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English Pages 412 [414] Year 2015
VOLUME LXXX 2011 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori
De Gruyter Oldenbourg
The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 – 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.
ISBN 978-3-11-040791-4 e-ISBN 978-3-11-040801-0 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-040806-5 ISSN 0074-2015 Bibliographie Information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: CPI books GmbH, Leck ∞ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany www.degruyter.com
General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library † Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilém PREČAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIĆ, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors † Wiesław BIEŃKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations) Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Damiano GAROFALO, Università degli studi di Padova (Modern history) Gabriela GOLASOVA, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography)
Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii Bieżącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Rome (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Katri OJANIEMI, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Gloria RAPONI, Rome, (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern religious and cultural history) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Marco SANTUCCI, Università degli Studi di Urbino 'Carlo Bo' (Ancient history) Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Ancient history) Andrea TAGLIABRACCI, Pesaro, (Ancient history) Şerban TURCUŞ, Università 'Babeş-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDİYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris † Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Paris-Sorbonne Pietro VANNICELLI, Sapienza università di Roma André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Gloria RAPONI, Rome
CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................
SCHEME ........................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................
INDEX OF NAMES .......................................................................................................................................
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................................
FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.
Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. O. B. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXX, 2011 mentions the works published with the date: 2011. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ć, č, ś, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: 'Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies ...' At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the 'collation' of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by 'Cf. n°...', have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-15. – § 2. Diplomatics. 16-24. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 25-72. – § 4. Chronology. 73-79. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 80-109. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 110-113. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 114-119.– § 8. Linguistics. 120-129. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 130-169. – § 10. Iconography and images. 170-180.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 181-201. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 202-369. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 370-400. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 401-427. – § 5. General history. 428-508. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 509-524. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 525-540. – § 8. Economic and social history. 541-616. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 617-656. – § 10. History of art. 657-677. – § 11. History of religions. 678-727. – § 12. History of philosophy. 728-740. – § 13. History of literature. 741-773.
§ 1. General. 774-781. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 782-806. – § 3. Neolithic. 807-830. – § 4. Bronze age. 831-864. – § 5. Iron age. 865-880.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 39-48)
§ 1. General. 881-889. – § 2. The Near East. 890-934. – § 3. Egypt. 935-988. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 989-1044. – § 5. Hittites. 1045-1066. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1067-1132. – § 7. Iran. 1133-1151.
E GREEK HISTORY (p. 49-62)
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1152-1170. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1171-1189. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1190-1220. – § 4. General and political history. 1221-1250. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1251-1268. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1269-1283. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1284-1449. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1450-1476. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1477-1549.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1550-1570. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1571-1582. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1583-1636. – § 4. General and political history. 1637-1700. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1701-1734. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1735-1786. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1787-1889. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1890-1909. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1910-1954. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 1955-1977.
§ 1. Sources. 1978-2042. – § 2. General. 2043-2070. – § 3. Special studies. 2071-2156. – § 4. Hagiography. 2157-2160.
H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 87-91)
§ 1. Sources. 2161-2200. – § 2. General. 2201-2213. – § 3. Special studies. 2214-2263.
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2264-2306. – § 2. General works. 2307-2353. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2354-2443. – § 4. Jews. 2444-2466. – § 5. Islam. 2467-2490. – § 6. Vikings. 2491-2500. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2501-2554. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2555-2636. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2637-2795. – § 10. History of art. 2796-2846. – § 11. History of music. 2847-2865. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 2866-2911. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 2912-3090. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3091-3123.
§ 1. General. 3124-3160. – § 2. History by countries. 3161-4293.
§ 1. General. 4294-4360. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4361-4489. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4490-4494. – § 4. Protestantism. 4495-4569. – § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 4570-4603.
§ 1. General. 4604-4757. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4758-4801. – § 3. Education. 4802-4857. – § 4. The Press. 4858-4941. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 4942-4988. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 4989-5145. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5146-5346. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5347-5475. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5476-5657.
§ 1. General. 5658-5701. – § 2. Political economy. 5702-5709. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 57105801. – § 4. Trade. 5802-5873. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5874-5909. – § 6. Money and finance. 5910-6037. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6038-6101. – § 8. Social history. 6102-6441. – § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. 6442-6520.
§ 1. General. 6521-6533. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6534-6564. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 65656599. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6600-6673. – § 5. International law. 6674-6679.
§ 1. General. 6680-6725. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6726-6905. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6906-6962. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6963-6983. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6984-7042. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7043-7124. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7125-7272. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7273-7492.
R Asia
(p. 303-311) § 1. General. 7493-7494. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7495-7508. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 75097515. – § 4. China. 7516-7644. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7645-7700. – § 6. Korea. 7701-7705.
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 313)
Nos 7706-7711.
T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 315)
Nos 7712-7719.
U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 317)
Nos 7642-7649.
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria]. Österreichische Historische Bibliographie. Austrian Historical Bibliography 2008. [2007. Cf. bibl. 2010, no I.] Hrsg. v. Johannes GRABMAYER. Bearb. von Martha JAUERNIG und Bettina LOITSCH. Unter Mitarbeit von Gerald KRENN. Graz, Wolfgang Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio Press, 2011, 776 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België 2009. [2008. Cf. bibl. 2010, no II.] Sous la dir. de Romain VAN EENOO. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire ‒ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2011, 89, 2bis, p. 1*-420*. III. [Germany]. Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2010. [2009. Cf. bibl. 2010, no V.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinscheft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 1369 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). ‒ Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Datenbank-Online. Hrsg. von der Berlin-Branderburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag [Cf. bibl. 2010, no V.] IV. [Great Britain] Bibliography of British and Irish history (Online, Institute of historical research). [Cf. bibl. 2010, no VI.] ‒ Annual bulletin of historical literature. Ed. by Keith LAYBOURN and Kathleen THOMPSON. 2011, 95, 172 p. [2010, 94. Cf. bibl. 2010, no VI.] V. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografía internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXXVI, 2007. [Vol. LXXV, 2006. Cf. bibl. 2010, no VII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with contribution of a number of scholars. München, K.G. Saur, 2011, XX-374 p. VI. [Poland]. Bibliografia historii Pomorza Wschodniego i Zachodniego oraz krajów regionu Bałtyku za rok 2009 wraz z uzupełnieniami z lat poprzednich. [2008. Cf. bibl. 2010, no IX.] Oprac. Urszula ZABORSKA i Adam BIEDRZYCKI; współpr. Gabriele KEMPF. Toruń, Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2011, 331 p. (Zapiski Historyczne, 76). VII. [Slovakia]. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta). Slovenská historiografia 2009. Výberová bibliografia. (Slovak Historiography in 2009. Selected Bibliography). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 757-809.
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-15. – § 2. Diplomatics. 16-24. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 25-72. – § 4. Chronology. 73-79. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 80-109. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 110-113. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 114-119.– § 8. Linguistics. 120-129. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 130-169. – § 10. Iconography and images. 170-180. § 1. Palaeography. * 1. BMB. Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana. Vol. 19. Dati relativi a pubblicazioni apparse a partire dal 1990 raccolti dal 1 luglio 2010 al 27 luglio 2011. [Vol. 18. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 1.] Roma, Viella, 2011, 287 p. * 2. PEÍREZ MARTÍN (Inmaculada). Greek codicology/paleography. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 1 online resource. (Oxford bibliographies online. Classics). ** 3. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 81. Italy LIII. Lucca 10. Publ. by Antonino MASTRUZZO. Part 90. Italy LXII. Publ. by Giovanni FEO. DietikonZürich, 2011, 2 vol., 160 p. (facs.), 116 p. (facs.). ______________________
4. Archimedes palimpsest (The). Ed. by Reviel NETZ. Vol. 1. Catalogue and commentary. Vol. 2. Images and transcription. Cambridge, Published for the Walters Art Museum by Cambridge U. P., 2011, 2 vol., 340 p., IX-344 p. (ill., facs.). (The Archimedes palimpsest publications). 5. Archivalia: silloge di scritture d'archivio (secoli XIII–XX). A cura di Giovanni CASTALDO e Marco GRILLI. Città del Vaticano, Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica, 2011, XV-107 p. (Littera antiqua, 18). 6. BLOHM (Hanno), BRACKE (Gerhard). Leseschule der deutschen Schrift: Handschriften aus vier Jahrhunderten mit Übertragung in Druckschrift. Seesen, Harz, Bund für deutsche Schrift und Sprache, 2011, 48 p. (ill., facs.). 7. BUAT (Nicolas), VAN DEN NESTE (Evelyne). Dictionnaire de paléographie française: découvrir et comprendre les textes anciens (XVe–XVIIIe siècle). Paris, Les Belles lettres, 2011, 654 p. (ill.). 8. BUCKING (Scott). Practice makes perfect: P. Cotsen-Princeton 1 and the training of scribes in Byzantine
Egypt. Los Angeles, Cotsen Occasional Press, 2011, XVI-261 p. (ill., chiefly col., facs., maps). 9. CARERI (Maria), RUBY (Christine), SHORT (Ian). Livres et écritures en français et en occitan au XIIe siècle: catalogue illustré. Avec la collaboration de Terry NIXON et de Patricia STIRNEMANN. Roma, Viella, 2011, LVIII-274 p. (ill., map.). (Scritture e libri del medioevo, 8). 10. CHERUBINI (Paolo). Insegnamento scolastico della scrittura ed evoluzione delle forme grafiche della paleografia latina: inaugurazione del corso biennale, anni accademici 2010–2012, Città del Vaticano, 25 ottobre 2010. Città del Vaticano, Scuola vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica e archivistica presso l'Archivio segreto vaticano, 2011, 95 p. 11. DIMITROVA (Mariana). Slavyanskaya paleografiya – predmet i zadachi. (Slavic paleography – subject and tasks). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 41-72. 12. DOBREV (Vassil), VERNER (Miroslav), VYMAZALOVÁ (Hana). Old hieratic palaeography. 1: builders' inscriptions and masons' marks from Saqqara and Abusir. Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2011, 73 p. (ill.). 13. PERRIA (Lidia). Graphis: per una storia della scrittura greca libraria, secoli IV a.C.–XVI d.C. Roma, Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2011, 270 p. (ill). (Quaderni di Néa Rhōmē, 1). 14. Scrittura greca (La) dall'antichità all'epoca della stampa: una introduzione. A cura di Edoardo CRISCI e Paola DEGNI. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 414 p. (ill., facs.). (Beni culturali, 35). 15. TAMAI (Tatsushi). Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbruck, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, 2011, XXXI-443 p. (ill. black and white). (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft Band, 138). Cf. nos 16-24, 2264-2306
A. AUXILIARY SCIENCES § 2. Diplomatics. _______________________
16. BARBAGLI (Alarico). Il notariato ad Arezzo tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, VIII290 p. (Quaderni di Studi senesi, 120). 17. BURINGH (Eltjo). Medieval manuscript production in the Latin west: explorations with a global database. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXIII-569 p. (tav., ill.). (Global economics history series, 6). 18. DUNCAN (A.A.M.). Scottish formularies. Edinburgh, The Stair Society, 2011, XIX-384 p. (The Stair Society, 58). 19. HÄRTEL (Reinhard). Notarielle und kirchliche Urkunden im frühen und hohen Mittelalter. Wien München, Böhlau, Oldenbourg, 2011, 507 p. (ill.). (Historische Hilfswissenschaften). 20. Héritage byzantin (L') en Italie (VIIIe–XIIe siècle). I. La Fabrique documentaire. Actes de la table ronde de Rome, 12–13 juin 2008. Ed. par Jean-Marie MARTIN, Annick PETERS-CUSTOT et Vivien PRIGENT. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, 334 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome 449). 21. PFEIFFER (Ute). Untersuchungen zu den Anfängen der Päpstlichen Delegationsgerichtsbarkeit im 13. Jahrhundert: Edition und diplomatisch-kanonische Auswertung zweier Vorläufersammlungen der Vulgataredaktion des Formularium audientie litterarum contradictarum. Città del Vaticano, Scuola vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica e archivistica, 2011, CCCXLI-499 p. (Littera antiqua, 15). 22. Svenskt diplomatarium. Diplomatarium suecanum. Bd 11 H. 3. 1378. (Edition des chartes du Diplomatarium suecanum pour l'année 1378. Tome 11, fasc. 3). Red. Claes GEJROT, Roger ANDERSSON, Ingela HEDSTRÖM, Peter STÅHL. Stockholm, Riksarkivet, 2011, 227 p. 23. Tabellions et tabellionages de la France médiévale et moderne. Éd. par Mathieu ARNOUX et Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN. Paris, École des chartes, 2011, 565 p. (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes, 90). 24. Text und Kontext: historische Hilfswissenschaften in ihrer Vielfalt. Hrsg. v. Sönke LORENZ und Stephan MOLITOR. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2011, 541 p. (Tübinger Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte 18). Cf. nos 1-15, 2264-2306 § 3. History of the book. _______________________
a. Manuscripts * 25. Bibliografia retrospettiva dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana. A cura di Marco BUONOCORE. Vol. 2. A cura di Valentino DI CERBO, Marco DI PAOLA e Caterina FRANCESCHI. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2011, 404 p. (Studi e testi, 464).
26. Bible (La) du Patrice Léon, Codex Reginensis Graecus 1: commentaire codicologique, paléographique, philologique et artistique. Publié sous la dir. de Paul CANART. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2011, XI-20-339 p. (facs.). (Studi e testi, 463). 27. BROWN (Michelle P.). The Lindisfarne Gospels and the early Medieval world. London, British Library, 2011, 184 p. (ill.). 28. Cambridge history (The) of the book in Britain. Volume 1. c.600–1100. Ed. by Richard GAMESON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 850 p. (ill.). 29. Eikonopoiia: digital imaging of ancient textual heritage: proceedings of the international conference, Helsinki, 28–29 November, 2010. Ed. by Vesa VAHTIKARI, Mika HAKKARAINEN and Antti NURMINEN. Helsinki, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2011, 267 p. (ill.). (Commentationes humanarum litterarum, 129). 30. ELBA (Emanuela). Miniatura in Dalmazia: i codici in beneventana (XI–XIII Secolo). Galatina, Congedo, 2011, 447 p. (ill.). (Università degli studi di Bari, Dottorato di ricerca in storia dell'arte comparata, civiltà e culture dei paesi mediterranei, 2). 31. From manuscripts to book: proceedings of the International Workshop on Textual Criticism and Editorial Practice for Byzantine Texts (Vienna, 10–11 December 2009) = Vom Codex zur Edition: Akten des internationalen Arbeitstreffens zu Fragen der Textkritik und Editionspraxis byzantinischer Texte (Wien, 10.–11. Dezember 2009). Ed. by Antonia GIANNOULI and Elisabeth SCHIFFER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 216 p. (Denkschriften. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 431. Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, 29). 32. German book illustration before 1500. Part 8. Anonymous artists, 1491. Ed. by Carol SCHULER and Miriam WEST. New York, Abaris Books, 2011, XX297 p. (Illustrated Bartsch, 88). 33. KÖNIG (Eberhard). Das Pariser Stundenbuch an der Schwellezum 15. Jahrhundert: die Heures de Joffroy und weitere unbekannte Handschriften. Ramsen, Heribert Tenschert, 2011, 382 p. (ill., facs.). (Katalog. Heribert Tenschert, 66. Illuminationen, 15). 34. Libro manoscritto (Dal) al libro stampato. Atti del Convegno di studio (Roma, 10–12 dicembre 2009). A cura di Outi MERISALO e Caterina TRISTANO. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, 290 p. (ill.). 35. MONFASANI (John). "Bessarion Scholasticus": a study of Cardinal Bessarion's Latin library. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XIV-306 p. (ill.). (Byzantios, studies in Byzantine history and civilization, 3). 36. PASQUALETTI (Cristiana). Il Libellus ad faciendum colores dell'Archivio di Stato dell'Aquila: origine, contesto e restituzione del De arte illuminandi: studio introduttivo, facsimile, testo e traduzione a fronte. Con
§ 3. History of the book un saggio di Paolo BENSI. Presentazione di Alessandra PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, CXVIII-277 p. (ill.). (Collezione: Micrologus' library, 43). 37. Pistoia: un'officina di libri in Toscana dal Medioevo all'Umanesimo. A cura di Giancarlo SAVINO. Pistoia, Cassa di risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia, Firenze, Polistampa, 2011, 463 p. (ill.). 38. Production (The) of books in England 1350–1500. Ed. by Alexandra GILLESPIE and Daniel WAKELIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XX-375 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology, 14). 39. RAINER (Thomas). Das Buch und die vier Ecken der Welt: Von der Hulle der Thorarolle zum Deckel des Evangeliencodex. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2011, 302 p., 49 taf., (ill.). (Spätantike-frühes Christentum-Byzanz. Studien und Perspektiven, 27). 40. SHALEV-EYNI (Sarit). Kunst als Geschichte. Zur Buchmalerei hebräischer Handschriften aus dem Bodenseeraum. 13. Arye Maimon-Vortrag an der Universität Trier, 3. November 2010. Trier, Kliomedia, 2011, 100 p. (Arye Maimon-Institut für Geschichte der Juden, Studien und Texte, 3). 41. TOSATTI (Silvia Bianca). Materiali e procedimenti della miniatura. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 250 p. 42. Tradizione (La) dei testi greci in Italia meridionale: Filagato da Cerami philosophos e didaskalos: copisti, lettori, eruditi in Puglia tra XII e XVI secolo. A cura di Nunzio BIANCHI. Con la collaborazione di Claudio SCHIANO. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 235 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca tardoantica, 5). 43. WORONOWA (Tamara). Illuminated Manuscripts. New York, Parkstone International, 2011, 256 p. b. Printed books * 44. KOMORÓCZY (Szonja Ráhel). Yiddish printing in Hungary: an annotated bibliography. Budapest, Center for Jewish Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2011, 355 p. (facs., map). (Hungaria Judaica, 25). 45. BALDACCHINI (Lorenzo). Alle origini dell'editoria in volgare: Niccolò Zoppino da Ferrara a Venezia: annali (1503–1544). Nota di Amedeo QUONDAM. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2011, XXVII-355 p. (Cinquecento. Studi, 40. Cinquecento. Studi. Nuova serie, 4). 46. BOGDAN (Florin). Preţul de achiziţie al cărţii româneşti în Transilvania în secolele XVI–XIX. (The purchase price of Romanian boooks in Transylvania in the XVIth–XIXth centuries). Sibiu, Editura InfoArt Media, 2011, 334 p. 47. Book triumphant (The): print in transition in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ed. by Malcolm WALSBY and Graeme KEMP. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XVI378 p. (ill.). (Library of the written word, 15. The handpress world, 9).
48. BYBERG (Lis). 'Jeg gikk i ingen Skole, havde min Frihed hele Dagen og Nøglen til hans Bogskab' – kvinners lesning på 1700-tallet. (Women readers in 18th century Norway). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 2, p. 159-188. 49. DANE (Joseph A.). Out of sorts: on typography and print culture. Philadelphia, Oxford University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XII-242 p. (ill.). (Material texts). 50. Discour’s (Le) du livre: mise en scène du texte et fabrique de l'œuvre sous l'Ancien Régime. Études réunies par Anna ARZOUMANOV, Anne RÉACH-NGÔ et Trung TRAN. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 329 p. (ill.). (Études et essaissur la Renaissance, 93. Série Pratiques èditoriales, 2). 51. ELIOT (Simon). A companion to the history of the book. Hoboken, Wiley, 2011, 1321 p. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 159). 52. FORTEZA OLIVER (Miquela). Los orígenes de la imprenta en Mallorca. Prefacio Antonio BERNAT VISTARINI. Mallorca, Objeto Perdido, 2011, 177 p. (ill.). (Historia, 4). 53. GRAFTON (Anthony). The culture of correction in Renaissance Europe. London, British Library, 2011, XII-244 p. (ill., facs.). (The Panizzi lectures, 2009). 54. GUSMANO (Alessandro). Gli inchiostri nella storia della scrittura e della stampa: storie, strumenti, collezionismi. Milano, Bibliografica, 2011, 251 p. (ill.). (I mestieri del libro. Extra). 55. HELLER (Marvin J.). The seventeenth century Hebrew book: an abridged thesaurus. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 2 vol., LXXI-1524 p. (ill.). (Brill's series in Jewish studies, 41). 56. Inquisition und Buchzensur im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Hrsg. v. Hubert WOLF. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011, 479 p. (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation, 16). 57. JIMENÈS (Rémi). Les caractères de civilité: typographie & calligraphie sous l'Ancien Régime: France, XVIe–XIXe siècles. Reillanne, Atelier Perrousseaux, 2011, 119 p. (ill.). (Histoire de l'écriture typographique). 58. LYONS (Martyn). Books: a living history. London, Thames & Hudson, 2011, 224 p. (col., ill., ports). 59. MERCER (Ben). The paperback revolution: masscirculation books and the cultural origins of 1968 in Western Europe. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 4, p. 613-636. 60. MULLER (Raphaël). Le livre français en Italie à la fin du XIXe siècle: problématiques et méthodes. Revue historique, 2011, 658, p. 289-309. 61. New word order: transnational themes in book history. Ed. by Swapan CHAKRAVORTY and Abhijit GUPTA. Delhi, Worldview, 2011, XII-190 p. (ill., portraits).
62. Oxford history (The) of popular print culture. Vol. 1. Cheap print in Britain and Ireland to 1660. Ed. by Joad RAYMOND. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXIX-672 p.
74. CARLEBACH (Elisheva). Palaces of time: Jewish calendar and culture in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XI-292 p.
63. Oxford history (The) of the Irish book. Vol. 5 The Irish book in English, 1891–2000. Ed. by Clare HUTTON and Patrick WALSH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXV-747 p. (ill.).
75. GROSHOLZ (Emily). Reference and analysis: the representation of time in Galileo, Newton, and Leibniz. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 3, p. 333-350.
64. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar). Geschichte eines Buches: Adolf Hitlers "Mein Kampf" 1922–1945. Eine Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, IX-632 p. 65. RIFFAUD (Alain). Une archéologie du livre français moderne. Préface Isabelle PANTIN. Dessins Paul DÉSILES. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2011, 325 p. (ill.). (Travaux du Grand Siècle, 39). 66. SAVOLDELLI (Gianmaria). Comino Ventura: annali tipografici dello stampatore a Bergamo dal 1578 al 1616. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2011. LXXII-351 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana 191). 67. TANSELLE (G. Thomas). Book-jackets: their history, forms, and use. Charlottesville New Castle, Del. Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Distributed by Oak Knoll Books, 2011, XII288 p. (ill.). 68. Technological study (The) of books and manuscripts as artefacts: research questions and analytical solutions. Ed. by Sarah NEATE. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, IV-100 p. (ill., maps). (BAR international series 2209). 69. Travers (À) l'histoire du livre et des lumières: etudes d'histoire du livre offerts au professeur Daniel Roche par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis. Éd. par Frèdéric BARBIER et Robert DESCIMON. Avec la collaboration de Sabine JURATIC et de Dominique VARRY. Genève, Droz, 2011, 426 p. 70. WALSBY (Malcolm). The printed book in Brittany, 1484–1600. Leiden Biggleswade, Brill, 2011, 391 p. (ill.). (Library of the written word, 14. The handpress world, 8). 71. WIEDE (Wiebke). Rasse im Buch: Antisemitische und rassistische Publikationen in Verlagsprogrammen der Weimarer Republik. Munich, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, VIII-328 p. 72. WORMS (Laurence), BAYNTON-WILLIAMS (Ashley). British map engravers: a dictionary of engravers, lithographers and their principal employers to 1850. London, Rare Book Society, 2011, XXXII-744 p. (ill., maps, ports). Cf. nos 91, 191-193, 4858-4941
76. PALMER (James). Calculating time and the end of time in the Carolingian world, c.740–820. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 1307-1331. 77. SCHOLZ (Udo W.). Der römische Kalender. Entstehung und Entwicklung. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 84 p. 78. SHAW (Matthew John). Time and the French Revolution: the Republican calendar, 1789-year XIV. Woodbridge, Royal Historical Society/Boydell Press, 2011, XIII-189 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history. New series). 79. WENZLHUEMER (Roland). "Less Than No Time". Zum Verhältnis von Telegrafie und Zeit [Diskussionsforum]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 4, p. 592613. Cf. no 1452 § 5. Genealogy and family history. ______________________
80. Ahnenprobe (Die) in der Vormoderne. Selektion – Initiation – Repräsentation. Hrsg. v. Elizabeth Harding und Michael Hecht. Münster, Rhema, 2011, 434 p. (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme, 37). 81. BAGNALL (Kate). Rewriting the history of Chinese families in nineteenth-century Australia. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 62-77. 82. Buddrus (Michael), Fritzlar (Sigrid). Die Städte Mecklenburgs im Dritten Reich: ein Handbuch zur Stadtentwicklung im Nationalsozialismus, ergänzt durch ein biographisches Lexikon der Bürgermeister, Stadträte und Ratsherren. Bremen, Edition Temmen, 2011, 862 p. 83. Companion (A) to families in the Greek and Roman worlds. Ed. by Beryl RAWSON. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 664 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). 84. Dictionnaire des vies privées (1722–1842). Ed. par Olivier FERRET, Anne-Marie MERCIER-FAIVRE et Chantal THOMAS. Préface de Robert DARNTON. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, 572 p. (ill.).(SVEC; 2011:02).
§ 4. Chronology. ___________
85. DU BOULAY (F.R.H.). Servants of Empire: an imperial memoir of a British family. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XVIII-254 p.
73. Calendars and years II: astronomy and time in the ancient and medieval world. Ed. by John STEELE. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2011, IV-179 p. (ill.).
86. DUCHOŇOVÁ (Diana). "S radosťou vás očakávame v tento sviatočný deň ..." Svadba ako dôležitá súčasť rodinných festivít Esterházyovcov v prvej polovici
§ 6. Sigillography and heraldry 17. storočia. ("Wir erwarten Sie mit Freude an diesem festlichen Tag ..." Hochzeit als wichtiger Bestandteil der Familiären Festivitäten Esterházy-Geschlechts in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 665-686. 87. ELBERN (Stephan). Wo liegt eigentlich Barbarossa begraben? Grabstätten historischer Persönlichkeiten. Lexikon. [S.l.], Philipp von Zabern Verlag, 2011, 302 p. 88. ESHERICK (Joseph W.). Ancestral leaves: a family journey through Chinese history. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XVI374 p. 89. EVANS (Tanya). Secrets and lies: the radical potential of family history. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 49-73. 90. Familiile boiereşti din Moldova şi Ţara Românească. Vol. 2. Enciclopedie istorică, genealogică şi biografică. (Boyar families in Moldova and Wallachia. Vol. 2. Historical, genealogical and biographical encyclopedia). Editor Mihai Dimitrie STURDZA. Bucureşti, Editura Simetria, 2011, [s. p.] 91. FISCHER (Ernst). Verleger, Buchhändler & Antiquare aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Emigration nach 1933: ein biographisches Handbuch. Stuttgart, Verband Deutscher Antiquare 2011, 431 p. (ill.). 92. FOSTER (Stephen). A private empire [the Scottish Macpherson family]. Millers Point, Murdoch Books, 2011, 399 p. 93. HARLINE (Craig). Conversions: two family stories from the reformation and Modern America. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XI-301 p. (New directions in narrative history). 94. KEUCK (Thekla). Hofjuden und Kulturbürger. Die Geschichte der Familie Itzig in Berlin. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 552 p. (Jüdische Religion, Geschichte und Kultur, 12). 95. KOTILAINEN (Sofia). The genealogy of personal names: towards a more productive method in historical onomastics. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 44-64. 96. LIANG (Yuen-Gen). Family and empire: the Fernández de Córdoba and the Spanish realm. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VIII-280 p. (Haney foundation series). 97. LIPP (Charles T.). Noble strategies in an early Modern small state: the Mahuet of Lorraine. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2011, VIII-249 p. (Changing perspectives on early Modern Europe). 98. LOUALICH (Fatiha). 'alim families in seventeenthcentury and eighteenth-century Algiers: genealogy and heritage. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 98-107. 99. MAC CALLUM (Val). Alexander Kerr of Menie (c1664–1730): an account of the life and times of an Aberdeen merchant and small landowner: and the Smiths
of Inveramsay (c1600–1810). Aberdeen, Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society, 2011, X109 p. 100. MALLAMPALLI (Chandra). Race, religion, and law in colonial India: trials of an interracial family. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-268 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in Indian history and society; 19). 101. MILSTEIN (Joanna). The Gondi family: strategy and survival in late sixteenth-century France. St Andrews, 2011, 235 p. (University of St Andrews thesis). 102. PETERSON (Carla L.). Black Gotham. A family history of African Americans in nineteenth-century New York City. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XII-446 p. 103. RĂDULESCU (Mihai-Sorin). În căutarea unei istorii uitate: familii româneşti şi peripluri apusene. (In search of forgotten history: Romanian family and Western journey). Bucureşti, Editura Vremea, 2011, 367 p. 104. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim). Der Aufstieg der Quandts. Eine deutsche Unternehmerdynastie. München, Beck, 2011, 1183 p. 105. SEGRETO (Luciano). I Feltrinelli: storia di una dinastia imprenditoriale (1854–1942). Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011, 487 p. 106. STEINWASCHER (Gerd). Die Oldenburger. Die Geschichte einer europäischen Dynastie. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 332 p. 107. VAN DEN BELT MAKERS (Kees). Digital
(Albert), KOK (Jan), MANDEthombos: a new source for 18th century Sri Lankan family history. Research note. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 481-489. 108. WALTER (Ngeborg). Die Strozzi. Eine Familie im Florenz der Renaissance. München, Beck, 2011, 240 p. 109. WINCH (Julie). The Clamorgans: one family's history of race in America. New York, Hill and Wang, 2011, 416 p. § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. _______________________
110. NIELEN (Marie-Adélaide). Corpus des sceaux du Moyen Age. 3. Les sceaux des reines et des enfants de France. Avant-prpose par Hervé LEMOINE et preface par Agnès MAGNIEN. Paris, Archives de France, 2011, 365 p. 111. Pourquoi les sceaux: la sigillographie, nouvel enjeu de l'histoire de l'art: actes du colloque organise à Lille, Palais des Beaux-arts, les 23–25 octobre 2008. Ed. par Marc GIL et Jean-Luc CHASSEL. Villeneuved'Ascq, Ceges, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III, 2011, 580 p. (Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, 46). 112. WASSILIOU-SEIBT (Alexandra-Kyriaki). Corpus der byzantinischen Siegel mit metrischen Legenden. Teil 1. Einleitung, Siegellegenden von Alpha bis inklusive My. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 619 p.
113. WEBER (Christoph Friedrich). Zeichen der Ordnung und des Aufruhrs: Heraldische Symbolik in italienischen Stadtkommunen des Mittelalters. Koln, Böhlau, 2011, X-647 p. Cf. no 2262 § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________
114. DEPEYROT (Georges). Documents and studies on 19th c. monetary history: international monetary conferences, republication of report of the international conference on weights, measures and coins. Wetteren, Moneta, 2011, 75 p. (Collection Moneta, 117). 115. Nomisma: la circulation monétaire dans le monde grec antique: actes du colloque International, Athènes, 14–17 avril 2010. Ed. par Thomas FAUCHER, Marie-Christine MARCELLESI et Olivier PICARD. Athènes, Ecole française d'Athènes, 2011, 492 p. (Bulletin de correspondence hellénique, 53).
schen Porträts. Ed. by Ulrike HASS. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, VIII-533 p. (De Gruyter Lexikon). 125. MICHAEL (Mould). The Routledge dictionary of cultural references in modern French. London, Routledge, 2011, XV-551 p. 126. Political languages in the age of extremes. Ed. by Willibald STEINMETZ. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-408 p. 127. ROTHENHÖFER (Andreas). Identität und Umbruch: die sprachliche Konstruktion des Kriegsendes nach 1945: zur Grammatik und Semantik emotiver Ereignisbezeichnungen im politischen Diskurs. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, XI-318 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 2020 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série I, Langue et littérature allemandes, 2020 = European university studies. Series I, German language and literature, 2020).
116. PELLICER I BRU (Josep). Metrologia. Con la collaboración del Dr. Luis Amela Valverde. Barcelona, A.N.E., 2011, 464 p.
128. STRAUSS (Johann). Linguistic diversity and everyday life in the Ottoman cities of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans (late 19th–early 20th century). History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 126-141.
117. Preatti del I Workshop internazionale di numismatica: Numismatica e archeologia: monete, sttratigrafe e contesti: dati a confronto, Roma, 28–30 settembre 2011. A cura di Giacomo PARDINI. Roma, Centro stampa nuova cultura, 2011, 281 p.
129. Words and their stories: essays on the language of the Chinese revolution. Ed. by Ban WANG. Leiden, Brill, 2011, IX-342 p. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Vierte Abteilung. China, 27).
118. Proceeding of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow, 2009. Ed. by Nicholas Holmes. Glasgow, International Numismatic Council, 2011, 2 vol., [s. p.]. 119. YORDANOV (Ivan). Le monnayage du dernier défenseur de Sirmium en 1018 (Une énigme de l'histoire et de la numismatique bulgare au Moyen Age). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 135-139. os
Cf. n 170-180 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________
120. Companion (A) to the Latin language. Ed. by James CLACKSON. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XXVI-634 p. [Cf. nos 1722, 1876.] 121. CONSTANTIN (Nicolae). Mic dicţionar de toponime istorice româneşti. (Small dictionary of Romanian historical toponymy). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de scaun, 2011, 316 p. 122. CVETKOVIĆ-SANDER (Ksenija). Sprachpolitik und nationale Identität im sozialistischen Jugoslawien (1945–1991): Serbokroatisch, Albanisch, Makedonisch und Slowenisch. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 453 p. (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, 50).
§ 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. ** 130. FERNÁNDEZ DE OVIEDO (Gonzalo). Misfortunes and shipwrecks in the seas of the Indies, islands, and mainland of the Ocean sea (1513–1548): Book Fifty of the General and Natural History of the Indies. Translated and edited by Glen F. DILLE. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XXXIX-210 p. ** 131. FOUCAULD (Charles de). Lettres à son ami Henry de Castries, 1901–1916: sa vie au Sahara, ses réflexions sur l'Islam. Présentation et mise en texte de Brigitte CUISINIER et Jean-Fançois SIX. Bruyères-leChâtel, Nouvelle cité, 2011, 316 p. ______________________
132. Atlas der Weltbilder. Hrsg. v. Christoph MARKSCHIES, Ingeborg REICHLE, Jochen BRÜNING und Peter DEUFLHARD. Unter Mitarb. von Steffen SIEGEL und Achim SPELTEN. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, XVI-463 p. (Forschungsberichte / Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 25). 133. Atlas histórico de Guatemala. Ed. por Jorge LUJÁN MUÑOZ. Guatemala, Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala, 2011, 400 p.
123. DARDANO (Maurizio). La lingua della nazione. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2011, VIII-209 p.
134. BERETTA ANGUISSOLA (Alberto). Ombres de l'utopie: essais sur les voyages imaginaires du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Frank LESTRINGANT. Paris, Champion, 2011, 250 p. (L'atelier des voyages, 7).
124. Große Lexika und Wörterbücher Europas: europäische Enzyklopädien und Wörterbücher in histori-
135. BURROUGHS (Robert M.). Travel writing and atrocities: eyewitness accounts of colonialism in the
§ 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries Congo, Angola, and the Putumayo. New York, Routledge, 2011, XIV-215 p. (Routledge research in travel writing, 4). 136. CARRERA (Magali M.). Traveling from New Spain to Mexico: mapping practices of nineteenthcentury Mexico. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XXI-325 p. 137. COMAN (Marian). Basarabia – inventarierea cartografică a unei regiuni. (Bessarabia – the cartographic inventory of a region). Studii și Materiale de Istorie Medievală, Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga, 2011, 29, p. 183-214. 138. CROWLEY (John E.). Imperial landscapes: Britain's global visual culture, 1745–1820. New Haven, Yale U. P., for the Paul Mellon Center for Studies in British Art, 2011, IX-282 p. 139. DAVID-FOX (Michael). Showcasing the great experiment: cultural diplomacy and Western visitors to the Soviet Union, 1921–1941. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-396 p.
1960er Jahren. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 413 p. (Göttinger Studien zur Generationsforschung, 5). 150. Mapping Latin America: a cartographic reader. Ed. by Jordana DYM and Karl OFFEN. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIX-338 p. 151. Mellem København og Tranquebar. På rejse med asiatisk kompagnis skib Kronprinsen af Danmark 1748–1750. (De Copenhague à Tranquebar avec le bateau de la compagnie asiatique 'Kronprinsen af Danmark', 1748–1750). Ed. Palle KVIST. København, Selskab for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie, 2011, 404 p. (ill.). 152. OBERLOSKAMP (Eva). Fremde neue Welten. Reisen deutscher und französischer Linksintellektueller in die Sowjetunion 1917–1939. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X-472 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 84).
140. DUFFY (Eve M.), METCALF (Alida C.). The return of Hans Staden: a go-between in the Atlantic World. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XIII-192 p.
153. PFISTER (Christian), TERRIER (Didier). Entre restitution et reconstruction: le topographe Royer et Dunkerque tel qu'on le voulait encore en 1717. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 779786.
141. EL JABER (Loreley). Un país malsano: la conquista del espacio en las crónicas del Río de la Plata: siglos XVI y XVII. Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2011, 365 p. (Ensayos criticos, 53).
154. Physical and cultural space in pre-industrial Europe: methodological approaches to spatiality. Ed. by Marko LAMBERG, Marko HAKANEN, and Janne HAIKARI. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2011, 393 p.
142. FERREIRO (Larrie D.). Measure of the earth: the enlightenment expedition that reshaped our world. New York, Basic Books, 2011, XIX-353 p.
155. REICHWEIN (PearlAnn). Expedition Yukon 1967: centennial and the politics of mountaineering in Kluane. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 3, p. 481514.
143. GØBEL (Erik). Danish shipping along the triangular route, 1671–1802: voyages and conditions on board. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 135-155. 144. GORSUCH (Anne E.). All this is your world: Soviet tourism at home and abroad after Stalin. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-222 p. (Oxford studies in Modern European history). 145. HORNSBY (Stephen J.). Surveyors of empire: Samuel Holland, J. W. F. Des Barres, and the making of the Atlantic Neptune. Cartography by hope stege. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2011, XVII-269 p. (Carleton library series, 221). 146. JENNINGS (Matthew). New worlds of violence: cultures and conquests in the early American Southeast. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2011, XXXIV-270 p. 147. KASTOR (Peter J.). William Clark's world: describing America in the age of unknowns. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 344 p. (Lamar series in Western history). 148. LAW (Robin). West Africa's discovery of the Atlantic. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 1, p. 1-25. 149. MANNING (Till). Die Italiengeneration. Stilbildung durch Massentourismus in den 1950er und
156. RIVETTI (Paola). Alcune spedizioni alpinistiche italiane in Iran secondo le fonti d'archivio. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 129-148. 157. SATTA (Pierluigi). Una coppia avventurosa nell'Italia del Settecento: l'illuminista cinico, baro, prosseneta e la bella incantatrice: Ange e Sara Goudar. Moncalieri, Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul "Viaggio in Italia", 2011, 586 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del viaggio in Italia, 95). 158. SCHRÖDER (Iris). Das Wissen von der ganzen Welt. Globale Geographien und räumliche Ordnungen Afrikas und Europas 1790–1870. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 411 p. 159. SCOTT (Jonathan). When the waves ruled Britannia: geography and political identities, 1500–1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-227 p. 160. TALLIER (Pierre-Alain). Essai de cartographie de la petite propriété forestière en Belgique de la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 747-768. 161. Territoires impériaux: une histoire spatiale du fait colonial. Sous la dir. de Hélène BLAIS, Florence DEPREST et Pierre SINGARAVELOU. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 336 p.
162. THOEN (Erik). La géographie historique, discipline en crise: plaidoyer pour une nouvelle approche. Un regard subjectif sur l'étude historique du paysage. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 803819.
171. CIARLO (David). Advertising empire: race and visual culture in imperial Germany. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XVIII-419 p. (Harvard historical studies, 171).
163. THONEMANN (Peter). The Maeander Valley: a historical geography from Antiquity to Byzantium. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 390 p.
172. COUCHMAN (Sophie). Making the 'last Chinaman': photography and Chinese as a 'vanishing' people in Australia's rural local histories. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 78-91.
164. TIAN (Xiaofei). Visionary journeys: travel writings from early Medieval and nineteenth-century China. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XII-381 p. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 78).
173. DELHALLE (Sophie). L'image de la Belgique dans les cartes postales allemandes de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 51-62.
165. Touring beyond the nation: a transnational approach to European tourism history. Ed. by Eric G. E. ZUELOW. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XI-250 p. 166. VANDERMOTTEN (Christian). Théorie géographique et empirie historique: site, situation et autoreproduction spatiale. De Bruxelles à la ville européenne. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 841-860. 167. VASQUEZ (Jean-Michel). La cartographie missionnaire en Afrique: science, religion et conquête (1870– 1930). Preface de Claude PRADHOMME. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 462 p. 168. WALTON (John K.). Seaside tourism in Europe: business, urban and comparative history. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 900-916. 169. ZHANG (Cong Ellen). Transformative journeys: travel and culture in Song China. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XIV-301 p. § 10. Iconography and images. _______________________
170. BRINK (Cornelia). Bildeffekte. Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von Fotografie und Emotionen. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 1, p. 104-129.
174. FREVERT (Ute), SCHMIDT (Anne). Geschichte, Emotionen und die Macht der Bilder. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 1, p. 5-25. 175. HAQUET (Isabelle). L'énigme Henri III: ce que nous révèlent les images. Nanterre, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2011, 390 p. 176. Iconologia del potere: rappresentazione della sovranità nel Rinascimento. A cura di Daniela CARPI e Sidia FIORATO. Verona, Ombre corte, 2011, 237 p. (ill.), (Culture, 79). 177. JONES (David C.). "A beastly affair": visual representations of animality and the politics of the Dreyfus Affair. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 1, p. 35-62. 178. NICCOLI (Ottavia). Vedere con gli occhi del cuore: alle origini del potere delle immagini. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XII-194 p. (Storia e società). 179. RICKENBACHER (Martin). Napoleons Karten der Schweiz: Landesvermessung als Machtfaktor 1798– 1815. Baden, Hier – Jetzt, 2011, 351 p. 180. RYCKAERT (Marc). Het 19de-eeuwse Brugge in lithografie en fotografie. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 669-684. Cf. nos 114-119, 211, 657-677, 6447
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 181-201. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 202-369. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 370-400. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 401-427. – § 5. General history. 428-508. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 509-524. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 525-540. – § 8. Economic and social history. 541-616. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 617-656. – § 10. History of art. 657-677. – § 11. History of religions. 678-727. – § 12. History of philosophy. 728-740. – § 13. History of literature. 741-773. § 1. Archives, libraries and museums. ______________________
a. Archives 181. Archives de l'Église catholique en Bretagne. Sous la direction de Yann CELTON; avec la collaboration de Georges PROVOST. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 343 p. (Histoire). 182. BURNS (Kathryn). Making Indigenous archives: the Quilcaycamayoc of colonial Cuzco. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 4, p. 665-689. 183. Carte ravennati (Le) del secolo undicesimo. Archivi minori 7. Monasteri di Sant'Apollinare in Classe, San Giovanni Evangelista, canonica di Santa Maria in Porto. A cura di Ruggero BENERICETTI. Faenza, Biblioteca Cicognani/Imola: U. P. Bologna, 2011, CII-199 p. 184. CARTER (Paul), WHISTANCE (Natalie). The Poor Law Commission: a new digital resource for nineteenth-century domestic historians. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 29-48. 185. CHRISTENSEN (Liselotte J.). Da Statens Arkiver blev effective. (Streamlining the State Archives). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 1, p. 162-195. 186. CONSTANT (Monique). Le service international de recherches à Bad Arolsen (République fédérale d'Allemagne), ses archives et la communauté internationale (1945–2011). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 2, p. 181-184. 187. Dolt i offentligheten: nya perspektiv på traditionellt källmaterial. (Caché dans les archives publiques. Nouvelles perspectives sur les sources archivistiques traditionnelles). Red. Staffan FÖRHAMMAR, Jonas HARVARD, Dag LINDSTRÖM. Lund, Sekel, 2011, 202 p. (ill.).
188. GUISOLAN (Jérôme). Archives et démocratie: un couple antinomique? Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 3, p. 355-364. 189. JEPPIE (Shamil). History for Timbuktu: Aḥmad Bul'arāf, Archives, and the place of the past. History in Africa, 2011, 38, p. 401-416. 190. WILKIN (Alexis). Gérer les archives, maîtriser l'espace au Moyen Âge. Le cas de la cathédrale SaintLambert de Liège. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 961-988. b. Libraries ** 191. DOMINGO MALVADI (Arantxa). Bibliofilia humanista en tiempos de Felipe II: la biblioteca de Juan Páez de Castro. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Área de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León, 2011, 635 p. (Obras de referencia, 32). 192. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana (La) luogo di ricerca al servizio degli studi: atti del convegno, Roma, 11–13 novembre 2010. A cura di Marco BUONOCORE e Ambrogio M. PIAZZONI. Città del vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 2011, XVI-611 p. (ill.). (Studi e testi, 468). 193. QUIROZ-PÉREZ (Lissell). Livres et bibliothèques des hauts magistrats péruviens du XIXe siècle. Revue historique, 2011, 658, p. 265-288. Cf. nos 35, 44-72 c. Museums 194. ALBERTI (Samuel J. M. M.). Morbid curiosities: medical museums in nineteenth-century Britain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII- 238 p. 195. ARROWSMITH (Rupert Richard). Modernism and the museum: Asian, African, and Pacific art and
the London Avant-Garde. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-228 p. (Oxford English monographs).
und im Spiegel der französischen Öffentlichkeit. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 519 p.
196. DEN OUDSTEN (Frank). Space, time, narrative: the exhibition as post-spectacular stage. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXII-490 p. (ill.)
209. BALZER (Jens), FRAHM (Ole). Tragik, Schock, Ratlosigkeit. Zeitgeschichte im Comic. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 1, p. 47-71.
197. HEDINGER (Daniel). Im Wettstreit mit dem Westen: Japans Zeitalter der Ausstellungen; 1854– 1941. Frankfurt am Main, Campus-Verl., 2011, 426 p.
210. BATES (Toby Glenn). The Reagan rhetoric: history and memory in 1980s America. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2011, XII-240 p.
198. LAUBE (Stefan). Von der Reliquie zum Ding. Heiliger Ort – Wunderkammer – Museum. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, XIV-585 p.
211. Battaglia (La) nel Rinascimento meridionale: moduli narrativi tra parole e immagini. A cura di Giancarlo ABBAMONTE [et al.]. Roma, Viella, 2011, 564 p. (Libri di Viella, 126).
199. Nyborg slott. Kongeborg, fæstning og museum. (Le château de Nyborg. Château royal, forteresse et musée). Red. Kurt RISSKOV SØRENSEN. Kerteminde, Østfyns Museer, 2011, 207 p. (ill.). 200. PERGAM (Elizabeth A.). The Manchester art treasures exhibition of 1857: entrepreneurs, connoisseurs, and the public. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XVI-368 p. 201. Quel musée d'histoire pour la France? Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre BABELON [et al.]. Paris, A. Colin, 2011, 191 p. (Collection "Éléments de réponse". Série "Libertés d'historien"). Cf. no 6744 § 2. History of historiography. _______________________
a. General * 202. Bollettino di storiografia. Anno 15. 2010– 2011. [Anno 14. 2009–2010. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 268.] Dir. da Massimo Mastrogregori. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2011, 64 p. 203. ADAMS (Edward). Liberal epic: the Victorian practice of history from Gibbon to Churchill. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-322 p. (Victorian literature and culture series). 204. ADLER (Eric). Valorizing the Barbarians: enemy speeches in roman historiography. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, X-269 p. (Ashley and Peter Larkin series in Greek and Roman culture). 205. Akustisches Gedächtnis und Zweiter Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Robert MAIER. Mit einem Vorw. v. Aleida ASSMANN. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2011, 233 p. (Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe, 126). 206. AMALVI (Christian). Les héros des Français: controverses autour de la mémoire nationale. Avec le concours de Pierre BARRAL. Paris, Larousse, 2011, 445 p. (Essais et documents. Bibliothèque historique). 207. Antike als Modell in Nordamerika? Konstruktion und Verargumentierung, 1763–1809. Hrsg. v. Ulrich NIGGEMANN und Kai RUFFING. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 306 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte, NF., 55). 208. AXER (Christine). Die Aufarbeitung der NSVergangenheit. Deutschland und Österreich im Vergleich
212. BEECH (George T.). Solving some enigmas of the Middle Ages. The historian as a detective. With a Foreword by Theodore EVERGATES. Lewiston, Queenston a. Lampeter, Mellen Press, 2011, XVI-424 p. 213. BEN-ZE'EV (Efrat). Remembering Palestine in 1948: beyond national narratives. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-243 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare, 32). 214. BIRKENMAIER (Anke). Versionen Montezumas. Lateinamerika in der historischen Imagination des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit dem vollständigen Manuskript von Oswald Spenglers Montezuma. Ein Trauerspiel (1897). Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, 199 p. (Mimesis, 52). 215. BLÄNKNER (Reinhard). "Absolutismus". Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Studie zur politischen Theorie und zur Geschichtswissenschaft in Deutschland, 1830– 1870. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u. Bern, Lang, 2011, XXV-270 p. (Zivilisationen & Geschichte, 15). 216. BOIA (Lucian). Două secole de mitologie naţională. (Two centuries of national mythology). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2011, 133 p. 217. BOLDIZZONI (Francesco). The poverty of Clio: resurrecting economic history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 216 p. 218. BOUŠKA (Tomáš). Orální historie bývalých politických vězňů. (The oral history of former political prisoners). In: Deset let na cestě: orální historie na Sovinci 2002–2011. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy, 2011, p. 71-83. 219. BOYNTON (Susan). Silent music: Medieval song and the construction of history in eighteenth-century Spain. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXII-208 p. (Currents in Latin American and Iberian music). 220. BRACKE (Maud Anne). From politics to nostalgia: the transformation of war memories in France during the 1960s-1970s. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 1, p. 5-24. 221. Burgfrieden und Union sacrée: literarische Deutungen und politische Ordnungsvorstellungen in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1914–1933. Hrsg. v. Wolfram PYTA und Carsten KRETSCHMANN. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 328 p. (Historische Zeitschrift. Beihefte, 54).
§ 2. History of historiography 222. BURTON (Antoinette M.). Empire in question: reading, writing, and teaching British imperialism. with a foreword by Mrinalini SINHA and an afterword by C.A. BAYLY. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XXI-392 p. 223. CAFERRO (William). Contesting the past. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, VIII-253 p. 224. CAMACHO (Keith L.). Cultures of commemoration: the politics of war, memory, and history in the Mariana Islands. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XVII-225 p. (Pacific Islands monograph series, 25). 225. CID (Gabriel). La Guerra contra la Confederación: imaginario nacionalista y memoria colectiva en el siglo XIX chileno. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2011, 240 p. (Colección Ciencias sociales e historia). 226. CONRAD (Margaret). It was all about me: making history relevant. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 4, p. 694-721. 227. DASKALOV (Roumen). Debating the past: modern Bulgarian history; from Stambolov to Zhivkov. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2011, 367 p. 228. Deep history: the architecture of past and present. Ed. by Andrew SHRYOCK and Daniel Lord SMAIL. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XVII-342 p. 229. Disputed territories and shared pasts: overlapping national histories in modern Europe. Ed. by Tibor FRANK and Frank HADLER. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-430 p. (ill., maps). (Writing the nation: national historiographies and the making of nation states in 19th and 20th century Europe, 6). 230. DOS SANTOS LOURENAO (Isabel), KEESE (Alexander). Die blockierte Erinnerung. Portugals koloniales Gedächtnis und das Ausbleiben kritischer Diskurse. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 220-243. 231. DOSSE (François). Pierre Nora. Homo historicus. Paris, Perrin, 2011, 657 p. 232. Dove va la storia economica? Metodi e prospettive, secc. XIII‒XVIII: atti della "Quarantaduesima Settimana di studi", 18-22 aprile 2010 = Where is economic history going? Methods and prospects from the 13th to the 18th centuries. A cura di Francesco AMMANNATI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2011, VIII-566 p. (ill., maps). (Atti delle "Settimane di studi" e altri convegni, 42). 233. DREWS (Wolfram). Transkulturelle Perspektiven in der mittelalterlichen Historiographie. Zur Diskussion welt- und globalgeschichtlicher Entwürfe in der aktuellen Geschichtswissenschaft. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 1, p. 31-59. 234. ĎURKOVÁ (Mária). Historiografia v Historickom ústave SAV za roky 2007-2009. (Historiographie im Historischen Institut der Slowakische Akademie der
Wissenschaften in den Jahren 2007-2009). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 1, p. 101-117. 235. DWYER (Philip). War stories: French veteran narratives and the 'experience of war' in the nineteenth century. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 4, p. 561585. 236. ENGLOVÁ (Jana). Dělnictvo jako subjekt a objekt historického bádání. (The working class as a subject and object of historical study). In: Problematika dělnictva v 19. a 20. století: bilance a výhledy studia: sborník z konference věnované 95. výročí narození Arnošta Klímy. Ostrava, Filoz. fak. Ostravské univerzity: Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny FF OU, 2011, p. 34-39 237. ERIKSSON (Fredrik), WAWRZENIUK (Piotr), EELLEND (Johan). Döden i militära minnen och myter i Östersjöområdet, efter det stora kriget fram till 1939. (Death in the military memory and mythology in the Baltic Sea area after the Great War). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 560-588. 238. Erinnerungskultur in Südosteuropa: Bericht über die Konferenzen der Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Südosteuropa-Forschung im Januar 2004, Februar 2005 und März 2006 in Göttingen. Hrsg. v. Reinhard LAUER; Redaktion Natalya MAISHEVA und Alexandra LASKI. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, XVII438 p. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge, 12). 239. Feature: Modern British history. History workshop, 2011, 72, p. 204-239. [HALL (Catherine). The state of Modern British history. ‒ MORT (Frank). Intellectual pluralism and the future of British history. ‒ DAUNTON (Martin). The future direction of British history: thinking about economic cultures] 240. FEUCHTWANG (Stephan). After the event: the transmission of grievous loss in Germany, China, and Taiwan. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, 240 p. 241. FRIEDRICHS (Anne). Das Empire als Aufgabe des Historikers: Historiographie in imperialen Nationalstaaten: Großbritannien und Frankreich 1919–1968. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2011, 370 p. 242. GABRIELE (Matthew). An empire of memory: the legend of Charlemagne, the Franks, and Jerusalem before the First Crusade. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-202 p. 243. GARCIA CÀRCEL (Ricard). La herencia del pasado: las memorias históricas de España. Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, Circulo de lectores, 2011, 759 p. 244. GOEBEL (Michael). Argentina's partisan past: nationalism and the politics of history. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XI-284 p. (Liverpool Latin American studies). 245. GOODRUM (Matthew R.). Recovering the vestiges of primeval Europe: archaeology and the significance of stone implements, 1750–1800. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 1, p. 51-74.
246. GRADY (Tim). The German-Jewish soldiers of the First World War in history and memory. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XI-260 p. 247. GRAF (Rüdiger), PRIEMEL (Kim Christian). Zeitgeschichte in der Welt der Sozialwissenschaften. Legitimität und Originalität einer Disziplin. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 4, p. 479-508. 248. GRAM-SKJOLDAGER (Karen). Never talk to strangers? On historians, political scientists and the study of diplomacy in the European Community/ European Union. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 696-714. 249. GREENE (Elizabeth S.), LEIDWANGER (Justin). Mare nostrum? Ethics and archaeology in Mediterranean waters. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 311-319. 250. Grenzen des Erzählbaren: Erinnerungsdiskurse von NS-Zwangsarbeiterinnen und Zwangsarbeitern in Ost- und Westeuropa. Hrsg. v. Regina PLAßWILM. Essen, Klartext-Verl., 2011, 381 p. 251. Griechische Heiligtümer als Erinnerungsorte. Von der Archaik bis in den Hellenismus. Erträge einer internationalen Tagung in Münster, 20.–21. Januar 2006. Hrsg. v. Matthias HAAKE und Michael JUNG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 163 p. 252. GUSSI (Alexandru). La Roumanie face à son passé communiste: mémoires et cultures politiques. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 280 p. (Logiques sociales).
BHAMBRA (Gurminder K.). Historical sociology, modernity, and postcolonial critique. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 653-662. – CHAKRABARTY (Dipesh). The muddle of modernity. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 663-675. – GLUCK (Carol). The end of elsewhere: writing modernity now. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 676-687. – ROSEMAN (Mark). National Socialism and the end of modernity. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 688-701. – ROSS (Dorothy). American modernities, past and present. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 702-714. H SYMES (Carol). When we talk about modernity. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 715-726. – THOMAS (Lynn M.). Modernity's failings, political claims, and intermediate concepts. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 727-740. – WOLIN (Richard). "Modernity": the peregrinations of a contested historiographical concept. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 741-751.] 259. History and Language in the Andes. Ed. by Paul HEGGARTY and Adrian J. PEARCE. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XXI-266 p. (Studies of the Americas). 260. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří). Kolektivní paměť příslušníků Československé lidové armády, kteří byli propuštěni v rámci tzv. Normalizace. (The collective memory of members of the Czechoslovak People's Army dismissed as part of the process of 'normalization'). In: Deset let na cestě: orální historie na Sovinci 2002– 2011. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy, 2011, p. 259-268.
253. HASBERG (Wolfgang). Mediävistik als Avantgarde. Kulturwissenschaftliche Strömungen in der Geschichtswissenschaft der Weimarer Republik. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 2, p. 303–332.
261. HOLEC (Roman). Trianon rituals or considerations of some features of Hungarian historiography. Historický časopis, 2011, 59, Supplement, p. 25-48.
254. HAVLŮJOVÁ (Gabriela). Lidice jako místo paměti – paměť na Lidice. (Lidice as a place of memory – Memories of Lidice). In: Deset let na cestě: orální historie na Sovinci 2002–2011. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy, 2011, p. 145-153.
262. HOUSSIAU (Jean), WEIS (Monique). Quelle mémoire protestante pour la Belgique ? La commémoration en 1923 de l'exécution de deux religieux augustins sur la Grand-Place de Bruxelles (1523). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 947-959.
255. HERSHATTER (Gail). The gender of memory: rural women and China's collective past. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XII455 p. (Asia Pacific modern).
263. KEMPSHALL (Matthew). Rhetoric and the writing of history, 400–1500. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, IX-627 p. (Historical approach).
256. HESKETH (Ian). The science of history in Victorian Britain: making the past speak. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-229 p. 257. Historía cultural (De la) a la historía social [Dossier]. Historia social, 2011, 69, p. 93-142. [SEWELL (William Hamilton). Lineas torcidas. ‒ SPIEGEL (Gabrielle M.). Comentario sobre una línea torcida. ‒ GOSWAMI (M.). Recordando el futuro. ‒ ELEY (Geoff). El mundo profano e imperfecto de la historiografía]. 258. Historians and the question of "Modernity" [AHR Roundtable]. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 631-751. [Contents: BEN-DOR BENITE (Zvi). AHR Forum: Modernity: the sphinx and the historian. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 638-652. –
264. KIVIMÄKI (Ville). Entre la victoria y la derrota: la memoria de la II Guerra Mundial en Finlandia. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 41-58. 265. Klassische Altertumswissenschaft (Die) an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Eine Ringvorlesung zu ihrer Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Meinolf VIELBERG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 255 p. (Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 23). 266. KNOB (Stanislav). Stávkové hnutí v československé i zahraniční historiografii: srovnání a výhledy. (The strike movement in Czechoslovak and international historiography: comparisons and future perspectives). In: Problematika dělnictva v 19. a 20. století: bilance a výhledy studia: sborník z konference věnované 95. výročí narození Arnošta Klímy. Ostrava, Filoz. fak.
§ 2. History of historiography Ostravské univerzity: Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny FF OU, 2011, p. 62-72. 267. KOVÁČ (Dušan). Profesia a ideologické výzvy. Scylla, Charibda a CISH [Comité internationale des sciences historiques]. (Profession und ideologische Aufforderungen. Scylla, Charybdis und CISH). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 601-607. 268. LANGLEY (Linda). How may heritage be used to defuse religious or ethnic tensions in the Mediterranean regions and should it be used in this way? Rosetta, 2011, 9, p. 1-15. 269. LEGGEWIE (Claus). Der Kampf um die europäische Erinnerung. Ein Schlachtfeld wird besichtigt. Zus. mit Anne Lang. München, Beck, 2011, 224 p. 270. LEIKER (James N.), POWERS (Ramon). The northern Cheyenne exodus in history and memory. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XIV-258 p. 271. LEONARDI (Claudio). Agiografie medievali. A cura di Antonella DEGL'INNOCENTI e Francesco SANTI. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XVII770 p. (Millennio medievale, 89. Millennio medievale. Strumenti e studi. Nuova serie, 28). 272. LÉTOURNEAU (Jocelyn), NORTHRUP (David). Québécois et Canadiens face au passé: similitudes et dissemblances. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 1, p. 163-196. 273. Lexikon der Geisteswissenschaften. Sachbegriffe – Disziplinen – Personen. Hrsg. v. Helmut REINALTER und Peter J. BRENNER. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, XXIV-1409 p.
279. MEYER (Frank). Å se verden fra grenselandet. Det nasjonale og det transnasjonale i lokalhistorien. (Observing the world from the frontier. National and transnational elements of local history). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 2, p. 213-232. 280. MIANO (Daniele). Monimenta. Aspetti storicoculturali della memoria nella Roma medio-repubblicana. Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 236 p. (Mos maiorum, 6) 281. MICHELA (Miroslav). Strážcovia strateného času. Diskusie o dejinách a historici na Slovensku. (Hüter der verlorenen Zeit. Gespräche über Geschichte und die Historiker in der Slowakei). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 617-637. 282. MIHELJ (Sabina). Imperial myths between nationalism and communism: appropriations of imperial legacies in the North-Eastern Adriatic during the early Cold War. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 4, p. 634-656. 283. MIKOLENKO (Dimitro). Obraz Stefana Stambolova kak gosudarstvennogo deyatelya Bolgarii v sovremennoy rossiyskoy istoriografii. (The image of Stefan Stambolov as a Bulgarian statesman in the contemporary Russian historiography). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 176-185. 284. MILLAR (Fergus). Regard rétrospectif sur l'histoire romaine et perspective d'avenir. Revue historique, 2011, 657, p. 3-17.
274. MACHO (Peter). Milan Rastislav Štefánik v hlavách a v srdciach. enomén národného hrdinu v historickej pamäti. (Milan Rastislav tefánik in minds and hearts. Phenomenom of a national hero in the context of historical memory). Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 207 p.
285. Mitteleuropäische Klöster der Barockzeit: Vergegenwärtigung monastischer Vergangenheit in Wort und Bild. [Tagung zum Thema "Barocke Klöster in Mitteleuropa: Visualisierung Monastischer Vergangenheit in Wissenschaft und Kunst", die an der Schwabenakademie Irsee im Oktober 2006 stattgefunden hat]. Hrsg. v. Markwart HERZOG und Huberta WEIGL. Konstanz, UVK-Verlagsgesellchaft, 2011, 399 p. (Irseer Schriften: Studien zur schwäbischen Kulturgeschichte, N.F., 5).
275. MANHART (Sebastian). In den Feldern des Wissens: Studiengang, Fach und disziplinäre Semantik in den Geschichts- und Staatswissenschaften (1780‒ 1860). Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 645 p. (Wittener kulturwissenschaftliche Studien, 9).
286. MORÁVKOVÁ (Naděžda). Orální historie a biografie v dějinách dějepisectví dvacátého století. (History and the biographies of the history of historiography in the twentieth century). MEMO: časopis pro orální historii, 2011, 1, 1, p. 32-44.
276. MAURI (Martin). Das Ende des Kaiserreiches in der Weimarer Republik: polarisierte Wahrnehmungen und intentionalisierte Deutungen der Kriegsniederlage in Erinnerungsschriften während der Zeit der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 373 p. (Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts, 2).
287. MORINA (Christina). Legacies of Stalingrad: remembering the Eastern Front in Germany since 1945. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-297 p. 288. NAVICKAS (Katrina). What happened to class? New histories of labour and collective action in Britain. Social history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 192-204.
277. METELING (Wencke). Neue Forschungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Englisch- und französischsprachige Studien über Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 4, p. 614648.
289. NELIS (Jan). From ancient to modern: the myth of romanità during the ventennio fascista: the written imprint of Mussolini's cult of the 'Third Rome'. Bruxelles a. Roma, Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, 2011, 242 p. (Institut Historique Belge de Rome études = Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome studies, 1).
278. METZGER (Franziska). Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsdenken im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Bern, Stuttgart u. Wien, Haupt Verlag, 2011, 313 p.
290. NISHIMURA (Masaya). Betonamu no kōkokodaigaku. (Archaeology and ancient study in Vietnam). Tokyo, Dōseisha, 2011, 360 p.
291. Nordic narratives of the Second World War. National historiographies revisited. Ed. by Henrik STENIUS, Mirja ÖSTERBERG and Johan ÖSTLING. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2011, 173 p. 292. Organization (The) of American Historians and the writing and teaching of American history. Ed. by Richard S. KIRKENDALL. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-373 p. (ill.). 293. OSBORNE (Robin). The history written on the classical Greek body. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-260 p. 294. Oxford handbook (The) of oral history. Ed. by Donald A. RITCHIE. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-542 p. (Oxford handbooks). 295. Oxford history (The) of historical writing. Gen. ed. Daniel WOOLF. Vol. 1. Beginnings to AD 600. [Cf. os n 937, 1011, 1017, 1107, 1126, 1200, 1302, 1315, 1325, 1369.] Ed. by Andrew FELDHERR [et al.], ass. ed. Ian HESKETH. Vol. 4. 1800–1945. Ed. by Stuart MACINTYRE [et al.]. Vol. 5. Historical writing since 1945. Ed. by Axel SCHNEIDER [et al.], ass. ed. Ian HESKETH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 3 vol., XVIII-652 p., XX-650 p., XX-718 p.
(Airton). Les congrès de Tarente et les thèmes de recherche sur la Grande Grèce. ‒ POTTIER (Bruno). Peuton parler de révoltes populaires dans l'Antiquité tardive? Bagaudes et histoire sociale de la Gaule des IVe et Ve siècles]. 302. RENSHAW (Layla). Exhuming loss: memory, materiality and mass graves of the Spanish Civil War. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press, 2011, 259 p. 303. Ricordando Franco Della Peruta. Storia in Lombardia, 2011, 31, 3, p. 5-22. [Contiene: BETRI (Maria Luisa). Il mestiere dello storico: Franco della Peruta a Milano. ‒ CANELLA (Maria). Franco Della Peruta, maestro e promotore di cultura. ‒ DE BERNARDI (Alberto). Franco Della Peruta e la nascita della nuova storiografia contemporanei sta. ‒ GIGLI MARCHETTI (Ada). Uno storico militante alla guida dell'Istituto Lombardo di storia contemporanea]. 304. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Un laboratorio cosmopolitico: illuminismo e storia a Torino nel Novecento. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2011, XXV-354 p. (Quaderni della Rivista storica italiana, 2). 305. ROOS (Neil). Work colonies and South African historiography. Social history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 54-76.
296. PERTOT (Gianfranco). Memoria e memorie risorgimentalì a Venezia dopo l'annessione all'Italia. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 111-164.
306. ROSENFELD (Gavriel D.). Building after Auschwitz: Jewish architecture and the memory of the Holocaust. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, IX-438 p.
297. PLATT (Kevin M. F.). Terror and greatness: Ivan and Peter as Russian myths. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XI-294 p.
307. RUDNICK (Carola S.). Die andere Hälfte der Erinnerung: die DDR in der deutschen Geschichtspolitik nach 1989. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 766 p. (Histoire, 25).
298. PLOUX (François). Une mémoire de papier. Les historiens de village et le culte des petites patries rurales (1830–1930). Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 344 p. (Histoire). 299. Political autobiographies and memoirs in Antiquity. A Brill companion. Ed. by Gabriele MARASCO. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XI-461 p. (Brill's companions in classical studies). [Cf. nos 1598, 1833.] 300. Popular historiographies in the 19th and 20th centuries: cultural meanings, social practices. Ed. by Sylvia PALETSCHEK. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2011, VI-243 p. (ill.). (New German historical perspectives, 4). 301. Regards croisés: Antiquité et Moyen Âge dans les historiographies française et italienne. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, 2, p. 381-465. [Sommaire: CASTELNUOVO (Guido), WYLER (Stéphanie). Introduction. ‒ REY (Sarah). César et les 'Romains' (1900-1950): une histoire impossibile. ‒ DE GIORGIO (Jean-Pierre). Lectures d'un ouvrage de J. Carcopino en France, en Italie et en Angleterre: Les Secrets de la Correspondance de Cicéron. ‒ PAILLER (Jean-Marie). Auguste dans l'historiographie française, 1945–2008. De l'occultation à la redécouverte ? ‒ BARBANERA (Marcello). Lo sguardo di Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli verso la cultura francese. ‒ POLLINI
308. SCHIFFMAN (Zachary Sayre). The birth of the past. Foreword by Anthony GRAFTON. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XVI-316 p. 309. SCHLÜTER (Bastian). Explodierende Altertümlichkeit. Imaginationen vom Mittelalter zwischen den Weltkriegen. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 463 p. 310. SCHMIDT (Sarah-Lena). Der Frankfurter Wachensturm von 1833 und der Deutsche Bund. Deutungen in verfassungsgeschichtlichem Kontext. Hamburg, Kovać, 2011, XII-294 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 46). 311. SCHRAUT (Sylvia). Kartierte Nationalgeschichte. Geschichtsatlanten im internationalen Vergleich 1860– 1960. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 568 p. 312. SCHULDINER (Michael). Contesting histories: German and Jewish Americans and the legacy of the Holocaust. Lubbock, Texas Tech U. P., 2011, XXX298 p. (Modern Jewish history). 313. SHALLCROSS (Bozena). The Holocaust object in Polish and Polish-Jewish culture. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, 181 p. 314. SIGNORINI (Lia). Memorie del 150° dell'Unità d'italia: attività editoriale e iniziative per la celebrazione. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 397-468.
§ 2. History of historiography 315. SIMENSEN (Jarle). Murens fall og historikerne – om forholdet mellom historie og fremtidsoppfatninger. (Historians and the fall of the Berlin wall. On the relationship between history and future). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 1, p. 63-79. 316. SIRINELLI (Jean-François). L'histoire politique à l'heure du transnational turn: l'agora, la Cité, le monde ... et le temps. Revue historique, 2011, 658, p. 391-408. 317. SNIEGOŇ (Tomáš). Looking back, going forward: Czech and Slovak dominant historical narratives of 'the long 1990s'. In: Cultural transformations after communism: Central and Eastern Europe in focus. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2011, p. 180-213. 318. Storici e religione nel Novecento italiano. Ed. da Daniele MENOZZI e Marina MONTACUTELLI. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2011, 443 p. (Storia, 47).
329. ZAZZARA (Gilda). La storia a sinistra: ricerca e impegno politico dopo il fascismo. Roma, Laterza, 2011, VIII-195 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 172). Cf. nos 1347, 1699, 2477, 4701, 7717 b. Special studies 330. BLOCH (Marc Léopold Benjamin). Mélanges historiques. Préf. de Yann POTIN. Paris, CNRS, 2011, XIII-1108 p. – Marc Bloch et les crises du savoir. Ed. par Peter SCHÖTTLER et Hans-Jörg RHEINBERGER. Berlin, Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 127 p. (Actes du colloque sur Marc Bloch organisé en 2007 à Berlin). – MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Le lezioni della storia. La 'strana disfatta' della Francia nel 1940 e il Témoignage di Marc Bloch. Storiografia, 2011, 15, p. 27-168.
319. THURNER (Mark). History's Peru: the poetics of colonial and postcolonial historiography. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XV-302 p.
331. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.), HERDE (Peter). A Bavarian historian reinvents himself: Karl Bosl and the Third Reich. Jersusalem, Hebrew University Magness Press, 2011, 162 p.
320. TOLLEBEEK (Jo). L'historien quotidien: pour une anthropologie de la science historique moderne. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 2, p. 143-167.
332. ABT (Jeffrey). American Egyptologist: the life of James Henry Breasted and the creation of his Oriental Institute. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XVIII-510 p.
321. Tudorism: historical imagination and the appropriation of the sixteenth century. Ed. by Tatiana C. STRING and Marcus BULL. Oxford, Oxford U. P. for the British Academy, 2011, XVI-286 p.
333. IANZITI (Gary). Writing history in Renaissance Italy: Leonardo Bruni and the uses of the past. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, [s. p.]. (I Tatti studies in Italian Renaissance history).
322. Uses (The) of the Middle Ages in Modern European states: history, nationhood and the search for origins. Ed. by R.J.W. EVANS and Guy P. MARCHAL. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VII-296 p.
334. BENTLEY (Michael). The life and thought of Herbert Butterfield: history, science, and God. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-381 p.
323. Vergleichen, verflechten, verwirren? Europäische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Hrsg. v. Agnes ARNDT, Joachim C. HÄBERLEN und Christiane REINECKE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 348 p. 324. WARD (Aengus). History and chronicles in late Medieval Iberia. Representations of Wamba in late Medieval narrative histories. Leyden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 220 p. (Later Medieval Europe). 325. Western time (The) of ancient history: historiographical encounters with the Greek and Roman pasts. Ed. by Alexandra LIANERI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-356 p. 326. WHITE (James Wilson). Mirrors of memory: culture, politics, and time in Paris and Tokyo. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-286 p. 327. WILCOX (Wynn). Allegories of the Vietnamese past: unification and the production of a modern historical identity. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, X-211 p. (Yale Southeast Asia monograph series, 61). 328. WOOLF (Daniel R.). A global history of history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVII568 p. (ill.).
335. BIASIORI (Lucio). Eretici della Chiesa, della patria e della razza. Una reazione cattolico-fascista agli scritti ereticali di Delio Cantimori. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 2, p. 622-633. – CHIANTERA-STUTTE (Patricia). Delio Cantimori: un intellettuale del Novecento. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 191 p. (Quality paperbacks, 340). 336. GRAFTON (Anthony), WEINBERG (Joanna). 'I have always love the holy tongue': Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a forgotten chapter in Renaissance scholarship. Cambridge a. London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, 380 p. 337. Enzo Collotti e l'Europa del Novecento. A cura di Simonetta SOLDANI, con un saggio di Enzo COLLOTTI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2011, IX-269 p. 338. AGOSTI (Aldo). Tra bilancio e ricordo: Luigi Cortesi e la sua ultima opera. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 187-208. 339. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Un carteggio CrocePirenne. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 176-186. 340. BORSO (Dario). Il 1943 di Mario Dal Pra. Italia contemporanea, 2011, 262, p. 97-106. 341. Aldo De Maddalena (1920–2009): In Memoriam. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 3, p. 1003-
1129. [Contiene: BURKE (Peter). Dalla religione alla cultura: la svolta italiana. – ROMANI (Marzio A.). Aldo De Maddalena (1920–2009): storia di uno storico. – CATTINI (Marco). Aldo De Maddalena storico di Milano e della Lombardia: temi di indagine e linee interpretative. – GUERZONI (Guido). Aldo De Maddalena storico delle corti. – BIANCHINI (Marco). Una conoscenza unitaria della storia: Aldo De Maddalena storico del pensiero economico. – MOIOLI (Angelo). Aldo De Maddalena e le 'scuole' milanesi. – AYMARD (Maurice). Aldo De Maddalena e la Francia. – AMATORI (Franco). Commiato.] 342. GREIERT (Andreas). "Viele sind berufen, aber wenige auserwählt". Geschichtstheorie, Politik und sittlicher Kosmos bei Johann Gustav Droysen. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 2, p. 397-423.
355. PETERS (Jan). Menschen und Möglichkeiten. Ein Historikerleben in der DDR und anderen Traumländern. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 559 p. (Pallas Athene, 36). 356. KEYMEULEN (Sarah), TOLLEBEEK (Jo). Henri Pirenne, historian: a life in pictures. Leuven, Lipsius, 2011, 123 p. 357. DREYER (Boris). Polybios. Leben und Werk im Banne Roms. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2011, 194 p. (Studienbücher der Antike, 4). – BARONOWSKI (Donald Walter). Polybius and Roman imperialism. London, Bristol Classical Press, 2011, 242 p. 358. PERTICI (Roberto). Le scelte di Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti 1928–1935. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 2, p. 592-621.
343. DIERKENS (Alain). Pour une biographie de JeanMarie Duvosquel. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 9-24. – WEBER (J.-P.). Bibliographie de Jean-Marie Duvosquel. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 25-68.
359. Storia politica (La) e sociale di Ernesto Ragionieri. Dibattito a cura di Simone NERI SERNERI, con interventi di Gianpasquale SANTOMASSIMO, Carlo SPAGNOLO, Marco GERVASONI e Fabio RUGGE. Contemporanea, 2011, 3, p. 533-556.
344. PARMEGGIANI (Giovanni). Eforo di Cuma: studi di storiografia greca. Bologna, Patròn, 2011, 805 p. (Studi di storia, 14).
360. WHITE (L.). Terence Ranger in fact and fiction. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 325-331.
345. LACAPRA (Dominick). Historical and literary approaches to the "final solution": Saul Friedländer and Jonathan Littell. History & theory, 2011, 50, 1, p. 71-97.
361. MOYN (Samuel). The first historian of human rights [Gerhard Ritter]. American historical review, 2011, 116, 1, p. 58-79.
346. TORCHIANI (Francesco). Parigi, 1870. Le lezioni all'imperatrice di Fustel de Coulanges. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 153-175. 347. CILIBERTO (Michele). Eugenio Garin: un intellettuale del Novecento. Roma, GLF editori Laterza, 2011, VIII-161 p. (Biblioteca di cultura moderna, 1213). – GREGORY (Tullio). Eugenio Garin: un ricordo in Normale. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 37, 73, p. 11-30. 348. DOORTMONT (Michel R.). Making history in Africa: David Henige and the quest for method in African history. History in Africa, 2011, 38, p. 7-20. 349. WESSELMANN (Katharina). Mythische Erzählstrukturen in Herodots "Historien". Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, XI-450 p. (MythosEikonPoiesis). 350. Begriffene Geschichte: Beiträge zum Werk Reinhart Kosellecks. Edited by Hans JOAS, and Peter VOGT. Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011, 590 p. 351. LEHNUS (Luigi). Contributi inediti di Paul Maas al testo dell'Epitafio per i caduti ateniesi del 480–479. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 74, p. 129-136. 352. MORTON (Desmond). Is History another word for experience? Morton's confessions. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 4, p. 666-693. 353. NORA (Pierre). Historien public. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 537 p. (NRF). 354. LEVINE (Emily J.). PanDora, or Erwin and Dora Panofsky and the Private History of Ideas. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 4, p. 753-787.
362. SCHINDLER (Andrea). "… eine der vorzüglichsten Disziplinen der Literatur". Der Literat Herbert Rosendorfer als Historiograph des Mittelalters. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 1, p. 95-112. 363. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Ernesto Sestan, un'esperienza di storia politica. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 627, p. 77-92. 364. STELLA (Massimo). La filologia classica (e gli antichi) di Leo Spitzer: un caso di negazione nietzschiana. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 74, p. 25-52. 365. HAMILTON (Scott). The crisis of theory: EP Thompson, the New Left and postwar British politics. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, VIII-293 p. 366. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Corpi pensanti Il rapporto fra materia ed anima nella ricerca di Ann Thomson e nel dibattito storiografico contemporaneo. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 291-332. 367. Besitz (Ein) für immer? Geschichte, Polis und Völkerrecht bei Thukydides. Hrsg. v. Ernst BALTRUSCH und Christian WENDT. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 292 p. (Staatsverständnisse, 41). – CANFORA (Luciano). P. Berol. 21313, Mp3 1522.04: un frammento inedito di commento a Tucidide. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 37, 74, 2, p. 97-98. – Historical present (The) in Thucydides: semantics and narrative function = Le présent historique chez Thucydide: sémantique et fonction narrative. Ed. by Jean LALLOT [et al.]. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VIII-327 p. (Amsterdam studies in classical philology,
§ 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history 18). – HORNBLOWER (Simon). Thucydidean themes. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-415 p. – ZIMMERMANN (Bernhard). Vergangenheit(en) bei Thukydides. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 28-42. 368. Max Weber: Abriß der universalen Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Mit- und Nachschriften 1919/20. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang SCHLUCHTER in Zusammenarbeit mit Joachim SCHRÖDER. Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2011, XIII-664 p. (Max Weber Gesamtausgabe, III/6). 369. LIRA (Andrés). Silvio Zavala, una jornada anterior. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 241, p. 275-288. § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. * 370. JORDANOVA (Ludmilla). What's in a name? Historians and theory. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 1456-1477. ______________________
371. ARMENTEROS (Carolina). The French idea of history: Joseph de Maistre and his heirs, 1794–1854. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XIII-361 p. 372. ASSMANN (Aleida), BRAUER (Juliane). Bilder, Gefühle, Erwartungen. Über die emotionale Dimension von Gedenkstätten und den Umgang von Jugendlichen mit dem Holocaust. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 1, p. 72-103. 373. BEISER (Frederick C.). The German historicist tradition. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-600 p. 374. BLOUIN (Francis X. Jr.), ROSENBERG (William G.). Processing the past: contesting authority in history and the archives. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X257 p. 375. BRECHENMACHER (Thomas). Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte als Wissenschaft. Zur historischen Entstehung einer akademischen Disziplin. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 1, p. 95-123.
381. FREITAG (Ulrike), GERSHONI (Israel). The politics of memory. the necessity for historical investigation into Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 311-331. 382. GRUZINSKI (Serge). Note de lecture. Faire de l'histoire dans un monde globalisé. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 1079-1091. 383. Historical distance: reflections on a metaphor [Special issue]. Intr. by Jaap DEN HOLLANDER, Herman PAUL and Rik PETERS. History & theory, 2011, 50, 4, 149 p. [Conntents: DEN HOLLANDER (Jaap), PAUL (Herman), PETERS (Rik). Introduction: the metaphor of historical distance. – PHILLIPS (Mark Salber). Rethinking historical distance: from doctrine to heuristic. – BEVIR (Mark). Why historical distance is not a problem. – KELLNER (Hans). Beyond the horizon: chronoschisms and historical distance. – DEN HOLLANDER (Jaap). Contemporary history and the art of self-distancing. – ZELEŇÁK (Eugen). Indirect reference and the creation of distance in history. – KOBAYASHI (Chinatsu), MARION (Mathieu). Gadamer and Collingwood on temporal distance and understanding. – PAUL (Herman). Distance and self-distanciation: intellectual virtue and historical method around 1900. – PETERS (Rik). Constitutional interpretation: a view from a distance. – ANKERSMIT (Frank). The transfiguration of distance into function.] 384. JONES (Adrian). Teaching history at University through communities of inquiry. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 2, p. 168-193. 385. KERSHAW (Ian). "Volksgemeinschaft". Potenzial und Grenzen eines neuen Forschungskonzepts. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 1-18. 386. KLEIN (Kerwin Lee). From history to theory. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, VIII-216 p. 387. KOMLOSY (Andrea). Globalgeschichte. Methoden und Theorien. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 276 p. (UTB, 3564).
376. CANNADINE (David), KEATING (Jenny), SHEL(Nicola). The right kind of history: teaching the past in twentieth-century England. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-306 p.
388. LENGWILER (Martin). Praxisbuch Geschichte. Einführung in die historischen Methoden. Zürich, Orell Füssli, 2011, 296 p. (UTB, 3393).
377. Companion (A) to the philosophy of history and historiography. Ed. by Aviezer TUCKER. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XII-563 p. (ill.). (Blackwell companions to philosophy).
389. Lévi-Strauss e la storia. Dibattito a cura di Silvia SALVATICI; interventi di Francesco REMOTTI, Gérard DELILLE, Peter BURKE, Marco CURATOLA-PETROCCHI, Daniel A. SEGAL. Contemporanea, 2011, 2, p. 329364.
378. Concise companion (A) to history. Ed. by Ulinka RUBLACK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXIV451 p. 379. DEMANDT (Alexander). Philosophie der Geschichte. Von der Antike zur Gegenwart. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 438 p. 380. FISCHER (Henning). 'Erinnerung' an und für Deutschland: Dresden und der 13. Februar 1945 im Gedächtnis der Berliner Republik. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2011, 184 p.
390. LUKACS (John). The future of history. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, IX-177 p. 391. MAZZONI (Guido). Erich Auerbach: una filosofia della storia. Storiografia, 2011, 15, p. 169-188. 392. Momenti e figure della filosofia della storia. Per gli ottant'anni di Pietro Rossi. A cura di Massimo MORI. Rivista di filosofia, 2011, 3, p. 343-508. [Contiene: MORI (Massimo). Presentazione. ‒ FIORAVANTI (Gianfranco). Agostino: storia della filosofia e tempora
cristiana. ‒ CACCIATORE (Giuseppe). Le 'borie' di Vico tra etica e filosofia della storia. ‒ CASINI (Paolo). Candide, la teodicea e la 'philosophie de l'histoire'. ‒ CESA (Claudio). La filosofia della storia di Hegel: problemi di interpretazione. ‒ LANARO (Giorgio). Comte interprete di Condorcet. ‒ TESSITORE (Fulvio). Congedo o rinascita dello storicismo? ‒ ROSSI (Pietro). Nascita e metamorfosi della filosofia della storia].
Ra'anan S. BOUSTAN, Oren KOSANSKY and Marina RUSTOW. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 431 p. 408. JOHNSON (James H.). Venice Incognito: masks in the Serene Republic. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XIV-317 p.
393. PATEL (Kiran Klaus). Zeitgeschichte im digitalen Zeitalter. Neue und alte Herausforderungen. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 3, p. 331-352.
409. KALLESTRUP (Louise Nyholm). Lay and inquisitorial witchcraft prosecutions in early Modern Italy and Denmark. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 265-278.
394. PAUL (Herman). Hayden White. Cambridge, Polity, 2011, VIII-204 p. (Key contemporary thinkers). ‒ IDEM. Performing history: how historical scholarship is shaped by epistemic virtues. History & theory, 2011, 50, 1, p. 1-19.
410. KOFFER (Blanka). Ethnography in the ČS(S)R: Scientification through Sovietization? In: Sociology and ethnography in East-Central and South-East Europe: scientific self-description in state socialist countries. München, Oldenbourg Verl., 2011, p. 173-184.
395. Philosophes (Les) et l'histoire au XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Muriel BROT. Paris, Hermann, 2011, 344 p.
411. KRAMPL (Ulrike). Les secrets des faux sorciers. Police, magie et escroquerie à Paris au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2011, 302 p. (En temps & lieux, 31).
396. ROSENZWEIG (Roy). Clio wired: the future of the past in the digital age. Introduction by Anthony GRAFTON. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2011, XXIV-309 p. (ill.). 397. SASSO (Gennaro). Riflessioni sulla decadenza. La cultura, 2011, 1, p. 5-46. 398. SCOTT (Joan W.). Storytelling. History & theory, 2011, 50, 2, p. 203-209. 399. WHITE (Hayden). The practical past. Storiografia, 2011, 15, p. 9-26. 400. ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie). Decentering history: local stories and cultural crossings in a global world. History & theory, 2011, 50, 2, p. 188-202. § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology.
412. LACHAPELLE (Sofie). Investigating the supernatural: from spiritism and occultism to psychical research and metapsychics in France, 1853–1931. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, 198 p. 413. LIEBERSOHN (Harry). The return of the gift: European history of a global idea. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-210 p. 414. MANCALL (Peter C.). Encyclopedia of NativeAmerican history. New York, Facts On File, 2011, XIII-1040 p. 415. MITCHELL (Stephen A.). Witchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle Ages. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XIII-368 p. (Middle Ages series).
401. ALMOND (Philip C.). England's first demonologist: Reginald Scot and 'The Discovery of Witchcraft'. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, IX-246 p. 402. BECK (Rainer). Mäuselmacher oder die Imagination des Bösen. Ein Hexenprozess 1715–1723. München, Beck, 2011, 1008 p. 403. CINNAMON John M.). Fieldwork, orality, text: ethnographic and historical fields of knowledge in colonial and postcolonial Gabon. History in Africa, 2011, 38, p. 47-77. 404. DARR (Orna Alyagon). Marks of an absolute witch: evidentiary dilemmas in early Modern England. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, VIII-326 p. 405. DEUTSCH (Nathaniel). The Jewish dark continent: life and death in the Russian Pale of Settlement. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 374 p. 406. HARRIS (Max). Sacred folly: a new history of the Feast of Fools. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, X-322 p. 407. Jewish studies at the crossroads of anthropology and history: authority, diaspora, tradition. Ed. by
416. OSTLING (Michael). Between the Devil and the Host: imagining witchcraft in early Modern Poland. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-279 p. (Past and present publications). 417. Reinheit. Hrsg. v. Peter BURSCHEL und Christoph MARX. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 492 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Historische Anthropologie, 12). 418. Ritual dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean. Agency, emotion, gender, representation. Ed. by Angelos CHANIOTIS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 390 p. (Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, 49). [Cf. no 1562.] 419. ROLLS (Mitchell), JOHNSON (Murray). Historical dictionary of Australian Aboriginals. Introduction by Henry REYNOLDS. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, XXIX-213 p. (Historical dictionaries of peoples and cultures, 11). 420. SALOMON (Frank), NIÑO-MURCIA (Mercedes). The lettered mountain: a Peruvian village's [Tupicocha] way with writing. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIX-368 p.
§ 5. General history
421. SEITZ (Jonathan). Witchcraft and Inquisition in early Modern Venice. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-286 p.
433. BERTRAND (Romain). L'Histoire à parts égales: récits d'une rencontre Orient-Occident (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 658 p.
422. SIMEONOVA (Gatia). Zustand der Untersuchungen im Bereich der Geschichte der bulgarischen ethnographischen Wissenschaft. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 111-134).
434. Brill's companion to ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD. Ed. by Robin J. LANE FOX. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIII-642 p. (Brill's companions in classical studies).
423. SMITH (Jay M.). Monsters of the Gévaudan: the making of a beast. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 378 p.
435. BRINGMANN (Klaus). Kleine Kulturgeschichte der Antike. München, Beck, 2011, 272 p.
424. STOKES (Laura). Demons of urban reform: early European witch trials and criminal justice, 1430– 1530. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VII-235 p. (Palgrave historical studies in witchcraft and magic). 425. STOYLE (Mark). The black legend of Prince Rupert's Dog: witchcraft and propaganda during the English Civil War. Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2011, XIV-240 p. 426. TÖBELMANN (Paul). Stäbe der Macht. Stabsymbolik in Ritualen des Mittelalters. Husum, Matthiesen, 2011, 365 p. (Historische Studien, 502). 427. WOOLF (Greg). Tales of the barbarians: ethnography and empire in the Roman west. Malden a. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, VIII-167 p. (Blackwell Bristol lectures on Greece, Rome and the classical tradition). Cf. nos 669, 1699, 2745, 4345 § 5. General history. ** 428. CÂNDEA (Virgil). Mărturii româneşti peste hotare. Creaţii româneşti şi izvoare despre români în colecţii din străinătate. Vol. 2. Finlanda – Grecia. (Romanian testimonies abroad. Romanian works and sources about Romanians in foreign collection. Vol. 2. Finland – Greece). Bucureşti, Editura Biblioteca Bucureştilor, 2011, 763 p. ** 429. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Étienne de Baigne, en Saintonge. Ed. by Paul François CHOLET. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 430 p. (Cambridge Library Collection – Medieval History). ______________________
430. ABULAFIA (David). Mediterranean history as global history. History & theory, 2011, 50, 2, p. 220228. ‒ IDEM. The Great Sea. A human history of the Mediterranean. London, Allen Lane, 2011, XXI783 p. 431. ASBACH (Olaf). Europa – Vom Mythos zur Imagined Community? Zur historischen Semantik 'Europas' von der Antike bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Hannover, Wehrhahn, 2011, 198 p. (Europa und Moderne, 1). 432. Barbarians (The) of Ancient Europe. Realities and interactions. Ed. by Larissa BONFANTE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIII-395 p. [Cf. no 1572.]
436. BUFFERY (Helena), MARCER (Elisenda). Historical dictionary of the Catalans. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, XLVII-405 p. (Historical dictionaries of peoples and cultures, 10). 437. BUSHKOVITCH (Paul). A concise history of Russia. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIV491 p. (ill.). (Cambridge concise histories). 438. Cambridge history (The) of South Africa. Vol. 2. 1885–1994. Ed. by Robert ROSS, Anne KELK MAGER and Bill NASSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-724 p. 439. Cambridge world history (The) of slavery. Vol. 1. The ancient mediterranean world. Ed. by Keith BRADLEY [et al.]. Vol. 3 AD 1420–AD 1804. Ed. by David ELTIS and Stanley L. ENGERMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 2 vol., XI-XIII, 620 p., 762 p. (ill.). 440. CAMPBELL (Brian). The Romans and their world. A short introduction. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, X-285 p. 441. Caribbean (The). A history of the region and its peoples. Ed. by Stephan PALMIÉ and Francisco A. SCARANO. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2011, IX-660 p. 442. CHRISPINSSON (John). Den glömda historien: om svenska öden och äventyr i öster under tusen år. (L'histoire oubliée. La présence suédoise à l'est depuis mille ans). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2011, 441 p. (ill.). 443. Columbia history (The) of the Vietnam War. Edited, with an introduction, by David L. ANDERSON. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XIV-462 p. 444. Companion (A) to Benjamin Franklin. Ed. by David WALDSTREICHER. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XV-541 p. (Blackwell companions to American history). 445. Companion (A) to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ed. by William D. PEDERSON. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XVIII-763 p. (ill.). (Blackwell companions to American history). 446. Companion (A) to Richard M. Nixon. Ed. by Melvin SMALL. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XIV630 p. (ill.). (Blackwell companions to American history). 447. Companion (A) to the Punic Wars. Ed. by Dexter HOYOS. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XX543 p. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World).
448. Companion (A) to Theodore Roosevelt. Ed. by Serge RICARD. Malden, Oxford a. Chichester, WileyBlackwell, 2011, XVII-584 p. (Blackwell Companions to American History). 449. Concise Princeton encyclopedia (The) of American political history. Editor, Michael KAZIN; associate editors, Rebecca EDWARDS and Adam ROTHMAN. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XVIII-638 p. (Princeton reference). 450. COURTWRIGHT (Julie). Prairie fire: a great plains history. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XII-274 p. 451. DAVIES (Norman). Vanished kingdoms: the history of half-forgotten Europe. London, Allen Lane, 2011, XVII-830 p. 452. DE BAECQUE (Antoine). La France de la Révolution. Dictionnaire de curiosités. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 270 p.
genèse du Congo. 4. Le Congo et son avenir. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 2 vol., 284 p., 475 p. 463. Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Hrsg. v. der Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS). Chefred.: Marco JORIO. Bd. 10. Pro-Schafroth. Basel, Schwabe, 2011, XXV-881 p. 464. HORNA (Hernán). A history of Latin America. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, Hugo Valentin Centre, 2011, 260 p. 465. Identitet Bosne i Hercegovine kroz historiju: zbornik radova. (The identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout history: collection of works). Glavni i odgovorni urednik Husnija KAMBEROVIĆ. Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju, 2011, 2 vol., 339 p., 313 p. 466. JALVING (Mikael). Absolut Sverige: en rejse i tavshedens rige. (Voyage au pays du silence: la Suède). København, Jyllands-Postens forlag, 2011, 293 p.
453. Dicionário de história de Mato Grosso: período colonial. Org. Nauk Maria de JESUS. Cuiabá, Carlini & Caniato Editorial, 2011, 283 p. (ill.).
467. Juifs (Les) dans l'histoire, de la naissance du judaïsme au monde contemporain. Sous la dir. de Antoine GERMA, Benjamin LELLOUCH et Évelyne PATLAGEAN. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2011, 917 p.
454. ETHERINGTON (Norman). Barbarians Ancient and Modern. American historical review, 2011, 116, 1, p. 31-57.
468. KABORYCHA (Lisa). A short history of Renaissance Italy. Boston, Prentice Hall, 2011, XX-316 p.
455. Formation (The) of the Islamic world, sixth to eleventh centuries. Ed. by Chase F. ROBINSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVI-783 p. (The new Cambridge history of Islam, 1). 456. FRANKUM (Ronald B.). Historical dictionary of the war in Vietnam. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, XL-601 p. (Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest). 457. Furansushi kenkyū nyūmon. (An introduction to French history). Eds. SATO Shoichi, NAKANO Takao. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2011, 398 p. 458. GHANI (Mariam). Afghanistan: a lexicon. Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2011, 47 p. (ill.). (100 notes-100 thoughts =100 Notizen-100 Gedanken, 29). 459. Guatemala reader (The): history, culture, politics. Ed. by Greg GRANDIN, Deborah T. LEVENSON and Elizabeth OGLESBY. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XXIII664 p. (Latin America readers).
469. KARL (Michaela). Die Geschichte der Frauenbewegung. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2011, 264 p. 470. KASER (Karl). Balkan und Naher Osten. Einführung in eine gemeinsame Geschichte. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 462 p. (Zur Kunde Südosteuropas, II/40). ‒ IDEM. The Balkans and the Near East: introduction to a shared history. Wien, Lit, 2011, III-405 p. (ill.). (Studies on South East Europe, 12). 471. KÉRVORKIAN (Raymond). The Armenian genocide: a complete history. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, VIII-1029 p. 472. KOHLER (Alfred). Von der Reformation zum Westfälischen Frieden. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XII-253 p. (Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte, 39). 473. MAHONEY (William M.). The history of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Santa Barbara, Denver a. Oxford, Greenwood, 2011, 287 p.
460. Handbuch zum Widerstand gegen Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus. Hrsg. v. Gerd R. UEBERSCHÄR. Unter Mitarbeit von Peter STEINKAMP. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, VIII-383 p.
474. MARCU (George), ILINCA (Rodica), ILINCA (Dragoş), STOICA (Stan). Enciclopedia bătăliilor din istoria românilor. (Encyclopedia of the battles in the history of Romanians). Coordonator George MARCU, Cuvânt înainte Florin CONSTANTINIU. Bucureşti, Editura Meronia, 2011, 345 p.
461. Histoire du Maroc: réactualisation et synthèse. Présentation et direction Mohamed KABLY. Rabat, Institut Royal pour la Recherche sur l'Histoire du Maroc, 2011, 841 p. (Publications de l'Institut Royal pour la Recherche sur l'Histoire du Maroc).
475. Medioevo (Il). A cura di Umberto ECO. Vol. 1. Alto Medioevo. Vol. 2. Basso Medioevo. Vol. 3. Medioevo centrale. Vol. 4. Quattrocento. Vol. 5. Indici. Milano, Motta, 2011, 680 p., 680 p., 720 p., 720 p., 140 p. (Historia: la grande storia della civiltà europea).
462. Histoire générale du Congo des origines à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Théophile OBENGA. Préface par Denis SASSOU N'GUESSO. 1. Methodologie historique:
476. MOMIGLIANO (Arnaldo). Manuale di storia romana. A cura di Attilio MASTROCINQUE. Torino, UTET università, 2011, IX-272 p.
§ 5. General history 477. NORTH (Michael). Geschichte der Ostsee: Handel und Kulturen. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, 448 p. 478. Ottoman World (The). Ed. by Christine WOODLondon, Routledge, 2011, 536 p.
479. Oxford handbook (The) of Ancient Anatolia (10000–323 B.C.E.). Ed. by Sharon R. STEADMAN and Gregory MAC MAHON. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-1174 p. 480. Oxford Handbook (The) of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Ed. by Helena HAMEROW, David A. HINTON and Sally CRAWFORD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXV-1078 p. (Oxford handbooks). 481. Oxford handbook (The) of Latin American history. Ed. by Jose C. MOYA. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXI-526 p. 482. Oxford handbook (The) of Modern German history. Ed. by Helmut Walser SMITH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-863 p. 483. Oxford handbook (The) of the Atlantic World c. 1450–c. 1850. Ed. by Nicholas CANNY and Philip MORGAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-671 p. 484. Oxford handbook (The) of world history. Ed. by Jerry H. BENTLEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-613 p. (Oxford handbooks). 485. PÁNEK (Jaroslav), TŮMA (Oldřich). A history of the Czech Lands. Prague, Karolinum, 2011, 639 p.
493. REINHARDT (Volker). Die Geschichte der Schweiz. Von den Anfängen bis heute. München, Beck, 2011, 512 p. 494. RIVETTI (Paola). L'Iran a partire dalla storia e dal territorio: un tentativo di lettura. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 11-34. 495. Routledge history (The) of the Holocaust. Ed. by Jonathan C. FRIEDMAN. London, Routledge, 2011, XIX-516 p. (Routledge histories). 496. SCHEER (Tanja S.). Griechische Geschlechtergeschichte. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X-180 p. (Enzyklopädie der griechisch-römischen Antike, 11). 497. SCHOU (Lotte), ØRNSTRØM (Susanne). Danmark i verden. Fortid, nutid, fremtid. (Le Danemark dans le monde. Passé, présent, avenir). København, Columbus, 2011, 208 p. (ill.). 498. Slovakia in history. Ed. by Mikuláš TEICH, Dušan KOVÁČ and Martin D. BROWN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-413 p. 499. SULLIVAN (Lawrence R.). Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Communist Party. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, 620 p. (Historical Dictionaries of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations). 500. TUCHTENHAGEN (Ralph). Kleine Geschichte Norwegens. [s. l.], C.H. Beck, 2011, 220 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1905).
486. PAYNE (Stanley G.). Spain: a unique history. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XII304 p.
501. UNTERMAN (Alan). Historical dictionary of the Jews. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, XLIX225 p. (Historical dictionaries of peoples and cultures, 9).
487. PENCAK (William A.). Historical Dictionary of Colonial America. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, 493 p. (Historical Dictionaries of U.S. Politics and Political Eras).
502. VAVŘÍNEK (Vladimir), BALCǍRKA (Petra). Encyklopedie Byzance. (Enzyklopädie von Byzanz). Praha, Slovanský ústav AV ČR, 2011, 550 p.
488. PLAKANS (Andrejs). A concise history of the Baltic states. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-472 p. 489. Pratiques du transnational. Terrains, preuves, limites. Sous la dir. de Jean-Paul ZÚÑIGA. Paris, Centre de recherches historiques, 2011, 287 p. (Bibliothèque du Centre de Recherches Historiques). 490. PREVOST (Gary), VANDEN (Harry E.). Latin America: an introduction. New York, Oxford U. P. 2011, XI-355 p. 491. PURI (Harish K.). Ghadar movement: a short history. New Delhi, National Book Trust, India 2011, XVI-168 p. (Popular social science). 492. REINHARD (Wolfgang). A short history of colonialism. Translated by Kate STURGE. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, VI-308 p. (ill.). (Kleine Geschichte des Kolonialismus). ‒ IDEM. Die Nase der Kleopatra. Geschichte im Lichte mikropolitischer Forschung. Ein Versuch. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 3, p. 631-666.
503. Vizantiĭskiĭ slovarʹ. (Dictionary of Byzantium in 2 volumes). Ed. by Konstantin A. FILATOV. St. Petersburg, Amphora, 2011, (2 voll.) 573-591 p. 504. VYSKOČIL (Aleš). Slovník představitelů politické správy na Moravě v letech 1850–1918. (Dictionary of political governance in Moravia in the years 1850– 1918). Praha, Historický ústav, 2011, 375 p. (Práce Historického ústavu AV ČR). 505. War in words. Transformations of war from antiquity to Clausewitz. Ed. by Marco FORMISANO, Hartmut BÖHME. Berlin a. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, IX431 p. [Cf. nos 1357, 1390.] 506. WEGER (Tobias). Kleine Geschichte Prags. Regensburg, Friedrich Pustet, 2011, 175 p. (ill.). 507. WINKLER (Heinrich August). Geschichte des Westens. Die Zeit der Weltkriege 1914–1945. München, Beck, 2011, 1350 p. 508. ZIECHMANN (Jürgen). Fridericianische Encyclopédie: Friedrich der Grosse und seine Epoche: das Lexikon. Ereignisse, Personen, Sachverhalte. Bremen,
Edition Ziechmann, 2011, 747 p. (ill.). (Forschungen und Studien zur Fridericianischen Zeit, 7).
ford U. P. 2011, XIV-840 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).
Cf. nos 719, 726, 3124-3160, 7713, 7722
523. PANI (Mario). Individuo e Stato: gli auxilia istituzionali del cittadino romano. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 37, 74, p. 53-60.
§ 6. Theory of the state and of society. _______________________
509. Atlante culturale del Risorgimento: Lessico del linguaggio politico dal Settecento all'Unità. A cura di A.M. BANTI, A. CHIAVISTELLI, L. MANNORI e M. MERIGGI. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XV-411 p. (Storia e società).
524. SUMITOMO (Akifumi). Kōkoku nihon no demokurashī: Kojin sōzō no shisōshi (The democracy of Imperial Japan: a history of the idea of individual creativity). Tokyo, Yushisha, 2011, 311 p. § 7. Constitutional and legal history. ______________________
510. BUTTI DE LIMA (Paulo). Max Weber e la riflessione politica degli antichi. Storiografia, 2011, 15, p. 229250.
525. ÁLVAREZ CORA (Enrique). Compendio de Historia del Derecho Español. Murcia, Marín, 2011, 264 p.
511. Cambridge companion (The) to Nozick's Anarchy, state, and utopia. Ed. by Ralf M. BADER and John MEADOWCROFT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-316 p. (Cambridge companions to literature).
526. BARTA (Heinz). "Graeca non leguntur"? Zu den Ursprüngen des europäischen Rechts im antiken Griechenland. Bd. 2. Archaische Grundlagen. T. 1 u. 2. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 2 vol., XVIII-766 p., XVI522 p.
512. Cambridge history (The) of nineteenth-century political thought. Ed. by Gareth Stedman JONES and Gregory CLAEYS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-1144 p.
527. FREIDENREICH (David M.). Foreigners and their food: constructing otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic law. Berkeley, University of California press, 2011, XVII-325 p.
513. CRISTELLON (Cecilia), SEIDEL MENCHI (Silvana). Legge, matrimonio, società. Incontro con Charles Donhaue jr. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 3, p. 1130-1179.
528. GROSSI (Paolo). Il punto e la linea (Storia del diritto e diritto positivo nella attuale crisi delle fonti). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 69-79.
514. Dizionario del liberalismo italiano. Tomo 1. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 1063 p. 515. FINZI (Claudio). Il pensiero politico dell'umanesimo: gli uomini, le città, le idee. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 320 p. (Biblioteca di politica. Saggi, 265). 516. HAIDER (Najam). The origins of the Shi'a: identity, ritual, and sacred space in eighth-century Kufa. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-276 p. (Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization). 517. JENNINGS (Jeremy). Revolution and the republic: a history of political thought in France since the eighteenth century. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-548 p. 518. KELLY (Duncan). The propriety of liberty: persons, passions and judgement in Modern political thought. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XIV-350 p. 519. LEITNER (Ulrich). Imperium. Geschichte und Theorie eines politischen Systems. Frankfurt am Main/ New York, Campus, 2011, 305 p. 520. Oxford handbook (The) of civil society. Ed. by Michael EDWARDS. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-515 p. (Oxford handbooks series).
529. HELLWEGE (Phillip). Enforcing the liferenter's obligation to repair: Roman law, 'ius commune' and Scots law. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2011, 79, 1, p. 81-119. 530. Historical legal systems and European integration [and] The fundamental values of law. HistoricLegal Section, English part, Section of Theory and Philosophy of Law, English part. Bratislava, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, 2011, 273610 p. (ill.). (Symposia, colloquia, conferences). 531. Inizi (Gli) del diritto pubblico. 3. Verso la costruzione del diritto pubblico tra medioevo e modernità. Die Anfänge des öffentlichen Rechts. 3. Auf dem Wege zur Etablierung des öffentlichen Rechts zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne. A cura di Gerhard DILCHER e Diego QUAGLIONI. Bologna, il Mulino e Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 858 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento/Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient, Contributi/Beiträge, 25). 532. Politics (The) of law in late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Ed. by Lawrin ARMSTRONG and Julius KIRSHNER. Foreword by Lauro MARTINES. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2011, X-229 p.
521. Oxford handbook (The) of political philosophy. Ed. by George KLOSKO. Oxford, Oxford U. P. 2011, XIV-840 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy).
533. Ritsuryōsei kenkyū nyūmon. (An introduction to the ritsuryo legal codes). Ed. OTSU Toru. Tokyo, Meicho Kankokai, 2011, 324 p. (Historical Studies series).
522. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of political philosophy. Ed. by George KLOSKO. Oxford, Ox-
534. SACCO (Rodolfo). Per una macrostoria del diritto. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 393-408.
§ 8. Economic and social history
535. SCHWERHOFF (Gerd). Historische Kriminalitätsforschung. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 234 p. (Historische Einführungen, 9).
548. BANNER (Stuart). American property: a history of how, why, and what we own. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 355 p.
536. SEAGRAVE (S. Adam). How old are modern rights? On the Lockean roots of contemporary human rights discourse. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 2, p. 305-327.
549. BARBIER (Edward B.). Scarcity and frontiers: how economies have developed through natural resource exploitation. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-748 p.
537. TIERNEY (Brian). Response to S. Adam Seagrave's "How old are modern rights? On the Lockean roots of contemporary human rights discourse". Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 3, p. 461-468.
550. BATEMAN (Victoria N.). The evolution of markets in early modern Europe, 1350–1800: a study of wheat prices. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 447-471.
538. Valeurs et justice: écarts et proximités entre société et monde judiciaire du Moyen Age au XVIIIe. siècle. Sous la dir. de Bruno LEMESLE et Michel NASSIET. Rennes, P. U. de Rennes, 2011, 196 p. (Histoire).
551. BELLERS (Jürgen), PORSCHE-LUDWIG (Markus). Aussenwirtschaftspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-2011: ein Handbuch zu Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Münster, Lit, 2011, VII-720 p. (ill). (Politik: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 32).
539. VOJACEK (Ladislav), SCHELLE (Karel), TAUCHEN (Jaromír) [et al.]. An introduction to history of Czech private law. Brno, Masaryk University 2011, 182 p. (Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, 391).
552. British Empire (The) and the natural world: environmental encounters in South Asia. Ed. by Deepak KUMAR, Vinita DAMODARAN and Rohan D'SOUZA. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-280 p.
540. WALDSTÄTTEN (Alfred). Staatliche Gerichte in Wien seit Maria Theresia. Beiträge zu ihrer Geschichte: ein Handbuch. Innsbruck, Studien Verlag, 2011, 440 p. (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte, 54).
553. Bürger (Der) und seine Stadt. Bürgerschaftliches Engagement zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne in Halle. Hrsg. v. Holger ZAUNSTÖCK, Jörn WEINERT und Andrea THIELE. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2011, 175 p. (Forschungen zur hallischen Stadtgeschichte 17).
Cf. nos 2542, 4345, 6522
554. BUTSCHEK (Felix). Österreichische Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, XVI-616 p.
§ 8. Economic and social history. ______________________
541. ABBATTISTA (Guido). Rivoluzione commerciale, rivoluzione dei consumi: dal lusso degli antichi al lusso dei moderni. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 3, p. 1180-1189. 542. Agrarian history (The) of Sweden: from 400BC to AD2000. Ed. by Janken MYRDAL and Mats MORELL. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2011, 336 p. 543. Agriculture and forestry in Sweden since 1900: a cartographic description. Ed. by Ulf JANSSON. Stockholm, National Atlas of Sweden a. Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, 2011, 232 p. 544. ALBERA (Dionigi). Au fil des générations. Terre, pouvoir et parenté dans l'Europe alpine (XIVe–XXe siècles). Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2011, 544 p. 545. ALLEN (Robert C.), WEISDORF (Jacob L.). Was there an 'industrious revolution' before the industrial revolution? An empirical exercise for England, c. 1300– 1830. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 715-729. 546. ALLEN (Robert C.). Global economic history: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-170 p. (Very short introductions). 547. ALVEY (James E.). A short history of ethics and economics: the Greeks. Cheltenham, Elgar, 2011, X-184 p.
555. CENTEMERI (Laura). Retour à Seveso: la complexité morale et politique du dommage à l'environnement. Annales, 2011, 66, 1, p. 213-240. 556. COBET (Justus). Babylon, Jerusalem, Athen, Rom. Vier Metropolen: Skizze eines europäischen Diskurses. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 1, p. 1-38. 557. COSMACINI (Giorgio). Guerra e medicina: dall' antichità a oggi. Roma, Laterza, 2011, VII-210 p. (Storia e società). 558. COWIE (Helen). Conquering nature in Spain and its empire, 1750–1850. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIII-234 p. (Studies in imperialism). 559. Demography and the Graeco-Roman World. New insights and approaches. Ed. by Claire HOLLERAN and April PUDSEY. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-215 p. [Cf. no 1750.] 560. Economic evolution and revolution in historical time. Ed. by Paul W. RHODE, Joshua L. ROSENBLOOM and David F. WEIMAN. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XX-461 p. 561. Economy (The) in Jewish history: new perspectives on the interrelationship between ethnicity and economic life. Ed. by Gideon REUVENI and Sarah WOBICK-SEGEV. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, X-239 p.
562. EHRLICH (Anna). Kleine Geschichte Wiens. Regensburg, Pustet, 2011, 190 p. (Ill.). 563. Encyclopedia (The) of migration and minorities in Europe: from the seventeenth century to the present. Ed. by Klaus J. BADE, Pieter C. EMMER, Leo LUCASSEN and Jochen OLTMER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXXXII-768 p. 564. Enfermements. Le cloître et la prison (VIe– XVIIIe siècle). Colloque de Troyes-Bar-sur-Aube-Clairvaux, octobre 2009. Sous la dir. de Isabelle HEULLANTDONAT, Julie CLAUSTRE et Elisabeth LUSSET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 382 p. 565. Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur. Vol. 1. A-CL. Im Auftr. der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Hrsg. v. Dan DINER. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2011, XXXIII -517 p. 566. ERIKSSON (Bo). Svenska adelns historia. (Histoire de la noblesse suédoise). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2011, 450 p. (ill.). (pl.). 567. FAGERFJÄLL (Ronald). Entreprenörernas svenska historia. (Histoire des entrepreneurs en Suède). Malmö, Liber, 2011, 199 p. (ill.). 568. Flota maritimă comercială română între tradiţie şi actualitate. (Romanian commercial fleet between tradition and actuality). Coordonatori Carmen-Irene ATANASIU şi Andreea ATANASIU-CROITORU. Constanţa, Editura Muzeului Marinei, 2011, 565 p. 569. Français (Les) en Russie au siècle des Lumières. Dictionnaire des Français, Suisses, Wallons et autres francophones en Russie de Pierre le Grand à Paul Ier. I. Introduction, annexes, sources, index. II. Notices. Ed. par Anne MÉZIN et Vladislav RJÉOUTSKI. Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2011, 2 vol., XXIX-528 p., 840 p. (Publications du Centre International d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 23/ 24). 570. Gastronomins (politiska) historia. (Histoire (politique) de la gastronomie). Red. Madeleine A. BONOW, Paulina RYTKÖNEN. Stockholm, Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi, 2011, 368 p. (ill.). (Ymer, 131). 571. GRAU (Günter). Lexikon zur Homosexuellenverfolgung 1933–1945. Institutionen – Kompetenzen – Betätigungsfelder. Mit einem Beitr. v. Rüdiger Lautmann. Berlin u. Münster, Lit, 2011, 393 p.
acesta şi perspectiva valorificării sale. (Danube-Black Sea Canal history its development, studies related to it and the perspective of its valorisation). Constanţa, Editura Ex Ponto, 2011, 229 p. 575. INGOLD (Alice). Ecrire la nature. De l'histoire sociale à la question environnementale? Annales, 2011, 66, 1, p. 11-29. – EADEM. Gouverner les eaux courantes en France au XIXe siècle. Administration, droits et savoirs. Annales, 2011, 66, 1, p. 69-104. 576. Justice (La) des familles. Autour de la transmission des biens, des savoirs et des pouvoirs (Europe, Nouveau Monde, XIIe–XIXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Anna BELLAVITIS et Isabelle CHABOT. Roma, École Française de Rome, 2011, 505 p. 577. JÜTTE (Daniel). Das Zeitalter des Geheimnisses. Juden, Christen und die Ökonomie des Geheimen (1400–1800). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 420 p. 578. Kapitalismus: historische Annäherungen. Hrsg. v. Gunilla BUDDE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 191 p. 579. KEEVAK (Michael). Becoming yellow: a short history of racial thinking. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, VIII-219 p. 580. Kvinnohistoria i Sverige. (L'histoire des femmes en Suède). Red. Berith BACKLUND, Anna SJÖDAHL HAYMAN. Göteborg, Kvinnsam, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek, 134 p. (ill.). 581. LAMOUREUX (Christian), XIAOPING (Dong). La fabrique des droits hydrauliques. Histoire, traditions et innovations dans le nord de la Chine. Annales, 2011, 66, 1, p. 33-67. 582. LE GALL (Jean-Marie). Un idéal masculin? Barbes et moustaches (XVe–XVIIIe siècles) suivi de Le Barbu ou Dialogue sur la barbe d'Antoine Hotman, Paris, Payot, 2011, 382 p. 583. LE ROY LADURIE (Emmanuel), ROUSSEAU (Daniel), VASAK (Anouchka). Les fluctuations du climat. De l'an mil à nos jours. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 321 p. 584. LE ROY LADURIE (Emmanuel), ROUSSEAU (Daniel). Histoire vendémiologique et climatologie historique. Revue historique, 2011, 657, p. 53-60. 585. LOEW (Peter Oliver). Danzig. Biographie einer Stadt. München, Beck, 2011, 320 p.
572. HARRIS (William V.). Bois et déboisement dans le Méditerranée antique. Annales, 2011, 66, 1, p. 105140.
586. LUNGHINI (Giorgio). Il progresso e il capitalismo. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 319-324.
573. Histoire de la virilité. T. 1. L'invention de la virilité. De l'Antiquité aux Lumières. T. 2. Le triomphe de la virilité. Le XIXe siècle. T. 3. La virilité en crise? XXe–XXIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Alain CORBIN, JeanJacques COURTINE et Georges VIGARELLO. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2011, 3 vol., 578 p., 493 p., 566 p.
587. MALATESTA (Maria). Professional men, professional women: the European professions from the nineteenth century until today. Translated by Adrian BELTON. London, Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE, 2011, VII-188 p. (SAGE studies in international sociology, 58).
574. ILIE (Adrian), ILIE (Claudia). Canalul DunăreMarea Neagră istoricul dezvoltării, studiile legate de
588. MIKHAIL (Alan). Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: an environmental history. New York, Cam-
§ 8. Economic and social history bridge U. P., 2011, XXV-347 p. (Studies in environment and history). 589. MORICEAU (Jean-Marc). L'homme contre le loup: une guerre de deux mille ans. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 479 p. 590. Ocherki istorii formirovaniia i razvitiia predprinimatelʹstva v Uzbekistane. (Essays on the history of formation and development of entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan). Otvetstvennye redaktory Dono ZIËEVA, Dilorom Agzamovna ALIMOVA. Toshkent, Institut istorii AN Respubliki Uzbekistan, 2011, 146 p. (Aktualʹnye voprosy istorii Uzbekistana). 591. OGILVIE (Sheilagh). Institutions and European trade: merchant guilds, 1000–1800. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VI-493 p. (Cambridge studies in economic history). 592. Oxford handbook (The) of social relations in the Roman world. Ed. by Michael PEACHIN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-738 p. 593. PAUL (Helen J.). The South Sea bubble: an economic history of its origins and consequences. London, Routledge, 2011, 155 p. 594. PRANGE (Sebastian R.). A trade of no dishonor: piracy, commerce, and community in the western Indian ocean, twelfth to sixteenth century. American historical review, 2011, 116, 5, p. 1269-1293. 595. RADKAU (Joachim). Die Ära der Ökologie. Eine Weltgeschichte. München, Beck, 2011, 782 p. 596. Regards croisés sur l'argent. Colloque tenu à Rouen le 20 novembre 2010. Rouen, Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rouen, Comité d'Histoire Économique et Sociale de Rouen et de sa région, 2011, 127 p. 597. Reichskreise und Regionen im frühmodernen Europa: Horizonte und Grenzen im "spatial turn". Tagung bei der Akademie des Bistums Mainz, Erbacher Hof, 3.–5. September 2010; hrsg. v. Wolfgang WÜST und Michael MÜLLER; unter Mitarbeit von Regina HINDELANG. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 485 p. (Mainzer Studien zur neueren Geschichte, 29). 598. REITH (Reinhold). Umweltgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 196 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 89). 599. ROBERTS (Keith). The origins of business, money, and markets. New York, Columbia Business School Publishing, 2011, XX-357 p. 600. Salut (Le) par les armes. Noblesse et défense de l'orthodoxie, XIIIe–XVIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Ariane BOLTANSKI et Franck MERCIER. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 302 p. 601. Shipping and economic growth, 1350–1850. Ed. by Richard W. UNGER. Leyden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XIX-464 p.
602. SIMONS (Patricia). The sex of men in premodern Europe: a cultural history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-327 p. (Cambridge social and cultural histories). 603. Soldatinnen. Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis heute. Hrsg. v. Klaus LATZEL, Franka MAUBACH und Silke SATJUKOW. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 486 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte 60). 604. STASAVAGE (David). States of credit: size, power, and the development of European polities. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, VIII-192 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western world). 605. STERCKX (Roel). Food, sacrifice, and sagehood in early China. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX235 p. 606. Torture and state violence in the United States: a short documentary history. Edited by Robert M. PALLITTO. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P. 2011, XVI272 p. 607. Transregional and transnational families in Europe and beyond: experiences since the Middle Ages. Ed. by Christopher H. JOHNSON, David Warren SABEAN, Simon TEUSCHER and Francesca TRIVELLATO. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2011, X-362 p. 608. Tributary empires in global history. Ed. by Peter FIBIGER BANG, and C. A. BAYLY. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-294 p. (Cambridge Imperial and post-colonial studies series). 609. UHRMACHER (Martin). Lepra und Leprosorien im rheinischen Raum vom 12. Bis zum 18. Jahrundert. Trèves, Porta Alba Verlag, 2011, X-378 p. (Beiträge zur Landes- und Kulturgeschichte, 8 – Publications du Centre Luxembourgeois de Documentation et d'Études médiévales, 36). 610. Unter Bäumen. Die Deutschen und der Wald. Hrsg. v. Ursula BREYMAYER und Bernd ULRICH. Dresden, Sandstein, 2011, 320 p. 611. VALENZE (Deborah). Milk: a local and global history. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XV-351 p. 612. VAN DER WEE (Herman). Les innovations de la technique financière à Bruges, Anvers et Amsterdam (XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 861-872. 613. VAN ZANDEN (Jan Luiten). The Malthusian intermezzo: women's wages and human capital formation between the late Middle Ages and the demographic transition of the 19th century. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 331-342. 614. What is masculinity? Historical dynamics from antiquity to the contemporary world. Ed. by John H. ARNOLD and Sean BRADY. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-462 p. 615. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Europa 1000– 2000. Hrsg. v. Marcus CERMAN [et al.]. Innsbruck, Wien
u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2011, 438 p. (VGS-Studientexte, 2). 616. ZELIZER (Viviana). Economic lives: how culture shapes the economy. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 478 p. os
Cf. n 80-109, 625, 2626, 5658-5701 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. _______________________
617. Agenda social (La) de la historia de la medicina: el patrimonio histórico médico. Ed. por María José BÁGUENA CERVELLERA y José Luis FRESQUET FEBRER. Valencia, Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero, Universitat de València – CSIC, 2011, 155 p. (Cuadernos valencianos de historia de la medicina y de la ciencia, 58). 618. Between text and patient: the medical enterprise in medieval & early modern Europe. Ed. by Florence Eliza GLAZE and Brian K. NANCE. Firenze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XII-570 p. (Micrologus' library, 39). 619. BÖSCH (Frank). Mediengeschichte: vom asiatischen Buchdruck zum Fernsehen. Frankfurt am Main, Campus-Verl., 2011, 268 p. 620. BYL (Simon). De la médecine magique et religieuse à la médecine rationnelle. Hippocrate. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 320 p. (Sciences et société). 621. Cambridge companion (The) to Medieval English culture. Ed. by Andrew GALLOWAY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-321 p. (Cambridge Companions to Culture). 622. CASSIDY (David C.). A short history of physics in the American century. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 211 p. (New histories of science, technology, and medicine). 623. CHARLE (Christophe). Discordance des temps. Une brève histoire de la modernité, Paris, Armand Colin, 2011, 494 p. 624. CHAUBET (François), MARTIN (Laurent). Histoire des relations culturelles dans le monde contemporain. Paris, Armand Colin, 2011, 295 p. (U). 625. Companion (A) to Mexican history and culture. Ed. by William H. BEEZLEY. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XXII-666 p. (Blackwell companions to world history). 626. DOUEIHI (Milad). Pour un humanisme numérique. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 177 p. (La librairie du XXI siècle).
629. HUMBOLDT (Alexander von). Cosmos: ensayo de una descripción física del mundo. Edición e introducción de Sandra REBOK. Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2011, XXXII-958 p. (ill.). 630. INCE (Darrel). The computer: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 139 p. (ill.). (Very short introduction, 292). 631. JAY (Martin). In the realm of the senses: an introduction. American historical review, 2011, 116, 2, p. 307-315. 632. KANG (Minsoo). Sublime dreams of living machines: the automaton in the European imagination. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, X-374 p. 633. KOSLOFSKY (Craig). Evening's empire: a history of the night in early Modern Europe. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-431 p. (New studies in European history). 634. LARSSON (Marianne). Män i baddräkt. En kroppslig kulturhistoria. (Hommes en maillots de bain. Une histoire culturelle du corps). Stockholm, Nordiska museets forlag, 2011, 135 p. (ill.). 635. LONG (Pamela O.). Artisan/practitioners and the rise of the new sciences, 1400–1600. Corvallis, Oregon State U. P., 2011, XII-196 p. (Horning visiting scholars series). 636. MARIÉ (Éric). Le diagnostic par les pouls en Chine et en Europe: une histoire de la sphygmologie des origines au XVIIIe siecle. Paris, Springer, 2011, XX-469 p. (Médecines d'Asie--savoirs & pratiques). 637. MATHIEU (Jon). Die dritte Dimension. Eine vergleichende Geschichte der Berge in der Neuzeit. Basel, Schwabe, 2011, 242 p. (Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte, 3). 638. MÜLLER (Jürgen). "The Sound of Silence". Von der Unhörbarkeit der Vergangenheit zur Geschichte des Hörens. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 1, p. 1-29. 639. MURAT (Laure). L'homme qui se prenait pour Napoléon. Pour une histoire politique de la folie. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 382 p. 640. Old age (On): approaching death in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Ed. by Christian KRÖTZL and Katariina MUSTAKALLIO. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2011, XIX-346 p. (History of daily life, 2). 641. Oxford handbook (The) of the history of medicine. Ed. by Mark JACKSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-672 p. (Oxford handbooks in history).
627. GALLOWAY (Andrew). The Cambridge companion to medieval English culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-321 p. (Cambridge Companions to Culture).
642. Palfrey notebook (The): records of study in seventeenth-century Cambridge. Ed. by C. J. COOK. Woodbridge, Boydell Press in association with Cambridge University Library, 2011, XIII-802 p. (ill.). (History of the University of Cambridge: texts and studies, 7).
628. Histoire du poil. Sous la dir. de Marie-France AUZÉPY et Joël CORNETTE. Paris, Belin, 2011, 350 p. (ill.).
643. PARKHURST FERGUSON (Priscilla). The senses of taste. American historical review, 2011, 116, 2, p. 371384.
§ 10. History of art 644. POE (Marshall T.). A history of communications. Media and society from the evolution of speech to the internet. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-337 p. 645. Réalités et représentations du corps dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Sous la dir. de MaryNELLY FOULIGNY et Marie ROIG MIRANDA. Nancy, Groupe "XVIe et XVIIe siècles en Europe", Université de Nancy II, 2011, 2 vol., 398 p., 492 p. (Europe XVI– XVII, 15-16). 646. ROSENFELD (Sophia). Common sense: a political history. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 337 p. ‒ EADEM. On being heard: a case for paying attention to the historical ear. American historical review, 2011, 116, 2, p. 316-334. 647. SCHMIDT (Johann N.). Großbritannien 1945– 2010: Kultur, Politik, Gesellschaft. Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner Verlag, 2011, 456 p. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 305). 648. Scienze e cultura dell'Italia unita. A cura di Francesco CASSATA e Claudio POGLIANO. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, XXV-1082 p. (Storia d'Italia. Annali, 26). 649. St John's College, Cambridge: a history. Ed. by Peter LINEHAN. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, XIX757 p. 650. Storia d'Italia. Annali. 26 Scienze e cultura dell'Italia unita. A cura di Francesco CASSATA e Claudio POGLIANO. Torino, G. Einaudi 2011, XXV-1082 p. 651. Svenskfinska relationer: språk, identitet och nationalitet efter 1809. (Les relations finno-suédoises après 1809: langues, identités et nationalités). Red. Maria SJÖBERG, Birgitta SVENSSON. Stockholm, Nordiska museets förlag, 2011, 181 p. (ill.). 652. TOLZ (Vera). Russia's own orient: the politics of identity and Oriental studies in the late imperial and early Soviet periods. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-203 p. 653. Transmisión del conocimiento médico e internacionalización de la practicas sanitarias: una reflexión histórica: actas del XV congreso de la Sociedad española de historia de la medicina, Ciudad Real, 15-18 de junio de 2011. Ed. por María Isabel PORRAS GALLO. Ciudad Real, UCLM, 2011, 600 p. 654. Turk (The) and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450– 1750: visual imagery before orientalism. Ed. by James G. HARPER. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XV-325 p. (Transculturalism, 1400–1700). 655. WADDINGTON (Keir). An introduction to the social history of medicine: Europe since 1500. Houndsmill, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-394 p. (ill.). 656. Warfare and culture in history. Ed. by Wayne E. LEE. New York, New York U. P., 2011, VII-231 p. (Warfare and culture). Cf. nos 696, 709, 7646
27 § 10. History of art.
** 657. Dokumente zur Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Helga DE LA MOTTE-HABER, Lydia RILLING und Julia H. SCHRÖDER. Unter Mitarbeit von Hans EMONS, Lutz FAHRENKROG-PETERSEN und Wolfram KNAUER. Laaber, Laaber-Verlag, 2011, 2 vol., 359 p., 360 p. (Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert, 14). _______________________
658. Ars musica septentrionalis: de l'interprétation du patrimoine musical à l'historiographie. Éd. par Barbara Haggh et Frédéric Billiet. Paris: PUPS, 2011, 262 p., XXVIII tab. (ill., music). (Musiques/Écritures. Études). 659. Atlante storico della musica nel Medioevo. A cura di Vera MINAZZI e Cesarino RUINI. Introduzione e conclusioni F. Alberto GALLO. Milano, Jaca Book, 2011, 287 p. (ill.). 660. Bāmyan bukkyō sekkutsu no kenchiku kōzō oyobi sono ishō to gihō. (Structure, design and technique of the Bamiyan Buddhist caves). Ed. by Japan Center for international cooperation in conservation, Nara National Research Institute for cultural properties, Ministry of intelligence and culture of Afghanistan and Pasco. Tokyo, Akashi Shoten, 2011, 317 p. (Recent Cultural Heritage Issues in Afghanistan series, 5). 661. BERENTS (Catharina). Kleine Geschichte des Design: Von Gottfried Semper bis Philippe Starck. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, 232 p. (ill.). (Beck'sche Reihe, 1993). 662. BOOKER (Keith M.). Historical Dictionary of American Cinema. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2011, 509 p. (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts). 663. Cambridge companion (The) to Medieval music. Ed. by Mark EVERIST. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXXII-477 p. (Cambridge companions to music). 664. GAGNÉ (Nicole V.). Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music. Lanham, Scarecrow Press 2011, 393 p. (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts). 665. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. 7. Wien Musikgeschichte: von der Prähistorie bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth Th. FRITZ-HILSCHER und Helmut KRETSCHMER. Wien, Lit Verlag, 2011, IX-743 p. (Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Wien). 666. Grove encyclopedia (The) of American art. Editor in chief Joan MARTER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 5 vol., LXXI-590 p., 666 p., 613 p., 625 p., 490 p. 667. GUERZONI (Guido). Apollo and Vulcan: the art markets in Italy, 1400–1700. East Lansing, Michigan State U. P., 2011, XXX-276 p. 668. Images et magie. Picatrix entre Orient et Occident. Ed. par Jean-Patrice BOUDET, Anna CAIOZZO et Nicolas WEILL-PAROT. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2011, 389 p.
669. LANCASHIRE (Terence A.). An introduction to Japanese folk performing arts. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XVI-243 p. (SOAS musicology series).
* 683. Religious Studies Review, 37, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2011, [s. p.] [2010, 36, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2009, no 786.]
670. LENAIN (Thierry). Art forgery: the history of a modern obsession. London, Reaktion Books, 2011, 383 p.
684. ¡Abba!: Enciclopedia del cristianismo contemporáneo en España y Latinoamérica: testigos, Biblia, historia de la Iglesia, protagonistas, corrientes, pueblos de la Tierra. Dirección, Eloy BUENO DE LA FUENTE, Roberto CALVO PÉREZ. Burgos, Monte Carmelo, 2011, 1430 p.
671. MILAM (Jennifer Dawn). Historical dictionary of Rococo art. Lanham, The Scarecrow Press, 2011, XXVI-307 p. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts). 672. Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. Ed. by David CLARKE and Eric CLARKE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXIV-384 p. (ill.).
685. ANDRESEN (Carl), [et al.]. Die christlichen Lehrentwicklungen bis zum Ende des Spätmittelalters. Bearbeitet von Adolf Martin RITTER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, XXXVIII-794 p. (Handbuch der Dogmen- und Theologiegeschichte, 1).
673. Oxford handbook of the new cultural history of music. Ed. by Jane F. FULCHER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-586 p.
686. Ashgate research companion (The) to Byzantine hagiography. Vol. 1 Periods and places. Ed. by Stephanos EFTHYMIADIS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XIX-440 p. (ill.). (Ashgate research companion).
674. PETROVICI (Vasile). Dicţionarul colecţionarilor de artă din România. (The dictionary of art collectors in Romania). Bucureşti, Editura Corint, 2011, 191 p.
675. Sultans of the South: arts of India's Deccan courts, 1323–1687. Ed. by Navina Najat HAIDAR and Marika SARDAR. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 336 p. 676. UCHIDA (Etsuo). Ishi ga kataru ankōru iseki: Gansekigaku kara mita sekai isan. (When the building blocks of Angkor speak: A petrological approach to the world heritage). Tokyo, Waseda U. P., 2011, 254 p. 677. WOHLMAYR (Wolfgang). Die römische Kunst: ein Handbuch. Darmstadt, WBG, 2011, 399 p. (ill.). Cf. no 709 § 11. History of religions. * 678. ALTHANN (Robert). Elenchus of Biblica. 2008. [2007. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 782.] Roma, Ed. Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 2011, 974 p. * 679. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Band 32. Ergänzungen 19. [Band 31. Ergänzungen 18. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 2137.] Hrsg v. Friedrich W. BAUTZ. Nordhausen, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2011, LIII1600 coll. * 680. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae cura J.-M. AUWERS, E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. FAMERÉE, É. GAZIAUX, J. HAERS, A. HAQUIN, M. LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, G. VAN BELLE, J. VERHEYDEN. Tomus LXXXVII. [Tomus LXXXVI. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 783.] Leuven, Peeters, 2010, 324 p. * 681. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 55, 2011, [s. p.] [Vol. 54, 2010. Cf. Bibl. 2009, no 784.] * 682. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 34, 2011, [s. p.] [Vol. 33, 2010. Cf. Bibl. 2009, no 785.]
687. Athanasius Handbuch. Hrsg. v. Peter GEMEINTübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-578 p.
688. BIALE (David). Not in the heavens: the tradition of Jewish secular thought. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XIII-229 p. 689. Blackwell (The) companion to Paul. Ed. by Stephen WESTERHOLM. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XVIII-615 p. 690. Cambridge (The) dictionary of Christian theology. Ed. by Ian A. MCFARLAND. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXI-549 p. 691. Cambridge companion (The) to Gandhi. Ed. by Judith M. BROWN and Anthony PAREL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-273 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 692. Cambridge companion (The) to Medieval English mysticism. Ed. by Samuel FANOUS and Vincent GILLESPIE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVIII309 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 693. Cambridge companion (The) to miracles. Ed. by Graham H. TWELFTREE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-338 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 694. Cambridge companion (The) to the Trinity. Ed. by Peter C. PHAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-417 p. 695. Cambridge companion (The) to Thomas More. Ed. by George M. LOGAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXV-301 p. (Cambridge companions to religion). 696. Cambridge dictionary (The) of Judaism and Jewish culture. Ed. by Judith R. BASKIN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XLVII-716 p. 697. Companion (A) to Bernard of Clairvaux. Ed. by Brian Patrick MCGUIRE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XVIII-405 p. (ill.). (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 25).
§ 11. History of religions
698. Companion (A) to Catherine of Siena. Ed. by Carolyn MUESSIG, George FERZOCO and Beverly Mayne KIENZLE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 395 p. (Brill's companions to Christian tradition).
versités Lyon 2 et Lyon 3. Éd. par Bernadette CABOUMarie O. CHARLES-LAFORGE. Lyon, CEROR, 2011, 340 p. (Collection d'Études et de Recherches sur l'Occident Romain, 35).
699. Companion (A) to multiconfessionalism in the early modern world. Ed. by Thomas Max SAFLEY. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XI-500 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 28).
714. NORTON (David). The King James Bible: a short history from Tyndale to today. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-218 p.
700. Cristiani d'Italia: chiese, società, Stato, 1861– 2011. Direzione scientifica di Alberto MELLONI. Sotto l'alto patronato del Presidente della Repubblica. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2011, 2 vol., LXIV-XIII-1743 p. (ill.). 701. Danmarks kirker (danmarkskirker.natmus.dk). (Les églises du Danemark). København, Nationalmuseet, 11. (édition électronique). 702. DAVIES (Owen). Paganism: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford U. P. 2011, XII-144 p. (ill.). (Very short introductions, 269). 703. Devozioni, pratiche e immaginario religioso. Espressioni del cattolicesimo tra 1400 e 1850. Storici cileni e Italiani a confronto. A cura di René MILLAR e Roberto RUSCONI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 453 p. 704. DI BELLA (Maria Pia). Essai sur les supplices. L'état de victime. Paris, Hermann, 2011, 336 p. 705. Dictionnaire de la laïcité. Sous la dir. de Martine CERF et Marc HORWITZ. Paris, Colin, 2011, 344 p. 706. Encyclopedie des mystiques rhenans d'Eckhart a Nicolas De Cues et leur reception. Ed. francaise par Marie-Anne VANNIER. Preface de Bernanrd MAC GINN. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 1277 p. 707. Grand Pardon (Le) de Chaumont et les Pardons dans la vie religieuse, XIVe–XXIe siècles. Actes du colloque international d'histoire, 24–26 mai 2007. Chaumont, Le Pythagore, 2011, 455 p. 708. Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hrsg. v. Peter DINZELBACHER. Bd. 1. Altertum und Frühmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Peter DINZELBACHER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 421 p. 709. MORRISON (Tessa). Isaac Newton's Temple of Solomon and his reconstruction of sacred architecture. Basel, Springer Basel, 2011, XIX-186 p. (ill.). 710. MURPHY (Andrew R.). The Blackwell companion to religion and violence. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XVI-615 p. 711. NELSON BURNETT (Amy). The social history of Communion and the reformation of the Eucharist. Past and present, 2011, 211, p. 77-119.
715. Oxford handbook (The) of religious diversity. Ed. by Chad MEISTER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-456 p. 716. Oxford handbook (The) of the early Modern sermon. Ed. by Peter MAC CULLOUGH, Hugh ADLINGTON and Emma RHATIGAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-608 p. 717. Oxford handbook (The) to the reception history of the Bible. Ed. by Michael LIEB, Emma MASON and Jonathan ROBERTS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XV725 p. 718. Oxford handbook of the archaeology of ritual and religion. Ed. by Timothy INSOLL. Oxford, Oxford U. P. 2011, XXVI-1108 p. (Oxford handbooks). 719. Philosemitism in history. Ed. by Jonathan KARP and Adam SUTCLIFFE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-348 p. 720. Politiche religiose nel mondo antico e tardoantico. Poteri e indirizzi, forme del controllo, idee e prassi di tolleranza. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 24-26 settembre 2009. A cura di Giovanni A. CECCONI. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 413 p. (Munera, 33). [Cf. nos 1893, 2234.] 721. Rome, l'unique objet de mon ressentiment: regards critiques sur la papauté. Études réunies par Philippe LEVILLAIN. Rome, École française de Rome, 2011, 394 p. (ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 453). 722. ROSE (Jenny). Zoroastrianism: an introduction. London, I. B. Tauris 2011, XXIV-303 p. (ill.). (Introductions to religion). 723. Saints and sanctity. Ed. by Peter CLARKE and Tony CLAYDON. Woodbridge, Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by the Boydell Press, 2011, XXII-437 p. (Studies in church history, 47). 724. Sects and sectarianism in Jewish history. Ed. by Sacha STERN. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XVII-308 p. 725. SENYK (Sophia). A history of the Church in Ukraine. Vol. 2. 1300 to the Union of Brest. Roma, Pontificio istituto orientale, 2011, 320 p. (Orientalia Christiana analecta, 289).
712. New catholic encyclopedia, Supplement 2011. Ed. by Robert L. FASTIGGI. Detroit, Gale, Cengage Learning, 2011, 2 vol., XXXVI-XVI, 887 p.
726. TAMM (Marek), KALJUNDI (Linda), JENSEN (Carsten Selch). Crusading and chronicle writing on the medieval Baltic frontier: a companion to the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXXII484 p. (ill.).
713. Norme religiouse (La) dans l'Antiquité. Colloque organisé les 14 et 15 décembre 2007 par les Uni-
727. TANNER (Norman). The church in council: conciliar movements, religious practice, and the Papacy
from Nicaea to Vatican 2. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, IX-249 p. Cf. nos 732, 4294-4360 § 12. History of philosophy. _______________________
728. BERISSO (Lía), BERNARDO (Horacio). Introducción al pensamiento uruguayo. Montevideo, Ediciones Cruz del Sur, 2011, 336 p. 729. Cambridge companion (The) to Socrates. Ed. by Donald R. MORRISON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-413 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). [Cf. nos 1397, 1400, 1402, 1409, 1410, 1416, 1421, 1424, 1426, 1427, 1432, 1433, 1436, 1439, 1448.] 730. Cambridge history (The) of Medieval philosophy. Ed. by, Christina van DYKE and Robert PASNAU. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 2 vol., XIII-1193 p. 731. Cambridge history (The) of philosophy in the 19th century (1790–1870). Ed. by Allen W. WOOD and Songsuk Susan HAHN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-992 p. 732. Herausforderung durch Religion? Begegnungen der Philosophie mit Religionen in Mittelalter und Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Gerhard KRIEGER. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 397 p. (Contradictio, 11). 733. Immanuel Kant: observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime and other writings. Ed. by Patrick FRIERSON and Paul GUYER. With an introduction by Patrick FRIERSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, XLV-348 p. (Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy). 734. LIEBERG (Godo). Ästhetische Theorien der Antike, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Darstellungen und Interpretationen. Bochum, Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, 2011, 72 p. 735. MORGAN (Michael L.). The Cambridge introduction to Emmanuel Levinas. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-259 p. 736. Oxford handbook (The) of philosophy in early modern Europe. Ed. by Desmond M. CLARKE and Catherine WILSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV595 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy). 737. Oxford handbook (The) of Wittgenstein. Ed. by Oskari KUUSELA and Marie MAC GINN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-824 p. (Oxford handbooks). 738. Oxford handbook (The) of world philosophy. Ed. by Jay L. GARFIELD and William EDELGLASS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXI-633 p. (Oxford handbooks in philosophy). 739. Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete. Hrsg. v. Rolf SCHÖNBERGER [et al.] unt. Mitarb. v. P.
Andreas SCHÖNFELD. Band 1. A-D. Band 2. E-L. Band 3. M-Z. Band 4. Verzeichnisse. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 4 vol., XXXVII-3995 p., 438 p., 458 p. 740. TROMBLEY (Stephen). A short history of Western thought. London, Atlantic, 2011, 277 p. Cf. nos 4942-4988 § 13. History of literature. * 741. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. XLVIII. 2010. [XLVII. 2009. Cf. Bibl. 2010, o n 834.] Begrundet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2011, 1274 p. ______________________
742. ADRADOS (Francisco Rodriguez). Traduttori arabi tra greco e castigliano: il lungo viaggio della letteratura sapienziale antica verso l'Europa. Edizione italiana a cura di Maria Cristina BITTI. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2011, 379 p. (Biblioteca spagnola di studi classici, 6). 743. Barock: das große Lesebuch. Hrsg. v. Dirk NIEFANGER. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2011, 678 p. (ill.). (Fischer Klassik. Fischer Taschenbuch). 744. BARRISH (Phillip J.). The Cambridge introduction to American literary realism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, XII-225 p. (ill.). (Cambridge introductions to literature). 745. BERMAN (Nina). German Literature on the Middle East: Discourses and Practices, 1000–1989. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, IX324 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany). 746. Brill's companion to Lucan. Ed. by Paolo ASSO. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXI-625 p. 747. Cambridge Companion (The) to American Fiction after 1945. Edited by John N. DUVALL. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 292 p. (Cambridge Companions to Literature). 748. Cambridge companion (The) to British literature of the French Revolution in the 1790s. Ed. by Pamela CLEMIT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVIII-228 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 749. Cambridge companion (The) to European modernism. Ed. by Pericles LEWIS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-269 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 750. Cambridge companion (The) to nineteenthcentury American poetry. Ed. by Kerry LARSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-286 p. (Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge companions to topics). 751. Cambridge companion (The) to Ted Hughes. Ed. by Terry GIFFORD. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P.,
§ 13. History of literature 2011, XXI-194 p. (Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge companions to authors). 752. Cambridge companion (The) to the literature of London. Ed. by Lawrence MANLEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-297 p. (ill.). (Cambridge companions to literature). 753. Cambridge companion (The) to the sonnet. Ed. by A.D. COUSINS and Peter HOWARTH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-280 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 754. Cambridge companion (The) to twentieth-century British and Irish women's poetry. Ed. by Jane DOWSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVII, 208 p. (Cambridge companions to literature). 755. Cambridge companion (The) to twentiethcentury Russian literature. Ed. by Evgeny DOBRENKO and Marina BALINA. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, XXIV-297 p. (Cambridge companions to topics). 756. Cambridge history (The) of postcolonial literature. Ed. by Ato QUAYSON. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, 2 vol., LXI-VIII, 1391 p. (History of postcolonial literature). 757. Companion (A) to Alexander literature in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Z. David ZUWIYYA. Leiden, Brill, 2011, X-409 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 29). 758. Companion (A) to the literature and culture of the American west. Ed. by Nicolas S. WITSCHI. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XI-563 p. (ill.). (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 74). 759. Deutsches Schriftsteller-Lexikon, 1830–1880. Vol. 1. M. Vol. 2. N-O. Hrsg. v. Thomas LINDENBERG. Mit Kurzartikeln von Evelyn BINDER. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 2 vol., 442 p., 530 p. (Goedekes Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung, Fortführung, 5.3). 760. Dicionário de Luís de Camões. Coordenação Vítor Aguiar e SILVA. Alfragide, Caminho, 2011, 1005 p. 761. Experiment und Literatur. Hrsg. v. Michael GAMPER, Martina WERNLI und Jörg ZIMMER. Bd. 3. "Es ist ein Laboratorium, ein Laboratorium für Worte". Hrsg. v. Michael BIES und Michael GAMPER. Göttingen, Wallstein 2011, 480 p. (ill.).
762. Fakten und Fiktionen: Werklexikon der deutschsprachigen Schlüsselliteratur; 1900–2010. Halbbd. 1: Andres bis Loest. Hrsg. v. Gertrud Maria RÖSCH. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2011, XX-405 p. 763. Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. Bd. 1 Die Literatur der archaischen und klassischen Zeit. Hrsg. v. Bernhard ZIMMERMANN. Unter Mitarbeit von Anne SCHLICHTMANN. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, XXVIII-816 p. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 7. Abt., 1). 764. HERZBERGER (David K.). A Companion to Javier Marías. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2011, 254 p. (Monografías A). 765. MAC KAY (Marina). The Cambridge introduction to the novel. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-217 p. (Cambridge introductions to literature). 766. MAGENNIS (Hugh). The Cambridge introduction to Anglo-Saxon literature. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-217 p. (ill.). (Cambridge introductions to literature). 767. Romanticism handbook (The). Ed. by Sue CHAPLIN and Joel FAFLAK. London, Continuum, 2011, XXXIII-235 p. (Literature and culture handbooks). 768. SCHNELL (Ralf). Deutsche Literatur von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart. Reinbek, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2011, 639 p. (Rowohlts Enzyklopädie). 769. SITTER (John). The Cambridge introduction to eighteenth-century poetry. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-246 p. (Cambridge introductions to literature). 770. SMITH (Alden). Virgil. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 210 p. (Blackwell introductions to the classical world, 10). 771. WALD LASOWSKI (Patrick). Dictionnaire libertin: la langue du plaisir au siècle des Lumières. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 592 p. (L'infini Infini). 772. WATSON (Moray). An introduction to Gaelic fiction. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, 210 p. 773. ZIMMERMANN (Bernhard). Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. Erster Band: die Literatur der archaischen und klassischen Zeit. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, XXVIII-816 p.
§ 1. General. 774-781. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 782-806. – § 3. Neolithic. 807-830. – § 4. Bronze age. 831-864. – § 5. Iron age. 865-880. § 1. General. * 774. Scoperte e scavi preistorici in Italia nell'anno 2010. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 331348. ______________________
775. BELLINTANI (Paolo). Progetto Materiali vetrosi della protostoria italiana: aggiornamenti e stato della ricerca. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 257283. 776. CELANT (Alessandra). Antracologia, utilizzazione del legno e ricostruzione paleoambientale. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 237-248.
783. BURKE (Ariane), MEIGNEN (Liliane), BISSON (Michael), PIMENTEL (Nuno), HENRIQUES (Virginia). The Palaeolithic occupation of Southern Alentejo: the Sado river drainage survey. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 25-49. 784. DAURA LUJÁN (Joan), SANZ BORRÀS (Montserrat), VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel), FULLOLA I PERICOT (Josep María). La Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines (Macizo del Garraf, Barcelona): un yacimiento del Pleistoceno superior al aire libre con industria lítica paleolítica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 353-367. 785. DE WILDE (David), DE BIE (Marc). On the origin and significance of microburins: an experimental approach. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 729-741.
777. DE LA PEÑA ALONSO (Paloma). Sobre la identificación macroscópica de las piezas astilladas: propuesta experimental. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 79-98.
786. DINI (Mario), CONFORTI (Jacopo). Lo sfruttamento del quarzo nel Musteriano, Uluzziano e Aurignaziano di Grotta la Fabbrica (Grosseto, Italia). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 21-38.
778. FERNÁNDEZ GÖTZ (Manuel Alberto), RUIZ ZA(Gonzalo). Hacia una arqueología de la etnicidad. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 219-236.
787. DINI (Mario). L'industria musteriana di Grotta La Fabbrica (Grosseto). Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 7-20.
779. POLLARD (A. Mark). Isotopes and impact. A cautionary tale. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 631-638.
788. DOUKA (Katerina), PERLÈS (Catherine), VALLA(Hélène), VANHAEREN (Marian), HEDGES (Robert E.M.). Franchthi Cave revisited. The age of the Aurignacian in South-Eastern Europe. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 11311150.
780. VAN DE NOORT (Robert). Conceptualising climate change archaeology. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 10391048. 781. WATSON (Ben). The eyes have it. Human perception and anthropomorphic faces in world rock art. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 87-98. § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. ______________________
782. BAR-YOSEF (Ofer), BELFER-COHEN (Anna), MESHEVILIANI (Tengiz), JAKELI (Nino), BAR-OZ (Guy), BOARETTO (Elisabetta), GOLDBERG (Paul), KAVAVADZE (Eliso), MATSKEVICH (Zinovi). Dzudzuana, an Upper Palaeolithic cave site in the Caucasus foothills (Georgia). Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 331-349.
789. DUVAL (Mathieu), MORENO (Davinia), SHAO (Qingfeng), VOINCHET (Pierre), FALGUÈRES (Christophe). Datación por ESR del yacimiento arqueológico del Pleistoceno inferior de Vallparadís (Terrassa, Cataluña, España). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 7-24. 790. EIXEA VILANOVA (Aleix), VILLAVERDE BO(Valentín), ZILHÂO (João). Aproximación al aprovisionamiento de materias primas líticas en el yacimiento del Paleolítico medio del Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 65-78.
791. GRANATO (Donatella). Le arene candide, i livelli epigravettiani: macine ed altri strumenti per la lavorazione dell'ocra. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 39-60. 792. HIGHAM (Thomas). European Middle and Upper Palaeolithic radiocarbon dates are often older than they look: problems with previous dates and some remedies. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 235-249. 793. HUYGE (Dirk), VANDENBERGHE (Dimitri A.G.), DAPPER (Morgan), MEES (Florias), DARNELL (John Coleman). First evidence of Pleistocene rock art in North Africa. Securing the age of the Qurta petroglyphs (Egypt) through OSL dating. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 11841193. DE
794. JIMÉNEZ GUIJARRO (Jesús), SÁNCHEZ MARCO (Antonio), GARCÍA DIEZ (Marcos). Nuevo examen de los grabados paleolíticos de El Pendo (Cantabria, España): consideraciones sobre las aves del arte paleolítico de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 147-158. 795. LAZUÉN FERNÁNDEZ (Talía), FÁBREGAS VALCARCE (Ramón), DE LOMBERA HERMIDA (Arturo), RODRÍGUEZ ALVAREZ (Xosé Pedro). La gestión del utillaje de piedra tallada en el Paleolítico Medio de Galicia: el nivel 3 de cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 237-258. 796. LIGHTFOOT (Emma), BONEVA (B.), MIRACLE (Preston T.), SLAUS (Mario), O'CONNELL (Tamsin C.). Exploring the Mesolithic and Neolithic transition in Croatia through isotopic investigations. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 73-86. 797. MARTÍNEZ MORENO (Jorge), VILLAVERDE BO(Valentín), MORA TORCAL (Rafael). La placa grabada de Balma Guilanyà (Prepirineo de Lleida) y las manifestaciones artísticas del Mesolítico de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 159-173.
798. MORGAN (Christopher), BARTON (Loukas), BETTINGER (Robert), CHEN (Fahu), DONGJU (Zhang). Glacial cycles and Palaeolithic adaptive variability on China's Western Loess Plateau. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 365-379. 799. PETZINGER (Genevieve von), NOWELL (April). A question of style. Reconsidering the stylistic approach to dating Palaeolithic parietal art in France. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1165-1183. 800. RIVERO VILÁ (Olivia). La noción de aprendizaje en el arte mobiliar del Magdaleniense medio cántaro-pirenaico: la contribución del análisis microscópico. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 275-295. 801. RONCHITELLI (Annamaria), FREGUGLIA (Margherita), LONGO (Laura), MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana), RANALDO (Filomena). Studio tecno-funzionale dei supporti a morfologia triangolare dell'US 8 del Riparo L'Oscurusciuto (Ginosa – Taranto). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 5-20. 802. RUIZ REDONDO (Aitor). Convenciones gráficas en el arte parietal del Paleolítico cantábrico: la perspec-
tiva de las figuras zoomorfas. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 259-274. 803. SÁNCHEZ YUSTOS (Policarpo), DÍEZ MARTÍN (Fernando), DÍAZ MUÑOZ (Isabel), GÓMEZ DE LA RÚA (Diana), GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ (José Ángel). Estrategias de talla en Cueva Corazón (Mave, Palencia): un yacimiento del Musteriense Antiguo en las estribaciones meridionales de la Cordillera Cantábrica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 51-63. 804. SKAKUN (Natalia N.), ZHILIN (Michael G.), TE(Vera V.). Technology of the processing of bone and antler at Ivanovskoje 7 Mesolithic site, Central Russia. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 3958. REKHINA
805. STRAUS (Lawrence Guy), GONZÁLEZ MORALES (Manuel Ramón), CARRETERO (José Miguel). Lower Magdalenian secondary human burial in El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 11511164. 806. VICINO (Giuseppe), MUSSI (Margherita). Arte parietale ai Balzi Rossi: la Grotticella Blanc-Cardini (Ventimiglia, Imperia). Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 21-38. § 3. Neolithic. ______________________
807. BAIRD (Douglas), CARRUTHERS (Denise), FAIR(Andrew), PEARSON (Jessica). Ritual in the landscape. Evidence from Pinarbasi in the seventh-millennium cal BC Konya plain. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 380394.
808. CARDOSO (João Luís), BOAVENTURA (Rui). The megalithic tombs in the region of Belas (Sintra, Portugal) and their aesthetic manisfestations. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 297-312. 809. CARTER (Tristan). A true gift of Mother Earth: the use and significance of obsidian at Çatalhöyük. Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 1-19. 810. CZEKAJ-ZASTAWNY (Agnieszka), KABACISKI (Jacek), TERBERGER (Thomas). Long distance exchange in the Central European Neolithic. Hungary to the Baltic. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 43-58. 811. DARCQUE (Pascal), KOUKOULI-CHRYSSANTHA(Haïdo), MALAMIDOU (Dimitra), TSIRTSONI (Zoï). Dikili Tash. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 497-516. KI
812. DEL RÍO ESPAÑOL (Pedro Díaz), CONSUEGRA RODRÍGUEZ (Susana). Identificación de una tradición tecnológica cerámica con desgrasante óseo en el Neolítico peninsular: estudio arqueométrico de materiales cerámicos de Madrid (5300–3400 cal AC). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 99-122. 813. DOMÍNGUEZ BELLA (Salvador), BÓVEDA FER(María José). Variscita y ámbar en el Neolítico gallego: análisis arqueométrico del collar del túmulo 1 de Chousa Nova, Silleda (Pontevedra, España). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 369-380. NÁNDEZ
§ 4. Bronze age
814. FÁBREGA ALVAREZ (Pastor), FONTE (João), GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA (Francisco Javier). Las sendas de la memoria. Sentido, espacio y reutilización de las estatuas-menhir en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 313-330.
826. MONACO (Andrea). A simulation of farming and breeding activities: comparing the economic strategies in South East Italy Neolithic communities. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 61-82.
815. GARROW (Duncan), STURT (Fraser). Grey waters bright with Neolithic Argonauts? Maritime connections and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition within the Western seaways of Britain, c. 5000–3500 BC. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 59-72.
827. PALOMO (Antoni), GIBAJA BAO (Juan Francisco), PIQUÉ HUERTA (Raquel), BOSCH LLORET (Angel), CHINCHILLA (Júlia), TARRÚS I GALTER (Josep). Harvesting cereals and other plants in Neolithic Iberia: the assemblage from the lake settlement at La Draga. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 759-771.
816. GATA (Gheorghe), DRAGOMAN (Radu-Alexandru). A comparative technological study of the Neolithic burnished pottery from Vadastra and Crusovu (Romania). Acta Musei Napocensis, 2011, 48, p. 27-46. 817. GUILBEAU (Denis), ERDOĞU (Burçin). Des lames de Karanovo dans le site néolithique d'Uğurlu (île de Gökçeada, Turquie). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 1-19. 818. GUILBEAU (Denis). Le début du Néolithique en Italie Méridionale: ce que nous disent les productions en silex du Gargano. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 83-106. 819. HIGHAM (Charles F.W.), GUANGMAO (Xie), QIANG (Lin). The prehistory of a friction zone: first farmers and hunters-gatherers in Southeast Asia. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 529-543. 820. LEVI (Sara T.), BETTELLI (Marco), DI RENZONI (Andrea), FERRANTI (Francesca), MARTINELLI (Maria Clara). 3500 anni fa sotto il vulcano: la ripresa delle indagini nel villaggio protostorico di San Vincenzo a Stromboli. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 157-172. 821. MARITAN (Lara), PIOVESAN (Rebecca), MAZ(Claudio), GUIDI (Alessandro), SARACINO (Massimo). Caratterizzazione archeometrica preliminare di materiali ceramici provenienti dal territorio di Mondragone (Caserta). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 315-330. ZOLI
822. MELIS (Maria Grazia), D'ANNA (André), CAPPAI (Ramona), GUENDON (J. Louis), MANCA (Laura). Una ricerca internazionale e interdisciplinare nel territorio di Usini (Sassari): la necropoli a domus de janas di S'Elighe Entosu. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 59-94. 823. MISCHKA (Carsten), MAXIM (Zoia), LAZARO(Cornelia-Magda). Geophysical prospecting vs. excavation at the Neolithic sites Taga and Iclod. Acta Musei Napocensis, 2011, 48, p. 9-26. VICI
824. MISCHKA (Doris). The Neolithic burial sequence at Flintbek LA 3, North Germany, and its cart tracks: a precise chronology. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 742-758. 825. MITHEN (Steven J.), FINLAYSON (Bill), SMITH (Sam), JENKINS (Emma), NAJJAR (Mohammed), MARICEVIC (Darko). An 11600 year-old communal structure from the Neolithic of Southern Jordan. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 350-364.
828. RADINA (Francesca), SIVILLI (Sandra), ALHAIQUE (Francesca), FIORENTINO (Girolamo), D'ORONZO (Cosimo). L'insediamento neolitico nella Media Valle Ofantina: l'area di Palata (Canosa di Puglia). Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 107-156. 829. SHILLITO (Lisa-Marie), MATTHEWS (Wendy), ALMOND (Matthew J.), BULL (Ian D.). The microstratigraphy of middens: capturing daily routine in rubbish at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1024-1038. 830. THOMAS (Aline), CHAMBON (Philippe), MU(Pascal). Unpacking burial and rank: the role of children in the first monumental cemeteries of Western Europe (4600–4300 BC). Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 772786. RAIL
§ 4. Bronze age. _______________________
831. ACQUAFREDDA (Pasquale), MITOLO (Donatella). Provenienza delle ossidiane di Selva dei Muli (Frosinone). Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 233-236. 832. AL-ALJOUNY (Fardous), DOUGLAS (Khaled), KHRISAT (Bilal). Spatial distribution of the Early Bronze clay figurative pieces from Khirbet ez-Zeraqōn and its religious aspects. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2011, 48, p. 88-125. 833. ANDERSON (Kate). Slashing and thrusting with Late Bronze Age spears. Analysis and experiment. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 599-612. 834. BARONE (Germana), MAZZOLENI (Paolo), TA(Davide), VECA (Carlo). La tecnologia della produzione ceramica nel Bronzo Medio siciliano: il caso dei pithoi di Monte San Paolillo (Catania). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 173-196. NASI
835. BLANCO GONZÁLEZ (Antonio). Práctica social, memoria y ritual en Cogotas I: esbozo teórico para un enfoque renovado. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 123-146. 836. BOURKE (Stephen J.). Pella in Jordan 2003 and 2005: further excavations in the Bronze Age temple precinct. Mediterranean archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 121130. 837. CERQUA (Manuela). Selva dei Muli (Frosinone): un insediamento eneolitico della facies del Gaudo.
Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 157-224. 838. CHARBIT NATAF (Katia). An Egyptian mortuary cult in Late Bronze II Canaan. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 52-66. 839. CHRISTAKIS (Kostis S.). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies. Redistribution and political economies in Bronze Age Crete. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 197-205. 840. DARÓCZI (Tibor-Tamás). From 'diachronic judgement' to the theory of possible types of symmetry: an investigation into Cycladic and Transylvanian Bronze Age relations. Acta Musei Napocensis, 2011, 48, p. 4762. 841. FULLER (Dorian Q.), BOIVIN (Nicole), HOOGER(Tom), ALLABY (Robin). Across the Indian Ocean. The prehistoric movement of plants and animals. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 544-558. VORST
842. GANGEMI (Rosalia). L'industria litica del sito eneolitico di Selva dei Muli (Frosinone). Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 225-332. 843. GENZ (Hermann). Restoring the balance: an Early Bronze Age scale beam from Tell Fadous-Kfarabida, Lebanon. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 839-850. 844. GOPHNA (Ram), PAZ (Yitzhak). Tell Qudadi and Tel Gerisah: two Early Bronze III sites on the Yarkon river. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 42-51. 845. GRANDINETTI (Giuditta), PACCIARELLI (Marco), PASSARIELLO (Isabella), TALAMO (Pierfrancesco), TERRASI (Filippo). Due datazioni radiocarboniche relative al sito di Gallo di Briatico. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 295-305. 846. HIGHAM (Charles F.W.), HIGHAM (Thomas), KIJNGAM (Amphan). Cutting a Gordian knot. The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia: origins, timing and impact. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 583-598. 847. JANTZEN (Detlef), BRINKER (Ute), ORSCHIEDT (Jörg), HEINEMEIER (Jan), PIEK (Jürgen), HAUENSTEIN (Karlheinz), KRÜGER (Joachim), LIDKE (Gundula), LÜBKE (Harald), LAMPE (Reinhard), LORENZ (Sebastian), SCHULT (Manuela), TERBERGER (Thomas). A Bronze Age battlefield? Weapons and trauma in the Tollense Valley, North-Eastern Germany. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 417-433. 848. LEIGHTON (Robert). La casa 16W del Bronzo Finale sulla Cittadella di Morgantina (Sicilia): aspetti strutturali, zone di attività e status sociale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 197-214. 849. LO TORTO (Alfonso), PACCIARELLI (Marco), PAONE (Raffaele), ROMBOLÀ (Cosmo), ROMBOLÀ (Francesco), SCARCIGLIA (Fabio), STAROPOLI (Ferdinando), VARRICCHIO (Maria Rita). Le ricognizioni nel
promontorio di Tropea e la scoperta di un'eccezionale concentrazione di siti eneolitici sull'altopiano del Poro. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 289-292. 850. LO TORTO (Alfonso), ROMBOLÀ (Cosmo), ROM(Francesco), STAROPOLI (Ferdinando). Il giacimento di Passo Murato: scoperta, rilevamento, recupero e segnalazione. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 293-294.
851. MAEIR (Aren M.), SHAI (Itzhaq), HORWITZ (Liora Kolska). 'Like a lion in cover': a cylinder seal from Early Bronze Age III Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 12-31. 852. MALORGIO (Ilaria), MAGGIULLI (Giovanna). Roca (Lecce), SAS IX: la struttura incendiata dell'età del Bronzo Finale. Scavo e analisi del contesto. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 123-156. 853. MÁRQUEZ ROMERO (José Enrique), VALERA (António Carlos), BECKER (Helmut), JIMÉNEZ JÁIMEZ (Víctor), SUÁREZ PADILLA (José). El complexo arqueológico dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal). Prospecciones geofísicas – Campañas 2008– 09. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 175-186. 854. MITCHELL (Peter), PLUG (Ina), BAILEY (Geoff), CHARLES (Ruth), ESTERHUYSEN (Amanda), THORP (Julia Lee), PARKER (Adrian), WOODBORNE (Stephan). Beyond the drip-line: a high-resolution open-air Holocene hunter-gatherer sequence from highland Lesotho. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1225-1242. 855. MÜLLER CELKA (Sylvie), KRAPF (Tobias), VER(Samuel). La céramique helladique du sanctuaire d'Apollon Daphnéphoros à Érétrie (Eubée). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 21-61.
856. NOBLE (Gordon), BROPHY (Kenneth). Ritual and remembrance at a prehistoric ceremonial complex in central Scotland: excavations at Forteviot, Perth and Kinross. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 787-804. 857. OUTRAM (Alan K.), STEAR (Natalie A.), KAS(Alexei), USMANOVA (Emma), VARFOLOMEEV (Victor), EVERSHED (Richard P.). Horses for the dead. Funerary foodways in Bronze Age Kazakhstan. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 116-128. PAROV
858. PACCIARELLI (Marco). L'Eneolitico della Calabria Tirrenica: nuovi dati sull'articolazione cronocultrale. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 249-288. 859. PAGLIETTI (Giacomo). Analisi del corredo ceramico dei pozzetti della capanna 135 di Su Nuraxi (Barumini, Cagliari). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 215-230. 860. SARKAR (Amrita). Chalcolithic and modern potting at Gilund, Rajasthan: a cautionary tale. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 994-1007. 861. SCARANO (Teodoro). Refuge or dwelling place? The MBA fortification wall of Roca (Lecce, Italy): the
§ 5. Iron age spatial and functional analysis of postern C. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 95-122. 862. SCHIBLER (Jörg), BREITENLECHNER (Elisabeth), DESCHLER-ERB (Sabine), GOLDENBERG (Gert), HANKE (Klaus), HIEBEL (Gerald), HÜSTER PLOGMANN (Heidemarie), NICOLUSSI (Kurt), MARTI-GRÄDEL (Elisabeth), PICHLER (Sandra), SCHMIDL (Alexandra), SCHWARZ (Stefan), STOPP (Barbara), OEGGL (Klaus). Miners and mining in the Late Bronze Age: a multidisciplinary study from Austria. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1259-1278.
871. FAUST (Avraham), KATZ (Hayah). Philistines, Israelites and Canaanites in the Southern Trough valley during the Iron Age I. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 231-248. 872. FINKELSTEIN (Israel). Observations on the layout of Iron Age Samaria. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 194-207.
863. SZENTMIKLOSI (Alexandru), HEEB (Bernhard), HEEB (Julia), HARDING (Anthony), KRAUSE (Rüdiger), BECKER (Helmut). Cornesti-Iarcuri – a Bronze Age town in the Romanian Banat? Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 819-838.
873. GARCIA I RUBERT (David). Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de los patrones de asentamiento en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica durante la Primera Edad del Hierro: el caso del Complejo Sant Jaume. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 331-352.
864. TANKOSIĆ (Žarko), MATHIOUDAKI (Iro). The finds from the prehistoric site of Ayios Nikolaos Mylon, Southern Euboea, Greece. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 99-140.
874. GARFINKEL (Yosef), KANG (Hoo-Goo). The relative and absolute chronology of Khirbet Qeiyafa: Very Late Iron Age I or Very Early Iron Age IIA? Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 171-183.
Cf. no 875
875. LAZĂR (Simona). Sfârşitul epocii bronzului şi începutul epocii fierului în sud-vestul României. (End of the Bronze Age and the beginning of teh Iron Age in the south-West of Romania). Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2011, 450 p.
§ 5. Iron age. ______________________
865. BEN DOR EVIAN (Shirly). Egypt and the Levant in the Iron Age I-IIA: the ceramic evidence. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 94-119. 866. CARLSON (Jack). A symbol – but of what? Iron Age daggers, Alessi corkscrews and anthropoid embellishment reconsidered. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 13121324. 867. CRAMP (Lucy J.E.), EVERSHED (Richard P.), ECKARDT (Hella). What was a mortarium used for? Organic residues and cultural change in Iron Age and Roman Britain. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1339-1352. 868. DEPALMAS (Anna), FUNDONI (Giovanna), LUONGO (Francesca). Ripostiglio di bronzi della prima Età del Ferro a Sant'Imbenia – Alghero (Sassari). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2011, 61, p. 231-256. 869. DOMETT (Kathryn M.), O'REILLY (Dougald J.W.), BUCKLEY (Hallie R.). Bioarchaeological evidence for conflict in Iron Age North-West Cambodia. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 441-458. 870. FANJUL PERAZA (Alfonso). The valley conquest. New data on the development of fortified settlements in the high mountain area of Northern Spain. Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 2011, 33, p. 303-318.
876. MARTINÓN-TORRES (Marcos), LADRA FERNÁN(Xosé Lois). Orígenes del dorado por amalgama: aportaciones desde la orfebrería protohistórica del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2011, 68, p. 187-198.
877. MASTER (Daniel M.), STAGER (Lawrence E.), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf). Chronological observations at the dawn of the Iron Age in Ashkelon. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 261280. 878. OSBORNE (James F.). Secondary mortuary practice and the bench tomb: structure and practice in Iron Age Judah. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 35-53. 879. PEDRAZZI (Tatiana), VENTURI (Fabrizio). Le ceramiche egeizzanti nel Levante settentrionale (XII–XI sec. a.C.): aspetti e problemi. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 23-54. 880. VIEWEGER (Dieter). The transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age in Northern Palestine. Archaeological and archaeometric investigations on Tall Zira'a. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 305-317.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included)
§ 1. General. 881-889. – § 2. The Near East. 890-934. – § 3. Egypt. 935-988. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 989-1044. – § 5. Hittites. 1045-1066. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1067-1132. – § 7. Iran. 1133-1151.
§ 1. General.
§ 2. The Near East.
881. AL-KARAKI (Balqis). Dissimilar premises, similar conclusions: on the partial rationality of metaphor. A comparative study. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 81-100.
890. ABAY (Eşref). Preliminary report on the survey project of Çivril, Baklan and Çal Plains in the upper Meander basin, Southwest Anatolia. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2011, 48, p. 1-87.
882. Black Sea (The), Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the First Millennium BC. Ed. by Gocha R. TSETSKHLADZE. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XXIV-448 p. (Colloquia antiqua, 1). [Cf. no 1572.]
891. ANDRADE (Nathanael). Local authority and civic Hellenism: Tarcondimotus, Hierapolis-Castabala and the cult of Perasia. Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 123132.
883. DAN (Anca). La Mer Noire et le Levant ancien: quelques domaines d'enquete. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 211-258.
892. ARENA (Gaetano). Munificenza privata ed edilizia rurale: torri e villaggi nella Panfilia romana. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 251-288.
884. EATON (Katherine). Monthly lunar festivals in the mortuary realm: historical patterns and symbolic motifs. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 229245.
893. AYBEK (Serdar), DREYER (Boris). Eine wehrhafte Stadt in späthellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Die Katapult-Arsenale der Stadt Metropolis (Ionien). Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 205-218.
885. EGER (A. Asa). The swamps of home: marsh formation and settlement in the Early Medieval Near East. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 5579.
894. BAGNALL (Roger S.). Everyday writing in the Graeco-Roman East. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, California U. P., 2011, XIV-179 p.
886. KLOCK-FONTANILLE (Isabelle). L'écriture de l'espace: la perception de l'espace dans l'écriture hiéroglyphique anatolienne. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 199-212. 887. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa). Beiträge zum Babylonisch-Talmudisch-Aramäischen Wörterbuch. Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 214-251. 888. SCHWEMER (Daniel). Evil witches, apotropaic plants and the new moon. Die Welt des Orients, 2011, 41, p. 177-190. 889. WINIARCZYK (Marek). Die hellenistischen Utopien. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, XX-361 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 293).
895. BARRESI (Paolo). L'evergetismo architettonico ad Efeso in età imperiale. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 75-106. 896. BAUGHAN (Elizabeth P.). Sculpted symposiasts of Ionia. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 19-53. 897. BOIY (Tom). The reigns of the Seleucid kings according to the Babylon King list. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 1-12. 898. CAMPAGNA (Lorenzo), FILIPPINI (Alister), GE(Cristina). L'evergetismo in Asia Minore (II sec. a.C.–III sec. d.C.). Modelli culturali, monumenti, risorse, dinamiche sociali. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 39-42.
899. CAMPAGNA (Lorenzo). tou udatos dorea (AE 2004, 1409). Considerazioni sull'evergetismo dell'acqua nelle province dell'Asia Minore. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 203-224.
914. FRANÇOIS (Véronique), ERSOY (Akın). Fragments d'histoire: la vaisselle de terre dans une maison de Smyrne au XVIIIe s. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 377-419.
900. CAMPANELLI (Sara). kataleipo te kome. Fondazioni private ed evergetismo nelle comunità rurali dell'Asia Minore attraverso la documentazione epigrafica. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 225-250.
915. GENOVESE (Cristina). 'Per eterna memoria e immortalità di un benefattore'. L''heroon' di Diodoro Pasparo a Pergamo. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 5774.
901. CANFORA (Luciano). Simonidis conosceva direttamente, ricopiava e metteva a frutto le epigrafi di Priene (a proposito del sampi in P. Artemid. col. V). Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 199-209.
916. GÜNEL (Sevinç). Ein Terrakotta-Modell aus Çine-Tepecik. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 7-20.
902. CASSIA (Margherita). Fra atto evergetico e necessità difensiva: le mura di Cesarea in Cappadocia nel III secolo d.C. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 319354. 903. CLARKE (Graeme W.). Jebel Khalid fieldwork report 2009–2010. Mediterranean archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 131-182. 904. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), MORA (Clelia). Missione archeologica in Cappadocia meridionale 2010. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 549-565. 905. DAUBNER (Frank). Seleukidische und attalidische Gründungen in Westkleinasien – Datierung, Funktion und Status. In: Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike [Cf. n° 1168], p. 41-63. 906. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). KTU 1.82: another miscellaneous incantation/Antiwitchcraft text against Snakebite in Ugaritic. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 245266. 907. DI LUDOVICO (Alessandro). Design at Ebla: the decorative system of a painted wall decoration. Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 66-80. 908. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). Antiochus III: a friend and ally of the Roman people. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 104130. 909. DREYER (Boris). How to become a relative of the King: careers and hierarchy at the court of Antiochus III. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 45-57.
917. HERTEL (Dieter). Das vorklassische Pergamon und sein Siedlungsprofil. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 21-84. 918. ISMAELLI (Tommaso). Una nuova proposta di interpretazione per il Sebasteion di Aphrodisias: attività commerciali e bancarie nel santuario del culto imperiale. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 149-202. 919. KLOEKHORST (Alwin). The opening formula of Lycian funerary inscriptions: mẽti vs. mẽne. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 13-23. 920. KUHN (Christina T.). M. Antonius Polemon und die Dionysia. Zur Bedeutung des Prora-Motivs auf kaiserzeitlichen Münzen Smyrnas. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 145-153. 921. LAFLI (Ergün), CHRISTOF (Eva). Der kaiserzeitliche Tempel von Asartepe/Kimistene in der Chora des paphlagonischen Hadrianopolis – Ergebnisse der Prospektion von 2005. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 233-286. 922. LOUDEN (Bruce). Homer's Odyssey and the Near East. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 356 p. 923. MASSA PAIRAULT (Françoise-Hélène). Pergamo e la pittura. In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 27-38. 924. MILNER (Nicholas P.). Athletics, army recruitment and heroisation: L. Sep. Fl. Flavillianus of Oinoanda. Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 151-167.
910. EMME (Burkhard). Zur Rekonstruktion der kaiserzeitlichen Halle am Nordmarkt in Milet. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 219-232.
925. MOMIGLIANO (Nicoletta), GREAVES (Alan M.), HODOS (Tamar), AKSOY (Behin), BROWN (Andrew L.), KIBAROGLU (Mustafa), CARTER (Tristan). Settlement history and material culture in Southwest Turkey: report on the 2008–2010 survey at Çaltılar Höyük (Northern Lycia). Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 61-121.
911. ERSOY (Akın), ALATEPELI (Sarp). Der Hafen von Smyrna. Die Sondierungsgrabungen in Kemeraltı und ihre Auswertung. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 105-116.
926. OPAIŢ (Andrei), TSARAVOPOULOS (Aris). Amphorae of Dressel 24 similis type in the Central Aegean area (Chios-Erythrai-Kyme). Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 275-323.
912. EVRARD (Etienne). Polybe et Tite-Live, à propos d'Antiochus IV. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 977-982.
927. PARDEE (Dennis). Nouvelle étude épigraphique et littéraire des textes fragmentaires en langue ougaritique dits 'les Rephaïm' (CTA 20-22). Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 1-65.
913. FILIPPINI (Alister). Anomalie dell'evergetismo in tempo di guerra: i notabili della provincia d'Asia tra arruolamenti e fiscalità d'emergenza al tempo di Marco Aurelio. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 289318.
928. PIRSON (Felix), JAPP (Sarah), KELP (Ute), NO(Jan), SCHULTZ (Michael), STAPPMANNS (Verena), TEEGEN (Wolf-Rüdiger), WIRSCHING (Alexandra).
§ 3. Egypt
Der Tumulus auf dem İlyastepe und die pergamenischen Grabhügel. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 117-204.
940. CALLENDER (Vivienne G.). Curious names of some Old Kingdom royal women. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2011, 97, p. 127-142.
929. PORTALE (Elisa Chiara). Ancora sulla Kelsiane Bibliotheke di Efeso. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 107-148.
941. CARRUTHERS (William). The rise and fall of ancient Egypt? Egyptology's never-ending story. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1444-1447.
930. SCHEIBELREITER-GAIL (Veronika). Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens. Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, 2011, 712 p.
942. CAUVILLE (Sylvie). Le pronaos d'Edfou. Une voûe étoilée. Revue d'égyptologie, 2011, 62, p. 41-55.
931. SMITH (Tyler Jo). Highland gods: rock-cut votive reliefs from the Pisidian survey. Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 133-150. 932. UYTTERHOEVEN (Inge). Bathing in a Western style. Private bath complexes in Roman and Late Antique Asia Minor. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 287-346. 933. VACANTE (Salvatore). Alexander the Great and the polis of Iasus: salt and democracy? Notes on the "Little sea inscription" (IIasos 24+30) and the "Ekklesiastikon" decree (IIasos 20). Klio, 2011, 93, p. 322336. – IDEM. L'euergesia di Antioco III in Caria: le testimonianze epigrafiche su Iasos (IIasos 4) ed Eraclea al Latmo (SEG 37.859). Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 43-56. 934. VAN HOOF (Lieve), VAN NUFFELEN (Peter). Monarchy and mass communication: Antioch A.D. 362/3 revisited. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 166-184.
943. CIAMPINI (Emanuele M.). Dinastie e trasmissione della regalità. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 197-208. 944. COLLON (Dominique), LEHMANN (Manuela). Report on the sealings found in the 2009 excavations at Tell el-Dabca. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 67-70. 945. DAVID (Arlette). The Nmh and the paradox of the voiceless in the 'Eloquent Peasant'. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2011, 97, p. 73-86. 946. DE MEYER (Marleen). The Fifth Dynasty royal decree of Ia-Ib at Dayr al-Barshā. Revue d'égyptologie, 2011, 62, p. 57-71. 947. EATON-KRAUSS (Marianne). King Tutankhaten. Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 300-304. 948. EVANS (Linda). The 'Shedshed' of Wepwawet: an artistic and behavioural interpretation. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2011, 97, p. 103-116. 949. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), ZAPASSKY (Elena), GA(Yuval), MASTER (Daniel M.), STAGER (Lawrence E.), BENENSON (Itzhak). Phoenician "Torpedo" amphoras and Egypt: standardizating of volume based on linear dimensions. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 249-260. DOT
Cf. no 2247 § 3. Egypt. ______________________
935. ABD EL-MAKSOUD (Mohamed), VALBELLE (Dominique). Tell Héboua II. Rapport préliminaire sur le décor et l'épigraphie des éléments architectoniques découverts au cours des campagnes 2008–2009 dans la zone centrale du Khétem de Tjarou. Revue d'égyptologie, 2011, 62, p. 1-39. 936. BAGNALL (Roger S.), DAVOLI (Paola). Archaeological work on Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, 2000– 2009. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 103-157. 937. BAINES (John). Ancient Egypt. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 5375. 938. BALCONI (Carla). Aspetti di civiltà antiche attraverso i papiri: giornata di studio nel centenario della nascita di Orsolina Montevecchi (18 marzo 1911–18 marzo 2011). Premessa. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 143-145. 939. BASILE (Corrado), DI NATALE (Anna). Il restauro del papiro di Djed-Khonsu-iuf-ankh I. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 187-196.
950. FRANZMEIER (Henning), HÖFLMAYER (Felix), KUTSCHERA (Walter), WILD (Eva M.). Radiocarbon evidence for New Kingdom tombs: sedment 254 and 246. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 15-30. 951. GALÁN ALLUÉ (José Manuel), MENÉNDEZ (Gemma). The funerary banquet of Hery (TT12) robbed and restored. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2011, 97, p. 143-166. 952. GRIMAL (Nicolas), ADLY (Emad), ARNAUDIÈS (Alain). Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan, 2009–2010. Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 154-213. 953. GROSSMANN (Peter). Antinoopolis February/ March 2013: work in the so-called Chiostro at the church beside the assumed Eastern Gate. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 127-140. – IDEM. Antinoopolis January/February 2012: work in the church D3 and in the baptisterychapel of the North necropolis. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 81-
110. – IDEM. Antinoopolis October/November 2012: work in the church at the Eastern Gate and at the supposed Praetorium. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 111-125.
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989. ABRAHAM (Kathleen). An Egibi tablet in Jerusalem. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 68-73. 990. ARNAUD (Daniel). Deux dedicances privees en neo-assyrien et en neo-babylonien. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 304-307. 991. ATTINGER (Pascal). Les pronoms personnels indépendants de la 1re et de la 2e singulier en Sumérien. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2011, 101, p. 173-190. 992. BAADSGAARD (Aubrey), MONGE (Janet), COX (Samantha), ZETTLER (Richard L.). Human sacrifice
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1050. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo). Seeking a political space: thoughts on the formative stage of Hittite administration in Syria. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 163-176. 1051. DOĞAN-ALPARSLAN (Meltem), ALPARSLAN (Metin). Wohnsitze und Hauptstädte der hethitischen Könige. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 85-103. 1052. FRITZSCHE (Elifta). GA.KIN.AG EMṢU im Hethitischen. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 15-62. 1053. GLOCKER (Jürgen). Ališarruma, König von Išuwa. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 254276. 1054. GORDIN (Shai). The tablet and its scribe: between archival and scribal spaces in Late Empire Period Ḫattusa. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 177198. 1055. GRODDEK (Detlev). Nachträge zum Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 73-80. 1056. LORENZ (Jürgen). Duplikate und Anschlüsse zu hethitischen Mythen und Gebeten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 277-284.
1042. YENGIBARYAN (Nora). The Urartian pithos burial of Agarak. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2011, 101, p. 152-155.
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1043. ZETTLER (Richard L.), SALLABERGER (Walther). Inana's festival at Nippur under the Third Dynasty of Ur. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2011, 101, p. 1-71.
1058. METCALF (Christopher). New parallels in Hittite and Sumerian praise of the Sun. Die Welt des Orients, 2011, 41, p. 168-179.
1044. ZIEGLER (Nele). Iddin-Dagan, un gestionnaire à Ṭâbatum. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2011, 105, p. 17-34. – IDEM. La province de Qaṭṭunân à l'époque de Zimrî-Lîm. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2011, 105, p. 5-16. § 5. Hittites. ______________________
1045. BACHVAROVA (Mary R.). The meter of Hurrian narrative song. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 285-308. 1046. BALZA (Maria Elena), MORA (Clelia). 'And I built this everlasting peak for him'. The two scribal traditions of the Hittites and the NA4ḫekur SAG.UŠ. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 213-225. 1047. BALZA (Maria Elena). Preface to the proceedings of the workshop archival, scribal, and administrative spaces among the Hittites. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 92-93. 1048. COHEN (Yoram). The administration of cult in Hittite Emar. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 145-157. 1049. CORDANI (Violetta). One-year or five-year war? A reappraisal of Suppiluliuma's first Syrian campaign. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2011, 38, p. 240-253.
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1067. BAR-ASHER SIEGAL (Elitzur A.). The epistolary terms k't, k'nt in official Aramaic, the feminine endings in Aramaic dialects and other dialectal features in the history of Aramaic. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2011, 48, p. 199-231. 1068. BARUCH (Yuval), LEVI (Danit), REICH (Ronny). The tomb and ossuary of Alexa son of Shalom. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 96-105. 1069. BEN-JERBANIA (Imed). Amphores grecques des tombes puniques du Sahel, Tunisie. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 81-98. 1070. BEN-TAHAR (Sami), STERNBERG (Myriam). La pêche à Jerba à l'époque punique: l'apport de l'archéologie. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 99-116. 1071. BERNARDINI (Paolo). Urbanesimi precari: la Sardegna, i Fenici e la fondazione della città. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 259-290. 1072. BERNASCONI (Rocco). Meanings, function and linguistic usages of the term 'am ha-aretz in the Mishnah. Revue des études juives, 2011, 170, p. 399-428. 1073. Between evidence and ideology: essays on the history of ancient Israel read at the joint meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study and the Oud Testamentisch Werkgezelschap, Lincoln, July 2009. Ed. by Bob BECKING and Lester L. GRABBE. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-234 p. 1074. BIRNEY (Kathleen), DOAK (Brian R.). Funerary iconography on an infant burial jar from Ashkelon. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 32-53. 1075. BUTTS (Aaron Michael). Reduplicated nominal patterns in Semitic. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2011, 131, p. 83-108. 1076. CARAYON (Nicolas), MARRINER (Nick), MOR(Christophe). Geoarchaeology of Byblos, Tyre, Sidon and Beirut. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 55-66. HANGE
1077. CLINE (Eric H.), YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf). New fragments of Aegean-style painted plaster from Tel Kabri, Israel. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 245-261. 1078. COHN (Yehudah B.). The Graeco-Roman trade fair and the Rabbis. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2011, 131, p. 187-194. 1079. COOLEY (Jeffrey L.). Astral religion in Ugarit and ancient Israel. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 281-287.
1080. DAGAN (Amit). Negebite pottery beyond the Negev. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 208-219. 1081. DE GROOT (Alon), FADIDA (Atalya). The pottery assemblage from the Rock Cut Pool near the Gihon spring. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 158-166. 1082. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). Grammaticalization, lexicalization and semantic universals (The case of the primitive Semitic prepositions). Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 27-42. – IDEM. KTMW, his "soul" and his funerary "chapel": KTU 1.78:5. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 308-310. 1083. DOTHAN (Trude), REGEV (Dalit). An inscribed baboon statuette from Tel Miqne-Ekron. Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 211230. 1084. FARHI (Yoav). The 'Modest Aphrodite' from Nysa-Scythopolis (Beth Shean) and Ptolemais (Akko). Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 217-222. 1085. GRAGG (Gene). Grammaticization and paradigm formation in Afroasiatic: verbal negation in Cushitic. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 43-60. 1086. HADAS (Gideon). Hunting traps around the Oasis of 'En Gedi. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 2-11. 1087. HAWKINS (J. David). The inscriptions of the Aleppo temple. Anatolian studies, 2011, 61, p. 35-54. 1088. HIEKE (Thomas). Das Verbot der Übergabe von Nachkommen an den "Molech" in Lev 18 und 20. Die Welt des Orients, 2011, 41, p. 147-167. 1089. HUTZLI (Jürg). The meaning of the term 'îr dāwād in Samuel and Kings. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 167-178. 1090. INOWLOCKI (Sabrina). Did Josephus ascribe the fall of Jerusalem to the murder of James, brother of Jesus? Revue des études juives, 2011, 170, p. 21-49. 1091. ISRAEL (Felice). Atar nella grammaticalizzazione e nel lessico delle lingue semitiche. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 61-88. 1092. KHAN (Geoffrey). Remarks on constructions with the copula in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 105-120. 1093. KROPP (Andreas J.M.). Anatomy of a Phoenician goddess: the Tyche of Berytus and her acolytes. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 389-407. 1094. LEHMANN (Christian). Grammaticalization of Semitic case relators. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 9-26. 1095. LEVINE (Ely), BUNIMOVITZ (Shlomo), LEDER(Zvi). A Zebu-shaped weight from Tel BethShemesh. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 146161. MAN
§ 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world 1096. LIPSCHITS (Oded), SERGI (Omer), KOCH (Ido). Judahite stamped and incised jar handles: a tool for studying the history of Late Monarchic Judah. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 5-41. 1097. LIPSCHITS (Oded). The ivory seal of šlm (Son of) Klkl, discovered at Ramat Rahel. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 162-170. 1098. MAC CARTER (P. Kyle), BUNIMOVITZ (Shlomo), LEDERMAN (Zvi). An archaic Bacl inscription from Tel Beth-Shemesh. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 179-193.
1111. ROCHE (Marie-Jeanne). Deux corpus d'inscriptions safaïtiques de Jordanie par M. Ababaneh et A.Y.K. Al-Manaser. Orientalia, 2011, 80, p. 105-116. 1112. ROSENFELD (Ben Zion), PERLMUTTER (Haim). The poor as a stratum of Jewish society in Roman Palestine 70–250 CE: an analysis. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 273300. 1113. RUBIN (Aaron D.). The value of studying grammaticalization in Semitic. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 99-104. 1114. SANMARTÍN (Joaquin). Die Bedeutung von "Bedeutung" in der semitischen Derivation. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 131-138.
1099. MASTER (Daniel M.), AJA (Adam J.). The house shrine of Ashkelon. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 129-145.
1115. SCIACCA (Sergio). Latino-Punica: un dossier da analizzare. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2011, 53, p. 179-190.
1100. MAZZINI (Giovanni). Some Qatabanic lexical items. Philological and linguistic observations. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 121-130.
1116. SHAHAM (Ron). Istikshāf in Islamic jurisprudence and modern law. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2011, 131, p. 605-616.
1101. MENDEL (Anat). Who wrote the Ahiqam ostracon from Horvat Uza? Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 54-67.
1117. SIMONS (Frank). Proto-Sinaitic – progenitor of the alphabet. Rosetta, 2011, 9, p. 16-40.
1102. NA'AMAN (Nadav). A new appraisal of the silver amulets from Ketef Hinnom. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 184-195. – IDEM. Textual and historical notes on the Eliashib archive from Arad. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 83-93. 1103. NIEHOFF (Maren R.). Jewish exegesis and Homeric scholarship in Alexandria. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-222 p.
1118. SMITH (Patricia), AVISHAI (Gal), GREENE (Joseph A.), STAGER (Lawrence E.). Aging cremated infants: the problem of sacrifice at the Tophet of Carthage. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 859-874. 1119. STADEL (Christian). Object suffixes in Samaritan Aramaic from the first two books of Tībåt Mårqe and some considerations as to their development. Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2011, 48, p. 232247.
1104. NISSAN (Ephraim). Lo schema onomasiologico di due paia lessicali dell'ebraico biblico: sfi'im vs. sfi'ot e se'esa'im vs. so'a o se'a. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 311-316.
1120. STONE (Michael Edward), AMIT (David), SE(Jon), ZILBERBOD (Irina). A new Armenian inscription from a Byzantine monastery on Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 230235.
1105. ORNAN (Tallay). "Let Baal be enthroned": the date, identification, and function of a bronze statue from Hazor. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2011, 70, p. 253-280.
1121. TAKÁCS (Gábor). Semitic ghayin in an AfroAsiatic perspective. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 139154.
1106. PENNACCHIETTI (Fabrizio A.). La congiunzione ebraica 'pen'. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 89-98. 1107. PRICE (Jonathan J.). Josephus. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 219-243. 1108. PRYKE (Louise M.). The many complaints to Pharoah of Rib-Addi of Byblos. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2011, 131, p. 411-422. 1109. RAPPAPORT (Uriel). Did Heliodoros try to rob the treasures of the Jerusalem temple? Date and probability of the story of II Maccabees, 3. Revue des études juives, 2011, 170, p. 3-19. 1110. REICH (Ronny), SHUKRON (Eli). The date of the Siloam tunnel reconsidered. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 147-157.
1122. TAMMUZ (Oded). Disintegration from above: a case study of the history of Southern Phoenicia and Philistia. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 177-210. 1123. TIROSH-BECKER (Ofra). On dialectical roots in Judeo-Arabic texts from Constantine (East Algeria). Revue des études juives, 2011, 170, p. 227-253. 1124. TOHER (Mark). Herod's last days. Harvard studies in classical philology, 2011, 106, p. 209-228. 1125. USSISHKIN (David). The dating of the lmlk storage jars and its implications: rejoinder to Lipschits, Sergi and Koch. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 220240. 1126. VAN SETERS (John). Historiography in ancient Israel. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 76-96.
1127. VIDAL (Jordi). La captura de tres militares de Biblos. Apuntes prosopograficos (2). Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 289-298.
1140. GRABOWSKI (Maciej). Ardašīr's struggle against the Parthians. Towards a reinterpretation of the Fīrūzābād I relief. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 207-233.
1128. WAHEEB (Mohammad), BALA'AWI (Fadi), AL-SHAWABKEH (Yahya). The hermit caves in Bethany beyond the Jordan (Baptism site). Ancient Near Eastern studies, 2011, 48, p. 177-198.
1141. HAERINCK (Ernie). Painted pottery of the first half of the Early Bronze Age (Late 4th–First centuries of the 3rd Millennium BC) in Luristan, W-Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 55-106.
1129. WATSON (Winfred G.E.). Semitic and NonSemitic terms for horse trappings in Ugaritic. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 155-176.
1142. HARRISON (Thomas). Writing ancient Persia. London a. New York, Bristol Classical Press, 2011, XI385 p.
1130. ZABORSKI (Andrzej). The morphological status of verbal prefix vowels in Hamitosemitic. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 155-176.
1143. HARVEY (David). Round objects at Persepolis. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 145-148.
1131. ZISSU (Boaz), GOREN (Yuval). The ossuary of "Miriam daughter of Yeshua son of Caiaphas, priests [of] Ma'aziah from Beth 'Imri". Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 74-95. 1132. ZISSU (Boaz), KLEIN (Eitan). A rock-cut burial cave from the Roman period at Beit Nattif, Judaean foothills. Israel exploration journal, 2011, 61, p. 196216. § 7. Iran. _______________________
1133. ANDRIOLO (Nadia). Grecia e Persia: rapporti economici nel IV secolo avanti Cristo. Rivista storica dell'antichità, 2011, 41, p. 25-34. 1134. CANTERA (Alberto). Breve tipología de los manuscritos avesticos de la liturgía larga. Aula orientalis, 2011, 29, p. 199-244. 1135. CHARLES (Michael B.). The Sassanian 'Immortals'. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 289-313. 1136. CHOKSY (Jamsheed K.). Friends and friendships in Iranian society. Human and immortal. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 251-288. 1137. DE GRAEF (Katrien). The silence of the lambs. To be plucked or not in Susa. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 133-143. 1138. DELLOVIN (Alaen). A carpenter's tool kit from the Godin cemetery (Central-Western Iran). Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 107-132. 1139. GHODRAT-DIZAJI (Mehrdad). Disintegration of Sasanian hegemony over Northern Iran (AD 623– 643). Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 315-329.
1144. KHOLOD (Maxim M.). Persian political propaganda in the war against Alexander the Great. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 149-160. 1145. MONSIEUR (Patrick), BOUCHARLAT (Rémy), HAERINCK (Ernie). Amphores grecques timbrées découvertes à Suse (SO-Iran). Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 161-192. 1146. MOSIG-WALBURG (Karin). Das sasanidische Kronengesetz: Entstehung und Entwicklung eines modernen Konstrukts. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Deutung des Reliefs Narses in Naqsh-i Rustam. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 446-473. 1147. OVERLAET (Bruno). Ardashir II or Shapur III? Reflections on the identity of a king in the smaller grotto at Taq-i Bustan. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 235250. – IDEM. Hidden in plain sight. The Hebrew inscription on Ardashir I's rock relief at Naqsh-i Rustam. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 331-340. 1148. RISTVET (Lauren), BAXALIYEV (Vali), AŞU(Safar). Settlement and society in Naxçıvan. 2006. Excavations and survey of the Naxçıvan archaeological project. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 1-53. ROV
1149. ROUSTAEI (Kourosh), AZADI (Ahmad). Discovery of a Parthian tomb chamber in Cheram, Hohgiluye, SW Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2011, 46, p. 193-206. 1150. TESTEN (David). Iranian and Anatolian cognates to Greek (k)sún. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2011, 131, p. 287-294. 1151. ZADOK (Ran). The Babylonia-Elam connections in the Chaldaean and Achaemenid periods (part one). Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2011, 38, p. 120-143; p. 241-271.
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1152-1170. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1171-1189. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1190-1220. – § 4. General and political history. 1221-1250. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1251-1268. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1269-1283. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1284-1449. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1450-1476. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1477-1549. § 1. Classical world in general. * 1152. Année (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine. Publiée par la Société internationale de bibliographie classique. Tome LXXX: bibliographie de l'année 2009 et compléments d'années antérieures. [LXXIX. 2008. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 1261.] Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, LXVI-2300 p. ______________________
1153. BERTRAND (Loïc), DE GIORGIO (Jean-Pierre), MALICK-PRUNIER (Sophie), WYLER (Stéphanie). Dieux et hommes de l'Antiquité (VIIIe siècle avant J.C.–Ve siècle après J.-C.). Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 294 p. 1154. CALAME (Claude). Mythe et histoire dans l'antiquité grecque. La création symbolique d'une colonie. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 283 p. 1155. CANEVA (Stefano Giovanni). La poesia ellenistica e la storia. Considerazioni sullo stato dell'arte e sulle prospettive di ricerca. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 221-234. 1156. DAUBNER (Frank). Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike. Anstöße und Perspektiven. In: Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike [cf. n° 1168], p. 1-17. 1157. FOWLER (Robert L.). Mythos and logos. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 45-66. 1158. FREDE (Michael). A free will. Origins of the notions in ancient thought. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, California U. P., 2011, XIV-206 p. 1159. GÖDDE (Susanne). Euphêmia. Die gute Rede in Kult und Literatur der griechischen Antike. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, XI-439 p. 1160. GOLDEN (Mark). War and peace in the ancient and modern Olympics. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 1-13.´
1161. GRUEN (Erich S.). Rethinking the other in Antiquity. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2011, XV-415 p. 1162. JOHNSTONE (Steven). A history of trust in Ancient Greece. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XII-242 p. 1163. LAFARGUE (Philippe). Un rouquin à la tête de la cité? Sur l'ambivalence de la rousseur chez les Anciens. Revue des études anciennes, 2011, 113, p. 365390. 1164. LEHMANN (Gustav Adolf). Forschungen zur Alten Geschichte: kleine Schriften. Hrsg. v. Bruno BLECKMANN und Boris DREYER. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2011, 2 vol., XIII-XI-1074 p. (Geschichte). 1165. MAIRS (Rachel). Translator, traditor: the interpreter as traitor in classical tradition. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 64-81. 1166. MARCONI (Giampietro). Sintesi del passato e guida del futuro. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2011, 53, p. 211-216. 1167. MARI (Paolo). Filologia ed informatica. Rileggendo gli Atti di un convegno perugino. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 11-38. 1168. Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike. Hrsg. v. Frank DAUBNER. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, VIII-158 p. [Cf. nos 905, 987, 1156, 1238.] 1169. NAVAUD (Guillaume). Persona. Le thêatre comme métaphore théorique de Socrate à Shakespeare. Genève, Droz, 2011, 544 p. 1170. POLLINI (Airton). Les congrès de Tarente et les thèmes de recherche sur la Grande Grèce. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 2011, 123, p. 423432. Cf. no 435
E. GREEK HISTORY § 2. Prehellenic epoch. _______________________
1171. ANASTASIADOU (Maria), POMADÈRE (Maia). Le sceau à la figure féminine aux bras levés du secteur Pi de Malia. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 63-71. 1172. DEL FREO (Maurizio), ZURBACH (Julien). La préparation d'un supplément au Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. Observations à partir d'un travail en cours. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 73-97. 1173. DOYEN (Charles). Poséidon souverain. Contribution à l'histoire religieuse de la Grèce mycénienne et archaïque. Bruxelles, Académie Royale de Belgique, 2011, 391 p. 1174. EARLE (Timothy). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies. Redistribution and the political economy: the evolution of an idea. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 237-244.
1183. OBERWEILER (Cécile). Les techniques de fonderie en Crète minoenne et mycénienne. I. Les outils du fondeur. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 421-491. 1184. PERPILLOU (Jean-Louis). D'un nom mycénien, et de quelques autres. Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes, 2011, 85, p. 149-154. 1185. POMADÈRE (Maia). Malia. Bâtiment Pi. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 601624. 1186. POMPIANU (Elisa), SORO (Laura). Nuove testimonianze micenee da Sulky (Sardegna). Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 291-302. 1187. PULLEN (Daniel J.). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies before the palaces. Redistribution and chiefdoms in mainland Greece. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 185-195.
1175. FEUER (Bryan). Being Mycenaean: a view from the periphery. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 507-536.
1188. SCHON (Robert). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies by appointment to His Majesty the Wanax: value-added goods and redistribution in Mycenaean palatial economies. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 219-227.
1176. FLOBERT (Pierre). La coriandre: du mycénien au latin. Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes, 2011, 85, p. 245-250.
1189. SHAW (Joseph W.). Tracing the ancestry of the Minoan hall system. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 141-165.
1177. HALSTEAD (Paul). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies. Terminology, scale, and significance. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 229235.
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources.
1178. KNAPPETT (Carl), RIVERS (Ray), EVANS (Tim). The Theran eruption and Minoan palatial collapse: new interpretations gained from modelling the maritime network. Antiquity, 2011, 85, p. 1008-1023.
* 1190. Bulletin épigraphique. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 281-533. [2010, 123. Cf. Bibl. 2010, 1299.]
1179. LUPACK (Susan). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies. A view from outside the Palace: the sanctuary and the damos in Mycenaean economy and society. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 207-217. 1180. MÜHLENBRUCH (Tobias), MOMMSEN (Hans). Neutronenaktivierungsanalysen an mykenischer Keramik aus Kusakli-Sarissa und Sirkeli (Türkei), Kamid el-Loz-Kumidi (Libanon) und dem Fayum (Ägypten). Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 2011, 21, p. 281-290. 1181. NAKASSIS (Dimitri), PARKINSON (William A.). Redistribution in Aegean palatial societies. Redistributive economies from a theoretical and crosscultural perspective. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 177-184. 1182. NOSCH (Marie-Louise B.). The Mycenaean administration of textile production in the Palace of Knossos: observations on the Lc(1) textile targets. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 495505.
a. Epigraphical sources
* 1191. CHANIOTIS (Angelos). Epigraphic bulletin 2008. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 205-261. 1192. ASOUCHIDOU (Sophia), NIGDELIS (Pantelis M.). Torone after 348 BC: new epigraphic evidence. Mediterranean archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 1-8. 1193. BRUGNONE (Antonietta). Le sferette bronzee iscritte da Himera. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 7794. 1194. CAMIA (Francesco). Theoi sebastoi. Il culto degli imperatori romani in Grecia (provincia Achaia) nel II secolo d.C. Atene, Istituto per l'antichità greca e romana-Fondazione nazionale ellenica delle ricerche, 2011, 367 p. 1195. DELLI PIZZI (Aurian). Impiety in epigraphic evidence. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 59-76. 1196. EDMONDS III (Radcliffe G.). The 'Orphic' gold tablets. Texts and translations, with critical apparatus and tables. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 15-50.
§ 4. General and political history
1197. FOURNIER (Julien), HAMON (Patrice), TRIPPÉ (Natacha). Cent ans d'épigraphie à Thasos (1911–2011). Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 205-226.
1213. [Homerus] VERITY (Anthony), GRAZIOSI (Barbara). Homer. The Iliad. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXXII-470 p.
1198. LOMBARDI (Paola). I Tirii di Puteoli e il dio di Sarepta. La documentazione epigrafica da una sponda all'altra del Mediterraneo. Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 391-432.
1214. [Lucianus Samosatensis] TOMASSI (Gianluigi). Luciano di Samosata. Timone o il misantropo. Introduzione, traduzione e commento. Berlin e New York, de Gruyter, 2011, X-598 p.
1199. MACK (William). The proxeny-list of Karthaia. Revue des études anciennes, 2011, 113, p. 319-344.
1215. [Paulus Silentiarius] DE STEFANI (Claudio). Paulus Silentiarius. Descriptio Sanctae Sophiae. Descriptio ambonis. Berlin et New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XLVIII-163 p.
1200. OSBORNE (Robin). Greek inscriptions as historical writing. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 97-121. 1201. TSAGALIS (Christos). The Heracles theme: from inscriptional to literary epigram. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 43-100. 1202. WALLNER (Christian). Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat. Wien, Verlag Holzhausen, 2011, 141 p. b. Literary sources 1203. [Aeschylus] BURIAN (Peter), SHAPIRO (Alan). The complete Aeschylus. Volume 1: The Oresteia. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-279 p. 1204. [Aeschylus] PAPADOPOULOU (Thalia). Aeschylus. Suppliants. London, Bristol Classical Press, 2011, 189 p. 1205. [Anthologia Graeca] IRIGOIN (Jean), MALTOMI(Francesca), LAURENS (Pierre). Anthologie Grecques, première partie. Anthologie Palatine, tome IX, livre X. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, LXIII-72 p. NI
1206. [Aristoteles] BLOCH (Olivier), LEANDRI (Antoine). Aristote. Étique à Eudème. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 187 p. 1207. [Aristoteles] KENNY (Anthony). Aristotle. The Eudemian Ethics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 195 p. 1208. [Aristoteles] ULLMANN (Manfred). Die Nikomachische Ethik des Aristoteles in arabischer Übersetzung. Teil 1: Wortschatz. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 440 p.
1216. [Philodemus] JANKO (Richard). Philodemus On poems books 3-4 with the Fragments of Aristotle On poets. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 629 p. 1217. [Proclus] LUNA (Concetta), SEGONDS (AlainPhilippe). Proclus. Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Tome III, 1ère partie. Introduction au livre III, tome III, 2e partie. Livre III. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, X-360 p. 1218. [Theocritus] CUSSET (Christophe). Cyclopodie. Édition critique et commentée de l'Idylle VI de Théocrite. Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2011, 222 p. 1219. [Xenophon] BANDINI (Michele), DORION (Louis-Andre). Xénophon. Mémorables, Tome II-1ère partie, livres II-III. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, XXXIV-420 p. 1220. [Xenophon] BANDINI (Michele), DORION (Louis-Andre). Xénophon. Mémorables, Tome II-2e partie, livre IV. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, XXIV348 p. Cf. nos 1284-1449 § 4. General and political history. * 1221. CONSTANTAKOPOULOU (Christy), LIDDEL (Peter). Greek history. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 119129; p. 255-263. _______________________
1209. [Asclepiades Samius] SENS (Alexander). Asclepiades of Samos. Epigrams and fragments. Edited with translation and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, CXV-353 p.
1222. ARRAYÁS MORALES (Isaías). Destruction et restauration d'une ville pontique pendant les guerres mithridatiques. Le cas d'Amisos (Plut., Luc., XIX). Revue des études anciennes, 2011, 113, p. 431-446.
1210. [Dio Cassius] LACHENAUD (Guy), COUDRY (Marianne). Dion Cassius. Histoire romaine. Livres 38, 39 & 40. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, CIV-234 p.
1223. BICHLER (Reinhold). Die Fahrt zu den Grenzen der Erde, von Herodot bis zur Alexander-Historiographie. Gymnasium, 2011, 118, p. 315-344.
1211. [Dio Chrysostomus] BOST-POUDERON (Cécile). Dion de Pruse dit Dion Chrysostome. Œuvres. Prémier discours à Tarse (Or. XXXIII), Second discours à Tarse (Or. XXXIV), Discours à Célènes de Phrygie (Or. XXXV), Discours borysthénitique (Or. XXXVI). Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, XXXIV-237 p.
1224. BLOEDOW (Edmund F.). Pericles' early career. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 379-398.
1212. [Euripides] ROISMAN (Hanna M.), LUSCHNIG (Cecelia A.E). Euripides. Electra. A commentary. Norman, Oklahoma U. P., 2011, XVII-366 p.
1225. CALCE (Renata). Graikoi ed Hellenes: storia di due etnonimi. Ethne, identità e tradizioni: la "terza" Grecia e l'Occidente. Volume II. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2011, X-180 p. 1226. CANFORA (Luciano). Il corpusculum degli Epitafi ateniesi. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 74, p. 5-24. –
IDEM. L'epitafio in morte di Leostene e la "guerra lamiaca". Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 5-28.
1242. ROSIVACH (Vincent J.). State pay as war relief in Peloponnesian-war Athens. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 176-183.
1227. DALE (Alexander). Alcaeus on the career of Myrsilos: Greeks, Lydians and Luwians at the East Aegean-West Anatolian interface. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 15-24.
1243. SCHMITZ (Winfried). Athen – Eine wehrhafte Demokratie?: Überlegungen zum Stasisgesetz Solons und zum Ostrakismos. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 23-51.
1228. DEMAND (Nancy H.). The Mediterranean context of early Greek history. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 353 p.
1244. SHEAR (Julia L.). Polis and revolution: responding to oligarchy in classical Athens. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-368 p.
1229. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). The Greek slogan of freedom and early Roman politics in Greece. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-524 p.
1245. SQUILLACE (Giuseppe). La maschera del vincitore: strategie propagandistiche di Filippo II e Alessandro Magno nella distruzione di città greche. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 308-321.
1230. FERNOUX (Henri-Louis). Représentations de la guerre et traditions guerrières dans les cités grecques de l'époque impériale. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 437-463. 1231. FLAMENT (Christophe). Le Laurion et la cité d'Atènes à la fin de l'époque archaïque. L'antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 73-94. 1232. FROMHERZ (Peter). The battlefield of Marathon: the tropaion, Herodotos, and E. Curtius. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 383-412. 1233. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim). Alexander der Große: Welterkundung als Welteroberung. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 5265. 1234. GILHAUS (Lennart). Ländliches Leben im tunesischen Hinterland der hellenistischen Zeit. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 337-349. 1235. LINK (Stefan). Sparta, von innen gesehen. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 2, p. 323-371. 1236. MAINARDI (Maria). Mesambria Pontica e i Traci. Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano, 2011, 64, 3, p. 126. 1237. MÜLLER (Sabine). Die frühen Perserkönige im kulturellen Gedächtnis der Makedonen und in der Propaganda Alexanders der Große. Gymnasium, 2011, 118, p. 105-133. 1238. NUSS (Alexander). Dionysios I. und die Gründung von Tyndaris – ein Beleg für die Etablierung der Territorialherrschaft auf Sizilien im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. In: Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike [cf. n° 1168], p. 19-40. 1239. Pratiques et identités culturelles des armées hellénistiques du monde méditerranéen. Ed. par JeanChristophe COUVENHES, Sandrine CROUZET et Sandra PÉRÉ-NOGUÈS. Pessac, Ausonius Éditions, 2011, 423 p. (Hellenistic Warfare 3. Scripta Antiqua, 38). 1240. ROBINSON (Eric W.). Democracy beyond Athens. Popular government in the Greek Classical age. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-275 p. 1241. RODRÍGUEZ-ADRADOS (Francisco). Nueva historia de la democracía. De Solón a nuestros días. Barcelona, Ariel, 2011, 537 p.
1246. Stability and crisis in the Athenian democracy. Ed. by Gabriel HERMAN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 165 p. (Historia, Einzelschriften, H. 220). 1247. TAKABATAKE (Sumio). Antifon to sono jidai: Zen goseiki atenai no shakai, shisō, ningen. (Antiphon and his age: society, thought and mankind of Athena in the fifth century B.C.). Hadano, Tokai U. P., 2011, 771 p. 1248. WATERFIELD (Robin). Dividing the spoils. The war for Alexander the Great's Empire. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-273 p. 1249. ZAHRNT (Michael). Der zweifache Mord an Parmenion. Ein Beitrag zur Überlieferung über den Alexanderzug. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 66-83. 1250. ZUCHTRIEGEL (Gabriel). Zur Bevölkerungszahl Selinunts im 5. Jh. v. Chr. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 115121. § 5. History of law and institutions. * 1251. SUNDAHL (Mark), MIRHADY (David), ARNAOUTOGLOU (Ilias). A new working bibliography of ancient Greek law (7th–4th centuries BC). Athens, Academy of Athens, 2011, 657 p. ______________________
1252. AVILES (Domingo). "Arguing against the Law": non-literal interpretation in Attic forensic oratory. Dike, 2011, 14, p. 19-42. 1253. BLAISE (Fabienne). La mer juste: Solon, 12 W. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 535-547. 1254. BUIS (Emiliano Jerónimo). (En)acting law on stage: time, comic rhetoric and legislative language in Aristophanes' Acharnians (vv. 676–718). Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité, 2011, 58, p. 13-38. 1255. CANEVARO (Mirko). The twilight of nomothesia: legislation in Early-Hellenistic Athens (322– 301). Dike, 2011, 14, p. 55-85. 1256. CAPPELLETTI (Loredana). Elea/Velia: il quadro istituzionale dalle origini al I sec. d.C. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 7-22. 1257. CUNIBERTI (Gianluca). Procedure giudiziarie e riconciliazione sociale nell'Atene di Solone. Dike, 2011, 14, p. 1-18.
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science
1258. DAVIS (Gil). Axones and kurbeis: a new answer to an old problem. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 1-35.
Argos. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 261-281.
1259. DEGAND (Martin). L'antiquité à l'épreuve des sciences sociales. Les liturgies athéniennes. L'antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 95-106.
1274. LARRAN (Francis). Le bruit qui vole. Histoire de la rumeur et de la renommée en Grèce ancienne, Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2011, 269 p.
1260. FRISONE (Flavia). La polis greca: gli anticorpi della comunità solidale fra delazione e pentitismo. Iuris Antiqui Historia, 2011, 3, p. 17-32.
1275. Lokale Eliten und hellenistische Könige. Zwischen Kooperation und Konfrontation. Hrsg. v. Boris DREYER und Peter Franz MITTAG. Berlin, Verlag Antike, 2011, 325 p. (Oikumene, 8).
1261. HAWKE (Jason). Writing authority: elite competition and written law in early Greece. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2011, X-285 p. 1262. KAMEN (Deborah). Reconsidering the status of "khôris oikountes". Dike, 2011, 14, p. 43-53. 1263. RUPPRECHT (Hans-Albert). Griechen und Ägypter in der Rechtspraxis des Alltags. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 175-183. 1264. SCHULZ (Fabian). Die homerischen Räte und die spartanische Gerusie. Düsseldorf, Wellem, 2011, X-311 p. (Syssitia, 1). 1265. SCOTT (Andrew G.). Plural marriage and the Spartan state. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 413-424. 1266. SOFIA (Anna). I legislatori di Locri e la letteratura sapienziale egizia: idee di Stato e di giustizia a confronto. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 295-302. 1267. VAN WEES (Hans). Athens' property classes and population in and before 317 BC: Demetrius and Draco. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 95-114. 1268. VELISSAROPOULOS-KARAKOSTAS (Julie). Droit grec d'Alexandre à Auguste (323 av. J.-C.–14 ap. J.-C.). Personnes – Biens – Justice. Vol. 1–2. Athènes/Paris, Centre de recherches de l'antiquité grecque et romaine/ De Boccard, 2011, 2 vol., 452 p., 568 p. (Meletēmata, 66). § 6. Economic and social history. ______________________
1269. CACIAGLI (Stefano). Poeti e società. Comunicazione poetica e formazioni sociali nella Lesbo del VII/VI secolo a.C. Amsterdam, Adolf M. Hakkert editore, 2011, VI-357 p. 1270. COLTELLONI-TRANNOY (Michèle). Les communautés grecques dans les cités africaines: les cas de Carthage, Cirta, Thuburnica. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 549-571. 1271. DEENE (Marloes). Naturalized citizens and social mobility in classical Athens: the case of Apollodorus. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 159-175. 1272. DOYEN (Charles). Le salaire de Dexios. Retour sur la frappe du nouvel amphictionique. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 237-259. 1273. FLAMENT (Christophe), MARCHETTI (Patrick). Un trésor monétaire tardif (VIe ou XIIIe s.) découvert à
1276. MALKIN (Irad). A small Greek world: networks in the Ancient Mediterranean. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-284 p. (Greeks overseas). 1277. MULLER (Arthur). Les minerals, le marbre et le vin. Aux sources de la prosperité thasienne. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 179-192. 1278. MÜLLER (Christel). Évergétisme et pratiques financières dans les cités de la Grèce hellénistique. Revue des études anciennes, 2011, 113, p. 345-363. 1279. ROSELLI (David Kawalko). Theater of the people. Spectators and society in ancient Athens. Austin, Texas U. P., 2011, XII-288 p. 1280. SCHMITT-PANTEL (Pauline). La cité au banquet. Histoire des repas publics dans les cités grecques. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, XXXI-585 p. 1281. SEIFERT (Martina). Dazugehören. Kinder in Kulten und Festen von Oikos und Phratrie. Bildanalysen zu attischen Sozialisationsstufen des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2011, 398 p. 1282. SLATER (William J.). Theatres for hire. Philologus, 2011, 155, p. 272-291. 1283. VLASSOPOULOS (Kostas). Greek slavery: from domination to property and back again. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 115-130. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature 1284. ADORJÁNI (Zsolt). Auge und Sehen in Pindars Dichtung. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 2011, 249 p. 1285. Aegina. Contexts for choral lyric poetry. Myth, history, and identity in the fifth century BC. Ed. by David FEARN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-511 p. [cf. nos 1289, 1318, 1331, 1335, 1336, 1356, 1359, 1376, 1460, 1475, 1509.] 1286. AMATO (Eugenio). Per la fortuna di Dione Crisostomo I: la ritrovata versione latina di Arnaud de Ferron ed un perduto codice di Jean de Pins. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 105-125. – IDEM. Xenophontis imitator fidelissimus. Studi su tradizione e fortuna erudite di Dione Crisostomo tra XVI e XIX secolo. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 216 p. 1287. APFEL (Lauren J.). The advent of pluralism. Diversity and conflict in the age of Sophocles. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-380 p.
1288. ASCHERI (Paola). The Greek origins of the Romans and the Roman origins of Homer in the Homeric scholia and in POxy. 3710. In: From scholars to scholia [cf. n° 1322], p. 65-86. 1289. ATHANASSAKI (Lucia). Giving wings to the Aeginetan sculptures: the Panhellenic aspirations of Pindar's eighth Olympian. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 257293. 1290. BARANDICA (María Guadalupe). Alétheia, Polis y Dike en Euménides de Esquilo. Revista de estudios clásicos, 2011, 38, p. 13-24.
1304. CALLIPO (Manuela). Dionisio Trace e la tradizione grammaticale. Acireale e Roma, Bonanno editore, 2011, 219 p. 1305. CASTELLANETA (Sabina). "In mancanza di una discriminante...": Od. 5, 232 e 10, 545. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 7-27. 1306. CHRISTENSEN (Joel P.), BARKER (Elton T.E.). On not remembering Tydeus: Agamemnon, Diomedes and the contest for Thebes. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 2011, 66, p. 9-44.
1291. BARNES (Timothy G.). Homeric androteta kai hében. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 1-13.
1307. COLLOBERT (Catherine). Parier sur le temps. La quête héroïque d'immortalité dans l'épopée homérique. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 303 p.
1292. BAUMANN (Mario). Bilder schreiben, virtuose ekphrasis in Philostrats Eikones. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, X-218 p.
1308. CONDELLO (Federico). "Artemidoro" 2006– 2011: l'ultima vita, in breve. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 74, p. 161-256.
1293. BEARZOT (Cinzia), LANDUCCI (Franca), PRAN(Luisa). L'Athenaion politeia rivisitata. Il punto su Pseudo-Senofonte. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2011, 189 p.
1309. CONSONNI (Silvia). Observations on perì epirrhematon by Apollonius Dyscolus. In: From scholars to scholia [cf. n° 1322], p. 87-104.
1294. BELTRAMETTI (Amelia). Generi drammatici, retoriche, mises en abyme, letteratura. Dione di Prusa legge i tre Filottete e riscrive Euripide. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 353-378.
1310. DALE (Alexander). Sapphica. Harvard studies in classical philology, 2011, 106, p. 47-74.
1295. BENELLI (Luca). Beobachtungen zu einigen Stellen des P.Oxy. LIV 3722: Kommentar zu Anakreon. Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 2011, 91, p. 51-73.
1311. DE CREMOUX (Anne). La cité parodique. Études sur les Acharnians d'Aristophane. Amsterdam, Adolf M. Hakkert editore, 2011, 423 p. 1312. DEDÉ (Francesco). 'én polyméloi (polymáloi?) Sikelíai': nota su una controversa lezione pindarica ("Ol." 1.12). Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano, 2011, 64, 3, p. 235-245.
1296. BERNAO FARIÑAS (Óscar Manuel). Consideraciones en torno al mimo VIII de Herodas y el idilio VII de Teócrito. Revista de estudios clásicos, 2011, 38, p. 25-58.
1313. DEMONT (Paul). Les nouveaux fragments d'Hypéride. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 21-45.
1297. BERSHADSKY (Natasha). A picnic, a tomb, and a crow: Hesiod's cult in the Works and Days. Harvard studies in classical philology, 2011, 106, p. 1-45.
1314. DENIZOT (Camille). Donner des ordres en grec ancien. Étude linguistique des formes de l'injonction. Mont-Saint-Aignan, PURH, 2011, 571 p.
1298. BILES (Zachary P.). Aristophanes and the poetics of competition. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-290 p.
1315. DILLERY (John). Hellenistic historiography. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 171-218.
1299. BIONDI (Ennio). Gli Sciti tra ellenofilia ed ellenofobia (Hdt. IV 78-80). Mediterraneo antico, 2011, 14, p. 373-390.
1316. FAGUER (Julien). Autour d'Isée VI, 36: retour sur la misthosis oikou et sur un problème de traduction. Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes, 2011, 85, p. 235-243.
1300. BIRAUD (Michèle). Une double compétence phonologique créatrice d'une double lecture poétique: l'exemple des épigrammes d'Antipater à Pison et au petit-fils d'Auguste. Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes, 2011, 85, p. 215-234. 1301. BLANC (Alain). Homère perirrhedes "en s'affaissant": composé sigmatique à derivation indirecte. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 115-135. 1302. BOEDEKER (Deborah). Early Greek poetry as/and history. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 122-147. 1303. BRUZZESE (Luca). Studi su Filemone comico. Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2011, 304 p.
1317. FAULKNER (Andrew). Fast, famine, and feast: food for thought in Callimachus' Hymn to Demeter. Harvard studies in classical philology, 2011, 106, p. 75-95. 1318. FEARN (David). Aeginetan epinician culture: naming, ritual, and politics. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 175-226. 1319. FERNÁNDEZ DEAGUSTINI (María Pilar). "Tragedia y religión": Suplicantes de Esquilo. Revista de estudios clásicos, 2011, 38, p. 73-98. 1320. FERRECCIO (Alessia). Paidophoneus, 'uccisore di figli', nella poesia postomerica e tardoantica. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 413-421.
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science 1321. FLORIDI (Lucia). Il cavallo di Erasistrato (Lucill. AP 11.259). Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano, 2011, 64, 1, p. 179-188. 1322. From scholars to scholia. Chapters in the history of ancient Greek scholarship. Ed. by Franco MONTANARI, Lara PAGANI. Berlin a. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XI-167 p. [cf. nos 1288, 1309, 1354, 1355, 1365.] 1323. FRONDA (Michael P.). Polybius 3.40, the foundation of Placentia, and the Roman calendar (218–217 BC). Historia, 2011, 60, p. 425-457. 1324. GRAY (Vivienne). Xenophon's mirror of princes. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 408 p. 1325. GRETHLEIN (Jonas). The rise of Greek historiography and the invention of prose. In: Oxford history (The) of historical writing [cf. n° 295], p. 148170. 1326. HAASE (Fee-Alexandra). Lost rhetoric found: non-extant rhetorical handbooks of rhetoricians and sophists from the Pre-Platonic time until Late Hellenism as literary sources in Suda. Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate, 2011, 13, p. 9-44. 1327. HALL (Alexander E.W.). "And Cytherea smiled": Sappho, Hellenistic poetry, and Virgil's allusive mechanics. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 615-631. 1328. HALLIWELL (Stephen). Between ecstasy and truth. Interpretations of Greek poetics from Homer to Longinus. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 419 p. 1329. HATZILAMBROU (Rosalia). The use of the "ad hominem" argument in the works of Isaeus. L'antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 37-51. 1330. HEATH (Malcolm). Greek literature. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 104-112; p. 240-246. 1331. HEDREEN (Guy). The Trojan war, theoxenia, and Aegina in Pindar's Paean 6 and the Aphaia sculptures. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 323-369. 1332. HERRERO DE JÁUREGUI (Miguel). Dialogues of immortality from the Iliad to the golden leaves. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 271-290. 1333. HUNT (Jeffrey M.). The politics of death in Theocritus' First Idyll. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 379-396. 1334. IERANÒ (Giorgio). L'ombra e il dipinto (Eschilo, Agamennone, vv. 1327–1329). Quaderni di storia, 2011, 74, p. 107-119. 1335. INDERGAARD (Henrik). Thebes, Aegina, and the temple of Aphaia: a reading of Pindar's Isthmian 6. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 294-322. 1336. IRWIN (Elizabeth). Herodotus on Aeginetan identity. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 373-425.
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1451. BOUTSIKAS (Efrosyni), RUGGLES (Clive). Temples, stars, and ritual landscapes: the potential for
§ 9. Archaeology and history of art archaeoastronomy in Ancient Greece. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 55-68. 1452. BOUTSIKAS (Efrosyni). Astronomical evidence for the timing of the Panathenaia. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 303-309. 1453. DOUSA (Thomas M.). Common motifs in the 'Orphic' B tablets and Egyptian funerary texts: continuity or convergence? In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 120-164. 1454. EDMONDS III (Radcliffe G.). Sacred scripture or oracles for the dead: the semiotic situation of the 'Orphic' gold tablets. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 257-270. 1455. EIDINOW (Esther). Networks and narratives: a model for ancient Greek religion. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 9-38. 1456. FARAONE (Christopher A.). Curses, crime detection and conflict resolution at the festival of Demeter Thesmophoros. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2011, 131, p. 25-44. – IDEM. Rushing into milk: new perspectives on the gold tablets. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 310-330. 1457. GRAF (Fritz). Text and ritual: the corpus eschatologicum of the Orphics. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 53-67. 1458. HERMAN (Gabriel). Greek epiphanies and the sensed presence. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 127-157. 1459. JIM (Theodora). The vocabulary of aparcestai, aparce and related terms in archaic and classical Greece. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 39-58. 1460. KOWALZIG (Barbara). Musical merchandise 'on every vessel': religion and trade on Aegina. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 129-171. 1461. KRAVARITOU (Sophia). Synoecism and religious interface in Demetrias (Thessaly). Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 111-135. 1462. LIAPIS (Vayos J.). The Thracian cult of Rhesus and the heros equitans. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 95-104.
1466. 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion. Ed. by Radcliffe G. EDMONDS III. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-385 p. [cf. nos 1196, 1332, 1361, 1450, 1453, 1454, 1456, 1457, 1471, 1474.] 1467. PAGÁN CÁNOVAS (Cristóbal). The genesis of the arrows of love: diachronic conceptual integration in Greek mythology. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 553-579. 1468. PAPAZARKADAS (Nikolaos). Sacred and public land in ancient Athens. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-395 p. 1469. PHILIPPA-TOUCHAIS (Anna). Argos. L'Aspis. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 551566. 1470. PRÊTRE (Clarisse). Délos – Thasos: un allerretour paradoxal dans le matériel votif. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2011, 228, p. 331-348. – EADEM. Offrandes et dédicants dans les sanctuaires de Thasos. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 227-237. 1471. RIEDWEG (Christoph). Initiation – death – underworld: narrative and ritual in the gold leaves. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 219-256. 1472. SOURVINOU-INWOOD (Christiane). Athenian myths and festivals. Aglauros, Erechteus, Plynteria, Panathenaia, Dionysia. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-577 p. 1473. TSIGARIDA (Bettina). The sanctuary of Zeus Ammon at Kallithea (Chalcidice). Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 165-181. 1474. TZIFOPOULOS (Yannis). Centre, periphery, or peripheral centre: a Cretan connection for the gold lamellae of Crete. In: 'Orphic' (The) gold tablets and Greek religion [cf. n° 1466], p. 165-199. 1475. WATSON (James). Rethinking the sanctuary of Aphaia. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 79-113. 1476. ZIMMERMANN (Bernhard). Dionysos in der Polis. Zur kultischen und politischen Dimension der griechischen Tragödie. Gymnasium, 2011, 118, p. 371382. Cf. no 2124 § 9. Archaeology and history of art.
1463. MAFFRE (Jean-Jacques), TICHIT (Anne). Quelles offrandes faisait-on à Artémis dans son sanctuaire de Thasos? Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 137-164.
* 1477. Activités archéologiques de l'École Française de Rome. Année 2010. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 2011, 123, p. 237-376.
1464. MATRICON-THOMAS (Elodie). Adonis à Athènes: le culte en contexte chypro-phénicien. Rivista di studi fenici, 2011, 39, p. 67-80.
* 1478. Chronique archéologique. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 263-324.
1465. MORFORD (Mark P.O.), LENARDSON (Robert J.), SHAM (Michael). Classical mythology. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXII-841 p.
* 1479. FARNOUX (Alexandre). Rapport sur les travaux de l'École française d'Athènes en 2010. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 495-496.
* 1480. HELLMANN (Marie-Christine). Chronique d'architecture Grecque (2009–2010). Revue archéologique, 2011, 51, p. 63-84.
1495. DURVYE (Cécile). Délos. L'Aphrodision de Stésiléos. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 567-572.
* 1481. SPIVEY (Nigel). Art and archaeology. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 136-140; p. 270-273.
1496. EITELJORG II (Harrison). Revisiting the PreMnesiklean entrance to the Athenian Acropolis. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 641-645.
1482. ALABE (Françoise). Vocabulaire et syntaxe de décors pariétaux hellénistiques. In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 39-48. 1483. ARISTODEMOU (Georgia). Theatre façades and façade Nymphaea. The link between. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 163-197. 1484. ATTANASIO (Donato), BRUNO (Matthias), PROCHASKA (Walter). The Docimian marble of the Ludovisi and Capitoline Gauls and other replicas of the Pergamene dedications. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 575-587. 1485. BAGGIO (Monica), SALVADORI (Monica). Maschile-femminile nella pittura funeraria ellenistica: tra armi e ornamento per una dialettica spazio-oggetto. In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 79-90. 1486. BARLETTA (Barbara A.). Greek architecture. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 611640. 1487. BELL (Malcolm). Osservazioni sui mosaici greci della Casa di Ganimede a Morgantina. In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 105-123. 1488. BELLELLI (Vincenzo). Al di qua e al di là della stele. Una nuova lettura dell'anfora eponima del gruppo campano della Festa Campestre. Mediterranea, 2011, 8, p. 11-31. 1489. BLONDÉ (Francine), GROS (Jean-Sébastien), PÉTRIDIS (Platon). La céramique au quotidien à Thasos de l'époque archaïque à l'époque protobyzantine. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 193-204. 1490. BOMMELAER (Jean-François). Delphica 3. Le monument des Navarques. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 199-235. 1491. BRON (Guillaume). Les amphores du dépôt du secteur 4 de l'Incoronata (Basilicate): essai typo-chronologique et contextuel d'une classe céramique du VIIe siècle av.J.-C. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 2011, 123, p. 467-504. 1492. CHANKOWSKI (Véronique). Délos. Programme Entrepôts et lieux de stockage. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 596-599.
1497. FEBVEY (Agnès). Délos. Le Pythion ou GD 42. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 589-593. 1498. FLOURENTZOS (Pavlos). Two exceptional sarcophagi from Larnaka. Nicosia, Department of Antiquities, 2011, 124 p. 1499. FREDERIKSEN (Rune). Greek city walls of the archaic period, 900–480 BC. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXX-238 p. 1500. GADOLOU (Anastasia). A Late Geometric architectural model with figure decoration from ancient Helike, Achaea. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 247-273. 1501. GALANAKIS (Yannis). An unpublished stirrup jar from Athens and the 1871–1872 private excavations in the outer Kerameikos. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 167-200. 1502. GRECO (Emanuele). Topografia di Atene. Sviluppo urbano e monumenti dalle origini al III secolo d. C. Tomo 2: Colline sud-occidentali-valle dell'Ilisso. Atene e Paestum, Pandemos, 2011, 305 p. 1503. GRECO (Giovanna). La definizione degli spazi pubblici a Cuma tra Greci e Sanniti. Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano, 2011, 64, 2, p. 35-54. 1504. HAJJI (Jamel). Chrysès et Agamemnon sur une mosaïque de Neapolis. Quelques réflexions iconographiques. Mediterranean archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 93102. 1505. HELLNER (Nils). Überlegungen zu achteckigen Stützen in der antiken griechischen Architektur. Revue archéologique, 2011, 52, p. 227-262. 1506. HERMARY (Antoine), AUPERT (Pierre), BLAN(Béatrice), PETIT (Thierry), PETIT-AUPERT (Catherine), SCHMID (Martin), TASSIGNON (Isabelle). Chypre. Amathonte. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 647-659. DIN
1507. HOFFMANN (Adolf). Das Asklepieion. Teil 5. Die Platzhallen und die zugehörigen Annexbauten in römischer Zeit. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XL-268 p.
1493. CHEVALIER (Pascale). Albanie. Byllis. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 697-702.
1508. HURWIT (Jeffrey M.). The shipwreck of Odysseus: strong and weak imagery in Late Geometric art. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 118.
1494. CROISSANT (Francis). Deux sculpteurs athéniens du milieu du IVe siècle: Praxias père et fils. Revue archéologique, 2011, 52, p. 309-322.
1509. IRWIN (Elizabeth). 'Lest the things done by men become exitēla': writing up Aegina in a late fifthcentury context. In: Aegina [cf. n° 1285], p. 426-457.
§ 9. Archaeology and history of art 1510. ISLER (Hans Peter). La data di costruzione dell'agorà e di altri monumenti architettonici di Iaitas. Un contributo alla cronologia dell'architettura ellenistica della Sicilia Occidentale. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 2011, 123, p. 107-144. 1511. JACOB (Raphaël). Note de sculpture archaïque: raccords récents au musée de l'Acropole. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 99-117. 1512. JOCKEY (Philippe). Delphes. Programme de recherche sur les métopes de la Tholos de Delphes et leur décor sculpté. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 546-550. 1513. KOLIA (Erophile). A sanctuary of the Geometric Period in ancient Helike, Achaea. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 201-246. 1514. KONSTANTINIDIS (Panagiotis). Un relief tardoromain de Mélos au Musée National Archéologique d'Athènes. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 283-311. 1515. LATINI (Alexia). Riflessi della mortalità neonatale e materna nella pittura ellenistica. In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 63-78. 1516. LE DINAHET-COUILLOUD (Marie-Thérèse). Délos. Les autels monolithes de Délos et de Rhénée. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 599600. 1517. LEIBUNDGUT WIELAND (Danielle), FREYASCHE (Lore). Weihgeschenke aus dem Heiligtum der Aphrodite in Alt-Paphos. Terrakotten, Skulpturen und andere figürliche Kleinvotive. Darmstadt u. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2011, XXVII-236 p. 1518. LERA (Petrika), TOUCHAIS (Gilles), OBERWEI(Cécile). Albanie. Sovjan: Bassin de Korçë, Kallamas. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 661-691. LER
1519. MAILLOT (Stéphanie), FINCKER (Myriam). Délos. Le Mur de Triarius. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 594-596. 1520. MALAMIDOU (Dimitra). La nouvelle exposition permanente du Musée de Thasos. Revue des études grecques, 2011, 124, p. 239-260. 1521. MARC (Jean-Yves). Thasos. Les abords Sud de l'agora. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 517-534.
dôros. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 587-588. 1525. MULLER (Arthur), TARTARI (Fatos). Albanie. Durrës: les offrandes de l'Artémision de la colline de Dautë. Campagnes 2009 et 2010. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 693-696. 1526. MULLER-DUFEU (Marion). Créer du vivant. Sculpteurs et artistes dans l'Antiquité grecque. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 381 p. 1527. OAKLEY (John H.). Die attischen Sarkophage. Berlin, G. Mann Verlag, 2011, 109 p. 1528. OSADA (Toshihiro). Also 10 tribal units: the grouping of cavalry on the Parthenon North frieze. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 537548. 1529. PERRIER (Amélie). Delphes. Étude architecturale du Portique Ouest. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 541-546. 1530. PÉTRIDIS (Platon). D'un bout du golfe à l'autre: les lampes corinthiennes découvertes à Delphes. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 313349. 1531. PETTEGREW (David K.). The diolkos of Corinth. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 549574. 1532. PISTOLESI (Maurizio). Su un vaso a figure nere atticizzanti da Aleria. Mediterranea, 2011, 8, p. 197-214. 1533. Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia. Linguaggi e tradizioni. Atti del Convegno di studi (Messina, 24–25 settembre 2009). A cura di Gioacchino F. LA TORRE, Mario TORELLI. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider editore, 2011, XIII-603 p. [cf. nos 923, 1482, 1485, 1487, 1515, 1523.] 1534. PONTRANDOLFO (Angela). Culture a contatto in Campania: processi di trasformazione tra V e IV secolo a.C. Acme: annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano, 2011, 64, 2, p. 55-64. 1535. QUANTIN (François). Archéologie cultuelle et histoire des religions antiques en Albanie. Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, 2011, 24, p. 183-204.
1522. MARCHIANDI (Daniela). I periboli funerari nell'Attica classica: lo specchio di una 'borghesia'. Atene e Paestum, Pandemos, 2011, 243 p.
1536. QUERCIA (Alessandro), JOHNSTON (Alan), BE(Andrew), CONOLLY (James), TSARAVOPOULOS (Aris). Roman pottery from an intensive survey of Antikythera, Greece. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 47-98.
1523. MORENO (Paolo). Pittura in Grecia dalla maniera alla restaurazione romana (323–31 a.C.). In: Pittura ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia [cf. n° 1533], p. 325.
1537. RIZOS (Efthymios). The late-antique walls of Thessalonica and their place in the development of Eastern military architecture. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 450-468.
1524. MORETTI (Jean-Charles), BADOUD (Nathan), FADIN (Lionel), FINCKER (Myriam), FRAISSE (Philippe). Délos. L'Atlas, l'Artémision et la base de Méno-
1538. SCHWARZMAIER (Agnes). Die Masken aus der Nekropole von Lipari. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2011, 280 p.
1539. SKORDA (Despina), ZURBACH (Julien). Kirrha (Phocide). Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 535-539. 1540. STANSBURY O'DONNELL (Mark D.). Looking at Greek art. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV253 p.
pole. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 119-135. 1545. WHITLEY (James). Praisos V: a preliminary report on the 2007 excavation season. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2011, 106, p. 3-45.
1541. TASSIGNON (Isabelle). Une tête exceptionnelle de koré trouvée au palais d'Amathonte. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 137-161.
1546. WILSON (Roger J.A.), HAYES (John W.). Funerary feasting in Early Byzantine Sicily: new evidence from Kaukana. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 263-302.
1542. VANDERHEYDE (Catherine), PROCHASKA (Walter). Le marbre en Bulgarie à la période byzantine: l'apport de l'étude des sculptures architecturales de Sozopol. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 351-375.
1547. WURMSER (Hélène). Délos. La Maison de Fourni. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 573-587.
1543. VANDERHEYDE (Catherine). Bulgarie. Mer Noire: programme sur la sculpture architecturale de la côte occidentale de la mer Noire. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 703-704. 1544. VLASSOPOULOU (Christina). La double offrande de Lysias et Évarchis recomposée au Musée de l'Acro-
1548. ZIMMERMANN-ELSEIFY (Nina). Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Deutschland. 89: Berlin, Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium. Band 12: Attisch weißgrundige Lekythen. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, 76 p. 1549. ZOGRAPHAKI (Vasso), FARNOUX (Alexandre). Dréros. Mission franco-hellénique de Dréros. Bulletin de correspondance Hellénique, 2011, 135, p. 625-646.
§ 1. The peoples of Italy. 1550-1570. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1571-1582. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1583-1636. – § 4. General and political history. 1637-1700. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1701-1734. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1735-1786. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 1787-1889. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1890-1909. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1910-1954. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 1955-1977. § 1. The peoples of Italy. ______________________
1550. ADAM (Anne-Marie). Figures de guerriers et représentations des armes dans l'Italie préromaine. In: Armement (L') et l'image de guerrier dans les sociétés anciennes. De l'objet à la tombe. Dijon, Ed. universitaires de Dijon, 2011, p. 355-368. 1551. AMANN (Petra). Die antiken Umbrer zwischen Tiber und Apennin: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse aus Etrurien. Wien, Holzhausen, 2011, 476 p. 1552. BASSIGNANO (Maria Silvia). Pagi nella Venetia: alcuni esempi. In: Identità e autonomie nel mondo romano occidentale. Iberia – Italia, Italia – Iberia. [cf. n° 1751], p. 319-334. 1553. Brateís datas. Pratiche rituali, votivi e strumenti del culto dai santuari della Lucania antica. Atti delle giornate di studio sui santuari Lucani, Matera, 19–20 febbraio 2010. A cura di Ilaria BATTILORO, Massimo OSANNA. Venosa, Osanna, 2011, 383 p. 1554. CAIAZZA (Domenico). Poleografia e popolamento della Campania interna preromana. Insediamenti italici sui rilievi dell'Appennino e del Preappennino dell'antica Terra di Lavoro. Un dossier sui Lucani e una proposta di restituzione storico-topografica dei Lucani Apuli e dei Lucani della Mesogaia. In: Etruschi (Gli) e la Campania settentrionale [cf. n° 1575], p. 355400. 1555. CHIARAMONTE TRERÉ (Cristina). Gli Ausoni/ Aurunci e le aristocrazie centro-italiche: identità etniche e differenziazione culturali tra VII e VI secolo a. C. Alcuni spunti. In: Etruschi (Gli) e la Campania settentrionale. [cf. n° 1575], p. 135-150. 1556. Communicating identity in Italic Iron Age communities. Ed. by Margarita GLEBA, Helle W. HORSNAES. Oxford, Oxbow, 2011, XIV-232 p.
1557. Corollari. Scritti di antichità etrusche e italiche in omaggio all'opera di Giovanni COLONNA. A cura di Daniele F. MARAS. Pisa, Serra, 2011, 235 p. (Studia erudita, 14). 1558. GALIANO (Paolo). Roma prima di Roma. Metastoria della tradizione italica. Roma, Simmetria, 2011, 205 p. 1559. GOFFREDO (Roberto). Aufidus. Storia, archeologia e paesaggi nella valle dell'Ofanto. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 347 p. (Insulae Diomedeae, 16). 1560. Lingue (Le) dell'Italia antica: iscrizioni, testi, grammatica; in memoriam Helmut Rix (1926–2004); Atti del Convegno Internazionale, 7–8 marzo 2011, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano = Die Sprachen Altitaliens: Inschriften, Texte, Grammatik. A cura di Giovanna ROCCA. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, XXXIII-463 p. 1561. MELANDRI (Gianluca). L'età del ferro a Capua: aspetti distintivi del contesto culturale e suo inquadramento nelle dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Italia protostorica. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, 477 p. (BAR international series, 2265). 1562. PEREGO (Elisa). Engendered actions: agency and ritual in pre-Roman Veneto. In: Ritual dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean. Agency, emotion, gender, representation. [cf. n° 418], p. 17-42. 1563. PITZALIS (Federica). La volontà meno apparente: donne e società nell'Italia centrale tirrenica tra VIII e VII a.C. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, 329 p. (Studia archaeologica, 181). 1564. POMA (Gabriella). Gli Umbri a nord dell'Appennino: un'identità "fluida". In: Identità e autonomie nel mondo romano occidentale. Iberia – Italia, Italia – Iberia. [cf. n° 1751], p. 173-208. 1565. PROSDOCIMI (Aldo L.). Ipseità e alterità tra etnonimia e poleonimia. Suessa, Suessula, Opikoi, Oino-
troi e simili. In: Etruschi (Gli) e la Campania settentrionale. [cf. n° 1575], p. 251-282.
l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 145-156.
1566. REALI (Mauro). Gli Insubres nella tradizione erudita: una "identità immaginata"? In: Identità e autonomie nel mondo romano occidentale. Iberia – Italia, Italia – Iberia. [cf. n° 1751], p. 367-384.
1577. Ipogeo (L') dei Volumni: 170 anni dalla scoperta. Atti del convegno. A cura di Luana CENCIAIOLI. Perugia, Effe Fabrizio Fabbri, 2011, 439 p.
1567. Tharros Felix 4. A cura di Attilio MASTINO, Pier Giorgio SPANU, Alessandro USAI, Raimondo ZUCCA. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 479 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di storia dell'Università degli studi di Sassari, 39). 1568. TIKKANEN (Karin W.). A Sabellian case grammar. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, XV-175 p. (Handbuch der italischen Dialekte, 2). 1569. Variation (La) linguistique dans les langues de l'Italie préromaine. Actes du IVe Séminaire sur les langues de l'Italie préromaine organisé à l'Université Lumière-Lyon 2 et la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 12 mars 2009. Éd. par Gilles VAN HEEMS. Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée-Jean Pouilloux, 2011, 182 p. (Collection de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 45. Série linguistique et philologique, 7). 1570. ZAVARONI (Adolfo). Le iscrizioni nord-umbre antiromane della valle di Ospitale (Appennino modenese). Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, VIII-233 p. (BAR international series, 2250). § 2. The Etruscans. _______________________
1571. Archaeology (The) of sanctuaries and ritual in Etruria. Ed. by Nancy T. DE GRUMMOND, Ingrid EDLUND-BERRY. Portsmouth, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 167 p. (Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 81). 1572. BONFANTE (Larissa). The Etruscan impact on ancient Europe. In: Black Sea (The), Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the first millennium BC. [cf. n° 882], p. 203-232. – EADEM. The Etruscans: mediators between northern barbarians and classical civilization. In: Barbarians (The) of Ancient Europe. Realities and interactions [cf. n° 432], p. 233-281. 1573. CAPPUCCINI (Luca). Lo scarico archeologico di Monte San Paolo a Chiusi. Pisa, Serra, 2011, 160 p. (Biblioteca di Studi etruschi, 52). 1574. ENEI (Flavio). Alle origini del porto etrusco di Pyrgi: i presupposti preistorici. Archaeologia maritima mediterranea, 2011, 8, p. 13-28. 1575. Etruschi (Gli) e la Campania settentrionale. Atti del XXVI Convegno di Studi Etruschi ed Italici, Caserta, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Capua, Teano, 11– 15 novembre 2007. A cura di Orazio PAOLETTI, Maria C. BETTINI. Pisa, Serra, 711 p. (Atti di convegni. Istituto nazionale di studi etruschi ed italici, 26.). [Cf. nos 1554, 1555, 1565.] 1576. FERRI (Giorgio). Due divinità di Falerii Veteres: Giunone Curite e Minerva Capta. Mélanges de
1578. MAGINI (Leonardo). Controstoria degli Etruschi. Viaggio alle sorgenti orientali della civiltà romana. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, XIII192 p. 1579. PELLEGRINI (Enrico), LEOTTA (Maria C.). Bolsena e la sponda occidentale della Val di Lago: un aggiornamento. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 13-105. 1580. SPINI (Giovanni), PECCHIONI (Enio). Firenze etrusca. Ipotesi storiche e realtà archeologiche. Firenze, Press & Archeos, 2011, 82 p. 1581. VAN DER MEER (Lammert B.). Etrusco ritu. Case studies in Etruscan ritual behaviour. Louvain, Peeters, 2011, VI-167 p. (Monographs on antiquity, 5). 1582. ZUCHTRIEGEL (Gabriel). An open-air sanctuary on an amphora by the Pittore delle Gru and the cult of Artemis in early Etruria. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 5-11. § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________
a. Epigraphical sources * 1583. Année (L') épigraphique 2008. [2007. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 1715.] Éd. par Mireille CORBIER. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 957 p. 1584. ARENA (Mariagrazia E.). Praeteritae carmina vitae. Pietre e parole di Numidia (Numidia meridionale). Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, 347 p. (Problemi e ricerche di storia antica, 28). 1585. AUBERT (Jean-Jacques), RAEPSAET (Georges). Un 'mandat' inscrit sur une sigillée argonnaise à Liberchies-Geminiacum. Antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 139156. 1586. BEN ABDALLAH (Zeïneb B.), LADJIMI SEBAÏ (Leïla). Catalogue des inscriptions latines paiennes inédites du Musée de Carthage. Rome, École française de Rome, 2011, 400 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 443). 1587. BURNARD (Yves), VIPARD (Pascal). Hadrien et la cité des Leuques. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 1068-1081. 1588. BURNETT (Andrew). The Augustan revolution seen from the mints of the Provinces. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 1-30 1589. CAPASSO (Mario). Les papyrus latins d'Herculaneum: découverte, consistance, contenu. Liège, CeDoPaL, 2011, 131 p. (Cahiers du CEDOPAL, 6). 1590. CHIOFFI (Laura). Museo archeologico dell'antica Capua. Collezione epigrafica. Roma, Qasar, 2011, 131 p.
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources 1591. CLAUSS (Manfred). Kein Aberglaube in Hispellum. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 429-445. 1592. CUGUSI (Paolo). Quattro temi dei Carmina Latina Epigraphica: descrizioni di città, somnio monitus, ludus septem sapientium, le quattro stagioni. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 5-26. 1593. CUOMO (Serafino). A Roman engineer's tales. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 143-165. 1594. FEUCHT (Birgit). Uniformity up to the grave? Funerary inscriptions of Roman legionaries in Western Europe. Ancient society, 2011, 41, p. 147-183. 1595. MIGLIORATI (Guido). Iscrizioni per la ricostruzione storica dell'Impero romano da Marco Aurelio a Commodo. Milano, Educatt, 2011, 655 p. 1596. MUGNAI (Niccolò). Due appliques militari iscritte, conservate in una collezione privata, e nuove osservazioni su alcuni esemplari da Thamusida (Mauretania Tingitana). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2011, 179, p. 209-303. 1597. Ratengo hibun de tanoshimu kodai rōma. (Enjoying ancient Rome with Latin inscriptions). Ed. MOTOMURA Ryoji. Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 2011, 277 p. 1598. RIDLEY (Ronald T.). Augustus: the emperor writes his own account. In: Political autobiographies and memoirs in Antiquity: a Brill companion. [cf. n° 299], p. 267-314. 1599. SÄNGER (Patrick). Veteranen unter den Severern und frühen Soldatenkaisern. Die Dokumentensammlungen der Veteranen Aelius Sarapammon und Aelius Syrion. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 413 p. (Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 48). 1600. SEGENNI (Simonetta). I Decreta Pisana. Autonomia cittadina e ideologia imperiale nella colonia Opsequens Iulia Pisana. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 145 p. (Documenti e studi. Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità dell'Università di Bari. Sezione storica, 47). 1601. STARR (Raymond J.). Formant, content, and message: reading the end of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti as an inscription. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 721-726. 1602. Vie, mort et poésie dans l'Afrique romaine d'après un choix de Carmina latina epigraphica. Éd. par Christine HAMDOUNE. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2011, 395 p. (Collection Latomus, 330). b. Literary sources 1603. [Anthologia latina] Antología latina. Repertorio de poemas extraído de códices y libros impresos. Introducciones, traducción y notas por Francisco SOCAS. Madrid, Gredos, 2011, 764 p. (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 394). 1604. [Arusianus Messius] Arusiani Messi Exempla elocutionum. Introduzione, testo critico e note a cura di Anita DI STEFANO. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2011, XCVIII-201 p. (Bibliotheca Weidmanniana. Collectanea grammatica latina, 6).
1605. [Censorinus] Das Geburtstagsbuch. Übersetzt und erläutert von Kai BRODERSEN. Darmstadt, Primus, 2011, 117 p. 1606. [Cicero] Bruto. Introduzione, traduzione e commento di Rosa R. MARCHESE. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 395 p. (Classici, 15). 1607. [Cicero] Orakelkunst und Vorhersage. Marcus Tullius Cicero. Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Rainer NICKEL. Mannheim, Artemis & Winkler, 2011, 216 p. 1608. [Horatius] COWAN (Robert W.), DAVIE (John N.). Horace. Satires and epistles. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXXIV-203 p. 1609. [Horatius] Odes IV and Carmen saeculare. Ed. by Richard F. THOMAS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-297 p. 1610. [Iulius Africanus] ROBERTO (Umberto). Le Chronographiae di Sesto Giulio Africano: storiografia, politica e cristianesimo nell'età dei Severi. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 288 p. (Collana dell'ambito di storia dell'Università europea di Roma). 1611. [Livius Andronicus] Liui Andronici Odusia. Introduzione, edizione critica e versione italiana a cura di Enrico FLORES. Napoli, Liguori, 2011, XXIII-68 p. 1612. [Macrobius] Saturnalia. Books 1-2. Edited and translated by Robert A. KASTER. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2011, LXXIII-387 p. (Loeb classical library, 510). 1613. [Macrobius] Saturnalia. Books 3-5. Edited and translated by Robert A. KASTER. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2011, X-475 p. (Loeb classical library, 511). 1614. [Macrobius] Saturnalia. Books 6-7. Edited and translated by Robert A. KASTER. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2011, X-454 p. (Loeb classical library, 512). 1615. [Martialis] M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammaton liber quintus. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Alberto CANOBBIO. Napoli, Loffredo, 2011, 634 p. (Studi latini, 75). 1616. [Maximus Victorinus] Maximi Victorini Commentarium de ratione metrorum. Con cinque trattati inediti sulla prosodia delle sillabe finali. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento a cura di Doriana CORAZZA. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2011, CXLIII-248 p. (Bibliotheca Weidmanniana. Collectanea grammatica latina, 10). 1617. [Naevius] Cn. Naevi Bellum Poenicum. Introduzione, edizione critica e versione italiana a cura di Enrico FLORES. Napoli, Liguori, 2011, XLIX-115 p. (Forme, materiali e ideologie del mondo antico, 41). 1618. [Ovidius] RYAN (Maureen B.), PERKINS (Caroline A.). Ovid's Amores, book one. A commentary. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XI-186 p. (Oklahoma series in classical culture, 41).
1619. [Ovidius] SLAVITT (David R.). Love poems, letters, and remedies of Ovid. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 352 p. 1620. [Ovidius] WISEMAN (Anne). Ovid. Times and reasons. A new translation of "Fasti". Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXXVII-185 p. 1621. [Petronius] SCHMELING (Gareth L.), SETAIOLI (Aldo). A commentary on the "Satyrica" of Petronius. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XLIX-681 p. 1622. [Plautus] LEFÈVRE (Eckard). Plautus' "Bacchides". Tübingen, Narr, 2011, 205 p. (Script Oralia, 138). 1623. [Plautus] Mercator. Introduzione, testo e traduzione a cura di Daniela AVERNA. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 143 p. (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell’Università di Pavia, 124). 1624. [Plinius minor] Plinio il Giovane, Epistole, Libro X. Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Francesco BRACCI. Pisa, PLUS-Pisa U. P., 2011, 309 p. (Commenti a testi latini e greci per l’insegnamento universitario, 2). 1625. [Pseudo-Quintilianus] PASETTI (Lucia). Il veleno versato (Declamazioni maggiori, 17). Cassino, Edizioni Università di Cassino, 2011, 249 p. (Collana di studi umanistici, 1).
Madrid, Gredos, 2011, 396 p. (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 396). 1634. [Velius Longus] Velii Longi De orthographia. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento a cura di Marta DI NAPOLI. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2011, LXIX-171 p. (Bibliotheca Weidmanniana. Collectanea grammatica latina, 8). 1635. [Vergilius] JONES (Peter V.). Reading Virgil. Aeneid I and II. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-320 p. 1636. DEN BOEFT (Jan), DRIJVERS (Jan W.), DEN HENGST (Daniël), TEITLER (Hans). Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVIII. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXXIV-364 p. Cf. nos 1787-1889 § 4. General and political history. ______________________
1637. ALSTON (Richard), SPENTZOU (Efrossini). Reflections of Romanity. Discourses of subjectivity in Imperial Rome. Columbus, OH, Ohio State U. P., 2011, XV-247 p. 1638. ASTE (Antonio). Avidio Cassio. Aspetti storici e letterari di una secessione. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 159 p. (Saggistica Aracne, 215).
1626. [Quintilianus] Quintilians Grammatik (Inst. orat. 1, 4-8). Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Wolfram AX. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, 425 p. (Texte und Kommentare, 37).
1639. AUSBUTTEL (Frank M.). Die Grundung und Teilung der Provinz Germania. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 392410.
1627. [Seneca] Fedra. Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Alfredo CASAMENTO. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 272 p. (Classici, 14).
1640. BARCELO (Pedro). Zur karthagischen Strategie im 2. romisch-karthagischen Krieg. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 84-103.
1628. [Silius Italicus] A commentary on Silius Italicus' Punica 7. Edited with introduction and commentary by R. Joy LITTLEWOOD. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XCIX-276 p.
1641. BREEZE (David J.). The frontiers of imperial Rome. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2011, XXI242 p.
1629. [Statius] Silvae, book II. Ed. by Carole E. NEWLANDS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX283. 1630. [Suetonius] Svetonio. Vita di Cesare. Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Carlotta SCANTAMBURLO. Pisa, PLUS-Pisa U. P., 2011, 256 p. (Commenti a testi latini e greci per l'insegnamento universitario, 1). 1631. [Symmachus] SALZMAN (Michele R.), ROBERTS (Michael). The letters of Symmachus. Book 1. Introduction, translation and commentary. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, LXXII-215 p. (Society of Biblical Literature. Writings from the Graeco-Roman world, 30).
1642. BURTON (Paul J.). Friendship and Empire. Roman diplomacy and imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC). Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-395 p. 1643. CHAMPLIN (Edward). Tiberius and the heavenly twins. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 7399. 1644. Chronology (A) of the Roman Empire. Ed. by Timothy VENNING. London, Continuum, 2011, XXIII850 p. 1645. COGITORE (Isabelle). Le doux nom de liberté. Histoire d'une idée politique dans la Rome antique. Paris, De Boccard, 2011, 343 p. (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 31).
1632. [Tacitus] Annali. libro XI. Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Arturo DE VIVO. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 175 p. (Classici, 13).
1646. COLOMBO (Maurizio). La lancea, i lanciarii, il pilum e l'acies di Arriano. Un contributo alla storia dell'esercito romano. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 158-190.
1633. [Valerius Flaccus] Argonáuticas. Introducción, traducción y notas por Antonio RÍO TORRES-MURCIANO.
1647. Consuls and res publica: holding high office in the Roman Republic. Ed. by Hans BECK, Antonio
§ 4. General and political history
DUPLÁ, Martin JEHNE, Francisco PINA POLO. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-376 p. [Cf. n o 1729.]
1660. KEARNS (Emily). The death of Thrasea. Towards a reconstruction and interpretation. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 41-79.
1648. DETALLE (Michel-Pierre). Piraterie maure en Hispanie romaine: qu'en est-il? Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 140-153.
1661. KEPPIE (Lawrence). ̔Guess who's coming to dinner̕: the murder of Nero's mother Agrippina in its topographical setting. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 3347.
1649. EATON (Jonathan). The political significance of the Imperial watchword in the early Empire. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 48-63. 1650. ECK (Werner). Augusto – la Germania – Varo – Tiberio. Il fallimento di una storia romana di successi. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 5-25. 1651. Figures d'empire, fragments de mémoire. Pouvoirs et identités dans le monde impérial romain (IIe s. av. n. è. – VIe s. de n. è.). Ed. par Stéphane BENOIST, Anne DAGUET-GAGEY et Christine HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE. Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 589 p. 1652. Fines imperii – imperium sine fine? Römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat. Beiträge zum Kongress "Fines imperii – imperium sine fine?" in Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. September 2009. Hrsg. v. Günther MOOSBAUER. Rahden u. Westfalen, Leidorf, 2011, 338 p. (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption, 14). 1653. Frontiers in the Roman world. Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Durham, 16–19 April 2009). Ed. by Olivier HEKSTER, Ted KAIZER. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XI378 p. (Impact of Empire, 13.). 1654. GAGLIARDI (Lorenzo). Cesare, Pompeo e la lotta per le magistrature: anni 52–50 a.C. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, IX-224 p. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto, Sezione di diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità. Università degli studi di Milano, 46). 1655. GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA (Francisco Javier). From cultural contact to conquest: Rome and the creation of a tribal zone in the north-western Iberian peninsula. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 184-194. 1656. GOUDA (Tanja). Der Romanisierungsprozess auf der Iberischen Halbinsel aus der Perspektive der iberischen Kulturen. Hamburg, Kovac, 2011, 616 p. (Antiquitates, 54).
1662. LE ROUX (Patrick). La toge et les armes. Rome entre Méditerranée et Océan. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 785 p. 1663. LEEDHAM (David). Imperium. Roman Britain and Ireland – the maintenance of control, 225–367. Chester, Penrhyn, 2011, 392 p. (The bitter sea, 2).– IDEM. The limits of the habitable world: Ireland and the Roman conquest of Britain, 43–224. Chester, Penrhyn, 2011, 353 p. (The bitter sea, 1). 1664. LEHMANN (Gustav A.). Imperium und Barbaricum. Neue Befunde und Erkenntnisse zu den römisch-germanischen Auseinandersetzungen im nordwestdeutschen Raum, von der augusteischen Okkupationsphase bis zum Germanien-Zug des Maximinus Thrax (235 n. Chr.). Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 134 p. (Sitzungsberichte. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 821). 1665. LENOIR (Maurice). Le camp romain. ProcheOrient et Afrique du Nord. Rome, École Française de Rome, 2011, 439 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 345). 1666. LÖFFL (Josef). Die römische expansion. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2011, 697 p. (Region im Umbruch, 7). 1667. LUNDGREEN (Christoph). Regelkonflikte in der römischen Republik. Geltung und Gewichtung von Normen in politischen Entscheidungsprozessen. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 375 p. (Historia, Einzelschriften, H. 221). 1668. LYASSE (Emmanuel). Tibère. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 302 p. 1669. MAC MULLEN (Ramsay). The earliest Romans. A character sketch. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, 193 p. 1670. MARAVAL (Pierre). Constantin le Grand. Empereur romain, empereur chrétien, 306–337. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 398 p.
1657. Gouverneurs (Les) et les provinciaux sous la République romaine. Éd. par Nathalie BARRANDON. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 300 p.
1671. MATTINGLY (David J.). Imperialism, power, and identity. Experiencing the Roman empire. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XXIV-342 p.
1658. HAGEMANN (Gerhard). Quintili Vare, legiones redde! – Quintilius Varus, gib die Legionen zurück! Kritische Betrachtung der Ereignisse um die Varus-Schlacht. Lage, BMV-Verlag Burau, 2011, 232 p.
1672. MIYAZAKI (Asako). Rōma teikoku no shokuryō kyōkyū to seiji: Kyōwasei kara teisei e. (Food supply and politics in the Roman Empire: from the republic to the empire). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2011, 279 p.
1659. ICKS (Martijn). The crimes of Elagabalus. The life and legacy of Rome's decadent boy emperor. London, Tauris, 2011, XI-276 p.
1673. MOSCHEK (Wolfgang). Der Römische Limes. Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte. Speyer, Kartoffeldruck, 2011, 270 p.
1674. NOREÑA (Carlos F.). Imperial ideals in the Roman West: representation, circulation, power. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXII-456 p. 1675. OLBRICH (Konstantin). Rule Britannia – zur Rolle Britanniens in der dynastischen Selbstdarstellung Theodosius des Grossen. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 193-208. 1676. OOSHIMIZU (Yutaka). Diokuretianusu jidai no rōma teikoku: Raten hibun ni miru teikoku tōchi no keizoku to hen'yō. (The Roman Empire in the age of Diocletian: reading continuity and change in the imperial rule in Latin inscriptions). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2011, 352 p.
1690. SMITH (Rowland). Measures of difference: the fourth-century transformation of the Roman imperial court. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 125151. 1691. TEMPEST (Kathryn). Cicero. Politics and persuasion in ancient Rome. London, Continuum, 2011, XIV-256 p. 1692. TODISCO (Elisabetta). I vici rurali nel paesaggio dell'Italia romana. S. Spirito, Edipuglia, 2011, 278 p. (Documenti e studi, 50).
1677. OSGOOD (Josiah). Claudius Caesar. Image and power in the early Roman empire. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-357 p.
1693. TÖPFER (Kai). Signa militaria. Die römischen Feldzeichen in der Republik und im Prinzipat. Mainz, Verl. des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2011, X-498 p. (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, 91).
1678. PASQUALI (Johannes). Die Adoptivkaiser. Das Römische Weltreich am Höhepunkt seiner Macht (98– 180 n. Chr.). Bochum, Projekt-Verlag, 2011, 209 p.
1694. VAN DAM (Raymond). Remembering Constantine at the Milvian Bridge. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-296 p.
1679. POTTER (David). Holding court in Republican Rome (105–44). American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 59-80.
1695. VISMARA (Cinzia). Sardinien und Korsika in römischer Zeit. Darmstadt, P. von Zabern, 2011, 160 p.
1680. POWELL (Lindsay). Eager for glory. Untold story of Drusus the Elder, conqueror of Germania. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2011, XXXVI-234 p. 1681. PUECH (Vincent). Constantin: le premier empereur chrétien. Paris, Ellipses, 2011, 390 p. 1682. RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Julio). La conquista de Italia por Roma. Madrid, Almena Ediciones, 2011, (2 voll.) 239; 263 p. 1683. Roman colonies in the first century of their foundation. Ed. by Rebecca J. SWEETMAN. Oxford, Oxbow, 159 p. 1684. Roman Empire (The) and beyond: archaeological and historical research on the Romans and native cultures in central Europe. Ed. by Eric C. DE SENA, Halina DOBRZANSKA. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, 173 p. (BAR International series, 2236). 1685. Roman Empire (The) in context: historical and comparative perspectives. Ed. by Johann P. ARNASON, Kurt A. RAAFLAUB. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XIV-416 p. 1686. SCHALL (Ute). Domitian. Der römische Kaiser und seine Zeit. Hamburg, Acabus, 2011, 315 p. 1687. SCHIAVONE (Aldo). Spartaco. Le armi e l'uomo. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, IX-128 p. (Einaudi storia, 37). 1688. SCHIPP (Oliver). Die Adoptivkaiser: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marc Aurel, Lucius Verus und Commodus. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, VII-136 p. 1689. SKINNER (Marilyn B.). Clodia Metelli: the tribune's sister. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-195 p.
1696. WAITE (John). To rule Britannia. The Claudian invasion of Britain, AD 43. Stroud, History Press, 2011, 191 p. 1697. WEGGEN (Katharina). Der lange Schatten von Carrhae. Studien zu M. Licinius Crassus. Hamburg, Kovac, 2011, 342 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums, 22). 1698. WITSCHEL (Christian). Der Kaiser und die Inschriften. In: Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie. Probleme und Perspektiven einer neuen Römischen Kaisergeschichte 31 v. Chr.–192 n. Chr. [cf. n° 1700], p. 45-111. 1699. WOLF (Greg D.). Tales of the barbarians. Ethnography and empire in the Roman West. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, VIII-167 p. 1700. Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie. Probleme und Perspektiven einer neuen Römischen Kaisergeschichte 31 v. Chr.–192 n. Chr. Hrsg. v. Aloys WINTERLING. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VIII-350 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, 75). [Cf. nos 1698, 1952.] Cf. nos 1007, 1367 § 5. History of law and institutions. ______________________
1701. ANDO (Clifford). Law, language, and empire in the Roman tradition. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XI-168 p. (Empire and After). 1702. BABUSIAUX (Ulrike). Papinians quaestiones. Zur rhetorischen Methode eines spätklassischen Juristen. München, Beck, 2011, IX-309 p. (Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 103).
§ 5. History of law and institutions
1703. BEN AKACHA (Walid). L'évolution juridicourbaine de Mactaris sous le Haut-Empire. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 422-436.
1717. OPPEDISANO (Fabrizio). Maioriano, la plebe e il defensor civitatis. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 422448.
1704. BIAVASCHI (Paola). Caesari familiarissimus. Ricerche su Aulo Ofilio e il diritto successorio tra Repubblica e Principato. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, IX-307 p. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto. Sezione di diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità, 47).
1718. PERGAMI (Federico). Studi di diritto romano tardoantico. Torino, Giappichelli, 2011, XIII-544 p. 1719. PINA POLO (Francisco). The consul at Rome: the civil functions of the consuls in the Roman Republic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-379 p.
1705. BONZI (Claudia). Forme e storia della differentia. Il caso del giurista Modestino. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 103-143.
1720. PLISECKA (Anna). Tabula picta. Aspetti giuridici del lavoro pittorico in Roma antica. Padova, CEDAM, 2011, VIII-276 p. (L'arte del diritto, 19).
1706. BRU (Hadrien). Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syriennes. Représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.–337 ap. J.-C.). Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXII-420 p. (Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 49).
1721. PONTORIERO (Ivano). Il prestito marittimo in diritto romano. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2011, 212 p. (Seminario giuridico dell'Università di Bologna, 257).
1707. COELLO (J. Muñiz). El stipendium, el cuestor y qui aes tribuebat (Gai. inst. IV 26). El abono de la paga al soldado en la República. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 131148. 1708. D'ALOJA (Chiara). Sensi e attribuzioni del concetto di maiestas. Lecce, Grifo, 2011, 331 p. (Iuridica historica, 1). 1709. FAORO (Davide). Praefectus, procurator, praeses. Genesi delle cariche presidiali equestri dell'alto impero romano. Firenze, Le Monnier università, 2011, X-426 p. (Studi udinesi sul mondo antico, 8). 1710. FRAKES (Robert M.). Compiling the Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum in late antiquity. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-368 p. 1711. Giuristi e officium. L'elaborazione giurisprudenziale di regole per l'esercizio del potere fra II e III secolo d.C. A cura di Emanuele STOLFI. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2011, 234 p. 1712. Law and religion in the Roman Republic. Ed. by Olga TELLEGEN-COUPERUS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 336). 1713. Lex (Die) Irnitana. Ein römisches Stadtrecht aus Spanien; lateinisch und deutsch. Hearausgegeben, eingeleitet und übersetzt von Joseph G. WOLF. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 159 p. (Texte zur Forschung, 101). 1714. MILAZZO (Antonino M.). Iniuria. Alle origini dell'offesa morale come categoria giuridica. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 214 p. (Scienze giuridiche, 381). 1715. Militia equestris (Von der) zur militia urbana. Prominenzrollen und Karrierefelder im antiken Rom. Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung vom 16. bis 18. Mai 2008 an der Universität zu Köln. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang BLÖSEL und Karl-Joachim HÖLKESKAMP. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 237 p. 1716. NORTH (John A.). Lex Domitia revisited. In: Priests and state in the Roman world [cf. n° 1903], p. 3962.
1722. POWELL (Jonathan G. F.). Legal Latin. In: Companion (A) to the Latin language [cf. n° 120], p. 464484. 1723. RICH (John W.). The fetiales and Roman international relations. In: Priests and state in the Roman world. [cf. n° 1903], p. 187-242. 1724. RIVES (James B.). Magic in Roman law: the reconstruction of a crime. In: Religious (The) history of the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians [cf. n° 1905], p. 71-108. 1725. SAGGIORO (Alessandro). La religione e lo stato. Cristianesimo e alterità religiose nelle leggi di Roma imperiale. Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 239 p. 1726. SCHMALL (Sabine). Patrimonium und Fiscus. Studien zur kaiserlichen Domänen- und Finanzverwaltung von Augustus bis Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Bonn, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2011, IX-596 p. 1727. SCIANDRELLO (Enrico). Studi sul contratto estimatorio e sulla permuta nel diritto romano. Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2011, IX-406 p. (Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, 93). 1728. SISANI (Simone). In pagis forisque et conciliabulis: le strutture amministrative dei distretti rurali in Italia tra le media repubblica e l'età municipale. Roma, Scienze e lettere editore commerciale, 2011, 237 p. 1729. SMITH (Christopher). The magistrates of the early Roman republic. In: Consuls and res publica. Holding high office in the Roman Republic [cf. n° 1647], p. 19-40. 1730. STINI (Frank). Plenum exiliis mare. Untersuchungen zum Exil in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 378 p. 1731. TURCAN (Robert). Notions romaines de l'État: de la Res Publica au Status Romanus. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 621-641. 1732. TURELLI (Giovanni). Audi Iuppiter. Il collegio dei feziali nell'esperienza giuridica romana. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, VIII-274 p.
1733. VERHAGEN (H.L.E.). 'Verfallpfand' in early classical Roman Law: real security in the archive of the Sulpicii. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2011, 79, 1, p. 1-46. 1734. ZANDA (Emanuela). Fighting hydra-like luxury. Sumptuary regulation in the Roman Republic. London, Bristol Classical Press, 2011, XII-172 p. § 6. Economic and social history. _______________________
1735. ACTON (Karen). Vespasian and the social world of the Roman court. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 103-124. 1736. CARLÀ (Filippo), MARCONE (Arnaldo). Economia e finanza a Roma. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 281 p. 1737. DELGADO DELGADO (José A.). Mogador (Essaouira, Marruecos), un commercium Romano de citrum en la periferia sudoccidental del imperio. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 155-174. 1738. DRČA (Branko). The monetary system of the late Roman Empire, 293–348. Beograd, Blago Sirmijuma, 2011, 249 p. 1739. DROß-KRÜPE (Kerstin). Wolle – Weber – Wirtschaft. Die Textilproduktion der römischen Kaiserzeit im Spiegel der papyrologischen Überlieferung. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, X-304 p. (Philippika, 46). 1740. DUBOULOZ (Julien). La propriété immobilière à Rome et en Italie. (Ier–Ve siècles); organisation et transmission des praedia urbana. Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 2011, 735 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 343). 1741. FAGAN (Garrett G.). The lure of the arena: social psychology and the crowd at the Roman Games. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-362 p. 1742. Filellenismo e identità romana in età flavia. Atti della VIII Giornata Ghisleriana di Filologia Classica, Pavia, 10–11 novembre 2009. A cura di Alessia BONADEO, Alberto CANOBBIO, Fabio GASTI. Pavia e Como, Ibis. 2011, 173 p. 1743. FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE (Guillaume). Clementia. Recherches sur la notion de clémence à Rome, du début du Ier siècle a. C. à la mort d'Auguste. Paris, De Boccard, 2011, 352 p. (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 33).
1747. HARRIS (W. V.). Rome's imperial economy. Twelve essays. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-370 p. 1748. HESSE (Rachel). Reconsidering animal husbandry and diet in the northwest provinces. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 215-248. 1749. HOFFMANN-SALZ (Julia). Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 561 p. (Historia. Einzelschriften, 218). 1750. HOLLERAN (Claire). Migration and the urban economy of Rome. In: Demography and the GraecoRoman world. New insights and approaches [cf. n° 559], p. 155-180. 1751. Identità e autonomie nel mondo romano occidentale. Iberia – Italia, Italia – Iberia. III Convegno Internazionale di Epigrafia e Storia Antica, Gargnano, 12–15 maggio 2010. A cura di Antonio SARTORI. Faenza, Fratelli Lega, 2011, 511 p. (Epigrafia e antichità, 29). [Cf. nos 1552, 1564, 1566.] 1752. Identités Romaines. Conscience de soi et représentations de l'autre dans la Rome antique (IVe siècle av. J.-C. – VIIIe siècle apr. J.-C.). Éd. par Mathilde SIMON. Paris, Rue d'Ulm, 287 p. (Études de Littérature Ancienne, 18). 1753. KATSARI (Constantina). The Roman monetary system: the Eastern provinces from the first to the third century AD. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X304 p. 1754. KLINGENBERG (Andreas). Sozialer Abstieg in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Risiken der Oberschicht in der Zeit von Augustus bis zum Ende der Severer. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 255 p. 1755. LAES (Christian). Children in the Roman Empire: outsiders within. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-334 p. 1756. LANDREA (Cyrielle). M. Aurelius Cotta Maximus Messallinus: un noble sous les Julio-Claudiens. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 557-579. 1757. LAUNARO (Alessandro). Peasants and slaves: the rural population of Roman Italy (200 BC to AD 100). Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-349 p.
1744. Gefährliches Pflaster. Kriminalität im Römischen Reich. Hrsg. v. Marcus REUTER, Romina SCHIAVONE. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2011, XI-437 p. (Xantener Berichte, 21).
1758. LAURENCE (Ray), CLEARY (Simon Esmonde), SEARS (Gareth). The City in the Roman West, c. 250 BC–c. AD 250. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-355 p.
1745. GREY (Cam). Constructing communities in the late Roman countryside. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-269 p.
1759. Legionäre (Die) des Kaisers. Soldatenleben im römischen Ägypten. Hrsg. v. Bernhard PALME. Wien, Phoibos Verlag, 2011, X-126 p. (Nilus, 18).
1746. HARPER (Kyle). Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275–425. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-611 p.
1760. LEWIT (Tamara). Dynamics of fineware production and trade: the puzzle of supra-regional exporters. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 313-332.
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science
1761. LONGFELLOW (Brenda). Roman imperialism and civic patronage: form, meaning, and ideology in monumental fountain complexes. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-277 p.
1775. SCHNURBUSCH (Dirk). Convivium. Form und Bedeutung aristokratischer Geselligkeit in der römischen Antike. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 314 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 219).
1762. MANN (Christian). "Um keinen Kranz, um das Leben kämpfen wir". Gladiatoren im Osten des römischen Reichs und die Frage der Romanisierung. Berlin, Verlag Antike, 2011, 320 p. (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 14).
1776. SCHOLZ (Peter). Den Vätern folgen. Sozialisation und Erziehung der republikanischen Senatsaristokratie. Berlin, Verlag Antike, 2011, 424 p. (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 13).
1763. MATEOS CRUZ (Pedro), PIZZO (Antonio). L'architecture monumentale d'Augusta Emerita: de nouvelles perspectives. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 581-595. 1764. MELCHIOR (Aislinn). Caesar in Vietnam: did Roman soldiers suffer post-traumatic stress disorder? Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 209-223. 1765. Memory and mourning. Studies on Roman death. Ed. by Valery M. HOPE, Janet HUSKINSON. Oxford, Oxbow, XXIV-200 p. 1766. MENNEN (Inge). Power and status in the Roman Empire, AD 193–284. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XII305 p. (Impact of empire, 12). 1767. MINAUD (Gérard). Les gens de commerce et le droit à Rome. Essai d'histoire juridique et sociale du commerce dans le monde antique romain. Aix-enProvence, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2011, 467 p. 1768. MOURITSEN (Henrik). The freedman in the Roman world. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VI344 p. 1769. PEREIRA MENAUT (Gerardo). Munera civitatium. La vida de la ciudad romana ideal. Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2011, 298 p. (La economía política de los romanos, 3). 1770. PETAC (Emanuel). Aspecte ale circulaţiei monetare în Dacia romană (106–275 p. chr.). (Aspects de la circulation monétaire en Dacie romaine, 106–275 après J.-C.). Wetteren Moneta, 2011, 392 p. (Collection Moneta, 115). 1771. PETOLESCU (Constantin C.). Villes de la Dacie Romaine. Dacia, 2011, 55, p. 83-109. 1772. REITZENSTEIN (Denise). Die lykischen Bundespriester. Repräsentation der kaiserzeitlichen Elite Lykiens. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 280 p. (Klio, Beihefte, NF., 17). 1773. Roma generadora de identidades. La experiencia hispana. Ed. por Antonio CABALLOS RUFINO y Sabine LEFEBVRE. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez y Universidad de Sevilla, 2011, 434 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 123). 1774. ROSELAAR (Saskia T.). Colonies and processes of integration in the Roman Republic. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 527555.
1777. SILVER (Morris). Finding the Roman Empire's disappeared deposit bankers. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 301327. 1778. SORACI (Cristina). Sicilia frumentaria. Il grano siciliano e l'annona di Roma, V a.C.–V d.C. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, XII-308 p. (Saggi di storia antica, 32). 1779. SUMI (Geoffrey). Ceremony and the emergence of court society in the Augustan Principate. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 81-102. 1780. TCHERNIA (André). Les Romains et le commerce. Napoli, Aix-en-Provence, Centre Jean Bérard et Centre Camille Jullian, 2011, 440 p. 1781. Topographie des Jenseits. Studien zur Geschichte des Todes in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike. Hrsg. v. Walter AMELING. Stuttgart, Steiner, 193 p. (Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 21). [Cf. no 1889.] 1782. TRENTIN (Lisa). Deformity in the Roman imperial court. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 195-208. 1783. TWEEDIE (Fiona C.). The case of the missing veterans: Roman colonisation and veteran settlement in the second century B.C.. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 458473. 1784. Utroque sermone nostro. Bilingüismo social y literario en el Imperio Romano. Ed. por José B. TORRESGUERRA. Pamplona, EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 168 p. (Colección Mundo antiguo. Nueva serie, 14). 1785. VIGLIETTI (Cristiano). Il limite del bisogno: antropologia economica di Roma arcaica. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 385 p. (Centro di antropologia del mondo antico dell'Università di Siena, 4). 1786. WALLER (Martin). Victory, defeat and electoral success at Rome, 343–91 B.C. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 18-38. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature 1787. BENFERHAT (Yasmina). Du bon usage de la douceur en politique dans l'œuvre de Tacite. Paris, Belles Lettres, 2011, 368 p. (Études anciennes. Série latine, 72). 1788. BERRY (Michael). Political poetics: the Bona Dea episode in Propertius 4, 9. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 391-404.
1789. BESSONE (Federica). La Tebaide di Stazio. Epica e potere. Pisa, Serra, 2011, 272 p. (Biblioteca di materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 24).
1805. EISENHAUER (Robert G.). Catullan mediations and other essays. New York, Lang, 2011, XVI-252 p. (Studies on themes and motifs in literature, 107).
1790. BONADEO (Alessia). Torvus: valenze poetiche e metapoetiche di un lessema in Stazio. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 81-101.
1806. Fines (Ad) imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae. Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis (Regensburg, Institut für Klassische Philologie, Lehrstuhl Latein, 15.–19. Sept. 2009). Ed. Jan-Wilhelm BECK. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2011, VIII-290 p. (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia, 28).
1791. BRANDT (Ulrich). Ciceros Rede über die konsularischen Provinzen. Studienausgabe für angehende Latinisten und Althistoriker. München, AVM, 185 p. 1792. BREITENBACH (Alfred). Huic uni domino usque serviamus. Soziale und hierarchische Strukturen bei Catull. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 983-999. 1793. CAIRNS (Francis). C. Cornelius Gallus and the river Hypanis. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 326-338. 1794. CANOBBIO (Alberto). Marziale e la tradizione elegiaca latina. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 437-472. 1795. CARMIGNANI (Marcos). Petronio, Sat. 116: el 'diálogo' intertextual entre novela y épica. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 364-379. 1796. CAVARZERE (Alberto). Gli arcani dell'oratore. Alcuni appunti sull'actio dei romani. Roma, Antenore, 2011, 241 p. (Agones. Studi, 2). 1797. Claudien: mythe, histoire et science. Journée d'études du jeudi 6 novembre 2008, Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne. Éd. par Florence GARAMBOISVASQUEZ. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2011, 170 p. (Mémoires du Centre Jean Palerne, 36). 1798. CRISTOFOLI (Roberto). Cicerone e l'ultima vittoria di Cesare. Analisi storica del XIV libro delle Epistole ad Attico. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 193 p. (Documenti e studi. Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità dell'Università di Bari. Sezione storica, 49).
1807. FRATANTUONO (Lee). Decus Fluviorum. Juturna in the Aeneid. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 27-39. – IDEM. Madness transformed. A reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XXV-487 p. 1808. GAGLIARDI (Paola). L'Ecl. 2 di Virgilio tra Teocrito e Gallo. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 676-696. 1809. GALTIER (Fabrice). L'image tragique de l'histoire chez Tacite. Étude des schèmes tragiques dans les Histoires et les Annales. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2011, 344 p. (Collection Latomus, 333). 1810. GARTNER (Thomas). Das Erlebnis der Impotenz. Zur Genese, Struktur und Rezeption von Ov. am. III, 7. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 103-123. 1811. GIRARDI (Giulia). Il nero, il rosso e gli altri colores nella poesia lucanea: tradizione ed innovazione della Pharsalia nell'espressionismo romano. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 124-134. 1812. GRILLO (Luca). Scribam ipse de me: the personality of the narrator in Caesar's Bellum Civile. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 243-271. 1813. GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ (Ramón). León y la cerda: observaciones a Claudiano XX, 450–451 (Contra Eutropium liber alter). Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 772-779.
1799. D'ANGELO (Rosa M.). Un lusus fra vita e ars: Epigr. Bob. 10-13 Sp. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 162-174.
1814. HELDMANN (Konrad). Sine ira et studio. Das Subjektivitätsprinzip der römischen Geschichtsschreibung und das Selbstverständnis antiker Historiker. München, Beck, 2011, 128 p. (Zetemata, 139).
1800. DÍAZ FERNANDEZ (Alejandro). L. Culleolus proconsul: Cic. Fam. XIII, 41-42. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 664-675.
1815. HESLIN (Peter). Metapoetic pseudonyms in Horace, Propertius and Ovid. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 51-72.
1801. DIMATTEO (Giuseppe). Povertà, avidità e ironia parentetica: Iuv. 8, 111-112. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 380-393.
1816. HEUSCH (Christine). Die Macht der memoria. Die "Noctes Atticae" des Aulus Gellius im Licht der Erinnerungskultur des 2. Jahrhunders n. Chr. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XIII-482 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 104).
1802. EDWARDS (Rebecca). Tacitus, Tiberius and Capri. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 1047-1057. 1803. EHRLING (Sara). De inconexis continuum. A study of the Late Antique Latin wedding centos. Göteborg, Institutionen för språk och litteraturer, Göteborgs universitet, 2011, 239 p. 1804. EICKS (Mathias). Liebe und Lyrik: Untersuchungen zur thematischen und kompositionellen Semantik der Liebesgedichte in Horazens erster Odensammlung. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, X-376 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 291).
1817. JOHNSON (Timothy S.). Horace's iambic criticism. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XII-314 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 334). 1818. JONES (Frederick). Virgil's garden: the nature of bucolic space. London, Bristol Classical Press., 2011, 204 p. 1819. KAPUST (Daniel J.). Republicanism, rhetoric, and Roman political thought: Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-196 p.
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science 1820. KORNEEVA (Tatiana). Alter et ipse: identità e duplicità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 243 p. (Testi e studi di cultura classica, 52). 1821. KOSTER (Severin). Ciceros "Rosciana Amerina" im Prosarhytmus rekonstruiert. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 178 p. 1822. LANGLANDS (Rebecca). Roman exempla and situation ethics: Valerius Maximus and Cicero de Officiis. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 100-122. 1823. LEHMANN (Aude). Volcacius Sedigitus, auteur du premier 'canon' des poètes comiques latins. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 330-355. 1824. LEWIS (Anne-Marie). The case for laetus, vis, and crinis as words of brightness in the Latin translations of Aratus' Phaenomena (and beyond). Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 648-663. 1825. LIBBY (Brigitte B.). Moons, smoke, and mirrors in Apuleius' portrayal of Isis. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 301-322. 1826. LIEBERG (Godo). Analyse der formalen Struktur von Tibullus Elegie I, 2. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 702720. 1827. LINDHEIM (S.H.). What's love got to do with it? Mapping Cynthia in Propertius' paired elegies I. 8A-B and 1. 11-12. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 633-665. 1828. LUI (Soo-Lin). Explorations of Ovid, Amores 3, 2; 3, 4; 3, 5 and 3, 14. Greece & Rome, 2011, 58, p. 14-32. 1829. MALICK-PRUNIER (Sophie). Le corps féminin dans la poésie latine tardive. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 320 p. (Collection d'études anciennes, 73). 1830. MANDILE (Roberto). Tra mirabilia e miracoli. Paesaggio e natura nella poesia latina tardoantica. Milano, LED, 2011, 271 p. (Il filarete, 273). 1831. MANUWALD (Gesine). Roman republican theatre: a history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-390 p. 1832. MASTANDREA (Paolo). Poesia combinatoria e critica del testo. Lucrezio in Ovidio, Tristia 3, 3, 59. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 339-350. 1833. MAYER I OLIVÉ (Marc). Caesar and the Corpus Caesarianum. In: Political autobiographies and memoirs in Antiquity: a Brill companion. [cf. n° 299], p. 189-232. 1834. MELLOR (Ronald). Tacitus' Annals. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-255 p. 1835. MERRIAM (Carol U.). She who laughs best: Ovid, Ars Amatoria 3. 279–90. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 405-421. 1836. MEULDER (Marcel). Horace, archégète de la poésie éolienne à Rome? Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 67-79. –
IDEM. Pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem: une traduction définitive? (Virgile, B. IV, 17). Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 376-390. 1837. MÜLLER (Gernot M.). Lectiones Claudianeae: Studien zu Poetik und Funktion der politisch-zeitgeschichtlichen Dichtungen Claudians. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, 495 p. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, 133). 1838. NADEAU (Yvan). A commentary on the sixth Satire of Juvenal. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2011, 472 p. (Collection Latomus, 329). 1839. NEWMAN (John K.). Horace as outsider. Hildesheim, Olms, 2011, X-516 p. (Spudasmata, 136). 1840. PAUSCH (Dennis). Livius und der Leser. Narrative Strukturen in Ab urbe condita. München, Beck, 2011, 310 p. (Zetemata, 140). 1841. PEROTTI (Pier Angelo). La parmula di Orazio (carm. 2, 7, 9-12). Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 80-95. 1842. Persa. (Sarsina, 18 settembre 2010). A cura di Renato RAFFAELLI, Alba TONTINI. Urbino, Quattroventi, 2011, 117 p. (Ludus philologiae. Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates, 14). 1843. PIERI (Bruna). Intacti saltus. Studi sul III libro delle Georgiche. Bologna, Pàtron, 2011, 211 p. (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino, 123). 1844. Pliny's praise. The Panegyricus in the Roman world. Ed. by Paul ROCHE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-208 p. 1845. PONTANI (Filippomaria). Sogni, missioni e profezie: su Aen. VIII, 18-41. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 10001012. 1846. PORTE (Danielle). Le 'Porteur de Trophée': une lecture octavienne de Properce, Élég. IV. 6 & 10. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 1013-1027. 1847. Praise and blame in Roman republican rhetoric. Ed. by Christopher J. SMITH. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2011, XI-248 p. 1848. RAUCCI (Stacie). Elegiac eyes. Vision in Roman love elegy. New York, Lang, 2011, X-173 p. (Lang classical studies, 17). 1849. Römische Werte und römische Literatur im frühen Prinzipat. Hrsg. v. Andreas HALTENHOFF. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, VI-285 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 275). 1850. SALANITRO (Maria). L'arguzia di Marziale. Urbino, QuattroVenti, 2011, 322 p. 1851. SAUER (Christoph). Valerius Flaccus' dramatische Erzähltechnick. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 240 p. (Hypomnemata, 187). 1852. SCIARRINO (Enrica). Cato the Censor and the beginnings of Latin prose. From poetic translation to elite transcription. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2011, XII-239 p.
1853. SELENT (Doreen). Allegorische Mythenerklärung in der Spätantike. Wege zum Werk des Dracontius. Rahden, Leidorf, 2011, IX-365 p. (Litora classica, 2). 1854. Servius et sa réception de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. Textes des communications (en français et italien) présentées lors du colloque international organisé par le centre de recherche CELAM, Université Rennes 2, 15–17 octobre 2009. Éd. par Monique BOUQUET, Bruno MÉNIEL. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 712 p.
il Vecchio. Pisa, Serra, 2011, 302 p. (Biblioteca di materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 22). 1866. DE VITA (Maria C.). Giuliano Imperatore filosofo neoplatonico. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2011, 421 p. (Pubblicazioni del Centro di ricerche di metafisica. Collana Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico, 121). 1867. DELVIGO (Maria Luisa). Servio e la poesia della scienza. Pisa, Serra, 2011, 131 p. (Biblioteca di materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 23).
1855. STÜRNER (Ferdinand). Monologe bei Plautus. Ein Beitrag zur Dramaturgie der hellenistischrömischen Komödie. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 273 p. (Hermes. Einzelschriften, 103).
1868. DORFBAUER (Lukas J.). Zwei wenig beachtete Aspekte eines wenig beachteten Text: Überlieferung und historischer Kontext der Disputatio de Somnio Scipionis des Favonius Eulogius. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 493512.
1856. THIBODEAU (Philip). Playing the farmer. Representations of rural life in Vergil's Georgics. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, 326 p.
1869. DUECK (Daniela). Poetry and Roman technical writing: agriculture, architecture, tactics. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 369-384.
1857. TOLA (Eleonora). Le discours de Cléopâtre chez Lucain (B.C. X, 53–171): une rhétorique de la torpeur pour une réception efficace. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 732-740.
1870. DUPONT (Florence). Rome, la ville sans origine. L'Éneide: un grand récit du métissage? Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 202 p.
1858. UTARD (Régine). Salluste et la technique du portrait: représentation des principaux acteurs du drame à partir des discours et lettres du Catilina. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 356-375. 1859. Velleius Paterculus. Making history. Ed. by Eleanor COWAN. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2011, XIII-378 p. 1860. VERA (Domenico). Dalla liturgia al contratto: Cassiodoro, Variae X, 28 e il tramonto della città curiale. In: Between taxation and rent. Fiscal problems from late antiquity to early Middle Ages [cf. n° 1958], p. 51-70. 1861. WELSH (Jarrett T.). Accius, Porcius Licinus, and the beginning of Latin literature. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 31-50. Cf. nos 1603-1636 b. Philosophy and sciences 1862. AMORETTI (Michele). Cicerone e la logica retorica. Saonara, Il prato, 2011, 375 p. (I cento talleri, 34). 1863. BARBARESI (Lauro A.). Progettazione ed evoluzione delle macchine nell'antica Roma. Macchine idrauliche operatrici: shaduf, bilanciere, timpano, coclea, ruota idraulica, ruota con catena di contenitori, pompe alternative. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 254 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, 775). 1864. BOCCHI (Giuseppe). Philosophia medica e medicina rhetorica in Seneca. La scuola pneumatica, l'ira, la melancolia. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2011, 263 p. 1865. CITRONI MARCHETTI (Sandra). La scienza della natura per un intellettuale romano. Studi su Plinio
1871. FERACO (Fabrizio). Ammiano geografo. Nuovi studi. Napoli, Loffredo, 2011, 452 p. (Studi latini, 76). 1872. FERRACES RODRÍGUEZ (Arsenio). Tres adjectivos de patología: quartanaticus, strumaticus, quiliaticus. Antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 129-138. 1873. FERRÉ (Barbara). Cassiodore géomètre. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 166-198. 1874. FIORI (Roberto). Bonus vir. Politica, filosofia, retorica e diritto nel De officiis di Cicerone. Napoli, Jovene, 2011, XIV-403 p. (Modelli teorici e metodologici nella storia del diritto privato. Quaderni, 5). 1875. FISH (Jeffrey B.). Not all politicians are Sisyphus: what Roman Epicureans were taught about politics. In: Epicurus and the Epicurean tradition. Ed. by Jeffrey B. FISH, Kirk R. SANDERS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, p. 72-104. 1876. FÖGEN (Thorsten). Latin as a technical and scientific language. In: Companion (A) to the Latin language. [cf. n° 120], p. 445-463. 1877. Forgotten stars. Rediscovering Manilius' Astronomica. Ed. by Steven J. GREEN, Katharina VOLK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIX-341 p. 1878. FRAISSE (Anne). La lèpre dans les textes médicaux latins. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 1028-1046. 1879. GOUREVITCH (Danielle). Pour une archéologie de la médecine romaine. Paris, De Boccard, 2011, 250 p. (Collection Pathographie, 8). 1880. Lucrezio. Le leggi dell'universo. (La natura, libro I). A cura di Lisa PIAZZI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 232 p. 1881. MAGNALDI (Giuseppina). Antiche glosse e correzioni nel De deo Socratis di Apuleio. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 101-117. –
§ 8. Religion and mythology EADEM.Antiche note di lettura in Apul. Plat. 193, 223, 242, 248, 253, 256 e Socr. 120. Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 394-412. 1882. Noces (Les) de Philologie et de Mercure. Tome IX, livre IX: l'harmonie. Teste établi et traduit par Jean-Baptiste GUILLAUMIN. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, CXXVIII-307 p. (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 401). 1883. Obra filosófica. Apuleyo. Introducciones, traducción y notas por Cristóbal MACÍAS VILLALOBOS. Madrid, Gredos, 2011, 286 p. (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 397). 1884. PIERI (Bruna). Orazio, Persio e lo stoico cenare (Pers. 5, 42). Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 351-363. 1885. Pliny the Elder. Themes and contexts. Ed. by Roy K. GIBSON, Ruth MORELLO. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-248 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 329). 1886. ROCHETTE (Bruno). La traduction de la terminologie technique dans les Naturales Quaestiones de Sénèque. Antiquité classique, 2011, 80, p. 107-128. 1887. ROSENLØV (Jesper Machholdt). Det der ligner sandheden. Havde Cicero en konsistent teologi i sine filosofiske skrifter? (What seems to be the truth. Did Cicero apply a consistent theology to his philosophical writings?). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 337-381. 1888. SALEMME (Carmelo). Infinito lucreziano. De rerum natura 1, 951–1117. Napoli, Loffredo, 2011, 124 p. (Studi latini, 78). 1889. THIEL (Rainer). Zur Duplizität des Todes in der neuplatonischen Philosophie und Lebenspraxis. In: Topographie des Jenseits. Studien zur Geschichte des Todes in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike [cf. n°1781], p. 181193. Cf. nos 1603-1636 § 8. Religion and mythology. ______________________
1890. ALBARRÁN MARTÍNEZ (María Jesús). Ascetismo y monasterios femeninos en el Egipto tardoantiguo: estudio de papiros y ostraca griegos y coptos. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2011, 436 p. 1891. BARTELS (Jens), KOLB (Anne). Ein angeblicher Meilenstein in Novae (Moesia Inferior) und der Kult des Deus Aeternus. Klio, 2011, 93, p. 411-428. 1892. BECHTOLD (Christian). Gott und Gestirn als Präsenzformen des toten Kaisers. Apotheose und Katasterismos in der politischen Kommunikation der römischen Kaiserzeit und ihre Anknüpfungspunkte im Hellenismus. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 590 p. (Schriften zur politischen Kommunikation, 9).
1893. BELAYCHE (Nicole). La politique religieuse "païenne" de Maximin Daia. De l'historiographie à l'histoire. In: Politiche religiose nel mondo antico e tardoantico. Poteri e indirizzi, forme del controllo, idee e prassi di tolleranza. [cf. n° 720], p. 235-260. 1894. BERMEJO TIRADO (Jesús). El resurgimiento tardorromano de lo dionisiaco desde una perspectiva social. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 755-771. 1895. CABOURET (Bernadette). Julien et sa norme religiouse. In: Norme (La) religieuse dans l'Antiquité. Paris, De Boccard, 2011, p. 85-103. 1896. CAMERON (Alan). The last pagans of Rome. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-878 p. 1897. CLINE (Rangar H.). Ancient angels. Conceptualizing angeloi in the Roman Empire. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XVIII-181 p. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 172). 1898. DEMARSIN (Koen). "Paganism" in late antiquity. In: Archaeology (The) of late antique p̔ aganism̕ . [cf. n° 1956], p. 3-40. 1899. GORDON (Richard). Ritual and hierarchy in the Mysteries of Mithras. In: Religious (The) history of the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians [cf. n° 1905], p. 325-365. – IDEM. The Roman imperial cult and the question of power. In: Religious (The) history of the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians [cf. n° 1905], p. 37-70. 1900. Konstantin der Große. Zwischen Sol und Christus. Hrsg. v. Kay EHLING, Gregor WEBER. Mainz, von Zabern, 2011, 143 p. 1901. LATTEUR (Olivier). Le culte de Mithra a-t-il été intégré dans certains panthéons civiques? Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 741-754. 1902. LICHTENBERGER (Achim). Severus Pius Augustus. Studien zur sakralen Repräsentation und Rezeption der Herrschaft des Septimius Severus und seiner Familie (193–211 n. Chr.). Leiden, Brill, 2011, X-478 p. (Impact of Empire, 14). 1903. Priests and state in the Roman world. Ed. by James H. RICHARDSON, Federico SANTANGELO. Stuttgart, Steiner, 643 p. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 33). [Cf. nos 1716, 1723.] 1904. PRUSAC (Marina). From face to face. Recarving of Roman portraits in late-antique portrait arts. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXII-202 p. (Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 18). 1905. Religious (The) history of the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians. Ed. by John A. NORTH. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXI-577 p. [Cf. nos 1724, 1899, 2082.] 1906. ROSENBLITT (J. Alison). The "Devotio" of Sallust's Cotta. American journal of philology, 2011, 132, p. 397-427. 1907. RÜPKE (Jörg). Aberglauben oder Individualität? Religiöse Abweichung im römischen Reich. Tübin-
gen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-185 p. – IDEM. Reichsreligion? Überlegungen zur Religionsgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraums in der römischen Zeit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 2, p. 297-322. – IDEM. Von Jupiter zu Christus. Religionsgeschichte in römischer Zeit. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 304 p. 1908. SACCO (Leonardo). Devotio. Aspetti storicoreligiosi di un rito militare romano. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 214 p. 1909. SEVILLA CONDE (Alberto). Non conventional burials in Roman Hispania: magic and ritual in the Roman funerary world. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 955-976. § 9. Archaeology and history of art. _______________________
1910. Antike (Das) Rom und sein Bild. Hrsg. v. Hans-Ulrich CAIN. Berlin, De Gruyter, XX-291 p. (Transformationen der Antike. Band, 21). 1911. BARTOLONI (Gilda), BENEDETTINI (M. Gilda). Veio. Il deposito votivo di comunità (scavi 1889–2005). Roma, G. Bretschneider, 2011, 807 p. (Corpus delle stipi votive in Italia XXI. Regio VII, 3). 1912. BECKMANN (Martin). The Column of Marcus Aurelius: the genesis & meaning of a Roman imperial monument. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, IX-248 p. 1913. BEN AKACHA (Walid). Statut institutionnel, évergetisme et urbanisme à Thugga. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 613-627. 1914. BOHNE (Anke). Bilder vom Sport. Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie römischer Athleten-Darstellungen. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2011, XI-797 p. (Nikephoros. Beihefte, 19). 1915. BOL (Renate). Marmorskulpturen der römischen Kaiserzeit aus Milet. Aufstellungskontext und programmatische. Milet, Bd. 5: Funde aus Milet, Teil 2. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XX-215 p. 1916. BOOS (Marion). Heiligtümer römischer Bürgerkolonien. Archäologische Untersuchungen zur sakralen Ausstattung republikanischer coloniae civium Romanorum. Rahden, Leidorf, 2011, 276 p. (Internationale Archäologie, 119). 1917. Building Roma aeterna. Current research on Roman mortar and concrete. Proceedings of the conference, March 27–29 2008. Ed. by Asa RINGBOM, Robert L. HOHLFELDER. Helsinki, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2011, 258 p. (Commentationes humanarum litterarum, 128).
1920. CECCARELLI (Letizia), MARRONI (Elisa). Repertorio dei santuari nel Lazio. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, XII-629 p. (Archaeologia perusina, 19). 1921. DE FRANCESCHINI (Marina), VENEZIANO (Giuseppe). Villa Adriana. Architettura celeste: i segreti dei solstizi. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, XXI231 p. (Accademia Villa Adriana, 1). 1922. DE PURY-GYSEL (Anne). Aventicum (Avenches), capital of the Helvetii: a history of research, 1985–2010. Part I. Early Roman Aventicum and its origins. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 7-46. 1923. DE SOUZA (Philip). War, slavery, and empire in Roman imperial iconography. Bulletin of the institute of classical studies, 2011, 54, p. 31-62. 1924. DEPEYROT (Georges). Les légions face aux barbares. La colonne de Marc Aurèle. Paris, Errance, 2011, 235 p. 1925. DEY (Hendrik W.). The Aurelian wall and the refashioning of Imperial Rome, A.D. 271–855. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-360 p. 1926. EMMERSON (Allison L. C.). Evidence for Junian Latins in the tombs of Pompeii? Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 161-190. 1927. FENTRESS (Elizabeth); MAIURO (Marco). Villa Magna near Anagni: the emperor, his winery and the wine of Signia. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 333-369. 1928. FOULCHÉ (Anne L.). Les Balnea de Rome à travers la Forma Urbis Severiana et les catalogues régionnaires. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 597-611. 1929. GAVEL (Stephen). Placing paniskoi herms within Augustan propaganda at Pompeii. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 191-214. 1930. GOIRAN (Jean-Philippe), SALOMON (Ferreol). Géoarchéologie des ports de Claude et de Trajan, Portus, delta du Tibre. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 157-236. 1931. GRAMATOPOL (Mihai). Arta imperial a epocii lui Traian. (Imperial art in the age of Trajan). Brasov, Transilvania Expres, 2011, 485 p. 1932. GRASSIGLI (Gian Luca). Splendidus in villam secessus: vita quotidiana, cerimoniali e autorappresentazione del dominus nell'arte tardoantica. Napoli, Loffredo, 2011, 300 p.
1918. Campus (Il). Organizzazione e funzione di uno spazio pubblico in età romana: le testimonianze in Italia e nelle Province occidentali. A cura di Aldo BORLENGHI. Roma, Quasar, 2011, 379 p.
1933. HASELBERGER (Lothar). A debate on the Horologium of Augustus: controversy and clarifications, with responses by P. J. HESLIN and M. SCHÜTZ and additional remarks by R. HANNAH and G. ALFÖLDY. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 47-73.
1919. CARROLL (Maureen). Infant death and burial in Roman Italy. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 99-120.
1934. HUGHES (Lisa A.). Illusive idols and the Constantinian aesthetic: a note on the Lateran Fastigium. Latomus, 2011 70, p. 478-492.
§ 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world 1935. JOLIVET (Vincent). Tristes portiques. Sur le plan canonique de la maison étrusque et romaine des origines au principat d'Auguste (VIe–Ier siècles av. J.-C.). Rome, École Française de Rome, 2011, X-343 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 342). 1936. KAISER (Alan). Roman urban street networks. New York, Routledge, 2011, XVI-249 p. (Routledge studies in archaeology, 2). 1937. LEÓN-CASTRO ALONSO (Maria del Pilar). Arte romano provincial. Nuevo enfoque y valoración. In: Roma y las provincias: modelo y difusión [cf. n° 1943], p. 23-41. 1938. Life, death and representation. Some new work on Roman sarcophagi. Ed. by Jas ELSNER. Berlin, De Gruyter, VIII-446 p. (Millennium-Studien, 29). 1939. MANDERS (Erika). Coining images of power. Patterns in the representation of Roman emperors on imperial coinage, A.D. 193–284. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XVII-363 p. (Impact of empire, 15). 1940. PALET (Josep Maria), ORENGO (Hèctor A.). The Roman centuriated landscape: conception, genesis, and development as inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis case. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 383-402 1941. PERRING (Dominic). Two studies on Roman London: A. London's military origins B. Population decline and ritual landscapes in Antonine London. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 249-282. 1942. Repräsentationsformen in severischer Zeit. Hrsg. v. Stephan FAUST, Florian LEITMEIR. Berlin, Verlag Antike, 2011, 311 p. 1943. Roma y las provincias: modelo y difusión. Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art held in Mérida, Spain in May 2009. Ed. por Trinidad NOGALES BASARRATE. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2 vol., 1105 p. (Hispania antigua. Serie arqueológica, 3). [Cf. no 1937.] 1944. SEARS (Gareth). The cities of Roman Africa. Brimscombe Port, History Press, 2011, 159 p. 1945. SIEBERT (Anne V.). Geschichte(n) in Ton. Römische Architekturterrakotten. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2011, 144 p. (Museum Kestnerianum, 16).
Alessandro D'ALESSIO. Roma, 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2011, IX-233 p. (Studi miscellanei, 35). 1949. TRIMBLE (Jennifer). Women and visual replication in Roman imperial art and culture. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, XI-486 p. 1950. TUCCI (Pier Luigi). Red-painted stones in Roman architecture. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, 589-610 p. 1951. Villa landscapes in the Roman north. Economy, culture, and lifestyles. Ed. by Nico ROYMANS, Ton DERKS. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2011, X332 p. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 17). 1952. VON DEN HOFF (Ralf). Kaiserbildnisse als Kaisergeschichte(n). Prolegomena zu einem medialen Konzept römischer Herrscherporträts. In: Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie. Probleme und Perspektiven einer neuen Römischen Kaisergeschichte 31 v. Chr.–192 n. Chr. [cf. n° 1700], p. 15-44. 1953. WALLACE-HADRILL (Andrew). The monumental centre of Herculaneum: in search of the identities of the public buildings. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 121-160. 1954. WOLFRAM THILL (Elizabeth). Depicting barbarism on fire: architectural destruction on the Columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2011, 24, p. 283-312. § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. _______________________
1955. Ambrogio e i barbari: atti del sesto dies academicus, 26–27 aprile 2010. A cura di Isabella GUALANDRI e Raffaele PASSARELLA. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 2011, X-298 p., (ill.).(Studia ambrosiana: ricerche e studi su Ambrogio e la sua epoca, 5). 1956. Archaeology (The) of late antique ̔paganism̕ . Ed. by Luke LAVAN. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 640 p. (Late antique archaeology, 7). [Cf. no 1898.] 1957. BARNES (Timothy D.). Constantine: dynasty, religion and power in the later Roman empire. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XIII-266 p.
1946. STINSON (Philip). Perspective systems in Roman Second style wall painting. American journal of archaeology, 2011, 115, p. 403-426
1958. Between taxation and rent. Fiscal problems from late antiquity to early Middle Ages. Collected essays, partly presented at the meeting held in Salamanca, Spain, Nov. 17–19, 2008. Ed. by Pablo C. DIAZ. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 326 p. (Munera, 32). [Cf. no 1860.]
1947. TRAC 2010. Proceedings of the twentieth annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference which took place at the University of Oxford, 25–28 March 2010. Ed. by Dragana MLADENOVIC, Ben RUSSELL. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2011, VI-154 p.
1959. BEYELER (Markus). Geschenke des Kaisers. Studien zur Chronologie, zu den Empfängern und zu den Gegenständen der kaiserlichen Vergabungen im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 462 p.
1948. Tradizione e innovazione. L'elaborazione del linguaggio ellenistico nell'architettura romana e italica di età tardo-repubblicana. A cura di Eugenio LA ROCCA,
1960. BONDUE (Didier). De "servus" à "sclavus". La fin de l'esclavage antique (371–918). Paris, PUPS, 2011, 525 p. (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 53).
1961. CHRISTIE (Neil). The fall of the Western Roman empire. An archaeological and historical perspective. London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2011, XI-306 p. 1962. CRACCO RUGGINI (Lellia). Gli ebrei in età tardoantica. Presenze, intolleranze, incontri. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, XIV-481 p. (Opuscula collecta, 7). 1963. ESCH (Arnold). Zwischen Antike und Mittelalter. Der Verfall des römischen Straßensystems in Mittelitalien und die Via Amerina. Mit Hinweisen zur Begehung im Gelände. München, Beck, 2011, 208 p. 1964. Faces (The) of the other: religious rivalry and ethnic encounters in the later Roman world. Ed. by Maijastina KAHLOS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 320 p. 1965. FISHER (Greg). Between empires. Arabs, Romans and Sasanians in Late Antiquity. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-254 p. (Oxford Classical Monographs). 1966. GRAČANIN (Hrvoje). Južna Panonija u kasnoj antici i ranom srednjovjekovlju: (od konca 4. do konca 11. stoljeća). (South Panonia in the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, from the end of the 4th century until the end of the 11th century). Zagreb, Plejada, 2011, 455 p. 1967. KRESSIN (Urban). Hereditas. Aspekte eines Wortgebrauchs in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, VII-201 p. 1968. New perspectives on Late Antiquity. Ed. by David HERNÁNDEZ DE LA FUENTE. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, 523 p. 1969. POTTIER (Bruno). Peut-on parler de révoltes populaires dans l'Antiquité tardive? Bagaudes et histoire sociale de la Gaule des IVe et Ve siècles. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2011, 123, p. 433-465.
1970. Romans, barbarians, and the transformation of the Roman world. Cultural interaction and the creation of identity in late antiquity. Ed. by Ralph W. MATHISEN. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XIX-378 p. 1971. SIVAN (Hagith S.). Galla Placidia. The last Roman empress. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-224 p. 1972. SIVERTSEV (Alexei M.). Judaism and imperial ideology in late antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-247 p. 1973. Società, diritto, letteratura nel tardoantico. Atti della I giornata di studio (30 ottobre 2008). A cura di Maria E. CONSOLO. Galatina, Congedo, 2011, 180 p. (Saggi e ricerche, 89). 1974. Spätantiker Staat und religiöser Konflikt. Imperiale und lokale Verwaltung und die Gewalt gegen Heiligtümer. Hrsg. Johannes VON HAHN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, 227 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr., 34). 1975. THOM (Sandra). Flavius Theodericus Rex. Eine Studie zur Herrschaftslegitimierung des ostgotischen Königs Theoderichs d. Großen. München, AVM, 2011, VII-124 p. 1976. Unclassical traditions. Volume II. Perspectives from East and West in late antiquity. Ed. by Christopher KELLY, Richard FLOWER, Michael S. WILLIAMS. Cambridge, Cambridge Philological Society, 2011, 162 p. (Cambridge classical journal. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. Supplementary volume, 35). [Cf. no 2158.] 1977. VITIELLO (Massimiliano). 'Accusarentur saecula, si talis potuisset latere familia': il fantasma di Severino Boezio nell'Italia dei Goti. Historia, 2011, 60, p. 343382. Cf. nos 1978-2160, 2383
§ 1. Sources. 1978-2042. – § 2. General. 2043-2070. – § 3. Special studies. 2071-2156. – § 4. Hagiography. 21572160. § 1. Sources. ______________________
1978. [Ambrosius Mediolanensis] Discursos consolatorios. Ambrosio de Milán. Introducción, traducción y notas por Agustín LÓPEZ KINDLER. Madrid, Ciudad Nueva, 2011, 363 p. (Fuentes patrísticas, 25). 1979. [Anonymus] De verbi incarnatione. Cento Vergilianus. Introduzione e commento di Eleonora GIAMPICCOLO. Acireale, Bonanno, 2011, 117 p. (Multa paucis, 11). 1980. [Apocrypha] EHRMAN (Bart D.). The Apocryphal Gospels: texts and translations. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-611 p. 1981. [Apocrypha] Infancy Gospels. Stories and identities. Ed. by Claire CLIVAZ. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XXX-755 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 281). 1982. [Apocrypha] JENOTT (Lance). The Gospel of Judas. Coptic text, translation, and historical interpretation of the "Betrayer's Gospel". Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-256 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 64). 1983. [Asterius] Liber ad Renatum monachum. Ed. by Rainer JAKOBI. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XI-41 p. 1984. [Avitus Viennensis] Avit de Vienne. Éloge consolatoire de la chasteté (sur la virginité). Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Nicole HECQUET-NOTI. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 245 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 546). 1985. [Basilius Caesariensis] DELCOGLIANO (Mark), RADDE-GALLWITZ (Andrew). Basil of Caesarea: Against Eunomius. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2011, XV-207 p. (Fathers of the Church, 122). 1986. [Basilius Caesariensis] STRUTWOLF (Holger). Hypostase und Ousia in Contra Eunomium des Basilius von Caesarea – Zur homöousianischen Herleitung der neunizänischen Theologie. In: Von Homer bis Landino.
Beiträge zur Antike und Spätantike sowie zu deren Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte. Festgabe für Antonie Wlosok zum 80. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Beate R. SUCHLA. Berlin, Pro Business, 2011, p. 403-434. 1987. [Chromatius Aquileiensis] Chromatius of Aquileia and his age. Proceedings of the international conference held in Aquileia, 22–24 May 2008. Ed. by Pier Franco BEATRICE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XI-711 p. (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 57). 1988. [Dionysius Areopagita] Dionysius the Areopagite between orthodoxy and heresy. Ed. by Filip IVANOVIć. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, IX-187 p. 1989. [Eusebius Caesariensis] VERDONER (Marie). Narrated reality. The Historia ecclesiastica of Eusebius of Caesarea. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, VI-208 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 9). 1990. [Eusebius Emesensis] PETIT (Françoise), VAN ROMPAY (Lucas), WEITENBERG (Jos J. S.). Eusèbe d'Émèse. Commentaire de la Genèse: texte arménien de l'édition de Venise (1980). Fragments grecs et syriaques. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XXXIX-442 p. (Traditio exegetica Graeca, 15). 1991. [Eusebius Emesensis] WINN (Robert E.). Eusebius of Emesa. Church & theology in the mid-fourth century. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2011, XII-277 p. 1992. [Evagrius Ponticus] SPERBER-HARTMANN (Doris). Das Gebet als Aufstieg zu Gott. Untersuchungen zur Schrift "De oratione" des Evagrius Ponticus. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, IX-190 p. (Early Christianity in the context of Antiquity, 10). 1993. [Evagrius Scholasticus] Histoire ecclésiastique. Tome I: livres I-III. Texte grec de l'édition J. BIDEZ-L. PARMENTIER. Éd. par Guy SABBAH, Laurent ANGLIVIEL DE LA BEAUMELLE, André-Jean FESTUGIÈRE, Bernard GRILLET. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 582 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 542).
1994. [Faustus Rhegiensis] NERI (Marino). Dio, l'anima e l'uomo: l'epistolario di Fausto di Riez. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 417 p.
Ed. by Sylwia KACZMAREK. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XVII-1039 p. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, 244).
1995. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Syriaca V. Orationes I, II, III. Ed. by Jean-Claude HAELEWYCK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XVI-216 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 77).
2006. [Origenes] PERRONE (Lorenzo). La preghiera secondo Origene. L'impossibilità donata. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2011, 744 p. (Letteratura cristiana antica. Nuova serie, 24).
1996. [Gregorius Nyssenus] Gregory of Nyssa: the minor treatises on trinitarian theology and Apollinarism. Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Tubingen, 17–20 September 2008). Hrsg. v. Volker H. DRECOLL. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXIV-711 p. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 106). 1997. [Gregorius Nyssenus] SOMENZI (Chiara). Gregorio di Nissa. Omelie sulle beatitudini. Milano, Paoline, 2011, 396 p. (Letture cristiane del primo millennio, 47). 1998. [Irenaeus Lugdunensis] PAYTON (James R.). Irenaeus on the Christian faith. A condensation of Against heresies. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011, XIX-214 p. 1999. [Isidorus Hispalensis] Etimologías, Libro XVI. De las piedras y de los metales. Introducción, edición crítica, traducción y notas por José FEÁNS LANDEIRA. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, CII-476 p. (Auteurs latins du moyen âge, 21).
2007. [Oxyrhynchus Papyrus] COSGROVE (Charles H.). An ancient Christian hymn with musical notation. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1786: text and commentary. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-232 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 65). 2008. [Palladius Helenopolitanus] KATOS (Demetrios S.). Palladius of Helenopolis. The Origenist advocate. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-218 p. 2009. [Philostorgius] Philostorge et l'historiographie de l'Antiquité tardive. Éd. par Doris MEYER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 352 p. (Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, 3). 2010. [Porphyrius Tyrius] Le traité de Porphyre contre les chrétiens: un siècle de recherches, nouvelles questions. Actes du colloque organisé les 8 et 9 septembre 2009. Éd. par Sébastien MORLET. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 462 p. (Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Antiquité, 190). 2011. [Proba] Proba. Il centone. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento a cura di Antonia BADINI. Bologna, EDB, 2011, 262 p. (Biblioteca patristica, 47).
2000. [Isidorus Hispalensis] Etimologies. Livre XIV. De terra. Teste établi, traduit et commenté par Olga SPEVAK. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, LXV-208 p. (Auteurs latins du moyen âge, 22).
2012. [Procopius Gazaeus] AUWERS (Jean-Marie). Procopii Gazaei Epitome in Canticum canticorum. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, CXXVI-586 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 67).
2001. [Iulius Africanus] La lettre de Julius Africanus à Aristide sur la généalogie du Christ. Analyse de la tradition textuelle, édition, traduction et étude critique par Christophe GUIGNARD. Berlin a. Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, XIX-521 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 167).
2013. [Prudentius] DYKES (Anthony). Reading sin in the world: the Hamartigenia of Prudentius and the vocation of the responsible reader. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XX-273 p.
2002. [Iuvencus] Il poema dei Vangeli. A cura di Luca CANALI; introduzione, commento e apparati di Paola SANTORELLI. Milano, Bompiani, 2011, 468 p. 2003. [Lactantius] L. Caelius Firmianus Lactantius. Divinarum Institutionum libri septem. Fasc. 4: liber VII, appendix, indices. Ed. by Eberhard HECK, Antonie WLOSOK. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, [LXXXV]-XCVIII – [641]-850 p. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana, 2009).
2014. [Prudentius] The origin of sin. Translated and with an interpretative essay by Martha A. MALAMUD. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XII-235 p. (Cornell studies in classical philology, 61). 2015. [Pseudo-Athanasius] Dialoghi IV e V sulla santa Trinità. Testo greco con traduzione italiana, versione latina e armena. A cura di Alessandro CAPONE. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XIX-220 p. (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium, 634).
2004. [Oracula Sibyllina] WASSMUTH (Olaf). Sibyllinische Orakel 1-2. Studien und Kommentar. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XV-589 p. (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity, 76).
2016. [Pseudo-Augustinus] De oratione et elemosina. De sobrietate et castitate. De incarnatione et deitate Christi ad Ianuarium. Dialogus quaestionum. Hrsg. v. Lukas J. DORFBAUER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akadademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 470 p. (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 99).
2005. [Origenes] Origeniana decima. Origen as writer. Papers of the 10th International Origen Congress, University School of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum, Krakow, Poland 31 August–4 September 2009.
2017. [Pseudo-Augustinus] Sulla vera e falsa penitenza. Introduzione, testo e traduzione a cura di Alessandra COSTANZO. Roma, Istituto patristico Augustinianum, 2011, 126 p. (Sussidi patristici, 16).
§ 1. Sources 2018. [Sedulius] DEERBERG (Daniel). Der Sturz des Judas. Kommentar (5,1-163) und Studien zur poetischen Erbauung bei Sedulius. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, IX552 p. (Orbis antiquus, 43). 2019. [Sidonius Apollinaris] Gastfreundschaft und Landleben bei Sidonius Apollinaris am Beispiel von epist. 2, 9 (an Donidius). Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar und Interpretation von Bente LUCHT. Münster, Lit, 2011, 110 p. (Polyptoton, 2). 2020. [Sinesius Cyrenaeus] BALDI (Idalgo). L'incipit di un perduto inno di Sinesio (cod. Vat. Gr. 1390, f. 202r)? Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica, 2011, 139, p. 148-161. 2021. [Siricius] HORNUNG (Christian). Directa ad decessorem. Ein kirchenhistorisch-philologischer Kommentar zur ersten Dekretale des Siricius von Rom. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, VIII-337 p. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsbände. Kleine Reihe, 8). 2022. [Tertullianus] HENNE (Philippe). Tertullien, l'Africain. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 322 p. 2023. [Tertullianus] La penitencia. La pudicicia. Introducción, texto crítico, traducción y notas por Salvador VICASTILLO. Madrid, Ciudad Nueva, 2011, 391 p. (Fuentes patrísticas, 26).
2031. [Testamentum novum] Reading New Testament papyri in context = Lire des papyrus du Nouveau Testament dans leur contexte. Ed. by Claire CLIVAZ, Jean ZUMSTEIN. Leuven, Uitgeverij Peeters, 2011, XIV440 p. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 242). 2032. [Testamentum novum] RUF (Martin G.). Die heiligen Propheten, eure Apostel und ich. Metatextuelle Studien zum zweiten Petrusbrief. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-687 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 300). 2033. [Testamentum novum] SCHAPDICK (Stefan). Eschatisches Heil mit eschatischer Anerkennung. Exegetische Untersuchungen zu Funktion und Sachgehalt der paulinischen Verkündigung vom eigenen Endgeschick im Rahmen seiner Korrespondenz an die Thessalonicher, Korinther und Philipper. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 556 p. (Bonner biblische Beiträge, 164). 2034. [Testamentum novum] WENGER (Stefan). Der wesenhaft gute Kyrios. Eine exegetische Studie über das Gottesbild im Jakobusbrief. Zürich, TVZ, 2011, 354 p. (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 100).
2024. [Tertullianus] Tertullian "Apologeticum". Übersetzt und erklärt von Tobias GEORGES. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder Freiburg, 2011, XI-787 p. (Kommentar zu frühchristlichen Apologeten, 11).
2035. [Venantius Fortunatus] EHLEN (Oliver). Venantius-Interpretationen. Rhetorische und generische Transgressionen beim "neuen Orpheus". Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 479 p. (Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 22).
2025. [Testamentum novum] BAUER (Thomas J.). Paulus und die kaiserzeitliche Epistolographie. Kontextualisierung und Analyse der Briefe an Philemon und an die Galater. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XII-482 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 276).
2036. [Victor Vitensis] Victor von Vita. Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae temporum Geiserici et Hunerici regum Wandalorum. Lateinisch und deutsch. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und übersetzt von Konrad VÖSSING. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 224 p. (Texte zur Forschung, 96).
2026. [Testamentum novum] CEGLAREK (Manuél). Die Rede von der Gegenwart Gottes, Christi und des Geistes. Eine Untersuchung zu den Briefen des Apostels Paulus. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 536 p.
2037. ARCIDIACONO (Carmen). Il Centone virgiliano cristiano Versus ad gratiam Domini. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, XII-384 p. (Culture antiche, 24).
2027. [Testamentum novum] Gospel (The) of Matthew at the crossroads of early Christianity. Ed. by Donald SENIOR. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XXVIII-781 p. (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, 243).
2038. BEHR (John). The case against Diodore and Theodore. Texts and their contexts. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIX-526 p.
2028. [Testamentum novum] HULTGREN (Arland J.). Paul's letter to the Romans: a commentary. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2011, XXVII-804 p.
2039. Correspondence of Severus and Sergius. Translation and introduction by Iain R. TORRANCE. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2011, XXV-192 p. (Texts from Christian late antiquity, 11).
2029. [Testamentum novum] HUNT (Steven A.). Rewriting the feeding of the Five Thousand. John 6. 1-15 as a test case for johannine dependence on the synoptic Gospels. New York, Lang, 2011, XIX-315 p. (Studies in biblical literature, 125).
2040. SCHULTHEISS (Jochen). Generationenbeziehungen in den Confessiones des Augustinus: Theologie und literarische Form in der Spätantike. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 317 p. (Hermes. Einzelschriften, 104).
2030. [Testamentum novum] MARGUERAT (Daniel). Lukas, der erste christliche Historiker. Eine Studie zur Apostelgeschichte. Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2011, 422 p. (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 92).
2041. SMITH (J. Warren). Christian grace and pagan virtue. The theological foundation of Ambrose's ethics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXI-317 p. 2042. Works on the Spirit. Athanasius the Great and Didymus the Blind. Ed. by Mark DELCOGLIANO,
Andrew RADDE-GALLWITZ, Lewis AYRES. Yonkers, Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2011, 243 p. (Popular Patristic Series, 43). § 2. General. _______________________
2043. ANATOLIOS (Khaled). Retrieving Nicaea: the development and meaning of Trinitarian doctrine. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, 2011, XVIII-322 p. 2044. BERGER (Klaus). Kommentar zum Neuen Testament. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011, 1049 p. 2045. BRADSHAW (Paul F.), JOHNSON (Maxwell E.). The origins of feasts, fasts, and seasons in early Christianity. London, SPCK, 2011, XVI-222 p. (Alcuin club collections, 86). 2046. BUTTICAZ (Simon). L'identité de l'Église dans les Actes des apôtres. De la restauration d'Israël à la conquête universelle. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XXII556 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 174). 2047. Decalogue (The) in Jewish and Christian tradition. Ed. by Henning G. REVENTLOW, Yair HOFFMAN. New York a. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XIV172 p. (Library of Hebrew Bible. Old Testament studies, 509). 2048. Erinnerung an Jesus. Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in der neutestamentlichen Überlieferung. Festschrift für Rudolf HOPPE zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Ulrich BUSSE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 564 p. (Bonner biblische Beiträge, 166). 2049. Eschatology of the New Testament and some related documents. Ed. by Jan G. VAN DER WATT. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XI-722 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 315). 2050. FÜRST (Alfons). Von Origenes und Hieronymus zu Augustinus. Studien zur antiken Theologiegeschichte. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, VIII-535 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 115). 2051. HARASTA (Eva). Die Bewahrheitung der Kirchen durch Jesus Christus. Eine christologische Ekklesiologie. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2011, 432 p. (Arbeiten zur systematischen Theologie, 3). 2052. HASSELBROOK (David S.). Studies in New Testament lexicography. Advancing toward a full diachronic approach with the Greek language. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XXVII-249 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 303).
oder wie das Christentum zur Staatsreligion wurde). Budel, Damon, 2011, 200 p. 2055. LUCASS (Shirley). The concept of the Messiah in the scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XI-236 p. (Library of Second Temple studies, 78). 2056. Neues Testament und hellenistisch-jüdische Alltagskultur. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen; III. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti 21.–24. Mai 2009, Leipzig. Hrsg. v. Roland DEINES. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XXI-492 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 274). 2057. Papers presented at the conference "The image of the perfect Christian in patristic thought", at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine in 2009. Ed. by Allen BRENT, Taras KHOMYCH, Oleksandra VAKULA, Markus VINZENT. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XVI216 p. (Studia Patristica, 51). 2058. Papers presented at the national conference on patristic studies held at Cambridge in the Faculty of Divinity under Allen Brent, Thomas Graumann and Judith Lieu in 2009. Ed. by Allen BRENT, Markus VINZENT. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XIV-327 p. (Studia Patristica, 50). 2059. Papiri (I) letterari cristiani. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di Mario NALDINI, Firenze, 10–11 giugno 2010. A cura di Guido BASTIANINI, Angelo CASANOVA. Firenze, Istituto papirologico "G. Vitelli", 2011, 205 p. (Studi e testi di papirologia. Nuova serie, 13). 2060. Paul and the Gospels. Christologies, conflicts and convergences. Ed. by Michael F. BIRD. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XI-276 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 411). 2061. Paul and the second century. Ed. by Michael F. BIRD, Joseph R. DODSON. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XII-270 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 412). 2062. PILHOFER (Peter). Neues aus der Welt der frühen Christen. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, XVI-261 p. (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, 195). 2063. Reading the Church Fathers. Ed. by Morwenna LUDLOW. London, Clark, 2011, XXIII-200 p. 2064. Reconsidering Eusebius. Collected papers on literary, historical, and theological issues. Ed. by Sabrina INOWLOCKI. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XII-254 p. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 107).
2053. ISOLA (Antonino). Lente pertexere telam. Saggi di letteratura cristiana tardoantica. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, XII368 p. (Collectanea. Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 25).
2065. SELLIN (Gerhard). Allegorie – Metapher – Mythos – Schrift. Beiträge zur religiösen Sprache im Neuen Testament und in seiner Umwelt. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 306 p. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 90).
2054. JURG (Wim). De vierde eeuw, of hoe het christendom staatsgodsdienst werd. (Das vierte Jahrhundert,
2066. Septuaginta (Die) und das frühe Christentum. Hrsg. v. Thomas SCOTT CAULLEY, Hermann LICHTEN-
§ 3. Special studies BERGER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, IX-451 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 277).
testamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 183).
2067. SHAW (Brent D.). Sacred violence: African Christians and sectarian hatred in the age of Augustine. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, XIII-910 p.
2081. BROCCA (Nicoletta). Lattanzio, Agostino e la Sibylla maga. Ricerche sulla fortuna degli Oracula Sibyllina nell'Occidente latino. Roma, Herder, 2011, 437 p. (Studi e testi tardoantichi, 11).
2068. TALBERT (Charles H.). The development of christology during the first hundred years and other essays on early Christian christology. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 204 p. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 140).
2082. BROWN (Peter). Enjoying the saints in Late Antiquity. In: Religious (The) history of the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians [cf. n° 1905], p. 531561.
2069. WENZ (Gunther). Christus. Jesus und die Anfänge der Christologie. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 352 p. (Studium Systematische Theologie, 5).
2083. BRUEHLER (Bart B.). A public and political Christ. The social-spatial characteristics of Luke 18: 35-19: 48 and the Gospel as whole in its ancient context. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011, XII-409 p. (Princeton theological monograph series, 157).
2070. WRIGHT (Nicholas T.). Das Neue Testament und das Volk Gottes. Marburg, Francke, 2011, 698 p. (Ursprünge des Christentums und die Frage nach Gott, 1). § 3. Special studies. ______________________
2071. AL-SUADI (Soham). Essen als Christusgläubige. Ritualtheoretische Exegese paulinischer Texte. Tübingen, Francke, 2011, 347 p. (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 55). 2072. Aposteldekret und antikes Vereinswesen. Gemeinschaft und ihre Ordnung. Hrsg. v. Markus ÖHLER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, VIII-411 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 280). 2073. ARRUZZA (Cinzia). Les mésaventures de la théodicée. Plotin, Origène, Grégoire de Nysse. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 315 p. (Nutrix, 6). 2074. BAILEY (Kenneth E.). Paul through Mediterranean eyes. Cultural studies in 1 Corinthians. London, SPCK, 2011, 560 p. 2075. BAKER-BRIAN (Nicholas J.). Manichaeism: an ancient faith rediscovered. London, T & T Clark International, 2011, IX-157 p.
2084. CALHOUN (Robert M.). Paul's definitions of the gospel in Romans 1. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XIII-270 p. (Wissenchaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 316). 2085. Christian body, Christian self. Concepts of early Christian personhood. Ed. by Clare K. ROTHSCHILD. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XIV-370 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 284). 2086. CLAES (Martin). Exercitatio mentis als casus. Een onderzoek naar Augustinus als pedagoog. (Exercitatio mentis als casus. Eine Untersuchung des Augustinus als Lehrer). Almere, Parthenon, 2011, 267 p. 2087. Contextualising early Christian martyrdom. Ed. by Jakob ENGBERG, Uffe HOLMSGAARD ERIKSEN, Anders KLOSTERGAARD PETERSEN. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 276 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 8). 2088. DANIEL-HUGHES (Carly). The salvation of the flesh in Tertullian of Carthage: dressing for the resurrection. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, XV-176 p. 2089. DE VITA (Maria C.). Dalla città dei filosofi alla città dei cristiani. Un'immagine inedita di Atene fra II e VI secolo d.C. Athenaeum, 2011, 99, p. 207-218.
2076. BARCLAY (John M. G.). Pauline churches and Diaspora Jews. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XII454 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 275).
2090. DI VIRGILIO (Raffaele). Il Cristianesimo primitivo alla conquista di Roma: la parabola del figliuol prodigo. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 177-197.
2077. BEELEY (Christopher A.). The early christological controversy: Apollinarius, Diodore, and Gregory Nazianzen. Vigiliae Christianae, 2011, 65, p. 376-407.
2091. DORFBAUER (Lukas J.). 'Christiana religio absoluta et simplex': Eine Verbindung zwischen Ammianus Marcellinus und dem manichaischen Bischof Faustus von Mileve? Historia, 2011, 60, p. 328-342.
2078. BIRD (Jennifer G.). Abuse, power and fearful obedience. Reconsidering 1 Peter's commands to wives. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XI-166 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 442). 2079. BISCONTI (Fabrizio). Le pitture delle catacombe romane. Restauri e interpretazioni. Todi, Tau, 2011, XI-361 p. 2080. BOHLEN (Maren). Sanctorum Communio. Die Christen als 'Heilige' bei Paulus. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XIV-285 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neu-
2092. DRECOLL (Volker H.), KUDELLA (Mirjam). Augustin und der Manichäismus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-292 p. 2093. EASTMAN (David L.). Paul the martyr. The cult of the apostle in the Latin West. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, XX-238 p. (Writings from the Greco-Roman world. Supplement series, 4). 2094. EICHHORN (Mathias). Paulus und die imperiale Theologie der Evangelien. Das Neue Testament als
kontroverser politischer Machtdiskurs. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 190 p. (Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft, 165). 2095. EKELUND (Robert B.), TOLLISON (Robert D.). Economic origins of Roman Christianity. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIII-269 p. 2096. FELSCH (Dorit). Die Feste im Johannesevangelium. Jüdische Tradition und christologische Deutung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XIII-344 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 308). 2097. HAGENOW (Stephan). Heilige Gemeinde, sündige Christen. Zum Umgang mit postkonversionaler Sünde bei Paulus und in weiteren Texten des Urchristentums. Tübingen, Francke, 2011, XIII-350 p. (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 54). 2098. HARRISON (James R.). Paul and the imperial authorities at Thessalonica and Rome. A study in the conflict of ideology. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-428 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 273). 2099. HEIL (Uta). Avitus von Vienne und die homöische Kirche der Burgunder. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XVII-324 p. (Patristische Texte und Studien, 66). 2100. Heretics and heresies in the ancient Church and in Eastern Christianity: studies in honour of Adelbert DAVIDS. Ed. by Joseph VERHEYDEN, Herman TEULE. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, VIII-395 p. (Eastern Christian studies, 10). 2101. HERRMANN (Arnd). Versuchung im Markusevangelium. Eine biblisch-hermeneutische Studie. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 336 p. (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, 197). 2102. HILLNER (Julia). Gregory the Great's Prisons: monastic confinement in early Byzantine Italy. Journal of early Christian studies, 2011, p. 433-471. 2103. HORSLEY (Richard A.). Jesus and the powers. Conflict, covenant, and the hope of the poor. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2011, VIII-248 p. 2104. HUME (Douglas A.). The early Christian community. A narrative analysis of Acts 2: 41-47 and 4: 32-35. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XI-176 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 298). 2105. HUMPHREYS (Colin J.). The mystery of the last supper. Reconstructing the final days of Jesus. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-244 p. 2106. "In search of truth". Augustine, Manichaeism, and other gnosticism. Studies for Johannes VAN OORT at sixty. Ed. by Jacob A. VAN DEN BERG. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXXV-706 p. (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies, 74). 2107. JANTSCH (Torsten). "Gott alles in allem" (1 Kor 15, 28). Studien zum Gottesverständnis des Paulus
im 1. Thessalonicherbrief und in der korinthischen Korrespondenz. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Theologie, 2011, XVI-446 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 129). 2108. Kaiserkult, Wirtschaft und spectacula. Zum politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umfeld der Offenbarung. Hrsg. v. Martin EBNER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 180 p. (Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 72). 2109. KIM (Young-in). Die Erscheinung Jesu. Eine rezeptionsorientierte Untersuchung der Erscheinungserzählungen in den synoptischen Evangelien. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, XIV-233 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, 23. Theologie, 922). 2110. KISIC (Rade). Patria Caelestis. Die eschatologische Dimension der Theologie Gregors des Großen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XIV-293 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 61). 2111. LAICHNER (Johannes). Die Sustentatioszene auf stadtrömischen frühchristlichen Sarkophagen. Die Orans zwischen zwei Begleitern. Hamburg, Kovac, 2011, 244 p. (Schriftenreihe Antiquitates, 55). 2112. LIEBESCHUETZ (John H. W. G.). Ambrose and John Chrysostom. Clerics between desert and empire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-303 p. 2113. Life beyond death in Matthew's gospel. Religious metaphor or bodily reality? Ed. by Wim WEREN. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XVIII-284 p. (Biblical tools and studies, 13). 2114. LIMBERIS (Vasiliki). Architects of piety. The Cappadocian Fathers and the cult of the martyrs. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-232 p. 2115. LONGENECKER (Bruce W.). Remember the poor. Paul, poverty, and the Greco-Roman world. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2011, 248 p. – IDEM. Introducing Romans. Critical issues in Paul's most famous letter. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2011, XXVII-490 p. 2116. LUOMANEN (Petri). Recovering Jewish-Christian sects and gospels. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-296 p. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 110). 2117. LYU (Eun-Geol). Sünde und Rechtfertigung bei Paulus. Eine exegetische Untersuchung zum paulinischen Sündenverständnis aus soteriologischer Sicht. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-405 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 318). 2118. Mark and Matthew I. Comparative readings: understanding the earliest gospels in their first-century settings. Ed. by Eve-Marie BECKER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, IX-491 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 271). 2119. MARTYN (John R. C.). From queens to slaves. Pope Gregory's special concern for women. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, IX-222 p.
§ 3. Special studies
2120. MATHIEU-CASTELLANI (Gisèle). Les larmes d'Augustin. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 174 p.
fe. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, XII-293 p. (Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen. Neue Folge, 55).
2121. MEINHARDT (Birgitta). Fanatiker oder Heilige? Frühchristliche Mönche und das Konzil zu Chalkedon. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 362 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, 909).
2135. SCHNAUSS (Markus). Die Jesus-Geschichte als Repräsentation des Erhöhten. Der Erhöhungsgedanke als innere Orientierung des Lukasevangeliums – eine bibeltheologische Studie. Würzburg, Echter, 2011, XXXII-217 p. (Erfurter theologische Studien, 100).
2122. MOLINA GÓMEZ (José Antonio). Rituales goéticos y muertes pavorosas en los primeros momentos de la querella arriana: el brazo de Arsenio y la muerte de Arrio. Latomus, 2011, 70, p. 464-477. 2123. MURILLO SOBERANIS (Katerina). Die Christusvisionen der Johannesoffenbarung. Ein rezeptionsästhetischer Zugang unter Berücksichtigung von Apokalypsedarstellungen. Stuttgart, Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2011, 350 p. (Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge, 67). 2124. NÄF (Beat). Städte und ihre Märtyrer. Der Kult der Thebäischen Legion. Fribourg, Academic Press, 2011, 189 p. (Paradosis, 51). 2125. NAGENGAST (Ulrike). Gothorum florentissima gens. Gotengeschichte als Heilsgeschichte bei Isidor von Sevilla. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 482 p. (Classica et Neolatina, 4). 2126. NICOLOTTI (Andrea). Esorcismo cristiano e possessione diabolica tra II e III secolo. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 808 p. (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia, 54). 2127. ODEN (Thomas C.). Early Libyan Christianity. Uncovering a North African tradition. Downers Grove, IVP Academic, 2011, 332 p. 2128. PAPANDREA (James L.). Novatian of Rome and the culmination of pre-Nicene orthodoxy. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011, XIII-166 p. (Princeton theological monograph series, 175). 2129. PEPPARD (Michael). The son of God in the Roman world. Divine sonship in its social and political context. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-289 p. 2130. Qumran und die Archäologie. Texte und Kontexte. Hrsg. v. Jörg FREY. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XI-561 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 278). 2131. RINDGE (Matthew S.). Jesus' parable of the rich fool. Luke 12: 13-34 among ancient conversations on death and possessions. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 299 p. (Early Christianity and its literature, 6). 2132. ROSELL NEBREDA (Sergio). Christ identity. A social-scientific reading of Philippians 2. 5-11. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 391 p. (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 240). 2133. RYRIE (Alexander). The desert movement. Fresh perspectives on the spirituality of the desert. Norwich, Canterbury Press, 2011, X-246 p. 2134. SCHERER (Hildegard). Geistreiche Argumente: das Pneuma-Konzept des Paulus im Kontext seiner Brie-
2136. SCHNEIDER (Michael). Gottes Gegenwart in der Schrift. Intertextuelle Lektüren zur Geschichte Gottes in 1 Kor. Tübingen, Francke, 2011, 335 p. (Neutestamentliche Entwürfe zur Theologie, 17). 2137. SCHOR (Adam M.). Theodoret's people: social networks and religious conflict in late Roman Syria. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2011, XV-342 p. (Transformation of the classical heritage, 48). 2138. SCHUMACHER (Lydia). Divine illumination: the history and future of Augustine's theory of knowledge. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XIII-250 p. 2139. SCHUOL (Monika). Die Taufe der Juden auf Kreta (Sokr. 7, 38). Historia, 2011, 60, p. 219-254. 2140. SIQUANS (Agnethe). Die alttestamentlichen Prophetinnen in der patristischen Rezeption. Texte, Kontexte, Hermeneutik. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2011, X-624 p. (Herders biblische Studien, 65). 2141. STARLING (David I.). Not my People. Gentiles as exiles in Pauline hermeneutics. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XII-254 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 184). 2142. STETTLER (Christian). Das letzte Gericht. Studien zur Endegerichtserwartung von den Schriftpropheten bis Jesus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-321 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 299). 2143. TANI (Ryuuichiro). Augusutinusu to tōhō kyōfu: Kirisutokyō-shisou no genryū ni manabu. (Augustin and the Orthodox Fathers: learning from the original Christian thoughts). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2011, 254 p. 2144. THOMAS (Nicholas L.). Defending Christ. The Latin apologists before Augustine. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, X-230 p. (Studia traditionis theologiae, 9). 2145. THONEMANN (Peter). Amphilochius of Iconium and Lycaonian asceticism. Journal of Roman studies, 2011, 101, p. 185-205. 2146. VINZENT (Markus). Christ's resurrection in early Christianity and the making of the New Testament. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 276 p. 2147. WALLACE (James B.). Snatched into paradise (2 Cor 12: 1-10). Paul's heavenly journey in the context of early Christian experience. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XII-391 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 179).
2148. WELBORN (Laurence L.). An end to enmity. Paul and the "wrongdoer" of Second Corinthians. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XXVIII-570 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 185).
Siebeck, 2011, XIII-260 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Reihe 2, 317).
2149. WENDEL (Susan J.). Scriptural interpretation and community self-definition in Luke-Acts and the writings of Justin Martyr. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VIII-337. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 139).
2156. ZILLING (Henrike M.). Jesus als Held. Odysseus und Herakles als Vorbilder christlicher Heldentypologie. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 269 p.
2150. Who is this son of man? The latest scholarship on a puzzling expression of the historical Jesus. Ed. by Larry W. HURTADO, Paul L. OWEN. London, T & T Clark, 2011, XVI-191 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 390). 2151. WILKENS (Lorenz). "Deine Treue hat dich geheilt". Studien über die Heilungsmacht Jesu und die apokalyptische Erwartung im Markusevangelium. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 207 p. 2152. WILLIAMS (Martin A.). The doctrine of salvation in the first letter of Peter. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-322 p. (Society for New Testament studies monograph series, 149). 2153. WOLTER (Michael). Paulus. Ein Grundriss seiner Theologie. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Theologie, 2011, XI-481 p. 2154. WORTHINGTON (Jonathan D.). Creation in Paul and Philo. The beginning and before. Tübingen, Mohr
2155. ZELLER (Dieter). Studien zu Philo und Paulus. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 300 p. (Bonner biblische Beiträge, 1655).
§ 4. Hagiography. ______________________
2157. HATZIIOANNOU (Angeliki). Hagiographical problems: the case of St. Gregentius. Graeco-Arabica, 2011, 11, p. 309-318. 2158. MERRILLS (Andy H.). Totum subuertere uoluerunt: "social martyrdom" in the Historia persecutionis of Victor of Vita. In: Unclassical traditions. Volume II. Perspectives from East and West in Late Antiquity. [cf. n° 1976], p. 102-115. 2159. Syriac Vita tradition (The) of Ephrem the Syrian. Ed. by Joseph P. AMAR. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, (2 voll.) XXIV-104 p. (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium, 629-630. Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium. Scriptores Syri, 242-243). 2160. TEJA CASUSO (Ramón), ACERBI (Silvia). Apuntes agiográficos e iconográficos sobre un modelo de santidad militar: Mercurio-Abusefein, el martir de las dos espadas. Gladius, 2011, 31, p. 189-202.
H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian)
§ 1. Sources. 2161-2200. – § 2. General. 2201-2213. – § 3. Special studies. 2214-2263. § 1. Sources. * 2161. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Band 103. Heft 2. Band 104. Heft 1. [Band 103. Cf. Bibl. 2010, no 2275.] Hrsg. v. Albrecht BERGER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, p. 571-1203; p. 1-554. ______________________
2162. [Anastasius Sinaiticus] Anastasios of Sinai. Questions and answers. Introduction, translation and notes by Joseph A. MUNITIZ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 264 p. (Corpus Christianorum in translation, 7). 2163. [Andreas Caesariensis] Andrew of Caesarea: commentary on the Apocalypse. Ed. by Eugenia S. CONSANTINOU. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2011, XIV-270 p. (Fathers of the Church, 123). 2164. [Anonymus] WORTLEY (John). Vita Sancti Marciani Oeconomi. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 715-772. 2165. [Callistus I] Kallistos A' patriarchēs Kōnstantinoupoleōs. Pseudoprophētes, magoi kai airetikoi sto Byzantio kata ton 14° aiōna. Epta anekdotes omilies tou patriarchou Kōnstantinoupoleōs Kallistou A'. (Kallistos I patriarch of Constantinople. False prophets, magicians and heretics in Byzantium during the XIV century. Seven unpublished speeches of Kallistos I patriarch of Constantinople). Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Konstantinos Païdas. Athēna, Kanakes, 2011, 437 p. (Keimena byzantinēs logotechnias, 6). 2166. [Cassianus Bassus] DALBY (Andrew K.). Geoponika. Farm work; a modern translation of the Roman and Byzantine farming handbook. Totnes, Prospect, 2011, 368 p.
2169. [Georgius Gemistus Pletho] SINIOSSOGLOU (Niketas). Radical Platonism in Byzantium. Illumination and utopia in Gemistos Plethon. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-454 p. 2170. [Gregorius II Cyprius] ALEXOPOULOS (Theodoros). Die Argumentation des Patriarchen Gregorios II Kyprios zur Widerlegung des Filioque-Ansatzes in der Schrift De processione Spiritus sancti. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 1-39. 2171. [Hilarion Georgianus] TCHOIDZE (Eka). Enas Geōrgianos proskynētēs ston byzantino kosmo tou 9ou aiōna: o Agios o Geōrgianos. (A Georgian pilgrim in the Byzantine world of 9th century: the life of Hilarion the Georgian). Athēna, Mpatsiulas, 2011, 273 p. 2172. [Iohannes Argyropylus] CARIELLO (Anna). Un trattato inedito di Giovanni Argiropulo. Il 'De institutione eorum qui in dignitate cosntitui sunt'. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 73, p. 137-153. 2173. [Iohannes Cantacuzenus] Johannes Kantakuzenos. Geschichte. Buch III. Hrsg. v. Georgios FATOUROS, Tilman KRISCHER. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2011, 484 p. (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, 71). 2174. [Iohannes Damascenus] Jean Damascène. La foi orthodoxe. 45–100. Éd. par Pierre LEDRUX, Bonifatius KOTTER. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 360 p. (Sources crétiennes, 540). 2175. [Iohannes Malalas] WOOD (Philip). Multiple voices in Chronicle sources: the reign of Leo I (457– 474) in Book Fourteen of Malalas. Journal of Late Antiquity, 2011, 4, p. 298-314.
2167. [Christophorus Mytilenaeus] DE GROOTE (Marc). The metre in the poems of Christopher Mytilenaios. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 571-594.
2176. [Iohannes Philoponus] De aeternitate mundi. Über die Ewigkeit der Welt. Vol. 3. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Clemens SCHOLTEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, VIII-352 p.
2168. [Constantinus Manasse] PIZZONE (Aglae M. V.). Sulle nere ali dei sogni. Costantino Manasse e l'ambiguitá onirica. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 679-698.
2177. [Iohannes Philoponus] De aeternitate mundi. Über die Ewigkeit der Welt. Vol. 4. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Clemens SCHOLTEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, VIII-354 p.
2178. [Iohannes Philoponus] De aeternitate mundi. Über die Ewigkeit der Welt. Vol. 5. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Clemens SCHOLTEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, X-354 p. 2179. [Iohannes Philoponus] MUELLER-JOURDAN (Pascal). Gloses et commentaire du livre XI du "Contra Proclum" de Jean Philopon autour de la matière première du monde. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VIII-236 p. (Philosophia antiqua, 125). 2180. [Iohannes Stobaeus] Thinking through excerpts. Studies on Stobaeus. Ed. by Gretchen J. REYDAMS-SCHILS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 730 p. (Monothéismes et philosophie, 14). [Cf. nos 2196, 2197.] 2181. [Manuel Philes] BAZZANI (Marina). A poem of Philes to Makarios Chrysokephalos? The case of poem Florentinus 58. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 55-69. 2182. [Maximus Confessor] Maximi confessoris Mystagogia: una cum Latina interpretatione Anastasii Bibliothecarii. Ed. by Christian BOUDIGNON. Brepols, Turnhout, 2011, CLXXXVII-97 p. (Corpus christianorum. Series Graeca, 69). 2183. [Michael Apostolius] RIEHLE (Alexander). Der Logos parainetikos des Michaelos Apostoles. Edition und Übersetzung. Byzantina, 2011, 31, p. 45-82. 2184. [Michael Psellus] KOUTRAKOU (Nike). Psellus, Romanus III and the Arabs' "absurd victory": some remarks on Psellus's perception of foreign relations. Variations on a theme. Graeco-Arabica, 2011, 11, p. 319345.
Studies, 2011, 301 p. (Studies and texts. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 168). 2191. [Theodorus Cyzicenus] ZAFEIRIS (Konstantinos). A reappraisal of the Chronicle of Theodore of Kyzikos. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 773-790. 2192. [Theopanes Continuatus] ŠEVČENKO (Ihor). Chronographiae quae Theophanis continuati nomine fertur liber quo Vita Basilii Imperatoris amplectitur. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XII-570 p. (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae, 42). 2193. [Theophilus Edessenus] Theophilus of Edessa's Chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam. Ed. by Robert G. HOYLAND. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, 272 p. (Translated texts for historians, 57). 2194. [Zacharias Scholasticus] The chronicle of pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor: church and war in late antiquity. Ed. by Geoffrey GREATREX; translated from Syriac and Arabic sources by Robert R. PHENIX, Cornella B. HORN, with introductory material by Sebastian P. BROCK, Witold WITAKOWSKI. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XVI-562 p. (Translated texts for historians, 55). 2195. [Zosimus] PRCHLÍK (Ivan). Zosimus, Praetextatus, and Valentinian I. The Quellenforschung note on Zosimus, Historia nova, IV, 3, 3 and the possible purpose of the Annales of Nicomachus Flavianus. Listy filologické, 2011, 134, p. 309-322. 2196. GOURINAT (Jena-Baptiste). Aëtius et Arius Didyme sources de Stobée. In: Thinking through excerpts. Studies on Stobaeus [cf. n° 2180], p. 143-202.
2185. [Paulus Silentiarius] Descriptio Sanctae Sophiae. Ed. by Claudio DE STEFANI. New York, De Gruyter, 2011, XLVIII-163 p.
2197. GRITTI (Elena). Dossografia sulla percezione nell'Anthologium di Giovanni Stobeo. In: Thinking through excerpts. Studies on Stobaeus. [cf. n° 2180], p. 203-246.
2186. [Procopius Caesariensis] Procope de Césarée. Constructions de Justinien Ier. Peri ktismaton = De aedificiis. Introduction, traduction, commentaire, cartes et index par Denis ROQUES. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, VIII-469 p. (Hellenica, 39).
2198. KOKOSZKO (Maciej), GIBEL-BUSZEWSKA (Katarzyna). The term Kandaulos/Kandylos in the Lexicon of Photius and the Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem of Eustathius of Thessalonica. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 125-145.
2187. [Pseudo-Gregorius Nazianzenus] VAKONAKIS (Nikolaos). Das griechische Drama auf dem Weg nach Byzanz. Der euripideische Cento des Christos Paschon. Tübingen, Narr, 201, X-183 p. (Classica Monacensia, 42).
2199. POLEMIS (Ioannis). Two praises of the Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos: problems of authorship. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 699-714.
2188. [Sophonias] SEARBY (Denis M); SJÖRS (Ambjörn). A rhetorical declamation of Sophonias the monk and paraphrast. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 147-182.
2200. SCHIEL (Juliane). Mongolensturm und Fall Konstantinopels: dominikanische Erzählungen im diachronen Vergleich. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 428 p. (Europa im Mittelalter, 19). § 2. General.
2189. [Stephanus Byzantinus] Stephani Byzantii Ethnica. Vol. 2 D-I. Hrsg. v. Margarethe BILLERBECK, Christian ZUBLER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, IX-310 p. (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Berolinensis, 43/2).
2201. Abstracts of papers. Thirty-eventh annual Byzantine studies conference. Chicago, Illinois, DePaul University, October 20-23, 2011. Chicago, DePaul University, 2011, 106 p.
2190. [Symeon Thessalonicensis] The liturgical commentaries. Edited and translated by Steven HAWKESTEEPLES. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
2202. BERGER (Albrecht). Konstantinopel. Geschichte, Topographie, Religion. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2011, IX-203 p. (Standorte in Antike und Christentum, 3).
§ 3. Special studies 2203. Bibel, Byzanz und christlicher Orient. Festschrift für Stephen GERÖ zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Dmitrij F. BUMAZHNOV. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XVII680 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 187). 2204. BRUBAKER (Leslie), HALDON (John F.). Byzantium in the iconoclast era c. 680–850: a history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIV-918 p. 2205. CURTA (Florin). The Edinburgh history of the Greeks ca. 500 to 1050, the early Middle Ages. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, 384 p. (The Edinburgh history of the Greeks, 1). 2206. Images of the Byzantine world. Visions, messages and meanings: studies presented to Leslie BRUBAKER. Ed. by Angeliki LYMBEROPOULOU. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXIV-246 p. 2207. Konstantynopol Nowy Rzym. Miasto i ludzie w okresie wczesnobizantyńskim. (Konstantinopel, das neue Rom. Die Stadt und die Menschen während frühbyzantinische Zeit). Ed. by Mirosław J. LESZKA, Teresa WOLIŃSKA. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2011, 751 p. 2208. Monde byzantin III (Le). L'Empire grec et ses voisins, XIIIe–XVe siècle. Sous la dir. de Angeliki LAIOU et Cécile MORRISSON. Paris, Presses universitaire de France, 2011, LXX-494 p. (Nouvelle Clio). 2209. MOULET (Benjamin). Évêques, pouvoir et société à Byzance (VIIIe–XIe siècle). Territoires, communautés et individus dans la société provinciale byzantine. Paris, Pubblications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 613 p. (Byzantina Sorbonensia, 25). 2210. Pamet i zabrava vŭv Vizantiia. (Memory and oblivion in Byzantium). Ed. by Albena MILANOVA, Veselina VATCHKOVA, Tsvetelin STEPANOV. Sofia, Voenno izdatelstvo, 2011, 238 p. 2211. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies: Sofia, 22–27 August 2011. Ed. by Iliya ILIEV. Sofia, Bulgarian Historical Heritage Foundation, 2011, (3 voll.) VIII-615; VIII-303; VIII-420 p. 2212. TŬPKOVA-ZAIMOVA (Vasilika), DIMITROV (Dimitŭr I.), PAVLOV (Plamen). Vizantiia i vizantiĭskiiat sviat. (Byzanz und die byzantinische Welt). Sofia, Prosveta, 2011, 474 p. 2213. Vizantiĭskie ocherki: trudy rossiĭskikh uchenykh k XXII Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu vizantinistov. (Byzantinische Essays: Beiträge der russischen Wissenschaftler zum XXII. Internationalen Byzantinistenkongress). Ed. by Michail V. BIBIKOV. St. Petersburg, Aleteja, 2011, 250 p. os
Cf. n 502, 503, 2823 § 3. Special studies. ______________________
2214. ANDERSON (Benjamin). Leo III and the Anemodoulion. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 4154.
2215. ARCURI (Rosalba). Realtà, riforme, retorica. L'economia agraria in epoca giustinianea. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2011, 61, p. 1-19. 2216. BALAKIN (Jurij V.). Khristianskie pisateli II–XV vekov. Vizantiia i Latinskiĭ Zapad: slovarʹ-spravochnik. (Christliche Autoren des XI.–XV. Jahrhunderts. Byzanz und der lateinische Westen. Ein Verzeichnis). Moskow, Forum, 2011, 576 p. 2217. BEIHAMMER (Alexander D.). Byzanz und die islamische Staatenwelt im Zeitalter Kaiser Basileios' II. und des Kalifen al-Hākim. In: Konflikt und Bewältigung. Die Zerstörung der Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem im Jahre 1009 [cf. n° 2333], p. 173-194. – IDEM. Defection across the border of Islam and Christianity: apostasy and cross-cultural interaction in ByzantineSeljuk relations. Speculum, 86, 2011, p. 597-651. 2218. BÉNOU (Lisa). Pour une nouvelle histoire du droit byzantin: théorie et pratique juridiques au XIVe siècle. Paris, Éditions de l'Association Pierre Belon, 2011, XVIII-395 p. (Textes, documents, études sur le monde byzantin, néohellénique et balkanique, 11). 2219. Bisanzio e le periferie dell'impero. Atti del convegno internazionale nell'ambito delle celebrazioni del millenario della fondazione dell'Abbazia di San Nilo a Grottaferrata (Catania, 26–28 novembre 2007). A cura di Renata G. MESSINA. Acireale e Roma, Bonanno, 2011, 253 p. 2220. BOOTH (Phil). Shades of Blues and greens in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 555-601. 2221. BOSSELMANN-RUICKBIE (Antje). Byzantinischer Schmuck des 9. bis frühen 13. Jahrhunderts: Untersuchungen zum metallenen dekorativen Körperschmuck der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit anhand datierter Funde. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2011, 420 p. (Spätantike, frühes Christentum, Byzanz. Reihe B. Studien und Perspektiven, 28). 2222. CHERF (William J.). Procopius De aedificiis 4.2.1–22 on the Thermopylae frontier. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 104, p. 71-113. 2223. CHRISTOFORATOU (Christina). Figuring Eros in Byzantine fiction: iconographic transformation and political evolution. Medieval encounters, 17, 2011, p. 321-359. 2224. Cult (The) of the Mother of God in Byzantium: texts and images. Ed. by Leslie BRUBAKER, Mary CUNNINGHAM. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XXII-306 p. (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman monographs, 11). 2225. DAGRON (Gilbert). L'hippodrome de Constantinople: jeux, peuple et politique. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 439 p. 2226. DARK (Ken), KOSTENEC (Jan). The Hagia Sophia project, Istanbul. Bulletin of British Byzantine studies, 2011, 37, p. 48-68. 2227. EICHNER (Ina). Frühbyzantinische Wohnhäuser in Kilikien. Baugeschichtliche Untersuchung zu den
Wohnformen in der Region um Seleukeia am Kalykadnos. Tübingen, Wasmuth, 2011, 516 p. (Istanbuler Forschungen, 52).
2241. KYRIAKIDIS (Savvas). Warfare in late Byzantium, 1204–1453. Leiden, Brill, XV-254 p. (History of warfare, 67).
2228. Encyclopedic trends in Byzantium? Proceedings of the international conference held in Leuven, 6– 8 May 2009. Ed. by Peter VAN DEUN, Caroline MACÉ. Leuven, Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2011, XIX-458 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 212).
2242. LEPPIN (Hartmut). Justinian. Das christliche Experiment. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2011, 448 p.
2229. Epeironde: proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of Byzantine Sigillography (Ioannina, 1–3 October 2009). Ed. by Christos STAVRAKOS, Barbara PAPADOPOULOU. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 360 p. 2230. EVANS (James A. S.). The power game in Byzantium: Antonina and the empress Theodora. London, Continuum, 2011, XVII-264 p. 2231. GALLINA (Mario). La descrizione della Nea Ekklesia nella Vita Basilii tra propaganda dinastica e retorica letteraria. Studi medievali, 2011, 52, p. 347-373. 2232. GAUL (Niels). Thomas Magistros und die spätbyzantinische Sophistik. Studien zum Humanismus urbaner Eliten in der frühen Palaiologenzeit. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, XVI-500 p. (Mainzer Veröffentlichungen zur Byzantinistik, 10). 2233. GKUTZIUKOSTAS (Andreas E.). To axiōma tou mystikou. Thesmika kai prosōpographika problēmata. (The office of Mystikos. Institutional and prosopographical problems). Thessalonike, Banias, 2011, 236 p. 2234. GRELLE (Francesco). La disciplina delle confessioni religiose nella sistematica del Codex Iustinianus e i profili teologici del potere normativo imperiale. In: Politiche religiose nel mondo antico e tardoantico. Poteri e indirizzi, forme del controllo, idee e prassi di tolleranza. [cf. n° 720], p. 359-370. 2235. Introduzione al diritto bizantino. Da Giustiniano ai Basilici. A cura di Jan H. A. LOKIN, Bernard H. STOLTE. Pavia, IUSS, 2011, IX-725 p. 2236. ISAR (Nicoletta). Chorós: the dance of Adam. Τhe making of Byzantine chorography, the anthropology of the choir of dance in Byzantium. Leiden, Alexandros, 2011, 296 p.
2243. MAAYAN-FANAR (Emma). Revelation through the alphabet: aniconism and illuminated initial letters in Byzantine artistic imagination. Genève, La Pomme d'or, 2011, 356 p. 2244. MANIATIS (George C.). Organization, market structure and modus operandi of the guild-organized leather manufacturing industry in tenth-century Constantinople. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 639677. 2245. MPURDARA (Kalliopē A.). Ē diakrisē tōn phylōn ōs kritērio stis rythmiseis tōn vearōn Leontos ST' Sophou. (Differentiation of sexes as criterion of regulations in the Novels of Leo VI, the Wise). Athēna, Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2011, XVI-210 p. (Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. Athener Reihe, 19). 2246. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp), PROCHASKA (Walter). Konstantinopolitanisches Formenrepertoire in Mazedonien. Zur Bischofskirche von Stobi und den Marmorbrüchen von Prilep. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 433-439. 2247. OTTEN (Thomas), EVANS (Jane), LAMB (Angela), MÜLDNER (Gundula), PIRSON (Andrea), TEEGEN (Wolf-Rüdiger). Ein frühbyzantinisches Waffengrab aus Pergamon. Interpretationsmöglichkeiten aus archäologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2011, 61, p. 347-422. 2248. PAPASTATHIS (Kostas Ch.). The First Crusade as reflected in eastern orthodox historiography: a political and ecclesiastical discourse analysis. Graeco-Arabica, 2011, 11, p. 381-397. 2249. PATOURA-SPANOU (Sophia). Arab and Byzantine prisoners in the reign of Leo VI the Wise: images from contemporary Byzantine sources. Graeco-Arabica, 2011, 11, p. 399-413.
2237. Justinian. Hrsg. v. Mischa MEIER. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 289 p.
2250. PHILIPPIDES (Marios), HANAK (Walter K.).The siege and the fall of Constantinople in 1453: historiography, topography and military studies. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXIV-759 p.
2238. KAPLAN (Michel). Pouvoirs, Église et sainteté. Essais sur la société byzantine, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, Les Classiques de la Sorbonne 3, 2011, 643 p.
2251. PRATSCH (Thomas). Theodora von Byzanz. Kurtisane und Kaiserin. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 392 p. (Kohlhammer-Urban-Taschenbücher, 636).
2239. KARYDIS (Nicolaos D.). Early Byzantine vaulted construction in churches of the western coastal plains and river valleys of Asia Minor. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, XVIII-189 p. (BAR international series, 2246).
2252. Psaltike: neue Studien zur Byzantinischen Musik. Festschrift für Gerda WOLFRAM. Hrsg. v. NinaMaria WANEK. Wien, Praesens, 2011, 397 p.
2240. KRSMANOVIĆ (Bojana). Beobachtungen zum Taktikon Escorialense. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2011, 103, p. 605-637.
2253. RAGIA (Efi). The geography of the provincial administration of the Byzantine empire (ca. 600–1200): I. 2. Apothekai of the Balkans and of the islands of the Aegean Sea. Byzantinoslavica, 2011, 69, p. 86113.
§ 3. Special studies 2254. SCHREINER (Peter), OLTROGGE (Doris). Byzantinische Tinten-, Tuschen- und Farbrezepte. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 168 p. (Denkschriften. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 419). 2255. SHEPARD (Jonathan). Emergent elites and Byzantium in the Balkans and east-central Europe. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXXVI-396 p. 2256. STOURAITIS (Ioannis). Jihād and Crusade: Byzantine positions towards the notions of 'holy war'. Byzantina Symmeikta, 2011, 21, p. 11-63. 2257. STOYANOV (Yuri). Defenders and enemies of the True Cross. The Sasanian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 and Byzantine ideology of anti-Persian warfare. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 104 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik, 61). 2258. TOMEKOVIĆ (Svetlana). Les saints ermites et moines dans la peinture murale byzantine. Éd. par Lydie HADERMANN-MISGUICH, Catherine JOLIVET-LÉVY. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 431 p. (Byzantina Sorbonensia, 26).
2259. TROELSGÅRD (Christian). Byzantine neumes. A new introduction to the Middle Byzantine musical notation. Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2011, 144 p. (Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae. Series subsidia, 9). 2260. TURLEJ (Stanislaw). Justyniana Prima: niedoceniony aspekt polityki kościelnej Justyniana. (Justiniana Prima: an underrated aspect of ecclesiastical policy of Justinian). Kraków, Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagellonica", 2011, 265 p. (Notos, Scripta Antiqua et Byzantina, 8). 2261. VAN TRICHT (Filip). The Latin renovatio of Byzantium: the Empire of Constantinople (1204– 1228). Translated by Peter LONGBOTTOM. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XII-535 p. (Medieval Mediterranean, 90). 2262. WASSILIOU-SEIBT (Alexandra-Kyriaki). Corpus der byzantinischen Siegel mit metrischen Legenden. Teil 1. Einleitung, Siegellegenden von Alpha bis inklusive My. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 619 p. (Wiener byzantinistische Studien, 28/1). 2263. ZACHU (Bichelmina). Hē dioikēsē tōn dytikōn byzantinōn eparchiōn. (The management of the western Byzantine provinces). Ionios Logos, 2011, 3, p. 183-202.
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2264-2306. – § 2. General works. 2307-2353. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2354-2443. – § 4. Jews. 2444-2466. – § 5. Islam. 2467-2490. – § 6. Vikings. 2491-2500. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2501-2554. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2555-2636. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2637-2795. – § 10. History of art. 2796-2846. – § 11. History of music. 2847-2865. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 2866-2911. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 2912-3090. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3091-3123. § 1. Sources and criticism of sources. ______________________
a. Non-literary sources 2264. Abadía (La) de Santa María de Husillos: estudio y colección documental (91608). Ed. por David Marcos DÍEZ. Palencia, Diputación de Palencia, 2011, 886 p. 2265. Accounts (The) of Godfrey of Crowland, Abbot of Peterborough 1299–1321. Ed. by Sandra RABAN. Northampton, Northamptonshire Record Society, 2011, XLIX-742 p. (ill., map). (Northamptonshire Record Society, 45. Anthony Mellows Memorial Trust, 5). 2266. ANSANI (Michele). Caritatis negocia e fabbriche di falsi: strategie, imposture, dispute documentarie a Pavia fra XI e XII secolo. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2011, 426 p. (Nuovi studi storici). 2267. Bohun (The) of Fressingfield cartulary. Ed. by Bridget WELLS-FURBY. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, IX-230 p. (maps, facs., geneal. tab.). (Suffolk Records Society, 19). 2268. CAMMAROSANO (Paolo). Edizione (L') dei documenti medievali: una guida pratica. Trieste, CERM, 2011, 90 p. (pl.). (Strumenti, 3). 2269. Carte del Monastero di S. Abbondio di Como: dalla fondazione all'anno 1200: introduzione e indici. A cura di Liliana MARTINELLI PERELLI. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 152 p. (Documenti di storia lombarda (secoli X–XV), 2). 2270. Cartulari (I) di S. Pietro in Maone presso Rovigo (sec. XII–XV). A cura di Primo GRIGUOLO e Donato GALLO. Roma, Viella, 2011, XXXII-350 p. (tav.). (Fonti per la storia della Terraferma veneta, 27).
2271. CASTAGNETTI (Andrea), CIARALLI (Antonio). Falsari a Nonantola: i placiti di Ostiglia (820–827) e le donazioni di Nogara (9911). Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, XIII-331 p. (tav., ill.). (Testi, studi, strumenti, 26). 2272. CASTRO (Ainoa). Colección diplomática altomedieval de Galicia. Vol. 1. Documentación editada en escritura visigótica (662–1234). Noia, Toxosoutos, 2011, 264 p. (Trivium, 43). 2273. Codice diplomatico polironiano. Vol. 2.2. 1126–1200. A cura di Rossella RINALDI e Paolo GOLINELLI. Bologna, Pàtron, 2011, LIV-488 p. (Il mondo medievale. Sezione di storia medievale dell'Italia padana). 2274. Col·lecció diplomàtica de Sant Pere d'Àger fins 1198. Edició i estudi a cura de Ramon Chesé Lapeña. Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, 2011, 2 vol., 591 p., 597 p. 2275. Colección documental de Santa María de Nájera, siglo XV: regesta documental. Ed. por Margarita Cantera Montenegro. Pamplona, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2011, 215 p. (Ciencias históricas, 19. Fuentes documentales medievales del País Vasco, 35). 2276. Common (The) and piepowder courts of Southampton, 1426–1483. Part 1-2. Ed. by Tom E. OLDING and Penelope TUCKER. Southampton, University of Southampton, 2011, 2 vol, LVI-431 p. (Southampton records series, 45/1-2). 2277. Court rolls (The) of the Manor of Wakefield: from October 1433 to September 1436. Constance Mary FRASER. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 2011, XIX-248 p. (map). (The Wakefield court rolls series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 15). 2278. Documentazione (La) dei vescovi di Trento (XI secolo–1218). A cura di Emanuele CURZEL e Gian
Maria VARANINI. Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, 2011, 781 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 11). (ill.).
first vernacular history of Naples, c. 1350. Ed. by Samantha KELLY. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, VIII-364 p. (The Medieval Mediterranean, 89).
2279. Documenti (I) di Liazaro, notaio vescovile di Feltre e Belluno (1386–1422). A cura di Gian Maria VARANINI e Carlo ZOLDAN. Roma, Viella, 2011, LII364 (tav., ill.). (Fonti per la storia della Terraferma veneta, 28).
2290. Chanson d'Antioche (The): an old French account of the First Crusade. Tr. by Susan B. EDGINGTON and Carol SWEETENHAM. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 428 p.
2280. Edizioni milanesi (Le) dei documenti dei secoli X–XIII. A cura di Grado Giovanni MERLO. Milano, Biblioteca Francescana, 2011, VIII-196 p. (Studi di storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese cristiane. Fonti e documenti, 5). 2281. FRANCISCO OLMOS (José María de). La datación histórica: problemas documentales en la España Medieval. Madrid, Confederación Española de Centros de Estudios Locales, 2011, 116 p.. 2282. Inscriptiones Medii Aevii Italiae (Saec. VI– XII) Vol. 3. Veneto: Belluno, Treviso, Vicenza. A cura di Flavia DE RUBEIS. Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, VIII-188 p. (ill., maps). 2283. Inscriptions in liturgical spaces. Ed. by Kristin BLIKSRUD AAVITSLAND and Turid Karlsen SEIM. Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2011, 263 p. (ill.). (Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, 24).
2291. COLLETTA (Pietro). Storia, cultura e propaganda nel Regno di Sicilia nella prima metà del XIV secolo: la Cronica Sicilie. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2011, 346 p. (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Subsidia, 11). 2292. Crónica mozárabe de 754, Ed. por de Serafín FANJUL y Marco Antonio CORONEL RAMOS. Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2011, 107 p. 2293. Vacat. 2294. DE BOER (Dick Edward Herman). Emo's reis: een historisch culturele ontdekkingstocht door Europa in 1212 [ = Emo's journey: a historical cultural discovery through Europe in 1212]. Leeuwarden / Leuven, Noordboek Davidsfonds, 2011, 496 p. 2295. DUBOIS (Adrien). Un registre de la vicomté d'Elbeuf (1470–1472). Caen, Publications du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Médiévales, 2011, 517 p. (préface d'Olivier Guyotjeannin).
2284. Quaterni (I) imbreviaturarum di Giovannibello Bentevoglio de Vaprio, notaio al servizio del Monastero Maggiore di Milano (1262, 1271, 1277, 1280–1281). A cura di Marta Luigina MANGINI. Milano, Biblioteca francescana, 2011, XLVI-325 p. (Studi di storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese cristiane. Fonti e documenti, 6).
2296. FALCANDO (Ugo). Le livre du royaume de Sicile: intrigues et complots à la cour normande de Palerme (1154–1169). Éd. par Egbert TÜRK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 391 p. (maps, geneal. tab.). (Témoins de notre histoire).
2285. Tabulario (Il) della Magione di Palermo (1116– 1643): repertorio. A cura di Elisabetta LO CASCIO. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le Attività Culturali, 2011, 556 p. (pl., ill.).
2297. FREIDANK. L'indignazione di un poeta-crociato: i versi gnomici su Acri. Edizione critica con traduzione a fronte, saggio introduttivo e note di Maria Grazia CAMMAROTA. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 190 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca medievale, 135).
2286. TOMÁS FACI (Guillermo). Libro de rentas y feudos de Ribagorza en 1322. Zaragoza, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2011, 223 p. (maps). 2287. WALTA (Ville). Nya observationer om den medeltida handskriftsproduktionen i Nådendal. (New observations of the medieval manuscript production in Naantali). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 2, p. 89109. Cf. nos 1-24 b. Literary sources 2288. Annales Cavenses. A cura di Fulvio DELLE DONNE. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2011, XII-94 p. (tav., ill.). (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Rerum Italicarum scriptores, 9. Analecta cavensia, 5). 2289. CARACCIOLO (Bartolomeo). The Cronaca di Partenope: an introduction to and critical edition of the
2298. GHOSH (Shami). Kings' sagas and Norwegian history: problems and perspectives. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XV-253 p. (The northern world. North Europe and the Baltic, c. 400–1700 A.D: peoples, economies and cultures, 54). 2299. Invenzione e riscrittura nel racconto di viaggio. XIII convegno annuale della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Firenze, Certosa del Galluzzo, 26 marzo 2010. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, 173 p. (tav., ill.). 2300. Itineraria regis Matthiae Corvini et reginae Beatricis de Aragonia, 1458–1490. Ed. Richárd HORVÁTH. Budapest, História MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2011, 181 p. (História könyvtár. Kronológiák, adattárak, 12. Subsidia ad historiam medii aevi Hungariae inquirendam, 2). 2301. Kronika tzw. Galla Anonima: historyczne (monastyczne i genealogiczne) oraz geograficzne konteksty powstania [ = Chronicle called Gall Anonymous: historical (monastic and family) and geographical con-
§ 2. General works texts of composition]. Ed. by Jarosław WENTA. Toruń, Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011, 225 p. (Publikacje Centrum Mediewistycznego Wydziału Nauk Historycznych UMK, 4. Seria Scientiae auxiliares historiae, 2). 2302. MAC CORMICK (Michael). Charlemagne's survey of the Holy Land. Wealth, personnel, and buildings of a Mediterranean Church between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. With a critical edition and translation of the original text. Washington, D. C., Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2011, XXII-287 p. (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Humanities). 2303. MULTRUS (Dirk). Armuts- und Fremdheitsdarstellungen, Deutungshorizonte, Wirklichkeitsorientierungen und historische Hintergründe in der Chronik des franziskanischen Mönches Johannes von Winterthur. Trier, Kliomedia, 2011, 332 p. (Trierer Historische Forschungen, 67). 2304. SANUTUS (Marinus). Marino Sanudo Torsello, the book of secrets of the faithful of the cross = Liber secretorum fidelium crucis. Transl. by Peter LOCK. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, VII-475 p. (Crusade texts in translation, 21). 2305. St Albans Chronicle (The). Volume II. 1394– 1422. The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham. Ed. and trans. by John TAYLOR, Wendy R. CHILDS and Leslie WATKISS. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2011, 888 p. (Oxford Medieval Texts). 2306. True Chronicles (The) of Jean Le Bel, 1290– 1360. Tr. by Nigel BRYANT. Woodbridge, Boydell P., 2011, XXII-271 p. Cf. nos 1-24 § 2. General works. * 2307. BIANCHINI (Janna). Re-defining Medieval Spain. English historical review, 2011, 126, 522, p. 11671179. * 2308. Bibliographie annuelle du Moyen-Âge tardif: auteurs et textes latins. Vol. 21. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 683 p. ______________________
2309. Apertura (La) de Europa al mundo Atlántico: espacios de poder, economía marítima y circulación cultural. XII Jornadas de Estudios Históricos del Departamento de Historia Medieval, Moderna y de América (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 3 y 4 de noviembre de 2010). Ed. por José Ramón DÍAZ DE DURANA ORTIZ DE URBINA y José Antonio MUNITA LOINAZ. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011, 223 p. (ill.). 2310. Archaeology (The) of Medieval Europe. Ed. by James GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and Magdalena VALOR. Vol. 2. Twelfth to sixteenth centuries. Ed. by Martin CARVER and Jan KLAPŠTĚ. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2011, 605 p. (ill., bibl.). (Acta Jutlandica. Humanities, 9).
2311. Archeologia dei castelli nell'Europa angioina (secoli XIII–XV). Atti del Convegno internazionale, Università degli studi di Salerno, Campus FiscianoFacoltà di lettere e filosofia, Aula Nicola Cilento, 12 novembre 2008. A cura di Paolo PEDUTO e Alfredo Maria SANTORO. Borgo S. Lorenzo, All'insegna del giglio, 2011, 280 p. (ill.). (Medioevo scavato, 5). 2312. Archeologia e storia delle migrazioni: Europa, Italia, Mediterraneo fra tarda età romana e alto Medioevo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Cimitile-Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 17–18 giugno 2010. A cura di Carlo EBANISTA e Marcello ROTILI. Cimitile, Tavolario, 2011, 364 p. (ill.). (Giornate sulla tarda antichità e il Medioevo, 3). 2313. BEDOS REZAK (Brigitte). When ego was imago: signs of identity in the Middle Ages. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XXIX-295 p. (pl., ill.). (Visualising the Middle Ages, 3). 2314. BELÉNYESY (Márta), BÁTI (Anikó). Fejezetek a középkori anyagi kultúra történetéből [ = Chapters of History of Material Culture of the Middle Ages]. Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó – MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete, 2011, 2 vol., 201 p., 274 p. (Documentatio ethnographica, 26, 29). 2315. Bologna e il secolo XI: storia, cultura, economia, istituzioni, diritto. A cura di Giovanni FEO e Francesca ROVERSI MONACO. Bologna,: BUP, 2011, 741 p. (ill.). 2316. Capitanata (La) e l'Italia meridionale nel secolo XI da Bisanzio ai Normanni. Atti delle II Giornate medievali di Capitanata (Apricena, 16–17 aprile 2005). A cura di Pasquale FAVIA e Giovanni DE VENUTO. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 295 p. (ill.). (Insulae Diomedeae, 18). 2317. Carolingian World (The). Ed. by Marios COSMatthew INNES and Simon MACLEAN. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-505 p. (ill., maps).
2318. CATALIOTO (Luciano), COSTA (Elisa), ZAMB(Ferdinando). Gli occhi dello storico: strumenti e temi del Mediterraneo medievale. Reggio Calabria, Leonida, 2011, VI-255 p. (ill.). (Mare nostrum: politica, economia, società e cultura, 4).
2319. CHRYSOSTOMIDES (Julian). Byzantium and Venice, 1204–1453: collected studies. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 356 p. (Variorum collected studies series). 2320. Cittadini in armi: eserciti e guerre nell'Italia comunale. Seminario di studi, Milano, 11 giugno 2009. A cura di Paolo GRILLO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 199 p. (Stato, esercito e controllo del territorio, 12). 2321. Cour (La) du prince. Cour de France, cours d'Europe, XIIe–XVe siècle. Ed. par Murielle GAUDEFERRAGU, Bruno LAURIOUX et Jacques PAVIOT. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2011, 659 p. (Études d'Histoire médiévale, 13).
2322. COZ (Yann). Rome en Angleterre: l'image de la Rome antique dans l'Angleterre anglo-saxonne, du VIIe siècle à 1066. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 520 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, 5). 2323. CRÂNGACI ŢIPLIC (Maria). Oaspeţii germani în sudul Transilvaniei: istorie, arheologie şi arhitectură (secolele XII–XIII) [ = German guests in southern Transylvania history, archeology and architecture (XII– XIII)]. Bucureşti Editura Academiei Române, 2011, 395 p. (pl., ill., maps).
2336. Medioevo e dintorni. Lezioni della sezione di Trapani dell'Officina di Studi Medievali. A cura di Giuliana MUSOTTO. Palermo, Officina di Studi Medievali, 2011, X-201 p. (Biblioteca dell'Officina di Studi Medievali, 15). 2337. Medioevo oggi tra testimonianze e ricostruzione storica: metodologie ed esperienze a confronto (Agrigento, 26–27 ottobre 2007). A cura di Alessandro Musco. Palermo, Officina di studi medievali, 2011, 338 p. (ill.).
2324. Crossroads between Latin Europe and the Near East: corollaries of the Frankish presence in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th–14th Centuries). Ed. by Stefan LEDER. Würzburg, Ergon, 2011, 289 p. (Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 24).
2338. Mittelalter (Das) zwischen Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit. Probleme, Perspektiven und Anstöße für die Unterrichtspraxis. Hrsg. v. Thomas Martin BUCK und Nicola BRAUCH. Münster, New York u. München, Waxmann, 2011, 372 p.
2325. Crusades (The) and the Near East. Ed. by Conor KOSTICK. London, Routledge, 2011, XVI-271 p.
2339. Orbis Helveticorum. Das Schweizer Buch und seine mitteleuropäische Welt. Hrsg. v. Viliam ČIČAJ, Jan-Andrea BERNHARD. Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 340 p.
2326. DI ROBILANT (Andrea). Venetian navigators: the voyages of the Zen brothers to the far North. London, Faber & Faber, 2011, 244 p. (ill.). 2327. DONDARINI (Rolando). Quel tempo chiamato Medioevo: mille anni di vicende, trasformazioni e antefatti della nostra storia. Napoli, Liguori, 2011, IX-422 p. (Domini). 2328. Donne in famiglia nell'alto medioevo. A cura di Cristina La Rocca e Adelisa Malena. Roma, Viella, 2011, 220 p. 2329. Feudalism: new landscapes of debate. Ed. by Sverre BAGGE, Michael H. GELTING and Thomas LINDKVIST. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 232 p. 2330. GELICHI (Sauro). Introduzione all'archeologia medievale: storia e ricerca in Italia. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 280 p. (ill.). (Studi superiori, 685). 2331. JÉHANNO (Christine). Entre le chapitre cathédral et l'hôtel–Dieu de Paris: les enjeux du conflit de la fin du Moyen Âge. Revue historique, 2011, 659, p. 527-559. 2332. KAHL (Hans-Dietrich). Heidenfrage und Slawenfrage im deutschen Mittelalter. Ausgewählte Studien 1953–2008. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 1088 p. (East Central and East Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450). 2333. Konflikt und Bewältigung. Die Zerstörung der Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem im Jahre 1009. Hrsg. v. Thomas PRATSCH. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, XIII-373 p. (Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr./Millennium Studies in the Culture and History of the First Millennium C.E., 32). [Cf. no 2217.] 2334. LAMBERT (Craig L.). Shipping the Medieval military: English Maritime logistics in the fourteenth century. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, XIII-243 p. (Warfare in history). 2335. MARCONI (Andrea). Profili di intellettuali medievali. Bologna, CLUEB, 2011, 147 p. (ill.). (Itinerari medievali per la didattica, 9).
2340. Paisajes históricos y arqueología medieval. Ed. por Miguel Jiménez PUERTAS, Guillermo GARCÍACONTRERAS RUIZ. Salobreña, Granada, Alhulia, 2011, 276 p. (ill., maps). 2341. SCHEIBELREITER (Georg). Höhepunkte des Mittelalters. Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2011, 258 p. 2342. SEHARA (Yoshio). Doitsu chūsei kōki no rekishizou. (The image of history in late Medieval Germany). Kyoto, Bunrikaku, 2011, 502 p. 2343. SETTIA (Aldo Angelo). Barbari e infedeli nell'alto medioevo italiano. Storia e miti storiografici. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2011, 462 p. (Collectanea 26). 2344. Territorio trentino (Il) nella storia europea. Vol. 2. L'età medievale. A cura di Giuseppe ALBERTONI e Gian Maria VARANINI. Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler press, 2011, 263 p. (ill.). 2345. Territorio, culture e poteri nel Medioevo e oltre. Scritti in onore di Benedetto Vetere. A cura di Carmela MASSARO e Luciana PETRACCA. Galatina, Congedo, 2011, 2 vol., 885 p. (ill.). (Università del Salento, Dipartimento di beni culturali. Saggi e testi, 4). 2346. Thirteenth century England. Vol. 13. Proceedings of the Paris conference, 2009. Ed. by Janet Burton. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, 190 p. 2347. TODOROKI (Kotaro). Tatakaukoto to sabakukoto: Chūsei furansu no funsō, kenryoku, shinri. (Combating and judging: conflicts, power and verity in Medieval France). Kyoto, Showado, 2011, 352 p. 2348. TRAMONTANA (Salvatore). Capire il Medioevo: le fonti e i temi. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 333 p. (Studi superiori, 675). 2349. TYERMAN (Christopher). The debate on the crusades. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, 260 p. 2350. Umbria (L') nel XIII secolo. A cura di Enrico MENESTÒ. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto
§ 3. Political history Medioevo, 2011, VIII-441 (pl., plans, ill.). (Uomini e mondi medievali: collana del Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo – Accademia Tudertina, 30).
des späten Mittelalters. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 363 p. (Passauer historische Forschungen, 17).
2351. VILLARES PAZ (Ramón). Castillos frente a castros: La edad media en la identidad nacional gallega. Historia social, 2011, 69, p. 3-24.
2364. Languages (The) of political society: Western Europe, XIV–XVII centuries. Ed. by Andrea GAMBERINI, Jean-Philippe GENET and Andrea ZORZI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 493 p. (I libri di Viella, 128).
2352. Wales and the Welsh in the Middle Ages: essays presented to J. Beverley Smith. Ed. by R. A. GRIFFITHS and P.R. SCHOFIELD. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011, XVIII-252 p.
2365. MARTIN (Georges). Mujeres y poderes en la España medieval: cinco estudios. Alcalá de Henares, Ediciones del Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 2011, 187 p.
2353. Welt (Die) des Mittelalters. Erinnerungsorte eines Jahrtausends. Hrsg. v. Johannes FRIED und Olaf B. RADER. München, Beck, 2011, 560 p.
2366. MENANT (François). L'Italia dei Comuni. Roma, Viella, 2011, 360 p. (La storia. Temi, 19).
§ 3. Political history. ______________________
a. General 2354. BENHAM (Jenny). Peacemaking in the Middle Ages: principles and practice. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-250 p. (Manchester Medieval studies). 2355. CANNING (Joseph). Ideas of power in the late Middle Ages, 1296–1417. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-219 p. 2356. Construcción (La) medieval de la memoria regia. Ed. por Pascual MARTÍNEZ SOPENA y Ana RODRÍGUEZ. Valencia, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2011, 465 p. (ill., maps, pl.). 2357. COSTAMBEYS (Marios), INNES (Matthew), MAC LEAN (Simon). The Carolingian World. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-505 p. 2358. Frontera inferior de Al-Andalus. Jornadas de Arqueología e Historia Medieval. Ed. por Bruno Franco MORENO, Miguel ALBA y Santiago FEIJOO. Mérida, Grupo de Investigación CUPARQ-HUM 024, Consorcio Ciudad Monumental, Historico-Artística y Arqueológica, 2011, 328 p. (ill., pl., maps). 2359. GANMYR (Berit). De oregerliga: makt och motstånd i medeltidens Danmark, Norge, Sverige och Halland. (Les rebelles: pouvoir et résistance au Moyen Age au Danemark, en Norvège, en Suède et dans la province de Halland). Norsborg, Recito, 2011, 319 p. 2360. Historia y documentación del Madrid medieval, Ed. por Manuel Joaquín SALAMANCA LÓPEZ, Juan Carlos GALENDE DÍAZ y Nicolás ÁVILA SEOANE. Plasencia, Fundación Ciencias de la Documentación, 2011, 330 p. (ill.). 2361. KERSHAW (Paul J. E.). Peaceful kings: peace, power, and the early Medieval political imagination. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-313 p. 2362. Knowledge, discipline and power in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of David Luscombe. Ed. by Joseph CANNING, Edmund KING and Martial STAUB. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 281 p. 2363. KOSUCH (Andreas). Abbild und Stellvertreter Gottes: der König in herrschaftstheoretischen Schriften
2367. Ökonomie (Zur) einer ländlichen Pfarrgemeinde im Spätmittelalter: das Rechnungsbuch der Marienpfarrkirche Gries (Bozen) von 1422 bis 1440. Hrsg. v. Hannes OBERMAIR und Volker STAMM. Bozen, Athesia, 2011, 122 p. (ill., maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs / Pubblicazioni dell'Archivio della Provincia di Bolzano, 33). 2368. On the margins of crusading: the military orders, the Papacy and the Christian world. Ed. by Helen J. NICHOLSON. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XIII-209 p. (ill., maps). (Crusades. Subsidia, 4). 2369. PHILLIPS (Andrew). War, religion, and empire: the transformation of international orders. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-364 p. (Cambridge studies in international relations, 117). 2370. Relations (Les) diplomatiques au Moyen Âge: formes et enjeux.: XLI congres de la SHMESP (Lyon, 3–6 juin 2010). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 335 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 108). 2371. Relazioni (Le) internazionali nell'alto Medioevo. LVIII Settimana di studio della Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 8–12 aprile 2010. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, XIV-1020 p. (Atti delle settimane, 58). 2372. SCHNEIDMÜLLER (Bernd). Grenzerfahrung und monarchische Ordnung: Europa 1200–1500. München, Beck, 2011, 304 p. (C.-H.-Beck-Geschichte Europas). 2373. STANFORD (Charlotte A.). Commemorating the dead in late medieval Strasbourg: the cathedral's Book of Donors and its use (1320–1521). Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 327 p. (ill.). (Church, faith and culture in the medieval West). 2374. Stefano Bono notaio in Candia, 1303–1304. A cura di Gaetano PETTENELLO e Simone RAUCH. Roma, Viella e Venezia, Comitato per la pubblicazione delle fonti relative alla storia di Venezia, 2011, 351 p. (ill.). (Fonti per la storia di Venezia. Sezione 3, Archivi notarili). 2375. UBL (Karl). Der kinderlose König. Ein Testfall für die Ausdifferenzierung des Politischen im 11. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 2, p. 323-363.
2376. VOGEL (Christian). Zur Rolle der Beherrschten in der mittelalterlichen Herrschaftslegitimation. Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf U. P., 2011, 343 p. (Studia humaniora, 45).
2390. FRANKOPAN (Peter). The First Crusade: the call from the East. London, Bodley Head, 2011, 262 p. (ill., maps).
b. 476–900
2391. GÖRICH (Knut). Friedrich Barbarossa. Eine Biographie. München, Beck, 2011, 782 p.
* 2377. FERREIRO (Alberto). The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (update): a supplemental bibliography, 202009. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXXV-411 p. (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 45).
2392. HERRMANN (Jan-Christoph). Der Wendenkreuzzug von 1147. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 261 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Rh. 3: Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1085).
2378. BUSCH (Jörg W.). Die Herrschaften der Karolinger 714–911. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X-150 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 88).
2393. HURLOCK (Kathryn). Wales and the Crusades c.1095–1291. Cardiff, University Of Wales Press 2011, X-267 p. (Studies in Welsh history).
2379. CHARTIER (Alain). Le quadrilogue invective. Éd. de Florence BOUCHET. Paris, H. Champion, 2011, 148 p. (Classiques français du Moyen Âge, 168).
2394. MAC GLYNN (Sean). Blood cries afar: the forgotten invasion of England 1216. Stroud, Spellmount, 2011, 287 p. (ill., maps).
2380. MORTIMER (Paul). Woden's warriors: warfare, beliefs, arms and armour in Northern Europe during the th 6 and 7th centuries. Ely, Anglo-Saxon Books, 2011, 297 p. (ill.).
2395. NEF (Annliese). Conquérir et gouverner la Sicile islamique aux XIe et XIIe siècles. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, XIII-829 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 346).
2381. Neglected Barbarians. Ed. by F. CURTA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XX-656 p. (ill.). (Studies in the Early Middel Ages, 32).
2396. NOLL (Thomas). Die Silvester Kapelle in SS. Quattro Coronati in Rom: ein Bildzyklus im Kampf zwischen Kaiser und Papst. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 172 p. (pl., ill.).
2382. NOHN (Christoph). Auftakt zur Gladbacher Geschichte: die Gründungsgeschichte der Abtei Gladbach und das politische Spannungsfeld Lotharingiens im IX und X Jahrhundert. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 272 p. (ill., maps). (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Stadt Mönchengladbach, 51). 2383. SARRIS (Peter). Empires of faith: the fall of Rome to the rise of Islam, 500–700. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-428 p. (ill., maps). (Oxford history of medieval Europe). 2384. Streit am Hof im frühen Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Matthias BECHER, Alheydis PLASSMANN. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2011, 435 p. (ill., maps). (Super alta perennis, 11). c. 900–1300 2385. Anglo-norman studies, 33. Proceedings of the Battle conference 2009. Ed. by Christopher Piers LEWIS. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, 212 p. 2386. BARTON (Simon). El Cid, Cluny and the Medieval Spanish Reconquista. English historical review, 2011, 126, 520, p. 517-543. 2387. DUNBABIN (Jean). The French in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1266–1305. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-312 p. 2388. England and the Continent in the tenth century. Studies in Honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876– 1947). Ed by David ROLLASON, Conrad LEYSER and Hannah WILLIAMS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XXVI573 p. (ill., tab.). 2389. FOOT (Sarah). Æthelstan: the first king of England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XIV-283 p. (English monarchs series).
2397. OOSAWA (Ichiro). Anguro-sakuson nendaiki. (The Anglo-Saxon chronicle). Tokyo, Asahi Shuppansha, 2011, 343 p. 2398. ORAM (Richard D.). Domination and lordship: Scotland, 1070–1230. Edinburgh Edinburgh U. P., 2011, X-430 p. (ill., geneal. tab., maps). (The new Edinburgh history of Scotland, 3). 2399. Origines de la Suisse: en chemin du XIIe au XIVe siècle. Éd. par Erika HEBEISEN, Pia SCHUBINGEN et Denise TONELLA. Baden, Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte, 2011, 129 p. (ill., maps). 2400. Papauté (La) et les croisades / The papacy and the Crusades. Actes du VIIe Congrès de la Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East / Proceedings of the VIIth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East. Éd. par Michel BALARD. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XII-301 p. (Crusades. Subsidia, 3). 2401. PROVERO (Luigi). L'Italia dei poteri locali: secoli X–XII. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 239 p. (Studi superiori, 656). 2402. SCHENA (Olivetta), TOGNETTI (Sergio). La Sardegna medievale nel contesto italiano e mediterraneo (secc. XI–XV). Noceto, Monduzzi, 2011, 151 p. (Storia medievale: strumenti e sussidi, 5). 2403. Sperimentazioni di governo nell'Italia centrosettentrionale nel processo storico dal primo Comune alla Signoria. Atti del Convegno di studio (Bologna, 3–4 settembre 2010). A cura di Maria Consiglia DE MATTEIS e Berardo PIO. Bologna, Bononia university press, 2011, 263 p.
§ 3. Political history
2404. STANTON (Charles D.). Norman naval operations in the Mediterranean. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, X-323 p. (Warfare in history).
2417. CUSHWAY (Graham). Edward III and the war at sea: the English navy, 1327–1377. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, XI-265 p. (Warfare in history).
2405. THROOP (Susanna A.). Crusading as an act of vengeance, 1095–1216. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, VIII-232 p.
2418. DAMIAN (Ilian Mihai). Cruciada şi românii într-un proiect de la mijlocul secolului XV. (The Romanians and the Crusade in a project of the mid 15th c.) Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A.D Xenopol Iași, 2011, 48, p. 81-90.
2406. TRAMONTANA (Salvatore). Il Mezzogiorno medievale: normanni, svevi, angioini, aragonesi nei secoli XI–XV. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 284 p. (Studi superiori, 703). 2407. ULSIG (Erik). Danmark 900–1300. Kongemagt og samfund. (Le Danemark de 900 à 1300. Pouvoir royal et société). Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, 151 p. (ill.). 2408. VIGNODELLI (Giacomo). Il filo a piombo. Il Perpendiculum di Attone di Vercelli e la storia politica del regno italico. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, XIX-322 p. (ill.). (Istituzioni e società, 16). 2409. VILLADS JENSEN (Kurt). Korstog ved verdens rande: Danmark og Portugal ca 1000 til ca 1250. (La croisade aux confins du monde: le Danemark et le Portugal de l'an mil au milieu du 13e siècle). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 612 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 418). 2410. WÆRDAHL (Randi Bjørshol). The Incorporation and Integration of the King's Tributary Lands into the Norwegian Realm c. 1195–1397. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 384 p. (The Northern World). 2411. Women at the Burgundian court: presence and influence / Femmes à la cour de Bourgogne: presence et influence. Ed. by Dagmar EICHBERGER, Anne-Marie LEGARÉ et Wim HÜSKEN. Turnhout, Beepols, 2011, XXI-182 p. (ill). d. 1300–1500 ** 2412. ARRIGHI (Vanna). Lettere inedite di Lorenzo il Magnifico in una Appendice alle carte Strozziane. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 627, p. 113-134. 2413. AOTANI (Hideki). Kioku no naka no berugī chūsei: Rekishi jojutsu ni miru ryōhō aidentitī no seisei. (Medieval Belgium in memory: The creation of the Fürstentum identity in history writing). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 334 p. 2414. CARCELLER CERVIÑO (María del Pilar). Beltrán de la Cueva, el último privado: monarquía y nobleza a fines de la Edad Media. Madrid, Sílex, 2011, 334 p.; ill. 2415. CRAWFORD (Michael J.). Noble status and royal duplicity in the Crown of Castile, 1454–1504. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 4, p. 586-608. 2416. CROOKS (Peter). State of the union: perspectives on English imperialism in the late Middle Ages. Past and present, 2011, 212, p. 3-42.
2419. DÜCKER (Julia). Reichsversammlungen im Spätmittelalter. Politische Willensbildung in Polen, Ungarn und Deutschland. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2011, 389 p. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 37). 2420. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Daniela). Mikuláš zo Sečian a Salgó – výnimočný muž na dvore Žigmunda Luxemburského. (Príspevok k dvorskej kultúre a ungovaniu uhorského kráľovského dvora na začiatku 15. storočia). [Nikolaus (Mikuláš) aus Széczény und Salgó – ein besonderer Mann am of von Sigismund von Luxemburg. (Beitrag zur Hofkultur und Leben am ungarischen Königshof am Anfang des 15. Jahrhunderts)] Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 3, p. 387-401. 2421. GUARDIOLA-GRIFFITHS (Cristina). Legitimizing the queen: propaganda and ideology in the reign of Isabel I of Castile. Lewisburg, Bucknell U. P., 2011, 189 p. 2422. HILTMANN (Torsten). Spätmittelalterliche Heroldskompendien. Referenzen adeliger Wissenskultur in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels (Frankreich und Burgund, 15. Jahrhundert). München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 513 p. (Pariser Historische Studien, 92). 2423. HIPSHON (David). Richard III. London, Routledge, 2011, 288 p. 2424. HLAVAČKOVÁ (Miriam). A diplomat in the service of the Kings of Hungary. The activity of the bishop of Nitra Antony of Šankovce at the end of the Middle Ages. Historický časopis, 2011, 59, Supplement, p. 3-24. 2425. HOSKINS (Peter). In the steps of the Black Prince: the road to Poitiers, 1355–1356. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, XII-257 p. (ill., maps). (Warfare in history). 2426. Jogailos ir Vytauto laikai: mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys, skirtas žalgirio mūšio 600-osioms metinėms [ = Jogaila and Vytautas times: scientific collection of articles for the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald]. Ed. by Zigmantas KIAUPA. Kaunas, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2011, 223 p. (ill.). 2427. LACKNER (Irmgard). Herzog Ludwig IX. der Reiche von Bayern-Landshut (1450–1479). Reichsfürstliche Politik gegenüber Kaiser und Reichsständen. Regensburg, Edition Vulpes, 2011, 530 p. (Regensburger Beiträge zur Regionalgeschichte, 11). 2428. LOVÉN (Christian), BENGTSSON (Herman). De heliga hertigarna Erik och Valdemar (The holy dukes Erik and Valdemar). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 2, p. 227-248.
2429. MÜLLER (Heribert). Das Basler Konzil (1431– 1449) und die europäischen Mächte. Universaler Anspruch und nationale Wirklichkeiten. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 3, p. 593-629. – IDEM. Frankreich, Burgund und das Reich im späten Mittelalter. Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Hrsg. v. Gabriele ANNAS, Peter GORZOLLA, Christian KLEINERT und Jessika NOWAK. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV-519 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation/Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation, 56). 2430. ORMROD (W. Mark). Edward III. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XXV-721 p. 2431. PARAVICINI (Werner). Terreur royale: Louis XI et la ville d'Arras, avril 1477. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 551-583. 2432. Philippe de Mézières and his age: piety and politics in the fourteenth century. Ed. by Renate BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI and Kiril PETKOV. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, VII-531 p. (The medieval Mediterranean: peoples, economies and cultures, 400–1500, 91). 2433. PHILLIPS (Seymour). Edward II. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XVI-679 p. 2434. PIBIRI (Eva). En voyage pour Monseigneur. Ambassadeurs, officiers et messagers à la cour de Savoie (XIVe–XVe siècles), Lausanne, Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire de la Suisse romande, 2011, 767 p. (4e série, 11). 2435. Poteri, relazioni, guerra nel regno di Ferrante d'Aragona. Studi sulle corrispondenze diplomatiche. A cura di Francesco SENATORE e Francesco STORTI. Napoli, ClioPress, 2011, 394 p. (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Discipline storiche Ettore Lepore. Saggi, 8). 2436. Prince (Le) en son "miroir": littérature et politique sous les premiers Valois. Actes de la journée d'études organisée par le Laboratoire HLLI (Histoire, Langues, Littértures, Interculturel) à Dunkerque (Université du Littoral – Côte d'Opale) le jeudi 22 octobre 2009. Éd. par Jean DEVAUX et Alain MARCHANDISSE. Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2011, 873 p. (ill.). (Le Moyen Âge: revue d'histoire et de philologie 116, 3-4). 2437. René d'Anjou (1409–1480): pouvoirs et government. Éd. par Jean-Michel MATZ et Noël-Yves TONNERRE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 400 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Histoire).
dina ad Agrigento tra Duecento e Quattrocento. Caltanissetta e Roma, Sciascia, 2011, 671 p. (Medioevo mediterraneo, 4). 2441. SPEER (Christian). Frömmigkeit und Politik. Städtische Eliten in Görlitz zwischen 1300 und 1550. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 771 p. (Hallische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 8). 2442. STRATHERN (Paul). Death in Florence: the Medici, Savonarola and the battle for the soul of the Renaissance. London, Jonathan Cape, 2011, 428 p. 2443. WARNER (Kathryn). The adherents of Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent, in March 1330. English historical review, 2011, 126, 521, p. 779-805. Cf. nos 2387, 3220, 3814, 6918, 6922 § 4. Jews. ** 2444. Commento (Il) medio di Averroè alla Metafisica di Aristotele nella tradizione ebraica: edizione delle versioni ebraiche medievali di Zeraḥyah Hen e di Qalonymos ben Qalonymos con introduzione storica e filologica. A cura di Mauro ZONTA. Pavia, Pavia U. P., 2011, 2 vol., X-150 p., VIII-708 p. (Pavia University Press. Editoria scientifica). ** 2445. SCHMITZ (Rolf-Peter). Jakob ben Reuben: Kriege Gottes (Milchamot hash-shem). Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 226 p. (Judentum und Umwelt, 81). ______________________
2446. CAFFIERO (Marina). Forced Baptism: Histories of Jews, Christians, and Converts in Papal Rome. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, 586 p. 2447. Christliches und jüdisches Europa im Mittelalter. Kolloquium zu Ehren von Alfred Haverkamp. Hrsg. v. Lukas CLEMENS und Sigrid HIRBODIAN. Red.: Miriam WEISS. Trier, Kliomedia, 2011, 286 p. 2448. DAVIDSON (Herbert A.). Maimonides the rationalist. Oxford a. Portland, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2011, XIV-318 p. (The Littman library of Jewish civilization). 2449. Fideles servitores nostri ebrei in civitate Papie. Documenti e riflessioni sugli ebrei a Pavia fino all'esplusione (1597). A cura di Ezio BARBIERI. Varzi, Guardamagna, 2011, 207 p. (ill.). (La voce dei documenti. Historia restituta, 1).
2438. RYAN (Michael A.). A kingdom of stargazers: astrology and authority in the late Medieval crown of Aragon. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XIV-214 p.
2450. FISHMAN (Talya). Becoming the people of the Talmud: oral Torah as written tradition in Medieval Jewish cultures. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 413 p. (Jewish culture and contexts).
2439. SAKELLARIOU (Eleni). Southern Italy in the Late Middle Ages. Demographic, Institutional and Economic Change in the Kingdom of Naples, c.1440– c.1530 Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 584 p. (The Medieval Mediterranean).
2451. GOLDIN (Simha). Jewish women in Europe in the Middle Ages. A quiet revolution. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, X-271 p. (Gender in history).
2440. SARDINA (Patrizia). Il labirinto della memoria: clan familiari, potere regio e amministrazione citta-
2452. History as prelude: Muslims and Jews in the medieval Mediterranean. Ed. by Joseph V. MONTVILLE. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XV-192 p.
§ 5. Islam 2453. IDEL (Moshe). Kabbalah in Italy, 1280–1510: a survey. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XI494 p. 2454. KLEIN-BRASLAVY (Sara). Maimonides as biblical interpreter. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2011, 304 p. (Emunot. Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah). 2455. KOREN (Sharon Faye). Forsaken: the menstruant in Medieval Jewish mysticism. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2011, XVII-286 p. (HBI series on Jewish women; the Tauber Institute series for the study of European Jewry). 2456. KRUMMEL (Miriamne Ara). Crafting Jewishness in Medieval England: Legally absent, virtually present. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 264 p. (New Middle Ages). jews 2457. PASSINI (Jean). The Medieval Jewish quarter of Toledo. Toledo, Editions of Sofer y Madrid, J. H. Passini, 2011, 142 p. (ill., pl.). 2458. PROSPERI (Adriano). Il seme dell'intolleranza: ebrei, eretici, selvaggi: Granada 1492. Roma, Laterza, 2011, IX-179 p. (Saggi tascabili Laterza, 360. I libri del Festival della mente). 2459. RODRÍGUEZ ARRIBAS (Josefina). El cielo de Sefarad: los judíos y los astros (siglos XII y XIV). Córdoba, El Almendro, 2011, 429 p. (ill.). (Estudios de cultura hebrea, 17). 2460. Rome re-imagined: twelfth-century Jews, Christians and Muslims encounter the Eternal City. Ed. by Louis I. HAMILTON and Stefano RICCIONI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 159 p. (ill., maps). 2461. ROWE (Nina). The Jew, the cathedral and the medieval city: synagoga and ecclesia in the thirteenth century. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-326 p 2462. SAPIR ABULAFIA (Anna). Christian-Jewish relations, 1000–1300: Jews in the service of medieval Christendom. London, Routledge a. New York, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011, XXIV-262 p. (maps). (Medieval world). 2463. Science in medieval Jewish cultures. Ed. by Gad FREUDENTHAL Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII547 p. 2464. SIBON (Juliette). Les Juifs de Marseille au XIVe siècle. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 585 p. (Nouvelle Gallia Judaica). 2465. VIDRO (Nadia). Verbal morphology in the Karaite treatise on Hebrew grammar: Kitāb al-'Uqūd fī taṣārīf al-luġa al-'Ibrāniyya. Leiden Brill, 2011, XV201 p. (Études sur le Judaïsme médiéval, 51. Cambridge Genizah studies, 2). 2466. Washington (The) Haggadah. Ed. by David STERN and Katrin KOGMAN-APPEL. Cambridge, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press a. Washington, Library of Congress, 2011, 161 p. (pl., ill.).
101 § 5. Islam. _______________________
2467. AMIR-MOEZZI (Mohammad Ali). Le coran silencieux et le coran parlant: sources scripturaires de l'islam entre histoire et ferveur. Paris, CNRS, 2011, 266 p. 2468. Arabes in patria Asturiensium, Oviedo del 4 al 7 de mayo de 2011. Ed. por Clara E. PRIETO ENTRIALGO. Oviedo, Clara Elena Prieto Entrialgo, 2011, 348 p. (Asturiensis regni territorium: documentos y estudios sobre le período tardorromano y medieval en el noroeste hispano, 3). 2469. BASHIER (Salman H.). The story of Islamic philosophy: Ibn Ṭufayl, Ibn al-'Arabī, and others on the limit between naturalism and traditionalism. Albany, SUNY Press, 2011, XI-197 p. 2470. BEN-ZAKEN (Avner). Reading Ḥayy Ibn-Yaqẓān: a cross-cultural history of autodidacticism. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XIII-191 p. (History of science). 2471. BRESC (Henri), RĀGIB (Yūsuf). Le sultan mérinide Abu l-Hasan 'Ali et Jacques III de Majorque: du traité de paix au pacte secret. Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2011, 131 p. (Publications de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1040. Cahiers des annales islamologiques, 32). 2472. CHIARELLI (Leonard C.). A history of Muslim Sicily. Venera, Midsea Books, 2011, XLIV-417 p. (ill., maps). (Central Mediterranean studies series, 1). 2473. Christlicher Norden – Muslimischer Süden. Ansprüche und Wirklichkeiten von Christen, Juden und Muslimen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter. Hrsg. v. Matthias M. TISCHLER und Alexander FIDORA. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 789 p. (Erudiri Sapientia, 7). 2474. Contextualizing the Muslim other in medieval Christian discourse. Ed. by Jerold C. FRAKES. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XX-182 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2475. DADOYAN (Seta B.). The Armenians in the Medieval Islamic World. Vol. I. The Arab period in Armīniyah, seventh to eleventh centuries. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2011, XXVII-208 p. 2476. DŪRĪ ('Abd al-'Azīz). Early Islamic institutions: administration and taxation from the Caliphate to the Umayyads and Abbasids. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, X-222 p. (Contemporary Arab scholarship in the social sciences, 7). 2477. Écriture de l'histoire et processus de canonisation dans les premiers siècles de l'Islam. Éd. par Antoine BORRUT. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011, 317 p. (ill.). (Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. Histoire, 129). 2478. ESPARZA (José Javier). Moros y cristianos: la gran aventura de la España medieval. Madrid, La Esfera de los Libros, 2011, 736 p. (map).
2479. FABRIZIO (Daniela). Il profeta della discordia: Maometto e la polemistica islamo-cristiana medioevale. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 596 p. 2480. FENIELLO (Amedeo). Sotto il segno del leone: storia dell'Italia musulmana. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2011, 305 p. (tav., ill.). (I Robinson. Letture). 2481. FRAKES (Jerold C.). Vernacular and Latin literary discourses of the Muslim other in medieval Germany. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVI-233 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2482. FROMHERZ (Allen James). Ibn Khaldun: life and times. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, XIII-190 p. (maps). 2483. FUDGE (Bruce). Qur'ānic hermeneutics: alTabrisī and the craft of commentary. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, XV-160 p. (Routledge studies in the Qur'an). 2484. IRWIN (Robert). Islamic cultures and societies to the end of the eighteenth century. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XX-844 p. (The new Cambridge history of Islam, 4). 2485. Islamisation et arabisation de l'Occident musulman médiéval: VIIe–XIIe siècle. Éd. par Dominique VALÉRIAN et Cyrille AILLET. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 407 p. (Bibliothèque historique des pays d'islam, 2). (ill., maps). 2486. Mer (La) et le sacré en Islam médiéval. Éd. par Christophe PICARD. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011, 313 p. (ill., maps). (Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. Série histoire, 130). 2487. RĀZĪ, ABŪ BAKR MUḥAMMAD IBN ZAKARĪYĀ. L'Almansore, volgarizzamento fiorentino del XIV secolo. Edizione critica. A cura di Rosa PIRO. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, CIX-1009 p. (Micrologus' library, 47). 2488. ROUIGHI (Ramzi). The making of a Mediterranean emirate: Ifriqiya and its Andalusis, 1200–1400. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 238 p. (Middle Ages series). 2489. RUGGLES (D. Fairchild). Islamic art and visual culture: an anthology of sources. Chichester, WileyBlackwell, 2011, IX-186 p. (ill.). 2490. Siculo-Arabic ivories and Islamic painting, 1100–1300. Proceedings of the international conference, Berlin, 6–8 July 2007. Ed. by David KNIPP. München, Hirmer, 2011, 338 p. (ill.). (Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 36). § 6. Vikings. _______________________
2491. CANOSA (Rosa). Migrazione, spazio reale e spazio mitico nell'Islanda fra i secoli IX e XIV: la Landnàmabòk. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 209245.
2492. Cuerdale (The) Hoard and related Viking-Age silver and gold from Britain and Ireland in the British Museum. Ed. by James GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, Barry AGER and Karen HUGHES. London, British Museum, 2011, XII-387 p. (ill., maps). (British Museum research publication, 185). 2493. HELMBRECHT (Michaela). Wirkmächtige Kommunikationsmedien: Menschenbilder der Vendel- und Wikingerzeit und ihre Kontexte. Lund, Sweden Lunds Uuniversitet, 2011, 540 p. (ill., maps). (Acta archaeologica Lundensia. Series in 4o, 30). 2494. Ideology and power in the Viking and Middle Ages. Scandinavia, Iceland, Ireland, Orkney and the Faeroes. Ed. by Gro STEINSLAND, Jón Viðar SIGURÐSSON, Jan Erik REKDAL [et al.]. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XI-405 p. (The Northern World, 52). 2495. KALINKE (Marianne E.), VINAVER (Trust). The Arthur of the North: the Arthurian legend in the Norse and Rus' realms. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011, 223 p. (Arthurian literature in the Middle Ages, 5). 2496. NORDEIDE (Sæbjørg Walaker). The Viking Age as a period of religious transformation: the Christianization of Norway from AD 560–1150/1200. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XIX-396 p. (ill., maps). (Studies in Viking and medieval Scandinavia, 2). 2497. Nordens plass i middelalderens nye Europa: samfunnsomdanning, sentralmakt og periferier. Rapporter til det 27. nordiske historikermøte, Tromsø 11.– 14. august 2011[ = Scandinavia's place in medieval new Europe: social transformation, central power and peripheries: reports to the 27th Nordic historian meeting, Tromsø 11.–14. august 2011]. Ed. by Einar NIEMI, Steinar IMSEN, Lars Ivar HANSEN and Richard HOLT. Stamsund, Tromsø Orkana akademisk Universitetet i Tromsø, 2011, 169 p. (Speculum Boreale, 16). 2498. Normandy and its neighbours, 900–1250: essays for David Bates. Ed. by David CROUCH and Kathleen THOMPSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XXIV310 p. 2499. Vento (Il) del nord. Scandinavia ed Europa tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Lorenzo LOZZI GALLO e Lucia SINISI. Ravenna, Longo, 2011, 148 p. (Quaderni del S.A.G.E.O, 4). 2500. Viking settlements and Viking society: papers from the proceedings of the sixteenth Viking Congress, Reykjavík and Reykholt, 16–23 August 2009. Ed. by Anton HOLT. Reykjavík Hið íslenzka fornleifafélag a. University of Iceland Press, 2011, XVII-511 p. (ill., maps). § 7. History of law and institutions. ** 2501. Giustizia (La) del Capitano del popolo di Bologna (1275–1511). A cura di William MONTORSI, Lorena SCACCABAROZZI e Giorgio TAMBA. Modena, Aedes Muratoriana, 2011, XXXIII-548 p. (Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi. Biblioteca, 190).
§ 7. History of law and institutions ** 2502. Middle (A) English statute-book. Part 1. Statuta antiqua. Ed. by Claire CATALINI FENNELL. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, 199 p. (ill.). ** 2503. Oberingelheimer Haderbuch 1476–1485 (Das). Hrsg. v. Werner MARZI. Bearb. v. Stefan GRATHOFF (Transkription) und Regina SCHÄFER (Übertragung). Alzey, Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte, 2011, 89 p. (240 Doppelseiten). (Die Ingelheimer Haderbücher. Spätmittelalterliche Gerichtsprotokolle, 1).
2514. CANTEAUT (Olivier). Confisquer pour redistribuer: la circulation de la grâce royale d'après l'exemple de la forfaiture de Pierre Remi (1328). Revue historique, 2011, 658, p. 311-326. 2515. CHANTINNE (Frédéric). Aux origines de la 'châtellenie de Chimay': des organes du pouvoir à l'espace d'influence d'une famille de rang comtal (IXe–XIIIe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 191-204.
** 2504. Registre (Un) de la vicomté d'Elbeuf (1470– 1472): édition d'un registre de haute justice seigneuriale normande (Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime, 52 BP 5). Éd. par Adrien DUBOIS. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2011, 517 p. (Publications du centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques médiévales).
2516. CONETTI (Mario). Responsabilità e pena: un tema etico nella scienza del diritto civile (secoli XIII– XIV). Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, XIII-212 p. (Università degli studi dell'Insubria, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 38).
** 2505. RODRIGO SÁNCHEZ DE ARÉVALO. Tratado sobre la división del reino y cuándo es lícita la primogeniture. Ed. por Jesús Angel SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2011, 222 p. (Ciencias históricas, 20).
2518. FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ (Antón). Enfiteusis: orígenes, configuración jurídica romana y adaptación al derecho medieval hispánico. El Ejido, Círculo Rojo, 2011, 261 p.
** 2506. Statuto (Lo) di Montebuono in Sabina del 1437. Roma, Viella, 2011, 144 p., 52 tav. (ill.). ** 2507. STEFANI (Silvia). Documenti processuali del secolo XII a Nonantola fra storia e letteratura. Nonantola, Centro studi storici nonantolani e Modena, Artestampa, 2011, 126 p. (ill., map). (Tesi, 7). ** 2508. WERCKMEISTER (Jean). Le mariage: Décret de Gratien, causes 27 à 36. Paris, Ed. Du Cerf, 2011, 768 p. (Sources canoniques, 3). ______________________
2509. ANDERSEN (Per). Legal procedure and practice in Medieval Denmark. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 480 p. (Medieval law and its practice). 2510. Avant le contrat social. Le contrat politique dans l'Occident médiéval, XIIIe–XVe siècle. Sous la dir. de François FORONDA. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 726 p. 2511. Avvocato (L') medievale tra mestiere e scienza giuridica: il Liber cautele et doctrine di Uberto da Bobbio (121245). A cura di Nicoletta SARTI e Simone BORDINI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 361 p. (Storia dell'avvocatura in Italia). 2512. BACHMANN (Bodo). Die Butzbacher Stadtrechnungen im Spätmittelalter 1371–1419. Bd. 1. Kommentar & Index. Bd. 2. Edition. Marburg, Historische Kommission für Hessen, 2011, 2 vol., XIV-406 p., VII-758 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, 160). 2513. BELLOMO (Manlio). Il doppio Medioevo. Roma, Viella, 2011, 186 p. (Ius nostrum, 38). – IDEM. Inediti della giurisprudenza medievale. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann, 2011, VI-425 p. (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 261).
2517. DIURNI (Giovanni). Aspirazioni di giuridicità del Medioevo d'Italia. Lezioni di storia del diritto italiano. Torino,: Giappichelli, 2011, XIII-239 p.
2519. GEVA (Benjamin). The payment order of antiquity and the middle ages: a legal history. Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2011, XLVI-736 p. (ill.). (Hart monographs in transnational and international law, 6). 2520. Giurisdizione fallimentare: modelli dottrinali e prassi locali tra basso medioevo ed età moderna. Atti del convegno, Ravenna 18–19 novembre 2010. A cura di Alessia ANNICCHINI LEGNANI e Nicoletta SARTI. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2011, 158 p. 2521. HAMEL (Sébastien). La justice dans une ville du Nord du Royaume de France au Moyen Âge. Étude sur la pratique judiciaire à Saint-Quentin, fin du XIe– début XVe siècle. Turhout, Brepols, 2011, XV-411 p. (Studies in European Urban History, 1100–1800, 24). 2522. HILAIRE (Jean). La construction de l'état de droit dans les archives judiciaires de la Cour de France au XIIIe siècle. Paris, Dalloz, 2011, XVI-355 p. (Esprit du droit). 2523. How Nordic are the Nordic medieval laws? Proceedings from the first Carlsberg Conference on Medieval Legal History. Ed. by Per ANDERSEN, Ditlev TAMM and Helle VOG. Copenhagen, DJØF Publishing, 2011, 242 p. (ill.). 2524. Law and private life in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Sixth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History, 2009. Ed. by Per ANDERSEN, Mia MÜNSTER-SWENDSEN and Helle VOGT. Copenhagen, DJØF Publishing, 2011, 257 p. (ill.). 2525. Law as profession and practice in medieval Europe: essays in honor of James A. Brundage. Ed. by Kenneth PENNINGTON and Melodie Harris EICHBAUER. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XIV-421 p. (ill.). 2526. LEMESLE (Bruno). Corriger les excès. L'extension des infractions, des délits et des crimes, et les transformations de la procédure inquisitoire dans les lettres
pontificales (milieu du XIIe siècle–fin du pontificat d'Innocent III). Revue historique, 2011, 660, p. 747-779. 2527. LEUPRECHT (Peter). Reason, Justice and Dignity: A Journey to Some Unexplored Sources of Human Rights. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 121 p. (Nijhoff Law Specials). 2528. LYSÁ (Žofia). Privilégium pre Bratislavu z roku 1291. (Privileg für Bratislava aus dem Jahr 1291). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, p. 189-214. 2529. MAKOWSKI (Elizabeth M.). English nuns and the law in the Middle Ages: cloistered nuns and their lawyers, 1293–1540. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, 198 p. (Studies in the history of medieval religion, 39).
2540. PADOVANI (Andrea). 'Tenebo hunc ordinem', Methods and structure of Medieval law lectures (12th– 14th centuries). Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2011, 79, 3-4, p. 353-389. 2541. PAYLING (S.J.). Legal right and dispute resolution in late Medieval England: the sale of the Lordship of Dunster. English historical review, 2011, 126, 518, p. 17-43. 2542. PENE VIDARI (Gian Savino). A proposito di Ricerche sui poteri civili dei vescovi nelle città umbre l'alto medioevo, di Sergio Mochi Onory. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 488-492. – IDEM. Storia del diritto. Età medievale e moderna. Torino, Giappichelli, 2011, IX-284 p.
2530. MARGUE (Michel). Pouvoirs et espaces comtaux. Le cas des comtés ardennais (Xe–XIIIe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 507-532.
2543. Proceedings (The) against the Templars in the British Isles. Vol. I. The Latin edition. Vol. II. The Translation. Ed. and tr. Helen J. NICHOLSON. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 2 vol., XL-432 p., LX-653 p.
2531. MATHIEU (Isabelle). Les justices seigneuriales en Anjou et dans le Maine à la fin du Moyen Âge: institutions, acteurs et pratiques judiciaires. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 393 p. (ill., pl., maps). (Collection "Histoire").
2544. Regional Variations in Matrimonial Law and Custom in Europe, 1150–1600. Ed. by Mia KORPIOLA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 384 p. (Medieval law and its practice).
2532. Medieval legal process. Physical, spoken and written performance in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Marco MOSTERT and P. S. BARNWELL. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2011, IX-299 p. (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 22). 2533. MINAUD (Gérard). Les juristes médiévaux italiens et la comptabilité commerciale avant sa formalisation en partie double de 1494. Revue historique, 2011, 660, p. 781-810. 2534. MORÁN MARTÍN (Remedios). Historia de la Administración en España. De la España romana a la medieval: Grado Ciencias Jurídicas de las Administraciones Públicas. Madrid, Universitas, 2011, 208 p. 2535. MOSCHETTI (Guiscardo). Il frammento del Digestum Novum degli inizi del sec. XII conservato nell'Archivio di Stato di Macerata. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 5-68. 2536. MÜHLE (Eduard). Rechtsstadtgründungen im mittelalterlichen Polen. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, VI-395 p. (ill., maps). (Städteforschung. Reihe A, Darstellungen, 81). 2537. NAKAYA (So). La giustizia civile a Lucca nella prima metà del XIV secolo. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 630, p. 635-678. 2538. NOËL (René). Un espace de pouvoirs partagés: la châtellenie d'Étalle aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 533-549. 2539. Odluke dubrovačkih vijeća 1395–1397 / Reformationes consiliorum civitatis Ragusii 1395–1397. Ed. by Nella LONZA. Zagreb, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti, 2011, 456 p. (Serija Monumenta historica Ragusina, 10).
2545. SATO (Takeshi). Hyakunensensō-ki Furansu kokuseishi kenkyū: Ōken, shokō, kōtōhōin. (A study of the French constitution during the time of the Hundred Years War: King, lords and parliaments). Sapporo, Hokkaido U. P., 2011, 354 p. 2546. SCHULZE (Hans K.). Grundstrukturen der Verfassung im Mittelalter. Bd. 4: Das Königtum. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 230 p. 2547. SEABOURNE (Gwen). Imprisoning Medieval Women: The Non-Judicial Confinement and Abduction of Women in England, c.1170–1509. Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2011, 238 p. 2548. SHOEMAKER (Karl). Sanctuary and crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500. New York, Fordham U. P., 2011, XIV-269 p. (Just ideas: transformative ideals of justice in ethical and political thought). 2549. SORRENTI (Lucia). I sovrani crociati: chiese, nobili, borghesi nel Mediterraneo medievale. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, 210 p. (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza della Università di Messina, 251). 2550. STRAUCH (Dieter). Mittelalterliches nordisches Recht bis 1500. Eine Quellenkunde. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XXXVI-886 p. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, 73). 2551. TESTUZZA (Maria Sole). Tra cielo e terra: i congegni dell'obbedienza medievale. Torino, Giappichelli, 2011, VI-187 p. (Università di Catania. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 242). 2552. TOGNETTI (Sergio). 'A me converrà trescare secondo il loro ballo'. Un lodo arbitrale tra lanaioli nella Firenze del 1347. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 627, p. 93-112.
§ 8. Economic and social history 2553. TOLLERTON (Linda). Wills and Will-Making in Anglo-Saxon England. Rochester, Boydell Press. York, York Medieval Press, 2011, XIV-327 p. 2554. Tome: studies in Medieval Celtic history and law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards. Ed. by Fiona EDMONDS and Paul RUSSELL. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, XVII-238 p. (Studies in Celtic history, 31). Cf. nos 6536, 6577 § 8. Economic and social history. ______________________
2555. ALBERTANI (Germana). Città, cittadini, denaro: il prestito cristiano a Bologna tra Due e Trecento. Bologna, CLUEB, 2011, 216 p. (Itinerari medievali, 15). 2556. ALLEN (Martin). Silver production and the money supply in England and Wales, 1086–c.1500. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 114-131. 2557. AMOR (Nicholas R.). Late Medieval Ipswich: trade and industry. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, VII-300 p. 2558. ANDERSSON RÆDER (Johanna). Hellre hustru än änka. Äktenskapets ekonomiska betydelse för frälsekvinnor i senmedeltidens Sverige. (Plutôt femme mariée que veuve. L'importance économique du mariage pour les femmes nobles à la fin du Moyen Age en Suède). Stockholm, Acta universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2011, 166 p. (ill.). (Stockholm studies in economic history, 59). 2559. ANDRIĆ (Tonija). Položaj obrtničkih naučnika i pomoćne radne snage u Splitu sredinom 15. stoljeć. (The position of the craftsmen apprentices and auxiliary labour force in Split in the mid-fifteenth century). Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 2011, 29, p. 127-147. 2560. ARCUTI (Silvana). Segnate a vista: donne di strada nel Medioevo. Lecce-Brescia, Pensa multimedia, 2011, 149 p. (Paideia, 53). 2561. BAGERIUS (Henric), EKHOLST (Christine). Den politiska kärleken: Homosocialt begär och heteronormativa strukturer i det medeltida samhället (Political love: homosocial desire and heteronormative practices in Medieval Sweden). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 2, p. 175-195. 2562. Black Book (The) of Hexham: a northern monastic estate in 1379, with additional documents, c. 1113–1535. Tr. and ed. by R.H. BRITNELL, C. ETTY and A. KING. Hexham, Hexham Local History Society, 2011, 299 p. 2563. BONET DONATO (María), ISLA FREZ (Amancio). Tarragona medieval, capital eclesiàstica i del camp. Lleida, Pagès, 2011, 325 p. (ill., maps). 2564. BOURIN (Monique), CAROCCI (Sandro), ME(François), To Figueras (Lluís). Les campagnes de la Méditerranée occidentale autour de 1300: tenNANT
sions destructrices, tensions novatrices. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 663-704. 2565. BROWN (Warren C.). Violence in medieval Europe. Harlow, Longman, 2011, XV-328 p. 2566. CASSIDY (Richard). Adventus Vicecomitum and the financial crisis of Henry III's reign, 1250– 1272. English historical review, 2011, 126, 520, p. 614627. 2567. CHABOT (Isabelle). La dette des familles: femmes, lignage et patrimoine à Florence aux XIVe et XVe siècles. Rome, École française de Rome, 2011, VIII-450 p. (Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 445). 2568. CHARAGEAT (Martine). La délinquance matrimoniale. Couples en conflit et justice en Aragon au Moyen Age (XVe–XVIe siècle). Avant-propos de Claude GAUVARD. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 350 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 106). 2569. CHARRUADAS (Paulo). Croissance rurale et essor urbain à Bruxelles. Les dynamiques d'une société entre villes et campagnes (1000–1300). Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2011, 404 p. (Classe de letters). 2570. CHILOSI (David), VOLCKART (Oliver). Money, states, and empire: financial integration and institutional change in Central Europe, 1400–1520. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 762-791. 2571. CLARIDGE (Jordan), LANGDON (John). Storage in medieval England: the evidence from purveyance accounts, 1295–1349. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1242-1265. 2572. COSTEN (Michael D.). Anglo-Saxon Somerset. Oxford, Oxbow, 2011, 264 p. 2573. CROUCH (David). The English aristocracy, 1070–1272: a social transformation. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XVIII-348 p. 2574. DALTON (Paul), INSLEY (Charles), WILKINSON (Louise J.). Cathedrals, communities and conflict in the Anglo-Norman world. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, 258 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Studies in the history of medieval religion, 38). 2575. Dark (The) side of childhood in late antiquity and the Middle Ages: unwanted, disabled and lost. Ed. by Katariina MUSTAKALLIO and Christian LAES. Oxford, Oxbow, 2011, X-130 p. (Childhood in the past monograph series, 2). 2576. DE VITT (Flavia). Famiglie del Medioevo: storie di vita in Friuli (secoli XIV–XV). Udine, Forum, 2011, 239 p. (ill.). (Strumenti di storia del Friuli, 5). 2577. DEL BO (Beatrice). La spada e la grazia: vite di aristocratici nel trecento subalpino. Torino, Deputazione subalpina di storia patria, 2011, 210 p. (Deputazione subalpina di storia patria. Biblioteca storica subalpine, 224).
2578. DENJEAN (Claude). La loi du lucre. L'usure en procès dans la Couronne d'Aragon à la fin du Moyen Âge. Madrid, Casa de Velásquez, 2011, 532 p.
2592. GROHMANN (Alberto). Fiere e mercati nell'Europa occidentale. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2011, 193 p. (ill.). (Il Medioevo attraverso i documenti. Campus).
2579. DEVROEY (Jean-Pierre). Perception de la nature productive et aspects des paysages ruraux à SaintRemi de Reims au IXe siècle. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 267-294.
2593. GULLBEKK (Svein Harald). Myntenes omløpshastighet i norsk middelalder: middelalderens økonomiske system. (The velocity of circulation of Norwegian coins c. 1050 to c. 1320). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 4, p. 511-529.
2580. DI STEFANO (Emanuela). Le Marche e Roma nel Quattrocento: produzioni, mercanti, reti commerciali. Camerino, Università di Camerino, 2011, 253 p. (ill.). (Per la storia dell'Università degli studi di Camerino, 9). 2581. DIACCIATI (Silvia). Popolani e magnati: società e politica nella Firenze del Duecento. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, XXXII-466 p. (Istituzioni e società, 15). 2582. DIJKMAN (Jessica). Shaping Medieval Markets. The Organization of Commodity Markets in Holland, c. 1200–c. 1450. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XVI-447 p. (Global economic history series). 2583. Disettes (Les) dans la conjoncture de 1300 en Méditerranée occidentale. Éd. par Monique BOURIN, John Victor DRENDEL et François MENANT. Rome, École française de Rome, 2011, 438 p. (ill., maps). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 450). 2584. EDVINSSON (Rodney). Inflation before paper money: debasement cycles in Sweden–Finland 1350– 1594. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 2, p. 166-183. 2585. Famiglie nella Tuscia tardomedievale: per una storia. A cura di Alessandro PONTECORVI e Abbondio ZUPPANTE. Orte, Centro di studi per il patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia ed Ente ottava medievale di Orte, 2011, 353 p. 2586. FELLER (Laurent). Sur la formation des prix dans l'économie du haut Moyen Âge. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 627-661. 2587. FENIELLO (Amedeo). Napoli: società ed economia (91137). Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2011, 314 p. (Nuovi studi storici, 89). 2588. Formen der Armenfürsorge in hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Zentren nördlich und südlich der Alpen. Hrsg. v. Lukas CLEMENS, Alfred HAVERKAMP und Romy KUNERT. Trier, Kliomedia, 2011, 338 p. (Trierer Historische Forschungen, 66). 2589. GAMBERINI (Andrea). Vescovo e conte. La fortuna di un titolo nell'Italia centro-settentrionale (secoli XI–XV). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 138, p. 671-696.
2594. HAEMERS (Jelle). Social memory and rebellion in fifteenth-century Ghent. Social history, 2011, 36, 4, p. 443-463. 2595. HAMMES (Barbara). Ritterlicher Fürst und Ritterschaft. Konkurrierende Vergegenwärtigung ritterlich-höfischer Tradition im Umkreis südwestdeutscher Fürstenhöfe 1350–1450. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, XXXVIII-406 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 185). 2596. Hièrarchie et stratification sociale dans l'Occidente medieval (400–1100). Sous la direction de François BOUGARD, Dominique IOGNA-PRAT et Régine LE JAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 392 p. (Haut Moyen Âge, 6). 2597. History (A) of everyday life in Scotland. Vol. 1. A History of everyday life in medieval Scotland, 1000 to 1600. Ed. by Edward J. COWAN a. Lizanne HENDERSON. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, XVI-319 p. (ill.). 2598. HOLM (Olof). Digerdödens följder för jordägandet – exemplet jämtland. (Consequences of the Black Death for the ownership of land: the Jämtland case). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 1, p. 7-32. 2599. HUTTON (Shennan). Women and economic activities in late medieval Ghent. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 240 p. (ill., map). (The New Middle Ages). 2600. IZQUIERDO ARANDA (Teresa). El fuster, definició d'un ofici en la València medieval. València, Universitat de València, Servei de Publicacions, 2011, 803 p. (ill.). 2601. JOST (Kathrin). Konrad Justinger (ca. 1365– 1438): Chronist und Finanzmann in Berns großer Zeit. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2011, 488 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, Sonderbd. 56). 2602. Legitimação e linhagem na Idade Média peninsular: homenagem a D. Pedro, Conde de Barcelos. Ed. por Georges MARTIN i José Carlos RIBEIRO MIRANDA. Porto, Estratégias Criativas, 2011, 439 p. (ill.).
2590. GARCÍA MARSILLA (Juan Vicente). Art i societat a la València medieval. Catarroja, Editorial Afers, 2011, 346 p. (pl., ill.). (Recerca i pensament, 62).
2603. MAC AVOY (Liz Herbert). Medieval Anchoritisms: gender, space and the solitary life. Woodbridge, Suffolk, D.S. Brewer, 2011, IX-201 p. (Gender in the Middle Ages, 6).
2591. GARCIA-OLIVER (Ferran). The valley of the six mosques: work and life in medieval Valldigna. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XX-311 p. (maps). (The medieval countryside, 8).
2604. MADDICOTT (J.R.). The oath of Marlborough, 1209: fear, government and popular allegiance in the Reign of King John. English historical review, 2011, 126, 519, p. 281-318.
§ 8. Economic and social history 2605. Material culture (The) of daily living in the Anglo-Saxon world. Ed. by Maren Clegg HYER, Gale R. OWEN-CROCKER and Carole Patricia BIGGAM. Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2011, XII-386 p. (ill., maps). (Exeter studies in medieval Europe). 2606. MATSUO (Nobushige). Zakusen hōken chidai syōkyakushi kenkyū. (A historical study of the redemption of feudal rent in Saxony). Okayama, Daigaku Kyoiku Shuppan, 2011, 371 p. 2607. MAYR-HARTING (Henry). Religion, politics, and society in Great Britain, 1066–1272. Harlow, Longman, 2011, XIX-354 p. (ill.). (Religion, politics, and society in Britain). 2608. Middle-aged women in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Sue NIEBRZYDOWSKI. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2011, XII-153 p. (ill., facs.). (Gender in the Middle Ages, 7). 2609. MILANI (Giuliano). Avidité et trahison du bien commun, une peinture infamante du XIIIe siècle. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 705-739. 2610. Motherhood, religion, and society in Medieval Europe, 400–1400: essays presented to Henrietta Leyser. Ed. by Conrad LEYSER and Lesley SMITH. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XV-369 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West). 2611. NOBILI (Paolo Gabriele). Alle origini della città. Credito, fisco e società nella Bergamo del Duecento. Bergamo, Fondazione per la storia economica e sociale di Bergamo, 2011, 367 p. (Studi di storia della società, dell'economia e delle istituzioni bergamasche, 5). 2612. NOLTE (Cordula). Frauen und Männer in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters. Darmstadt, WBG, 2011, 138 p. (Geschichte kompakt). 2613. OSCHEMA (Klaus). Falsches Spiel mit wahren Körpern. Freundschaftsgesten und die Politik der Authentizität im franko-burgundischen Spätmittelalter. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 1, p. 40-67. 2614. Paesaggio (Il) agrario italiano medievale: storia e didattica. Summer school Emilio Sereni, 2a edizione, 24–29 agosto 2010. Gattatico, Istituto Alcide Cervi, 2011, 495 p. (ill.). (Quaderni). 2615. PAULY (Michel). L'emplacement des hôpitaux dans les villes mosanes et ardennaises au Moyen Âge. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 585-603. 2616. PETTI BALBI (Giovanna). Fenomeni usurari e restituzioni: la situazione ligure (secoli XII–XIV). Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 628, p. 199-220. 2617. PIRANI (Francesco). Moderazione del vivere cittadino: il Testamentum di Pietro da Fermo (1292). Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 628, p. 343-372. 2618. ROSE (Susan). The wine trade in medieval Europe, 1000–1500. London a. New York, Continuum, 2011, XVIII-197 p. (ill., maps). 2619. SANKOJI (Yumiko). Chūsei furansu kaikeishi: 13–14 seiki kaikei chōbo no jisshōteki kenkyū. (A his-
tory of accounts of Medieval France: a study of the account books in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries). Tokyo, Dobunkan, 2011, 265 p. 2620. SANTORO (Alfredo Maria). Circolazione monetaria ed economia a Salerno nei secoli XIII e XIV. Borgo San Lorenzo, All'Insegna del Giglio, 2011, 118 p. (ill.). (Medioevo scavato, 6). 2621. SANTOS SALAZAR (Igor). Una terra contesa: spazi, poteri e società nell'Emilia orientale dei secoli VI–X. Firenze, Le lettere, 2011, 398 p. (Le vie della storia, 83). 2622. SAUL (Nigel). Chivalry in Medieval England. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XIV-416 p. 2623. SCHÖPFER PFAFFEN (Marie-Claude). Verkehrspolitik im Mittelalter. Bernische und Walliser Akteure, Netzwerke und Strategien. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2011, 373 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, Sonderbd. 55). 2624. Silver economies, monetisation and society in Scandinavia, AD 800–1100. Ed. by James GRAHAMCAMPBELL, Søren M. SINDBÆK and Gareth WILLIAMS. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2011, 380 p. (ill., maps). 2625. SLOANE (Barney). The black death in London. Stroud, The History Press, 2011, 223 p. (ill., maps). 2626. Social history (A) of England, 900–1200. Ed. by Julia CRICK and Elisabeth van HOUTS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-454 p. 2627. SOLDANI (Maria Elisa). Uomini d'affari e mercanti toscani nella Barcellona del Quattrocento. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2011, 669 p. 2628. STABEL (Peter). Militaire organisatie, bewapening en wapenbezit in het laatmiddeleeuwse Brugge. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 3-4, p. 1049-1073. 2629. Städtische Wirtschaft im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Franz Irsigler zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Rudolf HOLBACH und Michel PAULY. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2011, 378 p. 2630. STAPLES (Kate Kelsey). Daughters of London: inheriting opportunity in the late Middle Ages. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XII-210 p. (ill.). (Later medieval Europe, 8). 2631. Storia di Parma. Vol. 3. Parma medievale. Tomo 2. Economia, società, memoria. A cura di Roberto GRECI. Parma, Monte Università Parma, 2011, 487 p. (tav., ill.). 2632. Ties that bind (The): essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt. Ed. by Linda E. MITCHELL [et al.]. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XVIII-225 p. 2633. Vasconia en la Alta Edad Media, 450–1000: poderes y comunidades rurales en el norte penínsular. Ed. por Juan Antonio QUIRÓS CASTILLO. Lejona, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011, 279 p. (ill., maps, pl.).
2634. WEBER (Karl). Die Formierung des Elsass im Regnum Francorum. Adel, Kirche und Königtum am Oberrhein in merowingischer und frühkarolingischer Zeit. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2011, IX-262 p. (Archäologie und Geschichte, 19). 2635. WEISSEN (Kurt). La rete commerciale tedesca delle compagnie fiorentine romanam curiam sequentes, 1410–1470. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 630, p. 707-726. 2636. Yōroppa chūsei shakai ni okeru tōgō to chōsei. (Integration and adjustment in medieval European society). Ed. WATANABE Setsuo. Tokyo, Sobunsha, 2011, 331 p. § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education. _______________________
a. Civilization ** 2637. ANONIMO PADOVANO. L'Entrée d'Espagne: Rolando da Pamplona all'Oriente. A cura di Marco INFURNA. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 414 p. (Biblioteca medievale, 133). 2638. ALMOND (Richard). Medieval Hunting. New York, The History Press, 2011, 357 p. 2639. ANDERSON (Wendy Love). The discernment of spirits. assessing visions and visionaries in the late Middle Ages. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-266 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 63). 2640. Antiquite (L') entre Moyen Age et Renaissance: l'Antiquite dans les livres produits au nord des Alpes entre 1350 et 1520. Éd. par Chrystele BLONDEAU et Marie JACOB. Paris, Presses universitaires de Paris ouest, 2011, 405 p. (tab., ill.). 2641. ARONSON-LEHAVI (Sharon). Street scenes: Late medieval acting and performance. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 200 p. (New Middle Ages). 2642. AURELL (Martin). Le chevalier lettré: savoir et conduite de l'aristocratie aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 539 p. (pl.). 2643. BENEŠ (Carrie E.). Urban legends: civic identity and the classical past in Northern Italy, 1250–1350. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XII278 p. 2644. BODDEN (M. C.). Language as the site of revolt in medieval and early modern England: Speaking as a woman. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 276 p. (New Middle Ages). 2645. BREUER (Heidi). Crafting the witch: gendering magic in medieval and early modern England. New York, Routledge, 2011, XII-190 p. (Studies in medieval history and culture). 2646. Buchschätze des Mittelalters: Forschungsrückblicke – Forschungsperspektiven. Beiträge zum Kolloquium des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der ChristianAlbrechts-Universität zu Kiel vom 24. bis zum 26. April
2009. Hrsg. v. Klaus Gereon BEUCKERS, Christoph JOBST und Stefanie WESTPHAL. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2011, 311 p. (ill., facs.). 2647. CARNEVALE SCHIANCA (Enrico). La cucina medievale: lessico, storia, preparazioni. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XLVI-753 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum Romanicum. Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 386). 2648. Chevalerie et christianisme aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Éd. par Martin AURELL et Catalina GÎRBEA. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 324 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 2649. Communities of learning: networks and the shaping of intellectual identity in Europe, 1100–1500. Ed. by Constant J. MEWS and John N. CROSSLEY. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2011, VII-366 p. (Europa Sacra, 9). 2650. Cum verbis ut Italici solent ornatissimis. Funktionen der Beredsamkeit im kommunalen Italien / Funzioni dell'eloquenza nell'Italia comunale. Hrsg. v. / A cura di Florian HARTMANN. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, und Bonn, Bonn U. P., 2011, 191 p. (Super alta perennis. Studien zur Wirkung der Klassischen Antike, 9). 2651. DI BRANCO (Marco). Alessandro Magno eroe arabo nel Medioevo. Roma, Salerno, 2011, 150 p. (Piccoli saggi, 49). 2652. Epica e cavalleria nel medioevo. Atti del Seminario internazionale, Torino 18–20 novembre 2009. A cura di Marco PICCAT e Laura RAMELLO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 214 p. (ill.). (Scrittura e scrittori, 24). 2653. Espace public (L') au Moyen Âge. Débats autour de Jürgen Habermas. Sous la dir. de Patrick BOUCHERON et Nicolas OFFENSTADT. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 370 p. (Le Nœud gordien). 2654. Fama e publica vox nel Medioevo. Atti del Convegno di studio svoltosi in occasione della XXI edizione del Premio internazionale Ascoli Piceno (Ascoli Piceno, Palazzo dei Capitani, 3–5 dicembre 2009). A cura di Isa Lori SANFILIPPO e Antonio RIGON. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 2011, XII271 p. (ill.). 2655. FEDERICI VESCOVINI (Graziella). Le Moyen Âge magique: la magie entre religion et science du XIII au XIV siècle. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2011, 400 p. (Études de philosophie médiévale, 97). 2656. Fleshly things and spiritual matters: studies on the medieval body in honour of Margaret Bridges. Ed. by Nicole NYFFENEGGER and Katrin RUPP. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, XII-253 p. (ill.). 2657. Form and reform: reading across the fifteenth century. Ed. by Shannon Noelle GAYK and Kathleen Ann TONRY. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2011, XII222 p. (Interventions: new studies in medieval culture). 2658. Funktionsräume, Wahrnehmungsräume, Gefühlsräume: Mittelalterliche Lebensformen zwischen
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education Kloster und Hof. Hrsg. v. Christina LUTTER. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 171 p. (ill., facs., pl.). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 59). 2659. GARNER (Lori Ann). Structuring spaces: oral poetics and architecture in early medieval England. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, XVI-367 p. (pl., ill.). (Poetics of orality and literacy). 2660. Genèses de l'acte de parole dans le monde grec, romain et médiéval. Ed. par Barbara CASSIN et Carlos LÉVY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 320 p. 2661. Gott und Tod: Tod und Sterben in der höfischen Kultur des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Susanne KNAEBLE, Silvan WAGNER und Viola WITTMANN. Berlin, Lit, 2011, 346 p. (ill.). 2662. History (The) of British women's writing, 700– 1500. Vol. 1. Ed. by Liz HERBERT MCAVOY and Diane WATT. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 296 p. (History of British women's writing). 2663. HORLACHER (Stefan). Constructions of masculinity in British literature from the Middle Ages to the present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VIII-278 p. (Global masculinities). 2664. Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europäischen Mittelalter. Hrsg. Michael BORGOLTE, Julia DÜCKER, Marcel MÜLLERBURG und Bernd SCHNEIDMÜLLER. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 612 p. (Europa im Mittelalter, 18). 2665. Intersections of gender, religion and ethnicity in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Cordelia BEATTIE and Kirsten A. FENTON. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-220 p. (Genders and sexualities in history). 2666. Jeu (Le) et l'accessoire: mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Michel Rousse. Éd par Marie BOUHAÏKGIRONÈS, Denis HÜE et Jelle KOOPMANS. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 418 p. (ill.). (Rencontres, 20. Civilisation médiévale, 1). 2667. KARNES (Michelle). Imagination, meditation, and cognition in the Middle Ages. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2011, X-268 p. 2668. Lachrymae: mito e metafora del pianto nel Medioevo. Atti delle 3e giornate internazionali interdisciplinari di studio sul Medioevo (Siena, 2–4 novembre 2006). A cura di Francesco MOSETTI CASARETTO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, XVII-492 p. (Ricerche intermedievali, 4). 2669. Marginalität im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Nicole NYFFENEGGER, Thomas SCHMID und Moritz WEDELL. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 188 p. (ill.). (Das Mittelalter, 16/2). 2670. Michele Savonarola: medicina e cultura di corte. A cura di Chiara CRISCIANI e Gabriella ZUCCOLIN. Firenze. SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XXII299 p. (Micrologus' library, 37). 2671. O'BRIEN (Bruce R.). Reversing Babel: translation among the English during an age of conquests, c. 800
to c. 1200. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield a. Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2011, XIX-289 p. 2672. OLSEN (Glenn W.). Of sodomites, effeminates, hermaphrodites, and androgynes: sodomy in the age of Peter Damian. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2011, XIII-523 p. (Studies and texts, 176). 2673. ORTEGA BAÚN (Ana E.). Sexo, pecado, delito: Castilla de 1200 a 1350. Madrid, Bubok, 2011, 172 p. 2674. Other nations: the hybridization of insular mythology and identity. Ed. by Wendy Marie HOOFNAGLE and Wolfram R. KELLER. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, X-248 p. (Britannica et Americana, 27). 2675. PÉPORTÉ (Pit). Constructing the Middle Ages: historiography, collective memory and nation-building in Luxembourg. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XV-336 p. (ill., geneal. tab.). (National cultivation of culture, 3). 2676. PIETRINI (Sandra). I giullari nell'immaginario medievale. Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 361 p., 1 CD-ROM (Biblioteca teatrale, 178). 2677. Prolongements et renouvellements de la tradition classique. Éd. par Anne BALANSARD, Gilles DORIVAL et Mireille LOUBET. Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2011, 430 p. (ill.). (Textes et documents de la Méditerranée antique et médiévale). 2678. Questo nomade nomade mondo: la necessità del viaggio tra Medioevo ed età moderna. A cura di Isabella GAGLIARDI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 241 p. (Istituto italiano di scienze umane. Dialoghi). 2679. Récit (Le) exemplaire, 1200–1800. Éd. par Véronique DUCHÉ-GAVET et Jeay MADELEINE. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 284 p. (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la renaissance européenne, 67). 2680. Representing medieval genders and sexualities in Europe: construction, transformation, and subversion, 600–1530. Ed. by Elizabeth L'ESTRANGE and Alison MORE. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XII-202 p. (ill.). 2681. Ricerca (La) del benessere individuale e sociale: ingredienti materiali e immateriali (città italiane, XII–XV secolo). Pistoia, 15–18 maggio 2009, ventiduesimo Convegno internazionale di studi Pistoia, Centro italiano di studi di storia e d'arte e Roma, Viella, 2011, IX-468 p. (ill.). (Atti dei convegni). 2682. RICHARDSON (Malcolm). Middle-class writing in late medieval London. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-243 p. (The history of the book, 7). 2683. Sguardo (Lo) sull'altro, lo sguardo dell'altro: l'alterità in testi medievali. A cura di Mirella CASSARINO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 124 p. (Quaderni di Medioevo romanzo e orientale, 1). 2684. SOBECKI (Sebastian I.). The Sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages: maritime narratives, identity and culture. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2011, 260 p. (ill., maps).
2685. Stampa meretrix: scritti quattrocenteschi contro la stampa. A cura di Gianluca VANDONE e Franco PIERNO. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 77 p. (Albrizziana: documenti per la storia dell'editoria a Venezia). 2686. STONE (Rachel). Morality and masculinity in the Carolingian empire. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-399 p. (ill., map). (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought: fourth series, 81). 2687. Textual cultures of medieval Italy. 41st Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto 2005. Ed. by William Randolph ROBINS. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XVI-350 p. (ill.). 2688. Viaggi di testi e di libri: libri e lettori a Brescia tra Medioevo e età moderna. A cura di Valentina GROHOVAZ. Udine, Istituto storico del libro antico (ISLA) e Forum, 2011, 214 p. (ill.). (Libri e biblioteche, 26). 2689. Vierbeinerdarstellungen auf schwedischen Runensteinen: Studien zur nordgermanischen Tier- und Fesselungsikonografie. Hrag. v. Sigmund OEHRL. Berlin De Gruyter, 2011, XI-371 p. (pl., ill.). (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 72). 2690. Visibilität des Unsichtbaren: Sehen und Verstehen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Anja RATHMANN-LUTZ. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 186 p. (ill.). 2691. WILLIAMS (Tara). Inventing womanhood: gender and language in later Middle English writing. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2011, VIII-209 p. (Interventions: new studies in medieval culture). 2692. WOLLASCH (Joachim). Wege zur Erforschung der Erinnerungskultur: Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Hrsg. v. Mechthild SANDMANN, Angelus A. HÄUßLING und Mechthild BLACK-VELDTRUP. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, XIX-718 p. (ill.). (Beitrage zur Geschichte des alten Monchtums und des Benediktinertums, 47). 2693. WOLLOCK (Jennifer G.). Rethinking chivalry and courtly love. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2011, VIII341 p. (Praeger series on the Middle Ages). 2694. ZORGATI (Ragnhild Johnsrud). Pluralism in the Middle Ages: hybrid identities, conversion, and mixed marriages in medieval Iberia. New York, Routledge, 2011, 216 p. (Routledge research in medieval studies, 2). Cf. no 1967 b. Literature * 2695. KLINGEBIEL (Kathryn Ann). Bibliographie linguistique de l'occitan médiéval et moderne (1987– 2007). Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 544 p. ** 2696. BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). La corrispondenza bucolica tra Giovanni Boccaccio e Checco di Meletto Rossi. L'egloga di Giovanni del Virgilio ad Albertino Mussato. A cura di Simona LORENZINI. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XXII-229 p. (Quaderni di "Rinascimento", 49).
** 2697. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Commedia. Parte 2. Purgatorio. A cura di Giorgio INGLESE. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 431 p. (Opere, 2). ** 2698. LirIO: Corpus della lirica italiana delle origini su CD-ROM. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 1 CD-ROM. ** 2699. Melerantz von Frankreich. Der Meleranz des Pleier: nach der Karlsruher Handschrift. Edition, Untersuchungen, Stellenkommentar. Hrsg. v. Markus STEFFEN. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2011, LV-451 p. (Texte des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 48). ** 2700. MEZZO (Tommaso). Epirota. A cura di Luca RUGGIO. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, LXXVII-103 p. (Teatro umanistico, 9). 2701. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Latín Medieval Hispánico (Barcelona, 7–10 de septiembre de 2009. Ed. de José Martinez GÁZQUEZ, Oscar de la CRUZ PALMA, Cándida FERRERO HERNÁNDEZ. Firenze: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XII-1144 p. (Millennio medievale, 92. Strumenti e studi, 30). 2702. ANSELMI (Gian Mario). Letteratura e civiltà tra Medioevo e umanesimo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 239 p. (Lingue e letterature, 120). 2703. ARDIZZONE (Maria Luisa). Dante, il paradigma intellettuale: un'inventio degli anni fiorentini. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XXVI-262 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum Romanicum. Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 379). 2704. ARMSTRONG (Adrian). Knowing poetry: verse in medieval France from the rose to the rhétoriqueurs. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, IX-249 p. (ill.). 2705. BELTRAN (Vicenç). La creación de una lengua poética: los trovadores entre oralidad y escritura. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 115 p. (Scrittura e scrittori, 22). 2706. BERTELLI (Sandro). La tradizione della Commedia dai manoscritti al testo. Vol. 1. I codici trecenteschi (entro l'antica vulgata) conservati a Firenze. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XIII-446 p. (tav., ill.). (Biblioteca dell'Archivum Romanicum. Storia, letteratura, paleografia, 376). 2707. BISANTI (Armando). La poesia d'amore nei Carmina Burana. Napoli, Liguori, 2011, XII-214 p. (Biblioteca. Nuovo Medioevo, 84). – IDEM. Quattro studi sulla poesia d'amore mediolatina. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, XI-257 p. (Studi, 17). 2708. BROWN (Peter). Geoffrey Chaucer. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XV-254 p. (ill.). (Authors in context. Oxford world's classics). 2709. BRUGNOLO (Furio), CAPELLI (Roberta). Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 444 p. (Studi superiori, 590). 2710. CABRÉ (Miriam). Cerverí de Girona: un trobador al servei de Pere el Gran. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona i Palma de Mallorca, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2011, 422 p. (Blanquerna, 7).
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education 2711. CALEF (Paola). Il primo Dante in castigliano: il codice madrileno della Commedia con la traduzione attribuita a Enrique de Villena. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, XI-282 p. (Il cavaliere del Leone, 6). 2712. CAMBONI (Maria Clotilde). Contesti: intertestualità e interdiscorsività nella letteratura italiana del Medioevo. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 195 p. (Studi e testi di letteratura italiana, 8). 2713. CHIMENO DEL CAMPO (Ana Belén). El Preste Juan en los libros de viajes de la literatura española medieval. Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2011, 361 p. 2714. CHOCHEYRAS (Jacques). Réalité et imaginaire dans le Tristan de Béroul. Paris, Champion, 2011, 158 p. (Essais sur le Moyen Âge, 49). 2715. Chrétien De Troyes in prose: the Burgundian Erec and Cligés. Éd. par Joan T. GRIMBERT et Carol J. CHASE. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2011, 158 p. (Arthurian studies, 78). 2716. CLARK (David), MAC CLUNE (Katherine Anne). Blood, sex, Malory: essays on the Morte Darthur. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2011, XII-197 p. (Arthurian literature, 28). 2717. CLARKE (Kenneth Patrick). Chaucer and Italian textuality. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-234 p. (Oxford English monographs). 2718. Conceptualizing Multilingualism in England, c.800–c.1250. Ed. by Elizabeth M. TYLER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XI-368 p. (Studies in early Middle Ages, 27). 2719. DE ANGELIS (Violetta). Scritti di filologia medievale e umanistica. Napoli, M. D'Auria, 2011, 439 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca M. D'Auria). 2720. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Das Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang ACHNITZ. Bd. 1. Das geistliche Schrifttum von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn des XIV Jahrhunderts. Bd. 2. Das geistliche Schrifttum des Spätmittelalters. Bd. 3. Reiseberichte und Geschichtsdichtung. Berlin, De Gruyter SAUR, 2011, XXXI-545 p., XXVIII-880 p., LI-620 p. 2721. ELSWEILER (Christine). Lazamon's Brut between Old English heroic poetry and Middle English romance: a study of the lexical fields "hero," "warrior" and "knight". Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 470 p. (Münchner Universitätsschriften. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie, 35). 2722. Estudios de latín medieval hispánico. Actas del V Congreso internacional del latín medieval hispánico, Barcelona, 7–10 de septiembre de 2009. Ed. de José MARTÍNEZ GÁZQUEZ, Óscar de la CRUZ PALMA y Cándida FERRERO HERNÁNDEZ. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XII-1144 p. (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 92). 2723. Foreign influences on medieval English. Ed. by Jacek FISIAK and Magdalena BATOR. Frankfurt, Peter
Lang, 2011, 326 p. (ill., maps). (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 28). 2724. FRANZ (Leonie). Wahre Wunder: Tiere als Funktions- und Bedeutungsträger in mittelalterlichen Gründungslegenden. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, 208 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur älteren Literaturgeschichte). 2725. GAFFNEY (Phyllis). Constructions of childhood and youth in old French narrative. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, VIII-236 p. 2726. GILBERT (Jane). Living death in medieval French and English literature. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-283 p. (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 84). 2727. GOWER (John). Poems on contemporary events. The "Visio Anglie" (1381) and "Cronica tripertita" (1400). Ed. by David CARLSON. With a verse transl. by A.G. RIGG. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 2011, 419 p. (Studies and texts, 114). 2728. HAYES (Mary). Divine ventriloquism in medieval English literature: power, anxiety, subversion. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-246 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2729. HERMAND-SCHEBAT (Laura). Pétrarque épistolier et Cicéron: étude d'une filiation. Paris, PUPS, 2011, 577 p. (Rome et ses renaissances). 2730. Historiographie médiévale (L') d'Alexandre le Grand. Éd. par Catherine GAULLIER-BOUGASSAS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 375 p. (ill.). (Alexander redivivus, 1). 2731. HOLLEY (Linda Tarte). Reason and imagination in Chaucer, the perle-poet, and the cloud-author: seeing from the center. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVI-184 p. (The new Middle Ages). 2732. HOLTMEIER (Anja). Die satirische Technik des Sextus Amarcius. Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2011, 483 p. (Litora classica, 5). 2733. INGLESE (Giorgio), ZANNI (Raffaella). Metrica e retorica del medioevo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 143 p. (Quality paperbacks, 346). 2734. KAUFMAN (Alexander L.). British outlaws of literature and history: essays on medieval and early modern figures from Robin Hood to Twm Shon Catty. Jefferson, McFarland & Co., 2011, XII-259 p. 2735. KNAEBLE (Susanne). Höfisches Erzählen von Gott: Funktion und narrative Entfaltung des Religiösen in Wolframs "Parzival". Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, VIII317 p. (Trends in medieval philology, 23). 2736. LECCO (Margherita). Storia della letteratura anglo-normanna (XII–XIV secolo). Milano, LED, 2011, 127 p. (I manuali). 2737. LEUTLOFF (Ariane). Generationelle und genealogische Strukturen in Ulrichs von Zatzikhoven Lanzelet. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2011, 307 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 2015).
2738. Li premerains vers: essays in honor of Keith Busby. Ed. by Catherine Mary JONES and Logan E. WHALEN. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2011, XXX-566 p.(ill.). (Faux titre, 361). 2739. Listen, O isles, unto me: studies in medieval word and image in honour of Jennifer O'Reilly. Ed. by Elizabeth MULLINS and Diarmuid SCULLY. Cork, Cork U. P., 2011, XXV-459 p. (pl., ill.). 2740. Livre (Le) de saint Jacques et la tradition du pseudo-Turpin. Sacralité et literature. Sous la dir. de Jean-Claude VALLECALLE (dir.), Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, Collection d'histoire et d'archéologie médiévales, 24, 2011, 196 p. 2741. MATSUSHITA (Tomonori). From Beowulf to Caxton: Studies in Medieval Languages and Literature, Texts and Manuscripts. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 378 p. 2742. Medieval romance, medieval contexts. Ed. by Michael Staveley CICHON and Rhiannon PURDIE. Cambridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2011, IX-195 p. (geneal. tab.). (Studies in medieval romance). 2743. MORGAN (Gerald). The Shaping of English Poetry: Essays on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Langland, Chaucer and Spenser. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 316 p. 2744. Mots médiévaux offerts á Ruedi Imbach. Porto, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales, 2011, 797 p. (Textes et études du Moyen âge, 57). 2745. OSTERERO (Martine). Le diable au sabbat: littérature démonologique et sorcellerie (1440–1460). Préf. de Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI. Firenze, SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XVII-806 p. (Micrologus' library, 38). 2746. Ovid in the Middle Ages. Ed by James G. CLARK, Frank T. COULSON, Kathryn L. MAC KINLEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-372 p. (ill.). 2747. PAGAN (Heather). Prose Brut to 1332. Manchester, Anglo-Norman Text Society, 2011, XIII-280 p. (pl., facs.). (Anglo-Norman texts, 69). Fonti narrative. 2748. Palimpsests and the literary imagination of medieval England: collected essays. Ed. by Leo M. CARRUTHERS, Raeleen CHAI-ELSHOLZ et Tatjana SILEC. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XX-267 p. (ill.). (The new Middle Ages). 2749. PERTICI (Petra). Novelle senesi in cerca d'autore. L'attribuzione ad Antonio Petrucci delle novelle conosciute sotto il nome di Gentile Sermini. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 630, p. 679-706.
2752. RICHARDSON (Malcolm). Middle-class writing in late Medieval London. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, 243 p. 2753. ROONEY (Kenneth). Mortality and imagination: the life of the dead in medieval English literature. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, X-304 p. (ill.). (Disputatio, 12). 2754. SANTI (Francesco). L'età metaforica: figure di Dio e letteratura latina medievale da Gregorio Magno a Dante. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, XVIII-404 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 25). 2755. Scribes, printers, and the accidentals of their texts. Ed. by Jacob THAISEN and Hanna RUTKOWSKA. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 209 p. (ill.). (Studies in English medieval language and literature, 33). 2756. SMÅBERG (Thomas). Bland drottningar och hertigar – Utblickar kring riddarromaner och deras användning i svensk medeltidsforskning (In the company of Queens and Dukes. Reflections on Medieval romances and their use in Swedish Medieval research). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 2, p. 197-225. 2757. STABILE (Giuseppe). Valacchi e Valacchie nella letteratura francese medievale. Roma, Nuova cultura, 2011, 266 p. (Esercizi di lettura, 14). 2758. STANGHELLINI (Menotti). La grandezza di Cecco sconvolge l'Europa. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 270 p. 2759. Tradizione (La) della lirica nel Medioevo romanzo: problemi di filologia formale. Atti del Convegno internazionale, Firenze-Siena, 14 novembre 2009. A cura di Lino LEONARDI. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2011, VIII-476 p. (Archivio romanzo, 21. Pubblicazioni della Scuola di dottorato europea in filologia romanza, 5). 2760. Tradizione italiana (La) della Vindicta Salvatoris: edizione dei volgarizzamenti toscani. A cura di Luca BELLONE. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, XI-450 p. (Bibliotheca romanica. 5). 2761. Vernacularity in England and Wales, c.1300– 1550. Ed. by Elizabeth SALTER and Helen WICKER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, VI-335 p. (Utrecht studies in Medieval literacy, 17). 2762. Viaggio d'oltremare e Libro di novelle e di bel parlar gentile: edizione interpretativa. A cura di Anna CIEPIELEWSKA-JANOSCHKA. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, X-456 p. (ill.). (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, 362).
2750. Poesia comica del medioevo italiano. A cura di Marco BERISSO. Milano, Rizzoli, 2011, 376 p. (BUR. Classici),
2763. VIEL (Riccardo). Troubadours mineurs gascons du XIIe Siècle: Alegret, Marcoat, Amanieu de la Broqueira, Peire de Valeria, Gausbert Amiel. Paris, Honoré Champion éditeur, 2011, 246 p. (Classiques français du Moyen Áge no, 167).
2751. Poesia del Medioevo tedesco / Medieval German poetry. Milano, Prometheus Editrice, 2011, 256 p. (Associazione italiana di filologia germanica).
2764. WADE (James). Fairies in medieval romance. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 212 p. (The new Middle Ages).
§ 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education
2765. York mystery plays (The): performance in the city. Ed. by Margaret ROGERSON. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2011, XIV-248 p.
fra X e XV secolo. Roma, L' Erma di Bretschneider, 2011, 366 p. (ill.). (Storia della tecnica edilizia e restauro dei monumenti, 7).
c. Technology
2779. SINGER (Julie). Blindness and therapy in late medieval French and Italian poetry. Woodbridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2011, X-238 p. (ill.). (Gallica, 20).
** 2766. Benvenutus Grassus' On the well-proven art of the eye / Practica oculorum & de probatissima arte oculorum. Synoptic edition and philological studies. Ed. by Antonio MIRANDA GARCÍA and Santiago González FERNÁNDEZ-CORUGEDO. Bern a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 524 p. (ill.). (Late Middle English, 1). ** 2767. Guillaume l'Anglais, le frondeur de l'uroscopie médiévale (XIII siècle). Édition commentée du De urina non visa. Éd par Laurence MOULINIER-BROGI. Genève, Droz, 2011, 284 p. (Centre de recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la 4. section de l'École pratique des hautes études, 5. Hautes études médiévales et modernes, 101). ** 2768. Old French medical texts. Ed. by Tony HUNT. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 290 p. (Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge, 18). ** 2769. RUGGIERO DI FRUGARDO MAGISTER. Post mundi fabricam: manuale di chirugia. A cura di Giuseppe LAURIELLO. Salerno, Editrice Gaia, 2011, 325 p. (ill.). 2770. BERNARDI (Philippe). Bâtir au Moyen Âge (XIIIe–milieu XVIe siècle). Paris, CNRS, 2011, 335 p. (tab., ill.). (Histoire). 2771. BILLION (Philipp). Graphische Zeichen auf mittelalterlichen Portolankarten: Ursprünge, Produktion und Rezeption bis 1440. Marburg, Tectum, 2011, IX398 p. (ill., maps). 2772. CATTANEO (Angelo) Fra Mauro's Mappa Mundi and Fifteenth-century Venice. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 444 p. (tab., ill., map). (Terrarum orbis, 8). 2773. CIFUENTES I COMAMALA (Lluís). Tintorería y medicina en la Valencia del siglo XV: el manual de Joanot Valero. Barcelona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2011, 328 p. (ill.). (Anuario de estudios medievales, 70). 2774. DEVLIN (Keith J.). The man of numbers: Fibonacci's arithmetic revolution. London, Bloomsbury, 2011, VIII-182 p. 2775. FRANSEN (Lilli). Medieval garments reconstructed: Norse clothing patterns. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P. a. Hightown, Gazelle Books, 2011, 143 p. (ill., map). 2776. GIRBAL (Brice). Roman and medieval litharge cakes: a scientific examination. Portsmouth, English Heritage, 2011, 80 p. (Research Department report series, 51-2011).
d. Education ** 2780. MUNZI (Luigi). Custos Latini sermonis: testi grammaticali latini dell'alto medioevo. Pisa, F. Serra, 2011, 123 p. (facs). (AION. Sezione filologico-letteraria. Quaderni, 16). 2781. BERO MAGNI DE LUDOSIA. Sermones et collationes. Sermons from the University of Vienna in the mid-fifteenth century. Ed. and transl. by Claes GEJROT and Erika KIHLMAN. Stockholm, Runica et Mediævalia, Centre for Medieval Studies, Stockholm University, 2011, 127 p. (Sällskapet Runica et Mediævalia, Editiones, 2). 2782. BULANG (Tobias). Enzyklopädische Dichtungen: Fallstudien zu Wissen und Literatur in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 565 p. (Deutsche Literatur, Studien und Quellen, 2).letteratura 2783. ČAJKA (František). Církevněslovanská legenda o svaté Anastázii [ = Church Slavonic legend of Saint Anastasia]. Praha, Slovanský ústav Akademie ved ČR Praha, 2011, 239 p. (facs.). 2784. CHOLOVA (Tzvetana). The Christian "Paideia" and the educational traditions in Bulgarian Middle Ages. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 3-21. 2785. Crossing boundaries at Medieval universities. Ed. by Spencer E. YOUNG. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, VII-351 p. (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 36). 2786. D'ANGELO (Edoardo). Maestro Grifone e i suoi allievi: cultura latina e scuola in Amelia alla metà del Quattrocento. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, 188 p. (Quaderni del Centro per il collegamento degli studi medievali e umanistici in Umbria, 49). 2787. Figures (Les) di maître medieval et les modèles de son autorité (1400–1450). Revue des sciences religieuses, 84 (2011), pp. 321-470. 2788. GARGAN (Luciano). Libri e maestri tra medioevo e umanesimo. Messina, Centro interdipartimentale di studi umanistici, 2011, XLIV-675 p. (tav.). (Biblioteca umanistica, 17).
2777. Misura (La) / Measuring. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XIV-431 p. (tav., ill.). (Micrologus, natura, scienze e società medievali, 19).
2789. Gelehrte zwischen Humanismus und Reformation. Kontexte der Universitätsgründung in Basel 1460. Hrsg. v. Martin WALLRAFF. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, XVI-112 p. (Litterae et Theologia, 2).
2778. MONTELLI (Emanuela). Tecniche costruttive murarie medievali: mattoni e laterizi in Roma e nel Lazio
2790. KONIG-PRALONG (Catherine). Le bon usage des savoirs: scolastique, philosophie et politique cul-
turelle. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2011, 355 p. (Études de philosophie médiévale, 98). 2791. LARSEN (Andrew E.). The school of heretics. Academic condemnation at the University of Oxford, 1277–1409. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XI-323 p. (Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 40). 2792. MAC GERR (Rosemarie). A Lancastrian mirror for princes: the Yale Law School new statutes of England. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XV-212 p. 2793. MUZZOLINI (Manuela). Le prime istituzioni scolastiche laiche nel basso Medioevo. L'esperienza di un educatore: Bonvesin de la Riva. Patti, Kimerik, 2011, 162 p. (Saggio).
2803. Capitula facta et firmata: inquietuds artístiques en el quatre-cents. Ed. per M. Rosa TERÉS I TOMÀS. Valls, Cossetània Edicions, 2011, 549 p. (ill.). 2804. CARELLA (Silvio). Architecture religieuse hautmédiévale en Italie méridionale: le diocèse de Bénévent. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 255 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque de l'antiquité tardive, 18). 2805. COOPER (Lisa H.). Artisans and narrative craft in late-medieval England. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-278 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in medieval literature, 82). 2806. CORONEO (Roberto). Arte in Sardegna dal IV alla metà dell'XI secolo. Cagliari, AV, 2011, 532 p. (ill.). (Metodologia, materiali, Medioevo, Mediterraneo).
2794. STECKEL (Sita). Kulturen des Lehrens im Frühund Hochmittelalter: Autorität, Wissenskonzepte und Netzwerke von Gelehrten. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 1295 p. (Norm und Struktur, 39).
2807. Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae (saec. IV–X). Vol. 2. Italia, 1. Province di Belluno, Treviso, Padova, Vicenza. A cura di Gian Pietro BROGIOLO e M. IBSEN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 325 p. (ill., maps).
2795. Swedish students at the University of Vienna in the Middle Ages. Careers, Books and Preaching. Ed. by Olle FERM and Erika KIHLMAN. Stockholm, Runica et Mediævalia, Centre for Medieval Studies, Stockholm University, 2011, 279 p. (Sällskapet Runica et Mediævalia, Scripta minora, 20).
2808. Corpus della scultura altomedievale. A cura di Letizia ERMINI PANI. Vol. 19. La diocesi di Pisa. A cura di Maria Laura TESTI CRISTIANI. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, XII-398 p. (tav., ill.).
§ 10. History of art. _______________________
2796. Art (L') multiplié: production de masse, en série, pour le marché dans les arts entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance. Éd. par Michele TOMASI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 124 p. (tav., ill.). (I libri di Viella. Arte). 2797. BAERT (Barbara). Interspaces between word, gaze and touch: the Bible and the visual medium in the Middle Ages. Collected essays on 'Noli me tangere', the woman with the haemorrhage, the head of John the Baptist. Leuven, Peeters, 2011, XII-154 p. (ill.). (Annua nuntia Lovaniensia, 62). 2798. BALBARINI (Chiara). L'Inferno di Chantilly: cultura artistica e letteraria a Pisa nella prima metà del Trecento. Roma, Salerno, 2011, 139 p., 76 tav. (ill.). (Pubblicazioni del Centro Pio Rajna. Quaderni della Rivista di studi danteschi, 7). 2799. BARBETTI (Claire). Ekphrastic medieval visions. A new discussion in interarts theory. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 224 p. (New Middle Ages). 2800. BATISTINI (Alessandro). La rappresentazione dello spazio pittorico nel medioevo ed i suoi fondamenti teorici. Firenze, Pontercorboli, 2011, 107 p. (ill.).
2809. Corpus des émaux méridionaux: catalogue international de l'œuvre de Limoges. Vol. 2. L'apogée, 1190–1215. Paris, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2011, 328 p. (ill.). 2810. Coventry: medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the city and its vicinity. Ed. by Linda MONCKTON. Leeds, Maney Publishing, 2011, XX-362 p. (pl., ill., maps, plans). (British Archaeological Association conference transactions, 33). 2811. Desiderio da Settignano. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max Planck Institut, and Villa I Tatti (Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies), Settignano, 9–12 May 2007. Hrsg. v. Joseph CONNORS. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 411 p. (ill.). (Collana del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max Planck Institut, 16) 2812. DONDI (Giorgio). La fatica del bello: tecniche decorative dell'acciaio e del ferro su armi e armature in Europa tra Basso Medioevo ed Età Moderna. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2011, 156 p. (ill.). 2813. Forme e storia: scritti di arte medievale e moderna per Francesco Gandolfo. A cura di Walter ANGELELLI e Francesca POMARICI. Roma, Artemide, 2011, 647 p. (ill.). 2814. FRIGERIO (Luca). Cene ultime: dai mosaici di Ravenna al Cenacolo di Leonardo. Milano, Àncora, 2011, 254 p. (ill.). (Tra arte e teologia).
2801. BOTANA (Federico). The works of mercy in Italian medieval art (c. 1050–c. 1400). Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XL-254 (ill.). (Medieval church studies, 20).
2815. FRYKLUND (Carina). Flemish wall painting. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, 435 p. (ill.).
2802. BOVEY (Alixe). Jean de Carpentin's book of hours: the genius of the Master of the Dresden prayer book. London, Paul Holberton, 2011, 247 p. (ill., facs., map).
2816. GARCÍA-DIEGO (Pablo), MONTES (Diego Alonso). La miniatura altomedieval española. Madrid, Asociación de Amigos del Arte Altomedival Español, 2011, 214 p. (ill.).
§ 10. History of art 2817. GARDNER (Julian). Giotto and his publics: three paradigms of patronage. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard U. P., 2011, XII-240 p. (pl., ill.). (The Bernard Berenson lectures on the Italian Renaissance). 2818. GRIESE (Sabine). Text-Bilder und ihre Kontexte: Medialität und Materialität von Einblatt-Holz- und -Metallschnitten des 15. Jahrhunderts. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 672 p. (ill.). (Medienwandel, Medienwechsel, Medienwissen, 7). 2819. Iconografia (L') della solidarietà: la mediazione delle immagini (secoli XIII–XVIII). A cura di Mauro CARBONI e Maria Giuseppina MUZZARELLI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 283 p. (tav., ill.). 2820. Image médiévale (L'): Fonctions dans l'espace sacré et structuration de l'espace cultuel. Ed. par Cécile VOYER et Éric SPARHUBERT. Préface d'Éric PALAZZO. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2011, 396 p. (Culture et société médiévales, 22). 2821. INGLIS (Erik). Jean Fouquet and the invention of France: art and nation after the Hundred Years War. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XI-280 p. (ill.). 2822. Insular and Anglo-Saxon art and thought in the early medieval period. Ed. by Colum HOURIHANE. Princeton, Princeton University and University Park, Penn State U. P., 2011, XXI-324 p. (ill.). (The index of Christian art. Occasional papers, 13=. 2823. KARKOV (Catherine E.). The art of AngloSaxon England. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, X326 p. (pl., ill.). (Boydell studies in medieval art and architecture). 2824. KUMLER (Aden). Translating truth: ambitious images and religious knowledge in late medieval France and England. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XIII-290 p. (ill.). 2825. LIGATO (Giuseppe). L'ordalia della fede: il mito della crociata nel frammento di mosaico pavimentale recuperato dalla basilica di S. Maria Maggiore a Vercelli. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, XX-241 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea, 17). 2826. MAGALHÃES AREZES (Andreia Catarina). Elementos de adorno altimediévicos em Portugal (séculos V a VIII) [Texto impreso]. Noia, A Coruña, Toxosoutos, 2011, 410 p. (ill., maps). 2827. Medioevo: i committenti. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 21–26 settembre 2010. A cura di Arturo Carlo QUINTAVALLE. Milano, Electa, 2011, 743 p. (ill.). (I convegni di Parma, 13). 2828. MESCHINI (Marco). Le pietre e la luce: la cattedrale del Medioevo. Palermo, Sellerio, 2011, 255 p. (Alle 8 della sera, 28). 2829. Mixed metaphors: the Danse macabre in medieval and early modern Europe. Ed. by Sophie OOSTERWIJK and Stefanie A. KNÖLL. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, XXIII-449 p. (pl., ill.).
2830. OLSEN (Rikke Agnete). Danske middelalderborge. (Les châteaux médiévaux danois). Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, 301 p. (ill.). 2831. Padova, architetture medievali. Progetto ARMEP (202010). A cura di Alexandra CHAVARRÍA ARNAU. Mantova, SAP, 2011, 333 p. (ill.). (Progetti di archeologia). 2832. PAPARELLA (Francesco D.). Imago e Verbum: filosofia dell'immagine nell'alto Medioevo. Milano e Udine, Mimesis, 2011, 281 p. (Filosofie, 119). 2833. PETER (Michael). Mittelalterliche Emailarbeiten aus Limoges. Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung, 2011, 123 p. (ill.). (Monographien der Abegg-Stiftung Bern, 16). 2834. Pittura (La) in Liguria: il Medioevo, secoli XII–XIV. A cura di Giuliana ALGERI e Anna DE FLORIANI. Genova, De Ferrari Editore, 2011, 358 p. (ill.). (Imago). 2835. RAININI (Ivan). Antiqua spolia. Reimpieghi di epoca romana nell'architettura sacra medievale del maceratese. Macerata, Fondazione Cassa di risparmio della provincia di Macerata, 2011, 361 p. (ill.). 2836. Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale. Colloque Fribourgeois, 2009. Éd. par Tiziana SUAREZ-NANI et Martin ROHDE. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, 388 p. (ill.). 2837. ROASCIO (Stefano). Le sculture ornamentali veneto-bizantine di Cividale: un itinerario artistico e archeologico tra Oriente e Occidente medievale. Borgo S. Lorenzo, All'insegna del Giglio, 2011, 227 p. (ill.). (Contributi di archeologia medievale, 6). 2838. ROMANELLI (Rita). Reimpieghi a Ravenna tra X e XII. secolo nei campanili, nelle cripte e nelle chiese. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2011, XVIII-196 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche di archeologia e storia dell'arte, 11). 2839. SCHUTZ (Herbert). Romanesque art and craftsmanship in Central Europe, 900–1300: artistic aspects of the style. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, XXVIII-357 p. (pl., ill.). 2840. SCODITTI (Francesco). Musicae Latinae glossarium. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 202 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, 582). 2841. SIMONI (Marcello). Pomposa tra immagine e simbolo: lettura e suggestioni a margine del ciclo biblico trecentesco. Ferrara, Cartografica, 2011, 211 p. (ill.). Pomposa. 2842. VEZZONI (Bruno). Le radici dell'architettura occidentale: antichità e medioevo. Canobbio, SUPSI, 2011, 287 p. (ill.). (Saperi e pratiche, 3). 2843. WARDA (Susanne). Memento mori: Bild und Text in Totentänzen des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Koln, Böhlau, 2011, 353 p., 1 CD-ROM (ill.). (Pictura et poësis, 29).
2844. WEPPELMANN (Stefan). Spinello Aretino e la pittura del Trecento in Toscana. Firenze, Polistampa, 2011, 436 p. (ill.),
2858. Medieval music. Ed. by Honey MECONI. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XLI-517 p. (ill., music). (Library of essays on music performance practice).
2845. Wider (A) Trecento. Studies in 13th- and 14thcentury european art presented to Julian Gardner. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 246 p. (ill.). (Visualising the Middle Age).
2859. Music, dance and society: medieval and renaissance studies in memory of Ingrid G. Brainard. Ed. by Ann BUCKLEY, Cynthia J. CYRUS, Kalamazoo, Michigan Medieval Institute Publications, 2011, XVI-357 p. (ill., music).
2846. WIRTH (Jean). L'image à la fin du Moyen Âge. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 464 p. (ill.). (Histoire). § 11. History of music. _______________________
2847. Atlante storico della musica nel Medioevo. A cura di Vera MINAZZI e Cesarino RUINI. Milano, Jaca book, 2011, 287 p. (ill.). 2848. BAROFFIO (Giacomo). Nomina codicum: nome origine committenza destinazione dei codici liturgici italiani. Stroncone, Associazione San Michele Arcangelo, 2011, 221 p. (Instrumenta, 2). 2849. Calligraphy (The) of Medieval music. Ed. by John HAINES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 276 p. (tab., ill.). (Musicalia Medii Aevi. 1). 2850. Citation, intertextuality and memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Vol. 1. Text, music and image from Machaut to Ariosto. Ed. by Yolanda PLUMLEY, Giuliano DI BACCO and Stefano JOSSA. Exeter, Unversity of Exeter Press, 2011, XVI-272 p. (ill., music). 2851. Codex (El) Calixtinus en la Europa del Siglo XII: música, arte, codicología y liturgia. Ed por Juan Carlos ASENSIO PALACIOS. Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura y León, Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música, 2011, 262 p. (ill.). 2852. Codex (Le) de Chypre: Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria J. II. 9. Vol. 1. Rondeaux et virelais. Éd. par Cécile BEAUPAIN, Germana SCHIASSI et Raphaël PICAZOS. Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2011, XXIII-126 p. (music). (Opus artis novae: polyphonies en transcription diplomatique, 1300–1550, 1). 2853. DUHAMEL (Pascale). Polyphonie parisienne et architecture au temps de l'art gothique (1140–1240). Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, 281 p. 2854. FRITZ (Jean-Marie). La cloche et la lyre: pour une poétique médiévale du paysage sonore. Genève, Droz, 2011, 472 p. (Publications romanes et françaises, 254). e
2855. GROSS (Guillaume). L'organum aux XII et XIIIe siècles: le discours musical comme stratégie de communication ou la légitimation implicite de l'autorité épiscopale. Revue historique, 2011, 659, p. 487-510. 2856. Heinrich Isaac and polyphony for the proper of the mass in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Ed. by David Joseph BURN and Stefan GASCH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 438 p. (Épitome musical). 2857. LEACH (Elizabeth Eva). Guillaume de Machaut: secretary, poet, musician. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2011, XV-367 p. (ill., music).
2860. NOLTE (Theodor), SCHUPP (Volker). Mittelhochdeutsche Sangspruchdichtung des 13. Jahrhunderts: Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2011, 514 p. (music). (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek, 18733). 2861. Orígenes (Los) de la polifonía medieval, Ed. por Màrius BERNADÓ y Luis López MORILLO. Madrid, Fundación Juan March, Departamento de Actividades Culturales, 2011, 102 p. (ill.). 2862. PERAINO (Judith Ann). Giving voice to love: song and self-expression from the troubadours to Guillaume de Machaut. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXI346 p. (ill., map, music). 2863. RODOLFI (Sauro). La famiglia dell'Alpa: una stirpe di organari padani del Quattrocento. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2011, IX-281 p. (Historiae Musicae Cultores, 120). 2864. ROTHENBERG (David Joseph). The flower of paradise: Marian devotion and secular song in Medieval and Renaissance music. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 264 p. (ill., music). 2865. WILKINS (Nigel E.) Words and music in medieval Europe. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2011, 346 p. (Variorum collected studies series, 976). § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. ** 2866. Dicta de tempore Magistro Iohanni Hus attributa. Ed. Jana ZACHOVÁ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 2 vol, LXIX-1592 p. (facs.). (Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera omnia, 26A-B, Dubia, 1. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 239-239A.). ** 2867. Doctoris subtilis et Mariani Ioannis Duns Scoti Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Opera Omnia. Vol. 13. Ed. Pacifico Maria PERANTONI, Carolus BALIĆ, Barnaba HECHICH. Civitas Vaticana, 2011, XVIII-567 p. ** 2868. FERRER (Vicente). Tratado de las suposiciones de los términos (1371/72): texto latino-castellano. Ed. por José Ángel García Cuadrado. Barañáin, EUNSA, 2011, 321 p. ** 2869. Henrici de Gandavo Opera omniaVol. 8. Quodlibet IV. Ed. Girard J. ETZKORN, Gordon Anthony WILSON. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2011, LXXIV, 471 p. (Ancient and medieval philosophy. Series, 2). ** 2870. NISKANEN (Samu). The letter collections of Anselm of Canterbury. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 345 p. (ill., pl., facs.). (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia, 61). ______________________
§ 12. History of philosophy, theology and science 2871. Antichità (L') classica nel pensiero medievale. Atti del Convegno della Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (S.I.S.P.M.), Trento, 27–29 settembre 2010. A cura di Alessandro PALAZZO. Porto, Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2011, 492 p. (Textes et études du Moyen âge, 61). 2872. BAKOS (Gergely Tibor). On faith, rationality, and the other in the late Middle Ages: a study of Nicholas of Cusa's manuductive approach to Islam. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011, XVIII-341 p. (Princeton theological monograph series, 141). 2873. BARNES (Corey Ladd). Christ's two wills in scholastic thought: the Christology of Aquinas and its historical contexts. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2011, VI-357 p. (Studies and texts, 178. Mediaeval law and theology, 5). 2874. BELLAMAH (Timothy). The biblical interpretation of William of Alton. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-356 p. (Oxford studies in historical theology). 2875. BISOGNO (Armando). Sententiae philosophorum: l'Alto Medioevo e la storia della filosofia. Roma, Città nuova, 2011, 248 p. (Collationes). 2876. BOND (H. Lawrence). Reform, representation and theology in Nicholas of Cusa and his age. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2011, 362 p. (Variorum collected studies series, 993). 2877. CAPPELLETTI (Leonardo). Matteo D'Acquasparta vs Tommaso D'Aquino: il dibattito teologico-filosofico nelle Quaestiones de anima. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 287 p. (Dantesca. Saggi e testi di cultura medievale, 1).
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2011, 151 p. (Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 9). 2885. DOUGHERTY (M. V.). Moral dilemmas in medieval thought: from Gratian to Aquinas. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-226 p. 2886. Expertus sum: l'expérience par les sens dans la philosophie naturelle Médiévale. Actes du Colloque international de Pont-à-Mousson (6–7 février 2009). Éd. par Thomas BÉNATOUÏL et Isabelle DRAELANTS. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, VI-470 p. (ill.). (Micrologus' library, 40). 2887. FREEBURN (Ryan P.). Hugh of Amiens and the twelfth-century Renaissance. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XIII-276 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the medieval West). 2888. GAY-CANTON (Réjane). Entre dévotion et théologie scolastique: réceptions de la controverse médiévale autour de l'Immaculée Conception en pays germaniques. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 465 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire culturelle du MoyenÂge, 11). 2889. GREGORY (Tullio). Giovanni Scoto: quattro studi. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, VIII-110 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 24). 2890. GROTEN (Manfred). Albertus Magnus und der Grosse Schied, Köln 1258: aristotelische Politik im Praxistest. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 79 p. (ill.). (Lectio Albertina, 12).
2878. CHENU (Marie-Dominique). Studi di lessicografia filosofica medievale. Firenze, Olschki, 2001, CXXXVI-222 p. (Lessico intellettuale europeo, 86).
2891. Identité et différence dans l'œuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401–1464). Éd. par Hervé PASQUA. Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie et Paris, Éditions Peeters, 2011, XIII-214 p. (ill.). (Philosophes médiévaux, 54).
2879. Christian readings of Aristotle from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Ed. by Luca BIANCHI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 442 p. (Studia artistarum, 29).
2892. KOBUSCH (Theo). Die Philosophie des Hochund Spätmittelalters. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, 655 p. (Geschichte der Philosophie, 5).
2880. CIAMMETTI (Daniela). Necessità e contingenza in Gregorio da Rimini. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 302 p. (Philosophica. Serie viola, 87).
2893. Kulturkontakte und Rezeptionsvorgänge in der Theologie des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Ulrich KÖPF und Dieter R. BAUER. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, VIII-396 p. (Archa verbi: Jahrbuch der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Theologische Mediävistik. Subsidia, 8).
2881. CLOSE (Florence). Uniformiser la foi pour unifier l'Empire. Contribution à l'histoire de la pensée politico-théologique de Charlemagne. Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2011, 367 p. (Académie royale de Belgique, Mémoire de la classe des Lettres, Collection in-8°, sér. 3, 59). 2882. D'ONOFRIO (Giulio). Storia del pensiero medievale. Roma, Città nuova, 2011, 877 p. 2883. DASSMANN (Ernst). Ausgewählte kleine Schriften zur Patrologie, Kirchengeschichte und christlichen Archäologie. Hrsg. v. Georg SCHÖLLGEN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 607 p. (ill.). (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband, 37). 2884. Demonic (The) temptations of medieval nominalism. Ed. by Gyula KLIMA and Alexander W. HALL.
2894. LENZI (Massimiliano). Anima, forma e sostanza: filosofia e teologia nel dibattito antropologico del XIII secolo. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 2011, X-320 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 28). 2895. Lire le monde au Moyen Âge: signe, symbole et corporéité. Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 95/2, 2011, pp. 2536 2896. MACKEY (Louis). Faith, order, understanding: natural theology in the Augustinian tradition. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2011, XXIII170 p.
2897. MARTELLO (Concetto). Platone a Chartres. Il trattato sull' anima del mondo di Guglielmo di Conches: introduzione, traduzione e note. Palermo, Officina studi medievali, 2011, XV-232 p. (Machina philosophorum, 25). 2898. MEIRINHOS (José Francisco). Metafisica do homem: conhecimento e vontade nas obras de psicologia atribuídas a Pedro Hispano (século XIII). Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2011, 262 p. 2899. PASNAU (Robert). Metaphysical themes, 1274– 1671. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2011, XI-796 p. 2900. Philosophy and theology in the long Middle Ages. A tribute to Stephen F. Brown. Ed. by Kent EMERY Jr., Russell L. FRIEDMAN and Andreas SPEER. Assisted by Maxime MAURIÈGE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XI-1005 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 105). 2901. RAVIOLO (Isabelle). L'incréé: la générosité infinie du Père chez maître Eckhart. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 420 p. (Patrimoines. Christianisme). 2902. ROSIER-CATACH (Irène). Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe et XIIe siècles. Textes, maîtres, débats. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XXVIII-810 p. (Studia Artistarum, 26). 2903. Scientia, fides, theologia: studi di filosofia medievale in onore di Gianfranco Fioravanti. A cura di Stefano PERFETTI. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 438 p. 2904. SILEO (Leonardo). De rerum ideis: Dio e le cose nel dibattito universitario del tredicesimo secolo. Vol. 1. Editio textuum Odonis Rigaldi et aliorum. Città del Vaticano, Urbaniana U. P., 2011, 456 p. (facs.). (Saperi, testi, contesti, 1). 2905. SIMONETTA (Stefano). Senza parole: il tema dell'indicibilità di Dio nella riflessione medievale. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 102 p. (Testi e studi, 248). 2906. STANCATO (Gianmarco). Le concept de désir dans l'œuvre de Thomas D'Aquin: analyse lexicografique et conceptuelle du mot desiderium. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2011, 180 p. (Études de philosophie médiévale, 96). 2907. Studi su anima e corpo: lessico, idee, figurazioni letterarie e iconografiche nell'antichità e nell'Alto Medioevo. A cura di Anna Maria LUISELLI FADDA e Paolo VACIAGO. Roma, Herder, 2011, VI-162 p., (tav., ill.). 2908. TURNER (Denys). Julian of Norwich, theologian. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XXVI-262 p. 2909. Ugo di San Vittore: atti del 47° convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 12 ottobre 2010. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2011, X-441 p. (Atti dei convegni del Centro italiano di studi sul Basso Medioevo-Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, 24. Convegni, 47). 2910. VENGEON (Frédéric). Nicolas de Cues, le monde humain: métaphysique de l'infini et anthropolo-
gie. Grenoble, Millon, 2011, 261 p. (ill.). (Collection Krisis). 2911. Wycliffite controversies. Ed. by Mishtooni BOSE and J. Patrick HORNBECK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XIV-359 p. (Medieval church studies, 23). § 13. History of the Church and religion. ______________________
a. General ** 2912. Anglia pontificia sive repertorium privilegiorum et litterarum a Romanis pontificibus ante annum MCLXXXXVIII. Angliae ecclesiis monasteriis civitatibus singulisque personis concessorum. Vol. 1. Pars 1-3. Subsidia. Collectiones epistolarum Lanfranci Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, S. Anselmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, Gileberti Foliot Gloecestriae abbatis et Herefordensis, dein Londoniensis episcopi epistolae. Ed. Nicolaus HERBERS, Rudolf HIESTAND, Stephan HIRSCHMANN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, XII201 p. (Regesta pontificum Romanorum iubente Academia Gottingensi). 2913. Apocalisse (L') nel Medioevo: atti del Convegno internazionale dell'Università degli studi di Milano e della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.), Gargnano sul Garda, 18–20 maggio 2009. A cura di Rossana E. GUGLIELMETTI. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, VI-671 p. (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 90. Millennio medievale. Atti di convegni, 27). 2914. BYNUM (Caroline Walker). Christian materiality: an essay on religion in late medieval Europe. Cambridge a. London, MIT Press, 2011, 408 p. (ill.). 2915. Dinero (El) de Dios: Iglesia y fiscalidad en el Occidente Medieval (siglos XIII–XV). Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2011, 341 p. (ill.). 2916. Ecclesia als Kommunikationsraum in Mitteleuropa, XIII bis XVI Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Eva DOLEŽALOVÁ und Robert ŠIMŮNEK. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 386 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 122). 2917. HANUŠ (Jiří). Christianizace českých zemí ve středoevropské perspektivě [ = Christianization of the Czech lands in the Central European perspective]. Brno, Vydala Matice moravská pro Výzkumné středisko pro dějiny střední Evropy: prameny, země, kultura, 2011, 390 p. (ill., pl., facs.). (Země a kultura ve střední Evropě, 19). 2918. HARRIS (Matthew Edward). The notion of papal monarchy in the thirteenth century: the idea of paradigm in church history. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, III-140 p. 2919. Practice (The) of the Bible in the Middle Ages: production, reception, and performance in Western Christianity. Ed. by Susan BOYNTON and Diane J. REILLY. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, VIII-364 p. 2920. Religiosità e civiltà: identità delle forme religiose (secoli X–XII). Atti del Convegno internazionale,
§ 13. History of the Church and religion Brescia, 9–11 settembre 2009. A cura di Giancarlo ANDENNA. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2011, XVIII-293 p. (Storia. Ricerche). 2921. ROSSETTI (Gabriella). Percorsi di Chiesa nella società medioevale: il culto dei santi, il patrimonio, i vescovi, il clero, le donne, le voci del tempo, un papa riformatore, un epilogo. Pisa, GISEM ed ETS, 2011, 593 p. (ill.). (Piccola biblioteca GISEM, 25). 2922. TÜRCK (Verena). Christliche Pilgerfahrten nach Jerusalem im früheren Mittelalter im Spiegel der Pilgerberichte. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, X-154 p. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 40). 2923. WALKER BYNUM (Caroline). Christian materiality. An essay on religion in Late Medieval Europe. New York, Zone Books, 2011, 408 p. Cf. no 4458 b. History of the Popes ** 2924. English Episcopal acta. Vol. 38. London 1229–1280. Vol. 39. London 1280–1303. Ed. by Philippa M. HOSKIN. London, Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2011, 2 vol., XXXIV-341 p. ** 2925. Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1066–1300. Vol. 11. Coventry and Lichfield. Ed. by Christopher BROOK, Jeffrey DENTON and Diana E. GREENWAY. London, University of London, Institute of Historical Research, 2011, LXIII-112 p. ** 2926. MAGNONI (Francesca). Le rendite del vescovo tra conservazione e innovazione: i registri dei censi dell'episcopato bergamasco, secoli XIII–XV. Bergamo, Centro studi e ricerce Archivio bergamasco e Sestante, 2011, 123 p. (ill.). (Contributi della Borsa di studio Avv. Alessandro Cicolari, 2). ** 2927. MALLORQUI GARCIA (Elvis). El Llibre verd del bisbe de Girona, 1362–1371: el delme i l'estructura feudal de la diòcesi de Girona al segle XIV. Girona, Diputació de Girona, 2011, 580 p. (Francesc Eiximenis, 13). ** 2928. Register (The) of John de Stratford Bishop of Winchester, 1323–1333. Ed. by Roy Martin HAINES. Woking, Surrey Record Society, 2011, 2 vol., XXIVIII-904 p. (ill., map). (Surrey record society, 42-43). ** 2929. Registers (The) of Bishop Henry Burghersh, 1320–1342. Vol. 3 Memoranda register: dispensations for study Cum ex eo, licences for non-residence, testamentary business, letters dimissory, appointment of penitentiaries. Ed. by N. H. BENNETT. Woodbridge, Lincoln Record Society by Boydell Press, 2011, XXVIII486 p. (The publications of the Lincoln Record Society, 101).
quattro mani di un'esperienza odeporica dell'VIII secolo. A cura di Mario IADANZA. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. 2011, CCCXIV-114 p. (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Per verba, 28). ** 2932. WOOLGAR (C. M.). Testamentary records of the English and Welsh episcopate, 1200–1413: wills, executors' accounts and inventories, and the probate process. York, Canterbury and York Society, 2011, LVII-360 p. (Canterbury and York Society, 102). _______________________
2933. BILOTTA (Maria Alessandra). I libri dei papi. La curia, il Laterano e la produzione manoscritta ad uso del papato nel medioevo (secoli VI–XIII). Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2011, XXXII284 p. (Studi e testi, 465). 2934. CARL (Carolina). A bishopric between three kingdoms: Calahorra, 1045–1190. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 292 p. (map). (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 43). 2935. FÖRSTER (Thomas). Bonizo von Sutri als gregorianischer Geschichtsschreiber. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2011, XXVI-276 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Studien und Texte, 53). 2936. Geschichte des Kardinalats im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Jürgen DENDORFER, Ralf LÜTZELSCHWAB und Etienne ANHEIM. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2011, XIV-608 p. (Päpste und Papsttum, 39). 2937. Gesta di Innocenzo III. A cura di Giulia BAe Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 303 p. (La corte dei papi, 20). RONE
2938. Gregorio IX e gli Ordini mendicanti. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno internazionale, Assisi, 7–9 ottobre 2010. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, X-425 p. (tav., ill.). (Atti dei convegni della Società internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani, 21. Società internazionale di studi francescani, convegni, 38). 2939. JÉGOU (Laurent). L'évêque, juge de paix: l'autorité épiscopale et le règlement des conflits entre Loire et Elbe (milieu VIIIe–milieu XIe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 574 p. (Collection Haut Moyen Âge, 11). 2940. JOHRENDT (Jochen). Die Diener des Apostelfürsten: das Kapitel von St. Peter im Vatikan (XI– XIII Jahrhundert). Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2011, X-564 p. (Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 122).
** 2930. Regular canons (The) in the Medieval British Isles. Ed. by Janet E. BURTON and Karen STÖBER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XVII-514 p. (ill., maps, plans). (Medieval church studies, 19).
2941. NOWAK (Jessika). Ein Kardinal im Zeitalter der Renaissance. Die Karriere des Giovanni di Castiglione (ca. 1413–1460). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XVII-520 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation/Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation, 59).
** 2931. Vita Willibaldi episcopi Eichstetensis. Il vescovo Willibald e la monaca Hugeburc: la scrittura a
2942. PANGERL (Daniel Carlo). Die Metropolitanverfassung des karolingischen Frankenreiches. Hanno-
ver, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2011, XLVI-345 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Schriften, 63).
HOROWSKI. Roma, Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, 2011, CXC-594 p. (Subsidia scientifica Franciscalia, 12).
2943. Papato (Il) e i Normanni: temporale e spirituale in età normanna. Atti del Convegno di studi organizzato da CNR (Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche), CESN (Centro europeo di studi normanni), SISMEL (Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino), Ariano Irpino, 6–7 dicembre 2007. A cura di Edoardo D'ANGELO e Claudio LEONARDI. Firenze, SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, 301 p. (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 91. Millennio medievale. Strumenti e studi, 29).
2954. ALLEN SMITH (Katherine). War and the making of Medieval monastic culture. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, IX-236 p. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 37).
2944. PARMEGGIANI (Riccardo). Il vescovo e il capitolo: il cardinale Niccolò Albergati e i canonici di S. Pietro di Bologna, 1417–1443. Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2011, 312 p. 2945. Patterns of Episcopal Power: Bishops in tenth and eleventh century Western Europe = Strukturen bischöflicher Herrschaftsgewalt im westlichen Europa des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Ludger KÖRNTGEN und Dominik WASSENHOVEN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, 226 p. (Prinz-Albert-Forschungen, 6). 2946. SOMERVILLE (Robert). Pope Urban II's Council of Piacenza. March 1–7, 1095. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-151 p. 2947. STROLL (Mary). Popes and Antipopes. The Politics of Eleventh Century Church Reform. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 266 p. (Study in the history of Christian tradition). 2948. THEIR (Andreas). Hierarchie und Autonomie: Regelungstraditionen der Bischofsbestellung in der Geschichte des kirchlichen Wahlrechts bis 1140. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2011, XVII-573 p. (Recht im ersten Jahrtausend, 1). 2949. WITTHINRICH (Kai). … si negotio ecclesiae videtur expedire. Die Päpste des Mittelalters zwischen Eherecht und Heiratspolitik. Eine typologische Untersuchung. Husum, Matthiesen, 2011, 556 p. (Historische Studien, 500). c. Monastic history ** 2950. Carte del Monastero di S. Abbondio di Como: dalla fondazione all'anno 1200: introduzione e indici. A cura di Liliana MARTINELLI PERELLI. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 152 p. (Documenti di storia lombarda, 2). ** 2951. Monjas Trinitarias de Avinganya: monacato femenino medieval. Colección documental. Lleida, Milenio, 2011, 397 p. (ill., map).
2955. BAZZICHI (Oreste). Il paradosso francescano tra povertà e società di mercato: dai monti di pietà alle nuove frontiere etico-sociali del credito. Cantalupa, Effatà, 2011, 175 p. (Polis e oikonomia, 12). 2956. BLENNEMANN (Gordon). Die Metzer Benediktinerinnen im Mittelalter. Studien zu den Handlungsspielräumen geistlicher Frauen. Husum, Matthiesen, 2011, 388 p. (Historische Studien, 498). 2957. BRENNER (Bernhard). Normen und Reformen in ostschwäbischen Augustiner-Chorherrenstiften: ihre Bedeutung für Ordensverfassung und Selbstverständnis. Augsburg, Wissner, 2011, X-485 p. (ill., map). (Veröffentlichungen der schwäbischen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Reihe 1, Studien zur Geschichte des Bayerischen Schwaben, 40).monasteri 2958. BURTON (Janet E.), KERR (Julie). The Cistercians in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, VIII-244 p. (Monastic orders). 2959. CANTY (Aaron M.). Light and glory: the transfiguration of Christ in early Franciscan and Dominican theology. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2011, XI-266 p. 2960. CARIBONI (Guido). Il nostro ordine è la carità: cistercensi nei secoli XII e XIII. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2011, 204 p. (Storia. Ricerche). 2961. CHARRUADAS (Paulo). La politique monastique des ducs de Brabant. Considérations autour d'un projet de transfert de l'abbaye de Grimbergen vers Haren (1228). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 205-226. 2962. CLARK (James G.). The Benedictines in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, X374 p. (pl., ill., maps). (Monastic orders). 2963. COMBA (Rinaldo). Eremi ed eremiti di montagna: spazi e luoghi certosini nell'Italia medievale. Cuneo, Società per gli studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della Provincia di Cuneo, 2011, 165 p. (Storia e storiografiam 50). 2964. COON (Lynda L.). Dark age bodies: gender and monastic practice in the early Medieval West. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XI390 p. (Middle Ages series).
** 2952. Quare detraxistis sermonibus veritatis? La disputa della povertà in un testo fraticellesco del XIV sec. Edizione critica con traduzione italiana Filippo SEDDA. Roma, Antonianum, 2011, 403 p. (Medioevo, 21).
2965. De amoris sapore: il "sapore dell'amore" nel medioevo cistercense. A cura di Milvia FIORONI. Milano, Glossa, 2011, IX-123 p. (Sapientia, 53).
** 2953. THOMAS DE CELANO. Memoriale: editio critico-synoptica duarum redactionum ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum. Ed Felice ACCROCCA et Aleksander
2966. DIVICCARO (Antonio Massimo). S. Stefano di Barletta: un monastero femminile cistercense nel Mezzogiorno medievale, XII–XVI secolo. Barletta, Biblioteca
§ 13. History of the Church and religion Comunale Sabino Loffredo, 2011, 189 p. (ill.). (Ricerche della Biblioteca, 37). 2967. Ecclesia in medio nationis: reflections on the study of monasticism in the central Middle Ages. Ed. by Steven VANDERPUTTEN and Brigitte MEIJNS. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2011, 215 p. (ill.). (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, 42). 2968. Filosofia e teologia negli Ordini mendicanti (XIII–XV secolo). Memorie domenicane. Rivista di religione, storia, arte, 42, 2011, 832 p. (ill.). 2969. Francescanesimo e cultura nella provincia di Trapani. Atti del Convegno di studio, Trapani-Alcamo 19–21 novembre 2011. Padova, Centro studi antoniani e Palermo, Biblioteca francescana di Palermo, 2011, 394 p. (ill.). (Centro studi antoniani, 47). 2970. Fratres de familia: gli insediamenti dell'Osservanza minoritica nella penisola italiana (sec. XIV–XV). A cura di Letizia Pellegrini e Gian Maria Varanini. Caselle di Sommacampagna, Cierre edizioni, 2011, 453 p. (Quaderni di storia religiosa). 2971. Frauen bauen Europa: internationale Verflechtungen des Frauenstifts Essen. Hrsg. v. Thomas SCHILP. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 463 p. (ill., maps). (Essener Forschungen zum Frauenstift, 9). 2972. GASSMANN (Guido). Die Konversen der Zisterzienser in den Anfängen des Ordens. Patrium Cisterciense: Quellen und Untersuchungen zum zisterziensischen Erbe. Aachen, Patrimonium-Verlag, 2011, 181 p. (ill.). 2973. GLEBA (Gudrun), EBERHARDT (Ilse). Summa Summarum. Spätmittelalterliche Wirtschaftsnachrichten und Rechnungsbücher des Osnabrücker Klosters Gertrudenberg. Transkription und Kommentar. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 244 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 9). 2974. Grand (Le) Schisme d'Occident et ses implications dans l'ordre des Chartreux: l'obédience urbaniste et les chartreuses de Franconie de 1378 à 1410. Éd. par Coralie ZERMATTEN et James HOGG. Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2011, 107 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 293). 2975. GREATREX (Joan). The English Benedictine cathedral priories: rule and practice, c. 1270–c. 1420. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-416 p. 2976. HLAVÁČEK (Petr). Die böhmischen Franziskaner im ausgehenden Mittelalter. Studien zur Kirchenund Kulturgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 230 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 40). 2977. JAMROZIAK (Emilia). Survival and success on medieval borders: Cistercian houses in medieval Scotland and Pomerania from the twelfth to the late fourteenth century. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XVI-215 p. (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 24). (ill., maps).
2978. JOTISCHKY (Andrew). A hermit's cookbook: monks, food and fasting in the Middle Ages. London, Continuum, 2011, XII-209 p. (ill.). 2979. Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in der Ordenslandschaft des Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Nicole KURNAP und Marco STOFFELLA. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2011, 165 p. (ill.). (MittelalterStudien, 25). 2980. LEBECQ (Stéphane). Autour de la fondation de l'abbaye cistercienne de Vaucelles. La charte de confirmation de l'évêque Liétard de Cambrai (1133). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 439-453. 2981. LESTER (Anne E.). Creating cistercian nuns: the women's religious movement and its reform in thirteenth-century Champagne. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XXII-261 p. 2982. LICENCE (Tom). Hermits and recluses in English society, 950–1200. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X240 p. 2983. MANETTI (Renzo). Cavalieri del mistero. Templari e Fedeli d'amore in Toscana. Firenze, Le lettere, 2011, 147 p. (ill.). 2984. MARAZZI (Federico). San Vincenzo al Volturno dal X al XII secolo: le molte vite di un monastero fra poteri universali e trasformazioni geopolitiche del Mezzogiorno. Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2011, 252 p. (ill.). (Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. Subsidia, 10). 2985. MATIĆ (Tomislav). Viteški red u službi monarhije: Hospitalci na hrvatskom prostoru u XIII. i XIV. Stoljeću. (A military order in the service of monarchy: the Hospitallers in the Croatian territory in the 13th and 14th centuries). Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest, 2011, 43, 1, p. 187-206. 2986. Monacato (El) espontáneo: eremitas y eremitorios en el mundo medieval. Ed. por José Angel GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE y Ramón TEJA. Aguilar de Campo, Fundación Santa María la Real, 2011, 231 p. (ill.). 2987. Nonantola, 3. Le terre dell'Abate: il Nonantolano tra tardantichità e medioevo. A di Mauro LIBRENTI e Alessandra CIANCIOSI. Borgo San Lorenzo, All'insegna del giglio, 2011, 108 p. (ill.). 2988. NUCERA (Erminia). Uniti dal mare: patrimoni monastici tra Calabria ultra e Sicilia nell'età normanna. Reggio Calabria, Città del sole, 2011, 442 p. (ill.). 2989. O'DONOGHUE (Neil Xavier). The Eucharist in pre-Norman Ireland. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, XV-352 p. 2990. Origin (The), development, and refinement of medieval religious mendicancies. Ed. by Donald PRUDLO. Boston, Brill, 2011, XVIII-382 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 24). 2991. Pellegrinaggi e monachesimo celtico: dall'Irlanda alle sponde del Mediterraneo. Atti della giornata di
studio (Genova, 14 ottobre 2010). A cura di Francesco BENOZZO e Marina MONTESANO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 263 p. 2992. PETIT (François, O. Praem.). Spirituality of the Premonstratensians: the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Trappist, Cistercian Publications Liturgical Press, 2011, XVIII-341 p. (Cistercian studies series, 242. Premonstratensian texts and studies, 2). 2993. RACE (Sharla). Aelred of Rievaulx, Cistercian monk and medieval man: a twelfth century life. Saltburnby-the-Sea, Tigmor Books, 2011, XII-216 p. 2994. RENZI (Francesco). Nascita di una signoria monastica cistercense: Santa Maria di Chiaravalle di Fiastra tra XII e XIII secolo. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, 287 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 29).
Raffaele FASSETTA. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2011, 205 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 548). ** 3005. Ludi (I) sancti Nicholai in francoprovenzale (inizio XV secolo). A cura di Laura RAMELLO. Chambéry, Université de Savoie, 2011, 304 p. (ill.). (Corpus, 7). 3006. BROPHY (Donald). Catherine of Siena: a passionate life. London, Darton, Longman and Todd. 2011, 296 p. (ill., map). 3007. COOPER (Janet). The church dedications and saints' cults of medieval Essex. Lancaster, Scotforth Books, 2011, XII-188 p. (maps). 3008. CREUTZBURG (Anette). Die heilige Birgitta von Schweden: bildliche Darstellungen und theologische Kontroversen im Vorfeld ihrer Kanonisation (1373–1391). Kiel, Ludwig, 2011, 320 p. (ill., facs).
2995. RIGON (Antonio). Francesco e il francescanesimo. Considerazioni su un libro recente di André Vauchez. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 2, p. 699-710.
3009. CROOK (John). English medieval shrines. Woodbridge a. New York, Boydell Press, 2011, XXIV342 p. (ill., map). (Boydell studies in medieval art and architecture).
2996. SCHROEDER (Nicolas). Organiser et représenter l'espace d'un site monastique. L'exemple de SaintHubert du IXe au XIIe siècle. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 711-745.
3010. FENELLI (Laura). Dall'eremo alla stalla. Storia di sant'Antonio abate e del suo culto. Roma e Bari, GLF Laterza, 2011, XV-190 p. (tav., ill.). (Storia e società).
2997. SERGI (Giuseppe). L'arcangelo sulle Alpi: origini, cultura e caratteri dell'abbazia medievale di S. Michele della Chiusa. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 164 p. (Bibliotheca Michaelica, 7). 2998. SMITH (Katherine Allen). War and the making of medieval monastic culture. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, IX-236 p. (Studies in the history of medieval religion, 37). 2999. STEJSKAL (Jan). Řecké dědictví na Západě: monaticismus, misie a střední Evropa ve strědověku [ = Greek heritage in the West monasticism, mission and Central Europe in the Middle Ages]. České, Budějovice Veduta, 2011, 223 p. (ill.). 3000. SULLIVAN (Karen). The inner lives of medieval inquisitors. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XI-296 p. 3001. TRIVELLONE (Alessia). Cîteaux et l'Église militante: ecclésiologie et altérité à travers les enluminures des manuscrits réalisés sous Étienne Harding (1108– 1133). Revue historique, 2011, 660, p. 713-745. 3002. TURCUŞ (Şerban). Greek monks as latin bishops in the Kingdom of Hungary and in Transylvania (11th– 12th centuries). An antroponymic contribution. Transylvanian Review, 2011, 20, 4, p. 65-79. 3003. VARGAS (Michael A.). Taming a brood of vipers: conflict and change in fourteenth-century Dominican convents. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VIII-350 p. (maps). (The medieval and early modern Iberian world, 42).
3011. FINUCANE (Ronald C.). Contested canonizations: the last Medieval saints, 1482–1523. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2011, X276 p. 3012. FREEMAN (Charles). Holy bones, holy dust: how relics shaped the history of Medieval Europe. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XV-306 p. (pl., ill., maps). 3013. JUHEL (Énora). Le Culte des saints à La Baumette à la fin du Moyen Âge. Angers, Société des Études Angevines, 2011, 215 p. 3014. KLEIN (Almuth). Funktion und Nutzung der Krypta im Mittelalter: Heiligsprechung und Heiligenverehrung am Beispiel Italien. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2011, X-274 p. (ill.). (Spätantike-frühes ChristentumByzanz. Studien und Perspektiven, 31). 3015. KOOPMANS (Rachel). Wonderful to relate: miracle stories and miracle collecting in high Medieval England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VIII-337 p. (Middle Ages series). 3016. Living saints of the thirteenth century: the lives of Yvette, anchoress of Huy, Juliana of Cornillon, author of the Corpus Christi feast, and Margaret the Lame, anchoress of Magdeburg. Ed. by Anneke B. MULDER-BAKKER, Jo Ann MAC NAMARA and Barbara NEWMAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, IX-414 p. (Medieval women: texts and contexts, 20).
d. Hagiography
3017. NASCIMENTO (Aires Augusto). S. Vicente de Lisboa: legendas, milagres e culto liturgico. Testemunhos latinomedievais, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2011, 160 p. (ill.).
** 3004. GEOFFREY OF AUXERRE. Notes sur la vie et les miracles de Saint Bernard. Fragmenta I. Éd. par
3018. NOVAK (Zrinka). Utjecaj kulta blažene djevice Marije na neke aspekte pobožnosti na istočnoj jadrans-
§ 13. History of the Church and religion koj obali u razvijenome i kasnome srednjem vijeku. (The influnce of the Virgin Mary cult on some aspects of devotion at the Eastern Adriatic coast in the high and late Middle Ages). Croatica Christiana Periodica, 2011, 35, 67, p. 1-28. 3019. SKÓRZEWSKA (Joanna A.). Constructing a Cult. The Life and Veneration of Guðmundr Arason (1161– 1237) in the Icelandic Written Sources Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 384 p. (The Northern World). Cf. no 2985 e. Special studies ** 3020. BLENNOW (Anna Holst). The Latin Consecrative Inscriptions in prose of Churches and Altars in Rome 1046–1263: edition with translation and a commentary on language and palaeography. Roma, Società romana di storia patria alla Biblioteca Vallicelliana, 2011, 339 p. (ill.). (Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 56). ** 3021. GERWING (Manfred). Johannes Quidort von Paris (1306): De antichristo et de fine mundi / Vom Antichrist und vom Ende der Welt. Lateinisch-Deutsch. Regensburg, Friedrich Pustet, 2011, XXI-339 p. (Eichstätter Studien, 65).
3028. Aspects of charity concern for one's neighbour in medieval vita religiosa. International Medieval Congress (2010, Leeds, England). Ed. by Gert MELVILLE. Berlin, Lit, 2011, XII-174 p. (Vita regularis, 45). 3029. BAROFFIO (Giacomo). Iter liturgicum italiacum editio maior. Stroncone, Associazione San Michele Arcangelo, 2011, 779 p. (Instrumenta, 1). 3030. BEJCZY (István Pieter). The cardinal virtues in the Middle Ages: a study in moral thought from the fourth to the fourteenth century. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VII-361 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 202). 3031. Bibbia (La) e le donne. Vol. 6. Il Medioevo e l'inizio dell'età moderna. Parte 2. Donne e Bibbia nel Medioevo (secoli XII–XV): tra ricezione e interpretazione. A cura di Kari Elisabeth BORRESEN e Adriana VALERIO. Trapani, Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2011, 423 p. (ill.). 3032. BONOLDI GATTERMAYER (Elena). Il processo agli ultimi catari. Inquisitori, confessioni, storie. Jaca Book, 2011, XVIII-317 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 984. Biblioteca di cultura medievale). 3033. BRAID (Angus J.). Mysticism and heresy: studies in radical religion in the central Middle Ages (c.850–1210). York, Alcuin Academics, 2011, 441 p.
** 3022. PARMEGGIANI (Riccardo). I consilia procedurali per l'Inquisizione medievale (1235–1330). Bologna, Bononia U. P., 2011, CVI-315 p.
3034. BROWN (Andrew). Civic ceremony and religion in medieval Bruges c. 1300–1520. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-368 p.
** 3023. Viandes esperiteiles: sermoni del XIII sec. dal ms. BNF FR. 1822. Edizione critica, introduzione e note a cura di Giovanni STRINNA. Roma, Il bagatto, 2011, 188 p.
3035. CARPENTER (David A.). Archbishop Langton and Magna Carta: his contribution, his doubts and his hypocrisy. English historical review, 2011, 126, 522, p. 1041-1065.
3024. Adorare caelestia, gubernare terrena: atti del colloquio internazionale in onore di Paolo Lucentini, Napoli, 6–7 novembre 2007. A cura di Pasquale ARFÉ, Irene CAIAZZO e Antonella SANNINO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 581 p. (ill., facs.). (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia. Research on the inheritance of early and medieval Christianity, 58).
3036. CASSIDY-WELCH (Megan). Imprisonment in the Medieval religious imagination, c. 1150–1400. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-192 p.
3025. After Arundel: religious writing in fifteenthcentury England. Ed. by Vincent GILLESPIE and Kantik GHOSH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XIX-657 p. (ill.). (Medieval church studies, 21).
3038. Chalcedon in context: Church councils, 400− 700. Ed. by Richard PRICE and Mary WHITBY. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, VII-205 p. (Translated text for Historians, Contexts, 1).
3026. ANDERSON (Wendy Love). The discernment of spirits: assessing visions and visionaries in the late Middle Ages. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, IX-266 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the late middle ages, humanism and the reformation, 63).
3039. CHAVARRÍA ARNAU (Alexandra). Archeologia delle chiese: dalle origini all'anno Mille. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 259 p. (ill.), (Studi superiori, 631).
3027. Apocalisse (L') nel Medioevo. Atti del Convegno internazionale dell'Università degli studi di Milano e della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.), Gargnano sul Garda, 18–20 maggio 2009. A cura di Rossana E. GUGLIELMETTI. Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, VI-671 p. (ill.). (Millennio medievale, 90). GUGLIELMETTI (Rossana E.).
3037. Cathedrals, communities and conflict in the Anglo-Norman world. Ed. by Paul DALTON, Charles INSLEY and Louise J. WILKINSON. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, X-258 p.
3040. CHAVE-MAHIR (Florence). L'exorcisme des possédés dans l'Église d'Occident (Xe–XIVe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 446 p. (pl., ill.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire culturelle du Moyen Âge, 10). 3041. CLAUSEN (Svend). Fængselskrøniken. Den hellige Jens Grands lidelser. (The prison chronicle and the sufferings of the Holy Jens Grand). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 416-452. 3042. Companion (A) to the Eucharist in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Ian Christopher LEVY, Gary MACY and
Kristen VAN AUSDALL. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 640 p. (Brill's companions to Christian tradition). 3043. Conversations with angels: essays towards a history of spiritual communication, 1100–1700. Ed. by Joad RAYMOND. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-349 p. (ill.). 3044. COSTARD (Monika). Spätmittelalterliche Frauenfrömmigkeit am Niederrhein: Geschichte, Spiritualität und Handschriften der Schwesternhäuser in Geldern und Sonsbeck. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XI764 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 62). (ill.). 3045. CZERWON (Ariane). Predigt gegen Ketzer: Studien zu den lateinischen Sermones Bertholds von Regensburg. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, X-265 p. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the late Middle Ages, humanism and the Reformation, 57). 3046. DAHAN (Gilbert). Nicolas de Lyre, franciscain du XIVe siècle: exégète et théologien. Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennes, 2011, 398 p. (facs.). (Collection des études augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et temps modernes, 48). 3047. DANIEL (Emmett Randolph). Abbot Joachim of Fiore and Joachimism: selected articles. Farnham, Ashgate Variorum, 2011, XII-360 p. (Variorum collected studies series). 3048. DEANE (Jennifer Kolpacoff). A history of medieval heresy and inquisition. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2011, VIII-319 p. (ill., maps). (Critical issues in history: world and international history). 3049. DELMAIRE (Bernard). L'organisation religieuse de la vallée de la Lys entre Aire et Comines au Moyen Âge. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 239-253.
3054. Female 'vita religiosa' between Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages: structures, developments and spatial contexts. Ed. by Gert MELVILLE and Anne MÜLLER. Berlin, Lit, 2011, XIV-440 p. (ill., maps). (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen, 47). 3055. Filioque-Kontroverse (Die): historische, ökumenische und dogmatische Perspektiven 1200 Jahre nach der Aachener Synode. Hrsg. v. Michael BÖHNKE, Assaad Elias KATTAN und Bernd OBERDORFER. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 2011, 312 p. 3056. Gender, Catholicism and spirituality: women and the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and Europe, 1200–1900. Ed. by Laurence LUX-STERRITT and Carmen M. MANGION. Houndmills a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVI-204 p. (Gender and history). 3057. GOETZ (Hans-Werner). Gott und die Welt: religiöse Vorstellungen des frühen und hohen Mittelalters. Teil 1. Bd. 1. Das Gottesbild. Bd. 2. Die materielle Schöpfung: Kosmos und Welt. Die Welt als Heilsgeschehen. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 2 vol., 360 p., 658 p. (Orbis mediaevalis: Vorstellungswelten des Mittelalters, 13/1-2). 3058. Gottes Schau und Weltbetrachtung: Interpretationen zum "Liber contemplationis" des Raimundus Lullus. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses aus Anlass des 50-jährigen Bestehens des Raimundus-Lullus-Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, 25.–28. November 2007, Hrsg. v. Fernando DOMÍNGUEZ REBOIRAS, Viola TENGE-WOLF und Peter WALTER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XI-488 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia: research on the inheritance of early and medieval Christianity, 59. Subsidia Lulliana, 4). 3059. Gottesverständnis (Das) der deutschen Mystik (Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Heinrich Seuse) und die Frage nach seiner Orthodoxie. Hrsg. v. Markus ENDERS. Berlin, Lit, 2011, 192 p. (ill.). (Heinrich-SeuseJahrbuch Band, 4).
3050. DOANE (Alger Nicolaus). Purloined letters: the twelfth-century reception of the Anglo-Saxon illustrated Hexateuch (British library, Cotton Claudius B. IV). Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2011, 396 p. (ill.). (Medieval and renaissance texts and studies, 395). religione
3060. HAMM (Berndt). Religiosität im späten Mittelalter: Spannungspole, Neuaufbrüche, Normierungen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, IX-620 p. (ill.). (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation, 54).
3051. Easter controversy (The) of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages: its manuscripts, texts and tables. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Science of Compututs, Galway, 18–20 July 2008. Ed. by Immo WARNTJES and Dáibhí Ó CRÓINÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, XI-366 p.
3061. Hérétique (L') au village: les minorités religieuses dans l'Europe médiévale et modern. Actes des XXXI Journées Internationales d'histoire de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9 et 10 octobre 2009. Éd. par Philippe CHAREYRE. Toulouse, Pressese Universitaires du Mirail, 2011, 270 p. (ill.).
3052. Età metaforica (L'): figure di Dio e letteratura medievale da Gregorio Magno a Dante. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2011, XVIII-404 p. (Uomini e mondi medievali, 25).
3062. Inquisitors and heretics in thirteenth-century Languedoc: edition and translation of Toulouse inquisition depositions, 1273–1282. Ed. by Peter BILLER, Caterina BRUSCHI and Shelagh SNEDDON. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XV-1088 p. (Studies in the history of Christian tradition, 147).
3053. FEDERER (Urban). Mystische Erfahrung im literarischen Dialog: die Briefe Heinrichs von Nördlingen an Margaretha Ebner. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, 496 p. (ill.). (Scrinium Friburgense, 25).
3063. ISGRÒ (Giovanni). Il sacro e la scena. Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 247 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di cultura, 720).
§ 13. History of the Church and religion 3064. JESCHKE (Thomas). Deus ut tentus vel visus: die Debatte um die Seligkeit im reflexiven Akt (ca. 1293–1320). Leiden, Brill, 2011, XVIII-862 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 104). 3065. JULEROT (Véronique). Jean Simon, évêque de Paris (1492–1502): les réseaux d'un succès. Revue historique, 2011, 659, p. 511-525. 3066. LARSSON (Gabriela Bjarne). Omsorg om själen – vård av kroppen. (Pastoral and bodily care in religious houses and churches). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 433-458. 3067. LEPINE (David). Cathedrals and charity: almsgiving at English secular cathedrals in the later Middle Ages. English historical review, 2011, 126, 522, p. 10661096. 3068. LUCIONI (Alfredo). Anselmo IV da Bovisio arcivescovo di Milano (1097–1101): episcopato e società urbana sul finire dell'XI secolo. Milano, V&P, 2011, 256 p. (Storia. Ricerche. Vita e pensiero. Università). 3069. MAC CREADY (William David). Odiosa sanctitas: St Peter Damian, simony, and reform. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2011, X-321 p. (Studies and texts, 177. Mediaeval law and theology, 4). 3070. MERLO (Grado Giovanni). Eretici del medioevo: temi e paradossi di storia e storiografia. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2011, 181 p. (Storia, 43). 3071. Monumenta: rinascere dalle acque. Spazi e forme del battesimo nella Toscana medievale. A cura di Annamaria DUCCI e Marco FRATI. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2011, 149 p. (ill.). 3072. MORDENTI (Jacopo). Templari in Terrasanta: l'oltremare del Templare di Tiro. Milano, Encyclomedia, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). (Performing ideas).
3078. RIEHLE (Wolfgang). Englische Mystik des Mittelalters. München, Verlag C.H.Beck, 2011, 623 p. (ill.). 3079. ROSA (Aldo). Arte e devozione popolare in Piemonte nell'autunno del Medioevo. Viaggio attraverso il gotico subalpino. Torino, Marco Valerio, 2011, 238 p. (ill.). 3080. ROUSSEAU (Marie-Hélène). Saving the souls of Medieval London: perpetual chantries at St Paul's Cathedral, c.1200–1548. Farnham, Ashgate 2011, 184 p. (Church, faith and culture in the medieval West). 3081. RUBENSTEIN (Jay). Armies of heaven: the first Crusade and the quest for apocalypse. New York, Basic Books, 2011, XIV-402 p. 3082. RUBIO SADIA (Juan Pablo). La recepción del rito francorromano en Castilla (ss. XI–XII): las tradiciones litúrgicas locales a través del Responsorial del Proprium de Tempore. Città del Vaticano, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2011, 439 p. (Monumenta studia instrumenta liturgica, 61). 3083. SACKVILLE (Lucy J.). Heresy and heretics in the thirteenth century: the textual representations. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press, 2011, XII-224 p. (Heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, 1). 3084. SILVA (Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves). Mit wachen und mit gebeten, mit almuosen und mit vasten: die Kasteiung des Fleisches in den Werken Hartmanns von Aue und Wolframs von Eschenbach. Bamberg, University of Bamberg Press, 2011, 298 p. (Schriften aus der Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 7). 3085. SZYMBORSKI (Wiktor). Odpusty w Polsce średniowiecznej [ = Medieval indulgences in Poland]. Kraków, Tow. Wydawnicze "Historia Iagellonica", 2011, 671 p. (ill.). (Medium Aevum, 3).
3073. OSTORERO (Martine). Le diable au sabbat: littérature démonologique et sorcellerie (1440–1460). Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2011, XVII-806 p. (Micrologus' library, 38).
3086. TAYLOR (Claire). Heresy, crusade and inquisition in medieval Quercy: Catahrism and political dissent. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press in association with Boydell & Brewer, 2011, XVI-277 p. (ill., maps). (Heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, 2).
3074. PALA (Andrea). Arredo liturgico medievale. La documentazione scritta e materiale in Sardegna fra IV e XIV secolo. Cagliari, 2011, 257 p. (ill.).
3087. THÉRY (Julien). Lieux sacrés et espace ecclésial (IXe–XVe siècle). Toulouse, Éditions Privat, 2011, 615 p. (ill., maps). (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 46).
3075. PARISSE (Michel). Religieux et religieuses en empire: du Xe au XIIe siècle. Paris, Picard, 2011, 253 p. (Les médiévistes français, 11).
3088. VÄLIMÄKI (Reima). "Hereticum iudicamus". Kättardomen över Botulf vid rättegången i Uppsala ärkestift 1310–1311. ("Hereticum iudicamus". Kättardomen of Botulf Botulfsson trial in Uppsala Archdiocese 1310–1311). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 2, p. 110-130.
3076. REINHERUS PADERBORNENSIS. Computus emendatus: die verbesserte Osterfestberechnung von 1171. Hrsg. v. Werner HEROLD. Paderborn, Bonifatius, 2011, 230 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (Studien und Quellen zur westfälischen Geschichte, 67). 3077. RICCI (Adelaide). I corpi della pietà: l'assistenza a Cremona intorno al complesso di S. Maria della Pietà, XV secolo. Cremona, Biblioteca statale di Cremona, 2011, 509 p. (ill.). (Annali della Biblioteca statale e Libreria civica di Cremona, 60).
3089. VANNIER (Marie-Anne). Encyclopédie des mystiques rhénans d'Eckhart à Nicolas de Cues et leur réception. Paris, Cerf, 2011, 1277 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (L'apogée de la théologie mystique de l'Église d'Occident, 11). 3090. WALLER (Gary Fredric). The Virgin Mary in late medieval and early modern English litrature and
popular culture. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-237 p. § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. _______________________
3091. Ab urbe condita. Fonder et refonder la ville: récits et représentations, second Moyen Âge–premier XVIe siècle. Actes du colloque international de Pau, 15–16 mai 2009. Éd. par Véronique LAMAZOUDUPLAN. Pau, Presse univeritaires de Pai et des Pays de l'Adour, 2011, 587 p. 3092. Alexandrie médiévale 4. Ed. par Christian DÉJean-Yves EMPEREUR et Christophe PICARD. Alexandrie, Centre d'Études Alexandrines, 2011, 263 p. (Études Alexandrines, 24).
3093. BROGIOLO (Gian Pietro). Le origini della città medievale. Mantova, SAP Società Archeologica, 2011, 266 p. (ill.). (Post-classical archaeologies studies, 1). 3094. Cadolingi (I), Scandicci e la viabilità francigena. Atti del Convegno svoltosi il 4 dicembre 2010 a Badia a Settimo (Scandicci). A cura di Renato STOPANI e Fabrizio VANNI. Firenze, Centro studi Romei, 2011, 166 p. (ill.). 3095. CAESAR (Mathieu). Le pouvoir en ville. Gestion urbaine et pratiques politiques à Genève (fin XIIIe – début XVIe siècles). Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2011, XV-441 p. (Studies in European urban history [1100–1800], 25). 3096. DAHLBOM (Mats), SKOGLUND (Peter). Falkenberg i dansk medeltid. (La ville de Falkenberg au Moyen Age dans le royaume danois). Falkenberg, Salmon River, 2011, 222 p. (ill.). 3097. DECLERCQ (Georges). Le comte Baudouin V de Flandre et les origines urbaines de Lille. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 227-238. 3098. DELIGNE (Chloé), BILLEN (Claire). Autonomie et inclusion d'un espace: les détours de l'appartenance du quartier de La Chapelle à la ville de Bruxelles (XIIe– XIVe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 69-94.
3103. GODDARD (Richard). Small boroughs and the manorial economy: enterprise zones or urban failures? Past and present, 2011, 210, p. 3-31. 3104. GOODALL (John). The English castle, 1066– 1650. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XIX548 p. (ill.). 3105. Grandi (I) cantieri del rinnovamento urbano: esperienze italiane ed europee a confronto (secoli XIV– XVI1). A cura di Patrick BOUCHERON e Marco FOLIN. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, 288 p. (tav., ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 455). 3106. HAKENBECK (Susanne). Local, regional and ethnic identities in early medieval cemeteries in Bavaria. Borgo San Lorenzo, All'insegna del giglio, 2011, 173 p. (ill.). (Contributi di archeologia medievale, 5). 3107. HIRSCHMANN (Frank G.). Die Anfänge des Städtewesens in Mitteleuropa. Die Bischofssitze des Reiches bis ins 12. Jahrhundert. Teilbd. 1. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2011, XIII-457 p. (Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 59/1–3). 3108. Insediamenti rupestri di età medievale nell' Italia centrale e meridionale: l'organizzazione dello spazio nella mappatura dell'abitato. Atti del 2. Convegno Nazionale di Studi (Vasanello – VT, 24–25 ottobre 2009). A cura di Elisabetta DE MINICIS. Roma, Kappa, 2011, 261 p. (ill.). (Museo della città e del territorio, 1). 3109. Insediamenti umani e luoghi di culto fra Medioevo ed età moderna: le diocesi di Alba, Mondovì e Cuneo. A cura di Enrico LUSSO e Francesco PANERO. La Morra, Associazione culturale Antonella Salvatico, Centro internazionale di ricerca sui beni culturali, 2011, 262 p. (tav., ill.). 3110. KNIBBS (Eric). Ansgar, Rimbert, and the forged foundations of Hamburg-Bremen. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 258 p. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 258 p. (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West). 3111. Medieval Dublin: Vol. XI. Ed. by Seán DUFFY. Dublin, Four Courts P., 2011, 342 p.
3099. DURANTI (Tommaso). La prima chiave di Bologna: Castel San Pietro nel medioevo. Firenze, Edifir, 2011, 270 p. (ill.).
3112. Organizzare lo spazio, pianificare il territorio in età medievale. Atti del Seminario di San Giovanni Valdarno, 26 febbraio 2010. A cura di Paola GALETTI e Paolo PIRILLO. Ricerche storiche. Rivista semestrale del Centro piombinese di studi storici, 41/2 (2011), p. 254-485.
3100. Fabrique d'une ville médiévale Saint-Émilion au moyen âge. Éd. par Frédéric BOUTOULLE, Dany BARRAUD et Jean-Luc PIAT. Pessac, Fédération Aquitania, 2011, 411 p. (ill.). (Aquitania. Supplement, 26).
3113. PAGLIAROLI (Stefano). Il "castellum" di Priverno nel Medioevo. Fossanova, Centro Studi Fossanovesi Tommaso d'Aquino, 2011, 238 p. (tav., ill.). (Palus Pomptina, 2).
3101. Fouilles à Marseille: approche de la ville médiévale et moderne. Paris, Errance et Aix-en-Provence, Centre Camille Jullian, 2011, 463 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque d'archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine, 7. Études Massalietes, 10).
3114. Paisaje (El) rural en Andalucía occidental durante los siglos bajomedievales: actas de las I Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paisajes Rurales en Época Medieval, Cádiz, 1 y 2 de abril de 2009. Ed. por Emilio MARTÍN GUTIÉRREZ. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011, 226 p. (ill., pl.).
3102. GATTIGLIA (Gabriele). Pisa nel medioevo: produzione, società, urbanistica. Una lettura archeologica. Ghezzano, Felici, 2011, 151 p. (ill.). (Itinerari, 6).
3115. Place-names, language and the Anglo-Saxon landscape. Ed. by Nick HIGHAM and Martin J. Ryan.
§ 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, XII-245 p. (Publications of the Manchester centre for Anglo-Saxon studies, 10). (ill., maps). 3116. PREVENIER (Walter). Le parfum cosmopolite des villes des anciens Pays-Bas du XVe siècle, source d'un comportement social, éthique et culturel spécifique. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 619-632. 3117. SANSTERRE (Jean-Marie). Percevoir ou imaginer un espace urbain et suburbain extraordinaire aux e XI –XIIe siècles: Constantinople d'après quelques textes occidentaux. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 701-709. 3118. SANTANGELI VALENZANI (Riccardo). Edilizia residenziale in Italia nell'Altomedioevo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 161 p. (ill.). (Studi superiori, 615). 3119. SCHOFIELD (John). London 1100–1600: the archaeology of a capital city. Sheffield, Equinox, 2011,
XII-324 p. (ill.). (Studies in the archaeology of medieval Europe). 3120. VACCARO (Emanuele). Sites and pots: settlement and economy in Southern Tuscany (AD 300–900). Oxford, Archaopress, 2011, VI-297 p. (pl., ill., maps). (BAR international series, 2191). 3121. VERA ARANDA (Ángel Luis). Breve historia de las ciudades del mundo medieval. Madrid, Nowtilus, 2011, 270 p. (ill., pl.). 3122. Villaggi scomparsi e borghi nuovi nel Piemonte medievale. A cura di Rinaldo COMBA e Riccardo RAO. Cuneo, Società per gli Studi Storici, Archeologici ed Artistici della Provincia di Cuneo, 2011, 279 p. (tav., ill.). 3123. YANTE (Jean-Marie). Places et sociabilité urbaine en Hainaut (XIIIe–XVe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 989-998. Cf. nos 120-129
§ 1. General. 3124-3160. – § 2. History by countries. 3161-4293. § 1. General. ** 3124. Verfolgung (Die) und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933–1945. Band 4. Polen September 1939–Juli 1941. Bearb. von Klaus-Peter FRIEDRICH. Band 7. Sowjetunion mit annektierten Gebieten I: besetzte sowjetische Gebiete unter deutscher Militärverwaltung, Baltikum und Transnistrien. Bearb. von Bert HOPPE und Hildrun GLASS. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 2 vol., 751 p., 891 p. ______________________
3125. ABREVAYA STEIN (Sarah). Protected persons? The Baghdadi Jewish Diaspora, the British state, and the persistence of empire. American historical review, 2011, 116, 1, p. 80-108. 3126. Actores locales (Los) de la nación en la América Latina: análisis estratégicos. Ed. por Evelyne SANCHEZ. Puebla, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla y Tlaxcala, Colegio de Tlaxcala, 2011, 278 p. 3127. BERGMANN (Werner), WYRWA (Ulrich). Antisemitismus in Zentraleuropa. Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Darmstadt, WBG, 2011, 144 p. (Geschichte kompakt). 3128. Between Prague Spring and French May: opposition and revolt in Europe, 1960–1980. Ed. by Martin KLIMKE, Jacco PEKELDER and Joachim SCHARLOTH. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, 347 p. [Cf. no 3355.] 3129. BIONDICH (Mark). The Balkans: revolution, war, and political violence since 1878. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-384 p. (Zones of violence). 3130. Blancs et contre-révolutionnaires en Europe. Espaces, réseaux, cultures et mémoires, fin XVIIIe–début XXe siècles: France, Italie, Espagne, Portugal. Sous la dir. de Bruno DUMONS et Hilaire MULTON. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, 421 p. 3131. BLOWER (Brooke L.). Becoming Americans in Paris: transatlantic politics and culture between the World Wars. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-354 p.
3132. BLUMI (Isa). Reinstating the Ottomans: alternative Balkan modernities, 1800–1912. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XX-250 p. 3133. Comparing empires: encounters and transfers in the long nineteenth century. Ed. by Jörn LEONHARD and Ulrike von HIRSCHHAUSEN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 556 p. (Schriftenreihe der FRIARS School of history, 1). 3134. ERSLEV ANDERSEN (Lars) [et al.]. Ti år efter 11. September 2001. Tilbageblik, status og aktuelle tendenser. (Dix ans après le 11 septembre 2001. Regard rétrospectif, situation et tendances actuelles). København, Dansk Institut for internationale studier, 2011, 112 p. (ill.). 3135. Europas verlorene und wiedergewonnene Mitte. Das Ende des Alten Reiches und die Entstehung des Nationalitätenproblems im östlichen Mitteleuropa. Hrsg. v. Frank-Lothar KROLL und Hendrik THOß. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 276 p. (Chemnitzer Europastudien, 11). 3136. Europe médiane (L') au XXe siècle. Fractures, décompositions-recompositions-surcompositions. Sous la dir. de Paul GRADVOHL. Praha, Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES), 2011, 285 p. 3137. European empires and the people: popular responses to imperialism in France, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy. Ed. by John M. MACKENZIE. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, X242 p. 3138. GERWARTH (Robert), HORNE John). Vectors of violence: paramilitarism in Europe after the Great War, 1917–1923. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 3, p. 489-512. 3139. Globalisierung in der Geschichte: Erträge der XXIII Arbeitstagung der Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte vom 18. bis 21. März 2009 in Kiel. Hrsg. Rolf WALTER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2011, 273 p. (ill., map). (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 214).
3140. HEINICH (Nathalie). Sortir des camps, sortir du silence. De l'indicible à l'imprescriptible. Paris, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2011, 221 p.
3153. SCALMER (Sean). Gandhi in the West: the Mahatma and the rise of radical protest. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VI-248 p.
3141. Holy Roman Empire (The): 1495–1806. Conference commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of the end of the Old Reich, held at New College, Oxford, from 30 August to 2 September 2006. Ed. by Robert John Weston EVANS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-397 p. (Studies of the German Historical Institute London).
3154. Scandinavia in the age of revolution. Nordic political cultures, 1740–1820. Ed. by Pasi IHALAINEN, Michael BREGNSBO, Karin SENNEFELT and Patrik WINTON. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 381 p.
3142. Human rights in the twentieth century. Ed. by Stefan-Ludwig HOFFMAN. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-351 p. (Human rights in history). [Cf. no 3343.] 3143. Imperio napoleónico (El) y la nueva cultura política europea. Ed. por Michael BROERS, Agustín RAVINA GUIMERÁ y Peter HICKS. Coloquio internacional "El imperio napoleónico y la nueva cultura política europea" (2008: Madrid). Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2011, 352 p. (Cuadernos y debates; 205.Serie Bicentenarios). 3144. Legacies (The) of two World Wars. European societies in the twentieth century. Ed. by Lothar KETTENACKER and Torsten RIOTTE. New York, Berghahn, 2011, VIII-323 p. 3145. Liberalismo y poder: Latinoamérica en el siglo XIX. Ed. por Iván JAKSIĆ and Eduardo POSADA CARBÓ. Prologue by Natalio BOTANA. Epilogue by Frank R. SAFFORD. Santiago, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011, 340 p. 3146. MAGINCOVÁ (Dagmar). K cikánské otázce: recepce a interpretace holocaustu Romů. (Romani holocaust). In: O protektorátu v sociokulturních souvislostech. Červený Kostelec, Pavel Mervart, 2011, p. 169184. 3147. MIRON (Gai). The waning of emancipation: Jewish history, memory, and the rise of Fascism in Germany, France, and Hungary. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2011, IX-308 p. 3148. Monarchy and exile. The politics of legitimacy from Marie de Médicis to Wilhelm II. Ed. by Philip MANSEL and Torsten RIOTTE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-361 p. 3149. MÜLLER (Jan-Werner). Contesting democracy: political ideas in twentieth-century Europe. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 281 p. 3150. Political violence in twentieth-century Europe. Ed. by Donald BLOXHAM and Robert GERWARTH. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-258 p. 3151. Promises of 1968: crisis, illusion, and utopia. Ed. by Vladimir TISMANEANU. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2011, IX449 p. 3152. RAPHAEL (Lutz). Imperiale Gewalt und mobilisierte Nation. Europa 1914–1945. München, Beck, 2011, 319 p.
3155. SCHULZ (Matthias). Das 19. Jahrhundert (1789– 1914). Unter Mitarb. von Michael ERBE und Nicola BRAUCH. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 292 p. (Grundkurs Geschichte). 3156. SELLIN (Volker). Gewalt und Legitimität. Die europäische Monarchie im Zeitalter der Revolutionen. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VII-345 p. 3157. Shadow (In the) of Hitler: personalities of the Right in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. by Rebecca HAYNES and Martyn RADY. London, Tauris, 2011, XII332 p. (International library of twentieth century history). 3158. THER (Philipp). Die dunkle Seite der Nationalstaaten: "Ethnische Säuberungen" im modernen Europa. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2011, 304 p. (Synthesen: Probleme europäischer Geschichte, 5). 3159. Verteilung der Welt (Die): Selbstbestimmung und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker. = The world divided: self-determination and the right of peoples to self-determination. Hrsg. v. Jörg FISCH. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XX-344 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, 79). 3160. Voting for Hitler and Stalin: elections under 20th century dictatorships. Ed. by Ralph JESSEN and Hedwig RICHTER. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2011, 349 p. [Cf. no 3349.] Cf. nos 428-508, 6680-6725 § 2. History by countries. Afghanistan 3161. HANIFI (Shah Mahmoud). Connecting histories in Afghanistan: market relations and state formation on a colonial frontier. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XVIII-288 p. 3162. JOHNSON (Robert). The Afghan way of war. culture and pragmatism: a critical history. London, Hurst, 2011, XXII-375 p. Albania ** 3163. Albania's greatest friend: Aubrey Herbert and the making of modern Albania: diaries and papers, 1904–1923. Ed. by Bejtullah DESTANI and Jason TOMES; with a preface by Noel MALCOLM. London, I.B. Tauris in association with the Centre for Albanian Studies, 2011, XXIV-371 p. 3164. DEZHGIU (Muharrem). Situata politike në Shqipëri. (The political situation in Albania). Studime Historike, 2011, 3-4, p. 99-122. 3165. KURTI (Teki). Mbi veprimtarinë e qeverisjes vendore në vitet e Monarkisë Shqiptare (1928–1938).
§ 2. History by countries
(The activity of the Albanian local authorities during the monarchy years, 1928–1938). Studime Historike, 2011, 1-2, p. 119-133.
res]-ERP [Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo]. Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2011, 310 p. (Historia y cultura. Serie El pasado presente).
3166. Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizrenit 1878–1881. (Albanian League of Prizren). Kryeredaktor Jusuf Bajraktari. Prishtinë, Instituti i Historisë, 2011, 406 p.
3180. Carozzi (Silvana). Las filosofías de la revolución: Mariano Moreno y los jacobinos rioplatenses en la prensa de Mayo, 1810–1815. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2011, 384 p. (Prometeo bicentenario).
3167. TOMES (Jason). King Zog: self-made monarch of Albania. New York, History Press, 2011, 635 p. Algeria * 3168. BOYER (Christian), STORA (Benjamin). Bibliographie de l'Algérie indépendante. Paris, CNRS, 2011, 291 p.
3181. DAWYD (Darío). Sindicatos y política en la Argentina del Cordobazo: el peronismo entre la CGT [Confederación General del Trabajo] de los Argentinos y la reorganización sindical: 1968–1970. Buenos Aires, Pueblo Heredero Editorial, 2011, 371 p.
3169. LAGARDE (Dominique), BELKAÏD (Akram), STORA (Benjamin). Algérie: la désillusion: 50 ans d'indépendance. Paris, Express Roularta, 2011, 521 p.
3182. ELENA (Eduardo). Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, citizenship, and mass consumption. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, X-332 p. (Pitt Latin American series).
3170. MARYNOWER (Claire). Le moment Front populaire en Oranie: mobilisations et reconfigurations du milieu militant de gauche. Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 9-22.
3183. Fiorucci (Flavia). Intelectuales y peronismo 1945–1955. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, La Argentina Contemporánea, 2011, 226 p.
3171. SIMON (Catherine). Algérie, les années piedsrouges: des rêves de l'indépendance au désenchantement, 1962–1969. Paris, La Découverte, 2011, 286 p. Angola 3172. LOPES (Ana Mónica). Nas margens da história e da ficção: identidades impressas e as fronteiras do nacionalismo em Angola (1866–1910). Belo Horizonte, Crisálida, 2011, 275 p. 3173. WEIGERT (Stephen L.). Angola: a modern military history, 1961–2002. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 288 p. Argentina ** 3174. CARBALLO (Liliana), CHARLIER (Noemí), GARULLI (Liliana). La dictadura (1976–1983): testimonios y documentos. Con la colaboración de Patricia BARROTARÁN. Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2011, 161 p. (Documentos de historia argentina). ** 3175. Documentos, 1976–1977. Vol. 2. "Resistir es vencer". Comp. Roberto BASCHETTI. La Plata, De la Campana, 2011, 320 p. (Campana de palo). 3176. ACHA (Omar). Los muchachos peronistas: orígenes olvidados de la Juventud Peronista, 1945–1955. Buenos Aires, Planeta, 2011, 252 p. 3177. ALONSO (Luciano P. J.). Luchas en plazas vacías de sueños: movimiento de derechos humanos, orden local y acción antisistémica en Santa Fe. Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2011, 275 p. (Las ramas del sauce, 1). 3178. Argentina en el archivo de IEPALA [Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Africa], 1976–1983. Coord. Mario Amorós. Madrid, IEPALA, 2011, 557 p. (Papeles de la memoria, 1). 3179. CARNOVALE (Vera). Los combatientes: historia del PRT [Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajado-
3184. GOEBEL (Michael). Von der hispanidad zum Panarabismus. Globale Verflechtungen in Argentiniens Nationalismen. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 4, p. 523-558. 3185. HAMMOND (Gregory). The women's suffrage movement and feminism in Argentina from Roca to Perón. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, XI-267 p. 3186. HEALEY (Mark A.). The ruins of the new Argentina: Peronism and the remaking of San Juan after the 1944 earthquake. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XVI395 p. 3187. HEDGES (Jill). Argentina: a modern history. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XVII-317 p. 3188. Hyland (Steven). 'Arisen from deep slumber': transnational politics and competing nationalisms among Syrian immigrants in Argentina, 1900–1922. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 3, p. 547574. 3189. Lanteri (Sol). Un vecindario federal: la construcción del orden rosista en la frontera sur de Buenos Aires: Azul y Tapalqué. Córdoba, Centro de Estudios Históricos "Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti", unidad asociada al CONICET, 2011, 351 p. 3190. LARKER (José Miguel). Criminalidad y control social en una provincia en construcción: Santa Fe, 1856– 1895. Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2011, 181 p. (Las ramas del sauce, 2). 3191. MÍGUEZ (Eduardo José). Mitre montonero: la revolución de 1874 y las formas de la política en la organización nacional. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2011, 220 p. (Nudos de la historia argentina). 3192. OTERO (Héctor Horacio). Marcelo T. de Alvear y su proyecto de reorganización administrativa: el caso del Ministerio de Agricultura en Argentina du-
rante el segundo gobierno de la Unión Cívica Radical (1922–1928). Saarbrücken, Editorial Académica Española/LAP Lambert, 2011, 90 p.
u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 3 vol., 740 p., 711 p., 468 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs, 98/1–3).
3193. SÁBATO (Hilda), TERNAVASIO (Marcela), DE PRIVITELLIO (Luciano). Historia de las elecciones en la Argentina: 1805–2011. Buenos Aires, Editorial El Ateneo, 2011, 382 p.
** 3205. Briefe und Dokumente zur Geschichte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des böhmisch-mährischen Raumes. T. 3. Der Verfassungstreue Großgrundbesitz 1905–1908. Ausgew., eingel. u. komm. v. Ernst RUTKOWSKI. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 1044 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 51/3).
Cf. nos 244, 4277, 6706 Australia 3194. BRAMBLE (Thomas), KUHN (Rick). Labor's conflict: big business, workers and the politics of class. Melbourne a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII226 p. 3195. DOUKAKIS (Anna). The Aboriginal people, parliament and 'protection' in New South Wales, 1856–1916. Annandale, Federation, 2011, XVI-195 p. 3196. DYRENFURTH (Nick), BONGIORNO (Frank). A little history of the Australian Labor Party. Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 2011, 217 p. 3197. DYRENFURTH (Nick). Heroes & villains: the rise and fall of the early Australian Labor Party. North Melbourne, Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2011, 281 p. 3198. FENLEY (Julie). The National Aboriginal Conference and the Makarrata: sovereignty and treaty discussions, 1979–1981. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 3, p. 372-389. 3199. MAC GREGOR (Russell). Indifferent inclusion: Aborginal people and the Australian nation. Canberra, Aboriginal Studies Press, 2011, XXV-229 p. (ill.). 3200. MURPHY (John). A decent provision: Australian welfare policy, 1870–1949. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 270 p. (Modern economic and social history). 3201. TURNER-GRAHAM (Emily). "Never forget that you are a German": Die Brücke, "Deutschtum" and National Socialism in interwar Australia. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, IX-297 p. (Germanica pacifica, 6). 3202. WELLER (Patrick Moray), SCOTT (Joanne), STEVENS (Bron). From postbox to powerhouse: a centenary history of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Crows Nest, Allen & Unwin, 2011, XXIV336 p. Austria * 3203. SZABO (Franz A. J.). Changing perspectives on the "Revolutionary Emperor": Joseph II biographies since 1790. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 1, p. 111-138. ** 3204. ANDRIAN-WERBURG (Viktor Franz Freiherr von). "Österreich wird meine Stimme erkennen lernen wie die Stimme Gottes in der Wüste". Tagebücher 1839–1858. Eingel. u. hrsg. v. Franz ADLGASSER. Bd. 1. Einleitung. Tagebücher 1839–1847. Bd. 2. Tagebücher 1848–1853. Bd. 3. Tagebücher 1854–1858. Wien, Köln
** 3206. Diensten (Zu) Ihrer Majestät: Hofordnungen und Instruktionsbücher am frühneuzeitlichen Wiener Hof. Hrsg. v. Jakob WÜHRER und Martin SCHEUTZ. Wien, Böhlau u. München, Oldenbourg, 20011, 1255 p. (Quelleneditionen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 6). ** 3207. Ministerratsprotokolle Österreichs (Die) und der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1848– 1918. Ser. 1. Die Protokolle des Österreichischen Ministerrates, 1848–1867. Im Auftrag der Kommission für die Geschichte der Habsburgermonarchie hrsg. von Helmut RUMPLER. Red.: Stefan MALFÈR. Abt. 2. Das Ministerium Schwarzenberg. Band 4. 14. Oktober 1850– 30. Mai 1851. Bearb. und eingel. von Thomas KLETEČKA unter Mitarbeit v. Anatol SCHMIED-KOWARZIK. Wien, Verl. der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, LVI-576 p. ** 3208. Protokolle des Ministerrates der Zweiten Republik. Hrsg. v. Gertrud ENDERLE-BURCEL und Rudolf JEŘÁBEK; Veröffentlichung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien, unter Mitwirkung des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs. Kabinett Leopold Figl I. 20. Dezember 1945 bis 8. November 1949. Bd. 5. 18. Februar 1947–6. Mai 1947. Bearb. v. Peter MÄHNER. Bd. 6. 13. Mai 1947 bis 2. September 1947. Bearb. v. Peter WACKERLING. Wien, Verl. Österreich, 2011, 2 vol., LXX-703 p., LXXII-752 p. ** 3209. REDLICH (Josef). Schicksalsjahre Österreichs. Die Erinnerungen und Tagebücher Josef Redlichs 1869– 1936. Bd. 1. Erinnerungen und Tagebücher 1869–1914. Bd. 2. Tagebücher Josef Redlichs 1915–1936. Bd. 3. Biographische Daten und Register. Hrsg. v. Fritz FELLNER und Doris A. CORRADINI. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, XI-1612 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs, 105/1–3). 3210. ALVAR EZQUERRA (Alfredo) [et al.]. La España de los Austrias: la actividad política. Madrid, Istmo, 2011, 319 p. (Historia de España. Moderna, 11. Colección Fundamentos, 187). 3211. Biographien und Zäsuren: Österreich und seine Länder, 1918–1933–1938. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang WEBER und Walter SCHUSTER. Linz, Archiv der Stadt Linz, 2011, 334 p. (Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz, 2010/ 2011). 3212. BROCKMANN (Thomas). Dynastie, Kaiseramt und Konfession: Politik und Ordnungsvorstellungen Ferdinands II. im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Paderborn,
§ 2. History by countries Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011, 518 p. (Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, 25). 3213. Februarpatent 1861 (Das): zur Geschichte und Zukunft der österreichischen Landtage. Hrsg. v. Robert KRIECHBAUMER und Peter BUSSJÄGER. Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2011, 238 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für politisch-historische Studien der Dr.-WilfriedHaslauer-Bibliothek, 42). 3214. Feldmarschalleutnant Alfred Jansa. Ein österreichischer General gegen Hitler. Erinnerungen. Nach den Vorarbeiten von Herta JANSA und Claude-MariaAlfred JANSA eingeleitet und hrsg. v. Peter BROUCEK. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 830 p.
3225. STOURZH (Gerald). Der Umfang der österreichischen Geschichte. Ausgewählte Studien 1990– 2010. Wien, Köln u. Graz, Böhlau, 2011, 334 p. (Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung, 99). 3226. THORPE (Julie). Pan-Germanism and the Austrofascist State, 1933–1938. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XI-259 p. 3227. WIRTH (Maria). Christian Broda. Eine politische Biographie. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2011, 603 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Kontext, 5). Cf. no 3692 Azerbaijan
3215. Glanz, Gewalt, Gehorsam: Militär und Gesellschaft in der Habsburgermonarchie (1800 bis 1918). Hrsg. v. Laurence COLE, Christa HÄMMERLE und Martin SCHEUTZ. Essen, Klartext-Verl., 2011, 433 p. (Frieden und Krieg: Beiträge zur historischen Friedensforschung / Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung, 18).
** 3228. Istorii azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ ėmigratsii (Iz): sbornik dokumentov, proizvedeniĭ, pisem. (De l'histoire de l'émigration de l'Azerbaïdjan: une collection de documents, ouvrages, lettres). Sost.: S.M. ISKHAKOV. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sotsialʹno-politicheskaia︡ myslʹ", 2011, 416 p.
3216. HABERER (Michael). Ohnmacht und Chance: Leonhard von Harrach (1514–1590) und die erbländische Machtelite. Wien, Böhlau u. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 301 p. (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Ergänzungsband, 56).
3229. BÖLÜKBAŞI (Süha). Azerbaijan: a political history. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XVI-292 p. (International Library of the Caucasus, 1).
3217. HANISCH (Ernst). Der große Illusionist. Otto Bauer (1881–1938). Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 478 p.
3230. HASANLI (Jamil). Russkaia revoliutsiia i Azerbaĭdzhan: trudnyĭ putʹ k nezavisimosti, 1917–1920. (The Russian Revolution and Azerbaijan: the difficult path to independence, 1917–1920). Moskva, Izd-vo "FLINTA", 2011, 665 p.
3218. KARSTENS (Simon). Lehrer – Schriftsteller – Staatsreformer. Die Karriere des Joseph von Sonnenfels (1733–1817). Wien, Böhlau, 2011, XII-508 pp. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs, 106).
3231. RAU (Johannes). Islam und Demokratie: der erste Versuch: die Aserbaidschanische Demokratische Republik (1918–1920). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 274 p.
3219. LACMANOVIĆ-HEYDENREUTER (Haira). Dalmatien in Wien: die dalmatinischen Abgeordneten im Wiener Reichsrat 1867–1918. Hamburg, Kovac, 2011, 386 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 65).
3232. SAIKIA (Yasmin). Women, war, and the making of Bangladesh: remembering 1971. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XVIII-311 p.
3220. Maximilian I. (1459–1519). Wahrnehmung – Übersetzungen – Gender. Hrsg. v. Heinz NOFLATSCHER, Michael A. CHISHOLM und Bertrand SCHNERB. Unt. Mitarb. v. Daniela UNTERHOLZNER und Silvia ERBER. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2011, 472 p. (Innsbrucker Historische Studien, 27).
** 3233. Akademik P.O. Gorin: dokumenty i materially. Sost. Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich TOKAREV. Minsk, Belorusskaia nauka, 2011, 347 p. (Liudi belorusskoĭ nauki).
3221. PITSCHEIDER (Sabine). Auf steinigem Boden: die SPÖ [Sozialistische Partei Österreichs] in Osttirol 1945–1990. Innsbruck, Studienverlag, 2011, 320 p. (Studien zu Geschichte und Politik, 14). 3222. SCHAFRANEK (Hans). Söldner für den Anschluss: die österreichische Legion, 1933–1938. Wien, Czernin Verlag, 2011, 496 p. 3223. SCHMIDT (Egmont). Krisen, Kämpfe, Kontroversen: die Konflikte innerhalb der großen Koalition von 1986 bis 2000. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2011, 736 p. (Beiträge zur Neueren Geschichte Österreichs, 26). 3224. SKED (Alan). Radetzky: Imperial Victor and Military Genius. London, Tauris, 2011, XIV-262 p.
** 3234. OUN [Orhanizatsiia ukraïnsʹkykh natsionalistiv]-UPA [Ukraïnsʹka povstansʹka armiia] v Belarusi: 1939–1953 gg.: dokumenty i materialy. Sost. V.I. ADAMUSHKO. Minsk, Vyshėĭshaia shkola, 2011, 526 p. 3235. GRZYBOWSKI (Jerzy). Pogoń między Orłem Białym, Swastyką i Czerwoną Gwiazdą: białoruski ruch niepodległościowy w latach 1939–1956. (The pursuit between the White Eagle, the swastika and the Red Star: Belarusian independence movement during the years 1939–1956). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo "BEL Studio", 2011, 907 p. 3236. REIN (Leonid). The kings and the pawns: collaboration in Byelorussia during World War II. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, XXIII-434 p. (Studies on war and genocide, 15).
3237. REZNIK (Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich). Ot BSSR k SSSR: issledovaniia po istorii formirovaniia i razvitiia belorusskoĭ gosudarstvennosti na Sovetskoĭ osnove: Vtoraia polovina 1918–konets 1922 gg. (From the Byelorussian SSR to the USSR, research on the history of formation and development of Belarusian statehood on the basis of the Soviet: the second half of 1918–the end of 1922). Minsk, Ėntsiklopediks, 2011, 409 p. Belgium 3238. NÉZER (France). La Sûreté publique belge face aux Tsiganes étrangers (1858–1914). Louvain-LaNeuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2011, 233 p. (Histoire, justice, sociétés). 3239. OLCINA (José). L'opinion publique en Belgique entre 1812 et 1814: les Belges face a l'écroulement de l'Empire. Bruxelles, Classe des lettres, Académie royale de Belgique, 2011, 440 p. (Memoire de la Classe des lettres. Collection in-8o, 3e sér., 52, 2069). 3240. PIROT (Pascal). La Belgique et le renseignement aux frontières 1896–1914. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 33-49. 3241. VAN DIJCK (Maarten), TRUYTS (Tom). Ideas, interests, and politics in the case of Belgian Corn Law repeal, 1834–1873. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 185-210 3242. VAN VELTHOVEN (Harry). Waarheen met België? Van taalstrijd tot communautaire conflicten: een selectie uit 35 jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Eds. Karen CELIS & Jasmien VAN DAELE. Brussel, ASP, 2011, 368 p. 3243. VRINTS (Antoon). Het theater van de straat: publiek geweld in Antwerpen tijdens de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2011, 367 p. (Studies stadsgeschiedenis). Benin 3244. OSADOLOR (O. B.). The Benin royalist movement and its political opponents: controversy over restoration of the monarchy, 1897–1914. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 1, p. 45-59. Bolivia 3245. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey). Andrés Ibáñez y la Revolución de la Igualdad en Santa Cruz: primer ensayo de federalismo en Bolivia, 1876–1877. Chile, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2011, 98 p. (Colección Libros IDEA). 3246. SOBREVILLA PEREA (Natalia). The caudillo of the Andes: Andrés de Santa Cruz. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-239 p. (New approaches to the Americas). Cf. no 7473 Bosnia-Herzegovina ** 3247. Bosna i Hercegovina u vreme raspada SFRJ: 1990–1992: tematska zbirka dokumenata. (Bosnia-Herze-
govina during the breakup of Yugoslavia: 1990–1992: thematic collection of documents). Priredio Kosta NIKOLIĆ. Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2011, 309 p. (Biblioteka Jugoslovenska kriza. Edicija Dokumenta). 3248. GALIJAŠ (Armina). Eine bosnische Stadt im Zeichen des Krieges: Ethnopolitik und Alltag in Banja Luka (1990–1995). München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, 352 p. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 142). 3249. IMAMOVIĆ (Mustafa). Zemaljski štatut u ustavnoj historiji Bosne i Hercegovine. (The provincial constitution in the political history of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Historijska traganja, 2011, 7, p. 11-39. 3250. KAMBEROVIĆ (Husnija). Hod po trnju: iz bosanskohercegovačke historije 20. stoljeća. (Walk on thorns: history of Bosnia Hercegovina in the 20th century). Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju Sarajeva, 2011, 283 p. (Posebna izdanja, 6). 3251. KATZ (Vera). Ustavno-pravni i politički položaj Bosne i Hercegovine prema ustavima FNRJ i NR BiH 1946. godine. (The constutional, legal and political position of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the 1946 constitutions of the Federal People's Republic. Historijska traganja, 2011, 7, p. 159-200. 3252. MATKOVIĆ (Stjepan). Hrvatski pogledi na uvođenje Bosanskohercegovačkog Sabora. (Croatian views on the instituting of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Historijska traganja, 2011, 7, p. 119-134. 3253. SZABÓ (Szilárd). Bosznia-Hercegovina közjogi viszonya Ausztriához és Magyarországhoz 1878 és 1918 között. (Die Völker- und verfassungsrechtliche Beziehung Bosnien-Hercegovina zu Österreich und Ungarn zwischen 1878–1918). Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2011, 253 p. 3254. VELADŽIĆ (Sabina). Destabilizacija Bosne i Hercegovine krajem osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća – "stvaranje preduslova" za tronacionalnu dezintegraciju. (The destabilization of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the late 1980-ies – "the creation of preconditions" for tri-national disintegration. Historijska traganja, 2011, 7, p. 201-229. Cf. nos 3326, 3327, 4032, 4052, 4053 Brazil 3255. ALMEIDA (Gelsom Rozentino de). História de uma década quase perdida: PT[Partido dos Trabalhadores], CUT[Central Unica dos Trabalhadores], crise e democracia no Brasil, 1979–1989. Rio de Janeiro, Garamond, 2011, 514 p. 3256. ATHAIDES (Rafael). O Partido Nazista no Paraná 1933–1942. Maringá, Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 2011, 224 p. 3257. BLAKE (Stanley E.). The vigorous core of our nationality: race and regional identity in northeastern Brazil. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, X-315 p. (Pitt Latin American series).
§ 2. History by countries
3258. BORGES (Vera Lúcia Bogéa). A batalha eleitoral de 1910: imprensa e cultura política na Primeira República. Rio de Janeiro, Apicuri, 2011, 467 p.
als Teil des nationalen Identitätsbildungsprozesses im Kaiserreich Brasilien 1822–1889. Mettingen, BKV, 2011, 285 p. (Aspekte der Brasilienkunde, 31).
3259. DA SILVA (Robson Rodrigues). Entre a caserna e a rua: o dilema do "pato": uma análise antropológica da instituiçāo policial militar a partir da Academia de Policia Militar D. Joāo VI. Nitéroi, Editora da UFF, 2011, 279 p. (Coleção Antropologia e ciência política, 52).
3273. PETROVA (Dimitrina V.). Aleksandŭr Tsankov i negovata partiia (1932–1944). (Alexander Zankov und seine Partei, 1932–1944). Sofiia, Dio Mira, 2011, 310 p.
3260. FIGUEIREDO PIROLA (Ricardo). Senzala insurgente: Malungos, parentes e rebeldes nas fazendas de Campinas (1832). Campinas, Editora UNICAMP, 2011, 303 p. (Coleção Várias Histórias). 3261. FISCHER (Brodwyn M.). A poverty of rights: citizenship and inequality in twentieth-century Rio de Janeiro. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XX-464 p. 3262. GONÇALVES (Andréa Lisly). As margens da liberdade: estudo sobre a prática de alforrias em Minas colonial e provincial. Belo Horizonte, Fino Traço Editora, 2011, 285 p. (Coleção História, 19). 3263. LYNCH (Christian Edward Cyril). Brésil, de la monarchie à l'oligarchie: construction de l'État, institutions et représentation politique, 1822–1930. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 182 p. (Recherches Amériques latines). 3264. Perspectivas da cidadania no Brasil Império. Organização de José MURILO DE CARVALHO e Adriana PEREIRA CAMPOS. Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2011, 517 p. 3265. PINTO (Surama Conde Sá). Só para iniciados: o jogo político na antiga capital federal. Rio de Janeiro, Mauad X, 2011, 247 p.
3274. SHTIRKOV (Lazar). Die Erlasse des Präsidiums der Volksversammlung der Volksrepublik Bulgarien (1947–1971). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 162-175. 3275. SLAVOV (Slavi Mitkov). Die makedonischadrianopolsche Bewegung und der Bulgarische Staat während der Periode der jungtürkischen Bewegung (1908–1910). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 47-76. 3276. SYGKELOS (Yannis). Nationalism from the left: the Bulgarian Communist Party during the Second World War and the early post-war years. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-291 p. (Balkan studies library, 2). 3277. TOOZE (Adam), IVANOV (Martin). Disciplining the 'black sheep of the Balkans': financial supervision and sovereignty in Bulgaria, 1902–1938. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 30-51. Burkina Faso 3278. PALM (Jean-Marc Domba). Le Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA) en Haute-Volta (1947– 1980). Burkina Faso, Imprimerie de l'Avenir du Burkina, 2011, 343 p. Cameroon
3266. PIROLA (Ricardo Figueiredo). Senzala insurgente: malungos, parentes e rebeldes nas fazendas de Campinas (1832). Campinas, UNICAMP, 2011, 303 p. (Coleção Várias histórias, 34).
3279. AYANGAOR (Emmanuel Chiahemba). The Tiv and their southern neighbours, 1890–1990. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2011, XXI-270 p. (Carolina Academic Press African world series).
3267. Revoltas, motins, revoluções: homens livres pobres e libertos no Brasil do século XIX. Ed. Monica DUARTE DANTAS. São Paulo, Alameda Casa Editorial, 2011, 567 p.
3280. DELTOMBE (Thomas), DOMERGUE (Manuel), TATSITSA (Jacob). Kamerun! Une guerre cachée aux origines de la Françafrique, 1948–1971. Paris, La Découverte, 2011, 741 p. (Cahiers libres).
3268. RIBEIRO (Maria da Conceição Martins). A vida urbana paulistana: vista pela administração municipal: 1562–1822. Barueri, Minha Editora, 2011, 176 p.
3281. ELOUNDOU (Eugène Désiré), NGAPNA (Arouna). Un souverain bamoun en exil: le roi Njoya Ibrahima à Yaoundé, 1931–1933. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 99 p.
3269. RICHARDSON (Kim). Quebra-Quilos and peasant resistance: peasants, religion, and politics in nineteenth century Brazil. Lanham, University Press of America, 2011, XI-157 p. 3270. SILVA (Paulo Santos). Ancoras de tradição: luta política, intelectuais e construção do discurso histórico na Bahia, 1930–1949. Salvador, EDUFBA, 2011, 221 p. 3271. SOUZA (Robério Santos). "Tudo pelo trabalho livre!": trabalhadores e conflitos no pós-abolição (Bahia, 1892–1909). Salvador, EDUFBA, 2011, 182 p. 3272. WÄTZOLD (Tim). Vom kaiserlichen zum nationalen Koch. Ernährungsgeschichte des brasilianischen Kaiserreichs. Proklamierung der "brasilianischen Küche"
3282. NGOH (Victor Julius). The untold story of Cameroon reunification: 1955–1961. Limbe, Presprint Plc, 2011, XVI-115 p. Canada 3283. BEAULIEU (Michel S.). Labour at the Lakehead: ethnicity, socialism, and politics, 1900–1935. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XII-299 p. 3284. DUTIL (Patrice A.), MAC KENZIE (David Clark). Canada 1911: the decisive election that shaped the country. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 2011, 378 p. 3285. ISITT (Benjamin). Militant minority: British Columbia workers and the rise of a New Left, 1948–
1972. Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XV-458 p. 3286. JOLIVET (Simon). Entre nationalismes irlandais et canadien-français: les intrigues québécoises de la Self Determination for Ireland League of Canada and Newfoundland. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 1, p. 43-68. 3287. LITT (Paul). Elusive destiny: the political vocation of John Napier Turner. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XI-494 p. 3288. PENNINGTON (Christopher John). The destiny of Canada: Macdonald, Laurier, and the election of 1891. Toronto, Allen Lane Canada, 2011, XVI-336 p. (History of Canada series). 3289. RADFORTH (Ian). Political demonstrations and spectacles during the Rebellion Losses controversy in upper Canada. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 1, p. 1-41. 3290. SREBRNIK (Henry Felix). Creating the chupah: the Zionist movement and the drive for Jewish communal unity in Canada, 1898–1921. Brighton, Academic Studies Press, 2011, 268 p. (Jewish identities in post modern society). 3291. WILSON (David A.). Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Volume 2. The extreme moderate, 1857–1868. Montréal, McGill-Queen's U. P. 2011, XIV-510 p. Chad 3292. DINGAMMADJI DE PARSAMBA (Arnaud). Les gouvernements du Tchad: de Gabriel Lisette à Idriss Déby Itno, 1957–2010. Paris, L'Harmattan et N'Djaména, Centre culturel Al Mouna, 2011, 309 p. Chile ** 3293. Cartas de Bernardo O'Higgins. T. 1. AguirreEyzaguirre. T. 2. Freire-Reyes. T. 3. Isabel Riquelmedestinatarios no identificados. Ed. por Cristián E. GUERRERO LIRA y Nancy MIÑO THOMAS. Santiago de Chile, Historia Chilena, 2011, 3 vol., 315 p., 328 p., 320 p. ** 3294. Epistolario de Alberto Blest Gana: 1856– 1916. Recopilación y transcripción dirigidas por José Miguel BARROS FRANCO. Santiago de Chile, DIBAM, 2011, 2 vol., 803 p., 1009 p. (Fuentes para la historia de la república, 35).
3298. GREZ TOSO (Sergio). Historia del comunismo en Chile: la era de Recabarren, 1912–1924. Santiago de Chile, LOM Ediciones, 2011, 387 p. (Historia). 3299. LEÓN (Leonardo). Ni patriotas ni realistas: el bajo pueblo durante la Independencia de Chile, 1810– 1822. Santiago de Chile, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2011, 815 p. (Colección Sociedad y cultura, 52). 3300. Luz Arce and Pinochet's Chile: testimony in the aftermath of state violence. Ed. by Michael J. LAZZARA. Foreword by Jean FRANCO. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XX-197 p. 3301. MAC EVOY (Carmen). Guerreros civilizadores: política, sociedad y cultura en Chile durante la Guerra del Pacífico. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2011, 431 p. (Colección Ciencias sociales e historia). 3302. MEDINA (Eden). Cybernetic revolutionaries: technology and politics in Allende's Chile. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2011, XIV-326 p. 3303. PAVILACK (Jody). Mining for the nation: the politics of Chile's coal communities from the Popular Front to the Cold War. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XX-396 p. 3304. ROJAS NÚÑEZ (Luis). De la rebelión popular a la sublevación imaginada: antecedentes de la historia política y militar del Partido Comunista de Chile y del FPMR 1973–1990. Santiago de Chile, LOM, 2011, 471 p. (Colección Septiembre). 3305. THOMAS (Gwynn). Contesting legitimacy in Chile: familial ideals, citizenship, and political struggle, 1970–1990. University Park, Penn State U. P., 2011, XII-274 p. 3306. WOOD (James A.). The society of equality: popular republicanism and democracy in Santiago de Chile, 1818–1851. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, X-333 p. Cf. no 6706 China Cf. nos 7516-7644 Città del Vaticano
** 3295. Primer Congreso Nacional (El) de Chile (1811) y sus documentos fundamentales. Ed. por Cristián GUERRERO LIRA; estudio preliminar por Cristián GUERRERO LIRA. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, 2011, CVIII-327 p. (Documentos de la independencia de Chile, 1).
3307. ALVAREZ (David). The Pope's soldiers: a military history of the modern Vatican. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XVIII-429 p. (Modern war studies).
3296. ALVAREZ VALLEJOS (Rolando). Arriba los pobres del mundo: cultura e identidad politica del Partido Communista de Chile entre democracia y dictadura, 1965– 1990. Santiago de Chile, LOM, 2011, 324 p. (Historia).
3308. ARIAS TRUJILLO (Ricardo). Historia de Colombia contemporánea, 1920–2010. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, 2011, 200 p. (Colección Ciclo básico).
3297. ELSEY (Brenda). Citizens and sportsmen: fútbol and politics in twentieth-century Chile. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, IX-315 p.
3309. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto). La explosión del populismo en Colombia: Anapo[Alianza Nacional Popular] y la participación política durante el Frente
§ 2. History by countries Nacional. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Dirección de Investigación Sede Bogotá, Facultad de Ciencias Humans, 2011, 508 p. (Colección Dirección de Investigación Sede Bogotá). 3310. GRACIA PÉREZ (Felipe). Hijos de la madre patria: el hispanoamericanismo en la construcción de la identidad nacional colombiana durante la Regeneración (1878–1900). Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico" (C.S.I.C.), Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2011, 397 p. (Publicación no 3061 de la Institución "Fernando el Católico". Colección Estudios. Historia). 3311. HELG (Aline). Libertad e igualdad en el Caribe colombiano, 1770–1835. Medellín, Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2011, 526 p. 3312. LOAIZA CANO (Gilberto). Sociabilidad, religión y política en la definición de la nación: Colombia, 1820–1886. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2011, 469 p. (Colección Bicentenario). 3313. MURGUEITIO MANRIQUE (Carlos Alberto). Las reformas liberales en el Cauca: abolicionismo y federalismo 1849–1863. Cali, Universidad del Valle, Programa Editorial, 2011, 159 p. (Colección Ciencias sociales).
137 Costa Rica
3320. SENIOR ANGULO (Diana). Ciudadanía afrocostarricense: el gran escenario comprendido entre 1927 y 1963. San José, EUNED, Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2011, XVI-327 p. Croatia ** 3321. BUCZYNSKI (Alexander). Pa to su samo Hrvati! Građa za povijest kantonske reorganizacije Vojne krajine 1787. godine. (Questi sono solo Croati! Materiale per la storia della riorganizzazione dei cantoni di Vojna Krajina, anno 1787. Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2011, 473 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Hrvatska Povjesnica. Monografije i Studije, 3/53). ** 3322. Partizanska i komunistička represija i zločini u Hrvatskoj 1944.–1946.: dokumenti. (Partisan and Communist repression and crimes in Croatia 1944– 1946: documents). Priredili Zdravko DIZDAR [et al.]. Knj. 4. Dalmacija. Slavonski Brod, Hrvatski Institut za Povijest, Podružnica za Povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje, 2011, 980 p. 3323. BERTOŠA (Miroslav). Doba nasilja, doba straha: vojnici-pljačkaši, seljaci-razbojnici i doseljenici-nasilnici u Istri XVII. i XVIII. Stoljeća. (The age of violence, the age of fear: soldiers-plunderers, peasentsvillains, and settlers-bullies in the 17th and 18th centuries Istria). Zagreb, Durieux, 2011, 549 p.
3314. PALACIOS (Marco). ¿De quién es la tierra? Propiedad, politización y protesta campesina en la década de 1930. Bogotá, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de administración, 2011, 255 p. (Sección de obras de historia).
3324. GOLDSTEIN (Ivo). Zagreb: 1941–1945 (Zagreb: 1941–1945). Zagreb, Novi Liber, 2011, 451 p.
3315. RAMÍREZ BACCA (Renzo), OSPINA ECHEVERRI (Marta). Cabildo, política y sociedad, 1810–1821: el caso de la provincia de Antioquia. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Vicerrectoría General, Comisión para la Celebración del Bicentenario de la Independencia, 2011, 97 p. (Colección Comisión Bicentenario).
3325. MATKOVIĆ (Stjepan). Izabrani portreti pravaša: prilozi hrvatskoj političkoj povijesti. (Ritratti selezionati dei Pravasa[membri de partito Hrvatska Stranka prava HSP]: un contributo alla storia della politica croata). Zagreb, Hrvatski institutu za povijest, 2011, 247 p. (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica. Monografije i studije, III/49).
3316. Regeneración revisitada (La): pluriverso y hegemonía en la construcción del estado-nación en Colombia. Ed. por Leopoldo MÚNERA RUIZ y Edwin CRUZ RODRÍGUEZ. Bogotá, D.C.: La Carreta Editores E.U.: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Instituto Unidad de Investigaciones Jurídico-Sociales Gerardo Molina, Grupo de Investigación [en] Teoría Política Contemporánea, 2011, 324 p. (Carreta histórica).
3326. SWAIN (Geoffrey). Tito: a biography. London, Tauris, 2011, 219 p. (Communist lives).
3317. SANTOFIMIO ORTIZ (Rodrigo). La izquierda y el escenario político en Colombia: el caso de la Unión Patriótica (UP), 1984–1986. Ed. por Carlos Augusto JARAMILLO. Manizales, Editorial Universidad de Caldas, 2011, 185 p. (Libros de texto).
3327. Tito: viđenja i tumačenja: zbornik radova. (Tito: visions and interpretations: Proceedings). Glavna i odgovorna urednica Olga MANOJLOVIĆ PINTAR. Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011, 860 p. (Biblioteka "Zbornici radova", 8). Cf. nos 4032, 4052, 4053
** 3328. BELL LARA (José), LÓPEZ (Delia Luisa), CARAM (Tania). Documentos de la revolución cubana: 1963. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2011, 376 p.
3318. ERGO (André-Bernard). Congo, 1940–1963: fracture et conséquences. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 291 p. (Études africaines).
3329. CHOMSKY (Aviva). A history of the Cuban revolution. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, XIV241 p.
3319. SESANGA HIPUNGU (Delly). La voie du changement: un pari de la raison par la Rd Congo. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 222 p. (Pensée africaine).
3330. HANSEN (Jonathan M.). Guantánamo: an american history. New York, Hill and Wang, 2011, XVII428 p.
3331. MERIÑO FUENTES (María de los Ángeles), PEDÍAZ (Aisnara). Familias, agregados y esclavos: Los padrones de vecinos de Santiago de Cuba (1778– 1861). Santiago de Cuba, Editorial Oriente, 2011, 282 p. (Colección Historia).
3332. PAPPADEMOS (Melina). Black political activism and the Cuban Republic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XI-323 p. (Envisioning Cuba). 3333. QUIROZ (Alfonso W.). Free association and civil society in Cuba, 1787–1895. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 33-64. 3334. REID-VAZQUEZ (Michele). The year of the lash: free people of color in Cuba and the nineteenthcentury Atlantic world. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIII-251 p. (Early American places). 3335. URÍA (Ignacio). Iglesia y revolución en Cuba: Enrique Pérez Serantes (1883–1968), el obispo que salvó a Fidel Castro. Madrid, Encuentro, 2011, 620 p. (Ensayos, 440. Historia). 3336. VAYSSIÈRE (Pierre). Fidel Castro: l'éternel révolté. Paris, Payot, 2011, 667 p. (Biographie Payot). Czech Republic ** 3337. Státní politika vůči polské menšině na Těšínsku v letech 1945–1949: výběrová edice dokumentů. (State policy against the Polish minority in the Těšín in the years 1945–1949: a selective series of documents). Editor Jiří FRIEDL. Praha, Český Těšín: Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky; Kongres Poláků v České republice, Dokumentační centrum 2011. Praha, Český Těšín, Historický ústav AV ČR, Kongres Poláků v ČR, 2011, 623 p. (Bibliotheca Tessinensis. V., Series Bohemica, 3). 3338. BÁRTA (Milan). Právo azylu: vznik politické emigrace v Československu po roce 1948. (The right to asylum. The emergence of political emigration in Czechoslovakia after 1948). Paměť a dějiny: revue pro studium totalitních režimů, 2011, 5, 1, p. 15-22. 3339. BLODIGOVÁ (Alexandra), KRYŠPÍNOVÁ (Jitka). Senátoři-novináři. (The history of Senate during the interwar period, incorporating biographies of senators, who were also journalists). In: Historik nad šachovnicí dějin: k pětasedmdesátinám Jana Galandauera. Praha, Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR; Filoz. fak. UK, 2011, p. 263-290. 3340. BORÁK (Mečislav). Z nacistického koncentračního tábora do sovětských gulagů: osudy ostravských Židů z transportů do Niska nad Sanem. (From the Nazi concentration camp to the Soviet gulag: the fates of Ostrava's Jews from the transports to Nisko nad Sanem). Ostrava, 2011, 25, p. 97-135. 3341. ČOPÍK (Jan), ČMEJREK (Jaroslav). Lokální politické stranictví na českém venkově od sklonku 19. století do roku 1945. (Political parties and their provinvisl activities from the late 19th century to 1945). Moderní dějiny, 2011, 19, 1, p. 47-66.
3342. Crisis situations in the Czecho-Slovak context after 1989. Ed. by Zuzana JURECHOVÁ and Pavol BARGÁR. Praha, Central European Centre for Mission Studies, 2011, 187 p. 3343. DONERT (Celia). Charter 77 and the Roma: human rights and dissent in Socialist Czechoslovakia. In: Human rights in the twentieth century [Cf. no 3142], p. 191-211. 3344. GJURIČOVÁ (Adéla). Dvě cesty "křesťanské politiky": Československá strana lidová a Křesťanskodemokratická strana v první polovině devadesátých let. (Two modes of 'Christian Politics': Czechoslovak Peoples Party and Christian Democratic Party in the first half of the 1990s). In: Rozděleni minulostí: vytváření politických identit v České republice po roce 1989. Praha, Knihovna V. Havla, 2011, p. 217-247. 3345. GREGOROVIČ (Miroslav). Česká politika v uniformách. (Czech politics in uniform). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 3, p. 454-456. 3346. HAMPL (David). Totalitarismus a Československo před rokem 1989. (Totalitarism and Czechoslovakia before the year 1989). In: Soudobé dějiny a jejich reflexe ve výuce historie. Praha, Nakl. Epocha, 2011, p. 109-119. 3347. HANKOVÁ (Monika). Politická a světonázorová orientace českých Židů po skončení 2. světové války (1945–1953). (The political and philosophical orientation of Czech Jews during the period after World War II, 1945–1953). In: Deset let na cestě: orální historie na Sovinci 2002–2011. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy, 2011, p. 154-164. 3348. HEIMANN (Mary). Czechoslovakia: the state that failed. New Haven, London, Yale U. P., 2011, 406 p. 3349. HEUMOS (Peter). Works Council Elections in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1968. In: Voting for Hitler and Stalin: elections under 20th century dictatorships [cf. no 3160], p. 186-227. 3350. HOFMANN (Ute). Aristokraten als Politiker: der böhmische Adel in der frühkonstitutionellen Zeit (1860– 1871). München, Meidenbauer, 2011, 343 p. (Studien zum mitteleuropäischen Adel, 4). 3351. KOPEČEK (Michal). Disent jako minulost, liberalismus jako projekt: Občanské hnutí – Svobodní demokraté v české polistopadové politice. (Dissent at the past, liberalism at the future: civic movement and free democrats in Czech post-November politics). In: Rozděleni minulostí: vytváření politických identit v České republice po roce 1989. Praha, Knihovna V. Havla, 2011, p. 61-106. – IDEM. Stigma minulosti, pouto sounáležitosti: první desetiletí českého polistopadového komunismu. (The stigma of the past, family ties: the first ten years of Czech Communism after the changes of 1989). In: Rozděleni minulostí: vytváření politických identit v České republice po roce 1989. Praha, Knihovna V. Havla, 2011, p. 343-380. 3352. KOUŘIL (Miloš). Katoličtí kněží v politice Československa v meziválečném období. (Catholic priests
§ 2. History by countries in the politics of the inter-war Czechoslovakia). In: Jan Šrámek a jeho doba. Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2011, p. 329-336.
benhavn, Det kongelige danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie, 2011, 940 p. 3364. BILLESCHOU CHRISTANSEN (Søren), HYLLES(Rasmus). På den forkerte side. De danske landsvigere efter befrielsen. (Les Danois collaborateurs après la Libération). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, 306 p. (ill.).
3353. KYNDROVÁ (Dana). Rituály normalizace: Československo 70.–80. let. (The rituals of normalization: Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s). Praha, KANT, 2011, 175 p.
3354. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin). Lidový odpor v komunistickém Československu: plzeňské povstání v červnu 1953. (Popular resistance in communist Czechoslovakia: the Plzeň uprising, June 1953). Minulostí Západočeského kraje, 2011, 46, p. 208-233.
3365. CLEMMENSEN (Niels). Konflikt og konsensus i kommunen. Det landkommunale selvstyre i Danmark i det 19. århundrede. (Conflit et consensus à l'échelon communal. L'autonomie municipale dans les communes rurales du Danemark au 19e siècle). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2011, 321 p.
3355. NEBŘENSKÝ (Zdeněk). Early Voices of Dissent: Czechoslovak Student Opposition at the Beginning of the 1960s. In: Between Prague Spring and French May [cf. no 3128], p. 32-48. 3356. NEKVAPIL (Václav V.). Parliamentary elections in Czech Republic and Czech foreign policy. In: Visegrad Elections 2010: domestic impact and european consequences. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs, 2011, p. 187-196. 3357. OTÁHAL (Milan). Opoziční proudy v české společnosti 1969–1989. (Opposition trends in Czech society 1969–1989). Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2011, 649 p. (Česká společnost po roce 1945, 7). 3358. PEJČOCH (Ivo). Fašismus v českých zemích: fašistické a nacionálněsocialistické strany a hnutí v Čechách a na Moravě 1922–1945. (Fascism in the Czech lands: Fascist and National Socialist parties and movements in Bohemia and Moravia 1922–1945). Praha, Academia, 2011, 507 p. (Historie). 3359. Politické programy českého politického katolicismu 1894–1938. (Political programs of Czech political Catholicism 1894–1938). Editor Pavel MAREK. Praha, Historický ústav, 2011, 331 p. (Edice politických programů, 7). 3360. Realizácia a normalizačná revízia česko-slovenskej federácie (september 1968–december 1970). (Realization and the revision in the period of normalization of the Czecho-Slovak Federation, September 1968–December 1970). Ed. Jozef ŽATKULIAK. Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011, 560 p. 3361. YUDKIN (Leon I.). In and out: the Prague Circle and Czech Jewry. Brno, L. Marek, 2011, 128 p. 3362. ZAHRA (Tara). Enfants et purification ethnique dans la Tchécoslovaquie d'après-guerre. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 449-477. os
Cf. n 4048, 4049, 4050, 6630 Denmark ** 3363. Kong Christian VIII.s Breve 1801–1839: prins og konge Christian Fredriks brevvexling med Frederik VI. (Lettres du roi Christian VIII, 1801–1839. Correspondance du prince et du roi Christian Fredrik avec Frederik VI). Ed. Anders MONRAD MØLLER. Kø-
3366. Dansk velfærdshistorie. Bd 2. Mellem skøn og ret: 1898–1933. (Histoire de l'Etat-providence danois. T. 2. De l'arbitraire au droit 1898–1933). Red. Jørn Henrik PETERSEN, Klaus PETERSEN, Niels Finn CHRISTIANSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 824 p. (ill.). 3367. Folkelige bevægelser i Danmark. Selvmyndiggørelse og samfundsengagement. (Les mouvements populaires au Danemark. Emancipation et engagement social). Red. Harry HAUE, Michael TOLSTRUP. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 375 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 421). 3368. Fra vild til verdensborger. Grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet. (Du sauvage au citoyen du monde. L'identité groenlandaise de l'époque coloniale à la mondialisation contemporaine). Red. Ole HØIRIS, Ole MARQUARDT. Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, 650 p. (ill.). 3369. GLEBE-MØLLER (Jens). I kamp mod dumhed og hykleri. Om oplysningsmanden general W. H. von Schmettau (1719–1785). (Contre la bêtise et l'hypocrisie. Un homme des Lumières au Danemark, le général Woldemar Hermann von Schmettau). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2011, 122 p. 3370. LIDEGAARD (Bo). En fortælling om Danmark i det 20. Århundrede. (Histoire du Danemark au 20e siècle). København, Gyldendal, 2011, 458 p. (ill.). 3371. MELLBIN (Eva Fischer), MELLBIN (FranzMichael Skjøld). Nu gælder det Danmark! Statsministerenes nytårtaler. (Les discours du nouvel an des premiers ministres danois). København, Lindhart & Ringhof, 2011, 851 p. 3372. NEVERS (Jeppe). Fra skældsord til slagord. Demokratibegreppet i dansk politisk historie. (De l'injure au slogan. Le concept de démocratie dans l'histoire politique danoise). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 225 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 412). 3373. NORSK (Peter). Det konservative svigt. (La trahison conservatrice. Le parti populaire conservateur danois). Frederiksberg, Frydenlund, 2011, 256 p. (ill.).
3374. NYGAARD (Bertel). Anti-politics: modern politics and its critics in Denmark, 1830–1848. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 4, p. 419-442. 3375. Renæssancens befæstede byer. (Les villes fortifiées du Danemark à la Renaissance). Red. Søren BITSCH CHRISTENSEN. Århus, Dansk Center for byhistorie, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, 404 p. (ill.). (Danske bystudier, 5). 3376. THURAH (Thomas). Statsminister Anker Jørgensen. (Biographie d'Anker Jørgensen [1922- ] premier ministre danois). København, People's Press, 2011, 622 p. (ill.).
Stanford, Stanford U.P, 2011, XL-245 p. (Stanford studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures). 3386. FAHMY (Ziad). Ordinary Egyptians: creating the modern nation through popular culture. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XVI-244 p. 3387. GERSHONI (Israel), NORDBRUCH (Götz). Sympathie und Schrecken: Begegnungen mit Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus in Ägypten, 1922–1937. Berlin, K. Schwarz, 2011, IX-320 p. (ZMO-Studien, 29). 3388. GINAT (Rami). A history of Egyptian communism: Jews and their compatriots in quest of revolution. Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2011, X-431 p.
3377. VAMME (Hans). Den tomme stat: angst og ansvar i dansk politik 1848–1864. (L'Etat vacant: angoisse et responsabilité dans la politique danoise de 1848 à 1864). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2011, 388 p. (ill.).
3389. MAK (Lanver). The British in Egypt: community, crime and crises 1882–1922. London, I.B. Tauris 2011, XVI-318 p. (International library of historical studies, 74).
Cf. no 4339
3390. WEIPERT-FENNER (Irene). Starke Reformer oder schwache Revolutionäre? Ländliche Notabeln und das ägyptische Parlament in der 'Urābī-Bewegung, 1866– 1882. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2011, 162 p. (Studien zum modernen Orient, 15).
Ecuador 3378. AYALA MORA (Enrique). Ecuador del siglo XIX: estado nacional, ejército, iglesia y municipio. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y Corporación Editora Nacional, 2011, 252 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 30). 3379. BLACK (Chad). The limits of gender domination: women, the law, and political crisis in Quito, 1765–1830. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, 369 p.
El Salvador 3391. Poder, actores sociales y conflictividad: El Salvador, 1786–1972. Comp. Carlos Gregorio LÓPEZ BERNAL. San Salvador, Dirección Nacional de Investigaciones en Cultura y Arte de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia, 2011, 367 p. (Colección Cultura y sociedad, 1).
3380. BREILH PAZ Y MIÑO (Jaime), HERRERA (Fanny). El proceso juliano: pensamiento, utopía y militares solidarios. Quito, Corporación Editora Nacional, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2011, 196 p. (Colección Temas, 16).
3392. SILBER (Irina Carlota). Everyday revolutionaries: gender, violence, and disillusionment in postwar El Salvador. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, XVI238 p.
3381. Highland Indians and the state in modern Ecuador. Ed. A. Kim CLARK and Marc BECKER. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, X-348 p. (Pitt Latin American series).
3393. Soldiers of memory: World War II and its aftermath in Estonian post-Soviet life stories. Ed. by Ene KORESAAR. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2011, VIII-441 p. (On the boundary of two worlds: identity, freedom, and moral imagination in the Baltics, 27).
3382. LÓPEZ BAQUERO (Patricio). Ecos de revuelta: cambio social y violencia política en Quito (1931–1932). Quito, Abya Yala y FLACSO Ecuador, 2011, 176 p. (Tesis). 3383. Pensamiento sobre gobiernos locales y descentralización hasta mediados del siglo XX. Estudio introductorio y selección, Leonardo ESPINOSA. Quito, Fondo Editorial, Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador, Corporación Editora Nacional, 2011, 280 p. (Biblioteca básica del pensamiento ecuatoriano, 58). 3384. PÉREZ RAMÍREZ (Gustavo). Los luchadores por la independencia nos interpelan. Quito, Universidad Alfredo Pérez Guerrero, Academia Nacional de Historia, 2011, 183 p. Egypt 3385. BIER (Laura). Revolutionary womanhood: feminisms, modernity, and the state in Nasser's Egypt.
3394. WOLFERSTÄTTER (Erika). Estland: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der staatlichen Entwicklung seit 1918. München, Nusser Verlag, 2011, 159 p. (Materialien zur Geschichte und Sozialkunde, 65). Ethiopia 3395. KEBEDE (Messay). Ideology and elite conflicts: autopsy of the Ethiopian revolution. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XV-388 p. 3396. VESTAL (Theodore M.). The lion of Judah in the new world: Emperor Haile SeLassie of Ethiopia and the shaping of Americans' attitudes toward Africa. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2011, XV-231 p. Fiji 3397. NICOLE (Robert). Disturbing history: resistance in early colonial Fiji. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, IX-298 p.
§ 2. History by countries Finland 3398. JALOVAARA (Ville). Kirkko, Kekkonen ja politiikka, 1962–1982. (Die Kirche, Kekkonen und die Politik 1962–19829. Helsinki, Suomen kirkkohistoriallien seura, 2011, 305 p. (Suomen Kirkkohistoriallisen Seuran toimituksia = Finska kyrkohistoriska samfundets handlingar, 219). 3399. PILKE (Helena). Julkaiseminen kielletty: rintamakirjeenvaihtajat ja päämajan sensuuri 1941–1944. (Publishing prohibited: Front correspondents and the headquarters of censorship in 1941–1944). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2011, 304 p. (Historiallisia tutkimuksia, 257). France ** 3400. DE LACRETELLE (Charles). Dix années d'épreuves pendant la Révolution. Mémoires. Introduction et notes d'Éric BARRAULT. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 296 p.
3411. BRANDA (Pierre). Napoléon et ses hommes: la Maison de l'empereur, 1804–1815. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 574 p. 3412. BRIÈRE (Nina). La douceur du roi: le gouvernement de Louis XIV et la fin des Frondes (1648–1661). Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2011, X-172 p. (Collection Autour de l'événement). 3413. CAZALS (Rémy). Bonaparte est un factieux! Les résistants au coup d'État, Mazamet, 1851. Paris, Vendémiaire, 2011, 222 p. 3414. Chacun (À) son mai: le tour de France de mai– juin 1968: actes du colloque Identités confrontées à mai– juin 1968, Lyon, 25, 26 et 27 mars 2009. Sous la dir. de Bruno BENOIT [et al.]. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 398 p. (Histoire). 3415. Charles de Gaulle: chrétien, homme d'état. Fondation Charles-de-Gaulle. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 433 p. (Histoire).
** 3401. Empire (De l') à la République: comités secrets du Parlement, 1870–1871. Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Éric BONHOMME. Paris, Perrin et Assemblée nationale, 2011, 249 p.
3416. CLARKE (Jackie). France in the age of organization: factory, home and nation from the 1920s to Vichy. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, X-218 p. (Berghahn monographs in French studies, 11).
** 3402. Espions français parlent (Les): archives et témoignages inédits des services secrets français. Sous la dir. de Sébastien LAURENT avec Jean-Pierre BAT, Floran VADILLO et Jean-Marc LE PAGE. Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2011, 622 p. (Le Grand Jeu).
3417. COINTET (Michèle). Nouvelle histoire de Vichy. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 799 p.
3403. 1729, les Corses se rebellent. Sous la dir. de Evelyne LUCIANI. Ajaccio, Albiana, 2011, 265 p. 3404. ABAD (Reynald). La Grâce du roi. Les lettres de clémence de Grande Chancellerie au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011, 966 p. 3405. ABRAMOVICI (Pierre). Le putsch des généraux: De Gaulle contre l'armée, 1958–1961. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 373 p. 3406. AMZALAK (Nimrod). Fascists and honourable men: contingency and choice in French politics, 1918– 1945. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, IX-217 p. (Studies in modern history). 3407. ANDERSON (Malcolm). In thrall to political change: police and gendarmerie in France. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VI-494 p. 3408. Bonne année, la France! Les voeux présidentiels depuis 1958. Coordination, Béatrice KALAYDJIAN et Patrice LIQUIÈRE. Paris, Documentation française, 2011, 206 p.
3418. Conseillers (Les) de François Ier. Sous la dir. de Cédric MICHON. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 668 p. (Histoire). 3419. CRÉPIN (Annie). Vers l'armée nationale. Les débuts de la conscription en Seine-et-Marne 1798– 1815. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 427 p. (Histoire). 3420. CUENOT (Alain). Pierre Naville, la Nouvelle Gauche face aux Guerres d'Indochine et de Corée (1946– 1954). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 244, 4, p. 111-128. 3421. DATTA (Venita). Heroes and legends of finde-siècle France: gender, politics, and national identity. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-264 p. 3422. DAVIS (Reed). A once and future greatness: Raymond Aron, Charles de Gaulle andthe politics of Grandeur. International history review, 2011, 33, 1, p. 27-41. 3423. DE BROGLIE (Gabriel). La Monarchie de Juillet, 1830–1848. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 462 p. 3424. Deficit (From) to deluge: the origins of the French Revolution. Ed. by Thomas E. KAISER and Dale K. VAN KLEY. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XI-345 p.
3409. BOUGEARD (Christian). Les forces politiques en Bretagne: notables, élus et militants, 1914–1946. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 386 p. (Histoire).
3425. DUCOMTE (Jean-Michel), PECH (Rémy). Jaurès et les radicaux: une dispute sans rupture, Toulouse, Privat, 2011, 173 p.
3410. BOUTON (Cynthia A.). Interpreting social violence in French culture: Buzançais, 1847–2008. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, VIII-256 p.
3426. DUPILET (Alexandre). La Régence absolue. Philippe d'Orléans et la polysynodie, 1715–1718. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2011, 436 p. (Époques).
3427. Élections législatives (Les) de novembre 1958: une rupture? Sous la dir. de Bernard LACHAISE, Gilles LE BÉGUEC et Frédéric TURPIN. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 225 p. (Politique du XXe siècle. Histoire). 3428. FEUTRY (David). Un magistrat entre service du roi et stratégies familiales. Guillaume-François Joly de Fleury, 1675–1756. Paris, École des Chartes, 2011, 444 p. (Mémoires et documents de l'Ecole des chartes, 89). 3429. French Republic (The): history, values, debates. Ed. by Edward BERENSON, Vincent DUCLERT and Christophe PROCHASSON. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, 378 p. 3430. HADDAD (Galit). Protestation combattante et démobilisation militaire. Le retour à la vie de caserne des soldats français, 1918–1919. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 35-43. 3431. HARRIS (Ruth). The man on Devil's Island: Alfred Dreyfus and the affair that divided France. London, Penguin Books, 2011, XVI-541 p. 3432. HENNEQUIN-LECOMTE (Laure). Le Patriciat strasbourgeois (1789–1830). Destins croisés et voix intimes. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2011, 397 p. (Études alsaciennes & rhénanes). 3433. HOUTE (Arnaud-Dominique). Louis Napoléon Bonaparte: le coup d'État du 2 décembre 1851. Paris, Larousse, 2011, 255 p. (L'histoire comme un roman. Essais et documents). 3434. HUNECKE (Volker). Napoleon: das Scheitern eines guten Diktators. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 419 p. 3435. JEANNE (Charles). À cinq heures nous serons tous morts ! Sur la barricade Saint-Merry, 5–6 juin 1832. Ed. par Thomas BOUCHET. Paris, Vendémiaire, 2011, 217 p. 3436. JOLY (Laurent). L'antisémitisme de bureau. Enquête au cœur de la préfecture de police de Paris et du Commissariat général aux questions juives (1940– 1944). Paris, B. Grasset, 2011, 444 p. 3437. LOTTIN (Alain). Gardiennes de la cité et de l'ordre public: les compagnies bourgeoises à Lille au XVIIe siècle avant la conquête française. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 491-505. 3438. MAC CLUSKEY (Philip). From regime change to Réunion: Louis XIV's quest for legitimacy in Lorraine, 1670–1697. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 1386-1407. 3439. MALANDAIN (Gilles). L'introuvable complot. Attentat, enquête et rumeur dans la France de la Restauration. Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2011, 334 p. 3440. Maurice Barrès, la Lorraine, la France et l'étranger. Ed. par Olivier DARD, Michel GRUNEWALD, Michel LEYMARIE et Jean-Michel WITTMANN. Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, 516 p.
3441. MILKOV (Hristo). De Gaulle: le courage de s'en aller juste à temps. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 106-131. 3442. MILLER (Mary Ashburn). A natural history of revolution: violence and nature in the French revolutionary imagination, 1789–1794. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XV-231 p. 3443. Paris manif', les manifestations de rue à Paris de 1880 à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Danielle TARTAKOWSKY. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 280 p. (Histoire). 3444. PÉJU (Marcel), PÉJU (Paulette). Le 17 octobre des Algériens. Paris, La Découverte, 2011, 199 p. (Cahiers libres). 3445. Philippe Pétain: j'accepte de répondre: les interrogatoires avant le procès (avril–juin 1945) suivis de L'audition de l'Île d'Yeu (août 1946–juillet 1947). Édition établie et prèsentée par Benoît KLEIN; préface de Marc FERRO. Paris, André Versaille, 2011, 253 p. (Histoire). 3446. 'Pourquoi Jaurès?' Cahiers Jaurès, 2011, 200, 194 p. 3447. POZZI (Jérôme). Les Mouvements gaullistes. Partis, associations et réseaux (1958–1976). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 390 p. (Histoire). 3448. READER (Keith). The place de la Bastille: the story of a quartier. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, VIII-184 p. 3449. RÉMY (Sylvie). Jean, Jules, Prosper et les autres. Les socialistes indépendants en France à la fin du XIXe siècle. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 346 p. 3450. RENTET (Thierry). Anne de Montmorency. Grand maître de François Ier. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 432 p. (Histoire). 3451. REQUATE (Jörg). Frankreich seit 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 254 p. (Europäische Zeitgeschichte, 4). 3452. REYNOLDS (Chris). Memories of May '68: France's convenient consensus. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011, VIII-189 p. 3453. RIOUX (Jean-Pierre). Les Centristes de Mirabeau à Bayrou. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 314 p. 3454. SAINT-FUSCIEN (Emmanuel). A vos ordres? La relation d'autorité dans l'armée française de la Grande guerre. Paris, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2011, 310 p. (En temps & lieux, 28). 3455. Se battre pour ses idées. La violence militante en France des années 1920 aux années 1970. Sous la dir. de François AUDIGIER et Pascal GIRARD. Paris, Riveneuve Éditions, 2011, 244 p. (Actes académiques). 3456. STOLL (Mathieu). Servir le Roi-Soleil: Claude Le Peletier, 1631–1711, ministre de Louis XIV. Rennes,
§ 2. History by countries
Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 416 p. (Histoire).
MÜNKEL. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 320 p.
3457. THOMAS (Elaine R.). Immigration, Islam, and the politics of belonging in France: a comparative framework. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VIII-314 p. (Pennsylvania studies in human rights).
** 3469. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Hrsg. von der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Eike WOLGAST. Jüngere Reihe. Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Kaiser Karl V. Bd. 5/6. Der Reichstag zu Augsburg 1525, der Reichstag zu Speyer 1526, der Fürstentag zu Esslingen 1526. Bearb. von Rosemarie AULINGER. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 995 p.
3458. TISON (Stéphane). Comment sortir de la Guerre? Deuil, mémoire et traumatisme (1870–1940). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 421 p. (Histoire). 3459. VAÏSSE (Maurice). Comment de Gaulle fit échouer le putsch d'Alger. Bruxelles, André Versaille éditeur, 2011, 350 p. (Coulisses de l'histoire). 3460. VIGREUX (Jean). Le Front populaire. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 128 p. (Que Saisje?). 3461. VINCENT (K. Steven). Benjamin Constant and the Birth of French Liberalism. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VIII-280 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 3462. WILL (Barbara). Unlikely collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy dilemma. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XX-274 p. 3463. ZANOUN (Louisa). Language, regional identity and the failure of the left in the Moselle Département, 1871–1936. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 2, p. 231-254. Cf. nos 4073, 4382, 6648 Germany * 3464. ECKERT (Rainer). SED-Diktatur und Erinnerungsarbeit im vereinten Deutschland: Auswahlbibliografie zu Widerstand und politischer Repression. Herausgegeben von der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 400 p. ** 3465. Behind Valkyrie: German resistance to Hitler: documents. Ed. by Peter HOFFMANN. Montréal a. London, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2011, VIII-372 p. ** 3466. BISMARCK (Otto von). Gesammelte Werke. Neue Friedrichsruher Ausgabe (NFA). Hrsg. v. Holger AFFLERBACH, Konrad CANIS, Lothar GALL, Klaus HILDEBRAND und Eberhard KOLB. Abt. 3. 1871–1898. Schriften. Bd. 6. 1884–1885. Bearb. v. Ulrich LAPPENKÜPER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, CXXIII-855 p. ** 3467. CDU/CSU-Fraktion (Die) im Deutschen Bundestag. Sitzungsprotokolle 1966–1969. Eingel. v. Stefan MARX. Halbbd. 1. Dezember 1966 bis März 1968. Halbbd. 2. April 1968 bis Juli 1969. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2011, 2 vol., CXVIII-V-1687 p. u. CD-ROM (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, Rh. 4: Deutschland seit 1945, 11/5). ** 3468. DDR (Die) im Blick der Stasi 1961: die geheimen Berichte an die SED-Führung. Bearb. v. Daniela
** 3470. Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik. Hrsg. vom Bundesministerium des Inneren und vom Bundesarchiv. Rh. 6. Bd. 5. 1. Januar 1977 bis 31. Dezember 1978. Bearb. v. Daniel HOFMANN, Hans-Heinrich JANSEN und Anke LÖBNITZ. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, LXI-1065 p. ** 3471. MALYCHA (Andreas). Ungeschminkte Wahrheiten. Ein vertrauliches Gespräch von Gerhard Schürer, Chefplaner der DDR, mit der Stasi über die Wirtschaftspolitik der SED im April 1978. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 2, p. 283-306. ** 3472. MÜNKEL (Daniela). Unruhe im eingeschlossenen Land. Ein interner Stasi-Bericht zur Lage in der DDR nach dem Mauerbau. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 4, p. 579-608. ** 3473. Politischen Reden Kaiser Wilhelms II (Die): eine Auswahl. Hrsg. v. Michael A. OBST. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, XXXII-425 p. (Wissenschaftliche Reihe / Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung, 15). ** 3474. Quellensammlung zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sozialpolitik 1867 bis 1914. Hrsg. v. Hansjoachim HENNING und Florian TENNSTEDT. Abt. 3. Ausbau und Differenzierung der Sozialpolitik seit Beginn des Neuen Kurses (1890–1904). Bd. 4. Arbeiterrecht. Bearb. v. Wilfried RUDLOFF. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, LXVI-585 p. ** 3475. SPD [Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands] (Die) unter Kurt Schumacher und Erich Ollenhauer 1946 bis 1963: Sitzungsprotokolle der Spitzengremien. 3 1950 bis 1952. Herausgegben und bearbeitet von Willy ALBRECHT. Bonn, Dietz, 2011, CXII-584 p. ** 3476. Stadtbücher Dresdens (Die) (1404–1535) und Altendresdens (1412–1528). Bd. 3. Das sechste und siebente Stadtbuch Dresdens (1505–1535). Hrsg. v. Thomas KÜBLER und Jörg OBERSTE; bearb. v. Jens KLINGNER und Robert MUND. Leipzig, Leipziger UniversitätsVerlag, 2011, 794 p. ** 3477. Tagebücher (Die) des Ludwig Freiherrn Vincke 1789–1844. Hrsg. v. Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Münster, Historische Kommission für Westfalen und Landesarchiv NRW. Bd. 2. 1792–1793. Bearb. v. Wilfried REINIGHAUS unt. Mitarb. v. Herta SAGEBIEL, Tobias MEYER-ZURWELLE und Tobias SCHEINK. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 471 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Vereins für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Münster, 2; Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen,
2; Veröffentlichungen des Landesarchivs NordrheinWestfalen, 37). 3478. AHLHEIM (Hannah). "Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden!" Antisemitismus und politischer Boykott in Deutschland 1924 bis 1935. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 452 p. 3479. ALBRECHT (Henning). Preußen, ein "Judenstaat". Antisemitismus als konservative Strategie gegen die "Neue Ära" – Zur Krisentheorie der Moderne. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 4, p. 455-481. 3480. ALLEWELDT (Bertold). Herbert Backe: eine politische Biographie. Berlin, Wiss. Verl. Berlin, wvb, 2011, 137 p. 3481. AMATO (Sergio). Sul patriottismo costituzionale tedesco tra Settecento e Novecento. Firenze, Centro editoriale Toscano, 2011, 285 p. (Politeia, 56). 3482. BARTUSCHKA (Marc). Unter Zurückstellung aller möglichen Bedenken: Die NS-Betriebsgruppe 'Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring' (REIMAHG) und der Zwangsarbeitereinsatz 1944/45. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 784 p. 3483. BECK (Hermann). Konflikte zwischen Deutschnationalen und Nationalsozialisten während der Machtergreifungszeit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 3, p. 645-680. 3484. BERGLER (Andrea). Von Armenpflegern und Fürsorgeschwestern. Kommunale Wohlfahrtspflege und Geschlechterpolitik in Berlin und Charlottenburg 1890 bis 1914. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 392 p. (Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung, 13). 3485. Berlin im Nationalsozialismus: Politik und Gesellschaft 1933–1945. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger HACHTMANN, Thomas SCHAARSCHMIDT und Winfried SÜSS. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2011, 206 p. 3486. BERNHARDT (Markus). Was ist des Richters Vaterland? Justizpolitik und politische Justiz in Braunschweig zwischen 1879 und 1919/20. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2011, 420 p. 3487. BICKFORD (Andrew). Fallen elites: the military other in post-unification Germany. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XVIII-268 p. 3488. BONNELL (Andrew G.). Oligarchy in Miniature? Robert Michels and the Marburg branch of the German Social Democratic Party. German history, 2011, 29, 1, p. 23-35. 3489. BRAUN (Bernd). Die Weimarer Reichskanzler: zwölf Lebensläufe in Bildern. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2011, 502 p. 3490. BRINKHUS (Jörn). Luftschutz und Versorgungspolitik. Regionen und Gemeinden im NS-Staat, 1942– 1944/45. Gütersloh, Verlag für regionalgeschichte, 2011, 347 p. 3491. BURGDORF (Wolfgang). Friedrich der Große. Ein biografisches Porträt. Freiburg im Breisgau/Basel/ Wien, Herder, 2011, 288 p.
3492. CHAUVET (Didier). Le nazisme et les Juifs: caractères, méthodes et étapes de la politique nazie d'exclusion et d'extermination. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 439 p. (Allemagne d'hier et d'aujourd'hui). 3493. CLARK (Christopher M.). Preußenbilder im Wandel. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 2, p. 307321. 3494. CRAMER (John). Belsen Trial 1945: der Lüneburger Prozess gegen Wachpersonal der Konzentrationslager Auschwitz und Bergen-Belsen. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 427 p. 3495. DDR (Die) – eine deutsche Geschichte. Wirkung und Wahrnehmung. Hrsg. v. Detlev BRUNNER und Mario NIEMANN. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 474 p. 3496. DE ZAYAS (Alfred M.). Völkermord als Staatsgeheimnis: vom Wissen über die "Endlösung der Judenfrage" im Dritten Reich. München, Olzog 2011, 204 p. 3497. DENNIS (Mike), LAPORTE (Norman). State and minorities in communist East Germany. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2011, XVII-236 p. 3498. Deutsche Kaiserreich 1890–1914 (Das). Hrsg. v. Bernd HEIDENREICH und Sönke NEITZEL. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 368 p. 3499. DIETZ (Andreas). Das Primat der Politik in kaiserlicher Armee, Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr. Rechtliche Sicherungen der Entscheidungsgewalt über Krieg und Frieden zwischen Politik und Militär. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XXVII-780 p. (Jus publicum, 210). 3500. Endzeitkämpfer. Ideologie und Terror der SS. Hrsg. v. Wulff E. BREBECK, Frank HUISMANN, Kirsten JOHN-STUCKE [et al]. Berlin u. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 464 p. (Schriftenreihe des Kreismuseums Wewelsburg, 8). 3501. Ernst Moritz Arndt. Anstöße und Wirkungen. Hrsg. v. Dirk ALVERMANN und Irmfried GARBE. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 386 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Pommern Reihe V-Forschungen zur pommerschen Geschichte, 46). 3502. ESCH (Tabea Mariga). "Freie Kirche im freien Staat": das Kirchenpapier der FDP[Freie Demokratische Partei] im kirchenpolitischen Kontext der Jahre 1966 bis 1974. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XV614 p. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 157). 3503. FAULENBACH (Bernd). Das sozialdemokratische Jahrzehnt. Von der Reformeuphorie zur Neuen Unübersichtlichkeit. Die SPD 1969–1982. Bonn, Dietz Nachf., 2011, 819 p. (Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie nach 1945, 3). 3504. FUHRER (Armin). Ernst Thälmann: Soldat des Proletariats. München, Olzog, 2011, 352 p. 3505. FULBROOK (Mary). Dissonant lives. Generations and violence through the German dictatorships.
§ 2. History by countries Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-515 p. 3506. GAHLEN (Gundula). Das bayerische Offizierskorps 1815–1866. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 775 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 63). 3507. GEHLER (Michael). Deutschland: von der Teilung zur Einigung; 1945 bis heute. Bonn, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2011, 511 p.
3519. HEIN (Bastian). Himmlers Orden. Das Ausleseund Beitrittsverfahren der Allgemeinen SS. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 2, p. 263-282. 3520. HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian). Wandlungen föderalen Regierens im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Die Entscheidungsfindung im Fall der Sozialgesetzgebung. Historische Zeitschrift, 293, 2, p. 373-399.
3508. GERKEN (Daniel). Die Selbstverwaltung der Stadt Würzburg in der Weimarer Zeit und im "Dritten Reich". Würzburg, Schöningh, 2011, XV-388 p.
3521. HERMANN (Angela). Der Weg in den Krieg 1938/39. Quellenkritische Studien zu den Tagebüchern von Joseph Goebbels. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X574 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 83).
3509. GERWARTH (Robert). Hitler's Hangman. The life of Heydrich. New haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XXII393 p.
3522. HOFFMANN (Peter). Carl Goerdeler and the Jewish Question, 1933–1942. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-193 p.
3510. GLAESER (Andreas). Political epistemics: the secret police, the opposition, and the end of East German socialism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XXXIII-606 p. (Chicago studies in practices of meaning).
3523. HOLIAN (Anna). Between National Socialism and Soviet Communism: displaced persons in postwar Germany. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, VII-367 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany).
3511. GOLLWITZER (Heinz). Politik und Kultur in Bayern unter Ludwig I.: Studien zur bayerischen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. von HansChristof KRAUS. Regensburg, Pustet, 2011, 237 p.
3524. HÖMIG (Herbert). Karl Theodor von Dalberg. Staatsmann und Kirchenfürst im Schatten Napoleons. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 689 p.
3512. GOTTWALDT (Alfred B.). Die Reichsbahn und die Juden 1933–1939: Antisemitismus bei der Eisenbahn in der Vorkriegszeit. Wiesbaden, Marixverl., 2011, 445 p. 3513. GRÜNE (Niels). Dorfgesellschaft – Konflikterfahrung – Partizipationskultur. Sozialer Wandel und politische Kommunikation in Landgemeinden der badischen Rheinpfalz (1720–1850). Stuttgart, Lucius & Lucius, 2011, XII-532 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte, 53). 3514. GÜNTHER (Frieder). Ordnen, gestalten, bewahren. Radikales Ordnungsdenken von deutschen Rechtsintellektuellen der Rechtswissenschaft 1920 bis 1960. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 3, p. 353384. 3515. GURSKY (André). Rechtspositivismus und konspirative Justiz als politische Strafjustiz in der DDR. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 460 p. (Treffpunkt Philosophie, 11). 3516. HABERSACK (Michael). Friedrich Dessauer (1881–1963). Eine politische Biographie des Frankfurter Biophysikers und Reichstagsabgeordneten. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 538 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte, Rh. B: Forschungen, 119). 3517. HARDING (Elizabeth). Landtag und Adligkeit. Ständische Repräsentationspraxis der Ritterschaften von Osnabrück, Münster und Ravensberg 1650 bis 1800. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 327 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 10). 3518. HEIMANN (Siegfried). Der Preußische Landtag 1899–1947. Eine politische Geschichte. Berlin, Links, 2011, 495 p.
3525. HUMANN (Detlev). 'Alte Kämpfer' in der neuen Zeit. Die sonderbare Arbeitsvermittlung für NS-Parteigänger nach 1933. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 2, p. 173-194. – IDEM. "Arbeitsschlacht". Arbeitsbeschaffung und Propaganda in der NS-Zeit 1933–1939. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 808 p. (Moderne Zeit. Neue Forschungen zur Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 23). 3526. HÜRTER (Johannes). Das Auswärtige Amt, die NS-Diktatur und der Holocaust. Kritische Bemerkungen zu einem Kommissionsbericht. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 2, p. 167-192. 3527. JONES (Larry Eugene). Franz von Papen, catholic conservatives, and the establishment of the Third Reich, 1933–1934. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 2, p. 272-318. 3528. JOSSIN (Ariane). Un siècle d'histoire politique allemande: commémorer Liebknecht et Luxemburg au Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde de Berlin. Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 115-133. 3529. KABUS (Ronny). "… weine ich täglich um meinen Vater": in der Gewalt Stalins und der SED. Norderstedt, Books on Demand, 2011, 224 p. 3530. KACHEL (Steffen). Ein rot-roter Sonderweg?: Sozialdemokraten und Kommunisten in Thüringen, 1919 bis 1949. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 599 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen. Kleine Reihe, 29). 3531. KASTEN (Bernd). Herren und Knechte. Gesellschaftlicher und politischer Wandel in Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1867–1945. Bremen, Edition Temmen, 2011, 511 p. (Quellen und Studien aus den Landesarchiven Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, 11).
3532. KELLY (Patrick J.). Tirpitz and the Imperial German Navy. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XII585 p. 3533. KEMPER (Claudia). Das "Gewissen" 1919– 1925. Kommunikation und Vernetzung der Jungkonservativen. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 517 p. (Ordnungssysteme, 36). 3534. KERSHAW (Ian). The end: Hitler's Germany, 1944–1945. London, Allen Lane, 2011, XXII-564 p. 3535. KITTEL (Manfred). Marsch durch die Institutionen? Politik und Kultur in Frankfurt nach 1968. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, VII-489 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 86). 3536. KRAMER (Nicole). Volksgenossinnen an der Heimatfront. Mobilisierung, Verhalten, Erinnerung. Göttingen u. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 392 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 82). 3537. KROENER (Bernhard R.). Militär, Staat und Gesellschaft im 20. Jahrhundert (1890–1990). München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XII-154 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 87). 3538. LAMMERT (Markus). Die französische Linke, der Terrorismus und der "repressive Staat" in der Bundesrepublik in den 1970er Jahren. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 4, p. 533-562. 3539. LEHNSTAEDT (Stephan). Geschichte und Gesetzesauslegung. Zu Kontinuität und Wandel des bundesdeutschen Wiedergutmachungsdiskurses am Beispiel der Ghettorenten. Osnabrück, fibre, 2011, 302 p. (Einzelveröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, 25). 3540. LEMKE (Michael). Vor der Mauer: Berlin in der Ost-West-Konkurrenz 1948 bis 1961. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 671 p. (Zeithistorische Studien, 48). 3541. MEHRLÄNDER (Andrea). The Germans of Charleston, Richmond and New Orleans during the Civil War Period, 1850–1870. A study and research compendium. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XIV-442 p. 3542. MENDE (Silke). "Nicht rechts, nicht links, sondern vorn": eine Geschichte der Gründungsgrünen. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XII-541 p. (Ordnungssysteme: Studien zur Ideengeschichte der Neuzeit, 33). 3543. MEYER (Beate). Tödliche Gratwanderung: Die Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland zwischen Hoffnung, Zwang, Selbstbehauptung und Verstrickung (1939–1945). Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 464 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Juden, 38).
many. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2011, IX340 p. 3546. MURR (Karl Borromäus), RESCH (Stephan). Augsburg – die Wiege der bayerischen Sozialdemokratie 1864–1870: Darstellung und Quellen. Augsburg, Wissner, 2011, 221 p. 3547. NAGATA (Hiroaki). Warera yudaya-kei doitsujin: Mainoritī kara mita doitsu gendaishi, 1893–1951. (We are the Jewish-Germans: a modern German history from the viewpoint of a minority group). Hiroshima, Hiroshima U. P., 2011, 512 p. 3548. NERN (Thomas). Der preußische Landrat als wirtschaftspolitischer Faktor: Eine Fallstudie zum Kreis Westhavelland 1893–1907. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 3, p. 281-298. 3549. NOWOSADTKO (Jutta). Stehendes Heer im Ständestaat: Das Zusammenleben von Militär- und Zivilbevölkerung im Fürstbistum Münster 1650–1803. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011, 400 p. 3550. OBARA (Jun). Foruku to teikoku sōsetsu: Jūkyū seiki doitsu ni okeru Turunen-undō no shiteki kōsatsu. ('Volk' and the foundation of the German Empire: a historical analysis of the Turnen movement in nineteenth-century Germany). Tokyo, Sairyusha, 2011, 271 p. 3551. OHNEZEIT (Maik). Zwischen "schärfster Opposition" und dem "Willen zur Macht". Die Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP) in der Weimarer Republik 1918–1928. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2011, 490 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 158). 3552. Ordnung und Vernichtung. Die Polizei im NSStaat. Hrsg. v. Florian DIERL, Mariana HAUSLEITNER, Martin HÖLZL und Andreas MIX. Dresden, Sandstein, 2011, 320 p. 3553. PASSMORE (Leith). Ulrike Meinhof and the Red Army faction: performing terrorism. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 212 p. 3554. PATTON (David F.). Out of the east: from PDS [Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus] to Left Party in unified Germany. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2011, X-228 p. 3555. PENSLAR (Derek J.). The German-Jewish soldier: from participant to victim. German history, 2011, 29, 3, p. 423-444. 3556. PETER (Christian). Staatsbildung und Residenzausbau. Höfische Repräsentation, adlige Netzwerke und zeremonielle Selbstbehauptung im geistlichen Fürstentum Fulda (ca. 1670–1802). Fulda, Parzellers Buchverlag, 2011, 500 p. (Veröffentlichung des Fuldaer Geschichtsvereins, 69).
3544. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter). "Das große Ganze im Auge behalten": Philipp Scheidemann – Oberbürgermeister von Kassel (1920 – 1925). Marburg, Historische Komm. für Hessen, 2011, 207 p.
3557. Pleasure and Power in Nazi Germany. Edited by Pamela E. SWETT, Corey ROSS and Fabrice D'ALMEIDA. Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-307 p.
3545. MÜLLER (Frank Lorenz). Our Fritz. Emperor Frederick III and the political culture of Imperial Ger-
3558. Politisierung (Die) des Protestantismus. Entwicklungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wäh-
§ 2. History by countries rend der 1960er und 70er Jahre. Hrsg. v. Klaus FITSCHEN [et al.]. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 343 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, Rh. B: Darstellungen, 52). 3559. Prekäre Staat (Der): Herrschen und Verwalten im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Sven REICHARDT und Wolfgang SEIBEL. Frankfurt am Main, Campus-Verl., 2011, 300 p. 3560. Preußen. Aufstieg und Fall einer Großmacht. Hrsg. v. Michael EPKENHANS, Gerhard GROß und Burkhard KÖSTER. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2011, 216 p. 3561. PRIAMUS (Heinz-Jürgen). Meyer. Zwischen Kaisertreue und NS-Täterschaft. Biographische Konturen eines deutschen Bürgers. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 525 p. (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Stadtgeschichte, Beiträge, 14). 3562. Reform und Revolte: politischer und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in der Bundesrepublik vor und nach 1968. Hrsg. v. Udo WENGST. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, 122 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, 12). 3563. REIBEL (Carl-Wilhelm). Bündnis und Kompromiß. Parteienkooperation im Deutschen Kaiserreich 1890– 1918. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 1, p. 70-114. 3564. REICHHERZER (Frank). "Alles ist Front!" Wehrwissenschaften in Deutschland und die Bellifizierung der Gesellschaft vom Ersten Weltkrieg bis in den Kalten Krieg. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 515 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 68). 3565. RUDOLPH (Harriet). Das Reich als Ereignis: Formen und Funktionen der Herrschaftsinszenierung bei Kaisereinzügen (1558–1618). Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 691 p. (Norm und Struktur, 38). 3566. RUPNOW (Dirk). Judenforschung im Dritten Reich. Wissenschaft zwischen Politik, Propaganda und Ideologie. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 494 p. (Historische Grunlagen der Moderne, 14). 3567. SAUNDERS (Anna). Honecker's children: youth and patriotism in Eastern Germany, 1979–2002. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-252 p. 3568. SCHÄFER (Ralf). Militarismus, Nationalismus, Antisemitismus: Carl Diem und die Politisierung des bürgerlichen Sports im Kaiserreich. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 512 p. (Dokumente – Texte – Materialien, 74). 3569. SCHARLOTH (Joachim). 1968: Eine Kommunikationsgeschichte. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2011, 475 p. 3570. SCHAUFUSS (Thomas). Die politische Rolle des FDGB-Feriendienstes in der DDR: Sozialtourismus im SED-Staat. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 469 p. 3571. SCHEIDT (Petra). Karriere im Stillstand? Der Demokratische Frauenbund Deutschlands im Spiegel seiner Kaderarbeit und der Kaderstrukturen seines hauptamtlichen Funktionärskorps. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 435 p. (Historische Forschungen, 28).
3572. SCHITO (Rosanna). Alla ricerca della sovranità: la Germania del XVII secolo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 184 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 167). 3573. SCHMIDT-DEGENHARD (Tobias). Vermessen und Vernichten: der NS-'Zigeunerforscher' Robert Ritter. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2011, 246 p. 3574. SCHNEPPEN (Heinz). Walther Rauff. Organisator der Gaswagenmorde. Eine Biografie. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 232 p. (Reihe ZeitgeschichteN, 7). 3575. SCHREGEL (Susanne). Der Atomkrieg vor der Wohnungstür: Eine Politikgeschichte der neuen Friedensbewegung in der Bundesrepublik 1970–1985. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2011, 410 p. 3576. SCHUMACHER (Martin). Namensähnlichkeit als Ausschließungsgrund? Der Fall der Frankfurter Anwältin Elfriede Cohnen und die Säuberung der Anwaltschaft in Preußen 1933. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 19-52. 3577. SEILS (Ernst-Albert). Weltmachtstreben und Kampf für den Frieden. Der deutsche Reichstag im Ersten Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 764 p. 3578. SONNTAG (Marcus). Die Arbeitslager in der DDR. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 407 p. 3579. SÖSEMANN (Bernd). Propaganda. Medien und Öffentlichkeit in der NS-Diktatur. Eine Dokumentation und Edition von Gesetzen, Führerbefehlen und sonstigen Anordnungen sowie propagandistischen Bild- und Textüberlieferungen im kommunikationshistorischen Kontext und in der Wahrnehmung des Publikums. Mit 57 Organigrammen, 100 Statistiken und Übersichten, 240 Abb. sowie einer Chronologie und Spezialbibliographie. In Zusammenarb. mit Marius LANGE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 2 vol., CLIV-1638 p. (Beiträge zur Kommunikationsgeschichte, 25). 3580. SPOERR (Kathrin). Recht und Revolution. Deutsche Ökonomen und ihr Einfluss auf das Recht der Weimarer Republik – eine Zeitschriftenschau 1917– 1920. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 282 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 412). 3581. Stadt, Land, Heimat. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar im Industriezeitalter. Hrsg. v. Martin KRAUSS und Ulrich NIESS. Ubstadt-Weiher, Regionalkultur, 2011, 408 p. 3582. STEINBERG (Jonathan). Bismarck, a life. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-583 p. 3583. Streitkräfte im Nachkriegsdeutschland. Hrsg. v. Hans-Jörg BÜCKING und Günther HEYDEMANN. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 191 p. (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung, 101). 3584. STRIPPEL (Andreas). NS-Volkstumspolitik und die Neuordnung Europas. Rassenpolitische Selektion der Einwandererzentralstelle des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD 1939–1945. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 370 p. (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart).
3585. STROHN (Matthias). The German army and the defence of the Reich: military doctrine and the conduct of the defensive battle 1918–1939. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-277 p.
3598. WEDEL (Joachim von). Zur Entwicklung des deutschen parlamentarischen Zweikammersystems. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 372 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte 82).
3586. TANGERDING (Clemens Maria). Der Drang zum Staat: Lebenswelten in Würzburg zwischen 1795 und 1815. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 384 p.
3599. WETTE (Wolfram). Karl Jäger: Mörder der litauischen Juden. Mit einem Vorw. von Ralph GIORDANO. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verl., 2011, 284 p.
3587. TEICHERT (Olav). Die Sozialistische Einheitspartei Westberlins: Untersuchung der Steuerung der SEW durch die SED [Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands]. Kassel, Kassel U. P., 2011, 341 p. 3588. TLUSTY (B. Ann). The martial ethic in early Modern Germany: civic duty and the right of arms. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-371 p. (Early Modern history: society and culture). 3589. TORP (Claudius). Konsum und Politik in der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen/Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 384 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 196). 3590. Transit, Transfer. Politik und Praxis der Einwanderung in die DDR 1945–1990. Hrsg. v. Kim Christian PRIEMEL. Berlin-Brandenburg, be.bra, 2011, 304 p. (Almanach des Instituts für Angewandte Geschichte). 3591. ULLRICH (Christina). "Ich fühl' mich nicht als Mörder". Die Integration von NS-Tätern in die Nachkriegsgesellschaft. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 355 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg, 18).
3600. WILKE (Karsten). Die "Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit" (HIAG) 1950–1990. Veteranen der Waffen-SS in der Bundesrepublik. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 464 p. 3601. Willy Brandt. Neue Fragen, neue Erkenntnisse. Hrsg. v. Bernd ROTHER. Bonn, Dietz Nachf., 2011, 335 p. (Willy-Brandt-Studien, 5). 3602. WOLLE (Stefan). Aufbruch nach Utopia. Alltag und Herrschaft in der DDR 1961–1971. Berlin, Links, 2011, 440 p. 3603. ZEHNPFENNIG (Barbara). Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Weltanschauung und Programm. Studienkommentar. München, Fink, 2011, 280 p. (UTB 3469). 3604. ZELLMER (Elisabeth). Töchter der Revolte? Frauenbewegung und Feminismus der 1970er Jahre in München. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VII-294 p. Cf. nos 2441, 4099, 4406 Ghana
3592. ULMER (Martin). Antisemitismus in Stuttgart 1871–1933. Studien zum öffentlichen Diskurs und Alltag. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 478 p.
3605. GRISCHOW (Jeff D.). Kwame Nkrumah, disability, and rehabilitation in Ghana, 1957–66. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 179-199.
3593. VAN DEN HEUVEL (Gerd). Adlige Herrschaft, bäuerlicher Widerstand und territorialstaatliche Souveränität. Die "Hoch- und Freiheit Gesmold" (Hochstift Osnabrück) im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2011, 229 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 265).
3606. SKINNER (Kate). Who knew the minds of the people? Specialist knowledge and developmentalist authoritarianism in postcolonial Ghana. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 2, p. 297323.
3594. Verfolgung (Die) der Juden während der NSZeit. Stand und Perspektiven der Dokumentation, der Vermittlung und der Erinnerung. Hrsg. v. Andreas HEDWIG, Reinhard NEEBE und Annegret WENZ-HAUBFLEISCH. Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, 2011, 311 p. (Schriften des Hessischen Staatsarchivs Marburg, 24).
** 3607. CALLAGHAN (John T.), HARKER (Ben). British communism: a documentary history. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, VI-304 p. (Documents in Modern History).
3595. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte). Démocratiser l'Allemagne de l'Ouest après 1945: une association française d'éducation populaire sur le terrain, Peuple et Culture. Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 83-101. 3596. WALTER (Franz). 'Republik das ist nicht viel': Partei und Jugend in der Krise des Weimarer Sozialismus. Bielefeld, Transkript, 2011, 453 p. 3597. WATSON (Alexander). Fighting for another fatherland: the Polish minority in the German Army, 1914–1918. English historical review, 2011, 126, 522, p. 1137-1166.
Great Britain
** 3608. English Historical Documents. Volume 5a. 1558–1603. Ed. Ian W. ARCHER and F. Douglas PRICE. London, Routledge, 2011, XXXVII-1353 p. ** 3609. Katherine Parr: complete works and correspondence. Ed. by Janel MUELLER. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, X-645 p. ** 3610. Macmillan diaries (The). Vol. 2. Prime Minister and after, 1957–1966. Edited and with an introduction by Peter CATTERALL. London, Macmillan, 2011, XXXVIII-758 p. ** 3611. Papers (The) of the Hothams, governors of Hull during the Civil War. Ed. by Andrew HOPPER. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press for the Royal
§ 2. History by countries
Historical Society, 2011, VIII-338 p. (Camden fifth series, 39).
Tauris Academic Studies, 2011, X-310 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 41).
** 3612. RANDALL (David). English military news pamphlets, 1513–1637. Tempe, ACMRS, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2011, XXVIII-187 p. (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 379).
3626. DAVISON (Robert L.). The challenges of command: the Royal Navy's executive branch officers, 1880– 1919. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XII-288 p.
3613. ARCHER (John E.). The monster evil: policing and violence in Victorian Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XVII-281 p. 3614. BARCLAY (Andrew). Electing Cromwell: the making of a politician. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-288 p. 3615. BERTHEZÈNE (Clarisse). Les conservateurs britanniques dans la bataille des idées, 1929–1954: Ashridge College, premier think tank conservateur. Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2011, 334 p. (Domaine histoire). 3616. BEVIR (Mark). The making of British socialism. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, VIII-350 p. 3617. BRADSTOCK (Andrew). Radical religion in Cromwell's England: a concise history from the English Civil War to the end of the Commonwealth. London, Tauris, 2011, XXVI-189 p. 3618. Britain's second Labour government, 1929– 1931: a reappraisal. Ed. by John SHEPHERD, Jonathan DAVIS and Chris WRIGLEY. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIII-232 p. 3619. BROOKE (Stephen). Sexual politics: sexuality, family planning, and the British Left from the 1880s to the present day. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII284 p. 3620. BROWN (Keith M.). Noble power in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, 334 p. 3621. COLE (Matthew). Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats: unfinished business. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XV233 p. 3622. COLLINSON (Patrick). This England: essays on the English nation and commonwealth in the sixteenth century. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, IX-316 p. (Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain). 3623. COOHILL (Joseph). Ideas of the Liberal Party: perceptions, agendas and liberal politics in the House of Commons, 1832–1852. Malden a. Oxford, WileyBlackwell For The Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust, 2011, XII-232 p. (Parliamentary history: texts & studies, 5).
3627. DEVINE (Thomas Martin). To the ends of the earth: Scotland's global diaspora, 1750–2010. London, Allen Lane, 2011, XVII-397 p. 3628. EAGLES (Stuart). After Ruskin: the social and political legacies of a Victorian prophet, 1870–1920. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-304 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 3629. EDWARDS (Andrew). Labour's crisis: Plaid Cymru, the Conservatives, and the decline of the Labour Party in North-West Wales, 1960–1974. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-300 p. (Studies in Welsh history, 32). 3630. Enlightenment statesman (An) in Whig Britain: Lord Shelburne in context, 1737–1805. Ed. by Nigel ASTON and Clarissa Campbell ORR. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, XIII-288 p. (Studies in early modern cultural, political and social history, 11). 3631. Experience (The) of Revolution in Stuart Britain and Ireland. Ed. by Michael J. BRADDICK and David L. SMITH. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 312 p. 3632. FIELD (Geoffrey G.). Blood, sweat, and toil: remaking the British working class, 1939–1945. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-405 p. 3633. FRY (Michael Graham). And fortune fled. David Lloyd George, the first democratic statesman, 19161922. New York, P. Lang, 2011, XVIII-875 p. 3634. GARDINER (Juliet). 'Searching for the Gleam': finding solutions to the political and social problems of 1930s Britain. History workshop, 2011, 72, p. 103-117. 3635. GENTLES (Ian). Oliver Cromwell: God's warrior and the English Revolution. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIX-263 p. (British history in perspective). 3636. HAMILTON (C. I.). The making of the modern admiralty: British naval policy-making, 1805–1927. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-345 p. (Cambridge military histories). 3637. HARRIS (Ian). Some origins of a Tudor Revolution. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 13551385. 3638. HODGSON (Keith). Fighting fascism: the British Left and the rise of fascism, 1919–1939. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIV-242 p.
3624. CROSBY (Travis L.). Joseph Chamberlain: a most radical imperialist. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XII-271 p.
3639. KINSER (Brent E.). The American Civil War in the shaping of British democracy. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, 191 p.
3625. CROWCROFT (Robert). Attlee's war: World War II and the making of a Labour leader. London,
3640. LAYBOURN (Keith), TAYLOR (David). Policing in England and Wales, 1918–1939: the fed, flying
squads, and forensics. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-256 p. 3641. LEESON (D. M.). The black and tans: British police and auxiliaries in the Irish war of independence, 1920–1921. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXII-294 p.
3654. Peace, reform and liberation: a history of liberal politics in Britain 1679–2011. Ed. by Robert INGHAM and Duncan BRACK. London, Biteback, 2011, XVII414 p.
3642. LEMMINGS (David). Law and government in England during the long eighteenth century: from consent to command. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-269 p. (Studies in Modern history).
3655. PENTLAND (Gordon). The spirit of the union: popular politics in Scotland, 1815–1820. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2011, X-205 p. (Enlightenment world: political and intellectual history of the long eighteenth century, 21).
3643. LIDDINGTON (Jill), CRAWFORD (Elizabeth). 'Women do not count, neither shall they be counted': Suffrage, citizenship and the battle for the 1911 census. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 98-127.
3656. PETLEY (Christer). 'Devoted Islands' and 'That Madman Wilberforce': British proslavery patriotism during the age of abolition. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 3, p. 393-415.
3644. LINCH (Kevin). Britain and Wellington's Army: recruitment, society and tradition, 1807–1815. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-218 p. (War, culture and society, 1750–1850).
3657. PITCHFORD (Mark). The Conservative Party and the extreme right, 1945–1975. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, VIII-243 p.
3645. LONGPRÉ (Nicole). "An issue that could tear us apart": race, empire, and economy in the British (welfare) state, 1968. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 1, p. 63-96. 3646. LOWE (Rodney). The official history of the British civil service: reforming the civil service. Vol. 1 The Fulton Years, 1966–1681. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, XVI-551 p. (Whitehall histories: government official history series). 3647. MATIKKALA (Mira). Empire and imperial ambition: liberty, Englishness and anti-imperialism in late Victorian Britain. London, Tauris Academic studies, 2011, VIII-288 p. (Library of Victorian studies, 4). 3648. MATSUMURA (Koichi). Jūroku seiki ingurando nōson no shihonshugi hatten kōzō. (The structure of the development of capitalism in sixteenth-century England). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2011, 642 p. (Osaka University of Economics, Japanese Economic History series, 18). 3649. MORGAN (Kenneth O.). Ages of Reform: dawns and downfalls of the British Left. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, 328 p. 3650. NAKAMARU (Hideki). Meiyo to shite no giseki: Kinsei ingurando no gikai to tōchi kōzō. (Representation for reputation: Parliament and political society in Elizabethan England). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2011, 389 p.
3658. Political exile and exile politics in Britain after 1933. Ed. by Anthony GRENVILLE and Andrea REITER. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2011, XXVII-218 p. (Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian exile studies, 12). 3659. ROSE (Jacqueline). Godly Kingship in Restoration England: the politics of the royal supremacy, 1660–1688. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-320 p. (Cambridge studies in early Modern British history). 3660. RUSSELL (Conrad). King James VI and I and his English Parliaments: the Trevelyan lectures delivered at the University of Cambridge 1995. Ed. by Richard CUST and Andrew THRUSH. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-195 p. (George Macaulay Trevelyan lectures, 1995). 3661. SAUNDERS (Robert). Democracy and the vote in British politics, 1848–1867: the making of the second Reform Act. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, VIII-302 p. – IDEM. The history of Parliament: the House of Commons, 1820–1832. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 1478-1489. 3662. Scotland and the British Empire. Ed. by John M. MAC KENZIE and Thomas Martin DEVINE. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-323 p. (The Oxford history of the British Empire. Companion series). 3663. SMITH (Geoff). Royalist agents, conspirators and spies: their role in the British Civil Wars, 1640– 1660. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 282 p.
3651. NAKANO (Tadashi). ''Shōnin no 'kyōwakoku': Kinsei rondon no yakushoku to yakushoku kihi.'' (The 'Republic of merchants': The office-holding and avoidance of the office in the local communities of early modern London). Hikaku Toshishi Kenkyu, 2011, 30, 1, p. 45-61.
3664. SMITH (William Beattie). The British state and the Northern Ireland crisis, 1969–1973: from violence to power sharing. Washington, United States Institute of Peace Press, 2011, 374 p.
3652. Naval mutinies (The) of 1797: unity and perseverance. Ed. by Ann Veronica COATS and Philip MAC DOUGALL. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, XVIII316 p.
3665. THOMAS (J.E.). Social disorder in Britain, 1750–1850: the power of the gentry, radicalism and religion in Wales. London, Tauris, 2011, 266 p. (International library of historical studies, 71).
3653. NAVICKAS (Katrina). Captain Swing in the North: the Carlisle Riots of 1830. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 5-28.
3666. THOMPSON (Andrew C.). George II: king and elector. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, X315 p. (Yale English monarchs).
§ 2. History by countries 3667. URBACH (Karina). Queen Victoria. Eine Biografie. München, Beck, 2011, 191 p. 3668. VALENT (Lucio). La violenza non è la soluzione: la Gran Bretagna, la Santa Sede e la guerra civile in Irlanda del Nord, 1966–1972. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 298 p. 3669. WARD (Paul). Huw T. Edwards: British labour and Welsh socialism. Cardiff, University of Wales Press 2011, 185 p. 3670. WEINSTEIN (Benjamin). Liberalism and local government in early Victorian London. London, Royal Historical Society a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, XI-204 p. (Royal historical society studies in history new series). 3671. WHYTE (Iain). Zachary Macaulay, 1768–1838: the steadfast Scot in the British anti-slavery movement. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XIV-263 p. (Liverpool studies in international slavery, 5). Cf. no 3930
Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional, 2011, 522 p. y 1 CD-ROM (Colección de informes / Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional, 1). 3680. After the coup: an ethnographic reframing of Guatemala 1954. Ed. by Timothy J. SMITH and Abigail E. ADAMS. Champaign, University of Illinois Press, 2011, II-184 p. 3681. EKERN (Stener). The production of autonomy: leadership and community in Mayan Guatemala. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 93-119. 3682. ORTEGA GAYTÁN (Jorge Antonio). Los pilotos aviadores: historia de la Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca. Guatemala, CEDHIM – Centro Editorial y de Documentación para la Historia Militar, 2011, 343 p. 3683. RASCH (Elisabet Dueholm). Quetzaltenango's first Mayan mayor: transforming political culture and the politics of belonging? Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 121-149. Guinea
Greece 3672. DOXIADIS (Evdoxios). The shackles of modernity: women, property, and the transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek state (1750–1850). Cambridge a. London, Dept. of the Classics, Harvard U. P., 2011, XXXII-333 p. (Cultural politics, socioaesthetics, beginnings, 2). 3673. FEATHERSTONE (Kevin) [et al.]. The last Ottomans: the Muslim minority of Greece 1941–1949. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XXIV-343 p. (New perspectives on South-East Europe). 3674. GRIGORIADIS (Ioannis N.). Redefining the nation: shifting boundaries of the 'other' in Greece and Turkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 167-182. 3675. OIKONOMIDĒS (Phoivos). Ē epanastasē stēn Ellada, to KKE [Kommounistikon Komma tēs Hellados] kai oi xenoi philoi: (emphylios, 1945–1949). (The revolution in Greece, the Greek communist party and the foreign friends, civil war 1945–1949). Athēna, Ekdotikos Organismos Livanē, 2011, 588 p. (Seira Politikē). 3676. ŞENIŞIK (Pinar). The transformation of Ottoman Crete: revolts, politics and identity in the late nineteenth century. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XIII-333 p. 3677. SKOPELITIS (Dimitri), ZUFFEREY (Dimitri). Construire la Grèce, 1770–1843. Lausanne, Éd. Antipodes, 2011, 408 p. Guatemala ** 3678. CARDOZA Y ARAGÓN (Luis), ARÉVALO (Juan José). Correspondencia del exilio: 1950–1967. Introducción, selección y notas, Julio PINTO SORIA, Arturo TARACENA ARRIOLA y Arely MENDOZA DELEÓN. Guatemala, Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 2011, 288 p. (Documentos). ** 3679. Silencio (Del) a la memoria: revelaciones del Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional. Guatemala,
3684. KEITA (Sidiki Kobélé). Les élections en Guinée française: 1945–1958. Paris, Anibwe, 2011, 288 p. (Sankofa). 3685. OSBORN (Emily Lynn). Our new husbands are here: households, gender, and politics in a West African state from the slave trade to colonial rule. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2011, XIII-273 p. (New African histories series). Guinea-Bissau 3686. FISTEIN (David). Guinea-Bissau: how a successful social revolution can become an obstacle to subsequent state-building. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 3, p. 443-455. 3687. SOUSA (Julião Soares). Amílcar Cabral (1924– 1973): vida e morte de um revolucionário africano. Lisboa, Vega, 2011, 570 p. (Facto e a verdade). Haiti 3688. ROUPERT (Catherine Eve). Histoire d'Haïti: la première république noire du Nouveau Monde. Paris, Perrin, 2011, 389 p. (Pour l'histoire). Hungary ** 3689. Felügyelt (mozgás)tér (A): tanulmányok a szovjet típusú rendszer hazai történetéből. Szerkesztette RAINER M. János. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2011, 283 p. (Az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskolája közleményei, 1). ** 3690. FRISNYÁK (Zsuzsa). Közlekedés, politika, 1945–1989. (Verkehr, Politik 1945–1989. Quellen). Budapest, MTA Történettudományi Intézet, 2011, 655 p. (Magyarország a szovjet zónában és a rendszerváltásban). ** 3691. KÖLCSEY (Ferenc). Országgyűlési dokumentumok, [1832–1835]. (Parliamentary documents). Sajtó alá rendezte VÖLGYESI Orsolya. Budapest, Universitas Kiadó, 2011, 967 p. (Kölcsey Ferenc minden munkái. Országgyűlési írások, 3).
** 3692. Protokolle (Die) des gemeinsamen Ministerrates der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie 1867– 1918. Bd. I/2. Die Protokolle des gemeinsamen Ministerrates der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie 1870– 1871. Bearb. v. Éva SOMOGYI. Bd. 6. 1908–1914. Bearb. v. Anatol SCHMIED-KOWARZIK. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2011, 2 vol., LXXXV-413 p., 717 p. 3693. CIEGER (András). Politikai korrupció a Monarchia Magyaroszágán, 1867–1918. [Politische Korruption in Ungarn in der Zeit der k.u.k. Monarchie Österreich- Ungarn]. Budapest, Napvilág, 2011, 207 p. 3694. GYARMATI (György). A Rákosi-korszak: rendszerváltó fordulatok évtizede Magyarországon, 1945– 1956. (The Rakosi era: the transition turns decade in Hungary, 1945–1956). Budapest, Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, Rubicon, 2011, 528 p. 3695. KECSKEMÉTI (Charles). Histoire de la Hongrie des Habsbourg. 2. 1790–1914. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 405 p. (Collection Histoire).
3704. GOCKHAMI (Abdul Jabbar). Kashmir politics and plebiscite, 1955–1975. Srinagar, Gulshan Books, 2011, 271 p. 3705. GOULD (William). Bureaucracy, community and influence in India: society and the state, 1930s– 1960s. London, Routledge, 2011, XI-217 p. (Routledge studies in South Asian history, 11). 3706. Gujarat beyond Gandhi: identity, society and conflict. Ed. by Nalin MEHTA and Mona G. MEHTA. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, VII-167 p. (South Asian history and culture). 3707. NAIR (Neeti). Changing homelands: Hindu politics and the partition of India. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 343 p. 3708. NINGTHOUJA (Malem). Freedom from India: a history of Manipur nationalism, 1947–2000 A.D. Guwahati, Spectrum Publications, 2011, XXVIII-361 p. 3709. RAMNATH (Maia). Haj to Utopia: how the Ghadar movement charted global radicalism and attempted to overthrow the British empire. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2011, XIV-327 p. (California world history library, 19).
3696. Modern szlovák nacionalizmus (A) évszázada 1780–1918: párhuzamos nemzetépítés a multietnikus Magyar Királyságban. (The modern Slovak nationalism century 1780–1918: Parallel nation-building in multiethnic Hungarian Kingdom). Szerkesztette SZARKA László. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2011, 219 p. (Az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskolája közleményei, 2).
3710. SINHA ROY (Mallarika). Gender and radical politics in India: magic moments of Naxalbari (1967– 1975). London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, XIV210 p. (Routledge studies in South Asian history, 10).
3697. PRITZ (Pál). Horthy Miklós és a katonai diktatúra. (Miklós Horthy and the military dictatorship). Történelmi Szemle, 2011, 1, p. 127-140.
3711. SPODEK (Howard). Ahmedabad: shock city of twentieth-century India. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIII-330 p.
3698. SCHUBERT (Frank N.). Hungarian borderlands: from the Habsburg Empire to the Axis Alliance, the Warsaw Pact, and the European Union. London, Continuum, 2011, XI-259 p.
3699. SZAKOLCZAI (György), SZABÓ (Róbert). Két kísérlet a proletárdiktatúra elhárítására: Barankovics és a DNP[Demokrata Néppárt], 1945–1949, Bibó és a DNP, 1956. (Two attempts to eliminate the dictatorship of the proletariat: Barankovics and DNP, 1945–1949, Bibo and DNP, 1956). Budapest, Gondolat, 2011, 375 p. Cf. no 3986 India ** 3700. Together they fought: Gandhi-Nehru correspondence, 1921–1948. Ed. by Uma IYENGAR and Lalitha ZACKARIAH. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2011, XLI-558 p. 3701. BOSE (Sugata). His majesty's opponent: Subhas Chandra Bose and India's struggle against Empire. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XIII-388 p. 3702. CHIBBER (Vivek). Locked in place: state-building and late industrialization in India. Princeton: Princeton U. P., 2011, 355 p. 3703. CHOPRA (Radhika). Militant and migrant: the politics and social history of Punjab. London, Routledge, 2011, XVIII-150 p.
3712. Chinese Indonesians and regime change. Ed. by Marleen DIELEMAN, Juliette KONING and Peter POST Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XV-232 p. (Chinese overseas: history, literature, and society, 4). 3713. MADINIER (Rémy). L'Indonésie, entre démocratie musulmane et islam intégral: histoire du parti Masjumi, 1945–1960. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 466 p. (Terres et gens d'islam). 3714. REID (Anthony). To nation by revolution: Indonesia in the 20th century. Singapore, NUS Press, 2011, XI-348 p. Cf. no 6789 Iran 3715. BOOZARI (Amirhassan). Shi'a Jurisprudence and Constitution: Revolution in Iran. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, IX-252 p. (Palgrave series in Islamic theology, law, and history). 3716. BYRD (Dustin). Ayatollah Khomeini and the anatomy of the Islamic Revolution in Iran: toward a theory of prophetic charisma. Lanham, University Press of America, 2011, XI-117 p. 3717. CANCIAN (Alessandro). Politica, religione, mobilitazione urbana e violenza in Iran nei secoli XVIII–
§ 2. History by countries XXI: casi di studio. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 53-70. 3718. HADJIHEIDARI (Abolhassan). Nāyeb Ḥoseyn Kāšī, Strassenräuber oder Revolutionär? Eine Untersuchung zur neueren iranischen Geschichte (1850–1920). Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2011, 178 p. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 304). 3719. HOLLIDAY (Shabnam J.). Defining Iran: politics of resistance. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XV-180 p. 3720. KATOUZIAN (Homa). The revolution for law: a chronographic analysis of the Constitutional Revolution of Iran. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 5, p. 757777. 3721. Left (The) in Iran, 1941–1957. Ed. by Cosroe CHAQUERI. London, Merlin Press, 2011, 520 p. (Revolutionary history, 10, 3). 3722. MAKAREMI (Chowra). Le cahier d'Aziz: au coeur de la révolution iranienne. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 198 p. (Témoins).
velopment in the nineteenth-century Middle East. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XVI-297 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 22). 3733. FRANZÉN (Johan). Red star over Iraq: Iraqi communism before Saddam. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XIX-276 p. 3734. MARR (Phebe). The modern history of Iraq. New York, Westview Press, 2011, 793 p. 3735. ROMERO (Juan). The Iragi revolution of 1958: a revolutionary quest for unity and security. Lanham, University Press of America, 2011, XXV-240 p. 3736. SASSOON (Joseph). Saddam Hussein's Ba'th Party: inside an authoritarian regime. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXI-314 p. Ireland 3737. BOURKE (Richard). Languages of conflict and the Northern Ireland troubles. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 3, p. 544-578.
3723. MARTIN (Vanessa). State, power and long-term trends in the Iranian constitution of 1906 and its supplement of 1907. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 3, p. 461-476.
3738. CUNNINGHAM (John). Conquest and land in Ireland: the transplantation to Connacht, 1649–1680. London, Royal Historical Society, with Boydell Press, 2011, VIII-184 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history new series, 82).
3724. MATTHEE (Rudi). Persia in crisis: Safavid decline and the fall of Isfahan. London, I.B.Tauris, 2011, 419 p.
3739. DELANEY (Enda). Anti-communism in midtwentieth-century Ireland. English historical review, 2011, 126, 521, p. 878-903.
3725. MOTTALE (Morris Mehrdad). Iran: the legacy of the Islamic Revolution. Lanham, University Press of America, 2011, 74 p.
3740. HALL (Gerald R.). Ulster liberalism, 1778– 1876: the middle path. Dublin, Four Courts P., 2011, 272 p.
3726. New perspectives on Safavid Iran: empire and society. Ed. by Colin P. MITCHELL. New York, Routledge, 2011, XXV-225 p. (Iranian studies, 8).
3741. Ireland, 1815–1870: emancipation, famine and religion. Ed. by Donnchadh Ó CORRÁIN and Thomás O'RIORDAN. Dublin, Four Courts, 2011, 278 p. (Four Courts history of Ireland series).
3727. SARIOLGHALAM (Mahmoud). Cultura politica ed evoluzione dello stato in Iran. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 35-52. 3728. SOHRABI (Nader). Revolution and constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and Iran. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-447 p. 3729. VALI (Abbas). Kurds and the state in Iran: the making of Kurdish identity. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris 2011, XVI-215 p. (International library of Iranian studies, 36). 3730. YOSHIMURA (Shintaro). Iran gendaishi: Jūzoku to teikō no hyakunen. (A history of modern Iran: A hundred years of submission and resistance). Tokyo, Yushisha, 2011, 232 p. Iraq ** 3731. WOODS (Kevin M.), PALKKI (David D.), STOUT (Mark). The Saddam tapes: the inner workings of a tyrant's regime, 1978–2001. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-372 p. 3732. CEYLAN (Ebubekır). The Ottoman origins of modern Iraq: political reform, modernization and de-
3742. KATSUTA (Shunsuke). ''Conciliation, antiOrange politics and the sectarian scare: Dublin politics of the early 1820s'', Dublin Historical Record, 2011, 64, 2, p. 142-159. 3743. KEYES (Michael). Funding the nation: money and nationalist politics in nineteenth-century Ireland. Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2011, 268 p. 3744. KISSANE (Bill). New beginnings: constitutionalism and democracy in modern Ireland. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2011, XIX-200 p. 3745. LUCEY (Donnacha Seán). Land, popular politics and agrarian violence in Ireland: the case of County Kerry, 1872–1886. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2011, XII-270 p. 3746. MAC CLUSKEY (Fergal). Fenians and ribbonmen: the development of republican politics in East Tyrone, 1898–1918. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, IX-282 p. 3747. MALCOMSON (A. P. W.). John Foster (1740– 1828): the politics of improvement and prosperity. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2011, XXII-458 p.
3748. MURRAY (Paul). The Irish Boundary Commission and its origins, 1886–1925. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2011, XXI-345 p. 3749. NALLY (David P.). Human encumbrances: political violence and the great Irish famine. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, XVIII-348 p. 3750. REID (Colin). The lost Ireland of Stephen Gwynn: Irish constitutional nationalism and cultural politics, 1864–1950. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-273 p. 3751. ROSS (F. Stuart). Smashing H-block: the rise and fall of the popular campaign against criminalization, 1976–1982. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, XII-226 p. 3752. SANDERS (Andrew). Inside the IRA: dissident Republicans and the war for legitimacy. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, VII-280 p. 3753. TREACY (Matt). The IRA, 1956–69: rethinking the republic. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, VIII211 p. 3754. Turning points in twentieth century Irish history. Ed. Thomas E. HACHEY. Dublin, Irish Acad. Press, 2011, IX-246 p. os
Cf. n 3631, 3641, 3664, 3668 Israel ** 3755. Origins (The) of Israel, 1882–1948: a documentary history. Ed. by Eran KAPLAN and Derek J. PENSLAR. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, IX-380 p. (Sources in modern Jewish history). 3756. ALROEY (Gur). Mehapśe moledet: ha-Histradrut ha-teritori'alisṭit ha-Yehudit, Y.T.A., u-ma'avakah batenu'ah ha-Tsiyonit ba-shanim 1905–1925. (Seeking a homeland: the Jewish Territorial Organization and its struggle with the Zionist movement, 1905–1925). Kiryat Śedeh-Boker, Mekhon Ben-Guryon le-heker Yiśra'el veha-Tsiyonut, Universitat Ben-Guryon, 2011, 11-315 p. 3757. BÄUML (Yair). MAPAI Committee for Arab Affairs – the steering committee for construction of establishment policy towards Israeli Arabs, 1958–1968. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 2, p. 413-433. 3758. HOFMANN (Klaus). Canaanism. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 2, p. 273-294. 3759. Me-Altalenah 'ad henah: gilgulah shel tenu'ah, me-Herut le-Likud. (From Altalenah to the present day: the history of a political movement, from Herut to Likud). 'Orekh, Avraham DISKIN. Yerushalayim, Karmel, Merkaz Moreshet Menahem Begin, 2011, 336 p. 3760. Ombre (À l') du mur. Israëliens et Palestiniens entre séparation et occupation. Sous la dir. de Stéphanie LATTE ABDALLAH et Cédric PARIZOT. Arles, Actes Sud, 2011, 334 p. 3761. WEITZ (Yechiam). Golda Meir, Israel's Fourth Prime Minister (1969–1974). Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 43-61. – IDEM. The founding father and
the general: David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 6, p. 845-861. Italy ** 3762. FERRARI (Gaetano). Memorie di guerra e brigantaggio: diario inedito di un garibaldino, 1860– 1872. A cura di Carlo BONFANTINI. Novara, Interlinea, 2011, 161 p. (Passio, 43). ** 3763. Fra Parigi e Firenze: carteggio PeruzziRidolfi (luglio–novembre 1859). Con introduzione e a cura di Massimo NARDINI. Firenze, Fondazione Spadolini – Nuova antologia, Le Monnier, 2011, 247 p. (Centro studi sulla civiltà toscana fra '800 e '900, 59). ** 3764. FRANZINELLI (Mimmo). Autopsia di un falso: i Diari di Mussolini e la manipolazione della storia. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011, 278 p. (Nuova cultura. Introduzioni, 261). ** 3765. Governi (I) che hanno fatto l'Italia: i verbali dei ministeri Cavour, 1859–1861. A cura di Aldo Giovanni RICCI. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale archivi, Palombi, 2011, 218 p. ** 3766. ORLANDO (Vittorio Emanuele). Memorie dall'Italia ferita: diario 1943–1944. A cura di Nicla BUONASORTE. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, XXXIX-208 p. (Letture di pensiero e d'arte, 100). ** 3767. PETACCI (Clara). Verso il disastro: Mussolini in guerra: diari, 1939–1940. A cura di Mimmo FRANZINELLI. Milano, Rizzoli, 2011, 463 p. ** 3768. Questione elettorale (La) nella storia d'Italia: da Salandra a Mussolini, 1914–1928. A cura di Pier Luigi BALLINI. Roma, CD, Archivio storico, 2011, XIV633 p. (Fonti di storia parlamentare). 3769. ANGELINI (Giovanna). Il Risorgimento democratico: tra unità e federazione. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011, 159 p. (Società, storia e cultura, 12). 3770. BANTI (Alberto Mario). Sublime madre nostra: la nazione italiana dal Risorgimento al fascismo. Roma, Laterza, 2011, IX-208 p. (Storia e società). 3771. Cavour e Rattazzi: una collaborazione difficile: atti del LXIV Congresso di storia del Risorgimento italiano (Alessandria, 7–10 ottobre 2009). Roma, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2011, 368 p. (Biblioteca scientifica. Atti dei congressi, 33). 3772. Cavour, l'Italia e l'Europa. A cura di Umberto LEVRA. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 268 p. (Prismi). 3773. CECERE (Domenico). Suppliche, resistenze, protesta popolare. Le forme della lotta politica nella Calabria del Settecento. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 138, p. 765-796. 3774. CULLEN (Niamh). Piero Gobetti's Turin: modernity, myth, and memory. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, X329 p. (Italian modernities, 12). 3775. D'ANGELO (Lucio). Il tramonto di un'illusione: Edoardo Giretti e il movimento liberista italiano
§ 2. History by countries dalla Prima Guerra mondiale al fascismo. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 415 p. (Il veliero). 3776. DALL'AGLIO (Stefano). L'Assassino del duca: esilio e morte di Lorenzino de' Medici. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2011, 420 p. 3777. DELIZIA (Francesco). Da ducato pontificio a capoluogo di provincia: il Risorgimento a Benevento. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 297-322. 3778. Democracy and Risorgimento. Ed. by Mauro LENCI and Carmelo CALABRÒ. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 269 p. (Storia e politica, 9). 3779. DENIS-DELACOUB (Chrjstopher). I gaetani di Ripa Grande. Essere sudditi pontifici sul mare nel Settecento. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 138, p. 729-764. 3780. DI CAPUA (Giovanni). La collaborazione di Rosmini al Risorgimento di Cavour. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 221 p. (Saggi). 3781. DIEMOZ (Erika). A morte il tiranno: anarchia e violenza da Crispi a Mussolini. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, XXI-377 p. (Einaudi storia, 41). 3782. DINCECCO (Mark), FEDERICO (Giovanni), VINDIGNI (Andrea). Warfare, taxation, and political change: evidence from the Italian Risorgimento. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 887-914. 3783. EBNER (Michael R.). Ordinary violence in Mussolini's Italy. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-288 p. 3784. FERRARI ZUMBINI (Romano). Pier Silverio Leicht e la sua attività di parlamentare del Regno. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 311-324. 3785. Forme e pratiche di polizia del territorio nell'Ottocento preunitario: incontro di studi, Bergamo, 28–29 gennaio 2010. A cura di Simona MORI e Leonida TEDOLDI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 317 p. (Stato, esercito e controllo del territorio, 14). 3786. Fratelli Rosselli (I): l'antifascimo e l'esilio. A cura di Alessandro GIACONE ed Éric VIAL. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 254 p. (Italia contemporanea / Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Italia, 12). 3787. GAGGIO (Dario). Before the exodus: the landscape of social struggle in rural Tuscany, 1944–1960. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 2, p. 319-345. 3788. GENTILE (Pierangelo). L'ombra del re: Vittorio Emanuele II e le politiche di corte. Torino, Comitato di Torino dell'Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano e Roma, Carocci, 2011, 335 p. (Pubblicazioni del Comitato di Torino per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, nuova ser., 34). 3789. GUARINO (Gabriel). Representing the king's splendour: communication and reception of symbolic forms of power in Viceregal Naples. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIV-217 p. (Studies in early Modern European history).
3790. GUEDJ (Jérémy). Le miroir des désillusions: les Juifs de France et l'Italie fasciste (1922–1939). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 385 p. (Les Méditerranées, 4). 3791. HOF (Tobias). Staat und Terrorismus in Italien, 1969–1982. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X-409 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 81). 3792. HUGON (Alain). Naples insurgée, 1647–1648. De l'événement à la mémoire. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, XII-408 p. (Histoire). 3793. Italia (L') al voto: le elezioni politiche dal 1948 al 2008. A cura di Luca RICOLFI, Barbara LOERA e Silvia TESTA. Torino, UTET libreria, 2011, 645 p. 3794. KNEISLER (Isabel). Das italienische Parteiensystem im Wandel. Wiesbaden, VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011, 289 p. 3795. LANARO (Silvio). Retorica e politica: alle origini dell'Italia contemporanea. Roma, Donzelli, 2011, X-354 p. (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). 3796. MAMMARELLA (Giuseppe), CACACE (Paolo). Il Quirinale: storia politica e istituzionale da De Nicola a Napolitano. Roma, Laterza, 2011, VI-327 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 171). 3797. MARINO (John A.). Becoming Neapolitan: citizen culture in Baroque Naples. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XI-342 p. 3798. NATER CARTIER (Carol). Zwischen Konvention und Rebellion. Die Handlungsspielräume von Anna Colonna Barberini und Maria Veralli Spada in der papsthöfischen Gesellschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2011, 314 p. 3799. PALA (Elena). Garibaldi in camicia nera: il mito dell'eroe dei due mondi nella Repubblica di Salò, 1943–1945. Milano, Mursia, 2011, 141 p. (Storia, biografie, diari. Storie generali e particolari). 3800. Partiti e sistemi di partito in Italia e in Europa nel secondo dopoguerra. A cura di Giovanni ORSINA. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 591 p. (Le ragioni degli storici, 16). 3801. POESIO (Camilla). Il confino fascista: l'arma silenziosa del regime. Roma, GLF editori Laterza, 2011, XII-203 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 174). 3802. PUNZO (Maurizio). L'esercizio e le riforme: Filippo Turati e il socialismo. Milano, L'ornitorinco, 2011, 372 p. (Biblioteca storica, 7). 3803. RAPONE (Leonardo). Cinque anni che paiono secoli: Antonio Gramsci dal socialismo al comunismo, 1914–1919. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 421 p. (Saggi, 66). 3804. REALE (Luigi). Mussolini's concentration camps for civilians: an insight into the nature of fascist racism. London a. Portland, Vallentine Mitchell, 2011, 194 p. 3805. ROSSI (Emanuele). Democrazia come partecipazione: Lelio Basso e il PSI alle origini della Repubblica,
1943–1947. Roma, Viella, 2011, 363 p. (I libri di Viella, 130). 3806. ROVATTI (Toni). Leoni vegetariani: la violenza fascista durante la RSI. Bologna, CLUEB, 2011, 222 p. (Passato futuro, 24). 3807. SÁNCHEZ MÁRQUEZ (Javier). La fine della Sicilia spagnola e l'esperienza politica di Luigi Reggio, principe di Campofiorito. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 2, p. 537-591. 3808. "Santissima trinità" (La): mafia, Vaticano e servizi segreti all'assalto dell'Italia, 1943–1947. A cura di Nicola TRANFAGLIA; con la collaborazione di Giuseppe CASARRUBEA e Mario José CEREGHINO. Milano, Bompiani, 2011, 355 p. (Tascabili Bompiani, 451). 3809. SANZ HOYA (Julián). El partido fascista y la conformación del personal político local al servicio de las dictaduras de Mussolini y Franco. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 107-123. 3810. SCOTTI (Mariamargherita). Da sinistra: intellettuali, Partito socialista italiano e organizzazione della cultura, 1953–1960. Roma, Ediesse, 2011, 462 p. (Saggi). 3811. SEVERINI (Marco). La Repubblica romana del 1849. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 223 p. 3812. TAROR (Davide). Il popolo alle urne. Un'analisi del comportamento elettorale a Torino tra la fine dell'Ottocento e la Grande Guerra. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 136, p. 249-284. 3813. TAVERNI (Barbara). L'Italia divisa: gli enti locali tra proporzionale e maggioritario (1946–1956). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, XIV-286 p. (Storia politica, 25). 3814. TEWES (Götz-Rüdiger). Kampf um Florenz – Die Medici im Exil (1494–1512). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, XIV-1190 p. 3815. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola). Il fascismo e le guerre mondiali (1914–1945). Con la collaborazione di Teresa DE PALMA. Torino, UTET libreria, 2011, XXX-395 p. 3816. Trincea (Dalla) alla piazza: l'irruzione dei giovani nel Novecento. A cura di Marco DE NICOLÒ. Roma, Viella, 2011, 480 p. (I libri di Viella, 117). 3817. Unità (Dall') alla Repubblica: percorsi e temi dell'Italia contemporanea. A cura di Marco SEVERINI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 145 p. (Ricerche). 3818. VACCA (Alberto). Duce truce: insulti, barzellette, caricature: l'opposizione popolare al fascismo nei rapporti segreti dei prefetti, 1930–1945. Roma, Castelvecchi, 2011, 315 p. (ill.). (Analisi, 27).
3821. VOCI (Anna Maria). La Germania e Cavour. Diplomazia e storiografia. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2011, XVII-258 p. (Politica e Storia, 73). 3822. YOUSEFZADEH (Mahnaz). City and nation in the Italian unification: the national festivals of Dante Alighieri. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X253 p. (Italian and Italian American Studies). Cf. nos 4388, 4389, 4516, 6910 Jamaica 3823. CEYRAT (Antony). La gauche et les mouvements "noirs" en Jamaïque: enjeux et dynamiques d'une impasse politique (1938–1980). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 263 p. 3824. BISTROVIĆ (Miriam). Antisemitismus und Philosemitismus in Japan: Entwicklungen und Tendenzen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 325 p. (Antisemitismus-Geschichte und Strukturen, 6). Japan 3825. IECHIKA (Yoshiki). Saigō Takamori to bakumatsu ishin no seikyoku: Taichō-furyō mondai kara mita sacchōdōmei seikanron seihen. (Saigo Takamori and the political situation between the late Edo period and the Meiji revolution: The Satsuma-Choshu alliance and the political change by Seikanron viewed from his health problem). Kyoto, Mineruva Shobo, 2011, 339 p. (Osaka University of Economics, Japanese Economic History series, 19). 3826. Imperial Japan and the world, 1931–1945: critical concepts in Asian studies. Vol. 1. Politics in Japan, 1931–1941. Vol. 2. Foreign policy and diplomacy, 1931–1941. Vol. 3. Economics and finance, 1931– 1945. Vol. 4. Social, cultural, and intellectual factors, 1931–1941. Ed. by Anthony BEST. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2011, 4 vol., 1528 p. (Critical concepts in Asian studies). 3827. KAGE (Rieko). Civic engagement in postwar Japan: the revival of a defeated society. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-195 p. 3828. KINGSTON (Jeff). Contemporary Japan: history, politics and social change since the 1980s. Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, X-313 p. (History of the contemporary world). 3829. KRAUSS (Ellis S.), PEKKANEN (Robert J.). The rise and fall of Japan's LDP: political party organizations as historical institutions. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, 318 p. 3830. MALINAS (David-Antoine). La lutte des sansabri au Japon. Le renouveau du militantisme. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 408 p.
3819. VERRI (Carlo). Guerra e libertà: Silvio Trentin e l'antifascismo italiano (1936–1939). Roma, XL, 2011, 216 p. (Gramsciana, 2).
3831. MIMURA (Janis). Planning for empire. Reform bureaucrats and the Japanese wartime state. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2011, IX-229 p.
3820. VINCI (Anna). Sentinelle della patria: il fascismo al confine orientale: 1918–1941. Roma, Laterza 2011, X-259 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 166).
3832. Politics and religion in modern Japan: red sun, white lotus. Ed. by Roy STARRS. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 331 p.
§ 2. History by countries 3833. SUZUKI (Tamon). 'Shūsen' no seijishi: 1943– 1945 (The political history of 'Shūsen' [end of the World War II], 1943–1945). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 250 p. 3834. YAMAZAKI (Shiro). Senji keizai sōdōin taisei no kenkyū (A study of the system of general mobilisation of economy during the Second World War). Tokyo, Nihonkeizaihyoronsha, 2011, 796 p. 3835. YASUDA (Hiroshi). Kindai tennōsei kokka no rekishiteki ichi: Fuhensei to tokushusei wo yomitoku shiza (A history of the modern tennō state: a perspective to analyse universality and particularity). Tokyo, Otsuki Shoten, 2011, 312 p. 3836. YOKOTA (Yoko). Gijutsu kara mita nihon eiseigyōseishi (A history of the Japanese sanitary administration from the technical perspective). Kyoto, Koyo Shobo, 2011, 231 p. Cf. nos 7645-7700 Kenya 3837. AIYAR (Sana). Anticolonial homelands across the Indian ocean: the politics of the Indian Diaspora in Kenya, ca. 1930–1950. American historical review, 2011, 116, 4, p. 987-1013. 3838. BRANCH (Daniel). Kenya: between hope and despair, 1963–2011. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XI366 p. 3839. LYNCH (Gabrielle). I say to you: ethnic politics and the Kalenjin in Kenya. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XVI-291 p. 3840. MAXON (Robert M.). Kenya's independence constitution: constitution-making and end of empire. Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson U. P., 2011, 358 p. Korea 3841. KIM (HeeMin). Korean democracy in transition: a rational blueprint for developing societies. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, 135 p. (Asia in the new millennium). 3842. KIM (Kang-nyŏng). Korean politics and diplomacy in the global society. Gyeongsangbuk-do, Shinji Press, 2011, 407 p. 3843. KIM (Richard S.). The quest for statehood: Korean immigrant nationalism and U.S. sovereignty, 1905–1945. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-223 p. 3844. Park Chung Hee era (The): the transformation of South Korea. Ed. by Byung-Kook KIM and Ezra F. VOGEL. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, VII-744 p. 3845. Reassessing the Park Chung Hee era, 1961– 1979: development, political thought, democracy & cultural influence. Ed. by Hyung-A KIM and ClarK W. SORENSEN. Seattle a. London, University of Washington Press, 2011, VIII-233 p. (Center for Korea Studies publication). 3846. Yi Sŭng-man chŏngbu wa chibang kyŏngch'al ŭi yŏkhal. (Syngman Rhee government and the role of
local police). Kusul KIM Ch'ang-nok [et al.]. Kyŏnggi-do Kwach'ŏn-si, Kuksa P'yŏnch'an Wiwŏnhoe, 2011, 198 p. (Kusul saryo sŏnjip, 9). Cf. nos 7701-7705 Kyrgyzstan ** 3847. Kyrgyzstan vo Vtoroĭ mirovoĭ voĭne (1939– 1945 gg.): sbornik dokumentov i materialov. Sost.: V.S. Vlasov [et al.]. Bishkek, Kyrgyzsko-rossiĭskiĭ slavianskiĭ universitet, 2011, 175 p. ** 3848. Vosstanie 1916 goda v Kyrgyzstane: sbornik dokumentov. (1916 uprising in Kyrgyzstan: a collection of documents). redaktsIonnaia kollegiia, Kaptagaev E.S. [et al.]. Sostaviteli, Galina Timofeevna GULIA, Elena Anatolʹevna ROMANOVA, Baktygulʹ Omorovna SAMAEVA. Bishkek, OAO "Uchkun", 2011, 301 p. Latvia 3849. JANICKI (Arkadiusz). Kurlandia w latach 1795– 1915: z dziejów guberni i jej polskiej mniejszości. (Courland in the years 1795–1915: the history of the province and its Polish minority). Gdańsk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2011, 1027 p. 3850. STRODS (Heinrihs). PSRS politiskā cenzūra Latvijā, 1940–1990. (Soviet political censorship in Latvia, 1940–1990). Daļa 2. Dokumenti un materiāli [Daļa 1. Cf. Bibl. 2010 no 3827.] Rīgā, Jumava, 2011, 391 p. Lebanon 3851. KANAFANI-ZAHAR (Aida). Liban: la guerre et la mémoire. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 259 p. (Histoire). Lesotho 3852. SANDERS (Peter). 'Throwing down white man': Cape rule and misrule in colonial Lesotho, 1871–1884. Pontypool, Merlin Press, 2011, X-306 p. Liberia 3853. NEVIN (T.). The uncontrollable force: a brief history of the Liberian frontier force, 1908–1944. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 275-297. 3854. SÖDERSTRÖM (Johanna). Politics of affection: ex-combatants, political engagement and reintegration programs in Liberia. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2011, VIII-402 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala, 181). Libya 3855. ST. JOHN (Ronald Bruce). Libya: continuity and change. London, Routledge, 2011, XXI-178 p. (Contemporary Middle East). 3856. WARFALLĪ (Mabrūkah). Political alienation in Libya: assessing citizens' political attitude and behaviour. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2011, 216 p.
** 3857. ČELKIS (Tomas), ANTANAVIČIUS (Darius). 1545 metų Livonijos ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės sienos patikrinimas (Livonijos pareigūnų ataskaita). (Document publication. Survey of 1545 Livonia and the Great Duchy of Lithuania borderline audit. Livonian officers report). Lietuvos istorijos studijos, 2011, 27, p. 164-178.
3867. BLUM (Françoise). Madagascar 1972: l'autre indépendance. Une révolution contre les accords de coopération. Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 61-87.
3858. GRYBKAUSKAS (Saulius). Sovietinė nomenklatūra ir pramonė Lietovoje 1965–1985 metais. (The Soviet Nomenclature and industry in Lithuania in 1965– 1985). Vilnius, Lietuvos Istorijos institutas, 2011, 437 p. 3859. Pragmatic alliance (A): Jewish-Lithuanian political cooperation at the beginning of the 20th century. Ed. by Vladas SIRUTAVIČIUS and Darius STALIŪNAS. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2011, 274 p. 3860. STRAVINSKIENĖ (Vitalija). Tarp gimtinės ir tėvynės: Lietuvos SSR gyventojų repatriacija į Lenkiją (1944–1947, 1955–1959 m.). Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2011, 510 p. 3861. ŠVEDAS (Aurimas). Asmenybės sovietmečio Lietuvos istorijos politikos lauke: elgsenos strategijos ir galimybės išlikti. (The personalities in the political field of Soviet Lithuanian history: behavioural strategies and chances of survival). Lietuvos istorijos studijos, 2011, 28, p. 91-104. 3862. WOLTERS (Ulrich). Litauen: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der staatlichen Entwicklung seit 1918. München, Nusser Verlag, 2011, 321 p. (Materialien zur Geschichte und Sozialkunde, 63). Cf. no 7077 Macedonia ** 3863. Bŭlgarskoto upravlenie vŭv Vardarska Makedoniia (1941–1944): dokumentalen sbornik. (Bulgarian government in Vardar Macedonia [1941–1944]: documentary collection). Sŭstaviteli Aleksandŭr GREBENAROV, Nadia MANOLOVA-NIKOLOVA. Sofiia, Dŭrzhavna agentsiia "Arkhivi", 2011, 511 p. (Arkhivite govoriat, 63). ** 3864. TODOROSKA (Katerina). Makedoncite i Albancite od Berlinskiot kongres do Ilidenskoto vostanie. (Macedonians and Albanians from the Berlin Congress to Ilidenskoto Uprising). Skopje, Menora, 2011, 299 p. 3865. DIMITROV (Angel). Razhdaneto na edna nova dŭrzhava: Republika Makedoniia mezhdu iugoslavizma i natsionalizma. (Birth of a new state: the Republic of Macedonia between yugoslavism and nationalism). Sofiia, AI "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2011, 579 p. 3866. JOVANOVIĆ (Vladan). Vardarska banovina: 1929–1941. (Vardar Banovina, 1929–1941). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011, 530 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije, 67). Cf. nos 3326, 3327, 4032, 4052, 4053
Malaysia 3868. KOBKUA (Suwannathat-Pian). Palace, political party, and power: a story of the socio-political development of Malay kingship. Singapore, NUS Press, 2011, XXIV-447 p. Mauritania 3869. LEMINE OULD MEYMOUN (Mohamed). La Mauritanie entre le pouvoir civil et le pouvoir militaire. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 246 p. (Etudes africaines). Mauritius 3870. SEEKINGS (Jeremy). British colonial policy, local politics, and the origins of the Mauritian welfare state, 1936–50. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 157-177. Mexico 3871. ACLE AGUIRRE (Andrea). Amigos y aliados, José Bernardo Couto (1803–1862) y José Joaquín Pesado (1801–1861). Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 241, p. 163-230. 3872. AGUILAR RIVERA (José Antonio). La convocatoria, las elecciones y el Congreso Extraordinario de 1846. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 242, p. 531-588. 3873. ARROYO (Israel). La arquitectura del Estado mexicano: formas de gobierno, representación política y ciudadanía, 1821–1857. México D.F., Instituto Mora y Puebla, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2011, 715 p. 3874. BAITENMANN (Helga). Popular participation in state formation: land reform in revolutionary Mexico. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 1-31. 3875. BEEZLEY (William H.). Mexico in world history. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI179 p. 3876. BUCHENAU (Jürgen). The last caudillo: Álvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution. Malden, WileyBlackwell, 2011, XIII-218 p. (Viewpoints/Puntos de vista: themes and interpretations in Latin American history). 3877. CÁCERES MUÑOZ (Juan). Entre la libertad y los privilegios, élite, elecciones y ciudadanía en el Querétaro de la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 242, p. 477-530. 3878. COMBES (Hélène). Faire parti: trajectoires de gauche au Mexique. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 452 p. (Recherches internationales). 3879. DELANO (Alexandra). Mexico and its diaspora in the United States: policies of emigration since 1848. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-288 p. 3880. Estado-nación en México: independencia y revolución. Coordinadores Esaú MÁRQUEZ ESPINOSA,
§ 2. History by countries Rafael de J. ARAUJO GONZÁLEZ y María del Rocío ORTIZ HERRERA. México D.F., Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, 2011, 418 p. (Colección Selva negra). 3881. FOWLER (Will). Forceful Negotiations: the origins of the Pronunciamiento in nineteenth-century Mexico. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, 365 p. (The Mexican Experience). 3882. GAMIÑO MUÑOZ (Rodolfo). Guerrilla, represión y prensa en la década de los setenta en México: invisibilidad y olvido. México D. F., Instituto Mora, 2011, 181 p. (Contemporánea sociología). 3883. GARCIADIEGO DANTAN (Javier). Ensayos de historia sociopolítica de la Revolución Mexicana. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2011, 386 p. (Antologías). 3884. GILLINGHAM (Paul). Cuauhtémoc's bones: forging national identity in Modern Mexico. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, XI338 p. (Diálogos). 3885. GLEIZER (Daniela). El exilio incómodo: México y los refugiados judíos, 1933–1945. México D.F., Colegio de México y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, 2011, 321 p. 3886. GUTIÉRREZ (Florencia). El mundo del trabajo y el poder político: integración, consenso y resistencia en la ciudad de México a fines del siglo XIX. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2011, 274 p. 3887. Haciendas, negocios y política en San Luis Potosí, siglos XVIII al XX. Coordinadores Antonio ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE y José Alfredo RANGEL SILVA. San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, 2011, 311 p. (Colección Investigaciones). 3888. KISER (Heiko). Mit der Jungfrau gegen die Hochmoderne. Religion als Ressource der indigenen Bevölkerung gegen staatliche Modernisierungsprojekte in Oaxaca, Mexiko, 1950 bis heute. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 445-486. 3889. LUQUE ROJAS (José Manuel), LUQUE ROJAS (Rolando). Preferencias divididas: el voto cruzado en Ahome 1994–2010. México, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Red de Investigación sobre la Calidad de la Democracia en México, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, 2011, 187 p. 3890. MAC CREA (Heather). Diseased relations: epidemics, public health, and state-building in Yucatán, Mexico, 1847–1924. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, XIV-288 p.
de Antropología e Historia, 2011, 211 p. (Colección Historia. Serie Logos). 3893. Poder y gobierno local en México, 1808–1857. Coordinadores María del Carmen SALINAS SANDOVAL, Diana BIRRICHAGA GARDIDA y Antonio ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE. Zinacantepec, El Colegio Mexiquense y Michoacán, El Colegio de Michoacán y México D.F., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2011, 424 p. 3894. RAMÍREZ (Xóchitl). La guerra, la ley y la moral: procesos de construcción del orden político en México 1857–1929. México D.F., Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2011, 418 p. (Investigación/Proa). 3895. Revoluciones (Las) en el Noroeste de México, 1810–1910: memoria del XXIII Simposio de Historia celebrado del 23 al 27 de noviembre de 2010. Compiladora J. Faviola ARRIZÓN R. Hermosillo, Sociedad Sonorense de Historia, 2011, 323 p. 3896. SANDERS (Nichole). Gender and welfare in Mexico: the consolidation of a postrevolutionary state. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, VIII171 p. 3897. SANDERS (Sara Katherine). The dividing line: myth and experience in Mexico's 1968 student movement. Ann Arbor, UMI Dissertation Services, 2011, XIII-321 p. 3898. TREVIZO (Dolores). Rural protest and the making of democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XVIII-245 p. 3899. WAKILD (Emily). Revolutionary parks: conservation, social justice, and Mexico's national parks, 1910–1940. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2011, XIII-235 p. (Latin American landscapes). Moldova ** 3900. Documente privind istoria Moldovei sub ocupaţie militară rusă (1806–1812). Selecţie şi prefaţă de Alexei AGACHI şi Ion VARTA. Chişinau, Litera, 2011, 487 p. 3901. TACHIBANA (Makoto). Bogudo-hān seiken no kenkyū: Mongoru kenkokushi josetsu 1911–1921. (A study of the Bogd Khaan government: an introduction to the history of the Mongolian state-building, 1911– 1921). Tokyo, Kazama Shobo, 2011, 555 p. Montenegro os
Cf. n 3326, 3327, 4032, 4052, 4053 Morocco
3891. MORA (Anthony). Border dilemmas: racial and national uncertainties in new Mexico, 1848–1912. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XII-379 p.
3902. ALCARAZ CÁNOVAS (Ignacio). Marruecos y la recuperación de la memoria histórica: las fosas comunes en el Protectorado. Madrid, Editorial Catriel, 2011, 196 p. (Colección Ensayos).
3892. PADILLA RAMOS (Raquel). Los irredentos parias: los yaquis, Madero y Pino Suárez en las elecciones de Yucatán, 1911. México D.F., Instituto Nacional
3903. LAHNITE (Abraham). La politique berbère du Protectorat français au Maroc, 1912–1956. T. 1. Les conditions d'établissement du Traité de Fez. T. 2. Le
Souss géographique, historique et humain. T. 3. L'application du Traité de Fez dans la région de Souss. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 3 vol., 336 p., 401 p., 281 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). Mozambique 3904. COUTO (Fernando Amado). Moçambique 1974: o fim do império e o nascimento da nação. Alfragide, Caminho, 2011, 382 p. 3905. ZAVALE (G. Jonas Bernardo). Municipalismo e poder local em Moçambique. Maputo, Escolar, 2011, 317 p. Myanmar 3906. HOLLIDAY (Ian). Burma redux: global justice and the quest for political reform in Myanmar. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XIII-287 p. Namibia 3907. GEWALD (Jan-Bart). On becoming a chief in the Kaokoveld, colonial Namibia, 1916–1925. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 23-42.
3916. MAC CARTHY (Angela). Scottishness and Irishness in New Zealand since 1840. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XVI-235 p. (Studies in imperialism). Nicaragua 3917. ESGUEVA GÓMEZ (Antonio). Elecciones, reelecciones y conflictos en Nicaragua, 1821–1963. Managua, IHNCA, 2011, 2 vol., 599 p., 569 p. 3918. GONZÁLEZ-RIVERA (Victoria). Before the revolution: women's rights and right-wing politics in Nicaragua, 1821–1979. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XXVIII-224 p. 3919. MIDENCE (Carlos). Cambios y aportes históricos del Sandinismo al devenir nacional: de las visiones indígenas a la Revolución Sandinista en sus dos etapas. Managua, Editorial Universitaria, UNAN-León, 2011, 325 p. 3920. SOTO JOYA (Fernanda). Ventanas en la memoria: recuerdos de la Revolución en la frontera agrícola. Managua, UCA Publicaciones, 2011, 166 p. Nigeria
3908. WALLACE (Marion), KINAHAN (John). A history of Namibia. From the Beginning to 1990. London, Hurst, 2011, XXI-451 p.
3921. ACHEBE (Nwando). The female king of colonial Nigeria: Ahebi Ugbabe. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIII-305 p.
3922. EJIOGU (E.C.). The roots of political instability in Nigeria: political evolution and development in the Niger basin. Farnham, Ashgate Publising, 2011, XXVI223 p.
3909. DEKKER (Jeanine C.). Onderdanig en opstandig: desurbanisatie en de politieke verhoudingen op het platteland in Zeeland, 1750–1850. Zwolle, Waanders en Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, 2011, 224 p. (Balans tussen stad en platteland, 2). 3910. KLEI (Ewout Hans). 'Klein maar krachtig, dat maakt ons uniek': een geschiedenis van het Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond, 1948–2003. Amsterdam, Bakker, 2011, 454 p. 3911. Pamphlets and politics in the Dutch Republic. Ed. by Femke DEEN, David ONNEKINK and Michel REINDERS. Leiden, Brill, 2011, X-261 p. (Library of the written word, 12). 3912. POLLMANN (Judith). Catholic identity and the revolt of the Netherlands, 1520–1635. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-239 p. 3913. SLIJKERMAN (Diederick). Het geheim van de ministeriële verantwoordelijkheid: de verhouding tussen koning, kabinet, kamer en kiezer, 1848–1905. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2011, 466 p. New Zealand 3914. BINNEY (Judith), CHAPLIN (Gillian), WALLACE (Craig). Mihaia: the prophet Rua Kenana and his community at Maungapohatu. Wellington, Oxford U. P., 2011, 204 p. 3915. BUELTMANN (Tanja). Scottish ethnicity and the making of New Zealand society, 1850 to 1930. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, IX-246 p. (Scottish historical review monographs series).
3923. FALOLA (Toyin), PADDOCK (Adam). The Women's War of 1929: a history of anti-colonial resistance in eastern Nigeria. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2011, XXII-914 p. (Carolina Academic Press African world series). 3924. GOULD (Michael). The struggle for modern Nigeria: the Biafran war, 1966–1970. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, 258 p. 3925. LAREMONT (Ricardo René). Islamic law and politics in Northern Nigeria. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2011, XXV-320 p. (ill., maps). 3926. MATERA (Marc), BASTIAN (Misty L.), KENT (Susan Kingsley). The women's war of 1929: gender and violence in colonial Nigeria. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-278 p. 3927. OLADIPO OJO (Emmanuel). The politics of the formation of alliance governments in multi-ethnic states: a case study of the Nigerian First Alliance Government, 1954–1957. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 2, p. 333-366. 3928. UZOIGWE (G. N.). Visions of nationhood: prelude to the Nigerian Civil War. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2011, XXIII-359 p. Norway ** 3929. Nasjonal Samling: Møteprotokoll 1934– 1945. (National Assembly: Meeting report 1934–1945).
§ 2. History by countries Utgitt av Riksarkivet; redaksjon: Mette Gismerøy EKKER, Ole KOLSRUD og Åse A. LANGE. Oslo, Riksarkivet, 2011, 171 p. 3930. REDVALDSEN (David). The Labour Party in Britain and Norway: elections and the pursuit of power between the World Wars. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XXIV-206 p. (International library of political studies, 50). 3931. VIKSVEEN (Thor). Stoltenberg, folkehelt og statsmand. (Biographie de Jens Stoltenberg, premier ministre norvégien, héros du peuple et homme d'Etat). København, People's Press, 2011, 350 p. (ill.). Oman 3932. RABI (Uzi). The emergence of states in a tribal society: Oman under Said bin Taymur, 1932–1970. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2011, XII-299 p. Pakistan ** 3933. Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah: the Sind story, 1940–1947: towards Pakistan: opposition, infighting and victory. Ed. by Waheed AHMAD. Islamabad, National Documentation Wing, Cabinet Division, Govt. of Pakistan, 2011, II-855 p. (Shamsul Hasan documents series, 2). 3934. KHURSHID (Kiran). A treatise on the civil service of Pakistan: the structural-functional history, (1601– 2011). Lahore, Kiran Khurshid, 2011, XVIII-342LXXIX p. 3935. NELSON (Matthew J.). In the shadow of sharī'ah: Islam, Islamic law, and democracy in Pakistan. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XXXII-337 p. 3936. RÖSEL (Jakob). Pakistan: Kunststaat, Militärstaat und Krisenstaat. Berlin, Lit, 2011, II-110 p. 3937. TOOR (Saadia). The state of Islam: culture and Cold War politics in Pakistan. London a. New York, Pluto Press, 2011, 252 p. Palestine 3938. BÜSSOW (Johann). Hamidian Palestine: politics and society in the district of Jerusalem 1872–1908. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXIV-620 p. (Ottoman Empire and its heritage, 46). 3939. CHAMBERLIN (Paul). The struggle against oppression everywhere: the global politics of Palestinian liberation. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 25-41. 3940. COHEN (Amnon). Studies on Ottoman Palestine. Farnham, Variorum, 2011, XII-260 p. 3941. COHEN (Hillel). The rise and fall of Arab Jerusalem: Palestinian politics and the city since 1967. London, Routledge, 2011, XIX-162 p. (Routledge studies on the Arab-Israeli conflict, 10). 3942. KABHA (Mustafa). The Palestinian National Movement and its attitude toward the Fascist and Nazi movements 1925–1945. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 437-450.
3943. Late Ottoman Palestine: the period of Young Turk rule. Ed. by Yuval BEN-BASSAT and Eyal GINIO.. London, I.B. Tauris, 2011, VI-310 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 29). Cf. no 3760 Paraguay 3944. BOIDIN (Capucine). Guerre et métissage au Paraguay: (2001–1767). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 316 p. (Histoire). 3945. DOTTA (Mario). "Oligarquías, militares y masones": la guerra contra el Paraguay, y la consolidación de las asimetrías regionales (1865–1870). Montevideo, Ediciones de la Plaza año, 2011, 501 p. (Colección Ensayos). 3946. GONZÁLEZ (Erasmo). El gobierno de 1936 y su proyecto de identidad nacional. Asunción, El Lector, 2011, 160 p. 3947. HETHERINGTON (Kregg). Guerrilla auditors: the politics of transparency in neoliberal Paraguay. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIV-296 p. 3948. Historias, indígenas, nación y estado en el bicentenario de la independencia de la República del Paraguay (1811–2011). Coord. Gabriela DALLA-CORTE CABALLERO. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions, 2011, 245 p. Peru 3949. Ambivalente historia (La) del indigenismo: campo interamericano y trayectorias nacionales, 1940– 1970. Ed. por Laura GIRAUDO y Juan MARTÍN-SÁNCHEZ. Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2011, 295 p. 3950. BRICEÑO BERRÚ (José Enrique). La increíble historia de la guerra de una armada contra un barquito: la gesta de los marinos peruanos. Lima, Fondo Editorial Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2011, 259 p. 3951. CHÁVEZ WURM (Sebastian). Der Leuchtende Pfad in Peru (1970–1993): Erfolgsbedingungen eines revolutionären Projekts. Köln. Böhlau, 2011, 297 p. (Lateinamerikanische Forschungen, 39). 3952. DRINOT (Paulo). The allure of labor: workers, race, and the making of the Peruvian state. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XI-310 p. 3953. Fractured politics: Peruvian democracy past and present. Ed. by John CRABTREE. London, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 2011, XXII-258 p. 3954. GONZÁLEZ (Olga). Unveiling secrets of war in the Peruvian Andes. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XVII-307 p. 3955. "Nosotros también somos peruanos": la marginación en el Perú, siglos XVI a XXI. Ed. por Claudia ROSAS LAURO. San Miguel, Estudios Generales Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011, 438 p. (Colección Intertextos, 6).
3956. Relaciones (Las) de poder en el Perú: estado, regiones e identidades locales siglos XVII–XIX. Ed. por Cristina MAZZEO DE VIVÓ. Lima, Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Fundación Carolina, 2011, 235 p. 3957. RICKETTS (Mónica). Together or separate in the fight against oppression? Liberals in Peru and Spain in the 1820s. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 413-427. 3958. TANTALEÁN ARBULÚ (Javier). La gobernabilidad y el leviatán guanero: desarrollo, crisis y guerra con Chile. Lima, IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, 2011, 448 p. (Historia económica, 16). Cf. no 3246 Philippines 3959. FULLER (Ken). A movement divided: Philippine communism, 1957–1986. Quezon City, University of the Philippines Press, 2011, XVIII-475 p. 3960. RICHARDSON (Jim). Komunista: the genesis of the Philippine Communist Party, 1902–1935. Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila U. P., 2011, X-372 p. 3961. Socdem: Filipino social democracy in a time of turmoil and transition, 1965–1995. Ed. by Benjamin T. TOLOSA, Jr. Pasig City, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011, XIV-302 p. Poland
3967. GIESZCZYŃSKI (Witold). Od narodzin "Solidarności" do Trzeciej Rzeczypospolitej: przemiany społeczno-polityczne w województwie Olsztyńskim: 1980– 1989. (From the birth of the "Solidarity" movement to the Third Republic of Poland: social and political changes in the Olsztyn Voivodeship, 1980–1989). Olsztyn, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, 2011, 546 p. 3968. KISIELEWSKI (Tadeusz). Partii portret własny: polityka i świadomość w PZPR: studium upadku. (Self-portrait of the Party: politics and consciousness in the Polish United Workers' Party – a study of the fall). Warszawa, Wydawn. "Neriton", Instytut Historii PAN, 2011, 446 p. 3969. MATYASIK (Joanna). Obóz polityczny króla Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego. (Political camp of King Michael Wiśniowiecki). Warszawa, Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, 2011, 395 p. 3970. MYSIAKOWSKA (Jolanta). Zabiegi o legalizację Stronnictwa Narodowego w kraju w latach 1945–1947. (Treatments for the legalization of the National Party in the country in 1945–1947). Warszawa, Wydawn. Neriton, 2011, 324 p. 3971. SMYK (Grzegorz). Administracja publiczna królestwa Polskiego w latach 1864–1915. (Public administration in the Kingdom of Poland in 1864–1915). Lublin, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2011, 456 p. 3972. WEISER (Kalman). Jewish people, Yiddish nation: Noah Prylucki and the folkists in Poland. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XXII-389 p.
** 3962. Grudzień 1970 w dokumentach wojskowych. (December 1970 military documents). Wybór, wstęp i opracowanie Edward Jan NALEPA. Piotrków Trybunalski, Naukowe Wydawnictwo Piotrkowskie przy Filii Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego w Piotrkowie, 2011, 302 p.
3973. CAEIRO (Joaquim Manuel Croca). Elites económicas e influência política: contributos para o seu estudo nos primórdios do Estado Novo. Lisboa, Universidade Lusíada Editora, 2011, 159 p.
3963. BONUSIAK (Włodzimierz). Druga Rzeczpospolita, 1918–1939. (Second Republic, 1918–1939). Rzeszów, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011, 364 p.
3974. DE MATOS (Luís Salgado). A separação do Estado e da Igreja: concórdia e conflito entre a Primeira República e o catolicismo: 5 de Outubro de 1910–28 de Maio de 1926. Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2011, 719 p.
3964. CHUSHAK (Khrystyna). Nemaie vilʹnoï Polʹshchi bez vilʹnoï Ukraïny: Ukraïna ta ukraïntsi u politychniĭ dumtsi polʹsʹkoï opozytsiï, 1976–1989. (There is no free Poland without a free Ukraine: Ukraine and Ukrainian political thought of Polish opposition, 1976–1989). Lʹviv, PAIS, 2011, 302 p.
3975. DE SOUSA (Jorge Pais). O fascismo catedrático de Salazar: das origens na I Guerra Mundial à intervenção militar na Guerra Civil de Espanha, 1914–1939. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2011, 560 p. (Investigaçáo).
3965. CIMEK (Henryk). Mniejszości narodowe w ruchu rewolucyjnym w II Rzeczypospolitej. (National minorities in the revolutionary movement in the Second Republic). Rzeszów, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011, 176 p. 3966. EICHENBERG (Julia). Kämpfen für Frieden und Fürsorge: polnische Veteranen des Ersten Weltkriegs und ihre internationalen Kontakte, 1918–1939. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, VIII-259 p. (Studien zur internationalen Geschichte, 27).
3976. Eleições e sistemas eleitorais no século XX português: uma perspectiva histórica e comparativa. Coordenação científica, André FREIRE. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2011, 392 p. (Cursos livres de história contemporânea, 10). 3977. FERREIRA (Pedro Soares). Entre o terror e a esperança: a revolução russa na sociedade portuguesa (1917–1921). Casal de Cambra, Caleidoscópio agosto de, 2011, 176 p. (Teses). 3978. Governo, política e representações do poder no Portugal habsburgo e nos seus territórios ultramari-
§ 2. History by countries nos (1581–1640). Direcção de Santiago MARTÍNEZ HERNÁNDEZ. Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar, 2011, 201 p. (Estudos & documentos, 11). 3979. MONICO (Reto). Un Vaudois au bord du Tage: Maurice Muret et la Révolution républicaine de 1910. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 2, p. 236-254. 3980. NAVARRO (Bruno J.). Governo de Pimenta de Castro: um general no labirinto político da I República. Lisboa, Assambleia da República, 2011, 295 p. (Colecção Parlamento, 38). 3981. PINTO (Ana Catarina). A Primeira República e os conflitos da modernidade, 1919–1926: a esquerda republicana e o bloco radical. Casal de Cambra, Caleidoscópio, 2011, 126 p. 3982. Portugal 1974: transição política em perspectiva histórica. Coord. Rui CUNHA MARTINS. Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 2011, 271 p. (História contemporânea). 3983. Primeira república portuguesa (A): diplomacia, guerra e império. Coordenação, Filipe RIBEIRO DE MENESES e Pedro AIRES OLIVEIRA. Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2011, 398 p. 3984. SANTOS (José Reis). Salazar e as eleições: um estudo sobre as eleições gerais de 1942. Lisboa, Assembleia da República, 2011, 481 p. (Parlamento, 39). Qatar 3985. FROMHERZ (Allen James). Qatar: a modern history. London a. New York, I.B.Tauris, 2011, XI-204 p. Romania ** 3986. Nouă luni în Transilvania (decembrie 1848– august 1849). Generalul Józef Bem în corespondenţă, proclamaţii, documente. [Nine months in Transylvania (December 1848–August 1849). General Józef Bem in correspondence, proclamations, documents). Traducerea documentelor germane şi franceze Ela COSMA. Traducerea documentelor maghiare Attila Varga. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2011, 458 p.
3990. DINDIRICĂ (Lucian). Miron Cristea – patriarh, regent şi prim-ministru. (Miron Cristea – patriarch, regent and prime-minister). Iaşi, Editura Tipo Moldova, 2011, 453 p. 3991. DINU (Marinela). Electoratul românesc în primii ani după Marea Unire. (Romanian electorate in the first years after the Great Union). Craiova, Editura Alma, 2011, 132 p. 3992. Experimentul Piteşti. Reeducarea prin tortură. Exil românesc – suferinţă şi speranţă. (The experiment of Piteşti. Re-education through torture. The Romanian exile – sufferance and hope). Editor şi coordonator Ilie POPA. Piteşti, Fundaţia Culturală "Memoria", filiala Argeş, 2011, 514 p. 3993. GHIŢULESCU (Mihai). Organizarea administrativă a statului român modern 1859–1918. (Administrative organization of Romanian modern state 1859– 1918). Craiova. Editura Aius, 2011, 260 p. 3994. GRANVILLE (Johanna). True Grit: GheorghiuDej and Romanian exceptionalism in 1956. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 3, p. 585-618. 3995. JIANU (Angela). A circle of friends: Romanian revolutionaries and political exile, 1840–1859. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 382 p. (Balkan studies library, 3). 3996. Kilometer Null. Politische Transformation und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in Rumänien seit 1989. Hrsg. v. Thede KAHL und Larisa SCHIPPEL. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2011, 485 p. 3997. KLIGMAN (Gail), VERDERY (Katherine). Peasants under siege: the collectivization of Romanian agriculture, 1949–1962. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XIX-508 p. 3998. LOHON (Gabriel). Supravieţuindu-i lui Hruşciov. Cultul personalităţii lui Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej în România. (Outliving Khruschev. Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's cult of personality in Romania). Arhivele Olteniei, Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane, Craiova, 2011, 25, p. 169-176.
3987. CIOBANU (Viorel). Conferirea ordinului naţional Coroana României unor cetăţeni străini (1919– 1940). (The awarding of the national order Romanian Crown to some foreign personalities, 1919–1940). Perspective Istorice, 2011, 4, p. 96-103.
3999. MÂRŞU (Alexandru), ATANASIU-CROITORU (Andreea), CUSTURĂ (Ion), CHODAN (Tiberiu Liviu). De la Divizia de Mare la Flotă: 1896–2011. Monografie (From the Sea Division to the Fleet: 1896–2011. Monography). Bucureşti, Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al Armatei, 2011, 2 vol., 439 p., 724 p.
3988. CLIVETI (Gh.). Restaurarea "domniilor pământene" în Principatele Române, la 1822. Implicaţii europene. (Restoration of "local rules" in Romanian Principalities in 1822. European implications). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A.D Xenopol Iași, 2011, 48, p. 131-162.
4000. OPRIŞ (Petre). Nicolae Ceauşescu şi datoria externă a României. (Nicolae Ceauşescu and the external debt of Romania). Arhivele Olteniei, Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane, Craiova, 2011, 25, p. 213-231.
3989. Cultură, politică şi societate în timpul domniei lui Carol I. 130 de ani de la proclamarea Regatului României. (Culture, politics and society during the reign of Carol I. 130 years since the proclamation of the Romanian Kingdom). Coordonatori Gheorghe CLIVETI, Adrian-Bogdan CEOBANU, Ionuţ NISTOR. Iaşi, Editura Demiurg, 2011, 342 p.
4001. ORESCU (Şerban). Post-ceauşismul: o tranziţie fără sfârşit. (Post-Ceauşescu: an endless transition). Bucureşti, Editura Vremea, 2011, 304 p. 4002. PREDA (Cristian). Rumânii fericiţi. Vot şi putere de la 1831 până în prezent. (Happy Rumanians. Vote and power since 1831 until prezent). Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2011, 371 p.
4003. ROŞCA (Victor). Experimentul Târgşor. Începutul represiunii comuniste. (The Târgşor experiment. Beginning of communist repression). Prefaţă de Cosmin Budeancă. Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2011, 424 p.
4015. HENZE (Charlotte E.). Disease, health care and government in late Imperial Russia: life and death on the Volga, 1823–1914. New York, Routledge, 2011, XV-227 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 72).
4004. ŞERCAN (Emilia). Instituţia cenzurii în perioada comunistă. Instrumente şi proceduri de lucru în 1965. (Censorship institution during communism. Instruments and work procedures in 1965). Revista Română de Istoria Presei, 2011, 5, 2, p. 91-103.
4016. HOFFMANN (David L.). Cultivating the masses. Modern state practices and Soviet Socialism, 1914–1939. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2011, XV-327 p.
4005. STROE (Laurenţiu). România în timpul regimului politic Ion Antonescu. Guvernarea cu legionarii. Prima lună (7 septembrie 1940–4 octombrie 1940). (Romania during Ion Antonescu political regime. Governing with the Iron Guardists. First month, September 7, 1940–October 4, 1940). Carpica. Muzeul Județean de Istorie "Iulian Antonescu", Bacău, 2011, 40, p. 249273. 4006. VASILE (Cristian). Ministerul Culturii şi secţiile ideologice ca actori instituţionali ai politicilor culturale (1953–1965). (The Ministry of Culture and the ideological departments as instutional actors of the cultural policies (1953–1965). Revista Istorică, 2011, 22, 1-2., p. 5-21. – IDEM. Politicile culturale comuniste în timpul regimului Gheorghiu-Dej. (Communist cultural policies during the Gheorghiu-Dej regime). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2011, 342 p. Russia ** 4007. WEINBERG (Robert), BERNSTEIN (Laurie). Revolutionary Russia: a history in documents. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-239 p. (Pages from history). 4008. BARNES (Steven A.). Death and redemption: the Gulag and the shaping of Soviet society. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, X-352 p. 4009. BRANDENBERGER (David). Propaganda state in crisis: Soviet ideology, indoctrination, and terror under Stalin, 1927–1941. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XIV-357 p. (Yale-Hoover series on Stalin, Stalinism, and the Cold War). 4010. CLARK (Katerina). Moscow, the Fourth Rome: Stalinism, cosmopolitanism, and the evolution of Soviet culture, 1931–1941. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, VIII-420 p. 4011. DENNISON (Tracy). The institutional framework of Russian serfdom. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-254 p. (Cambridge studies in economic history). 4012. EDELE (Mark). Stalinist society, 1928–1953. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 416 p. 4013. ETKIND (Alexander). Internal colonization: Russia's imperial experience. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2011, IX-289 p. 4014. GOLDMAN (Wendy Z.). Inventing the enemy: denunciation and terror in Stalin's Russia. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-320 p.
4017. HUGHES (Michael J.). British opinion and Russian terrorism in the 1880s. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 2, p. 255-277. 4018. Khrushchev in the Kremlin: policy and government in the Soviet Union, 1953–1964. Ed. by Jeremy SMITH and Melanie ILIČ. London, Routledge, 2011, XX-249 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 73). 4019. KUCHERENKO (Olga). Little soldiers: how Soviet children went to War, 1941–1945. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-266 p. 4020. MAC DONALD (Tracy). Face to the village: the Riazan countryside under Soviet rule, 1921–1930. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XVI-422 p. 4021. PETRONE (Karen). The Great War in Russian memory. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XV-385 p. (Indiana-Michigan series in Russian and East European studies). 4022. RAAB (Nigel A.). Democracy burning? Urban fire departments and the limits of civil society in late Imperial Russia, 1850–1914. Montreal a. Ithaca, McGillQueen's U. P., 2011, 264 p. 4023. SMITH (Scott B.). Captives of Revolution: the Socialist revolutionaries and the Bolshevik dictatorship, 1918–1923. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, XIX-380 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies). 4024. THATCHER (Ian D.). The First State Duma, 1906: the view from the contemporary pamphlet and monograph literature. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 3, p. 531-562. 4025. WCISLO (Francis William). Tales of imperial Russia: the life and times of Sergei Witte, 1849–1915. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-314 p. 4026. WHITE (Elizabeth). The socialist alternative to Bolshevik Russia: the Socialist Revolutionary Party, 1921–1939. London, Routledge, 2011, IX-180 p. (BASEES/ Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 38). Rwanda 4027. DES FORGES (Alison Liebhafsky). Defeat is the only bad news: Rwanda under Musinga, 1896–1931. Ed. by David NEWBURY. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XXXVIII-306 p. (Africa and the diaspora: history, politics, culture).
§ 2. History by countries Saudi Arabia 4028. MOULINE (Nabil). Les clercs de l'islam: autorité religieuse et pouvoir politique en Arabie Saoudite, XVIIIe–XXIe siècle. Ouvrage publié avec le soutien de la Commission Européenne. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 357 p. (Proche-Orient). Senegal 4029. GUÈYE (Omar). Sénégal: histoire du mouvement syndical: la marche vers le Code du travail. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 385 p. (Études africaines). Serbia 4030. CVETKOVIĆ (Srđan). Između srpa i čekića. 2 Politicka represija u Srbiji 1953–1985. (Tra falce e martello. 2. La repressione politica in Serbia, 1953–1985). Beograd, Institut za Savremenu Istoriju, 2011, 707 p. (Posebna izdanja). 4031. DIMITRIJEVIĆ (Bojan B.). Vojska Nedićeve Srbije: oružane snage srpske vlade, 1941–1945. (L'esercito della Serbia di Nedić; le Forze armate del governo Serbo, 1941–1945. Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2011, 479 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije / Institut za savremenu istoriju, 73). 4032. HYDER PATTERSON (Patrick). Bought and sold: living and losing the good life in Socialist Yugoslavia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XVII-351 p. 4033. KANZLEITER (Boris). "Rote Universität": Studentenbewegung und Linksopposition in Belgrad 1964– 1975. Hamburg, VSA, 2011, 486 p. 4034. NIKOLIĆ (Kosta), CVETKOVIĆ (Srđan). Rađanje jeretika: suđenje Milovanu Đilasu i Vladimiru Dedijeru 1955. (La nascita degli eretici; il processo a Milovan Đilas e Vladimir Dedijer, 1955). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Altera, 2011, 318 p. (Biblioteka Istorija). 4035. RAJIĆ (Suzana). Nova politička zajednica i vlade Mihaila Vujića 1901/2. godine. (The new political community and the Mihailо Vujić government in 1901/02). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 505-539. 4036. ŽIVKOVIĆ (Marko). Serbian dreambook: national imaginary in the time of Milošević. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIV-318 p. Cf. nos 3326, 3327, 3866, 4052, 4053 Singapore 4037. May 13 generation (The): the Chinese middle schools student movement and Singapore politics in the 1950s. Ed. by TAN Jing Quee, TAN Kok Chiang and HONG Lysa. Petaling Jaya, Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, 2011, XXV-372 p. Slovakia 4038. ARPÁŠ (Róbert). Autonómia: víťazstvo alebo prehra? Vyvrcholenie politického zápasu Hlinkovej slovenskej ľudovej strany o autonómiu Slovenska. (Autonomy: victory or lost? The culmination of a political
struggle Hlinka's Slovak People's Party of Slovak autonomy). Bratislava, Veda vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 199 p. 4039. BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián). The military intervention of the central government in Slovakia, 9–11 March 1939. Historický časopis, 2011, 59, Supplement, p. 77110. 4040. DONČOVÁ (Angelika). Politické aktivity Ľudovíta Bazovského v Lučenci a okolí (1900–1914). (Political activities Louis Bazovský in Lučenec and surroundings, 1900–1914). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, p. 331-352. 4041. HALLON (Ľudovít), SABOL (Miroslav), FALI(Anna). Vojnové škody a rekonštrukcia Slovenska 1944–1948. (Hospodárstvo, infraštruktúra, zdravotníctvo). (War damage and reconstruction of Slovakia from 1944 to 1948. Economy, infrastructure, health). Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 276 p.
4042. HANULA (Matej). Za roľníka, pôdu a republiku. Slovenskí agrárnici v prvom polčase 1. republiky. (For a peasant, land and the republic. Slovak Agrarian Party members in the "half of the 1" Czechoslovak Republic). Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 176 p. 4043. HOLLÝ (Karol). Ženská emancipácia. Diskurz slovenského národného hnutia na prelome 19. a 20. storočia. (Emancipation of women. The Slovak national movement discourse at the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th century). Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 178 p. 4044. JANURA (Tomáš). Nepotizmus v správe Liptovskej stolice v 18. storočí. (Nepotismus in der Verwaltung des Komitats Liptau im 18. Jahrhundert). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 3, p. 403-425. 4045. KMEŤ (Norbert). Politici a politická história. (Politiker und die politische Geschichte). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 639-652. 4046. PEKÁR (Martin) [et al.]. Ethnic minorities in Slovakia in the years 1918–1945. A survey. Prešov, UNIVERSUM-EU s. r. o., 2011, 195 p. 4047. PEŠEK (Jan). Komunistická strana Slovenska 1945–1948. Členstvo, organizácia, vedenie, stranícky aparát, vzťah ku KSČ. (Kommunistische Partei der Slowakei 1945–1948 Mitgliedschaft, Organisation, Führung, Parteiapparat, Beziehung zur kommunistischen Partei der Tschechoslowakei – Abgekürzt: KSČ). Historický časopis, vol. 59, 2011, 3, p. 471-495. 4048. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava). The Czechoslovak National Democratic Party in the politics of the Slovak National Party. Historický časopis, 2011, 59, Supplement, p. 49-75. 4049. ŠUCHOVÁ (Xénia). Idea československého štátu na Slovensku 1918–1939. Protagonisti, nositelia, oponenti. (The idea of Czechoslovak state in Slovakia
1918–1939. Protagonists, representatives, opponents). Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 311 p.
4060. SHILLINGTON (Kevin). Luka Jantjie: resistance hero of the South African frontier. London, Aldridge Press, 2011, XIV-306 p.
4050. VAŠEK (Richard). Cesta prezidenta Beneše na Slovensko v roce 1936 a její ohlas v českém a slovenském tisku. (Way President Benes to Slovakia in 1936, and its resonance in the Czech and Slovak press). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 4, p. 705-733.
4061. WELSH (David), SPENCE (J. E.). Ending Apartheid. Harlow, Longman, 2011, 231 p.
4051. VONDRÁŠEK (Václav), PEŠEK (Jan). Slovenský poválečný exil a jeho aktivity 1945–1970. Mýty a realita. (Slovak post-war exile and its activities 1945– 1970. Myth and reality). Bratislava, Veda vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 733 p.
Spain ** 4062. Actas de la Junta Superior de Aragón y parte de Castilla (1810). Comp. Herminio LAFOZ RABAZA. Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico", Excma. Diputación Provincial, 2011, 685 p. (Fuentes históricas aragonesas, 56. Publicación número 3.051 de la Institución "Fernando el Católico").
Cf. nos 3338, 3339, 3342, 3343, 3346, 3348, 3349, 3352, 3353, 3355, 3360, 3362
4063. ALÍA MIRANDA (Francisco). Julio de 1936: conspiración y alzamiento contra la Segunda República. Barcelona, Crítica, 2011, 479 p. (Crítica contrastes).
4064. ÁLVAREZ-JUNCO (José). Spanish identity in the age of nations. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, 408 p.
** 4052. Kraljevstvo Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca: 1918– 1920: zbornik dokumenata. Tom 1. Voǰna zaštita otadžbine. Knjiga prva. (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 1918–1920: collection of documents. Volume 1. Military protection of the fatherland). Odabrao Vlado STRUGAR, priredio Milić F. PETROVIĆ; urednik Momčilo ZEČEVIĆ. Podgorica, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, 2011, 7776 p. (Odjeljenje društvenih izvora. Istorijski izvori, 6). 4053. PIRJEVEC (Jože). Tito in tovariši. Ljubljana, Cankarjeva založba, Skupina Mladinska knjiga, 2011, 712 p. Cf. nos 3326, 3327, 4032 South Africa 4054. CRAIS (Clifton C.). Poverty, war, and violence in South Africa. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-190 p. 4055. LEVINE (Roger S.). A living man from Africa: Jan Tzatzoe, Xhosa chief and missionary, and the making of nineteenth-century South Africa. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XIII-291 p. (New directions in narrative history). 4056. NUGENT (Paul). The temperance movement and wine farmers at the Cape: collective action, racial discourse, and legislative reform, C. 1890–1965. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 341-363. 4057. O'BRIEN (Kevin A.). The South African intelligence services: from apartheid to democracy, 1948– 2005. Abingdon a. New York, Routledge, 2011, XVIII301 p. (Studies in intelligence series).
4065. ANDERSON (Peter), DEL ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel). Construyendo la dictadura y castigando a sus enemigos. Represión y apoyos sociales del franquismo (1936–1951). Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 125-141. 4066. BORTLOVÁ (Hana). Zapomenutí "španěláci": čeští a slovenští dobrovolníci ve španělské občanské válce (1936–1939). (The Forgotten 'Spaniards': Czech and Slovak volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 1936– 1939). In: Deset let na cestě: orální historie na Sovinci 2002–2011. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy, 2011, p. 120-136. 4067. CABANA IGLESIA (Ana). De imposible consenso. Actitudes de consentimiento hacia el franquismo en el mundo rural (1940–1960). Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 89-106. 4068. CAMPUZANO (Francisco). La transition espagnole entre réforme et rupture: 1975–1986. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 180 p. (Série Espagnol). 4069. CLOUSE (Michele L.). Medicine, government, and public health in Philip II's Spain: shared interests, competing authorities. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XIV-204 p. (History of medicine in context). 4070. COOLIDGE (Grace E.). Guardianship, gender, and the nobility in early Modern Spain. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, VIII-176 p. (Women and gender in the early Modern world).
4058. Rural resistance in South Africa: the Mpondo revolts after fifty years. Ed. by Thembela KEPE and Lungisile NTSEBEZA. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VI-282 p. (Afrika-Studiecentrum series, 22).
4071. Exili republicà (L'): política i cultura: actes de les Jornades d'estudi celebrades al centre Cultural la Misericòrdia: Palma, 18–20 de novembre de 2009. Palma de Mallorca, Consell Insular de Mallorca i Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2011, 231 p. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana, 165).
4059. SAMARA (Tony Roshan). Cape Town after Apartheid: crime and governance in the divided city. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, XI238 p.
4072. GONZÁLEZ DE MOLINA (Antonio Herrera). Los procesos de democratización durante la transición española. Viejos debates, nuevas propuestas [Perspectivas historiográficas]. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 161-179.
§ 2. History by countries 4073. GRÉVY (Jérôme), HEYRIÈS (Hubert), MALTONE (Carmela). Garibaldi et garibaldiens en France et en Espagne: histoire d'une passion pour la démocratie. Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 252 p. (Histoire). 4074. Guerra de ideas: política y cultura en la España de la Guerra de la Independencia. Ed. por Pedro RÚJULA y Jordi CANAL I MOREL. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia y Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico, 2011, 486 p. (Historia). 4075. HERNÁNDEZ (Claudio). Granada azul: la construcción de la "cultura de la victoria" en el primer franquismo (1936–1951). Granada, Editorial Comares, 2011, 341 p. (Libros de la brecha, 4). 4076. HERRERÍN LÓPEZ (Angel). Anarquía, dinamita y revolución social: violencia y represión en la España de entre siglos (1868–1909). Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2011, 293 p. (Catarata, 357). 4077. HUG (Ralph). Schweizer in Francos Diensten: die Francofreiwilligen im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg 1936– 1939. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 2, p. 189-207. 4078. LILLO (Natacha). El asociacionismo español y los exiliados republicanos en Francia: entre el activismo y la respuesta del Estado franquista (1945–1975). Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 175-191. 4079. LÓPEZ ALÓS (Javier). Entre el trono y el escaño: el pensamiento reaccionario español frente a la revolución liberal (1808–1823). Madrid, Congreso de los Diputados, 2011, 316 p. (Colección "Bicentenario de las Cortes de Cádiz", 3).
4086. PEYROU (Florencia). 1848 et le Parti démocratique espagnol. Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 17-32. 4087. PURKISS (Richard). Democracy, trade unions and political violence in Spain: the Valencian Anarchist Movement, 1918–1936. London, Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies a. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2011, XIV-304 p. (Cañada Blanch/Sussex Academic studies on Spain). 4088. RADCLIFF (Pamela Beth). Making democratic citizens in Spain: civil society and the popular origins of the transition, 1960–1978. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVIII-416 p. 4089. RANZATO (Gabriele). La grande paura del 1936: come la Spagna precipitò nella guerra civile. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XI-321 p. (Storia e società). 4090. SEIDMAN (Michael). The victorious counterrevolution: the nationalist effort in the Spanish Civil War. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XIII-352 p. 4091. THOMÀS (Joan Maria). Los fascismos españoles. Barcelona, Planeta, 2011, 300 p. (España escrita, 29). 4092. URIA (Jorge). Modèles politiques et mouvements sociaux en Espagne: influences françaises et échanges internationaux dans le long XIXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 3-15. 4093. VEGA SOMBRÍA (Santiago). La política del miedo: el papel de la represión en el franquismo. Barcelona, Crítica, 2011, 429 p. (Crítica contrastes). Cf. nos 3809, 3957, 4542 Sudan
4080. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (Manuel). Los forzados de marina en la España del siglo XVIII (1700–1775). La Cañada, Universidad de Almería, 2011, 232 p.
4094. FEGLEY (Randall). Beyond Khartoun: a history of subnational government in Sudan. Trenton, Res Sea Press, 2011, XIX-395 p.
4081. MONTERO (Manuel). La forja de una nación: estudios sobre el nacionalismo y el País Vasco durante la II República, la Transición y la democracia. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2011, 288 p.
4095. ROLANDSEN (Øystein H.). A false start: between war and peace in the southern Sudan, 1956–1962. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 105-123.
4082. MUÑOZ-ROJAS (Olivia). Ashes and granite: destruction and reconstruction in the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2011, XXV-223 p. (Cañada Blanch/Sussex Academic studies on contemporary Spain). 4083. Palabras como puños: la intransigencia política en la Segunda República española. Dir. por Fernando DEL REY REGUILLO. Madrid, Ed. Tecnos, 2011, 675 p. 4084. PAREJO FERNÁNDEZ (José Antonio). Fascismo rural, control social y colaboración ciudadana. Datos y propuestas para el caso español. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 143-159. 4085. PESCADOR MEDRANO (Aitor), BARCOS (Jesús). El Ayuntamiento de Pamplona durante la transición, 1974–1979. Pamplona, Pamiela, 2011, 208 p. (Ensayo y testimonio, 114).
4096. SEARCY (Kim). The formation of the Sudanese Mahdist state: ceremony and symbols of authority, 1882–1898. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VI-165 p. (Islam in Africa, 11). 4097. TAHA (Fadwa). The Socialist Republican Party 1951–1954: 'a centre party without ingredients'. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 4, p. 623-639. Suriname 4098. THODEN VAN VELZEN (H. U. E.), HOOGBERGEN (Wim S. M.). De Okaanse samenleving in de achttiende eeuw. Leiden, KITLV Uitgeverij, 2011, XXIII360 p. (Een zwarte vrijstaat in Suriname, 1. Carribean series, 29). Sweden 4099. ÅBERG (Martin). Swedish and German liberalism: from factions to parties, 1860–1920. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2011, 246 p.
4100. BENGTSSON (Åsa). Nyktra kvinnor. Folkbildare, företagare och politiska aktörer: Vita bandet 1900– 1930. (Femmes tempérantes. Educatrices du peuple, entrepreneures et actrices de la politique: le mouvement 'Vita bandet' en Suède entre 1900 et 1930). Göteborg, Makadam, 2011, 379 p. (ill.). 4101. BJÖREMAN (Carl). Försvarets förfall. Konsten att lägga ned försvaret utan att någon bryr sig. (L'art de démanteler la défense nationale suédoise dans l'indifférence générale). Stockholm, Santérus, 2011, 305 p. (FOKK, 29). 4102. Borgerlig fyrklöver intog Rosenbad. Regeringsskiftet 1991. (Quand la coalition bourgeoise prit le pouvoir: l'alternance politique de 1991 en Suède). Red. Torbjörn NILSSON, Anders IVARSSON WESTERBERG. Huddinge, Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertörns högskola, 2011, 90 p. (Samtidshistoriska frågor, 22). 4103. ENGSTRÖM (Mats). Anna Lindh och det nya Europa. (Anna Lindh et la nouvelle Europe). Stockholm, Premiss, 2011, 316 p. 4104. GAHRTON (Per). Det gröna genombrottet: mina trettio år med miljöpartiet. (La percée verte. 30 années au parti écologiste suédois). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2011, 320 p. (ill.). 4105. HANSSON (Gunnar). Om samhällets omvandling. Wigforss och pragmatismens politiska filosofi. (Transformer la société. La philosophie politique du pragmatisme chez Ernst Wigforss). Lund, Arkiv, 2011, 287 p. 4106. LUNDBERG (Lars J.). Staten och naturen: naturskyddspolitik i Sverige 1869–1935. Del 2. 1919–1935. (L'Etat et la nature: la politique de protection de la nature en Suède 1869–1935. Tome 2. 1919–1935). Brottby, Kassandra, 2011, 479 p. 4107. MAMSÉN (Elisabeth). Sveriges historia 1721– 1830. (Histoire de la Suède 1721–1830). Stockhom, Norstedt, 2011, 687 p. (ill.). 4108. SANDIN (Per). Ett kungahus i tiden. Den Bernadotteska dynastins möte med medborgarsamhället ca 1810–1860. (Une Maison royale de son temps. La rencontre de la dynastie Bernadotte avec la société suédoise entre 1810 et 1860). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2011, 325 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 242). 4109. Stockholm blir välfärdsstad. Kommunalpolitik i huvudstaden efter 1945. (Stockholm devient villeprovidence. La politique municipale dans la capitale suédoise après 1945). Red. Torbjörn NILSSON. Stockholm, Stockholmia, 2011, 334 p. (ill.). (Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad, 213). 4110. VILLSTRAND (Nils-Erik). Sveriges historia 1600–1721. (Histoire de la Suède 1600–1721). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2011, 592 p. (ill.). Switzerland 4111. BRÄNDLE (Fabian). Josef Anton Schumacher (1677–1735): radikaler Demokrat, Moralist und "Crom-
well von Zug". Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 4, p. 454-473. 4112. BUCHER (Martin J.). 'Wir tragen die flatternden Fahnen der Zukunft!' Die Nationale Jugend in der Schweiz – ein Schweizer Pendant zur deutschen Hitlerjugend. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 3, p. 315-340. 4113. ENGI (Lorenz). Staatsdenker. 15 bedeutende Schweizer Juristen und Politiker im Porträt. Zürich, Schulthess, 2011, 139 p. 4114. HALLE (Marianne). Les incitations politiques en Suisse pendant l'Entre-deux-guerres. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 1, p. 90-107. 4115. KALT (Monica). Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz der 1960er und 1970er Jahre: Von der Barmherzigkeit zur Solidarität. Bern, Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011, 592 p. 4116. KELLER (Zsolt). Abwehr und Aufklärung: Antisemitismus in der Nachkriegszeit und der Schweizerische Israelitische Gemeindebund. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 345 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Archivs für Zeitgeschichte des Instituts für Geschichte der ETH Zürich, 6). 4117. KUHN (Konrad J.). Entwicklungspolitische Solidarität: die Dritte-Welt-Bewegung in der Schweiz zwischen Kritik und Politik (1975–1992). Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 461 p. 4118. RIKLIN (Alois). Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès: homme d'État et constitutionnaliste. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 2, p. 227-235. 4119. SCHNYDER (Marco). Famiglie e potere: il ceto dirigente di Lugano e Mendrisio tra Sei e Settecento. Bellinzona, Casagrande, 2011, 407 p. (Itinerari, 14). 4120. Suisushi kenkyū no shin chihei: Toshi, nōson, kokka. (A new horizon for Swiss historical studies: Cities, rural villages and the state). Eds. ODORI Tomoji, IWAI Takao.Kyoto, Showado, 2011, 322 p. Syria 4121. BÜSSOW (Johann). Street politics in Damascus: Kinship and other social categories as bases of political action, 1830–1841. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 108-125. 4122. ESTABLET (Colette), PASCUAL (Jean-Paul). La gent d'état dans la société ottomane damascène: les 'askar à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Damas, Institut français du Proche-Orient, 2011, 351 p. 4123. Origins (The) of Syrian nationhood: histories, pioneers and identity. Ed. by Adel BESHARA. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, XI-390 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern history, 10). 4124. PIERRET (Thomas). Baas et islam en Syrie: la dynastie Assad face aux oulémas. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 329 p. (Proche Orient).
§ 2. History by countries Tanzania 4125. GLASSMAN (Jonathon). War of words, war of stones: racial thought and violence in colonial Zanzibar. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XII-398 p. 4126. HODGSON (Dorothy L.). Being Maasai, becoming indigenous: postcolonial politics in a neoliberal world. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIX-265 p. Thailand 4127. AMELO (Laurent). Les mutations d'une violence sans visage: l'instabilité dans les provinces du sud profond de la Thaïlande. Mont-en-Montois, Le Fantascope Éditions, 2011, 216 p. (Collection des chercheurs militaries, 43). 4128. HABERKORN (Tyrell). Revolution interrupted: farmers, students, law, and violence in northern Thailand. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XIX-230 p. (New perspectives in Southeast Asian studies). 4129. RUTH (Richard A.). In Buddha's company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, X-275 p. (Southeast Asiapolitics, meaning, and memory).
of a Muslim national identity. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, XVII-291 p. (Modern Middle East series, 26). 4138. BUGRA (Ayşe), CANDAS (Aysen). Change and continuity under an eclectic social security regime: the case of Turkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 3, p. 515-528. 4139. FUJINAMI (Nobuyoshi). Osuman teikoku to rikkensei: Seinen toruko kakumei ni okeru seiji, shūkyō, kyōdōtai. (The Ottoman Empire and constitutional government: politics, religion and community in the Young Turk Revolution). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2011, 454 p. 4140. GÖÇEK (Fatma Müge). The transformation of Turkey: redefining state and society from the Ottoman Empire to the modern era. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, VIII-310 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 103). 4141. HANIOĞLU (M. Şükrü). Atatürk: an intellectual biography. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XVI273 p.
4142. İNAL (Vedit). The eighteenth and nineteenth century Ottoman attempts to catch up with Europe. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 5, p. 725-756.
4130. 'ARFĀWĪ (Khamīs). Les élections politiques en Tunisie de 1881 à 1956: colonialisme et libertés politiques. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 152 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes).
4143. KARDAM (Filiz), CENGIZ (Kurtulus). Republican citizenship in Turkey: historical development, perceptions and practices. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 151-165.
4131. DAKHLI (Leyla). Une lecture de la révolution tunisienne. Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 89-103.
4144. KAYA (Gökhan). II. Meşrutiyet döneminin demokratları: Osmanlı Demokrat Fırkası (Fırka-i İbad). İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2011, 248 p. (Araştırma-inceleme dizisi, 275).
4132. EL MATERI HACHED (Anissa). Mahmoud El Materi: pionnier de la Tunisie moderne. Paris, Les Belles lettres et Tunis, Sud Editions, 2011, 318 p. 4133. OUALDI (M'hamed). Esclaves et maîtres: les Mamelouks des beys de Tunis du XVIIe siècle aux années 1880. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 499 p. (Bibliothèque historique des pays d'islam, 3). Turkey ** 4134. Clarence K. Streit's The unknown Turks: Mustafa Kemal Paşa, nationalist Ankara & daily life in Anatolia, January–March 1921. Revised, edited and annotated by Heath W. LOWRY. İstanbul, Bahçeşehir U. P., 2011, XVIII-268 p. ** 4135. Dersim harekâtı ve cumhuriyet bürokrasisi (1936–1950). (Dersim operation and republican bureaucracy, 1936–1950) Derleyenler Tuba AKEKMEKÇI, Muazzez PERVAN. İstanbul, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2011, XXIX-721 p. (Tarih Vakfı-Necmeddin Sahir Sılan arşivi, 4). ** 4136. Revival of Islam in Turkey in the 1950's through the reports of American diplomats. Ed. by Rıfat N. BALI. İstanbul, Libra, 2011, 112 p. (Tarih dizisi, 37). 4137. BROCKETT (Gavin D.). How happy to call oneself a Turk: provincial newspapers and the negotiation
4145. KÉVORKIAN (Raymond). The Armenian genocide: a complete history. London, Tauris, 2011, VIII1029 p. 4146. KLEIN (Janet). The margins of empire: Kurdish militias in the Ottoman tribal zone. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XI-275 p. 4147. MUSIL (Pelin Ayan). Authoritarian party structures and democratic political setting in Turkey. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-232 p. 4148. MUTLU (Servet). The economic cost of civil conflict inTurkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 63-80. 4149. PHILLIOU (Christine M.). Biography of an empire: governing Ottomans in an age of revolution. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XXX-286 p. 4150. Popular protest and political participation in the Ottoman Empire: Studies in honor of Suraiya Faroqhi. Ed. by Eleni GARA, M. Erdem KABADAYI, Christoph K. NEUMANN. İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2011, X-364 p. (İstanbul Bilgi University Press, 368. History, 39).
4151. Question (A) of genocide: Armenians and Turks at the end of the Ottoman Empire. Ed. by Ronald Grigor SUNY, Fatma Müge GÖÇEK and Norman M. NAIMARK. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXII-434 p. 4152. RIEDLER (Florian). Opposition and legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire: conspiracies and political cultures. New York, Routledge, 2011, IX-114 p. (SOAS/ Routledge studies on the Middle East, 15). 4153. ULUS (Özgür Mutlu). The army and the radical left in Turkey: military coups, socialist revolution and Kemalism. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, X-267 p. (Library of modern Middle East studies, 97). 4154. ÜNGÖR (Uğur Ümit). The making of modern Turkey: nation and state in Eastern Anatolia, 1913–1950. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII-303 p. Cf. nos 3674, 3728 Uganda 4155. LWANGA-LUNYIIGO (Samwiri). Mwanga II: resistance to imposition of British colonial rule in Buganda, 1884–1899. Kampala, Wavah Books, 2011, XXVII289 p. Ukraine ** 4156. SHELEST (Petro I︠ukhymovych). "Spravz︠h︡niĭ sud istoriï shche poperedu": spohady, shchodennyky, dokumenty, materialy. ("This judgment of history yet to come": memories, diaries, documents, materials). Zahalʹna redaktsiia ta vstup I︠uriia SHAPOVALA. Kyïv, "ADEF-Ukraïna", 2011, 1120 p. ** 4157. Volynʹ i Polissia u nevidomiĭ epistoliarniĭ spadshchyni OUN i UPA, 1944–1954 rr. (Volyn' and Polissia in the unknown correspondence of the OUN and the UPA, 1944–1954). Upor. Volodymyr KOVALʹCHUK, Valeriĭ OHORODNIK. Kyïv, Toronto Litopys UPA, 2011, 1021 p. (Litopys UPA nova seriia, 16). 4158. ADELSGRUBER (Paulus), COHEN (Laurie), KUZMANY (Börries). Getrennt und doch verbunden. Grenzstädte zwischen Österreich und Russland 1772– 1918. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2011, 316 p. 4159. BYKOVA (Tetiana Borysivna). Stvorennia Krymsʹkoï ASRR: 1917–1921 rr. Kyïv, In-t istoriï Ukraïny NANU, 2011, 246 p. 4160. DORNIK (Wolfram) [et al.]. Die Ukraine: zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Fremdherrschaft 1917– 1922. Graz, Leykam, 2011, 544 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung. Sonderband, 13). 4161. KOTLJARCHUK (Andrej). Ukrainasvenskar i Gulagarkipelagen. Tvångsnormaliseringens teknik och kollektivt motstånd (Ukrainian Swedes in the Gulag Archipelago. Forced normalization techniques and collective resistance). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 1, p. 3-24. 4162. KUDLAĬ (Oleksandra Borysivna). Stvorennia ta diialʹnistʹ narodnoho ministerstva zemelʹnyk sprav
Ukraïnsʹkoï Narodnoï Respubliky (chervenʹ 1917–kvitenʹ 1918 rr.). (Establishment and operation of National Ministry of Land Affairs of the Ukrainian People's Republic, June 1917–April 1918). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2011, 82 p. 4163. PASHCHENIA (Vladislav Nikolaevich). Krymskaia oblastʹ v sovetskiĭ period (1945–1964 gg.). (Krymskaya region in the Soviet period (1945–1964 biennium). Simferopolʹ, DIAĬPI, 2011, 418 p. 4164. RISCH (William Jay). The Ukrainian West: culture and the fate of empire in Soviet Lviv. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XI-360 p. (Harvard historical studies, 173). 4165. Ukraine (Die): Prozesse der Nationsbildung. Hrsg. v. Andreas KAPPELER. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 453 p. 4166. VELYCHENKO (Stephen). State building in revolutionary Ukraine: a comparative study of governments and bureaucrats, 1917–1922. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2011, IX-434 p. United States of America ** 4167. Adams family correspondence. Volume 10 January 1794–June 1795. Ed. by Margaret A. HOGAN [et al.]. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XLVIII-546 p. (Adams papers. Series II). ** 4168. Papers (The) of Thomas Jefferson. Retirement series. Volume 8. 1 October 1814 to 31 August 1815. Ed. by J. Jefferson LOONEY. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2011, XLVII-776 p. ** 4169. Papers (The) of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 38. 1 July to 12 November 1802. Ed. by Barbara B. OBERG. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2011, XLIX-755 p. ** 4170. Papers The of Benjamin Franklin. Vol. 40. May 16 through September 15, 1783. Ed. by Ellen R. COHN. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, LXIII703 p. 4171. America's hundred years' war: U.S. expansion to the Gulf Coast and the fate of the Seminole, 1763– 1858. Ed. by William S. BELKO. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, 279 p. 4172. ARENSON (Adam). The great heart of the republic: St. Louis and the cultural Civil War. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 340 p. 4173. ARMSTRONG (Julie Buckner). Mary Turner and the memory of lynching. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XII-255 p. 4174. BARNES (Donna A.). The Louisiana populist movement, 1881–1900. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XX-318 p. 4175. BARNES (L. Diane). The Old South's modern worlds: slavery, region, and nation in the age of progress. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XV-331 p. 4176. BARNHART (Terry A.). Albert Taylor Bledsoe: defender of the Old South and architect of the lost
§ 2. History by countries cause. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XI270 p. (Southern biography series). 4177. BECKEL (Deborah). Radical reform: interracial politics in post-emancipation North Carolina. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-298 p. (American South series). 4178. BEHNKEN (Brian D.). Fighting their own battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the struggle for civil rights in Texas. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIX-347 p. 4179. BENCIVENNI (Marcella). Italian immigrant radical culture: the idealism of the sovversivi in the United States, 1890–1940. New York, New York U. P., 2011, VIII-279 p. 4180. BERGERON (Paul H.). Andrew Johnson's Civil War and Reconstruction. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2011, XII-299 p. 4181. BERNSTEIN (Shana). Bridges of reform: interracial civil rights activism in twentieth-century. Los Angeles. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-339 p. 4182. BILES (Roger). The fate of cities: urban America and the Federal Government, 1945–2000. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XIV-445 p. 4183. BLIGHT (David W.). American oracle: the Civil War in the civil rights era. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, 314 p. 4184. BOMAN (Dennis K.). Lincoln and citizens' rights in Civil War Missouri: balancing freedom and security. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, IX-356 p. (Conflicting worlds: new dimensions of the American Civil War). 4185. BORCHARD (Gregory A.). Abraham Lincoln and Horace Greeley. Carbondale, Southern Illinois U. P., 2011, XI-139 p. (Concise Lincoln library). 4186. BOULWARE (Tyler). Deconstructing the Cherokee nation: town, region, and nation among eighteenthcentury Cherokees. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XII-234 p. 4187. BOWEN (Michael). The roots of modern conservatism: Dewey, Taft, and the battle for the soul of the Republican Party. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, IX-254 p. 4188. BROWNING (Judkin). Shifting loyalties: the Union occupation of Eastern North Carolina. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII250 p. 4189. BROWN-NAGIN (Tomiko). Courage to dissent: Atlanta and the long history of the Civil rights movement. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-578 p. 4190. BURKEE (James C.). Power, politics, and the Missouri synod: a conflict that changed American Christianity. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2011, XVI-256 p. 4191. BURLINGAME (Michael). Lincoln and the Civil War. Carbondale, Southern Illinois U. P., 2011, 165 p. (Concise Lincoln library).
4192. Civil rights in New York City: from World War II to the Giuliani era. Ed. by Clarence TAYLOR. New York, Fordham U. P., 2011, IX-282 p. 4193. CLAMPITT (Bradley R.). The Confederate heartland: military and civilian morale in the Western Confederacy. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, VIII-236 p. (Conflicting worlds: new dimensions of the American Civil War). 4194. CLARKE (Frances M.). War stories: suffering and sacrifice in the Civil War North. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIV-251 p. 4195. Contesting slavery: the politics of bondage and freedom in the New American nation. Ed. by John Craig HAMMOND and Matthew MASON. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, XVII-313 p. (Jeffersonian America). 4196. COOK (Robert J.). Civil War senator: William Pitt Fessenden and the fight to save the American Republic. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, X316 p. (Conflicting worlds: new dimensions of the American Civil War). 4197. COTLAR (Seth). Tom Paine's America: the rise and fall of transatlantic radicalism in the early republic. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, XII-269 p. (Jeffersonian America). 4198. DANIELSON (Chris). After freedom summer: how race realigned Mississippi politics, 1965–1986. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XII-294 p. (New perspectives on the history of the South). 4199. DELAHAYE (Claire). Wilson contre les femmes: conquérir le droit de vote: perspectives nationales et internationals. Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2011, 295 p. 4200. DOMHOFF (G. William), WEBBER (Michael J.). Class and power in the New Deal: corporate moderates, Southern Democrats and the Liberal-Labor coalition. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, IX-288 p. (Studies in social inequality). 4201. DOWDEN-WHITE (Priscilla A.). Groping toward democracy: African American social welfare reform in St. Louis, 1910–1949. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2011, XVIII-300 p. 4202. DOWNS (Gregory P.). Declarations of dependence: the long reconstruction of popular politics in the South, 1861–1908. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, 346 p. 4203. ELKIND (Sarah S.). How local politics shape federal policy: business, power, and the environment in twentieth-century Los Angeles. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XII-267 p. (Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. series on business, society, and the state). 4204. ERICSON (David F.). Slavery in the American Republic: developing the Federal government, 1791– 1861. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, IX298 p.
4205. ETCHESON (Nicole). A generation at war: the Civil War era in a Northern community. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XII-371 p. 4206. FAULKNER (Carol). Lucretia Mott's heresy: abolition and women's rights in nineteenth-century America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 291 p. 4207. FLIPPEN (J. Brooks). Jimmy Carter, the politics of family, and the rise of the religious right. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, X-445 p. (Since 1970: histories of contemporary America). 4208. FRANTZ (Edward O.). The door of hope: republican presidents and the first Southern strategy, 1877–1933. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XII-295 p. (New perspectives on the history of the South). 4209. GALLAGHER (Gary W.). The Union war. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 215 p. 4210. GANNON (Barbara A.). The won cause: Black and White comradeship in the Grand Army of the Republic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIV-282 p. (Civil War America). 4211. GILPIN (R. Blakeslee). John Brown still lives! America's long reckoning with violence, equality, and change. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-279 p. 4212. Global Lincoln (The). Ed. by Richard CARand Jay SEXTON. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-329 p. (Oxford University/Rothermere American Institute book). WARDINE
4213. GOLDFIELD (David). America aflame: how the Civil War created a nation. New York, Bloomsbury Press, 2011, 632 p. 4214. GORE (Dayo F.). Radicalism at the crossroads: African American women activists in the Cold War. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XI-231 p. 4215. GREEN (Michael S.). Lincoln and the election of 1860. Carbondale, Southern Illinois U. P., 2011, XI136 p. (Concise Lincoln library). 4216. GUSTAFSON (Sandra M.). Imagining deliberative democracy in the early American republic. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, X-271 p. 4217. HALE (Grace Elizabeth). A nation of outsiders: how the white middle class fell in love with rebellion in postwar America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-386 p.
4221. HAUPTMAN (Laurence M.). The Tonawanda Senecas' heroic battle against removal: conservative activist Indians. Albany, Excelsior Editions, 2011, XXV196 p. 4222. HEDREN (Paul L.). After Custer: loss and transformation in Sioux country. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XVIII-254 p. 4223. HONECK (Mischa). We are the revolutionists: German-speaking immigrants and American abolitionists after 1848. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIII-236 p. (Race in the Atlantic World, 1700– 1900). 4224. HUCK (Stephan). Soldaten gegen Nordamerika. Lebenswelten Braunschweiger Subsidientruppen im amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 317 p. (Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte, 69). 4225. JORDAN (David M.). FDR, Dewey, and the election of 1944. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XII-386 p. 4226. KAZIN (Michael). American dreamers: how the left changed a nation. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011, XIX-329 p. 4227. KLOPOTEK (Brian). Recognition Odysseys: indigeneity, race, and federal tribal recognition policy in three Louisiana Indian communities. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XII-391 p. (Narrating native histories). 4228. KRETCHIK (Walter E.). U.S. Army doctrine: from the American Revolution to the war on terror. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XIII-392 p. (Modern war studies). 4229. LAUSE (Mark A.). A secret society history of the Civil War. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XIII-209 p. 4230. MAC CLENAHAN (William M. Jr.), BECKER (William H.). Eisenhower and the Cold War economy. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XV-304 p. 4231. MAC CORMICK (John S.), SILLITO (John R.). A history of Utah radicalism: startling, socialistic, and decidedly revolutionary. Logan, Utah State U. P., 2011, X-477 p. 4232. MAC EUEN (Melissa A.). Making war, making women: femininity and duty on the American home front, 1941–1945. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIV-270 p.
4218. HALL (Simon). American patriotism, American protest: social movements since the Sixties. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 215 p.
4233. MARTEN (James). Sing not war: the lives of Union and Confederate veterans in Gilded age America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XII-339 p. (Civil War America).
4219. HARRIS (William Charles). Lincoln and the Border States: preserving the Union. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XII-416 p.
4234. MARTIN (Bradford). The other eighties: a secret history of America in the age of Reagan. New York, Hill and Wang, 2011, XIX-242 p.
4220. HARRISON (Robert). Washington during Civil War and Reconstruction: race and radicalism. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-343 p.
4235. MINCHIN (Timothy J.), SALMOND (John A.). After the dream: black and white southerners since 1965. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, X-405 p.
§ 2. History by countries (Civil rights and the struggle for Black equality in the twentieth century). 4236. MORSER (Eric J.). Hinterland dreams: the political economy of a Midwestern city [La Crosse, Wisconsin]. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XVI-266 p. (American business, politics, and society). 4237. NELSON (Alondra). Body and soul: the Black Panther Party and the fight against medical discrimination. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, XVIII-289 p. 4238. OSSIAN (Lisa L.). The Depression dilemmas of rural Iowa, 1929–1933. Columbia a. London, University of Missouri, 2011, XII-237 p. 4239. PEGRAM (Thomas R.). One hundred percent American: the rebirth and decline of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2011, XVI-281 p. 4240. RAMAGE (James A.), WATKINS (Andrea S.). Kentucky rising: democracy, slavery, and culture from the early republic to the Civil War. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky Historical Society, 2011, 445 p. 4241. REED (Christopher Robert). The depression comes to the South Side: protest and politics in the Black metropolis [Chicago], 1930–1933. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIII-182 p. (Blacks in the diaspora). 4242. REID (John Phillip). Forging a fur empire: Expeditions in the Snake River country, 1809–1824. Norman, Arthur H. Clark Company, 2011, 229 p. (Western frontiersmen series, 36). 4243. RIESS (Steven A.). The sport of kings and the kings of crime: horse racing, politics, and organized crime in New York, 1865–1913. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2011, XXIV-446 p. (Sports and entertainment). 4244. RODRIGUEZ (Marc Simon). The Tejano Diaspora: Mexican Americanism and ethnic politics in Texas and Wisconsin. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, in association with the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2011, XVIII-238 p. 4245. ROLLAND-DIAMOND (Caroline). Chicago: le moment 68. Territoires de la contestation étudiante et répression politique. Paris, Éditions Syllepse, 2011, 365 p. 4246. ROSS (Steven J.). Hollywood left and right: how movie stars shaped American politics. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-500 p. 4247. ROSS-NAZZAL (Jennifer M.). Winning the West for women: the life of suffragist Emma Smith DeVoe. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2011, XV-256 p.
vival to the New Christian Right. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XI-225 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 4250. SCHULDES (Martin). Retrenchment in the American Welfare State. The Reagan and Clinton administrations in comparative perspective. Münster, LIT, 2011, 675 p. (Studien zur Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas, 30). 4251. Shadow (In the) of freedom: the politics of slavery in the national capital. Ed. by Paul FINKELMAN and Donald R. KENNON. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2011, VIII-248 p. (Perspectives on the history of congress, 1801–1877). 4252. SHREVE (Bradley G.). Red power rising: the National Indian Youth Council and the origins of native activism. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XVIII-275 p. (New directions in Native American studies, 5). 4253. SMITH (Michael Thomas). The enemy within: fears of corruption in the Civil War North. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, VIII-229 p. (A nation divided: studies in the Civil War era). 4254. SOUTHARD (Belinda A. Stillion). Militant citizenship: rhetorical strategies of the National Woman's Party, 1913–1920. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2011, X-303 p. (Presidential rhetoric series, 21). 4255. SPAHN (Hannah). Thomas Jefferson, time, and history. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-290 p. (Jeffersonian America). 4256. SPARROW (James T.). Warfare State: World War II Americans and the age of big government. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, 336 p. 4257. STRUB (Whitney). Perversion for profit: the politics of pornography and the rise of the new right. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, 382 p. 4258. SURI (Jeremi). Liberty's surest guardian: American nation-building from the founders to Obama. New York, Free Press, 2011, 368 p. 4259. TEMKIN (Moshik). The Sacco-Vanzetti affair: America on trial. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, 316 p. 4260. THOMAS (Karen Kruse). Deluxe Jim Crow: civil rights and American health policy, 1935–1954. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XVII-372 p. 4261. TIRO (Karim M.). The people of the standing stone: the Oneida nation from the Revolution through the era of removal. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XXI-247 p. (Native Americans of the Northeast: culture, history, and the contemporary).
4248. SALDIN (Robert P.). War, the American state, and politics since 1898. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-258 p.
4262. TITUS (Jill Ogline). Brown's battleground: students, segregationists, and the struggle for justice in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-279 p.
4249. SCHÄFER (Axel R.). Countercultural conservatives: American Evangelicalism from the postwar re-
4263. TOMEK (Beverly C.). Colonization and its discontents: emancipation, emigration, and antislavery in
antebellum Pennsylvania. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XXIII-296 p. (Early American places). 4264. TREUER (Anton). The Assassination of Hole in the Day. St. Paul, Minn.: Borealis Books, 2011, XIX-295 p. 4265. TULLOS (Allen). Alabama getaway: the political imaginary and the Heart of Dixie. Athens a. London, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XII-364 p. (Politics and culture in the twentieth-century South). 4266. UMBACH (Fritz). The last neighborhood cops: the rise and fall of community policing in New York public housing. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, X-233 p. (Critical issues in crime and society). 4267. VALSANIA (Maurizio). The limits of optimism: Thomas Jefferson's dualistic enlightenment. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, 207 p. (Jeffersonian America). 4268. VINYARD (JoEllen McNergney). Right in Michigan's grassroots: from the KKK to the Michigan Militia. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, XI-363 p. 4269. WALDREP (Christopher). Race and national power: a sourcebook of Black civil rights from 1862 to 1954. New York, Routledge, 2011, XIX-315 p. 4270. WARD (Jason Morgan). Defending white democracy: the making of a segregationist movement and the remaking of racial politics, 1936–1965. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XI-252 p. 4271. WARSHAUER (Matthew). Connecticut in the American Civil War: slavery, sacrifice, and survival. Middletown, Wesleyan U. P., 2011, X-309 p. (Driftless Connecticut Series/Garnet Books). 4272. WILLIS (Lee L.). Southern prohibition: race, reform, and public life in middle Florida, 1821–1920. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XI-209 p. 4273. WILSON (Lori Lee). The Joaquín band: the history behind the legend. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XIV-322 p. 4274. WOODWORTH (Steven E.). This great struggle: America's Civil War. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2011, XIII-407 p. 4275. YIRUSH (Craig). Settlers, liberty, and empire: the roots of early American political theory, 1675– 1775. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-277 p. 4276. YOKOTA (Kariann Akemi). Unbecoming British: how revolutionary America became a postcolonial nation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-354 p. Cf. no 4406
4278. DE GIORGI (Ana Laura). Las tribus de la izquierda en los 60: bolches, latas y tupas: comunistas, socialistas y tupamaros desde la cultura política. Montevideo, Editorial Fin de Siglo, 2011, 176 p. 4279. LEIBNER (Gerardo). Camaradas y compañeros: una historia política y social de los comunistas del Uruguay. T. 1. La era Gomez, 1941–1955. T. 2. La era Arismendi, 1955–1973. Montevideo, Trilce, 2011, 2 vol., 632 p. Venezuela 4280. ARRÁIZ LUCCA (Rafael). El "trienio adeco" (1945–1948) y las conquistas de la ciudadanía. Caracas, Editorial Alfa, 2011, 165 p. (Biblioteca Rafael Arráiz Lucca, 5). – IDEM. Venezuela, 1728–1830: Guipuzcoana e Independencia: breve historia política. Caracas, Editorial Alfa, 2011, 239 p. (Biblioteca Rafael Arráiz Lucca, 6). 4281. MANZANILLA CELIS (Ángel Francisco). La sublevación de Francisco Javier Pirela: Maracaibo, 1799– 1800: una nueva perspectiva histórica e historiográfica. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2011, 538 p. (Colección Bicentenario de la independencia). 4282. Revolution (The) in Venezuela: social and political change under Chávez. Ed. by Thomas PONNIAH and Jonathan EASTWOOD. Cambridge a. London, Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin America, 2011, VI-338 p. 4283. Venezuela's Bolivarian democracy: participation, politics and culture under Chávez. Ed. by David SMILDE and Daniel HELLINGER. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2011, XX-381 p. Vietnam 4284. BROCHEUX (Pierre). Histoire du Viêt Nam contemporain: la nation résiliente. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 294 p. 4285. GOSCHA (Christopher E.). Vietnam: un État né de la guerre, 1945–1954. Paris, Armand Colin, 2011, 558 p. 4286. GROßHEIM (Martin). Ho Chi Minh. Der geheimnisvolle Revolutionär. Leben und Legende. München, Beck, 2011, 190 p. Yemen 4287. KUEHN (Thomas). Empire, Islam, and politics of difference: Ottoman rule in Yemen, 1849–1919. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XVIII-292 p. (Ottoman Empire and its heritage: politics, society and economy, 48). Yugoslavia Cf. nos 3251, 3254, 3326, 3327, 4052, 4053 Zambia
Uruguay 4277. Cacicazgos (De los) a la ciudadanía: sistemas políticos en la frontera, Río de la Plata, siglos XVIII– XX. Ed. po Mónica QUIJADA. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 2011, 388 p. (Estudios indiana, 3).
4288. LARMER (Miles). Rethinking African politics: a history of opposition in Zambia. Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2011, XVII-321 p. 4289. Living the end of empire: politics and society in late colonial Zambia. Ed. by Jan-Bart GEWALD,
§ 2. History by countries Marja HINFELAAR and Giacomo MACOLA. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XII-333 p. (Afrika-Studiecentrum series, 21). Zimbabwe 4290. BROWNELL (Josiah). The collapse of Rhodesia: population demographics and the politics of race. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XIV-241 p. (International library of African studies, 28). 4291. O'GORMAN (Eleanor). The front line runs through every woman: women & local resistance in the
Zimbabwean Liberation War. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2011, XV-192 p. (African issues). 4292. STAPLETON (Timothy Joseph). African police and soldiers in colonial Zimbabwe, 1923–1980. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2011, XII-313 p. (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora, 50). 4293. WHITE (Luise). 'Normal political activities': Rhodesia, the Pearce Commission, and the African National Council. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 321-340.
§ 1. General. 4294-4360. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4361-4489. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4490-4494. – § 4. Protestantism. 4495-4569. – § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. 4570-4603. § 1. General. ______________________
4294. Ablution, initiation and baptism = Waschungen, Initiation und Taufe: late antiquity, early Judaism and early Christianity. Ed. by David HELLHOLM [et al.]. Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, 3 vol., LXIII-XXVIIIXIV-2024 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 176). 4295. Anatemi di ieri sfide di oggi: contrappunti di genere nella rilettura del Concilio di Trento. A cura di Antonio AUTIERO e Marinella PERRONI. Bologna, EDB, 2011, 303 p. (Scienze religiose, 26). 4296. ARMANIOS (Febe). Coptic christianity in Ottoman Egypt. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-254 p. (ill.). 4297. AUSLANDER (Leora). Negotiating embodied difference: Veils, Minarets, Kippas and Sukkot in contemporary Europe. An Essay. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 401-418. 4298. BAAR-CANTONI (Regina). Religionspolitik Friedrichs II. von der Pfalz im Spannungsfeld von Reichsund Landespolitik. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, XXIX362 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 188). 4299. BALBIER (Uta Andrea). "Youth for Christ" in England und Deutschland. Religiöser Transnationalismus und christliche Nachkriegsordnung 1945–1948. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 209-224.
4302. BRUCE (Steve). Secularization: in defence of an unfashionable theory. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-243 p. 4303. CHATTERJEE (Nandini). The making of Indian secularism: empire, law and Christianity, 1830–1960. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-337 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 4304. Chrétiens (Les) dans la mouvance altermondialiste. Sous la dir. de Christophe GRANNEC. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 191 p. 4305. CLARK (Anthony E.). China's Saints: Catholic martyrdom during the Qing 1644–1911. Lahnam, Lehigh U. P., 2011, 270 p. 4306. CODEVILLA (Giovanni). Chiesa e impero in Russia: dalla Rus' di Kiev alla Federazione russa. Prefazione di Sante GRACIOTTI. Milano, Jaca book, 2011, XXXV-683 p. (ill.). (Di fronte e attraverso, 1028). 4307. Cristianesimo e democrazia: atti del 1. Convegno di studi organizzato dalla CUSCC (Pavia, 21–22 settembre 2009). Consulta universitaria per la storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese (CUSCC). A cura di Annibale ZAMBARBIERI e Giorgio OTRANTO. Bari, Edipuglia, 2011, 337 p. 4308. CRISTOFORI (Silvia). Il movimento pentecostale nel post-genocidio rwandese: i salvati (balokole). Torino, L'harmattan Italia, 2011, 386 p. (ill.). 4309. DAVIDSON (James D.), PYLE (Ralph E.). Ranking faiths: religious stratification in America. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011, IX-219 p.
4300. BRENNAN (Sean). The politics of religion in Soviet-occupied Germany: the case of Berlin-Brandenburg 1945–1949. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XXIX-235 p.
4310. DEL ZANNA (Giorgio). I cristiani e il Medio Oriente (1798–1924). Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 361 p. (ill.). (Saggi, 748).
4301. BROWN (Callum G.). The people of "no religion". The demographics of secularisation in the Englishspeaking World since c. 1900. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 37-62.
4311. Empires of God: religious encounters in the early modern Atlantic. Ed. by Linda GREGERSON and Susan JUSTER, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 2011, IX-334 p.
4312. England's wars of religion revisited. Ed. by Charles W.A. PRIOR and Glenn BURGESS. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XIV-335 p. 4313. Europa divisa (L') e i nuovi mondi: per Adriano Prosperi. Vol. 2. A cura di Massimo DONATTINI, Giuseppe MARCOCCI e Stefania PASTORE. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, VII-415 p. (ill.). 4314. Europäisches und Globales Christentum = European and global Christianity. Herausforderungen und Transformationen im 20. Jahrhundert = Challenges and transformations in the 20th century. Hrsg. v. Katharina KUNTER und Jens Holger SCHJØRRING. Göttingen u. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 381 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, Rh. B: Darstellungen, 54). 4315. FAIVRE (Alexandre). Chrétiens et Églises des identités en construction: acteurs, structures, frontières du champ religieux chrétien, Paris, Les Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 608 p. 4316. Famiglia e religione in Europa nell'età moderna: studi in onore di Silvana Seidel Menchi. A cura di Giovanni CIAPPELLI, Serena LUZZI e Massimo ROSPOCHER. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, IX-327 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di storia sociale, 38). 4317. FANTAPPIÈ (Carlo). Arturo Carlo Jemolo: riforma religiosa e laicità dello Stato. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2011, 208 p. (Il pellicano rosso. Nuova serie, 130). 4318. Fede (La) degli Italiani: per Adriano Prosperi, vol. 1. A cura di Guido DALL'OLIO, Adelisa MALENA, Pierroberto SCARAMELLA. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 431 p. 4319. First prejudice (The): religious tolerance and intolerance in early America. Ed. by Chris BENEKE and Christopher S. GRENDA. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 2011, VI-401 p. 4320. FONTAINE (Darcie S.). Decolonizing christianity: grassroots ecumenism in France and Algeria, 1940–1965. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, IX454 p. 4321. GARELLI (Franco). From Catholic hegemony to pluralism. The transformation of religion and public life in Italy since 1945. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 141-162. 4322. GAY (Jean-Pascal). Morales en conflit. Théologie et polémique au Grand Siècle (1640–1700). Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2011, 984 p. 4323. GILL (Jill K.). Embattled ecumenism: the National Council of Churches, the Vietnam War, and the trials of the Protestant left. DeKalb, NIU Press, 2011, XII-551 p. (Ill.). 4324. GILLNER (Bastian). Freie Herren – Freie Religion. Der Adel des Oberstifts Münster zwischen konfessionellem Konflikt und staatlicher Verdichtung 1500 bis 1700. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 567 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 8).
4325. GRABER (Jennifer). The furnace of affliction: prisons and religion in antebellum America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XII234 p. 4326. HABSBURG (Maximilian von). Catholic and Protestant translations of the Imitatio Christi, 1425– 1650: from Late Medieval classic to early Modern bestseller. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, X-355 p. (St. Andrews Studies in Reformation history). 4327. HERING (Rainer). Die Kirchen als Schlüssel zur politischen Macht? Katholizismus, Protestantismus und Sozialdemokratie in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 237266. 4328. HOBERMAN (Michael). New Israel/New England: Jews and Puritans in Early America. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XIV-280 p. 4329. HOLLAND (David F). Sacred borders: continuing revelation and canonical restraint in early America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, 286 p. (ill.). 4330. HOWARD (Thomas Albert). God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the religious divide. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-256 p. 4331. JAKOBSEN (Jesper). Omorganiseringen af den teologiske censur Generalkirkeinspektionskollegiets censurvirksomhed 1737–1747. (Reorganization of theological censorship. The Department of General Ecclesiastical Supervision 1737–1747). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 1, p. 1-35. 4332. KAPLAN (Debra). Beyond expulsion: Jews, Christians, and Reformation Strasbourg. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XV-254 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). 4333. KUDELIĆ (Zlatko). Vjerske konverzije u Bosni i Hercegovini s kraja 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća u svjetlu nepoznatog arhivskog gradiva. (Religious conversions in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries in the light of up to now unknown archival sources). Croatica Christiana Periodica, 2011, 35, 68, p. 87-111. 4334. MAZZONE (Umberto). Cristianesimo: istituzioni e società dalla Rivoluzione francese alla globalizzazione. Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2011, 390 p. (I prismi. Storia contemporanea). 4335. OEGEMA (Gerbern S.). Apocalyptic interpretation of the Bible: apocalypticism and Biblical interpretation in early Judaism, the Apostle Paul, the historical Jesus and their reception history. London, T&T Clark Ltd, 2011, XII-194 p. 4336. PASTURE (Patrick). Religious globalisation in Post-war Europe. Spiritual connections and interactions. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 63-108. 4337. PETIT (Benoît). L'Allemagne de l'Est (1949– 1989): religion et politique en mutation. Montpellier, Presses Univ. de la Méditerranée, 2011, 674 p. (ill.).
§ 2. Roman Catholicism
4338. POLLACK (Detlef). Renaissance des Religiösen? Veränderungen auf dem religiösen Feld in ausgewählten Ländern Ost- und Ostmitteleuropas. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 109-140.
4351. SHAGAN (Ethan H.). The rule of moderation: violence, religion and the politics of restraint in early Modern England. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-381 p.
4339. RASMUSSEN (Jens). Forholdet mellem kirke og stat i Danmark: kirkeforfatningsforslagene i sidste halvdel af det 19. århundrede, de kirkepolitiske perspektiver. (La relation entre l'Eglise et l'Etat au Danemark dans la seconde moitié du 19e siècle). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 289 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 415).
4352. SIX (Clemens). Postkolonialer Säkularismus in Indien und Indonesien, 1945–1965. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 487-510.
4340. Religion in contemporary China: revitalization and innovation. Ed. by Adam YUET CHAU. London, Routledge, 2011, XVI-244 p. (Ill.).
4354. SPOHNHOLZ (Jesse). The tactics of toleration: a refugee community in the age of Religious Wars. Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2011, 334 p.
4341. Religion, culture and national community in the 1670s. Ed. by Tony CLAYDON and Thomas N. CORNS. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011, X-198 p. (Religion, education and culture).
4355. STÄDTER (Benjamin). Verwandelte Blicke: Eine Visual History von Kirche und Religion in der Bundesrepublik 1945–1980. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2011, 432 p.
4342. Religiones y guerra civil española: Gran Bretaña, Francia, España. Ed. por Antón M. PAZOS. Santiago de Compostela, CSIC, 2011, 162 p.
4356. STRONKS (Els). Negotiating differences: word, image, and religion in the Dutch Republic. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XX-341 p. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, 155).
4343. REMILLARD (Arthur). Southern civil religions: imagining the good society in the post-reconstruction era. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, X-234 p. (New Southern studies). 4344. Ringen um die Wahrheit: Gewissenskonflikte in der Christentumsgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Mariano DELGADO, Volker LEPPIN und David NEUHOLD. Fribourg, Academic Press, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, 415 p. (Studien zur christlichen Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, 15). 4345. Riti di passaggio, storie di giustizia: per Adriano Prosperi, vol. 3. A cura di Vincenzo LAVENIA e Giovanna PAOLIN. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, VII-374 p. (ill.). 4346. RUBIO LÓPEZ (José Ignacio). Hacia la primera libertad: libertad religiosa en los EE.UU.: de las colonias a la Corte Rehnquist (1600–1986). Prólogo Rafael NAVARRO-VALLS. Pamplona, EUNSA (Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A.), 2011, 1203 p. 4347. SADOUNI (Samadia). La controverse islamochrétienne en Afrique du Sud: Ahmed Deedat et les nouvelles formes de débat. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011, 257 p. 4348. SCHOONHEIM (Marloes), HÜLSKEN (Marloes). Religion and fertility at the extremes: the Netherlands and Taiwan, 1950–1985. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 267-277. 4349. SCHULTZ (Kevin M.). Tri-faith America: how Catholics and Jews held postwar America to its Protestant promise. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-256 p. (ill.). 4350. SEHAT (David). The myth of American religious freedom. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-356 p.
4353. SPAANS (Joke). Graphic satire and religious change: the Dutch Republic, 1676–1707. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 288 p. (ill.). (Brill's series in Church history, 53. Religious history and culture series, 5).
4357. SUIRE (Éric). Sainteté et lumières: hagiographie, spiritualité et propagande religieuse dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Champion, 2011, 519 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 36). 4358. URIA (Ignacio). Iglesia y revolucion en Cuba: Enrique Pérez Serantes 1883–1968, el obispo que salvò a Fidel Castro. Presentacion de Fernando Garcia De Cortazar. Madrid, Encuentro, 2011, 620 p. 4359. Zerstrittene Volksgemeinschaft: Glaube, Konfession und Religion im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Manfred GAILUS und Armin NOLZEN. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 325 p. (ill.). 4360. ZIEMANN (Benjamin). Säkularisierung und Neuformierung des Religiösen. Religion und Gesellschaft in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 3-36. Cf. nos 318, 678-727, 4190, 5010 § 2. Roman Catholicism. _______________________
a. General ** 4361. Dialogo e rinnovamento: verbali e testi del Segretariato per l'unità dei cristiani nella preparazione del Concilio vaticano II (1960−1962). A cura di Mauro VELATI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 939 p. (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose. Serie Fonti e strumenti di ricerca, 5). 4362. CHIRON (Yves). Histoire des conciles. Paris, Perrin, 2011, 287 p. 4363. Devozioni, pratiche e immaginario religioso: espressioni del cattolicesimo tra 1400 e 1850: storici cileni e italiani a confronto. A cura di René MILLAR e
Roberto RUSCONI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 453 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche, 26). 4364. MENNITI IPPOLITO (Antonio). 1664: un anno della Chiesa universale: saggio sull'italianità del papato in età moderna. Roma, Viella, 2011, 264 p. (I libri di Viella, 119). 4365. SCATENA (Silvia). Taizé: le origini della comunità e l'attesa del concilio. Zürich, LIT, 2011, 143 p. (Christianity and history, 10). 4366. TWEED (Thomas A.). Americas Church: the National Shrine and Catholic presence in the nation's capital. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-391 p. (ill.). b. History of the Popes ** 4367. Lettere (Le) di Benedetto XIV al marchese Paolo Magnani. A cura di Paolo PRODI e Maria Teresa FATTORI. Roma, Herder, 2011, CII-681 p. 4368. BONORA (Elena). Roma 1564: la congiura contro il papa. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XI-228 p. (ill.). (Storia e società). 4369. BRUNELLI (Giampiero). Il Sacro consiglio di Paolo IV. Roma, Viella, 2011, 287 p. (Studi di storia moderna e contemporanea, 4). 4370. COPPA (Frank J.). The policies and politics of pope Pius XII: between diplomacy and morality. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, VIII-205 p. 4371. Fatiche (Le) di Benedetto XIV: origine ed evoluzione dei trattati di Prospero Lambertini (1675– 1758). A cura di Maria Teresa FATTORI. Prefazione di Carlo card. CAFFARRA. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, LXVI-382 p. (Temi e testi, 97). 4372. GRECO (Gaetano). Benedetto XIV. Un canone per la Chiesa. Roma, Salerno, 2011, 409 p. (Profili. Nuova serie, 52). 4373. LILL (Rudolf). Die Macht der Päpste. Kevelaer, Butzon & Bercker, 2011, 308 p. 4374. WOLF (Hubert), SCHMIDT (Bernward). Benedikt XIV und die Reform des Buchzensurverfahrens: zur Geschichte und Rezeption von "Sollicita ac provida". Paderborn, F. Schoningh, 2011, 237 p. (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation, 13). c. Special studies * 4375. 1810−2010: duecento anni di liberalismo: la questione liberale e la "Civiltà cattolica", liberalismo cattolico e cattolicesimo liberale. Rassegna bibliografica a cura di Ercole CAMURANI. Fidenza, Mattioli 1885, 2011, 335 p. (ill.). (Strumenti per il lavoro storico, 3). ** 4376. BONOMELLI (Geremia). A lei scrivo con tutta libertà: lettere a Giovanni M. Cornoldi S.I. (1884– 1890). A cura di Diego Brunello S.I. Introduzione di Luciano MALUSA. Note di Barbara CURTARELLI. Milano, Àncora, 2011, 102 p. (Saggi). ** 4377. Dokumentumok Grősz József kalocsai érsek hagyatékából: 1956–1957. (Joseph Grosz documents
from the legacy of Archbishop of Kalocsa: 1956–1957). A bevezető tanulmányt írta, a dokumentumokat válogatta és jegyzetekkel ellátta KÁLMÁN Peregrin. Budapest, Szent István Társulat, Hamvas Béla Kultúrakutató Intézet, 2011, 695 p. ** 4378. REINHOLD (Hans Ansgar). Schriften und Briefwechsel – eine Dokumentation. Hrsg. v. Gerhard BESIER und Peter SCHMIDT-EPPENDORF unt. Mitarb. v. Melanie KLUGHARDT und Ronald LAMBRECHT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 587 p. 4379. AL KALAK (Matteo). L'eresia dei fratelli: una comunità eterodossa nella Modena del Cinquecento. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, XX-276 p. (Temi e testi, 9). 4380. António Lino Neto, perfil de uma intervenção pública: antología de textos (1894–1940). Coordenação, João Miguel ALMEIDA e Rita MENDONÇA LEITE. Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, 2011, 339 p. (História religiosa. Fontes e subsídios, 9). 4381. AVELEDO (Guillermo T.). Pro religione et patria: república y religión en la crisis de la sociedad colonial venezolana (1810–1834). Caracas, Universidad Metropolitana, 2011, 558 p. 4382. BARDY (Gerard). Charles le catholique: De Gaulle et l'eglise. Paris, Plon, 2011, 389 p. 4383. BAUER (Christian), STRAßNER (Veit). Kirchliche Präsenz in der Fabrik: das Experiment der französischen Arbeiterpriester. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 187-208. 4384. BERCÉ (Yves-Marie). Lorette aux 16. et 17. siècles: histoire du plus grand pélerinage des temps modernes. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011, 371 p. (ill.). (Centre Roland Mousnier, 48). 4385. BOSCHI (Judith). Gli archivi parrocchiali trentini: produzione documentaria e sedimentazione archivistica (secoli 15.–20.). Roma, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2011, XXXVIII-174 p. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Saggi, 101). 4386. BOUDON (Jacques-Olivier). Monseigneur Darboy (1813–1871), archevêque de Paris entre Pie IX et Napoléon III. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 188 p. 4387. BRENDLE (Franz). Der Erzkanzler im Religionskrieg: Kurfürst Anselm Casimir von Mainz, die geistlichen Fürsten und das Reich 1629 bis 1647. Münster, Aschaffendorf, 2011, XIV-578 p. 4388. BREZZI (Camillo). Laici, cattolici, Chiesa e Stato dall'unità d'Italia alla Grande Guerra. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 336 p. (Il veliero). 4389. Cammino (Il) della laicità: dalla legge sul divorzio alla revisione del Concordato (1970–1985). A cura di Laura DE GREGORIO, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 249 p. (Religione e società, 35).
§ 2. Roman Catholicism 4390. CARTOCCI (Roberto). Geografia dell'Italia cattolica. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 179 p. (ill.). (Contemporanea, 207). 4391. CASTELLI (Francesco). Padre Pio e il Sant'Uffizio (1918−1939): fatti, protagonisti, documenti inediti. Roma, Studium, 2011, 257 p. (La cultura, 132). 4392. Cattolici (I) che hanno fatto l'Italia: religiosi e cattolici piemontesi di fronte all'unità d'Italia. A cura di Lucetta SCARAFFIA. Torino, Lindau, 2011, 249 p. (I leoni). 4393. Chiesa cattolica e minoranze in Italia nella prima metà del Novecento: il caso veneto a confronto. A cura di Raffaella PERIN. Roma, Viella, 2011, 230 p. 4394. CIRIELLO (Caterina). Pietro Pavan: la metamorfosi della dottrina sociale nel pontificato di Pio XII. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, XI, 341 p. (Santa Sede e politica nel Novecento, 8). 4395. Clero e guerre spagnole in età contemporanea (1808–1939). A cura di Alfonso BOTTI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 462 p. (ill). 4396. COPPOLA (Salvatore). Bona mixta malis: fascismo, antifascismo e chiesa cattolica nel Salento. Con la collaborazione di Emanuela SPECCHIA. Prefazione di Mario SPEDICATO. Castiglione, Giorgiani, 2011, 415 p. 4397. Crisis (The) of authority in catholic modernity. Ed. by Michael J. LACEY and Francis OAKLEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-381 p. 4398. DE VITO (Christian G.). Mondo operaio e cristianesimo di base: l'esperienza dell'Isolotto di Firenze. Prefazione di Enzo MAZZI. Postfazioni di Domenico MASELLI e Alessio GRAMOLATI. Roma, Ediesse, 2011, 179 p. (Storia e memoria). 4399. Don Michele Rua nella storia (1873−1910): atti del Congresso internazionale di studi su don Rua: (Roma, Salesianum, 29–31 ottobre 2010). A cura di Francesco MOTTO. Roma, LAS, 2011, 861 p. (Studi, 27). 4400. FISICHELLA (Domenico). Il caso Rosmini: cattolicesimo, nazione, federalismo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 145 p. (Sfere, 63). 4401. FOSI (Irene). Convertire lo straniero: forestieri e inquisizione a Roma in età moderna. Roma, Viella, 2011, 286 p. (La corte dei papi, 21). 4402. FOUILLOUX (Etienne). Eugène, cardinal Tisserant, 1884–1972: une biographie. Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2011, 717 p. (ill.). (Pages d'histoire. Biographie). 4403. FRAGNITO (Gigliola). Cinquecento italiano: religione, cultura e potere dal Rinascimento alla Controriforma. A cura di Elena BONORA e Miguel GOTOR. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 453 p. (Saggi, 762). 4404. Francisco de Borja y su tiempo: política, religión y cultura en la edad moderna. Editores Enrique GARCÍA HERNÁN y María DEL PILAR RYAN. Valencia, Albatros y Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2011, XIV-800 p.
4405. GAZZETTA (Liviana). Cattoliche durante il fascismo: ordine sociale e organizzazioni femminili nelle Venezie. Roma, Viella, 2011, 302 p. (I libri di Viella, 121). 4406. GERSTER (Daniel). Von Pilgerfahrten zu Protestmärschen? Zum Wandel des katholischen Friedensengagements in den USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945–1990. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 311-342. 4407. GIBBONS (Katy). English Catholic exiles in late sixteenth-century Paris. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Royal Historical Society a. Boydell Press, 2011, X-206 p. (Studies in history new series. Royal Historical Society studies in history). 4408. GIOVAGNOLI (Agostino). Chiesa e democrazia: la lezione di Pietro Scoppola. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 293 p. (Saggi, 746). 4409. GIVENS (Bryan). Judging Maria de Macedo: a female visionary and the inquisition in early Modern Portugal. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, VIII-255 p. 4410. GONZÁLEZ GULLÓN (José Luis). El clero en la Segunda República: Madrid, 1931–1936. Burgos, Editorial Monte Carmelo, 2011, 483 p. 4411. GUÉREND (Jean-Pierre). Cardinal Emmanuel Suhard, archevêque de Paris (1940–1949). Temps de guerre, temps de paix, passion pour la mission. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 370 p. (L'histoire à vif). 4412. HAYES (Patrick J.). A Catholic brain trust: the history of the Catholic Commission on intellectual and cultural affairs, 1945–1965. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame press, 2011, VII-431 p. 4413. Historia de la iglesia en Chile. Dir. por Marcial SÁNCHEZ GAETE. T. 3. Los nuevos caminos: la Iglesia y el Estado. Ed. por Rodrigo MORENO JERIA; coord. Marco LEÓN LEÓN. Santiago de Chile, Universitaria, 2011, 785 p. (Imagen de Chile). 4414. Jeunesse étudiante chrétienne (La) 1929–2009: actes de la journée d'étude organisée par le Centre national des archives de l'Église de France, Paris, 7 décembre 2009. Réunis par Bernard BARBICHE et Christian SORREL. Lyon, RESEA-LAHRA, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, 2011, 283 p. (Chretiens et societes. Documents et memoires, 12). 4415. Katholische Kirche und Gemeindeleben in den USA und in Deutschland: überraschende Ergebnisse einer ländervergleichenden Umfrage. Hrsg. v. Kai REINHOLD und Matthias SELLMANN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 223-149 p. 4416. LANGLOIS (Claude). Catholicisme, religieuses et société: le temps des bonnes soeurs (19.e siècle). Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2011, 217 p. 4417. LATRÉ (Bart). Strijd & inkeer: de kerk- en maatschappijkritische beweging in Vlaanderen, 1958–
1990. Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2011, 471 p. (KADOC Studies, 34). 4418. LAUFEN (Veronika). Der Verband katholischer kaufmännischer Vereinigungen Deutschlands 1877– 1933. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 518 p. (Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte, 22). 4419. LECIS (Luca). Chiesa e società in Sardegna: trasformazioni economiche e mutamenti sociali dal dopoguerra al postconcilio. Introduzione di Alberto MONTICONE. Roma, Studium, 2011, 285 p. (Cultura Studium, 3. Cultura Studium. Religione e società, 1). 4420. LÓPEZ-SALAZAR CODES (Ana Isabel). Inquisición y política: el gobierno del Santo Oficio en el Portugal de los Austrias (1578–1653). Lisboa, Centro de Estudos História Religiosa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2011, 421 p. (ill.). 4421. LUZZATTO (Sergio). Il crocifisso di Stato. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, 127 p. (Vele, 63). 4422. MARIANI (Paul P.). Church militant: Bishop Kung and Catholic resistance in Communist Shanghai. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XIII-282 p. 4423. MICCOLI (Giovanni). La Chiesa dell'anticoncilio: i tradizionalisti alla riconquista di Roma. Roma, Bari, Laterza, 2011, X-420 p. (Storia e società). 4424. NOBILI (Elena). Ildefonso Schuster e il rinnovamento cattolico, 1880−1929. Prefazione di Gianfranco RAVASI. Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2011, 254 p. 4425. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia). From Strassburg to Trent: bishops, printing and liturgical reform in the fifteenth century. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 3-39. 4426. OSPINA SUÁREZ (Pedro Antonio). Hernando Arias de Ugarte (Bogotá, 1561–Lima, 1638): el obispo de América del Sur. Ed. por Juan José GARCÍA POSADA. Medellín, Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2011, 765 p. (Colección Teología). 4427. PALMIERI (Pasquale). Il lento tramonto del Sant'Uffizio. La giustizia ecclesiastica nel Regno di Napoli durante il secolo XVIII. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 26-60. 4428. PEÑA (Elaine A.). Performing piety: making space sacred with the Virgin of Guadalupe. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XIII-219 p. 4429. PETIT (Vincent). Catholiques et Comtois: liturgie diocésaine et identité régionale au XIXe siècle. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2011, 708 p. (ill.). 4430. PONCET (Olivier). La France et le pouvoir pontifical (1595–1661): l'esprit des institutions. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, XIV-966 p.
4433. RAUNIO (Anu). Scandinavian converts to Catholicism in Rome, 1673–1706. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 279-297. 4434. REINHOLD (Kai). Die katholischen Pfarrgemeinden in den USA in Geschichte und Gegenwart: eine transatlantische Perspektive. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 436 p. 4435. RODRIGUES (Aldair Carlos). Limpos de sangue: familiares do Santo Ofício, Inquisição e sociedade em Minas colonial. São Paulo, Alameda, 2011, 268 p. (Coleção Teses / USP, História Social). 4436. ROY (Philippe J.). Le Coetus Internationalis Patrum, un groupe d'opposants au sein du Concile Vatican II. Québec, Université Laval, 2011, 8 vol., 2331 p. 4437. SALE (Giovanni). La Chiesa di Mussolini: i rapporti tra fascismo e religione. Milano, Rizzoli, 2011, 299 p. 4438. SARESELLA (Daniela). Cattolici a sinistra: dal modernismo ai giorni nostri. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2011, IX-285 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 178). 4439. SCHLAGER (Claudia). Kult und Krieg: Herz Jesu – Sacré Cœur – Christus Rex im deutsch-französischen Vergleich 1914–1925. Tübingen, Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde, 2011, 527 p. 4440. SCHWALLER (John Frederick). The history of the Catholic church in Latin America: from conquest to revolution and beyond. New York a. London, New York U. P., 2011, IX-319 p. 4441. SMIT (Peter-Ben). Old Catholic and Philippine independent ecclesiologies in history: the Catholic Church in every place. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-548 p. 4442. SOLABERRIETA (Benoit-Marie). Aimé-Georges Martimort: un promoteur du Mouvement liturgique en France (1943–1962). Préface de Robert CABIÉ. Paris, Les ed. du Cerf, 2011, 351 p. (Histoire). 4443. SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ (Luis). Franco y la Iglesia: las relaciones con el Vaticano. Madrid, Homo Legens, 2011, 974 p. (Bibliotheca Homolegens, 68). 4444. TAYLOR (William B.). Shrines and miraculous images: religious life in Mexico before the Reforma. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, XV-288 p. 4445. TÓTH (Tamás). Si nullus incipiat, nullus finiet: la rinascita della Chiesa d'Ungheria dopo la conquista turca nell'attività di Gábor Patachich e di Ádám Patachich, arcivescovi di Kalocsa-Bács, 1733–1784. Budapest, Roma, Szeged, Gondolat, 2011, 372 p. (ill.). (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae. Classis 1, 6).
4431. PORTER-SZŰCS (Brian). Faith and fatherland: Catholicism, modernity, and Poland. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-484 p.
4446. WAND (Arno). Die Katholische Kirche in Thüringen: (1785−1914): Forschungen im Geheimen Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Heiligenstadt, Cordier, 2011, 512 p. (ill.).
4432. RADE (Louis). Église conciliaire et années soixante. Paris, l'Harmattan, 2011, 239 p. (Logiques sociales. Religions et spiritualité).
4447. WEINSTEIN (Donald). Savonarola. The rise und fall of a Renaissance prophet. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XIII-379 p.
§ 2. Roman Catholicism 4448. WOODS (James M.). A history of the Catholic Church in the American South, 1513–1900. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XV-498 p. 4449. WRIGHT (Anthony D.). The divisions of French Catholicism, 1629–1645: "The Parting of the Ways." Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, VIII216 p. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700). Cf. nos 56, 1955, 3034, 3974, 4533, 4572, 4585, 6932, 7105 d. Religious orders ** 4450. Registrum scripturarum della Procura generale dell'ordine cappuccino 1599−1613. A cura di Giuseppe AVARUCCI. Roma, Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, 2011, 278 p. 4451. AGAMBEN (Giorgio). Altissima povertà: regole monastiche e forma di vita: Homo sacer, 4, 1. Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 2011, 190 p. (La quarta prosa). 4452. "Alli 10 agosto 1806 soppressione del monastero di S. Giorgio": Atti del convegno di studi nel bicentenario, Venezia S. Giorgio Maggiore, 10–11 novembre 2006. A cura di Giovanni VIAN. Cesena, Badia di Santa Maria del Monte, 2011, XIII-166 p. (Italia benedettina, 34). 4453. BÁNKUTI (Gábor). Jezsuiták a diktatúrában: a Jézus Társasága Magyarországi Rendtartománya története, 1945–1965. (Jesuits during the dictatorship: history of Hungarian province of the Society of Jesus, 1945–1965). Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, Jézus Társasága Magyarországi Rendtartománya, Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, 2011, 270 p. (Jezsuita könyvek, rendtörténet). 4454. Barnabiti (I) nel Risorgimento: atti del Convegno, Roma 14–15 gennaio 2011. A cura di Filippo M. LOVISON. Roma, Barnabiti Studi, 2011, 503 p. 4455. BELL (David N.). Capire Rancé: la spiritualità dell'abate di La Trappe sullo sfondo del suo tempo. Milano, Jaca book, 2011, 344 p. 4456. BREJON DE LAVERGNEE (Matthieu). Histoire des filles de la Charité: 17.–18. siècle: la rue pour cloitre. Préface de Dominique JULIA. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 690 p. 4457. Brotherhood and boundaries. A cura di Stefania PASTORE, Adriano PROSPERI e Nicholas TERPSTRA. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, XVI-639 p. (ill.). (Seminari e convegni, 26). 4458. CRACIUN (Maria). Communities of devotion: religious orders and society in East Central Europe, 1450–1800. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XVI-284 p. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700). 4459. CREARY (Nicholas M.). Domesticating a religious import: the Jesuits and the inculturation of the Catholic Church in Zimbabwe, 1879–1980. New York, Fordham U. P., 2011, XV-339 p. 4460. CROCE (Giuseppe M.); MULITZER (Matthias). Eremo camaldolese di Monte Rua. Salzburg, Institut
für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2011, 232 p. (Analecta Cartusiana, 274). 4461. FRIEDRICH (Markus). Der lange Arm Roms? Globale Verwaltung und Kommunikation im Jesuitenorden 1540–1773. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2011, 509 p. (ill.). 4462. GROSSRUCK (Johann). Benediktinerstift Lambach im Dritten Reich 1938–1945: ein Kloster im Fokus von Hitlermythos und Hakenkreuzlegende. Linz, Wagner, 2011, 809 p. (ill.). 4463. HYLAND (Sabine). Gods of the Andes: an early Jesuit account of Inca religion and Andean Christianity. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XII-132 p. 4464. JACOBSON SCHUTTE (Anne). By force and fear: taking and breaking monastic vows in early modern Europe. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XII-285 p. (ill.). 4465. Jésuites et littérature (19.−20. siècles): actes de la Journée d'étude organisée par le conseil scientifique de la Collection jésuite des Fontaines et l'équipe "Religions, sociétés et acculturation" du Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Lyon, 2 juin 2010. Sous la direction d'Étienne FOUILLOUX et de Frédéric GUGELOT. Lyon, Religions, sociétés et acculturation, Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, 2011, 200 p. (Chretiens et societes. Documents et memoires, 13). 4466. KOSTROUN (Daniella). Feminism, absolutism, and Jansenism: Louis XIV and the Port-Royal Nuns. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-273 p. 4467. LEHNER (Ulrich L.). Enlightened monks: the German Benedictines 1740–1803. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 266 p. 4468. MARÍN GUZMÁN (Roberto). El primer intento de entrada de los jesuitas a Costa Rica (1872) y el inicio de la controversia entre el Dr. Lorenzo Montúfar y el P. León Tornero, S.I. Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, Editorial UCR, 2011, XIX-154 p. (Serie cudernos de historia de la cultura, 25). 4469. PACHECO ALBALATE (Manuel). Jesuitas expulsos de ultramar arribados a El Puerto de Santa María, 1767–1774. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011, 159 p. (Monografías. Estudios iberoamericanos). 4470. PAINTNER (Ursula). ‚Des Papsts neue Creatur'. Antijesuitische Publizistik im Deutschsprachigen Raum (1555–1618). Amsterdam u. New York, Rodopi, 2011, X-573 p. (Chloe. Beihefte zum Daphnis, 44). 4471. PEPY (Émilie-Anne). Le territoire de la Grande Chartreuse XVIe–XVIIIe siècle, montagne sacrée, montagne profane. Grenoble, PUG, 2011, 486 p. 4472. RUCKSTADTER (Vanessa Campos Mariano). Presença jesuítica na Vila de Paranaguá: o processo de estabelecimento do Colégio Jesuítico (1708–1759). Maringá, EDUEM, 2011, 122 p.
4473. SCHNOOR (Antje). Zwischen jenseitiger Erlösung und irdischem Heil. Die Rezeption der Befreiungstheologie in der Gesellschaft Jesu. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 419-444. 4474. SCHUTTE (Anne Jacobson). By force and fear: taking and breaking monastic vows in early Modern Europe. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XII-285 p. 4475. TREUE (Wolfgang). Aus dem Kloster hinaus in die Welt – zwei Mönche in der Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 2, p. 351–384. e. Missions ** 4476. CIPOLLONE (Giulio), ORLANDI (Clara). Aborigeno con gli aborigeni per l'evangelizzazione in Australia: il testo della relazione (1883) per Propaganda Fide del vescovo Rudesindo Salvado. Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011, 497 p. 4477. BORJA GONZÁLEZ (Galaxis). Die jesuitische Berichterstattung über die Neue Welt: zur Veröffentlichungs-, Verbreitungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte jesuitischer Americana auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 377 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, 226). 4478. DONZEL-VERDEIL (Chantal). La mission jésuite du Mont Liban et de Syrie: 1830–1864. Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2011, 504 p. 4479. FÉLIX (Carlos César). Guerra, conversão e resistência: a São Paulo dos primeiros Jesuítas, 1554–1575. São Paulo, Blucher, 2011, 220 p. 4480. GROßE KRACHT (Klaus). Die katholische Welle der "Stunde Null". Katholische Aktion, missionarische Bewegung und Pastoralmacht in Deutschland, Italien und Frankreich 1945–1960. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 163-186. 4481. History recorded on stone: the cemetery of Matteo Ricci and other foreign missionaries during four turbolent centuries. Written by Beijing Administrative College. Beijing, Beijing Publishing House, 2011, 247 p. 4482. HOULE (Robert J.). Making African Christianity: Africans re-imagining their faith in colonial Southern Africa. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2011, XLII-311 p. 4483. LABATE (Paolo). Cartagena de indias missione speciale: l'esperienza di Eugenio Biffi in terra colombiana da missionario (1856–1862) e da vescovo (1882– 1896). Roma, Ufficio storico del PIME, 2011, 244 p. 4484. LAVEN (Mary). Mission to China: Matteo Ricci and the jesuit encounter with the East. London, Faber ad Faber, 2011, XV-279 p. (ill.). 4485. Missions d'évangélisation et circulation des savoirs: 16.–18. siècle. Ètudes réunies par Charlotte de CASTELNAU-L'ESTOILE [et al.]. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2011, IX-522 p. 4486. NAVAJAS JOSA (Belén). Aculturación y rebeliones en las fronteras americanas: las misiones jesuitas
en la Pimería y el Paraguay. Madrid, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2011, 165 p. (Cuadernos Americanos Francisco de Vitoria, 13). 4487. PAGE (Carlos A.). Relatos desde el exilio: memorias de los jesuitas expulsos de la antigua Provincia del Paraguay. Asunción, Ediciones y Arte, 2011, 644 p. 4488. TAKAO (Abé). The Jesuit mission to New France: a new interpretation in the light of the earlier Jesuit experience in Japan. Leiden, Brill, 2011, VI-234 p. (ill.). 4489. WENDT (Helge). Die missionarische Gesellschaft. Mikrostrukturen einer kolonialen Globalisierung. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, VII-321 p. (Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv, 17). Cf. no 131 § 3. Orthodox Church. ______________________
4490. KECHRIOTIS (Vangelis). Family, clergy, conviviality and morality among the Greek-Orthodox in Izmir at the end of the Empire. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 88-97. 4491. LYUBENOVA (Lisbeth). On the subject of ecumenizm in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 152-161. 4492. MANCHESTER (Laurie). Gender and social estate as national identity: the wives and daughters of Orthodox clergymen as civilizing agents in Imperial Russia. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 1, p. 48-77. 4493. ROCCUCCI (Adriano). Stalin e il patriarca: Chiesa ortodossa e potere sovietico, 1917–1958. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, XXX-524 p.(Einaudi storia, 38). 4494. WAGNER (Reinhold). Protestantisch-westliche Mission und syrisch-orthodoxe Kirche in Kerala: von den Anfängen bis 1840. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 197 p. § 4. Protestantism. ** 4495. EHRMANTRAUT (Dominique). Livre des délibérations de l'Eglise française réformée de Frankenthal dans le Palatinat (1658−1689). Livre des délibérations de l'Eglise française réformée d'Otterberg dans le Palatinat (1659−1689). Paris, H. Champion, 2011, 442 p. (ill.). (Vie des Huguenots, 58). ** 4496. Martin Bucers Briefwechsel: Correspondance. Vol. 8. April 1532−August 1532. Hrsg. und bearb. v. Wolfgang SIMON, Berndt HAMM und Reinhold FRIEDRICH. In Zusammenarbeit mit Matthieu ARNOLD und Christian KRIEGER. Leiden, Brill, 2011, CIX-457 p. ** 4497. Martin Bucers Deutsche Schriften. Band 13. Unionsschriften 1542−1545. Bearbeitet von Thomas WILHELMI. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011, 459 p. ** 4498. Zurcher Kirchenordnungen 1520−1675. Hrsg. v. Emidio CAMPI und Philipp WALCHLI. Zurich, TVZ, 2011, 2 vol., XLVIII-704 p., XV-705-1388 p. ______________________
§ 4. Protestantism 4499. ADAMO (Pietro), [et al.]. Riforma, Risorgimento e risveglio: il protestantesimo italiano tra radici storiche e questioni contemporanee. A cura di Simone MAGHENZANI e Giuseppe PLATONE. Torino, Claudiana, 2011, 272 p. (Nostro tempo, 108). 4500. After imperialism: Christian identity in China and the global evangelical movement. Ed. by Richard R.COOK and David W. PAO. Eugene, Pickwick Publ., 2011, XVII-237 p. 4501. BAILEY (Richard A.). Race and redemption in Puritan New England. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-209 p. (Religion in America series). 4502. BAKER (Kelly J.). Gospel according to the Klan: the KKK's appeal to Protestant America, 1915– 1930. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XIV326 p. (CultureAmerica). 4503. BALSERAK (Jon). Establishing the Remnant Church in France: Calvin's lectures on the Minor prophets, 1556−1559. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011, IX-224 p. (Brill's series in Church history, 50). 4504. BECKER (Andreas). Napoleonische Elitenpolitik im Rheinland. Die protestantische Geistlichkeit im Roerdepartement 1802–1814. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 294 p. (Rheinisches Archiv, 156). 4505. BEIERGRÖßLEI (Katharina). Robert Barnes, England und der Schmalkaldische Bund, 1530–1540. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011, 279 p. 4506. BELLIGNI (Eleonora). Renata di Francia (1510− 1575): un'eresia di corte. Torino, UTET libreria, 2011, XIX-407 p. 4507. BOUCHARD (Laurent). La tolérance religieuse réinventée (1559–1715): les protestants français face à la monarchie: la difficile recherche d'un modèle d'intégration juridique (1559–1715). Sarrebrück, Editions universitaires européennes, 2011, 520 p. 4508. BÜTTGEN (Philippe). Luther et la philosophie. Études d'histoire. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS et J. Vrin, 2011, 321 p. 4509. Calvin and his influence, 1509–2009. Ed. by Irena BACKUS and Philip BENEDICT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-336 p. 4510. Calvinisme (Le) et les arts du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Lyon, RESEA, 2011, 227 p. 4511. Calvino e il calvinismo politico. A cura di Corrado MALANDRINO e Luca SAVARINO. Torino, Claudiana, 2011, 387 p. (Studi storici. Politica e storia). 4512. Calvins Erbe: Beiträge zur Wirkungsgeschichte Johannes Calvins. Hsrg. v. Marco HOFHEINZ, Wolfgang LIENEMANN und Martin SALLMANN. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 386 p. 4513. CAMBERS (Andrew). Godly reading: print, manuscript and Puritanism in England, 1580–1720. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-304 p. (ill.).
4514. CARAVALE (Giorgio). Il profeta disarmato: l'eresia di Francesco Pucci nell'Europa del Cinquecento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 241 p. (Studi e ricerche. Storia, 613). 4515. CLARK (Elizabeth A.). Founding the fathers: early Church history and Protestant professors in nineteenth-century America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, X-561 p. (Divinations: rereading late Ancient religion). 4516. DE CECCO (Gabriele). Fede e impegno politico: un percorso nel protestantesimo italiano. Prefazione di Giovanni MOTTURA. Torino, Claudiana, 2011, 142 p. (Libertà e giustizia, 11). 4517. DOCHUK (Darren). From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: plain-folk religion, grassroots politics, and the rise of evangelical conservatism. New York, W. W. Norton, 2011, XXIV-520 p. 4518. DÜSTERHAUS (Donatus). Die Revolution als Schwester des Krieges. Deutungen und Wahrnehmungen von Lutheranern im Elsaß in der Zeit der Französischen Revolution und des Napoleonischen Empires (1789–1815). Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 316 p. 4519. Evangelischen Pfarrerinnen (Die) und Pfarrer im Rheinland von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart. Zusammengest. u. bearb. v. Jochen GRUCH im Auftrag der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland und des Vereins für Rheinische Kirchengeschichte. Bd. 1. A–D. Bonn, Habelt, 2011, 370 p. (Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Rheinische Kirchengeschichte, 175). 4520. FABRE (Frédéric). Protestantisme et colonisation: l'évolution du discours de la mission protestante française au 20. siècle. Préface par Marc MICHEL. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 437 p. 4521. FRANTZMAN (Seth J.), GLUECKSTADT (Benjamin W.), KARK (Ruth). The Anglican Church in Palestine and Israel: colonialism, Arabization and land ownership. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 101-126. 4522. Germania Sacra. Die Kirche des Alten Reiches und ihre Institutionen. 3. Folge, 4. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Würzburg. 7. Die Würzburger Bischöfe von 1617 bis 1684. Im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen bearb. v. Winfried ROMBERG. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XIII-599 p. 4523. Giovanni Calvino e la Riforma in Italia: influenze e conflitti. A cura di Susanna PEYRONEL RAMBALDI. Torino, Claudiana, 2011, 461 p. (Collana della Società di studi valdesi, 3). 4524. GRAF (Friedrich Wilhelm). Der Heilige Zeitgeist: Studien zur Ideengeschichte der protestantischen Theologie in der Weimarer Republik. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, VI-527 p. 4525. GUNNOE (Charles D. Jr.). Thomas Erastus and the Palatinate: a Renaissance physician in the Second Reformation. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XVI-525 p. (Brill's series in church history, 48).
4526. HA (Polly). English Presbyterianism, 1590– 1640. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XIV-300 p. 4527. HALL (David D.). A reforming people: puritanism and the transformation of public life in New England. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011, XVII-255 p.
4540. LEIGH (Michael D). Conflict, politics and proselytism: Methodist missionaries in colonial and postcolonial Upper Burma, 1887–1966. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XVI-239 p. (Studies in imperialism).
4528. HAUSTEIN (Jörg). Writing religious history: the historiography of Ethiopian pentecostalism. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, XVI, 295 p.
4541. MADIGAN (Edward). Faith under fire: Anglican army chaplains and the Great War. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-296 p.
4529. HJERMITSLEV (Hans Henrik). Protestant responses to Darwinism in Denmark, 1859–1914. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 2, p. 279-303.
4542. MAFFI (Davide). Eretici al servizio del re cattolico. Mercenari protestanti negli eserciti spagnoli (secc. XVI–XVII). Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 2, p. 510536.
4530. ISRAEL (Hephzibah). Religious transactions in colonial South India: language, translation, and the making of protestant identity. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-269 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 4531. Julius Wilhelm Zincgref und der Heidelberger Späthumanismus. Zur Blüte- und Kampfzeit der calvinistischen Kurpfalz. In Verbindung mit Hermann WIEGAND herausgegeben von Wilhelm KÜHLMANN. Ubstadt-Weiher, Heidelberg u. Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2011, 522 p. (Mannheimer Historische Schriften, 5). 4532. KAMP (Silke). Die verspätete Kolonie. Hugenotten in Potsdam 1685–1809. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 507 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 42). 4533. KAPPLER (Emile). Les conférences théologiques entre catholiques et protestants en France au 17. siècle. Avant-propos d'Olivier CHRISTIN. Paris, H. Champion, 2011, XVII-954 p. 4534. KISS (Réka). Egyház és közösség a kora újkorban: a Küküllői Református Egyházmegye 17–18. századi iratainak tükrében. (Church and community in the early Modern period based on the documents of the 17–18th century Calvinist diocese of Küküllő.). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2011, 297 p. (Néprajzi tanulmányok). 4535. KLASSEN (Pamela E.). The spirits of Protestantism: medicine, healing, and liberal christianity. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XXIX316 p. (ill.). (Anthropology of Christianity, 13). 4536. KRZENCK (Thomas). Johannes Hus. Theologe, Kirchenreformer, Märtyrer. Gleichen u. Zürich, MusterSchmidt, 2011, 204 p. (Persönlichkeit und Geschichte, 170). 4537. LANGE (Dietz). Nathan Söderblom und seine Zeit. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 480 p. 4538. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwartz). Reformationen i Danmark. (La Réforme au Danemark). Frederiksberg, Anis, 2011, 264 p. (ill.). 4539. LAWRENCE (Anna M.). One family under god: love, belonging, and authority in early transatlantic Methodism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 282 p. (Early American studies).
4543. MILNER (Matthew). The senses and the English Reformation. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XIV-407 p. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). 4544. MORALES CRUZ (Joel). The Mexican Reformation: Catholic pluralism, enlightenment religion, and the Iglesia de Jesús Movement in Benito Juárez's Mexico, 1859–1872. Eugene, Pickwick Publications, 2011, XI-223 p. 4545. MORGAN (John). The early defence of 'Lambeth Calvinism': theological and pastoral responses in a Lincolnshire Parish. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 3, p. 495-530. 4546. MORRISSEY (Mary). Politics and the Paul's Cross sermons, 1558–1642. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-257 p. 4547. NEILSON (Reid L.). Exhibiting Mormonism: the Latter-day Saints and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-224 p. (Religion in America). 4548. NINNESS (Richard J.). Between opposition and collaboration: nobles, bishops, and the German Reformations in the Prince Bishopric of Bamberg, 1555–1619. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIII-224 p. 4549. Nouvelle France protestante (La): essor et recomposition au 21. siècle. Sous la dir. de Sébastien FATH et Jean-Paul WILLAIME. Genève, Labor et Fides, 2011, 483 p. (Religions et modernités, 9). 4550. OZMENT (Steven). The serpent and the lamb: Cranach, Luther, and the making of the Reformation. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, X-325 p. 4551. Primus Truber 1508–1586: der slowenische Reformator und Württemberg. Hrsg. v. Sönke LORENZ, Anton SCHINDLING und Wilfried SETZLER. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, XI-451 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in BadenWürttemberg, 181). 4552. Protestantismus, Aufklärung, Frömmigkeit: historische, systematische und praktisch-theologische Zugänge. Hrsg. v. Andreas KUBIK. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 280 p. (Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie, 66).
§ 5. Non-Christian religions and sects
4553. Revisiting the Synod of Dordt (1618–1619). Ed. by Aza GOUDRIAAN and Fred van LIEBURG. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-442 p.
4568. ZUIDEMA (Jason), VAN RAALTE (Theodore). Early French Reform: the theology and spirituality of Guillaume Farel. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2011, 262 p.
4554. REYMOND (Bernard). Auguste Sabatier: un théologien à l'air libre (1839–1901). Genève, Labor et fides, 2011, 142 p. (Histoire et société, 55).
4569. Züricher Kirchenordnungen 1520–1675. T. 1, 2. Hrsg. v. Emidio CAMPI und Philipp WÄLCHLI. Zürich, Theologischer Verlag, 2011, 2 vol., XLVIII-XV-1388 p.
4555. Ringen (Im) um die Reformation: Kirchen und Prädikanten, Rat und Gemeinden in Augsburg. Hrsg. v. Rolf KIEßLING, Thomas Max SAFLEY und Lee Palmer WANDEL. Epfendorf, Bibliotheca Academia, 2011, 340 p.
Cf. nos 3558, 4494
4556. ROGERS (Stephanie Stidham). Inventing the Holy Land: American Protestant pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865–1941. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, X-163 p. 4557. RUBBOLI (Massimo). I Battisti: un profilo storico-teologico dalle origini a oggi. Torino, Claudiana, 2011, 255 p. (ill.). (Nostro tempo, 111). 4558. SANDL (Marcus). Medialität und Ereignis. Eine Zeitgeschichte der Reformation. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 596 p. (Medienwandel – Medienwechsel – Medienwissen, 18).
§ 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. * 4570. Shoah e deportazione: guida bibliografica. A cura di Enzo COLLOTTI e Marta BAIARDI. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 260 p. ** 4571. Austria Judaica. Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Niederösterreich und Wien 1496–1671. Bearb. v. Peter RAUSCHER unt. Mitarb. v. Barbara STAUDINGER. Mit einem Beitr. v. Martha KEIL. Wien, Böhlau u. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 509 p. (Quelleneditionen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 7). _______________________
4572. ARON-BELLER (Katherine). Jews on trial: the Papal Inquisition in Modena, 1598–1638. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-278 p. (Studies in early Modern European history).
4559. SCHMID-TSCHIRREN (Christina Maria). Von der Säkularisation zur Separation: der Umgang des Staates mit den Kirchengütern in den evangelisch-reformierten und paritätischen Kantonen der Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert. Zürich, Schulthess, 2011, LXVIII-460 p. (Freiburger Veröffentlichungen zum Religionsrecht, 26).
4573. AVAGLIANO (Mario), PALMIERI (Marco). Gli ebrei sotto la persecuzione in Italia: diari e lettere 1938– 1945. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, LXXXI-388 p. (ET, 1651).
4560. TALHAMY (Yvette). American Protestant Missionary Activity among the Nusayris (Alawis) in Syria in the Nineteenth Century. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 2, p. 215-236.
4574. BEDNAŘÍK (Petr). Perception of the Jewish identity in Czechoslovakia during the 20th Century. In: National minorities, identity, education [cf. no 4843], p. 49-56.
4561. VISSER (Arnoud S. Q.). Reading Augustine in the Reformation: the flexibility of intellectual authority in Europe, 1500–1620. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-240 p. (Oxford studies in historical theology).
4575. BEIN (Amit). Ottoman Ulema, Turkish Republic: agents of change and guardians of tradition. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, VIII-212 p.
4562. VOLZ (Stephen). African teachers on the colonial frontier: Tswana evangelists and their communities during the nineteenth century. New York a. Oxford, P. Lang, 2011, XII-293 p. (Bible & theology in Africa, 9). 4563. WALSHAM (Alexandra). The Reformation of the landscape: religion, identity, and memory in early Modern Britain and Ireland. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-637 p. 4564. WANDEL (Lee Palmer). The reformation: towards a new history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-281 p. (ill.).
4576. BENZ (Wolfgang). Deutsche Juden im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Geschichte in Porträts. München, Beck, 2011, 288 p. 4577. BING (Erik Henriques). Man må huske ikke at glemme. Dansk-jødisk kronologi. (Se souvenir de ne pas oublier. Chronologie judéo-danoise). København, Tågaliden, 2011, 275 p. 4578. BONACINA (Giovanni). Eretici e riformatori d'Arabia: i wahhâbiti in prospettiva europea 1772– 1830. Napoli, Roma, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2011, XXV-245 p. (ill.).
4565. WILSON (Derek). The peoples Bible: the remarkable history of the King James version. Oxford, Lion Hudson, 2011, 222 p. (ill.).
4579. BRENNER (Michael). Religiöse Erneuerung und Säkularisierung im jüdischen Leben Deutschlands. Ein Überblick. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 225236.
4566. YEAGER (Jonathan M.). Enlightened Evangelicalism: the life and thought of John Erskine. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-321 p.
4580. CAPRISTO (Annalisa). Fascismo e antisemitismo: nuove prospettive di ricerca. Quaderni di storia, 2011, 37, 74, p. 61-86.
4567. ZLATAR (Antoinina Bevan). Reformation fictions: polemical Protestant dialogues in Elizabethan England. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-239 p.
4581. Clash (The) of ijtihad: fundamentalist versus liberal Muslims: the development of Islamic thinking in contemporary Indonesia. Ed. by Hisanori KATŌ.
Delhi, ISPCK, 2011, XXXVI-214 p. (Religion politics and society, 3). 4582. COLLER (Ian). Arab France: Islam and the making of Modern Europe, 1798–1831. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XI-288 p. 4583. DHAVAN (Purnima). When sparrows became hawks: the making of the Sikh warrior tradition, 1699– 1799. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-253 p. 4584. DWECK (Yaacob). The scandal of Kabbalah: Leon Modena, Jewish mysticism, early Modern Venice. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 280 p. (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern world).
4593. MILLER (Michael Laurence). Rabbis and revolution: the Jews of Moravia in the age of emancipation. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XV-464 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). 4594. Modern history (A) of the Ismailis: continuity and change in a muslim community. Ed. by Farhad DAFTARY. London, Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2011, XXI-400 p. 4595. NUNEZ (Juliette). La gestion publique des espaces confessionnels des cimetières de la Ville de Paris: l'exemple du culte musulman (1857–1957). Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 13-32.
4585. FOA (Anna). Eretici: storie di streghe, ebrei e convertiti. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 145 p. (Storica paperbacks, 80).
4596. PAŘÍK (Arno). Synagogues, schools and Rabbinic houses: on the project: revitalization of Jewish sites in the Czech Republic. Judaica Bohemiae, 2011, 46, 2, p. 127-132.
4586. Gerush 1492−1510. Espulsione degli ebrei dalla Sicilia e dal Meridione d'Italia. A cura di Marco MORSELLI, Stefano ROSSO e Rossella TEDESCHI FUBINI. Torino, Amicizia ebraico-cristiana, 2011, 144 p.
4597. PETERSON (Brian J.). Islamization from below: the making of Muslim communities in rural French Sudan, 1880–1960. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XIV319 p.
4587. GREEN (Nile). Bombay Islam: the religious economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-327 p.
4598. RAPHAEL (Marc Lee). The synagogue in America: a short history. New York, New York U. P., 2011, VII-247 p.
4588. GREENE (Daniel). The Jewish origins of cultural pluralism: the Menorah Association and American diversity. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XI-261 p. (Modern Jewish experience).
4599. RICCI (Ronit). Islam translated: literature, conversion, and the Arabic cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2011, XVI-313 p. (ill.). (South Asia across the disciplines).
4589. HAYOUN (Maurice-Ruben). Leo Baeck: conscience du judaïsme moderne. Paris, A. Colin, 2011, 407 p. (ill.).
4600. RIES (Julien). L'église gnostique de Mani. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 550 p.
4590. KLIER (John Doyle). Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881−1882. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIV-492 p. (ill.). 4591. KRSTIC (Tijana). Contested conversions to Islam: narratives of religious change in the early Modern Ottoman Empire. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XII264 p. 4592. MACIEJKO (Pawel). The mixed multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755–1816. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XIII-360 p. (Jewish culture and contexts).
4601. SCHAUB (Jean-Frédéric). ha-Yehudim shel melekh Sefarad: Oran 1509–1669. (Les Juifs du roi d'Espagne: Oran 1509–1669). Mi-tsarfatit Aviṭal 'INBAR. Tel Aviv, Universiṭat Tel-Aviv, ha-Hotsa'ah la-or 'a. sh. Ḥayim Rubin, 2011, 237 p. 4602. SENGUPTA (Parna). Pedagogy for religion: missionary education and the fashioning of Hindus and Muslims in Bengal. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, X-211 p. 4603. TETER (Magda). Sinners on trial: Jews and sacrilege after the Reformation. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, VIII-331 p.
§ 1. General. 4604-4757. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4758-4801. – § 3. Education. 4802-4857. – § 4. The Press. 4858-4941. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 4942-4988. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 4989-5145. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5146-5346. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5347-5475. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5476-5657. § 1. General. * 4604. Dix ans d'histoire culturelle: état de l'art. Hrsg. v. Évelyne COHEN. Villeurbanne, Presses de l'ENSSIB, 2011, 314 p. (Papiers). ** 4605. GOLDBERG (Edward). A Jew at the Medici Court: the letters of Benedetto Blanis hebreo (1615– 1621). Toronto a. London, University of Toronto Press, 201, XXI-328 p. ______________________
4606. 1908. Et snapshot af de kulturelle relationer mellem Tyskland og Danmark. (L'année 1908. Un instantané des relations culturelles germano-danoises). Red. Stephen Michael SCHRÖDER, Martin ZERLANG. Hellerup, Spring, 2011, 223 p. (ill.). 4607. ACREE (William Garrett Jr.). Everyday reading: print culture and collective identity in the Río de la Plata, 1780–1910. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2011, XVI-247 p. 4608. ADDANTE (Luca). 'Parlare liberamente': i libertini del Cinquecento fra tradizioni storiografiche e prospettive di ricerca. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 3, p. 927-1002. 4609. AGUIAR (Ronaldo Conde). Guia do passado: alegrias, venturas e esperanças: os anos 1950 e suas adjacéncias. Rio de Janeiro, Casa da Palavra, 2011, 224 p. 4610. ALBERTO (Paulina L.). Terms of inclusion: Black intellectuals in twentieth-century Brazil. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XVI396 p. 4611. ALBURQUERQUE FUSCHINI (Germán). La trinchera letrada: intelectuales latinoamericanos y Guerra Fría. Santiago, Ariadna Ediciones, 2011, 329 p. 4612. ÁLVAREZ GILA (Óscar). Desde el "solar patrio" a la "nación naciente": cultura, identidad y política
en los centros vascos de América (1880–1900). Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 43-61. 4613. ANDREW (Edward G.). Imperial republics: revolution, war, and territorial expansion from the English Civil War to the French Revolution. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XXI-197 p. 4614. Années trente (Les): création et politique. Sous la direction de Florence OLIVIER. Paris, Indigo, 2011, 143 p. (ill.). 4615. ANTWEILER (Christoph). Mensch und Weltkultur: für einen realistischen Kosmopolitismus im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 321 p. (ill.). (Der Mensch im Netz der Kulturen. Humanismus in der Epoche der Globalisierung, 10). 4616. Aufklärer im Baltikum: europäischer Kontext und regionale Besonderheiten. Hrsg. v. Ulrich KRONAUER im Auftrag von der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademie der Wissenschaften des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, 263 p. (ill.). (Akademiekonferenzen, 12). 4617. AUSLIN (Michael R.). Pacific cosmopolitans: a cultural history of U.S.-Japan relations. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 315 p. 4618. AYNIÉ (Marie). Les amis inconnus: se mobiliser pour Dreyfus, 1897−1899. Toulouse, Privat, 2011, 429 p. (Collection "Histoire"). 4619. BALL (Hugo). Die Folgen der Reformation: Zur Kritik der deutschen Intelligenz. Hrsg. v. Hans Dieter ZIMMERMANN. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 526 p. (Sämtliche Werke und Briefe. Hugo Ball, 5). 4620. BEATTIE (James). Empire and environmental anxiety: health, science, art, and conservation in South Asia and Australasia, 1800–1920. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-320 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).
4621. BÉLANGER (Damien-Claude). Prejudice and pride: Canadian intellectuals confront the United States, 1891–1945. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2011, 322 p. 4622. Between Scylla and Charybdis: learned letter writers navigating the reefs of religious and political controversy in early modern Europe. Ed. by Jeannine DE LANDTSHEER and Henk NELLEN. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXVI-539 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 192). 4623. Beyond Blackface: African Americans and the creation of American popular culture, 1890–1930. Ed. by W. Fitzhugh BRUNDAGE. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, VII-373 p. (H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman series). 4624. BOIA (Lucian). Capcanele istoriei. Elita intelectuală românească între 1930 şi 1950. (Traps of history. Romanian intellectual elite between 1930 and 1950). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2011, 358 p. 4625. BREILH (Jaime), HERRERA (Fanny). El proceso juliano: pensamiento, utopía y militares solidarios. Quito, Corporación Editora Nacional, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2011, 196 p. (Colección Temas, 16). 4626. BRIZUELA-GARCIA (Esperanza). Literacy and the decolonization of Africa's intellectual history. History in Africa, 2011, 38, p. 35-46. 4627. Búsqueda perpetua (La): lo propio y lo universal de la cultura latinoamericana. Coordinación general Mercedes de VEGA. México D.F., Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección General del Acervo Histórico Diplomático, 2011, 6 vol., 256 p., 290 p., 295 p., 319 p., 233 p., 292 p. 4628. CANCIK (Hubert). Europa, Antike, Humanismus: humanistische Versuche und Vorarbeiten. Hrsg. v. Hildegard CANCIK-LINDEMAIER. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 521 p. (Der Mensch im Netz der Kulturen, Humanismus in der Epoche der Globalisierung). 4629. Capitales (Les) de la Renaissance. Sous la dir. de Jean-Marie LE GALL. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 192 p. (Histoire). 4630. Caso Galileo (Il): una rilettura storica, filosofica, teologica: convegno internazionale di studi: Firenze, 26–30 maggio 2009. A cura di Massimo BUCCIANTINI, Michele CAMEROTA e Franco GIUDICE. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XIII-520 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di Galilæana, 2). 4631. Centralità (La) del dubbio. Un progetto di Antonio Rotondò. Tomo I. Vol. 1. La centralità del dubbio. Fonti classiche e sviluppi dello scetticismo nell'età moderna. Vol. 2. Religione, ragione e legge naturale. Vol. 3. Scritture, ragione e storia. Vol. 4. Aspetti della realtà ebraica in età moderna. Ebrei cristianizzanti e cristiani ebraizzanti. Tomo II. Vol. 5. Le dimensioni europee dello spinozismo. Diffusione, seguaci, censure, condanne. Vol. 6. Religione, società e potere. Analisi e critiche delle strategie del sacro. Vol. 7. La sovranità della coscienza. Vol. 8. Irenismi e tolleranza. A cura di Camilla HERMANIN e Luisa SIMONUTTI. Firenze, L. S. Olschki,
2011, 2 vol., XIV-1012 p. (Studi e testi per la storia della tolleranza in Europa nei secoli XVI‒XVIII, 13). [Contiene: VASOLI (C.). La contestazione delle certezze di Calvino. Il De arte dubitandi di Sebastiano Castellione. ‒ TOURNON (A.). Pensée à l'essai: la face éclairée du doute. Notes sur l'enquête pyrrhonienne réinventée par Montaigne. ‒ BORGHERO (C.). Pirronismo storico e altri scetticismi. ‒ PAGANINI (G.). Dalla polemica ala storia. L'immagine dello scettico tra Bayle, Crousaz e Hume. ‒ ROTONDÒ (A.). 'Periculum Criticum': textus receptus e ambivalenze intellettuali. ‒ TORTAROLO (E.). L'eutanasia della cronologia biblica. ‒ BORDOLI (R.). I canoni della critica. Aufklärung, canone neotestamentario e libertà moderna. ‒ PARENTE (F.). Gli 'scribi ispirati'. Alcune osservazioni a proposito dell'Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament di Richard Simon e dei suoi rapporti col Tractatus teologico-politicus di Baruch Spinoza. ‒ MAC KENNA (A.). From moral nationalism to moral pyrrhonism: the paradoxical pathway of Pierre Bayle. ‒ MORI (G.). Atei e cattolici: i limiti della tolleranza tra Locke e Bayle. ‒ RICUPERATI (G.). Il caso Giannone e la memoria: un'autobiografia come rifiuto della costrizione]. 4632. CHAUSSINAND-NOGARET (Guy). Comment peut-on être un intellectuel au siècle des Lumières? Bruxelles, André Versaille éditeur, 2011, 140 p. (Histoire). 4633. CHIAROTTO (Francesca). Operazione Gramsci. Alla conquista degli intellettuali nell'Italia del dopoguerra. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2011, 233 p. 4634. COOKE (Philip E.). The legacy of the Italian Resistance. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII263 p. (Italian and Italian American studies series). 4635. CORNI (Gustavo), EHMER (Josef). A proposito di 'Kommunistische Intellektuelle in Westeuropa' di Thomas Kroll. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 2, p. 637-654. 4636. Cosimo Bartoli (1503–1572): atti del convegno internazionale: Mantova, 18–19 novembre, Firenze 20 novembre 2009. A cura di Francesco Paolo FIORE e Daniela LAMBERINI. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XVII-422 p. (ill.). (Ingenium, 15). 4637. CRUZ (Jesus). The rise of middle-class culture in nineteenth-century Spain. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, 294 p. 4638. CUETO (Juan). Cuando Madrid hizo pop: de la posmodernidad a la globalización. Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2011, 342 p. (Artes, 7). 4639. Cultura (La) por los caminos de la nueva sociedad cubana, 1952–1992. Coordinadora Mildred de la TORRE MOLINA. La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2011, XI-198 p. (Historia). 4640. Culture ouvrière: mutations d'une réalité complexe en Allemagne du XIXe au XXIe siècle = Arbeiterkultur. Éd. Dominique HERBET. Villeneuve-d-Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 430 p. (Mondes germaniques). 4641. DE TATA (Rita). Un autografo di Michel de Montaigne presso la Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna? Quaderni di storia, 2011, 37, 73, p. 177-196.
§ 1. General 4642. Deutschlandbilder in Belgien 1830–1940. Hrsg. v. Hubert ROLAND, Marnix BEYEN und Greet DRAYE. Münster, New York u. München, Waxmann, 2011, 478 p. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur Nordwesteuropas, 22). 4643. Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in der Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Klaus BERGDOLT und Manfred PFISTER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz in Kommission, 2011, 332 p. (ill.). (Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung, 27). 4644. Dislocation des empires: les perdants de l'histoire. Sous la dir. de Hélène BOURSICAUT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 266 p. (Etudes germaniques). 4645. Doute et imagination: constructions du savoir de la Renaissance aux Lumières: actes du colloque du CIELAM, Groupe XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Réunis par Geneviève GOUBIER, Bérengère PARMENTIER et Daniel MARTIN. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 420 p. (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance, 68).
4653. Figurationen der Moderne: Mode, Sport, Pornographie. Hrsg. v. Birgit NÜBEL und Anne FLEIG. München, W. Fink, 2011, 263 p. 4654. FIRPO (Giulio). Eroi romani dell'Ottocento in Italia. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 1, p. 111-152. 4655. FOERSTER (Manfred J.). Bürgertum und Nationalismus: ein deutsches Verhältnis. Aachen, Shaker Media, 2011, 505 p. 4656. Forging people: race, ethnicity, and nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a thought. Ed. by Jorge J. E. GRACIA. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, XIX-349 p. (Latino perspectives). 4657. Frankfurter Kreuz. Hrsg. v. Sonja ASAL und Ulrich RAULFF. München, C.H. Beck, 2011, 128 p. (ill.). (Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte, 5). 4658. FREDE (Victoria). Doubt, atheism, and the nineteenth-century Russian Intelligentsia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XIII-300 p.
4646. Eddische Götter und Helden: Milieus und Medien ihrer Rezeption = Eddic gods and heroes: the milieux and media of their reception. Hrsg. v. Katja SCHULZ. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, 412 p. (Edda-Rezeption, 2).
4659. Frühe Neuzeit, Späte Neuzeit: Phänomene der Wiederkehr in Literaturen und Künsten ab 1970. Hrsg. v. Nordverbund Germanistik. Redaktion: Erhard SCHÜTZ und Brigitte PETERS. Bern u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 236 p. (ill.). (Publikationen zur Zeitschrift für Germanistik, 24).
4647. Elizabethan world (The). Ed. by Susan DORAN and Norman JONES. London, Routledge, 2011, XVII714 p.
4660. GANTNER (Eszter B.). Budapest, Berlin: die Koordinaten einer Emigration 1919–1933. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2011, 264 p. (Pallas Athene, 39).
4648. Enlightenment (The): critique, myth, utopia: proceedings of the symposium arranged by the Finnish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in Helsinki, 17– 18 October 2008. Eds. Charlotta WOLFF, Timo KAITARO and Minna AHOKAS. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 236 p. (Europäische Studien zur Ideen- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 17).
4661. GEISS (Peter). Der Schatten des Volkes. Benjamin Constant und die Anfänge liberaler Repräsentationskultur im Frankreich der Restaurationszeit 1814– 1830. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 368 p. (Pariser Historische Studien, 95).
4649. Entdeckung (Die) von Volk, Erziehung und Ökonomie im europäischen Netzwerk der Aufklärung. Hrsg. v. Hanno SCHMITT, [et al.]. Bremen, Lumière, 2011, 530 p. (ill., maps). (Presse und Geschichte, 58. Philanthropismus und populäre Aufklärung, 1). 4650. Entre belle-lettres et disciplines: les savoirs au XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Franck SALAÜN et JeanPierre SCHANDELER. Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2011, 201 p. (ill.). (Publications du Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 25). 4651. FERNÁNDEZ SEBASTIÁN (Javier). Toleration and freedom of expression in the Hispanic world between Enlightenment and liberalism. Past and present, 2011, 211, p. 159-197. 4652. FERNANDEZ-DOMINGO (Enrique). El nacimiento de la cultura política de la nación en el Río de la Plata y Chile (1808–1818). Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico" (C.S.I.C.), Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza, 2011, 331 p. (Colección Estudios. Historia).
4662. Gelehrte Polemik: Intellektuelle Konfliktverschärfungen um 1700. Hrsg. v. Kai BREMER und Carlos SPOERHASE. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2011, 330 p. (Zeitsprünge, 15). 4663. GILOI (Eva). Monarchy, myth, and material culture in Germany 1750–1950. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-422 p. (New studies in European history). 4664. Glauben und Wissen in der Geistesgeschichte. Ed. by KURIHARA Takashi. Niigata, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, 2011, 171 p. (Niigata University scholars series, 12). 4665. GOLDHILL (Simon). Victorian culture and classical Antiquity: art, opera, fiction, and the proclamation of modernity. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 352 p. 4666. GÓMEZ GARCÍA (Juan Guillermo). Intelectuales y vida pública en Hispanoamérica: siglos XIX y XX. Medellín, Universidad de Medellín, 2011, 364 p. 4667. GREENBLATT (Stephen). The swerve: how the Renaissance began. London, Bodley Head, 2011, 356 p. (pl., ill.). 4668. GUTIÉRREZ (Claudio Dr.). Educación, ciencias y artes en Chile, 1797–1843: revolución y contrarrevo-
lución en las ideas y políticas. Santiago de Chile, RiL editors, 2011, 400 p. (Bibliodiversidad. Ensayos & Estudios). 4669. HAUSMANN (Frank-Rutger). Die Geisteswissenschaften im "Dritten Reich". Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2011, 981 p. 4670. HENDERSON (Stuart). Making the scene: Yorkville and hip Toronto in the 1960s. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2011, X-384 p. 4671. HESS (Günter). Panorama und Denkmal: Studien zum Bildgedächtnis des 19. Jahrhunderts. Würzburg, Königshausen und Neumann, 2011, 504 p. (Stiftung für Romantikforschung, 52). 4672. HOLLOWAY (Ernest R. III). Andrew Melville and humanism in Renaissance Scotland, 1545–1622. Leiden, Brill, 2011, 375 p. 4673. HOUSSAY (Martine). Autobiographies d'intellectuels égyptiens: Aḥmad Amīn, Salāma Mūsā et Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm; subjectivité, identité et vérité. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 370 p. (Collection Monde arabe et monde musulman). 4674. Humanismus: sein kritisches Potential für Gegenwart und Zukunft. Hrsg. v. Adrian HOLDEREGGER, Siegfried WEICHLEIN und Simone ZURBUCHEN. Fribourg, Academic Press u. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2011, 502 p. (ill.). 4675. HURTADO AMES (Carlos Hugo). El concepto de cultura en México, 1750–1850. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 239, p. 1527-1552. 4676. Imagen (La) del poder: Reyes y regentes en la España del siglo XIX. Coord. Emilio LA PARRA LÓPEZ. Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 2011, 470 p. (ill.). 4677. Incogniti (Gli) e l'Europa. A cura di Davide CONRIERI. Bologna, I libri di Emil, 2011, 332 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca del Rinascimento e del barocco, 4).
4683. IVIZATE GONZÁLEZ (Diana María). La generación Albur: el desafío a la Revolución. Valencia, Aduana Vieja, 2011, 515 p. (Colección de estudios culturales). 4684. JAYES (Janice Lee). The illusion of ignorance: constructing the American encounter with Mexico, 1877– 1920. Lanham, University Press of America, 2011, XIX241 p. 4685. JOSEFSON (Eva-Karin). Röster, tystnad, ekon. Om kulturutbytet mellan Belgien, Frankrike och Skandinavien kring sekelskiftet 1900. (Voix, silence, échos. Les échanges culturels entre la Belgique, la France et la Scandinavie autour de 1900). Möklinta, Gidlund, 2011, 243 p. (ill.). 4686. JUNGINGER (Horst). Die Verwissenschaftlichung der "Judenfrage" im Nationalsozialismus. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 480 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 19). 4687. KALINOVA (Evgeniia). Bŭlgarskata kultura i politicheskiiat imperativ: (1944–1989). (Bulgarian culture and the political imperative, 1944–1989). Sofiia, "Paradigma", 2011, 539 p. 4688. KOLOCH (Sabine). Kommunikation, Macht, Bildung. Frauen im Kulturprozess der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, VI-478 p. 4689. KRAATZ (MAGRI Jessica). Der umkämpfte Volksheld. Zur Geschichte des Garibaldi-Mythos in Italien (1882–1948). Köln, SH-Verlag, 2011, 410 p. (Italien in der Moderne, 18). 4690. KRAUZE (Enrique). Redentores: ideas y poder en América Latina. Bogotá, Debate, 2011, 583 p. (ill.). 4691. KREBS (Christopher B.). A most dangerous book: Tacitus's Germania from the Roman Empire to the Third Reich. New York a. London, W.W. Norton & Co., 2011, 303 p. (ill., ports).
4678. Intelectuales (Los) en la Transición. Ed. por Javier MUÑOZ SORO. Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Marcial Pons, 2011, 297 p. (Ayer, 81).
4692. Kritik in der Frühen Neuzeit: Intellektuelle avant la lettre. Hrsg. v. Rainer BAYREUTHER, Meinrad von ENGELBERG, Sina RAUSCHENBACH und Isabella von TRESKOW. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011, 404 p. (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 125).
4679. Intellectual (The) and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Ed. by Jayne Elisabeth ARCHER, Elizabeth GOLDRING and Sarah KNIGHT. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XVI334 p.
4693. Kulturtransfer och kulturpolitik: Sverige och Tyskland under det tjugonde århundradet. (Transferts culturels et politique culturelle: la Suède et l'Allemagne au 20e siècle). Red. Andreas ÅKERLUND. Uppsala, Historiska institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, 2011, 150 p. (ill.).
4680. Intellektuelle im Exil. Hrsg. v. Peter BURSCHEL, Alexander GALLUS und Markus VÖLKEL. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 278 p. 4681. Intervenciones intelectuales en el contexto del peronismo clásico. Coordinadora María Celia VÁZQUEZ. Prólogo Judith PODLUBNE. Bahía Blanca, EDIUNS, 2011, 339 p. 4682. IRVIN (Benjamin H.). Clothed in robes of sovereignty: the Continental Congress and the people out of doors. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-378 p.
4694. LIUCCI (Raffaele). Spettatori di un naufragio: gli intellettuali italiani nella seconda guerra mondiale. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, X-237 p. (Passaggi Einaudi). 4695. LÓPEZ (Carolina E.). Cuba y la identidad continental: los intelectuales argentinos frente al 98 cubano. Bahía Blanca, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, 2011, 350 p. 4696. Lucrezio e la modernità: i secoli XV–XVII: atti del convegno internazionale, Università di Milano-
§ 1. General
Bicocca, 13–14 dicembre 2007. A cura di Filippo DEL LUCCHESE, Vittorio MORFINO, Gianfranco MORMINO. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2011, 270 p. (Saggi Bibliopolis, 105).
4709. MINDER (Patrick). La Suisse coloniale: les représentations de l'Afrique et des Africains en Suisse au temps des colonies (1880–1939). Bern, Lang, 2011, XVI-633 p.
4697. MAGNARD (Pierre). Questions à l'humanisme. Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2011, 241 p. (Bibliothèque du Cerf).
4710. MITCHIEVICI (Angelo). Decandenţă şi decadentism în contextul modernităţii româneşti şi europene. (sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea, prima jumătate a secolului XX). (Decadence and decadentism in the context of Romanian and European modernity, end of the 19th c., first half of the 20th c.). Bucureşti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2011, 605 p.
4698. MALCHOW (H. L.). Special relations: the Americanization of Britain? Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XVII-368 p. 4699. MARTÍNEZ CERECEDA (José Luis). Gente de la tierra de guerra: los lipes en las tradiciones andinas y el imaginario colonial. Lima, Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Santiago, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile, 2011, 419 p. (ill.). (Colección Estudios andinos, 7). 4700. MARTYNKEWICZ (Wolfgang). Salon Deutschland: Geist und Macht 1900–1945. Berlin, AufbauTaschenbuch, 2011, 617 p. (ill.). (Atb). 4701. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Breve storia dell'ideologia occidentale. Genova e Milano, Marietti 1820, 2011, 277 p. 4702. MATURO (Graciela). El humanismo en la Argentina indiana: y otros ensayos sobre la América colonial. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2011, 239 p. (Investigaciones y ensayos). 4703. Medien – Debatten – Öffentlichkeiten in Deutschland und Frankreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Médias, débats et espaces publiques en Allemagne et en Frace aux 19e et 20e siècles. Hrsg. v. Dietmar HÜSER und Jean-François ECK. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 321 p. (Schriftenreihe des Deutsch-Französischen Historikerkomitees, 7). 4704. MELANI (Igor). Di qua e di là da' monti: sguardi italiani sulla Francia e sui francesi tra XV e XVI secolo. Prefazione di Robert DESCIMON. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2011, 2 vol., XLIV-560 p. (Biblioteca di storia, 14). 4705. Mer et Montagne dans la culture européenne (XVIe–XIXe siècle). Sous la dir. de Alain CABANTOUS, Jean-Luc CHAPPEY, Renaud MORIEUX, Nathalie RICHARD et François WALTER. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 282 p. (Histoire). 4706. MICHAIL (Eugene). The British and the Balkans: forming images of foreign lands, 1900–1950. London, Continuum, 2011, XVII-204 p. (Cultural memory and history in antiquity). 4707. MICHELI DU CREST (Jacques-Barthélemy). Discours en forme de lettres sur le gouvernement de Genève (1735). Édité par Kenneth GOODWIN [et al.]. Genève, Slatkine, 2011, 334 p. (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumières. Textes, 3). 4708. MILNE-SMITH (Amy). London clubland: a cultural history of gender and class in late Victorian Britain. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-296 p.
4711. MONTÈGRE (Gilles). La Rome des français au temps des lumières: capitale de l'antique et carrefour de l'Europe, 1769–1791. Roma, École française de Rome, 2011, X-624 p. (ill.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 435). 4712. MOORE (Brian L.), JOHNSON (Michele A.). "They do as they please": the Jamaican struggle for cultural freedom after Morant Bay. Kingston, University of the West Indies Press, 2011, XII-580 p. 4713. Netzwerke des Wissens: das intellektuelle Berlin um 1800. Hrsg. v. Anne BAILLOT. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2011, 410 p. (Berliner Intellektuelle um 1800, 1). 4714. Obscénités renaissantes. Sous la dir. de Hugh ROBERTS, Guillaume PEUREUX et Lise WAJEMAN. Préface de Michel JEANNERET. Genève, Droz, 2011, 493 p. (ill.). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 473). 4715. OLIVA MEDINA (Mario). España desde lejos: intelectuales y letras centroamericanas sobre la Guerra Civil Española (1931–1953). San José, Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2011, 323 p. (Colección Historia cultural de Costa Rica, 12). 4716. OPPICI (Patrizia). La Rivoluzione in una parola: "Bienfaisance" 1789–1800. Bern, Lang, 2011, 159 p. (Franco-italica, 7). 4717. OREN (Micheal B.). Power, faith and fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. New York a. London, Norton & company, 2011, XIX-792 p. (ill.). 4718. Patria mia. Scritture private nell'Italia unita. A cura di Massimo BAIONI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 328 p. 4719. PELLS (Richard). Modernist America: art, music, & the globalization of American culture. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 528 p. 4720. PONSETTO (Antonio). L'umanesimo rinascimentale e la nascita della modernità: tra autonomia dell'uomo, nuove forme di dominio e loro superamento. Padova, CLEUP, 2011, 312 p. 4721. PONSO (Marzia). Una storia particolare. "Sonderweg" tedesco e identità europea. Bologna, il Mulino, 2011, 600 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Monografie, 59).
4722. PÖTHE (Angelika). Fin de siècle in Weimar: Moderne und Antimoderne 1885 bis 1918. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2011, IX-405 p. (Schriftenreihe des Freundeskreises Goethe-Nationalmuseum, 4). 4723. PRZYREMBEL (Alexandra). Verbote und Geheimnisse. Das Tabu und die Genese der europäischen Moderne. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 416 p. 4724. Receptions of antiquity. Ed. by Jan NELIS. Gent, Academia Press, 2011, 372 p. (ill.). 4725. REINHARDT (Volker). Im Schatten von Sankt Peter: die Geschichte des barocken Rom. Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2011, 270 p. (ill.). 4726. Retorno (El) de los galeones: literatura, arte, cultura popular, historia. Ed. Kristine VANDEN BERGHE avec la colaboration de Marie VANDERMEULEN. Bruxelles, Lang, 2011, 174 p. 4727. Retours sur l'absolutisme éclairé. Études réunies par Christine MONDON et Paul PASTEUR. MontSaint-Aignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2011, 159 p. (Austriaca, 71. Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre).
COTTRET. Paris, Editions de Paris, 2011, 250 p. (Essais et documents). 4736. SCHONS (Guy). Matt Schong an Huesen an den Himmel kommen! Luxemburger Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Luxemburg, Imprimerie Centrale, 2011, 423 p. 4737. Sine fine sodales: estudis d'epigrafia llatina i tradició clàssica i humanisme en homenatge al professor Xavier Gómez Font. Coordinadors del volum Concha FERRAGUT DOMÍNGUEZ i Carles PADILLA CARMONA. València, Departament de Filologia Clàssica, Universitat de València, 2011, 420 p. (ill.). (Studia philologica Valentina, 13, n.s. 10). 4738. Spiel mit dem Reich: nationalsozialistisches Gedankengut in Spielzeug und Kinderbüchern. Hrsg. v. Kerstin MERKEL und Constance DITTRICH. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 222 p. (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt, 65). 4739. STEINBERG (Mark D.). Petersburg Fin de Siècle. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XI-399 p. 4740. STENROTH (Ingmar). Romantikens nationalism. Essayer. (Essais sur le nationalisme de l'ère romantique). Göteborg, Citytidningen CT, 2011, 267 p. (ill.).
4728. Ricezione (La) di Dante Alighieri: impulsi e tensioni: atti del convegno internazionale all'Università di Urbino, 26 e 27 maggio 2010. A cura di Rita UNFER LUKOSCHIK e Michael DALLAPIAZZA. (Peregre, Nuova serie, 2).
4741. STIEWE (Barbara). Der "Dritte Humanismus": Aspekte deutscher Griechenrezeption vom George-Kreis bis zum Nationalsozialismus. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, X-343 p. (Hermae, 123).
4729. RIDING (Alan). And the show went on: Cultural Life in Nazi-occupied Paris. New York, A. Knopf, 2011, XIII-399 p.
4742. SUÁREZ SÁNCHEZ DE LEÓN (Juan Luis). Tecnologías del humanismo. Huelva, Universidad de Huelva, 2011, 226 p. (Bibliotheca Montaniana, 23).
4730. ROBERT (Frédéric). Révoltes et utopies: la contre-culture américaine dans les années 1960. Avec la participation d'Armand HAGE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 334 p. (Etudes américaines).
4743. SWEET (James H.). Domingos Álvares, African healing, and the intellectual history of the Atlantic World. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XVII-300 p.
4731. ROZBICKI (Michal Jan). Culture and liberty in the age of the American Revolution. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-288 p. (Jeffersonian America).
4744. TARQUINI (Alessandra). Storia della cultura fascista. Milano, Il Mulino, 2011, 239 p. (Le vie della civiltà).
4732. Rückblickend in die Zukunft: politische Öffentlichkeit und intellektuelle Positionen in Deutschland um 1950 und um 1930. Hrsg. v. Alexander GALLUS und Axel SCHILDT. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 480 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte, 48). 4733. SACRISTE (Fabien). Germaine Tillion, Jacques Berque, Jean Servier et Pierre Bourdieu: des ethnologues dans la guerre d'indépendance algérienne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 375 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). 4734. SAPRA (Rahul). The limits of Orientalism: seventeenth-century representations of India. Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2011, 219 p. 4735. Savoir et pouvoir au siècle des Lumières: colloque de Versailles et Potsdam, 2007–2008. Sous la dir. de Jan BORM, Bernard COTTRET et Monique
4745. Théorie (De la) à l'action: les savoirs et leur mise en œuvre au siècle des Lumières: actes du Colloque international de Neuchâtel, 10–12 décembre 2009 = Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Theorien und ihre Umsetzung im Zeitalter der Aufklärung: Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in Neuenburg, 10.–12. Dezember 2009. Éd. par Valérie KOBI, avec l'aide de Pascal GRIENER, François ROSSET et Simone ZURBUCHEN. Genève, Slatkine, 2011, 300 p. (ill.). (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumières, 13). 4746. TIPPELSKIRCH (Xenia von). Sotto controllo. Letture femminili in Italia nella prima età moderna. Roma, Viella, 2011, 301 p. 4747. Tu felix Europa: der Humanismus bei den Slowenen und seine Ausstrahlung in den mitteleuropäischen Raum = Humanizem pri Slovencih in njegovo izžarevanje v srednjeevropski prostor. Hrsg. v. Vincenc RAJŠP, Feliks J. BISTER und Miroslav POLZER. (Sredn-
§ 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations jeevropska znanstvena knjižnica, 6 = Mitteleuropäische Wissenschaftsbibliothek, 6; Srednjeevropska znanstvena knjižnica, 6). Wien u. Ljubljana, Slovenski znanstveni institut na Donaju u. ZRC SAZU, 2011, 299 p. (ill.). 4748. Utopien, Zukunftsvorstellungen, Gedankenexperimente: literarische Konzepte von einer "anderen" Welt im abendländischen Denken von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Klaus GEUS. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 253 p. (Zivilisationen & Geschichte, 9). 4749. VALL (Natasha). Cultural region: North East England, 1945–2000. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, 178 p. 4750. VAST (Cécile). Sur l'expérience de la Résistance: cadre d'étude, outils et méthodes. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 73-99 4751. Verso una terra "antica e nuova": culture del sionismo (1895–1948). A cura di Giulio SCHIAVONI e Guido MASSINO. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 319 p. (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 641).
4760. Akademie und Universität Altdorf: Studien zur Hochschulgeschichte Nürnbergs. Hrsg. v. Hanns Christof BRENNECKE, Dirk NIEFANGER und Werner Wilhelm SCHNABEL. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, VI-463 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 69). 4761. Akademische Lebenswelten. Habitus und Sozialprofil von Gelehrten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Eberhard DEMM und Jarosław SUCHOPLES. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 260 p. 4762. All Souls and the wider world: statesmen, scholars, and adventurers, c. 1850 – 1950. Ed. by Simon J.D. GREEN and Peregrine Horden. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-326 p. 4763. Antisemitism on the campus: past and present. Ed. by Eunice G. POLLACK. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2011, XXIV-448 p. (Anti-semitism in America). 4764. ARCILA HURTADO (Ramón Emilio). La universidad en América Latina. Medellín, Ediciones UNAULA, 2011, 283 p. (Pensamiento latinoamericano).
4752. WALTER (Norbert). Europa: Warum unser Kontinent es wert ist, dass wir um ihn kämpfen. Frankfurt/M., Campus Verlag, 2011, 254 p.
4765. BAUMANN (Anette). Reichskammergericht und Universitäten in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 2, p. 365-395.
4753. WANEGFFELEN (Thierry). Le roseau pensant: ruse de la modernité occidentale. Avec la collaboration d'ISABELLE CANI et de JÉRÔME GRONDEUX. Paris, Payot, 2011, 301 p.
4766. BERTI (Giampietro). L'Università di Padova dal 1814 al 1850. Treviso, Antilia, 2011, 657 p. (Contributi alla storia dell'Università di Padova, 45).
4754. WARNER (Lyndan). The ideas of man and woman in Renaissance France: print, rhetoric, and law. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 263 p.
4767. BETANCOURT-SERNA (Fernando). Reforma universitaria ilustrada en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, 1768–1798. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2011, 396 p. (Derecho, 120).
4755. WÄTZOLD (Tim). Die Kochbücher des brasilianischen Kaiserreichs.Quellen zur nationalen Identität, materiellen Kultur und der Proklamierung der brasilianischen Küche 1840–1889. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 4, p. 442-458.
4768. CATTANE (Michele). Atleti, goliardi, fascisti: la regata universitaria Pavia-Pisa tra politica e sport (1929– 1940). Presentazione di Elisa SIGNORI. Milano, Cisalpino, 2011, XII-197 p. (Fonti e studi per la storia dell'Università di Pavia, 62).
4756. Weimar culture revisited. Ed. by John Alexander WILLIAMS. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XXVI-235 p. (Studies in European culture and history).
4769. CHÁVEZ DE LA LAMA (Ignacio). La madre de todas las "huelgas": La UNAM en 1966. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2011, 176 p. (Tiempo Guardado).
4757. ZUBILLAGA (Carlos). Cultura popular en el Uruguay de entresiglos (1870–1910). Montevideo, Linardi y Risso, 2011, 386 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 139, 353, 4403, 5218, 5340 § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. ** 4758. GUTIÉRREZ TORRECILLA (Luis Miguel), BALLESTEROS TORRES (Pedro). Fuentes históricas de Alcalá de Henares: textos constitucionales (s. XVIII) y Registro de graduados universitarios (1776–1836). Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, 2011, 458 p. ** 4759. MATHIEU (Georges). La Sorbonne en guerre, 1940–1944: suivi de, Journal de la libération de Versailles. Préface de Jean-Marie MATHIEU. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 275 p. (Les acteurs de la science). ______________________
4770. CIURE (Florina). Studenţi transilvăneni la Universitatea din Padova în secolul al XVII-lea. (Transylvanian students at the University of Padua in the seventeenth century). Crisia. Muzeul Țării Crișurilor, 2011, 41, p. 139-144. 4771. Community (A) of Scholars: Impressions of the Institute for Advanced Study. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 129 p. 4772. DITT (Thomas). "Stoßtruppfakultät Breslau". Rechtswissenschaft im "Grenzland Schlesien" 1933– 1945. Tübingen, Mohr, 2011, XIV-318 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 67). 4773. FAVERO (Giovanni), TRIVELLATO (Ugo). La Statistica nell'Università di Padova: un percorso emblematico dalla Restaurazione all'età repubblicana. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 1, p. 21-60.
4774. GELBER (Scott M.). The university and the people: envisioning American higher education in an era of populist protest. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, IX-268 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 4775. Good journey: 150 years of history at St. Bonaventure University. Edited and additional content by Robert, Ann MAC CARTHY and Daniel MCCARTHY. St. Bonaventure, Franciscan Institute, 2011, 159 p. 4776. History (A) of the university in the Europe. Ed. by Walter RÜEGG. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIV-635 p. (History of the university in Europe, 4). 4777. HOFFMANN (Petra). Weibliche Arbeitswelten in der Wissenschaft. Frauen an der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1890–1945. Bielefeld, transcript, 2011, 405 p. 4778. HUDEK (Adam). Slovenská akadémia vied a umení v rokoch 1945–1952. (Slowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste in den Jahren 1945– 1952). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, p. 285-311. 4779. JASEN (Patricia). Student activism, mental health, and English-Canadian Universities in the 1960s. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 3, p. 455-480. 4780. KÜHN (Sebastian). Wissen, Arbeit, Freundschaft: Ökonomien und soziale Beziehungen an den Akademien in London, Paris und Berlin um 1700. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2011, 361 p. (Berliner Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung, 10). 4781. KUNZ (Roland). Geschichte der Basler Juristischen Fakultät 1835–2010. Hrsg. v. Felix HAFNER, Kurt SEELMANN und Thomas SUTTER-SOMM. Basel, Schwabe, 2011, 314 p. (Studien zur Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Basel, 8). 4782. LINN (Rob). The spirit of knowledge: a social history of the University of Adelaide, North Terrace campus. Ed. by Celia JELLET, Max and Jenny WINTER. Adelaide, University of Adelaide Press, 2011, IV-177 p. 4783. LLOVET (Jordi). Adéu a la Universitat: l'eclipsi de les humanitats. Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011, 379 p. 4784. LOVETT (Bobby L.). America's historically Black colleges & universities: a narrative history from the nineteenth century into the twenty-first century. Macon, Mercer U. P., 2011, XVII-390 p. (America's historically Black colleges and universities series). 4785. Making the future: a history of the University of Sussex. Ed. by Fred GRAY. Brighton, University of Sussex, 2011, IX-372 p. 4786. MASSON (Catherine). La Catho: un siècle d'histoire de l'Université catholique de Lille, 1877–1977. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 559 p. (ill.). (Histoire et civilisations). 4787. Medizinische Fakultät (Die) der Universität Frankfurt am Main im Spiegel der Sitzungsberichte
(1914–1941). Hrsg. v. Udo BENZENHÖFER. Münster, Klemm – Oelschläger, 2011, 122 p. 4788. MONTANDON (Jens). Gemeinde und Schule: Determinanten lokaler Schulwirklichkeit zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts anhand der bernischen Landschulumfrage von 1806. Nordhausen, Traugott Bautz, 2011, 337 p. (Berner Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 12). 4789. PAWLICZEK (Aleksandra). Akademischer Alltag zwischen Ausgrenzung und Erfolg: Juüdische Dozenten an der Berliner Universitaät 1871–1933. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2011, 529 p. 4790. PESET (Mariano). Obra dispersa: la Universidad de México. Prólogo de Enrique GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, Armando PAVÓN ROMERO, Yolanda BLASCO GIL y Leticia PÉREZ PUENTE. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, 2011, 347 p. (Real Universidad de México, estudios y textos, 28). 4791. PONCE ARAUCO (Gabriel). Historia de las universidades bolivianas: hasta la reforma de 1930. La Paz, Plural Editores, 2011, 371 p. 4792. Race, women of color, and the state university system: critical reflections. Ed. by Vivian YENIKAAGBAW and Amarilis HIDALGO-DE JESÚS. Lanham, Univeristy Press of America, 2011, 146 p. 4793. Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Die) der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle- Wittenberg im Nationalsozialismus.Hrsg. v. Heiner LÜCK und Armin HÖLAND. Halle an der Saale, Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, 2011, 215 p. (Hallesche Schriften zum Recht, 29). 4794. Renaissance academies (On): proceedings of the international conference "From the Roman Academy to the Danish Academy in Rome, Dall'Accademia Romana all'Accademia di Danimarca a Roma", the Danish Academy in Rome, 11–13 October 2006. Ed. by Marianne PADE. Roma, Quasar, 2011, 173 p. (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum, 42). 4795. Salamanca y su universidad en el primer Renacimiento: siglo XV. Ed. por Luis E. RODRÍGUEZ-SAN PEDRO BEZARES y Juan Luis POLO RODRÍGUEZ. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2011, 453 p. (Miscelánea Alfonso IX / Centro de Historia Universitaria, Universidad de Salamanca, 2010. Aquilafuente, 175). 4796. SCHARTNER (Irmgard). Die Staatsrechtler der juridischen Fakultät der Universität Wien im "Ansturm" des Nationalsozialismus. Umbrüche mit Kontinuitäten. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 373 p. 4797. SCOT (Marie). La London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895–2010: internationalisation universitaire et circulation des savoirs. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2011, 384 p. 4798. Siècle (Un) d'histoire: l'École française d'Extrême-Orient et le Cambodge. Paris, Magellan & Cie-efeo, 2011, 175 p.
§ 3. Education 4799. Vorlesungen (Die) der Berliner Universität 1810–1834 nach dem deutschen und lateinischen Lektionskatalog sowie den Ministerialakten. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang VIRMOND. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, XXVI-848 p. 4800. WOODMAN (Isla). Education and episcopacy: the universities of Scotland in the fifteenth century. St Andrews, 2011, XVIII-282 p. (University of St Andrews thesis). 4801. ZWICKER (Lisa Fetheringill). Dueling students: conflict, masculinity, and politics in German Universities, 1890–1914. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, IX-296 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany). Cf. nos 4802-4857, 5041 § 3. Education. ______________________
4802. '68 (Il): una rivoluzione culturale tra pedagogia e scuola: itinerari, modelli, frontiere. A cura di Carmen BETTI e Franco CAMBI. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2011, 242 p. (Le frontiere della formazione, 22). 4803. ABSMEIER (Christine). Das schlesische Schulwesen im Jahrhundert der Reformation: ständische Bildungsreformen im Geiste Philipp Melanchthons. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, VII-371 p. (Contubernium, 74. Geschichte. Franz Steiner Verlag). 4804. ACRI (Martín Alberto), CÁCEREZ (María del Carmen). La educación libertaria en la Argentina y en México, 1861–1945. Buenos Aires, Libros de Anarres, Terramar Ediciones, Tupac Ediciones, 2011, 484 p. (Utopía libertaria colección). 4805. ARAI (Akio). Meiji kokka to chiiki kyōiku: Fuken-kanri chūgakkō no kenkyū. (The Meiji state and local education: A study of the prefectural junior high schools). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 448 p. 4806. Bildung. Ziele und Formen, Traditionen und Systeme, Medien und Akteure. Hrsg. v. Michael MAASER und Gerrit WALTHER. Stuttgart u. Weimar, Metzler, 2011, 456 p. 4807. BISPINCK (Henrik). Bildungsbürger in Demokratie und Diktatur: Lehrer an höheren Schulen in Mecklenburg 1918 bis 1961. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XII-358 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen zur-Forschung im Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 79). 4808. BRYANT (Kelly Duke). 'The color of the pupils': schooling and race in Senegal's cities, 1900–10. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 299-319. 4809. BURKHOLDER (Zoë). Color in the classroom: how American schools taught race, 1900–1954. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-252 p. 4810. CARTER (Karen E.). Creating Catholics: catechism and primary education in early Modern France. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, XIII-314 p.
4811. Don Lorenzo Milani e la scuola della Parola: analisi storica e prospettive pedagogiche. A cura di Roberto SANI e Domenico SIMEONE. Macerata, EUM, 2011, 306 p. (Storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche). 4812. Donne e fascismo: immagine e modelli educativi. Brescia, La scuola, 2011, 302 p. (ill.). (Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, 17). 4813. Educação da infância: história e política. Org. Vera Maria Ramos de VASCONCELLOS, Jader Janer Moreira LOPES [et al.]. Niterói, Editora da UFF, 2011, 223 p. 4814. ENEGREN (Johan). Friskolor och statsmakter 1830–2000. (Les écoles libres et les pouvoirs publics en Suède). Uppsala, Föreningen för svensk undervisningshistoria, 2011, 131 p. (Årsböcker i svensk undervisningshistoria, 2011). 4815. Ensino (O) de história da educação. Org. Marta Maria CHAGAS DE CARVALHO y Décio GATTI JÚNIOR. Vitória, Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação, 2011, 405 p. (Horizontes da pesquisa em história da educação no Brasil, 6). 4816. Erziehung und Bildung in laendlichen Regionen: Rural Education. Hrsg. v. Claudia GERDENITSCH und Johanna HOPFNER. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2011, 233 p. (Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 8). 4817. Figlie (Le) di Maria Ausiliatrice in Italia (1872– 2010): donne nell'educazione. A cura di Grazia LOPARCO e Maria Teresa SPIGA. Roma, LAS, 2011, 592 p. (ill.). 4818. FLOREA (Silvia), WELLS (Peter J.). Higher Education in Romania, Bucharest, UNESCO-CEPES, 2011, 221 p. (Monographs on Higher Education). 4819. Francia en la educación de la España contemporánea (1808–2008). Ed. por José María HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2011, 344 p. (Aquilafuente, 177). 4820. Gênero, etnia e movimentos sociais na história da educação. Org.: Sebastião PIMENTEL FRANCO y Nicanor PALHARES SÁ. Vitória, EDUFES, 2011, 312 p. (Horizontes da pesquisa em história da educação no Brasil, 9). 4821. GONZÁLEZ LE SAUX (Marianne). De empresarios a empleados: clase media y estado docente en Chile, 1810–1920. Santiago de Chile, LOM Ediciones 2011, 387 p. (Historia). 4822. GULLINO (Federica). Quando la maestra insegnava "T come Trst": propaganda e scuola anti-italiana nella Trieste jugoslava. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011, 109 p. (Politica e storia, 40). 4823. GYURE (Dale Allen). The Chicago schoolhouse: high school architecture and educational reform, 1856– 2006. Chicago, Center for American Places, 2011, XXIV-294 p. (Center books on Chicago and environs, 15).
4824. HEINEN (Franz Albert). NS-Ordensburgen: Vogelsang, Sonthofen, Krössinsee. Berlin, Links, 2011, 216 p.
4836. MAC CARTHY (Margaret Cain). History of American higher education primer. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, VII-166 p. (Peter Lang primer).
4825. História da educação na América Latina: ensinar y escrever. Org. José GONDRA y José Cláudio Sooma SILVA. Rio de Janeiro, EdUERJ, 2011, 283 p.
4837. MARÍAS CADENAS (Sescún). "Por España y por el campo": la Sección Femenina en el medio rural oscense, 1939–1977. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 2011, 332 p.
4826. Historia de la educación en el Estado de México: ideas, palabras y acciones. Coordinadora Elvia MONTES DE OCA NAVAS. Toluca de Lerdo, Gobierno del Estado de México, 2011, 517 p. (Biblioteca mexiquense del bicentenario. Colección mayor, historia y sociedad, 17). 4827. JUNG (Johannes). Der Heimatkundeunterricht in der DDR: die Entwicklung des Faches in den unteren vier Jahrgangsstufen der Polytechnischen Oberschule zwichen 1945 und 1989. Bad Heilbrunn, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2011, 163 p. (Klinkhardt Forschung). 4828. KAWATA (Atsuko). Kindai nihon chihō kyōiku-gyōsei seido no keisei katei: Kyōiku seido to chihō seido no kōzōteki renkan. (The institutional formation of the local educational administration in modern Japan: The structural relation of the educational institution and the provincial institution). Tokyo, Kazama Shobo, 2011, 378 p. 4829. KRČMÁŘOVÁ (Jana). The third mission of higher education institutions: conceptual framework and application in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Higher Education, 2011, 1, 4, p. 315-331. 4830. LAMBRECHT (Ronald). Studenten in Sachsen 1918–1945. Studien zur studentischen Selbstverwaltung, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Lage sowie zum politischen Verhalten der sächsischen Studentenschaften in Republik und Diktatur. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2011, 555 p. (Geschichte und Politik in Sachsen, 28). 4831. LAWRENCE (Adrea). Lessons from an Indian day school: negotiating colonization in Northern New Mexico, 1902–1907. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, X-309 p. 4832. LEFORT (Geneviève). L'éducation des mères. Olympe Gevin-Cassal, inspectrice générale de l'enfance (1859–1945). Préface de Linda CLARK. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Archives du féminisme, 2011, 289 p. 4833. LEHMANN (Jens). Bildung in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft: von den Wurzeln bis zum Vertragswerk von Maastricht. Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2011, 168 p. (Schriften zur Bildungs- und Freizeitwissenschaft, 7). 4834. LIENERT (Matthias). Zwischen Widerstand und Repression. Studenten der TU Dresden 1946–1989. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 242 p. 4835. LÓPEZ BAUSELA (José Ramón). La contrarrevolución pedagógica en el franquismo de guerra: el proyecto político de Pedro Sainz Rodríguez. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2011, 328 p. (Memoria y crítica de la educación, 22).
4838. MARTÍNEZ ANTONIO (Francisco Javier), GONGONZÁLEZ (Irene). Regenerar España y Marruecos: ciencia y educación en las relaciones hispanomarroquíes a finales del siglo XIX. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2011, 496 p. (Estudios árabes e islámicos. Monografías, 18). ZÁLEZ
4839. MASSARE DE KOSTIANOVSKY (Olinda). La instrucción pública en la época colonial. Asunción, Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción", 2011, 516 p. (Biblioteca de estudios paraguayos, 92). 4840. MAURO (Hayes Peter). The art of Americanization at the Carlisle Indian School. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, 178 p. 4841. MENK (Gerhard). Zwischen Kanzel und Katheder. Protestantische Pfarrer- und Professorenprofile zwischen dem 16. und 20. Jahrhundert Aufgewählte Aufsätze. Marburg, Jonas, 2011, 980 p. 4842. NEIDENMARK (Thomas). Pedagogiska imperativ och sociala nätverk i svensk medborgarbildning 1812–1828. (Impératifs pédagogiques et réseaux sociaux dans l'éducation des citoyens entre 1812 et 1828). Stockholm, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms Universitet, 2011, 349 p. (Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, 2). 4843. NOSKOVÁ (Helena) [et al.]. National minorities, identity, education: collective monograph. Praha, Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 2011, 159 p. [Cf. nos 4574, 6261.] 4844. PARAYRE (Séverine). L'hygiène à l'école. Une alliance de la santé et de l'éducation, XVIII–XIXe siècles. Saint-Étienne, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2011, 364 p. 4845. PARMAN (John). American mobility and the expansion of public education. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 105-132. 4846. "Passeurs" (Des) entre science, histoire et littérature: contribution à l'étude de la construction des savoirs, 1750–1840. Sous la dir. de Gilles BERTRAND et Alain GUYOT. Grenoble, ELLUG, 2011, 233 p. (ill., map). (Savoirs littéraires et imaginaires scientifiques). 4847. PIERCE (Jennifer Burek). What adolescents ought to know: sexual health texts in early twentiethcentury America. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XIII-237 p. (Studies in print culture and the history of the book). 4848. QUADRELLI (Paola). Il partito è il nostro sole: la scuola socialista nella letteratura della DDR. Roma,
§ 4. The Press
Aracne, 2011, 244 p. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologicoletterarie e storico-artistiche, 695).
lysis of the newspaper coverage of the 1942 wealth tax. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 4, p. 605-621.
4849. RAUCH (Marja). Die Schule der Einbildungskraft: zur Geschichte des Literaturunterrichts in der Romantik. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2011, 249 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Deutschunterrichts, 66).
4860. Amnésies françaises à l'époque gaullienne (1958–1981): littérature, cinéma, presse, politique. Études réunies par Nelly WOLF. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 291 p. (Rencontres. Série Littérature des XXe et XXIe siècles, 2).
4850. SANI (Roberto). Sub specie educationis: studi e ricerche su istruzione, istituzioni scolastiche e processi culturali e formativi nell'Italia contemporanea, Macerata, EUM, 2011, 686 p. (Biblioteca di "History of education & children's literature", 2. Scienze dell'educazione. Studi).
4861. ANALCO MARTÍNEZ (Aída). Desde abajo ¡y a contracorriente! El fanzine y los imaginarios juveniles urbanos. México D.F., Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2011, 311 p. (Investigación/Proa).
4851. Schulstiftungen und Studienfinanzierung. Bildungsmäzenatentum in den böhmischen, österreichischen und ungarischen Ländern, 1500–1800. Hrsg. v. Joachim BAHLCKE und Thomas WINKELBAUER. Wien, Oldenbourg u. München, Böhlau, 2011, 407 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 58). 4852. Sex education in eighteenth century France. Ed. by Shane AGIN. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, VI-301 p. 4853. STEFFENS (Frauke). "Innerlich gesund an der Schwelle einer neuen Zeit". Die Technische Hochschule Hannover 1945–1956. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 422 p. (Pallas Athene, 37). 4854. TADAJEWSKI (Mark). Correspondence sales education in the early twentieth century: the case of The Sheldon School (1902–1939). Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1130-1151. 4855. TANTURRI (Alberto). Ordres et congrégations enseignants à l'époque de la Contre-Réforme: Barnabites, Somasques, Scolopes. Revue historique, 2011, 660, p. 811-852. 4856. WALLIS (Patrick), WEBB (Cliff). The education and training of gentry sons in early Modern England. Social history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 36-53. 4857. ZEILNER (Franz). Geschichte der Politischen Bildung in Österreich als Unterrichtsprinzip und Unterrichtsfach. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 215 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften reihe 3. Geschichte und ihre Halfswissenschaften, 1087). Cf. nos 4472, 4758-4801, 5032 § 4. The Press. ______________________
4858. 1968: Pražské jaro 1968: občanská společnost, média, přenos politických a kulturních procesů. (Civil society, the mass media, and the transfer of political and cultural processes in the "Prague Spring" 1968). Ed. Oldřich TŮMA, Markéta DEVÁTÁ. Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2011, 229 p. [Cf. nos 5827, 6135.] 4859. AKAN (Aysun). A critical analysis of the Turkish press discourse against non-Muslims: a case ana-
4862. ANDERSON (Mark Cronlund), ROBERTSON (Carmen L.). Seeing red: a history of natives in Canadian newspapers. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press, 2011, 362 p. 4863. BAENA (Francisco). Una revolución de papel: prensa y cultura obrera en la colonia británica de las minas de Riotinto (1913−1920). Sevilla, Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2011, 284 p. (Historia de la comunicación en Andalucía, 3). 4864. BAUER (Oswald). Zeitungen vor der Zeitung: die Fuggerzeitungen (1568–1605) und das frühmoderne Nachrichtensystem. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 436 p. (ill.). (Colloquia Augustana, 28). 4865. BELLINGRADT (Daniel). Flugpublizistik und Öffentlichkeit um 1700. Dynamiken, Akteure und Strukturen im urbanen Raum des Alten Reiches. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 548 p. (Beiträge zur Kommunikationsgeschichte, 26). 4866. BOSCATO (Stefania). Cronisti della democrazia: il sindacato della stampa parlamentare dalla liberazione di Roma all'Assemblea costituente: 1944−1948. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, XVI-205 p. 4867. BOYS (Jayne E. E.). London's news press and the Thirty Years War. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, X-336 p. (Studies in early Modern cultural, political and social history, 12). 4868. BREUER (Katrin). Grundlagen und Wirkungen der Realismusdebatte in Zeitschriften der Kommunistischen Partei Italiens (PCI) im Italien des Dopoguerra 1944–1962: Rinascita, Società, Contemporaneo. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 469 p. (Schriften zur Literaturgeschichte, 14). 4869. CANCLINI (Arnoldo). El periodismo en Tierra del Fuego. Buenos Aires, Academia Nacional de Periodismo, 2011, 116 p. (Historia del periodismo argentino, 6). 4870. Censura (La) nel secolo dei lumi: una visione internazionale. A cura di Edoardo TORTAROLO. Torino, UTET, 2011, XVII-253 p. 4871. CHECA GODOY (Antonio). Historia de la prensa andaluza. Sevilla, Alfar, 2011, 696 p. (Alfar Universidad, 179). – IDEM. Prensa y partidos políticos durante la II República. Sevilla, Centro Andaluz del Libro, 2011, 583 p. (Colección Andalucía documentos, 10).
4872. CHROBACZYŃSKA-PLUCIŃSKA (Edyta). DuceFührer-Caudillo: idea wodza w świetle polskiej prasy politycznej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. (DuceFuhrer-Caudillo: the idea of the chief in the light of interwar Polish political press). Kraków, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2011, 255 p. (Prace monograficzne, 572). 4873. Civilisation (La) du journal: histoire culturelle et littéraire de la presse française au XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Dominique KALIFA, Philippe RÉGNIER, MarieÈve THÉRENTY et Alain VAILLANT . Paris, Nouveau Monde éditions, 2011, 1762 p. (Opus magnum). 4874. CLARKE (Stephen). The Strawberry Hill Press and its printing house: an account and an iconography. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 142 p. (ill.). 4875. CÓRDULA ALMEIDA (Verbena). Prensa y propaganda en la emancipación hispanoamericana. León, Universidad de León, Área de Publicaciones, 2011, 211 p. 4876. DELECAVE (Bruno). Imprensa alternativa brasileira e a contra cultura. Rio de Janeiro, Luminária academia, Multifoco, 2011, 122 p. 4877. DELLA PERUTA (Franco). Il giornalismo italiano del Risorgimento: dal 1847 all'Unità. Prefazione di Valerio CASTRONOVO. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011, 285 p. (Studi e ricerche di storia dell'editoria, 52). 4878. EISENSTEIN (Elizabeth L.). Divine art, infernal machine: the reception of printing in the West from first impressions to the sense of an ending. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XIII-368 p. (Material texts). 4879. Entre Olózaga y Sagasta: retórica, prensa y poder. Editores José Antonio CABALLERO LÓPEZ, José Miguel DELGADO IDARRETA y Cristina SÁENZ DE PIPAÓN. Logroño, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2011, 477 p. (Colección Quintiliano de retórica y comunicación, 14). 4880. EUMANN (Marc Jan). Der Deutsche PresseDienst. Nachrichtenagentur in der britischen Zone 1945– 1949. Die Geschichte einer Medieninstitution im Nachkriegsdeutschland. Köln, von Halem, 2011, 252 p. (Öffentlichkeit und Geschichte, 5). 4881. FAHS (Alice). Out on assignment: newspaper women and the making of modern public space. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, 360 p. 4882. Fiktionen für das Volk: DDR-Zeitungen als PR-Instrument: Fallstudien zu den Zentralorganen Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit und Der Morgen. Hrsg. v. Anke FIEDLER und Michael MEYEN. Berlin, Lit, 2011, 334 p. (Kommunikationsgeschichte, 30). 4883. FISCHER VON WEIKERSTHAL (Felicitas). Die "inhaftierte" Presse: das Pressewesen sowjetischer Zwangsarbeitslager, 1923–1937. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 528 p. (ill.). (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 77).
4884. GARCÍA MANSO (María Luisa). Prensa, teatro y narrativa popular en la II República: la revista "Esto" (1934–1936). Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo, 2011, 139 p. 4885. GARDESTRÖM (Elin). Att fostra journalister. Journalistutbildningens formering i Sverige 1944–1970. (Former des journalistes. La formation professionnelle des journalistes en Suède de 1944 à 1970). Göteborg, Daidalos, 2011, 296 p. (Skeptronserien). 4886. GONZÁLEZ (Gustavo Eduardo). Noticias bajo fuego: sombras e intrigas del poder real en la Argentina. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Planeta, 2011, 659 p. 4887. GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ (Claudia). Intelectuales, exilio y periodismo en Cuba durante la Revolución mexicana. Morelia, Comisión Institucional para la Conmemoración del Bicentenario de la Independencia y el Centenario de la Revolución Mexicana, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2011, 242 p. (Centenario de la Revolución mexicana, 7). 4888. GUIGNARD (Marie-Thérèse). La liberté de la presse dans le Canton de Vaud: 1798–1832. Lausanne, Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 2011, 487 p. (Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 135). 4889. HAVLÍNOVÁ (Jana). Protektorátní tisk pod nacistickou kuratelou. (The Czech press under Nazi guardianship). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 3, p. 464-467. 4890. HENKEL (Peter). Anton Betz: ein Verleger zwischen Weimar und Bonn. Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf U. P., 2011, 336 p. (ill.). 4891. Histoire de la presse politique en Suisse romande au XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. d'Olivier MEUWLY. Gollion, Infolio, 2011, 375 p. 4892. HOLMILA (Antero). Reporting the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish Press, 1945–1950. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-276 p. (Holocaust and its contexts). 4893. Infern în România. Revoluţia română din Decembrie 1989 în presa italiană. (Hell in Romania. The Romanian Revolution of December 1989 in the Italian press). Ediţie îngrijită de Vasile I. HEREDEA, Horea GANA, Gervasio CURNIS şi Emil ŞIMĂNDAN. Arad, Editura Gutenberg Univers, 2011, 426 p. 4894. Jerarquía: la revista negra de la Falange, Pamplona 1936–1938. Ed. de Enrique URIBE LACALLE. Madrid, Ediciones Barbarroja, 2011, 540 p. (Tinta y memoria). 4895. JEZO-VANNIER (Steven). Presse parallèle: la contre-culture en France dans les années soixante-dix. Marseille, le Mot et le reste, 2011, 302 p. (Attitudes). 4896. JÍLEK (Lubor). L'observatoire du mensuel Kultura, entre Londres et Maisons-Laffitte. Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 33-46. 4897. Jornais republicanos: 1848–1926. Coordenação, organização e pesquisa Luís SÁ y Manuela RÊGO.
§ 4. The Press
Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2011, 316 p. (Bibliografias. Inventários).
Bd. 2. Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 2 vol., XXII-693 p., XXV-895 p.
4898. Kontrolle und Nutzung – Medien in geistlichen Gebieten Europas 1680–1800. Hrsg. v. Ludolf PELIZAEUS und Franz Stephan PELGEN. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u. Bern, Lang, 2011, XI-275 p. (Mainzer Studien zur Neueren Geschichte, 28).
4910. Mondo (Il) ci guarda: l'unificazione italiana nella stampa e nell'opinione pubblica internazionali (1859–1861). A cura di Fulvio CAMMARANO e Michele MARCHI. Milano, Le Monnier, 2011, VI-326 p. (Quaderni di storia).
4899. KORTTI (Jukka). Building the new cultural Finland: the student magazine Ylioppilaslehti, the public sphere and the creation of the Finnish cultural elite in the post-war era. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 4, p. 462-478.
4911. NELSON (Robert L.). German soldier newspapers of the First World War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-268 p. (Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare).
4900. LANDI (Sandro). Stampa, censura e opinione pubblica in età moderna. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 160 p. (Universale paperbacks Il mulino, 609).
4912. OBERMAIER (Frederik). Sex, Kommerz und Revolution: vom Aufstieg und Untergang der Zeitschrift "konkret" (1957–1973). Marburg, Tectum, 2011, 227 p. (ill.).
4901. LEMMENS (Wim). Het ontluikend liberalisme: Franse migranten, hun netwerken en journalistieke activiteiten in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1815–1820). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 3-4, p. 1165-1191.
4913. Ocaso (El) de la verdad: propaganda y prensa exterior en la España franquista (1936–1945). Coordinador Antonio César MORENO CANTANO. SomonteCenero, Ediciones Trea, 2011, 286 p. (Estudios históricos La Olmeda. Colección Piedras angulares).
4902. LETOURNEUX (Matthieu), MOLLIER (JeanYves). La Librairie Tallandier. Histoire d'une grande maison d'édition populaire (1870–2000). Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2011, 624 p.
4914. PALMA (Loredana). Giornali e giornalisti prima dell'Unità: un contributo alla storia del giornalismo napoletano. Napoli, Luciano, 2011, 87 p.
4903. MAC LEOD (Jane). Licensing loyalty: printers, patrons, and the state in early Modern France. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, 302 p. (Penn State series in the history of the book).
4915. Pennskaft, reportrar, tidningskvinnor. (Femmes journalistes et femmes reporters en Suède). Red. Kristina LUNDGREN, Birgitta NEY. Huddinge, Södertörns högskola, 2011, 124 p. (Journalistikstudier vid Södertörns högskola, 3).
4904. MAC MILLIAN (John). Smoking typewriters: the sixties underground press and the rise of alternative media in America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-277 p.
4916. PÉRÉON (Yves-Marie). L'image de la France dans la presse américaine, 1936–1947. Bruxelles, P. Lang, 2011, 472 p. (Enjeux internationaux, 11).
4905. MARCHI (Valerio). Tempo bello per gli ebrei: la vivace polemica antiebraica della stampa cattolica udinese tra Otto e Novecento. Udine, Del Bianco, 2011, 255 p. (Civiltà del Risorgimento, 92). 4906. MERVART (Jan). První sjezd slovenských novinářů v květnu 1963. Reakce stranických špiček a širší dozvuky mezi slovenskými a českými komunistickými intelektuály. (Der erste Kongress des Verbandes slowakischer Journalisten im Mai 1963. Die Reaktionen der Parteiführung und sein Nachklang bei den slowakischen und tschechischen Kommunistischen Intelektuellen). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 1, p. 81-99. 4907. MILLER (Bonnie M.). From liberation to conquest: the visual and popular cultures of the SpanishAmerican war of 1898. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XV-324 p. 4908. MINGHETTI (Anna). L'ascesa al potere di Hitler nelle pagine della Civiltà Cattolica. Roma, Università La Sapienza, 2011, 284 p. 4909. MINTZEL (Alf). Von der Schwarzen Kunst zur Druckindustrie: die Buchdruckerei Mintzel und ihr Zeitungsverlag; ein Familienunternehmen in fünf Jahrhunderten. Bd. 1. Vom Dreißigjährigen Krieg bis 1800.
4917. PITETTE (Yves). Biographie d'un journal: "La Croix". Paris, Perrin, 2011, 336 p. 4918. PITZULO (Carrie). Bachelors and bunnies: the sexual politics of Playboy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, IX-240 p. 4919. POPKIN (Jeremy D.). La presse de la Révolution: journaux et journalistes, 1789–1799. Préface de Daniel ROCHE. Paris, O. Jacob, 2011, 212 p. (Travaux du Collège de France). 4920. PRADO (Antonio). Escritoras anarco-feministas en La Revista Blanca (1898–1936): matrimonio, familia y estado. Madrid, Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, 2011, 347 p. 4921. PRODÖHL (Ines). Die Politik des Wissens: allgemeine deutsche Enzyklopädien zwischen 1928 und 1956. Berlin, Akad.-Verl., 2011, VIII-301 p. 4922. Rebeldes (Los) de la bandera roja: textos del periódico anarquista ¡Tierra!, de La Habana, sobre la Revolución Mexicana. Compilación de Jacinto BARRERA. Introducción y notas de Alejandro de la TORRE. México D.F., Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2011, 229 p. (Colección historia. Serie Sumaria).
4923. REIMÃO (Sandra). Repressão e resistência: censura a livros na ditadura militar. São Paulo, EDUSP, 2011, 179 p. 4924. ROJO HERNÁNDEZ (Severiano). Une guerre de papier: la presse basque antifasciste dans les années trente. Préface de Julio AROSTEGUI. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 298 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 4925. ROLLAND (Asle). Etableringen av pressen som næring i Norge 1875–1900. (The foundation of the newspaper industry in Norway 1875–1900). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 3, p. 365-390. 4926. SAAVEDRA GONZÁLEZ (Rafael Maycol). El rol de la prensa limeña durante la guerra del pacífico (1879–1883) y su repercusión en la enseñanza universitaria. Lima, Jonathan Bernal Champa, 2011, 112 p. 4927. SCHREIBER (Rachel). Gender and activism in a little magazine: the modern figures of the Masses. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XI182 p. 4928. SCHWENDINGER (Christian). Kriegspropaganda in der Habsburgermonarchie zur Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs: eine Analyse anhand fünf ausgewählter Zeitungen. Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2011, 169 p. 4929. SEBRIAN (Raphael Nunes Nicoletti). A repercussão do movimento sandinista na imprensa brasileira (1926–1934). São Paulo, Unesp, 2011, 306 p. 4930. Siècle (Un) de journalisme culturel en Normandie et dans les autres provinces: 1785–1885. Sous la direction de Catriona SETH et Éric WAUTERS. Mont-SaintAignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2011, 202 p.
4937. VORPAHL (Frank). Die Berliner politischen Tageszeitungen in Nachmärz und "Neuer Ära" (1850– 1862): eine pressehistorische Analyse im Kontext von Modernisierungskrise und industrieller Revolution. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 202 p. 4938. WELLS (Jonathan Daniel). Women writers and journalists in the nineteenth-century South. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-244 p. (Cambridge studies on the American South). 4939. WIENER (Joel H.). The Americanization of the British Press, 1830s–1914: speed in the age of transatlantic journalism. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, IX-253 p. (Palgrave studies in the history of the media). 4940. YOUNG (Robert J.). From pacifist to warrior: Gladys Arnold and the European years, 1935–1940. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 2, p. 273-302. 4941. ZESSIN (Philipp). Presse et journalistes 'indigènes' en Algérie coloniale (années 1890–années 1950). Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 35-46. Cf. nos 3533, 5632, 6526 § 5. Philosophy. ______________________
a. General 4942. Andersheit um 1800: Figuren, Theorien, Darstellungsformen. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth Johanna KOEHN, Daniela SCHMIDT, Johannes-Georg SCHÜLEIN, Johannes WEISS und Paula WOJCIK. Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink, 2011, 271 p. (Laboratorium Aufklärung, 8).
4931. SODRÉ (Nelson Werneck). História da imprensa no Brasil. São Paulo, Intercom, 2011, XXXVIII-705 p. (Coleção Comunicação, 46).
4943. Homme (De l') de lettres au philosophe des Lumières: du sens de la mission au doute. Sous la dir. de Jean-Jacques TATIN-GOURIER et Thierry BELLEGUIC. Paris, Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2011, 303 p. (Réseau lumières. Recherche université).
4932. TORTAROLO (Edoardo). L'invenzione della libertà di stampa: censura e scrittori nel Settecento. Roma, Carocci editore, 2011, 223 p. (Frecce, 102).
4944. Illuminismo (L') e i suoi critici. A cura di Dante BOLOGNESI e Sauro MATTARELLI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011, 149 p. (Filosofia, 218).
4933. TRENTO (Angelo). La costruzione di un'identità collettiva: storia del giornalismo in lingua italiana in Brasile. Viterbo, Sette città, 2011, 185 p. (Archivio storico dell'emigrazione italiana. Quaderni, 6).
4945. ISRAEL (Jonathan I.). Democratic enlightenment: philosophy, revolution, and human rights 1750– 1790. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-1066 p.
4934. Vie (La) des femmes. La presse féminine aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Hélène ECK et Claire BLANDIN. Paris, Éditions Panthéon Assas, 2010, 148 p. 4935. VIKEN (Øystein Lydik Idsø). Underdanig opposisjon: Offentleg skriftleg motstand i Noreg 1807– 1814. (Subservient resistance: written public resistance in Norway 1807–1814). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 3, p. 337-364. 4936. Voces y silencios: la prensa Argentina y la dictadura militar (1976–1983). Coordinadores Jorge SABORIDO y Marcelo BORRELLI. Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2011, 380 p. (Temas de comunicación).
4946. Lumières (Les) et l'idée de nature. Textes réunis par Gérard CHAZAL. Dijon, Editions universitaires de Dijon, 2011, 332 p. (ill.). (Histoire et philosophie des sciences). 4947. MARKOVITS (Francine). Le décalogue sceptique: l'universel en question au temps des Lumières. Paris, Hermann, 2011, 436 p. (Collection Hermann philosophie). 4948. MÜHLPFORDT (Günter). Halle-Leipziger Aufklärung: Kernstück der mitteldeutschen Aufklärung. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2011, 389 p. (Mitteldeutsche Aufklärung, 1). 4949. OLIVIERI (Achille). Dalla pazzia di Erasmo alle figure di Galileo: uno sguardo sul lungo Rinasci-
§ 5. Philosophy mento. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). (Il "cannocchiale" dello storico: miti e ideologie, 7). 4950. Philosophie (La) romantique allemande: un philosopher infini. Par André STANGUENNEC. Paris, J. Vrin, 2011, 224 p. (Bibliothèque des philosophies). 4951. PLASTINA (Sandra). Filosofe della modernità: il pensiero delle donne dal Rinascimento all'illuminismo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 154 p. (Quality paperbacks, 316). 4952. Public (Le) et la politique des arts au siècle des Lumières: célébration du 250e anniversaire du premier salon de Diderot. Textes réunis et présentés par Christophe HENRY et Daniel RABREAU. Bordeaux, William Blake & Co., Art & arts, 2011, 436 p. (plates, ill.). (Annales du Centre Ledoux, 8). 4953. SOMOS (Mark). Secularisation and the Leiden Circle. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV-544 p. 4954. STOLLBERG-RILINGER (Barbara). Die Aufklärung: Europa im 18. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Philipp Reclam jun., 2011, 315 p. (ill., maps, facsims). (Universal-Bibliothek). 4955. WAHNICH (Sophie). Sentiments et émotion dans l'élaboration des savoirs politiques instinctifs. Mauss, Shaftesbury, Robespierre: des usages politiques du symbolique. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 1, p. 22-38. Cf. nos 509-524, 728-740, 4357, 4508, 5002, 5010, 5093 b. Special studies 4956. GIGLIONI (Guido). Francesco Bacone. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 253 p. (Pensatori 24). 4957. DWAN (David). Edmund Burke and the Emotions. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 4, p. 571593. 4958. Eduard Bernsteins Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky: (1891 – 1895). Eingel. und hrsg. von Till SCHELZ-BRANDENBURG. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Campus, 2011, XXXIV-801 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Sozialgeschichte, 23). – Eduard Bernsteins Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky (1912–1932). Eingel. v. Eva Bettina GÖRTZ unt. Verw. v. Vorarbeiten v. Jürgen ROJAHN und Tine KOLDEHOFE. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Campus, 2011, LXIV-633 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Sozialgeschichte, 22). 4959. Eugenio Colorni e la cultura italiana fra le due guerre. A cura di Geri CERCHIAI e Giovanni ROTA. Manduria, Lacaita, 2011, 302 p. (Società e cultura, 66). 4960. Joseph de Maistre and the legacy of Enlightenment. Ed. by Carolina ARMENTEROS and Richard A. LEBRUN. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, IX-254 p. (SVEC; 2011:01). 4961. BARING (Edward). The young Derrida and French philosophy, 1945–1968. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-326 p. (Ideas in context, 98).
4962. LESSING (Hans-Ulrich). Wilhelm Dilthey. Eine Einführung. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 199 p. (UTB, 3486). – SCHOLTZ (Gunter). Diltheys "Problem der Religion". Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 2, p. 257–282. 4963. FROMM (Erich). Über die Liebe zum Leben: Rundfunksendungen. Hrsg. v. Hans Jürgen SCHULTZ mit einem Vorwort zur Neuausgabe. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2011, 183 p. 4964. Eugenio Garin: dal Rinascimento all'illuminismo: atti del convegno, Firenze, 6–8 marzo 2009. A cura di Olivia CATANORCHI e Valentina LEPRI, premessa di Michele CILIBERTO. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura e Firenze, Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento, 2011, VII-518 p. (Storia e letteratura, 269). 4965. CANFORA (Luciano). La ricerca è uno scavo costante: a proposito di alcune novità su Grieco e Gramsci. Rivista storica italiana, 2011, 123, 3, p. 12121227. 4966. LEE (Daniel). Popular liberty, princely government, and the Roman Law in Hugo Grotius's De Jure Belli ac Pacis. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 3, p. 371-392. – VAN ITTERSUM (Martine J.). Knowledge production in the Dutch Republic: the Household Academy of Hugo Grotius. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 4, p. 523-548. 4967. FORCE (Pierre). The teeth of time: Pierre Hadot on meaning and misunderstanding in the history of ideas. History & theory, 2011, 50, 1, p. 20-40. 4968. IOGNA-PRAT (Dominique). Maurice Halbwachs ou la mnémotopie. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 821-837. 4969. HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich). Lectures on the philosophy of world history. Vol. 1 Manuscripts of the introduction and the lectures of 1822–1823. Ed. and translated by Robert F. BROWN and Peter C. HODGSON. Oxford, Clarendon Press 2011, XI-562 p. (The Hegel lectures series). – MOLAND (Lydia L.). Hegel on political identity: patriotism, nationality, cosmopolitanism. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2011, XII223 p. (Northwestern University topics in historical philosophy). 4970. WOESSNER (Martin). Heidegger in America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-294 p. 4971. DUFOURCQ (Annabelle). La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl. Dordrecht, New York, Springer Verlag, 2011, IX-397 p. (Phaenomenologica, 198). 4972. THRONTVEIT (Trygve). William James's Ethical Republic. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 2, p. 255-277. 4973. SCHLINKER (Steffen). Grundstücksrecht in der frühen Neuzeit. Eine Herausgabeklage mit einem Urteilsvorschlag von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz aus dem Jahre 1677. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 1-2, p. 12-24.
4974. PAJON (Alexandre). Lévi-Strauss politique. De la SFIO à l'UNESCO. Toulouse, Privat, 2011, 223 p. 4975. KNIGHTS (Mark). John Locke and post-revolutionary politics: electoral reform and the franchise. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 41-86. 4976. BARTHAS (Jérémie). L'argent n'est pas le nerf de la guerre. Essai sur une prétendue erreur de Machiavel. Roma, Ecole française de Rome, 2011, XXXV-478 p. (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 434). – PEDULLÀ (Gabriele). Machiavelli in tumulto. Conquista, cittadinanza e conflitto nei "Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio". Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 633 p. (Biblioteca del Cinquecento, 151).
4986. Immanuel Wallerstein and the problem of the world: system, scale, culture. Ed. by David PALUMBOLIU, Bruce ROBBINS and Nirvana TANOUKHI. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, VIII-263 p. 4987. SCAFF (Lawrence A.). Max Weber in America. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XIV-311 p. 4988. WARE (Ben). Ethics and the Literary in Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 4, p. 595-611. Cf. no 5521 § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique.
4977. HOBSBAWM (Eric J.). How to change the world: reflections on Marx and Marxism. New Haven, Yale U. P., VIII-470 p. – KIESEWETTER (Hubert von). Karl Marx und die Menschlichkeit. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 99 p.
** 4989. DYCKERHOFF (Jakob Friedrich). Collegium über Naturlehre und Astronomie bei Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Göttingen 1796–1797: ein Skizzenbuch der Experimentalphysik. Hrsg. v. Gunhild BERG. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 218 p. (ill.). (Lichtenberg-Studien, 15).
4978. Frühe Melanchthon (Der) und der Humanismus: Akten des gemeinsam mit dem Melanchthonhaus Bretten am 6.–7. November 2009 veranstalteten Symposiums in Bretten. Hrsg. v. Franz FUCHS. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 166 p. (Pirckheimer Jahrbuch für Renaissance- und Humanismusforschung, 25).
4990. '68 (Il) e la scienza in Italia. A cura di Angelo GUERRAGGIO. Pristem/Storia, 2011, 27-28, 167 p.
4979. LORENZON (Matthew). 'The militant musician': G. W. L. Marshall-Hall and the uses of Nietzsche in Australia. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 3, p. 357-371. 4980. RADICA (Gabrielle). Rhétorique et production de la citoyenneté chez Rousseau. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 1, p. 39-54. – SPECTOR (Céline). Au prisme de Rousseau: usages politiques contemporains. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, XI298 p. 4981. RICHTER (Mathias). Freiheit und Macht: Perspektiven kritischer Gesellschaftstheorie: der Humanismusstreit zwischen Sartre und Foucault. Bielefeld, transcript, 2011, 633 p. (Edition Moderne Postmoderne).
4991. ABREU (Jean Luiz Neves). Nos domínios do corpo: o saber médico luso-brasileiro no século XVIII. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Fiocruz, 2011, 213 p. (Coleção História e saúde). 4992. ACKMANN (Martha). Mercury 13: La vera storia di tredici donne e del sogno di volare nello spazio. Milano, Springer Milan, 2011. (I blu). 4993. ALFONSI (Liliane). Étienne Bézout (1730– 1783): mathématicien des Lumières. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 414 p. (Collection Histoire des sciences. Série études). 4994. ALLEN (Robert C.). Why the industrial revolution was British: commerce, induced invention, and the scientific revolution. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 357-384.
4982. HARRISON (Peter). Adam Smith and the history of the invisible hand. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 1, p. 29-49.
4995. ALVAREZ (Carlos), DHOMBRES (Jean G.). Une histoire de l'imaginaire mathématique: vers le théorème fondamentale de l'algèbre et sa démonstration par Laplace en 1795. Paris, Hermann, 2011, XXV-377 p.
4983. Johann Georg Sulzer (1720–1779): Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Hgrs. v. Frank GRUNERT und Gideon STIENING. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 345 p. (Werkprofile, 1).
4996. ANDERSEN (Casper). British engineers and Africa, 1875–1914. London, Pickering and Chatto, 2011, XI-229 p. (Empires in perspective, 16).
4984. KALEDIN (Arthur). Tocqueville and his America: a darker horizon. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XXXV-440 p. 4985. GISONDI (Antonio). Verità, ragione, storicità: forme della ragione nella Napoli di G.B. Vico. Napoli, Giannini editore, 2011, XIV-202 p. (Cultura filosofica e scienze umane, 14). – MARSHALL (David L.). The current state of Vico scholarship. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 1, p. 141-160. – NADDEO (Barbara Ann). Vico and Naples: the urban origins of modern social theory. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XII-300 p.
4997. ANDERSON (Michael). Guesses, estimates and adjustments: Webster's 1755 'Census' of Scotland revisited again. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 1, p. 26-45. 4998. ANDRETTA (Elisa). Roma medica: anatomie d'un système médical au XVIe siècle. Rome, École française de Rome, 2011, 647 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 448). 4999. ARMUS (Diego). The ailing city: health, tuberculosis, and culture in Buenos Aires, 1870–1950. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, X-416 p.
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique 5000. Atelier (De l') au laboratoire: recherche et innovation dans l'industie électrique, XIXe–XXe siècles = from workshop to laboratory: research and innovation in electric industry, 19–20th centuries. Ed. by Yves BOUVIER [et al.]. Bruxelles, P. Lang, 2011, 141 p. (Histoire de l'énergie =History of energy, 1). 5001. AU (Sokhieng). Mixed medicines. Health and culture in French colonial Cambodia. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 263 p. 5002. Aufklärung und Wissenschaft: Meeting: veranstaltet von der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, dem Interdisziplinären Zentrum für die Erforschung der Europäischen Aufklärung (IZEA) und dem Seminar für Philologie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg vom 25. bis 26. Januar 2007 in Halle (Saale). Hrsg. v. Rainer ENSKAT und Andreas KLEINERT. Halle (Saale) Stuttgart, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011, 135 p. (Acta historica Leopoldina, 57). 5003. BARTRA (Roger). Racismo cultura y atraso, el viaje de Ratzel a México. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 239, p. 1807-1814. 5004. BATTISTINI (Andrea). Galileo. Bologna, Il mulino, 2011, 173 p. (Profili di storia letteraria. Itinerari. Filologia e critica letteraria). 5005. BECKER (Elisa M.). Medicine, law, and the state in imperial Russia. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2011, X-399 p. 5006. BERLINGUER (Giovanni). Storia della salute: da privilegio a diritto. Firenze, Giunti, 2011, 310 p. (Saggi Giunti). 5007. BLANEY (Tom). The chief sea lion's inheritance: eugenics and the Darwins. Leicester, Matador, 2011, XVI-171 p. (ill.). 5008. Body divided (The): human beings and human 'material' in Modern medical history. Ed. by Sarah FERBER and Sally WILDE. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 243 p. 5009. BORCHERS (Stefan). Die Erzeugung des 'ganzen Menschen'. Zur Entstehung von Anthropologie und Ästhetik an der Universität Halle im 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, VII-227 p. (Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung, 42). 5010. BORGHERO (Carlo). Les cartésiens face à Newton: philosophie, science et religion dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Turnhout, Belgium, Brepols, 2011, 156 p. (Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études. Sciences religieuses, 147).
Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011, 274 p. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 1991). 5013. BROWN (Michael). Performing medicine: medical culture and identity in provincial England, c. 1760– 1850. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, VIII-254 p. 5014. BRUNEAU (Olivier). Colin Maclaurin, ou, L'obstination mathématicienne d'un newtonien. Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2011, 325 p. (Histoires de géométries). 5015. BUCH (Tomás), SOLIVÉREZ (Carlos E.). De los quipus a los satélites: historia de la tecnología en la Argentina. Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2011, 543 p. (Colección Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad). 5016. BURGERS (Johannes Hendrikus). Max Nordau, Madison Grant, and racialized theories of ideology. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 1, p. 119-140. 5017. CAPECCHI (Danilo), RUTA (Giuseppe). La scienza delle costruzioni in Italia nell'Ottocento: un'analisi storica dei fondamenti della scienza delle costruzioni. Milano, Springer, 2011, XII-357 p. (Unitext). 5018. CHARBONNAT (Pascal). Quand les sciences dialoguent avec la métaphysique. Préface de Francine MARKOVITZ-PESSEL. Paris, Vuibert, 2011, 211 p. (Philosophie des sciences). 5019. CHASSOT (Fabrice). Le dialogue scientifique au XVIIIe siècle: postérité de Fontenelle et vulgarisation des sciences. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 638 p. (Europe des lumières, 13). 5020. Circulation transmission héritage: actes du XVIIIe colloque inter-IREM: histoire et épistémologie des mathématiques. Commission inter-IREM Épistémologie et histoire des mathématiques. Coordination Évelyne BARBIN et Pierre AGERON. Caen, IREM de Basse-Normandie, 2011, XIII-618 p. (ill.). 5021. DALING (Dorien). Stofwisselingen: Nederlandse uitgevers en de heruitvinding van het natuurwetenschappelijke tijdschrift, 1945–1970. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011, 400 p. (Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse boekhandel 1879–3738; Nieuwe Reeks, 12). 5022. Darwin nel tempo: modernità letteraria e immaginario scientifico: Milano, 11–12 novembre 2009. A cura di Carlo PAGETTI. Milano, Cisalpino, 2011, 370 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di Acme, 127). 5023. DESMAZIÈRES (Agnès). L'incoscient au paradis: comment les catholiques ont reçu la psychanalyse 1920−1965. Paris, Payot, 2011, 270 p.
5011. BOWLER (Peter J.). Darwin: off the record. Foreword by Richard DAWKINS. London, Watkins, 2011, 128 p. (Q & A).
5024. DOLNICK (Edward). The clockwork universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the birth of the modern world. New York, HarperPerennial, 2011, XVIII378.
5012. BREIDBACH (Olaf). Radikale Historisierung: kulturelle Selbstversicherung im Postdarwinismus. Series
5025. DOWBIGGIN (Ian). The quest for mental health: a tale of science, medicine, scandal, sorrow, and mass
society. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-248 p. (Cambridge essential histories).
di Dante. Note e disegni a cura di Riccardo PRATESI. Livorno, Sillabe, 2011, 79 p.
5026. DUGAN (Holly). The ephemeral history of perfume: scent and sense in early Modern England. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XI-259 p.
5041. Galileo e la scuola galileiana nelle università del Seicento. A cura di Luigi PEPE. Bologna, CLUEB, 2011, XXII-394 p. (Studi. Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle università italiane, 14).
5027. ECK (Jean-François), TILLY (Pierre). Innovations et transferts de technologie en Europe du NordOuest aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2011, 292 p. (Euroclio. Etudes et documents, 60). 5028. ECKART (Wolfgang U.). Illustrierte Geschichte der Medizin: von der französischen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin, Springer, 2011, IX-374 p. 5029. Eintauchen in die mathematische Vergangenheit: Tagung zur Geschichte der Mathematik in Pfalzgrafenweiler im Schwarzwald, 20.5. bis 24.5.2009. Hrsg. v. Magdalena HYKŠOVÁ und Ulrich REICH. Augsburg, E. Rauner, 2011, XV-276 p. (ill.). (Algorismus, 76). 5030. EMMER (Michele). Matematica e cultura 2011. Dordrecht, Springer, 2011, 230 p. (Matematica e cultura). 5031. Ère électrique (L') = The electric age. Dirigé par Olivier ASSELIN, Silvestra MARINIELLO et Andrea OBERHUBER. Ottawa, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2011, 387 p. (ill.). (Transferts culturels). 5032. Espaces de l'enseignement scientifique et technique: acteurs, savoirs, institutions, XVIIe–XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Renaud D'ENFERT et Virginie FONTENEAU. Paris, 2011, 208 p. (Histoire des sciences). 5033. FINDLAY (John M.), HEVLY (Bruce). Atomic frontier days: Hanford and the American West. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2011, XV-368 p. 5034. FIOLHAIS (Carlos). A ciência em Portugal. Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2011, 112 p. (Ensaios da Fundação, 10). 5035. FITZGERALD (Tanya), COLLINS (Jenny). Historical portraits of women home scientists: the University of New Zealand 1911–1947. Amherst, Cambria Press, 2011, XIV-213 p. 5036. Force, movement, intensity: the Newtonian imagination in the humanities and social sciences. Ed. by Ghassan HAGE and Emma KOWAL. Carlton, Melbourne University Publishing, 2011, IX-213 p. 5037. FORNACIARI (Gino), GIUFFRA (Valentina). Manuale di storia della medicina. Ghezzano, Felici, 2011, 335 p. 5038. FORSBACH (Ralf). Die 68er und die Medizin: Gesundheitspolitik und Patientenverhalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1960–2010). Bonn, Bonn U. P., V & R unipress, 2011, 290 p. (Medizin und Kulturwissenschaft, 5). 5039. GAIETTA (Michele). La dorsale nucleare iraniana. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 71-100. 5040. GALILEI (Galileo). Due lezioni all'Accademia fiorentina circa la figura, sito e grandezza dell'Inferno
5042. Galileo scienziato, filosofo, scrittore: a quattro secoli dal Sidereus Nuncius: atti del convegno internazionale di studi presso il Politecnico Federale di Zurigo = Galileo als Wissenschaftler, Philosoph, Schriftsteller: vierhundert Jahre nach dem Sidereus Nuncius: Akten der internationalen Tagung an der EHT [i.e. ETH] Zürich. Hrsg. v. Piero A. DI PRETORO, Rita UNFER LUKOSCHIK. München, Martin Meidenbauer, 2011, 242 p. (ill.). (Interkulturelle Begegnungen, 8). 5043. GALLUZZI (Paolo). Tra atomi e indivisibili: la materia ambigua di Galileo. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, 147 p. (ill.). (Lessico intellettuale europeo e storia delle idee, 115). 5044. Geschichte (Die) des Automobils. Hrsg. v. Bernd OSTMANN. Stuttgart, Motorbuch-Verl., 2011, 157 p. (Auto, Motor und Sport-Edition). 5045. GIUNTINI (Andrea). Le meraviglie del mondo: il sistema internazionale delle comunicazioni nell'Ottocento. Prato, Istituto di studi storici postali, 2011, 270 p. (Quaderni di storia postale, 32). 5046. GOODEY (C. F.). A history of intelligence and "intellectual disability": the shaping of psychology in early Modern Europe. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, 381 p. 5047. GOSS (Andrew). The floracrats: state-sponsored science and the failure of the enlightenment in Indonesia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, XIV-256 p. (New perspectives in Southeast Asian studies). 5048. GUERRINI (Luigi). La scienza infedele: il giovane Galileo e l'aristotelismo. Manziana, Roma, Vecchiarelli, 2011, 273 p. (Negotia litteraria. Studi, 11). 5049. GUZZI (Rodolfo). La strana storia della luce e del colore. Milano, Springer, 2011, X-190 p. (I blu, pagine di scienza). 5050. HÄHNER-ROMBACH (Sylvelyn). Gesundheit und Krankheit im Spiegel von Petitionen an den Landtag von Baden-Württemberg 1946 bis 1980. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 193 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Beihefte, 40). 5051. HARPER (William L.). Isaac Newton's scientific method: turning data into evidence about gravity and cosmology. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-424 p. (ill.). 5052. HASEGAWA (Mayuho). Sashinoberu te: Kindai sankai no tanjō to sono jidai. (A hand held out: the birth of the modern obstetricians and its age). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2011, 327 p. 5053. HUGHES (Sally Smith). Genentech: the beginnings of biotech. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XV-213 p.
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique 5054. HUNOLD (Angelika). Das Erbe des Vulkan: Eine Reise in die Erd- und Technikgeschichte zwischen Eifel und Rhein. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2011, 159 p. (ill.). 5055. Ilario Altobelli: scienziato, teologo, corrispondente di Galileo Galilei. Testi di Alessandro GIOSTRA e Francesco MERLETTI e William SHEA. Camerano, Empatiabooks, 2011, 143 p. (ill.). 5056. Intorno a Galileo: la storia della fisica e il punto di svolta galileiano. A cura di Enrico GIANNETTO, Giulia GIANNINI e Marco TOSCANO. Rimini, Guaraldi, 2011, 249 p. (Quaderni del CE.R.CO, 9). 5057. ISAACSON (Walter). Steve Jobs. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2011, XXI-630 p. 5058. Justus Lipsius and natural philosophy: 30 November 2007. Ed. by Hiro HIRAI and Jan PAPY. Bruxelles, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 2011, 122 p. 5059. JÜTTE (Robert). Medizin und Nationalsozialismus: Bilanz und Perspektiven der Forschung. In Verbindung mit Wolfgand U. ECKART, Hans-Walter SCHMUHL und Winfried SÜSS. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2011, 323 p. 5060. KAILER (Thomas). Vermessung des Verbrechers. Die Kriminalbiologische Untersuchung in Bayern, 1923–1945. Bielefeld, transcript, 2011, 436 p. 5061. KARLBERG (Ingvar). Från Vasa till vårdval: om ansvar och styrning av svensk hälso-och sjukvård. (Evolution des politiques de santé en Suède de Gustav Vasa à aujourd'hui). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2011, 248 p. (ill.). 5062. Kepler: la physique céleste: autour de l'Astronomia nova, 1609. Présenté par Édouard MEHL. Avec la collaboration de Nicolas ROUDET. Paris, Belles Lettres, 2011, 358 p. (ill.). (Âne d'or, 36). 5063. KINKELA (David). DDT and the American century: global health, environmental politics, and the pesticide that changed the world. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIV-256 p. (Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. series on business, society, and the state). 5064. KOHVAKKA (Mikko). Science, technology and changing power relations: the negotiation process of the agreement on Finnish-Soviet Scientific-Technical Cooperation, 1955. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 349-370. 5065. KOZMA (Liat). Policing Egyptian women: sex, law, and medicine in Khedival Egypt. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2011, XXVII-174 p. (Gender and globalization).
Rousseau. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 371 p. (L'Europe des Lumières, 14). 5068. LEVITAN (Kathrin). A cultural history of the British census: envisioning the multitude in the nineteenth century. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-272 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 5069. Libertas philosophandi in naturalibus: libertà di ricerca e criteri di regolamentazione istituzionale tra '500 e '700. A cura di Silvia FERRETTO, Pietro GORI e Massimo RINALDI. Con la supervisione di Achille OLIVIERI. Padova, CLEUP, 2011, 360 p. 5070. LINKER (Beth). War's waste: rehabilitation in World War I America. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 291 p. 5071. LOMBARDI (Paolo). Un altro Seicento: vampiri, mummie, follia e profezia nel secolo della rivoluzione scientifica. Firenze, Le lettere, 2011, 206 p. (ill.). (Saggi). 5072. MAHONEY (Michael Sean). Histories of computing. Ed. by Thomas HAIGH. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, IX-246 p. 5073. MARR (Alexander). Between Raphael and Galileo: Mutio Oddi and the mathematical culture of late Renaisssance Italy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 359 p. 5074. Medizingeschichte in Schlaglichtern: Beiträge des "Rheinischen Kreises der Medizinhistoriker". Hrsg. v. Dominik GROSS. Kassel, Kassel U. P., 2011, 380 p. (Schriften des Rheinischen Kreises der Medizinhistoriker, 2). 5075. MEHYONG (Stéphane William), NDONG (Robert Edgard). L'électrification de l'Afrique équatoriale française (AEF) dans la période de l'après Seconde Guerre mondiale: aménagements hydroélectriques et rivalités interterritoriales. Revue historique, 2011, 657, p. 93-118. 5076. MELI (Domenico Bertoloni). Mechanism, experiment, disease: Marcello Malpighi and seventeenthcentury anatomy. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XII-439 p. 5077. MILDENBERGER (Florian). Medikale Subkulturen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ihre Gegner (1950–1990): die Zentrale zur Bekämpfung der Unlauterkeit im Heilgewerbe. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2011, 188 p. (ill.). (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 41. Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung). 5078. MILLER (Ian). A modern history of the stomach: gastric illness, medicine and British society, 1800–1950. London, Pickering and Chatto, 2011, XI-195 p. (Studies for the society for the social history of medicine, 4).
5066. KREMENTSOV (Nikolai). A martian stranded on earth: Alexander Bogdanov, blood transfusions, and proletarian science. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XVI-175 p.
5079. MIROWSKI (Philip). Science-mart: privatizing American science. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 454 p.
5067. LE MENTHÉOUR (Rudy). La manufacture de maladies: la dissidence hygiénique de Jean-Jacques
5080. MITTELSTAEDT (Peter). Rational reconstructions of modern physics. Dordrecht, Springer Science,
2011, XII-126 p. (ill.). (Fundamental theories of physics, 169).
cago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XXI-405 p.
5081. MOTA (Bernardo Machado). O estatuto da matemática em Portugal nos séculos XVI e XVII. Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciência e e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior fevereiro, 2011, 636 p. (Textos universitários de ciências sociais e humanas).
5092. OKI (Sayaka). Kagaku akademī to 'yūyōna kagaku': Fontoneru no yume kara kondoruse no yūtopia e. (The science academy and the 'useful science': from Fontenelle's dream to Condorcet's utopia). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2011, 519 p.
5082. MURAWSKI (Roman). Filozofia matematyki i logiki w Polsce międzywojennej = The philosophy of mathematics and logic in the 1920s and 1930s in Poland = Philosophie der Mathematik und Logik in Polen zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen. Toruń, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011, 253 p. (Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej). 5083. MUSSO (Paolo). La scienza e l'idea di ragione: scienza, filosofia e religione da Galileo ai buchi neri e oltre. Prefazione di Evandro AGAZZI. Milano, Mimesis, 2011, 620 p. (ill.). (Studi. Centro internazionale insubrico, 6). 5084. Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung, revisionistische Leugnung. Hrsg. v. Günter MORSCH und Bertrand PERZ. Unter Mitarb. v. Astrid LEY. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, XXXI-446 p. (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten, 29). 5085. NEUMANN (Peter M.). The mathematical writings of Évariste Galois. Zürich, European Mathematical Society, 2011, X-410 p. (Heritage of European mathematics). 5086. NEUNER (Stephanie). Politik und Psychiatrie. Die staatliche Versorgung psychisch Kriegsbeschädigter in Deutschland 1920–1939. Göttingen u. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 396 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 197). 5087. NOGUERO OLIVAR (José). Cultura científica en el siglo XVIII en Aragón. Zaragoza, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 2011, 239 p. (Cuadernos altoaragoneses de trabajo, 29). 5088. NOLL (Richard). American madness: the rise and fall of Dementia Praecox. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 395 p.
5093. Opere (Le) dei filosofi e degli scienziati: filosofia e scienza tra testo, libro e biblioteche: atti del convegno, Lecce, 7–8 febbraio 2007. A cura Franco A. MESCHINI, con la collaborazione di Francesca PUCCINI. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2011, XX-280 p. (Le corrispondenze letterarie, scientifiche ed erudite dal Rinascimento all'età moderna. Subsidia, 17). 5094. PAGEOT (Pierre). La santé des Limousins et des Périgourdins au XIXe siècle: malades, maladies et soignants. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 235 p. (Acteurs de la science). 5095. PARRY (Glyn). The arch-conjuror of England: John Dee. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XII-335 p. 5096. Passion (A) for plants: materia medica and botany in scientific networks from the 16th to 18th centuries. Ed. by Sabine ANAGNOSTOU, Florike EGMOND and Christoph FRIEDRICH. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2011, 143 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Pharmazie, 95). 5097. PAUL (Harry W.). Henri de Rothschild, 1872– 1947: medicine and theatre. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 311 p. (History of medicine in context). 5098. PEMBERTON (Stephen). The bleeding disease: hemophilia and the unintended consequences of medical progress. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XVIII377 p. 5099. PETRAGLIA KROPF (Simone), HOCHMAN (Gilberto). From the beginnings: debates on the history of science in Brazil. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 3, p. 391-408. 5100. PETRI (Rolf). Technologietransfer aus der deutschen Chemieindustrie (1925–1960). [s.l.], Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 428 p. (Schriften zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 77). 5101. PFREPPER (Regine). Lebendige Stoffe: deutschrussischer Wissensaustausch in der physiologischen Chemie im 19. Jahrhundert. Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2011, 262 p. (Relationes, 7).
5089. NS-"Euthanasie" und Erinnerung: Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung, Gedenkformen, Betroffenenperspektiven. Hrsg. v. Stefanie WESTERMANN, Ticharl KÜHL und Tim OHNHÄUSER. Schriftleitung Michaela THAL. Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2011, 247 p. (Medizin und Nationalsozialismus, 3).
5102. PIVATO (Marco). Il miracolo scippato. Le quattro occasioni sprecate della scienza italiana negli anni Sessanta. Roma, Donzelli, 2011, 197 p. (Virgola, 73).
5090. Nutrición, salud y sociedad: España y Europa en los siglos XIX y XX. Ed. por Josep BERNABEUMESTRE y Josep LLUÍS BARONA. Valencia, Seminari d'Estudis sobre la Ciència, Universitat de València, 2011, 369 p. (Scientia veterum, 12).
5103. PONTYNEN (Arthur), MILLER (Rod). Western culture at the American crossroads: conflicts over the nature of science and reason. Wilmington, ISI Books, 2011, XIV-412 p. (American ideals and institutions series).
5091. NYE (Mary Jo). Michael Polanyi and his generation: origins of the social construction of science. Chi-
5104. PRESCOTT (Heather Munro). The morning after: a history of emergency contraception in the United
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique States. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, XI-163 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 5105. PRIESNER (Claus). Alchemie im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Geheimgesellschaften und Adeptengeheimnisse. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 2, p. 385– 414. 5106. PRITCHARD (Sara B.). Confluence: the nature of technology and the remaking of the Rhône. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XVII-371 p. (Harvard Historical Studies, number 172). 5107. QUINCHE (Nicolas). L'impact de la vulgarisation de la police scientifique et technique sur la pratique policière: les traces détruites par ignorance ou maladresse (1904–1920). Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 4, p. 395-416. 5108. RĀSHID (Rushdī). D'al-Khwārizmī à Descartes: étude sur l'histoire des mathématiques classiques. Paris, Hermann, 2011, VI-795 p. (ill.). 5109. REMBIS (Michael A.). Defining deviance: sex, science, and delinquent girls, 1890–1960. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, X-227 p. 5110. RIAUD (Xavier). Dentistes héroïques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Préambule du docteur JeanMarc HUTT. Préface du docteur Jean-Pierre FOGEL. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 176 p. (Médecine à travers les siècles). 5111. RIVERA-GARZA (Cristina). El disco de Newton: diez ensayos sobre el color. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Dirección General de Difusión Cultural, 2011, 56 p. (Bonobos poesía. Literatura. Difusión Cultural UNAM.. Colección Reino de nadie, 24). 5112. ROBERTS (Peder). The European antarctic: science and strategy in Scandinavia and the British Empire. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVII-266 p. (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). 5113. RODRÍGUEZ (Julia). A complex fabric: intersecting histories of race, gender, and science in Latin America. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 3, p. 409-429. 5114. ROUËSSÉ (Jacques). Une histoire du cancer du sein en Occident: Enseignements et réflexions. Paris, Springer, 2011, XXVII-231 p. 5115. ROUX (Sophie). L'essai de logique de Mariotte: archéologie des idées d'un savant ordinaire. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 263 p. (Histoire et philosophie des sciences, 2). 5116. RUSSELL (Edmund). Evolutionary history: uniting history and biology to understand life on earth. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXI-216 p. (Studies in environment and history). 5117. SCARPELLI (Giacomo). Ingegno e congegno: sentieri incrociati di filosofia e scienza. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011, XI-162 p. (Temi e testi, 99).
5118. SCHIFFER (Davide). Attraverso il microscopio: Neuroscienze e basi del ragionamento clinico. Milano, Springer, 2011, XIV-196 p. (I blu, pagine di scienza). 5119. Schlachtschrecken, Konventionen: das Rote Kreuz und die Erfindung der Menschlichkeit im Kriege. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang U. ECKART und Philipp OSTEN. Freiburg, Centaurus Verlag, 2011, 253 p. (Neuere Medizinund Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 20). 5120. SCHNEIDER (Frank). Psychiatry under National Socialism: remembrance and responsibility: commemorative event 26th November 2010. Berlin, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, 2011, 77 p. 5121. SCHUSTER (David G.). Neurasthenic nation: America's search for health, happiness, and comfort, 1869–1920. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, XIII203 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 5122. SCRANTON (Philip). Mastering failure: Technological and organisational challenges in British and American military jet propulsion, 1943–1957. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 479-504. 5123. Secrets and knowledge in medicine and science, 1500–1800. Ed. by Elaine LEONG and Alisha RANKIN. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, IX-247 p. (History of medicine in context). 5124. SHEEHAN (Tanya). Doctored: the medicine of photography in nineteenth-century America. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XIV-202 p. 5125. SIGRIST (René). La nature à l'épreuve: les débuts de l'expérimentation à Genève (1670–1790). Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 706 p. (L'Europe des Lumières, 8). 5126. SINGARAVÉLOU (Pierre). Professer l'Empire. Les 'sciences coloniales' en France sous la IIIe République. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 409 p. 5127. STEPAN (Nancy Leys). Eradication: ridding the world of diseases forever? Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, 309 p. 5128. STOLBERG (Michael). Die Geschichte der Palliativmedizin. Medizinische Sterbebegleitung von 1500 bis heute. Frankfurt am Main, Mabuse, 2011, 303 p. 5129. TEISCH (Jessica B.). Engineering nature: water, development, and the global spread of American environmental expertise. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, 260 p. 5130. TEYSSOU (Roger). L'aigle et le caducée: médecins et chirurgiens de la Révolution et de l'Empire. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 185 p. (ill.). (Les acteurs de la science). 5131. Tradizione galileiana (La) e lo sperimentalismo naturalistico d'età moderna: atti del seminario internazionale di studi, Milano, 16–16 ottobre 2010. A cura di Maria Teresa MONTI. Firenze, Olschki, 2011, XII-226 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca dell'Edizione nazionale delle opere di Antonio Vallisneri, 8).
5132. Transfer of modern science and technology to the Muslim world: proceedings of the International Symposium on "Modern Sciences and the Muslim World": science and technology transfer from the West to the Muslim world from the Renaissance to the beginning of the XXth century, (Istanbul 2–4 September 1987). Ed. by Ekmeleddin İH S A N O Ğ LU. Foreword by Osman BAKAR. Kuala Lumpur, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia, Institute for the Study of the Ummah and Global Understanding, 2011, XIII-442 p. (ill.). (Studies and sources on the history of science series, 5). 5133. Transmission (The) of health practices (c. 1500 to 2000). Ed. by Martin DINGES and Robert JÜTTE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 190 p. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 39). 5134. URBAN (William). Matchlocks to flintlocks. Warfare in Europe and beyond 1500–1700. London, Frontline Books, 2011, XXV-278 p. 5135. VEGUÍN CASAS (María Victoria). Historia de las matemáticas en la Península Ibérica: desde la prehistoria al siglo XV. Barcelona, Editorial Reverté, 2011, XV-431 p. (ill.). 5136. WAGNER (Lioba). Alchemie und Naturwissenschaft: über die Entstehung neuer Ideen an der Reibungsfläche zweier Weltbilder: gezeigt an Paracelsus, Robert Boyle und Isaac Newton. Würzburg, Königshausen and Neumann, 2011, 267 p. 5137. WAKE (Naoko). Private practices: Harry Stack Sullivan, the science of homosexuality, and American liberalism. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, XIII263 p. 5138. War, trauma and medicine in Germany and Central Europe (1914–1939). Ed. by Hans-Georg HOFER, Cay-Rüdiger PRÜLL und Wolfgang U. ECKART. Freiburg, Centaurus, 2011, 192 p. (Neuere Medizin und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Quellen und Studien, 26). 5139. WEBER (Domizia). Sanare e maleficiare: guaritrici, streghe e medicina a Modena nel XVI secolo. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 231 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 168). 5140. WEBER (Heiko). Die Elektrisiermaschinen im 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Verlag fǖr Wissenschaft und Bildung, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). (Ernst-Haeckel-Haus-Studien, 7).
millan, 2011, X-183 p. (Science, technology and medicine in modern history). 5144. WOLTERS (Christine). Tuberkulose und Menschenversuche im Nationalsozialismus: das Netzwerk hinter den Tbc-Experimenten im Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2011, 286 p. (Geschichte und Philosophie der Medizin, 10. Medizingeschichte). 5145. ZIERLER (David). The invention of ecocide: agent orange, Vietnam, and the scientists who changed the way we think about the environment. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XII-245 p. Cf. nos 3566, 4838, 6752 § 7. Literature. ______________________
a. General 5146. ALHAIQUE PETTINELLI (Rosanna). Bonorum atque eruditorum cohors: cultura letteraria e pietas nella Roma umanistico-rinascimentale. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2011, XV-121 p. (RR inedita. Saggi, 50). 5147. BOSTAN (Grigore C.), BOSTAN (Lora). Patrimoniu cultural-literar românesc: (actuala regiune Cernăuţi). Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, 271 p. 5148. BUSCH (Allison). Poetry of kings: the classical Hindi literature of Mughal India. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XV-339 p. (South Asia research series). 5149. Humanisme (L') a la Corona d'Aragó: (en el context hispànic i europeu). Editors Júlia BUTINYÀ JIMÉNEZ y Antonio CORTIJO OCAÑA. Potomac, Scripta Humanistica, 2011, 475 p. (Scripta Humanistica, 165. Catalan series, 1). 5150. LEY (Klaus). Impulse und Kontraste in der europäischen Literatur: grenzüberschreitend: Italien – Deutschland – Frankreich. Berlin, Weidler, 2011, 2 vol, 795 p. (ill.). (Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 151). 5151. Mythologie classique (La) dans la littérature néo-latine: en hommage à Geneviève et Guy Demerson: 3e Congrès de la Société française d'études néolatines, Clermont-Ferrand, 12–14 avril 2005. Études réunies et présentées par Virginie LEROUX. ClermontFerrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2011, 524 p. (ill.). (Collection ERGA, 12).
5141. Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology 1894–2004: an author index, introductory essays and classical papers. Ed. by Marco STEPS [et al.]. Prague, Springer, 2011, XXIV-366 p. (ill.). (Studies in the history of sciences and humanities, 24).
5152. OTT (Christine). Feinschmecker und Bücherfresser: Esskultur und literarische Einverleibung als Mythen der Moderne. Paderborn, Fink, 2011, 517 p. (ill.).
5142. WILLRICH (Michael). Pox: an American history. New York, Penguin Press, 2011, 422 p. (Penguin history of American life).
5153. PFITZINGER (Elke). Die Aufklärung ist weiblich: Frauenrollen im Drama um 1800. Würzburg, Ergon, 2011, 248 p. (Literatura, 26).
5143. WILSON (Duncan). Tissue culture in science and society: the public life of a biological technique in twentieth century Britain. New York, Palgrave Mac-
5154. SAPIRO (Gisèle). La Responsabilité de l'écrivain: Littérature, droit et morale en France (XIXe–XXIe siècle). Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 746 p.
§ 7. Literature 5155. SARDUY (Severo). El barroco y el neobarroco. Apostillas por Valentín DÍAZ. Buenos Aires, El Cuenco de Plata, 2011, 73 p. (Cuadernos de plata, 5).
2011, XII-194 p. (ill.). (Women and gender in the early modern world).
5156. SUH (Eun Ju). Der Bildungsroman als literarisches Opfer. Frankfurt am Main a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 92 p. (ill.) (Münchener Studien zur literarischen Kultur in Deutschland, 43).
5169. Eta Harich-Schneider: die Sonette William Shakespeares und die Lyrik der "Rekusanten": Erlebnisse und Übersetzungen einer reisenden Musikerin, 1941–1982. Hrsg v. Christa JANSOHN. Berlin, LIT, 2011, 490 p. (ill.). (Studien zur englischen Literatur, 25).
5157. WALKER (David H.). Consumer chronicles: cultures of consumption in modern French literature. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, VII-328 p. (Contemporary French and francophone cultures, 19).
5170. FAHEY (Maria Franziska). Metaphor and Shakespearean drama: unchaste signification. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVII-192 p. (ill.). (Early modern literature in history).
Cf. nos 5370, 5375
5171. FLACHMANN (Michael). Shakespeare in performance: inside the creative process. Salt Lake City, Utah U. P. 2011, XXIV-312 p.
b. Renaissance 5158. BAUSI (Francesco). Umanesimo a Firenze nell'età di Lorenzo e Poliziano: Jacopo Bracciolini, Bartolomeo Fonzio, Francesco Da Castiglione. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2011, XXVIII-555 p. (Studi e testi del Rinascimento europeo, 39). 5159. BORLIK (Todd A.). Ecocriticism and early modern English literature: green pastures. New York, Routledge, 2011, XII-279 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in Renaissance literature and culture, 16). 5160. CARTER (Sarah). Ovidian myth and sexual deviance in early modern English literature. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VIII-212 p. 5161. CHARTIER (Roger). Cardenio entre Cervantès et Shakespeare: histoire d'une pièce perdue. Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 375 p. (ill.). 5162. CHERNAIK (Warren). The myth of Rome in Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 298 p. 5163. CHESTERS (Timothy). Ghost stories in late Renaissance France: walking by night. Oxford, New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-283 p. (Oxford modern languages and literature monographs). 5164. DOBSON (Michael). Shakespeare and amateur performance: a cultural history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-265 p. (ill.). 5165. Dynamic translations in the European Renaissance = La traduzione del moderno nel cinquecento europeo: atti del convegno internazionale, Università di Groningen, 21–22 ottobre 2010. A cura di Philiep BOSSIER, Harald HENDRIX e Paolo PROCACCIOLI. Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2011, XVII-362 p. (Cinquecento. Studi, 37). 5166. ELLRODT (Robert). Montaigne et Shakespeare: l'émergence de la conscience moderne. Paris, José Corti, 2011, 290 p. (Les essais). 5167. Epoque (L') de la Renaissance: 1400–1600. Tome III Maturations et mutations: 1520–1560. Publié sous la direction de EVA KUSHNER. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2011, IX-636 p. (Comparative history of literatures in European languages, 26). 5168. ESPINOSA (Ruben). Masculinity and Marian efficacy in Shakespeare's England. Farnham, Ashgate
5172. FOGLIA (Marc). Montaigne, pédagogue du jugement. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 269 p. (Essais philosophiques sur Montaigne et son temps, 1). 5173. GEORGOPOULOU (Xenia). The body as text in Shakespeare's plays: the fashioning of the sexes. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, III-262 p. 5174. GUILLOT (Roland). Essais sur Jean Second. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 364 p. (ill.). (Études et essais sur la Renaissance, 94). 5175. HALLETT (Charles A.), HALLETT (Elaine S.). The artistic links between William Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More: radically different Richards. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-293 p. 5176. HEALY (Margaret). Shakespeare, alchemy and the creative imagination: the Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-260 p. (ill.). 5177. HILLION (Joël). Shakespeare et son double: les sonnets de Shakespeare à la lumière de la théorie mimétique de René Girard. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 251 p. 5178. HILTNER (Ken). What else is pastoral? Renaissance Literature and the environment. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, 189 p. 5179. HÖFELE (Andreas). Stage, stake, and scaffold: humans and animals in Shakespeare's theatre. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-315 p. (ill.). 5180. Homo eloquens homo politicus: a retórica e a construção da cidade na Idade Média e no Renascimento. Coord. Nair Castro SOARES, Margarida MIRANDA e Carlota Miranda URBANO. Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos, 2011, 304 p. (ill.). (Colecção Autores Gregos e Latinos. Serie Ensaios). 5181. HÖTTEMANN (Benedikt). Shakespeare and Italy. Zurich, LIT 2011, 419 p. 5182. JO WERTH (Tiffany). The fabulous dark cloister: romance in England after the Reformation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, IX-234 p. (ill.). 5183. KEZAR (Dennis). Guilty creatures: Renaissance poetry and the ethics of authorship. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-268 p.
5184. KRAZEK (Rafal). Montaigne et la philosophie du plaisir: pour une lecture épicurienne des Essais. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 279 p. (Essais philosophiques sur Montaigne et son temps, 2). 5185. LACORE-MARTIN (Emmanuelle). Figures de l'histoire et du temps dans l'œuvre de Rabelais. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2011, XVII-342 p. (Études rabelaisiennes, 51).
5198. SANCHEZ (Melissa E.). Erotic subjects: the sexuality of politics in early modern English literature. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011. XI-283 p. 5199. SCHULTE (Jörg). Jan Kochanowski und die Europäische Renaissance: acht Studien. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 263 p. (ill.). (Gratia: Tübinger Schriften zur Renaissanceforschung und Kulturwissenschaft, 47).
5186. LYNE (Raphael). Shakespeare, rhetoric and cognition. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P.m 2011, VIII267 p.
5200. Shakespeare and religion: early modern and postmodern perspectives. Ed by Ken JACKSON and Arthur F. MAROTTI. Notre Dame, Notre Dame U. P., 2011, VI-306 p.
5187. Making publics in early modern Europe: people, things, forms of knowledge. Ed. by Bronwen WILSON and Paul YACHNIN. London, Routledge, 2011. XIV282 p. (ill.).
5201. Shakespeare without boundaries: essays in honor of Dieter Mehl. Ed. by Christa JANSOHN, Lena COWEN ORLIN and Stanley WELLS. Newark, Delaware U. P., 2011, 393 p. (ill.).
5188. MARINO (James J.). Owning William Shakespeare: The King's Men and their intellectual property. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U. P., 2011, 204 p. (ill.).
5202. Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Rabelais: new interpretations and comparative studies. Ed. by José Manuel GONZÁLEZ and Clive A. BELLIS. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, II-217 p.
5189. MERKL (Heinrich). Cervantes anti-sofista: sobre Platón, Ficino, y los tres "Quijotes" (1605, 1614 y 1615). Vigo, Academia del Hispanismo, 2011, 303 p. (Biblioteca Cátedra Miguel de Cervantes, 18). 5190. MOLLENHAUER (Sabine). Die Repräsentation von Geschlechterrollen in W. Shakespeares Dramen: der Beitrag moralisch-didaktischer Traktakte in der elisabethanischen und jakobäischen Zeit. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, 583 p. (ill.). (Anglistische Forschungen, 417). 5191. Montaigne contemporaneo. A cura di Nicola PANICHI, Renzo RAGGHIANTI e Alessandro SAVORELLI. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 281 p. (Seminari e convegni, 24). 5192. MONTALEONE (Carlo). Oro, cannibali, carrozze: il nuovo mondo nei Saggi di Montaigne. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011, 275 p. (Nuova cultura. Introduzioni, 255). 5193. PIRRUCCIO (Linda). Giovanni Villifranchi: la 'fabbrica' delle favole sceniche di Tasso e Ariosto, Roma, Bulzoni, 2011, 416 p. 5194. Poètica (La) renaixentista a Europa: una recreació del llegat clàssic. Ed. a cura de Josep SOLERVICENS, Antoni L. MOLL y Bernhard HUSS [et al.]. Lleida, Punctum & Mimesi, 2011, 241 p. (Poètiques, 2). 5195. Rabelais et la question du sens. Ed. par Jean CÉARD et Marie-Luce DEMONET, Genève, Librairie Droz, 2011, 306 p. (ill.) (Études rabelaisiennes, 49). 5196. RADTKE (Heinz-Werner). Vom neuen, gerechten, freien Menschen: ein Paradigmawechsel in Andreas Gryphius' Trauerspielzyklus. Bern u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 283 p. (Deutsche Literatur von den Anfängen bis 1700, 49). 5197. RUSSELL (Nicolas). Transformations of memory and forgetting in sixteenth-century France: Marguerite de Navarre, Pierre de Ronsard, Michel de Montaigne. Newark, Delaware U. P., 2011, XXII-183 p. (ill.).
5203. Shakespeare: the Indian icon: a collection of Indian responses: social, cultural, academic. Ed. by Vikram CHOPRA. New Delhi, Readers Paradise, 2011, XXVI836 p. (ill.). 5204. Shakespearean educations: power, citizenship, and performance. Ed. by Coppelia KAHN, Heather S. NATHANS and Mimi GODFREY. Newark, Delaware U. P., 201, 327 p. 5205. Shakesqueer: a queer companion to the complete works of Shakespeare. Ed. by Madhavi MENON. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, X-494 p. (ill.). 5206. SILVERSTONE (Catherine). Shakespeare, trauma and contemporary performance. New York, Routledge, 2011, X-175 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in Shakespeare, 4). 5207. STRIER (Richard). The unrepentant Renaissance: from Petrarch to Shakespeare to Milton. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2011, XII-304 p. 5208. THOMPSON (Ayanna). Passing strange: Shakespeare, race, and contemporary America. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-224 p. (ill.). 5209. Tradition et créativité dans les formes gnomiques en Italie et en Europe du Nord (XIVe–XVIIe siècles). Études réunies par Perrine GALAND [et al.]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 321 p. (Latinitates, 4). 5210. Vie solitaire, vie civile: l'humanisme de Pétrarque à Alberti: actes du XLVIIe Colloque international d'études humanistes, Tours, 28 juin–2 juillet 2004. Sous la dir. de Frank LA BRASCA et Christian TROTTMANN. Paris, Champion, 2011, 638 p. (ill.). (Le savoir de Mantice: travaux du Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance Savoir de Mantice, 20). 5211. WHITFIELD WHITE (Paul). Drama and religion in English provincial society, 1485–1660. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-247 p. (ill.).
§ 7. Literature
5212. WRIGHT (George T.). Poetic craft and authorial design in Shakespeare, Keats, T.S. Eliot, and Henry James, with two essays on the Pygmalion legend. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, XII-273 p.
5225. Penser l'héritage à l'âge classique. Sous la dir. de Stéphanie LOUBÈRE et Delphine REGUIG. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2011, 232 p. (Littératures classiques, 75).
c. Classicism
5226. RIVERO IGLESIAS (Carmen). La recepción e interpretación del Quijote en la Alemania del siglo XVIII. Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real Ayuntamiento de Argamasilla de Alba 2011, 422 p. (Colección Casasayas, 1).
5213. Don Quijote en su periplo universal: aspectos de la recepción internacional de la novela cervantina. Ed. por Juan Antonio ALBALADEJO MARTÍNEZ y Hans Christian HAGEDORN. Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2011, 473 p. (Colección Humanidades, 113). 5214. Échos du Grand Siècle, 1638–2011. Sous la dir. de Guy SPIELMANN. Toulouse, Honoré Champion, 2011, 262 p. (Littératures classiques, 76). 5215. Entre lo sensible y lo inteligible: música, poética y pictórica en la literatura cervantina. Ed. por. Vigo, Academia del Hispanismo, 2011 (309 p). (ill.). 5216. GAMECHOGOICOECHEA LLOPIS (Ane). El mito de Orfeo en la literatura barroca española. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2011, 179 p. (ill.). (Serie Literatura. Fastiginia, 4). 5217. Georg Philipp Harsdörffers Universalität: Beiträge zu einem uomo universale des Barock. Hrsg. v. Stefan KEPPLER-TASAKI und Ursula KOCHER. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, X-332 p. (ill.). (Frühe Neuzeit, 158).
5227. SCHMIDT (Rachel). Forms of modernity: Don Quixote and modern theories of the novel. Toronto a. London, Toronto U. P., 2011, XX-403 p. (University of Toronto romance series). 5228. Storie inglesi: l'Inghilterra vista dall'Italia tra storia e romanzo (XVII sec.). A cura di Clizia CARMINATI e Stefano VILLANI, con l'edizione del Cappuccino scozzese di Giovan Battista RINUCCINI (1644) e del Cromuele di Girolamo GRAZIANI (1671). Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 485 p. (Seminari e convegni, 25). 5229. TIMPANARO (Sebastiano). Classicismo e illuminismo nell'Ottocento italiano: testo critico con aggiunta di saggi e annotazioni autografe. A cura di Corrado PESTELLI. Introduzione di Gino TELLINI. Firenze, Le Lettere, 2011, CIV-554 p. Cf. no 5182 d. Romanticism and after
5218. GIL FERNÁNDEZ (Luis). Nuevos estudios de humanismo y tradición clásica. Madrid, Dykinson, 2011, 2 vol., 250 p., 237 p. (ill.). (Colección Clásicos Dykinson. Serie Estudios).
** 5230. Guillaume Apollinaire au centre des avantsgardes: éditions originales et lettres autographes de la bibliothèque Jean Bonna. Par Edouard GRAHAM. Dijon, Fata morgana, 2011, 155 p. (ill.).
5219. LOUBÈRE (Stéphanie). Leçons d'amour des Lumières. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 378 p. (Europe des lumières, 10).
** 5231. RUBIO JIMÉNEZ (Jesús), DEAÑO GAMALLO (Antonio). El camino de las letras: epistolarios inéditos de Rafael Altamira y José Martínez Ruiz (Azorín), con Leopoldo Alas (Clarín). San Vicente del Raspeig, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2011, 155 p. (Literatura).
5220. MARTÍNEZ (Luz Ángela). Barroco y neobarroco: del descentramiento del mundo a la carnavalización del enigma. Santiago, Fondo Juvenal Hernández Jaque, Editorial Universitaria, 2011, 312 p. (El saber y la cultura). 5221. MINEO (Nicolò). Cultura e illuminismo: la letteratura nell'Italia del Settecento. Acireale, Bonanno, 2011, 2 vol., 797 p. (Occasioni critiche, 11). 5222. MONTERO REGUERA (José). Cervantismos de ayer y de hoy: capítulos de historia cultural hispánica. San Vicente del Raspeig, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2011, 334 p. 5223. Orações de sapiência, 1548–1555. Estabelecimento do texto latino, introdução e notas de Maria José PACHECO [and four authors]. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2011, 555 p. (Portugaliae monumenta neolatina, 11). 5224. Parcours dissidents au XVIIIe siècle: la marge et l'écart. Textes réunis par Stéphanie GENAND et Claudine POULOUIN. Paris, Éditions Desjonquères, 2011, 266 p. (L'esprit des lettres).
5232. ACEREDA (Alberto). El antimodernismo: debates transatlánticos en el fin de siglo. Palencia, Ediciones Cálamo, 2011, 420 p. (Referencias, 10). 5233. After postmodernism = Nach der Postmoderne. Ed. Rachel MAGSHAMHRÁIN und Sabine STRÜMPERKROBB. Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre, 2011, 226 p. 5234. ARMBRUSTER (Elif S.). Domestic biographies: Stowe, Howells, James, and Wharton at home. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, XIV-196 p. (ill.). (Studies on themes and motifs in literature, 105). 5235. BABUTS (Nicolae). Mimesis in a cognitive perspective: Mallarmé, Flaubert, and Eminescu. Somerset a. London, Transaction, 2011, XXXVI-215 p. 5236. BAUDOIN (Sébastien). Poétique du paysage dans l'œuvre de Chateaubriand. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 727 p. (Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes, 15).
5237. BIGI (Emilio). Una vita più vitale: stile e pensiero in Leopardi. A cura di Cristina ZAMPESE. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, XIX-186 p. (Testi e studi leopardiani. Centro nazionale di studi leopardiani, 16). 5238. BISHOP (Paul). Analytical psychology and German classical aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller, and Jung. London, Routledge, 2008, 248 p. 5239. BRESCIA (Pablo). Modelos y prácticas en el cuento hispanoamericano: Arreola, Borges, Cortázar. Madrid y Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2011 (367 p.). (Nuevos hispanismos, 14). 5240. BRISOLIN (Viola). Power and subjectivity in the late work of Roland Barthes and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Oxford a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, VIII-297 p. (European connections, 24). 5241. BROCK (Julie). Reception et Creativite: Le cas de Stendhal dans la litterature japonaise moderne et contemporaine. Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, 364 p. 5242. BRUNEAU (Jean-Baptiste). Le 'Cas Drieu', Drieu La Rochelle entre écriture et engagement. Débats, représentations et interprétations de 1917 à nos jours. Paris, Eurédit, 2011, 646 p. 5243. BRUNELLI (Cristiana). La ballata romantica italiana. Firenze, Le Càriti, 2011, 272 p. (Logos, 20). 5244. BURESI-COLLARD (Marie-Françoise). Pasolini: le corps in-carne: à propos de Pétrole. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 215 p. (Ouverture philosophique). 5245. CASTELVEDERE (Antonella). Dimensions of delicacy: the poetics and politics of delicacy in the poetry of Keats, Rilke and Pasolini. Saarbrücken, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, 280 p. 5246. CROUZET (Michel). Stendhal et l'Amérique II Stendhal et le désenchantement du monde. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 718 p. (Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes, 19). 5247. DAVIES (Robin H.). The European Nabokov: web, classicism and T.S. Eliot: a textual interpretation of Pale fire. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2011, XXV-275 p. (ill.). (Studies in Russian and Slavic literatures, cultures and history). 5248. DRAGUHN (Elisabeth). Distanz in Leben und Romanwerk Goethes: zur Rettung einer Dichterexistenz. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). 5249. DRAGUNOIU (Dana). Vladimir Nabokov and the poetics of liberalism. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2011, XIX-318 p. (ill.). (Studies in Russian literature and theory). 5250. DUBUIS (Patrick). Émergence de l'homosexualité dans la littérature française: d'André Gide à Jean Genet. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 317 p. (Homo textualités). 5251. Écrire sous l'Occupation. Du non-consentement à la Résistance. France-Belgique-Pologne 1940–1945. Sous la dir. de Bruno CURATOLO et François MARCOT.
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 423 p. (Histoire). 5252. Enquêtes sur les Promenades dans Rome: façons de voir. Ed. par Xavier BOURDENET et François VANOOSTHUYSE. Grenoble, ELLUG, 2011, 277 p. (Bibliothèque stendhalienne et romantique). 5253. FEDERICI (Annalisa). Il linguaggio e la realtà: la narrativa modernista di Virginia Woolf e James Joyce. Perugia, Morlacchi, 2011, 288 p. 5254. Fragmente der Frühromantik. Ed. by Friedrich STRACK and Martina EICHELDINGER. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, 2 vol., 338 p., VIII-562 p. 5255. FRANCESCATO (Simone). Collecting and Appreciating: Henry James and the Transformation of Aesthetics in the Age of Consumption. Oxford, Peter Lang a. Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011, 222 p. 5256. FRANKLIN (Ruth). A thousand darknesses: lies and truth in Holocaust fiction. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-256 p. 5257. GABASTON (Liza). Le langage du corps dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2011, 457 p. (Recherches proustiennes, 20). 5258. GAURAV (Majumdar). Migrant Form: Anticolonial Aesthetics in Joyce, Rushdie and Ray. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 182 p. 5259. GAUTIER (Théophile). Histoire du romantisme: suivi de, Quarante portraits romantiques. Édition préfacée et établie par Adrien GOETZ. Avec la collaboration d'Itaï KOVÁCS. Paris, Galliamard, 2011, 655 p. (Folio). 5260. GIBHARDT (Boris Roman). Das Auge der Sprache: Ornament und Lineatur bei Marcel Proust. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, X-360 p. (ill.). (Passagen. Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, 40). 5261. GILARDONI-BÜCH (Karin Birge). Einbildungskraft als Organon der Ethik: Novalis und Leopardi. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, 235 p. (Jenaer Germanistische Forschungen, 31). 5262. GIOVANNETTI (Paolo). Romanticismo senza Risorgimento: rimossi ottocenteschi dell'identità italiana. Roma, G. Perrone, 2011, 333 p. (SagUni letteratura). 5263. GOERKE (Britta). Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg" und James Joyces "Ulysses" Flanieren (im) Erzählen: zwei Romane auf dem Weg in die Moderne. Hamburg, Dr. Kovač, 2011, 189 p. (Schriftenreihe Poetica, 118). 5264. Goethe, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche: saggi in memoria di Sandro Barbera. A cura di Giuliano CAMPIONI, Leonardo PICA CIAMARRA e Marco SEGALA. Pisa, ETS, 2011, VI-710 p. 5265. Goethes Leben von Tag zu Tag Generalregister: Namenregister, Register der Werke Goethes, geographisches Register. Hrsg. v. Siegfried SEIFERT. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011, XVI-665 p.
§ 7. Literature 5266. GOLDHILL (Simon). Freud's couch, Scott's buttocks, Brontë's grave. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2011, VII-131 p. (ill.). (Culture trails). 5267. GREMIGNI (Elena). Italo Calvino: la realtà dell'immaginazione e le ambivalenze del moderno. Firenze, Le lettere, 2011, 120 p. (I quaderni del Le Lettere, 4). 5268. HERTRAMPF (Marina Ortrud M.). Photographie und Roman: Analyse, Form, Funktion: Intermedialität im Spannungsfeld von nouveau roman und postmoderner Ästhetik im Werk von Patrick Deville. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 430 p. (Machina, 3). 5269. HORNUNG (Martina). Der heilige Tod: Legendenproduktion in der modernen deutschen Künstlerbiographie von 1805 bis 2005: Fallstudien zu Schiller, Goethe und Heine. Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre, 2011, 428 p. 5270. HUGHES (Edward J.). Proust, class, and nation. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 201, XV-298 p. 5271. James Joyce and the nineteenth-century French novel. Ed. by Finn FORDHAM and Rita SAKR. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2011, 190 p. (European Joyce studies, 19). 5272. JOCHEM (Schäfer). Goethe und sein Alterswerk "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre" im Lichte des Widerstands gegen den Nationalsozialismus: der deutsche Wandertag 1927 in Herborn und seine Folgen. Nordstrand, Nordsee M. G. Schmitz-Verlag, 2011, 82 p. (ill.). 5273. JOHNSON (Kendall). Henry James and the visual. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 246 p. 5274. JONAS-SCHMALFUSS (Bettina). Fiktive Goethedarstellungen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2011, 272 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 2022). 5275. JONES (Andrew F.). Developmental fairy tales: evolutionary thinking and modern Chinese culture. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 259 p. 5276. JÜNGER (Ernst). Zur Geiselfrage. Schilderung der Fälle und ihrer Auswirkungen. Hrsg. v. Sven Olaf BERGGÖTZ. Mit einem Vorw. v. Volker SCHLÖNDORFF. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2011, 160 p. 5277. KARSHAN (Thomas). Vladimir Nabokov and the art of play. Corby, Oxford U. P., 2011, 269 p. (Oxford English Monographs). 5278. KAUFMANN (Vincent). La faute à Mallarmé: l'aventure de la théorie littéraire. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 321 p. (La couleur des idées). 5279. KETABGIAN (Tamara). The lives of machines: the industrial imaginary in Victorian literature and culture. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, XIV-237 p.
motiv" in Erzähltexten und Filmadaptionen des Frühwerks. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 323 p. (ill.). (Epistemata. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft, 732). 5282. LANDVOGT (Andrea). Discours cités: eine äußerungs- und erzähltheoretisch fundierte Typologie der Redewiedergabe am Beispiel von Gustave Flaubert. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, 352 p. (ill.). (Studia Romanica, 162). 5283. LARKIN (Áine). Proust writing photography: fixing the fugitive in À la recherche du temps perdu. London, Legenda, 2011, 212 p. (ill.). 5284. LARSSON (Kristian). Masken des Erzählens: Studien zur Theorie narrativer Unzuverlässigkeit und ihrer Praxis im Frühwerk Thomas Manns. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 263 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft, 718). 5285. LEONARDI (Emanuele). Borges: libro-mundo y espacio-tiempo: episteme científica y creación literaria. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2011, 126 p. (Teoría y crítica). 5286. LOTTMANN (André). Arbeitsverhältnisse: der arbeitende Mensch in Goethes Wilhelm Meister-Romanen und in der Geschichte der Politischen Ökonomie. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 293 p. (Epistemata. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft, 724). 5287. MAC CREA (Barry). In the company of strangers: family and narrative in Dickens, Conan Doyle, Joyce, and Proust. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2011, XII-265 p. (Modernist latitudes). 5288. MANDELARTZ (Michael). Goethe, Kleist: Literatur, Politik und Wissenschaft um 1800. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2011, 465 p. (ill.). 5289. MARCON (Loretta). Kant e Leopardi: saggi. Napoli, Guida, 201, 158 p. (Strumenti e ricerche, 65). 5290. MATZ (Wolfgang). Eine Kugel im Leibe: Walter Benjamin und Rudolf Borchardt; Judentum und deutsche Poesie. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 170 p. 5291. MAZIERSKA (Ewa). Nabokov's cinematic afterlife. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2011, VIII-235 p. (ill.). 5292. MITCHELL (Allan). The devil's captain: Ernst Jünger in Nazi Paris, 1941–1944. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2011, VIII-119 p. 5293. MODENA (Letizia). Italo Calvino's architecture of lightness: the utopian imagination in an age of urban crisis. New York, Routledge, 2011, XV-267 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in twentieth-century literature, 17).
5280. KUHNKE (Gerhard). Goethes Wege zu Kant. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, P. Lang, 2011, 195 p.
5294. MOTSCH (Andreas), HOLTZ (Grégoire). Éditer la Nouvelle-France. Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2011, 256 p. (ill.).
5281. KURWINKEL (Tobias). Apollinisches Außenseitertum: Konfigurationen von Thomas Manns "Grund-
5295. MURAV (Harriet). Music from a speeding train: Jewish Literature in post-revolution Russia. Stanford,
Stanford U. P., 2011, XI-399 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). 5296. Nabokov and his fiction: new perspectives. Ed. by Julian W. CONNOLLY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 267 p. (Cambridge studies in Russian literature). 5297. NAFF (William E.). The Kiso road: the life and times of Shimazaki Toson. Ed. by J. Thomas RIMER. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XXIII-664 p. 5298. NAZE (Alain). Temps, récit et transmission chez W. Benjamin et P.P. Pasolini. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 2 vol., 342 p., 240 p. (Esthétiques). 5299. NIGDÉLIAN-FABRE (Valérie). Le poème du retour: Petrolio, de Pasolin. Lyon, ENS, 2011, 360 p. 5300. NISTOR (Ionuţ). Literatura românească de propagandă şi reconfigurarea Balcanilor (1940–1944). (Romanian propaganda literature and the reconfiguration of the Balkans, 1940–1944). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A.D. Xenopol" din Iași, 2011, 48, p. 335-344. 5301. NOVILLO-CORVALÁN (Patricia). Borges and Joyce: an infinite conversation. London, Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Pub,. 2011 (194 p.). (Studies in comparative literature, 24). 5302. OAKLEY (Seanna Sumalee). Common places: the poetics of African Atlantic postromantics. Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2011, 317 p. (Textxet: studies in comparative literature, 63). 5303. OHI (Kevin). Henry James and the Queerness of Style: Secrecy and Power in American Culture. Minneapolis, Minnesota U. P., 2011, 238 p. 5304. PÄHL (Sonja). Der Faustmythos in der polnischen Romantik. München, AVM, 2011, 124 p. 5305. PERRIER (Guillaume). La mémoire du lecteur: essai sur Albertine disparue et Le temps retrouvé. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 318 p. (Bibliothèque proustienne, 2). 5306. PIZER (John D.). Imagining the age of Goethe in German literature, 1970–2010. Rochester, Camden House, 2011, VIII-214 p. (Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture). 5307. Plurilinguisme et avant-gardes. Sous la dir. de Franca BRUERA et Barbara MEAZZI. Bruxelles, Lang, 2011, 533 p. (Collection "Comparatisme et société", 12). 5308. POLIZZI (Gaspare). Giacomo Leopardi: la concezione dell'umano, tra utopia e disincanto. Milano, Mimesis, 2011, 226 p. (Filosofie, 120).
5311. Postmodernisme (Le) dans le roman africain: formes, enjeux et perspectives. Sous la dir. de Adama COULIBALY, Philip AMANGOUA Atcha y Roger TRO DEHO. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 256 p. (Critiques littéraires). 5312. PRIANO (Gianni). Le violette di Saffo: Bianciardi, Pasolini, Pavese, Sbarbaro. Rovigo, Il ponte del Sale, 2011, 125 p. (Saggi in 32, 1). 5313. Proust et la Hollande. Ed. par Sjef HOUPPERAnnelies SCHULTE 201, 274 p. (ill.). (Marcel Proust aujourd'hui, 8). MANS, Manet VAN MONTFRANS et NORDHOLT. Amsterdam, Rodopi,
5314. RATH (Christine). Schamhafte Geschichte: metahistorische Reflexionen im Werk von Jorge Luis Borges. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 264 p. (Machina Band, 5). 5315. RIFKIN (Mark). When did Indians become straight? Kinship, the history of sexuality, and native sovereignty. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-436 p. 5316. RODRÍGUEZ (Juan Carlos). Tras la muerte del aura: en contra y a favor de la Ilustración. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2011, 350 p. 5317. ROMERA ROZAS (Ricardo). Jorge Luis Borges et la littérature française. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 450 p. (Espaces littéraires). 5318. ROSE (Jacqueline). Proust among the nations: from Dreyfus to the Middle East. Chicago a. London, Chicago U. P., 2011, X-239 p. (ill.). 5319. RULAND (Heiner). Goetheanismus und Musik: Aspekte zu einem neuen Erfassen der musikalischen Gegenwart. Dornach, Verlag am Goetheanum 2011, 144 p. (ill.). 5320. SALVADOR (Nélida). Vanguardia y posmodernidad. Buenos Aires, Corregidor, 2011, 252 p. (Nueva crítica hispanoamericana). 5321. SAM (Martina Maria). Rudolf Steiners FaustRezeption: Interpretationen und Inszenierungen als Vorbereitung der Welturaufführung des gesamten Goetheschen Faust 1938. Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2011, 723 p. (ill.). 5322. Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen? Romantische Dingpoetik. Hrsg. v. Christiane HOLM und Günter OESTERLE. In Verbindung mit Alexander von BORMANN [et al.]. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 290 p. (Stiftung für Romantikforschung, 54). 5323. SCHOELLER (Wilfried F.). Alfred Döblin: eine Biographie. München, Hanser, 2011, 911 p.
5309. PONCE DE LEÓN (Gina). La novela colombiana posmoderna. Prólogo de José LUIS DÍAZ-GRANADOS. Bogotá, Taller de Edición Rocca, 2011, (Ensayo).
5324. SICARI (Stephen). Modernist humanism and the men of 1914: Joyce, Lewis, Pound, and Eliot. Columbia, South Carolina U. P., 2011, XIV-224 p.
5310. PONZI (Mauro). Melancholie und Leidenschaft: der Bildraum des jungen Goethe. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011, 340 p. (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, 285).
5325. SIMON (Anne). Proust, ou, Le réel retrouvé: Le sensible et son expression dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2011, 246 p. (Recherches proustiennes, 17).
§ 8. Art and industrial art 5326. SORON (Antony). Une filiation bâtarde?: confrontation des imaginaires et des écritures de Marcel Proust et d'Hubert Aquin. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 193 p. (Collection Imaginaires et écritures). 5327. STANDOP (Ewald). Pseudodoxia philologica: verbreitete Irrtümer und abwegige Einzelfälle in der englischen Philologie: mit einem Essay über die Sprache Heideggers. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2011, XII-178 p. (ill.). (Studien zur anglistischen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, 38). 5328. SUZUKI (Takami). La croyance proustienne: de l'illusion à la vérité littéraire. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 413 p. (Bibliothèque proustienne, 1). 5329. SZCZESZAK-BREWER (Agata). Empire and pilgrimage in Conrad and Joyce. Gainesville, London U. P. of Florida, 2011, XII-201 p. (Florida James Joyce series). 5330. TAYLOR (Melanie Benson). Reconstructing the native South: American Indian literature and the lost cause. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, X-253 p. (New Southern studies). 5331. THOMSEN (Lena). Familiäre Konstellationen und ihre literarische Darstellung bei Tolstoi, Flaubert und Fontane: die Karenins, Bovarys und Briests. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 235 p. (Poetica, 116). 5332. THOREL-CAILLETEAU (Sylvie). Fictions du savoir, savoirs de la fiction: Goethe, Melville, Flaubert. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 175 p. (Littérature comparée). 5333. TINGEY JR. (David L). Seeing Jaakob: The Poetics of Visuality in Thomas Mann's Die Geschichten Jaakobs. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 324 p. 5334. Través (A) de la vanguardia hispanoamericana: orígenes, desarrollo, transformaciones. Ed. de Manuel FUENTES y Paco TOVAR. Coordinación de Maribel CALLE. Tarragona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Publicacions URV, 2011, 809 p. (ill.). 5335. TROVATO (Salvatore C.). Italiano regionale, letteratura, traduzione: Pirandello, D'Arrigo, Consolo, Occhiato. Leonforte, Euno, 2011, 391 p. (Collana di studi e ricerche. Sez. Linguistica e letteratura, 1). 5336. UHLMANN (Anthony). Thinking in literature: Joyce, Woolf, Nabokov. New York, Continuum, 2011, X-164 p. (ill.). 5337. Versos robados: tradición clásica e intertextualidad en la lírica posmoderna peninsular. Ed. de Almudena DEL OLMO ITURRIARTE y Francisco DÍAZ DE CASTRO. Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2011, 227 p. (Colección Iluminaciones, 68). 5338. VIDAR HOLM (Helge). Mœurs de province: essai d'analyse bakhtinienne de Madame Bovary. Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, XVI-266 p. (ill.). 5339. VIGNEST (Romain). Victor Hugo et les poètes latins: poésie et réécriture pendant l'exil. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011, 433 p. (Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes, 17).
5340. VOLKMANN (Maren). Frauen und Popkultur: Feminismus, Cultural Studies, Gegenwartsliteratur. Bochum, Posth Verlag, 2011, 474 p. (Schriften zur Popkultur, 6). 5341. Way (The) of the world: a Festschrift for R. H. Stephenson. Ed. by Paul BISHOP. Leeds, Maney Publishing Charlesworth Press, 2011, XV-154 p. (Cultural studies and the symbolic, 4). 5342. WITTMANN (Jean-Michel). Gide politique: essai sur Les faux-monnayeurs. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011. 212 p. (Etudes de littérature des XXe et XXIe siècles, 17). 5343. WOKALEK (Marie). Die schöne Seele als Denkfigur: zur Semantik von Gewissen und Geschmack bei Rousseau, Wieland, Schiller, Goethe. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 400 p. 5344. WOLF (Norbert Christian). Kakanien als Gesellschaftskonstruktion: Robert Musils Sozioanalyse des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 1216 p. (Literaturgeschichte in Studien und Quellen, 20). 5345. Women's literacy in early Modern Spain and the New World. Ed. Anne J. CRUZ and Rosilie HERNÁNDEZ. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XII274 p. (Women and gender in the early Modern world). 5346. ZANCHI (Giuliano). Il genio e i lumi: estetica teologica e umanesimo europeo in François-René de Chateaubriand. Milano, Vita & Pensiero, 2011, XIX356 p. § 8. Art and industrial art. _______________________
a. General 5347. Ammannati e Vasari: per la città dei Medici. Curatori del volume Cristina ACIDINI, Giacomo PIRAZZOLI. Firenze, Mauro Pagliai, 2011, 269 p. (ill.). 5348. ANTONIAZZI (Jean-Luc), FERNANDEZ (Dominique), FERRANTI (Ferrante). Baroque catalan. Paris, Herscher, 2011, 180 p. (ill.). 5349. BAYER (Thomas M.), PAGE (John R.). The development of the art market in England: money as muse. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-267 p. 5350. BELLION (Wendy). Citizen spectator: art, illusion, and visual perception in early national America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, 2011, XVIII-351 p. 5351. BIANCO (Eleonora Carmela). Matera barocca: cantieri, committenti e rinnovamento del gusto. Firenze, Mandragora, 2011, 118 p. (ill.). 5352. CAPPELLETTI (Leonardo). Bartolomeo Berrecci da Pontassieve: un genio del Rinascimento tra arte e filosofia. Firenze, Polistampa, 2011, 103 p. (ill.). 5353. CHARE (Nicholas). Auschwitz and afterimages: abjection, witnessing and representation. London, I. B. Tauris 2011, XXI-194 p. (ill.). (New encounters).
5354. Cipro, la dote di Venezia: eredità della Serenissima e ponte verso l'Oriente. A cura di Gianni PERBELLINI. Milano, Biblion, 2011, 165 p. (ill.). (Patrimonio veneto nel Mediterraneo, 4). 5355. Contratti di artisti in epoca barocca. A cura di Cinzia Maria SICCA. Rome, Carocci, 2011, 96 p. (ill.). (Ricerche di storia dell'arte, 101). 5356. Croatie, le temps du baroque et des Lumières: trésors d'art et de culture (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle). Sous la dir. de Ivan GOLUB et Ivan SUPIĈIĆ. Préface par Olivier CHALINE. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2011, 663 p. (ill.). (La Croatie et l'Europe, 3). 5357. DI DIO (Kelley Helmstutler). Leone Leoni and the status of the artist at the end of the Renaissance. Surrey, Ashgate, 2011, XVI-250 p. (ill.). (Visual Culture in Early Modernity). 5358. DUBOIS (Claude-Gilbert). Le baroque: profondeurs de l'apparence. Paris, Eurédit, 2011, IX-325 p. (ill.). 5359. Genie, Virtuose, Dilettant: Konfigurationen romantischer Schöpfungsästhetik. Hrsg. von Gabriele BRANDSTETTER und Gerhard NEUMANN. In Verbindung mit Alexander von BORMANN [et al.]. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 300 p. (Stiftung für Romantikforschung, 53). 5360. Ireland, design and visual culture: negotiating modernity, 1922–1992. Ed. by Linda KING and Elaine SISSON. Cork, Cork U. P., 2011, 305 p.
vador Dalí, Joseph Beuys, Robert Morris und Vito Acconci. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 224 p. (ill.). (Image, 15). 5368. ORLICH (Max Jakob). Situationistische Internationale: Eintritt, Austritt, Ausschluss: zur Dialektik interpersoneller Beziehungen und Theorieproduktion einer ästhetisch-politischen Avantgarde, 1957–1972. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 629 p. (Kulturen der Gesellschaft, 4). 5369. Pamphilj and the arts: patronage and consumption in Baroque Rome. Ed. by Stephanie C. LEONE. Boston, Boston College Museum of Art, 2011, 329 p. (ill.). 5370. Perspectivas sobre el renacimiento y el barroco. Edición y compilación David SOLODKOW. Bogotá, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Ediciones Uniandes, 2011, 233 p. (ill.). 5371. QUILLEY (Geoff). Empire to nation: art, history and the visualization of maritime Britain, 1768– 1829. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, 294 p. 5372. Revuelta (De la) a la posmodernidad (1962– 1982). Coordinación editorial Sonsoles ESPINÓS, Ruth GALLEGO y Ángel SERRANO. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2011, 452 p. 5373. Revues (Les) d'art. Formes, stratégies et réseaux au XXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Rossella FROISSART PEZONE et Yves CHEVREFILS DESBIOLLES. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 339 p.
5361. Italy & Hungary: Humanism and art in the Early Renaissance. Ed. by Péter FARBAKY and Louis A. WALDMAN. Firenze, Villa I Tatti, 2011, XLI-728 p. (ill., maps). (Villa I Tatti: Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, 27).
5374. Roma Britannica: art patronage and cultural exchange in eighteenth-century Rome. Ed. by David R. MARSHALL; Susan RUSSELL and Karin WOLFE. London, British School at Rome, 2011, XXII-342 p.
5362. KARLSGODT (Elizabeth Campbell). Defending national treasures: French art and heritage under Vichy. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XV-382 p.
5375. SPIES (Werner). The eye and the word: collected writings on art and literature. Ed. by Thomas W. GAEHTGENS. New York, Abrams, 2011, 10 v., 4500 p. (ill.).
5363. MAC AULIFFE (Mary). Dawn of the Belle Epoque: the Paris of Monet, Zola, Bernhardt, Eiffel, Debussy, Clemenceau, and their friends. Lanham, Maryland Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2014, XVI-387 p. (ill.).
5376. Vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX. Compilador Carlos FAJARDO FAJARDO. Bogotá, Le Monde diplomatique Ediciones, 2011, 245 p. (Colección Pensamiento estético siglos XX–XXI, 1).
5364. Marcel Duchamp: tradition de la rupture ou rupture de la tradition. Sous la dir. de Jean CLAIR, Paris, Hermann, 2011, 430 p. (Cerisy archives. Art.).
5377. WALL (Karen), REICHWEIN (PearlAnn). Climbing the pinnacle of art: learning vacations at the Banff School of Fine Arts, 1933–1959. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 1, p. 69-105.
5365. Mecenati, artisti e pubblico nel Rinascimento: atti del XXI Convegno internazionale, Pienza-Chianciano Terme 20–23 luglio 2009. A cura di Luisa SECCHI TARUGI. Firenze, F. Cesati, 2011, 659 p. (ill.). (Quaderni della Rassegna, 68). 5366. MOUREAU (François). Le goût italien dans la France rocaille: théâtre, musique, peinture (v. 1680– 1750). Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011, 346 p. (ill.). (Theatrum mundi). 5367. NEUSSER (Sebastian). Die verborgene Präsenz des Künstlers: Inszenierungen der Abwesenheit bei Sal-
5378. Welche Antike? Konkurrierende Rezeptionen des Altertums im Barock. Hrsg. v. Ulrich HEINEN. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz (in Kommission), 2011, 2 vol., 1176 p. (ill.). (Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, 47). 5379. ZABUGHIN (Vladimir N.). Storia del Rinascimento cristiano in Italia. A cura di Bruno BASILE. Napoli, La Scuola di Pitagora, 2011, 431 p. (Pietas literaria, 2). Cf. no 4952
§ 8. Art and industrial art b. Architecture 5380. AMADO (Antonio). Voiture minimum: Le Corbusier and the automobile. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2011, XII-351 p. (ill.). 5381. BARNOUD (Paul). Le Château de Maulnes: du projet à la réalisation. Paris, Société Française d'Archéologie, 2011, 61 p. (ill.). (Supplément au Bulletin monumental, 4). 5382. BENEDETTI (Sandro). Architettura del Cinquecento romano. A cura di Laura MARCUCCI. Roma, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2011, 2 vol., XIVI-976 p. 5383. Brno: architektura 1918–1939 = architecture 1918–1939. Ed. Petr PELČÁK. Brno, Centrum architektury, 2011, 392 p. 5384. BROOKS PFEIFFER (Bruce). Frank Lloyd Wright designs: the sketches, plans, and drawings. New York, Rizzoli, 2011, 420 p. (ill.). 5385. CALAFATI (Marco). Bartolomeo Ammannati: i palazzi Grifoni e Giugni: la nuova architettura dei palazzi fiorentini del secondo Cinquecento. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2011, XXIII-398 p. (ill.). (Fondazione Carlo Marchi. Studi, 28).
5393. HERBERT (Eugenia W.). Flora's empire: British gardens in India. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, XII-382 p. (Penn studies in landscape architecture). 5394. KAVURI-BAUER (Santhi). Monumental matters: the power, subjectivity, and space of India's Mughal architecture. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, X-216 p. 5395. Longhena (Da) a Selva: un'idea di Venezia a dieci anni dalla scomparsa di Elena Bassi: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Università Iuav di Venezia, Accademia di belle arti di Venezia, 9–11 dicembre 2009. A cura di Martina FRANK. Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2011, 365 p. (ill.). 5396. MARTIN (Meredith). Dairy queens: the politics of pastoral architecture from Catherine De' Medici to Marie-Antoinette. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 328 p. (Harvard historical studies, 176). 5397. MONTEYNE (David). Fallout shelter: designing for civil defense in the Cold War. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, XXI-348 p. (Architecture, landscape, and American culture series). 5398. PORTER (Bernard). Battle of the styles: society, culture and the design of the new Foreign Office, 1855– 1861. London, Continuum, 2011, XVIII-234 p.
5386. CHISTOLINI (Sandra). Il Palazzo del podestà di Caspano in Lombardia MDLX: testimonianza di civiltà e cittadinanza attiva. Roma, Edizioni Kappa, 2011, 113 p. (ill). (Studi di pedagogia generale e sociale, 4).
5399. Post-war Reconstruction in Europe: international perspectives, 1945–1949. Ed. by Mark MAZOWER, Jessica REINISCH and David FELDMAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 367 p. (Past & Present supplement, 6, 2011).
5387. Domenico e Pellegrino Tibaldi: architettura e arte a Bologna nel secondo Cinquecento. A cura di Francesco CECCARELLI e Deanna LENZI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 383 p. (ill.).
5400. RAGOT (Gilles). Le Corbusier à Firminy-Vert: manifeste pour un urbanisme moderne. Paris, Patrimoine, 2011, 350 p. (ill.). (Monographies d'édifices).
5388. FERNÁNDEZ (Martha). Estudios sobre el simbolismo en la arquitectura novohispana. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2011, 462 p. (ill.). 5389. GEYER-KORDESCH (Johanna). Erdmannsdorff und die Britische Architektur des 18. Jahrhunderts = Erdmannsdorff and 18th century British architecture. DessauRosslau, Funk Verlag Bernhard Hein, 2011, 96 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Dessau-Rosslau, 7). 5390. GONZÁLEZ (Robert Alexander). Designing panAmerica: US architectural visions for the Western hemisphere. Foreword by Robert RYDELL. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, XIX-256 p. (Roger Fullington series in architecture). 5391. Gothique (Le) de la Renaissance: actes des quatrième [sic] Rencontres d'architecture européenne, Paris, 12–16 juin 2007. Études réunies par Monique CHATENET [et al.]. Paris, Picard, 2011, 350 p. (ill.). (De architectura, 13). 5392. GRECO (Iolanda). Mattia Preti architetto. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, X-201 p. (ill.). (Collana editoriale Meminisse juvabit della Fondazione Carica, l).
5401. Romanticismo y arquitectura: la historiografía arquitectónica en la España de mediados del siglo XIX. Ed. Juan CALATRAVA. Madrid, Abada Editores, 2011, 304 p. (ill.). (Lecturas. Serie Historia del arte y de la arquitectura). 5402. Sala Bologna (La) nei Palazzi vaticani: architettura, cartografia e potere nell'età di Gregorio XIII. A cura di Francesco CECCARELLI e Nadja AKSAMIJA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 219 p. 5403. SBRIGLIO (Jacques). Le Corbusier & Lucien Hervé: a dialogue between architect and photographer. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2011, 292 p. (ill.). 5404. Schutzengelkirche (Die) und das ehemalige Jesuitenkolleg in Eichstätt. Hrsg. v. Sibylle APPUHNRADTKE, Julius OSWALD und Claudia WIENER. Regensburg, Schnell u. Steiner, 2011, 332 p. (ill.). (Jesuitica, 16). 5405. Städtebau für Mussolini. Auf der Suche nach der neuen Stadt im faschistischen Italien. Hrsg. v. Harald BODENSCHATZ. Harald BODENSCHATZ und Daniela SPIEGEL. Mit Beiträgen v. Uwe ALTROCK, Lorenz KIRCHNER und Ursula von PETZ. Berlin, DOM Publishers, 2011, 519 p. (Schriften des Architekturmuseums der Technischen Universität Berlin, 4). 5406. Strategien der Macht. Hof und Residenz in Salzburg um 1600 – Architektur, Repräsentation und
Verwaltung unter Fürsterzbischof Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau 1587 bis 1611/12. Hrsg. v. Gerhard AMMERER und Ingonda HANNESSCHLÄGER. Salzburg, Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, 2011, 628 p. (Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, Ergänzungsbd. 28). 5407. Studi su Domenico Fontana: 1543–1607. A cura di Giovanna CURCIO, Nicola NAVONE e Sergio VILLARI. Cinisello Balsamo, Mendrisio Academy Press e Silvana, 2011, XV-335 p. (ill., maps). (Archivio del Moderno. Saggi, 19). 5408. TERHALLE (Johannes). S. Andrea al Quirinale von Gian Lorenzo Bernini in Rom: von den Anfängen bis zur Grundsteinlegung. Weimar, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, 2011, 446 p. (ill.). 5409. TEUSCHER (Jana). Römische Kirchenfassaden des 17. Jahrhunderts: Fassadengestaltung im Kontext von Innen- und Außenraum. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2011, 272 p. (ill.; maps). (Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, 193). 5410. UPPENKAMP (Barbara), VAN BENEDEN (Ben). Palazzo Rubens: le maître et l'architecture. Avec la contribution de Piet LOMBAERDE. Bruxelles Anvers, Fonds Mercator, Rubenshuis, 2011, 176 p. (ill.). 5411. WIESNETH (Alexander). Gewölbekonstruktionen Balthasar Neumanns. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 319 p. (ill.). (Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 167). 5412. ZAHARIADE (Ana Maria). Arhitectura românească în proiectul comunist. România 1944–1989. (Architecture in the communist project. Romania 1944– 1989). Bucureşti, Editura Simetria, 2011, 144 p. c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing ** 5413. BOCCIONI (Umberto). Scritti sull'arte. Milano, Mimesis, 2011, XXII-473 p. (ill.). ** 5414. NOVOTNY (Fritz). Paul Cézanne: gesammelte Schriften zu seinem Werk und Materialien aus dem Nachlass. Hrsg. v. Gabriel RAMIN SCHOR. Wien, Klever Verlag, 2011, 575 p. (ill.). 5415. AMENDOLA (Adriano). Il colore dei marmi: tecniche, lavorazioni e costi dei materiali lapidei tra Barocco e Grand Tour. Roma, Campisano, 2011, 91 p. (ill.). (Saggi di storia dell'arte). 5416. Andrea Brustolon: opere restaurate: la scultura lignea in età barocca. A cura di Anna Maria SPIAZZI e Marta MAZZA. Padova, Il poligrafo, 2011, 253 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di arte, 3). 5417. Atti del convegno internazionale Andrea Pozzo: Valsolda, Chiesa di Santa Maria di Puria 17−19 settembre 2009. A cura di Andrea SPIRITI. Como, Comunità Montana Valli del Lario e del Ceresio, 2011, VII264 p. (ill.). 5418. BARROERO (Liliana). Le arti e i lumi: pittura e scultura da Piranesi a Canova. Torino, Einaudi, 2011, XVIII-262 p. (ill.). (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi. Mappe, 2).
5419. BATORSKA (Danuta). Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi: 1605/6–1680. Roma, Campisano, 2011, 252 p. (ill.). (Saggi di storia dell'arte). 5420. BIFERALI (Fabrizio). Tiziano: il genio e il potere. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XIV-286 p. 5421. CARRETTE (Francis) [et al.]. Le baroque dévoilé: nouveau regard sur la sculpture à Bruxelles et en Belgique = Barok onthuld: nieuwe kijk op de beeldhouwkunst in Brussel en in België. Bruxelles, Racine, 2011, 191 p. (ill.). 5422. COSTANZO (Salvatore). Pittura tra Malta e Napoli nel segno del Barocco: da Raimondo il maltese a Bernardo De Dominici. Napoli, CLEAN, 2011, 476 p. (ill.). 5423. CRUZ VALDOVINOS (José Manuel). Velázquez: vida y obra de un pintor cortesano. Zaragoza, Caja Inmaculada, 2011, 409 p. (ill.). 5424. DOROT (Ruth). The Art of time, the art of place: Isaac Bashevis Singer and Marc Chagall: a dialogue. Brighton, Sussex Academic, 2011, VII-120 p. (ill.). 5425. Dürer, l'Italia e l'Europa: contributi in occasione della giornata internazionale di studi nell'ambito della serie di incontri "Roma e il nord – Percorsi e forme dello scambio artistico", 23–25 aprile 2007. A cura di Sybille EBERT-SCHIFFERER e Kristina HERRMANN FIORE. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2011, 197 p. (ill.). (Studi della Bibliotheca Hertziana, 6. Roma e il nord: percorsi e forme dello scambio artistico, 2). 5426. FALKENBURG (Reindert). The land of unlikenes: Hieronymus Bosch, The garden of earthly delights. Zwolle, W Books, 2011, 320 p. (ill.). (Studies in Netherlandish art and cultural history, 10). 5427. FILIPPI (Elena). Umanesimo e misura viva: Dürer tra Cusano e Alberti. San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona), Arsenale, 2011, 239 p. (ill.). 5428. GIANNATTASIO (Maria Cristina). La Madonna del rosario di Francesco Guarini: una tela ritrovata. Salerno, Edizioni "Novum Millennium2011", 46 p. (ill.). (Arte e territtorio). 5429. GÓMEZ FRECHINA (José). Los Hernandos: pintores 1505–1525/c. 1475–1536. Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2011, 199 p. (ill.). (Ars hispanica). 5430. GOTTWALD (Franziska). Das Tronie – Muster, Studie und Meisterwerk: die Genese einer Gattung der Malerei vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zu Rembrandt. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 227 p. (ill.). (Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 164). 5431. GRIMM (Alfred), GRIMM-STADELMANN (Isabel). Theatrum hieroglyphicum: ägyptisierende Bildwerke im Geiste des Barock. Dettelbach, J.H. Röll, 2011, 80 p. (ill.). (Ponte fra le culture. Ägypten, 4). 5432. HALL (Marcia B.). The sacred image in the age of art: Titian, Tintoretto, Barocci, El Greco, Caravaggio. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, IX-310 p. (ill.).
§ 8. Art and industrial art 5433. HOJER (Annette). Francesco Solimena, 1657– 1747: Malerfürst und Unternehmer. München, Hirmer, 2011, 211 p. (ill.). (Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 31. Veröffentlichungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut in Rom). 5434. JOHNSON (Dorothy). David to Delacroix: the rise of romantic mythology. Chapel Hill, North Carolina U. P., 2011, XI-233 p. (ill.). (Bettie Allison Rand lectures in art history). 5435. LABREUCHE (Pascal). Paris, capitale de la toile à peindre, XVIIIe–XIXe siècle. Paris, CTHS/INHA, 2011, 367 p. 5436. LAU (Maria). Die Picasso-Rezeption in der DDR: offizielle Wahrnehmung und künstlerischer Dialog. Frankfurt am Main a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 562 p. 5437. LEHMANN (Claudia). Un pien teatro di meraviglie: Gian Lorenzo Bernini vor dem Hintergrund konzeptistischer Emblematik. Bern, Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011, 236 p. 5438. Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical world: language, context and "disegno". Ed. by Alessandro NOVA and Domenico LAURENZA. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 273 p. (ill.). (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, MaxPlanck-Institut, 7). 5439. LEPLA (Denis). Michel Lourdel, 1577–1676: sculpteur normand, sculpteur du sacré: essai de catalogue raisonné sur l'œuvre matérielle et spirituelle. Rouen, Éditions des Falaises, 2011, 95 p. (ill.). 5440. Magistero (Il) di Carlo Maratti nella pittura marchigiana tra Sei e Settecento. A cura di Costanza COSTANZI e Marina MASSA; testi di Ines ALUNNO [et al.]. Milano, 24 ore cultura, 2011, 191 p. (ill.). 5441. MASSIMI (Maria Elena). La Cena in casa di Levi di Paolo Veronese: il processo riaperto. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 205 p. 5442. Matisse: la seduzione di Michelangelo. A cura di Claudia BELTRAMO CEPPI ZEVI. Firenze, Giunti, 2011, 382 p. (ill.). 5443. MORMANDO (Franco). Bernini: his life and his Rome. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2011, XXI-429 p. (ill.). 5444. NAGEL (Ivan). Der Künstler als Kuppler: Goyas nackte und bekleidete Maja; Zur Lage der Frau um 1800: Danneckers Ariadne auf dem Panther. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011, 173 p. (ill.). 5445. Napoli (Fra) e Salerno nel '600: la quadreria Ruggi d'Aragona nel Museo Diocesano di Salerno. A cura di Antonio BRACA. Salerno, Opera Edizioni, 2011, 159 p. (ill.).
5448. PERICOLO (Lorenzo). Caravaggio and pictorial narrative: dislocating the Istoria in early modern painting. London, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2011, VII-654 p. (ill.). (Harvey Miller Studies in Baroque Art). 5449. Picasso, Cézanne: quelle filiation?. Sous la dir. de Odile BILLORET-BOURDY et Michel GUÉRIN. Aixen-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011, 186 p. (ill.). (Théorie et pratique des arts). 5450. PROVOYEUR (Pierre). Chagall: les pastels du Message biblique. Paris, Hazan, 2011, 228 p. (ill.). 5451. PUGLIATTI (Teresa). Pittura della tarda maniera nella Sicilia occidentale (1557–1647). Palermo, Kalós, 2011, 491 p. (ill.). 5452. RODRIGUES (Ana Margarida Neto Aurélio). A escultura de jardim das quintas e palácios dos séculos XVII e XVIII em Portugal. Lisboa, Fundacão Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, 2011, XLVIII-766 p. (Textos universitários de ciências sociais e humanas). 5453. ROMANELLI (Giandomenico). La luce e le tenebre: Tintoretto alla Scuola Grande di San Rocco. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 151 p. (ill.). 5454. ROMANO (Giovanni). Rinascimento in Lombardia: Foppa, Zenale, Leonardo, Bramantino. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011, 259 p. (ill.). (Campi del sapere. Culture). 5455. RUFFINI (Marco). Art without an author: Vasari's Lives and Michelangelo's death. New York, Fordham U. P., 2011, XII-257 p. (ill.). 5456. SALA (Francesco). Francesco Stringa e la pala di San Mauro: una storia tra arte e devozione nella Modena del Seicento. Modena, Edizioni Artestampa, 2011, 287 p. (ill.). 5457. SATZINGER (Georg). Michelangelo und die Fassade von San Lorenzo in Florenz: zur Geschichte der Skulpturenfassade der Renaissance. München, Hirmer, 2011, 208 p. (Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, 34. Veröffentlichung der Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunsgeschichte). 5458. Sculpture française (La) du XVIe siècle: études et recherches. Text by MARION BOUDON-MACHUEL [et al.].Marseille, Bec en l'air, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2011, 204 p. 5459. Settecento (Il) affreschi nel territorio sanminiatese e pisano. A cura di Mariagiulia BURRESI, Benedetta MORESCHINI. Con un saggio introduttivo di Roberto Paolo CIARDI. Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2011, 190 p. (ill.). (La musica degli occhi, 1. Arte).
5446. OCCHIPINTI (Carmelo). Leonardo da Vinci e la corte di Francia: fama, exfrasi, stile. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 206 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca di testi e studi, 632).
5460. SEYBOLD (Dietrich). Leonardo da Vinci im Orient. Geschichte eines europäischen Mythos. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2011, 368 p. (ill.). (Studien zur Kunst, 18).
5447. PAOLI (Marco). La 'Tempesta' svelata: Giorgione, Gabriele Vendramin, Cristoforo Marcello e la 'Vecchia'. Lucca, M. Pacini Fazzi, 2011, 210 p. (ill.).
5461. Simon Vouet en Italie. Sous la dir. de Olivier BONFAIT et Hélène TOUSTEAU-CHAMBON. Préface de Pierre ROSENBERG. Rennes Paris, Presses universitaires
de Rennes, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2011, 292 p. (ill.). (Art & société). 5462. SPINOSA (Nicola). Pittura del Seicento a Napoli. Da Mattia Preti a Luca Giordano: natura in posa. Napoli, Arte'm, 2011, 333 p., (ill.). 5463. TERHALLE (Johannes). S. Andrea al Quirinale von Gian Lorenzo Bernini in Rom: von den Anfängen bis zur Grundsteinlegung. Weimar, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, 2011, 446 p. (ill.). 5464. TODOROV (Tzvetan). Goya à l'ombre des Lumières. Paris, Flammarion, 2011, 320 p. (ill.). 5465. Triunfos (Los) de Aracne: tapices flamencos de los Austrias en el Renacimiento. Ed. a cargo de Fernando CHECA CREMADES y Bernardo J. GARCÍA GARCÍA. Madrid, Fundación Carlos de Amberes, 2011, 480 p. (ill.). 5466. VALIÑAS LÓPEZ (Francisco Manuel). La estrella del camino: apuntes para el estudio del belén barroco quiteño. Fotografías de Christoph HIRTZ. Quito, Instituto Metropolitano de Patrimonio, 2011, 535 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca básica de Quito, 40).
MAC SHANE. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XLVII591 p. ______________________
5477. ÁLVAREZ DE MIRANDA (Ángel). La metáfora y el mito: intuiciones de la religiosidad primitiva en la obra de Lorca. Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2011, 137 p. (El clavo ardiendo, 14). 5478. ANDRÉO (Benjamin). Artaud et Breton face au sacré: sphinx, mythes, momies et fantômes. Paris, Hermann Editions, 2011 (303 p.). 5479. Antonioni: centenary essays. Ed. by Laura RASCAROLI and John David RHODES. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-325 p. (ill.). 5480. AZÉMA (Marc). La préhistoire du cinéma: origines paléolithiques de la narration graphique et du cinématographe. Paris, Éditions Errance, 2011, 293 p. (ill.). 5481. AZULYS (Sam). Stanley Kubrick: une odyssée philosophique. Chatou, Editions de la Transparence, 2011, 349 p. (ill.). (Cinéphilie).
5467. Visioni anatomiche: le forme del corpo negli anni del Barocco. Testi di Andrea CARLINO [et al.]. Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2011, 199 p. (ill.).
5482. BARAGWANATH (Nicholas). The Italian traditions and Puccini: compositional theory and practice in nineteenth-century opera. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XX-407 p. (Musical meaning and interpretation).
5468. WEBSTER (Mary). Johan Zoffany, 1733–1810. New Haven, London, Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art by Yale U. P., 2011, 708 p. (ill.). (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art).
5483. Baroque music. Ed. by Peter WALLS. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXXIV-553 p. (ill.). (Library of essays on music performance practice).
5469. ZANCHI (Mauro). Filippino Lippi e l'umanesimo fiorentino. Firenze, Giunti, 2011, 50 p. (Art dossier, 280). 5470. ZUCCARI (Alessandro). Caravaggio controluce: ideali e capolavori. Milano, Skira, 2011, 326 p. (ill.). d. Decorative, popular and industrial art 5471. Global design history. Ed. by Glenn ADAMSON, Giorgio RIELLO and Sarah TEASLEY. London a. New York, Routledge 2011, XIV-225 p. (ill.). 5472. KOWALSKI (Christine). Die Augsburger Prunkkabinette mit Uhr von Heinrich Eichler d. Ä. (1637–1719) und seiner Werkstatt. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2011, 208 p. (ill.). (Neue Forschungen zur deutschen Kunst, 10). 5473. Lignes de front. Bande dessinée et totalitarisme. Sous la dir. de Viviane ALARY et Benoît MITAINE. Genève, Éditions Médecine et Hygiène/Georg, 2011, 340 p. (L'Équinoxe). 5474. LUKIĆ (Branko). Nonobject. With text by Barry M. KĀTZ. Cambridge, MIT Press 2011 XXIX-178 p. (ill.). 5475. QUINN (Bradley). Design Futures. London, Merrell, 2011, 239 p. § 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting. * 5476. Political broadside ballads of seventeenthcentury England. A critical bibliography. Ed. by Angela
5484. BÁRTA (Jan). Skupina Nahoru po schodišti dolů band a státní moc: příspěvek k dějinám neoficiální hudební scény 80. let. (The Nahoru po schodišti dolů band and the powers that be: an essay on the history of the unsanctioned music scene). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 3, p. 383-413. 5485. BEAUJEU (Arnaud). Matiere et lumiere dans le theatre de Samuel Beckett: Autour des notions de trivialité, de spiritualité et d'autre-la. Oxford, Peter Lang a. Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften 2011, 386 p. – IDEM. Samuel Beckett: Le langage dans les pièces théâtrales, radiophoniques et télévisuelles. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2011, 190 p. (Collection Monographique Rodopi en Littérature Française Contemporaine, 52). 5486. BENNETT (Michael Y.). Reassessing the theatre of the absurd: Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 179 p. 5487. BERMBACH (Udo). Richard Wagner in Deutschland: Rezeption-Verfälschungen. Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler, 2011, XII-508 p. (ill.). 5488. BIEN (Fabian). Oper im Schaufenster. Die Berliner Opernbühnen in den 1950er Jahren als Orte nationaler kultureller Repräsentation. München/Wien/Köln, Oldenbourg/Böhlau, 2011, 349 p. (Die Gesellschaft der Oper, 9). 5489. BILLINGS (Joshua). Epic and tragic music: the union of the arts in the eighteenth century. Journal of the history of ideas, 2011, 72, 1, p. 99-117.
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting
5490. BLANEY (John). A howlin' wind: pub rock and the birth of new wave. London, Soundcheck Books, 2011, XIII-352 p. (ill.).
5505. CONRAD (Peter). Verdi and/or Wagner: two men, two worlds, two centuries. London, Thames & Hudson, 2011, 384 p. (ill.).
5491. BLANSHARD (Alastair J. L.), SHAHABUDIN (Kim). Classics on screen. Ancient Greece and Rome on Film. London, Bristol Classical Press, 2011, VIII-264 p.
5506. COOK (Patrick J.). Cinematic Hamlet: the films of Olivier, Zeffirelli, Branagh, and Almereyda. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2011, 257 p.
5492. BOCKELMAN (Brian). Between the Gaucho and the Tango: popular songs and the shifting landscape of Modern Argentine identity, 1895–1915. American historical review, 2011, 116, 3, p. 577-601.
5507. COSSAR (Harper). Letterboxed: the evolution of widescreen cinema. Lexington, Kentucky U. P., 2011, X-293 p. (ill.).
5493. BONFAND (Alain). Le cinéma d'Akira Kurosawa. Paris, Vrin, 2011, 208 p. (Essai d'art et de philosophie). 5494. BOUISSOU (Sylvie). Crimes, cataclysmes et maléfices dans l'opéra baroque en France. Paris, Minerve, 2011, 302 p. (ill.). (Musique ouverte). 5495. BOYD-BARRETT (Oliver), HERRERA (David), BAUMANN (Jim). Hollywood and the CIA: cinema, defense, and subversion. London, Routledge, 2011, 210 p. 5496. Brazilian popular music and citizenship. Ed. by Idelber AVELAR and Christopher DUNN. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, X-364 p. 5497. BROECKING (Christian). Der Marsalis-Komplex: Studien zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz des afroamerikanischen Jazz zwischen 1992 und 2007. Berlin, Broecking Verlag, 2011, 216 p. (Creative people book). 5498. BUNKE (Carolin). Zur Faust-Rezeption in der Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts: Goethes Dichtung und die Kompositionen von Hector Berlioz, Richard Wagner und Franz Liszt. Freiburg, Rombach Verlag, 2011, 445 p. (ill.). (Rombach Wissenschaft. Reihe Litterae, 178). 5499. BURRY (Alexander). Multi-mediated Dostoevsky: transposing novels into opera, film, and drama. Evanston, Northwestern U. P., 2011, 245 p. (Studies in Russian literature and theory). 5500. CALLACI (Emily). Dancehall politics: mobility, sexuality, and spectacles of racial respectability in late colonial Tanganyika, 1930s–1961. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 365-384. 5501. CAMPANILE (Domitilla). Mito classico e cinema. Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 2011, 53, p. 387-402. 5502. CASPER (Drew). Hollywood 1963–1976: years of revolution and reaction. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 400 p. 5503. CASTRO (Christi-Anne). Musical renderings of the Philippine nation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, 234 p. (New cultural history of music). 5504. COHEN-AVENEL (Pascale). Si on a du jazz, pas besoin de schnaps: Jazz, négritude et démocratie sous la République de Weimar: mit einer umfangreichen Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache. Frankfurt am Main a. Oxford, Peter Lan, 2011, 366 p. (ill.). (Schriften zur politischen Kultur der Weimarer Republik, 14).
5508. DARIAN (Veronika). Das Theater der Bildbeschreibung: Sprache, Macht und Bild in Zeiten der Souveränität. München, W. Fink, 2011, 214 p. (ill.). 5509. DARMON (Maurice). La question juive de JeanLuc Godard: filmer après Auschwitz: essai. Cognac, Temps qu'il fait, 2011, 199 p. (ill.). 5510. DE LA FUENTE (Eduardo). Twentieth century music and the question of modernity. Abingdon, Routledge, 2011, IX-182 p. (Routledge advances in sociology, 54). 5511. DE LEO (Daniela). Una convergenza armonica: Beethoven nei manoscritti di Michelstaedter e MerleauPonty. Milano, Mimesis, 2011, 174 p. (ill.). (Filosofie, 185). 5512. DE VOS (Laurens). Cruelty and desire in the modern theater: Antonin Artaud, Sarah Kane, and Samuel Beckett. Madison, Dickinson U. P., 2011, 255 p. 5513. DENNIS (Christopher). Afro-Colombian HipHop: globalization, transcultural music, and ethnic identities. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, 191 p. 5514. DI CARMINE (Roberta). Italy meets Africa: colonial discourses in Italian cinema. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, VIII-145 p. (ill.). (Framing film: the history & art of cinema, 10). 5515. Dincolo de propagandă. Un instrumentar istorico-politic al filmului românesc. (Beyond propaganda. A historical-political instrument of Romanian film). Coordonator Viorella MANOLACHE. Sibiu, Editura Techno Media, 2011, 315 p. 5516. Dissenting praise: religious dissent and the hymn in England and Wales. Ed. by Isabel RIVERS and David WYKES. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-299 p. 5517. DOGGETT (Peter). The man who sold the world: David Bowie and the 1970s. London, Bodley Head, 2011, 424 p. 5518. DOMPKE (Christoph). Unterhaltungsmusik und NS-Verfolgung. Neumünster, von Bockel, 2011, 393 p. (Musik im "Dritten Reich" und im Exil, 15). 5519. Donizetti und seine Zeit in Wien. Hrsg. v. Michael JAHN. Wien, Verlag Der Apfel, 2011, 320 p. (ill.). (Schriften zur Wiener Operngeschichte, 8). 5520. DÖRFEL (Michael). Jazz und Literatur in der DDR: eine Untersuchung ausgewählter Beispiele. München, AVM, 2011, 117 p. (ill.).
5521. DOUS (Jean-Paul). Rameau: un musicien philosophe au siècle des Lumières. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 228 p. (Univers musical). 5522. DUPRAT (Arnaud). Le dernier Buñuel. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 307 p. (ill.). (Collection "Le spectaculaire". Série Cinéma). 5523. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Tereza). Česká kinematografie v průniku totalit: dis-/kontinuita vývoje českého poválečného filmu. (The Czech film-making industry in the intersection of totalitarian regimes. Dis-/continuity of Czech post-war film development). In: Od svobody k nesvobodě. Praha, Ministerstvo obrany České republiky – Odbor komunikace a propagace MO, 2011, p. 39-46. 5524. EHLERS (Nils). Zwischen schön und erhaben: Friedrich Schiller als Denker des Politischen: im Spiegel seiner theoretischen Schriften. Göttingen, Cuvillier Verlag, 2011, 316 p. (ill.). 5525. EHRLICH (Matthew C.). Radio utopia: postwar audio documentary in the public interest. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, X-221 p. (History of communication).
New York U. P., 2011, XV-281 p. (American history and culture). 5536. GALLINARI (Pauline). Une offensive cinématographique soviétique en France ? Les enjeux du retour du cinéma soviétique sur les écrans français dans l'après-guerre. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 49-58. 5537. GALLOP (Alan). The Martians are coming! The true story of Orson Welles' 1938 panic broadcast. Stroud, Amberley, 2011, 159 p. (ill.). 5538. GARRETT (Leah). A knight at the opera: Heine, Wagner, Herzl, Peretz, and the legacy of der Tannhäuser. West Lafayette, Indiana Purdue U. P., 2011, IX147 p. (Shofar supplements in Jewish studies). 5539. GEISSLER (Gert). Schulgeschichte in Deutschland: von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 1003 p. 5540. GHITA (Bogdan). Eugène Ionesco: un chemin entre deux langues, deux littératures. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 340 p. (ill.). (Critiques littéraires).
5526. ELLIOTT (Paul). Hitchcock and the cinema of sensations: embodied film theory and cinematic reception. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, 231 p. (International library of visual culture, 2).
5541. Global Ibsen: performing multiple modernities. Ed. by Erika FISCHER-LICHTE, Barbara GRONAU and Christel WEILER. London, Routledge, 2011, XII-279 p. (ill.). (Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies, 15).
5527. Empire and film. Ed. by Lee GRIEVESON and Colin MACCABE. London, Palgrave Macmillan a. British Film Institute, 2011, XII-292 p. (ill.). (Cultural histories of cinema).
5542. GONZÁLEZ-BARRERA (Julián). Expostulatio Spongiae: fuego cruzado en el nombre de Lope. Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, 2011, XI-460 p. (ill.). (Teatro del siglo de oro. Estudios de literatura, 116).
5528. ENSMINGER (David A.). Visual vitriol: the street art and subcultures of the punk and hardcore generation. Jackson, Mississippi U. P., 2011, 334 p. (ill.).
5543. GOODMAN (David). Radio's civic ambition: American broadcasting and democracy in the 1930s. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XX-337 p.
5529. ESQUENAZI (Jean-Pierre). Vertigo: Hitchcock et l'invention à Hollywood. Paris, CNRS, 2011, 351 p. (Cinéma).
5544. GREGOR (Neil). Beethoven, Bayreuth and the origins of the Federal Republic of Germany. English historical review, 2011, 126, 521, p. 835-877.
5530. Eugène Ionesco: classicisme et modernité. Sous la dir. de Marie-Claude HUBERT et Michel BERTRAND. Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2011, 270 p. (Collection Textuelles. Théâtre).
5545. HAMBERLIN (Larry). Tin Pan opera: operatic novelty songs in the ragtime era. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 336 p. (ill.).
5531. FELLEZS (Kevin). Birds of fire: jazz, rock, funk, and the creation of fusion. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XII-299 p. (ill.). (Refiguring American music).
5546. HAMMEKEN (Luis de Pablo). Don Giovani en el palenque, el tenor Manuel García y la prensa de la Ciudad de México, 1827–1828. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 241, p. 231-273.
5532. FERRARA (Enrica Maria). Calvino e il teatro: storia di una passione rimossa. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 276 p. (Italian modernities, 11).
5547. HARSLØF (Olav), SLUMSTRUP (Finn). Jazz i Danmark 1950–2010. (Le jazz au Danemark 1950– 2010). København, Politiken, 2011, 624 p. (ill.).
5533. Filming and performing Renaissance history. Ed. by Mark THORNTON BURNETT and Adrian STREETE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-212 p. (ill.).
5548. HEGARTY (Paul), HALLIWELL (Martin). Beyond and before: progressive rock since the 1960s. London, Continuum, 2011, X-318 p. (ill.).
5534. FREEMAN (Barbara M.). Beyond bylines: media workers and women's rights in Canada. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier U. P., 2011, XI-328 p. (Film and media studies series).
5549. HELLWIG (Friedemann), HELLWIG (Barbara). Joachim Tielke: Kunstvolle Musikinstrumente des Barock. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 456 p. (ill.).
5535. FROST (Jennifer). Hedda Hopper's Hollywood: celebrity gossip and American conservatism. New York,
5550. HOFFMAN (Katherine). Alfred Stieglitz: a legacy of light. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, 483 p. (ill.).
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting 5551. HOLBROOK (Morris B.). Music, movies, meanings, and markets: cinemajazzamatazz. New York, Routledge, 2011, XXIV-382 p. (ill.). (Routledge interpretive marketing research, 14). 5552. HORLACHER (Gretchen G.). Building blocks: repetition and continuity in the music of Stravinsky. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-220 p. (ill.). 5553. HOUDA (Přemysl). Rock a politika v komunistickém Československu. (Rock and politics in Communist Czechoslovakia). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 3, p. 475-477. 5554. HULÍK (Štěpán). Kinematografie zapomněni: počátky normalizace ve Filmovém studiu Barrandov (1968–1973). (Cinematography of oblivion). Praha, Academia, 2011, 475 p. 5555. Industriefilme 1960–1969. Filme aus Wirtschaftsarchiven im Ruhrgebiet. Mit einem Nachtrag zu "Industriefilm 1948–1959". Hrsg. v. Manfred RASCH [et al.]. Bearb. v. Astrid DÖRNEMANN und Stefan GIGGA. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 824 p. 5556. JACOB (Andreas). Poesie und Geschichtsphilosophie im Zeichen transzendentaler Differenz: Studien zu Sophie von La Roche, Friedrich Schiller und Conrad Ferdinand Meyer. Frankfurt am Main a. Oxford, P. Lang, 2011, 226 p. (Frankfurter Hochschulschriften zur Sprachtheorie und Literaturästhetik, 14). 5557. JARMAN-IVENS (Freya). Queer voices: technologies, vocalities, and the musical flaw. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-192 p. (ill.). (Palgrave Macmillan's critical studies in gender, sexuality, and culture). 5558. Jean Cocteau et la Côte d'Azur. Sous la dir. de David GULLENTOPS. Paris, Non Lieu, 2011, 220 p. (ill.). 5559. JONES (Meta DuEwa). The muse is music: jazz poetry from the Harlem Renaissance to spoken word. Urbana, Illinois U. P., 2011, XIV-285 p. (ill.). (New black studies series). 5560. JUNGBLUT (Christian). Kompositorische Schubertrezeption in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 274 p. (ill.). 5561. JUNGMANN (Irmgard). Kalter Krieg in der Musik: Eine Geschichte deutsch-deutscher Musikideologien. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, VI-182 p. (KlangZeiten, 9). 5562. KAUFMAN (Will). Woody Guthrie, American radical. Urbana, Illinois U. P., 2011, 270 p. (ill.). (Music in American life). 5563. Kazan revisited. Ed. by Lisa DOMBROWSKI. Middletown, Wesleyan U. P., 2011, XIV-218 p. (ill.). 5564. KERNFELD (Barry). Pop song piracy: disobedient music distribution since 1929. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XII-273 p. 5565. KOHRS (Klaus Heinrich). Hector Berlioz' Les Troyens: ein Dialog mit Vergil. Frankfurt am Main, Stroemfeld, 2011, 252 p. (ill.). (Roter Stern).
5566. KORDA (Natasha). Labors lost: women's work and the early modern English stage. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U. P., 2011, IX-334 p. (ill.). 5567. KÖRNER (Axel). Music of the future: Italian theatres and the European experience of modernity between Unification and World War One. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 2, p. 189-212. – IDEM. Uncle Tom on the ballet stage: Italy's barbarous America, 1850–1900. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 4, p. 721-752. 5568. KOSCHWITZ (Nils). Musikschule als Heilsbringer für die deutsche Musik und Nation? Eine Einführung in Richard Wagners Bericht an Seine Majestät den König Ludwig II von Bayern über eine in München zu errichtende deutsche Musikschule und die Konservatoriumsdiskussion um 1865. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 137 p. (Beiträge zur Europäischen Musikgeschichte, 16). 5569. KOZOVOÏ (Andreï). Défier Hollywood: la diplomatie culturelle et le cinéma à l'ère Brejnev. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 59-71. 5570. KREUELS (Hans-Udo). Schuberts Winterreise: ein Wegweiser zum Verständnis und zur Interpretation: die Winterreise von Wilhelm Müller und Franz Schubert. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 259 p. (ill.). 5571. LAMBE (Stephen). Citizens of hope and glory: the story of progressive rock. Stroud, Amberley, 2011, 192 p. (ill.). 5572. LAPLACE (Yves). Guerre et Lumières: pièces choisies 1984–2010. Orbe, B. Campiche, 2011, 498 p. (Théâtre en camPoche, 16. Répertoire). 5573. LEMKE (Christiane). Phantasmen des Infantilen aus Skandinavien: unheimliche Spiegelungen, Masken und Metamorphosen in Märchen und Schauerphantastik. Stuttgart, ibidem Verlag, 2011, IX- 358 p. 5574. LOGAN (Philip C.). Humphrey Jennings and British documentary film: a reassessment. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXII-375 p. 5575. LOMBARDI (Chiara). Mondi nuovi a teatro: l'immagine del mondo sulle scene europee di Cinquecento e Seicento: spazi, economia, società. Milano, Mimesis, 2011, 322 p. (ill.). (Eterotopie, 101). 5576. LOSSAU (Manfred). Zeus oder Wotan, Achill oder Siegfried. Richard Wagners romantische Entscheidung. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2011, 93, 1, p. 145164. 5577. LOYA (Shay). Liszt's transcultural modernism and the Hungarian-gypsy tradition. Rochester, Rochester U. P. Press Boydell & Brewer, 2011, XVIII-341 p. (ill.). (Eastman studies in music, 87). 5578. LUBLIN (Robert I.). Costuming the Shakespearean stage: visual codes of representation in early modern theatre and culture. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, VIII-199 p. (ill.). (Studies in performance and early modern drama).
5579. Lumières (Les) et la culture musicale européenne C.W. Gluck. Sous la dir. de Laurine QUETIN. Tours, Université François-Rabelais, 2011, 170 p. (Musicorum, 9). 5580. LÜTHE (Martin). Color-line and crossing-over: Motown and performances of blackness in 1960s American culture. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2011, 222 p. (ill.). 5581. MANNO (Francesca). Attore e mimo dionisiaco: Nietzsche, Wagner e il teatro d'avanguardia francese. Pisa, ETS, 2011, 346 p. (Nietzscheana. Saggi, 21). 5582. MARINO (James J.). Owning William Shakespeare: The King's Men and their intellectual property. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 204 p. (Material texts). 5583. MARTIN (George W.). Verdi in America: Oberto through Rigoletto. Rochester, Rochester U. P. a. Boydell and Brewer, 2011, XXI-472 p. (ill.). (Eastman studies in music, 86). 5584. MAURY (Corinne). Habiter le monde: éloge du poétique dans le cinéma du réel. Crisnée, Yellow now, 2011, 188 p. (ill.) (Côté cinéma). 5585. MAZZOLA (Guerino), PARK (Joomi), THAL(Florian). Musical creativity: strategies and tools in composition and improvisation. Berlin a. Heidelberg, Springer, 2011, XIV-337 p. (ill.). (Computational music science). MANN
5586. MERTENS (Eva). Der deutsche Verdi: Librettoübersetzung im gesellschaftlich-ästhetischen Wandel. Wien, Praesens, 2011, 248 p. 5587. MEYNENDONCKX (Fien). Mafia: the glamour of crime. Antwerp, Tectum, 2011, 288 p. (ill.). 5588. MINEAR (Erin). Reverberating song in Shakespeare and Milton: language, memory, and musical representation. Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, 287 p. 5589. MITCHELL (Koritha). Living with lynching: African American Lynching plays, performance, and citizenship, 1890–1930. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XII-251 p. (New Black studies series). 5590. MOLEA (Vera). Teatrele din grădinile de vară ale Bucureştilor de altădată. (Open space theaters in old Bucharest). Bucureşti, Editura Biblioteca Bucureştilor, 2011, 176 p. 5591. Monteverdi. Ed. by Richard WISTREICH. Farnham a. Burling, Ashgate, 2011, XXXIV-535 p. (ill.). (The Baroque composers). 5592. Mozart und die europäische Spätaufklärung. Hrsg. v. Lothar KREIMENDAHL. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Frommann-Holzboog, 2011, 440 p. (Problemata, 148). 5593. Music and modernism, 1849–1950. Ed. by Charlotte DE MILLE. Newcastle, Tyne Cambridge Scholars, 2011, XIV-343 p. (ill.). 5594. MUTSCHELKNAUSS (Eduard). Bach-Interpretationen-Nationalsozialismus: Perspektivenwandel in der
Rezeption Johann Sebastian Bachs. Frankfurt a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, IX-540 p. (ill.). 5595. My faraway one: selected letters of Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. Vol. I. 1915–1933. Ed. by Sarah GREENOUGH. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2011, XVII-814 p. (ill.). 5596. NAUMANN (Michaela). Billy Wilder – hinter der Maske der Komödie: der kritische Umgang mit dem kulturellen Selbstverständnis amerikanischer Identität. Marburg, Schüren, 2011, 384 p. 5597. NEWTON (Darrell M.). Paving the empire road: BBC television and Black Britons. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XVI-267 p. 5598. O'LEARY (Alan). Tragedia all'italiana: Italian cinema and Italian terrorisms, 1970–2008. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, XV-284 p. (Italian modernities, 2). 5599. OHLIN (Peter). Wordless secrets: Ingmar Bergman's Persona: modernist crisis & canonical status. Cardiff, Welsh Academic Press, 2011, VIII-233 p. (Studies in Nordic literature and film). 5600. ORTIZ (Joseph M.). Broken harmony: Shakespeare and the politics of music. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2011, XIV-261 p. (ill.). 5601. OSTENDORF (Ann). Sounds American: national identity and the music cultures of the lower Mississippi river valley, 1800–1860. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XII-250 p. (Early American places). 5602. OWEN (Jonathan L.). Avant-garde to new wave: Czechoslovak cinema, surrealism and the sixties. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, 245 p. 5603. PACQUIER (Alain). Le retour des caravelles: voyage au coeur du baroque d'Amérique latine. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 329 p. (Les chemins de la musique). 5604. PINT (Klaus). Rock and Roll is here to stay: die Geschichte der Musikindustrie von 1990–2010. Graz, Grazer Universitätsverlag, 2011, 203 p. (ill.). (Geisteswissenschaften. Geschichte. Grazer Universitätsverlag. Reihe Habilitationen, Dissertationen und Diplomarbeiten, 34). 5605. PITEL (Anne-Hélène). Le prosimètre dans l'œuvre de fiction de Lope de Vega, de "La Arcadia" (1598) à "La Dorotea" (1632). Vigo, Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2011, 391 p. (ill.). (Publicaciones académicas. Biblioteca del hispanismo francés). 5606. PITTMAN (L. Monique). Authorizing Shakespeare on film and television: gender, class, and ethnicity in adaptation. New York a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, XI-257 p. (Studies in Shakespeare, 19). 5607. POMERANCE (Murray). Michelangelo red Antonioni blue: eight reflections on cinema. Berkeley a. London, California U. P., 2011, XVIII-300 p. (ill.). 5608. POYATO (Pedro). El sistema estético de Luis Buñuel. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco Servicio Editorial, 2011, 206 p. (ill.). (Serie de Comunicación, 21).
§ 9. Music, theatre, cinema and broadcasting 5609. Projection of Britain: a history of the GPO Film Unit (The). Ed. by Scott ANTHONY and James G. MANSELL. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, IX-338 p. (ill.). 5610. PURI (Michael J.). Ravel the decadent: memory, sublimation, and desire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-264 p. (ill.). 5611. RABAKA (Reiland). Hip hop's inheritance: from the Harlem renaissance to the hip hop feminist movement. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XVII-284 p. 5612. RAIFORD (Leigh). Imprisoned in a luminous glare: photography and the African American freedom struggle. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-293 p. 5613. RASE (Céline). Les ondes en uniforme: la propagande de Radio Bruxelles en Belgique occupée (1940–1944). Namur, Presses universitaires de Namur, 2011, 275 p. 5614. RAZLOGOVA (Elena). The listener's voice: early radio and the American public. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 216 p. 5615. RIEDERER (Günter). Auto-Kino. Unternehmensfilme von Volkswagen in den Wirtschaftswunderjahren. Wolfsburg, Volkswagen-AG, 2011, 196 p. (Historische Notate, 16). 5616. RINGS (Steven). Tonality and transformation. Oxford, Oxford U, P, 2011, XI-243 p. (ill.). (Oxford studies in music theory). 5617. ROMMEL-RUIZ (W. Bryan). American history goes to the movies: Hollywood and the American experience. New York, Routledge, 2011, VIII-296 p. 5618. RONGE (Julia). Beethovens Lehrzeit: Kompositionsstudien bei Joseph Haydn, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger und Antonio Salieri. Bonn, Carus, 2011, VIII-187 p. (ill.). (Schriften zur Beethoven-Forschung, 20). 5619. ROTH-EY (Kristin). Moscow prime time: how the Soviet Union built the media empire that lost the cultural Cold War. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, IX-315 p. 5620. RYJIK (Veronika). Lope de Vega en la invención de España: el drama histórico y la formación de la conciencia nacional. Woodbridge, Suffolk Tamesis, 2011, VIII-254 p. (Colección Támesis. Serie A, 292). 5621. SAEKEL (Ursula). Der US-Film in der Weimarer Republik – ein Medium der "Amerikanisierung"? Deutsche Filmwirtschaft, Kulturpolitik und mediale Globalisierung im Fokus transatlantischer Interessen. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 369 p.
New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX-354 p. (New cultural history of music). 5624. SCHLEIFER (Ronald). Modernism and popular music. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XX-233 p. (ill.). 5625. SCHLENKERT (Helge). Musiklivet i den danske guldalder. (La vie musicale au Danemark à l'époque de l'Âge d'Or). Herlev, Edition Karpen, 2011, 323 p. (ill.). 5626. SCHULTZ (William Todd). An emergency in slow motion: the inner life of Diane Arbus. New York a. London, Bloomsbury, 2011, 245 p. (ill.). 5627. SERRUT (Louis-Albert). Jean-Luc Godard, cinéaste acousticien: des emplois et usages de la matière sonore dans ses œuvres cinématographiques. Paris, Harmattan, 2011, 508 p. (Champs visuels). 5628. SHNEER (David). Through Soviet Jewish eyes: photography, war, and the Holocaust. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2011, 283 p. (Jewish Cultures of the World). 5629. SHRYANE (Jennifer). Blixa Bargeld and Einstürzende Neubauten: German experimental music: 'evading do-re-mi'. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XII-253 p. (ill.). (Ashgate popular and folk music series). 5630. SKLAR (Suzanne M.). Blake's Jerusalem' as visionary theatre: entering the divine body. Oxford, Oxford U. P. 2011, XVII-310 p. (ill.). (Oxford theological monographs). 5631. SMEDLEY (Nick). A divided world: Hollywood cinema and emigré directors in the era of Roosevelt and Hitler, 1933–1948. Bristol, Intellect, 2011, 277 p. 5632. STAMM (Michael). Sound business: newspapers, radio, and the politics of new media. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VIII-256 p. (American business, politics, and society). 5633. STEINKE (Tim). Oper nach Wagner: formale Strategien im europäischen Musiktheater des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2011, 331 p. (ill.). 5634. STIEGLER (Christina). Die Bombe unter dem Tisch: Suspense bei Alfred Hitchcock, oder, Wie viel weiß das Publikum wirklich? Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011, 368 p. 5635. Studien zum postmodernen Kino: David Lynchs Inland Empire und Bennett Millers Capote. Hrsg. v. Kerstin STUTTERHEIM. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 215 p. (Babelsberger Schriften zur Mediendramaturgie und Ästhetik, 2). 5636. Taking place: location and the moving image. Ed. by John David RHODES and Elena GORFINKEL. Minneapolis, Minnesota U. P., 2011, XXIX-376 p. (ill.).
5622. SALA (Roberto). Fremde Worte: Medien für 'Gastarbeiter' in der Bundesrepublik im Spannungsfeld von Außen- und Sozialpolitik. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh. 2011, 339 p.
5637. TASKER (Yvonne). Soldiers' stories: military women in cinema and television since World War II. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIV-313 p.
5623. SARGEANT (Lynn M.). Harmony and discord: music and the transformation of Russian cultural life.
5638. TAYLOR (Benedict). Mendelssohn, time and memory: the romantic conception of cyclic form. Cam-
bridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-303 p. (ill.). 5639. TCHEUYAP (Alexie). Postnationalist African cinemas. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P. a. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-269 p. (ill.). 5640. TRABERT (Florian). Kein Lied an die Freude: die Neue Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts in der deutschsprachigen Erzählliteratur von Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus bis zur Gegenwart. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2011, 495 p. (ill.). (Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft, 1). 5641. Transnational encounters: music and performance at the U.S.-Mexico Border. Ed. by Alejandro L. MADRID. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-406 p. 5642. TRÜMPI (Fritz). Politisierte Orchester: Die Wiener Philharmoniker und das Berliner Philharmonische Orchester im Nationalsozialismus. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 357 p.
Sven FRITZ, Heike DRUMMER und Jutta ZWILLING. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 411 p. (Schriften der Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen, 27). 5649. VOLPP (Sophie). Worldly stage: theatricality in seventeenth-century China. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XI-371 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 267). 5650. WATKINS (Holly). Metaphors of depth in German musical thought: from E. T. A. Hoffmann to Arnold Schoenberg. Cambridge. Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-335 p. (ill.). (New perspectives in music history and criticism). 5651. WEBSTER (Patrick). Love and death in Kubrick: a critical study of the films from Lolita through Eyes wide shut. Jefferson, N.C. McFarland & Company, 2011, X-323 p. 5652. WELCH (David). Propaganda and the German cinema, 1933–1945. London, I.B.Tauris, 2011, XV311 p. (ill.). (Cinema and society).
5643. TRÜSTEDT (Katrin). Die Komödie der Tragödie: Shakespeares "Sturm" am Umschlagplatz von Mythos und Moderne, Rache und Recht, Tragik und Spiel. Paderborn, Konstanz U. P., 2011, 261 p.
5653. White riot: punk rock and the politics of race. Ed. by Stephen DUNCOMBE and Maxwell TREMBLAY. London, Verso, 2011, XVII-371 p.
5644. Übertönte Geschichte: Musikkultur in Weimar. Hrsg. v. Hellmut T. SEEMANN und Thorsten VALK. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 400 p. (ill.). (Klassik Stiftung Weimar Jahrbuch 2011).
5654. Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen: vokale und instrumentale Semantik im Werk Gustav Mahlers. Hrsg. v. Hanns-Werner HEISTER. Berlin, Weidler, 2011, 353 p. (ill.). (Musik und n.F., 11).
5645. Unmasking Ravel: new perspectives on the music. Ed. by Peter KAMINSKY. Rochester, Rochester U. P., 2011, VIII-342 p. (ill.). (Eastman studies in music, 84).
5655. WOODS (Jeannine). Visions of empire and other imaginings: cinema, Ireland and India 1910–1962. Oxford a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, IX-220 p. (Reimagining Ireland, 21).
5646. VAN EYNDE (Laurent). Vertige de l'image: l'esthétique réflexive d'Alfred Hitchcock. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 251 p. (Lignes d'art).
5656. YECIES (Brian), SHIM (Ae-Gyung). Korea's occupied cinemas, 1893–1948. London, Routledge, 2011, XIV-222 p. (ill.). (Routledge advances in film studies, 10).
5647. VELA BUENO (José Carlos). Degradación y vanguardia en las películas galdosianas de Buñuel. Morata de Tajuña, Editorial Manuscritos, 2011, 111 p. 5648. Verstummte Stimmen. Die Vertreibung der "Juden" und "politisch Untragbaren" aus den hessischen Theatern 1933 bis 1945. Hrsg. v. Hannes HEER,
5657. ZANZOTTO (Andrea). Il cinema brucia e illumina: intorno a Fellini e altri rari. A cura di Luciano DE GIUSTI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2011, 178 p. Cf. nos 4246, 4858, 4885, 5097, 5169, 5173, 5190, 5206, 5281, 5319, 5366, 5403, 5846, 6805
§ 1. General. 5658-5701. – § 2. Political economy. 5702-5709. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 57105801. – § 4. Trade. 5802-5873. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5874-5909. – § 6. Money and finance. 5910-6037. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 6038-6101. – § 8. Social history. 6102-6441. – § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. 6442-6520. § 1. General. ______________________
5658. ABELSHAUSER (Werner). Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart. Beck, München, 2011, 620 p. 5659. BROWN (D. Clayton). King cotton in modern America: a cultural, political, and economic history since 1945. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2011, XI-440 p. 5660. BROWN (Dona). Back to the land: the enduring dream of self-sufficiency in modern America. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, X-290 p. (Studies in American thought and culture). 5661. BURHOP (Carsten). Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Kaiserreichs 1871–1918. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 236 p. 5662. BURNETT (John A.). The making of the Modern Scottish Highlands 1939–1965. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2011, 310 p. (Ulster and Scotland, 11). 5663. DE GANON (Pieter S.). Down the rabbit hole: a study in the political economy of Modern Japan. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 237-266. 5664. DENNISON (Tracy). Household formation, institutions, and economic development: evidence from imperial Russia. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 456-465. 5665. DÍEZ MINGUELA (Alfonso). Mating (marriage) patterns and economic development. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 312-330. 5666. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Antonie). Taková byla doba: od konce války do konce Československa pohledem hospodářských dějin. (Such were the times: from the end of the war to the end of Czechoslovakia, from an economic history perspective). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 3, p. 437-448.
5667. DUMLUDAĞ (Devrim), DURGUN (Bülent). An economy in transition: Izmir (1918–1938). Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 6, p. 923-945. 5668. Economic development (The) of Southeastern Europe in the 19th century. Ed. by Edhem ELDEM and Socrates PETMEZAS. Athena, ALPHA BANK, Historical Archives, 2011, 539 p. 5669. FAGET (Daniel). Marseille et la mer. Hommes et environnement marin (XVIIIe–XXe siècle). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011, 396 p. 5670. FENOALTEA (Stefano). On the structure of the Italian economy, 1861–1913. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 1, p. 61-72. 5671. FIELD (Alexander J.). A great leap forward: 1930s depression and U.S. economic growth. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, IX-387 p. (Yale series in economic and financial history). 5672. FISCHER (Norbert). Der wilde und der gezähmte Fluss: zur Geschichte der Deiche an der Oste. Stade, Landschaftsverb. der Ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 2011, 361 p. 5673. Founding choices: American economic policy in the 1790s. Ed. by Douglas A. IRWIN and Richard SYLLA. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, IX353 p. 5674. GONÇALVES (Luiz Eduardo Fonseca de Carvalho). As relações Brasil-CEPAL (1947–1964). Brasília, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2011, 117 p. 5675. HASS (Jeffrey). Power, culture, and economic change in Russia: to the undiscovered country of postsocialism, 1988–2008. New York, Routledge, 2011, 311 p. 5676. HATTON (Erin). The temp economy: from Kelly Girls to Permatemps in postwar America. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2011, XVI-212 p.
5677. HAUSMAN (William J.), NEUFELD (John L.). How politics, economics, and institutions shaped electric utility regulation in the United States: 1879–2009. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 723-746. 5678. HONG (Sok Chul). Malaria and economic productivity: a longitudinal analysis of the American case. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 654-671. 5679. Konjunkturen und Krisen in der neueren Geschichte. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 1, 217 p. 5680. KÖSTER (Roman). Die Wissenschaft der Außenseiter. Die Krise der Nationalökonomie in der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen/Oakville, Conn., Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 364 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 198). 5681. LAMOREAUX (Naomi R.). The mystery of property rights: a U.S. perspective. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 275-306. 5682. LUXI (Julia). Der unternehmenspolitische Aspekt Wissen in der Weltwirtschaft (1893–1913) und der Globalisierung (1985–2005). Ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Bayer AG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 247 p. (Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 118). 5683. MAIER (Charles S.). Recasting bourgeois Europe: stabilization in France, Germany and Italy in the decade after World War I. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 673 p. 5684. MARKEVICH (Andrei), HARRISON (Mark). Great War, civil war, and recovery: Russia's national income, 1913 to 1928. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 672-703. 5685. MILLER (Rory). Empresas británicas, economía y política en el Perú, 1850–1934. Lima, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú e IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2011, 489 p. (Historia económica, 10). 5686. MOSER (Petra). Do patents weaken the localization of innovations? Evidence from world's fairs. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 363-382. 5687. NICHOLAS (Tom). Did R&D Firms used to patent? Evidence from the first innovation surveys. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 10321059. – IDEM. Independent invention during the rise of the corporate economy in Britain and Japan. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 995-1023. 5688. PARTHASARATHI (Prasannan). Why Europe grew rich and Asia did not: global economic divergence, 1600–1850. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-365 p. 5689. Regulating the British economy, 1660–1850. Ed. by Perry GAUCI. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XI-279 p. 5690. REINERT (Sophus A.). Translating empire: emulation and the origins of political economy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 438 p. 5691. RIVLIN (Paul). The economy of Israel from the foundation of the state through the twenty-first
century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI288 p. 5692. ROSENTHAL (Jean-Laurent), WONG (R. Bin). Before and beyond divergence: the politics of economic change in China and Europe. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XI-276 p. 5693. RÖSSNER (Philipp Robinson). Das friderizianische Preußen (1740–1786) – eine moderne Ökonomie? Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 2, p. 143-172. 5694. SØRENSEN (Nils Arne). Det amerikanske forbillede? Dansk erhvervsliv og USA ca 1920–1970. (Le modèle américain? La vie économique danoise et les Etats-Unis entre 1920 et 1970). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 349 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 429). 5695. STRIETER (Claudia). Aushandeln von Zunft. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ständischer Selbstbestimmung in Lippstadt, Soest und Detmold (17. bis 19. Jahrhundert). Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 360 p. (Westfalen in der Vormoderne, 7). 5696. Sunbelt rising: the politics of place, space, and region. Ed. by Michelle NICKERSON and Darren DOCHUK. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VII-470 p. 5697. TEICHOVA (Alice). The Czechoslovak economy 1918–1980. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, Routledge, 2011, 178 p. 5698. Trangen til vækst. Danske erhvervsledere 1870– 2010. (La nécessité de la croissance. Les dirigeants économiques danois 1870–2010). Red. Per H. HANSEN, Kurt JACOBSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 351 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark stydies in history and social sciences, 414). 5699. WARLOUZET (Laurent). Le Choix de la CEE par la France. L'Europe économique en débat de Mendès France à de Gaulle (1955–1969). Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2011, X-570 p. 5700. WEAVER (Frederick S.). The United States and the global economy: from Bretton Woods to the current crisis. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011, 192 p. 5701. YAMAMOTO (Yuzo). 'Daitōa kyōeiken' keizaishi kenkyū (A study of the economic history of the "Great East Asia co-prosperity sphere"). Nagoya, Nagoya U. P., 2011, 292 p. § 2. Political economy. ______________________
5702. ANDERSEN (Esben Sloth). Joseph A. Schumpeter: a theory of social and economic evolution. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-272 p. (ill.). (Great thinkers in economics).
§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation
5703. Cercle (Le) de Vincent de Gournay. Savoirs économiques et pratiques administratives en France au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Loïc CHARLES, Frédéric LEFEBVRE et Christine THÉRÉ. Paris, INED, 2011, 396 p.
in mid-nineteenth century Cuba. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-264 p.
5704. Montchrestien et Cantillon. Le commerce et l'émergence d'une pensée économique. Sous la dir. de Alain GUERY. Lyon, ENS Éditions, 2011, 450 p.
5718. DE JONG (Herman), WOLTJER (Pieter). Depression dynamics: a new estimate of the Anglo-American manufacturing productivity gap in the interwar period. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 472-492.
5705. OZGUR (M. Erdem), GENC (Hamdi). An Ottoman classical political economist: Sarantis Archigenes and his Tasarrufat-ı Mülkıye. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 2, p. 329-342. 5706. ROGACZEWSKA (Krystyna). Ekonomiczny wymiar polskiego liberalizmu: od fizjokratyzmu do Szkoły Krakowskiej. (Economic dimension of Polish liberalism: from physiocracy to the Kraków School). Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2011, 308 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3339). 5707. SKORNICKI (Arnault). L'économiste, la cour et la patrie. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2011, 446 p. 5708. WAGNER-HASEL (Beate). Die Arbeit des Gelehrten. Der Nationalökonom Karl Bücher (1847–1930). Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2011, 405 p. 5709. WAPSHOTT (Nicholas). Keynes Hayek: the clash that defined modern economics. New York, Norton, 2011, 400 p. § 3. Industry, mining and transportation.
5717. DATTOMO (Nicla). La legge 634/57 ed il progetto di sviluppo industriale per il Mezzogiorno. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130, p. 45-78.
5719. DEHELEANU (Adrian). Începuturile aviaţiei române. (The beginning of the Romanian aviation). Analele Banatului. Arheologie-Istorie, 2011, 19, p. 431-448. 5720. DINIUS (Oliver J.). Brazil's steel city: developmentalism, strategic power, and industrial relations in Volta Redonda, 1941–1964. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XXI-325 p. 5721. DOBADO (Rafael), MARRERO (Gustavo A.). The role of the Spanish imperial state in the mining-led growth of Bourbon Mexico's economy. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 855-884. 5722. DODGSON (John). New, disaggregated, British railway total factor productivity growth estimates, 1875 to 1912. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 621643. 5723. EDQUIST (Harald). Parallel development? Productivity growth following the diffusion of electric motors and ICT. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 1, p. 29-47.
5710. ARNOLD (A. J.), MAC CARTNEY (S.). 'Veritable gold mines before the arrival of railway competition': but did dividends signal rates of return in the English canal industry? Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 214-236. 5711. BJÖRNELID (Richard). SAS: om konsten att sänka ett flygbolag. (La SAS. L'art de couler une compagnie aérienne). Stockholm, Atlas, 2011, 364 p. 5712. BOGART (Dan). Did the Glorious Revolution contribute to the transport revolution? Evidence from investment in roads and rivers. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1073-1112. 5713. BÜRGI (Michael). Pharmaforschung im 20. Jahrhundert. Arbeit an der Grenze zwischen Hochschule und Industrie. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 223 p. (Interferenzen, 17). 5714. CHUNG (Sue Fawn). In pursuit of gold: Chinese American miners and merchants in the American West. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XXXII-258 p. (Asian American experience). 5715. CORLEY (T. A. B.), GODLEY (Andrew). The veterinary medicine industry in Britain in the twentieth century. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 832854. 5716. CURRY-MACHADO (Jonathan). Cuban sugar industry: transnational networks and engineering migrants
5724. EIFERT (Christiane). Deutsche Unternehmerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Beck, 2011, 223 p. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 24). 5725. ELM (Monika). Ruhrchemie. Werk und Belegschaft in Wort und Bild 1927–2010. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 110 p. 5726. FAVERO (Giovanni). Privilegi d'industria e diritti di proprietà nelle manifatture di ceramica della Repubblica di Venezia (XVII–XVIII secolo). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 136, p. 185-220. 5727. FINLEY (Carmel). All the fish in the sea: maximum sustainable yield and the failure of fisheries management. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XII-210 p. 5728. FLÜCKIGER (Daniel). Straßen für alle: Infrastrukturpolitik im Kanton Bern 1790–1850. Baden, Hier – Jetzt, 2011, 258 p. (Archiv des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern, 88). 5729. FREEDMAN (Alisa). Tokyo in transit: Japanese culture on the rails and road. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XIII-333 p. 5730. GAUSMANN (Frank). Deutsche Großunternehmer vor Gericht. Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Folgen der Nürnberger Industriellenprozesse 1945–1948/51. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 396 p. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 77). Nürnberg.
5731. GRIGGS (Peter D.). Global industry, local innovation: the history of cane sugar production in Australia, 1820–1995. Bern, Lang, 2011, 928 p. 5732. GUINNANE (Timothy W.), STREB (Jochen). Moral hazard in a mutual health insurance system: German Knappschaften, 1867–1914. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 70-104. 5733. GULOWSEN (Jon). Kysten som skapte hurtigruten. (Coastal navigation by clock and compass). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 3, p. 391-412. 5734. HAHN (Barbara). Making tobacco bright: creating an American commodity, 1617–1937. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, X-236 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in the history of technology). 5735. HALLON (Ľudovít), LONDÁK (Miroslav). Chemický priemysel v zrkadle dejín Slovenska. (Chemical industry in the mirror history of Slovakia). Bratislava, Nakladateľstvo Slovenskej technickej niverzity, 2011, 97 p. 5736. HARNOW (Henrik). Danmarks industrielle miljøer. (Milieux industriels danois). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 427 p. (ill.). 5737. HOLEC (Roman). Dejiny plné dynamitu. Bratislavský chemický koncern Dynamit Nobel na križovatkách novodobých dejín (1873–1960). (History full of dynamite. Bratislava chemical group Dynamit Nobel at the crossroads of modern history, 1873–1960). Bratislava, Kalligram, 2011, 168 p. 5738. IBER (Walter M.). Die Sowjetische Mineralölverwaltung in Österreich. Zur Vorgeschichte der OMV 1945–1955. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2011, 309 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung, 15). 5739. INKLAAR (Robert), DE JONG (Herman), GOU(Reitze). Did technology shocks drive the great depression? Explaining cyclical productivity movements in U.S. manufacturing, 1919–1939. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 827-858.
5740. JAMES (Harold). Krupp. Deutsche Legende und globales Unternehmen. München, Beck, 2011, 344 p. 5741. JOPP (Tobias A.). Old times, better times? German miners' Knappschaften, pay-as-you-go pensions, and implicit rates of return, 1854–1913. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1018-1043. 5742. JOSIAH (Barbara P.). Migration, mining, and the African diaspora: Guyana in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVIII-274 p.
5745. KASCHKA (Ralph). Auf dem falschen Gleis: Infrastrukturpolitik und -entwicklung der DDR am Beispiel der Deutschen Reichsbahn 1949–1989. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2011, 374 p. (Deutsches Museum Beiträge zur Historischen Verkehrsforschung, 13). 5746. KING (Peter). The choice of fuel in the eighteenth-century iron industry: the Coalbrookdale accounts reconsidered. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 132-156. 5747. KIRCHHOF (Astrid Mignon). Das Dienstfräulein auf dem Bahnhof: Frauen im öffentlichem Raum im Blick der Berliner Bahnhofsmission 1894–1939. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2011, 274 p. 5748. KÖSTER (Roman). Hugo Boss, 1924–1945. Die Geschichte einer Kleiderfabrik zwischen Weimarer Republik und "Drittem Reich". München, Beck, 2011, 117 p. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 23). 5749. LANDOLT (Patrick). Standortgunst oder Wirtschaftsförderung. Der Industrie- und Gewerbestandort Schaffhausen in den Jahren 1830 bis 1914. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 576 p. 5750. LANGEWEG (Serge). Mijnbouw en arbeidsmarkt in Nederlands-Limburg: herkomst, werving, mobiliteit en binding van mijnwerkers tussen 1900 en 1965. Hilversum, Verloren, 2011, 360 p. (Maaslandse monografieën, 75). 5751. LE ROUX (Thomas). Le Laboratoire des pollutions industrielles. Paris, 1770–1830. Paris, Albin Michel, 2011, 552 p. (L'évolution de l'humanité). 5752. LEWIS (Myrddin John) [et al.]. Personal capitalism and corporate governance. British manufacturing in the first half of the twentieth century. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, IX-231 p. (Modern economic and social history series). 5753. LITTLE (Stephen E.), GRIECO (Margaret). Shadow factories, shallow skills? An analysis of work organisation in the aircraft industry in the Second World War. Labor history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 193-216. 5754. LOIBL (Werner). Die Spiegelmanufaktur in Würzburg. Ein Zweigbetrieb der Steigerwälder Glashütte in (Fabrik-)Schleichach. Würzburg, Schöningh, 2011, 167 p. (Schriften des Stadtarchivs Würzburg, 18). 5755. MAC GOVERN (Tom). The decline of the British tyre industry: an evaluation of the policies of the Tyre Industry Sector Working Party. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 600-616.
5743. JUPE (Robert). 'A poll tax on wheels': might the move to privatise rail in Britain have failed? Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 324-343.
5756. MACLACHLAN (Patricia L.). The people's post office: the history and politics of the Japanese postal system, 1871–2010. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XX-358 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 338).
5744. KALUSA (W. T.). Death, Christianity, and African miners: contesting indirect rule in the Zambian copperbelt, 1935–1962. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 1, p. 89-112.
5757. MAGAGNOLI (Stefano). Le aree industriali attrezzate: genealogia ed evoluzione di un modello di sostegno allo sviluppo locale. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130 (1), p. 11-44.
§ 3. Industry, mining and transportation 5758. MAYSILLES (Duncan). Ducktown smoke: the fight over one of the South's greatest environmental disasters. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, X-333 p.
schaft zur Konzertierten Aktion. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 522 p. (Historische Grundlagen der Moderne, 3). 5773. REYNOLD (Terry S.), DAWSON (Virginia P.). Iron will: Cleveland-Cliffs and the mining of iron ore, 1847–2006. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2011, VIII-351 p.
5759. MENA GARCÍA (Carmen). El oro del Darién. Entradas y cabalgadas en la conquista de Tierra Firme (1509–1526). Seville, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2011, 640 p.
5774. RICHTER (Ralf), STREB (Jochen). Catching-up and falling behind: knowledge spillover from American to German machine toolmakers. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 1006-1031.
5760. MILLWARD (Robert). Geo-politics versus market structure interventions in Europe's infrastructure industries c. 1830–1939. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 673-687.
5775. ROBINS (Nicholas A.). Mercury, mining, and empire: the human and ecological cost of colonial silver mining in the Andes. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XIV-298 p.
5761. MITCHELL (Brian), CHAMBERS (David), CRAFTS (Nick). How good was the profitability of British railways, 1870–1912? Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 798-831.
5776. ROTH (Karl Heinz), ABRAHAM (Jan-Peter). Reemtsma auf der Krim. Tabakproduktion und Zwangsarbeit unter der deutschen Besatzungsherrschaft 1941– 1944. Nautilus, Hamburg, 2011, 576 p. (Schriften der Stiftung für Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts).
5762. MÜLLER (Armin). Kienzle. Ein deutsches Industrieunternehmen im 20. Jahrhundert. Mit ein. Vorw. v. Thomas GUZATIS u. ein. Nachw. v. Christian H. KIENZLE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 311 p. (Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2). 5763. NGAI (Mae M.). Chinese miners, headmen, and protectors on the Victorian goldfields, 1853–1863. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 10-24. 5764. Novel Outlooks on the Marshall Plan: American aid and European re-industrialization. Ed. by Francesca FAURI and Paolo TEDESCHI. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2011, 200 p. 5765. Oil producing countries and oil companies: from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. Ed. by Alain BELTRAN. Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, 294 p. 5766. OKAZAKI (Tetsuji). The supplier network and aircraft production in wartime Japan. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 973-994. 5767. OLDS (Kelly B.). The Taiwan hat industry: prewar roots of the post-war miracle. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1110-1129. 5768. ÖSSBO (Åsa), LANTTO (Patrik). Colonial tutelage and industrial colonialism: reindeer husbandry and early 20th-century hydroelectric development in Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 324-348. 5769. PASSALACQUA (Arnaud). L'autobus à Paris. Histoire de mobilités. Paris, Économica, 2011, 268 p. 5770. PITTS (Marianne), BOYNS (Trevor). Accounting and economic returns in British coal mining: the Carlton Main colliery, 1872–1909. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 917-938. 5771. POULSEN (René Taudal), SORNN-FRIESE (Henrik). Downfall delayed: Danish shipbuilding and industrial dislocation. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 557582. 5772. REHLING (Andrea). Konfliktstrategie und Konsenssuche in der Krise. Von der Zentralarbeitsgemein-
5777. ROUGIER (Marcelo). Estado y empresarios de la industria del aluminio en la Argentina: el caso ALUAR. Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2011, 477 p. (Convergencia. Entre memoria y sociedad). 5778. RUPPMANN (Reiner). Schrittmacher des Autobahnzeitalters. Frankfurt und das Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Darmstadt, Hessisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, 2011, 486 p. (Schriften zur hessischen Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte, 10). 5779. SAMARDŽIĆ (Momir). O sporazumu srpske vlade i Štatsbana o izgradnji železnice u Srbiji 1879. godine. (On agreement оf Serbian government аnd Staatsbahn аbout the construction of the railways in Serbia in 1879). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 393-417. 5780. SCHLIMM (Anette). Ordnungen des Verkehrs. Arbeit an der Moderne. Deutsche und britische Verkehrsexpertise im 20. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld, transcript, 2011, 366 p. (Histoire, 26). 5781. SCHMIDT-BACHEM (Heinz). Aus Papier. Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Papier verarbeitenden Industrie in Deutschland. Berlin u. Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, 984 p. 5782. SCHNEIDER (Daniel). Hybrid nature: sewage treatment and the contradictions of the industrial ecosystem. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2011, XXX-338 p. 5783. SCOTT (Peter), SPADAVECCHIA (Anna). Did the 48-hour week damage Britain's industrial competitiveness? Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 12661288. 5784. Selbstregulierung im 19. Jahrhundert − zwischen Autonomie und staatlichen Steuerungsansprüchen. Hrsg. v. Peter COLLIN [et al.]. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2011, 340 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 259/Moderne Regulierungsregime, 1). 5785. SIEMASZKO (Nikolaus Olaf). Das oberschlesische Eisenhüttenwesen 1741–1860. Ein regionaler Wachstumssektor. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 410 p. u. CD-ROM (Regionale Industrialisierung, 6).
5786. SIMPSON (James). Creating wine: the emergence of a world industry, 1840–1914. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XXXVII-318 p. (Princeton economic history of the Western world). 5787. Socialist car (The): automobility in the Eastern bloc. Ed. by Lewis H. SIEGELBAUM. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, X-242 p. 5788. SOLAR (Peter M.), LYONS (John S.). The English cotton spinning industry, 1780–1840, as revealed in the columns of the London Gazette. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 302-323. 5789. SPERLING (Walter). Der Aufbruch der Provinz. Die Eisenbahn und die Neuordnung der Räume im Zarenreich. Frankfurt am Main a. New York, Campus, 2011, 481 p. (Campus Historische Studien, 59). 5790. STANFORS (Maria), KARLSSON (Tobias). Gender, occupation, or workplace: what mattered for the gender gap in the Swedish tobacco industry? Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 3, p. 214-231. 5791. STRANDSKOV (Jesper). Konkurrence og koncentration: svineslagteriernes fusionshistorie 1960–2010. Bd. 1-2. (Concurrence et concentration: histoire des fusions du secteur des abattoirs de porcs au Danemark 1960–2010. Vol. 1-2). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2011, 463 p, 409 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 422). 5792. SVENDSEN (Jan). Olien længe leve. Eventyret om den danske olie. (L'aventure pétrolière du Danemark). Brande, DialogForum.dk, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). 5793. TRINER (Gail D.). Mining and the state in Brazilian development. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2011, XVII-253 p. (Perspectives in economic and social history, 10). 5794. UHL (Karsten). Giving scientific management a 'human' face: the engine factory Deutz and a 'German' path to efficiency, 1910–1945. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 511-533. 5795. VAN BELLE (Jean-Louis). L'exploitation de la pierre dans la région bruxelloise et son impact sur le paysage. Un exemple (fin XVIIe–début XVIIIe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 821-839. 5796. VAN LOTTUM (Jelle), POULSEN (Bo). Estimating levels of numeracy and literacy in the maritime sector of the North Atlantic in the late eighteenth century. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 1, p. 67-82. 5797. VOLLMANN (Hansjörg W.). Eigenständigkeit und Konzernintegration. Die Cassella, ihre Eigentümer und ihr Führungspersonal. Darmstadt, Hessisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, 2011, 376 p. (Schriften zur hessischen Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte, 11). 5798. WEAVER (Karol K.). Medical caregiving and identity in Pennsylvania's anthracite region, 1880–2000. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, 187 p.
5799. WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.). Trade and poverty: when the Third World fell behind. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2011, 320 p. 5800. YANO (Christine). Airborne dreams: "Nisei" stewardesses and Pan American world airways. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XV-228 p. 5801. YASUMOTO (Minoru). The rise of a Victorian ironopolis: Middlesborough and regional industrialization. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, XVII-230 p. § 4. Trade. ** 5802. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David). From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean: the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XX-363 p. (California world history library, 17). ** 5803. Economie et négoce des Français dans l'Espagne de l'époque moderne: instructions et mémoires officiels relatifs au commerce en Espagne de la gestion de Colbert (1669) au Pacte de famille (1761). Rassemblés par Didier OZANAM et Anne MÉZIN. Paris, Archives nationales, 2011, XXX-508 p. ** 5804. WESTERMANN (Ekkehard), DENZEL (Markus Α.). Das Kaufmannsnotizbuch des Matthäus Schwarz aus Augsburg von 1548. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 526 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Beiheft, 215). ______________________
5805. ALIOTO (Sebastián L). Indios y ganado en la frontera: la ruta del río Negro (1750–1830). Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, Centro de Documentación Patagónica, Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur, 2011, 248 p. (Historia argentina, 11). 5806. ANDERSEN (Steen). Between imperative and risk. The case of Christiani & Nielsen's market entry in Norway 1941–1945. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 1, p. 3-28. 5807. ANDERSSON (Magnus). Omvälvningarnas tid. Handelshuset Ekman i Göteborg på en europeisk kreditmarknad 1790–1820. (Le temps des révolutions. La maison de commerce Ekman de Göteborg sur le marché du crédit européen entre 1790 et 1820). Göteborg, Preindustrial Research Group, 2011, 208 p. (ill.). (En tidig Europamarknad, 4). 5808. Araucanía, siglos XIX y XX: economía, migraciones y marginalidad. Ed. por Jorge PINTO RODRÍGUEZ. Osorno, Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos diciembre, 2011, 283 p. (Colección Investigadores). 5809. BELISLE (Donica). Crazy for bargains: inventing the irrational female shopper in modernizing English Canada. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 4, p. 581606. 5810. Beschaffungs- und Absatzmärkte oberdeutscher Firmen im Zeitalter der Welser und Fugger. Hrsg. v. Angelika WESTERMANN und Stefanie von WELSER. Husum, Matthiesen, 2011, 312 p.
§ 4. Trade 5811. BOWEN (Alister). The merchants: Chinese social organisation in colonial Australia. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 25-44. 5812. BUŇATOVÁ (Marie). Die Prager Juden in der Zeit vor der Schlacht am Weißen Berg. Handel und Wirtschaftsgebaren der Prager Juden im Spiegel des Liber albus Judeorum 1577–1601. Kiel, Solivagus, 2011, 341 p. 5813. CAHN (Peter S.). Direct sales and direct faith in Latin America. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-191 p. 5814. CALAFAT (Guillaume). Diasporas marchandes et commerce interculturel. Familles, réseaux et confiance dans l'économie de l'époque moderne. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 513-531. 5815. CARNEVALI (Francesca). Social capital and trade associations in America, c. 1860–1914: a microhistory approach. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 905-928. 5816. CHEESMAN (Roxanne). El Perú de Lequanda: economía y comercio a fines del siglo XVIII. Lima, IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Fundación M. J. Bustamante De la Fuente, 2011, 717 p. (Fuentes e investigaciones para la historia del Perú, 19). 5817. Chinese circulations: capital, commodities, and networks in Southeast Asia. Ed. by Eric TAGLIACOZZO and Wen-Chin CHANG with a foreword by Wang GUNGWU. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2011, XV-534 p. 5818. CHRISTIE (Jacqueline Dussaillant). Las reinas de Estado: Consumo, grandes tiendas y mujeres en la modernización del comercio de Santiago (1880–1930). Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, 2011, 439 p. 5819. Commerce and culture. Nineteenth-century business elites. Ed. by Robert LEE. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 343 p. (Modern economic and social history). 5820. COQUERY (Natacha). Tenir boutique à Paris au XVIIIe siècle. Luxe et demi-luxe. Paris, Éd. du CTHS, 2011, 406 p. 5821. Dangerous trade: histories of industrial hazard across a globalizing world. Ed. by Christopher SELLERS and Joseph MELLING. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2011, X-218 p. 5822. DANIEL (Vittorio), OSTUNI (Nicola). The 'Madeleine' effect. Italian emigration and exports of preserved tomatoes (1897–1933). Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 2, p. 243-266. 5823. EBERT (Christopher). Early modern Atlantic trade and the development of maritime insurance to 1630. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 87-114. 5824. EDVINSSON (Rodney), SÖDERBERG (Johan). Prices and the growth of the knowledge economy in Sweden and Western Europe before the industrial revolution. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 3, p. 250-272.
5825. FINK (Leon). Sweatshops at sea: merchant seamen in the world's first globalized industry, from 1812 to the present. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, 278 p. 5826. FLAVIN (Susan). Consumption and material culture in sixteenth-century Ireland. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1144-1174. 5827. FRANC (Martin). Coca-cola je zde! aneb Konzumní společnost v Československu? (On the road to a consumer society? The Czechoslovak polation between a planned economy and a Western way of life). In: 1968: Pražské jaro 1968: Občanská společnost – média – přenos politických a kulturních procesů [cf. no 4858], p. 133-142. 5828. GARCÍA ALVAREZ (Luis Benito). Comensalidad, sociabilidad y rituales de consumo. La "Espicha" en Asturias en el primer tercio del siglo XX. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 21-40. 5829. GEYIKDAĞI (Necla). Foreign investment in the Ottoman Empire: international trade and relations, 1854– 1914. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XIV218 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 27). 5830. GLAISYER (Natasha). The culture of commerce in England, 1660–1720. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, X-220 p. (Royal historical society, studies in history, new series). 5831. GUDMESTAD (Robert). Steamboats and the rise of the cotton Kingdom. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XII-280 p. 5832. HARCOURT (Bernard E.). The illusion of free markets: punishment and the myth of natural order. Cambridge: Harvard U. P., 2011, 328 p. 5833. HILLMANN (Henning), GATHMANN (Christina). Overseas trade and the decline of privateering. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 730-761. 5834. LAMIKIZ (Xabier). Transatlantic networks and merchant guild rivalry in colonial trade with Peru, 1729– 1780: a new interpretation. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 2, p. 299-331. 5835. LAMPE (Markus), SHARP (Paul). Something rational in the state of Denmark? The case of an outsider in the Cobden-Chevalier network, 1860–1875. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 2, p. 128148. 5836. LAMPE (Markus). Explaining nineteenth-century bilateralism: economic and political determinants of the Cobden-Chevalier network. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 644-668. 5837. LE GOUIC (Olivier). Lyon et la mer au XVIIIe siècle. Connexions atlantiques et commerce colonial. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 384 p. 5838. LEUNIG (Tim), MINNS (Chris), WALLIS (Patrick). Networks in the premodern economy: the market for London apprenticeships, 1600–1749. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 413-443.
5839. LLORCA-JAÑA (Manuel). The organisation of British textile exports to the River Plate and Chile: Merchant houses in operation, c. 1810–59. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 821-865 5840. MARTIN (Marc). Les Pionniers de la publicité. Aventures et aventuriers de la publicité en France (1836– 1939). Paris, Nouveau Monde Éditions, 2011, 368 p. 5841. MAURER (Noel). The empire struck back: sanctions and compensation in the Mexican oil expropriation of 1938. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 590-615. 5842. MERLO (Elisabetta). Italian fashion business: achievements and challenges (1970s–2000s). Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 344-362. 5843. MONTI (Alessandro). Der Preis des "weißen Goldes". Preispolitik und -strategie im Merkantilsystem am Beispiel der Porzellanmanufaktur Meißen 1710– 1830. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 557 p. 5844. MOORE (Rachel). Forty miles from the sea: Xalapa, the public sphere, and the Atlantic World in nineteenth-century Mexico. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2011, XIII-230 p. 5845. MORONI (Marco). L'impero di San Biagio: Ragusa e i commerci balcanici dopo la conquista turca (1521–1620). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 273 p. (Società e storia). 5846. Music trade (The) in Georgian London. Ed. by Michael KASSLER. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XVIII560 p. 5847. MYRVANG (Christine). Organising affluence: the Norwegian Consumer Council and comparative product testing in the 1950s and 1960s. Technocratic roots and practices. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 2, p. 149-165. 5848. OLSSON (Sven Olof). Sverige i det handelspolitiska maktspelet 1919–1939. (La Suède dans le jeu de la politique commerciale 1919–1939). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2011, 159 p. (ill.). 5849. ORLANDI (Angela). Al soffio degli Alisei. Mercanti fiorentini tra Siviglia e il Nuovo Mondo. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 629, p. 477-506. 5850. Regulierte Märkte: Zünfte und Kartelle / Marchés régulés: Corporations et cartels. Hrsg. v. Margrit MÜLLER, Heinrich R. SCHMIDT und Laurent TISSOT. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 378 p. (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 26). 5851. Religion, Moral und liberaler Markt. Politische Ökonomie und Ethikdebatten vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Michael HOCHGESCHWENDER und Bernhard LÖFFLER. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 308 p. (Histoire, 28). 5852. RISCHBIETER (Julia Laura). Mikro-Ökonomie der Globalisierung. Kaffee, Kaufleute und Konsumenten im Kaiserreich 1870–1914. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 428 p. (Industrielle Welt, 80).
5853. Rise (The) of the Atlantic economy and the North Sea/Baltic trades, 1500–1800. Ed. by Leos MÜLLER, Philipp Robinson RÖSSNER and Toshiaki TAMAKI. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 156 p. (Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsund Sozialgeschichte, 117). 5854. ROBIN (Thierry). Berliet, un constructeur automobile français face au marché chinois (années 1950– 1960). Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 43-58. 5855. RÖSSNER (Philipp Robinson). New Avenues of trade: structural change in the European economy and foreign commerce as reflected in the changing structure of Scotland's commerce, 1660–1760. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 1, p. 1-25. 5856. SCARPELLINI (Emanuela). Material nation: a consumer's history of modern Italy. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XV-343 p. 5857. SCOTT (Peter M.), WALKER (James). Sales and advertising expenditure for interwar American department stores. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 40-69. 5858. SKŘIVAN (Aleš, Jr.). Weapons from the heart of Europe. On Czechoslovak arms exports in the interwar period. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 1, p. 73-92. 5859. SOARES (Maria João). The British presence on the Cape Verdean Archipelago (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries). African economic history, 2011, 39, p. 129146. 5860. SPRING (Dawn). Advertising in the age of persuasion: building brand America, 1941–1961. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-235 p. 5861. STÖGER (Georg). Sekundäre Märkte? Zum Wiener und Salzburger Gebrauchtwarenhandel im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Wien/München, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik/Oldenbourg, 2011, 298 p. (Sozialund wirtschaftshistorische Studien, 35). 5862. TAKEDA (Junko Thérèse). Between crown and commerce: Marseille and the early Modern Mediterranean. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XIV-258 p. (Johhns Hopkins University studies in historical and politica science, 1). 5863. TALBOTT (Siobhan). Beyond 'the antiseptic realm of theoretical economic models': new perspectives on Franco-Scottish commerce and the Auld alliance in the long seventeenth century. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 2, p. 149-168. 5864. TAPLIN (Ian M.). The Modern American wine industry: market formation and growth in North Carolina. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-204 p. 5865. TOPLIS (Alison). The clothing trade in provincial England, 1800–1850. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2011, XI-235 p. (Perspectives in economic and social history, 12). 5866. VAN DEN BERSSELAAR (Dmitri). Who belongs to the 'star people'? Negotiating beer and gin advertise-
§ 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems ments in West Africa, 1949–1975. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 385-408. 5867. VAN DYKE (Paul A.). Merchants of Canton and Macao: politics and strategies in eighteenth-century Chinese trade. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2011, XXII545 p. 5868. VANNESTE (Tijl). Global trade and commercial networks: eighteenth-century diamond merchants. London, Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2011, XI-269 p. 5869. Voice (The) of the citizen consumer: a history of market research, consumer movements, and the political public sphere. Ed. by Kerstin BRÜCKWEH. Oxford, German Historical Institute London a. Oxford U. P., 2011, 304 p. 5870. WEST (Sally). I shop in Moscow: advertising and the creation of consumer culture in late tsarist Russia. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2011, XII-292 p. 5871. WIESEN (S. Jonathan). Creating the Nazi marketplace: commerce and consumption in the Third Reich. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-277 p. 5872. WOLF (Nikolaus), SCHULZE (Max-Stephan), HEINEMEYER (Hans-Christian). On the economic consequences of the peace: trade and borders after Versailles. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 915-949. 5873. ZLATAR (Zdenko). Dubrovnik's merchants and capital in the Ottoman Empire (1520–1620): a quantitative study. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2011, XXXIX-664 p. § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. ______________________
5874. ADACHI (Yoshihiro). Higashi doitsu nōson no shakaishi: "Shakai shugi" keiken no rekishika no tameni. (A social and agricultural history of East Germany, 1945–1961: for historicising the experience of socialism). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 703 p.
5880. BRAIN (Stephen). Song of the forest: Russian forestry and Stalinist environmentalism, 1905–1953. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, VIII232 p. (Pitt series in Russiam and East European studies). 5881. BROWN (Philip C.). Cultivating commons: joint ownership of arable land in early Modern Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XV-268 p. 5882. BRUNET (Guy). Population et environnement. Vie et mort dans la Dombes des étangs aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Avec la collaboration de Roger DESBOS. Berne, Peter Lang, 2011, 259 p. 5883. CAMPBELL (Bruce M.S.), Ó GRÁDA (Cormac). Harvest shortfalls, grain prices, and famines in preindustrial England. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 859-886. 5884. Fascismo y políticas agrarias: nuevos enfoques en un marco comparativo. Ed. por Daniel LANERO TÁBOAS. Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2011, 262 p. (Ayer, 83). 5885. GARRIDO (Samuel), CALATAYUD (Salvador). The price of improvements: agrarian contracts and agrarian development in nineteenth-century eastern Spain. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 598-620. 5886. GIESEN (James C.). Boll weevil blues: cotton, myth, and power in the American South. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XVI-221 p. 5887. GREEN (E.). Indirect rule and colonial intervention: chiefs and agrarian change in Nyasaland, ca. 1933 to the early 1950s. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 249-274. 5888. GRIVNO (Max). Gleanings of freedom: free and slave labor along the Mason-Dixon Line, 1790–1860. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XIII-269 p. (Working Class in American History).
5875. Agriculture and forestry in Sweden since 1900. Geographical and historical studies. Ed. by Hans ANTONSON and Ulf JANSSON. Stockholm, Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, 2011, 542 p.
5889. HARRINGTON (Melanie). The earl of Derby and his tenants: sales of Royalist land during the Interregnum revisited. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 11951217.
5876. Bauern als Händler. Ökonomische Diversifizierung und soziale Differenzierung bäuerlicher Agrarproduzenten (15.–19. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. v. Frank KONERSMANN und Klaus-Joachim LORENZEN-SCHMIDT. Stuttgart, Lucius & Lucius, 2011, 213 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte, 52).
5890. HOLEC (Roman). Agrárna demokracia ako pokus o tretiu cestu stredoeurópskej transformácie. (Agrardemokratie als Versuch eines dritten Weges mitteleuropäischer Transformation). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 1, p. 3-32.
5877. BENDER (M.V.). Millet is Gone! Considering the demise of eleusine Agriculture on Kilimanjaro. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 191-214.
5891. KANDER (Astrid), WARDE (Paul). Energy availability from livestock and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1815–1913: a new comparison. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 1-29.
5878. BENEDICT (Carol). Golden-silk smoke: a history of tobacco in China, 1550–2010. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XIII-334 p.
5892. KIRCHINGER (Johann). Michael Horlacher. Ein Agrarfunktionär in der Weimarer Republik. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2011, 591 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 159).
5879. BOWMAN (Andrew). Mass production or production by the masses? Tractors, cooperatives, and the politics of rural development in post-independence Zambia. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 201-221.
5893. KLUBOCK (Thomas Miller). The nature of the frontier: forests and peasant uprisings in southern Chile. Social history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 121-142.
5894. LEMARCHAnd (Guy). Paysans et seigneurs en Europe. Une histoire comparée, XVIe–XIXe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 371 p. 5895. Leonard (Carol S.). Agrarian reform in Russia. The road from serfdom. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 416 p. 5896. Lundh (Christer), Olsson (Mats). Contractworkers in Swedish agriculture, c. 1890s–1930s: a comparative study of standard of living and social status. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 298-323. 5897. Machuca (Laura). Los hacendados de Yucatán, 1785–1847. México D.F., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social / Instituto Cultura de Yucatán, 2011, 277 p. 5898. Muldrew (Craig). Food, energy, and the creation of industriousness: work and material culture in agrarian England, 1550–1780. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-355 p. (Cambridge studies in economic history). 5899. Nodín Valdés (Dionicio). Organized agriculture and the labor movement before the UFW: Puerto Rico, Hawai'i, California. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, VII-313 p. 5900. Patel (Kiran Klaus). The paradox of planning: German agricultural policy in a European perspective, 1920s to 1970s. Past and present, 2011, 212, p. 239-269. 5901. Pomp (Rainer). Bauern und Großgrundbesitzer auf ihrem Weg ins Dritte Reich. Der Brandenburgische Landbund 1919–1933. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 429 p. (Elitenwandel in der Moderne, 8). 5902. Solar (Peter M.), Klovland (Jan Tore). New series for agricultural prices in London, 1770–1914. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 72-87. 5903. Stöcker (Georg). Agrarideologie und Sozialreform im Deutschen Kaiserreich: Heinrich Sohnrey und der Deutsche Verein für ländliche Wohlfahrts- und Heimatpflege 1896–1914. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 274 p. 5904. Stuber (Martin), Bürgi (Matthias). Hüeterbueb und Heitisträhl. Traditionelle Formen der Waldnutzung in der Schweiz 1800 bis 2000. Bern, Stuttgart u. Wien, Haupt, 2011, 304 p. (Bristol-Schriftenreihe, 30). 5905. Tillman (Benjamin Farr). Imprints on native lands: the Miskito-Moravian settlement landscape in Honduras. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2011, X-186 p. (First peoples: new directions in indigenous studies). 5906. Vallström (Maria). "Ett Finland mitt i Sverige". Förändringsprocesser i skogsarbetarbyar 1950–ca 1975. ("A Finland in the middle of Sweden". Change in forest work villages 1950 about 1975). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 4, p. 422-447. 5907. VENDRYES (Arnaud). Les hommes s'en vont, la terre demeure. Société et structure foncière dans le sud du Jura, 1750–1830. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2011, 435 p.
5908. WHAYNE (Jeannie). Delta empire: Lee Wilson and the transformation of agriculture in the new South. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XI-298 p. (Making the Modern South). 5909. WUTHNOW (Robert). Remaking the heartland: Middle America since the 1950s. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XIII-358 p. Cf. no 3997 § 6. Money and finance. ______________________
5910. '2008 crisis' (The) in an economic history perspective: looking at the 20th century [Special issue]. Business history, 2011, 53, 2, p. 175-287. [Contents: KOBRAK (Christopher), WILKINS (Mira). The '2008 Crisis' in an economic history perspective: Looking at the twentieth century. – BILLINGS (Mark), CAPIE (Forrest). Financial crisis, contagion, and the British banking system between the world wars. – KOPPER (Christopher). New perspectives on the 1931 banking crisis in Germany and Central Europe. – LÖNNBORG (Mikael), ÖGREN (Anders), RAFFERTY (Michael). Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s. – BREAN (Donald J.S.), KRYZANOWSKI (Lawrence), ROBERTS (Gordon S.). Canada and the United States: Different roots, different routes to financial sector regulation. – RAMIREZ (Carlos D.). The effect of banking crises on deposit growth: State-level evidence from 1900 to 1930.] 5911. ACCOMINOTTI (Olivier), FLANDREAU (Marc), REZZIK (Riad). The spread of empire: Clio and the measurement of colonial borrowing costs. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 385-407. 5912. ACHESON (Graeme G.), HICKSON (Charles R.), TURNER (John D.). Organisational flexibility and governance in a civil-law regime: Scottish partnership banks during the Industrial Revolution. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 505-529. 5913. ACHESON (Graeme G.), TURNER (John D.). Investor behaviour in a nascent capital market: Scottish bank shareholders in the nineteenth century. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 188-213. 5914. ADAMS (Mike), ANDERSSON (Lars-Fredrik), JIA Joy (Yihui), LINDMARK (Magnus). Mutuality as a control for information asymmetry: a historical analysis of the claims experience of mutual and stock fire insurance companies in Sweden, 1889 to 1939. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1074-1091. 5915. ALEXANDER (Nicholas). British overseas retailing, 1900–1960: international firm characteristics, market selections and entry modes. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 530-556. 5916. ANAYA MERCHANT (Luis). El Banco de México y la economía cardenista: economía, cambio institucional y relgas monetarias. México D.F., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morales, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2011, 243 p. (Jesús Silva Herzog colección. Colección ciencias sociales).
§ 6. Money and finance 5917. ANDERSSON (Inger). Sveriges bankväsen genom tiderna. (Histoire du système bancaire en Suède). Norsborg, Recito, 2011, 118 p. 5918. ARNOLD (A. J.). 'Out of light a little profit'? Returns to capital at Bryant and May, 1884–1927. Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 617-640. 5919. AUGIER (Mie), MARCH (James G.). The roots, rituals, and rhetorics of change: North American business schools after the Second World War. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, X-364 p. 5920. BARJOT (Dominique). Public utilities and private initiative: the French concession model in historical perspective. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 782-800. 5921. BEL (Germà). Infrastructure and nation building: The regulation and financing of network transportation infrastructures in Spain (1720–2010). Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 688-705. 5922. BIGNON (Vincent), FLANDREAU (Marc). The economics of badmouthing: libel law and the underworld of the financial press in France before World War I. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 616653. 5923. BLASCO MARTEL (Yolanda), SUDRIÀ (Carles). El Banco de Barcelona (1844–1874): historia de un banco emisor. Madrid, LID, 2011, 419 p. 5924. BONIN (Hubert). La Banque de l'union parisienne (1874/1904–1974): de l'Europe aux outre-mers. Paris, La Société Française d'Histoire d'Outre-mer, 2011, VIII-583 p. 5925. BOURDIEU (Jérôme), KESZTENBAUM (Lionel), POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles). Thrifty pensioners: pensions and savings in France at the turn of the twentieth century. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 383-412. 5926. CÂMARA (Maria Benedita Almada). Madeira embroidery: A failed collective brand (1935–1959). Business history, 2011, 53, 4, p. 583-599. 5927. CAMPBELL (Gareth), TURNER (John D.). Substitutes for legal protection: corporate governance and dividends in Victorian Britain. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 571-597. 5928. CARRÉ DE MALBERG (Nathalie). Le Grand Étatmajor financier: les inspecteurs des Finances, 1918–1946. Les hommes, le métier, les carriers. Paris, IGPDE-Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2011, 712 p. 5929. CASSIS (Youssef). Crises and opportunities: the shaping of modern finance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-200 p. 5930. CAVALCANTI (Maria Luisa). La politica monetaria italiana fra le due guerre, 1918–1943. Milano, F. Angeli, 2011, 237 p. (Economia. Teoria economicapensiero economico). 5931. CECINI (Stefano). Il finanziamento dei lavori pubblici in Italia. Un confronto tra età liberale ed epoca
fascista. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 325364. 5932. CHAMLEY (Christophe). Interest reductions in the politico-financial nexus of eighteenth-century England. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 555589. 5933. CHICK (Martin). The 3 Rs: regulation, risk and responsibility in British utilities since 1945. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 747-760. 5934. CIOCCA (Pierluigi). L'economia di mercato capitalistica: un 'modo di produzione', da salvare. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 279-324. 5935. CLAEYS (Thierry). Les institutions financières en France au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, SPM, 2011, 2 vol., 1071 p., 638 p. (Kronos, 60). 5936. CLEMENS (Gabriele B.), REUPKE (Daniel). La prassi culturale del credito fra reti private e prestiti istituzionali. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 467-490. 5937. CLIFTON (Judith), COMÍN (Francisco), DÍAZFUENTES (Daniel). From national monopoly to multinational corporation: how regulation shaped the road towards telecommunications internationalisation. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 761-781. 5938. CLIFTON (Judith), LANTHIER (Pierre), SCHRÖ(Harm). Regulating and deregulating the public utilities 1830–2010. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 659672. TER
5939. Comptabilité publique (La) en Europe 1500– 1850. Sous la dir de Anne DUBET et Marie-Laure LEGAY. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 262 p. (Histoire). 5940. COSTELOE (Michael P.). Bubbles and bonanzas: British investors and investments in Mexico, 1821– 1860. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XVIII-229 p. 5941. COURTEMANCHE (Charles), SNOWDEN (Kenneth). Repairing a mortgage crisis: HOLC lending and its impact on local housing markets. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 307-337. 5942. COX (Gary W). War, moral hazard, and ministerial responsibility: England After the Glorious Revolution. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 133161. 5943. Crises financières, crises politiques en Europe dans le second XIXe siècle: la caisse des depots et consignations de 1848 a 1918. Sous la direction de Alya AGLAN, Michel MARGAIRAZ et Philippe VERHEYDE. Genève, Droz, 2011, 220 p. (Publications d'histoire economique et sociale internationale, 27). 5944. CROMBOIS (Jean F.). Camille Gutt and postwar international finance. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2011, XI-192 p. 5945. DAKERS (Caroline). A genius for money: business, art, and the Morrisons. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XV-326 p.
5946. DALGAARD (Bruce R.), SUPPHELLEN (Magne). Entrepreneurship in Norway's economic and religious nineteenth-century transformation. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 1, p. 48-66. 5947. DE OLIVEIRA (Matthieu). Les routes de l'argent. Réseaux et flux financiers de Paris à Hambourg (1789– 1815). Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2011, 543 p. 5948. DE ROSA (Maria Rosaria). La necessità e la virtù. La banca, il rischio e la ricerca della clientela ideale (Napoli, anni Cinquanta del Novecento). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 533-554. 5949. DECKER (Stephanie). Corporate political activity in less developed countries: the Volta River Project in Ghana, 1958–1966. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 993-1017. 5950. DELALANDE (Nicolas). Les batailles de l'impôt. Consentement et résistances de 1789 à nos jours. Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2011, 456 p. 5951. DILLEY (Andrew). Finance, politics, and imperialism: Australia, Canada and the City of London, c. 1896–1914. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 280 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series). 5952. DINCECCO (Mark). Political transformations and public finances: Europe, 1650–1913. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-233 p. 5953. DUCHAUSSOY (Vincent). La Banque de France et l'État: de Giscard à Mitterrand: enjeux de pouvoir ou résurgence du mur d'argent? 1978–1984. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 225 p. 5954. Économie (L') faite homme: hommage à Alain Plessis. Ed. par Olivier FEIERTAG and Isabelle LESPINETMORET. Genève, Droz, 2011, 588 p.
ronica), COLLI (Andrea). Changing big business in Italy and Spain, 1973–2003: Strategic responses to a new context. – LARSON (Mitchell J.), SCHNYDER (Gerhard), WESTERHUIS (Gerarda), WILSON (John). Strategic responses to global challenges: The case of European banking, 1973–2000. – DE JONG (Abe), SLUYTERMAN (Keetie), WESTERHUIS (Gerarda). Strategic and structural responses to international dynamics in the open Dutch economy, 1963–2003. – HIGGINS (David M.), TOMS (Steven). Explaining corporate success: The structure and performance of British firms, 1950–1984. – IVERSEN (Martin Jes), LARSSON (Mats). Strategic transformations in Danish and Swedish big business in an era of globalisation, 1973–2008. – EHRHARDT Olaf), NOWAK (Eric). The evolution of German industrial legends: The case of Baden-Württemberg, 1940–2007. – WHITTINGTON (Richard). More SSOP: Commentary on the special issue.] 5960. FEHMEL (Thilo). Tarifautonomie. Begriffsinstrumentalisierung im politischen Diskurs. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 1, p. 1-24. 5961. FELICE (Emanuele). Regional value added in Italy, 1891–2001, and the foundation of a long-term picture. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 929-950. 5962. FENBERG (Steven). Unprecedented power: Jesse Jones, capitalism, and the common good. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2011, XIII-611 p. 5963. Financial centres and international capital flows in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ed. by Laure QUENNOUËLLE-CORRE and Youssef CASSIS. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 269 p. 5964. FONTAINE (Laurence). Il posto delle donne nella piccola economia finanziaria in Europa, in età moderna. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 513-532.
5955. EFFOSSE (Sabine). Le Unioni economiche. Un terzo settore del credito al consumo in Francia (1900– 1954). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 577-592.
5965. FRITZ (Wolfgang). Fortschritt und Barbarei: Österreichs Finanzverwaltung im Dritten Reich. Wien, Lit, 2011, V-379 p. (Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft. Soziologie, 9).
5956. EICHENGREEN (Barry). Exorbitant privilege: the rise and fall of the dollar and the future of the international monetary system. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, III-215 p.
5966. GARNER (Paul). British lions and Mexican eagles: business, politics, and empire in the career of Weetman Pearson in Mexico, 1889–1919. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, X-319 p.
5957. Empire (The) of credit: the financial revolution in Britain, Ireland, and America, 1688–1815. Ed. by Daniel CAREY and Christopher J. FINLAY. Dublin a. Portland, Irish Academic Press, 2011, XVIII-302 p.
5967. GELDERBLOM (Oscar), JONKER (Joost). Public finance and economic growth: the case of Holland in the seventeenth century. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 1-39.
5958. ENRIQUES (Luca), SICILIANO (Giovanni), GENTILE (Monica). La borsa italiana dal secondo Dopoguerra
5968. GEYIKDAĞI (V. Necla), GEYIKDAĞI (M. Yasar). Foreign direct investment in the Ottoman Empire: Attitudes and political risk. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 375-400.
alla fine del Novecento. Fatti e interpretazioni. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 409-430. 5959. European business models [Special issue]. Intr. by Andrea COLLI, Martin Jes IVERSEN and Abe DE JONG. Business history, 2011, 53, 1, p. 1-173. [Contents: COLLI (Andrea), IVERSEN (Martin Jes), DE JONG (Abe). Mapping strategy, structure, ownership and performance in European corporations: Introduction. – BINDA (Ve-
5969. GIVEN (Jock). States and start-ups: public competitors in Australian communications. Business history, 2011, 53, 5, p. 706-722. 5970. GOLDBERG (Dror). Why was America's First bank aborted? Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 211-222.
§ 6. Money and finance
5971. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.). Le aziende seriche e il mondo degli affari a Firenze alla fine del '500. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 628, p. 281-342.
5985. KIM (Jongchul). How modern banking originated: The London goldsmith-bankers' institutionalisation of trust. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 939-959.
5972. GÓMEZ (Mónica). Había una vez un sistema de bancos privados emisores de billetes, México, 1897– 1910. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 240, p. 2069-2109.
5986. KINGSTON (Christopher). Marine insurance in Philadelphia during the quasi-war with France, 1795– 1801. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 1, p. 162184.
5973. GRANDI (Alberto), MAGAGNOLI (Stefano). Ai margini dell'intervento straordinario. Le Marche tra la Cassa per il Mezzogiorno e la piccola impresa. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130 (1), p. 169-192. 5974. HANNA (Nelly). Artisan entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern capitalism (1600–1800). Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2011, IX-244 p. (Middle East studies beyond dominant paradigms). 5975. HARVEY (Charles), MACLEAN (Mairi), GOR(Jillian), SHAW (Eleanor). Andrew Carnegie and the foundations of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 425-450.
5976. HERMANN (Robin). Empire builders and mushroom gentlemen: the meaning of money in colonial Nigeria. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 3, p. 393-413. 5977. HICKSON (Charles R.), TURNER (John D.), YE (Qing). The rate of return on equity across industrial sectors on the British stock market, 1825–1870. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1218-1241. 5978. HYMAN (Louis). Debtor nation: the history of America in red ink. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, 378 p. (Politics and society in twentieth-century America). 5979. Impacto histórico (El) de la globalización en Argentina y Chile: empresas y empresarios. Ed. por Geoffrey JONES y Andrea LLUCH. Buenos Aires, Temas, 2011, XVI-280 p. 5980. JAMES (John A.), WEIMAN (David F.). The National Banking acts and the transformation of New York City Banking during the Civil War era. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 338-362. 5981. JANČÍK (Drahomír), KUBŮ (Eduard), ŠOUŠA (Jiří). Arisierungsgewinnler. Die Rolle der deutschen Banken bei der "Arisierung" und Konfiskation jüdischer Vermögen im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939– 1945). Unt. Mitarb. v. Jiří NOVOTNÝ. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 428 p. (Studien zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas, 21). 5982. JAREMSKI (Matthew). Bank-specific default risk in the pricing of bank note discounts. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 950-975. 5983. KAEN (Fred R.). World War II prime defence contractors: Were they favoured? Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1044-1073. 5984. KHOO (Tseen), NOONAN (Rodney). Wartime fundraising by Chinese Australian communities. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 92-110.
5987. KOBRAK (Christopher), SCHNEIDER (Andrea). Varieties of business history: subject and methods for the twenty-first century. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 401-424. 5988. KRIPPNER (Greta R.). Capitalizing on crisis: the political origins of the rise of finance. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XV-222 p. 5989. KUEHN (Thomas). Debt and bankruptcy in Florence. Statutes and cases. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 355-390. 5990. KYRIAZIS (Nicholas), METAXAS (Theodore). Path dependence, change and the emergence of the first joint-stock companies. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 363-374. 5991. LEGAY (Marie-Laure). La banqueroute de l'État royal. La gestion des finances publiques de Colbert à la Révolution française. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS, 2011, 324 p. 5992. LEVINSON (Marc). The great A&P and the struggle for small business in America. New York, Hill and Wang, 2011, V-358 p. 5993. LOCKE (Robert R.), SPENDER (J.-C.). Confronting managerialism: how the business elite and their schools threw our lives out of balance. London, Zed, 2011, XIX-217 p. 5994. MATHIAK (Walter). Das preußische Einkommensteuergesetz von 1891 im Rahmen der Miquelschen Steuerreform 1891/93. Vorgeschichte, Entstehung, Begleitgesetze, Durchführung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 441 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 41). 5995. MAURER (Noel), YU (Carlos). The big ditch: how America took, built, ran, and ultimately gave away the Panama canal. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XI-419 p. 5996. Men, women, and money: perspectives on gender, wealth, and investment, 1850–1930. Ed. by David R. GREEN, Alastair OWENS, Josephine MALTBY and Janette RUTTERFORD. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-308 p. 5997. MOHR (Adam). Capitalism, chaos, and Christian healing: Faith Tabernacle Congregation in Southern colonial Ghana, 1918–26. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 63-83. 5998. MORICOLA (Giuseppe). L'uomo che sapeva leggere i listini. Relazioni creditizie e affari ad Avellino negli anni Venti del Novecento. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 555-576
5999. MULDREW (Craig). From credit to savings? An examination of debt and credit in relation to increasing consumption in England (c. 1650 to 1770). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 391-414.
6013. SAITO (Osamu). The stem family and labour markets: Reflections on households and firms in Japan's economic development. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 466-480.
6000. O'BRIEN (Patrick). The nature and historical evolution of an exceptional fiscal state and its possible significance for the precocious commercialization and industrialization of the British economy from Cromwell to Nelson. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 408-446.
6014. SÁNCHEZ SANTIRÓ (Ernest). El peso de la fiscalidad sobre la economía mexicana, 1790–1910. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 241, p. 107-162.
6001. O'CONNELL (Sean). Comunity, race, and the origins of the British credit union movement. Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 593-610.
6015. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad), STORLI (Espen). Confronting market power: Norway and international cartels and trusts, 1919–1939. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 3, p. 232-249.
6002. OLIVER (Michael J.). The management of sterling, 1964–1967. English historical review, 2011, 126, 520, p. 582-613.
6016. SCHMÄHL (Winfried). Wilfrid Schreiber: Vom Journalisten zum "Vater der dynamischen Rente" – Eine verheimlichte Biographie und eine Hypothese zur Vorgeschichte der Rentenreform. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2011, 98, 4, p. 423-441
6003. OTT (Julia C.). When Wall Street met Main Street: the quest for an investors' democracy. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 313 p.
6017. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim). Die Geschichte der National-Bank [1921 bis 2011]. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 423 p.
6004. PADGETT (John F.), MAC LEAN (Paul D.). Economic credit in Renaissance Florence. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 1, p. 1-47.
6018. SHIZUME (Masato). Sustainability of public debt: evidence from Japan before the Second World War. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1113-1143.
6005. PERRENOUD (Marc). Banquiers et diplomates suisses (1938–1946). Lausanne, Editions Antipodes, 2011, 540 p.
6019. SILKENAT (David). Moments of despair: suicide, divorce, and debt in Civil War era North Carolina. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, X-296 p.
6006. PIERER (Christian). Die Bayerischen Motoren Werke bis 1933: eine Unternehmensgründung in Krieg, Inflation und Weltwirtschaftskrise. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VI-262 p. (Perspektiven: Schriftenreihe der BMW Group – Konzernarchiv, 4). 6007. PITTALUGA (Giovanni B.), SEGHEZZA (Elena). Il ruolo delle relazioni internazionali nel fallimento del gold-exchange standard. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 2, p. 137-170. 6008. POETTINGER (Monika). Forme d'impresa, socializzazione del capitale e innovazione nella Milano di metà Ottocento. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 2, p. 171-224. 6009. REINHART (Carmen M.), ROGOFF (Kenneth S.). A decade of debt. Washington DC, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2011, 157 p. (Policy analyses in international economics, 95). 6010. ROUSSEAU (Peter L.). The market for bank stocks and the rise of deposit banking in New York City, 1866–1897. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 976-1005. 6011. RUTTERFORD (Janette), GREEN (David R.), MALTBY (Josephine), OWENS (Alastair). Who comprised the nation of shareholders? Gender and investment in Great Britain, c. 1870–1935. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 157-187. 6012. RUTTERFORD (Janette). 'Propositions put forward by quite honest men': company prospectuses and their contents, 1856 to 1940. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 866-899.
6020. SINGLETON (John). Central banking in the twentieth century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-337 p. 6021. STERN (Philip J.). The company state: corporate sovereignty and the early modern foundations of the British Empire in India. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-300 p. 6022. SURDAM (David George). Wins, losses, and empty seats: how Baseball outlasted the Great Depression. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XXV-417 p. 6023. TAN (Elaine). Scrip as private money, monetary monopoly, and the rent-seeking state in Britain. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 237-255. 6024. TARNOFF (Ben). Moneymakers: the wicked lives and surprising adventures of three notorious counterfeiters. New York, Penguin Press, 2011, 369 p. 6025. Technological innovation in retail finance: international historical perspectives. Ed. by Bernardo BATIZ-LAZO, J. Carles MAIXÉ-ALTÉS and Paul THOMES. London, Routledge, 2011, 319 p. 6026. Thrift and thriving in America: capitalism and moral order from the Puritans to the present. Ed. by Joshua J. YATES and James Davison HUNTER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 622 p. 6027. TORTELLA CASARES (Gabriel), ORTIZ-VILLA(José María), GARCÍA RUIZ (José Luís). Historia del Banco Popular: la lucha por la independencia. Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2011, 431 p. JOS
§ 7. Demography and urban history 6028. TUTINO (John). Making a New World: founding capitalism in the Bajío and Spanish North America. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2011, 698 p. 6029. VAN DEN BROEK (Diane). Strapping, as well as numerate: occupational identity, masculinity and the aesthetics of nineteenth-century banking. Business history, 2011, 53, 3, p. 289-301. 6030. VESELKOVÁ (Marcela), HORVATH (Julius). National identity and money: Czech and Slovak lands 1918–2008. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity. 2011, 39, 2, p. 237-255. 6031. VICKERS (Daniel). Credit and misunderstanding. On Nantucket Island, Massachussets (1683–1763). Quaderni storici, 2011, 46, 137, p. 415-440. 6032. VICKERS (Raymond B.). Panic in the loop: Chicago's banking crisis of 1932. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XXIV-345 p. 6033. WADHWANI (R. Daniel). Organisational form and industry emergence: nonprofit and mutual firms in the development of the US personal finance industry. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1152-1177. 6034. WENNERLIND (Carl). Casualties of credit: the English financial revolution, 1620–1720. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, IX-348 p. 6035. WICZLINSKI (Verena von). Im Zeichen der Weltwirtschaft. Das Frankfurter Privatbankhaus Gebr. Bethmann in der Zeit des deutschen Kaiserreichs 1870– 1914. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 410 p. (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Bankhistorische Forschung e. V., 23). 6036. YAMAMOTO (Koji). Piety, profit and public service in the financial revolution. English historical review, 2011, 126, 521, p. 806-834. 6037. ZUIJDERDUIJN (Jaco). Grave concerns: entailment and intergenerational agency in Amsterdam (1600– 1800). History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 343-353. Cf. nos 2570, 2584, 3277, 4000, 5349, 7185 § 7. Demography and urban history. ______________________
6038. ADSERA (Alicia). Where are the babies? Labor market conditions and fertility in Europe. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 1, p. 1-32. 6039. BAKAYOKO (Issa). La décentralisation et la transformation foncière au Mali: les enjeux de la transformation foncière à Bamako et son milieu périurbain. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 236 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 19, Volkskunde/Ethnologie. Abt. B, Ethnologie, 76 =European university studies. Series 19, Anthropology-Ethnology. Pt. B, Ethnology, 76 =Publications universitaires européennes. Série 19, Ethnologie, anthropologie culturelle et sociale. B, Ethnologie générale, 76). 6040. BARR (Jason), TASSIER (Troy), TRENDAFILOV (Rossen). Depth to bedrock and the formation of the
Manhattan Skyline, 1890–1915. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 1060-1077. 6041. BARTLOVÁ (Alena). Transformácia administratívy v Bratislave v prelomovom historickom období (1918–1923). (Transformation der Administration in Bratislava in den historischen Umsturzzeiten, 1918– 1923). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, p. 241-261. 6042. BELLINI (Amedeo). Il monumento alle Cinque giornate di Milano. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 21-52. 6043. BOSWORTH (R. J. B.). Whispering city: modern Rome and its histories. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XVII-358 p. 6044. CÂLŢIA (Simion). Aşezări urbane sau rurale ? Oraşele din Ţările Române de la sfârşitul secolului al 17-lea la începutul secolului al 19-lea. (Urban or rural settlements ? The towns of the Romanian Principalities at the end of the 17th c. and the beginning of the 19 th c.). Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii, 2011, 468 p. 6045. CAPELLO (Ernesto). City at the center of the world: space, history, and modernity in Quito. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, XX-290 p. (Pitt Latin American series). 6046. CLEARY (Patricia). The world, the flesh, and the devil: a history of colonial St. Louis. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2011, XIV-357 p. 6047. CRIALESI (Silvia). Roma capitale del regno d'Italia: l'inserimento dei ministeri negli organismi conventuali. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 271-296. 6048. CRIŞAN (Răzvan). Spaţiul public clujean în secolele XIX, XX. (Public space in Cluj of the XIXth, XXth centuries). Târgu Lăpuş, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011, 160 p. 6049. DALLA-ZUANNA (Gianpiero), ROSINA (Alessandro). An analysis of extremely high nineteenth-century winter neonatal mortality in a local context of Northeastern Italy. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 1, p. 33-55. 6050. DAME (Thorsten). Elektropolis Berlin. Die Energie der Großstadt. Bauprogramme und Aushandlungsprozesse zur öffentlichen Elektrizitätsversorgung in Berlin. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 2011, 611 p. (Die Bauwerke und Kunstdenkmäler von Berlin, Beiheft, 34). 6051. DATTOMO (Nicla). Il piano Tekne per l'Area di sviluppo industriale di Taranto. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130, p. 137-168. 6052. DE STEFANI (Lorenzo). 'Devesi parlare al popolo'. Toponomastica risorgimentale e lapidi commemorative nel dibattito in consiglio comunale a Milano, 1859–1878. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 53-82 6053. DOKOUPIL (Lumír), NESLÁDKOVÁ (Ludmila). Demografie dělnictva v československé a české historiografii. (Demography of the working class in Czecho-
slovak and Czech historiography). In: Problematika dělnictva v 19. a 20. století: bilance a výhledy studia: sborník z konference věnované 95. výročí narození Arnošta Klímy. Ostrava, Filoz. fak. Ostravské univerzity: Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny FF OU, 2011, p. 40-49. 6054. DUCASTELLE (Jean-Pierre). Les transformations urbanistiques de la ville d'Athènes de 1850 à 1914. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 321-338. 6055. DURSUN (Selçuk). Procreation, family and 'progress': administrative and economic aspects of Ottoman population policies in the 19th century. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 160-171. 6056. EVERAERT (Huub). Changes in fertility and mortality around the abolition of slavery in Suriname. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 235-249. 6057. HARMS (Erik). Saigon's edge: On the margins of Ho Chi Minh city. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, XIV-294 p. 6058. HARRIS (Bob). The enlightenment, towns and urban society in Scotland, c.1760–1820. English historical review, 2011, 126, 522, p. 1097-1136. 6059. HARTMANN (Heinrich). Der Volkskörper bei der Musterung. Militärstatistik und Demographie in Europa vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 259 p. 6060. HATSUDA (Kosei). Toshi no sengo: Zattō no naka no toshi keikaku to kenchiku (The hustle and bustle of Japanese cities in the postwar period: city planning and architecture). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 427 p. 6061. HAUMANN (Sebastian). "Schade, daß Beton nicht brennt …": Planung, Partizipation und Protest in Philadelphia und Köln 1940–1990. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2011, 335 p. (Beitrége zur Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung, 12). 6062. HAUXNER (Malene). Fra naturlig natur til supernatur. Europæisk landskabsarkitektur 1967–2007 set fra Danmark. (Parcs, jardins et urbanisme en Europe vus du Danemark 1967–2007). Risskov, Ikaros Press, 2011, 299 p. (ill.). 6063. HAWKINS (Daniel). The struggles over cityspace: informal street vending and public space governance in Medellin, Colombia. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 328 p. (Studien zu Lateinamerika, 13). 6064. HEINEMEIER (Henrik). Berlin og danskere. Historien om danskere i den tyske hovedstad siden 1871. (Berlin et les Danois. Histoire des Danois dans la capitale allemande depuis 1871). København, Rosenkilde & Bahnhof, 2011, 306 p. (ill.). 6065. HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA (Ricardo), MORENO LÁ(Javier). Industrialización, desindustrialización y niveles de vida en las ciudades de Castilla y León, 1840– 1935: Indicadores antropométricos y demográficos. Historia social, 2011, 69, p. 25-48.
6066. KERR (Daniel R.). Derelict paradise: homelessness and urban development in Cleveland, Ohio. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XII295 p. 6067. KING (Charles). Odessa: genius and death in a city of dreams. New York, Norton & Company, 2011, 336 p. 6068. KLEMEK (Christopher). The transatlantic collapse of urban renewal: postwar urbanism from New York to Berlin. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, X-315 p. (Historical studies of urban America). 6069. KOLK (Martin). Deliberate birth spacing in nineteenth century Northern Sweden. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 3, p. 337-359. 6070. LEMIRE (Vincent). La soif de Jérusalem. Essai d'hydrohistoire, 1840–1948. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 664 p. 6071. LORY (Bernard). La ville balkanissime: Bitola, 1800–1918. İstanbul, İsis, 2011, 888 p. (Les cahiers du Bosphore, 60). 6072. MAKSUDYAN (Nazan). State 'parenthood' and vocational orphanages (islâhhanes): transformation of urbanity and family life. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 172-181. 6073. MARTINICO (Franco). Il Nucleo di industrializzazione di Ragusa nel quadro della pianificazione territoriale siciliana. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130 (1), p. 79-104. 6074. MASTROPIETRO (Nico). Le città dell'Asia centrale in un diario inedito di Filippo De Filippi (1903). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 131 (2), p. 101-128. 6075. MEDEMA (Geert). Achter de façade van de Hollandse stad: het stedelijk bouwbedrijf in de achttiende eeuw. Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2011, 399 p. 6076. MELOSI (Martin V.). Precious commodity: providing water for America's cities. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, XIV-288 p. (History of the urban environment). 6077. Monumentul public şi distopiile lui. (Bucharest: matter and history. The public monument and its dystopias). Editori Anca BENERA şi Alina ŞERBAN. Bucureşti, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2011, 318 p. 6078. MORGANTINI (Filippo). Torino, piazza dello Statuto. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 203226. 6079. MUSSO (Stefano Francesco). Genova: echi e tracce del Risorgimento e dell'Unità d'Italia. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 83-110. 6080. Nationalism and the reshaping of urban communities in Europe, 1848–1914. Ed. by William WHYTE and Oliver ZIMMER. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-324 p. 6081. O'HARA (S. Paul). Gary, the most American of all American cities. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, X-195 p.
§ 8. Social history 6082. ODA (Yasunori). Kindai ōsaka no kōgyōka to toshi keisei: Seikatsu kankyō kara mita toshi hatten no hikari to kage. (The industrialisation and the urban formation of modern Osaka: The light and shadow of urban development from the viewpoint of living conditions). Tokyo, Akashi Shoten, 2011, 280 p. 6083. OKUI (Asako). Nōson-toshi idō to kazoku hendō no rekishi shakaigaku: Kingendai nihon ni okeru 'kindai kazoku no taishūka' saikō. (Historical sociology of rural-urban migration and family transformation: Rethinking the "popularisation of modern family" in Japan). Kyoto, Koyo Shobo, 2011, 396 p. 6084. Ordonner et partager la Ville, XVIIe–XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Gaël RIDEAU et Pierre SERNA. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 224 p. (Histoire). 6085. OROZCO-LAMORE (María Elena), FLEITAS MONNAR (María Teresa). Formation d'une ville caraïbe: urbanisme et architecture à Santiago de Cuba. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 510 p. (Collection MPI. Série Amériques). 6086. OTERI (Annunziata Maria). Messina l'italianissima. Il volto della città post-risorgimentale (1847–1880). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 323-366. 6087. QUARANTA (Luciana). Agency of change: fertility and seasonal migration in a nineteenth century Alpine community. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 4, p. 457-485. 6088. RE (Luciano). Attese e disincanti per le celebrazioni del Risorgimento: cronache di architettura nella città di Torino (1861–1911–1961–2011). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 227-250. 6089. Recensământul din 1930. Transilvania. (Census of 1930. Transylvania). Coordonator: Traian ROTARIU, Autori: Traian ROTARIU, Maria SEMENIUC, Elemér MEZEI. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, 676 p. 6090. REED (Christopher Robert). The rise of Chicago's Black metropolis, 1920–1929. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, VIII-271 p. (New Black studies series). 6091. SALERNO (Fabio). Il piano dell'Italconsult del consorzio Asi di Siracusa, tra coerenza distributiva e grandi prospettive (1949–1973). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 130 (1), p. 105-136. 6092. SCALA (Barbara). Irredentismo e processi di trasformazione urbana. Il caso di Riva del Garda (1853– 1905). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 367396. 6093. SHTERIONOV (Shteliyan). Demograficheskaya politika osmanskikh vlastey v bolgarskikh zemlyakh v XVIII–XIX veke (Nakanune 1878 g.). (The Ottoman demographic policy in the Bulgarian lands in the 18th– 19th centuries, on the eve of 1878). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 73-110.
6094. TAMMEVESKI (Peeter). Repression and incitement: A critical demographic, feminist, and transnational analysis of birth control in Estonia, 1920–1939. History of the family, 2011, 16, 1, p. 13-29. 6095. TAYLOR (Vanessa), TRENTMANN (Frank). Liquid politics: water and the politics of everyday life in the modern city. Past and present, 2011, 211, p. 199241. 6096. THEWES (Guy). Luxembourg, ville forteresse. L'impact de la fortification sur l'organisation de l'espace urbain (XVIe–XIXe siècle). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 787-801. 6097. TRECCANI (Gian Paolo). 'Voci di un'Italia bambina'. Monumenti, toponomastica e allestimenti celebrativi nella costruzione della città risorgimentale. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 5-20. – IDEM. Geografle risorgimentali. Allestimenti celebrativi e trasformazioni urbane a Brescia, 1861–1895. Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 165-202. 6098. VERBAAN (Eddy). De woonplaats van de faam: grondslagen van de stadsbeschrijving in de zeventiendeeeuwse republiek. Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2011, 365 p. 6099. VINARDI (Maria Grazia). Note sul restauro delle residenze sabaude nelle celebrazioni del primo centenario dell'Unità d'Italia (1961). Storia urbana, 2011, 34, 132-133 (3-4), p. 251-270. 6100. WIELER (Ulrich). Bauen aus der Not. Architektur und Städtebau in Thüringen 1945–1949. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 304 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen, Kleine Reihe, 31). 6101. YÜKSEKLI (Berrin Akgün), AKALIN (Aysu). Space as a projection of spatial practices: an urban park in Western Anatolia in the Early-Republican period. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 4, p. 641-654. § 8. Social history. ** 6102. Jüdische Lebenswelten im Rheinland. Kommentierte Quellen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Bearb. v. Elfi PRACHT-JÖRNS. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 403 p. _______________________
6103. Accounting for violence: marketing memory in Latin America. Ed. by Ksenija BILBIJA and Leigh A. PAYNE. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIV-405 p. (Culture and practices of violence series). 6104. AGADJANIAN (Victor), DOMMARAJU (Premchand). Culture, modernization, and politics: ethnic differences in union formation in Kyrgyzstan. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 1, p. 79-101. 6105. AKENSON (Donald Harman). Ireland, Sweden and the Great European Migration, 1815–1914. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2011, 293 p. (McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history: Series Two, 30).
6106. ALPERT (Rebecca T.). Out of left field: Jews and Black baseball. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, IX236 p.
6119. BENSIMON (Fabrice). British Workers in France, 1815–1848. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 147189.
6107. ANDRESEN (Astri). Barnen och välfärdspolitiken: nordiska barndomar 1900–2000. (La politique de l'Etat providence et les enfants: enfances nordiques au 20e siècle). Stockholm, Dialogos, 2011, 459 p. (ill.).
6120. BERGER (Molly W.). Hotel dreams: luxury, technology, and urban ambition in America, 1829–1929. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., with the assistance of the Hagley Museum and Library, 2011, 318 p. (Studies in industry and society).
6108. BALCOM (Karen A.). The traffic in babies: cross-border adoption and baby-selling between the United States and Canada, 1930–1972. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2011, XII-356 p. (Studies in gender and history, 38). 6109. BALDOZ (Rick). The third Asiatic invasion: empire and migration in Filipino America, 1898–1946. New York, New York U. P., 2011, VIII-301 p. (Nation of newcomers: immigrant history as American history). 6110. BANTIGNY (Ludivine), BAUBÉROT (Arnaud). Hériter en politique. Filiations, générations et transmissions politiques (Allemagne, France, Italie, XIXe–XXIe siècle). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, 384 p. (Le nœud gordien). 6111. BARCLAY (Katie), TALBOTT (Siobhan). New perspectives on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Scotland: the Economic and Social History Society of Scotland Conference 2010. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 1, p. 119-134.
6121. BERTUNG (Birgit). Gyldene lænker. Kvindernes guldalder. Om forholdet mellem mand og kvinde hos 10 guldalderspersonligheder. (Liens en or. L'âge d'or des femmes. la relation entre homme et femme chez dix personnalités de l'Âge d'or danois). København, Forlag1.dk, 2011, 136 p. (ill). 6122. BIDDLE (Jeff E.). Making consumers comfortable: the early decades of air conditioning in the United States. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 4, p. 10781094. 6123. BIDEAU (Alain), ODILON NADALIN (Sergio). Une communauté allemande au Brésil. De l'immigration aux contacts culturels, XIXe–XXe siècle. Paris, INED, 2011, 199 p. 6124. BLANCHARD (Emmanuel), THÉNAULT (Sylvie). Quel 'monde du contact' ? Pour une histoire sociale de l'Algérie pendant la période coloniale. Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 3-7.
6112. BARGELLI (Claudio). 'Terre ove spira miseria'. Poverità e annona nella montagna parmense nel secolo dei Lumi. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 3, p. 365-392.
6125. BLUM (Ann S.). Speaking of work and family: reciprocity, child labor, and social reproduction, Mexico City, 1920–1940. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 1, p. 63-95.
6113. BARRANTES (Emmanuel A.), BONILLA QUESA(Hilda), RAMÍREZ (Olga Marta). Las subsistencias en una coyuntura de crisis: producción, consumo y nivel de vida, Costa Rica, 1905–1925. Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, Editorial UCR, 2011, XXV-493 p.
6126. BOAG (Peter). Re-dressing America's frontier past. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XII-257 p.
6114. BEAUR (Gérard), MARRAUD (Mathieu), MARIN (Béatrice). Au cœur des choix familiaux. Conclure ou ne pas conclure un contrat de mariage dans les régions de partage égalitaire au XVIIIe siècle (Chartres et les campagnes beauceronnes). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 99-120. 6115. BEAUR (Gérard). Le contrat de mariage dans les sociétés européennes. Enjeux familiaux et pratiques des acteurs. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 5-21. 6116. BECKER (Frank). Den Sport gestalten. Carl Diems Leben (1882–1962). Bd. 2. Weimarer Republik. Duisburg, Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr, 2011, 333 p. 6117. BEER (Mathias). Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen. Voraussetzungen, Verlauf, Folgen. München, Beck, 2011, 204 p. 6118. BELLANGER (Emmanuel), TARTAKOWSKY (Danielle). Enterrer les morts et les honorer. Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 3-11.
6127. Bonn in Bewegung. Eine Sportgeschichte. Hrsg. v. Dittmar DAHLMANN, Norbert SCHLOSSMACHER und Joachim SCHOLTYSECK. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 556 p. 6128. BONNAIN-DULON (Rolande). Contrats de mariage et migration des filles au XIXe siècle dans les Pyrénées. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 49-68. 6129. BOWERS (Toni). Force or fraud: British seduction stories and the problem of resistance, 1660–1760. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-365 p. 6130. BRONSTEIN (Carolyn). Battling pornography: the American feminist anti-pornography movement, 1976–1986. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV360 p. 6131. BRUNET (Guy). So many orphans … How could one give them all a helping hand? Family solidarity in a context of high mortality in the first half of the nineteenth century. A case-study: the Dombes province (France). History of the family, 2011, 16, 1, p. 1-12. 6132. BRÜTT (Christian). Workfare als Mindestsicherung. Von der Sozialhilfe zu Hartz IV. Deutsche So-
§ 8. Social history zialpolitik 1962 bis 2005. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 394 p. (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede, 1). 6133. BUCKLAND (Theresa Jill). Society dancing: fashionable bodies in england, 1870–1920. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-247 p. 6134. BUETTNER (Elizabeth). La famille britannique entre l'Inde et le Canada. Empire, classe sociale et voyage à la fin du XIXe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 149-168. 6135. BUGGE (Peter). Swinging Sixties made in Czechoslovakia: the adaptation of western impulses in Czechoslovak youth culture. In: 1968: Pražské jaro 1968: Občanská společnost – média – přenos politických a kulturních procesů [cf. no 4858], p. 143-157. 6136. BUKEY (Evan Burr). Jews and Intermarriage in Nazi Austria. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-216 p. 6137. BUTTIGIEG (Emanuel). Nobility, faith and masculinity: the Hospitaller Knights of Malta c. 1580– c. 1700. London, Continuum, 2011, XVII-317 p. 6138. CAESTECKER (Frank), MOORE (Bob). Female domestic servants as desirable refugees: gender, labour needs and immigration policy in Belgium, the Netherlands and Great Britain. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 2, p. 213-230. 6139. CAHILL (Cathleen D.). Federal fathers and mothes: a social history of the United States Indian Service, 1869–1933. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, in association with the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2011, XV-368 p. (First peoples: new directions in Indigenous studies). 6140. CALDWELL (Melissa L.). Dacha idylls: living organically in Russia's countryside. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XXI-220 p. 6141. CALVELO (Laura). Crisis y emigración: la emigración de los argentinos entre 1960 y 2002. Buenos Aires, Dirección Nacional de Población, Ministerio del Interior, 2011, 142 p. 6142. CARMICHAEL (Sarah). Marriage and power: age at first marriage and spousal age gap in lesser developed countries. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 416436. 6143. CARNEY (Charity R.). Ministers and masters: Methodism, manhood, and honor in the Old South. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XI-188 p. 6144. CEDSTRAND (Sofie). Från idé till politisk verklighet. Föräldrarpolitiken i Sverige och Danmark. (De l'idée à la réalité politique. La politique parentale en Suède et au Danemark). Umeå, Boréa, 2011, 362 p. (Förvaltningshögskolans avhandlingsserie, 28). 6145. CHAZKEL (Amy). Laws of chance: Brazil's clandestine lottery and the making of urban public life. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XVII-346 p. (Radical perspectives).
6146. CHEVANDIER (Christian). Infirmières parisiennes, 1900–1950. Émergence d'une profession. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 314 p. 6147. CHILTON (Lisa). Managing migrants: Toronto, 1820–1880. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 2, p. 231-262. 6148. CLANCY-SMITH (Julia A.). Mediterraneans: North Africa and Europe in an age of migration, c. 1800– 1900. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XV-445 p. (World history library, 15). 6149. COBB (Richard). "Tod in Paris". Die Leichen der Seine 1795–1801. Übers. von Gabriele GOCKEL und Thomas WOLLERMANN. Mit einem Vorwort von Patrick Bahners. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2011, 199 p. 6150. COBO ROMERO (Francisco). Los apoyos sociales a los regímenes fascistas y totalitarios de la Europa de entreguerras. Un estudio comparado. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 61-87. 6151. COHEN (Deborah). Braceros: migrant citizens and transnational subjects in the postwar United States and Mexico. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, in association with the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2011, 328 p. 6152. COLLINGHAM (Lizzie). The taste of war: World War Two and the battle for food. London, Allen Lane, 2011, XV-634 p. 6153. COLLOMP (Catherine). 'Anti-Semitism among American Labor': a study by the refugee scholars of the Frankfurt School of Sociology at the end of World War II. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 417-439. 6154. CORNET (Anne). Politiques de santé et contrôle social au Rwanda 1920–1940. Paris, Karthala, 2011, 472 p. 6155. COŢOLAN (Anca-Roxana). Fenomenul emigraţiei ân România contemporană (The emigration phenomenon in contemporary Romania). În: "De la lume adunate". Lucrările Conferinţei Naţionale "Viaţă cotidiană, familie, alimentaţie şi populaţie în secolele XVIII–XIX", Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, p. 432444. 6156. COUSSEAU (Vincent). La famille invisible. Illégitimité des naissances et construction des liens familiaux en Martinique (XVIIe siècle–début du XIXe siècle). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 4167. 6157. COVA (Anne). Féminismes et néo-malthusianismes sous la IIIe République. La liberté de la maternité. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 298 p. (Logiques sociales). 6158. COWLING (Camillia). 'As a slave woman and as a mother': women and the abolition of slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro. Social history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 294-311. 6159. DAHLBERG (Julia). Vardagsstöd, kontaktförmedling och rollmodeller. Syskonens position i den
samhälls aktiva, borgerliga kvinnans nätverk under sent 1800-tal. (The living support, matchmaking and role models. Siblings' position in the social-activist, bourgeois women's networks in the late 1800s). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 3, p. 201-224. 6160. DAVENPORT (Romola), SCHWARZ (Leonard), BOULTON (Jeremy). The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1289-1314. 6161. DÁVILA LADRÓN DE GUEVARA (José Camilo) [et al.]. Lo social y lo económico: ¿Dos Caras de una Misma Moneda? La Fundación Social y sus empresas (1984–2010). Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, 2011, 275 p. 6162. DAWSON (Sandra Trudgen). Holiday camps in twentieth-century Britain: packaging pleasure. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-246 p. (Studies in popular culture). 6163. DE GEER (Hans). Statens spel: Penninglotteriet, Tipstjänst, Svenska Spel. (Les jeux de l'Etat. La Loterie nationale et autres jeux en Suède). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2011, 521 p. (ill.). 6164. Death and dying in colonial Spanish America. Ed. by Martina Will DE CHAPARRO and Miruna ACHIM. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2011, VI-276 p. 6165. DELAP (Lucy). Knowing their place: domestic service in twentieth-century Britain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-260 p. 6166. DITT (Karl). Zweite Industrialisierung und Konsum: Energieversorgung, Haushaltstechnik und Massenkultur am Beispiel nordenglischer und westfälischer Städte 1880–1939. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011, XV-957 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 65). 6167. Dolce Vita? Das Bild der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland. Hrsg. v. Oliver JANZ und Roberto SALA. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 294 p. 6168. DOUKI (Caroline). Protection sociale et mobilité transatlantique: les migrants italiens au début du XXe siècle. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 375-410. 6169. DRAGOSTINOVA (Theodora). Between two motherlands: nationality and emigration among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900–1949. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XVI-294 p.
Slovensku. (Towards the modern woman. Chapters on history of gender relations in Slovakia). Bratislava, Veda vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 773 p. 6173. DUROCHER (Kristina). Raising racists: the socialization of white children in the Jim Crow South. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, VIII237 p. (New directions in Southern history). 6174. DURSTELER (Eric R.). Renegade women: gender, identity, and boundaries in the early Modern Mediterranean. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XVI222 p. 6175. EDGREN (Monika). About home and giving voice to experiences of marginalization: a feminist reading of the 1970s social report-books about migration policy in Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 4, p. 500-516. 6176. ENEFALK (Hanna). En gustaviansk brygd: dryckesvanor och genus i svenska högreståndskretsar ca 1772–1809. (A Gustavian brew: gender divisions and drinking customs in the upper strata of Swedish society ca. 1772–1809). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 4, p. 727-744. 6177. ENGEL (Barbara Alpern). Breaking the ties that bound: the politics of marital strife in late Imperial Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XI-282 p. 6178. ENGELEN (Theo), PUSCHMANN (Paul). How unique is the Western European marriage pattern? A comparison of nuptiality in historical Europe and the contemporary Arab world. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 387-400. 6179. ENGELKE (Edda). "Jeder Flüchtling ist eine Schwächung der Volksdemokratie": die illegalen Überschreitungen am jugoslawisch-steirischen Grenzabschnitt in den Fünfzigerjahren. Mit einem Beitrag von Mateja ČOH. Wien, Lit, 2011, 389 p. (Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, 56). 6180. ERETESCU (Constantin). Cu ochii în zare. Exilaţi, emigranţi, pribegi. (With eyes on the horizon. Exiles, emigrants, sojourners). Bucureşti, Editura Paideia, 2011, 272 p. 6181. ERGENE (Boğaç A.), KAYGUN (Atabey). Intergenerational mobility in the Ottoman Empire: Observations from eighteenth-century Kastamonu. History of the family, 2011, 16, 1, p. 30-46.
6170. DUBOW (Sara). Ourselves unborn: a history of the fetus in Modern America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-308 p.
6182. Erzählte Zukunft: zur inter- und intragenerationellen Aushandlung von Erwartungen. Hrsg. von Jens KROH und Sophie NEUENKIRCH. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 240 p.
6171. DUDA (Igor), STANIĆ (Igor). Iza vrata radničkih odmarališta: službeni zapisi o nestašicama i gladnicma 1947.–1950. (Behind the scene of workers' holiday centres: official records on the roguish and the hungry 1947–1950). Historijski zbornik, 2011, 64, 1, p. 99-119.
6183. EVANS (Jennifer V.). Life among the ruins: cityscape and sexuality in Cold War Berlin. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV-317 p. (Genders and sexualities in history).
6172. DUDEKOVÁ (Gabriela) [et al.]. Na ceste k modernej žene. Kapitoly z dejín rodových vzťahov na
6184. Families and states in Western Europe. Ed. by Quentin SKINNER. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-211 p.
§ 8. Social history 6185. Famille japonaise moderne (La), 1868–1926. Discours et débats. Sous la dir. de Christian GALAN et Emmanuel LOZERAND. Arles, Philippe Picquier, 2011, 666 p.
stakes and new research perspectives. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 80-87.
6186. FARRELL (Amy Erdman). Fat shame: stigma and the fat body in American culture. New York, New York U. P., 2011, X-209 p.
6199. GADE JENSEN (Henrik). Menneskekærlighedens værk. Det danske civilsamfund før velfærdsstaten. (L'œuvre philanthropique. La société civile au Danemark avant l'Etat-providence). København, Cepos, 2011, 224 p. (ill.).
6187. FERNÁNDEZ (Alejandro E.). "Prediques de germanor". Las asociaciones catalans de Buenos Aires y sus prácticas institucionales (1850–1940). Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 63-80.
6200. GARCÍA (Guadalupe). Urban Guajiros: colonial reconcentración, rural displacement and criminalisation in Western Cuba, 1895–1902. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 2, p. 209-235.
6188. FERNÁNDEZ ASPERILLA (Ana Isabel). El asociacionismo de los emigrantes españoles en Europa: rupturas y continuidades. Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 135-153.
6201. GAVITT (Philip). Gender, honor, and charity in late Renaissance Florence. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-280 p.
6189. FIEBRANZ (Rosemarie), LINDBERG (Erik), LINDSTRÖM (Jonas), ÅGREN (Maria). Making verbs count: the research project 'Gender and Work' and its methodology. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 3, p. 273-293. 6190. FISCHER (Hendrik K.). Konsum im Kaiserreich: eine statistisch-analytische Untersuchung privater Haushalte im wilhelminischen Deutschland. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 467 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Beiheft, 15). 6191. FLOUD (Roderick), FOGEL (Robert W.), HAR(Bernard), HONG (Sok Chul). The changing body: health, nutrition, and human development in the Western world since 1700. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXVI-431 p.
6192. FONTES (Paulo). 'With a cardboard suitcase in my hand and a pannier on my back': workers and Northeastern migrations in the 1950s in São Paulo, Brazil. Social history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 1-21. 6193. FOUSEKIS (Natalie M.). Demanding child care: women's activism and the politics of welfare, 1940– 1971. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XIV-245 p. (Women in American history). 6194. FOX (Adam). The emergence of the Scottish broadside ballad in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 2, p. 169-194.
6202. GAZELEY (Ian), NEWELL (Andrew). Poverty in Edwardian Britain. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 52-71. 6203. GEE (Kevin A.). The sent-down youth of China: the role of family origin in the risk of departure to and return from the countryside. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 190-203. 6204. GIL LÁZARO (Alicia). Prácticas mutualistas y discurso caritativo. La sociedad de Beneficencia Española de México (1910–1936). Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 81-105. 6205. GILSON (Martha). Une minorité en action: la charité protestante en France, XIXe–XXe siècles. Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 63-82. 6206. GLASER (Darrell J.), RAHMAN (Ahmed S.). Human capital and technological transition: insights from the U.S. Navy. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 3, p. 704-729. 6207. GLEYSE (Jacques). La renaissance de la 'fabrication du corps' par l'exercice physique au XVIe siècle: discours, pratique, préservation d'un patrimoine, ou transgression d'un interdit? Une étude des archives du fonds ancien de la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 1, p. 1-34. 6208. GLOVER (Katharine). Elite women and polite society in eighteenth-century Scotland. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2011, IX-217 p. (St Andrews studies in Scottish history).
6195. FRANK (Caroline). Objectifying China, imagining America: Chinese commodities in early America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIII-257 p.
6209. GOESCHEL (Christian). Selbstmord im Dritten Reich. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011, 338 p.
6196. FREDJ (Claire). Encadrer la naissance dans l'Algérie coloniale. Personnels de santé et assistance à la mère et à l'enfant 'indigènes' (XIXe–début du XXe siècle). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 169-203.
6210. GOLLAND (David Hamilton). Constructing affirmative action: the struggle for equal employment opportunity. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, XIV-248 p. (Civil rights and the struggle for Black equality in the twentieth century).
6197. FREEMAN (Mark). Seebohm Rowntree and secondary poverty, 1899–1954. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 4, p. 1175-1194.
6211. GOURDON (Vincent), RUGGIU (François-Joseph). Familles en situation coloniale. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 5-39.
6198. FREITAG (Ulrike), LAFI (Nora). Daily life and family in an Ottoman urban context: Historiographical
6212. GRASHOFF (Udo). Schwarzwohnen. Die Unterwanderung der staatlichen Wohnraumlenkung in der
DDR. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2011, 200 p. (HannahArendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung e.V., Berichte und Studien, 59). 6213. GRUBB (Farley). German immigration and servitude in America, 1709–1920. New York, Routledge, 2011, XXVI-433 p. (Routledge explorations in economic history). 6214. GUCKES (Jochen). Konstruktionen bürgerlicher Identität. Städtische Selbstbilder in Freiburg, Dresden und Dortmund 1900–1960. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 651 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 67). 6215. GUIDOTTI-HERNÁNDEZ (Nicole M.). Unspeakable violence: remapping U.S. and Mexican National imaginaries. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XVIII-374 p. (Latin America otherwise). 6216. HÁJKOVÁ (Anna). "Řekla jsem si, že se prostě musím nějak přizpůsobit": mladé české ženy v ghettu Terezín. ('I told myself that i simply had to adapt somehow': Young Czech women in the Theresienstadt Ghetto). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 4, p. 603-626. 6217. HALEY (Andrew P.). Turning the tables: restaurants and the rise of the American middle class, 1880– 1920. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIV-356 p. 6218. HALL (Bruce S.). A history of race in Muslim West Africa, 1600–1960. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-335 p. (African studies, 115). 6219. HÄLL (Mikael). Näckens dödliga dop. Manliga vattenväsen, död och förbjuden sexualitet i det tidigmoderna Sverige. (The deadly touch of the Waterman: male water spirits, death and forbidden sexuality in early modern Sweden). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 590-619. 6220. HARAYAMA (Kosuke). Shōhisha no sengoshi: Yamiichi kara shufu no jidai e (Consumers in postwar Japan: From the black market to the age of wives). Tokyo, Nihonhyoronsha, 2011, 324 p. 6221. HARP (Stephen L.). Demanding vacation au naturel: European nudism and postwar municipal development on the French Riviera. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 3, p. 513-543. 6222. HARTLEY (Benjamin L.). Evangelicals at a crossroads: revivalism and social reform in Boston, 1860–1910. Hanover, University Press of New England, for University of New Hampshire Press, 2011, XI288 p. (Revisiting New England: the new regionalism). 6223. HARVEY (Thomas J.). Rainbow bridge to Monument Valley: making the modern old West. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XII-237 p. 6224. HATTON (Timothy J.). Infant mortality and the health of survivors: Britain, 1910–1950. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 951-972. 6225. HAVLÍKOVÁ (Jana), HUBÍKOVÁ (Olga). Implementation of active user principle: learning from the
Czech social services reform. Journal of Social Service Research, 2011, 37, 2, p. 180-196. 6226. HAYHOE (Jeremy). L'exogamie comme indicateur de la mobilité géographique en Bourgogne rurale au XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 187-212. 6227. HEDVALL (Barbro). Vår rättmätiga plats. Om kvinnornas kamp för rösträtt. (Notre place légitime. Le combat des femmes pour le droit de vote). Stockholm, Bonnier fakta, 2011, 191 p. (ill.). 6228. HEINEMAN (Elizabeth). Before porn was legal: the erotica empire of Beate Uhse. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XI-225 p. 6229. HENDERSON (Timothy J.). Beyond borders: a history of Mexican migration to the United States. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, VIII-182 p. (Viewpoints/ puntos de vista). 6230. HERZOG (Dagmar). Christianity, disability, abortion: Western Europe, 1960s–1970s. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 375-400. – IDEM. Sexuality in Europe: a twentieth-century history. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, VIII-230 p. (New approaches to European history, 45). 6231. HIONIDOU (Violetta). Independence and interdependence: household formation patterns in eighteenth century Kythera, Greece. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 217-234. 6232. Histories of race and racism: the Andes and Mesoamerica from colonial times to the present. Ed. by Laura GOTKOWITZ. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, X-400 p. 6233. Hochkultur als Herrschaftselement. Italienischer und deutscher Adel im langen 19. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Gabriele B. CLEMENS, Malte KÖNIG und Marco MERIGGI. Berlin u. Boston, de Gruyter, 2011, VI-340 p. (Reihe der Villa Vigoni, 25). 6234. HOCKERTS (Hans Günter). Der deutsche Sozialstaat. Entfaltung und Gefährdung seit 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 367 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 199). 6235. HOFFNUNG-GARSKOF (Jesse). To abolish the law of castes: merit, manhood and the problem of colour in the Puerto Rican liberal movement, 1873–92. Social history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 312-342. 6236. HÖJEBERG (Pia). Jordemor, barnmorska och barnaföderska. Barnafödandets historia i Sverige. (Histoire des sages-femmes et des accouchements en Suède). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2011, 323 p. 6237. HOLMLUND (Sofia). Döden går igen. Moderoch faderlösa barn i bondesamhället kring år 1800. (When mothers and fathers die: long-term consequences of parental loss in preindustrial Sweden). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 511-539. 6238. HOPPIT (Julian). Compulsion, compensation and property rights in Britain, 1688–1833. Past and present, 2011, 210, p. 93-128.
§ 8. Social history 6239. HÜNNIGER (Dominik). Die Viehseuche von 1744–52. Deutungen und Herrschaftspraxis in Krisenzeiten. Neumünster, Wachholtz, 2011, 248 p. (Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins, 48). 6240. HUNT (Thomas M.). Drug games: the International Olympic Committee and the politics of doping, 1960–2008. Foreword by John HOBERMAN. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, XII-217 p. (Terry and Jan Todd series on physical culture and sports). 6241. INRIG (Stephen). North Carolina and the problem of AIDS: advocacy, politics, and race in the South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-208 p. 6242. ISAKSSON (Christer). Stockholm 1912: första moderna olympiska spelen. Människorna, idrotten och Sverige. (Stockholm 1912: les premiers Jeux olympiques modernes. Les hommes, le sport et la Suède). Stockholm, Ekerlid, 2011, 328 p. (ill.). 6243. IVASKA (Andrew). Cultured states: youth, gender, and modern style in 1960s Dar es Salaam. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XI-276 p. 6244. JACKSON (Louise A.), BARTIE (Angela). 'Children of the city': juvenile justice, property, and place in England and Scotland, 1945–1960. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 1, p. 88-113. 6245. JACOB (Wilson Chacko). Working out Egypt: Effendi masculinity and subject formation in colonial modernity, 1870–1940. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XV-423 p. 6246. JACOBS (Margaret D.). White mother to a dark race: settler colonialism, maternalism, and the removal of indigenous children in the American West and Australia, 1880–1940. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XXXII-557 p. 6247. JAKOBSSON (Eva). Accident investigations: a comparative perspective on societal safety in Norway and Sweden, 1970–2010. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 206-229. 6248. JANSSENS (Paul). Entre ville et campagne. Les résidences des élites belges à la Belle Époque. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 375-390. 6249. JARMARA (Tomáš). Občanská společnost v historické perspektivě: český diskurz. (Civil society in the historical perspective: the Czech discourse). In: Soudobé dějiny a jejich reflexe ve výuce historie. Praha, Nakl. Epocha, 2011, p. 77-94. 6250. JÅSTAD (Hilde. L.). Endring i samisk og norsk husholdsstruktur: Nord-Troms og Finnmark i perioden 1865 til 1900. (Changes in Sámi and Norwegian household structure – Northern-Troms and Finnmark in the last part of the nineteenth century). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 1, p. 33-61. 6251. JENDORFF (Alexander). Eigenmacht und Eigensinn. Zum Verhältnis von Kollektivität und Individua-
lität im alteuropäischen Adel. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 292, 3, p. 613-644. 6252. JENNINGS (Julia A.), WOOD (James W.), JOHN(Patricia L.). Household-level predictors of the presence of servants in Northern Orkney, Scotland, 1851– 1901. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 278-291. SON
6253. JERRAM (Leif). Streetlife: the untold history of Europe's twentieth century. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-477 p. 6254. JOHNSTON (Timothy). Being Soviet: identity, rumour, and everyday life under Stalin 1939–1953. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, LII-240 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 6255. KÄGLER (Britta). Frauen am Münchener Hof (1651–1756). Kallmünz, Laßleben, 2011, X-623 p. (Münchener Historische Studien, Abteilung Bayerische Geschichte, 18). 6256. KELM (Mary-Ellen). A wilder west: rodeo in Western Canada. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XII296 p. 6257. KIETÄVÄINEN-SIRÉN (Hanna). "The warm water in my heart" – The meanings of love among the Finnish country population in the second half of the 17th century. History of the family, 2011, 16, 1, p. 47-61. 6258. KLEIN (Alexander). Did children's education matter? Family migration as a mechanism of human capital investment: evidence from nineteenth-century Bohemia. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 730764. 6259. KLEINDIENST (Jonas). Die Wilden Cliquen Berlins. "Wild und frei" trotz Krieg und Krise. Geschichte einer Jugendkultur. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 126 p. (Zivilisationen und Geschichte, 13). 6260. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald). Migration und Integration. Theoretische und historische Perspektiven. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2011, 191 p. (Theorie und Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft, 24). 6261. KNEJP (Jan). Qualitatively orientated research on selected historical aspects of the integration process of Ostrava Roma from Eastern Slovakia. In: National minorities, identity, education [cf. no 4843], p. 90-103. 6262. KOCKA (Jürgen). Arbeiten an der Geschichte. Gesellschaftlicher Wandel im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 400 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 200). 6263. KOLÁROVÁ (Marta). Between confrontation and frivolity? Gender and militancy in the Czech alterglobalization movement. In: Between the avant-garde and the everyday: subversive politics in Europe from 1957 to the Present. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2011, p. 177-190. 6264. KOVENEVA (Olga). Les communautés politiques en France et en Russie. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 787-817.
6265. KOZMA (Liat). Cannabis prohibition in Egypt, 1880–1939: from local ban to League of Nations diplomacy. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 3, p. 443460. 6266. KREKOLA (Joni), MIKKONEN (Simo). Backlash of the free world: the US presence at the World Youth Festival in Helsinki, 1962. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 230-255. 6267. KUBROVA (Monika). Vom guten Leben. Adelige Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 422 p. (Elitenwandel in der Moderne, 12). 6268. KUČERA (Rudolf). Muži ve válce, válka v mužích: maskulinity a světové války 20. století v současné kulturní historiografii. (Men in war, war in men: masculinities and the Two World Wars in recent cultural history). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 4, p. 549-562. 6269. LAIR (Meredith H.). Armed with abundance: consumerism and soldiering in the Vietnam War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XVIII-295 p. 6270. LANZINGER (Margareth). Marriage contracts in various contexts: marital property rights, sociocultural aspects and gender-specific implications. Late-eighteenthcentury evidence from two Tirolean court districts. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 6997. 6271. LARGUÈCHE (Dalenda). Women, family affairs, and justice: Tunisia in the 19th century. History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 142-151. 6272. LAROSSA (Ralph). Of war and men: World War II in the lives of fathers and their families. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIV-307 p. 6273. LECOUTRE (Matthieu). Ivresse et ivrognerie dans la France moderne. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Tours, Presses universitaires FrançoisRabelais, 2011, 395 p. (Table des Hommes). 6274. LEE DOWNS (Laura). Enfance en guerre. Les évacuations d'enfants en France et en Grande-Bretagne 1939–1940. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 413-448. 6275. LEHMAN (Katherine J.). Those girls: single women in sixties and seventies popular culture. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, VIII-312 p. (Culture America). 6276. LENZ (Thomas). Konsum und Modernisierung. Die Debatte um das Warenhaus als Diskurs um die Moderne. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2011, 222 p. (Kulturen der Gesellschaft, 2). 6277. LÉVY (Isabelle). Vivre en couple mixte, quand les religions s'emmêlent. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 199 p. 6278. LEYS STEPAN (Nancy). The national and the international in public health: Carlos Chagas and the Rockefeller Foundation in Brazil, 1917–1930s. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 3, p. 469-502. 6279. Linksalternative Milieus und neue soziale Bewegungen in den 1970er Jahren. Hrsg. v. Cordia BAU-
Sebastian GEHRIG und Nicolas BÜCHSE, im Auftrag der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Heidelberg, Winter, 2011, 325 p. (Akademie-Konferenzen / Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademie der Wissenschaften des Landes Baden-Württemberg, 5).
6280. LOPES (Maria-Aparecida). "Que se cumplan los sagrados principios de la revolución", cambio y continuid en la política de abasto de carne en la ciudad de México. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 240, p. 2111-2155. 6281. LOVEJOY (Valerie). Chinese in late nineteenthcentury Bendigo: their local and translocal lives in 'this strangers' country'. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 45-61. 6282. LUKASIK (Christopher J.). Discerning characters: the culture of appearance in early America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VIII319 p. (Early American studies). 6283. LYNCH (Katherine A.). Why weren't (many) European women 'missing'? History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 250-266. 6284. MAAS (Ineke), VAN LEEUWEN (Marco H.D.), PÉLISSIER (Jean-Pierre), RÉBAUDO (Daniéle). Economic development and parental status homogamy: a study of 19th century France. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 371-386. 6285. MAC CALMAN (Janet), MORLEY (Ruth), SMITH (Len), ANDERSON (Ian). Colonial health transitions: Aboriginal and 'poor white' infant mortality compared, Victoria 1850–1910. History of the family, 2011, 16, 1, p. 62-77. 6286. MAC CANDLESS (Peter). Slavery, disease, and suffering in the Southern Lowcountry. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXI-297 p. (Cambridge studies on the American South). 6287. MAC COOK (Brian). The borders of integration: Polish migrants in Germany and the United States, 1870–1924. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2011, XVIII-270 p. (Ohio University Press Polish and Polish-American studies series). 6288. MAC CULLERS (Molly). 'We do it so that we will be men': masculinity politics in colonial Namibia, 1915–1949. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 43-62. 6289. MAC GOUGH (Laura J.). Gender, sexuality, and syphilis in early Modern Venice: the disease that came to stay. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-202 p. (Early Modern history; society and culture). 6290. MAC LELLAN (Josie). Love in the time of communism: intimacy and sexuality in the GDR. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-239 p. 6291. MAC TAVISH (Lianne), ZHENG (Jingjing). Rats in Alberta: looking at pest-control posters from the 1950s. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 3, p. 515546.
§ 8. Social history 6292. MAEDER (Pascal). Forging a new Heimat: expellees in post-war West Germany and Canada. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2011, 296 p. (Transkulturelle Perspektiven, 10). 6293. MAGNÚSSON (Sigurður Gylfi). The life of a working-class woman: selective modernization and microhistory in early 20th-century Iceland. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 186-205. 6294. MARSHALL (Kenneth E.). Manhood enslaved: bondmen in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century New Jersey. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2011, XI-208 p. (Gender and race in American history). 6295. MATTER (Sonja). Der Armut auf den Leib rücken: die Professionalisierung der Sozialen Arbeit in der Schweiz (1900–1960). Zürich, Chronos, 2011, 421 p. 6296. MELÉNDEZ (Mariselle). Deviant and useful citizens: the cultural production of the female body in eighteenth-century Peru. Nashville, Vanderbilt U. P., 2011, XI-235 p. 6297. MENGEL (David C.). A plague on Bohemia? Mapping the black death. Past and present, 2011, 211, p. 3-34. 6298. METASCH (Frank). Exulanten in Dresden. Einwanderung und Integration von Glaubensflüchtlingen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2011, 321 p. (Schriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde, 34). 6299. Migrants and migration in modern North America. Cross-border lives, labor markets, and politics. Ed. by Dirk HOERDER and Nora FAIRES. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2011, XXI-432 p. 6300. MIHALOPOULOS (Bill). Sex in Japan's globalization, 1870–1930: prostitutes, emigration, and nationbuilding. London, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2011, XI-181 p. (Perspectives in economic and social history, 13). 6301. MILANICH (Nara). Women, children, and the social organization of domestic labor in Chile. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 1, p. 29-62. 6302. MONTANA (Ismael M.). Bori practice among enslaved West Africans of Ottoman Tunis: unbelief (Kufr) or another dimension of the African diaspora? History of the family, 2011, 16, 2, p. 152-159. 6303. MORRIS (Andrew D.). Colonial project, national game: a history of baseball in Taiwan. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XI271 p. (Asia Pacific modern, 6). 6304. MORROW (Daniel). Ardeer: a postwar Ukrainian suburban village. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 3, p. 390-403. 6305. MUCHNIK (Natalia). ' S'attacher à des pierres comme à une religion locale... '. La terre d'origine dans les diasporas des XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 481-512.
6306. MÜLLER (Dirk H.). Adliges Eigentumsrecht und Landesverfassung. Die Auseinandersetzungen um die eigentumsrechtlichen Privilegien des Adels im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Brandenburgs und Pommerns. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 301 p. (Elitenwandel in der Moderne, 11). 6307. MUÑOZ-PÉREZ (Francisco), RECAÑO-VALVER(Joaquín). A century of nuptiality in Spain, 1900– 2007. European journal of population, 2011, 27, 4, p. 487-515.
6308. MYERS (Amrita Chakrabarti). Forging freedom: Black women and the pursuit of liberty in antebellum Charleston. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XI-267 p. (Gender and American culture). 6309. MYERS (William David). Death and a maiden: infanticide and the tragical history of Grethe Schmidt. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2011, XIII-269 p. 6310. NAMONT (Jean-Philippe). La colonie tchécoslovaque: une histoire de l'immigration tchèque et slovaque en France, 1914–1940. Paris, Institut d'études slaves, 2011, 411 p. (Collection historique de l'institut d'études slaves, 47). 6311. NAUFAL (George S.). Labor migration and remittances in the GCC. Labor history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 307322. 6312. NEARY (Peter). On to civvy street: Canada's rehabilitation program for veterans of the Second World War. Ithaca, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2011, XVIII-363 p. 6313. Nicht nur Sieg und Niederlage. Sport im deutschen Südwesten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Martin FURTWÄNGLER, Christiane PFANZ-SPONAGEL und Martin EHLERS. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2011, 259 p. (Oberrheinische Studien, 28). 6314. NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude). Explaining British voluntarism. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 373-398. 6315. Noblesses normandes (Les), XVIe–XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Ariane BOLTANSKI et Alain HUGON. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 391 p. 6316. NONN (Christoph). Kleine Migrationsgeschichte von Nordrhein-Westfalen. Köln, Greven, 2011, 166 p. 6317. NORTH (Douglass C.), WALLIS (John Joseph), WEINGAST (Barry R.). Gewalt und Gesellschaftsordnungen. Eine Neudeutung der Staats- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 326 p. (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 145). 6318. NORTON (Mary Beth). Separated by their sex: women in public and private in the colonial Atlantic World. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XXI-247 p. 6319. NOSKOVÁ (Jana). "A 'labotarorium' of complex social processes shaping a new society and a new way of life": on the ethnographical research of the newlysettled border region of the Czech lands in the 1970s and 1980s. In: Sociology and ethnography in EastCentral and South-East Europe: scientific self-descrip-
tion in state socialist countries. München, Oldenbourg Verl., 2011, p. 213-233. 6320. NÚÑEZ SEIXAS (Xosé M.). Deconstruyendo la parroquia "glocal": asociacionismo, redes sociales y hábitat urbano de los inmigrantes gallegos en Buenos Aires (1900–1930). Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 107-133. – IDEM. Patrias lejos de casa: el sociacionismo emigrantes español, siglos XIX–XX: presentación. Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 3-7. 6321. OLMSTED (Jennifer C.). Norms, economic conditions and household formation: a case study of the Arab world. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 401415.
6331. PATIÑO MILLÁN (Beatriz Amalia). Riqueza, pobreza y diferenciación social en la provincia de Antioquia durante el siglo XVIII. Medellín, Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2011, XXI-281 p. (Clío). 6332. Patriot og verdensborger, brygger J.C. Jacobsen 200 år. (Patriote et citoyen du monde, J. C. Jacobsen, fondateur des brasseries Carlsberg). Red. Thomas LYNGBY. Hillerød, Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg, 2011, 114 p. (ill). 6333. PAVĂL (Daniel). Filantropie şi asistenţă publică în lumea urbană românească (1864–1914). (Philantropy and public asistance in Romanian urban world, 1864–1914). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A.D Xenopol Iași, 2011, 48, p. 193-206.
6322. ÖNNERFORS (Andreas). "Död är liv": iscensättning av döden i det europeiska 1700-talsfrimureriet. ("Death is life": staging of life in European eighteenth century freemasonry). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 459-490.
6334. Peso (El) de la sangre: Limpios, Mestizos y Nobles en el mundo Hispánico. Ed. por Nikolaus BÖTTCHER, Bernd HAUSBERGER y Max S. Hering TORRES. México D.F., Colegio de México, 2011, 320 p.
6323. ORTUÑO MARTÍNEZ (Bárbara). Del Casino al Centro: el exilio republicano y el asociacionismo español en América. Historia social, 2011, 70, p. 155-173.
6335. PITE (Rebekah E.). Entertaining inequalities: Doña Petrona, Juanita Bordoy, and domestic work in mid-twentieth-century Argentina. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 1, p. 97-128.
6324. OSMAN (Suleiman). The invention of brownstone Brooklyn: gentrification and the search for authenticity in postwar New York. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, 348 p. 6325. OSMOND (Gary). Myth-making in Australian sport history: re-evaluating Duke Kahanamoku's contribution to surfing. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 2, p. 260-276. 6326. PALMER (Beth). 'Lonely, tragic, but legally necessary pilgrimages': transnational abortion travel in the 1970s. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 4, p. 637664. 6327. PĂNĂZAN (Maria-Daniela). Performanţă şi prestigiu. O istorie a gimnasticii feminine româneşti. (Performance and prestige. A history of Romanian women gymnastics). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Napoca Star, 2011, 252 p. 6328. PANTELIĆ (Ivana). Partizanke kao građanke: društvena emancipacija partizanki u Srbiji, 1945–1953. (Le partigiane come cittadine; l'emancipazione sociale delle partigiane in Serbia, 1945–1953). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2011, 219 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije / Institut za savremenu istoriju Beograd, 74). 6329. Par i vetenskap och politik: intellektuella äktenskap i moderniteten. (Couples en sciences et en politique: mariages intellectuels dans la modernité: Suède 1900–1950). Red. Annika BERG, Christina FLORIN, Per WISSELGREN. Umeå, Borea, 2011, 475 p. (ill.). 6330. PASTUSHENKO (Tetiana). "V'ïzd repatriantiv do Kyieva zaboronenyĭ...": Povoienne zhyttia kolyshnikh ostarbaĭteriv ta viĭsʹkovopolonenykh v Ukraïni = "Das Niederlassen von Repatriierten in Kiew ist verboten ... ": die Lage ehemaligen Zwangsarbeiter/innen und Kriegsgefangenen in der Ukraine nach dem Krieg. Kyiv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2011, 326 p.
6336. PLATH (Ulrike). Esten und Deutsche in den baltischen Provinzen Russlands. Fremdheitskonstruktionen, Lebenswelten, Kolonialphantasien 1750–1850. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011, 360 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, 11). 6337. PODESTA (Gian-Luca). Colonists and "demographic" colonists. Family and society in Italian Africa. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 205-231. 6338. POLLOCK (Linda A.). The practice of kindness in early Modern elite society. Past and present, 2011, 211, p. 121-158. 6339. PONCE DE LEÓN ATRIA (Macarena). Gobernar la pobreza: prácticas de caridad y beneficencia en la ciudad de Santiago, 1830–1890. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, DIBAM, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2011, 376 p. (Colección Sociedad y cultura, 51). 6340. POUJADE (Patrice). Le voisin et le migrant. Hommes et circulations dans les Pyrénées modernes (XVIe–XIXe siècle). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 369 p. 6341. PROCTOR (Robert N.). Golden holocaust: origins of the cigarette catastrophe and the case for abolition. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, X-737 p. 6342. PROST (Antoine). Les cimetières militaires de la Grande Guerre, 1914–1940. Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 135-151. 6343. PULJU (Rebecca J.). Women and mass consumer society in postwar France. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-260 p. 6344. QUAY HUTCHISON (Elizabeth). Shifting solidarities: the politics of household workers in Cold War
§ 8. Social history Chile. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 1, p. 129-162. 6345. RABASA (José). Tell me the story of how i conquered you: elsewheres and ethnosuicide in the colonial Mesoamerican world. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, XII-264 p. 6346. Re-creating Japanese men. Ed. by Sabine FRÜHSTÜCK and Anne WALTHALL. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, IX-347 p. (Asia: local studies/global themes, 20). 6347. REGENT (Frédéric). Structures familiales et stratégies matrimoniales des libres de couleur en Guadeloupe au XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 69-98. 6348. REGINA (Christophe). La violence des femmes, histoire d'un tabou social. Paris, Max Milo, 2011, 316 p. 6349. RENGIFO (Francisca S.). Vida conyugal, maltrato y abandono: el divorcio eclesiástico en Chile, 1850– 1890. Santiago, Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos and Editorial Universitaria, 2011, 339 p. 6350. Representation and black womanhood: the legacy of Sarah Baartman. Ed. by Natasha GORDONCHIPEMBERE. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-207 p. 6351. REVELS (Tracy J.). Sunshine paradise: a history of Florida tourism. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, X-192 p. 6352. RICATTI (Francesco). Embodying migrants: Italians in postwar Australia. Bern a. New York, Peter Lang 2011, 331 p. 6353. RICH (Rachel). Bourgeois consumption: food, space and identity in London and Paris, 1850–1914. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, 239 p. 6354. ROHLAND (Eleonora). Sharing the risk. Fire, climate and disaster. Swiss Re, 1864–1906. Lancaster, Crucible Books, 2011, XV-176 p. 6355. ROOPNARINE (Lomarsh). Indian migration during indentured servitude in British Guiana and Trinidad, 1850–1920. Labor history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 173-191. 6356. ROSENTAL (Paul-André). Migrations, souveraineté, droits sociaux. Protéger et expulser les étrangers en Europe du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Annales, 2011, 66, 2, p. 335-373. 6357. ROTAR (Marius). Eternitate prin cenuşă. O istorie a crematoriilor şi incinerărilor umane în România secolelor XIX–XXI. (Eternity through ashes. a history of human crematories and cremation in Romania in the 19th–21st c.). Prefaţă de Peter C. JUPP. Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2011, 636 p. RUBENSTEIN (Jérémy). 'Argentine soldier known
6358. unto God': le cimetière Darwin et les conflits de récits de la guerre des Malouines. Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 153-169.
6359. RUPP (Leila J.). The persistence of transnational organizing: the case of the homophile movement. American historical review, 2011, 116, 4, p. 1014-1039. 6360. SAARITSA (Sakari). The poverty of solidarity: the size and structure of informal income smoothing among worker households in Helsinki, 1928. Scandinavian economic history review, 2011, 59, 2, p. 102-127. 6361. SABĂU (Claudia Septimia). "Prunci zămisliţi, prunci nedoriţi" – despre cazurile de avort din Districtul Năsăudului (1861–1876). ("Conceived babies, unwanted babies" – on abortion cases in Năsăud District, 1861–1876). Revista Bistriței, Complexul muzeal Bistrița-Năsăud, Bistrița, 2011, 25, p. 214-225. 6362. SALESA (Damon Ieremia). Racial crossings: race, intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-295 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 6363. SANDSTRÖM (Glenn). Socio-economic determinants of divorce in early twentieth-century Sweden. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 292-307. – IDEM. Time-space trends in Swedish divorce behaviour 1911–1974. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 65-90. 6364. SATJUKOW (Silke). "Besatzungskinder". Nachkommen deutscher Frauen und alliierter Soldaten seit 1945. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 4, p. 559591. 6365. SCHERMERHORN (Calvin). Money over mastery, family over freedom: slavery in the antebellum Upper South. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, VIII-286 p. 6366. SCHILDT (Axel). Annäherungen an die Westdeutschen: Sozial- und kulturgeschichtlichen Perspektiven auf die Bundesrepublik. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2011, 320 p. 6367. SCHNEIDER (Dorothee). Crossing borders: migration and citizenship in the twentieth-century United States. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XI-316 p. 6368. SCHRIKKER (Alicia). Caught between empires. VOC families in Sri Lanka after the British take-over, 1806–1808. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 127-147. 6369. SCHÜRMANN (Christian). Die Regulierung der Silikose im Ruhrkohlenbergbau bis 1952. Staat, Unternehmen und die Gesundheit der Arbeiter. Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2011, XVIII-343 p. (Research in management accounting & control). 6370. SCOTT (Peter). Still a niche communications medium: the diffusion and uses of the telephone system in interwar Britain. Business history, 2011, 53, 6, p. 801-820. 6371. SERAILE (William). Angels of Mercy: white women and the history of New York's Colored orphan asylum. New York, Fordham U. P., 2011, XII-287 p. 6372. SHAH (Nayan). Stranger intimacy: contesting race, sexuality, and the law in the North American
West. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XIV-347 p. (American crossroads, 31). 6373. SHEPARD (Alexandra), SPICKSLEY (Judith). Worth, age, and social status in early Modern England. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 493-530. 6374. SJÖBERG (Maria). Women in campaigns 1550– 1850 household and homosociality in the Swedish army. History of the family, 2011, 16, 3, p. 204-216. 6375. SKABELUND (Aaron Herald). Empire of dogs: canines, Japan, and the making of the modern imperial world. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XV-267 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University). 6376. SMITH (Ronald A.). Pay for play: a history of big-time college athletic reform. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XII-344 p. (Sport and society). 6377. Smugglers, brothels, and twine: historical perspectives on contraband and vice in North America's borderlands. Ed. by Elaine CAREY and Andrae M. MARAK. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2011, X250 p. 6378. Social change in the Habsburg monarchy = Les transformations de la société dans la monarchie des Habsbourg: l'époque des Lumières. Eds. Harald HEPPNER, Peter URBANITSCH und Renate ZEDINGER. Bochum, Winkler, 2011, 299 p. (ill.). (Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich. Internationale Beihefte, 3). 6379. Soziale Sicherungssysteme und demographische Wechsellagen: Historisch-vergleichende Perspektiven (1500–2000). Hrsg. v. Thomas SOKOLL. Berlin, Lit-Verl., 2011, 304 p. 6380. SPIJKER (Jeroen J.A.), ESTEVE (Albert). Changing household patterns of young couples in low- and middle-income countries. History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 437-455. 6381. SRAMEK (Joseph). Gender, morality, and race in company India, 1765–1858. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIII-250 p. 6382. Staat Macht Uniform. Uniformen als Zeichen staatlicher Macht im Wandel? Hrsg. v. Sandro WIGGERICH und Steven KENSKY. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 256 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Alltags, 29).
6386. STEPHENS (Elizabeth). Anatomy as spectacle: public exhibitions of the body from 1700 to the present. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2011, VIII-166 p. (Representations: health, disability, culture). 6387. STEWART (Bruce E.). Moonshiners and prohibitionists: the battle over alcohol in Southern Appalachia. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, XII-325 p. (New directions in Southern history). 6388. STILL (Judith). Enlightenment hospitality: cannibals, harems and adoption. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, IX-310 p. (SVEC; 2011:03). 6389. STOBART (Jon). Gentlemen and shopkeepers: supplying the country house in eighteenth-century England. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 885-904. 6390. STRAUSS (David). Setting the table for Julia Child: gourmet dining in America, 1934–1961. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XI-324 p. 6391. STREMLAU (Rose). Sustaining the Cherokee family: kinship and the allotment of an indigenous nation. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-320 p. (First peoples: new directions in Indigenous studies). 6392. STUR (Heather Marie). Beyond combat: women and gender in the Vietnam war era. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-263 p. 6393. SUNDEVALL (Fia). Det sista manliga yrkesmonopolet: genus och militärt arbete i Sverige 1865– 1989. (Le dernier monopole professionnel masculin. Genre et métier militaire en Suède entre 1865 et 1989). Stockholm, Makadam, 2011, 272 p. (ill.). 6394. SUTTNER (Andreas). 'Beton Brennt': Hausbesetzer und Selbstverwaltung im Berlin, Wien und Zürich der 80er. Vienna u. Berlin, Lit-Verlag, 2011, 373 p. 6395. SUTTON (Katie). The masculine woman in Weimar Germany. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, VII-204 p. (Monographs in German history, 32). 6396. SZOŁTYSEK (Mikołaj), GRUBER (Siegfried), ZUBER-GOLDSTEIN (Barbara), SCHOLZ (Rembrandt). Living arrangements and household formation in an industrializing urban setting: Rostock 1867–1900. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 233-269. 6397. TABILI (Laura). Global migrants, local culture. Natives and newcomers in provincial England, 1841– 1939. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-329 p.
6383. Stadt und Öffentlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Gerd SCHWERHOFF. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 219 p. (Städteforschung. Reihe A: Darstellungen, 83).
6398. TAKATS (Sean). The expert cook in enlightenment France. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, X203 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science: 129th series, 2).
6384. Statistics and the public sphere: numbers and the people in Modern Britain, c.1800–2000. Ed. by Tom CROOK and Glen O'HARA. London, Routledge, 2011, 275 p.
6399. TALKENBERGER (Heike). Gauner, Dirnen, Revolutionäre. Kriminalität im 19. Jahrhundert. Darmstadt, Primus, 2011, 191 p.
6385. STAUB (Michael E.). Madness is civilization: when the diagnosis was social, 1948–1980. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, 252 p.
6400. 'Talkin' 'bout my generation': conflicts of generation building and Europe's '1968'. Ed. by Anna von der GOLTZ. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2011, 232 p. (Göttinger Studien zur Generationsforschung, 6).
§ 8. Social history 6401. TAYLOR (Becky), ŚLIWA (Martyna). Polish migration: moving beyond the Iron Curtain. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 128-146. 6402. TAYLOR (Jason E.), BASU (Bharati), MAC LEAN (Steven). Net exports and the avoidance of high unemployment during reconversion, 1945–1947. Journal of economic history, 2011, 71, 2, p. 444-454. 6403. Testamente aus der Habsburgermonarchie – Alltagskultur, Recht, Überlieferung. Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs 1 (2011). Hrsg. v. Thomas OLECHOWSKI und Christoph SCHMETTERER. Wien, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 208 p. 6404. TOBBELL (Dominique A.). Pills, power, and policy: the struggle for drug reform in Cold War America and its consequences. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XV-294 p. 6405. TOLLIN (Katharina). Sida vid sida. En studie av jämställdhetspolitikens genealogi 1971-2006. (Côte à côte. Etude sur la généalogie de la politique d'égalité entre les sexes de 1971 à 2006). Stockholm, Atlas Akademi, 2011, 239 p. (Stockholms studies in politics, 144). 6406. TOUCAS-TRUYEN (Patricia). Guide du chercheur en histoire de la protection sociale. Volume III. 1914–1945. Paris, Association pour le comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale, 2011, 322 p. 6407. Tourisme Suisse (Le) et son rayonnement international: "Switzerland, the Playground of the World". Ed. par Cédric HUMAIR et Laurent TISSOT. Lausanne, Antipodes, 2011, 222 p. 6408. Transnationality (The) of social movements, 1970–2010. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 3-4, p. 1237-1403 [Contents: GODDEERIS (Idesbald). The Limits of the Transnational. – GOEDERTIER (Wouter). The Quest for Transnational Authority, the Anti-Apartheid Movements of the European Community. – CHRISTIAENS (Kim). States Going Transnational. Transnational State Civilian Networks and Socialist Cuba and Sandinista Nicaragua Solidarity Movements in Belgium (1960s–1980s). – MIEDEMA (Christie). The Transnationality of Dutch Solidarity with the Polish Opposition 1980–1989. – SCHLEMBACH (Raphael). The Transnationality of European Nationalist Movements. – KORNETIS (Kostis). "Grèce Générale"? Exploring the Boundaries Between Past and Present, the Local and the Transnational in the December 2008 Events in Greece. – TOMPKINS (Andrew). Transnationality as a Liability? The Anti-Nuclear Movement at Malville. – VAN DE POEL (Jan). Solidarity without Borders? The Flemish Third World Solidarity Movement and Transnational Coalitions]. 6409. Travail et entreprises en Europe du NordOuest, XVIIIe–XIXe siècles. La dimension sociale au coeur de l'efficacité entrepreneuriale. Ed. par MichelPierre CHÉLINI et Pierre TILLY. Lille, Presses universitaires Septentrion, 2011, 280 p. 6410. TROLANDER (Judith Ann). From sun cities to the villages: a history of active adult, age-restricted com-
munities. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XIII-352 p. 6411. TROMPETTE (Pascale), GRIFFITHS (Robert Howell). L'économie morale de la mort au XIXe siècle. Regards croisés sur la France et l'Angleterre. Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 33-54. 6412. TULLY (John). The devil's milk: a social history of rubber. New York, Monthly Review Press, 2011, 480 p. 6413. TURCU (Christine-Marie). Parfum şi bijuterie – embleme ale eleganţei feminine la sfârşit de secol XIX – început de secol XX. (Perfume and jewellery – symbols of feminine elegance at the end of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). In: "De la lume adunate": Lucrările Conferinţei Naţionale "Viaţă cotidiană, familie, alimentaţie şi populaţie în secolele XVIII–XIX". Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, p. 37-44. 6414. ÜBEL (Brigitte). Der Verwahrlosung entgegenwirken. Die Entwicklung der Kleinkinderfürsorge in Ludwigshafen am Rhein 1860–1930. Ludwigshafen, Stadtverwaltung Ludwigshafen, 2011, 264 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Ludwigshafen, 39). 6415. UCHALOVÁ (Eva). Pražské módní salony 1900– 1948 = Prague fashion houses 1900–1948. Praha, Uměleckoprůmyslové museum: Arbor vitae, 2011, 311 p. 6416. VAN LOTTUM (Jelle). Labour migration and economic performance: London and the Randstad, c. 1600–1800. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 2, p. 531-570. 6417. VIDAL (Cécile), CLARK (Emily). Famille et esclavage à la nouvelle-Orléans sous le régime français (1699–1769). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 122, 2, p. 99-126. 6418. VIKSTRÖM (Lotta). I fru Grönhagens garderob fanns allt som hörde damtoaletten till, eller? Källjämförelser belyser befolkningshistoriska materials underrapportering av kvinnors arbete och försörjning i Sundsvall 1870–1890 (Estimating the under- enumeration of women's work in past population registers: results from combining and comparing sources from Sundsvall, Sweden, 1870–1890). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 1, p. 25-55. 6419. VINKOVETSKY (Ilya). Russian America: an overseas colony of a continental empire, 1804–1867. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIII-258 p. 6420. VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU (Constanţa). Mariage et parenté à travers les actes dotaux roumains (1700– 1865). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 141-160. 6421. Viols en temps de guerre. Sous la dir. de Raphaëlle BRANCHE [et al.]. Paris, Payot, 2011, 270 p. 6422. VITIELLO (Giovanni). The libertine's friend: homosexuality and masculinity in late imperial China. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XII-296 p.
6423. VOWINCKEL (Annette). Flugzeugentführungen: eine Kulturgeschichte. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 192 p. 6424. WARD (Margaret E.). Missing mila, finding family: an international adoption in the shadow of the Salvadoran civil war. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, X-276 p. (Louann Atkins Temple women and culture series). 6425. WARNER (Deborah Jean). Sweet stuff: an American history of sweeteners from sugar to sucralose. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2011, VIII-289 p. 6426. WARREN (Ian). The English landed elite and the social environment of London c.1580–1700: the cradle of an aristocratic culture? English historical review, 2011, 126, 518, p. 44-74. 6427. WELKY (David). The thousand-year flood: the Ohio-Mississippi disaster of 1937. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XIV-355 p. 6428. WERGLAND (Glendyne R.). Sisters in the faith: Shaker women and equality of the sexes. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XIII-228 p. 6429. What makes the nobility noble? Comparative perspectives from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Ed. by Jörn LEONHARD and Christian WIELAND. Göttingen a. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 396 p. (Schriftenreihe der FRIAS School of history, 2). 6430. WIEN (Peter). The culpability of exile. Arabs in Nazi Germany. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 332-358. 6431. WILLIAMS (Samantha). Poverty, gender and life-cycle under the English Poor Law, 1760–1834. London, Royal Historical Society a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, XIII-190 p. (Royal Historical Society studies in history new series). 6432. WILLIAMS (Susan Millar), HOFFIUS (Stephen G.). Upheaval in Charleston: earthquake and murder on the eve of Jim Crow. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIV-340 p. 6433. WILSON (Kathleen). Rethinking the colonial state: family, gender, and governmentality in eighteenthcentury British frontiers. American historical review, 2011, 116, 5, p. 1294-1322. 6434. WINZEN (Peter). Der erste politische Homosexualitätsskandal im Kaiserreich: Friedrich Alfred Krupp (1854–1902). Archiv für Kulturgeschib?chte, 2011, 93, 2, p. 415–450. 6435. Women, dissent, and anti-slavery in Britain and America, 1790–1865. Ed. by Elizabeth J. CLAPP and Julie Roy JEFFREY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-214 p. 6436. YAMAGISHI (Takakazu). War and health insurance policy in Japan and the United States: World War II to postwar reconstruction. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XVIII-189 p.
6437. YOKOYAMA (Yuriko). "Jūkyū seiki toshi shakai ni okeru chiiki hegemonī no saihen: Onnakamiyui, yūjo no seizon to 'kaihō' wo megutte" (Restructuring of the local hegemony in urban society of nineteenthcentury Japan: In connection with the survival and the 'liberation' of female hair dressers and harlots). Rekishigaku Kenkyu, 2011, 885, p. 12-21. 6438. ZAHRA (Tara). The lost children: reconstructing Europe's Families after World War II. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XI-308 p. 6439. ZARECOR (Kimberly Elman). Manufacturing a socialist modernity: housing in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1960. Pittsburgh, Pa., University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, 383 p. 6440. ZEKKOUR (Afaf). Les lieux de sociabilité islahistes et leurs usages: la ville d'Alger (1931–1940). Le mouvement social, 2011, 236, p. 23-34. 6441. ZUCCA MICHELETTO (Beatrice). À quoi sert la dot ? Aliénations dotales, économie familiale et stratégies des couples à Turin au XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 161-186. – EADEM. Reconsidering the southern Europe model: dowry, women's work and marriage patterns in pre-industrial urban Italy (Turin, second half of the 18th century). History of the family, 2011, 16, 4, p. 354-370. Cf. nos 80-109, 6607 § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. ** 6442. ADLER (Victor), ENGELS (Friedrich). Briefwechsel. Im Auftr. des Vereins für Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, Wien, hrsg. von Gerd CALLESEN und Wolfgang MADERTHANER. Berlin, Akademie Verl., 2011, XXII-267 p. ** 6443. Freie Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund 1945– 1949/50 (Der). Gründung, Organisationsaufbau und Politik – Zonenebene. Hrsg. v. Siegfried MIELKE und Peter RÜTTERS. Eingel. u. bearb. v. Peter RÜTTERS unt. Mitarb. v. Marion GOERS. Bonn, Dietz Nachf., 2011, 1027 p. (Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert, 15). ______________________
6444. ALJUNIED (Syed Muhd Khairudin). Micro-history and the study of minorities: working-class Sikhs in Singapore and Malaya. Social history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 2235. 6445. ANSEL (Dario). ELA en la Segunda República: evolución sindicalista de una organización obrera. Tafalla, Txalaparta noviembre de, 2011, 422 p. (Serie de historia). 6446. Arbeitskräfte als Kriegsbeute. Der Fall Ostund Südosteuropa 1939–1945. Hrsg. v. Karsten LINNE und Florian DIERL. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 320 p. 6447. BEDOIN (Maurice), MONNERET (Jean-Claude), PORTE (Corinne), STEINER (Jean-Michel). 1948: Les mineurs stéphanois en grève. Des photographies de Léon
§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism
Leponce à l'Histoire. Saint-Étienne, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2011, 503 p.
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 230 p. (Schriftenreihe der FRIAS school of history, 3).
6448. BÉROUD (Sophie). À l'école de la dissidence ? Les usages de la formation par l'opposition interne au sein de la CFDT du début des années 1980 à 2003. Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 137-150.
6462. CRISTOFALO (Paula), YON (Karel). De la fabrique des libres-penseurs à l'administration des dévouements: Force Ouvrière et la mise en cursus de la formation syndicale (1948–1971). Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 71-87.
6449. BOCKMAN (Johanna). Markets in the name of socialism: the Left-wing origins of neoliberalism. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XX-312 p. 6450. BOYER (Christoph). "1989" und die Wege dorthin. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 101-120. 6451. BRANDL (Bernd), TRAXLER (Franz). Labour relations, economic governance and the crisis: turning the tide again? Labor history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 1-22. 6452. BRUCHER (William). From the picket line to the playground: labor, environmental activism, and the international paper strike in Jay, Maine. Labor history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 95-116. 6453. BRUCY (Guy). Le fétichisme de la formation et les enjeux politiques d'un dispositif centralisé. Le cas du Centre fédéral de formation de la FEN (1976–1982). Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 121-136. 6454. BRULEY (Sue). The women and men of 1926: the general strike and miners' lockout in South Wales. Cardiff, University Of Wales Press, 2011, IX-202 p. 6455. ČAPKA (František). Několik poznámek k úloze odborů při obhajobě sociálních zájmů dělnictva v letech první republiky. (A few remarks on the role of trade unions in defending the social interests of workers in the First Republic). In: Problematika dělnictva v 19. a 20. století: bilance a výhledy studia: sborník z konference věnované 95. výročí narození Arnošta Klímy. Ostrava, Filoz. fak. Ostravské univerzity: Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny FF OU, 2011, p. 151-158. 6456. CAVICCHI (Daniel). Listening and longing: music lovers in the age of Barnum. Middletown, Wesleyan U. P., 2011, XIII-256 p. (Music/Culture). 6457. Company towns in the Americas: landscape, power, and working-class communities. Ed. by Oliver J. DINIUS and Angela VERGARA. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIV-241 p. 6458. COOPER (Rae), ELLEM (Bradon). 'Less than zero': union recognition and bargaining rights in Australia 1996–2007. Labor history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 49-69. 6459. Corporatisme (Le) dans l'aire francophone au XXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Olivier DARD. Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, VII-249 p. (Convergences, 66). 6460. CORRÊA (Larissa Rosa). A tessitura dos direitos: patrões e empregados na justiça do trabalho, 1953– 1964. São Paulo, LTr, 2011, 231 p. 6461. Crisis (The) of socialist modernity: the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in the 1970s. Ed. by MarieJanine CALIC, Dietmar NEUTATZ and Julia OBERTREIS.
6463. CURRARINO (Rosanne). The labor question in America: economic democracy in the gilded age. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XI210 p. (Working class in American history). 6464. DELMAS (Corinne). Du 'perfectionnement' professionnel à la 'performance' de l'action syndicale. Formations et expertise à la Confédération Française de l'Encadrement-Confédération Générale des Cadres (CFECGC). Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 89-104. 6465. DORSEY (Jennifer Hull). Hirelings: African American workers and free labor in early Maryland. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XVI-210 p. 6466. EIROA SAN FRANCISCO (Matilde). Sobrevivir en el socialismo: Organización y medios de comunicación de los exiliados comunistas en las democracias populares. Historia social, 2011, 69, p. 71-89. 6467. ETHUIN (Nathalie), SIBLOT (Yasmine). Du cursus d'éducation syndicale aux parcours de formation des militants de la CGT (années 1950–2000). Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 53-69. 6468. ETHUIN (Nathalie), YON (Karel). Les mutations de l'éducation syndicale: de l'établissement des frontières aux mises en dispositif. Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 3-21. 6469. FEWSTER (Joseph M.). The keelmen of Tyneside: labour organisation and conflict in the north-east coal industry, 1600–1830. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2011, X-222 p. (Regions and regionalism in history, 13). 6470. FREDERICKSON (Mary E.). Looking South: race, gender, and the transformation of labor from reconstruction to globalization. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2011, XXIII-302 p. (Southern dissent). 6471. GELLMAN (Erik S.), ROLL (Jarod). The gospel of the working class: labor's Southern prophets in New Deal America. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, XVI-221 p. (Working class in American history). 6472. GUILLAUME (Cécile). La formation des responsables à la CFTC-CFDT: de la 'promotion collective' à la sécurisation des parcours militants (1950–2010). Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 105-119. 6473. HAHAMOVITCH (Cindy). No Man's Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, X-333 p. (Politics and society in twentieth-century America). 6474. HAMELIN (David). La recension des archives de la formation syndicale française: des pistes de re-
cherches renouvelées. Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 151-161. 6475. HEERY (Edmund), SIMMS (Melanie). Seizing an opportunity? Union organizing campaigns in Britain, 1998–2004. Labor history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 23-47. 6476. HORNE (Gerald). Fighting in paradise: labor unions, racism, and communists in the making of modern Hawai'i. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, VII-459 p. 6477. JACOBSEN (Kurt). Velfærdens pris: arbejderbeskyttelse og arbejdsmiljø gennem 150 år. (Le prix de la prospérité: protection des travailleurs et milieu du travail depuis 150 ans). København, Gads forlag, 2011, 491 p. (ill.). 6478. JULIEN (Élise), VONAU (Elsa). Le cimetière de Friedrichsfelde, construction d'un espace socialiste (des années 1880 aux années 1970). Le mouvement social, 2011, 237, p. 91-113. 6479. KATZ (Daniel). All together different: Yiddish socialists, garment workers, and the labor roots of multiculturalism. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XIV298 p. (Goldstein-Goren series in American Jewish history). 6480. KIRK (Neville). Labour and the politics of empire: Britain and Australia 1900 to the present. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIV-319 p. (Studies in Imperialism). 6481. KNUDSEN (Knud). Dansk fagbevægelses historie frem til 1950, fra arbejdets perspektiv. (Histoire du mouvement syndical danois jusqu'en 1950, vue sous la perspective du travail). København, Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens Historie, 2011, 736 p. (ill.). (SFAHs skriftserie, 51). 6482. Konflikt och samförstånd. Texter från arbetarhistorikermötet i Landskrona i maj 2009. (Conflits et accords. Contributions au congrès des historiens du monde ouvrier à Landskrona en mai 2009). Red. Magnus OLOFSSON. Landskrona, Centrum för arbetarhistoria, 2011, 152 p. (Skrifter från Centrum för arbetarhistoria, 4). 6483. KRETSOS (Lefteris). Grassroots unionism in the context of economic crisis in Greece. Labor history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 265-286. 6484. LE ROUX (Thomas). L'effacement du corps de l'ouvrier. La santé au travail lors de la première industrialisation de Paris (1770–1840). Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 103-119. 6485. LEAL (Murilo). A reinvenção da classe trabalhadora (1953–1964). Campinas, Editora UNICAMP, 2011, 517 p. 6486. LOFTUS (Donna). Investigating work in late nineteenth-century London. History workshop, 2011, 71, p. 173-193. 6487. LOY-WILSON (Sophie). 'Liberating' asia: strikes and protest in Sydney and Shanghai, 1920–39. History workshop, 2011, 72, p. 74-102.
6488. MAC CARTIN (Joseph A.). Collision course: Ronald Reagan, the air traffic controllers, and the strike that changed America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-472 p. 6489. MAMINA (Alexandru). Marxismul occidental şi marxismul oriental. Ideile, societatea, cultura. (Western Marxism and Oriental Marxism. The ideas, the society, the culture). Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2011, 176 p. 6490. MAY (Vanessa H.). Unprotected labor: household workers, politics, and middle-class reform in New York, 1870–1940. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XI-246 p. 6491. MESSER-KRUSE (Timothy). Strike or anarchist plot? The McCormick riot of 1886 reconsidered. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 483-510. 6492. MOORE (Sian). New trade union activism: class consciousness or social identity? Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-192 p. 6493. MORAES (Wallace). Brasil e Venezuela: histórico das relações trabalhistas de 1889 até Lula e Chávez. Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé, 2011, 313 p. 6494. MORGAN (Kevin). Socialists and 'mobility' in twentieth-century Britain: images and experiences in the life histories of British communists. Social history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 143-168. 6495. MUÑIZ-SANCHEZ (Jorge). Le réformisme dans le syndicalisme minier en Espagne au début du XXe siècle. Le mouvement social, 2011, 234, p. 33-44. 6496. Perspektiven in der Fremde? Arbeitsmarkt und Migration von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Dittmar DAHLMANN und Margrit SCHULTE BEERBÜHL. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 523 p. (Migration in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 6). 6497. PHELAN (Craig). Trade unions, democratic waves, and structural adjustment: the case of francophone West Africa. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 461481. 6498. POGGIOLI (Morgan). Entre éducation populaire et propagande syndicale: les cours radiophoniques de la CGT sous le Front Populaire. Le mouvement social, 2011, 235, p. 39-52. 6499. REICHEL (Thomas). "Sozialistisch arbeiten, lernen und leben". Die Brigadebewegung in der DDR (1959–1989). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 393 p. 6500. RICHARDS (Yevette). Labor's gendered misstep: the Women's Committee and African Women Workers, 1957–1968. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 3, p. 415-442. 6501. RICHARDSON (Mike), NICHOLLS (Peter). A business and labour history of Britain, case studies of Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 210 p.
§ 9. Working-class movement and socialism 6502. RITSON (Neil H.). American multi-national corporations in the UK oil industry: sectoral differentiation in diffusion and adaptation. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 441-460. 6503. ROSA CORRÊA (Larissa). A tessitura dos direitos: Patrões e empregados na justiça do trabalho, 1953– 1964. São Paulo, Editora LTr, 2011, 231 p. 6504. ROSENFELDT (Niels Erik). Verdensrevolutionens generalstab: Komintern og det hemmelige apparat. (L'état-major de la révolution mondiale: le Komintern et ses réseaux secrets). København, Gads forlag, 2011, 431 p.
Teachers Union. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, X372 p. 6512. TAYLOR (Graham), MATHERS (Andrew), UP(Martin). Beyond the chains that bind: the political crisis of unions in Western Europe. Labor history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 287-305. CHURCH
6513. THORNETT (Alan). Militant years: car workers' struggles in Britain in the 60s and 70s. London, Resistance Books, 2011, XVI-368 p. 6514. TISMĂNEANU (Vladimir). Despre comunism. Destinul unei religii politice. (On communism. Destiny of a political religion). Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2011, 60 p.
6505. RYAN (Francis). AFSCME[American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees]'s Philadelphia story, municipal workers and urban power in the twentieth century. Philadelphia, Temple U. P., 2011, IX-308 p.
6515. Travail (Le) en question. XVIIIe–XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Christophe LAVIALLE. Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2011, 432 p.
6506. SCHALLER (Karlheinz). Fabrikarbeit in der NSZeit. Arbeiter und Zwangsarbeiter in Chemnitz 1933– 1945. Bielefeld, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2011, 175 p. (Geschichte der Chemnitzer Arbeiterschaft, 4).
6516. VAN DER WALT (Lucien). Anarchism and syndicalism in an African port city: the revolutionary traditions of Cape Town's multiracial working class, 1904– 1931. Labor history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 137-171.
6507. SCHARRER (Manfred). Der Aufbau einer freien Gewerkschaft in der DDR 1989/90. ÖTV und FDGBGewerkschaften im deutschen Einigungsprozess. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2011, XV-427 p.
6517. WESTERLUND (Uno). En glansfull framtid. Ur TCO historia 1944–2000. (Un avenir radieux. Histoire de la Confédération syndicale suédoise TCO de 1944 à 2000). Stockholm, Premiss, 2011, 212 p. (ill.).
6508. SCHRATZ (Sabine). Das Gift des alten Europa und die Arbeiter der Neuen Welt. Zum amerikanischen Hintergrund der Enzyklika Rerum Novarum (1891). Paderborn, Schöningh, 2011, 562 p. (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation, 15).
6518. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa). 'Le socialisme sans poste, télégraphe et machine est un mot vide de sens.' Les bolcheviks en quête d'outils de communication (1917–1923). Revue historique, 2011, 660, p. 853873.
6509. SUAREZ-POTTS (William). The railroad strike of 1927: labor and law after the Mexican Revolution. Labor history, 2011, 52, 4, p. 399-416.
6519. ZARECOR (Kimberly Elman). Manufacturing a socialist modernity: housing in Czechoslovakia, 1945– 1960. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, XIV-383 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies).
6510. SVANBERG (Johan). Labour migration and the Swedish labour market model: a case study of recruitment of Yugoslav workers to Svenska Fläktfabriken in Växjö, 1969–1970. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 1, p. 91-113. 6511. TAYLOR (Clarence). Reds at the blackboard: communism, civil rights, and the New York City
6520. ZONDERMAN (David A.). Uneasy allies: working for labor reform in nineteenth-century Boston. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XII312 p. Cf. nos 3181, 3607, 3669, 4029
§ 1. General. 6521-6533. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 6534-6564. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 65656599. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 6600-6673. – § 5. International law. 6674-6679. § 1. General. ** 6521. GANS (Eduard). Briefe und Dokumente. Hrsg. v. Johann BRAUN. Tübingen Mohr, 2011, LXI494 p. ______________________
6522. GROSSI (Paolo). L'Europe du droit. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 290 p. 6523. Hugo Preuß 1860–1925. Genealogie eines modernen Preußen. Hrsg. v. Detlef LEHNERT. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 364 p. (Historische Demokratieforschung, 2). 6524. JEMBERE (Aberra), WOLDEMELAK (Woldetensay). An introduction to the legal history of Ethiopia: 1974–2009. Addis Ababa, Shama, 2011, X-296 p. 6525. KIRSCHBAUM (Jochen). Die Etablierung der Historischen Rechtsschule an der Ludoviciana (1814– 1824). Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2011, XII-380 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 419). 6526. KRUPAR (Monika). Tschechische juristische Zeitschriften des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 328 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 152). 6527. PROST (Antoine), WINTER (Jay). René Cassin et les Droits de l'homme: le projet d'une génération. Paris, Fayard, 2011, 443 p. 6528. RÖWEKAMP (Marion). Die ersten deutschen Juristinnen. Eine Geschichte ihrer Professionalisierung und Emanzipation (1900–1945). Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 880 p. (Rechtsgeschichte und Geschlechterforschung, 11). 6529. SCHENNACH (Martin P.). Der "Österreicher" als Rechtskonstrukt? Zur Formierung einer österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 3-4, p. 152-176. 6530. SCHMUHL (Elisabeth). Richard Loening (1848– 1913) – Ein Strafrechtsgelehrter der "historischen Schule" – Leben und Werk. Stuttgart, Boorberg, 2011, XIII189 p. (Jenaer Schriften zum Recht, 44).
6531. SCHÜRMANN (Maria Cornelia). Iurisprudentia Symbolica. Rechtssymbolische Untersuchungen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, VIII-301 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 41). 6532. SCIUMÈ (Alberto). Diritto e diritti nell'esperienza politica e istituzionale dell'Italia unita. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 443-455. 6533. Zwischenzeit – Rechtsgeschichte der Besatzungsjahre. Hrsg. v. Martin LÖHNIG. Regenstauf, Edition Rechtskultur, 2011, 239 p. Cf. nos 525-540 § 2. History of constitutional law. ** 6534. CHUKHLIB (Taras Vasylʹovych). Idealʹna derzhava v Ukraïni? Kozatsʹkyĭ proekt 1710 roku. (The ideal state in Ukraine? Cossack project in 1710). Kyïv, Vydavnychyĭ dim "Kyievo-Mohyliansʹka akademiia", 2011, 102 p. ** 6535. Gironde-Verfassungsentwurf aus der französischen Revolution vom 15./16. Februar 1793. Deutschsprachige Übersetzung mit einer Einleitung und kommentierenden Anmerkungen. Hrsg. v. Andreas KLEY und Richard AMSTUTZ. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, VIII-214 p. (Europäische rechts- und Regionalgeschichte, 14). ** 6536. Quellen zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Universität Greifswald. Band 1. Von der Universitätsgründung bis zum Westfälischen Frieden 1456–1648. Hrsg. v. Dirk ALVERMANN und Karl-Heinz SPIEß; bearb. v. Benjamin MÜSEGADES und Sabine- Maria WEITZEL. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, LXI-554 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Greifswald, 10.1). _______________________
6537. ARIAS CASTRO (Tomás Federico) [et al.]. La constitución de Cádiz y Florencio del Castillo: legado de una época. San José, EUNED, Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2011, XXII-376 p. 6538. BARRETO ROZO (Antonio). Venturas y desventuras de la regeneración: apuntes de historia jurídica
sobre el proyecto político de 1886 y sus transformaciones y rupturas en el siglo XX. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Derecho, 2011, 260 p. (Colección Historia y materiales del derecho). 6539. BRANDWEIN (Pamela). Rethinking the Judicial Settlement of Reconstruction. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-269 p. (Cambridge studies on the American Constitution). 6540. Comparative constitutional law. Ed. by Tom GINSBURG and Rosalind DIXON. Cheltenham, Elgar, 2011, XI-668 p. 6541. CONGLETON (Roger D.). Perfecting parliament: constitutional reform, liberalism, and the rise of Western democracy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-658 p. 6542. Constitución, poder y representación: dimensiones simbólicas del cambio político en la época de la Independencia mexicana. coordinadora Silke HENSEL en colaboración con Ulrike BOCK y Katrin DIRCKSEN. Madrid, Iberoamericana y Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert y Mexico D.F., Bonilla Artigas, 2011, 462 p. (Tiempo emulado, 16). 6543. Constitution (La) de Weimar et la pensée juridique française: réceptions, métamorphoses, actualités. Sous la direction de Carlos Miguel HERRERA. Paris, Kimé, 2011, 206 p. (Philosophie politique). 6544. Constitutions, républiques, mémoires: 1849 entre Rome et la France: actes du colloque international de Tours, 25–26 mai 2009. Sous la dir. de Laurent REVERSO. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 407 p. (Méditerranées). 6545. FIRA (Aleksandar). Vidovdanski ustav. (St. Vitus' day constitution). Urednik Kosta ČAVOŠKI. Beograd, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 2011, VI243 p. (Posebna izdanja / Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 669. Odeljenje društvenih nauka, 105). 6546. FRANCO (Antonio-Filiu). Cuba en los orígenes del constitucionalismo español: la alternativa descentralizadora (1808–1837). Zaragoza, Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad, 2011, 445 p. (Monografías, 4). 6547. GREENE (Jack P.). The constitutional origins of the American Revolution. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIV-198 p. (New histories of American law). 6548. JAMMEH (Ousman A. S.). The constitutional law of The Gambia: 1965–2010. Bloomington, Author House, 2011, XXV-377 p. 6549. KEMPNY (Simon). Die Staatsfinanzierung nach der Paulskirchenverfassung. Eine Untersuchung des Finanz- und Steuerverfassungsrechts der Verfassung des deutschen Reichs vom 28. März 1849. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 372 p. (Studien und Beiträge zum öffentlichen Recht, 9). 6550. LAUDANI (Cettina). L'Appello dei Siciliani alla nazione inglese: costituzione e costituzionalismo in Sicilia. Acireale, Bonanno, 2011, 155 p. (Tascabili Bonanno. Risorgimentale, 5).
6551. MAGLIOCCA (Gerard N.). The tragedy of William Jennings Bryan: constitutional law and the politics of backlash. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, X-238 p. 6552. MURASE (Shin'ichi). Meiji rikkensei to naikaku (The constitutional system and the cabinet in Meiji Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 323 p. 6553. MÜßIG (Ulrike). Constitutional developments after 1830: towards a balance between monarchical and popular sovereignty. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2011, 79, 3-4, p. 489-519. 6554. NEELY (Mark E. Jr). Lincoln and the triumph of the nation: constitutional conflict in the American Civil War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, 408 p. (Littlefield history of the Civil War era). 6555. NOORANI (Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed). Article 370: a constitutional history of Jammu and Kashmir. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVI-487 p. 6556. ÖZBUDUN (Ergun). The constitutional system of Turkey: 1876 to the present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 185 p. (Middle East today). 6557. PAQUETTE (Gabriel). The Brazilian origins of the 1826 Portuguese Constitution. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 444-471. 6558. PETRY (David). Konfliktbewältigung als Medienereignis. Reichsstadt und Reichshofrat in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 249 p. (Colloquia Augustana, 29). 6559. SCHMITT (Carl). Staatsgefüge und Zusammenbruch des zweiten Reiches. Der Sieg des Bürgers über den Soldaten. Hrsg., mit ein. Vorw. u. Anm. versehen v. Günter MASCHKE. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, XLVI-117 p. 6560. SHIMADA (Yukinori). Gikaisei no rekishi shakaigaku: Ei-doku ryō-kokusei no hikakushiteki kōsatsu. (Historical sociology of parliamentary systems: A comparative study of the history of English and German constitutions). Kyoto, Mineruva Shobo, 2011, 420 p. (Minerva Humanities and Social Sciences series, 169). 6561. Sistema constitucional local (El) de finales del siglo XIX. Ed. por Juan Ricardo JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ. Santiago de Querétaro, Instituto de Estudios Constitucionales, 2011, 375 p. (Fuentes del derecho de Querétaro, 3). 6562. Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit: Grundlagen, innerstaatliche Stellung, überstaatliche Einbindung. Hrsg. v. Johannes MASING und Olivier JOUANJAN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, XI-150 p. 6563. Visualisierung konstitutioneller Ordnung 1815– 1852. Hrsg. v. Martin KNAUER und Verena KÜMMEL. Münster, Rhema-Verl., 2011, 194 p. § 2. Addendum 2010. 6564. GÓMEZ RIVERO (Ricardo). La sanction real en la Constitución de Cádiz. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Fundación Centro de Estudios Constitucionales 1812,
§ 3. Public law and institutions
2010, 267 p. (Fundación Centro de Estudios Constitucionales 1812, 6).
LERS und Christoph SCHÖNBERGER. Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2011, 426 p. (Edition Suhrkamp, 2638).
Cf. nos 509-524, 3251, 3715, 3720, 3723, 3728, 4118, 6598
6576. État (L') en France et en Roumanie aux XIXe et XXe siècles: actes du colloque, organisé au New Europe College-Institut d'études avancées les 26–27 février 2010. Sous la dir. de Silvia MARTON, Anca OROVEANU et Florin ŢURCANU. Bucureşti, New Europe College, 2011, 408 p.
§ 3. Public law and institutions. ** 6565. "Gute" Policey (Die) im Reichskreis. Zur frühmodernen Normensetzung in den Kernregionen des Alten Reiches. Ein Quellenwerk. Bd. 5. Policeyordnungen in den Markgraftümern Ansbach und Kulmbach-Bayreuth. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang WÜST. Red.: Tobias RIEDL, Regina HINDELANG. Erlangen, Wi Komm Verlag, 2011, 722 p. ______________________
6566. BERNHARD (Patrick). Konzertierte Gegnerbekämpfung im Achsenbündnis. Die Polizei im Dritten Reich und im faschistischen Italien 1933 bis 1943. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 2, p. 229262. 6567. BERRIDGE (W. J.). 'What the men are crying out for is leadership': the Khartoum police strike of 1951 and the battle for administrative control. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 1, p. 121-142. 6568. BRAUN (Matthias Rechtsanwalt). Die Entwicklung der Schwurgerichtsfrage in Kurhessen bis zum Jahre 1851. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 433 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 151). 6569. BURKHOLDER (Mark A.). Life without empire: Audiencia ministers after independence. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 2, p. 271-298. 6570. CAMARGO ASSIS (Carlos Ernesto). Hitos electorales en el contexto de la evolución político-constitucional de Colombia. Medellín, Biblioteca Jurídica Dike, 2011, 330 p. 6571. CROOK (Malcolm), CROOK (Tom). Reforming voting practices in a global age: the making and remaking of the modern secret ballot in Britain, France and the United States, c.1600–c.1950. Past and present, 2011, 212, p. 199-237. 6572. DANUSSO (Cristina). Il reclutamento dei magistrati nel dibattito del tardo Ottocento. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 151-200. 6573. DAVID (Roman). Lustration and transitional justice: personnel systems in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 312 p. 6574. DECOURT HOLLENDER (Bénédicte). Étude sur le Ministère public sarde au XIXe siècle (1814–1860): l'exemple des Avocats généraux et des Avocats fiscaux généraux. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 325-361. 6575. Entgrenzte Gericht (Das). Eine kritische Bilanz nach sechzig Jahren Bundesverfassungsgericht. Hrsg. v. Matthias JESTAEDT, Oliver LEPSIUS, Christoph MÖL-
6577. FRÊLON (Elise). Le Parlement de Bordeaux et la ' loi ' (1451–1547). Paris, De Boccard, 2011, 737 p. (Romanité et modernité du droit). 6578. GALANTE (Mirian), IRUROZQUI (Marta), AR(María E.). La razón de la fuerza y el fomento del derecho: conflictos jurisdiccionales, ciudadanía y mediación estatal: Tlaxcala, Bolivia, Norpatagonia, siglo XIX. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2011, 224 p. (Colección América, 19). GERI
6579. GERBER (Scott Douglas). A distinct judicial power: the origins of an independent judiciary, 1606– 1787. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXII-413 p. 6580. GUTIÉRREZ VILLARREAL (Francisco Javier). Nuevo León: historia del poder judicial, de la colonia a nuestros días. Monterrey, Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León, 2011, 305 p. 6581. Herzkammern der Republik: die Deutschen und das Bundesverfassungsgericht. Hrsg. v. Michael STOLLEIS. München, Beck, 2011, 297 p. 6582. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY (Stephan G.). Die Grundrechtserkenntnisse des Reichsgerichts. Wurzel des österreichischen Grundrechtsstaates oder Deklaration ohne Rechtsfolgen? Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 3-4, p. 192-204. 6583. Höchstgerichtsbarkeit (Die) im Zeitalter Karls V. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung, hrsg. v. Ignacio CZEGUHN, José Antonio LÓPEZ NEVOT, Antonio SÁNCHEZ ARANDA und Jürgen WEITZEL. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 339 p. (Schriftenreihe des Zentrum für rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung Würzburg, 4). 6584. Højesteret 350 år. (La Cour suprême danoise depuis 350 ans). Red. Per MAGID [et al.]. København, Gyldendal, 2011, 476 p. (ill.). 6585. HOULLEMARE (Marie). Politiques de la parole. Le parlement de Paris au XVIe siècle. Genève, Droz, 2011, 670 p. 6586. Instituţiile administrative locale în Basarabia (1812–1838): documente şi materiale. Academia de Ştiinte a Moldovei. Chişinau, Pontos, 2011, 288 p. 6587. JANSEN (Corjo). Der Hohe Rat der Niederlande und der Zweite Weltkrieg (1940–1945). Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 3-4, p. 223-240. 6588. KLEY (Andreas). Geschichte des öffentlichen Rechts der Schweiz. Zürich, dike Verlag, 2011, IV-550 p. 6589. KÖCKRITZ (Moritz von). Die deutschen Oberlandesgerichtspräsidenten im Nationalsozialismus (1933–
1945). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, XII-556 p. (Rechtshistorische reihe, 413). 6590. LUCARELLI (Giovanni Francesco). Radici storiche del sistema delle autorità regolative indipendenti: origine e struttura del Regio comitato talassografico italiano. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 2, p. 225242. 6591. LUTTERBECK (Klaus-Gert). Politische Ideengeschichte als Geschichte administrativer Praxis: Konzeptionen vom Gemeinwesen im Verwaltungshandeln der Stadt Strasbourg/Strassburg 1800–1914. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2011, XV-469 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 260). 6592. MARCHI (Lara). L'organizzazione del lavoro all'interno della Segreteria del Regio Diritto nella Toscana granducale tra XVII e XVIII secolo. Archivio storico italiano, 2011, 169, 629, p. 507-564. 6593. Mit reinem Gewissen. Wehrmachtrichter in der Bundesrepublik und ihre Opfer. Hrsg. v. Joachim PERELS und Wolfram WETTE. Berlin, Aufbau, 2011, 474 p. 6594. NOVARESE (Daniela). La tradizione "inventata": la costruzione dell'ideologia parlamentare in Sicilia fra XVI e XIX secolo. Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, 235 p. (Studi storico giuridici. Università degli studi di Messina, Facoltà di scienze politiche, Dipartimento di studi europei e mediterranei, 21). 6595. PAVANELLO (Roberto). L'ordinamento dell'Avvocatura a Trieste tra tutela e autogoverno 1849–1872. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 119150. 6596. PULIDO ESTEVA (Diego). Policía, del buen gobierno a la seguridad, 1750–1850. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 239, p. 1595-1642. 6597. STERN (Klaus). Das Staatsrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Band 4. Halbbd. 2. Die einzelnen Grundrechte. Freiheit der politischen Betätigung – Kultur – Schule und Bildung – Kunst und Wissenschaft – Religion, Kirchen, Religions- und Weltanschauungsgemeinschaften – Gleichheitssätze – Rechtsschutz und Staatshaftung. In Verbindung mit Michael SACHS und Johannes DIETLEIN. München, Beck, 2011, CXXXVI2234 p. 6598. THIEM (Christian). Die Länderkammer der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (1949–1959). Eine verfassungsgeschichtliche Darstellung von der Entstehung bis zur Auflösung. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 446 p. (Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte, 84). 6599. VARDABASSO (Valentina). La cendrillon de l'histoire: la Cour des comptes européenne et la démocratisation des institutions européennes (1970–1976). Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 285-302. Cf. nos 509-524, 3577, 3990
§ 4. Civil and penal law. * 6600. BREEN (Michael P.). Law, society, and the state in early Modern France. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 2, p. 346-386. ** 6601. Thomas More's trial by jury. A procedural and legal review with a collection of documents. Ed. by Henry Ansgar KELLY, Louis W. KARLIN and Gerard B. WEGEMER. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, XVII240 p. ** 6602. WUNDERLICH (Steffen). Das Protokollbuch von Mathias Alber. Zur Praxis des Reichskammergerichts im frühen 16. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 2 vol., 1469 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im alten Reich, 58). ______________________
6603. 200 Jahre ABGB – Ausstrahlungen: die Bedeutung der Kodifikation für andere Staaten und andere Rechtskulturen. Hrsg. v. Michael GEISTLINGER, Friedrich HARRER, Rudolf MOSLER und Johannes M. RAINER. Wien, Manz, 2011, VIII-290 p. 6604. AGABIN (Pacifico A.). Mestizo: the story of the Philippine legal system. Diliman, University of the Philippines a. Quezon City, College of Law, 2011, XVII342 p. 6605. ALENIUS (Kari). Compromise solutions through careful consideration: the development of the legal status of national minorities in Germany, 1918–1919. Rovaniemi, Pohjois-Sumomen Historiallinen Yhdistys a. Societas Historica Finlandiae Septentrionalis, 2011, 237 p. 6606. BASTIEN (Pascal). Une histoire de la peine de mort. Bourreaux et supplices, Paris, Londres, 1500– 1800. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 339 p. 6607. BERGMAN (Martin). De brända och glömda – om några osynliggjorda och tillintetgjorda kvinnor. (Burnt and forgotten – women destroyed and made invisible). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 3, p. 540-559. 6608. BERNSTEIN (David E.). Rehabilitating Lochner: defending individual rights against progressive reform. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, VIII194 p. 6609. CERULLO (John). Minotaur: French military justice and the Aernolt-Rousset affair. De Kalb, Northern Illinoi U. P., 2011, XII-295 p. 6610. COLAO (Floriana). Profili di federalismo penale in Italia dall'Unità al codice Zanardelli. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 103-117. 6611. CONNORS (Libby). Witness to frontier violence: an aboriginal boy before the Supreme Court. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 2, p. 230-243. 6612. CRANE (Elaine Forman). Witches, wife beaters, and whores: common law and common folk in Early America. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, IX-278 p. 6613. DOMENECH (Jordi). Legal origin, ideology, coalition formation, or crisis? The emergence of labor
§ 4. Civil and penal law law in a civil law country, Spain 1880–1936. Labor history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 71-93. 6614. DOXIADIS (Evdoxios). Legal trickery: men, women, and justice in late Ottoman Greece. Past and present, 2011, 210, p. 129-153. e
6615. Droites (Les) et l'économie en France au XX siècle. Sous la dir. de Olivier DARD et Gilles RICHARD. Paris, Riveneuve Éditions, 2011, 368 p. (Actes académiques).
6616. DUBOIS (Bruno), LE MARC'HADOUR (Tanguy). Un code pour la nation, la codification du droit pénal au XIXe siècle (France, Belgique, Angleterre). Lille, Centre d'histoire juridique, 2011, XII-329 p. 6617. Eintausendachthundertelf – Zweitausendelf (1811–2011). Das Hamburgische Notariat in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Bernt ANCKER und Rainer POSTEL, im Auftrag der hamburgischen Notarkammer. München, Beck, 2011, XIII-221 p. 6618. ENGEL (Thilo). Elterliche Gewalt unter staatlicher Aufsicht in Frankreich und Deutschland (1870– 1924). Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2011, XIII419 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte: Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, 262. Lebensalter und Recht, 5). 6619. FACIUS (Jeppe), MATHIASEN (Anders-Peter). Fra Edderkoppen til Makrellen. (Histoire de la criminalité organisée au Danemark 1944–2004). København, Politiken, 2011, 319 p. (ill.). 6620. FELDMANN (Ekke). Bauordnungen und Baupolizei. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte zwischen 1850 und 1950. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 501 p. 6621. Feminist legal history: essays on women and law. Ed. by Tracy A. THOMAS and Tracey Jean BOISSEAU. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XI-274 p. 6622. FERRER ALOS (Llorenç). Apparition, évolution et logique des contrats de mariage en Catalogne (XVIe– XIXe siècle). Annales de démographie historique, 2011, 121, 1, p. 23-48. 6623. FINNANE (Mark). Settler justice and Aboriginal homicide in late colonial Australia. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 2, p. 244-259. 6624. GAMBA (Carlo). A proposito di Sapere accademico e pratica legale fra antico regime e Restaurazione. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 470479. 6625. GARDI (Andrea). Costruire il territorio: l'amministrazione della legazione pontificia di Ferrara nel XVII e XVIII secolo. Roma, L'Istituto storico italiano per l'età moderna e contemporanea, 2011, XXX-360 p. (Fonti per la storia d'Italia pubblicate dall'Istituto storico italiano per l'età moderna e contemporanea, 147). 6626. Geschichte (Die) der Folter seit ihrer Abschaffung. Hrsg. v. Karsten ALTENHAIN und Nicola WILLENBERG. Göttingen, V & R unipress, 2011, 212 p.
6627. GOCKING (Roger). The adjudication of homicide in colonial Ghana: the impact of the Knowles murder case. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 85-104. 6628. GOODHEART (Lawrence B.). The solemn sentence of death: capital punishment in Connecticut. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, XII318 p. 6629. GRÄFE (Ulrike). Leo Rosenberg. Leben und Wirken (1879–1963). Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 402 p. 6630. GREGOR (Pavel). The legal aspects of coming to terms with the crimes of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. In: Crimes of the Communist regimes: an assessment by historian and legal experts. Praha, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, 2011, p. 285-290. 6631. GROSSMAN (Joanna L.), FRIEDMAN (Lawrence M.). Inside the castle: law and the family in twentieth century America. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, VIII443 p. 6632. HAJI MIRZA MASSIH (Diana). Das Hamburgische Vormundschaftsrecht im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 2011, 512 p. 6633. HATTENHAUER (Christian). Einseitige private Rechtsgestaltung. Geschichte und Dogmatik. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 530 p. (Heidelberger Rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 4). 6634. HENTSCH (Christian-Henner). Die Bergischen Stahlgesetze (1847/54). Der Beginn des modernen Markenschutzes. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, 194 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Schriften, 27). 6635. HOFER (Sibylle). Verkannte Recht-Sprechung. Die Berner Prozesse um die "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" 1933–1937. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 1-2, p. 25-41. 6636. JAHR (Christoph). Antisemitismus vor Gericht. Debatten über die juristische Ahndung judenfeindlicher Agitation in Deutschland (1879–1960). Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 472 p. (Wissenschaftliche Reihe des Fritz Bauer Instituts, 16). 6637. KERSCHER (Wolfram). Der preußische Weg zum Impfzwang. Die Entwicklung der preußischen Pockenschutzgesetzgebung 1750–1874. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 163 p. (Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 15). 6638. KLOSA (Sven). Die Brandenburgische-Africanische Compagnie in Emden – eine Handelscompagnie des ausgehenden 17. Jahrhunderts zwischen Protektionismus und unternehmerischer Freiheit. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, XII-182 p. 6639. KNAPP (Natalie). Die Ungehorsamsstrafe in der Strafprozesspraxis des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter Staaten. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 184 p. (Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 155).
6640. KÖNEMANN (Sandra). Das Staatskirchenrecht in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion der Weimarer Zeit. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 454 p. 6641. LAUENER (Michael). Jeremias Gotthelf: Prediger gegen den Rechtsstaat. Zürich, Schulthess, 2011, LVII-537 p. (Zürcher Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte, 64). 6642. LAYTHE (Joseph W.). Engendered death: Pennsylvania women who kill. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2011, X-201 p. 6643. LEHKÝ (Miroslav). Classification of crimes committed between 1948 and 1989 and the prosecution of these crimes after 1990. In: Crimes of the Communist regimes: an assessment by historian and legal experts. Praha, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, 2011, p. 277-283. 6644. MAC DERMOTT (James). British military service tribunals, 1916–1918: "A very much abused body of men." New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, 254 p. 6645. MAZA (Sarah). Violette Nozière: a story of murder in 1930s Paris. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XIV-336 p. 6646. MEIER (William M.). Property crime in London, 1850–present. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 236 p. 6647. MEINEL (Florian). Der Jurist in der industriellen Gesellschaft: Ernst Forsthoff und seine Zeit. Berlin, Akad.-Verl., 2011, XI-557 p. 6648. MILLON (Clément). Occupation allemande et justice française: les droits de la puissance occupante sur la justice judiciaire, 1940–1944. Paris, Dalloz, 2011, XII-652 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque de thèses, 107). 6649. MINNA STERN (Alexandra). "The hour of eugenics" in Veracruz, Mexico: radical politics, public health, and Latin America's only sterilization law. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 3, p. 431-443. 6650. MÖRCHEN (Stefan). Schwarzer Markt. Kriminalität, Ordnung und Moral in Bremen 1939–1949. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 515 p. (Campus Historische Studien, 54). 6651. MUHL (Felix). "Volkseigentum ist unantastbar." Das Volkseigentumsschutzgesetz der DDR und der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2011, 164 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Strafrechtsgeschichte, 8). 6652. NUZZO (Luigi). A dark side of the Western legal modernity: the colonial law and its subject. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 3-4, p. 205-222. 6653. PARKER (Kunal M.). Common law, history, and democracy in America, 1790–1900: legal thought before modernism. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-305 p. (Cambridge historical studies in American law and society). 6654. PEARSON (Ellen Holmes). Remaking custom: law and identity in the Early American Republic. Char-
lottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, XI-251 p. (Jeffersonian America). 6655. PÉREZ-PERDOMO (Rogelio). Justicia e injusticias en Venezuela: estudios de historia social del derecho. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, Universidad Metropolitana, 2011, 305 p. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Estudios, monografías y ensayos, 194). 6656. PFEIFER (Michael J.). The roots of rough justice: origins of American lynching. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2011, X-143 p. 6657. PIFFERI (Michele). A proposito di Storia del diritto penale e della giustizia: Scritti editi e inediti (1972– 2007), di Mario Sbriccoli. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 480-487. 6658. QUICK (Eva). Forum Contractus. Eine Untersuchung zur Gerichtsstandslehre im Usus Modernus. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 146 p. (Rechtsgeschhichtliche Studien, 43). 6659. RANIERI (Filippo). Zur Bedeutung nationaler Privatrechte im heutigen Europäischen Zivilrecht. Zugleich einige Gedanken zu der 200-Jahr-Feier des ABGB. Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2011, 33, 3-4, p. 137-151. 6660. RAVNA (Øyvind). Samenes rett til land og vann, sett i lys av vekslende oppfatninger om samisk kultur i retts- og historievitenskapene. (The Sami people's rights to property and natural resources seen in relation to changing viewpoints in the science of history and law). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 2, p. 189212. 6661. RUGGIERO (Gianluca). L'importanza del Progetto Ferri per il "Codice Rocco". Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2011, 84, p. 287-310. 6662. SCHARNHOP (Christopher). Das Lüneburger Notariat im 19. Jahrhundert: eine Untersuchung zum öffentlichen Notariat unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Notariatsinstrumente. Berlin, BWV Berliner Wiss.Verl., 2011, XXI-375 p. 6663. SCHMIDT (Karin). Zur Frage der Zwangsarbeit im Strafvollzug der DDR. Die "Pflicht zur Arbeit" im Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat. Hildesheim, Zürich u. New York, Olms, 2011, IX-529 p. (Sklaverei – Knechtschaft – Zwangsarbeit, 7). 6664. SIEBELS (Volker). Ernst Landsberg (1860– 1927). Ein jüdischer Gelehrter im Kaiserreich. Tübingen, Mohr, 2011, X-232 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 681). 6665. SMITH (Alison K.). "The freedom to choose a way of life": fugitives, borders, and Imperial amnesties in Russia. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 2, p. 243-271. 6666. SPIELER (Miranda Frances). The destruction of liberty in French Guiana: law, identity and the meaning of legal space, 1794–1830. Social history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 260-279.
§ 5. International law 6667. STODOLKOWITZ (Stefan Andreas). Das Oberappellationsgericht Celle und seine Rechtsprechung im 18. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, XVI-364 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im alten Reich, 59). 6668. TAÏEB (Emmanuel). La guillotine au secret. Les exécutions publiques en France, 1870–1939. Paris, Belin, 2011, 317 p. 6669. WALTHER (Stefanie). Die (Un-)Ordnung der Ehe. Normen und Praxis ernestinischer Fürstenehen in der Frühen Neuzeit. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 421 p. (Ancien regime, Aufklärung und Revolution, 39). 6670. WELLER (Andreas). Die Einführung des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs im französischen Rechtsgebiet der preußischen Rheinprovinz. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 361 p. (Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 14). 6671. WERT (Justin J.). Habeas Corpus in America: the politics of individual rights. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XIV-285 p. (Constitutional thinking). 6672. WESTPHAL (Siegrid), SCHMIDT-VOGES (Inken), BAUMANN (Anette). Venus und Vulcanus. Ehen und ihre Konflikte in der Frühen Neuzeit. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 273 p. (Bibliothek Altes Reich 6).
269 § 5. International law. _______________________
6674. BENTON (Lauren). Abolition and Imperial law, 1790–1820. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 3, p. 355-374. 6675. EL MECHAT (Samia). Sur les Principes de colonisation d'Arthur Girault (1895). Revue historique, 2011, 657, p. 119-144. 6676. KUBBEN (Raymond). Regeneration and hegemony: Franco-Batavian relations in the revolutionary era, 1795–1803. Leiden a. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011, XV-787 p. (Legal history library, 3. Studies in the history of international law, 1). 6677. SCHABAS (William A.). International war crimes tribunals and the United States. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 5, p. 769-786. 6678. TOYODA (Tetsuya). Theory and politics of the law of nations. Political bias in international law discourse of seven German Court Councilors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIV220 p. (Legal history, 5. Studies in the history of international law, 2).
6673. ZMORA (Hillay). The feud in early Modern Germany. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-211 p.
6679. Völkerrecht und Außenpolitik Schwedens und des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Christoph SCHMELZ. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 131 p. (Schriftenreihe der DavidMevius-Gesellschaft, 6).
Cf. no 3785
Cf. no 7021
§ 1. General. 6680-6725. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6726-6905. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6906-6962. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6963-6983. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6984-7042. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 7043-7124. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 7125-7272. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 7273-7492. § 1. General. ** 6680. American diplomats in Turkey: Oral history transcripts (1928–1997). Ed. by Rıfat N. BALI. İstanbul, Libra, 2011, 2 vol., 1540 p. (Libra kitap, 41. Tarih dizisi, 31). ** 6681. Schreiben im Krieg – Schreiben vom Krieg: Feldpost im Zeitalter der Weltkriege. Konferenz im Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, 13. bis 15. September 2010. Hrsg. v. Veit DIDCZUNEIT, Jens EBERT und Thomas JANDER. Essen, Klartext-Verl., 2011, 538 p. ______________________
6682. ACUTO (Michele). Diplomats in Crisis. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 521-539. 6683. BLACK (Jeremy). Fighting for America: the struggle for mastery in North America, 1519–1871. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XVII-470 p. 6684. BOTTONI (Stefano). Un altro Novecento: l'Europa orientale dal 1919 a oggi. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 402 p. (Frecce, 115). 6685. BOYD (James Graham). Japanese-Mongolian relations, 1873–1945: faith, race and strategy. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2011, XV-264 p. (Inner Asia series, 8). 6686. CABADA (Ladislav), WAISOVÁ (Šárka). Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in world politics. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, 221 p. 6687. Česko-ruské vztahy v 19. a 20. století. (CzechRussian relations in the 19th and 20th centuries). Red. Jan NĚMEČEK a Emil VORÁČEK. Praha, Historický ústav, 2011, 438 p. 6688. Challenging US foreign policy: America and the world in the long twentieth century. Ed. by Bevan SEWELL and Scott LUCAS. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2011, XII-302 p.
6689. Cities in battlefields: metropolitan scenarios, experiences, and commemorations of total war. Ed. by Stefan GOEBEL and Derek KEENE. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, XI-239 p. (Historical urban studies series). 6690. COCHET (François). Armes en Guerre, XIXe– XXIe siècles. Mythes, symboles, réalités, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2011, 320 p. 6691. COLBY (Jason M.). The business of empire: United Fruit, race, and U.S. expansion in Central America. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XI-274 p. (United States in the world). 6692. COTTON (James). R.G. Casey and Australian international thought: empire, nation, community. International history review, 2011, 33, 1, p. 95-113. 6693. DORATIOTO (Francisco). Una relación compleja: Paraguay y Brasil 1889–1954. Asunción, Editorial Tiempo de Historia, 2011, 573 p. 6694. EKINCI (Didem), UNAL (Hasan). A tale of two neighbors: past, present, and future of Turkish-Bulgarian relations. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 169-190. 6695. Evil, barbarism and empire: Britain and abroad, c.1830–2000. Ed. by Tom CROOK, Rebecca GILL and Bertrand TAITHE. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-290 p. 6696. FOY (Gabrielle). L'influence de la communauté allemande sur la géopolitique argentine de 1850 à nos jours. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 156 p. (Collection Défense, stratégie & relations internationals). 6697. Fringes (On the) of diplomacy: influences on British foreign policy, 1800–1940. Ed. by John FISHER and Antony BEST. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XIV-306 p. 6698. GO (Julian). Patterns of empire: the British and American empires, 1688 to the present. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-286 p.
6699. HAMNER (Christopher H.). Enduring battle: American soldiers in three wars, 1776–1945. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XI-281 p. (Modern war studies).
6712. NOORANI (Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed). India-China boundary problem, 1846–1947: history and diplomacy. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVIII351 p.
6700. HASLAM (Jonathan). Russia's Cold War: from the October Revolution to the fall of the Wall. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XVII-523 p.
6713. POMAKOY (Keith). Helping humanity: American policy and genocide rescue. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XI-235 p.
6701. HILDEBRAND (Klaus). Der Flug des Ikarus: Studien zur deutschen Geschichte und internationalen Politik. Hrsg. v. Joachim SCHOLTYSEK und Christoph STUDT. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011, 346 p.
6714. REID (Richard J.). Frontiers of violence in North-East Africa: genealogies of conflict since c.1800. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-310 p. (Zones of violence).
6702. Horizons (Les) de la politique extérieure française: stratégie diplomatique et militaire dans les régions périphériques et les espaces seconds (XVIe–XXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Frédéric DESSBERG et Éric SCHNAKENBOURG. Bruxelles, P.I.E. P. Lang, 2011, 374 p. (Enjeux internationaux, 15).
6715. Shaping (The) of grand strategy: policy, diplomacy and war. Ed. by Williamson MURRAY, Richard Hart SINNREICH and James LACEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, IX-283 p.
6703. Imperialkriege von 1500 bis heute. Strukturen – Akteure – Lernprozesse. Hrsg. v. Tanja BÜHRER, Christian STACHELBECK und Dierk WALTER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, X-524 p. 6704. KRÁKORA (Pavel). Československo a Česká republika ve vzájemných vztazích s USA od roku 1918 po současnost: historický exkurz. (Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in mutual relations with the USA since the year 1918 till the present time: historical excursus). In: Soudobé dějiny a jejich reflexe ve výuce historie. Praha, Nakl. Epocha, 2011, p. 95-108. 6705. MAC KNIGHT (Christopher Nichols). Promise and peril: America at the dawn of a global age. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 445 p. 6706. MANI (Kristina). Democratization and military transformation in Argentina and Chile: rethinking rivalry. Boulder a. London, First Forum Press, 2011, XI248 p. 6707. MARTÍN ASUERO (Pablo). El consulado de España en Estambul y la protección de los Sefardíes entre 1804 y 1930. İstanbul, İsis, 2011, 177 p. (Cuadernos del Bósforo, 8). 6708. MEEHAN (John David). Chasing the dragon in Shanghai: Canada's early relations with China, 1858– 1952. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, 241 p. 6709. MORGENFELD (Leandro Ariel). Vecinos en conflicto. Argentina y Estados Unidos en las Conferencias Panamericanas (1880–1955). Buenos Aires, Ediciones Continente, 2011, 448 p. 6710. National interest (In the): Canadian foreign policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909–2009. Ed. by Greg DONAGHY and Michael K. CARROLL. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2011, IX-272 p. (Beyond boundaries: Canadian defence and strategic studies series, 3). 6711. Negotiating with enemies. Ed. by Karl HACK. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history [special issue], 2011, 39, 4, p. 539-694.
6716. Size matters: scales and spaces in transnational and comparative history [Special Issue]. Guest Editors: Bernhard STRUCK, Kate FERRIS and Jacques REVEL. International history review, 2011, 33, 4, p. 573728. 6717. Small powers in the age of total war, 1900– 1940. Ed. by Herman AMERSFOORT and Wim KLINKERT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, XII-372 p. (History of warfare, 65). 6718. SÖDERMAN (Harry). Skandinaviskt mellanspel: norska och danska trupper i Sverige. (Intermède scandinave: les troupes norvégiennes et danoises en Suède). Furudal, Furudal International, 2011, 332 p. (ill.). 6719. SOYKUT (Mustafa). Italian perceptions of the Ottomans: conflict and politics through pontifical and Venetian sources. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2011, 285 p. (Italien in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 33). 6720. ST. JOHN (Rachel). Line in the sand: a history of the Western U.S.-Mexico border. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, X-284 p. (America in the world). 6721. STEWART (Jules). On Afghanistan's plains: the story of Britain's Afghan wars. London, Hurst, 2011, 256 p. 6722. TAKEHARA YAMADA (Yumiko). Japon et Russie, l'histoire d'un conflit de frontières aux îles Kouriles. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 332 p. 6723. UZER (Umut). Identity and Turkish foreign policy: the Kemalist influence in Cyprus and the Caucasus. London, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XIV-242 p. (Library of international relations, 52). 6724. WAHLBÄCK (Krister). Jättens andedräkt: Finlandsfrågan i svensk politik 1809–2009. (L'haleine du géant: La question finlandaise dans la polique suédoise de 1809 à 2009). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2011, 445 p. 6725. WINKEL (Klaus). Danskere i tropisk Afrika. Fra slavhandel til bistandsarbejder. (Les Danois en Afrique tropicale. Du trafic d'esclaves à l'aide au développement). Århus, Klim, 2011, 199 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3124-3160
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization § 2. History of colonization and decolonization. ______________________
a. General 6726. BALAI (Leo). Het slavenschip Leusden: slavenschepen en de West Indische Compagnie, 1720–1738. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011, 368 p. 6727. BARANOWSKI (Shelley). Nazi Empire: German colonialism and imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-368 p. 6728. Bismarck und der deutsche Kolonialerwerb 1883–1885: Eine Quellensammlung. Hrsg. und bearb. von Winfried BAUMGART aufgrund der Vorarbeiten von Axel T. G. RIEHL. Red.: Mathias FRIEDEL. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2011, 540 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, 40). 6729. CAREY (Hilary M.). God's empire: religion and colonialism in the British World, c. 1801–1908. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XXIII-421 p. 6730. CONRAD (Sebastian). Dekolonisierung in den Metropolen. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 135-156. 6731. CORMAC (Rory). A whitehall 'showdown'? Colonial Office-Joint Intelligence Committee relations in the mid-1950s. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 2, p. 249-267. 6732. DAVIS (Christian S.). Colonialism, antisemitism, and Germans of Jewish descent in imperial Germany. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, VIII-281 p. (Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany).
Atlantique au seizième siècle. African economic history, 2011, 39, p. 1-34. 6739. German colonialism and national identity. Ed. by Michael PERRAUDIN and Jürgen ZIMMERER; with Katy HEADY. New York, Routledge, 2011, X-340 p. (Routledge studies in modern European history, 14). 6740. German colonialism. Race, the Holocaust, and postwar Germany. Ed. by Volker LANGBEHN and Mohammad SALAMA. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2011, XXXI-327 p. 6741. GOTT (Richard). Britain's empire: resistance, repression and revolt. London, Verso, 2011, VII-568 p. 6742. GROB-FITZGIBBON (Benjamin John). Imperial endgame: Britain's dirty wars and the end of empire. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-478 p. (Britain and the world). 6743. HALL (Ian). The revolt against the West: decolonisation and its repercussions in British international thought, 1945–1975. International history review, 2011, 33, 1, p. 43-64. 6744. HODEIR (Catherine), PIERRE (Michel). L'Exposition coloniale de 1931. Paris, André Versaille éditeur, 2011, 218 p. 6745. Imperial Germany revisited: continuing debates and new perspectives. Ed. by Sven Oliver MÜLLER and Cornelius TORP. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2011, XII-348 p. 6746. KALTER (Christoph), REMPE (Martin). La République décolonisée. Wie die Dekolonisierung Frankreich verändert hat. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 157-197.
6733. Elites and decolonization in the twentieth century. Ed. by Jost DÜLFFER and Marc FREY. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmilla, 2011, XV-296 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).
6747. KALTER (Christoph). Die Entdeckung der Dritten Welt: Dekolonisierung und neue radikale Linke in Frankreich. Frankfurt am Main, Campus verl., 2011, 567 p.
6734. Empire and indigenes: intercultural alliance, imperial expansion, and warfare in the Early Modern World. Ed. by Wayne E. LEE. New York, New York U. P., 2011, VII-295 p. (Warfare and culture series).
6748. KOOT (Christian J.). Empire at the periphery: British colonists, Anglo-Dutch trade, and the development of the British Atlantic, 1621–1713. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XV-293 p.
6735. End (The) of slavery in Africa and the Americas. A comparative approach. Ed. by Ulrike SCHMIEDER, Katja FÜLLBERG-STOLBERG and Michael ZEUSKE. Berlin a. Münster, Lit, 2011, 169 p. (Sklaverei und Postemanzipation/Slavery and Postemancipation, 4).
6749. KRAMER (Paul A.). Power and connection: imperial histories of the United States in the world. American historical review, 2011, 116, 5, p. 1348-1391.
6736. FEICHTINGER (Moritz), MALINOWSKI (Stephan). Konstruktive Kriege? Rezeption und Adaption der Dekolonisationskriege in westlichen Demokratien. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 275-305. 6737. FERNÁNDEZ DURÁN (Reyes). La corona española y el tráfico de negros: del monopolio al libre comercio. Madrid, Ecobook, Editorial del Economista, 2011, 411 p. 6738. FERRAZ TORRÃO (Maria Manuel). Traite négrière entre les Îles du Cap-vert et l'Amerique Espagnole: formation et développement d'une route commerciale
6750. LANNEAU (Catherine). Contre-propagande sur l'Indochine. La France officielle face à l'anticolonialisme en Belgique francophone (1946–1950). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 75-90. 6751. LEIKAM (Ferdinand). Empire, Entwicklung und Europa: die Europapolitik Großbritanniens und die Entwicklungsländer im Commonwealth, 1945–1975. Augsburg, Wissner, 2011, 347 p. (Beiträge zur EnglandForschung, 64). 6752. MAC CLELLAN (James E. III), REGOURD (François). The colonial machine: French science and overseas expansion in the Old regime. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2011, 694 p. (De Diversis Artibus, 87).
6753. MAC DADE (Katie). Liverpool slave merchant entrepreneurial networks, 1725–1807. Business history, 2011, 53, 7, p. 1092-1109.
6768. WEISS (Gillian Lee). Captives and Corsairs: France and slavery in the Early Modern Mediterranean. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XI-389 p.
6754. MAC LAREN (John). Dewigged, bothered, and bewildered: British colonial judges on trial, 1800– 1900. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History and the Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2011, XV-441 p.
6769. WHEAT (David). The first great waves: African provenance zones for the transatlantic slave trade to Cartagena de Indias, 1570–1640. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 1, p. 1-22.
6755. MAC MILLAN (Ken). The Atlantic imperial constitution: center and periphery in the English Atlantic World. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVI250 p. 6756. MAGNESS (Phillip W.), PAGE (Sebastian M.). Colonization after emancipation: Lincoln and the movement for Black resettlement. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2011, X-164 p. 6757. MEREN (David). An atmosphere of libération: the role of decolonization in the France-Québec rapprochement of the 1960s. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 2, p. 263-294. 6758. NIMAKO (Kwame), WILLEMSEN (Glenn Frank Walter). The Dutch Atlantic: slavery, abolition and emancipation. London, Pluto Press, 2011, XXI-217 p. (Decolonial studies, postcolonial horizons). 6759. O'QUINN (Daniel). Entertaining crisis in the Atlantic imperium, 1770–1790. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2011, XII-428 p. 6760. Paths of the Atlantic slave trade: interactions, identities, and images. Ed. by Ana Lucia Araujo. Amherst, Cambria Press, 2011, VII-456 p. 6761. ROTHSCHILD (Emma). The inner life of empires. an eighteenth-century history. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2011, XI-483 p. 6762. SMITH (Iain R.), STUCKI (Andreas). The colonial development of concentration camps (1868–1902). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 3, p. 417-437. 6763. Studies in settler colonialism: politics, identity and culture. Ed. by Fiona BATEMAN and Lionel PILKINGTON. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-307 p. 6764. THOMPSON (Estevam C.). Negreiros in the South Atlantic: the community of "Brazilian" slave traders in late eighteenth century Benguela. African economic history, 2011, 39, p. 73-128. 6765. TODD (David). A French imperial meridian, 1814–1870. Past and present, 2011, 210, p. 155-186. 6766. WARD (Stuart). Run before the tempest. The "Wind of Change" and the British world. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 198-219. 6767. WEBER (Jacques). Le Siècle d'Albion. L'Empire britannique au XIXe siècle, 1815–1914. Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2011, 751 p.
6770. WINTER (Kari J.). The American dreams of John B. Prentis, slave trader. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XIV-215 p. (Race in the Atlantic world, 1700–1900). b. Asia ** 6771. PHAM THANH TÂM. Carnets de guerre d'un jeune viêt-minh à Diên-Biên-Phu, 21 février–28 août 1954. Ed. par Sherry BUCHANAN, préface de Stéphane AUDOIN-ROUZEAU. Paris, Armand Colin, 2011, 189 p. 6772. ALKHAZRAGI (Hussein D.). Un petit prince à la SdN: la lutte du roi Hussein du Hedjaz pour l'indépendance des provinces arabes de l'Empire ottoman. Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 7-23. 6773. ANDRADE (Tonio). Lost colony: the untold story of China's first great victory over the West. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2011, XV-431 p. 6774. CHAWLA (Muhammad Iqbal). Wavell and the dying days of the Raj: Britain's penultimate viceroy in India. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-293 p. 6775. Churchill and the lion city: shaping modern Singapore. Ed. by Brian P. FARRELL. Singapore, NUS Press, 2011, XII-194 p. 6776. CROSSLEY (John Newsome). Hernando de los Ríos Coronel and the Spanish Philippines in the Golden Age. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XV-244 p. 6777. Filipinas, un país entre dos imperios. Ed. por María Dolores ELIZALDE y Josep Ma. DELGADO. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, 2011, 331 p. (Serie General Universitaria, 119). 6778. HARUVI (Eldad). Ha-Boleshet hokeret: haC.I.D. be-Erets-Yiśra'el, 1920–1948. (Palestine investigated: the story of the Palestine C.I.D., 1920–1948). Tsur Yig'al, Porat, 2011, 514 p. 6779. JACOBSON (Abigail). From empire to empire: Jerusalem between Ottoman and British rule. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2011, XIII-262 p. (Space, place and society). 6780. JENNINGS (Eric T.). Imperial heights: Dalat and the making and undoing of French Indochina. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XIV-352 p. (From Indochina to Vietnam: revolution and war in a global perspective, 4). 6781. MAJOR (Andrea). Sovereignty and social reform in India: British colonialism and the campaign against sati, 1830–1860. London, Routledge, 2011, 152 p. (Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian studies series). 6782. O'LEARY (Patrick). Servants of the empire: the Irish in Punjab 1881–1921. Manchester a. New York,
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization Manchester U. P., 2011, XVIII-250 p. (Studies in imperialism). 6783. PANDIT (Sandhya). British administrative policies (1818–1829): continuity and change (Captain H.D. Robertson in the Pune District). Mumbai, Himalaya Pub. House, 2011, 390 p. 6784. ROBSON (Laura). Church, state, and the Holy Land: British Protestant approaches to imperial policy in Palestine, 1917–1948. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 3, p. 457-477. – EADEM. Colonialism and Christianity in mandate Palestine. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2011, XII-227 p. (Jamal and Rania Daniel Series in contemporary history, politics, culture, and religion of the levant). 6785. SHARMA (Jayeeta). Empire's garden: Assam and the making of India. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIII-324 p. (Radical perspectives). 6786. SIM (Teddy). Portuguese enterprise in the East: survival in the years 1707–1757. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXV-212 p. (European expansion and indigenous response, 10). 6787. SMIT (Herman). Landvoogd tussen twee vuren: jonkheer Mr. A.C.D. de Graeff, gouverneur-generaal van Nederlands-Indië, 1926–1931. Hilversum, Verloren, 2011, 206 p. (Passage reeks, 38). 6788. SMITH (Stefan Halikowski). Creolization and diaspora in the Portuguese Indies: the social world of Ayutthaya, 1640–1720. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XIII-456 p. (European expansion and indigenous response, 8). 6789. TERMORSHUIZEN (Gerard). Realisten en reactionairen: een geschiedenis van de Indisch-Nederlandse pers 1905–1942. Met medew. van Anneke SCHOLTE. Amsterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 2011, XXIV-1137 p. 6790. TRIPODI (Christian). Edge of empire: the British political officer and tribal administration on the North-West Frontier, 1877–1947. Burlington, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011, 253 p. 6791. UCHIDA (Jun). Brokers of empire: Japanese settler colonialism in Korea, 1876–1945. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XVI-481 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 337). 6792. WHITE (Benjamin Thomas). The emergence of minorities in the Middle East: the politics of community in French mandate Syria. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2011, XIII-239 p. 6793. ZANGGER (Andreas). Koloniale Schweiz. Ein Stück Globalgeschichte zwischen Europa und Südostasien (1860–1930). Bielefeld, transcript, 2011, 473 p. (1800/2000. Kulturgeschichten der Moderne).
** 6795. GONDRAN (Yves). Chers tous deux: correspondance et chroniques de la guerre d'Algérie, 1961– 1962. Préf. de Benjamin STORA. Bourg-en-Bresse, Musnier-Gilbert, 2011, 360 p. ** 6796. 'Maquis' e arredores: memórias do journalismo que acompanhou a luta de libertação nacional. Pesquisa, selecção, tradução, organização e introdução Siona CASIMIRO. Kilamba Kiaxi, Mayamba 2011, 305 p. (Biblioteca da história). ** 6797. Sul (O) de Angola no início do século XX: cadernos de guerra do coronel Alberto Salgado. Fixação do texto, introdução e notas de Arlindo Manuel Caldeira. Lisboa, Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2011, 323 p. (Colecção Estudos e documentos, 17). 6798. ADYANGA (Onek C.). Modes of British imperial control of Africa: a case study of Uganda, c.1890– 1990. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2011, 228 p. 6799. Africa, empire and globalization: essays in honor of A.G. Hopkins. Ed. by Toyin FALOLA and Emily BROWNELL. Durham, Carolina Academic Press, 2011, XXIV-657 p. 6800. Afurika to teikoku: Koroniarizumu kenkyū no shinshikō ni mukete. (Africa and the British Empire: Towards a new thinking about colonialism). Eds. INOSE Kumie, KITAGAWA Katsuhiko. Kyoto, Koyo Shobo, 2011, 322 p. 6801. AGERON (Charles Robert). La France en Kabylie. Alger, Belles-Lettres, 2011, 144 p. 6802. AMPIAH (Kweku). Anglo-Japanese collaboration about Africa in early 1960s: the search for 'complementarity' in the middle of decolonisation. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 2, p. 269-295. 6803. ANDERSON (David M.). Mau Mau in the High Court and the 'Lost' British empire archives: colonial conspiracy or bureaucratic bungle? Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 699-716. 6804. ARENAS (Fernando). Lusophone Africa: beyond independence. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, XXXVIII-304. 6805. BARATIERI (Daniela). Memories and silences haunted by fascism: Italian colonialism MCMXXX– MCMLX. Bern, Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011, 361 p.
c. Africa
6806. BENNETT (Huw). Soldiers in the Court Room: the British Army's part in the Kenya emergency under the legal spotlight. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 717-730.
* 6794. SARAZIN (Maurice). Bibliographie de la guerre d'Algérie, 1954–1962: ouvrages en langue française parus de 1954 à 2009. Paris, Dualpha, 2011, 628 p. (Patrimoine des letters).
6807. BERENSON (Edward). Heroes of empire: five charismatic men and the conquest of Africa [on Henry Morton Stanley, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, Charles Gordon, Jean-Baptiste Marchand and Hubert Lyautey].
Cf. n 7334, 7493-705
Berkeley, University of California Press, 2011, XII360 p. 6808. BILLY (Jonas Bakoubayi). Musterkolonie des Rassenstaats: Togo in der kolonialpolitischen Propaganda und Planung Deutschlands 1919–1943. Dettelbach, Röll, 2011, 363 p. 6809. BISSELL (William Cunningham). Urban design, chaos, and colonial power in Zanzibar. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2011, XII-378 p. 6810. BOURGEOIS (Michel). Senghor et la décolonisation: Radio Dissóó, la révolte paysanne. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 453 p. (Études africaines). 6811. BÜHRER (Tanja). Die Kaiserliche Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. Koloniale Sicherheitspolitik und transkulturelle Kriegführung, 1885 bis 1918. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XI-532 p. (Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte, 70). 6812. CALDEIRA (Arlindo Manuel). Learning the ropes in the Tropics: slavery and the plantation system on the Island of São Tomé. African economic history, 2011, 39, p. 35-71. 6813. CHABRUN (Laurent). La guerre de l'ombre: RG contre FLN. Préf. de Benjamin STORA. Paris, JacobDuvernet, 2011, 204 p. 6814. CRAPANZANO (Vincent). The Harkis: the wound that never heals. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, XII-240 p. 6815. CRESTI (Federico). Non desiderare la terra d'altri: la colonizzazione italiana in Libia. Roma, Carocci, 2011, 418 p. (Saggi, 60). 6816. DE ROCHEBRUNE (Renaud), STORA (Benjamin). La guerre d'Algérie vue par les Algériens. 1. Le temps des armes: (des origines à la bataille d'Alger). Paris, Denoël, 2011, 446 p. 6817. DE SOUSA CAMPOS (Fernando Rui). As relações entre Portugal e São Tomé e Príncipe: do passado colonial à lusofonia. Lisboa, Colibri, 2011, 299 p. (Extracolecção). 6818. DODMAN (Thomas). Un pays pour la colonie. Mourir de nostalgie en Algérie française, 1830–1880. Annales, 2011, 66, 3, p. 743-784. 6819. ECKERT (Andreas). Afrikanische Intellektuelle und Aktivisten in Europa und die Dekolonisation Afrikas. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 2, p. 244274. 6820. ELKINS (Caroline). Alchemy of evidence: Mau Mau, the British Empire, and the High Court of Justice. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 731-748. 6821. GALLAY (Alain). De mil, d'or et d'esclaves: le Sahel précolonial. Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2011, 150 p. (Collection Le savoir Suisse, 72). 6822. HALL (Bruce S.). Bellah histories of decolonization, Iklan paths to freedom: the meanings of race
and slavery in the late-colonial Niger Bend (Mali), 1944–1960. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 1, p. 61-87. – IDEM. How slaves used Islam: the letters of enslaved Muslim commercial agents in the nineteenth-century Niger bend and Central Sahara. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 3, p. 279297. 6823. HUBBARD (James P.). The United States and the end of British colonial rule in Africa, 1941–1968. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2011, VIII-413 p. 6824. JONAS (Raymond). The battle of Adwa: African victory in the age of empire. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, X-413 p. 6825. KEESE (Alexander). Early limits of local decolonization in São Tomé and Príncipe: from colonial abuses to postcolonial disappointment, 1945– 1976. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 3, p. 373-392. 6826. KENT (John). America, the UN and decolonisation: Cold War conflict in the Congo. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, 244 p. (LSE international studies). 6827. KOFFI KOFFI (Lazare). La France contre la Côte d'Ivoire: aux origines, la guerre contre le Sanwi, (1843–1940). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 294 p. (Afrique liberté). 6828. LAMOTHE (Ronald M.). Slaves of fortune: Sudanese soldiers and the River War, 1896–1898. Woodbridge, James Currey, 2011, VII-227 p. 6829. LINDNER (Ulrike). Koloniale Begegnungen. Deutschland und Großbritannien als Imperialmächte in Afrika 1880–1914. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2011, 533 p. (Globalgeschichte, 10). 6830. LORCY (Damien). Sous le régime du sabre: la gendarmerie en Algérie, 1830–1870. Préf. de Gérard GUYON. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Service historique de la défense, 2011, 350 p. (Histoire). 6831. LOWTHER (Kevin G.). The African American Odyssey of John Kizell: a South Carolina slave returns to fight the slave trade in his African homeland. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2011, XX-301 6832. LUDWIG (Frieder). Entsäkularisierung? Religion und Politik im subsaharischen Afrika im Prozess der Dekolonisierung seit den 1960er Jahren. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2011, 51, p. 511-532. 6833. LUONGO (Katherine). Witchcraft and colonial rule in Kenya, 1900–1955. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-243 p. 6834. MAK (Lanver). More than officers and officials: Britons in Occupied Egypt, 1882–1922. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 1, p. 2146. 6835. MAUSS-COPEAUX (Claire). Algérie, 20 août 1955: insurrection, répression, massacres. Paris, Payot 2011, 279 p.
§ 2. History of colonization and decolonization 6836. MOREIRA DE SÁ (Tiago). Os Estados Unidos e a descolonização de Angola. Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2011, 393 p. 6837. NNANG NDONG (Léon Modeste). L'effort de guerre de l'Afrique: le Gabon dans la Deuxième guerre mondiale, 1939–1947. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 284 p. (Etudes africaines). 6838. PIETTE (Valérie). La Belgique au Congo ou la volonté d'imposer sa ville ? L'exemple de Léopoldville. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 2, p. 605-618. 6839. RIBEIRO DA SILVA (Filipa). Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa: empires, merchants and the Atlantic System, 1580–1674. Leyden, Brill, 2011, 384 p. 6840. ROCHE (Christian). L'Afrique noire et la France au XIXe siècle: conquêtes et résistances. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2011, 222 p. (Collection 4 vents). 6841. SALAU (Mohammed Bashir). The West African slave plantation: a case study. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-196 p. 6842. SALETES (Jean-Loup). Les tirailleurs sénégalais dans la Grande Guerre et la codification d'un racisme ordinaire. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 244, 4, p. 129-140. 6843. SARKIN (Jeremy). Germany's genocide of the Herero. Kaiser Wilhelm II, his general, his settlers, his soldiers. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2011, XI-276 p. 6844. SESSIONS (Jennifer E.). By sword and plow: France and the conquest of Algeria. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XV-365 p. 6845. SHUMWAY (Rebecca). The Fante and the transatlantic slave trade. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2011, XII-232 p. (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora). – EADEM. The Fante Shrine of Nananom Mpow and the Atlantic slave trade in southern Ghana. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 1, p. 27-44. 6846. STANARD (Matthew G.). Selling the Congo: a history of European pro-empire propaganda and the making of Belgian imperialism. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XIV-387 p. 6847. STILWELL (Sean). Constructing colonial power: tradition, legitimacy and government in Kano, 1903– 1963. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 2, p. 195-225.
Colonial Army, 1908–1918. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 299-322. Cf. nos 4130, 7105, 7706-7711 d. America ** 6851. Dos vidas, una revolución: epistolario de José Gregorio y Agustín Gutiérrez Moreno (1808– 1816). Comp. Isidro VANEGAS USECHE. Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de Jurisprudencia, 2011, 488 p. (Memoria viva, colección bicentenario). ** 6852. RODRÍGUEZ MOREL (Genaro). Cartas de la Real Audiencia de Santo Domingo (1547–1575). Santo Domingo, Archivo General de la Nación, 2011, 387 p. (Archivo General de la Nación, 149). ** 6853. SORIA GALVARRO BALCÁZAR (Eric Armando). Santa Cruz en la gesta libertaria sudamericana: crónica histórica documentada (1810–1825). Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Autónoma "Gabriel René Moreno", 2011, XVI-708 p. (Publicaciones del bicentenario U.A.G.R.M.). ** 6854. TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE (François-Dominique). Lettres à la France, 1794–1798: idées pour la libération du peuple noir d'Haïti. Introduction et appareil critique d'Antonio Maria BAGGIO et Ricardo AUGUSTIN. Bruyères-le-Châtel, Nouvelle cité, 2011, 411 p. (Vie des homes). 6855. ALLISON (Robert J.). The American Revolution. A concise history. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, XX-106 p. 6856. ALMARZA VILLALOBOS (Ángel Rafael). Por un gobierno representativo: genesis de la República de Colombia, 1809–1821. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, Fundacion Bancaribe para la Ciencia y la Cultura, 2011, 214 p. 6857. ARISTIZÁBAL GARCÍA (Diana Marcela). Poder y distinción colonial: las fiestas del virrey presente y el rey ausente (Nueva Granada, 1770–1800). Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2011, 172 p. (Opera prima). 6858. BARAONA (Miguel). Buscando el centro: formación de un orden étnico colonial y resistencia Maya en Yucatán. Heredia, EUNA, 2011, 585 p.
6848. TVEDT (Terje). Hydrology and empire: the Nile, water imperialism and the partition of Africa. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 2, p. 173-194.
6859. BONIL GÓMEZ (Katherine). Gobierno y calidad en el orden colonial: las categorías del mestizaje en la provincia de Mariquita en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-CESO, Departamento de Historia, 2011, XII-196 p. (Colección Prometeo. Maestría).
6849. ZIMMERER (Jürgen). Von Windhuk nach Auschwitz? Beiträge zum Verhältnis von Kolonialismus und Holocaust. Berlin, Lit, 2011, 349 p. (Periplus Studien, 15).
6860. BURMAN (Anders). Chachawarmi: silence and rival voices on decolonisation and gender politics in Andean Bolivia. Journal of Latin American studies, 2011, 43, 1, p. 65-91.
6850. ZIMMERMAN (S.). Mesdames tirailleurs and indirect clients: West African women and the French
6861. CAHILL (David). New viceroyalty, new nation, new empire: a transnational imaginary for Peruvian in-
dependence. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 2, p. 203-235. 6862. CAMPBELL (Mavis C.). Becoming belize: a history of an outpost of empire searching for identity, 1528–1823. Kingston, University of the West Indies Press, 2011, XXII-425 p. 6863. CHOPRA (Ruma). Unnatural rebellion: Loyalists in New York City during the Revolution. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011, X-304 p. (Jeffersonian America). 6864. CLAYTON (Lawrence A.). Bartolomé de Las Casas and the conquest of the Americas. Oxford, WileyBlackwell, 2011, XV-188 p. 6865. CONNELL (William F.). After Moctezuma: indigenous politics and self-government in Mexico City, 1524–1730. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, XVIII-316 p. 6866. CUBANO IGUINA (Astrid). Freedom in the making: the slaves of hacienda La Esperanza, Manatí, Puerto Rico, on the eve of abolition, 1868–76. Social history, 2011, 36, 3, p. 280-293. 6867. EAMES (Steven C.). Rustic warriors: warfare and the provincial soldier on the New England frontier, 1689–1748. New York, New York U. P., 2011, XIII306 p. (Warfare and culture).
schaft in einer karibischen Plantagenwirtschaft. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2011, XII-554 p. (Lateinamerikanische Forschungen, 38). 6876. HAMNETT (Brian). Spain and Portugal and the loss of their continental American territories in the 1820s: an examination of the issues. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 397-412. 6877. HERNÁNDEZ SUÁREZ (Roberto A.). Capitanía General de Cuba: guerras de independencia en Hispanoamérica, 1800–1830. La Habana, Editora Política, 2011, VIII-256 p. – IDEM. Ejército colonial en Cuba, 1561–1725. La Habana, Casa Editorial Verde Olivo, 2011, 227 p. 6878. JASANOFF (Maya). Liberty's exiles: the loss of America and the remaking of the British Empire. London, HarperPress, 2011, XVI-460 p. 6879. JOHNSON (Lyman L.). Workshop of revolution: plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World, 1776–1810. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XIV-410 p. 6880. LIVI BACCI (Massimo). Gli Iberici in Amazzonia. Storie di un disastro. Rivista di storia economica, 2011, 27, 1, p. 3-20. 6881. MAC INNIS (Maurie D.). Slaves waiting for sale: abolitionist art and the American slave trade. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011, VIII-268 p.
6868. EASTMAN (Scott). 'America has escaped from our hands': rethinking empire, identity and independence during the Trienio Liberal in Spain, 1820–1823. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 428-443.
6882. OWENSBY (Brian P.). Pacto entre rey lejano y súbditos indígenas, justicia, legalidad y política en Nueva España, siglo XVII. Historia mexicana, 2011, 61, 241, p. 59-106.
6869. ECHEVERRI (Marcela). Popular royalists, empire, and politics in southwestern New Granada, 1809– 1819. Hispanic American historical review, 2011, 91, 2, p. 237-269.
6883. PARRON (Támis). A política da escravidéo no Império do Brasil, 1826–1865. Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2011, 373 p.
6870. FLEISCHMAN (Richard K.), OLDROYD (David), TYSON (Thomas N.). Plantation accounting and management practices in the US and the British West Indies at the end of their slavery eras. Economic history review, 2011, 64, 3, p. 765-797. 6871. FRANCO (Antonio-Filiu), ALVAREZ ALONSO (Clara). La cuestión cubana en las Cortes de Cádiz. Madrid, Fundación Coloquio Jurídico Europeo, 2011, 192 p. 6872. GAGNON (Louis). Louis XIV et le Canada, 1658–1674. Québec, Septentrion, 2011, 198 p. 6873. GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ (Bernardo). Encomenderos españoles y British Residents, el sistema de dominio indirecto desde la perspective novohispana. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 240, p. 1915-1978. 6874. GIRARD (Philippe R.). The slaves who defeated Napoleon: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian war of independence, 1801–1804. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2011, XII-444 p. (Atlantic crossings). 6875. GLIECH (Oliver). Saint-Domingue und die Französische Revolution: das Ende der weißen Herr-
6884. Política y religión en la independencia de la América hispana. Ed. por Josep-Ignasi SARANYANA and Juan Bosco AMORES CARREDANO. Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos and Universidad de Navarra, 2011, IX-239 p. 6885. PROCTOR (Frank T.). 'Damned notions of liberty': slavery, culture, and power in colonial Mexico, 1640– 1769. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, XIV-282 p. 6886. RESTALL (Matthew), LANE (Kris). Latin America in colonial times. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-304 p. 6887. RINKE (Stefan). Las Revoluciones en América Latina: Las vías a la independencia, 1760–1830. México D.F., Colegio de México, 2011, 407 p. 6888. RUSH (Anne Spry). Bonds of empire: West Indians and Britishness from Victoria to decolonization. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VI-274 p. 6889. SANTOS (Fabiano Vilaça dos). O governo das conquistas do Norte: trajetórias administrativas no Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão, 1751–1780. São Paulo, Annablume, 2011, 338 p.
§ 3. From 1500 to 1789 6890. SOBREVILLA PEREA (Natalia). From Europe to the Andes and back: becoming 'Los Ayacuchos'. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 472-488. 6891. SORUCO SOLOGUREN (Ximena). La ciudad de los cholos: mestizaje y colonialidad en Bolivia, siglos XIX y XX. Lima, Institut Français d'Etudes Andines y PIEB, 2011, 258 p. 6892. STANWOOD (Owen). The empire reformed: English America in the age of the Glorious Revolution. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 2011, VIII-277 p. (Early American studies). 6893. SUNSERI (Lina). Being again of one mind: Oneida women and the struggle for decolonization. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XIII-198 p. (Women and indigenous studies series). 6894. TANTALEÁN ARBULÚ (Javier). El virrey Francisco de Toledo y su tiempo: proyecto de gobernabilidad, el imperio hispano, la plata peruana en la economíamundo y el mercado colonial. Lima, Universidad San Martín de Porres, Fondo Editorial, 2011, 2 vol., 806 p. 6895. TAVÁREZ (David). The invisible war: indigenous devotions, discipline, and dissent in colonial Mexico. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XII-384 p. 6896. VICTORIA OJEDA (Jorge). Las tropas auxiliares de Carlos IV: de Saint-Domingue al mundo hispano. Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2011, 418 p. (Col·lecció Amèrica, 27). 6897. WALVIN (James). The Zong: a massacre, the law and the end of slavery. New Haven, London, Yale U. P., 2011, XI-248 p. Cf. nos 7712-7719 e. Oceania 6898. FOXHALL (Katherine). From convicts to colonists: the health of prisoners and the voyage to Australia, 1823–1853. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 1, p. 1-19. 6899. LAUX (Claire). Le Pacifique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: une confrontation franco-britannique: enjeux économiques, politiques et culturels (1763–1914). Paris, Karthala, 2011, 333 p. 6900. MELTZ (Renaud). Le protectorat français sur Tahiti et l'affaire Pritchard. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 2, p. 97-115. 6901. PROUDFOOT (Lindsay), HALL (Dianne). Imperial spaces: placing the Irish and the Scots in colonial Australia. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XIII248 p. (Studies in imperialism). 6902. SCALMER (Sean). Containing contention: a reinterpretation of democratic change and electoral reform in the Australian colonies. Australian historical studies, 2011, 43, 3, p. 337-356. 6903. STEEL (Frances). Oceania under steam: sea transport and the cultures of colonialism, c. 1870–1914.
Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XXI-246 p. (Studies in imperialism). 6904. TURBET (Peter). First frontier: the occupation of the Sydney region 1788–1816. Kenthurst, Rosenberg Publishing, 2011, 302 p. 6905. WRIGHT (Christine). Wellington's men in Australia: peninsular war veterans and the making of empire c. 1820–40. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VII-243 p. (War, culture and society, 1750–1850). Cf. nos 7720-7722 § 3. From 1500 to 1789. _______________________
a. General 6906. Agentes e identidades en movimento: España y los Países Bajos, siglos XVI–XVIII. Ed. por René VERMEIR, Maurits EBBEN y Raymond FAGEL. Madrid, Sílex, 2011, 455 p. (Sílex Universidad). 6907. BLACK (Jeremy). Beyond the military revolution: war in the seventeenth-century world. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, IX-234 p. 6908. Diplomacy and early modern culture. Ed. by Robyn ADAMS and Rosanna COX. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XII-200 p. (Early modern literature in history). 6909. Génova y la monarquía hispánica (1528–1713). Coordinadores, Manuel HERRERO SÁNCHEZ [et al.]. Genova, Società ligure di storia patria, 2011, 2 vol., 979 p. (Atti della Società ligure di storia patria, 51). 6910. Libertà e dominio. Il sistema politico genovese: le relazioni esterne e il controllo del territorio. A cura di Matthias SCHNETTGER e Carlo TAVIANI. Roma, Viella, 2011, 387 p. (Ricerche dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 6). 6911. MAC LEAN (Gerald), MATAR (Nabil). Britain and the Islamic World, 1558–1713. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-335 p. b. 1500–1648 ** 6912. Acta Pacis Westphalicae, Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Ser. 2. Abt. A. Die kaiserlichen Korrespondenzen. Bd. 6. T. 1. März–Juli 1647. T. 2. Juli–November 1647. Bearb. v. Antje OSCHMANN und Magnus Ulrich FERBER unt. Mithilfe v. Christiane NEERFELD und Christina SCHMÜCKER. Abt. B. Die französischen Korrespondenzen. Bd. 8. Februar–Mai 1648. Bearb. v. Peter Arnold HEUSER unt. Mithilfe v. Rita BOHLEN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 2 vol., CCXXI-1423 p., CX942 p. ** 6913. Correspondance du cardinal Jean Du Bellay. Publiée pour la Société de l'histoire de France; par Rémy SCHEURER. T. 4. 1547–1548. Publ. pour la Société de l'Histoire de France par Rémy SCHEURER [et al.] Paris, C. Klincksieck, 2011, X-444 p. (Société de l'histoire de France. Série antérieure à 1789, 542).
** 6914. Correspondence (The) of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia. Vol. 2 1632–1642. Ed. by Nadine AKKERMAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XX-1201 p. ** 6915. Corrispondenza (La) di Bernardo Navagero, ambasciatore veneziano a Roma (1555–1558). A cura di Daniele SANTARELLI. Vol. 1: Dispacci al senato, 8 novembre 1557–19 marzo 1558; dispacci ai Capi dei dieci, 4 ottobre 1555–13 marzo 1558. Vol. 2. Dispacci al Senato 7 settembre 1555–6 novembre 1557. Roma, Aracne, 2011, 2 vol., 273 p., 1001 p. (Il cannocchiale dello storico, 12). ** 6916. Diálogo epistolar (Um): D. Vicente Nogueira e o Marquês de Niza (1615–1654). Introdução e edição João Carlos Gonçalves SERAFIM; supervisão científica José Adriano Moreira de Freitas CARVALHO. Porto, Afrontamento, CITCEM, Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar "Cultura, Espaço e Memória" agosto de, 2011, 451 p. (Coleçcão "Fontes", 3). ** 6917. SILVA Y FIGUEROA (García de). Comentarios de la embaxada al rey Xa Abbas de Persia (1614– 1624). Edição de Rui Manuel LOUREIRO, Ana Cristina COSTA GOMES e Vasco RESENDE. Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2011, 380 p. (Colecção Estudos & documentos, 9). ** 6918. WESTPHAL (Sina). Die Korrespondenz zwischen Kurfürst Friedrich dem Weisen von Sachsen und der Reichsstadt Nürnberg: Analyse und Edition. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2011, 683 p. (Kieler Werkstücke. Reihe E, Beiträge zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 10). 6919. ARRIGHI (Dominique). Écritures de l'ambassade: les "Lettres turques" d'Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq. Paris, H. Champion, 2011, 358 p. (Bibliothèque littéraire de la Renaissance, 84). 6920. Art (L') de la paix. Kongreßwesen und Friedensstiftung im Zeitalter des Westfälischen Friedens. Hrsg. v. Christoph KAMPMANN [et al.]. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 656 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der Neueren Geschichte, 34). 6921. CACCAMO (Domenico). Roma, Venezia e l'Europa centro-orientale: ricerche sulla prima età moderna. Milano, F. Angeli, 2011, 576 p. (Politica e storia. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di studi politici dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 31). 6922. CARLTON (Charles). This seat of Mars: war and the British Isles, 1485–1746. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XXII-332 p. 6923. GELLARD (Matthieu). Les relations internationales dans la correspondance de Catherine de Médicis. Une approche quantitative. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 3, p. 193-209. 6924. HAAN (Bertrand). L'amitié entre princes. Une alliance franco-espagnole au temps des guerres de Religion, 1560–1570. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2011, VI-324 p.
6925. ISOM-VERHAAREN (Christine). Allies with the Infidel: the Ottoman and French alliance in the sixteenth century. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XI-274 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 30). 6926. LEDERER (David). The myth of the all-destructive war: afterthoughts on German suffering, 1618–1648. German history, 2011, 29, 3, p. 380-403. 6927. ŁUKOMSKI (Mirosław). Kwestia turecka jako czynnik polityki wewnętrznej Rzeczpospolitej w latach 1587–1606. Zabrze, Wydawnictwo "inforteditions", 2011, 122 p. (Prace historyczne, 7). 6928. MANZANO BAENA (Laura). Conflicting words: the Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) and the political culture of the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Monarchy. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2011, 282 p. (Avisos de Flandes, 13). 6929. MICALLEF (Fabrice). Les variations de la prudence Venise et ses diplomates face aux affaires de Provence (1590–1596). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 3, 211-234. 6930. NEUBURGER (Andreas). Konfessionskonflikt und Kriegsbeendigung im Schwäbischen Reichskreis. Württemberg und die katholischen Reichsstände im Südwesten vom Prager Frieden bis zum Westfälischen Frieden (1635–1651). Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2011, LII-586 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Würtemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 181). 6931. POTTER (David). Henry VIII and Francis I: the final conflict, 1540–1547. Leiden, Brill, 2011, XXIX562 p. (History of warfare, 66). 6932. POUMARÈDE (Géraud). Il Mediterraneo oltre le Crociate: la guerra turca nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento tra leggende e realtà. A cura di Frédéric IEVA. Torino, UTET libreria, 2011, XIII-623 p. 6933. ROSSI (Helga). Lübeck und Schweden in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts: das Lübecker Holmevarer-Kolleg zwischen 1520 und 1540. Bearb. und mit einem Essay zur Forschungsgeschichte eingeleitet von Hans-Jürgen VOGTHERR. Lübeck, Schmidt-Römhild, 2011, XXI-255 p. (Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Hansestadt Lübeck, 49). 6934. Tajna diplomacija u Dubrovniku u XVI. Stoljeću. (Secret diplomacy in the 16th century Dubrovnik). Ed. Mirjana POLIĆ BOBIĆ. Zagreb, Sveučilišna naklada, 2011, 212 p. Cf. no 6961 c. 1648–1789 ** 6935. Acta nuntiaturae Polonae. Academia Scientiarum et Litterarum Polona. T. 43. Benedictus OdescalchiErba (1711–1713). Coll. et paravit Iosephus Andreas GIEROWSKI. Suppl. et ed. Ioannes KOPIEC. Vol. 2. 4 I 1713–17 I 1714. Cracoviae, Polska Akad. Umieje̜tności, 2011, XXXV-572 p.
§ 3. From 1500 to 1789 ** 6936. Cortes (Las) de Madrid y Versalles en el año 1707: estudios traductológico e histórico de las correspondencias real y diplomática. Coord. José Manuel DE BERNARDO ARES y Elena ECHEVERRÍA PEREDA. Madrid, Sílex, 2011, 450 p. ** 6937. Diplomacia secreta y paz: la correspondencia de los embajadores españoles en Viena, Juan Guillermo Ripperda y Luis Ripperda, 1724–1727 = Geheimdiplomatie und Friede: die Korrespondenz der spanischen Botschafter in Wien, Johan Willem Ripperda und Ludolf Ripperda (1724–1727). Sel. Ana MUR RAURELL. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Instituto Histórico Austriaco, 2011, 2 vol., LXII-606 p., XIII-487 p. (Biblioteca diplomática española. Fuentes, 4. Quellen / Österreichisches Historisches Institut, Sektion Madrid, I, 1-2). ** 6938. Polonia e Curia Romana: corrispondenza tra Giovanni III Sobieski, re di Polonia con Carlo Barberini protettore del Regno: 1681–1696. A cura di Gaetano PLATANIA. Viterbo, Sette città, 2011, 385 p. (Acta, 2). ** 6939. XVII a. vidurio Maskvos okupacijos Lietuvoje šaltiniai (Sources for the history of the Muscovite occupation of Lithuania in the mid-seventeenth century). Sudarĕ Elmantas Meilus; parengė Mintautas Čiurinskas, Algimantas Kaminskas, Elmantas Meilus. Vilnius, Lietuvos Istorijos Institutas, 2011, 2 vol., 694 p., 798 p. 6940. Assecuratio pacis: französische Konzeptionen von Friedenssicherung und Friedensgarantie: 1648–1815. Hrsg. v. Guido BRAUN. Münster, Aschendorff, 2011, 366 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der Neueren Geschichte, 35). 6941. BAUGH (Daniel). The global Seven Years War, 1754–1763: Britain and France in a great power contest. Harlow, Longman, 2011, XV-736 p. (Modern Wars in perspective). 6942. BELOVA (Elena Vladimirovna). Prutskiĭ pokhod: porazhenie na puti k pobede? (The Pruth river campaign. Defeat on the way towards victory?) Moskva, Veche, 2011, 269 p. (Taĭny Rossiĭskoĭ imperii). 6943. BÖMELBURG (Hans-Jürgen). Friedrich II. zwischen Deutschland und Polen. Ereignis- und Erinnerungsgeschichte. Unt. Mitarb. v. Matthias BARELKOWSKI. Stuttgart, Kröner, 2011, XXI-381 p. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 331). 6944. CHOULEUR (Marie). Guillaume Millet de Jeure, instrument de la politique mazarine (1658–1661). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 3, p. 235-246. 6945. CORP (Edward). The Stuarts in Italy, 1719– 1766: a royal court in permanent exile. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-416 p. 6946. DAVIES (Brian). Empire and military revolution in Eastern Europe: Russia's Turkish wars in the eighteenth century. London, Continuum, 2011, VIII364 p. (Continuum studies in military history). 6947. DHONDT (Frederik). Op Zoek naar Glorie in Vlaanderen. De Zonnekoning en de Spaanse Successie
(1707–1708). Kortrijk-Heule, Uitgeverij UGA, 2011, 518 p. (Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'État/Standen en Landen, 108). 6948. Ideology and foreign policy in early Modern Europe (1650–1750). Ed. by David ONNEKINK and Gijs ROMMELSE. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XI-320 p. (Politics and culture in Europe). 6949. JOHAN (Frédérique), LEYDER (Dirk). Graaf Karl Johann Philipp Cobenzl en de Europese educatieve ruimte. Of de internationale opvoedingsstrategie van een Oostenrijkse diplomaat in Brussel (1753–1770). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2011, 89, 1, p. 455-490. 6950. LEVILLAIN (Charles-Édouard). Si vis bellum para pacem. Louis XIV, Charles II, Guillaume III d'Orange et la célèbre ambassade de 1665. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 3, p. 247-268. 6951. MAPP (Paul W.). The elusive West and the contest for empire, 1713–1763. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, VIII-455 p. 6952. MARTÍN MARCOS (David). El Papado y la Guerra de Sucesión española. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2011, 252 p. (Estudios). 6953. MATZKE (Judith). Gesandtschaftswesen und diplomatischer Dienst Sachsens 1694–1763. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2011, 463 p. (Schriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde, 36). 6954. MEDIGER (Walther). Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Lüneburg und die alliierte Armee im Siebenjährigen Krieg (1757–1762). Für die Publikation aufbereitet und vollendet von Thomas Klingbiel. Hannover, Hansche Buchhandlung, 2011, 1112 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens, 129). 6955. MORRISS (Roger). The foundations of British maritime ascendancy: resources, logistics and the state, 1755–1815. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII440 p. (Cambridge military histories). 6956. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian). Stormen på København 1659. Et københavnsk og nationælt erindringssted gennem 350 år. (L'attaque de Copenhague en 1659. Evolution d'un lieu de mémoire local et national depuis 350 ans). København, Det kongelige biblitek, 2011, 172 p. (ill). (Danish humanist texts and studies, 39). 6957. PANTEL (Isabelle). Die hamburgische Neutralität im Siebenjährigen Krieg. Berlin, Lit, 2011, IV-418 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Hamburger Arbeitskreises für Regionalgeschichte, 32). 6958. Peace (The) of Passarowitz, 1718. Ed. by Charles INGRAO, Nikola SAMARDZIC and Jovan PESALJ. West Lafayette, Purdue U. P., 2011, XI-310 p. (Central European studies). 6959. RICHARD (Vivien). Un théâtre de la diplomatie. La chambre du roi et les réceptions d'ambassadeurs à Versailles sous le règne de Louis XIV. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 3, p. 269-282.
6960. Siebenjährige Krieg (Der) (1756–1763). Ein europäischer Weltkrieg im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Sven EXTERNBRINK Berlin, Akademie, 2011, 296 p.
6972. DAVEY (James). Securing the sinews of sea power: British intervention in the Baltic 1780–1815. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 161-184.
6961. SIMÓN TARRÉS (Antonio). Del 1640 al 1705: l'autogovern de Catalunya i la classe dirigent catalana en el joc de la política internacional europea. València, Universitat de València, 2011, 364 p. (Història).
6973. Experiencia y memoria de la revolución española (1808–1814). Ed. por Fernando DURÁN LÓPEZ y Diego CARO CANCELA. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011, 386 p. (Monografías historia y arte).
6962. TÓTH (Ferenc). La Guerre des Russes et des Autrichiens contre l'Empire ottoman 1736–1739. Paris, Économica, 2011, 151 p. (Campagnes & stratégies). – IDEM. Un diplomate militaire français en Europe orientale à la fin de l'Ancien Régime: la carrière de François baron de Tott (1733–1793). İstanbul, İsis, 2011, 292 p. Cf. nos 6916, 6930, 6977, 6982 § 4. From 1789 to 1815. ** 6963. Belarusʹ i voĭna 1812 goda: dokumenty. Sost. A. M. Lukashevich, Dmitriĭ Leontʹevich Iatskevich. Minsk, Vaiar, 2011, 558 p. ** 6964. Diaries (The) of Gouverneur Morris: European travels, 1794–1798. Ed. by Melanie Randolph MILLER; ass. ed. Hendrina KROL. Charlottesville a. London, University of Virginia Press 2011, XL-736 p. ** 6965. RENDA (Francesco). Maria Carolina e Lord Bentinck nel diario di Luigi de' Medici. Palermo, Sellerio, 2011, 161 p. (Biblioteca siciliana di storia e letteratura. Quaderni, 111). _______________________
6966. 1809 und die Folgen: Finnland zwischen Schweden, Russland und Deutschland. Hrsg. v. Jan HECKER-STAMPEHL [et al.]. Berlin, BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2011, 310 p. (Schriftenreihe des Finnland-Instituts in Deutschland, 12). 6967. Alexander James Dallas, an exposition of the causes and character of the war. Ed. by H. G. CALLAWAY. Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2011, XI169 p. 6968. BARNOSELL JORDÁ (Genís). Los sitios de Girona durante La Guerra de la Independencia (1808– 1809): más allá del mito. Historia social, 2011, 71, p. 319. 6969. CANDELA (Gilles). L'Armée d'Italie. Des missionnaires armés à la naissance de la guerre napoléonienne. Préface de Francis POMPONI. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 402 p. (Histoire). 6970. DA CRUZ (Miguel Dantas). A neutralidade portuguesa na Europa da revolução 1792–1807: dificuldades e possibilidades. Parede, Tribuna da História novembro de, 2011, 165 p. (Colecção Politica externa portuguesa). 6971. Dalmacija za francuske uprave (1806.–.1813.): La Dalmatie sous l'administration française (1806–1813). (Dalmatia under the French Rule, 1806–1813). Eds. Marko TROGRLIĆ and Josip VRANDEČIĆ. Split, Književni krug and Department for History of the University of Split, 2011, 463 p.
6974. FREY (Linda), FREY (Marsha). "Proven patriots": the French diplomatic corps, 1789–1799. St. Andrews, Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St. Andrews, 2011, VI-177 p. (St. Andrews studies in French history and culture). 6975. KOÇOLLARI (Irakli). Synimet politike të Britanisë së Madhe ndaj Ali Pashës. Misionet dhe dokumentet e panjohura të William Martin Leake. (Great Britain's political intentions for Ali Pasha – the missions and unknown documents of William Martin Leake). Studime Historike, 2011, 1-2, p. 237-254). 6976. MAC CRANIE (Kevin D.). Utmost gallantry: the U.S. and Royal Navies at sea in the war of 1812. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2011, XV-365 p. 6977. MÜLLER (Bernd). Die Außenpolitik von Peter Friedrich Ludwig von Holstein-Oldenburg. Außenpolitisches Handeln, Argumentationen und Ordnungsvorstellungen eines mindermächtigen Fürsten vom Alten Reich bis zum Deutschen Bund 1785–1829. Oldenburg, Isensee, 2011, 437 p. (Oldenburger Studien, 70). 6978. ROBSON (Martin). Britain, Portugal and South America in the Napoleonic Wars: alliances and diplomacy in economic maritime conflict. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XV-336 p. (International library of historical studies, 68). 6979. SARDICA (José Miguel). A Europa napoleónica e Portugal: messianismo revolucionário, política, guerra e opinião pública. Parede, Tribuna, 2011, 397 p. (Colecção História e actualidade). 6980. SCHERR (Arthur). Thomas Jefferson's Haitian policy: myths and realities. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, 722 p. 6981. THORAL (Marie-Cécile). From Valmy to Waterloo. France at war, 1792–1815. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VII-254 p. 6982. WILLMS (Johannes). Talleyrand. Virtuose der Macht 1754–1838. München, Beck, 2011, 384 p. 6983. ZHANG (Shunhong). British views on China: at a special time (1790–1820). Bejing, China Social Sciences Press, 2011, 322 p. Cf. nos 3636, 6906, 6940, 6946, 6955, 6962, 6994 § 5. From 1815 to 1910. * 6984. BARNES (Mark). The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection, 1898–1902: an annotated bibliography. New York, Routledge, 2011, XXIV-413 p. (Routledge research guides to American military studies).
§ 5. From 1815 to 1910 ** 6985. Bir dostluk öyküsü: belgelerle Türk-Japon ilişkileri =Aru yūkō no shōsetsu: shiryō de shōmei sareru Nichi-To no kankei = A friendship story: TurkishJapanese relations with the documents. Hazırlayanlar, Ahmet CIHAN, M. Metin HÜLAGÜ. Kayseri, Erciyes Üniversitesi, 2011, 277 p. ** 6986. DUCCI (Lucia). George P. Marsh Correspondence: Images of Italy, 1861–1881 Lanham, Fairleigh Dickinson, 2011, 244 p. (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies). ** 6987. Ottoman diplomatic documents on "the Eastern question". Centre d'Histoire Diplomatique Ottomane. Egypt: from Ismail Pasha's abdication to Hasan Fehmi Pasha's mission to London 1879–1885. Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2011, 715 p. ** 6988. Ottoman diplomatic documents on the origins of World War One. Vol. 4. The Macedonian issue, 1879–1912. P. 1. 1879–1904. P. 2. 1905–1912. Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2011, 2 vol., 615 p., 488 p.
6998. CASTELO-BRANCO (Miguel). The PortugueseSiamese Treaty of 1820: Siam's first attempt of integration into the international community. Lisbon, Instituto Do Oriente, 2011, 103 p. 6999. Chile y la Guerra del Pacífico. Ed. por Carlos DONOSO ROJAS y Gonzalo SERRANO DEL POZO. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, 2011, XVIII-367 p. 7000. Conflicting loyalties in the Balkans: the great powers, the Ottoman Empire and nation-building. Ed. by Hannes GRANDITS, Nathalie CLAYER and Robert PICHLER. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2011, XIV-350 p. (Library of Ottoman studies, 28). 7001. CONWAY (Stephen). Britain, Ireland, and continental Europe in the eighteenth century: similarities, connections, identities. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-342 p. 7002. DE WARESQUIEL (Emmanuel). Talleyrand: dernières nouvelles du diable. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2011, 210 p.
** 6989. PASKALEVA (Virjinia). Österreichische Konsularberichte und die bulgarische Nationalbewegung (1856–1876) (Teil 1.). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 191-216.
7003. DEMAJ (Frashër). Britania e Madhe dhe çështja shqiptare: 1875–1913. (La Gran Bretagna e la questione albanese, 1875–1913). Prishtinë, Instituti i Historisë, 2011, 331 p.
** 6990. Spagna e Regno di Sardegna dal 1814 al 1860: studi, inventari e documenti inediti. A cura di Vittorio SCOTTI DOUGLAS. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 784 p.
7004. Dreadnought (The) and the Edwardian Age. Ed. by Robert J. BLYTH, Andrew LAMBERT and Jan RÜGER. Farnham, [s. n.], 2011, XIV-244 p.
6991. 1864 og historiens lange skygger. Den danskøstrigsk-preussiske krig og dens betydning i dag. (1864 et les ombres portées de l'histoire. La seconde guerre des Duchés et sa signification aujourd'hui). Red. Carsten JAHNKE, Jes FABRICIUS MØLLER. Husum, Ihleo, 2011, 359 p. (ill.). 6992. 1908, l'annexion de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, cent ans après. Sous la dir. de Catherine HOREL. Bruxelles, P. Lang, 2011, 284 p. (Enjeux internationaux, 13). 6993. BECHET (Christophe). Les chemins de fer belgo-allemands et le camp d'Elsenborn (1887-1894). Prémisses de la traversée du territoire Belge? Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 13-31. 6994. BLACK (Jeremy). Debating foreign policy in eighteenth-century Britain. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XVII-247 p. 6995. BOWEN (Wayne H.). Spain and the American Civil War. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2011, 188 p. (Shades of Blue and Gray series). 6996. BROWN (Matthew), PAQUETTE (Gabriel). The persistence of mutual influence: Europe and Latin America in the 1820s. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 3, p. 387-396. 6997. CANIS (Konrad). Der Weg in den Abgrund. Deutsche Außenpolitik 1902–1914. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 719 p.
7005. DU QUENOY (Paul). Tidings from a Faraway East: The Russian Empire and Morocco. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 185-203. 7006. European politics 1815–1848. Ed. by Frederick C. SCHNEID. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, XXIV-398 p. (The international library of essays on political history). 7007. FENG (Qing). Chūgoku kaigun to kindai nicchū kankei. (The Chinese navy and international relationship between Japan and China in the modern period). Tokyo, Kinseisha, 2011, 262 p. 7008. FILHOL (Emmanuel). La question tsigane à l'échelle européenne au début du XXe siècle. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, p. 304-324. 7009. FISHER (John). British diplomacy and the descent into chaos: the career of Jack Garnett, 1902– 1919. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XVII280 p. (Britain and the world). 7010. Gladstone: Ireland and beyond. Ed. by Mary E. DALY and K. Theodore HOPPEN. Dublin, Four Courts, 2011, 208 p. 7011. HARRIS (Susan K.). God's arbiters: Americans and the Philippines, 1898–1902. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-257 p. (Imagining the Americas). 7012. ISĖROV (A. A.). SShA i borʹba Latinskoĭ Ameriki za nezavisimostʹ 1815–1830. (The United States and the Latin American struggle for independence 1815–1830). Moskva, Universitet Dmitriia Pozharskogo, 2011, 480 p.
7013. Italia e Romania verso l'Unità nazionale: convegno di studi in occasione del 150° anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia 16–17 giugno 2011 Università di Bucarest. A cura di Francesco GUIDA. Bucureşti, Humanitas, 2011, 213 p. 7014. JAGODIĆ (Miloš). Planovi o politici Srbije prema Staroj Srbiji i Makedoniji (1878–1885). (Plans on Serbia's policy towards Old Serbia and Macedonia, 1878–1885). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 435-460. 7015. JOHNSON (Sam). Pogroms, peasants, Jews: Britain and Eastern Europe's "Jewish Question," 1867– 1925. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI-296 p. 7016. KEITH (Jeffrey A.). Civilization, race, and the Japan expedition's cultural diplomacy, 1853–1854. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 179-202. 7017. KOVIĆ (Miloš). Misija Roberta Lojda-Lindzija u Srbiji 1876. godine. (The mission of Colonel Robert Loyd-Lindsay in Serbia in 1876). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 377-391. 7018. KRÜGER (Christine G.). German Suffering in the Franco–German War, 1870/71. German history, 2011, 29, 3, p. 404-422. 7019. KUTLEŠIĆ (Milan). Preokret u politici lorda Palmerstona prema Rusiji i Osmanskom carstvu (1827– 1833). (Reversal in politics оf Lord Palmerston towards Russia and Ottoman Empire, 1827–1833). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 311-331. 7020. LUNGU (Corneliu Mihail). Relaţiile românoungare, 1875–1900. (Romanian-Hungarian relations, 1875–1900). Iaşi, Editura Tipo Moldova, 2011, 399 p. 7021. MARGOLIES (Daniel S.). Spaces of law in American foreign relations: extradition and extraterritoriality in the borderlands and beyond, 1877–1898. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011, XI-427 p. 7022. MATZKE (Rebecca Berens). Deterrence through strength: British naval power and foreign policy under Pax Britannica. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, X-306 p. (Studies in war, society, and the military). 7023. MONTERO JIMÉNEZ (José Antonio). El despertar de la gran potencia: las relaciones entre España y los Estados Unidos (1898–1930). Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2011, 390 p. (Colección Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 7024. MORGAN (William Michael). Pacific Gibraltar: U.S.-Japanese rivalry over the annexation of Hawai'i, 1885–1898. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2011, X330 p. (ADST-DACOR diplomats and diplomacy series). 7025. MOTADEL (David). Qajar Shahs in imperial Germany. Past and present, 2011, 213, p. 191-235. 7026. NECHTMAN (Tillman). '… For it was founded upon a Rock': Gibraltar and the purposes of empire in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 749-770. 7027. OTTE (Thomas G.). The Foreign Office mind: the making of British foreign policy, 1865–1914. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIII-437 p.
7028. PAPASTRATIGAKIS (Nicholas). Russian imperialism and naval power: military strategy and the buildup to the Russo-Japanese war. London, Tauris, 2011, X-342 p. 7029. PASTORELLI (Pietro). 17 marzo 1861: l'Inghilterra e l'unità d'Italia. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 170 p. (Studi internazionali. Saggi, 260. Storiografia). 7030. RASTOVIĆ (Aleksandar). Izveštaji britanskih diplomata o upadu Albanaca u Srbiju 1878–1897. godine. (British diplomats reports about Albanian invasions of the Serbian frontiers and territories 1878– 1897). Istorijski časopis, 2011, 60, p. 419-433. 7031. SAINLAUDE (Stève). Alfred Paul: un diplomate français dans la guerre de Sécession. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 1, p. 3-15. – IDEM. La France et la Confédération sudiste, (1861–1865): la question de la reconnaissance diplomatique pendant la Guerre de Sécession. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 244 p. (Histoire, textes, sociétés). – IDEM. Le gouvernement impérial et la guerre de sécession (1861–1865): l'action diplomatique. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 145 p. (Collection Histoire, textes, sociétés). 7032. SAMARDŽIĆ (Momir). The role of the coup d'état in Bulgaria in 1881 in the signing of the AustroSerbian secret treaty. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 139-151. 7033. SCHULER (Friedrich). Secret Wars and Secret Policies in the Americas, 1842–1929. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2011, 578 p. 7034. SCHULZ (Oliver). Ein Sieg der zivilisierten Welt? Die Intervention der europäischen Großmächte im griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg (1826–1832). Berlin, Lit, 2011, 589 p. (Geschichte, 103). 7035. ŠEDIVÝ (Miroslav). From Adrianople to Münchengrätz: Metternich, Russia, and the Eastern Question 1829–1833. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 205-233. 7036. STELLER (Verena). Diplomatie von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Diplomatische Handlungsformen in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen 1870–1919. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 557 p. 7037. STROM (Sharon Hartman). "If success depends upon enterprise": Central America, U.S. foreign policy, and race in the travel narratives of E. G. Squier. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 3, p. 403-443. 7038. THIEMEYER (Guido), TÖLLE (Isabel). Supranationalität im 19. Jahrhundert? Die Beispiele der Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt und des Octroivertrages 1804–1851. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 177-196. 7039. War and diplomacy: the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 and the Treaty of Berlin. Ed. by M. Hakan YAVUZ with Peter SLUGLETT. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 2011, XIII-610 p. (Utah series in Middle East studies).
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War 7040. WYATT (C. M.). Afghanistan and the defence of empire: diplomacy and strategy during the great game. London, I. B. Taurus, 2011, 344 p. 7041. YAMMINE (Bruno). Drang nach Westen: de fundamenten van de Duitse Flamenpolitik (1870–1914). Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2011, 424 p. § 5. Addendum 2007. 7042. KOVIĆ (Miloš). Dizraeli i Istocno pitanje. (Disraeli and the Eastern Question). Beograd, Clio, 2007, 509 p. Cf. nos 3636, 6977, 6982, 6983, 7043, 7057, 7062, 7101, 7109 § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. * 7043. RÜGER (Jan). Revisiting the Anglo-German antagonism. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 3, p. 579-617. ** 7044. BECKER (Winfried). Frederic von Rosenberg: Korrespondenzen und Akten des deutschen Diplomaten und Außenministers 1913–1937. Munich, Oldenbourg, 2011, 594 p. ** 7045. Foametea, piatiletka şi ferma colectivă: documente diplomatice româneşti, 1926–1936. (Famine, piatiletka and the collective farm: Romanian diplomatic documents, 1926–1939). Editor Vadim GUZUN. Baia Mare, Editura Universităţii de Nord, 2011, 780 p. ** 7046. Ottoman diplomatic documents on the origins of World War One. Vol. 5. The Turco-Italian war, 1911–1912 (P. 1-2). Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP. Vol. 6. The Aegean Islands issue: 1912–1914. Ed. by Sinan KUNERALP. İstanbul, İsis Press, 2011, 3 vol., 515 p., 421 p., 314 p. ** 7047. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1932. Red. Krzysztof KANIA. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Mie̜dzynarodowych, 2011, XLVIII-767 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 7048. Recherche (À la) de la paix FranceAllemagne: les carnets d'Oswald Hesnard, 1919–1931. Carnets et écrits inédits édités par Jacques BARIÉTY avec la collaboration de Thierry ROBIN et Jean PODEROS. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2011, 697 p. (Les mondes germaniques, 16). ** 7049. Year of the Locust. A Soldier's Diary and the Erasure of Palestine's Ottoman Past [The Diary of Ihsan Hasan Turjman]. Ed. by Salim TAMARI. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2011, X-201 p. ______________________
7050. BABÍK (Milan). George D. Herron and the eschatological foundations of Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy, 1917–1919. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 5, p. 837-857. 7051. BARROS (Andrew). Razing Babel and the problems of constructing peace: France, Great Britain, and
Air Power, 1916–1928. English historical review, 2011, 126, 518, p. 75-115. 7052. BARRY (Gearóid). Marc Sangnier and 'the Other Germany': the Freiburg International Democratic Peace Congress and the Ruhr invasion, 1923. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 1, p. 25-49. 7053. BAUER (Kurt). Hitler und der Juliputsch 1934 in Österreich. Eine Fallstudie zur nationalsozialistischen Außenpolitik in der Frühphase des Regimes. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 2, p. 193-228. 7054. BAYRAKTAR (Hatice), ÇALIK (Ramazan). One step forward and two steps back: the slow process of re-establishing diplomatic relations between Germany and Turkey after the First World War. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 2, p. 315-327. 7055. BECKER (Winfried). Frederic von Rosenberg (1874–1937). Diplomat vom späten Kaiserreich bis zum Dritten Reich, Außenminister der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen u. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 362 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 83). 7056. BERGMANE (Una). Les pays Baltes indésirables à la Conférence de Paris. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 1, [s. p.]. 7057. BEŠKA (Emanuel). Najvýznamnejší arabskí antisionisti ich názory a činnosť v rokoch 1908–1914. (Die wichtigsten arabischen Antizionisten, ihre Ansichten und Tätigkeit in den Jahren 1908–1914). Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 1, p. 33-56. 7058. BLACK (Jeremy). The Great War and the making of the modern world. New York, Continuum, 2011, XV-337 p. 7059. BRIDGE (Carl). William Hughes: the Paris Peace Conferences of 1919–1923 and their aftermath. New York, Haus Publishing, 2011, 214 p. (Makers of the Modern World). 7060. BUKAITĖ (Vilma). Lietuvos politinių ir diplomatinių santykių su Prancūzija užmezgimas (1918– 1920): nepasitikėjimo mainai. (Establishment of political and diplomatic relations between Lithuania and France in 1918–1920: exchange of mistrust). Lietuvos istorijos studijos, 2011, 27, p. 61-80. 7061. ÇAMI (Muin). Lufta çlirimtare e Vlorës dhe Eqrem Bej Vlora me Faik Konicën. (The liberation war of Vlora, Eqrem Bey Vlora and Faik Konica. Studime Historike, 2011, 3-4, p. 55-68. 7062. CARRELLÁN RUIZ (Juan Luis). Salitre y militares: las relaciones entre España y Chile (1900–1931). Huelva, Universidad de Huelva, 2011, 194 p. (Arias montano, 107). 7063. Caught in the middle: neutrals, neutrality, and the First World War. Ed. by Johan DEN HARTOG and Samuël KRUIZINGA. Amsterdam, Aksant, 2011, VII175 p. (Studies of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, 3).
7064. CHAUDRON (Gerald). New Zealand in the League of Nations: the beginnings of an independent foreign policy, 1919–1939. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2011, 281 p. – IDEM. The League of Nations and imperial dissent: New Zealand and the British Labour Governments, 1924–1931. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 1, p. 47-71. 7065. CHERNEV (Borislav). The Brest-Litovsk moment: self-determination discourse in Eastern Europe before Wilsonianism. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 369-387. 7066. CLERC (Louis). La Finlande et l'Europe du Nord dans la diplomatie française. Relations bilatérales et intérêt national dans les considérations finlandaises et nordiques des diplomates et militaires français, 1917– 1940. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford et Wien, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2011, 381 p. (Enjeux Internationaux, 18). 7067. CONNOR (John S.). The War Munitions Supply Company of Western Australia and the Popular Movement to Manufacture Artillery Ammunition in the British Empire in the First World War. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 795-813. 7068. DOENECKE (Justus D.). Nothing less than war: a new history of America's entry into World War I. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, XII394 p. 7069. DUNSCOMB (Paul E.). Japan's Siberian intervention, 1918–1922: "a great disobedience against the people". Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XIII-249 p. (New studies of modern Japan). 7070. DUSHKU (Ledia). Principata shqiptare dhe qëndrimi i Greqisë (marsprill 1914). (The Albanian principality and the attitude of Greece, March–April 1914). Studime Historike, 2011, 1-2, p. 93-118. 7071. Erste Weltkrieg (Der) auf dem Balkan. Perspektiven der Forschung. Hrsg. v. Jürgen ANGELOW. Unt. Mitarb. v. Gundula GAHLEN und Oliver STEIN. Berlin, be.bra, 2011, 322 p. 7072. FAGEOL (Pierre-Éric). 'Les Boches coloniaux'. Les commerçants asiatiques sous la vindicte populaire à La Réunion pendant la Grande Guerre. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 5-34. 7073. FENEŞAN (Costin). Sub steag străin. Comuniştii şi Partidul Comunist din România în Arhivele Kominternului (1919–1924). (Under a foreign flag. Communists and Comunist Party of Romania in the Comintern archives, 1919–1924). Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2011, 1095 p.
the Wilsonian vision. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XI-273 p. 7076. GREENHALGH (Elizabeth). Foch in command. The forging of a First World War general. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, 548 p. 7077. GRODIS (Andrius). Lietuvos politinių partijų užsienio politikos nuostatos 1918–1919 metais: orientacija į Didžiąją Britaniją. (Provisions of foreign policy of Lithuanian political parties in the years 1918–1919: orientation towards Great Britain. Lietuvos istorijos studijos, 2011, 28, p. 60-76). 7078. GURAKUQI (Romeo). Principata e Shqipëria dhe mbretëria e Greqisë, 1913–1914: çështja e Shqipërisë së Jugut ose e "Vorio Epirit" nga 11 gusht 1913 deri me 31 tetor 1914. (Principality of Albania and the Kingdom of Greece, 1913–1914: the issue of Southern Albania or the "Northern Epirus" by August 11, 1913 until October 31, 1914). Tiranë, Universiteti Europian i Tiranës, UET Press, 2011, 254 p. (Scripta manent, 6). 7079. GZELLA (Jacek). Między Sowietami a Niemcami: koncepcje polskiej polityki zagranicznej konserwatystów wileńskich zgrupowanych wokół "Słowa" (1922–1939). (Between Soviets and Germans: Polish foreign policy ideas in Wilno conservatives of the "Word" newspaper). Toruń, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011, 477 p. 7080. HANNEMANN (Matthias). Die Freunde im Norden. Norwegen und Schweden im Kalkül der deutschen Revisionspolitik 1918–1939. Berlin/Münster, Lit, 2011, 638 p. (Nordische Geschichte, 11). 7081. HOCHSCHILD (Adam). To end all wars: how the First World War divided Britain. London, Macmillan, 2011, XX-448 p. 7082. Internationalism reconfigured: transnational ideas and movements between the World Wars. Ed. by Daniel LAQUA. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XVII255 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 34). 7083. JACKSON (Peter). French security and a British 'continental commitment' after the First World War: a reassessment. English historical review, 2011, 126, 519, p. 345-385. 7084. JONES (Heather). Violence against Prisoners of War in the First World War. Britain, France and Germany, 1914–1920. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XV-451 p.
7074. GEPPERT (Dominik), ROSE (Andreas). Machtpolitik und Flottenbau vor 1914. Zur Neuinterpretation britischer Außenpolitik im Zeitalter des Hochimperialismus. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 2, p. 401-437.
7085. KOCATÜRK (Önder). Osmanlı-Ingiliz ilişkilerinin dönüm noktası (1911–1914). (The turning point of the Ottoman-British relations, 1911–1914). 1. cilt. İlişkilerin bozulması ve ilk krizler (1911–1912). (Vol. 1. Deterioration of relations and the first crisis, 1911–1912). İstanbul, Boğaziçi Yayınları, 2011, 565 p. (Boğaziçi Yayınları, 311).
7075. GRAEBNER (Norman A.), BENNETT (Edward M.). The Versailles Treaty and its legacy: the failure of
7086. KUPČIŪNAS (Donatas). When mediation fails: Britain, France, and the settlement of the Vilnius con-
§ 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War
flict, 1920–1922. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 181-199.
pires, 1908–1918. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-303 p.
7087. LA PORTE (Pablo). 'Rien à ajouter': the League of Nations and the Rif war (1921–1926). European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 1, p. 66-87.
7102. RÖNNQVIST (Ronny). En kejserlig flottas död – den ryska Östersjöflottan i Helsingfors 1917–1918. (An imperial fleet death – the Russian Baltic Fleet in Helsinki 1917–1918). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 3, p. 277-294.
7088. LEIN (Richard). Pflichterfüllung oder Hochverrat ? Die tschechischen Soldaten Österreich-Ungarns im Ersten Weltkrieg. Wien, LIT Verlag, 2011, 441 p. 7089. LUTZ (Martin). Siemens im Sowjetgeschäft. Eine Institutionengeschichte der deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen 1917–1933. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011, 391 p. (Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 1). 7090. MAC CARTHY (Helen). The British people and the League of Nations: democracy, citizenship and internationalism, c. 1918–1945. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, X-282 p. 7091. MAC MEEKIN (Sean). The Russian origins of the First World War. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XII-324 p. 7092. MAKALANI (Minkah). In the cause of freedom: Radical Black internationalism from Harlem to London, 1917–1939. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XVIII-309 p.
7103. ROSE (Andreas). Zwischen Empire und Kontinent: britische Außenpolitik vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, XI-650 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London, 70). 7104. RUDMAN (Stella). Lloyd George and the appeasement of Germany, 1919–1945. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, XII-300 p. 7105. SALE (Giovanni). Libia 1911: i cattolici, la Santa Sede e l'impresa coloniale italiana. Milano, Jaca book, 2011, 141 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 1022). 7106. SCHIAVON (Max). L'Autriche-Hongrie dans la Première Guerre mondiale: la fin d'un empire. Paris, Éditions SOTECA 14-18, 2011, 296 p. (Les nations dans la Grande Guerre). 7107. SERVICE (Robert). Spies and commissars: Bolshevik Russia and the West. London, Macmillan, 2011, XVI-440 p.
7093. MIKIĆ (Đorđe). Austrougarska ratna politika u Bosni i Hercegovini: 1914–1918. (The Austro-Hungarian war policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1914–1918). Banja Luka, Nezavisni univerzitet, 2011, 566 p.
7108. SONDHAUS (Lawrence). World War I: the global revolution. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-544 p.
7094. NEGOI (Bogdan). România şi lagărele de prizonieri în timpul primului război mondial. (Romania and prison camps during World War I) Tiparg, Geamăna, 2011, 446 p.
7109. SOROKA (Marina). Britain, Russia and the road to the First World War. The fateful embassy of Count Aleksandr Benckendorff (1903–1916). Farnham a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, XIX-312 p.
7095. NEIBERG (Michael S.). Dance of the furies: Europe and the outbreak of World War I. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, 292 p.
7110. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri). L'appréciation de la menace allemande par les services et les décideurs français (1927–1939). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 2, p. 129-155.
7096. NEILSON (Keith). R.H. Brand, the Empire and Munitions from Canada. English historical review, 2011, 126, 523, p. 1430-1455. 7097. NIVET (Philippe). La France occupée: 1914– 1918. Paris, A. Colin, 2011, 479 p. 7098. O'BRIEN (Phillips Payson). Herbert Hoover, Anglo-American relations and Republican Party politics in the 1920s. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 200-218
7111. STEVENSON (David). With our backs to the wall: victory and defeat in 1918. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XXI-688 p. 7112. STOJČEV (Vanče), STOJČEV (Aleksandar). Bukureškiot miroven dogovor i podelbata na Makedonija vo 1913 godina. (Peace treaty of Bucarest and the division of Macedonia in 1913). Skopje, Institut za nacionalna istorija, 2011, 741 p.
7099. Other combatants, other fronts: competing histories of the First World War. Ed. by James E. KITCHEN, Alisa MILLER and Laura ROWE. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, XLVIII-330 p.
7113. STRAKA (Karel). Francie a Československo 1914–1945: léta nadějí, zkázy a bojů na společných frontách. (La France et la Tchécoslovaquie 1914–1945: les années d´éspoir, de destruction et de combats communs). Praha, Ministerstvo obrany ČR, 2011, 275 p.
7100. PARVANOVA (Rumyana). Le projet d'Aristide Briand au sujet d'une Union Européenne Fédérale (1930) et la société bulgare. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 77-105.
7114. THRONTVEIT (Trygve). The fable of the Fourteen Points: Woodrow Wilson and national self-determination. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 3, p. 445-481.
7101. REYNOLDS (Michael A.). Shattering Empires. the clash and collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Em-
7115. TORREY (Glenn E.). The Romanian battlefront in World War I. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2011, XVI-422 p. (Modern war studies).
7116. ŢUCĂ (Cornel). Prizonieri români din Armata austro-ungară internaţi în Rusia. Problemele repatrierii. (Romanian prisoners of the Austro-Hungarian army interned in Russia. Repatriation issues). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2011, 379 p. 7117. TUDORANCEA (Radu). Pacea de la Bucureşti şi frontierele balcanice. (The Treaty of Bucharest and the Balkan frontiers). Studii și Materiale de Istorie Contemporană, 2011, 10, p. 45-62. 7118. ULRICHSEN (Kristian). The logistics and politics of the British campaigns in the Middle East, 1914– 1922. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, X-262 p. (Studies in military and strategic history). 7119. WATSON (James). WF Massey: the Paris Peace Conferences of 1919–1923 and their aftermath. New York, Haus Publishing, 2011, 226 p. (Makers of the Modern world). 7120. WAWRZENIUK (Piotr). Potentiella alliansbröder i norr? Finland och Estland i polska säkerhetsbedömningar 1918–1939. (Potential alliance brothers in the north? Finland and Estonia in the Polish security assessments 1918–1939). Historisk tidskrift (Finland), 2011, 3, p. 225-256. 7121. WERTHEIM (Stephen). The league that wasn't: American designs for a legalist-sanctionist League of Nations and the intellectual origins of international organization, 1914–1920. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 5, p. 797-836. 7122. XU (Guoqi). Strangers on the Western Front: Chinese workers in the Great War. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, VIII-336 p. 7123. YARNALL (John). Barbed wire disease: British and German prisoners of war, 1914–1919. Stroud, History Press, 2011, 224 p.
** 7127. Freedom betrayed: Herbert Hoover's secret history of the Second World War and its aftermath. Edited with an introduction by George H. NASH. Stanford, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 2011, CXX-957 p. (Hoover Institution Press publication, 598). ** 7128. KELLNER (Friedrich). "Vernebelt, verdunkelt sind alle Hirne". Tagebücher 1939–1945. Hrsg. v. Sascha FEUCHERT [et al.]. Unt. Mitarb. v. Elisabeth TURVOLD und Diana NUSKO sowie Nassrin SAGEHI und Birgit M. KÖRNER. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 2 vol., 1128 p. ** 7129. Tragediia belorusskikh derevenʹ, 1941– 1944: dokumenty i materially. (The tragedy of the Belarusian villages, 1941–1944: documents and materials). Sost. Nataliia Viktorovna KIRILLOVA [et al.]. Moskva, Minsk Istoricheskaia pamiatʹ Natsionalʹnyĭ arkhiv Respubliki Belarusʹ, 2011, 535 p. 7130. 5. Maj. Historien om befrielsen. (5 mai 1945. Histoire de la Libération du Danemark). Red. Esbern MØNSTER-KJÆR. København, People's Press, 2011, 231 p. (ill.). 7131. ÅMARK (Klas). Att bo granne med ondskan. Sveriges förhållande till nazismen, Nazityskland och förintelsen. (Au voisinage du mal. Les rapports de la Suède avec le nazisme, l'Allemagne nazie et le génocide). Stockholm, Bonnier, 2011, 710 p. (ill.). 7132. ARIELLI (Nir). Beyond Mare Nostrum. Ambitions and limitations in Fascist Italy's Middle Eastern policy. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 385407. 7133. BALDINETTI (Anna). Fascist Propaganda in the Maghrib. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 408-436.
7124. ZAGARE (Frank C.). The games of July: explaining the Great War. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, X-214 p.
7134. BAUM (Herwig). Varianten des Terrors: ein Vergleich zwischen der deutschen und rumänischen Besatzungsverwaltung in der Sowjetunion 1941–1944. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 623 p.
Cf. nos 3577, 3636, 3826, 6988, 6997, 7003, 7009, 7015, 7023, 7027, 7033, 7036, 7040, 7041, 7155, 7172, 7184, 7193, 7197, 7199, 7201, 7203, 7213, 7224, 7307
7135. BRÜLL (Christoph). Les 'enrôlés de force' dans la Wehrmacht – un symbole du passé mouvementé des belges germanophones au XXe siècle. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 63-74.
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War. _______________________
a. General * 7125. SHEPHERD (Ben). The Nazi occupation of the Soviet Union 1941–1944: exploitation and propaganda. English historical review, 2011, 126, 519, p. 386-394. ** 7126. "Ereignismeldungen UdSSR" 1941 (Die). Dokumente der Einsatzgruppen in der Sowjetunion I. Für Konrad Kwiet zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. KlausMichael MALLMANN, Andrej ANGRICK [et al.] Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011, 927 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 20).
7136. CHRIST (Michaela). Die Dynamik des Tötens. Die Ermordung der Juden von Berditschew Ukraine 1941–1944. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2011, 344 p. Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus). 7137. CURILLA (Wolfgang). Der Judenmord in Polen und die deutsche Ordnungspolizei 1939–1945. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 1035 p. 7138. DIECKMANN (Christoph). Deutsche Besatzungspolitik in Litauen 1941–1944. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 2 vol., 1652 p. 7139. DULIĆ (Tomislav). "De plågade oss som om de ville döda oss." Jugoslaviska fångar i Norge under andra värlskriget. ("They tormented us as if they wanted
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War
to kill us": Yugoslav prisoners of war in Norway in the light of new sources). Historisk tidskrift (Sweden), 2011, 4, p. 745-770.
7153. HUCKER (Daniel). Public opinion and the end of appeasement in Britain and France. Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, VI-295 p.
7140. European identity and the Second World War. Ed. by Menno SPIERING and Michael WINTLE. Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2011, XV-273 p.
7154. ION (Hamish). Brass hats behind bamboo palisades: senior officer POWs in Singapore, Taiwan, and Manchukuo, 1942–1945. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 2, p. 303-332.
7141. Finland in World War II, history, memory, interpretations. Ed. by Tiina KINNUNEN and Ville KIVIMÄKI. Brill, Leiden a. Boston, 2011, 608 p. (History of Warfare, 69). 7142. FINNEY (Patrick). Remembering the road to World War Two: international history, national identity, collective memory. London a. New York, Routledge, 2011, VII-325 p. 7143. FISCHER (Klaus P.). Hitler & America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, VI-356 p. 7144. FOX (Jo). Propaganda and the flight of Rudolf Hess, 1941–1945. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 1, p. 78-110. 7145. FUJITANI (Takashi). Race for empire: Koreans as Japanese and Japanese as Americans during World War II. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XXI-488 p. (Asia Pacific modern, 7). 7146. GARBARINI (Alexandra), KERENJI (Emil), LAM(Jan), PATT (Avinoam J.). Jewish responses to persecution. Vol. 2. 1938–1940. Lanham, Altamira Press, 2011, XXXV-575 p. (Documenting life and destruction: Holocaust sources in context, 3).
7147. GREBLE (Emily). Sarajevo, 1941–1945: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Hitler's Europe. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XIV-276 p.
7155. KHAN (Noor-Aiman I.). Egyptian-Indian nationalist collaboration and the British Empire. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XV-233 p. 7156. KIKUCHI (Kazutaka). Sensō to kakyō: Nihon, kokuminseifu kōkan, kairaiseiken, kakyō kan no seiji rikigaku. (Overseas Chinese and the Asia Pacific War 1937–1945: the political dynamism between Japan, Chinese Nationalist Government and the puppet regime). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 493 p. (Kyuko series, 93). 7157. LÖW (Andrea), ROTH (Markus). Juden in Krakau unter deutscher Besatzung 1939–1945. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 248 p. 7158. MATHIEU (Adrien). Le Projet Madagascar. Une tentative de colonisation juive (1936–1939). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 2, p. 157-180. 7159. MAUCH (Peter Cameron). Sailor diplomat: Nomura Kichisaburō and the Japanese-American War. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XVII-312 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 333). 7160. MILIĆEVIĆ (Nataša), NIKODIJEVIĆ (Dušan). Svakodnevni život pod okupacijom 1941–1944: Iskustvo jednog Beograđanina [Beleške Dragutina J. Rankovića]. (Daily life under occupation 1941–1944: experience of a Belgrade [Notes of Dragutin J. Ranković]). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011, 893 p. (Biblioteka "Studije i monografije", 76).
7148. GROTH (Alexander J.). Accomplices: Churchill, Roosevelt and the Holocaust. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 293 p. (Studies in modern European history, 67).
7161. NEITZEL (Sönke), WELZER (Harald). Soldaten: Protokolle vom Kämpfen, Töten und Sterben. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Verlag, 2011, 520 p.
7149. GYLLENHAAL (Lars). Tyskar och allierade i Sverige. (Les Allemands et les Alliés en Suède). Stockholm, Fischer & Co, 2011, 216 p. (ill.).
7162. OTTO (Reinhard), KELLER (Rolf). Zur individuellen Erfassung von sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen durch die Wehrmacht. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 4, p. 563-578.
7150. HANSEN (Peter Møller). Forført til landsforræderi. Hvervning og skoling af danske frivillige i Waffen SS, sommeren 1940. (Seduced to treason. Recruitment and schooling of Danish SS volunteers in the summer of 1940). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 454-477. 7151. HERF (Jeffrey). Arabischsprachige nationalsozialistische Propaganda während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und des Holocaust. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2011, 37, 3, p. 359-384. 7152. HOFMAN (Petr). Ve stínu osvobození: činnost sovětských represivních složek na československém území v letech 1944–1945. (In the shadows of liberation: activities of the Soviet repressive bodies on the Czechoslovak territory during 1944–1945). In: Nultá hodina? Československo na jaře 1945 ve strategických souvislostech. Praha, Euroslavica, 2011, p. 90-102.
7163. PERRY (J. K. J.). Powerless and frustrated: Britain's relationship with China during the opening years of the second Sino-Japanese war, 1937–1939. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 408-430. 7164. REICHELT (Katrin). Lettland unter deutscher Besatzung 1941–1944: der lettische Anteil am Holocaust. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 428 p. (Dokumente, Texte, Materialien. Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der TU Berlin, 78). 7165. RENTROP (Petra). Tatorte der "Endlösung": das Ghetto Minsk und die Vernichtungsstätte von Maly Trostinez. Berlin, Metropol, 2011, 256 p. (Dokumente, Texte, Materialien, 80). 7166. ROBERTSON (Charles L.). When Roosevelt planned to govern France. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2011, IX-235 p.
7167. Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two. Ed. by Sabrina P. RAMET and Ola LISTHAUG. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, 304 p. 7168. SHIMADA (Akira). Soren kominterun to supein naisen: Mosukuwa wo chūshin ni shita soren to kominterun no supein naisen kainyū seisaku no zentaizō. (The USSR, Comintern and the Spanish Civil War: An overall perspective of the USSR's and Comintern's intervention in the Spanish Civil War). Tokyo, Rengashobo Shinsha, 2011, 366 p. 7169. SKOR (Holger). "Brücken über den Rhein". Frankreich in der Wahrnehmung und Propaganda des Dritten Reiches, 1933–1939. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 461 p. (Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte – Neue Folge, 26). 7170. SØEBORG (Flemming). 9. april. Historien om besættelsen. (Histoire de l'occupation allemande au Danemark). København, People's Press, 2011, 223 p. (ill.). 7171. SØRENSEN (Jakob). For Danmarks ære. Danskere i allieret krigstjeneste 1939–1945. (Pour l'honneur du Danemark. Les Danois dans les armées alliées pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). København, Information, 2011, 322 p. (ill.). 7172. STEINER (Zara S.). The triumph of the dark: European international history 1933–1939. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-1222 p. 7173. TIMOFEEV (Aleksej J.). Rusi i Drugi svetski rat u Jugoslaviji: uticaj SSSR-a i ruskih emigranata na događaje u Jugoslaviji 1941–1945. (The Russians and the Second World War in Yugoslavia: the influence of the USSR and Russian emigrants to developments in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945). Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011, 464 p. (Biblioteka "Studije i monografije", 66). 7174. VORONKOVA (Irina Iurʹevna). "Dvadts︡atʹ vtorogo iiunia, rovno v chetyre chasa-": Minsk i minchane v pervye dni Velikoĭ Otechestvennoĭ voĭny. [Minsk and Minsk residents in the early days of the Great Patriotic War]. Minsk, Belaruskaia navuka, 2011, 264 p. 7175. WILLIAMS (Bill). "Jews and other foreigners": Manchester and the rescue of the victims of European fascism, 1933–1940. New York, Manchester U. P., 2011, XII-420 p. Cf. nos 7064, 7079, 7082, 7090, 7092, 7305, 7333, 7345, 7347 b. Diplomacy. Economy ** 7176. Documents diplomatiques français: 1944– 1954. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. 11. 1948. Tome 1. 1er janvier–30 juin. Établi sous la dir. de Georges-Henri SOUTOU. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Lang, 2011, XLIII-1010 p. ** 7177. FOO (Yee Wah). Chiang Kaishek's last ambassador to Moscow: the wartime diaries of Fu Bing-
chang. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XIV258 p. ** 7178. Fremde Blicke auf das "Dritte Reich": Berichte ausländischer Diplomaten über Herrschaft und Gesellschaft in Deutschland 1933–1945. Hrsg. v. Frank BAJOHR und Christoph STRUPP. Göttingen, WallsteinVerl., 2011, 600 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte, 49). ** 7179. FRIEDLÄNDER (Saul). Pius XII. und das Dritte Reich: Eine Dokumentation. München, Beck, 2011, 231 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1949). ** 7180. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1936. Redaktor Stanisław ŻERKO; współpraca Piotr DŁUGOŁĘCKI. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2011, 855 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 7181. Rumuńskiej pułapce (W): internowanie Józefa Becka i Edwarda Śmigłego-Rydza w dokumentach rumuńskich służb specjalnych. (The Romanian trap. The internment of Joseph Beck and Edward Rydz Smigly-in documents of Romanian secret services). Vybór i opracowanie Marek KORNAT, Mikołaj MORZYCKI-MARKOWSKI. Gdańsk, Wydawnictwo "Oskar", 2011, 283 p. 7182. CALAFETEANU (Cătălin). România şi "micile puteri" vecine 1940–1944. Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2011, 291 p. 7183. CHAPMAN (Michael). Arguing Americanism: Franco lobbyists, Roosevelt's foreign policy, and the Spanish Civil War. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2011, 288 p. 7184. CLARKE (J. Calvitt III). Alliance of the colored peoples: Ethiopia and Japan before World War II. Oxford, James Currey, 2011, XVII-198 p. 7185. ESPELI (Harald). 'Det gavner ingenting å gjøre store vanskeligheter i små saker. Dette er ikke store saker' – Norges Bank, administrasjonsrådet og etableringen av okkupasjonskontoen i 1940. (The Norwegian central bank, the Administrative Council and the establishment of the occupation account in 1940). Historisk tidsskrift (Norway), 2011, 4, p. 559-584. 7186. FOPPIANI (Oreste). The Allies and the Italian Social Republic (1943–1945): Anglo-American relations with, perceptions of, and judgments on the RSI during the Italian Civil War. Bern a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2011, 390 p. (European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1078). 7187. GRAM-SKJOLDAGER (Karen). The law of the jungle? Denmark's international legal status during the Second World War. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 235-256. 7188. HAYES (Romain). Subhas Chandra Bose in Nazi Germany. Politics, intelligence and propaganda 1941–43. London, Hurst and Company, 2011, XXX249 p. 7189. HECKER-STAMPEHL (Jan). Vereinigte Staaten des Nordens. Integrationsideen in Nordeuropa im Zwei-
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War ten Weltkrieg. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 471 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 26). 7190. HEIFERMAN (Ronald Ian). The Cairo Conference of 1943: Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek, and Madame Chiang. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2011, VII-199 p. 7191. HILTSCHER (Jörg). Die deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen 1940–1942 in der Perzeption Hitlers, Ribbentrops und Papens: eine Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer nachrichtendienstlichen Dimension. Ludwigsfelde, Ludwigsfelder Verlagshaus, 2011, XIX578 p. (Geheimdienstgeschichte, 3). 7192. Hitler-Stalin Pakt 1939 (Der) in den Erinnerungskulturen der Europäer. Hrsg. v. Anna KAMINSKY, Dietmar MÜLLER und Stefan TROEBST. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2011, 566 p. 7193. JACOBS (Matthew F.). Imagining the Middle East: the building of an American foreign policy, 1918–1967. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XIII-318 p. 7194. JONAS (Michael). Alternativpolitik und Diplomatie. Das Auswärtige Amt und Nordeuropa im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Historische Zeitschrift, 2011, 293, 3, p. 667-707. – IDEM. NS-Diplomatie und Bündnispolitik 1935–1944. Wipert von Blücher, das Dritte Reich und Finnland. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 687 p. 7195. KELLER (Rolf). Sowjetische Kriegsgefangene im Deutschen Reich 1941/42. Behandlung und Arbeitseinsatz zwischen Vernichtungspolitik und kriegswirtschaftlichen Zwängen. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2011, 511 p. 7196. LACEY (Jim). Keep from all thoughtful men: how U.S. economists won World War II. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2011, 266 p. 7197. MAYER (Michael). Akteure, Verbrechen und Kontinuitäten. Das Auswärtige Amt im Dritten Reich – Eine Binnendifferenzierung. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 4, p. 509-532. 7198. MAYERS (David). The Great Patriotic War, FDR's Embassy Moscow, and Soviet–US Relations. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 299-333. 7199. MEISER (Hans). Tschechen als Kriegstreiber: Kramasch, Masaryk, Benesch – Zerstörer Europas. Tübingen, Grabert, 2011, 447 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, 54). 7200. META (Beqir). Marrëdhëniet shqiptaro-greke pas vendimit të Gjykatës së Hagës për çështjen e shkollave minoritare. (The Albanian-Greek relations after The Hague Court decision, April–August 1935). Studime Historike, 2011, 3-4, p. 69-98 7201. MICU (Gabriel). Basarabia, România și geopolitica Marilor Puteri (1914–1947). Chişinău, Pontos, 2011, 355 p. (SeriesMonografii / Asociația Națională a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova-ANTIM, 10).
7202. O'SHEA (Paul). A cross too heavy: Pope Pius XII and the Jews of Europe. New York, Palgrave, 2011, 273 p. 7203. PARK (Tae Jin). Guiding public opinion on the Far Eastern crisis, 1931–1941: the American State Department and propaganda on the Sino-Japanese conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 388-407. 7204. PETRUF (Pavol). Zahraničná politika Slovenskej republiky 1939–1945. (The foreign policy of Slovak Republic 1939–1945. Bratislava, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011, 328 p. 7205. PETTINÀ (Vanni). Cuba y Estados Unidos, 1933–1959: del compromiso nacionalista al conflicto. Madrid, Catarata, 2011, 280 p. (Investigación y debate, 73). 7206. PLATING (John David). The Hump: America's strategy for keeping China in World War II. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2011, XII-331 p. (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University military history series, 134). 7207. PLESCH (Dan). America, Hitler and the UN: how the Allies won the World War II and forged a peace. London, I.B.Taurus, 2011, XVI-256 p. 7208. POUPAULT (Christophe). La visite officielle de Pierre Laval au Vatican en janvier 1935. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 2, p. 115-128. 7209. SCHWARZ (Stephan). Anpassung statt Widerstand: Franz Kappelers Tätigkeit in Berlin. Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2011, 61, 4, p. 418-434. 7210. SHIELDS (Sarah D.). Fezzes in the river: identity politics and European diplomacy in the Middle East on the eve of World War II. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-306 p. 7211. SMITH (T.O.). Churchill, America and Vietnam, 1941–1945. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, XI185 p. 7212. STEDMAN (Andrew David). Alternatives to appeasement: Neville Chamberlain and Hitler's Germany. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, X-308 p. 7213. TAMMAN (Tina). The last ambassador: August Torma, soldier, diplomat, spy. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2011, 251 p. 7214. THOMÀS (Joan Maria). Roosevelt, Franco, and the end of the Second World War. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, VIII-243 p. (World of the Roosevelts). 7215. VAÏSSE (Maurice). De Gaulle et Mohammed V 18 juin 1940–18 juin 1945. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 91-106. 7216. WATERS (Christopher). Australia and appeasement: imperial foreign policy and the origins of World War II. London, I.B.Tauris, 2011, 321 p. 7217. WEEKS (Albert Loren). Assured victory: how "Stalin the Great" won the war but lost the peace. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2011, XXXIII-281 p.
7218. WICHHART (Stefanie K.). A 'New Deal' for the Kurds: Britain's Kurdish policy in Iraq, 1941–1945. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 5, p. 815-831.
7230. FENNELL (Jonathan). Combat and morale in the North African campaign: the Eighth Army and the path to El Alamein. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIX-341 p. (Cambridge military histories).
Cf. nos 3826, 7044, 7045, 7066, 7080, 7104, 7113, 7120, 7294, 7300, 7307, 7321, 7323
7231. FRITZ (Stephen G.). Ostkrieg. Hitler's war of extermination in the East. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2011, XXIV-6400 p.
c. Military operations 7219. ALBERTELLI (Sébastien). Les services secrets de la France Libre: le Bureau Central de Renseignement et d'Action (BCRA), 1940–1944. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 7-26. 7220. ALLEN (Susan Heuck). Classical spies: American archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2011, XIII430 p. 7221. ARNOLD (Jörg). The Allied air war and urban memory: the legacy of strategic bombing in Germany. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVIII-387 p. ((Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare). 7222. Battle (The) for China: essays on the military history of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937–1945. Ed. by Mark PEATTIE, Edward J. DREA and Hans VAN DE VEN. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XXV-614 p. 7223. BENZ (Wigbert). Der Hungerplan im "Unternehmen Barbarossa" 1941. Berlin, wvb, Wiss. Verl., 2011, 84 p. 7224. CARLIER (Claude). Général Paul Dassault: l'armement et les études techniques de l'État-Major de l'Armée (1931–1945). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 93-102. 7225. CORNELIUS (Deborah S.). Hungary in World War II: caught in the cauldron. Ashland, Fordham U. P., 2011, 519 p. (World War II: the global, human, and ethical dimension). 7226. CUSTODIS (Johann). Exploiting the enemy in the Orkneys: the employment of Italian prisoners of war on the Scapa Flow barriers during the Second World War. Journal of Scottish historical studies. 2011, 31, 1, p. 72-98. 7227. "Der Führer war wieder viel zu human, viel zu gefühlvoll": der Zweite Weltkrieg aus der Sicht deutscher und italienischer Soldaten. Hrsg. v. Harald Welzer, Sönke Neitzel und Christian Gudehus. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2011, 464 p. 7228. DIMITRIJEVIĆ (Bojan B.). Oklopne jedinice na jugoslovenskom ratištu, 1941–1945. (Armored units in the Yugoslav frontline, 1941–1945). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2011, 498 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografie). 7229. EDGERTON (David). Britain's war machine: weapons, resources, and experts in the Second World War. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII445 p.
7232. GORDON (John). Fighting for MacArthur: the Navy and Marine Corps' desperate defense of the Philippines. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2011, VIII370 p. 7233. HARRISON (E.D.R.). Carton de Wiart's Second Military Mission to Poland and the German Invasion of 1939. European history quarterly, 2011, 41, 4, p. 609633. 7234. HARTER (Hélène). Pearl Harbor. 7 décembre 1941. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 195 p. 7235. HARTMANN (Christian). Unternehmen Barbarossa: der deutsche Krieg im Osten 1941–1945. München, Beck, 2011, 128 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 2714). 7236. JASPER (Andreas). Zweierlei Weltkriege? Kriegserfahrungen deutscher Soldaten in Ost und West 1939–1945. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 344 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 66). 7237. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav). Ztracené vítězství: operace amerických jednotek na českém území. (A lost victory: operation of American troops on the Czech territory). In: Nultá hodina? Československo na jaře 1945 ve strategických souvislostech. Praha, Euroslavica, 2011, p. 35-55. 7238. KOUMAS (Manolis). Patterns of the future? British Mediterranean strategy and the choice between Alexandria and Cyprus 1935–1938. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 489-500. 7239. Leningrader Blockade (Die): der Krieg, die Stadt und der Tod. Hrsg. v. Manfred SAPPER und Volker WEICHSEL. Berlin, Berliner Wiss.-Verl., 2011, 398 p. 7240. MARŠÁLEK (Zdenko). Vojáci v moci politiků: Československá armáda na jaře 1945. (Soldiers under the command of politicians: Czechoslovak Army in the spring of 1945). In: Nultá hodina? Československo na jaře 1945 ve strategických souvislostech. Praha, Euroslavica, 2011, p. 56-89. 7241. MISCAMBLE (Wilson D.). The most controversial decision: Truman, the atomic bombs, and the defeat of Japan. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-174 p. (Cambridge essential histories). 7242. MÜLLER (Rolf-Dieter). Der Feind steht im Osten: Hitlers geheime Pläne für einen Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion im Jahr 1939. Berlin, Links, 2011, 294 p. 7243. MUTH (Jörg). Command culture: officer education in the U.S. Army and the German armed forces, 1901–1940, and the consequences for World War II. Denton, University of North Texas Press, 2011, X366 p.
§ 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War 7244. OOI (Keat Gin). The Japanese occupation of Borneo, 1941–1945. New York, Routledge, 2011, XXIII-199 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 65). 7245. SAKAGUCHI (Tasuke). Taiheiyō sensōki no kaijō kōtsū hogo mondai no kenkyū: Nihon kaigun no taiō wo chūshin ni (A study of the problem of the protection of maritime commerce during the Asia-Pacific war: Focusing on the reaction of the Japanese navy). Tokyo, Kazama Shobo, 2011, 311 p. 7246. SCHNEIDER (Karl). "Auswärts eingesetzt". Bremer Polizeibataillone und der Holocaust. Essen, Klartext, 2011, 812 p. 7247. Southern Ireland and the liberation of France: new perspectives. Ed. by Gerald MORGAN and Gavin HUGHES. Oxford a. New York, Peter Lang, 2011, XVIII232 p. (Reimagining Ireland, 33). 7248. STAFFORD (David). Mission accomplished: SOE and Italy 1943–1945. London, Bodley Head, 2011, XXIII-392 p. 7249. STAHEL (David). Kiev 1941: Hitler's battle for supremacy in the East. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-468 p. 7250. STAN (Constantin I.), GAIŢĂ (Alexandru). Acţiuni sovietice de spionaj în România (1940–1941). (Soviet espionage actions in Romania, 1940–1941). Acta Bacoviensis. Anuarul Arhivelor Naționale Bacău, 2011, 6, p. 321-336. 7251. SÜß (Dietmar). Tod aus der Luft. Kriegsgesellschaft und Luftkrieg in Deutschland und England. München, Siedler, 2011, 717 p. 7252. SYMONDS (Craig L.). The Battle of Midway. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, XII-452 p. (Pivotal moments in American history).
d. Resistance ** 7258. KARSKI (Jan). Story of a secret state: my report to the world. London, Penguin Hardback Classics, 2011, 448 p. 7259. BARASZ (Johanna). De Vichy à la Résistance: les vichysto-résistants 1940–1944. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 27-50. 7260. BATH (Matthias). Danebrog gegen Hakenkreuz: der Widerstand in Dänemark 1940–1945. Neumünster, Wachholtz, 2011, 368 p. 7261. BLANC (Julien). Du côté du musée de l'Homme: nouvelles approches de la Résistance pionnière en zone occupée. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 51-72. 7262. BONIN (Hubert). Peut-on imaginer des banquiers patriotes et résistants (1940–1944)? Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 45-58. 7263. CHEVET (Emmanuel). Gendarmerie et maquis sous l'Occupation en France (1943–1944). Force est faiblesse. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 121-139. 7264. GREGORI (Sylvain). Résistance(s) et société corse: cas singulier ou variante régionale? juillet 1940– septembre 1943. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 242, 2, p. 141-171. 7265. HEISEL (Hans). 'S'il y a une période de ma vie dont je ne regrette rien, c'est bien celle-là.' Un militaire allemand dans la résistance. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 103-120. 7266. KISELEV (Vasiliĭ Kuzʹmich). Osobyĭ front partizan Belorussii: iiunʹ 1941–iiulʹ 1944. (Special Front partisans Belarus: June 1941–July 1944). Minsk, Belaruskaia navuka, 2011, 292 p.
7253. TORTZEN (Christian). Kampen på havet. Danske søfolk under Anden Verdenskrig. (La lutte sur l'océan. Les marins danois pendant la seconde guerre mondiale). København, Information, 2011, 377 p. (ill.).
7267. LALAJ (Ana). Konferenca e Bujanit, 31 dhjetor 1943–2 janar 1944, një analizë e rivlerësuar. (The Bujan's Conference, December 31, 1943–January 2, 1944, the reassessment). Studime Historike, 2011, 1-2, p. 135-159; 3-4, p. 123-142.
7254. UGOLINI (Wendy). Experiencing war as the 'enemy other': Italian Scottish experience in World War II. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2011, XI-266 p. (Cultural history of modern war).
7268. MALLY (Eva). Slovenski odpor: Osvobodilna fronta slovenskega naroda od 1941 do 1945. Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2011, 502 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja = Recognitiones, 14).
7255. WARREN (Alan). Burma, 1942: the road from Rangoon to Mandalay. London, Continuum, 2011, X283 p.
7269. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo). L'esercito italiano in Slovenia, 1941–1943: strategie di repressione antipartigiana. Roma, Viella, 2011, 165 p. (Ricerche dell'Istituto storico germanico di Roma, 7).
7256. WILFORD (Timothy). Canada's road to the Pacific War: intelligence, strategy, and the Far East crisis. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XIX-286 p. (Studies in Canadian military history). 7257. ZEILER (Thomas W.). Annihilation: a global military history of World War II. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-485 p. Cf. no 7110
7270. STOPPER (Sebastian). "Die Straße ist deutsch". Der sowjetische Partisanenkrieg und seine militärische Effizienz. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 3, p. 385-412. 7271. WEISS (Stéphane). L'établissement d'une autorité militaire dans le Sud-Ouest en 1944–1945. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 5972.
7272. Widerstand gegen Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus im Alpen-Adria-Raum: internationale Tagung: Klagenfurt 24.–25.2.2011. Hrsg. v. Brigitte ENTNER, Augustin MALLE, Valentin SIMA = Odpor proti fašizmu in nacizmu v alpsko-jadranskem prostoru: mednarodni posvet: Celovec 24.–25.2.2011. Izd. Brigitte ENTNER, Augustin MALLE, Valentin SIMA. Klagenfurt, Drava, 2011, 325 p. § 8. From 1945. _______________________
a. General ** 7273. MALLINSON (Bill). Britain and Cyprus: key themes and documents since World War II. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2011, XVI-214 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 31). 7274. ALMGREN (Birgitta). Inte bara spioner. Stasiinfiltration i Sverige under kalla kriget. (Pas seulement des espions. L'infiltration de la Stasi en Suède pendant la guerre froide). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2011, 288 p. (ill.). 7275. BROGI (Alessandro). Confronting America: the Cold War between the United States and the communists in France and Italy. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XII-533 p. (New Cold War history). 7276. FAYET (Jean-François). Le 9 mai contre le 7 novembre: concurrence commémorative et nouvelle légitimité internationale de l'URSS. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 7-18. 7277. GADDIS (John Lewis). George F. Kennan: an American life. New York, Penguin Press, 2011, 800 p. 7278. HARPER (J. L.). The Cold War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2011, 322 p. 7279. HASEGAWA (Tsuyoshi). The Cold War in East Asia, 1945–1991. Stanford, Stanford U. P. a. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center, 2011, XI-340 p. (Cold War international history project series). 7280. HOLLANDER (Jieskje). The Dutch intellectual debate on European Integration (1948–present). On teachings and life. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 197-218. 7281. HOLMSTRÖM (Mikael). Den dolda alliansen. Sveriges hemliga NATO-förbindelser. (L'alliance cachée. Les liens secrets entre la Suède et l'OTAN). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2011, 655 p. (ill.). (Forskningsprogrammet Försvaret och det kalla kriget FOKK). 7282. Internationale Schweiz (Die) in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges = Relations internationales de la Suisse durant la Guerre froide. Hsrg. v. Sandra BOTT, Janick Marina SCHAUFELBUEHL und Sacha ZALA. Basel, Schwabe, 490, 2011, 137 p. (Itinera, 30). 7283. KAELBLE (Hartmut). Kalter Krieg und Wohlfahrtsstaat: Europa 1945–1989. Bonn, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2011, 288 p. (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 1207).
7284. Kolde krig (Den) og Danmark. (La Guerre froide et le Danemark). Red. John T. LAURIDSEN. København, Gads forlag, 2011, 767 p. (ill.). (Gads Leksikon). 7285. KOVAŘÍK (David). Dědictví (nejen) studené války na české a rakouské periferii. (The legacy of the Cold War [and more] on an edge of Austria and the Bohemian Lands). Soudobé dějiny, 2011, 18, 1/2, p. 225232. 7286. LÉVESQUE (Jacques). Essai sur la spécificité des relations entre l'URSS et l'Europe de l'Est de 1945 à 1989. Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 7-16. 7287. MARÈS (Antoine). La politique étrangère Tchécoslovaque (1948–1989): un cas généralisable? Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 59-74. 7288. MONTEIL (Claudine). Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir sous le regard de la diplomatie. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 4, p. 325-342. 7289. MÜLLER (Christian Th.). US-Truppen und Sowjetarmee in Deutschland. Erfahrungen, Beziehungen, Konflikte im Vergleich. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2011, 397 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 70). 7290. ORBAN (Franck). La France et la puissance: perspectives et stratégies de politique étrangère, 1945– 1995. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2011, XX-455 p. (Publications universitaires européennes. Série 31, Sciences politiques, 602 =Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 31, Politikwissenschaft, 602 = European University Studies. Series 31, Political Science, 602). 7291. RABE (Stephen G.). The killing zone: the United States wages Cold War in Latin America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XXXVII-247 p. 7292. SENOO (Tetsuji). Sengo nishidoitsu gaikō no bunsuirei: Tōhō seisaku to bundan kokufuku no senryaku, 1963–1975 nen. (A watershed in the post-war diplomacy of West Germany: the Eastern policy and strategies for overcoming the German division). Kyoto, Koyo Shobo, 2011, 296 p. 7293. ŠMEJKALOVÁ (Jiřina). Cold War books in the "other" Europe and what came after. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2011, 409 p. 7294. SOUTOU (Jean-Marie). Un diplomate engagé. Mémoires 1939–1979. Paris, Éditions De Fallois, 2011, 555 p. 7295. STOKŁOSA (Katarzyna). Polen und die deutsche Ostpolitik 1945–1990. Göttingen u. Oakville, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 606 p. 7296. TRUTKOWSKI (Dominik). Der geteilte Ostblock: die Grenzen der SBZ/DDR zu Polen und der Tschechoslowakei. Köln, Böhlau, 2011, 205 p. 7297. WELLS (Sherrill Brown). Jean Monnet, unconventional statesman. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2011, 279 p. 7298. WENKEL (Christian). En quête permanente d'une reconnaissance internationale. La politique étrangère de
§ 8. From 1945 la RDA et ses marges de manœuvre. Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 47-58. Cf. no 7213 b. 19451956 ** 7299. Documenti diplomatici italiani (I). Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Commissione per la Pubblicazione dei Documenti Diplomatici. Ser. 11. 1948–1953. Vol. 4. 27 gennaio–31 ottobre 1950. Vol. 5. 1 novembre 1950– 25 luglio 1951. Roma, Ist. Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2011, 2 vol., XLVI-630 p., XIV-855 p. ** 7300. Documents on British policy overseas. Ser. 1. 1945–1950. Vol. 9. The Nordic countries: from war to Cold War, 1944–1951. Ed. by Tony INSALL and Patrick SALMON. Abingdon, Routledge, 2011, LVIII-380 p. (Whitehall histories. Foreign and Commonwealth Office publications). ** 7301. KABA (Hamit), ÇEKU (Ethem). Shqipëria dhe Kosova në arkivat ruse, 1946–1962. (Albania and Kosovo in the Russian archives, 1946–1962). Prishtinë, Brezi 81, 2011, 272 p. ** 7302. MALAGODI (Giovanni). Aprire l'Italia all'aria d'Europa: il diario europeo (1950–1951). A cura di Giovanni FARESE. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011, 116 p. 7303. AGA ROSSI (Elena), ZASLAVSKY (Victor), HERSHBERG (James G.). Stalin and Togliatti: Italy and the origins of the Cold War. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press a. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XVIII-339 p. (Cold War international history project). 7304. AHRENS (Michael). Die Briten in Hamburg. Besatzerleben 1945–1958. Hamburg, Dölling und Galitz, 2011, 474 p. (Forum Zeitgeschichte, 23).
7310. BENVENUTI (Andrea). Australia and Western European integration in the 1950s. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 219-236. 7311. BOÇI (Sonila). Politika e Greqisë ndaj Shqipërisë dhe minoriteti grek gjatë vitit 1945. (The Greek policy towards Albania and the Greek minority in Albania throughout 1945). Studime Historike, 2011, 1-2, p. 161-183. 7312. BRODIE (Janet Farrell). Learning secrecy in the early Cold War: the RAND Corporation. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 4, p. 643-670. 7313. BUGA (Vasile). The repatriation of the Romanian prisoners from the Soviet Union, 1945–1952, on Russians and rusophobia in Romania during the 1940's. Arhivele totalitarismului, 2011, 19, 3-4, p. 140-146. 7314. CARDWELL (Curt). NSC 68 and the political economy of the early Cold War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XII-298 p. 7315. COHEN (Gerard Daniel). In war's wake: Europe's displaced persons in the postwar order. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-237 p. (Oxford studies in international history). 7316. CUORDILEONE (K. A.). The torment of secrecy: reckoning with American communism and anticommunism after Venona. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 4, p. 615-642. 7317. CVETKOVICH (Vladimir). Yugoslav view of Bulgaria immediately after Stalin's death. Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 3-4, p. 186-204. 7318. DAVID (François). John Foster Dulles: secrétaire d'État, Cold Warrior et père de l'Europe. Préface de Georges-Henri SOUTOU. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011, 578 p.
7305. ANTON (Mioara). The coming storm: the Great Powers and the clash over the Balkans and the Black Sea (1944–1946). Valahian Journal of Historical Suidies, 2011, 16, p. 107-124.
7319. DEFRANCE (Corine), PFEIL (Ulrich). Eine Nachkriegsgeschichte in Europa 1945 bis 1965. Darmstadt, WBG, 2011, 324 p. (Deutsch-Französische Geschichte, 10).
7306. ARNHEIM (Artur), LEVITAN (Dov). Politik, diplomati og den hjælpende hånd: Danmark og oprettelsen af staten Israel. (Politique, diplomatie et main secourable: le Danemark et la création de l'Etat d'Israël). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2011, 291 p. (ill.).
7320. DORN (Glenn J.). Pushing tin: U.S.-Bolivian relations and the coming of the national revolution. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 203-228. – IDEM. The Truman administration and Bolivia: making the world safe for liberal constitutional oligarchy. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, X-252 p.
7307. BACHMANN (Wiebke). Die UdSSR und der Nahe Osten. Zionismus, ägyptischer Antikolonialismus und sowjetische Außenpolitik bis 1956. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 224 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 102).
7321. DOW (Philip E.). Romance in a marriage of convenience: the missionary factor in early Cold War U.S.-Ethiopian relations, 1941–1960. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 5, p. 859-895.
7308. BAKER (Andrew). Constructing a post-war order: the rise of US hegemony and the origins of the Cold War. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, XIV-327 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 35). 7309. BAXTER (Christopher). A closed book? British Intelligence and East Asia, 1945–1950. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 4-27.
7322. DUMITRU (Laurenţiu-Cristian). România şi frontierele la Dunăre şi Marea Neagră 1948–1961. (Romania and the borders from Dunăre and Black Sea 1948–1961). Buletinul Universității Naționale de Apărare "Carol I", 2011, 21, 1, p. 271-281. 7323. EVANS (Helena P.). Diplomatic deceptions: Anglo-Soviet relations and the fate of Finland, 1944– 1948. Helsinki, Finnish Literature Society, 2011, 308 p. (Studia Historica, 82).
7324. FARRÉ (Sébastien). De l'économie de guerre au secours philanthropique: care et les enjeux de l'aide américaine dans l'Europe de l'après-guerre. Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 25-41. 7325. FRENCH (David). The British way in counterinsurgency, 1945–1967. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, X-283 p. 7326. GROLLEAU (Magali). L'Inde et la crise de Suez. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 243, 3, p. 73-92. 7327. GROSSER (Pierre). La politique indochinoise de Pierre Mendès France après les accords de Genève. Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 59-75. 7328. HASANLI (Jamil). Stalin and the Turkish crisis of the Cold War, 1945–1953. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XVI-419 p. (Harvard Cold War studies book series). 7329. HASHMI (Sohail H.). 'Zero Plus Zero Plus Zero': Pakistan, the Baghdad Pact, and the Suez Crisis. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 525-544. 7330. HEALEY (Timothy). Will Clayton, negotiating the Marshall Plan, and European economic integration. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 229-256. 7331. HERZOG (Jonathan P.). The spiritual-industrial complex: America's religious battle against communism in the Early Cold War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XI-273 p. 7332. JERSILD (Austin). The Soviet State as imperial scavenger: "catch up and surpass" in the transnational Socialist bloc, 1950–1960. American historical review, 2011, 116, 1, p. 109-132. 7333. JOHNSTONE (Andrew). Creating a "democratic foreign policy": the State Department's Division of public liaison and public opinion, 1944–1953. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 3, p. 483-503. 7334. JOURNOUD (Pierre). De Gaulle et le Vietnam; 1945–1969, la reconciliation. Paris, Éditions Tallandier, 2011, 543 p. 7335. KURASAWA (Aiko). Sengo nihon-indoneshia kankeishi. (A history of the postwar relationships between Japan and Indonesia). Soshisha, 2011, 445 p. 7336. LABELLE (Maurice, Jr). "The only thorn": early Saudi-American relations and the question of Palestine, 1945–1949. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 257-281. 7337. LIPKIN (Mikhail). Avril 1952, la conférence économique de Moscou: changement de tactique ou innovation dans la politique extérieure stalinienne? Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 19-33. 7338. LIU (Hong). China and the shaping of Indonesia, 1949–1965. Singapore, NUS Press in association with Kyoto U. P., 2011, XIV-321 p. (Kyoto CSEAS series on Asian studies, 4). 7339. LONG (S.R. Joey). Safe for decolonization: the Eisenhower administration, Britain and Singapore. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2011, XVIII-248 p.
7340. LUKES (Igor). The 1948 Coup d'État in Prague through the eyes of the American embassy. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 431-449. 7341. MAC GARR (Paul M.). "India's Rasputin"? V. K. Krishna Menon and Anglo-American misperceptions of Indian foreign policymaking, 1947–1964. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 239-260. 7342. MAC GUINNESS (Margaret E.). Peace v. justice: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the modern origins of the debate. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 5, p. 749-768. 7343. MAUREL (Chloé). Les tensions politiques au sein de l'Unesco (1945–1953). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 1, p. 29-46. 7344. Mental maps in the early Cold War era, 1945– 1968. Ed. by Steven CASEY and Jonathan WRIGHT. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 368 p. 7345. OIKONOMIDĒS (Phoivos). Le jeu mondial dans les Balkans: les relations gréco-yougoslaves de la seconde guerre mondiale à la guerre froide, 1941–1956. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011, 656 p. (Inter-national). 7346. PETKOV (Dimitar). The Macedonian question in Bulgarian-Yugoslav Relations (July 1948–October 1956). Bulgarian historical review, 2011, 39, 1-2, p. 140-168. 7347. PORTER (Patrick). Beyond the American century: Walter Lippmann and American grand strategy, 1943– 1950. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 557-577. 7348. SEDGWICK (James Burnham). A people's court: emotion, participant experiences, and the shaping of postwar justice at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946–1948. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 480-499. 7349. TILLER (Stian Johansen), WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen). Powerful state, powerless mediator: the United States and the peace efforts of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, 1949–1951. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 501-524. 7350. WARNER (Geoffrey). Anglo-American Relations and the Cold War in 1950. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 44-60. 7351. WASTI (Syed Tanvir). Eight months in the life of Yahya Kemal. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 137-149. 7352. WETTIG (Gerhard). Sowjetische DeutschlandPolitik 1953 bis 1958: Korrekturen an Stalins Erbe, Chruschtschows Aufstieg und der Weg zum BerlinUltimatum. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VII-190 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 82). 7353. WOODARD (James P.). The consumption of (over?) consumption: diplomatic developmentalisms, market developmentalism, and the making of Brazil's 'American century'. International history review, 2011, 33, 1, p. 65-94.
§ 8. From 1945 Cf. nos 3675, 7127, 7155, 7193, 7199, 7201, 7205, 7356, 7361, 7378, 7389, 7402, 7405, 7415, 7444, 7446, 7463, 7473, 7490 c. From 1956 ** 7354. Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1980. Hrsg. v. Horst MÖLLER, Klaus HILDEBRAND und Gregor SCHÖLLGEN. Bd. 1. 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1980. Bd. 2. 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 1980. Wiss. Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee PAUTSCH. Bearb. Tim GEIGER, Amit DAS GUPTA und Tim SZATKOWSKI. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, LXXXIX-2115 p.
Ed. by Nina HOWLAND and Craig DAIGLE. – Vol. 28. Southern Africa. Ed. by Myra F. BURTON. – Vol. 34. National security policy, 1969–1972. Ed. by M. Todd BENNETT. – Vol. 36. Energy crisis, 1969–1974. Ed. by Linda QAIMMAQAMI. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 2011, 6 vol., XXXI-1129 p., XXXI-1061 p., XXXIII, 1244 p., XXXVII-751 p., XXVIII-1064 p., XXXVIII-1060 p. ** 7363. HURWITZ (Zvi Harry). Peace in the making: the Menachem Begin – Anwar Sadat personal Correspondence. Jerusalem, Gefen Publishing House, 2011, 554 p.
** 7355. ALTRICHTER (Helmut). "Entspannung nicht auf Kosten des Sozialismus". Das Treffen Andrei Gromyko – Erich Honecker am 11./12. Mai 1978. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 121-148.
** 7364. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1958. Red. Dariusz JAROSZ, Maria PASZTOR. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2011, XLVI-887 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne).
** 7356. Chruschtschows Westpolitik 1955–1964. Gespräche, Aufzeichnungen und Stellungnahmen. Hrsg. v. Gerhard WETTIG. Band 3. Kulmination der BerlinKrise (Herbst 1960 bis Herbst 1962). Hrsg. in Zusammenarb. mit Stefan KARNER, Horst MÖLLER, Michail PROSUMENSCHTSCHIKOW [et al.] im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin, des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung in Graz und der Gemeinsamen Kommission zur Erforschung der jüngeren Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, X-656 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 88/3).
** 7365. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1959. Red. Piotr DŁUGOŁĘCKI. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw Mie̜dzynarodowych, 2011, LXVI-928 p. (Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne). ** 7366. RICHEFORT (Isabelle). Le Putsch de Moscou (19–21 août 1991). Une sélection de documents diplomatiques français. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 4, p. 297-303. 7367. AHONEN (Pertti). Death at the Berlin Wall. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2011, X309 p.
** 7357. Diplomatie française face (La) à l'unification allemande. D'après des archives inédites réunies par Maurice VAÏSSE et Christian WENKEL. Paris, Tallandier, 2011, 397 p.
7368. ASHTON (Nigel J.). Love's labours lost: Margaret Thatcher, King Hussein and Anglo–Jordanian relations, 1979–1990. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 651-677.
** 7358. Diplomatie für die deutsche Einheit: Dokumente des Auswärtigen Amts zu den deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen 1989/90. Hrsg. v. Andreas HILGER. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 284 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 103).
7369. BAJON (Philip). De Gaulle finds his "Master". Gerhard Schröder's "Fairly Audacious Politics" in the European Crisis of 1965–1966. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 253-270.
** 7359. Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz = Documents diplomatiques suisses. Kommission für die Veröffentlichung Diplomatischer Dokumente der Schweiz. Vol. 23. 1.1.1964–31.12.1966. Zürich, Chronos, 2011, LXVIII-499 p. ** 7360. Documents diplomatiques français: depuis 1954. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. 35. 1969. Tome 1. 1er janvier–30 juin. Établi sous la dir. de Maurice VAÏSSE. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Lang, 2011, LVII-1105 p. ** 7361. DUMITRU (Laurenţiu-Cristian). România şi blocul comunist 1948–1968. Documente. (Romania and the communist bloc 1948–1968. Documents). Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2011, 244 p. ** 7362. Foreign relations of the United States, 1969– 1976. General editor, Edward C. KEEFER. Vol. 13. Soviet Union, October 1970–October 1971. Ed. by David C. GEYER. – Vol. 15. Soviet Union, June 1972–August 1974. Ed. by Douglas E. SELVAGE and Melissa Jane TAYLOR. – Vol. 25. Arab-Israeli crisis and war, 1973.
7370. BAMBA (Abou B.). At the edge of the modern? Diplomacy, public relations, and media practices during Houphouët-Boigny's 1962 visit to the United States. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 219-238. 7371. BARNWELL (Kristi N.). "Caught between his friends and his enemies": the evolution of AmericanJordanian collaboration in the 1960s. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 281-299. 7372. BENTIVOGLIO (Giulia). La relazione necessaria. La Gran Bretagna del governo Heath e gli Stati Uniti (1970–1974). Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011, 256 p. 7373. BISCHOF (Günter). United States responses to the Soviet suppression of rebellions in the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 61-80. 7374. BISMARCK (Helene von). 'A watershed in our relations with the trucial states': Great Britain's policy to prevent the opening of an Arab League Office in the Persian Gulf in 1965. Middle Eastern studies, 2011, 47, 1, p. 1-24.
7375. BJERK (P.). Postcolonial realism: Tanganyika's foreign policy under Nyerere, 1960–1963. International journal of African historical studies, 2011, 44, 2, p. 215-247. 7376. BLANG (Eugenie M.). Allies at odds: America, Europe, and Vietnam, 1961–1968. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2011, IX-275 p. (Vietnam: America in the war years). 7377. BOSSAUT (Gérard). Émile Noël, premier secrétaire general de la Commission européenne. Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2011, 473 p. 7378. BOTTONI (Stefano). "Baráti együttmûködés": a magyar–román állambiztonsági kapcsolatok (1945– 1982). ("Friendly Cooperation": state security contacts between Hungary and Romania, 1945–1982). Történelmi Szemle, 2011, 2, p. 235-258). 7379. BOULLENOIS (Camille). La Chine de la révolution culturelle vue par des Français, 1965–1970. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 4, p. 343-360. 7380. BRANDS (Hal). Making the conspiracy theorist a prophet: covert action and the contours of United States–Iraq relations. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 381-408. – IDEM. Saddam and Israel: what do the new Iraqi records reveal? Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 500-520. 7381. Century (A) of revolution. Insurgent and counterinsurgent violence during Latin America's long Cold War. Ed. by Greg GRANDIN and Gilbert M. JOSEPH. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, 443 p. 7382. CERNY-WERNER (Roland). Vatikanische Ostpolitik und die DDR. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 378 p. 7383. CONSTANTIN (Ionuţ). Evoluţii geopolitice în Asia Centrală. Politica României faţă de statele din regiune (1991–2007). (Geopolitical developments in Central Asia. Romania's policy towards the countries of the region (1991–2007). Prefaţă de Valentin Ciorbea. Bucureşti, Editura Top Forum, 2011, 246 p. 7384. COPPOLARO (Lucia). US policy on European integration during the GATT Kennedy round negotiations (1963–67): the last hurrah of America's Europeanists. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 409-429. 7385. DADDIS (Gregory A.). No sure victory: measuring U.S. Army effectiveness and progress in the Vietnam War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV-334 p. 7386. DE ANGELIS (Emma). The European Parliament's identity discourse and Eastern Europe, 1974– 2004. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 103-116. 7387. DESGRANDCHAMPS (Marie-Luce). Revenir sur le mythe fondateur de Médecins sans frontières: les relations entre les médecins français et le CICR pendant la guerre du Biafra (1967–1970). Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 95-108.
7388. DIETRICH (Christopher R. W.). "Arab oil belongs to the Arabs": raw material sovereignty, Cold War boundaries, and the nationalisation of the Iraq petroleum company, 1967–1973. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 3, p. 450-479. 7389. DULLIN (Sabine). Des frontières s'ouvrent et se ferment. La mise en place d'un espace socialiste derrière le rideau de fer, 1953–1970. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 35-48. 7390. DULPHY (Anne), MANIGAND (Christine). L'opinion publique et le parlement européen. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 117-130. 7391. DUTRÉNIT BIELOUS (Silvia). La embajada indoblegable: asilo mexicano en Montevideo durante la dictadura. Montevideo, Editorial Fin de Siglo, Instituto de Ciencia Política, 2011, 203 p. 7392. EKENGREN (Ann-Marie). How ideas influence decision-making: Olof Palme and Swedish foreign policy, 1965–1975. Scandinavian journal of history, 2011, 36, 2, p. 117-134. 7393. ESSEMLALI (Mounya). Le Maroc entre la France et l'Algérie (1956–1962). Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 77-93. 7394. Europe in the international arena during the 1970s: entering a different world = L'Europe sur la scène internationale dans les années 1970: à la découverte d'un nouveau monde. Ed. by Antonio VARSORI and Guia MIGANI. Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2011, 387 p. (Euroclio. Études et documents, 58). 7395. FREDRICH-KIHM (Eva-Maria). Akteure der zweiten Reihe: die Rolle Frankreichs und der DDR im Verlauf der Zweiten Berlinkrise 1958–1963. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, 384 p. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 79). 7396. GARAVINI (Giuliano). Completing decolonization: the 1973 'Oil Shock' and the struggle for economic rights. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 473-487. 7397. GATRELL (Peter). Free world? The campaign to save the world's refugees, 1956–1963. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XIV-263 p. 7398. Getting to zero: the path to nuclear disarmament. Ed. by Catherine Mac Ardle KELLEHER and Judith REPPY. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, IX-404 p. 7399. GFELLNER (Aurélie Élisa). Une militante du parlementarisme européen: Simone Veil. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 61-72. 7400. GILDE (Benjamin). Keine neutralen Vermittler. Die Gruppe der neutralen und nicht-paktgebundenen Staaten und das Belgrader KSZE-Folgetreffen 1977/78. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 3, p. 413444. 7401. GLAURDIĆ (Josip). The hour of Europe: Western powers and the breakup of Yugoslavia. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2011, XIV-432 p.
§ 8. From 1945 7402. GLOVER (Nikolas). National relations: public diplomacy, national identity and the Swedish Institute, 1945–1970. Lund, Nordic Academic, 2011, 286 p. 7403. GRIDAN (Irina). Bucarest-Moscou: le ferment nationaliste des dissensions bilatérales (1964). Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 95-110. 7404. Guerre (La) du Golfe (1991): continuités et ruptures dans l'art occidental de la guerre [Dossier]. Intr. Par Jérôme DE LESPINOIS. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 244, 4, p. 5-109. 7405. GUERRIERI (Sandro). La délégation italienne au Parlement européen (1952–1979). Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 47-60. 7406. GURMAN (Hannah). The other plumbers unit: the dissent channel of the U.S. State Department. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 321-349. 7407. HAKKARAINEN (Petri). A state of peace in Europe: West Germany and the CSCE, 1966–1975. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, XIII-280 p. (Studies in contemporary European history, 10). 7408. HAMBLOCH (Sibylle). EEC competition policy in the early phase of European integration. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 237-252. 7409. HARMER (Tanya). Allende's Chile and the inter-American Cold War. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2011, XVI-375 p. (New Cold War history). 7410. HARRISON (Benjamin T.), MOSHER (Christopher L.). The secret diary of McNamara's dove: the long-lost story of John T. McNaughton's opposition to the Vietnam War. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 3, p. 505-534. 7411. HERRMANN (Irène). Quand Berne aidait Moscou. Conception et perception de l'aide humanitaire suisse lors de l'effondrement de l'Union soviétique. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 97-107. 7412. HILDEBRANDT (Johanne). Krigare. Ett personligt reportage om de svenska soldaterna i Afghanistan. (Les guerriers. Reportage sur les soldats suédois en Afghanistan). Stockholm, Forum, 2011, 340 p. 7413. HUGHES (Geraint). The Cold War and counterinsurgency. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 142163. 7414. IJI (Tetsuro). Contact group diplomacy: the strategies of the Western contact group in mediating Namibian conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 634-650. 7415. ILINCA (Alina), BEJENARU (Liviu Marius). Acţiuni de dezinformare şi propagandă ale Securităţii împotriva Occidentului, 1948–1989. (Misinformation and propaganda actions of the securitate against the West, 1948–1989). Arhivele totalitarismului, 2011, 19, 1-2, p. 61-72. 7416. ITOH (Mayumi). The origin of ping-pong diplomacy: the forgotten architect of Sino-U.S. Rap-
prochement. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 266 p. 7417. JUNEAU (Jean-François). The limits of linkage: the Nixon administration and Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik, 1969–72. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 277-297. 7418. KALINOVSKY (Artemy M.). A long goodbye: the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 304 p. 7419. KEYS (Barbara). Henry Kissinger: the emotional statesman. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 4, p. 587-609. 7420. KHOO (Nicholas). Collateral damage: SinoSoviet rivalry and the termination of the Sino-Vietnamese alliance. New York a. Chichester, Columbia U. P., 2011, X-267 p. 7421. KRAMER (Mark). The demise of the Soviet bloc. Journal of modern history, 2011, 83, 4, p. 788-854. 7422. KRIEGER (Wolfgang). German-American Intelligence Relations, 1945–1956: new evidence on the origins of the BND. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 28-43. 7423. LANDERGREN (Claës-Göran). Kors och tvärs i en föränderlig värld. (La Croix Rouge suédoise et les forces suédoises de maintien de la paix dans un monde en métamorphose). Visby, Nomen, 2011, 232 p. (ill.). 7424. LANGE ((Daniel). Auf deutsch-deutscher UNPatrouille: die polizeiliche Beobachtereinheit der DDR in Namibia (1989/90). Schkeuditz, SBV, Schkeuditzer Buchverlag, 2011, 176 p. (Schriften der Förderpreisträger der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brandenburg e.V.). 7425. LAPPENKÜPER (Ulrich). Mitterrand und Deutschland: die enträtselte Sphinx. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, VI-385 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 89). 7426. LATHAM (Michael E.). The right kind of revolution: modernization, development, and U.S. foreign policy from the Cold War to the present. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, IX-246 p. 7427. LE HUNSEC (Mathieu). La marine nationale en Afrique depuis les indépendances: 50 ans de diplomatie navale dans le golfe de Guinée. Vincennes, Service historique de la défense, 2011, 325 p. (Etudes). 7428. Learning from the secret past: cases in British intelligence history. Ed. by Robert DOVER and Michael S. GOODMAN. Washington, Georgetown U. P., 2011, XVI-313 p. 7429. LEITE (Patrícia Soares). O Brasil e a cooperação Sul-Sul em três momentos de política externa: os governos Jânio Quadros/João Goulart, Ernesto Geisel e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brasília, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2011, 226 p. (Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 527). 7430. LERNER (Mitch). Climbing off the back burner: Lyndon Johnson's soft power approach to Africa. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 578-607.
7431. LIEBICH (André). Les promesses faites à Gorbatchev: l'avenir des alliances au crépuscule de la guerre froide. Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 85-96.
7444. MORONE (Antonio M.). L'ultima colonia: come l'Italia è tornata in Africa, 1950–1960. Roma, Laterza, 2011, XIX-211 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 170).
7432. LIPPERT (Werner D.). The economic diplomacy of Ostpolitik: origins of NATO's energy dilemma. New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, XVIII-238 p.
7445. MOUNT (Graeme S.). US-Romanian relations during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. Canadian journal of history, 2011, 46, 1, p. 97-134.
7433. LLEWELYN (James). Steadfast yet reluctant allies: Japan and the United Kingdom in the Vietnam War. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 608-633.
7446. MUELLER (Wolfgang). A good example of peaceful coexistence? The Soviet Union, Austria, and neutrality, 1955–1991. Wien, Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 381 p. (Zentraleuropa-Studien, 15).
7434. MAC GARR (Paul M.). After Nehru, what? Britain, the United States, and the other transfer of power in India, 1960–1964. International history review, 2011, 33, 1, p. 115-142. 7435. MAC KERCHER (Asa). A 'Half-hearted Response'? Canada and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 335-352. 7436. MACHER (Aniko). La Hongrie entre tutelle soviétique et intérêt national au cours des années 1960. Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 81-94. 7437. MANEA (Gabriel Stelian). O lovitură de imagine pentru Nicolae Ceauşescu. Vizita preşedintelui Richard Nixon la Bucureşti, 2–3 august 1969. (An imagine success for Nicolae Ceuşescu. The visit of president Richard Nixon in Bucharest, in August 1969). Studii si Materiale de Istorie Contemporană, Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga, București, 2011, 10, p. 170-183. 7438. MARIAGER (Rasmus). Fælleseuropæisk sikkerhed. Transnationale Socialdemokratiske netværk, afspændingspolitikkens krise og Ostpolitikkens videreførelse. (All-European security. Transnational social democratic networks, the crisis of Détente, and the continuation of Ostpolitik). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 509-546. 7439. MEYER (Hinnerk). Die christlich-demokratische Fraktion des Europäischen Parlaments im Spannungsfeld verschiedener transnationaler Kooperationsformen 1965–1979. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 31-46. 7440. MEYER (Jan-Henrik). Green activism. The European Parliament's environmental committee promoting a European environmental policy in the 1970s. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 73-86. 7441. MIARD-DELACROIX (Hélène). Le Défi européen de 1963 à nos jours. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2011, 394 p. (Histoire franco-allemande). 7442. MITTAG (Jürgen). Die Politisierung der Gemeinsamen Versammlung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl: Anfänge transnationaler Fraktionsbildung im Europäischen Parlament. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 13-30. 7443. MOLEMA (Marijn). European integration from below: the construction of the Ems-Dollart region, 1964– 1978. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 271-284.
7447. NEHRING (Holger), ZIEMANN (Benjamin). Führen alle Wege nach Moskau? Der NATO-Doppelbeschluss und die Friedensbewegung – eine Kritik. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 81-100. 7448. NEUMAN (Marek). The nexus between Czech non-state actors and domestic foreign policy making in the EU presidency context. Perspectives, 2011, 19, 1, p. 5-26. 7449. O'CONNELL (Jack). King's counsel [on King Hussein of Jordan]: a memoir of war, espionage, and diplomacy in the Middle East. With Vernon LOEB. New York a. London, W.W. Norton, 2011, XX-266 p. 7450. OLMSTED (Kathryn S.). The truth is out there: citizen sleuths from the Kennedy assassination to the 9/11 Truth Movement. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 4, p. 671-693. 7451. OUELLET (Éric), LANTEIGNE (Pierre-Marc). Institution militaire et contre-insurrection: l'IPKF [Indian Peace Keeping Force] (1987–1990). Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2011, 241, 1, p. 107123. 7452. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.). "A discordant note": NATO and the Greek Junta, 1967–1974. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 101-120. 7453. PÉREZ MORALES (Carlos). El canal de Panamá: geopolítica y hegemonía de Estados Unidos hacia Panamá a partir de los Tratados Torrijos-Carter. Panamá, Editorial Universitaria Carlos Manuel Gasteazoro, 2011, 325 p. 7454. PRIEST (Andrew). The president, the 'theologians' and the Europeans: the Johnson administration and NATO nuclear sharing. International history review, 2011, 33, 2, p. 257-275. 7455. PUDLAT (Andreas). Der lange Weg zum Schengen-Raum: ein Prozess im Vier-Phasen-Modell. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 2, p. 303326. 7456. RATTI (Luca). Britain, Ost- and Deutschlandpolitik, and the CSCE (1955–1975). Bern, Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011, 270 p. 7457. RAUCHENSTEINER (Manfried). Entschlossenes Zuwarten: Österreich und das Werden Sloweniens 1991.
§ 8. From 1945 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Verlag des Geschichtsvereines für Kärnten, 2011, 159 p. (Archiv für vaterländische Geschichte und Topographie, 102). 7458. REY (Marie-Pierre). L'Europe occidentale dans la politique extérieure soviétique de Brejnev à Gorbatchev, évolution ou révolution? Relations internationales, 2011, 147, 3, p. 73-84. 7459. RIEGLER (Thomas). Im Fadenkreuz – Österreich und der Nahostterrorismus 1973 bis 1985. Göttingen, V&R Unipress u. Wien, Vienna U. P., 2011, 520 p. (Zeitgeschichte im Kontext, 3). 7460. Rise (The) and fall of détente on the Korean peninsula, 1970–1974. Ed. by Christian F. OSTERMANN and James F. PERSON. Washington, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2011, 266 p. (History and Public Policy Program / Critical oral history conference series). 7461. ROBB (Thomas). The "limit of what is tolerable": British defence cuts and the "special relationship," 1974–1976. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 321-337. 7462. ROSTGAARD (Marianne). Dansk kulturdiplomati over for Østblokken ca. 1960–1972. (Danish cultural diplomacy towards the Eastern Bloc, c. 1960– 1972). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 479-507. 7463. RUBINSON (Paul). "Crucified on a cross of atoms": scientists, politics, and the test ban treaty. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 283-319. 7464. RÜCKER (Katrin). Diplomatie européenne et relations internationales: la dimension internationale du premier élargissement de l'Union européenne. Relations internationales, 2011, 146, 2, p. 109-124.
ceptionalism in American foreign policy. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 121-141. 7471. SCOTT (Andrew). Allies apart. Heath, Nixon and the Anglo-American relationship. Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 255 p. 7472. SHEFFER (Edith). Burned bridge: how East and West Germans made the Iron Curtain. Foreword by Peter SCHNEIDER. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XVII-357 p. 7473. SIEKMEIER (James). The Bolivian revolution and the United States, 1952 to the present. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2011, XIII-210 p. 7474. SINIVER (Asaf). Change nobody believes in: Obama and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 4, p. 678-695. 7475. SNYDER (Sarah B.). Human rights activism and the end of the Cold War. A transnational history of the Helsinki network. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2011, X-293 p. 7476. SZATKOWSKI (Tim). Die CDU/CSU und die deutsch-polnischen Vereinbarungen vom Oktober 1975. Humanität oder Konfrontation? Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2011, 59, 1, p. 53-80. 7477. TOUHEY (Ryan M.). Dealing in black and white: the Diefenbaker government and the Cold War in South Asia 1957–1963. Canadian historical review, 2011, 92, 3, p. 429-454. 7478. Türkei 1960 (Die): Politische Berichte von Botschafter Karl Hartl an Aussenminister Bruno Kreisky. Hrsg. v. Rudolf AGSTNER. Wien, Lit, 2011, 187 p. 7479. TURNER (Sean M.). "A rather climactic period": the Sino-Soviet dispute and perceptions of the China threat in the Kennedy administration. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 261-280.
7465. SALM (Christian). Die Sozialistische Fraktion, das Europäische Parlament und die Entwicklungshilfepolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft 1968–1975. Journal of European integration history, 2011, 17, 1, p. 87-102.
7480. TYVELA (Kirk). "A Slight but Salutary Case of the Jitters": the Kennedy administration and the Alliance for Progress in Paraguay. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 2, p. 300-320.
7466. SANDERSON (Claire). Perfide Albion? L'affaire Soames et les arcanes de la diplomatie britannique. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 293 p.
7481. Vietnam, 1968–1976. La sortie de guerre. Sous la dir. de Pierre JOURNOUD et Cécile MENÉTREY-MONCHAU. Bruxelles, PIE Peter Lang, 2011, 378 p.
7467. SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan). Dropping the torch: Jimmy Carter, the Olympic boycott, and the Cold War. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVI-340 p.
7482. VLAGEA (Claudia). La France et le conflit des Malouines: une position contrastée entre diplomatie et politique. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2011, 125, 4, p. 361-377.
7468. SCHMIDLI (William Michael). Institutionalizing human rights in U.S. foreign policy: U.S.-Argentine relations, 1976–1980. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 2, p. 351-377.
7483. WEIMER (Daniel). Seeing drugs: modernization, counterinsurgency, and U.S. narcotics control in the Third World, 1969–1976. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2011, 328 p.
7469. SCHÜTZE (Gabriele). Die internationalen Beziehungen des Magistrats von Berlin 1961–1990: Moskau, Paris, Neu-Delhi, Helsinki. Hamburg, Kovač, 2011, XI-468 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 81).
7484. WEISS (Tomáš). Projecting the re-discovered: Czech policy towards Eastern Europe. Perspectives. 2011, 19, 2, p. 27-44.
7470. SCHWARTZ (Thomas A.). Henry Kissinger: realism, domestic politics, and the struggle against ex-
7485. WEISSBACH (Thomas). Schwerer Weg: Übersiedlung aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und WestBerlin in die DDR 1961–1989. Hamburg, Verlag Dr.
Kovač, 2011, 296 p. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 82).
du shah (1948–1979). Relations internationales, 2011, 148, 4, p. 75-80.
7486. WILLIAMS (Gary). 'Keeping a line open': Britain and the 1979 coup in Grenada. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 2011, 39, 3, p. 479-508.
7491. ŽIVOTIĆ (Aleksandar). Forsiranje peska: odred JNA[Jugoslovenska narodna armija] na Sinaju (1956– 1967). (Forcing sand: detachment of the JNA[Yugoslav National Army] in the Sinai, 1956–1967). Beograd, Medija centar "Odbrana", 2011, 241 p. (Biblioteka "Vojna knjiga", 1688).
7487. YOUNG (John W.). Ambassador David Bruce and "LBJ's War": Vietnam viewed from London, 1963– 1968. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2011, 22, 1, p. 81-100. 7488. YUNUS (Mohammad). Bhutto and the breakup of Pakistan. Karachi a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, VIII-140 p. 7489. ZARETSKY (Natasha). Restraint or retreat? The debate over the Panama canal treaties and U.S. nationalism after Vietnam. Diplomatic history, 2011, 35, 3, p. 535-562. 7490. ZÍDEK (Petr). Le pragmatisme contre l'idéologie: la Tchécoslovaquie communiste et l'Iran de l'époque
7492. Zweiter Kalter Krieg und Friedensbewegung. Der NATO-Doppelbeschluss in deutsch-deutscher und internationaler Perspektive. Hrsg. v. Philipp GASSERT, Tim GEIGER und Hermann WENTKER. München, Oldenbourg, 2011, 410 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Sondernr). Cf. nos 4129, 7193, 7205, 7301, 7304, 7310, 7319, 7321, 7322, 7325, 7332, 7334, 7338, 7339, 7341, 7344, 7350, 7352
R Asia
§ 1. General. 7493-7494. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 7495-7508. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 75097515. – § 4. China. 7516-7644. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7645-7700. – § 6. Korea. 7701-7705. § 1. General. ______________________
7493. Asia in the great divergence [Special Issue]. Ed. and intr. by Stephen BROADBERRY and Steve HINDLE. Economic history review, 2011, 64, issue supplement s1, p. 1-184. [Contents: BROADBERRY (Stephen), HINDLE (Steve). Editors' introduction. – ALLEN (Robert C.), BASSINO (Jean-Pascal), MA (Debin), MOLLMURATA (Christine), VAN ZANDEN (Jan Luiten). Wages, prices, and living standards in China, 1738–1925: in comparison with Europe, Japan, and India (p. 8-38). – HOFFMAN (Philip T.). Prices, the military revolution, and western Europe's comparative advantage in violence (p. 39-59). – ROY (Tirthankar). Indigo and law in colonial India (p. 60-75). – GUPTA (Bishnupriya). Wages, unions, and labour productivity: evidence from Indian cotton mills (p. 76-98). – TANG (John P.). Technological leadership and late development: evidence from Meiji Japan, 1868–1912 (p. 99-116). – KUNG (James Kai-Sing), BAI (Nansheng), LEE (Yiu-Fai). Human capital, migration, and a 'vent' for surplus rural labour in 1930s China: the case of the Lower Yangzi (p. 117-141). – PAK (Sunyoung), SCHWEKENDIEK (Daniel), KIM (Hee Kyoung). Height and living standards in North Korea, 1930s–1980s (p. 142-158). – PAMUK (Şevket), WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.). Ottoman de-industrialization, 1800–1913: assessing the magnitude, impact, and response (p. 159-184)] 7494. État, religion et répression en Asie. Chine, Corée, Japon, Vietnam, XIIIe–XXIe siècles. Sous la dir. de Arnaud BROTONS, Yannick BRUNETON et Nathalie KOUAMÉ. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2011, 354 p. Cf. nos 6771-6793 § 2. Western and central Asia. ** 7495. Nikolaus Poppe (1897–1991): Briefwechsel mit Walther Heissig (1913–2005): ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Mongolistik. Hrsg. v. Hartmut WALRAVENS. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 326 p. (Beiträge zur Kultur-
und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 71. Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 817). _______________________
7496. CAMPOS (Michelle U.). Ottoman brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in early twentiethcentury Palestine. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XII343 p. 7497. GOLDEN (Peter B.). Central Asia in world history. New York a. Oxford, Oxford UU. P., 2011, X178 p. (New Oxford world history). 7498. GOTO (Yukako). Die südkaspischen Provinzen des Iran unter den Safawiden im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert: eine Analyse der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Berlin, Klaus Schwarz, 2011, 282 p. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 302). 7499. IGARASHI (Daisuke). Chūsei isurāmu kokka no zaisei to kishin: Kōki mamurūku-chō no kenkyū. (The finance and donation in Medieval Islamic states: A case of the Late Mamluk Sultanate). Tosui Shobo, 2011, 330 p. 7500. ISOGAI (Ken'ichi). "Seven Fatwa documents from early twentieth-century Samarqand: The function of Multi in the judicial proceedings adopted at Central Asian Islamic court." Nihon Chuto Gakkai Nempo, 2011, 27, 1, p. 259-282 (Eng. summary, p. 282). 7501. ITO (Takao). "Mamurūku-chō surutān kāitobāi no dashīsha wakufu." (Waqf ad-dasisa of Mamluk Sultan Qaytbay). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, 2011, 82, p. 32-60. 7502. KAMEYA (Manabu). "Amīn to mafurūa: Abbāsu-chō karifu no shōgō to rekishi jojutsu no ichikyokumen." (al-Amin and al-Makhlu: two Laqabs of an Abbasid Caliph and their historiographical significance). Shiho, 2011, 44, p. 1-31. 7503. KONDO (Nobuaki). Jūkyū seiki kōhan no teheran no sharīa hōtei daichō. (Shari'a court registers from Teheran in the second half of the nineteenth century). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2011, 70, 2, p. 389-420.
7504. MATSUBARA (Masatake). Kazafu yūbokumin no idō: Arutai sanmyaku kara toruko e 1934–1953. (The migration of Kazak nomads: from the Altai mountains to Turkey 1934–1953). Tokyo, Heibonsha, 2011, 445 p. 7505. ONUMA (Takahiro). "The development of the Junghars and the role of Bukharan merchants." Journal of Central Eurasian Studies, 2011, 2, p. 83-100. 7506. SOOD (Gagan D. S.). Circulation and exchange in Islamicate Eurasia: a regional approach to the early Modern World. Past and present, 2011, 212, p. 113162. 7507. WALKER (Bethany J.). Jordan in the Late Middle Ages: Transformation of the Mamluk Frontier. Chicago, Middle East Documentation Center, on behalf of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 2011, VII338 p. (Chicago studies on the Middle East). 7508. YAMAGUCHI (Akihiko). "Safavī-chō (1501– 1722) to kurudokei shobuzoku: Kyūtei to dochaku erīto no sōkankankei." (The Safavid and the Kurdish clans: the co-relationship between the court and the local elites). Rekishigaku Kenkyu, 2011, 885, p. 266288. § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. _______________________
7509. ISAKA (Riho). "Indo ni okeru shū saihen mondai: Bombei shū no bunkatsu katei." (Debates over the reorganisation of states in India: the bifurcation of Bombay State). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyu, 2011, 81, p. 71-103.
§ 4. China. ______________________
7516. AN (Zuozhang). Zhongguo li bu yan jiu. (Studies on the board of civil office in China's history). Beijing, Dangjian duwu chubanshe, 2011, 625 p. 7517. AO (Wenwei). Minguo zhanzheng yu shehui. (Republican wars and society). Beijing, Shangwu yinshu guan, 2011, 3, 445 p. 7518. ASADA (Shinji). Doitsu tōchika no chintao: Keizai jiyūshugi to shokuminchi shakai chitsujo. (Qingdao under German rule: Economic liberalism and the colonial social order). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 264 p. 7519. BAO (Weimin). Songdai difang caizheng shi yanjiu. (Studies on the local finance during the Song dynasty). 2011. Beijing, Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, 2, 2, 1, 8, 249 p. 7520. BIAN (Junjie). Mingdai de caizheng zhidu bianqian. (A study of financial system transition of the Ming dynasty). Beijing, Jingji guanli chubanshe, 2011, 3, 2, 222 p. 7521. BRASHIER (K. E.). Ancestral memory in early China. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XII-470 p. (Harvard-Yenching institute monograph series, 72). 7522. CAI (Shuangquan). Jindai Zhongguo shiye jiuguo sichao yanjiu. (The industrial salvation intellectual movement in modern China). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 12, 2, 2, 304 p.
7510. LIEBERMAN (Victor). Charter state collapse in Southeast Asia, ca. 1250–1400, as a problem in regional and world history. American historical review, 2011, 116, 4, p. 937-963.
7523. CAO (Yisun), HU (Xiaojin). Sanshi nian Zhongguo faxue jiaoyu da shiji (1919–1949). (Thirty years of law education in China 1919–1949). Beijing, Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chuban she, 2011, II, 18, 258 p.
7511. MOMOKI (Shiro). Chūsei daietsu-kokka no seiritsu to hen'yō. (The foundation and transformation of Medieval Great Viet). Osaka, Osaka U. P., 2011, 471 p.
7524. CHEN (Gang). Wan Qing meijie jishu fazhan yu chuanmei zhidu bianqian. (The research on the development of media technology and the changes of media institution in the late Qing dynasty). Shanghai, Shanghai jiaotong daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, 248 p.
7512. NOMURA (Chikayoshi). "Selling steel in the 1920s: TISCO in a period of transition." Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2011, 48-1, p. 83116. 7513. Shio no seisan to ryūtsū: Higashi ajia kara minami ajia made. (Production and distribution of salt: From East Asia to South Asia). Ed. by Japan Society for Southeast Asian archaeology Tokyo, Yuzankaku, 2011, 158 p. 7514. Tongking gulf (The) through history. Ed. by Nola COOKE, Tana LI and James A. ANDERSON. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, X-222 p. (Encounters with Asia). 7515. TSUBOUCHI (Yoshihiro). Bankoku 1883 nen: Mizu no miyako kara riku no toshi e. (Bangkok in 1883: From the city of water to the city of land). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 237 p.
7525. CHEN (Hui), WANG (Guanxing). Zhongguo gongchandang fanfu changlian jianshe shi. (A history of the anticorruption fight of the Chinese Communist Party). Shanghai, Dongfang chuban zhongxin, 2011, 4, 10, 532 p. 7526. CHEN (Jinlong). Nanjing guomin zhengfu shiqi de zheng jiao guanxi: yi fojiao wei zhongxin de kaocha. (Politics and religions under the Nationalist regime in Nanjing: the case of Buddhism). 11. Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 2, 17, 324 p. 7527. CHEN (Zhiping), WAN (Ming). Mingchao zai Zhongguo shi shang de diwei. (The position of the Ming dynasty in Chinese history). Tianjin, Tianjin guji chubanshe, 2011, 2, 477 p. 7528. CHEN (Zhongping). Modern China's network revolution: Chambers of Commerce and sociopolitical
§ 4. China change in the early twentieth century. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2011, XXI-289 p. 7529. Chūgoku soshō shakai shi no kenkyū. (A historical study of litigation in Chinese society). Ed. FUMA Susumu. Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 930 p. 7530. EMURA (Haruki). Shunjū-sengoku jidai seidō kahei no seisei to tenkai. (Generation and spread of copper coins in the Spring and Autumn and WarringStates periods). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 472 p. (Kyuko series 96). 7531. FAN (Tiequan). Jindai Zhongguo kexue shetuan yanjiu (Scientific societies in modern China). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 1, 3, 234 p. 7532. FAN (Yaping). Zhongguo xinwen congyezhe zhiye rentong yanjiu (1815–1927). (Chinese journanlists' professional identity 1815–1927). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 5, 3, 284 p. 7533. FANG (Baozhang). Songdai guanli sixiang: Jiyu zhengce gongju sh jiao de yanjiu (Ideas about public management during the Song dynasty: A study of political tools). Beijing, Jingji guanli chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 2, 7, 353 p. 7534. Five dynasties and ten kingdoms. Ed. by Peter LORGE. Hong Kong, Chinese U. P., 2011, IX-252 p. 7535. FUJITA (Katsuhisa). Shiki sengoku-retsuden no kenkyū. (A study on the Warring-States biographies in "Shiji"). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 292 p. 7536. FULLER (Pierre). 'Barren soil, fertile minds': North China famine and visions of the 'Callous Chinese' circa 1920. International history review, 2011, 33, 3, p. 453-472. 7537. GABBIANI (Luca). Pékin à l'ombre du Mandat Céleste. Vie quotidienne et gouvernement urbain sous la dynastie Qing, 1644–1911. Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2011, 288 p. 7538. GAO (Peng). Renshen zhi qi: Songdai maidiquan yanjiu. (Studies on the burial plot purchase contracts) during the Song dynasty). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 2, 314 p. 7539. GAO (Pengcheng). Hong wanzi hui ji qi shehui jiuzhu shiye yanjiu (1922–1949) (The World Red Swastika Society and its social relief activities, 1922– 1949). Hefei, Hefei gongye daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, 2, 5, 264 p. 7540. GUO (Guoqing). Qingdai jiyi yanjiu. (Studies on collenction during the Qing dynasty). Beijing, Minzu chubanshe, 2011, 5, 4, 266 p. 7541. HAN (Guanghui). Song Liao Jin Yuan jianzhi chengzhi yanjiu (Urbanization during the Song Liao Jin Yuan dynasties). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2011, 5, 9, 215 p. 7542. HORICHI (Akira). Min-shin shokuryō sōjō kenkyū. (A study of food riots in Ming-Qing China). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 612 p. (Kyuko series, 98).
7543. HU (Yi). Song yi xia xiang: xiandai Zhongguo de jibing zhengzhi. (Send medicines to the countryside: the healthcare policy in contemporary China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 4, 4, 250 p. 7544. HUNG (Chang-tai). Mao's new world: political culture in the early People's Republic. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2011, XV-352 p. 7545. HUNG (Ho-Fung). Protest with Chinese characteristics: demonstrations, riots, and petitions in the Mid-Qing dynasty. New York, Columbia U. P., 2011, XVI-253 p. 7546. IIYAMA (Tomoyasu). Kin-gen jidai no kahoku shakai to kakyo seido: Mōhitotsu no "shijinsō". (The civil-service examination system in North-China society during the Jin-Yuan period: another stratum of "gentlemen"). Tokyo, Waseda U. P., 2011, 434 p. (Waseda University academic series, 14). 7547. IWAMA (Kazuhiro). Shanhai kindai no howaito karā: Yureru shin chūkansō no keisei. (White-collar workers in modern Shanghai: the formation of a fragile middle class). 2011, Tokyo, Kenbun Shuppan, 2011, 429 p. 7548. JI (Yu). Tie xue xiong feng: Xinhai geming zai Anhui. (The 1911 revolution in Anhui). Hefei, Anhui renmin chubanshe, 2011, 8, 2, 215 p. 7549. JIN (Dalu). Feichang yu zhengchang: Shanghai wenge shiqi de shehui shenghuo. (Exceptional and normal: Social life in Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution). Shanghai, Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2011, 2 voll. 7550. JIN (Kaicheng), LIU (Yang). Gudai xingfa yu xingju (Criminal law and punishments in ancient times). Changchun, Jilin wenshi chubanshe, 2011, 2, 246 p. 7551. JIN (Pusen). Jindai Zhongguo waizhai yanjiu de jige wenti. (Some issues relating the study of foreign loans in modern China). Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2011, 246 p. 7552. JOHNSON (Linda Cooke). Women of the conquest dynasties: gender and identity in Liao and Jin China. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XXXIII-254 p. 7553. KAKINUMA (Yōhei). Chūgoku kodai kahei keizaishi kenkyū. (A historical study of the Chinese ancient monetary economy). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 433 p. (Kyuko series, 92). 7554. Kang zhan shiqi de Zhongguo yanye (The salt industry in wartime China): Edited by HUANG Jian, CHENG Longgang and ZHOU Jin. Chengdu, Ba Shu shushe, 2011, 3, 4, 10, 535 p. 7555. KOH (Khee Heong). A northern alternative: Xue Xuan (1389–1464) and the Hedong School. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XIII-353 p. (Harvard-Yen-ching Institute monograph series, 77). 7556. LAM (Tong). A passion for facts: social surveys and the construction of the Chinese nation-state,
1900–1949. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XIII-263 p. (Asia Pacific modern, 9).
7570. MARSONE (Pierre). La steppe et l'empire. La formation de la dynastie Khitan (Liao), IVe–Xe siècle Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2011, 322 p.
7557. LEESE (Daniel). Mao cult: rhetoric and ritual in China's Cultural Revolution. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2011, XVII-304 p.
7571. MENG (Hang). Zhongguo minzuxue renleixue shehuixue shi (1900–1949). (A history of Chinese ethnology, anthrolopoly and sociology 1900–1949). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, III, 406 p.
7558. LEI (Yi). Zou xiang geming: xishuo wan Qing qishi nian. (Towards the revolution: the last seventy years of the Qing dynasty). Taiyuan, Shanxi renmin chubanshe, 2011, 4, 350 p. 7559. LI (Chaomin). Zhongguo zhan shi caizheng sixiang de xingcheng (1931–1945). (The development of financial thinking in wartime China 1931–1945). Beijing, Dongfang chuban zhongxin, 2011, 328 p. 7560. LIAO (Dawei). Hai shang feng yun: Xinhai geming zai Shanghai. (The Republican revolution in Shanghai). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2011, 7, 3, 9, 253 p. 7561. LING (Yaolun). Zhongguo jindaihua yu Zhongguo zibenzhuyi: Ling Yaolun xiansheng lunwen xuanji. (Chinese modernization and Chinese capitalism). Chengdu, Sichuan daxue chubanshe, 2011. 2, 1, 303 p. 7562. LIU (Gang), LI (Dongjun). Tongwang lixian zhi lu: Gaobie wan Qing de jindai shi (Through the way of the constitution: farewell to the late Qing). Hangzhou, Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, v. 6, 550 p. 7563. LIU (Guangming). Zong fa Zhongguo: Zhongguo zongfa shehui xingtai de dingxing, wanxing he fazhan dongli. (Patriarchal China: Stereotypes, Gestalt and momentum of Chinese patriarchal society). Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 4, 323 p. 7564. LU (Baoli). Zhongguo gudai zhiye jiaoyu shi. (Professional education in ancient China). Beijing, Jingji kexue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 2011, 357 p.
7572. Ming Qing diguo ji qi jin xian dai zhuanxing. (Ming and Qing empires and their modern transformation). Edited by CHEN Yongfa. Taibei, Yunchen wenhua shiye gufen youxian gongsi, 11. 513 p. 7573. Ming Qing shiqi Zhujiang Sanjiaozhou quyu shi yanjiu. (Historical studies on the delta areas of the Pearl River). Edited by the People's Political Consultative Conference of the City of Dongguan and the Department of History of the University of Jinan. Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 678 p. 7574. MIYAKE (Kiyoshi). Chūgoku kodai keiseishi no kenkyū. (A study of the history of the penal system in ancient China). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 416 p. 7575. MOSTERN (Ruth). "Dividing the realm in order to govern": the spatial organization of the Song state (960–1276 CE). Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XIX-370 p. (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph series, 73). 7576. NODA (Jin). Ro-shin teikoku to Kazafu-hān koku. (The "Kazakh Khanate": between the Russian and the Qing empires). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 292 p. 7577. ONO (Yasushi). Sōdai no suiri seisaku to chiiki shakai. (The water utilisation policy and regional society in Song dynasty). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 296 p. (Kyuko series, 94).
7565. MA (Jinhua). Waizhai yu wan Qing zhengju. (Foreign loans and late Qing political situation). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 378 p.
7578. ONODERA (Shiro). Kokki, kokka, kokkei: Nashonarizumu to shimboru no chūgoku kindaishi. (National flag, national anthem and national day: a history of the modern Chinese national symbols). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 354 p.
7566. MA (Junya). Bei xisheng de "jubu": Huaibei shehui shengtai bianqian yanjiu (1680–1949). (The transformation of social ecology of Huaibei society 1680–1949). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2011, iv, 3, 490 p.
7579. Qingdai Man Han guanxi yanjiu. (A study on Manchu-Han relations in the Qing). Edited by the Department of modern history and the Center for Political History of the Chinese Academy of Social Science. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 670 p.
7567. MA (Min). Shangren jingshen de shanbian: Xinhai geming qian hou Zhongguo shangren guannian yanjiu. (Changes in businessmen spirit: the attitudes of Chinese merchant first and after the Republican revolution). Wuhan, Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2011, 6, 3, 292 p.
7580. QIU (Lijuan). Qing Qian Jia Dao shiqi minjian mimi zongjiao yiliao chuanjiao huodong zhi yanjiu (The missionary and medical activities of secret religious society during the Qing Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang eras). Taibei, Xinwen feng chuban gufen youxian gongsi, 2011, 3, ii, 342 p.
7568. MA (Yong). 1898 nian na chang wei sui zhengbian (The attempted coup of 1898). Nanjing, Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2, 474 p.
7581. SCHNEIDER (Helen M.). Keeping the nation's house: domestic management and the making of Modern China. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, XII-321 p. (Contemporary Chinese studies).
7569. MAO (Haijian). Wuxu bianfa shi shikao erji. (Investigations on the history of 1898 reform movement). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xinzhi sanlian shudian, 2011, 4, 3, 478 p.
7582. SCHOPPA (R. Keith). In a sea of bitterness: refugees during the Sino-Japanese War. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, 346 p.
§ 4. China 7583. SHAO (Dan). Remote homeland, recovered borderland: Manchus, Manchoukuo, and Manchuria, 1907–1985. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XXI-413 p. (World of East Asia). 7584. SHAO (Yong). Zhongguo jindai banghui shi yanjiu. (A history of secret societies in modern China). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2, 3, 336 p. 7585. SHEMO (Connie A.). The Chinese medical ministries of Kang Cheng and Shi Meiyu, 1872–1937: On a Cross-Cultural Frontier of Gender, Race, and Nation. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2011, XIII-290 p. 7586. SHEN (Xiaomin), NI (Junming). Die xue nan guo: Xinhai geming zai Guangdong. (The 1911 revolution in Guangdong). Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2011, 7, 3, 237 p. 7587. SHIROYAMA (Tomoko). Daikyōkōka no chūgoku: Shijō, kokka, sekaikeizai. (China during the Great Depression: Market, state and the world economy). Nagoya, Nagoya U. U. P., 2011, 354 p. 7588. SONG (Zhenhao). Shangdai shi lun gang. (Outline of history of the Shang dynasty). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 20, 32, 8, 455 p. 7589. STRAND (David). An unfinished republic: leading by word and deed in Modern China. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2011, XIV387 p. 7590. SU (Zhiliang). Shanghai, chengshi bianqian, wenming yanjin yu xiandai xing. (Shanghai: urban change, cultural development and modernity). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2011, 3, 7, 483 p. 7591. SULLIVAN (Regina D.). Lottie moon: a Southern Baptist Missionary to China in history and legend. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2011, XII-253 p. (Southern biography series). 7592. TANG (Chunsheng). Hanlin xueshi yu Songdai shiren wenhua. (The Hanlin academy and literati culture in the Song period). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 2, 455 p. 7593. TO (Takehiko). Shindai keizai seisakushi no kenkyū. (A study of the history of economic policy in the Qing dynasty). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2011, 363 p. (Kyuko series, 95). 7594. TSUCHIGUCHI (Fuminori). Sen shin jidai no ryōiki shihai. (Regional rule before the Qin period). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 220 p. (Premiere Collection, 6). 7595. VOGEL (Ezra F.). Deng Xiaoping and the transformation of China. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, XXIV-876 p.
slogans 1921–1928). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 6, 2, 2, 4, 2, 478 p. 7598. WANG (Junqi). Liao Xia Jin Yuan tiyu wenhua shi (A cultural history of sports during the Liao Xia Jin and Yuan dynasties). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 4, 3, 250 p. – IDEM. Wei Jin Nan Bei chao tiyu wenhua shi (A cultural history of sports during the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties). Beijing, Beijing tiyu daxue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 4, 216 p. 7599. WANG (Min) et al. Jin dai Shanghai cheng shi gong gong kong jian, 1843–1949. (Urban Public Space in modern Shanghai, 1843–1949). Shanghai, Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2011, 8, 2, 309 p. 7600. WANG (Shouqian). Xue wo zhong yuan: Xinhai geming zai Henan. (The 1911 revolution in Henan). Zhengzhou, Henan renmin chubanshe, 2011, 5, 200 p. 7601. WANG (Xiuyu). China's last imperial frontier: late Qing expansion in Sichuan's Tibetan borderlands. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2011, XV-291 p. 7602. WANG (Yugen). Ten thousand scrolls: reading and writing in the poetics of Huang Tingjin and the late Northern song. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, IX-285 p. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 76). 7603. WEI (Wanlei). 20 Shiji 30 niandai "Zai sheng pai" xueren de minzu fuxing huayu.(The discourse on "national revival" of the scholars of the "regeneration faction" in the 1930's). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 5, 3, 345 p. 7604. WU (Yonggui). Minguo chuban shi (A history of publishing in the Republican period). Fuzhou: Fujian renmin chubanshe, 2011, 3, 5, 654 p. 7605. WU (Yue). Chūgoku no ennō seido to shakai. (The purchase system and society in China). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2011, 545 p. (Historical Studies on East Asia series, 76). 7606. XIAO (Gongquan). Zhongguo zhengzhi sixiang shi (A history of Chinese political thought). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 11. 2 vol., ix, iii, 983 p. 7607. XIN (Ping). Chengshihua yu jindai Shanghai shehui shenghuo. (Urbanization and social life in modern Shanghai). Guilin, Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2011, vi, 352 p. 7608. Xinhai geming zai Gansu. (The 1911 revolution in Gansu). Edited by the historical archives of the Gansu province, chief editor ZHANG Ruilan. Lanzhou: Gansu wenhua chubanshe, 11. 2 vol., 5, 2, 612 p.
7596. WANG (Geya). Zhongguo jindai de hunyin lifa yu hunsu gaige. (Legislation on marriage and reform on marriage custom in modern China). Beijing, Falü chubanshe, 2011, 3, 289 p.
7609. XIONG (Qiuliang). Yizhi yu shanbian: Minguo Beijing zhengfu shiqi guohui xuanju zhidu yanjiu. (Transplantation and evolution: The parliamentary electoral system of the Beijing government in the Republican era). Nanjing, Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2, 303 p.
7597. WANG (Jianwei). Minzuzhuyi zhengzhi kouhao shi yanjiu, 1921–1928. (A history of nationalist political
7610. XIONG (Yaping). Tielu yu Huabei xiangcun shehui bianqian 1880–1937. (Railroads and rural social
change in Northern China 1880–1937). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 9, 362 p. 7611. XU (Guangqiu). American doctors in Canton: modernization in China, 1835–1935. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2011, X-343 p. 7612. XU (Hong). Ershi shiji Zhongguo de Ming shi yanjiu. (Chinese studies on Ming history in the Twentieth Century). Taibei, Guoli Taiwan daxue chuban zhongxin, 2011, 319 p. 7613. XU (Shanfu), LIN (Minghua). Yuenan Hua qiao shi. (The Chinese in Vietnam: A history). Guangzhou, Guangdong gaodeng jiaoyu chubanshe, 2011, 2, 7, 383 p.
7626. ZHANG (Suling). Geming yu xianzhi: Zhongguo gongchandang zaoqi funü lingxiu (1921–1927). (Revolution and constraints: Women leaders in the early Chinese Communist Party 1921–1927). Kaifeng, Henan daxue chubanshe, 2011, 4, 378 p. 7627. ZHANG (Wei). Shichang, shangren zuzhi, chanye fazhan: yi Shanghai chou duan ye wei li 1900–1930. (Market, merchants' organizations and industrial development: the case of silk industry in Shanghai 1900–1930). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2, 2, 4, 156 p.
7614. YAN (Changhong). Zhongguo jindai shi shiliao xue. (Study on modern Chinese historical materials). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 308 p.
7628. ZHANG (Xiaotang). Qingchao duiwai maoyi fazhi yanjiu: shiqishi ji zhongye zhi shijiushi ji zhongye. (The legal system for foreign trade during the Qing dynasty: from the seventeetn to the nineteenth century). Beijing: Duiwai jingji maoyi daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, 2, 2, 277 p.
7615. YANG (Xiaohui). Jindai Zhongguo zhishi jieceng de zhuanxing. (The transformation of Chinese intellectual class in modern times). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2011, 2, 222 p.
7629. ZHANG (Xinke). Qingmo Minguo ertong wenxue jiaoyu fazhan shilun. (The history of children literature and education in the late Qing and Republican era). Beijing, shifan daxue chubanshe, 2011, 21, 2, 2, 410 p.
7616. YAO (Dali). Meng Yuan zhidu yu zhengzhi wenhua. (Political institution and culture in Yuan China). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 489 p.
7630. ZHAO (Jian). Fanshi geming: Zhongguo xiandai shuji sheji de faduan (1862–1937). (The beginning of Chinese modern book design paradigm 1862–1937). Beijing, Renmin meishu chubanshe, 2011, 8, 232 p.
7617. YU (Gengzhe). Tangdai jibing, yiliao shi chutan. (Disease and healing in Tang China). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 10, 296 p.
7631. ZHONG (Jian'an). Jindai Jiangxi chengshi fazhan yanjiu: 1840–1949. (Urban development in modern Jiangxi 1840–1949). Chengdu, Ba Shu shushe, 2011, 4, 16, 482 p.
7618. YU (Weijie). Zhongguo shiliao shi. (A history of food in China). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2011, 3, 4, 9, 7, 534 p. 7619. ZHANG (Dazhi). Tangdai houqi fan zhen yu zhou zhi guanxi yan jiu. (The relations between military governors and prefectures in late Tang). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 369 p. (ill.). 7620. ZHANG (Dexin). Ming shi YANJIU lungao. (Essays on the history of Ming dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 2, 2, 671 p. 7621. ZHANG (Jinfan). Zhongguo xianfa shi. (A history of Chinese constitutions). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2011, 4, 571 p. 7622. ZHANG (Jinglong). Haiwai Huaqiao yu Xinhai geming. (Overseas Chinese and the 1911 revolution). Guangzhou, Jinan daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2, 318 p. 7623. ZHANG (Junbing). Guomin zhengfu daxue xunyu (1927–1949 nian). (College moral education in colleges of National Government 1927–1949). Beijing: Guangming ribao chubanshe, 2011, 2, 222 p. 7624. ZHANG (Kaiyuan). Xinhai geming yu jindai shehui. (The 1911 revolution and modern society). Wuhan, Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2011, 6, 2, 6, 353 p. 7625. ZHANG (Meiping). Wan Qing waiyu jiaoxue yanjiu. (Studies on foreign language education in late Qing dynasty). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2011, 6, 2, 373 p.
7632. Zhongguo fazhi shi (A history of Chinese legal system). Edited by ZHANG Jinfan. Beijing, Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chubanshe, 2011, vii, 3, 419 p. 7633. Zhongguo fazhi shi. (Chinese legal system: a history). Edited by ZHANG Shuxing and LI Xianchun. Chongqing: Chongqing daxue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 205 p. 7634. Zhongguo nongye keji shi. (The history of Chinese agricoltural technology). Edited by ZHANG Fang and WANG Siming. Beijing, Zhongguo nongye kexue jishu chubanshe, 2011, 3, 350 p. 7635. Zhongguo Suqu shi (History of Chinese Soviets). Edited by YU Boliu and HE Youliang. Nanchang, Jiangxi renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2 vol., 18, 1619 p. 7636. Zhonghua Minguo fazhan shi (History of the development of the Republic of China). Edited by WANG Fansen. Taibei, Guoli zhengzhi daxue and Lianjing chuban shiye gufen youxian gongsi, 11. 12 vol., [s.p.] 7637. Zhonghua Minguo shi (History of the Republic of China). Edited by LI Xin. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2011, 12 vol., [s.p.] 7638. ZHOU (Jinghong). Menggu minzu wenti shulun. (Commentary on Mongolian issues in modern China). Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 4, 3, 305 p. 7639. ZHOU (Songqing). 1927–1949 Zhenghe zhuyi de tiaozhan: Shanghai difang zizhi yanjiu. (Studies on local self-government in Shanghai 1927–1949). Shang-
§ 5. Japan (before 1868)
hai, Shanghai jiaotong daxue chubanshe, 2011, 3, 3, 387 p.
period governed by a retired emperor). Rekishi Hyoron, 2011, 736, p. 4-15.
7640. ZHOU (Xinguo) et al. Jianggsu Xinhai geming shi. (The 1911 revolution in Jiangsu province). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, 3, 2, 4, 497 p.
7654. ENDO (Tamaki). Chūsei chōtei no kanshi seido. (The bureaucratic system in the Medieval imperial court). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 392 p.
7641. ZHOU (Yan). Guoshi yu guobian: zhishiren yu wanjin Zhongguo. (Intellectuals and late modern China). Taibei, Xiuwei zixun keji gufen youxian gongsi, 2011, x, 230 p.
7655. FUJII (Joji). Tennō to tenkabito. (Tenno and the ruler). Kodansha, 2011, 336 p. (A history of the Japanese emperors series, 5).
7642. ZHU (Fajian). Kang kai san Xiang: Xin hai ge ming zai Hunan. (The 1911 revolution in Hunan). Changsha: Hunan renmin chubanshe, 2011, 2, 7, 3, 166 p.
7656. FUJIMOTO (Seijiro). Kinsei mibun shakai no nakama kōzō. (The structure of fellowship in the early modern class society). Kyoto, Burakumondai Kenkyujo, 2011, 400 p.
7643. ZHU (Ying). Shangmin yundong yanjiu, 1924– 1930. (The merchants' movement 1924–1930) Bejing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2011, ii, 2, 433 p.
7657. FUJITA (Satoru). Edo jidai no tennō. (Tenno in the Edo period). Kodansha, 2011, 382 p. (A History of the Japanese Emperors series, 6).
7644. ZHU (Yongxin). Zhongguo jiaoyu sixiang shi. (A history of Chinese educational thought). Shanghai, Shanghai jiaotong daxue chubanshe, 2011, 2 vol., 7, 761 p.
7658. Fujiwara Yukinari "Gonki": Zen gendaigo yaku (jō). (Fujiwara Yukinari "Gonki": a complete modern translation, vol. 1). Tr. KURAMOTO Kazuhiro. Tokyo, Kodansha, 2011, 503 p.
§ 5. Japan (before 1868).
7659. GOBLE (Andrew Edmund). Confluences of medicine in Medieval Japan: Buddhist healing, Chinese knowledge, Islamic formulas, and wounds of war. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2011, XX-202 p.
7645. ANDERSON (Marnie S.). A place in public: women's rights in Meiji Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, VIII-239 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 332.).
7660. HASHIMOTO (Yoshinori). Kodai kyūto no dairi kōzō. (A structure of the palace in the ancient imperial capital). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 335 p.
7646. BERNARD-MAÎTRE (Henri), HUMBERTCLAUDE (Pierre), PRUNIER (Maurice). Présences occidentales au Japon. Du siècle chrétien à la réouverture du XIXe siècle. Éd. par C. MARQUET. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2011, 432 p.
7661. HIGUCHI (Kentaro). Chūsei sekkanke no ie to kenryoku. (Family lineage and political power of the clans eligible for regents in the middle ages). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2011, 412 p.
7647. BOTSMAN (Daniel V.). Freedom without slavery? "Coolies," prostitutes, and outcastes in Meiji Japan's "emancipation moment". American historical review, 2011, 116, 5, p. 1323-1347.
7662. Hikakushi teki ni mita kinsei nihon: 'Higashi ajia ka' wo megutte. (Early modern Japan viewed in comparative history: In connection with the 'EastAsianisation'). Eds. CHO Kyeungdal, SUDA Tsutomu. Tokyodo Shuppan, 2011, 361 p.
7648. CARRÉ (Guillaume). Les marges statutaires dans le Japon prémoderne: enjeux et débats. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 953-976. 7649. CONLAN (Thomas Donald). From sovereign to symbol: an age of ritual determinism in fourteenthcentury Japan. New York, Oxford U. P., 2011, XIV231 p. 7650. Daikōkai jidai no nihon: Porutogaru kōbunsho ni miru. (Japan in the age of discovery: viewed through Portuguese official documents). Tr. and an. TAKASE Koichiro. Tokyo, Yagi Shoten, 2011, 721 p. 7651. Edo jidai no meisanhin to shōhyō. (Special products and trademarks in the Edo period). Ed. Edo Iseki Kenkyukai. Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 278 p. 7652. Edo no daimyō yashiki. (Daimyo residences in Edo). Ed. Edo Iseki Kenkyukai. Yoshikawa Kobunkan. 2011, 263 p. 7653. ENDO (Motoo). "Inseiki 'Ōke' ron toiu kamae." (The theoretical framework of the 'royal family' for the
7663. HORI (Shin). Shokuhōki ōken ron. (An essay on the regal power in the Shokuho period). Azekura Shobo, 2011, 364 p. 7664. ICHIZAWA (Tetsu). Nihon chūsei kuge seijishi no kenkyū. (A study of the political history of the Japanese Medieval court nobles). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2011, 466 p. 7665. IENAGA (Junji). "Ōnin ni nen no 'Tohimiaitai' ni tsuite". ("On the formation of the western Bakufu in the second year of Onin"). Nihonshi Kenkyu, 2011, 581, p. 54-70. 7666. INOUE (Masao). "Saifu no shikumi to sono kakushinsei; Saifu no saiin wo tegakari ni shite." (The mechanism and originality of saifu (bill) in Medieval Japan: using tallies of bills as a clue). Shigaku Zasshi, 2011, 120, 8, p. 39-62 (Eng. summary p. 152-153). 7667. KATSUMATA (Sizuo). Chūsei shakai no kisō wo saguru. (Exploring the basic layers of the Medieval society). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2011, 243 p.
7668. Kodai chūsei no kyōkai ishiki to bunka kōryū. (The sense of boundaries and the cultural exchange in the ancient and Medieval periods). Ed. TAKEDA Kazuo. Tokyo, Bensei Shuppan, 2011, 364 p. 7669. KOHARA (Yoshiki). "Chūsei shoki no chihō shihai to kokuga kanjin hensei". ("Local control and organization of the official servants of the provincial headquarters (Kokuga) in the early Medieval period"). Nihonshi Kenkyu, 2011, 582, p. 30-54. 7670. LURIE (David B.). Realms of literacy: early Japan and the history of writing. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2011, XXIII-497 p. (East Asian monographs, 335). 7671. MIEDA (Akiko). Hieizan to muromachi bakufu: Jisha to buke no kyōto shihai. (The Hieizan Enryakuji temple and the Muromachi shogunate: Government response to the "double ruling" of Kyoto by temples and samurai families). Tokyo, Tokyodo Shuppan, 2011, 389 p. 7672. MOMOZAKI (Yuichiro). "Kan'nō jōran shōhei-ittō zengo no bakufu-shissei 'Kamakuradono' to tōzai bakufu." (The east/west Muromachi shogunates and "Kamakura-dono" (the administrator) around the Kan-no disturbance and the Shohei unification). Nenpo Chuseishi Kenkyu, 2011, 36, p. 33-60. 7673. NISHIO (Kenryu). Chūsei zensō no bokuseki to nicchū kōryū. (The calligraphy of medieval Zen priests and the relationship between Japan and China). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 348 p. 7674. NOBUYUKI (Yoshida). Espace urbain et corporations. Les associations de coiffeurs dans le Japon d'Edo. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 1005-1027. 7675. OGURA (Shigeji), YAMAGUCHI (Teruomi). Tennō to shūkyō. (The emperor and religion). Tokyo, Kodansha, 2011, 414 p. (A history of the Japanese Emperors series, 9).
7681. SATO (Yuki). "Chūsei zenki no kanjō to saikyo: Kamakura bakufu saikyojō zenshi". ("Report to the higher officials (Kanjō) and their final decisions in the early medieval period: A historical introduction to the Kamakura shogunate's final decision"). Nihonshi Kenkyu, 2011, 592, p. 1-28. 7682. SEGAL (Ethan Isaac). Coins, trade, and the state: economic growth in Early Medieval Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Asia Center, 2011, XII-258 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 334). 7683. SHIKANAI (Hirotane). Nihon kodai tenseki shiryō no kenkyū. (A study of classical books in ancient Japan). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2011, 366 p. 7684. SHIRAISHI (Taichiro). Kofun to kofun jidai no bunka. (Tumuluses and culture in tumulus-period Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2011, 604 p. 7685. SUDA (Makiko). Chūsei nicchō kankei to Ōuchi shi. (The roles of the Ouchis in Japan-Korea politico-cultural relations in the medieval period). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2011, 294 p. 7686. SUHARA (Shoji). Kodai chihō seido keisei katei no kenkyū. (A study of the formation of the local governmental system in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 233 p. 7687. SUZUKI (Yasutami). Nihon no kodai kokka keisei to higashi ajia. (The formation of the ancient Japanese state and East Asia). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 400 p. 7688. TAKASHI (Tsukada). Les religieux mendiants d'Ôsaka durant la période prémoderne. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 1053-1077. 7689. TANAKA (Tatsuya). Chū-kinsei ikōki ni okeru tōgoku sonraku no kaihatsu to shakai. (The field reclamation and the society of the villages in the eastern provinces during the period of transition from the medieval to the early modern period). Tokyo, Kokon Shoin, 2011, 328 p.
7676. OGURA (Takashi). Edo bakufu kamigata shihai kikō no kenkyū. (A study of the Edo bakufu's ruling mechanisms in Osaka and Kyoto). Hanawa Shobo, 2011, 340 p.
7690. TANAKA (Toshitatsu). Kinsei zenki chō-baku kankei no kenkyū. (A study of the relationship between the Imperial Court and the bakufu in the early modern period). Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 271 p.
7677. OSUMI (Kiyoharu). Ritsuryō kansei to rei-chitsujo no kenkyū. (A study of the ritsuryo regulations for governmental organisation and courtesy). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 414 p.
7691. Tōhoku no mura no kinsei: Dewanokuni Murayamagun no sōgō teki chiiki kenkyū. (The early modern period in a village of the Tōhoku region: A comprehensive regional study of Murayamagun of Dewanokuni). Ed. WATANABE Takashi. Tokyodo Shuppan, 2011, 402 p.
7678. OXENBØLL (Morten). Seppuku: Det rituelle japanske selvmord. (Seppuku: the ritual Japanese suicide). Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark), 2011, 111, 2, p. 382-414. 7679. Ritsuryō kokka to higashi ajia. (The ritsuryo state and East Asia). Eds. ARANO Yasunori, ISHII Masatoshi, MURAI Shosuke. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 333 p. (Japanese International Relations series, 2). 7680. SASAKI (Keisuke). Tennō to sesshō kanpaku. (Emperor, regent and chancellor). Tokyo, Kodansha, 2011, 382 p. (A history of the Japanese Emperors series, 3).
7692. TONO (Haruyuki). Yamato koji no kenkyū. (A study of the old temples of Yamato). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2011, 574 p. 7693. TÔRU (Morishita). Les guerriers et leurs domestiques dans la ville seigneuriale de Hagi. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 977-1004. 7694. TSUDE (Hiroshi). Kodai kokka wa itsu seiritsu shitaka. (When the ancient Japanese state came into existence?). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2011, 213 p.
§ 6. Korea 7695. YAMAMOTO (Hideki). Edo bakufu ōmetsuke no kenkyū. (A study of ōmetsuke [inspector general] of the Edo bakufu). Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2011, 358 p. 7696. YAMAUCHI (Shinji). "Iō ryūtsū kara mita kaiiki ajiashi; Nihonshi to ajiashi wo tsunagu." (Maritime Asian history from the viewpoint of sulfur trade: An attempt to link Japanese and Asian history). Kyushu Shigaku, 2011, 160, p. 35-47. 7697. YOSHIDA (Masashi). Sendaihan kingin deiri shorihō no kenkyū. (A study of the Sendai domain's code to regulate the trade of precious metals). Tokyo, Jigakusha Shuppan, 2011, 380 p. 7698. YOSHIE (Akiko). Kodai ōken ron: Shinwa, rekishi kankaku, jendā. (An essay on the ancient royal authority: Mythology, historical senses and gender). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2011, 252 p. 7699. YOSHIKAWA (Shinji). Shōmu tennō to butto heijōkyō. (Emperor Shomu and Heijokyo, a metropolis of Buddhism). Tokyo, Kodansha, 2011, 382 p. (A history of the Japanese Emperors series, 2). 7700. YURIKO (Yoshida). Artistes ou marginaux? Les sasara de Shinano. Annales, 2011, 66, 4, p. 10291052.
311 § 6. Korea. _______________________
7701. KANG (Chae-gwang). Monggo ch'imip e taehan Ch'oe Ssi chŏngkwŏn ŭi oegyojŏk taeŭng. (Choi regime in the diplomatic correspondence of the Mongol invasion). Sŏul, Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 2011, X-550 p. (Kyŏngin Han'gukhak yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 96). 7702. KIM (Chu-hong). Chosŏn sidae pongsu yŏn'gu. (Chosŏn dynasty Bongsu research). Sŏul, Sŏgyŏng Munhwasa, 2011, 340 p. 7703. LI (Yingshun). Chao-xian bei xue pai shi xue yan jiu = Chosŏn bukhakp'a sirhag yŏn'gu = A study on the practical learning of the Northern school in Korea. Beijing, Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2011, 3, 4, 321 p. 7704. NAGASHIMA (Hiroki). Senjiki chōsen ni okeru "shintaisei" to keijo teikoku daigaku. ("The new system" and the Keijo Imperial University in wartime Korea). Tokyo, Yumani Shobo, 2011, 416 p. 7705. YU (Yŏng-nyŏl). Kaehwagi ŭi Yun Ch'i-ho yŏn'gu. (Study on Tchi Ho Yun). Sŏul, Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 2011, VII-352 p. (Kyŏngin Han'gukhak yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ, 91).
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization)
7706. AUSTEN (Ralph A.). Colonialism from the middle: African clerks as historical actors and discursive subjects. History in Africa, 2011, 38, p. 21-33. 7707. FOURCHARD (Laurent). Between world history and state formation: new perspectives on Africa's cities. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 223248. 7708. Money, trade and trade routes in pre-Islamic North Africa. Ed. by Amelia DOWLER and Elizabeth R. GALVIN. London, British Museum Press, 2011, IV-82 p. (British Museum research publication, 176). 7709. REID (Richard). Past and presentism: the 'precolonial' and the foreshortening of African history. Journal of African history, 2011, 52, 2, p. 135-155.
7710. SUZUKI (Hideaki). Saīdo bin surutān botsugo no afurika tairiku tōbu ryōdo-sōzoku wo meguru keii: Dorei ryūtsū kōzō ni okeru enganbu suwahiri shakai no kinō-henka ni kansuru tsuiron. (On the inheritance problem on the east African territory after the death of Sayyid Sa'id: a supplemental study of the transformation of coastal Swahili society in the context of slave distribution). Suwahiri Ando Afurika, 2011, 22, p. 1-24. 7711. WOOD (Marilee). Interconnections: glass beads and trade in southern and eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean, 7th to 16th centuries AD. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, 2011, [s. p.]. (Studies in global archaeology, 17). Cf. nos 6794-6850
T America (esp. to its colonization)
7712. BELLFY (Phil). Three fires unity: the Anishnaabeg of the Lake Huron borderlands. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XXXVII-203 p.
7716. RAMÍREZ ZAVALA (Ana Luz). Indio, indígena, 1750–1850. Historia mexicana, 2011, 60, 239, p. 16431681.
7713. HIGMAN (B.W.). A concise history of the Caribbean. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P. 2011, 357 p.
7717. RICHTER (Daniel K.). Before the Revolution: America's ancient pasts. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2011, VIII-502 p.
7714. IBARRA ROJAS (Eugenia). Del arco y la flecha a las armas de fuego: los indios mosquitos y la historia centroamericana 1633–1786. Costa Rica, Editorial UCR, 2011, XXXV-293 p. 7715. MURILLO HERRERA (Mauricio). Precolumbian social change in San Ramón de Alajuela, Costa Rica = Cambio social precolombino en San Ramón de Alajuela, Costa Rica. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology, 2011, XIV-84 p. (University of Pittsburgh memoirs in Latin American archaeology, 22).
7718. SIGAL (Pete). The flower and the scorpion: sexuality and ritual in early Nahua culture. Durham, Duke U. P., 2011, XVI-361 p. (Latin America otherwise: languages, empires, nations). 7719. Southern Maya (The) in the late preclassic: the rise and fall of an early Mesoamerican civilization. Ed. by Michael LOVE and Jonathan KAPLAN. Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2011, XVIII-507 p. Cf. nos 6851-6897
U Oceania (esp. to its colonization)
7720. CAUWE (Nicolas). Easter Island, the great taboo, rebuilding its history after ten years of excavations. Louvain-la-Neuve, Versant Sud, 2011, 157 p. 7721. Changing contexts, shifting meanings: transformations of cultural traditions in Oceania. Ed. by Elfriede HERMANN. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press
in association with the Honolulu Academy of Arts, 2011, XIII-365 p. 7722. VOIGT (Johannes H.). Geschichte Australiens und Ozeaniens. Eine Einführung. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2011, XIII-231 p. (Geschichte der Kontinente, 4). Cf. nos 6898-6905
INDEX OF NAMES1 A Ababaneh (M.), 1111. ABAD (Reynald), 3404. ABAY (Eşref), 890. ABBAMONTE (Giancarlo), 211. Abbās I, Persian Shāh, 6917. ABBATTISTA (Guido), 541. ABD EL-MAKSOUD (Mohamed), 935. ABDALLA (Kholoud), 969. ABELSHAUSER (Werner), 5658. ÅBERG (Martin), 4099. ABRAHAM (Jan-Peter), 5776. ABRAHAM (Kathleen), 989. ABRAMOVICI (Pierre), 3405. ABREU (Jean Luiz Neves), 4991. ABREVAYA STEIN (Sarah), 3125. ABSMEIER (Christine), 4803. ABT (Jeffrey), 332. ABU AL-FARAJ HARUN IBN ALFARAJ, 2465. Abu l-Hasan 'Ali, 2471. ABULAFIA (David), 430. Accius (Lucius), 1861. ACCOMINOTTI (Olivier), 5911. Acconci (Vito), 5367. ACCROCCA (Felice), 2953. ACERBI (Fabio), 1395. ACERBI (Silvia), 2160. ACEREDA (Alberto), 5232. ACHA (Omar), 3176. ACHEBE (Nwando), 3921. ACHESON (Graeme G.), 5912, 5913. ACHIM (Miruna), 6164. ACHNITZ (Wolfgang), 2720. ACIDINI (Cristina), 5347. ACKMANN (Martha), 4992. ACLE AGUIRRE (Andrea), 3871. ACQUAFREDDA (Pasquale), 831. ACREE (William Garrett Jr.), 4607. ACRI (Martín Alberto), 4804. ACTON (Karen), 1735. ACUTO (Michele), 6682.
ADACHI (Yoshihiro), 5874. ADAM (Anne-Marie), 1550. ADAMO (Pietro), 4499. ADAMS (Abigail E.), 3680. ADAMS (Edward), 203. Adams (family), 4167. ADAMS (Mike), 5914. ADAMS (Robyn), 6908. ADAMSON (Glenn), 5471. ADAMUSHKO (V. I.), 3234. ADDANTE (Luca), 4608. ADELSGRUBER (Paulus), 4158. ADLER (Eric), 204. ADLER (Victor), 6442. ADLGASSER (Franz), 3204. ADLINGTON (Hugh), 716. ADLY (Emad), 952. ADORJÁNI (Zsolt), 1284. ADRADOS (Francisco Rodriguez), 742. ADSERA (Alicia), 6038. ADYANGA (Onek C.), 6798. Aelred of Rievaulx, Saint, 2993. Aeschylus, 1203, 1204, 1290, 1319, 1334, 1372, 1387. Æthelstan, king of England, 2389. Aetius, doxographus, 2196. AFFLERBACH (Holger), 3466. AGA ROSSI (Elena), 7303. AGABIN (Pacifico A.), 6604. AGACHI (Alexei), 3900. AGADJANIAN (Victor), 6104. AGAMBEN (Giorgio), 4451. AGAZZI (Evandro), 5083. AGER (Barry), 2492. AGERON (Charles Robert), 6801. AGERON (Pierre), 5020. AGIN (Shane), 4852. AGLAN (Alya), 5943. Agorius Praetextatus (Vettius), 2195. AGOSTI (Aldo), 338. ÅGREN (Maria), 6189. Agrippina (Iulia), 1661.
AGSTNER (Rudolf), 7478. AGUIAR (Ronaldo Conde), 4609. AGUILAR RIVERA (José Antonio), 3872. Ahiqam, 1101. AHLHEIM (Hannah), 3478. AHMAD (Waheed), 3933. AHOKAS (Minna), 4648. AHONEN (Pertti), 7367. AHRENS (Michael), 7304. AILLET (Cyrille), 2485. AIRES OLIVEIRA (Pedro), 3983. AIYAR (Sana), 3837. AJA (Adam J.), 1099. AKALIN (Aysu), 6101. AKAN (Aysun), 4859. AKEKMEKÇI (Tuba), 4134. AKENSON (Donald Harman), 6105. ÅKERLUND (Andreas), 4693. AKKERMAN (Nadine), 6914. AKSAMIJA (Nadja), 5402. AKSOY (Behin), 925. AL KALAK (Matteo), 4379. ALABE (Françoise), 1482. AL-ALJOUNY (Fardous), 832. al-Amin, 7502. ALARY (Viviane), 5473. Alas (Leopoldo), 5231. ALATEPELI (Sarp), 911. ALBA (Miguel), 2358. ALBALADEJO MARTÍNEZ (Juan Antonio), 5213. ALBARRÁN MARTÍNEZ (María Jesús), 1890. Alber (Mathias), 6602. ALBERA (Dionigi), 544. ALBERTANI (Germana), 2555. ALBERTELLI (Sébastien), 7219. Alberti (Leon Battista), 5427. ALBERTI (Samuel J. M. M.), 194. ALBERTO (Paulina L.), 4610. ALBERTONI (Giuseppe), 2344. Albertus Magnus, 2890. ALBRECHT (Henning), 3479.
1 The Slavonic and in particular the Russian names are given in their national form transliterated following the usual methods and are classified accordingly. Characters with diacritics, for instance ć, ś, č, š are considered as if ordinary c, s. the German modified vowels ä, ö, ø, ü are considered as if a, o, u. The names of Classical authors, Byzantine King and Emperors, Saints and Popes are indexed in their Latin form. Authors' names are given in capital letters.
320 ALBRECHT (Willy), 3475. Albrechtsberger (Johann Georg), 5618. ALBURQUERQUE FUSCHINI (Germán), 4611. Alcaeus, 1227. ALCARAZ CÁNOVAS (Ignacio), 3902. Alegret, 2763. ALENIUS (Kari), 6605. Alexa, 1068. ALEXANDER (Nicholas), 5915. Alexandros III ho Megas, king of Macedonia, 933, 1144, 1223, 1233, 1237, 1245, 1249. ALEXOPOULOS (Theodoros), 2170. ALFÖLDY (Géza), 1933. ALFONSI (Liliane), 4993. ALGERI (Giuliana), 2834. ALHAIQUE (Francesca), 828. ALHAIQUE PETTINELLI (Rosanna), 5146. al-Ḥākim bi-amri Ilāh, Fatimid caliph, 2217. 'Ali ibn Ridwan, 1413. Ali Pashë Tepelena, 6975. ALÍA MIRANDA (Francisco), 4063. Alighieri (Dante), 4728, 5040. ALIMOVA (Dilorom Agzamovna), 590. ALIOTO (Sebastián L), 5805. Ališarruma, king of Išuwa, 1053. ALJUNIED (Syed Muhd Khairudin), 6444. AL-KARAKI (Balqis), 881. ALKHAZRAGI (Hussein D.), 6772. ALLABY (Robin), 841. ALLEN (Martin), 2556. ALLEN (Robert C.), 545, 546, 4994, 7493. ALLEN (Susan Heuck), 7220. ALLEN SMITH (Katherine), 2954. Allende Gossens (Salvador), 7409. ALLEWELDT (Bertold), 3480. ALLISON (Robert J.), 6855. al-Makhlu, 7502. Al-Manaser (A.Y.K.), 1111. ALMARZA VILLALOBOS ((Ángel Rafael), 6856. ALMEIDA (Gelsom Rozentino de), 3255. ALMEIDA (João Miguel), 4380. Almereyda (Michael), 5506. ALMGREN (Birgitta), 7274. ALMOND (Matthew J.), 829. ALMOND (Philip C.), 401. ALMOND (Richard), 2638. ALONSO (Luciano P. J.), 3177. Alpa, famiglia, 2863. ALPARSLAN (Metin), 1051. ALPERT (Rebecca T.), 6106.
INDEX OF NAMES ALROEY (Gur), 3756. AL-SHAWABKEH (Yahya), 1128. ALSTON (Richard), 1637. AL-SUADI (Soham), 2071. Altamira (Rafael), 5231. ALTENHAIN (Karsten), 6626. ALTHANN (Robert), 678. Altobelli (Ilario), 5055. ALTRICHTER (Helmut), 7355. ALTROCK (Uwe), 5405. ALUNNO (Ines), 5440. ALVAR EZQUERRA (Alfredo), 3210. Álvares (Domingos), 4743. ALVAREZ (Carlos), 4995. ALVAREZ (David), 3307. ALVAREZ ALONSO (Clara), 6871. ÁLVAREZ CORA (Enrique), 525. ÁLVAREZ DE MIRANDA (Ángel), 5477. ÁLVAREZ GILA (Óscar), 4612. ALVAREZ VALLEJOS (Rolando), 3296. ÁLVAREZ-JUNCO (José), 4064. Alvear (Marcelo Torcuato de), 3192. ALVERMANN (Dirk), 3501, 6536. ALVEY (James E.), 547. AMADO (Antonio), 5380. AMALVI (Christian), 206. AMANN (Petra), 1551. AMAR (Joseph P.), 2159. Amarcius, 2732. ÅMARK (Klas), 7131. AMATO (Eugenio), 1286. AMATO (Sergio), 3481. AMATORI (Franco), 341. Ambrosius Mediolanensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 1978, 2041, 2112. AMELA VALVERDE (Luis), 116. AMELING (Walter), 1781. AMELO (Laurent), 4127. AMENDOLA (Adriano), 5415. AMENDOLA (Aurelio), 3071. Amenhotep III, king of Egypt, 964. AMERSFOORT (Hermanus), 6717. Amiel (Gausbert), 2763. Amīn (Aḥmad), 4673. AMIR-MOEZZI (Mohammad Ali), 2467. AMIT (David), 1120. Ammannati (Bartolomeo), 5347, 5385. AMMANNATI (Francesco), 232. AMMERER (Gerhard), 5406. Ammianus Marcellinus, 1636, 1871, 2091. AMOR (Nicholas R.), 2557. AMORES CARREDANO (Juan Bosco), 6884. AMORETTI (Michele), 1862.
AMORÓS (Mario), 3178. Amphilochius Iconiensis, Sanctus, 2145. AMPIAH (Kweku), 6802. AMSTUTZ (Richard), 6535. AMZALAK (Nimrod), 3406. AN (Zuozhang), 7516. Anacreon, 1295. ANAGNOSTOU (Sabine), 5096. ANALCO MARTÍNEZ (Aída), 4861. Anastasia Romana, santa, 2783. ANASTASIADOU (Maria), 1171. Anastasius Sinaiticus, Sanctus, 2162. ANATOLIOS (Khaled), 2043. Anaxagoras, 1428. ANAYA MERCHANT (Luis), 5916. ANCKER (Bernt), 6617. ANDENNA (Giancarlo), 2920. ANDERSEN (Casper), 4996. ANDERSEN (Esben Sloth), 5702. ANDERSEN (Per), 2509, 2523, 2524. ANDERSEN (Steen), 5806. ANDERSON (Benjamin), 2214. ANDERSON (David L.), 443. ANDERSON (David M.), 6803. ANDERSON (Ian), 6285. ANDERSON (James A.), 7514. ANDERSON (Kate), 833. ANDERSON (Malcolm), 3407. ANDERSON (Mark Cronlund), 4862. ANDERSON (Marnie S.), 7645. ANDERSON (Michael), 4997. ANDERSON (Peter), 4065. ANDERSON (Wendy Love), 2639, 3026. ANDERSSON (Inger), 5917. ANDERSSON (Lars-Fredrik), 5914. ANDERSSON (Magnus), 5807. ANDERSSON (Roger), 22. ANDERSSON RÆDER (Johanna), 2558. ANDO (Clifford), 1701. ANDRADE (Nathanael), 891. ANDRADE (Tonio), 6773. Andreas Caesariensis, episcopus, 2163. ANDRÉO (Benjamin), 5478. ANDRESEN (Astri), 6107. ANDRESEN (Carl), 685. ANDRETTA (Elisa), 4998. ANDREW (Edward G.), 4613. ANDRIAN-WERBURG (Viktor Franz Freiherr von), 3204. ANDRIĆ (Tonija), 2559. ANDRIOLO (Nadia), 1133. ANGELELLI (Walter), 2813. ANGELINI (Giovanna), 3769. ANGELOW (Jürgen), 7071.
INDEX OF NAMES Angiolieri (Cecco), 2758. ANGLIVIEL DE LA BEAUMELLE (Laurent), 1993. ANGRICK (Andrej), 7126. ANHEIM (Etienne), 2936. ANKERSMIT (Frank), 383. ANNAS (Gabriele), 2429. ANNUS (Amar), 1009. ANONIMO PADOVANO, 2637. ANSANI (Michele), 2266. ANSEL (Dario), 6445. Anselm Kasimir, Archbishop von Mainz, 4387. ANSELMI (Gian Mario), 2702. Anselmo IV (da Bovisio), 3068. Anselmus Cantauriensis, 2870. Ansgar, archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen, saint, 3110. ANTANAVIČIUS (Darius), 3857. Anthiphon, 1247. ANTHONY (Scott), 5609. Antinoopolis, 953. Antiochus III, king of Syria, 908, 909, 933. Antiochus IV, king of Syria, 912. Antipater Thessalonicensis, 1300. ANTON (Mioara), 7305. Antonescu (Ion), 4005. ANTONIAZZI (Jean-Luc), 5348. Antonina, Belisarii uxor, 2230. Antoninus Pius (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius), Roman emperor, 1688. Antonio abate, santo, 3010. Antonioni (Michelangelo), 5479, 5607. ANTONSON (Hans), 5875. ANTWEILER (Christoph), 4615. AO (Wenwei), 7517. AOTANI (Hideki), 2413. APFEL (Lauren J.), 1287. Apollinaris Laodicensis, 2077. Apollodorus, 1271. Apollonius Dyscolus, 1309. Apollonius of Tyana, 1370, 1375. Apollonius Rhodius, 1364. APPUHN-RADTKE (Sibylle), 5404. Apuleius (Lucius), 1825, 1881, 1883. Aquin (Hubert), 5326. ARAI (Akio), 4805. ARANO (Yasunori), 7679. Aratus Solensis, 1824. ARAUJO (Ana Lucia), 6760. ARAUJO GONZÁLEZ (Rafael J.), 3880. Arbus (Diane), 5626. Arce (Luz), 3300. ARCHER (Ian W.), 3608. ARCHER (Jayne Elisabeth), 4679. ARCHER (John E.), 3613.
Archigenes (Sarantis), 5705. ARCIDIACONO (Carmen), 2037. ARCILA HURTADO (Ramón Emilio), 4764. ARCURI (Rosalba), 2215. ARCUTI (Silvana), 2560. Ardašīr I, king of the Sasanian empire, 1147. Ardašīr II, king of the Sasanian empire, 1147. Ardašīr, king of Sasanian empire, 1140. ARDIZZONE (Maria Luisa), 2703. ARENA (Gaetano), 892. ARENA (Mariagrazia E.), 1584. ARENAS (Fernando), 6804. ARENSON (Adam), 4172. ARÉVALO (Juan José), 3678. 'ARFĀWĪ (Khamīs), 4130. ARFÉ (Pasquale), 3024. ARGERI (María E.), 6578. ARIAS CASTRO (Tomás Federico), 6537. Arias de Ugarte (Fernando), 4426. ARIAS TRUJILLO (Ricardo), 3308. ARIELLI (Nir), 7132. Ariosto (Ludovico), 2850, 5193. Arismendi (Rodney), 4279. ARISTIZÁBAL GARCÍA (Diana Marcela), 6857. ARISTODEMOU (Georgia), 1483. Aristophanes, 1254, 1298, 1311, 1337, 1339, 1343, 1373, 1421. Aristoteles, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1216, 1362, 1395, 1415, 1419, 1428, 1440, 1445, 1449. Arius Didymus, 2196. Arius, 2122. ARMANIOS (Febe), 4296. ARMBRUSTER (Elif S.), 5234. ARMENTEROS (Carolina), 371, 4960. ARMSTRONG (Adrian), 2704. ARMSTRONG (Julie Buckner), 4173. ARMSTRONG (Lawrin), 532. ARMUS (Diego), 4999. ARNAOUTOGLOU (Ilias), 1251. ARNASON (Johann P.), 1685. ARNAUD (Daniel), 990. ARNAUDIÈS (Alain), 952. ARNDT (Agnes), 323. Arndt (Ernst Moritz), 3501. ARNHEIM (Artur), 7306. ARNOLD (A. J.), 5710, 5918. Arnold (Gladys), 4940. ARNOLD (John H.), 614. ARNOLD (Jörg), 7221. ARNOLD (Matthieu), 4496. ARNOUX (Mathieu), 23. Aron (Raymond), 3422.
321 ARONADIO (Francesco), 1396. ARON-BELLER (Katherine), 4572. ARONSON-LEHAVI (Sharon), 2641. AROSTEGUI (Julio), 4924. ARPÁŠ (Róbert), 4038. ARRÁIZ LUCCA (Rafael), 4280. ARRAYÁS MORALES (Isaías), 1222. Arreola (Juan José), 5239. Arrianus (Lucius Flavius), 1646. ARRIGHI (Dominique), 6919. ARRIGHI (Vanna), 2412. ARRIZÓN R. (J. Faviola), 3895. ARROWSMITH (Rupert Richard), 195. ARROYO (Israel), 3873. ARRUZZA (Cinzia), 2073. Arsenius, episcopus, 2122. Artaud (Antonin), 5478, 5512. Artemidorus, 1308, 1374, 1384. Arusianus Messius, 1604. ARZOUMANOV (Anna), 50. ASADA (Shinji), 7518. ASAL (Sonja), 4657. ASBACH (Olaf), 431. ASCHERI (Paola), 1288. Asclepiades Samius, 1209. ASENSIO PALACIOS (Juan Carlos), 2851. ASHTON (Nigel J.), 7368. ASLANIAN (Sebouh David), 5802. ASOUCHIDOU (Sophia), 1192. ASSELIN (Olivier), 5031. ASSMANN (Aleida), 205, 372. ASSO (Paolo), 746. ASTE (Antonio), 1638. Asterius, 1983. ASTON (Nigel), 3630. AŞUROV (Safar), 1148. ATANASIU (Carmen-Irene), 568. ATANASIU-CROITORU (Andreea), 568, 3999. Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), 4134, 4141. ATCHA (Philip Amangoua), 5311. ATHAIDES (Rafael), 3256. Athanasius Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 687, 2042. ATHANASSAKI (Lucia), 1289. ATTANASIO (Donato), 1484. Atticus (Titus Pomponius), 1798. ATTINGER (Pascal), 991. Attlee (Clement Richard), 3625. Atto, Vercellensis episcopus, 2408. AU (Sokhieng), 5001. AUBERT (Jean-Jacques), 1585. AUDIGIER (François), 3455. AUDOIN-ROUZEAU (Stéphane), 6771. Auerbach (Erich), 391, 4701. AUGIER (Mie), 5919. AUGUSTIN (Ricardo), 6854.
322 Augustin, 2143. Augustinus Aurelius, Sanctus, 2040, 2050, 2067, 2081, 2086, 2092, 2106, 2120, 2138, 2144. Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 1300, 1598, 1601, 1650, 1706, 1726, 1743, 1754, 1933, 1935. AULINGER (Rosemarie), 3469. Aulus Gellius, 1816. AUPERT (Pierre), 1506. Aurelius Cotta (Gaius), 1906. Aurelius Cotta Maximus Messallinus (Marcus), 1756. AURELL (Martin), 2642, 2648. AUSBUTTEL (Frank M.), 1639. AUSLANDER (Leora), 4297. AUSLIN (Michael R.), 4617. AUSTEN (Ralph A.), 7706. AUTIERO (Antonio), 4295. AUWERS (Jean-Marie), 680, 2012. AUZÉPY (Marie-France), 628. AVAGLIANO (Mario), 4573. AVARUCCI (Giuseppe), 4450. AVELAR (Idelber), 5496. AVELEDO (Guillermo T.), 4381. AVERNA (Daniela), 1623. Avidius Cassius (Gaius), 1638. ÁVILA SEOANE (Nicolás), 2360. AVILES (Domingo), 1252. AVISHAI (Gal), 1118. Avitus Viennensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 1984, 2099. AX (Wolfram), 1626. AXER (Christine), 208. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto), 3309. AYALA MORA (Enrique), 3378. AYANGAOR (Emmanuel Chiahemba), 3279. AYBEK (Serdar), 893. AYMARD (Maurice), 341. AYNIÉ (Marie), 4618. AYRES (Lewis), 2042. AZADI (Ahmad), 1149. AZÉMA (Marc), 5480. AZULYS (Sam), 5481. B BAADSGAARD (Aubrey), 992. BAAR-CANTONI (Regina), 4298. Baartman (Sarah), 6350. BABELON (Jean-Pierre), 201. BABÍK (Milan), 7050. BABUSIAUX (Ulrike), 1702. BABUTS (Nicolae), 5235. Bach (Johann Sebastian), 5594. BACHMANN (Bodo), 2512. BACHMANN (Wiebke), 7307. Bachtin (Michail Michajlovič), 5338.
INDEX OF NAMES BACHVAROVA (Mary R.), 1045. Backe (Herbert), 3480. BACKLUND (Berith), 580. BACKUS (Irena), 4509. Bacon (Francis), 4956. BADE (Klaus J.), 563. BADER (Ralf M.), 511. BADINI (Antonia), 2011. BADOUD (Nathan), 1524. Baeck (Leo), 4589. BAENA (Francisco), 4863. BAERT (Barbara), 2797. BAGERIUS (Henric), 2561. BAGGE (Sverre), 2329. BAGGIO (Antonio Maria), 6854. BAGGIO (Monica), 1485. BAGNALL (Kate), 81. BAGNALL (Roger S.), 894, 936. BÁGUENA CERVELLERA (María José), 617. BAHLCKE (Joachim), 4851. BAI (Nansheng), 7493. BAIARDI (Marta), 4570. BAILEY (Geoff), 854. BAILEY (Kenneth E.), 2074. BAILEY (Richard A.), 4501. BAILLOT (Anne), 4713. BAINES (John), 937. BAIONI (Massimo), 4718. BAIRD (Douglas), 807. BAITENMANN (Helga), 3874. BAJOHR (Frank), 7178. BAJON (Philip), 7369. BAJRAKTARI (Jusuf), 3166. BAKAR (Osman), 5132. BAKAYOKO (Issa), 6039. BAKER (Andrew), 7308. BAKER (Kelly J.), 4502. BAKER-BRIAN (Nicholas J.), 2075. BAKOS (Gergely Tibor), 2872. BALA'AWI (Fadi), 1128. BALAI (Leo), 6726. BALAKIN (Jurij V.), 2216. BALANSARD (Anne), 2677. BALARD (Michel), 2400. BALBARINI (Chiara), 2798. BALBIER (Uta Andrea), 4299. BALCǍRKA (Petra), 502. BALCOM (Karen A.), 6108. BALCONI (Carla), 938. BALDACCHINI (Lorenzo), 45. BALDI (Idalgo), 2020. BALDINETTI (Anna), 7133. BALDOZ (Rick), 6109. BALI (Rıfat N.), 4136, 6680. BALIĆ (Carolus), 2867. BALINA (Marina), 755. BALKE (Thomas E.), 993. BALL (Hugo), 4619. BALLESTEROS TORRES (Pedro), 4758.
BALLINI (Pier Luigi), 3768. BALSERAK (Jon), 4503. BALTRUSCH (Ernst), 367. BALZA (Maria Elena), 1046, 1047. BALZER (Jens), 209. BAMBA (Abou B.), 7370. BANDINI (Michele), 1219, 1220. BÁNKUTI (Gábor), 4453. BANNER (Stuart), 548. BANTI (Alberto Mario), 509, 3770. BANTIGNY (Ludivine), 6110. BAO (Weimin), 7519. BARAGWANATH (Nicholas), 5482. BARANDICA (María Guadalupe), 1290. Barankovics (István), 3699. BARANOWSKI (Shelley), 6727. BARAONA (Miguel), 6858. BAR-ASHER SIEGAL (Elitzur A.), 1067. BARASZ (Johanna), 7259. BARATIERI (Daniela), 6805. BARBAGLI (Alarico), 16. BARBANERA (Marcello), 301. BARBARESI (Lauro A.), 1863. Barbera (Sandro), 5264. Barberini (Carlo), 6938. BARBETTI (Claire), 2799. BARBICHE (Bernard), 4414. BARBIER (Edward B.), 549. BARBIER (Frèdéric), 69. BARBIERI (Ezio), 2449. BARBIN (Évelyne), 5020. BARCELO (Pedro), 1640. BARCLAY (Andrew), 3614. BARCLAY (John M. G.), 2076. BARCLAY (Katie), 6111. BARCOS (Jesús), 4085. BARDY (Gerard), 4382. BARELKOWSKI (Matthias), 6943. BARGÁR (Pavol), 3342. Bargeld (Blixa), 5629. BARGELLI (Claudio), 6112. BARIÉTY (Jacques), 7048. BARING (Edward), 4961. BARJOT (Dominique), 5920. BARKER (Elton T.E.), 1306. BARLETTA (Barbara A.), 1486. BARNES (Corey Ladd), 2873. BARNES (Donna A.), 4174. BARNES (L. Diane), 4175. BARNES (Mark), 6984. Barnes (Robert), 4505. BARNES (Steven A.), 4008. BARNES (Timothy D.), 1957. BARNES (Timothy G.), 1291. BARNHART (Terry A.), 4176. BARNOSELL JORDÁ (Genís), 6968. BARNOUD (Paul), 5381. BARNWELL (Kristi N.), 7371. BARNWELL (P. S.), 2532.
INDEX OF NAMES Barocci (Federico), 5432. BAROFFIO (Giacomo), 2848, 3029. BARONE (Germana), 834. BARONE (Giulia), 2937. BARONOWSKI (Donald Walter), 357. BAR-OZ (Guy), 782. BARR (Jason), 6040. BARRAL (Pierre), 206. BARRANDON (Nathalie), 1657. BARRANTES (Emmanuel A.), 6113. BARRAUD (Dany), 3100. BARRAULT (Eric), 3400. BARRERA BASSOLS (Jacinto), 4922. Barrès (Maurice), 3440. BARRESI (Paolo), 895. BARRETO ROZO (Antonio), 6538. BARREZRA FRACAROLI (Diego), 994. BARRISH (Phillip J.), 744. BARROERO (Liliana), 5418. BARROS (Andrew), 7051. BARROS FRANCO (José Miguel), 3294. BARROTARÁN (Patricia), 3174. BARRY (Gearóid), 7052. BARTA (Heinz), 526. BÁRTA (Jan), 5484. BÁRTA (Milan), 3338. BARTELS (Jens), 1891. BARTHAS (Jérémie), 4976. Barthes (Roland), 5240. BARTIE (Angela), 6244. BARTLOVÁ (Alena), 6041. Bartoli (Cosimo), 4636. Bartolomé de Las Casas, 6864. BARTOLONI (Gilda), 1911. BARTON (Loukas), 798. BARTON (Simon), 2386. BARTRA (Roger), 5003. BARTUSCHKA (Marc), 3482. BARUCH (Yuval), 1068. BAR-YOSEF (Ofer), 782. BASCHETTI (Roberto), 3175. BASHIER (Salman H.), 2469. BASILE (Bruno), 5379. BASILE (Corrado), 939. Basilius Caesariensis, Sanctus, 1985, 1986. Basilius I Macedonius, Byzantine emperor, 2192, 2231. Basilius II Bulgaroctonus, Byzantine emperor, 2217. BASKIN (Judith R.), 696. Bassi (Elena), 5395. BASSIGNANO (Maria Silvia), 1552. BASSINO (Jean-Pascal), 7493. Basso (Lelio), 3805. BASTIAN (Misty L.), 3926. BASTIANINI (Guido), 2059.
BASTIEN (Pascal), 6606. BAŞTÜRK (Bılge), 995. BASU (Bharati), 6402. BAT (Jean-Pierre), 3402. BATEMAN (Fiona), 6763. BATEMAN (Victoria N.), 550. Bates (David), 2498. BATES (Toby Glenn), 210. BATH (Matthias), 7260. BÁTI (Anikó), 2314. BATISTINI (Alessandro), 2800. BATIZ-LAZO (Bernardo), 6025. BATOR (Magdalena), 2723. BATORSKA (Danuta), 5419. BATTILORO (Ilaria), 1553. BATTISTINI (Andrea), 5004. BAUBÉROT (Arnaud), 6110. BAUDOIN (Sébastien), 5236. Baudouin V de Flandre, 3097. BAUER (Christian), 4383. BAUER (Dieter R.), 2893. BAUER (Kurt), 7053. BAUER (Oswald), 4864. Bauer (Otto), 3217. BAUER (Thomas J.), 2025. BAUGH (Daniel), 6941. BAUGHAN (Elizabeth P.), 896. BAUM (Herwig), 7134. BAUMANN (Anette), 4765, 6672. BAUMANN (Cordia), 6279. BAUMANN (Jim), 5495. BAUMANN (Mario), 1292. BAUMGART (Winfried), 6728. BÄUML (Yair), 3757. BAUSI (Francesco), 5158. BAUTZ (Friedrich W.), 679. BAXALIYEV (Vali), 1148. BAXTER (Christopher), 7309. BAYER (Thomas M.), 5349. BAYLY (C.A.), 222, 608. BAYNTON-WILLIAMS (Ashley), 72. BAYRAKTAR (Hatice), 7054. BAYREUTHER (Rainer), 4692. Bazovský (Louis), 4040. BAZZANI (Marina), 2181. BAZZICHI (Oreste), 2955. BEARZOT (Cinzia), 1293. BEATRICE (Pier Franco), 1987. Beatrix de Aragonia, 2300. BEATTIE (Cordelia), 2665. BEATTIE (James), 4620. BEAUJEU (Arnaud), 5485. BEAULIEU (Michel S.), 3283. BEAUPAIN (Cécile), 2852. BEAUR (Gérard), 6114, 6115. BECHER (Matthias), 2384. BECHET (Christophe), 6993. BECHTOLD (Christian), 1892. BECK (Hans), 1647. BECK (Hermann), 3483. BECK (Jan-Wilhelm), 1806.
323 Beck (Józef), 7181. BECK (Rainer), 402. BECKEL (Deborah), 4177. BECKER (Andreas), 4504. BECKER (Elisa M.), 5005. BECKER (Eve-Marie), 2118. BECKER (Frank), 6116. BECKER (Helmut), 853, 863. BECKER (Marc), 3381. BECKER (William H.), 4230. BECKER (Winfried), 7044, 7055. Beckett (Samuel), 5485, 5486, 5512. BECKING (Bob), 1073. BECKMANN (Martin), 1912. BEDNAŘÍK (Petr), 4574. BEDOIN (Maurice), 6447. BEDOS REZAK (Brigitte), 2313. BEECH (George T.), 212. BEELEY (Christopher A.), 2077. BEER (Mathias), 6117. Beethoven (Ludwig van), 5511, 5618. BEEZLEY (William H.), 625, 3875. Begin (Menachem), 7363. BEHNKEN (Brian D.), 4178. BEHR (John), 2038. BEIERGRÖßLEI (Katharina), 4505. BEIHAMMER (Alexander D.), 2217. BEIN (Amit), 4575. BEISER (Frederick C.), 373. BEJCZY (István Pieter), 3030. BEJENARU (Liviu Marius), 7415. BEL (Germà), 5921. BÉLANGER (Damien-Claude), 4621. BELAYCHE (Nicole), 1893. BELÉNYESY (Márta), 2314. BELFER-COHEN (Anna), 782. BELISLE (Donica), 5809. BELKAÏD (Akram), 3169. BELKO (W. Stephen), 4171. BELL (David N.), 4455. BELL (Malcolm), 1487. BELL LARA (José), 3328. BELLAMAH (Timothy), 2874. BELLANGER (Emmanuel), 6118. BELLAVITIS (Anna), 576. BELLEGUIC (Thierry), 4943. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), 1488. BELLERS (Jürgen), 551. BELLFY (Phil), 7712. BELLIGNI (Eleonora), 4506. BELLINGRADT (Daniel), 4865. BELLINI (Amedeo), 6042. BELLINTANI (Paolo), 775. BELLION (Wendy), 5350. BELLIS (Clive A.), 5202. BELLOMO (Manlio), 2513. BELLONE (Luca), 2760.
324 BELOVA (Elena Vladimirovna), 6942. BELTON (Adrian), 587. BELTRAMETTI (Amelia), 1294. BELTRAMO CEPPI ZEVI (Claudia), 5442. BELTRAN (Alain), 5765. BELTRAN (Vicenç), 2705. Beltrán de la Cueva, 2414. Bem (Józef), 3986. BEN ABDALLAH (Zeïneb B.), 1586. BEN AKACHA (Walid), 1703, 1913. BEN DOR EVIAN (Shirly), 865. BÉNATOUÏL (Thomas), 2886. BEN-BASSAT (Yuval), 3943. BENCIVENNI (Marcella), 4179. Benckendorff (Aleksandr), 7109. BENDER (M.V.), 5877. BEN-DOR BENITE (Zvi), 258. BENEDETTI (Sandro), 5382. BENEDETTINI (M. Gilda), 1911. Benedetto XIV (Prospero Lambertini), 4371. BENEDICT (Carol), 5878. BENEDICT (Philip), 4509. Benedictus XIV, Papa, 4367, 4372, 4374. BENEKE (Chris), 4319. BENELLI (Luca), 1295. BENENSON (Itzhak), 949. BENERA (Anca), 6077. BENERICETTI (Ruggero), 183. BENEŠ (Carrie E.), 2643. Beneš (Edvard), 4050, 7199. BENFERHAT (Yasmina), 1787. BENGTSSON (Åsa), 4100. BENGTSSON (Herman), 2428. Ben-Gurion (David), 3761. BENHAM (Jenny), 2354. Benjamin (Walter), 5290, 5298. BEN-JERBANIA (Imed), 1069. BENNETT (Edward M.), 7075. BENNETT (Huw), 6806. BENNETT (M. Todd), 7362. BENNETT (Michael Y.), 5486. BENNETT (N. H.), 2929. BENOIST (Stéphane), 1651. BENOÎT (Bruno), 3414. BÉNOU (Lisa), 2218. BENOZZO (Francesco), 2991. BENSI (Paolo), 36. BENSIMON (Fabrice), 6119. BENSON (Hugh H.), 1397. BEN-TAHAR (Sami), 1070. BENTEVOGLIO DE VAPRIO (Giovannibello), 2284. Bentinck (William Henry Cavendish Lord), 6965. BENTIVOGLIO (Giulia), 7372. BENTLEY (Jerry H.), 484. BENTLEY (Michael), 334.
INDEX OF NAMES BENTON (Lauren), 6674. BENVENUTI (Andrea), 7310. BENZ (Wigbert), 7223. BENZ (Wolfgang), 4576. BEN-ZAKEN (Avner), 2470. BEN-ZE'EV (Efrat), 213. BENZENHÖFER (Udo), 4787. BERCÉ (Yves-Marie), 4384. BERENSON (Edward), 3429, 6807. BERENTS (Catharina), 661. BERETTA ANGUISSOLA (Alberto), 134. BERG (Annika), 6329. BERG (Gunhild), 4989. BERGDOLT (Klaus), 4643. BERGER (Albrecht), 2161, 2202. BERGER (Klaus), 2044. BERGER (Molly W.), 6120. BERGERON (Paul H.), 4180. BERGGÖTZ (Sven Olaf), 5276. BERGLER (Andrea), 3484. Bergman (Ingmar), 5599. BERGMAN (Martin), 6607. BERGMANE (Una), 7056. BERGMANN (Werner), 3127. BERGOMI (Mariapaola), 1398. BERISSO (Lía), 728. BERISSO (Marco), 2750. Berliet (Marius), 5854. BERLINGUER (Giovanni), 5006. Berlioz (Hector), 5498, 5565. BERMAN (Nina), 745. BERMBACH (Udo), 5487. BERMEJO TIRADO (Jesús), 1894. BERNABÉ (Alberto), 1450. BERNABEU-MESTRE (Josep), 5090. BERNADÓ (Màrius), 2861. Bernadotte (famille), 4108. BERNAO FARIÑAS (Óscar Manuel), 1296. BERNARDI (Philippe), 2770. BERNARDINI (Paolo), 1071. BERNARD-MAÎTRE (Henri), 7646. BERNARDO (Horacio), 728. Bernardus Claraevallensis, 697. Bernardus, sanctus, 3004. BERNASCONI (Rocco), 1072. BERNAT VISTARINI (Antonio), 52. BERNHARD (Jan-Andrea), 2339. BERNHARD (Patrick), 6566. BERNHARDT (Markus), 3486. Bernhardt (Sarah), 5363. BERNINI (Andrea), 1399. Bernini (Gian Lorenzo), 5408, 5437, 5443, 5463. BERNSTEIN (David E.), 6608. Bernstein (Eduard), 4958. BERNSTEIN (Laurie), 4007. BERNSTEIN (Shana), 4181. BERO MAGNI DE LUDOSIA, 2781. BÉROUD (Sophie), 6448.
Béroul, 2714. Berque (Jacques), 4733. Berrecci (Bartolomeo), 5352. BERRIDGE (W. J.), 6567. BERRY (Michael), 1788. BERSHADSKY (Natasha), 1297. BERTELLI (Sandro), 2706. BERTHEZÈNE (Clarisse), 3615. Berthold von Regensburg, 3045. BERTI (Giampietro), 4766. BERTOŠA (Miroslav), 3323. BERTRAND (Gilles), 4846. BERTRAND (Loïc), 1153. BERTRAND (Michel), 5530. BERTRAND (Romain), 433. BERTUNG (Birgit), 6121. BESHARA (Adel), 4123. BESIER (Gerhard), 4378. BEŠKA (Emanuel), 7057. Bessarion, Cardinale, 35. BESSONE (Federica), 1789. BEST (Antony), 3826, 6697. BETANCOURT-SERNA (Fernando), 4767. BETRI (Maria Luisa), 303. BETT (Richard), 1400. BETTELLI (Marco), 820. BETTI (Carmen), 4802. BETTINGER (Robert), 798. BETTINI (Maria C.), 1575. Betz (Anton), 4890. BEUCKERS (Klaus Gereon), 2646. Beuys (Joseph), 5367. BEVAN (Andrew), 1536. BEVIR (Mark), 383, 3616. BEYELER (Markus), 1959. BEYEN (Marnix), 4642. Bézout (Étienne), 4993. BHAMBRA (Gurminder K.), 258. Bhutto (Zulfikar Ali), 7488. BIALE (David), 688. BIAN (Junjie), 7520. BIANCHI (Luca), 2879. BIANCHI (Nunzio), 42. BIANCHINI (Janna), 2307. BIANCHINI (Marco), 341. Bianciardi (Luciano), 5312. BIANCO (Eleonora Carmela), 5351. BIASIORI (Lucio), 335. BIAVASCHI (Paola), 1704. BIBIKOV (Michail V.), 2213. Bibó (István), 3699. BICHLER (Reinhold), 1223. BICKFORD (Andrew), 3487. BIDDLE (Jeff E.), 6122. BIDEAU (Alain), 6123. BIDEZ (Joseph), 1993. BIEDRZYCKI (Adam), VI. BIEN (Fabian), 5488. BIER (Laura), 3385. BIES (Michael), 761.
INDEX OF NAMES BIFERALI (Fabrizio), 5420. Biffi (Eugenio), 4483. BIGGAM (Carole Patricia), 2605. BIGI (Emilio), 5237. BIGNON (Vincent), 5922. BILBIJA (Ksenija), 6103. BILES (Roger), 4182. BILES (Zachary P.), 1298. BILLEN (Claire), 3098. BILLER (Peter), 3062. BILLERBECK (Margarethe), 2189. BILLESCHOU CHRISTANSEN (Søren), 3364. BILLIET (Frederic), 658. BILLINGS (Joshua), 5489. BILLINGS (Mark), 5910. BILLION (Philipp), 2771. BILLORET-BOURDY (Odile), 5449. BILLY (Jonas Bakoubayi), 6808. BILOTTA (Maria Alessandra), 2933. BINDA (Veronica), 5959. BINDER (Evelyn), 759. BING (Erik Henriques), 4577. BINNEY (Judith), 3914. BIONDI (Ennio), 1299. BIONDICH (Mark), 3129. BIRAUD (Michèle), 1300. BIRD (Jennifer G.), 2078. BIRD (Michael F.), 2060, 2061. Birgitta von Schweden, 3008. BIRKENMAIER (Anke), 214. BIRNEY (Kathleen), 1074. BIRRICHAGA GARDIDA (Diana), 3893. BISANTI (Armando), 2707. BISCHOF (Günter), 7373. BISCONTI (Fabrizio), 2079. BISHOP (Paul), 5238, 5341. BISMARCK (Helene von), 7374. BISMARCK (Otto von), 3466, 3582, 6728. BISOGNO (Armando), 2875. BISPINCK (Henrik), 4807. BISSELL (William Cunningham), 6809. BISSON (Michael), 783. BISTER (Feliks J.), 4747. BISTROVIĆ (Miriam), 3824. BITSCH CHRISTENSEN (Søren), 3375. BITTI (Maria Cristina), 742. BJERK (P.), 7375. BJÖREMAN (Carl), 4101. BJÖRNELID (Richard), 5711. BLACK (Chad), 3379. BLACK (Jeremy), 6683, 6907, 6994, 7058. BLACK-VELDTRUP (Mechthild), 2692.
BLAIS (Hélène), 161. BLAISE (Fabienne), 1253. BLAKE (Stanley E.), 3257. Blake (William), 5630. BLANC (Alain), 1301. BLANC (Julien), 7261. BLANCHARD (Emmanuel), 6124. BLANCO GONZÁLEZ (Antonio), 835. BLANDIN (Béatrice), 1506. BLANDIN (Claire), 4934. BLANEY (John), 5490. BLANEY (Tom), 5007. BLANG (Eugenie M.), 7376. Blanis (Benedetto), 4605. BLÄNKNER (Reinhard), 215. BLANSHARD (Alastair J. L.), 5491. BLASCO GIL (Yolanda), 4790. BLASCO MARTEL (Yolanda), 5923. BLECKMANN (Bruno), 1164. Bledsoe (Albert Taylor), 4176. BLENNEMANN (Gordon), 2956. BLENNOW (Anna Holst), 3020. Blest Gana (Alberto), 3294. BLIGHT (David W.), 4183. BLIKSRUD AAVITSLAND (Kristin), 2283. BLOCH (Marc Léopold Benjamin), 330. BLOCH (Olivier), 1206. BLODIGOVÁ (Alexandra), 3339. BLOEDOW (Edmund F.), 1224. BLOHM (Hanno), 6. BLONDÉ (Francine), 1489. BLONDEAU (Chrystele), 2640. BLÖSEL (Wolfgang), 1715. BLÖSSNER (Norbert), 1401. BLOUIN (Francis X. Jr.), 374. BLOWER (Brooke L.), 3131. BLOXHAM (Donald), 3150. Blücher (Wipert von), 7194. BLUM (Ann S.), 6125. BLUM (Françoise), 3867. BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI (Renate), 2432. BLUMI (Isa), 3132. BLYTH (Robert J.), 7004. BOAG (Peter), 6126. BOARETTO (Elisabetta), 782. BOAVENTURA (Rui), 808. BOBONICH (Christopher), 1402. BOCCACCIO (Giovanni), 2696. BOCCHI (Giuseppe), 1864. BOCCIONI (Umberto), 5413. BOÇI (Sonila), 7311. BOCK (Ulrike), 6542. BOCKELMAN (Brian), 5492. BOCKMAN (Johanna), 6449. BODDEN (M. C.), 2644. BODENSCHATZ (Harald), 5405. BOEDEKER (Deborah), 1302.
325 Boethius (Anicius Manlius, Torquatus Severinus), 1977. BOGACKI (Miron), 983. BOGART (Dan), 5712. BOGDAN (Florin), 46. Bogdanov (Alexander), 5066. BOHLEN (Maren), 2080. BOHLEN (Rita), 6912. BÖHME (Hartmut), 505. BOHNE (Anke), 1914. BÖHNKE (Michael), 3055. BOIA (Lucian), 216, 4624. BOIDIN (Capucine), 3944. BOISSEAU (Tracey Jean), 6621. BOIVIN (Nicole), 841. BOIY (Tom), 897. BOL (Renate), 1915. BOLDIZZONI (Francesco), 217. BOLOGNESI (Dante), 4944. BOLTANSKI (Ariane), 600, 6315. BÖLÜKBAŞI (Süha), 3229. BOMAN (Dennis K.), 4184. BÖMELBURG (Hans-Jürgen), 6943. BOMMELAER (Jean-François), 1490. BONACINA (Giovanni), 4578. BONADEO (Alessia), 1742, 1790. BOND (H. Lawrence), 2876. BONDUE (Didier), 1960. BONET DONATO (María), 2563. BONEVA (B.), 796. BONFAIT (Olivier), 5461. BONFAND (Alain), 5493. BONFANTE (Larissa), 432, 1572. BONFANTINI (Carlo), 3762. BONGIORNO (Frank), 3196. BONHOMME (Éric), 3401. BONIL GÓMEZ (Katherine), 6859. BONILLA QUESADA (Hilda), 6113. BONIN (Hubert), 5924, 7262. Bonizone da Sutri, 2935. BONNAIN-DULON (Rolande), 6128. BONNELL (Andrew G.), 3488. BONOLDI GATTERMAYER (Elena), 3032. BONOMELLI (Geremia), 4376. BONORA (Elena), 4368, 4403. BONOW (Madeleine A.), 570. BONUSIAK (Włodzimierz), 3963. Bonvesin dela Riva, 2793. BONZI (Claudia), 1705. BOOKER (Keith M.), 662. BOOS (Marion), 1916. BOOTH (Phil), 2220. BOOZARI (Amirhassan), 3715. BORÁK (Mečislav), 3340. BORCHARD (Gregory A.), 4185. Borchardt (Rudolf), 5290. BORCHERS (Stefan), 5009. BORDINI (Simone), 2511. BORDOLI (R.), 4631.
326 Bordoy (Juanita), 6335. Borges (Jorge Luis), 5239, 5285, 5301, 5314, 5317. BORGES (Vera Lúcia Bogéa), 3258. BORGHERO (Carlo), 4631, 5010. BORGOLTE (Michael), 2664. BORJA GONZÁLEZ (Galaxis), 4477. Borja y Aragón (Francisco de), 4404. BORLENGHI (Aldo), 1918. BORLIK (Todd A.), 5159. BORM (Jan), 4735. BORMANN (Alexander von), 5322, 5359. BORRELLI (Marcelo), 4936. BORRESEN (Kari Elisabeth), 3031. BORRUT (Antoine), 2477. BORSO (Dario), 340. BORTLOVÁ (Hana), 4066. BOSCATO (Stefania), 4866. BÖSCH (Frank), 619. Bosch (Hieronymus), 5426. BOSCH LLORET (Angel), 827. BOSCHI (Judith), 4385. BOSE (Mishtooni), 2911. Bose (Subhas Chandra), 3701, 7188. BOSE (Sugata), 3701. Bosl (Karl), 331. Boss (Hugo), 5748. BOSSAUT (Gérard), 7377. BOSSELMANN-RUICKBIE (Antje), 2221. BOSSIER (Philiep), 5165. BOSTAN (Grigore C.), 5147. BOSTAN (Lora), 5147. BOST-POUDERON (Cécile), 1211. BOSWORTH (R. J. B.), 6043. BOTANA (Federico), 2801. BOTANA (Natalio), 3144. BOTSMAN (Daniel V.), 7647. BOTT (Sandra), 7282. BÖTTCHER (Nikolaus), 6334. BOTTI (Alfonso), 4395. BOTTONI (Stefano), 6684, 7378. Botulfsson (Botuf), 3088. BOUCHARD (Laurent), 4507. BOUCHARLAT (Rémy), 1145. BOUCHERON (Patrick), 2653, 3105. BOUCHET (Florence), 2379. BOUCHET (Thomas), 3435. BOUDET (Jean-Patrice), 668. BOUDIGNON (Christian), 2182. BOUDON (Jacques-Olivier), 4386. BOUDON-MACHUEL (Marion), 5458. BOUDON-MILLOT (Véronique), 1403. BOUGARD (François), 2596. BOUGEARD (Christian), 3409. BOUHAÏK -GIRONÈS (Marie), 2666.
INDEX OF NAMES BOUISSOU (Sylvie), 5494. Boulay (family), 85. BOULLENOIS (Camille), 7379. BOULTON (Jeremy), 6160. BOULWARE (Tyler), 4186. BOUQUET (Monique), 1854. BOURDENET (Xavier), 5252. BOURDIEU (Jérôme), 5925. Bourdieu (Pierre), 4733. BOURGEOIS (Michel), 6810. BOURIN (Monique), 2564, 2583. BOURKE (Richard), 3737. BOURKE (Stephen J.), 836. BOURSICAUT (Hélène), 4644. BOUŠKA (Tomáš), 218. BOUSTAN (Ra'anan S.), 407. BOUTON (Cynthia A.), 3410. BOUTOULLE (Frédéric), 3100. BOUTSIKAS (Efrosyni), 1451, 1452. BOUVIER (Yves), 5000. BÓVEDA FERNÁNDEZ (María José), 813. BOVEY (Alixe), 2802. BOWEN (Alister), 5811. BOWEN (Michael), 4187. BOWEN (Wayne H.), 6995. BOWERS (Toni), 6129. Bowie (David), 5517. BOWLER (Peter J.), 5011. BOWMAN (Andrew), 5879. BOYD (James Graham), 6685. BOYD-BARRETT (Oliver), 5495. BOYER (Christian), 3168. BOYER (Christoph), 6450. Boyle (Robert), 5136. BOYNS (Trevor), 5770. BOYNTON (Susan), 219, 2919. BOYS (Jayne E. E.), 4867. BRACA (Antonio), 5445. BRACCI (Francesco), 1624. Bracciolini (Jacopo), 5158. BRACK (Duncan), 3654. BRACKE (Gerhard), 6. BRACKE (Maud Anne), 220. BRADDICK (Michael J.), 3631. BRADLEY (Keith), 439. BRADSHAW (Paul F.), 2045. BRADSTOCK (Andrew), 3617. BRADY (Sean), 614. BRAID (Angus J.), 3033. BRAIN (Stephen), 5880. Brainard (Ingrid), 2859. BRAMBLE (Thomas), 3194. Branagh (Kenneth), 5506. BRANCH (Daniel), 3838. BRANCHE (Raphaëlle), 6421. Brand (R.H.), 7096. BRANDA (Pierre), 3411. BRANDENBERGER (David), 4009. BRANDL (Bernd), 6451.
BRÄNDLE (Fabian), 4111. BRANDS (Hal), 7380. BRANDSTETTER (Gabriele), 5359. BRANDT (Ulrich), 1791. Brandt (Willy), 3601, 7417. BRANDWEIN (Pamela), 6539. BRASHIER (K. E.), 7521. BRAUCH (Nicola), 2338, 3155. BRAUER (Juliane), 372. BRAUN (Bernd), 3489. BRAUN (Guido), 6940. BRAUN (Johann), 6521. BRAUN (Matthias Rechtsanwalt), 6568. BREAN (Donald J.S.), 5910. Breasted (James Henry), 332. BREBECK (Wulff E.), 3500. BRECHENMACHER (Thomas), 375. BREEN (Michael P.), 6600. BREEZE (David J.), 1641. BREGNSBO (Michael), 3154. BREIDBACH (Olaf), 5012. BREILH (Jaime), 4625. BREILH PAZ Y MIÑO (Jaime), 3380. BREITENBACH (Alfred), 1792. BREITENLECHNER (Elisabeth), 862. BREJON DE LAVERGNEE (Matthieu), 4456. BREMER (Kai), 4662. BRENDLE (Franz), 4387. BRENNAN (Sean), 4300. BRENNECKE (Hanns Christof), 4760. BRENNER (Bernhard), 2957. BRENNER (Michael), 4579. BRENNER (Peter J.), 273. BRENT (Allen), 2057, 2058. BRESC (Henri), 2471. BRESCIA (Pablo), 5239. Breton (André), 5478. BREUER (Heidi), 2645. BREUER (Katrin), 4868. BREYMAYER (Ursula), 610. Brezhnev (Leonid Ilyich), 5569. BREZZI (Camillo), 4388. Briand (Aristide), 7100. BRICEÑO BERRÚ (José Enrique), 3950. BRIDGE (Carl), 7059. Bridges (Margaret), 2656. BRIÈRE (Nina), 3412. BRINGMANN (Klaus), 435. BRINK (Cornelia), 170. BRINKER (Ute), 847. BRINKHUS (Jörn), 3490. BRISOLIN (Viola), 5240. BRITNELL (R.H.), 2562. BRITO (E.), 680. BRIZUELA-GARCIA (Esperanza), 4626. BROADBERRY (Stephen), 7493.
INDEX OF NAMES BROCCA (Nicoletta), 2081. BROCHEUX (Pierre), 4284. BROCK (Julie), 5241. BROCK (Sebastian P.), 2194. BROCKETT (Gavin D.), 4137. BROCKMANN (Thomas), 3212. Broda (Christian), 3227. BRODERSEN (Kai), 1605. BRODIE (Janet Farrell), 7312. BROECKING (Christian), 5497. BROERS (Michael), 3143. BROGI (Alessandro), 7275. BROGIOLO (Gian Pietro), 2807, 3093. BRON (Guillaume), 1491. BRONSTEIN (Carolyn), 6130. Brontë (Emily), 5266. BROOK (Christopher), 2925. BROOKE (Stephen), 3619. BROOKS PFEIFFER (Bruce), 5384. BROPHY (Donald), 3006. BROPHY (Kenneth), 856. BROT (Muriel), 395. BROTONS (Arnaud), 7494. BROUCEK (Peter), 3214. BROWN (Andrew L.), 925. BROWN (Andrew), 3034. BROWN (Callum G.), 4301. BROWN (D. Clayton), 5659. BROWN (Dona), 5660. Brown (John), 4211. BROWN (Judith M.), 691. BROWN (Keith M.), 3620. BROWN (Martin David), 498. BROWN (Matthew), 6996. BROWN (Michael), 5013. BROWN (Michelle P.), 27. Brown (Oliver), 4262. BROWN (Peter), 2082, 2708. BROWN (Philip C.), 5881. BROWN (Robert F.), 4969. Brown (Stephen F.), 2900. BROWN (Warren C.), 2565. BROWNELL (Emily), 6799. BROWNELL (Josiah), 4290. BROWNING (Judkin), 4188. BROWN-NAGIN (Tomiko), 4189. BRU (Hadrien), 1706. BRUBAKER (Leslie), 2204, 2206, 2224. Bruce (David), 7487. BRUCE (Steve), 4302. BRUCHER (William), 6452. BRÜCKWEH (Kerstin), 5869. BRUCY (Guy), 6453. BRUEHLER (Bart B.), 2083. BRUERA (Franca), 5307. BRUGNOLO (Furio), 2709. BRUGNONE (Antonietta), 1193. BRULEY (Sue), 6454. BRÜLL (Christoph), 7135.
Brundage (James A.), 2525. BRUNDAGE (W. Fitzhugh), 4623. BRUNEAU (Jean-Baptiste), 5242. BRUNEAU (Olivier), 5014. BRUNELLI (Cristiana), 5243. BRUNELLI (Giampiero), 4369. BRUNELLO (Diego), 4376. BRUNET (Guy), 5882, 6131. BRUNETON (Yannick), 7494. Bruni (Leonardo), 333. BRÜNING (Jochen), 132. BRUNKE (Hagan), 996. BRUNNER (Detlev), 3495. BRUNO (Matthias), 1484. BRUSCHI (Caterina), 3062. Brustolon (Andrea), 5416. BRÜTT (Christian), 6132. BRUZZESE (Luca), 1303. Bryan (William Jennings), 6551. BRYANT (Kelly Duke), 4808. BRYANT (Nigel), 2306. BUAT (Nicolas), 7. BUCCIANTINI (Massimo), 4630. BUCER (Martin), 4496, 4497. BUCH (Tomás), 5015. BUCHANAN (Sherry), 6771. BUCHENAU (Jürgen), 3876. Bücher (Karl), 5708. BUCHER (Martin J.), 4112. BÜCHSE (Nicolas), 6279. BUCK (Thomas Martin), 2338. BÜCKING (Hans-Jörg), 3583. BUCKING (Scott), 8. BUCKLAND (Theresa Jill), 6133. BUCKLEY (Ann I.), 2859. BUCKLEY (Hallie R.), 869. BUCZYNSKI (Alexander), 3321. BUDDE (Gunilla), 578. BUDDRUS (Michael), 82. BUELTMANN (Tanja), 3915. BUENO DE LA FUENTE (Eloy), 684. BUETTNER (Elizabeth), 6134. BUFFERY (Helena), 436. BUGA (Vasile), 7313. BUGGE (Peter), 6135. BUGRA (Ayşe), 4138. BÜHRER (Tanja), 6703, 6811. BUIS (Emiliano Jerónimo), 1254. BUKAITĖ (Vilma), 7060. BUKEY (Evan Burr), 6136. Bul'arāf (Ahmad), 189. BULANG (Tobias), 2782. BULL (Ian D.), 829. BULL (Marcus), 321. BUMAZHNOV (Dmitrij F.), 2203. BUŇATOVÁ (Marie), 5812. BUNIMOVITZ (Shlomo), 1095, 1098. BUNKE (Carolin), 5498. Buñuel (Luis), 5522, 5608, 5647.
327 Buonarroti (Michelangelo), 5442, 5455. BUONASORTE (Nicla), 3766. BUONOCORE (Marco), 25, 192. BURESI-COLLARD (MarieFrançoise), 5244. BURGDORF (Wolfgang), 3491. BURGERS (Johannes Hendrikus), 5016. BURGESS (Glenn), 4312. Burghersh (Henry), Bishop of Lincoln, 2929. BÜRGI (Matthias), 5904. BÜRGI (Michael), 5713. BURHOP (Carsten), 5661. BURIAN (Peter), 1203. BURINGH (Eltjo), 17. BURKE (Ariane), 783. Burke (Edmund), 4957. BURKE (Peter), 341, 389. BURKEE (James C.), 4190. BURKHOLDER (Mark A.), 6569. BURKHOLDER (Zoë), 4809. BURLINGAME (Michael), 4191. BURMAN (Anders), 6860. BURN (David Joseph), 2856. BURNARD (Yves), 1587. BURNETT (Andrew), 1588. BURNETT (John A.), 5662. BURNS (Kathryn), 182. BURRESI (Mariagiulia), 5459. BURROUGHS (Robert M.), 135. BURRY (Alexander), 5499. BURSCHEL (Peter), 417, 4680. BURTON (Antoinette M.), 222. BURTON (Janet E.), 2930, 2958. BURTON (Janet), 2346. BURTON (Myra F.), 7362. BURTON (Paul J.), 1642. Busbecq (Ogier Ghislain de), 6919. Busby (Keith), 2738. BUSCH (Allison), 5148. BUSCH (Jörg W.), 2378. BUSHKOVITCH (Paul), 437. BUSSE (Ulrich), 2048. BUSSJÄGER (Peter), 3213. BÜSSOW (Johann), 3938, 4121. BUTINYÀ JIMÉNEZ (Júlia), 5149. BUTSCHEK (Felix), 554. Butterfield (Herbert), 334. BÜTTGEN (Philippe), 4508. BUTTI DE LIMA (Paulo), 510. BUTTICAZ (Simon), 2046. BUTTIGIEG (Emanuel), 6137. BUTTS (Aaron Michael), 1075. BYBERG (Lis), 48. BYKOVA (Tetiana Borysivna), 4159. BYL (Simon), 620. BYNUM (Caroline Walker), 2914.
328 BYRD (Dustin), 3716. BYSTRICKÝ (Valerián), 4039. C CABADA (Ladislav), 6686. CABALLERO LÓPEZ (José Antonio), 4879. CABALLOS RUFINO (Antonio), 1773. CABANA IGLESIA (Ana), 4067. CABANTOUS (Alain), 4705. CABIÉ (Robert), 4442. CABOURET (Bernadette), 713, 1895. Cabral (Amílcar), 3687. CABRÉ (Miriam), 2710. CACACE (Paolo), 3796. CACCAMO (Domenico), 6921. CACCIATORE (Giuseppe), 392. CÁCERES MUÑOZ (Juan), 3877. CÁCEREZ (María del Carmen), 4804. CACIAGLI (Stefano), 1269. Caecilius Metellus Celer (Quintus), 1689. CAEIRO (Joaquim Manuel Croca), 3973. Caesar (Gaius Iulius), 1630, 1654, 1764, 1798, 1812, 1833. CAESAR (Mathieu), 3095. CAESTECKER (Frank), 6138. CAFERRO (William), 223. CAFFARRA (Carlo), cardinale, 4371. CAFFIERO (Marina), 2446. CAHILL (Cathleen D.), 6139. CAHILL (David), 6861. CAHN (Peter S.), 5813. CAI (Shuangquan), 7522. Caiaphas, priest of Ma'aziah, 1131. CAIAZZA (Domenico), 1554. CAIAZZO (Irene), 3024. CAIN (Hans-Ulrich), 1910. CAIOZZO (Anna), 668. CAIRNS (Francis), 1793. ČAJKA (František), 2783. CALABRÒ (Carmelo), 3778. CALAFAT (Guillaume), 5814. CALAFATI (Marco), 5385. CALAFETEANU (Cătălin), 7182. CALAME (Claude), 1154. CALATAYUD (Salvador), 5885. CALATRAVA (Juan), 5401. CALBOLI (Gualtiero), 1404. CALCE (Renata), 1225. CALDEIRA (Arlindo Manuel), 6797, 6812. CALDWELL (Melissa L.), 6140. CALEF (Paola), 2711. CALHOUN (Robert M.), 2084. CALIC (Marie-Janine), 6461.
INDEX OF NAMES ÇALIK (Ramazan), 7054. CALLACI (Emily), 5500. CALLAGHAN (John T.), 3607. CALLAWAY (H.G.), 6967. CALLE (Maribel), 5334. CALLENDER (Vivienne G.), 940. CALLESEN (Gerd), 6442. Callimachus, 1317. CALLIPO (Manuela), 1304. Callistus I, patriarch of Constantinople, 2165. Calpurnius Piso, 1300. CÂLŢIA (Simion), 6044. CALVELO (Laura), 6141. Calvin (Jean), 4503, 4509, 4511, 4512, 4523. Calvino (Italo), 5267, 5293, 5532. CALVO PÉREZ (Roberto), 684. CAMACHO (Keith L.), 224. CÂMARA (Maria Benedita Almada), 5926. CAMARGO ASSIS (Carlos Ernesto), 6570. CAMBERS (Andrew), 4513. CAMBI (Franco), 4802. CAMBONI (Maria Clotilde), 2712. CAMERON (Alan), 1896. CAMEROTA (Michele), 4630. ÇAMI (Muin), 7061. CAMIA (Francesco), 1194. CAMMARANO (Fulvio), 4910. CAMMAROSANO (Paolo), 2268. CAMMAROTA (Maria Grazia), 2297. Camões (Luís de), 760. CAMPAGNA (Lorenzo), 898, 899. CAMPANELLI (Sara), 900. CAMPANILE (Domitilla), 5501. CAMPBELL (Brian), 440. CAMPBELL (Bruce M.S.), 5883. CAMPBELL (Gareth), 5927. CAMPBELL (Mavis C.), 6862. CAMPI (Emidio), 4498, 4569. CAMPIONI (Giuliano), 5264. CAMPOS (Michelle U.), 7496. CAMPUZANO (Francisco), 4068. CAMURANI (Ercole), 4375. Camus (Albert), 5486. CANAL I MORELL (Jordi), 4074. CANALI (Luca), 2002. CANART (Paul), 26. CANCIAN (Alessandro), 3717. CANCIK (Hubert), 4628. CANCIK-LINDEMAIER (Hildegard), 4628. CANCLINI (Arnoldo), 4869. CANDAS (Aysen), 4138. CÂNDEA (Virgil), 428. CANDELA (Gilles), 6969. CANELLA (Maria), 303. CANEVA (Stefano Giovanni), 1155.
CANEVARO (Mirko), 1255. CANFORA (Luciano), 367, 901, 1226, 4965. CANI (Isabelle), 4753. CANIS (Konrad), 3466, 6997. CANNADINE (David), 376. CANNING (Joseph), 2355, 2362. CANNY (Nicholas), 483. CANOBBIO (Alberto), 1615. CANOBBIO (Alberto), 1742, 1794. CANOSA (Rosa), 2491. CANTEAUT (Olivier), 2514. CANTERA (Alberto), 1134. CANTERA MONTENEGRO (Margarita), 2275. Cantillon (Richard), 5704. Cantimori (Delio), 335. CANTY (Aaron M.), 2959. CAO (Yisun), 7523. CAPASSO (Mario), 1589. CAPECCHI (Danilo), 5017. CAPELLI (Roberta), 2709. CAPELLO (Ernesto), 6045. CAPIE (Forrest), 5910. ČAPKA (František), 6455. CAPONE (Alessandro), 2015. CAPPAI (Ramona), 822. CAPPELLETTI (Leonardo), 2877, 5352. CAPPELLETTI (Loredana), 1256. CAPPUCCINI (Luca), 1573. CAPRISTO (Annalisa), 4580. CARACCIOLO (Bartolomeo), 2289. CARAM (Tania), 3328. Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da), 5432, 5448, 5470. CARAVALE (Giorgio), 4514. CARAYON (Nicolas), 1076. CARBALLO (Liliana), 3174. CARBONI (Mauro), 2819. CARCELLER CERVIÑO (María del Pilar), 2414. CARDOSO (João Luís), 808. CARDOZA Y ARAGÓN (Luis), 3678. CARDWELL (Curt), 7314. CARELLA (Silvio), 2804. CARERI (Maria), 9. CAREY (Daniel), 5957. CAREY (Elaine), 6377. CAREY (Hilary M.), 6729. CARIBONI (Guido), 2960. CARIELLO (Anna), 2172. CARL (Carolina), 2934. CARLÀ (Filippo), 1736. CARLEBACH (Elisheva), 74. CARLIER (Claude), 7224. CARLINO (Andrea), 5467. CARLSON (David), 2727. CARLSON (Jack), 866. CARLTON (Charles), 6922. CARMICHAEL (Sarah), 6142.
INDEX OF NAMES CARMIGNANI (Marcos), 1795. CARMINATI (Clizia), 5228. Carnegie (Andrew), 5975. CARNEVALE SCHIANCA (Enrico), 2647. CARNEVALI (Francesca), 5815. CARNEY (Charity R.), 6143. CARNOVALE (Vera), 3179. CARO CANCELA (Diego), 6973. CAROCCI (Sandro), 2564. Carol I, Rege al României, 3989. CAROZZI (Silvana), 3180. CARPENTER (David A.), 3035. Carpentin (Jean de), 2802. CARPI (Daniela), 176. CARRÉ (Guillaume), 7648. CARRÉ DE MALBERG (Nathalie), 5928. CARRELLÁN RUIZ (Juan Luis), 7062. CARRERA (Magali M.), 136. CARRETERO (José Miguel), 805. CARRETTE (Francis), 5421. CARROLL (Maureen), 1919. CARROLL (Michael Kiernan), 6710. CARRUTHERS (Denise), 807. CARRUTHERS (Leo M.), 2748. CARRUTHERS (William), 941. Carter (James Earl 'Jimmy'), 4207, 7467. CARTER (Karen E.), 4810. CARTER (Paul), 184. CARTER (Sarah), 5160. CARTER (Tristan), 809, 925. CARTOCCI (Roberto), 4390. Carton de Wiart (Adrian), 7233. CARVALHO (José Adriano Moreira de Freitas), 6916. CARVER (Martin), 2310. CARWARDINE (Richard), 4212. CASAMENTO (Alfredo), 1627. CASANOVA (Angelo), 2059. CASARRUBEA (Giuseppe), 3808. Casaubon (Isaac), 336. Casey (R.G.), 6692. CASEY (Steven), 7344. CASIMIRO (Siona), 6796. CASINI (Paolo), 392. CASPER (Drew), 5502. CASSARINO (Mirella), 2683. CASSATA (Francesco), 648, 650. CASSIA (Margherita), 902. CASSIDY (David C.), 622. CASSIDY (Richard), 2566. CASSIDY-WELCH (Megan), 3036. CASSIN (Barbara), 2660. Cassin (René), 6527. Cassiodorus (Flavius Magnus Aurelius Senator), 1860, 1873. CASSIS (Youssef), 5929, 5963.
CASTAGNETTI (Andrea), 2271. CASTAGNOLI (Luca), 1406. CASTALDO (Giovanni), 5. CASTELLANETA (Sabina), 1305. CASTELLI (Francesco), 4391. CASTELNAU-L'ESTOILE (Charlotte de), 4485. CASTELNUOVO (Guido), 301. CASTELO-BRANCO (Miguel), 6998. CASTELVEDERE (Antonella), 5245. Castiglione (Giovanni), 2941. Castries (Henry de), 131. CASTRO (Ainoa), 2272. CASTRO (Christi-Anne), 5503. Castro Ruz (Fidel Alejandro), 3335, 3336, 4358. CASTRONOVO (Valerio), 4877. CATALINI FENNELL (Claire), 2502. CATALIOTO (Luciano), 2318. CATANORCHI (Olivia), 4964. Caterina da Siena, santa, 3006, 698. Caterina de' Medici, 6923. Catilina (Lucius Sergius), 1858. Cato (Marcus Porcius) maior, 1852. CATTANE (Michele), 4768. CATTANEO (Angelo), 2772. CATTERALL (Peter), 3610. CATTINI (Marco), 341. Catullus (Gaius Valerius), 1792. CAUVILLE (Sylvie), 942. CAUWE (Nicolas), 7720. CAVALCANTI (Maria Luisa), 5930. CAVALLO (Guglielmo), 3. CAVARZERE (Alberto), 1796. CAVICCHI (Daniel), 6456. ČAVOŠKI (Kosta), 6545. Cavour (Camillo Benso conte di), 3765, 3771, 3772, 3780, 3821. CAZALS (Rémy), 3413. CÉARD (Jean), 5195. Ceauşescu (Nicolae), 4000, 4001, 7437. CECCARELLI (Francesco), 5387, 5402. CECCARELLI (Letizia), 1920. CECCONI (Giovanni A.), 720. CECERE (Domenico), 3773. CECINI (Stefano), 5931. CEDSTRAND (Sofie), 6144. CEGLAREK (Manuél), 2026. ÇEKU (Ethem), 7301. CELANT (Alessandra), 776. CELIS (Karen), 3242. ČELKIS (Tomas), 3857. CELTON (Yann), 181. CENCIAIOLI (Luana), 1577. CENGIZ (Kurtulus), 4143. Censorinus, 1605. CENTEMERI (Laura), 555.
329 CEOBANU (Adrian-Bogdan), 3989. CERCHIAI (Geri), 4959. CEREGHINO (Mario José), 3808. CERF (Martine), 705. CERMAN (Marcus), 615. CERNY-WERNER (Roland), 7382. CERQUA (Manuela), 837. CERULLO (John), 6609. Cervantes (Miguel de), 5161, 5189, 5202, 5213, 5215, 5222, 5226, 5227. Cerverí de Girona, 2710. CESA (Claudio), 392. CEYLAN (Ebubekır), 3732. CEYRAT (Antony), 3823. Cézanne (Paul), 5414, 5449. CHABOT (Isabelle), 576, 2567. CHABRUN (Laurent), 6813. Chagall (Marc), 5424, 5450. Chagas (Carlos), 6278. CHAGAS DE CARVALHO (Marta Maria), 4815. CHAI-ELSHOLZ (Raeleen), 2748. CHAKRABARTY (Dipesh), 258. CHAKRAVORTY (Swapan), 61. CHALINE (Olivier), 5356. Chamberlain (Joseph), 3624. Chamberlain (Neville), 7212. CHAMBERLIN (Paul), 3939. CHAMBERS (David), 5761. CHAMBON (Grégory), 997. CHAMBON (Philippe), 830. CHAMLEY (Christophe), 5932. CHAMPLIN (Edward), 1643. CHANG (Wen-Chin), 5817. CHANIOTIS (Angelos), 418, 1191. CHANKOWSKI (Véronique), 1492. CHANTINNE (Frédéric), 2515. CHAPLIN (Gillian), 3914. CHAPLIN (Sue), 767. CHAPMAN (Michael), 7183. CHAPPEY (Jean-Luc), 4705. CHAQUÈRI (Cosroe), 3721. CHARAGEAT (Martine), 2568. CHARBIT NATAF (Katia), 838. CHARBONNAT (Pascal), 5018. CHARE (Nicholas), 5353. CHAREYRE (Philippe), 3061. CHARLE (Christophe), 623. CHARLES (Loïc), 5703. CHARLES (Michael B.), 1135. CHARLES (Ruth), 854. Charles II, king of England, Scotland and Ireland, 6950. Charles-Edwards (Thomas), 2554. CHARLES-LAFORGE (Marie O.), 713. CHARLIER (Noemí), 3174. CHARPIN (Dominique), 998. CHARRUADAS (Paulo), 2569, 2961. CHARTIER (Alain), 2379.
330 CHARTIER (Roger), 5161. CHASE (Carol J.), 2715. CHASSEL (Jean-Luc), 111. CHASSOT (Fabrice), 5019. Chateaubriand (François-René de), 5236, 5346. CHATENET (Monique), 5391. CHATTERJEE (Nandini), 4303. CHAUBET (François), 624. CHAUCER (Geoffrey), 2708, 2731, 2743. CHAUDRON (Gerald), 7064. CHAUSSINAND-NOGARET (Guy), 4632. CHAUVET (Didier), 3492. CHAVARRÍA ARNAU (Alexandra), 2831, 3039. CHAVE-MAHIR (Florence), 3040. CHÁVEZ DE LA LAMA (Ignacio), 4769. Chávez Frías (Hugo), 4282, 4283. CHÁVEZ WURM (Sebastian), 3951. CHAWLA (Muhammad Iqbal), 6774. CHAZAL (Gérard), 4946. CHAZKEL (Amy), 6145. CHECA CREMADES (Fernando), 5465. CHECA GODOY (Antonio), 4871. CHECCO DI MELETTO ROSSI, 2696. CHEESMAN (Roxanne), 5816. CHÉLINI (Michel-Pierre), 6409. CHEN (Fahu), 798. CHEN (Gang), 7524. CHEN (Hui), 7525. CHEN (Jinlong), 7526. CHEN (Yongfa), 7572. CHEN (Zhiping), 7527. CHEN (Zhongping), 7528. CHENG (Longgang), 7554. CHENU (Marie-Dominique), 2878. CHERF (William J.), 2222. CHERNAIK (Warren), 5162. CHERNEV (Borislav), 7065. CHERUBINI (Paolo), 10. CHESÉ LAPEÑA (Ramon), 2274. CHESTERS (Timothy), 5163. CHEVALIER (Pascale), 1493. CHEVANDIER (Christian), 6146. CHEVET (Emmanuel), 7263. CHEVREFILS DESBIOLLES (Yves), 5373. Chiang (Kai-shek), 7190. Chiang (May-ling Soong), 7190. CHIANTERA-STUTTE (Patricia), 335. CHIARAMONTE TRERÉ (Cristina), 1555. CHIARELLI (Leonard C.), 2472. CHIAROTTO (Francesca), 4633. CHIAVISTELLI (A.), 509.
INDEX OF NAMES CHIBBER (Vivek), 3702. CHICK (Martin), 5933. CHILDS (Wendy R.), 2305. CHILOSI (David), 2570. CHILTON (Lisa), 6147. CHIMENO DEL CAMPO (Ana Belén), 2713. CHINCHILLA (Júlia), 827. CHIOFFI (Laura), 1590. CHIRON (Yves), 4362. CHISHOLM (Michael A.), 3220. CHISTOLINI (Sandra), 5386. CHO (Kyeungdal), 7662. CHOCHEYRAS (Jacques), 2714. CHODAN (Tiberiu Liviu), 3999. CHOKSY (Jamsheed K.), 1136. CHOLET (Paul François), 429. CHOLOVA (Tzvetana), 2784. CHOMSKY (Aviva), 3329. CHOPRA (Radhika), 3703. CHOPRA (Ruma), 6863. CHOPRA (Vikram), 5203. CHOULEUR (Marie), 6944. CHRÉTIEN DE TROYES, 2715. CHRISPINSSON (John), 442. CHRIST (Michaela), 7136. CHRISTAKIS (Kostis S.), 839. CHRISTENSEN (Joel P.), 1306. CHRISTENSEN (Liselotte J.), 185. CHRISTIAENS (Kim), 6408. Christian VIII, Konge af Danmark, 3363. CHRISTIANSEN (Niels Finn), 3366. CHRISTIE (Jacqueline Dussaillant), 5818. CHRISTIE (Neil), 1961. CHRISTIN (Olivier), 4533. CHRISTOF (Eva), 921. CHRISTOFORATOU (Christina), 2223. Christophorus Mytilenaeus, 2167. CHROBACZYŃSKA-PLUCIŃSKA (Edyta), 4872. Chromatius Aquileiensis, archiepiscopus, Sanctus, 1987. CHRYSOSTOMIDES (Julian), 2319. CHUKHLIB (Taras Vasylʹovych), 6534. CHUNG (Sue Fawn), 5714. Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer sir), 6775, 7148, 7190, 7211. CHUSHAK (Khrystyna), 3964. CIAMMETTI (Daniela), 2880. CIAMPINI (Emanuele M.), 943. CIANCIOSI (Alessandra), 2987. CIAPPELLI (Giovanni), 4316. CIARALLI (Antonio), 2271. CIARDI (Roberto Paolo), 5459. CIARLO (David), 171. ČIČAJ (Viliam), 2339.
Cicero (Marcus Tullius), 1606, 1607, 1691, 1791, 1798, 1800, 1821, 1822, 1862, 1874, 1887. CICHON (Michael Staveley), 2742. CID (Gabriel), 225. CIEGER (András), 3693. CIEPIELEWSKA-JANOSCHKA (Anna), 2762. CIFUENTES I COMAMALA (Lluís), 2773. CIHAN (Ahmet), 6985. CILIBERTO (Michele), 347, 4964. CIMEK (Henryk), 3965. CINNAMON (John M.), 403. CIOBANU (Viorel), 3987. CIOCCA (Pierluigi), 5934. CIPOLLONE (Giulio), 4476. CIRIELLO (Caterina), 4394. CITRONI MARCHETTI (Sandra), 1865. CIURE (Florina), 4770. ČIURINSKAS (Mintautas), 6939. CLACKSON (James), 120. CLAES (Martin), 2086. CLAEYS (Gregory), 512. CLAEYS (Thierry), 5935. CLAIR (Jean), 5364. Clamorgan (family), 109. CLAMPITT (Bradley R.), 4193. CLANCY-SMITH (Julia A.), 6148. CLAPP (Elizabeth J.), 6435. CLARIDGE (Jordan), 2572. CLARK (A. Kim), 3381. CLARK (Anthony E.), 4305. CLARK (Christopher M.), 3493. CLARK (David), 2716. CLARK (Elizabeth A.), 4515. CLARK (Emily), 6417. CLARK (James G.), 2746, 2962. CLARK (Katerina), 4010. CLARK (Linda), 4832. Clark (William), 147. CLARKE (David), 672. CLARKE (Desmond M.), 736. CLARKE (Eric), 672. CLARKE (Frances M.), 4194. CLARKE (Graeme W.), 903. CLARKE (J. Calvitt III), 7184. CLARKE (Jackie), 3416. CLARKE (Kenneth Patrick), 2717. CLARKE (Peter D.), 723. CLARKE (Stephen), 4874. Claudianus (Claudius), 1797, 1813, 1837. Claudius (Tiberius Caesar Augustus Germanicus), Roman emperor, 1930. CLAUSEN (Svend), 3041. Clausewitz (Carl von), 505. CLAUSS (Manfred), 1591. CLAUSTRE (Julie), 564.
INDEX OF NAMES CLAYDON (Tony), 723, 4341. CLAYER (Nathalie), 7000. CLAYTON (Lawrence A.), 6864. Clayton (Will), 7330. CLEARY (Patricia), 6046. CLEARY (Simon Esmonde), 1758. Clemenceau (Georges), 5363. CLEMENS (Gabriele B.), 5936, 6233. CLEMENS (Lukas), 2447, 2588. CLEMIT (Pamela), 748. CLEMMENSEN (Niels), 3365. Cleopatra VII, queen of Egypt, 1857. CLERC (Louis), 7066. CLIFTON (Judith), 5937, 5938. CLINE (Eric H.), 1077. CLINE (Rangar H.), 1897. CLIVAZ (Claire), 1981, 2031. CLIVETI (Gheorghe), 3988, 3989. Clodia, Metelli uxor, 1689. CLOSE (Florence), 2881. CLOUSE (Michele L.), 4069. ČMEJREK (Jaroslav), 3341. COATS (Ann Veronica), 3652. COBB (Richard), 6149. Cobenzl (Karl Johann Philipp), 6949. COBET (Justus), 556. COBO ROMERO (Francisco), 6150. COCHET (François), 6690. Cocteau (Jean), 5558. CODEVILLA (Giovanni), 4306. COELLO (J. Muñiz), 1707. COGITORE (Isabelle), 1645. ČOH (Mateja), 6179. COHEN (Amnon), 3940. COHEN (Deborah), 6151. COHEN (Évelyne), 4604. COHEN (Gerard Daniel), 7315. COHEN (Hillel), 3941. COHEN (Laurie), 4158. COHEN (Yoram), 1048. COHEN-AVENEL (Pascale), 5504. COHN (Ellen R.), 4170. COHN (Yehudah B.), 1078. COINTET (Michèle), 3417. COLAO (Floriana), 6610. COLBY (Jason M.), 6691. COLE (Laurence), 3215. COLE (Matthew), 3621. COLLER (Ian), 4582. COLLETTA (Pietro), 2291. COLLI (Andrea), 5959. COLLIN (Peter), 5784. COLLINGHAM (Lizzie), 6152. COLLINS (Jenny), 5035. COLLINSON (Patrick), 3622. COLLOBERT (Catherine), 1307. COLLOMP (Catherine), 6153. COLLON (Dominique), 944.
COLLOTTI (Enzo), 337, 4570. COLOMBO (Maurizio), 1646. COLONNA (Giovanni), 1557. Colonna Barberini (Anna), 3798. Colorni (Eugenio), 4959. COLTELLONI-TRANNOY (Michèle), 1270. COMAN (Marian), 137. COMBA (Rinaldo), 2963, 3122. COMBES (Hélène), 3878. COMÍN (Francisco), 5937. Commodus (Lucius Aelius Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1595, 1688. COMTE-SPONVILLE (André), 1407. Conan Doyle (Arthur), 5287. CONDELLO (Federico), 1308. CONETTI (Mario), 2516. CONFORTI (Jacopo), 786. CONGLETON (Roger D.), 6541. CONLAN (Thomas Donald), 7649. CONNELL (William F.), 6865. CONNOLLY (Julian W.), 5296. CONNOR (John S.), 7067. CONNORS (Joseph), 2811. CONNORS (Libby), 6611. CONOLLY (James), 1536. Conrad (Joseph), 5329. CONRAD (Margaret), 226. CONRAD (Peter), 5505. CONRAD (Sebastian), 6730. CONRIERI (Davide), 4677. CONSANTINOU (Eugenia S.), 2163. CONSOLO (Maria E.), 1973. Consolo (Vincenzo), 5335. CONSONNI (Silvia), 1309. Constant (Benjamin), 3461, 4661. CONSTANT (Monique), 186. CONSTANTAKOPOULOU (Christy), 1221. CONSTANTIN (Ionuţ), 7383. CONSTANTIN (Nicolae), 121. CONSTANTINIU (Florin), 474. Constantinus (Lucius Flavius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1670, 1681, 1694, 1706, 1900, 1957. Constantinus Manasse, 2168. CONSUEGRA RODRÍGUEZ (Susana), 812. CONWAY (Stephen), 7001. COOHILL (Joseph), 3623. COOK (C. J.), 642. COOK (Patrick J.), 5506. COOK (Richard R.), 4500. COOK (Robert J.), 4196. COOKE (Nola), 7514. COOKE (Philip E.), 4634. COOLEY (Jeffrey L.), 1079. COOLIDGE (Grace E.), 4070. COON (Lynda L.), 2964. COOPER (Janet), 3007.
331 COOPER (Lisa H.), 2805. COOPER (Rae), 6458. ČOPÍK (Jan), 3341. COPPA (Frank J.), 4370. COPPOLA (Salvatore), 4396. COPPOLARO (Lucia), 7384. COQUERY (Natacha), 5820. CORAZZA (Doriana), 1616. CORBIER (Mireille), 1583. CORBIN (Alain), 573. CORDANI (Violetta), 1049. CÓRDULA ALMEIDA (Verbena), 4875. CORLEY (T. A. B.), 5715. CORMAC (Rory), 6731. CORNELIUS (Deborah S.), 7225. Cornelius Gallus (Gaius), 1793. CORNET (Anne), 6154. CORNETTE (Joël), 628. CORNI (Gustavo), 4635. CORNOLDI (Giovanni M.), 4376. CORNS (Thomas N.), 4341. CORONEL RAMOS (Marco Antonio), 2292. CORONEO (Roberto), 2806. CORP (Edward), 6945. CORRADINI (Doris A.), 3209. CORRÊA (Larissa Rosa), 6460. Cortázar (Julio), 5239. Cortesi (Luigi), 338. CORTIJO OCAÑA (Antonio), 5149. COSGROVE (Charles H.), 2007. COSMA (Ela), 3986. COSMACINI (Giorgio), 557. COSSAR (Harper), 5507. COSTA (Elisa), 2318. COSTA GOMES (Ana Cristina), 6917. COSTAMBEYS (Marios), 2317, 2357. COSTANZI (Costanza), 5440. COSTANZO (Alessandra), 2017. COSTANZO (Salvatore), 5422. COSTARD (Monika), 3044. COSTELOE (Michael P.), 5940. COSTEN (Michael D.), 2572. COTLAR (Seth), 4197. COŢOLAN (Anca-Roxana), 6155. COTTON (James), 6692. COTTRET (Bernard), 4735. COTTRET (Monique), 4735. COUCHMAN (Sophie), 172. COUDRY (Marianne), 1210. COULIBALY (Adama), 5311. COULSON (Frank T.), 2746. COURTEMANCHE (Charles), 5941. COURTINE (Jean-Jacques), 573. COURTWRIGHT (Julie), 450. COUSINS (A.D.), 753. COUSSEAU (Vincent), 6156. COUTO (Fernando Amado), 3904.
332 Couto (José Bernardo), 3871. COUVENHES (Jean-Christophe), 1239. COVA (Anne), 6157. COWAN (Edward J.), 2597. COWAN (Eleanor), 1859. COWAN (Robert W.), 1608. COWEN ORLIN (Lena), 5201. COWIE (Helen), 558. COWLING (Camillia), 6158. COX (Gary W), 5942. Cox (Rosanna), 6908. COX (Samantha), 992. COZ (Yann), 2322. CRABTREE (John), 3953. CRACCO RUGGINI (Lellia), 1962. CRACIUN (Maria), 4458. CRAFTS (Nick), 5761. CRAIS (Clifton C.), 4054. CRAMER (John), 3494. CRAMP (Lucy J.E.), 867. Cranach (Lucas), 4550. CRANE (Elaine Forman), 6612. CRÂNGACI ŢIPLIC (Maria), 2323. CRAPANZANO (Vincent), 6814. Crassus (Marcus Licinius), 1697. Crates Mallotes, 1404. CRAWFORD (Elizabeth), 3643. CRAWFORD (Michael J.), 2415. CRAWFORD (Sally), 480. CREARY (Nicholas M.), 4459. CRÉPIN (Annie), 3419. CRESTI (Federico), 6815. CREUTZBURG (Anette), 3008. CRIALESI (Silvia), 6047. CRICK (Julia), 2626. CRIŞAN (Răzvan), 6048. CRISCI (Edoardo), 14. CRISCIANI (Chiara), 2670. Cristea (Miron), 3990. CRISTELLON (Cecilia), 513. CRISTOFALO (Paula), 6462. CRISTOFOLI (Roberto), 1798. CRISTOFORI (Silvia), 4308. Croce (Benedetto), 339. CROCE (Giuseppe M.), 4460. CROISSANT (Francis), 1494. CROMBOIS (Jean F.), 5944. Cromwell (Oliver), 3614, 3635. CROOK (John), 3009. CROOK (Malcolm), 6571. CROOK (Tom), 6384, 6571, 6695. CROOKS (Peter), 2416. CROSBY (Travis L.), 3624. CROSSLEY (John N.), 2649. CROSSLEY (John Newsome), 6776. CROUCH (David), 2498, 2573. CROUZET (Michel), 5246. CROUZET (Sandrine), 1239. CROWCROFT (Robert), 3625. CROWLEY (John E.), 138.
INDEX OF NAMES CRUZ (Anne J.), 5345. CRUZ (Jesus), 4637. CRUZ PALMA (Oscar de la), 2701, 2722. CRUZ RODRÍGUEZ (Edwin), 3316. CRUZ VALDOVINOS (José Manuel), 5423. CUBANO IGUINA (Astrid), 6866. CUENOT (Alain), 3420. CUETO (Juan), 4638. CUGUSI (Paolo), 1592. CUISINIER (Brigitte), 131. CULLEN (Niamh), 3774. CUNHA MARTINS (Rui), 3982. CUNIBERTI (Gianluca), 1257. CUNNINGHAM (John), 3738. CUNNINGHAM (Mary), 2224. CUOMO (Serafino), 1593. CUORDILEONE (K. A.), 7316. CURATOLA-PETROCCHI (Marco), 389. CURATOLO (Bruno), 5251. CURCIO (Giovanna), 5407. CURILLA (Wolfgang), 7137. CURNIS (Gervasio), 4893. CURRARINO (Rosanne), 6463. CURRY-MACHADO (Jonathan), 5716. CURTA (F.), 2381. CURTA (Florin), 2205. CURTARELLI (Barbara), 4376. Curtius (Ernst), 1232. CURZEL (Emanuele), 2278. Cusano (Nicola), 5427. CUSHWAY (Graham), 2417. CUSSET (Christophe), 1218. CUST (Richard), 3660. CUSTODIS (Johann), 7226. CUSTURĂ (Ion), 3999. CVETKOVIĆ (Srđan), 4030, 4034. CVETKOVICH (Vladimir), 7317. CVETKOVIĆ-SANDER (Ksenija), 122. CYRUS (Cynthia J.), 2859. CZEGUHN (Ignacio), 6583. CZEKAJ-ZASTAWNY (Agnieszka), 810. CZERWON (Ariane), 3045. D D'ALESSIO (Alessandro), 1948. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), 904, 1050. D'ALMEIDA (Fabrice), 3557. D'ALOJA (Chiara), 1708. D'ANGELO (Edoardo), 2786, 2943. D'ANGELO (Lucio), 3775. D'ANGELO (Rosa M.), 1799. D'ANNA (André), 822. D'Arrigo (Stefano), 5335. D'ENFERT (Renaud), 5032. D'ONOFRIO (Giulio), 2882.
D'ORONZO (Cosimo), 828. D'SOUZA (Rohan), 552. Da Castiglione (Francesco Dante), 5158. DA CRUZ (Miguel Dantas), 6970. DA SILVA (Robson Rodrigues), 3259. DADDIS (Gregory A.), 7385. DADOYAN (Seta B.), 2475. DAFTARY (Farhad), 4594. DAGAN (Amit), 1080. DAGRON (Gilbert), 2225. DAGUET-GAGEY (Anne), 1651. DAHAN (Gilbert), 3046. DAHLBERG (Julia), 6159. DAHLBOM (Mats), 3096. DAHLMANN (Dittmar), 6127, 6496. DAIGLE (Craig), 7362. DAKERS (Caroline), 5945. DAKHLI (Leyla), 4131. Dal Pra (Mario), 340. Dalberg (Karl Theodor von), 3524. DALBY (Andrew K.), 2166. DALE (Alexander), 1227, 1310. DALGAARD (Bruce R.), 5946. Dalí (Salvador), 5367. DALING (Dorien), 5021. DALL'AGLIO (Stefano), 3776. DALL'OLIO (Guido), 4318. DALLA CORTE (Gabriela), 3948. DALLAPIAZZA (Michael), 4728. Dallas (Alexander James), 6967. DALLA-ZUANNA (Gianpiero), 6049. DALTON (Paul), 2574, 3037. DALY (Mary E.), 7010. DAME (Thorsten), 6050. DAMIAN (Ilian Mihai), 2418. DAMODARAN (Vinita), 552. DAN (Anca), 883. DANE (Joseph A.), 49. DANIEL (Emmett Randolph), 3047. DANIEL (Vittorio), 5822. DANIEL-HUGHES (Carly), 2088. DANIELSON (Chris), 4198. DANTE ALIGHIERI, 2697, 2703, 2706, 2711, 3822. DANUSSO (Cristina), 6572. Darboy (George), archêveque de Paris, 4386. DARCQUE (Pascal), 811. DARD (Olivier), 3440, 6459, 6615. DARDANO (Maurizio), 123. DARIAN (Veronika), 5508. DARK (Ken), 2226. DARMON (Maurice), 5509. DARNELL (John Coleman), 793. DARNTON (Robert), 84. DARÓCZI (Tibor-Tamás), 840. DARR (Orna Alyagon), 404.
INDEX OF NAMES Darwin (Charles), 5007, 5011, 5022. DAS GUPTA (Amit), 7354. DASKALOV (Roumen), 227. Dassault (Paul), 7224. DASSMANN (Ernst), 2883. DATTA (Venita), 3421. DATTOMO (Nicla), 5717, 6051. DAUBNER (Frank), 905, 1156, 1168. DAUNTON (Martin), 239. DAURA LUJÁN (Joan), 784. DAVENPORT (Romola), 6160. DAVEY (James), 6972. DAVID (Arlette), 945. DAVID (François), 7318. David (Jacques-Louis), 5434. DAVID (Roman), 6573. DAVID-FOX (Michael), 139. DAVIDS (Adelbert), 2100. DAVIDSON (Herbert A.), 2448. DAVIDSON (James D.), 4309. DAVIE (John N.), 1608. DAVIES (Brian), 6946. DAVIES (Norman), 451. DAVIES (Owen), 702. DAVIES (Robin H.), 5247. DÁVILA LADRÓN DE GUEVARA (José Camilo), 6161. DAVIS (Christian S.), 6732. DAVIS (Gil), 1258. DAVIS (Jonathan Shaw), 3618. DAVIS (Reed), 3422. DAVISON (Robert L.), 3626. DAVOLI (Paola), 936. DAWKINS (Richard), 5011. DAWSON (Sandra Trudgen), 6162. DAWSON (Virginia P.), 5773. DAWYD (Darío), 3181. Dayan (Moshe), 3761. DE ANGELIS (Emma), 7386. DE ANGELIS (Violetta), 2719. DE BAECQUE (Antoine), 452. De Beauvoir (Simone), 7288. DE BERNARDI (Alberto), 303. DE BERNARDO ARÉS (José Manuel), 6936. DE BIE (Marc), 785. DE BOER (Dick Edward Herman), 2294. DE BROGLIE (Gabriel), 3423. DE CECCO (Gabriele), 4516. DE CHAPARRO (Martina Will), 6164. DE CREMOUX (Anne), 1311. DE DAPPER (Morgan), 793. De Ferron (Arnaud), 1286. De Filippi (Filippo), 6074. DE FLEURQUIN (L.), 680. DE FLORIANI (Anna), 2834. DE FRANCESCHINI (Marina), 1921.
De Gandulfo (Doña Petrona C.), 6335. DE GANON (Pieter S.), 5663. De Gaulle (Charles), 3405, 3415, 3422, 3441, 3459, 4382, 7215, 7334, 7369. DE GEER (Hans), 6163. DE GIORGI (Ana Laura), 4278. DE GIORGIO (Jean-Pierre), 301, 1153. DE GIUSTI (Luciano), 5657. De Gournay (Vincent), 5703. DE GRAEF (Katrien), 1137. De Graeff (Andries Cornelis Dirk), 6787. DE GREGORIO (Laura), 4389. DE GROOT (Alon), 1081. DE GROOTE (Marc), 2167. DE GRUMMOND (Nancy T.), 1571. DE JONG (Abe), 5959. DE JONG (Herman), 5718, 5739. DE LA FUENTE (Eduardo), 5510. DE LA MOTTE-HABER (Helga), 657. DE LA PEÑA ALONSO (Paloma), 777. DE LACRETELLE (Charles), 3400. DE LANDTSHEER (Jeanine), 4622. DE LEO (Daniela), 5511. DE LESPINOIS (Jérôme), 7404. DE LOMBERA HERMIDA (Arturo), 795. De los Ríos Coronel (Hernando), 6776. De Macedo (Maria), 4409. De Maddalena (Aldo), 341. De Maistre (Joseph Marie comte), 371, 4960. DE MATOS (Luís Salgado), 3974. DE MATTEIS (Maria Consiglia), 2403. DE MEYER (Marleen), 946. DE MILLE (Charlotte), 5593. DE MINICIS (Elisabetta), 3108. DE NICOLÒ (Marco), 3816. DE OLIVEIRA (Matthieu), 5947. DE PALMA (Teresa), 3815. De Pins (Jean), 1286. DE PRIVITELLIO (Luciano), 3193. DE PURY-GYSEL (Anne), 1922. DE ROCHEBRUNE (Renaud), 6816. DE ROSA (Maria Rosaria), 5948. DE RUBEIS (Flavia), 2282. DE SENA (Eric C.), 1684. DE SOUSA (Jorge Pais), 3975. DE SOUSA CAMPOS (Fernando Rui), 6817. DE SOUZA (Philip), 1923. DE STEFANI (Claudio), 1215, 2185, 6052. DE TATA (Rita), 4641.
333 De Valeria (Peire), 2763. DE VENUTO (Giovanni), 2316. DE VITA (Maria C.), 1866, 2089. DE VITO (Christian G.), 4398. DE VITT (Flavia), 2576. DE VIVO (Arturo), 1632. DE VOS (Laurens), 5512. DE WARESQUIEL (Emmanuel), 7002. DE WILDE (David), 785. DE ZAYAS (Alfred M.), 3496. De' Medici (Luigi principe di Ottaviano), 6965. DEANE (Jennifer Kolpacoff), 3048. DEAÑO GAMALLO (Antonio), 5231. Debussy (Claude), 5363. DECKER (Stephanie), 5949. DECLERCQ (Georges), 3097. DÉCOBERT (Christian), 3092. DECOURT HOLLENDER (Bénédicte), 6574. DEDÉ (Francesco), 1312. Dedijer (Vladimir), 4034. Dee (John), 5095. Deedat (Ahmed), 4347. DEEN (Femke), 3911. DEENE (Marloes), 1271. DEERBERG (Daniel), 2018. DEFRANCE (Corine), 7319. DEGAND (Martin), 1259. DEGL'INNOCENTI (Antonella), 271. DEGNI (Paola), 14. DEHELEANU (Adrian), 5719. DEINES (Roland), 2056. DEKKER (Jeanine C.), 3909. DEL ARCO BLANCO (Miguel Ángel), 4065. DEL BO (Beatrice), 2577. Del Castillo (Florencio), 6537. DEL FREO (Maurizio), 1172. DEL LUCCHESE (Filippo), 4696. DEL OLMO ITURRIARTE (Almudena), 5337. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio), 906, 1082. DEL PILAR RYAN (María), 4404. DEL REY REGUILLO (Fernando), 4083. DEL RÍO ESPAÑOL (Pedro Díaz), 812. DEL ZANNA (Giorgio), 4310. Delacroix (Eugène), 5434. DELAHAYE (Claire), 4199. DELALANDE (Nicolas), 5950. DELANEY (Enda), 3739. DELANO (Alexandra), 3879. DELAP (Lucy), 6165. DELCOGLIANO (Mark), 1985, 2042. DELECAVE (Bruno), 4876.
334 DELGADO (Josep Ma), 6777. DELGADO (Mariano), 4344. DELGADO DELGADO (José A.), 1737. DELGADO IDARRETA (José Miguel), 4879. DELHALLE (Sophie), 173. DELIGNE (Chloé), 3098. DELILLE (Gérard), 389. DELIZIA (Francesco), 3777. DELLA PERUTA (Franco), 303, 4877. DELLE DONNE (Fulvio), 2288. DELLI PIZZI (Aurian), 1195. DELLOVIN (Alaen), 1138. DELMAIRE (Bernard), 3049. DELMAS (Corinne), 6464. DELTOMBE (Thomas), 3280. DELVIGO (Maria Luisa), 1867. DEMAJ (Frashër), 7003. DEMAND (Nancy H.), 1228. DEMANDT (Alexander), 379. DEMARSIN (Koen), 1898. Demerson (Geneviève), 5151. Demerson (Guy), 5151. Demetrius Phalereus, 1267. DEMM (Eberhard), 4761. DEMOEN (Kristoffel), 1370. DEMONET (Marie-Luce), 5195. DEMONT (Paul), 1313. DEN BOEFT (Jan), 1636. DEN HENGST (Daniël), 1636. DEN HERTOG (Johan), 7063. DEN HOLLANDER (Jaap), 383. DEN OUDSTEN (Frank), 196. DENDORFER (Jürgen), 2936. Deng (Xiaoping), 7595. DENIS-DELACOUB (Chrjstopher), 3779. DENIZOT (Camille), 1314. DENJEAN (Claude), 2578. DENNIS (Christopher), 5513. DENNIS (Mike), 3497. DENNISON (Tracy), 4011, 5664. DENTON (Jeffrey), 2925. DENZEL (Markus Α.), 5804. DEPALMAS (Anna), 868. DEPEYROT (Georges), 114, 1924. DEPREST (Florence), 161. DERKS (Ton), 1951. Derrida (Jacques), 4961. Des Barres (J.W.F.), 145. DES FORGES (Alison Liebhafsky), 4027. DESBOS (Roger), 5882. DESCHLER-ERB (Sabine), 862. DESCIMON (Robert), 69, 4704. DESGRANDCHAMPS (Marie-Luce), 7387. Desiderio da Settignano, 2811. DÉSILES (Paul), 65.
INDEX OF NAMES DESMAZIÈRES (Agnès), 5023. Dessauer (Friedrich), 3516. DESSBERG (Frédéric), 6702. DESTANI (Bejtullah), 3163. DETALLE (Michel-Pierre), 1648. DEUFLHARD (Peter), 132. DEUTSCH (Nathaniel), 405. DEVÁTÁ (Markéta), 4858. DEVAUX (Jean), 2436. Deville (Patrick), 5268. DEVINE (Thomas Martin), 3627, 3662. DEVLIN (Keith J.), 2774. DeVoe (Emma Smith), 4247. DEVROEY (Jean-Pierre), 2579. Dewey (Thomas), 4187, 4225. DEY (Hendrik W.), 1925. DEZHGIU (Muharrem), 3164. DHAVAN (Purnima), 4583. DHOMBRES (Jean G.), 4995. DHONDT (Frederik), 6947. DI BACCO (Giuliano), 2850. DI BELLA (Maria Pia), 704. DI BRANCO (Marco), 2651. DI CAPUA (Giovanni), 3780. DI CARMINE (Roberta), 5514. DI CERBO (Valentino), 25. DI DIO (Kelley Helmstutler), 5357. DI LUDOVICO (Alessandro), 907. DI NAPOLI (Marta), 1634. DI NATALE (Anna), 939. DI PAOLA (Marco), 25. DI PRETORO (Piero A.), 5042. DI RENZONI (Andrea), 820. DI ROBILANT (Andrea), 2326. DI STEFANO (Anita), 1604. DI STEFANO (Emanuela), 2580. DI VIRGILIO (Raffaele), 2090. DIACCIATI (Silvia), 2581. DIAZ (Pablo C.), 1958. DÍAZ (Valentín), 5155. DÍAZ DE CASTRO (Francisco), 5337. DÍAZ DE DURANA ORTIZ DE URBINA (Ramón), 2309. DÍAZ FERNANDEZ (Alejandro), 1800. DÍAZ MUÑOZ (Isabel), 803. DÍAZ-FUENTES (Daniel), 5937. Dickens (Charles), 5287. DIDCZUNEIT (Veit), 6681. Diderot (Denis), 4952. Didymus Caecus, 2042. DIECKMANN (Christoph), 7138. Diefenbaker (John George), 7477. DIELEMAN (Marleen), 3712. Diem (Carl), 3568, 6116. DIEMOZ (Erika), 3781. DIERKENS (Alain), 343. DIERL (Florian), 3552, 6446. DIETLEIN (Johannes), 6597.
DIETRICH (Christopher R. W.), 7388. DIETZ (Andreas), 3499. DÍEZ (David Marcos), 2264. DÍEZ MARTÍN (Fernando), 803. DÍEZ MINGUELA (Alfonso), 5665. DIJKMAN (Jessica), 2582. Đilas (Milovan), 4034. DILCHER (Gerhard), 531. DILLE (Glen F.), 130. DILLERY (John), 1315. DILLEY (Andrew), 5951. Dilthey (Wilhelm), 4962. DIMATTEO (Giuseppe), 1801. DIMITRIJEVIĆ (Bojan B.), 4031, 7228. DIMITROV (Angel), 3865. DIMITROV (Dimitŭr I.), 2212. DIMITROVA (Mariana), 11. DINCECCO (Mark), 3782, 5952. DINDIRICĂ (Lucian), 3990. DINER (Dan), 565. DINGAMMADJI DE PARSAMBA (Arnaud), 3292. DINGES (Martin), 5133. DINI (Mario), 786, 787. DINIUS (Oliver J.), 5720, 6457. DINU (Marinela), 3991. DINZELBACHER (Peter), 708. Dio Cassius, 1210, 1348. Dio Chrysostomus, 1211, 1286, 1294, 1388. Diodorus Pasparus, 915, 2077. Diodorus Tharsensis, episcopus, 2038. Diogenes Cynicus, 1388, 1434. Dionysius Areopagita, 1988. Dionysius I, Sicilian tyrant, 1238. Dionysius Thrax, 1304. DIRCKSEN (Katrin), 6542. DISKIN (Abraham), 3759. Disraeli (Benjamin), 7042. DITT (Karl), 6166. DITT (Thomas), 4772. DITTRICH (Constance), 4738. DIURNI (Giovanni), 2517. DIVICCARO (Antonio Massimo), 2966. DIXON (Rosalind), 6540. DIZDAR (Zdravko), 3322. Djed-hor, 969, 980. Djed-Khonsu-iuf-ankh I, priest of Amun, 939. DŁUGOŁĘCKI (Piotr), 7180, 7365. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav), 908, 1229. DOAK (Brian R.), 1074. DOANE (Alger Nicolaus), 3050. DOBADO (Rafael), 5721. Döblin (Alfred), 5323. DOBRENKO (Evgeny), 755. DOBREV (Vassil), 12.
INDEX OF NAMES DOBRZANSKA (Halina), 1684. DOBSON (Michael), 5164. DOCHUK (Darren), 4517, 5696. DODGSON (John), 5722. DODMAN (Thomas), 6818. DODSON (Joseph R.), 2061. DOENECKE (Justus D.), 7068. DOĞAN-ALPARSLAN (Meltem), 1051. DOGGETT (Peter), 5517. DOKOUPIL (Lumír), 6053. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Antonie), 5666. DOLEŽALOVÁ (Eva), 2916. DOLNICK (Edward), 5024. DOMBROWSKI (Lisa), 5563. DOMENECH (Jordi), 6613. DOMERGUE (Manuel), 3280. DOMETT (Kathryn M.), 869. DOMHOFF (G. William), 4200. DOMINGO MALVADI (Arantxa), 191. DOMÍNGUEZ BELLA (Salvador), 813. DOMÍNGUEZ REBOIRAS (Fernando), 3058. Domitianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 1370, 1686. DOMMARAJU (Premchand), 6104. DOMPKE (Christoph), 5518. DONAGHY (Greg), 6710. DONATTINI (Massimo), 4313. DONČOVÁ (Angelika), 4040. DONDARINI (Rolando), 2327. DONDI (Giorgio), 2812. DONERT (Celia), 3343. DONGJU (Zhang), 798. Donhaue (Charles Jr.), 513. DONINI (Pierluigi), 1408. Donizetti (Gaetano), 5519. DONOSO ROJAS (Carlos), 6999. DONZEL-VERDEIL (Chantal), 4478. DOORTMONT (Michel R.), 348. DORAN (Susan), 4647. DORATIOTO (Francisco), 6693. DORFBAUER (Lukas J.), 1868, 2016, 2091. DÖRFEL (Michael), 5520. DÖRING (Klaus), 1409. DORION (Louis-Andre), 1219, 1220, 1410. DORIVAL (Gilles), 2677. DORN (Glenn J.), 7320. DÖRNEMANN (Astrid), 5555. DORNIK (Wolfram), 4160. DOROT (Ruth), 5424. DORSEY (Jennifer Hull), 6465. DOS SANTOS LOURENAO (Isabel), 230. DOSSE (François), 231. Dostoevsky (Fyodor Mikhailovich), 5499.
DOTHAN (Trude), 1083. DOTTA (Mario), 3945. DOUEIHI (Milad), 626. DOUGHERTY (M. V.), 2885. DOUGLAS (Khaled), 832. DOUKA (Katerina), 788. DOUKAKIS (Anna), 3195. DOUKI (Caroline), 6168. DOUS (Jean-Paul), 5521. DOUSA (Thomas M.), 1453. DOVER (Robert), 7428. DOW (Philip E.), 7321. DOWBIGGIN (Ian), 5025. DOWDEN-WHITE (Priscilla A.), 4201. DOWLER (Amelia), 7708. DOWNS (Gregory P.), 4202. DOWSON (Jane), 754. DOXIADIS (Evdoxios), 3672, 6614. DOYEN (Charles), 1173, 1272. Draco, 1267. Dracontius (Blossius Aemilius), 1853. DRAELANTS (Isabelle), 2886. DRAGOMAN (Radu-Alexandru), 816. DRAGOSTINOVA (Theodora), 6169. DRAGUHN (Elisabeth), 5248. DRAGUNOIU (Dana), 5249. DRAYE (Greet), 4642. DRČA (Branko), 1738. DREA (Edward J.), 7222. DRECOLL (Volker H.), 1996, 2092. DRENDEL (John Victor), 2583. DREWS (Wolfram), 233. DREYER (Boris), 357, 893, 909, 1164, 1275. Dreyfus (Alfred), 3431, 4618, 5318. Drieu La Rochelle (Pierre), 5242. DRIJVERS (Jan W.), 1636. DRINOT (Paulo), 3952. DROß-KRÜPE (Kerstin), 1739. Droysen (Johann Gustav), 342. DRUMMER (Heike), 5648. Drusus (Nero Claudius), 1680. Du Bellay (Jean), 6913. DU BOULAY (F.R.H.), 85. DU QUENOY (Paul), 7005. DUARTE DANTAS (Monica), 3267. DUBET (Anne), 5939. DUBOIS (Adrien), 2295, 2504. DUBOIS (Bruno), 6616. DUBOIS (Claude-Gilbert), 5358. DUBOULOZ (Julien), 1740. DUBOVSKÝ (Peter), 999. DUBOW (Sara), 6170. DUBUIS (Patrick), 5250. DUCASTELLE (Jean-Pierre), 6054. DUCCI (Annamaria), 3071. DUCCI (Lucia), 6986.
335 Duchamp (Marcel), 5364. DUCHAUSSOY (Vincent), 5953. DUCHÉ-GAVET (Véronique), 2679. DUCHOŇOVÁ (Diana), 86. DÜCKER (Julia), 2419, 2664. DUCLERT (Vincent), 3429. DUCOMTE (Jean-Michel), 3425. DUDA (Igor), 6171. DUDEKOVÁ (Gabriela), 6172. DUECK (Daniela), 1869. DUFFY (Eve M.), 140. DUFFY (Seán), 3111. DUFOURCQ (Annabelle), 4971. DUGAN (Holly), 5026. DUHAMEL (Pascale), 2853. DÜLFFER (Jost), 6733. DULIĆ (Tomislav), 7139. Dulles (John Foster), 7318. DULLIN (Sabine), 7389. DULPHY (Anne), 7390. DUMITRU (Laurenţiu-Cristian), 7322, 7361. DUMLUDAĞ (Devrim), 5667. DUMONS (Bruno), 3130. DUNBABIN (Jean), 2387. DUNCAN (A.A.M.), 18. DUNCOMBE (Stephen), 5653. DUNN (Christopher), 5496. DUNS SCOTUS (John), 2867. DUNSCOMB (Paul E.), 7069. DUPILET (Alexandre), 3426. DUPLÁ (Antonio), 1647. DUPONT (Florence), 1870. DUPRAT (Arnaud), 5522. DURÁN LÓPEZ (Fernando), 6973. DURAND (Jean-Marie), 1000. DURANTI (Tommaso), 3099. Dürer (Albrecht), 5425, 5427. DURGUN (Bülent), 5667. DŪRĪ ('Abd al-'Azīz), 2476. ĎURKOVÁ (Mária), 234. DUROCHER (Kristina), 6173. DURSTELER (Eric R.), 6174. DURSUN (Selçuk), 6055. DURVYE (Cécile), 1495. DUSHKU (Ledia), 7070. DÜSTERHAUS (Donatus), 4518. DUTIL (Patrice A.), 3284. DUTRÉNIT BIELOUS (Silvia), 7391. DUVAL (John N.), 747. DUVAL (Mathieu), 789. Duvosquel (Jean-Marie), 343. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Daniela), 2420. DVOŘÁKOVÁ (Tereza), 5523. DWAN (David), 4957. DWECK (Yaacob), 4584. DWYER (Philip), 235. DYCKERHOFF (Jakob Friedrich), 4989. DYKE (Christina van), 730. DYKES (Anthony), 2013.
336 DYM (Jordana), 150. DYRENFURTH (Nick), 3196, 3197. E EAGLES (Stuart), 3628. EAMES (Steven C.), 6867. EARLE (Timothy), 1174. EASTMAN (David L.), 2093. EASTMAN (Scott), 6868. EASTWOOD (Jonathan), 4282. EATON (Jonathan), 1649. EATON (Katherine), 884. EATON-KRAUSS (Marianne), 947. EBANISTA (Carlo), 2312. EBBEN (Maurits Alexander), 6906. EBERHARDT (Ilse), 2973. EBERT (Christopher), 5823. EBERT (Jens), 6681. EBERT-SCHIFFERER (Sybille), 5425. Ebner (Margaret), 3053. EBNER (Martin), 2108. EBNER (Michael R.), 3783. ECHEVERRI (Marcela), 6869. ECHEVERRÍA PEREDA (Elena), 6936. ECK (Hélène), 4934. ECK (Jean-François), 4703, 5027. ECK (Werner), 1650. ECKARDT (Hella), 867. ECKART (Wolfgand U.), 5059, 5028, 5119, 5138. ECKERT (Andreas), 6819. ECKERT (Rainer), 3464. Eckhart Meister, 2901, 3059. ECO (Umberto), 475. EDELE (Mark), 4012. EDELGLASS (William), 738. EDGERTON (David), 7229. EDGINGTON (Susan B.), 2290. EDGREN (Monika), 6175. EDLUND-BERRY (Ingrid), 1571. EDMONDS (Fiona), 2554. EDMONDS III (Radcliffe G.), 1196, 1454, 1466. Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent, 2443. EDQUIST (Harald), 5723. EDVINSSON (Rodney), 2584, 5824. Edward II, king of England, 2433. Edward III, King of England, 2417, 2430. EDWARDS (Andrew), 3629. Edwards (Huw Thomas), 3669. EDWARDS (Michael), 520. EDWARDS (Rebecca), 449, 1802. EELLEND (Johan), 237. EFFOSSE (Sabine), 5955. EFTHYMIADIS (Stephanos), 686. EGER (A. Asa), 885. Egibi, 989.
INDEX OF NAMES EGMOND (Florike), 5096. EHLEN (Oliver), 2035. EHLERS (Martin), 6313. EHLERS (Nils), 5524. EHLING (Kay), 1900. EHMER (Josef), 4635. EHRHARDT (Olaf), 5959. EHRLICH (Anna), 562. EHRLICH (Matthew C.), 5525. EHRLING (Sara), 1803. EHRMAN (Bart D.), 1980. EHRMANTRAUT (Dominique), 4495. EICHBAUER (Melodie Harris), 2525. EICHBERGER (Dagmar), 2411. EICHELDINGER (Martina), 5254. EICHENBERG (Julia), 3966. EICHENGREEN (Barry), 5956. EICHHORN (Mathias), 2094. Eichler (Heinrich), 5472. EICHNER (Ina), 2227. EICKS (Mathias), 1804. EIDINOW (Esther), 1455. EIFERT (Christiane), 5724. Eiffel (Gustav), 5363. EIROA SAN FRANCISCO (Matilde), 6466. EISENHAUER (Robert G.), 1805. Eisenhower (Dwight D.), 4230, 7339. EISENSTEIN (Elizabeth L.), 4878. EITELJORG II (Harrison), 1496. EIXEA VILANOVA (Aleix), 790. EJIOGU (E.C.), 3922. EKELUND (Robert B.), 2095. EKENGREN (Ann-Marie), 7392. EKERN (Stener), 3681. EKHOLST (Christine), 2561. EKINCI (Didem), 6694. EKKER (Mette Gismerøy), 3929. El Cid, 2386. El Greco, 5432. EL JABER (Loreley), 141. El Materi (Mahmoud), 4132. EL MATERI HACHED (Anissa), 4132. EL MECHAT (Samia), 6675. Elagabalus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), Roman emperor, 1659. ELBA (Emanuela), 30. ELBERN (Stephan), 87. ELDEM (Edhem), 5668. ELENA (Eduardo), 3182. ELEY (Geoff), 257. Eliashib, 1102. ELIOT (Simon), 51. Eliot (Thomas Stearns), 5212, 5247, 5324. Elizabeth Queen, consort of Frederick I, King of Bohemia, 6914.
Elizabethh I, queen of England, 4647. ELIZALDE (María Dolores), 6777. ELKIND (Sarah S.), 4203. ELKINS (Caroline), 6820. ELLEM (Bradon), 6458. ELLIOTT (Paul), 5526. ELLRODT (Robert), 5166. ELM (Monika), 5725. ELOUNDOU (Eugène Désiré), 3281. ELSEY (Brenda), 3297. ELSNER (Jas), 1938. ELSWEILER (Christine), 2721. ELTIS (David), 439. EMERY (Kent Jr.), 2900. Eminescu (Mihai), 5235. EMME (Burkhard), 910. EMMER (Michele), 5030. EMMER (Pieter C.), 563. EMMERSON (Allison L. C.), 1926. EMONS (Hans), 657. Empedocles, 1428, 1444. EMPEREUR (Jean-Yves), 3092. EMURA (Haruki), 7530. ENDERLE-BURCEL (Gertrude), 3208. ENDERS (Markus), 3059. ENDO (Motoo), 7653. ENDO (Tamaki), 7654. ENEFALK (Hanna), 6176. ENEGREN (Johan), 4814. ENEI (Flavio), 1574. ENGBERG (Jakob), 2087. ENGEL (Barbara Alpern), 6177. ENGEL (Thilo), 6618. ENGELBERG (Meinrad von), 4692. ENGELEN (Theo), 6178. ENGELKE (Edda), 6179. ENGELS (Friedrich), 6442. ENGERMAN (Stanley L.), 439. ENGI (Lorenz), 4113. ENGLOVÁ (Jana), 236. ENGSTRÖM (Mats), 4103. Enrique de Villena, 2711. ENRIQUES (Luca), 5958. ENSKAT (Rainer), 5002. ENSMINGER (David A.), 5528. ENTNER (Brigitte), 7272. Ephraem Syrus, Sanctus, 2159. EPKENHANS (Michael), 3560. Erasistratus, 1321. Erastus (Thomas), 4525. Eratosthenes, 1414. ERBE (Michael), 3155. ERBER (Silvia), 3220. ERDOĞU (Burçin), 817. ERETESCU (Constantin), 6180. ERGENE (Boğaç A.), 6181. ERGO (André-Bernard), 3318. ERICSON (David F.), 4204. Erik, Swedish duke, 2428.
INDEX OF NAMES ERIKSSON (Bo), 566. ERIKSSON (Fredrik), 237. ERMINI PANI (Letizia), 2808. Erskine (John), 4566. ERSLEV ANDERSEN (Lars), 3134. ERSOY (Akın), 911, 914. Esagil-kīn-apli, 1026. ESCH (Arnold), 1963. ESCH (Tabea Mariga), 3502. ESCOBAR OHMSTEDE (Antonio), 3887, 3893. ESGUEVA GÓMEZ (Antonio), 3917. ESHERICK (Joseph W.), 88. ESPARZA (José Javier), 2478. ESPELI (Harald), 7185. ESPINÓS (Sonsoles), 5372. ESPINOSA (Leonardo), 3383. ESPINOSA (Ruben), 5168. ESQUENAZI (Jean-Pierre), 5529. ESSEMLALI (Mounya), 7393. ESTABLET (Colette), 4122. Esterházy (Familie), 86. ESTERHUYSEN (Amanda), 854. ESTEVE (Albert), 6380. ETCHESON (Nicole), 4205. ETHERINGTON (Norman), 454. ETHUIN (Nathalie), 6467, 6468. ETKIND (Alexander), 4013. ETTY (C.), 2562. ETZKORN (Girard J.), 2869. EUMANN (Marc Jan), 4880. Euripides, 1212, 1294, 1366, 1370, 1383, 1387. Eusebius Caesariensis, 1989, 2064. Eusebius Emesensis, episcopus, 1990, 1991. Eustathius Thessalonicensis, archiepiscopus, 2198. Eutropius, consul, 1813. Evagrius Ponticus, 1992. Evagrius Scholasticus, 1993. EVANS (Helena P.), 7323. EVANS (James A. S.), 2230. EVANS (Jane), 2247. EVANS (Jennifer V.), 6183. EVANS (Linda), 948. EVANS (Robert John Weston), 322, 3141. EVANS (Tanya), 89. EVANS (Tim), 1178. Evarchis, 1544. EVERAERT (Huub), 6056. EVERGATES (Theodore), 212. EVERIST (Mark), 663. EVERSHED (Richard P.), 857, 867. EVRARD (Etienne), 912. EXTERNBRINK (Sven), 6960. F FABRE (Frédéric), 4520. FÁBREGA ALVAREZ (Pastor), 814.
FÁBREGAS VALCARCE (Ramón), 795. FABRICIUS MØLLER (Jes), 6991. FABRIZIO (Daniela), 2479. FACIUS (Jeppe), 6619. FADIDA (Atalya), 1081. FADIN (Lionel), 1524. FAFLAK (Joel), 767. FAGAN (Garrett G.), 1741. FAGEL (Raymond), 6906. FAGEOL (Pierre-Éric), 7072. FAGERFJÄLL (Ronald), 567. FAGET (Daniel), 5669. FAGUER (Julien), 1316. FAHEY (Maria Franziska), 5170. FAHMY (Ziad), 3386. FAHRENKROG-PETERSEN (Lutz), 657. FAHS (Alice), 4881. FAIFERRI (Ivan), 1411. FAIRBAIRN (Andrew), 807. FAIRES (Nora), 6299. FAIVRE (Alexandre), 4315. FAJARDO FAJARDO (Carlos), 5376. FALCANDO (Ugo), 2296. FALGUÈRES (Christophe), 789. FALISOVÁ (Anna), 4041. FALKENBURG (Reindert), 5426. FALOLA (Toyin), 3923, 6799. FAMERÉE (J.), 680. FAN (Tiequan), 7531. FAN (Yaping), 7532. FANG (Baozhang), 7533. FANJUL (Serafín), 2292. FANJUL PERAZA (Alfonso), 870. FANOUS (Samuel), 692. FANTAPPIÈ (Carlo), 4317. FAORO (Davide), 1709. FARAONE (Christopher A.), 1456. FARBAKY (Péter), 5361. Farel (Guillaume), 4568. FARESE (Giovanni), 7302. FARHI (Yoav), 1084. FARNOUX (Alexandre), 1479, 1549. Faroqhi (Suraiya), 4150. FARRÉ (Sébastien), 7324. FARRELL (Amy Erdman), 6186. FARRELL (Brian P.), 6775. FASSETTA (Raffaele), 3004. FATH (Sébastien), 4549. FATOUROS (Georgios), 2173. FATTORI (Maria Teresa), 4367, 4371. FAUCHER (Thomas), 115. FAULENBACH (Bernd), 3503. FAULKNER (Andrew), 1317. FAULKNER (Carol), 4206. FAURI (Francesca), 5764. FAUST (Avraham), 871.
337 FAUST (Stephan), 1942. Faustus Milevus, episcopus Manichaeus, 2091. Faustus Rhegiensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 1994. FAVERO (Giovanni), 4773, 5726. FAVIA (Pasquale), 2316. Favonius Eulogius, 1868. Faÿ (Bernard), 3462. FAYET (Jean-François), 7276. FEÁNS LANDEIRA (José), 1999. FEARN (David), 1285, 1318. FEATHERSTONE (Kevin), 3673. FEBVEY (Agnès), 1497. FEDERER (Urban), 3053. FEDERICI (Annalisa), 5253. FEDERICI VESCOVINI (Graziella), 2655. FEDERICO (Giovanni), 3782. FEGLEY (Randall), 4094. FEHMEL (Thilo), 5960. FEICHTINGER (Moritz), 6736. FEIERTAG (Olivier), 5954. FEIJOO (Santiago), 2358. FELDHERR (Andrew), 295. FELDMAN (David), 5399. FELDMANN (Ekke), 6620. FELICE (Emanuele), 5961. FÉLIX (Carlos César), 4479. FELLER (Laurent), 2586. FELLEZS (Kevin), 5531. Fellini (Federico), 5657. FELLNER (Fritz), 3209. FELSCH (Dorit), 2096. Feltrinelli (famiglia), 105. FENBERG (Steven), 5962. FENELLI (Laura), 3010. FENEŞAN (Costin), 7073. FENG (Qing), 7007. FENIELLO (Amedeo), 2480, 2587. FENLEY (Julie), 3198. FENNELL (Jonathan), 7230. FENOALTEA (Stefano), 5670. FENTON (Kirsten A.), 2665. FENTRESS (Elizabeth), 1927. FEO (Giovanni), 3, 2315. FERACO (Fabrizio), 1871. FERBER (Magnus Ulrich), 6912. FERBER (Sarah), 5008. Ferdinand Duke of BrunswickLüneburg, 6954. Ferdinand II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3212. FERM (Olle), 2795. FERNÁNDEZ (Alejandro E.), 6187. FERNANDEZ (Dominique), 5348. FERNÁNDEZ (Martha), 5388. FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ (Antón), 2518. FERNÁNDEZ ASPERILLA (Ana Isabel), 6188.
338 Fernández de Córdoba (familia), 96. FERNÁNDEZ DE OVIEDO (Gonzalo), 130. FERNÁNDEZ DEAGUSTINI (María Pilar), 1319. FERNÁNDEZ DURÁN (Reyes), 6737. FERNÁNDEZ GÖTZ (Manuel Alberto), 778. FERNÁNDEZ SEBASTIÁN (Javier), 4651. FERNÁNDEZ-CORUGEDO (Santiago González), 2766. FERNANDEZ-DOMINGO (Enrique), 4652. FERNOUX (Henri-Louis), 1230. FERRACES RODRÍGUEZ (Arsenio), 1872. FERRAGUT DOMÍNGUEZ (Concha), 4737. Ferrante d'Aragona, re di Napoli, 2435. FERRANTI (Ferrante), 5348. FERRANTI (Francesca), 820. FERRARA (Enrica Maria), 5532. FERRARI (Gaetano), 3762. FERRARI ZUMBINI (Romano), 3784. FERRAZ TORRÃO (Maria Manuel), 6738. FERRÉ (Barbara), 1873. FERRECCIO (Alessia), 1320. FERREIRA (Pedro Soares), 3977. FERREIRO (Alberto), 2377. FERREIRO (Larrie D.), 142. FERRER (Vicente), 2868. FERRER ALOS (Llorenç), 6622. FERRERO HERNÁNDEZ (Cándida), 2701, 2722. FERRET (Olivier), 84. FERRETTO (Silvia), 5069. FERRI (Giorgio), 1576. FERRIS (Kate), 6716. FERRO (Marc), 3445. FERZOCO (George), 698. Fessenden (William Pitt), 4196. FESTUGIÈRE (André-Jean), 1993. FEUCHERT (Sascha), 7128. FEUCHT (Birgit), 1594. FEUCHTWANG (Stephan), 240. FEUER (Bryan), 1175. FEUTRY (David), 3428. FEWSTER (Joseph M.), 6469. FIBIGER BANG (Peter), 608. Fibonacci (Leonardo), 2774. Ficino (Marsilio), 5189. FIDORA (Alexander), 2473. FIEBRANZ (Rosemarie), 6189. FIEDEL (Mathias), 6728. FIEDLER (Anke), 4882. FIELD (Alexander J.), 5671.
INDEX OF NAMES FIELD (Geoffrey G.), 3632. Figl (Leopold), 3208. FIGUEIREDO PIROLA (Ricardo), 3260. FILATOV (Konstantin A.), 503. FILHOL (Emmanuel), 7008. FILIPPI (Elena), 5427. FILIPPINI (Alister), 898, 913. FINCKER (Myriam), 1519, 1524. FINDLAY (John M.), 5033. FINK (Leon), 5825. FINKELMAN (Paul), 4251. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), 872, 949. FINLAY (Christopher J.), 5957. FINLAYSON (Bill), 825. FINLEY (Carmel), 5727. FINNANE (Mark), 6623. FINNEY (Patrick), 7142. FINUCANE (Ronald C.), 3011. FINZI (Claudio), 515. FIOLHAIS (Carlos), 5034. FIORATO (Sidia), 176. FIORAVANTI (Gianfranco), 392, 2903. FIORE (Francesco Paolo), 4636. FIORENTINO (Girolamo), 828. FIORI (Roberto), 1874. FIORONI (Milvia), 2965. FIORUCCI (Flavia), 3183. FIRA (Aleksandar), 6545. FIRPO (Giulio), 4654. FISCH (Jörg), 3159. FISCHER (Brodwyn M.), 3261. FISCHER (Ernst), 91. FISCHER (Hendrik K.), 6190. FISCHER (Henning), 380. FISCHER (Klaus P.), 7143. FISCHER (Norbert), 5672. FISCHER VON WEIKERSTHAL (Felicitas), 4883. FISCHER-LICHTE (Erika), 5541. FISH (Jeffrey B.), 1875. FISHER (Greg), 1965. FISHER (John), 6697, 7009. FISHMAN (Talya), 2450. FISIAK (Jacek), 2723. FISICHELLA (Domenico), 4400. FISTEIN (David), 3686. FITSCHEN (Klaus), 3558. FITZGERALD (Tanya), 5035. FLACHMANN (Michael), 5171. FLAMENT (Christophe), 1231, 1273. FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE (Guillaume), 1743. FLANDREAU (Marc), 5911, 5922. Flaubert (Gustave), 5235, 5282, 5331, 5332, 5338. Flavillianus (L. Sep. Fl.) of Oinoanda, 924. FLAVIN (Susan), 5826.
Flavius Josephus, 1090, 1107. Flavius Philostratus, 1370. FLEIG (Anne), 4653. FLEISCHMAN (Richard K.), 6870. FLEITAS MONNAR (María Teresa), 6085. FLIPPEN (J. Brooks), 4207. FLOBERT (Pierre), 1176. FLOREA (Silvia), 4818. FLORES (Enrico), 1611, 1617. FLORIDI (Lucia), 1321. FLORIN (Christina), 6329. FLOUD (Roderick), 6191. FLOURENTZOS (Pavlos), 1498. FLOWER (Richard), 1976. FLÜCKIGER (Daniel), 5728. FOA (Anna), 4585. Foch (Ferdinand), 7076. FOERSTER (Manfred J.), 4655. FOGEL (Robert W.), 6191. FÖGEN (Thorsten), 1876. FOGLIA (Marc), 5172. FOLIN (Marco), 3105. FONTAINE (Darcie S.), 4320. FONTAINE (Laurence), 5964. Fontana (Domenico), 5407. Fontane (Theodor), 5331. FONTE (João), 814. FONTENEAU (Virginie), 5032. FONTES (Paulo), 6192. Fonzio (Bartolomeo), 5158. FOO (Yee Wah), 7177. FOOT (Sarah), 2389. Foppa (Vincenzo), 5454. FOPPIANI (Oreste), 7186. FORCE (Pierre), 4967. Ford (Gerald R.), 7445. FORDHAM (Finn), 5271. FÖRHAMMAR (Staffan), 187. FORMISANO (Marco), 505. FORNACIARI (Gino), 5037. FORONDA (François), 2510. FORSBACH (Ralf), 5038. FÖRSTER (Thomas), 2935. Forsthoff (Ernst), 6647. FORTEZA OLIVER (Miquela), 52. FOSI (Irene), 4401. FOSTER (Stephen), 92. FOUCAULD (Charles de), 131. Foucault (Michel), 4981. FOUILLOUX (Etienne), 4402, 4465. FOULCHÉ (Anne L.), 1928. Fouquet (Jean), 2821. FOURCHARD (Laurent), 7707. FOURNIER (Julien), 1197. FOUSEKIS (Natalie M.), 6193. FOWLER (Robert L.), 1157. FOWLER (Will), 3881. FOX (Adam), 6194. FOX (Jo), 7144. FOXHALL (Katherine), 6898.
INDEX OF NAMES FOY (Gabrielle), 6696. FRAGNITO (Gigliola), 4403. FRAHM (Ole), 209. FRAISSE (Anne), 1878. FRAISSE (Philippe), 1524. FRAKES (Jerold C.), 2474, 2481. FRAKES (Robert M.), 1710. FRAME (Grant), 1001. FRANC (Martin), 5827. FRANCESCATO (Simone), 5255. FRANCESCHI (Caterina), 25. FRANCISCO OLMOS (José María de), 2281. Franciscus Assisiensis, Sanctus, 2995. FRANCO (Antonio-Filiu), 6546, 6871. FRANCO (Jean), 3300. Franco Bahamonde (Francisco), 4443, 7183, 7214. FRANÇOIS (Véronique), 914. François Ier, roi de France, 3418, 6931. FRANK (Caroline), 6195. Frank (Jacob), 4592. FRANK (Martina), 5395. FRANK (Tibor), 229. Franklin (Benjamin), 444, 4170. FRANKLIN (Ruth), 5256. FRANKOPAN (Peter), 2390. FRANKUM (Ronald B.), 456. FRANSEN (Lilli), 2775. FRANTZ (Edward O.), 4208. FRANTZMAN (Seth J.), 4521. FRANZ (Leonie), 2724. FRANZÉN (Johan), 3733. FRANZINELLI (Mimmo), 3764, 3767. FRANZMEIER (Henning), 950. FRASER (Constance Mary), 2277. FRATANTUONO (Lee), 1807. FRATI (Marco), 3071. FREDE (Michael), 1158. FREDE (Victoria), 4658. Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 87. FREDERICKSON (Mary E.), 6470. FREDERIKSEN (Rune), 1499. FREDJ (Claire), 6196. FREDRICH-KIHM (Eva-Maria), 7395. FREEBURN (Ryan P.), 2887. FREEDMAN (Alisa), 5729. FREEMAN (Barbara M.), 5534. FREEMAN (Charles), 3012. FREEMAN (Mark), 6197. FREGUGLIA (Margherita), 801. FREIDANK, 2297. FREIDENREICH (David M.), 527. FREIRE (André), 3976. FREITAG (Ulrike), 381, 6198.
FRÊLON (Elise), 6577. FRENCH (David), 7325. FRESQUET FEBRER (José Luis), 617. Freud (Sigmund), 5266. FREUDENTHAL (Gad), 2463. FREVERT (Ute), 174. FREY (Jörg), 2130. FREY (Linda), 6974. FREY (Marc), 6733. FREY (Marsha), 6974. FREY-ASCHE (Lore), 1517. FREYDANK (Helmut), 1002. FRIED (Johannes), 2353. FRIEDL (Jiří), 3337. FRIEDLÄNDER (Saul), 345, 7179. FRIEDMAN (Jonathan C.), 495. FRIEDMAN (Lawrence M.), 6631. FRIEDMAN (Russell L.), 2900. FRIEDRICH (Christoph), 5096. FRIEDRICH (Klaus-Peter), 3124. FRIEDRICH (Markus), 4461. FRIEDRICH (Reinhold), 4496. Friedrich I, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2391. Friedrich II 'der Grosse', König von Preußen, 508, 3491, 5693, 6943. Friedrich III, dem Weisen von Sachsen, 6918. Friedrich III, Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen, 3545. FRIEDRICHS (Anne), 241. Friedrichs II. von der Pfalz, 4298. FRIERSON (Patrick), 733. FRIGERIO (Luca), 2814. FRISNYÁK (Zsuzsa), 3690. FRISONE (Flavia), 1260. FRITZ (Jean-Marie), 2854. FRITZ (Stephen G.), 7231. FRITZ (Sven), 5648. FRITZ (Wolfgang), 5965. FRITZ-HILSCHER (Elisabeth Th.), 665. FRITZLAR (Sigrid), 82. FRITZSCHE (Elifta), 1052. FROISSART PEZONE (Rossella), 5373. FROMHERZ (Allen James), 2482, 3985. FROMHERZ (Peter), 1232. FROMM (Erich), 4963. FRONDA (Michael P.), 1323. FROST (Jennifer), 5535. FRÜHSTÜCK (Sabine), 6346. FRY (Michael Graham), 3633. FRYKLUND (Carina), 2815. Fu (Bingchang), 7177. FUCHS (Franz), 4978. FUDGE (Bruce), 2483. FUENTES (Manuel), 5334. FUHRER (Armin), 3504.
339 FUJII (Joji), 7655. FUJIMOTO (Seijiro), 7656. FUJINAMI (Nobuyoshi), 4139. FUJITA (Katsuhisa), 7535. FUJITA (Satoru), 7657. FUJITANI (Takashi), 7145. Fujiwara (Yukinari "Gonki"), 7658. FULBROOK (Mary), 3505. FULCHER (Jane F.), 673. FÜLLBERG-STOLBERG (Katja), 6735. FULLER (Dorian Q.), 841. FULLER (Ken), 3959. FULLER (Pierre), 7536. FULLOLA I PERICOT (Josep María), 784. FUMA (Susumu), 7529. FUNDONI (Giovanna), 868. FÜRST (Alfons), 2050. FURTWÄNGLER (Martin), 6313. Fustel de Coulanges, 346. G GABASTON (Liza), 5257. GABBAY (Uri), 1003. GABBIANI (Luca), 7537. GABRIELE (Matthew), 242. GADDIS (John Lewis), 7277. GADE JENSEN (Henrik), 6199. GADOLOU (Anastasia), 1500. GADOT (Yuval), 949. GADOTTI (Alhena), 1004, 1005. GAEHTGENS (Thomas W.), 5375. GAFFNEY (Phyllis), 2725. GAGGIO (Dario), 3787. GAGLIARDI (Isabella), 2678. GAGLIARDI (Lorenzo), 1654. GAGLIARDI (Paola), 1808. GAGNÉ (Nicole V.), 664. GAGNON (Louis), 6872. GAHLEN (Gundula), 3506, 7071. GAHRTON (Per), 4104. GAIETTA (Michele), 5039. GAILUS (Manfred), 4359. GAIŢĂ (Alexandru), 7250. Gaius Valerius Flaccus (Setinus Balbus), 1633. Gaius, iuris consultus, 1707. GALAN (Christian), 6185. GALÁN ALLUÉ (José Manuel), 951. GALANAKIS (Yannis), 1501. GALAND (Perrine), 5209. GALANTE (Mirian), 6578. GALASSO (Giuseppe), 339, 363. GALENDE DÍAZ (Juan Carlos), 2360. Galenus (Claudius), 1403, 1413, 1420, 1430, 1442. GALETTI (Paola), 3112. GALIANO (Paolo), 1558.
340 GALIJAŠ (Armina), 3248. GALILEI (Galileo), 75, 4630, 5004, 5040, 5041-5043, 5048, 5055, 5056, 5083. GALL (Lothar), 3466. Galla Placidia (Aelia), Roman empress, 1971. GALLAGHER (Gary W.), 4209. GALLAY (Alain), 6821. GALLEGO (Ruth), 5372. GALLINA (Mario), 2231. GALLINARI (Pauline), 5536. GALLO (Donato), 2270. GALLO (F. Alberto), 659. GALLOP (Alan), 5537. GALLOWAY (Andrew), 621, 627. GALLUS (Alexander), 4680, 4732. Gallus (Cornelius), 1808. GALLUZZI (Paolo), 5043. Galois (Évariste), 5085. GALTIER (Fabrice), 1809. GALVIN (Elizabeth R.), 7708. GAMBA (Carlo), 6624. GAMBERINI (Andrea), 2364, 2589. GAMECHOGOICOECHEA LLOPIS (Ane), 5216. GAMESON (Richard), 28. GAMIÑO MUÑOZ (Rodolfo), 3882. GAMPER (Michael), 761. GANA (Horea), 4893. Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand), Mahatma, 691, 3153, 3700. GANGEMI (Rosalia), 842. GANMYR (Berit), 2359. GANNON (Barbara A.), 4210. GANS (Eduard), 6521. GANTNER (Eszter B.), 4660. GAO (Peng), 7538. GAO (Pengcheng), 7539. GARA (Eleni), 4150. GARAMBOIS-VASQUEZ (Florence), 1797. GARAVINI (Giuliano), 7396. GARBARINI (Alexandra), 7146. GARBE (Irmfried), 3501. GARCÍA (Guadalupe), 6200. García (Manuel), 5546. GARCÍA ALVAREZ (Luis Benito), 5828. GARCIA CÀRCEL (Ricard), 243. GARCÍA CATALDO (Héctor), 1412. GARCÍA CUADRADO (José Ángel), 2868. GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE (José Angel), 2986. GARCÍA DIEZ (Marcos), 794. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Bernardo José), 5465. GARCÍA HERNÁN (Enrique), 4404. GARCIA I RUBERT (David), 873. Garcia Lorca (Federico), 5477.
INDEX OF NAMES GARCÍA MANSO (María Luisa), 4884. GARCÍA MARSILLA (Juan Vicente), 2590. GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ (Bernardo), 6873. GARCÍA POSADA (Juan José), 4426. GARCÍA RUIZ (José Luís), 6027. GARCÍA-CONTRERAS RUI (Guillermo), 2340. GARCÍA-DIEGO (Pablo), 2816. GARCIADIEGO DANTAN (Javier), 3883. GARCIA-OLIVER (Ferran), 2591. GARDESTRÖM (Elin), 4885. GARDI (Andrea), 6625. GARDINER (Juliet), 3634. GARDNER (Julian), 2817, 2845. GARELLI (Franco), 4321. GARFIELD (Jay L.), 738. GARFINKEL (Yosef), 874. GARGAN (Luciano), 2788. Garibaldi (Giuseppe), 3799, 4073, 4689. Garin (Eugenio), 347, 4964. GARNER (Lori Ann), 2659. GARNER (Paul), 5966. Garnett (William James), 7009. GAROFALO (Ivan), 1413. GARRETT (Leah), 5538. GARRIDO (Samuel), 5885. GARROW (Duncan), 815. GARTNER (Thomas), 1810. GARULLI (Liliana), 3174. GASCH (Stefan), 2856. GASPA (Salvatore), 1006. GASSERT (Philipp), 7492. GASSMANN (Guido), 2972. GASTI (Fabio), 1742. GATA (Gheorghe), 816. GATHMANN (Christina), 5833. GATRELL (Peter), 7397. GATTI JÚNIOR (Décio), 4815. GATTIGLIA (Gabriele), 3102. GAUCI (Perry), 5689. GAUDE-FERRAGU (Murielle), 2321. GAUL (Niels), 2232. GAULLIER-BOUGASSAS (Catherine), 2730. GAURAV (Majumdar), 5258. GAUSMANN (Frank), 5730. GAUTIER (Théophile), 5259. GAUVARD (Claude), 2568. GAVEL (Stephen), 1929. GAVITT (Philip), 6201. GAY (Jean-Pascal), 4322. GAY-CANTON (Réjane), 2888. GAYK (Shannon Noelle), 2657. GAZELEY (Ian), 6202. GAZIAUX (É.), 680.
GÁZQUEZ (José Martinez), 2701. GAZZETTA (Liviana), 4405. GEE (Kevin A.), 6203. GEHLER (Michael), 3507. GEHRIG (Sebastian), 6279. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim), 1233. GEIGER (Tim), 7354, 7492. Geisericus, rex Vandalorum, 2036. GEISS (Peter), 4661. GEISSLER (Gert), 5539. GEISTLINGER (Michael), 6603. GEJROT (Claes), 22, 2781. GELBER (Scott M.), 4774. GELDERBLOM (Oscar), 5967. GELICHI (Sauro), 2330. GELLARD (Matthieu), 6923. GELLMAN (Erik S.), 6471. Gelting (Michael H.), 2329. GEMEINHARDT (Peter), 687. GENAND (Stéphanie), 5224. GENC (Hamdi), 5705. Genet (Jean), 5250, 5486. GENET (Jean-Philippe), 2364. GENOVESE (Cristina), 898, 915. GENTILE (Monica), 5958. GENTILE (Pierangelo), 3788. GENTLES (Ian), 3635. GENZ (Hermann), 843. GEOFFREY OF AUXERRE, 3004. George II, king of Great Britain, 3666. GEORGES (Tobias), 2024. Georgius Gemistus Pletho, 2169. GEORGOPOULOU (Xenia), 5173. GEPPERT (Dominik), 7074. GERBER (Scott Douglas), 6579. GERDENITSCH (Claudia), 4816. GERKEN (Daniel), 3508. GERMA (Antoine), 467. GERÖ (Stephen), 2203. GERSHONI (Israel), 381, 3387. GERSTER (Daniel), 4406. GERVASONI (Marco), 359. GERWARTH (Robert), 3138, 3150, 3509. GERWING (Manfred), 3021. GEUS (Klaus), 1414, 4748. GEVA (Benjamin), 2519. Gevin-Cassal (Olympe), 4832. GEWALD (Jan-Bart), 3907, 4289. GEYER (David C.), 7362. GEYER-KORDESCH (Johanna), 5389. GEYIKDAĞI (M. Yasar), 5968. GEYIKDAĞI (V. Necla), 5829, 5968. GFELLNER (Aurélie Élisa), 7399. GHANI (Mariam), 458. Gheorghiu-Dej (Gheorghiu), 3994, 3998, 4006. GHITA (Bogdan), 5540.
INDEX OF NAMES GHIŢULESCU (Mihai), 3993. GHODRAT-DIZAJI (Mehrdad), 1139. GHOSH (Kantik), 3025. GHOSH (Shami), 2298. Giacomo il Giusto, 1090. GIACONE (Alessandro), 3786. GIAMPICCOLO (Eleonora), 1979. GIANNATTASIO (Maria Cristina), 5428. GIANNETTO (Enrico), 5056. GIANNINI (Giulia), 5056. GIANNOULI (Antonia), 31. GIBAJA BAO (Juan Francisco), 827. GIBBONS (Katy), 4407. GIBEL-BUSZEWSKA (Katarzyna), 2198. GIBHARDT (Boris Roman), 5260. GIBSON (Roy K.), 1885. Gide (André), 5250, 5342. GIEROWSKI (Józef Andrzej), 6935. GIESEN (James C.), 5886. GIESZCZYŃSKI (Witold), 3967. GIFFORD (Terry), 751. GIGGA (Stefan), 5555. GIGLI MARCHETTI (Ada), 303. GIGLIONI (Guido), 4956. GIL (Marc), 111. GIL FERNÁNDEZ (Luis), 5218. GIL LÁZARO (Alicia), 6204. GILARDONI-BÜCH (Karin Birge), 5261. GILBERT (Jane), 2726. GILDE (Benjamin), 7400. GILHAUS (Lennart), 1234. GILI (Luca), 1415. GILL (Jill K.), 4323. GILL (Rebecca), 6695. GILLESPIE (Alexandra), 38. GILLESPIE (Vincent), 692, 3025. GILLINGHAM (Paul), 3884. GILLNER (Bastian), 4324. GILOI (Eva), 4663. GILPIN (R. Blakeslee), 4211. GILSON (Martha), 6205. GINAT (Rami), 3388. GINIO (Eyal), 3943. GINSBURG (Tom), 6540. Gioacchino da Fiore, 3047. GIORDANO (Ralph), 3599. Giorgione, 5447. Giotto, 2817. GIOVAGNOLI (Agostino), 4408. GIOVANNETTI (Paolo), 5262. GIOVANNI DEL VIRGILIO, 2696. GIRARD (Pascal), 3455. GIRARD (Philippe R.), 6874. GIRARDI (Giulia), 1811. GIRAUDO (Laura), 3949. Girault (Arthur), 6675. GIRBAL (Brice), 2776.
GÎRBEA (Catalina), 2648. Giretti (Edoardo), 3775. GISONDI (Antonio), 4985. GIUDICE (Franco), 4630. GIUFFRA (Valentina), 5037. GIUNTINI (Andrea), 5045. GIVEN (Jock), 5969. GIVENS (Bryan), 4409. GJURIČOVÁ (Adéla), 3344. GKUTZIUKOSTAS (Andreas E.), 2233. Gladstone (William Ewart), 7010. GLAESER (Andreas), 3510. GLAISYER (Natasha), 5830. GLASER (Darrell J.), 6206. GLASS (Hildrun), 3124. GLASSMAN (Jonathon), 4125. GLAURDIĆ (Josip), 7401. GLAZE (Florence Eliza), 618. GLEBA (Gudrun), 2973. GLEBA (Margarita), 1556. GLEBE-MØLLER (Jens), 3369. GLEIZER (Daniela), 3885. GLEYSE (Jacques), 6207. GLIECH (Oliver), 6875. GLOCKER (Jürgen), 1053. GLOVER (Katharine), 6208. GLOVER (Nikolas), 7402. GLUCK (Carol), 258. Gluck (Christoph Willibald), 5579. GLUECKSTADT (Benjamin W.), 4521. GO (Julian), 6698. GØBEL (Erik), 143. Gobetti (Piero), 3774. GOBLE (Andrew Edmund), 7659. GÖÇEK (Fatma Müge), 4140, 4151. GOCKEL (Gabriele), 6149. GOCKHAMI (Abdul Jabbar), 3704. GOCKING (Roger), 6627. Godard (Jean-Luc), 5509, 5627. GODDARD (Richard), 3103. GÖDDE (Susanne), 1159. GODDEERIS (Idesbald), 6408. GODFREY (Mimi), 5204. GODLEY (Andrew), 5715. Goebbels (Joseph), 3521. GOEBEL (Michael), 244, 3184. GOEBEL (Stefan), 6689. GOEDERTIER (Wouter), 6408. Goerdeler (Carl), 3522. GOERKE (Britta), 5263. GOERS (Marion), 6443. GOESCHEL (Christian), 6209. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von), 5238, 5248, 5264, 5265, 5269, 5274, 5280, 5286, 5288, 5306, 5310, 5319, 5321, 5332, 5343, 5498. GOETZ (Adrien), 5259. GOETZ (Hans-Werner), 3057.
341 GOFFREDO (Roberto), 1559. GOIRAN (Jean-Philippe), 1930. GOLDBERG (Dror), 5970. GOLDBERG (Edward), 4605. GOLDBERG (Paul), 782. GOLDEN (Mark), 1160. GOLDEN (Peter B.), 7497. GOLDENBERG (Gert), 862. GOLDFIELD (David), 4213. GOLDHILL (Simon), 4665, 5266. GOLDIN (Simha), 2451. GOLDMAN (Wendy Z.), 4014. GOLDRING (Elizabeth), 4679. GOLDSTEIN (Ivo), 3324. GOLDTHWAITE (Richard A.), 5971. GOLINELLI (Paolo), 2273. GOLLAND (David Hamilton), 6210. GOLLWITZER (Heinz), 3511. GOLTZ (Anna von der), 6400. GOLUB (Ivan), 5356. Gómez (Eugenio), 4279. GÓMEZ (Mónica), 5972. GÓMEZ DE LA RÚA (Diana), 803. Gómez Font (Xavier), 4737. GÓMEZ FRECHINA (José), 5429. GÓMEZ GARCÍA (Juan Guillermo), 4666. GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ (José Ángel), 803. GÓMEZ RIVERO (Ricardo), 6564. GONÇALVES (Andréa Lisly), 3262. GONÇALVES (Luiz Eduardo Fonseca de Carvalho), 5674. GONDRA (José), 4825. GONDRAN (Yves), 6795. Gong (Pimmei), 4422. GONZÁLEZ (Erasmo), 3946. GONZÁLEZ (Gustavo Eduardo), 4886. GONZÁLEZ (José Manuel), 5202. GONZÁLEZ (Olga), 3954. GONZÁLEZ (Robert Alexander), 5390. GONZÁLEZ DE MOLINA (Antonio Herrera), 4072. GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA (Francisco Javier), 814, 1655. GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ (Claudia), 4887. GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ (Enrique), 4790. GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ (Irene), 4838. GONZÁLEZ GULLÓN (José Luis), 4410. GONZÁLEZ LE SAUX (Marianne), 4821. GONZÁLEZ MORALES (Manuel Ramón), 805. GONZÁLEZ-BARRERA (Julián), 5542.
342 GONZÁLEZ-RIVERA (Victoria), 3918. GOODALL (John), 3104. GOODEY (C. F.), 5046. GOODHEART (Lawrence B.), 6628. GOODMAN (David), 5543. GOODMAN (Michael S.), 7428. GOODRUM (Matthew R.), 245. GOODWIN (Kenneth), 4707. GOPHNA (Ram), 844. Gorbachev (Mikhail Sergeyevich), 7431. GORDIN (Shai), 1054. Gordon (Charles), 6807. GORDON (Jillian), 5975. GORDON (John), 7232. GORDON (Richard), 1899. GORDON-CHIPEMBERE (Natasha), 6350. GORE (Dayo F.), 4214. GOREN (Yuval), 1131. GORFINKEL (Elena), 5636. GORI (Pietro), 5069. GÖRICH (Knut), 2391. Gorin (Pavel Osipovich), 3233. GORSUCH (Anne E.), 144. GÖRTZ (Eva Bettina), 4958. GORZOLLA (Peter), 2429. GOSCHA (Christopher E.), 4285. GOSS (Andrew), 5047. GOSWAMI (M.), 257. GOTKOWITZ (Laura), 6232. GOTO (Yukako), 7498. GOTOR (Miguel), 4403. GOTT (Richard), 6741. Gotthelf (Jeremias), 6641. GOTTWALD (Franziska), 5430. GOTTWALDT (Alfred B.), 3512. GOUBIER-ROBERT (Geneviève), 4645. GOUDA (Tanja), 1656. Goudar (Ange), 157. Goudar (Sara), 157. GOUDRIAAN (Aza), 4553. GOULD (Michael), 3924. GOULD (William), 3705. GOUMA (Reitze), 5739. GOURDON (Vincent), 6211. GOUREVITCH (Danielle), 1879. GOURINAT (Jena-Baptiste), 2196. GOWER (John), 2727. Goya (Francisco), 5444, 5464. GRABBE (Lester L.), 1073. GRABER (Jennifer), 4325. GRABMAYER (Johannes), I. GRABOWSKI (Maciej), 1140. GRAČANIN (Hrvoje), 1966. GRACIA (Jorge F.E.), 4656. GRACIA PÉREZ (Felipe), 3310. GRACIAN (Zerahiah ben Isaac ben Shealtiel), 2444.
INDEX OF NAMES GRACIOTTI (Sante), 4306. GRADVOHL (Paul), 3136. GRADY (Tim), 246. GRAEBNER (Norman A.), 7075. Graegentius, Sanctus, 2157. GRAF (Friedrich Wilhelm), 4524. GRAF (Fritz), 1457. GRAF (Rüdiger), 247. GRÄFE (Ulrike), 6629. GRAFTON (Anthony), 53, 308, 336, 396. GRAGG (Gene), 1085. GRAHAM (Edouard), 5230. GRAHAM-CAMPBELL (James), 2310, 2492, 2624. GRAMATOPOL (Mihai), 1931. GRAMOLATI (Alessio), 4398. Gramsci (Antonio), 3803, 4633, 4965. GRAM-SKJOLDAGER (Karen), 248, 7187. GRANATO (Donatella), 791. Grand (Jens), 3041. GRANDI (Alberto), 5973. GRANDIN (Greg), 459, 7381. GRANDINETTI (Giuditta), 845. GRANDITS (Hannes), 7000. GRANNEC (Christophe), 4304. Grant (Madison), 5016. GRANVILLE (Johanna), 3994. GRAPHEUS (Benvenutus), 2766. GRASHOFF (Udo), 6212. GRASSIGLI (Gian Luca), 1932. GRATHOFF (Stefan), 2503. Gratianus, 2508. GRAU (Günter), 571. GRAY (Fred), 4785. GRAY (Vivienne), 1324. GRAZIANI (Girolamo), 5228. GRAZIOSI (Barbara), 1213. GREATREX (Geoffrey), 2194. GREATREX (Joan), 2975. GREAVES (Alan M.), 925. GREBENAROV (Aleksandŭr), 3863. GREBLE (Emily), 7147. GRECI (Roberto), 2631. GRECO (Emanuele), 1502. GRECO (Gaetano), 4372. GRECO (Giovanna), 1503. GRECO (Iolanda), 5392. Greeley (Horace), 4185. GREEN (David R.), 5996, 6011. GREEN (E.), 5887. GREEN (Michael S.), 4215. GREEN (Nile), 4587. GREEN (Simon J. D.), 4762. GREEN (Steven J.), 1877. GREENBLATT (Stephen), 4667. GREENE (Daniel), 4588. GREENE (Elizabeth S.), 249. GREENE (Jack P.), 6547.
GREENE (Joseph A.), 1118. GREENHALGH (Elizabeth), 7076. GREENOUGH (Sarah), 5595. GREENWAY (Diana E.), 2925. GREGERSON (Linda), 4311. GREGOR (Neil), 5544. GREGOR (Pavel), 6630. GREGORI (Sylvain), 7264. Gregorio da Rimini, 2880. Gregorius II Cyprius, patriarch of Constantinople, 2170. Gregorius IX, papa, 2938. Gregorius Magnus, Papa, Sanctus, 2102, 2110, 2119. Gregorius Nazianzenus, 1995, 2077. Gregorius Nyssenus, Sanctus, 1996, 1997, 2073. GREGOROVIČ (Miroslav), 3345. GREGORY (Tullio), 347, 2889. GREIERT (Andreas), 342. GRELLE (Francesco), 2234. GREMIGNI (Elena), 5267. GRENDA (Christopher S.), 4319. GRENVILLE (Anthony), 3658. GRETHLEIN (Jonas), 1325. GRÉVY (Jérôme), 4073. GREY (Cam), 1745. GREZ TOSO (Sergio), 3298. GRIDAN (Irina), 7403. GRIECO (Margaret), 5753. Grieco (Ruggero), 4965. GRIENER (Pascal), 4745. GRIESE (Sabine), 2818. GRIEVESON (Lee), 5527. GRIFFITHS (R.A.), 2352. GRIFFITHS (Robert Howell), 6411. Grifone, mastro, 2786. GRIGGS (Peter D.), 5731. GRIGORIADIS (Ioannis N.), 3674. GRIGUOLO (Primo), 2270. GRILLET (Bernard), 1993. GRILLI (Marco), 5. GRILLO (Luca), 1812. GRILLO (Paolo), 2320. GRIMAL (Nicolas), 952. Grimaldi (Giovanni Francesco), 5419. GRIMBERT (Joan T.), 2715. GRIMM (Alfred), 5431. GRIMM-STADELMANN (Isabel), 5431. GRISCHOW (Jeff D.), 3605. GRISWOLD (Charles L.), 1416. GRITTI (Elena), 2197. GRIVNO (Max), 5888. GROB-FITZGIBBON (Benjamin John), 6742. GRODDEK (Detlev), 1055. GRODIS (Andrius), 7077. GROHMANN (Alberto), 2592.
INDEX OF NAMES GROHOVAZ (Valentina), 2688. GROLLEAU (Magali), 7326. Gromyko (Andrei), 7355. GRONAU (Barbara), 5541. GRONDEUX (Jérôme), 4753. GROS (Jean-Sébastien), 1489. GROSHOLZ (Emily), 75. GROSS (Dominik), 5074. GROß (Gerhard P.), 3560. GROSS (Guillaume), 2855. GROßE KRACHT (Klaus), 4480. GROSSER (Pierre), 7327. GROßHEIM (Martin), 4286. GROSSI (Paolo), 528, 6522. GROSSMAN (Joanna L.), 6631. GROSSMANN (Peter), 953. GROSSRUCK (Johann), 4462. Grősz (József), 4377. GROTEN (Manfred), 2890. GROTH (Alexander J.), 7148. Grotius (Hugo), 4966. GRUBB (Farley), 6213. GRUBER (Siegfried), 6396. GRUCH (Jochen), 4519. GRUEN (Erich S.), 1161. GRÜNE (Niels), 3513. GRUNERT (Frank), 4983. GRUNEWALD (Michel), 3440. GRUZINSKI (Serge), 382. GRYBKAUSKAS (Saulius), 3858. Gryphius (Andreas), 5196. GRZYBOWSKI (Jerzy), 3235. GUALANDRI (Isabella), 1955. GUANGMAO (Xie), 819. GUARDIOLA-GRIFFITHS (Cristina), 2421. Guarini (Francesco), 5428. GUARINO (Gabriel), 3789. GUASCH JANÉ (Maria Rosa), 954. GUCKES (Jochen), 6214. GUDEHUS (Christian), 7227. GUDMESTAD (Robert), 5831. Guðmundr Arason, 3019. GUEDJ (Jérémy), 3790. GUENDON (J. Louis), 822. GUÉREND (Jean-Pierre), 4411. GUÉRIN (Michel), 5449. GUERRAGGIO (Angelo), 4990. GUERRERO LIRA (Cristián), 3293, 3295. GUERRIERI (Sandro), 7405. GUERRINI (Luigi), 5048. GUERY (Alain), 5704. GUERZONI (Guido), 341, 667. GUÈYE (Omar), 4029. GUGELOT (Frédéric), 4465. GUGLIELMETTI (Rossana E.), 2913, 3027. GUIDA (Francesco), 7013. GUIDI (Alessandro), 821. GUIDOTTI (Maria Cristina), 955.
GUIDOTTI-HERNÁNDEZ (Nicole M.), 6215. GUIGNARD (Christophe), 2001. GUIGNARD (Marie-Thérèse), 4888. GUILBEAU (Denis), 817, 818. GUILLAUME (Cécile), 6472. Guillaume de Machaut, 2850, 2857. GUILLAUMIN (Jean-Baptiste), 1882. GUILLOT (Roland), 5174. GUIMERÁ RAVINA (Agustín), 3143. GUINNANE (Timothy W.), 5732. GUISOLAN (Jérôme), 188. GULIA (Galina Timofeevna), 3848. Gulielmus de Conchis, 2897. GULLBEKK (Svein Harald), 2593. GULLENTOPS (David), 5558. GULLINO (Federica), 4822. GULOWSEN (Jon), 5733. GÜNEL (Sevinç), 916. GUNGWU (Wang), 5817. GUNNOE (Charles D. Jr.), 4525. GÜNTHER (Frieder), 3514. GUO (Guoqing), 7540. GUPTA (Abhijit), 61. GUPTA (Bishnupriya), 7493. GURAKUQI (Romeo), 7078. GURMAN (Hannah), 7406. GURSKY (André), 3515. GUSMANO (Alessandro), 54. GUSSI (Alexandru), 252. GUSTAFSON (Sandra M.), 4216. Guthrie (Woody), 5562. GUTIÉRREZ (Claudio Dr.), 4668. GUTIÉRREZ (Florencia), 3886. GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ (Ramón), 1813. Gutiérrez Moreno (Agustín), 6851. Gutiérrez Moreno (José Gregorio), 6851. GUTIÉRREZ TORRECILLA (Luis Miguel), 4758. GUTIÉRREZ VILLARREAL (Francisco Javier), 6580. Gutt (Camille), 5944. GUYER (Paul), 733. GUYON (Gérard), 6830. GUYOT (Alain), 4846. GUYOTJEANNIN (Olivier), 23. GUZATIS (Thomas), 5762. GUZUN (Vadim), 7045. GUZZI (Rodolfo), 5049. Gwynn (Stephen), 3750. GYARMATI (György), 3694. GYLLENHAAL (Lars), 7149. GYSELINCK (Wannes), 1370. GYURE (Dale Allen), 4823. GZELLA (Jacek), 7079.
343 H HA (Polly), 4526. HAAKE (Matthias), 251. HAAN (Bertrand), 6924. HAASE (Fee-Alexandra), 1326. HABERER (Michael), 3216. HABERKORN (Tyrell), 4128. HÄBERLEN (Joachim C.), 323. Habermas (Jürgen), 2653. HABERSACK (Michael), 3516. HABSBURG (Maximilian von), 4326. HACHEY (Thomas E.), 3754. HACHTMANN (Rüdiger), 3485. HACK (Karl), 6711. HADAS (Gideon), 1086. HADDAD (Galit), 3430. HADERMANN-MISGUICH (Lydie), 2258. HADJIHEIDARI (Abolhassan), 3718. HADLER (Frank), 229. Hadot (Pierre), 4967. Hadrianus (Publius Aelius Traianus), Roman emperor, 1587, 1688. HAELEWYCK (Jean-Claude), 1995. HAEMERS (Jelle), 2594. HAERINCK (Ernie), 1141, 1145. HAERS (J.), 680. HAFNER (Felix), 4781. HAGE (Armand), 4730. HAGE (Ghassan), 5036. HAGEDORN (Hans Christian), 5213. HAGEMANN (Gerhard), 1658. HAGENOW (Stephan), 2097. HAGGH (Barbara), 658. HAHAMOVITCH (Cindy), 6473. HAHN (Barbara), 5734. HAHN (Songsuk Susan), 731. HÄHNER-ROMBACH (Sylvelyn), 5050. HAIDAR (Navina Najat), 675. HAIDER (Najam), 516. HAIGH (Thomas), 5072. HAIKARI (Janne), 154. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 3396. HAINES (John), 2849. HAINES (Roy Martin), 2928. HAJI MIRZA MASSIH (Diana), 6632. HAJJI (Jamel), 1504. HÁJKOVÁ (Anna), 6216. HAKANEN (Marko), 154. HAKENBECK (Susanne), 3106. Ḥakīm (Tawfīq), 4673. HAKKARAINEN (Mika), 29. HAKKARAINEN (Petri), 7407. Halbwachs (Maurice), 4968.
344 HALDON (John F.), 2204. HALE (Grace Elizabeth), 4217. HALEY (Andrew P.), 6217. HALL (Alexander E.W.), 1327. HALL (Alexander W.), 2884. HALL (Bruce S.), 6218, 6822. HALL (David D.), 4527. HALL (Dianne), 6901. HALL (Gerald R.), 3740. HALL (Ian), 6743. HALL (Marcia B.), 5432. HÄLL (Mikael), 6219. HALL (Simon), 4218. HALLE (Marianne), 4114. HALLETT (Charles A.), 5175. HALLETT (Elaine S.), 5175. HALLIWELL (Martin), 5548. HALLIWELL (Stephen), 1328. HALLON (Ľudovít), 4041, 5735. HALSTEAD (Paul), 1177. HALTENHOFF (Andreas), 1849. HAMBERLIN (Larry), 5545. HAMBLOCH (Sibylle), 7408. HAMDOUNE (Christine), 1602. HAMEL (Sébastien), 2521. HAMELIN (David), 6474. HAMEROW (Helena), 480. HAMILTON (C. I.), 3636. HAMILTON (Louis I.), 2460. HAMILTON (Scott), 365. HAMM (Berndt), 3060, 4496. HAMMEKEN (Luis de Pablo), 5546. HÄMMERLE (Christa), 3215. HAMMES (Barbara), 2595. HAMMOND (Gregory), 3185. HAMMOND (John Craig), 4195. Hammurabi, king of Babylon, 1035, 1041. HAMNER (Christopher H.), 6699. HAMNETT (Brian), 6876. HAMON (Patrice), 1197. HAMPL (David), 3346. HAN (Guanghui), 7541. HANAK (Walter K.), 2250. Hanawalt (Barbara), 2632. HANIFI (Shah Mahmoud), 3161. Ḫanikkuili, Assyrian scribe, 1064. HANIOĞLU (M. Şükrü), 4141. HANISCH (Ernst), 3217. HANKE (Klaus), 862. HANKOVÁ (Monika), 3347. HANNA (Nelly), 5974. HANNAH (Robert), 1933. HANNEMANN (Matthias), 7080. HANNESSCHLÄGER (Ingonda), 5406. HANSEN (Jonathan M.), 3330. HANSEN (Lars Ivar), 2497. HANSEN (Per H.), 5698. HANSEN (Peter Møller), 7150. HANSSON (Gunnar), 4105.
INDEX OF NAMES HANULA (Matej), 4042. HANUŠ (Jiří), 2917. HAQUET (Isabelle), 175. HAQUIN (A.), 680. HARASTA (Eva), 2051. HARAYAMA (Kosuke), 6220. HARCOURT (Bernard E.), 5832. HARDING (Anthony), 863. HARDING (Elizabeth), 80, 3517. Harding (Étienne), 3001. Harich-Schneider (Eta), 5169. HARKER (Ben), 3607. HARLINE (Craig), 93. HARMER (Tanya), 7409. HARMS (Erik), 6057. HARNOW (Henrik), 5736. HARP (Stephen L.), 6221. HARPER (J. L.), 7278. HARPER (James G.), 654. HARPER (Kyle), 1746. HARPER (William L.), 5051. Harrach (Leonhard von), 3216. HARRAUER (Hermann), 956. HARRER (Friedrich), 6603. HARRINGTON (Melanie), 5889. HARRIS (Bernard), 6191. HARRIS (Bob), 6058. HARRIS (Ian), 3637. HARRIS (Matthew Edward), 2918. HARRIS (Max), 406. HARRIS (Ruth), 3431. HARRIS (Susan K.), 7011. HARRIS (W. V.), 1747. HARRIS (William Charles), 4219. HARRIS (William V.), 1417, 572. HARRISON (Benjamin T.), 7410. HARRISON (E.D.R.), 7233. HARRISON (James R.), 2098. HARRISON (Mark), 5684. HARRISON (Peter), 4982. HARRISON (Robert), 4220. HARRISON (Thomas), 1142. Harsdörffer (Georg Philipp), 5217. HARSLØF (Olav), 5547. HÄRTEL (Reinhard), 19. HARTER (Hélène), 7234. Hartl (Karl), 7478. HARTLEY (Benjamin L.), 6222. HARTMANN (Christian), 7235. HARTMANN (Florian), 2650. HARTMANN (Heinrich), 6059. Hartmann von Aue, 3084. HARUVI (Eldad), 6778. HARVARD (Jonas), 187. HARVEY (Charles), 5975. HARVEY (David), 1143. HARVEY (Thomas J.), 6223. HASANLI (Jamil), 3230, 7328. HASBERG (Wolfgang), 253. HASEGAWA (Mayuho), 5052. HASEGAWA (Tsuyoshi), 7279.
HASELBERGER (Lothar), 1933. HASHIMOTO (Yoshinori), 7660. HASHMI (Sohail H.), 7329. HASITZKA (Monika R.M.), 957. HASLAM (Jonathan), 6700. HASS (Jeffrey), 5675. HASS (Ulrike), 124. HASSELBROOK (David S.), 2052. HATSUDA (Kosei), 6060. HATTENHAUER (Christian), 6633. HATTON (Erin), 5676. HATTON (Timothy J.), 6224. HATZIIOANNOU (Angeliki), 2157. HATZILAMBROU (Rosalia), 1329. HAUE (Harry), 3367. HAUENSTEIN (Karlheinz), 847. HAUMANN (Sebastian), 6061. HAUPTMAN (Laurence M.), 4221. HAUSBERGER (Bernd), 6334. HAUSLEITNER (Mariana), 3552. HAUSMAN (William J.), 5677. HAUSMANN (Frank-Rutger), 4669. HÄUßLING (Angelus A.), 2692. HAUSTEIN (Jörg), 4528. HAUXNER (Malene), 6062. HAVERKAMP (Alfred), 2447, 2588. HAVLÍKOVÁ (Jana), 6225. HAVLÍNOVÁ (Jana), 4889. HAVLŮJOVÁ (Gabriela), 254. HAWKE (Jason), 1261. HAWKES-TEEPLES (Steven), 2190. HAWKINS (Daniel), 6063. HAWKINS (J. David), 1087. Haydn (Joseph), 5618. Hayek (Friedrich August von), 5709. HAYES (John W.), 1546. HAYES (Mary), 2728. HAYES (Patrick J.), 4412. HAYES (Romain), 7188. HAYHOE (Jeremy), 6226. HAYNES (Rebecca), 3157. HAYOUN (Maurice-Ruben), 4589. HE (Youliang), 7635. HEADY (Katy), 6739. HEALEY (Mark A.), 3186. HEALEY (Timothy), 7330. HEALY (Margaret), 5176. Heath (Edward), 7372, 7471. HEATH (Malcolm), 1330. HEBEISEN (Erika), 2399. HECHICH (Barnaba), 2867. HECHT (Michael), 80. HECK (Eberhard), 2003. HECKER-STAMPEHL (Jan), 6966, 7189. HECQUET-NOTI (Nicole), 1984. HEDGES (Jill), 3187. HEDGES (Robert E.M.), 788. HEDINGER (Daniel), 197. HEDREEN (Guy), 1331.
INDEX OF NAMES HEDREN (Paul L.), 4222. HEDSTRÖM (Ingela), 22. HEDVALL (Barbro), 6227. HEDWIG (Andreas), 3594. HEEB (Bernhard), 863. HEEB (Julia), 863. HEER (Hannes), 5648. HEERY (Edmund), 6475. HEGARTY (Paul), 5548. HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich), 4969. HEGGARTY (Paul), 259. Heidegger (Martin), 4970, 5327. HEIDENREICH (Bernd), 3498. HEIFERMAN (Ronald Ian), 7190. HEIL (Uta), 2099. HEIMANN (Mary), 3348. HEIMANN (Siegfried), 3518. HEIN (Bastian), 3519. Heine (Heinrich), 5538. HEINEMAN (Elizabeth), 6228. HEINEMEIER (Henrik), 6064. HEINEMEIER (Jan), 847. HEINEMEYER (Hans-Christian), 5872. HEINEN (Franz Albert), 4824. HEINEN (Ulrich), 5378. HEINICH (Nathalie), 3140. Heinrich Heine, 5269. Heinrich von Nördlingen, 3053. HEISEL (Hans), 7265. Heissig (Walther), 7495. HEISTER (Hanns-Werner), 5654. HEKSTER (Olivier), 1653. HELDMANN (Konrad), 1814. HELG (Aline), 3311. Heliodorus, 1109, 1385. Hellanicus Lesbius, 1349. HELLE (Vog), 2523. HELLER (Marvin J.), 55. HELLHOLM (David), 4294. HELLINGER (Daniel), 4283. HELLMANN (Marie-Christine), 1480. HELLNER (Nils), 1505. HELLWEGE (Phillip), 529. HELLWIG (Barbara), 5549. HELLWIG (Friedemann), 5549. HELMBRECHT (Michaela), 2493. HENDERSON (Lizanne), 2597. HENDERSON (Stuart), 4670. HENDERSON (Timothy J.), 6229. HENDRIX (Harald), 5165. Henige (David), 348. HENKEL (Peter), 4890. HENNE (Philippe), 2022. HENNEQUIN-LECOMTE (Laure), 3432. HENNING (Hansjoachim), 3474. HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian), 3520.
HENRICI DE GANDAVO, 2869. Henricus Lettus, 726. HENRIQUES (Virginia), 783. HENRY (Christophe), 4952. Henry III, king of England, 2566. Henry VIII, king of England, 6931. HENSEL (Silke), 6542. HENTSCH (Christian-Henner), 6634. HENZE (Charlotte E.), 4015. HEPPNER (Harald), 6378. HERBERS (Nicolaus), 2912. Herbert (Aubrey), 3163. HERBERT (Eugenia W.), 5393. HERBERT MAC AVOY (Liz), 2662. HERBET (Dominique), 4640. HERDE (Peter), 331. HEREDEA (Vasile I.), 4893. HERF (Jeffrey), 7151. HERING (Rainer), 4327. HERMAN (Gabriel), 1246, 1458. HERMAND-SCHEBAT (Laura), 2729. HERMANIN (Camilla), 4631. HERMANN (Angela), 3521. HERMANN (Elfriede), 7721. HERMANN (Robin), 5976. HERMARY (Antoine), 1506. HERNÁNDEZ (Claudio), 4075. HERNÁNDEZ (Rosilie), 5345. HERNÁNDEZ DE LA FUENTE (David), 1968. HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ (José María), 4819. HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA (Ricardo), 6065. HERNÁNDEZ SUÁREZ (Roberto A.), 6877. Herodas, 1296. Herodes, 1124. Herodotus, 1223, 1232, 1299, 1336. HEROLD (Werner), 3076. HERRERA (Carlos-Miguel), 6543. HERRERA (David), 5495. HERRERA (Fanny), 3380, 4625. HERRERÍN LÓPEZ (Angel), 4076. HERRERO DE JÁUREGUI (Miguel), 1332. HERRERO SÁNCHEZ (Manuel), 6909. HERRMANN (Arnd), 2101. HERRMANN (Irène), 7411. HERRMANN (Jan-Christoph), 2392. HERRMANN FIORE (Kristina), 5425. Herron (George D.), 7050. HERSHATTER (Gail), 255. HERSHBERG (James G.), 7303. HERTEL (Dieter), 917.
345 HERTRAMPF (Marina Ortrud M.), 5268. Hervé (Lucien), 5403. Hery, 951. HERZBERGER (David K.), 764. Herzl (Theodor), 5538. HERZOG (Dagmar), 6230. HERZOG (Jonathan P.), 7331. HERZOG (Markwart), 285. Hesiodus, 1297, 1357. HESKETH (Ian), 256, 295. HESLIN (Peter J.), 1933, 1815. Hesnard (Oswald), 7048. HESS (Günter), 4671. Hess (Rudolf), 7144. HESSE (Rachel), 1748. HETHERINGTON (Kregg), 3947. HEULLANT-DONAT (Isabelle), 564. HEUMOS (Peter), 3349. HEUSCH (Christine), 1816. HEUSER (Peter Arnold), 6912. HEVLY (Bruce), 5033. HEYDEMANN (Günther), 3583. Heydrich (Reinhard), 3509. HEYRIÈS (Hubert), 4073. HICKS (Peter), 3143. HICKSON (Charles R.), 5912, 5977. HIDALGO-DE JESÚS (Amarilis), 4792. HIEBEL (Gerald), 862. HIEKE (Thomas), 1088. Hieronymus, Sanctus, 2050. HIESTAND (Rudolf), 2912. HIGGINS (David M.), 5959. HIGHAM (Charles F.W.), 819, 846. HIGHAM (Nick), 3115. HIGHAM (Thomas), 792, 846. HIGMAN (B.W.), 7713. HIGUCHI (Kentaro), 7661. HILAIRE (Jean), 2522. Hilarion Georgianus, Sanctus, 2171. HILDEBRAND (Klaus), 3466, 6701, 7354. HILDEBRANDT (Johanne), 7412. HILGER (Andreas), 7358. HILLION (Joël), 5177. HILLMANN (Henning), 5833. HILLNER (Julia), 2102. HILTMANN (Torsten), 2422. HILTNER (Ken), 5178. HILTSCHER (Jörg), 7191. HINDELANG (Regina), 597, 6565. HINDLE (Steve), 7493. HINFELAAR (Marja), 4289. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY (Stephan G.), 6582. HINTON (David A.), 480. HIONIDOU (Violetta), 6231. Hippocrates, 1413, 1423. HIPSHON (David), 2423.
346 HIRAI (Hiro), 5058. HIRBODIAN (Sigrid), 2447. HIRSCHHAUSEN (Ulrike von), 3133. HIRSCHMANN (Frank G.), 3107. HIRSCHMANN (Stephan), 2912. HIRTZ (Christoph), 5466. Hitchcock (Alfred), 5526, 5529, 5634, 5646. Hitler (Adolf), 64, 3534, 3603, 4462, 4908, 5631, 7053, 7143, 7191, 7207, 7231, 7242. HJERMITSLEV (Hans Henrik), 4529. HLAVÁČEK (Jiří), 260. HLAVÁČEK (Petr), 2976. HLAVAČKOVÁ (Miriam), 2424. Hlinka (Andrej), 4038. HOBERMAN (John), 6240. HOBERMAN (Michael), 4328. HOBSBAWM (Eric J.), 4977. HOCHGESCHWENDER (Michael), 5851. HOCHMAN (Gilberto), 5099. HOCHSCHILD (Adam), 7081. HOCKERTS (Hans Günter), 6234. HODEIR (Catherine), 6744. HODGSON (Dorothy L.), 4126. HODGSON (Keith), 3638. HODGSON (Peter C.), 4969. HODOS (Tamar), 925. HOERDER (Dirk), 6299. HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE (Christine), 1651. HOF (Tobias), 3791. HÖFELE (Andreas), 5179. HOFER (Hans-Georg), 5138. HOFER (Sibylle), 6635. HOFFIUS (Stephen G.), 6432. HOFFMAN (Katherine), 5550. HOFFMAN (Philip T.), 7493. HOFFMAN (Stefan-Ludwig), 3142. HOFFMAN (Yair), 2047. HOFFMANN (Adolf), 1507. HOFFMANN (David L.), 4016. Hoffmann (E. T. A.), 5650. HOFFMANN (Peter), 3465, 3522. HOFFMANN (Petra), 4777. HOFFMANN-SALZ (Julia), 1749. HOFFNUNG-GARSKOF (Jesse), 6235. HOFHEINZ (Marco), 4512. HÖFLMAYER (Felix), 950. HOFMAN (Petr), 7152. HOFMANN (Daniel), 3470. HOFMANN (Klaus), 3758. HOFMANN (Ute), 3350. HOGAN (Margaret A.), 4167. HOGG (James), 2974. HOHLFELDER (Robert L.), 1917. HØIRIS (Ole), 3368.
INDEX OF NAMES HÖJEBERG (Pia), 6236. HOJER (Annette), 5433. HÖLAND (Armin), 4793. HOLBACH (Rudolf), 2629. HOLBROOK (Morris B.), 5551. HOLDEREGGER (Adrian), 4674. Hole in the Day, Chief of the Chippewa people, 4264. HOLEC (Roman), 261, 5737, 5890. HOLIAN (Anna), 3523. HÖLKESKAMP (Karl-Joachim), 1715. HOLLAND (David F), 4329. Holland (Samuel), 145. HOLLANDER (Jieskje), 7280. HOLLERAN (Claire), 559, 1750. HOLLEY (Linda Tarte), 2731. HOLLIDAY (Ian), 3906. HOLLIDAY (Shabnam J.), 3719. HOLLOWAY (Ernest R. III), 4672. HOLLÝ (Karol), 4043. HOLM (Christiane), 5322. HOLM (Olof), 2598. HOLMES (Nicholas), 118. HOLMILA (Antero), 4892. HOLMLUND (Sofia), 6237. HOLMSGAARD ERIKSEN (Uffe), 2087. HOLMSTRÖM (Mikael), 7281. HOLT (Anton), 2500. HOLT (Richard), 2497. HOLTMEIER (Anja), 2732. HOLTZ (Grégoire), 5294. HÖLZL (Martin), 3552. Homerus, 922, 1213, 1264, 1288, 1301, 1328, 1351, 1370, 1371. HÖMIG (Herbert), 3524. HONECK (Mischa), 4223. Honecker (Erich), 7355. HONG (Lysa), 4037. HONG (Sok Chul), 5678, 6191. HOOFNAGLE (Wendy Marie), 2674. HOOGBERGEN (Wim S. M.), 4098. HOOGERVORST (Tom), 841. Hoover (Herbert), 7098, 7127. HOPE (Valery M.), 1765. HOPFNER (Johanna), 4816. Hopkins (A.G.), 6799. HOPPE (Bert), 3124. HOPPE (Rudolf), 2048. HOPPEN (K. Theodore), 7010. HOPPER (Andrew), 3611. Hopper (Hedda), 5535. HOPPIT (Julian), 6238. Horatius Flaccus (Quintus), 1608, 1609, 1804, 1815, 1817, 1836, 1839, 1841, 1884. HORDEN (Peregrine), 4762. HOREL (Catherine), 6992. HORI (Shin), 7663.
HORICHI (Akira), 7542. HORLACHER (Gretchen G.), 5552. Horlacher (Michael), 5892. HORLACHER (Stefan), 2663. HORN (Cornella B.), 2194. HORNA (Hernán), 464. HORNBECK (J. Patrick), 2911. HORNBLOWER (Simon), 367. HORNE (Gerald), 6476. HORNE (John), 3138. HORNSBY (Stephen J.), 145. HORNUNG (Christian), 2021. HORNUNG (Martina), 5269. HOROWSKI (Aleksander), 2953. HORSLEY (Richard A.), 2103. HORSNAES (Helle W.), 1556. HORVATH (Julius), 6030. HORVÁTH (Richárd), 2300. HORWITZ (Liora Kolska), 851. HORWITZ (Marc), 705. HOSKIN (Philippa M.), 2924. HOSKINS (Peter), 2425. Hotham (family), 3611. Hotman (Antoine), 582. HÖTTEMANN (Benedikt), 5181. HOUDA (Přemysl), 5553. HOULE (Robert J.), 4482. HOULLEMARE (Marie), 6585. Houphouët-Boigny (Félix), 7370. HOUPPERMANS (Sjef), 5313. HOURIHANE (Colum), 2822. HOUSSAY (Martine), 4673. HOUSSIAU (Jean), 262. HOUTE (Arnaud-Dominique), 3433. HOWARD (Thomas Albert), 4330. HOWARTH (Peter), 753. Howells (William Dean), 5234. HOWLAND (Jacob), 1418. HOWLAND (Nina), 7362. HOYLAND (Robert G.), 2193. HOYOS (Dexter), 447. HU (Xiaojin), 7523. HU (Yi), 7543. HUANG (Jian), 7554. Huang (Tingjin), 7602. HUBBARD (James P.), 6823. HUBERT (Marie-Claude), 5530. HUBÍKOVÁ (Olga), 6225. HUCK (Stephan), 4224. HUCKER (Daniel), 7153. HUDEC (Jozef), 983. HUDEK (Adam), 4778. HÜE (Denis), 2666. HUG (Ralph), 4077. Hugeburc Heidenheimensis, 2931. HUGHES (Edward J.), 5270. HUGHES (Gavin), 7247. HUGHES (Geraint), 7413. HUGHES (Karen), 2492. HUGHES (Lisa A.), 1934.
INDEX OF NAMES HUGHES (Michael J.), 4017. HUGHES (Sally Smith), 5053. Hughes (Ted), 751. Hughes (William), 7059. Hugo (Victor), 5339. Hugo Ambianensis, 2887. HUGON (Alain), 3792, 6315. Hugues de Sanct Victor, 2909. HUISMANN (Frank), 3500. HÜLAGÜ (M. Metin), 6985. HULÍK (Štěpán), 5554. HÜLSKEN (Marloes), 4348. HULTGREN (Arland J.), 2028. HUMAIR (Cédric), 6407. HUMANN (Detlev), 3525. HUMBERTCLAUDE (Pierre), 7646. HUMBOLDT (Alexander von), 629. Hume (David), 4983. HUME (Douglas A.), 2104. Humphrey (Jennings), 5574. HUMPHREYS (Colin J.), 2105. HUNECKE (Volker), 3434. HUNG (Chang-tai), 7544. HUNG (Ho-Fung), 7545. Huniricus, rex Vandalorum, 2036. HÜNNIGER (Dominik), 6239. HUNOLD (Angelika), 5054. HUNT (Jeffrey M.), 1333. HUNT (Steven A.), 2029. HUNT (Thomas M.), 6240. HUNT (Tony), 2768. HUNTER (James Davison), 6026. HURLOCK (Kathryn), 2393. HURTADO (Larry W.), 2150. HURTADO AMES (Carlos Hugo), 4675. HÜRTER (Johannes), 3526. HURWIT (Jeffrey M.), 1508. HURWITZ (Zvi Harry), 7363. HUS (Jan), 2866. Hus (Johannes), 4536. HÜSER (Dietmar), 4703. HÜSKEN (Wim), 2411. HUSKINSON (Janet), 1765. HUSS (Bernhard), 5194. Hussein (Saddam), 3731, 3736. Hussein bin Ali, roi du Hedjaz, 6772. Hussein King of Jordan, 7449, 7368. Husserl (Edmund), 4971. HÜSTER PLOGMANN (Heidemarie), 862. HUTTON (Clare), 63. HUTTON (Shennan), 2599. HUTZLI (Jürg), 1089. HUYGE (Dirk), 793. HYDER PATTERSON (Patrick), 4032. HYER (Maren Clegg), 2605. HYKŠOVÁ (Magdalena), 5029.
HYLAND (Sabine), 4463. HYLAND (Steven), 3188. HYLLESTED (Rasmus), 3364. HYMAN (Louis), 5978. Hyperides, 1313. I Iacobus Iustus, Sanctus, 2034. Iacobus Maior, Apostolus, Sanctus, 2740. IADANZA (Mario), 2931. IANZITI (Gary), 333. IATSKEVICH (Dmitriĭ Leontʹevich), 6963. Ibáñez (Andrés), 3245. IBARRA ROJAS (Eugenia), 7714. IBER (Walter M.), 5738. Ibn al-'Arabī, 2469. Ibn Khaldūn, 2482. Ibn Ṭufayl, Muḥammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik, 2469, 2470. Ibsen (Henrik), 5541. IBSEN (M.), 2807. ICHIZAWA (Tetsu), 7664. ICKS (Martijn), 1659. Iddin-Dagan, king of Sumer and Akkad, 1044. IDEL (Moshe), 2453. IECHIKA (Yoshiki), 3825. IENAGA (Junji), 7665. IERANÒ (Giorgio), 1334. Iesus Christus, 1090, 1900, 1907, 2001, 2016, 2026, 2048, 2051, 2069, 2071, 2083, 2103, 2105, 2109, 2123, 2131, 2132, 2135, 2142, 2144, 2146, 2150, 2151, 2156, 2187. IEVA (Frédéric), 6932. IGARASHI (Daisuke), 7499. IHALAINEN (Pasi), 3154. İH S A N O Ğ LU (Ekmeleddin), 5132. IIYAMA (Tomoyasu), 7546. IJI (Tetsuro), 7414. ILIČ (Melanie), 4018. ILIE (Adrian), 574. ILIE (Claudia), 574. ILIEV (Iliya), 2211. ILINCA (Alina), 7415. ILINCA (Dragoş), 474. ILINCA (Rodica), 474. ILIN-TOMICH (Alexander), 958. IMAMOVIĆ (Mustafa), 3249. IMSEN (Steinar), 2497. İNAL (Vedit), 4142. 'INBAR (Aviṭal), 4601. INCE (Darrel), 630. INDERGAARD (Henrik), 1335. INFURNA (Marco), 2637. INGHAM (Robert), 3654. INGLESE (Giorgio), 2697, 2733. INGLIS (Erik), 2821.
347 INGOLD (Alice), 575. INGRAO (Charles W.), 6958. INKLAAR (Robert), 5739. INNES (Matthew), 2317, 2357. Innocentius III, papa, 2937. INOUE (Masao), 7666. INOWLOCKI (Sabrina), 1090, 2064. INRIG (Stephen), 6241. INSALL (Tony), 7300. INSLEY (Charles), 2574, 3037. INSOLL (Timothy), 718. IOGNA-PRAT (Dominique), 2596, 4968. Iohannes Antiochenus, 1348. Iohannes Argyropylus, 2172. Iohannes Chrysostomus (Sanctus), 1338, 2112. Iohannes Damascenus, 2174. Iohannes Malalas, 2175. Iohannes of Nikiu, 2220. Iohannes Philoponus, 2176-2179. Iohannes Stobaeus, 2180, 2196, 2197. Iohannes VI Cantacuzenus, Byzantine emperor, 2173. Iohannes, evangelista, Sanctus, 2029, 2096, 2123. ION (Hamish), 7154. Ionesco (Eugène), 5486, 5530, 5540. Irenaeus Lugdunensis, episcopus, 1998. IRIGOIN (Jean), 1205. Irsigler (Franz), 2629. IRUROZQUI (Marta), 6578. IRVIN (Benjamin H.), 4682. IRWIN (Douglas A.), 5673. IRWIN (Elizabeth), 1336, 1509. IRWIN (Robert), 2484. ISAACSON (Walter), 5057. Isabel I, reina de Castilla, 2421. Isaeus, 1316, 1329. ISAKA (Riho), 7509. ISAKSSON (Christer), 6242. ISAR (Nicoletta), 2236. ISĖROV (A. A.), 7012. ISGRÒ (Giovanni), 3063. ISHII (Masatoshi), 7679. Isidorus Hispalensis, Sanctus, 1999, 2000, 2125. ISITT (Benjamin), 3285. ISKHAKOV (S. M.), 3228. ISLA FREZ (Amancio), 2563. ISLER (Hans Peter), 1510. ISMAELLI (Tommaso), 918. ISOGAI (Ken'ichi), 7500. ISOLA (Antonino), 2053. ISOM-VERHAAREN (Christine), 6925. ISRAEL (Felice), 1091. ISRAEL (Hephzibah), 4530.
ISRAEL (Jonathan I.), 4945. ITO (Takao), 7501. ITOH (Mayumi), 7416. Itzig (Familie), 94. Iudas Iscariotes, 1982, 2018. Iulianus (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 1866, 1895. Iulius Africanus (Sextus), 2001. Iustinianus I (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 2186, 2235, 2237, 2242, 2260. Iustinus Martyr, 2149. Iuvenalis (Decimus Iunius), 1801, 1838. Iuvencus (Gaius Vettius Aquilinus), 2002. Ivan IV, emperor of Russia, 297. IVANOV (Martin), 3277. IVANOVI (Filip), 1988. IVARSSON WESTERBERG (Anders), 4102. IVASKA (Andrew), 6243. IVERSEN (Martin Jes), 5959. IVIZATE GONZÁLEZ (Diana María), 4683. IWAI (Takao), 4120, 6800. IWAMA (Kazuhiro), 7547. IYENGAR (Uma), 3700. IZQUIERDO ARANDA (Teresa), 2600. J JACKSON (Ken), 5200. JACKSON (Louise A.), 6244. JACKSON (Mark), 641. JACKSON (Peter), 7083. JACOB (Andreas), 5556. JACOB (Marie), 2640. JACOB (Raphaël), 1511. JACOB (Wilson Chacko), 6245. JACOBS (Margaret D.), 6246. JACOBS (Matthew F.), 7193. Jacobsen (J.C.), 6332. JACOBSEN (Kurt), 5698, 6477. JACOBSON (Abigail), 6779. JACOBSON SCHUTTE (Anne), 4464. Jäger (Karl), 3599. JAGODIĆ (Miloš), 7014. JAHN (Michael, 5519. JAHNKE (Carsten), 6991. JAHR (Christoph), 6636. Jaime I de Mallorca, 2471. JAKELI (Nino), 782. JAKOBI (Rainer), 1983. JAKOBSEN (Jesper), 4331. JAKOBSSON (Eva), 6247. JAKSIĆ (Iván), 3144. JALOVAARA (Ville), 3398. JALVING (Mikael), 466. JAMES (Harold), 5740.
James (Henry), 5212, 5234, 5255, 5273, 5303. JAMES (John A.), 5980. JAMES (Simon), 1007. James (William), 4972. James VI and I Stuart, King of Scotland and England, 714, 3660, 4565. JAMMEH (Ousman A. S.), 6548. JAMROZIAK (Emilia), 2977. Jan III Sobieski, król Polski, 6938. JANČÍK (Drahomír), 5981. JANDER (Thomas), 6681. JANICKI (Arkadiusz), 3849. JANKO (Richard), 1216. Jansa (Alfred), 3214. JANSA (Claude-Maria-Alfred), 3214. JANSA (Herta), 3214. JANSEN (Corjo), 6587. JANSEN (Hans-Heinrich), 3470. JANSOHN (Christa), 5169, 5201. JANSSENS (Paul), 6248. JANSSON (Ulf), 543, 5875. Jantjie (Luka), 4060. JANTSCH (Torsten), 2107. JANTZEN (Detlef), 847. JANURA (Tomáš), 4044. JANZ (Oliver), 6167. JAPP (Sarah), 928. JARAMILLO (Carlos Augusto), 3317. JAREMSKI (Matthew), 5982. JARMAN-IVENS (Freya), 5557. JARMARA (Tomáš), 6249. JARMUZEK (Lukasz), 983. JAROSZ (Dariusz), 7364. JASANOFF (Maya), 6878. JASEN (Patricia), 4779. JASPER (Andreas), 7236. JÅSTAD (Hilde. L.), 6250. JAUERNIG (Martha), I. Jaurès (Jean), 3425, 3446. JAY (Martin), 631. JAYES (Janice Lee), 4684. JAY-ROBERT (Ghislaine), 1337. Jean Le Bel, 2306. Jean Simon, évêque de Paris, 3065. JEANNE (Charles), 3435. JEANNERET (Michel), 4714. JEAY (Madeleine), 2679. Jefferson (Thomas), 4168, 4169, 4255, 4267, 6980. JEFFREY (Julie Roy), 6435. JÉGOU (Laurent), 2939. JÉHANNO (Christine), 2331. JEHNE (Martin), 1647. JELLET (Celia), 4782. JEMBERE (Aberra), 6524. Jemolo (Arturo Carlo), 4317. JENDORFF (Alexander), 6251.
JENKINS (Emma), 825. JENNINGS (Eric T.), 6780. JENNINGS (Jeremy), 517. JENNINGS (Julia A.), 6252. JENNINGS (Matthew), 146. JENOTT (Lance), 1982. JENSEN (Carsten Selch), 726. JEPPIE (Shamil), 189. JEŘÁBEK (Rudolf), 3208. JERRAM (Leif), 6253. JERSILD (Austin), 7332. JESCHKE (Thomas), 3064. JESSEN (Ralph), 3160. JESTAEDT (Matthias), 6575. JESUS (Nauk Maria de), 453. JEZO-VANNIER (Steven), 4895. JI (Yu), 7548. JIA Joy (Yihui), 5914. JIANU (Angela), 3995. JÍLEK (Lubor), 4896. JIM (Theodora), 1459. JIMENÈS (Rémi), 57. JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ (Juan Ricardo), 6561. JIMÉNEZ GUIJARRO (Jesús), 794. JIMÉNEZ JÁIMEZ (Víctor), 853. JIMÉNEZ SAN CRISTOBAL (Ana), 1450. JIN (Dalu), 7549. JIN (Kaicheng), 7550. JIN (Pusen), 7551. Jinnah (Mahomed Ali), 3933. JO WERTH (Tiffany), 5182. JOAS (Hans), 350. Jobs (Steve), 5057. Jobst (CHRISTOPH), 2646. JOCHEM (Schäfer), 5272. JOCKEY (Philippe), 1512. JOEL BEN SIMEON, 2466. JOHAN (Frédérique), 6949. Johannes of Winterthur, 2303. Johannes Quidort von Paris, 3021. Johannes Scotus Eriugenia, 2889. John de Stratford, Bishop of Winchester, 2928. Johnson (Andrew), 4180. JOHNSON (Christopher H.), 607. JOHNSON (Dorothy), 5434. JOHNSON (James H.), 408. JOHNSON (Kendall), 5273. JOHNSON (Linda Cooke), 7552. JOHNSON (Lyman L.), 6879. Johnson (Lyndon Baines), 7430, 7454. JOHNSON (Maxwell E.), 2045. JOHNSON (Michele A.), 4712. JOHNSON (Murray), 419. JOHNSON (Patricia L.), 6252. JOHNSON (Robert), 3162. JOHNSON (Sam), 7015. JOHNSON (Timothy S.), 1817.
JOHNSTON (Alan), 1536. JOHNSTON (Timothy), 6254. JOHNSTONE (Andrew), 7333. JOHNSTONE (Steven), 1162. JOHN-STUCKE (Kirsten), 3500. JOHRENDT (Jochen), 2940. JOLIVET (Simon), 3286. JOLIVET (Vincent), 1935. JOLIVET-LÉVY (Catherine), 2258. JOLY (Laurent), 3436. Joly de Fleury (GuillaumeFrançois), 3428. JONAS (Michael), 7194. JONAS (Raymond), 6824. JONAS-SCHMALFUSS (Bettina), 5274. JONES (Adrian), 384. JONES (Andrew F.), 5275. JONES (Catherine Mary), 2738. JONES (Christopher P.), 1338. JONES (David C.), 177. JONES (Frederick), 1818. JONES (Gareth Stedman), 512. JONES (Geoffrey), 5979. JONES (Heather), 7084. Jones (Jesse), 5962. JONES (Larry Eugene), 3527. JONES (Meta DuEwa), 5559. JONES (Norman), 4647. JONES (Peter V.), 1635. JONKER (Joost), 5967. JOPP (Tobias A.), 5741. JORDAN (David M.), 4225. JORDANOVA (Ludmilla), 370. JÓRDECZKA (Maciej), 959. JORDOVIC (Ivan), 1419. Jørgensen (Anker), 3376. JORIO (Marco), 463. JOSEFSON (Eva-Karin), 4685. JOSEPH (Gilbert M.), 7381. Joseph II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3203. JOSIAH (Barbara P.), 5742. JOSSA (Stefano), 2850. JOSSIN (Ariane), 3528. JOST (Kathrin), 2601. JOTISCHKY (Andrew), 2978. JOUANJAN (Olivier), 6562. JOUANNA (Jacques), 1420. JOURNOUD (Pierre), 7334, 7481. JOVANOVIĆ (Vladan), 3866. Joyce (James), 5253, 5258, 5263, 5271, 5287, 5301, 5324, 5329, 5336. JUHEL (Énora), 3013. JULEROT (Véronique), 3065. JULIA (Dominique), 4456. Julian of Norwich, 2908. Juliana of Liège, 3016. JULIEN (Élise), 6478. JUNEAU (Jean-François), 7417.
Jung (Carl Gustav), 5238. JUNG (Johannes), 4827. JUNG (Michael), 251. JUNGBLUT (Christian), 5560. JÜNGER (Ernst), 5276, 5292. JUNGINGER (Horst), 4686. JUNGMANN (Irmgard), 5561. JUPE (Robert), 5743. JURATIC (Sabine), 69. JURECHOVÁ (Zuzana), 3342. JURG (Wim), 2054. JUSTER (Susan), 4311. Justinger (Konrad), 2601. JÜTTE (Daniel), 577. JÜTTE (Robert), 5059, 5133.
KAMP (Silke), 4532. KAMPMANN (Christoph), 6920. KANAFANI-ZAHAR (Aida), 3851. KANAVOU (Nikoletta), 1339. KANDER (Astrid), 5891. Kane (Sarah), 5512. KANG (Chae-gwang), 7701. Kang (Cheng), 7585. KANG (Hoo-Goo), 874. KANG (Minsoo), 632. KANIA (Krzysztof), 7047. Kant (Immanuel), 733, 5280, 5289. KANZLEITER (Boris), 4033. KAPLAN (Debra), 4332. KAPLAN (Eran), 3755. KAPLAN (Jonathan H.), 7719. KAPLAN (Michel), 2238. KAPPELER (Andreas), 4165. Kappeler (Franz), 7209. KAPPLER (Emile), 4533. KAPTAGAEV (E.S.), 3848. KAPUST (Daniel J.), 1819. KARDAM (Filiz), 4143. KARK (Ruth), 4521. KARKOV (Catherine E.), 2823. KARL (Michaela), 469. Karl I 'der Große', röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 242, 2302, 2881. KARLBERG (Ingvar), 5061. KARLIN (Louis W.), 6601. KARLSGODT (Elizabeth Campbell), 5362. KARLSSON (Tobias), 5790. KARNER (Stefan), 7356. KARNES (Michelle), 2667. KARP (Jonathan), 719. KARSHAN (Thomas), 5277. KARSKI (Jan), 7258. KARSTENS (Simon), 3218. KARYDIS (Nicolaos D.), 2239. KASCHKA (Ralph), 5745. KASER (Karl), 470. KASPAROV (Alexei), 857. KASSLER (Michael), 5846. KASTEN (Bernd), 3531. KASTER (Robert A.), 1612-1614. KASTOR (Peter J.), 147. KATŌ (Hisanori), 4581. KATOS (Demetrios S.), 2008. KATOUZIAN (Homa), 3720. KATSARI (Constantina), 1753. KATSUMATA (Sizuo), 7667. KATSUTA (Shunsuke), 3742. KATTAN (Assaad Elias), 3055. KĀTZ (Barry M.), 5474. KATZ (Daniel), 6479. KATZ (Hayah), 871. KATZ (Vera), 3251. KAUFMAN (Alexander L.), 2734. KAUFMAN (Will), 5562. KAUFMANN (Vincent), 5278.
K KABA (Hamit), 7301. KABACISKI (Jacek), 810. KABADAYI (M. Erdem), 4150. KABHA (Mustafa), 3942. KABLY (Mohammed), 461. KABORYCHA (Lisa), 468. KABUS (Ronny), 3529. KACHEL (Steffen), 3530. KACZMAREK (Sylwia), 2005. KAELBLE (Hartmut), 7283. KAEN (Fred R.), 5983. KAGE (Rieko), 3827. KÄGLER (Britta), 6255. Kahanamoku (Duke), 6325. KAHL (Hans-Dietrich), 2332. KAHL (Thede), 3996. KAHLOS (Maijastina), 1964. KAHN (Coppelia), 5204. KAILER (Thomas), 5060. KAISER (Alan), 1936. KAISER (Thomas E.), 3424. KAITARO (Timo), 4648. KAIZER (Ted), 1653. KAKINUMA (Yōhei), 7553. KALAYDJIAN (Béatrice), 3408. KALEDIN (Arthur), 4984. KALIFA (Dominique), 4873. KALINKE (Marianne E.), 2495. KALINOVA (Evgeniia), 4687. KALINOVSKY (Artemy M.), 7418. KALJUNDI (Linda), 726. KALLESTRUP (Louise Nyholm), 409. KÁLMÁN (Peregrin), 4377. KALT (Monica), 4115. KALTER (Christoph), 6746, 6747. KALUSA (W. T.), 5744. KAMBEROVIĆ (Husnija), 465, 3250. KAMEN (Deborah), 1262. KAMEYA (Manabu), 7502. KAMINSKAS (Algimantas), 6939. KAMINSKY (Anna), 7192. KAMINSKY (Peter), 5645.
350 Kautsky (Karl), 4958. KAVAVADZE (Eliso), 782. KAVURI-BAUER (Santhi), 5394. KAWATA (Atsuko), 4828. KAYA (Gökhan), 4144. KAYGUN (Atabey), 6181. Kazan (Elia), 5563. KAZIN (Michael), 449, 4226. KEARNS (Emily), 1660. KEATING (Jenny), 376. Keats (John), 5212, 5245. KEBEDE (Messay), 3395. KECHRIOTIS (Vangelis), 4490. KECSKEMÉTI (Charles), 3695. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.), 331. KEEFER (Edward C.), 7362. KEENE (Derek), 6689. KEESE (Alexander), 230, 6825. KEEVAK (Michael), 579. KEIL (Martha), 4571. KEITA (Sidiki Kobélé), 3684. KEITH (Jeffrey A.), 7016. Kekkonen (Urho), 3398. KELK MAGER (Anne), 438. KELLEHER (Catherine Mac Ardle), 7398. KELLER (Rolf), 7162, 7195. KELLER (Wolfram R.), 2674. KELLER (Zsolt), 4116. KELLNER (Friedrich), 7128. KELLNER (Hans), 383. KELLY (Christopher), 1976. KELLY (Duncan), 518. KELLY (Henry Ansgar), 6601. KELLY (Patrick J.), 3532. KELLY (Samantha), 2289. KELM (Mary-Ellen), 6256. KELP (Ute), 928. Kemal Beyatlı (Yahya), 7351. KEMP (Barry J.), 960. KEMP (Graeme), 47. KEMPER (Claudia), 3533. KEMPF (Gabriele), VI. KEMPNY (Simon), 6549. KEMPSHALL (Matthew), 263. Kenana (Rua), 3914. Kenendy (John Fitzgerald), 7479, 7480. Kennan (Georges F.), 7277. KENNON (Donald R.), 4251. KENNY (Anthony), 1207. KENSKY (Steven), 6382. KENT (John), 6826. KENT (Susan Kingsley), 3926. KEPE (Thembela), 4058. Kepler (Johannes von), 5062. KEPPIE (Lawrence), 1661. KEPPLER-TASAKI (Stefan), 5217. KERENJI (Emil), 7146. KERNFELD (Barry), 5564. Kerr (Alexander), 99.
INDEX OF NAMES KERR (Daniel R.), 6066. KERR (Julie), 2958. KERSCHER (Wolfram), 6637. KERSHAW (Ian), 385, 3534. KERSHAW (Paul J. E.), 2361. KÉRVORKIAN (Raymond), 471. KESZTENBAUM (Lionel), 5925. KETABGIAN (Tamara), 5279. KETTENACKER (Lothar), 3144. KEUCK (Thekla), 94. KÉVORKIAN (Raymond), 4145. KEYES (Michael), 3743. KEYMEULEN (Sarah), 356. Keynes (John Maynard), 5709. KEYS (Barbara), 7419. KEZAR (Dennis), 5183. KHAN (Geoffrey), 1092. KHAN (Noor-Aiman I.), 7155. KHOLOD (Maxim M.), 1144. Khomeini (Ruhollah), Ayatollah, 3716. KHOMYCH (Taras), 2057. KHOO (Nicholas), 7420. KHOO (Tseen), 5984. KHRISAT (Bilal), 832. Khrushchev (Nikita Sergeevich), 4018, 7352, 7356. KHURSHID (Kiran), 3934. KIAUPA (Zigmantas), 2426. KIBAROGLU (Mustafa), 925. KIENZLE (Beverly Mayne), 698. KIENZLE (Christian H.), 5762. KIESEWETTER (Hubert von), 4977. KIEßLING (Rolf), 4555. KIETÄVÄINEN-SIRÉN (Hanna), 6257. KIHLMAN (Erika), 2781, 2795. KIJNGAM (Amphan), 846. KIKUCHI (Kazutaka), 7156. KIM (Ch'ang-nok), 3846. KIM (Chu-hong), 7702. KIM (Hee Kyoung), 7493. KIM (HeeMin), 3841. KIM (Hyung-A), 3845. KIM (Jongchul), 5985. KIM (Kang-nyŏng), 3842. KIM (Pyŏng-guk), 3844. KIM (Richard S.), 3843. KIM (Young-in), 2109. KINAHAN (John), 3908. KING (A.), 2562. KING (Charles), 6067. KING (Edmund), 2362. KING (Linda), 5360. KING (Peter), 5746. KINGSTON (Christopher), 5986. KINGSTON (Jeff), 3828. KINKELA (David), 5063. KINNUNEN (Tiina), 7141. KINSER (Brent E.), 3639. KIRCHHOF (Astrid Mignon), 5747.
KIRCHINGER (Johann), 5892. KIRCHNER (Lorenz), 5405. KIRILLOVA (Nataliia Viktorovna), 7129. KIRK (Neville), 6480. KIRKENDALL (Richard S.), 292. KIRSCHBAUM (Jochen), 6525. KIRSHNER (Julius), 532. KISELEV (Vasiliĭ Kuzʹmich), 7266. KISER (Heiko), 3888. KISIC (Rade), 2110. KISIELEWSKI (Tadeusz), 3968. KISS (Réka), 4534. KISSANE (Bill), 3744. Kissinger (Henry), 7419, 7470. KITCHEN (James E.), 7099. KITTEL (Manfred), 3535. KIVIMÄKI (Ville), 264, 7141. Kizell (John), 6831. KLAPP (Otto), 741. KLAPP-LEHRMANN (Astrid), 741. KLAPŠTĚ (Jan), 2310. KLASSEN (Pamela E.), 4535. KLEI (Ewout Hans), 3910. KLEIN (Alexander), 6258. KLEIN (Almuth), 3014. KLEIN (Benoît), 3445. KLEIN (Eitan), 1132. KLEIN (Janet), 4146. KLEIN (Kerwin Lee), 386. KLEIN-BRASLAVY (Sara), 2454. KLEINDIENST (Jonas), 6259. KLEINERMAN (Alexandra), 1004. KLEINERT (Andreas), 5002. KLEINERT (Christian), 2429. KLEINLOGEL (Alexander), 1340. KLEINSCHMIDT (Harald), 6260. Kleist (Heinrich von), 5288. KLEMEK (Christopher), 6068. KLETEČKA (Thomas), 3207. KLEY (Andreas), 6535, 6588. KLIER (John Doyle), 4590. KLIGMAN (Gail), 3997. KLIMA (Gyula), 2884. KLIMKE (Martin), 3128. KLINGEBIEL (Kathryn Ann), 2695. KLINGEBIEL (Thomas), 6954. KLINGENBERG (Andreas), 1754. KLINGNER (Jens), 3476. KLINKERT (Wim), 6717. KLOCK-FONTANILLE (Isabelle), 886. KLOEKHORST (Alwin), 919. KLOPOTEK (Brian), 4227. KLOSA (Sven), 6638. KLOSKO (George), 521, 522. KLOSTERGAARD PETERSEN (Anders), 2087. KLOVLAND (Jan Tore), 5902. KLUBOCK (Thomas Miller), 5893. KLUGHARDT (Melanie), 4378.
INDEX OF NAMES KMEŤ (Norbert), 4045. KNAEBLE (Susanne), 2661, 2735. KNAPP (Natalie), 6639. KNAPPETT (Carl), 1178. KNAUER (Martin), 6563. KNAUER (Wolfram), 657. KNEISLER (Isabel), 3794. KNEJP (Jan), 6261. KNIBBS (Eric), 3110. KNIGHT (Sarah), 4679. KNIGHTS (Mark), 4975. KNIPP (David), 2490. KNOB (Stanislav), 266. KNÖLL (Stefanie A.), 2829. Knowles (Benjiamin), 6627. KNUDSEN (Knud), 6481. KOBAYASHI (Chinatsu), 383. KOBI (Valérie), 4745. KOBKUA (Suwannathat-Pian), 3868. KOBRAK (Christopher), 5910, 5987. KOBUSCH (Theo), 2892. KOCATÜRK (Önder), 7085. KOCH (Ido), 1096, 1125. Kochanowski (Jan), 5199. KOCHER (Ursula), 5217. KOCKA (Jürgen), 6262. KÖCKRITZ (Moritz von), 6589. KOÇOLLARI (Irakli), 6975. KOEHN (Elisabeth Johanna), 4942. KOFFER (Blanka), 410. KOFFI KOFFI (Lazare), 6827. KOGMAN-APPEL (Katrin), 2466. KOH (Khee Heong), 7555. KOHARA (Yoshiki), 7669. KOHLER (Alfred), 472. KÖHLER (Christiana E.), 961. KOHRS (Klaus Heinrich), 5565. KOHVAKKA (Mikko), 5064. KOK (Jan), 107. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav), 7237. KOKOSZKO (Maciej), 2198. KOLÁROVÁ (Marta), 6263. KOLB (Anne), 1891. KOLB (Eberhard), 3466. KÖLCSEY (Ferenc), 3691. KOLDEHOFE (Tine), 4958. KOLIA (Erophile), 1513. KOLK (Martin), 6069. KOLOCH (Sabine), 4688. KOLSRUD (Ole), 3929. KOMLOSY (Andrea), 387. KOMORÓCZY (Szonja Ráhel), 44. KONDO (Nobuaki), 7503. KÖNEMANN (Sandra), 6640. KONERSMANN (Frank), 5876. Konica (Faik), 7061. KÖNIG (Eberhard), 33. KÖNIG (Malte), 6233.
KONIG-PRALONG (Catherine), 2790. KONING (Juliette), 3712. KONSTAN (David), 1421. KONSTANTINIDIS (Panagiotis), 1514. KOOPMANS (Jelle), 2666. KOOPMANS (Rachel), 3015. KOOT (Christian J.), 6748. KOPEČEK (Michal), 3351. KÖPF (Ulrich), 2893. KOPIEC (Jan), 6935. KOPPER (Christopher), 5910. KORDA (Natasha), 5566. KOREN (Sharon Faye), 2455. KORESAAR (Ene), 3393. KORNAT (Marek), 7181. KORNEEVA (Tatiana), 1820. KÖRNER (Axel), 5567. KÖRNER (Birgit M.), 7128. KÖRNER (Christian), 1341. KORNETIS (Kostis), 6408. KÖRNTGEN (Ludger), 2945. KORPIOLA (Mia), 2544. KORTTI (Jukka), 4899. KOSANSKY (Oren), 407. KOSCHWITZ (Nils), 5568. Koselleck (Reinhart), 350. KOSLOFSKY (Craig), 633. KOSTENEC (Jan), 2226. KÖSTER (Burkhard), 3560. KÖSTER (Roman), 5680, 5748. KOSTER (Severin), 1821. KOSTICK (Conor), 2325. KOSTROUN (Daniella), 4466. KOSUCH (Andreas), 2363. KOTILAINEN (Sofia), 95. KOTLJARCHUK (Andrej), 4161. KOTTER (Bonifatius), 2174. KOUAMÉ (Nathalie), 7494. KOUKOULI-CHRYSSANTHAKI (Haïdo), 811. KOUMAS (Manolis), 7238. KOUŘIL (Miloš), 3352. KOUTRAKOU (Nike), 2184. KOVÁČ (Dušan), 267, 498. KOVÁCS (Itaï), 5259. KOVAL'CHUK (Volodymyr), 4157. KOVAŘÍK (David), 7285. KOVENEVA (Olga), 6264. KOVIĆ (Miloš), 7017, 7042. KOWAL (Emma), 5036. KOWALSKI (Christine), 5472. KOWALZIG (Barbara), 1460. KOZMA (Liat), 5065, 6265. KOZOVOÏ (Andreï), 5569. KRAATZ (MAGRI Jessica), 4689. KRÁKORA (Pavel), 6704. Kramář (Karel), 7199. KRAMER (Mark), 7421. KRAMER (Nicole), 3536.
351 KRAMER (Paul A.), 6749. KRAMPL (Ulrike), 411. KRAPF (Tobias), 855. KRAUS (Hans-Christof), 3511. KRAUSE (Rüdiger), 863. KRAUSS (Ellis S.), 3829. KRAUSS (Martin), 3581. KRAUZE (Enrique), 4690. KRAVARITOU (Sophia), 1461. KRAZEK (Rafal), 5184. KRČMÁŘOVÁ (Jana), 4829. KREBS (Christopher B.), 4691. KREIMENDAHL (Lothar), 5592. Kreisky (Bruno), 7478. KREKOLA (Joni), 6266. KREMENTSOV (Nikolai), 5066. KRENN (Gerald), I. KRESSIN (Urban), 1967. KRETCHIK (Walter E.), 4228. KRETSCHMANN (Carsten), 221. KRETSCHMER (Helmut), 665. KRETSOS (Lefteris), 6483. KREUELS (Hans-Udo), 5570. KRIECHBAUMER (Robert), 3213. KRIEGER (Christian), 4496. KRIEGER (Gerhard), 732. KRIEGER (Wolfgang), 7422. KRIPPNER (Greta R.), 5988. KRISCHER (Tilman), 2173. Krishna Menon (V.K.), 7341. KROENER (Bernhard R.), 3537. KROH (Jens), 6182. KROL (Hendrina), 6964. KRÓLIK (Halina), 959. KROLL (Frank-Lothar), 3135. Kroll (Thomas), 4635. KRONAUER (Ulrich), 4616. KROPP (Andreas J.M.), 1093. KRÖTZL (Christian), 640. KRSMANOVIĆ (Bojana), 2240. KRSTIC (Tijana), 4591. KRÜGER (Christine G.), 7018. KRÜGER (Joachim), 847. KRUIZINGA (Samuël), 7063. KRUMMEL (Miriamne Ara), 2456. KRUPAR (Monika), 6526. Krupp (Friedrich Alfred), 6434. KRYŠPÍNOVÁ (Jitka), 3339. KRYZANOWSKI (Lawrence), 5910. KRZENCK (Thomas), 4536. KUBBEN (Raymond), 6676. KUBIK (Andreas), 4552. KÜBLER (Thomas), 3476. Kubrick (Stanley), 5481, 5651. KUBROVA (Monika), 6267. KUBŮ (Eduard), 5981. KUČERA (Rudolf), 6268. KUCHERENKO (Olga), 4019. KUDELIĆ (Zlatko), 4333. KUDELLA (Mirjam), 2092.
352 KUDLAĬ (Oleksandra Borysivna), 4162. KUEHN (Thomas), 4287, 5989. KÜHL (Ticharl), 5089. KÜHLMANN (Wilhelm), 4531. KUHN (Christina T.), 920. KUHN (Konrad J.), 4117. KUHN (Rick), 3194. KÜHN (Sebastian), 4780. KÜHN (Ulrich), 1422. KUHNKE (Gerhard), 5280. KUMAR (Deepak), 552. KUMLER (Aden), 2824. KÜMMEL (Verena), 6563. KUNERALP (Sinan), 6987, 6988, 7046. KUNERT (Romy), 2588. KUNG (James Kai-Sing), 7493. KUNTER (Katharina), 4314. KUNZ (Roland), 4781. KUPČIŪNAS (Donatas), 7086. KURAMOTO (Kazuhiro), 7658. KURASAWA (Aiko), 7335. KURIHARA (Takashi), 4664. KURKE (Leslie), 1342. KURNAP (Nicole), 2979. Kurosawa (Akira), 5493. KURTI (Teki), 3165. KURWINKEL (Tobias), 5281. KUSHNER (Eva), 5167. KUTLEŠIĆ (Milan), 7019. KUTSCHERA (Walter), 950. KUUSELA (Oskari), 737. KUZMANY (Börries), 4158. KUZUOĞLU (Remzı), 1008. KVIST (Palle), 151. Kwiet (Konrad), 7126. KYNDROVÁ (Dana), 3353. KYRIAKIDIS (Savvas), 2241. KYRIAZIS (Nicholas), 5990. L L'ESTRANGE (Elizabeth), 2680. LA BRASCA (Frank), 5210. La Broquière (Amanieu de), 2763. LA PARRA LÓPEZ (Emilio), 4676. LA PORTE (Pablo), 7087. LA ROCCA (Cristina), 2328. LA ROCCA (Eugenio), 1948. La Roche (Sophie von), 5556. LA TORRE (Gioacchino F.), 1533. LABATE (Paolo), 4483. LABELLE (Maurice, Jr), 7336. LABREUCHE (Pascal), 5435. LACAPRA (Dominick), 345. LACEY (James), 6715. LACEY (Jim), 7196. LACEY (Michael J.), 4397. LACHAISE (Bernard), 3427. LACHAPELLE (Sofie), 412. LACHENAUD (Guy), 1210.
INDEX OF NAMES LACKNER (Irmgard), 2427. LACMANOVIĆ-HEYDENREUTER (Haira), 3219. LACORE-MARTIN (Emmanuelle), 5185. Lactantius (Lucius Caelius Firmianus), 2003, 2081. LADJIMI SEBAÏ (Leïla), 1586. LADRA FERNÁNDEZ (Xosé Lois), 876. LAES (Christian), 1755, 2575. LAFARGUE (Philippe), 1163. LAFI (Nora), 6198. LAFLI (Ergün), 921. LAFOZ RABAZA (Herminio), 4062. LAGARDE (Dominique), 3169. LAHNITE (Abraham), 3903. LAICHNER (Johannes), 2111. LAIOU (Angeliki), 2208. LAIR (Meredith H.), 6269. LAISNEY (Vincent Pierre-Michel), 962. LALAJ (Ana), 7267. LALLOT (Jean), 367. LAM (Tong), 7556. LAMAZOU-DUPLAN (Véronique), 3091. LAMB (Angela), 2247. LAMBE (Stephen), 5571. LAMBERG (Marko), 154. LAMBERIGTS (M.), 680. LAMBERINI (Daniela), 4636. LAMBERT (Andrew D.), 7004. LAMBERT (Craig L.), 2334. LAMBERT (Frédéric), 1343. LAMBERTZ (Jan), 7146. LAMBRECHT (Ronald), 4378, 4830. LAMI (Alessandro), 1423. LAMIKIZ (Xabier), 5834. LAMMERT (Markus), 3538. LAMOREAUX (Naomi R.), 5681. LAMOTHE (Ronald M.), 6828. LAMOUREUX (Christian), 581. LAMPE (Markus), 5835, 5836. LAMPE (Reinhard), 847. LANARO (Giorgio), 392. LANARO (Silvio), 3795. LANCASHIRE (Terence A.), 669. LANDERGREN (Claës-Göran), 7423. LANDI (Sandro), 4900. LANDOLT (Patrick), 5749. LANDREA (Cyrielle), 1756. Landsberg (Ernst), 6664. LANDUCCI (Franca), 1293. LANDVOGT (Andrea), 5282. LANE (Kris), 6886. LANE (Melissa), 1424. LANE FOX (Robin J.), 434. LANERO TÁBOAS (Daniel), 5884. LANGBEHN (Volker), 6740.
LANGDON (John), 2571. LANGE ((Daniel), 7424. LANGE (Åse A.), 3929. LANGE (Dietz), 4537. LANGE (Marius), 3579. LANGEWEG (Serge), 5750. LANGLANDS (Rebecca), 1822. LANGLEY (Linda), 268. LANGLOIS (Claude), 4416. Langton (Stephen), archbishop of Canterbury, 3035. LANNEAU (Catherine), 6750. Lansdowne (William Petty Marquis of), 3630. LANTEIGNE (Pierre-Marc), 7451. LANTERI (Sol), 3189. LANTHIER (Pierre), 5938. LANTTO (Patrik), 5768. LANZINGER (Margareth), 6270. Laplace (Pierre-Simon), 4995. LAPLACE (Yves), 5572. LAPORTE (Norman), 3497. LAPPENKÜPER (Ulrich), 3466, 7425. LAQUA (Daniel), 7082. LAREMONT (Ricardo René), 3925. LARGUÈCHE (Dalenda), 6271. LARKER (José Miguel), 3190. LARKIN (Áine), 5283. LARMER (Miles), 4288. LAROSSA (Ralph), 6272. LARRAN (Francis), 1274. LARSEN (Andrew E.), 2791. LARSON (Kerry), 750. LARSON (Mitchell J.), 5959. LARSSON (Gabriela Bjarne), 3066. LARSSON (Kristian), 5284. LARSSON (Marianne), 634. LARSSON (Mats), 5959. LASKI (Alexandra), 238. LATHAM (Michael E.), 7426. LATINI (Alexia), 1515. LATRÉ (Bart), 4417. LATTE ABDALLAH (Stéphanie), 3760. LATTEUR (Olivier), 1901. LATZEL (Klaus), 603. LAU (Maria), 5436. LAUBE (Stefan), 198. LAUDANI (Cettina), 6550. LAUENER (Michael), 6641. LAUER (Reinhard), 238. LAUFEN (Veronika), 4418. LAUNARO (Alessandro), 1757. LAURENCE (Ray), 1758. LAURENS (Pierre), 1205. LAURENT (Sébastien), 3402. LAURENZA (Domenico), 5438. LAURIDSEN (John T.), 7284. LAURIELLO (Giuseppe), 2769. Laurier (Wilfrid Sir), 3288.
INDEX OF NAMES LAURIOUX (Bruno), 2321. LAUSE (Mark A.), 4229. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwartz), 4538. LAUX (Claire), 6899. Laval (Pierre), 7208. LAVAN (Luke), 1956. LAVEN (Mary), 4484. LAVENIA (Vincenzo), 4345. LAVIALLE (Christophe), 6515. LAW (Robin), 148. LAWRENCE (Adrea), 4831. LAWRENCE (Anna M.), 4539. LAYBOURN (Keith), IV, 3640. LAYTHE (Joseph W.), 6642. LAZĂR (Simona), 875. LAZAROVICI (Cornelia-Magda), 823. LAZUÉN FERNÁNDEZ (Talía), 795. LAZZARA (Michael J.), 3300. LE BÉGUEC (Gilles), 3427. Le Corbusier, 5380, 5400, 5403. LE DINAHET-COUILLOUD (MarieThérèse), 1516. LE GALL (Jean-Marie), 582, 4629. LE GOUIC (Olivier), 5837. LE HUNSEC (Mathieu), 7427. LE JAN (Régine), 2596. LE MARC'HADOUR (Tanguy), 6616. LE MENTHÉOUR (Rudy), 5067. LE PAGE (Jean-Marc), 3402. Le Peletier (Claude), 3456. LE ROUX (Patrick), 1662. LE ROUX (Thomas), 5751, 6484. LE ROY LADURIE (Emmanuel), 583, 584. LEACH (Elizabeth Eva), 2857. Leake (William Martin), 6975. LEAL (Murilo), 6485. LEANDRI (Antoine), 1206. LEBECQ (Stéphane), 2980. LEBRUN (Richard A.), 4960. LECCO (Margherita), 2736. LECIS (Luca), 4419. LECOUTRE (Matthieu), 6273. LEDER (Stefan), 2324. LEDERER (David), 6926. LEDERMAN (Zvi), 1095, 1098. LEDRUX (Pierre), 2174. LEE (Daniel), 4966. LEE (Robert), 5819. LEE (Wayne E.), 656, 6734. LEE (Yiu-Fai), 7493. LEE DOWNS (Laura), 6274. LEEDHAM (David), 1663. LEESE (Daniel), 7557. LEESON (D. M.), 3641. LEFEBVRE (Frédéric), 5703. LEFEBVRE (Sabine), 1773. LEFÈVRE (Eckard), 1622. LEFORT (Geneviève), 4832. LEGARÉ (Anne-Marie), 2411.
LEGAY (Marie-Laure), 5939, 5991. LEGGEWIE (Claus), 269. LEGNANI ANNICHINI (Alessia), 2520. LEHKÝ (Miroslav), 6643. LEHMAN (Katherine J.), 6275. LEHMANN (Aude), 1823. LEHMANN (Christian), 1094. LEHMANN (Claudia), 5437. LEHMANN (Gustav A.), 1164, 1664. LEHMANN (Jens), 4833. LEHMANN (Manuela), 944, 963. LEHNER (Ulrich L.), 4467. LEHNERT (Detlef), 6523. LEHNSTAEDT (Stephan), 3539. LEHNUS (Luigi), 351. LEI (Yi), 7558. LEIBNER (Gerardo), 4279. Leibniz (Gotfried Wilhelm von), 75, 4973. LEIBUNDGUT WIELAND (Danielle), 1517. Leicht (Pier Silverio), 3784. LEIDWANGER (Justin), 249. LEIGH (Michael D), 4540. LEIGHTON (Robert), 848. LEIKAM (Ferdinand), 6751. LEIKER (James N.), 270. LEIN (Richard), 7088. LEITE (Patrícia Soares), 7429. LEITMEIR (Florian), 1942. LEITNER (Ulrich), 519. LELLOUCH (Benjamin), 467. LEMARCHAND (Guy), 5894. LEMESLE (Bruno), 538, 2526. LEMINE OULD MEYMOUN (Mohamed), 3869. LEMIRE (Vincent), 6070. LEMKE (Christiane), 5573. LEMKE (Michael), 3540. LEMMENS (Wim), 4901. LEMMINGS (David), 3642. LEMOINE (Hervé), 110. LENAIN (Thierry), 670. LENARDSON (Robert J.), 1465. LENCI (Mauro), 3778. LENGWILER (Martin), 388. LENOIR (Maurice), 1665. LENZ (Thomas), 6276. LENZI (Alan), 1009. LENZI (Deanna), 5387. LENZI (Massimiliano), 2894. Leo I, Byzantine emperor, 2175. Leo III, Byzantine emperor, 2214. Leo VI Sapiens, Byzantine emperor, 2245, 2249. LEÓN (Leonardo), 3299. LEÓN LEÓN (Marco Antonio), 4413. LEONARD (Carol S.), 5895.
353 LEONARDI (Claudio), 271, 2943. LEONARDI (Emanuele), 5285. LEONARDI (Lino), 2759. Leonardo da Vinci, 5438, 5446, 5454, 5460. LEÓN-CASTRO ALONSO (Maria del Pilar), 1937. LEONE (Stephanie C.), 5369. LEONG (Elaine), 5123. LEONHARD (Jörn), 3133, 6429. Leoni (Leone), 5357. Leopardi (Giacomo), 5237, 5261, 5289, 5308. Leosthenes, 1226. LEOTTA (Maria C.), 1579. LEPINE (David), 3067. LEPLA (Denis), 5439. Leponce (Léon), 6447. LEPPIN (Hartmut), 2242. LEPPIN (Volker), 4344. LEPRI (Valentina), 4964. LEPSIUS (Oliver), 6575. Lequanda (José Ignacio), 5816. LERA (Petrika), 1518. LERNER (Mitch), 7430. LEROUX (Virginie), 5151. LESPINET-MORET (Isabelle), 5954. LESSING (Hans-Ulrich), 4962. LESTER (Anne E.), 2981. LESTRINGANT (Frank), 134. LESZKA (Mirosław J.), 2207. LÉTOURNEAU (Jocelyn), 272. LETOURNEUX (Matthieu), 4902. LEUNIG (Tim), 5838. LEUPRECHT (Peter), 2527. LEUTLOFF (Ariane), 2737. LEVENSON (Deborah T.), 459. LÉVESQUE (Jacques), 7286. LEVI (Danit), 1068. LEVI (Sara T.), 820. LEVILLAIN (Charles-Édouard), 6950. LEVILLAIN (Philippe), 721. Levinas (Emmanuel), 735. LEVINE (Ely), 1095. LEVINE (Emily J.), 354. LEVINE (Roger S.), 4055. LEVINSON (Marc), 5992. Levison (Wilhelm), 2388. Lévi-Strauss (Claude), 389, 4974. LEVITAN (Dov), 7306. LEVITAN (Kathrin), 5068. LEVRA (Umberto), 3772. LÉVY (Carlos), 2660. LEVY (Ian Christopher), 3042. LÉVY (Isabelle), 6277. LEWIS (Anne-Marie), 1824. Lewis (Clive S.), 5324. LEWIS (Cristopher Piers), 2385. LEWIS (Myrddin John), 5752. LEWIS (Pericles), 749.
354 LEWIS (Theodore J.), 1010. LEWIT (Tamara), 1760. LEY (Astrid), 5084. LEY (Klaus), 5150. LEYDER (Dirk), 6949. LEYMARIE (Michel), 3440. LEYS STEPAN (Nancy), 6278. LEYSER (Conrad), 2388, 2610. Leyser (Henrietta), 2610. LI (Chaomin), 7559. LI (Dongjun), 7562. LI (Tana), 7514. LI (Xianchun), 7633. LI (Xin), 7637. LI (Yingshun), 7703. LIANERI (Alexandra), 325. LIANG (Yuen-Gen), 96. LIAO (Dawei), 7560. LIAPIS (Vayos J.), 1462. Liazaro, 2279. Libanius, 1367. LIBBY (Brigitte B.), 1825. LIBRENTI (Mauro), 2987. LICENCE (Tom), 2982. Lichtenberg (Georg Christoph), 4989. LICHTENBERGER (Achim), 1902. LICHTENBERGER (Hermann), 2066. LIDDEL (Peter), 1221. LIDDINGTON (Jill), 3643. LIDEGAARD (Bo), 3370. LIDKE (Gundula), 847. LIEB (Michael), 717. LIEBERG (Godo), 734, 1826. LIEBERMAN (Victor), 7510. LIEBERSOHN (Harry), 413. LIEBESCHUETZ (John H. W. G.), 2112. LIEBICH (André), 7431. Liebknecht (Karl), 3528. LIEBURG (Fred van), 4553. LIENEMANN (Wolfgang), 4512. LIENERT (Matthias), 4834. Liétard de Cambrai, 2980. LIGATO (Giuseppe), 2825. LIGHTFOOT (Emma), 796. LILL (Rudolf), 4373. LILLO (Natacha), 4078. LIMBERIS (Vasiliki), 2114. LIN (Minghua), 7613. LINCH (Kevin), 3644. Lincoln (Abraham), 4184, 4185, 4191, 4212, 4215, 4219, 6554, 6756. LINDBERG (Erik), 6189. LINDENBERG (Thomas), 759. Lindh (Anna), 4103. LINDHEIM (S.H.), 1827. Lindkvist (Thomas), 2329. LINDMARK (Magnus), 5914. LINDNER (Ulrike), 6829.
INDEX OF NAMES LINDSTRÖM (Dag), 187. LINDSTRÖM (Jonas), 6189. LINEHAN (Peter), 649. LING (Yaolun), 7561. LINK (Stefan), 1235. LINKER (Beth), 5070. LINN (Rob), 4782. LINNE (Karsten), 6446. LIPKIN (Mikhail), 7337. LIPP (Charles T.), 97. LIPPERT (Werner D.), 7432. Lippi (Filippino), 5469. Lippmann (Walter), 7347. LIPSCHITS (Oded), 1096, 1097, 1125. Lipsius (Justus), 5058. LIQUIÈRE (Patrice), 3408. LIRA (Andrés), 369. LISSANDRELLO (José M.), 1425. LISTHAUG (Ola), 7167. Liszt (Franz), 5498, 5577. LITT (Paul), 3287. Littell (Jonathan), 345. LITTLE (Stephen E.), 5753. LITTLEWOOD (R. Joy), 1628. LIU (Gang), 7562. LIU (Guangming), 7563. LIU (Hong), 7338. LIU (Yang), 7550. LIUCCI (Raffaele), 4694. LIVERANI (Mario), 1011. LIVI BACCI (Massimo), 6880. Livius (Titus), 912, 1819, 1840. Livius Andronicus, 1611. LLEWELYN (James), 7433. LLOP RADUÀ (Jaume), 1012. LLORCA-JAÑA (Manuel), 5839. LLOVET (Jordi), 4783. Lloyd George (David), 3633, 7104. Lloyd Wright (Frank), 5384. LLUCH (Andrea), 5979. LLUÍS BARONA (Josep), 5090. Llull (Ramón), 3058. LO CASCIO (Elisabetta), 2285. LO TORTO (Alfonso), 849, 850. LOAIZA CANO (Gilberto), 3312. LÖBNITZ (Anke), 3470. Lochner (Joseph), 6608. LOCK (Peter), 2304. Locke (John), 536, 537, 4975. LOCKE (Robert R.), 5993. LOEB (Vernon), 7449. Loening (Richard), 6530. LOERA (Barbara), 3793. LOEW (Peter Oliver), 585. LÖFFL (Josef), 1666. LÖFFLER (Bernhard), 5851. LOFTUS (Donna), 6486. LOGAN (George M.), 695. LOGAN (Philip C.), 5574. LÖHNIG (Martin), 6533.
LOHON (Gabriel), 3998. LOIBL (Werner), 5754. LOITSCH (Bettina), I. LOKIN (Jan H. A.), 2235. LOMBAERDE (Piet), 5410. LOMBARDI (Chiara), 5575. LOMBARDI (Paola), 1198. LOMBARDI (Paolo), 5071. LONDÁK (Miroslav), 5735. LONG (Anthony A.), 1426. LONG (Pamela O.), 635. LONG (S.R. Joey), 7339. LONGBOTTOM (Peter), 2261. LONGENECKER (Bruce W.), 2115. LONGFELLOW (Brenda), 1761. Longinus, 1328. LONGO (Laura), 801. LONGPRÉ (Nicole), 3645. LÖNNBORG (Mikael), 5910. LONZA (Nella), 2539. LOONEY (J. Jefferson), 4168. LOPARCO (Grazia), 4817. Lope de Vega (Félix), 5542, 5605, 5620. LOPES (Ana Mónica), 3172. LOPES (Jader Janer Moreira), 4813. LOPES (Maria-Aparecida), 6280. LÓPEZ (Carolina E.), 4695. LÓPEZ (Delia Luisa), 3328. LÓPEZ ALÓS (Javier), 4079. LÓPEZ BAQUERO (Patricio), 3382. LÓPEZ BAUSELA (José Ramón), 4835. LÓPEZ BERNAL (Carlos Gregorio), 3391. LÓPEZ CRUCES (Juan Luis), 1344. LÓPEZ KINDLER (Agustín), 1978. LÓPEZ NEVOT (José Antonio), 6583. LÓPEZ-SALAZAR CODES (Ana Isabel), 4420. LORAND (David), 964. LORCY (Damien), 6830. LORENZ (Jürgen), 1056. LORENZ (Sebastian), 847. LORENZ (Sönke), 24, 4551. LORENZEN-SCHMIDT (KlausJoachim), 5876. LORENZINI (Simona), 2696. Lorenzino de' Medici, 3776. Lorenzo il Magnifico, 2412. LORENZON (Matthew), 4979. LORGE (Peter), 7534. LORY (Bernard), 6071. LOSSAU (Manfred), 5576. LOTTIN (Alain), 3437. LOTTMANN (André), 5286. LOUALICH (Fatiha), 98. LOUBÈRE (Stéphanie), 5219, 5225. LOUBET (Mireille), 2677. LOUDEN (Bruce), 922.
INDEX OF NAMES Louis XI, roi de France, 2431. Louis XIV, roi de France, 3412, 3438, 3456, 4466, 6872, 6950. Lourdel (Michel), 5439. LOUREIRO (Rui Manuel), 6917. LOVE (Michael), 7719. LOVEJOY (Valerie), 6281. LOVÉN (Christian), 2428. LOVETT (Bobby L.), 4784. LOVISON (Filippo M.), 4454. LÖW (Andrea), 7157. LOWE (Rodney), 3646. LOWRY (Heath W.), 4134. LOWTHER (Kevin G.), 6831. LOYA (Shay), 5577. Loyd-Lindsay (Robert), 7017. LOY-WILSON (Sophie), 6487. LOZERAND (Emmanuel), 6185. LOZZI GALLO (Lorenzo), 2499. LU (Baoli), 7564. LÜBKE (Harald), 847. LUBLIN (Robert I.), 5578. Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), 746, 1857. LUCARELLI (Giovanni Francesco), 6590. LUCARINI (Carlo M.), 1345. LUCAS (Scott), 6688. Lucas, evangelista, Sanctus, 2030, 2083, 2131, 2135, 2149. LUCASS (Shirley), 2055. LUCASSEN (Leo), 563. Lucentini (Paolo), 3024. LUCEY (Donnacha Seán), 3745. LUCHT (Bente), 2019. LUCIANI (Evelyne), 3403. Lucianus Samosatensis, 1214, 1377. Lucillius, 1321. LUCIONI (Alfredo), 3068. Lucius Verus, Roman emperor, 1688. LÜCK (Heiner), 4793. Lucretius Carus (Titus), 1832, 1880, 4696. LUDLOW (Morwenna), 2063. LUDWIG (Frieder), 6832. Ludwig I, König von Bayern, 3511. Ludwig II, 5568. Ludwig IX, Herzog von BayernLandshut, 2427. LUI (Soo-Lin), 1828. LUIS DÍAZ-GRANADOS (José), 5309. LUISELLI FADDA (Anna Maria), 2907. LUJÁN MUÑOZ (Jorge), 133. LUKACS (John), 390. LUKASHEVICH (A. M.), 6963. LUKASIK (Christopher J.), 6282.
LUKES (Igor), 7340. LUKIĆ (Branko), 5474. ŁUKOMSKI (Mirosław), 6927. LUNA (Concetta), 1217. LUNDBERG (Lars J.), 4106. LUNDGREEN (Christoph), 1667. LUNDGREN (Kristina), 4915. LUNDH (Christer), 5896. LUNGHINI (Giorgio), 586. LUNGU (Corneliu Mihail), 7020. LUOMANEN (Petri), 2116. LUONGO (Francesca), 868. LUONGO (Katherine), 6833. LUPACK (Susan), 1179. LUQUE ROJAS (José Manuel), 3889. LUQUE ROJAS (Rolando), 3889. LURIE (David B.), 7670. LUSCHNIG (Cecelia A.E), 1212. Luscombe (David), 2362. LUSSET (Elisabeth), 564. LUSSO (Enrico), 3109. LUST (J.), 680. LÜTHE (Martin), 5580. Luther (Martin), 4508, 4550. LUTTER (Christina), 2658. LUTTERBECK (Klaus-Gert), 6591. LUTZ (Martin), 7089. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Ralf), 2936. Luxemburg (Rosa), 3528. LUXI (Julia), 5682. LUX-STERRITT (Laurence), 3056. LUZZATTO (Sergio), 4421. LUZZI (Serena), 4316. LWANGA-LUNYIIGO (Samwiri), 4155. LYASSE (Emmanuel), 1668. Lyautey (Hubert), 6807. LYMBEROPOULOU (Angeliki), 2206. LYNCH (Christian Edward Cyril), 3263. LYNCH (David), 5635. LYNCH (Gabrielle), 3839. LYNCH (Katherine A.), 6283. LYNE (Raphael), 5186. LYNGBY (Thomas), 6332. LYONS (John S.), 5788. LYONS (Martyn), 58. LYSÁ (Žofia), 2528. Lysias, 1544. LYU (Eun-Geol), 2117. LYUBENOVA (Lisbeth), 4491. M MA (Debin), 7493. MA (Jinhua), 7565. MA (Junya), 7566. MA (Min), 7567. MA (Yong), 7568. MAAS (Ineke), 6284.
355 Maas (Paul), 351. MAASER (Michael), 4806. MAAYAN-FANAR (Emma), 2243. MAC AULIFFE (Mary), 5363. MAC AVOY (Liz Herbert), 2603. MAC CALLUM (Val), 99. MAC CALMAN (Janet), 6285. MAC CANDLESS (Peter), 6286. MAC CARTER (P. Kyle), 1098. MAC CARTHY (Angela), 3916. MAC CARTHY (Ann), 4775. MAC CARTHY (Daniel), 4775. MAC CARTHY (Helen), 7090. MAC CARTHY (Margaret Cain), 4836. MAC CARTHY (Robert), 4775. MAC CARTIN (Joseph A.), 6488. MAC CARTNEY (S.), 5710. MAC CLELLAN (James E. III), 6752. MAC CLENAHAN (William M. Jr.), 4230. MAC CLUNE (Katherine Anne), 2716. MAC CLUSKEY (Fergal), 3746. MAC CLUSKEY (Philip), 3438. MAC COOK (Brian), 6287. MAC CORMICK (John S.), 4231. MAC CORMICK (Michael), 2302. MAC CRANIE (Kevin D.), 6976. MAC CREA (Barry), 5287. MAC CREA (Heather), 3890. MAC CREADY (William David), 3069. MAC CULLERS (Molly), 6288. MAC CULLOUGH (Peter E.), 716. MAC DADE (Katie), 6753. MAC DERMOTT (James), 6644. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), 3354. MAC DONALD (Tracy), 4020. MAC DOUGALL (Philip), 3652. MAC EUEN (Melissa A.), 4232. MAC EVOY (Carmen), 3301. MAC FARLAND (Ian A.), 690. MAC GARR (Paul M.), 7341, 7434. Mac Gee (Thomas D'Arcy), 3291. MAC GERR (Rosemarie), 2792. MAC GINN (Bernanrd), 706. MAC GINN (Marie), 737. MAC GLYNN (Sean), 2394. MAC GOUGH (Laura J.), 6289. MAC GOVERN (Tom), 5755. MAC GREGOR (Russell), 3199. MAC GUINNESS (Margaret E.), 7342. MAC GUIRE (Brian Patrick), 697. MAC INNIS (Maurie D.), 6881. MAC KAY (Marina), 765. MAC KENNA (A.), 4631. MAC KENZIE (David Clark), 3284.
356 MAC KENZIE (John M.), 3137, 3662. MAC KERCHER (Asa), 7435. MAC KINLEY (Kathryn L.), 2746. MAC KNIGHT (Christopher Nichols), 6705. MAC LAREN (John), 6754. Mac Laurin (Colin), 5014. MAC LEAN (Gerald), 6911. MAC LEAN (Paul D.), 6004. MAC LEAN (Simon), 2317, 2357. MAC LEAN (Steven), 6402. MAC LELLAN (Josie), 6290. MAC LEOD (Jane), 4903. MAC MAHON (Gregory), 479. MAC MEEKIN (Sean), 7091. MAC MILLAN (Ken), 6755. MAC MILLIAN (John), 4904. MAC MULLEN (Ramsay), 1669. MAC NAMARA (Jo Ann), 3016. Mac Naughton (John T.), 7410. MAC PHERRAN (Mark L.), 1427. MAC SHANE (Angela), 5476. MAC TAVISH (Lianne), 6291. Macarius Chrysocephalus, metropolita, 2181. Macaulay (Zachary), 3671. MACCABE (Colin), 5527. Macdonald (John Alexander), 3288. MACÉ (Caroline), 2228. MACHER (Aniko), 7436. Machiavelli (Niccolò), 4976. MACHO (Peter), 274. MACHUCA (Laura), 5897. MACÍAS VILLALOBOS (Cristóbal), 1883. MACIEJKO (Pawel), 4592. MACINTYRE (Stuart), 295. MACK (William), 1199. MACKEY (Louis), 2896. MACLACHLAN (Patricia L.), 5756. MACLEAN (Mairi), 5975. Macmillan (Harold), 3610. MACOLA (Giacomo), 4289. Macpherson (family), 92. Macrobius (Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius), 1612-1614. MACY (Gary), 3042. MADDICOTT (J.R.), 2604. MADERTHANER (Wolfgang), 6442. MADIGAN (Edward), 4541. MADINIER (Rémy), 3713. MADRID (Alejandro L.), 5641. MAEDER (Pascal), 6292. MAEIR (Aren M.), 851. MAESTRO (Jesús G.), 5215. MAFFI (Davide), 4542. MAFFRE (Jean-Jacques), 1463. MAGAGNOLI (Stefano), 5757, 5973.
INDEX OF NAMES MAGALHÃES AREZES (Andreia Catarina), 2826. MAGENNIS (Hugh), 766. MAGGIULLI (Giovanna), 852. MAGHENZANI (Simone), 4499. MAGID (Per), 6584. MAGINCOVÁ (Dagmar), 3146. MAGINI (Leonardo), 1578. MAGLIOCCA (Gerard N.), 6551. MAGNALDI (Giuseppina), 1881. Magnani (Paolo), 4367. MAGNARD (Pierre), 4697. MAGNESS (Phillip W.), 6756. MAGNIEN (Agnès), 110. MAGNONI (Francesca), 2926. MAGNÚSSON (Sigurður Gylfi), 6293. MAGSHAMHRÁIN (Rachel), 5233. Mahler (Gustav), 5654. MÄHNER (Peter), 3208. MAHONEY (Michael Sean), 5072. MAHONEY (William M.), 473. Mahuet (famille), 97. MAIER (Charles S.), 5683. MAIER (Robert), 205. MAILLOT (Stéphanie), 1519. Maimonides (Moses), 2448, 2454. MAINARDI (Maria), 1236. MAIOCCHI (Massimo), 1013. Maiorianus (Iulius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1717. MAIRS (Rachel), 1165. MAISHEVA (Natalya), 238. MAIURO (Marco), 1927. MAIXÉ-ALTÉS (J. Carles), 6025. MAJOR (Andrea), 6781. MAK (Lanver), 3389, 6834. MAKALANI (Minkah), 7092. MAKAREMI (Chowra), 3722. MAKOWSKI (Elizabeth M.), 2529. MAKSUDYAN (Nazan), 6072. MALAGODI (Giovanni), 7302. MALAISE (Michel), 965. MALAMIDOU (Dimitra), 811, 1520. MALAMUD (Martha A.), 2014. MALANDAIN (Gilles), 3439. MALANDRINO (Corrado), 4511. MALATESTA (Maria), 587. MALCHOW (H. L.), 4698. MALCOLM (Noel), 3163. MALCOMSON (A. P. W.), 3747. MALENA (Adelisa), 2328, 4318. MALFÈR (Stefan), 3207. MALICK-PRUNIER (Sophie), 1153, 1829. MALINAS (David-Antoine), 3830. MALINOWSKI (Stephan), 6736. MALKIN (Irad), 1276. MALKOWSKI (Wieslaw), 983. MALLAMPALLI (Chandra), 100. Mallarmé (Stéphane), 5235.
MALLE (Avguštin), 7272. MALLESON (Claire), 983. MALLINSON (Bill), 7273. MALLMANN (Klaus-Michael), 7126. MALLORQUI GARCIA (Elvis), 2927. MALLY (Eva), 7268. MALORGIO (Ilaria), 852. Malory (Thomas), 2716. Malpighi (Marcello), 5076. MALTBY (Josephine), 5996, 6011. MALTOMINI (Francesca), 1205, 1346. MALTONE (Carmela), 4073. MALYCHA (Andreas), 3471. MAMINA (Alexandru), 6489. MAMMARELLA (Giuseppe), 3796. MAMSÉN (Elisabeth), 4107. MANCA (Laura), 822. MANCALL (Peter C.), 414. MANCHESTER (Laurie), 4492. MANDELARTZ (Michael), 5288. MANDEMAKERS (Kees), 107. MANDERS (Erika), 1939. MANDILE (Roberto), 1830. MANEA (Gabriel Stelian), 7437. MANETTI (Renzo), 2983. MANGINI (Marta Luigina), 2284. MANGION (Carmen M.), 3056. MANHART (Sebastian), 275. MANI (Kristina), 6706. MANIATIS (George C.), 2244. MANIGAND (Christine), 7390. Manilius (Marcus), 1877. MANLEY (Lawrence), 752. MANN (Christian), 1762. Mann (Thomas), 5263, 5281, 5284, 5333, 5640. MANNING (Till), 149. MANNO (Francesca), 5581. MANNORI (L.), 509. MANOJLOVIĆ PINTAR (Olga), 3327. MANOLACHE (Viorella), 5515. MANOLOVA-NIKOLOVA (Nadia), 3863. MANSEL (Philip), 3148. MANSELL (James G), 5609. MANSFELD (Jaap), 1428. Manuel II Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2199. Manuel Philes, 2181. MANUWALD (Gesine), 1831. MANZANILLA CELIS (Ángel Francisco), 4281. MANZANO BAENA (Laura), 6928. MANZO (Andrea), 966. MAO (Haijian), 7569. Mao (Zedong), 7544, 7557. MAPP (Paul W.), 6951. MARAK (Andrae M.), 6377.
INDEX OF NAMES MARAS (Daniele F.), 1557. MARASCO (Gabriele), 299. Maratti (Carlo), 5440. MARAVAL (Pierre), 1670. MARAZZI (Federico), 2984. MARC (Jean-Yves), 1521. Marcabrun, 2763. MARCELLESI (Marie-Christine), 115. Marcello (Cristoforo), 5447. MARCER (Elisenda), 436. MARCH (James G.), 5919. MARCHAL (Guy P.), 322. Marchand (Jean-Baptiste), 6807. MARCHANDISSE (Alain), 2436. MARCHESE (Rosa R.), 1606. MARCHETTI (Patrick), 1273. MARCHI (Lara), 6592. MARCHI (Michele), 4910. MARCHI (Valerio), 4905. MARCHIANDI (Daniela), 1522. Marcianus, oeconomus Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae, Sanctus, 2164. Marcoat, 2763. MARCOCCI (Giuseppe), 4313. MARCON (Loretta), 5289. MARCONE (Arnaldo), 1736. MARCONI (Andrea), 2335. MARCONI (Giampietro), 1166. MARCOT (François), 5251. MARCU (George), 474. MARCUCCI (Laura), 5382. Marcus Aurelius (Antoninus), Roman emperor, 913, 1595, 1688, 1912, 1924, 1954. Marcus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2101, 2118, 2151. MARCUSON (Hannah), 1057. MAREK (Pavel), 3359. MARÈS (Antoine), 7287. MARGAIRAZ (Michel), 5943. Margareta Contracta, 3016. MARGOLIES (Daniel S.), 7021. MARGUE (Michel), 2530. MARGUERAT (Daniel), 2030. MARI (Paolo), 1167. Maria Carolina regina, moglie di Ferdinando I, re delle due Sicilie, 6965. MARIAGER (Rasmus), 7438. MARIANI (Paul P.), 4422. MARIANI (Pier Paolo), 967. Marías (Javier), 764. MARÍAS CADENAS (Sescún), 4837. MARICEVIC (Darko), 825. MARIÉ (Éric), 636. MARIN (Béatrice), 6114. MARÍN GUZMÁN (Roberto), 4468. MARINCOLA (John), 1347. MARINIELLO (Silvestra), 5031.
MARINO (James J.), 5188, 5582. MARINO (John A.), 3797. MARION (Mathieu), 383. Mariotte (Edmé), 5115. MARITAN (Lara), 821. MARKEVICH (Andrei), 5684. MARKOVITS (Francine), 4947. MARKOVITZ-PESSEL (Francine), 5018. MARKSCHIES (Christoph), 132. MAROTTI (Arthur F.), 5200. MAROUARD (Gregory), 970. MARQUARDT (Ole), 3368. MARQUET (C.), 7646. MÁRQUEZ ESPINOSA (Esaú), 3880. MÁRQUEZ ROMERO (José Enrique), 853. MARR (Alexander), 5073. MARR (Phebe), 3734. MARRAUD (Mathieu), 6114. MARRERO (Gustavo A.), 5721. MARRINER (Nick), 1076. MARRONI (Elisa), 1920. MARŠÁLEK (Zdenko), 7240. Marsh (George Perkins), 6986. MARSHALL (David L.), 4985. MARSHALL (David Ryley), 5374. MARSHALL (Kenneth E.), 6294. Marshall-Hall (G. W. L.), 4979. MARSONE (Pierre), 7570. MÂRŞU (Alexandru), 3999. MARTELLO (Concetto), 2897. MARTEN (James), 4233. MARTER (Joan), 666. MARTI (Lionel), 1014. Martialis (Marcus Valerius), 1615, 1794, 1850. Martianus Mineus Felix Capella, 1882. MARTI-GRÄDEL (Elisabeth), 862. Martimort (Aimé-Georges), 4442. MARTIN (Bradford), 4234. MARTIN (Daniel), 4645. MARTIN (George W.), 5583. MARTIN (Georges), 2365, 2602. MARTIN (Jean-Marie), 20. MARTIN (Laurent), 624. MARTIN (Marc), 5840. MARTIN (Meredith), 5396. MARTIN (Vanessa), 3723. MARTÍN ASUERO (Pablo), 6707. MARTÍN GUTIÉRREZ (Emilio), 3114. MARTÍN MARCOS (David), 6952. MARTINELLI (Maria Clara), 820. MARTINELLI PERELLI (Liliana), 2269, 2950. MARTINES (Lauro), 532. MARTÍNEZ (Luz Ángela), 5220. MARTÍNEZ ANTONIO (Francisco Javier), 4838.
357 MARTÍNEZ CERECEDA (José Luis), 4699. MARTÍNEZ GÁZQUEZ (José), 2722. MARTÍNEZ HERNÁNDEZ (Santiago), 3978. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (Manuel), 4080. MARTÍNEZ MORENO (Jorge), 797. Martínez Ruiz (José), 5231. MARTÍNEZ SOPENA (Pascual), 2356. MARTINICO (Franco), 6073. MARTINÓN-TORRES (Marcos), 876. MARTÍN-SÁNCHEZ (Juan), 3949. MARTON (Silvia), 6576. MARTYN (John R. C.), 2119. MARTYNKEWICZ (Wolfgang), 4700. MARTZOLFF (Laetitia), 968. MARX (Christoph), 417. Marx (Karl), 4977. MARX (Stefan), 3467. MARYNOWER (Claire), 3170. MARZI (Werner), 2503. Masaryk (Tomáš Garrigue), 7199. MASCHKE (Günter), 6559. MASELLI (Domenico), 4398. MASING (Johannes), 6562. MASOJC (Miroslaw), 959. MASON (Matthew), 4195. MASSA (Marina), 5440. MASSA PAIRAULT (FrançoiseHélène), 923. MASSARE DE KOSTIANOVSKY (Olinda), 4839. MASSARO (Carmela), 2345. Massey (William F.), 7119. MASSIMI (Maria Elena), 5441. MASSINO (Guido), 4751. MASSON (Catherine), 4786. MASTANDREA (Paolo), 1832. MASTER (Daniel M.), 877, 949, 1099. MASTINO (Attilio), 1567. MASTROBATTISTA (Lara), 1348. MASTROCINQUE (Camillo), 476. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo), V, 202, 330, 4701. MASTROPIETRO (Nico), 6074. MASTRUZZO (Antonino), 3. MATAR (Nabil), 6911. MATEOS CRUZ (Pedro), 1763. MATERA (Marc), 3926. MATHERS (Andrew), 6512. MATHIAK (Walter), 5994. MATHIASEN (Anders-Peter), 6619. MATHIEU (Adrien), 7158. MATHIEU (Georges), 4759. MATHIEU (Isabelle), 2531. MATHIEU (Jean-Marie), 4759. MATHIEU (Jon), 637.
358 MATHIEU-CASTELLANI (Gisèle), 2120. MATHIOUDAKI (Iro), 864. MATHISEN (Ralph W.), 1970. MATIĆ (Tomislav), 2985. MATIJAŠIĆ (Ivan), 1349. MATIKKALA (Mira), 3647. Matisse (Henri), 5442. MATKOVIĆ (Stjepan), 3252, 3325. MATRICON-THOMAS (Elodie), 1464. MATSKEVICH (Zinovi), 782. MATSUBARA (Masatake), 7504. MATSUMURA (Koichi), 3648. MATSUO (Nobushige), 2606. MATSUSHITA (Tomonori), 2741. MATTARELLI (Sauro), 4944. Matteo D'Acquasparta, 2877. MATTER (Sonja), 6295. Matthaeus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2027, 2113, 2118. MATTHEE (Rudi), 3724. MATTHEWS (Wendy), 829. Matthia Corvinus, rex Hungariae, 2300. MATTINGLY (David J.), 1671. MATURO (Graciela), 4702. MATYASIK (Joanna), 3969. MATZ (Jean-Michel), 2437. MATZ (Wolfgang), 5290. MATZKE (Judith), 6953. MATZKE (Rebecca Berens), 7022. MAUBACH (Franka), 603. MAUCH (Peter Cameron), 7159. MAUREL (Chloé), 7343. MAURER (Noel), 5841, 5995. MAURI (Martin), 276. MAURIÈGE (Maxime), 2900. MAURO (Hayes Peter), 4840. Mauro, fra', 2772. MAURY (Corinne), 5584. Mauss (Marcel), 4955. MAUSS-COPEAUX (Claire), 6835. MAXIM (Zoia), 823. Maximilian I, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 3220. Maximinus Daia (Gaius Galerius), Roman emperor, 1893. Maximinus Thrax (Gaius Iulius Verus), Roman emperor, 1664. Maximus Confessor, Sanctus, 2182. Maximus Victorinus, 1616. MAXON (Robert M.), 3840. MAY (Vanessa H.), 6490. MAYER (Michael), 7197. MAYER (Werner R.), 1015. MAYER I OLIVÉ (Marc), 1833. MAYERS (David), 7198. MAYR-HARTING (Henry), 2607. MAYSILLES (Duncan), 5758.
INDEX OF NAMES MAZA (Sarah), 6645. MAZIERSKA (Ewa), 5291. MAZOWER (Mark), 5399. MAZZA (Marta), 5416. Mazzarino (Giulio Raimondo), 6944. MAZZEO DE VIVO (Cristina Ana), 3956. MAZZI (Enzo), 4398. MAZZINI (Giovanni), 1100. MAZZOLA (Guerino), 5585. MAZZOLENI (Paolo), 834. MAZZOLI (Claudio), 821. MAZZONE (Umberto), 4334. MAZZONI (Guido), 391. MEADOWCROFT (John), 511. MEAZZI (Barbara), 5307. MECONI (Honey), 2858. MEDEMA (Geert), 6075. Medici (famiglia), 2442, 3814. Medici (Giovanni de'), 4605. MEDIGER (Walther), 6954. MEDINA (Eden), 3302. MEEHAN (John David), 6708. MEES (Florias), 793. Mehl (Dieter), 5201. MEHL (Édouard), 5062. MEHRLÄNDER (Andrea), 3541. MEHTA (Mona), 3706. MEHTA (Nalin), 3706. MEHYONG (Stéphane William), 5075. MEIER (Misha), 2237. MEIER (William M.), 6646. MEIGNEN (Liliane), 783. MEIJNS (Brigitte), 2967. MEILUS (Elmantas), 6939. MEINEL (Florian), 6647. MEINHARDT (Birgitta), 2121. Meinhof (Ulrike), 3553. Meir (Golda), 3761. MEIRINHOS (José Francisco), 2898. MEISER (Hans), 7199. MEISTER (Chad), 715. MEKIS (Tamás), 969. Melanchthon (Philipp), 4803, 4978. MELANDRI (Gianluca), 1561. MELANI (Igor), 4704. MELCHIOR (Aislinn), 1764. MELÉNDEZ (Mariselle), 6296. MELI (Domenico Bertoloni), 5076. MELIS (Maria Grazia), 822. MELLBIN (Eva Fischer), 3371. MELLBIN (Franz-Michael Skjøld), 3371. MELLING (Joseph), 5821. MELLONI (Alberto), 700. MELLOR (Ronald), 1834. MELOSI (Martin V.), 6076. MELTZ (Renaud), 6900.
Melville (Andrew), 4672. MELVILLE (Gert), 3028, 3054. Melville (Herman), 5332. MENA GARCÍA (Carmen), 5759. Menander, 1363. MENANT (François), 2366, 2564, 2583. MENDE (Silke), 3542. MENDEL (Anat), 1101. Mendelssohn (Felix), 5638. Mendès France (Pierre), 7327. MENDONÇA LEITE (Rita), 4380. MENDOZA DELEÓN (Arely), 3678. MENÉNDEZ (Gemma), 951. MENESTÒ (Enrico), 2350. MENÉTREY-MONCHAU (Cécile), 7481. MENG (Hang), 7571. MENGEL (David C.), 6297. MÉNIEL (Bruno), 1854. MENK (Gerhard), 4841. MENNEN (Inge), 1766. MENNITI IPPOLITO (Antonio), 4364. MENON (Madhavi), 5205. MENOZZI (Daniele), 318. MERCER (Ben), 59. MERCIER (Franck), 600. MERCIER-FAIVRE (Anne-Marie), 84. Mercurius, Sanctus, 2160. MEREN (David), 6757. MERIGGI (Marco), 509, 6233. MERIÑO FUENTES (María de los Ángeles), 3331. MERISALO (Outi), 34. MERKEL (Kerstin), 4738. MERKL (Heinrich), 5189. Merleau-Ponty (Maurice), 5511. MERLO (Elisabetta), 5842. MERLO (Grado Giovanni), 2280, 3070. MERLO (Gustavo Daniel), 1350. MERRIAM (Carol U.), 1835. MERRILLS (Andy H.), 2158. MERTENS (Eva), 5586. MERVART (Jan), 4906. MESCHINI (Franco A.), 5093. MESCHINI (Marco), 2828. MESHEVILIANI (Tengiz), 782. MESSER-KRUSE (Timothy), 6491. MESSINA (Renata G.), 2219. META (Beqir), 7200. METASCH (Frank), 6298. METAXAS (Theodore), 5990. METCALF (Alida C.), 140. METCALF (Christopher), 1058. METELING (Wencke), 277. Metternich (Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar), 7035. METZGER (Franziska), 278.
INDEX OF NAMES MEULDER (Marcel), 1836. MEUWLY (Olivier), 4891. MEWS (Constant J.), 2649. MEYEN (Michael), 4882. Meyer (Alfred), 3561. MEYER (Beate), 3543. Meyer (Conrad Ferdinand), 5556. MEYER (Doris), 2009. MEYER (Frank), 279. MEYER (Hinnerk), 7439. MEYER (Jan-Henrik), 7440. MEYER-LAURIN (Vera), 1016. MEYER-ZURWELLE (Tobias), 3477. MEYNENDONCKX (Fien), 5587. MEZEI (Elemér), 6089. MÉZEN (Anne), 569, 5803. MEZZO (Tommaso), 2700. MIANO (Daniele), 280. MIARD-DELACROIX (Hélène), 7441. MICALLEF (Fabrice), 6929. MICCOLI (Giovanni), 4423. MICHAEL (Mould), 125. Michael Apostolius, 2183. Michael Psellus, 2184. MICHAIL (Eugene), 4706. Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, król Polski, 3969. MICHALOWSKI (Piotr), 1017. MICHEL (Cécile), 1018. MICHEL (Marc), 4520. MICHELA (Miroslav), 281. Michelangelo Buonarroti, 5457. MICHELI DU CREST (JacquesBarthélemy), 4707. Michels (Robert), 3488. Michelstaedter (Carlo), 5511. MICHON (Cédric), 3418. MICU (Gabriel), 7201. MIDENCE (Carlos), 3919. MIEDA (Akiko), 7671. MIEDEMA (Christie), 6408. MIELKE (Siegfried), 6443. MIGANI (Guia), 7394. MIGLIORATI (Guido), 1595. MÍGUEZ (Eduardo José), 3191. MIHALOPOULOS (Bill), 6300. MIHELJ (Sabina), 282. MIKHAIL (Alan), 588. MIKIĆ (Đorđe), 7093. MIKKONEN (Simo), 6266. Miklós (Vitéz nagybányai Horthy), 3697. MIKOLENKO (Dimitro), 283. MILAM (Jennifer Dawn), 671. MILANI (Giuliano), 2609. Milani (Lorenzo), 4811. MILANICH (Nara), 6301. MILANOVA (Albena), 2210. MILAZZO (Antonino M.), 1714. MILDENBERGER (Florian), 5077.
MILIĆEVIĆ (Nataša), 7160. MILKOV (Hristo), 3441. MILLAR (Fergus), 284. MILLAR (René), 703, 4363. MILLER (Alisa), 7099. MILLER (Bennett), 5635. MILLER (Bonnie M.), 4907. MILLER (Ian), 5078. MILLER (Mary Ashburn), 3442. MILLER (Melanie Randolph), 6964. MILLER (Michael Laurence), 4593. MILLER (Rod), 5103. MILLER (Rory), 5685. Millet de Jeure (Guillaume), 6944. MILLON (Clément), 6648. MILLWARD (Robert), 5760. MILNER (Matthew), 4543. MILNER (Nicholas P.), 924. MILNE-SMITH (Amy), 4708. MILSTEIN (Joanna), 101. Milton (John), 5207, 5588. MIMURA (Janis), 3831. MINAUD (Gérard), 1767, 2533. MINAZZI (Vera), 659, 2847. MINCHIN (Timothy J.), 4235. MINDER (Patrick), 4709. MINEAR (Erin), 5588. MINEO (Nicolò), 5221. MINGHETTI (Anna), 4908. MINNA STERN (Alexandra), 6649. MINNS (Chris), 5838. MINTZEL (Alf), 4909. MIÑO THOMAS (Nancy), 3293. MIRACLE (Preston T.), 796. MIRANDA (Margarida), 5180. MIRANDA GARCÍA (Antonio), 2766. MIRELMAN (Sam), 1003. MIRHADY (David), 1251. Miriam, 1131. MIRON (Gai), 3147. MIRONCZUK (Andrzej), 1351. MIROWSKI (Philip), 5079. MIRTO (Maria Serena), 1352. MISCAMBLE (Wilson D.), 7241. MISCHKA (Carsten), 823. MISCHKA (Doris), 824. MISIEWICZ (Krzysztof), 983. MISSIOU (Anna), 1353. MITAINE (Benoît), 5473. MITCHELL (Allan), 5292. MITCHELL (Brian), 5761. MITCHELL (Colin Paul), 3726. MITCHELL (Koritha), 5589. MITCHELL (Linda Elizabeth), 2632. MITCHELL (Peter), 854. MITCHELL (Stephen A.), 415. MITCHIEVICI (Angelo), 4710. MITHEN (Steven J.), 825. MITOLO (Donatella), 831.
359 Mitre (Bartolomé), 3191. MITTAG (Jürgen), 7442. MITTAG (Peter Franz), 1275. MITTELSTAEDT (Peter), 5080. Mitterrand (François), 7425. MIX (Andreas), 3552. MIYAKE (Kiyoshi), 7574. MIYAZAKI (Asako), 1672. MLADENOVIC (Dragana), 1947. Mochi Onory (Sergio), 2542. Modena (Leone), 4584. MODENA (Letizia), 5293. Modestinus (Herennius), 1705. MOELLER (Nadine), 970. Mohammed V, sultan du Maroc, 7215. MOHR (Adam), 5997. MOIOLI (Angelo), 341. MOJE (Jan), 971. MOLAND (Lydia L.), 4969. MOLEA (Vera), 5590. MOLEMA (Marijn), 7443. MOLINA GÓMEZ (José Antonio), 2122. MOLITOR (Stephan), 24. MOLL (Antoni L.), 5194. MOLLENHAUER (Sabine), 5190. MÖLLER (Horst), 7354, 7356. MÖLLERS (Christoph), 6575. MOLLIER (Jean-Yves), 4902. MOLL-MURATA (Christine), 7493. MOMIGLIANO (Arnaldo), 476. MOMIGLIANO (Nicoletta), 925. MOMMSEN (Hans), 1180. MOMOKI (Shiro), 7511. MOMOZAKI (Yuichiro), 7672. MONACO (Andrea), 826. MONCKTON (Linda), 2810. MONDON (Christine), 4727. Monet (Claude), 5363. MONFASANI (John), 35. MONGE (Janet), 992. MONICO (Reto), 3979. MONNERET (Jean-Claude), 6447. Monnet (Jean), 7297. MONRAD MØLLER (Anders), 3363. MONSIEUR (Patrick), 1145. MØNSTER-KJÆR (Esbern), 7130. MONTACUTELLI (Marina), 318. Montaigne (Michel de), 4641, 5166, 5172, 5184, 5191, 5192, 5197. MONTALEONE (Carlo), 5192. MONTANA (Fausto), 1354. MONTANA (Ismael M.), 6302. MONTANARI (Franco), 1322, 1355. MONTANDON (Jens), 4788. Montchrestien (Antoine), 5704. MONTÈGRE (Gilles), 4711. MONTEIL (Claudine), 7288. MONTELLI (Emanuela), 2778.
360 MONTERO (Manuel), 4081. MONTERO FENOLLOS (Juan Luís), 1019. MONTERO JIMÉNEZ (José Antonio), 7023. MONTERO REGUERA (José), 5222. MONTES (Diego Alonso), 2816. MONTES DE OCA NAVAS (Elvia), 4826. MONTESANO (Marina), 2991. Montevecchi (Orsolina), 938. Monteverdi (Claudio), 5591. MONTEYNE (David), 5397. MONTI (Alessandro), 5843. MONTI (Maria Teresa), 5131. MONTICONE (Alberto), 4419. Montmorency (Anne duc de), 3450. MONTORSI (William), 2501. Montúfar (Lorenzo), 4468. MONTVILLE (Joseph V), 2452. MOORE (Bob), 6138. MOORE (Brian L.), 4712. MOORE (Rachel), 5844. MOORE (Sian), 6492. MOOSBAUER (Günther), 1652. MORA (Anthony), 3891. MORA (Clelia), 904, 1025, 1046. MORA TORCAL (Rafael), 797. MORAES (Wallace), 6493. MORALES CRUZ (Joel), 4544. MORÁN MARTÍN (Remedios), 2534. MORÁVKOVÁ (Naděžda), 286. MÖRCHEN (Stefan), 6650. MORDENTI (Jacopo), 3072. MORE (Alison), 2680. More (Thomas), sanctus, 695, 5175, 6601. MOREIRA DE SÁ (Tiago), 6836. MORELL (Mats), 542. MORELLO (Ruth), 1885. MORENO (Davinia), 789. MORENO (Franco Bruno), 2358. MORENO (Paolo), 1523. MORENO CANTANO (Antonio César), 4913. MORENO GARCÍA (Juan Carlos), 972. MORENO JERIA (Rodrigo), 4413. MORENO LÁZARO (Javier), 6065. MORESCHINI (Benedetta), 5459. MORETTI (Jean-Charles), 1524. MORFINO (Vittorio), 4696. MORFORD (Mark P.O.), 1465. MORGAN (Christopher), 798. MORGAN (Gerald), 2743, 7247. MORGAN (John), 4545. MORGAN (Kenneth O.), 3649. MORGAN (Kevin), 6494. MORGAN (Michael L.), 735.
INDEX OF NAMES MORGAN (Philip), 483. MORGAN (William Michael), 7024. MORGANTINI (Filippo), 6078. MORGENFELD (Leandro Ariel), 6709. MORHANGE (Christophe), 1076. MORI (G.), 4631. MORI (Massimo), 392. MORI (Simona), 3785. MORICEAU (Jean-Marc), 589. MORICOLA (Giuseppe), 5998. MORIEUX (Renaud), 4705. MORILLO (Luis López), 2861. MORINA (Christina), 287. MORLET (Sébastien), 2010. MORLEY (Ruth), 6285. MORMANDO (Franco), 5443. MORMINO (Gianfranco), 4696. MORO (Caterina), 973. MORONE (Antonio M.), 7444. MORONI (Marco), 5845. MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana), 801. MORRIS (Andrew D.), 6303. Morris (Robert), 5367. Morris, Gouverneur, 6964. MORRISON (Andrew), 1356. MORRISON (Donald R.), 729. Morrison (family), 5945. MORRISON (Tessa), 709. MORRISS (Roger), 6955. MORRISSEY (Mary), 4546. MORRISSON (Cécile), 2208. MORROW (Daniel), 6304. MORSCH (Günter), 5084. MORSELLI (Marco), 4586. MORSER (Eric J.), 4236. MORT (Frank), 239. MORTIMER (Paul), 2380. Morton (Des), 352. MORTON (Desmond), 352. MORZYCKI-MARKOWSKI (Mikołaj), 7181. MOSCHEK (Wolfgang), 1673. MOSCHETTI (Guiscardo), 2535. MOSER (Petra), 5686. Moses of Abydos, 985. MOSETTI CASARETTO (Francesco), 2668. MOSHER (Christopher L.), 7410. MOSIG-WALBURG (Karin), 1146. MOSLER (Rudolf), 6603. MOST (Glenn W.), 1357. MOSTERN (Ruth), 7575. MOSTERT (Marco), 2532. MOTA (Bernardo Machado), 5081. MOTADEL (David), 7025. MOTOMURA (Ryoji), 1597. MOTSCH (Andreas), 5294. Mott (Lucretia), 4206.
MOTTALE (Morris Mehrdad), 3725. MOTTO (Francesco), 4399. MOTTURA (Giovanni), 4516. MOULET (Benjamin), 2209. MOULINE (Nabil), 4028. MOULINIER-BROGI (Laurence), 2767. MOUNT (Graeme S.), 7445. MOUREAU (François), 5366. MOURITSEN (Henrik), 1768. MOYA (Jose C.), 481. MOYER (Ian S.), 974. MOYN (Samuel), 361. Moyses, 973. Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus), 5592. MPURDARA (Kalliopē A.), 2245. MUCHNIK (Natalia), 6305. MUELLER (Janel), 3609. MUELLER (Wolfgang), 7446. MUELLER-JOURDAN (Pascal), 2179. MUESSIG (Carolyn), 698. MUGNAI (Niccolò), 1596. MUHL (Felix), 6651. MÜHLE (Eduard), 2536. MÜHLENBRUCH (Tobias), 1059, 1180. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter), 3544. MÜHLPFORDT (Günter), 4948. MULDER-BAKKER (Anneke B.), 3016. MÜLDNER (Gundula), 2247. MULDREW (Craig), 5898, 5999. MULITZER (Matthias), 4460. MÜLLER (Anne), 3054. MÜLLER (Armin), 5762. MULLER (Arthur), 1277, 1525. MÜLLER (Bernd), 6977. MÜLLER (Christel), 1278. MÜLLER (Christian Th.), 7289. MÜLLER (Dietmar), 7192. MÜLLER (Dirk H.), 6306. MÜLLER (Frank Lorenz), 3545. MÜLLER (Gernot M.), 1837. MÜLLER (Heribert), 2429. MÜLLER (Jan-Werner), 3149. MÜLLER (Jürgen), 638. MÜLLER (Leos), 5853. MÜLLER (Margrit), 5850. MÜLLER (Michael), 597. MULLER (Raphaël), 60. MÜLLER (Rolf-Dieter), 7242. MÜLLER (Sabine), 1237. MÜLLER (Sven Oliver), 6745. Müller (Wilhelm), 5570. MÜLLER CELKA (Sylvie), 855. MÜLLERBURG (Marcel), 2664. MULLER-DUFEU (Marion), 1526. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa), 887.
INDEX OF NAMES MULLINS (Elizabeth), 2739. MULTON (Hilaire), 3130. MULTRUS (Dirk), 2303. MUND (Robert), 3476. MÚNERA RUIZ (Leopoldo), 3316. MUNITA LOINAZ (José Antonio), 2309. MUNITIZ (Joseph A.), 2162. MÜNKEL (Daniela), 3468, 3472. MÜNSTER-SWENDSEN (Mia), 2524. MUNZI (Luigi), 2780. MUÑIZ-SANCHEZ (Jorge), 6495. MUÑOZ MARTÍN (María Nieves), 1358. MUÑOZ SORO (Javier), 4678. MUÑOZ-PÉREZ (Francisco), 6307. MUÑOZ-ROJAS (Olivia), 4082. MUR RAURELL (Anna), 6937. MURAI (Shosuke), 7679. MURAIL (Pascal), 830. MURASE (Shin'ichi), 6552. MURAT (Laure), 639. MURAV (Harriet), 5295. MURAWSKI (Roman), 5082. Muret (Maurice), 3979. MURGIER (Charlotte), 1429. MURGUEITIO MANRIQUE (Carlos Alberto), 3313. Murieta (Joaquín), 4273. MURILLO HERRERA (Mauricio), 7715. MURILLO SOBERANIS (Katerina), 2123. MURILO DE CARVALHO (José), 3264. MURPHY (Andrew R.), 710. MURPHY (John), 3200. MURR (Karl Borromäus), 3546. MURRAY (Paul), 3748. MURRAY (Williamson), 6715. Mūsá (Salāmah), 4673. MUSCO (Alessandro), 2337. MÜSEGADES (Benjamin), 6536. MUSIL (Pelin Ayan), 4147. Musil (Robert), 5344. MUSOTTO (Giuliana), 2336. Mussato (Albertino), 2696. MUSSI (Margherita), 806. MÜßIG (Ulrike), 6553. MUSSO (Paolo), 5083. MUSSO (Stefano Francesco), 6079. Mussolini (Benito), 289, 3764, 3767, 3783, 3818, 4437. MUSTAKALLIO (Katarina), 640, 2575. MUTH (Jörg), 7243. MUTLU (Servet), 4148. MUTSCHELKNAUSS (Eduard), 5594. MUZZARELLI (Maria Giuseppina), 2819.
MUZZOLINI (Manuela), 2793. Mwanga King of Buganda, 4155. MYERS (Amrita Chakrabarti), 6308. MYERS (William David), 6309. MYNAROVA (Jana), 975. MYRDAL (Janken), 542. Myrsilus of Methymna, 1227. MYRVANG (Christine), 5847. MYSIAKOWSKA (Jolanta), 3970. N NA'AMAN (Nadav), 1102. Nabokov (Vladimir Vladimirovič), 5247, 5249, 5277, 5291, 5296, 5336. NADDEO (Barbara Ann), 4985. NADEAU (Yvan), 1838. Naevius (Gnaeus), 1617. NÄF (Beat), 2124. NAFF (William E.), 5297. NAGASHIMA (Hiroki), 7704. NAGATA (Hiroaki), 3547. NAGEL (Ivan), 5444. NAGENGAST (Ulrike), 2125. NAGY (Gregory), 1359. NAIMARK (Norman M.), 4151. NAIR (Neeti), 3707. NAJJAR (Mohammed), 825. NAKAMARU (Hideki), 3650. NAKANO (Tadashi), 3651. NAKANO (Takao), 457. NAKASSIS (Dimitri), 1181. NAKATA (Ichiro), 1020. NAKAYA (So), 2537. NALDINI (Mario), 2059. NALEPA (Edward Jan), 3962. NALLY (David P.), 3749. NAMONT (Jean-Philippe), 6310. NANCE (Brian K.), 618. Napoleon Ier, empereur de France, 3143, 3411, 3434, 4504, 6874. Napoléon III, empereur de France, 3413, 3433. NARDINI (Massimo), 3763. NASCIMENTO (Aires Augusto), 3017. NASH (George H.), 7127. NASSIET (Michel), 538. NASSON (Bill), 438. NATALE (Alfonso), 1360. NATER CARTIER (Carol), 3798. NATHANS (Heather S.), 5204. NAUFAL (George S.), 6311. NAUMANN (Michaela), 5596. Navagero (Bernardo), 6915. NAVAJAS JOSA (Belén), 4486. Navarre (Marguerite de), 5197. NAVARRO (Bruno J.), 3980. NAVAUD (Guillaume), 1169. NAVICKAS (Katrina), 288, 3653.
361 NAVONE (Nicola), 5407. Nāyeb Ḥoseyn Kāšī, 3718. NAZE (Alain), 5298. NDONG (Robert Edgard), 5075. NEARY (Peter), 6312. NEATE (Sarah), 68. NEBŘENSKÝ (Zdeněk), 3355. Nechepsos, king of Egypt, 982. NECHTMAN (Tillman), 7026. Nedić (Milan Ð.), 4031. NEEBE (Reinhard), 3594. NEELY (Mark E. Jr), 6554. NEERFELD (Christiane), 6912. NEF (Annliese), 2395. NEGOI (Bogdan), 7094. NEHRING (Holger), 7447. Nehru (Jawaharlal), 3700. NEIBERG (Michael S.), 7095. NEIDENMARK (Thomas), 4842. NEILSON (Keith), 7096. NEILSON (Reid L.), 4547. NEITZEL (Sönke), 3498, 7161, 7227. NEKVAPIL (Václav V.), 3356. NELIS (Jan), 289, 4724. NELLEN (Henk J. M.), 4622. NELLY FOULIGNY (Mary), 645. NELSON (Alondra), 4237. NELSON (Matthew J.), 3935. NELSON (Robert L.), 4911. NELSON BURNETT (Amy), 711. NĚMEČEK (Jan), 6687. NERI (Marino), 1994. NERI SERNERI (Simone), 359. NERN (Thomas), 3548. Nero Claudius Caesar, Roman emperor, 1661. Nerva (Marcus Cocceius), Roman emperor, 1688. NESLÁDKOVÁ (Ludmila), 6053. Neto (António Lino), 4380. NETZ (Reviel), 4. NEUBURGER (Andreas), 6930. NEUENKIRCH (Sophie), 6182. NEUFELD (John L.), 5677. NEUHOLD (David), 4344. NEUMAN (Marek), 7448. Neumann (Balthasar), 5411. NEUMANN (Christoph K.), 4150. NEUMANN (Gerhard), 5359. NEUMANN (Peter M.), 5085. NEUNER (Stephanie), 5086. NEUSSER (Sebastian), 5367. NEUTATZ (Dietmar), 6461. NEVERS (Jeppe), 3372. NEVIN (T.), 3853. NEWBURY (David S.), 4027. NEWELL (Andrew), 6202. NEWLANDS (Carole E.), 1629. NEWMAN (Barbara), 3016. NEWMAN (John K.), 1839.
362 NEWTON (Darrell M.), 5597. Newton (Isaac), 75, 709, 5010, 5024, 5051, 5111, 5136. NEY (Birgitta), 4915. NÉZER (France), 3238. NGAI (Mae M.), 5763. NGAPNA (Arouna), 3281. NGOH (Victor Julius), 3282. NI (Junming), 7586. NICCOLI (Ottavia), 178. NICHOLAS (Tom), 5687. NICHOLLS (Matthew C.), 1430. NICHOLLS (Peter), 6501. NICHOLSON (Helen J.), 2368, 2543. NICKEL (Rainer), 1607. NICKERSON (Michelle), 5696. NICOLAJ (Giovanna), 3. Nicolas de Lyre, 3046. Nicolaus Cusanus, 2872, 2876, 2910. NICOLE (Robert), 3397. NICOLOTTI (Andrea), 2126. NICOLUSSI (Kurt), 862. Nicomachus Flavianus (Virius), 2195. NIEBRZYDOWSKI (Sue), 2608. NIEFANGER (Dirk), 743, 4760. NIEHOFF (Maren R.), 1103. NIELEN (Marie-Adélaide), 110. NIEMANN (Mario), 3495. NIEMI (Einar), 2497. NIESS (Ulrich), 3581. Nietzsche (Friedrich), 4979, 5264, 5581. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp), 2246. NIGDÉLIAN-FABRE (Valérie), 5299. NIGDELIS (Pantelis M.), 1192. NIGGEMANN (Ulrich), 207. NIJHUIS (Dennie Oude), 6314. NIKODIJEVIĆ (Dušan), 7160. NIKOLIĆ (Kosta), 3247, 4034. NILSSON (Torbjörn), 4102, 4109. NIMAKO (Kwame), 6758. NINGTHOUJA (Malem), 3708. NINNESS (Richard J.), 4548. NIÑO-MURCIA (Mercedes), 420. NISHIMURA (Masaya), 290. NISHIO (Kenryu), 7673. NISKANEN (Samu), 2870. NISSAN (Ephraim), 1104. NISTOR (Ionuţ), 3989, 5300. Nitra Antony of Šankovce, 2424. NIVET (Philippe), 7097. Nixon (Richard Milhous), 446, 7417, 7437, 7471. NIXON (Terry), 9. Njoya Sultan of Bamoun, 3281. Nkrumah (Kwame), 3605. NNANG NDONG (Léon Modeste), 6837. NOBILI (Elena), 4424.
INDEX OF NAMES NOBILI (Paolo Gabriele), 2611. NOBLE (Gordon), 856. NOBUYUKI (Yoshida), 7674. NODA (Jin), 7576. NODÍN VALDÉS (Dionicio), 5899. Noël (Émile), 7377. NOËL (René), 2538. NOFLATSCHER (Heinz), 3220. NOGALES BASARRATE (Trinidad), 1943. Nogueira (Vicente), 6916. NOGUERO OLIVAR (José), 5087. NOHN (Christoph), 2382. NOLL (Richard), 5088. NOLL (Thomas), 2396. NOLTE (Cordula), 2612. NOLTE (Theodor), 2860. NOLZEN (Armin), 4359. NOMURA (Chikayoshi), 7512. Nomura (Kichisaburō), 7159. NONN (Christoph), 6316. NOONAN (Rodney), 5984. NOORANI (Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed), 6555, 6712. NORA (Pierre), 231, 353. Nordau (Max), 5016. NORDBRUCH (Götz), 3387. NORDEIDE (Sæbjørg Walaker), 2496. NOREÑA (Carlos F.), 1674. NORSK (Peter), 3373. NORTH (Douglass C.), 6317. NORTH (John A.), 1716, 1905. NORTH (Michael), 477. NORTHRUP (David), 272. NORTON (David), 714. NORTON (Mary Beth), 6318. NOSCH (Marie-Louise B.), 1182. NOSKOVÁ (Helena), 4843. NOSKOVÁ (Jana), 6319. NOVA (Alessandro), 5438. NOVÁČEK (Jan), 928. NOVAK (Zrinka), 3018. Novalis, 5261. NOVARESE (Daniela), 6594. Novatianus, antipapa, 2128. NOVILLO-CORVALÁN (Patricia), 5301. NOVOTNY (Fritz), 5414. NOWAK (Eric), 5959. NOWAK (Jessika), 2429, 2941. NOWAKOWSKA (Natalia), 4425. NOWELL (April), 799. NOWOSADTKO (Jutta), 3549. Nozick (Robert Edwin), 511. Nozière (Violette), 6645. NTSEBEZA (Lungisile), 4058. NÜBEL (Birgit), 4653. NUCERA (Erminia), 2988. NUGENT (Paul), 4056. NUNEZ (Juliette), 4595.
NÚÑEZ SEIXAS (Xosé M.), 6320. NURMINEN (Antti), 29. NUSKO (Diana), 7128. NUSS (Alexander), 1238. NUZZO (Luigi), 6652. NYE (Mary Jo), 5091. Nyerere (Julius Kambarage), 7375. NYFFENEGGER (Nicole), 2656, 2669. NYGAARD (Bertel), 3374. O Ó CORRÁIN (Donnchadh), 3741. Ó CRÓINÍN (Dáibhí), 3051. Ó GRÁDA (Cormac), 5883. O'BRIEN (Bruce R.), 2671. O'BRIEN (Denis), 1431. O'BRIEN (Kevin A.), 4057. O'BRIEN (Patrick), 6000. O'BRIEN (Phillips Payson), 7098. O'CONNELL (Jack), 7449. O'CONNELL (Sean), 6001. O'CONNELL (Tamsin C.), 796. O'CONNOR (David K.), 1432. O'DONOGHUE (Neil Xavier), 2989. O'GORMAN (Eleanor), 4291. O'HARA (Glen), 6384. O'HARA (S. Paul), 6081. O'Higgins (Bernardo), 3293. O'Keeffe (Georgia), 5595. O'LEARY (Alan), 5598. O'LEARY (Patrick), 6782. O'QUINN (Daniel), 6759. O'REILLY (Dougald J.W.), 869. O'RIORDAN (Thomás), 3741. O'SHEA (Paul), 7202. OAKLEY (Francis), 4397. OAKLEY (John H.), 1527. OAKLEY (Seanna Sumalee), 5302. Obama (Barak), 7474. OBARA (Jun), 3550. OBBINK (Dirk), 1361. OBENGA (Théophile), 462. OBER (Josiah), 1433. OBERDORFER (Bernd), 3055. OBERG (Barbara), 4169. OBERHUBER (Andrea), 5031. OBERLOSKAMP (Eva), 152. OBERMAIER (Frederik), 4912. OBERMAIR (Hannes), 2367. OBERSTE (Jörg), 3476. OBERTREIS (Julia), 6461. OBERWEILER (Cécile), 1183, 1518. Obregón (Álvaro), 3876. OBST (Michael A.), 3473. Occhiato (Giuseppe), 5335. OCCHIPINTI (Carmelo), 5446. OCCHIPINTI (Egidia), 1362. ODA (Yasunori), 6082. Oddi (Mutio), 5073. ODEN (Thomas C.), 2127.
INDEX OF NAMES Odescalchi-Erba (Benedetto), 6935. ODILON NADALIN (Sergio), 6123. ODO RIGALDUS, 2904. ODORI (Tomoji), 4120, 6800. OEGEMA (Gerbern S.), 4335. OEGGL (Klaus), 862. OEHRL (Sigmund), 2689. OESTERLE (Günter), 5322. OFFEN (Karl), 150. OFFENSTADT (Nicolas), 2653. Ofilius (Aulus), 1704. OGILVIE (Sheilagh), 591. OGLESBY (Elizabeth), 459. ÖGREN (Anders), 5910. OGURA (Shigeji), 7675. OGURA (Takashi), 7676. OHI (Kevin), 5303. ÖHLER (Markus), 2072. OHLIN (Peter), 5599. OHNEZEIT (Maik), 3551. OHNHÄUSER (Tim), 5089. OHORODNIK (Valeriĭ), 4157. OIKONOMIDĒS (Phoivos), 3675, 7345. OKAZAKI (Tetsuji), 5766. OKI (Sayaka), 5092. OKUI (Asako), 6083. OLADIPO OJO (Emmanuel), 3927. OLBRICH (Konstantin), 1675. OLCINA (José), 3239. Oldenburg (House of), 106. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian), 6956. OLDING (Tom E.), 2276. OLDROYD (David), 6870. OLDS (Kelly B.), 5767. OLECHOWSKI (Thomas), 6403. OLIVA MEDINA (Mario), 4715. OLIVER (Michael J.), 6002. OLIVIER (Florence), 4614. Olivier (Laurence), 5506. OLIVIERI (Achille), 4949. Ollenhauer (Erich), 3475. OLMSTED (Jennifer C.), 6321. OLMSTED (Kathryn S.), 7450. OLOFSSON (Magnus), 6482. Olózaga (Salustiano de), 4879. OLSEN (Glenn W.), 2672. OLSEN (Rikke Agnete), 2830. OLSSON (Mats), 5896. OLSSON (Sven Olof), 5848. OLTMER (Jochen), 563. OLTROGGE (Doris), 2254. ONNEKINK (David), 3911, 6948. ÖNNERFORS (Andreas), 6322. ONO (Yasushi), 7577. ONODERA (Shiro), 7578. ONUMA (Takahiro), 7505. OOI (Keat Gin), 7244. OOSAWA (Ichiro), 2397.
OOSHIMIZU (Yutaka), 1676. OOSTERWIJK (Sophie), 2829. OPAIŢ (Andrei), 926. OPPEDISANO (Fabrizio), 1717. OPPICI (Patrizia), 4716. OPRIŞ (Petre), 4000. ORAM (Richard D.), 2398. ORBAN (Franck), 7290. O'Reilly (Jennifer), 2739. OREN (Micheal B.), 4717. ORENGO (Hèctor A.), 1940. ORESCU (Şerban), 4001. Oriel (John Foster Baron), 3747. Origenes, 2005, 2006, 2050, 2073. ORLANDI (Angela), 5849. ORLANDI (Clara), 4476. ORLANDO (Vittorio Emanuele), 3766. ORLICH (Max Jakob), 5368. ORMROD (W. Mark), 2430. ORNAN (Tallay), 1105. ØRNSTRØM (Susanne), 497. OROVEANU (Anca), 6576. OROZCO-LAMORE (María Elena), 6085. ORR (Clarissa Campbell), 3630. ORSCHIEDT (Jörg), 847. ORSINA (Giovanni), 3800. ORTEGA BAÚN (Ana E.), 2673. ORTEGA GAYTÁN (Jorge Antonio), 3682. ORTIZ (Joseph M.), 5600. ORTIZ HERRERA (María del Rocío), 3880. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS (José María), 6027. ORTUÑO MARTÍNEZ (Bárbara), 6323. OSADA (Toshihiro), 1528. OSADOLOR (O. B.), 3244. OSANNA (Massimo), 1553. OSBORN (Emily Lynn), 3685. OSBORNE (James F.), 878. OSBORNE (Robin), 293, 1200. OSCHEMA (Klaus), 2613. OSCHMANN (Antje), 6912. OSGOOD (Josiah), 167. OSMAN (Suleiman), 6324. OSMOND (Gary), 6325. OSPINA ECHEVERRI (Marta), 3315. OSPINA SUÁREZ (Pedro Antonio), 4426. ÖSSBO (Åsa), 5768. OSSIAN (Lisa L.), 4238. OSTEN (Philipp), 5119. OSTENDORF (Ann), 5601. ÖSTERBERG (Mirja), 291. OSTERERO (Martine), 2745. OSTERMANN (Christian F.), 7460. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo), 7269. ÖSTLING (Johan), 291.
363 OSTLING (Michael), 416. OSTMANN (Bernd), 5044. OSTORERO (Martine), 3073. OSTUNI (Nicola), 5822. OSUMI (Kiyoharu), 7677. OSWALD (Julius), 5404. OTÁHAL (Milan), 3357. OTERI (Annunziata Maria), 6086. OTERO (Héctor Horacio), 3192. OTRANTO (Giorgio), 4307. OTSU (Toru), 533. OTT (Christine), 5152. OTT (Julia C.), 6003. OTTE (Thomas G.), 7027. OTTEN (Thomas), 2247. OTTO (Reinhard), 7162. OUALDI (M'hamed), 4133. OUELLET (Éric), 7451. OUTRAM (Alan K.), 857. OVERLAET (Bruno), 1147. OVERWIEN (Oliver), 1434, 1435. Ovidius Naso (Publius), 1618, 1619, 1620, 1807, 1810, 1815, 1828, 1832, 1835, 2746, 5160. OWEN (Jonathan L.), 5602. OWEN (Paul L.), 2150. OWEN-CROCKER (Gale R.), 2605. OWENS (Alastair), 5996, 6011. OWENS (William M.), 1363. OWENSBY (Brian P.), 6882. OWNBY (Mary), 961. OXENBØLL (Morten), 7678. OZANAM (Didier), 5803. OZBEK (Leyla), 1364. ÖZBUDUN (Ergun), 6556. OZGUR (M. Erdem), 5705. OZMENT (Steven), 4550. P PACCIARELLI (Marco), 845, 849, 858. PACHECO (Maria José), 5223. PACHECO ALBALATE (Manuel), 4469. PACQUIER (Alain), 5603. PADDOCK (Adam), 3923. PADE (Marianne), 4794. PADGETT (John F.), 6004. PADILLA CARMONA (Carles), 4737. PADILLA RAMOS (Raquel), 3892. PADOVANI (Andrea), 2540. Padre Pio da Pietralcina, 4391. Páez de Castro (Juan), 191. PAGAN (Heather), 2747. PAGÁN CÁNOVAS (Cristóbal), 1467. PAGANI (Lara), 1322, 1365. PAGANINI (G.), 4631. PAGE (Carlos A.), 4487. PAGE (John R.), 5349. PAGE (Sebastian M.), 6756.
364 PAGEOT (Pierre), 5094. PAGETTI (Carlo), 5022. PAGLIAROLI (Stefano), 3113. PAGLIETTI (Giacomo), 859. PÄHL (Sonja), 5304. PAILLER (Jean-Marie), 301. Paine (Tom), 4197. PAINTNER (Ursula), 4470. PAJON (Alexandre), 4974. PAK (Sunyoung), 7493. PALA (Andrea), 3074. PALA (Elena), 3799. PALACIOS (Marco), 3314. PALAZZO (Alessandro), 2871. PALAZZO (Éric), 2820. PALET (Josep Maria), 1940. PALETSCHEK (Sylvia), 300. PALHARES SÁ (Nicanor), 4820. PALKKI (David D.), 3731. Palladius Helenopolitanus, episcopus, 2008. PALLITTO (Robert M.), 606. PALM (Jean-Marc Domba), 3278. PALMA (Loredana), 4914. PALME (Bernhard), 1759. Palme (Olof), 7392. PALMER (Beth), 6326. PALMER (James), 76. Palmerston (Henry John Temple), 7019. PALMIÉ (Stephan), 441. PALMIERI (Marco), 4573. PALMIERI (Pasquale), 4427. PALOMO (Antoni), 827. PALUMBO-LIU (David), 4986. PAMUK (Şevket), 7493. PĂNĂZAN (Maria-Daniela), 6327. PANDIT (Sandhya), 6783. PÁNEK (Jaroslav), 485. PANERO (Francesco), 3109. Panfili (Benedetto), 5369. PANGERL (Daniel Carlo), 2942. PANI (Mario), 523. PANICHI (Nicola), 5191. Panofsky (Dora), 354. Panofsky (Erwin), 354. PANTEL (Isabelle), 6957. PANTELIĆ (Ivana), 6328. PANTIN (Isabelle), 65. PAO (David W.), 4500. PAOLETTI (Orazio), 1575. PAOLI (Marco), 5447. PAOLIN (Giovanna), 4345. PAONE (Raffaele), 849. PAPADODIMA (Efstathia), 1366. PAPADOPOULOU (Barbara), 2229. PAPADOPOULOU (Thalia), 1204. PAPANDREA (James L.), 2128. PAPARELLA (Francesco D.), 2832. PAPASTATHIS (Kostas Ch.), 2248.
INDEX OF NAMES PAPASTRATIGAKIS (Nicholas), 7028. PAPAZARKADAS (Nikolaos), 1468. Papen (Franz von), 3527, 7191. Papinianus (Aemilius), iuris consultus, 1702. PAPPADEMOS (Melina), 3332. PAPY (Jan), 5058. PAQUETTE (Gabriel), 6557, 6996. Paracelsus, 5136. PARAVICINI (Werner), 2431. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI (Agostino), 2745, 2937. PARAYRE (Séverine), 4844. PARDEE (Dennis), 927. PARDINI (Giacomo), 117. PAREJO FERNÁNDEZ (José Antonio), 4084. PAREL (Anthony), 691. PARENTE (F.), 4631. PAŘÍK (Arno), 4596. PARISSE (Michel), 3075. PARIZOT (Cédric), 3760. Park (Chung Hee), 3844, 3845. PARK (Joomi), 5585. PARK (Tae Jin), 7203. PARKER (Adrian), 854. PARKER (Kunal M.), 6653. PARKHURST FERGUSON (Priscilla), 643. PARKINSON (William A.), 1181. PARMAN (John), 4845. PARMEGGIANI (Giovanni), 344. PARMEGGIANI (Riccardo), 2944, 3022. Parmenio, 1249. PARMENTIER (Bérengère), 4645. PARMENTIER (Léon), 1993. Parr (Katherine), 3609. PARRON (Támis), 6883. PARRY (Glyn), 5095. PARTHASARATHI (Prasannan), 5688. PARVANOVA (Rumyana), 7100. PASCUAL (Jean-Paul), 4122. PASETTI (Lucia), 1625. PASHCHENIA (Vladislav Nikolaevich), 4163. PASKALEVA (Virjinia), 6989. PASNAU (Robert), 730, 2899. Pasolini (Pier Paolo), 5240, 5244, 5245, 5298, 5299, 5312. PASQUA (Hervé), 2891. PASQUALETTI (Cristiana), 36. PASQUALI (Johannes), 1678. PASSALACQUA (Arnaud), 5769. PASSARELLA (Raffaele), 1955. PASSARIELLO (Isabella), 845. PASSINI (Jean), 2457. PASSMORE (Leith), 3553. PASTEUR (Paul), 4727.
PASTORE (Stefania), 4313, 4457. PASTORELLI (Pietro), 7029. PASTURE (Patrick), 4336. PASTUSHENKO (Tetiana), 6330. PASZTOR (Maria), 7364. Patachich (Ádám), 4445. Patachich (Gábor), 4445. PATEL (Kiran Klaus), 393, 5900. PATIÑO MILLÁN (Beatriz Amalia), 6331. PATLAGEAN (Évelyne), 467. PATOURA-SPANOU (Sophia), 2249. PATT (Avinoam J.), 7146. PATTON (David F.), 3554. Paul (Alfred), 7031. PAUL (Harry W.), 5097. PAUL (Helen J.), 593. PAUL (Herman), 383, 394. Paulus IV, Papa, 4369. Paulus Silentiarius, 2185. Paulus, apostolus, Sanctus, 689, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2060, 2061, 2074, 2076, 2080, 2084, 2093, 2094, 2097, 2098, 2107, 2115, 2117, 2134, 2147, 2148, 2153, 2154, 2155. PAULY (Michel), 2615, 2629. PAUSCH (Dennis), 1840. PAUTSCH (Ilse Dorothee), 7354. PAVĂL (Daniel), 6333. Pavan (Pietro), 4394. PAVANELLO (Roberto), 6595. Pavese (Cesare), 5312. PAVILACK (Jody), 3303. PAVIOT (Jacques), 2321. PAVLOV (Plamen), 2212. PAVÓN ROMERO (Armando), 4790. PAWLICZEK (Aleksandra), 4789. PAYLING (S.J.), 2541. PAYNE (Leigh A.), 6103. PAYNE (Stanley G.), 486. PAYTON (James R.), 1998. PAZ (Yitzhak), 844. PAZOS (Antón M.), 4342. PEACHIN (Michael), 592. PEARCE (Adrian J.), 259. PEARSON (Ellen Holmes), 6654. PEARSON (Jessica), 807. Pearson (Weetman), 5966. PEATTIE (Mark R.), 7222. PECCHIONI (Enio), 1580. PECH (Rémy), 3425. PEDALIU (Effie G. H.), 7452. PEDERSON (William D.), 445. PEDRAZZI (Tatiana), 879. Pedro Hispano, 2898. PEDULLÀ (Gabriele), 4976. PEDUTO (Paolo), 2311. PEGRAM (Thomas R.), 4239. PEÍREZ MARTÍN (Inmaculada), 2. PEJČOCH (Ivo), 3358.
INDEX OF NAMES PÉJU (Marcel), 3444. PÉJU (Paulette), 3444. PEKÁR (Martin), 4046. PEKELDER (Jacco), 3128. PEKKANEN (Robert J.), 3829. PELČÁK (Petr), 5383. PELGEN (Franz Stephan), 4898. PÉLISSIER (Jean-Pierre), 6284. PELIZAEUS (Ludolf), 4898. PELLEGRINI (Enrico), 1579. PELLEGRINI (Letizia), 2970. PELLICER I BRU (Josep), 116. PELLIZZARI (Andrea), 1367. PELLS (Richard), 4719. PEMBERTON (Stephen), 5098. PENCAK (William A.), 487. PENE VIDARI (Gian Savino), 2542. PENNACCHIETTI (Fabrizio A.), 1106. PENNER (Terry), 1436. PENNINGTON (Christopher John), 3288. PENNINGTON (Kenneth), 2525. PENSLAR (Derek J.), 3555, 3755. PENTLAND (Gordon), 3655. PEÑA (Elaine A.), 4428. PEPE (Luigi), 5041. PÉPORTÉ (Pit), 2675. PEPPARD (Michael), 2129. PEPY (Émilie-Anne), 4471. PERAINO (Judith Ann), 2862. PERANTONI (Pacifico Maria), 2867. PERBELLINI (Gianni), 5354. PEREGO (Elisa), 1562. PEREIRA CAMPOS (Adriana), 3264. PEREIRA MENAUT (Gerardo), 1769. PERELS (Joachim), 6593. PÉRÉ-NOGUÈS (Sandra), 1239. PÉRÉON (Yves-Marie), 4916. PERERA DÍAZ (Aisnara), 3331. Peretz (Isaac Leib), 5538. PÉREZ MORALES (Carlos), 7453. PÉREZ PUENTE (Leticia), 4790. PÉREZ RAMÍREZ (Gustavo), 3384. Pérez Serantes (Enrique), 3335, 4358. PÉREZ-PERDOMO (Rogelio), 6655. PERFETTI (Stefano), 2903. PERGAM (Elizabeth A.), 200. PERGAMI (Federico), 1718. Pericles, 1224. PERICOLO (Lorenzo), 5448. PERIN (Raffaella), 4393. Perk (Haluk), 1063. PERKINS (Caroline A.), 1618. PERLÈS (Catherine), 788. PERLMUTTER (Haim), 1112. PEROTTI (Pier Angelo), 1841. PERPILLOU (Jean-Louis), 1184. PERRAUDIN (Michael), 6739.
PERRENOUD (Marc), 6005. PERRIA (Lidia), 13. PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE (Alessandra), 36. PERRIER (Amélie), 1529. PERRIER (Guillaume), 5305. PERRING (Dominic), 1941. PERRONE (Lorenzo), 2006. PERRONI (Marinella), 4295. PERRY (J. K. J.), 7163. Persius Flaccus (Aulus), 1884. PERSON (James F.), 7460. PERTICI (Petra), 2749. PERTICI (Roberto), 358. PERTOT (Gianfranco), 296. Peruzzi (Ubaldino), 3763. PERVAN (Muazzez), 4135. PERZ (Bertrand), 5084. Pesado (José Joaquín), 3871. PESALJ (Jovan), 6958. PESCADOR MEDRANO (Aitor), 4085. PEŠEK (Jan), 4047, 4051. PESET (Mariano), 4790. PESTELLI (Corrado), 5229. PETAC (Emanuel), 1770. PETACCI (Clara), 3767. Pétain (Philippe), 3445. PETER (Christian), 3556. PETER (Michael), 2833. Peter Friedrich Ludwig von Holstein-Oldenburg, 6977. PETERS (Brigitte), 4659. PETERS (Jan), 355. PETERS (Rik), 383. PETERS-CUSTOT (Annick), 20. PETERSEN (Jørn Henrik), 3366. PETERSEN (Klaus), 3366. PETERSON (Brian J.), 4597. PETERSON (Carla L.), 102. PETERSON (Jeremiah), 1021. PETIT (Benoît), 4337. PETIT (François, O. Praem.), 2992. PETIT (Françoise), 1990. PETIT (Thierry), 1506. PETIT (Vincent), 4429. PETIT-AUPERT (Catherine), 1506. PETKOV (Dimitar), 7346. PETKOV (Kiril), 2432. PETLEY (Christer), 3656. PETMEZAS (Socrates), 5668. PETOLESCU (Constantin C.), 1771. Pëtr I Velikij [le grand], empereur de Russie, 297. PETRACCA (Luciana), 2345. PETRAGLIA KROPF (Simone), 5099. Petrarca (Francesco), 2729, 5207. PETRI (Rolf), 5100. PÉTRIDIS (Platon), 1489, 1530. PETRONE (Karen), 4021.
365 Petronius Arbiter, 1621, 1795. PETROVA (Dimitrina V.), 3273. PETROVIĆ (Milić F.), 4052. PETROVICI (Vasile), 674. Petrucci (Antonio), 2749. PETRUF (Pavol), 7204. Petrus Damianus, 2672, 3069. Petrus, Sanctus, 2032, 2078, 2152. PETRY (David), 6558. PETTEGREW (David K.), 1531. PETTENELLO (Gaetano), 2374. PETTI BALBI (Giovanna), 2616. PETTINÀ (Vanni), 7205. PETZ (Ursula von), 5405. PETZINGER (Genevieve von), 799. PEUREUX (Guillaume), 4714. PEYRONEL RAMBALDI (Susanna), 4523. PEYROU (Florencia), 4086. PFANZ-SPONAGEL (Christiane), 6313. PFEIFER (Michael J.), 6656. PFEIFFER (Ute), 21. PFEIL (Ulrich), 7319. PFISTER (Christian), 153. PFISTER (Manfred), 4643. PFITZINGER (Elke), 5153. PFREPPER (Regine), 5101. PHAM THANH TÂM, 6771. PHAN (Peter C.), 694. PHELAN (Craig), 6497. PHENIX (Robert R.), 2194. Philemon, 1303. PHILIPPA-TOUCHAIS (Anna), 1469. Philippe de Mézières, 2432. Philippe duc d'Orleans, 3426. PHILIPPIDES (Marios), 2250. Philippus II, king of Macedonia, 1245. PHILLIOU (Christine M.), 4149. PHILLIPS (Andrew), 2369. PHILLIPS (Mark Salber), 383. PHILLIPS (Seymour), 2433. Philo Alexandrinus, 2154, 2155. Philo Larissaeus, 1446. Philodemus, 1216. Philostorgius Cappadox, 2009. Philostratus, 1292. Photius, 2198. PIAT (Jean-Luc), 3100. PIAZZI (Lisa), 1880. PIAZZONI (Ambrogio M.), 192. PIBIRI (Eva), 2434. PICA CIAMARRA (Leonardo), 5264. PICARD (Christophe), 2486, 3092. PICARD (Olivier), 115. Picasso (Pablo), 5436, 5449. PICAZOS (Raphaël), 2852. PICCAT (Marco), 2652. PICHLER (Robert), 7000. PICHLER (Sandra), 862.
366 PIEK (Jürgen), 847. PIERCE (Jennifer Burek), 4847. PIERER (Christian), 6006. PIERI (Bruna), 1843, 1884. PIERNO (Franco), 2685. PIERRE (Michel), 6744. PIERRET (Thomas), 4124. PIETRINI (Sandra), 2676. Pietro da Fermo, 2617. PIETTE (Valérie), 6838. PIFFERI (Michele), 6657. PILHOFER (Peter), 2062. PILKE (Helena), 3399. PILKINGTON (Lionel), 6763. PILLON (Andrea), 976. Pimenta De Castro (Joaquim Pereira), 3980. PIMENTEL (Nuno), 783. PIMENTEL FRANCO (Sebastião), 4820. PINA POLO (Francisco), 1647, 1719. Pindarus, 1284, 1289, 1331, 1335, 1345, 1359, 1382. PINNA (Lucia), 977. PINT (Klaus), 5604. PINTAUDI (Rosario), 956. Pinter (Harold), 5486. PINTO (Ana Catarina), 3981. PINTO (Surama Conde Sá), 3265. PINTO RODRÍGUEZ (Jorge), 5808. PINTO SORIA (Julio César), 3678. PIO (Berardo), 2403. PIOVESAN (Rebecca), 821. PIQUÉ HUERTA (Raquel), 827. Pirandello (Pierluigi), 5335. PIRANI (Francesco), 2617. PIRAZZOLI (Giacomo), 5347. Pirela (Francisco Javier), 4281. Pirenne (Henri), 339, 356. PIRILLO (Paolo), 3112. PIRJEVEC (Jože), 4053. PIRO (Rosa), 2487. PIROLA (Ricardo Figueiredo), 3266. PIROT (Pascal), 3240. PIRRUCCIO (Linda), 5193. PIRSON (Andrea), 2247. PIRSON (Felix), 928. PISTOLESI (Maurizio), 1532. PITCHFORD (Mark), 3657. PITE (Rebekah E.), 6335. PITEL (Anne-Hélène), 5605. PITETTE (Yves), 4917. PITSCHEIDER (Sabine), 3221. PITTALUGA (Giovanni B.), 6007. PITTMAN (L. Monique), 5606. PITTS (Marianne), 5770. PITZALIS (Federica), 1563. PITZULO (Carrie), 4918.
INDEX OF NAMES Pius IV, Papa (Giovanni Angelo Medici di Marignano), 4368. Pius XII, Papa, 4370, 4394, 7179, 7202. PIVATO (Marco), 5102. PIZER (John D.), 5306. PIZZO (Antonio), 1763. PIZZONE (Aglae M. V.), 2168. PLAKANS (Andrejs), 488. PLASSMANN (Alheydis), 2384. PLAßWILM (Regina), 250. PLASTINA (Sandra), 4951. PLATANIA (Gaetano), 6938. PLATH (Ulrike), 6336. PLATING (John David), 7206. Plato, 1396, 1398, 1401, 1417, 1418, 1422, 1425, 1431, 5189. PLATONE (Giuseppe), 4499. PLATT (Kevin M. F.), 297. Plautus (Titus Maccius), 1622, 1623, 1855. Pleier, 2699. PLESCH (Dan), 7207. Plessis (Alain), 5954. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Gaius), minor, 1624, 1844. Plinius Secundus (Gaius), senior, 1865, 1885. PLISECKA (Anna), 1720. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar), 64. Plotinus, 1438, 2073. PLOUX (François), 298. PLUG (Ina), 854. PLUMLEY (Yolanda), 2850. Plutarchus, 1394. PODEROS (Jean), 7048. PODESTA (Gian-Luca), 6337. PODLUBNE (Judith), 4681. POE (Marshall T.), 644. POESIO (Camilla), 3801. POETTINGER (Monika), 6008. POGGIOLI (Morgan), 6498. POGLIANO (Claudio), 648, 650. Polanyi (Michael), 5091. POLEMIS (Ioannis), 2199. Polemon (M. Antonius), 920. POLIĆ BOBIĆ (Mirjana), 6934. POLIZZI (Gaspare), 5308. POLLACK (Detlef), 4338. POLLACK (Eunice G.), 4763. POLLARD (A. Mark), 779. POLLINI (Airton), 301, 1170. POLLMANN (Judith), 3912. POLLOCK (Linda A.), 6338. POLO RODRÍGUEZ (Juan Luis), 4795. Polybius, 357, 912, 1323. POLZER (Miroslav), 4747. POMA (Gabriella), 1564. POMADÈRE (Maia), 1171, 1185. POMAKOY (Keith), 6713.
POMARICI (Francesca), 2813. POMERANCE (Murray), 5607. POMP (Rainer), 5901. Pompeius Magnus (Gnaeus), 1654. POMPIANU (Elisa), 1186. POMPONI (Francis), 6969. PONCE ARAUCO (Gabriel), 4791. PONCE DE LEÓN (Gina), 5309. PONCE DE LEÓN ATRIA (Macarena), 6339. PONCET (Olivier), 4430. PONGRATZ-LEISTEN (Beate), 1022. PONNIAH (Thomas), 4282. PONSETTO (Antonio), 4720. PONSO (Marzia), 4721. PONTANI (Filippomaria), 1368, 1845. PONTECORVI (Alessandro), 2585. PONTORIERO (Ivano), 1721. PONTRANDOLFO (Angela), 1534. PONTYNEN (Arthur), 5103. PONZI (Mauro), 5310. POPA (Ilie), 3992. POPKIN (Jeremy D.), 4919. Poppe (Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich), 7495. Porcius Licinus (Lucius), 1861. Porphyrius Tyrius, 2010. PORRAS GALLO (María Isabel), 653. PORSCHE-LUDWIG (Markus), 551. PORTALE (Elisa Chiara), 929. PORTE (Corinne), 6447. PORTE (Danielle), 1846. PORTER (Bernard), 5398. PORTER (Patrick), 7347. PORTER-SZŰCS (Brian), 4431. POSADA CARBÓ (Eduardo), 3144. POST (Peter), 3712. POSTEL (Rainer), 6617. POSTEL-VINAY (Gilles), 5925. PÖTHE (Angelika), 4722. POTIN (Yann), 330. POTTER (David S.), 1369. POTTER (David), 1679, 6931. POTTIER (Bruno), 301, 1969. POUJADE (Patrice), 6340. POULOUIN (Claudine), 5224. POULSEN (Bo), 5796. POULSEN (René Taudal), 5771. POUMARÈDE (Géraud), 6932. Pound (Ezra), 5324. POUPAULT (Christophe), 7208. POWELL (Jonathan G. F.), 1722. POWELL (Lindsay), 1680. POWERS (Ramon), 270. POYATO (Pedro), 5608. POZZI (Jérôme), 3447. Pozzo (Andrea), 5417. PRACHT-JÖRNS (Elfi), 6102. PRADHOMME (Claude), 167.
INDEX OF NAMES PRADO (Antonio), 4920. PRAET (Danny), 1370. PRANDI (Luisa), 1293. PRANGE (Sebastian R.), 594. PRATESI (Riccardo), 5040. PRATSCH (Thomas), 2251, 2333. Praxias, 1494. PRCHLÍK (Ivan), 2195. PREDA (Cristian), 4002. Prentis (John B.), 6770. PRESCOTT (Heather Munro), 5104. Preti (Mattia), 5392. PRÊTRE (Clarisse), 1470. Preuß (Hugo), 6523. PREVENIER (Walter), 3116. PREVOST (Gary), 490. PRIAMUS (Heinz-Jürgen), 3561. PRIANO (Gianni), 5312. PRICE (F. Douglas), 3608. PRICE (Jonathan J.), 1107. PRICE (Richard), 3038. PRIEMEL (Kim Christian), 247, 3590. PRIESNER (Claus), 5105. PRIEST (Andrew), 7454. PRIETO ENTRIALGO (Clara E.), 2468. PRIGENT (Vivien), 20. PRIMO (Andrea), 1023. PRIOR (Charles W. A.), 4312. Pritchard (George), 6900. PRITCHARD (Sara B.), 5106. PRITZ (Pál), 3697. Proba (Faltonia Betitia), 2011. PROCACCIOLI (Paolo), 5165. PROCHASKA (Walter), 1484, 1542, 2246. PROCHASSON (Christophe), 3429. Proclus, 1217, 2179. Procopius Caesariensis, 2186, 2222. Procopius Gazaeus, 2012. PROCTOR (Frank T.), 6885. PROCTOR (Robert N.), 6341. PRODI (Paolo), 4367. Prodicus, 1447. PRODÖHL (Ines), 4921. Propertius (Sextus), 1788, 1815, 1827, 1846. PROSDOCIMI (Aldo L.), 1565. PROSPERI (Adriano), 2458, 4313, 4318, 4345, 4457. PROST (Antoine), 6342, 6527. PROSUMENSCHTSCHIKOW (Michail), 7356. PROUDFOOT (Lindsay), 6901. Proust (Marcel), 5257, 5260, 5270, 5283, 5287, 5305, 5313, 5318, 5325, 5326, 5328. PROVERO (Luigi), 2401. PROVOST (Georges), 181.
PROVOYEUR (Pierre), 5450. Prudentius Clemens (Aurelius), 2013, 2014. PRUDLO (Donald), 2990. PRÜLL (Cay-Rüdiger), 5138. PRUNIER (Maurice), 7646. PRUSAC (Marina), 1904. PRYKE (Louise M.), 1108. Prylucki (Noah), 3972. PRZYREMBEL (Alexandra), 4723. Pseudo P. Aelius Aristides, 1341. Pseudo-Augustinus, 2016, 2017. Pseudo-Quintilianus, 1625. Pseudo-Turpin, 2740. Pseudo-Xenophon, 1293. Pseuso-Athanasius, 2015. Pucci (Francesco), 4514. PUCCINI (Francesca), 5093. Puccini (Giacomo), 5482. PUDLAT (Andreas), 7455. PUDSEY (April), 559. PUECH (Vincent), 1681. PUERTAS (Miguel Jiménez), 2340. PUGLIATTI (Teresa), 5451. PULIDO ESTEVA (Diego), 6596. PULJU (Rebecca J.), 6343. PULLEN (Daniel J.), 1187. PUNZO (Maurizio), 3802. PURDIE (Rhiannon), 2742. PURI (Harish K.), 491. PURI (Michael J.), 5610. PURKISS (Richard), 4087. PURVES (Alex C.), 1371. PUSCHMANN (Paul), 6178. PYLE (Ralph E.), 4309. PYTA (Wolfram), 221. Q QAIMMAQAMI (Linda), 7362. Qalonymos ben Qalonymos ben Me'ir b, 2444. QIANG (Lin), 819. QIU (Lijuan), 7580. QUADRELLI (Paola), 4848. QUAGLIONI (Diego), 531. Quandt (Familie), 104. QUANTIN (François), 1535. QUARANTA (Luciana), 6087. QUAY HUTCHISON (Elizabeth), 6344. QUAYSON (Ato), 756. QUENNOUËLLE-CORRE (Laure), 5963. QUERCIA (Alessandro), 1536. QUETIN (Laurine), 5579. QUICK (Eva), 6658. QUIJADA (Mónica), 4277. QUILLEY (Geoff), 5371. QUINCHE (Nicolas), 5107. QUINN (Bradley), 5475. QUINTAVALLE (Arturo Carlo), 2827.
367 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius), 1626. Quintilius Varus (Publius), 1658. Quintus Smyrnaeus, 1364. QUIRÓS CASTILLO (Juan Antonio), 2633. QUIROZ (Alfonso W.), 3333. QUIROZ-PÉREZ (Lissell), 193. QUONDAM (Amedeo), 45. R RAAB (Nigel A.), 4022. RAAFLAUB (Kurt A.), 1685. RABAKA (Reiland), 5611. RABAN (Sandra), 2265. RABASA (José), 6345. RABE (Stephen G.), 7291. Rabelais (François), 5185, 5195. RABI (Uzi), 3932. RABREAU (Daniel), 4952. RACE (Sharla), 2993. RADCLIFF (Pamela Beth), 4088. RADDE-GALLWITZ (Andrew), 1985, 2042. RADE (Louis), 4432. RADER (Olaf B.), 2353. Radetzky von Radez (Johann Joseph Wenzel), 3224. RADFORTH (Ian), 3289. RADICA (Gabrielle), 4980. RADINA (Francesca), 828. RADKAU (Joachim), 595. RADTKE (Heinz-Werner), 5196. RĂDULESCU (Mihai-Sorin), 103. RADY (Martyn), 3157. RAEPSAET (Georges), 1585. RAFFAELLI (Renato), 1842. RAFFERTY (Michael), 5910. Ragghianti (Carlo Ludovico), 358. RAGGHIANTI (Renzo), 5191. RAGIA (Efi), 2253. RĀGIB (Yūsuf), 2471. Ragionieri (Ernesto), 359. RAGOT (Gilles), 5400. RAGOT (Pierre-Henri), 1372. RAHMAN (Ahmed S.), 6206. RAIFORD (Leigh), 5612. RAINER (Johannes Michael), 6603. RAINER (M. János), 3689. RAINER (Thomas), 39. RAININI (Ivan), 2835. RAJIĆ (Suzana), 4035. RAJŠP (Vincenc), 4747. Rákosi (Mátyás), 3694. RAMAGE (James A.), 4240. RAMBOURG (Camille), 1373. Rameau (Jean-Philippe), 5521. RAMELLO (Laura), 2652, 3005. RAMET (Sabrina P.), 7167. RAMIN SCHOR (Gabriel), 5414. RAMIREZ (Carlos D.), 5910.
368 RAMÍREZ (Olga Marta), 6113. RAMÍREZ (Xóchitl), 3894. RAMÍREZ BACCA (Renzo), 3315. RAMÍREZ ZAVALA (Ana Luz), 7716. RAMNATH (Maia), 3709. Ramses II, king of Egypt, 964. RANALDO (Filomena), 801. Rancé (Armand Jean Le Bouthillier de), 4455. RANDALL (David), 3612. RANGEL SILVA (José Alfredo), 3887. Ranger (Terence), 360. RANIERI (Filippo), 6659. RANKIN (Alisha), 5123. Ranković (Dragutin J.), 7160. RANOCCHIA (Graziano), 1437. RANZATO (Gabriele), 4089. RAO (Riccardo), 3122. RAPHAEL (Lutz), 3152. RAPHAEL (Marc Lee), 4598. RAPONE (Leonardo), 3803. RAPPAPORT (Uriel), 1109. RASCAROLI (Laura), 5479. RASCH (Elisabet Dueholm), 3683. RASCH (Manfred), 5555. RASE (Céline), 5613. RĀSHID (Rushdī), 5108. RASMUSSEN (Jens), 4339. RASTOVIĆ (Aleksandar), 7030. RATH (Christine), 5314. RATHMANN (Michael), 1374. RATHMANN-LUTZ (Anja), 2690. Ratislav (Milan), 274. Rattazzi (Urbano), 3771. RATTI (Luca), 7456. Ratzel (Friedrich), 5003. RAU (Johannes), 3231. RAUCCI (Stacie), 1848. RAUCH (Marja), 4849. RAUCH (Simone), 2374. RAUCHENSTEINER (Manfried), 7457. Rauff (Walther), 3574. RAULFF (Ulrich), 4657. RAUNIO (Anu), 4433. RAUSCHENBACH (Sina), 4692. RAUSCHER (Peter), 4571. RAVASI (Gianfranco), 4424. RAVASIO (Elisa), 1411. Ravel (Maurice), 5610, 5645. RAVIOLO (Isabelle), 2901. RAVNA (Øyvind), 6660. RAWSON (Beryl), 83. Ray (Satyajit), 5258. RAYMOND (Joad), 62, 3043. RĀZĪ, ABŪ BAKR MUHAMMAD IBN ZAKARĪYĀ, 2487. RAZLOGOVA (Elena), 5614. RE (Luciano), 6088.
INDEX OF NAMES RÉACH-NGÔ (Anne), 50. READER (Keith), 3448. Reagan (Ronald), 210, 4234, 6488. REALE (Luigi), 3804. REALI (Mauro), 1566. RÉBAUDO (Daniéle), 6284. REBOK (Sandra), 629. Recabarren (Luis Emilio), 3298. RECAÑO-VALVERDE (Joaquín), 6307. REDLICH (Josef), 3209. REDVALDSEN (David), 3930. REED (Christopher Robert), 4241, 6090. REGENT (Frédéric), 6347. REGEV (Dalit), 1083. Reggio (Luigi), principe di Campofiorito, 3807. REGINA (Christophe), 6348. RÉGNIER (Philippe), 4873. RÊGO (Manuela), 4897. REGOURD (François), 6752. REGUIG (Delphine), 5225. REHLING (Andrea), 5772. REIBEL (Carl-Wilhelm), 3563. REICH (Ronny), 1068, 1110. REICH (Ulrich), 5029. REICHARDT (Sven), 3559. REICHEL (Thomas), 6499. REICHELT (Katrin), 7164. REICHHERZER (Frank), 3564. REICHLE (Ingeborg), 132. REICHWEIN (PearlAnn), 155, 5377. REID (Anthony), 3714. REID (Colin), 3750. REID (John Phillip), 4242. REID (Richard J.), 6714. REID (Richard), 7709. REID-VAZQUEZ (Michele), 3334. REILLY (Diane J.), 2919. REIMÃO (Sandra), 4923. REIN (Leonid), 3236. REINALTER (Helmut), 273. REINDERS (Michel), 3911. REINECKE (Christiane), 323. REINERT (Sophus A.), 5690. REINHARD (Wolfgang), 492. REINHARDT (Volker), 493, 4725. REINHART (Carmen M.), 6009. REINHERUS PADERBORNENSIS, 3076. REINHOLD (Hans Ansgar), 4378. REINHOLD (Kai), 4415, 4434. REINIGHAUS (Wilfried), 3477. REINISCH (Jessica), 5399. REITER (Andrea Ilse Maria), 3658. REITH (Reinhold), 598. REITZENSTEIN (Denise), 1772. REKDAL (Jan Erik), 2494. REMBIS (Michael A.), 5109. Remi (Pierre), 2514.
REMILLARD (Arthur), 4343. REMOTTI (Francesco), 389. REMPE (Martin), 6746. RÉMY (Sylvie), 3449. Renata di Francia, Duchessa d'Este, 4506. RENDA (Francesco), 6965. René I, King of Naples and Jerusalem, 2437. RENGIFO (Francisca S.), 6349. RENSHAW (Layla), 302. RENTET (Thierry), 3450. RENTROP (Petra), 7165. RENZI (Francesco), 2994. REPPY (Judith), 7398. REQUATE (Jörg), 3451. RESCH (Stephan), 3546. RESENDE (Vasco), 6917. RESTALL (Matthew), 6886. REUPKE (Daniel), 5936. REUTER (Marcus), 1744. REUVENI (Gideon), 561. REVEL (Jacques), 6716. REVELS (Tracy J.), 6351. REVENTLOW (Henning G.), 2047. REVERSO (Laurent), 6544. REY (Marie-Pierre), 7458. REY (Sarah), 301. REYDAMS-SCHILS (Gretchen J.), 2180. REYMOND (Bernard), 4554. REYNOLD (Terry S.), 5773. REYNOLDS (Chris), 3452. REYNOLDS (Henry), 419. REYNOLDS (Michael A.), 7101. REZNIK (Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich), 3237. REZZIK (Riad), 5911. RHATIGAN (Emma), 716. RHEINBERGER (Hans-Jörg), 330. RHODE (Paul W.), 560. RHODES (John David), 5479, 5636. RIAUD (Xavier), 5110. Rib-Addi, king of Byblos, 1108. Ribbentrop (Joachim von), 7191. RIBEIRO (Maria da Conceição Martins), 3268. RIBEIRO DA SILVA (Filipa), 6839. RIBEIRO DE MENESES (Filipe), 3983. RIBEIRO MIRANDA (José Carlos), 2602. RICARD (Serge), 448. RICATTI (Francesco), 6352. RICCI (Adelaide), 3077. RICCI (Aldo Giovanni), 3765. Ricci (Matteo), 4481, 4484. RICCI (Ronit), 4599. RICCIONI (Stefano), 2460. RICH (John W.), 1723. RICH (Rachel), 6353.
INDEX OF NAMES RICHARD (Gilles), 6615. RICHARD (Nathalie), 4705. RICHARD (Vivien), 6959. Richard III, king of England, 2423. RICHARDS (Yevette), 6500. RICHARDSON (James H.), 1903. RICHARDSON (Jim), 3960. RICHARDSON (Kim), 3269. RICHARDSON (Malcolm), 2682, 2752. RICHARDSON (Mike), 6501. RICHEFORT (Isabelle), 7366. RICHTER (Daniel K.), 7717. RICHTER (Hedwig), 3160. RICHTER (Mathias), 4981. RICHTER (Ralf), 5774. RICKENBACHER (Martin), 179. RICKETTS (Mónica), 3957. RICOLFI (Luca), 3793. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe), 304, 366, 4631. RIDEAU (Gaël), 6084. RIDING (Alan), 4729. RIDLEY (Ronald T.), 1598. Ridolfi (Cosimo), 3763. RIEDERER (Günter), 5615. RIEDL (Tobias), 6565. RIEDLER (Florian), 4152. RIEDWEG (Christoph), 1471. RIEGLER (Thomas), 7459. RIEHL (Axel T.G.), 6728. RIEHLE (Alexander), 2183. RIEHLE (Wolfgang), 3078. RIELLO (Giorgio), 5471. RIES (Julien), 4600. RIESS (Steven A.), 4243. RIFFAUD (Alain), 65. RIFKIN (Mark), 5315. RIGG (A.G.), 2727. RIGON (Antonio), 2654, 2995. RIKLIN (Alois), 4118. Rilke (Rainer Maria), 5245. RILLING (Lydia), 657. Rimbert, Archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen, saint, 3110. RIMER (J. Thomas), 5297. RINALDI (Massimo), 5069. RINALDI (Rossella), 2273. RINDGE (Matthew S.), 2131. RINGBOM (Asa), 1917. RINGS (Steven), 5616. RINKE (Stefan), 6887. RINUCCINI (Giovan Battista), 5228. RÍO TORRES-MURCIANO (Antonio), 1633. RIOTTE (Torsten), 3144, 3148. RIOUX (Jean-Pierre), 3453. Riperdá (Juan Guillermo), 6937. Ripperda (Luis), 6937. RISCH (William Jay), 4164. RISCHBIETER (Julia Laura), 5852.
RISSKOV SØRENSEN (Kurt), 199. RISTVET (Lauren), 1148. RITCHIE (Donald A.), 294. RITSON (Neil H.), 6502. RITTER (Adolf Martin), 685. Ritter (Gerhard), 361. Ritter (Robert), 3573. RIVERA-GARZA (Cristina), 5111. RIVERO IGLESIAS (Carmen), 5226. RIVERO VILÁ (Olivia), 800. RIVERS (Isabel), 5516. RIVERS (Ray), 1178. RIVES (James B.), 1724. RIVETTI (Paola), 156, 494. RIVLIN (Paul), 5691. Rix (Helmut), 1560. RIZOS (Efthymios), 1537. RJÉOUTSKI (Vladislav), 569. ROASCIO (Stefano), 2837. ROBB (Thomas), 7461. ROBBINS (Bruce), 4986. ROBERT (Frédéric), 4730. ROBERTO (Umberto), 1610. ROBERTS (Gordon S.), 5910. ROBERTS (Hugh), 4714. ROBERTS (Keith), 599. ROBERTS (Michael), 1631. ROBERTS (Peder), 5112. ROBERTSON (Carmen L.), 4862. ROBERTSON (Charles L.), 7166. Robertson (Henry Dundas), 6783. Robespierre (Maximilien-FrançoisMarie-Isidore de), 4955. ROBIN (Thierry), 5854, 7048. ROBINS (Nicholas A.), 5775. ROBINS (William Randolph), 2687. ROBINSON (Chase F.), 455. ROBINSON (Eric W.), 1240. ROBSON (Laura), 6784. ROBSON (Martin), 6978. ROCCA (Giovanna), 1560. ROCCATI (Alessandro), 978. ROCCUCCI (Adriano), 4493. ROCHE (Christian), 6840. ROCHE (Daniel), 4919. ROCHE (Marie-Jeanne), 1111. ROCHE (Paul), 1844. ROCHETTE (Bruno), 1886. RODOLFI (Sauro), 2863. RODRIGO SÁNCHEZ DE ARÉVALO, 2505. RODRIGUES (Aldair Carlos), 4435. RODRIGUES (Ana Margarida Neto Aurélio), 5452. RODRÍGUEZ (Ana), 2356. RODRÍGUEZ (Juan Carlos), 5316. RODRÍGUEZ (Julia), 5113. RODRIGUEZ (Marc Simon), 4244. RODRÍGUEZ ALVAREZ (Xosé Pedro), 795.
369 RODRÍGUEZ ARRIBAS (Josefina), 2459. RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ (Julio), 1682. RODRÍGUEZ MOREL (Genaro), 6852. RODRÍGUEZ-ADRADOS (Francisco), 1241. RODRÍGUEZ-SAN PEDRO BEZARES (Luis E.), 4795. ROGACZEWSKA (Krystyna), 5706. ROGERS (Stephanie Stidham), 4556. ROGERSON (Margaret), 2765. ROGOFF (Kenneth S.), 6009. ROGUĽOVÁ (Jaroslava), 4048. ROHDE (Martin), 2836. ROHLAND (Eleonora), 6354. ROIG MIRANDA (Marie), 645. ROISMAN (Hanna M.), 1212. ROJAHN (Jürgen), 4958. ROJAS NÚÑEZ (Luis), 3304. ROJO HERNÁNDEZ (Severiano), 4924. ROLAND (Hubert), 4642. ROLANDSEN (Øystein H.), 4095. ROLL (Jarod), 6471. ROLLAND (Asle), 4925. ROLLAND-DIAMOND (Caroline), 4245. ROLLASON (David), 2388. ROLLS (Mitchell), 419. ROMANELLI (Giandomenico), 5453. ROMANELLI (Rita), 2838. ROMANI (Marzio A.), 341. ROMANO (Giovanni), 5454. ROMANOVA (Elena Anatolʹevna), 3848. Romanus III Argyrus, Byzantine emperor, 2184. ROMBERG (Winfried), 4522. ROMBOLÀ (Cosmo), 849, 850. ROMBOLÀ (Francesco), 849, 850. ROMERA ROZAS (Ricardo), 5317. ROMERO (Juan), 3735. ROMMEL-RUIZ (W. Bryan), 5617. ROMMELSE (Gijs), 6948. RONCHITELLI (Annamaria), 801. RONDOT (Vincent), 979. RONGE (Julia), 5618. RÖNNQVIST (Ronny), 7102. Ronsard (Pierre de), 5197. ROONEY (Kenneth), 2753. ROOPNARINE (Lomarsh), 6355. ROOS (Neil), 305. Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), 445, 4225, 5631, 7148, 7166, 7183, 7190, 7198, 7214. Roosevelt (Theodore), 448. ROQUES (Denis), 2186.
370 ROSA (Aldo), 3079. ROSA (Daniele Federico), 1024. ROSA CORRÊA (Larissa), 6503. ROSAS LAURO (Claudia), 3955. ROSATI (Gloria), 980. ROŞCA (Victor), 4003. RÖSCH (Gertrud Maria), 762. ROSE (Andreas), 7074, 7103. ROSE (Jacqueline), 3659, 5318. ROSE (Jenny), 722. ROSE (Susan), 2618. RÖSEL (Jakob), 3936. ROSELAAR (Saskia T.), 1774. ROSELL NEBREDA (Sergio), 2132. ROSELLI (David Kawalko), 1279. ROSEMAN (Mark), 258. Rosenberg (Frederic von), 7044, 7055. Rosenberg (Leo), 6629. ROSENBERG (Pierre), 5461. ROSENBERG (William G.), 374. ROSENBLITT (J. Alison), 1906. ROSENBLOOM (Joshua L.), 560. Rosendorfer (Herbert), 362. ROSENFELD (Ben Zion), 1112. ROSENFELD (Gavriel D.), 306. ROSENFELD (Sophia), 646. ROSENFELDT (Niels Erik), 6504. ROSENLØV (Jesper Machholdt), 1887. ROSENTAL (Paul-André), 6356. ROSENTHAL (Jean-Laurent), 5692. ROSENZWEIG (Roy), 396. ROSIER-CATACH (Irène), 2902. ROSINA (Alessandro), 6049. ROSIVACH (Vincent J.), 1242. Rosmini (Antonio), 3780, 4400. ROSPOCHER (Massimo), 4316. ROSS (Corey), 3557. ROSS (Dorothy), 258. ROSS (F. Stuart), 3751. ROSS (Robert), 438. ROSS (Steven J.), 4246. Rosselli (Carlo), 3786. Rosselli (Nello), 3786. ROSSET (François), 4745. ROSSETTI (Gabriella), 2921. ROSSI (Emanuele), 3805. ROSSI (Helga), 6933. ROSSI (Pietro), 392. ROSS-NAZZAL (Jennifer M.), 4247. RÖSSNER (Philipp Robinson), 5693, 5853, 5855. ROSSO (Stefano), 4586. ROSTGAARD (Marianne), 7462. ROTA (Giovanni), 4959. ROTAR (Marius), 6357. ROTARIU (Traian), 6089. ROTH (Karl Heinz), 5776. ROTH (Markus), 7157. ROTHENBERG (David Joseph), 2864.
INDEX OF NAMES ROTHENHÖFER (Andreas), 127. ROTHER (Bernd), 3601. ROTH-EY (Kristin), 5619. ROTHMAN (Adam), 449. ROTHSCHILD (Clare K.), 2085. ROTHSCHILD (Emma), 6761. Rothschild (Henri de), 5097. ROTILI (Marcello), 2312. ROTONDÒ (A.), 4631. ROUAULT (Olivier), 1025. ROUDET (Nicolas), 5062. ROUËSSÉ (Jacques), 5114. ROUGIER (Marcelo), 5777. ROUIGHI (Ramzi), 2488. ROUPERT (Catherine Eve), 3688. Rousse (Michel), 2666. ROUSSEAU (Daniel), 583, 584. Rousseau (Jean Jacques), 4980, 5067, 5343. ROUSSEAU (Marie-Hélène), 3080. ROUSSEAU (Peter L.), 6010. ROUSTAEI (Kourosh), 1149. ROUX (Sophie), 5115. ROUX (Sylvain), 1438. Roux (Wilhelm), 5141. ROVATTI (Toni), 3806. ROVERSI MONACO (Francesca), 2315. ROWE (Christopher), 1439. ROWE (Laura), 7099. ROWE (Nina), 2461. RÖWEKAMP (Marion), 6528. ROWLAND (Joanne), 981. ROY (Philippe J.), 4436. ROY (Tirthankar), 7493. ROYMANS (Nico), 1951. ROZBICKI (Michal Jan), 4731. Rua (Michele, don), 4399. RUBBOLI (Massimo), 4557. Rubens (Peter Paul), 5410. RUBENSTEIN (Jay), 3081. RUBENSTEIN (Jérémy), 6358. RUBIN (Aaron D.), 1113. RUBINSON (Paul), 7463. RUBIO JIMÉNEZ (Jesús), 5231. RUBIO LÓPEZ (José Ignacio), 4346. RUBIO SADIA (Juan Pablo), 3082. RUBLACK (Ulinka), 378. RUBY (Christine), 9. RÜCKER (Katrin), 7464. RUCKSTADTER (Vanessa Campos Mariano), 4472. RUDLOFF (Wilfried), 3474. RUDMAN (Stella), 7104. RUDNICK (Carola S.), 307. RUDOLPH (Harriet), 3565. RÜEGG (Walter), 4776. RUF (Martin G.), 2032. RUFFING (Kai), 207. RUFFINI (Marco), 5455. RÜGER (Jan), 7004, 7043.
RUGGE (Fabio), 359. RUGGERI (Miska), 1375. RUGGIERO (Gianluca), 6661. RUGGIERO DI FRUGARDO MAGISTER, 2769. RUGGIO (Luca), 2700. RUGGIU (François-Joseph), 6211. RUGGLES (Clive), 1451. RUGGLES (D. Fairchild), 2489. RUINI (Cesarino), 659, 2847. RUIZ REDONDO (Aitor), 802. RUIZ ZAPATERO (Gonzalo), 778. RÚJULA LÓPEZ (Pedro), 4074. RULAND (Heiner), 5319. RUMPLER (Helmut), 3207. RÜPKE (Jörg), 1907. RUPNOW (Dirk), 3566. RUPP (Katrin), 2656. RUPP (Leila J.), 6359. RUPPMANN (Reiner), 5778. RUPPRECHT (Hans-Albert), 1263. Ruschdie (Salman), 5258. RUSCONI (Roberto), 703, 4363. RUSH (Anne Spry), 6888. Ruskin (John), 3628. RUSSELL (Ben), 1947. RUSSELL (Conrad), 3660. RUSSELL (Edmund), 5116. RUSSELL (Nicolas), 5197. RUSSELL (Paul), 2554. RUSSELL (Susan May), 5374. RUSTOW (Marina), 407. RUTA (Giuseppe), 5017. RUTH (Richard A.), 4129. RUTHERFORD (Ian), 1376. RUTKOWSKA (Hanna), 2755. RUTKOWSKI (Ernst), 3205. RUTTERFORD (Janette), 5996, 6011, 6012. RÜTTERS (Peter), 6443. RUTZ (Matthew T.), 1026. RYAN (Francis), 6505. RYAN (Martin J.), 3115. RYAN (Maureen B.), 1618. RYAN (Michael A.), 2438. RYCKAERT (Marc), 180. RYDELL (Robert), 5390. Rydz-Śmigły (Edward), 7181. RYHOLT (Kim), 982. RYJIK (Veronika), 5620. RYRIE (Alexander), 2133. RYTKÖNEN (Paulina), 570. RZEPKA (Slawomir), 983. S SÁ (Luís), 4897. SAARITSA (Sakari), 6360. SAAVEDRA GONZÁLEZ (Rafael Maycol), 4926. Sabatier (Auguste), 4554. SÁBATO (Hilda), 3193.
INDEX OF NAMES SABĂU (Claudia Septimia), 6361. SABBAH (Guy), 1993. SABEAN (David Warren), 607. SABNIS (Sonia), 1377. SABOL (Miroslav), 4041. SABORIDO (Jorge), 4936. SACCO (Leonardo), 1908. Sacco (Nicola), 4259. SACCO (Rodolfo), 534. SACHS (Michael), 6597. SACKVILLE (Lucy J.), 3083. SACRISTE (Fabien), 4733. Sadat (Anwar), 7363. Saddām Ḥusayn ('Abd al-Majīd al-Tikrītī), 7380. SADOUNI (Samadia), 4347. SAEKEL (Ursula), 5621. SÁENZ DE PIPAÓN (Cristina), 4879. SAFFORD (Frank R.), 3145. SAFLEY (Thomas Max), 699, 4555. SAFTY (Essam), 1378. Sagasta (Práxedes Mateo), 4879. SAGEBIEL (Herta), 3477. SAGEHI (Nassrin), 7128. SAGGIORO (Alessandro), 1725. Said (Edward), 4701. Saīd ibn Taimūr Sultan of Muscat and Oman, 3932. Saigo (Takamori), 3825. SAIKIA (Yasmin), 3232. SAINLAUDE (Stève), 7031. SAINT-FUSCIEN (Emmanuel), 3454. Sainz Rodríguez (Pedro), 4835. SAITO (Osamu), 6013. SAKAGUCHI (Tasuke), 7245. SAKELLARIOU (Eleni), 2439. SAKR (Rita), 5271. SALA (Francesco), 5456. SALA (Roberto), 5622, 6167. SALAMA (Mohammad), 6740. SALAMANCA LÓPEZ (Manuel Joaquín), 2360. SALANITRO (Maria), 1850. SALAU (Mohammed Bashir), 6841. SALAÜN (Franck), 4650. Salazar (António de Oliveira), 3975, 3984. SALDIN (Robert P.), 4248. SALE (Giovanni), 4437, 7105. SALEMME (Carmelo), 1888. SALERNO (Fabio), 6091. SALESA (Damon Ieremia), 6362. SALETES (Jean-Loup), 6842. Salgado (Alberto), 6797. Salieri (Antonio), 5618. SALINAS SANDOVAL (María del Carmen), 3893. SALLABERGER (Walther), 1043. SALLMANN (Martin), 4512.
Sallustius (Crispus Gaius), 1819, 1858, 1906. SALM (Christian), 7465. SALMON (Patrick), 7300. SALMOND (John A.), 4235. SALOMON (Ferreol), 1930. SALOMON (Frank), 420. SALTER (Elizabeth), 2761. Salvado (Rudesindo), 4476. SALVADOR (Nélida), 5320. SALVADORI (Monica), 1485. SALVATICI (Silvia), 389. SALZMAN (Michele R.), 1631. SAM (Martina Maria), 5321. SAMAD (Joy), 1440. SAMAEVA (Baktygulʹ Omorovna), 3848. SAMARA (Tony Roshan), 4059. SAMARDŽIĆ (Momir), 5779, 7032. SAMARDŽIĆ (Nikola), 6958. Samsu-iluna, king of Babylon, 998. SANCHEZ (Evelyne), 3126. SANCHEZ (Melissa E.), 5198. SÁNCHEZ ARANDA (Antonio), 6583. SÁNCHEZ GAETE (Marcial), 4413. SÁNCHEZ MARCO (Antonio), 794. SÁNCHEZ MÁRQUEZ (Javier), 3807. SÁNCHEZ SANTIRÓ (Ernest), 6014. SÁNCHEZ YUSTOS (Policarpo), 803. SANDERS (Andrew), 3752. SANDERS (Kirk R.), 1875. SANDERS (Nichole), 3896. SANDERS (Peter), 3852. SANDERS (Sara Katherine), 3897. SANDERSON (Claire), 7466. SANDIN (Per), 4108. Sandino (Augusto César), 3919. SANDL (Marcus), 4558. SANDMANN (Mechthild), 2692. SANDSTRÖM (Glenn), 6363. SANDVIK (Pål Thonstad), 6015. SANFILIPPO (Isa Lori), 2654. SÄNGER (Patrick), 1599. SANI (Roberto), 4811, 4850. SANKOJI (Yumiko), 2619. SANMARTÍN (Joaquin), 1114. SANNINO (Antonella), 3024. SANSTERRE (Jean-Marie), 3117. Santa Cruz (Andrés), 3246. SANTANGELI VALENZANI (Riccardo), 3118. SANTANGELO (Federico), 1903. SANTARELLI (Daniele), 6915. SANTI (Francesco), 271, 2754. SANTOFIMIO ORTIZ (Rodrigo), 3317. SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale), 359.
371 SANTORELLI (Paola), 2002. SANTORO (Alfredo Maria), 2311, 2620. SANTOS (Fabiano Vilaça dos), 6889. SANTOS (José Reis), 3984. SANTOS SALAZAR (Igor), 2621. SANUTUS (Marinus), 2304. SANZ BORRÀS (Montserrat), 784. SANZ HOYA (Julián), 3809. SAPIR ABULAFIA (Anna), 2462. SAPIRO (Gisèle), 5154. SAPPER (Manfred), 7239. Sappho, 1327. SAPRA (Rahul), 4734. SARACINO (Massimo), 821. SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan), 7467. SARANYANA (Josep-Ignasi), 6884. SARAZIN (Maurice), 6794. SARDAR (Marika), 675. SARDICA (José Miguel), 6979. SARDINA (Patrizia), 2440. SARDUY (Severo), 5155. SARESELLA (Daniela), 4438. SARGEANT (Lynn M.), 5623. SARIOLGHALAM (Mahmoud), 3727. SARKAR (Amrita), 860. SARKIN (Jeremy), 6843. SARRIS (Peter), 2383. Sarte (Jean-Paul), 7288. SARTI (Nicoletta), 2511, 2520. SARTORI (Antonio), 1751. Sartre (Jean-Paul), 4981. SASAKI (Keisuke), 7680. SASSO (Gennaro), 397. SASSOON (Joseph), 3736. SASSOU NGUESSO (Denis), 462. SATJUKOW (Silke), 603, 6364. SATO (Shoichi), 457. SATO (Takeshi), 2545. SATO (Yuki), 7681. SATTA (Pierluigi), 157. SATZINGER (Georg), 5457. SAUER (Christoph), 1851. SAUL (Nigel), 2622. SAUNDERS (Anna), 3567. SAUNDERS (Robert), 3661. SAVARINO (Luca), 4511. SAVINO (Giancarlo), 37. SAVOLDELLI (Gianmaria), 66. Savonarola (Girolamo), 2442, 4447. Savonarola (Michele), 2670. SAVORELLI (Alessandro), 5191. Savorgnan de Brazza (Pierre), 6807. SAYED (Takwa), 969. Sbarbaro (Camillo), 5312. Sbriccoli (Mario), 6657.
372 SBRIGLIO (Jacques), 5403. SCACCABAROZZI (Lorena), 2501. SCAFF (Lawrence A.), 4987. SCALA (Barbara), 6092. Scaligero (Giulio Cesare), 1358. SCALMER (Sean), 3153, 6902. SCANTAMBURLO (Carlotta), 1630. SCARAFFIA (Lucetta), 4392. SCARAMELLA (Pierroberto), 4318. SCARANO (Francisco A.), 441. SCARANO (Teodoro), 861. SCARCIGLIA (Fabio), 849. SCARPELLI (Giacomo), 5117. SCARPELLINI (Emanuela), 5856. SCATENA (Silvia), 4365. SCHAARSCHMIDT (Thomas), 3485. SCHABAS (William A.), 6677. SCHÄFER (Axel R.), 4249. SCHÄFER (Ralf), 3568. SCHÄFER (Regina), 2503. SCHAFRANEK (Hans), 3222. SCHALL (Ute), 1686. SCHALLER (Karlheinz), 6506. SCHANDELER (Jean-Pierre), 4650. SCHAPDICK (Stefan), 2033. SCHARLOTH (Joachim), 3128, 3569. SCHARNHOP (Christopher), 6662. SCHARRER (Manfred), 6507. SCHARTNER (Irmgard), 4796. SCHAUB (Jean-Frédéric), 4601. SCHAUFELBUEHL (Janick Marina), 7282. SCHAUFUSS (Thomas), 3570. SCHEER (Tanja S.), 496. SCHEIBELREITER (Georg), 2341. SCHEIBELREITER-GAIL (Veronika), 930. Scheidemann (Philipp), 3544. SCHEIDT (Petra), 3571. SCHEINK (Tobias), 3477. SCHELCHKOV (Andrey), 3245. SCHELLE (Karel), 539. SCHELZ-BRANDENBURG (Till), 4958. SCHENA (Olivetta), 2402. SCHENNACH (Martin P.), 6529. SCHERER (Hildegard), 2134. SCHERMERHORN (Calvin), 6365. SCHERR (Arthur), 6980. SCHEURER (Rémy), 6913. SCHEUTZ (Martin), 3206, 3215. SCHEYHING (Hans), 1027. SCHIANO (Claudio), 42. SCHIASSI (Germana), 2852. SCHIAVON (Max), 7106. SCHIAVONE (Aldo), 1687. SCHIAVONE (Romina), 1744. SCHIAVONI (Giulio), 4751. SCHIBLER (Jörg), 862. SCHIEL (Juliane), 2200.
INDEX OF NAMES SCHIFFER (Davide), 5118. SCHIFFER (Elisabeth), 31. SCHIFFMAN (Zachary Sayre), 308. SCHILD (Romuald), 959. SCHILDT (Axel), 4732, 6366. Schiller (Friedrich), 5238. Schiller (Friedrich), 5269, 5343, 5524, 5556. SCHILP (Thomas), 2971. SCHINDLER (Andrea), 362. SCHINDLING (Anton), 4551. SCHIPP (Oliver), 1688. SCHIPPEL (Larisa), 3996. SCHITO (Rosanna), 3572. SCHJØRRING (Jens Holger), 4314. SCHLAGER (Claudia), 4439. SCHLEIFER (Ronald), 5624. SCHLEMBACH (Raphael), 6408. SCHLENKERT (Helge), 5625. SCHLICHTMANN (Anne), 763. SCHLIMM (Anette), 5780. SCHLINKER (Steffen), 4973. SCHLÖNDORFF (Volker), 5276. SCHLOSSMACHER (Norbert), 6127. SCHLUCHTER (Wolfgang), 368. SCHLÜTER (Bastian), 309. SCHMÄHL (Winfried), 6016. SCHMALL (Sabine), 1726. SCHMELING (Gareth L.), 1621. SCHMELZ (Christoph), 6679. Schmettau (Woldemar Hermann von), 3369. SCHMETTERER (Christoph), 6403. SCHMID (Martin), 1506. SCHMID (Thomas), 2669. SCHMIDL (Alexandra), 862. SCHMIDLI (William Michael), 7468. SCHMIDT (Anne), 174. SCHMIDT (Bernward), 4374. SCHMIDT (Daniela), 4942. SCHMIDT (Egmont), 3223. Schmidt (Grethe), 6309. SCHMIDT (Heinrich R.), 5850. SCHMIDT (Johann N.), 647. SCHMIDT (Karin), 6663. SCHMIDT (Rachel), 5227. SCHMIDT (Sarah-Lena), 310. SCHMIDT-BACHEM (Heinz), 5781. SCHMIDT-DEGENHARD (Tobias), 3573. SCHMIDT-EPPENDORF (Peter), 4378. SCHMID-TSCHIRREN (Christina Maria), 4559. SCHMIDT-VOGES (Inken), 6672. SCHMIEDER (Ulrike), 6735. SCHMIED-KOWARZIK (Anatol), 3207. SCHMITT (Carl), 6559. SCHMITT (Hanno), 4649.
SCHMITT-PANTEL (Pauline), 1280. SCHMITZ (Rolf-Peter), 2445. SCHMITZ (Winfried), 1243. SCHMÜCKER (Christina), 6912. SCHMUHL (Elisabeth), 6530. SCHMUHL (Hans-Walter), 5059. SCHNABEL (Werner Wilhelm), 4760. SCHNAKENBOURG (Éric), 6702. SCHNAUSS (Markus), 2135. SCHNEID (Frederick C.), 7006. SCHNEIDER (Andrea), 5987. SCHNEIDER (Axel), 295. SCHNEIDER (Daniel), 5782. SCHNEIDER (Dorothee), 6367. SCHNEIDER (Frank), 5120. SCHNEIDER (Helen M.), 7581. SCHNEIDER (Karl), 7246. SCHNEIDER (Michael), 2136. SCHNEIDMÜLLER (Bernd), 2372, 2664. SCHNELL (Ralf), 768. SCHNEPPEN (Heinz), 3574. SCHNERB (Bertrand), 3220. SCHNETTGER (Matthias), 6910. SCHNOOR (Antje), 4473. SCHNURBUSCH (Dirk), 1775. SCHNYDER (Gerhard), 5959. SCHNYDER (Marco), 4119. SCHOELLER (Wilfried F.), 5323. Schoenberg (Arnold), 5650. SCHOFIELD (John), 3119. SCHOFIELD (P.R.), 2352. SCHÖLLGEN (Georg), 2883. SCHÖLLGEN (Gregor), 7354. SCHOLTE (Anneke), 6789. SCHOLTEN (Clemens), 2176, 2177, 2178. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim), 104, 6017, 6127, 6701. SCHOLTZ (Gunter), 4962. SCHOLZ (Peter), 1776. SCHOLZ (Rembrandt), 6396. SCHOLZ (Udo W.), 77. SCHON (Robert), 1188. SCHÖNBERGER (Christoph), 6575. SCHÖNBERGER (Rolf), 739. SCHÖNFELD (P. Andreas), 739. SCHONS (Guy), 4736. SCHOONHEIM (Marloes), 4348. Schopenhauer (Arthur), 5264. SCHÖPFER PFAFFEN (MarieClaude), 2623. SCHOPPA (R. Keith), 7582. SCHOR (Adam M.), 2137. SCHORN (Stefan), 1441. SCHÖTTLER (Peter), 330. SCHOU (Lotte), 497. SCHRATZ (Sabine), 6508. SCHRAUT (Sylvia), 311. SCHREGEL (Susanne), 3575.
INDEX OF NAMES SCHREIBER (Rachel), 4927. Schreiber (Wilfrid), 6016. SCHREINER (Peter), 2254. SCHRIKKER (Alicia), 6368. Schröder (Gerhard), 7369. SCHRÖDER (Iris), 158. SCHRÖDER (Joachim), 368. SCHRÖDER (Julia H.), 657. SCHRÖDER (Stephen Michael), 4606. SCHROEDER (Nicolas), 2996. SCHRÖTER (Harm), 5938. SCHUBERT (Frank N.), 3698. Schubert (Franz), 5570. SCHUBINGEN (Pia), 2399. SCHULDES (Martin), 4250. SCHULDINER (Michael), 312. SCHÜLEIN (Johannes-Georg), 4942. SCHULER (Carol), 32. SCHULER (Friedrich), 7033. SCHULT (Manuela), 847. SCHULTE (Jörg), 5199. SCHULTE BEERBÜHL (Margrit), 6496. SCHULTE NORDHOLT (Annelies), 5313. SCHULTHEISS (Jochen), 2040. SCHULTZ (Hans Jürgen), 4963. SCHULTZ (Kevin M.), 4349. SCHULTZ (Michael), 928. SCHULTZ (William Todd), 5626. SCHULZ (Fabian), 1264. SCHULZ (Katja), 4646. SCHULZ (Matthias), 3155. SCHULZ (Oliver), 7034. SCHULZE (Hans K.), 2546. SCHULZE (Max-Stephan), 5872. Schumacher (Josef Anton), 4111. Schumacher (Kurt), 3475. SCHUMACHER (Lydia), 2138. SCHUMACHER (Martin), 3576. Schumpeter (Joseph Alois), 5702. SCHUOL (Monika), 2139. SCHUPP (Volker), 2860. Schürer (Gerhard), 3471. SCHÜRMANN (Christian), 6369. SCHÜRMANN (Maria Cornelia), 6531. SCHUSTER (David G.), 5121. Schuster (Ildefonso), 4424. SCHUSTER (Walter), 3211. SCHÜTRUMPF (Eckart), 1379. SCHUTTE (Anne Jacobson), 4474. SCHÜTZ (Erhard), 4659. SCHUTZ (Herbert), 2839. SCHÜTZ (Michael), 1933. SCHÜTZE (Gabriele), 7469. SCHWALLER (John Frederick), 4440. SCHWARTZ (Thomas A.), 7470. SCHWARZ (Leonard), 6160.
Schwarz (Matthäus), 5804. SCHWARZ (Stefan), 862. SCHWARZ (Stephan), 7209. Schwarzenberg (Felix), 3207. SCHWARZMAIER (Agnes), 1538. SCHWEKENDIEK (Daniel), 7493. SCHWEMER (Daniel), 888. SCHWENDINGER (Christian), 4928. SCHWERHOFF (Gerd), 535, 6383. SCIACCA (Sergio), 1115. SCIANDRELLO (Enrico), 1727. SCIARRINO (Enrica), 1852. SCIPPACERCOLA (Nadia), 1380. SCIUMÈ (Alberto), 6532. SCODITTI (Francesco), 2840. Scoppola (Pietro), 4408. SCOT (Marie), 4797. Scot (Reginald), 401. SCOTT (Andrew G.), 1265. SCOTT (Andrew), 7471. SCOTT (Joan W.), 398. SCOTT (Joanne), 3202. SCOTT (Jonathan), 159. SCOTT (Peter M.), 5857. SCOTT (Peter), 5783, 6370. Scott (Walter), 5266. SCOTT CAULLEY (Thomas), 2066. SCOTTI (Mariamargherita), 3810. SCOTTI DOUGLAS (Vittorio), 6990. SCRANTON (Philip), 5122. SCULLY (Diarmuid), 2739. SCURLOCK (Joann), 1028. SEABOURNE (Gwen), 2547. SEAGRAVE (S. Adam), 536. SEARBY (Denis M), 2188. SEARCY (Kim), 4096. SEARS (Gareth), 1758, 1944. SEBRIAN (Raphael Nunes Nicoletti), 4929. SECCHI TARUGI (Luisa), 5365. Secundus (Janus), 5174. SEDDA (Filippo), 2952. SEDGWICK (James Burnham), 7348. ŠEDIVÝ (Miroslav), 7035. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta). VII. Sedulius, poeta, 2018. Seebohm Rowntree (Benjamin), 6197. SEEKINGS (Jeremy), 3870. SEELMANN (Kurt), 4781. SEEMANN (Hellmut T.), 5644. SEGAL (Daniel A.), 389. SEGAL (Ethan Isaac), 7682. SEGALA (Marco), 5264. SEGENNI (Simonetta), 1600. SEGHEZZA (Elena), 6007. SEGONDS (Alain-Philippe), 1217. SEGRETO (Luciano), 105. SEHARA (Yoshio), 2342. SEHAT (David), 4350.
373 SEIBEL (Wolfgang), 3559. SEIDEL MENCHI (Silvana), 513, 4316. SEIDMAN (Michael), 4090. SEIFERT (Martina), 1281. SEIFERT (Siegfried), 5265. SEILS (Ernst-Albert), 3577. SEIM (Turid Karlsen), 2283. SEITZ (Jonathan), 421. SELENT (Doreen), 1853. Seleucus I, king of Syria, 1023. SELIGMAN (Jon), 1120. SELLERS (Christopher), 5821. SELLIN (Gerhard), 2065. SELLIN (Volker), 3156. SELLMANN (Matthias), 4415. SELVAGE (Douglas E.), 7362. SEMENIUC (Maria), 6089. SENATORE (Francesco), 2435. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus), 1627, 1864, 1886. Senghor (Léopold Sédar), 6810. SENGUPTA (Parna), 4602. SENIOR (Donald), 2027. SENIOR ANGULO (Diana), 3320. ŞENIŞIK (Pinar), 3676. SENNEFELT (Karin), 3154. SENOO (Tetsuji), 7292. SENS (Alexander), 1209. SENYK (Sophia), 725. Septimius Severus (Lucius), Roman emperor, 1902. SERAFIM (João Carlos Gonçalves), 6916. SERAILE (William), 6371. ŞERBAN (Alina), 6077. ŞERCAN (Emilia), 4004. SERGI (Giuseppe), 2997. SERGI (Omer), 1096, 1125. Sergius, grammaticus, 2039. ŞERIFOĞLU (Tevfik Emre), 1060. SERNA (Pierre), 6084. SERRANO (Ángel), 5372. SERRANO DEL POZO (Gonzalo), 6999. SERRUT (Louis-Albert), 5627. SERVICE (Robert), 7107. Servier (Jean), 4733. Servius (Marius Honoratus), 1854, 1867. SESANGA HIPUNGU (Delly), 3319. SESSIONS (Jennifer E.), 6844. Sestan (Ernesto), 363. SETAIOLI (Aldo), 1621. SETH (Catriona), 4930. SETTIA (Aldo Angelo), 2343. SETZLER (Wilfried), 4551. Seuse (Heinrich), 3059. ŠEVČENKO (Ihor), 2192. SEVERINI (Marco), 3811, 3817. Severus Antiochensis, 2039.
374 SEVILLA CONDE (Alberto), 1909. SEWELL (Bevan), 6688. SEWELL (William Hamilton), 257. SEXTON (Jay), 4212. Sextus Iulius Africanus, 1610. SEYBOLD (Dietrich), 5460. Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper), 4955. SHAGAN (Ethan H.), 4351. SHAH (Nayan), 6372. SHAHABUDIN (Kim), 5491. SHAHAM (Ron), 1116. SHAI (Itzhaq), 851. Shakespeare (William), 1169, 5161, 5162, 5164, 5166, 5168, 5169, 5170, 5171, 5173, 5175, 5176, 5177, 5179, 5181, 5186, 5188, 5190, 5200, 5201, 5202, 5203, 5204, 5205, 5206, 5207, 5208, 5212, 5578, 5582, 5588, 5600, 5606, 5643. SHALEV-EYNI (Sarit), 40. SHALLCROSS (Bozena), 313. Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria, 999. Shalom, 1068. SHAM (Michael), 1465. SHAO (Dan), 7583. SHAO (Qingfeng), 789. SHAO (Yong), 7584. SHAPIRO (Alan), 1203. SHAPOVAL (Iuriĭ Ivanovych), 4156. Shapur III, king of the Sasanian empire, 1147. SHARMA (Jayeeta), 6785. SHARP (Paul), 5835. SHAW (Brent D.), 2067. SHAW (Eleanor), 5975. SHAW (Joseph W.), 1189. SHAW (Matthew John), 78. SHEAR (Julia L.), 1244. SHEEHAN (Tanya), 5124. SHEFFER (Edith), 7472. SHELDON (Nicola), 376. SHELEST (Petro I︠ukhymovych), 4156. SHEMO (Connie A.), 7585. SHEN (Xiaomin), 7586. SHEPARD (Alexandra), 6373. SHEPARD (Jonathan), 2255. SHEPHERD (Ben), 7125. SHEPHERD (John), 3618. Shi (Meiyu), 7585. SHIBATA (Daisuke), 1029. SHIELDS (Sarah D.), 7210. SHIKANAI (Hirotane), 7683. SHILLINGTON (Kevin), 4060. SHILLITO (Lisa-Marie), 829. SHIM (Ae-Gyung), 5656. SHIMADA (Akira), 7168.
INDEX OF NAMES SHIMADA (Yukinori), 6560. Shimazaki (Toson), 5297. SHIRAISHI (Taichiro), 7684. SHIROYAMA (Tomoko), 7587. SHIZUME (Masato), 6018. SHNEER (David), 5628. SHOEMAKER (Karl), 2548. Shōmu, emperor of Japan, 7699. SHORT (Ian), 9. SHREVE (Bradley G.), 4252. SHRYANE (Jennifer), 5629. SHRYOCK (Andrew), 228. SHTERIONOV (Shteliyan), 6093. SHTIRKOV (Lazar), 3274. SHUKRON (Eli), 1110. SHUMWAY (Rebecca), 6845. SIBLOT (Yasmine), 6467. SIBON (Juliette), 2464. SICARI (Stephen), 5324. SICCA (Cinzia Maria), 5355. SICILIANO (Giovanni), 5958. SIDELTSEV (Andrej V.), 1061. Sidonius Apollinaris (Gaius Sollius), episcopus, Sanctus, 2019. SIEBELS (Volker), 6664. SIEBERT (Anne V.), 1945. SIEGEL (Steffen), 132. SIEGELBAUM (Lewis H.), 5787. SIEKMEIER (James), 7473. SIEMASZKO (Nikolaus Olaf), 5785. Sieyès (Emmanuel Joseph), 4118. SIGAL (Pete), 7718. SIGNORI (Elisa), 4768. SIGNORINI (Lia), 314. SIGRIST (René), 5125. SIGURÐSSON (Jón Viðar), 2494. SILBER (Irina Carlota), 3392. SILEC (Tatjana), 2748. Silentiarius (Paulus), 1215. SILEO (Leonardo), 2904. Silius Italicus (Tiberius Catius Asconius), 1628. SILKENAT (David), 6019. SILLITO (John R.), 4231. SILVA (Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves), 3084. SILVA (José Cláudio Sooma), 4825. SILVA (Paulo Santos), 3270. SILVA (Vítor Aguiar e), 760. SILVA Y FIGUEROA (García de), 6917. SILVER (Morris), 1777. SILVERSTONE (Catherine), 5206. SIM (Teddy), 6786. SIMA (Valentin), 7272. ŞIMĂNDAN (Emil), 4893. SIMENSEN (Jarle), 315. SIMEONE (Domenico), 4811. SIMEONOVA (Gatia), 422. SIMMS (Melanie), 6475.
SIMON (Anne), 5325. SIMON (Catherine), 3171. SIMON (Mathilde), 1752. SIMON (Wolfgang), 4496. SIMÓN TARRÉS (Antonio), 6961. SIMONETTA (Stefano), 2905. SIMONI (Marcello), 2841. Simonidis (Costantino), 901. SIMONS (Frank), 1117. SIMONS (Patricia), 602. SIMONUTTI (Luisa), 4631. SIMPSON (James), 5786. ŠIMŮNEK (Robert), 2916. SINDBÆK (Søren M.), 2624. Sinesius Cyrenaeus, episcopus, 2020. SINGARAVELOU (Pierre), 161, 5126. Singer (Isaac Bashevis), 5424. SINGER (Julie), 2779. SINGLETON (John), 6020. SINHA (Mrinalini), 222. SINHA ROY (Mallarika), 3710. SINIOSSOGLOU (Niketas), 2169. SINISI (Lucia), 2499. SINIVER (Asaf), 7474. SINNREICH (Richard Hart), 6715. SIQUANS (Agnethe), 2140. Siricius, Papa, Sanctus, 2021. SIRINELLI (Jean-François), 316. SIRUTAVICIUS (Vladas), 3859. SISANI (Simone), 1728. SISSON (Elaine), 5360. SITTER (John), 769. SIVAN (Hagith S.), 1971. SIVERTSEV (Alexei M.), 1972. SIVILLI (Sandra), 828. SIX (Clemens), 4352. SIX (Jean-Fançois), 131. SJÖBERG (Maria), 651, 6374. SJÖDAHL HAYMAN (Anna), 580. SJÖRS (Ambjörn), 2188. SKABELUND (Aaron Herald), 6375. SKAKUN (Natalia N.), 804. SKED (Alan), 3224. SKINNER (Kate), 3606. SKINNER (Marilyn B.), 1689. SKINNER (Quentin), 6184. SKLAR (Suzanne M.), 5630. SKOGLUND (Peter), 3096. SKOPELITIS (Dimitri), 3677. SKOR (Holger), 7169. SKORDA (Despina), 1539. SKORNICKI (Arnault), 5707. SKÓRZEWSKA (Joanna A.), 3019. SKŘIVAN (Aleš, Jr.), 5858. SLATER (William J.), 1282. SLAUS (Mario), 796. SLAVITT (David R.), 1619. SLAVOV (Slavi Mitkov), 3275. SLIJKERMAN (Diederick), 3913.
INDEX OF NAMES ŚLIWA (Martyna), 6401. SLOANE (Barney), 2625. SLUGLETT (Peter), 7039. SLUMSTRUP (Finn), 5547. SLUYTERMAN (Keetie), 5959. SMÅBERG (Thomas), 2756. SMAIL (Daniel Lord), 228. SMALL (Melvin), 446. SMEDLEY (Nick), 5631. ŠMEJKALOVÁ (Jiřina), 7293. SMILDE (David), 4283. SMIT (Herman), 6787. SMIT (Peter-Ben), 4441. Smith (Adam), 4982. SMITH (Alden), 770. SMITH (Alison K.), 6665. SMITH (Christopher J.), 1847. SMITH (Christopher), 1729. SMITH (David L.)\3631. SMITH (Geoff), 3663. SMITH (Helmut Walser), 482. SMITH (Iain R.), 6762. Smith (J. Beverley), 2352. SMITH (J. Warren), 2041. SMITH (Jay M.), 423. SMITH (Jeremy), 4018. SMITH (Katherine Allen), 2998. SMITH (Len), 6285. SMITH (Lesley), 2610. SMITH (Michael Thomas), 4253. SMITH (Patricia), 1118. SMITH (Ronald A.), 6376. SMITH (Rowland), 1690. SMITH (Sam), 825. SMITH (Scott B.), 4023. SMITH (Stefan Halikowski), 6788. SMITH (T.O.), 7211. SMITH (Timothy J.), 3680. SMITH (Tyler Jo), 931. SMITH (William Beattie), 3664. SMYK (Grzegorz), 3971. SNEDDON (Shelagh), 3062. SNIEGOŇ (Tomáš), 317. SNOWDEN (Kenneth), 5941. SNYDER (Sarah B.), 7475. SOARES (Maria João), 5859. SOARES (Nair Castro), 5180. SOBECKI (Sebastian I.), 2684. SOBREVILLA PEREA (Natalia), 3246, 6890. SOCAS (Francisco), 1603. Socrates Scholasticus, 2139. Socrates, 729, 1169, 1402, 1409, 1416, 1421, 1426, 1432, 1433, 1448. SÖDERBERG (Johan), 5824. Söderblom (Nathan), 4537. SÖDERMAN (Harry), 6718. SÖDERSTRÖM (Johanna), 3854. SODRÉ (Nelson Werneck), 4931. SØEBORG (Flemming), 7170.
SOFIA (Anna), 1266. Sohnrey (Heinrich), 5903. SOHRABI (Nader), 3728. SOKOLL (Thomas), 6379. SOLABERRIETA (Benoit-Marie), 4442. SOLAR (Peter M.), 5788, 5902. SOLDANI (Maria Elisa), 2627. SOLDANI (Simonetta), 337. SOLERVICENS (Josep), 5194. Solimena (Francesco), 5433. SOLIVÉREZ (Carlos E.), 5015. SOLODKOW (David M.), 5370. Solon, 1241, 1243, 1253, 1257. SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA (Jesús Angel), 2505. SOMENZI (Chiara), 1997. SOMERVILLE (Robert), 2946. SOMMERSTEIN (Alan H.), 1381. SOMOGY (Éva), 3692. SOMOS (Mark), 4953. SONDHAUS (Lawrence), 7108. SONG (Zhenhao), 7588. Sonnnenfels (Joseph von), 3218. SONNTAG (Marcus), 3578. SOOD (Gagan D. S.), 7506. Sophocles, 1287, 1350, 1381. Sophonias, 2188. SORACI (Cristina), 1778. SORENSEN (Clark W.), 3845. SØRENSEN (Jakob), 7171. SØRENSEN (Nils Arne), 5694. SORIA GALVARRO BALCÁZAR (Eric Armando), 6853. SORNN-FRIESE (Henrik), 5771. SORO (Laura), 1186. SOROKA (Marina), 7109. SORON (Antony), 5326. SORREL (Christian), 4414. SORRENTI (Lucia), 2549. SORUCO SOLOGUREN (Ximena), 6891. SÖSEMANN (Bernd), 3579. SOTO JOYA (Fernanda), 3920. SOURVINOU-INWOOD (Christiane), 1472. ŠOUŠA (Jiří), 5981. SOUSA (Julião Soares), 3687. SOUTHARD (Belinda A. Stillion), 4254. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri), 7110, 7176, 7318. SOUTOU (Jean-Marie), 7294. SOUZA (Robério Santos), 3271. SOYKUT (Mustafa), 6719. SPAANS (Joke), 4353. SPADA (Gabriella), 1030. SPADAVECCHIA (Anna), 5783. SPAGNOLO (Carlo), 359. SPAHN (Hannah), 4255. SPANU (Pier Giorgio), 1567.
375 SPARHUBERT (Éric), 2820. SPARROW (James T.), 4256. Spartacus, 1687. SPECCHIA (Emanuela), 4396. SPECTOR (Céline), 4980. SPEDICATO (Mario), 4396. SPEER (Andreas), 2900. SPEER (Christian), 2441. SPELTEN (Achim), 132. SPENCE (J. E.), 4061. SPENDER (J.-C.), 5993. Spengler (Oswald), 214. Spenser (Edmund), 2743. SPENTZOU (Efrossini), 1637. SPERBER-HARTMANN (Doris), 1992. SPERLING (Walter), 5789. SPEVAK (Olga), 2000. SPIAZZI (Anna Maria), 5416. SPICKSLEY (Judith), 6373. SPIEGEL (Daniela), 5405. SPIEGEL (Gabrielle M.), 257. SPIELER (Miranda Frances), 6666. SPIELMANN (Guy), 5214. SPIERING (Menno), 7140. SPIES (Werner), 5375. SPIEß (Karl-Heinz), 6536. SPIGA (Maria Teresa), 4817. SPIJKER (Jeroen J.A.), 6380. Spinello Aretino, 2844. SPINI (Giovanni), 1580. SPINOSA (Nicola), 5462. SPIRITI (Andrea), 5417. Spitzer (Leo), 364. SPIVEY (Nigel), 1481. SPODEK (Howard), 3711. SPOERHASE (Carlos), 4662. SPOERR (Kathrin), 3580. SPOHNHOLZ (Jesse), 4354. SPRING (Dawn), 5860. Squier (Ephraim George), 7037. SQUILLACE (Giuseppe), 1245. SRAMEK (Joseph), 6381. SREBRNIK (Henry Felix), 3290. ST. JOHN (Rachel), 6720. ST. JOHN (Ronald Bruce), 3855. STABEL (Peter), 2628. STABILE (Giuseppe), 2757. STACHELBECK (Christian), 6703. STADEL (Christian), 1119. STÄDTER (Benjamin), 4355. STAFFORD (David), 7248. STAGER (Lawrence E.), 877, 949, 1118. STAHEL (David), 7249. STÅHL (Peter), 22. Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovič Džugašvili), 4014, 4493, 7217, 7303, 7328. STALIŪNAS (Darius), 3859. Stambolov (Stefan), 283.
376 STAMM (Michael), 5632. STAMM (Volker), 2367. STAN (Constantin I.), 7250. STANARD (Matthew G.), 6846. STANCATO (Gianmarco), 2906. Standen (Hans), 140. STANDOP (Ewald), 5327. STANFORD (Charlotte A.), 2373. STANFORS (Maria), 5790. STANGHELLINI (Menotti), 2758. STANGUENNEC (André), 4950. STANIĆ (Igor), 6171. Stanley (Henry Morton), 6807. STANSBURY O'DONNELL (Mark D.), 1540. STANTON (Charles D.), 2404. STANWOOD (Owen), 6892. STAPLES (Kate Kelsey), 2630. STAPLETON (Timothy Joseph), 4292. STAPPMANNS (Verena), 928. STARLING (David I.), 2141. STAROPOLI (Ferdinando), 849, 850. STARR (Raymond J.), 1601. STARRS (Roy), 3832. STASAVAGE (David), 604. Statius (Publius Papinius), 1629, 1789, 1790, 1820. STAUB (Martial), 2362. STAUB (Michael E.), 6385. STAUDINGER (Barbara), 4571. STAVI (Boaz), 1062. STAVRAKOS (Christos), 2229. STEADMAN (Sharon R.), 479. STEAR (Natalie A.), 857. STECKEL (Sita), 2794. STEDMAN (Andrew David), 7212. STEEL (Frances), 6903. STEELE (John), 73. STEFANI (Silvia), 2507. STEFFEN (Markus), 2699. STEFFENS (Frauke), 4853. Stein (Gertrude), 3462. STEIN (Oliver), 7071. STEINBERG (Jonathan), 3582. STEINBERG (Mark D.), 4739. STEINER (Jean-Michel), 6447. Steiner (Rudolf), 5321. STEINER (Zara S.), 7172. STEINERT (Ulrike), 1031. STEINKAMP (Peter), 460. STEINKE (Tim), 5633. STEINMETZ (Willibald), 126. STEINSLAND (Gro), 2494. STEINWASCHER (Gerd), 106. STEJSKAL (Jan), 2999. STELLA (Massimo), 364. STELLER (Verena), 7036. Stendhal, 5241, 5246, 5252. STENGER (Jan), 1382.
INDEX OF NAMES STENIUS (Henrik), 291. STENROTH (Ingmar), 4740. STEPAN (Nancy Leys), 5127. STEPANOV (Tsvetelin), 2210. Stephanus Byzantinus, 2189. STEPHENS (Elizabeth), 6386. Stephenson (Robert H.), 5341. STEPS (Marco), 5141. STERCKX (Roel), 605. STERN (David), 2466. STERN (Klaus), 6597. STERN (Philip J.), 6021. STERN (Sacha), 724. STERNBERG (Myriam), 1070. STETTLER (Christian), 2142. STEVENS (Bron), 3202. STEVENSON (David), 7111. STEWART (Bruce E.), 6387. STEWART (Jules), 6721. STIEBER (Mary), 1383. STIEGLER (Christina), 5634. Stieglitz (Alfred), 5550, 5595. STIENING (Gideon), 4983. STIEWE (Barbara), 4741. STILL (Judith), 6388. STILWELL (Sean), 6847. STINI (Frank), 1730. STINSON (Philip), 1946. STIRNEMANN (Patricia), 9. STIVALA (Gabriella), 1032. STOBART (Jon), 6389. STÖBER (Karen), 2930. STÖCKER (Georg), 5903. STODOLKOWITZ (Stefan Andreas), 6667. STOFFELLA (Marco), 2979. STÖGER (Georg), 5861. STOICA (Stan), 474. STOJČEV (Aleksandar), 7112. STOJČEV (Vanče), 7112. STOKES (Laura), 424. STOKŁOSA (Katarzyna), 7295. STOLBERG (Michael), 5128. STOLFI (Emanuele), 1711. STOLL (Mathieu), 3456. STOLLBERG-RILINGER (Barbara), 4954. STOLLEIS (Michael), 6581. STOLTE (Bernard H.), 2235. Stoltenberg (Jens), 3931. STONE (Michael Edward), 1120. STONE (Rachel), 2686. STOPANI (Renato), 3094. STOPP (Barbara), 862. STOPPER (Sebastian), 7270. STORA (Benjamin), 3168, 3169, 6795, 6813, 6816. STORLI (Espen), 6015. STORTI (Francesco), 2435. STOURAITIS (Ioannis), 2256. STOURZH (Gerald), 3225.
STOUT (Mark), 3731. Stowe (Harriet Beecher), 5234. STOYANOV (Yuri), 2257. STOYLE (Mark), 425. STRACK (Friedrich), 5254. STRAKA (Karel), 7113. STRAMAGLIA (Antonio), 1442. STRAND (David), 7589. STRANDSKOV (Jesper), 5791. STRAßNER (Veit), 4383. STRATHERN (Paul), 2442. STRAUCH (Dieter), 2550. STRAUS (Lawrence Guy), 805. STRAUSS (David), 6390. STRAUSS (Johann), 128. STRAVINSKIENĖ (Vitalija), 3860. Stravinsky (Igor), 5552. STREB (Jochen), 5732, 5774. STREETE (Adrian), 5533. STREIT (Clarence K.), 4134. STREMLAU (Rose), 6391. STRIER (Richard), 5207. STRIETER (Claudia), 5695. STRING (Tatiana C.), 321. Stringa (Francesco), 5456. STRINNA (Giovanni), 3023. STRIPPEL (Andreas), 3584. STRODS (Heinrihs), 3850. STROE (Laurenţiu), 4005. STROHN (Matthias), 3585. STROLL (Mary), 2947. STROM (Sharon Hartman), 7037. STRONKS (Els), 4356. Strozzi (famiglia), 108. STRUB (Whitney), 4257. STRUCK (Bernhard), 6716. STRUGAR (Vlado), 4052. STRÜMPER-KROBB (Sabine), 5233. STRUPP (Christoph), 7178. STRUTWOLF (Holger), 1986. STUBER (Martin), 5904. STUCKI (Andreas), 6762. STUDT (Christoph), 6701. STUR (Heather Marie), 6392. STURDZA (Mihai Dimitrie), 90. STURGE (Kate), 492. STÜRNER (Ferdinand), 1855. STURT (Fraser), 815. STUTTERHEIM (Kerstin), 5635. SU (Zhiliang), 7590. Su(i)da, 1326. Suardi (Bartolomeo) detto Bramantino, 5454. SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ (Luis), 4443. SUÁREZ PADILLA (José), 853. SUÁREZ SÁNCHEZ DE LEÓN (Juan Luis), 4742. SUAREZ-NANI (Tiziana), 2836. SUAREZ-POTTS (William), 6509. SUCHOPLES (Jarosław), 4761. ŠUCHOVÁ (Xénia), 4049.
INDEX OF NAMES SUDA (Makiko), 7685. SUDA (Tsutomu), 7662. SUDRIÀ (Carles), 5923. Suetonius Tranquillus (Gaius), 1630. SUH (Eun Ju), 5156. SUHARA (Shoji), 7686. Suhard (Emmanuel), archevêque de Paris, 4411. SUIRE (Éric), 4357. Sullivan (Harry Stack), 5137. SULLIVAN (Karen), 3000. SULLIVAN (Lawrence R.), 499. SULLIVAN (Regina D.), 7591. Sulzer (Johann Georg), 4983. SUMI (Geoffrey), 1779. SUMITOMO (Akifumi), 524. SUNDAHL (Mark), 1251. SUNDEVALL (Fia), 6393. SUNSERI (Lina), 6893. SUNY (Ronald Grigor), 4151. SUPIĈIĆ (Ivan), 5356. SUPPHELLEN (Magne), 5946. Suppiluliuma I, king of Hittites, 1049, 1062. SURDAM (David George), 6022. SURI (Jeremi), 4258. SÜß (Dietmar), 7251. SÜSS (Winfried), 3485, 5059. SUTCLIFFE (Adam), 719. SUTTER-SOMM (Thomas), 4781. SUTTNER (Andreas), 6394. SUTTON (Katie), 6395. SUURMEIJER (Guido), 1033. SUZUKI (Hideaki), 7710. SUZUKI (Takami), 5328. SUZUKI (Tamon), 3833. SUZUKI (Yasutami), 7687. SVANBERG (Johan), 6510. ŠVEDAS (Aurimas), 3861. SVENDSEN (Jan), 5792. SVENSSON (Birgitta), 651. SWAIN (Geoffrey), 3326. SWEET (James H.), 4743. SWEETENHAM (Carol), 2290. SWEETMAN (Rebecca J.), 1683. SWETT (Pamela E.), 3557. SYGKELOS (Yannis), 3276. SYLLA (Richard), 5673. Symeon Thessalonicensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2190. SYMES (Carol), 258. Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius), 1631. SYMONDS (Craig L.), 7252. SZABO (Franz A. J.), 3203. SZABÓ (Róbert), 3699. SZABÓ (Szilárd), 3253. SZAKOLCZAI (György), 3699. SZARKA (László), 3696. SZATKOWSKI (Tim), 7354, 7476.
SZCZESZAK-BREWER (Agata), 5329. SZENTMIKLOSI (Alexandru), 863. SZIDAT (Sabine), 1384. SZOŁTYSEK (Mikołaj), 6396. SZYMBORSKI (Wiktor), 3085. T TABILI (Laura), 6397. TACHIBANA (Makoto), 3901. Tacitus (Publius Cornelius), 1632, 1787, 1802, 1809, 1819, 1834, 4691. TADAJEWSKI (Mark), 4854. Taft (Robert), 4187. TAGLIACOZZO (Eric), 5817. TAHA (Fadwa), 4097. TAÏEB (Emmanuel), 6668. TAITHE (Bertrand), 6695. TAKABATAKE (Sumio), 1247. TAKÁCS (Gábor), 1121. TAKAO (Abé), 4488. TAKASE (Koichiro), 7650. TAKASHI (Tsukada), 7688. TAKATS (Sean), 6398. TAKEDA (Junko Thérèse), 5862. TAKEDA (Kazuo), 7668. TAKEHARA YAMADA (Yumiko), 6722. TALAMO (Pierfrancesco), 845. TALBERT (Charles H.), 2068. TALBOTT (Siobhan), 5863, 6111. TALHAMY (Yvette), 4560. TALKENBERGER (Heike), 6399. Talleyrand-Périgord (Charles Maurice de prince de Bénévent), 6982, 7002. TALLIER (Pierre-Alain), 160. TAMAI (Tatsushi), 15. TAMAKI (Toshiaki), 5853. TAMARI (Salim), 7049. TAMBA (Giorgio), 2501. Tamm (Ditlev), 2523. TAMM (Marek), 726. TAMMAN (Tina), 7213. TAMMEVESKI (Peeter), 6094. TAMMUZ (Oded), 1122. TAN (Elaine), 6023. TAN (Jing Quee), 4037. TAN (Kok-Chiang), 4037. TANAKA (Tatsuya), 7689. TANAKA (Toshitatsu), 7690. TANASI (Davide), 834. TANG (Chunsheng), 7592. TANG (John P.), 7493. TANGERDING (Clemens Maria), 3586. TANI (Ryuuichiro), 2143. TANKOSIĆ (Žarko), 864. TANNER (Norman), 727. TANOUKHI (Nirvana), 4986.
377 TANRET (Michel), 1033. TANSELLE (G. Thomas), 67. TANTALEÁN ARBULÚ (Javier), 3958, 6894. TANTURRI (Alberto), 4855. TAPLIN (Ian M.), 5864. TARACENA ARRIOLA (Arturo), 3678. TARANT (Harold), 1443. Tarcondimotus, king of Cilicia, 891. TARNOFF (Ben), 6024. TAROR (Davide), 3812. TARQUINI (Alessandra), 4744. TARRÚS I GALTER (Josep), 827. TARTAKOWSKY (Danielle), 3443, 6118. TARTARI (Fatos), 1525. TAŞ (Ilknur), 1063. TASKER (Yvonne), 5637. TASSIER (Troy), 6040. TASSIGNON (Isabelle), 1506, 1541. Tasso (Torquato), 5193. TATIN-GOURIER (Jean-Jacques), 4943. TATSITSA (Jacob), 3280. TAUCHEN (Jaromír), 539. Tauler (Johannes), 3059. TAVÁREZ (David), 6895. TAVERNI (Barbara), 3813. TAVIANI (Carlo), 6910. TAYLOR (Becky), 6401. TAYLOR (Benedict), 5638. TAYLOR (Claire), 3086. TAYLOR (Clarence), 4192, 6511. TAYLOR (David), 3640. TAYLOR (Graham), 6512. TAYLOR (Jason E.), 6402. TAYLOR (John), 2305. TAYLOR (Melanie Benson), 5330. TAYLOR (Melissa Jane), 7362. TAYLOR (Vanessa), 6095. TAYLOR (William B.), 4444. TCHERNIA (André), 1780. TCHEUYAP (Alexie), 5639. TCHOIDZE (Eka), 2171. TEASLEY (Sarah), 5471. TEDESCHI (Paolo), 5764. TEDESCHI FUBINI (Rossella), 4586. TEDOLDI (Leonida), 3785. TEEGEN (Wolf-Rüdiger), 928, 2247. TEICH (Mikuláš), 498. TEICHERT (Olav), 3587. TEICHOVA (Alice), 5697. TEISCH (Jessica B.), 5129. TEITLER (Hans), 1636. TEJA (Ramón), 2986. TEJA CASUSO (Ramón), 2160. TELLEGEN-COUPERUS (Olga), 1712.
378 TELLINI (Gino), 5229. TELÒ (Mario), 1385. TEMKIN (Moshik), 4259. TEMPEST (Kathryn), 1691. TENGE-WOLF (Viola), 3058. TENNSTEDT (Florian), 3474. TERBERGER (Thomas), 810, 847. TEREKHINA (Vera V.), 804. TERÉS I TOMÀS (M. Rosa), 2803. TERHALLE (Johannes), 5408, 5463. TERMORSHUIZEN (Gerard), 6789. TERNAVASIO (Marcela), 3193. TERPSTRA (Nicholas), 4457. TERRASI (Filippo), 845. TERRIER (Didier), 153. Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Florens), 2022-2024-, 2088. TESSITORE (Fulvio), 392. TESTA (Silvia), 3793. TESTEN (David), 1150. TESTI CRISTIANI (Maria Laura), 2808. TESTUZZA (Maria Sole), 2551. TETER (Magda), 4603. TEULE (Herman G.B.), 2100. TEUSCHER (Jana), 5409. TEUSCHER (Simon), 607. TEWES (Götz-Rüdiger), 3814. TEYSSOU (Roger), 5130. THAISEN (Jacob), 2755. Thälmann (Ernst), 3504. THALMANN (Florian), 5585. THATCHER (Ian D.), 4024. Thatcher (Margaret), 7368. THEIR (Andreas), 2948. THÉNAULT (Sylvie), 6124. Theocritus, 1218, 1296, 1333, 1391, 1808. Theodericus (Flavius), Magnus, 1975. Theodora, Byzantine empress, 2230, 2251. Theodorethus, bishop of Cyrrhus, 2137. Theodorus Cyzicenus, episcopus, 2191. Theodorus Mopsuestenus, episcopus, 2038. Theodosius I Magnus (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1367, 1675. Theophilus Edessenus, 2193. Theophrastus, 1437. Theopompus, 1362. THER (Philipp), 3158. THÉRÉ (Christine), 5703. THÉRENTY (Marie-Ève), 4873. THÉRY (Julien), 3087. THEWES (Guy), 6096. THIBODEAU (Philip), 1856. THIEL (Rainer), 1889. THIELE (Andrea), 553.
INDEX OF NAMES THIEM (Christian), 6598. THIEMEYER (Guido), 7038. THODEN VAN VELZEN (H. U. E.), 4098. THOEN (Erik), 162. THOM (Sandra), 1975. THOMAS (Aline), 830. THOMAS (Chantal), 84. THOMAS (Elaine R.), 3457. THOMAS (Gwynn), 3305. THOMAS (J.E.), 3665. THOMÀS (Joan Maria), 4091, 7214. THOMAS (Karen Kruse), 4260. THOMAS (Lynn M.), 258. THOMAS (Nicholas L.), 2144. THOMAS (Richard F.), 1609. THOMAS (Tracy A.), 6621. Thomas Aquinas, 2873, 2877, 2906. THOMAS DE CELANO, 2953. Thomas Magister, 2232. THOMES (Paul), 6025. THOMPSON (Andrew C.), 3666. THOMPSON (Ayanna), 5208. Thompson (Edward Palmer), 365. THOMPSON (Estevam C.), 6764. THOMPSON (Kathleen), IV, 2498. THOMSEN (Lena), 5331. Thomson (Ann), 366. THONEMANN (Peter), 163, 2145. THORAL (Marie-Cécile), 6981. THOREL-CAILLETEAU (Sylvie), 5332. THORNETT (Alan), 6513. THORNTON BURNETT (Mark), 5533. THORP (Julia Lee), 854. THORPE (Julie), 3226. THOß (Hendrik), 3135. Thrasea Paetus (Publius Clodius), 1660. THRONTVEIT (Trygve), 4972, 7114. THROOP (Susanna A.), 2405. THRUSH (Andrew), 3660. Thucydides, 367, 1379. THURAH (Thomas), 3376. THURNER (Mark), 319. TIAN (Xiaofei), 164. Tibaldi (Domenico), 5387. Tibaldi (Pellegrino), 538. Tiberius (Claudius Nero), Roman emperor, 1643, 1650, 1668, 1802. Tibullus (Albius), 1826. TICHIT (Anne), 1463. Tielke (Joachim), 5549. TIERNEY (Brian), 537. TIKKANEN (Karin W.), 1568. TILLER (Stian Johansen), 7349. TILLIER (Anaïs), 984.
Tillion (Germaine), 4733. TILLMAN (Benjamin Farr), 5905. TILLY (Pierre), 5027, 6409. TIMOFEEV (Aleksej J.), 7173. TIMPANARO (Sebastiano), 5229. TINGEY JR. (David L), 5333. Tintoretto, 5432, 5453. TIPPELSKIRCH (Xenia von), 4746. TIRO (Karim M.), 4261. TIROSH-BECKER (Ofra), 1123. Tirpitz (Alfred von), 3532. TISCHLER (Matthias M.), 2473. TISMANEANU (Vladimir), 3151, 6514. TISON (Stéphane), 3458. Tisserant (Eugène), 4402. TISSOT (Laurent), 5850, 6407. Tito (Josip Broz), 3326, 3327, 4053. TITUS (Jill Ogline), 4262. TLUSTY (B. Ann), 3588. TO (Takehiko), 7593. To Figueras (Lluís), 2564. TOBBELL (Dominique A.), 6404. TÖBELMANN (Paul), 426. Tocqueville (Alexis Henri Charles de Clérel de), 4984. TODD (David), 6765. TODISCO (Elisabetta), 1692. TODOROKI (Kotaro), 2347. TODOROSKA (Katerina), 3864. TODOROV (Tzvetan), 5464. Togliatti (Palmiro), 7303. TOGNETTI (Sergio), 2402, 2552. TOHER (Mark), 1124. TOKAREV (Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich), 3233. TOLA (Eleonora), 1857. Toledo (Francisco de), 6894. TÖLLE (Isabel), 7038. TOLLEBEEK (Jo), 320, 356. TOLLERTON (Linda), 2553. TOLLIN (Katharina), 6405. TOLLISON (Robert D.), 2095. TOLOSA (Benjamin T.), 3961. Tolstoi (Lev), 5331. TOLSTRUP (Michael), 3367. TOLZ (Vera), 652. TOMÁS FACI (Guillermo), 2286. TOMASI (Michele), 2796. TOMASSI (Gianluigi), 1214, 1386. TOMEK (Beverly C.), 4263. TOMEKOVIĆ (Svetlana), 2258. TOMES (Jason), 3163, 3167. TOMPKINS (Andrew), 6408. TOMS (Steven), 5959. TONELLA (Denise), 2399. TONNERRE (Noël-Yves), 2437. TONO (Haruyuki), 7692. TONRY (Kathleen Ann), 2657. TONTINI (Alba), 1842.
INDEX OF NAMES TOOR (Saadia), 3937. TOOZE (Adam), 3277. TÖPFER (Kai), 1693. TOPLIS (Alison), 5865. TORCHIANI (Francesco), 346. TORELLI (Mario), 1533. Torma (August), 7213. Tornero (León), 4468. TORP (Claudius), 3589. TORP (Cornelius), 6745. TORRANCE (Isabelle), 1387. TORRANCETORRANCE (Iain R.), 2039. TORRE HÉRNANDEZ (Alejandro de la), 4922. TORRE MOLINA (Mildred de la), 4639. TORRES (Max S. Hering), 6334. TORRES-GUERRA (José B.), 1784. TORREY (Glenn E.), 7115. TORRI (Giulia), 1064. TORTAROLO (Edoardo), 4631, 4870, 4932. TORTELLA CASARES (Gabriel), 6027. TORTZEN (Christian), 7253. TÔRU (Morishita), 7693. TOSATTI (Silvia Bianca), 41. TOSCANO (Marco), 5056. TÓTH (Ferenc), 6962. TÓTH (Tamás), 4445. Tott (François baron de), 6962. TOUCAS-TRUYEN (Patricia), 6406. TOUCHAIS (Gilles), 1518. TOUHEY (Ryan M.), 7477. TOURNON (A.), 4631. TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE (François-Dominique), 6854, 6874. TOUSTEAU-CHAMBON (Hélène), 5461. TOVAR (Paco), 5334. TOYODA (Tetsuya), 6678. TRABERT (Florian), 5640. Traianus (Marcus Ulpius Nerva), Roman emperor, 1688, 1930, 1931, 1954. TRAMONTANA (Salvatore), 2348, 2406. TRAN (Trung), 50. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola), 3808, 3815. Traversari (Ambrogio), 1955. TRAXLER (Franz), 6451. TREACY (Matt), 3753. TRECCANI (Gian Paolo), 6097. TREMBLAY (Maxwell), 5653. TRENDAFILOV (Rossen), 6040. TRENTIN (Lisa), 1782. Trentin (Silvio), 3819. TRENTMANN (Frank), 6095. TRENTO (Angelo), 4933. TRESKOW (Isabella von), 4692.
TREUE (Wolfgang), 4475. TREUER (Anton), 4264. TREVIZO (Dolores), 3898. TRIMBLE (Jennifer), 1949. TRINER (Gail D.), 5793. TRIPODI (Christian), 6790. TRIPPÉ (Natacha), 1197. TRISTANO (Caterina), 34. TRIVELLATO (Francesca), 607. TRIVELLATO (Ugo), 4773. TRIVELLONE (Alessia), 3001. TRO DEHO (Roger), 5311. TROEBST (Stefan), 7192. TROELSGÅRD (Christian), 2259. TROGRLIĆ (Marko), 6971. TROLANDER (Judith Ann), 6410. TROMBLEY (Stephen), 740. TROMPETTE (Pascale), 6411. TROTTMANN (Christian), 5210. TROVATO (Salvatore C.), 5335. Trubar (Primož), 4551. Truman (Harry S.), 7241, 7320. TRÜMPI (Fritz), 5642. TRÜSTEDT (Katrin), 5643. TRUTKOWSKI (Dominik), 7296. TRUYTS (Tom), 3241. TSAGALIS (Christos), 1201. Tsankov (Aleksandŭr), 3273. TSARAVOPOULOS (Aris), 926, 1536. TSETSKHLADZE (Gocha R.), 882. TSIGARIDA (Bettina), 1473. TSIMBIDAROS (Ilias), 1444. TSIRTSONI (Zoï), 811. TSUBOUCHI (Yoshihiro), 7515. TSUCHIGUCHI (Fuminori), 7594. TSUDE (Hiroshi), 7694. TSUKIMOTO (Akio), 1034. ŢUCĂ (Cornel), 7116. TUCCI (Pier Luigi), 1950. TUCHTENHAGEN (Ralph), 500. TUCKER (Aviezer), 377. TUCKER (Penelope), 2276. TUDORANCEA (Radu), 7117. Tukulti-Ninurta I, king of Assyria, 1039. TULLOS (Allen), 4265. TULLY (John), 6412. TŮMA (Oldřich), 485, 4858. TŬPKOVA-ZAIMOVA (Vasilika), 2212. Turati (Filippo), 3802. TURBET (Peter), 6904. TURCAN (Robert), 1731. ŢURCANU (Florin), 6576. TÜRCK (Verena), 2922. TURCU (Christine-Marie), 6413. TURCUŞ (Şerban), 3002. TURELLI (Giovanni), 1732. Turjman (Ihsan Hasan), 7049. TÜRK (Egbert), 2296.
379 TURLEJ (Stanislaw), 2260. TURNER (Denys), 2908. TURNER (John D.), 5912, 5913, 5927, 5977. Turner (John N.), 3287. Turner (Mary), 4173. TURNER (Sean M.), 7479. TURNER-GRAHAM (Emily), 3201. TURPIN (Frédéric), 3427. TURVOLD (Elisabeth), 7128. Tutankhamun, king of Egypt, 954. Tutankhaten, king of Egypt, 947. TUTINO (John), 6028. TVEDT (Terje), 6848. TWEED (Thomas A.), 4366. TWEEDIE (Fiona C.), 1783. TWELFTREE (Graham H.), 693. TYERMAN (Christopher), 2349. TYLER (Elizabeth M.), 2718. TYSON (Thomas N.), 6870. TYVELA (Kirk), 7480. Tzatzoe (Jan), 4055. TZIFOPOULOS (Yannis), 1474. U ÜBEL (Brigitte), 6414. UBERTUS DE BOBIO, 2511. UBL (Karl), 2375. UCHALOVÁ (Eva), 6415. UCHIDA (Etsuo), 676. UCHIDA (Jun), 6791. UEBERSCHÄR (Gerd R.), 460. Ugbabe (Ahebi), 3921. UGOLINI (Wendy), 7254. UHL (Karsten), 5794. UHLMANN (Anthony), 5336. UHRMACHER (Martin), 609. ULIAS (S.), 985. ULLMANN (Manfred), 1208. ULLRICH (Christina), 3591. ULMER (Martin), 3592. ULRICH (Bernd), 610. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, 2737. ULRICHSEN (Kristian), 7118. ULSIG (Erik), 2407. ULUS (Özgür Mutlu), 4153. UMBACH (Fritz), 4266. UNAL (Hasan), 6694. UNFER LUKOSCHIK (Rita), 4728, 5042. UNGER (Richard W.), 601. ÜNGÖR (Uğur Ümit), 4154. UNTERHOLZNER (Daniela), 3220. UNTERMAN (Alan), 501. UPCHURCH (Martin), 6512. UPPENKAMP (Barbara), 5410. URBACH (Karina), 3667. URBAN (William), 5134. URBANITSCH (Peter), 6378. URBANO (Carlota Miranda), 5180. Urbanus II, Papa, 2946.
380 URBINA (Eduardo), 5215. URÍA (Ignacio), 3335, 4358. URIA (Jorge), 4092. URIBE LACALLE (Enrique), 4894. USAI (Alessandro), 1567. USMANOVA (Emma), 857. USSISHKIN (David), 1125. UTARD (Régine), 1858. UYTTERHOEVEN (Inge), 932. UZER (Umut), 6723. UZOIGWE (G. N.), 3928. V VACANTE (Salvatore), 933. VACCA (Alberto), 3818. VACCARO (Emanuele), 3120. VACIAGO (Paolo), 2907. VADILLO (Floran), 3402. VAHTIKARI (Vesa), 29. VAILLANT (Alain), 4873. VAÏSSE (Maurice), 3459, 7215, 7357, 7360. VAKONAKIS (Nikolaos), 2187. VAKULA (Oleksandra), 2057. VALBELLE (Dominique), 935. Valdemar, Swedish duke, 2428. VALENT (Lucio), 3668. Valentinianus (Flavius), Roman emperor, 2195. VALENZE (Deborah), 611. VALERA (António Carlos), 853. VALÉRIAN (Dominique), 2485. VALERIO (Adriana), 3031. Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus (Gaius), 1851. Valerius Maximus, 1822. Valero (Joanot), 2773. VALI (Abbas), 3729. VÄLIMÄKI (Reima), 3088. VALIÑAS LÓPEZ (Francisco Manuel), 5466. VALK (Thorsten), 5644. VALL (Natasha), 4749. VALLADAS (Hélène), 788. VALLECALLE (Jean-Claude), 2740. VALLSTRÖM (Maria), 5906. VALOR (Magdalena), 2310. VALSANIA (Maurizio), 4267. VAMME (Hans), 3377. VAN AUSDALL (Kristen), 3042. VAN BELLE (G.), 680. VAN BELLE (Jean-Louis), 5795. VAN BENEDEN (Ben), 5410. VAN DAELE (Jasmien), 3242. VAN DAM (Raymond), 1694. VAN DE MIEROOP (Marc), 1035. VAN DE NOORT (Robert), 780. VAN DE POEL (Jan), 6408. VAN DE VEN (Hans J.), 7222. VAN DEN BELT (Albert), 107. VAN DEN BERG (Jacob A.), 2106.
INDEX OF NAMES VAN DEN BERSSELAAR (Dmitri), 5866. VAN DEN BROEK (Diane), 6029. VAN DEN HEUVEL (Gerd), 3593. VAN DEN NESTE (Evelyne), 7. VAN DER MEER (Lammert B.), 1581. VAN DER MEEREN (Sophie), 1445. VAN DER WALT (Lucien), 6516. VAN DER WATT (Jan G.), 2049. VAN DER WEE (Herman), 612. VAN DEUN (Peter), 2228. VAN DIJCK (Maarten), 3241. VAN DYKE (Paul A.), 5867. VAN EENOO (Romain), II. VAN EYNDE (Laurent), 5646. VAN HEEMS (Gilles), 1569. VAN HOOF (Lieve), 934. VAN HOUTS (Elisabeth M. C.), 2626. VAN ITTERSUM (Martine J.), 4966. VAN KLEY (Dale K.), 3424. VAN LEEUWEN (Marco H.D.), 6284. VAN LOTTUM (Jelle), 5796, 6416. VAN MONTFRANS (Manet), 5313. VAN NUFFELEN (Peter), 934. VAN OORT (Johannes), 2106. VAN RAALTE (Theodore), 4568. VAN ROMPAY (Lucas), 1990. VAN SETERS (John), 1126. VAN TRICHT (Filip), 2261. VAN VELTHOVEN (Harry), 3242. VAN WEES (Hans), 1267. VAN ZANDEN (Jan Luiten), 613, 7493. VANDEN (Harry E.), 490. VANDEN BERGHE (Kristine), 4726. VANDENBERGHE (Dimitri A.G.), 793. VANDERHEYDE (Catherine), 1542, 1543. VANDERMEULEN (Marie), 4726. VANDERMOTTEN (Christian), 166. VANDERPUTTEN (Steven), 2967. VANDONE (Gianluca), 2685. VANEGAS USECHE (Isidro), 6851. VANHAEREN (Marian), 788. VANNESTE (Tijl), 5868. VANNI (Fabrizio), 3094. VANNIER (Marie-Anne), 706, 3089. VANOOSTHUYSE (François), 5252. Vanzetti (Bartolomeo), 4259. VAQUERO RODRÍGUEZ (Manuel), 784. VARANINI (Gian Maria), 2278, 2279, 2344, 2970. VARDABASSO (Valentina), 6599. VARFOLOMEEV (Victor), 857. VARGAS (Michael A.), 3003.
VARRICCHIO (Maria Rita), 849. VARRY (Dominique), 69. VARSORI (Antonio), 7394. VARTA (Ion), 3900. Varus (Publius Quinctilius), 1650. VASAK (Anouchka), 583. Vasari (Giorgio), 5347, 5455. Vasco Luís da Gama, Marquês de Niza, 6916. VASCONCELLOS (Maria Ramos de), 4813. VAŠEK (Richard), 4050. VASILE (Cristian), 4006. VASOLI (C.), 4631. VASQUEZ (Jean-Michel), 167. VAST (Cécile), 4750. VATCHKOVA (Veselina), 2210. VAVŘÍNEK (Vladimir), 502. VAYSSIÈRE (Pierre), 3336. VÁZQUEZ (María Celia), 4681. VECA (Carlo), 834. Vecellio (Tiziano), 5420, 5432. VEGA (Mercedes de), 4627. VEGA SOMBRÍA (Santiago), 4093. VEGUÍN CASAS (María Victoria), 5135. Veil (Simone), 7399. VELA BUENO (José Carlos), 5647. VELADŽIĆ (Sabina), 3254. VELATI (Mauro), 4361. Velázquez (Diego), 5423. VELISSAROPOULOS-KARAKOSTAS (Julie), 1268. Velius Longus, grammaticus, 1634. Velleius Paterculus (Marcus), 1859. VELYCHENKO (Stephen), 4166. Venantius (Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus), episcopus, Sanctus, 2035. Vendramin (Gabriele), 5447. VENDRYES (Arnaud), 5907. VENEZIANO (Giuseppe), 1921. VENGEON (Frédéric), 2910. VENNING (Timothy), 1644. VENTRELLA (Gianluca), 1388. Ventura (Comino), 66. VENTURI (Fabrizio), 879. VERA (Domenico), 1860. VERA ARANDA (Ángel Luis), 3121. Veralli Spada (Maria), 3798. VERBAAN (Eddy), 6098. VERDAN (Samuel), 855. VERDERY (Katherine), 3997. Verdi (Giuseppe), 5505, 5583, 5586. VERDONER (Marie), 1989. VERGARA (Angela), 6457. Vergilius Maro (Publius), 770, 1327, 1635, 1808, 1818, 1836, 1856.
INDEX OF NAMES VERHAGEN (H.L.E.), 1733. VERHEYDE (Philippe), 5943. VERHEYDEN (J.), 680. VERHEYDEN (Jozef), 2100. VERITY (Anthony), 1213. VERMEIR (René), 6906. VERNER (Miroslav), 12. VERNUS (Pascal), 986. Veronese (Paolo), 5441. VERRI (Carlo), 3819. VESELKOVÁ (Marcela), 6030. Vespasianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 1735. VESTAL (Theodore M.), 3396. Vetere (Benedetto), 2345. VEZZOLI (Simone), 1446. VEZZONI (Bruno), 2842. VIAL (Eric), 3786. VIAN (Giovanni), 4452. VICASTILLO (Salvador), 2023. VICINO (Giuseppe), 806. VICKERS (Daniel), 6031. VICKERS (Raymond B.), 6032. Vico (Giambattista), 4985. Victor Vitensis, episcopus, 2036, 2158. VICTORIA OJEDA (Jorge), 6896. Victoria, Queen of United Kingdom, 3667. VIDAL (Cécile), 6417. VIDAL PALOMINO (Jordi), 1036, 1127. VIDAR HOLM (Helge), 5338. VIDRO (Nadia), 2465. VIEL (Riccardo), 2763. VIELBERG (Meinolf), 265. VIEWEGER (Dieter), 880. VIGARELLO (Georges), 573. VIGLIETTI (Cristiano), 1785. VIGNEST (Romain), 5339. VIGNODELLI (Giacomo), 2408. VIGREUX (Jean), 3460. VIKEN (Øystein Lydik Idsø), 4935. VIKSTRÖM (Lotta), 6418. VIKSVEEN (Thor), 3931. VILLADS JENSEN (Kurt), 2409. VILLANI (Stefano), 5228. VILLARES PAZ (Ramón), 2351. VILLARI (Sergio), 5407. VILLAVERDE BONILLA (Valentín), 790, 797. Villifranchi (Giovanni), 5193. VILLSTRAND (Nils-Erik), 4110. VINARDI (Maria Grazia), 6099. VINAVER (Trust), 2495. VINCENT (K. Steven), 3461. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte), 3595. Vincent of Saragossa, Saint, 3017. VINCI (Anna), 3820. Vincke (Ludwig Freiherr von), 3477.
VINDIGNI (Andrea), 3782. VINKOVETSKY (Ilya), 6419. VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU (Constanţa), 6420. VINYARD (JoEllen McNergney), 4268. VINZENT (Markus), 2057, 2058, 2146. VIPARD (Pascal), 1587. VIRMOND (Wolfgang), 4799. VISMARA (Cinzia), 1695. VISSER (Arnoud S. Q.), 4561. VITELLI CASELLA (Mattia), 1389. VITIELLO (Giovanni), 6422. VITIELLO (Massimiliano), 1977. Vitte (Sergei Iulevich), 4025. Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia, re d'Italia, 3788. VLAGEA (Claudia), 7482. VLASOV (V. S.), 3847. VLASSOPOULOS (Kostas), 1283. VLASSOPOULOU (Christina), 1544. Vlora (Eqrem Bej), 7061. VOCI (Anna Maria), 3821. VOGEL (Christian), 2376. VOGEL (Ezra F.), 3844, 7595. VOGT (Helle), 2524. VOGT (Peter), 350. VOGTHERR (Hans-Jürgen), 6933. VOIGT (Johannes H.), 7722. VOINCHET (Pierre), 789. VOJACEK (Ladislav), 539. Volcacius Sedigitus, grammaticus, 1823. VOLCKART (Oliver), 2570. VÖLGYESI (Orsolya), 3691. VOLK (Katharina), 1390, 1877. VOLK (Konrad), 1037. VÖLKEL (Markus), 4680. VOLKMANN (Maren), 5340. VOLLMANN (Hansjörg W.), 5797. VOLPP (Sophie), 5649. VOLZ (Stephen), 4562. VON DEN HOFF (Ralf), 1952. VON HAHN (Johannes), 1974. VONAU (Elsa), 6478. VONDRÁŠEK (Václav), 4051. VORÁČEK (Emil), 6687. VORONKOVA (Irina Iurʹevna), 7174. VORPAHL (Frank), 4937. VÖSSING (Konrad), 2036. Vouet (Simon), 5461. VOWINCKEL (Annette), 6423. VOYER (Cécile), 2819. VRANDEČIĆ (Josip), 6971. VRINTS (Antoon), 3243. Vujić (Mihailo), 4035. VYMAZALOVÁ (Hana), 12. VYSKOČIL (Aleš), 504.
381 W WAAGE (Hilde Henriksen), 7349. WAAL (Willemijn), 1065. WACKERLING (Peter), 3208. WADDINGTON (Keir), 655. WADE (James), 2764. WADHWANI (R. Daniel), 6033. WÆRDAHL (Randi Bjørshol), 2410. WAERZEGGERS (Caroline), 1001. WAGNER (Lioba), 5136. WAGNER (Reinhold), 4494. Wagner (Richard), 5487, 5498, 5505, 5538, 5568, 5576, 5581, 5633. WAGNER (Silvan), 2661. WAGNER-HASEL (Beate), 5708. WAHEEB (Mohammad), 1128. WAHLBÄCK (Krister), 6724. WAHNICH (Sophie), 4955. Wainwright (Richard), 3621. WAISOVÁ (Šárka), 6686. WAITE (John), 1696. WAJEMAN (Lise), 4714. WAKE (Naoko), 5137. WAKELIN (Daniel), 38. WAKILD (Emily), 3899. WÄLCHLI (Philipp), 4498, 4569. WALD LASOWSKI (Patrick), 771. WALDMAN (Louis A.), 5361. WALDREP (Christopher), 4269. WALDSTÄTTEN (Alfred), 540. WALDSTREICHER (David), 444. WALKER (Bethany J.), 7507. WALKER (David H.), 5157. WALKER (James), 5857. WALKER BYNUM (Caroline), 2923. WALL (Karen), 5377. WALLACE (Craig), 3914. WALLACE (James B.), 2147. WALLACE (Marion), 3908. WALLACE-HADRILL (Andrew), 1953. WALLER (Gary Fredric), 3090. WALLER (Martin), 1786. Wallerstein (Immanuel), 4986. WALLIS (John Joseph), 6317. WALLIS (Patrick), 4856, 5838. WALLNER (Christian), 1202. WALLRAFF (Martin), 2789. WALLS.WALLS (Peter), 5483. WALRAVENS (Hartmut), 7495. WALSBY (Malcolm), 47, 70. WALSH (Patrick), 63. WALSHAM (Alexandra), 4563. Walsingham (Thomas), 2305. WALTA (Ville), 2287. WALTER (Dierk), 6703. WALTER (François), 4705. WALTER (Franz), 3596. WALTER (Ngeborg), 108. WALTER (Norbert), 4752.
382 WALTER (Peter), 3058. WALTER (Rolf), 3139. WALTHALL (Anne), 6346. WALTHER (Gerrit), 4806. WALTHER (Stefanie), 6669. WALTON (John K.), 168. WALVIN (James), 6897. WAN (Ming), 7527. WAND (Arno), 4446. WANDEL (Lee Palmer), 4555, 4564. WANEGFFELEN (Thierry), 4753. WANEK (Nina-Maria), 2252. WANG (Ban), 129. WANG (Fansen), 7636. WANG (Geya), 7596. WANG (Guanxing), 7525. WANG (Jianwei), 7597. WANG (Junqi), 7598. WANG (Min), 7599. WANG (Shouqian), 7600. WANG (Siming), 7634. WANG (Xiuyu), 7601. WANG (Yugen), 7602. WAPSHOTT (Nicholas), 5709. WARD (Aengus), 324. WARD (Jason Morgan), 4270. WARD (Margaret E.), 6424. WARD (Paul), 3669. WARD (Stuart), 6766. WARDA (Susanne), 2843. WARDE (Paul), 5891. WARE (Ben), 4988. WARFALLĪ (Mabrūkah), 3856. WARLOUZET (Laurent), 5699. WARNER (Deborah Jean), 6425. WARNER (Geoffrey), 7350. WARNER (Kathryn), 2443. WARNER (Lyndan), 4754. WARNTJES (Immo), 3051. WARREN (Alan), 7255. WARREN (Ian), 6426. WARSHAUER (Matthew), 4271. WASSENHOVEN (Dominik), 2945. WASSILIOU-SEIBT (AlexandraKyriaki), 112, 2262. WASSMUTH (Olaf), 2004. WASTI (Syed Tanvir), 7351. WATANABE (Setsuo), 2636. WATANABE (Takashi), 7691. WATERFIELD (Robin), 1248. WATERS (Christopher), 7216. WATKINS (Andrea S.), 4240. WATKINS (Holly), 5650. WATKISS (Leslie), 2305. WATSON (Alexander), 3597. WATSON (Ben), 781. WATSON (James), 1475, 7119. WATSON (Moray), 772. WATSON (Winfred G.E.), 1129. WATT (Diane), 2662.
INDEX OF NAMES WÄTZOLD (Tim), 3272, 4755. WAUTERS (Éric), 4930. Wavell (Archibald), 6774. WAWRZENIUK (Piotr), 237, 7120. WCISLO (Francis William), 4025. WEAVER (Frederick S.), 5700. WEAVER (Karol K.), 5798. WEBB (Cliff), 4856. WEBBER (Michael J.), 4200. WEBER (Christoph Friedrich), 113. WEBER (Domizia), 5139. WEBER (Gregor), 1900. WEBER (Heiko), 5140. WEBER (J.-P.), 343. WEBER (Jacques), 6767. WEBER (Karl), 2634. Weber (Max), 510, 4987. WEBER (Wolfgang), 3211. Webster (Alexander), 4997. WEBSTER (Mary), 5468. WEBSTER (Patrick), 5651. WEDEL (Joachim von), 3598. WEDELL (Moritz), 2669. WEEDEN (Mark), 1063, 1066. WEEKS (Albert Loren), 7217. WEGEMER (Gerard B.), 6601. WEGER (Tobias), 506. WEGGEN (Katharina), 1697. WEI (Wanlei), 7603. WEICHLEIN (Siegfried), 4674. WEICHSEL (Volker), 7239. WEIGERT (Stephen L.), 3173. WEIGL (Huberta), 285. WEILER (Christel), 5541. WEILL-PAROT (Nicolas), 668. WEIMAN (David F.), 560, 5980. WEIMER (Daniel), 7483. WEINBERG (Joanna), 336. WEINBERG (Robert), 4007. WEINERT (Jörn), 553. WEINGAST (Barry R.), 6317. WEINSTEIN (Benjamin), 3670. WEINSTEIN (Donald), 4447. WEIPERT-FENNER (Irene), 3390. WEIS (Monique), 262. WEISDORF (Jacob L.), 545. WEISER (Kalman), 3972. WEISS (Gillian Lee), 6768. WEISS (Irene M.), 1391. WEISS (Johannes), 4942. WEISS (Miriam), 2447. WEISS (Stéphane), 7271. WEISS (Tomáš), 7484. WEISSBACH (Thomas), 7485. WEISSEN (Kurt), 2635. WEITENBERG (Jos J. S.), 1990. WEITZ (Yechiam), 3761. WEITZEL (Jürgen), 6583. WEITZEL (Sabine-Maria), 6536. WELBORN (Laurence L.), 2148. WELCH (David), 5652.
WELKY (David), 6427. WELLER (Andreas), 6670. WELLER (Patrick Moray), 3202. Welles (Orson), 5537. WELLS (Jonathan Daniel), 4938. WELLS (Peter J.), 4818. WELLS (Sherrill Brown), 7297. WELLS (Stanley), 5201. WELLS-FURBY (Bridget), 2267. WELSER (Stefanie von), 5810. WELSH (David), 4061. WELSH (Jarrett T.), 1861. WELZER (Harald), 7161, 7227. WENDEL (Susan J.), 2149. WENDT (Christian), 367. WENDT (Helge), 4489. WENGER (Stefan), 2034. WENGST (Udo), 3562. WENKEL (Christian), 7298, 7357. WENNERLIND (Carl), 6034. WENTA (Jarosław), 2301. WENTKER (Hermann), 7492. WENZ (Gunther), 2069. WENZ-HAUBFLEISCH (Annegret), 3594. WENZLHUEMER (Roland), 79. WEPPELMANN (Stefan), 2844. WERCKMEISTER (Jean), 2508. WEREN (Wim), 2113. WERGLAND (Glendyne R.), 6428. WERNLI (Martina), 761. WERT (Justin J.), 6671. WERTHEIM (Stephen), 7121. WESSELMANN (Katharina), 349. WEST (Martin L.), 1392. WEST (Miriam), 32. WEST (Sally), 5870. WESTERHOLM (Stephen), 689. WESTERHUIS (Gerarda), 5959. WESTERLUND (Uno), 6517. WESTERMANN (Angelika), 5810. WESTERMANN (Ekkehard), 5804. WESTERMANN (Stefanie), 5089. WESTPHAL (Siegrid), 6672. WESTPHAL (Sina), 6918. WESTPHAL (Stefanie), 2646. WETTE (Wolfram), 3599, 6593. WETTIG (Gerhard), 7352, 7356. WHALEN (Logan E.), 2738. Wharton (Edith), 5234. WHAYNE (Jeannie), 5908. WHEAT (David), 6769. WHISTANCE (Natalie), 184. WHITBY (Mary), 3038. WHITE (Benjamin Thomas), 6792. WHITE (Elizabeth), 4026. WHITE (Hayden), 394, 399. WHITE (James Wilson), 326. WHITE (L.), 360. WHITE (Luise), 4293. WHITFIELD WHITE (Paul), 5211.
INDEX OF NAMES WHITLEY (James), 1545. WHITMARSCH (Tim), 1393. WHITTINGTON (Richard), 5959. WHYTE (Iain), 3671. WHYTE (William), 6080. WICHHART (Stefanie K.), 7218. WICKER (Helen), 2761. WICZLINSKI (Verena von), 6035. WIDELL (Magnus), 1038. WIEDE (Wiebke), 71. WIEGAND (Hermann), 4531. WIELAND (Christian), 6429. Wieland (Christoph Martin), 5343. WIELER (Ulrich), 6100. WIEN (Peter), 6430. WIENER (Claudia), 5404. WIENER (Joel H.), 4939. WIESEN (S. Jonathan), 5871. WIESNETH (Alexander), 5411. Wigforss (Ernst), 4105. WIGGERICH (Sandro), 6382. WILCOX (Wynn), 327. WILD (Eva M.), 950. WILDE (Sally), 5008. Wilder (Billy), 5596. WILFORD (Timothy), 7256. Wilhelm II, Deutscher Kaiser, 3473, 6843. WILHELMI (Thomas), 4497. WILHELMUS ANGLICUS, 2767. WILKE (Karsten), 3600. WILKENS (Lorenz), 2151. WILKIN (Alexis), 190. WILKINS (Mira), 5910. WILKINS (Nigel E.), 2865. WILKINSON (Louise J.), 2574, 3037. WILL (Barbara), 3462. WILLAIME (Jean-Paul), 4549. WILLEMSEN (Glenn Frank Walter), 6758. WILLENBERG (Nicola), 6626. William of Alton, 2874. WILLIAMS (Bill), 7175. WILLIAMS (Gareth), 2624. WILLIAMS (Gary), 7486. WILLIAMS (Hannah), 2388. WILLIAMS (John Alexander), 4756. WILLIAMS (Martin A.), 2152. WILLIAMS (Michael S.), 1976. WILLIAMS (Samantha), 6431. WILLIAMS (Susan Millar), 6432. WILLIAMS (Tara), 2691. WILLIAMSON (Jeffrey G.), 5799, 7493. Willibald, Saint, Bishop of Eichstätt, 2931. WILLIS (Lee L.), 4272. WILLMS (Johannes), 6982. WILLRICH (Michael), 5142. WILSON (Bronwen), 5187.
WILSON (Catherine), 736. WILSON (David A.), 3291. WILSON (Derek), 4565. WILSON (Duncan), 5143. WILSON (Gordon Anthony), 2869. WILSON (John), 5959. WILSON (Kathleen), 6433. Wilson (Lee), 5908. WILSON (Lori Lee), 4273. WILSON (Roger J.A.), 1546. Wilson (Woodrow), 4199, 7050, 7075, 7114. WINCH (Julie), 109. WINIARCZYK (Marek), 889. WINKEL (Klaus), 6725. WINKELBAUER (Thomas), 4851. WINKLER (Heinrich August), 507. WINN (Robert E.), 1991. WINTER (Eva), 987. WINTER (Jay), 6527. WINTER (Jenny), 4782. WINTER (Kari J.), 6770. WINTER (Max), 4782. WINTERLING (Aloys), 1700. WINTLE (Michael), 7140. WINTON (Patrik), 3154. WINZEN (Peter), 6434. WIRSCHING (Alexandra), 928. WIRTH (Jean), 2846. WIRTH (Maria), 3227. WISEMAN (Anne), 1620. WISSELGREN (Per), 6329. WISTREICH (Richard), 5591. WITAKOWSKI (Witold), 2194. WITSCHEL (Christian), 1698. WITSCHI (Nicolas S.), 758. Wittgenstein (Ludwig), 737, 4988. WITTHINRICH (Kai), 2949. WITTMANN (Jean-Michel), 3440, 5342. WITTMANN (Viola), 2661. WLOSOK (Antonie), 2003. WOBICK-SEGEV (Sarah), 561. WODZINSKA (Anna), 983. WOESSNER (Martin), 4970. WOHLMAYR (Wolfgang), 677. WOJCIK (Paula), 4942. WOKALEK (Marie), 5343. WOLDEMELAK (Woldetensay), 6524. WOLF (Greg D.), 1699. WOLF (Hubert), 56, 4374. WOLF (Joseph G.), 1713. WOLF (Nelly), 4860. WOLF (Nikolaus), 5872. WOLF (Norbert Christian), 5344. WOLFE (Karin Elizabeth), 5374. WOLFERSTÄTTER (Erika), 3394. WOLFF (Charlotta), 4648. Wolff (Christian), 4983. WOLFRAM (Gerda), 2252.
383 WOLFRAM THILL (Elizabeth), 1954. Wolfram von Eschenbach, 2735, 3084. WOLFSDORF (David), 1447. WOLGAST (Eike), 3469. WOLIN (Richard), 258. WOLIŃSKA (Teresa), 2207. WOLLASCH (Joachim), 2692. WOLLE (Stefan), 3602. WOLLERMANN (Thomas), 6149. WOLLOCK (Jennifer G.), 2693. WOLTER (Michael), 2153. WOLTERS (Christine), 5144. WOLTERS (Ulrich), 3862. WOLTJER (Pieter), 5718. WONG (R. Bin), 5692. WOOD (Allen W.), 731. WOOD (James A.), 3306. WOOD (James W.), 6252. WOOD (Marilee), 7711. WOOD (Philip), 2175. WOODARD (James P.), 7353. WOODBORNE (Stephan), 854. WOODHEAD (Christine), 478. WOODMAN (Isla), 4800. WOODRUFF (Paul), 1448. WOODS (James M.), 4448. WOODS (Jeannine), 5655. WOODS (Kevin M.), 3731. WOODWORTH (Steven E.), 4274. WOOLF (Daniel R.), 295, 328. WOOLF (Greg), 427. Woolf (Virginia), 5253, 5336. WOOLGAR (C. M.), 2932. WORMS (Laurence), 72. WORONOWA (Tamara), 43. WORTHINGTON (Jonathan D.), 2154. WORTLEY (John), 2164. WRIGHT (Anthony D.), 4449. WRIGHT (Christine), 6905. WRIGHT (George T.), 5212. WRIGHT (Jonathan), 7344. WRIGHT (Nicholas T.), 2070. WRIGLEY (Chris), 3618. WU (Yonggui), 7604. WU (Yue), 7605. WÜHRER (Jakob), 3206. WUNDERLICH (Steffen), 6602. WURMSER (Hélène), 1547. WÜST (Wolfgang), 597, 6565. WUTHNOW (Robert), 5909. WYATT (C. M.), 7040. Wycliffe (John), 2911. WYKES (David), 5516. WYLER (Stéphanie), 301, 1153. WYRWA (Ulrich), 3127. X Xenophon, 1219, 1220, 1286, 1324, 1382, 1432, 1441. XIAO (Gongquan), 7606.
384 XIAOPING (Dong), 581. XIN (Ping), 7607. XIONG (Qiuliang), 7609. XIONG (Yaping), 7610. XU (Guangqiu), 7611. XU (Guoqi), 7122. XU (Hong), 7612. XU (Shanfu), 7613. Xue (Xuan), 7555. Y YA'AḲOV BEN RE'UVEN, 2445. YACHNIN (Paul), 5187. YAMADA (Masamichi), 1039. YAMADA (Shigeo), 1040, 1041. YAMAGISHI (Takakazu), 6436. YAMAGUCHI (Akihiko), 7508. YAMAGUCHI (Teruomi), 7675. YAMAMOTO (Hideki), 7695. YAMAMOTO (Koji), 6036. YAMAMOTO (Yuzo), 5701. YAMAUCHI (Shinji), 7696. YAMAZAKI (Shiro), 3834. YAMMINE (Bruno), 7041. YAN (Changhong), 7614. YANG (Xiaohui), 7615. YANO (Christine), 5800. YANTE (Jean-Marie), 3123. YAO (Dali), 7616. YARNALL (John), 7123. YASUDA (Hiroshi), 3835. YASUMOTO (Minoru), 5801. YASUOKA (Yoshifumi), 988. YASUR-LANDAU (Assaf), 877, 1077. YATES (Joshua J.), 6026. YAVUZ (M. Hakan), 7039. YE (Qing), 5977. YEAGER (Jonathan M.), 4566. YECIES (Brian), 5656. YENGIBARYAN (Nora), 1042. YENIKA-AGBAW (Vivian), 4792. Yeshua, 1131. YIRUSH (Craig), 4275. YOKOTA (Kariann Akemi), 4276. YOKOTA (Yoko), 3836. YOKOYAMA (Yuriko), 6437. YON (Karel), 6462, 6468. YORDANOV (Ivan), 119. YOSHIDA (Masashi), 7697. YOSHIE (Akiko), 7698. YOSHIKAWA (Shinji), 7699. YOSHIMURA (Shintaro), 3730. YOUNG (John W.), 7487. YOUNG (Robert J.), 4940. YOUNG (Spencer E.), 2785. YOUSEFZADEH (Mahnaz), 3822. YU (Boliu), 7635. YU (Carlos), 5995. YU (Gengzhe), 7617. YU (Weijie), 7618.
INDEX OF NAMES YU (Yŏng-nyŏl), 7705. YUDKIN (Leon I.), 3361. YUET CHAU (Adam), 4340. Yuhi V Musinga, Mwami of Rwanda, 4027. YÜKSEKLI (Berrin Akgün), 6101. Yun (Ch'i-ho), 7705. YUNUS (Mohammad), 7488. YURIKO (Yoshida), 7700. Yvette of Huy, 3016. Z ZABORSKA (Urszula), VI. ZABORSKI (Andrzej), 1130. ZABUGHIN (Vladimir N.), 5379. Zacharias Scholasticus, episcopus, 2194. ZACHOVÁ (Jana), 2866. ZACHU (Bichelmina), 2263. ZACKARIAH (Lalitha), 3700. ZADOK (Ran), 1151. ZADOROJNYI (Alexei V.), 1394. ZAFEIRIS (Konstantinos), 2191. ZAGARE (Frank C.), 7124. ZAGDOUN (Mary-Anne), 1449. ZAHARIADE (Ana Maria), 5412. ZAHRA (Tara), 3362, 6438. ZAHRNT (Michael), 1249. ZAKHAROVA (Larissa), 6518. ZALA (Sacha), 7282. ZAMBARBIERI (Annibale), 4307. ZAMBLERA (Ferdinando), 2318. ZAMPESE (Cristina), 5237. ZANCHI (Giuliano), 5346. ZANCHI (Mauro), 5469. ZANDA (Emanuela), 1734. ZANGGER (Andreas), 6793. ZANNI (Raffaella), 2733. ZANOUN (Louisa), 3463. ZANZOTTO (Andrea), 5657. ZAPASSKY (Elena), 949. ZARECOR (Kimberly Elman), 6439, 6519. Zarei (Aziz), 3722. ZARETSKY (Natasha), 7489. ZASLAVSKY (Victor), 7303. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef), 3360. ZAUNSTÖCK (Holger), 553. Zavala (Silvio), 369. ZAVALE (G. Jonas Bernardo), 3905. ZAVARONI (Adolfo), 1570. ZAZZARA (Gilda), 329. ZEČEVIĆ (Momčilo), 4052. ZEDINGER (Renate), 6378. Zeffirelli (Franco), 5506. ZEHNPFENNIG (Barbara), 3603. ZEILER (Thomas W.), 7257. ZEILNER (Franz), 4857. ZEKKOUR (Afaf), 6440. ZELEŇÁK (Eugen), 383.
ZELIZER (Viviana), 616. ZELLER (Dieter), 2155. ZELLMER (Elisabeth), 3604. ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie), 400. Zenale (Bernardo), 5454. ŻERKO (Stanisław), 7180. ZERLANG (Martin), 4606. ZERMATTEN (Coralie), 2974. ZESSIN (Philipp), 4941. ZETTLER (Richard L.), 992, 1043. ZEUSKE (Michael), 6735. ZHANG (Cong Ellen), 169. ZHANG (Dazhi), 7619. ZHANG (Dexin), 7620. ZHANG (Fang), 7634. ZHANG (Jinfan), 7621, 7632. ZHANG (Jinglong), 7622. ZHANG (Junbing), 7623. ZHANG (Kaiyuan), 7624. ZHANG (Meiping), 7625. ZHANG (Ruilan), 7608. ZHANG (Shunhong), 6983. ZHANG (Shuxing), 7633. ZHANG (Suling), 7626. ZHANG (Wei), 7627. ZHANG (Xiaotang), 7628. ZHANG (Xinke), 7629. ZHAO (Jian), 7630. ZHENG (Jingjing), 6291. ZHILIN (Michael G.), 804. ZHONG (Jian'an), 7631. ZHOU (Jin), 7554. ZHOU (Jinghong), 7638. ZHOU (Songqing), 7639. ZHOU (Xinguo), 7640. ZHOU (Yan), 7641. ZHU (Fajian), 7642. ZHU (Ying), 7643. ZHU (Yongxin), 7644. ZÍDEK (Petr), 7490. ZIECHMANN (Jürgen), 508. ZIËEVA (Dono), 590. ZIEGLER (Nele), 1040, 1044. ZIEMANN (Benjamin), 4360, 7447. ZIERLER (David), 5145. ZILBERBOD (Irina), 1120. ZILHÂO (João), 790. ZILLING (Henrike M.), 2156. ZIMMER (Jörg), 761. ZIMMER (Oliver), 6080. ZIMMERER (Jürgen), 6739, 6849. ZIMMERMAN (S.), 6850. ZIMMERMANN (Bernhard), 367, 763, 773, 1476. ZIMMERMANN (Hans Dieter), 4619. ZIMMERMANN-ELSEIFY (Nina), 1548. Zimri-Lim, king of Mari, 994, 1000, 1044. Zincgref (Julius Wilhelm), 4531.
INDEX OF NAMES ZISSU (Boaz), 1131, 1132. ŽIVKOVIĆ (Marko), 4036. ŽIVOTIĆ (Aleksandar), 7491. ZLATAR (Antoinina Bevan), 4567. ZLATAR (Zdenko), 5873. ZMORA (Hillay), 6673. Zoffany (Johan), 5468. Zog I, king of Albanians, 3167. ZOGRAPHAKI (Vasso), 1549. Zola (Emile), 5363. ZOLDAN (Carlo), 2279. ZONDERMAN (David A.), 6520. ZONTA (Mauro), 2444. Zoppino (Niccolò), 45.
ZORGATI (Ragnhild Johnsrud), 2694. ZORZI (Andrea), 2364. Zosimus (historicus), 2195. ZUBER-GOLDSTEIN (Barbara), 6396. ZUBILLAGA (Carlos), 4757. ZUBLER (Christian), 2189. ZUCCA (Raimondo), 1567. ZUCCA MICHELETTO (Beatrice), 6441. ZUCCARI (Alessandro), 5470. ZUCCOLIN (Gabriella), 2670. ZUCHTRIEGEL (Gabriel), 1250, 1582.
385 ZUELOW (Eric G. E.), 165. ZUFFEREY (Dimitri), 3677. ZUIDEMA (Jason), 4568. ZUIJDERDUIJN (Jaco), 6037. ZUMSTEIN (Jean), 2031. ZÚÑIGA (Jean-Paul), 489. ZUPPANTE (Abbondio), 2585. ZURBACH (Julien), 1172, 1539. ZURBUCHEN (Simone), 4674, 4745. ZUWIYYA (David), 757. ZWICKER (Lisa Fetheringill), 4801. ZWILLING (Jutta), 5648.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia), 790. Achaia, 1194. Adelaide, 4782. Adriatique (mer), 3018. Adwa, 6824. Aegaeum (mare), 987, 2253. Aegean Islands, 7046. Aegina, 1285, 1331, 1335, 1460, 1509. Aegyptus, 865, 936, 937, 941, 949, 952, 954, 959, 966, 972-974, 1759. Afghanistan, 458, 3161, 3162, 6721, 7040, 7412, 7418. Africa, 793, 1749, 1944, 2036, 5514, 5639. Afrique, 158, 167, 348, 1042, 1602, 1665, 4626, 4709, 4996, 5302, 5497, 5513, 6337, 6500, 6735, 6769, 6794-6850, 7430, 7706-7711. – A. du nord–est, 6714. – A. méridionale, 7362. – A. occidentale, 148, 5866, 6218, 6497, 6839, 6850. – A. orientale, 6725. – A. septentrionale, 6148, 7708 – v. Africa. Afrique équatoriale française, 5075. Agarak, 1042. Agrigento, 2440. Ahmedabad, 3711. Ahome, 3889. Akko, 1084. Alabama, 4265. Al-Andalus, 2358. Alba, 3109. Albania v. Shqipëri. Alberta, 6291. Alentejo, 783. Aleppo, 1087. Aleria, 1532. Alexandria, 1103, 1435, 3092, 7238. Alger, 98, 6440. Algérie, 3168-3171, 4733, 4941, 6124, 6196, 6794, 6795, 6813, 6816, 6818, 6830, 6835, 6844, 7393. Alpen-Adria-Raum, 7272.
Alpi, 2588, 6087. Alsace, 4518. Altai (mountains), 7504. Amarna, 975. Amathus (Cyprus), 1506, 1541. Amazonía, 6880. Amelia, 2786. Amérique, 147, 414, 487, 662, 666, 747, 758, 4309, 4319, 4329, 4330, 4349, 4350, 4366, 4477, 4598, 4612, 5208, 5246, 5303, 5497, 5529, 5559, 5562, 5580, 5611, 5617, 5631, 6323, 6435, 6735, 6851-6897, 7033, 7376, 7712-7719. – A. centrale, 6691, 7037, 7714. – A. latine, 150, 464, 481, 490, 3126, 3145, 4440, 4764, 4825, 5113, 5603, 5813, 6103, 6887, 6996, 7012, 7291. – A. meridionale, 4426, 4448, 6978. – A. septentrionale, 207, 6299, 6377, 6683. – v. Hispanoamérica. – v. Iberoamérica. Amisus, 1222. Amsterdam, 612, 6037. Anadolu, 479, 4134, 4154, 6101. – v. Anatolia. Anagni, 1927. Anatolia, 882, 890, 1065. Andalucia, 3114. Andes, 259, 4463, 5775, 6232. Angola, 135, 3172, 3173, 6797, 6836. Anhui, 7548. Anjou, 2531. Ansbach, 6565. Anticythera (Graecia), 1536. Antiochia Mygdonia, 1023. Antiochia Ptolemais, 1084. Antioquia, 934, 3315, 6331. Antwerp, 3243. Anvers, 612. Aphrodisias, 918. Appalachia, 6387. Appennini, 1551, 1554, 1564, 1570. Arab countries, 7362. Arab world, 6178, 6321. Arabia, 4578. Arad, 1102.
Aragón, 2438, 2568, 2578, 4062, 5087. Araucanía, 5808. Ardeer, 6304. Arezzo, 16. Argentina, 3174-3193, 4277, 4702, 4804, 4936, 5015, 5492, 5777, 5979, 6141, 6696, 6706, 6709, 7468. Argos, 1273, 1469. Arras, 2431. Asartepe, 921. Ashkelon, 877, 1074, 1099. Asie, 819, 846, 913, 5688, 67716793, 7245, 7493-7705. – A. centrale, 6074, 7383, 74957508. – A. du sud-est, 4599, 5817, 6793, 7477, 7509-7515. – A. méridionale, 4620, 75097515. – A. minor, 898, 899, 900, 905, 930, 932, 2239. – A. occidentale, 7495-7508. – A. orientale, 5701, 7279, 7309, 7687. – v. Australasia. Assam, 6785. Assyria, 1006, 1024, 1039. Asturias, 2468, 5828. Athēna, 556, 6054. Athenae, 1231, 1242-1244, 1246, 1247, 1255, 1257, 1267, 1271, 1279, 1353, 1433, 1464, 1468, 1501, 1502, 1514, 2089. Athribis, 980. Atlanta, 4189. Atlantic (world), 483, 4743, 6318, 6748, 6755. Atlantique (océan), 5796, 5823. Attica, 1417, 1522. Aufidus (flumen), 1559. Augsburg, 3469, 3546. Augusta Emerita v. Mérida. Auschwitz, 5353, 5509. Australasia, 4620. Australia, 81, 172, 419, 3194-3202, 4476, 4979, 5731, 5811, 5951, 5969, 6246, 6325, 6352, 6458, 6480, 6623, 6692, 6898, 6901, 6902, 6905, 7067, 7216, 7310, 7722. Austria v. Österreich. Avellino, 5998.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Avenches, Aventicum, 1922. Aventicum v. Avenches. Ayios Nikolaos Mylon (Euboea, Graecia), 864. Azerbaijan, 3228-3231 Azul, 3189. B Babylon, 556, 897, 1001, 1037, 1151. Baden-Württemberg, 5050, 5959. Baghdad, 3125. Bahia, 3270, 3271. Bajío, 6028. Baklan, 890. Bălgarija, Bulgaria, 119, 227, 422, 1542, 1543, 2784, 3273-3277, 4491, 4687, 6093, 6169, 6694, 6989, 7032, 7317, 7346. Balkans, 128, 470, 2253, 2255, 3129, 3132, 4706, 7000, 7071, 7117, 7305. Balma Guilanyà (Prepirineo de Lleida), 797. Baltique (mer, pays), 237, 488, 726, 810, 3124, 4616, 5853, 6336, 6972, 7056. Balzi Rossi, 806. Bamako, 6039. Bamberg, 4548. Bangkok, 7515. Bangladesh, 3232. Barcelona, 2627, 5923. Barletta, 2966. Basarabia, 137, 6586, 7201. Basel, 2429, 2789, 4781. Bayern, 3106, 3506, 3511. Beijing, 7537, 7609. Beirut, 1076. Beit Nattif, 1132. Belarus v. Belorussija. Belas (Sintra, Portugal), 808. Belgique, 160, 173, 2413, 3137, 3238-3243, 4642, 4685, 5251, 5421, 5613, 6138, 6248, 6616, 6846, 7135. Belize, 6862. Belluno, 2279, 2282, 2807. Belorussija, Belarus, 3233-3237, 6963, 7129, 7266. Bendigo, 6281. Benediktinerstift Lambach, 4462. Benevento, 2804, 3777. Bengal, 4602. Benguela, 6764. Benin, 3244. Beograd, 4033, 7160. Berdychiv, 7136. Bergamo, 66, 2926. Berlin, 94, 1548, 3484, 3485, 3540, 4660, 4713, 4780, 4789, 4937,
5488, 5642, 5747, 6050, 6064, 6183, 6259, 6394, 7367, 7395, 7485. Bern, 2601, 4788, 5728. Berytus, 1093. Beth 'Imri, 1131. Beth Shean, 1084. Bethany, 1128. Biafra, 3924, 7387. Bitola, 6071. Black sea, 574, 882, 883, 1543. Bolivia, 3245, 3246, 4791, 6578, 6860, 6891, 7320, 7473. Bologna, 2315, 2501, 2555, 2944, 5387. Bolsena, 1579. Bolzano, 2367. Bombay state, 7509. Bombay, 4587. Bonn, 4890, 6127. Bordeaux, 6577. Borneo, 7244. Bosna i Hercegovina, 465, 32473254, 4333, 6992, 7093. Boston, 6222, 6520. Bourgogne, 2429, 2613, 6226. Brandenburg, 5901, 6306. Brasil, 3255-3272, 4610, 4755, 4929, 4931, 4933, 4991, 5099, 5496, 5674, 5793, 6123, 6145, 6278, 6493, 6693, 6883, 7353, 7429. Bratislava, 2528, 5737, 6041. Braunschweig, 3486. Bremen, 3110, 6650. Brescia, 2688, 6097. Breslau, 4772. Bretagne, 181, 3409. Britannia, 815, 867, 1663, 1675, 1696. British Isles, 2543, 6922. British West Indies, 6870. Brno, 5383. Brooklyn, 6324. Bruges, 180, 612, 2628, 3034. Bruxelles, 2569, 3098, 5421, 5795, 6949. Bucureşti, 5590. Budapest, 4660. Buenos Aires (provincia), 3189. Buenos Aires, 4999, 6187, 6320, 6879. Bulgaria v. Bălgarija. Burkina Faso, 3278. Burma, 4540, 7255. Büyük Menderes river valley, 163. Byblos, 1076, 1127. Byllis (Albania), 1493. Byzantium, Constantinopolis, 2161-2263, 2319, 3117.
387 C Cabo Verde, 5859, 6738. Caesarea (Cappadocia), 902. Cairo, 964, 969, 5974. Çal, 890. Calabria, 858, 2988, 3773. Calahorra, 2934. California, 5899. Çaltılar Höyük (Lycia), 925. Cambodia, 869, 4798, 5001. Cambridge, 642. Cameroun, 3279-3282 Campania, 1534, 1554, 1575. Campinas, 3260, 3266. Canaan, 838. Canada, 272, 3283-3291, 4779, 4862, 5534, 5809, 5910, 5951, 6108, 6134, 6256, 6292, 6312, 6708, 6710, 6872, 7096, 7256, 7435, 7477. Canton, 7611. Cape of Good Hope, 3852. Cape Town, 4059, 6516. Cappadocia, 904. Capri, 1802. Capua, 1561, 1590. Caria, 933. Caribe, 441, 3311, 7713. Carlisle, 3653. Carrhae, 1697. Cartagena de India, 6769. Carthago, 1118, 1270, 1586. Castel San Pietro, 3099. Castilla, 2415, 4062, 6065. Çatalhöyük (Turkey), 809, 829. Cataluña, 436, 6622, 6961. Cauca, 3313. Cava de' Tirreni, 2288. Čechy, 2976, 3205, 3350, 3358, 4851, 5981, 6258, 6297, 6526, 7285. Československo, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, 260, 266, 317, 410, 473, 485, 539, 2917, 33373362, 4048, 4574, 4596, 4829, 4858, 4889, 5523, 5553, 5602, 5666, 5697, 5827, 5858, 6030, 6053, 6135, 6225, 6249, 6263, 6319, 6439, 6519, 6573, 6630, 6686, 6687, 6704, 7113, 7152, 7199, 7237, 7240, 7287, 7296, 7373, 7448, 7484, 7490. Český Těšín Region, 3337. Chalcedon, 2121. Champagne, 2981. Charleston, 3541, 6308, 6432. Charlottenburg, 3484. Chemnitz, 6506. Cheram (Hohgiluye, Iran), 1149. Chicago, 4241, 4245, 4823, 6032, 6090.
388 Chile, 225, 3293-3306, 3958, 4413, 4652, 4668, 4821, 5839, 5893, 5979, 6301, 6344, 6349, 6706, 6999, 7062, 7409. China, 88, 129, 164, 169, 240, 255, 499, 581, 605, 636, 4305, 4340, 4484, 4500, 5275, 5649, 5692, 5854, 5878, 6203, 6422, 6708, 6712, 6773, 6983, 7007, 7156, 7163, 7177, 7203, 7206, 7222, 7338, 7379, 7416, 7420, 7479, 7493, 7494, 7516-7644, 7673. Chios, 926. Chiusi, 1573. Chousa Nova (Silleda, Pontevedra, España), 813. Cilicia, 2227. Çine-Tepecik, 916. Cirrha (Phocis), 1539. Cirta, 1270. Città del Vaticano, 3307, 6952, 7208, 7382. Cividale del Friuli, 2837. Çivril, 890. Cleveland, 6066. Cluj, 6048. Cluny, 2386. Cnossos, 1182. Colombia, 3308-3317, 6538, 6570, 6856. Columbia, 5513. Como, 2269. Congo, 135, 462, 3318, 3319, 6826, 6846. Connecticut, 4271, 6628. Constantine (Algeria), 1123. Constantinopolis v. Byzantium. Cordillera Cantábrica, 803. Corinthus, 1531. Cornesti-Iarcuri, 863. Corse, 7264. Corsica, 1695. Costa Rica, 3320, 4468, 6113. Côte d'Azur, 5558. Côte d'Ivoire, 6827. Coventry, 2810, 2925. Cremona, 3077. Creta, 839, 1183, 1474, 2139. Croatia v. Hrvatska. Crusovu (Romania), 816. Cuba, 3328-3336, 4358, 4639, 4695, 4887, 5716, 6200, 6546, 6871, 6877, 7205, 7435. Cueva Corazón (Mave, Palencia), 803. Cuma, 926, 1503. Cuneo, 3109. Cuzco, 182. Czechoslovakia v. Československo. Czech Republic v. Československo.
GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES D Dacia, 1770, 1771. Dalmacija, 30, 3322, 6971. Danmark, Denmark, 409, 2359, 2407, 2409, 2509, 3363-3377, 4339, 4529, 4538, 4606, 5547, 5625, 5694, 5698, 5736, 5771, 5791, 5792, 5835, 5959, 6062, 6144, 6199, 6481, 6584, 6725, 7130, 7170, 7171, 7187, 7253, 7260, 7284, 7306, 7462. Dar es Salaam, 6243. Darién, 5759. Dautë, 1525. Dayr al-Barshā, 946. Delos, 1470, 1492, 1495, 1497, 1516, 1519, 1524, 1547. Delphi, 1512, 1529, 1530. Demetrias (Thessalia), 1461. Denmark v. Danmark. Derby, 5889. Detmold, 5695. Deutschland, Germany, 32, 71, 171, 208, 215, 221, 240, 246, 253, 276, 277, 287, 307, 310, 373, 380, 482, 551, 610, 759, 768, 847, 1548, 2342, 2419, 2429, 2751, 3124, 3127, 3137, 3147, 3464-3604, 3821, 4099, 4299, 4300, 4337, 4355, 4406, 4415, 4418, 4439, 4480, 4576, 4579, 4606, 4640, 4663, 4669, 4693, 4703, 4732, 4741, 4756, 4801, 4882, 5002, 5038, 5077, 5086, 5100, 5138, 5144, 5226, 5238, 5272, 5274, 5436, 5504, 5520, 5539, 5544, 5621, 5622, 5629, 5650, 5652, 5658, 5661, 5680, 5683, 5724, 5732, 5745, 5748, 5762, 5774, 5780, 5781, 5852, 5871, 5874, 5892, 5900, 5903, 5910, 6110, 6132, 6167, 6190, 6209, 6212, 6233, 6234, 6287, 6290, 6292, 6313, 6366, 6395, 6430, 6434, 6443, 6499, 6507, 6543, 6559, 6560, 6566, 6581, 6593, 6597, 6598, 6605, 6618, 6636, 6640, 6651, 6663, 6673, 6701, 6727, 6728, 6732, 6739, 6740, 6745, 6829, 6926, 6943, 6997, 7018, 7025, 7043, 7048, 7054, 7055, 7080, 7084, 7089, 7104, 7110, 7125, 7131, 7134, 7138, 7162, 7169, 7179, 7188, 7191, 7194, 7195, 7197, 7212, 7221, 7233, 7235, 7243, 7251, 7289, 7292, 7295, 7296, 7298, 7352, 7354, 7357, 7358, 7373, 7382, 7395, 7407, 7422, 7425, 7456, 7469, 7472, 7476, 7485. – v. Germaniae.
Diên-Biên-Phu, 6771. Dikili Tash, 811. Dimashq, Damascus, 4121, 4122. Djerba, 1070. Dombes, 5882, 6131. Dortmund, 6214. Doura Europos, 1007, 1023. Dreros, 1549. Dresden, 3476, 4834, 6214, 6298. Dublin, 3111, 3742. Dubrovnik, 2539, 5845, 5873, 6934. Dunkerque, 153. Dunster, 2541. Durrës, 1525. Dzudzuana (Caucasus, Georgia), 782. E Easter Island, 7720. Ebla, 907. Ecuador, 3378-3384 Edfu, 942. Edinburgh, 2205. Eesti, Estonia, 726, 3393, 3394, 6094, 7120. Egypt, 8, 935-988, 1890, 33853390, 4296, 5065, 6245, 6265, 6834, 6987, 7155, 7307. – v. Aegyptus. Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo), 795. El Alamein, 7230. El Mirón (Cantabria, España), 805. El Pendo (Cantabria, España), 794. El Puerto de Santa María, 4469. El Salvador, 3391-3392, 6424. Elam, 1151. Elbeuf, 2295, 2504. Elea, 1256. Elseborn, 6993. Emar, 1040, 1048. Emilia Romagna, 2621. Ems-Dollart, 7443. 'En Gedi, 1086. England, 38, 376, 401, 425, 545, 627, 2322, 2334, 2346, 2388, 2416, 2417, 2547, 2553, 2556, 2571, 2573, 2622, 2626, 2644, 2645, 2659, 2663, 2726, 2734, 2753, 2761, 2792, 2805, 2823, 2924, 2932, 2975, 2982, 3009, 3015, 3025, 3078, 3104, 3640, 3642, 3648, 3650, 4299, 4312, 4351, 4505, 4513, 4526, 4543, 4567, 4749, 4856, 5013, 5026, 5095, 5159, 5160, 5168, 5182, 5198, 5211, 5228, 5327, 5476, 5516, 5566, 5710, 5718, 5788, 5830, 5865, 5883, 5898, 5932, 5942, 5999, 6034, 6133, 6244, 6373, 6389, 6397, 6411, 6431, 6560, 6616, 7029, 7043.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Ephesus, 895, 929. Eretria (Euboea), 855. Erythrae, 926. España, Spain, 219, 302, 486, 525, 558, 684, 870, 1384, 1713, 2281, 2292, 2307, 2365, 2377, 2421, 2534, 2816, 3130, 3809, 3957, 4062-4093, 4542, 4637, 4676, 4715, 4819, 4837, 4838, 4913, 5090, 5149, 5222, 5345, 5401, 5620, 5803, 5885, 5921, 5959, 6307, 6320, 6445, 6495, 6868, 6876, 6906, 6909, 6924, 6928, 6936, 6937, 6952, 6973, 6984, 6990, 6995, 7023, 7062, 7168, 7183. Esquerda de les Alzines (Macizo del Garraf, Barcelona), 784. Essaouira, Mogador, 1737. Essex, 3007. Esslingen, 3469. Estonia v. Eesti. Ethiopia, 3395, 3396, 4528, 6524, 7184, 7321. Etruria, 1551, 1571, 1582. Euphrates (river), 997, 1000, 1020, 1040. Europe, 53, 59, 124, 154, 158, 168, 245, 431, 432, 451, 530, 544, 550, 563, 576, 587, 591, 597, 607, 632, 633, 636, 645, 655, 736, 742, 749, 788, 830, 882, 1572, 1594, 1684, 2255, 2321, 2324, 2372, 2447, 2451, 2565, 2610, 2923, 3138, 3143, 3144, 3149, 3150, 3152, 3158, 3772, 4142, 4297, 4316, 4330, 4336, 4464, 4474, 4514, 4582, 4628, 4649, 4677, 4711, 4752, 4776, 5046, 5090, 5134, 5187, 5194, 5247, 5399, 5425, 5460, 5592, 5688, 5692, 5760, 5764, 5891, 5894, 5939, 5943, 5952, 5959, 5964, 6038, 6059, 6080, 6115, 6148, 6150, 6178, 6184, 6188, 6230, 6283, 6356, 6400, 6438, 6508, 6522, 6599, 6819, 6948, 6979, 6996, 7001, 7038, 7095, 7140, 7172, 7202, 7280, 7293, 7302, 7315, 7319, 7324, 7330, 7369, 7376, 7377, 7384, 7390, 7394, 7399, 7405, 7408, 7438, 7439, 7440, 7442, 7443, 7455, 7464, 7465, 7493. – E. centrale, 2570, 3136, 3157, 5138, 5890, 5910. – E. du centre-est, 4338, 4458, 6921. – E. du nord-ouest, 5027, 6409. – E. du sud-est, 5668. – E. méridionale, 6446. – E. occidentale, 250, 2945, 5824, 6230, 6512, 7310, 7458. – E.
orientale, 250, 3157, 4338, 6684, 7015, 7065, 7235, 7286, 7386, 7456, 7484. – E. septentrionale, 5209, 7194. F Faeroes, 2494. Falerii, 1576. Falfenberg, 3096. Far East, 7348. Fayum (Aegyptus), 1180. Feltre, 2279. Ferrara, 6625. Fiastra, 2994. Fiji, 3397. Filipinas, Philippines, 3959-3961, 4441, 5503, 6604, 6776, 6777, 6984, 7011, 7232. Finland v. Suomi. Finmark, 6250. Firenze, 108, 955, 1580, 2442, 2552, 2567, 2581, 3814, 4398, 5158, 5457, 5469, 5971, 5989, 6004, 6201. Firminy, 5400. Fīrūzābād, 1140. Flanders, 2815, 4417. Flintbek (Germany), 824. Florida, 4272, 6351. Forteviot (Scotland), 856. France, 23, 57, 65, 78, 125, 220, 221, 241, 277, 412, 452, 457, 517, 799, 2321, 2347, 2377, 2422, 2429, 2522, 2545, 2619, 2642, 2704, 2726, 2757, 2854, 2942, 3130, 3137, 3147, 34003463, 4078, 4357, 4382, 4383, 4414, 4430, 4439, 4442, 4449, 4480, 4488, 4495, 4503, 4507, 4549, 4582, 4685, 4703, 4704, 4754, 4810, 4819, 4852, 4895, 4903, 4916, 5126, 5154, 5163, 5197, 5251, 5271, 5317, 5362, 5366, 5446, 5458, 5494, 5536, 5683, 5699, 5803, 5840, 5863, 5920, 5922, 5924, 5925, 5935, 5953, 5955, 5986, 6110, 6119, 6157, 6205, 6221, 6264, 6273, 6274, 6284, 6310, 6343, 6398, 6411, 6571, 6576, 6600, 6609, 6616, 6618, 6648, 6668, 6676, 6702, 6746, 6747, 6750, 6752, 6757, 6765, 6801, 6827, 6840, 6844, 6854, 6924, 6925, 6936, 6940, 6941, 6974, 6981, 7031, 7048, 7051, 7060, 7066, 7083, 7084, 7086, 7097, 7110, 7113, 7153, 7166, 7169, 7176, 7219, 7247, 7259, 7263, 7271, 7275, 7290, 7357, 7360, 7393, 7395, 7427, 7469, 7482.
389 Franchthi, 788. Frankenthal, 4495. Frankfurt am Main, 3535. Freiburg, 6214. Friedrichsfelde, 6478. Friuli Venezia Giulia, 2576. Fulda, 3556. G Gabon, 403, 6837. Galicia, 795, 1969, 2272, 2351. Gallo di Briatico, 845. Gambia, 6548. Gansu, 7608. Gargano, 818. Gary, 6081. Gdańsk, 585. Geminiacum, 1585. Genève, 3095, 4707, 5125. Genova, 6079, 6909, 6910. Germaniae, 1650, 1639, 1664, 1680. Gertrudenberg (Kloster), 2973. Ghana, 3605, 3606, 5949, 5997, 6627, 6845. Ghent, 2594, 2599. Gibraltar, 7026. Gihon, 1081. Gilund (Rajasthan), 860. Girona, 2927, 6968. Ĝirsu, 993. Godin (Iran), 1138. Görlitz, 2441. Göteborg, 5807. Graecia, 2, 13, 547, 763, 882, 1133, 1173, 1187, 1194, 1225, 1229, 1278, 1451, 1459, 1523. Granada, 2458, 4075, 7486. Grande Chartreuse, 4471. Great Britain, 28, 138, 159, 194, 239, 241, 256, 277, 365, 552, 621, 647, 692, 748, 754, 766, 2492, 2607, 2632, 2930, 36073671, 3930, 4563, 4698, 4708, 4939, 4994, 5068, 5078, 5112, 5122, 5143, 5371, 5574, 5609, 5687, 5689, 5715, 5722, 5743, 5752, 5755, 5761, 5770, 5780, 5783, 5910, 5915, 5927, 5933, 5957, 5959, 5977, 6000, 6001, 6011, 6023, 6129, 6138, 6162, 6165, 6202, 6224, 6238, 6274, 6314, 6362, 6370, 6384, 6435, 6475, 6480, 6494, 6501, 6502, 6513, 6571, 6697, 6698, 6721, 6729, 6741-6743, 6766, 6767, 6800, 6802, 6806, 6820, 6823, 6829, 6878, 6888, 6911, 6941, 6955, 6972, 6975, 6976, 6978, 6983, 6994, 7001, 7003, 7015, 7022, 7027, 7030, 7051, 7064,
390 7074, 7077, 7081, 7083-7085, 7086, 7090, 7098, 7103, 7118, 7153, 7163, 7218, 7229, 7238, 7251, 7273, 7300, 7309, 7323, 7325, 7339, 7341, 7350, 7368, 7372, 7374, 7428, 7433, 7434, 7456, 7461, 7471, 7486. Greifswald, 6536. Groenlandia, 3368. Grotta la Fabbrica (Grosseto, Italia), 786, 787. Grotticella Blanc-Cardini (Ventimiglia, Imperia), 806. Guadeloupe, 6347. Guangdong, 7586. Guangzhou, 5867. Guantánamo, 3330. Guatemala, 133, 459, 36783683. Guinea, 3684, 3685. Guinea-Bissau, 3686, 3687. Guinée (golfe de), 7427. Gujarat, 3706. Gulf coast, 4171. Guyana, 5742, 6355, 6666. H Hābūr (river), 1022, 1040. Hadrianopolis, 921. Hadriaticum (mare), 1389. Hagi, 7693. Hainaut, 3123. Haïti, 3688, 6854, 6980. Halland, 2359. Halle an der Saale, 4948. Halle, 553, 5009. Hamburg, 3110, 6617, 6632, 6957, 7304. Hana, 1041. Hannover, 4853. Harlem, 5559, 5611. Ḫatti, 1039. Ḫattusa, 1054, 1064, 1066. Hawai'i, 5899, 6476, 7024. Hazor, 1105. Helike (Achaea), 1500, 1513. Hellas, Greece, 428, 1152-1549, 3672-3677, 5491, 6483, 6614, 7034, 7070, 7078, 7200, 7220, 7311, 7345, 7452. – v. Graecia. Helsinki, 4648, 6360, 7102. Helwan, 961. Henan, 7600. Heraclea ad Latmum, 933. Herakleopolis Magna, 988. Herculaneum, 1589, 1953. Hesse-Kassel, 6568. Hessen, 5648. Hierapolis-Castabala, 891. Himera, 1193. Hispania, 1648, 1749, 1909.
GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Hispanoamérica, 4656, 4666, 5239, 6738. Hispellum, 1591. Hollywood, 5502, 5529, 5617, 5631. Honduras, 5905. Horvat Uza, 1101. Hrvatska, Croatia, 796, 2985, 3321-3327, 5356. Huaibei, 7566. Hunan, 7642. Hungary v. Magyarország. Hypanis (flumen), 1793. I Iaitas (Sicilia), 1510. Iasus, 933. Iberia, 324, 827, 1751, 2694. Ibérica (Península), 1655, 1656. Iberoamérica, 6876. Iceland, 2491, 2494, 3019, 6293. Iclod, 823. Ilissus (river), 1502. İlyastepe, 928. Imâr, 1000. Incoronata (Basilicata), 1491. India, 100, 491, 675, 3700-3711, 4303, 4352, 4530, 4734, 5148, 5203, 5393, 5394, 5655, 6021, 6134, 6381, 6712, 6774, 6781, 7155, 7326, 7434, 7469, 7493, 7509. Indian Ocean, 841. Indichine, 7327. Indien (ocean), 594. Indochine, 3420, 6750. Indonesia, 3712-3714, 4352, 4581, 5047, 6787, 6789, 7335, 7338. Ingelheim am Rhein, 2503. Ionia, 896. Iowa, 4238. Ipswich, 2557. Irak, Iraq, 3731-3736, 7218, 7380, 7388. Iran, 156, 494, 1133-1151, 37153730, 5039. Iraq v. Irak. Ireland, 754, 1663, 2492, 2494, 2989, 2991, 3664, 3737-3754, 4563, 5360, 5655, 5826, 5957, 6105, 7001, 7010, 7247. Israel, 1079, 1126, 2046, 37553761, 4521, 5691, 7306, 7362, 7380, 7474. Istanbul, 1063, 2226, 6707. Istra, 3323. Italia, 20, 42, 60, 157, 289, 314, 409, 468, 509, 532, 648, 650, 667, 700, 818, 826, 1533, 1550, 1560, 1561, 1563, 1569, 1682, 1692, 1728, 1740, 1751, 1757,
1918, 1919, 1977, 2102, 2316, 2330, 2343, 2366, 2401, 2403, 2408, 2439, 2453, 2480, 2533, 2643, 2681, 2687, 2712, 2750, 2801, 2807, 2848, 2970, 3014, 3029, 3108, 3118, 3130, 3137, 3762-3822, 4321, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4392, 4393, 4403, 4480, 4499, 4516, 4523, 4573, 4586, 4634, 4654, 4689, 4746, 4868, 4877, 5017, 5073, 5181, 5209, 5221, 5228, 5229, 5361, 5425, 5461, 5514, 5567, 5598, 5670, 5683, 5717, 5842, 5856, 5930, 5931, 5958, 5959, 5961, 6049, 6097, 6099, 6110, 6233, 6532, 6566, 6590, 6610, 6805, 6945, 6969, 6986, 7013, 7029, 7046, 7132, 7186, 7248, 7269, 7275, 7299, 7302, 7303, 7444. Ivanovskoje (Russia), 804. Izmir, 4490, 5667. J Jamaica, 3823, 4712. Jammu, 6555. Jämtland, 2598. Japan, 197, 524, 669, 3824-3836, 4488, 4617, 4828, 5663, 5687, 5729, 5766, 5881, 6013, 6018, 6060, 6083, 6185, 6300, 6375, 6436, 6437, 6552, 6685, 6722, 6791, 6802, 6985, 7007, 7016, 7024, 7028, 7069, 7156, 7159, 7163, 7184, 7203, 7222, 7241, 7244, 7335, 7433, 7493, 7494, 7645-7700. Jay (Maine), 6452. Jebel Khalid, 903. Jerusalem, 242, 556, 989, 1090, 1109, 1120, 2257, 2333, 2922, 3938, 3941, 5630, 6070, 6779. Jiangsu, 7640. Jiangxi, 7631. Jordan (river), 1128. Jordan, 825, 1111, 7368, 7371, 7507. Jugoslavija, Yugoslavia, 122, 282, 3251, 6179, 6461, 6545, 7173, 7228, 7317, 7345, 7346, 7401, 7491. Julfa, 5802. Jura, 5907. Justiniana Prima, 2260. K Kabylia, 6801. Kallamas, 1518. Kallithea (Chalcidice), 1473. Kamid el-Loz-Kumidi (Lebanon), 1180. Kaniš, 1018.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Kano (province), 6847. Kaokoveld, 3907. Karthaia, 1199. Kashmir, 3704, 6555. Kastamonu, 6181. Kaukana, 1546. Kavkaz, 6723. Kayalipinar, 1059. Kazakhstan, 857. Kemeraltı, 911. Kentucky, 4240. Kenya, 3837-3840, 6806, 6833. Kerala, 4494. Kerameikos, 1501. Kerry, 3745. Ketef Hinnom, 1102. Khanuqa, 1019. Khartoum, 6567. Khirbet ez-Zeraqōn, 832. Khirbet Qeiyafa, 874. Kilimanjaro, 5877. Kimistene, 921. Kingdom of Judah, 878, 1096. Kinross (Scotland), 856. Kluane, 155. København, 6956. Köln, 6061. Kom el-Hisn, 971. Konya, 807. Korçë, 1518. Korea, 3420, 3841-3846, 5656, 6791, 7460, 7493, 7494, 7685, 7701-7705. Kosovo, 7301. Kraków, 7157. Krētē, 3676. Krym, 4159, 5776. Krymskaia oblastʹ, 4163. Kufa, 516. Kulmbach-Bayreuth, 6565. Kültepe, 1008. Kurdistan, 7218. Kuril islands, 6722. Kurlandia v. Kurzeme. Kurzeme, Kurlandia, 3849. Kusakli-Sarissa (Turkey), 1180. Kyïv, 7249. Kyoto, 7676. Kypros, 6723, 7238, 7273. Kyrgyzstan, 3847, 3848, 6104. Kythera, 6231. L L'Aquila, 36. L'Oscurusciuto (Ginosa, Taranto), 801. La Crosse, 4236. La Draga, 827. La Havana, 6158. La Réunion, 7072. Languedoc, 3062.
Larnaka, 1498. Latvija, Latvia, Lettonie, 3849, 3850, 7164. Laurium, 1231. Lazio, 1920, 2585, 2778. Lebanon, 3851, 4478. Leipzig, 4948. Lemnus, 1364. Leningrad v. Sankt-Peterburg. León, 6065. Léopoldville, 6838. Lesbos, 1269. Lesotho, 854, 3852. Lettonie v. Latvija. Levant, 865, 879, 883. Liberia, 3853, 3854. Libya, 3855, 3856, 6815, 7105. Lichfield, 2925. Lidice, 254. Liège, 190. Lietuva, Lithuania, 3599, 38573862, 6939, 7060, 7077, 7138. Liguria, 2616, 2834. Lille, 3097, 3437. Lima, 4926. Limburg (Nederland), 5750. Limoges, 2809, 2833. Lindisfarne, 27. Lipari, 1538. Lippstadt, 5695. Lithuania v. Lietuva. Liverpool, 3613, 6753. Livonia, 3857. Locri, 1266. Loess Plateau (China), 798. Lombardia, 5454. London, 752, 1941, 2625, 2630, 2682, 2752, 3080, 3119, 3651, 3670, 4780, 4867, 5838, 5846, 5902, 5985, 6160, 6353, 6416, 6426, 6486, 6606, 6646. Loreto, 4384. Lorraine, 3438, 3440. Los Angeles, 4181, 4203. Louisiana, 4174, 4227. Lübeck, 6933. Lucania, 1553. Lucca, 2537. Lučenec, 4040. Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 6414. Lugano, 4119. Luristan (Iran), 1141. Luxembourg, 2675, 4736, 6096. Lviv, 4164. Lycia, 1772. Lyon, 5837. Lys (vallée de la), 3049. M Macau, 5867. Macedonia v. Makedonija.
391 Macerata, 2835. Mactaris, 1703. Madagascar, 3867, 7158. Madeira, 5926. Madrid, 812, 2360, 4410, 4638. Maeander (river), 890. Maghrib, 7133. Magna Graecia, 1170. Magyarország, Hungary, 44, 261, 810, 2419, 3147, 3253, 36893699, 4445, 4453, 4851, 5361, 5577, 6573, 7020, 7088, 7106, 7225, 7373, 7378, 7436. Maine, 2531. Mainz, 4522. Makedonija, Macedonia, 434, 2246, 3275, 3863-3866, 6988, 7014, 7112, 7346. Malatya-Elazığ, 1060. Malaya, 6444. Malaysia, 3868 Mali, 4600. Malia, 1171, 1185. Mallorca, 52. Malta, 1015. Malvinas (islas), 6358, 7482. Maly Trostinec, 7165. Manatí, 6866. Manchester, 200, 7175. Manchukuo, 7154. Manchuria, 7583. Manhattan, 6040. Manipur, 3708. Maracaibo, 4281. Maranhão, 6889. Marathon, 1232. Marburg, 3488. Marche, 2580, 5973. Mari, 998, 1000, 1029, 1040. Mariana islands, 224. Mariquita, 6859. Maroc, 461, 1737, 3902, 3903, 4838, 7005, 7393. Marseille, 2464, 3101, 5669, 5862. Martinique, 6156. Maryland, 6465. Matera, 5351. Mato Grosso, 453. Mauretania Tingitana, 1596. Mauritania, 3869. Mauritius, 3870. Māzandarān, 7498. Mecklenburg, 82, 3531, 4807. Medellín, 6063. Méditerranée (mer), 128, 418, 430, 572, 2404, 2564, 5862, 6174, 6768, 6932, 7238. Mediterraneum (mare), 1198, 1276. Meissen, 5843. Melos, 1514. Memphis, 971.
392 Mendrisio, 4119. Mérida, Augusta Emerita, 1763. Mesambria Pontica, 1236. Mesoamerica, 6232, 6345. Mesopotamia, 989-1044. Messina, 6086. Metropolis (Ionia), 893. Metz, 2956. México D.F., 3886, 5546, 6125, 6865. México, 136, 625, 3871-3899, 4444, 4544, 4675, 4684, 4804, 4826, 5003, 5641, 5721, 5841, 5916, 5940, 5966, 5972, 6014, 6151, 6204, 6215, 6280, 6509, 6542, 6561, 6720, 6885, 6895, 7391. Michigan, 4268. Middle East, 470, 745, 4717, 5318, 7118, 7132, 7210, 7459. Middlesborough, 5801. Midway, 7252. Milano, 2280, 6008, 6042, 6052. Miletus, 910, 1915. Minas Gerais, 3262, 4435. Minsk, 7174. Mississippi river valley, 5601. Mississippi, 4198, 6427. Modena, 4379, 4572, 5139, 5456. Moesia, 1891. Mogador v. Essaouira. Moldova, 90, 3900. Monastero di S. Giorgio, 4452. Mönchengladbach, 2382. Mondovì, 3109. Mondragone (Caserta), 821. Mongolia, 3901, 6685. Monte Rua, 4460. Monte San Paolillo (Catania), 834. Montebuono in Sabina, 2506. Morava, 504, 3358, 4593, 5981. Morgantina (Sicilia), 848, 1487. Moselle (département), 3463. Moskva, 4010. Mozambique, 3904, 3905. München, 3604, 5568. Münster, 3517, 3549, 4324. Myanmar, 3906. N Naantali, 2287. Nabta Playa, 959. Namibia, 3907-3908, 6288, 7414, 7424. Nanjing, 7526. Nantucket Island (Massachussets), 6031. Napoli (Regno di), 2439, 4427. Napoli, 2289, 2435, 2587, 3789, 3792, 3797, 4985, 5445, 5462, 5948. Naqsh-i Rustam, 1146, 1147.
GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Năsăud (district), 6361. Naxalbari, 3710. Naxçıvan, 1148. Neapolis, 1504. Near East, 885, 890-934, 1665, 2324, 2325. Nederlands, Netherlands, 2582, 3137, 3909-3913, 4348, 4353, 4356, 4901, 5313, 5959, 5967, 6075, 6138, 6587, 6676, 6758, 6787, 6906, 6928. Negev, 1080. Netherlands v. Nederlands. New England, 4501, 4527, 6867. New Jersey, 6294. New Mexico, 4831. New Orleans, 3541, 6417. New South Wales, 3195. New York City, 102, 4192, 5980, 6010, 6511, 6863. New York, 4243, 4266, 6371, 6490. New Zealand, 3914-3916, 5035, 7064. Nicaea, 2043. Nicaragua, 3917-3920. Niger basin, 3922. Niger Bend (Mali), 6822. Niger, 6822. Nigeria, 3921-3928, 5976. Nile, 6848. Nilus (river), 1384. Nippur, 1021, 1026, 1043. Nonantola, 2507, 2987. Nordic countries, 3154, 7300. Nordrhein-Westfalen, 6316. Nord-Troms, 6250. Norge, Norway, 48, 500, 2298, 2359, 2410, 2495, 2593, 39293931, 4925, 4935, 5806, 5847, 5946, 6015, 6247, 7080, 7139, 7185. Normandie, 2498, 4930, 5439, 6315. North Carolina, 4177, 4188, 5864, 6019, 6241. North Sea, 5853. Northern Orkney, 6252. Nouveau Monde, 576, 5345, 6508. Nueva España, 6882. Nueva Granada, 4767, 6857, 6869. Nuevo León, 6580. Numidia, 1584. Nürnberg, 4760, 5730, 6918. Nyasaland, 5887. Nyborg, 199. Nysa-Scythopolis, 1084. O Oaxaca, 3888. Océanie, 6898-6905, 7720-7722
Odessa, 6067. Ohio, 6427. Oldenbourg, 6977. Olsztyn (Voivodeship), 3967. Oman, 3932. Oran, 4601. Oranie, 3170. Orkney, 2494. Ōsaka, 6082, 7676, 7688. Osnabrück, 3517, 3593. Österreich, Austria, 208, 554, 862, 3127, 3203-3227, 3253, 4571, 4851, 4857, 5738, 5965, 6136, 6179, 6403, 6529, 6582, 6603, 6937, 6962, 6989, 7032, 7053, 7088, 7106, 7285, 7446, 7457, 7459, 7478. Ostrava, 3340, 6261. Otterberg, 4495. Oxford, 2791. Oxyrhinchus (el Bahnasa, Aegyptus), 2007. P Pacific Area, 6899. Pacifique (océan), 7245, 7256. Padova, 2807, 2831, 4766, 4770, 4773. País Vasco, 4081. Pakistan, 3933-3937, 7329, 7488. Palaestina, 880, 1112. Palata (Canosa di Puglia), 828. Palatinate, 4525. Palermo, 2285, 2296. Palestine, 213, 3760, 3938-3943, 4521, 4556, 6778, 6784, 7336, 7349, 7474, 7496. – v. Palaestina. Pamphylia, 892. Pamplona, 4085. Panamá (canal de), 5995. Panamá, 7453, 7489. Panonija, 1966. Paphos, 1517. Pará, 6889. Paraguay, 3944-3948, 4486, 4487, 6693, 7480. Paraná, 3256. Paranaguá, 4472. Paris, 326, 411, 2853, 3436, 3443, 4407, 4595, 4729, 4780, 5292, 5363, 5435, 5769, 5820, 6146, 6353, 6484, 6585, 6606, 6645. Parma, 2631, 6112. Passo Murato, 850. Patagonia, 6578. Pavia, 2266, 2449. Pays Bas, 3116. Pearl Harbor, 7234. Pearl River, 7573. Pella (Jordan), 836. Península Ibérica, 5135.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Pennsylvania, 4263, 5798, 6642. Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal), 853. Pergamum, 915, 917, 923, 2247. Persepolis, 1143. Persia, 1133, 1142. Persian Gulf, 7374, 7404. Perth (Scotland), 856. Perú, 193, 319, 3246, 3949-3958, 5685, 5816, 5834, 6296, 6861, 6894. Pfalz, 4298. Philadelphia, 6061, 6505. Philippines v. Filipinas. Philistia, 1122. Phoenicia, 1122. Piemonte, 3079, 3122, 4392. Pinarbasi, 807. Pinskiya baloty, 4157. Pisa, 1600, 2798, 2808, 3102. Pistoia, 37. Piteşti, 3992. Placentia, 1323. Poland v. Polska. Polska, Poland, 313, 416, 2419, 2426, 2536, 3085, 3124, 39623972, 4431, 4872, 5082, 5251, 5706, 6573, 6927, 6935, 6938, 6943, 7047, 7120, 7137, 7180, 7181, 7233, 7295, 7296, 7364, 7365, 7476. Pomerania, 2977. Pommern, 6306. Pompei, 1926, 1929. Pomposa, 2841. Poro, 849. Port-Royal de s Champs (Abbey), 4466. Portugal, 230, 2409, 3130, 39733984, 4409, 4420, 4991, 5034, 5081, 5452, 6557, 6786, 6817, 6876, 6970, 6978, 6979, 6998. Potsdam, 4532. Praesus, 1545. Praha, 506, 3361, 5812, 6415, 7340. Preußen, 3479, 3493, 3518, 3560, 3576, 4777, 5693, 5994, 6637. Priene, 901. Prilepo, 2246. Prince Edward County, 4262. Priverno, 3113. Provence, 6929. Pruth (river), 6942. Puerto Rico, 5899, 6235. Puglia, 42. Pune District, 6783. Punjab, 3703, 6782. Puteoli, 1198. Putumayo, 135.
Pyrénées, 6128, 6340. Pyrgi, 1574.
Q Qatar, 3985. Qaṭṭunân, 1044. Qingdao, 7518. Québec, 272, 6757. Querétaro, 3877. Quesna, 981. Quito, 3379, 3382, 5466, 6045. Qumran, 2130. Qurta (Aegyptus), 793.
5870, 5880, 5895, 6140, 6177, 6264, 6665, 6687, 6700, 6722, 6946, 6962, 6966, 7005, 7019, 7028, 7035, 7039, 7091, 7101, 7107, 7116, 7301, 7352, 7366. – v. SSSR. Rostock, 6396. Rovigo, 2270. Royer, 153. Ruhr, 7052. Ruhrgebiet, 5555, 6369. Russia v. Rossija. Rwanda, 4027, 4308, 6154.
R Ragusa, 6073. Ramat Rahel, 1097. Randstad, 6416. Ravenna, 2838. Ravensberg, 3517. Rheinischen Raum, 609. Rheinland, 4519, 6102. Rhein-Main-Gebiet, 5778. Rhein-Neckar, 3581. Rheinpfalz, 3513. Rheinprovinz, 6670. Rhenea, 1516. Rhône (river), 5106. Riazanskaia oblast', 4020. Richmond, 3541. Rif, 7087. Rigaborza, 2286. Rio de Janeiro, 3261, 6158. Río de la Plata, 141, 3180, 4277, 4607, 4652, 5839. Río Negro, 5805. Riotinto (minas), 4863. Ripa Grande, 3779. Riva del Garda, 6092. Roca (Lecce, Italia), 852, 861. Roer, 4504. Roma, 280, 556, 677, 721, 15501977, 2021, 2090, 2098, 2207, 2322, 2383, 2396, 2446, 2460, 2580, 2778, 3811, 4368, 4401, 4423, 4711, 4725, 4998, 5146, 5162, 5369, 5374, 5408, 5443, 5463, 5491, 6043, 6047, 6921. România, Romania, 103, 252, 474, 674, 875, 3986-4006, 4624, 4710, 4893, 5300, 5412, 5515, 5719, 6044, 6089, 6155, 6327, 6333, 6357, 6576, 7013, 7020, 7045, 7073, 7094, 7115, 7134, 7181, 7182, 7201, 7250, 7313, 7322, 7361, 7378, 7383, 7403, 7415, 7445. Rossija, Russia, 405, 437, 569, 652, 755, 4007-4026, 4306, 4492, 4590, 4658, 5005, 5295, 5623, 5664, 5675, 5684, 5789,
S S. Abbondio di Como (Monastero di), 2950. S'Elighe Entosu, 822. Sachsen, 2606, 4830, 6953. Sachsenhausen, 5144. Sado (river), 783. Sahara, 6822. Sahel (Tunisie), 1069, 6821. Saigon, 6057. Saint-Domingue, 6875. Saint-Émilion, 3100. Saintonge, 429. Salamanca, 4795. Salento, 4396. Salerno, 2620, 5445. Salzburg, 5406, 5861. Samaria, 872, 999. San Benedetto Polirone, 2273. San Juan, 3186. San Luis Potosí, 3887. San Ramón de Alajuela, 7715. San Vincenzo (Stromboli), 820. San Vincenzo al Volturno, 2984. Sankt-Peterburg, Leningrad, 4739, 7239. Sant Jaume, 873. Sant'Imbenia (Alghero, Sassari), 868. Santa Cruz, 3245, 6853. Santa Fe, 3177, 3190. Santiago de Chile, 3306, 5818, 6339. Santiago de Cuba, 3331, 6085. Santo Domingo, 6852. São Paulo, 3268, 4479, 6192. São Tomé e Príncipe, 6812, 6817, 6825. Saqqara, 958. Sarajevo, 7147. Sardegna (Regno di), 6574, 6990. Sardegna, 1071, 2402, 2806, 3074, 4419. Sardinia, 1695. Sarepta, 1198. Sarsina, 1842. Saudi Arabia, 4028, 7336.
394 Savoie, 2434. Scandinavia, 2494, 2499, 4685, 5112, 7189. Scapa Flow, 7226. Schaffhausen, 5749. Schlesien, 5785. Schweiz, Switzerland, 179, 463, 493, 2399, 3127, 4111-4120, 4559, 4709, 4891, 5904, 6005, 6295, 6407, 6588, 6793, 7282, 7359, 7411. Scopus (mount), 1120. Scotland, 18, 2398, 2597, 2977, 3620, 3627, 3655, 3662, 4800, 4997, 5662, 5855, 5863, 5912, 5913, 6058, 6111, 6194, 6208, 6244. Seine, 6149. Seine-et-Marne, 3419. Seleucia ad Calycadnum v. Silifke, 2227. Selinus, 1250. Selva dei Muli (Frosinone), 831, 837, 842. Senegal, 4029, 4808, 6810. Serbia v. Srbija. Shangay, 6487, 7547, 7549, 7560, 7590, 7599, 7607, 7627. Shinano, 7700. Shqipëri, Albania, 1518, 1525, 1535, 3163-3167, 7003, 7030, 7070, 7078, 7200, 7301, 7311. Sibir', 7069. Sichuan, 7601. Sicilia, 1238, 1533, 1546, 1778, 2291, 2296, 2387, 2395, 2472, 2490, 2988, 3807, 4586, 5451, 6550, 6594. Sidney, 6487. Sidon, 1076. Siena, 2749. Signia, 1927. Siloam, 1110. Sinai, 7491. Sind, 3933. Singapore, 4037, 6444, 7154, 7339. Sippar, 1033. Siracusa, 6091. Sirkeli (Turkey), 1180. Slovakia v. Slovensko. Slovenija, Slovenia, 4052, 4053, 4747, 7268, 7269, 7457. Slovensko, Slovakia, 234, 281, 317, 473, 498, 3339, 3342, 3362, 4038-4051, 4778, 4906, 5735, 6030, 6172, 6261, 7204. – v. Československo. Smyrna, 911, 914, 920. Snake river valley, 4242. Soest, 5695.
GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Somalia, 7444. Souss, 3903. South Africa, 305, 438, 4054-4061, 4347. Southampton, 2276. Sovjan, 1518. Sozopol, 1542. Spain v. España. Speyer, 3469. Split, 2559. Srbija, Serbia, 4030-4036, 5779, 6328, 7014, 7017, 7030, 7032, 7167. Sri Lanka, 107, 6368. SSSR, 152, 3124, 4493, 5064, 5619, 6254, 6461, 7089, 7125, 7126, 7134, 7152, 7162, 7168, 7173, 7177, 7198, 7242, 7250, 7270, 7276, 7286, 7307, 7313, 7323, 7332, 7362, 7373, 7403, 7411, 7418, 7420, 7421, 7446, 7458, 7469, 7479. St. Louis, 4172, 4201, 6046. Stalingrad, 287. Stobi, 2246. Stockholm, 4109, 6242. Strasbourg, 968, 2373, 4332, 6591. Stuttgart, 3592. Su Nuraxi (Barumini, Cagliari), 859. Sudan, 952, 4094-4097, 4597, 6828. Suessa, 1565. Suez, 7326, 7329. Sulky (Sardegna), 1186. Sun Belt, 5696. Suomi, Finland, 264, 428, 651, 2584, 3398, 3399, 4899, 5064, 6257, 6724, 6966, 7066, 7120, 7141, 7194, 7323, 7469. Suriname, 4098, 6056. Susa (Iran), 1137, 1145. Sverige, Sweden, 22, 466, 542, 543, 566, 567, 580, 651, 2359, 2558, 2561, 2584, 2756, 40994110, 4693, 4814, 4885, 4915, 5061, 5768, 5790, 5824, 5848, 5875, 5896, 5906, 5910, 5914, 5917, 5959, 6069, 6105, 6144, 6163, 6175, 6176, 6219, 6236, 6237, 6247, 6329, 6363, 6374, 6393, 6418, 6517, 6679, 6718, 6724, 6933, 6966, 7080, 7131, 7149, 7274, 7281, 7392, 7402, 7423. Sweden v. Sverige. Switzerland v. Schweiz. Sydney, 6904. Syria, 1050, 1749, 2137, 41214124, 4478, 4560, 6792.
T Tabal, 1063. Ṭabatum, 1014, 1040, 1041, 1044. Ṭābetu, 1029. Taga, 823. Tahiti, 6900. Taiwan, 240, 4348, 5767, 6303, 7154. Tall Zira'a, 880. Tanganyka, 5500, 7375. Tanzania, 4125, 4126. Tapalqué, 3189. Taq-i Bustan, 1147. Ţara Românească, 90. Taranto, 1170, 6051. Tarragona, 2563. Tchad, Chad, 3292. Teheran, 7503. Tel Beth-Shemesh, 1095, 1098. Tel Gerisah, 844. Tel Kabri (Israel), 1077. Tel Miqne-Ekron, 1083. Tell Edfu, 970. Tell El-Amarna, 960. Tell el-Dabca, 944, 963. Tell el-Retaba, 983. Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel), 851. Tell Fadous-Kfarabida (Lebanon), 843. Tell Heboua, 935. Tell Nebesheh, 971. Tell Qubr al-'Atiq (Assyria), 1019. Tell Qudadi, 844. Tell Taban, 1041. Temple of Solomon, 709. Terezín, 6216. Terqa (Syria), 1025. Texas, 4178, 4244. Thailand, 4127-4129, 6998. Thamusida, 1596. Tharros, 1567. Thasos, 1197, 1463, 1470, 1489, 1520, 1521. Thebae, 1306, 1335. Thermopylae, 2222. Thessalonica, 1537, 2098. Thuburnica, 1270. Thugga, 1913. Thüringen, 3530, 4446, 6100. Tiber (flumen), 1551, 1930. Timbuktu, 189. Tirol, 3221, 6270. Tjarou, 935. Tlaxcala, 6578. Togo, 6808. Tokyo, 326. Toledo, 2457. Tollense (river), 847. Tongking gulf, 7514. Torino, 304, 978, 3812, 6078, 6088, 6441.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Torone, 1192. Toronto, 4670, 6147. Toscana, 37, 2844, 2983, 3120, 3787, 6592. Transilvania, 46, 2323, 3002. Transnistrien, 3124. Trapani, 2969. Trentino, 2344. Trento, 2278. Treviso, 2282, 2807. Trieste, 4822, 6595. Trinidad, 6355. Tropea, 849. Tunisie, Tunisia, 4130-4133, 6271, 6302. Tupicocha, 420. Türkiye, Turkey, 925, 3674, 3728, 4134-4154, 4575, 4591, 4859, 5829, 5968, 6055, 6198, 6556, 6680, 6694, 6723, 6925, 6927, 6946, 6962, 6985, 6987, 7019, 7039, 7046, 7054, 7085, 7101, 7191, 7328, 7478, 7493, 7504. Tyndaris, 1238. Tyneside, 6469. Tyrone, 3746. Tyrus, 1076. U U.S.A., 93, 109, 146, 210, 449, 548, 606, 622, 744, 750, 3396, 3843, 3879, 4167-4276, 4325, 4328, 4346, 4406, 4415, 4434, 4502, 4515, 4588, 4617, 4621, 4623, 4684, 4717, 4719, 4731, 4774, 4809, 4845, 4847, 4904, 4938, 4987, 5070, 5079, 5103, 5104, 5121, 5122, 5124, 5129, 5330, 5350, 5390, 5543, 5567, 5589, 5614, 5641, 5659, 5660, 5671, 5673, 5676-5678, 5681, 5694, 5700, 5714, 5718, 5734, 5739, 5758, 5774, 5815, 5857, 5860, 5886, 5909, 5910, 5919, 5957, 5970, 5978, 5992, 6026, 6033, 6076, 6108, 6109, 6120, 6122, 6126, 6130, 6139, 6143, 6151, 6170, 6173, 6186, 6195, 6206, 6213, 6215, 6217, 6223, 6229, 6246, 6266, 6282, 6286, 6287, 6365, 6367, 6372, 6390, 6404, 6419, 6425, 6436, 6463, 6471, 6473, 6488, 6539, 6547,
6554, 6571, 6612, 6631, 6653, 6654, 6656, 6671, 6677, 6680, 6688, 6691, 6704, 6705, 6709, 6713, 6720, 6749, 6823, 6826, 6836, 6855, 6870, 6881, 6976, 6984, 6995, 7011, 7012, 7021, 7023, 7024, 7031, 7037, 7068, 7098, 7121, 7143, 7159, 7193, 7196, 7198, 7203, 7205-7207, 7211, 7237, 7243, 7275, 7291, 7308, 7316, 7320, 7321, 7331, 7333, 7336, 7341, 7347, 7349, 7350, 7362, 7370-7373, 7380, 7384, 7385, 7406, 7416, 7422, 7426, 7434, 7445, 7453, 7468, 7470, 7471, 7473, 7479, 7480, 7483, 7489. Uganda, 4155, 6798. Ugarit, 1079. Uğurlu (Gökçeada, Turkey), 817. Ukraine, 725, 4156-4166, 6330, 6534. Ulster, 3668, 3737, 3740. Umbria, 2350. Uppsala, 3088. Ur, 992, 1003, 1043. Urkesh, 1013. Uruguay, 728, 4277-4279, 4757, 7391. Usini (Sassari), 822. Utah, 4231. Uzbekistan, 590. V Vadastra (Romania), 816. Val di Lago, 1579. València, 2590, 2600, 4087. Valldigna, 2591. Valle di Ospitale (Italia), 1570. Vallparadís (Terrassa, Cataluña, España), 789. Vardarska banovina, 3866. Vaucelles, 2980. Vaud, 4888. Växjö, 6510. Veio, 1911. Velia, 1256. Veneto, 1562, 2282. Venezia, 296, 408, 421, 1990, 2319, 2374, 2772, 4405, 4584, 5354, 5395, 5726, 6289, 6915, 6921, 6929.
395 Venezuela, 4280-4283, 4381, 6493, 6655. Veracruz, 6649. Vercelli, 2825. Vicenza, 2282, 2807. Victoria, 6285. Vietnam, 290, 327, 443, 456, 1764, 4129, 4284-4286, 5145, 6269, 6392, 7211, 7334, 7376, 7385, 7410, 7420, 7433, 7481, 7487, 7494, 7613. Vilnius, 7079, 7086. Vlora, 7061. Vojna Krajina, 3321. Volhynia, 4157. Volta Redonda, 5720. W Wakefield, 2277. Wales, 2352, 2393, 2556, 2761, 2932, 3629, 3640, 3665, 3669, 5516, 6454. Washington D.C., 4220, 4251. Weimar, 4890, 5504, 5644. Westhavelland, 3548. Wien, 562, 665, 2781, 2795, 4796, 5519, 5642, 5861, 6394. Wisconsin, 4236, 4244. Württemberg, 6930. Würzburg, 3508, 3586, 4522, 5754. X Xalapa, 5844. Y Yaoundé, 3281. Yarkon (river), 844. Yemen, 4287. York, 2765. Yorkville, 4670. Yozgat, 1202. Yucatán, 3890, 3892, 5897, 6858. Yugoslavia v. Jugoslavija. Z Zagreb, 3324. Zambia, 4288, 4289, 5744, 5879. Zanzibar, 4125, 6809. Zeeland, 3909. Zimbabwe, 4290-4293, 4459. Zug, 4111. Zürich, 4569, 6394.