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English Pages [20] Year 1972
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Portable liquid fuelled catalytic appliances
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CSA Standards Update Service B140.9.1-1972 June 1972 Title: Portable liquid fuelled catalytic appliances Pagination: 14 pages To register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publication •
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CSA STANDARD B140.9.1-1972
CSA CERTIFICATION The Canadian Standards Association provides certification services for manufacturers who, under licence from CSA, wish to use the appropriate registered CSA Marks on certain products of their manufacture to indicate conformity with a CSA Standard. CSA Certification for a number of products is provided on a voluntary basis in the interest of maintaining agreed-upon standards of quali ty, performance, interchangeability, or safety and, where appropriate, it forms the basis €or acceptance by inspection authorities responsible for enforcement of regulations.
Where feasible, programmes will be developed for additional products for which certification is desired by producers, consumers, or other interests.
CONTENTS Committee on Oil Burning Appliance Standards Preface
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Reference Publications
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2 . Definitions
3 . Basic General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Reference PubIications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Construction Requirements 5 . Marking
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6 . Instructions
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7. Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Rated Output Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Carbon Monoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Unburned Hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Leakage Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Temperature of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Canopy Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Draping Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Gasket Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Extinction Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 . Fuel Specifications for Portable Liquid Fuelled Catalytic Appliances
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COMMITTEE ON OIL BURNING APPLIANCE STANDARDS G. C. STAPLETON (Chairman) . . . . . . Honeywell Limited, Scarborough A. G. REED (Vice-Chairman) . . . . . . Honeywell Limited, Scarborough P. C. BODETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Duo-Therm Division of Motor Wheel Corporation, Indiana A. E. BRIDGES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Alberta Department of the Provincial Secretary, Edmonton (Representing Council on Fire Safety) W. C. Cmss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weil-McLain (Canada) Limited, Bramalea A. DRON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saskatchewan Department of Labour, Regina F. FEITH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Industries, Poinle Claire G. E. FISHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario Hydro, Toronto J. E. FORSYTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Canadian Coleman Company, Limited, To-
J . W. INGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shell Canada Limited, Toronto (Representing CSA Committee on Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment) A. I). RENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa E. LEDWINKA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthes Eastern Limited, Toronto S . S. MAJURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory Mutual Engineering Association, Toronto W. F. MALSBARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Malsbary Manufacturing Company, Uniontown, Pennsylvania J. F. MITCHELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MacKinnon Mitchell & Associates Ltd., Rexdale (Represerrling Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada) E. A. MUELLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aero Environmental Ltd., Toronto (Representing Oil Heating Association of Canada) E. SCHOLLEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Canadian Coleman Company, Limited, Toronto T. TYNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale L. C. WEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario Department of Labour, Toronto R. C. WHYTE(Secretary non-voting) . Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale
In addition to the members of the Committee, the following made valuable contribution to the development of this Standard in their capacities as noted:
R. A. BEALS (Associate)
. . . . . . . . . . National Oil Fuel Institute, Inc., New York
T. HASTINGS(Subcommittee Member)
.The Canadian Coleman Company Limited, Toronto
0. J. MANION(Subcommittee Member) . . . . . .John Niemi Ltd., Toronto M. POLANSKY(Associate) . . . . . . . .Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale D. SEIATFORD (Subcommittee Member) . . . . . . Imperial Oil Limlted, Toronto C. THOREL (Subcommittee Member) . . . Tonka Corporation (Canada) Ltd., Malton A. E. WOOD(Subcommittee Member) . . .Ontario Department of Labour, Toronto ,
PREFACE This is the first edition of a series of Standards covering minimum requirements for safe operation, acceptable performance, design, construction, manufacture, marking, and testing of portable liquid fuel burning appliances.
In 1966 the CSA Council on Fire Safety asked that consideration be given to preparing standards on portable oil-fired camping appliances. The Subcommittee on Portable Kerosene Heaters was given the task of preparing the Standards on all liquid fuelled portable appliances. Safe and satisfactory operation of portable liquid fuelled appfiances depends to an extent upon proper operation and the proper fuel burned. While these appliances do not require installation and are generally self-contained, the intent and the definitions of the latest issue of CSA Standard B139, Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment, should be applied to the use of this equipment. This Standard was prepared by the Committee on Oil Burning Appliance Standards under the jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Oil Burning Equipment and was formally approved by these Committees.
NOTE: In order to keep abreast of progress in the industries cancerned, CSA Publicalions are subject to periodic review. Suggeslions for improvement will be welcomed at all times. They will be recorded and in due c o w s e brought to the attention of the appropriate Cum m it tee for considera tion. Also, requests for interpretation will be accepted b y the Committee. They should be worded in such a manner as to permit a simple “yes” or “no” answer bused on the literal text of the requiremeitt concerned. All enquiries regarding this Standard should be addressed to Gunadian Standards Association, I78 Rexdale Boulevard, Rsydale 603, Ontario.
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PORTABLE LIQUID FUELLED CATALYTIC APPLIANCES 1. SCOPE 1.1 This Standard applies to non-pressurized liquid fuelled catalytic appliances ranging in input capacities from 1,000 Btuh to 15,000 Btuh primarily used as portable space heating appliances. 1.2 Appliances with input capacities larger or smaller than anticipated by this Standard may be examined and tested in accordance with the intent of these requirements, with any additional requirements deemed necessary by the authority having jurisdiction.
1.3 This Standard includes requirements for materials, construction, performance, durability, and safety factors; marking and instruction requirements are also included. 1.4 Portable appliances having materials or forms of construction differing from those contemplated or covered by these requirements but meeting the intent of the requirements, may be examined and tested according to the intent of the requirements, and if found to be substantially equivalent, may be given recognition.
1.5 Portable appliances which comply with these requirements shall not be acceptable if, when examined and tested, they are found to have additional features which impair the results contemplated by the requirements of this Standard. 2. DEFINITIONS
2.1 Definitions of terms used in this Standard are listed in CSA Standard B139, Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment, and the supplementary definitions as follows shall apply: Canopy means a ventilated cover to shield the burner head during operation; Catalytic combustion means rapid, flameless, oxidation of a fuel in the presence of a catalyst; Catalytic layer means that part of the burner head which contains a catalyst and any supportkg screens; Burner head (catalytic combustion head) means the section of the appliance where evaporation and combustion of the fuel is intended to take place; Portable liquid fuelled cataIyeic appliance means a hand portable flameless space heating appliance with integral fuel storage; Snuffer means a cap to fit over the burner head to extinguish combustion.
3.1 Reference Publications. This Standard makes reference to the following publications, and where such reference is made it shall be to that edition of such publication as listed below:
CSA Standards B 139-1 97 1, Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment; B 140.0-1 97 1, General Requirements for Oil Burning Equipment. CGBV Specification 4-GP-8 1-6 1, Cloth: ,Cotton, Cheesecloth. "Canadian Government Specifications Board.
3.2 General 3.2.8 The appliance shall not produce carbon monoxide. This requirement shall be deemed met when the appliance is tested in accordance with Clause 7.3 and a concentration of carbon monoxide not in excess of .05 per cent is produced in a room with no air changes occurring during combustion of the amount of fuel necessary to reduce the oxygen content of the room to a quantity equal to 15.1 per cent by volume, corrected to 60F and 30.0 inches of mercury. 3.2.2 The appliance shall not emit unburned hydrocarbons in a quantity that exceeds 50 per cent of the lower explosive limit for the fuel when tested in accordance with Clause 7.4.
3.2.3 A device shall be provided for extinguishing the appliance and shall be such that complete extinction results in accordance with Clause 7.11.
3.2.4 The extinction device shall be of a design which cannot be accidentally dislodged under normal use and handling. 3.2.5 The appliance, when empty or full, or partially filled with any amount of fuel, shall be capable of being tipped in any direction, to an angle of 35 degrees from the normal upright position without overturning on being released.
3.2.6 The appliance while operating or not operating and filled in accordance with Clause 7.1.7 shall not permit the escape of liquid fuel. This requirement shall be deemed met if the appliance: (a) Will not leak liquid fuel when tilted to any angle up to 40 degrees in any direction from the normal upright position; and (b) When lying on its side for a period of at least 10 minutes, will not leak more than 2Y2 ounces of liquid fuel in any given minute. 3.2.7 The catalytic layer shall be homogeneous and the joint between the catalytic layer and the rim of the burner head shall be vapour tight. 3.2.8 The catalytic layer, if not self-supporting, shall be adequately supported. 3.2.9 'A canopy shall be provided to protect and prevent contact of the catalytic layer while the appliance is in operation. 3.2.10 A IY8 inch diameter rod terminating in a right circular cone having an apex included angle of 60 degrees when inserted into any openings provided in the canopy shall not contact the catalytic layer.
3.2.11 The canopy shall be held in the closed or operating position by an adequate method of retention suitable for the intended purpose.
3.2.12 Ready access to the catalytic layer shall be provided for lighting and extinguishing according to the manufacturer’s operating instructions. 3.2.13 Cheesecloth when draped over the appliance in accordance with Clause 7.9 shall not ignite. 3.2.14 The fuel tank shall be integral with the catalytic appliance. 4. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
4.1 Types of material other than metal construction shall be the subject of special investigation. 4.2 The appliance shall be of such construction as to be secure against dis-
placement, distortion, warping, or other damage, and shall be supported to maintain a fixed relationship between essential parts under normal and reasonable conditions of handling and usage so as to assure continued compliance with these requirements. Such parts not permanently secured shall be designed so that they cannot be readily incorrectly assembled and cannot be improperly located or misaligned in removing or replacing during cleaning or other servicing. If any indication is observed during the tests prescribed herein that the appliance will not continue to meet these requirements in normal usage, such supplementary tests shall be conducted that will assure safe and satisfactory service. 4.3 All parts of the appliance shall resist decomposition such as would impair its safe operation. This includes all. metal parts which shall be corrosion resistant or coated with corrosion resistant material.
4.4 The construction and material of the wick and its support shall be such as to: (a) Preclude an evaporation rate in excess of the maximum rated capacity of the appliance; (b) Not splay or increase in height or be readily adjustable above its normal maximum position or positions by the user. If it is a type of material subject to change or deformation in use, then such changes shall not prejudice the safe performance of the appliance.
4.5 The maximum allowable operating temperatures for the materials and components used in the construction of the catalytic appliance when operating at full capacity shall. not exceed those specified in CSA Standard B140.0, General Requirements for Oil Burning Equipment. 4.6 Gasket material, when used, shall be compatible with the fuel vapours
or liquids at the operating temperatures and shall be satisfactory for the application. 4.7 Gaskets used in an assembly which may be removed during normal use
shall be captive. 5. MARKING
5.1 Each appliance shall be obviously and permanently marked in both English and French with the following: (a) Manufacturer’s or distributor’s name;
(b) Model number of appliance; (c) Type of fuel; and (d) Rated capacity expressed in Btuh. 5.2 Each appliance shall be obviously and permanently marked in both English and French with the intent of at least the following warnings and instructions: (a) In at least ?4 inch letters, the word “CAUTION”; (b) In at least Ys inch letters, the words: “This appliance consumes air. To ensure its safe and proper operation and avoid health hazards, provide a fresh air opening of at least X square inches. Increase fresh air openings as marked for each additional appliance”. MANUFACTURER’S NOTE:Insert value for X square inches and allow at least I square inch per 1,000 Btuh. ( c ) The words “DO not use In explosive or flammable atmospheres’’;
(d) The words “Always fill with the snuffer cap in position and always fill and light outdoors away from open flame, heat, and combustible material’’; (e) The words “DOnot take indoors until all preheat flame has burned Off
(f) The words “Only use the fuel recommended by the manufacturer, or fuel complying with CSA Standard B140.9.1, Portable Liquid Fuelled Catalytic Appliances”; ( 9 ) The words “Do not operate the heater if the burner head is damaged’’; (h) The words “Do not obstruct the canopy with cooking utensils, clothing, or other articles”; and (i) Instructions for filling, lighting, extinguishing, transporting and storing.
6. INSTRUCTIONS 6.1 The instructions accompanying each appliance shall be provided in English and French and shall contain the data and instructions of Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 and in addition shall contain the following: (a) Filling procedure; (b) Lighting procedure, including if applicable, the recornmended amount of alcohol or other lighting fluid used for lighting the appliance; (c) Extinguishing procedure; and (d) Storing and transporting procedure, including removing of fuel, 7. TESTS
7.1 Genera1 7.1.1 The appliance shall be tested using the fuel complying with Clause 8.
7.1.2 The appliance shall be operated through one complete fllhg before testing commences. 7.1.3 The total burning time during the test programme shall be at least 80 hours; and (a) The burning tests may be totalled to accumulate the 80 hours; (b) The leakage test and the test €or unburned hydrocarbons shall be conducted at the termination of 80 hours of operation. 7.1.4 Unless otherwise specified in this Standard tests shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 70 degrees F i- 5 degrees. 7.1.5 The appliance shall be operated in air free from drafts likely to affect the performance of the appliance.
7.1.6 The wick height and any other fuel burning rate adjustment shall be first determined and if not within the manufacturer’s specified limits, it shall be set to the maximum so specified.
7.1.7 The appliance shall be placed in the position for filling as specified in the instructions on the appliance and the tank filled to its maximum capacity. The appliance shall be put into operation in accordance with the instructions provided with the appliance. 7.1.8 Tests shall be conducted with the canopy placed in the position or positions recommended in the operating instructions. 7.1.9 In addition to the requirement of Clause 7.1.6, an appliance having an adjustable fuel rate shall be tested: (a) At the minimum fuel consumption rate at which the adjustment can be set which will sustain combustion; and (b) In between maximum and minimum fuel. consumption rates if there is an indication of excessive carbon monoxide production. 7.2 Rated Output Capacity
7.2.1 The appliance shall be placed on a weigh scale. Both the weigh scale and the appliance shall be centered on a circular platform of a diameter of not less than 3 times the maximum horizontal dimension of the appliance. The base of the appliance shall be not more than 12 inches above the platform.
7.2.2 The appliance shall be thermally insulated from the platform of the weigh scale by a piece of Yz inch plywood painted dull black at least equal to the size of the scale’s platform. 7.2.3 The appliance shall be weighed 15 minutes after ignition and at the end of each 15 minute period thereafter for a 4 hour period or until a maximum fuel consumption rate is attained. 7.2.4 The maximum fuel consumption rate for any one hour period shall be determined and shall be converted to Btuh for the rated output capacity.
7.3 Carbon Monoxide 7.3.1 The appliance shall be placed on a weigh scale and platform in accordance with Clauses 7.2.1 and 7.2.2.
7.3.2 The appliance shall be operated until it has reached its maximum fuel consumption rate and then placed in the chamber. I
7.3.3 The chamber shall: Be of a sufficient volume to permit operation for at least 2 hours before the oxygen is depleted to the specified value; Be constructed to prevent infiltration of air; and Have provisions for: (i) Air temperature control; and (ii) Adequate mixing of the air to prevent stratification without interfering with the normal operation of the appliance. 7.3*4 The ambient air temperature shall be taken within the chamber below the burner head level of the appliance by a shielded thermocouple located within 6 inches of the appliance.
7.3.5 A sample shall be withdrawn at a location within the proximity of the thermocouple at the start of the test and analysed for carbon monoxide and oxygen.
7.3.6 Sufficient samples shall be withdrawn and analysed for oxygen and carbon monoxide during the test to permit accurate determination of the end point of the test. 7.3.7 When the oxygen concentration in the test chamber has reached a value between 15.10 per cent and 15-15 per cent by volume, corrected to
60F and 30.0 inches of mercury, the test shall be terminated. 7.3.8 A sample withdrawn at the end of the test shall be analysed for carbon monoxide and oxygen, and the increase in carbon monoxide concentr ation computed. 7.3.9 The appliance shall not produce carbon monoxide in excess of that permitted by Clause 3.2.1. 7.4 Unburned Hydrocarbons 7.4.1 The appliance shall be set at its maximum fuel consumption rate
in accordance with Clause 7.1.6. 7.4.2 The explosive content of the efffuent gas shall be taken as follows:
The head shall be envisaged to be composed of imaginary 2 inch diameter circles; The probe shall be located at the approximate centre of each circle % inch above the burner head and normal to the surface and the average emission value shall not exceed the requirement of Clause 3.2.2. NOTES:1. The analysis shull be determined with care, using recognized test methods. 2. The percentage of unburned hydrucarbons may be determined b y means uf an explosimeter. Care must be taken to avoid instrument leaks.
7.4.3 Using an open flame, the entire surface of the appliance burner head shall be explored. On removal of the open flame, there shall be no flame left standing on or above the appliance burner head.
7.5 Leakage Test. The appliance shall be filled to maximum capacity or as set forth in its markings and turned on its side when unlit. The appliance shall be rotated to different positions and the maximum leakage observed. The maximum rate of leakage shall not exceed the rate permitted by Clause 3.2.6. 7.6 Stability.
The appliance shall comply with Clause 3.2.5.
7.7 Temperature of MateriaIs. Temperature tests shall be conducted in accordance with CSA Standard B 140.0, General Requirements for Oil Burning Equipment .
7.8 Canopy Test. The canopy shall be tested for compliance with Clauses 3.2.9 and 3.2.10. 7.9 Draping Test 7.9.1 The draping test (with cheesecloth) shall be applied at the end of the temperature test (Clause 7.7) to determine the acceptability of the surface temperatures of the appliance. 7.9.2 The cheesecloth shall be dry and shall conform to the Canadian Government Specifications Board Specification 4-GP-8 1, Cloth: Cotton, Cheesecloth, for Type 2 cheesecloth. (Commercial Designation 32 x 28). NOTE:For Type 2, the woven fabric count (yarns per inch) is not less than 30 in the warp and not less than 26 in the weft and the weight is not less than 1.0 and not more than 1.4 ounces per square yard.
7.9.3 The cheesecloth shall be draped loosely in a double layer over the appliance and extending to the floor but of a length which will not permit folding over on the floor. This test shall be conducted with the canopy on or off the appliance as shown on the markings on the appliance. 7.9.4 The appliance shall be placed in operation and operated continuously for a period of 1% hours and the appliance shall then be draped and the cheesecloth left in place for Y2 hour.
7.9.5 The cheesecloth shall not ignite.
7.18 Gasket Test. After 80 hours of operation, gaskets shall be examined to determine whether deterioration of a nature likely to impair the safe use of the heater has taken place.
7.11 Extincthn Test 7.11.1 The appliance shall be operated for 1Y2 hours. 7.11.2 The extinction device shall be placed on the burner and the canopy placed in the operating position. 7.11.3 After a further 30 minutes the extinction device shall be removed and the temperature of the burner shall decrease to ambient air temperature. 8. FUEL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PQRTABLE LIQUID FUELLED CATALYTIC APPLIANCES 8.1 The fuel shall comply with the specifications of Table 1.
Maximum DistilIation (ASTM DS6), degrees F Initial Boiling Poht 50 per cent Recovered Final Boiling Point
160 200 260
Volatility (ASTM D323) Vapour Pressure psia at 100 degrees F
Existent Gum (ASTM D381) mg/100 ml.
Total Sulphur (Dohrman) PPm w . 1 CoIour Saybolt (ASTM D156)
Copper Corrosion (ASTM D130) 3 hr. at 122 degrees F
Gravity (ASTM D287) API at 60 degrees F
Aromatics Content (ASTM D936), per cent
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