: guerra fredda e consumi di massa tra Italia, Stati Uniti e terzo mondo, 1945–1973. Roma, Carocci editore, 2013, 271 p. (Storia internazionale del XX secolo, 14. Studi storici Carocci, 208).

6042. MAC KIBBIN (Ross). Political sociology in the guise of economics: J.M. Keynes and the rentier. English historical review, 2013, 128, 530 p. 78-106.

6056. BOGART (Dan), CHAUDHARY (Latika). Engines of growth: the productivity advance of Indian railways, 1874–1912. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 2, p. 339-370.

6043. METZLER (Mark). Capital as will and imagination: Schumpeter's guide to the postwar Japanese miracle. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVII-295 p. (Cornell studies in money). 6044. NOLAN (Mark C.). Keynes in Dublin: exploring the 1933 Finlay Lecture. Cork, Maurice Sweeney Editorial and Publishing Services, 2013, I-210 p. 6045. STEIL (Benn). The battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the making of a new world order. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, VIII-449 p.

6057. BORBÉLY (Ákos), MONORY (Zénó), TÖMÖRDI (Máté). Volt egyszer egy cukoripar: a cukorgyártás két évszázada Magyarországon. (There was once a sugar industry: two centuries of sugar production in Hungary). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2013, 499 p. 6058. BORTOLOTTI (Lando). La navigazione interna in Toscana: continuazione e fine. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 119-134. 6059. CARUANA-GALIZIA (Paul), MARTÍ-HENNEBERG (Jordi). European regional railways and real income,



1870–1910: a preliminary report. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 2, p. 167-196. 6060. CICCARELLI (Carlo), FENOALTEA (Stefano). The non-metallic mineral products industries in Italy, 1861–1913: national and regional time series. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 3, p. 267-318. – IIDEM. Through the magnifying glass: provincial aspects of industrial growth in post-Unification Italy. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 57-85.

6074. FOSDAL (Peter). Dansk industri i 175 år, 1838– 2013. (L'industrie danoise depuis 175 ans, 1838–2013). København, DI.13. 248 p. (ill.). 6075. FOWLER-SALAMINI (Heather). Working women, entrepreneurs, and the Mexican Revolution: the coffee culture of Córdoba, Veracruz. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2013, XV-418 p. (Mexican Experience).

6061. CICCARELLI (Carlo), MISSIAIA (Anna). The industrial labor force of Italy's provinces: estimates from the population censuses, 1871–1911. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 141-192.

6076. GARCÍA ENRÍQUEZ (Fernando Aníbal). Historia de la industria azucarera cruceña: desde la fundación de la ciudad hasta los ingenios modernos del siglo XXI. Santa Cruz, Fondo Editorial Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2013, 390 p.

6062. CICCARELLI (Carlo), PROIETTI (Tommaso). Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 3, p. 259-286.

6077. GAVIRA MÁRQUEZ (María Concepción). Minería en Chayanta: la sublevación indígena y el auge minero 1775–1792. La Paz, Plural Editores, 2013, 196 p.

6063. Comparative responses to globalization: experiences of British and Japanese enterprises. Ed. by Maki UMEMURA and Rika FUJIOKA. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI-261 p. 6064. COX (Anthony). Empire, industry and class: the imperial nexus of jute, 1840–1940. London, Routledge, 2013, XVI-270 p. (Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian studies series). 6065. CRISTINA (Giovanni). Ferrovie e strutture portuali nel processo di industrializzazione di Catania (1861–1914). Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 53-72.

6078. Geschichte des deutschen Bergbaus. Hrsg. v. Klaus TENFELDE (†), Stefan BERGER und Hans-Christoph SEIDEL. Bd. 4. Rohstoffgewinnung im Strukturwandel. Der deutsche Bergbau im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Dieter ZIEGLER. Red.: Jens ADAMSKI. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, 688 p. 6079. Global communication electric. Business, news and politics in the world of telegraphy. Ed. by M. Michaela HAMPF and Simone MÜLLER-POHL. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 386 p.

6066. CURCIO (Vincent). Henry Ford. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-306 p.

6080. GÓMEZ-GALVARRIATO (Aurora). Industry and revolution: social and economic change in the Orizaba Valley, Mexico. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 351 p. (Harvard Historical studies, 182).

6067. CURTIS (Ben). The South Wales miners, 1964– 1985. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2013, XIV301 p. (Studies in Welsh history, 34).

6081. GORMLY (James). The counter iron curtain: crafting an American-Soviet bloc civil aviation policy: 1942–1960. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 248-279.

6068. CUSHMAN (Gregory T.). Guano and the opening of the Pacific World: a global ecological history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXII-392 p. (Studies in environment and history).

6082. GRIFFIN (Emma). Liberty's dawn: a people's history of the industrial revolution. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, X-303 p.

6069. DAY (James Sanders). Diamonds in the rough: a history of Alabama's Cahaba coal field. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2013, XIII-209 p. 6070. DURAN (Xavier). The first U.S. transcontinental railroad: expected profits and government intervention. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 177-200. 6071. EDWARDS (Roy). 'Keeping unbroken ways': the role of the Railway Clearing House Secretariat in British freight transportation, c.1923–c.1947. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 479-497.

6083. HALL (Valerie G.). Women at work, 1860– 1939: how different industries shaped women's experiences. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 202 p. 6084. HASHINO (Tomoko), OTSUKA (Keijiro). Hand looms, power looms, and changing production organizations: the case of the Kiryū weaving district in early twentieth-century Japan. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 785-804. 6085. HÖGSELIUS (Per). Red Gas: Russia and the origins of European energy dependence. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIII-279 p. (Transnational history series).

6072. ENGELEN (Ute). Demokratisierung der betrieblichen Sozialpolitik? Das Volkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg und Automobiles Peugeot in Sochaux 1944–1980. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 503 p.

6086. HOUPT (Stefan). Productivity and transition in Swedish iron and steel, 1870–1940. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 1, p. 34-59.

6073. FEESER (Andrea). Red, White, and black make blue: indigo in the fabric of colonial South Carolina life. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, X-140 p.

6087. HYDE (Charles K.). Arsenal of democracy: the American automobile industry in World War II. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2013, XVI-248 p.

§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation 6088. IKEGAMI (Masako). The end of a 'national' defence industry? Impacts of globalization on the Swedish defence industry. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 436-457. 6089. Industrial cities. History and future. Ed. by Clemens ZIMMERMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 368 p. [Cf. no 6091]. 6090. Industrialisierung und Nationalisierung. Fallstudien zur Geschichte des oberschlesischen Industriereviers im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Lutz BUDRAß, Barbara KALINOWSKA-WÓJCIK und Andrzej MICHALCZYK. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 372 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 40). 6091. JEMELKA (Martin), ŠEVEČEK (Ondřej). The utopian industrial city: the case of the Baťa city of Zlín (Republic of Czechoslovakia). In: Industrial cities [cf. no 6089], p. 235-262. 6092. JINDRA (Zdeněk). Der Bahnbrecher des Stahlund Eisenbahnzeitalters. Die Firma Fried. Krupp/Essen von der Gründung der Gussstahlfabrik bis zur Entwicklung zum "Nationalwerk" und weltbekannten Kanonenlieferanten (1811 bis Anfang der 90er Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 643 p. (Beiträge zur Unternehmensgeschichte, 31). 6093. JOLY (Hervé). Diriger une grande entreprise au XXe siècle. L'élite industrielle française. Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2013, 430 p. (Perspectives historiques). 6094. JOPP (Tobias Alexander). Insurance, fund size, and concentration: Prussian miners Knappschaften in the nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries and their quest for optimal scale. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, 273 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 16).


6100. LACKO (Miroslav). Economic policy and minig interest organizations in Slovakia up to 1929. Historický časopis, 2013, 61, Supplement, p. 81-105. 6101. LEMAŃCZYK (Szczepan). The Transiranian railway – history, context and consequences. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 2, p. 237-245. 6102. LIND (Gunner). Early military industry in Denmark-Norway, 1500–1814. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 405-421. 6103. LJUNGBERG (Jonas), SCHÖN (Lennart). Domestic markets and international integration: paths to industrialisation in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 2, p. 101-121. 6104. LUTZ (Martin). Carl von Siemens 1829–1906. Ein Leben zwischen Familie und Weltfirma. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 413 p. 6105. MAC CULLOCH (Jock). Mine medicine: knowledge and power on South Africa's gold mines. Labour history, 2013, 54, 4, p. 421-435. 6106. MARKEY (Raymond). Tragedy or farce? The repetition of Australian industrial relations history, 1929 and 2007. Labour history, 2013, 54, 4, p. 355-376. 6107. MARX (Christian). Paul Reusch und die Gutehoffnungshütte. Leitung eines deutschen Großunternehmens. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 708 p. (Moderne Zeit, 25). 6108. Mathew Boulton: enterprising industrialist of the enlightenment. Ed. by Kenneth QUICKENDEN, Sally BAGGOTT and Malcolm DICK. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-294 p. 6109. MENCARELLI (Mario), MENCARELLI (Giovanna). Un contributo alla storia della Società Terni. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 119-134.

6095. JUNGKIND (Thilo). Risikokultur und Störfallverhalten der chemischen Industrie. Gesellschaftliche Einflüsse auf das unternehmerische Handeln von Bayer und Henkel seit der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 332 p. (Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 3).

6110. MILANESIO (Natalia). The liberating flame: natural gas production in Peronist Argentina. Environmental history, 2013, 18, 3, p. 1-24.

6096. KLEMANN (Hein A. M.), SCHENK (Joep). Competition in the Rhine delta: waterways, railways and ports, 1870–1913. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 826-847.

6112. MORATELLI (Thiago). Operários de empreitada: os trabalhadores da construção da estrada de ferro Noroeste do Brasil (São Paulo e Mato Grosso, 1905– 1914). Campinas, Editora UNICAMP, 2013, 267 p. (Várias histórias).

6097. KNOWLES (Anne Kelly). Mastering iron: the struggle to modernize an American industry, 1800–1868. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 334 p. 6098. KOISTINEN (David). Confronting decline: the political economy of deindustrialization in twentiethcentury New England. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XII-331 p. (Working in the Americas). 6099. Labour-intensive industrialization in global history. Ed. by Gareth AUSTIN and Kaoru SUGIHARA. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, 310 p. (Routledge explorations in economic history, 59).

6111. MINCHIN (Timothy J.). Empty mills: the fight against imports and the decline of the U.S. textile industry. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2013, XII-333 p.

6113. NAYAK (Ajit), MACLEAN (Mairi). Co-evolution, opportunity seeking and institutional change: Entrepreneurship and the Indian telecommunications industry, 1923–2009. Business history, 2013, 55, 1, p. 29-52. 6114. NEELEMAN (Gary), NEELEMAN (Rose). Tracks in the Amazon: the day-to-day life of the workers on the Madeira-Mamoré Railroad. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 2013, XIX-195 p. 6115. NYE (David E.). America's assembly line. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, XII-338 p.



6116. OTT (Martin). Salzhandel in der Mitte Europas. Raumorganisation und wirtschaftliche Außenbeziehungen zwischen Bayern, Schwaben und der Schweiz, 1750–1815. München, Beck, 2013, CIV-664 p. (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 165). 6117. PASINI (Maria Paola). L'idrovia padana TicinoMincio: un progetto mai realizzato. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 95-118. 6118. PETERSON (Sarah Jo). Planning the home front: building bombers and communities at Willow Run. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XIV-358 p. (Historical studies of urban America). 6119. Pionierbahn am Lötschberg. Die Geschichte der Lötschbergbahn. Hrsg. v. Kilian T. ELSASSER und Stephan APPENZELLER. Zürich, AS Verlag, 2013, 224 p. 6120. POTHMANN (Ute). Wirtschaftsprüfung im Nationalsozialismus. Die Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand AG (Treuarbeit) 1933 bis 1945. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 312 p. (Bochumer Schriften zur Unternehmensund Industriegeschichte, 19). 6121. REES (Jonathan). Refrigeration nation: a history of ice, appliances, and enterprise in America. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, X-236 p. (Studies in industry and society).

6131. SOLAR (Peter M.). Opening to the East: shipping between Europe and Asia, 1770–1830. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 625-661. 6132. SPRINGER (Philipp). Bahnhof der Tränen. Die Grenzübergangsstelle Berlin-Friedrichstraße. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 224 p. 6133. Staat, Bergbau und Bergakademie. Montanexperten im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Hartmut SCHLEIFF und Peter KONECNY. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 382 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, 223). 6134. STENTELLA (Danilo). L'Azienda Elettrica del Comune di Terni. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 87-118. 6135. SUÁREZ (Ana Rosa). El camino de Tehuantepec. De la visión a la quiebra (1854–1861). México D.F., Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, 2013, 411 p. 6136. TEMBO (Alfred). Rubber production in Northern Rhodesia during the Second World War, 1942– 1946. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 223-255. 6137. TOWNSEND (Susan C.). The 'miracle' of car ownership in Japan's 'Era of High Growth', 1955–1973. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 498-523.

6122. RIEGER (Bernhard). The people's car. A global history of the Volkswagen beetle. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2013, 406 p.

6138. VAN VLECK (Jenifer). Empire of the air. Aviation and the American ascendancy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 400 p.

6123. RISTUCCIA (Cristiano Andrea), TOOZE (Adam). Machine tools and mass production in the armaments boom: Germany and the United States, 1929–1944. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 953-974.

6139. VELASCO MURILLO (Dana). Laboring above ground: indigenous women in New Spain's silver mining district, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1620–1770. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 1, p. 3-32.

6124. ROHRBOUGH (Malcolm J.). Rush to gold: the French and the California Gold Rush, 1848–1854. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XII-342 p. (Lamar series in Western history).

6140. WALTERS (Geoff), HAMIL (Sean). The contests for power and influence over the regulatory space within the English professional football industry, 1980–2012. Business history, 2013, 55, 5, p. 740-767.

6125. SCHIEFELBUSCH (Martin). Trains across borders. Comparative studies on international cooperation in railway development / Integration von Infrastrukturen in Europa im historischen Vergleich. Band 4. Eisenbahn. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 303 p.

6141. WOLENSKY (Robert P.), HASTIE (William A.). Anthracite labor wars: tenancy, Italians and organized crime in the northern coalfield of northeastern Pennsylvania, 1897–1959. Easton, Canal History and Technology Press, 2013, 445 p.

6126. SCHNEIDER (Gregory L.). Rock Island Requiem: the Collapse of a Mighty Fine Line. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XVIII-380 p.

6142. ZAHEDIEH (Nuala). Colonies, copper, and the market for inventive activity in England and Wales, 1680–1730. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 805825.

6127. SCHULZ (Ulrike). Simson. Vom unwahrscheinlichen Überleben eines Unternehmens 1856–1993. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 463 p. 6128. SILVIA (Stephen J.). Holding the job together: German industrial relations in the post-war era. London, Cornell U. P., 2013, VII- 280 p. 6129. SINN (Elizabeth). Pacific crossing: California Gold, Chinese migration, and the making of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2013, XVIII-454 p. 6130. SMIL (Vaclav). Made in the USA: the rise and retreat of American manufacturing. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, XIII-256 p.

6143. ZEITZ (Peter). Do local institutions affect all foreign investors in the same way? Evidence from the interwar Chinese textile industry. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 117-141. Cf. nos 4088, 6179, 6222, 7057 § 4. Trade. ______________________

6144. ADDOUN (Yacine Daddi), LOCKHART (Jamie Bruce), LOVEJOY (Paul E.). Accounting in the Central Sudan in the early nineteenth century. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 19-31.

§ 4. Trade 6145. ADE (Mafalda). Picknick mit den Paschas: Aleppo und die levantinische Handelsfirma Fratelli Poche (1853–1880). Würzburg, Ergon Verlag in Kommission, 2013, 261 p. (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 133). 6146. ANDERSON (Aaron D.). Builders of a new South: merchants, capital, and the remaking of Natchez, 1865–1914. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, VIII-279 p.


institutions, and global markets, 1850–1930. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 288 p. 6159. DEJUNG (Christof). Die Fäden des globalen Marktes. Eine Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte des Welthandels am Beispiel der Handelsfirma Gebrüder Volkart 1851–1999. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 516 p. (Industrielle Welt, 85).

6147. ANDREAS (Peter). Smuggler nation: how illicit trade made America. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII454 p.

6160. DEL VALLE (Guillermina). Finanzas piadosas y redes de negocios. Los mercaderes de la ciudad de México ante la crisis de Nueva España 1804–1808. México D.F., Instituto Mora, 2013, 263 p.

6148. ANDREOZZI (Daniele). "La segretezza degli affari suoi". Commerci, regole e reati a Trieste nella seconda metà del Settecento. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 467-496.

6161. DENIS-DELACOUR (Christopher). Flying the Pope's flag. The commercial exploitation of the Roman flag in Mediterranean mercantile policies (18th century). Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 339-418.

6149. ARČABIĆ (Goran). Zagrebački zbor kao poveznica hrvatskog i europskog gospodarstva: (1922.–1940). (Zagreb Assembly as link between Croatian and European economy, 1922–1940. Zagreb, Srednja Europa and Muzej grada Zagreba, 2013, 254 p.

6162. DOHERTY (Bob), DAVIES (Iain A.), TRANCHELL (Sophi). Where now for fair trade? Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 161-189.

6150. ARROYO ABAD (Leticia). Persistent inequality? Trade, factor endowments, and inequality in republican Latin America. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 38-78. 6151. BASKES (Jeremy). Staying afloat: risk and uncertainty in Spanish Atlantic world trade, 1760–1820. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XIV-393 p. (Social science history). 6152. BLUM (Matthias). Der deutschen Lebensstandard während des Ersten Weltkrieges in historischer Perspektive: welche Rolle spielten Konsumentenpräferenzen? Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 3, p. 273-291. 6153. BUCHNER (Thomas). Arbeitsmärkte ordnen oder konstruieren? Öffentliche Arbeitsnachweise in Deutschland (circa 1890 bis 1914). Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 3, p. 292310.

6163. ENGLISH (Linda). By all accounts: general stores and community life in Texas and Indian territory. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XI-268 p. (Race and culture in the American West, 6). 6164. FRASER TERJANIAN (Anoush). Commerce and its discontents in eighteenth-century French political thought. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 226 p. 6165. GARFIELD (Seth). In search of the Amazon: Brazil, the United States, and the nature of a region. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XIII-343 p. (American encounters/global interactions). 6166. GELDERBLOM (Oscar), DE JONG (Abe), JONKER (Joost). The formative years of the modern corporation: the Dutch East India Company VOC, 1602–1623. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 1050-1076. 6167. GORDON (Tammy S.). The spirit of 1976: commerce, community, and the politics of commemoration. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, XII175 p. (Public history in historical perspective).

6154. BUSTO IBARRA (Karina). Comercio marítimo en los puertos de La Paz y Santa Rosalía, Distrito Sur de la Baja California, 1880–1910. La Paz, Archivo Histórico "Pablo L. Martínez", 2013, 242 p.

6168. GRAEVENITZ (Fritz Georg von). Zucker und kubanische Revolution. Internationale Determinanten der New Deal-Politik (1930–1934). Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 1, p. 1-22.

6155. COPPOLARO (Lucia). The making of a world trading power: the European Economic Community (EEC) in the GATT Kennedy round negotiations (1963– 1967). Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2013, XII-237 p.

6169. HADDAD (John R.). America's first adventure in China: trade, treaties, opium, and salvation. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2013, VIII-283 p.

6156. COSAMALÓN AGUILAR (Jesús A.). Precios y sociedad colonial (1700–1810): transformaciones en los mercados y ciclos económicos en Lima. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 51-109.

6170. HALL (Bruce S.). Saharan commerce and Islamic Law: the question of Usury (ribā) in the Nawāzil literature of Mali and Mauritania, 1700–1929. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 1-18.

6157. CVRCEK (Tomas). Wages, prices, and living standards in the Habsburg Empire, 1827–1910. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 1-37.

6171. HERZOG (Tamar). Merchants and citizens: on the making and un-making of merchants in early-modern Spain and Spanish America. Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 137-164.

6158. DEJUNG (Christof), PETERSSON (Niels P.). The foundations of worldwide economic integration: power,

6172. JONES (Robert E.). Bread upon the waters: the St. Petersburg grain trade and the Russian economy,



1703–1811. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, XIV-298 p. 6173. KADANE (Matthew). The watchful clothier: the life of an eighteenth-century Protestant capitalist. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, X-302 p. (Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history). 6174. KLEIN (Jean-François). Les maîtres du comptoir: Desgrand père & fils (1720–1878). Réseaux du négoce et révolutions commerciales. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 368 p. (Roland Mousnier). 6175. KNIGHT (G. R.). Commodities and colonialism: the story of Big Sugar in Indonesia, 1880–1942. Leiden, Brill, 2013, XI-291 p. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 286). 6176. KOCHANOWSKI (Jerzy). Jenseits der Planwirtschaft. Der Schwarzmarkt in Polen 1944–1989. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 475 p. 6177. KOURÍ (Emilio). Un pueblo dividido. Comercio, propiedad y comunidad en Papantla, México. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013, 454 p. 6178. KUDO (Yuko). Ran-ryō Higashi Indo ni okeru Oranda kei ginkō no tai-Ka shō torihiki: Jawatō torihiki to 1917 nen satō kiki o chūshin ni. (Business transactions conducted by Dutch banks with Chinese merchants in the Dutch East Indies: Javanese sugar transactions and the sugar crisis of 1917). Shakai Keizai Shigaku, 2013, 79, 3, p. 91-113. 6179. LA MACCHIA (Angela). La competitività dell'industria francese e il mercato sardo nella prima metà dell'Ottocento. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 203 p. (Economia, 97). 6180. LAMBERT (Rob). Agent of the market, or instrument of justice? Redefining trade union identity in the era of market driven politics. Labour history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 88-103. 6181. LANGER (Lydia). Revolution im Einzelhandel. Die Einführung der Selbstbedienung in Lebensmittelgeschäften der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1949–1973). Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, IX-445 p. 6182. MAISCHAK (Lars). German merchants in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 315 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 6183. MARLER (Scott P.). The merchants' capital: New Orleans and the political economy of the nineteenth-century South. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-317 p. (Cambridge Studies on the American South). 6184. MARTINETTI (Brice). Les négociants de La Rochelle au XVIIIe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 447 p. 6185. MAZUREK (Małgorzata), CLAVIER (Aurore). Morales de la consommation en Pologne (1918–1989). Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 499-527.

6186. Mercantilism reimagined: political economy in early Modern Britain and its empire. Ed. by Philip J. STERN and Carl WENNERLIND. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-404 p. 6187. MILANESIO (Natalia). Workers go shopping in Argentina. The rise of popular consumer culture. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, 320 p. 6188. MIÑO GRIJALVA (Manuel). El cacao Guayaquil en Nueva España, 1771–1812 (Política imperial, mercado y consumo). México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 323 p. 6189. MORI (Ryoji). 19 seiki Doitsu no chiiki sangyō shinkō: Kindaika no naka no Byurutenberuku shōeigyō. (Local industrial promotion in nineteenth-century Germany: Small business and the modernization in Württemberg). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, 305 p. 6190. MULLEN (Stephen). A Glasgow-West India Merchant House and the imperial dividend, 1779–1867. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 2, p. 196-233. 6191. PANZA (Laura). Globalization and the Near East: a study of cotton market integration in Egypt and Western Anatolia. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 847-872. 6192. PAUL (K. Tawny). Credit, reputation, and masculinity in British urban commerce: Edinburgh, c. 1710– 1770. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 226-248. 6193. PÉREZ-GARCÍA (Manuel). Vicarious consumers: trans-national meetings between the West and East in the Mediterranean world, 1730–1808. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XXV-375 p. 6194. PETTIT (Michael). The science of deception: psychology and commerce in America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, IX-311 p. 6195. ROODHOUSE (Mark). Black market Britain, 1939–1955. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 276 p. 6196. ROSENBLITT BERDICHESKY (Jaime). Centralidad geográfica, marginalidad política: la región de Tacna-Arica y su comercio, 1778–1841. Santiago de Chile, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, 2013, 335 p. (Colección Sociedad y Cultura, 54). 6197. ROSOLINO (Riccardo), BORGHETTI (Maria Novella). Vices tyranniques. Résistance au monopole, idéologie et marché à l'aube de la modernité. Annales, 2013, 68, 3, p. 793-819. 6198. SCHULTE BEERBÜHL (Margrit). Trading with the enemy. Clandestine networks during the Napoleonic wars. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 541-566. 6199. SIMONSON (Örjan). Information costs and commercial integration. The impact of the 1692 Swedish postage tariff. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 1, p. 60-81. 6200. SPAULDING (Robert Mark). Changing patterns of Rhine commerce in the era of French hegemony

§ 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems


1793–1813 Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 4, p. 413-431.

Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 2013, 220 p. (Ediciones especiales).

6201. STRUM (Daniel). The sugar trade: Brazil, Portugal, and the Netherlands, 1595–1630. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, 568 p.

6212. BERNARDI (Emanuele), NUNNARI (Fabrizio), SCOPPOLA IACOPINI (Luigi). Storia della Confederazione italiana agricoltori: rappresentanza, politiche e unità contadina dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi. Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 276 p. (Percorsi).

6202. SWETT (Pamela E.). Selling under the swastika: advertising and commercial culture in nazi Germany. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XII-344 p. 6203. TERJANIAN (Anoush Fraser). Commerce and its discontents in eighteenth-century French political thought. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-226 p. 6204. WESTERMANN (Ekkehard). "Die versunkenen Schätze der 'Bom Jesu'" von 1533. Die Bedeutung der Fracht des portugiesischen Indienseglers für die internationale Handelsgeschichte – Würdigung und Kritik. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 4, p. 459-478. 6205. ZHAO (Gang). The Qing opening to the ocean: Chinese maritime policies, 1684–1757. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, VIII-267 p. (Perspectives on the global past). 6206. ZICKERMANN (Kathrin). Across the German sea. Early Modern Scottish connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XVI272 p. (Northern World, 62). § 4. Addenda 2012. ** 6207. Tamozhennye knigi Velikogo Ustjuga serediny XVIII veka. (Custom books of Veliky Ustyug). Ed. Galina N. CHEBYKINA, Marina S. CHERKASOVA. Veliky Ustyug Central Archive, Museum of Veliky Ustyug, Russian Academy of Sciences, Northern branch of Archaeographical Comission. Vologda, Drevnosti Severa, 2012, 432 p. 6208. GOLIKOVA (Nina B.). Privilegirovannoe kupechestvo v strukture russkogo obschestva v XVI – pervoj chetverti XVIII veka. Iz nauchnogo nasledija. (The privileged merchants in Russian society of the 16th– early 18th centuries. From the scholarly inheritance of Nina B. Golikova). Ed. Natalija V. KOZLOVA, Viktor N. ZAKHAROV, Irina E. TRISHKAN. Moskva, Sankt-Peterburg, Alliance-Archeo, 2012, 336 p. Cf. nos 7311, 6430, 6465, 6571, 7211 § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. ______________________

6209. ABOITES AGUILAR (Luis). El norte entre algodones. Población, trabajo agrícola y optimismo en México, 1930–1970. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 461 p. 6210. Agrarismus und Agrareliten in Ostmitteleuropa. Hrsg. v. Eduard KUBŮ, Torsten LORENZ, Uwe MÜLLER und Jiří ŠOUŠA. Berlin, BWV Berliner WissenschaftsVerlag, 2013, 686 p. 6211. AGÜERO (Juan Omar). Las cooperativas tabacaleras en Argentina. Posadas, Editorial Universitaria,

6213. BRUN (Katherine). The Abbot and his peasants. Territorial formation in Salem from the later Middle Ages to the Thirty Years war. Stuttgart, Lucius & Lucius, 2013, 470 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte, 56). 6214. CRIBELLI (Teresa). 'These industrial forests': economic nationalism and the search for agro-industrial commodities in nineteenth-century Brazil. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 3, p. 545-579. 6215. DANIEL (Pete). Dispossession: discrimination against African American farmers in the age of Civil Rights. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII-332 p. 6216. DENNISON (Tracy). Contract enforcement in Russian serf society, 1750–1860. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 715-732. 6217. DEVINE (Jenny Barker). On behalf of the family farm: Iowa farm women's activism since 1945. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2013, XI-188 p. (Iowa and the Midwest experience). 6218. DIAMOND (Hanna). 'Prisoners of the peace': German prisoners-of-war in rural France 1944–1948. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 3, p. 442-463. 6219. DOMENECH (Jordi). Rural labour markets and rural conflict in Spain before the Civil War (1931–1936). Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 86-108. 6220. DYE (Alan), LA CROIX (Sumner). The political economy of land privatization in Argentina and Australia, 1810–1850: a puzzle. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 901-936. 6221. Farmer (The) in England, 1650–1980. Ed. Richard W. HOYLE. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVI-358 p. 6222. FEDERICO (Giovanni), SHARP (Paul). The cost of railroad regulation: the disintegration of American agricultural markets in the interwar period. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 1017-1038. 6223. HAYES (Katherine Howlett). Slavery before race: Europeans, Africans, and Indians at Long Island's Sylvester Manor Plantation, 1651–1884. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XVIII-220 p. (Early American places). 6224. HERNÁNDEZ SOUBERVIELLE (José Armando). De piedra y de maíz. Las alhóndigas y el establecimiento de granos en San Luis Potosí durante el virreinato. San Luis Potosí, Colegio de San Luis, 2013, 538 p. 6225. HERZBERG (Julia). Gegenarchive. Bäuerliche Autobiographik zwischen Zarenreich und Sowjetunion. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 494 p.



6226. INFANTE AMATE (Juan) ¿Quién levantó los olivos? La expansión olivarera decimonónica como estrategia de producción campesina (1750–1930). Historia social, 2013, 76, p. 25-44. 6227. ISAACMAN (Allen F.), ISAACMAN (Barbara P.). Dams, displacement and the delusion of development. Cahora Bassa and its legacies in Mozambique, 1965– 2007. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2013, 324 p. 6228. KELLY (Morgan), Ó GRÁDA (Cormac). Numerare est errare: agricultural output and food supply in England before and during the Industrial Revolution. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 11321163. 6229. Landlords and tenants in Britain, 1440–1660. Ed. by Jane WHITTLE. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XV-240 p. 6230. MAC DONAGH (Briony). Making and breaking property: negotiating enclosure and common rights in sixteenth-century England. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 32-56. 6231. MAC GILLIVRAY (Neil). Dr John Mackenzie (1803–86): proponent of scientific agriculture and opponent of Highland emigration. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 1, p. 81-100. 6232. Mexico in transition: new perspectives on Mexican agrarian history, nineteenth and twentieth centuries/México y sus transiciones: reconsideraciones sobre la historia agraria mexicana, siglos XIX y XX. Ed. por Antonio ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE y Matthew BUTLER. México D.F., Centro de investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, 2013, 608 p. 6233. MOON (David). The plough that broke the steppes: agriculture and environment on Russia's grasslands, 1700–1914. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVII319 p. (Oxford studies in modern European history). 6234. När landet kom till staden: lantbruksmöten och lantbruksutställningar som arenor för agrara moderniseringssträvanden i Sverige och Finland 1844-1970. (Quand la campagne venait à la ville: réunions et expositions agricoles comme théâtre des aspirations à la modernisation agraire en Suède et en Finlande de 1844 à 1970). Red.: Olof KÅHRSTRÖM. Stockholm, Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien, 2013, 416 p. (ill.). (Skogs- och lantbrukshistoriska meddelanden, 58). KÅHRSTRÖM (Olof) Sverige; Suomi 6235. PETTY (Adrienne Monteith). Standing their ground: small farmers in North Carolina since the Civil War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-281 p. 6236. QUINTIÁN (Juan Ignacio). En búsqueda de la elite salteña, 1850–1880. Comercio regional y distribución de la tierra. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 117-150 6237. ROGERS (Edmund). A 'small free trade oasis'? Agriculture, tariff policy, and the Danish example in Great Britain and Ireland, c. 1885–1911. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 42-64.

6238. SAPOZNIK (Alexandra). The productivity of peasant agriculture: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360– 99. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 518-544. 6239. SARSON (Steven). The tobacco-plantation South in the early American Atlantic World. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV-258 p. (Americas in the Early Modern Atlantic World). 6240. SIEGL (Gerhard). Bergbauern im Nationalsozialismus: die Berglandwirtschaft zwischen Agrarideologie und Kriegswirtschaft. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 339 p. (Innsbrucker Forschungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 28). 6241. SON (Byung-giu), LEE (Sangkuk). Rural migration in Korea: a transition to the modern era. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 422-433. 6242. STANZIANI (Alessandro). Beyond colonialism: servants, wage earners and indentured migrants in rural France and on Reunion Island (c. 1750–1900). Labour history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 64-87. 6243. SWAIN (Nigel). Green barons, force-of-circumstance entrepreneurs, impotent mayors: rural change in the early years of post-socialist capitalist democracy. Budapest: Central European U. P., 2013, XIV-398 p. 6244. TENNENT (Kevin). Management and the freestanding company: the New Zealand and Australia land company c. 1866–1900. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 81-97. 6245. TESSIER (Olivier). Les faux-semblants de la "révolution du thé" (1920–1945) dans la province de Phú Thọ (Tonkin). Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 169-205. 6246. VAN NORMAN (William C.). Shade-grown slavery: the lives of slaves on coffee plantations in Cuba. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2013, XI-207 p. 6247. ZAUŠKOVÁ (Ľubica), MIDRIAK (Rudolf), KRAJ(Vladimír). Novodobé pustnutie kultúrnej poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska v historickom kontexte. (Modern abandonment of agricultural land in Slovakia in its historical context). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 377-390. ČOVIČ

6248. ZAYARNYUK (Andriy). Framing the Ukrainian peasantry in Habsburg Galicia, 1846–1914. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Published in Cooperation with the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta, 2013, XXXII-449 p. § 5. Addenda 2012. ** 6249. Sovetskaja derevnja glazami VChK – OGPU – NKVD. 1918–1939. Dokumenty i materialy v 4-kh tt. (Soviet village seen by the Cheka – OGPU – NKVD. Documents and materials = Les campagnes soviétiques vues par la Tchéka – OGPU – NKVD. Documents et matériaux). Vol. 4. 1935–1939. Ed. André BERELOVITCH, Viktor P. DANILOV. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History, Central Archive of FSB, La Maison des sciences de l'homme (France). L'Institut d'histoire du temps présent (France). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 983 p.

§ 6. Money and finance 6250. MAZUR (Ljudmila N.). Rossijskaja derevnja v uslovijakh urbanizatsii: regional'noe izmerenie (vtoraja polovina XIX – XX v.). (Russian village under the circumstance of urbanisation: regional dimension. The second half of 19th–20th centuries). Ural State University. Ekaterinburg, Izd-vo Ural. gos. un-ta, 2012, 472 p. 6251. SHVEJKOVSKAJA (Elena N.). Russkij krest'janin v dome i mire: severnaja derevnja kontsa XVI – nachala XVIII veka. (Russian peasant at home and in his community: northern village of the end of 16th–early 18th centuries). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 368 p. (Traditional spiritual culture of Slavs. Modern studies). Cf. nos 3614, 4408, 4485 § 6. Money and finance. ______________________

6252. ADAMS (Sean Patrick). The perils of personal capital in antebellum America: John Spotswood Wellford and Virginia's Catharine Furnace. Business history, 2013, 55, 8, p. 1339-1360. 6253. ADDOBBATI (Andrea). Assicurazioni e gioco d'azzardo tra Bordeaux, Londra e Livorno. Le polizze speculative sul commercio franco-caraibico durante la guerra di successione austriaca. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 441-466. 6254. AHRENS (Ralf), BÄHR (Johannes). Jürgen Ponto. Bankier und Bürger. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 348 p. 6255. ARIAS (Luz Marina). Building fiscal capacity in colonial Mexico: from fragmentation to centralization. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 662-693. 6256. ATTARD (Bernard), DILLEY (Andrew). Finance, empire and the British world. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 1-10. 6257. ATTARD (Bernard). Bridgeheads, 'colonial places' and the Queensland financial crisis of 1866. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 11-36. 6258. BARKAN (Joshua). Corporate sovereignty: law and government under capitalism. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, 243 p. 6259. BARTELS (Almuth). Monetarisierung und Individualisierung. Historische Analyse der betrieblichen Sozialpolitik bei Siemens (1945–1989). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 408 p. 6260. BENNETT (Robert J.). Network interlocks: The connected emergence of chambers of commerce and provincial banks in the British Isles, 1767–1823. Business history, 2013, 55, 8, p. 1288-1317. 6261. BERTRAMS (Kenneth), COUPAIN (Nicolas), HOMBURG (Ernst). Solvay: history of a multinational family firm. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVII630 p. 6262. BIN-ṬĀLIB ('Alī). al-Makhzan wa-al-qabā'il: al-ḍaghṭ al-jibā'ī wa-tadā'īyātih, 1894–1912. (For the


store and the tribes: the tax pressure and its aftermath, 1894–1912). al-Rabāṭ, al-Ma'had al-Malakī lil-Thaqāfah al-Amāzīghīyah, Markaz al-Dirāsāt al-Tārīkhīyah wa-al-Bī'īyah, 2013, 424 p. (Silsilat Dirāsāt wa-abḥāth, 34). 6263. BONIN (Hubert). La stratégie de déploiement international de la Société générale (des années 1870 aux années 1970). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 327-348. – IDEM. Les quatre crises de la Société générale (1886–2008). La crise d'un modèle économique au cœur des crises conjoncturelles. Revue historique, 2013, 668, p. 905-933. 6264. BONNEVAL (Loïc), ROBERT (François). L'immeuble de rapport. L'immobilier entre gestion et spéculation, Lyon 1860–1990 Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 242 p. 6265. BOTT (Sandra). La Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud, 1945–1990: marché de l'or, finance et commerce durant l'apartheid. Zürich, Chronos, 2013, 476 p. (Schweizer Beiträge zur internationalen Geschichte, 11). 6266. BRACHT (Johannes). Geldlose Zeiten und überfüllte Kassen. Sparen, Leihen und Vererben in der ländlichen Gesellschaft Westfalens (1830–1866). Stuttgart, Lucius & Lucius, 2013, XII-496 p. 6267. BRAGGION (Fabio), MOORE (Lyndon). How insiders traded before rules. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 565-584. 6268. BRUCE (Alistair), SKOVORODA (Rodion). Bankers' bonuses and the financial crisis: Context, evidence and the rhetoric-policy gap. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 139-160. 6269. BURHOP (Carsten). Deutschland im Weltwährungssystem von Bretton Woods. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 197-239. 6270. BURNES (Bernard), COOKE (Bill). The Tavistock's 1945 invention of Organization Development: early British business and management applications of social psychiatry. Business history, 2013, 55, 5, p. 768789. 6271. Business in the age of extremes. Essays in Modern German and Austrian economic history. Hrsg. v. Hartmut BERGHOFF, Jürgen KOCKA und Dieter ZIEGLER. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P. a. German Historical Institute, 2013, IX-249 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 6272. CAMPBELL (Gwyn), STANZIANI (Alessandro). Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world. London a. Vermont, Pickering and Chatto, 2013, XIII-240 p. 6273. CAPIE (Forrest), WOOD (Geoffrey). Central Bank independence: can it survive a crisis? Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 193-222. 6274. CASSON (Mark), DA SILVA LOPES (Teresa). Foreign direct investment in high-risk environments: an historical perspective. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 375-404.



6275. CHAUDRON (Gerald). Obsession: New Zealand, money and the League of Nations, 1920–1935. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 143-169.

6288. DREYFUS (Michel). Financer les utopies. Une histoire du Crédit coopératif, 1893–2013 Arles, Actes Sud/IMEC, 2013, 345 p.

6276. CHEFFINS (Brian R.), BANK (Steven A.), WELLS (Harwell). Questioning 'law and finance': US stock market development, 1930–1970. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 601-619.

6289. EDLINGER (Cécile), MERLI (Maxime), PARENT (Antoine). An optimal world portfolio on the eve of World War I: was there a bias to investing in the New World rather than in Europe? Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 2, p. 498-530.

6277. CHEFFINS (Brian R.), KOUSTAS (Dmitri K.), CHAMBERS (David). Ownership dispersion and the London Stock Exchange's 'two-thirds rule': an empirical test. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 670-693.

6290. Endurance (The) of family businesses: a global overview. Ed. by Paloma FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ and Andrea COLLI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVII288 p.

6278. CHRISTIANSEN (John). Kredit og kreditiver i Danmark i det 16. og 17. århundrede i et europæisk perspektiv. (Credit and letters of credit in Denmark in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, viewed in a European perspective). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 350-365.

6291. Federal reserve (The) and the financial crisis. Lectures by Ben S. BERNANKE. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, 144 p.

6279. CLAUSEN (Thomas). Tvangslånene. Om fiskale forhold i Slesvig under og efter Treårskrigen. (The compulsory loans. on fiscal conditions in the Duchy of Schleswig during and after the First Schleswig War). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 445-477. 6280. COLLI (Andrea), GARCÍA-CANAL (Esteban), GUILLÉN (Mauro F.). Family character and international entrepreneurship: A historical comparison of Italian and Spanish 'new multinationals'. Business history, 2013, 55, 1, p. 119-138. 6281. COLLI (Andrea). Coping with the Leviathan: minority shareholders in state-owned enterprises – evidence from Italy. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 190214. 6282. COYLE (Christopher), TURNER (John D.). Law, politics, and financial development: the great reversal of the U.K. corporate debt market. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 810-846. 6283. DE LUCA (Giuseppe). Informal credit and economic modernization in Milan (1802–1840). Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 211-236.

6292. FISHBACK (Price), ROSE (Jonathan), SNOWDEN (Kenneth). Well worth saving: how the New Deal safeguarded home ownership. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 192 p. 6293. FOURIE (Johan). The remarkable wealth of the Dutch Cape Colony: measurements from eighteenthcentury probate inventories. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 419-448. 6294. FRANDSEN (Ann-Christine), HILLER (Tammy Bunn), TRAFLET (Janice), MAC GOUN (Elton G.). From money storage to money store: openness and transparency in bank architecture. Business history, 2013, 55, 5, p. 695-720. 6295. FREEMAN (Mark), PEARSON (Robin), TAYLOR (James). Law, politics and the governance of English and Scottish joint-stock companies, 1600–1850. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 636-652. 6296. GEISST (Charles R.). Beggar thy neighbor: a history of usury and debt. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, VI-388 p. 6297. GOLDBERG (Dror), MILCHTAICH (Igal). Property rights under administrator-dictators: the rise and fall of America's first bank. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 1105-1131.

6284. Debt and slavery in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds. Ed. by Gwyn CAMPBELL and Alessandro STANZIANI. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013, XIV185 p.

6298. Great Depression (The) of the 1930s: lessons for today. Edited by Nicholas CRAFTS and Peter FEARON. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXI-459 p.

6285. DILLEY (Andrew). T. A. Coghlan, London opinion and the politics of Anglo-Australian finance, 1905– 1909. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 37-58.

6299. Great mirror (The) of folly: finance, culture, and the crash of 1720. Ed. by William N. GOETZMANN [et al.]. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-346 p. (Yale series in economic and financial history).

6286. DONÉZAR (Javier). El Real Fisco frente al Reino en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Historia social, 2013, 76, p. 3-23.

6300. GREEN (David R.), OWENS (Alastair). Geographies of wealth: real estate and personal property ownership in England and Wales, 1870–1902. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 848-872.

6287. DONZÉ (Pierre-Yves), KUROSAWA (Takafumi). Nestlé coping with Japanese nationalism: Political risk and the strategy of a foreign multinational enterprise in Japan, 1913–1945. Business history, 2013, 55, 8, p. 13181338.

6301. GROSSMAN (Richard S.), IMAI (Masami). Contingent capital and bank risk-taking among British banks before the First World War. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 132-155.

§ 6. Money and finance 6302. GUINNANE (Timothy), PAUL (Stephan), THEURL (Theresia), WIXFORTH (Harald), SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim), BORMANN (Patrick). Die Geschichte der DZ BANK. Das genossenschaftliche Zentralbankwesen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 605 p. 6303. HAEG (Larry). Harriman vs. Hill: Wall Street's great railroad war. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, IX-375 p. 6304. HALLON (Ľudovít). Vplyv Nemecka na kapitálové presuny v poisťovníctve Slovenska 1939–1942. (The influence of Germany on capital transfers in the insurance business of Slovakia 1939–1942). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 487-512. 6305. HANES (Christopher), RHODE (Paul W.). Harvests and financial crises in gold standard America. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 201-246. 6306. HANSEN (Per H.), JENSEN (Kristoffer). Vi kan, når vi skal. Finansforbundets historie. (Nous pouvons quand nous devons. Histoire de l'Union financière danoise). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 271 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 462). 6307. HARVEY (Elizabeth A.). 'Layered networks': imperial philanthropy in Birmingham and Sydney, 1860– 1914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 120-142. 6308. HE (Wenkai). Paths toward the modern fiscal state: England, Japan, and China. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-313 p. 6309. HERNÁNDEZ JAIMES (Jesús). Liberalismo vs. provincialismo. El debate en torno a la construcción de una nueva legitimidad y estructura tributaria en México, 1821–1824. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 77-100. 6310. HIGHTOWER (Michael J.). Banking in Oklahoma before statehood. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, VII-391 p. 6311. HILT (Eric). Shareholder voting rights in early American corporations. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 620-635. 6312. History (The) of bankruptcy: economic, social and cultural implications in Early Modern Europe. Ed. by Thomas Max SAFLEY. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, 257 p. 6313. HUBER (Matthew T.). Lifeblood: oil, freedom, and the forces of capital. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XXI-253 p. 6314. Inside the Bank of England: memoirs of Christopher Dow, chief economist 1973–1984. Ed. by Graham HACCHE and Christopher TAYLOR. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI-302 p. 6315. JAMES (Harold), BORSCHEID (Peter), GUGERLI (David), STRAUMANN (Tobias). The value of risk: Swiss Re and the history of reinsurance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-432 p.


6316. JAMES (Harold). Designing a Central Bank in the run-up to Maastricht. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 105-122. 6317. KEDAR (Claudia). The International Monetary Fund and Latin America: the Argentine puzzle in context. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2013, XI251 p. 6318. KLEMANN (Hein A. M.). Competitiveness and German-Dutch monetary relations, 1871–1931. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 2, p. 178-196. 6319. KOCKA (Jürgen). Geschichte des Kapitalismus. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 144 p. 6320. KROEZE (Ronald), KEULEN (Sjoerd). Leading a multinational is history in practice: the use of invented traditions and narratives at AkzoNobel, Shell, Philips and ABN AMRO. Business history, 2013, 55, 8, p. 12651287. 6321. KULLER (Christiane). Bürokratie und Verbrechen. Antisemitische Finanzpolitik und Verwaltungspraxis im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 480 p. (Das Reichsfinanzministerium im Nationalsozialismus, 1). 6322. LENTIN (Antony). Banker, traitor, scapegoat, spy? The troublesome case of Sir Edgar Speyer. London, Haus Publishing, 2013, XXIV-216 p. 6323. LENZI (Francesca Romana). Italia e Romania tra sviluppo e internazionalizzazione: l'esperienza della Banca commerciale italiana e romena (1920–1947). Roma, Carocci, 2013, 169 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 901. Studi storici). 6324. Long-term perspectives on family business. Guest editors: Andrea COLLI, Carole HOWORTH and Mary ROSE. Business history [Special issue], 2013, 55, 6, p. 842-1046. 6325. LOTH (Wilfried). Helmut Kohl und die Währungsunion. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 4, p. 455-480. 6326. MAC GAUGHEY (Sara L.). Institutional entrepreneurship in North American lightning protection standards: rhetorical history and unintended consequences of failure. Business history, 2013, 55, 1, p. 73-97. 6327. MAC GOVERN (Tom), MAC LEAN (Tom). The growth and development of Clarke Chapman from 1864 to 1914. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 448-478. 6328. MAC KINSTRY (Sam), DING (Ying Yong). Alex Cowan & Sons Ltd, Papermakers, Penicuik: a Scottish case of Weber's Protestant work ethic. Business history, 2013, 55, 5, p. 721-739. 6329. MARTÍN-ACEÑA (Pablo), MARTÍNEZ-RUIZ (Elena), NOGUES-MARCO (Pilar). The Bank of Spain: a national financial institution. Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 11-46. 6330. MASOERO (Alberto). Cittadinanza imperiale e delimitazione dello spazio. Alle origini del catasto siberiano. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 397-448.



6331. MATTHEE (Rudolph P.), FLOOR (Willem), CLAWSON (Patrick). The monetary history of Iran: from the Safavids to the Qajars. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris in association with the Iran Heritage Foundation, 2013, XXI-290 p. (Iran and the Persianate world series).

roku 1953 = Istorija ljudej i deneg: denežnaja reforma v Čechoslovakiji v 1953 godu = Story of people and money: monetary reform of 1953 in Czechoslovakia. Banská Bystrica, Agentúra MP, 2013, 115 p.

6332. MAZUMDER (Sandeep), WOOD (John H.). The Great Deflation of 1929–1933: it (almost) had to happen. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 156-177.

6346. Political economy (The) of transnational tax reform: the Shoup mission to Japan in historical context. Ed. by W. Elliot BROWNLEE, Eisaku IDE and Yasunori FUKAGAI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-472 p.

6333. MEHROTRA (Ajay K.). Making the modern American fiscal state: law, politics, and the rise of progressive taxation, 1877–1929. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-429 p.

6347. Questioning credible commitment: perspectives on the rise of financial capitalism. Ed. by D'Maris COFFMAN, Adrian LEONARD and Larry NEAL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 298 p.

6334. MILLER (Rory M.). Financing British manufacturing multinationals in Latin America, 1930–1965. Business history, 2013, 55, 5, p. 818-839.

6348. RADFORD (Gail). The rise of the public authority: statebuilding and economic development in twentieth-century America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, IX-218 p.

6335. MORYS (Matthias). The disintegration of the gold exchange standard during the Great Depression – Déjà Vu for the Eurozone? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 153-176. 6336. MURPHY (Anne L.). Demanding 'credible commitment': public reactions to the failures of the early financial revolution. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 178-197. 6337. NERBAS (Don). Dominion of capital: the politics of big business and the crisis of the Canadian bourgeoisie, 1914–1947. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, VIII-378 p. (Canadian social history series). 6338. NEWTON (Scott). Sterling, Bretton Woods, and social democracy, 1968–1970. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 427-455. 6339. NORDBERG (Donald), MAC NULTY (Terry). Creating better boards through codification: Possibilities and limitations in UK corporate governance, 1992– 2010. Business history, 2013, 55, 3, p. 348-374. 6340. O'DAY (Rosemary). Matchmaking and moneymaking in a patronage society: the first duke and duchess of Chandos, c. 1712–1735. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 273-296. 6341. OONK (Gijsbert). Settled strangers: Asian business elites in East Africa (1800–2000). New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2013, XIX-270 p. 6342. OWEN (Thomas C.). Measuring business cycles in the Russian Empire. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 895-916. 6343. PAK (Susie J.). Gentlemen bankers: the world of J. P. Morgan. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 356 p. (Harvard studies in business history, 51). 6344. PARGENDLER (Mariana), HANSMANN (Henry). A new view of shareholder voting in the nineteenth century: evidence from Brazil, England and France. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 585-600. 6345. PECNÍK (Marcel), NOVANSKÝ (Tomáš). Príbeh ľudí a peňazí: peňažná reforma v Československu v

6349. REESE (Ty M.). Controlling the company: the structures of Fante-British relations on the Gold Coast, 1750–1821. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 104-119. 6350. ROBERTS (Richard). Saving the city: the great financial crisis of 1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-301 p. 6351. RYSCAVAGE (Paul). Norman B. Ream: forgotten master of markets. Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2013, XXI-281 p. 6352. SÁNCHEZ SANTIRÓ (Ernest). Corte de caja. La Real Hacienda de Nueva España y el primer reformismo fiscal de los Borbones (1720–1755). Alcances y contradicciones. México D.F., Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, 2013, 381 p. 6353. SANDGRUBER (Roman). Traumzeit für Millionäre. Die 929 reichsten Wienerinnen und Wiener im Jahr 1910. Wien, Styria, 2013, 495 p. 6354. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad), STORLI (Espen). Big business and small states: unilever and Norway in the interwar years. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 109-131. 6355. SCHENK (Catherine R.). The dissolution of a monetary union: the case of Malaysia and Singapore 1963–1974. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 496-522. – EADEM. The Sterling area and economic disintegration. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 177-196. 6356. SCHERNER (Jonas). 'Armament in depth' or 'armament in breadth'? German investment pattern and rearmament during the Nazi period. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 497-517. 6357. Schlüsselereignisse der deutschen Bankengeschichte. Dieter LINDENLAUB, Carsten BURHOP und Joachim SCHOLTYSECK. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 581 p. 6358. SCHLÜTZ (Frauke). Ländlicher Kredit. Kreditgenossenschaften in der Rheinprovinz (1889–1914). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 471 p.

§ 6. Money and finance 6359. SCHNEIDER (Ben Ross). Hierarchical capitalism in Latin America: business, labor, and the challenges of equitable development. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-237 p. 6360. SCHONHARDT-BAILEY (Cheryl). Deliberating American monetary policy: a textual analysis. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013, IX-525 p. 6361. SCHULZ (Jan Pieter). Finanzwissenschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum und in den Vereinigten Staaten, 1865–1917: Ursprung, Inhalt und Wissenschaftstransfer. Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 2013, 604 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Ökonomie, 41). 6362. SCRANTON (Philip), FRIDENSON (Patrick). Reimagining business history. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, X-260 p. 6363. SEGHEZZA (Elena). La Rivoluzione Gloriosa: riforma costituzionale e distribuzione del reddito. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 2, p. 55-86. 6364. SEIM (David L.). Rockefeller philanthropy and modern social science. London, Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2013, IX-265 p. (Studies in business history). 6365. SELTZER (Andrew). The impact of female employment on male salaries and careers: evidence from the English banking industry, 1890–1941. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 1039-1062. 6366. SHARMA (Patrick). The United States, the World Bank, and the challenges of international development in the 1970s. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 572-604. 6367. SLĂVESCU (Victor). Istoricul Băncii Naţionale a României (1880–1924). (The history of the National Bank of Romania, 1880–1924). Ediţie îngrijită de George Virgil STOENESCU. Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2013, 413 p. 6368. SMITH (Andrew). Patriotism, self-interest and the 'Empire Effect': Britishness and British decisions to invest in Canada, 1867–1914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 1, p. 59-80.


6373. SUNDERLAND (David). Financing the Raj: the City of London and Colonial India, 1858–1940. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, VIII-240 p. 6374. SYLLA (Richard), WRIGHT (Robert E.). Corporation formation in the antebellum United States in comparative context. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 653669. 6375. TAI (Yuen). Chinese capitalism in colonial Malaya, 1900–1941. Bangi, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2013, 508 p. 6376. TEDESCHI (Paolo). Una moneta comune in Europa? Dal Piano Werner all'Euro: un'integrazione incompiuta e quindi pericolosa. Rivista di storia economica, 2013, 29, 3, p. 319-342. 6377. TEMIN (Peter), VOTH (Hans-Joachim). Prometheus shackled: Goldsmith Banks and England's financial revolution after 1700. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 224 p. 6378. THEOBALD (Ulrich). War finance and logistics in late Imperial China, a study of the second Jinchuan campaign (1771–1776). Leiden, Brill, 2013, XIV-268 p. 6379. THOMPSON (S. J.). The first income tax, political arithmetic, and the measurement of economic growth. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 873-894. 6380. TOGNETTI (Sergio). I Gondi di Lione. Una banca d'affari fiorentina nella Francia del primo Cinquecento. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2013, 143 p. (Biblioteca storica Toscana, 70). 6381. TOMA (Mark). Monetary policy and the onset of the Great Depression: the myth of Benjamin Strong as decisive leader. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIX-214 p. 6382. TRAFLET (Janice M.). A nation of small shareholders: marketing Wall Street after World War II. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XI-242 p. (Studies in industry and society).

6369. SØRENSEN (Anders Ravn). Monetary romanticism: nationalist rhetoric and monetary organisation in nineteenth-century Denmark. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 3, p. 209-232.

6383. US credits and payments, 1800–1935. Ed. by Ronnie J. PHILLIPS. Vol. I. Building and loan associations. Vol. II. Provident loan societies. Vol. III. Savings banks and Morris Plan financial institutions. Vol. IV. Domestic exchanges. Vol. V. Non-par banking. Vol. VI. Central banking. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 6 vol., XXXIII-267 p., X-299 p., X-319 p., XVIII-336 p., XIX-364 p., XIX-364 p.

6370. SPICKSLEY (Judith). Pawns on the Gold Coast: the rise of Asante and shifts in security for debt, 1680– 1750. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 147-175.

6384. VAN BOCHOVE (Christiaan). Configuring financial markets in preindustrial Europe. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 1, p. 247-278.

6371. STEINER (André). The Council of Mutual Economic Assistance – An example of failed economic integration? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 2, p. 240-258.

6385. VEESER (Cyrus). A forgotten instrument of global capitalism? International Concessions, 1870–1930. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1136-1155.

6372. STOKES (Raymond G.), KÖSTER (Roman), SAMBROOK (Stephen C.). The business of waste. Great Britain and Germany, 1945 to the present. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-331 p.

6386. VLAMI (Despina), MANDOUVALOS (Ikaros). Entrepreneurial forms and processes inside a multiethnic pre-capitalist environment: Greek and British enterprises in the Levant (1740s–1820s). Business history, 2013, 55, 1, p. 98-118.



6387. WILSON (John F.), WEBSTER (Anthony), VORBERG-RUGH (Rachel). Building co-operation. A business history of the Co-operative Group, 1863–2013. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-440 p. 6388. WIRTZ (Thomas). Hospital und Hypothek. Das kommunale St. Jakobshospital auf dem Trierer Rentenund Immobilienmarkt 1450–1600. Trier, Kliomedia, 2013, 281 p. (Trierer Historische Forschungen, Kleine Schriften, 3). 6389. WUOKKO (Maiju). Layers of disunity: the presidential politics of Finnish business, 1981–1982. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 5, p. 612-635. 6390. ZUIJDERDUIJN (Jaco), DE MOOR (Tine). Spending, saving, or investing? Risk management in sixteenthcentury Dutch households. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 38-56. Cf. nos 92, 4186, 4692, 7594 § 7. Demography and urban history. * 6391. BALBO (Nicoletta), BILLARI (Francesco C.). Fertility in advanced societies: a review of research. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 1, p. 1-38. _______________________

6392. ANDERSSON (Gunnar), SOBOLEV (Boris). Small effects of selective migration and selective survival in retrospective studies of fertility. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 3, p. 345-354. 6393. ARREOLA (Daniel D.). Postcards from the Río Bravo border: picturing the place, placing the picture, 1900s–1950s. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013, XIX-258 p. 6394. ATANASOV (Hristian). Property trends among the urban population of Rumelia in the 18th century as indicated by inheritance inventories from Russe, Sofia and Vidin ... Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 33-59. 6395. BAIER (Andrea), MÜLLER (Christa), WERNER (Karin). Stadt der Commonisten. Neue urbane Räume des Do it yourself. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 232 p. 6396. BEAUJOUAN (Eva), SOLAZ (Anne). Racing against the biological clock? Childbearing and sterility among men and women in second unions in France. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 1, p. 39-67. 6397. BOOKER (Matthew Morse). Down by the Bay: San Francisco's history between the tides. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIII278 p. (Authors imprint). 6398. BOUDJAABA (Fabrice), DE LUCA BARRUSSE (Virginie). Populations de banlieue, une histoire à revisiter. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 5-15. 6399. BOUDJAABA (Fabrice). La banlieue et Paris dans le premier XIXe siècle. Le choix des témoins au mariage civil à Ivry-sur-Seine. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 141-172.

6400. BOURDIEU (Jérôme), KESZTENBAUM (Lionel), POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles). L'enquête TRA, histoire d'un outil, outil pour l'histoire. Tome 1. 1793–1902. Paris, INED [Institut national d'études démographiques] Editions, 2013, 216 p. 6401. BRAS (Hilde), VAN BAVEL (Jan), MANDE(Kees). Unraveling the intergenerational transmission of fertility: genetic and shared-environment effects during the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1810–1910. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 116-134. MAKERS

6402. BRÉE (Sandra). La fécondité en banlieue parisienne dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 81-112. 6403. BROWN (Callum G.). Religion and the demographic revolution: women and secularisation in Canada, Ireland, UK and USA since the 1960s. Woodbridge, Boydell P., 2013, XIV-302 p. 6404. BUCHSTEINER (Martin). Von Städten, Gütern und Dörfern: Kommunale Strukturen in MecklenburgSchwerin 1918–1945. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 428 p. 6405. BULLOCK (Nick). Libérer le marché ou créer la crise ? Le logement pendant les années Thatcher, 1979– 1990. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 123-135. 6406. COUDROY DE LILLE (Lydia). Le logement en République populaire de Pologne: du "déficit" à la "crise". Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 109-122. 6407. CUMOLI (Flavia). Exode rural et crises du logement dans l'Italie des années 1950–1970. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 59-69. 6408. DE MAIO (Silvana). La ricostruzione della città giapponese. Un quadro di riferimento. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 140-141, 3-4, p. 17-48. 6409. DE VALK (Helga A.G.). Intergenerational discrepancies in fertility preferences among immigrant and Dutch families. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 209225. 6410. DEHAAN (Heather D.). Stalinist city planning: professionals, performance, and power. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XIV-255 p. 6411. DRIXLER (Fabian). Mabiki: infanticide and population growth in Eastern Japan, 1660–1950. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XVII-417 p. (Asia: local studies/global themes, 25). 6412. EGGERICKX (Thierry). Transition démographique et banlieue en Belgique: le cas de Bruxelles. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 5180. 6413. FARRINGTON (Ian). Cusco: urbanism and archaeology in the Inka world. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XX-431 p. Ancient Cities of the New World. 6414. FERRARI (Maria Luisa). Le ferrovie e la crescita della città: Verona nel XIX secolo. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 13-34.

§ 7. Demography and urban history


6415. FOGELSON (Robert M.). The great rent wars: New York, 1917–1929. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, VIII-495 p.

6429. LERCH (Mathias). Fertility decline during Albania's societal crisis and its subsequent consolidation. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 2, p. 195-220.

6416. FOURCAUT (Annie), VOLDMAN (Danièle). Penser les crises du logement en Europe au XXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 3-15.

6430. LOBERG (Molly). The streetscape of economic crisis: commerce, politics, and urban space in interwar Berlin. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 2, p. 364402.

6417. GAYÓN CÓRDOVA (María). 1848. Una ciudad de grandes contrastes. O la vivienda en el censo de población levantado durante la ocupación militar norteamericana. México D.F., Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2013, 339 p.

6431. LUCI-GREULICH (Angela), THÉVENON Olivier). The impact of family policies on fertility trends in developed countries. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 4, p. 387-416.

6418. GUNN (Simon). People and the car: the expansion of automobility in urban Britain, c.1955–70. Social history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 220-237.

6432. MARTIN (Alexander M.). Enlightened metropolis. Constructing imperial Moscow, 1762–1855. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 344 p. (Oxford studies in Modern European history).

6419. HANNA (Erika). Modern Dublin: urban change and the Irish past, 1957–1973. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, VI-230 p. (Oxford historical monographs).

6433. MATTHYS (Christa). Domestic servants and diffusion of fertility control in Flanders, 1830–1930. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 456-480.

6420. HARRIS (Steven E.). Communism on tomorrow street: mass housing and everyday life after Stalin. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P. a. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2013, XXII-394 p.

6434. MATYSIAK (Anna), VIGNOLI (Daniele). Diverse effects of women's employment on fertility: insights from Italy and Poland. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 3, p. 273-302.

6421. HEYBERGER (Laurent). Les Parisiens et les banlieusards étaient-ils aussi grands que cela? Stature, nutrition et urbanisation en France au milieu du XIXe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 113-140.

6435. NAOTO (Nakajima). La ricostruzione postbellica e il paesaggio urbano storico di Tokyo. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 140-141, 3-4, p. 127-154.

6422. HOU (Shen). The city natural: garden and forest magazine and the rise of American environmentalism. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013, XIV-240 p. (History of the urban environment). 6423. JENNINGS (Julia A.), LESLIE (Paul W.). Differences in intergenerational fertility associations by sex and race in Saba, Dutch Caribbean, 1876–2004. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 135-153. 6424. JEWUŁA (Łukasz). Galicyjskie miasta i miasteczka oraz ich mieszkańcy w latach 1772–1848. (Galician towns and cities and their inhabitants in 1772– 1848). Kraków, Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagellonica", 2013, 271 p. (Studia z historii XIX wieku, 4).

6436. Neue Städte für einen neuen Staat. Die städtebauliche Erfindung des modernen Israel und der Wiederaufbau in der BRD. Eine Annäherung. Hrsg. v. Karin WILHELM und Kerstin GUST. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 348 p. 6437. New Approaches to Naples c. 1500–c. 1800: the power of place. Ed. by Melissa CALARESU and Helen HILLS. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Co., 2013, XV-260 p. 6438. NEWTON (Gill), SMITH (Richard). Convergence or divergence? Mortality in London, its suburbs and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 17-49. 6439. NEYER (Gerda), LAPPEGÅRD (Trude). Gender equality and fertility: which equality matters? European journal of population, 2013, 29, 3, p. 245-272.

6425. KEN (Kanai). Patrimonio costruito e pianificazione urbanistica nel Giappone dal dopoguerra. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 140-141, 3-4, p. 95-126.

6440. NUNES (João Pedro). Le Gabinete Técnico de Habitação et la réforme du logement social à Lisbonne (1959-1974). Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 83-96.

6426. KLÜSENER (Sebastian), PERELLI-HARRIS (Brienna). Spatial aspects of the rise of nonmarital fertility across Europe since 1960: the role of states and regions in shaping patterns of change. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 2, p. 137-165.

6441. NYLANDER (Ola). Svensk bostad 1850–2000. (L'habitat en Suède 1850–2000). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2013, 328 p. (ill.).

6427. KORUNIĆ (Petar). Stanovništvo Hrvatske 1802. godine. (The population of Croatia in 1802). Historijski zbornik, 2013, 66, 1, p. 47-99. 6428. LENGER (Friedrich). Metropolen der Moderne. Eine europäische Stadtgeschichte seit 1850. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 757 p.

6442. PARISI (Roberto). Prodromi di una città mediterranea: infrastrutture e modernità a Napoli (1861– 1939). Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 138, 1, p. 35-52. 6443. POOLEY (Siân). Parenthood, child-rearing and fertility in England, 1850–1914. History of the family, 2013, 18, 1, p. 83-106. 6444. POTÂRCĂ (Gina), MILLS (Melinda), LESNARD (Laurent). Family formation trajectories in Romania, the



Russian Federation and France: towards the second demographic transition? European journal of population, 2013, 29, 1, p. 69-101.

xico D.F., Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Dirección General de Publicaciones, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigación sobre América Latina y el Caribe, 2013, 463 p. (Historia).

6445. POUPEAU (Franck). Enquêter sur les inégalités urbaines en Bolivie. Accès au terrain, positionnement du chercheur et construction d'objet. Genèses, 2013, 90 (1), p. 62-84.

6458. VITIELLO (Domenic). Engineering Philadelphia: the Sellers Family and the industrial metropolis. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-267 p.

6446. RAO (Nikhil). House, but no garden: apartment living in Bombay's suburbs, 1898–1964. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, IX-300 p.

6459. VOLDMAN (Danièle). À la recherche de statistiques européennes sur les habitations au XXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 17-27.

6447. ROTH (Ralf). Die Herausbildung einer modernen bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Geschichte der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Bd. 3. 1789–1866. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2013, 640 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Frankfurter Historischen Kommission, 25).

6460. VORMS (Charlotte). Madrid années 1950: la question des baraques. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 43-57.

6448. ROUPA (Michal), KUSENDOVÁ (Dagmar). Historická podmienenosť regionálnych demografických rozdielov na Slovensku. (The influence of the historical demographic spatial patterns on current demographic spatial patterns in Slovakia). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 343-375. 6449. ROWELL (Jay). L'introuvable crise du logement en RDA (1945–1973). Existe-t-il une spécificité communiste de gestion de la question du logement? Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 97-108. 6450. SALY-GIOCANTI (Frédéric). Peut-on mesurer les dimensions de la crise du logement en France (1945– 1990)? Jalons pour un inventaire raisonné des sources quantitatives. Le mouvement social, 2013, 245, p. 29-42. 6451. SCHÖCK-QUINTEROS (Eva), DAUKS (Sigrid), HERMES (Maria), SCHWARZROCK (Imke). Eine Stadt im Krieg. Bremen 1914–1918. Bremen, Universität Bremen, 2013, 432 p. 6452. Schweizer Städtebilder – Portraits de villes suisses – Vedute delle città svizzere. Urbane Ikonographien (15.–20. Jahrhundert) – Iconographie urbaine (XVe–XXe siècle) – L'iconografia urbana (XV–XX secolo). Hrsg. v. Bernd ROECK, Martina STERCKEN, François WALTER, Marco JORIO und Thomas MANETSCH. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 660 p. 6453. SHOSHKES (Ellen). Jaqueline Tyrwhitt. A transnational life in urban planning and design. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 260 p. 6454. SMITH (Carl). City water, city life: water and the infrastructure of ideas in urbanizing Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-327 p. 6455. TAYLOR (Paul). "Old slow town": Detroit during the Civil War. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2013, X248 p. (Great Lakes books). 6456. VARGA (Joseph J.). Hell's kitchen and the battle for urban space: class struggle and progressive reform in New York City, 1894–1914. New York, Monthly Review Press, 2013, 269 p. 6457. VÉJAR PÉREZ-RUBIO (Carlos). Las danzas del huracán: Vercruz y La Habana en los años treinta. Mé-

6461. WHITE (Jerry). A great and monstrous thing: London in the eighteenth century. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XXI-682 p. 6462. WINTER (Jay), TEITELBAUM (Michael). The global spread of fertility decline: population, fear, and uncertainty. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, VIII-336 p. 6463. YLIMAUNU (Timo), MULLINS (Paul R.), SYMONDS (James), KALLIO-SEPPÄ (Titta), HEIKKILÄ (Hilkka), KUORILEHTO (Markku), TOLONEN (Siiri). Memory of barracks: World War II German 'Little Berlins' and post-war urbanization in Northern Finnish towns. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 525-548. 6464. YOUNG (Louise). Beyond the metropolis: second cities and modern life in interwar Japan. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIII-307 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). Cf. no 4764 § 8. Social history. ** 6465. Bordeaux-Dublin letters (The), 1757: correspondence of an Irish community abroad. Ed. by L. M. CULLEN, John SHOVLIN and Thomas M. TRUXES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXVI-330 p. ** 6466. Storia della Croce Rossa Italiana dalla nascita al 1914. Vol. I: Saggi. Vol. II. Documenti. A cura di Costantino CIPOLLA e Paolo VANNI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013, 2 vol., 896 p., 1010 p. ______________________

6467. ABEL (Emily K.). The inevitable hour: a history of caring for dying patients in America. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, VIII-226 p. 6468. Adel in Südwestdeutschland und Böhmen 1450– 1850. Hrsg. v. Ronald G. ASCH, Václav BŮŽEK und Volker TRUGENBERGER. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013, XXVII-318 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 191). 6469. AITKEN (Robbie), ROSENHAFT (Eve). Black Germany. The making and unmaking of a diaspora community, 1884–1960. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 364 p.

§ 8. Social history 6470. ÅKERFELDT (Bennie). Romer och resande i Sverige: så som den bland annat uttrycks i statliga utredningar samt lokala socken- och kommunprotokoll under 1800 & 1900-talet. (Tsiganes et vagabonds en Suède d'après les enquêtes gouvernementales et les délibérations paroissiales et communales au 19e et 20e siècles). Fritsla, Förlagstryckeriet Vitterleken, 2013, 183 p. (ill.). 6471. ALTENBURG (Jan Philipp). Machtraum Großstadt. Zur Aneignung und Kontrolle des Stadtraumes in Frankfurt am Main und Philadelphia in den 1920er Jahren. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2013, 290 p. (Industrielle Welt, 84). 6472. ALTHAMMER (Beate). Pathologische Vagabunden. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 3, p. 306337. 6473. ALY (Götz). Die Belasteten. 'Euthanasie' 1939– 1945. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2013, 348 p. 6474. AMAYA BANEGAS (Jorge Alberto). El que esté libre de pecado...: prostitución femenina y control social en Honduras durante le época liberal (1876–1950). Tegucigalpa, Editorial Guaymuras, 2013, 146 p. (Colección Códices). 6475. AMOSSÉ (Thomas). La nomenclature socioprofessionnelle: une histoire revisitée. Annales, 2013, 68, 4, p. 1039-1075. 6476. Andere denken (Das). Repräsentationen von Migration in Westeuropa und den USA im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Gabriele METZLER. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 331 p. 6477. ANDREW (Donna T.). Aristocratic vice: the attack on duelling, suicide, adultery, and gambling in eighteenth-century England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, X-318 p. 6478. ANTONOVA (Katherine Pickering). An ordinary marriage. The world of a gentry family in provincial Russia. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, IXX-304 p. 6479. APPLEBY (John C.). Women and English piracy, 1540–1720: partners and victims of crime. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XV-264 p. 6480. Aristokratismus und Moderne. Adel als politisches und kulturelles Konzept, 1890–1945. Hrsg. v. Eckart CONZE, Wencke METELING, Jörg SCHUSTER und Jochen STROBEL. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 384 p.


6484. BALD (Vivek). Bengali Harlem and the lost histories of South Asian America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, X-294 p. 6485. BARBAN (Nicola). Family trajectories and health: a life course perspective. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 4, p. 357-385. 6486. BARBU (Violeta). "Punerea de feciori": practica socială a adopţiei în Ţara Românească în secolul al XVII-lea. (The social practice of adoption in Wallachia during the 17th century). Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie, 2013, 31, p. 185-208. 6487. BARCLAY (Katie), SIMONTON (Deborah). Women in eighteenth-century Scotland: intimate, intellectual and public lives. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XIII288 p. 6488. BEAUMONT (Caitríona). Housewives and citizens: domesticity and the Women's Movement in England, 1928–1964. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII-244 p. (Gender in history). 6489. BEI (Gao). Shanghai sanctuary: Chinese and Japanese policy toward European Jewish refugees during World War II. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-185 p. 6490. BELMESSOUS (Saliha). Assimilation and Empire: uniformity in French and British Colonies, 1541– 1954. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, VIII-231 p. 6491. BENSON (Devyn Spence). Cuba calls: African American tourism, race, and the Cuban Revolution, 1959–1961. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 2, p. 239-271. 6492. BENZ (Andreas). Integration von Infrastrukturen in Europa im historischen Vergleich. Band 3. Post. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 426 p. 6493. BERGER (Sara). Experten der Vernichtung. Das T4-Reinhardt-Netzwerk in den Lagern Belzec, Sobibor und Treblinka. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2013, 622 p. 6494. BERGGREN (Henrik). Moderna människor, gamla gemenskaper: kommunerna och välfärdsstaten efter andra världskriget. (Gens modernes, communautés anciennes: les communes et l'Etat-providence en Suède après la seconde Guerre mondiale). Stockholm, SKL Kommentus, 2013, 127 p. (ill.). 6495. BERGSTRÖM (Carin). Passion & skilsmässa. Om spruckna äktenskap inom högadeln vid sekelskiftet 1800. (Passion et divorce. La rupture des mariages dans la haute aristocratie suédoise vers 1800). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2013, 175 p. (ill.).

6481. BAILEY (Craig). Irish London: middle-class migration in the global eighteenth century. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, XIV-250 p. (Eighteenth-century worlds, 4).

6496. BERKOWITZ (Edward D.), DEWITT (Larry). The other welfare: supplemental security income and U.S. social policy. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-279 p.

6482. BAIRD (Barbara). Abortion politics during the Howard years: beyond liberalisation. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 2, p. 245-261.

6497. BERLINGHOFF (Marcel). Das Ende der "Gastarbeit". Europäische Anwerbestopps 1970–1974. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 403 p.

6483. BAJARD (Flora). Enquêter en milieu familier. Comment jouer du rapport de filiation avec le terrain? Genèses, 2013, 90 (1), p. 7-24.

6498. BEVILACQUA (Alexander), PFEIFER (Helen). Turquerie: culture in motion, 1650–1750. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 75-118.



6499. BILTEKOFF (Charlotte). Eating right in America: the cultural politics of food and health. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, 208 p. 6500. BLÁHA (Filip). Frauenkörper im Fokus. Wahrnehmung zwischen Straße und Turnplatz in Prag und Dresden vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang/Frankfurt am Main, 2013, 282 p. 6501. BLUM (Matthias). War, food rationing, and socioeconomic inequality in Germany during the First World War. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 4, p. 10631083. 6502. BOAK (Helen). Women in the Weimar Republic. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XII-355 p. 6503. BOCHARNIKOVA (Daria). Manufacturing a Socialist modernity: housing in Czechoslovakia, 1945– 1960. Europe-Asia Studies, 2013, 65, 8, p. 1678-1680. 6504. BORNSTEIN (Roni Aaron). Schnorrers. Wandering Jews in Germany 1850–1914. Tel Aviv, Dekel Publishing House, 2013, 272 p. 6505. BORUCKI (Alex). Shipmate networks and Black identities in the marriage files of Montevideo, 1768– 1803. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 2, p. 205-238. 6506. BOWERS (Kristy Wilson). Plague and public health in early Modern Seville. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2013, X-139 p. (Rochester Studies in Medical History). 6507. BOWMAN (Kirk S.). Peddling paradise: the politics of tourism in Latin America. Boulder a. London, Lynne Rienner, 2013, X-187 p. 6508. BRÄNDLE (Fabian), WELSKOPP (Thomas). "Es scheint das Schicksal aller Republicken zu sein, dass Schreier und Kneipier das Regiment führen." "Gemüthlichkeit" versus "Business" im Schweizer Wirtshaus und im amerikanischen Saloon 1850–1920. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 3, p. 689-726. 6509. BRENNER (Christiane). Troublemakers! Dealing with juvenile deviance and deliquency in socialist Czechoslovakia. Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 2013, 6, p. 123-137. 6510. BRIGHT (Rachel K.). Chinese labour in South Africa, 1902–1910: race, violence, and global spectacle. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-266 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies). 6511. BRIVIO (Alessandra). Italiani in Ghana: storia e antropologia di una migrazione (1900–1946). Roma, Viella, 2013, 157 p. (I libri di Viella, 162). 6512. BRODIEZ-DOLINO (Axelle). Combattre la pauvreté. Vulnérabilités sociales et sanitaires de 1880 à nos jours. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013, 328 p. – EADEM. Entre social et sanitaire: les politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté-précarité en France au XXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 9-29.

6513. BUELTZINGSLOEWEN (Isabelle von). Un lieu de tension entre le centre et la périphérie ? L'assistance aux aliénés dans le département du Rhône (1918–1940). Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, 1, p. 45-59. 6514. BUREŠOVÁ (Jana). Vystěhovalectví z Československa do Austrálie v podmínkách světové hospodářské krize (1929–1932). (Emigration from Czechoslovakia to Australia under the conditions of Great Depression, 1929–1932). Moderní dějiny: časopis pro dějiny 19. a 20. soletí, 2013, 21, 2, p. 80-100. 6515. BUSH (Barbara). Colonial research and the social sciences at the end of empire: the West Indian social survey, 1944–1957. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 451-474. 6516. BÜTTNER (Annett). Die konfessionelle Kriegskrankenpflege im 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 480 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 47). 6517. CABANTOUS (Alain). Le Dimanche, une histoire: Europe occidentale, 1600–1830. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2013, 356 p. 6518. CADAVA (Geraldo L.). Standing on common ground: the making of a Sunbelt borderland. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 314 p. 6519. CAHEN (Fabrice). Éléments pour une histoire de la lutte contre la stérilité involontaire (France, 1920– 1982). Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 209-228. 6520. CALARESU (Melissa). Making and eating ice cream in Naples: rethinking consumption and sociability in the eighteenth century. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 35-78. 6521. CAVALLO (Sandra), STOREY (Tessa). Healthy living in Late Renaissance Italy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-312 p. 6522. CAYET (Thomas), ROSENTAL (Paul-André). Politiques sociales et marché(s). Filiations et variations d'un registre transnational d'action, du BIT des années 1920 à la construction européenne et à la Chine contemporaine. Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 3-16. 6523. CHARRON (Hélène). Les formes de l'illégitimité intellectuelle. Les femmes dans les sciences sociales françaises, 1890–1940. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013, 455 p. 6524. CHERNYSHOVA (Natalya). Soviet consumer culture in the Brezhnev Era. London, Routledge, 2013, 259 p. 6525. Childhood and child labour in industrial England: diversity and agency, 1750–1914. Ed. by Nigel GOOSE and Katrina HONEYMAN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XII-358 p. 6526. CHOY (Catherine Ceniza). Global families: a history of Asian international adoption in America. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XV-229 p. (Nation of newcomers: immigrant history as American history).

§ 8. Social history 6527. ČIČAJ (Viliam). Sociálna disciplinizácia a zrod modernej spoločnosti: "...z prjsnostu a wssu ostrostu zakazzugeme" (Social disciplination and the birth of modern society: "…with all severity and strictness we forbid"). Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2013, 166 p. 6528. CINOTTO (Simone). The Italian American table: food, family, and community in New York City. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XVI265 p.öööäää S263, Z.9 6529. COCKS (Harry). The cost of marriage and the matrimonial agency in late Victorian Britain. Social history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 66-88. 6530. COHEN (Deborah). Family secrets: shame and privacy in Modern Britain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-372 p. 6531. COHEN (Yolande), GUERRY (Linda). Discours et pratiques transnationales. La YWCA et l'immigration au Canada (1918–1939). Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 3, p. 380-404. 6532. CONRAD (Christoph). Was macht eigentlich der Wohlfahrtsstaat? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 4, p. 555-592. 6533. Correspondance (La) et la construction des identités en Europe Centrale (1648–1848). Sous la dir. de François CADILHON, Michel FIGEAC et Caroline LE MAO. 2013, 432 p. Paris, Honoré Champion, (Bibliothèque d'études de l'Europe centrale, 15).


6542. DEMOTTE (Charles). Bat, ball and Bible: Baseball and Sunday observance in New York. Washington, Potomac Books, 2013, XVIII-205 p. 6543. DEVAULT (Ileen A.). Family wages: the roles of wives and mothers in U.S. working-class survival strategies, 1880–1930. Labour history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 120. 6544. DOBRE (Dumitru). O istorie în date a exilului şi emigraţiei româneşti (1949–1989). (A history in dates of Romanian exile and emigration, 1949–1989). Cuvânt înainte de Dinu ZAMFIRESCU. Bucureşti, Editura Militară, 2013, 339 p. 6545. DOYON (Julie), ODIER DA CRUZ (Lorraine), PRAZ (Anne-Françoise), STEINBERG (Sylvie). Normes de parentalité: modélisations et régulations (XVIIIe–XXIe siècles). Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 7-23. 6546. DRUGGE (Ulf). Public affairs, privacy, and family stress: a case study in rural northern Sweden in the mid-nineteenth century. History of the family, 2013, 18, 1, p. 68-82. 6547. DUBERT (Isidro). L'abandon d'enfants dans l'Espagne de l'Ancien Régime: réévaluer l'ampleur et les causes du phénomène. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 141-164. 6548. DUMETT (Raymond E.). Imperialism, economic development and social change in West Africa. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, XVII-538 p.

6534. CRISTELLON (Cecilia). L'inquisizione, il duca di Neoburgo e i matrimoni misti in Germania in età moderna. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 1, p. 76-108.

6549. DUNAK (Karen M.). As long as we both shall love: the White wedding in postwar America. New York, New York U. P., 2013, X-244 p.

6535. CROWSTON (Clare Haru). Credit, fashion, sex: economies of regard in Old Regime France. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XX-424 p.

6550. DUNCAN (Robert). Pubs and patriots: the drink crisis in Britain during World War One. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, X-262 p.

6536. CUMMINS (Neil). Marital fertility and wealth during the fertility transition: rural France, 1750–1850. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 449-476.

6551. DÜRING (Marten). Diskussionsforum Historische Netzwerkforschung. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 3, p. 369-390.

6537. DAHL (Izabela A.). Ausschluss und Zugehörigkeit. Polnische jüdische Zwangsmigration in Schweden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 408 p.

6552. Early Modern Habsburg women: transnational contexts, cultural conflicts, dynastic continuities. Ed. by Anne J. CRUZ and Maria Galli STAMPINO. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-294 p. (Women and gender in the early Modern world).

6538. DAHLGREN (Eva F.). Fallna kvinnor. När samhällets bottensats skulle lära sig veta hut. (Femmes déchues. Quand la lie de la société devait apprendre à vivre). Stockholm, Forum, 2013, 323 p. (ill.).

6553. Elizabethan new year's gift exchanges (The), 1559–1603. Ed. by Jane A. LAWSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 739 p.

6539. DAMODARAN (Vinita). Indigenous agency: customary rights and tribal protection in Eastern India, 1830– 1930. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 85-110.

6554. EMSLEY (Clive). Soldier, sailor, beggarman, thief: crime and the British Armed services since 1914. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-216 p.

6540. DAVIS (Jennifer J.). Defining culinary authority: the transformation of cooking in France, 1650–1830. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, X-246 p.

6555. ENEFALK (Hanna). Alcohol and respectability. A case study of central Sweden circa 1800–1850. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 296-317.

6541. DEBEST (Charlotte). Quand les "sans-enfant volontaires" questionnent les rôles parentaux contemporains. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 119-139.

6556. Enfances en guerre. Témoignages d'enfants sur la guerre. Sous la dir. de Rose DUROUX et Catherine MILKOOVITCH-RIOUX. Genève, L'Équinoxe, Georg, 2013, 270 p.



6557. ESCOBEDO (Elizabeth R.). From coveralls to zoot suits: the lives of Mexican American women on the World War II home front. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XV-229 p.

6572. FREYER (Stefanie). Der Weimarer Hof um 1800. Eine Sozialgeschichte jenseits des Mythos. Oldenburg, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 575 p. (Bibliothek Altes Reich, 13).

6558. EXNER (Gudrun). Die "Soziologische Gesellschaft in Wien" (1907–1934) und die Bedeutung Rudolf Goldscheids für ihre Vereinstätigkeit. Wien, new academic press, 2013, 284 p.

6573. GAUGHAN (Joan Mickelson). The "incumberances": British women in India, 1615–1856. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XV-277 p.

6559. FAVA (Valentina). The socialist people's car: automobiles, shortages and consent in the Czechoslovak road to mass production (1918-64). Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2013, 194 p. 6560. FEHÉRVÁRY (Krisztina). Politics in color and concrete: Socialist materialities and the middle class in Hungary. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XV-288 p. (New anthropologies of Europe). 6561. FIELD (Jacob F.). Domestic service, gender, and wages in rural England, c.1700–1860. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 1, p. 249-272. 6562. FIELD (John). Working men's bodies: work camps in Britain, 1880–1940. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, 276 p. 6563. FLATHER (Amanda J.). Space, place, and gender: the sexual and spatial division of labor in the early Modern household. History & theory, 2013, 52, 3, p. 344360. 6564. FLEURIEL (Sébastien). Ce que dialoguer veut dire. L'émergence du "dialogue social" dans le sport français (1990-2006). Genèses, 2013, 92 (3), p. 127-146. 6565. FLINT (Shirley Cushing). No mere shadows: faces of widowhood in early colonial Mexico. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XVII184 p. 6566. FÖLLMER (Moritz). Individuality and modernity in Berlin. Self and society from Weimar to the Wall. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 312 p. (New studies in European history). 6567. FORCE (Pierre). Stratégies matrimoniales et émigration vers l'Amérique au XVIIIe siècle. La maison Berrio de La Bastide Clairence. Annales, 2013, 68, 1, p. 77-107. 6568. FOREMAN-PECK (James), HANNAH (Leslie). Some consequences of the early twentieth-century British divorce of ownership from control. Business history, 2013, 55, 4, p. 543-564. 6569. FOUCHARD (Dominique). Le poids de la guerre. Les poilus et leur famille après 1918. Rennes, Pur, 2013, 287 p. 6570. FRANC (Martin), KNAPÍK (Jiří). Volný čas v českých zemích, 1957–1967. (Free time in the Bohemian Lands, 1957–1967). Praha, Nakladatelství Academia, 2013, 576 p. 6571. FREMROVÁ (Květa). Podoby socialistického konzumu. (The forms of socialist consumption). Soudobé dějiny, 2013, 20, 4, p. 666-670.

6574. GAZELEY (Ian), HORRELL (Sara). Nutrition in the English agricultural labourer's household over the course of the long nineteenth century. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 757-784. 6575. GEIFES (Stephan). Das Duell in Frankreich 1789–1830. Zum Wandel von Diskurs und Praxis in Revolution, Kaiserreich und Restauration. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, XI-372 p. 6576. GEMS (Gerald R.). Sport and the shaping of Italian-American identity. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2013, XVI-312 p. (Sports and entertainment). 6577. GERHARD (Jane F.). The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the power of popular feminism, 1970–2007. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, X-336 p. (Since 1970: histories of contemporary America). 6578. GERMETEN (Nicole von). Violent delights, violent ends: sex, race, and honor in colonial Cartagena de Indias. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XI-304 p. 6579. GILES-VERNICK (Tamara), GONDOLA (Ch. Didier), LACHENAL (Guillaume), SCHNEIDER (William H.). Social history, biology, and the emergence of HIV in colonial Africa. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 11-30. 6580. GILLIN (Kate Côté). Shrill hurrahs: women, gender, and racial violence in South Carolina, 1865– 1900. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2013, X-170 p. 6581. GOESCHEL (Christian). The criminal underworld in Weimar and Nazi Berlin. History workshop, 2013, 75, p. 58-80. 6582. GOOPTU (Nandini). Servile sentinels of the city: private security guards, organized informality, and labour in interactive services in globalized India. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 1, p. 9-38. 6583. GREIG (Hannah). The beau monde: fashionable society in Georgian London. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-346 p. 6584. GRIFFIN (Emma). Sex, illegitimacy and social change in industrializing Britain. Social history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 139-161. 6585. GROMOVA (Alina). Generation "koscher light". Urbane Räume und Praxen junger russischsprachiger Juden in Berlin. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 306 p. 6586. GRÜN (Laurent). Les entraîneurs professionnels et leur influence sur les résultats du football français, 1932–1973. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 115-130.

§ 8. Social history 6587. GUERRY (Linda). Le genre de l'immigration et de la naturalisation. L'exemple de Marseille, 1918– 1940. Lyon, ENS Éditions, 2013, 306 p. 6588. GUTERL (Matthew Pratt). Seeing race in Modern America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-224 p. 6589. GUZIK (Hubert). Kolektivní domy a sociální politika českých průmyslových podniků v letech 1939– 1953. (Collective houses and the social policy of Czech industrial enterprises in 1939–1953). Umění, 2013, 61, 1, p. 33-56. 6590. HAMANN (David). Gunther Ipsen in Leipzig. Die wissenschaftliche Biographie eines "Deutschen Soziologen" 1919–1933. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 157 p. 6591. HAMMEKEN (Luis de Pablo). Peinarse con la raya a un lado: prácticas y percepciones del "safismo" en la cárcel de Belem. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 247 (3), p. 1117-1151. 6592. HANHARDT (Christina B.). Safe space: gay neighborhood history and the politics of violence. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XII-358 p. (Perverse modernities). 6593. HANNICKEL (Erica). Empire of vines: wine culture in America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 298 p. (Nature and culture in America). 6594. HANSEN (Peter Wessel). Den skjulte fattigdom: middelstandens fattige i København 1750–1850. (La pauvreté cahée: les pauvres de la classe moyenne à Copenhague entre 1750 et 1850). København, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, 2013, 257 p. 6595. HANUS (Jord). Real inequality in the early modern Low Countries: the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, 1500–1660. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 3, p. 733756. 6596. HARRIS (Dianne). Little white houses: how the postwar home constructed race in America. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XI-365 p. (Architecture, landscape, and American culture series). 6597. HAVEMANN (Nils). Samstags um halb vier. Die Geschichte der Fußballbundesliga. München, Siedler Verlag, 2013, 671 p. 6598. HEATON (Matthew M.). Aliens in the asylum: immigration and madness in Gold Coast. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 373-391. 6599. Helmut Schelsky – der politische Anti-Soziologe. Eine Neurezeption. Hrsg. v. Alexander GALLUS. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 243 p.


éducation: la protection sociale dans la Suède d'hier). Umeå, Borea, 2013, 383 p. (ill.). 6602. HOPPER (Andrew). Social mobility during the English Revolution: the case of Adam Eyre. Social history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 26-45. 6603. HOWARD (Ella). Homeless: poverty and place in urban America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 276 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 6604. HUBER (Valeska). Channelling mobilities. Migration and globalisation in the Suez Canal region and beyond, 1869–1914. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-365 p. 6605. HUGHES (Kyle). The Scots in Victorian and Edwardian Belfast: a study in elite migration. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U. P., 2013, VII-236 p. (Scottish historical review monographs series, 21). 6606. HUMPHRIES (Jane). Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 395-418. 6607. HUNNICUTT (Benjamin Kline). Free time: the forgotten American dream. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2013, XI-237 p. 6608. HYDEN-HANSCHO (Veronika). Reisende, Migranten, Kulturmanager. Mittlerpersönlichkeiten zwischen Frankreich und dem Wiener Hof 1630–1730. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 410 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte, 221). 6609. IMBUA (David Lishilinimle). Robbing others to pay Mary Slessor: unearthing the authentic heroes and heroines of the abolition of twin-killing in Calabar. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 139-158. 6610. INNIS-JIMÉNEZ (Michael). Steel barrio: the great Mexican migration to South Chicago, 1915–1940. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XIII-235 p. (Culture, labor, history series). 6611. IVANOVA (Katya), KALMIJN (Matthijs). The effect of children on men's and women's chances of repartnering in a European context. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 4, p. 417-444. 6612. IWAMOTO (Keiko). "Jemaato, mura, Mezuraa: 16 seiki no Adana-ken ni okeru 'buzoku no sonzoku' no ichi kōsatsu." (Cemaat, village and Mezraa: An analysis of the 'survival' of a tribe in the Adana province in the sixteenth century). Seinan Ajia Kenkyu, 2013, vol. 78, p. 76-88. 6613. JACKSON (Will). Madness and marginality: the lives of Kenya's white insane. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 224 p.

6600. HINZ-WESSELS (Annette). Antisemitismus und Krankenmord. Zum Umgang mit jüdischen Anstaltspatienten im Nationalsozialismus. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 1, p. 65-92.

6614. JALOVAARA (Marika). Socioeconomic resources and the dissolution of cohabitations and marriages. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 2, p. 167-193.

6601. HOLMLUND (Kerstin). Fattigdom, arbete och fostran: välfärd i dåtidens Sverige. (Pauvreté, travail et

6615. JENSEN (Uffa). Einführung: Gefühle gegen Juden. Die Emotionsgeschichte des modernen Antisemi-



tismus. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 4, p. 413442. 6616. JOHNSON (Colin R.). Just queer folks: gender and sexuality in rural America. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2013, XII-247 p. (Sexuality studies). 6617. JONES (Margaret). Public health in Jamaica, 1850–1940: neglect, philanthropy and development. Kingston, University of the West Indies Press, 2013, XI244 p. 6618. JØNSSON (Heidi Vad). Immigrant policy developing in Copenhagen and Ishøj in the 1970s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 5, p. 590-611. 6619. JURADO REVALIENTE (Iván). Cultura oral y vida cotidiana: la blasfemia en Andalucía (siglos XVI–XVII). Historia social, 2013, 77, p. 3-21. 6620. KALAORA (Bernard), VLASSOPOULOS (Chloé). Pour une sociologie de l'environnement: environnement, société et politique. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2013, 320 p. 6621. KANANEN (Heli Kaarina). The adaptation of an ethnic minority in Finland in the 1940s and 1950s: Orthodox displaced persons and the Lutheran indigenous population. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 111-132. 6622. KANN (Mark E.). Taming passion for the public good: policing sex in the Early Republic. New York, New York U. P., 2013, IX-237 p. 6623. KILDAY (Anne-Marie). A history of infanticide in Britain, c. 1600 to the present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-338 p. 6624. KIM (Kuentae), PARK (Hyunjoon), JO (Hyejeong). Tracking individuals and households: longitudinal features of Danseong household register data. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 378-397. 6625. KIRBY (Peter). Child workers and industrial health in Britain, 1780–1850. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2013, XI-212 p. (People, markets, goods: economies and societies in history, 2). 6626. KIVELSON (Valerie). Desperate magic. The moral economy of witchcraft in seventeenth-century Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XX-349 p. 6627. KNUPFER (Anne Meis). Food co-ops in America: communities, consumption, and economic democracy. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-273 p. 6628. KOCH (Erin). Free market tuberculosis: managing epidemics in post-Soviet Georgia. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2013, XIV-231 p. 6629. KOMISARUK (Catherine). Labor and love in Guatemala: the eve of independence. Stanford, CA: Stanford U. P., 2013, XIII-338 p. 6630. KORDAS (Ann Marie). The politics of childhood in Cold War America. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2013, VII-195 p. 6631. KORGE (Marcel). Kollektive Sicherung bei Krankheit und Tod. Fallstudien zum frühneuzeitlichen

Zunfthandwerk in städtischen Zentren Sachsens (Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig und Zwickau). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 578 p. (Studien zur Gewerbe- und Handelsgeschichte der vorindustriellen Zeit, 33). 6632. KROGH (Tyge). Kvinder i mandsklæder. (Female transvestism in Denmark in the 18th and early 19th centuries). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 1, p. 39-78. 6633. KÜHNEL (Markus). Kranke Ehre? Adlige Selbsttötung im Übergang zur Moderne. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 374 p. 6634. KUSHNER (Nina). Erotic exchanges: the world of elite prostitution in eighteenth-century Paris. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-295 p. 6635. KUZMICS (Helmut), HARING (Sabine). Emotion, Habitus und Erster Weltkrieg. Soziologische Studien zum militärischen Untergang der Habsburger Monarchie. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 607 p. 6636. KYE (Bongoh), PARK (Heejin). Age patterns of migration among Korean adults in early 20th-century Seoul. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 398-421. 6637. LANDOUR (Julie). Le chercheur funambule. Quand une salariée se fait la sociologue de son univers professionnel. Genèses, 2013, 90 (1), p. 25-41. 6638. Legacies of the war on poverty. Ed. by Martha J. BAILEY and Sheldon DANZIGER. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2013, XII-309 p. (National poverty series on poverty and public policy). 6639. LEIMGRUBER (Matthieu). La sécurité sociale au péril du vieillissement. Les organisations internationales et l'alarmisme démographique (1975–1995). Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 31-45. 6640. LELEUX (Marc). Histoire des sans-travail et des précaires du Nord. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 366 p. 6641. LERBOM (Jens). För Gud och kung, släkt och vänner. Folkliga föreställningar om svenskhet under tidigt 1600-tal. (For God and King, kindreds and friends. Popular perceptions of Swedishness in the early 17th century). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 2, p. 174-196. 6642. LIDMAN (Satu). Violence or justice? Genderspecific structures and strategies in early modern Europe. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 238-260. 6643. Liebe verbunden (In). Zweierbeziehungen und Elternschaft in populären Ratgebern von den 1950ern bis heute. Hrsg. v. Sylka SCHOLZ, Karl LENZ und Sabine DREßLER. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 378 p. 6644. LIENERT (Salome). "Wir wollen helfen, da wo Not ist". Das Schweizer Hilfswerk für Emigrantenkinder 1933–1947. Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2013, 380 p. 6645. LILJA (Kristina), BÄCKLUND (Dan). To depend on one's children or to depend on oneself: savings for old-age and children's impact on wealth. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 510-532.

§ 8. Social history 6646. LILJEWALL (Britt). "Mig själv och mitt gods förvalta". 1800-tals kvinnor i kamp om myndighet. (Être responsable de moi-même et de mes biens". La lutte des femmes du 19e siècle pour devenir majeures). Stockholm, Nordiska museets förlag, 2013, 239 p. (ill.). 6647. LOMBARDI (Daniela), CHABOT (Isabelle). Autorité des pères et liberté des enfants dans les États italiens réformateurs du XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 25-42. 6648. LÓPEZ (Kathleen). Chinese Cubans: a transnational history. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, IX-339 p. (Envisioning Cuba). 6649. LUNDH (Christer). The geography of marriage. Regional variations in age at first marriage in Sweden, 1870–1900. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 318-343. – IDEM. Was there an urban–rural consumption gap? The standard of living of workers in southern Sweden, 1914–1920. Scandinavian economic history review, 2013, 61, 3, p. 233-258. 6650. MABALON (Dawn Bohulano). Little Manila is in the heart: the making of the Filipina/o American community in Stockton, California. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XVI-442 p. 6651. MAC CARTHY (Molly). The accidental diarist: a history of the daily planner in America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 302 p. 6652. MAC CLURE (George W.). Parlour games and the public life of women in Renaissance Italy. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XVI-319 p. 6653. MAC INTOSH (Marjorie Keniston). Poor relief and community in Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1547–1600. Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire Press, 2013, XIV-187 p. 6654. MAC KENZIE (Shelly). Getting physical. The rise of fitness culture in America. Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 2013, VIII-254 p. (CultureAmerica). 6655. MAHAMAT (Adam). Les eunuques dans le bassin tchadien: productions et usages. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 59-72. 6656. MALVIDO (Elsa), PENICHE MORENO (Paola). Los huérfanos del cólera morbus en Yucatán, 1833. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 111-170. 6657. MANZ (Stefan). Constructing a German diaspora. The 'Greater German Empire', 1871–1918. Oxford, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, 360 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 24). 6658. MARLAND (Hilary). Health and girlhood in Britain, 1874–1920. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-270 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of childhood). 6659. MARQUIS (Peter). La grenade, la batte et le modèle américain. Baseball et acculturation sportive dans la France de la Première Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 45-58. 6660. MARSHALL (Alan), NORMAN (Paul), PLEWIS (Ian). Applying relational models to the graduation of


disability schedules. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 4, p. 467-491. 6661. MARTIN-BRETEAU (Nicolas). Sport, race, et politique: Taboo et la réception du discours sur les aptitudes athlétiques des races aux États-Unis. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 131-147. 6662. MASFERRER LEÓN (Cristina V.). Muleke, negritas y mulatillos. Niñez, familia y redes sociales de los esclavos de origen africano en la ciudad de México, siglo XVII. México D.F., Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2013, 348 p. 6663. MASON (Tony). Le ballon et les gants de Tommy Atkins. Le sport dans l'armée britannique pendant la Grande Guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 59-75. 6664. MEANEY (Gerardine), O'DOWD (Mary), WHE(Bernadette). Reading the Irish woman: studies in cultural encounter and exchange, 1714–1960. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, X-270 p. (Reappraisals in Irish history, 2).


6665. MECHI (Lorenzo). Du BIT à la politique sociale européenne: les origines d'un modèle. Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 17-30. 6666. MECKEL (Richard A.). Classrooms and clinics: urban schools and the protection and promotion of child health, 1870–1930. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2013, X-259 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 6667. MEINERS (Antonia). Die Stunde der Frauen. Zwischen Monarchie, Weltkrieg und Wahlrecht 1913– 1919. München, Elisabeth Sandmann Verlag, 2013, 144 p. 6668. MIGNON (Nicolas). Boche, ex-ennemie ou simplement femme? Le point de vue des responsables politiques et militaires sur la question des mariages entre militaires belges et femmes allemandes pendant les occupations de la Rhénanie et de la Ruhr (1918–1929). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 4, p. 12591283. 6669. Migration, settlement and belonging in Europe 1500–1930s: comparative perspectives. Ed. by Steven KING et Anne WINTER. New York, Berghahn, 2013, VIII-317 p. 6670. Migrazioni interne. Meridiana Rivista di Storia e Scienze Sociali, 2013, 75, 270 p. 6671. MILLS (Quincy T.). Cutting along the color line: Black barbers and barber shops in America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, XII319 p. 6672. MILNE-SMITH (Amy). Queensberry's misrule: reputation, celebrity, and the idea of the Victorian gentleman. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 2, p. 277306. 6673. MINA (Noula). Taming and training Greek "peasant girls" and the gendered politics of whiteness in postwar Canada: Canadian bureaucrats and immi-



grant domestics, 1950s–1960s. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 4, p. 514-539. 6674. MISPELAERE (Jan). "När det så stor varder att det något kan göra." Om barns och ungdomars arbete i det tidigmoderna Sverige. (Indispensable help: child and teenage labour in early modern Sweden). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 1, p. 3-32. 6675. MITCHINSON (Wendy). No one becomes a feminist to be appreciated. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 3, p. 436-458. 6676. MOHUN (Arwen P.). Risk: negotiating safety in American society. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, VIII-329 p. 6677. MONTCLOS (Xavier de). L'ancienne bourgeoisie en France: émergence et permanence d'un groupe social du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris, Picard, 2013, 149 p. 6678. MORIYAMA (Takeshi). Crossing boundaries in Tokugawa society: Suzuki Bokushi, a rural elite commoner. Boston, Brill, 2013, XVI-291 p. (Brill's Japanese studies library, 41). 6679. MORRIS (M. Michelle Jarrett). Under household government: sex and family in puritan Massachusetts. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XIV-310. (Harvard historical studies, 180). 6680. MOUNIR (Hakima). Entre ici et là-bas: le pouvoir des femmes dans les familles maghrébines. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 252 p. (Collection Essais. Série Migrations).

6687. NANCE (Susan). Entertaining elephants: animal agency and the business of the American Circus. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, VIII-294 p. (Animals, history, culture). 6688. NEXØ (Sniff Andersen). Særlige grønlandske forhold ... Rum, ret og uægteskabelige børn i det koloniale Grønland. (Making allowance for the special conditions there ... Space, law and illegitimate children in colonial Greenland). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 1, p. 147-182. 6689. O'KEEFFE (Brigid). New Soviet gypsies: nationality, performance, and selfhood in the early Soviet Union. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XVI328 p. 6690. OBERLÄNDER (Alexandra). Unerhörte Subjekte. Die Wahrnehmung sexueller Gewalt in Russland 1880–1910. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 359 p. 6691. ODIER DA CRUZ (Lorraine). L'École des Parents de Genève ou les métamorphoses du regard sur la parentalité (1950–1968). Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 99-117. 6692. ORY (Brett E.), VAN POPPEL (Frans W.A.). Trends and risk factors of maternal mortality in latenineteenth-century Netherlands. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 481-509. 6693. PATRUT (Iulia-Karin). "Zigeuner" als Grenzfigur deutscher Selbstentwürfe. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2013, 39, 3, p. 286-305.

6681. MRĐEN (Ivana), PROHASKA (Ana), VEKARIĆ (Nenad). The rhythm of crime: annual and monthly distribution of crime in the Dubrovnik Republic in the eighteenth century. Dubrovnik Annals, 2013, 17, p. 69-113.

6694. PAUGH (Katherine). The politics of childbearing in the British Caribbean and the Atlantic World during the age of abolition, 1776–1838. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 119-160.

6682. MÜCKE (Lukas). Die allgemeine Altersrentenversorgung in der UdSSR, 1956–1972. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 565 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 81).

6695. PEARSALL (Sarah M. S.). "Having many wives" in two American rebellions: the politics of households and the radically conservative. American historical review, 2013, 118, 4, p. 1001-1028.

6683. MÜLLER (Juliane). Migration, Geschlecht und Fußball zwischen Bolivien und Spanien. Netzwerke – Räume – Körper. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2013, 224 p.

6696. PEDERSEN (Karl Peder). Den store tyveridebat 1813-17. (The great debate on theft and burglary, 1813– 1817). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 1, p. 121-145.

6684. MURAVYEVA (Marianna). 'A king in his own household': domestic discipline and family violence in early modern Europe reconsidered. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 227-237. – EADEM. 'Till Death Us Do Part': spousal homicide in early modern Russia. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 306-330.

6697. PETERSEN (Penny A.). Minneapolis madams: the lost history of prostitution on the riverfront. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XIV-228 p.

6685. MURDOCH (Alexander). Hector McAllister in North Carolina, Argyll and Arran: family and memory in return migration to Scotland in the eighteenth century. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 1, p. 1-19. 6686. NAJMABADI (Afsaneh). Professing selves: transsexuality and same-sex desire in contemporary Iran. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XII-418 p.

6698. PEZO (Edvin). Zwangsmigration in Friedenszeiten? Jugoslawische Migrationspolitik und die Auswanderung von Muslimen in die Türkei (1918 bis 1966). München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 374 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 146). 6699. PITE (Rebekah E.). Creating a common table in twentieth-century Argentina: Doña Petrona, women, and food. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XV-326 p. 6700. POHN-WEIDINGER (Axel). Une statistique de l'intimité. La catégorie du "logement surpeuplé" entre

§ 8. Social history statistique et droit (1936–1962). Genèses, 2013, 92 (3), p. 102-126. 6701. Points of passage. Jewish transmigrants from Eastern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany and Britain 1880–1914. Ed. by Tobias BRINKMANN. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, 186 p. 6702. PURSEIGLE (Pierre). Mobilisation, sacrifice et citoyenneté: Angleterre–France 1900–1918. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 450 p. 6703. PUTNAM (Lara). Radical moves: Caribbean migrants and the politics of race in the jazz age. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII322 p. 6704. QUINLAN (Michael). Precarious and hazardous work: the health and safety of merchant seamen 1815–1935. Social history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 281-307. 6705. RAMELLA (Franco). Sulla diversità della famiglia immigrata. Note intorno a un dibattito americano sul vantaggio scolastico delle ragazze di seconda generazione. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 142, p. 197-222. 6706. RAUTELIN (Mona). Female serial killers in the early modern age? Recurrent infanticide in Finland 1750– 1896. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 349-370. 6707. REGALADO (Samuel O.). Nikkei baseball: Japanese American players from immigration and internment to the Major Leagues. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XII-187 p.


United States since World War II. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-296 p. (Gender and American culture). 6716. ROBERTS (Mary Louise). What soldiers do: sex and the American GI in World War II France. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-351 p. 6717. ROS (Rosa). Les transformations dans la condition des veuves en catalogne. Une analyse des changements du système dotal, de l'usufruit et des pratiques héréditaires dans la région de Gérone (1770-1860). Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 126 (2), p. 173207. 6718. ROSEN (Christina). Människor, gårdar, landskap: att leva på en gård i Västsverige under de tidigmoderna tiden. (Hommes, fermes, paysages. Vivre dans une ferme dans l'ouest de la Suède au début de l'époque moderne). Stockholm, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 2013, 140 p. (ill.). 6719. ROUBAN (Luc). Back to the nineteenth century: the managerial reform of the French civil service. Labour history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 161-175. 6720. ROWE (Rochelle). Imagining Caribbean womanhood: race, nation and beauty contests, 1929–1970. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XIII-199 p. (Gender in history). 6721. RUGG (Julie). Constructing the grave: competing burial ideals in nineteenth-century England. Social history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 328-345.

6708. REHER (David), REQUENA (Miguel), SÁNCHEZDOMÍNGUEZ (María). Divided families among Latin American immigrants in Spain: just how level is the playing field? History of the family, 2013, 18, 1, p. 26-43.

6722. RUSWICK (Brent). Almost worthy: the poor, paupers, and the science of charity in America, 1877– 1917. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XI-267 p. (Philanthropic and nonprofit studies).

6709. REINISCH (Jessica). The perils of peace. The public health crisis in occupied Germany. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 324 p.

6723. RZEZNIK (Thomas F.). Church and estate: religion and wealth in industrial-era Philadelphia. University Park: Pennsylvania State U. P., 2013, XIII-286 p.

6710. Remaking English society: social relations and social change in early Modern England. Ed. by Steve HINDLE, Alexandra SHEPARD and John WALTER. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, 394 p.

6724. SAMBO (Alessandra). Strategie d'immortalità tra resistenze private e veti pubblici. Donne e famiglie nella Venezia del Seicento. Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 567-596.

6711. REVUELTA-EUGERCIOS (Bárbara A.). Abandoned and illegitimate, a double mortality penalty? Mortality of illegitimate infants in the foundling hospital of Madrid, La Inclusa (1890–1935). History of the family, 2013, 18, 1, p. 44-67. 6712. RIBBAT (Christoph). Basketball. Eine Kulturgeschichte. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013, 195 p. 6713. RICCIARDI (Toni). Associazionismo ed emigrazione. Storia delle colonie libere e degli italiani in Svizzera. Roma, Laterza, 2013, 308 p. 6714. RICO (Monica). Nature's noblemen: transatlantic masculinities and the nineteenth-century American West. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XI-287 p. (Lamar series in Western history). 6715. RIVERS (Daniel Winunwe). Radical relations: lesbian mothers, gay fathers, and their children in the

6725. SÁNCHEZ-ALONSO (Blanca). Making sense of immigration policy: Argentina, 1870–1930. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 601-627. 6726. SANDER-FAES (Stephan Karl). Urban elites of Zadar: Dalmatia and the Venetian Commonwealth (1540– 1569). Roma, Viella, 2013, 292 p. 6727. SANTILLÁN ESQUEDA (Martha). Mujeres, Non Sanctas. Prostitución y delitos sexuales: prácticas criminales en la ciudad de México, 1940–1950. Historia social, 2013, 76, p. 67-85. 6728. SAWAI (Kazuaki). 1563 nen no Isutanburu daikōzui.: Taiga naki toshi o osotta suigai. (The deluge of Istanbul in 1563: A city without big rivers hit by a flood). Rekishi Hyoron, 2013, 760, p. 20-34. 6729. SCHEUBEL (Beatrice). Bismarck's institutions: a historical perspective on the social security hypothesis. Tuebingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XVI-280 p.



6730. SCHULZ (Felix Robin). Death in East Germany 1945–1990. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, XIV232 p. S270. Z3, ööööööööö 6731. SCHUMACHER (Reto). Demographic socialization and reproductive behavior in a transitional context: a macro–micro perspective. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 154-168. 6732. SEEGERS (Lu). "Vati blieb im Krieg". Vaterlosigkeit als generationelle Erfahrung im 20. Jahrhundert – Deutschland und Polen. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 620 p. (Göttinger Studien zur Generationsforschung, 13). 6733. SELLING (Jan). Svensk antiziganism. Fördomens kontinuitet och förandringens förutsättningar. (La tsiganophobie en Suède. Persistance des préjugés et conditions du changement). Limhamn, Sekel, 2013, 217 p. 6734. SERRA (Ilaria). On men and bears: a forgotten migration in nineteenth-century Italy. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 57-84. 6735. SETTLE (Louise). The social geography of prostitution in Edinburgh, 1900–1939. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 2, p. 234-259. 6736. Sexual diversity in Africa: politics, theory, and citizenship. Ed. by S. N. NYECK and Marc EPPRECHT. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, VI-302 p. 6737. SHAPIRO (Aaron). The lure of the north woods: cultivating tourism in the upper Midwest. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2013, XIX-296 p. 6738. SHEMYAKINA (Olga). Patterns in female age at first marriage and Tajik armed conflict. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 3, p. 303-343. 6739. SHORE (Heather). 'Constable dances with instructress': the police and the Queen of Nightclubs in inter-war London. Social history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 183-202. 6740. SINGH (Ashish), GAURAV (Sarthak), DAS (Upasak). Household headship and academic skills of Indian children: a special focus on gender disparities. European journal of population, 2013, 29, 4, p. 445-466.

6746. SØNNICHSEN (Ole). Rejsen til Amerika. 1. Drømmen om et nyt liv. (L'émigration danoise en Amérique. Tome 1. Le rêve d'une vie nouvelle). København, Gyldendal, 2013, 319 p. (ill.). 6747. SOREZ (Julien). Le football dans Paris et ses banlieues. Un sport devenu spectacle. Rennes, Pur, 2013, 410 p. 6748. SPICKA (Mark E.). City policy and guest workers in Stuttgart, 1955–1973. German history, 2013, 31, 3, p. 345-365. 6749. Sport (Le) et la Guerre: XIXe et XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Luc ROBÈNE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 537 p. 6750. STANFORS (Maria), SCOTT (Kirk). Intergenerational transmission of young motherhood. Evidence from Sweden, 1986–2009. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 187-208. 6751. STEPHENS (Ronald J.). Idlewild: the rise, decline, and rebirth of a unique African American resort town. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, XII-407 p. 6752. STERNBERG (Giora). Manipulating information in the Ancien Régime: ceremonial records, aristocratic strategies, and the limits of the state perspective. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 2, p. 239-279. 6753. STEVENS (Peter A.). "Roughing it in comfort": family cottaging and consumer culture in postwar Ontario. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 2, p. 234262. 6754. STOCK (Miriam). Der Geschmack der Gentrifizierung. Arabische Imbisse in Berlin. Bielefeld, transcript, 2013, 352 p. 6755. STOLZ (Yvonne), BATEN (Joerg), REIS (Jaime). Portuguese living standards, 1720–1980, in European comparison: heights, income, and human capital. Economic history review, 2013, 66, 2, p. 545-578.

6741. SLEIGHT (Simon). Young people and the shaping of public space in Melbourne, 1870–1914. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-275 p.

6756. SUNDELIN (Anna). The things you sent. Mode och mellanhänder i den atlantiska världen under 1700talet. (The things you sent: fashion and consumption by proxy in the Atlantic world during the eighteenth century). Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden), 2013, 4, p. 621-643.

6742. SMITH (Jill Suzanne). Berlin coquette: prostitution and the new German woman, 1890–1933. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XII- 221 p.

6757. SURDAM (David George). Run to glory and profits: the economic rise of the NFL during the 1950s. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2013, X-433 p.

6743. SMITH (Katy Simpson). We have raised all of you: motherhood in the South, 1750–1835. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XI-346 p. 6744. SMITH-OKA (Vania). Shaping the motherhood of indigenous Mexico. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2013, XVI-239 p.

6758. ŠUSTROVÁ (Radka). "Bez sociální politiky to nejde!": k výzkumu sociálně politické praxe na území Protektorátu Čechy a Morava. (It will not work without a social policy! Research on social policy practice on the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia). Soudobé dějiny, 2013, 20, 1-2, p. 40-64.

6745. SOHN (Kitae). Did unemployed workers choose not to work in interwar Britain? Evidence from the voices of unemployed workers. Labour history, 2013, 54, 4, p. 377-392.

6759. TELLES (Edward), FLORES (René). Not just color: whiteness, nation, and status in Latin America. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 3, p. 411449.

§ 8. Social history


6760. TENG (Emma Jinhua). Eurasian: mixed identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842– 1943. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XVII-331 p.

6773. VENBORG PETERSEN (Mikkel). Luksus, forbrug og kolonier i Danmark i det 18. århundrede. (Luxe, consommation et colonies au Danemark au 18e siècle). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2013, 382 p. (ill.).

6761. TENNANT (Margaret). Fun and fundraising: the selling of charity in New Zealand's past. Social history, 2013, 38, 1, p. 46-65.

6774. VICKERS (Emma). Queen and country: samesex desire in the British Armed Forces, 1939–1945. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, XVI202 p. (Gender in history).

6762. TERPSTRA (Nicholas). Cultures of charity: women, politics, and the reform of poor relief in Renaissance Italy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XII379 p. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history). 6763. THAYER (Gwyneth Anne). Going to the dogs: greyhound racing, animal activism, and American popular culture. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XIV-296 p. (CultureAmerica). 6764. THORSEN (David). Den svenska aidsepidemin: ankomst, bemötande, innebörd. (L'épidémie de Sida en Suède: comment elle est survenue, comment elle a été traitée, quelle fut sa portée). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2013, 527 p. (ill.). (Uppsala studies in history and ideas, 44). 6765. UEDA (Shin-ya). Betonamu-Fue kinkō no sonraku shakai to shinzoku shūdan no keisei: 18-19 seiki Tainfokku mura no jirei. (The formation of a village society and of kinship groups in the environs of Hue, Vietnam: The case of Thanh Phuoc village from the 18th to the 19th centuries). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2013, 72, 1, p. 100-136. 6766. UNDURRAGA SCHÜLER (Verónica). Los rostros del honor. Normas culturales y estrategias de promoción social en Chile colonial, siglo XVIII. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria, Dibam y Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2013, 428 p. 6767. Vägar till välfärd: idéer, inspiratörer, kontroverser, perspektiv. (Chemins vers l'Etat-providence: idées, inspirateurs, controverses, perspectives). Red.: Hans SWÄRD, Per Gunnar EDEBALK, Eskil WADENSJÖ. Stockholm, Liber, 2013, 339 p. 6768. VALOBRA (Adriana María), GIORDANO (Verónica). Absolute divorce in Argentina, 1954–1956. Debates and practices regarding a short-lived law. History of the family, 2013, 18, 1, p. 3-25. 6769. VANDEZANDE (Mattijs), MATTHIJS (Koenraad). Inherited dimensions of infant mortality. Detecting signs of disproportionate mortality risks in successive generations. History of the family, 2013, 18, 2, p. 169-186. 6770. VANTOCH (Victoria). The jet sex. Airline stewardesses and the making of an American icon. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 296 p. 6771. VÁSQUEZ MANTECÓN (María del Carmen). ¡Toros sí!, ¡Toros no! Del tiempo cuando Benito Juárez prohibió las corridas de toros. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 249 (1), p. 171-203. 6772. VAUGHT (David). The farmers' game: Baseball in rural America. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XI-214 p.

6775. VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU (Constanţa). Evgheniţi, ciocoi, mojici. Despre obrazele primei modernităţi româneşti 1750–1860. (Blue-blooded, nouveau rich, commoners. On the faces of Romanian early modernity 1750–1860). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2013, 161 p. 6776. WALKER (Garthine). Everyman or a monster? The rapist in Early Modern England, c.1600–1750. History workshop, 2013, 76, p. 5-31. 6777. WARD (Joseph P.). Culture, faith and philanthropy: Londoners and provincial reform in early Modern England. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 217 p. 6778. WEHLER (Hans-Ulrich). Die neue Umverteilung. Soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 192 p. 6779. WELLMAN (Kathleen). Queens and mistresses of Renaissance France. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-433 p. 6780. WEST (Emily). Family or freedom: people of color in the antebellum South. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2013, 233 p. (New directions in Southern history). 6781. WHEELER (Leigh Ann). How sex became a civil liberty. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-327 p. 6782. WIETSCHORKE (Jens). Arbeiterfreunde. Soziale Mission im dunklen Berlin 1911–1933. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 451 p. 6783. WILSON (Adrian). Ritual and conflict: the social relations of childbirth in early Modern England. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, VI-261 p. (History of medicine in context). 6784. WINTER (Anne), LAMBRECHT (Thijs). Migration, poor relief and local autonomy: settlement policies in England and the Southern Low Countries in the eighteenth century. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 91-126. 6785. WOLFGRUBER (Gudrun). Von der Fürsorge zur Sozialarbeit. Wiener Jugendwohlfahrt im 20. Jahrhundert. Wien, Löcker, 2013, 250 p. 6786. YAMADA (Akihiro). Sheikusupia jidai no dokusha to kankyaku. (Readers and audiences in the age of Shakespeare). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 334 p. 6787. YAMAGUCHI (Akihiko). Kōki Safavī-chō yūryoku kakei no senryaku-teki shisan keisei: Zangyane ichizoku no 'zaisan mokuroku' o tegakari ni. (The Zangane family's strategic land acquisition during the late Safavid period). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, 2013, 86, p. 31-54.



6788. YELLIN (Eric S.). Racism in the nation's service: government workers and the color line in Woodrow Wilson's America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XI-301 p.

Autunno sindacale del 1969. Università degli studi di Perugia; Università LUMSA di Roma, 2009]. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 274 p. (Università).

6789. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa). Accéder aux outils de communication en Union soviétique sous Staline. Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 463-497.

6800. BANTMAN (Constance). The French anarchists in London, 1880–1914: exile and transnationalism in the first globalisation. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, XII219 p. (Studies in labour history, 1).

6790. ZIMMER (Oliver). Remaking the rhythms of life. German communities in the age of the nation-state. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 395 p. (Oxford studies in Modern European history).

6801. BARGAIN-VILLÉGER (Alban). The quest for acceptability: the socialists' May Days in Bavaria and Brittany, 1920–1940. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 1, p. 63-86.

6791. ZUBKOVA (Elena), ZAKHAROVA (Larissa), DU(Grégory). Les exclus. Le phénomène de la mendicité dans l'Union soviétique d'après-guerre. Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 357-388.

6802. BARTHA (Eszter). Alienating labour: workers on the road from socialism to capitalism in East Germany and Hungary. Oxford, Berghahn, 2013, 362 p.


§ 8. Addendum. 6792. CLANCY-SMITH (Julia A.). Mediterraneans. North Africa and Europe in an age of migration. C. 1800–1900. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2012, 445 p. os

Cf. n 64-92, 3646, 4429, 4533, 4556, 5124 § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. * 6793. KOŘALKA (Jiří). Co zůstalo použitelné z české produkce k dějinám dělnického hnutí před rokem 1989? (What remainded as acceptable from the Czech historiography of the labour movement before 1989?). In: X. sjezd českých historiků: Ostrava, 14.-16.9.2011. Ostrava, Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě: Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny Filozofické fakulty Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě ve spolupráci se Sdružením historiků České republiky (Historický klub 1872) a s Historickým ústavem AV ČR Praha a Brno, 2013, p. 99-110. _______________________

6803. BECH (M.B.) [et al.]. Changing policies and their influence on government health workers in Tanzania, 1967–2009: perspectives from rural Mbulu District. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 1, p. 61-103. 6804. BINFORD (Leigh). Tomorrow we're all going to the harvest: temporary foreign worker programs and neoliberal political economy. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XVI-281 p. 6805. BLACKSHAW (Tony). Working-class life in Northern England, 1945–2010: the pre-history and afterlife of the inbetweener generation. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, VII-247 p. 6806. BLUM (Françoise). Une formation syndicale dans la Guinée de Sékou Touré: l'université ouvrière africaine, 1960–1965. Revue historique, 2013, 667, p. 661691. 6807. Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean world. Ed. by Gwyn CAMPBELL and Alessandro STANZIANI. London, Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2013

6794. ADAM (Alfons). "Die Arbeiterfrage soll mit Hilfe von KZ-Häftlingen gelöst warden". Zwangsarbeit in KZ-Außenlagern auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Tschechischen Republik. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 432 p.

6808. BRICKNER (Rachel). Gender conscientization, social movement unionism, and labor revitalization: a perspective from Mexico. Labour history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 21-41.

6795. ALAMGIR (Alena K.). Race is elsewhere: statesocialist ideology and the racialisation of Vietnamese workers in Czechoslovakia. Race & Class: A Journal on Racism, Empire and Globalisation, 2013, 54, 4, p. 67-85.

6809. BUCHANAN (Tom). China and the British left in the twentieth century: transnational perspectives. Labour history, 2013, 54, 5, p. 540-553.

6796. ALEGRE (Robert F.). Railroad radicals in Cold War Mexico: gender, class, and memory. Foreword by Elena PONIATOWSKA. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2013, XVIII-275 p. (Mexican Experience). 6797. Arbeit in den nationalsozialistischen Ghettos. Hrsg. v. Jürgen HENSEL und Stephan LEHNSTAEDT. Osnabrück, fibre Verlag, 2013, 438 p. 6798. ARCHER (Robin). The state and its unions: Reassessing the antecedents, development, and consequences of New Deal labor law. Labour history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 201-207. 6799. Autunno sindacale (L') del 1969. A cura di Andrea CIAMPANI e Giancarlo PELLEGRINI. [Conferenza:

6810. BUREŠOVÁ (Jana), TRAPL (Miloš). Obraz československého emigrantského prokomunistického spolku ve druhé polovině 20. století – Československý kroužek v Sydney v Austrálii. (The image of the Czechoslovak emigrant pro-communist association in the second half of the 20th century – Czechoslovak Society in Sydney). Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 2013, 6, p. 89-107. 6811. BURNS (Arthur). Beyond the 'Red Vicar': community and Christian socialism in Thaxted, Essex, 1910– 1984. History workshop, 2013, 75, p. 101-124. 6812. ČAPKA (František). Počátky jednotných odborů v českých zemích v poválečném roce 1945 s přihlédnutím k sociální problematice. (The beginnings of the

§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism


united trade unions in the Czech lands in post-war 1945 with a view to social issues). Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2013, 27, 2, p. 85-105.

6826. GUTIÉRREZ (Florencia). Desigualdad social, masculinidad y cualificación en el sindicalismo azucarero. Tucumán, 1944–1949. Anuario IEHS, 2013, 28, p. 59-76.

6813. CARDON (Vincent), GRÉGOIRE (Mathieu). Les syndicats du spectacle et le placement dans l'entre-deuxguerres. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 19-30.

6827. HÄBERLEN (Joachim C.). Vertrauen und Politik im Alltag. Die Arbeiterbewegung in Leipzig und Lyon im Moment der Krise 1929–1933/38. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 367 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 210).

6814. ČERNÁK (Tomáš). Viliam Široký a Július Ďuriš – rodinný pôvod, sociálne pomery a začiatky pôsobenia v komunistickom hnutí. (Viliam Široký and Július Ďuriš – family origin, social relations and beginnings of their work in the Communist movement). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 2, p. 313-342. 6815. COLE (Peter). No justice, no ships get loaded: political boycotts on the San Francisco Bay and Durban waterfronts. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 2, p. 185-217. 6816. CROUCHER (Richard), MAC ILROY (John). Mauritius 1938: the origins of a milestone in colonial trade union legislation. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 223239. 6817. CURLESS (Gareth). The Sudan is 'Not yet ready for trade unions': the railway strikes of 1947–1948. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 804-822. 6818. DI GIACOMO (Michelangela). Da Porta Nuova a Corso Traiano: movimento operaio e immigrazione meridionale a Torino, 1955–1969. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2013, 262 p. (Storia e futuro, 2). 6819. DI PAOLA (Pietro). The knights errant of anarchy: London and the Italian anarchist diaspora (1880– 1917). Liverpool: Liverpool U. P., 2013, 244 p. (Studies in labour history, 2). 6820. DÖHRING (Helge). Anarcho-Syndikalismus in Deutschland 1933–1945. Stuttgart, Schmetterling Verlag, 2013, 191 p. 6821. DOWNING (Arthur). The 'Sheffield Outrages': violence, class and trade unionism, 1850–70. Social history, 2013, 38, 2, p. 162-182. 6822. FUNARI (Rachel), MEES (Bernard). Socialist emulation in China: worker heroes yesterday and today. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 240-255. 6823. GALETTO (Manuela). Patterns of trade union participation in territorial pacts: the case of a northern Italian province. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 256270. 6824. GERRARD (Jessica). "Little soldiers" for socialism: childhood and socialist politics in the British Socialist Sunday School Movement. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 1, p. 71-96. 6825. GLAS (Marjorie). Le Syndicat national des entreprises artistiques et culturelles (SYNDEAC), miroir et moteur des transformations de l'univers théâtral. Le mouvement social, 2013, 243, p. 67-77.

6828. HADORN (Christian). "Kein solcher solider Schweizermensch". Zur Autobiographie des libertären Sozialisten Max Tobler (1876–1929). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 2, p. 213-232. 6829. HAMARK (Jesper). Strikingly indifferent: the myth of militancy on the docks prior to World War II. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 271-285. 6830. HARKER (Ben). 'The trumpet of the night': interwar communists on BBC radio. History workshop, 2013, 75, p. 81-100. 6831. HENDRICKSON (Mark). American labor and economic citizenship: new capitalism from World War I to the Great Depression. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-320 p. 6832. HOOGENBOOM (Marcel). Transnational unemployment insurance: the inclusion and exclusion of foreign workers in labour unions' unemployment insurance funds in the Netherlands (c.1900–1940). International review of social history, 2013, 58, 2, p. 247-284. 6833. HORÁK (Jiří). Sekularizace, její kritika a aplikace na případ dělnického hnutí v českých zemích. (Secularization, its critique, and application on Czech labour movement). Historická sociologie, 2013, 2, p. 7595. 6834. How labour governments fall: from Ramsay MacDonald to Gordon Brown. Ed. by Timothy HEPPELL and Kevin THEAKSTON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 200 p. 6835. HUGHES (Stephen), HAWORTH (Nigel). Foundations for longevity: the ILO, New Zealand and the strategies of autonomy, relevance and presence. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 286-300. 6836. JANSSON (Jenny). From movement to organization: constructing identity in Swedish trade unions. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 301-320. 6837. JENSEN (Kristoffer), GRÅBACKE (Carina). Appropriate reactions to globalisation? Interest group theory and trade associations in clothing between 1970 and 2000 – a comparison between Denmark and Sweden. Business history, 2013, 55, 2, p. 215-235. 6838. KØSTER (Bente). Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening 1960–2013. (La Fédération du patronat danois 1960– 2013). København, Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, 2013, 183 p. (ill.). 6839. KUČERA (Rudolf). Život na příděl. Válečná každodennost a politiky dělnické třídy v českých zemích



1914–1918. (Rationed life, war, everyday life and labour politics in the Bohemian Lands 1914–1918). Prag, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2013, 213 p. 6840. KÜHNEL (Florian). Kranke Ehre? Adlige Selbsttötung im Übergang zur Moderne. Oldenburg, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 374 p. 6841. LAMBROPOULOS (Victoria). The evolution of freedom of association in Australia's federal industrial relations law: from trade union security to workplace rights. Labour history, 2013, 54, 4, p. 436-458 6842. Lassalles "südliche Avantgarde". Protokollbuch des Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeitervereins der Gemeinde Augsburg (1864-1867). Hrsg. v. Karl Borromäus MURR und Stephan REUSCH. Bonn, Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf, 2013, 227 p. 6843. LORENCE (James J.). Palomino: Clinton Jencks and Mexican-American Unionism in the American Southwest. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XXII-266 p. (Working class in American history). 6844. LOUIS (Marieke). Syndicats contre coopératives? L'Organisation internationale du travail et la représentation des acteurs de la société civile. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 21-32. 6845. MAC GUIRE (Charlie), CLARKE (Linda), WALL (Christine). Battles on the Barbican: the struggle for trade unionism in the British building industry, 1965– 1967. History workshop, 2013, 75, p. 33-57. 6846. MAC ILROY (John), CROUCHER (Richard). The turn to transnational labor history and the study of global trade unionism. Labour history, 2013, 54, 5, p. 491-511. 6847. MAC ILROY (John). Léon Jouhaux, Louis Saillant and the national and international in transnational trade unionism. Labour history, 2013, 54, 5, p. 554576. – IDEM. Organizing for partnership: the influence of the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organisations on the British Trades Union Congress 1995–2005. Labour history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 138160. 6848. MAC IVOR (Arthur). Working lives: work in Britain since 1945. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 339 p. 6849. MAC KILLEN (Elizabeth). Making the world safe for workers: labor, the Left, and Wilsonian internationalism. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XII-299 p. (Working class in American history).

Ed. por Carlos AGUIRRE. Raleigh, Editorial A Contracorriente, 2013, 494 p. (Historia y ciencias sociales). 6853. MITRANI (Sam). The rise of the Chicago police department: class and conflict, 1850–1894. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, 254 p. (Working class in American history). 6854. MORGAN (Kevin). Bolshevism, syndicalism and the general strike: the lost internationalist world of A.A. Purcell. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2013, 354 p. – IDEM. Class cohesion and trade-union internationalism: Fred Bramley, the British TUC, and the AngloRussian advisory council. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 3, p. 429-461. 6855. MOUSER (Bruce L.). The trial of Samuel Samo and the trading syndicates of the Rio Pongo, 1797 to 1812. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 3, p. 423-441. 6856. NELLES (Dieter), LINSE (Ulrich), PIOTROWSKI (Harald), GARCÍA (Carlos). Deutsche AntifaschistInnen in Barcelona (1933–1939). Die Gruppe "Deutsche Anarchosyndikalisten" (DAS). Heidelberg, Verlag Graswurzelrevolution, 2013, 425 p. 6857. NEWTON-MATZA (Mitchell). Intelligent and honest radicals: the Chicago Federation of Labor and the politics of progression. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, XI-241 p. 6858. NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude). Labor divided in the postwar European welfare state: the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-251 p. 6859. OZAROW (Daniel). Pitching for each others' team: the North American Free Trade Agreement and labor transnationalism. Labour history, 2013, 54, 5, p. 512-526. 6860. PALERMO (Silvana Alejandra). En nombre del hogar proletario: engendering the 1917 great railroad strike in Argentina. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 4, p. 585-620. 6861. PARFITT (Steven). Brotherhood from a distance: Americanization and the internationalism of the Knights of Labor. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 3, p. 463-491. 6862. PHILLIPS (Lisa). A renegade union: interracial organizing and labor radicalism. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2013, XV-231 p. (Working class in American history).

6850. MATES (Lewis). The limits and potential of Syndicalist influence in the Durham coalfield before the Great War. Labour history, 2013, 54, 1, p. 42-63.

6863. ROBBINS (Mark W.). Transitioning labor to the 'lean years': the middle class and employer repression of organized labor in post-World War I Chicago. Labour history, 2013, 54, 3, p. 321-342.

6851. MECHI (Lorenzo). Economic regionalism and social stabilisation: the International Labour Organization and Western Europe in the early post-war years. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 844-862.

6864. RODRIGUES (Cristina). Portugal e a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (1933–1974). Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2013, 417 p. (Biblioteca das ciências sociais. Sociologiaepistemologia, 85).

6852. Militantes, intelectuales y revolucionarios: ensayos sobre marxismo e izquierda en América Latina.

6865. RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Magaly). Constructing labour regionalism in Europe and the Americas, 1920s–

§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism 1970s. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 1, p. 39-70. 6866. SCHMIDT (Michael), VAN DER WALT (Lucien). Schwarze Flamme. Revolutionäre Klassenpolitik des Anarchismus und Syndikalismus. Hamburg, Edition Nautilus / Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, 2013, 557 p. 6867. SEFER (Akın). From class solidarity to revolution: the radicalization of arsenal workers in the Late Ottoman Empire. International review of social history, 2013, 58, 3, p. 395-428. 6868. Socialist escapes. Breaking away from ideology and everyday routine in Eastern Europe, 1945– 1989. Ed. by. Cathleen M. GIUSTINO, Catherine J. PLUM and Alexander VARI. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, 284 p. 6869. Socialist Sixties (The): crossing borders in the Second World. Ed. by Anne E. GORSUCH and Diane P. KOENKER. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, X-338 p. 6870. STEEDMAN (Carolyn). An everyday life of the English working class. Work, self and sociability in the early nineteenth century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 309 p.


6871. TOMLINS (Christopher). The State, the Unions, and the critical synthesis in labor law history: a 25-year retrospect. Labour history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 208221. 6872. Trabajadores (Los) de la ciudad de México 1860–1950. Textos en homenaje a Clara E. Lida. Coords. Carlos ILLADES y Mario BARBOSA. México, El Colegio de México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, 2013, 259 p. 6873. WOOD (Geoffrey), DIBBEN (Pauline), KLERCK (Gilton). The limits of transnational solidarity: the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Swaziland and Zimbabwean crises. Labour history, 2013, 54, 5, p. 527-539. 6874. Work in a modern society. The German historical experience in comparative perspective. Ed. by Jürgen KOCKA. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, 221 p. 6875. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa). Le quotidien du communisme: pratiques et objets. Annales, 2013, 68, 2, p. 305-314. Cf. nos 3524, 3537, 4341, 4343, 4479


§ 1. General. 6876-6882. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6883-6901. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 69026924. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6925-7007. – § 5. International law. 7008-7021. § 1. General. ______________________

6876. BEIERGRÖSSLEIN (Katharina), DORN (Iris von), KLIPPEL (Diethelm). Das Naturrecht an den Universitäten Würzburg und Bamberg im 18. Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 172192. 6877. BREITENBUCH (Henriette von). Karl Neumeyer – Leben und Werk (1869 bis 1941). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2013, 278 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 438). 6878. Hans Kelsen und die deutsche Staatsrechtslehre. Stationen eines wechselvollen Verhältnisses. Hrsg. v. Matthias JESTAEDT. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, IX289 p. 6879. Kölner Juristen im 20. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zu einer Ringvorlesung an der Universität zu Köln, Sommersemester 2010 und Wintersemester 2010/2011. Hrsg. v. Steffen AUGSBERG und Andreas FUNKE. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, VI-249 p. 6880. LAHUSEN (Benjamin). Alles Recht geht vom Volksgeist aus. Friedrich Carl von Savigny und die moderne Rechtswissenschaft. Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2013, 181 p. 6881. SCHRÖDER (Jan). Ludwig Uhland als Jurist. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 6785. 6882. SEINECKE (Ralf). Rudolf von Jhering anno 1858. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 238-280. Cf. nos 635-661 § 2. History of constitutional law. ** 6883. Documents constitutionnels d'Haïti 1790– 1860. Edité par Laurent DUBOIS, Julia GAFFIELD, Michel ACACIA; en coopération avec Matthias SCHNEIDER = Constitutional documents of Haiti 1790–1860. Edited by Luarent DUBOIS, Julia GAFFIELD, Michel ACACIA; in cooperation with Matthias SCHNEIDER. Berlin a. New

York, De Gruyter, 2013, 192 p. (Constitutions of the world from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. America, 10 =Verfassungen der Welt vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Amerika, 10). _______________________

6884. 1812 echoes: the Cadiz constitution in hispanic history, culture and politics. Ed. by Stephen G.H. ROBERTS and Adam SHARMAN. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XII-455 p. 6885. BRANDON (Mark E.). States of union: family and change in the American constitutional order. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XI-335 p. (Constitutional thinking). 6886. BRÜCKNER (Martin Lars). Sozialisierung in Deutschland. Verfassungsgeschichtliche Entwicklung und ihre Hintergründe. Munchen, Utz, 2013, XXXVIII223 p. (Neue juristische Beitrage, 87). 6887. CONZE (Vanessa). Treue schwören. Der Konflikt um den Verfassungseid in der Weimarer Republik. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 2, p. 354-389. 6888. FISCHER-HOTZEL (Andrea). Vetospieler in territorialen Verfassungsreformen: britische Devolution und französische Dezentralisierung im Vergleich. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2013, 163 p. (Comparative politics, 2 = Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2). 6889. GARGARELLA (Roberto). Latin American constitutionalism, 1810–2010: the engine room of the constitution. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI283 p. 6890. HOLSTE (Karsten). In der Arena der preußischen Verfassungsdebatte. Adlige Gutsbesitzer der Mark und Provinz Brandenburg 1806–1847. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2013, IV-326 p. 6891. MARTÍNEZ MAZA (Clelia). El espejo griego: Atenas, Esparta y las ligas griegas en la América del periodo constituyente, 1786–1789. Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2013, 245 p. (Bellaterra arqueología).



6892. MURKENS (Jo Eric). From empire to union: conceptions of German constitutional law since 1871. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, IX-261 p.

nía en la Hispanoamérica revolucionaria, 1810–1826. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 455 p. (Jornadas, 162).

6893. NEGRETTO (Gabriel L.). Making constitutions: presidents, parties, and institutional choice in Latin America. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-283 p.

6906. FLAHERTY (Darryl E.). Public law, private practice: politics, profit, and the legal profession in nineteenth-century Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard U. P., 2013, X-322 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 348).

6894. PRUTSCH (Markus J.). Making sense of constitutional monarchism in post-Napoleonic France and Germany. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, VIII333 p. 6895. SAWYER (Stephen W.). An American model for French liberalism: the state of exception in Édouard Laboulaye's constitutional thought. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 4, p. 739-771. 6896. SERNA DE LA GARZA (José María). The constitution of Mexico: a contextual analysis. Oxford a. Portland, Hart Publishing, 2013, XXIV-229 p. 6897. SERRANO MIGALLÓN (Fernando). Historia mínima de las constituciones en México. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 448 p. 6898. STRASSER-GACKENHEIMER (Christian). Die staatsrechtliche Kontinuität des Deutschen Reichs von der 'Machtergreifung' bis zum Tod Hitlers: zugleich eine Analyse des Niedergangs der Weimarer Demokratie. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 293 p. 6899. THOMPSON (Elizabeth F.). Justice interrupted: the struggle for constitutional government in the Middle East. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XI-418 p. 6900. TIDSVILDE (Martin). Magtens paragraffer. Grundlovens historie. (Les articles du pouvoir. Histoire de la Constitution danoise). Odense, Historia, 2013, 135 p. (ill.). 6901. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef). Postoje Alexandra Dubčeka k štátoprávnemu vývoju ČSFR v rokoch 1989– 1992. (Alexander Dubček's views on the constitutional development of Czechoslovakia in the period 1989– 1992). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 1, p. 85-120. Cf. nos 619-634, 3912 § 3. Public law and institutions. _______________________

6902. ÆREBŒ (Rasmus), POULSEN-HANSEN (Lars Peder). Den Ryssiske Lov 1649. (La première Loi russe imprimée de 1649). Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2013, 589 p. (ill.). (Beringiana, 6). 6903. BÉRARD (Jean). La justice en procès. Les mouvements de contestation face au système pénal (1968–1983) Paris, Sciences Po les Presses, 2013, 296 p. 6904. BIRNDORFER (Franz). Der erstinstanzliche Prozessalltag von 1938 bis 1949 anhand der Ehescheidungsakten des Landgerichts Amberg zu § 55 EheG 1938 und § 48 EheG 1946. Regenstauf, Rechtskultur Wissenschaft, 2013, 443 p. 6905. CRESPO (María Victoria). Del rey al presidente. Poder Ejecutivo, formación del Estado y sobera-

6907. GARDE (Peter). Danmarks justitsministre 1813– 1913. (Les ministres de la Justice danois entre 1813 et 1913). København, Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, 2013, 568 p. (ill.). 6908. GENTA (Enrico). Elements of European Public Law (Jus inter principes) in the 18th century. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 291-302. 6909. GOULD (William), SHERMAN (Taylor C.), AN(Sarah). The flux of the matter: loyalty, corruption and the 'everyday state' in the post-partition government services of India and Pakistan. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 237-279. SARI

6910. Großstadtkriminalität. Berliner Kriminalpolizei und Verbrechensbekämpfung 1930 bis 1950. Hrsg. v. Jens DOBLER. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 275 p. 6911. HEINS (Marjorie). Priests of our democracy: the Supreme Court, academic freedom, and the anti-communist purge. New York, New York U. P., 2013, X-363 p. 6912. HUBENÝ (David). Spolupráce policejního ředitelství a Rudé armády na zajištění bezpečnosti ve Velké Praze a potlačení kriminality rudoarmějců. (Cooperation between Police Command and the Red Army in ensuring security in Greater Prague and clamping down on Red Army troops). Sborník Archivu bezpečnostních složek, 2013, 11, p. 159-174. 6913. Justitie kanslern 300 år. (Le Chancelier de justice en Suède, une institution tricentenaire 1713–2013). Red.: Ulf GÖRANSSON. Uppsala, Iustus, 2013, 371 p. (pl.). 6914. KUBISKA-SCHARL (Irene), PÖLZL (Michael). Die Karrieren des Wiener Hofpersonals 1711–1765. Eine Darstellung anhand der Hofkalender und Hofparteienprotokolle. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 756 p. (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte, 58). 6915. LYNGHOLM (Dorte Kook). Godsejerens ret: adelens retshåndhævelse i 1700-tallet. Lov og praksis ved Clausholm birkeret. (Le droit du propriétaire terrien: l'exercice du pouvoir judiciaire de la noblesse danoise au 17e siècle. Lois et pratiques dans la juridiction de Clausholm). Auning, Dansk Center for Herregårds forskning, 2013, 282 p. (ill.). 6916. MAZOYER (Harold). Réformer l'administration par le savoir économique. La Rationalisation des choix budgétaires aux ministères de l'Équipement et des Transports. Genèses, 2013, 93 (4), p. 29-52. 6917. MÜLLER (Manfred). Die Entwicklung von Großkanzleien im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein rechtshistorischer

§ 4. Civil and penal law


Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Großbritannien und USA. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 221-229.

SCHUBERT. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Edition, 2013, LXXX-611 p.

6918. Parlementaires acteurs (Les) de la vie provinciale, XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Serge DAUCHY, Véronique DEMARS-SION, Hervé LEUWERS et Sabrina MICHEL. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 310 p. (Histoire).

6929. Advokatenordnung 1648. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der österreichischen Rechtsanwaltschaft. Hrsg. v. Christian NESCHWARA und Josef PAUSER. Wien, Verl. Österreich, 2013, IX-120 p.

6919. PARRILLO (Nicholas R.). Against the profit motive: the salary revolution in American government, 1780–1940. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XI-568 p. (Yale Law Library series in legal history and reference). 6920. Rosenburg (Die). Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und die NS-Vergangenheit-eine Bestandsaufnahme. Hrsg. v. Manfred GÖRTEMAKER und Christoph SAFFERLING. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 373 p. 6921. ROTELLI (Ettore). L'insulto del silenzio. Stato moderno come amministrazione. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 286 p. 6922. SCHRÖDER (Joachim). Die Münchner Polizei und der Nationalsozialismus. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 208 p. 6923. SMALE (David). Alfred John List and the development of policing in the counties of Scotland, c. 1832–1877. Journal of Scottish historical studies, 2013, 33, 1, p. 52-80. § 3. Addendum 2012. 6924. KRJUKOVA (Svetlana S.). Russkij krest'janin i veschestvennyj mir ego pravosudija (vtoraja polovina XIX v.). (The Russian peasant and the material world of his judicial power; the second half of the 19th century). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 3, p. 129-146. (ill.).


6930. ASUKA (Sakaino). La Legge per la tutela dei beni culturali in Giappone: contesto e dibattito nel secondo dopoguerra. Storia urbana, 2013, 36, 140-141, 3-4, p. 155-182. 6931. BEAULIEU (Alain). "An equitable right to be compensated": the dispossession of the Aboriginal peoples of Quebec and the emergence of a new legal rationale (1760–1860). Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 1, p. 1-27. 6932. BETHKE (Hannah). Das politische Denken Arnold Brechts. Eine transatlantische Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 405 p. (Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft, 178). 6933. BEZEMER (Kees). Jacques de Revigny's contribution to the concept of subjective rights and the origins of the maxim 'Ex facto ius oritur '. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 199-217. 6934. BITTER (Albrecht von). Das Strafrecht des Preußischen Allgemeinen Landrechts von 1794 vor dem ideengeschichtlichen Hintergrund seiner Zeit. BadenBaden, Nomos 2013, 290 p. (Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 18). 6935. BOES (Maria R.). Crime and punishment in Early Modern Germany: courts and adjudicatory practices in Frankfurt am Main, 1562–1696. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, XI- 279 p.

§ 4. Civil and penal law.

6936. BRIEGEL (Françoise). Négocier la défense: plaider pour les criminels au siècle des Lumières à Genève. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2013, 392 p. (Bibliothèque des Lumières, 81).

** 6925. AUGSPURG (Anita). Rechtspolitische Schriften. Kommentierte Studienausgabe. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Christiane HENKE. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 423 p.

6937. BULLING (Sandra Michaela). Die zivilrechtliche Erwachsenenfürsorge des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine historische Untersuchung zu den Vorläufern des heutigen Betreuungsrechts. Hamburg, Kovač, 2013, XVI-286 p.

** 6926. Briefwechsel Wilhelm Arnold, Andreas Heusler. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Karl Kroeschell und Dorothee Mussgnug. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2013, VII-160 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 281. Juristische Briefwechsel des 19. Jahrhunderts).

6938. CHOUKROUNE (Leïla), FROISSART (Chloé). Réforme du droit et contestation sociale sans État de droit: le laboratoire chinois. Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 47-65.

Cf. nos 619-634, 3759

** 6927. Frontier crimes regulation (The): a history in documents. Ed. by Robert NICHOLS. Karachi, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXVIII-253 p. ** 6928. Staatsanwaltschaftsrecht (1934–1982). Quellen zu den Reformprojekten (Organisation – Innerer Dienstbetrieb – Ermittlungsverfahren – Verhältnis der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Polizei) und zur Anordnung über Organisation und Dienstbetrieb der Staatsanwaltschaft (OrgStA). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Werner

6939. CORREIA (David). Properties of violence: law and land grant struggle in Northern New Mexico. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, XIII-220 p. (Geographies of justice and social transformation, 17). 6940. COTTROL (Robert J.). The long, lingering shadow: slavery, race, and law in the American hemisphere. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2013, XII370 p. (Studies in the legal history of the South). 6941. CROSSMAN (Virginia). Poverty and the Poor Law in Ireland, 1850–1914. Liverpool, Liverpool U.P., 2013, 253 p.



6942. DE NAPOLI (Olindo). Race and empire: the legitimation of Italian colonialism in juridical thought. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 4, p. 801-832. 6943. DECOCK (Wim). Theologians and contract law: the moral transformation of the Ius commune (ca. 1500– 1650). Leyden a. Boston, Nijhoff, 2013, XVI-723 p. 6944. DEHARBE (Karine). Du Piémont à la France: la gestion des forêts niçoises après l'annexion de 1860. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 215-289. 6945. DHONDT (Frederik). La représentation du droit dans la communauté des diplomates européens des "Trente Heureuses" (1713–1740). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 3-4, p. 595-620. 6946. Dimension historique (La) de la peine, 1810– 2010. Sous la dir. de Yves JEANCLOS. Paris, Economica, 2013, 587 p. 6947. DISALVO (Charles R.). M. K. Gandhi, attorney at law: the man before the Mahatma. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XXVIII350 p. 6948. Eine Grenze in Bewegung. Öffentliche und private Justiz im Handels- und Seerecht. Une frontière mouvante. Justice privée et justice publique en matières commerciales et maritimes. Hrsg. v. Albrecht CORDES und Serge DAUCHY. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, XII384 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, 81). 6949. Emanzipationsedikt (Das) von 1812 in Preußen. Der lange Weg der Juden zu "Einländern" und "preußischen Staatsbürgern". Hrsg. v. Irene A. DIEKMANN. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2013, VII-382 p. (Europäischjüdische Studien, Beiträge, 15). 6950. EYRAUD (Benoît), HENCKES (Nicolas). Entre psychiatrie, travail social et droit civil: les régulations de la protection de la personne au tournant des années 1968. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 61-79. 6951. FALCONER (J.R.D.). Crime and community in Reformation Scotland: negotiating power in a Burgh society. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 214 p. 6952. Family law in early women's rights debate. Western Europe and the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ed. by Stephan MEDER and Christoph-Eric MECKE. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 410 p. 6953. FEENSTRA (Robert). New reflections on some law professors at Leiden between c. 1580 and c. 1715. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2013, 81, 1-2, p. 515. 6954. FLECHSIG (Alexander Jürgen). Frühneuzeitlicher Erfindungsschutz. Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Reichsstadt Augsburg. Berlin, Lit, 2013, L-182 p. (Augsburger Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 23). 6955. FOLJANTY (Lena). Recht oder Gesetz. Juristische Identität und Autorität in den Naturrechtsdebatten der Nachkriegszeit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013,

412 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 73). 6956. FRANCK (Lorenz). Juristen und Sachverständige. Der Diskurs um die rechtliche Ausgestaltung des Verfahrens mit Sachverständigen während des Deutschen Reiches. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2013, 312 p. (Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 19). 6957. FRANKE (Ellen). Von Schelmen, Schlägern, Schimpf und Schande. Kriminalität in einer frühneuzeitlichen Kleinstadt – Strasburg in der Uckermark. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 270 p. (Konflikt, Verbrechen und Sanktion in der Gesellschaft Alteuropas, 10). 6958. FREW (Charlotte). Sister-in-Law marriage in the Empire: religious politics and legislative reform in the Australian colonies 1850–1900. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 194-210. 6959. GENTILE (Severio). Una fonte inedita del Codice civile del '42: Le osservazioni e proposte al libro II del ministro Paolo Thaon di Revel (dicembre 1937). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 325357. 6960. GIRARD (Philip). "If two ride a horse, one must ride in front": married women's nationality and the Law in Canada 1880–1950. Canadian historical review, 2013, 94, 1, p. 28-54. 6961. HABER (Carole). The trials of Laura Fair: sex, murder, and insanity in the Victorian West. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XII-310 p. 6962. HARRINGTON (Joel F.). The faithful executioner: life and death, honor and shame in the turbulent sixteenth century. New York, Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2013, XXVI-283 p. 6963. HESPANHA (António Manuel). Uncommon laws. Law in the extreme peripheries of an early modern Empire. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 180-204. 6964. Historisch-kritischer Kommentar zum BGB. Hrsg. v. Mathias SCHMOECKEL, Joachim RÜCKERT und Reinhard ZIMMERMANN. Band III. Schuldrecht: Besonderer Teil, 433–853. Teilband 1. 433–656. Teilband 2. 657–853. Redaktion Joachim RÜCKERT und Frank L. SCHÄFER. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2013, 2 vol., XXXVI3034 p. 6965. HOFFMANN (Volker Karl). Die Strafverfolgung der NS-Kriminalität am Landgericht Darmstadt. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2017, 371 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Strafrechtsgeschichte, 10). 6966. KEISER (Thorsten). Vertragszwang und Vertragsfreiheit im Recht der Arbeit von der frühen Neuzeit bis in die Moderne. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2013, XVIII-480 p. 6967. KORPIOLA (Mia). Affection or ancestry? Royal misalliances, German Legal influences, and the law in Reformation Sweden. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung

§ 4. Civil and penal law für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 145-179. 6968. KÜSSNER (Jonas). Die familienrechtlichen Entscheidungen des Landgerichts Köln in der Zeit von 1933 bis 1945. Hamburg, Lit, 2013, XII-375 p. (RechtsGeschichte, 4). 6969. LAITINEN (Riitta). Banishment, urban community and judicial practice: thieves in mid-17th-century Turku. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 5, p. 549-567. 6970. Law (The) in Nazi Germany: ideology, opportunism, and the perversion of justice. Ed. by Alan E. STEINWEIS and Robert D. RACHLIN. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, X-246 p. 6971. LE BOUTEILLEC (Nathalie). Parentalité et illégitimité: réformes du droit de la filiation et de la famille en Suède au début du XXe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2013, 125 (1), p. 69-97. 6972. Legal pluralism and Empire, 1500–1850. Ed. by Lauren BENTON and Ronald J. ROSS. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2013, 314 p. 6973. LESSA (Francesca). Memory and transitional justice in Argentina and Uruguay: against impunity. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVI-319 p. 6974. LÖHR (Isabella). Le droit d'auteur et la Première Guerre mondiale: un exemple de coopération transnationale européenne. Le mouvement social, 2013, 244, p. 67-80. 6975. MAC MAHON (Richard). Homicide in prefamine and famine Ireland. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2013, XIII-221 p. 6976. MAC REYNOLDS (Louise). Murder most Russian: true crime and punishment in late imperial Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-274 p. 6977. MANTHE (Barbara). Richter in der nationalsozialistischen Kriegsgesellschaft. Beruflicher und privater Alltag von Richtern des Oberlandesgerichtsbezirks Köln, 1939–1945. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, XII379 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 75). 6978. MARQUES (Tiago Pires). Crime and the fascist state, 1850–1940. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, IX-226 p. (Studies for the International Society for Cultural History, 5). 6979. MAUSS (Susanne). "Nicht zugelassen". Die jüdischen Rechtsanwälte im Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Düsseldorf 1933–1945. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 593 p. 6980. MELLONE (Viviana). Dopo i fatti napoletani del 1848. Vicende giudiziarie ed indagini di "alta polizia" a confronto. Rivista storica italiana, 2013, 125, 2, p. 497550. 6981. MICHELIS (Chiara). Note sulla disciplina sabauda d'Ancien Régime riguardo all'avvocatura. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 125-183.


6982. NORGREN (Jill). Rebels at the bar: the fascinating, forgotten stories of America's first women lawyers. New York, New York U. P., 2013, XVIII-268 p. 6983. PENßEL (Renate). Der Körperschaftsstatus der jüdischen Religionsgemeinschaften vor dem Inkrafttreten der Weimarer Reichsverfassung. Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung, 2013, 99, p. 309-340. 6984. PIERSON (Thomas). Die juristische Implementation und (De-)Regulierung des sogenannten Normalarbeitsverhältnisses nach 1949. Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 2013, 130, p. 305-325. 6985. POSER (Norman S.). Lord Mansfield: justice in the age of reason. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, XXVIII-532 p. 6986. RABBAN (David M.). Law's History: American legal thought and the transatlantic turn to history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-564 p. (Cambridge historical studies in American law and society). 6987. RAFFETY (Matthew Taylor). The republic afloat: law, honor, and citizenship in maritime America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, VIII277 p. (American beginnings, 1500–1800). 6988. RAIM (Edith). Justiz zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie. Wiederaufbau und Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen in Westdeutschland 1945–1949. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, XIII-1237 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 96). 6989. Recht (Das) der Industriellen Revolution. Hrsg. v. Matthias MAETSCHKE, David von MAYENBURG und Mathias SCHMOECKEL. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, VIII-264 p. (Rechtsordnung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 5). 6990. RUDOLPH (Julia). Common law and Enlightenment in England, 1689–1750. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XII-324 p. (Studies in Early Modern cultural, political, and social history, 15). 6991. RUSKOLA (Teemu). Legal orientalism: China, the United States, and modern law. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, 338 p. 6992. SANCHEZ (Jean-Lucien). Les "incorrigibles" du bagne colonial de Guyane. Genèse et application d'une catégorie pénale. Genèses, 2013, 91 (2), p. 71-95. 6993. SCHENKER (Sandy). Gegen Täuschungen und Gesundheitsgefährdungen durch schlechte Nahrung. Zur Entwicklung des Nahrungsmittelrechts durch Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung zwischen 1871 und 1927. Frankfurt am Main, PL Acad. Research, 2013, XX-249 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 447). 6994. SLOBODIAN (Quinn). The borders of the Rechtsstaat in the Arab Autumn: deportation and law in West Germany, 1972/73. German history, 2013, 31, 2, p. 204224.



6995. STEINKE (Ronen). Fritz Bauer oder Auschwitz vor Gericht. Mit ein. Vorw. v. Andreas Voßkuhle. München, Piper, 2013, 349 p.

§ 5. International law. ______________________

6996. STEVENSON (Brenda E.). The contested murder of Latasha Harlins: justice, gender, and the origins of the LA Riots. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XXXI411 p.

7008. BACHMANN (Klaus), LAMBERTZ (Peter), SPARROW-BOTERO (Thomas). When justice meets politics. Independence and autonomy of ad hoc International Criminal Tribunal. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 404 p.

6997. STRETTON (Tim), KESSELRING (Krista). Married women and the law: coverture in England and the common law world. Montreal, McGill-Queen's UP, 2013, 282 p.

7009. HAGOPIAN (Patrick). American immunity: war crimes and the limits of international law. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, VIII-244 p. (Culture, politics, and the Cold War).

6998. SZYMANSKI (Hanna). Theorie und Lebenswirklichkeit. Ehe und Eherechte im Spiegel sozialdemokratischer Forderungen zur Zeit der Zivilrechtskodifikation im deutschen Kaiserreich. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 221 p.

7010. JOUIN (Céline). Le retour de la guerre juste. Droit international, épistémologie et idéologie chez Carl Schmitt. Paris, J. Vrin et Éd. de l'Ehess, 2013, 375 p.

6999. TAYLOR (James). Boardroom scandal: the criminalization of company fraud in nineteenth-century Britain. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 300 p. 7000. TOIVO (Raisa Maria). Violence between parents and children: courts of law in early modern Finland. History of the family, 2013, 18, 3, p. 331-348. 7001. WALKER (Garthine). Rape, acquittal and culpability in popular crime reports in England, c.1670– c.1750. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 115-142. 7002. WEINER (Dana Elizabeth). Race and rights: fighting slavery and prejudice in the Old Northwest, 1830–1870. DeKalb: Northern Illinois U. P., 2013, XIII327 p. (Early American places). 7003. WEIS (Stefanie). Leben und Werk des Juristen Karl Hermann Friederich Julius Geiler (1878–1953). Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2013, 385 p. (Schriftenreihe Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 57). 7004. WIESSNER (Matthias). Das Patentrecht der DDR. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 230-271. 7005. WINDLE (James). How the East influenced drug prohibition. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1185-1199. 7006. WOLF (Stefan). Das Jenaer Studium der Rechte im Dritten Reich. Zwischen Tradition und nationalsozialistischer Ideologie. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Edition, 2013, 219 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 442). § 4. Addendum 2012. ** 7007. Ukaznye gramoty gorodovym voevodam i prikaznym ljudjam 1613–1626 gg. (Decretive charts to city military governors and their clerks, 1613–1626). Ed. Ivan V. PUGACH. Russian State Archive of ancient acts, Northern branch of Archaeographical Commission. Moskva, Krugh, 2012, 608 p. (34 ill.; tabl.; list of charts p. 535-574; pers. ind. 575-587; geogr. ind. p. 588-592; bibl. incl.). Cf. no 5543

7011. KEEFER (Scott Andrew). 'An obstacle, though not a barrier': the role of international law in security planning during the Pax Britannica. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1031-1051. 7012. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald). Diskriminierung durch Vertrag und Krieg. Zwischenstaatliche Verträge und der Begriff des Kolonialkriegs im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 2013, 236 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, 59). – IDEM. Geschichte des Völkerrechts in Krieg und Frieden. Tübingen, Francke, 2013, VIII-503 p. 7013. KOLLMEIER (Kathrin). Eine "Anomalie des Rechts" als Politikum – Die internationale Verhandlung von Staatenlosigkeit 1919–1930. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 193-208. 7014. KORDIOVSKÝ (Emil). Právní úpravy řešení válečných škod 1938-1945. (Legislation of war damage settlements 1938–1945). Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2013, 27, 1, p. 97-112. 7015. NMT. Die Nürnberger Militärtribunale zwischen Geschichte, Gerechtigkeit und Rechtschöpfung. Hrsg. v. Kim C. PRIEMEL und Alexa STILLER. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2013, 928 p. 7016. PRIEMEL (Kim C.). "A story of betrayal": conceptualizing variants of capitalism in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 1, p. 69-108. 7017. Reassessing the Nuremberg military tribunals: transitional justice, trial narratives, and historiography. Ed. by Kim C. PRIEMEL and Alexa STILLER. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, XII-321 p. (War and genocide, 16). 7018. SCHÖPFEL (Ann-Sophie). La voix des juges français dans les procès de Nuremberg et de Tokyo. Défense d'une idée de justice universelle. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 101114. 7019. SEGESSER (Daniel Marc). Kampf der Tatbestände. Die internationale wissenschaftliche Debatte zum Zuständigkeitsbereich eines neu zu schaffenden internationalen Strafgerichtshofes 1919–1937. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2013, 35, p. 209-220.

§ 5. Addendum 2012 7020. SNYDER (Sarah B.). Bringing the transnational in: writing human rights into the international history of the Cold War. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 1, p. 100-116. § 5. Addendum 2012. 7021. Mezhdunarodnyj tribunal po byvshej Jugoslavii: Dejatel'nost', rezul'taty, effektivnost'. Materi-


aly Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferentsii. (Moskva, 22–23 aprelja 2009 goda). (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: its activities, results and effectiviness. Proceedings of the International scientific conference. Moscow, April 22th–23 th, 2009). Ed. Elena Ju. GUS'KOVA. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 544 p. (tabl.; diagr.; bibl. incl.).


§ 1. General. 7022-7072. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 7073-7252. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 7253-7321. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 7322-7351. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 7352-7425. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7426-7541. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7542-7654. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7655-7911. § 1. General. ______________________

7022. ADDLETON (Jonathan Stuart). Mongolia and the United States: a diplomatic history. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2013, XV-186 p. (ADST-DACOR diplomats and diplomacy series, 52). 7023. Außenpolitik im Medienzeitalter. Vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Frank BÖSCH und Peter HOERES. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 343 p. (Geschichte der Gegenwart, 8). 7024. BAIN (Mervyn J.). From Lenin to Castro, 1917– 1959: early encounters between Moscow and Havana. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, IX-159 p. 7025. BOULANGER (Éric). L'ambiguïté de l'identité japonaise en relations internationales et la montée en puissance de la Chine: la fin du pacifisme constitutionnel? Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 125-142. 7026. Brasilien in der Welt. Region, Nation und Globalisierung 1870–1945. Hrsg. v. Georg FISCHER, Christina PETERS, Stefan RINKE und Frederik SCHULZE. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 351 p. 7027. Britain & Japan: biographical portraits. Volume VIII. Ed. by Hugh CORTAZZI. Leiden, Global Oriental, 2013, XXVI-768 p. 7028. Britain in global politics. Volume 1. From Gladstone to Churchill. Ed. by Christopher BAXTER, Michael L. DOCKRILL and Keith HAMILTON. Volume 2. From Churchill to Blair. Ed. by John W. YOUNG, Effie G.H. PEDALIU and Michael D. KANDIAH. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 2 vol., XVIII-291 p., XXVI249 p. 7029. BUJDUVEANU (Tănase). Relaţii româno-suedeze. Prezenţa românilor în Suedia, prezenţa suedezilor în România. (The Romanian and Swedish relations. The presence of the Romanians in Sweden, the presence of

the Swedish in Romania). Constanţa, Editura Ex. Ponto, 2013, 182 p. 7030. CHANG (Chihyun). Government, imperialism and nationalism in China: the Maritime Customs Service and its Chinese staff. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XIV-237 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 78). 7031. CONZE (Eckart). Das Auswärtige Amt: vom Kaiserreich bis zur Gegenwart. München, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2013, 144 p. (BSR, 2744.Wissen in der Beck'schen Reihe). 7032. DRUKE (Luise). Innovations in refugee protection. A compendium of UNHCR's 60 Years. Including case studies on IT communities, Vietnamese boatpeople, Chilean exile and Namibian repatriation. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang GmbH/Wien, 2013, 564 p. 7033. FILATOVA (Irina), DAVIDSON (Apollon B.). The hidden thread: Russia and South Africa in the Soviet era. Johannesburg, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2013, 553 p. 7034. FIOTT (Daniel). Realist thought and humanitarian intervention. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 766-782. 7035. Fürstenhaus (Das), der Staat Liechtenstein und die Tschechoslowakei im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Liechtensteinisch-Tschechische Historikerkommission. Vaduz, hvfl, Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, 2013, 258 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Liechtensteinisch-Tschechischen Historikerkommission, 4). 7036. GILLABERT (Matthieu). Dans les coulisses de la diplomatie culturelle suisse. Objectifs, réseaux et réalisations (1938–1984). Neuchâtel, Éditions ALP-Presses universitaires suisses, 2013, 630 p. 7037. GUETTEL (Jens-Uwe). German expansionism, imperial liberalism, and the United States, 1776–1945. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX-276 p.



7038. GURPINAR (Doğan). Ottoman imperial diplomacy: a political, social and cultural history. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 358 p. (Library of Ottoman studies Ottoman imperial diplomacy).

7052. MAURER (Noel). The empire trap. The rise and fall of U.S. intervention to protect American property overseas, 1893–2013. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, X-558 p.

7039. HARASIMOWICZ (Andrzej). Bezpieczeństwo Polski, 1918–2004: granice, system międzynarodowy, siła własna. (Security of Poland, 1918–2004: boundaries, international system, personal power). Warszawa, Centrum Europejskie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2013, 425 p.

7053. MITOMA (Glenn). Human rights and the negotiation of American power. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, 226 p. (Pennsylvania studies in human rights).

7040. HENTSCHEL (Volker). Hitler und seine Bezwinger: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin und De Gaulle: Weltgeschichte in Biographien. Teilbd. 1. 1870–1939. Teilbd. 2. 1939–1970. Berlin, Lit, 2013, 2 vol., XVI-1017 p. (Geschichte: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 42). 7041. HOFFMAN (Elizabeth Cobbs). American Umpire. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, VIII-440 p. 7042. HULL (Christopher). British diplomacy and US hegemony in Cuba, 1898–1964. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, IX-291 p. 7043. Hungary and Romania beyond national narratives: comparison and entanglements. Ed. byAnders E.B. BLOMQVIST, Constantin IORDACHI and Balázs TRENCSÉNYI. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013, VIII-847 p. (Nationalisms Across the Globe, 10). 7044. International history (An) of terrorism. Western and non-Western experiences. Ed. by Jussi M. HANHIMÄKI and Bernhard BLUMENAU. London, Routledge, 2013, XIII-318 p. 7045. IRWIN (Julia F.). Making the world safe: the American Red Cross and a nation's humanitarian awakening. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 288 p. 7046. JEFFREYS-JONES (Rhodri). In spies we trust: the story of Western intelligence. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, IX-297 p. 7047. KLIMKO (Jozef), MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). Mierové zmluvy v kontexte geopolitiky 20. a 21. storočia. (Peace treaties in the context of the 20th and 21st century geopolitics). Bratislava, Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2013, 342 p. 7048. KOCHO-WILLIAMS (Alastair). Russia's international relations in the twentieth century. London, Routledge, 2013, 192 p. 7049. LAPPENKÜPER (Ulrich). "Le plus germanophile des chefs d'Etat français"? François Mitterrand und Deutschland 1916–1996. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 2, p. 390-416. 7050. LIM (Susanna Soojung). China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 1685–1922: to the ends of the Orient. London, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, XV-223 p. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia, 79). 7051. MALET (David). Foreign fighters. Transnational identity in civil conflicts. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-256 p.

7054. MORARU (Anton), POPOVICI (Teodor). Evolutia Basarabiei sub regimul de ocupatie al Rusiei Tariste, 1812–1917. Chisinau, Labirint, 2013, 161 p. 7055. MORTON (Michael Quentin). Buraimi. The struggle for power, influence and oil in Arabia. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 286 p. 7056. MOSCA (Matthew W.). From frontier policy to foreign policy: the question of India and the transformation of geopolitics in Qing China. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, VIII-398 p. 7057. Mutiny and maritime radicalism in the age of revolution: a global survey. Ed. by Clare ANDERSON, Niklas FRYKMAN, Lex Heerma VAN VOSS and Marcus REDIKER. Cambridge, Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 2013, 277 p. (International review of social history, 21). 7058. NEUMANN (Iver B.). Diplomatic sites: a critical enquiry. London, Hurst, 2013, VIII-190 p. 7059. NISTOR (Paul). Propagandă şi politică externă românească în secolul XX. (Propaganda and Romanian foreign policy in the 20th century). Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2013, 360 p. 7060. OKPANACHI (Blaise Okachibe). Nigerian-Vatican diplomatic relations: evangelisation and Catholic missionary enterprise, 1884–1950. New York, Peter Lang, 2013, 301 p. (African theological studies, 1). 7061. Pensamento diplomático brasileiro: formuladores e agentes da política externa (1750–1964). Organizador, José Vicente DE SÁ PIMENTEL. V. 1. Concepções fundadoras do pensamento diplomático. V. 2. A política externa da Primeira República. V. 3. A reforma do Estado e a modernização da diplomacia. Brasília, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2013, 3 vol., 329 p., 652 p., [s. p.]. (História diplomática). 7062. PIERAGNOLI (Joan). Les animaux et la diplomatie française XVIe–XIXe siècles. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 3, p. 213-222. 7063. SCHÖLLGEN (Gregor). Deutsche Außenpolitik. Von 1815 bis 1945. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 283 p. 7064. ŞERBAN (Ionuţ). Politică şi diplomaţie europeană. România şi Italia în relaţiile internaţionale în epoca modernă. (Politics and European diplomacy. Romania and Italy in the international relations of the modern era). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 570 p. 7065. Shatterzone of empires coexistence and violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian and Ottoman

§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization borderlands. Ed. by Omer BARTOV and Eric D. WEITZ. Bloomington, IN, Indiana U. P., 2013, 544 p. 7066. SIMMS (Brendan). Europe: the struggle for supremacy from 1453 to the Present. London: Allen Lane, 2013, 690 p. 7067. SNOPKOVÁ (Blanka), KÁZMEROVÁ (Ľubica), BLAŠKOVÁ (Eleonóra) [et al.] Mosty priateľstva – osobnosti Slovenska v kontexte vzťahov so zahraničím. (Bridges to friendship – Slovak personalities in the context of international relations). Banská Bystrica, Štátna vedecká knižnica, 2013, 347 p. 7068. Turkey-Syria relations: between emnity and amity. Ed. by Raymond HINNEBUSCH and Özlem TÜR. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII256 p. § 1. Addenda 2012. 7069. Deutschland und Frankreich in der Globalisierung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. L'Allemagne, la France et la mondialisation aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Ed. par Jean-François ECK und Dietmar HÜSER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012, 213 p. 7070. PATHÉ (Anne-Marie), THÉOFILAKIS (Fabien). La captivité de guerre au XXe siècle. Des archives, des histoires, des mémoires. Paris, Coédition Armand Colin, 2012, 373 p. 7071. Russlands imperiale Macht. Integrationsstrategien und ihre Reichweite in transnationaler Perspektive. Ed. by Bianca PIETROW-ENNKER. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2012, 400 p. 7072. VINOGRADOV (Vladilen N.). Osmanskaja imperija i Rossija. XV – konets XIX veka. (Ottoman Empire and Russia. 15th–the end of 19th centuries). Novaja i novejshaja istorija, 2012, 1, p. 98-121. Cf. nos 3472-3514, 5333, 5954 § 2. History of colonization and decolonization. ______________________

a. General 7073. BEAUVOIS (Frédérique). Indemniser les planteurs pour abolir l'esclavage: entre économie, éthique et politique, une étude des débats parlementaires britanniques et français (1788–1848) dans une perspective comparée. Paris, Dalloz, 2013, XV-393 p. (Bibliothèque parlementaire et constitutionnelle).


7077. CORMAC (Rory). Confronting the colonies: British intelligence and counterinsurgency. London, Hurst & Company 2013, 295 p. 7078. Empire, migration and identity in the British world. Ed. by Kent FEDOROWICH and Andrew THOMPSON. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, 336 p. 7079. Europe colonial (L') et le grand tournant de la Conférence de Berlin (1884–1885). Ed. par Christine DE GEMEAUX et Amaury LORIN. Paris, Editions Le Manuscrits, 2013, 380 p. 7080. FINCH (Michael P. M.). A progressive occupation? The Gallieni-Lyautey method and colonial pacification in Tonkin and Madagascar, 1885–1900. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-268 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 7081. Global history (A) of anti-slavery politics in the nineteenth century. Ed. by William MULLIGAN and Maurice BRIC. Houndsmill, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 7082. GREENE (Jack P.). Evaluating empire and confronting colonialism in eighteenth-century Britain. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XX-385 p. 7083. HEROLD (Heiko). Reichsgewalt bedeutet Seegewalt. Die Kreuzergeschwader der Kaiserlichen Marine als Instrument der deutschen Kolonial- und Weltpolitik 1885 bis 1914. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, VIII472 p. 7084. IMLAY (Talbot C.). International socialism and decolonization during the 1950s: competing rights and the postcolonial order. American historical review, 2013, 118, 4, p. 1105-1132. 7085. Irish and Scottish encounters with Indigenous peoples: Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. Ed. by Graeme MORTON and David A. WILSON. Montreal: McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, VI-389 p. 7086. ITTMANN (Karl). A problem of great importance: population, race, and power in the British Empire, 1918–1973. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, X-300 p. (Berkeley series in British studies, 7). 7087. LORIMER (Douglas A.) Science, race relations and resistance: Britain. 1870–1914: a study of late Victorian and Edwardian racism. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 368 p.

7074. Between indigenous and settler governance. Ed. by Lisa FORD and Tim ROWSE. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, XI-226 p

7088. MURPHY (Philip). Monarchy and the end of empire: the House of Windsor, the British government, and the post-war Commonwealth. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV-240 p.

7075. CAHEN (Michel). Is "Portuguese-speaking" Africa comparable to "Latin" America? Voyaging in the midst of colonialities of power. History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 5-44.

7089. NEWMAN (Simon P.). A new world of labor: the development of plantation slavery in the British Atlantic. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, VIII-327 p. (The Early Modern Americas).

7076. CONRAD (Sebastian). Rethinking German colonialism in a global age. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 543-566.

7090. PATTEE (Phillip G.). At war in distant waters. British colonial defense in the Great War. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2013, 288 p.



7091. PLUMMER (Brenda Gayle). In search of power: African Americans in the era of decolonization, 1956– 1974. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VI-378 p.

7105. HUGHES (Matthew). A British 'Foreign Legion'? The British police in Mandate Palestine. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 5, p. 696-711.

7092. Slavery and the British country house. Ed. by Madge DRESSER and Andrew HANN. Swindon, English Heritage, 2013, XV-180 p.

7106. Indian Ocean slavery in the age of abolition. Ed. by Robert HARMS, Bernard K.FREAMON and David W.BLIGHT. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, 253 p.

7093. STECKEL (Richard H.), ZIEBARTH (Nicolas). A troublesome statistic: traders and coastal shipments in the westward movement of Slaves. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 3, p. 792-809.

7107. MOON (Yumi). Immoral rights: Korean populist collaborators and the Japanese colonization of Korea, 1904–1910. American historical review, 2013, 118, 1, p. 20-44.

7094. VERACINI (Lorenzo). 'Settler colonialism': career of a concept. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 313-333.

7108. NAKANO (Satoshi). La gestion des colonies et l'administration militaire dans le Sud, le démantèlement de l'Empire japonais en Asie du Sud-Est. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 75-99.

7095. Victorian Empire (The) and Britain's maritime world, 1837–1901: the sea and global history. Ed. by Miles TAYLOR. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 195 p.

7109. NORRIS (Jacob). Land of progress: Palestine in the age of colonial development, 1905–1948. Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2013, 256 p.

7096. WESSELING (Henri L.). Colonialisme, impérialisme, décolonisation: contributions à l'histoire de l'expansion européenne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 189 p.

7110. OWEN (Nicholas). The soft heart of the British Empire: Indian radicals in Edwardian London. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 143-184.

7097. Wind (The) of change: Harold Macmillan and British decolonization. Ed. by Lawrence J. BUTLER and Sarah STOCKWELL. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, IX-281 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).

7111. PEERS (Douglas M.). India under colonial rule: 1700–1885. London a. New York, Routlege, 2013, XVI163 p. (Seminar studies in history).

b. Asia ** 7098. Towards freedom: documents on the movement for independence in India, 1947. Part 1. Ed. by Sucheta MAHAJAN. New Delhi a. Oxford, Indian Council of Historical Research, Oxford U. P., 2013, CLV1318 p. (ICHR: towards freedom). 7099. ANSARI (Sarah). Subjects or citizens? India, Pakistan and the 1948 British Nationality Act. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 285-312. 7100. BRYANT (G.J.). The emergence of British power in India, 1600–1784: a grand strategic interpretation. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XV-350 p. (Worlds of the East India Company, 9). 7101. CARU (Vanessa). Des ajustements de circonstance. L'État colonial, le mouvement nationaliste et les lois de contrôle des loyers (Bombay, 1918–1928). Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 81-95. 7102. DATLA (Kavita Saraswathi). The language of secular Islam: Urdu nationalism and colonial India. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XIII-234 p. 7103. FORAY (Jennifer L.). A unified empire of equal parts: the Dutch Commonwealth schemes of the 1920s– 1940s. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 259-284. 7104. HAWKINS (Michael C.). Making Moros: imperial historicism and American military rule in the Philippines' Muslim South. DeKalb, NIU Press, 2013, XI-185 p.

7112. SAHA (Jonathan). Law, disorder and the colonial state: corruption in Burma c. 1900. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-166 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies). 7113. SIVASUNDARAM (Sujit). Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the bounds of an Indian Ocean colony. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, IX-369 p. 7114. UCHIDA (Jun). The public sphere in colonial life: residents' movements in Korea under Japanese rule. Past and present, 2013, 220, p. 217-248. 7115. VEEVERS (David). 'The Company as their lords and the deputy as a Great Rajah': imperial expansion and the English East India Company on the West Coast of Sumatra, 1685–1730. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 687-709. 7116. WAGNER (Kim A.). 'Treading upon fires': the 'Mutiny'-motif and colonial anxieties in British India. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 159-197. 7117. ZDANOWSKI (Jerzy). Slavery and manumission: British policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in the first half of the 20th century. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2013, XXXIII-474 p. (Middle East studies). b. Addendum 2012 7118. SINHA (Nitin). Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India. Bihar (1760s–1880s). London, Anthem Press, 2012, 310 p. Cf. nos 4109, 4888, 7912-8083 c. Africa ** 7119. Government (The) and administration of Africa, 1880–1939. Ed. by Casper ANDERSEN and An-

§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization


drew COHEN. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 5 vol., CXVII-1907 p.

embarked, 1701–1867. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 1, p. 105-120.

** 7120. Kenya Papers (The) of General Sir George Erskine, 1953–1955. Ed. by Huw BENNETT and David FRENCH. Stroud, History Press for the Army Records Society, 2013, XIII-338 p.

7133. DUMETT (Raymond E.). A West African 'Fashoda': expanding trade, colonial rivalries and insurrection in the Côte d'Ivoire/Gold Coast borderlands: the Assikasso Crisis of 1897–1898. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 710-743.

** 7121. Letters (The) and other writings of Gustavus Vassa (Olaudah Equiano, the African): documenting abolition of the slave trade. Edited by Karlee Anne SAPOZNIK. Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2013, XXVII-274 p.

7134. EBIATSA (Hopiel). Administrateurs, marchands et indigènes: le Congo sous domination coloniale française au début du XXe siècle. Saint-Denis, Edilivre, 2013, 166 p. (Edilivre classique collection).

** 7122. MASCARENHAS D'ARAÚJO (António Geraldo). Diário de um sargento: memórias de Angola (18961898). Transcrição, introdução e anotações de Adriano PARREIRA. Porto, Porto Editora, 2013, 238 p. (Literatura plural).

7135. ENGAMBÉ (André). Impôt colonial et résistance des populations du Congo: les cas des pays téké, mbosi et des peuples de l'interfluve Sangha-Oubangui (1879– 1930). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 171 p. (Études africaines).

7123. African voices on slavery and the slave trade. Ed. by Alice BELLAGAMBA, Sandra E. GREENE and Martin A. KLEIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXII-563 p.

7136. EVERILL (Bronwen). Abolition and Empire in Sierra Leone and Liberia. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, IX-232 p. (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies).

7124. ANDERSON (Richard), BORUCKI (Alex), DOMINGUES DA SILVA (Daniel), ELTIS (David), LACHANCE (Paul), MISEVICH (Philip), OJO (Olatunji). Using African

7137. FALOLA (Toyin). The African Diaspora. Slavery, modernity, and globalization. Rochester, Boydell & Brewer, 2013, 420 p.

names to identify the origins of captives in the transatlantic Slave Trade: crowd-sourcing and the registers of liberated Africans, 1808–1862. History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 165-191. 7125. BENNETT (Huw). Fighting the Mau Mau: the British Army and counter-insurgency in the Kenya emergency. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII307 p. (Cambridge military histories). 7126. BERNHARD (Patrick). Borrowing from Mussolini: Nazi Germany's colonial aspirations in the shadow of Italian expansionism. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 617-643. 7127. Bitter legacy (The): African slavery past and present. Ed. by Alice BELLAGAMBA, Sandra E. GREENE and Martin A. KLEIN. Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2013, VI-221 p. 7128. CANDIDO (Mariana P.). An African slaving port and the Atlantic World: Benguela and its hinterland. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIII-366 p. (African Studies, 124). 7129. COLE (Gibril R.). The Krio of West Africa: Islam, culture, creolization, and colonialism in the nineteenth century. Athens: Ohio U. P., 2013, XV-272 p. (New African Histories). 7130. DEDERING (Tilman). South Africa and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935–1936. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1009-1030. 7131. DHADA (Mustafah). The Wiriyamu massacre of 1972: its context, genesis, and revelation. History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 45-75. 7132. DOMINGUES DA SILVA (Daniel). The Atlantic slave trade from Angola: a port-by-port estimate of slaves

7138. FOSTER (Elizabeth A.). Faith in empire: religion, politics, and colonial rule in French Senegal, 1880– 1940. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XVI-270 p. 7139. GALLOIS (William). A history of violence in the early Algerian colony. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 216 p. 7140. GENIN (Vincent). La réclamation du droit de preemption de la France sur le Congo belge au printemps 1960. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 1, p. 23-38. 7141. Germany and its West African Colonie. "Excavations" of German Colonialism in post-colonial time. Ed. by Wazi APOH und Bea LUNDT. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2013, 258 p. 7142. GLASS (Bryan S.). Protection from the British Empire? Central Africa and the Church of Scotland. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 3, p. 475-495. 7143. GUY (Jeff). Theophilus Shepstone and the Forging of Natal: African autonomy and settler colonialism in the making of traditional authority. Scottsville, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2013, IX-566 p. 7144. HAVIK (Philip J.). Colonial administration, public accounts and fiscal extraction: policies and revenues in Portuguese Africa (1900–1960). African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 159-221. 7145. HUGHES (Rebecca C.). 'Science in the hands of love': British Evangelical missionaries and colonial development in Africa, c. 1940–1960. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 823842.



7146. IBHAWOH (Bonny). Imperial Justice: Africans in Empire's Court. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 211 p. 7147. JAMPOLER (Andrew C. A.). Congo: the miserable expeditions and dreadful death of Lt. Emory Taunt, USN. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2013, XII-256 p. 7148. JANSEN (Jan C.). Erobern und Erinnern. Symbolpolitik, öffentlicher Raum und französischer Kolonialismus in Algerien 1830–1950. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, X-543 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 31). 7149. KALMAN (Samuel). French colonial fascism: the extreme right in Algeria, 1919–1939. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XII-286 p. 7150. Kein Platz an der Sonne. Erinnerungsorte der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Jürgen KOCKA und Jürgen ZIMMERER. Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2013, 524 p. 7151. LABAND (John). Bringers of war: the Portuguese in Africa during the age of gunpowder and sail from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2013, XXVI-262 p. 7152. LERP (Dörte). Farmers to the frontier: settler colonialism in the Eastern Prussian provinces and German Southwest Africa. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 567-583. 7153. LEWIS (Mary Dewhurst). Divided rule: sovereignty and empire in French Tunisia, 1881–1938. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2013, XIV302 p. (An Ahmanson Foundation Book in the Humanities). 7154. Long 1890s (The) in Egypt: colonial quiescence, subterranean resistance. Ed. by Marilyn BOOTH and Anthony GORMAN. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, 328 p. 7155. LOVEJOY (Paul E.), OLIVEIRA (Vanessa S.). An index to the slavery and slave trade enquiry: the British Parliamentary House of Commons sessional papers, 1788–1792. History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 193-255. 7156. LYONS (Amelia H.). The civilizing mission in the metropole: Algerian families and the French welfare state during decolonization. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XV-324 p. 7157. MAC MAHON (Elisabeth). Slavery and emancipation in Islamic East Africa: from honor to respectability. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXVI-265 p. (African Studies, 126). 7158. MACHAQUEIRO (Mário Artur). Foes or Allies? Portuguese colonial policies towards Islam in Mozambique and Guinea. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 843-869. 7159. MADARIAGA (María-Rosa). Marruecos, ese gran desconocido: breve historia del Protectorado español. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2013, 479 p. (Ensayo, 509). 7160. MANGVWAT (Yakiban Mangvwat). A history of class formation in the Plateau province of Nigeria,

1902–1960: the genesis of a ruling class. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, XXVII-258 p. (African world series). 7161. MOUSER (Bruce L.). American colony on the Rio Pongo: the war of 1812, the slave trade, and the proposed settlement of African Americans, 1810–1830. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2013, XXII-149 p. (Harriet Tubman series on the African diaspora). 7162. MUKANYA KANINDA-MUANA (Jean-Bruno). Impact de la cession de l'État Indépendant du Congo à la Belgique sur les relations franco-belges. Gouvernances, enjeux économico-financiers et sécuritaires, 1900–1916. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 2, p. 121-140. 7163. MUSCHALEK (Marie). Honourable soldier-bureaucrats: formations of violent identities in the colonial police force of German Southwest Africa, 1905–1918. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 584-599. 7164. NDLOVU-GATSHENI (Sabelo J.). Empire, global coloniality and African subjectivity. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, XIII-272 p. 7165. NEWTON (Joshua D.). Slavery, sea power and the state: the Royal Navy and the British West African settlements, 1748–1756. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 2, p. 171-193. 7166. NOUSCHI (André). De Gaulle et la fin de la guerre d'Algérie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 163-170. 7167. OJO (Olatunji). The Atlantic slave trade and local ethics of slavery in Yorubaland. African economic history, 2013, 41, p. 73-100. 7168. OSAWA (Hiroaki). Shūkyō, teikoku, 'jindōshugi': Wezurian Mesodhisuto senkyōdan to nanbu Bechuanarando shokuminchika. (Religion, empire and humanitarianism: Wesleyan Methodist missionaries and the colonization of Southern Bechuanaland). Shigaku Zasshi, 2013, 122, 1, p. 1-35 (Eng. summary p. 145-146). 7169. PETTIGREW (William A.). Freedom's debt: the Royal African Company and the politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1672–1752. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, 262 p. 7170. PLAGEMAN (Nate). Colonial ambition, common sense thinking, and the making of Takoradi harbor, Gold Coast. History in Africa, 2013, 40, p. 317-352. 7171. PRIOR (Christopher). Exporting empire: Africa, colonial officials and the construction of the imperial state, c.1900–1939. Manchester, Manchester U.P., 2013, XVII-199 p. 7172. Refus (Le) de l'ordre colonial en Afrique et au Togo (1884–1960). Ed. par Essoham ASSIMA-KPATCHA et Koffi Nutefé TSIGBE. Lomé, Presses de l'Université de Lomé, 2013, X-399 p. (Patrimoines, 16). 7173. Revisiting the colonial past in Morocco. Ed. by Driss MAGHRAOUI. New York, Routledge, 2013, 286 p. (History and society in the Islamic world).

§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization 7174. RODRIGUES (Eugénia). Portugueses e Africanos nos Rios de Sena: os prazos da Coroa em Moçambique nos séculos XVII e XVIII. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2013, 1050 p. (Manuais universitários).öööäääS291. Z. 5 7175. SALL (Ibrahima Abou). Les relations entre le Fuuta Tooro et l'émirat du Brakna, moyenne vallée du Sénégal: un terreau du colonialisme français, 1850– 1903. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 301 p. (Sociétés africaines et diaspora). 7176. SANTIAGO (María José Tiscar). Diplomacia peninsular e operações secretas na guerra colonial. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2013, 449 p. (Memórias de guerra e revolução, 3). 7177. SÈBE (Berny). Heroic imperialists in Africa. The promotion of British and French colonial heroes, 1870–1939. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 304 p. 7178. TADDIA (Irma). Etiopia 1800–1900: le strategie del potere tra l'Africa e l'Italia. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 172 p. (Temi di storia, 201). 7179. Traites et esclavages en Afrique orientale et dans l'océan Indien. Sous la dir. de Henri MÉDARD [et al.]. Paris, Karthala/CIRESC, 2013, 522 p. 7180. VAN DER HAM (Gijs). Dof goud: Nederland en Ghana, 1593–1872. Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2013, 200 p. (Rijksmuseum, 1). 7181. VAUGHAN (Christopher). Violence and regulation in the Darfur-Chad borderland c. 1909–1956: policing a colonial boundary. Journal of African history, 2013, 54, 2, p. 177-198. 7182. VEZZADINI (Elena). Nationalism by telegrams: political writings and anti-colonial resistance in Sudan, 1920–1924. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 1, p. 27-59.


Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, 2013, 509 p. 7188. Atlantique révolutionnaire (L'). Une perspective ibéro-américaine. Sous la dir. de Clément THIBAUD, Gabriel ENTIN, Alejandro E. GÓMEZ et Federica MORELLI. Bécherel, Les Perséides, 2013, 525 p. 7189. BECKLES (Hilary). Britain's black debt: reparations for Caribbean slavery and native genocide. Kingston, University of the West Indies Press, 2013, XV292 p. 7190. BELL (James B.). Empire, religion and revolution in Early Virginia, 1607–1786. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XV-268 p. 7191. BREÑA (Roberto). El imperio de las circunstancias: las independencias hispanoamericanas y la revolución liberal española. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Internacionales y Madrid, Marcel Pons, 2013, 322 p. 7192. British North America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ed. by Stephen FOSTER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIII-365 p. (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series). 7193. BROWN (Tracy L.). Pueblo Indians and Spanish colonial authority in eighteenth-century New Mexico. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2013, VIII-236 p. 7194. BURKHOLDER (Mark A.). Spaniards in the Colonial Empire: Creoles vs Peninsulars? Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, XV-198 p. 7195. CHARBONNEAU (François). Une part égale de liberté. Le patriotisme anglais et la Révolution américaine. Montréal, Liber, 2013, 436 p. 7196. CHARLES (Loïc), CHENEY (Paul). The colonial machine dismantled: knowledge and Empire in the French Atlantic. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 127-163.

7183. WRANGHAM (Elizabeth). Ghana during the First World War: the colonial administration of Sir Hugh Clifford. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, XXVII-310 p.

7197. Connections after colonialism. Europe and Latin America in the 1820s. Ed. by Matthew BROWN and Gabriel B. PAQUETTE. Alabama, The University of Alabama Press, 2013, 330 p.

7184. WRIGHT (Zachary Valentine). Islam and decolonization in Africa: the political engagement of a West African Muslim community. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 2, p. 205-227.

7198. COWLING (Camillia). Conceiving freedom: women of color, gender, and the abolition of slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII-326 p.

7185. ZACCARIA (Massimo). Anch'io per la tua bandiera: Il V battaglione Ascari in missione sul fronte libico (1912). Ravenna, Giorgio Pozzi Editore, 2013, 263 p.

7199. DAVID (James Corbett). Dunmore's new world: the extraordinary life of a royal governor in Revolutionary America-with Jacobites, counterfeiters, land schemes, shipwrecks, scalping, Indian politics, runaway slaves, and two illegal royal weddings. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2013, VIII-270 p. (Early American histories).

7186. ZYTNICKI (Colette). "Faire l'Algérie agréable". Tourisme et colonisation en Algérie des années 1870 à 1962. Le mouvement social, 2013, 242, p. 97-114. Cf. nos 174, 3817, 4724, 7637, 8084-8090 d. America 7187. AMADORI (Arrigo). Negociando la obediencia: Gestión y reforma de los virreinatos americanos en tiempos del conde-duque de Olivares (1621–1643). Sevilla,

7200. DONOGHUE (John). Fire under the ashes: an Atlantic history of the English revolution. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, XII-373 p. 7201. DUNKLEY (Daive A.). Agency of the enslaved: Jamaica and the culture of freedom in the Atlantic world.



Lanham a. Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2013, XIII223 p. 7202. Época (La) de las independencias en Centroamérica y Chiapas: procesos políticos y sociales. Coordinador Aaron POLLACK. México D.F., Instituto Mora, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, 2013, 286 p. 7203. FERGUS (Claudius K.). Revolutionary emancipation: slavery and abolitionism in the British West Indies. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XIV271 p. 7204. GAUDIN (Guillaume). Penser et gouverner le Nouveau Monde au XVIIe siècle. L'empire de papier de Juan Díez de la Calle, commis du Conseil des Indes. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 377 p. (Recherches Amériques latines). 7205. GÓMEZ (Alejandro E.). Le spectre de la Révolution noire: l'impact de la révolution Haïtienne dans le monde Atlantique, 1790–1886. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 308 p. (Amériques). 7206. GREENE (Jack P.). Creating the British Atlantic: essays on transplantation, adaptation, and continuity. Charlottesville a. London, University of Virginia Press, 2013, XIV-465 p. (Early American histories). 7207. GRIFFIN (Patrick). America's revolution. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVIII-342 p. 7208. GUYON (Stéphanie). Des "Primitifs" aux "Autochtones". Savoirs ethnologiques et politiques publiques en Guyane de 1946 à nos jours. Genèses, 2013, 91 (2), p. 49-70. 7209. HIXSON (Walter L.). American settler colonialism: a history. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 253 p. 7210. HORNING (Audrey). Ireland in the Virginian Sea: colonialism in the British Atlantic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2013, XIII-385 p. 7211. IBARRA (Antonio). Mercado global, economías coloniales y corporaciones comerciales: los consulados de Guadalajara y Buenos Aires. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 248 (4), p. 1421-1458. 7212. KLEIN (Herbert S.), VINSON (Ben III). Historia mínima de la esclavitud en América Latina y el Caribe. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2013, 377 p. 7213. KRAUTHAMER (Barbara). Black slaves, Indian masters: slavery, emancipation, and citizenship in the native American South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIII-211 p. 7214. LARSEN (Ebbe). Dansk Vestindien, en guide til historie og oplevelser. (Les Antilles danoises: guide pour l'histoire et les événements). Højbjerg, Hoveland, 2013, 166 p. (ill.). 7215. LENK (Wolfgang). Guerra e pacto colonial: a Bahia contra o Brasil holandês (1624–1654). São Paulo, Alameda, 2013, 478 p.

7216. LOKKEN (Paul). From the "Kingdoms of Angola" to Santiago de Guatemala: the Portuguese Asientos and Spanish Central America, 1595–1640. Hispanic American historical review, 2013, 93, 2, p. 171-203. 7217. LORANDI (Ana María), BUNSTER (Cora Virginia). La pedagogía del miedo: los Borbones y el criollismo en el Cuzco, 1780–1790. Cuzco, Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas y Lima, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2013, 247 p. (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines, 307. Archivos de historia andina, 49). 7218. LOVELL (W. George), LUTZ (Christopher H.), KRAMER (Wendy), SWEZEY (William R.). "Strange Lands and Different Peoples": Spaniards and Indians in colonial Guatemala. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XIX-339 p. (Civilization of the American Indian series). 7219. LYONS (Adam). The 1711 expedition to Quebec: politics and the limitations of British global strategy. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, 272 p. (Bloomsbury studies in military history). 7220. MARTÍN PINTO (José), GONZÁLES MATAS (Enrique). Andalucía y las reducciones jesuíticas de los guaraníes en el Paraguay: una utopía hecha realidad. Málaga, Editorial Arguval, 2013, 190 p. 7221. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (María del Carmen). Veracruz 1519: los hombres de Cortés. León, Universidad de León, 2013, 303 p. 7222. MOOMOU (Jean). Les marrons Boni de Guyane: luttes et survie en logique coloniale, 1712–1880. Matoury, Ibis Rouge Éditions, 2013, 597 p. (Espace outre-mer). 7223. MORGAN (Gwenda), RUSHTON (Peter). Banishment in the early Atlantic World: convicts, rebels and slaves. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, 320 p. 7224. MUÑOZ PAZ (Lionel). Monárquicos o soberanos: (la crisis política del mundo hispano y su repercusión en la provincia de Caracas, 1808–1810). Caracas, Fondo Editorial Fundarte, 2013, 111 p. (Colección Stefania Mosca. Narrativa). 7225. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Andrew Jackson). The men who lost America: British leadership, the American Revolution, and the fate of the empire. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XIV-466 p. (Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history). 7226. OUDIJK (Michel R.), RESTALL (Matthew). Conquistas de buenas palabras y de guerra: una visión indígena de la Conquista. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2013, 116 p. (Ediciones especiales, 66). 7227. PAQUETTE (Gabriel B.). Imperial Portugal in the age of Atlantic revolutions. The Luso-Brazilian world, c. 1770–1850. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 450 p. 7228. PATCH (Robert W.). Indians and the political economy of colonial Central America, 1670–1810. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XI-284 p.

§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization


7229. PRESSLY (Paul M.). On the rim of the Caribbean: colonial Georgia and the British Atlantic world. Georgia, University of Georgia Press, 2013, XII-354 p.

7243. WARNER (William B.). Protocols of liberty: communication innovation and the American Revolution. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, X-303 p.

7230. RIBEIRO (Ana). Los muy fieles: leales a la corona en el proceso revolucionario rioplatense: Montevideo-Asunción, 1810–1820: estudio comparado. Montevideo, Planeta 2013, 2 vol., 427 p., 363 p.

7244. WEBB (Stephen Saunders). Marlborough's America. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, XXII-579 p. (Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history).

7231. ROBERTS (Justin). Slavery and the Enlightenment in the British Atlantic, 1750–1807. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XIV-352 p. 7232. SALAÜN (Marie). Décoloniser l'école? Hawai'i, Nouvelle-Calédonie. Expériences contemporaines. Rennes, Pur, 2013, 303 p. 7233. SÁNCHEZ (Evelyne). Los proyectos de colonización bajo el Segundo Imperio y el fortalecimiento del Estado mexicano. Historia mexicana, 2013, 62, 250 (2), p. 689-743. 7234. SARTORIUS (David). Ever faithful: race, loyalty, and the ends of empire in Spanish Cuba. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XIX-312 p. 7235. SCHAFER (Daniel L.). Zephaniah Kingsley Jr. and the Atlantic World: slave trader, plantation owner, emancipator. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XIV-336 p. 7236. SEGOVIA (Rodolfo). 105 días: El sitio de Pablo Morillo a Cartagena de Indias. Bogotá, El Áncora Editores, 2013, 323 p. 7237. SELLERS-GARCÍA (Sylvia). Distance and documents at the Spanish Empire's periphery. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XIII-257 p. 7238. Slavery and antislavery in Spain's Atlantic Empire. Ed. by Josep M. FRADERA and Christopher SCHMIDT-NOWARA. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013, X-328 p. (European expansion & global interaction). 7239. STEELE (Ian K.). Setting all the captives free: capture, adjustment, and recollection in Allegheny country. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2013, XVI-688 p. (McGill-Queen's native and Northern series, 71). 7240. THOMPSON (Mark L.). The contest for the Delaware Valley: allegiance, identity, and empire in the seventeenth century. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2013, XII-265 p. 7241. VÁZQUEZ CIENFUEGOS (Sigfrido). La Junta de La Habana: adaptación del Pacto Colonial en Cuba en vísperas de las independencias hispanoamericanas, 1808–1810. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, 2013, 421 p. (Colección Americana, 49. Serie Nuestra América, 35). 7242. VENEGAS DELGADO (Hernán); VALDÉS DÁVILA (Carlos M.). La ruta del horror: prisioneros indios del noroeste novohispano llevados como esclavos a La Habana, Cuba (finales del siglo XVIII a principios del siglo XIX). Saltillo, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila y México D.F., Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2013, 166 p.

d. Addenda 2012 7245. AKIMOV (Jurij G.) Pervaja popytka osnovanija portugal'skoj kolonii v Severnoj Amerike. (First attempt to espablish a Portuguese settlement in the North America = El primer intento de fundar la colonia portuguesa en América del Norte). Latin America, 2012, 8, p. 66-77. 7246. KOFMAN (Andrej F.). Ispanskij konkistador. Ot teksta k rekonstruktsii tipa lichnosti. (Spanish conqueror: from text to reconstruction of personality type). Moskva, Izd-vo IMLI RAN, 2012, 304 p. 7247. OKOUNEVA (Ol'ga V.). Kak vazhno byt' frantsuzom: vzgljad brazil'skikh indejtsev XVI veka. (The importance of being French: a Brazilian Indian view in the 16th century). Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2012, 73 (1-2), p. 295-312. 7248. RAKUTS (Nikolaj V.). Iezuity i indejtsy v vitsekorolevstve Peru. "Utopija", prosuschestvovavshaja poltora veka. (Jesuits and Indians in the vice-royalty of Peru. "Utopia" that lasted 150 years = Los jesuitas e indios en el virreinado del Perú. "Utopía", que duró un siglo y medio). Latin America, 2012, 2, p. 54-71. (portr.; map; plan). – IDEM. Iezuity v bassejne Amazonki (okonchanie). (Jesuits in the Amazon basin = Los jesuitas en la cuenca de las Amasonas). Latin America, 2012, 3, p. 62-76. (ill.). – IDEM. Razdavlennaja utopija: iezuitskie missii v bassejne Orinoko (XVII–XVIII vv.). (Crushed Utopia: Jesuits missions in the Orinoco bassin (17th–18th centuries) = La utopía aplastada: las misiones jesuitas en la cuenca de Orinoco (los siglos XVII–XVIII). Latin America, 2012, 12, p. 78-87. (ill.; maps). Cf. nos 4657, 4713, 4716, 5343, 8091-8100 e. Oceania 7249. EDWARDS (Julia). Phosphate and forced relocation: an assessment of the resettlement of the Banabans to Northern Fiji in 1945. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 783-803. 7250. HARMAN (Kristyn). Protecting Tasmanian Aborigines: American and Queensland influences on the Cape Barren Island Reserve Act, 1912. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 744764. 7251. LINDSEY (Kiera). 'So much recklessness': abduction in the colony of New South Wales. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 3, p. 438-456. 7252. TRÉPIED (Benoît). La décolonisation sans l'indépendance ? Sortir du colonial en Nouvelle-Calédonie (1946–1975). Genèses, 2013, 91 (2), p. 7-27. Cf. nos 8101-8104


P. HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS § 3. From 1500 to 1789. _______________________

a. General 7253. CIURE (Florina). Relaţiile dintre Veneţia şi Transilvania în secolele XVI–XVII. (The Relations between Venice and Transylvania during the 16th and the 17th centuries). Brăila, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei şi Oradea, Editura Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor, 2013, 627 p. 7254. PETITJEAN (Johann). L'intelligence des choses. Une histoire de l'information entre Italie et Méditerranée, XVIe–XVIIe siècles. Rome, École française de Rome, 2013, 520 p. 7255. RICHES (Daniel). Protestant cosmopolitanism and diplomatic culture: Brandenburg-Swedish relations in the seventeenth century. Leiden, Brill, 2013, X-332 p. (Northern world: North Europe and the Baltic, c. 400– 1700 AD. Peoples, economies, and cultures, 59). 7256. SCHNAKENBOURG (Éric). Entre la guerre et la paix. Neutralité et relations internationales, XVIIe– XVIIIe siècles. Rennes, Pur, 2013, 375 p. 7257. "Sintflut und Simplicissimus": Österreich und Polen im 17. Jahrhundert: Symposium, 9. November 2012: ACTA. Hrsg. v. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien. Wien, Republik Österreich/Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, 2013, 174 p. (Acta AustroPolonica, 5). 7258. VRANDEČIĆ (Josip). Borba za Jadran u ranom novom vijeku: mletačko-osmanski ratovi u venecijanskoj nuncijaturi. (Struggle for Adriatic in the early modern history: the Venetian-Ottoman wars from the perspective of the Venetian nuncios. Split, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2013, 295 p. b. 1500–1648 ** 7259. Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Hrsg. von der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste in Verbindung mit der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der Neueren Geschichte e.V. durch Konrad REPGEN und Maximilian LANZINNER. Ser. 3. Protokolle, Verhandlungsakten, Diarien, Varia. Abt. A. Protokolle. Bd. 3. Die Beratungen des Fürstenrates in Osnabrück. Teil 7. Juli–September 1648. Bearb. Maria-Elisabeth BRUNERT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, LXXXIII482 p. ** 7260. Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Ser. 2. Abt. A. Die kaiserlichen Korrespondenzen. Bd. 9. Mai–August 1648. Bearb. v. Stefanie FRAEDRICH-NOWAG. Münster, Aschendorff, 2013, LXVIII-534 p. ** 7261. Diplomatische Korrespondenz Kurbayerns (Die) zum Westfälischen Friedenskongress. Bd. 2. Die diplomatische Korrespondenz Kurfürst Maximilians I. von Bayern mit seinen Gesandten in Münster und Osnabrück. Teilbd. 2. August–November 1645. Bearb. v. Gabriele GREINDL und Gerhard IMMLER. München, Kommission für bayerische Landesgeschichte, 2013, 403 p. (Quellen zur Neueren Geschichte Bayerns, I, 2/2).

** 7262. FENEŞAN (Costin), FENEŞAN (Cristina). Transilvania între habsburgi şi Poarta Otomană la mijlocul secolului al XVI-lea: documente din arhiva Cancelariei de Stat de la Viena = Siebenbürgen zwischen Habsburg und der Pforte um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts: Dokumente aus dem Archiv der Wiener Staatskanzlei. Timişoara, Cosmopolitan Art, 2013, 460 p. (Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Banatica, 54). ** 7263. MEDICK (Hans), MARSCHKE (Benjamin). Experiencing the Thirty Years War: a brief history with documents. Boston a. New York, Bedford/St. Martins, 2013, XVII-205 p. (Bedford series in history and culture). ** 7264. Prisonniers de l'Empire céleste: le désastre de la première ambassade portugaise en Chine, 1517– 1524: récits & témoignages portugais & chinois. Introduction & notes de Pascale GIRARD. Paris, Chandeigne, 2013, 349 p. (Collection Magellane). 7265. ADAMS (Simon), GEHRING (David Scott). Elizabeth I's former tutor reports on the Parliament of 1559: Johannes Spithovius to the Chancellor of Denmark, 27 February 1559. English historical review, 2013, 128, 530 p. 35-54. 7266. AUWERS (Michael). The gift of Rubens: rethinking the concept of gift-giving in early Modern diplomacy. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 3, p. 421-441. 7267. BOURDEU (Étienne). Les paradoxes d'une présence multiforme. Les Espagnols dans l'espace impérial au début de la guerre de Trente ans (1618–1624). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 3, p. 223-238. 7268. Cardinal Jean du Bellay (Le). Diplomatie et culture dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Sous la dir. de Cédric MICHON et Loris PETRIS. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 390 p. 7269. CROXTON (Derek). Westphalia: the last Christian peace. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIV452 p. 7270. DUMONT (Jonathan). Lilia florent: l'imaginaire politique et social à la cour de France durant les premières guerres d'Italie (1494–1525). Paris, Champion, 2013, VI-620 p. (Etudes d'histoire médiévale, 15). 7271. DUNTHORNE (Hugh). Britain and the Dutch revolt, 1560–1700. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXV-264 p. 7272. Frieden und Konfliktmanagement in interkulturellen Räumen: Das Osmanische Reich und die Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Arno STROHMEYER und Norbert SPANNENBERGER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 389 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des Östlichen Mitteleuropa, 45). 7273. GEEVERS (Liesbeth). The conquistador and the phoenix: the Franco-Spanish precedence dispute (1564– 1610) as a battle of kingship. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 23-41. 7274. GEHRING (David Scott). Anglo-German relations and the Protestant cause: Elizabethan foreign policy

§ 3. From 1500 to 1789


and pan-Protestantism. London, Pickering and Chatto, 2013, XVI-244 p.ööööääää

2013, 2 vol., 994 p. (Sitzungsberichte, 841. Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik, 71).

7275. HÄBERLEIN (Mark), BAYREUTHER (Magdalena). Agent und Ambassador: der Kaufmann Anton Meuting als Vermittler zwischen Bayern und Spanien im Zeitalter Philipps II. Unter Mitarbeit von Kerstin KECH. Augsburg, Wissner, 2013, 256 p. (Documenta Augustana, 23).

7288. POSTEL (Claude). La France-Turquie: la Turquie vue de France au XVIe siècle. Paris, Belles lettres, 2013, 281 p.

7276. HELFFERICH (Tryntje). The iron princess: Amalia Elisabeth and the Thirty Years War. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, X-319 p. 7277. KEMPE (Michael). Burn after Reading. Verschlüsseltes Wissen und Spionagenetzwerke im elisabethanischen England. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 2, p. 354-379. 7278. LABOURDETTE (Jean-François). Charles IX et la puissance espagnole: diplomatie et guerres civiles (1563– 1574). Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2013, 720 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 43). 7279. LEGNANI (Marco). Antonio Perrenot de Granvelle: politica e diplomazia al servizio dell'impero spagnolo, 1517–1586. Milano, Unicopli, 2013, 244 p. (Collana Politica estera e opinione pubblica / Univesità degli studi di Milano, Centro per gli studi di politica estera e opinione pubblica). 7280. LOPES (Paulo). Um agente português na Roma do Renascimento: sociedade, quotidano e poder num manuscrito inédito do século XVI. Lisboa, Temas e Debates, Círculo de Leitores, 2013, 921 p. 7281. MAREK (Pavel). La embajada española en la corte imperial (1558–1641): figuras de los embajadores y estrategias clientelares. Praga, Universidad Carolina de Praga, Editorial Karolinum, 2013, 247 p. (Ibero-Americana Pragensia. Supplementum, 33). 7282. Ottoman (The) empire as a world power, 1453– 1603. Ed. by Suraiya N. FAROQHI and Kate FLEET. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXV-697 p. (Cambridge history of Turkey, 2).

7289. SCOTT GEHRING (David). Anglo-German relations and the Protestant cause: Elizabethan foreign policy and Pan-Protestantism. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, XVI-243 p. 7290. SENNEWALD (Roland). Das Kursächsische Heer im Dreissigjährigen Krieg 1618–1648. Berlin, Zeughaus Verlag, 2013, 688 p. – IDEM. Die kursächsischen Feldzeichen im Dreissigjährigen Krieg 1618–1648. Berlin, Zeughaus Verlag, 2013, 191 p. c. 1648–1789 ** 7291. Acta nuntiaturae Polonae. Academia Scientiarum et Litterarum Polona. T. 54. Ioannes Andreas Archetti (1776–1784). Ed. Paulus ZAJĄC. Vol. 1. 8 IV 1775– 25 VII 1776. Cracoviae, Polska Akad. Umieje̜ tności, 2013, LXIX-665 p. ** 7292. BOURGOING (Jean François Baron de). L'etat actuel de l'Espagne [September 1779]: a French diplomat's report to his government about the social, economic, and political situation and military capability of Spain and its empire in 1779. Ed. by Jean-Pierre CAP. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, X355 p. 7293. 1713: la monarquía de España y los Tratados de Utrecht. Coordinora Virginia LEÓN SANZ. Madrid, Publicaciones Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, 210 p. (Cuadernos de historia moderna. Anejos, Anejo 12). 7294. BARRIO GOZALO (Maximiliano). La embajada de España en Roma durante el reinado de Carlos II, 1665–1700. Valladolid, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2013, 296 p. (Historia, 178). 7295. BASTIAN (Corina). Verhandeln in Briefen: Frauen in der höfischen Diplomatie des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Köln, Böhlau, 2013, 497 p. (Externa, 4).

7283. PACE GRAVINA (Giacomo). Un diplomatico siciliano tra guerre di religione e impegno pastorale: Bonaventura Secusio. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2013, 86, p. 23-37.

7296. BAUER (Jean). With friends like these: John Adams and the Comte de Vergennes on Franco-American relations. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 664-692.

7284. Papato e impero nel pontificato di Urbano VIII (1623–1644). A cura di Irene FOSI e Alexander KOLLER. Città del Vaticano, Archivio segreto Vaticano, 2013, XVII-182 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 89).

7297. BEHR (Andreas). Freiburg 1674: Die französische Eroberung der Franche-Comté und die eidgenössische Neutralitätserklärung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 2, p. 194-212.

7285. Péninsule Ibérique (La) et le monde, 1470– 1640. Sous le direction de Guy SAUPIN. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 388 p. (Didact histoire).

7298. BRUNSMAN (Denver). The evil necessity: British naval impressment in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2013, 364 p. (Early American Histories).

7286. POOT (Anton). Crucial years in Anglo-Dutch relations, 1625–1642: the political and diplomatic contacts. Hilversum, Verloren, 2013, 192 p. 7287. POSCH (Walter). Osmanisch-safavidische Beziehungen (1545–1550): der Fall Alḳas Mîrzâ. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,

7299. CLEMENTE (Alida). Quando il reato non è "peccato". Il contrabbando nel Regno di Napoli tra conflitti diplomatici, pluralismo istituzionale e quotidianità degli scambi (XVIII secolo). Quaderni storici, 2013, 48, 143, p. 359-338.



7300. ČORALIĆ (Lovorka), KATUŠIĆ (Maja). Mletački ratni brodovi Rondinella i Achille pod zapovjedništvom Peraštanina Antuna Mazarovića. (Venetian warships Rondinella and Achille under the Command of Antun Mazarović from Perast). Historijski zbornik, 2013, 66, 2, p. 309-327. 7301. DHONDT (Frederik). La culture juridique pratiqué au congrès de Cambrai (1722–1725). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 3, p. 271-292. 7302. Friedrich II. und das östliche Europa: deutschpolnisch-russische Reflexionen. Hrsg. v. Olga KURILO. Berlin, BWV, 2013, 269 p. 7303. GEBEI (Sándor). II. Rákóczi Ferenc és a Rzeczpospolita. (II. Rákóczi Ferenc and Poland). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2013, 304 p. (Az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskolája közleményei, 4). 7304. GENÊT (Stéphane). Les espions des Lumières: actions secrètes et espionnage militaire au temps de Louis XV. Paris, Nouveau monde, Ministère de la Défense, 2013, 511 p. (Le grand jeu). 7305. GHOBRIAL (John-Paul A.). The whispers of cities. Information flows in Istanbul, London and Paris in the age of William Trumbull. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-192 p. 7306. GLICKMAN (Gabriel). Christian reunion, the Anglo-French alliance and the English Catholic imagination, 1660–1672. English historical review, 2013, 128, 531, p. 263-291. 7307. IKEJIRI (Yoko). Shinchō zenki no Chibetto bukkyō seisaku: Jasakurama seido no seiritsu to tenkai. (The policies of the early Qing dynasty towards TibetanBuddhism: The formation and development of the Zhā sàkè lama system). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 297 p. (Kyuko series, 105). 7308. LEAL DE FARIA (Ana). A neutralidade portuguesa, no tempo de D. Pedro II. Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2013, 165 p. (Ensaios, 26). 7309. LINDSTRÖM (Peter), NORRHEM (Svante). Flattering alliances: Scandinavia, diplomacy, and the Austrian-French balance of power, 1648–1740. Lund, Nordic Academic P., 2013, 263 p. 7310. MONROY (María Baudot). La defensa del imperio: Julián de Arriaga en la Armada (1700–1754). Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa y Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2013, 481 p. (Cátedra de historia naval). 7311. NARDONE (Paola). Diplomacy and international commerce in the 18th century Adriatic: the case of the French consulate in the Port of Ancona. Journal of European economic history, 2013, 42, p. 165-210. 7312. NISHIKAWA (Sugiko). The world of J. C. Werndli: Zurich, Sandtoft and Wraibury. In: Huguenots (The): France, exile and diaspora [cf. no 4943], p. 166172. 7313. Osvoboditelʹnaia voĭna 1703–1711 gg. v Vengrii i diplomatiia Petra I = Az 1703–1711. évi Rákóczi

-szabadságharc és I. Péter orosz cár külpolitikája. (Liberation war of 1703-1711 gg. in Hungary and the diplomacy of Peter I). Redkollegiia, K.A. KOCHEGAROV, O.V. KHAVANOVA. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istoriia, 2013, 279 p. (TSentralʹnoevropeĭskie issledovaniia, 7). 7314. REBITSCH (Robert). Die Englisch-Niederländischen Seekriege. Köln, Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2013, 375 p. 7315. SANTSCHI (Catherine). La carrière d'un espion: Sébastien de Senarclens. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 3, p. 259-270. 7316. SATSUMA (Shinsuke). Britain and colonial maritime war in the early eighteenth century. Silver, seapower and the Atlantic. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XII-284 p. 7317. Sweden in the eighteenth-century world: provincial cosmopolitans. Ed. by Göran RYDÉN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XIV-355 p. 7318. TESSIER (Alexandre). Un apprentissage diplomatique. La correspondance entre Sir Joseph Williamson et William Blathwayt, secrétaire d'ambassade à La Haye (1668–1672). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 3, p. 239-258. 7319. Utrecht – Rastatt – Baden 1712–1714. Ein europäisches Friedenswerk am Ende des Zeitalters Ludwigs XIV. Hrsg. v. Heinz DUCHHARDT und Martin ESPENHORST. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 422 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 98). 7320. VAN KONINGSBRUGGE (Hans). Het verhaal van twee verloren vriendschappen: de Nederlandse Republiek, Zweden en Rusland 1714–1725. Groningen, Instituut voor Noord- en Oost-Europese Studies, 2013, 220 p. (Baltic studies, 14). 7321. VEGA (Bernardo). La derrota de Penn y Venables en Santo Domingo, 1655. Santo Domingo, Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 2013, 149 p. Cf. nos 616, 7324, 7338, 7271, 7332, 7333 § 4. From 1789 to 1815. ** 7322. Banne Napoleons (Im). Rheinischer Adel unter französischer Herrschaft. Ein Quellenlesebuch. Hrsg. v. Gudrun GERSMANN und Hans-Werner LANGBRANDTNER. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 336 p. ** 7323. KOCÓJ (Henryk). Dyplomaci sascy wobec powstania kościuszkowskiego. (Saxon diplomats against the Kosciuszko uprising). Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2013, 443 p. ______________________

7324. CARDOZO UZCÁTEGUI (Alejandro). Los mantuanos en la corte española: una relación cisatlántica (1783–1825). Bilbao, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2013, 510 p. 7325. DUCHHARDT (Heinz). Der Wiener Kongress. Die Neugestaltung Europas 1814/15. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 128 p.

§ 4. Addenda 2012 7326. GANTET (Claire), STRUCK (Bernhard). Révolution, guerre, interférences 1789–1815. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du septentrion, 2013, 296 p. (Histoire franco-allemande, 5. Temps, espace et société). 7327. GILJE (Paul A.). Free trade and sailors' rights in the war of 1812. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XII-425 p. 7328. HATTER (Lawrence B. A.). The Jay charter: rethinking the American national state in the West, 1796–1819. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 693-726. 7329. Impero (L') e l'organizzazione del consenso: la dominazione napoleonica negli Stati romani, 1809– 1814. A cura di Marina CAFFIERO, Veronica GRANATA e Mario TOSTI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 497 p. (Storia sociale e religiosa della Sicilia, del Mezzogiorno e dell'Europa mediterranea, 11). 7330. JAMES (Leighton). Witnessing the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in German Central Europe. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 281 p.


lutionen. (Les espions de Gustave III. Quand la Suède voulait combattre la révolution française). Lund, Historiska media, 2013, 160 p. (ill.). 7340. SCHERR (Arthur). Arms and men: the diplomacy of US weapons traffic with Saint-Domingue under Adams and Jefferson. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 600-648. 7341. Temps (Le) des hommes doubles: les arrangements face à l'occupation, de la Révolution française à la guerre de 1870. Sous la dir. de Jean-François CHANET, Annie CRÉPIN et Christian WINDLER. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 351 p. 7342. Wachse hoch, Oranien! Auf dem Weg zum ersten König der Niederlande, Wilhelm Friedrich Prinz von Oranien-Nassau als regierender deutscher Fürst 1802–1806. Fulda + Corvey + Dortmund + Weingarten. Bürgerschaftliche Initiative (Hrsg.). Redaktion und Lektorat, Simone FRANK. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2013, 330 p.

7331. JARRETT (Mark). The Congress of Vienna and its legacy: war and great power diplomacy after Napoleon. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 522 p.

7343. WARD (Peter A.). British naval power in the East, 1794–1805: the command of Admiral Peter Rainier. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, XII-285 p. (Worlds of the East India Company, 8).

7332. JOHANNESSEN (Finn Erhard). Late galleys: the Fredriksvern naval shipyard and the coastal defence in Norway 1750–1814. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 422-435.

7344. WINTON (Patrik). Politics of debt, war and peace: Scandinavia 1800–1830. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 458-479.

7333. KUZUCU (Serhat). Kırım Hanlığı ve OsmanlıRus savaşları: 1787–1792. (Crimean Khanate and Ottoman-Russian wars). İstanbul, Selenge Yayınları, 2013, 296 p. (Tarih serisi, 58). 7334. MAC ALEER (John). 'The key to India': troop movements, Southern Africa, and Britain's Indian ocean world, 1795–1820. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 294-316 7335. MAYUZUMI (Akitsu). Mittsu no sekai no hazama de: Seiō, Roshia, Osuman to Warakia Morudova mondai. (Between the three worlds: Western Europe, Russia, and the Ottoman empire on the Moldo-Wallachian question). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 268 p. 7336. Napoleonische Expansionspolitik. Okkupation oder Integration? Hrsg. v. Guido BRAUN, Gabriele B. CLEMENS, Lutz KLINKHAMMER [et al.] Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2013, VI-286 p. (Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 127). 7337. NESTER (William). Why did Napoleon do it? Hybris, security dilemmas, brinksmanship, and the 1812 Russian campaign. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 353-364. 7338. OLDFIELD (J.R.). Transatlantic Abolitionism in the Age of Revolution: an international history of antislavery, c.1787–1820. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, 282 p. 7339. SANDBERG (Thorsten). Gustav III: s spioner. Historien om när Sverige skulle slå tillbaka franska revo-

7345. WOOLFLEY (H. L. Dufour). A Quaker goes to Spain: the diplomatic mission of Anthony Morris, 1813–1816. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2013, XV-197 p. (Studies in eighteenth century America and the Atlantic world). § 4. Addenda 2012. 7346. BOGOMOLOVA (Natalija N.). Indijskij pravitel' glazami anglichanina: vizit printsa Uel'skogo v Indiju, 1875–1876. (An Indian ruler seen by an Englishman: the visit of the Prince of Wales to India in 1875–1876). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 2012, 40, p. 134-159. 7347. Evropejskaja diplomatija i mezhdunarodnye protsessy epokhi napoleonovskikh vojn: nauchnoe izdanie. (European diplomatics and international processes in the times of Napoleonic Wars: A study). Ed Anatolij V. TORKUNOV, Mikhail M. NARINSKIJ. Moskva, Aspect Press, 2012, 256 p. (bibl. incl.). (1812 in history and culture of Russia). 7348. ISKJUL' (Sergej N.). Frantsuzy v Moskve v 1812 godu. (The French in Moscow of 1812 = Les Français à Moscou en 1812). Frantsuzskij ezhegodnik, 2012. 200-letnij jubilej Otechestvennoj vojny 1812 goda. (French annuary, 2012. The 200th anniversary of the Patriotic war of 1812 = Annuaire d'études françaises, 2012. Bicentenaire de la Guerre patriotique de 1812). Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, p. 47-98.



7349. MÜCHLER (Günter). 1813. Napoleon, Metternich und das weltgeschichtliche Duell von Dresden. Stuttgart, 2012, Theiss Verlag, 272 p. 7350. PRUSSKAJA (Evgenija A.). Frantsuzskaja pressa v Egipte o musul'manskom Vostoke (1798–1801). (The French press in Egypt on the musulman East, 1798– 1801 = La presse française en Egypte et son discours sur l'Orient musulman (1798–1801)). Frantsuzskij ezhegodnik, 2012. 200-letnij jubilej Otechestvennoj vojny 1812 goda. (French annuary, 2012. The 200th anniversary of the Patriotic war of 1812 = Annuaire d'études françaises, 2012. Bicentenaire de la Guerre patriotique de 1812). Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, p. 223-251. 7351. ROGINSKIJ (Vadim V.). Bor'ba za Skandinaviju. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija na Severe Evropy v epokhu Napoleonovskikh vojn (1805–1815). (Struggles for Scandinavia. International relations in Northern Europe in the epoch of Napoleonic wars, 1805–1815). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, International association "Jantarnyj most". Moskva, Ves' mir, 2012, 520 p. (2 maps; bibl. p. 495-504; pers. ind. p. 505-516). os

Cf. n 616, 7311, 7317, 7352 § 5. From 1815 to 1910. ** 7352. BATAKOVIĆ (Dušan T.). Les sources françaises de la démocratie serbe (1804–1914). Préf. de Georges-Henri SOUTOU. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2013, 577 p. ** 7353. COSMA (Ela), STÎCALIN-COLIN (Angela), DETEŞAN (Daniela), ONILOV (Tatiana). Armatele imperiale austro-ruse şi românii la 1848–1849. Documente militare. Vol. I. Corespondenţă şi rapoarte militare. (The Austrian-Russian Imperial Armies and the Romanians in 1848–1849. Military documents. Vol. I. Correspondance and military reports). Ediţie critică coordonată de Ela COSMA. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut Gattineau şi Symphologic Publishing, 2013, 355 p. ** 7354. Documenti diplomatici italiani (I). Terza Serie: 1896–1907. Vol. IX. 29 marzo 1905–28 maggio 1906. A cura di Francesco LEFEBVRE D'OVIDIO e Pietro PASTORELLI. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello stato, 2013, LXX-747 p. ** 7355. Ottoman diplomatic documents on "the Eastern Question". VII. The Balkan crisis, 1875–1878. Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP and Gül TOKAY. Part I. From the Bosnian uprising to the war with Serbia and Montenegro, July 1875–June 1876. Part II. From the war with Serbia and Montenegro to the dissolution of the Constantinople Conference, July 1876–January 1877. Part III. The last months of peace February–April 1878. İstanbul, İsis Press 2013, 3 vol., 512 p., 740 p., 291 p. ** 7356. Secret reports (The) of the Hungarian Arminius Vambery to the British Foreign Office on Sultan Abdulhamid II and his reign (1889–1909). Ed. by Sı̇ nan KUNERALP. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2013, 270 p. _______________________

7357. ABBENHUIS (Maartje Maria). A most useful tool for diplomacy and statecraft: neutrality and Europe in the 'Long' nineteenth century, 1815–1914. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 1-22. 7358. ANCKAER (Jan). Small power diplomacy and commerce: Belgium and the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Leopold I (1831–1865). Istanbul, İsis, 2013, 594 p. (Centre d'histoire diplomatique Ottomane). 7359. ATEŞ (Sabri). The Ottoman-Iranian borderlands: making a boundary 1843–1914. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-350 p. 7360. BARBERA CARDILLO (Giuseppe). Alla ricerca di una reale indipendenza: i Borboni di Napoli e la politica dei trattati. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, 231 p. (Economia. Teoria economica, pensiero economico, 94). 7361. BÊCHET (Christophe). La Meuse comme "Barrière"? Regards croisés sur une frontière stratégique entre la France et l'Allemagne (1870–1914). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 4, p. 1155-1186. 7362. BOIS (Jean-Pierre). La campagne de Louis-Philippe au Maroc, 1844. Paris, Economica, 2013, 177 p. (Collection Campagnes & stratégies, 109. Les grandes batailles). 7363. BOUYRAT (Yann). Devoir d'intervenir? L'expédition "humanitaire" de la France au Liban, 1860. Paris, Éditions Vendémiaire, 2013, 317 p. – IDEM. La France et les maronites du mont Liban: naissance d'une relation privilégiée (1831–1861). Paris, Geuthner, 2013, 675 p. 7364. BRĂTESCU (Liviu). I.C. Brătianu şi politica externă a României (1866–1888). (I.C. Brătianu and Romania's foreign politics, 1866–1888). Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2013, 496 p. 7365. BRITTON (John A.). Cables, crises, and the press: the geopolitics of the new international information system in the Americas, 1866–1903. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XIII-473 p. 7366. CAGLIOTI (Daniela L.). Waging war on civilians: the expulsion of aliens in the Franco-Prussian war. Past and present, 2013, 221, p. 161-195. 7367. CAQUET (P.E.). The Napoleonic legend and the war scare of 1840. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 702-722. 7368. CASTAGNINO BERLINGHIERI (Umberto). Diplomazia senza Stato: Santa Sede e potenze europee: le relazioni con la duplice monarchia austro-ungarica e con la terza Repubblica francese (1870–1914). Milano, V&P, 2013, XV-209 p. (Vita e pensiero università. Storia. Ricerche). 7369. CHAPMAN (Michael E.). Pragmatic, ad hoc foreign-policy making of the Early Republic: Thomas H. Perkins's Boston-Smyrna-Canton opium model and congressional rejection of aid for Greek independence. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 449-464.

§ 5. From 1815 to 1910 7370. CLASTRES (Patrick). Culture de paix et culture de guerre. Pierre de Coubertin et le Comité International olympique de 1910 à 1920. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 95-114. 7371. COBB (Stephen). Preparing for blockade 1885– 1914: naval contingency for economic warfare. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XXIV-349 p. 7372. COLLINS (Bruce). The limits of British power: intervention in Portugal, 1820–1830. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 744-765. 7373. COSMA (Ela). Agenţiile consulare habsburgice şi revoluţiile paşoptiste din Moldova, Muntenia şi Serbia. (Habsburg Consular Agencies and the 1848 revolutions in Moldavia, Wallachia and Serbia). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut şi Gatineau, Symphologic Publishing, 2013, 439 p. 7374. DA SILVA GUIZELIN (Gilberto). Comércio de almas e política externa: a diretriz atlântico-africana da diplomacia imperial brasileira, 1822–1856. Londrina, Eduel, 2013, 268 p 7375. DOLAŃSKI (Dariusz). Trzy cesarstwa: wiedza i wyobrażenia o Niemczech, Turcji i Rosji w Polsce XVIII wieku. (Three empires: knowledge and ideas about Germany, Turkey and Russia in Poland of the eighteenth century). Zielona Góra, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 2013, 244 p. 7376. FENTON (Laurence). Palmerston and the times: foreign policy, the press and public opinion in mid-Victorian Britain. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2013, 213 p. 7377. FIORENTINO (Daniele). Gli Stati Uniti e il Risorgimento d'Italia, 1848–1901. Roma, Gangemi editore, 2013, 363 p. (Nuovo millennio). 7378. FUKUOKA (Mariko). Puroisen higashi Ajia ensei to bakumatsu gaikō. (The Prussian East-Asian expedition and the Japanese diplomacy in the late Edo period). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 441 p. 7379. FULLER (Howard J.). Empire, technology and seapower: Royal Navy crisis in the age of Palmerston. London, Routledge, 2013, 297 p. 7380. ILIEVA (Iliana). Albanskiiat vŭpros 1908–1912 prez pogleda na bŭlgarskite diplomati. (The Albanian Question (1908-1912) through the eyes of Bulgarian diplomats). Sofiia, Natsionalen istoricheski muzeĭ, 2013, 448 p. 7381. JEANNESSON (Stanislas). Jacques Seydoux diplomate, 1870–1929. Paris, PUPS, 2013, 409 p. 7382. JENSEN (Richard Bach). The battle against anarchist terrorism: an international history, 1878–1934. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-410 p. 7383. KIRIMLI (Dr Hakan). A scion of the Crimean Khans in the Crimean War: the Allied powers and the question of the future of the Crimea. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 2, p. 191-220. 7384. KREUTZ (Michael). Der politische Nomade. Die Wahhābiten des 19. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel französi-


scher Diplomatie. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 297, 1, p. 84-101. 7385. KREUTZMANN (Marko). Der Deutsche Zollverein von 1834: von der intergouvernementalen Staatenverbindung zur suprastaatlichen Organisation? Journal of European integration history, 2013, 2, p. 189-205. 7386. LAQUA (Daniel). The age of internationalism and Belgium, 1880–1930: peace, progress and prestige. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 251 p. 7387. LARROCHE (Emmanuel). L'expédition d'Espagne: 1823: de la guerre selon la Charte. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 349 p. (Histoire). 7388. LEANCA (Gabriel). La Révolution de 1848 dans les principautés de Moldavie et de Valachie: préfiguration de la guerre de Crimée ? Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 2, p. 105-120. 7389. LEMNITZER (Jan Martin). 'That moral league of nations against the United States': the origins of the 1856 Declaration of Paris. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1068-1088. 7390. LUDWIG (Jörg). Deutschland und die spanische Revolution 1820–1823. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013, 246 p. 7391. MAC CARTHY (Matthew). Privateering, piracy and British policy in Spanish America, 1810–1830. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2013, X-184 p. 7392. MAY (Robert E.). Slavery, race, and conquest in the Tropics: Lincoln, Douglas, and the future of Latin America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI296 p. 7393. MITZEN (Jennifer). Power in concert, the nineteenth century origins of global governance. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, IX-264 p. 7394. MOON (Yumi). Populist collaborators: the Ilchinhoe and the Japanese colonization of Korea, 1896– 1910. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIII-296 p. 7395. MURAKAMI (Ei). Umi no kindai Chūgoku: Fukken-jin no katsudō to Igirisu, Shinchō. (A maritime history of modern China: Local Fujian actors and the British and Chinese Empires). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 688 p. 7396. NEITZEL (Sönke). Diplomatie der Generationen? Kollektivbiographische Perspektiven auf die Internationalen Beziehungen 1871–1914. Historische Zeitschrift, 2013, 296, 1, p. 84-113. 7397. ÖHMAN (Martin). A convergence of crises: the expansion of slavery, geopolitical realignment, and economic depression in the post-Napoleonic world. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 419-445. 7398. PALEN (Marc-William). Foreign relations in the Gilded Age: a British free-trade conspiracy? Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 217-247. 7399. PASTOR GARRIGUES (Francisco Manuel). A las puertas del Protectorado: las negociaciones secretas his-



pano-francesas en torno a Marruecos (1901–1904). Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Ateneo de Sevilla, 2013, 253 p. (Premios Historia Ateneo de Sevilla, 9).

7412. SMITH (John Sterling Forssen). The Chiang Tung wars: war and politics in mid-19th century Siam and Burma. Bangkok, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 2013, VIII-178 p.

7400. PHELPS (Nicole M.). U.S.-Habsburg relations from 1815 to the Paris Peace Conference: sovereignty transformed. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI293 p.

7413. STONE (James I.). Bismarck and Blowitz at the Congress of Berlin. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 2, p. 253-276.

7401. PHILPOTT (William J.). The making of the military entente, 1904–1914: France, the British Army, and the prospect of war. English historical review, 2013, 128, 534, p. 1155-1185. 7402. RADFORD (Kristopher). Curzon's cruise: the pomp and circumstances of Indian indirect rule of the Persian Gulf. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 884-904. 7403. RADUŠIĆ (Edin). Bosna i Hercegovina u britanskoj politici od 1857. do 1878. godine: od branitelja i zaštitnika do tužioca i sudije. (Bosnia and Herzegovina in British politics from 1857 to 1878: from the defender and the protector to the prosecutor and judges). Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju, 2013, 422 p. (Historijske monografije, 8). 7404. REEVES-ELLINGTON (Barbara). Domestic frontiers. Gender, reform, and American interventions in the Ottoman Balkans and the Near East, 1831–1908. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, 214 p. 7405. Regele Carol I: în rapoartele diplomatice austroungare (1877–1914). Studiu introductiv, traducerea, adaptarea şi notele Sorin CRISTESCU. Vol 1. 1877–1896. Bucureşti, Paideia, 2013, 424 p. (Cărţi de referinţă istorie). 7406. RIALL (Lucy). Under the Volcano: revolution in a Sicilian town. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI278 p. 7407. ROSE (Andreas). Deutsche Außenpolitik in der Ära Bismarck (1862–1890). Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 143 p. (Geschichte kompakt). – IDEM. Die Außenpolitik des Wilhelminischen Kaiserreichs 1890–1918. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 151 p. (Geschichte kompakt). 7408. SARIKÇIOĞLU (Melike). Osmanlı-İran hudut sorunları, 1847–1913. (Ottoman-Iran border issues, 1847– 1913). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2013, XII-267 p. (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 13). 7409. SCHEER (Tamara). "Minimale Kosten, absolut kein Blut". Österreich-Ungarns Präsenz im Sandžak von Novipazar (1879–1908). Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013, 282 p. 7410. SEDIVY (Miroslav). Metternich, the Great Powers and the Eastern Question. Pilsen, University of West Bohemia, 2013, 1033 p. 7411. SIM (David). A union forever: the Irish question and U.S. foreign relations in the Victorian age. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, X-266 p. (The United States in the World).

7414. SZABACIUK (Andrzej). "Rosyjski Ulster": kwestia chełmska w polityce imperialnej Rosji w latach 1863–1915. ("Russian Ulster": Chełm's question in imperial Russia's policy in 1863–1915). Lublin, Wydawnictwo KUL, Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2013, 308 p. (Studia Wschodnie Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej). 7415. SZYMCZAK (Damian). Galicyjska "ambasada" w Wiedniu: dzieje ministerstwa dla Galicji 1871–1918. ("Ambassade" galicienne à Vienne: ministère de Galice 1871–1918. Poznań, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2013, 361 p 7416. TOLEVA (Teodora). Der Einfluss ÖsterreichUngarns auf die Bildung der albanischen Nation, 1896– 1908. Klagenfurt, Mohorjeva u. Celovec, Hermagoras, 2013, 573 p. 7417. VERHOEVEN (Tim). Shadow and light: LouisXavier Eyma (1816–1876) and French opinion of the United States during the Second Empire. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 143-161. 7418. VOVCHENKO (Denis). Creating Arab Nationalism? Russia and Greece in Ottoman Syria and Palestine (1840–1909). Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 6, p. 901-918. 7419. WILSON (Keith). Reality-check 1906–1907: the British government recognizes the limitations of its power of offence against the Ottoman Empire. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 4, p. 517-527. 7420. YAMAMOTO (Akiyo). Taiseiyō o koeru Hangarī ōkoku no imin: Amerika ni okeru nettowāku to kyōdōtai no keisei. (Transatlantic migration from the Kingdom of Hungary to the United States: Creating networks and communities). Tokyo, Sairyusha, 2013, 362 p. § 5. Addenda 2012. 7421. DOSTJAN (Irina S.). Politika Rossii v balkanskom voprose: nekotorye spornye problemy istoriografii. (Russian policy in the Balkanian issue: some disputable questions in historiography). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 3, p. 32-40. 7422. FILATOVA (Natalija M.). Rossija v politicheskoj propagande Knjazhestva Varshavskogo v khode kampanii 1812 goda. (Russia in political propaganda of the Duchy of Warsaw during the Campaign of 1812). Slavjanovedenie, 2012, 6, p. 60-73. 7423. FIRSOV (Evgenij F.). T. G. Masarik v Rossii i bor'ba za nezavisimost' chekhov i slovakov. (Tomáš Masaryk in Russia and liberation movement of Czechs and

§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War Slovaks). Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 335 p. (12 ill.; suppl. p. 297-321; pers. ind. p. 322-331; bibl. incl.). 7424. RYBACHENOK (Irina S.). Zakat velikoj derzhavy. Vneshnjaja politika Rossii na rubezhe XIX–XX vv.: tseli, zadachi, metody. (The fall of great State. Foreign policy of Russia on the turn of the 19th–20th centuries: purposes, objectives, methods). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 582 p. (ill.; maps; pers. ind. p. 570579; bibl. incl.). 7425. ZHELITSKI (Bela Jo.), ZHELITSKI (Chilla B.). Vengerskie emigratsionnye volny i emigranty (seredina XIX veka – konets 50-kh godov XX veka). (Hungarian emigration waves and emigrants, the middle of 19th century – end of 1950s). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies. Moskva, Indrik, 2012, 600 p. (pers. ind. p. 584-594; bibl. incl.). Cf. nos 584, 616, 3508, 7324, 7328, 7334, 7338, 7341, 7344, 7345, 7440, 7441, 7447 § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. * 7426. GERMANI (Ian). 1914: a very human catastrophe. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 3, p. 459472. * 7427. MARKS (Sally). Mistakes and Myths: The Allies, Germany, and the Versailles Treaty, 1918–1921. [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2013, 85, 3, p. 632-659. ** 7428. 1914: das andere Lesebuch zum 1. Weltkrieg: unbekannte Dokumente der österreichisch-ungarischen Diplomatie. Hrsg. v. Rudolf AGSTNER. Wien, Lit, 2013, 249 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte des österreichischen Auswärtigen Dienstes, 8). ** 7429. ARACHELIAN (Vartan). Istoria şi fantomele sale: "chestiunea armeană" în arhivele diplomatice româneşti. Bucureşti, Ararat, 2013, 397 p. ** 7430. CÎRSTEA (Marusia). Proiecte româno-britanice privind construirea unei baze navale la Marea Neagră. Documente (1929–1939). (Romanian-British projects of constructing a naval base at the Black Sea. Documents, 1929–1939). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 217 p. ** 7431. "Der Krieg kennt kein Erbarmen." Die Tagebücher des Kaiserschützen Erich Mayr (1913–1920). Herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Südtiroler Kulturinstitut von Isabelle BRANDAUER. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2013, 542 p. (Erfahren – Erinnern – Bewahren. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtsforschung, 2). ** 7432. Documenti diplomatici italiani sull'Armenia. Commissione per la Pubblicazione dei Documenti Italiani sull'Armenia. Ser. 3. 1912–1923. Vol. 8. 1 gennaio 1918–31 dicembre 1919. A cura di Daniela MELFA. Firenze, Commissione per la Pubblicazione dei Documenti Italiani sull'Armenia Corporation, 2013, 518 p.


** 7433. Documents diplomatiques français: 1920– 1932. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. 10. 1923. Tome 2. 1er Juillet– 31 Décembre. 11. 1924. Tome 1. 1er janvier–30 juin. Bruxelles, P.I.E., Lang, 2013, 2 vol., XLIX-823 p., XXXVII-652 p. ** 7434. FRANCO (Rafael). Diario de guerra. Prólogo Julia VELILLA LACONICH; compilación Rafael Luis FRANCO. Asunción, Intercontinental Editora, 2013, 222 p. ** 7435. Konferecja posłów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej akredytowanych w państwach Europy Środkowej i na Bałkanach: Warszawa 7–10 marca 1932 roku: referaty i protokoły. (Conference of Members of the Republic of Poland accredited in countries of Central Europe and the Balkans: Warsaw March 7–10, 1932: papers and protocols). Opracowali, Henryk CHAŁUPCZAK, Edward KOŁODZIEJ. Lublin, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2013, 143 p. ** 7436. Mars. Kriegsnachrichten aus der Familie 1914–1918. Max Trimborns Rundbrief für seine rheinische Großfamilie. Hrsg. v. Heinrich DREIDOPPEL, Max HERRESTHAL und Gerd KRUMEICH. Essen, Klartext, 2013, 757 p. ** 7437. Origins (The) of the First World War: diplomatic and military documents. Ed. by Annika MOMBAUER. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, XXV660 p. (Documents in modern history). ** 7438. POMMIER VINCELLI (Daniel), CARTENY (Andrea). L'Azerbaigian nei documenti diplomatici italiani (1919–1920). Roma, Nuova cultura, 2013, 165 p. (Storia d'Europa = History of Europe, 3, 5). ** 7439. RONCALLI (Angelo Giuseppe). Il lupo, l'orso, l'agnello: epistolario bulgaro con don K. Raev e mons. D. Theelen. A cura di Paolo CORTESI. Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2013, 591 p. ** 7440. TURCATTI (Dante). Diplomacia pontificia y secularización en Uruguay: relación de correspondencia Santa Sede-Nunziatura Apostólica: affari ecclesiastici straordinari 1905–1922. Montevideo, Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, 2013, 327 p. (Serie Archivos, documentos y fuentes hemerográficas documentos eclesiásticos, 1). 7441. ARTUÇ (Nevzat). İttihatçı-senûsî ilişkileri: (1908–1918), ittihat ve terakki'nin ittihad-i İslâm siyaseti çerçevesinde. (Relations unionistes-senussi, 1908– 1918). İstanbul, Bilge Kültür Sanat, 2013, 248 p. 7442. BARBU (Melanica-Rita). România şi războaiele balcanice. 1912–1913. (Romanian and Balcans Wars. 1912–1913). Bucureşti, Editura Pro Universitaria, 2013, 221 p. 7443. BARRETT (Michael B.). Prelude to Blitzkrieg: the 1916 Austro-German campaign in Romania. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XX-399 p. (Twentieth-century battles). 7444. BAYERLEIN (Bernhard H.). Deutschland, Russland, Komintern – Überblicke, Analysen, Diskussionen: Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte der KPD und die



deutsch-russischen Beziehungen (1918–1943). Warszaw u. Berlin, De Gruyter Open, 2013, 485 p. (Archive des Kommunismus – Pfade des XX. Jahrhunderts, 5). 7445. BEAUMONT (Joan). Broken nation: Australians in the Great War. Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2013, XXVIII-628 p. 7446. BEHRENS (Gerd). Der Mythos der deutschen Überlegenheit: die deutschen Demokraten und die Entstehung des polnischen Staates 1916–1922. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2013, 749 p. (Die Deutschen und das östliche Europa, 9). 7447. BELL (Christopher M.). Churchill and seapower. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-429 p. 7448. BONDALLAZ (Patrick). De la charité populaire à la diplomatie humanitaire: l'exemple des secours suisses en faveur de la Serbie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 405-427. 7449. BONES (Adam James). British national dailies and the outbreak of War in 1914. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 975-992. 7450. BREMM (Klaus-Jürgen). Propaganda im Ersten Weltkrieg. Stuttgart, Theiss Verlag, 2013, 188 p. 7451. Bulgaria and Hungary at war (1912–1918): collected studies. Editors Penka PEYKOVSKA, Gábor DEMETER. Sofiia a. Budapest, MTA Történettudományi Intézet a. Hungarian-Bulgarian Joint Academic History Comission, 2013, 159 p. 7452. CALCAN (Gheorghe). România în relaţiile internaţionale ale Conferinţei de Pace de la Paris-Versailles, 1919–1920. Recunoaşterea internaţională a Marii Uniri. (Romania in the international relations at the Paris-Versailles Peace Conference, 1919–1920. The international recognition of the Great Union). ClujNapoca, Editura Mega, 2013, 386 p. 7453. CEADEL (Martin). Enforced pacific settlement or guaranteed mutual defence? British and US approaches to collective security in the eclectic covenant of the League of Nations. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 993-1008. 7454. CHAPMAN (Michael E.). Fidgeting over foreign policy: Henry L. Stimson and the Shenyang incident, 1931. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 727-748. 7455. CHARRIER (Landry). Die Friedensbemühungen Harry Graf Kesslers im Ersten Weltkrieg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 527-535. 7456. CHERNEV (Borislav). Beyond annexationism: the Central powers' Ostpolitik as structural transformation, 1917–1918. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 723-743. 7457. COLLAR (Peter). The propaganda war in the Rhineland. Weimar Germany, race and occupation after World War I. London, Tauris, 2013, XVII-330 p. 7458. COMPAGNON (Olivier). L'adieu à l'Europe. L'Amérique latine et la Grande Guerre: Argentine et Brésil, 1914–1939. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 394 p.

7459. Crown (To) the waves. The great navies of the First World War. Ed. by Vincent P. O'HARA, W. David DICKSON and Richard WORTH. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2013, IX-349 p. 7460. DUFOURCQ (Elisabeth). Le sacre des premiers évêques chinois (28 octobre 1926). Sources françaises et vaticanes. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 1, p. 3-22. 7461. DYROFF (Stefan). Avant-garde or supplement? Advisory bodies of transnational associations as alternatives to the League's minority protection system, 1919–1939. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 192208. 7462. ELSIG (Alexandre). Un "laboratoire de choix"? Le rôle de la Suisse dans le dispositif européen de la propagande allemande (1914–1918). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 382-404. 7463. FANNING (Ronan). Fatal path: British government and Irish Revolution, 1910–1922. London, Faber and Faber, 2013, XXI-423 p. 7464. FENSKE (Hans). Der Anfang vom Ende des alten Europa. Die alliierte Verweigerung von Friedensgesprächen 1914–1919. München, Olzog, 2013, 144 p. 7465. FERNS (Nicholas). Loyal advisor? Colonel Edward House's confidential trips to Europe, 1913–1917. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 365-382. 7466. FLOYD (M. Ryan). Abandoning American neutrality: Woodrow Wilson and the beginning of the Great War, August 1914–December 1915. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-251 p. 7467. FURIOZZI (Massimo). L'Association italienne pour l'entente intellectuelle entre les pays alliés et leurs amis (1916–1918). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 303-310. 7468. GIFFORD (Jayne). Extracting the best deal for Britain: the assassination of Sir Lee Stack in November 1924 and the revision of Britain's Nile Valley policy. Canadian journal of history, 2013, 48, 1, p. 87-114. 7469. GRAINGER (John D.). The battle for Syria 1918– 1920. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2013, VIII-261 p. 7470. Great War (The) and Veterans' Internationalism. Ed. by Julia EICHENBERG and John Paul NEWMAN. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 248 p. 7471. HARRIS (Charles H. III), SADLER (Louis R.). The Plan de San Diego: Tejano Rebellion, Mexican Intrigue. Lincoln a. London, University of Nebraska press, 2013, XVIII-339 p. 7472. HASTINGS (Max). Catastrophe. Europe goes to War 1914. London, Harper Collins Publishers, 2013, 672 p. 7473. HEMPSON (Donald A. III). New to the game: Czechs, economic unions, and the diplomacy of contested zones. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 256-273.

§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War 7474. HOGAŞ (Gelu). Relaţii politice româno-franceze (1919–1926). (French-Romanian political relations, 1919–1926). Iaşi, Editura StudIS, 2013, 199 p. 7475. JACKSON (Peter). Beyond the balance of power: France and the politics of national security in the era of the First World War. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P., 2013, XV-559 p. 7476. JANZ (Oliver). 14 – Der große Krieg. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2013, 415 p. 7477. Jenseits des Schützengrabens. Der Erste Weltkrieg im Osten: Erfahrungen – Wahrnehmung – Kontext. Hrsg. v. Bernhard BACHINGER und Wolfram DORNIK. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2013, 471 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung, 14). 7478. KALIVODOVÁ (Eva). From the "Young Czech student working for the freedom of his country" to a great diplomat: Beneš's image during the First World War in France. In: Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild: politische, mediale und historiographische Deutungen [cf. no 3679], p. 15-34. 7479. KELLY (Sean). How far West? Lord Curzon's Transcaucasian (mis)adventure and the defence of British India, 1918–1923. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 274-293. 7480. KLAPSIS (Antonis). The strategic importance of Cyprus and the prospect of union with Greece, 1919– 1931: the Greek perspective. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 5, p. 765-782.


1927–1930. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 171191. 7487. MAC CULLOCH (Ian). La naissance de l'armée canadienne moderne: le corps canadien durant la Grande Guerre de 1914–1918. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 7-20. 7488. MAC MEEKIN (Sean). July 1914. Countdown to war. New York, Perseus Book Group, 2013, 560 p. 7489. MAC MILLAN (Margaret). The war that ended peace: how Europe abandoned peace for the First World War. London, Profile Books, 2013, XXXI-699 p. 7490. MAC PHERSON (Alan). Foreigners under U.S. occupation in the Caribbean. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 100-120. 7491. MAGENSCHAB (Hans). Der Große Krieg: Österreich im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914–1918: der Weg in den Untergang, die Katastrophe im Osten, der Krieg im Gebirge, das Ende der Monarchie. Innsbruck, Tyrolia-Verlag, 2013, 255 p. 7492. MALLINSON (Allan). 1914: fight the good fight: Britain, the Army and the coming of the First World War. Toronto, Bantam Press, 2013, XXIV-503 p. 7493. MANGOLD-WILL (Sabine). Begrenzte Freundschaft. Deutschland und die Türkei 1918–1933. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 539 p. (Moderne Europäische Geschichte, 5). 7494. MARBLE (Sanders). British artillery on the Western Front in the First World War. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 285 p.

7481. KRAUS (Hans-Christof). Versailles und die Folgen. Die Außenpolitik zwischen Revisionismus und Verständigung 1919–1933. Berlin, be.bra, 2013, 198 p. (Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert, 4).

7495. MARK (Rudolf A.). Krieg an fernen Fronten. Die Deutschen in Russisch-Turkestan und am Hindukusch 1914–1924. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2013, 285 p.

7482. KUMAMOTO (Fumio). Taisenkanki no tai-Chūgoku bunka gaikō: Gaimushō kiroku ni miru seisaku kettei katei. (Cultural diplomacy towards China during the interwar period: The policy-making process seen in the records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 358 p.

7496. MARTIN (Benjamin F.). Years of plenty, years of want: France and the legacy of the Great War. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2013, X-239 p.

7483. LARSEN (Daniel). Abandoning democracy: Woodrow Wilson and promoting German democracy, 1918–1919. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 476-508. 7484. LEMAY (Benoît). Du plan Schlieffen au plan Moltke: mythes et réalités des plans de guerre allemands et de la responsabilité du Reich dans le déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 27-46. – IDEM. Le mythe de la bataille de la Marne ou de l'échec du "plan Schlieffen" en septembre 1914 dans l'historiographie allemande. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 7-26. 7485. Libyan war 1911–1912 (The). Ed. by Luca MIand Andrea UNGARI. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, XI-200 p.

7497. MÄRZ (Stefan). Das Haus Wittelsbach im Ersten Weltkrieg. Chance und Zusammenbruch monarchischer Herrschaft. Regensburg, Pustet, 2013, 571 p. 7498. MAYHEW (Emily). Wounded: a new history of the Western Front in World War I. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 275 p. 7499. MICHAEL (Holger). Zwischen den Kriegen: die Außenpolitik Polens 1918–1939. Bonn, Pahl-Rugenstein, 2013, 366 p. 7500. MORITZ (Verena), KÖSTENBERGER (Julia), VATLIN (Aleksandr), LEIDINGER (Hannes), MOSER (Karin). Gegenwelten: Aspekte der österreichisch-sowjetischen Beziehungen 1918–1938. St. Pölten, Residenz Verlag, 2013, 520 p.


7501. MÜNKLER (Herfried). Der Große Krieg. Die Welt 1914 bis 1918. Berlin, Rowohlt, 2013, 924 p.

7486. LLOYD (Lorna). "(O)n the side of justice and peace": Canada on the League of Nations Council

7502. MURRAY (Nicholas). The rocky road to the Great War: the evolution of trench warfare to 1914. Washington, Potomac Books, 2013, XVIII-301 p.



7503. NAKAMI (Tatsuo). "Man-mō mondai" no rekishiteki kōzu. (Historical context of the "Manchuria and Mongolia question" in the international relations of East Asia). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 293 p. 7504. NAMONT (Jean-Philippe). La France, la Tchécoslovaquie et le palais Buquoy. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 311-326. 7505. NOWINOWSKI (Sławomir M.). Polska w dyplomacji czechosłowackiej 1926–1932. (Poland in Czechoslovak Diplomacy 1926–1932). Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódziego, 2013, 370 p. 7506. PANEL (Louis N.). La Grande Guerre des gendarmes. "Forcer, au besoin, leur obéissance"? Paris, Ministère de la Défense-Nouveau Monde éditions, 2013, 611 p. 7507. PARSONS (Greg S.). British Conservative opinion and the problem of Germany after the First World War. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 863883. 7508. Politische Strategien nationaler Minderheiten in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Hrsg. v. Mathias BEER und Stefan DYROFF. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 322 p. 7509. Première Guerre mondiale (La). Sous la dir. de Jay WINTER. Vol. 1. Combats. Coord. de Annette BECKER. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 847 p. 7510. Prvi balkanski rat 1912/1913. godine: društveni i civilizacijski smisao: (povodom stogodišnjice oslobođenja stare Srbije i Makedonije 1912). [The first Balkan war: social and cultural meaning: (on the 100th anniversary of the liberation of the old Serbia and Macedonia 1912)]. Priredio Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ. Niš, Filozofski fakultet, 2013, 2 vol., 534 p., 281 p. (Biblioteka Naučni skupovi). 7511. RAUCHENSTEINER (Manfred). Der Erste Weltkrieg und das Ende der Habsburgermonarchie 1914– 1918. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2013, 1222 p. 7512. RENTON (James). The age of nationality and the origins of the Zionist-Palestinian conflict. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 576-599. 7513. RITA (Fernando). Na sombra do expedicionário: a vida em combate de soldados portugueses na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Porto, Fronteira do Caos Editores, 2013, 233 p. 7514. ROBÈNE (Luc). Les sports aériens: de la compétition sportive à la violence de guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 25-43. 7515. RÓŻAŃSKI (Przemysław). Amerykańscy żydzi i amerykańska dyplomacja wobec kwestii żydowskiej w Polsce 1922–1939. (American Jews and American diplomacy towards the Jewish question in Poland, 1922– 1939). Gdansk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2013, 551 p. 7516. SAINT-FUSCIEN (Emmanuel). Énoncer, menacer, montrer: retour sur les exécutions "pour l'exemple"

dans les pratiques de commandement de l'armée française de 14-18. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 47-60. 7517. SAMSON (Anne). World War I in Africa: the forgotten conflict among the European powers. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, X-306 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 50). 7518. SEGESSER (Daniel Marc). Nicht kriegführend, aber doch Teil eines globalen Krieges. Perspektiven auf transnationale Verflechtungen der Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 364-381. 7519. SHINDO (Rikako). Ostpreußen, Litauen und die Sowjetunion in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik: Wirtschaft und Politik im deutschen Osten. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2013, 888 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte, 45). 7520. SIBORA (Janusz). Dyplomacja polska w I wojnie światowej. (Polish diplomacy in the First World War). Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2013, 607 p. 7521. SODA (Saburo). Chūka-minkoku no tanjō to Taishō shoki no Nihonjin. (The birth of the Republic of China and the Japanese in the early Taisho period). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2013, 324 p. 7522. STANGELAND (Sigurd Sverre). Die Rolle Deutschlands im Völkermord an den Armeniern 1915– 1916. Trondheim, Norwegens Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Universität, 2013, 386 p. (Dissertationen an der NTNU, 160). 7523. STEVENSON (Robert). To win the battle. The 1st Australian Division in the Great War, 1914–1918. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-290 p. 7524. SUBOCZ (Jarosław). Polityka zagraniczna Litwy wobec Polski w latach 1918–1923. (Lithuania's foreign policy towards Poland in 1918–1923). Lublin, Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskogo Jana Pawla II, 2013, 296 p. (Zrodla i monografije, 406). 7525. TAJIMA (Nobuo). Nachisu-Doitsu to Chūgoku Kokumin Seifu: 1933–1937. (Nazi Germany and the Nationalist Government of China, 1933–1937). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 398 p. 7526. THOMPSON (J. Lee). Never call retreat: Theodore Roosevelt and the Great War. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XI-362 p. 7527. THORNTON (Martin). Churchill, Borden and Anglo-Canadian naval relations, 1911–1914. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XIX-187 p. 7528. TYMCHENKO (Roman Viktorovych). Vidnosyny Ukraïnsʹkoï Narodnoï Respubliky ĭ Zakhidno-Ukraïnsʹkoï Narodnoï Respubliky: (lystopad 1918–kvitenʹ 1920 rr.). (Relations between the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic, November 1918–April 1920). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2013, 347 p

§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War 7529. VALVO (Paolo). "Una turlupinatura stile messicano". La Santa Sede e la sospensione del culto pubblico in Messico (luglio 1926). Quaderni di storia, 2013, 38, 78 (2), p. 195-228. 7530. VAREY (David K.). The Foreign Office, the World Disarmament Conference, and the French connexion, 1932–1934. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 383-403. 7531. War and Nationalism. The Balkan Wars, 1912–1913, and their sociopolitical implications. Ed. by M. Hakan YAVUZ and Isa BLUMI. Salt Lake City, The University of Utah Press, 2013, 884 p. 7532. WOLF (Susanne). Guarded neutrality: diplomacy and internment in the Netherlands during the First World War. Leiden, Brill, 2013, VIII-209 p. (History of warfare, 86). 7533. WOLZ (Nicolas). "Und wir verrosten im Hafen": Deutschland, Großbritannien und der Krieg zur See 1914–1918. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2013, 349 p. 7534. YAMAMURO (Shin-Ichi). L'empire du Japon et le choc de la Première Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 5-32. 7535. ŻELICHOWSKI (Ryszard). Stosunki polsko-holenderskie w Europie powersalskiej. (The Polish-Dutch relations in the post-Treaty of Versailles Europe). Warszawa, Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2013, 457 p. 7536. ZIEMANN (Benjamin). Gewalt im Ersten Weltkrieg. Töten – Überleben – Verweigern. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 276 p. 7537. ZIMMERMANN (Adrian). Die Niederlande und die Schweiz im November 1918. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 3, p. 453-478. § 6. Addenda 2012. 7538. LANNIK (Leontij V.). Germanskaja voennaja elita perioda Velikoj vojny i revoljutsii i "russkij sled" v ee razvitii: Monografija. (German military elite in the times of Great war and Revolution and "russian trace" in its evolution. A study). Saratov, Izd-vo Saratov. gos. tekh. un-ta, 2012, 536 p. (bibl. 506-535). 7539. LEVIT (Izjaslav E.). Bessarabskij vopros v kontekste mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenij (1919–1920 gody): Parizhskaja mirnaja konferentsija. (Bessarabian issue in the context of international relations, 1919–1920. Paris peace conference). Transdniestrian State University, Centre of social and political researches "Perspectiva". Tiraspol', Litera, 2012, 240 p. (pers. ind. p. 223-228; suppl. p. 229-237; bibl. incl.). [English abstract p. 4; also translation from English]. 7540. Rossijskaja belaja emigratsija v Vengrii (1920– 1940-e gody). (Russian white emigration in Hungary, 1920–1940s). Ed. Aleksandr S. STYKALIN, Eva Maria VARGA. Balassi Institute Moscow, Archival Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic studies


[et al.]. Мoskva, Probel-2000, 2012, 218 p. (bibl. incl.). [Also transl. from Hungarian]. 7541. SERGEEV (Evgenij Ju.). Bol'shaja igra, 1856– 1907: mify i realii rossijsko-britanskikh otnoshenij v Tsentral'noj i Vostochnoj Azii. ("The Big Game", 1856– 1907. The myths and reality of Russian-British relations in Central and East Asia). Moskva, Tovarischestvo nauchnykh izdanij КМК, 2012, 456 p. (4 f. ill.; bibl. p. 375-430; suppl. p. 431-441: maps, tabl.; pers. ind. p. 442-449; geogr. ind. p. 450-455). Cf. nos 576, 584, 3661, 4589, 7352, 7357, 7359, 7361, 7368, 7370, 7371, 7380, 7381, 7382, 7386, 7396, 7401, 7407, 7408, 7414, 7415, 7576, 7579, 7582, 7583, 7599 § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War. _______________________

a. General 7542. BALOGH (Béni L.). Küzdelem Erdélyért: a magyar--román viszony és a kisebbségi kérdés 1940– 1944 között. (Fight for Transylvania: the Hungarian – Romanian relationship and the minority issue between 1940 and 1944). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2013, 335 p. 7543. BENZ (Wolfgang). Theresienstadt. Eine Geschichte von Täuschung und Vernichtung. München, Beck, 2013, 281 p. 7544. Berichte (Die) der Einsatzgruppen aus Polen 1939. Vollständige Edition. Hrsg. v. Stephan LEHNSTAEDT und Jochen BÖHLER. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 480 p. 7545. BRUDER (Franziska). Hunderte solcher Helden. Der Aufstand jüdischer Gefangener im NS-Vernichtungslager Sobibór. Münster, Unrast Verlag, 2013, 182 p. 7546. CHEVASSUS-AU-LOUIS (Nicolas). Pourquoi Hitler n'a pas eu la bombe atomique. Paris, Économica, 2013, 128 p. 7547. CHU (Winson), KAUFFMAN (Jesse), MENG (Michael). A Sonderweg through Eastern Europe? The varieties of German rule in Poland during the Two World Wars. German history, 2013, 31, 3, p. 318-344. 7548. COHEN (Laurie R.). Smolensk under the Nazis: everyday life in occupied Russia. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2013, XIV-364 p. (Rochester Studies in East and Central Europe). 7549. Collision of empires. Italy's invasion of Ethiopia and its' international impact. Ed. by G. Bruce STRANG. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 398 p. 7550. CROWHURST (Patrick). Hitler and Czechoslovakia in World War II. Domination and retaliation. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 352 p. 7551. FRÖHLICH (Elke). Der Zweite Weltkrieg. Eine kurze Geschichte. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2013, 280 p. 7552. GAO (Bei). Shanghai sanctuary: Chinese and Japanese policy toward European Jewish refugees dur-



ing World War II. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, IX185 p.

Tusculanum, 2013, 345 p. (Danish humanist texts and studies, 46).

7553. GEIGER (Vladimir). Josip Broz Tito i ratni zločini: Bleiburg Folksdojčeri. (Josip Broz Tito and war crimes: Bleiburg Volksdeutsche). Zagreb, Hrv. institut za povijest, 2013, 149 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica.Monografije i studije, III/59).

7565. MAJERIKOVÁ-MOLITORIS (Milica). Slovenskopoľský spor o inkorporované územia Spiša a Oravy v roku 1945. (The Slovak – Polish dispute on the incorporated territories of Spiš and Orava in 1945). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 3, p. 533-550.

7554. GRAHEK-RAVANČIĆ (Martina). Narod će im suditi: zemaljska komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača za Zagreb 1944.–1947. (The people will be judged by them: the Ground Commission for determining the crimes of the occupier and their helpers for Zagreb 1944–1947). Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2013, 388 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica.Monografije i studije, III/60).

7566. MATSUNUMA (Miho). Historiographie japonaise de la guerre de 1931 à 1945: état des recherches jusqu'à nos jours. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 33-48.

7555. Hitler's Scandinavian Legacy. The consequences of the German invasion for the Scandinavian countries then and now. Ed. John GILMOUR and Jill STEPHENSON. London, Bloomsbury, 2013, 240 p.

7567. MITTER (Rana). China's war with Japan, 1937– 1945: the struggle for survival. London, Allen Lane, 2013, XX-458 p. 7568. OVERY (Richard). Pacifism and the Blitz, 1940–1941. Past and present, 2013, 219, p. 201-236.

7556. HOTTA (Eri). Japan 1941: Countdown to infamy. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2013, XXI-320 p.

7569. ŠINDELÁŘOVÁ (Lenka). Finale der Vernichtung. Die Einsatzgruppe H in der Slowakei 1944/1945. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 360 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 22).

7557. ISRAELI (Raphael). The death camps of Croatia: visions and revisions, 1941–1945. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2013, XXIV-201 p.

7570. SOMENZARI (Francesca). 8 settembre 1943: gli Stati Uniti e i prigionieri italiani. Roma, Aracne editrice, 2013, 232 p.

7558. JERICHOW (Anders), LARSEN (Niels Ivar). Oktober 43: danske jøders flugt til Sverige eller deportation til Thesienstadt. Odense, Humanity in action, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 668 p. (ill.).

7571. STEINACHER (Gerald). Hakenkreuz und Rotes Kreuz. Eine humanitäre Organisation zwischen Holocaust und Flüchtlingsproblematik. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2013, 211 p.

7559. JORGENSEN-EARP (Cheryl R.). Discourse and Defiance under Nazi Occupation: Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940–1945. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State U.P., 2013, 300 p.

7572. STEINERT (Johannes-Dieter). Deportation und Zwangsarbeit. Polnische und sowjetische Kinder im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland und im besetzten Osteuropa 1939–1945. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 306 p.

7560. KÁDÁR (Gábor), VÁGI (Zoltán). A végső döntés. Berlin, Budapest, Birkenau 1944. (The final decision). Budapest, Jaffa, 2013, 280 p.

7573. TOYE (Richard). The roar of the lion: the untold story of Churchill's World War II speeches. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, X-309 p.

7561. KODETOVÁ (Petra). The events connected with the presence of the American army in Western Bohemia in 1945. West Bohemian Historical Review, 2013, 2, p. 133-149.

7574. TRAŞCĂ (Ottmar). Pax Germanica. Planuri germane referitoare la soluţionarea chestiunii Transilvaniei între anii 1940–1944. (Pax Germanica. Germans plan son solving the issues of Transylvania between 1940 and 1944). Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Seria Historica, 2013, 17, 1, p. 187-205.

7562. KOSHIRO (Yukiko). Imperial eclipse: Japan's strategic thinking about continental Asia before August 1945. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XVI-311 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 7563. KUDRNA (Ladislav). Českoslovenští letci v sovětské internaci za 2. světové války. (The Czechoslovak airman in the Soviet internation during the World War II). Theatrum historiae: sborník prací Katedry historických věd Fakulty filozofické Univerzity Pardubice, 2013, 13, p. 221-239. 7564. LAURIDSEN (John T.). Tysk besættelsespolitik i Danmark 1940–1945: en introduktion til kilder og litteratur. (La politique allemande d'occupation au Danemark 1940–1945: introduction aux sources et à l'historiographie). København, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Museum

7575. WILLIAMS (Isobel). Allies and Italians under occupation: Sicily and Southern Italy, 1943–1945. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XV-310 p. Cf. nos 7508, 7699, 7707, 7712, 7755, 7872 b. Diplomacy. Economy ** 7576. Danske Moskvakadrer i Stalintiden, udvalgte dokumenter fra de danske personsager i Kominterns arkiv. (Les cadres danois à Moscou à l'époque de Staline: documents choisis concernant les Danois dans les archives du Komintern). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 607 p. (ill.). ** 7577. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1941. (Polish diplomatic documents 1941). Red. Jacek TEBIN-

§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War KA.

Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2013, LXIV-976 p. (Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne).

7578. BAILEY (Gavin). The arsenal of democracy: aircraft supply and the Anglo-American alliance, 1938– 1942. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2013, XI-308 p. 7579. BEST (Antony). The Leith-Ross mission and British policy towards East Asia, 1934–1937. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 681-701. 7580. BUDOR (Karlo). Španjolska diplomacija i Nezavisna Država Hrvatska: (zbornik dokumenata). (Spain's diplomacy and independent state of Croatia: document summary). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2013, 164 p. 7581. CATROS (Simon). Un cas de surinterprétation du renseignement: l'évaluation du potentiel militaire allemand en mars 1936. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 61-79. 7582. CECI (Lucia). L'interesse superiore: Il Vaticano e l'Italia di Mussolini. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2013, 349 p. 7583. CLAVIN (Patricia). Securing the world economy: the reinvention of the League of Nations, 1920– 1946. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-400 p. 7584. COOMBS (Benjamin). British tank production and the war economy, 1934–1945. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, X-198 p. 7585. COURTEAUX (Olivier). Canada between Vichy and Free France, 1940–1945. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XI-257 p. 7586. Cruzados de Franco: propaganda y diplomacia en tiempos de guerra (1936–1945). Coordinador Antonio César MORENO CANTANO. Somonte-Cenero, Ediciones Trea, 2013, 334 p. (Piedras angulares). 7587. CYTOWSKA-SIEGRIST (Ewa). Stany Zjednoczone i Polska 1939-1945 = The United States and Poland, 1939–1945. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo "Neriton", 2013, 502 p. 7588. DIERL (Florian), JANJETOVIC (Zoran), LINNE (Karsten). Pflicht, Zwang und Gewalt. Arbeitsverwaltungen und Arbeitskräftepolitik im deutsch besetzten Polen und Serbien 1939–1944. Essen, Klartext Verlag, 2013, 510 p. 7589. ESPELI (Harald). Economic consequences of the German occupation Of Norway, 1940–1945. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 502-524. 7590. HABERSACK (Alice). Fremdarbeiter in Heidelberg während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Ubstadt-Weiher, Heidelberg u. Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Edition Guderjahn u. Verlag Regionalkultur, 2013, 367 p. (Buchreihe der Stadt Heidelberg, 16). 7591. HART (Justin). Empire of ideas: the origins of public diplomacy and the transformation of U.S. foreign policy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XII-279 p. 7592. HUFF (Gregg), MAJIMA (Shinobu). Financing Japan's World War II occupation of Southeast Asia. Journal of economic history, 2013, 73, 4, p. 937-977.


7593. JAKUBEC (Pavol). K otázke uznania Slovenského štátu (Slovenskej republiky) Nórskym kráľovstvom, 1939–1940. (On the question of recognition of the Slovak State [Slovak Republic] by the Kingdom of Norway, 1939–1940). Historický časopis, 2013, 61, 1, p. 121-141. 7594. KHATIB-SHAHIDI (Rashid Armin). German foreign policy towards Iran before World War II: political relations, economic influence and the National Bank of Persia. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 288 p. 7595. KIM (Seung-Young). The rise and fall of the United States trusteeship plan for Korea as a peacemaintenance scheme. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 227-252. 7596. KWIECIEŃ (Marcin). Wśród potępieńczych swarów: prawne aspekty rozliczeń politycznych wśród uchodźstwa polskiego we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii 1939–1943. (Amid abominable quarrels: legal aspects of political settlements among Polish refugees in France and Great Britain 1939–1943). Kraków, Księgarnia Akademicka, 2013, 451 p. 7597. LUND (Joachim). The wages of collaboration: the German food crisis 1939–1945 and the supplies from Denmark. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 4, p. 480-501. 7598. MAYERS (David). FDR's ambassadors and the diplomacy of crisis: from the rise of Hitler to the end of World War II. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, VIII372 p. 7599. MILZA (Pierre). Conversations Hitler-Mussolini, 1934–1944. Paris, Fayard, 2013, 397 p. 7600. Mobilisierung im Nationalsozialismus. Institutionen und Regionen in der Kriegswirtschaft und der Verwaltung des 'Dritten Reiches' 1936 bis 1945. Hrsg. v. Oliver WERNER. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 328 p. (Nationalsozialistische 'Volksgemeinschaft', 3). 7601. MORRIS (Justin). From 'peace by dictation' to international organisation: great power responsibility and the creation of the United Nations. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 511-533. 7602. MOURA (Gerson). Brazilian foreign relations, 1939–1950: the changing nature of Brazil-United States relations during and after the second World War. Brasília, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2013, 373 p. (Coleção Política externa brasileira, 642). 7603. NOVOTNÝ (Lukáš). The Machník Decree of 1936 and its perception by the British Legation in Prague and the Foreign Office. Central European papers, 2013, 1, 2, p. 39-50. 7604. Patto Ribbentrop-Molotov (Il): l'Italia e l'Europa (1939–1941): atti del convegno, Roma, 31 maggio– 1 giugno 2012. A cura di Alberto BASCIANI, Antonio MACCHIA, Valentina SOMMELLA. Roma, Aracne, 2013, 450 p. (Mappamondi, 7).



7605. PERNAL (Marek). Dyplomacja polska w okresie II wojny światowej. (Polish diplomacy during World War Two). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2013, 419 p. 7606. POUPAULT (Christophe). Amitié "latine" et pragmatisme diplomatique. Les relations franco-italiennes de 1936 à 1938. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 51-62. 7607. RAINERO (Romain H.). Une résistance silencieuse: la Délégation française auprès de la Commission italienne d'armistice avec la France (Turin, 27 juin 1940–8 septembre 1943). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 115-141. 7608. RISTOVIĆ (Milan D.). Turska osmatračnica: jugoslevensko-turski odnosi u Drugom svetskom ratu i njihov balkanski kontekst. (Turkish observatory: Yugoslav-Turkish relations in the Second World War and their Balkan context). Beograd, Čigoja štampa, Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, 2013, 223 p. (Edicija History, 2). 7609. ROLL (David L.). The Hopkins touch: Harry Hopkins and the forging of the alliance to defeat Hitler. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, 510 p. 7610. SÁENZ-FRANCÉS (Emilio). The ambassadorship of Hans Adolf von Moltke (1943): the turning point in German–Spanish relations during the Second World War. German history, 2013, 31, 1, p. 23-41. 7611. SALINAS (Alfred). Les Américains en Algérie: 1942–1945. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 434 p. 7612. SCAVONE (Ricardo). Después de la guerra: las relaciones paraguayo-bolivianas desde el Tratado de Paz hasta 1952. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Editorial El País, 2013, 157 p. (Ciencias sociales/historia, 33). 7613. SMETANA (Vít). British and U.S. perceptions of Edvard Beneš and his foreign policy in the last ten years of his life. In: Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild: politische, mediale und historiographische Deutungen [cf. no 3679], p. 127-151. 7614. STONE (Glyn Arthur). Neville Chamberlain and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 377-395. 7615. Territorial revisionism and the allies of Germany in the Second World War. Goals, expectations, practices. Ed. by Marina CATTARUZZA, Stefan DYROFF and Dieter LANGEWIESCHE. New York, Berghahn Books, 2013, XI-210 p. 7616. Widerstand und Auswärtiges Amt. Diplomaten gegen Hitler. Hrsg. v. Jan Erik SCHULTE und Michael WALA. München, Siedler Verlag, 2013, 352 p. 7617. ZLATARSKI (Vladimir). Die deutsch-bulgarischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Spiegel der beiderseitigen Regierungsausschüsse fur Regelung der Wi. Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 1-2, p. 56-78.

7618. Zwangsarbeit in Hitlers Europa. Besatzung – Arbeit – Folgen. Hrsg. v. Dieter POHL und Tanja SEBTA. Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2013, 495 p. Cf. nos 576, 4589, 7444, 7482, 7499, 7500, 7515, 7681, 7697, 7703, 7708, 7742, 7746, 7753 c. Military operations ** 7619. CASARRUBEA (Giuseppe), CEREGHINO (Mario José). Operazione Husky: guerra psicologica e intelligence nei documenti segreti inglesi e americani sullo sbarco in Sicilia. Roma, Castelvecchi, 2013, 273 p. (RX, 59). ** 7620. Deutsche Besatzungsherrschaft in der UdSSR 1941–1945. Dokumente der Einsatzgruppen in der Sowjetunion. Bd. 2. Hrsg. v. Andrej ANGRICK, KlausMichael MALLMANN, Jürgen MATTHÄUS [et al.] Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 639 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 23). 7621. BALDINI (Charles). Les pilotes de chasse de la France libre: portraits et spécificités. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 81-93. 7622. BUCKLEY (John). Monty's men: the British Army and the liberation of Europe, 1944–1945. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2013, IX-370 p. 7623. CARLIER (Claude). 1939–1940, L'armée de l'air française dans la tourmente: capitaine Antoine de SaintExupéry, pilote de guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 129-146. 7624. GOBETTI (Eric). Alleati del nemico. L'occupazione italiana in Jugoslavia (1941–1943). Roma, Laterza, 2013, 208 p. 7625. GOETTE (Richard), JOHNSTON (LCol Paul). L'expérience canadienne de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 21-40. 7626. HIGUCHI (Wakako). The Japanese administration of Guam, 1941–1944: a study of occupation and integration policies, with Japanese oral histories. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2013, VI-330 p. 7627. LACEY (Sharon Tosi). Pacific blitzkrieg: World War II in the Central Pacific. Denton, University of North Texas Press, 2013, XVIII-282 p. 7628. MARTINI (Alice). "Prigionieri nel nostro mare!" Il Mediterraneo, gli inglesi e la non belligeranza del "Duce" (1939–1940). Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2013, XI-244 p. (Il Novecento, 1). 7629. METZGER (Martina). Bewältigung, Auswirkungen und Nachwirkungen des Bombenkrieges in Berlin und London 1940–1955. Zerstörung und Wiederaufbau zweier europäischer Hauptstädte. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 367 p. (Historia Altera. Alternative Sichtweisen auf die deutsche und europäische Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 1). 7630. MEYER (Hermann Frank). Il massacro di Cefalonia e la 1° divisione da montagna tedesca. Prefazione

§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War di Giorgio ROCHAT. A cura di Manfred H. TEMPEN. Udine, Gasperi Ed., 2013, 491 p. 7631. O'HARA (Vincent P.). In passage perilous: Malta and the convoy battles of June 1942. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XV-265 p. (Twentieth-century battles). 7632. RENTOLA (Kimmo). Intelligence and Stalin's two crucial decisions in the Winter War, 1939–1940. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1089-1112. 7633. SACQUETY (Troy J.). The OSS in Burma, 1942–1945: jungle war against the Japanese. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XIV-320 p. (Modern war studies). 7634. SCHMIEDEL (Michael). "Sous cette pluie de fer". Luftkrieg und Gesellschaft in Frankreich 1940–1944. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 360 p. (Schriftenreihe des Deutsch-Französischen Historikerkomitees, 9). 7635. SIMMONET (Stéphane). Il y a 70 ans, Philippe Kieffer invente les Commandos marine français. Histoire et mémoires du Commando Kieffer. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 115128. 7636. STAHEL (David). Operation typhoon: Hitler's march on Moscow, October 1941. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-412 p. 7637. WEISS (Stéphane). L'engagement de troupes nord-africaines et coloniales dans le Sud-ouest de la France en 1944–1945. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 251 (3), p. 143-161. 7638. YOSHIDA (Yutaka). Les champs de bataille et les soldats de la guerre du Pacifique en Asie. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (1), p. 4974. 7639. Zeitzeugen des Hamburger Feuersturms 1943 und ihre Familien. Forschungsprojekt zur Weitergabe von Kriegserfahrungen. Hrsg. v. Ulrich LAMPARTER, Silke WIEGAND-GREFE und Dorothee WIERLING. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 384 p. c. Addenda 2012 ** 7640. Ukrainskie natsionalisticheskie ogranizatsii v gody Vtoroj mirovoj vojny. Dokumenty v 2-kh tt. (Ukrainian nationalistic organisations in the World war II: Collection of sources in 2 vol.). Vol. 1. 1939–1943; Vol. 2. 1944–1945. Ed. Tat'jana V. TSAREVSKAJA-DJAKINA. State Archive of Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of social and political history, Russian State Military Archive, Archive of the President of Russian Federation, Central Archive of FSB [et al.]. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2012, 878, 1167 p. 7641. BRILEV (Sergej B.). Zabytye sojuzniki vo Vtoroj mirovoj vojne. (Forgotten allies of World War II). Мoskva, Olma-media group, 2012, 712 p. (ill.; maps; facs.; bibl. incl.). 7642. Velikaja Otechestvennaja vojna. 1942 god. (The Great Patriotic war, 1942). Ed. Vasilij S. KHRIS-



Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History, Central Archive of FSB. Moskva, Izd-vo Glav. arkhiv. uprav. goroda Moskvy (GAU), 2012, 616 p. Cf. nos 7430, 7447, 7461, 7705, 7750 d. Resistance ** 7643. ŠARENAC (Danilo), PANTELIĆ (Ivana). Dve polovine sećanja: partizanski dnevnici kao izvor za istoriju Drugog svetskog rata. (Two half-forgings: Partisan diaries as a source for the Second World War history). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2013, 167 p. (Biblioteka Posebna izdanja). 7644. KILIAN (Jürgen). Wehrmacht, Partisanenkrieg und Rückzugsverbrechen an der nördlichen Ostfront im Herbst und Winter 1943. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 3, p. 173-200. 7645. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav). Resistance, collaboration, adaptation...: some notes on the research of the Czech society in the Protectorate. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 54-76. 7646. KRANJC (Gregor Joseph). To walk with the devil: Slovene collaboration and Axis occupation, 1941– 1945. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2013, XII329 p. 7647. KVAČEK (Robert). Atentát na Reinharda Heydricha v souvislostech. (The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich and its connections). Český časopis historický, 2013, 111, 2, p. 269-275. 7648. KVAM (Vegard). Skolefronten: Einar Høigård og norske læreres kamp mot nazismen. (Le front de l'école: Einar Høigård et la lutte des enseignants norvégiens contre le nazisme). Oslo, Scandinavian Academic Press, 2013, 377 p. 7649. MORTENSEN (Lasse). Den danske kirke og modstandskampen 1940-45. De teologiske hovedstrømningers betydning. (Resistance movement and Christian Church in Denmark, 1940–1945. The importance of theological main currents for the attitudes of Vicars). Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark), 2013, 113, 2, p. 497-520. 7650. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo). The Italian army in Slovenia. Strategies of antipartisan repression 1941– 1943. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XV196 p. 7651. PRAŻMOWSKA (Anita). The Polish underground resistance during the Second World War: a study in political disunity during occupation. European history quarterly, 2013, 43, 3, p. 464-488. 7652. ROTH (Markus), LÖW (Andrea). Das Warschauer Getto. Alltag und Widerstand im Angesicht der Vernichtung. München, Beck, 2013, 240 p. 7653. THIERRY (Laurent). La Répression allemande dans le Nord de la France 1940–1944. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013, 367 p.



7654. WIEVIORKA (Olivier). Histoire de la Résistance 1940–1945. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 576 p. § 8. From 1945. _______________________

a. General 7655. ANDERSSON (Christoph). Operation Norrsken: om Stasi och Sverige under kalla kriget. (Opération Aurore boréale: la Stasi et la Suède pendant la Guerre froide). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2013, 323 p. 7656. BEČKA (Jan). Czechoslovaks on the battlefields of Indochina. Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 2013, 1, p. 159-164. 7657. BENNETT (Gill). Six moments of crisis: inside British foreign policy. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XVI-223 p. 7658. Beyond the eagle's shadow: new histories of Latin America's Cold War. Ed. by Virginia GARRARDBURNETT, Mark Atwood LAWRENCE and Julio E. MORENO. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, VIII-341 p. 7659. BHAGAVAN (Manu). India and the quest for one world: the peacemakers. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XXI-199 p. (Palgrave Macmillan transnational history). 7660. CALLORI-GEHLSEN (Christina), DIEFENBACH (Karl), WEIDENFELD (Werner). Von der Teilung zur Einheit: deutsch-russische Gespräche im Kontext der internationalen Entwicklung von 1945 bis 1990: zwei Rückblicke: Nikita Chrustschow und Konrad Adenauer, Michael Gorbatschow und Helmut Kohl. Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt Academic Press, 2013, 160 p. 7661. Christian Democrat internationalism. Its action in Europe and worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s. Ed. by Jean-Dominique DURAND. Bruxelles, Peter Lang GmbH/Wien, 2013, 2 vol., 244 p., 295 p. 7662. CLARKSON (Alexander). Fragmented fatherland. Immigration and Cold War conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945–1980. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, XIV-231 p. (Monographs in German History, 34). 7663. Cold War (The) in the Third World. Ed. by Robert J. MAC MAHON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, 229 p. 7664. DDR (Die) in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen = La RDA dans les relations franco-allemandes. Hrsg. v. Anne KWASCHIK und Ulrich PFEIL. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2013, 453 p. (Deutschland in den internationalen Beziehungen, 4 = L'Allemagne dans les relations internationals, 4). 7665. De-centering Cold War history: local and global change. Ed. by Jadwiga E. PIEPER MOONEY and Fabio LANZA. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XII-231 p. 7666. EKMAN (Sten). Kalixlinjen, kalla krigets lås i norr: befästningarna, fasta artilleriet, de svenska planerna

och det tänkta sovjetryska anfallet. (La Ligne Kalix, le verrou de la Guerre froide au Nord: fortifications, artillerie fixe, les plans suédois et l'attaque soviétique prévue). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2013, 203 p. (ill.). (Försvaret och det kalla kriget, FOKK, 40). 7667. Erbe des Kalten Krieges. Hrsg. v. Bernd GREITim B. MÜLLER und Klaas VOß. Hamburg, Hamburger Edition, HIS Verlag, 2013, 507 p. NER,

7668. ERLIKH (Ḥagai). Berit ṿe-shever: Etyopyah ṿeYiśra'el bi-yeme Haileh-Selaseh. (Alliance and alienation: Ethiopia and Israel in the days of Haile Selassie). Tel Aviv, Merkaz Dayan le-limude ha-Mizraḥ ha-Tikhon ṿe-Afriḳah, Universiṭat Tel-Aviv, 2013, 261 p. 7669. GARNER (Alice), KIRKBY (Diane). 'Never a machine for propaganda'? The Australian-American Fulbright program and Australia's Cold War. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 1, p. 117-133. 7670. GIs in Germany: the social, economic, cultural, and political history of the American military presence. Volume 1. Ed. by Thomas W. MAULUCCI, Jr and Detlef JUNKER. Washington, German Historical Institute a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XI-365 p. (Publications of the German Historical Institute). 7671. Human rights and transnational solidarity in Cold War Latin America. Ed. by Jessica Stites MOR. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, X-305 p. 7672. Inauguration (The) of organized political warfare. Cold War organizations sponsored by the National Committee for a Free Europe / Free Europe Committee. Ed. by Katalin Kádár LYNN. Saint Helena, Helena History Press, 2013, 603 p. 7673. Intelligence in the Cold War: What Difference did it Make? Ed. by Michael HERMAN and Gwilym HUGHES. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, 150 p. 7674. Israel's clandestine diplomacies. Ed. by Clive JONES and Tore T. PETERSEN. London, Hurst, 2013, XIII-308 p. 7675. KAUFMAN (Scott). Project plowshare: the peaceful use of nuclear explosives in Cold War America. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-295 p. 7676. KRIGE (John), CALLAHAN (Angelina Long), MAHARAJ (Ashok). NASA in the World: fifty years of international collaboration in space. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVIII-353 p. 7677. MADDRELL (Paul). Im Fadenkreuz der Stasi: Westliche Spionage in der DDR. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 3, p. 140-172. 7678. MUÑOZ SÁNCHEZ (Antonio). Von der FrancoDiktatur zur Demokratie: die Tätigkeit der FriedrichEbert-Stiftung in Spanien: mit einem dokumentarischen Anhang, der den Sachbericht von Dieter Koniecki über seine Sondierungsreise nach Spanien im Jahre 1975 sowie den Beitrag von Hans Apel "Spanien und die EWG" aus dem Jahre 1967 enthält. Bonn, Dietz, 2013, 287 p.

§ 8. From 1945 (Reihe Geschichte der internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 11). 7679. NEHRING (Holger). Politics of security. British and West German protest movements and the early Cold War, 1945–1970. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XIV342 p. 7680. NILSSON (Sam). T-kontoret: underrättelsetjänst och västsamarbete. (Le Bureau T: services secrets suédois et coopération avec l'Occident). Stockholm, Medström, 2013, 334 p. (ill.). (Försvaret och det kalla kriget, FOKK, 37). 7681. Paris embassy (The): British ambassadors and Anglo-French relations, 1944–1979. Ed. by Rogelia PASTOR-CASTRO and John W. YOUNG. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 229 p. 7682. PASTORELLI (Pietro). La Santa Sede e l'Europa centro-orientale nella seconda metà del Novecento. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 252 p. (Saggi, 309. Studi internazionali). 7683. PATTEN (Howard A.). Israel and the Cold War: diplomacy, strategy and the policy of the periphery at the United Nations. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2013, X-234 p. (Library of international relations, 57). 7684. RITTER (Gerhard A.). Hans-Dietrich Genscher, das Auswärtige Amt und die deutsche Vereinigung. München, Beck, 2013, 263 p. 7685. ROTH (Thomas). Försvaret av Stockholm under kalla kriget: planerna, organisationen, hotbilden mot Sveriges huvudstad. (La défense de Stockholm pendant la Guerre froide: les plans, l'organisation, la prise en compte de la menace contre la capitale suédoise). Stockholm, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2013, 207 p. (ill.). (Försvaret och det kalla kriget, FOKK, 36). 7686. SCHMIDLI (William Michael). The state of freedom elsewhere: human rights and U. S. Cold War Policy toward Argentina. Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell U. P., 2013, XIV-256 p. 7687. SCHÖLLGEN (Gregor). Deutsche Außenpolitik. Von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart. München, Beck, 2013, 352 p. 7688. SOBOCINSKA (Agnieszka). Visiting the neighbours: the political meanings of Australian travel to Cold War Asia. Australian historical studies, 2013, 44, 3, p. 382-404. 7689. TUCK (Christopher). Confrontation, strategy and war termination: Britain's conflict with Indonesia. Farnham, Ashgate Pub. Co., 2013, 255 p. (Military strategy and operational art). 7690. WALTON (Calder). Empire of secrets: British intelligence, the Cold War and the twilight of empire. London, Harper Press, 2013, XXXII-411 p. 7691. WIEGESHOFF (Andrea). "Wir müssen alle etwas umlernen". Zur Internationalisierung des Auswärtigen Dienstes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1945/51– 1969). Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 477 p.


7692. WOODS (Randall B.). Shadow warrior: William Egan Colby and the CIA. New York, Basic Books, 2013, 546 p. a. Addenda 2012 7693. BAEV (Jordan). Drugata studena vojna. Săvetsko-kitajskijat konflikt i Iztočna Evropa. (Der andere Kalte Krieg. Der sowjetisch-chinesische Konflikt und Osteuropa). Sofia, Voenno izdatelstvo, 2012, 296p. 7694. FILATOVA (Irina), DAVIDSON (Appolon B.). Rossija i Juzhnaja Afrika: navedenie mostov. (Russia and South Africa: placing the bridges). Higher School of Economics. Moskva, Izdat. dom VShE, 2012, 492 p. 7695. GAJDUK (Il'ja V.). V labirintakh kholodnoj vojny: SSSR i SShA v OON, 1945–1965 gody. (The labyrinths of Cold war: USSR and USA in U.N.O., 1945–1965). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Center for Cold War studies. Moskva, Izd-vo IVI RAN, 2012, 340 p. (8 f. ill.; bibl. p. 320-331). 7696. Khmurye budni Kholodnoj vojny. Ee soldaty, proraby i nevol'nye uchastniki. Sbornik nauchnykh statej. (Humdrum days of Cold war, their soldiers, foremen and unwilling participants). Ed. Aleksej S. STEPANOV. Moskva, Russkij fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2012, 272 p. 7697. OBICHKINA (Evgenija O.). Vneshnjaja politika Frantsii ot de Gollja do Sarkozi (1940–2012). (Foreign policy of France from de Gaulle to Sarkozy, 1940 to 2012). Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov; MGIMO University. Moskva, Aspekt-Press, 2012, 382 p. (bibl. incl.). Cf. nos 544, 4580 b. 19451956 ** 7698. Documents diplomatiques français: depuis 1954. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. 12. 1948. Tome 2. 1er Juillet–31 Décembre. Bruxelles, Bern et Berlin, Lang, 2013, XLV-1089 p. ** 7699. Prizonieri de război români în Uniunea Sovietică. Documente 1941–1956. (Romanian war prisoners on the Soviet Union. Documents 1941–1956). Bucureşti, Editura Monitorul Oficial, 2013, 876 p. ** 7700. Weakened states seeking renewal: British official reports from South Asia, 1 January–30 April 1948. Selected and edited by Lionel CARTER. New Delhi, Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2013, 2 vol., 995 p. 7701. ABID (Massarrat). Britain, India and Pakistan: partition and after, 1947–1951. Lahore, Pakistan Study Centre & Research Society of Pakistan, University of the Punjab, 2013, XII-485 p. (Publication, 111). 7702. ABRAHAMIAN (Ervand). The coup: 1953, the CIA, and the roots of modern U.S.-Iranian relations. New York, New Press, 2013, XXIII-277 p. 7703. ACANFORA (Paolo). Miti e ideologia nella politica estera DC [Democrazia Cristiana]: nazione, Europa



e comunità atlantica (1943–1954). Bologna, Il mulino, 2013, 253 p. (Studi e ricerche, 661). 7704. ANKIT (Rakesh). Britain and Kashmir, 1948: "The Arena of the UN". Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 273-290. 7705. APARASCHIVEI (Sorin). Spionajul american în România: 1944–1948. (American espionage in Romania: 1944–1948). Bucureşti, Editura Militară, 2013, 343 p. 7706. APARICIO (Fernando), GARCÍA FERREIRA (Roberto), TERRA (Mercedes). Espionaje y política: guerra fría, inteligencia policial y anticomunismo en el sur de América Latina, 1947–1961. Montevideo, Ediciones B, 2013, 318 p. (No ficción). 7707. APPLEBAUM (Anne). Der Eiserne Vorhang. Die Unterdrückung Osteuropas 1944–1956. München, Siedler Verlag, 2013, 636 p. 7708. BARRÈRE (Sébastien). Les États-Unis face au franquisme: 1936–1956, la croisée des Chemins. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 222 p. (Inter-national). 7709. BARSHAY (Andrew E.). The gods left first: the captivity and repatriation of Japanese POWs in Northeast Asia, 1945–1956. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XII-239 p. 7710. BEN-DROR (Elad). The United Nations plan to establish an Armed Jewish Force to implement the Partition Plan (United Nations Resolution 181). Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 559-578. 7711. British Commonwealth (The) and the Allied occupation of Japan, 1945–1952: personal encounters and government assessments. Ed. by Ian NISH. Leiden, Global Oriental, 2013, XVI-309 p. 7712. CĂTĂNUŞ (Dan). În miez de noapte la Kremlin. Vizitele lui Gheorghiu-Dej la Stalin, 1944–1952. (Midnight in Kremlin. Gheorghiu-Dej's meetings with Stalin, 1944–1952). Arhivele totalitarismului, 2013, 21, 1-2, p. 29-47; 3-4, p. 18-32.

7717. DRAGIŠIĆ (Petar). Odnosi Jugoslavije i Austrije 1945–1955. Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2013, 205 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije. Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 93). 7718. FARMELO (Graham). Churchill's bomb: how the United States overtook Britain in the first nuclear arms race. New York, Basic Books, 2013, 554 p. 7719. FLOTT (Søren). Jutlandia. Skibet var ladet med håb: det danske hospitalsskib i Koreakrigen. (Jutlandia. Le bateau chargé d'espoir: le navire hôpital danois pendant la Guerre de Corée). København, Gyldendal, 2013, 227 p. (ill.). 7720. FREIBERGER (Thomas). Allianzpolitik in der Suezkrise 1956. Göttingen, V & R unipress/Bonn U. P., 2013, 651 p. (Internationale Beziehungen. Theorie und Geschichte, 11). 7721. FRIEDL (Jiří). Počátky spolupráce Československa a Polska při repatriaci svých občanů po druhé světové válce (do uzavření repatriační smlouvy). (Beginnings of cooperation between Czechoslovakia and Poland in the repatriation of citizens after the Second World War. Until the conclusion of the Repatriation Treaty). Slovanský přehled, 2013, 99, 3-4, p. 297-321. 7722. GINGERAS (Ryan). Istanbul confidential: heroin, espionage, and politics in Cold War Turkey, 1945– 1960. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 779-806. 7723. GRAHAM-DIXON (Francis). The Allied occupation of Germany: the refugee crisis, denazification and the path to reconstruction. New York, I.B. Taurus and Co. Ltd, 2013, 348 p. 7724. Guerre (La) de Corée et ses enjeux stratégiques de 1950 à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Pierre JOURNOUD. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2013, 478 p.

7713. CESARI (Laurent). Le Problème diplomatique de l'Indochine, 1945–1957. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2013, 419 p.

7725. HABERMANN (Tomáš). Procesy, o kterých se nemluvilo: izraelské velvyslanectví v Praze a distribuce sociálních podpor v letech 1953-1957. (Trials which were hushed up: the Israeli Embassy in Prague and the distribution of the income support In 1953–1957). Marginalia historica: časopis pro dějiny vzdělanosti a kultury, 2013, 4, 2, p. 11-52.

7714. CHAPMAN (Jessica M.). Cauldron of resistance: Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and 1950s Southern Vietnam. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, XI-276 p. (United States in the world).

7726. HEIAN-ENGDAL (Marte), JENSEHAUGEN (Jørgen), WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen). 'Finishing the enterprise': Israel's admission to the United Nations. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 465-485.

7715. CVETKOVIĆ (Vladimir Lj.). Pogled iza gvozdene zavese: jugoslovenska politika prema zemljama narodne demokratije u susedstvu 1953–1958. (Look behind the Iron Curtain: the Yugoslav policy towards the neighboring countries of people's democracy 1953– 1958). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2013, XI-513 p. (Biblioteka Monografije / Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 91).

7727. HENNESSEY (Thomas). Britain's Korean war: Cold War diplomacy, strategy and security, 1950–1953. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, VIII-296 p.

7716. DEFTY (Andrew). Britain, America and AntiCommunist propaganda, 1945–1953: the Information Research Department. London, Routledge, 2013, XVIII281 p. (Studies in intelligence series).

7728. HUMBERT (Mathieu). Le rôle de la Belgique dans la politique extérieure de la Suisse 1945–1947. Une importance politique et économique au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2013, 63, 1, p. 48-64. 7729. ISRAELI (Ofer). The circuitous nature of Operation Ajax. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 2, p. 246262.

§ 8. From 1945 7730. JENSEN-ERIKSEN (Niklas). Lost at Sea: Finnish government, shipping companies and the United Nations embargo against China during the 1950s. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 5, p. 568-589. 7731. JIRÁSEK (Zdeněk), STUCHLÍKOVÁ (Jana). K otázkám přeshraničního styku mezi Polskem a Československem v letech 1945–1948. (On issues of crossborder contacts between Poland and Czechoslovakia in the years 1945–1948). Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 2013, 6, p. 109-122. 7732. Korean peninsula (The) after the armistice as seen by Czechoslovak delegates to the Neutral nations supervisory commission 1953–1956. Seoul, Museum of History, 2013, 291 p. [Cf. nos 7744, 7758.] 7733. LARON (Guy). Origins of the Suez crisis: postwar development diplomacy and the struggle over Third World industrialization, 1945–1956. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center a. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2013, XV-260 p.


7743. MILES (Simon). Carving a diplomatic niche? The April 1956 Soviet visit to Britain. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 579-596. 7744. OLŠA (Jaroslav). Interaction of Czechoslovakia and Korea from World War II until the end of the Korean War. In: Korean peninsula (The) after the armistice as seen by Czechoslovak delegates to the Neutral nations supervisory commission 1953–1956 [cf. no 7732], p. 234-241. 7745. OOI (Keat Gin). Post-war Borneo, 1945–1950: nationalism, empire, and state-building. London a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XXIV-199 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 83). 7746. PASTOR-CASTRO (Rogelia). René Massigli's Mission to London, 1944–1954. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 539-558. 7747. PEDEN (George C.). Recognising and responding to relative decline: the case of Post-War Britain. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 1, p. 59-76.

7734. LEAKE (Elisabeth). The great game anew: US Cold-War policy and Pakistan's North-West frontier, 1947–1965. International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 783-806.

7748. REILLY (Diana Howansky). Scattered: the forced relocation of Poland's Ukrainians after World War II. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013, XIV-177 p.

7735. LEBOVIC (Sam). From war junk to educational exchange: the World War II origins of the fulbright program and the foundations of American cultural globalism, 1945–1950. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 280312.

7749. REY (Matthieu). How did the Middle East meet the West? The International United Nations Agencies' surveys in the 1950s. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 3, p. 477-493.

7736. LIN (Hsiao-Ting). U.S.-Taiwan military diplomacy revisited: Chiang Kai-shek, Baituan, and the 1954 mutual defense pact. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 971-994.

7750. ROBB-WEBB (Jon). The British Pacific fleet: experience and legacy, 1944–1950. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XVIII-301 p. (Corbett centre for maritime policy studies series).

7737. LINGEN (Kerstin von). Allen Dulles, the OSS, and nazi war criminals: the dynamics of selective prosecution. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, X-328 p.

7751. ROBIN (Thierry). Une délégation patronale française en Chine communiste pendant la guerre froide: la mission économique Rochereau de 1956. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 63-75.

7738. LOAYZA (Matt). "A curative and creative force": the exchange of persons program and Eisenhower's interAmerican policies, 1953–1961. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 946-970.

7752. SACKLEY (Nicole). Village models: Etawah, India, and the making and remaking of development in the Early Cold War. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 749-778.

7739. LOKE (Beverley). Conceptualising the role and responsibility of great power: China's participation in negotiations toward a post-Second World War order. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 209-226.

7753. SAKKAS (John). Britain and the Greek Civil War 1944–1949: British imperialism, public opinion and the coming of the Cold War. Mainz, Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen, 2013, 149 p. (Peleus: Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns, 55).

7740. MAC GARR (Paul M.). The Cold War in South Asia: Britain, the United States and the Indian subcontinent, 1945–1965. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 391 p. 7741. MARSH (Steve). Anglo-American relations and the Labour Government's 'scuttle' from Abadan: a 'declaration of dependence'? International history review, 2013, 35, 4, p. 817-843. 7742. MATZ (Johan). Cables in cipher, the Raoul Wallenberg case and Swedish-Soviet diplomatic communication 1944–1947. Scandinavian journal of history, 2013, 38, 3, p. 344-366.

7754. SEIPP (Adam R.). Strangers in the wild place: refugees, Americans and a German town, 1945–1952. Bloomington a. Indianapolis, Indiana U. P., 2013, XI285 p. 7755. SERVICE (Hugo). Germans to Poles: Communism, Nationalism and Ethnic Cleansing after the Second World War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, IX-378 p. (New studies in European history). 7756. STANCIU (Cezar). A rebirth of diplomacy: the foreign policy of communist Romania between subordi-



nation and autonomy, 1948–1962. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 253-272. 7757. STÖVER (Bernd). Geschichte des Koreakriegs. Schlachtfeld der Supermächte und ungelöster Konflikt. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2013, 268 p. 7758. ŠVAMBERK (Alex). Czechoslovakia and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission the 1950s. In: Korean peninsula (The) after the armistice as seen by Czechoslovak delegates to the Neutral nations supervisory commission 1953–1956 [cf. no 7732], p. 268-279. 7759. TANNER (Harold M.). The battle for Manchuria and the fate of China: Siping, 1946. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XV-266 p. (Twentieth-century battles). 7760. TURCUŞ (Şerban). Corpul diplomatic acreditat la Bucureşti în anul 1946. O mărturie contemporană. (The diplomatic body accredited in Bucharest in 1946. A contemporary testimony). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "George Bariţiu", 2013, 52, p. 227-238. 7761. VIŢALARU (Adrian). Legaţia României de la Berna şi propaganda românească în Elveţia, în primul deceniu interbelic. (The Romanian Legation in Bern and the Romanian propaganda in Switzerland during the first interwar decade). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A.D. Xenopol", 2013, 50, p. 221-235. 7762. WYSS (Marco). Arms transfers, neutrality and Britain's role in the Cold War: Anglo-Swiss relations 1945–1958. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XV-404 p. – IDEM. The advocate and its wealthy client: Britain and Switzerland in the Early Cold War. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 184-204. 7763. YOUNG (Kevin). Purging the forces of darkness: the United States, monetary stabilization, and the containment of the Bolivian revolution. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 509-537. 7764. ZANATTA (Loris). La internacional justicialista: auge y ocaso de los sueños imperiales de Perón. Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2013, 446 p. 7765. ZHU (Dandan). 1956: Mao's China and the Hungarian crisis. Ithaca, East Asia Program, Cornell University, 2013, V-310 p. (Cornell East Asia series, 170). Cf. nos 7554, 7576, 7583, 7591, 7602, 7612, 7613, 7773, 7774, 7787, 7791, 7815, 7820, 7863, 7872, 7889, 7890, 7909 c. From 1956 ** 7766. Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1982. Band 1. 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1982. Band 2. 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 1982. Wissenschaftliche Leiterin, Ilse Dorothee PAUTSCH; Bearbeiter, Michael PLOETZ, Tim SZATKOWSKI und Judith MICHEL. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 2 vol., XCV-2000 p. ** 7767. Auswärtige Ausschuss (Der) des Deutschen Bundestages. Sitzungspotokolle 1976–1980. Eingel. v. Wolfgang HÖLSCHER. Bearb. v. Joachim WINTZER,

Wolfgang HÖLSCHER unt. Mitw. v. Benedikt WINTGENS. Halbbd. 1. Januar 1977 bis Oktober 1978. Halbbd. 2. November 1978 bis Juni 1980. Beilage CD-ROM. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2013, CLVII-V-1773 p. (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, Rh. 4: Deutschland seit 1945, 13/8). ** 7768. Documents diplomatiques français: depuis 1954. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. 37. 1970. Tome 1. 1er janvier–30 juin. Établi sous la dir. de Maurice VAÏSSE. Bruxelles, P.I.E., Lang, 2013, XLV-982 p. ** 7769. Foreign relations of the United States, 1964– 1968. General editor: Adam M. HOWARD. Vol. 23. Congo, 1960–1968. Editors: Nina D. HOWLAND, David C. HUMPHREY, Harriet D. SCHWAR. – Foreign relations of the United States, 1969–1976. General editor: Adam M. HOWARD. Vol. 33. SALT II, 1972–1980. Editor Erin R. MAHAN. – Foreign relations of the United States, 1977–1980. General editor: Adam M. HOWARD. Vol. 2. Human rights and humanitarian affairs. Ed. by Kristin AHLBERG. Volume 3. Foreign economic policy. Editor: Kathleen B. RASMUSSEN. Vol. 6. Soviet Union. Editor Melissa Jane TAYLOR. Vol. 8. Arab-Israeli dispute, January 1977–August 1978. Editor Adam M. HOWARD. Vol 13. China. Editors David P NICKLES. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 2013, 7 vol., XXXI-887 p., XXVIII-1020 p., LX-1242 p., XXXIII1155 p., XXXIII-973 p., XXVI-1337 p., XXXVII1192 p. ** 7770. JOURDAIN (Steve). Mon Afghanistan. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 81-90. 7771. AGRELL (Wilhelm). Ett krig här och nu: från svensk fredsoperation till upprorsbekämpning i Afghanistan 2001-2014. (Une guerre ici et maintenant: d'une opération suédoise de paix à la répression d'une rébellion en Afghanistan entre 2001 et 2014). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2013, 396 p. 7772. ALIJA (Adela M.), FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZCUESTA (Juan Manuel). Du Franquisme à la démocratie: politique étrangère et démocratie dans la transition espagnole. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 387-407. 7773. ARMSTRONG (Charles K.). Tyranny of the weak: North Korea and the World, 1950–1992. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2013, VIII-307 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 7774. ASSELIN (Pierre). Hanoi's road to the Vietnam War, 1954–1965. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2013, XIX-319 p. (From Indochina to Vietnam: revolution and war in a global perspective, 7). 7775. AVIV (Efrat E.). The Efraim Elrom affair and Israel-Turkey relations. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 5, p. 750-769. 7776. AZCONA (José Manuel), CAMPOS (Miguel I.), JIMÉNEZ-PIERNAS (Alberto). La transition espagnole

§ 8. From 1945 dans le contexte de la guerre froide (1974–1986). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 367-386. 7777. BADALASSI (Nicolas). Un continent, deux visions. La France, les États-Unis et le processus d'Helsinki. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 107-123. 7778. BAJWA (Farooq). From Kutch to Tashkent: the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965. London, Hurst, 2013, 415 p. 7779. BARTUSCHKA (Andrej). Der andere Krieg: USPropaganda und Counterinsurgency im Kalten Krieg am Beispiel des Vietnamkonfliktes. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013, 556 p. (Mosaic, 48) 7780. BASS (Gary Jonathan). The blood telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a forgotten genocide. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2013, XXIV-499 p. 7781. BAWDEN (John R.). Cutting off the dictator: the United States arms embargo of the Pinochet regime, 1974–1988. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 3, p. 513-543. 7782. BERNARDINI (Giovanni). Nuova Germania, antichi timori: Stati Uniti, Ostpolitik e sicurezza europea. Bologna, il Mulino, 2013, 310 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Monografie, 64). 7783. BÍLÝ (Matěj). ČSSR v organizaci Varšavské smlouvy na přelomu 60. a 70. let. (Czechoslovakia in the Warsaw Treaty Organization at the turn of the 60s and 70s). In: České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století VIII. Ústí nad Orlicí, Oftis, 2013, p. 273-283. 7784. BISMARCK (Helene von). British policy in the Persian Gulf, 1961–1968: conceptions of informal empire. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XX-269 p. (Britain and the World). 7785. BITUMI (Alessandra). Building bridges across the Atlantic: the European union visitors program. A case study for public diplomacy and the transatlantic relationship in the 1970s. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 925-942. 7786. BLANGA (Yehuda). 'The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming': American management of the crisis associated with ending the October 1973 war. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 4, p. 563-589. 7787. BOBAL (R. Thomas). 'A puppet, even though he probably doesn't know so': racial identity and the Eisenhower administration's encounter with Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Arab nationalist movement. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 943-974. 7788. BÖHM (Enrico). Die Sicherheit des Westens. Entstehung und Funktion der G7-Gipfel (1975–1981). München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 357 p.


7791. CARRON (Damien). La Suisse et la guerre d'indépendance algérienne, 1954–1962. Lausanne, Éd. Antipodes, 2013, 495 p. 7792. CAVANNA (Thomas). La Maison-Blanche face au conflit indo-pakistanais de 1971. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 1, p. 39-54. 7793. CHIAMPAN (Andrea). Running with the hare, hunting with the hounds: the special relationship, Reagan's Cold War and the Falklands conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 640-660. 7794. COLLIER (David R.). To prevent a revolution: John F. Kennedy and the promotion of democracy in Iran. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 456-475. 7795. CONBOY (Kenneth). The Cambodian wars: clashing armies and CIA covert operations. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2013, XVII-401 p. (Modern war studies). 7796. CSCE testimonies: causes and consequences of the Helsinki Final Act 1972–1989: CSCE oral history project, OSCE Prague Office Archives. ED. by Alice NĚMCOVÁ. Prague, Prague Office of the OSCE Sekretariat, 2013, 269 p. 7797. DE BOUILLANE DE LACOSTE (Jean-Noël). Santiago du Chili 1973: trois mois insolites dans la vie d'une ambassade. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 1, p. 55-68. 7798. DENÉCHÈRE (Yves). Babylift (avril 1975): une opération militaro-humanitaire américaine pour finir la guerre du Vietnam. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 252 (4), p. 131-143. 7799. DIETL (Ralph L.). Equal security. Europe and the SALT process, 1969–1976. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013, 251 p. (Historische Mitteilungen – Beihefte, 85). 7800. DIETRICH (Christopher R. W.). 'The Sustenance of Salisbury' in the era of decolonization: the Portuguese politics of neutrality and the Rhodesian oil embargo, 1965–1967. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 235-255. 7801. DINAN (Harold). From treaty revision to treaty revision: the legacy of Maastricht. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 123-139. 7802. Ecos mundiales del golpe de estado: escritos sobre el 11 de septiembre de 1973. Compiladores Alfredo JOIGNANT RONDÓN y Patricio NAVIA. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2013, 379 p. (Colección Ciencias sociales e historia).

7789. BOZGAN (Ovidiu). Relaţiile României cu Iranul Imperial, 1965–1968. (Romania's relations with imperial Iran, 1965–1968). Arhivele totalitarismului, 2013, 21, 1-2, p. 119-133; 3-4, p. 87-104.

7803. EMERY (Christian). United States Iran policy 1979–1980: the anatomy and legacy of American diplomacy. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 619-639. – IDEM. US foreign policy and the Iranian revolution: the Cold War dynamics of engagement and strategic alliance. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, VIII-267 p.

7790. BOZO (Frédéric). Histoire secrète de la crise irakienne: La France, les États-Unis et l'Irak (1991– 2003). Paris, Perrin, 2013, 408 p.

7804. EMMERLING (Inga). Die DDR und Chile (1960– 1989). Außenpolitik, Außenhandel und Solidarität. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag, 2013, 523 p.



7805. ENGEL (Jeffrey A.). Bush, Germany, and the power of time: how history makes history. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 639-663. 7806. European integration and the Atlantic Community in the 1980s. Hrsg. v. Kiran Klaus PATEL and Kenneth WEISBRODE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2013, 312 p. 7807. EVRON (Yair). War and intervention in Lebanon: the Israeli-Syrian deterrence dialogue. Abingdon, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, X-246 p. (Routledge revivals). 7808. FERRIS (Jesse). Nasser's gamble: how intervention in Yemen caused the Six-Day War and the decline of Egyptian power. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, X-342 p. 7809. Fighting the retreat from Arabia and the Gulf: the collected essays and reviews of J. B. Kelly. Vol. 1. Ed. by S. B. KELLY. London, New English Review Press, 2013, 355 p. 7810. FILIP (Adrian). Flota României, componentă a puterii maritime în condiţiile geopolitice contemporane. (Romania's fleet, a see power component in the contemporary geopolitical context). Craiova, Editura Sitech, 2013, 307 p. 7811. FIRESTONE (Bernard J.). Failed mediation: U Thant, the Johnson administration, and the Vietnam War. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 1060-1089. 7812. Four decades on: Vietnam, the United States, and the legacies of the Second Indochina War. Ed. by Scott LADERMAN and Edwin A. MARTINI. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2013, 334 p. 7813. FRENCH (David). Duncan Sandys and the projection of British power after Suez. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 1, p. 41-58. 7814. GĂINAR (Maria). Aux origines de la diplomatie européenne: Les Neuf et la Coopération politique européenne de 1973 à 1980. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 91-105. 7815. GEIER (Stephan). Schwellenmacht: Bonns heimliche Atomdiplomatie von Adenauer bis Schmidt. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2013, 485 p. 7816. GENIN (Vincent). La France et le Congo exbelge (1961–1965). Intérêts et influences en mutation. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2013, 91, 4, p. 10571110. – IDEM. La politique étrangère de la Belgique face à la France lors de la crise de la chaise vide (1965–1966). Rôle d'un "petit pays", poids d'une relation bilatérale. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 2, p. 259276. 7817. Geschichtspolitik in Europa seit 1989. Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen im internationalen Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Etienne FRANÇOIS, Kornelia KOŃCZAL, Robert TRABA und Stefan TROEBST. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2013, 560 p. (Moderne Europäische Geschichte, 3).

7818. GLEIJESES (Piero). Visions of freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the struggle for Southern Africa, 1976–1991. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2013, XIV-655 p. (New Cold War history). 7819. GONZÁLEZ (Martín Abel). The genesis of the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, XVII-258 p. 7820. GORRY (Jonathan). Cold War Christians and the spectre of nuclear deterrence, 1945–1959. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, X-216 p. (Histories of the sacred and secular, 1700–2000). 7821. GRIGOROVA (Irina). L'évaluation de la politique française dans les Balkans d'après les documents diplomatiques bulgares (la premiere moitié des années 1970). Bulgarian historical review, 2013, 3-4, p. 111124. 7822. HAMILTON (Keith). Transformational diplomacy after the Cold War: Britain's Know How Fund in post-communist Europe, 1989–2003. London, Routledge, 2013, 240 p. 7823. HAMPSHIRE (Edward). From East of Suez to the Eastern Atlantic: British naval policy, 1964–1970. Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, XII-252 p. 7824. HARMER (Tanya). Fractious allies: Chile, the United States, and the Cold War, 1973–1976. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 1, p. 109-143. – EADEM. Two, three, many revolutions? Cuba and the prospects for revolutionary change in Latin America, 1967–1975. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 1, p. 61-89. 7825. HEINZ (Alexander). "Oh, German! I thought there was something wrong with you.": West Germany in British perceptions, 1969–1975. Augsburg, Wissner, 2013, X-192 p. (Beiträge zur England-Forschung, 68). 7826. HEURTEBIZE (Frédéric). "Je suis plus prudent que de Gaulle". François Mitterrand et la diplomatie américaine, 1972–1981. Relations internationals, 2013, 2, 154, p. 77-90. – IDEM. L'attitude du Président Giscard d'Estaing face à l'eurocommunisme, 1974–1981. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 1, p. 69-84. 7827. HOERES (Peter). Außenpolitik und Öffentlichkeit. Massenmedien, Meinungsforschung und Arkanpolitik in den deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen von Erhard bis Brandt. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 585 p. 7828. HRISTEA (Traian Laurenţiu). Diplomaţia României la OSCE. Promovarea securităţii cuprinzătoare în Asia Centrală şi Caucazul de Sud. (Romanian diplomacy at OSCE. Promoting comprehensive security in Central Asia and South Caucasus). Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţia Europeană Titulescu, 2013, 327 p. 7829. HUGHES (R. Gerald), ROBB (Thomas). Kissinger and the diplomacy of coercive linkage in the "Special Relationship" between the United States and Great Britain, 1969–1977. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 861-905.

§ 8. From 1945 7830. IBER (Patrick J.). "Who will impose democracy?" Sacha Volman and the contradictions of CIA support for the anticommunist Left in Latin America. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 995-1028. 7831. Institutions (The) and dynamics of the European Community, 1973–1983. Hrsg. v. Johnny LAURSEN. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 2013, 312 p. 7832. JACOBSEN (Eric). A coincidence of interests: Kennedy, U.S. assistance, and the 1963 Iraqi Ba'th regime. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 1029-1059. 7833. JERNECK (Magnus). Sitting on the balcony: American responses, strategic dilemmas, and Swedish criticism of the Vietnam War. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 404-426. 7834. JONES (Matthew). "A man in a hurry": Henry Kissinger, transatlantic relations, and the British origins of the year of Europe dispute. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 1, p. 77-99. 7835. KANDEL (Maya). Mourir pour Sarajevo? Les États-Unis et l'éclatement de la Yougoslavie. Paris, CNRS, 2013, 383 p.


Lebanese Civil War of 1958. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 42-69. 7844. LAVOPA (Marco). Le "dialogue de compromis". L'Ostpolitik vaticane de Mgr Agostino Casaroli dans la Yougoslavie de Tito. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 2, p. 157-177. 7845. LEFFLER (Melvyn P.). The foreign policies of the George W. Bush administration: memoirs, history, legacy. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 190-216. 7846. LITTLE (Douglas). To the shores of Tripoli: America, Qaddafi, and Libyan Revolution 1969–1989. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 70-99. 7847. LORENZ (Federico G.). Unas islas demasiado famosas: Malvinas, historia y política. Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2013, 235 p. 7848. LOTH (Wilfried). Negotiating the Maastricht treaty. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 67-83. 7849. LUDLOW (N. Piers). European Integration in the 1980s: on the way to Maastricht? Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 11-22.

7836. KARAM (John Tofik). On the trail and trial of a Palestinian diaspora: mapping South America in the Arab–Israeli conflict, 1967–1972. Journal of Latin American studies, 2013, 45, 4, p. 751-777.

7850. MABON (Simon). Saudi Arabia and Iran: soft power rivalry in the Middle East. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 288 p.

7837. KARAMOUZI (Eirini). Managing the "Helsinki Spirit" in the Balkans: The Greek initiative for Balkan co-operation, 1975–1976. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 4, p. 597-618.

7851. MAC GLINCHEY (Stephen). Richard Nixon's road to Tehran: the making of the U.S.–Iran arms agreement of May 1972. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 841-860.

7838. KLEINER (Juergen). Diplomacy of estrangement: the dealings of the United States with Pakistan before 9/11. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 312333.

7852. MAC KENZIE (S. P.). The Imjin and Kapyong battles: Korea, 1951. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2013, XVIII-292 p. (Twentieth-Century battles).

7839. KNUDSEN ((Dino). The Trilateral Commission: the global dawn of informal elite gouvernance and diplomacy 1972–1982. (La Commission Trilatérale: l'éclosion à l'échelle planétaire de la gouvernance et de la diplomatie d'une élite informelle 1972–1982). København, Københavns universitet, Det humanistiske Fakultet, 2013, 293 p. 7840. KOMINE (Yukinori). Okinawa confidential, 1969: exploring the linkage between the nuclear issue and the base issue. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 4, p. 807-840. 7841. KOURKOUVELAS (Lykourgos). Détente as a strategy: Greece and the Communist world, 1974–1979. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1052-1067. 7842. Krise og fornyelse. Perspektiver på EU under det danske formandskab 2012. (Crise et renouvellement. Perspectives sur l'Union européenne pendant la présidence danoise en 2012). Red. Njeri JENSEN [et al.] København, Europa-Kommissionen, Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, 2013, 192 p. (ill.). 7843. LABELLE (Maurice M. Jr.). A new age of empire? Arab 'Anti-Americanism', US intervention, and the

7853. MACINTYRE (Terry). Anglo-German relations during the Labour governments, 1964–1970: NATO strategy, détente and European integration. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2013, 272 p. 7854. MALLOY (Sean L.). Uptight in babylon: Eldridge Cleaver's Cold War. 1. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 3, p. 538-571. 7855. MALTZAHN (Nadia von). The Syria-Iran axis: cultural diplomacy and international relations in the Middle East. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013, 272 p. 7856. MANN (Joseph). Syria, precipitator of the Six Day War. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 4, p. 547562. 7857. MARTIN (Garret). General de Gaulle's Cold War: challenging American hegemony, 1963–1968. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2013, X-272 p. (Berghahn monographs in French studies, 13). 7858. MARTINI (Edwin A.). Hearts, minds, and herbicides: the politics of the chemical war in Vietnam. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 1, p. 58-84. 7859. MARTY (Nicolas). La construction d'un marché européen des eaux embouteillées. Enjeux, acteurs et



déroulement des négociations de la directive 80/777 sur les eaux minérales (années 1950–années 1980). Journal of European integration history, 2013, 2, p. 227-242.

7873. Politique étrangère (La) de Jacques Chirac. Sous la dir. de Christian LEQUESNE et Maurice VAÏSSE. Paris, Riveneuve éditions, 2013, 251 p.

7860. MICHELETTA (Luca). Diplomazia e democrazia: il contributo dell'Italia alla transizione dell'Albania verso la libertà. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 219 p. (Saggi, 328. Studi internazionali).

7874. PRESSMAN (Jeremy). Explaining the Carter administration's Israeli–Palestinian solution. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 1117-1147.

7861. NAFPLIOTIS (Alexandros). Britain and the Greek Colonels: accommodating the Greek Junta in the Cold War. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, 307 p. 7862. NAMIKAS (Lise). Battleground Africa: Cold War in the Congo, 1960–1965. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2013, XIV-350 p. (Cold War international history project). 7863. NEDELCU (Cristina). Politica României faţă de problema palestiniană: 1948–1979. (Romania's policy towards the Palestinian question: 1948–1979). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2013, 264 p.

7875. RAKOVE (Robert B.). Kennedy, Johnson, and the Nonaligned World. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XXVIII-291 p. 7876. RAZOUX (Pierre). La Guerre Iran-Irak 1980– 1988. Première guerre du Golfe. Paris, Perrin, 2013, 604 p. 7877. RIBEIRO DE MENESES (Filipe), MAC NAMARA (Robert). The origins of Exercise ALCORA, 1960–1971. International history review, 2013, 35, 5, p. 1113-1134.

7864. OSOEGAWA (Taku). Syria and Lebanon: international relations and diplomacy in the Middle East. London, I. B. Tauris, 2013, 246 p.

7878. RICCARDI (Luca). L'internazionalismo difficile: la "diplomazia" del PCI [Partito Comunista Italiano] e il Medio Oriente dalla crisi petrolifera alla caduta del muro di Berlino (1973–1989). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, 756 p. (Scienze politiche e sociali. Studi internazionali. Saggi, 315).

7865. OUELLET (Éric). Les années 1990: émergence du soldat-diplomate. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 55-65.

7879. ROBB (Thomas). A strained partnership? USUK relations in the era of dé́tente, 1969–1977. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2013, X-229 p.

7866. PARR (Helen). 'The nuclear myth': Edward Heath, Europe, and the international politics of AngloFrench nuclear co-operation 1970–1973. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 534-555.

7880. ROBINSON (Paul), DIXON (Jay). Aiding Afghanistan. A history of soviet assistance to a developing country. London, Hurst & Co., 2013, XI-226 p.

7867. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.). Transatlantic relations at a time when 'more flags' meant 'no European flags': the United States' war in South-East Asia and its European allies, 1964–1968. International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 556-575. 7868. PEKELDER (Jacco). Neue Nachbarschaft. Deutschland und die Niederlande, Bildformung und Beziehungen seit 1990. Münster, Agenda Verlag, 2013, 168 p. 7869. PEREIRA (Juan Carlos), NÚÑEZ (Vanessa), JORGE (David). Les sources orales pour l'étude de la dimension internationale de la transition espagnole. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 4, p. 349-366. 7870. PIRSEYEDI (Bobi). Arms control and Iranian foreign policy: diplomacy of discontent. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2013, XV-288 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern politics, 46). 7871. PLESKOT (Patryk). Dyplomata, czyli szpieg? Działalność służb kontrwywiadowczych PRL wobec zachodnich placówek dyplomatycznych w Warszawie, 1956–1989. (Diplomat, or spy? Counter-intelligence activities of the People's Republic of Poland to Western diplomatic missions in Warsaw, 1956–1989). Warszawa, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2013, 2 vol., 655 p., 671 p. (Warszawa nie pokonana, 7). 7872. POJMANN (Wendy). Italian women and international Cold War politics, 1944–1968. New York: Fordham U. P., 2013, VIII-234 p.

7881. SADAN (Mandy). Being and becoming Kachin: histories beyond the state in the borderworlds of Burma. New York, Oxford U. P., for the British Academy, 2013, XI-512 p. (British Academy postdoctoral fellowship monographs). 7882. SAUNIER (Georges). La négociation de Maastricht vue de Paris. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 45-65. 7883. SCHATTNER (Marius), SCHILLO (Frédérique). La Guerre du Kippour n'aura pas lieu. Comment Israël s'est fait surprendre. Waterloo, André Versaille éditeur, 2013, 315 p. 7884. SCHILD (Georg). 1983. Das gefährlichste Jahr des Kalten Krieges. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2013, 231 p. 7885. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth). Foreign intervention in Africa: from the Cold War to the war on terror. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVIII-267 p. (New approaches to African history, 7). 7886. SCHULZ-WALDEN (Thorsten). Anfänge globaler Umweltpolitik. Umweltsicherheit in der internationalen Politik (1969–1975). München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, X, 401 p. 7887. SCOTT-SMITH (Giles), SNYDER (David J.). "A test of sentiments": civil aviation, alliance politics, and the KLM challenge in Dutch-American relations. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 917-945. 7888. SEVER (Ayşegül). 'Power led' outside intervention in Kurdish politics in Iraq and Turkey in the

§ 8. From 1945


early 1970s. Middle Eastern studies, 2013, 49, 2, p. 263279.

Romania and Yugoslavia, mid-1950s–1980). Moskva, Universitet Dmitriia Pozharskogo, 2013, 910 p.

7889. SHIMADA (Kazuhisa). "Working together" for peace and prosperity of Southeast Asia, 1945–1968: the birth of the ASEAN Way. Okayama, Daigaku Kyōiku Shuppan, 2013, III-154 p.

7901. VARDABASSO (Valentina). Echec aux Colonels. La diplomatie parlementaire et la crise grecque (1967–1974). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127, 2, p. 179-199.

7890. SLOBODIAN (Quinn). Bandung in divided Germany: managing non-aligned politics in East and West, 1955–1963. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2013, 41, 4, p. 644-662.

7902. VARSORI (Antonio). The Andreotti governments and the Maastricht treaty: between European hopes and domestic constraints. Journal of European integration history, 2013, 1, p. 23-43.

7891. SLOTTEN (Hugh Richard). The International Telecommunications Union, space radio communications, and U.S. Cold War diplomacy, 1957–1963. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 313-371.

7903. WÆHRENS (Anne). Erindringspolitik til forhandling. EU og erindringen om Holocaust 1989–2009. (La politique du souvenir en débat. L'Union européenne et le souvenir de l'Holocauste 1989–2009). København, Saxo Institutet, Det humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns universitet, 2013, 271 p. (ill.).

7892. SNYDER (Sarah B.). "A call for U.S. leadership": congressional activism on human rights. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 2, p. 372-397. 7893. Societal actors in European integration. Politybuilding and policy-making 1958–1992. Ed. by JanHenrik MEYER and Wolfram KAISER. Oxford, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 296 p. 7894. STEVENSON (Michael D.). "A very careful balance:" the 1961 triangular agreement and the conduct of Canadian-American relations. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 2, p. 291-311.

7904. WALCHER (Dustin). Petroleum pitfalls: the United States, Argentine nationalism, and the 1963 oil crisis. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 1, p. 24-57. 7905. WALL (Stephen). The official history of Britain and the European Community. Volume II. From rejection to referendum, 1963–1975. London, Routledge, 2013, XII-668 p. (Whitehall histories: government official history series). 7906. WARNE (Andrew). Psychoanalyzing Iran: Kennedy's Iran task force and the modernization of orientalism, 1961–1963. International history review, 2013, 35, 2, p. 396-422.

7895. SZATKOWSKI (Tim). Bedingungslose Unterstützung für Gaddafi? Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu Libyen am Ende der sozial-liberalen Koallition (1980–1982). Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2013, 100, 4, p. 432-458. – IDEM. Von Sihanouk bis Pol Pot. Diplomatie und Menschenrechte in den Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik zu Kambodscha (1967–1979). Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2013, 61, 1, p. 1-34.

7908. WINEGARD (Timothy C.). Canadian diplomacy and the 1982 Falklands War. International history review, 2013, 35, 1, p. 162-183.

7896. TAL (David). "Absolutes" and "stages" in the making and application of Nixon's SALT policy. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 5, p. 1090-1116.

7909. Yugoslav-Greek relations through agreements, 1954–1964. Redaction: Dalibor JOVANOVSKI, Katerina TODOROSKA. Skopje, Menora, 2013, 195 p.

7897. TREMBLAY (Dean D.), PAHLAVI (Pierre). Une stratégie à demi-mot et à demi-mesures: l'expérience du Canada dans le Sud de l'Afghanistan. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2013, 250 (2), p. 67-80. 7898. TRENTA (Luca). The champion of human rights meets the king of kings: Jimmy Carter, the Shah, and Iranian illusions and rage. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2013, 24, 3, p. 476-498. 7899. TURSE (Nick). Kill anything that moves. The real American War in Vietnam. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 2013, 370 p. 7900. ULUNIAN (Ar). Balkanskiĭ "shchit sotsializma": oboronnaia politika Albanii, Bolgarii, Rumynii i Iugoslavii (seredina 50-kh gg.-1980 g.). (Balkan "shield of socialism": the defense policy of Albania, Bulgaria,

7907. WIGHT (David M.). Kissinger's levantine dilemma: the Ford administration and the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. Diplomatic history, 2013, 37, 1, p. 144-177.

c. Addenda 2012 7910. DOLGILEVICH (Rostislav V.). Sovetskaja diplomatija i Zapadnyj Berlin (1963–1964 gg.). (Soviet diplomatics and West Berlin, 1963–1964). Moscow Institute of Public and Corporate Management. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletheia, 2012, 272 p. (bibl. incl.). 7911. Rossija i Central'no-Vostochnaja Evropa: vzaimootnoshenija v XXI veke. (Russia and Central-Eastern Europe: relations in the 21st century). Ed. Nadezhda V. KULIKOVA, Igor' I. ORLIK, Nadezhda V. FEJT. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of economics. Moskva, Izd-vo In-ta ekonomiki RAN, 2012, 350 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.). Cf. nos 3750, 4230, 4719, 7706, 7713, 7715, 7722, 7725, 7730, 7734, 7738, 7740, 7756, 7762


§ 1. General. 7912-7916. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7917-7926. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 79277929. – § 4. China. 7930-8036. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 8037-8077. – § 6. Korea. 8078-8083. § 1. General. ______________________

7912. HENG (Derek). Trans-regionalism and economic co-dependency in the South China Sea: the case of China and the Malay region (tenth to fourteenth centuries AD). International history review, 2013, 35, 3, p. 486-510. 7913. MISHRA (Pankaj). Aus den Ruinen des Empires. Die Revolte gegen den Westen und der Wiederaufstieg Asien. Frankfurt am Main, P. Fischer, 2013, 441 p. 7914. O'HANLON (Rosalind). Contested conjunctures: Brahman communities and "Early Modernity" in India. American historical review, 2013, 118, 3, p. 765-787. 7915. Race and racism in modern East Asia. Western and Eastern constructions. Ed. by Rotem KOWNER and Walter DEMEL. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2013, XXIII593 p. (Brill's series on Modern East Asia in a global historical perspective, 1). § 1. Addendum 2012. 7916. SIRINA (Anna A.). Evenki i eveny v sovremennom mire: samosoznanie, prirodopol'zovanie, mirovozzrenie. (The Evenks and Evens in present-day world: self-consciousness, nature management, world view). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of ethnology and anthropology. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2012, 604 p. (8 f. color. ill.; b/w ill.; maps; tabl.; facs.; bibl. p. 561-601). Cf. nos 7098-7118 § 2. Western and central Asia. ______________________

7917. AKIBA (Jun). Tanzuimāto izen no Osuman shakai ni okeru joshi gakkō to josei kyōshi: 18 seiki matsu – 19 seiki shotō Isutanburu no jirei kara. (Some findings on girls' education in Ottoman Istanbul during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries). Oriento, 2013, 56, 1, p. 84-97.

7918. KANDA (Sayako). Shōka no katsudō kara mita 18 seiki matsu kara 19 seiki zenhan no Bengaru. (Bengal society seen from the viewpoint of the activity of merchants between the late 18th and the early of 19th century). Minami Ajia Kenkyu, 2013, 25, p. 54-61. 7919. KAWAGUCHI (Takushi). Thimūru no tōeichi to teikoku tōchi, shutoken. (Timur's winter quarters in relation to imperial governance and the capital region). Shigaku Zasshi, 2013, 122, 10, p. 1-38 (Eng. summary p. 161-162). 7920. KONDO (Nobuaki). Between Tehran and Sulṭāniyya. In: Turko-Mongol rulers, cities and city life. Ed. by David DURAND-GUÉDY. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, p. 385-416 (Brill's Inner Asian library, 31). 7921. OTSUKA (Osamu). 'Senshi' zokuhen no kenkyū: Shinshutsu shiryō 'Jarāiru-chō-shi (senshi zokuhen)' o chūshin ni. (A study on the 'Supplement to the Tarikh-i Guzida': With a special reference to the newly discovered "Supplement" concerning Jalayerid history). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, 2013, 85, p. 171205. 7922. SHIMO (Hirotoshi). Mongoru teikoku-shi kenkyū, seihen: Chūō Yūrashia yūboku shoseiken no kokka kōzō. (A study on the history of the Mongol Empire: The structures of the regimes of nomads in Central Asia). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 1098 p. 7923. STARR (S. Frederick). Lost enlightenment: Central Asia's golden age from the Arab conquest to Tamerlane. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2013, XXXVII634 p. § 2. Addenda 2012. ** 7924. RERIKH (Jurij N.). Tibet i Tsentral'naja Azija. (Tibet and Central Asia). Vol. 2. Stat'i. Dnevniki. Otchety (Articles. Journals. Reports). Ed. Vladimir А. Rosov. Moskva, Rassanta, 2012, 280 p. (3 ill.; bibl. incl.). 7925. KUBO (Kazuyuki). Mīru Arīshīru to 'Uiguru no Bafushi'. (Mir 'Ali-sir and the bahsiyan-i uygur). Seinan Ajia Kenkyu, 2012, 77, p. 39-73.



7926. TREPAVLOV (Vadim V.). Sibirskij jurt posle Ermaka: Kuchum i Kuchumovichi v bor'be za revansh. (Siberian Yurt after Yermak: Kuchum and Kuchumids). Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian History. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2012, 231 p. (1 f. facs.; tabl; bibl. p. 144-157; suppl. p. 158-216; ind. p. 218-230). Cf. no 5023 § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. _______________________

7937. CHEN (Qingzhi). Zhongguo jiaoyu shi. (History of education in China). Shanghai, Shanghai Shudian chubanshe, 2013, 12, 647 p. 7938. CHEN (Yue). Minguo haijun jianchuan zhi: 1912–1937. (A naval history of the Republican era). Jinan, Shandong huabao chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 507 p. 7939. CHENG (Tianquan). Zhongguo zhi lu. Zhongguo xiandaihua zhi lu de qidong yu qi lishi xuanze. (The road of China: the starting of China 's modernization and its historical choice). Xianggang (Hong Kong), Zhonghua shuju, 2013, v, 131 p.

7927. FRANCIS (Emmanuel). Le discours royal dans l'Inde du Sud ancienne: inscriptions et monuments Pallava, IVe–IXe siècles. Louvain-la-Neuve, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste 2013, XLI319 p. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 64).

7940. DANJO (Hiroshi). Mindai kaikin: Chokō shisutemu to kaichitsujo. (The system of maritime exclusion in Ming Dynasty: Tribute for the court and hua-yi order). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, p. 524. (Asian history series, 78).

7928. FUKAMI (Sumio). Tai Wan ni okeru Sen no tōjō to hatten. (The emergence and development of Sen in Gulf of Thailand). Nanpo Bunka, 2013, 40, p. 71-91.

7941. DARDESS (John W.). A political life in Ming China: a grand secretary and his times. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2013, XII-207 p.

7929. FURUI (Ryosuke). Bengaru shakai no keisei: Chūsei shoki ni okeru sono hōga. (The formation of Bengal society: Its origin in the early medieval period). Minami Ajia Kenkyu, 2013, 25, p. 45-53.

7942. DING (Jielin). Xiandai Zhongguo faxuejia yu Zhongguo falü wenhua. (Modern Chinese jurists and Chinese legal culture). Beijing, Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 4, 278 p.

Cf. no 5025

7943. DING (Xueliang). Geming yu fan geming zhuiyi: cong wenge dao Chongqing moshi. (On the traces of revolution and counter-revolution: from the cultural revolution to the Chongqing model). Taibei, Lianjing chubanshe, 2013, 231 p.

§ 4. China. _______________________

7930. AO (Xuegang). Liang Han ji shehui yu wenxue (Society and literature between the Two Han). Beijing, Zhongguo shuji chubanshe, 2013, 218 p. 7931. Beimei Zhongguo xue de lishi yu xianzhuang (Chinese studies in North America, past and present). Edited by Zhenghui ZHU and Bei CUI. Shanghai, Cishu chubanshe, 2013, 4, 4, 5, 653 p.

7944. ELMAN (Benjamin A.). Civil examinations and meritocracy in Late Imperial China. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2013, XI-401 p. 7945. FUJII (Noriyuki). Gi Shin Nanchō no senkan seido. (The promotion system of government officials in Wei, Jin and South dynasties). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2013, 284 p. (Premier collection, 32).

7932. CHANG (Jianhua). Song yihou zongzu de xingcheng ji diyu bijiao (The formation of clans in geographical comparison after the Song dynasty). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2013, 5, 1, 386 p.

7946. FUJIYA (Koetsu). Konanshō kindai seijishi kenkyū. (A study on the modern political history of the Húnán province). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 949 p.

7933. CHA-TSU SIU (Victoria M.). Gardens of a Chinese Emperor: imperial creations of the Qianlong Era, 1736–1796. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P. a. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2013, XXXII-267 p.

7947. GAO (Yunxiang). Sporting gender: women athletes and celebrity-making during China's national crisis, 1931–1945. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2013, 328 p.

7934. CHEN (Baizong). Jinjian qixia. Taiwan Haijun tebie zhiyuan bing 1943–1945. (Warships: Taiwan navy special volunteers 1943–1945). Taibei, Guoshiguan, 2013, 14, 362 p.

7948. GE (Jianxiong). Tongyi yu fenlie: Zhongguo lishi de qishi. (Unity and division: insights from Chinese history). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2013, v, 3, 4, 285 p.

7935. CHEN (Junqi). Jie ma 2 28: Jiekai er erba shijian chuli dagang de lishi mituan. (Decoding 228: unraveling the historical mystery around the demands for political reform in the February 28 incident). Taibei, Yushanshe chuban shiye gufen youxian gongsi, 2013, xx, 350 p.

7949. Guomindang jiegou shilun 1905–1949. (Study on the Nationalist party's structure 1905–1949). Edited by Zhiqing CUI. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2013, 2 v., 1160 p.

7936. CHEN (Ming). Zhongguo yiliao yu wailai wenhua. (Medicine and foreign culture in Medieval China). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2013, iii, ii, 626 p.

7950. HU (Cheng). Yiliao, weisheng yu shijie zhi Zhonggguo (1820–1937): kaguo he ka wenhua shiye zhixia de lishi yanjiu. (Medicine, hygiene and China in the world 1820–1937: a transnational and transcultural history study). Beijing, Kexue chubanshe, 2013, xiii, 346 p.

§ 4. China 7951. HU (Guoxiang). Jindai chuanjiao shi chuban yanjiu. (A study on the modern missionary press). Wuhan, Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 1, 173 p. 7952. HUANG (Jinxing). Cong lilun dao lunlinxue: Qingmo minchu daode yishi de zhuanhua. (From virtue to morality: the transformation of moral consciousness during the late Qing and early Republican era). Taibei, Yunchen wenhua shiye gugen youxian gongsi, 2013, 455 p. 7953. IGURO (Shinobu). Bunsui to shihai: Kin, Mongoru jidai kahoku no suiri to nōgyō. (Water allocation and governance: Water conservancy and agriculture in Northern China under Jurchen and Mongol rule). Tokyo, Waseda U. P., 2013, 469 p. (Waseda academic series, 26). 7954. Jiang Jieshi yu xiandai Zhongguo de xingsu (Chiang Kai-shek and the shaping of modern China). Edited by Zijin HUANG and Gangzhen PAN. Taibei, Zhongyang yanjiu yuan jindaishi yanjiusuo, 2013, 2 v., [s. p.] 7955. JIN (Yufu). Zhongguo shixue shi. (A history of Chinese historiography). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2013, 4, 366 p. 7956. JING (Ming), XU (Jian), CAO (Zhengwen). Guilin kangzhan xinwen shi. (History of the press in Guilin during the war of resistance). Xinbei, Huanulan wenhua chubanshe, 2013, 2 v., 458 p. 7957. KIKUCHI (Hideaki). Kinden kara Nankin e: Taihei-Tengoku shokishi kenkyū. (From Jīntián to Nánjīng: A study on the early period of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 476 p. (Kyuko series, 106). 7958. KOBAYASHI (Takamichi). Sō dai Chūgoku no tōchi to bunsho. (Governance and official documents in Song China). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 552 p. (Kyuko series, 114). 7959. Kodai Chūgoku, Nihon ni okeru gakujutsu to shihai. (Scholarship and political rule in ancient China and Japan). Ed. Jun-ichi ENOMOTO. Doseisha, 2013, 253 p.


7964. LIAN (Dong). Yapian jingji: yi Zhongguo, Dongnan Ya he Yindu wei shiyu 1602–1917. (Opium economy: China, South-East Asia and India 1602–1917). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 2, 5, 289 p. 7965. LIN (Bingyan). Lin Shushun yu Taiwan Gongchandang de chuangli. (Lin Shushun and the foundation of the Communist Party in Taiwan). Taibei, Lin Bingfei chuban, 2013, 10, 315 p. 7966. LIU (Changlin). Jindai Shanghai shehui shilun. (Shanghai's modern society). Shanghai, Shanghai daxue chubanshe, 2013, 6, 3, 196 p. 7967. LIU (Xueyao). Xinjiang shilun. (Historical essays on Xinjiang). Taibei, Zhishufang, 2013, 335 p. Xinjiang. 7968. LIU (Zhongjing). Minguo jishi benmo: 19111949. (Basic annals of the republican era). Guilin, Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 271 pages p. 7969. LÜ (Fangshang). Minguo shilun. (Studies on the republic). Taibei, Taiwan shangwi yinshuguan, 2013, 3 v., 1710 p. 7970. MA (Jianbiao). Chongpo jiu zhixu: Zhongguo dui diguozhuyi guoji tixi de fanying 1912–1922. (Reconfiguring the old order: China's response to international imperialism 1912–1922). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 2, 14, 308 p. 7971. MA (Jun). Qingmo Minchu minshi xiguanfa dui shehui de kongzhi. (Customary law and social control in the late Qing and Early Republic). Beijing, Falü chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 283 p. 7972. MA (Yong). Qingdai xianghui shitong nianlu yanjiu. (Studies on the local examination candidates in Qing era). Shanghai, Shanghai kexue jishu wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 4, 246 p. 7973. MAC DERMOTT (Joseph P.). The making of a new rural order in South China. Vol. I. Village, land, and lineage in Huizhou, 900–1600. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XVI-466 p.

7960. KUO (Ya-pei). 'Christian civilization' and the Confucian Church: the origin of secularist politics in Modern China. Past and present, 2013, 218, p. 235-264.

7974. MAEJIMA (Yoshitaka). Seigi, Hokushū seikenshi no kenkyū. (A study on the political history of Western Wei of the Northern dynasties and the Northern Zhou dynasty. Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 491 p. (Kyuko series, 110).

7961. LAN (Jing). Jindai Xianggang wailai yimin yu Xianggang shehui wenhua fazhan. (Migrants in modern Hong Kong and Hong Kong's social and cultural development). Xinbei, Huamulan wenhua chubanshe, 2013, 3, 266 p.

7975. MARUTA (Takashi). Kakumei no girei: Chūgoku kyōsantō konkyochi no seiji dōin to minzoku. (Ritual of revolution: The political mobilization and folk customs in the strongholds of the Chinese Communist Party). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 355 p.

7962. LI (Man). Yuandai chuanbo kao: gaimo, wenti ji xiandu. (An investigation of communication in the Yuan period: general picture, problems and limitations). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2013, 22, 285 p.

7976. MILBURN (Olivia). Cherishing Antiquity: the cultural construction of an Ancient Chinese Kingdom. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard U. P., 2013, XII-392 p. (Harvard-Yenching institute monograph, 89).

7963. LI (Qingfeng). Zhonggong jinzhi de lishi. (A forbidden history of the Chinese Communist Party). Taibei, Lingyou, 2013, 558 p.

7977. Ming Qing nongye shi ziliao (1368–1911). (Agricultural history of Ming and Qing dynasties). Ed-



ited by Shuping CHEN. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 3 v., 1456 p. 7978. Minguo de maiban fuhao. (The regal compradores of the Republican era). Edited by Hao WEN. Beijing, Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe, 2013, 8, 366 p. 7979. Minguo de ziben jiazu. (The capitalist families of the Republican era). Edited by Hao WEN. Beijing, Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe, 2013, 4, 359 p. 7980. Minguo renwu de zai yanjiu yu pingjia. (The re-study and re-evaluation of the republican China's leadership). Edited by Jingping WU. Shanghai, Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 9, 409 p. 7981. Minguo shishi yu dang'an. (Historical events and archives of the Republican Era). Edited by Huimin ZHOU. Taibei, Guoli zhengzhe daxue renwen zhongxin, 2013, 263 p. 7982. MITANI (Takashi). Gendai Chūgoku himitsu kessha kenkyū. (A study on the contemporary Chinese secret societies). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 418 p. 7983. MUSGROVE (Charles D.). China's contested capital: architecture, ritual, and response in Nanjing. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2013, IX-316 p. (Spatial habitus). 7984. NAKAMURA (Keiji). Rikuchō seiji shakai-shi kenkyū. (A study on the socio-political history of the Six Dynasties period). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 612 p. (Kyuko series, 107). 7985. NI (Yannian). Zhongguo xinwen fazhi shi. (A history of press law and administration in China). Nanjing, Nanjing shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 4, 438 p. 7986. NIU (Daosheng). Yingyu dui Zhongguo de lishixing yingxiang. (The historical influence of English in China). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 2, 4, 326 p. 7987. NIU (Haiyan). Zhongguo wenhua shi xinlun. (New essays in China's cultural history). Beijing, Zhonggu shuili shuidian chubanshe, 2013, 9, 287 p. 7988. SATO (Yoshifumi). Kindai Chūgoku no kyōdo ishiki: Shinmatsu Minsho Kōnan no zaichi shidōsō to chiiki shakai. (Local consciousness in modern China: Local leaders and local society in the south of Yangzte River (Jiāngnán) from the last years of Qing dynasty to the beginning of the Republic of China). Tokyo, Kenbun Shuppan, 2013, 445 p. 7989. SHEN (Jian). Chuang Guandong: Lishishang de da yimin. (Across the Guandong: the great migration in history). Beijing, Beijing gongye daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 219 p. – IDEM. Xia Nanyang: Lishishang de dayimin. (Towards the Southern Ocean: the great migration in history). Beijing, Beijing gongye daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 2, 226 p. 7990. SHEN (Zhihua). Chuzai shizi lukou de xuanze: 1956–1957 nian de Zhongguo. (Choosing at a crossroads: China in 1956–1957). Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2013, 3, 12, 434 p.

7991. SHIOZAWA (Hirohito). Gokan Gi Shin Nanbokuchō tojō kyōiki kenkyū. (A study on the boundaries of castle towns in Later Hanand Wei, Jin and NorthSouth dynasties). Tokyo, Yuzankaku, 2013, 375 p. 7992. SIMON (Karla W.). Civil society in China – The legal framework from Ancient times to the "New Reform Era". Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2013, XLIII-502 p. 7993. SMITH (Aminda M.). Thought reform and China's dangerous classes: reeducation, resistance, and the people. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2013, XI-255 p. (Asia/Pacific/Perspectives). 7994. SUN (Jiahong). Guanyu "zisun weifan" jiaoling de lishi kaocha: yi ge weiguanfa shixue de changshi. (A micro legal history on the development of the law of "disobedient descendents" in traditional China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 2, 289 p. 7995. TANG (Hongqing). Hangzhou chengshi zaoqi xiandaihua yanjiu 1896–1927. (The early modernization of Hangzhou 1896–1937). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2013, 3, 2, 2, 293 p. 7996. TANG (Chuanfu), HUANG (Daming). Zhishang de huoyan: 1815–1915 nian de baojie yu guoyun. (Paper sparks: press and national transportation 1815–1915). Guilin, Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 3, 4, 341 p. 7997. TSURUMA (Kazuyuki). Shin teikoku no keisei to chiiki. (The formation of imperial Qín dynasty [221– 207 BC] and the locality). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 607 p. (Kyuko series, 108). 7998. WANG (Dingjie). Li Hongzhang shidai 18701895. (The age of Li Hongzhang). Beijing, Dangdai Zhongguo chubanshe, 2013, 6, 356 p. 7999. WANG (Hui). Tianjin wenge qinli jishi. (History of cultural revolution in Tianjin). Taibei, Lantai chubanshe, 2013, 403 p. 8000. WANG (Zhenping). Tang China in multi-polar Asia: a history of diplomacy and war. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2013, XIV-462 p. (World of East Asia). 8001. WANG (Zijin). Zhongguo shehui fuli shi. (A history of social welfare in China). Wuhan, Wuhan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 2, 6, 4, 352 p. 8002. WATANABE (Shin-ichiro). Chūgoku kodai no gakusei to kokka: Nihon gagaku no genryū. (Ceremonial music and the state in ancient China: The origins of Japanese gagaku). Kyoto, Bunrikaku, 2013, 405 p. 8003. WEN (Keqin). Zhongguo lunli sixiang jianzhi. (A brief history of Chinese ethics). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 3, 8, 505 p. 8004. WU (Peilin). Qingdai xianyu minshi jiufen yu falü zhixu kaogao. (Civil disputes and legal order in counties of Qing dynasty), Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2013, 3, 7, 1, 451 p. 8005. WU (Shanzhong). Taiping Tianguo shixue shulun. (Narration and comment on the historiography of the

§ 4. Addenda 2012 Taiping heavenly kingdom). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 3, 2, 6, 380 p. 8006. WU (Xiaobo). Lidai jingji biange deshi. (Changes in gain and losses in economic history). Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2013, 4, 247 p. 8007. XIE (Yibiao). Zhejiang jindai huidang shi. (History of modern associations and societies in Zhejiang). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2013, 7, 5, 506 p. 8008. Xin Zhongguo caizheng jinrong zhidu bianqian shijian jiedu. (An interpretation of the transformation of financial system in new China). Edited by Yulu CHEN, Qingwang GUO. Beijing, Renda chubanshe, 2013, 6, 5, 500 p. 8009. XU (Hualong). Zhongguo minguo fuzhuang shi. (History of fashion in republican China). Xinbei, Huamulan wenhua chubanshe, 2013, 2 v., [s. p.] 8010. YAN (Mengxiang). Songdai fojiao shi. (History of Buddhism in Song era). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2013, 2 v., 2, 6, 6, 754 p. 8011. YANG (Yifan). Chongxin renshi Zhongguo falü shi. (New understanding of Chinese legal history). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013, 6, 4, 529 p. 8012. YANG (Zengwen). Fojiao yu Zhongguo lishi wenhua. (Buddhism and Chinese cultural history). Beijing, Jincheng chubanshe, 2013, 528 p. 8013. ZHANG (Cheng). Weibo wan Qing Minguo shi 1840–1947: yu zhiqing ren yiqi jie lishi zhengxiang. (A microblog in late Qing and early republican history 1840–1947: discovering the truth of history with an insider). Beijing, Tuanjie chubanshe, 2013, 10, 294 p. 8014. ZHANG (Jiarong). Xin Zhonggyuo lao guanggao: 1949-1966. (Old advertising in New China 19491966). Shanghai, Shanghai yuandong chubanshe, 2013, 116 p. 8015. ZHANG (Xuefeng). Han Tang kaogu and lishi yanjiu. (Archeology of the Han and Tang periods and historical research). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xinshi sanlian shudian, 2013, 5, 460 p. 8016. ZHAO (Lisheng). Zhongguo tudi zhidu shi. (History of Chinese land tenure). Wuhan, Wuhan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 350 p. 8017. Zheda shixue jingcui. Zhongguo jinxiandai shijuan. (A history of Zhejiang university). Edited by Hongmin CHEN. Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2013, 310 p. 8018. Zhengtong yu liupai: lidai rujia jingdian zhi zhuanbian. (Orthodoxy and schools: changes in the Confucian canon). Edited by Qingzhang LIN, Feixiang SU. Taibei, Wanjuanlou tushu gufen youxian gongsi, 2013, 3, 10, 648 p. 8019. Zhongguo fantan shi. (A history of anticorruption). Edited by Chunyu WANG. Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2013, 3 v., [s. p.]


8020. Zhongguo jianyu zhidu xiandaihua de lishi, lilun yu shijian. (History, theory and practice of the modernization of Chinese prison administration). Edited by Zhibing MA, Jimin ZHU, Ye JIANG. Beijing, Falü chubanshe, 2013, 2, 3, 2, 294 p. 8021. Zhongguo jiaoyu tongshi. (A general history of Chinese education). Edited by Bingzhao WANG. Beijing, Beijing shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 16 v., [s. p.] 8022. Zhongguo jiating shi. (History of Chinese family). Edited by Guogang ZHANG. Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2013, 5 v., [s. p.] 8023. Zhongguo mimi shehui shilun. (A history of secret societies in China). Edited by Yumin ZHOU. Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2013, 8, 2, 560 p. 8024. Zhonghua minguo jin shiliu nian fazhan shi. (History of the development of the republic of China in the last sixty years). Edited by Fangshang LU. Taibei, Guoshiguan, 2013, 2 v., [s. p.] 8025. Zhongwai meishu jiaoliu shi. (A history of art exchange between China and abroad). Edited by Yong WANG. Beijing, Zhongguo jingqian chubanshe, 2013, 227 p. 8026. ZHOU (Bei). Qing dai jiceng shehui juzhong anjian yanjiu. (A study on the cases of collective protests in grassroot society during the Qing). Zhengzhou, Daxiang chubanshe, 2013, 7, 3, 233 p. 8027. ZHOU (Huimei). "Xin Guomin" de xiangxiang. Minguo shiqi minzhong xuexiao yanjiu. (The image of the new citizen. a study on the popular schools in the Republican era). Beijing, Beijing shifan daxue chubanshe, 2013, 3, 7, 377 p. 8028. ZHOU (Huimin). Minguo shishi yu dang'an. (Facts and archives on the republican history). Taibei, Zhengda chubanshe, 2013, 263 p. 8029. ZHU (Shuai). Zhongguo guanggao xueshu shilun. (A history of advertising study in China). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2013, 3, 2, 306 p. § 4. Addenda 2012. ** 8030. Materialy po istorii kochevykh narodov v Kitae III–V vv. (Sources on the history of nomads in China, 3rd–5th centuries). Vol. 4. Di i tsjany (Dī and Qiāngzú). Ed. Vsevolod S. TASKIN. Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Oriental studies. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2012, 496 p. ** 8031. SJUAN'-TSZAN. Zapiski o zapadnykh stranakh [epokhi] velikoj Tan. (XUAN-ZANG. Notes on the Western lands [composed under] the Great Tang (Dai Tang xi yu ji)). Ed. Natalija V. ALEKSANDROVA. Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Oriental studies. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2012, 463 p. (3 ill.; 2 maps; bibl. p. 423-427; pers. ind. p. 428-435; geogr. ind. p. 436-450; term. ind. p. 451-459). [English summary p. 460–462]. 8032. BREUS (Elena M.). Identifikatsionnye dokumenty v Kitae: istorija, struktura, natsional'naja ideja.



(Identity documents of China: history, structure, national idea). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2012, 1, p. 3-23. 8033. DIRLIK (Arif). Culture and history in postrevolutionary China. The perspective of global modernity. Hong Kong, Chinese U. P., 2012, 341 p. 8034. MARTYNOV (Dmitrij E.). Predstavlenija ob istoricheskom vremeni v traditsionnoj kul'ture Kitaja v Khan'skuju epokhu. (The views of historical time in the traditional Chinese culture of the Han period). In: Dialogi so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History, Centre for intellectual history. Moskva, URSS, 2012, 41, p. 191-202. 8035. MEYER (Mahlon). Remembering China from Taiwan. Divided families and bittersweet reunions after the Chinese Civil War. Hongkong, Hong Kong U. P., 2012, 252 p. 8036. Protsess formirovanija ofitsial'noj ideologii imperskogo Kitaja. (The process of formation of the official ideology of imperial China). Ed. Marina E. KRAVTSOVA. Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka, 2012, 591 p. (bibl. p. 490523; glossary p. 524-525; ind. p. 526-587). § 5. Japan (before 1868). _______________________

8037. Chūseino kankyō to kaihatsu, seigyō. (Development and livelihood within natural environment in the medieval period). Ed. Kesao IHARA. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 330 p. (Series of the history of environment in Japan, 3). 8038. Genshi, kodai 1. (The primordial period and the ancient period 1). Eds. Toru OTSU [et al.] Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2013, 317 p. (Iwanami series on Japanese history, 1). 8039. HIGUCHI (Tomoji). Aterui: Ifu to gōsuru koto nakaru beshi. (Aterui: "Call not them Ifu"). Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2013, 346 p. 8040. ISOGAI (Fujio). Bukeseiken-seiritsu shi: Kikō hendō to rekishigaku. (A history of the formation of the militarist government: Climate changes and history). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 182 p.

8045. KIKUCHI (Isao). Ainu to Matsumae no seijibunka ron: Kyōkai to minzoku. (A treatise on the political culture of the Ainu and the domain of Matsumae: Borders and nationalities). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2013, 430 p. (Historical science series). 8046. KITAMURA (Masaki). Heijō-kyō seiritsushi ron. (A treatise on the history of the formation of Heijo-kyo). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 350 p. 8047. KURAMOTO (Kazuhiro). Fujiwara Michinaga "Midō Kanpakuki" o yomu. (Reading "Mido Kanpakuki," a diary of Michinaga Fujiwara). Tokyo, Kodansha, 2013, 269 p. (Kodansha select series). 8048. MATSUMOTO (Shiro). Jōkamachi. (Castle towns). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 303 p. (Japanese history series, 68). 8049. MATSUZONO (Jun-ichiro). Muromachi Bakufu no chigyō hogo hōsei. (The legal procedure for the protection of fief in the Muromachi Shogunate). Hitotsubashi Hogaku, 2013, 12, 3, p. 1145-1179. 8050. MIKAMI (Yoshitaka). Nihon kodai no moji to chihō shakai. (Letters and local society in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 356 p. 8051. MITANI (Yoshiyuki). Ritsuryō kokka to tochi shihai. (Ritsuryo state and the land control). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 312 p. 8052. MIZUMOTO (Kunihiko). Tokugawa shakai-ron no shiza. (The viewpoint of the studies on Tokugawa society). Tokyo, Keibunsha, 2013, 318 p. 8053. MORI (Kimiyuki). Zaichō-kanjin to bushi no seisei. (Local officials and the making of bushi). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 298 p. 8054. MURA (Kazuaki). Kinsei no chōtei seido to chōbaku kankei. (The imperial court system and the court-Shogunate relationships in the early modern age). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 344 p. 8055. MURAI (Shosuke). Nihon chūsei kyōkaishi ron. (A treatise on historical borders in medieval Japan). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2013, 438 p. – IDEM. Nihon chūsei no ibunka sesshoku. (Cross-cultural contacts in medieval Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 512 p.

8041. KAGE (Toshio). "Kenminsen to Sagara, Ōuchi, Ōtomo-shi." (Japanese trade ships with tallies to Ming China and the Sagara, the Ouchi and the Otomo clans). Nihonshi Kenkyu, 2013, no. 610, p. 3-27.

8056. NAKAGOMI (Ritsuko). Heian jidai no zei-zaisei kōzō to zuryō. (The taxation and fiscal system and zuryo in the Heian period). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2013, 456 p. (Historical science series).

8042. KAMIYA (Nobuyuki). Higashi Ajia no naka no Ryūkyū to Satsuma-han. (Ryukyu and the domain of Satsuma within East Asia). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2013, 332 p. (Historical science series).

8057. Neiha to Hakata. (Ningbo and Hakata). Eds. Gakusho NAKAJIMA and Koji ITO. Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2013, 476 p.

8043. KANDA (Chisato). Sengoku jidai no jiriki to chitsujo. ("On one's own" and order in the Sengoku period). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 322 p.

8058. NISHIMIYA (Hideki). Nara no miyako to Tenpyō bunka. (The capital of Nara and the Tenpyo culture). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 310 p. (Series of the ancient history of Japan, 3).

8044. KIKUCHI (Hiroyuki). Sengoku daimyō no guntai to buke hōkōnin. (The Samurai servants in the armies of warlords). Rekishi Hyoron, 2013, 755, p. 33-46.

8059. OHIRA (Yuichi). Kinsei Nihon no soshō to hō. (Litigation and law in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Sobunsha, 2013, 484 p.

§ 6. Korea 8060. OISHI (Manabu). Kinsei Nihon no tōchi to kaikaku. (Government and reform in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 355 p. 8061. OTSU (Toru). Ritsuryō-sei towa nanika. (What was the Ritsuryo system?). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2013, 91 p. (Libretto in Japanese history, 73). 8062. Ōuchi to Ōtomo: Chūsei nishi-Nihon no nidai daimyō. (The Ouchi clan and the Otomo clan: The two great feudal lords in west Japan in the medieval period). Ed. Toshio KAGE. Tokyo, Bensei Shuppan, 2013, 561 p. 8063. SANO (Shizuyo). Biwako no shizen kankyō kara mita chūsei Katata no gyorō katsudō. (Fishing in the medieval Katata Estates seen from the viewpoint of Lake Biwa's natural environment). Shirin, 2013, 96, 5, p. 36-69. 8064. Santo to chihō toshi. (The three capitals and provincial cities). Eds. Ashita SAGA and Nobuyuki YOSHIDA. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 360 p. (Yukaku society series, 1). 8065. SATO (Takayuki). Kinsei sanson chiikishi no kenkyū. (A study on the history of mountain villages in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 354 p. 8066. SATO (Yasuhiro). Nihon chūsei no tegata: Niimi-no-shō no saifu ni tsuite. (Medieval Japanese promissory notes: Regarding the saifu of the Niimi-nosho estates). Shirin, 2013, 96, 5, p. 1-35. 8067. SHINOKAWA (Ken). Asuka to kodai kokka. (Asuka and the ancient state). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 285 p. (Series of the ancient history of Japan, 2). 8068. SPAFFORD (David). A sense of place: the political landscape in late Medieval Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2013, XIX-312 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 361). 8069. TAKAGI (Shunsuke). Kinsei nōmin nikki no kenkyū. (A study on diaries of peasants in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2013, 334 p. 8070. TAKAHASHI (Kazuki). Tōgoku bushidan to Kamakura Bakufu. (Warrior groups in east Japan and Kamakura Shogunate). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 304 p. (Series of the age of upheavals in eastern Japan, 2). 8071. TAKAHASHI (Masaaki). Heike to Rokuhara bakufu. (The Heike clan and the Rokuhara Bakufu). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, 355 p. 8072. TAKAHASHI (Yoshitaka). Kinsei, kindai no suisan shigen to seigyō: Hozen to hanshoku no jidai. (Marine resources and livelihood in early modern and modern Japan: The era of preservation and breeding). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 315 p.


8073. TANAKA (Seiji). Hagi-han zaiseishi no kenkyū. (A study on the financial history of the domain of Hagi in the early modern period). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2013, 573 p. 8074. TSUYA (Noriko O.), KUROSU (Satomi). Social class and migration in two northeastern Japanese villages, 1716–1870. History of the family, 2013, 18, 4, p. 434455. 8075. YAMAMOTO (Nobuyoshi). Kichō tenseki, seikyō no kenkyū. (Studies on classical precious books and Buddhist texts). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 379 p. – IDEM. Ono no Michikaze. (Onono Michikaze). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 185 p. 8076. YOKOYAMA (Yoshinori). Kaikoku zen-ya no sekai. (Japan before the opening of the country). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2013, 396 p. (The history of early modern Japan, 5). 8077. YOSHIMURA (Toyoo). Nihon kinsei no gyōsei to chiiki shakai. (Administration and local society in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2013, 540 p. (Historical science series). § 6. Korea. _______________________

8078. CHIN (Sŏn-yŏng). Han'guk taejung yŏnae sŏsa ŭi ideollogi wa mihak. (The ideology and aesthetic of popular romance novel in Korea. Sŏul-si, Somyŏng Ch'ulp'an, 2013, 335 p. 8079. CHŎNG (Su-hwan). Chosŏn hugi hwap'ye yut'ong kwa kyŏngje saenghwal. (The coin currency and changes in economic life in late Joseon period). Sŏul, Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 2013, XI-373 p. (Kyŏngin Han'gukhak yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 108). 8080. HAN (Chi-wŏn). Chosŏn Ch'ongdokpu ŭiryo minsokchi rŭl t'onghae pon wisaeng p'ungsŭp yŏn'gu. (Research on hygienic customs through Chosun Governor's Office). Sŏul, Minsogwŏn, 2013, 176 p. (Minsogwŏn haksul mun'go, 018). 8081. KANG (Man-ik). Ilche sigi mokchang chohap yŏn'gu. Ilche sigi Cheju-do maŭl kongdong mokchang chohap yŏn'gu. (Study on the joint ranch combination in Jeju-do village during the Japanese rule). Sŏul, Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 2013, XIV-341 p. (Kyŏngin Han'gukhak yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 105). 8082. MORIHIRA (Masahiko). Mongoru hakenka no Kōrai: Teikoku chitsujo to ōkoku no taiō. (Koryō under the rule of the Mongolians: The imperial order and the Koryo kingdom). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2013, 534 p. 8083. YI (Yŏng-hak). Han'guk kŭndae yŏnch'o sanŏp yŏn'gu. (Korea modern tobacco industry research). Sŏul-si, Sinsŏwŏn, 2013, 376 p. (Oedae yŏksa munhwa yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 06)

S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization)

8084. BRETT (Michael). Approaching African history. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2013, 356 p. 8085. DE LUNA (Kathryn M.). Affect and society in precolonial Africa. International studies of African historical studies, 2013, 46, 1, p. 123-150. 8086. Èṣù: Yoruba god, power, and the frontiers. Ed. by Toyin FALOLA. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, XXIII-392 p. 8087. HOAG (Heather J.). Developing the rivers of East and West Africa: an environmental history. New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, XIV-286 p. 8088. KARIYA (Kota). 14 seiki no Sūdān seibu no kinsanchi o meguru jōhō sōsa: Mansā Mūsā no katari no bunseki o chūshin ni. (Manipulation of information

on the goldfields in fourteenth-century western Sudan: An analysis of Mansa Musa's narratives). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, 2013, 86, p. 55-80. 8089. STEPHENS (Rhiannon). A history of African motherhood: the case of Uganda, 700–1900. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2013, XV-223 p. (African studies). §. Addenda 2012. 8090. NAUMKIN (Vitalij V.). Ostrova arkhipelaga Sokotra. (ekspeditsija 1974–2010 gg.). (Islands of the Archipelago of Soqotra: Expeditions of 1974–2010). Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Oriental studies. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury (Izd-vo JaSK), 2012, 528 p. Cf. nos 7119-7186

T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization)

8091. Centering animals in Latin American history. Ed. by Martha FEW and Zeb TORTORICI. Durham, Duke U. P., 2013, XIV-391 p.

from primordial sea to public space. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XVI-254 p. (Roger Fullington series in architecture).

8092. DÉLÉAGE (Pierre). Inventer l'écriture. Rituels prophétiques et chamaniques des Indiens d'Amérique du Nord, XVIIe–XIXe siècles. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 245 p.

8098. WERNKE (Steven A.). Negotiated settlements: Andean communities and landscapes under Inka and Spanish colonialism. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XIX-371 p.

8093. FOIAS (Antonia E.). Ancient Maya political dynamics. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2013, XIV-289 p. (Maya studies).

8099. WILLIAMS (Robert Lloyd). The complete Codex Zouche-Nuttall: Mixtec lineage histories and political biographies. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XVII-348 p. (Linda Schele series in Maya and Pre-Columbian studies).

8094. HENDERSON (Peter V. N.). The course of Andean history. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2013, XVII-377 p. 8095. JACKSON (Sarah E.). Politics of the Maya court: hierarchy and change in the late classic period. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2013, XVIII-173 p. 8096. SOLARI (Amara). Maya ideologies of the sacred: the transfiguration of space in colonial Yucatan. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, XI-212 p. 8097. WAGNER (Logan), BOX (Hal), MOREHEAD (Susan Kline). Ancient origins of the Mexican Plaza:

§. Addendum 2012. 8100. Istochniki po etnicheskoj istorii aborigennogo naselenija Ameriki. (Sources on the ethnic history of native peoples of America). Ed. Eduard G. ALEKSANDRENKOV, Aleksej A. ISTOMIN. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of ethnology and anthropology. Moskva, Izd-vo IEA RAN, 2012, 270 p. (3 maps; bibl. incl.). Cf. nos 7187-7248

U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization)

8101. IGLER (David). The great ocean. Pacific worlds from Captain Cook to the gold rush. New York, Oxford U. P., 2013, XI-255 p. 8102. NAEPELS (Michel). Conjurer la guerre. Violence et pouvoir à Houaïlou (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Paris, Éd. de l'Ehess, 2013, 288 p. 8103. TRÉMON (Anne-Christine). Citoyens indigènes et sujets électeurs. Statut, race et politique dans les Étab-

lissements français de l'Océanie (1880–1945). Genèses, 2013, 91 (2), p. 28-48. 8104. Vivre la mer: expressions océaniennes de l'insularité. Sous la dir. d'Hélène GUIOT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 234 p. (Essais. Migrations). Cf. nos 7249-7252

INDEX OF NAMES1 A AALUND JENSEN (Leif), 3269. ABATE (Emma), 1232. ABBATE (Carolyn), 5867. ABBENHUIS (Maartje Maria), 7357. ABBO (Shahal), 1245. 'ABD AL-WAHHAB AL-MZUGHÎ, 2702. ABDEL-RAZIQ (Abdalla), 1108. Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 7356. ABEL (Emily K.), 6467. ABELES (Marc), 304. ABERS (Rebecca Neaera), 3593. ABERTH (John), 2557. ABID (Massarrat), 4312, 7701. ABITEBOUL (Maurice), 5647. ABOITES AGUILAR (Luis), 6209. ABOUSAMRA (Gaby), 1037. ABRAHAM (Kathleen), 1166. ABRAHAMIAN (Ervand), 7702. ABRAMOVICI (Jean-Christophe), 5093. ABRAMS REBILLARD (Suzanne), 2186. ABRAMZON (Mikhail G.), 112. ABRAVANEL (Nicole), 304. ABREU (Laurinda), 4359. ABUL-MAGD (Zeinab), 3729. ABUSCH (Tzvi), 1233. ACACIA (Michel), 6883. ACANFORA (Paolo), 7703. ACCATTINO (Paolo), 1388. ACCIAIUOLI (Margarida), 4360. ACCIOLY CAMPOS (Eduardo Henrique), 3592. ACCROCCA (Felice), 3326. ACHENBACH (Reinhard), 1234, 1273. Acheson (Dean), 4962. ACHIM (Viorel), 4372. ACHIN (Catherine), 620. ACHINETTI MAGGI (Maddalena), 2525. ACHINO (Katia Francesca), 1030. ÄCHTLER (Norman), 5680.

ACHYUTHAN (Hema), 1043. ACIERNO (Marta), 3052, 3423. ACOCELLA (Nicola), 5988. ACOSTA (Antonio), 3735. ACOSTA FÉLIX (Andrés), 116. ACQUAFREDDA (Pasquale), 948. ACRI (Martín), 5247. ADAM (Alfons), 3673, 6794. ADAM (Thomas), 5178. ADAM OF BOCKENFIELD, 3021. ADAMO (Giuliana), 5620. ADAMS (Andrea), 5453. ADAMS (Edward), 2232. ADAMS (Geoff W.), 1969. ADAMS (Jacqueline), 5785. ADAMS (James N.), 1921. Adams (John), 7296, 7340. ADAMS (Jonathan), 2774. ADAMS (Sean A.), 2233. ADAMS (Sean Patrick), 546), 6252. ADAMS (Simon), 7265. ADAMS (Walter Randolph), 4074. ADAMSKI (Jens), 6078. ADAMSON (Peter), 3185. ADDANTE (Luca), 4923. ADDLETON (Jonathan Stuart), 7022. ADDOBBATI (Andrea), 6253. ADDOUN (Yacine Daddi), 6144. ADE (Mafalda), 6145. ADELMAN (Jeremy), 6037. Adenauer (Konrad), 3821, 7660. ADICK (Christel), 5227. ADJEMIAN (Boris), 3738. ADKINS (Lesley), 3188. ADLINGTON (Hugh), 5651. ADRIAN (Dominique), 3424. AEGIDIUS ASSISIAS, 3258. Aelianus, 1538. Aelius Aristides, 1490. Aemilius Paulus (Lucius), 1419. AENEAS SILVIUS PICCOLOMINI, 2938. ÆREBŒ (Rasmus), 6902. Aeschylus, 1513, 1543, 1557, 1590.

AFFLERBACH (Holger), 532. Afonso IV, rei de Portugal, 2772. AFZAL (M. Rafique), 4097. AGAMBEN (Giorgio), 726. Agathias Scholasticus, 1499, 2386. AGAZZI (Elena), 908. AGOSTI (Aldo), 4147. AGOSTI (Barbara), 5850. AGOSTONI (Claudia), 5454. AGRELL (Wilhelm), 7771. AGSTNER (Rudolf), 7428. AGÜERO (Juan Omar), 6211. AGUIRRE (Carlos), 5105, 6852. AHLBERG (Kristin), 7769. AHLSKOG (Jonas), 445. AHMED (Ishtiaq), 4308. AHR (Berenice), 6049. AHRENS (Alexander), 1038. AHRENS (Prue), 5868. AHRENS (Ralf), 6254. AIGLE (Denise), 2706. AISPURO CÁRDENAS (Pablo Sergio), 4261. AITKEN (Rob), 5870. AITKEN (Robbie), 6469. AIVALIS (Christo), 3622. AJALA (Aderemi Suleiman), 4298. AKANDA (Safar Ali), 3573. AKAR (Philippe), 1922. AKDOĞAN (Rukiye), 1217, 1231. ÅKERFELDT (Bennie), 6470. Akhenaten, 1138. AKIBA (Jun), 7917. AKIMOV (Jurij G.), 206, 7245. AL KALAK (Matteo), 4803. ALAMGIR (Alena K.), 6795. ALÃO DE MORAIS (Cristovão), 93. ALARIO (Leonardo R.), 3271. ALATRI (Giovanna), 5220. ALAUX (Jean), 419. ALBA LÓPEZ (Almudena), 2234. ALBERA (Dionigi), 4749. ALBERDI VALLEJO (Alfredo R.), 4323. ALBERICUS AQUENSIS, 2543. ALBERIGO (Giuseppe), 3210.

1 The Slavonic and in particular the Russian names are given in their national form transliterated following the usual methods and are classified accordingly. Characters with diacritics, for instance ć, ś, č, š are considered as if ordinary c, s. the German modified vowels ä, ö, ø, ü are considered as if a, o, u. The names of Classical authors, Byzantine King and Emperors, Saints and Popes are indexed in their Latin form. Authors' names are given in capital letters.

336 ALBERRO (Solange), 4245. ALBERS (Jon), 2094. ALBERT (Marcel), 823. ALBERT LE GRAND, 3166. Albert, Archiduke of Austria, 4281. ALBERTI (Leon Battista), 2520, 3047, 3073, 3121, 3130. ALBERTS (Tara), 4804. ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SANCTUS, 879, 3166. ALBIAC (Gabriel), 5438. ALBIZÚREZ GIL (Mónica), 5635. Albrecht VII, Archduke of Austria, 4287. ALBUQUERQUE (Durval Muniz de Jr.), 5028. ALCARAZ-CASTAÑO (Manuel), 926. Alciati della Motta (Giampaolo), 4923. ALCIBÍADES (Mirla), 4713. Alcman, 1581. ALCOLEA GONZÁLEZ (Javier), 926. Alcuinus Turonensis, 3015, 3176. ALDEN (John R.), 1274. ALDRICH (Richard J.), 3981. ALEGRE (Robert F.), 6796. ALEKSANDRENKOV (Eduard G.), 8100. ALEKSANDROVA (Natalija V.), 8031. ALEKSEEV (Aleksej I.), 5019. ALEKSIUM (Natalia), 1235. ALEXANDER (Daniel S.), 5455. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, 1384, 1385. ALEXANDRE (Didier), 5723. ALEXANDRE-BIDON (Danièle), 3022. Alexandros III ho Megas, king of Macedonia, 1117, 1353, 1405, 1488, 3010, 3102. Alexandros IV, king of Macedonia, 1684. Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 2419. ALFANI (Guido), 5989. Alfaro Siqueiros (David), 4267. ALFEEV (Ilarion), 4907. Alföldy (Géza), 1774. ALFÖLDY-GĂZDAC (Ágnes), 1639. ALIDOU (Ousseina D.), 4219. ALIJA (Adela M.), 7772. ALIMENTI (Sara), 4859. ALKARP (Magnus), 4522. Alḳāṣ Mīrzā, 7287. ALLAN (Rutger J.), 1467. ALLEGRETTI (Paola), 2951. ALLEN (Gemma), 5221. ALLEN (Gene), 5302.

INDEX OF NAMES ALLEN (James P.), 1109. ALLEN (Keith R.), 3833. ALLEN (Lori), 4315. ALLEN (Pauline), 2558. ALLEN (Spencer L.), 1167. Allende Gossens (Salvador), 3635, 3637, 3641. ALLISON (June), 1468. ALLISON (Penelope M.), 2095. ALLMAN (Jean), 3974. ALLUÉ (Ethel), 983. ALMAGOR (Eran), 497. AL-MASRI (Abdul Nasser), 5456. ALMEIDA (Maria Antónia de Figueiredo Pires de), 5457. ALMEIDA DE CARVALHO (Rita), 4361. AL-OMARI (Abdulaziz), 970. ALONSO (Luciano), 5305. ALONSO CARBALLÉS (Jesús Javier), 5269. ALONSO ESTENOZ (Alfredo), 5681. ALPERT (Michael), 4477. ALPOPI (Cristina), 3433. ALSBY (Malcolm), 47. ALSHAREKH (Abdullah M.), 970. ALT (Dirk), 5871. ALTABLE (Francisco), 4876. ALTAMURA (Flavio), 927. ALTED VIGIL (Alicia), 5269. ALTENBURG (Jan Philipp), 6471. ALTHAMMER (Beate), 6472. ALTHANN (Robert), 817. ALTHOFF (Gerd), 3233. ALTRIPP (Michael), 2405. ÁLVAREZ ARAGÓN (Virgilio), 4075. ÁLVAREZ JUNCO (José), 302. ALVAREZ-GÓMEZ (Mariano), 5423. ÁLVAREZ-NOGAL (Carlos), 533. ALVARO (Corrado), 5677. ALVES (José Augusto dos Santos), 5303. ALVES (Vera Marques), 5029. ALY (Götz), 6473. AMADORI (Arrigo), 5087, 7187. Amadou (Cheikh), 3817. Amalia Elisabeth Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel, 7276. AMALOU (Thierry), 5214. Amari (Michele), 424. AMATO (Joseph A.), 727. AMAYA BANEGAS (Jorge Alberto), 6474. AMBROGI (Annarena), 3272. AMBROSE (Kirk), 3053. AMBROSIO (Antonella), 2485. AMBROSIUS (Gerold), 665. Ambrosius Mediolanensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2298. AMBROSOLI (Mauro), 728.

AMBÜHL (Rémy), 2649. AMELANG (James S.), 442. AMELANG (James S.), 4985. AMENDOLA (Giandomenico), 5816. Amenhotep II, king of Egypt, 1146. AMERINI (Fabrizio), 880. AMIN (Abbas), 149. AMKREUTZ (Luc), 949. AMMANNATI (Francesco), 2779. Ammianus Marcellinus, 1780, 1807, 1976, 2045. Ammurapi, king of Ugarit, 1087. AMOSSÉ (Thomas), 6475. AMRI (Nelly), 2702. AMRITH (Sunil S.), 150. AMSTER (Ellen J.), 5458. AN (Yoon Ki), 5425. Anacletus II, papa, 2634. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS (Thalia), 2406. ANAGNOSTOU-LAOUTIDES (Eva), 1469. ANAKESA-KULULUKA (Apollinaire), 586. ANASTAKIS (Dimitry), 6050. ANATOLIOS (Khaled), 2174. ANCKAER (Jan), 7358. ANDEA (Susana), 2776. ANDENNA (Cristina), 3304. ANDENNA (Giancarlo), 3226, 3405. ANDERLINI (Danilo), 3425. ANDERSEN (Casper), 7119. ANDERSEN (Lars), 3711. ANDERSEN (Lisa M. F.), 4595. ANDERSEN (Morten), 5990. ANDERSEN (Per), 2756. ANDERSEN (Søren), 937. ANDERSEN (Vivi Lena), 757. ANDERSON (Aaron D.), 6146. ANDERSON (Clare), 7057. ANDERSON (Julie Renee), 1095. ANDERSON (Richard), 4447, 7124. ANDERSSON (Christoph), 7655. ANDERSSON (Gunnar), 6392. ANDERSSON (Jenny), 4531. ANDERSSON ODEN (Tomas), 5332. Andocides, 1580. ANDONE (Corneliu), 4373. Andrade (Amélia Aguiar), 3470. ANDRADE (Nathanael J.), 1310. ANDRÉ (Laury-Nuria), 1470. ANDREAS (Peter), 6147. Andreas Caesariensis, episcopus, 2387. ANDREEV (Andrej Ju.), 5219. ANDREN (Carl-Gustaf), 5182. ANDREOLI (Ilaria), 5654. Andreotti (Giulio), 7902. ANDREOZZI (Daniele), 6148.

INDEX OF NAMES ANDRESS (David), 3762. ANDRETTA (Elisa), 755. ANDREW (Donna T.), 6477. ANDREW (Shryock), 920. ANDREWS (Edward E.), 4924. ANDREWS (Naomi J.), 5030. ANDRIES (Lise), 5090. ANDRIESCU (Bogdan), 730. ANDRIEUX (Jean-Yves), 5817. Andromachus, 1601. ANDROSHCHUK (F. O.), 2715. ANGELI (Giovanni), 4802. ANGELI (Oliviero), 5425. Angelico, fra, 3076. ANGELL (Stephen W.), 859. ANGELOV (Dimiter), 2382, 2401, 2407, 2434. ANGELUCCI (Diego E.), 983. ANGENENDT (Arnold), 3359. ANGHEBEN (Marcel), 3055. Angilberto del Balzo, conte di Ugento e duca di Nardò, 2514. ANGOLD (Michael), 2408. ANGOUÉ (Claudine-Augée), 3816. ANGRICK (Andrej), 7620. ANHEIM (Étienne), 2777. Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus, 3205. ANIKEEVA (Natal'ja E.), 4510. ANKERSMIT (Frank), 446. ANKIT (Rakesh), 7704. Anna Comnen, 2354. Annalista Saxo, 2555. Annibaldi della Molara (famiglia), 69. ANSALDI (Saverio), 5842. ANSARI (Sarah), 6909, 7099. ANSELMI (Gian Mario), 740, 2958. ANSELMI (Manuel), 5222. ANSTEY (Peter R.), 886. ANTENHOFER (Christina), 2513. ANTES (Peter), 854. ANTHES (Erhard), 5598. ANTIĆ (Ljubomir), 3660. Antipatros, 1380. ANTOLINOS MARÍN (Juan Antonio), 1923. ANTON (Mioara), 4370, 4374. ANTONELLI (Livio), 671. ANTONELLI (Luca), 1401. ANTONELLI (Marina), 5304. ANTONELLI (Quinto), 5223. Antonescu (Ion), 4372. Antoniazzo Romano, 3056. ANTONIELLI (Livio), 680. Antonius abbas, Sanctus, 2349, 2351. ANTONOPOULOU (Theodora), 2409. ANTONOVA (Katherine Pickering), 6478.

ANZA (Juan Bautista de), 151. AO (Xuegang), 7930. APARASCHIVEI (Sorin), 7705. APARICIO (Fernando), 7706. Apel (Hans), 7678. APEL (Matthias), 2236. APERGHIS (Gerassimos G.), 1444. APOH (Wazi), 7141. Apollodorus Pergamenus, 1386. Apollonius Rhodius, 1469, 1501, 1569. APOSTOLOPOULOS (Nicolas), 5238. APPEL (Charlotte), 5224. APPEL (Kurt), 5425. APPEL (Sabine), 4066. APPELBAUM (Nancy P.), 259. APPENZELLER (Stephan), 6119. Appianus, 1387. APPLEBAUM (Anne), 7707. APPLEBY (John C.), 6479. APRILE (Jamie D.), 1333. APRILE (Sylvie), 3492. APRÓ (Erzsébet), 219. Apuleius (Lucius), 1997. ARABATZIS (Christos), 3360. ARABEYRE (Patrick), 4775. ARACHELIAN (Vartan), 7429. ARAÚJO (María Fátima), 1048. ARAUJO (Rafael), 1041. ARBO (Alessandro), 5444. ARCÀ (Andrea), 915. ARČABIĆ (Goran), 6149. ARCEREDILLO ALONSO (Diego), 943. ARCES (Pierfrancesco), 1879. Archelaus, 1599. ARCHER (Robin), 6798. Archetti (Giovanni Andrea), 7291. ARCHI (Alfonso), 1062. ARCHIBALD (Zosia Halina), 1445. ARCHILÉS I CARDONA (Ferran), 4497. Archippe, 1454. ARELI (Marina), 2919. ARENA (Emiliano), 1353, 1684. ARENDT (Hannah), 467, 5410, 5417. ARESI (Monica), 6051. ARIANTZI (Despoina), 2411. ARIAS (Luz Marina), 6255. ARIEL (Yaakov), 4728. ARIMITSU (Hideyuki), 2559. Ariosto (Ludovico), 5652, 5654, 5662. Aristeas, 1511. Aristophanes, 1476, 1480, 1497, 1512, 1632. Aristoteles, 876, 883, 1388, 1389, 1610, 1611, 1620, 1622, 1630, 2406, 3172, 3177, 3180, 3191, 3193, 5425.

337 ARIYAMA (Teruo), 4196. ARJAKOVSKY (Philippe), 881. ARLT (Carolin), 1317. ARMADA (Xosé Lois), 996. ARMANDO (David), 534. ARMAS ASÍN (Fernando), 4332. ARMISEN-MARCHETTI (Mireille), 2049. ARMOCIDA (Giuseppe), 5459. ARMSTRONG (Catherine), 5031. ARMSTRONG (Charles K.), 7773. ARMSTRONG (Jeremy), 1097. ARMSTRONG (Pamela), 2412. ARNASON (Johann P.), 1402, 1408. ARNAUD (Daniel), 1051. ARNDT (Agnes), 4342. ARNDT (Johannes), 5306. ARNOLD (David), 5460. ARNOLD (Ellen F.), 3273. ARNOLD (John Charles), 3328. Arnold (Wilhelm Christoph Friedrich), 6926. ARNOLD-DE SIMINE (Silke), 241. ARNSON (Cynthia J.), 3491. AROCA (Francisco), 5637. Aron (Raymond), 5117. ARPAIA (Maria), 1471. ARRAYÁS MORALES (Isaías), 1063, 1808. ARREOLA (Daniel D.), 6393. Arriaga y Rivera (Julián Manuel de), 7310. ARRIGHETTI (Graziano), 1597. ARROUYE (Jean), 5843. ARROYO ABAD (Leticia), 6150. Arsinoe, 1159. Arsinoe, queen of Egypt, 1119. ARTEUS (Gunnar), 731, 4523. ARTIÈRES (Philippe), 412, 5420. ARTUÇ (Nevzat), 7441. ARTUCIO URIOSTE (Alejandro), 5820. ARTUKOVIĆ (Mato), 3660. ARTUSO (Vincent), 4237. ARZAKANJAN (Marina Ts.), 3814. ASAJI (Keizo), 2683. ASCANI (Valerio), 3146. ASCH (Léopold), 3061. ASCH (Ronald G.), 6468. ASCHERI (Mario), 2735. ASCHMANN (Birgit), 3834. ASCOUGH (Richard S.), 1311. ASEJNOV (Renat M.), 2682. ASENJO GONZÁLEZ (María), 2878. ASH (Stephen V.), 4596. ASHRAF (Kazi K.), 5821. ASHTON (Dianne), 4986. Ashurnasirpal II, 1183. ASKARI (Hajar), 1284. ASLAN (Carolyn Chabot), 1064. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David), 260.

338 ASQUA (Hervé), 3197. ASSELIN (Pierre), 7774. ASSENMAKER (Pierre), 1472. ASSER, 2544. ASSIMA-KPATCHA (Essoham),

7172. ASSMANN (Aleida), 55, 447. ASTIGARRAGA (Jesús), 6040. ASTRUA (Beatrice), 2574. ASUKA (Sakaino), 6930. ATACK (Jeremy), 6052. ATANASOV (Hristian), 6394. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), 389, 4569. ATEŞ (Sabri), 7359. Athanasius Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 2174, 2175. ATIENZA (Maria Ela L.), 4338. ATKINS (Jed W.), 1970. Atkins (Tommy), 6663. ATKINSON (Alan), 3545. ATTAL (Frédéric), 5033. ATTALI (Michaël), 5373. Attalus II, king of Pergamum, 1727. ATTARD (Bernard), 6256, 6257. Atticus (Titus Pomponius), 2002. AUBÁN (Joan Bernabeu), 1009. AUBE (Sandra), 3040. AUBERT (Annette G.), 4729. AUDEGUY (Stéphane), 5682. AUDI (Paul), 5433. AUDIGIER (François), 3765. AUDOIN-ROUZEAU (Stephane), 560. Auer (Erhard), 3932. AUER (Leopold), 2734. AUER (Michael), 5389. Auerbach (Erich), 477. AUGERINU-TZIOGA (Maria), 2359. AUGHEY (Arthur), 732. AUGOUSTAKIS (Antony), 903, 2084. AUGSBERG (Steffen), 6879. AUGSPURG (Anita), 6925. Augustinus Aurelius, Sanctus, 884, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2238, 2239, 2243, 2250, 2268, 2284, 2308, 2323, 2333, 2334. AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS, 3168. Augustinus, episcopus Cantuariensis, 3244. Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 1770, 1818, 1944, 2073, 2082, 2110. Aulus Gellius, 1876. AUPERT (Pierre), 1354. AURAST (Anna), 3410. AURELL (Martin), 2622, 2780, 2872. AUROV (Oleg V.), 2644, 2771.

INDEX OF NAMES Ausonius (Decimus Magnus), 1781, 1994, 1999, 2005. AUSTIN (Gareth), 6099. AUTPERTUS (Ambrosius), 3348. AUVINET (Jérôme), 5463. AUWERS (J.-M.), 819. AUWERS (Michael), 7266. AVANESSIAN (Armen), 5636. Avicenna, 3185. Ávila Camacho (Manuel), 4256. AVISHAI (Gal), 1264. AVIV (Efrat E.), 7775. AVNER (Uzi), 1258. AVRAM (Alexandre), 1352. AVRAMOVA (Sofia), 2356. AXWORTHY (Michael), 4112. AYÁN (Juan José), 2240. AYERS (Tim), 3062. AYMES (Marc), 4559. AYROULET (Elie), 2413. AZCONA (José Manuel), 7776. AZÉRAD (Hugues), 5624. AZIZI KHARANAGHI (Mohammed Hossein), 1020. AZZARA (Claudio), 2608. AZZARI (Margherita), 148. AZZOLINI (Monica), 4148. B BA (Daha Chérif), 5035. Baader (Ernst Wilhelm), 5574. BAÁN (István), 2385. BABBI (Andrea), 1757. BABIN (Malte-Ludolf), 2043. BABKOV (Dmitrij I.), 4422. BABOŠ (Pavol), 5991. Bacchylides, 1553. BACELAR (Jeferson Afonso), 3604. BACH (Olaf), 733. BACH (Oliver), 635. BACHER (Dieter), 3572. BACHINGER (Bernhard), 7477. BÄCHLER (Maja), 5872. BACHMANN (Klaus), 7008. BACHMANN (Martin), 1065. BACHMANN (Viktoria), 5425. BACHRACH (Bernard S.), 2609. BACHRACH (David), 2737. BACIA (Jürgen), 221. BACIN (Stefano), 5425. BACKES (Uwe), 633. BÄCKLUND (Dan), 6645. BACKMANN (Marius), 5424. Bacon (Roger), 3199. BADALASSI (Nicolas), 7777. BADAMCHI (Hossein), 1168. BADAT (Saleem), 4468. BADE (Norman), 3410. BADENOCH (Alexander), 5869. BADER (Matthias), 2738. BĂDESCU (Laura-Eveline), 5036.

BAECHLER (Christian), 4805. BAENA PREYSLER (Javier), 926. BAERT (Barbara), 2906. BAEV (Jordan), 7693. BAFFETTI (Giovanni), 2958. BAGANZ (Carina), 5225. BAGERIUS (Henric), 448. BAGGOTT (Sally), 6108. BAGIEŃSKI (Witold), 4339. BAGLIONE (Maria Paola), 1754. BAGNALL (Roger S.), 559, 1111. BAHR (Arthur), 2954. BÄHR (Johannes), 6054, 6254. BAHRO (Berno), 3836. BAIER (Andrea), 6395. BAIER (Horst), 5443. BAILEY (Christian), 3837. BAILEY (Craig), 6481. BAILEY (Gavin), 7578. BAILEY (Geoff N.), 925. BAILEY (Joanne), 65. BAILEY (Martha J.), 6638. BAILEY (Michael D.), 2894. BAIN (Mervyn J.), 7024. BAIOCCO (Simone), 3135. BAIRD (Barbara), 6482. BAJALAN (Djene Rhys), 4560. BAJARD (Flora), 6483. BAJAZITOVA (Gul'nara I.), 5445. BAJPAI (Kanti P.), 4102. BAJWA (Farooq), 7778. BAK (János M.), 2547. BAKER (Bruce E.), 4593. BAKER (John T.), 2616. BAKER (John), 636, 2739. Baker (Newton D.), 4612. BAKER (Nicholas Scott), 5037. Bakhrushina (S. V.), 401. BAKKE (Elisabeth), 4085. BAKKER (Johan), 1083. BALABAN (Milan), 5992. BALADI (Mauro), 801. BĂLĂŞESCU (Adrian), 953. BALBIER (Uta Andrea), 6004. BALBO (Mattia), 1880. BALBO (Nicoletta), 6391. BALD (Vivek), 6484. BALDASSARRI (Monica), 3447. BALDI (Davide), 2361. BALDINI (Charles), 7621. BALDINI (Isabella), 2096. BALDINI LIPPOLIS (Isabella), 1849. Bale (John), 4978. BALESTRINI (Nanni), 5719. BALÍK (Stanislav), 4806, 4807. BALISTRERI (Corrado), 667. BALL (Philip), 734. BALL (Stuart), 3983. BALLANTYNE (Rachel), 1295. BALLESTEROS PASTOR (Luis), 1972.

INDEX OF NAMES BALMER (Yves), 5954. BALOGH (Béni L.), 7542. BALOGH (Margit), 4086. BALOT (Ryan K.), 1598. BALSOY (Gülhan), 4561. BALTES (Elizabeth P.), 1697. Balzac (Honoré de), 5712, 5729. BALZARETTI (Ross), 2595. BAMJI (Alexandra), 824. Bancroft (Richard), 3990. BANDELLI (Gino), 437. BANDERA BISTOLETTI (Sandrina), 3054. BANDINELLI (Angela), 5464. BANDY (Anastasius C.), 23682370. BANERJEE (Arun), 1031. BÁNFFY (Eszter), 950. BANFI (Antonio), 1881. BANG (Peter Fibiger), 601. BANK (Steven A.), 6276. BANKEL (Hansgeorg), 1685. BANKER (James R.), 3063. BANKS (David), 143. BANNASCH (Bettina), 907. BANNIKOV (Andrej V.), 2414. BANTIGNY (Ludivine), 304. BANTMAN (Constance), 6800. BANU (Florian), 4385, 4389. BANU (Luminiţa), 4385. BAPTISTA GUMUCIO (Mariano), 193. BAPU (Prabhu), 4098. BARAJAS (María Josefina), 5683. BARAK (On), 56. BARAK (Oren), 4140. BARANOWSKI (Günter), 637. BARÁTH (Magdolna), 4083. BARATIN (Marc), 1795. BARATTA (Giulia), 1775. BARATTE (François), 2115. BARBAFIERI (Carine), 5093. BARBAGALLO (Francesco), 4149. BARBAN (Nicola), 6485. Barbara of Cilli, 2656. BARBE (Françoise), 3102. BARBER (Richard), 2651. BARBERA CARDILLO (Giuseppe), 7360. BARBET-MASSIN (Dominique), 19. BARBIER (Frédéric), 236. BARBOSA (Luciano Senna Peres), 3594. BARBOSA (Mario), 6872. BARBOTIN (Christophe), 1112. BARBU (Melanica-Rita), 7442. BARBU (Violeta), 6486. BĂRBULESCU (Ana), 4371. BARCELÓ (Pedro A.), 2142. BARCHINO (Matías), 5046. BARCLAY (Katie), 6487.

BÄRENFÄNGER (Katharina), 4953. BARFOED (Signe), 1686. BARGAIN-VILLÉGER (Alban), 6801. BARGELLI (Claudio), 2895. BARKAI (Ran), 928. BARKAN (Diego), 1236. BARKAN (Joshua), 6258. BARKER (Bryce), 932. BARKER (Dominic S.), 1132. BARKER (Gordon S.), 4597. BARMIN (Aleksej V.), 2391. BARNES (Thimoty D.), 2166. BARNETT (Teresa), 242. Baroffio (Giacomo), 3160. BARONE (Giulia), 2586. BARRÈRE (Sébastien), 7708. Barresi (Dorotea), 4174. BARRETO (Joana), 3064. BARRETT (Michael B.), 7443. BARRETT (Michèle), 222. BARRIA-PONCET (Eleonora), 5431. BARRIO GOZALO (Maximiliano), 7294. BARRIOS (Amable), 5308. BARR-SHARRAR (Beryl), 1682. BÄRSCH (Jürgen), 4771. BARSHAY (Andrew E.), 7709. BARTELS (Almuth), 6259. BARTHA (Eszter), 6802. BARTHÉLÉMY (Annie), 5434. BARTHOLD (Claudia), 2197. BARTIKOWSKI (Kilian), 4150. BARTLETT (Robert), 826. BARTOLOMEI ROMAGNOLI (Alessandra), 3234, 3362. BARTOLONI (Gilda), 1736. BARTOV (Omer), 7065. BARTUSCHAT (Johannes), 2978. BARTUSCHKA (Andrej), 7779. Baruc, 1144. BAŞ (Bilal), 2241. BASARAN (Aylin), 5985. BASCHETTI (Roberto), 3520. BASCIANI (Alberto), 7604. BASCUÑÁN AÑOVER (Oscar), 429. BASDEVANT-GAUDEMET (Brigitte), 4775. BASHFORD (Alison), 540. BASILE (Giovanni Pietro), 5425. BASILIO (Miriam M.), 207. Basilius Ancyranus, episcopus, 2175. BASKES (Jeremy), 6151. BASS (Gary Jonathan), 7780. BASSANELLI SOMMARIVA (Gisella), 2765. BASSANI (Maddalena), 1322. BASSETTI (Massimiliano), 3288. BASSETTI (Sandro), 3274. BASSIL (Noah R.), 4517.

339 BASSIRI (Nima), 5465. BASTARDÍN CANDÓN (Teresa), 117. BASTIAN (Corina), 7295. BASTIAS SAAVEDRA (Manuel), 3634. Baťa (Jan Antonín), 3685. BATAKOVIĆ (Dušan T.), 7352. BATEN (Joerg), 6755. BATES (David), 2567, 2624. BATMAZ (Atilla), 1169. BATSAKI (Yota), 2434. BATTELLI (Giuseppe), 4808. BATTIMELLI (Giovanni), 5466. BATTIONI (Gianluca), 2493. BATTISTA (Gabriella), 2948. BATTISTONI (Filippo), 1761. BATTISTONI (Marta), 3363. BAUBEAU (Patrice), 5684. Baudelaire (Charles), 5763. BAUDEWYNS (Pierre), 3577. BAUDRI DE BOURGUEIL, 3319, 3342. Bauer (Fritz), 6995. BAUER (Jean), 7296. Bauman (Zygmunt), 5411. BAUMANN (Ansbert), 3826. BAUMER (Lorenz E.), 1640. BAUMGART (Winfried), 3827. BAUMGÄRTNER (Ingrid), 3453. Baur (Ferdinand Christian), 4781. BAURY (Ghislain), 3281. BAUSI (Alessandro), 2212. BAUTZ (Traugott), 818. BAWDEN (John R.), 7781. Baxter (Arthur Beverley Sir), 3632. BAXTER (Christopher), 7028. BAXTER (Kenneth), 3984. Bay, 1150. BAYERL (Günter), 735. BAYERLEIN (Bernhard H.), 7444. BAYLISS (Andrew J.), 1676. BAYLISS (Jeffrey Paul), 4197. BAYONA AZNAR (Bernardo), 3253. BAYREUTHER (Magdalena), 7275. BAYSAL (Emma), 951. BAZANT (Mílada), 262. BAZZAZ (Sahar), 2434. BEA (Manuel), 952. BEALES (Derek), 3556. BEANEY (Michael), 889. BEARZOT (Cinzia Susanna), 1403. BEATTIE (Cordelia), 2836. BEAUCHAMP (Alexandra), 2910. BEAUGÉ DE LA ROQUE (Pauline), 4809. BEAUJOUAN (Eva), 6396. BEAULIEU (Alain), 6931. BEAUMONT (Caitríona), 6488. BEAUMONT (Joan), 7445. BEAUMONT (Julia), 982.

340 BEAUPRE (Nicolas), 304. BÉAUR (Gérard), 708. BEAUVOIS (Frédérique), 7073. BEBBINGTON (David W.), 4936. Bebel (August), 3933. BECCARIA (Gian Luigi), 118, 5622. BECCI (Irene), 871. BECH (M.B.), 6803. BECHER (Matthias), 2571. BÊCHET (Christophe), 7361. BECK (Hans), 619. BECK (Robert), 3437. BEČKA (Jan), 7656. BECKER (Anne), 208. BECKER (Annette), 4736, 7509. BECKER (Audrey), 1809. BECKER (Bert), 3972. BECKER (Ernst Wolfgang), 3825. BECKER (Jean-Jacques), 560. BECKER (Julia), 2507. BECKER (Mary Louise), 4099. BECKER (Matthias), 2362. BECKER (Thomas), 5191. BECKERT (Jens), 5993. Beckford (William), 4002. BECKING (Bob), 1237. BECKLES (Hilary), 7189. BECKMAN (Gary), 1218. BECKMAN (Joy Elizabeth), 997. BEDE THE VENERABLE, Sanctus, 2542, 3167. BEDNAŘÍK (Petr), 5873. BEDNARSKI (Steven), 2740. BEDUHN (Jason D.), 2243. BEER (Marina), 4992, 7508. BEGHINI (Andrea), 1473. BEHNE (Axel), 2513. BEHR (Andreas), 7297. BEHRENDT (Anja), 1973. BEHRENS (Gerd), 7446. BEHRENT (Michael C.), 412. BEI (Gao), 6489. BEIERGRÖSSLEIN (Katharina), 6876. BEIGEL (Fernanda), 5202. BEIGEL (Thorsten), 661. BEIHAMMER (Alexander D.), 2421. BEINAERT (Michel), 841. BEJENARU (Luminiţa), 953. BELARTE (Maria Carme), 1039. BELAYCHE (Nicole), 1066, 1313. BELEJ (Milan), 4987. BELINA (Bernd), 668. Belisarius (Flavius), 2416. BELISSA (Marc), 3744. BELL (Adrian R.), 2560. BELL (Christopher M.), 7447. BELL (James B.), 7190. BELL (Peter N.), 2415. BELL (Rudolph Mark), 2932. BELLA (Tancredi), 3066.

INDEX OF NAMES BELLAGAMBA (Alice), 7123, 7127. BELLANGER (Emmanuel), 3807. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), 1683, 1751. BELLEMORE (Jane), 1810. BELLESI (Sandro), 5845. BELLI (Mériam N.), 3730. BELLO (Silvia M.), 929. BELLUCCI (Nikola D.), 1474. BELMESSOUS (Saliha), 6490. BELT (Henk van den), 4958. BELTING (Hans), 209. BELTRAMINI (Guido), 5663. BELTRAMO (Silvia), 2773. BÉLY (Lucien), 3745. Bembo (Pietro), 5663. BEMPORAD (Elissa), 4397. BEN-BASSAT (Yuval), 4316, 4562. BENDA-BECKMANN (Franz von), 4108. BENDA-BECKMANN (Keebet), 4108. BENDER (Matthew V.), 4551. BENDER JØRGENSEN (Lise), 1040. BEN-DROR (Elad), 7710. BENEDETTI (Marina), 3364. BENEDICT (Philip), 4925. Benedictus XVI, Papa, 4792. BENEDIKTSON (D. Thomas), 1475. Beneš (Edvard), 3679, 3686, 3706, 7478, 7613. BENGTSSON (Bengt Olle), 4526. BENINCASA (Fabrizio), 110. BENÍTEZ (Miguel), 5038. BENITO I MONCLÚS (Pere), 2936. BENITO-CALVO (Alfonso), 946. BEN-JERBANIA (Imed), 1238. Benn (Gottfried), 5100. BENNETT (Gill), 7657. BENNETT (Huw), 7120, 7125. BENNETT (Judith M.), 704. BENNETT (Rebecca), 1687. BENNETT (Robert J.), 6260. BENOIST (Pierre), 4810. BENOIST (Stéphane), 387. BEN-SHLOMO (David), 1236. BENSON (Devyn Spence), 6491. BENTHAM (Jeremy), 4036, 5412. BENTO (António), 5438. BENTON (Lauren), 6972. BENUCCI (Elisabetta), 134. BENVENUTI (Anna), 3370. BEN-YOSEF (Erez), 1261. BENZ (Andreas), 6492. BENZ (Wolfgang), 7543. BEPLER (Jochen), 18. BÉRARD (Jean), 6903. Bérard des Marses, saint, 3237. BERARDOZZI (Antonio), 2625. Berardus, Marsorum episcopus, 3325. BERBERIAN (Manuel), 1295.

BERCEGOL (Fabienne), 5696. BERECKI (Sándor), 1001. Bérégovoy (Pierre), 3800. BERELOVITCH (André), 6249. Berenboïm (Daniel), 5954. BEREND (Nora), 2561. BÉRENGER (Jean), 3559. BERENI (Laure), 620. Berenice I, queen of Egypt, 1533. BERESFORD-JONES (David G.), 942. BEREZKIN (Jurij E.), 525. BERG (Dieter), 3985. BERG (Manfred), 535. BERG (Maxine), 396. BERGER (Albrecht), 2352, 2355. BERGER (Maria), 5016. BERGER (Rachel), 5467. BERGER (Sara), 6493. BERGER (Stefan), 6078. BERGGREN (Henrik), 6494. BERGHER (Albrecht), 2468. BERGHOFF (Hartmut), 307, 6004, 6271. BERGHOLZ (Max), 3586. BERGNER (Petter), 4524. BERGQVIST (Johanna), 736. Bergson (Henri), 5413. BERGSTRÖM (Carin), 6495. Bérier (François), 2999. BERINDEI (Dan), 5181. BERKE (Stephan), 2134. BERKOWITZ (Edward D.), 6496. Berlin (Isaiah), 5414. BERLINGHOFF (Marcel), 6497. BERLINZANI (Francesca), 1446. BERLIVET (Luc), 412, 784. BERMAN (Harold Joseph), 119. BERMEJO (Fernando), 1113. BERNANKE (Ben S.), 6291. BERNARD (Bruno), 5442. Bernard (Claude), 5486. BERNARD (Jacques-Emmanuel), 1974. BERNARD (Nicolas), 679. Bernard of Clairvaux, 3368. BERNARDI (Emanuele), 5309, 6212. BERNARDI (Gianni), 4867. BERNARDINI (Fabiola), 2956. BERNARDINI (Giovanni), 7782. Bernardino de Sahagún, fray, 117. Bernardus Claraevallensis, 3372. Bernardus Cluniacensis, 3267. BERNAT (Chrystel), 4731. BERNATO (Sandra), 2537, 2538. BERNDT (Rainer), 3207. BERNDT (Rainer), 3225. BERNECKER (Walther L.), 536. BERNET (Brigitta), 5468. BERNHARD (Patrick), 7126.

INDEX OF NAMES BERNHARD (Roland), 261. BERNI MILLET (Piero), 1924. BERNIER (Georges), 5470. BERNIER (Jonathan), 2244. BERNS (Thomas), 5104. BERNSAU (Tanja), 243. BERNSEN (Michael), 2571. BERNSTEIN (Neil W.), 1925. Bernwardus Hildesheimensis, 3067. BERRA (Tim M.), 5471. BERRIDGE (Virginia), 737. BERRIDGE (William), 4518. BERRY (Christopher J.), 702. BERT (Jean-François), 5420. BERTELLA FARNETTI (Paolo), 5862. BERTELLI (Lucio), 1476. BERTHO (Sophie), 5759. BERTHOLET (Florence), 1821. BERTO (Luigi), 2550. BERTONHA (João Fábio), 3608. BERTONI (Laura), 2781. BERTRAMS (Kenneth), 6261. BERTRAND (GILLES), 738, 3502. Bessarion, 1490. BESSE (Jean-Marc), 152. BEST (Antony), 7579. BETEGH (Gábor), 1599. BETHENCOURT (Francisco), 669. BETHKE (Hannah), 6932. Bethlen (Gabriel), 4089. BETRAM (Martin), 2741. BETRÁN (Concha), 5994. BETSCHER (Silke), 5858. BETTALLI (Marco), 1447. BETTERIDGE (Thomas), 4007, 5432. BETTI (Renato), 5595. BEUTEL (Albrecht), 4926. BEUTHE (Tatjana), 1114. BEUTLER (Johannes), 2207. BEVAN (George), 2166. BEVERNAGE (Berber), 57, 59, 449. BEVILACQUA (Alexander), 6498. BEYER (Klaus), 1170. BEZ (Martin), 5685. BEZEMER (Kees), 6933. BEZZEL (Chris), 5444. BHAGAVAN (Manu), 7659. BHATTACHARYA (Sabyasachi), 7098. BHAYRO (Siam), 1637. BIAŁOKUR (Marek), 3674. BIANCATO (Sebastiano), 2529. BIANCHETTI (Serena), 1477. BIANCHI (Francesco), 3345. BIANCHINI (Paolo), 5185. BIANCHINI (Sara), 5419. BIANCHINI (Stefano), 4192. BIARD (Michel), 3743.

BICAN (Bianca), 5310. BICKLE (Penny), 954. BIDEZ (Joseph), 2201. BIEDRZYCKI (Adam), IX. BIEGER (Laura), 5141. BIELENBERG (Andy), 4121, 5995. BIENERT (Michael C.), 3840. BIETTI SESTIERI (Anna Maria), 998. BIFFI (Nicola), 1314. BIJSTERVELD (Karin), 5972. BILASA (Pınar), 5226. BILDE (Per), 2245. BILLARI (Francesco C.), 6391. BILLAULT (Alain), 1478. BILLING (Jan), 2562. BILTEKOFF (Charlotte), 6499. BÍLÝ (Matěj), 7783. BINCZEK (Natalie), 766. BINFORD (Leigh), 6804. BINGHAM (Sandra), 1811. BINI (Elisabetta), 6055. BINI (Massimo), 3348. BINNINGTON (Ian), 4598. BINOT (Cyril), 1926. BIN-ṬĀLIB ('Alī), 6262. BINTLIFF (John L.), 707. BIRCK (Françoise), 5190. BIRKLE (Nicole), 2064. BIRKNER (Michael J.), 4644. BIRNBACHER (Dieter), 5433. BIRNDORFER (Franz), 6904. BIROCCHI (Italo), 643. BISAHA (Nancy), 2938. BISARO (Xavier), 5971. BISHIR (Catherine W.), 5859. BISMARCK (Helene von), 7784. Bismarck (Otto von), 3917, 4184, 6729, 7413. BITA LIHUN NZUNDU (Augustin), 4927. BITTER (Albrecht von), 6934. BITTON-ASHKELONY (Brouria), 2215. BITUMI (Alessandra), 7785. BIVIGLIA (Maria), 2540. BIX (Amy Sue), 5228. BJAÏ (Denis), 2745. BJERK (Paul), 4552. BJORNLIE (Michael S.), 1975. BLACK (Lawrence), 4041. BLACK (Robert), 5429. BLACKSHAW (Tony), 6805. BLÁHA (Filip), 6500. BLAIVE (Muriel), 263. BLAKE (Stephen P.), 58. BLANCARTE (Roberto), 4255. BLANCHET (Marie-Hélène), 866, 2383. BLAND (Roger), 2097. BLANGA (Yehuda), 7786.

341 BLÄNKNER (Reinhard), 5721. BLANTON (Virginia), 2995. BLASCHKE (Karlheinz), 3430. BLASCO ESQUIVIAS (Beatriz), 5822. BLAŠKOVÁ (Eleonóra), 7067. Blathwayt (William), 7318. BLÁZQUEZ MARTÍNEZ (José María), 1878. BLECKMANN (Bruno), 2201. BLEJMAR (Jordana), 5930. BLENNEMANN (Gordon), 3304. BLIGHT (David W.), 7106. BLOCKMANS (Wim), 2869. BLOMQVIST (Anders E. B.), 7043. BLOMQVIST (Christina), 4831. BLOMQVIST (Håkan), 4525. BLOODWORTH (Jeffrey), 4599. BLOOM (Jack M.), 4343. BLOOM (Joshua), 4600. Blos (Wilhelm), 3826. Blowitz (Henri de), 7413. BLUM (Carol), 3746. BLUM (Françoise), 6806. BLUM (Matthias), 6152, 6501. BLUME (Michael), 5472. BLUMENAU (Bernhard), 7044. BLUMI (Isa), 4563, 7531. BOAK (Helen), 6502. Boas (Franz), 502. BOBAL (R. Thomas), 7787. BOBETH (Gundela), 3151. BOBSIN (Katrin), 3841. Boccaccio (Giovanni), 2957-2959, 2964, 2969, 2975, 2979. BOCCALATTE (Paola Elena), 3023. BOCCHETTI (Matteo Alfredo), 5229. BOCCHI (Francesca), 3431. BOCCI (Stefano), 1976. BOCHARNIKOVA (Daria), 6503. BOCHER (Efrat), 1239. BOCK (Bettina), 3842. BOCK (Gisela), 264. BÖCK (Matthias), 2652. BOCKENHEIMER (Eva), 5423. BODENMANN (Reinhard), 4922. BODIN (Helena), 2418. Bodin (Jean), 5415, 5445. Bodoni (Giambattista), 5844. BOECKH (August), 875. BOEHRINGER (Sandra), 1479. BOEKER (Ruth), 5428. BOERSMA (Hans), 2246. BOES (Maria R.), 6935. Boethius (Anicius Manlius, Torquatus Severinus), 2054, 3205. BOGART (Dan), 6056. BOGGI (Flavio), 3068. BOGOMOLOVA (Natalija N.), 7346.

342 BOGOVIĆ (Mile), 3663. BÖHLER (Jochen), 7544. BOHLIN (Erik), 2050. BÖHM (Alexandra), 5686. BÖHM (Enrico), 7788. BOHN (Anna), 5874. BOHNENKAMP (Anne), 5312. BOIN (Douglas), 2143. BOIS (Jean-Pierre), 7362. BOISITS (Barbara), 5953. BOISLÈVE (Julien), 2131. BOITANI (Piero), 2960. BOIVIN (Michel), 4989. BOJOWALD (Stefan), 1115. BOLAÑO (Roberto), 5775. BOLDT (Werner), 3843. BOLDUREANU (Ana), 102. BOLFOVÁ (Petra), 3675. Bomm (Werner), 2623. BOMMELAER (Jean-François), 1688. BON (François), 5687. BONACASA (Nicola), 1689. BONAVENTURA DE BALNEOREGIO, Sanctus, 3340, 3365. BONDALLAZ (Patrick), 7448. BONDÌ (Davide), 450. BONDYRA (Wiesław), 4340. BONER (Patrick J.), 5484. BONES (Adam James), 7449. BONFIELD (Christopher), 2818. BONGIORNO (Frank), 3546. BONGIOVANNI (Bruno), 5421. Bonhoeffer (Dietrich), 4921. BONIFACE (Xavier), 841. BONIFÁCIO (Maria de Fátima), 4362. Bonifacius VIII, papa, 3397. BONIN (Hubert), 6263. BÖNING (Monika), 3069. BONNECHERE (Pierre), 1641. BONNEFOY (Yves), 5623, 5648. BONNET (Guillaume), 2176. BONNETT (John), 6038. BONNEVAL (Loïc), 6264. BONNICHON (Philippe), 4657. BONORA (Elena), 265. BONORA (Gian Luca), 999. BONTE (Sylviane), 5433. BOOKER (Matthew Morse), 6397. BOONE (Marc), 3465. BOOTH (Marilyn), 7154. BOOTS (Cheryl C.), 5875. BOOZER (Anna Lucille), 1116. BORBÉLY (Ákos), 6057. BORCHARDT (Knut), 5443. BORCHERT (Till-Holger), 2869. Borden (Robert Laird Sir), 7527. BORDOY (Antoni), 1600. BORELLA (Paloma), 5573. BORELLI (Massimiliano), 5688.

INDEX OF NAMES BORELLO (Benedetta), 66. BORELLO (Céline), 4928. BORG (Barbara E.), 1927. BORGEAUD (Philippe), 863. Borges (Jorge Luis), 5681, 5736, 5749. BORGHETTI (Maria Novella), 6197. Borgia (famiglia), 86. BORGNA (Elisabetta), 1000. BORGOGNONE (Giovanni), 4151. BORGOLTE (Michael), 2934. BORGONOVO (John), 4122. BORISOVETS (Elena A.), 3165. BÖRM (Henning), 1812, 2416. BORMANN (Patrick), 6302. BORN (Marcus Andreas), 5433. BORNES VAROL (Marie-Christine), 5355. BORNSTEIN (Roni Aaron), 6504. BORRACCINI (Rosa Marisa), 46. BORRELL (Alexandre), 3800. BORSCHEID (Peter), 6315. BORTOLOTTI (Lando), 6058. BORUCKI (Alex), 6505, 7124. BOS (Egbert Peter), 3194. BOSC (Yannick), 3744. BÖSCH (Frank), 7023. BOSCH PUCHE (Francesc), 1117. BOSCHLOOS (Vanessa), 1240. BOSCO (Alessandro), 5689. Bosh (Robert), 6054. BOSSART (Yves), 5444. BOT (Ioana), 4376. BOTBOL-BAUM (Mylène), 5410. BOTT (Sandra), 6265. BOTTACCHIARI (Martina), 1480. BOTTACIN (Annalisa), 5690. BOTTAZZINI (Umberto), 5473. BÖTTCHER (Frauke), 5474. BOTTI (Alfonso), 4774. BOTTINEAU-FUCHS (Yves), 3070. BOTTOMS (D. Michael), 4601. BOUCHARD (Carl), 5954. BOUCHERON (Patrick), 2672, 3071. BOUDET (Jean-Patrice), 2920. BOUDJAABA (Fabrice), 6398, 6399. BOUDON-MILLOT (Véronique), 1601. BOUFFARTIGUE (Sylvie), 5073. BOUGARD (François), 2782. BOUHAÏK-GIRONÈS (Marie), 3402. BOULANGER (Éric), 7025. BOULIC (Nicolas), 1642, 2999. BOULNOIS (Olivier), 3173. Boulton (Mathew), 6108. BOUM (Aomar), 266. Bourbon (Maison de), 7360. BOURDEU (Étienne), 7267. Bourdier (Pierre), 451. BOURDIEU (Jérôme), 6400. BOURDIN (Philippe), 3743.

BOUREAU (Alain), 3171. BOUREUX (Jean-Pierre), 2783. BOURGAULT (Sophie), 272. BOURGEOIS (Brigitte), 1690. BOURGOING (Jean François Baron de), 7292. BOURGUIGNON (Annie), 5311. BOURIAU (Christophe), 5425. BOURQUIN (Laurent), 3499. BOUSSION (Samuel), 5230. BOUVIER (Pascal), 5434. BOUYRAT (Yann), 7363. BOVA (Giancarlo), 3433. BOVE (Boris), 186. BOVO (Elena), 5391. BOWEN (Alan C.), 2417. BOWERS (Kristy Wilson), 6506. BOWERSOX (Jeff), 5231. BOWLER (Peter J.), 5475. BOWMAN (Alan), 1956. BOWMAN (Kirk S.), 6507. BOX (Hal), 8097. BOYER (Robert), 304. BOYKOV (Grigor), 2653. BOZAC (Ileana), 685. BOZAL FERNÁNDEZ (Valeriano), 5846. BOZARSLAN (Hamit), 538. BOZGAN (Ovidiu), 7789. BOŽIĆ BEGOVIĆ (Dubravka), 4812. BOZO (Frédéric), 7790. BRACCESI (Lorenzo), 1322, 1737. BRACHT (Johannes), 6266. BRADEMANN (Jan), 498. BRADLEY (Ben), 888. BRAGANTI (Gérard), 5476. BRAGGION (Fabio), 5996, 6267. BRAIDA (Antonella), 5391. BRAMBILLA (Alberto), 5391. Bramley (Fred), 6854. BRANCHE (Raphaëlle), 304. BRANCO (Isabel Araújo), 153. BRANDÃO (Carlos Antônio Leite), 3121. BRANDAUER (Isabelle), 7431. BRANDI (Felipe), 464. BRÄNDLE (Fabian), 6508. BRANDON (Mark E.), 6885. BRANDT (Olof), 2220. BRANDT (Peter), 3844. Brandt (Willy), 3844, 3860, 3894, 3908, 3914, 5311, 7827. BRANDTNER (Andreas), 121. BRANSCOME (David), 419. BRANTL (Markus), 2527. BRAS (Hilde), 6401. Brask (Hans), 4831. BRASSART (Laurent), 3747. BRASWELL (Bruce Karl), 1390. BRĂTESCU (Liviu), 4383, 7364. Brătianu (I.C.), 7364.

INDEX OF NAMES BRAUDEL (Fernand), 402. BRAUER (Juliane), 457. BRAUER (Michael), 2563. BRAUN (Bettina), 4772. BRAUN (Guido), 7336. BRAUN (Harald E.), 797. Braun (Volker), 5768. BRAUNE (Andreas), 5423. BRAUNMÜLLER (Bettina), 2716. BRAUNSCHWEIG (Sabine), 5477, 5610. BRAVO (Gian Mario), 5434. BRAVO CASTAÑEDA (Gonzalo), 1825. BRAVO LÓPEZ (Fernando), 827. BRECCIA (Alessandro), 5194. Brecht (Arnold), 6932. BREDEBACH (Patrick), 4152. BRÉE (Sandra), 6402. BREHM (Johannes), 419. BREITENBORN (Uwe), 5947. BREITENBUCH (Henriette von), 6877. BREITENSTEIN (Mirko), 3314. BREITENSTEIN (Peggy H.), 452. BREITMAN (Richard), 4990. BREKUS (Catherine A.), 4929. BREMER (Dieter), 1607. BREMER (Thomas), 4908. BREMM (Klaus-Jürgen), 7450. BREÑA (Roberto), 7191. BRENNAN (Matt), 5897. BRENNER (Christiane), 6509. BRENNER (Elma), 341, 2864. BRESC (Henri), 2518, 2545. BRETONE (Mario), 638. BRETOS (Miguel A.), 4813. BRETT (Michael), 8084. BREUILLY (John), 630. BREUS (Elena M.), 8032. BREYTENBACH (Cilliers), 2320. BREZINA (Pavol), 916. Brèžnev (Leonìd Il'ìč), 6524. BRIAND (Michel), 1481. BRIC (Maurice), 7081. BRICAULT (Laurent), 1118. BRICE (Catherine), 4153. BRICKNER (Rachel), 6808. BRIDENTHAL (Renate), 570. BRIDGEMAN (Jane), 3072. BRIEGEL (Françoise), 6936. BRIER (Robert), 3481. BRIESKORN (Norbert), 635. BRIGHT (Rachel K.), 6510. BRILEV (Sergej B.), 7641. BRILEVA (Ol'ga A.), 815. BRILLANTE (Carlo), 1482. BRINKMANN (Tobias), 6701. BRINZEI (Monica), 3170. BRIOIS (François), 981. BRIQUEL (Dominique), 1746.

BRITO (E.), 819. BRITTON (John A.), 7365. BRIVIO (Alessandra), 6511. BROBERG (Gunnar), 4526. BROCK (Sebastian P.), 2170, 2213. BRODERSEN (Kai), 559. BRODIEZ-DOLINO (Axelle), 6512. BRODSKY (Adriana), 5007. BROEKAERT (Wim), 1928. BROGAN (Thomas M.), 1334. BROGIOLO (Gian Pietro), 3213, 3214. BROHARD (Yvan), 5478. BRONFEN (Elisabeth), 5876. BRONWEN (Neil), 828. BROODBANK (Cyprian), 1335. BROOK (Timothy), 154. BROOKE (Stephen), 3986. BROOKES (Stuart), 2616, 2739. BROOKING (Tom), 4295. BROPHY (James M.), 3845. BROSCH (Cyril), 1219. BROSENS (Koenraad), 5062. BROSIUS (Christiane), 518. BROUČEK (Stanislav), 267. BROUSSARD (Jinx Coleman), 5313. BROWN (Callum G.), 6403. BROWN (Ian), 5997. Brown (John), 4653. BROWN (Keith), 4239. BROWN (Matthew), 7197. Brown (Mildred), 5326. BROWN (Robert), 2938. BROWN (Stewart J.), 4043. BROWN (T.A.), 971. BROWN (Timothy Scott), 3846. BROWN (Tracy L.), 7193. BROWN (Warren C.), 2801. BROWN FERRARIO (Sarah), 1483. BROWNE (Janet), 5448. BROWNLEE (Elliot), 6346. BRUBAKER (Leslie), 2410. BRUCE (Alistair), 6268. BRUCH (Julia), 3277. BRÜCKNER (Martin Lars), 6886. BRUDER (Franziska), 7545. BRUFANI (Stefano), 3258. BRÜGGEN (Elke), 2571. BRUIT-ZAIDMAN (Louise), 1484. BRUMMER (Alexandr), 3477. BRUN (Katherine), 6213. BRÜNE (Gerd), 4747. BRUNEL (Ghislain), 3079. BRUNERT (Maria-Elisabeth), 7259. BRUNHART (Arthur), 574. BRUNNER (Detlev), 3835. Bruno (Giordano), 5416. Bruno Carthusianus, 3366. BRUNS (Christoph), 2248. BRUNSMAN (Denver), 7298. BRUUN (Mette Birkedal), 832.

343 BRYANT (G.J.), 7100. BRYCE (Benjamin), 122. BRYDEN (Penny), 3623. BRYEN (Ari Z.), 1929. BUBENIK (Vit), 120. BUBLITZ (Hannelore), 5462. BUCH (Esteban), 5954. Buchanan (James), 4644. BUCHANAN (Tom), 6809. BÜCHEL (Donat), 574. BUCHENAU (Jürgen), 4253. BUCHIDID LOEWEN (Andrea), 3073. BUCHMANN (Claudia), 5236. BUCHNER (Bernd), 5877. BUCHNER (Thomas), 6153. BUCHSTEINER (Martin), 6404. BUCHWALD (Jed Z.), 789, 5479. BUCK (Thomas Martin), 3215. BUCKLEY (Emma), 548. BUCKLEY (John), 7622. BUCKLEY (Stephen), 936. BUCKNER (Phil), 3624. BUCLIN (Hadrien), 5039. BUDASHEVSKAYA (Olga), 5362. BUDDRUS (Michael), 3937. BUDELMANN (Felix), 1485. BUDNITSKIJ (Oleg V.), 4420. BUDOR (Karlo), 7580. BUDRAß (Lutz), 6090. BUELTMANN (Tanja), 4295. BUELTZINGSLOEWEN (Isabelle von), 6513. BUFFON (Giuseppe), 3278. BUGÁR (István), 2249. BÜHRER-THIERRY (Geneviève), 2782. BUIS (Emiliano), 1486. BUJDUVEANU (Tănase), 7029. BULDAKOV (Vladimir P.), 4423. BULLING (Sandra Michaela), 6937. Bullinger (Heinrich), 4922. BULLOCK (Nick), 6405. BULMER-THOMAS (Victor), 5998. Bülow (Bernhard von), 3964. BULUT (Hülya), 1067. BUNIA (Remigius), 5691. BUNSTER (Cora Virginia), 7217. BÜNZ (Enno), 3248. Buonarroti (Michelangelo), 5640. BUONGIORNO (Pierangelo), 1891. BUR (Michel), 2533, 2783. BURCHARDT (Marian), 871. Burckhardt (Jacob), 488. BURDETT (Anita L. P.), 4434. BURDICK (John), 5878. BURDO (Natalia), 955. BURDUMY (Alexander Bruce), 3847. BURESI (Pascal), 2703. BUREŠOVÁ (Jana), 6514, 6810.

344 BÜRGER (Stefan), 2827. BURGESS (Richard W.), 1977, 2358. BURHOP (Carsten), 6269, 6357. BURINI (Emanuela), 21. BURKHARDT (Frederick), 5447. BURKHARDT (Kai), 5435. BURKHARDT (Martin), 2486. BURKHARDT (Stefan), 2721. BURKHOLDER (Mark A.), 7194. BURLAMACCHI (Maurizio), 3279. Burley (Walter), 880. BURNES (Bernard), 6270. BURNS (Andrea A.), 244. BURNS (Arthur), 6811. BURNS (E. Jane), 2955. BURNS (James), 5879. BURR (George S.), 1003. BURRUS (Virginia), 2169, 2347. BURT (Caroline), 2626. BURT (John), 4602. BURUIANĂ (Ovidiu), 4375, 4383. BURWICK (Roswitha), 5034. Buscheto, 3087. BUSH (Barbara), 6515. Bush (George H. W.), 7805. Bush (George W.), 7845. BUSHELL (Anthony), 3561. BUSINO (Giovanni), 6039. BUSSÈS (Stamatis), 1643. BUSSIÈRES (Marie-Pierre), 2295. BUSTO IBARRA (Karina), 6154. BUTI (Gilbert), 553. BUTLER (Anthony), 4469. BUTLER (Kelly Jean), 268. BUTLER (Lawrence J.), 7097. BUTLER (Matthew), 6232. BUTTIGIEG (Emanuel), 577. BÜTTNER (Annett), 6516. BÜTTNER (Frank), 3074. BUZÁS (Gergely), 3117. BŮŽEK (Václav), 6468. BUZZACCHI (Chiara), 1882. Buzzati-Traverso (Adriano), 5483. BYALA (Sara), 245. BYCHKOV (Oleg V.), 3276. BYERS (Sarah C.), 2250. BYNUM (Thomas L.), 4603. BYRD (James P.), 4604. BYRNE (Angela), 155. Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron Baron), 5686. BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián), 4450. BYSTRÖM (Mikael), 4533. C CABANA IGLESIA (Ana), 429. CABANTOUS (Alain), 6517. CABIBBO (Sara), 784. CABO VILLAVERDE (Miguel), 429. Cabral (Amílcar), 4081.

INDEX OF NAMES CABRERA DÍEZ (Ana), 1041. CABRERO PIQUERO (Javier), 1813. CACCAMO (Francesco), 5314. CACCIOTTI (Alvaro), 3285. CACHO CASAL (Rodrigo), 5669. CADAVA (Geraldo L.), 6518. CADDEN (Joan), 2898. CADEGAN (Una M.), 44. CADILHON (François), 6533. Caesar (Gaius Iulius), 1769, 1818, 1989, 2073. Caesarius Arelatensis, archiepiscopus, Sanctus, 2192. CAETANO (Gerardo), 4707, 4708. CAETANO DA ROSA (Catarina), 5480. CAFFIERO (Marina), 7329. ÇAĞLAYAN (Murat), 3478. CAGLIOTI (Daniela L.), 7366. CAHEN (Fabrice), 6519. CAHEN (Michel), 7075. CAHN (Jean-Paul), 3949. Cahora Bassa Dam (Mozambique), 6227. CAHU (Frédérique), 22. CAIN (Andrew), 2190, 2191. CALAME (Claude), 1487. Calandri, famiglia, 3028. CALARESU (Melissa), 6437, 6520. Calas (Jean), 5442. CALASSO (Roberto), 5315. CALAWAY (Jared C.), 2251. CALCAN (Gheorghe), 7452. CALDAROLA (Elisa), 5444. CALDERÓN DORDA (Esteban), 1488. Caligula (Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus Germanicus), Roman emperor, 1871. CALIMANI (Riccardo), 2686. CALISI (Antonio), 2384. CALLADO ESTELA (Emilio), 5043. Callaghan (James), 4051. CALLAHAN (Angelina Long), 7676. CALLANAN (Martin), 956. Callimachus, 1566. Callistus Cataphygiotes, 2356. Callistus I, patriarch of Constantinople, 2357. CALLORI-GEHLSEN (Christina), 7660. CALMEYER (Peter), 1276. CALTOT (Pierre-Alain), 1978. CALVI (Giulia), 66. Calvin (Jean), 4951, 4952, 4963. CALVO MATURANA (Antonio Juan), 5040. CALVO SERRALLER (Francisco), 5692. CAMARCA (Claudio), 556. CAMASSA (Giorgio), 1404.

CAMERA (Francesco), 5438. CAMERON (Alan D. E.), 2098. Camilla (Piero), 2655. CAMMAROSANO (Michele), 1220. CAMMAROSANO (Paolo), 2968. CAMPANELLA (Tommaso), 4802. CAMPANINI (Giorgio), 4814. CAMPANINI (Massimo), 4991. Campbell (Archibald), 3996. CAMPBELL (Brian), 602, 743. CAMPBELL (Ewan), 917. CAMPBELL (Gwyn), 6272, 6284, 6807. CAMPI (Riccardo), 5442. CAMPIANI (Alberto), 2212. CAMPOREALE (Dalvatore I.), 2961. CAMPOS (Miguel I.), 7776. Camus (Albert), 5784. CANALI (Mauro), 5421. CANALI DE ROSSI (Filippo), 1814. CANART (Paul), 23. CANCOUËT (Michel), 4815. CANDIDO (Mariana P.), 7128. CANDRÉUS (Cecilia), 5860. CAÑEDO GAMBOA (Sergio Alejandro), 4261. CAÑELLAS MAS (Antonio), 4481. CANEPARI (Eleonora), 4154. CANEVA (Stefano G.), 1119, 1489. CANEVARO (Mirko), 1429. CANNATÀ (Maurizio), 2099. CANNING (Patricia), 124. CANNON (Joanna), 3075. CANO (María José), 196. Cantemir (Antioh), 5027. CANTILLO DUARTE (Juan Jesús), 961. CANTIMORI (Delio), 404, 5429. CANTINI (Carlo), 3146. CAO (Zhengwen), 7956. CAP (Jean-Pierre), 7292. CAPARELLI (André), 5333. CAPASSO (Mario), 1120. Čapek (Karel), 5803. Capella (Martianus), 2146. CAPELLE-POGĂCEAN (Antonela), 5880. CAPELLI (Claudio), 1691. CAPIE (Forrest), 6273. Capitani (Ovidio), 2591. ČAPKA (František), 6812. ČAPKOVÁ (Kateřina), 3676. CAPRASECCA (Anna), 3434. CAPRON (Laurent), 2348. CAQUET (P.E.), 7367. Caracalla, emperor of Rome, 1815. CARANFIL (Tudor), 804. CARANNANTE (Salvatore), 5416. CARBONI (Romina), 1644. CÁRCEL ORTÍ (María Milagros), 3049.

INDEX OF NAMES CARDELLE DE HARTMANN (Carmen), 2978. CÁRDENAS (Livia), 3367. CARDINI (Roberto), 2500. CARDON (Vincent), 6813. CARDOZO UZCÁTEGUI (Alejandro), 7324. CARERI (Giovanni), 5847. CAREY (David), 4073. CARIDAD SALVADOR (Antonio), 4478. CÂRJA (Ion), 4841. Carl Friedrich, Großherzog von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, 3884. CARLE (Susan D.), 4605. CARLIER (Claude), 7623. CARLINO (Andrea), 5530. Carlo Alberto, re di Sardegna, 4170. Carlos (Ilich Ramírez Sánchez), 4390. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, 231. Carlos II, rey de España, 7294. Carlos IV, rey de España, 5063. CARLOTTI (Mariella), 3076. CARLSEN (Jesper), 1930. CARLSON (Donald H.), 2252. CARLYON (Jenny), 4292. CARMIGNANI (Marcos), 1979. CARMONA BALLESTERO (Eduardo), 1049. CARNEVALE (Giovanni), 2610. CARO CANCELA (Diego), 4479. Carol I, Rege al României, 7405. Carol II, rege al României, 4386. CARON (Jean-Claude), 3492. CAROSCIO (Marta), 707. CAROTI (Stefano), 3169. Carr (Raymond), 443. CARR (Richard), 3988. Carraresi, famiglia, 3133. CARRAUD (Vincent), 5419. CARRAZ (Damien), 3305. CARREIRAS (José Luís Albuquerque), 3300. CARRERA (Elena), 2909. CARRIÈRE (Jean-Claude), 5434. CARRIGAN (William D.), 4606. CARRIÓN MARCO (Yolanda), 1009. CARRO MARTÍN (Sergio), 785. Carroll (Lewis), 5710. CARROLL (Sean), 5481. CARROMEU GOMES (Francisco Manuel), 4363. CARRON (Damien), 7791. CARRUTHERS (Mary J.), 3077. CARTAGO (Gabriella), 5693. CARTENY (Andrea), 7438. CARTER (Chris), 664.

Carter (James Earl 'Jimmy'), 7874, 7898. CARTER (Lionel), 7700. CARTER (Stewart), 3156. CARTER (Tim), 5999. CARTWRIGHT (Steven R.), 834. CARU (Vanessa), 7101. CARUANA-GALIZIA (Paul), 6059. CARULA (Karoline), 5089. CARUSI (Paolo), 4146. CARUSO (Ada), 1602. CARUSO (Paola), 1760. CARVALHO (Bruno), 5041. CARVALHO CAMPINA (Ana Cláudia), 4364. CASABIANCA (Denis de), 5431. CASADEI (Alberto), 2962. CASADO (María Ángeles), 4782. CASAGRANDE (Giovanna), 2496. CASALI (Romina), 4892. CASANOVA (Cesarina), 5482. CASANOVA (José), 871. Casaroli (Agostino), 4836, 7844. CASARRUBEA (Giuseppe), 7619. CASERTA (Cristiana), 1603. CASES (Cesare), 5316. CASIDAY (Augustine), 2253. CASILIO (Silvia), 4156. CASO (Daniela), 1490. CASSAN (Audrey), 841. CASSANELLO (Robert), 4607. CASSATA (Francesco), 5483. CASSIANO (Antonio), 5804. Cassiodorus (Flavius Magnus Aurelius), 1975, 2151. Cassirer (Ernst), 5394, 5417. Cassius Dio, 1531, 2371. CASSON (Mark), 6274. CASTAGNEZ (Noëlline), 3795, 3800. CASTAGNINO BERLINGHIERI (Umberto), 7368. CASTALDI (Lucia), 3014. CASTAÑEDA LÓPEZ (Gabriela), 5577. CASTAÑÓN (Adolfo), 5649. CASTELLI (Patrizia), 3043, 3337. CASTILHO (Celso Thomas), 3595. CASTILLA URBANO (Francisco), 5042. CASTILLO DEL CARPIO (José María), 4480. CASTRO (Xavier de), 158. CASWELL (Fuad Matthew), 3152. CATALANO (Alessandro), 5694. CATALANO (Paola), 957. CĂTĂNUŞ (Dan), 7712. CATENACCI (Carmine), 1397, 1491. Catharina Senensis, Sancta, 3324, 3330.

345 CATRAIN (Elise), 5183. CATROS (Simon), 7581. Cattaneo (Carlo), 4155. CATTANEO (Fabrizio), 5390. CATTANEO (Massimo), 534. CATTARUZZA (Marina), 7615. CATTEEUW (Laurie), 5317. CATTUNAR (Alessandro), 4157. Catullus (Gaius Valerius), 1782, 2038. CAVADA (Enrico), 3213, 3214. CAVALCANTI (Camillo), 5695. Cavalcanti (Guido), 2975. CAVALDA (Cecilia), 3078. CAVALIERO (Roderick), 5044. CAVALLARO (Anna), 3056. CAVALLERA (Hervé A.), 5232. CAVALLO (Guglielmo), 2, 2144. CAVALLO (Sandra), 6521. CAVANNA (Thomas), 7792. CAVIGNEAUX (Antoine), 1171. CAVIN (Robert L.), 2254. CAVINA (Marco), 744. Cavour (Camillo Benso conte di), 4184. CAYE (Pierre), 3121. CAYET (Thomas), 6522. CAYLEY (Emma), 33. CAZACU (Matei), 2564. CAZORLA-SÁNCHEZ (Antonio), 4818. CAZZATO (Vincenzo), 5823. CAZZELLA (Alberto), 1002. CEADEL (Martin), 7453. CECCARELLI (Paola), 1492. CECERE (Giuseppe), 2696. CECI (Lucia), 7582. CECI (Monica), 2101. Cecil (Robert), 4013. CEESAY (Ebrima Jogomai), 3818. Celan (Paul), 5389, 5768. CELANT (Alessandra), 958. CÉLÉRIER (Pascal), 2145. Celestinus V, papa, 3309. CELLI (Andrea), 2963. CENARRO LAGUNAS (Angela), 5269. CENGARLE PARISI (Sante Ambrogio), 2548. CENTLIVRES CHALLET (ClaudeEmmanuelle), 1931. CERCHIAI MANODORI SAGREDO (Claudia), 1493. CEREGHINO (Mario José), 7619. ČERNÁK (Tomáš), 6814. ČERNIAVSKIJ (Stanislav N.), 2419. CERRI (Giovanni), 1430, 1494. CERVANTES (Fernando), 4726. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de), 5649, 5650, 5658, 5664. CERVERA (José Antonio), 4893.

346 CESARI (Laurent), 7713. ÇETINKAYA (Y. Doğan), 4564. Cézanne (Paul), 5849. CHABOT (Isabelle), 3435, 6647. CHAIRKINA (Natalia M.), 1003. CHALAMET (Christophe), 4725. CHALINE (Olivier), 4657. CHAŁUPCZAK (Henryk), 7435. Chamberlain (Neville), 7614. CHAMBERS (David), 6277. CHAMBERS (Paul), 4555. CHAMEROIS (Gilles), 679. CHAMOUARD (Aude), 3749. CHAMPION (Craige B.), 559. CHANAY (Hugues de), 5444. CHANET (Jean-François), 7341. CHANG (Chihyun), 7030. CHANG (Jianhua), 7932. CHANIOTIS (Angelos), 1431. CHAPA BRUNET (Teresa), 1041. CHAPARRO (Álvaro), 5237. CHAPLIN (Joyce E.), 260. CHAPMAN (Alice), 3368. Chapman (Clarke), 6327. CHAPMAN (James), 453. CHAPMAN (Jessica M.), 7714. CHAPMAN (Michael E.), 7369, 7454. CHAPOUTOT (Johann), 304, 1432. CHAPPEY (Jean-Luc), 541. CHAPUT (Erik J.), 4608. CHAPUT (Paul), 3750. CHARBONNEAU (François), 7195. CHARDEL (Pierre-Antoine), 5411. CHARLE (Christophe), 454, 5954. CHARLES (Loïc), 7196. CHARLES (Michael P.), 971. CHARLES (Sébastien), 5152. Charles I, king of England, 3993. Charles II, roi de Navarre, 2784, 2846. Charles IX, roi de France, 7278. CHARLES-EDWARDS (T. M.), 2566. CHARLO ORTIZ-REPISO (Ramón), 5625. CHARON (Philippe), 2784. CHARRAK (André), 5434. CHARRIER (Landry), 7455. CHARRO LOBATO (Cristina), 1041. CHARRON (Hélène), 6523. CHARTRAIN (François), 4321. CHARVÁT (Petr), 1052. CHASE (Malcolm), 3989. CHASTANG (Pierre), 2786. Chateaubriand (François-René vicomte de), 5696, 5697, 5746. CHATENET (Monique), 5824. CHA-TSU SIU (Victoria M.), 7933. Chaucer (Geoffrey), 2986. CHAUDHARY (Latika), 6056. CHAUDRON (Gerald), 6275.

INDEX OF NAMES CHAUVARD (Jean-François), 534. Chávez Frías (Hugo Rafael), 4714. CHAZAN (Michael), 930. CHEAURÉ (Elisabeth), 289. CHEBEL (Malek), 835. CHEBYKINA (Galina N.), 6207. CHECA CREMADES (Fernando), 5848. CHEFFINS (Brian R.), 6276, 6277. CHEN (Baizong), 7934. CHEN (Fuyou), 938. CHEN (Hongmin), 8017. CHEN (Junqi), 7935. CHEN (Ming), 7936. CHEN (Qingzhi), 7937. CHEN (Shuping), 7977. Chen (Tsung-ming Alexandre), 4894. CHEN (Yue), 7938. CHEN (Yulu), 8008. CHENAUX (Philippe), 4823. CHENEY (Paul), 7196. CHENG (Cindy I-Fen), 4609. CHENG (Ta-Pei), 5485. CHENG (Tianquan), 7939. CHENG-YIN-CHOW (Eileen), 812. CHERESHNEVA (Larisa A.), 4107. CHERKASOVA (Marina S.), 6207. CHERNEV (Borislav), 7456. CHERNISS (Joshua Laurence), 5414. CHERNJAVSKIJ (Georgij I.), 4704. CHERNOGLAZOV (Dmitry), 2420. CHERNYSHOVA (Natalya), 6524. CHERP (Aleh), 692. CHESTERTON (Bridget María), 4322. CHEVASSUS-AU-LOUIS (Nicolas), 7546. CHI (Zhang), 959. CHIAMPAN (Andrea), 7793. Chiang (Kai-shek), 7736, 7954. CHIANTERA-STUTTE (Patricia), 373. Chiara da Montefalco, santa, 3320. CHIARAMONTE (José Carlos), 269. CHIAROTTO (Francesca), 4859, 5421. CHIATTO (Demetrio), 3153. Chicago (Judy), 6577. Chichurov (Igor S.), 2404. CHICO PICAZA (Maria Victoria), 2889. CHIECCHI (Giuseppe), 2964. CHIESA (Paolo), 2939, 3014. CHIHAIA (Matei), 5741. CHILÀ (Roxane), 2778. CHILDERS (Jeff W.), 2198. CHILDS (Wendy R.), 2787. CHIN (Sŏn-yŏng), 8078. CHINCHILLA PAWLING (Perla), 5185.

CHINES (Loredana), 3358. CHINNICI (Ileana), 5451. CHIONNI (Micaela), 5698. CHIOSSO (Giorgio), 748. Chirac (Jacques), 7873. CHIŞ (Ioan), 639. CHIUSI (Tiziana J.), 1884. CHIVU (Cristian), 2365. CHOAT (Malcolm), 2349. CHOKSY (Jamsheed K.), 1277. CHŎNG (Su-hwan), 8079. CHOTAŠ (Jiří), 5423. CHOTKOWSKI LAFOLLETTE (Marcel), 5881. CHOUKROUNE (Leïla), 6938. CHOWNING (Margaret), 4820. CHOY (Catherine Ceniza), 6526. Chrétien de Troyes, 2965. CHRIST (Michaela), 684. CHRISTEN (Andrea Martin), 5184. CHRISTENSEN (Mark Z.), 4822. CHRISTIAN (Mark), 1241, 1242. CHRISTIANS (Annemone), 3849. CHRISTIANSEN (Erik), 270. CHRISTIANSEN (John), 6278. CHRISTIANSEN (Niels Finn), 3713. CHRISTIE (Neil), 2165. CHRISTIN (Olivier), 455. CHRISTODOULOU (Panos), 1495. CHRISTOF (Eva), 1068. CHRISTOPHE (Paul), 4792. CHRIST-VON WEDEL (Christine), 4930. Chruščëv (Nikita Sergeevič), 4402. CHU (Winson), 7547. CHUMAKOVA (Tat'jana V.), 4764. CHUMBITA (Hugo), 3521. CHURCH (Clive H.), 543. Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer), 7040, 7447, 7527, 7573. CHWARZ (Mario), 3137. CHYTRAEUS-AUERBACH (Irene), 5787. CIAMPANI (Andrea), 4191, 6799. CIAPPI (Franco), 2590. CIARALLI (Antonio), 2761. ČIČAJ (Viliam), 6527. CICALA (Luigi), 1692. CICCARELLI (Carlo), 6060, 6061. CICCARIELLO-MAHER (George), 4714. CICERCHIA (Andrea), 3309. Cicero (Marcus Tullius), 896, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1804, 1861, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2002, 2033, 2039, 2041. CIFANI (Gabriele), 1742. CIMEK (Henryk), 4344. Cincera (Ernst), 4540.

INDEX OF NAMES CINELLI (Barbara), 5857. CINELLI (Luciano), 3327. CINOTTO (Simone), 6528. CIOBANU (Vasile), 5048. CIOCCA (Pierluigi), 4158, 5429. CIPA (H. Erdem), 393. CIPEL (Adrien), 68. CIPOLLA (Costantino), 6466. CIPOLLONE (Giulio), 3250. CIRACÌ (Fabio), 5436. CÎRSTEA (Marusia), 6000, 7430. CISNEROS (Sandra), 5775. CISTERNINO (Cataldo), 2788. CITATI (Pietro), 5699. CIURE (Florina), 7253. CLANCY-SMITH (Julia A.), 6792. Clara Assisiensis, Sancta, 3338. CLARK (Emily), 4762. CLARK (Linda), 2865. Clark (Peter H.), 4689. CLARK (Peter), 593. CLARK (Roland), 4394. CLARKE (Linda), 6845. CLARKE (Peter D.), 836. CLARKSON (Alexander), 7662. CLASSEN (Albrecht), 2908. CLASTRES (Patrick), 7370. CLAUSEN (Thomas), 6279. CLAVERIE (Pierre-Vincente), 3229. CLAVERT (Frédéric), 301. CLAVIEN (Alain), 5333. CLAVIER (Aurore), 224, 6185. CLAVIN (Patricia), 7583. CLAWSON (Patrick), 6331. CLAY (Lauren R.), 5882. Cleaver (Eldridge), 7854. CLEMENS (Gabriele B.), 5387, 7336. Clemens VII, antipapa, 3239. CLEMENTE (Alida), 7299. CLEMENTE (Ignacio), 933. CLEMENTE CONTE (Ignacio), 961. Cleon, 1411, 1575. Cleopatra VII, queen of Egypt, 1160. CLERC (Florence), 5434. CLERICUZIO (Antonio), 5530. Clifford (Hugh), 7183. CLIMESCU (Alexandru), 4371. Clisthenes, 1404. CLO (Magdaleine), 1645. CLOHESY (Lachlan), 3547. CLOONAN (Martin), 5897. CLYMER (Jeffory A.), 5700. COARELLI (Filippo), 2100. COBB (Elvan), 1086. COBB (Matthew A.), 1932. COBB (Stephen), 7371. COCCO (Enzo), 5442. COCCO (Sean), 5487. COCHELIN (Isabelle), 2838.

COCKRAM (Sarah D.P.), 4159. COCKS (Catherine), 156. COCKS (Harry), 6529. CODACCIONI (Vanessa), 3751. CODOÑER MERINO (Carmen), 1496. Coelestinus V, papa, 3234. COEN (Deborah R.), 5488. COENEN (Ludwig), 5425. COFFMAN (D'Maris), 6347. Coghlan (T. A.), 6285. COHEN (Andrew), 7119. COHEN (Deborah), 6530. COHEN (Évelyne), 3801. COHEN (Jean-Louis), 5832. COHEN (Laurie R.), 7548. COHEN (Matthew A.), 3081. COHEN (Meredith), 341. COHEN (Ronen), 4113. COHEN (Warren I.), 544. COHEN (Yolande), 6531. COHEN (Yves), 3479. COHN (Samuel Kline), 2790, 2916. COINTET (Michèle), 3752. Colafemmina (Cesare), 2690. COLAS-BLAISE (Marion), 5444. Colby (William Egan), 7692. COLE (Ann), 3438. COLE (Gibril R.), 7129. COLE (Peter), 6815. COLE (Spencer), 1980. COLELLA (Lucia C.), 1121. COLEMAN (Arica L.), 4610. COLEMAN (Joyce), 24, 2863. COLIN (Nicole), 780. COLIVA (Annalisa), 5444. COLLANI (Tania), 5569. COLLAR (Anna C. F.), 2065. COLLAR (Peter), 7457. COLLARD (Franck), 2920. COLLARETA (Marco), 3146. COLLEDGE (Sue), 971, 979. COLLEY (Zoe A.), 4611. COLLI (Andrea), 6280, 6281, 6290, 6324. COLLIER (David R.), 7794. Collingwood (Robin George), 466, 479. COLLINS (Bruce), 7372. COLLINS (Cath), 365. COLLINSON (Patrick), 3990. COLOMBI (Emanuela), 3323. COLOMBO (Emanuele), 66. COLOMBO (Gloria), 5701. Colonna (Giovanni), 2992. COLVIN (Ian), 2386. COMAN (Cornel), 2365. COMBA (Rinaldo), 2655. COMBEAU-MARI (Évelyne), 5373. COMBERIATI (Daniele), 157.

347 Commodus (Lucius Aelius Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1848. COMPAGNON (Olivier), 7458. Comte (Auguste), 5424. CONATI BARBARO (Cecilia), 960. CONBOY (Kenneth), 7795. CONCIONI (Graziano), 3112. Condé (Alpha), 4080. CONDELLO (Federico), 1498. CONFORTI (Maria), 5530. CONGDON (Eleanor A.), 2577. CONGIU (Marina), 2711. CONKLIN (Alice L.), 499. CONLEY (Devin), 3628. CONNELL (William J.), 5429. CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE (Chantal), 2893. Connors (Joseph), 5140. CONOLLY (James), 979. CONRAD (Christoph), 6532. CONRAD (Sebastian), 550, 7076. Constans I (Flavius Iulius), Roman emperor, 1841. CONSTANTE (Lena), 4376. CONSTANTINIDOU (Natasha), 47. CONSTANTINIU (Laurenţiu), 4370. CONSTANTINOU (Eugenia S.), 2387. Constantinus (Lucius Flavius Valerius), Roman emperor, 551, 1824, 1841, 1850, 1856, 1874, 2079, 2179, 2183, 2306, 2316, 2399. Constantinus II (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 1841. Constantinus Manasse, 2359. Constantinus VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine emperor, 2448. Constantius II (Flavius Iulius), Roman emperor, 1841. CONT (Alessandro), 69. CONTE (Gian Biagio), 1803. CONTI (Alessandro D.), 880. CONTI (Davide), 4160. CONTI (Marco), 2169. CONTINI (Gianfranco), 5418. CONTINO (Alessia), 1691. CONTRERAS (Gustavo Nicolás), 3523. CONYARD (John), 1817. CONZE (Eckart), 6480, 7031. CONZE (Vanessa), 6887. COOK (Gordon T.), 982. COOKE (Bill), 6270. COOMBS (Benjamin), 7584. COOPER (Andrew F.), 595. COOPER (Chris), 3991. COOPER (Donald), 3082. COOPER (Kate), 2256. COOPER (Lisa Hyatt), 2892.

348 COOPERMAN (Bernard Dov), 4997. COOTER (Roger), 274. COPELLO (Veronica), 5652. COPPOLA (Alessandra), 5052. COPPOLARO (Lucia), 6155. COQUILLARD (Isabelle), 5187. ČORALIĆ (Lovorka), 7300. CORBARI (Eliana), 3283. CORBETT (Geroge), 2967. CORBIER (Mireille), 1759. CORBO (Chiara), 1883. CORBU (Agapie), 2182. CORCELLA (Aldo), 433. CORDANO (Federica), 1448. CORDASCO (Pasquale), 2. CORDERO RUIZ (Tomás), 2791. CORDES (Albrecht), 6948. CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE (Ricardo), 3031. CORMAC (Rory), 7077. Cornaro (Caterina), regina di Cipro, 2654. CORNELIO CASSAI (Caterina), 1756. CORNELL (Tim J.), 275, 1806. COROLLA (Angela), 2618. CORRADO (Margherita), 1715. CORRÊA (Maria Letícia), 5089. CORREIA (David), 6939. CORRIGAN (Kevin), 2148. CORRIN (Jay P.), 4776. CORRIOL (Vincent), 3281. CORSO (Antonio), 1693. CORTAZZI (Hugh), 7027. CORTELLESSA (Andrea), 5719. Cortés (Hernán), 188, 7221. CORTÉS (J. Vicente), 5438. CORTÉS BÁRCENA (Carolina), 1762. CORTESE (Barbara), 1885. CORTESE (Ennio), 643. CORTESI (Paolo), 7439. CORY (Stephen Charles), 4271. COSAMALÓN AGUILAR (Jesús A.), 6156. COSENTINO (Salvatore), 1849. COŞKUN (Altay), 1433, 1836. COSMA (Ela), 7353, 7373. COSTA (Benjamí), 106. COSTA (Laurent), 186. COSTA (Stefano), 2051. COSTA CARAMÉ (Manuel Eleazar), 1004. COSTABILE (Felice), 1818. COSTACHE (Doru), 2350. COSTAMBEYS (Marios), 2801. COSTANZA (Salvatore), 1499. COSTANZI (Michela), 1449. COSTANZO (Eric), 2257. COTTINGTON (David), 806. COTTROL (Robert J.), 6940.

INDEX OF NAMES COUCHMAN (Jane), 666. COUDERC (Christophe), 5167. COUDROY DE LILLE (Lydia), 6406. COULBEAUX-LE HÜEROU (Armelle), 3319. COULIE (Bernard), 2188. COUPAIN (Nicolas), 6261. COURCELLES (Dominique de), 185. COUROUCLI (Maria), 4749. COURTEAUX (Olivier), 7585. COURTENAY (William J.), 3231. COUSINIÉ (Frédéric), 5853. COWLING (Camillia), 7198. COX (Anthony), 6064. COX (Marcus S.), 5188. COX (Pamela), 276. COX (Rory), 3216. COYLE (Christopher), 6282. COZZO (Paolo), 2773. CRABUS (Mirko), 2793. CRAFTS (Nicholas), 6001, 6298. CRAGOE (Matthew), 3992. CRAIG (David), 4024. CRAIG (Douglas B.), 4612. CRAIG (Oliver), 937. CRAIN MERZ (Noemi), 4161. CRASSARD (Rémy), 970. Crates Atheniensis, 1618. CRAWLEY QUINN (Josephine), 2102. CREAGER (Angela N. H.), 5489. CREGAN-REID (Vybarr), 1172. CRÉGHEUR (Eric), 2211. CREMONESI (Giuliano), 981. CREMONTE (Maria Beatriz), 1142. CRÉPIN (Annie), 7341. CRESCIMANNO (Emanuele), 5883. CRESPO (Manuel), 2240. CRESPO (María Victoria), 6905. CRESTI (Federico), 4231, 4233. CREUZBERGER (Stefan), 3840. CRIBELLI (Teresa), 6214. CRIBLEZ (Adam), 4613. CRICCO (Massimiliano), 4231. CRIMI (Giuseppe), 2970. CRINITI (Nicola), 1763. Crinito (Pietro), 2991. CRISPINI (Franco), 5418. CRISTELLON (Cecilia), 6534. CRISTESCU (Sorin), 7405. CRISTIANO (Francesco), 1715. CRISTINA (Giovanni), 6065. Croce (Alda), 5676. Croce (Benedetto), 406, 472, 479, 486, 5418, 5421. Croce (Elena), 5676. CROCHET-THÉRY (Marie-Paule), 2528. CROMWELL (Jennifer), 1122. Cromwell (Oliver), 3999, 4042, 4064.

CRONIN (Stephanie), 4435. CRONK (Nicholas), 5442. CRONON (William), 277. CROSSMAN (Virginia), 6941. CROSTINI (Barbara), 2454. CROUCHER (Richard), 6816, 6846. CROUZET-PAVAN (Élisabeth), 2627. Crow (Jim), 4607. CROW (Joanna), 5053. CROWHURST (Patrick), 7550. CROWSON (Nicholas), 4009. CROWSTON (Clare Haru), 6535. CROXTON (Derek), 7269. CRUCCAS (Emiliano), 1646. CRUSE (Mark), 24, 2863. CRUZ (Anne J.), 6552. CRUZ (Luz Marina), 5320. CRUZ GARCÍA (Raúl), 5321. CSAPLÁR-DEGOVICS (Krisztián), 4240. CSUKOVITS (Enikő), 2677. CUCUZZA (Nicola), 1337. CUENCA SOLANA (David), 961. CUI (Bei), 7931. CUI (Zhiqing), 7949. CULLA I CLARÀ (Joan B.), 4483. CULLEN (Joseph A.), 6008. CULLEN (L. M.), 6465. CULLUM (P.H.), 3406. CULTRARO (Massimo), 1005. CUMMINS (Neil), 6536. CUMOLI (Flavia), 6407. CUNACCIA (Michela), 3426-3428. CUNEO (Paola O.), 1934. CUNY (Noëlle), 5569. CUOMO (Andrea M.), 2422. CUOZZO (Gianluca), 5788. CÜPPERS (Martin), 3850. CURCIO (Vincent), 6066. CURLESS (Gareth), 6817. CURLEY (Dan), 1981. CURNIS (Michele), 1388. CURRANT (A.P.), 929. CURRIE (Bruno G.F.), 1500. CURRY (Anne), 2560. CURRY-MACHADO (Jonathan), 6009. CURSI (Marco), 2969. CURTHOYS (Ned), 5417. CURTI-FEININGER (Danilo), 3154. CURTIS (Ben), 6067. CURTIS (Daniel R.), 3439. CURZI (Gaetano), 3084. Curzon (George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston), 7402, 7479. Cusanus (Nicolaus), 3197, 3208. CUSCITO (Giuseppe), 180, 3349. CUSHMAN (Gregory T.), 6068. CUSSET (Christophe), 1501.

INDEX OF NAMES CUST (Richard), 3993. CUSTODIS (Michael), 5885. CUSUMANO (Nicola), 343, 1647. CUTRERA (María Laura), 3525. CUVELIER (Pierre), 1648. CVETKOVIĆ (Srđan), 4439. CVETKOVIĆ (Vladimir Lj.), 7715. CVIJOVIĆ JAVORINA (Ivana), 3664. CVRCEK (Tomas), 6157. Cylon Atheniensis, 1568. Cyprianus (Thaschus Caecilius), Sanctus, 2338. Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Thascius Caecilius), episcopus, Sanctus, 2180. Cypselus, 1574. CYR (Frédéric), 3851. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 2181. Cyrillus Scythopolitanus, 2182. CYTOWSKA-SIEGRIST (Ewa), 7587. CZEKALSKI (Tadeusz), 3515. CZORTEK (Andrea), 3288. D D'ALBERTO (Claudia), 3085. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), 1069. D'ALPOIM GUEDES (Jade), 962. D'ANDREA (Giampaolo), 5421. D'ANDRIA (Francesco), 1070. D'ANGELO (Edoardo), 3322, 3332. D'ANGELO (Paolo), 5702. D'ANGELO (Sébastiano), 4436. D'APRILE (Iwan-Michelangelo), 890, 5434. D'ASCENZO (Mirella), 5233. D'AYALA VALVA (Luigi), 2172. D'JAKONOV (Igor' V.), 2555. D'ONOFRIO (Giulio), 3174. D'OTTONE (Arianna), 2712. D'OVIDIO (Stefano), 3086. D'URSO (Teresa), 32. DA RIVA (Rocio), 1173. DA SILVA (Augusto), 3596. DA SILVA GUIZELIN (Gilberto), 7374. DA SILVA LOPES (Teresa), 6274. DABBS (Gretchen R.), 1138. DADAKI (Stavroula), 1359. DADIĆ (Žarko), 746. DAGNINO (Anna), 3105. DAHL (Izabela A.), 6537. DAHL (Jacob), 1278. DAHLGREN (Eva F.), 6538. DAHLHEIM (Werner), 1819, 2219. DAHLMANN (Hans-Christian), 4345. DAIBER (Jürgen), 5628. DAILY (Christopher A.), 4932. DAIN (Philippe), 1787. DAIX (David-Artur), 1502.

DAKHLIA (Jocelyne), 589. DAL LAGO (Enrico), 4614. DAL SANTO (Matthew), 837. Dal Verme (famiglia), 4188. DALARUN (Jacques), 3237, 3325. DALBERG (Dirk), 3677. DALCHÉ (Patrick Gautier), 3175. DALES (Douglas), 3176. DALL'OLIO (Guido), 839. DALLA TORRE (Marco), 4852. DALLI REGOLI (Gigetta), 3087. D'ALOJA (Chiara), 1886. Damascius, 1635. Damasus I, Papa, 2298. DAMGAARD (Finn), 2258. DAMM (Alex), 2259. DAMM (Matthias), 3852. DAMMASCHKE (Marion), 4920. DAMODARAN (Vinita), 6539. Damonon, 1375. DAMOUSI (Joy), 3548. DANDELION (Pink), 859. DANGEL (Tobias), 5423. DANGUY (Laurence), 5333. DANIEL (Ondřej), 3678. DANIEL (Pete), 6215. DANIELS (Maurice C.), 4615. DANIELS (Tobias), 2742, 3230. DANIELSEN (Hilde), 4303. DANILOV (Viktor P.), 6249. DANJO (Hiroshi), 7940. DANTE ALIGHIERI, 2939, 2951, 2960, 2962, 2963, 2964, 2967, 2970, 2971, 2975, 2977, 2985, 2990, 2993, 2998, 3004, 30063009. DANZ (Christian), 2260. DÄNZER-KANTOF (Boris), 5490. DANZIGER (Sheldon), 6638. DARBY (Paul), 3975. DARCQUE (Pascal), 975. DARCY (Eamon), 4123. DARD (Olivier), 3755. DARDANO (Paola), 1053. DARDENAY (Alexandra), 2131. DARDESS (John W.), 7941. DARIEN (Andrew T.), 4616. DARI-MATTIACCI (Giuseppe), 672. DARK (Ken R.), 2423. Darwin (Charles), 741, 5447, 5448, 5470, 5471, 5475, 5497, 5568, 5572, 5580. Darwin (Francis), 5470. DAS (Santanu), 901. DAS (Upasak), 6740. DASCALIUC (Lorin Constantin), 4377. DASEN (Véronique), 1649. DASKALOV (Roumen), 561. DASTON (Lorraine), 5500. Datini (Francesco), 2839.

349 DATLA (Kavita Saraswathi), 7102. DAUB (Adrian), 5789. DAUCHY (Serge), 6918, 6948. DAUGIRDAS (Kȩstutis), 4727. DAUKS (Sigrid), 6451. DAVAMI (Parviz), 1291. DAVERIO ROCCHI (Giovanna), 1405, 1450. DAVICO BONINO (Guido), 5322. DAVID (Bruno), 932. DAVID (James Corbett), 7199. DAVIDE (Miriam), 2968. DAVID-GUILLOU (Angèle), 5886. DAVIDS (Karel), 747. DAVIDSON (Appolon B.), 4475, 7033, 7694. DAVIDSON (Robert), 975. DAVIES (Iain A.), 6162. DAVIES (Jonathan), 3476. DAVIES (Paul), 3361. DAVIES (Philip), 1451. DAVIS (Jack L.), 1315, 1694. DAVIS (Jennifer J.), 6540. DAVIS (Julie L.), 5234. DAVIS (Ryan A.), 5491. DAVOLIŪTĖ (Violeta), 4234. DAVYDOV (Vladimir M.), 6034. DAY (Henry J. M.), 1982. DAY (James Sanders), 6069. DE BAECQUE (Antoine), 304. DE BAKKER (Mathieu), 1503. DE BALBÍN BEHRMANN (Rodrigo), 926. DE BENEDICTIS (Angela), 658, 740. DE BIANCHI (Maria), 2503. DE BIASIO (Antonio), 2549. DE BLAS CORTINA (Miguel Ángel), 963. DE BOER (Dick E. H.), 2798. DE BOER (Martinus C.), 2314. DE BOER (Sander W.), 3177. DE BOUILLANE DE LACOSTE (Jean-Noël), 7797. De Bow (James Dunwoody Brownson), 5335. DE BROMHEAD (Alan), 3480. De Brosses (Charles), 403. De Coubertin (Pierre), 7370. DE DARTEIN (Fernand), 3066. DE FILIPPIS (Renato), 2972. DE FILIPPIS (Simonetta), 5667. DE FLEURQUIN (L.), 819. DE FRAJA (Simone), 3440. De Franceschi (Francesco), 5654. De Gasperi (Alcide), 4177. De Gaulle (Charles), 3814, 7040, 7166, 7857. DE GEMEAUX (Christine), 7079. DE GIORGI (Fulvio), 406. DE HAAN (Binne), 380.

350 DE HEMPTINNE (Thérèse), 39. DE JONG (Abe), 6166. DE JONG (Hylkje), 2397, 2424. DE LA FUENTE (Alejandro), 5794. DE LA GENIÈRE (Juliette), 1695. DE LA PASCUA SÁNCHEZ (María José), 442. DE LA PEÑA ALONSO (Paloma), 931. DE LA RASILLA VIVES (Marco), 945. DE LA TEJA (Jesús), 4675. DE LA TORRE (Carlos), 3491. DE LA TORRE CURIEL (José Refugio), 4895. DE LEO (Pietro), 3128. DE LUCA (Attilio), 2491. DE LUCA (Giuseppe), 407, 6283. DE LUCA (Serena), 3441. DE LUCA (Silvia), 3088. DE LUCA BARRUSSE (Virginie), 6398. DE LUNA (Kathryn M.), 8085. DE MAIO (Silvana), 6408. DE MARCHI (Paola), 2882. DE MARINIS (Raffaele Carlo), 918. DE MARTINO (Luigi), 1504. DE MATTEIS (Carlo), 3263. DE MELO (Wolfgang), 1793. DE MIRO (Ernesto), 1696. DE MOOR (Tine), 6390. DE MUNCK (Victor C.), 4241. DE NAPOLI (Olindo), 6942. DE OLIVEIRA (Walter Pinto), 3597. DE PAERMENTIER (Els), 10. DE PASQUALE (Andrea), 5844. DE PRESLES (Raoul), 3168. De Revigny (Jacques), 6933. DE ROBERTIS (Francesca), 1505. DE ROODE (Sven), 5323. DE ROSA (Daniele), 3333. DE ROSSI (Giovanni Maria), 3334. De Ruggiero (Guido), 479. DE SÁ PIMENTEL (José Vicente), 7061. De Sade (Paul), 2545. De Sanctis (Gaetano), 408. DE SANDRE GASPARINI (Giuseppina), 2833. DE SENA (Eric C.), 1854. De Senarclens (Sébastien), 7315. DE SENSI SESTITO (Giovanna), 1452, 2690. DE SIMONE (Antonio), 5429. DE VALK (Helga A.G.), 6409. DE VENUTO (Giovanni), 2797. DE VITO (Christian G.), 673. DE VIVO (Filippo), 224. DE VRIES (Henk J.), 5492. DE WILDE (Marc), 1887. DEAL (Roger A.), 4565.

INDEX OF NAMES DEBAENST (Bruno), 641. DEBEST (Charlotte), 6541. DEBIASI (Andrea), 1322, 1506. DEBNAR (Paula), 1507. DEBORD (Pierre), 1071. Debré (Michel), 3799. DECEMBRIO (Pier Candido), 2940. DECKER (Michael J.), 2425. DECLERCK (José H.), 2211. DECLERCK (Leo), 4766. DECOCK (Wim), 6943. DECOURT (Jean-Claude), 1352. DECTER (Moira), 5207. DEDERING (Tilman), 7130. DEFFARGES (Anne), 3853. DEFRANCE (Corine), 780, 3922. DEFTY (Andrew), 7716. DEGERATU (Laura), 4371. DEGIULI (Gianfranco), 2374. DEHAAN (Heather D.), 6410. DEHARBE (Karine), 6944. DEJUNG (Christof), 6158. DEJUNG (Christof), 6159. DEJURE (Antonella), 3320. DEKKER (Ely), 3178. DEL AGUILA PERALTA (Alicia), 4324. DEL ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel), 4498. DEL LUNGO (Andrea), 5735. DEL MORAL (Solsiree), 5235. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio), 1072, 1243. DEL PINO (Ponciano), 4326. Del Río (Dolores), 5907. DEL SANTO (Matthew), 828. DEL VALLE (Guillermina), 6160. DEL VILLANO (Bianca), 5653. DEL ZOTTO (Carla), 1650. DELANNOY (Jean-Jacques), 932. DELBARRE (Gabrielle), 929. DELBECKE (Bram), 3578. DELBÈS (Marilyne), IV. DELCORNO (Carlo), 2958, 4855. DÉLÉAGE (Pierre), 8092. Deleuze (Gilles), 5425. DELL'ORO (Francesca), 1355. DELLA BONA (Maria Elena), 1453. Della Gatta (Bartolomeo), 3114. DELLE DONNE (Fulvio), 2952. DELMAS (Adrien), 159. Delogu (Paolo), 2586. DELPORTE (Christian), 5333. DELRUE (Elisabeth), 5637. DELTON (Jennifer A.), 4617. DELUERMOZ (Quentin), 304. DELUMEAU (Jean), 5056. DELWIT (Pascal), 3796. DEMACOPOULOS (George E.), 2261, 4911. DEMANCHE (Diane), 2052.

DEMARS-SION (Véronique), 6918. DEMBECK (Till), 766. DEMEL (Walter), 7915. DEMETER (Gábor), 4240, 7451. DEMETRAKOPOULOS (Giannis A.), 2478. DEMETRIOU (Kyriakos), 1604. Demetrius Poliorcetes, 1577. DEMONET (Gilles), 5954. DEMONT (Paul), 1508, 1605. Demosthenes, 1424, 1429, 1505. DEMOTTE (Charles), 6542. DEMURGER (Alain), 3284. DEN BOEFT (Jan), 1780. DEN HENGST (Daniël), 1807. DEN UIJL (Simon), 5492. DENDENA (Francesco), 3756. DENDORFER (Jürgen), 3241. DENDRINOS (Charalambos J.), 2478. DENÉCHÈRE (Yves), 7798. DENGIS (Jean-Luc), 103. DENHAM (Tim), 964. DENIS (Juliette), 3854. DENIS (Vincent), 412. DENIS-DELACOUR (Christopher), 6161. DENJEAN (Claude), 2805. DENNISON (Tracy), 6216. DENNY-BROWN (Andrea), 2892. DENZEL (Markus A.), 690. DENZEY LEWIS (Nicola), 2262. DEPPMEYER (Korana), 1855. DEPREUX (Philippe), 17. DER HAAR (Frauke von), 292. DEREYMEZ (Jean-William), 3757. DEROCHE (Alexandre), 3758. DEROSE EVANS (Jane), 805. DERSCHKA (Harald), 2904. DES PLACES (Edouard), 2201. DESAN (Suzanne), 3763. DESCARTES (René), 5400, 5419, 5438. DESCHAMP (Lucienne), 2029. DESCIMON (Robert), 674. DESCOEUDRES (Georges), 2619. DESJARDINS (Lucie), 5069. DESLANDES (Karine), 5057. DESLAURIERS (Marguerite), 876. Desliens (Louis), 5476. DESPOT (Igor), 3661. DESPRET (Vinciane), 456. DESSALES (Hélène), 2103. DESSET (François), 1304. DESTANI (Bejtullah D.), 4068. DESTRÉE (Pierre), 876. DÉSVEAUX (Emmanuel), 500. DETERING (Nicolas), 5757. DETERMANN (Jorg Matthias), 278. DETEŞAN (Daniela), 7353. DETIENNE (Marcel), 1651.

INDEX OF NAMES DETTENHOFER (Maria H.), 1888. DEVAULT (Ileen A.), 6543. DEVECCHI (Elena), 1221. DEVÈS (Maud), 925. DEVILLERS (Anne), 1279. DEVILLERS (Olivier), 2029. DEVINE (Jenny Barker), 6217. DEVINE (Thomas W.), 4618. DEVJI (Faisal), 4310. DEVLIN (Judith), 5173. DEVOLDER (Maud), 1338. Dew (Christopher), 6314. DEWITT (Larry), 6496. DHADA (Mustafah), 7131. DHONDT (Frederik), 6945, 7301. DHONDT (Pieter), 5189. DI BACCO (Giuliano), 2900. DI BERARDINO (Angelo), 849. DI CAPUA (Giuseppe), 987. DI FABIO (Claro), 3105. DI FAZIO (Massimiliano), 2067. DI FEBO (Martina), 2949. DI GIACOMO (Michelangela), 6818. DI GIANNANTONIO (Stefania), 957. DI IORIO (Eny V.), 5703. DI MAIO (Andrea), 3181. DI MURO (Alessandro), 2799. DI NOCERA (Gian Maria), 1073. DI PAOLA (Pietro), 6819. DI PASQUALE (Mariano), 5087. DI PERNA (Giuseppe), 2597. DI PINTO (Loredana), 1889. DI SANTO (Federico), 1509. DI STEFANO (Roberto), 4824. DI VITA (Antonino), 1356. DIABATÉ (Henriette), 3658. DIACCIATI (Silvia), 2730. DIACONESCU (Alexandru), 749, 2104. DIACONESCU (Marius), 2800. DIACONU (Adriana), 4378. DIAMOND (Hanna), 6218. DIANA (Rosario), 5418. DÍAZ ARIÑO (Borja), 1923. DIAZ HERNÁNDEZ (Roberto A.), 125. DÍAZ MÁS (Paloma), 5704. DÍAZ MUÑOZ (Isabel), 947. DÍAZ NIEVA (José), 3635. DIBBEN (Pauline), 6873. DICK (Malcolm), 6108. DICKÈS (Christophe), 842. DICKINSON (Frederick R.), 4199. DICKSON (W. David), 7459. Didius Iulianus, Roman emperor, 1848. Didymus Alexandrinus, 1390. DIEFENBACH (Karl), 7660. DIEFENBACH (Steffen), 2913. DIEKMANN (Irene A.), 6949.

DIERL (Florian), 7588. DIESENBERGER (Maximilian), 3411. DIESTELKAMP (Bernhard), 2539, 2743. DIETL (Ralph L.), 7799. DIETRICH (Christopher R. W.), 7800. DIETZE (Gabriele), 70. DIEWALD-KERKMANN (Gisela), 3970. Díez de la Calle (Juan), 7204. DÍEZ MARTÍN (Fernando), 947. DIGNAS (Beate), 865. DIJKSTRA (Jitse H. F.), 2358. DIKILITAŞ (Gülseren), 1091. DILETTOSO (Diego), 5058. DILLEY (Andrew), 6256, 6285. DILLON (Matthew), 1316. DILLON (Sheila), 1697. DINAN (Harold), 7801. DINÇKAL (Noyan), 5059. DINDORF (Willi), 1031. DINER (Hasia R.), 4984. DING (Jielin), 7942. DING (Xueliang), 7943. DING (Ying Yong), 6328. DINGEL (Irene), 4727. DINKLER (Michal B.), 2264. DINKOVA-BRUUN (Greti), 3179. DINTER (Martin T.), 548. DINU (Radu Harald), 4733. Dio Chrysostomus, 1478. Diocletianus (Gaius Aurelius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1820, 2306. Diogenes Laertius, 1615. Dionysius Samius, 1541. Dioscorides, 1620. DIOUF (Mamdou), 4438. DIPRETE (Thomas), 5236. DIRLIK (Arif), 8033. DISALVO (Charles R.), 6947. Disraeli (Benjamin), 3979, 4035. DISSELKAMP (Martin), 3442. DIUKOV (Aleksandr), 4235. DIXON (Hunt John), 745. DIXON (Jay), 7880. DJAMALI (Morteza), 1284. Djedhor, king of Egypt, 1149. DJERF-PIERRE (Monika), 5922. DJUVARA (Neagu), 77. DLUBEK (Rolf), 5430. DMITRIEV (Mikhail V.), 874. DOBIAS-LALOU (Catherine), 1352. DOBLER (Jens), 6910. DÖBLER (Marvin), 3372. DOBNEY (Keith), 979. DOBRE (Dumitru), 6544. DOCKRILL (Michael L.), 7028. DOCKRILL (Stephen J.), 982.

351 DODD (Adam), 240. DODGSON (John), 6003. DOELLINGER (David), 4451. DOGLIO (Maria Luisa), 4855. DOHERTY (Bob), 6162. DOHERTY (Thomas), 5887. DOHNA (Alexander Fürst), 71. Dohna (Familie), 71. DOHNA (Lothar Graf zu), 71. DOHNA (Ursula Gräfin zu), 71. DÖHRING (Helge), 6820. DOHRMANN (Natalie B.), 2150. DOIZY (Guillaume), 3748. DOLAN (Claire), 3759. DOLAN (Frances E.), 5705. DOLAŃSKI (Dariusz), 7375. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Lucie), 34, 2996. DOLGILEVICH (Rostislav V.), 7910. DOLL (Jürgen), 5123. Dollfuss (Engelbert), 3562. DOMBROWSKI (André), 5849. DOMBROWSKI (Damian), 5799. DOMENECH (Jordi), 6219. DOMINGUES DA SILVA (Daniel), 7124, 7132. DOMÍNGUEZ MONEDERO (Adolfo Jerónimo), 1434. DOMINIK (William J.), 2028. Domninus Larissensis, 2360. DOMPNIER (Bernard), 4778. DONALDSON (Peter), 279. DONATI (Sabina), 4163. DONATO (Antonio), 2054. DONATO (Maria Monica), 3097. DONATO (Maria Pia), 534, 784. DONEUS (Michael), 2105. DONÉZAR (Javier), 6286. Donizo Canusinus, 3005. DONNINI (Mauro, 2907. DONOGHUE (John), 7200. DONZÉ (Pierre-Yves), 6287. DOODY (Colleen), 4619. DOODY (John), 2239. DOOLE (J. Andrew), 2265. DORAN (Robert), 481. DORN (Iris von), 6876. DORN BROSE (Eric), 3855. DORNHEIM (Stefan), 4933. DORNIK (Wolfram), 7477. DOROFTEI (Doina), 844. DORON (Roy), 4302. DÖRR (Stephan), 2943. Dorr (Thomas Wilson), 4608. DÖŞEMECI (Mehmet), 4566. DOSSE (François), 304. Dossetti (Giuseppe), 4168, 4182, 4844. DOSTJAN (Irina S.), 7421. Dostoyevsky (Fyodor), 5136, 5708, 5713. DOTOLI (Giovanni), 5790.

352 DOUBEK (Vratislav), 3704. Douglas (Stephen Arnold), 7392. Douglas (Stephen H.), 4602. DOW (Geoff), 4529. DOWLING (Andrew), 4486. DOWNEY (Sean S.), 979. DOWNHAM (Clare), 2717. DOWNING (Arthur), 6821. DOWNING (Francis G.), 2266. DOYLE (Shane), 5493. DOYLE (William), 3760. DOYON (Julie), 6545. DRABKIN (Jakov), 7444. DRACE-FRANCIS (Alex), 501. DRACHENBERG (Thomas), 3103. Draco, 1430. DRAGAS (George Dion), 3360. DRAGIŠIĆ (Petar), 7717. DRAGO TEDESCHINI (Corinna), 2. DRAGOMAN (Radu-Alexandru), 965. DRAHOKOUPIL (Jan), 6047. DRAI (Viviane), 5434. DRAKE (Brian Allen), 4620. DRAKE (Susanna), 2267. DRAY-BENSOUSAN (Renée), 4737. DREHER (Martin), 1435. DREIDEMY (Lucile), 3562. DREIDOPPEL (Heinrich), 7436. DREISCHER (Stephan), 3187. DREßEN (Angela), 3032. DRESSER (Madge), 7092. DREßLER (Sabine), 6643. DRESSLER-SCHRÖDER (Renate), 3934. DREYFUS (Michel), 6288. DRIEU (Cloé), 5888. DRIJVERS (Jan Willem), 1780. DRIXLER (Fabian), 6411. DROBNER (Hubertus R.), 2268. DROCOURT (Nicolas), 2427. DRØNEN (Tomas Sundnes), 4734. DRONIN (Nicolai), 692. DROST (Vincent), 2106. DROUIN-HANS (Anne-Marie), 5434. DRUGGE (Ulf), 6546. DRUKE (Luise), 7032. Drusus minor (Nero Claudius), 1810. DRYZEK (John S.), 788. Du Bellay (Jean), 7268. Du Bois-Reymond (Emil), 5506. DU PLESSIS (Paul J.), 1903. DU TOIT (David S.), 2242. DUARA (Prasenjit), 304. DUARTE (Daniel), 5247. DUARTE DE JESUS (José Manuel), 4358. DUBACH (Roswitha), 5494. Dubček (Alexander), 6901.

INDEX OF NAMES DUBERT (Isidro), 6547. DUBLER (Anne-Marie), 2744. DUBOIS (Laurent), 1352, 1357, 6883. DUCHESNEAU (François), 5486. DUCHHARDT (Heinz), 7319, 7325. DUDLEY (Christopher), 3994. DUEÑAS (Gabriela Polit), 5706. DUFALLO (Basil), 1983. DUFAUD (Grégory), 6791. DUFFY (Seán), 2568. DUFLO (Colas), 5668. DUFOUR (Jean), 2510. DUFOUR (Richard), 1384. DUFOURCQ (Elisabeth), 7460. Dufur Bozzo (Colette), 3105. DUGGAN (Christopher), 4162, 4164. DUICHIN (Marco), 1510. Dulles (Allen), 7737. DUMASY-RABINEAU (Juliette), 2746. DUMETT (Raymond E.), 6548, 7133. DUMÉZIL (Bruno), 2611, 2802. DÜMLER (Bärbel), 2269. DÜMMER SCHEEL (Silvia), 5144. DUMONS (Bruno), 4773. DUMONT (Jonathan), 2660, 7270. DUNAK (Karen M.), 6549. DUNCAN (Robert), 6550. DUNKERLEY (James), 3581. DUNKLEY (Daive A.), 7201. DUNKLEY (John), 5090. Dunmore (John Murray Earl of), 7199. DUNNE (Matthew W.), 4621. DUNNE (Michael W.), 4860. DUNSCH (Boris), 419. DUNTHORNE (Hugh), 303, 7271. DUPLOUY (Alain), 1074. DUPONT (Carolyn Renée), 4934. DUPONT (Pierre), 1683. DUPUY (Pascal), 3748, 3815. DUQUE ESPINO (David M.), 1029. DUQUE MUÑOZ (Lucía), 160. DURAN (Xavier), 6070. DURÁN LÓPEZ (Fernando), 5079. DURAND (Jean-Dominique), 7661. DURAND-GUÉDY (David), 7920. DÜRING (Marten), 6551. Ďuriš (Július), 6814. DÜRKOP (Martina), 845. ĎURKOVÁ (Mária), 280. DURNOVTSEV (Valerij I.), 444. DUROUX (Rose), 6556. DUSO (Giuseppe), 5423. DUTT (Carsten), 494. DUYNSTEE (Marguerite), 3033. DVOŘÁK (Jan), 4398. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Daniela), 2656.

DWOROK (Gerrit), 3832. Dyakonov (Igor M.), 1215. DYCK (Andrew R.), 1783. DYE (Alan), 6220. DYMKOWSKI (Christine), 803. DYROFF (Stefan), 7461, 7508, 7615. DYSON JR. (R.H.), 1303. DZELZAINIS (Ella), 3982. DZIELSKA (Maria), 1652. E EAMES (Elizabeth Anne), 4299. EARENFIGHT (Theresa), 2598. Earle (Alice Morse), 409. EASTMOND (Antony), 2480. EBBERSMEYER (Sabrina), 3200. EBBESEN (Sten), 3172. EBERT (Jochen), 3857. EBIATSA (Hopiel), 7134. ECHAVARREN (Arturo), 785. ECHTERNKAMP (Jörg), 287. ECK (Jean-François), 7069. ECK (Werner), 1764, 1774. ECKERT (Georg), 661. ECKERT (Michael), 5495. Eckhart (Johannes), 838. EDDIE (S. A.), 3858. EDEBALK (Per Gunnar), 6767. EDELSTEIN (Dan), 5060. EDELSTEIN (Melvin), 3761. EDGINGTON (Susan B.), 2543. EDLINGER (Cécile), 6289. EDROIU (Nicolae), 127. EDVINSSON (Rodney), 6005. Edward I, king of England, 2626. Edward II, king of England, 2859. EDWARDS (Julia), 7249. EDWARDS (Mark J.), 2271. EDWARDS (Roy), 6071. EDWARDS (Yvonne), 939. EFFORD (Alison Clark), 4622. EFREMENKO (Dmitry), 692. EFREMOVA (Julija A.), 3318. EGE (Moritz), 5061. EGENOLF (Susan B.), 67. EGGERICKX (Thierry), 6412. Egidio da Viterbo, 2947. Egk (Werner), 5885. EGLI (Emil), 4922. EGNER (David), 5435. EHLERS (Joachim), 2974. EHMIG (Ulrike), 1765. EHRLICH (Laura), 3526. EHRMAN (Bart D.), 2272. EIBL (Otto), 4806. EICH (Peter), 2159. EICHENBERG (Julia), 7470. EICHENGREEN (Barry), 3480. Eichler (Willi), 3875. EICHNER (Heidrun), 882.

INDEX OF NAMES Eicke (Theodor), 3958. Einaudi (Giulio), 5378. Einaudi (Luigi), 6039. EINERT (Benedikt), 5430. Einstein (Albert), 5472, 5485, 5523, 5594, 5601, 5605. EISENBERG (Christiane), 677. Eisenhower (Dwight D.), 4661, 7738, 7787. EISNER (Martin), 2975. EIXIMENIS (Francesc), 3261. EKMAN (Sten), 7666. EKSTRÖM (Mats), 5922. EL HAMEL (Chouki), 4272. EL-ALFY (Marwa M.E.), 1123. ELDEN (Stuart), 678. ELEY (Geoff), 3859. ÉLIE DE SAINT-GILLES, 2941. Elijah ben Solomon, 5014. Elisabetta d'Ungheria, santa, 3339. ELISALDE (Roberto), 5247. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 3990. ELKLIT (Jørgen), 3718. ELLERBROCK (Uwe), 1280. ELLIOTT (Chris), 1124. ELLIOTT (Jackie), 1984. ELLIS (Robert), 5889. ELLIS (Stephen), 4476. ELLIS (Sylvia), 4623. ELLISON (David R.), 5707. ELMAN (Benjamin A.), 7944. ELMER (Peter), 3995. ELMHORN (Camilla), 6006. Elrom (Efraim), 7775. ELSASSER (Kilian T.), 6119. ELSHAKRY (Marwa), 5497. ELSHERIF (Ikram Ahmed), 114. ELSIE (Robert), 4068. ELSIG (Alexandre), 5333, 7462. ELTCHANINOFF (Michel), 5708. ELTIS (David), 7124. ELTON (Hugh W.), 1820. EM (Henry H.), 281. EMAMI (S. Mohammadamin), 1291. EMERSON (Roger L.), 3996. EMERY (Christian), 7803. EMERY (Virginia L.), 1132. EMME (Burkhard), 1075. EMMERICH (Alexander), 557. Emmerich Joseph von BreidbachBürresheim, Erzbischof von Mainz, 4871. EMMERLING (Inga), 7804. Empedocles, 1612, 1632. EMSLEY (Clive), 6554. ENAYAT (Hadi), 4114. ENCINAS MORAL (Ángel Luis), 151. ENCISO RECIO (Luis Miguel), 5063.

ENDERLE-BURCEL (Gertrude), 3558, 3560. ENDERLIN (Charles), 4135. ENEFALK (Hanna), 6555. ENENKEL (Karl A. E.), 3041. ENGAMBÉ (André), 7135. ENGEBRETSEN (Eivind), 4825. ENGEL (Frank), 3235. ENGEL (Jeffrey A.), 7805. ENGEL (Magali), 5089. ENGELBRECHT (Jörg), 2798. ENGELEN (Ute), 6072. ENGELMANN (Roger), 3822. ENGELS (Friedrich), 5430. ENGLISH (Linda), 6163. ENMARCH (Roland), 1125. Ennius (Quintus), 1984, 1993. Ennodius (Magnus Felix), episcopus, Sanctus, 2155. ENOMOTO (Jun-ichi), 7959. ENRÍQUEZ NAVASCUÉS (Juan Javier), 1006. ENTIN (Gabriel), 7188. Epicurus, 2967. EPKENHANS (Michael), 3917. EPPIHIMER (Melissa), 1174. EPPRECHT (Marc), 6736. Equiano (Olaudah), 7121. Erasmus Roterodamus (Desiderius), 4930. ERASO (Yolanda), 5498. Eratosthenes Cyrenaicus, 1391. ERB (Peter C.), 3980. ERCHEMPERTUS CASINENSIS, 2550. ERDEM (Aylin Ü.), 1175. ERDKAMP (Paul), 539. ERDOĞAN (Nihat), 1185. Erhard (Ludwig), 7827. ERHART (Peter), 2. ERICKSON (Edward J.), 4567. ERICKSON (Paul), 5500. ERIKSSON (Fredrik), 4528. ERIKSSON (Martin), 5501. Eriugena (Iohannes Scotus), 2319. ERKER (Paul), 6054. ERKUL (Ercan), 1091. ERLIKH (Ḥagai), 7668. Ermengarde de Blesle, 3308. ERNESTI (Jörg), 4795, 4864. ERNST (Wolfgang), 459. ERSKINE (Andrew), 559. Erskine (George sir), 7120. ERTEL (Tobias), 3092. ERTO (Maurizio), 1511. Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, 1167. ESCACENA CARRASCO (José Luis), 919. ESCOBAR GUZMÁN (Brenda), 3647. ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE (Antonio), 6232.

353 ESCOBEDO (Elizabeth R.), 6557. ESCOLAR (Diego), 3527. Eshmunazor, Phoenician king, 1235. ESKRIDGE (Larry), 4935. ESMONDE CLEARY (Simon), 2107. ESPADA RODRÍGUEZ (Julián), 1822. ESPELI (Harald), 7589. ESPENHORST (Martin), 7319. ESPINOSA (Antonino), 4325. ESPINOZA (G. Antonio), 5239. ESPOSITO (Anna), 2586, 3038. ESPOSITO (John L.), 858. Este (famiglia), 2515. ESTEBAN (César), 919. ESTEBAN ORTEGA (Julio), 1766. ESTEFANES (Bruno Fabris), 3598. Esterházy (family), 64. ESTRADA (Isabel M .), 5890. ESTRADA FERNÁNDEZ (Zarina), 116. ESTRAIKH (Gennady), 4984. ÉTIENNE-DUPLESSIS (Maud), 1387. ETKIND (Alexander), 754. ETZLER (Aron), 4527. EUBANK (Nathan), 2273. Eudoxus Cnidius, 1611. Eugenius IV, papa, 3243. Eumelus Corinthius, 1506. Eunapius Sardianus, 2362. Euphorion, 1506. Euripides, 1542, 1545, 1609. Eusebius Caesariensis, 2183, 2184, 2241. Eustathius Thessalonicensis, archiepiscopus, 2363. Euthymius Zigabenus, 2443. Evagrius Ponticus, 2253. EVANGELISTI (Paolo), 3261. EVANS (Jennifer V.), 5891. EVANS (Walter Bennett), 4100. Evatt (Herbert Vere), 3546, 3551. EVERILL (Bronwen), 7136. EVRON (Yair), 7807. EWALD (William), 5449. EXCHAQUET-MONNIER (Brigitte), 4543. EXNER (Gudrun), 6558. EXTERMANN (Blaise), 5240. Eyma (Louis-Xavier), 7417. EYRAUD (Benoît), 6950. Eyre (Adam), 6602. F FABBRI (Alessandro), 3219. FABBRO (Elena), 1512. FABER (Eike), 2159, 3373. FABER (Richard), 5092, 5631, 5641. FABER (Uri), 5016.

354 FABIANO (Doralice), 863. Fabius Maximus (Quintus), Cunctator, 1814. FABRICIUS (Miroslav), 6007. FABRICIUS MØLLER (Jes), 72. FAGNART (Laure), 2660. FÄHNRICH (Heinz), 128. FAILLER (Albert), 2428. FAINI (Enrico), 2747. FAIR (Laura), 4553, 6961. FAIRBAIRN (Donald), 2185. FALARTI (Maziar Mozaffari), 4242. FALCHETTA (Piero), 3093. FALCHINI (Adriana), 5305. FALCIONI (Anna), 2488. FALCONER (J.R.D.), 6951. FALISOVÁ (Anna), 5503, 5504. FALLACARA (Giuseppe), 3094. FALLAW (Ben), 4246. Fallmerayer (Jakob Philipp), 410. FALOLA (Toyin), 4302, 7137, 8086. FALSINI (Luca), 4166. FALUDI (Christian), 3887. FAMERÉE (J.), 819. FANCY (Hussein), 2707. FANI (Antonella), 3181. FANNING (Ronan), 7463. FANO (Miguel A.), 933. FANTHAM (Elaine), 1784. FANTONI (Marcello), 2916. FANTYSOVÁ-MATĔJKOVÁ (Jana), 2657. FARAONE (Christopher A.), 2068. FARGNOLI (Iole), 424. FARIA (Miguel Figueira de), 675. FARINA (Federico), 4883. Farina (Raffaele), 41. FARIS (Hani A.), 4136. FARMELO (Graham), 7718. Farnese (Clelia), 4167. FAROOQ (Jennifer), 4938. FAROQHI (Suraiya), 7282. FAROUT (Dominique), 1126. FARRELL (Joseph A.), 1971. FARRINGTON (Ian), 6413. FASSBENDER (Bardo), 656. FATI (Lorenzo), 1127. FATTORINI (Emma), 4793. FAUGERON (Fabien), 2490. FAULENBACH (Bernd), 3860. FAULKNER (Neil), 562. FAURE (Patrice), 1823. FAUSER (Annegret), 5892. Faustus Rhegiensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2192. FAVA (Valentina), 6559. FAVIER (Jean), 2510. FAVINI (Aldo), 3374. FAVUZZI (Pellegrino), 460. FAYE (Jean Pierre), 5435.

INDEX OF NAMES FAYER (Carla), 1936. FAZIO (Domenico M.), 5436. FEAR (Andrew), 2322. FEARON (Peter), 6298. FEATHERSTONE (Jeffrey M.), 2429. FECI (Simona), 66. FEDATTO (Carolina P.), 129. FEDDERN (Stefan), 1797. FEDELI (Giacomo), 1513. FEDELI (Paolo), 1318, 1985. FEDER (Yitzhaq), 1244. FEDERICO (Giovanni), 6222. FÉDIER (François), 881. FEDOROWICH (Kent), 7078. FEDOROWICZ-JACKOWSKA (Aleksandra), 3060. FÉDOU (Michel), 3225. FÉE (David), 3997. FEENSTRA (Robert), 6953. FEES (Irmgard), 17. FEESER (Andrea), 6073. FEHÉR (Bence), 1774. FEHÉRVÁRY (Krisztina), 6560. FEIND (Robert), 2388. FEINGOLD (Mordechai), 5479. FEINMAN (Gary M.), 1339. FEISSEL (Denis), 1352. FEIST (Ulrike), 5505. FEITL (István), 4083. FEJÉRDY (András), 4819. FEJÉRDY (Gergely), 4087. FEJT (Nadezhda V.), 7911. FELDER (Björn M.), 4223. FELDMAN (Fred), 888. FELDMAN (Glenn), 4624. FELGENHAUER (Dirk), 5423. FELGNER (Ulrich), 5520. FELICE (Angela), 5750. FELICE (Domenico), 5431, 5442. FELICI (Maurilio), 1890. Felipe II, rey de España, 4174. FELIU (Lluis), 1176. FÉLIX (Joël), 3754. Felix Nolanus, 3322. FELLER (Laurent), 2805, 2844. FENEŞAN (Costin), 7262. FENEŞAN (Cristina), 7262. FENIELLO (Amedeo), 2806. FENOALTEA (Stefano), 6060. FENSKE (Hans), 7464. FENSKE (Michaela), 3861. FENTON (Alexander), 504. FENTON (Laurence), 7376. FERDINAND (Franz), 296. Ferdinand I, rege al României, 4841. Ferdinand I, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3566. Ferdinando I, rey de Aragón, 3049. FERENTE (Serena), 2658. FERGONI (Flavio), 5857.

FERGUS (Claudius K.), 7203. Ferguson (Adam), 4027. FERGUSON (Karen), 4625. FERJANČIĆ (Snežana), 1824. FERMANDOIS (Joaquín), 3636. Fermi (Enrico), 5466. FERNANDES (Hiram), 3592. FERNÁNDEZ (Jordi H.), 106. FERNÁNDEZ BURGUEÑO (Vicente José), 5250. FERNÁNDEZ ERASO (Javier), 966. FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Adolfo), 2807. FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ-CUESTA (Juan Manuel), 7772. FERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ (Francisco M.), 2430. FERNÁNDEZ L'HOESTE (Héctor), 5884. FERNÁNDEZ MEDINA (Esther), 785. FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ (Paloma), 6290. FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ (Manuel), 1042. FERNS (Nicholas), 7465. FEROS RUYS (Juanita), 3030. FERRAGU (Gilles), 842. FERRAIUOLO (Daniele), 3024. FERRARI (Daniela), 2513. FERRARI (Maria Luisa), 6414. FERRARIN (Alfredo), 5425. FERRARO (Giovanni), 5461. FERREIRA (F. E. Rodrigues), 2692. Ferrer i Mallol (Maria Teresa), 2705. FERRERI (Luigi), 1514. FERRI (Claudio), 3112. FERRIS (Jesse), 7808. Ferro (António), 4360. FERRONE (Vincenzo), 5068. FERRUCCI (Stefano), 1454. FESSNER (Michael), 74. FETTING (Martina), 3862. FETVACI (Emine), 393. FEW (Martha), 8091. FEWSTER (Gregory P.), 2274, 2313. FEYEL (Christophe), 1352. FIAMMA (Galvano), 2548. FICKERS (Andreas), 5869. Fidora (Alexander), 2918. FIEDLER (Anke), 5341. FIEDROWICZ (Michael), 2197. FIELD (Jacob F.), 6561. FIELD (John), 6562. FIELDHOUSE (Roger), 434. FIESELER (Christian), 163. FIGARI (Arnaud), 282. FIGEAC (Michel), 6533. FIGLIUOLO (Bruno), 2808. FIGUEIREDO (Luciano), 572.

INDEX OF NAMES FIGUEROA CLARK (Victor), 3637. FILATOVA (Irina), 7033, 7694. FILATOVA (Natalija M.), 7422. FILIP (Adrian), 7810. FILIPE (Victor), 1007. FILIP-FRÖSCHL (Johanna), 1884. FILIPPETTI (Roberto), 3096. FILIPPI (Davide), 3441. FILIPPINI (Elisabetta), 3226. Filippo il Cancelliere, 3203. FILOCAMO (Andrea), 1937. FILONIK (Jakub), 1436. FINAZZI (Silvia), 2977. FINCH (Michael P. M.), 7080. FINDLEN (Paula), 751. FINGER (Jürgen), 3863. FINKE (Gesa), 5894. FINKELSTEIN (Gabriel), 5506. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), 1017, 1044. FINK-LANG (Monika), 3864. Finley (Moses), 411. FINNANE (Mark), 3549. FINNÉ (Martin), 1351. FIORANI (Francesca), 5800. FIORENTINO (Daniele), 7377. FIORENTINO (Girolamo), 1024. FIORI (Antonia), 2748. FIORIELLO (Custode S.), 2108. FIORILLO (Rosa), 2618. FIOTT (Daniel), 7034. FIRESTONE (Bernard J.), 7811. FIRSOV (Evgenij F.), 7423. FISCHER (Anders), 937. FISCHER (Carsten), 2749. FISCHER (Erika), 1128. FISCHER (Georg), 7026. Fischer (Joska), 319. FISCHER (Michael), 5757. FISCHER (Ole W.), 5433. Fischer (Ruth), 3889. FISCHER-ELFERT (Hans-Werner), 1129. FISCHER-HOTZEL (Andrea), 6888. FISCHER-TINÉ (Harald), 5507. FISHBACK (Price), 6008, 6292. FITCH (John G.), 1791. FITZGERALD (Brian), 2213. FITZGIBBONS (Jonathan), 3999. FITZPATRICK (Matthew P.), 3865. FitzRalph (Richard), 4860. FIXICO (Donald L.), 4626. FJELLKESTAM (Kristina), 694. FLAHERTY (Darryl E.), 6906. FLAIG (Egon), 1406, 1515, 1888. FLAMM (Christoph), 5149. FLANNERY (John M.), 4896. FLASHAR (Hellmut), 1607. FLATHER (Amanda J.), 6563. Flaubert (Gustave), 5763, 5765, 5774. FLÉCHET (Anaïs), 5954.

FLECHSIG (Alexander Jürgen), 6954. FLECK (Dieter), 649. FLEEGLER (Robert L.), 4627. FLEET (Kate), 7282. FLEMING (Michael), 4354. Flesh (Hans), 5959. Fletcher (Andrew), 4032. FLETCHER (Robert S. G.), 4548. FLETCHER (William Miles), 4203. FLEURIAUD (Geoffrey), 5325. FLEURIEL (Sébastien), 6564. FLEW (Antony), 5424. FLINT (Shirley Cushing), 6565. FLOHR (Miko), 1938. FLOOD (John), 3201. FLOOR (Willem), 6331. FLÖRCHINGER (Karin), 5679. FLORES (René), 6759. FLORIAN (Alexandru), 4371, 4372. FLORJA (Boris N.), 2648. Florovsky (Georges), 4741. FLOTT (Søren), 7719. FLOURENTZOS (Pavlos), 1354. FLOWER (Richard), 2275. FLOYD (M. Ryan), 7466. FOA (Anna), 4992. FOCARDI (Filippo), 5071. FOERSTER (THOMAS), 2721. FOGEL (Enid M.), 6041. FOGEL (Joshua A.), 283. FOGEL (Robert William), 6041. FOGELSON (Robert M.), 6415. FOGLIADINI (Emanuela), 3375. FOGU (Claudio), 461. FOIAS (Antonia E.), 8093. FOIS (Marisa), 3517. FOKKENS (Harry), 600. FOLCH (Marcus), 1606. FOLETTI (Ivan), 211. FOLEY (Michael Stewart), 4628. FOLJANTY (Lena), 6955. FOLKENAND (Julio), 4890. FOLKER (Reichert), 2911. FÖLLMER (Moritz), 6566. FONER (Eric), 4593. FONKICH (Boris L.), 5. Fonseca Magalhães (Rodrigo da), 4362. FONTAINE (Marion), 3753. FONTANA (Paolo), 4826. FONTANALS (Marta), 983. FONTANAZ (Didier), 1683. FOOT (Sarah), 490. FORAN (Susan), 2568. FORAY (Jennifer L.), 4280, 7103. FORCE (Pierre), 6567. FORCLAZ (Bertrand), 4738. FORD (Andrew), 1687. Ford (Gerald), 7907. Ford (Henry), 6066.

355 FORD (Lisa), 7074. FOREMAN-PECK (James), 6568. FOREST (Philippe), 5682. FORLIN (Olivier), 3472. FORMENT (Carlos A.), 3484. FORMICOLA (Crescenzo), 1799. FORMIGLI (Edilberto), 1698. FORNEROD (Nicolas), 4925. FORREST (Alan), 5172. FORSAITH (Peter), 825. FORSDICK (Charles), 5358. FORSDYKE (Sara L.), 1455. FORSS (Amy Helene), 5326. FORST (Rainer), 621. FÖRSTER (Horst), 719. FORTNA (Benjamin C.), 4759. FORTUNATO (Gerardo), 5764. FORTUNY (Natalia), 5930. FOSCATI (Alessandra), 758. FOSDAL (Peter), 6074. FOSI (Irene), 7284. FOSTER (Elizabeth A.), 7138. FOSTER (Roy), 420. FOSTER (Stephen), 7192. FOSU (Augustin K.), 6002. FOTHERINGHAM (Lynn S.), 1987. FOUCAULT (Michel), 412, 5420. FOUCHARD (Dominique), 6569. FOUILLERON (Thomas), 75. FOUQUET (Gerhard), 3248. FOURCADE (Marie), 5088. FOURCAUT (Annie), 6416. FOURIE (Johan), 6293. FOURNIER (Julien), 1359. FOWLER (Robert L.), 1653. FOWLER-SALAMINI (Heather), 6075. FOX (Claire F.), 5791. FOX (Robert), 789. FOXHALL (Lin), 1319. FOXLEY (Rachel), 4000. FRADERA (Josep M.), 7238. FRAEDRICH-NOWAG (Stefanie), 7260. FRAENKEL (Carlos), 5438. FRAETERS (Veerle), 39. FRAGNITO (Gigliola), 4167. FRAHM (Eckart), 1177. FRAMKE (Maria), 3485. FRANC (Martin), 3680, 6570. FRANCE-LANORD (Hadrien), 881. FRANCES (Andrews), 3236. Francesca Romana, Sancta, 3329. FRANCESCHI (Franco), 2916. FRANCESCO D'ANTONIO, 2540. Francesco II Gonzaga, marchese di Mantova, 4159. FRANCESCUTTI (Elisabetta), 3083. FRANCFORT (Didier), 5954. FRANCHETTI PARDO (Vittorio), 3443.

356 FRANCIS (Emmanuel), 7927. Franciscus Assisiensis, Sanctus, 3096, 3326. Franciscus de Paola, 3333. FRANCK (Lorenz), 6956. FRANCO (Rafael Luis), 7434. FRANCO (Rafael), 7434. Franco Bahamonde (Francisco), 4487. FRANCO FIGUEROA (Mariano), 130. FRANÇOIS (Étienne), 5172, 7817. FRANCOVICH ONESTI (Nicoletta), 2810. FRANDSEN (Ann-Christine), 6294. Frangieh (Suleiman), 4227. FRANGOULIDIS (Stavros A.), 1992. FRANGOULIS (Hélène), 1516. FRANK (Hartmut), 5832. FRANK (Robert), 5954. FRANK (Simone), 7342. FRANK (Thomas), 3209. FRANKE (Ellen), 2734, 6957. FRANKE (Regina), 1130. FRANKEL (David), 1034. FRANKLIN-BROWN (Mary), 341. FRASER TERJANIAN (Anoush), 6164. FRASS (Monika), 1901. FRASSINE (Matteo), 2109. FRAUNHOLZ (Uwe), 5179. FREAMON (Bernard K.), 7106. FREDERICKSON (Kari), 4629. Frederik II, konge af Danmark, 3715. Frederik III, konge af DanmarkNorge, 3710. FREEMAN (Mark), 6295. FREEZE (ChaeRan Y.), 4983. FREIBERGER (Thomas), 7720. Freising (Otto von), 2974. FRELLER (Thomas), 563. FREMROVÁ (Květa), 6571. FRENCH (David), 7120, 7813. FRENCH (Lorely), 5034. FRÈRE (Dominique), 1683. FRESE (Tobias), 3376. FRESSOZ (Jean-Baptiste), 412. Freud (Sigmund), 5100, 5391, 5434, 5534. FREUDENBERG (Sebastian), 2811. FREULER (Gaudenz), 26. FREW (Charlotte), 6958. FREY (Jörg), 2320. FREY (Mattias), 5896. FREY (Simon), 107. FREYER (Stefanie), 6572. FREY-KUPPER (Suzanne), 104, 107. FREY-VOR (Gerlinde), 5947. Frezzi (Federico), 2540.

INDEX OF NAMES FRIBORG HANSEN (Vilfred), 681. FRICK (David), 4739. FRICKE (Christiane E.), 5900. FRIDENSON (Patrick), 6362. FRIED (Johannes), 2612. FRIEDEL (Mathias), 3827. FRIEDL (Christian), 2527. FRIEDL (Jiří), 7721. Friedländer (David), 3904. FRIEDMAN (Andrew), 4630. FRIEDMAN (Russell L.), 3035, 3193. FRIEDRICH (Christoph), 5615. FRIEDRICH (Markus), 225. Friedrich I, röm.-deutsches Kaiser, 2641. Friedrich II 'der Große', König von Preußen, 3872, 5442, 7302. Friedrich II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2628. Friedrich III, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2536, 2659. Friedrich Wilhelm IV, König von Preußen, 3827, 5446. FRIELING (Kirsten O.), 2812. Fries, frère, 146. FRIIS (Ib), 161. FRISK JENSEN (Mette), 3714. FRISONE (Flavia), 1517. FRITH (Simon), 5897. FRITSCHE (Maria), 5898. FRÖBERG IDLING (Peter), 3618. FRÖHLICH (Bettina), 1518. FRÖHLICH (Elke), 7551. FRÖHLICH (Pierre), 1352, 1409. FROHNERT (Pär), 4533. FROISSART (Chloé), 6938. FROISSART (Tony), 794. FROLOV (Eduard D.), 1332. FROLOVA (Nina A.), 112. FRÖMEL (Mike), 164. FROMMELT (Fabian), 574. FRONTISI-DUCROUX (Françoise), 1654. FROST (Diane), 4001. Froude (William), 5542. FROVA (Carla), 2586. FRÜHMESSER (Thomas), 4379. FRUNZETI (Teodor), 4373. FRYDL (Kathleen J.), 4631. FRYKMAN (Niklas), 7057. FUCHS (Franz), 2659. FUDGE (Thomas A.), 2750. FUENTECILLA (Jose V.), 4337. FUENTES (Oscar), 934. FUERTES MUÑOZ (Carlos), 4498. FUESS (Albrecht), 5072. FUGGER (Dominik), 521. FÜHRER (Karl Christian), 3866, 3925. FUHRMANN (Bernd), 682.

Fuhrmann (Horst), 413. FUJII (Noriyuki), 7945. Fujimori (Alberto), 4330. FUJINAMI (Nobuyoshi), 4568. FUJIOKA (Rika), 6063. FUJISAKI (Mamoru), 3238. Fujiwara (Michinaga), 8047. FUJIYA (Koetsu), 7946. FUKAGAI (Yasunori), 6346. FUKAMI (Sumio), 7928. FUKUOKA (Mariko), 7378. FULBROOK (Mary), 3838. Fulgentius (Fabius Claudius Gordianus), episcopus, Sanctus, 2185. Fulgentius (Fabius Planciades), 1787. FULKERSON (Laurel), 1320, 1988. FULLER (Howard J.), 7379. FULLER (Robert C.), 4740. FUNARI (Rachel), 6822. FUNKE (Andreas), 6879. FUNKE (Peter), 1657. FUREIX (Emmanuel), 3492. FURE-SLOCUM (Eric), 4632. Furet (François), 414. FURIANI (Patrizia Liviabella), 1519. FURIOZZI (Massimo), 7467. FURLAN (Francesco), 3013, 3121. FURNESS (Raymond), 5899. FURRER (Markus), 567. FURTADO (Júnia Ferreira), 165. FURUI (Ryosuke), 7929. FUSCO (Ivana), 1030. FUSHIMI (Taketo), 4200. FUSI AIZPURÚA (Juan Pablo), 617. FUSO (Silvano), 5508. G GABACCIA (Donna R.), 288. GABBAY (Uri), 1166. GABDRAKHMANOV (Pavel Sh.), 6. GABRIEL (Frédéric), 866, 4731. GABRIEL (Gottfried), 462. GADOTTI (Alhena), 1186. GAERTNER (David), 5949. GAERTNER (Jan F.), 1989. GAETA (Marcello), 3098. GAFFIELD (Julia), 6883. GAGLIARDI (Paola), 1990. GAGNÉ (Renaud), 1520. GAILLARD (Charlotte), 3057. GĂINAR (Maria), 7814. GAJDUK (Il'ja V.), 7695. GAJEK (Eva Maria), 3486. GALANAKIS (Yannis), 1699. GALATY (Michael L.), 1347. GALAVOTTI (Enrico), 4168. GALBOIS (Estelle), 1700. GALDI (Giovanbattista), 2389.

INDEX OF NAMES Galenus (Claudius), 1392, 1609, 1621, 1625, 1629, 1635, 1637, 2060. GALETTO (Manuela), 6823. GALIANO (Paolo), 2069. GÁLIK (Zdenko), 3444. Galilei (Galileo), 134, 5450. GALINIER (Martin), 2115. GAŁKA (Bogusław W.), 4346. GALKIN (Aleksandr), 7444. GALLAS (Elisabeth), 285. GALLI (Marco), 2085. GALLI-DUPIS (Florence), IV. Gallieni (Joseph-Simon), 7080. Gallienus (Publius Licinius Egnatius), Roman emperor, 1826. GALLOIS (William), 7139. GALLUS (Alexander), 6599. GALLUZZO (Gabriele), 3180. GALMARINI (Niccolò), 1222. GALVÁN SALAZAR (María de la Luz), 4261. GALVÃO-SOBRINHO (Carlos R.), 2276. GAMBA (Mariolina), 1744. GANDELMAN TEREKHOV (Vera), 5710. Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand), 6947. GANDINI (María Juliana), 166. Gandulfo (Petrona C. de), 6699. GANGLOFF (Anne), 1951. GANTET (Claire), 7326. GANZENMÜLLER (Jörg), 4399. GAO (Bei), 7552. GAO (Xing), 938. GAO (Yunxiang), 7947. GÁRATE MAIDAGÁN (Diego), 943, 944. GARAU (Salvatore), 4304. GARAVAGLIA (Juan Carlos), 3490. GARCÍA (Carlos), 6856. GARCÍA (Luis Ignacio), 5930. GARCÍA CANAL (Esteban), 6280. GARCÍA CATALÁN (Sergio), 935. GARCÍA ENRÍQUEZ (Fernando Aníbal), 6076. GARCÍA FERREIRA (Roberto), 7706. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Francisco de Asis), 2889. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Marcos), 1008. GARCÍA GASCO (Rosa), 1868. GARCÍA HINOJOSA (Pablo), 5074. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ (Gabriel), 5775. GARCÍA MARSILLA (Juan Vicente), 3049. GARCÍA MONERRIS (Encarnación), 4484.

GARCÍA MORENO (Alejandro), 943. GARCÍA PUCHOL (Oreto), 1009. GARCÍA TIMÓN (Ana Belén), 5241. GARCÍA VALERO (Miguel Ángel), 926. GARCIA VENTURA (Agnes), 1178. GARCÍA VUELTA (Oscar), 1047. GARDE (Peter), 6907. GARDES (Jean-Claude), 5329. GARDEY (Delphine), 286. GARDNER (Andrew N.), 1933. GARDNER (Hunter H.), 1991. GARDNER (Julian), 3099. GARDONI (Giuseppe), 14. GARFAGNINI (Gian Carlo), 2554. GARFIELD (Seth), 6165. GARGANO (Guido Innocenzo, O.S.B.), 3377. GARGARELLA (Roberto), 6889. GARÍ (Blanca), 3378. GARIGLIO (Bartolo), 4827. Garin (Eugenio), 415. GARLAN (Yvon), 1360. GARLAND (Lynda), 1316, 2462. GARNCARZ (Joseph), 5901. GARNER (Alice), 7669. GARNIER (Guillaume), 760. GARNOT (Benoît), 5442. GAROFALO (Ivan), 1608. GAROFALO (Luigi), 1910. GARRARD (Andrew), 939. GARRARD-BURNETT (Virginia), 7658. GARRAUD (Philippe), 3764. GARRIDO PIMENTEL (Daniel), 943. Garrison (William Lloyd), 4614, 4654. GASIMOV (Zaur), 5437. GASPARINI (Valentino), 343. GASPAROTTO (Davide), 5663. GASPERINI (Antonella), 5451. GASSMANN (Guido), 3287. GAST (Holger), 4897. GASTGEBER (Christian), 2400, 2402, 2431. GATES (Christianne), 3672. GATIER (Pierre-Louis), 1352. GATRELL (Peter), 3487. GATTAGRISI (Cleia), 2. GATTIGLIA (Gabriele), 3445. GATZ (Erwin), 823. GATZEMEIER (Susanne), 2055. GAUCI (Perry), 4002. GAUDICHAUD (Franck), 3638. GAUDIN (Guillaume), 7204. Gaufridus Monemutensis, 3011. GAUGHAN (Joan Mickelson), 6573. GAURAV (Sarthak), 6740. GAUTIER (Alban), 2544.

357 GAUTIER (Arlette), 679. GAUTIER DALCHÉ (Patrick), 2933. GAUVARD (Claude), 640. GAVEAU (Fabien), 695. GAVIRA MÁRQUEZ (María Concepción), 6077. GAVRILYUK (Paul L.), 4741. GAWRYCH (George W.), 4569. GAY (Jean-Pascal), 4742. GAYÓN CÓRDOVA (María), 6417. GĂZDAC (Cristian), 1639. GAZELEY (Ian), 6574. GAZIAUX (Éric), 819, 843. GÁZQUEZ (José Martínez), 3408. GAZZANO (Francesca), 1414. GE (Jianxiong), 7948. GEBEI (Sándor), 7303. GEEVERS (Liesbeth), 7273. GEHREN (Miriam von), 238. GEHRING (David Scott), 7265, 7274. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim), 1655. GEIER (Stephan), 7815. GEIFES (Stephan), 6575. GEIGER (Friedrich), 5885. GEIGER (Marion), 5711. GEIGER (Michael), 1826. GEIGER (Vladimir), 3662, 7553. Geiler (Karl Hermann Friedrich Julius), 7003. GEISSBÜHLER (Simon), 4380. GEISSEN (Angelo), 111. GEISST (Charles R.), 6296. GEISTHÖVEL (Alexa), 502. GELAO (Chiara), 3100. GELDERBLOM (Oscar), 683, 6166. GELFER JØRGENSEN (Myriam), 5792. GELICHI (Sauro), 3302. GELLATELY (Robert), 4400. GELLER (Markham J.), 1179. GELMAN (Jorge), 3529, 3530. GEMBICKI (Dieter), 146. GEMBICKI-ACHTNICH (Heidi), 146. GEMEINHARDT (Peter), 2351. GEMES (Ken), 887. GEMMILL (Elizabeth), 2813. GEMS (Gerald R.), 6576. GEMÜNDEN (Petra von), 2223. GENÉ (Marcela), 5307. GENEQUAND (PHILIPPE), 3239. GENESTE (Jean-Michel), 932. GENET (Jean-Philippe), 2672. GENÊT (Stéphane), 7304. GENG (Denise), 3867. GENIN (Vincent), 7140, 7816. GENNARI (Massimo), 2979. GENOVA (James E.), 5902. GENOVESE (Ann), 3550. Genscher (Hans-Dietrich), 7684. GENSHEIMER (Maryl B.), 1076.

358 Gensini (Sergio), 2590. GENTA (Enrico), 6908. GENTILE (Emilio), 4169. Gentile (Giovanni), 479, 5421. GENTILE (Pierangelo), 4170. GENTILE (Saverio), 4171, 6959. GENTILI (Bruno), 1397. GENTILI (Maria Donatella), 1754. GENTILINI (Giorgia), 3426-3428. GEORGE (Michele), 1957. Georges Ier d'Amboise, 2660. Georgius Trapezuntius, 2364. GEORG-LAUER (Jutta), 5433. GÉRARD (Gengembre), 5712. Gerardo da Cremona, 1621. GERAT (Ivan), 3101. GERD (Lora A.), 4916. GERDES (Aibe-Marlene), 5757. GERDES (Felix), 4229. GEREMIA NUCCI (Roberta), 2110. GERHARD (Jane F.), 6577. GERHARD (Ute), 646. GERHARDS (Thomas), 436. GERICK (Gunter), 3868. GERIGK (Horst-Jürgen), 5713. GERINGER (Sandra), 292. GERMANI (Ian), 7426. GERMETEN (Nicole von), 6578. GERMUSKA (Pál), 4088. Gerő (Ernő), 4083. GERRARD (James), 2111. GERRARD (Jessica), 6824. GERSHKOVICH (Tatyana), 5714. GERSMANN (Gudrun), 7322. GERSTENBERGER (Debora), 3599. GERTH (Matthias), 2146. GERUND (Katharina), 5793. GESE (Michael), 2208. GESHEVA (Ĭordanka), 3610. GESTOSO SINGER (Graciela), 1131. GETHMANN-SIEFERT (Annemarie), 5423. GETTY (J. Arch), 4401. GEUS (Klaus), 1330. GEYMONAT (Roger), 4707. Gheorghiu-Dej (Gheorghe), 7712. GHERMAN (Traian), 685. GHIA (Walter), 5429. GHILARDUCCI (Giuseppe), 3112. GHILES-MEILHAC (Samuel), 68. GHINOIU (Ion), 761. GHOBRIAL (John-Paul A.), 7305. GHORBEL (Hichem), 5434. GHOSH (Anindita), 5903. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio), 1521. GIANGRASSO (Maria Dorella), 1609. GIANNINI (Massimo Carlo), 4787. GIANNINI (Pietro), 1397. GIANNINI (Silvia), 1756. GIARDINELLI (Mempo), 5630.

INDEX OF NAMES GIARDINO (Claudio), 998. GIASI (Francesco), 5421. GIBAJA (Juan Francisco), 981. GIBBS (Matt), 1966. GIBBS (Robert), 3068. GIBHARDT (Boris Roman), 5740. GIBNEY (John), 290. GIBSON (Alisdair G. G.), 1830. GIBSON (Bruce), 426. GIBSON (Jack J.), 2277. GIBSON (William), 825. Gide (André), 5778. GIEBEN (Bram), 756. GIESE (Loreen), 65. GIESE (Stefan), 1091. GIESLER (Gerd), 5435. GIFFORD (Jayne), 7468. GIGLIOTTI (Valerio), 848. GIL PECHARROMÁN (Julio), 4488. GILBERT (François), 1940. GILBURD (Eleonory), 5164. GILCHER-HOLTEY (Ingrid), 395. GILDEA (Robert), 3483. GILES-VERNICK (Tamara), 6579. GILETTI (Federico), 1701. GILIBERTO (Concetta), 3039. GILJE (Paul A.), 7327. GILL (Christopher), 1396. GILLABERT (Matthieu), 7036. GILLIN (Kate Côté), 6580. GILMAN (Peter), 5655. GILMORE (Stephanie), 4633. GILMOUR (John), 7555. GIL-TAMAYO (Juan Antonio), 2180. GIMÉNEZ (Iván), 5328. GINAT (Rami), 3731. GINÉ (Marta), 5139. GINGERAS (Ryan), 7722. GINSBORG (Paul), 76. GINTHER (James R.), 3201. GINZBURG (Silvia), 5850. GIOANNI (Stéphane), 2968. GIOEVA (Tat'jana), 5430. GIOMBI (Samuele), 3309, 4866. GIONTELLA (Giuseppe), 2497. GIORDANO (Maria Laura), 4828. GIORDANO (Verónica), 6768. Giotto di Bondone, 3074, 3096, 3098, 3129, 3138. GIOVANNI DA LUPICO, 2529. Giovanni da Ugolino di Milano, 31. GIRALDO (Jorge), 3648. GIRARD (Pascale), 7264. GIRARD (Philip), 6960. GIRARD (Philippe R.), 131. GIRARDET (Klaus M.), 2179. GIRAUD (Cédric), 3122. GIRGENTI (Giuseppe), 291. GIRKE (Felix), 5102.

Giscard d'Estaing (Valéry), 7826. GISLEBERTUS SANCTI TRUDONIS, 3262. GIUDICE (Elvia), 1702. GIUDICE (Filippo), 1702. GIUDICE (Giada), 1702. GIUFFRÈ (Vincenzo), 1892. GIUFFRIDA (Claudia), 2147. GIULI (Matteo), 4172. GIULIANI (Achille), 2661. GIULIANI (Claudia), 3294. GIUMAN (Marco), 1656. GIUMLIA-MAIR (Alessandra), 1010. GIUNIPERO (Elisa), 4777. GIURCĂ (Ion), 4373. GIUSTI (Anna Maria), 3065. GIUSTINO (Cathleen M.), 6868. Gladstone (William Ewart), 3980, 4045. GLAS (Marjorie), 6825. GLASER (Clive), 4470. GLASS (Bryan S.), 7142. GLAUDES (Pierre), 5696. GLEBA (Margarita Y.), 1952. GLEDHILL (Andrew R.), 982. GLEESON (David T.), 4634. GLEIJESES (Piero), 7818. GLICKMAN (Gabriel), 7306. GLINOER (Anthony), 809. Glücksbourg (dynastie), 72. GLUSHKOVA (Irina P.), 5025. GLYKOU (Aikaterini), 937. GMITEREK (Henryk), 4340. GNÄGI (Thomas), 5861. GOBAT (Michel), 3488. GOBETTI (Eric), 7624. GÖBL (Michael), 94. GODDARD (Eric D.), 3231. GODINHO (Ricardo), 1007. GOEBEL (Michael), 4248. GOEDDE (Petra), 599. GOEHRING (Margaret), 27. Goerdeler (Carl), 3880. GOERING (Joseph), 3201. GOESCHEL (Christian), 6581. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von), 5679, 5685, 5701, 5715, 5716, 5722, 5726. GOETTE (Richard), 7625. GOETZ (Hans-Werner), 3379. GOETZMANN (William N.), 6299. GOFF (Barbara E.), 5242. GOLAN (Shimon), 4137. GOLANI (Moṭi), 4317. GOLDBERG (Dror), 6297. GOLDBERG (Sander M.), 1801. GOLDEN (Gregory K.), 1893. GOLDEN (J.J.), 4124. GOLDMAN (Lawrence), 431. GOLDMAN (Rachel B.), 1941.

INDEX OF NAMES Goldscheid (Rudolf), 6558. GOLDSMITH (Nora), 1993. GOLDSTEIN (Adam), 2239. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.), 5999. GOLIKOVA (Nina B.), 6208. GOLL (Jürg), 2619. GOLOVINA (Galina), 5430. GOLTZ (Maren), 5905. Gomberville (Marin Le Roy), 5670. GOMES (Ana Carolina Vimieiro), 5510. GOMES DA SILVA (Ester), 6015. GÓMEZ (Alejandro E.), 7188, 7205. GÓMEZ DE LA RÚA (Diana), 947. GÓMEZ DE SOLER (Bruno), 935. GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ (José Ángel), 947. GÓMEZ OLIVENCIA (Asier), 943. GÓMEZ PUCHE (Magdalena), 1009. GÓMEZ-GALVARRIATO (Aurora), 6080. Göncz (Árpád), 4090. Gondi (famiglia), 6380. GONDICAS (Myrto), 1522. GONDOLA (Ch. Didier), 6579. GÓNGORA (María Eugenia), 39. GOÑI (José M.), 5139. GONTARCZYK (Piotr), 4339. GONZAGA (Barbara), 2513. GONZALBO AIZPURU (Pilar), 729, 4245, 5243. GONZÁLES MATAS (Enrique), 7220. GONZÁLEZ (Aurelio), 5642. GONZÁLEZ (Germain Gerard), 3036. GONZÁLEZ (Martín Abel), 7819. GONZÁLEZ (Pilar), 2240. GONZALEZ (Sara), 5906. GONZÁLEZ CALLEJA (Eduardo), 463. GONZÁLEZ DE LA ALEJA (Manuel), 5354. GONZÁLEZ DE LA LASTRA (Leonor), 5250. GONZÁLEZ HERNÁNDEZ (María Jesús), 443. GONZÁLEZ SALAZAR (Juan Manuel), 1223. GONZÁLEZ SALINERO (Raúl), 1825. GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Santiago), 2662. GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Sergio), 1868. GONZÁLEZ-ORTEGA (Nelson Arturo).5075. GONZALO (Ibáñez Santa María), 4829.

GOODALL (Alex), 4635. GOODARE (Julian), 520. GOODEY (Chris F.), 1935. GOODIER (Susan), 4636. GOODLAD (Graham), 4037. GOOPTU (Nandini), 6582. GOOSE (Nigel), 6525. GOOT (Murray), 3551. GOPHER (Avi), 928, 1245. GÖRANSSON (Ulf), 6913. Gorbachev (Mikhail Sergeyevich), 7660. Gordianus III (Marcus Antonius), Roman emperor, 1829. GORDIN (Michael D.), 5500. GORDLEY (James), 647. GORDON (Tammy S.), 6167. Gordon (Thomas), 416. GORDY (Eric), 4440. GORECKI (Joachim), 1091. ǴO R Ǵ IEV (Vančo), 4238. GORGOLINI (Ida), 5717. GORING-MORRIS (A. Nigel), 1077. GORINI (Giovanni), 1456. GORMAN (Anthony), 7154. GORMLY (James), 6081. GOROSTIDI (Diana), 1924. Görres (Joseph), 3864. GORRY (Jonathan), 7820. GORSKI (Philip S.), 451. GORSKIJ (Anatolij A.), 2620. GORSUCH (Anne E.), 6869. GÖRTEMAKER (Manfred), 6920. Görz, famiglia, 2606. GOSSMAN (Lionel), 5076. Got'e (Ju. V.), 401. GÖTTLICHER (Arvid), 1994. GOTTO (Bernhard), 3791. GÖTZ (Anna-Maria), 5851. GOUARNÉ (Isabelle), 3767. GOUDOT (Grégory), 4878. GOULD (Michael), 4300. GOULD (Philip), 5718. GOULD (William), 6909. GOURISSE (Benjamin), 4559. GOUTOR (David), 3631. GRÅBACKE (Carina), 6837. GRABER (Rolf), 4539. GRABMAYER (Johannes), I. GRABOWSKI (Jan), 4994. GRAEFF (Alexander), 5852. GRAELLS (Raimon), 996. GRAEVENITZ (Fritz Georg von), 6168. GRAF (Friedrich Wilhelm), 5440. GRAGEDA BUSTAMENTE (Aarón), 116. GRAHAM (Aaron), 4003. GRAHAM (Abigail S.), 1361. GRAHAM (Angus), 1132. Graham (Bill), 4970.

359 GRAHAM (Loren), 5511. GRAHAM (Philip J.), 1011. GRAHAM-CAMPBELL (James), 2719, 3090. GRAHAM-DIXON (Francis), 7723. GRAHEK-RAVANČIĆ (Martina), 7554. GRAINGER (John D.), 7469. GRAMSCH (Robert), 2628. GRAMSCI (Antonio), 5421. GRANATA (Elda), 1523. GRANATA (Veronica), 7329. Grand Rapids (Michigan), 4676. GRAND-CLÉMENT (Adeline), 1524. GRAND'HENRY (Jacques), 2187. GRANDI (Elena), 3447. GRANDITS (Hannes), 4442. GRANDJEAN (Catherine), 108, 1312. GRANDJEAN (Yves), 1362, 1703. GRANET-ABISSET (Anne-Marie), 223. GRANGÉ (Ninon), 5435. GRANGER (Christophe), 360. GRANJA (Raquel), 1007. Granvelle (Antoine Perrenot de), 7279. GRASHOFF (Udo), 3835. GRASSELLI (Luca), 4769. GRASSI (Francesca), 3448. GRATSIANSKIJ (Mikhail V.), 2392, 2404. GRATTON (Brian), 417. GRAVES-BROWN (Paul), 598. Gravier (Charles, conte di Vergennes), 7296. GRAY (Benjamin), 1407. GRAY (Edward G.), 597. GRAY (Jonathan Michael), 4940. GREASON (Walter David), 4637. Greatrakes (Valentine), 3995. GRECI (Roberto), 3043. GREEN (David R.), 6300. GREEN (Nile), 4995. GREENBERG (Raphael), 1246. GREENE (Jack P.), 7082, 7206. GREENE (Joseph A.), 1264. GREENE (Sandra E.), 7123, 7127. GREENFIELD (Richard P. H.), 2379. GRÉGOIRE (Mathieu), 6813. GREGORATTI (Leonardo), 2891. Gregorius I, papa, 828, 2613, 2879, 3014, 3245, 3355, 3377. Gregorius IV, Papa, 3252. Gregorius Magnus, Papa, Sanctus, 837, 2285. Gregorius Nazianzenus, 21862188, 2283. Gregorius Nyssenus, Sanctus, 853, 2189, 2246.

360 Gregorius Palamas, archiepiscopus, Sanctus, 2365. Gregorius VII, papa, 3397. GREIF (Hajo), 5444. GREIG (Hannah), 6583. GREINDL (Gabriele), 7261. GREINER (Bernd), 7667. GREISING (Carolina), 4707. GRELLARD (Christophe), 3182. GRELON (André), 5190. GRESCHAT (Katharina), 2278. GRESS (Thibaut), 5419. GRETHLEIN (Jonas), 293, 1525. GRI (Gian Paolo), 5750. GRIBETZ (Sarit K.), 2286. GRIEB (Volker), 426. GRIESSER-STERMSCHEG (Martina), 247. GRIFFIN (Emma), 6082, 6584. GRIFFIN (Miriam T.), 2056. GRIFFIN (Patrick), 7207. GRIFFITHS (Alan), 3072. GRIGOROVA (Irina), 7821. GRIGOROVA (Lora Doncheva), 3611. GRILLO (Paolo), 2655, 2663, 2675. GRILLOT (Thomas), 4638. GRIM (Brian J.), 4744. GRINCHENKO (Olga), 2441. GRINDER-HANSEN (Poul), 3715. GRISAFI (Attilio), 2950. GROCOCK (Christopher), 2542. GRODDEK (Detlev), 1224. GROEBNER (Valentin), 167. Groenesteyn (Otto von), 4874. GROISARD (Jocelyn), 1385. GROMOVA (Alina), 6585. GRONAUER (Gerhard), 4996. Gropius (Martin Philipp), 5828. GROS (Jean-Sébastien), 1457. GROSCHOPP (Horst), 5077, 5078. GROSS (Daniel), 1995. GROSS (Melanie M.), 1180. GROß (Oliver), 3870. GROSS (Raphael), 3871. GROßBÖLTING (Thomas), 4743. GROSSER (Florian), 623. GROSSETESTE (Robertus), 3179, 3201. GROßHEIM (Michael), 5407. GROSSI (Paolo), 648. GROSSMAN (Heather E.), 3116. GROSSMAN (Richard S.), 6010, 6301. Grotius (Hugo), 5422. GROTKAMP (Nadine), 1340. GROTOWSKI (Piotr Ł.), 2202. GROTSCH (Klaus), 5423. GROTTE (Nathaniel), 6041. GROUCUTT (Huw), 970. GROUNDWATER (Anna), 4004.

INDEX OF NAMES GRUBBS (Judith Evans), 787. GRUBE (Dennis), 4005. GRUBE (Jochen), 402. GRUBER (Elisabeth), 3460. GRUBER (Joachim), 1781. GRUBER (Wolfgang), 611. GRUCH (Jochen), 4937. GRUEV (Mikhail), 3609. Grün (Familie), 74. GRÜN (Laurent), 6586. GRÜNBART (Michael), 2398. GRUNBERG (Bernard), 4891. GRUNBERG (Gérard), 3768. GRUNBERG (Josiane), 4891. GRÜNDLER (Jens), 5512. GRÜNSTÄUDL (Wolfgang), 2279. GRÜTZMANN (Felicitas), 5016. GRYPEOU (Emmanouela), 2247. GUALDO (Riccardo), 294. Guamán Poma de Ayala (Felipe), 4323. GUAN (Ying), 938. GUARD (Timothy), 2664. Guardia (Tomás), 3656. GUARINO (Gabriella), 906. Guarino (Giuseppe), 4816. GUASCO (Alberto), 4173. GUAY (Manuel), 3186. GUBITOSI (Patricia), 132. Gudea, ruler of Lagas, 1202. GUDEHUS (Christian), 684. GUÉGUEN (Haud), 1610. GUÉRAUD (Luc), 642. GUERBER (Eric), 2814. GUERENA (Jean-Louis), 5318. GUERINI (Federica), 138. GUERRA (Lia), 5045. GUERRA (Roberto), 1827. GUERRA ACUÑA (Alejandra), 3639. GUERRA MOSCOSO (Sabrina), 162. GUERRAGGIO (Angelo), 5595. GUERRINI (Paola), 3446. GUERRY (Linda), 6531, 6587. GUÉRY (Alain), 686. GUESLIN (André), 687. GUETTEL (Jens-Uwe), 7037. GUEYE (Mariama), 1942. GUGELOT (Frèdéric), 4736. GUGERLI (David), 6315. GUGLIELMO (Mark), 6041. Guibert de Nogent, 3417. Guicciardini (Francesco), 5429. GUICCIARDINI (Niccolò), 5513. GUIDI (Remo L.), 3289. GUIDO DA PISA, 2942. GUIDOT (Bernard), 2941. GUIDUGLI (Amedeo), 3380. GUIGNARD (Laurence), 5502. GUIGNET (Philippe), 3579. GUIGO (Pierre-Emmanuel), 3769.

GUILAINE (Jean), 981. GUILELMUS DE ALVERNIA, 3350. GUILERA (Jordi), 6015. Guillaume (Günter), 3909. GUILLAUME (Sylvie), 3770, 3790. GUILLAUME DE DÉGUILEVILLE, 2943. Guillaume le Pieux, 3308. Guillaume X, duc d'Aquitaine, 2634. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé), 5502, 5514. GUILLÉN (Mauro F.), 6280. GUILLÉN RIQUELME (Mariano C.), 1923. GUIMIER-SORBETS (Anne-Marie), 1704. GUINNANE (Timothy), 6302. GUIOT (Hélène), 8104. GUIPPONI-GINESTE (MarieFrance), 2031. GUISLIN (Jean-Marc), 4821. GUNDLE (Stephen), 4162. GUNN (Robert G.), 932. GUNN (Simon), 6418. GUNTERSDORFER (Ivett Rita), 5034. GÜNTHER (Hans-Christian), 894. GÜNTHER (Kai-Henrik), 2815. GUO (Qingwang), 8008. GUPTA (Sobhanlal Datta), 4101. GÜRPINAR (Doğan), 4570, 7038. GÜRSAN-SALZMANN (A.), 1303. GUS'KOVA (Elena Ju.), 7021. GUSAROVA (Ksenija O.), 4425. GUST (Kerstin), 6436. GUSTAFSSON (Harald), 763. Gustav I, Kung av Sverige, 5860. Gustav III, Sveriges kung, 4523, 7339. GÜTERBOCK (Hans G.), 1225. GUTERL (Matthew Pratt), 295, 6588. GUTIÉRREZ (Florencia), 6826. GUTIÉRREZ RUVALCABA (Ignacio), 5965. GUTTMANN (Aviva), 4540. GUTWERK (Simone), 5244. GUY (Jeff), 7143. GUYON (Stéphanie), 7208. GUZIK (Hubert), 6589. GUZMÁN (Tracy Devine), 3600. GUZUN (Vadim), 4381. GYARMATI (György), 4095. Gyges, 1560. GYSEMBERGH (Victor), 1526, 1611. H HAACK (Marie-Laurence), 273. HAAKE (Matthias), 1657. HAAKONSSEN (Knud), 5424.

INDEX OF NAMES Haarer (Johanna), 5282. HABER (Carole), 6961. HABER (Peter), 306. HÄBERLEIN (Mark), 2667, 7275. HÄBERLEN (Joachim C.), 6827. HABERMANN (Tomáš), 7725. Habermas (Jürgen), 5425. HABERMAS (Rebekka), 5099. HABERMEHL (Diederick), 2112. HABERSACK (Alice), 7590. HABIB (Claude), 5434. Habsburg (Haus von), 566, 4287, 7511. HACCHE (Graham), 6314. HACHLILI (Rachel), 810. HACKETT (Jeremiah M.), 838. HACKL (Johannes), 1180. HADDAD (John R.), 6169. HADFIELD (Leslie), 4471. Hadith Bayād wa-Riyād, 2712. HADJEM (Belaïd), 3518. HADLEY (Dawn M.), 2718. HADORN (Christian), 6828. Hadrianus (Publius Aelius Traianus), Roman emperor, 1860. HAEG (Larry), 6303. HAERINCK (Ernie), 1281. HAERS (J.), 819. HAEUSSLER (Ralph), 1943. HAFFNER (Jeanne), 5515. HAFSAAS-TSAKOS (Henriette), 1012. HAGEMANN (Karen), 5172. HAGOPIAN (Patrick), 7009. HAHN (Kurt), 5626. HAHN (Lothar), 5570. HAHN (Peter-Michael), 3872. HAIDUC-DALE (Noah), 4318. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 7668. Hailsham (Douglas), 3991. Haimo Autissiodorens, 3413. HAKIM (Carol), 4226. HAKOISHI (Hiroshi), 4198. HALARY (Marie-Pascale), 3186. HALBEISEN (Patrick), 6031. HALDER (Marc), 4441. HALL (Bruce S.), 6170. HALL (Linda B.), 5907. HALL (Mark David), 4639. HALL (Stuart), 756. HALL (Valerie G.), 6083. HALLE (Uta), 292. HALLER (Lea), 5619. HALLIWELL (Martin), 5516. HALLON (Ľudovít), 6304. HALM-TISSERANT (Monique), 1658. HÄMÄLÄINEN (Pekka), 417. HAMANN (David), 6590.

HAMARK (Jesper), 6829. HAMBLIN (Jacob Darwin), 764. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.), 3330, 3381. HAMERŠAK (Filip), 5720. HAMES (Peter), 3681. HAMIL (Sean), 6140. HAMILTON (Keith), 7028, 7822. HAMMAR (Isak), 1996. HAMMEKEN (Luis de Pablo), 6591. HAMMER (Juliane), 829. HAMMERSTEIN (Notker), 5180. Hammurabi, king of Babylon, 1211. HAMON (Patrice), 1352, 1409. HAMON (Philippe), 3499. HAMPF (M. Michaela), 6079. HAMPSHIRE (Edward), 226, 7823. HAMPTON (Isaac), 4640. HAMSCHA (Susanne), 5908. HAN (Chi-wŏn), 8080. HAND (Joni M.), 2914. HANES (Christopher), 6305. HANHARDT (Christina B.), 6592. HANHIMÄKI (Jussi M.), 7044. HANKE (Edith), 5443. HANLON (Gregory), 767. HANN (Andrew), 7092. HANNA (Erika), 6419. HANNAH (Leslie), 6568. HANNAK (Kristine), 5656. HANNICKEL (Erica), 6593. HANNIG (Alma), 73, 296. HANOVS (Deniss), 4224. HANSEN (Per H.), 6306. HANSEN (Peter H.), 768. HANSEN (Peter Wessel), 6594. HANSEN (Randall), 5517. HANSEN (Sebastian), 3874. HANSKA (Jussi), 3251. HANSLMEIER (Arnold), 5518. HANSMANN (Henry), 6344. HANSMANN (Otto), 5434. HANUS (Jord), 6595. HANZLÍK (František), 3682. HAQUIN (A.), 819. HARA (Akira), 4201. HARAI (Dénes), 4089. HARASIMOWICZ (Andrzej), 7039. HARBOU (Knud von), 5330. HARBSMEIER (Michael), 161. HÅRD (Mikael), 5557. HARDER (Ernesto), 3875. HARDIE (Alex), 1612. HARDING (Anthony), 600. HARDTWIG (Wolfgang), 297. HARDWICK (Lorna), 5049. HARDY (Karen), 936. HARICHARAN (Smriti), 1043. HARICH-SCHWARZBAUER (Henriette), 2570.

361 Harig (Ludwig), 5768. HARING (Sabine), 6635. HARKE (Jan Dirk), 1884. HARKER (Ben), 6830. HARLAND (Philip A.), 1311. Harlins (Latasha), 6996. HARLOE (Katherine), 440. HARMAN (Kristyn), 7250. HARMER (Tanya), 7824. HARMES (Marcus K.), 4006. HARMS (Robert), 7106. HARMS (Roeland), 5346. HARNA (Josef), 3683. HARPER (Kyle), 2149. Harriman (Edward Henry), 6303. HARRINGTON (Joel F.), 6962. HARRIS (Charles H. III), 7471. HARRIS (David), 4448. HARRIS (Dianne), 6596. HARRIS (Edward M.), 1458. HARRIS (James A.), 885. HARRIS (James), 4396. HARRIS (Jay M.), 4983. HARRIS (Steven E.), 6420. HARRIS (Tim), 3998. HARRIS (W. V), 1325. HARRIS (William V.), 411. HARRISON (Carol), 2280. HARRISON (Dick), 568. HARRISON (Henrietta), 4898. HARRISON (Mark), 689. HARRISON (Rodney), 598. HARRISON (Stephen J.), 1992, 1997. HARRISON (Stephen), 5049. HARRISON (Thomas), 426. HARRISON LINDBERGH (Katarina), 568. HARRISSON (Juliette), 1828. HARROW (Kenneth W.), 5909. HARRYVAN (Anjo G.), 4291. HART (Bradley W.), 5519. HART (D. G.), 4941. HART (Justin), 7591. HÄRTER (Karl), 658. HARTER-UIBOPUU (Kaja), 1329. HARTMANN (Florian), 2980. HARTMANN (Heiko), 2935. HARTMANN (Martina), 413. HARTMANN (Nicole), 2281. HARTMUT (Rosa), 304. HARTOG (François), 304, 464. HARTOG (Paul), 2203. HARTZ (Sönke), 937. HARVEY (Elizabeth A.), 6307. HARVEY (Warren Zev), 5438. HASAN (Mihai Florin), 2816. HASCHER-BURGER (Ulrike), 3264. HASELBERG (Lea Wohl von), 4988. HASHIKAWA (Kenryu), 4641.

362 HASHINO (Tomoko), 6084. HASSANPOUR (Ata), 1291. HASSLER (Éric), 3563. HASTIE (William A.), 6141. HASTINGS (Max), 7472. HATTER (Lawrence B. A.), 7328. Hatto I Moguntinus, 3240. HATZOPOULOS (Miltiade), 1352. HAULMAN (Kate), 335. HAUNERLAND (Winfried), 4771. HAUPT (Heinz-Gerhard), 395. HAUSBERGER (Bernd), 5910, 5911. HAUSBURG (Bianca C.), 1989. HAUSCHILD (Stephanie), 28. HAUSDORFF (Felix), 5520. HAUSEN (Karin), 298. HAUSMANN (Matthias), 5626. Havel (Václav), 3677, 3708. HAVELANGE (Isabelle), IV. HAVEMANN (Nils), 6597. HAVIK (Philip J.), 7144. HAWKES (David), 2897. HAWKINS (John P.), 4074. HAWKINS (Michael C.), 7104. HAWORTH (Nigel), 6835. HAWTREE (Richard), 3218. HAYDEN (J. Michael), 4832. HAYES (Katherine Howlett), 6223. HAYNES (Ian), 1944. HAYNES (Sam W.), 4257. HAYTON (Jeff), 5912. HAZIZA (Typhaine), 1527. HE (Kunyu), 962. HE (Wenkai), 6308. HEAD (Matthew), 5913. HEAD (Randolph C.), 543. HEALY-CLANCY (Meghan), 5245. Heath (Edward), 7866. HEATHER (Peter J.), 2614. HEATHORN (Stephen), 3631. HEATON (Matthew M.), 5521, 6598. HÉBERT (Michel), 2511, 2752. HECHLER (Daniel), 5192. HECKER (Rolf), 5430. HECKL (Raik), 1247. HEDLUND (Ragnar), 2418. HEDSTROM (Matthew S.), 5080. HEDVALL (Rikard), 3432. Hedwig Eleonora, Sveriges drottning, 254. HEEBØLL-HOLM (Thomas K.), 2665. Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich), 883, 5417, 5423, 5425. Hegel (Karl), 418. HEHL (Ulrich von), 3917. HEIAN-ENGDAL (Marte), 7726. HEIDECKER (Karl), 2. HEIDEGGER (Martin), 877, 881, 5389, 5410, 5419, 5425, 5444.

INDEX OF NAMES HEIDUSCHKE (Sebastian), 5914. HEIKKILÄ (Hilkka), 6463. HEIL (Andreas), 1998. Heine (Heinrich), 5686. HEINE (Jorge), 595. HEINEN (Armin), 4382. HEINEN (Christina M.), 5915. Heinrich V, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2600, 2631. Heinrich VII, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2628. Heinrich XVI, der Reiche, Herzog von Bayern-Landshut, 2738. HEINS (Laura), 5916. HEINS (Marjorie), 6911. HEINZ (Alexander), 7825. HEINZ (Julia von), 5917. HEINZMANN (Richard), 854. HEITMANN (Clemens), 3831. HEITNER (Devorah), 5918. HEITZMANN (Christian), 18. HÉLARY (Xavier), 2489. HELFENBERGER (Marianne), 5246. HELFFERICH (Tryntje), 7276. Helia, Sancta, 2169. Helia, Sancta, 2347. HELL (Leonhard), 4864. HELLY (Bruno), 1352, 1705. HELMER (Ángela), 133. HELMRATH (Johannes), 305, 2981. HELMS (Elissa), 3587. HELWING (Barbara), 1013, 1282. HEMELRIJK (Emily), 1968. HEMPSON (Donald A. III), 7473. HEN (Yitzhak), 3411. HENCKES (Nicolas), 6950. HENDERSON (Peter V. N.), 8094. HENDERSON (Susan R.), 5825. HENDRICKSON (Mark), 6831. HENDRICKX (Benjamin), 558. HENG (Derek), 7912. HENGST (Daniël den), 1780. HENKE (Christiane), 6925. HENNECKE (Hans Jörg), 5407. HENNESSEY (Thomas), 7727. HENNIG (Anke), 5636. HENNING (Eckhart), 227. HENNING (Friedrich-Wilhelm), 690. Henri I, comte de Champagne, 2533. HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian), 665, 5869. HENRIKSON (Paula), 5327. HENRIOT (Christian), 216. HENROT (Geneviève), 5739. HENRY (Buckley), 4490. Henry (James), 5698. Henry II, king of England, 385. Henry VIII, King of England, 3985, 4007, 4066.

HENSCHEN (Jan), 299. HENSEL (Jürgen), 6797. HENSEN (Andreas), 2070. HENTSCHEL (Volker), 7040. HEPPELL (Timothy), 6834. Heraclitus, 1627. HERBERS (Klaus), 11, 536, 3235, 3304. HERBST (Klaus-Dieter), 5499. HÉRICHÉ-PRADEAU (Sandrine), 37. HERMAN (Michael), 7673. HERMAND (Jost), 552. HERMANN (Denis), 4115. HERMANN (Markus-Liborius), 2282. HERMES (Maria), 6451. HERNÁNDEZ (Claudio), 4491, 4498. HERNÁNDEZ DE LA FUENTE (David), 1868. HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ (José María), 5276. HERNÁNDEZ JAIMES (Jesús), 4250, 6309. HERNÁNDEZ SOUBERVIELLE (José Armando), 6224. HERNÁNDEZ-GASCH (Jordi), 1248. Herodes, son of Samos, 1359. Herodotus Tarsensis, 1631. Herodotus, 419, 1487, 1508, 1519, 1520, 1527, 1556, 1559, 1560, 1570, 1572, 1574, 1582, 1586, 1595. HEROLD (Heiko), 7083. HEROLD (Jürgen), 2513. HERON (Carl), 937. HERRERA (Carlos Miguel), 5434. HERRERA (Robinson A.), 5064. HERRERA GONZÁLEZ DE MOLINA (Antonio), 4485. HERRERO (Fabián), 3543. HERRESTHAL (Max), 7436. HERRIN (Judith), 2432. HERRING (Edward), 1933. HERRMANN (John J.), 2164. HERRMANN (Katrin), 1829. HERRMANN (Steffen), 5423. HERRMANN (Ulrike), 1078. HERRMANN (Wilhelm), 4725. HERSANT (Marc), 5158. HERTEL (Dieter), 2113. HERTEL (Thomas K.), 1079. HERTZIG (Stefan), 5826. HERTZMAN (Marc A.), 5919. HERZBERG (Julia), 719, 6225. Herzfeld (Ernst), 1281. HERZOG (Don), 4008. HERZOG (Markwart), 340. HERZOG (Tamar), 6171. Hesiodus, 1494, 1499, 1597, 2047.

INDEX OF NAMES HESPANHA (António Manuel), 6963. HESSE (Jan-Otmar), 691. HETTLING (Manfred), 287. HEUFT (Christian), 1894. HEURTEBIZE (Frédéric), 7826. HEUSER (Béatrice), 569. Heusler (Andreas), 6926. HEUSS (Theodor), 3825, 3923. HEVIA BALLINA (Agustín), 4811. HEWITSON (Mark), 3876. HEYBERGER (Bernard), 5072. HEYBERGER (Laurent), 6421. HEYDEMANN (Gerda), 2157, 2161. Heydrich (Reinhard), 7647. HEYL (Christoph), 713. HEYVAERT (Vanessa), 1284. Heywood (Oliver), 4973. HEYWORTH (Melanie), 3030. HICKS (Jeremy), 5020. HICKS (Leonie V.), 2864. HIDALGO (Oliver), 5434. HIDALGO-CHACÓN DÍEZ (M. del Carmen), 1249. Hieronymus (Eusebius Sophronius), Sanctus, 2190, 2191. Higgins (H. B.), 6016. HIGGINS (Winton), 4529. Higgs (Peter), 5481. HIGHAM (N.J.), 3346. HIGHAM (Nicholas J.), 571. HIGHTOWER (Michael J.), 6310. HIGUCHI (Tomoji), 8039. HIGUCHI (Wakako), 7626. HIKEL (Christine), 3877. HILAIRE (Yves-Marie), 841. Hilarius Arelatensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2192. Hilarius Pictaviensis, 2234. Hilbert (David), 5449. Hildeberts von Lavardin, 3342. HILGERT (Nora), 5920. HILL (Helena), 694. Hill (James Jerome), 6303. HILL (Ross A.), 1687. HILLARD (Tom), 1767. HILLENBRAND (Klaus), 3878. HILLER (Tammy Bunn), 6294. HILLIARD (Christopher), 5081. HILLIS (Faith), 4588. HILLS (Helen), 6437. HILMES (Oliver), 3879. HILT (Eric), 6311. HILTON (Matthew), 383, 4009. HIMES (Kenneth R.), 4780. HIN (Saskia), 1945. HINDLE (Steve), 6710. HINDMAN (Sandra), 20. HINKS (Peter P.), 4594. HINNEBUSCH (Raymond), 7068.

HINTERBERGER (Martin), 2433. HINTON (James), 4010. HINTZEN (Beate), 2023. HINZ-WESSELS (Annette), 6600. Hippocrates, 1615, 1617, 1635, 1636, 1703. HIRIBARREN (Vincent), 300. HIRSCH (Thomas), 464, 503. Hirschman (Albert O.), 6037. HIRT (Gerulf), 5082. HIßNAUER (Christian), 5921. HITE (Katherine), 365. Hitler (Adolf), 3905, 3913, 3920, 5143, 5887, 5980, 7040, 7550, 7599, 7618, 7636. HIXSON (Walter L.), 7209. HLADKÝ (Ladislav), 3704. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří), 3684. HLAVINKA (Ján), 4987. HLAWITSCHKA (Eduard), 2629. HOAG (Heather J.), 8087. HOARE (George), 5421. HOARE (Marko Attila), 3588. Hobsbawm (Eric J.), 420. HOBSON (G. Thomas), 1250. HOCHBRUCK (Wolfgang), 5923. HOCHEDLINGER (Michael), 228. HOCK (Beata), 5924. HOCMARD (Gérard), 575. HODDER (Ian), 967. HODGIN (Nick), 5925. HOEFFERLE (Caroline M.), 4011. HOERES (Peter), 624, 5926, 7023, 7827. HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE (Christine), 387. HÖFELE (Andreas), 284. HOFER (Andrew), 2283. HOFER (Michael), 5425. HOFER (Nikolaus), 3048. HOFF (Johannes), 3183. HOFFMAN (Elizabeth Cobbs), 7041. HOFFMANN (Annette), 29. HOFFMANN (Dieter), 5523. HOFFMANN (Peter), 3880. HOFFMANN (Volker Karl), 6965. HOFFNER (Harry A.), 1225. HOFMANN (Daniela), 968, 969, 994. HOFMANN (Urs), 4942. HOFMEYR (Isabel), 309. HOGAŞ (Gelu), 7474. HÖGBERG (Ulf), 5524. HOGG (James), 3259. HÖGGER (Daniel), 656. HÖGSELIUS (Per), 6085. HÖH (Marc von der), 2795, 2902. HOHEISEL (Wiebke), 5722. HOHENDORF (Gerrit), 769. Hohenlohe (Familie), 73.

363 HOHENSEE (Ulrike), 2509, 2526. HØIDAL (Oddvar K.), 4305. Høigård (Einar), 7648. HOLLAND (James E.), 2028. HOLLER (Martin), 3937. HOLLINGWORTH (Miles), 2284. HOLLOWAY (Anne), 5669. Hollowell (Donald L.), 4615. HOLLÝ (Karol), 5525. HOLMLUND (Kerstin), 6601. HOLMLUND (Sofia), 720. HÖLSCHER (Tonio), 1400. HÖLSCHER (Wolfgang), 7767. HOLSTE (Karsten), 6890. HOLTEY (Ingrid), 3970. HOLTORF (Christian), 5526. HOLTZ (Bärbel), 5446. HOLZER (Assaf), 1258. HOMBURG (Ernst), 6261. Homerus, 1314, 1474, 1494, 1500, 1502, 1526, 1529, 1569. HÖMKE (Nicola), 1999. HONESS (Claire E.), 3007. HONEY (David B.), 5632. HONEYMAN (Katrina), 6525. Honoratus Arelatensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2192. Honorius (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1820, 1812, 2156. Honorius III, papa, 3229. HONSOVÁ (Karolína), 3685. HOOGENBOOM (Marcel), 6832. HÖPEL (Thomas), 6011. HOPKINS (Benjamin D.), 4309. Hopkins (Harry Lloyd), 7609. HOPPER (Andrew), 6602. HOPPER (Kristen), 1283. HORÁK (Jiří), 6833. HORÁK (Pavel), 3686. Horatius Flaccus (Quintus), 894, 1979, 2021, 2052. HORCH (Caroline), 3104. HÖRDLER (Stefan), 3929. HORN (Chloé), 2945. HORN (Friedrich W.), 861, 2221. HORN (Geoff), 4012. HORNBLOWER (Simon), 1393. HORNE (John), 4133. HORNING (Audrey), 7210. HORNING (Susan Schmidt), 5927. HORNSBY (Robert), 4402. HOROWITZ (Brian), 5084. HOROWITZ (Sarah), 3771. HORRELL (David G.), 2223. HORRELL (Sara), 6574. HORSFALL (Nicholas), 1802. HORST (Claudia), 2057. HORSTER (Marietta), 2114. HORTAL MUÑOZ (José Eloy), 4281. HORWITZ (Liora Kolska), 1258.

364 HOSNE (Ana Carolina), 4899. HOTTA (Eri), 7556. HOU (Shen), 6422. HOUBEN (Hubert), 2516. HOUDA (Přemysl), 5928. HOULLEMARE (Marie), 3772. HOUPT (Stefan), 6086. HOURCADE (Emmanuel), 3811. HOURCADE (Renaud), 248. HOURIHANE (Colum), 3051, 3124. House (Edward), 7465. HOWARD (Adam M.), 7769. HOWARD (Deborah), 3361. HOWARD (Ella), 6603. HOWE (Cymene), 4296. HOWELL (Martha C.), 3465. HOWIND (Sascha), 5085. HÖWING (Thomas), 5425. HOWLAND (Nina D.), 7769. HOWORTH (Carole), 6324. HOYLE (Richard W.), 6221. HOYOS (Dexter), 545, 1789. HRADILEK (Adam), 4398. HRISTEA (Traian Laurenţiu), 7828. HRITZ (Carrie), 1080. HRODEJ (Philippe), 553. HRUBY (Julie), 1341. HRUDA (Tomáš), 5248. HU (Cheng), 7950. HU (Guoxiang), 7951. HUANG (Daming), 7996. HUANG (Jinxing), 7952. HUANG (Zijin), 7954. HÜBENER (Kristina), 3840. HUBENÝ (David), 6912. HUBER (Matthew T.), 6313. HUBER (Stefan Mario), 5249. HUBER (Valeska), 6604. HÜBINGER (Gangolf), 5065, 5443. HÜBNER (Adelheid), 2199. HUDÁČEK (Pavol), 2753. HUDEK (Adam), 310. HUEBNER (Sabine R.), 559. HUEFFER (Francis), 3155. HUFF (Gregg), 7592. HUFFMAN (Michael), 936. HUGGAN (Graham), 596. HUGHES (Dhana), 4515. HUGHES (Gwilym), 7673. HUGHES (Kyle), 6605. HUGHES (Matthew), 7105. HUGHES (R. Gerald), 7829. HUGHES (Rebecca C.), 7145. HUGHES (Stephen), 6835. Hugo (Victor), 5756, 5758. HUGON (Alain), 3499. HUGONIOT (Christophe), 1312. HÜHN (Manfred), 771. HUI (Alexandra), 5929. HULL (Christopher), 7042. HUMBERT (Mathieu), 7728.

INDEX OF NAMES Humboldt (Alexander von), 5446. Hume (David), 5424. HUMPHREY (David C.), 7769. HUMPHREYS (Margaret), 5527. HUMPHRIES (Jane), 6606. HUMPHRIES (John), 168. HUMPHRIES (Mark Osborne), 5528. HUMPHRIES (Thomas L.), 2285. HUNDLEY (Michael B.), 1181. HUNG (Hsiao-chun), 959. HUNNICUTT (Benjamin Kline), 6607. HUNT (Jeffrey M.), 2000. HUNT (Lynn), 650, 3763. HUNT (Steven A.), 2255. HUNT ORTIZ (Mark A.), 1029. HUNTER (Emma), 48. HUNTINGTON (Joanna), 3336. HÜPPAUF (Bernd), 625. HUROWITZ (Victor Avigdor), 1182. Hus (Jan), 2750, 3353. Husák (Gustav), 3688, 3707, 4458. HUSCHNER (Wolfgang), 774. HÜSER (Dietmar), 7069. Hüseyin Nâzım Pasha, 4582. Husserl (Edmund), 484, 5419. HUSTWIT (William P.), 4642. HUTCHINSON (Gregory O.), 1321. HUTHWELKER (Thorsten), 2819. HÜTTERMANN (Armin), 5598. HÜTTLER (Michael), 5986. HUTTON (T. R. C.), 4643. HYDE (Charles K.), 6087. HYDEN-HANSCHO (Veronika), 5054, 6608. Hyperides, 1443. HYUN (Jin Kim), 2572. I I (Hyeong-Sik), 4202. IACOB (Mihaela), 1946. Iacobus Iustus, 2193, 2277, 2337. Iacobus Sarugiensis, 2194. IACOVIELLO (Annalinda), 1133. Iamblichus, 1394. IANNELLI (Francesca), 5423. IBÁÑEZ SANTA MARÍA (Adolfo), 3640. IBARRA (Ana Carolina), 311. IBARRA (Antonio), 7211. IBER (Patrick J.), 7830. IBHAWOH (Bonny), 7146. IBSEN (Monica), 3213, 3214. ICĂ (Ioan), 2356. ICĂ (Maria-Cornelia), 2356. ICKES (Scott), 5086. IDE (Eisaku), 6346. Idéou (Dossou), 3817. Idomeneus Lampsacenus, 1575. IDRISSI ALAMI (Ahmed), 169.

Iesus Christus, 2071, 2219, 2223, 2236, 2244, 2245, 2283, 2289, 2310, 2312, 2339, 2340, 2341, 2380, 2470. IFFONO (Aly Gilbert), 4080. IFKOVITS (Kurt), 5385. Iginus (Gaius Iulius), 2061. IGLER (David), 8101. IGLESIAS (Daniel), 4327. IGLESIAS GIL (Josè M.), 1773. Ignatius I, patriarch of Constantinople, 2378. IGURO (Shinobu), 7953. IHARA (Kesao), 8037. IIDA (Yoshihiro), 3881. IKEGAMI (Masako), 6088. IKEJIRI (Yoko), 7307. IKRAM (Salima), 1149. IL'IN (Dmitrij V.), 5409. ILIAKIS (Michael), 1410. ILIEVA (Iliana), 7380. ILLADES (Carlos), 6872. ILSKI (Zdzisław), 4348. IMAI (Masami), 6301. IMBODEN (Gabriela), 5610. IMBUA (David Lishilinimle), 6609. IMHOOF (David), 3882. IMÍZCOZ (José María), 5237. IMLAY (Talbot C.), 7084. IMMERMAN (Richard H.), 599. IMMLER (Gerhard), 7261. INAGAKI (Ryosuke), 3184. INCLÁN FUENTES (Carlos), 4251. INDE (Tadao), 3384. INDELLI (Tommaso), 2615. INFANTE AMATE (Juan), 6226. INGLIS (Kerri A.), 5529. INGOLD (Felix Philipp), 4403. INNES (Joanna), 3501. INNES (Matthew), 2801. Innis (Harold), 6038. INNIS-JIMÉNEZ (Michael), 6610. Innocentius III, papa, 3250, 3381. Innocentius VIII, papa, 2661. INOUE (Koichi), 2395. INOUE (Masao), 2573. INTERDONATO (Elisabetta), 1706. INTINI (Mariella), 3290. INTROVIGNE (Massimo), 846. IOACHIM FLORENSIS, 3356. Ioan Basarab, 2564. Ioannes Saresberiensis, 3182. IOGNA-PRAT (Dominique), 3282, 3308. Iohannes Cassianus, Sanctus, 2285. Iohannes Chrysostomus, 2166, 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2257. Iohannes Damascenus, Sanctus, 2211, 2366, 2475. Iohannes Ieiunatoris, episcopus, Sanctus, 2202.

INDEX OF NAMES Iohannes Italus, 2367. Iohannes Lydus, 2368-2370. Iohannes VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2438. Iohannes Xiphilinus, 2371. Iohannes XXII, papa, 3257. Iohannes Zonaras, 2372. Iohannes, evangelista, Sanctus, 2198, 2207, 2244, 2255, 2304, 2311, 2314, 2315. Ion Chius, 1395. IONESCU (Aurelian), 1294. IORDACHI (Constantin), 7043. Iordanes, 2389. IORGA (Filip Lucian), 77. Ipsen (Gunther), 6590. IRAVEDRA (Araceli), 5755. Irenaeus Lugdunensis, episcopus, 2222. IRIARTE (Ana), 1528. IRIARTE AVILÉS (Eneko), 943. IRIBARREN (Leopoldo), 1613. IRIYE (Akira), 565, 576, 3474. IRWIN (Julia F.), 7045. Isaacius Comnenus, king of Cyprus, 2455. Isaacius II Angelus, Byzantine emperor, 2463. ISAACMAN (Allen F.), 6227. ISAACMAN (Barbara p.), 6227. ISAAK (Silke), 633. ISABEL (Nogueira), 5854. Isabel Clara Eugenia Infanta of Spain, 4287. Isabella d'Este, marchesa di Mantova, 4159. Isfendiyaroglu Ismail Bey, 2653. ISHIDA (Tomoo), 1251. ISHINABE (Masumi), 3106. Isidorus Hispalensis, Sanctus, 2012, 2043. ISKENDEROV (Petr A.), 3516. ISKJUL' (Sergej N.), 7348. ISMAEL (Tareq Y.), 4519. ISMAELLI (Tommaso), 1081. ISOGAI (Fujio), 8040. Israel (Abraham), 5704. ISRAEL (Uwe), 2880. ISRAELI (Ofer), 7729. ISRAELI (Raphael), 7557. ISRAËLS (Machtelt), 5140. ISTOMIN (Aleksej A.), 8100. ITALIA (Paola), 5724. ITGENSHORST (Tanja), 2001. ITO (Koji), 8057. ITTMANN (Karl), 7086. Iulia Domna, 1835. Iulianus (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 1846, 2145. Iulianus, episcopus Toletanus, 3394.

Iustinianus I (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 1812, 2415, 2416. Iustinus (Marcus Iunianus), 1972. Iuvenalis (Decimus Iunius), 1788, 2021. IVANIČKOVÁ (Edita), 3494. IVANOV (Aleksej V.), 527. IVANOV (Leonte), 5027. IVANOVA (Katya), 6611. IVANOVA (Mariya), 1014. IVANTSOVA (Ol'ga K.), 4419. IWAMOTO (Keiko), 6612. IWATA (Yasuo), 1638. IZAC-IMBERT (Sophie), 2487. IZZO (Annalisa), 5725. J JABLONSKIJ (Leonid T.), 816. JACK (Sarah), 5207. Jackson (Andrew), 546. JACKSON (Ashley), 579, 5827. JACKSON (Caroline M.), 1146. JACKSON (Giorgio), 2058. JACKSON (Mark), 5531. JACKSON (Maureen), 5931. JACKSON (Peter), 7475. JACKSON (Robert H.), 4900. JACKSON (Sarah E.), 8095. JACKSON (Will), 6613. JACOB (Frank), 775. JACOBI (Juliane), 5251. JACOBS (Ine), 1082, 2116. JACOBS (Thibault), 2821. JACOBSEN (Eric), 7832. JACOBSEN (Jan Kindberg), 1707. Jacobus de Marchia, 3335. JACOBUS DE VITRIACO, 3351. JACOBY (Karl), 417. Jacopo da Verona, 3092. Jacopone da Todi, 2956, 3017. JACOTOT (Mathieu), 1947. JACQUEMIN (Anne), 1708. Jacques de Longuyon, 2944. JAEGGI (Rahel), 5430. JÄGER (Jana), 5726. JÄGGI (Carola), 2117. JAGODZINSKI (Sabine), 5795. JAH (Akim), 3883. JÄKEL (Gerd), 2984. JAKOBSON (Vladimir A.), 1061. JAKOBSSON (Sverrir), 2822. JAKOVLEV (Petr P.), 4512. Jakovleva (A. I.), 401. JAKOVLEVA (Nailja M.), 3509, 4511. JAKSIC (Ivan), 5392. JAKUBEC (Pavol), 7593. JALABERT (Laurent), 3766, 3795. JALOVAARA (Marika), 6614. JAMBU (Jérôme), 105. JAMES (Harold), 6315, 6316.

365 JAMES (Leighton), 7330. JAMES (Liz), 2480. JAMES (Peter), 1106. JAMES (Sarah E.), 5932. JAMES (Timothy M.), 4252. JAMPOLER (Andrew C. A.), 7147. JAMROZIAK (Emilia), 3291, 3299. JANCKE (Gabriele), 5094. JANJETOVIC (Zoran), 7588. JANKOWIAK (Marek), 2435. JANNEY (Caroline E.), 313. JANOVSKIJ (Andrej D.), 4417. JANSEN (Jan C.), 314, 7148. JANSS (Christian), 5327. JANSSEN (Geert H.), 824. JANSSON (Jenny), 6836. JANTZEN (Connie), 3449. JANZ (Oliver), 7476. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.), 3950. JARLAN (Bianca), 4944. JARMUŻEK (Łukasz), 1134. JARRETT (Mark), 7331. JARZUTKINA (Anastasija A.), 5021. JÄSCHKE (Uwe Ulrich), 3430. JASER (Christian), 3385. JASINI (Rudina), 4068. JASKOSKI (Maiah), 3727. JASPERT (Bernd), 850. JASPERT (Nikolas), 610, 2795. JATTEAU (Arthur), 6012. JAUERNIG (Martha), I. JAWORSKI (Rudolf), 5933. JAY (Mandy), 982. JAYAL (Niraja Gopal), 4103. JEAMMET (Violaine), 1690. Jean de Bourgogne, 2504. JEANCLOS (Yves), 6946. JEANNELLE (Jean-Louis), 5158. JEANNENEY (Jean-Noël), 315. JEANNESSON (Stanislas), 7381. JEANPIERRE (Laurent), 5796. Jebsen (Michael), 3972. Jefferson (Thomas), 7340. JEFFORD (Clayton N.), 2168. JEFFREYS-JONES (Rhodri), 4645, 7046. JEGGLE (Christof), 2667. JEHNE (Martin), 1895, 1939, 2081. JEMELKA (Martin), 6091. JENA (Detlef), 3884. Jencks (Clinton), 6843. JENCO (Leigh), 776. JENKINS (William), 4646. JENKYNS (Richard), 1948. JENNINGS (Julia A.), 6423. JENNINGS (Richard P.), 970. JENOTT (Lance), 2286. JENS (Inge), 5727. JENSEHAUGEN (Jørgen), 7726. JENSEN (Anthony K.), 465. JENSEN (Kristoffer), 6306, 6837.

366 JENSEN (Kurt Villads), 2578. JENSEN (Mikkel Munthe), 316. JENSEN (Njeri), 7842. JENSEN (Richard Bach), 7382. JENSEN (Uffa), 307, 6615. JENSEN-ERIKSEN (Niklas), 7730. JENSZ (Felicity), 4904. JEPPESEN-WIGELSWORTH (Alison), 2002. JEREMIAH (Edward), 1614. JEREZ (Marcelo), 3532. JERICHOW (Anders), 7558. JERNECK (Magnus), 7833. JESPERSEN (Leon), 3710. JESTAEDT (Matthias), 6878. JEWUŁA (Łukasz), 6424. Jhering (Rudolf von), 6882. JIANG (Ming), 962. JIANG (Ye), 8020. JIANG (Zhanghua), 962. JIMÉNEZ-JÁIMEZ (Víctor), 1019. JIMÉNEZ-PIERNAS (Alberto), 7776. JIN (Yufu), 7955. JINDRA (Zdeněk), 6092. JING (Ming), 7956. JIPP (Joshua W.), 2287. JIRÁSEK (Zdeněk), 7731. JIREČEK (Miroslav), 5252. JIRKU (Brigitte E.), 5629. JO (Hyejeong), 6624. JOEL (Tony), 331. JOHANNES (Süßmann), 663. JOHANNES DE MALLIACO, 3321. Johannes II Komnenos, Byzantine emperor, 2439. JOHANNESSEN (Finn Erhard), 7332. JOHANS (Emmanuel), 3281. JOHANSSON (Bengt), 5332. JOHANSSON (Jens), 888. John of Brienne, 2638. John Sholto Douglas, 9th Marquess of Queensberry, 6672. JOHNS (Susan M.), 2575. JOHNSEN ANDREASEN (Katrine), 757. JOHNSON (Aaron P.), 2184. JOHNSON (Christopher J.), 739. JOHNSON (Colin R.), 6616. JOHNSON (Gaynor), 4013. Johnson (Lyndon Baines), 4623, 7811, 7875. Johnson (Martin), 5868. JOHNSON (Matthew), 4014. Johnson (Osa), 5868. JOHNSON (Peter), 466. JOHNSON (Scott F.), 2194. JOHNSON (Todd M.), 4744. JOHNSTON (LCol Paul), 7625. JOIGNANT (Alfredo), 365. JOIGNANT RONDÓN (Alfredo), 7802.

INDEX OF NAMES JOLY (Hervé), 6093. Jonah, 1233. JONES (Clive), 7674. JONES (David Ceri), 4936. JONES (Elizabeth B.), 429. Jones (Frederic Wood), 5532. JONES (Frederick), 2118. JONES (G.), 971. JONES (Hilary), 4437. JONES (Huw), 971. JONES (Margaret), 6617. JONES (Martin K.), 942, 971. JONES (Matthew), 1284, 7834. JONES (Meirav), 5422. JONES (Peter), 5424. JONES (Polly), 317. JONES (Robert E.), 6172. JONES (Ross L.), 5532. JONES (Sarah Rees), 2687, 3450. JONES (Sarah), 1132. JONES (Stephen F.), 3819. JONES (Timothy Willem), 4945. JONES (William P.), 4647. JONKER (Joost), 6166. JØNSSON (Heidi Vad), 6618. JOPP (Tobias Alexander), 6094. Jordan (William C.), 2565. JÖRDENS (Andrea), 1135. JÖRG (Ruth), 4922. JORGE (David), 7869. JØRGENSEN (Torstein), 2578. JORGENSEN-EARP (Cheryl R.), 7559. JORIO (Marco), 573, 6452. JOSEPH (Gilbert M.), 4253. JOSEPH (Rosara), 4015. JOSEPHSON (Paul), 692. JOSKOWICZ (Ari), 4998. JOSSA (Stefano), 5095. JOST (François), 223. JOST (Jürgen), 5469. JOTISCHKY (Andrew), 2581. Jotterand (Franck), 5380. JOUANNA (Arlette), 3773. JOUANNA (Jacques), 1615. JOUANNO (Corinne), 1529. JOUET-PASTRÉ (Emmanuelle), 1616. Jouhaux (Léon), 6847. JOUIN (Céline), 7010. JOURDAIN (Steve), 7770. JOURDE (Pierre), 2999. JOURNOUD (Pierre), 7724. JOUTARD (Philippe), 223, 318. JOVANOVIC (Marija), 1028. JOVANOVSKI (Dalibor), 7909. JOVER MAESTRE (Francisco Javier), 1015. Joyce (James), 1529, 5742. JOYCE (Patrick), 4016. JOZIC (Daniel), 3580.

Juan Gonzales de Mendoza, 421. Juan II, rey de Castilla, 2662. Juárez (Benito), 6771. JUARISTI (Jon), 580. JUDD (Elisabeth), 4730. JUDDE DE LARIVIÈRE (Claire), 2823. JUDET DE LA COMBE (Pierre), 1530. JUDT (Matthias), 3885. JUHÁSZ (Erika), 2396. JUHÁSZ (József), 4444. Julianus (Marcus Didius Severus), imperatore romano, 1807. JULLIARD (Jacques), 3774. JULLIEN (Eva), 2824. JUNG (Franz), 2192. JUNGBLUTH (Franz), 3886. Jünger (Ernst), 5389. JUNGKIND (Thilo), 6095. JUNKER (Detlef), 7670. JUNTUNEN (Kai), 1531. JUNYK (Ihor), 5096. JURADO REVALIENTE (Iván), 6619. JURKOVIC (Ivan), 2547. JUSSEN (Bernhard), 739, 753. JÜTTE (Daniel), 4745. JÜTTE (Robert), 5533. K KABALA (James S.), 4746. KABASERVICE (Geoffrey), 4705. KABLY (Mohamed), 542. KACHURIN (Pamela Jill), 5797. KACIAF (Nicolas), 5334. KACZMARSKI (Krzysztof), 4349. KADANE (Matthew), 6173. KÁDÁR (Gábor), 7560. KADELBACH (Thomas), 5097. KAENEL (Philippe), 5333. KĀFĪ (Aḥmad), 4273. Kafka (Franz), 5731. KAGANOVITCH (Albert), 5000. KAGE (Toshio), 8041, 8062. KAHANOV (Yaacov), 1236. KAHLEYß (Julia), 2825. KÅHRSTRÖM (Olof), 6234. KAISER (Ivonne), 1343. KAISER (Wolfgang), 589, 1896. KAISER (Wolfram), 7893. KAJAVA (Mika), 2093. KAJIWARA (Yoichi), 3037. KALAORA (Bernard), 6620. KALDELLIS (Anthony), 2426, 2436. KALDRACK (Irina), 5462. Kalecki (Michael), 6046. KALIFA (Dominique), 626. KALINOWSKA-WÓJCIK (Barbara), 6090. KALIVODOVÁ (Eva), 7478. KALLET (Lisa), 1459, 1532.

INDEX OF NAMES KALLIO-SEPPÄ (Titta), 6463. KALMAN (Samuel), 7149. KALMIJN (Matthijs), 6611. KALTSOGIANNĒ (Helenē), 2372. KALVESMAKI (Joel), 2288. KAMEN (Deborah), 1437. KAMENEC (Ivan), 4452. KAMENSKY (Jane), 597. Kamieńki (Mieczysław), 5866. KAMIYA (Nobuyuki), 8042. Kamose, king of Egypt, 1125. KAMOUZIS (Dimitris), 4759. KAMPAKOGLOU (Alexandros), 1533. KAMPE (Norbert), 3955. KAMPEN (Natalie B.), 1949. KÄMPER (Heidrun), 627. KANANEN (Heli Kaarina), 6621. KANDA (Chisato), 8043. KANDA (Sayako), 7918. KANDEL (Maya), 7835. KANDER (Astrid), 6013. KANDIAH (Michael D.), 7028. Kandinskij (Vasilij V.), 5852. KANE (Paula M.), 4834. KANG (Erling), 3138. KANG (Man-ik), 8081. KANG (Taran), 467. KANGAS (Sini), 2576. KANN (Mark E.), 6622. KANOVEI (Vladimir), 5520. Kant (Immanuel), 883, 5136, 5395, 5423, 5425. KANTOR (Georgij M.), 1272. Kantorowicz (Ernst), 460. KANTROWITZ (Stephen), 4594. KANWISCHER (Simon), 651. Kanzler (Hermann von), 4765. KAPLAN (Petr), 3687. KAPPELHOFF (Hermann), 5949. KAPTEIJNS (Lidwien), 4467. KAPTIJN (Eva), 1083. KARAGIANNIS (Nathalie), 1323. KARAM (John Tofik), 7836. KARAMANOLIS (George), 2224. KARAMOUZI (Eirini), 7837. KARASAWA (Koichi), 2754. KARBIĆ (Damir), 770. KARILA-COHEN (Pierre), 628. KARIYA (Kota), 8088. Karl I 'der Große', röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2601, 2609, 2610, 2612, 2619. KARLSSON (Lars), 1755. KARLSSON (Mattias), 1183. KARN (Nicholas), 3217. KARNAČJEV (Aleksandr J.), 2367. KARNER (Stefan), 3572. KARNES (Kevin C.), 5934. KARPANTSCHOF (René), 3717. KARPOV (Sergey), 2403.

KARRAS (Ruth Mazo), 704. KARSVALL (Olof), 170. Kasa-Vubu (Joseph), 3655. KASPEROVÁ (Dana), 5253. KASPERSKI (Robert), 2151. KÄSSMANN (Margot), 3869. Kaštiliašu III, king of Babylon, 1166. KÄSTNER (Alex), 4939. KATAJALA-PELTOMAA (Sari), 2826, 3407. KATHERINE (Margaret), 932. KATO (Makoto), 2683. KATOUZIAN (Homa), 581. KATSIKAS (Stefanos), 4759. Katsura (Tarō), 4200. KATSUTA (Shunsuke), 4017. KATUŠIĆ (Maja), 7300. KAUDERS (Anthony D.), 5534. KAUFFMAN (Jesse), 7547. KAUFMAN (Scott), 7675. KAUFMANN (Frank-Michael), 2729. Kaufmann (Hans Paul), 5537. KAUL (Flemming), 1342. Kavasila (Nikolaj), 2392. KAVESHNIKOV (Nikolaj Ju.), 3507. Kavi, Iranian dynasty, 1296. KAWAGUCHI (Takushi), 7919. KAWAKAMI (Ei), 4254. KAWAKAMI (Tadao), 4018. KAWCYNSKI (Daniel), 4232. KAYA (Ayhan), 4571. KAYSER (François), 1352. KAZEMBEYKI (Mohammad Ali), 4116. KAZEN (Thomas), 2289. KÁZMEROVÁ (Ľubica), 7067. KEAN (Hilda), 366. KEAZOR (Henry), 5149. KECH (Kerstin), 7275. KECK (Margaret E.), 3593. KEDAR (Claudia), 6317. KEEFE (Katie), 982. KEEFER (Scott Andrew), 7011. KEEGAN (Peter), 1779. KEEHN (David C.), 4648. KÉFI-GHODBANE (Yasmina), 5444. KEIL (Lars-Broder), 3952. KEIM (Wolfgang), 765. KEISER (Thorsten), 6966. KEITA (Balla Mohamed), 3659. KELCHTERMANS (Leen), 5062. KELDER (Jorrit), 1136. KELLER (Sven), 3863, 3888. KELLERER (Sidonie), 5419. KELLOGG (Danielle L.), 1460. KELLY (Brian), 4593. KELLY (Catriona), 4395. KELLY (Christopher), 1869. KELLY (Gavin), 1831, 2309.

367 Kelly (J. B.), 7809. KELLY (Michael G.), 5624. KELLY (Morgan), 6228. KELLY (S. B.), 7809. KELLY (Sean), 7479. KELLY (Stephen), 4125. KELMAN (Ari), 4649. Kelsen (Hans), 6878. Kemnitz-Ludendorff (Mathilde von), 3941. KEMP (Barry J.), 1137, 1138. Kemp (Friedhelm), 5768. KEMPE (Michael), 7277. KEMPF (Gabriele), IX. KEMPTER (Klaus), 441. KEN (Kanai), 6425. KENDALL (Seth), 1832. KENEZ (Peter), 5001. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald), 7794, 7832, 7875, 7906. KENNEDY (Liam), 4134. KENNEDY (Ross A.), 549. KENT (David), 4019. KEREKES (Amália), 5893. Kerenskij (Aleksandr), 4431. KERIVEN (Brigitte), IV. KERN (Erika Harlitz), 3451. KERR (Robert M.), 1252. KERR-RITCHIE (Jeffrey R.), 4650. KERSKEN (Norbert), 2633. KERTAI (David), 1184. KESER-KAYAALP (Elif), 1185. KESKIAHO (Jesse), 2072. KESS (Alexandra), 4922. KESSELRING (K.J.), 4020. KESSELRING (Krista), 6997. Kessler (Harry Graf), 7455. KEßLER (Mario), 3889. KESZTENBAUM (Lionel), 6400. KETT (Joseph F.), 777. KEULEN (Sjoerd), 6320. KEUPP (Jan), 3452. Keynes (John Maynard), 6042, 6044, 6045. KEYSERS (Ralph Bernard), 5254. KHARIOUZOV (Astrid), 2003. KHARITONOVA (Valentina I.), 5023. KHATIB-SHAHIDI (Rashid Armin), 7594. KHAVANOVA (O. V.), 7313. KHEJFETS (Lazar' S.), 3510. KHEJFETS (Viktor L.), 3510. KHOURY (Dina Rizk), 4120. KHRISTOFOROV (Vasilij S.), 7642. Khrushchev (Nikita Sergeevich), 7660. Khurasani (Akhund), 4115. KIECHLE (Oliver), 3890. Kieffer (Philippe), 7635. KIEFT (Xavier), 5419.

368 KIENING (Christian), 3095. KIKUCHI (Hideaki), 7957. KIKUCHI (Hiroyuki), 8044. KIKUCHI (Isao), 8045. KIKUCHI (Yoshiyuki), 5535. KILBRIDE (Daniel), 778. KILDAY (Anne-Marie), 6623. KILIAN (Jürgen), 7644. Kilpatrick (James J.), 4642. KIM (Dae Soon), 4090. KIM (Hwansoo Ilmee), 5002. KIM (Kuentae), 6624. KIM (Seung-Young), 7595. KIM (Sŏng-hye), 4220. KIM (Suzy), 4221. KIMATA (Motokazu), 3107. KIMURA (Masato), 4213. KINCH (Ashby), 3108. KINČOK (Branislav), 3688. KINDER (Anna), 5728. KIND-KOVÁCS (Friederike), 5966. KING (Andy), 2560. KING (Desmond), 5517. King (Frederic Truby), 5282. KING (Geoffrey C.P.), 925. KING (Steven), 6669. Kingsley (Zephaniah Jr.), 7235. KINKEL (Sarah), 4021. KINNERBROCK (Werner), 60. KIOSOPOULOU (Tonia), 2437. KIPNIS (Yigal), 4138. KIRBY (Peter), 6625. Kircher (Athanasius), 5162. KIRCHHOF (Astrid Mignon), 718. KIRCHHOF (Tobias), 4781. KIRCHHOFF (Hans), 5003. KIRICHENKO (Alexander), 2004. KIRIMLI (Dr Hakan), 7383. KIRKBY (Diane), 7669. KIRKHAM (Victoria), 2959. KIRWAN (Richard), 5210. KISELEV (Aleksandr A.), 4067. KISSAS (Konstantinos), 1336. Kissinger (Henry), 7780, 7834, 7907. KITAMURA (Masaki), 8046. KITOUNI (Hosni), 3519. KITROMILIDES (Paschalis M.), 4069. KITTS (Margo), 1055. KITZING (Michael), 3891. KIVELSON (Valerie), 6626. KJÆR (Ulrik), 3718. KJÆRULFF HELLESEN (Jette), 693. KJELLMAN (Ulrika), 5536. KLAASSEN (Frank), 505. KLAIBER (Walter), 2209. KLÄMBT (Nils), 5537. KLANICZAY (Gábor), 3371. KLAPP (Otto), 891. KLAPPER (Melissa R.), 4651.

INDEX OF NAMES KLAPP-LEHRMANN (Astrid), 891. KLAPSIS (Antonis), 7480. KLAUS (Kinner), 3934. KLAUTKE (Egbert), 5538. KLAUŽER (Vedran), 171. KLEIMAN (Irit Ruth), 405. KLEIN (Bruno), 2827. KLEIN (Francesca), 12. KLEIN (Herbert S.), 7212. KLEIN (Jean-François), 6174. KLEIN (Judy L.), 5500. KLEIN (Martin A.), 7123, 7127. KLEIN (Peter), 3955. KLEINER (Juergen), 7838. KLEINER (Stephanie), 5935. KLEINERMAN (Alexandra), 1186. KLEINGÄRTNER (Sunhild), 2829. KLEINSCHMIDT (Anika L.), 2005. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald), 7012. Kleist (Heinrich von), 5721. KLEMANN (Hein A. M.), 6096, 6318. KLEMM (Tanja), 212. KLEMP (Stefan), 5004. KLERCK (Gilton), 6873. KLETEČKA (Thomas), 3557. KLIMKO (Jozef), 7047. KLIMPLOVÁ (Lenka), 5991. KLINGNER (Jacob), 909. KLINGNER (Stefan), 5425. KLINKERT (Thomas), 5759. KLINKERT (Wim), 4282. KLINKHAMMER (Lutz), 7336. KLIPPEL (Diethelm), 6876. KŁOCZOWSKI (Jerzy), 3292. KŁODZIŃSKI (Karol), 1768. KLOEKHORST (Alwin), 1226. KLOOSTERHUIS (Jürgen), 227. KLOPPENBORG (John S.), 1311. KLUCZEK (Agata A.), 2119. KLÜNERS (Martin), 468. KLÜSENER (Sebastian), 6426. KMEC (Sonja), 329. KNAPÍK (Jiří), 3680, 5255, 6570. KNAPP (Éva), 64. KNAPPIK (Franz), 5423. KNIGGE (Volkhard), 321. KNIGHT (Frances), 4043. KNIGHT (G. R.), 6175. KNOEPFLER (Denis), 1352. KNOLL (Eva-Maria), 5102. KNOLL (Martin), 5657. KNOLL (Michael), 3892. KNOPPER (Françoise), 3922. KNOWLES (Anne Kelly), 6097. KNUDSEN ((Dino), 7839. KNUPFER (Anne Meis), 6627. KOBAYASHI (Michihiko), 4209. KOBAYASHI (Takamichi), 7958. KOBUS (Andrzej), 4453. KOCH (Angelika), 5863.

KOCH (Dietrich-Alex), 2225. KOCH (Erin), 6628. KOCH (Matthias Albert), 5016. KOCHANEK (Piotr), 172. KOCHANOWSKI (Jerzy), 6176. KOCHEGAROV (Kirill Aleksandrovich), 7313. KOCHO-WILLIAMS (Alastair), 7048. KOCKA (Jürgen), 420, 6271, 6319, 6874, 7150. KOCÓJ (Henryk), 7323. KODETOVÁ (Petra), 7561. KODITSCHEK (Theodore), 4022. KODRES (Krista), 3383. KOEHN (Clemens), 426. KOENKER (Diane P.), 173, 6869. KOEPKE (Peter), 5520. KOERFER (Daniel), 319. KOFMAN (Andrej F.), 7246. KOGAN (Leonid E.), 1215. KOH (Ernest), 4449. Kohl (Helmut), 6325, 7660. KÖHLER (Stephan), 611. KOHLHAUER (Michael), 5434. KOHN (Thomas D.), 2006. KÖHNE (Julia B.), 5985. KOISTINEN (David), 6098. KÖIV (Mait), 1659. Kojong, King of Korea, 4220. KOK (Arthur), 5423. KOK (Ina), 49. KOKIN (Sergeĭ Anatolʹevich), 4587. KOKORÁK (Ján), 4454. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav), 7645. KOLB (Martina), 5100. KOLDITZ (Sebastian), 610, 2438. KOLESNIKOV (Alij I.), 1307. KÕLL (Anu Mai), 3737. KOLLER (Alexander), 7284. KOLLER (Christian), 320. KOLLMEIER (Kathrin), 7013. KOŁODZIEJ (Edward), 7435. KOMINE (Yukinori), 7840. KOMISARUK (Catherine), 6629. KOMOVA (Marianna A.), 5856. KOŃCZAL (Kornelia), 7817. KONDO (Kazuhiko), 4023. KONDO (Nobuaki), 7920. KONDRAT'EVA (Natalija B.), 3507. KONEČNÝ (Karel), 3682. KONEČNÝ (Martin), 2439. KONECNY (Peter), 6133. Koniecki (Dieter), 7678. KONIECZNA (Diana), 3576. KÖNIG (Jason), 3034. KÖNIG (Peter), 5441. KÖNIGHAUS (Waldemar P.), 11. KONISHI (Sho), 5101.

INDEX OF NAMES KONORTAS (Paraskevas), 4759. KONRAD (Eva-Maria), 5628. KONRAD (Ota), 3679. KONTOGIANNIS (Nikos), 2440. KONTOKOSTA (Anne H.), 2120. KONTORINI (Vassa), 1363. KOORTBOJIAN (Michael), 2073. KOPEČEK (Michal), 3689. Kopf (Hinrich Wilhelm), 3911. KOPKE (Christoph), 3945. KOPP (Pierre-Guillaume), 3775. KOPYCKA (Katarzyna), 5256. KOŘALKA (Jiří), 6793. KORB (Alexander), 3665. KORDAS (Ann Marie), 6630. KORDIOVSKÝ (Emil), 7014. KORGE (Marcel), 6631. KÖRNER (Stefan), 5798. KÖRNER (Torsten), 3894. KORNETIS (Kostis), 4070. KORPIOLA (Mia), 6967. KÖRTE (Arnold), 5828. KORUNIĆ (Petar), 6427. KORUNOVA (Evgenija V.), 4538. KOSE (Talha), 4572. Koselleck (Reinhart), 494, 5426. KOSER (David), 3895. KOSHIRO (Yukiko), 7562. KOSLOWSKI (Steffi), 5257. KOSMANN-SCHWARZBACH (Yvette), 5586. KOSMIN (Paul Joseph), 1364. KÖSSLER (Till), 5258. KOSTANTARAS (Dean J.), 4071. KOSTA-THÉFAINE (Jean-François), 2994. KÖSTENBERGER (Julia), 7500. KØSTER (Bente), 6838. KÖSTER (Fredy), 3896. KÖSTER (Manuel), 322. KÖSTER (Roman), 6372. KOSTJUK (Ruslan V.), 3511. KOSTLÁN (Antonín), 750. KOSTO (Adam J.), 2801. KOSTRBOVÁ (Lucie), 5385. KOTLJARCHUK (Andrej S.), 4592. KOTOWSKI (Elke-Vera), 5016. KOTTE (Andreas), 5936. KÖTTER (Jan-Markus), 3222. KOTZABASSI (Sofia), 2458. KÖTZING (Andreas), 3835, 5937. KOUAMÉ (Thierry), 3040. KOUKA (Ourania), 1016. KOUKOULI-CHRYSSANTHAKI (Haïdo), 975. KOULAKIOTIS (Elias), 1660. KOUNINE (Laura), 506. KOUREMENOS (Theokritos), 1389. KOURÍ (Emilio), 6177. KOURKOUVELAS (Lykourgos), 7841.

KOURTESSI-PHILIPPAKIS (Georgia), 975. KOUSTAS (Dmitri K.), 6277. KOVÁČ (Dušan), 4455. KOVÁCS (Péter), 1774. KOVALEV (Mikhail V.), 399. KOWALCZUK (Ilko-Sascha), 3897. KOWNER (Rotem), 7915. KOZAK (Lynn A.), 1676. KOZHUHAROV (Asen), 5259. KOZLOV (Denis), 323, 5164. KOZLOVA (Natalija V.), 6208. Kpoyizoun (Aja), 3817. KRAAY (Hendrik), 3601. Kracauer (Siegfried), 478, 5893. KRAFFT (Otfried), 2551. KRAIAS (Georgios), 1534. KRAJČOVIČ (Vladimír), 6247. KRAKHMAL'NIKOV (Aleksej P.), 4917. KRAMER (Finn Erik), 9. KRAMER (Michael J.), 5938. Kramer (Stanley), 5950. KRAMER (Wendy), 7218. KRAMPL (Ulrike), 3437. KRANJC (Gregor Joseph), 7646. KRANS (Jan), 2314. KRAPFL (James), 3690. KRAPPMANN (Jörg), 5633. KRASBERG (Ulrike), 507. KRAUME (Herbert), 3215. KRAUS (Hans-Christof), 3820, 7481. KRAUS (Thomas R.), 531. KRAUSE (Rüdiger), 3025. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk), 2441, 2442. KRAUSSE (Dirk), 1042. KRAUTHAMER (Barbara), 7213. KRAVTSOVA (Marina E.), 8036. KREBS (Daniel), 4652. KREIS (Georg), 564, 4541, 4542. KRENN (Gerald), I. KRENNERICH (Michael), 652. KRETZSCHMAR (Robert), 3969. KREUTZ (Michael), 7384. KREUTZMANN (Marko), 7385. KREUTZMÜLLER (Christoph), 3839, 3898. KRIECHBAUMER (Robert), 5939. KRIGE (John), 7676. KRINGS (Matthias), 5904. KRINGS (Stefan), 5435. KRISTENSEN (Troels M.), 2290. Kristina av Sverige, 210. KRISTIONAT (Jessica), 2291. KRJUKOVA (Svetlana S.), 6924. KROENER (Bernhard), 582. KROESCHELL (Karl), 6926. KROEZE (D. B. R.), 4283. KROEZE (Ronald), 6320. KROGH (Tyge), 6632.

369 KROLL (Frank-Lothar), 583. KRÖLL (Nicole), 1535. KROLL (Stephan), 1285. KROLL (Thomas), 5091. KRÖTZL (Christian), 2899. KRUCK (Günter), 4864. KRÜGER (Thomas M.), 3223. KRULL (Lena), 4835. KRULL (Wilhelm), 5634. KRUMEICH (Gerd), 7436. KRÜNES (Alexander), 5393. KRUPA (Paweł), 3189. KRUSZYNSKI (Robert), 929. KUBINA (Michael), 3899. KUBISKA-SCHARL (Irene), 6914. KUBO (Kazuyuki), 7925. KUBOTA (Yuichi), 3619. KUBŮ (Eduard), 6210. KUČERA (Rudolf), 6839. KUCHER (Katharina), 3506. KÜCHLER (Max), 2223. KUDO (Akihito), 3776. KUDO (Yuko), 6178. KUDRNA (Ladislav), 7563. KUENZLI (E. Gabrielle), 3583. KUHN (Steven L.), 938. KÜHNEL (Florian), 6840. KÜHNEL (Markus), 6633. KUHNERT (Anne), 1897. KULIKOVA (Nadezhda V.), 7911. KULIKOWSKI (Michael), 1977. KULLER (Christiane), 6321. KUMAMOTO (Fumio), 7482. KUMARASINGHAM (Harshan), 4516. KUMMELS (Ingrid), 5940. KUNDRUS (Birthe), 3893. KUNERALP (Sinan), 7355, 7356. KUNIMOTO (Iyo), 3582. KUNZ-LÜBCKE (Andreas), 1253. KUO (Ya-pei), 7960. KUORILEHTO (Markku), 6463. KUPIEC (Jean-Jacques), 5486. KUPPER (Jean-Louis), 3256. KÜPPER (Rene), 3679. KURAMOTO (Kazuhiro), 8047. KURILO (Olga), 7302. KUROKAWA (Masatake), 800. KUROPKA (Joachim), 4830. KUROSAWA (Fumitaka), 4209. KUROSAWA (Ryo), 4204. KUROSAWA (Takafumi), 6287. KUROSU (Satomi), 8074. KURYSHEVA (Marina V.), 2481. KUSABU (Hisatsugu), 2443. KUŠČ (Tatjana V.), 2444. KUSCH (Tat'jana V.), 2482. KUSENDOVÁ (Dagmar), 6448. KUSHNER (Nina), 6634. KUSMAN (David), 2828. KUŚNIERZ (Robert), 4589.

370 KÜSS (Tobias), 78. KÜSSNER (Jonas), 6968. KUXHAUSEN (Anna), 4404. KUZENKOV (Pavel V.), 2392, 2404. KUZMANOVIĆ-CVETKOVIĆ (Julka), 1028. KUZMICS (Helmut), 6635. KUZMIN (Yaroslav V.), 1003. Kuznets (Simon), 6041. KUZNETSOV (Alexander), 2007. KUZUCU (Serhat), 7333. KVAČEK (Robert), 7647. KVACH (John F.), 5335. KVAM (Vegard), 7648. KWAN (Jonathan), 3564. KWASCHIK (Anne), 7664. KWIATKOWSKI (Iris), 2798. KWIECIEŃ (Marcin), 7596. KYE (Bongoh), 6636. L La Calprenède (Gaultier de Coste seigneur de), 5670. LA CROIX (Sumner), 6220. LA GRASSA (Gianfranco), 5430. La Guardia (Fiorello), 4701. LA MACCHIA (Angela), 6179. LA MONICA (Salvatore), 4174. LA PARRA (Emilio), 4782. LA PENNA (Antonio), 2008. LA PORTA (Sergio), 2454. LA ROCCA (Claudio), 5425. LA'DA (Csaba A.), 1139. LAARMAN (Charlotte), 4284. LABAND (John), 7151. LABATE (Donato), 3463. LABATE (Mario), 2066. LABBÉ (Thomas), 695. LABELLE (Maurice M. Jr.), 7843. LABITZKE (Marcel), 1833. Laboulaye (Édouard), 6895. LABOURDETTE (Jean-François), 7278. LABOV (Jessie), 5966. LABRIOLA (Antonio), 450, 5421, 5427. LABUTINA (Inga K.), 2645. LABUTINA (Tat'jana L.), 5409. LACAITA (Carlo G.), 4155. Lacan (Jacques), 5430. LACAPRA (Dominick), 470. LACERDA (Teresa), 153. LACERENZA (Giancarlo), 2688. LACEY (Kate), 5941. LACEY (Sharon Tosi), 7627. LACHAISE (Bernard), 3765. LACHANCE (Paul), 7124. LACHENAL (Guillaume), 6579. LACKENBAUER (P. Whitney), 3625. LACKO (Miroslav), 6100.

INDEX OF NAMES Lactantius (Lucius Caecilius Firmianus), 2055. LADERMAN (Scott), 7812. LADERMAN (Shulamit), 2694. LAES (Christian), 1935. LAFARGUE (Philippe), 1411. LAFEBER (Walter), 584. LAFFERTY (Sean D. W.), 2152. LAFFI (Umberto), 1898. LAFFITA (Graciela Chailloux), 3671. LAFFONT (Georges-Henry), 679. LAFORGUE (Pierre), 5729. LAGADEC (Yann), 3499. LAGARTEMPE (Laurent), 5658. LAGERQVIST (Christopher), 6014. LAGRANDEUR (Kevin), 5659. Lagus, 1159. LAHAYE (Matthieu), 3777. LAHIRE (Bernard), 696. LAHOZ (M. Lucía), 3110. LAHUSEN (Benjamin), 6880. LAHUSEN (Christiane), 324. LAINS (Pedro), 6015. LAIRD (John), 5424. Laisant (Charles-Ange), 5463. LAISNEY (Vincent), 809. LAITINEN (Riitta), 6969. LAJARRIGE (Jacques), 5123. LAKE (Marilyn), 6016. LAKS (André), 1497. LALLEMAND (Marie-Gabrielle), 5670. LALONDE (Gerald V.), 1365. Lamarck (Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de), 5464. LAMARI (Anna A.), 1536. LAMAZOU-DUPLAN (Véronique), 2495. LAMBERIGTS (M.), 819. LAMBERT (David), 174. LAMBERT (Peter), 603. LAMBERT (Rob), 6180. LAMBERTZ (Peter), 7008. LAMBRECHT (Thijs), 6784. LAMBROPOULOS (Victoria), 6841. LAMBRUGO (Claudia), 1709. LAMI (Alessandro), 1608, 1617. LAMMERT (Christian), 5141. LAMP (Kathleen S.), 1834. LAMPART (Fabian), 5730. LAMPARTER (Ulrich), 7639. LAMPE (Kurt), 1618. LAMPROU (Alexandros), 4573. LAN (Jing), 7961. LAN'KOV (Andreĭ Nikolaevich), 4222. LANCELOTTI (Carla), 1295. LANDAU (Peter), 2755. LANDI (Walter), 3426-3428. LANDMAN (Patrick), 5430. LANDOLFI (Maurizio), 1023.

LANDON (William J.), 5429. LANDOUR (Julie), 6637. LANDUCCI GATTINONI (Franca), 1412, 1537. LANE (Calvin), 4946. LANE (Jeremy F.), 5942. LANFRANCHI (Jacques), 5855. LANGBRANDTNER (Hans-Werner), 7322. LANGE (Christian), 5260. LANGER (Lydia), 6181. LANGEWIESCHE (Dieter), 3489, 3494, 7615. LANGFORD (Julie), 1835. LANGGUT (Dafna), 1017. LANGHAMER (Claire), 779. LANGIN-HOOPER (Stephanie M.), 1710. LANGLAND (Victoria), 3602. LÁNÍČEK (Jan), 3691. LANNI (Adriaan), 1438. LANNIK (Leontij V.), 7538. LANZA (Diego), 325. LANZA (Fabio), 7665. LANZA (Lidia), 3190. LANZETTA (Domizia), 2074. LANZINGER (Margareth), 66. LANZINNER (Maximilian), 7259. LAPIDUS (John), 4530. LAPINI (Walter), 1619. LAPP (Peter Joachim), 3900. LAPPEGÅRD (Trude), 6439. LAPPENKÜPER (Ulrich), 7049. LAPTEVA (Ljudmila P.), 400. LAPYRENOK (Roman V.), 1919. LAQUA (Daniel), 7386. LARIN (Andrej I.), 3512. LARIN (Vladislav), 692. LARINI (Gloria), 2966. LAROCHE (Didier), 1708. LARON (Guy), 7733. LARRAN (Francis), 1538. LARRIBA (Elisabel), 5336. LARROCHE (Emmanuel), 7387. LARSEN (Christian), 5261. LARSEN (Christina), 3710. LARSEN (Daniel), 7483. LARSEN (Ebbe), 7214. LARSEN (Niels Ivar), 7558. LARSSON (Lars), 941, 972. LARTILLOT (Francoise), 5050. LASAGNI (Roberto), 50. LASKARIS (Caterina Zaira), 31. Lassalle (Ferdinand), 6842. LAST (Jonathan), 973. LASZLOVSZKY (József), 3117. LATOWSKY (Anne A.), 2601. LATTY (Lionel), 3811. Latukhin (family), 91. LAU JAIVEN (Ana), 4266. LAUBE (Reinhard), 494.

INDEX OF NAMES LAUBER (Johannes), 2121. Laud (William), 4946. LAUDAN (Rachel), 697. LAUFS (Paul), 5539. LAUGGAS (Ingo), 5421. LAUGHLIN-SCHULTZ (Bonnie), 4653. LAUINGER (Jacob), 1187. LAURENCE (Ray), 1779. LAURENDI (Rossella), 1899. LAURENS (Henry), 2713. LAURENT (Sébastien), 3765. LAURETI (Elena), 2540. LAUREYS (Marc), 5032. LAURIDSEN (John T.), 7564. LAURITZEN (Frederick), 2445. LAURSEN (Jesper), 79. LAURSEN (Johnny), 7831. LAUTERBACH (Iris), 3120. LAUWERS (Michel), 3282. LAVAN (Myles), 1950. LAVAURE (Annik), 3111. LAVEN (Mary), 824, 4762. LAVERAN (Sophie), 5438. LAVILLE (Camille), 5333. LAVINE (Matthew), 5540. Lavoisier (Antoine Laurent), 5464. LAVOPA (Marco), 4836, 7844. LAW (Robin), 3976. LAW (Timothy M.), 2227. LAWO (Mathias), 2509, 2526. LAWRENCE (Adria), 3778. LAWRENCE (Mark Atwood), 7658. LAWSON (Jane A.), 6553. LAZAR (Marc), 3795. LAZAR (Mehdi), 5195. LAZARIS (Stavros), 1620. LAZZARINI (Isabella), 14. LAZZARINI (Maria Letizia), 1366. LAZZERINI (Simona), 2979. LE BÉGUEC (Gilles), 3790. Le Blévec (Daniel), 2817. LE BOUËDEC (Gérard), 2814. LE BOUTEILLEC (Nathalie), 6971. LE CROM (Jean-Pierre), 3779. Le Fèvre (Jean), 3219. LE GUERN (Odile), 5444. LE JAN (Régine), 2782. LE MAO (Caroline), 6533. LE NY (Marc), 5410. LE ROUX (Nicolas), 3780. LEADBEATER (Maire), 4293. LEAHU (Gheorghe), 5829. LEAKE (Elisabeth), 7734. LEAL DE FARIA (Ana), 7308. LEANCA (Gabriel), 7388. Leandro, arcivescovo di Sivig, 3245. LEBLOND (Jean-François), 5478. LEBOVIC (Sam), 7735. LEBOW (Katherine), 4350.

LECKLIDER (Aaron), 5541. LECLER (Eric), 5731. LECOMTE-TILOUINE (Marie), 4279. LECUPPRE-DESJARDIN (Élodie), 2602. LEDGEWAY (Adam), 123. LEE (Anthony D.), 2153. LEE (DooHee), 2292. LEE (Michael J.), 851. LEE (Richard E.), 699. LEE (Sangkuk), 6241. LEEB (Josef), 3823. Leers (Johann von), 3939. LEFEBVRE (Michel), 5943. LEFEBVRE (Philippe), 1254. LEFEBVRE D'OVIDIO (Francesco), 7354. LEFÈVRE (Raphaël), 4549. LEFFLER (Melvyn P.), 7845. LEGARRA HERRERO (Borja), 1018. LEGGETT (Don), 5542. LEGNANI (Marco), 7279. LEHMANN (Lukas), 5262. LEHMBERG (Maik), 2751. LEHNER (Ulrich L.), 4879. LEHNERT (Christian), 2293. LEHNERT (Detlef), 622. LEHNGUTH (Cornelius), 3565. LEHNSTAEDT (Stephan), 6797, 7544. LEHOUX (Daryn), 2059. Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von), 883, 5425, 5562. LEIDINGER (Hannes), 7500. LEIGH (Fiona J.), 971. LEIMGRUBER (Matthieu), 6639. LEIPER (Rob), 917. LEITCH (Victoria), 2122. LEITE (Rosalina Santa Cruz), 5374. LEITNER (Ulrike), 5446. LELEUX (Marc), 6640. LELLI (Fabrizio), 2689. LELLI (Roberta), 974. LEMAIRE (André), 1037. LEMAŃCZYK (Szczepan), 6101. LEMAY (Benoît), 7484. LEMBERG (Margret), 3339. LEMBRÉ (Stéphane), 5264. LEMCKE (Lukas), 1836. LÉMEILLAT (Marjolaine), 2484. LEMERLE (Frédérique), 5830. LEMKE DUQUE (Carl Antonius), 5437. LEMMONS (Russel), 3901. LEMNE (Marja), 4537. LEMNITZER (Jan Martin), 7389. LEMOINE (Laurent), 843. LEMONDE (Anne), 2596. LEMORINI (Cristina), 928. LEMOV (Rebecca), 5500. LENARDA (Antonio), 5436.

371 LENGER (Friedrich), 6428. LENGWILER (Guido), 51. LENGYELOVÁ (Tünde), 5503, 5504. LENIHAN (Rebecca), 4295. Lenin (Vladimir Ilič Uljanov), 4428. LENK (Wolfgang), 7215. LENMAN (Bruce P.), 5550. LENNON (Jack J.), 2075. LENOBLE (Clément), 3293. LENTIN (Antony), 6322. LENZ (Karl), 6643. LENZ (Tanya S.), 2986. LENZI (Alan), 1188. LENZI (Francesca Romana), 6323. LENZI (Massimiliano), 3195. LEO (Annette), 384. LEO (Domenic), 2944. LEO (Per), 5103. Leo I Magnus, Papa, 2160. LEON (Sharon M.), 4837. LEÓN SANZ (Virginia), 7293. LEONARD (Adrian), 6347. LEONARDI (Cherry), 4520. LEONARDI (Claudio), 3340. Leonardo da Vinci, 5788, 5800. LEONE (Anna), 2154. LEONE (Frederico), 5543. LEONHARD (Julius), 2666. Leopardi (Giacomo), 5764. Leopardo da Foligno, 2511, 2512. Léopold I, King of the Belgians, 7358. LEOPOLD II, RÖM.-DEUTSCHER KAISER, 3556. LEPENIES (Philipp), 698. LEPPIN (Volker), 4953. LEPSIUS (M. Rainer), 5443. LEQUESNE (Christian), 7873. LERBOM (Jens), 6641. LERCH (Mathias), 6429. LEROY (Béatrice), 326. LERP (Dörte), 7152. LESAGE (Gilles), 4770. LESKINEN (Marina V.), 634. LESLIE (Michael), 745, 2903. LESLIE (Paul W.), 6423. LESNARD (Laurent), 6444. LESNES (Elisabeth), 3454. LESPEZ (Laurent), 975. LESSA (Francesca), 6973. LESSER (Jeffrey), 3603. LETERRIER (Sophie-Anne), 5954. LETESSON (Quentin), 1344. LETT (Didier), 2917. LETZ (Róbert), 4456. LEUGERS (Antonia), 4763, 4897. LEUGERS-SCHERZBERG (August H.), 4897. LEUPOLD (Daniel), 3971.

372 LEUWERS (Hervé), 3743, 6918. LEVACK (Brian P.), 513, 852. LEVANT (Marie), 842. LEVATI (Stefano), 671. LEVEN (Pauline A.), 1539. LEVENSON (Deborah T.), 4076. Levi (Paul), 3851. LEVICKÝ (Juraj), 4987. LEVIN (Florencia), 3533. LEVIN (Matthew), 5196. Lévinas (Emmanuel), 5410, 5423. LEVINE (Emily J.), 327, 5394. Lévi-Strauss (Claude), 419. LEVIT (Izjaslav E.), 7539. LEVITHAN (Joshua), 1837. LÉVY (André), 3270. LÉVY (Edmond), 1540. LEVY (Evonne), 811. LÉVY (Noémı), 4574. LEV-YADUN (Simcha), 1245. Lévy-Bruhl (Lucien), 503. LEWIS (Anne-Marie), 2010. LEWIS (David M.), 1367. LEWIS (Katherine J.), 2830, 3406. LEWIS (Mary Dewhurst), 7153. LEWIS (Theodore J.), 1084. LEYERLE (Blake), 2214. LEYNET (Marcelin), 3129. LEYVA (José Mariano), 5732. LHUILLIER (Johanna), 1286. LI (Feng), 938. Li (Hongzhang), 7998. LI (Huaiyin), 328. LI (Man), 7962. LI (Qingfeng), 7963. LIAN (Dong), 7964. LIBERA (Pawel), 4347. LIBERATO (Ana S. Q.), 3726. LIBRENTI (Mauro), 3302, 3447, 3463. LICANDRO (Orazio), 2731. LICCIARDELLO (Pierluigi), 3265, 3295. LICHTENSTEIN (Alex), 673. LICHTMAN (Allan J.), 4990. LICHTNER (Giacomo), 5944. LICURSI (Esterpaola), 2517. Lida (Clara E.), 6872. LIDDEL (Peter), 1368. LIDDIARD (Robert), 2567. Lidforss (Bengt), 4526. LIDMAN (Satu), 6642. LIEB (Claudia), 363. LIEB (Ludger), 909. LIEB (Peter), 3902. LIEBERMAN (Benjamin), 585. LIEBESCHUETZ (Wolf), 2011. Liebknecht (Wilhelm), 3934. LIENERT (Salome), 6644. LIGHT (Laura), 25. LILJA (Kristina), 6645.

INDEX OF NAMES LILJEFALK (Lone), 2552. LILJEWALL (Britt), 6646. LILLEY (Keith D.), 177. LILLO CABEZAS (Mario), 5733. LIM (Susanna Soojung), 7050. LIN (Bingyan), 7965. LIN (Hsiao-Ting), 7736. LIN (Qingzhang), 8018. Lin (Shushun), 7965. LINCK (Patrick-Dominique), 4748. LINCK (Stephan), 4947. Lincoln (Abraham), 4602, 4670, 7392. LINCOLN (Bruce), 1287. LIND (Gunner), 6102. LINDBERG (David C.), 742, 781. LINDE (Cornelia), 3354. LINDEBLAD (Karin), 3432. LINDENLAUB (Dieter), 6357. LINDERMANN (Jens-Olaf), 2012. LINDERT (Peter H.), 6017. LINDNER (Michael), 2509, 2526. LINDNER (Urs), 5430. LINDSEY (Kiera), 7251. LINDSTROM (Lamont), 5868. LINDSTRÖM (Peter), 7309. LINEBAUGH (Jonathan A.), 2294. LINEHAN (Peter), 2531, 3242. LINES (David A.), 3200. LINGEN (Kerstin von), 7737. LINK (Christoph), 4948. LINK (William A.), 330. LINKE (Bernhard), 2081. LINNE (Karsten), 7588. LINSE (Ulrich), 6856. LINTON (Marisa), 3781. LINTOTT (Andrew), 1398. LINTZ (Katja), 5734. LION (Brigitte), 1312. LIPARI (Giuseppe), 46. LIPPI (Silvia), 5430. Lippo di Dalmasio, 3068. LIPPS (Johannes), 1857. LIPSCHITS (Oded), 1239. LIPSCOMB (Suzannah), 4007. LISANIA (Giordano), 2613. LISSARRAGUE (François), 1369. List (Alfred John), 6923. LISTER (Diane A.), 971. Liszt (Franz), 5866, 5954. LITT (Thomas), 1017. LITTLE (Douglas), 7846. LITTLE (Thomas J.), 4949. LITWIN (Christophe), 5434. LIU (Changlin), 7966. LIU (Decheng), 938. LIU (Xueyao), 7967. LIU (Yulin), 2296. LIU (Zhongjing), 7968. LIVESEY (Ruth), 3982. LIVINGSTONE (E.A.), 855.

Livius (Titus), 1789, 2003, 2032, 5429. LIZCANO FERNÁNDEZ (Francisco), 4249, 4263. LIZONDO (Mateu Rodrigo), 2499. LJUNGBERG (Jonas), 6103. LLOANSI (Bernard), 3782. LLOP-RADUA (Jaume), 1085. LLOYD (Christopher), 709. LLOYD (Howell A.), 5415. LLOYD (Lorna), 7486. LO PIPARO (Franco), 5421. LO SCHIAVO (Aldo), 1838. LOAEZA (Soledad), 4256. LOAYZA (Matt), 7738. LOBERG (Molly), 6430. LOCHER (Hubert), 5426. Lochner (Stefan), 3140. Locke (John), 5428. LOCKETT (Andy), 5265. LOCKETT (Nigel), 5207. LOCKHART (Jamie Bruce), 6144. LOCKWOOD (Tom), 5651. LOEWEN (Peter V.), 3157. LOEWEN (Royden), 4950. LÖFFELBEIN (Nils), 3903. LOHMANN (Uta), 3904. LOHR (Charles H.), 3191. LÖHR (Isabella), 3495, 6974. LOHSSE (Sebastian), 1891. LOHWASSER (Nelo), 2521. LOICK (Daniel), 5430. LOIMEIER (Roman), 508. LOITSCH (Bettina), I. LOKE (Beverley), 7739. LOKKEN (Paul), 7216. LOLLAR (Joshua), 2446. LOMAS (Kathryn), 1933. LOMBARDI (Daniela), 6647. LOMBARDI (Marco), 471. LOMBARDO (Mario), 1370. LOMÍČEK (Jan), 3678. LOMIENTO (Liana), 1397. LOMONACO (Fabrizio), 5106. LONARDI (Anna), 1900. LONDÁK (Miroslav), 4457, 4458. LONEY (Helen L.), 1738. LONG (James), 3021. LONGA MARTÍNEZ (Víctor Manuel), 921. LONGÈRE (Jean), 3351. LONGO (Oddone), 1439. LONGO (Umberto), 3038. LOOSLEY (Emma), 4735. LOPES (Paulo), 7280. LÓPEZ (Ariel G.), 2297. LÓPEZ (Kathleen), 6648. LÓPEZ ALEMANY (Ignacio), 215. LÓPEZ ALSINA (Fernando), 3235. LÓPEZ FARJEAT (Luis Xavier), 3198.

INDEX OF NAMES LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ-MORÁS (Santiago), 2915. LÓPEZ MONTERO (Roberto), 1748. LÓPEZ MORELL (Miguel Angel), 92. LÓPEZ PADILLA (Juan Antonio), 1015. LÓPEZ SÁEZ (José Antonio), 1041. LÓPEZ VILAR (Jordi), 1769. LÓPEZ-PORTILLO (José-Juan), 2831. LORAND (David), 1140. LORANDI (Ana María), 7217. LORENCE (James J.), 6843. LORENZ (Andreas), 5395. LORENZ (Chris), 57, 59. LORENZ (Federico G.), 7847. LORENZ (Maria-Theresia), 5330. LORENZ (Torsten), 6210. LORENZANA DE LA PUENTE (Felipe), 4494. LORENZEN (David N.), 4901. LORENZETTI (Luigi), 66. LORENZINI (Daniele), 5420. Lorenzo de' Medici, 3230. LORI SANFILIPPO (Isa), 3080. LORIMER (Douglas A.), 7087. LORIN (Amaury), 7079. LOSKOUTOFF (Yvan), 95. LOTH (Wilfried), 565, 6325, 7848. LOTMENTSEV (Andrej M.), 3471. LOTTERIE (Florence), 5396. LOTTIN (Alain), 4838. LOUBET (Mireille), 2696. LOUGHLIN (James), 4025. LOUICHON (Brigitte), 5735. LOUIS (Annick), 5736. LOUIS (Marieke), 6844. Louis Dauphin of France, 3777. Louis XIV, roi de France, 3745, 3777, 3783, 3811, 5121. Louis-Philippe Ier, roi de France, 7362. LOUREIRO (Mauricio), 3121. LOUTH (Andrew), 3224. LOUVAT-MOLOZAY (Bénédicte), 5971. LOUZAO VILLAR (Joseba), 4839. LOVATO (Andrea), 1917. LOVEJOY (Paul E.), 6144, 7155. LOVELL (Stephen), 4405. LOVELL (W. George), 7218. LÖW (Andrea), 7652. LOW (Polly), 1368. LOWE (David), 331. LOWE (E. Jonathan), 5428. LOWER (Wendy), 3905. LÖWY (Michael), 304. LÖX (Markus), 2298. LÜ (Fangshang), 7969, 8024. LUBICH (Gerhard), 2600, 2631. LUBINSKI (Christina), 307.

LUBINSKY (Crystal L.), 2299. ŁUĆ (Ireneusz A.), 1839. Luca di Matteo, 3028. Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), 1978, 1982, 1995, 2052. Lucas, evangelista, Sanctus, 2264, 2287, 2292. Lucianus Samosatensis, 1586. LUCIEN (Georges Eddy), 4082. LUCI-GREULICH (Angela), 6431. Lucilius (Gaius), 2037, 2049, 2052. LÜCKE (Martin), 457. LUCKRITZ MARQUIS (Timothy), 2300. Lucretius (Carus Titus), 2055, 2058, 2059. LUDLOW (N. Piers), 7849. LUDOT-VLASAK (Ronan), 5737. LUDOWICI (Babette), 773. Ludvig Holstein-(Ledreborg), 3725. LUDWIG (Jörg), 7390. Ludwig I von Bayern, 3830. Ludwig II, König von Bayern, 3879, 3946. LUDWIG JANSEN (Katherine), 2565. LUETIĆ (Tihana), 770. LUGSCHITZ (Renée), 4513. LUHAŬTSOVA (S. L.), 3575. LUITEN VAN ZANDEN (Jan), 715. LUKAUSKAS (Arvid), 688. LUKE (Christina), 1086. LULL (José), 1141. LULLI (Laura), 1541. Lumumba (Patrice), 3655. LUNA (Concetta), 1399. LUND (Joachim), 7597. LUNDGREEN (Christoph), 1939, 2076, 3187. LUNDGREEN (Peter), 5263. LUNDH (Christer), 6649. LUNDQVIST (Pia), 448. LUNDT (Bea), 7141. LUNGES (Telemachos K.), 2447. LUPERINI (Ilario), 3455. LUPO (Silvia), 1142. LUQUE MORENO (Jesús), 145. LURAGHI (Nino), 1420. LURAGHI (Silvia), 120. LUSCOMBE (David), 2987. LUST (J.), 819. Luther (Martin), 839, 4953, 4958. LUTZ (Christopher H.), 7218. LUTZ (Martin), 6104. LYANDRES (Semion), 4406. Lyautey (Louis Hubert Gonzalve), 7080. Lycophron, 1521. LYNCH (Matthew J.), 1189. LYNGHOLM (Dorte Kook), 6915.

373 LYNN (Katalin Kádár), 7672. LYNN (Kimberly), 4840. LYON (Jonathan R.), 2632. LYONS (Adam), 7219. LYONS (Amelia H.), 7156. LYONS (David), 653. LYONS (Martyn), 5108. LYONS (Pat), 3692. LYSÁ (Žofia), 2758. Lysura (Johannes), 2742. LYSÝ (Miroslav), 509. M MA (Jianbiao), 7970. MA (John), 1711. MA (Jun), 7971. MA (Yong), 7972. MA (Zhibing), 8020. MAAß (Sebastian), 5437. MABALON (Dawn Bohulano), 6650. MABILLE (Bernard), 5423. MABON (Simon), 7850. Mac Adoo (William G.), 4612. MAC ALEER (John), 7334. MAC ALLISTER (Carlota), 4079. Mac Allister (Hector), 6685. MAC ALOON (Jim), 4294, 4295. MAC CABE (Michael P.), 4126. MAC CAHILL (Elizabeth M.), 3243. MAC CALL (Bernadette), 1295. MAC CALL (Fiona), 4026. MAC CARTHY (Matthew), 7391. MAC CARTHY (Molly), 6651. MAC CLIVE (Cathy), 510. MAC CLOSKEY (Jason), 215. MAC CLURE (George W.), 6652. MAC CLUSKEY (Phil), 3783. MAC CONNEL (James), 4127. MAC COOG (Thomas M.), 4880. MAC CORMACK (Noah Y.), 4206. MAC CORRISTINE (Shane), 175. MAC CROSSEN (Alexis), 61. MAC CULLOCH (Ian), 7487. MAC CULLOCH (Jock), 6105. MAC DAID (Shaun), 4128. MAC DANIEL (Iain), 4027. MAC DANIEL (W. Caleb), 4654. MAC DERMOTT (Joseph P.), 7973. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), 3475, 3693. MAC DONAGH (Briony), 6230. MAC DONALD (James H.), 4074. MAC DONALD (Russell Andrew), 2724. MAC DONOUGH (Susan Alice), 2832. MAC ELDUFF (Siobhán), 2013. MAC ELLIGOTT (Anthony), 3906. MAC EVOY (Meaghan A.), 1840. MAC FADYEN (Lesley), 976.

374 MAC GAFFEY (Wyatt), 3977. MAC GARR (Paul M.), 7740. MAC GAUGHEY (Sara L.), 6326. MAC GEE (Timothy J.), 3156. MAC GILLIVRAY (Neil), 6231. MAC GLINCHEY (Stephen), 7851. MAC GOUN (Elton G.), 6294. MAC GOVERN (Bryan), 4132. MAC GOVERN (Tom), 6327. MAC GRATH (Ann Kristin), 260. MAC GRATH (Larry), 5413. MAC GREGOR (Rob R.), 2185. MAC GUIRE (Charlie), 6845. MAC ILROY (John), 6816, 6846. MAC ILROY (John), 6847. MAC INTOSH (Marjorie Keniston), 6653. MAC INTYRE (Gwynaeth), 2077. MAC IVER (Katherine A.), 666. MAC IVOR (Arthur), 6848. MAC KAY (James), 4009. MAC KEE (Jane), 4943. MAC KENZIE (Judith S.), 1712. MAC KENZIE (S. P.), 7852. MAC KENZIE (Shelly), 6654. MAC KIBBIN (Ross), 6042. MAC KILLEN (Elizabeth), 6849. MAC KINSTRY (Sam), 6328. MAC KITTERICK (Rosamond), 3123. MAC LAUGHLIN (Robert), 4129. MAC LEAN (Ian W.), 6018. MAC LEAN (Tom), 6327. MAC MAHON (Augusta), 1190, 1191. MAC MAHON (Darrin M.), 782. MAC MAHON (Elisabeth), 7157. MAC MAHON (Richard), 6975. MAC MAHON (Robert J.), 7663. MAC MANAMA KEARIN (Lisa Karen), 3456. MAC MEEKIN (Sean), 7488. MAC MILLAN (Hugh), 4721. MAC MILLAN (Margaret), 7489. MAC NAMARA (Robert), 7877. MAC NEILL (John R.), 565. MAC NULTY (Terry), 6339. MAC NUTT (Jennifer Powell), 4951. MAC PHEE (Peter), 547, 3784. MAC PHERSON (Alan), 7490. MAC REYNOLDS (Louise), 6976. Macarius Magnus, Sanctus, 1790. MACCHIA (Antonio), 7604. MACDONALD (Sharon), 332. MACHADO (Carlos), 1857. Machado y Morales (Gerardo), 3668. MACHÁLEK (Vít), 4750. MACHAQUEIRO (Mário Artur), 7158.

INDEX OF NAMES Machaut (Guillaume de), 3159. MACHEK (Jakub), 5109. MACHIAVELLI (Niccolò), 5429. Machon, 1539. MACHTAN (Lothar), 333, 3907. MACINTOSH TURFA (Jean), 1747. MACINTYRE (Stuart), 540. MACINTYRE (Terry), 7853. MACKAY (Margaret A.), 504. Mackenzie (John), 6231. MACKINTOSH (Robin), 3244. MACKOWIAK (Karin), 1661, 1713. MACLEAN (Mairi), 6113. Macmillan (Harold), 7097. MacQueen (James), 174. MACRIDES (Ruth J.), 2382. MACRY (Paolo), 4175. MADARIAGA (María-Rosa), 7159. MADDALO (Silvia), 3080, 3365. MADDRELL (Paul), 7677. MADGEARU (Alexandru), 2603. MADIGAN (Brian C.), 2123. MADIGAN (Edward), 4133, 4931. MAEJIMA (Yoshitaka), 7974. MAESTRO (Jesús G.), 5650. Maestro di Offida, 3080. MAETSCHKE (Matthias), 6989. MAFFI (Maria), 977. MAFFRE (Jean-Jacques), 1683, 1714. MAGALLÓN GARCÍA (Ana Isabel), 2014. MAGAZINER (Daniel), 5266. MAGAZZÙ (Cesare), 4816. MAGDALINO (Paul), 2448. MAGDĂU (Petru), 4841. MAGENSCHAB (Hans), 7491. MAGGI (Michele), 472. MAGGIOLINI (Paolo), 4557. MAGGIONI (Giovanni Paolo), 3321. MAGHRAOUI (Driss), 7173. MAGNANI (Stefano), 2891. Magnani (Valdo), 4192. Magnus, 1601. MAGNÚSSON (Sigurður Gylfi), 334, 473. MAHAJAN (Sucheta), 7098. MAHAMAT (Adam), 6655. MAHAN (Erin R.), 7769. MAHANIAH (Kimpianga), 3655. MAHARAJ (Ashok), 7676. MAHER (Laurence W.), 3552. MAHER (Ruth Ann), 2720. MAI (Anne-Marie), 5098. MAIDA (Bruno), 5005. MAIDEN (Martin), 123. MAIER (Harry O.), 2301. MAIGNÉ (Carole), 5417. MAILLARD-LUYPAERT (Monique), 2504. MAILLET (Laurent), 3281.

Maillols (Georges), 5817. MAIORANO (Mauro), 3429. Maiorianus (Iulius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1847. MAIRE VIGUEUR (Jean-Claude), 2674. MAISCHAK (Lars), 6182. MAIURI (Arduino), 1662, 2078. MAJAK (Ija L.), 1876. MAJERIKOVÁ-MOLITORIS (Milica), 7565. MAJERUS (Benoît), 5544. MAJIMA (Shinobu), 7592. MAKAROV (Nikolaj A.), 2646. MAKAROV (Nikolaj V.), 4424. Maklakov (Vasilij A.), 4420. MAKUJINA (John), 1288. MALAMIDOU (Dimitra), 975. MALANIMA (Paolo), 6013. MALATO (Enrico), 2985, 2988. MALCOLM (Matthew R.), 2302. Malcom X, 5213. MALEGAM (Jehangir Yezdi), 3387. MALEK (Martin), 4416. MALEKZADEH (Mehrdad), 1291. MALET (David), 7051. MALFÈR (Stefan), 3557. MALGIERI (Angelalea), 2124. MALGOSA (Assumpció), 1039. MALLAN (Christopher T.), 2371. Mallarmé (Stéphane), 5709, 5745. MALLIMACI (Fortunato), 4730. MALLINSON (Allan), 7492. MALLMANN (Klaus-Michael), 7620. MALLOCH (Simon J. V.), 1800. MALLORQUÍ (Elvis), 2498. MALLOY (Sean L.), 7854. MALNATI (Luigi), 1756. MALOSETTI COSTA (Laura), 5307. MALTZAHN (Nadia von), 7855. MALVIDO (Elsa), 6656. MALYKH (Svetlana E.), 1164. MALZACHER (Alice), 2990. MAM-LAM-FOUCK (Serge), 586. MANACORDA (Gastone), 404. MANCASSOLA (Nicola), 2834. MANCOSU (Paolo), 5738. MANCUSI (Viviana Germana), 978. MÄND (Anu), 3383. MANDAMADIOTOU (Maria), 4909. MANDEMAKERS (Kees), 6401. MANDER (Jason), 2125. Mandeville (Bernard), 5424. MANDLER (Peter), 511, 791. MANDOUVALOS (Ikaros), 6386. MANEA (Nadia), 336. MANENT (Pierre), 5434. MANETSCH (Scott M.), 4952. MANETSCH (Thomas), 6452.

INDEX OF NAMES Manfredi, re di Napoli e Sicilia, 2527. MANFREDONIA (Rosa), 3322. MANGHAM (Andrew), 898. MANGIATORDI (Anna), 2108. MANGOLD-WILL (Sabine), 7493. MANGVWAT (Yakiban Mangvwat), 7160. MANIAS (Chris), 337. MANIGAND (Christine), 3790. MANKTELOW (Emily J.), 4902. MANN (Christian), 1324. MANN (Friedhelm), 853. MANN (Joseph), 7856. Mann (Thomas), 3874, 5727, 5728, 5734. MANNI (Elisa), 1621. Manning (Edward), 3980. MANNING (Katie), 979. MANNING (Patrick), 338. Mansa Musa, 8088. Mansfield (William Murray), 6985. MANTECÓN MOVELLÁN (Tomás Antonio), 5110. Mantegna (Andrea), 3054, 3100. MANTEGNA (Cristina), 13. MANTHE (Barbara), 6977. MANTLER (Gordon K.), 4655. Manuel Calecas, 2422. Manuel II Palaiologos, 2482. MANUWALD (Gesine), 1986. MANZ (Stefan), 6657. MANZI (Stéphanie), 4881. Manzoni (Alessandro), 5689, 5693, 5702, 5747, 5780, 5783. Mao (Zedong), 7765. MARAK (Andrae M.), 4656. MARANESI (Giacomo), 3113. MARAVAL (Pierre), 1841. MARAZZI (Massimiliano), 1056. MARBLE (Sanders), 7494. Marbods von Rennes, 3342. MARCACCINI (Carlo), 1413. MARCACCIOLI (Enzo), 3425. MARCELLESI (Marie-Christine), 1371. MARCHANDISSE (Alain), 2489. Marchesi (Concetto), 422. MARCHETTA (Antonio), 2015. MARCHETTI (Vincenzo), 2525. MARCHIARO (Michelangiola), 2991. MARCILLOUX (Patrice), 230. MARCOCCI (Giuseppe), 4842. MARCONE (Arnaldo), 403, 5197. MARCONI (Giulia), 2155. MARCOS (Mar), 2322. MARCOZZI (Luca), 2970. MARCUELLO BENEDICTO (Juan Ignacio), 4484. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,

Roman emperor, 1396, 1969, 2057. Marcus Diaconus, 2199. Marcus Monachus, 2373. Marcus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2265. MAREJ (Aleksandr V.), 1920, 2771. MAREK (Jindřich), 3694. MAREK (Pavel), 7281. MARENBON (John), 3172. MARÈS (Antoine), 5954. MARG (Stine), 3953. Margaret of Scotland, Sancta, 3336. MARGARITIS (Evi), 980. MARGREITER (Klaus), 783. Maria a României, 4841. MARIAN (Cosmin Gabriel), 4384. Marie-Benoît, père, 3813. MARIN (Irina), 587. MARIN (Marcello), 2613. MARÍN DE SAN MARTÍN (Luis, O.S.A.), 3296. MARINELLI-KÖNIG (Gertraud), 5337. Marinescu (Constantin), 423. MARINO (John A.), 439. MARINOV (Tchavdar), 561. MARION (Domenico), 1715. MARIOT (Nicolas), 5111. Marius (Gaius), 1833, 1866. MARK (James), 3483. MARK (Rudolf A.), 7495. MARKANTONATOS (Adriana), 5426. MARKELOV (Gleb V.), 4418. MARKEY (Raymond), 6106. MARKLEY (John R.), 2303. MARKOFF (John), 4485. MARKOVIĆ (Goran), 3695. MARKS (Sally), 7427. MARKSCHIES (Christoph), 2343. MARKUS (Adam), 4091. MARLAND (Hilary), 6658. Marlborough (John Churchill Duke of), 7244. MARLER (Scott P.), 6183. MARLOWE (Elizabeth M.), 2126. Marone (Gherardo), 4195. MARQUES (Tiago Pires), 6978. MÁRQUEZ MORFÍN (Lourdes), 5549. MÁRQUEZ ROWE (Ignacio), 1087. MÁRQUEZ-ROMERO (José E.), 1019. MARQUIS (Peter), 6659. MARRODÁN (Javier), 4503. MARROQUÍN ARREDONDO (Jaime), 5127. MARROW (James H.), 20.

375 MARSCHKE (Benjamin), 7263. MARSDEN (Magnus), 4309. MARSEGLIA (Rocco Rosario), 1542. MARSENGILL (Katherine), 2449. MARSH (Steve), 7741. MARSHALL (Alan), 6660. MARSHALL (James P.), 4658. MARSICO (Clementina), 2973. MARTELLA (Christine), 2487. MARTELLI (Cecilia), 3114. MARTENS (Stefan), 3949. MARTI (Roland), 5149. Martialis (Marcus Valerius), 2020. MARTÍ-HENNEBERG (Jordi), 6059. MARTIN (Alexander M.), 6432. MARTIN (Annick), 2175. MARTIN (Benjamin F.), 7496. MARTIN (Christophe), 5431. MARTIN (Garret), 7857. MARTIN (Jean-Pierre), 5545. MARTIN (Louise), 939. MARTIN (Mario A.S.), 1044. MARTIN (Paul), 366. MARTIN (Robert W. T.), 4659. MARTIN (S. Rebecca), 1710. MARTIN (Vanessa), 4117. MARTIN (Waldo E.), 4600. MARTÍN PINTO (José), 7220. MARTÍN-ACEÑA (Pablo), 6329. MARTINAT (Monica), 339. MARTIN-BRETEAU (Nicolas), 6661. MARTINETTI (Brice), 6184. MARTINEZ (Jaime Amanda), 4660. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (María del Carmen), 7221. MARTÍNEZ MAZA (Clelia), 6891. MARTÍNEZ-MORENO (Jorge), 946. MARTÍNEZ-RUIZ (Elena), 6329. MARTINI (Alice), 7628. MARTINI (Edwin A.), 7812, 7858. MARTIN-NIELSEN (Janet), 178. MARTINO (Floriano), 415. MARTINUS CAMALDULENSIS, 3265. MÄRTL (Claudia), 410, 413. MÁRTON (András), 1683. MARTOUZET (Denis), 679. MARTSCHUKAT (Jürgen), 80. MARTY (Nicolas), 7859. MARTYN (John R. C.), 3245. MARTYNOV (Dmitrij E.), 8034. MARTZAVOU (Paraskevi), 1358. MARUCCI (Franco), 5742. Marulus (Marcus), 3000. MARUTA (Takashi), 7975. MARX (Christian), 6107. Marx (Karl), 5391, 5430. MARX (Stefan), 3828. MARY (Nicolas), 3785.

376 MÄRZ (Stefan), 7497. MARZANO (Annalisa), 1953. MARZANO (Marco), 4783. Marzano d'Aragona (Camilla), 3072. MARZOLF (Hedwig), 5425. Masaryk (Tomáš Garrigue), 3674, 3704, 7423. MASCARENHAS D'ARAÚJO (António Geraldo), 7122. MASCOLO (Angelo), 1629. MASFERRER LEÓN (Cristina V.), 6662. MASHKOUR (Marjan), 1295. MASI RUGGIERO (Maria), 3297. MASKALÍK (Alex), 3696. MASOERO (Alberto), 6330. MASON (Nicholas), 5743. MASON (Tony), 6663. MASONI (Franco), 4155. MASSA (Francesco), 1313, 1663. MASSICARD (Élise), 4559, 4575, 4576. Massigli (René), 7746. MASSIMILIANO (David), 2548. MASTERS (Bruce), 5112. MASTROCINQUE (Attilio), 343. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo), VII, 258. MASTRUZZO (Antonino), 2. MATALLANA (Andrea), 5946. MATASOVA (Tat'jana A.), 2684. MATEOS (Abdón), 4492. MATES (Lewis), 6850. MATHEUS (Michael), 3457. MATHEWS (Mark D.), 2304. MATHIEU (Lilian), 3786. Mathildis Canusina, 3005. MATIN (Kamran), 4118. MATLIN (Daniel), 5113. MATOS (Sérgio Campos), 5294. MATOVINA (Timothy M.), 4675. MATSUMOTO (Shiro), 8048. MATSUNUMA (Miho), 7566. MATSUO (Masaki), 4306. MATSUSHIMA (Shigeru), 4205. MATSUZONO (Jun-ichiro), 8049. MATTA-DUVIGNEAU (Raphaël), 3787. Matteotti (Giacomo), 4151. MATTER (Edith Ann), 3188. MATTERN (Susan P.), 2060. MATTERN (Torsten), 2134. MATTESINI (Maria Chiara), 5309. MATTHAEI (Albrecht), 1088. Matthaeus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2265, 2273, 2303, 2310. Matthäi (Christian Friedrich), 7. MATTHÄUS (Jürgen), 7620. MATTHEE (Rudolph P.), 6331. MATTHEWS (Michael), 5546.

INDEX OF NAMES MATTHEWS (Roger), 1289. MATTHEWS (Wade), 4028. MATTHIJS (Koenraad), 6769. MATTHYS (Christa), 6433. MATTIANGELI (Daniele), 1901. MATTIOLI (Chiara), 1749. MATTONE (Antonello), 643. MATYSIAK (Anna), 6434. MATZ (Johan), 7742. MATZNER (Tobias), 5410. MAUBACH (Franka), 384. MAUÉS (Flamarion), 5338. MAUL (Stefan M.), 1192. MAULUCCI (Thomas W.), 7670. MAURER (Kathrin), 474. MAURER (Noel), 7052. MAURER (Trude), 5198. MAURIN (Jules), 3798. MAURIZI (Luca), 1770. MAURO (Christian), 3458. Mauro, fra, 3093. Maurras (Charles), 3755. MAUSS (Susanne), 6979. Maxentius (Marcus Aurelius Valerius), Roman emperor, 2106. Maxilimilian I, von Bayern, 7261. Maximilian von Baden, 3907. Maximus Confessor, 3421. Maximus Confessor, Sanctus, 2350, 2413, 2446. MAXWELL (David), 4903. May (Ernst), 5825. May (Francisco), 4254. MAY (Robert E.), 7392. MAYAUD (Isabelle), 5796. MAYENBURG (David von), 6989. MAYER (Herbert), 81. MAYER (Thomas F.), 4843. Mayer (Tobias), 5598. MAYER (Wendy), 2321. MAYER (Werner R.), 1193. MAYER I OLIVÉ (Marc), 1775. MAYERS (David), 7598. MAYHEW (Emily), 7498. MAYHEW (N. J.), 700. MAYNES (Mary Jo), 288. Mayr (Erich), 7431. MAYUZUMI (Akitsu), 7335. Mazarović (Antun), 7300. MAZÉ (Camille), 250. MAZEL (Florian), 3282. MAZOYER (Harold), 6916. MAZRTZAVOU (Paraskevi), 1372. MAZUMDER (Sandeep), 6332. MAZUR (Ljudmila N.), 6250. MAZUR (Peter A.), 4176. MAZUREK (Małgorzata), 6185. MAZZA (Donatella), 135. MAZZEI (Federico), 4177. MAZZEI (Rita), 179.

MAZZINI (Elena), 5339. MAZZINI (Giovanni), 2837. Mazzini (Giuseppe), 4614. Mazzoni (Guido), 5676. MAZZONI (Vieri), 2523. MAZZUCCHI (Andrea), 2985. MAZZUCCO (Niccolò), 981. Mbacké (Bamba), 3817. Mead (Margaret), 511. MEADE (Carroll W.), 2127. MEANEY (Gerardine), 6664. MECHI (Lorenzo), 6665, 6851. MECKE (Christoph-Eric), 6952. MECKEL (Richard A.), 6666. MÉDARD (Henri), 7179. MEDDA (Enrico), 1543. MEDDEB (Abdelwahab), 2693. MEDER (Stephan), 654, 6952. Medici (Lorenzo de'), 2522. Medici, famiglia, 2668. MEDICK (Hans), 7263. MEDINA (Richard W.), 1255. MEDVILLE (Clarles), 2599. MEEKER (Kevin), 5424. MEES (Bernard), 6822. MEHIGAN (Tim), 5761. MEHROTRA (Ajay K.), 6333. MÉHU (Didier), 271. MEI (Oscar), 1716. MEIBERG (Linda), 1256. MEIER (Christian), 427. MEIER (Heinrich), 5397. MEILLER (Christopher), 5425. MEINECKE (Andreas), 530. Meinecke (Friedrich), 5408. MEINERS (Antonia), 6667. MEIRION-JONES (Gwyn I.), 3089. MEISE (Nils), 5496. MEISTER (Jan B.), 1842. MEISTER (Klaus), 435. Meister von Elsloo, 3115. MEL'NIKOVA (Ljubov' V.), 4426. MELCHIORRE (Matteo), 4178. MELCHIORRI (Valentina), 1269. MELCHOR GIL (Enrique), 1843, 1911. MELÉNDEZ CABO (Marina), 2915. MELFA (Daniela), 7432. MELI (Patrizia), 2502. MELLI (Maria), 3285. MELLONE (Viviana), 6980. MELLONI (Alberto), 3210, 4784, 4844. MELLUSI (Giovan Giuseppe), 4816. MELO (Cimara Valim de), 5744. MELONI (Maria), 2804. Melory (Thomas), 2989. MELTON (Nigel D.), 982. MELTZ (Renaud), 3788. MELVANI (Nicholas), 2450.

INDEX OF NAMES MELVILLE (Gert), 3314. MENANDER (Hanna), 3432. Menander Protector, 2374. Menander, 1550, 1587. MENCARELLI (Giovanna), 6109. MENCARELLI (Mario), 6109. Menchaca (Antonio), 4675. MENDELS (Doron), 2305. MENDELSON (David), 5745. Menderes (Adnan), 4579. MENDES (José Amado), 675. MÉNDEZ DOSUNA (Julián), 1373. MENDOLA (Louis), 96. MENDOZA (Roberto), 2732. MENDOZA MICHILOT (María), 5340. MENDOZA MUÑOZ (Jesús), 82. MENESTÒ (Enrico), 2346, 3288. MENG (Michael), 7547. MENIN (Marco), 5434. MENNEN (Kristian), 4285. MENZEL (Michael), 2508. Menzies (Robert Gordon), 3551. MERCADO (Juan Andres), 5424. MERCENARO (Mario), 3105. MEREDITH (David), 6048. MEREMINSKIJ (Stanislav G.), 3018. MERIDETH (Craig), 1029. MÉRINDOL (Christian de), 97. MERKER (Nicolao), 5114. MERKÙ (Pavle), 2524. MERLET (Pierre), 4407. MERLI (Elena), 2016. MERLI (Maxime), 6289. MERLO (Grado G.), 344. MERRITT (J. F.), 4029. MERTENS (Thom), 3386. MERTENS FLEURY (Katharina), 3095. MERVANT-ROUX (MarieMadeleine), 223. MERVAUD (Christiane), 5442. Mesha, king of Moab, 1260. Messiaen (Olivier), 5954. MESSINA (Maria Grazia), 5857. MESSIS (Charis), 2400, 2451. MESSMER (Kurt), 567. METAWI (Dina), 1143. METELING (Wencke), 6480. METHUEN (Charlotte), 836. Metternich (Clemens Wenzel Lothar Fürst von), 7349, 7410. METZER (Jacob), 709. METZGER (Martina), 7629. METZLER (Gabriele), 6476. METZLER (Mark), 6043. MEULDER (Marcel), 2017. Meuting (Anton), 7275. MEVEL (Ludovic), 940. MEYBOOM (Paul G. P.), 2128.

MEYEN (Michael), 345, 5341. MEYER (Doris), 2201. MEYER (Elizabeth A.), 1374. MEYER (Hermann Frank), 7630. MEYER (Jan-Henrik), 7893. MEYER (Mahlon), 8035. MEYER (Thomas), 5417. MEYERS (Gretchen E.), 1750. MIARD-DELACROIX (Hélène), 3908. Micceri, famigli, 3028. MICCOLI (Giovanni), 4785. MICCOLIS (Stefano), 5427. MICHAEL (Holger), 7499. Michael Apostolius, 2375. Michael Gabras, 2376. Michael Psellus, 2390, 2445, 2475. Michael VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2428. MICHAELS (Axel), 518. MICHAL (Frankl), 3676. MICHALCZYK (Andrzej), 6090. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír), 4457, 4458, 4459, 7047. MICHALOWSKI (Piotr), 1194. MICHAUD (Claude), 3566. MICHEL (Anne-Claire), 2018. MICHEL (Christoph), 5679. MICHEL (Judith), 7766. MICHEL (Laure), 5754. MICHEL (Lise), 3789. MICHEL (Sabrina), 6918. MICHEL (Stefan), 4953. MICHELA (Miroslav), 4092. MICHELETTA (Luca), 7485, 7860. MICHELIS (Chiara), 6981. MICHELS (Eckard), 3909. MICHELSEN (Morten), 5948. MICHELSON (Emily), 5342. MICHETTI (Raimondo), 784. MICHEVA (Tsvetana), 3612. MICHIENZI (Ingrid Houssaye), 2839. MICHNIAK (Paweł Jacek), 4460. MICHON (Cédric), 7268. MICHON (Cyrille), 840. MICUS (Rosa), 4882. MIDDELL (Matthias), 382. MIDELFORT (H. C. Erik), 4751. MIDRIAK (Rudolf), 6247. MIÉ (Fabián), 1622. MIECZKOWSKI (Yanek), 4661. MIEG (Harald A.), 713. MIERI (Magdalena), 5127. MIGLIO (Adam E.), 1089. MIGLIO (Massimo), 2921. MIGNEMI (Adolfo), 5862. MIGNON (Nicolas), 6668. MIGNOT (Claude), 5824. MIKAMI (Yoshitaka), 8050. MIKAVICA (Dejan), 4270.

377 MIKHAIL (Alan), 724. Mikhail I Fyodorovich Romanov, empereur de Russie, 5645. MIKHAJLOVA (Tat'jana A.), 2621. MIKKELSEN (Flemming), 3717. MILANESCHI (Cesare), 4845. MILANESE (Marco), 3459. MILANESI (Giorgio), 2634. MILANESIO (Natalia), 6110, 6187. MILANI (Pauline), 5115. MILAZZO (Sébastien), 3166. MILBURN (Olivia), 7976. MILCHTAICH (Igal), 6297. MILEO (Antonio), 2019. MILES (Simon), 7743. Milescu Spătarul (Nicolae), 5027. MILETTI (Marco Nicola), 643. MILIČIĆ (Irena), 5661. Miljukov (Pavel N.), 5128. MILKOOVITCH-RIOUX (Catherine), 6556. MILLAN (Gordon), 5709. MILLAN DA COSTA (Adelaide), 3470. MILLAR (Fergus), 2399. MILLER (Burton Richard), 4408. MILLER (Edward), 4719. MILLER (Ian Jared), 249. MILLER (Jared L.), 1227. MILLER (Martin A.), 3493. MILLER (Martin), 273. MILLER (Matthew Lee), 4910. MILLER (Naomi F.), 1195. MILLER (Paul M.), 4752. MILLER (Peter N.), 792. MILLER (Rana), 383. MILLER (Rory M.), 6334. MILLER (Susan Gilson), 4274. MILLETT (Nathaniel), 4662. MILLIGAN (Ian), 346. MILLIMAN (Paul), 2579. MILLINGTON (Richard), 3910. MILLS (Kenneth), 811. MILLS (Melinda), 6444. MILLS (Quincy T.), 6671. MILLS (Sean), 3626. MILLS (Terence C.), 6001. MILNE (Anna-Louise), 899. MILNER (Jean-Claude), 5438. MILNE-SMITH (Amy), 6672. MILOS (Pedro), 3641. Miltiades, 1582. MILTSIOS (Nikos), 426, 1544. MILZA (Pierre), 7599. MIMIDOU (Evangelia), 1545. MINA (Noula), 6673. MINALE (Valerio M.), 2306. MINCHIN (Timothy J.), 6111. Mindszenty (József), 4084, 4086. MINDT (Nina), 2020. MÍNGUEZ (Norberto), 5627.

378 MÍNGUEZ (Víctor), 5819. Mink (Louis O.), 450. MIÑO GRIJALVA (Manuel), 6188. MINOHARA (Tosh), 4213. MINON (Sophie), 1352. MINOVEZ (Jean-Michel), 2820. MIOR (Paola), 2891. MIRELLI (Raffaele), 5398. MIRIZZI (Ferdinando), 66. MIRSCHENZ (Manuela), 2129. MISAGAWA (Akihiro), 2580. MISCHI (Julian), 3807. MISEVICH (Philip), 7124. MISHKOVA (Diana), 561, 3609. MISHRA (Pankaj), 7913. MÍŠKOVÁ (Alena), 3494. MISPELAERE (Jan), 6674. MISSIAIA (Anna), 6061. MITANI (Hiroshi), 4207. MITANI (Takashi), 7982. MITANI (Yoshiyuki), 8051. MITCHELL (Lynette G.), 2599. MITCHINSON (Wendy), 6675. MITE COLCERIU (Diana), 5746. MITHANDER (Conny), 5066. Mithridates VI, Eupator, king of Pontus, 1808, 1972. MITJUREVA (Dar'ja S.), 5445. MITOMA (Glenn), 7053. MITRANI (Sam), 6853. MITSIOU (Ekaterini), 2402. MITTAG (Jürgen), 3866, 3925. MITTELMANN (Hanni), 5067. MITTER (Rana), 7567. Mitterand (François), 7049, 7826. MITTERAUER (Michael), 83. MITTHOF (Fritz), 1329, 1771. MITTICA (Gloria Paola), 1715. MITZEN (Jennifer), 7393. MIURA (Nagamitsu), 5428. MIZUMOTO (Kunihiko), 8052. MNATSAKANIAN (Ruben), 692. MOAZAMI (Behrooz), 4119. MÖBIUS (Friedrich), 3388. MODEO (Simona), 2711. MÖDERSHEIM (Sabine), 552. MODIGLIANI (Anna), 2669. MODONUTTI (Rino), 2992. MOELLER (Robert G.), 5950. MOGGI (Mauro), 1546. MOGILNER (Marina), 5551. Möhler (Johann Adam), 4781. MÖHREN (Frankwalt), 2943. MOHRMANN (Ruth-E.), 220. MOHUN (Arwen P.), 6676. MOINE (Caroline), 5951. MOINE (Cecilia), 3298. MOINE (Nathalie), 4409. MOISAND (Jeanne), 5952. MOKLAK (Jarosław), 4351. MOKYR (Joel), 6019.

INDEX OF NAMES MOLHOLT (Rebecca), 1710. Molière, 5673, 5674. MOLIGNINI (Luca), 4883. MOLINA BALAGUER (Lluís), 1009. MOLINA DEL VILLAR (América), 5549. MOLINA MARTOS (Manuel), 1196. MOLINA RUEDA (Beatriz), 196. MOLINELLI (Piera), 138. MOLINO (Paola), 239. MÖLLER (Esther), 5267, 5290. MÖLLERS (Georg), 4225. MOLLOY (Seán), 5425. MOLNÁR (Antal), 4846. MOLNÁR (V. Atilla), 4444. Molotov (Vjačeslav Michajlovič), 7604. MOLTENI (Angela), 5678. Moltke (Hans Adolf von), 7610. Moltke (Helmut von), 7484. MOMBAUER (Annika), 7437. MOMMSEN (Hans), 1236. Mommsen (Theodor), 424. MONACO (C. S.), 5006. MONAGLE (Clare), 3389. MONCIATTI (Alessio), 3118. MONCKEBERG (María Olivia), 5199. MONDINI (Marco), 590. MONFERRER-SALA (Juan Pedro), 1144. MONGE SOARES (António M.), 1048. MONICA (Ann), 2889. MONIER (Florence), 2131. MONIER (Frédéric), 3753. MONINA (Giancarlo), 348. MONNIER (Eric), 4543. MONNIER (Gérard), 3801. MONOD (Paul Kléber), 5116. MONORY (Zénó), 6057. MONROY (María Baudot), 7310. Montaigne (Michel de), 5419. MONTALDO (Silvano), 5552. MONTALVA (Pía), 3642. MONTANA (Fausto), 1547. MONTANA (Ismael M.), 4558. MONTANARO (Andrea Celestino), 1721. MONTANARO (Rosanna), 1133. MONTANDON (Alain), 904. MONTAÑÉS CABALLERO (Manuel), 961. MONTCLOS (Xavier de), 6677. MONTEITH (Sharon), 900. MONTERESCU (Daniel), 4139. MONTERO (Feliciano), 4774. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat baron de), 5431, 5434. MONTGOMERY (Janet), 982. MONTI (Alessandro), 2523.

MOOMOU (Jean), 7222. MOON (David), 6233. MOON (Yumi), 7107, 7394. MOORE (Aaron Stephen), 5553. MOORE (Lyndon), 5996, 6267. MOORMANN (Eric M.), 2128. MOORS (Markus), 3824. MOR (Jessica Stites), 7671. MORA (Alba), 5186. MORA (Clelia), 1069, 1228. MORA TORCAL (Rafael), 946. MORAHT-FROMM (Anna), 3091. MORÁIS MORÁN (José Alberto), 3119. MORALES (Juan Ignacio), 983. MORALES (Xavier), 2175. MORAN (Christopher R.), 312, 4030, 4663. MORAN (Neil), 2452. MORAN (Patrick), 3186. MORÁN RAMOS (Luis Daniel), 5343. MORAND (Marie Claude), 3135. MORANGE (Michel), 5486. MORARU (Anton), 7054. MORATELLI (Thiago), 6112. MØRCH (Søren), 3721. MORDHORST (Camilla), 757. MORDINI (Paola), 2759. MORE (Anna H.), 231. More (Thomas), 5432. MOREAU (Denis), 840. MOREHEAD (Susan Kline), 8097. MORELLI (Federica), 7188. MORELLÓ BAGET (Jordi), 2809. MORENO (Julio E.), 7658. MORENO (Paul D.), 4664. MORENO ALONSO (Manuel), 4495. MORENO CANTANO (Antonio César), 7586. MORENO CHÁVEZ (José Alberto), 4258. MORENO GARCIA (Juan Carlos), 1110. MORENO RESANO (Esteban), 2079. MORENO SÁEZ (Francisco), 4496. MORENO SECO (Mónica), 4484. MORENO-GARCÍA (Marta), 1041. MORENZONI (Franco), 864, 3350. MORETTI (Giampiero), 5399. MORETTI (Mario), 5416. MORETTI (Mauro), 373. Morgagni (Giambattista), 5563. MORGAN (Gwenda), 7223. Morgan (J. P.), 6343. MORGAN (Kevin), 6854. MORGAN-GUY (John), 4043. MORI (Kimiyuki), 8053. MORI (Roberto), 2205. MORI (Ryoji), 6189. MORIHIRA (Masahiko), 8082.

INDEX OF NAMES Morillo (Pablo conde de Cartagena), 7236. MORILLO (Stephen), 349. MORIN (Gilles), 3795, 3800. MORITZ (Verena), 7500. MORIYAMA (Takeshi), 6678. MORLET (Sébastien), 2263. MORO (Raffaele), 5910. MOROZOV (Boris N.), 5645. MOROZOV (Igor' A.), 528. MOROZOV (Maksim A.), 2414. MORRESI CORRIDONIA (Alberto), 2610. Morrill (John), 4034. Morris (Anthony), 7345. MORRIS (Justin), 7601. MORRIS (M. Michelle Jarrett), 6679. Morris (William), 5644. MORRIS-CROWTHER (Jayne), 4665. MORRISON (Andrew D.), 2059. MORRISON (Karl F.), 2932. MORRISON (Kenneth), 588. MORRISSEY (Robert), 5060. MORROW (Diana), 4292. MORSCHER (Lukas), 3462. MORSEY (Rudolf), 3821. MORTENSEN (Lasse), 7649. MORTON (Graeme), 7085. MORTON (Michael Quentin), 7055. MORVAN (Myriam), 5400, 5438. MORYS (Matthias), 6335. MOSAKI (Nodar Z.), 5299. MOSAYEBI (Reza), 5425. MOSCA (Matthew W.), 7056. MOSER (Karin), 7500. MOSES (A. Dirk), 5410. MOSK (Carl), 6020. MOSKAL (Anna), 4352. MOŞNEAGU (Marian), 4373. MOSSÉ (Claude), 1461. MOSTI (Renzo), 2635. MOTA GOMES (Itania Maria), 229. MOTTA (Franco), 4753. MOTTE (André), 1664. MOTTOLA (Francesco), 2840. MOUCKAGA (HUGUES), 3817. MOUHOT (Jean-François), 4009. MOULINET (Daniel), 4815. MOUMNI (Fatma), 5424. MOUNIR (Hakima), 6680. MOUNY (Sandrine), 3132. MOURA (Gerson), 7602. MOURELATOS (Alexander P.D.), 1623. MOURIC (Joël), 5117. MOUSER (Bruce L.), 6855, 7161. MOUSTAKA (Aliki), 108. MOXEY (Keith), 213. MOYA PONS (Frank), III. MOYAL-SHARROCK (Danièle), 5444.

MOYN (Samuel), 762. MOYNAHAN (Gregory), 5417. MOYSAN (Bruno), 5954. Moyses, 2258. Mozart (Constanze), 5894. MOŹDZIOCH (Sławomir), 2723. MRÁV (Zsolt), 1772. MRĐEN (Ivana), 6681. MUCCIARELLI (Roberta), 2841. MUCCIOLI (Federicomaria), 1415. MUCHITSCH (Wolfgang), 246. MÜCHLER (Günter), 7349. MÜCKE (Lukas), 6682. MÜCKE (Pavel), 350. MUEHLBERGER (Ellen), 2307. Muhammad, 2399, 2704. Mühlenberg (Heinrich Melchior), 4974, 4975. MÜHLENBRUCH (Tobias), 1345. MÜHLMANN (Heiner), 5425. MUIR (Rory), 4031. MUIR (Simo), 4993. MUKANYA KANINDA-MUANA (Jean-Bruno), 7162. MUKHERJEE (Tutun), 912. MÜLDNER (Gundula), 1045. MULÉ (Viviana), 2695. MULLEN (Stephen), 6190. MULLEN (William), 1548. MÜLLER (Albert), 84. MÜLLER (Christa), 6395. MÜLLER (Christian Th.), 578. MÜLLER (Denis), 843. MÜLLER (Eckhard), 5077. MÜLLER (Frank), 1549. MÜLLER (Gernot Michael), 2913. MÜLLER (Heiko), 5268. MÜLLER (Helmut), 847. MÜLLER (Hendrick), 5173. MÜLLER (Jan-Dirk), 284. MÜLLER (Juliane), 6683. MÜLLER (Manfred), 6917. MÜLLER (Margrit), 6031. MÜLLER (Mechthild), 2043. MÜLLER (Monika E.), 35. MULLER (Raphaël), 5118. MÜLLER (Sigrid), 2896. MÜLLER (Tim B.), 7667. MÜLLER (Tom), 3196. MÜLLER (Uwe), 6210. MÜLLER (Yves), 3848. MÜLLER-BAHLKE (Thomas), 4974. MÜLLER-JAHNCKE (Wolf-Dieter), 5615. MÜLLER-POHL (Simone), 6079. MULLIGAN (William), 7081. MULLINS (Juliet), 3218. MULLINS (Paul R.), 6463. MUNARI (Tommaso), 5378. MÜNCHBERG (Katharina), 5741. MUNITIZ (Joseph A.), 2210, 2382.

379 MÜNKLER (Herfried), 7501. MÜNNICH (Maciej M.), 1090. MÜNNICH (Nicole), 4443. MUNNICH (Olivier), 2263. MUNNS (David P. D.), 5554. MUNOCHIVEYI (Munyaradzi Bryn), 4722. MUÑOZ CARRASCO (Olga), 5131. MUÑOZ PAZ (Lionel), 7224. MUÑOZ SÁNCHEZ (Antonio), 7678. Münster (Sebastian), 152. MUNTONI (Italo M.), 948, 984. Müntzer (Thomas), 4920. MUNZ (Volker A.), 5444. MURA (Kazuaki), 8054. MURAI (Shosuke), 8055. MURAKAMI (Ei), 7395. MURAMATSU (Shigemi), 4032. MURANO (Francesca), 1739. MURAVYEVA (Marianna), 6684. MURDOCH (Alexander), 6685. Murena (Lucius Licinius), 1784. MUREŞAN (Dan Ioan), 2400, 2564. MURGIA (Emanuela), 2080. MURKENS (Jo Eric), 6892. MURPHY (Anne L.), 6336. MURPHY (Christopher J.), 312. MURPHY (John), 3553. MURPHY (Philip), 7088. MURR (Karl Borromäus), 6842. MURRAY (Nicholas), 7502. MUSARRA (Franco), 5662. MUSATTI (Cesare A.), 3195. MUSCHALEK (Marie), 7163. MUSCOLINO (Francesco), 424. MUSGROVE (Charles D.), 7983. Muşoiu (Panait), 4391. MUSSGNUG (Dorothee), 6926. Mussolini (Benito), 4162, 4164, 4171, 4189, 7599. MUSTI (Domenico), 408. MUSTO (Ronald G.), 2604. MUSUMECI (Francesco), 1902. MUTCH (Alistair), 4954. MUTGÉ I VIVES (Josefina), 2705. MUTIN (Benjamin), 1290. MUTO (Giovanni), 439. MUZZARELLI (Maria Giuseppina), 786. MUZZI (Orietta), 2590. MYANT (Martin), 6047. MYERS (Anne M.), 5119. MYERS (Perry), 5120. MYNÁŘOVÁ (Jana), 1145. MYSCOFSKI (Carole A.), 4847. N N'DIAYE (Sidi), 4244. NA'AMAN (Nadav), 1257. Nabokov (Vladimir

380 Vladimirovich), 5710. Nabû-kudurrī-uṣur II, king of Babylon, 1202. NADEAU (Yvan), 2021. NADELL (Pamela S.), 335. NADLER (Steven), 5419, 5438. NADRIGNY (Xavier), 2924. NAEPELS (Michel), 8102. NAEVE (Nico), 883. NÄF (Beat), 1717, 2156. NAFISSI (Massimo), 1375. NAFPLIOTIS (Alexandros), 7861. NAGEL (Elke), 3301. NAGEL (Michael), 4999. NAGL (Dominik), 4033. NAGL-DOCEKAL (Herta), 5423. NAGURA (Bunji), 4208. NAHM (Werner), 1197. NAHMER (Dieter von der), 3341. NAHMÍAS (Gustavo J.), 3534. NAIDEN (F. S.), 1665. NAISMITH (Rory), 2842. NAJMABADI (Afsaneh), 6686. NAKADA (Kosuke), 2453. NAKAGOMI (Ritsuko), 8056. NAKAJIMA (Gakusho), 8057. NAKAMI (Tatsuo), 7503. NAKAMURA (Keiji), 7984. NAKANO (Satomi), 1624. NAKANO (Satoshi), 7108. NAKASIS (Dimitri), 1347. NALDI (Nerio), 5421. NAMIKAS (Lise), 7862. NAMONT (Jean-Philippe), 7504. NANCE (Susan), 6687. NANNI (Matteo), 3158. NANZ (Tobias), 5979. NAOR (Dan), 4227. NAOTO (Nakajima), 6435. NAPIER (Daniel A.), 2308. Napoléon Ier, empereur de France, 4799, 5646, 7336, 7337, 7349. NAPOLI (Joëlle), 1844. NAPOLI (Paolo), 412. NARDON (Walter), 5621. NARDONE (Paola), 7311. NARINSKIJ (Mikhail M.), 7347. Narmer, king of Egypt, 1136. NARSKY (Igor), 232. NASH (Mary), 442. NASHLI (Hassan Fazeli), 1020. NASO (Alessandro), 1718. Nasser (Gamal Abdel), 3730, 7787, 7808. NASTASĂ (Lucian), 423. NASTASI (Pietro), 5473. NAUDIER (Delphine), 5955. Naumann (Werner), 3948. NAUMKIN (Vitalij V.), 8090. NAUMOV (Goce), 985. NAVALLO (Tatiana), 5344.

INDEX OF NAMES NAVIA (Patricio), 7802. NAYAK (Ajit), 6113. NAYLOR (James), 3627. NDLOVU-GATSHENI (Sabelo J.), 7164. NEAGU (Răzvan Mihai), 3246. NEAL (Larry), 6347. NEBBIAI DALLA GUARDIA (Donatella), 36. Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, 1173. NECHUTOVÁ (Jana), 3353. NEDELCU (Cristina), 7863. NEDELSKY (Nadya), 644. NEDERMAN (Cary J.), 2925. NEELEMAN (Gary), 6114. NEELEMAN (Rose), 6114. NEER (Robert M.), 5555. NEF (Annliese), 670, 2874. Nefer, 1129. NEGRETTO (Gabriel L.), 6893. NEGRI (Antonello), 5857. NEHRING (Holger), 7679. NEIDHART (Leonhard), 4544. NEIL (Bronwen), 837, 2321, 2462, 2558. NEITZEL (Sönke), 7396. NELLEN (Henk J. M.), 3041. NELLES (Dieter), 6856. NELLS (Damien P.), 1971. NELSON (Claudia), 67. NELSON (Diane M.), 4079. NELSON (William Max), 3763. NĚMCOVÁ (Alice), 7796. NEMENSKIJ (Oleg B.), 4356. NÉMETH (Rita E.), 1001. NENAROKOVA (Marija R.), 3019. NENTWIG (Teresa), 3911. NEOCLEOUS (Savvas), 2455. NÉRAUDAU (Jean-Pierre), 5121. NERBAS (Don), 6337. NERI LUSANNA (Enrica), 3142. Nero (Claudius Caesar), Roman emperor, 1401, 1845, 2128. NERVEGNA (Sebastiana), 1550. NESCHWARA (Christian), 6929. NESSELRATH (Theresa), 1846. NESTER (William), 7337. NEU (Tim), 3912. NEUBAUER (Alexandra), 3560. NEUBERT (Hildigund), 3829. NEUBURGER (Karin), 5067. NEUBURGER (Mary C.), 3613. NEUFELD (Matthew), 351. NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang), 530. NEUHAUS (Helmut), 418. NEUMANN (Iver B.), 7058. Neumeyer (Karl), 6877. NEUSS (Beate), 3829. NEUTATZ (Dietmar), 4410. NEVERS (Jeppe), 3719.

NEVILLE (Leonora), 2354. NEWELL (Stephanie), 5345. NEWFIELD (Timothy P.), 2829. NEWITT (Malyn), 184. Newman (John Henry), 5542. NEWMAN (John Paul), 7470. NEWMAN (Simon P.), 7089. NEWTON (Gill), 6438. Newton (Isaac), 5395, 5479, 5513, 5562. NEWTON (Joshua D.), 7165. NEWTON (Scott), 6338. NEWTON-MATZA (Mitchell), 6857. NEXØ (Sniff Andersen), 6688. NEYER (Gerda), 6439. NEZU (Yukio), 2395. Ngô (Đình Diêṃ), 4719, 7714. NHEM (Boraden), 3620. NI (Yannian), 7985. NÍ GHRÁDAIGH (Jenifer), 3218. Nicephorus Blemmydes, 2377. Nicetas Choniates, 2467. Nicetas David Paphlago, 2378. Nicetas Pectoratus, 2379. Nicetas Remesianensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2331. NICHOLS (Joshua), 458. NICHOLS (Robert), 6927. NICHOLS (Roger L.), 4666. NICHOLSON (Nigel), 352. NICHOLSON (Paul T.), 1146. NICKEL (Rainer), 1785. NICKEL (Sebastian), 5956. NICKLAS (Tobias), 2235. NICKLES (David Paull), 7769. NICKSON (Andrew), 603. Nicola Pisano, 3087. NICOLAI (Bernd), 5861. NICOLAI (Roberto), 1551. NICOLAJ (Giovanna), 2, 13. Nicolaus Cabasilas, 2380. Nicolaus Cusanus, 3183, 3196, 3209. Nicolaus Maniacoria, 3354. Nicolaus Myrensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2167, 3344. NICOLAUS ORESMIUS, 3169. Nicolaus V, papa, 2493, 2669. NICOUD (Marilyn), 755, 784. Niebuhr (Carl), 161. NIEDERL-GARBER (Claudia), 181. NIELSEN (Eigil), 3722. NIEMEIER (Wolf-Dietrich), 1336, 1343. NIEMEYER (Christian), 3913, 5433. NIESEN (Peter), 5412. Nietzsche (Friedrich Wilhelm), 465, 887, 5100, 5136, 5391, 5433, 5436. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp), 1091. NIGHTINGALE (Pamela), 2843.

INDEX OF NAMES NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude), 6858. NIKIFOROV (Konstantin V.), 4445. NIKODYM (Tomáš), 3697. NIKOLAEV (Alexander), 1552. Nikolaus II (Esterházy), 5798. NIKOLIC (Milorad), 1966. NIKOLIC-FUSS (Sandrine), 5954. Nilsson (Martin Persson), 845. NILSSON (Ralph), 5957. NILSSON (Sam), 7680. NILSSON (Ulrika Lagerlöf), 448. NILSSON STUTZ (Liv), 941. NINKOVIĆ (Nenad), 4270. NIPPEL (Wilfried), 353. NIRENBERG (David), 857. NISH (Ian), 7711. NISHIKAWA (Sugiko), 7312. NISHIMIYA (Hideki), 8058. NISHIMURA (Yoshiko), 1596. NISTOR (Paul), 7059. NITZ (Wenke), 4179. NIU (Daosheng), 7986. NIU (Haiyan), 7987. Nixon (Richard Milhous), 7780, 7851, 7896. Nkrumah (Kwame), 3974, 3975. NOA (Miriam), 5958. NOACK (Hans-Joachim), 3914. NOBILI (Cecilia), 1553. NOBILI (Sebastiana), 2958. NOCCHI (Francesca R.), 2022. NOCENTINI (Silvia), 3324. NOCILLA (Mara), 2708. NOCITA (Michela), 1376. NOËL (Erick), 676. NOGUEIRA (Isabel), 5801. NOGUERA (Jaume), 1039. NOGUÈS (Boris), 5214. NOGUES-MARCO (Pilar), 6329. NOIRET (Serge), 301. NOIRIEL (Gérard), 3792. NOIZET (Hélène), 186. NOLAN (Mark C.), 6044. NOLAN (Simon), 4860. NOLTE (Paul), 5122. NONN (Christoph), 428. Nonnus Panopolitanus, 1499, 1506, 1516, 1535, 1591. NONOSE (Koji), 4545. NORDBERG (Donald), 6339. NORDMANN (Ingeborg), 5410. NORELLI (Enrico), 2222. NORGAARD (Richard B.), 788. NORGREN (Jill), 6982. NORMAN (Paul), 6660. NOROLAHIE (Dariosh), 1284. NØRR (Erik), 5261. NORRHEM (Svante), 7309. NORRIS (Jacob), 7109. NORTH (Peter), 4001. NORTHOVER (J. Peter), 1028.

NORTON (Elizabeth A.), 2024. NORWOOD (Stephen H.), 4667. NOSKOVA (Al'bina F.), 4357. NOTARIUS (Tania), 136. Notgerus Leodiensis episcopus, 3256. NOTIZIA (Palmiro), 1198. NOUSCHI (André), 7166. NOUWEN (Mollie Lewis), 5008. NOVA (Alessandro), 5800, 5850. NOVANSKÝ (Tomáš), 6345. NOVELLA (Enric), 5556. NOVIKOFF (Alex J.), 3042. NOVIKOVA (Irina N.), 3511. Novomestský-Meakulpínsky (Ladislav), 4455. NOVOTNÝ (Lukáš), 7603. NOWINOWSKI (Sławomir M.), 7505. NOWOSIELSKA-SOBEL (Joanna), 3915. NUHN (Johannes von Hersfeld), 2551. NUN (Katalin), 5124. NUNES (João Pedro), 6440. NÚÑEZ (Vanessa), 7869. NUNNARI (Fabrizio), 6212. NUNNARI (Tano), 5747. NURULLIN (Rim M.), 1215. NUß (Daniel), 3342. NUVOLARI (Alessandro), 701. NYE (David E.), 6115. NYECK (S. N.), 6736. NYFFENEGGER (Nicole), 354. NYHAN (Julianne), 5055. NYLANDER (Carl), 1755. NYLANDER (Ola), 6441. NYQUIST (Mary), 629. NYSTRÖM (Samu), 3741. O Ó GRÁDA (Cormac), 6228. O'BRIEN (M. J.), 4668. O'BRIEN (Phillips Payson), 5347. O'COLLINS (Gerald), 4786. O'DAY (Rosemary), 6340. O'DOHERTY (Marianne), 182, 2926. O'DOWD (Mary), 6664. O'GORMAN (Frank), 5045. O'HANLON (Rosalind), 355, 920, 7914. O'HARA (Vincent P.), 7459, 7631. O'KEEFE (John J.), 2181. O'KEEFFE (Brigid), 6689. O'KELL (Robert), 4035. O'LOUGHLIN (Thomas), 3390. O'MAHONY (Anthony), 4735. O'MALLEY (John W.), 4848. O'PHELAN (Scarlett), 4328. O'ROURKE (Kevin H.), 3480.

381 O'SHAUGHNESSY (Andrew Jackson), 7225. O'SULLIVAN (Neil), 1554. OAKLAND (John), 732. OBATA (Shuntaro), 4036. OBERLÄNDER (Alexandra), 6690. OBERLIN (Christine), 975. OBICHKINA (Evgenija O.), 7697. OCCHINEGRO (Ubaldo), 3094. OCCHIPINTI (Egidia), 1555. OCHS (Christoph), 2310. ODAKA (Konosuke), 4205. ODANAKA (Naoki), 3793. ODENDAAL (André), 4472. ODIER DA CRUZ (Lorraine), 6545, 6691. Odorico (Paolo), 2400. ODORICUS DE PORTU NAONIS, 2549. Oecumenius, 2430. OELS (David), 5348. OERS (Lotte), 1199. OESTERLE (Jenny Rahel), 2795. OESTERREICHER (Wulf), 284. Oetker (August), 3863. OEXLE (Otto Gerhard), 2582. OGATA (Amy F.), 5833. OGATA (Kiwako), 3391. OGÉE (Frédéric), 5090. OGLE (Vanessa), 62. OGUNDIRAN (Akinwumi), 920, 922. OHIRA (Yuichi), 8059. ÖHMAN (Martin), 7397. OHME (Heinz), 2353, 3211. OISHI (Manabu), 8060. OJO (Olatunji), 7124, 7167. OKADO (Masakatsu), 4212. OKOME (Onookome), 5904. OKOUNEVA (Ljudmila S.), 6036. OKOUNEVA (Ol'ga V.), 7247. OKPANACHI (Blaise Okachibe), 7060. OKPEH (Okpeh Ochayi), 4302. OLARIU (Doina), 1331. Olaus Petri, 2556. OLDENZIEL (Ruth), 5557. OLDFIELD (J.R.), 7338. OLENDER (Maurice), 438. OLES (James), 5834. Olivares (Gaspar de Guzmán conde-duque de), 7187. OLIVARES SANDOVAL (Omar), 183. OLIVEIRA (Vanessa S.), 7155. OLIVIERI (Lucia M. M.), 3303. OLIVO (Gilles), 5419. OLLANDET (Jérôme), 5125. OLLÉ (Andreu), 983. OLLERENSHAW (Philip), 4130, 4134.

382 OLMOS (Pau), 1039. OLŠA (Jaroslav), 7744. OLSEN (Lars), 3723. OLSEN (Niklas), 3719. OLTEAN (Ioana A.), 1719. Omerus, 1596. ÖNAL (Mehmet), 1710. ONARAN (Burak), 4577. ONILOV (Tatiana), 7353. Ono no Michikaze, 8075. Onorius III, papa, 3232. OOI (Keat Gin), 7745. OONK (Gijsbert), 6341. OOSTERHOFF (Richard J.), 5558. OPAIŢ (Andrei), 1954. OPITZ (Hans G.), 2175. OPITZ-VON BARDELEBEN (Peter), 3916. OPPEDISANO (Fabrizio), 1847. Oppenheim (Max Freiherr von), 5076. OPPERMANN (Matthias), 3840. OPREA (Cosmin Cristian), 4754. OREN (Amiram), 4140. ORIGO (Gaetano), 5416. ORLIK (Igor' I.), 7911. ORLOV (Aleksandr A.), 6036. ORME (Nicholas), 3392. ÖRNEK (Cangül), 4580. Orsini del Balzo (Giovanni Antonio), principe di Taranto, 2671. ORSSAUD (Geneviève), 5748. ORT (Thomas), 5803. ORTEGA (Isabelle), 723. ORTIZ BENITES (Juan), 3633. ORTÍZ SOTELO (Jorge), 85. ORTIZ WALLNER (Alexandra), 5635. ORTLIEB (Eva), 2734. ORTMEYER (Benjamin), 5349. ORY (Brett E.), 6692. OSAWA (Hiroaki), 7168. OSAWA (Kazuo), 2541. Osborn (Sarah), 4929. OSBORNE (Grant R.), 2231. OSBORNE (John), 3123. OSBORNE (Robin), 1666. OSCHEMA (Klaus), 2927. OSCULATI (Roberto), 3393. Osius Cordubensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2240. OSMERS (Maria), 356. OSOEGAWA (Taku), 7864. OSSA-RICHARDSON (Anthony), 5559. Ossietzky (Carl von), 3843. ÖSTBERG (Kjell), 4531. OSTERHAMMEL (Jürgen), 565. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo), 7650. OSWALD (Wolfgang), 1556.

INDEX OF NAMES OTIMAN (Păun Ion), 5181. OTSU (Toru), 8038, 8061. OTSUKA (Keijiro), 6084. OTSUKA (Osamu), 7921. OTT (Frank-Thomas), 2025. OTT (Martin), 6116. OTTAVIANO (Silvia), 1803. OTTE (Thomas), 3987. OTTMANN (Solveig), 5959. OTTO (Adelheid), 1200. OTTO HORCH (Hans), 5067. Otto I von Bayern, 3830. OTTOSSON (Anders), 5560. OUDART (Hervé), 631. OUDBASHI (Omid), 1291. OUDIJK (Michel R.), 7226. OUELLET (Éric), 3628, 7865. OULION (Rémi), 15. OUVAROV (Pavel Ju.), 615. OUYANG (Xiaoli), 1201. OVERLAET (Bruno), 1281, 1292. OVERY (Richard), 7568. Ovidius Naso (Publius), 1981, 2016, 2024, 2037, 2047, 2010. OWEN (David I.), 1092. OWEN (Jonathan L.), 5960. OWEN (Nicholas), 7110. OWEN (Thomas C.), 6342. OWENS (Alastair), 6300. OWZAR (Armin), 624. OYARZÚN (José E., L.C.), 3394. OZAROW (Daniel), 6859. ÖZBUDUN (Ergun), 4578. OZCÁRIZ GIL (Pablo), 1878. ÖZGÜMÜŞ (Ferudun), 2423. P Pabst (Waldemar), 3961. PAC (Grzegorz), 2636. PACE (Giovanna), 1557. PACE (Rossella), 1720. PACE GRAVINA (Giacomo), 7283. PACHECO (Albino Manoel), 184. PACHECO (Pablo Antonio), 5561. PACILIO (Giovanna), 1721. PACIOCCO (Roberto), 3266. PADOVA (Thomas de), 5562. PADRÃO ÂNGELO (Andréa), 5749. PAFFENROTH (Kim), 2239. PAGANELLI (Barbara L.), 1752. PAGANELLI (Maria Pia), 702. PAGANI (Samuela), 2696. PAGANO (Sergio), 4791. PAGDEN (Anthony), 5401. PAGE (Sophie), 3306. PAGENSTECHER (Cord), 5238. PAGÈS-CAMAGNA (Sandrine), 1690. PAGET (James Carleton), 856. PAGLIETTI (Giacomo), 1021. PAHLAVI (Pierre), 7897.

PAHUD (Samuel), 1904. PAÏDAS (Konstantinos), 2357. PAIRÓ MARTÍN (Ignacio), 357. PAISLEY (Fiona), 5868. PAIVA (José Pedro), 4842. PAJCIC (Kathrin), 2845. PAJUNG (Stefan), 2552. PAK (Susie J.), 6343. PAKSA (Rudolf), 4093. PALACIO (Juan Manuel), 3531. PALACIOS RODRÍGUEZ (Raúl), 4332. Palafox y Mendoza (Juan de), 4857. PÁL-ANTÁL (Sándor), 99. PALAORO (Simon), 3918. PALASIK (Mária), 4095. PALEN (Marc-William), 7398. PALENQUE (Marta), 5139. PALERMO (Silvana Alejandra), 6860. PALETSCHEK (Sylvia), 289. Palladius (Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus), 1791. Palladius of Galatia, 2345. PALLARA (Mauro), 948. PALLIS (Georgios), 2456. PALLUAU (Nicolas), 5270. PALMA (Pina), 2997. PALMENFELT (Ulf), 512. Palmerston (Henry John Temple Viscount), 7376, 7379. PALMIÉ (Stephan), 860. PALOMO LECHÓN (Sandra), 1006. PALTRINIERI (Luca), 412. PAMIAS I MASSANA (Jordi), 1391. PAN (Gangzhen), 7954. PANAGIA (Davide), 5424. PANAGOPOULOS (Spyros P.), 2457. PANCHENKO (Konstantin A.), 4918. PANDEL (Hans-Jürgen), 476. PÁNEK (Jaroslav), 358. PANEL (Louis N.), 7506. PANELLA (Claudio), 3524, 3538. PANFICHI (Aldo), 5105. PANGERL (Andreas), 1764. PANGERL (Daniel Carlo), 2760. PANIAGUA (David), 2061. Panofsky (Erwin), 5394. PANT (Harsh V.), 4102. PANTELIĆ (Ivana), 7643. PANZA (Laura), 6191. PAOLI (François), 5563. PAOLI (Maria Pia), 3395. PAOLI (Michel), 2520. PAOLI (Ugo), 3309. PAOLINI (Lorenzo), 2993. PAPA (Catia), 5271. PAPA (Vito), 2637. PAPACIOC (Caliopie), 2365.

INDEX OF NAMES PAPADATOS (Yianni), 1346. PAPADOPOULOS (John K.), 1722. PAPAIOANNOU (Stratis), 2390, 2451. PAPAKIN (Georgiĭ Vladimirovich), 4590. PAPANGHELIS (Theodore D.), 1992. PAPANIKOLAOU (Aristotle), 4911. PAPANTONIOU (Giorgos), 1723. PAPASTATHIS (Konstantinos), 4912. PAPAZARKADAS (Nikolaos), 1358, 1372. Papias, episcopus, 2200. PAPKOV (Sergej A.), 4427. PAPPANO (Margaret), 3026. PAQUETTE (Gabriel B.), 7197, 7227. Paraná, Honório Hermeto Carneiro Leão Marquês de, 3598. PARAVICINI (Werner), 2792. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Agostino), 3247. PARDO HERNÁNDEZ (Claudia Patricia), 5549. PARDO-TOMÁS (José), 4885. PARDUE (Stephen T.), 2312. PAREDES MARTÍN (Maria del Carmen), 5423. PARENT (Antoine), 6289. PAREŽANIN (Ratko), 3589. PARFITT (Simon A.), 929. PARFITT (Steven), 6861. PARGENDLER (Mariana), 6344. PARISH (Nina), 5624. PARISI (Roberto), 6442. PARISI (Valentina), 5350. PARK (Heejin), 6636. PARK (Hyunjoon), 6624. PARKER (Geoffrey), 3496. PARKER (John), 594. PARKER (Robert C. T.), 865. PARKER (Roger), 5867. PARKIN (Tim G.), 787. PARKINSON (William A.), 1347. Parks (Rosa), 4691. Parmenides, 1613. PARMIGGIANI (Riccardo), 2993. PAROLI (Lidia), 3429. PARR (Helen), 7866. PÄRR (Nora), 5564. PARREIRA (Adriano), 514, 7122. PARRILLO (Nicholas R.), 6919. PARRISH (Timothy), 895. PARRY (Manon), 5961. PARSONS (Greg S.), 7507. PARTNER (Nancy F.), 490. PASAMAR ALZURIA (Gonzalo Vicente), 359. Pascal (Blaise), 5400, 5438. PASCAUD (Claire), 3307.

PASEK (Steve), 1848. PAŠETA (Senia), 4131. PASINI (Maria Paola), 6117. PASLEY (Jeffrey L.), 4669. PASOLINI (Pier Paolo), 5678, 5750. PASQUALI (Jacopo), 1093. PASQUINO (Gianfranco), 632. PASQUINUCCI (Daniele), 5319. PASSMORE (Kevin), 3797. PASTA (Renato), 3556. PASTERNACK (Peer), 5192. Pasternak (Boris), 5738. PASTOR GARCÍA (Daniel), 5354. PASTOR GARRIGUES (Francisco Manuel), 7399. PASTOR-CASTRO (Rogelia), 7681, 7746. PASTORE STOCCHI (Manlio), 2998. PASTORELLI (Pietro), 7354, 7682. PASTORIO (Elena), 1322. PASTOUREAU (Michel), 100. PASTURA (Giancarlo), 3464. PÁSZTÓKAI-SZEOKE (Judit), 1952. PATAY-HORVÁTH (András), 1462. PATCH (Robert W.), 7228. PATEL (Kiran Klaus), 7806. PATHÉ (Anne-Marie), 7070. Patricius, Sanctus, 2949. PĂTROI (Cătălin Nicolae), 986. PATRUT (Iulia-Karin), 6693. PATSCHOVSKY (Alexander), 3356. PATTEE (Phillip G.), 7090. PATTEN (Howard A.), 7683. PATTENDEN (Miles), 4796. PATTERSON (Brad), 4295. PAUGH (Katherine), 6694. PAUL (Gerhard), 214. PAUL (Herman), 477, 486. PAUL (Ina Ulrike), 5631. PAUL (K. Tawny), 6192. PAUL (Stephan), 6302. Paula, Sancta, 2191. Paulinus Nolanus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2005. Paulinus Pellaeus, 2005. PAULMANN (Johannes), 3497. PAULUS DE VENETIIS, 3180. Paulus Diaconus, 2946. Paulus VI, Papa, 4795. Paulus, apostolus, Sanctus, 834, 861, 2222, 2235, 2293, 2294, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2305, 2313, 2314, 2324, 2329, 2332, 2339, 2344, 2366. PĂUNOIU (Diana-Mihaela), 4386. Pausanias, 1570, 1730. PAUSE (Johannes), 5979. PAUSER (Josef), 6929. PAUTSCH (Ilse Dorothee), 7766. PAUWELS (Yves), 5836. PAVAN (Ilaria), 4803.

383 PAVEL (Lucia), 685. PAVEL (Teodor), 685. PAVET (Pierrette), 5751. PAVKOVIC (Michael F.), 349. PAVLICOVÁ (Martina), 515. PAVLOU (Maria), 1558. PAVLOV (Andrej A.), 2946. PAVÓN SOLDEVILA (Ignacio), 1029. Pavone (Claudio), 425. PAVONE (Sabina), 4886. PAWLIK (Anna), 3125. PAXTON (Frederick S.), 3267. PAYEN (Pascal), 419. PAYNE (Richard), 1293. PAZ (Sarit), 1246. PAZOS (Antón M.), 3399. PEACEY (Jason), 5351. PEACOCK (A. C. S.), 2858. PEACOCK (Mark P.), 705. PEACOCK (Mark S.), 1463. PEARCE (Mark), 1740. PEARCE (Robert D.), 4037. PEARSALL (Sarah M. S.), 6695. PEARSON (Robin), 6295. PEATMAN (Jared), 4670. PECH (Rémy), 3798. PÊCHE-QUILICHINI (Kewin), 1046. PECNÍK (Marcel), 6345. PÉCOUT (Thierry), 2511, 2512. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.), 7028, 7867. PEDEN (George C.), 7747. PEDERSEN (Karl Peder), 6696. PEDERSEN (Rasmus Brun), 3724. PEDIO (Alessia), 5352. PEDRO (Susana Tavares), 16. Pedro II, rei de Portugal, 7308. PEDULLÀ (Gabriele), 5429. PEDULLÀ (Walter), 5752. PEDUTO (Paolo), 2618. Peel (Robert), 3992. PEERS (Douglas M.), 7111. PEGG (Samantha), 5360. PEGLAU (Andreas), 5565. PEHR (Michal), 3698. PEI (Shuwen), 938. PEIGNEY (Jocelyne), 1559. PEIRE (Jaime Antonio), 5087. PEKELDER (Jacco), 7868. PELEANU (Adina), 2196. PELED (Ilan), 1202. PELLECCHI (Luigi), 2026. PELLEGRINI (Giancarlo), 6799. PELLEGRINI (Marco), 2670. PELLEGRINO SUTCLIFFE (Marcella), 5272. PELLET (Jean), 5566. PELLETIER (Denis), 4736. PELLICANI (Luciano), 5129. PELLIZER (Ezio), 1667. Pellizzari (Achille), 5676.

384 PELT (Mogens), 4579. PELTENBURG (Edgard), 1022. PELTONEN (Markku), 4038. PELTZ (Uwe), 1757. PELTZER (Jörg), 2583, 2885. PEMBERTON (Hugh), 4041. PEÑALBA (Mercedes), 4500. PENICHE MORENO (Paola), 6656. PENMAN (Michael A.), 2922. Penn (William), 7321. PENSABENE (Patrizio), 2132. PENSADO (Jaime M.), 4259. PENSLAR (Derek J.), 862. PENßEL (Renate), 6983. Pépin, dit "le Bref", 3046. PÉPORTÉ (Pit), 329. PEPPOLONI (Silvia), 987. PÉQUIGNOT (Stéphane), 2706. PÉRAUD (Alexandre), 5684. PERDICOYIANNI-PALÉOLOGOU (Hélène), 2027. Perec (Georges), 5710, 5762. PEREIRA (Cláudio Luiz), 3604. PEREIRA (José Pacheco), 4366. PEREIRA (Juan Carlos), 7869. PEREIRA SIESO (Juan), 1041. PERELLI-HARRIS (Brienna), 6426. PÉREZ (Joseph), 5130. PÉREZ (Liliane), 2820. PÉREZ (Louis A.), 361. PÉREZ AGUIRRE (Martín), 3535. PÉREZ BARCALA (Gerardo), 2915. Pérez Bayer (Francisco), 1267. PÉREZ DANIEL (Gustavo Herón), 4260. PÉREZ DÍAZ (Sebastián), 1041. PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ (José María), 807. PÉREZ JORDÀ (Guillem), 1009. PÉREZ MONTFORT (Ricardo), 362, 4247. PÉREZ SERRANO (Julio), 4489. PÉREZ ZUMBADO (Efraín Danilo), 3656. PÉREZ ZURITA (Antonio D.), 1911. PÉREZ-GARCÍA (Manuel), 6193. ṔEREZ-MILANS (Miguel), 137. PÉREZ-SALAZAR (Carmela), 139. PERFETTI (Francesco), 4180. Pergament (Moses), 5010. Peri (Jacopo), 5999. Periander, 1401. Pericles, 1421, 1495, 1594. Pericles, king of Lycia, 1100. PERINI (Leandro), 147. PERIVOLAROPOULOU (Nia), 478. PERKAMS (Matthias), 882. Perkins (Thomas H.), 7369. PERLÈS (Catherine), 988. PERNAL (Marek), 7605.

INDEX OF NAMES PERNICKA (Ernst), 1064. Perón (Eva Duarte de), 3520, 3528. Perón (Juan Domingo), 7764. PÉRONNET (Patrick), 5954. Perotti (Niccolò), 1490. PEROVŠEK (Jurij), 4465. PERREN (Joaquín), 3544. PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE (Alessandra), 32. PERRIER (Jérôme), 3799. PERRINO (Giulia), 3126. PERRONE-MOISÉS (Leyla), 5047. PERRY (Guy), 2638. PERRY (Lewis), 4671. PERRY (Matt), 4039. Persius Flaccus (Aulus), 2052. Pertinax (Publius Helvius), Roman emperor, 1848. PERUGI (Giampaolo), 4849. PESANTE (Maria Luisa), 706. PEŠEK (Jan), 4461. Pestalozzi (Johann Heinrich), 5291. PESTRE (Dominique), 5132. PETAC (Emanuel), 1294. Pétain (Philippe), 3779. Petančić (Feliks), 5661. PETASCH (Gudrun), 4955. PETER (Simone), 656. PETERS (Anne), 656. PETERS (Christina), 7026. PETERS (Famke), 3115. PETERS (Florian), 5933. PETERS (Rik), 479. PETERS (Sibylle), 808. PETERSEN (Jørn Henrik), 3713. PETERSEN (Klaus), 3713. PETERSEN (Leif Inge Ree), 5200. PETERSEN (Ove Bjørn), 790. PETERSEN (Penny A.), 6697. PETERSEN (Tore T.), 7674. PETERSON (Sarah Jo), 6118. PETERSSON (Lars G.), 3919. PETERSSON (Niels P.), 6158. Petherick (John), 168. PETIT (Roger), 2733. PETITJEAN (Johann), 7254. Pëtr I Romanov, emperor of Russia, 7313. PETRACCA (Luciana), 2514, 2671. PETRAGLIA (Michael D.), 970. Petrarca (Francesco), 2975, 2990. PETRASCHKA (Thomas), 5628. PETRI (Sara), 3357. PETRIE (Cameron A.), 1275, 1278, 1295. PETRILLI (Aurore), 1668. PETRINA (Alessandra), 2983. PETRIS (Loris), 7268. PETROCCHI (Stefano), 3056. Petronius Arbiter, 1979, 2028. PETROV (Aleksandr Ju.), 6035.

PETROV (Fedor A.), 4417. PETRUCCI (Federico), 2940. Petrus de Abano, 2920. PETRUS DE ALLIACO, 3170. Petrus Lombardus, 3389. Petrus, Sanctus, 2242, 2261, 2277, 2279, 2303, 2344. PETTIGREW (Judith), 4278. PETTIGREW (William A.), 7169. PETTIT (Michael), 5567, 6194. PETTY (Adrienne Monteith), 6235. PEYKOVSKA (Penka), 7451. PEYRAS (Jean), 2053. PEYROU (Florencia), 4501. PEZO (Edvin), 6698. PEZZIMENTI (Rocco), 5134. PFAFF (Christopher A.), 1669. PFANZELTER (Eva), 306. PFEIFER (Guido), 1057. PFEIFER (Helen), 6498. PFEIFFER (Moritz), 3824. Pfeiffer (Pancratius), 4797. PFEIL (Ulrich), 780, 5050, 7664. PFEILSCHIFTER (Rene), 2459. PFUFF (Konrad), 2315. PHẠM (Thị Huệ), 4718. PHARAND (Michael W.), 3979. Pharasmanes, 1531. PHELPS (Nicole M.), 7400. Philipp Melanchthon, 4963. Philippe de Commynes, 405. Phillips (David Atlee), 4663. PHILLIPS (Jason), 374. PHILLIPS (Lisa), 6862. PHILLIPS (Mark Salber), 480. PHILLIPS (Ronnie J.), 6383. PHILLIPS (Simon), 577. Philostorgius, 2201. PHILP (Mark), 3501. PHILPOTT (William J.), 7401. Phocas, Sanctus, 2170. Photinus, 2202. Photius, 2381, 2461, 2473. PHYNTIKOGLOU (Vasiles A.), 1786. Piaget (Jean), 5573. PIANCIOLA (Niccolò), 4218. PIANO (Valeria), 1670. Piast, dinasty, 2636. PIATTI (Pierantonio), 3370. PIAZZA (Andrea), 2492. PIAZZA (Emanuele), 3398. PIAZZONI (Ambrogio M.), 41. PICARD (Avi), 4141. PICARD (Jean-Michel), 631. PICAZO VERDEJO (María Inés), 5273. PICCIAREDDA (Stefano), 4850. PICCINI (Angela), 598. PICHLER (Axel), 5433. PICKEL (Hellmuth), 5509.

INDEX OF NAMES PICONE (Giusto), 2062. PIEPER (Renate), 5054. PIEPER MOONEY (Jadwiga E.), 7665. PIERAGNOLI (Joan), 7062. PIERI (Giuliana), 4162. Piero della Francesca, 3063. Pierozzi (Antonino), 3327. PIERRE (Benoist), 4851. PIERRE (Jemima), 3978. Pierre de Dreux, duc de Bretagne, 2484. PIERRET (Thomas), 4550. PIERSON (Thomas), 6984. PIĘTA-SZAWARA (Anna), 4353. PIETRI (Luce), 2183. PIETROBELLI (Antoine), 1625. PIETROW-ENNKER (Bianca), 7071. PIETSCH (Tamson), 5201. PIETZNER (Katrin), 2316. PIEVANI (Telmo), 5568. PIFFERO (Elena), 3732. PIGA (Giampaolo), 1039. PIGNOCCHI (Gaia), 1023. PILARSKI (Sebastian), 4341. PILATO (Stefano), 2882. PILLOUD (Séverine), 5452. PILS (Susanne Claudine), 3460. PILZ (Oliver), 1343. PIMENTEL (Irene Flunser), 4367. Pina Manique (Diogo Inácio de), 4359. PINA POLO (Francisco), 1905. PINCELLI (Maria Agata), 3236. PINDARD (Xavier), 2846. Pindarus, 1390, 1397, 1473, 1481, 1518, 1534, 1547, 1585. PINEDA FRANCO (Adela), 5127. PINFOLD (Debbie), 367. Pinochet Ugarte (Augusto), 3644, 5785, 7781. PINSOLLE (Dominique), 5333. PINTO (Giuliano), 3436. PIOTROWSKI (Harald), 6856. PIPER (Ernst), 5135. PIPITONE (Daniele), 4181. PIPKIN (Amanda Cathryn), 4286. Pirandello (Luigi), 5677, 5703, 5717, 5760, 5771. PIRART (Éric), 1296. PIRILLO (Paolo), 3435, 3436. PIRO (Isabella), 1906. PIRSEYEDI (Bobi), 7870. Pisistratus, 1538. Piso, 1601. PISTELLI (Maurizio), 5753. PISTONE (Danièle), 5954. PISU (Nicoletta), 3213, 3214. PITE (Rebekah E.), 6699. PITTALUNGA (Stefano), 2953. PITTAU (Massimo), 1753.

PITTMAN (Holly), 1297. PITTS (Andrew W.), 2226. Pius II, papa, 2659, 3249. Pius IV, Papa, 4796. Pius IX, Papa, 4791. Pius VII, Papa, 4799. Pius XI, Papa, 4793, 4794. Pius XII, Papa, 4797, 4800. PIVA (Paolo), 3127. PLAAJIES-VAN HUFFEL (MaryAnne), 4957. PLAGEMAN (Nate), 5962, 7170. PLAKSIN (Sergej G.), 113. PLASSART (Anna), 364. PLATO (Alexander von), 3498. Plato, 1560, 1600, 1602, 1604, 1606, 1610, 1611, 1616, 1634. PLATSCHEK (Johannes), 1907. Plautus (Titus Maccius), 1793, 2009, 2026, 2027, 2030. PLESKOT (Patryk), 7871. PLETERSKI (Andrej), 2584. PLEWIS (Ian), 6660. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Gaius), minor, 1794, 2036. Plinius, 1624. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar), 3920. PLOECKL (Florian), 6022. PLOENUS (Michael), 5430. PLOETZ (Michael), 7766. PLOSCARU (Cristian), 4387. PLOSCARU (Ioan), 4852. Plotinus, 1633. PLUCHOT (Nicolas), 2778. PLUM (Catherine J.), 6868. PLUMLEY (Yolanda), 2900, 3159. PLUMMER (Brenda Gayle), 7091. Plutarchus, 1398, 1472, 1488, 1577. POBLOME (Jeroen), 1083. POCHÉ (Justin), 4675. PODMAZO (Aleksandr A.), 4426. PODOLEC (Ondrej), 4456. POELS (Géraldine), 223. POGODDA (Cilli), 5949. POHL (Dieter), 7618. POHL (Jürgen), 4225. POHL (Karl Heinrich), 251. POHL (Walter), 2157, 2161. POHLIG (Matthias), 482. POHN-WEIDINGER (Axel), 6700. POIREL (Dominique), 3400. POIRIER (Paul-Hubert), 2211. POISSON (Jean-Michel), 3454. Poisson (Siméon-Denis), 5586. POJMANN (Wendy), 7872. POKORNY (Petr), 2317. POKROVSKIJ (Nikolaj N.), 91, 5026. POLAK-SPRINGER (Peter), 5963. POLANSKI (Tomasz), 2228.

385 POLEG (Eyal), 25. POLEMIS (Ioannis), 2380. Polemon, 1618. POLIDORI (Gino), 1955. POLIZZI (Assunta), 5331. POLJAKOVA (Ekaterina), 5136. Polk (Keith), 3156. POLLACK (Aaron), 7202. POLLEY (Ivana), 3682. POLLHEIMER (Marianne), 3411. Pollio (Gaius Asinius), 2017. POLLMANN (Karla), 884, 2570. Pollux, 1499. POLO (Jesús), 2240. POLO DE BEAULIEU (Marie Anne), 3402. POLSELLI (Vanessa), 4765. POLT (Christopher B.), 2030. Polybius, 426, 1407, 1544. Polycarpus Smyrnaeus, episcopus, 2203. PÖLZL (Michael), 6914. POMA (Iolanda), 5434. POMANTE (Luigiaurelio), 5203. POMBENI (Paolo), 4182. POMERANTSEVA (Natalija A.), 1165. POMERLEAU (Clark A.), 5274. POMMIER VINCELLI (Daniel), 7438. Pompeius Grammaticus, 2014. Pompeius Magnus (Gnaeus), 1769, 1852, 1859, 1867. Pompeius Trogus (Gnaeus), 1972, 2048. POMPONIO (Francesco), 1094. PONCE DE LEÓN IGLESIAS (Moisés), 1029. PONCHIA (Simonetta), 1058. PONGRATZ (Stefan), 3921. PONIATOWSKA (Elena), 6796. PONS (Anaclet), 442. PONS (Maria A.), 5994. PONTANO (Giovanni Gioviano), 2947. PONTIER (Pierre), 1560. Pontius Pilatus, 2318. Ponto (Jürgen), 6254. POOLEY (Siân), 6443. POOT (Anton), 7286. POPA (Vasile), 4373. POP-CURŞEU (Ioan), 516. POPOVA (Galina A.), 618. POPOVIC (Pierre), 5756. POPOVICI (Mariana), 953. POPOVICI (Teodor), 7054. PÖPPELMANN (Heike), 1855. POPPI (Antonino), 4802. PORÁCZKY (Rozália), 5353. PORAT (Naomi), 1258. Porcari (famiglia), 2669.

386 Porcari (Stefano), 2669. PORCIANI (Ilaria), 373. Porphyrius Gazeus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2199. Porphyrius, 1628. PORRINI (Rodolfo), 4709. PORT (Andrew I.), 3838. PORTER (Stanley E.), 2216, 2226, 2231, 2313. PORTIER (William L.), 4853. PORTUESE (Orazio), 1782. POSCH (Walter), 7287. POSER (Norman S.), 6985. POSKA (Allyson M.), 666. POSMAN (Sarah), 5786. POSOKHOV (Sergej I.), 5219. POSSENTI (Elisa), 3369, 34263428. POSSET (Franz), 3000. POST (Alexander), 3937. POST (Robert C.), 252. POSTEL (Claude), 7288. POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles), 6400. POTÂRCĂ (Gina), 6444. POTEMKINA (Ol'ga Ju.), 3507. POTHMANN (Ute), 6120. POTHOU (Vassiliki), 1561. POTTE-BONNEVILLE (Mathieu), 5420. POTTER (David S.), 1850. POTTS (Daniel T.), 592, 1278, 1295. POUCHAIN (Gérard), 5758. POUDERON (Bernard), 2222, 2263. POUJOL (Catherine), 4854. POULARD (Frédéric), 250. POULSEN-HANSEN (Lars Peder), 6902. POULTER (Andrew G.), 2133. POUPAULT (Christophe), 7606. POUPEAU (Franck), 6445. POUZADOUX (Claude), 1683. Powell (John Enoch), 4049. POWELL (Susan), 33. POWELL (Wayne), 971. POWER (Amanda), 3199. POWER (Daniel), 2639. POWER (Timothy), 1485. POWĘSKA (Radoslaw), 3584. POZZI (Jérôme), 3790. POZZO (Alessandra), 3401. PRADERVAND (Olivier), 229. PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro), 533. PRAG (Jonathan R. W.), 1054. PRAK (Maarten), 715. PRANDI (Luisa), 1537. PRANGE (Martine), 5433. Prasad (Nancy), 3554. PRATO (Gian Luigi), 868. Praxiteles, 1693.

INDEX OF NAMES PRAZ (Anne-Françoise), 6545. PRAŻMOWSKA (Anita), 7651. PREČAN (Vilém), 3699. PREDA (Daniela), 5319. Prefetti, famiglia, 2625. PREISER-KAPELLER (Johannes), 2402, 2460. PREISS (Nathalie), 5133. Prentice (Reginald), 4012. PREPO CUSATI (Miguel), 4716. PRESSLER (Florian), 6023. PRESSLY (Paul M.), 7229. PRESSMAN (Jeremy), 7874. Preto (Marcos Pinto Soares Vaz), 4363. PREVIŠIĆ (Martin), 3666. PRÉVOST (Bertrand), 3130. PRÉVOTAT (Jacques), 4821. Preysing-Hohenaschau (Johann Maximilian IV. Emanuel Graf von), 3921. PRIBBLE (Jennifer), 3500. PRICE (Jonathan J.), 1562. PRIEMEL (Kim C.), 7015, 7016, 7017. PRIEN (Hans-Jurgen), 4755. PRIETO DOMÍNGUEZ (Óscar), 2461, 2473. PRIEUR (Jean-Marc), 2201. PRIMAVERA (Milena), 1024. PRINČIČ (Jože), 4466. Princip (Gavrilo), 3589. PRINGLE (Denys), 3131. PRINTY (Michael), 4956. PRINZ (Michael), 6024. PRIOLETTA (Alessia), 1259. PRIOR (Christopher), 7171. Priscianus Caesariensis, 1795. PRITCHARD (David M.), 1416. PRIVAT (Jean-Marie), 5133. PRIVITERA (Santo), 1025. PROCHASKA (Walter), 1091. PROCHASSON (Christophe), 414, 3753. Proclus, 1399, 1600, 1602. Procupius Caesariensis, 2386. PRÖGLER (Daniela), 5204. PROHASKA (Ana), 6681. PROIETTI (Tommaso), 6062. Propertius (Sextus), 2000, 2011. PROSPERI (Adriano), 657. PROST (Antoine), 5277. PROSTERMAN (Daniel O.), 4672. Protagoras, 1597. PROTZEL (Javier), 187. PROULX (Blythe Bowman), 1724. Proust (Marcel), 5682, 5687, 5707, 5739, 5740, 5741, 5759, 5777. PRUSSKAJA (Evgenija A.), 7350. PRUTER (Robert), 5278. PRUTSCH (Markus J.), 6894.

PRUTSCH (Ursula), 5137. PRYOR (Alexander J.E.), 942. PRYTZ (Cristina), 4532. PRZYREMBEL (Alexandra), 5099. Psellos (Michael), 2391. Pseudo-Codinus, 2382. Pseudo-Quintilianus, 1796. Pseudo-Skylax, 1578. Ptolemaeus (Claudius), 1628. Ptolemaeus II, king of Egypt, 1119. PUCCI (Nadia), 1626. Puccini (Dario), 5676. Puccini (Mario), 5676. Pucelle (Jean), 30. PUEL (Olivia), 3057. PUFKE (Andrea), 2700. PUGACH (Ivan V.), 7007. PUIG I USTRELL (Pere), 2505, 2506. PULLAN (Wendy), 3361. PULLEN (Daniel J.), 1026, 1348. PULLMANN (Michal), 3700. PULS (Heiko), 5425. PUNTONI (Pedro), 3605. PUPINO (Angelo Raffaele), 5760. Purcell (A.A.), 6854. PURKERT (Walter), 5520. PURNELL (Brian), 4673. PURSEIGLE (Pierre), 6702. PUSCHNER (Uwe), 5092. PUTÍK (Daniel), 5009. PUTNAM (Lara), 6703. PUZICHA (Michaela), 3310. PYNSENT (Robert B.), 3701. Pythagoras, 5558. PYUN (Kyunghee), 30. PYZEL (Joanna), 989. Q Qadhdhāfī (Mu'ammar), 42304232, 7846. Quadratus Atheniensis, 2168. QUAGHEBEURE (Joêlle), 631. QUAGLINO (Margherita), 5805. QUARANTA (Flavio), 4856. QUARTINO (Luigina), 3105. QUATTROCCHI (Davide), 5444. QUATTROCCHIO (Annalisa), 1627. QUERTIER (Cédric), 2778. QUERZOLI (Serena), 1908. QUEYREL (François), 1725. QUICKENDEN (Kenneth), 6108. QUILES (Anita), 988. QUINIOU (Yvon), 5430. QUINLAN (Michael), 6704. QUINN (Josephine Crawley), 1054. QUINN (Josephine), 1269. QUINTANA (Carlos), 1248. QUINTEROS (Guillermo O.), 3522. QUINTIÁN (Juan Ignacio), 6236. Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius),

INDEX OF NAMES 2022. QUIROGA (Alejandro), 4497, 4774. QUIROGA (Gloria), 717. QUIROGA PUERTAS (Alberto J.), 1563, 2158. QUIROSA-CHEYROUZE Y MUÑOZ (Rafael), 4499, 4502. QUIST (John W.), 4644. QUONDAM (Amedeo), 5665. R RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.), 1408, 1417, 1564. Rabaut (Jean-Paul), 4928. RABBAN (David M.), 6986. Rabelais (François), 5655. RABELER (Sven), 3460. RABINOVICH (Alejandro Martin), 4710. RACHLIN (Robert D.), 6970. RACZKY (Pál), 1027. RADDING (Charles), 2761. RADER (Karen A.), 240. RADER (Olaf B.), 2509, 2526. RADFORD (Gail), 6348. RADFORD (Kristopher), 7402. RADI (Fabienne), 5864. RADICE (Betty), 2987. RADIVOJEVIĆ (Miljana), 1028. RADKAU (Joachim), 3923, 5570. RADU (Sorin), 3614. RADUŠIĆ (Edin), 7403. Raev (Karl), 7439. RAEYMAEKERS (Dries), 4287. RAFEL (Núria), 996. RAFFA (Massimo), 1628. RAFFAELLI (Renato), 2009. RAFFETY (Matthew Taylor), 6987. RAFFIELD (Ben), 2722. RAGARU (Nadège), 5880. RAGHAVAN (Srinath), 3574. RAHIER (Jean Muteba), 517. RAĬCHEVSKI (Stoian), 3615. RAIM (Edith), 6988. RAIMONDI (Ezio), 3358. RAIMONDI (Fabio), 5429. RAIMUNDUS CAPUANUS, 3324. RAINER (J. Michael), 1884. Rainerius de Pisis, Sanctus, 3337. RAINERO (Romain H.), 7607. Rainier (Peter), 7343. RAIOLA (Tommaso), 1629. RAKHMANOVA (Marina P.), 3165. RAKHSHMIR (Pavel Ju.), 495. Rákóczi Ferenc II, Prince of Transylvania, 7303, 7313. Rákosi (Mátyás), 4083. RÁKOSNÍK (Jakub), 3702. RAKOVE (Robert B.), 7875. RAKUTS (Nikolaj V.), 7248. RAMAMURTHY (Anandi), 4040.

RAMBAULT (Nathalie), 2195. RAMBEAU (Marie-Paule), 5866. RAMELLA (Franco), 6705. RAMELLI (Ilaria L. E.), 2319. RAMÍREZ DE ALBA (Horacio), 188. RAMÍREZ PEÑALOZA (Cynthia Araceli), 4249. RAMÍREZ VAQUERO (Eloísa), 2495, 2532. RAMOLD (Steven J.), 4674. RAMÓN PALERM (Vicente M.), 1565. RAMOS (Frances L.), 4857. RAMOS (Julie), 5740. RAMOS DO Ó (Jorge), 5294. RAMSBROCK (Annelie), 5895. Ramses II, king of Egypt, 1140. RANFT (Andreas), 3109. RANGER (Terence), 4723. RANKIN (Alisha), 5571. RANTALA (Jussi), 1851. RAO (Anna Maria), 439. RAO (Nikhil), 6446. RAO (Riccardo), 2655, 2848. RAPANÀ (Matteo), 3213, 3214. Raparo (Giovanni), 2537, 2538. RAPETTI (Anna Maria), 3311. RAPPORT (Michael), 604. RÄSÄNEN (Marika), 3343. RASIMUS (Tuomas), 2148. RASK (Bart), 5572. Rasmussen (Anders Fogh), 3721. RASMUSSEN (Kathleen B.), 7769. RASPA (Giampiero), 2635. RASTOVIĆ (Aleksandar), 7510. RATCLIFF (Marc J.), 5573. RATH (Thomas), 4262. RATHMANN (Michael), 1330. Rattazzi (Urbano), 4145. RATZKE (Horst-Gunter)98. RAU (Susanne), 483. RAUCHENSTEINER (Manfred), 7511. Rauff (Walther), 3850. RAUH (Philipp), 5574. RAUHUT (Claudia), 5022. RAUSCH (Jane M.), 3649. RAUSCHER (Peter), 3570. RAUSCHERT (Jeannette), 566. RAUTELIN (Mona), 6706. RAVIOLA Flavio, 1322. RAWCLIFFE (Carole), 2849, 2865. RAY (Jonathan), 2697. RAYMOND (Joad), 5346. RAYNAUD (Philippe), 5138. RAZ (Avi), 4142. RAZOUX (Pierre), 7876. REA (Lauren), 5964. READE (Julian Edgeworth), 1095. READMAN (Paul), 3987. Reagan (Ronald), 3750, 7793.

387 REALE (Carmela), 46. Ream (Norman B.), 6351. REBENICH (Stefan), 424, 5357. REBITSCH (Robert), 7314. RECCHIA (Giulia), 1002. RECCHIA (Vicenzo), 2613. RECHENAUER (Georg), 1607. RECINOS (Ivonne), 4077. RECKER (Klemens-August), 4858. REDDEN (Andrew), 4726. REDFIELD (James Adam), 484. REDIKER (Marcus), 7057. REECE (Henry), 4042. REED (Annette Y.), 2150. REEKEN (Dietmar), 3924, 3951. REES (Jonathan), 6121. REESE (Ty M.), 6349. REESE (William J.), 5279. REEVES-ELLINGTON (Barbara), 7404. REGALADO (Samuel O.), 6707. REGALIA (Marta), 632. REGGIANI (Christelle), 5762. REGNER (Elisabet), 3466. REGOLIOSI (Mariangela), 2973. REHER (David), 6708. REHREN (Thilo), 1028. Reich (Wilhelm), 5565. REICHART (Cordula), 5763. REID (Josh), 417. REID (Martine), 5766. REID (Megan H.), 2709. REID (Richard), 594. REIFFERS (Moritz), 3002. REILING (Jesko), 5434. REILLY (Diana Howansky), 7748. Reilly (Margaret), 4834. REIN (Raanan), 3524, 3538, 5007. REINA (Leticia), 4247. REINDERS (Michel), 4288. Reinfeldt (Fredrik), 4527. REINHARDT (Volker), 86, 3249. REINISCH (Jessica), 6709. REIS (Jaime), 6755. Reitsch (Hanna), 3974. REITZ (Tilman), 5091. RENARD (Jean-Paul), 3308. RENDERS (Hans), 380. RENNIE (Kriston R.), 2762. RENTOLA (Kimmo), 7632. RENTON (James), 7512. RENTSCH (Thomas), 5425. REPGEN (Konrad), 7259. REPINA (Lorina P.), 495, 496. REQUENA (Miguel), 6708. Requesens y de Zuñiga (Luis de), 4174. RERIKH (Jurij N.), 7924. RESCIGNO (Andrea), 1630. RESNICK (Irven M.), 879. RESTALL (Matthew), 7226.

388 RETAILLAUD-BAJAC (Emmanuelle), 3437. REUDENBACH (Bruno), 347. REUSCH (Nina), 289. Reusch (Paul), 6107. REUSCH (Stephan), 6842. REUSS (Paul), 5575. REVEST (Clémence), 3003. REVEYRON (Nicolas), 3057. REVILLA (Carmen), 5402. REVUELTA-EUGERCIOS (Bárbara A.), 6711. Revueltas (José), 4267. REY (Anne-Lise), 5548. REY (Matthieu), 7749. REY (Sarah), 2082. Reyes (Alfonso), 5676. REYES (Andres T.), 1712. Reynaud (Jean-François), 3057. REYNOLDS (Andrew J.), 2616, 3090. REYNOLDS (Pamela), 4473. Reza Palhevi (Mohammad), Shah of Iran, 7898. REZI (Botond), 1001. RHANI (Zakaria), 4275. RHODE (Paul W.), 6305. RIALL (Lucy), 7406. RIAÑO RUFÍLANCHAS (Daniel), 785. RIBBAT (Christoph), 6712. Ribbentrop (Joachim von), 3930, 7604. RIBEIRO (Ana), 7230. RIBEIRO DE MENESES (Filipe), 7877. RIBOUILLAULT (Denis), 5142. RICARDO DE MEDAVILLA, 3171. RICCARDI (Luca), 7878. RICCI (Maria Teresa), 5070. RICCI (Mattia), 701. RICCI (Vittoria), 4174. RICCIARDELLI (Fabrizio), 2916. RICCIARDI (Toni), 6713. RICCOBONO (Maria Gabriella), 3004. RICE (Nicole R.), 3026. RICHARD (Gilles), 3770, 3790. RICHARD (Marie-Dominique), 875. RICHARDS (Michael), 4504. RICHARDS (Patricia), 3643. RICHARDS (Robert J.), 5143. RICHARDSON (Amy), 1741. RICHARDSON (Carol M.), 3123. RICHARDSON (James H.), 2083. RICHARDSON (Jim), 4336. RICHARDSON (John E.), 115. RICHARDSON (John), 887. RICHARDSON (Sarah), 4044. RICHÉ (Pierre), 605. RICHEL (Julie), 5544. RICHES (Daniel), 7255.

INDEX OF NAMES RICHMOND (Douglas W.), 4257. RICHTER (Elke), 5312. RICHTER (Heinz A.), 4072. RICHTER (Klaus), 4236. RICO (Monica), 6714. RIDER (Jeff), 2996. RIDLEY (Ronald T.), 2032. RIDOLFI (Maurizio), 3482. RIEBER (Alfred J.), 4094. RIECKE (Jörg), 2043. RIEDLBERGER (Peter), 2360. RIEGER (Bernhard), 6122. RIEK (Markus), 2619. Riemann (Bernhard), 5469. RIES (Gerhard), 1096. RIESENWEBER (Thomas), 1804. RIESS (Frank), 2850. RIGANO (Gabriele), 4861. RIGGS (Christina), 1147. RIGO (Antonio), 2469. RIGO (Gaetana Silvia), 5459. RIGOBELLO AUTIZI (Maria Beatrice), 3133. RIGOLL (Dominik), 3926. RIGONI (Mario Andrea), 5764. RIHLLO (Tracey E.), 2063. RINALDI (MICHELE), 2942. RÎNCIOG (Diana), 5765. RINKE (Stefan), 606, 5144, 7026. RINNER (Susanne), 5280. RINZIVILLO (Guglielmo), 5430. RÍOS CARRATALÁ (Juan A.), 5145. RÍOS GARAIZAR (Joseba), 943. RIOUAL (Gaëlle), 1566. RIPAT (Pauline), 1966. RIPPA BONATI (Maurizio), 5576. RISCH (Roberto), 923. RISING (Thilo), 1852. RISTESKI (Ljupčo), 4241. RISTOVIĆ (Milan D.), 7608. RISTUCCIA (Cristiano Andrea), 6123. RITA (Fernando), 7513. RITSCHL (Albrecht), 4725. RITTER (Gerhard A.), 7684. RITTER (Hans Jakob), 5610. RITTER (Max), 2463. RITZ (Hauke), 485. RIVAUD (David), 3409. RIVERO (Olivia), 933. RIVERO VILÁ (Olivia), 944. RIVERS (Daniel Winunwe), 6715. RIVERS (Kimberly A.), 34. RIVERSI (Eugenio), 3005. RJAZANOV (Pavel A.), 2393. RJÉOUTSKI (Vladislav), 5275. ROACH (Andrew), 3220. ROACH (Levi), 2617. ROBB (Thomas), 7829, 7879. Robbins (Keith), 4043. ROBBINS (Mark W.), 6863.

ROBB-WEBB (Jon), 7750. ROBCIS (Camille), 519. ROBÈNE (Luc), 6749, 7514. ROBERT (François), 6264. ROBERTS (David D.), 486. ROBERTS (Elizabeth), 588. ROBERTS (Helle Salskov), 1671. ROBERTS (Justin), 7231. ROBERTS (M.J.D.), 4045. ROBERTS (Mary Louise), 6716. ROBERTS (Penny), 3802. ROBERTS (Richard), 6350. ROBERTS (Sean), 189. ROBERTS (Stephen G. H.), 6884. ROBERTSON (Iain J.M.), 4046. Robespierre (Maximilien), 3744, 3784. ROBIN (Thierry), 7751. ROBINET (François), 5333. ROBINSON (Betsey A.), 1726. ROBINSON (Cabeiri deBergh), 4313. ROBINSON (Cynthia), 3134. ROBINSON (Paul), 7880. ROBINSON (Peter John Edgley), 910. ROBINSON (Sarah), 5207. ROBINSON (Shira), 4143. ROBINSON (Todd E.), 4676. ROBLEDO HERNÁNDEZ (Ricardo), 5205. ROBNIK (Drehli), 5893. Rocard (Michel), 3769. ROCCIA (Rosanna), 4145. ROCH (Jean-Louis), 2851. ROCHAT (Giorgio), 7630. ROCHE (Helen), 5281. ROCHEBOUET (Anne), 2945. Rochereau (Henri), 7751. ROCHUS (Gerhild), 907. RÖCKE (Werner), 2935. Rockfeller (family), 6364. ROCKNAK (Stefanie), 5424. RODE-BREYMANN (Susanne), 5083. RÖDEL (Ute), 2539. RODRIGUES (Cristina), 6864. RODRIGUES (Eugénia), 7174. RODRIGUES-MOURA (Enrique), 5137. RODRÍGUEZ (Ana), 2844. RODRÍGUEZ (Juan Carlos), 5403. RODRÍGUEZ (Rolando), 3668. RODRÍGUEZ ADRADOS (Francisco), 1567. RODRÍGUEZ BARREIRA (Oscar J.), 429, 4505. RODRÍGUEZ CELADA (Antonio), 5354. RODRÍGUEZ DE ROMO (Ana Cecilia), 5577.

INDEX OF NAMES RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ (Alonso), 1029. RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Magaly), 6865. RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Margarita Eva), 153. RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Ana M.), 1796. RODRÍGUEZ HORRILLO (Miguel Ángel), 368. RODRIGUEZ NEILA (Juan F.), 1911. RODRÍGUEZ VALLE (Nieves), 5642. RODRÍGUEZ-SILVA (Ileana M.), 4369. RODULFUS TRUDONENSIS, SANCTUS, 2553, 3262. ROE (Glenn), 5060. ROEBER (Anthony Gregg), 4959. ROEBER (Greg), 4974. ROECK (Bernd), 5806, 6452. Roehl (Karl), 48. ROELCKE (Volker), 5522. ROELLI (Philipp), 2373. ROEST (Bert), 3313. ROGER (Alexandra), 4757. ROGERS (Alan), 2883. ROGERS (Edmund), 6237. ROGG (Matthias), 578, 607. ROGGE (Sabine), 2654. ROGINSKIJ (Vadim V.), 7351. ROGOBETE (Cristina-Costena), 2365. ROGOWSKA (Barbara), 4355. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava), 4450, 4456, 4462. ROHBECK (Johannes), 487. ROHDE (Carsten), 5716, 5773. ROHDE (Joy), 4677. ROHKRÄMER (Thomas), 3927. RÖHLE (Theo), 5462. ROHMANN (Dirk), 1853. ROHMANN (Gregor), 3202. ROHRBOUGH (Malcolm J.), 6124. ROJAS (Carlos), 812. ROJAS CLAROS (Francisco), 5359. ROJAS RABIELA (Teresa), 5965. ROKSANDIĆ (Drago), 3664. ROLFO (Mario Federico), 1030. ROLKER (Christof), 2852. ROLL (David L.), 7609. ROMAGNOLI BARTOLOMEI (Alessandra), 3329. ROMAN (Agathe), 2211. ROMAN (Ileana), 685. ROMANELLI (Raffaele), 555. ROMANI (Federica), 2540. ROMANI (Gabriella), 5146. ROMANO (Antonella), 421, 5185. ROMANO (Claude), 5444. ROMANO (Serena), 3059. ROMBAI (Leonardo), 148. ROMBY (Giuseppina Carla), 5818.

Römer (Martin), 2825. Rommel (Erwin), 3902. RONCALLI (Angelo Giuseppe), 7439. RONCONI (Filippo), 2400. RONDEAU (Marie-Josèphe), 2183. ROOD (Tim), 1568. ROODHOUSE (Mark), 6195. ROONEY (Francis), 4789. Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), 4692, 4701, 4704, 4990, 7040, 7598. Roosevelt (Theodore), 7526. ROOT (Rebecca K.), 4329. ROP (Jeffrey), 1298. ROQUÉ (Ramón), 996. ROS (Rosa), 6717. ROSA (Frederico Delgado), 190. ROSA (José Maria Silva), 5438. ROSA (Mario), 4790. ROSAS (Fernando), 5206. Rosas (Juan Manuel de), 3525. ROSATI (Gianpiero), 2066. ROSE (Andreas), 7407. ROSÉ (Isabelle), 3282. ROSE (Jerome C.), 1138. ROSE (Jonathan), 6292. ROSE (Martha L.), 1935. ROSE (Mary B.), 6324. ROSE (Mary), 5207. ROSE (Paula J.), 2323. ROSELLI (Amneris), 1631. ROSEN (Christina), 6718. ROSEN (David), 5638. ROSEN (Klaus), 1856. ROSENBLITT BERDICHESKY (Jaime), 6196. ROSENGREN (Henrik), 5010. ROSENHAFT (Eve), 6469. ROSENTAL (Paul-André), 6522. Rosenzweig (Franz), 5408. ROSENZWEIG (Gabriel), 5676. ROSOLINO (Riccardo), 6197. ROSPOCHER (Massimo), 590, 5126. ROSS (Ronald J.), 6972. ROSSBACH (Nikola), 5147. Rosselli (Carlo), 5058. ROSSETTI (Giulietta), 1909. ROSSETTI (Ilaria), 1148. ROSSETTO (Luca), 4183. ROSSI (Maria Clara), 2833. ROSSI (Maria Cristina), 4. ROSSIGNOL (Sébastien), 2829. ROSSINI (Antonio), 3006. ROTA (Emanuel), 3803. ROTELLI (Ettore), 6921. ROTEM (Yael), 1246. Roth (Hans Otto), 4379. ROTH (Markus), 7652. ROTH (Martha T.), 1203. ROTH (Ralf), 6447. ROTH (Thomas), 7685.

389 ROTHENSTEIN (Julian), 5362. RÖTHLISBERGER (Lucian Maximilian), 3567. ROTHMAN (Mitchell), 1299. ROTHSCHILD (Clare K.), 2229. Rothschild (family), 92. ROTHSTEIN (Anne-Berenike), 3528. ROTONDI (Valentina), 2086. ROTT (Hans), 5628. ROUBAN (Luc), 6719. Roublev (Andrey), 3149. Rouch (Jean), 484. ROUGEMONT (Georges), 1672. ROUGIER-BLANC (Sylvie), 1569. ROUPA (Michal), 6448. ROURA (Lluis), 382. Rousseau (Jean-Jacques), 890, 5431, 5434. ROUSSEAU (Philip), 2214. ROUSSET (Denis), 1352, 1440. ROUTHIER (Gilles), 4770. ROUTLEDGE (Bruce), 1260. ROUX (Benoît), 4891. ROVERE (Antonella), 2494. ROVERELLA (Bartolomeo), 2515. ROVERSI (Roberto), 5433. ROVIELLO (Anne-Marie), 5410. ROWAN (Clare), 1959. ROWBOTHAM (Judith), 5360. ROWE (Rochelle), 6720. ROWELL (Jay), 6449. ROWLAND (Joanne), 1149. ROWLEY (Alison), 5865. ROWOLD (Katharina), 5282. ROWSE (Tim), 7074. ROY (James), 1570. Roy (Manabendra Nath), 4248. ROY (Ranjit Kumar), 4104. ROY (Tirthankar), 6025. ROYO (José Ignacio), 952. RÓŻAŃSKI (Przemysław), 7515. ROZENBERG (Olivier), 3794. ROZOKOKI (Alexandra), 1571. RÓZSA (Erzsébet), 5423. RUBIAL (Antonio), 4833. RUBINSTEIN (Lene), 1441. RUBIO (Gonzalo), 1098. RUBIO APIOLAZA (Pablo), 3644. RUBLACK (Ulinka), 591, 5148. RÜBSAMEN (Dieter), 2536. RUCELLAI (Bernardo), 2502. RUCELLAI (Giovanni), 2948. RÜCKERT (Joachim), 6964. RÜCKERT (Peter), 2513. RÜCKHER (Johannes Nikolaus), 5208. RUDDICK (Andrea), 2587. RUDOLPH (Julia), 6990. RUEHL (Martin A.), 488. RUFFING (Kai), 419, 1960. RUFFING (Margit), 5425.

390 Rufus Ephesinus, 1631. RUGG (Julie), 6721. Ruggero I, conte di Calabria e Sicilia, 2507. Ruggero II, di Sicilia, 2769. RUGGIERI (Vincenzo), 2167. RUGGIERO (Grazia), 984. RUGGIU (Luigi), 5423. RUIZ (Juan Pro), 3490. RUIZ ALONSO (Mónica), 1041. RUIZ CARNICER (Miguel Angel), 4487. RUIZ GUTIÉRREZ (Alicia), 1773. RUIZ LAGIER (Verónica), 4264. RUMEAU (Delphine), 5754. RUMMEL (Philipp von), 1857. RUMORE (Paola), 5404. RUMPLER (Helmut), 3557. Runems (Peter Paul), 7266. RÜPKE (Jörg), 2081. RUPSCHUS (Andreas), 5433. RUSANOV (Aleksandr V.), 2772. RUSCONI (Gian Enrico), 4184. RUSCONI (Roberto), 3397. RUSE (Michael), 741. RÜSEN (Jörn), 489. RUSHTON (Peter), 7223. RUSKOLA (Teemu), 6991. RUSSAKOFF (Anna), 30. RUSSELL (Ben), 1961, 2135. RUSSELL (Bertrand), 1418. RUSSELL (Daniel C.), 878. RUSSELL (Eugenia), 2464. RUSSO (Valentina), 5283. RUSTEN (Jeffrey S.), 1572. RUSTICUS (Diaconus), 3357. RUSU (Dorina N.), 5181. RUSWICK (Brent), 6722. RUTAR (Sabine), 537. RUTTER (Jeremy B.), 1349. Ruyer (Raymond), 5417. RUYSSEN (Georges-Henri), 4767, 4768. RYAN (James Daniel), 3254. RYAN (James), 4428. RYAN (Martin J.), 571. RYAN (Philippa), 991. RYAN (Raymond), 5995. RYBACHENOK (Irina S.), 7424. RYCHLÍK (Jan), 608. RYCHLÍKOVÁ (Magdaléna), 608. RYDÉN (Göran), 7317. RYRIE (Alec), 4960. RYSCAVAGE (Paul), 6351. RZEGOCKI (Arkady), 4354. RZEZNIK (Thomas F.), 6723. S SABEAN (David Warren), 739. SABIO ALCUTÉN (Alberto), 4482. SABO (Klaudija), 5985.

INDEX OF NAMES SABY (Frédéric), 229. SACCENTI (Riccardo), 3203. SACCOMAN (Andrea), 4185. SACHSE (Christian), 3928. SACKLEY (Nicole), 7752. SACQUETY (Troy J.), 7633. SAD (Suzanne), 1573. SADAN (Mandy), 7881. SADE (Paul de), 2518. SADLER (Louis R.), 7471. SÁENZ-FRANCÉS (Emilio), 7610. SAETTA COTTONE (Rossella), 1497, 1632. SAFFERLING (Christoph), 6920. SAFFREY (Henri Dominique), 1394. SAFI (Omid), 829. SAFLEY (Thomas Max), 6312. SAFRAN (Janina M.), 2710. SAFRONOV (Alexander), 1150. SAGA (Ashita), 8064. SAHA (Jonathan), 7112. Saillant (Louis), 6847. SAINE (Abdoulaye), 3818. SAINTE-MARIE (Martine), 2487. Saint-Exupéry (Antoine de), 7623. SAINT-FUSCIEN (Emmanuel), 7516. SAINT-GILLE (Anne-Marie), 3922. SAINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José Yravedra), 926. SAJDI (Dana), 5639. SAJTI (Enikő A.), 4444. SAKA (Mark Saad), 4265. SAKAI (Shigeki), 4047. SAKKA (Niki), 1727. SAKKAS (John), 7753. SAKURAI (Ayako), 5578. SALAFIA (Matthew), 4678. SALAMUROVIĆ (Aleksandra), 5361. SALANITRO (Giovanni), 422. SALANITRO (Maria), 1792. SALARI (Leonardo), 1030. Salas Cortés (Ramón), 5205. SALATI (Ornella), 1574. SALAÜN (Marie), 7232. Salazar (António de Oliveira), 4361, 4364. Salcedo (Guadalupe), 3653. SALCEDO (Javier), 3536. SALDERN (Adelheid von), 5150. SALDUTTI (Vittorio), 1575. SALEM (Samia), 5579. SALICETO (Élodie), 5767. SALICRÚ I LLUCH (Roser), 2705. SALINAS (Alfred), 7611. SALINAS (María Laura), 4890. SALL (Ebrima), 3818. SALL (Ibrahima Abou), 7175. SALLABERGER (Walther), 1204.

SALLAS (Ana Luisa Fayet), 191. Sallustius (Crispus Gaius), 403, 2044. SALMAN (Jeroen), 5346. Salomon, 2294. SALOMONE GAGGERO (Eleonora), 1419. SALONEN (Kirsi), 2578, 2756, 2796, 3251. SALRACH I MARÉS (Josep M.), 2763. SALSANO (Fernando), 4186. SALTZSTEIN (Jennifer), 3161. SALUTATI (Coluccio), 2500. SALVESTRINI (Francesco), 372. SALVETTI (Carla), 2136. SALVIAT (François), 1326, 1703. SALY-GIOCANTI (Frédéric), 6450. SALZANI (Luciano), 998. SALZBERG (Rosa M.), 2823. SALZBORN (Samuel), 5410. SALZMAN (Michele R.), 833, 2160. SAMARA YAWNGHWE, 4277. SAMBO (Alessandra), 6724. SAMBROOK (Stephen C.), 6372. SAMERSKI (Stefan), 4797. SAMMONS (Benjamin), 1576. Samo (Samuel), 6855. SAMOKHODSKAJA (Ksenija I.), 2770. SAMSON (Anne), 7517. SAN MIGUEL (Guadalupe), 5284. SAN PEDRO CALLEJA (Ziortza), 943. SÁNCHEZ (Alejandro), 4707. SÁNCHEZ (Antonio), 192. Sánchez (Celia), 3670. SÁNCHEZ (Evelyne), 7233. SANCHEZ (Jean-Lucien), 6992. SÁNCHEZ (Rosa), 5355. SÁNCHEZ ALONSO (Blanca), 6725. SÁNCHEZ DOMÍNGUEZ (María), 6708. SÁNCHEZ ESPINOSA (Gabriel), 5356. SÁNCHEZ MANTERO (Rafael), 4506. SÁNCHEZ MANZANO (María A.), 2364. SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ (María), 5704. SÁNCHEZ SANTIRÓ (Ernest), 6352. SÁNCHEZ YUSTOS (Policarpo), 947. SANCHIÑO MARTÍNEZ (Roberto), 5433. SAND (Jordan), 5837. SANDBERG (Thorsten), 7339. SANDEN (Annika), 720. SANDER-FAES (Stephan Karl), 6726. SANDFUCHS (Uwe), 4897.

INDEX OF NAMES SANDGRUBER (Roman), 6353. SANDIN (Per), 210. SANDKÜHLER (Hans Jörg), 5425. SANDRI (Giulia), 4165. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad), 6354. Sandys (Duncan), 7813. SANEV (Goran), 1728. SANFEY (Darrach), 5090. SANGIACOMO (Andrea), 5438. SANI (Roberto), 748. SANMANN (Angela), 5768. SANMARTÍN ASCASO (Joaquín), 1099. SANNA (Mauro), 3232. SANO (Shizuyo), 8063. SANOS (Sandrine), 3804. SANSONE (Salvatore), 3365. SANTAGATI (Luigi), 2711. SANTA-MARÍA (Andrés), 1633. SANTAMARÍA ÁLVAREZ (David), 945. SANTANGELO (Federico), 2087. SANTANGELO (Monica), 2853. SANTANTONIO (Giuliano), 3050. SANTESSO (Aaron), 5638. SANTI (Francesco), 2952. SANTI AMANTINI (Luigi), 1414, 1577. SANTIAGO (María José Tiscar), 7176. SANTILLÁN ESQUEDA (Martha), 6727. SANTILLI (Daniel), 3529. SANTING (Catrien), 2906. SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale), 373, 5421. SANTONI (Giuseppe), 3467. SANTORELLI (Biagio), 1788. SANTORO (Fernando), 1634. SANTORO (Marco), 46, 52. SANTOS (Filipe J.C.), 1048. SANTOS (Flávio Gonçalves dos), 5151. SANTOS (Luc Sigalo), 5967. SANTSCHI (Catherine), 7315. SANZ ALBIÑANA (Bartolomé), 5666. SANZ DE LA HIGUERA (Francisco José), 63. SANZI (Ennio), 2088. SAPIR-HEN (Lidar), 1261. SAPIRSTEIN (Philip), 1729. SAPOZNIK (Alexandra), 6238. SAPOZNIK (Karlee Anne), 7121. Sappho, 1479, 1487, 1491. SARAB'JANOV (Vladimir D.)., 218. SARANTIS (Alexander), 2165. SARAT (Leah), 4961. SARDARI (Alireza), 1295, 1300. SARDINHA (Diogo), 5425. ŞARE (Tuna), 1100.

ŠARENAC (Danilo), 7643. Sargon II, king of Assyria, 1177. SARI (Deniz), 1091. SARIKÇIOĞLU (Melike), 7408. SARKAR (Ashim Kumar), 4105. SARLIN (Simon), 4187. SARNECKA (Zuzanna), 3060. SARSON (Steven), 6239. SARTAIN (Lee), 4679. SARTI (Laury), 1858, 2928. SARTORE (Melissa), 2764. SARTORI (Andrew), 762. SARTORI (Paolo), 4218. SARTORIUS (David), 7234. SASAMOTO-COLLINS (Hiromi), 4210. SĂSĂUJAN (Mihai), 4913. ŠAŠEL KOS (Marjeta), 1578. SASSO (Gennaro), 373. SASSON (Jack M.), 1205. SASTRE DE DIEGO (Isaac), 3136. SASTRI (Chaturvedula), 1031. SATO (Noboru), 1673. SATO (Takayuki), 8065. SATO (Yasuhiro), 8066. SATO (Yoshifumi), 7988. SATSUMA (Shinsuke), 4048, 7316. SAUER (Vera), 2033. SAUL (Hayley), 937. SAUNDERS (Anna), 367. SAUNIER (Georges), 7882. SAUNIER (Pierre-Yves), 369. SAUPIN (Guy), 7285. SAUR (Klaus G.), 5379. SAURON (Gilles), 2137. SAUVAGE (Thierry), 1031. SAVCHENKO (Viktor A.), 4429. SAVEL'EVA (Irina M.), 496. Savigny (Friedrich Carl von), 6880. SAVINO (Christina), 1635. Savoia (casa), 87. SAVONAROLA (Girolamo), 2554. SAVORELLI (Alessandro), 5427. SAVVIDES (Alexis G. C.), 558. SAVY (Pierre), 4188. SAWAI (Kazuaki), 6728. SAWAI (Minoru), 4211. SAWYER (Peter), 2854. SAWYER (Stephen W.), 6895. SAXBY (Michael), 2401. SAYER (Derek), 5807. Sayn-Wittgenstein (Carolyne de), 5866. SAZONOVA (Lidija I.), 5646. SCAFF (Lawrence A.), 5443. SCALMER (Sean), 3551. SCANLON (Sandra), 4680. SCAPPARONE (Elisabetta), 5416. SCAPPATICCI (Leandra), 3160. SCARCELLA (Emilia), 373.

391 Scavenius (Jakob Frederik), 3711. SCAVONE (Ricardo), 7612. SCHAAF (Ingo), 2197. SCHADOW (Steffi), 5425. Schaefer (Hans), 427. SCHÄFER (Christian), 882. SCHAFER (Daniel L.), 7235. SCHÄFER (Frank L.), 6964. SCHÄFER (Jörgen), 766. Schalck-Golodkowski (Alexander), 3885. SCHAPER (Joachim), 856. SCHAPER (Uwe), 5191. SCHARF (Gian Paolo Giuseppe), 2855. SCHATTKOWSKY (Martina), 662. SCHATTNER (Marius), 7883. SCHATZ (Klaus), 4887. SCHATZ (Ronald W.), 4962. SCHEER (Tamara), 7409. SCHEGLOV (Andrej Dzh.), 2556. SCHEIBELREITER (Philipp), 1442. SCHEID (John), 2089. SCHEIDEL (Walter), 601. SCHEIL (Stefan), 3930. SCHELCHKOV (Andrej A.), 3514, 3646, 3654. Schelkens (Karim), 4766. SCHELKSHORN (Hans), 5425. SCHELL (Patience A.), 5580. SCHELLER (Benjamin), 2698. Schelling (Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von), 5425. Schelsky (Helmut), 6599. SCHEMMERT (Christian), 5363. SCHENK (Catherine R.), 6355. SCHENK (Dietmar), 233. SCHENK (Joep), 6096. SCHENKER (Sandy), 6993. SCHERBENSKE (Eric W.), 2324. SCHERER (Cornelia), 3252. SCHERMAN (Matthieu), 2856. SCHERMAUL (Sebastian), 5209. SCHERNER (Jonas), 6356. SCHERP (Joakim), 4534. SCHERR (Arthur), 7340. SCHERR (Nadine), 5364. SCHEUBEL (Beatrice), 6729. SCHEUERMANN (Leif), 2090. SCHEUTZ (Martin), 3462, 3570. SCHIAVI (Luigi Carlo), 3058. SCHIAVI (Marcos), 3537. SCHIAVO (Renata), 1151. SCHIAVONE (Oscar), 5640. SCHIBBE (Laura), 718. Schieder (Theodor), 428. SCHIEDER (Wolfgang), 4189. SCHIEFELBUSCH (Martin), 6125. SCHIEFFER (Rudolf), 2589. SCHIERUP (Stine), 1101. SCHIEß (Traugott), 4922.

392 SCHILD (Georg), 7884. SCHILDT (Axel), 3866, 3925. Schiller (Friedrich), 5425. SCHILLING (Gerhard), 5769. SCHILLO (Frédérique), 7883. SCHILP (Thomas), 2857. SCHINDLING (Anton), 3969. SCHIPKE (Renate), 38. SCHIRRMEISTER (Albert), 305. SCHLEEF (Yoric), 2519. SCHLEIFF (Hartmut), 6133. SCHLELEIN (Stefan), 305. SCHLERETH (Eric R.), 4758. SCHLIE (Ulrich), 609. SCHLIEBEN (Barbara), 2929. Schlieffen (Alfred Graf von), 7484. SCHLÖGEL (Karl), 3503. SCHLÖGL (Rudolf), 4862. SCHLOSBERG (David), 788. SCHLOßBERGER (Matthias), 491. SCHLOSSER (Horst Dieter), 140. SCHLOTT (René), 4798. SCHLUCHTER (Wolfgang), 5443. SCHLUDE (Jason M.), 1859. Schlup (Max), 5831. SCHLÜTTER-SCHINDLER (Gabriele), 2483, 3830. SCHLÜTZ (Frauke), 6358. SCHMALER (Dirk), 3931. SCHMALZL (Markus), 3932. SCHMELLER (Thomas), 2311. Schmid (Anton), 3960. SCHMID HEER (Esther), 4906. SCHMIDLI (William Michael), 7686. SCHMIDT (Bernd), 5921. SCHMIDT (Bernward), 867. SCHMIDT (Christian), 469. SCHMIDT (Elizabeth), 7885. SCHMIDT (Eva), 79. SCHMIDT (Heike I.), 4724. SCHMIDT (Joel), 1860. SCHMIDT (Jürgen), 3933. SCHMIDT (Michael), 6866. SCHMIDT (Thomas), 2211. SCHMIDT HEIDENREICH (Christophe), 1821, 2091. SCHMIDT-BERGMANN (Hansgeorg), 5773. SCHMIDT-NOWARA (Christopher), 7238. SCHMIEDEL (Michael), 7634. SCHMIT (Georg-Hans), 3568. Schmitt (Carl), 5389, 5435, 7010. SCHMITT (Oliver Jens), 2880, 4382. SCHMITT (Rüdiger), 1241, 1262. SCHMITT (Wolfram), 2930. SCHMITZER (Ulrich), 905. SCHMOECKEL (Mathias), 659, 2325, 6964, 6989. SCHMUHL (Hans-Walter), 5522.

INDEX OF NAMES SCHNABEL (Eckhard J.), 2231. SCHNAKENBOURG (Éric), 7256. SCHNALKE (Thomas), 253. SCHNEIDE (Herbert), 3338. SCHNEIDER (Ben Ross), 6359. SCHNEIDER (Gregory L.), 6126. SCHNEIDER (Karsten), 5444. SCHNEIDER (Manfred), 911. SCHNEIDER (Michael C.), 5581. SCHNEIDER (Ulrich Johannes), 5153. SCHNEIDER (William H.), 5582, 6579. SCHNEIDEREIT (Nele), 5425. SCHNEIDMÜLLER (Bernd), 2885. SCHNELLER (Katia), 5802. SCHNEPEL (Burkhard), 5102. SCHÖCK-QUINTEROS (Eva), 6451. Schoen (Ernst), 5959. SCHOENTJES (Pierre), 5723. SCHOFIELD (Camilla), 4049. SCHÖKEL (Luis Alonso), 868. Scholl (Inge), 3877. SCHOLL (Sarah), 5285. SCHÖLLGEN (Gregor), 7063, 7687. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim), 6302, 6357. SCHOLZ (Johannes), 663. SCHOLZ (Peter), 1805. SCHOLZ (Sylka), 3187, 6643. SCHÖLZEL (Hagen), 5154. SCHÖN (Lennart), 6103. SCHONHARDT-BAILEY (Cheryl), 6360. Schöningh (Franz Josef), 5330. Schopenhauer (Arthur), 5395, 5433, 5436. SCHÖPFEL (Ann-Sophie), 7018. SCHOR (Ralph), 5155. SCHORN (Stefan), 1579. SCHOR-TSCHUDNOWSKAJA (Anna), 4416. SCHOTT (Jeremy M.), 2184. SCHÖTTLER (Peter), 402. SCHOTTROFF (Luise), 2326. SCHREINER (Klaus), 3314. SCHREINER (Peter), 410. SCHREUDER (Deryck M.), 5215. SCHRIJVER (Frouke M.), 2465. SCHRÖCK (Katja), 2827. SCHRODE (Paula), 518. SCHRÖDER (Jan), 6881. SCHRÖDER (Joachim), 6922. SCHRÖDER (Wilt Aden), 430. SCHRÖDER (Wolfgang), 3934. SCHROEDER (Steven M.), 3935. SCHRÖER (Christina), 624. SCHRÖTER (Jens), 2229. Schubart (Hermanfrid), 923. SCHUBERT (Dietrich), 5808. SCHUBERT (Paul), 1580.

SCHUBERT (Thomas), 3831. SCHUBERT (Werner), 6928. SCHUCH (Jane), 5286. SCHUEREWEGEN (Franc), 5697. SCHUH (Maximilian), 3044. SCHUHMACHER (Thomas X.), 1031. SCHUI (Florian), 3936. SCHULLER (Wolfgang), 1861. SCHULTE (Jan Erik), 7616. SCHULTE BEERBÜHL (Margrit), 6198. SCHULTE-BOCKHOLT (Alfredo), 4330. SCHULTZ HANSEN (Hans), 6026. SCHULZ (Daniel), 3187. SCHULZ (Felix Robin), 6730. SCHULZ (Jan Pieter), 6361. SCHULZ (Marion), 5629. SCHULZ (Raimund), 1309. SCHULZ (Ulrike), 6127. SCHULZE (Bert-Wolfgang), 5583. SCHULZE (Frederik), 606, 7026. SCHULZE WESSEL (Julia), 5410. SCHULZ-WALDEN (Thorsten), 7886. SCHUMACHER (Reto), 6731. Schumpeter (Joseph Alois), 6043. SCHURIG (Christian), 5947. SCHURR (Carolin), 3728. SCHUSCHNIGG (Kurt), 3558, 3562. SCHUSTER (Jörg), 6480. SCHUSTER (Walter), 3462. SCHÜTZ (Erhard), 908. SCHWAR (Harriet D.), 7769. SCHWARTZ (Daniel L.), 2327. SCHWARTZ (Mallory), 5968. SCHWARTZ (Michael), 3504, 3937. SCHWARZ (Brigide), 3045. SCHWARZ (Hans Peter), 3821. SCHWARZ (Jörg), 3452. SCHWARZE (Ulrich), 3938. SCHWARZENBERG (Prince Ferdinand), 3559. SCHWARZROCK (Imke), 6451. SCHWEDT (Herman H.), 4863. SCHWEIGER (Cornelia), 2896. SCHWENDEMANN (Wilhelm), 4963. SCHWERDT (Ulrich), 765. SCHWERHOFF (Gerd), 4939. SCHWERIN (Alan), 5424. SCICOLONE (Rossano), 1702. Scipio (Publius Cornelius), Africanus Maior, 1814. SCOLIERI (Paul A.), 5969. SCOPPOLA IACOPINI (Luigi), 6212. Scott (James C.), 429. Scott (Joan W.), 445. SCOTT (Katherine A.), 4681. SCOTT (Kirk), 6750. SCOTT (Tom), 4964.

INDEX OF NAMES SCOTT GEHRING (David), 7289. SCOTTI TOSINI (Aurora), 5840. SCOTT-SMITH (Giles), 7887. SCRANTON (Philip), 6362. SCREEN (Elina), 109. SCRIVANO (Paolo), 5838. Scudéry (Madeleine de), 5670. SDROBIȘ (Dragoș), 423. SEAL (Graham), 5365. SEARS (Gareth), 1779. SEARS (Laurie J.), 234. SÈBE (Berny), 7177. SEBTA (Tanja), 7618. Secchi (Angelo), 5451. SECCHI TARUGI (Luigia), 3414. SECCIANI (Claudia), 3355. SECHI (Salvatore), 235. SECORD (James A.), 5366. Secusio (Bonaventura), 7283. SEDIVY (Miroslav), 7410. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta), X. SEDLICKÁ (Magdalena), 3703. Sedulius, 2205, 2206. SEEGERS (Lu), 6732. SEEßLEN (Georg), 5156. SEEWANN (Maria-Irma), 2328. SEFER (Akın), 6867. SEFRIOUI (Kenza), 5367. SEGAGNI-MALACART (Anna), 3058. SEGATORI (Samantha), 52, 407. SEGESSER (Daniel Marc), 7019, 7518. SEGHEZZA (Elena), 6363. SEGONDS (Alain-Philippe), 1394, 1399. SEGOVIA (Rodolfo), 7236. SEHRAWAT (Samiksha), 5584. SEIBERT (Hubertus), 2623. SEIDEL (Hans-Christoph), 6078. SEIDER (Aaron M.), 2034. SEIDLEIN (Rupert von), 5330. SEIM (David L.), 6364. SEINECKE (Ralf), 6882. SEINER LIZÁRRAGA (Lizardo), 4332. SEIPP (Adam R.), 7754. SEIXAS (Miguel Metelo de), 93. SEKIMOTO (Noriko), 4720. SEKIRINSKIJ (Sergej S.), 4426. SELA (Ori), 5157. Selbmann (Fritz), 3890. SELÇUK (Mualla), 854. Selden (John), 154. SELL (Annette), 5423. Sella (Quintino), 4186. Sellers (family), 6458. SELLERS-GARCÍA (Sylvia), 7237. SELLING (Jan), 6733. SELTZER (Andrew), 6365. Selucidae, dynasty, 1071.

SÉMELIN (Jacques), 5011. SÉMÉRIA (Yves), 5433. Semonides, 1565. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus), 1797, 1998, 2004, 2006, 2049, 2051, 2056, 2062. SENG (Eva-Maria), 4747. SENNEWALD (Roland), 7290. SENNHOLZ (Marco), 3939. SENSEN (Oliver), 5425. SEO (Joanne M.), 2035. Sepp (Antonio), 4906. Septimius Severus (Lucius), Roman emperor, 1772, 1851. Sepúlveda (Juan Ginés de), 5042. SERAFINI (Nicola), 1581. ŞERBAN (Ionuţ), 7064. SERÇA (Isabelle), 5739. SÈRE (Bénédicte), 660. SERELS (Steven), 4521. SERES (Attila), 7313. SERGEANT (Jean-Claude), 3997. SERGEEV (Evgenij Ju.), 7541. SERGI (Giuseppe), 2605. SERGI (Omer), 1263. SERIACOPI (Massimo), 3008. SERNA (Pierre), 3502, 3743. SERNA ALONSO (Justo), 442. SERNA DE LA GARZA (José María), 6896. SERNERI (Simone Neri), 425. Serovpe (Servitchen) Vitchenian, 5618. SERPICO (Fulvia), 3335. SERRA (Ilaria), 6734. SERRANO MIGALLÓN (Fernando), 6897. SERRY (Hervé), 5368. Sertorius (Quintus), 1808. SERVICE (Hugo), 7755. Servius (Marius Honoratus), 2014. SERZEDELLO CRESPIM LOPES (Juliana), 3606. SETTI (Raffaella), 134. SETTLE (Louise), 6735. SEUBERT (Xavier John), 3276. SÈVE (Michel), 1352. ŠEVEČEK (Ondřej), 6091. SEVER (Ayşegül), 7888. SEVERI (Andrea), 3358. SEVERINI (Marco), 200. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, 2213. SEVILLA PÉREZ (Ana María), 194. Sextus Turpilius, 1798. Seydoux (Jacques), 7381. SFAMENI GASPARRO (Giulia), 1674. SFEIR (Antoine Charif), 4228. Sforza (Costanzo), 3072. SFORZA (Ilaria), 1675.

393 SFORZINI (Arianna), 5420. SGARBI (Marco), 5425. SHAHIN (Emad El-Din), 858. SHAINDLINGER (Noa), 4139. Shakespeare (William), 5647, 5653, 5666, 5667, 5737. SHALEM (Avinoam), 2704. Shalmaneser III, 1183. SHAMIR (Avner), 4965. SHANK (Michael H.), 781. SHANKS (Monte A.), 2200. SHANTZ (Douglas H.), 4966. SHAPIRA (Assaf), 4140. SHAPIRO (Aaron), 6737. SHAPIRO (Adam R.), 5287. SHAPIRO (Paul A.), 4371. SHARKEY (Heather J.), 4732. SHARMA (Ajay), 793. SHARMA (Patrick), 6366. SHARMAN (Adam), 6884. SHARP (Buchanan), 2859. SHARP (Paul), 6222. SHARPE (Kevin), 4050. SHARROCK (Alison), 2059. SHATZMILLER (Joseph), 2699. SHAW (Brent D.), 1962. SHAW (Lauren), 5970. SHELDEN (Rachel A.), 4682. Shelikhova (Natalija), 6035. SHELMERDINE (Cynthia W.), 1350. SHELOKHAEV (Valentin V.), 4421. SHELTON (Dinah), 655. SHELTON (Jo-Ann), 2036. Shem, 1380. SHEMTOV (Rahamim), 1258. SHEMYAKINA (Olga), 6738. SHEN (Jian), 7989. SHEN (Zhihua), 7990. SHENNAN (Stephen), 979. Shenute Atripensis, Sanctus, 2297. SHEPARD (Alexandra), 6710. SHEPHERD (John), 4051. Shepstone (Theophilus), 7143. SHERBERG (Michael), 2959. SHERIDAN (Alison), 990. Sherman (Roger), 4639. SHERMAN (Taylor C.), 6909. SHERMER (Elizabeth Tandy), 4683. SHILLITO (Lisa-Marie), 991. SHIMADA (Kazuhisa), 7889. SHIMAHARA (Sum), 3413. SHIMO (Hirotoshi), 7922. SHINDO (Rikako), 7519. SHINOKAWA (Ken), 8067. SHINOZAKI (Mitsuo), 1464. SHIOZAWA (Hirohito), 7991. SHIPTON (Ceri), 970. SHNEJDER (Konstantin I.), 4430. SHNIREL'MAN (Viktor A.), 526, 529. SHOGIMEN (Takashi), 3204.

394 SHORE (Heather), 6739. SHOSHKES (Ellen), 6453. SHOVLIN (John), 6465. SHPRINTZEN (Adam D.), 4967. SHRYOCK (Andrew), 924. SHUK-TING (Kinnia Yau), 6021. Shul'gin (Vasilij V.), 4420, 4422. SHUMSKY (Dimitry), 5024. SHURTS (Sarah E.), 3805. SHVEJKOVSKAJA (Elena N.), 6251. SIANI (Alberto L.), 5425. SIBILLE (Christiane), 5954. SIBORA (Janusz), 7520. Siculus Flaccus, 2061. Sidonius (C. Sollius Apollinaris), 2146, 2309. SIDOROV (Aleksandr I.), 2048. SIEBENMORGEN (Harald), 2071. SIEBERT (Gérard), 1683. SIEBRECHT (Claudia), 5809. SIEG (Ulrich), 5405. SIEG (Wilfried), 5449. SIEGL (Gerhard), 6240. Siemens (Carl von), 6104. SIEMENS (Daniel), 5363. SIERRA BLAS (Verónica), 5269. SIERRA MARTÍN (César), 1582, 1636. SIERRA MEJÍA (Rubén), 3650. SIEVERS (Kai Detlev), 5585. SIEWERT (Peter), 1377. SIFUENTES ESPINOZA (Daniel), 5211. SIGH (Helle Møller), 2756. SIGNES CODOÑER (Juan), 2466. SIGNORI (Gabriela), 3330. SIKLÓSI (Zsuzsanna), 1027. SIKORA (Stanislav), 4463. Sikorski (Władysław), 4349. SILBERKLANG (David), 5012. SILBERMAN (Marc), 342. SILOMON (Anke), 3869. SILVA (Rui J.C.), 1048. SILVA BEGA (Maria Tarcisa), 3607. SILVERMAN (Jason M.), 1301. SILVERSTEIN (Adam J.), 869. SILVESTRI (Letizia), 1030. SILVESTRO (Silvia), 3344. SILVIA (Stephen J.), 6128. SIM (David), 7411. Simango (C. Kamba), 4969. SIMBULA (Pinuccia F.), 2588. Simeon Novus Theologus, Sanctus, 2379. SIMIĆ (Bojan), 3616. Simmel (Georg), 5436. SIMMONET (Stéphane), 7635. SIMMS (Brendan), 7066. SIMON (Karla W.), 7992. SIMON (Ralf), 5406. SIMON (Zsolt), 1229.

INDEX OF NAMES SIMONATO (Elena), 126. SIMONI (Marcella), 3513. SIMONS (Roswitha), 2023, 5032. SIMONSEN (Jørgen Bæk), 161. SIMONSON (Örjan), 6199. SIMONTON (Deborah), 6487. SIMONY (Aude), 1156. SIMPKIN (David), 2560. Simplicius, 2417. SIMPSON (Alicia), 2467. SIMPSON (James R.), 3220. ŠIMŮNEK (Michal V.), 750. ŠINDELÁŘOVÁ (Lenka), 7569. SINEL'SCHIKOVA (Irina G.), 4514. SINGER (Barnett), 5159. SINGH (Ashish), 6740. SINHA (Nitin), 7118. SINI (Carlo), 5444. SINISGALLI (Rocco), 3047. Sîn-kāšid, ruler of Uruk, 1202. SINN (Elizabeth), 6129. SIOLLUN (Max), 4301. SIPPIAL (Tiffany A.), 3669. SIRAISI (Nancy G.), 5587. SIRENOV (Aleksej V.), 91. SIRINA (Anna A.), 7916. SIRINELLI (Jean-François), 3770, 3795. Široký (Viliam), 6814. SISTO (Michele), 5316. SITTER (Nick), 4085. Sitting Bull, 4638. SIVASUNDARAM (Sujit), 7113. Sixtus IV, Papa, 3230. SJÖGREN (Anders), 4586. SJUNNESSON (Jan), 612. SKINNER (Alexander), 1862. SKINNER (Joseph), 497. SKINNER (Patricia), 2860. SKODA (Hannah), 2861. SKOGH (Lisa), 254. SKOTNES (Andor), 4684. SKOVORODA (Rodion), 6268. SŁAPEK (Dariusz), 1839. SLĂVESCU (Victor), 6367. SLEIGHT (Simon), 6741. Slessor (Mary), 6609. SLOBODIAN (Quinn), 6994, 7890. SLOTTEN (Hugh Richard), 7891. SMADJA (Stéphanie), 5770. SMAIL (Daniel Lord), 920, 924. SMALE (David), 6923. SMARR (Janet Levarie), 2959. SMETANA (Vít), 7613. ŠMID (Katja), 785. SMIL (Vaclav), 6130. SMIRNOVA (Engelina S.), 3149. Smith (Adam), 702. SMITH (Alexia), 1011. SMITH (Aminda M.), 7993. SMITH (Andrew M. II), 1102.

SMITH (Andrew), 6368. SMITH (Anthony D.), 5810. SMITH (Brendan), 2862. SMITH (Carl), 6454. SMITH (Craig), 702. SMITH (David E.), 3629. SMITH (Duane E.), 1206. SMITH (Eric R.), 4507. SMITH (Jeremy), 4411. SMITH (Jill Suzanne), 6742. SMITH (John Charles), 123. SMITH (John Sterling Forssen), 7412. SMITH (Kathryn), 24, 2863. SMITH (Katy Simpson), 6743. SMITH (Lydia M.J.), 971. SMITH (Marc), 3079. SMITH (Patricia), 1264. SMITH (Piers Michael), 114. SMITH (Plínio J.), 5152. SMITH (Richard), 6438. SMITH (Samuel C.), 4968. SMITHIES (Andrew), 2378. SMITH-OKA (Vania), 6744. SMOLIĬ (V. A.), 4591. SMOLIN (Jonathan), 4276. SMORCHKOV (Andrej M.), 1877. SMYTH (Jessica), 992, 994. SMYTH (Karen), 2838. SNAPE (Michael), 4931. Snell (Bruno), 430. SNOPKOVÁ (Blanka), 7067. SNOWDEN (Kenneth), 6292. SNYDER (David J.), 7887. SNYDER (Glenn E.), 2329. SNYDER (Sarah B.), 7020, 7892. SNYDER (Saskia Coenen), 5013. SOBOCINSKA (Agnieszka), 7688. SOBOLEV (Boris), 6392. SØBY KRISTENSEN (Kristian), 3712. Socles, 1574. Socrates, 1497, 1599, 1603, 5398, 5425. SODA (Saburo), 7521. SODDU (Alessandro), 2501, 2588. SÖDERBERG (Johan), 710. SÖDERFELDT (Ylva), 3940. SODERLUND (Gretchen), 5369. SOFIO (Séverine), 5796. SOFRI (Gianni), 5370. SOGA (Yoshinari), 4216. SOGRIN (Vladimir V.), 4706. SOHN (Kitae), 6745. SOJC (Natascha), 2130. SOLANS (Bárbara), 1103. SOLAR (Peter M.), 6131. SOLARI (Amara), 8096. SOLAZ (Anne), 6396. SOLEVÅG (Anna R.), 2330. SOLIS (Yves), 4730.

INDEX OF NAMES SOLL (David), 4685. SOLODENKO (Natalya), 928. Solon, 1430. SOLÓRZANO (Juan Carlos), 3657. SOLOVEY (Mark), 5589. SOLTYSIAK (Arkadiusz), 1302. Solvay (famille), 6261. Somare (Michael), 1487. SOMENZARI (Francesca), 7570. SOMERVILLE (Angus A.), 2724. SOMMELLA (Valentina), 7604. SOMMER (Andreas Urs), 5433. SOMMER (Michael), 711, 1863. SOMMER (Vítězslav), 3693. Sommerfeld (Arnold), 5495. SOMMERSTEIN (Alan H.), 1676. SOMORJAI (Árpád Ádám), 4084. SON (Byung-giu), 6241. SONNE (Lasse Christian Arboe), 2725. SONNE (Pernille), 5261. SONNE DE TORRENS (Harriet M.), 3420. SØNNICHSEN (Ole), 6746. SONNTAG (Jörg), 3312. SOPER (Steven C.), 4190. Sophocles, 1471, 1482, 1549. SOPRACASA (Alessio), 2866. SØRENSEN (Anders Ravn), 6369. SOREZ (Julien), 6747. SOROCEANU (Alina), 2331. SORREL (Christian), 4773. SORRENTINO (Alessandra), 5771. SÖRRIES (Reiner), 814. SOTIRA (Letizia), 3139. SOTO CARMONA (Alvaro), 4492. SOTO QUESADA (María), 935. SOUILLER (Didier), 5660. SOUKUP (Pavel), 3227. SOULÉ (Aramis Houmed), 3739. SOULIER (Sébastien), 5371. Sousa (Armindo de), 2787. SOUSA (Germano de), 5590. ŠOUŠA (Jiří), 6210. SOUSA (Julião Soares), 4081. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri), 7352. SOUVATZI (Stella), 993. SOUZA (José Antônio de Camargo Rodrigues de), 3253. SOUZA DE FARIA (Patricia), 4888. SOWERBY (Scott), 4052. SPAETH (Barbette Stanley), 831. SPAFFORD (David), 8068. Spalding (Johann Joachim), 4956. SPALINGER (Anthony J.), 1097. SPALINGER (Anthony), 1152. SPANNENBERGER (Norbert), 7272. SPARLING (Robert Alan), 272. SPARROW-BOTERO (Thomas), 7008. SPASENIĆ (Jelena), 4446.

SPAULDING (Robert Mark), 6200. Spaventa (Bertrando), 5416. SPEICH CHASSÉ (Daniel), 6027. SPENCE (John), 370. SPENCER (Andrew M.), 2867. SPENCER (Leon P.), 4969. SPENCER (Mark G.), 5424. Spengler (Oswald), 5437. SPERBER (Jonathan), 5430. SPERBER (Nathan), 5421. SPERL (Richard), 5430. Speyer (Edgar sir), 6322. SPICCIANI (Amleto), 2775. SPICKA (Mark E.), 6748. SPICKSLEY (Judith), 6370. SPIEß (Karl-Heinz), 2736. SPILKER (Annika), 3941. SPINELLI (Giovanni), 4877. SPINELLI (María Estela), 3539. Spini, famiglia, 2876. Spinoza (Benedictus de), 5400, 5438. Spithovius (Johannes), 7265. SPOERER (Mark), 6028. SPOO (Robert), 5372. SPÖRRI (Myriam), 5591. SPRINGER (Carl P. E.), 2206. SPRINGER (Philipp), 6132. SPROUT (Leslie A.), 5973. SPURLING (Helen), 2247. SQUATRITI (Paolo), 2868. SQUIRES (Graham), 712. SQUIRES (Jessica), 3630. ST. JOHN (Rachel), 417. STACKELBERG (Jürgen von), 5442. STÄDELE (Alfons), 2177. STADEN (Peter von), 4203. STADLER (Martin Andreas), 1317. STAFFORD (Andy), 5358. STAGER (Lawrence E.), 1264. STAGNO (Laura), 3102. STAHEL (David), 7636. STAHL (Daniel), 3505. STAHL (Hans-Peter), 1583. STALFORT (Jutta), 795. Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovič Džugašvili), 4396, 4400, 4401, 7040, 7632, 7712. STALLYBRASS (Peter), 222. STALMANN (Volker), 3873. STAMM (Volker), 2870. STAMMERJOHANN (Harro), 141. STAMPINO (Maria Galli), 6552. STAN (Lavinia), 644. STANC (Simina), 953. STANCIU (Cezar), 7756. STANDLEY (Eleanor R.), 2931. STANFIELD (Michael Edward), 3651. STANFIELD-MAZZI (Maya), 4865. STANFORS (Maria), 6750.

395 STANGEL (Matthias), 3942. STANGELAND (Sigurd Sverre), 7522. STANGL (Werner), 5054. STANISŁAWSKI (Błażej), 2723. STANKOVIĆ (Vlada), 2468. STANLEY (Brian), 4970. STANLEY (William), 4078. STANWOOD (Owen), 4971. STANZIANI (Alessandro), 6242, 6272, 6284, 6807. STAPLEFORD (Richard), 2522. STAQUET (Anne), 5104. STARBIRD (Jennifer), 1156. STARR (S. Frederick), 7923. Statius (Publius Papinius), 1978. STAUFFER (Annemarie), 2857. STAVNEM (Rolf), 2726. STAVROU (Michel), 2377. STECKEL (Richard H.), 7093. STEDMAN (Allison), 5671. STEDMAN (Gesa), 5160. STEEDLY (Mary Margaret), 4109. STEEDMAN (Carolyn), 6870. STEEL (Catherine), 896, 1816, 1864, 1865. STEELE (Ian K.), 7239. STEELE (Madeline), 942. STEELE (Val), 937. STEENBLOCK (Maike), 2037. ŠTEFANČÍK (Radoslav), 3569. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin), 2871. STEFANOVIĆ (Danijela), 1153. STEFANOVICH (Petr S.), 2647. STEFEC (Rudolf), 1584, 2375, 2376. STEGER (Brigitte), 5863. STEHLING (Jutta), 3873. STEIL (Benn), 6045. STEIMANN (Martin), 40. STEIN (Claudia), 274. STEINACHER (Gerald), 7571. STEINBACH (Matthias), 5430. STEINBACHER (Sybille), 3893. STEINBERG (Justin), 3009. STEINBERG (Sylvie), 6545. STEINBOCK (Bernd), 371. STEINER (André), 6371. STEINER (Deborah), 1585. STEINER (Stephan)5439. STEINERT (Johannes-Dieter), 7572. STEINHEIDER (Judith), 53. STEIN-HÖLKESKAMP (Elke), 1866. STEINIGER (Judith), 4922. STEININGER (Rolf), 4144. STEINKAMP (Maike), 347. STEINKE (Ronen), 6995. STEINKELLER (Piotr), 1207. STEINKRÜGER (Jan-Erik), 255. STEINMETZ (George), 5588. STEINMETZ (Willibald), 395.

396 STEINMETZ (Wolf-Dieter), 1855. STEINWEIS (Alan E.), 6970. STELLA (Alessandro), 640. Stendhal, 5690, 5751, 5766, 5772. STENFELDT (Johan), 5161. STENGEL (Friedemann), 5212. STENTELLA (Danilo), 6134. STEPANOV (Aleksej S.), 7696. STEPHEN (Jeffrey), 4053. STEPHENS (Rhiannon), 8089. STEPHENS (Ronald J.), 6751. STEPHENSON (Jill), 7555. ŠTERBENC ERKER (Darja), 2092. STERCKEN (Martina), 6452. STERN (Eliyahu), 5014. STERN (Philip J.), 6186. STERN (Robert), 688. STERNBERG (Giora), 6752. STERNBERG (Maximilian), 3141. STERNSTEIN (Wolfgang), 5592. Stesichorus, 1571. STEVENS (Anna), 1138. STEVENS (Benjamin E.), 2038. STEVENS (Lora), 1284. STEVENS (Matthew Frank), 2836. STEVENS (Peter A.), 6753. STEVENSON (Brenda E.), 6996. STEVENSON (Christine), 4054. STEVENSON (Kim), 5360. STEVENSON (Michael D.), 7894. Stevenson (Robert Luis), 5644. STEVENSON (Robert), 7523. STEWARD (Patrick), 4132. STEWART (Daniel R.), 1730. STIBBE (Matthew), 3475, 3943. STÎCALIN-COLIN (Angela), 7353. STIEGLITZ (Olaf), 4686. STIENING (Gideon), 635. ŠTIH (Peter), 2606. STILL (Todd D.), 2332. STILLER (Alexa), 7015, 7017. Stimson (Henry L.), 7454. ST-MARTIN (Armelle), 5107. STÖBER (Karen), 3299. STÖBER (Rudolf), 5974. STOCCHI (Mirko), 3415. STOCK (Miriam), 6754. STOCKHORST (Stefanie), 890, 5434. STOCKWELL (Sarah), 7097. STOCLET (Alain J.), 3046. STOECKER (Holger), 253. STOENESCU (George Virgil), 6367. STOIA (Romeo Lucian), 101. STOKES (Raymond G.), 6372. STOLER (Anna Laura), 772. STOLLEIS (Michael), 1059. STOLTE (Bernard H.), 1912. STOLZ (Yvonne), 6755. STOLZENBERG (Daniel), 5162. STÖLZLE (Astrid), 5593.

INDEX OF NAMES STONE (A. Douglas), 5594. STONE (Adam), 1190. STONE (Andrew F.), 2363. STONE (Charles Russell), 3010. STONE (Glyn Arthur), 7614. STONE (James I.), 7413. STOPP (Barbara), 979. STORA (Benjamin), 2693. STOREY (Tessa), 6521. STORLI (Espen), 6354. STORME (Tristan), 304. STORRS (Landon R. Y.), 4687. STORY (Joanna), 3123. Stott (John), 4970. STOUT (Nancy), 3670. STÖVER (Bernd), 7757. Strabo, 1375. STRACKE (Daniel), 3315. STRANG (G. Bruce), 7549. STRANGE (Julie-Marie), 67. STRASSER-GACKENHEIMER (Christian), 6898. STRAUMANN (Tobias), 6315. STRAUß (Hanno), 5430. Strauss (Leo), 5439. STRAWSON (Galen), 5424. STREB (Jochen), 6028. STRECKERT (Jens), 3806. STRETTON (Tim), 6997. STRINGER (Christopher Brian), 929. STRINGER (Keith J.), 2581. STRINNA (Giovanni), 2501. Strobel (Heinrich), 5885. Strobel (Hilde), 5885. STROBEL (Jochen), 6480. STROHMEYER (Arno), 7272. Strong (Benjamin), 6381. STRONG (Tracy B.), 5433. STROSETZKI (Christoph), 363. STROUMSA (Guy G.), 865. Strozzi (Lorenzo di Filippo), 5429. STRUBE (Sebastian), 3944. STRUCK (Bernhard), 7326. STRUM (Daniel), 6201. STRUPLER (Néhémie), 1032. STRUTT (Kris D.), 1132. STUCCHI (Silvia), 2039. STUCHLÍKOVÁ (Jana), 7731. Stucki (Walter), 4542. STUHLDREHER (Anna), 5444. STUMMANN HANSEN (Steffen), 2727. STÜMPEL (Harald), 1091. STUMPF-FISCHER (Edith), 3560. STURM (Thomas), 5500. STURZO (Luigi), 5421. STYKALIN (Aleksandr S.), 7540. SU (Feixiang), 8018. SUÁREZ (Ana Rosa), 6135. Suárez (Francisco), 635.

SUAREZ (Michael F.), 237. SUÁREZ CORTINA (Manuel), 3482. SUÁREZ DE LA TORRE (Emilio), 1154. SUBES (Marie-Pasquine), 3145. SUBOCZ (Jarosław), 7524. ŠUBRT (Jiří), 375. SUCKER (Juliane), 4988. SUGAHARA (Yumi), 5015. SUGIHARA (Kaoru), 6099. SULEIMAN (Yasir), 142. Sulla Felix (Lucius Cornelius), 1839, 1866. SUMMITT (April R.), 714. SUN (Jiahong), 7994. SUNDELIN (Anna), 6756. SUNDERLAND (David), 6373. SUNDHAUSSEN (Holm), 4442. SUNDHOLM (John), 5066. SUNY (Grigor), 4412. SUNYER (Miquel Roy), 946. SURDAM (David George), 6757. SURESH (N.), 1043. SURIKOV (Igor' E.), 1428, 1681. SURYOMENGGOLO (Jafar), 4110. SÜSELBECK (Jan), 5975. ŠUSTROVÁ (Radka), 6758. SUTCH (Richard), 709. Suzuki (Bokushi), 6678. Svahnström (Gunnar), 3418. ŠVAMBERK (Alex), 7758. SVANBERG (Mikael), 4535. SVANIDZE (Adelaida A.), 2556. SVENSSON (Ted), 4314. SVOBODA (Jiří), 942. SWAIN (Nigel), 6243. SWANN (Julian), 3754. SWÄRD (Hans), 6767. SWEENEY (Deborah), 1265. SWEENEY (Marvin Alan), 833. SWENSON (Astrid), 376, 791. SWETT (Pamela E.), 6202. SWEZEY (William R.), 7218. SWIFFEN (Amy), 458. SWINDELLS (Julia), 813. Sydenham (Floyer), 1604. SYLLA (Richard), 6374. SYLVEST (Casper), 3719. SYMONDS (James), 6463. SYNDIKUS (Candida), 2654. Syromjatnikov (Boris I.), 444. SYSON (Antonia), 2040. SZABACIUK (Andrzej), 7414. SZATKOWSKI (Tim), 4230, 7766, 7895. SZIDAT (Sabine), 1104. SZIJÁRTO (István M.), 473. SZKILNIK (Michelle), 2945. SZNURA (Franek), 2500. SZYMANSKI (Hanna), 6998. SZYMCZAK (Damian), 7415.

INDEX OF NAMES T TABARRONI (Andrea), 2939. TABERNERO SALA (Cristina), 139. TABOLLI (Jacopo), 1743. TABORSKA (Halina), 4354. Tacchini (Pietro), 5451. Tacitus (Publius Cornelius), 1799, 1800. TADDEI (Ilaria), 2596. TADDIA (Irma), 7178. TAEUBER (Hans), 1377. TAGLIACOZZO (Eric), 5017. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro), 377. TAGUIEFF (Pierre-André), 554. TAHKOKALLIO (Jaakko), 3011. TAI (Yuen), 6375. TAJIMA (Nobuo), 7525. TAKÁČ (Peter), 5504. TAKAGI (Shunsuke), 8069. TAKAHASHI (Kazuki), 8070. TAKAHASHI (Masaaki), 8071. TAKAHASHI (Yoshitaka), 8072. TAKRITI (Abdel Razzaq), 4307. TAL (David), 7896. TALBOT (Ian), 4311. TALLON (Alain), 870. TALMON (Jacob L.), 633. TÁLOS (Emmerich), 3571. TAMINIAUX (Pierre), 5163. TAMIOLAKI (Melina), 435, 1586. TAMMINEN (Miikka), 2899. TANAKA (Hideo), 4055. TANAKA (Seiji), 8073. TANASE (Thomas), 3416. TANASEANU-DÖBLER (Ilinca), 2162. TĂNĂSESCU (Adrian), 2365. TANCK DE ESTRADA (Dorothy), 5288. TANETI (James Elisha), 4972. TANG (Chuanfu), 7996. TANG (Hongqing), 7995. TANNER (Harold M.), 7759. TAPP (Christian), 5596. TAPSELL (Grant), 4034. TARACHA (Piotr), 1230. TARANTINO (Giovanni), 416. TARANTINO (Samantha), 3468. ŢĂRANU (Liviu), 4388. TARCHYS (Daniel), 4537. TARDIEU (Jean-Pierre), 4715. TAROZZI (Simona), 2765. TARRIÑO VINAGRE (Andoni), 946. TARTER (Brent), 4688. TARUD BETTINI (Simone), 3012. Tasca (Angelo), 3803. TASKIN (Vsevolod S.), 8030. TASSIE (Geoffrey J.), 1149. TATA (Sebastiano Luca), 1702. TATEO (Francesco), 2947. TAUBER (Christine), 3946.

Taunt (Emory H.), 7147. TAUSCHEK (Markus), 796. TAVAN (Gwenda), 3554. TAVONI (Mirko), 2971. Tawney (R. H.), 431. TAWS (Richard), 5811. TAYLOR (C.J.), 432. TAYLOR (Christopher), 6314. TAYLOR (Craig), 2873. TAYLOR (David Francis), 813. TAYLOR (James), 6295. TAYLOR (James), 6999. TAYLOR (Jeremy), 2138. TAYLOR (Melissa Jane), 7769. TAYLOR (Miles), 7095. TAYLOR (Nikki M.), 4689. TAYLOR (Paul), 6455. TAYLOR (Richard K. S.), 434. TAYLOR (Stephen), 3998, 4034. TAYYARA (Abed el-Rahman), 1266. TCHERNIA (André), 1326. TCHOUDINOV (Alexandre), 5275. TCHOUKARINE (Igor), 195. TEBINKA (Jacek), 7577. TEDESCHI (Paolo), 6376. TEGA (Walter), 5597. TEITELBAUM (Michael), 6462. TEITLER (Hans Carel), 1780. TELES (Amelinha), 5374. TELL (Tariq), 4217. TELLER (Katalin), 5893. TELLES (Edward), 6759. TÉLLEZ RUBIO (Jesús), 785. TELLKAMP (Jörg Alejandro), 3198. TELÒ (Mario), 4165. TEMBO (Alfred), 6136. TEMIN (Peter), 1963, 6377. TEMPEN (Manfred H.), 7630. TEMPEST (Kathryn), 2041. TEMPLER (Bill), 5417. TEN HARKEL (Letty), 2718. TENDLER (Joseph), 378. TENFELDE (Klaus), 3866, 3925, 6078. TENG (Emma Jinhua), 6760. TENNANT (Margaret), 6761. TENNENT (Kevin D.), 5976. TENNENT (Kevin), 6244. ŢENTEA (Ovidiu), 1964. TENTORI MONTALTO (Marco), 1378. Teobaldo di Provins, 3345. TER MINASSIAN (Taline), 5835. TERAUDKALNS (Valdis), 4224. Terentia, wife of Cicero, 2002. Terentius Afer (Publius), 903, 1801, 2019. TERJANIAN (Anoush Fraser), 6203. TERMINI (Settimo), 5595. TERNAVASIO (Marcela), 3531.

397 TERNES (Jerzy), 4340. TERPSTRA (Nicholas), 740, 6762. TERPSTRA (Taco T.), 1965. TERRA (Mercedes), 7706. TERRANOVA (Chiara), 1677. TERRAS (Melissa), 5055. TERRET (Thierry), 794. TERRETTA (Meredith), 3621. TERRIER (Laurence), 3417. Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Florens), 2332. TERZIOĞLU (Derin), 5018. TESSICINI (Dario), 5484. TESSIER (Alexandre), 7318. TESSIER (Olivier), 6245. TESSITORE (Fulvio), 5408. TÉTART (Philippe), 5375. TEUSCHER (Simon), 66, 566, 739. TEWELL (Jeremy J.), 4690. TEYSSIER (Éric), 1867. THACKERAY (David), 4056. THAKUR (Ramesh), 595. THAKUR (Sanjaya), 2042. Thälmann (Ernst), 3901. THANE (Pat), 4041. Thaon di Revel (Paolo), 6959. THAPAR (Romila), 379. Thatcher (Margaret), 6405. THAYER (Gwyneth Anne), 6763. THEAKSTON (Kevin), 6834. Theelen (Damian), 7439. THEIDON (Kimberly), 4331. THEIS (Robert), 5425. THEISSEN (Gerd), 2223. THELIANDER (Claes), 3418. Themistius, 1563. Themistocles, 1538. THEMISTOKLEOUS (Charalambos), 1589. THEOBALD (Ulrich), 6378. Theocritus, 1499, 1533. Theodericus (Flavius) Magnus, rex Ostrogothorum, 2151, 2152, 2608, 2731. THEODORIDIS (Christos), 2381. THÉODOROPOULOU (Vanessa), 5802. Theodorus Agallianus, 2383. Theodorus Gadarensis, 1386. Theodorus Gaza, 2393. Theodorus Mopsuestenus, episcopus, 2327. Theodorus Studita, 2384. Theodosius II (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1869. Theodulos, 2404. THÉOFILAKIS (Fabien), 7070. Theognis, 1498. Theognostus, 2210. THEOHARIS (Jeanne), 4691. Theophrastus, 1627.

398 Theopompus, 433, 1555. THEOTIKOU (Maria), 1678. Theoxenus, 1473. Theron, 1696. THEURL (Theresia), 6302. THÉVENON Olivier), 6431. THIBAUD (Clément), 7188. THIEMEYER (Guido), 6029. THIERRY (Laurent), 7653. THIERS (Eric), 3794. THIEßEN (Malte), 3924, 3951. Thodorus Daphnopates, 2420. THOM (Paul), 3172. THOMAS (Dominic), 5165. THOMAS (Geraint), 4057. THOMAS (Jean-Paul), 3790. THOMAS (Maria), 4508. THOMAS (Richard F.), 913. THOMAS (Samuel S.), 4973. THOMAS (Siân E.), 1155. Thomas Aquinas, Sanctus, 3181, 3184, 3334, 3343. THOMASEN (Hanne), 1731. THOMPSON (Andrew), 394, 7078. Thompson (Edward Palmer), 434. THOMPSON (Elizabeth F.), 6899. THOMPSON (J. Lee), 7526. THOMPSON (James), 4024, 4058. THOMPSON (Mark L.), 7240. THOMPSON (Neville), 3632. THOMPSON (S. J.), 6379. THOREL (Sylvie), 5772. THÖRMER (Raphael), 2700. THORNDIKE (Joseph J.), 4692. THORNTON (Christopher P.), 1303. THORNTON (Martin), 7527. THORSEN (David), 6764. THORSEN (Liv Emma), 240. THORSEN (Thea S.), 897. Thucydides, 435, 1467, 1468, 1483, 1495, 1507, 1525, 1532, 1536, 1540, 1544, 1551, 1558, 1560, 1561, 1562, 1564, 1568, 1572, 1573, 1583, 1586, 1589, 1594, 1605. THUESEN (Sarah Caroline), 5289. THUM (Gregor), 3506. THÜR (Gerhard), 1379, 1443. THURBER (Timothy N.), 4693. THURN (John Philipp), 3947. THURNER (Martin), 854. Thutmosis III, king of Egypt, 1143. Tiberius Claudius Nero, Roman emperor, 2046, 2113. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, 1880. Tibullus (Albius), 2001. TICCHI (Jean-Marc), 4799. TICCIATI (Susannah), 2333. TIDSVILDE (Martin), 6900.

INDEX OF NAMES Tigran the Great, king of Armenia, 1179. TIKHONOV (Vitalij V.), 401, 444. TILLY (Stephanie), 6053. TIMMERMANN (Jens), 5425. TINELLI (Elisa), 3167. TINLAND (Olivier), 5423. TIRABASSI (Iames), 977. TIRINNANZI (Nicoletta), 5416. TISHKOV (Valerij A.), 526. Tiso (Jozef), 4452, 4464. TISON (Stéphane), 5502, 5514. Tissot (Samuel Auguste), 5452. TISTEDT (Petter), 4536. Tito (Josip Broz), 4444, 7553, 7844. Titus Bostrensis, episcopus, 2211. Tiziano, 5848. TJARKS (Sven Ufe), 2766. TJEDER (David), 694. TJURINA (Galina A.), 7. TJUTJUKIN (Stanislav V.), 4431. TOBLER (Konrad), 5839. Tobler (Max), 6828. TOCH (Michael), 716, 2691. TODISCO (Luigi), 1327. TODOROSKA (Katerina), 7909. TÖDT (Ilse), 4921. TOFAN (Liviu), 4390. Togliatti (Palmiro), 5421. TOGNETTI (Sergio), 6380. TOGNONI (Federico), 5450. TOIVO (Raisa Maria), 7000. TOKAY (Gül), 7355. TOLAN (John Victor), 2713, 3408. TOLEVA (Teodora), 7416. TOLL (Gil), 5376. Toller (Ernst), 5889. TOLMIE (Francois), 2255. TOLONEN (Mikko), 5424. TOLONEN (Siiri), 6463. Tolstoy (Lev), 5136, 5714. TOMA (Mark), 6381. TOMASELLO (Giovanna), 5429. TOMASI (Gabriele), 5425, 5444. TOMBEUR (Paul), 2553, 3262. TOMEŠ (Igor), 3705. TOMEŠ (Josef), 3706. TOMINI (Luca), 4165. TOMKINS (Peter), 1346. TOMLINS (Christopher), 435, 6871. TOMLINSON (B. R.), 6030. TÖMMEL (Tatjana Noemi), 5410. TÖMÖRDI (Máté), 6057. TOMOV (Thomas S.), 2470. TOMPKINS (Cynthia), 5977. TOMPKINS (Daniel P.), 1421. TOMS (Jonathan), 5599. TONER (Jerry P.), 1870, 5166. TONIETTI (Maria Vittoria), 1105. TONINI (Alberto), 3513.

TONIOLO (Gianni), 703. TONIZZI (Fabio), 4867. TØNNESEN (Allan), 3720. TÖNNIES (Volkmar), 98. TONTINI (Alba), 2009. TOONEN (Willem), 1156. TOOZE (Adam), 6123. TOPÇU (Sezin), 412. TOPOROWSKI (Jan), 6046. TOPP (Sascha), 5600. TOPPER (David R.), 5601. TORCHIA (Joseph), 2334. Torelli (Pietro), 14. TORKUNOV (Anatolij V.), 7347. TOROLLO SÁNCHEZ (David), 785. TORRANCE (Alexis C.), 2335. TORRANCE (Isabelle C.), 1676. TORRENS (Miguel A.), 3420. TORRES (Félix), 5490. TORRES (Mónica Domínguez), 5812. TORRES MEDINA (Raúl Heliodoro), 5978. TORRES-ROUFF (David Samuel), 4694. TORT (Olivier), 3808. TORTELLA (Gabriel), 717. TORTORICI (Zeb), 8091. TOSI (Luciano), 5319. TOSSOUNIAN (Cecilia), 3540. TOSTI (Mario), 7329. TÓTH (Ágnes), 219. TÖTÖSY DE ZEPETNEK (Steven), 912. TOUGHER (Shaun), 2410. TOURATIER (Christian), 1776. Touré (Ahmed Sékou), 4080, 6806. Touré (Almamy Samory), 3817. TOUREILLE (Valérie), 2767. TOUS (Pere Joan), 3528. TOWNSEND (Robert B.), 381. TOWNSEND (Susan C.), 6137. TOYE (Richard), 7573. TOZZI (Maria Vittoria), 1587. TRABA (Robert), 7817. TRAFLET (Janice M.), 6382. TRAFLET (Janice), 6294. Traianus (Marcus Ulpius Nerva), Roman emperor, 1770. TRAILL (Ariana), 903. TRAINA (Alfonso), 1798. TRAINA (Giusto), 1179. TRAINI (Lino), 3027. TRAMPEDACH (Kai), 1400. TRAMPIER (Joshua), 1156. TRAMPOTA (Andreas), 5425. TRAN (Nicolas), 1913, 1967. TRANCHANT (Mathias), 2875. TRANCHELL (Sophi), 6162. TRANCHINI (Elina Mercedes), 3541.

INDEX OF NAMES TRANINGER (Anita), 2906. TRAPL (Miloš), 6810. TRAŞCĂ (Ottmar), 7574. TREADGOLD (Warren), 2471. TREGLIA (Emanuele), 4493. TREHERNE (Matthew), 3007. TREISSNER (Mikhail Ju.), 816. Treitschke (Heinrich, von), 436. TREMBLAY (Dean D.), 7897. TRÉMON (Anne-Christine), 8103. TRENCSÉNYI (Balázs), 7043. TRENTA (Luca), 7898. TREPAVLOV (Vadim V.), 7926. TRÉPIED (Benoît), 7252. TREß (Werner), 3945. TREUIL (René), 975. Treves (Piero), 437. TRIBULATO (Olga), 1380. TRICAUD (Sabrina), 3790. TRICOIRE (Damien), 4868. TRIEBEL (Florian), 6053. Trimborn (Familie), 7436. Trimborn (Max), 7436. TRINDADE (Luís), 4365. TRINGHAM (Nigel J.), 722. TRIONFINI (Paolo), 4823. TRIPODI (Claudia), 2876. TRIPODI (Giacomo), 1588. TRISHKAN (Irina E.), 6208. Trissino (Gian Giorgio), 1509. TRITLE (Lawrence A.), 602, 743, 1465. TRITTEL (Günter J.), 3948. TRIULZI (Alessandro), 5862. TROEBST (Stefan), 7817. TROELTSCH (Ernst)5440. TRÖHLER (Daniel), 5291, 5434. TRONCARELLI (Fabio), 3205. TROPÉ (Hélène), 5167. Trotsky (Leon), 4305. Trudeau (Pierre), 3622. TRUGENBERGER (Volker), 6468. TRUXES (Thomas M.), 6465. TSAKMAKIS (Antonis), 435, 1589. TSAREVSKAJA-DJAKINA (Tat'jana V.), 7640. TSATUROVA (Susanna K.), 2685. TSIBUL'NIKOVA (Anastasija A.), 4432. TSIGBE (Koffi Nutefé), 7172. TSIKOUNAS (Myriam), 223. TSIMBIDY (Myria), 5672. TSIRTSONI (Zoï), 975. TSOUPAROPOULOU (Christina), 1208. TSURUMA (Kazuyuki), 7997. TSUYA (Noriko O.), 8074. TUCĂ (Florian), 4373. TUCI (Paolo A.), 1422. TUCK (Christopher), 7689. TUCK (Stephen), 5213.

TUENNERMAN (Laura), 4656. TULARD (Jean), 5051. TUMAT (Antje), 5083. TUMBLETY (Joan), 475, 3809. TÜR (Özlem), 7068. TURA (Adolfo), 5663. TURCATTI (Dante), 7440. TÜRCK (Verena), 2623, 2641. TURCU (Lucian), 4841. TURCUŞ (Şerban), 423, 7760. TURDA (Marius), 5602. TURHAN (Fatma Sel), 3590. TURI (Gabriele), 5168. TURILOV (Anatolij A.), 2593. TURILOV (Arkadij A.), 3020. TURNER (John D.), 2148, 6282. TURNER (John P.), 872. TURNING (Patricia), 2768. TURRIZIANI (Valeria), 1157. TURSE (Nick), 7899. TÜSKÉS (Gábor), 64. TUTINO (John), 417. TWARDOWSKA (Kamilla), 1652. TWEYMAN (Stanley), 5424. TYMCHENKO (Roman Viktorovych), 7528. TYRVÄINEN (Helena), 5954. Tyrwhitt (Jaqueline), 6453. TZAMALIKOS (Panagiotes), 2204. TZOREF-ASHKENAZI (Chen), 5169. U U Thant (Maha Thray Sithu), 7811. UCHIDA (Jun), 7114. UCHIDA (Yasutaka), 1914. UEDA (Shin-ya), 6765. UGGERI (Giovanni), 197. Ugo di Saint-Cher, 3203. Ugo di San Vittor, 3400. UGOLINI (Gherardo), 5292. UGOLINI (Laura), 4059. UHL (Elke), 5787. Uhland (Ludwig), 6881. UHLÍKOVÁ (Lucie), 515. Ulbricht (Walter), 3899. ULDRY (Dominique), 5839. ULIČNÝ (Ferdinand), 2877. ULIVI (Elisabetta), 3028. ULJAS (Sami), 1158. ULMAN (Yesim Isil), 5618. Ulpius Marcellus, iuris consultus, 1908. ULRICH (Carmen), 5377. ULUNIAN (Ar), 7900. UMEHARA (Hideharu), 5293. UMEMURA (Maki), 6063. UMLAUF (Joachim), 780. UMOJA (Akinyele Omowale), 4695. UNDURRAGA SCHÜLER (Verónica), 6766.

399 UNGARI (Andrea), 7485. UNGER (Veronika), 2534. ÜNGÖR (Çagdas), 4580. UNGRUH (Christine), 3143. UOLA (Mikko), 3742. UPTON (Elizabeth Randell), 3162. URBAŃCZYK (Przemysław), 2561. URBANI (Carlo), 4867. URBANO (Arthur P.), 2163. URBANSKI (Charity), 385. URBANSKY (Sören), 3506. Urbanus VIII, papa, 7284. Ur-Bau, ruler of Lagas, 1202. URBINA (Eduardo), 5650. URBIÑA (José Fernández), 2322. URBINA MARTINEZ (Dionisio), 1047. URBINATI (Nadia), 4783. URCEO (Antonio Codro), 3358. Urfé (Honoré d'), 5670. URIBE LÓPEZ (Mauricio), 3652. URLACHER-BECHT (Céline), 2031. Ur-Namma, 1212. URSO (Carmelina), 2879. URWAND (Ben), 5980. USOZ (Javier), 6040. USPENSKIJ (Fedor B.), 144. USTINOVA (Yulia), 1679. USUDA (Masayuki), 4106. USUNÁRIZ GARAYOA (Jesús María), 139. UTHER (Hans-Jörg), 798. V VACCARO (Attilio), 2678. VACCARO (Luciano), 870. Václav Lucemburský, 2657. VÁGI (Zoltán), 7560. VAGNON (Emmanuelle), 198. VAGT (Kristina), 256. Vaihinger (Hans), 5425. VAILLANT (Alain), 5774. VAÏSSE (Maurice), 7768, 7873. VALBRUZZI (Marco), 632. VALDÉS DÁVILA (Carlos M.), 7242. VALDITARA (Giuseppe), 1915. VALDIVIA OROZCO (Pablo), 5775. VALDIVIA ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE (Verónica), 3645. VALDIZÁN AYALA (José), 4332. VALENCIUS (Conevery Bolton), 5603. VALENTE (Luisa), 3195. VALENTE DOS SANTOS (Heloísa), 3469. VALENTI (Marco), 2630. VALERA (António Carlos), 1007. VALERIO (Francesco), 1395. VALÉRIO (Pedro), 1048. VALEVA (Elena L.), 3617.

400 VALIAVITCHARSKA (Vessela), 2472. VALIPOUR (Hamid Reza), 1020. VALK (Thorsten), 5716. Valla (Lorenzo), 2961, 2973. VALLADARES QUIJANO (Manuel), 4333. VALLADAS (Hélène), 988. VALLARINO (Giulio), 1381. VALLE PÉREZ (José Carlos), 807. VALLET (Éric), 3040. VALLOTTON (François), 229, 5333. VALOBRA (Adriana María), 3542, 6768. VALTORTA (Roberta), 5945. VALUCH (Tibor), 4096. VALVO (Eva), 1328. VALVO (Paolo), 7529. Vámbéry (Ármin), 7356. VAN BAVEL (Jan), 6401. VAN BELLE (G.), 819. VAN BOCHOVE (Christiaan), 6384. VAN CREVELD (Martin), 5981. VAN CRUYNINGEN (Arnout), 4289. Van Delft (Louis), 5069. VAN DEN ABEELE (Baudouin), 42. VAN DEN BERG (Johannes Theodorus Jozef), 4290. VAN DEN BROEK (Roelof), 2336. VAN DEN HOEK (Annewies), 2164. VAN DEN HOUT (Theo P.J.), 1225, 1231. VAN DER BLOM (Henriette), 1816, 1864. VAN DER HAM (Gijs), 7180. VAN DER HARST (Jan), 4291. VAN DER SLUIJS (Marinus Anthony), 1106. VAN DER STIGHELEN (Katlijne), 5062. VAN DER WALT (Lucien), 6866. VAN DOMMELEN (Peter), 1269. VAN DUSSEN (Michael), 3227. VAN EENOO (Romain), II. VAN HENTEN (Jan W.), 2270. VAN HEYNINGEN (Elizabeth), 4474. VAN KONINGSBRUGGE (Hans), 7320. VAN LENTE (Dick), 5388. VAN NORMAN (William C.), 6246. VAN OORT (Johannes), 2238, 2343. VAN OPPEN DE RUITER (Branko), 1159. VAN ORDEN (Kate), 54. VAN OSSELAER (Tine), 4869. VAN POPPEL (Frans W.A.), 6692. VAN RHEE (Cornelis Hendrik), 645. VAN RUYMBEKE (Bertrand), 199. VAN VALEN (Gary), 3585. VAN VLECK (Jenifer), 6138.

INDEX OF NAMES VAN VOSS (Lex Heerma), 7057. VAN WAARDEN (Johannes A.), 2309. VAN WALRAVEN (Klaas), 4297. VANACKER (Wouter), 1871. VANDALKOVSKAJA (Margarita G.), 5128. VANDERPUTTEN (Steven), 3316. VANDERSMISSEN (Marc), 1590. VANDERVEN (Elizabeth R.), 5300. VANDEZANDE (Mattijs), 6769. VANESSE (Michael), 1872. VANHAUTE (Eric), 613. VANHAVERBEKE (Hannelore), 1083. VANHOUTTE (Edward), 5055. VANNI (Paolo), 6466. VANNIER (Marie-Anne), 2217. VANNOZZI (Stefano), 3467. Vannutelli (Vincenzo), 4765. VANTOCH (Victoria), 6770. VANZULLI (Marco), 5421. VAQUERIZO (Desiderio), 2139. VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel), 935. VAR'JASH (Irina I.), 2772. VARDABASSO (Valentina), 7901. VARDAR (Ali), 1091. VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA (Joaquín), 4509. VARELLA (Alexandre C.), 5604. VAREY (David K.), 7530. VARGA (Eva Maria), 7540. VARGA (Joseph J.), 6456. VARGAS CHÁVEZ (Jaime Alberto), 5841. VARI (Alexander), 6868. VAROL (Muharrem), 4581. VARONA CODESO (Patricia), 2473. Varro (Marcus Terentius), 2012. VARSORI (Antonio), 7902. Vasari (Giorgio), 5850. VAŠEK (Richard), 3706. VASIN (Goran), 4270. VÁSQUEZ MANTECÓN (María del Carmen), 6771. VAŠŠ (Martin), 4456. VASSET (Sophie), 5547. VASSILIADES (Georgios), 2044. Vassilij IV Ivanovič Šujskij, empereur de Russie, 5645. VASYL'IEV (Valeriĭ), 4587. VATAN (Florence), 342. VATLIN (Aleksandr Ju.), 3973, 4433, 7500. VAUGHAN (Christopher), 7181. VAUGHT (David), 6772. VAVASSEUR-DESPERRIERS (Jean), 4821. VÁVRA (Martin), 375. VÁZQUEZ (Juan de Dios), 4267.

VÁZQUEZ (Karina Elizabeth), 5776. VÁZQUEZ CIENFUEGOS (Sigfrido), 7241. VECSEY (József), 4084. VEDJUSHKIN (Vladimir A.), 618. VEENHOF (Klaas R.), 1209. VEESER (Cyrus), 6385. VEEVERS (David), 7115. VEGA (Bernardo), 7321. VEGA MAESO (Cristina), 1049. VEGLIA (Marco), 2993. VEILLE (Simon), 5605. VEINSTEIN (Gilles), 2713. VEIT (Helen Zoe), 5606. VEITH (Martin), 4391. VÉJAR PÉREZ-RUBIO (Carlos), 6457. VEKARIĆ (Nenad), 6681. VELA AULESA (Carles), 2705. VELASCO MURILLO (Dana), 6139. VELASCO PUFLEAU (Luis), 5954. VÉLEZ RENDÓN (Juan Carlos), 4268. VELIČKO (Aleksej M.), 2474. VELICU (Adrian), 5066. VELIKANOVA (Olga), 4413. VELILLA LACONICH (Julia), 7434. VELLA (Charlene), 3144. Venables (Robert), 7321. VENAYRE (Sylvain), 386. VENBORG PETERSEN (Mikkel), 6773. VENDITTI (Gianni), 4791. VENDRIES (Christophe), 1777. VENEGAS DELGADO (Hernán), 7242. VENEZIA (Simona), 5444. VENOSA (Joseph L.), 3736. VENTRESCA (Robert A.), 4800. VENTURA (António), 4368. VENTURA (Christelle), 250. VENTURINI (Filippo), 1732. VERA DE FLACHS (Cristina), 5193. VERACINI (Lorenzo), 7094. VERCAMER (Grischa), 2633. VERCRUYSSE (Jean-Marc), 2318. VERDEIL (Chantal), 4905. VERDON (Laure), 2881. VERGENNES (Charles-Philippe de), 4657. VERGÈS (Josep M.), 983. Vergilius Maro (Publius), 913, 1802, 1803, 1990, 1993, 2015, 2017, 2034, 2040, 2042. VERGIN (Wiebke), 2045. VERGNIOUX (Alain), 5298. VERHAGEN (H.L.E.), 1916. VERHELST (Berenice), 1591. VERHEYDEN (J.), 819.

INDEX OF NAMES VERHEYDEN (Joseph), 2270, 3419. VERHOEVEN (Tim), 7417. VERHOEVEN (Wilhelmus M.), 4060. VERLAINE (Julie), 5813. VERLEY (Xavier), 5417. VERLY (Georges), 998. VERMEULEN (Corinna), 5419. VERNA (Catherine), 2820, 2936. VERNA (Marisa), 5777. Vernant (Jean-Pierre), 438. Verne (Jules), 5644. VERNET (Julien), 4696. VERONESE (Francesca), 1737. VERSTEGEN (Ian), 492. VERZEA (Mihaela Cristina), 4392. Veselovskogo (S. B.), 401. VESPUCCI (Amerigo), 147, 148. VESTERGAARD (Torben A.), 6026. VESTERGAARG (Elisabeth), 6026. VETERE (Benedetto), 2671. Vettori (Francesco), 5429. VEYRARD-COSME (Christiane), 3015. VEYRASSAT (Béatrice), 6031. VEZZADINI (Elena), 7182. VICH (Víctor), 5643. VICKERS (Emma), 6774. VICKERS (Jason E.), 830. Vico (Giambattista), 5418. Victorinus (Gaius Marius), 1804. VIDAL (Jordi), 1267. VIDAL PALOMINO (Jordi), 1210. VIDALE (Massimo), 999, 1304. VIDART (Daniel), 201. VIELHABER (Anna Sarah), 5987. VIET-DEPAULE (Nathalie), 4736. VIEWEG (Klaus), 5423. VIGNA (Massimo), 2069. VIGNE (Randolph), 4943. VIGNOLI (Daniele), 6434. VIGNOLO MUNSON (Rosaria), 419. Vigri (Caterina) da Bologna, santa, 3331. VIGUERA RUIZ (Rebeca), 4489. VIJANDE VILA (Eduardo), 961. VIKSTRAND (Per), 1050. VILA (Juan Diego), 5664. VILA (Pablo), 5884. VILÍMEK (Tomáš), 3498. VILKUL (Tat'jana L.), 2594. Villa (Francisco 'Pancho'), 5911. VILLACÈQUE (Noémie), 1592. VILLADS JENSEN (Kurt), 2714, 2796. VILLALOBOS GARCÍA (Rodrigo), 1033. VILLANI (Pasquale), 4193. VILLANO (Raimondo), 3029. VILLANUEVA MARTÍNEZ (Orlando), 3653.

VILLAPANDO MORENO (Antonio), 961. VILLARI (Elisabetta), 3102. Villari (Pasquale), 450. Villari (Rosario), 439. VILLETTE (Vincent), 3810. VINCENT (Catherine), 870. VINCENT (Josée), 5368. VINCI (Felice), 1593. VINEL (Jean-Christian), 435, 4697. VINOGRADOV (Andrej Ju.), 8, 3422. VINOGRADOV (Vladilen N.), 3508, 7072. VINOPAL (Jiří), 375. VINSON (Ben III), 7212. VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU (Constanţa), 4914, 6775. VINZENT (Markus), 2230. VIOLA (Lynne), 429. VIRET (Jérôme Luther), 88. VIROLI (Maurizio), 5429. VIS (J.J.), 4290. VISCEGLIA (Maria Antonietta), 4788, 4801. VISCONTI (Gianfranco), 2788. Visconti, famiglia, 2642. VISELLI (Sante A.), 5107. VIŢALARU (Adrian), 7761. VITALE (Marco), 1160, 1873. VITIELLO (Domenic), 6458. VITRANI (François), 438. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus), 2063. VITTORIA (Albertina), 404. VIVANTI (Corrado), 5429. VLAMI (Despina), 6386. VLASSOPOULOS (Chloé), 6620. VLAVIANOS (Stéphanie), 2475. VLČEK (Radomír), 3704. VLIET (Muriel van), 5417. VOCELKA (Karl), 614. VOGEIKOFF-BROGAN (Natalia), 1315. VOGLER (Günter), 4920. VOGT (Helle), 2756, 2796. VOGT (Martin), 3825. VOIGT (Rüdiger), 5435. VOJTENKO (Anton A.), 2345, 2404. VOLDMAN (Danièle), 6416, 6459. VOLK (Christian), 5410. VOLK (Robert), 2366. VOLLENDORF (Lisa), 797. VOLLGRAF (Carl-Erich), 5430. VOLLMER (Antje), 3952. Volman (Sacha), 7830. VOLP (Dexter), 1790. VOLPATO (Giancarlo), 46. Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet dit), 4951, 5442. VONA (Fabrizio), 5804. VONDUNG (Klaus), 4760.

401 VORBERG-RUGH (Rachel), 6387. VORLÄNDER (Hans), 5425. VORMS (Charlotte), 6460. VÖRÖS (Ladislav), 4092. VOSKUHL (Adelheid), 5607. VOSLOO (Robert), 4957. VOß (Klaas), 7667. VOß (Rüdiger von), 3965. VOTH (Hans-Joachim), 6377. VÖTTERLE, 3163. VOVCHENKO (Denis), 7418. VOWINCKEL (Annette), 5895. VRANDEČIĆ (Josip), 7258. VUATAZ (Daniel), 5380. VUILLEMIN (Jean-Claude), 5170. VUILLEUMIER (Nathalie), XI. VUKUŠIĆ ZORICA (Maja), 5778. VULOVIC (Jimmy), 5171. VULPE (Radu), 1331. VUOLANTO (Ville), 3407. VUONG (Lily C.), 2337. W WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen), 7726. WACHOWSKI (Krzysztof), 2888. WADENSJÖ (Eskil), 6767. WÆHRENS (Anne), 7903. WAELKENS (Marc), 1082, 1083. WAGHORNE (James), 3555. WAGNER (Kim A.), 7116. WAGNER (Logan), 8097. WAGNER (Peter), 1323, 1408, 1423. WAGNER (Volker), 1268. Wagner (Wilhelm Richard), 5010, 5433, 5433, 5899, 5934. WAGNER-EGELHAAF (Martina), 893. WAGSTAFF (Emma), 5624. WALA (Michael), 7616. WALBANK (Michael B.), 1382. WALCHER (Dustin), 7904. WALDE (Christine), 1845. Walden (Herwarth), 5787. Waldheim (Kurt), 3565. WALDMAN (Louis Alexander), 5140. WALDNER (Alice), 1091. WALKER (Alicia), 3116. WALKER (Garthine), 6776, 7001. WALKER (Louise E.), 4269. WALKER (Vadillo), 2889. WALKER (William S.), 257. WALL (Christine), 6845. WALL (Stephen), 7905. Wallace (Henry), 4618. WALLACE (Lacey), 2140. Wallenberg (family), 90. Wallenberg (Raoul), 7742. WALLRAFF (Martin), 1874. WALSER (Andreas Victor), 1091.

402 WALSH (Patrick G.), 2177. WALTER (François), 6452. WALTER (Franz), 3473, 3953. WALTER (Gerhard Franz), 5456. WALTER (John), 6710. WALTER (Katie L.), 3001. WALTER (Uwe), 1805. WALTERS (Geoff), 6140. WALTON (Calder), 7690. WALTON (John K.), 176. WALZ (Robert), 2338. WANEK (Nina-Maria), 2476. WANG (Bingzhao), 8021. WANG (Chunyu), 8019. WANG (Dingjie), 7998. WANG (Hui), 7999. WANG (Huimin), 938. WANG (Xiaojue), 5779. WANG (Yong), 8025. WANG (Zhenping), 8000. WANG (Zijin), 8001. Warburg (Aby), 5394. WARD (James Mace), 4464. WARD (John O.), 3030. WARD (Joseph P.), 6777. WARD (Peter A.), 7343. WARD (Stephanie), 4061. WARDE (Paul), 6013. WARLAND (Rainer), 2477. WARNE (Andrew), 7906. WARNE (Chris), 5381. WARNER (William B.), 7243. WAROLIN (Christian), 5673. WARREN (James Alastair), 4556. WARRING (Anette), 3483. WARTBURG (Karin von), XI. WASHBURN (David A.), 1875. WASKE (Stefanie), 3956. WASTI Syed (Tanvir), 4582. WATANABE (Setsuo), 2683. WATANABE (Shin-ichiro), 8002. WATERSON (Roxana), 995. WATSON (Sethina), 2687. WATSON (Wilfred G.E.), 1216. WATTS (Nicole F.), 4576. WAUTIER (Jean-Luc), 5608. WAWRZYN (Heidemarie), 4319. WAYMENT (Thomas A.), 2171. WEBB (Clive), 4606. WEBB (Jennifer M.), 1034. WEBB (Stephen Saunders), 7244. WEBEL (Mari), 5609. WEBER (Benjamin), 2679. WEBER (Hermann), 7444. WEBER (Jean-Pol), 2733. WEBER (Luigi), 5780. WEBER (Manfred), 111. Weber (Max), 5408. WEBER (Sascha), 4871. WEBRE (Stephen Andrew), 5064. WEBSTER (Anthony), 6387.

INDEX OF NAMES WEBSTER (Emma), 5897. WEBSTER (Leslie), 3090. WECKER (Regina), 5610. WECKWERTH (Andreas), 2218, 3212. WĘCOWSKI (Marek), 1594. WEDDERBURN (Alexander J. M.), 2339. WEEKS (Lloyd), 1284, 1295, 1305. WEEKS (William Earl), 616. WEFERS (Sabine), 2680. WEGNER (Bernd), 3949. WEGNER (Sonja), 4711. WEHLER (Hans-Ulrich), 6778. WEHNER (Donat), 2829. WEHR (Christian), 5626. WEIBERG (Erika), 1351. WEICHERS (Britta), 5295. WEICHLEIN (Raphael, sac.), 3421. WEIDEMANN (Hans-Ulrich), 2237. WEIDENFELD (Werner), 7660. WEIDINGER (Hans Ernst), 5986. WEIGEL (Bjoern), 3898. Weigel (Erhard), 5499. WEIGEL (Sigrid), 753. WEIGL (Michael), 3957. WEIJERS (Olga), 799. WEIL (François), 89. WEIL (Rachel), 4062. WEILL-PAROT (Nicolas), 2920. WEINDLING (Paul J.), 4223. WEINER (Dana Elizabeth), 7002. WEINFURTER (Stefan), 2885. WEINMANN (Ulrike), 1317. Weinreich (Otto), 845. WEINRICH (Arndt), 5296. WEINSTEIN (Deborah), 5611. WEIS (Monique), 5104. WEIS (Stefanie), 7003. WEISBROD (Bernd), 307. WEISBRODE (Kenneth), 7806. WEISE (Niels), 3958. WEISS (Martin Gerhard), 5444. WEISS (Stéphane), 7637. WEISSER-LOHMANN (Elisabeth), 5423. WEIßMANN (Christoph), 3832. WEITZ (Eric D.), 7065. WELCH (Katherine E.), 1076. WELHAM (Kate), 1687. WELLENREUTHER (Hermann), 4974, 4975, 5382. WELLER (Toni), 308. Wellford (John Spotswood), 6252. WELLINGS (Martin), 825. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley Duke of), 4031. WELLMAN (Kathleen), 6779. WELLS (Bruce), 1211. WELLS (Harwell), 6276.

WELLS (Peter S.), 1958. WELSKOPP (Thomas), 6508. WEN (Hao), 7978, 7979. WEN (Keqin), 8003. WENDEL-HANSEN (Jens Lei), 3725. WENGST (Klaus), 2340. WENNBERG (Franz), 4712. WENNERLIND (Carl), 6186. WENNINGER (Florian), 3562. WENZEL (Cornelia), 221. WENZEL (Gerhard), 4976. WENZEL (Sigfried), 3347. WENZKE (Rüdiger), 3959. WENZLHUEMER (Roland), 3495, 5612. WERNER (Anja), 5216. WERNER (Karin), 6395. WERNER (Meike G.), 5174. WERNER (Oliver), 7600. WERNER (Wolfram), 3825. WERNKE (Steven A.), 8098. WERT (Michael), 4214. WERTH (Nicolas), 4587. WESEL (Uwe), 5383. WESLEY (Timothy L.), 4761. WESSELING (Henri L.), 7096. WEST (Emily), 6780. WESTERMANN (Ekkehard), 6204. WESTIN (Lars), 5501. WETHERELL (Sam), 5814. WETTE (Wolfram), 3960. WETTER (Anne-Mareike), 1237. WETTERBERG (Gunnar), 90. WETTLAUFER (Jörg), 660. WHATMORE (Richard), 5424. WHEAR (Ray L.), 932. WHEATCROFT (Sue), 5613. WHEELER (Belinda), 902. WHEELER (Leigh Ann), 6781. WHELAN (Bernadette), 6664. WHIDDEN (James), 3733. WHIPPLE (Pablo), 4334. WHITE (Daniel E.), 5384. WHITE (David E.), 2332. White (Harry Dexter), 6045. WHITE (Hayden), 450, 477, 486, 493. WHITE (Jerry), 6461. WHITE (Monica), 2479. Whitehead (Alfred North), 5417. WHITE-LE GOFF (Myriam), 2745. WHITFIELD (Bryan J.), 2341. WHITNEY (Robert), 3671. WHITTAKER (Gwendolyn), 5781. WHITTLE (Jane), 6229. WHITTOCK (Hannah), 2728. WHITTOCK (Martyn J.), 2728. WHITTON (Christopher), 1794. WHOOLEY (Owen), 5614. Whytt (Robert), 5465.

INDEX OF NAMES WICHMANN (Manfred), 3961. WICKHAM (Carrie Rosefsky), 3734. WICKHAM (Chris), 2630, 2884. WIDELL (Robert W.), 4698. WIDMANN (Alexander Christian), 4977. WIECZOREK (Alfried), 2885. WIEGAND (Isabella), 2046. WIEGAND-GREFE (Silke), 7639. WIEGESHOFF (Andrea), 7691. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich), 1918, 2141, 2607. WIENER (Christina), 5217. WIENER (Malcolm H.), 1035. WIERLING (Dorothee), 7639. WIESSNER (Matthias), 7004. WIETSCHORKE (Jens), 6782. WIEVIORKA (Olivier), 388, 7654. Wigforss (Ernst), 4529. WIGHT (David M.), 7907. WIJFFELS (Alan), 645. Wilamowitz-Moellendorf (Ulrich von), 430. WILCKE (Claus), 1212. WILD (Andrew), 5265. WILDE (Reinhard C.), 5435. WILDT (Michael), 3839, 4982. WILES (David), 803. WILFONG (Terry G.), 1161. Wilfrid Saint, Archbishop of York, 3346. WILGAUX (Jérôme), 1649. WILHELM (Gernot), 1107. WILHELM (Karin), 6436. Wilhelm Friedrich Prinz von Oranien-Nassau, 7342. Wilhelm I, deutscher Kaiser, 3827. WILHELMY (Winfried), 3240. WILKEN (Robert Louis), 873. WILKIN (Alexis), 3256. WILKINS (Catherine), 3962. WILKINS (David E.), 4699. WILKINS (John), 1392, 1637. Wilkinson (Ellen), 4039. WILKINSON (Tony J.), 1283. Willebrands (Johannes Gerardus Maria), 4766. WILLER (Stefan), 753. William III, King of England, 4062. WILLIAMS (Bruce), 1162. WILLIAMS (Isobel), 7575. WILLIAMS (Jakobi), 4700. WILLIAMS (Mason B.), 4701. Williams (Raymond), 5421. WILLIAMS (Robert Lloyd), 8099. WILLIAMS (Rosalind), 5644. WILLIAMS (Susan Reynolds), 409. WILLIAMS II (Charles K.), 1733. WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.), 6017.

Williamson (Joseph), 7318. WILLIAMSON (Philip), 4063. WILLSON (Perry), 4194. WILLUMSEN (Liv Helene), 522. WILLUMSON (Glenn), 5982. WILSON (Adrian), 6783. WILSON (Amrit), 4554. WILSON (Andrew), 1956, 2102. WILSON (Christopher P.), 389. WILSON (David A.), 7085. WILSON (David E.), 1036. WILSON (Fiona), 4335. WILSON (John F.), 6387. WILSON (Keith), 7419. Wilson (Woodrow), 549, 6788, 7466, 7483. WIMMER (Andreas), 523. Winckelmann (Johann Joachim), 440. WINDER (Isabelle C.), 925. WINDLE (James), 7005. WINDLER (Christian), 7341. WINEGARD (Timothy C.), 7908. WINITZER (Abraham), 1213. WINKEL (Carmen), 3963. WINKELHOFER-THYRI (Martina), 73. WINKELMANN (Andreas), 253. WINKELMANN (Friedhelm), 2183. WINKLE (Christian), 1805. WINKLER (Gabriele), 2193. WINKLER (Norbert), 3209. WINLING (Raymond), 2189. WINSTEAD (J. Lloyd), 5983. WINTER (Anne), 6669, 6784. WINTER (Jay), 6462, 7509. WINTER (Renée), 5984. WINTERLING (Aloys), 2130. WINTGENS (Benedikt), 7767. WINTLE (Mickaël), 303. WINTON (Patrik), 7344. WINTZER (Joachim), 7767. WINZEN (Peter), 3964. WIRSCHING (Andreas), 3863. WIRTH (Jean), 3147. WIRTSCHAFTER (Elise Kimerling), 4915. WIRTZ (Thomas), 6388. WISCHMEYER (Johannes), 5290. WISZEWSKI (Przemysław), 2561, 2723. WITTE (John), 119. Wittelsbach (Haus von), 7497. Wittgenstein (Ludwig), 5410, 5444. Witzleben (Erwin von), 3965. WITZLEBEN (Georg von), 3965. WIXFORTH (Harald), 6302. WODAK (Ruth), 115. WOERTHER (Frédérique), 1386. WOHLWEND PIAI (Jasmine), 5861.

403 WOITH (Heiko), 1091. WOLBRING (Barbara), 5218. WOLCHIK (Sharon L.), 3707. WOLENSKY (Robert P.), 6141. WOLF (Hubert), 4870, 4889. WOLF (Stefan), 7006. WOLF (Susanne), 7532. WOLFF (Étienne), 1787. WOLFF (Hans Julius), 1163. WOLFF (Joshua D.), 5616. WOLFFE (John), 4756. WOLFGANG (Achnitz), 892. WOLFGRUBER (Gudrun), 6785. WOLFRUM (Edgar), 3966. WOLGAST (Eike), 3969. WOLLE (Stefan), 3967. WOLLER (Hans), 390. WOLLESEN (Jens T.), 3148. WOLLSTEIN (Günter), 3856. WOLTERS (Timothy S.), 5617. WOLZ (Nicolas), 7533. WOOD (Andy), 391. WOOD (Geoffrey), 6273, 6873. WOOD (Ian N.), 2542, 2592. WOOD (Jason), 176. WOOD (John H.), 6332. WOOD (Philip), 392. WOODACRE (Elena), 2681. WOODARD (Roger D.), 524. WOODFORD (Benjamin), 4064. WOODS (Randall B.), 7692. WOOLF (Greg), 1968, 3034. WOOLFLEY (H. L. Dufour), 7345. WORT (Oliver), 4978. WORTH (Richard), 7459. WORTHEN (Hana), 4993. WORTHINGTON (Ian), 1424. WORTLEY (John), 2173. WORTMAN (Richard), 4414. WOSCHECH (Anke), 5179. WOUDHUIZEN (Fred C.), 1758. WOUDHUYSEN (Henry R.), 237. WOYKE (Meik), 3954. WOYTEK (Bernhard E.), 1778. WOZNIAK (Thomas), 2886. WRANGHAM (Elizabeth), 7183. WRATHALL (Mark A.), 877. WREDE (Martin), 3811. WRIGHT (Gavin), 6032. WRIGHT (Gillian), 5651. WRIGHT (Henry T.), 1306. WRIGHT (Mike), 5265. WRIGHT (Robert E.), 6374. WRIGHT (Zachary Valentine), 7184. WROBEL (David M.), 202. WU (Jingping), 7980. WU (Judy Tzu-Chun), 5175. WU (Peilin), 8004. WU (Shanzhong), 8005. WU (Xiaobo), 8006.

404 WU (Xiaohong), 962. Wulf (Joseph), 441. WULF-RHEIDT (Ulrike), 2130. WUOKKO (Maiju), 6389. WÜRGLER (Andreas), 4546. WURSTHORN (Friederike), 5674. WÜST (Marcus), 3317. WUSTMANN (Markus), 4979. WYLIE (Lesley), 5782. WYSS (Marco), 7762. X XELLA (Paolo), 1269. Xenophanes, 1623. Xenophon, 1484, 1582, 1584. XIE (Yibiao), 8007. Xu (Guangqi), 4777. XU (Hualong), 8009. XU (Jian), 7956. XUAN-ZANG, 8031. Y YAMADA (Akihiro), 6786. YAMAGUCHI (Akihiko), 6787. YAMAGUCHI (Motoki), 4111. YAMAMOTO (Akiyo), 7420. YAMAMOTO (Naruo), 3164. YAMAMOTO (Nobuyoshi), 8075. YAMAMURO (Shin-Ichi), 7534. YAMAYOSHI (Tomohisa), 1060. YAN (Mengxiang), 8010. YANG (Yifan), 8011. YANG (Zengwen), 8012. YANIKDAĞ (Yücel), 4583. YARDLEY (John C.), 1789. YARNELL (Malcolm B. III), 4980. YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), 1236. YATES (David), 1425. YATES (Margaret), 2887. Yau-bi'di, king of Hamath, 1177. YAVUZ (M. Hakan), 7531. YEH (Wen-hsin), 216. YELLEN (Jeremy A.), 4215. YELLIN (Eric S.), 6788. YEOMANS (Lisa), 1149. YEOMANS (Rory), 3667. YEZER (Caroline), 4326. YEZERSKI (Irit), 1270. YI (Yŏng-hak), 8083. YILDIRIM (Rifat Vedat), 5618. YILDIZ (Sara Nur), 2858. YILMAZ (Hale), 4584. YILMAZ (Özcan), 4585. YLIMAUNU (Timo), 6463. YNTEMA (Douwe G.), 1745. YOICHI (Sato), 217. YOKOYAMA (Yoshinori), 8076. YON (Jean-Claude), 5133. YONG (Kee Howe), 4243. YOSHIDA (Nobuyuki), 8064. YOSHIDA (Yutaka), 7638.

INDEX OF NAMES YOSHIMURA (Toyoo), 8077. YOUNG (Alfred C.), 4702. YOUNG (Ernest P.), 4872. YOUNG (Francis), 4873. YOUNG (Harvey), 802. YOUNG (John W.), 7028, 7681. YOUNG (Kevin), 7763. YOUNG (Louise), 6464. YOUNG (Nancy Beck), 4703. YOUNG (Robin D.), 2214. YRAVEDRA SÁINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José), 947. YUNIS (Harvey), 1426. YVERT (Benoît), 3812. Z ZABECKI (Melissa), 1138. ZABEL (Tobias), 203. ZABORSKA (Urszula), IX. ZACCARIA (Massimo), 7185. ZACCHIA (Laudivio), 2950. ZACHOS (Giorgos), 1680. ZADOROZHNJUK (Ella G.), 3708. ZAGORSKA (Ilga), 941. ZAHEDIEH (Nuala), 6142. ZAHLER (Reuben), 4717. ZAJĄC (Paulus), 7291. ZAKHARINE (Dmitri), 5496. ZAKHAROV (Viktor N.), 6208. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa), 4415, 6789, 6791, 6875. ZAKURDAEV (Aleksej A.), 5301. ZALEWSKI (Barbara), 4884. ZAMA (Rita), 5783. Zambrano (María), 5402. ZAMFIR (Korinna), 2342. ZAMFIRESCU (Dinu), 4393, 6544. ZANATTA (Loris), 7764. ZANDER (Folko), 5423. Zangane (family), 6787. ZANINETTA (Paolo), 2642. ZANINI (Gianni), 688. ZANKE (Sebastian), 3257. ZANONE (Damien), 5158. ZANVERDIANI (Dario), 667. ZAPATA (Monica), 5318. ZAPPELLA (Marco), 868. ZARETSKY (Robert), 5784. ZARU (Denise), 3059. ZARUSKY (Jürgen), 390. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef), 6901. ZAUŠKOVÁ (Ľubica), 6247. ZAVALA GÓMEZ DEL CAMPO (Mercedes), 5642. ZAWADZKI (Stefan), 1214. ZAWISZA (Elżbieta), 5675. ZAYARNYUK (Andriy), 6248. ZDANOWSKI (Jerzy), 7117. ZE'EV (Na'ama Ben), 4320. ZECCHINO (Mario Rosario), 2769. ZEDLER (Jörg), 4874.

ZEGOUT (Kamel), 5386. ZEILER (Thomas W.), 565. ZEITZ (Peter), 6143. ŻELICHOWSKI (Ryszard), 7535. ZELLER (Bernhard), 2. ZELNICK-ABRAMOVITZ (Rachel), 1383. ZEMAN (Mirna), 204, 5462. ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie), 442. Zeno Veronensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2269. ZENZEN (Nicolas), 1400. ZERBST (Jan), 3709. ZERMEÑO (Guillermo), 397. ZERNECKE (Anna), 1271. ZEUSKE (Michael), 725. ZEVI (Fausto), 1985. ZHALNINA-VASIL'KIOTI (Irina L.), 4919. ZHANG (Cheng), 8013. ZHANG (Guogang), 8022. ZHANG (Jiarong), 8014. ZHANG (Shuangquan), 938. ZHANG (Xiaoling), 938. ZHANG (Xuefeng), 8015. ZHANG (Yue), 938. ZHAO (Gang), 6205. ZHAO (Lisheng), 8016. ZHELITSKI (Bela Jo.), 7425. ZHELITSKI (Chilla B.), 7425. ZHOU (Bei), 8026. ZHOU (Huimei), 8027. ZHOU (Huimin), 7981, 8028. ZHOU (Yumin), 8023. ZHU (Dandan), 7765. ZHU (Jimin), 8020. ZHU (Shuai), 8029. ZHU (Zhenghui), 7931. ZHURAVEL' (Ol'ga D.), 5026. ZICKERMANN (Kathrin), 6206. ZIEBART (K. Meridith), 3208. ZIEBARTH (Nicolas), 7093. ZIEGLER (Dieter), 6078, 6271. ZIELINSKI (Herbert), 2535. ZIEMANN (Benjamin), 3968, 7536. ZIERENBERG (Malte), 5895. ŽÍLA (Ondřej), 3591. ZILKENAT (Reiner), 3848. ZIMMER (Oliver), 6790. ZIMMERER (Jürgen), 7150. ZIMMERMAN (Andrew), 398. ZIMMERMANN (Adrian), 7537. ZIMMERMANN (Clemens), 6089. ZIMMERMANN (Dorothe), 4547. ZIMMERMANN (Moshe), 4999. ZIMMERMANN (Reinhard), 6964. ZIMMERMANN (Ruben), 2255. ZIMMERMANN-ELSEIFY (Nina), 1734. ZINGLER (Annett), 633. ZINK (Michel), 3016.

INDEX OF NAMES ZINN (Grover A. Jr.), 3188. ZIOGAS (Ioannis), 2047. ZIOLKOWSKI (Jan M.), 913. ZIRONI (Alessandro), 2996. ZLATARSKI (Vladimir), 7617. ZMOLEK (Michael Andrew), 6033. ZOCCATELLI (Pierluigi), 846. ZOHAR (Zvi), 4997. ZOLOTOVA (Ekaterina Ju.), 3150. ZOOK (Melinda S.), 4065. ZOPPI (Alessio), 2643. ZOPPI (Sergio), 4195.

ZORN (Jean-François), 4981. ZORZI (Andrea), 2673, 2676. ZOTZ (Thomas), 566. ZOURNATZI (Antigoni), 1595. ZUBKOVA (Elena), 6791. ZUCCOTTI (Susan), 3813. ZUCKER (Arnaud), 752, 1391. ZUCKERMANN (Moshe), 5815. ZÜCKERT (Martin), 719. ZUIJDERDUIJN (Jaco), 6390. ZULETA RUIZ (Fabián Beethoven), 4875. ZÚÑIGA (Jean-Paul), 5176.

405 ZÚÑIGA ELIZALDE (Mercedes), 4266. ZUNINO (Estelle), 3017. ZUNINO (Maddalena Luisa), 1427. ZUNINO (Pier Giorgio), 5177. ŽUPAN (Dinko), 5297. ŽUPANOV (Ines G.), 5088. ZURBACH (Julien), 1466. Zweig (Stefan), 5710. ZWIERLEIN (Cornel), 205. ZWIERLEIN (Otto), 2344. ZYTNICKI (Colette), 7186.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A A Coruña, 807. Aarhus, 3449. Abadan, 7741. Abbazia di Casamari, 4883. Acharnai, 1460. Actium, 1160. Adana, 6612. Adriaticum (mare), 1370. Adriatique (mer), 171, 195. Æbelholt (monastère), 9. Aegaeum (mare), 980, 1000, 1016, 1026, 1035, 1056, 1337, 1346, 1445. Aegyptus, 1052, 1056, 1108-1165, 2212, 2349. Afghanistan, 7770, 7771, 7880, 7897. Afrique, 157, 174, 190, 338, 398, 508, 594, 4732, 4815, 4850, 5165, 5227, 5904, 5909, 6579, 6736, 7075, 7119-7186, 7517, 7885, 8084-8090. – A. centrale, 7142. – A. du sud-ovest, 7152, 7163. – A. méridionale, 7818. – A. occidentale, 5242, 5345, 5902, 6548, 7129, 7165. – A. orientale, 48, 5493, 7179, 7157. – A. septentrionale, 724, 2154, 4141, 6792. – A. sub-saharienne, 5582. Agrigentum, 1696. Aisne, 3747. Al Mina, 1101. Alabama, 6069. Alba Iulia, 4841. Alban hills, 927. Albania v. Shqipëri. Aleppo, 6145. Alexandrie, 2866. Alger, 205. Algérie, 3517-3519, 3776, 7139, 7148, 7149, 7166, 7186, 7611, 7791. Alghero, 3459. Alicante, 4496. Allegheny river valley, 7239. Alpenländer, 2757. Alpi, 915, 940, 5107. Alqueva, 2692. Alsace, 4805.

Amalfi, 2860. Amarna, 1138. Amathus, 1354. Amazonía, 6114, 6165, 7248. Amérique, 80, 162, 166, 199, 513, 900, 3509, 4986, 5080, 5141, 5195, 5604, 5641, 5718, 5791, 5908, 6194, 6297, 6305, 6567, 6588, 6596, 6831, 6865, 6940, 7187-7248, 7391, 7827, 80938100. – A. centrale, 722, 5308, 5635, 7202, 7216. – A. latine, 3488, 3490, 3491, 3500, 3510, 3512, 3514, 4730, 4755, 5193, 5202, 5227, 5247, 5630, 5884, 5930, 5970, 5977, 6034, 6150, 6317, 6334, 6359, 6507, 6759, 6852, 6893, 7075, 7197, 7212, 7392, 7658, 7671, 7706, 7824, 7830, 8091. – A. méridionale, 3505, 7836. – A. septentrionale, 206, 4959, 4975, 5031, 5517, 6859, 7245, 8092. Amorgos, 1699. Anadolu, 1014, 1016, 1053, 1063, 1066, 2858, 6191. Anagni, 3423. Ancient Middle East, 967, 1017, 1038, 1051, 1056, 1079, 1090, 1096, 1128, 1145, 1229, 1261, 1469. Ancona, 1023, 7311. Andalucía, 2710, 6619, 7220. Andes, 4865, 8098. Angola, 7122, 7132. Antilles, 7214. Antiochia, 2277, 2439. Antioquia, 3648, 4875. Aphrodisias, 1076. Apollonia Cyrenaica, 1714. Appalachian, 4643. Appennino, 2848. Apulia, 1745, 2108. Aquileia, 3323, 3349. Aquitaine, 2634. Arabia, 7809. Aragón, 2705, 2707, 3049, 4478. Aravah, 1261. Ardennes, 3273. Areopagus, 1365. Arezzo, 2855.

Argentina, 3520-3544, 4710, 5007, 5008, 5307, 5776, 5930, 5954, 5964, 6110, 6187, 6211, 6220, 6317, 6699, 6725, 6768, 6860, 6973, 7458, 7686, 7904. Argyll, 6685. Arlanpe (Lemoa, Vizcaya), 943. Armenija, 7429, 7432. Arran, 6685. Arsinoites, 1127. Arslantepe (Turkey), 1073. Asie, 964, 971, 1113, 1286, 1595, 2407, 5227, 6021, 6131, 6341, 7098-7118, 7562, 7638, 7688, 7912-8083. – A. centrale, 5023, 6047, 7828, 7917-7926. – A. du sud-est, 226, 4804, 7108, 7592, 7709, 7867, 7889, 7927-7929, 7964, 7989. – A. méridionale, 4732, 4893, 7378, 7579, 7700, 7927-7929, 8042. – A. Minor, 1063, 1081, 2435, 3615. – A. occidentale, 7917-7926. Assisi, 3082. Assiut, 1108. Assur, 1170. Asunción, 7230. Athenae, 371, 1374, 1416, 1426, 1428, 1433, 1437, 1438, 1483, 1542, 1592, 1602, 1727. Atlanta, 330. Atlantic world, 797, 4132, 4662, 4924, 5054, 6284, 6694, 6756, 7089, 7223, 7231, 7298. Atlantique (océan), 2665, 6182. Attica, 1025. Audley, 722. Augsburg, 3424, 6842, 6954. Australia, 268, 540, 3545-3555, 6018, 6106, 6220, 6244, 6514, 6841, 6958, 7085, 7445, 7523, 7669, 7688. Autun, 1777. Auvergne, 4878. Avignon, 2666, 3293, 3384. Axiopolis (Cernavodă, Constanţa, Romania), 1294. Ayanis, 1169, 1175. Ayia Irini (Kea), 1036. Azerbaijan, 7438.

408 B Babylon, 1058, 1204. Bactria, 1410. Baden, 3891, 6022, 7319. Baden-Württemberg, 3826. Badia Fiesolana, 3032. Badia Tedalda, 3440. Baetica, 2139. Bahia, 3604, 3605, 3606, 5086, 5151, 7215. Bahrain, 1364. Baixo Amazonas, 3597. Bakchias, 1148. Bălgarija, Bulgaria, 2603, 35923608, 7380, 7451, 7617, 7900. Balikh (river), 1080. Balkans, 537, 561, 587, 3508, 3661, 4445, 4846, 7355, 7404, 7421, 7435, 7442, 7510, 7531, 7608, 7821, 7837, 7900. Balticum (mare), 1010. Baltimore, 4679, 4684. Bamberg, 6876. Banaba Island, 7249. Banat, 84. Bangladesh, 3573, 3574. Banja, 5297. Baodun, 962. Barcelona, 1176, 5952, 6856. Barumini, 1021. Basarabia, 7054. Basel, 1227, 4942. Bayern, 2483, 3830, 3932, 3973, 4868, 5260, 5877, 6116, 6801, 7261, 7275. Baynum, 1259. Beaune, 695. Bechuanaland, 7168. Bego (mountain), 915. Belarus v. Belorossija Belfast, 6605. Belgique, 103, 3577-3580, 4869, 5544, 7162, 7358, 7386, 7728, 7816. Belgrade-Vidin border region, 2603. Belorossija, Belarus, 3575, 3576. Belzec, 6493. Bengal, 4104, 4105, 4106, 7918, 7929. Benguela, 7128. Beograd, 4443. Bergamo, 2525. Berlin, 1734, 3833, 3839, 3840, 3883, 3895, 3898, 4835, 5061, 5189, 5225, 5915, 6132, 6430, 6566, 6581, 6585, 6742, 6754, 6782, 6910, 7560, 7629, 7910. Bern, 2744, 5184, 7761. Bessarabia, 7539. Biafra, 4300.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Bihar, 7118. Biqāẚ, 1240. Birkenau, 7560. Birmingham, 4698, 6307. Biwa (lake), 8063. Black Sea, 172, 1464, 7430. Blagoevgrad, 5880. Bled, 2584. Bleiburg, 7553. Boğazköy, 1032, 1231. Bohemia v. Čechy. Bolivia, 3581-3585, 6445, 6683, 7763. Bologna, 740, 3078, 5482. Bolzano, 2650. Bombay, 6446, 7101. Bonn, 5208. Bordeaux, 6253, 6465. Borneo, 7745. Borno, 300. Bosna-Hercegovina, 2754, 35863591, 7403. Bosporan Kingdom, 1735. Boston, 6454, 7369. Bourgogne, 2641, 2682, 2792. Bramant, 2828. Brandemburg, 5016, 6890, 7255. Brasil, 165, 191, 572, 606, 801, 3592-3608, 4847, 5047, 5089, 5137, 5338, 5374, 5510, 5695, 5744, 5919, 6165, 6201, 6214, 6344, 7026, 7061, 7215, 7227, 7247, 7458, 7602. Bratislava, 2758. Bremen, 6451. Breslau, 4835. Brest, 3576, 5259. Bretagne, 676. Brindisi, 3084, 3126. Britain, 885, 886, 2111. British Isles, 109, 2559, 6260. British West Indies, 7203. Brooklyn, 4673. Bruxelles, 2821, 3579, 5062, 6412. Bucureşti, 7760. Budapest, 7560. Buenos Aires, 3525, 3529, 3531, 3540, 3542, 4824, 5343, 7211. Buffalo, 4646. Bukhara, 4712. Bulgaria v. Bălgarija. Buraymī Oasis, 7055. Burgos, 63. Burma, 5997, 7112, 7412, 7633, 7881. Byblos, 1271. Byzantium, Constantinopolis, 189, 746, 1068, 1975, 2153, 2355, 2390, 2396, 2401, 2402, 2405, 2407, 2408, 2411, 2412, 2421,

2423, 2426, 2429-2431, 2444, 2451, 2458-2461, 2468, 2470, 2472, 2473, 2475, 2478, 2480, 2603, 3149, 4916. C Cáceres, 1766. Caderousse, 2487. Cairo, 1143, 3732. Calabar, 6609. Calabria, 2690. Calcutta, 5903. California, 151, 4601, 4876, 6124, 6129. Cambodia, 3618-3620, 7795, 7895. Cambrai, 3164. Cambridge, 5863. Cameroun, 3621, 4734. Campania, 1629. Campo de Hockey (San Fernando, Cádiz), 961. Canada, 346, 3622-3632, 4950, 5302, 5528, 6050, 6337, 6368, 6403, 6531, 6673, 6960, 7085, 7486, 7487, 7527, 7585, 7625, 7894, 7897, 7908. Canton, 7369. Cape Barren Island, 7250. Capitanata, 2797. Cappadocia, 2477. Capua, 3433. Carasas, 7224. Caribe, 5227, 5998, 6034, 6694, 6720, 7189, 7212, 7490. Carnuntum, 2105. Carpathian Basin, 1001. Cartagena de Indias, 6578, 7236. Cartagena, 1923. Carthago Nova v. Cartagena. Carthago, 1264, 1269. Cassano allo Ionio, 2678, 3271. Castel del Monte, 3094. Castelfidardo, 1023. Castelpagano, 3467. Castelvolturno, 3433. Castilla, 2644, 2662, 3134, 4494. Çatalhöyük (Turkey), 991. Cataluña, 996, 1039, 2705, 2763, 3145, 4483, 4486. Catania, 6065. Čechy, Bohemia, 750, 2546, 2561, 5337, 5633, 6468, 6570, 6758, 6839, 7561. Cenad, 3246. Cerro de la Mesa (Alcolea de Tajo, Toledo), 1041. Československo, Czech Republic, 263, 350, 375, 515, 3477, 3498, 3673-3709, 4085, 4453, 4456, 4458-4460, 4750, 4806, 4807, 5248, 5252, 5255, 5694, 5873,

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 5928, 5960, 5991, 5992, 6007, 6345, 6503, 6509, 6559, 6589, 6793-6795, 6812, 6833, 6901, 7035, 7473, 7504, 7505, 7550, 7645, 7656, 7721, 7731, 7744, 7758, 7783. Ceylon, 1277. Chad, 7181. Chaeronea, 1472. Chauvet (France), 932. Chayanta, 6077. Cheju-do, 8081. Chełm, 4340, 7414. Chemnitz, 6631. Chersonesus, 112. Chiapas, 7202. Chiaravalle di Fiastra, 2491. Chicago, 4700, 6454, 6610, 6853, 6857. Chile, 85, 365, 3633-3646, 4829, 5046, 5053, 5144, 5199, 5241, 5392, 5580, 5733, 6766, 7781, 7802, 7804, 7824. China, 137, 328, 421, 747, 812, 938, 962, 997, 1052, 2549, 4872, 4894, 4899, 4932, 5300, 5301, 5779, 5954, 6143, 6169, 6205, 6308, 6378, 6489, 6760, 6809, 6822, 6938, 6991, 7025, 7030, 7050, 7056, 7264, 7395, 7460, 7482, 7521, 7525, 7552, 7567, 7693, 7730, 7739, 7751, 7765, 7912, 7930-8036. Chongqing, 7943. Chu, 997. Città del Vaticano, 7060, 7368, 7440, 7529, 7582, 7682. Civitate, 2597. Claros, 1071. Clausholm, 6915. Cluny, 271, 3282, 3308. Cnidus, 1611. Cochinchina, 4718. Colchis, 1873. Colombia, 160, 259, 3647-3654, 5075, 5782. Colophon, 1071, 1074. Colorado River, 714. Compostela, 3119. Conero (mountain), 958. Congo, 3655, 5125, 7134, 7135, 7140, 7147, 7162, 7816, 7862. Constantinopolis v. Byzantium. Córdoba (Veracruz), 6075. Corinthus, 1336, 1726, 1733, 2326. Cork, 4122. Corsica, 1046. Corvey, 7342. Cosenza, 2517. Costa Rica, 3656, 3657. Côte d'Ivoire, 3658, 3659, 7133.

Cova Gran (Santa Linya, Lleida), 946. Creta, 1334, 1343. Crna Gora, Montenegro, 4270, 7355. Croatia v. Hrvatska. Cuba, 36, 3668-3671, 5022, 5073, 5794, 6168, 6246, 6648, 7024, 7042, 7234, 7241, 7242, 7824. Cuéllar, 2644. Cueva Corazón (Mave, Palencia), 947. Culiacán, 5706. Cuneo, 2655. Cuzco, 6413, 7217. Cyprus v. Kypros. Cyrene, 1716, 1732. Cyzicus, 1469. Czech Republic v. Československo. D Dacia, 1331, 2104. Dalmacija, 2880. Damascus, 5639. Danmark, Denmark, 790, 1101, 2552, 2716, 3269, 3710-3725, 5098, 5124, 5224, 5261, 5792, 5948, 6074, 6102, 6278, 6306, 6369, 6632, 6773, 6837, 6838, 6900, 6907, 7564, 7576, 7597, 7649, 7842. Danube (river), 1964. Danubius (flumen), 2070, 2331. Dar es Salam, 4553. Darfur, 4517, 7181. Darmstadt, 6965. Daskyleion, 1067. Daunia, 1521. Delaware river valley, 7240. Delos, 1376, 1572, 1697. Delphi, 1484, 1672, 1708, 1718. Demetrias, 1705. Denmark v. Danmark. Derveni, 1670. Detroit, 4619, 4665, 6455. Deutschland, 135, 149, 163, 324, 337, 345, 367, 376, 429, 441, 485, 506, 557, 609, 765, 908, 2508, 2509, 2552, 2580, 2585, 2629, 2632, 2743, 2798, 3315, 3317, 3498, 3676, 3791, 38203973, 4152, 4179, 4184, 4230, 4285, 4451, 4545, 4743, 4751, 4772, 4830, 4835, 4887, 4897, 4964, 4966, 4977, 4979, 4998, 4999, 5034, 5044, 5059, 5077, 5078, 5082, 5091, 5103, 5192, 5198, 5216, 5244, 5263, 5268, 5286, 5295, 5296, 5324, 5333, 5341, 5348, 5361, 5364, 5377,

409 5379, 5405, 5506, 5522, 5534, 5538, 5539, 5570, 5571, 5579, 5593, 5769, 5773, 5793, 5809, 5871, 5885, 5889, 5896, 5901, 5912, 5913, 5914, 5917, 5925, 5926, 5932, 5956, 5958, 5959, 5987, 6004, 6024, 6028, 6029, 6120, 6123, 6128, 6152, 6153, 6181, 6202, 6269, 6302, 6318, 6321, 6356, 6357, 6372, 6449, 6469, 6501, 6502, 6504, 6534, 6657, 6701, 6709, 6730, 6732, 6778, 6790, 6802, 6820, 6874, 6886, 6887, 6892, 6894, 6898, 6917, 6920, 6956, 6970, 6983, 6988, 6994, 6998, 7004, 7031, 7037, 7049, 7063, 7069, 7076, 7083, 7126, 7141, 7274, 7275, 7375, 7385, 7390, 7407, 7427, 7444, 7446, 7484, 7493, 7507, 7522, 7525, 7533, 7547, 7564, 7572, 7581, 7589, 7594, 7597, 7600, 7610, 7617, 7660, 7662, 7664, 7670, 7677, 7678, 7679, 7684, 7687, 7691, 7723, 7766, 7767, 7782, 7804, 7805, 7817, 7825, 7827, 7853, 7868, 7890, 7895. Devon, 3392. Dhamar, 1259. Dī, 8030. Dikaia, 1407. Dikili Tash (Graecia), 975. Dodona, 1374. Dolní Vӗstonice, 942. Dominican republic v. República Dominicana. Dor, 1236. Dortmund, 7342. Dresden, 5826, 6500, 6631, 7349. Dublin, 6419, 6465. Dubrovnik, 6681. Duero (river), 1008, 1049. Durban, 6815. Durham, 6850. Düsseldorf, 5293, 6979. Dutch East Indies, 6178. E Ebla, 1062, 1094, 1107. Ecuador, 194, 3727, 3728. Edinburgh, 6735. Eesti, Estonia, 3737, 4223. Egypt, 56, 1929, 2297, 2345, 37293734, 6191, 7350, 7808. – v. Aegyptus. Ekalte, 1103. El Avenc del Primo (Bellmunt del Priorat, Tarragona), 996. El Fonsario (Villafáfila, Zamora), 1033.

410 El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria), 933. El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria), 1049. El Salvador, 3735. Elbe-Weser Region, 6206. Elea, 1659, 1692. Emar, 1103. England, 65, 124, 351, 376, 391, 677, 701, 722, 1124, 2560, 2585, 2587, 2617, 2626, 2651, 2683, 2687, 2764, 2790, 2813, 2830, 2842, 2843, 2849, 2854, 2867, 3018, 3216, 3438, 3984, 4006, 4008, 4020, 4034, 4038, 4050, 4056, 4061, 4776, 4873, 4880, 4940, 4945, 4954, 4965, 4978, 4980, 5081, 5090, 5119, 5160, 5346, 5351, 5651, 5705, 5971, 6003, 6033, 6140, 6142, 6221, 6228, 6230, 6295, 6300, 6308, 6314, 6344, 6365, 6377, 6443, 6477, 6488, 6525, 6561, 6574, 6702, 6710, 6721, 6776, 6783, 6784, 6805, 6870, 6941, 6990, 6997, 7001, 7274, 7286, 7306, 7314, 7578, 7681, 7853. – v. Great Britain. English channel, 2665. Ephesos, 1361. Epidamnus, 1370. Erfurt, 256. Eritrea, 3736. España, 92, 192, 215, 302, 359, 533, 617, 618, 755, 2791, 2878, 3036, 3136, 4477-4514, 4782, 4818, 4839, 4840, 4985, 5040, 5079, 5110, 5130, 5258, 5269, 5336, 5354, 5355, 5356, 5359, 5376, 5429, 5491, 5556, 5625, 5627, 5822, 5846, 5890, 5906, 6171, 6219, 6329, 6547, 6683, 6708, 6884, 7159, 7191, 7241, 7246, 7273, 7275, 7278, 7279, 7281, 7292, 7293, 7294, 7324, 7345, 7387, 7390, 7399, 7580, 7586, 7610, 7614, 7678, 7708, 7772, 7776. Essen, 4835. Estonia v. Eesti. Etawah (India), 7752. Ethiopia, 3738, 3739, 7130, 7549, 7668. Etruria, 1742, 1749. Euphrates (river), 1022. Eurasia, 1028, 6020. Europe, 7, 115, 179, 233, 332, 513, 600, 622, 657, 665, 704, 708, 716, 747, 778, 937, 967, 971, 975, 979, 994, 1040, 1042, 1752, 2161, 2407, 2571, 2598,

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 2600, 2829, 2894, 2927, 3291, 3387, 3430, 3476, 3483, 3489, 3492, 3503, 3507, 3511, 3837, 3998, 4291, 4738, 4753, 4774, 4821, 4923, 4959, 4982, 5013, 5054, 5065, 5108, 5117, 5126, 5135, 5150, 5167, 5173, 5251, 5275, 5319, 5323, 5399, 5424, 5433, 5437, 5557, 5641, 5824, 5830, 5954, 6011, 6013, 6049, 6125, 6131, 6376, 6384, 6426, 6492, 6611, 6642, 6684, 6755, 6792, 6865, 7066, 7079, 7197, 7302, 7325, 7347, 7357, 7464, 7465, 7472, 7604, 7618, 7622, 7661, 7703, 7785, 7799, 7814, 7817, 7831, 7842, 7893, 7903, 7905. – E. centrale, 3475, 4879, 5953, 6533, 7330, 7911. – E. du centre-est, 4819, 6210, 7682. – E. du nord-ovest, 2836. – E. du nord-est, 2684. – E. du sud-est, 537, 4733. – E. méditerranéen, 5276. – E. méridionale, 3482. – E. occidentale, 321, 746, 3150, 3439, 5810, 6476, 6517, 6851, 6952. – E. orientale, 719, 3475, 3481, 6047, 6701, 6868, 7572, 7644, 7693, 7707, 7911. – E. septentrionale, 2684, 2914. Evron Quarry, 930. Évron, 3270. F Fær Øer, 2727. Falklands v. Malvinas. Fante, 3976. Fars, 1300. Fermo, 3113. Ferrara, 2438. Fiji, 7249. Filipinas, Philippines, 130, 43364338, 7104. Finland v. Suomi. Finmark, 522. Firenze, 12, 189, 2438, 2500, 2523, 2730, 2775, 2876, 3065, 3106, 3138, 5037, 5845, 5999. Flandre, 10, 3316, 6433. Foligno, 2540, 3446. Fondi, 2688. Formigine, 3447. Fosso Fontanaccia, 957. France, 22, 97, 265, 337, 364, 376, 386, 499, 519, 547, 676, 687, 728, 755, 759, 870, 2611, 2683, 2685, 2861, 2873, 3055, 3161, 3409, 3501, 3743-3815, 4731, 4742, 4757, 4773, 4810, 4821, 4826, 4832, 4851, 4854, 4868, 4943, 4976, 4998, 5011, 5058,

5068, 5090, 5155, 5159, 5160, 5165, 5230, 5334, 5358, 5381, 5490, 5545, 5597, 5671, 5735, 5770, 5796, 5811, 5830, 5836, 5882, 5942, 5954, 5971, 5973, 6029, 6093, 6164, 6179, 6203, 6218, 6242, 6344, 6396, 6421, 6444, 6512, 6519, 6535, 6536, 6540, 6564, 6575, 6586, 6608, 6659, 6677, 6702, 6716, 6719, 6779, 6888, 6894, 7062, 7069, 7134, 7140, 7270, 7273, 7288, 7292, 7306, 7309, 7352, 7363, 7368, 7387, 7399, 7401, 7433, 7474, 7475, 7478, 7496, 7504, 7530, 7585, 7596, 7606, 7607, 7621, 7634, 7637, 7653, 7664, 7681, 7697, 7698, 7768, 7777, 7790, 7816, 7821, 7866. Franchthi Cave (Argolid, Graecia), 988. Frankfurt am Main, 5578, 5825, 6447, 6471, 6935. Freetown, 4447. Freiburg, 7297. Friuli-Venezia Giulia, 3369. Fulda, 7342. G Gabon, 3816, 3817. Gali Zardak, 1095. Galicia, 807, 2807, 6248, 6424, 7415. Gallia, 1858, 2192, 2802, 2928. Gambia, 3818. Garda (lago), 6051. Gaugamela, 1095. Gela, 1709. Genève, 4951, 6691, 6936. Genova, 2666. Georgia, 3819, 6628. Georgia, 7229. Germia, 1091. Ghana, 3974-3978, 5962, 6511, 7180, 7183. Ghent, 6. Gijón, 963. Gilviran, 1281. Ginza (Tokyo), 217. Girona, 6717. Glasgow, 5512, 6190. Goa, 4888. Godin Tepe, 1289, 1299. Golan Heights, 4138. Gold Coast, 6349, 6370, 6598, 7133. Goli Otok, 3666. Gorizia, 2606. Gorna Džumaja v. Blagoevgrad. Gortyna, 1356, 1367. Gotland, 2562, 3418.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Göttingen, 3882. Gradec, 3471. Graecia, 993, 1424, 1525, 1693, 1333, 1339, 1341, 1347, 1348, 1350, 1658, 1661, 1664, 1671, 1680, 2437. Granada, 145. Gravina di Puglia, 2530. Great Britain, 19, 67, 303, 312, 337, 575, 579, 700, 791, 990, 1604, 3501, 3979-4067, 4960, 5045, 5360, 5386, 5409, 5519, 5599, 5743, 5886, 5897, 5996, 6000, 6001, 6063, 6071, 6192, 6195, 6229, 6237, 6256, 6270, 6301, 6372, 6373, 6403, 6418, 6529, 6530, 6550, 6554, 6562, 6568, 6584, 6606, 6623, 6625, 6658, 6701, 6745, 6774, 6801, 6809, 6824, 6845, 6848, 6854, 6858, 6888, 6917, 6999, 7027, 7028, 7030, 7077, 7078, 7082, 7087, 7088, 7090, 7092, 7095, 7113, 7189, 7219, 7271, 7316, 7334, 7343, 7372, 7376, 7401, 7403, 7419, 7430, 7449, 7453, 7463, 7468, 7489, 7492, 7494, 7507, 7527, 7530, 7533, 7541, 7579, 7584, 7596, 7603, 7613, 7622, 7628, 7657, 7679, 7689, 7701, 7704, 7716, 7727, 7740, 7741, 7743, 7747, 7750, 7753, 7762, 7784, 7813, 7822, 7823, 7825, 7829, 7834, 7861, 7866, 7879, 7905. Greenland, 178. Gries, 2870. Grønland, 6688. Grottaferrata, San Nilo (abbazia di), 3272. Guadalajara, 7211. Guadalquivir (river), 1004. Guadiana (river), 1029. Guam, 7626. Guandong (Manchuria), 5632, 7989. Guatemala (Ciudad de), 4076. Guatemala, 4073-4079, 5064, 7218. Guayane, 6992. Guayaquil, 6188. Guernsey, 7559. Guiana, 7222. Guilin, 7956. Guinea Bissau, 4081. Guinea, 4080, 6806, 7158. Gunduk, 1095. Guyane, 7208. H Hacıveliler, 1083. Hadleigh (Suffolk), 6653.

Hadramawt, 1259. Hagios Vassileios (Thasos), 1359. Hainaut, 10. Haïti, 3626, 4082, 6883, 7205. Halifax, 4973. Halil Rud, 1304. Halle-Wittenberg, 5212. Hamburg, 256, 2845, 3873, 5921. Hangzhou, 7995. Hannover, 3896. Hasanlu, 1285. Hatra, 1170. Hattuša, 1228. Hawai'i, 5529, 7232. Heidelbärg, 5399, 7590. Helicon (mons), 2016. Hellas, 5, 4068-4072, 4759, 4919, 5052, 6891, 7369, 7418, 7480, 7753, 7837, 7841, 7861, 7901, 7909. – v. Graecia. Helsinki, 3741. Herzogenburg, 3268. Hessen, 2551, 3857, 3912. Hessen-Nassau, 74. Heuneburg, 1042. Hierapolis in Phrygia, 1070, 1081. Hierosolyma, 2627. Hindukusch, 7495. Hispania, 1762, 1773. Hispanoamérica, 261, 6171, 6905, 7191. Hlohovec, 3444. Honduras, 6474. Hong Kong, 6129, 6760, 7961. Hornos de la Peña (Cantabria), 944. Hrvatska, Croatia, 3660-3667, 4812, 6427, 7557, 7580. Huasteca, 4265. Hue, 6765. Huizhou, 7973. Humenné, 4987. Hungary v. Magyarország. I Iberia, 1019, 1048. Iberian Peninsula, 919, 926, 945, 961, 983, 1015, 7285. Iberoamérica, 192, 5276. Iberus (flumen), 1882. Iceland, 2720, 2822. Idlewild, 6751. Ilgynly-Depe, 999. Imjin, 7852. India, 355, 379, 527, 1052, 1043, 4097-4107, 4311, 4314, 4516, 4959, 4972, 5088, 5120, 5384, 5460, 5467, 5584, 5821, 6025, 6030, 6056, 6113, 6373, 6539,

411 6573, 6582, 6740, 6909, 7056, 7098, 7099, 7100, 7102, 7111, 7116, 7346, 7479, 7701, 7740, 7778, 7792, 7914, 7927, 7964. Indien (océan), 6272, 6807, 7106, 7113, 7179, 7334. Indochina, 7656, 7713. Indonesia, 234, 4108-4111, 6175, 7689. Ingolstadt, 2982, 3044. Ionia, 1074. Iowa, 6217. Irak, 392, 4120, 7790, 7832, 7876, 7888 Iran, 592, 1013, 1273-1307, 41124119, 4896, 6331, 6686, 7287, 7359, 7408, 7594, 7702, 7789, 7794, 7803, 7850, 7851, 7855, 7870, 7876, 7898, 7906. Ireland, 19, 290, 732, 990, 2621, 3218, 3456, 3501, 4121-4134, 4809, 5090, 5995, 6044, 6237, 6403, 6664, 6975, 7411, 7463. Isère, 3757. Ishøj, 6618. Island, 577. Israel, 4135-4143, 5355, 6436, 7668, 7674, 7683, 7725, 7726, 7775, 7807, 7836, 7874, 7883. Istanbul, 1068, 4560, 4565, 4574, 6728, 7917. Istria, 2606, 3323. Italia, 2, 26, 141, 265, 534, 556, 632, 703, 728, 755, 774, 846, 978, 1000, 1023, 1024, 1509, 1680, 1738, 1741, 1745, 1930, 1943, 1945, 2067, 2081, 2082, 2103, 2155, 2492, 2607, 2615, 2630, 2674, 2675, 2676, 2735, 2736, 2760, 2799, 2868, 2916, 2919, 2968, 2980, 2997, 3012, 3023, 3029, 3052, 3058, 3059, 3127, 3236, 3283, 4144-4195, 4808, 4823, 4844, 4845, 4859, 4877, 5005, 5045, 5052, 5095, 5146, 5203, 5232, 5271, 5283, 5304, 5339, 5342, 5346, 5352, 5391, 5420, 5421, 5431, 5436, 5473, 5487, 5595, 5622, 5678, 5752, 5753, 5767, 5799, 5838, 5862, 5944, 5989, 6055, 60606062, 6212, 6281, 6323, 6407, 6434, 6521, 6647, 6652, 6734, 6762, 6823, 6942, 7064, 7126, 7130, 7178, 7254, 7354, 7377, 7432, 7438, 7467, 7549, 7570, 7575, 7582, 7604, 7606, 7607, 7624, 7628, 7703, 7860, 7872, 7878. Ivry-sur-Seine, 6399. Izmir, 1065, 4573, 7369.

412 J Jaca, 3119. Jacksonville, 4607. Jamaica, 6617, 7201. Japan, 158, 283, 4196-4216, 5002, 5101, 5535, 5553, 6043, 6063, 6137, 6287, 6308, 6346, 6411, 6425, 6464, 6489, 6906, 6930, 7025, 7027, 7050, 7378, 7394, 7482, 7521, 7534, 7552, 7556, 7562, 7566, 7567, 7592, 7626, 7711, 7959, 8037-8077. Jasenovac, 3662. Java, 4110, 5015. Jena, 5174, 7006. Jenne (Roma), 1030. Jerusalem, 2277, 4912. Jiahu, 959. Jiāngnán, 7988. Jordan, 939, 4217. Jubbah (Saudi Arabia), 970. Judah, 1257, 1263. Jugoslavija, 4441, 5992, 6698, 7021, 7608, 7624, 7715, 7717, 7835, 7844, 7900, 7909. Juiz de Fora, 3594. Jujuy, 3532. Jutland, 5990, 6026. K Kabylia, 3519. Kakmium, 1105. Kalø, 681. Kāmid al-Lōz (Kumidi), 1240. Kapyong, 7852. Karlsruhe, 3091. Kārum Kanesh, 1209. Kashmir, 4313, 7704. Kassel, 3453. Kavkaz, 815, 7828. Kazakhstan, 4218. Kedah, 4242. Keele, 722. Kefallonia, 7630. Kenan Tepe (Turkey), 1011. Kenya, 4219, 6613, 7125. Kephala Petras (Creta), 1346. Kerma (Sudan), 1012. Khanes, 1095. Khorramabad (Iran), 1281. Kilimanjaro (mount), 4551. Kinik Höyük, 1069. Kiryū, 6084. Kiš, 1207. Kizzuwatna, 1218. København, 6594, 6618. Köln, 6879, 6968, 6977. Köniz, 5839. Konstanz, 3215, 3221, 3452 Konya, 951. Korea, 281, 4202, 4220-4222,

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 5002, 6241, 7107, 7114, 7394, 7595, 7719, 7724, 7727, 7732, 7744, 7757, 7773, 7852, 80788083. Koryō, 8082. Kos, 1706. Kremnica, 2871. Kroton, 1715. Krym, 8, 7333, 7383. Kuban, 4432. Kur (river), 1274. Kurdistan, 1095. Kurpfalz, 2885. Kursk, 4408. Kyme Eolica (Turkey), 1720. Kypros, Cyprus, 1034, 1723, 3672, 7480. L La Cativera (El Catllar, Tarragona), 983. La Habana, 6457, 7242. La Paz, 6154. La Pestaña (Badajoz), 1006. La Rioja Alavesa, 966. La Rochelle, 6184. La Trinitaria, 4264. La Vital (Gandía, Valencia), 1009. Laconia, 1375. Lama (Zagros mountains), 1302. Languedoc, 2768. Lanuvio, 3458. Lapui, 1300. Las Lunas (Yuncler, Toledo), 1047. Las Pozas (Casaseca de las Chanas, Zamora), 1008. Latvija, 4223-4225. Lausanne, 4881 Lazio, 2503. Lebanon, 4226-4228, 5267, 7363, 7807, 7843, 7864, 7907 Lecce, 5823. Leipzig, 5183, 5209, 5363, 5937, 6590, 6631, 6827. Lemky, 4351. León, 3119. Lerida, 1769. Les Mallaetes (Barx, Valencia), 931. Lesina, 2597. Liberia, 4229, 7136. Libya, 1449, 4230-4233, 7185, 7441, 7485, 7846, 7895. Liechtenstein, 7035. Liège, 3580. Lietuva, Lithuania, 4223, 42344236, 4356, 4868, 5795, 7519, 7524. Liguria, 2595, 5100. Lille, 4838.

Lima, 4334, 5105, 5343, 6156. Limyra, 1100. Lipari, 1021. Lisboa, 5294, 6440. Lithuania v. Lietuva. Liverpool, 248, 4001. Livorno, 6253. Llanos, 3653. Lödöse, 3451. Łódź, 4341. London, 2140, 2954, 4054, 4938, 5814, 6253, 6277, 6438, 6461, 6481, 6583, 6739, 6777, 6800, 6819, 7110, 7629, 7746. Long Island, 6223. Lorraine, 3403, 3783. Los Angeles, 1213, 4694, 6996. Lötschberg, 6119. Louisiana, 4696. Louth, 2862. Low Countries, 6784. Lublin, 5012. Lucania, 1745. Lucca, 2, 2775, 3112, 4172. Lund, 4526. Lüneburg, 2845. Lunigiana, 2643. Luxembourg, 329, 2733, 4237. Lyon, 6264, 6380, 6827. M Macedonia, 985, 1412, 1419, 1670, 1682, 1728, 4238-4241. Madagascar, 7080. Madison, 5196. Madrid, 5952, 6460, 6711. Maghara (Sinai), 1265. Maghreb, 2703, 2839, 6680. Magna Graecia, 1355, 1373, 1452, 1671. Magyarország, Hungary, 219, 509, 2385, 2561, 2603, 2753, 2816, 4083-4096, 5602, 5924, 6057, 6560, 6802, 7043, 7313, 7368, 7409, 7416, 7420, 7425, 7451, 7540, 7542, 7765. Maharashtra, 5025. Mahtoutabad (Konar Sandal South, Jiroft), 1304. Maine, 3281. Malay region, 7912. Malaysia, 4242, 4243, 6375, 6355. Māldah District, 4105. Malia (Creta), 1338. Mallorca, 563, 1248, 2839. Malta, 2287, 3144, 7631. Malvinas (Islas), 7819, 7908, 7793, 7847. Mamasani, 1295. Manchuria, 7503, 7759. Mannheim, 3886.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Maraîche, Tournai, 3461. Marathon, 1378, 1460. Marche, 3142. Mari, 1189, 1205. Maroc, 266, 542, 5367, 5458, 7159, 7173, 7362, 7399. Marseille, 2832, 6587. Massachusetts, 4033, 6679. Mato Grosso, 6112. Mauretania, 1762, 1871. Mauritanie, 4244. Mauritius, 6816. Māzandarān, 4116. Mbulu District, 6803. Mecca, 5017. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 6404. Medellin, 5706. Medingen, 3264. Méditerranée (mer), 196, 601, 785, 1054, 1752, 1953, 2421, 5072, 6161, 6193, 6284, 7254, 7258, 7628. Mediterraneum (mare), 1000, 1005, 1009, 1010, 1018, 1313, 1345. Melbourne, 6741. Memphis, 4596. Mendoza, 5561. Mérida (Catedral de), 4813. Mérida, 2791. Meseta, 1033, 1047. Mesopotamia, 1052, 1166-1215. Messene, 1379. Messina, 3153. Meuse (fleuve), 7361. México D.F., 6160, 6662, 6727, 6872. México, 116, 183, 362, 397, 3484, 4245-4269, 4820, 4822, 4833, 4900, 4961, 5144, 5243, 5321, 5454, 5546, 5549, 5577, 5604, 5642, 5732, 5812, 5834, 5841, 5910, 5965, 6209, 6232, 6255, 6309, 6565, 6744, 6796, 6808, 6896, 6897, 7233, 7529, 8097. Middle East, 724, 3513, 4732, 4735, 4918, 4928, 5076, 6899, 7878. Midi, 2817, 3404. Miercurea-Ciuc, 4376. Milano, 551, 2298, 2663, 3066, 4148, 4185, 6283. Miletus, 1075. Milwaukee, 4632. Mincio, 6117. Minneapolis, 6697. Mississippi, 4658, 4695, 4934. Mitteldeutschland, 774. Moab, 1260. Moesia, 1946. Moldova, 102, 336, 7335, 7373, 7388.

Molí del Salt (Vimbodí i Poblet, Tarragona), 935. Monaco, 75. Mongolia, 7022, 7503. Montenegro v. Crna Gora. Montevideo, 4709, 6505, 7230. Montpellier, 2786. Morava, 750, 5337, 5633, 6758. Morocco, 4271-4276. Moskva, 4417, 4433, 6432, 7348, 7636. Mount (Athos), 3165. Mozambique, 4969, 5286, 7158. München, 3486, 3849, 4763, 6922. Münster, 498, 2793, 4835, 7261. Muntenia, 2816, 7373. Murcia, 1923. Mureş, 99. Myanmar, 4277. Mytilēnē, 4909. N Nafarroa, 5328. Nag'al-Hagar (Egypt), 1130. Nanjing, 7983. Napoli (Regno di), 7299. Napoli, 2502, 2604, 2806, 2853, 3064, 4176, 4193, 4195, 5461, 6437, 6442, 6520, 6980, 7360. Nara, 8058. Narbonne, 2850. Narce (Viterbo), 1743. Nardò, 3050. Narni, 3332. Natchez, 6146. Navarra, 2532, 2681, 4503. Navkur, 1095. Nawarla Gabarnmang (Australia), 932. Ndjolé, 3817. Near East, 601, 1062-1107. Nederland, 303, 683, 2798, 42804291, 5346, 6201, 6318, 6390, 6401, 6692, 6832, 6858, 7103, 7180, 7215, 7271, 7286, 7314, 7320, 7532, 7535, 7537, 7868, 7887. Negev, 1044, 1258. Nepal, 4278, 4279. Neuquén, 3544. New Bern (North Carolina), 5859. New Caledonia, 7232. New England, 6098 New Jersey, 4637, 4641. New Madrid, 5603. New Mexico, 6939, 7193. New Orleans, 6183. New South Wales, 7251. New York, 4616, 4636, 4672, 4685, 4701, 5813, 6415, 6456, 6528, 6542.

413 New Zealand, 4292-4295, 6244, 6275, 6761, 6835, 7085. Nicaragua, 4296. Nice, 6944. Nicer (flumen), 2090. Nichoria, 1333. Niedersächsen, 98. Niger, 4297. Nigeria, 4298-4302, 5521, 7060. Nile valley, 7468. Nilus (flumen), 1156, 1487. Ninfa, 3457. Nippur, 1186. Nisibis, 1185 Nonantola, 3302. Nordeste, 5028. Nordic countries, 6103. Nordrhein-Westfalen, 823. Nordwalde, 4858. Norge, Norway, 4303-4305, 6102, 6354, 7332, 7589, 7593, 7648. Normandie, 88, 105, 2851. North Carolina, 5289, 6235, 6685. Northern Ireland v. Tuaisceart Éireann. Norway v. Norge. Notion, 1071. Nouvelle-Calédonie, 7252, 8102. Nowa Huta, 4350. Nubia, 1162. Nueva España, 311, 4901, 5243, 6188, 6352 Nuevo León, 4260, 5211. Nuevo Mundo, 215. Numidia, 1762. O Oakington (Cambridgeshire), 6238. Oberhausen, 5937. Océanie, 7249-7252, 8101-8104. Odense, 4884. Odessa, 4429. Ohio (river), 4678. Oklahoma, 6310. Oltenia, 986. Olympia, 1370, 1377, 1462, 1655. Oman, 4306, 4307. Ontario, 122, 3623, 6753. Opis, 1405. Orava, 7565. Orel, 5856. Orinoco (Cuenca del), 7248. Orizaba (valle), 6080. Orleans, 3033. Osaka, 4211. Osnabrück, 7261. Österreich, 228, 749, 3025, 3137, 3556-3572, 3676, 5034, 5123, 5509, 5898, 5984, 6608, 6929, 7257, 7262, 7272, 7309, 7353,

414 7368, 7400, 7405, 7409, 7415, 7416, 7500, 7717. Ostia, 2110, 2143. Otranto, 2516, 2637, 2788, 3143. Oulx, 3364. Outeiro Alto (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal), 1007. Oxyrhynchus, 1144. P Pacific world, 6068. Pacifique (océan), 7627, 7638, 7750, 8101. Padova, 1737, 2766, 3092, 3133. País Vasco, 580. Pakistan, 4100, 4308-4314, 6909, 7099, 7701, 7734, 7778, 7780, 7838, 7792. Palatius (mons), 2127. Palermo, 670. Palestine, 2182, 3131, 4136, 43154320, 4562, 7105, 7109, 7418, 7512, 7836, 7863, 7874. Palhais (Beja, Portugal), 1048. Palmyra, 1102. Pampa, 3541. Pantelleria, 1689. Papantla (México), 6177. Paphos, 1717. Paraguay, 603, 4321, 4322, 4890, 4906, 7220. Paraná, 3607. Paris, 186, 899, 954, 3189, 3806, 4825, 5058, 5096, 5133, 5187, 5333, 5813, 5855, 5954, 5967, 6399, 6402, 6634, 6747. Parma, 2895, 5186. Paros, 1582. Passano, 2640. Pathyris, 1155. Pavia, 2781. Pays-Bas, 2602. Peloponnesus, 1336, 1351, 1686, 4071. Peña Capón (valle del Sorbe, Guadalajara), 926. Penne, 2840. Pennsylvania, 6141. Perpignan, 3782. Persian Gulf, 7402, 7784, 7809. Perú, 85, 133, 153, 3484, 3727, 4323-4335, 4899, 5131, 5239, 5340, 5604, 5643, 7248. Perugia, 2496, 3286, 3425. Pescia, 2775. Pfakofen, 2521. Philadelphia, 6454, 6458, 6471, 6723. Philippines v. Filipinas. Phoenix, 4683. Phú Thọ (Tonkin), 6245.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Piacenza, 2834. Piemonte, 3228, 4170. Pila del Brancon (Nogara, Verona), 998. Pisa, 4, 1659, 3363, 3445, 3455 Plataea, 1425, 1460, 1462. Plateau State, 7160. Polska, 774, 989, 2561, 2579, 2723, 2888, 3292, 3498, 3616, 4339-4357, 4399, 4868, 4994, 5256, 5795, 6176, 6185, 6406, 6434, 6732, 7039, 7257, 7303, 7375, 7435, 7446, 7499, 7505, 7515, 7520, 7524, 7535, 7544, 7547, 7565, 7577, 7587, 7588, 7605, 7651, 7721, 7731, 7748, 7817, 7871. Pommern, 2579. Pompeii, 1938. Port-au-Prince, 4082. Porto, 3429. Portonovo (Ancona), 948, 957, 960, 974, 984. Portugal, 16, 93, 206, 536, 675, 1031, 2531, 2692, 3242, 43584368, 4511, 4842, 5029, 5206, 5303, 5457, 5590, 5801, 5854, 6015, 6201, 6755, 6864, 7151, 7158, 7227, 7245, 7264, 7280, 7308, 7372, 7513, 7800. Poznań, 4352. Praeneste, 1776. Praha, 399, 3673, 5024, 5633, 5803, 5807, 6500, 6912, 7603, 7725. Preußen, 609, 3820, 3858, 3867, 3896, 3936, 3963, 5191, 5281, 5292, 5581, 6094, 6934, 6949, 7152, 7378, 7519. Priene, 1353. Princeton, 1202. Provence, 2881, 2893. Puebla, 4857. Puerto Rico, 4369, 5235. Puglia, 3290, 5804. Puzriš-Dagan (Drehem), 1208. Pyrénées, 5107. Pyrgi (Roma), 1754. Q Qau, 1114. Qawsun (Cairo), 1140. Qazvin, 1020. Qesem Cave, 928. Qiāngzú, 8030. Québec, 3626, 5368, 6931, 7219. Quedlinburg, 2886. Queensland, 6257. Querétaro, 82. Quesna, 1149.

R Rastatt, 7319. Ravenna, 1975, 2117, 2765, 3139, 3294. Rėchytsa (Belarus), 5000. Recife, 3595. Réeunion (Île de la), 6242. República Dominicana, 3726. Rhein (flumen), 1820, 2070. Rhein, 2583, 6096, 6200, 6358. Rheinland, 3916, 6668. Rhine (river), 949. Rhineland, 7457. Rhode Island, 4608. Rhodesia v. Zimbabwe. Rhodos, 1363, 1702. Rhône, 6513. Rhurgebiet, 6668. Riga, 4225. Rimini, 4866. Rio de Janeiro, 3601, 5041. Rio de la Plata, 4710, 5344. Rio Pongo, 6855, 7161. Rios de Sena, 7174. Rocchette Pannocchieschi (Toscana), 3448. Roma, 113, 210, 539, 1116, 17362165, 2298, 2570, 2614, 2669, 2708, 2884, 2921, 3085, 3099, 3123, 3255, 3443, 3486, 4154, 4796, 5056, 5142, 5220, 5466, 5505, 7280, 7294, 7329. Romagna, 3309. România, 84, 101, 127, 516, 639, 685, 761, 804, 953, 4370-4394, 4754, 4852, 4913, 4914, 5036, 5048, 5181, 6000, 6323, 6367, 6444, 6544, 6775, 7029, 7043, 7059, 7064, 7364, 7405, 7429, 7430, 7442, 7443, 7452, 7474, 7542, 7705, 7756, 7761, 7789, 7810, 7828, 7863, 7900. Rossano, 3468. Rossija, Russia, 5, 126, 400, 608, 634, 637, 692, 874, 2479, 2620, 2646-2648, 3149, 3165, 3481, 4395-4433, 4741, 4908, 4915, 4916, 4983, 5019, 5128, 5149, 5198, 5219, 5362, 5511, 5551, 5797, 5865, 6047, 6085, 6172, 6208, 6216, 6225, 6233, 6249, 6250, 6251, 6342, 6444, 6478, 6524, 6626, 6682, 6684, 6690, 6854, 6902, 6924, 6976, 7024, 7033, 7048, 7050, 7054, 7071, 7072, 7320, 7333, 7337, 7353, 7375, 7414, 7418, 7422-7424, 7444, 7538, 7540, 7541, 7548, 7576, 7660, 7694, 7880, 7911. – v. SSSR. Rottweil, 2121.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Rouen, 2864. Ruhr, 2129. Rumelia, 6394. Russia v. Rossija. S 's-Hertogenbosch, 6595. S. Ilario d'Enza (Reggio Emilia), 977. Saba (Dutch Caribbean), 6423. Sachsen, 662, 3831, 7290, 7323. Saffron Walden, 1147. Sagalassos, 1082, 1083. Saint Petersburg, 4419. Salem, 6213. Salento, 2689. Salerno, 2618. Salta, 6236. Salzburg, 5939. Samaria, 1270. San Cristóbal de Logrosán (Cáceres), 1029. San Donato in Poggio, 3435. San Francisco Bay, 6815. San Francisco, 6397. San Giovenale, 1755. San Luis Potosí, 4261, 6224. San Pietro in Silki, 2501. San Salvatore al monte Amiata, 3434. Sandtoft, 7312. Sandžak of Novi Pazar, 7409. Sandžak, 588. Sangtarashan (Luristan, Iran), 1291. Sankt Gallen, 2. Sankt Peterburg, 6172. Sansepolcro (Abbazia), 3295. Sansepolcro, 3288. Sant'Ambrogio della Massima, 4889. Santa Catarina, 3596. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 193, 6076. Santa Luce, 3441. Santa Maria del Casale, 3126 Santa Rosalía, 6154. Santiago de Chile, 3639, 7797. Santo Domingo, 7321, 7340. São Paulo, 6112. Sardegna (Regno di), 5552. Sardegna, 2588, 3232, 6179. Sardis, 1068. Saudi Arabia, 278, 7850. Saudi arabia, 4434, 4435. Savoia, 87, 3772, 3783. Savona, 2494. Scandinavia, 972, 1650, 5327, 6701, 7344, 7351, 7309, 7555. Schlesien, 3915. Schleswig, 6279. Schwaben, 6116.

Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, 2, 543, 3287, 4539-4547, 5097, 5115, 5249, 5240, 5246, 5262, 5285, 5380, 6031, 6116, 6265, 6452, 6644, 6713, 7036, 7448, 7462, 7518, 7537, 7728, 7761, 7762, 7791. Scotland, 203, 504, 520, 3984, 4027, 4046, 4053, 4055, 4954, 6206, 6295, 6487, 6685, 6923, 6951. Sebes (Flix, Tarragona), 1039. Sen, 7928. Senegal, 4436-4438, 7138, 7175. Sénégambie, 5035. Senj, 171. Seoul, 6636. Sepik (river), 1487. Sepúlveda, 2644. Serbia v. Srbija. Set Parralejos (Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz), 961. Sevilla, 6506. Shanghai, 7966. Shqipëri, Albania, 3515, 3516, 6429, 7380, 7416, 7860, 7900. Shuidonggou, 938. Sibaritide, 1707. Sibir, 4427, 5021, 6330, 7926. Sicilia, 96, 611, 1355, 1555, 1647, 3454, 4816, 5331, 7406, 7575, 7619. Sidney, 6307, 6810. Siena, 2837. Sierra de Cuenca, 429. Sierra Leone, 4447, 4448, 7136. Sierra Morena, 1004. Singapore, 4449, 6355. Siping Shi, 7759 Siracusa, 2695. Skänninge, 3432. Slagelse, 693. Śląsk, 5337. Slovakia v. Slovensko. Slovenija, 4465, 4466, 7646, 7650. Slovensko, 280, 310, 2877, 3674, 3675, 3677-3679, 3681-3684, 3685, 3686, 3688, 3691, 3693, 3694, 3696-3698, 3700, 37023709, 4085, 4092, 4450-4464, 5525, 5991, 6100, 6247, 6304, 6448, 7067, 7565, 7569, 7593. – v. Československo. Smolensk, 7548. Sobibór, 6493, 7545. Sochaux, 6072. Sofija, 6394. Somalia, 4467. Sonora, 4895, 6518. Soqotra archipelago, 8090. Sorrento, 2537, 2538.

415 South Africa, 267, 279, 309, 44684476, 4721, 4957, 5245, 5266, 6105, 6265, 6510, 6873, 7033, 7130, 7334, 7694. South Carolina, 4033, 4949, 4968, 6073, 6580. Sparta, 1403, 1446, 1448, 1553. Spilamberto, 3463. Spina, 1718, 1756. Spiš, 7565. Spoleto, 3088. Srbija, Serbia, 2754, 4439-4446, 7352, 7355, 7373, 7448, 7588. Sri Lanka, 4515, 4516, 7113. SSSR, 317, 429, 3666, 4407, 4425, 4764, 5164, 5269, 6081, 6249, 6689, 6789, 6791, 7500, 7519, 7563, 7620, 7666, 7693, 7695, 7699, 7742, 7743, 7910. Staffordshire, 722. Stamford, 2883. Stavelot (abbaye de), 3307. Stockholm, 3466, 6006, 7685. Stockton (California), 6650. Strasburg, 5954, 6957. Stuttgart, 6748. Subiaco, 2732. Submeseta, 947. Sudan, 4517-4521, 6144, 6817, 7182. Südtirol, 759. Suez canal, 7813. Suez, 6604, 7720, 7733. Sumatra, 7115. Sumundar, 1166. Suomi, Finland, 3741, 3742, 4993, 6389, 6463, 6621, 6706, 7000, 7730. Susa, 1199. Susan, 8088. Susiana, 1297. Suzdal', 218. Sverige, Sweden, 568, 612, 710, 736, 2556, 2826, 4522-4538, 4748, 5010, 5182, 5332, 5536, 5957, 6005, 6014, 6086, 6088, 6199, 6441, 6470, 6494, 6495, 6537, 6546, 6555, 6601, 6649, 6674, 6718, 6733, 6750, 6764, 6836, 6837, 6913, 6967, 6971, 7029, 7255, 7317, 7320, 7339, 7655, 7666, 7680, 7742, 7771, 7833. Swāt District, 4309. Swaziland, 6873. Sweden v. Sverige. Sybaris, 1452. Syria, 1080, 3131, 4548-4550, 7068, 7418, 7469, 7807, 7855, 7856, 7864, 7907 Szolgagyőr, 3444.

416 T Tacna- Arica, 6196. Taiwan, 7736, 7934, 7965. Tajo (river), 1029. Takoradi harbor, 7170. Tanzania, 4551-4554, 5609, 6803. Ţara Românească, 6486. Tarentum, 1381, 1701. Tarma, 4335. Tarquinia, 1757. Tartessus, 1366. Tavernelle Val di Pesa, 3435. Tchad, 6655. Tehran, 1020, 7920. Tehuantepec, 6135. Tel Aviv, 4139. Tel Bet Yerah, 1246. Tell El-Amarna, 1131, 1137. Tell el-Ghaba (Sinai), 1142. Tell el-Retaba, 1134. Tell Leilan (Šehna), 1209. Tepe Hissar, 1303. Terezín, 5009, 7543. Terina, 1373. Terni, 6134. Terra di Lavoro, 3052. Texas, 4675, 6163. Thailand, 4555, 4556, 7412. Thanh Phuoc, 6765. Thasos, 1703, 1362, 1457. Thaxted, 6811. Thebes, 1122. Theresienstadt, 5253. Thessalia, 1383. Thessaloniki, 1584, 2464. Thrace, 3615. Thuburnica, 1771. Thüringen, 5393. Tianjin, 7999. Tiati (San Paolo di Civitate, Foggia), 1721. Tiber (flumen), 1900. Tibet, 7307, 7924. Ticino, 6117. Tierra del Fuego, 4892. Timur, 7919. Tirol, 2650, 4144. Tlatelolco, 4885. Togo, 7172. Tokyo, 249, 5837, 6435. Tolima, 3647. Tonkin, 7080. Torino, 6818, 7607. Toronto, 4646. Torre Sabea (Gallipoli, Lecce), 981. Toscana, 15, 2673, 2747, 3374, 3436, 5818, 6058. Toulouse, 2924, 3759. Touraine, 3281. Trani, 2698.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Transilvania, 730, 844, 2800, 3246, 4089, 5310, 5353, 7253, 7262, 7542, 7574. Trans-Urals (Russia), 1003. Treblinka, 6493. Trentham, 722. Trentino, 3154, 3213, 3214, 3369, 3426- 3428. Trento, 5223. Treviso, 2856. Trier, 6388. Trieste, 2524, 6148. Troas, 1064. Troia, 1014, 1064, 1548, 1650. Tropea, 3128. Tuaisceart Éireann, 5057. Tucumán, 6826. Tunis, 205, 1238. Tunisie, 4557, 4558, 7153. Turkestan, 7495. Türkiye, 538, 967, 1081, 1083, 1086, 4559-4585, 4759, 5112, 5226, 5299, 5795, 5986, 6698, 6867, 7038, 7068, 7072, 7258, 7262, 7272, 7282, 7287, 7288, 7333, 7358, 7359, 7375, 7408, 7419, 7441, 7493, 7608, 7722, 7775, 7888. Turkmenistan, 999. Turku, 6969. Tuscania, 2497. Tyrus, 1037. U U.S.A. 44, 61, 89, 156, 202, 252, 270, 312, 381, 409, 544, 576, 584, 616, 851, 3501, 4593-4706, 4719, 4740, 4746, 4758, 4834, 4853, 4935, 4967, 5150, 5188, 5228, 5236, 5244, 5278, 5347, 5364, 5382, 5413, 5527, 5540, 5541, 5606, 5611, 5614, 5616, 5617, 5833, 5838, 5872, 5875, 5881, 5892, 5946, 5954, 5983, 6008, 6016, 6017, 6032, 6052, 6055, 6070, 6081, 6087, 6097, 6111, 6115, 6121, 6123, 6130, 6138, 6147, 6165, 6169, 6222, 6239, 6276, 6311, 6326, 6333, 6348, 6360, 6361, 6366, 6374, 6383, 6403, 6467, 6476, 6496, 6499, 6526, 6543, 6593, 6603, 6607, 6616, 6622, 6627, 6630, 6651, 6654, 6661, 6671, 6676, 6687, 6695, 6714, 6715, 6722, 6737, 6743, 6746, 6760, 6763, 6772, 6780, 6788, 6849, 6885, 6891, 6917, 6919, 6952, 6982, 6986, 6987, 6991, 7002, 7022, 7037, 7045, 7052, 7053, 7085, 7091, 7104, 7195, 7209, 7250,

7328, 7340, 7345, 7377, 7389, 7400, 7411, 7417, 7420, 7453, 7466, 7490, 7515, 7570, 7578, 7587, 7591, 7595, 7598, 7602, 7611, 7613, 7669, 7670, 7675, 7686, 7695, 7702, 7708, 7714, 7716, 7718, 7734-7736, 7740, 7741, 7763, 7769, 7777, 7779, 7781, 7782, 7786, 7790, 7792, 7798, 7803, 7812, 7824, 7826, 7829, 7832, 7833, 7835, 7838, 7843, 7846, 7851, 7857, 7867, 7879, 7887, 7891, 7894, 7899, 7904. Uganda, 4586, 8089. Ukraina, 874, 4429, 4587-4592, 7528, 7640. Ulm, 3918. Ulster, 4134. Umbria, 3142, 3415. Umma, 1196, 1201. United Kingdom, 4936, 5265, 5976, 6282, 6339. Uppsala, 4522. Ur, 1174, 1178, 1195, 1196, 1198, 1201, 1208. Ural, 816. Urartu, 1175. Urbino, 2488. Uruguay, 201, 4707-4711, 5820, 6973, 7440. Uruk, 1171, 1214, 1299. Utrecht, 7319. Uzbekistan, 4712, 5888. V Vădastra, 965. Val del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz, Teruel), 952. Valachia, 2564, 7335, 7388 Valdelsa, 372, 2590. Valencia, 4478, 4480, 5043. Valmarecchia, 3440. Valparaiso, 282. Van (lake), 1169. Vasanello, 3464. Vaucluse, 2487. Velia, 1692. Veliky Ustyug, 6207. Veneto, 4183. Venezia, 224, 667, 721, 738, 2490, 2766, 2823, 2866, 2880, 3081, 3083, 3298, 4178, 6724, 6726, 7253, 7258. Venezuela, 4713-4717. Veracruz, 5683, 6457, 7221. Vercelli, 4856. Verdun, 2528. Vergina, 1684. Verona, 6414. Veselica (Marko), 3660.

GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Vibo Valentia, 2099. Vidin, 6394. Vietnam, 4680, 4718-4720, 7774, 7779, 7798, 7811, 7812, 7833, 7858, 7899. Vilnius, 4739. Virginia, 4610, 4630, 4688, 7190. Viterbo, 3274. Vitulano, 2485. W Wadi Jilat, 939. Wadi Sarga, 1122. Wales, 2566, 4057, 4061, 5346, 6067, 6142, 6300 Warszawa, 5004, 5933, 7652.

Weimar, 238, 5954, 6572. Weingarten, 7342. Westfalen, 6024, 6266. Westminster, 4029. Wien, 239, 2845, 5564, 5934, 6353, 6558, 6785, 6914. Wiesbaden, 243. Wiriyamu, 7131. Wittelsbacher, 2885. Worcester, 4473. Wraibury, 7312. Württemberg, 6189. Würzburg, 6876. Y Yangtze (river), 959. Yemen, 1259, 7808.

417 York, 3450. Yorubaland, 7167. Yucatán, 4822, 6656, 8096. Z Zacatecas, 6139. Zadar, 6726. Zagreb, 6149, 7554. Zagros (mountains), 1289. Zeugma, 1710. Zhejiang, 8007, 8017. Zimbabwe, 4721-4724, 6136, 6873, 7800. Zlín, 6091. Zürich, 5333, 5494, 7312. Zvejnieki (Latvia), 941. Zwickau, 6631.