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English Pages 204 Year 1920
EX L I B R I S E . R .
u t l e r
Research Library
V i!
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Catalog No. 20
Locks and Builders’ Hardware
Manufactured by the
CLINTON LOCK COMPANY Factory and General Offices
Birdseye View of Factory
Announcement N presenting to the Trade this catalog of our product, we wish to state that we have discontinued a number of designs, also, several types of locks which are obsolete. We have made no changes in our numbering system as we consider it so simple, that it is readily understood by all. The different designs have a design name as well as number. To order a lock set it is only necessary to give the design number, and the list number of the lock desired. For example to order a Webster design inside set, which is our No. 23 design made up with a 4051 lock, the set number would be 23-4051.
We believe this book will be of great assistance to the busy buyer as well as to the Architect on account of its simplicity, eliminating the necessity of wading through a lot of printed matter of no interest in order to find out what he wants. We stand back of, and guarantee all of our goods to be the same as represented. We exercise great care in the selection and purchase of materials, and with a model factory building and an organization of skilled mechanics it is our constant endeavor to maintain the high standard of our goods which have given' universal satisfaction for twenty-five years.
Clinton Lock Company Clinton, Iowa
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General Index 151 154 42 124 39
B B acksets, How to m e a su re ................ 4 B ar sash lifts................. .141 Bar, S h u tte r......................... .152 B arrel bolts ........ 154 Base K nobs................... 153 ...... 31-32 B a th room locks B a th room lock sets............... .43 B ead stop screws __ 154 Bell b u tto n s.................... See designs B it key fro n t door locks 14-15-16 B it key inside door locks 5 to 10 “ “ m ortise dead locks ............ 21 “ “ vestibule latches...............14, 17 “ “ store door locks..................... ...19 “ “ French door locks 11-12-13 18 “ “ hotel door locks________ “ school house locks.. .........................18 Blank keys......... .......... ...38 Bolts, B arrel........................ 154 “ B ottom ...... .................... 153 “ C hain ________ 153 .............. 137 “ C rem orne “ E xtension ........ 136 “ Flush._ .................... ...135 “ Foot ......... .. 153 “ Ind icator ............. 32 32 “ L av a to ry ,.......................... . “ M ortise door ........................... 21 “ “ extension.................... 136 “ R im ind icator ........... 32 “ Surface....... .......................... 136 “ T o ilet.................. ...32 “ Toilet indicator.............................32 B o tto m bolts -....... 153 B rackets, door closer ___ 150 “ h a n d r a il ......... 153 “ sta ir rail __ 153 Bungalow handle sets, cylinder .................................. 120 to 123 B u ttons, electric p u sh See designs B u tts, or hinges......................................148 C C ab in e t door la tc h e s .................. 37, 142 “ “ lattih sets See designs C asem ent ad ju ste rs........................... ...151 “ fasteners ----152 “ bolts......................... -. -...... 135 Catches, C u p b o a rd ........ 142 “ E lbow .............. 154 “ F rictio n ......................... 154 “ Screen do or 36-37-44-45-46 “ Secret g a te .............................. 154 “ T ran so m ............ 142
Cellar window fasteners ..........152 C hain bolts ....... 153 Checks, door...................... .150 Closet door spindles............................... .40 Closing devices. D o o r ___ .150 C oat an d h a t hooks...............................154 Collars, Cylinder............................. 147 Com bination spindles.............................39 Com m unicating door locks.............29-30 “ “ lock sets .....................................................See designs Corner b rac k ets ......... 150 Crem orne bolts.. _________ 137 C upboard catches ............ 142 “ tu rn s ...................................... 142 Cup escutcheons See designs Cyhnders, dum m y...................;.............. 38 “ regular......................... 38 “ rim ................................... 38 Cylinder key blanks....................... 38 Cylinder bungalow handle sets ..........................120 to 123 “ rings or collars ...........147 “ mortise dead locks.......... ...... 22 “ fron t door locks................ 24-25 “ office latches ............. 28-29 “ store door locks.................27-28 “ rim dead locks ..................23 “ rim n ig ht latches______ ___ 23 “ vestibule latches..................... 26 “ screen door l a t c h ...37, 46 “ fro nt door sets..See designs “ mill handle sets.....................115 “ office door sets.S ee designs “ residence handle sets .......................... ......120 to 123 “ store door handle sets .106 to 115, 118 to 123 “ sectional handle sets - .......... .106 to 108, 121 to 123 D D ead locks, m ortise b it k ey................. 21 “ “ “ cylinder ........22 “ “ rim cylinder.... ..................23 Designs, A lphabetically b y n am e......IV U U (( symbol ..IV Door D oor “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “
bell b u tto n ......... ......... .See designs bolts, m ortise.............. .................. 21 catches, screen....... 36-37-44-45-46 checks........................ . ............... 150 closing devices..... ...................... 150 handles, store..'............ ..106 to 119 “ fro n t door.... ..120 to 123 holders......................... ...... ........ 153 knobs, em blem atic............ .105 “ glass.................. ............... 101 “ m etal.............. ........... 145 knockers........................ _______ 105 knob m ountings__ ............. 42 latches, screen........36-37-44-45-46 pulls............................... ..131 to 134 keys.......... . -............. 38
............ 34 D oor pulls, sliding “ stops..._ ............. . .153 “ , h and and bevel o f___ ________ 2 D raw er knobs, glass .................. ..104 D raw er knobs, m e tal ........ 139 D raw er pulls...................... .139-140 D raw er handles, d r o p .......... See designs D rop draw er handles. . . ....... See designs D ruggist draw er pulls...........................140 “ label holders______ ___ .140 D ouble acting floor hinge ...........150 D u m m y cylinders.................................... 38 _
A A djusters, C asem ent ....... “ Stop b ead ............ A djustm en ts, K nob, or types of m ountings............................... A p artm e n t House E n tran c e sets Auxiliary springs..............
E E lbow catches.. ......................... 154 Electric push b u tto n s ............See designs E m blem atic door k n o b s...................... 105 “ h ardw are .................105 E n tran c e door d um m y cylinder sets ............................................. 124 Escutcheons, cu p .................... See designs k e y ...................... .143-144 “ regular .....See designs E xtension bolts, m ortise __ 135-136 “ flush ..........135-136 r
F F acto ry handle cylinder se ts.......... ...115 Fasteners, casem ent ...... ..152 “ cellar window..................... 152 “ sash................. 141 “ sh u tte r ..................... 152 Finishes, description o f ................. ....... 1 “ list of ............... 1 Floor hinge, double ac tin g ..................150 Flush b o lts.......................................... ....135 “ extension bolts.............. ........ ...136 “ cup escutcheons......... See designs “ rings......................... 154 “ sash lifts........................See designs “ sliding door pulls ____ .....34 F o o t b o lts ................ 153 F rench W indow locks..........11-12-13 “ “ lock se ts.................46-47 “ “ fasteners.................. ..152 F ro n t door handles, cylinder ..................... -.......... 120 to 123 “ “ b it key lock sets ......................... See designs “ “ cylinder lock sets ........................ See designs “ “ locks, b it k e y ..........14-15-16 “ “ “ cylinder............. 24-25 “ “ sectional lock sets ........... 121 to 123 F rictio n catches I 54 G G ate latches, secret.... .............. 154 Glass door k n o b s....................................104 “ draw er k n o b s............................... 104 “ s h u tte r kn obs.......................... 104
General Index—Continued G— C o n tinued ............. .104 Glass k n o b lock se ts “ push p la tes.................................... 129 G rips ........... 125-126 " pull ...................... 125-126 H H alf m ortise cupb oard ca tc h es....... 37 “ surface b u tt s .................. 148 H a n d an d bevel of doors..... 2 H a n d rail b rac k ets............... 153 H andles, draw er..................... ......139-140 “ lever....................... 138 “ ring d ro p __ ____ _ 154 “ sto re door........ ...... lOd to 119 H andle sets, bungalow ...... .. .1 2 0 to 123 “ “ facto ry .............. 115 115 “ “ m ill___ ______ “ “ Sectional residence ..121 to 123 “ “ Sectional sto re door ..106 to 108 “ ‘‘ S tore door b it key .......116-117 “ “ Store door cylinder .......... -..106 to 115, 118-119 154 H a t an d coat hooks............ 148 Hinges, or b u tts ..................... 150 Hinges, double ac tin g floor. 140 Holders, label......................... “ door...................... 153 Hoods, le tte r b ox.................. .See designs H ook sash lifts................. ... 141 142 Hooks, pull dow n................... “ h a t an d c o a t............. 154 18 H otel locks............................... 4 H ow to m easure locks..........
Index. D esign .......................... ...IV In d ica to r bolts, rim ................................. 32 “ to ile t..............................32 Inside door sets.........................See designs em blem atic............... 105 glass k n o b................. 104 “ locks, b it k e y .........................5 to 10 “ p lates for le tte r box plates .................................... See designs K K eepers, or strikes................ 41 K ey b la n k s................. 38 “ p la te s........................................ 143-144 K ick plates......................................... 153 K n o b latch es . ............. 35-36 K n o b latch sets........................ See designs “ locks, m ortise........................ 5 to 10 “ m o u n tin g s......................... 42 “ roses - ...... 146-147 “ p a r ts .................................................. 39 “ w ashers..................................... ....... 39 “ screw s....................... ...... ........ 39 K n ob spindles ....... 39-40
K nobs, e m b le m a tic - .................105 “ door, m e ta l..................... 145 “ door, glass......................-.......... 104 “ draw er, glass.................... .104 “ draw er, m e ta l 139 “ sh u tte r, glass....................... 104 “ sh u tter, m e tal............................ 139 K nockers, D o o r........................ 105 “ E m b lem atic ................ .105
Label or D ruggist d raw er pulls 140 Label holders ........... 140 L atches, m ortise k n o b ...........35-36 “ vestibule b it k ey 14, 17 “ vestibule cylinder.................... 26 “ office door cylinder........... 28-29 “ secret gate................................ 154 “ screen door 36-37-44-45-46 “ store door...................................20 “ residence fro n t door..............124 “ sw ing.............................. 32 32 “ la v a to ry ................... “ cyhn der rim n ig h t.............. .23 “ sliding door..— .............34 “ toilet........... 32 L atch sets, closet door...........See designs “ A p a rtm e n t e n tra n c e 124 “ office doo r........... See designs “ vestibule, b it k ey ..........“ “ vestibule, cylinder........“ “ store door h a n d le s ..l0 6 -ll9 “ cup board........... ..See designs L a v a to ry b o lts ................................32 “ trim .................................... 32 L e tte r box hoods See designs “ “ p la tes.....................See designs Lever handles.............................. 138 Lifts, b a r sash.......................... 141 “ flush sash.................... ...See designs “ hook..................... 141 149 “ tran so m .................... L ock strikes.............................. 41 L ock keys.....................................:........ .38 Lock sets................................... See designs “ “ glass k n o b ..............................104 “ “ b a th room ................................43 “ “ screen door.................. 44-45-46 “ “ F rench w indow ................ 46-47 “ “ store d o o r ..106 to 119 “ “ bungalow .................. 120 to 123 “ “ residence handle....120 to 123 Locks, bevel an d h an d of.................... 2 “ b a th room ............................... 31-32 “ com m unicating ........29-30 “ F rench w indow ................ 11-12-13 “ fro n t door b it k ey ..14-15-16 “ fro n t door cyhnder...............24-25 “ hotel................................................ 18 “ m asterkeyed b it key .................. 5-8-9-10-13-18 “ m asterkeyed cylinder....22 to 29 “ m ortise dead, b it k e y ................ 21
Locks m ortise dead, c y lin d e r..............22 “ m ortise k n o b ........ 5 to 10 “ office, cyUnder..................... ...28-29 “ rim dead, cylinder............... ....... 23 “ sash............................ .141 “ school house.................................. 18 “ sliding door..............................33-34 “ sto re door, b it k ey ..............19 “ store door, cylinder.............. 27-28 “ com bined handle a n d knob....24 “ th ree b o lt.................. 18 “ screen d o o r 36-37-44-45-46 “ b a n k fixture, cylinder................37 Loose pin b u tts ................................ 148 M M asonic lock sets._................................ 105 “ knockers.-................... 104 M asterkeyed locks a n d latches ........ ..5 to 29 M ill hand le lock sets ...........— 115 “ “ la tch se ts _____ 115 M e tal door knobs._................................145 “ draw er knobs ...... 139 “ s h u tte r kn o b s.. ................139 M ortise bolts...................................... 21 “ d ead lock__. ........... 21-22 “ extension b o lts................ 135-136 “ knob latch es.........................35-36 “ knob locks .................5 to 10 “ kno b locks, cylinder .......... 24-25-26-28-29 “ fro n t door locks, cylinder ...................... 24-25 “ fro n t door locks, b it key ..................................... 14-15-16 “ store door locks, cylinder ................................27-28 “ store door locks, b it key ............................-...... -19 “ office door locks, cylinder ................................. .28-29 “ com m unicating door 29-30 “ b a th room locks..................31-32 “ narrow stile locks 11-12-13 “ F ren ch window locks ..................................... 11-12-13 “ screen door locks................ 36-37 “ hotel locks........................ 18 “ th ree b o lt locks ............. .18 M ountings, ty pes of....................... ........ 42 N N ig h t latches, r im N arrow stile locks
.........................23 ............... 11-12-13
O Office door sets, cylinder See designs Office locks a n d latches, cylinder .................................................. 26-28-29 Office gate la tch e s................... 154 O rnam en tal C rem orne bolts...............137 O rnam en tal b u tts .................................. 148
General Index—Continued p P arts, k n o b 39 P late, escutcheons...................See designs ...._....... _................... 143-144 “ key “ kick...................... 153 “ letter hole _ See designs “ pull ............... 131 to 134 “ p u sh ........ 127 to 130 “ la b el _........................ _.......... 140 “ an d th u m b turns.. ......... 144 “ sash pull... ....... 142 Pressed glass door k nobs ...........104 P ro tected strikes or keepers ........ 41 P ull dow n hooks ...... 142 P ull plates.......................... 131 to 134 Pull, sash p la te ........ 142 Pulls, Door.. ____ 131 to 134 “ draw er k n o b ........ 139 to 140 “ drop draw er..., ... See designs “ b a r draw er ____ 139 to 140 “ sliding d oor ...................... 34 “ druggist draw er ....................140 P ush bu tto n s, electric............See designs “ plates............................ .....127 to 130 R ® R egular cylinders............... 38 Residence handle sets, se ctio n al21 -123 R im cylinders ........... 38 “ dead locks .................. .23 “ screen door sets .............. 45 “ screen door latches............... 36 “ in dicators.................................... .....32 “ store door handle sets, cylinder .......................... 118-119 “ cylinder nig ht latches. .......... 23 “ cylinder d ead locks.......................23 Rings, cyhnder....................................... 147 Rings, flush................... . 151 Roses, k n o b ........ 146-147 S Sash fasteners __________ ...141 Sash lifts, b a r ___________ 141 “ “ flu sh .. ..............See designs “ “ hook .................. 141 “ locks -------141 “ pull hooks ................ 142 “ pull p la te s........................ — -----142 “ sockets ............... 142 Screen door la tch sets------------ 44-45-46 “ “ lock sets ...... 44-45-46 Screwless spindles... ........ 39
Store door handles, cyhnder, sectional Screwless spindle m ounting .............. ...42 ty p e 106 to 108 Screws, sto p ................. ...152 “ “ “ cyhnder. “ k n o b ... ______ 39 Secret gate la tc h .....................154 rim ___ 118-119 “ “ “ for residences Sectional door knockers................ 105 .120 to 123 Sets, Inside door....;................ See designs “ “ locks............................ 19-27-28 43 “ b a th room ................... “ com m unicating door....See designs “ “ la tch e s ........ ...................20 “ closet doo r......................See designs Strikes, Crem orne b o lt, 136 “ Bungalow handle, cylinder “ lock................................ 41 .........................................120 to 123 “ la tc h ............................................. 41 “ A p artm e n t dum m y cylinder....124 Surface b o lts ........... ;..................... 136 “ F ro n t door, b it key See designs Swing latch es ........ 32 “ F ro n t door, cylinder....See designs Swivel spindles ......... 39 “ hotel door....................... See designs “ ofSce door, cylinder......See designs T “ th ree b o lt lock............... See designs T handle an d plates ...................144 “ vestibule, b it k e y ..........See designs T hree b o lt locks.............................. 18 “ vestibule, cylinder........ See designs “ “ lock sets............. See designs “ Screen door...^....___ 44-45-46 T hu m b k nobs....................... 144' “ glass k n o b ............................... ...... 104 T h u m b tu rn p lates _________ 144 “ Sectional store door handle T h u m b tu rn s ________ 144 ............................. 106to 108Toilet b o lts ______ 32 “ residence, sectional handle Toilet indicator bolts.............. 32 .......121 to 123 sets, cylinder T ransom catch................... 142 “ store door handle, cylinder T ransom lifts.............................. 149 ..........................................106 to 115 152 T urnbuckles........................... “ store door handle, b it key Trim , la v a to ry ......................................... .32 .................................. 116-117 Trim, letter hoi?______ ___ See designs “ store door h andle cylinder. Turns, cupboard door ....... 142 108 toTypes 108 of knob m ountings..................... 42 section L.................. “ m ortise la tc h ................See designs “ “ strikes ......41 an d 136 S h u tte r b ars.. _______ ______. ..152 “ knobs, glass ......... 104 V “ “ m e tal ___ 105 V estibule latches, b it k e y ...14, 17 Sliding door escutcheons See designs “ “ cylinder.................... 26 Sliding door la tch .........................34 V estibule door sets, b it key “ lo c k s............................. 33-34 ..............See designs “ pulls______________ ___ 34 “ “ cyhnder “ “ sets......................See designs ............. See designs Society building h ardw are ........ 105 “ “ dum m y _______ 142 Sockets, Sash cylinder............. 124 Spindles, all typ es _________39-40 Spring friction catches ...... 154 W Spring hinges, floor............../. .. ____150 W ashers, k n o b .......................................... 39 S tair rail b rac k ets..................... .....153 W ashers, sto p screw...................... 154 S tan d a rd Finishes, list of__________ 1 W ater closet h a rd w a re ........................... 32 Stops, door..................... 153 W indow fasteners, cellar .............. 152 Stop screws an d w ashers ___ 154 W indow adjusters, casem en t..............151 Store door handles, b it key ...116-117 W indow stop bead a d ju ste rs..............154 “ cylinder W indow stop screws a n d w ashers....154 ............... 109 to 115 W indow pull dow n hooks....................142
Design Index D esign Symbol D esig n N am e or N u m b er A n dover _____ _______________ ________ ______ 9 ____ C a st Bronze............... A ndover w ith H exagon K n o b .................. _H9.............................. ..C ast B ronze........................................................ ................ 42....... ........................... ......C a st Bronze S ectional .. . A th en s B re ta g n e .............................. B risto l...................... ...... .....
P ag es 80-81 ...82-83 .108-123
.......... .............. ......... 24.. .......................................C a st Bronze................... ............. .................... 27... .......................................C a st Bronze S ectional...............................................
C hester................................... C hesterfield . C hesterfield w ith O val K n o b Colom a.................................... C oncord............................. C o rin th ...................... ............... C u rtis ...............
84-85 94
____ 37.................. ...................... W ro ugh t Bronze an d S teel 34............................................ C a st Bronze S ectional ...... . ...J34.. . ............... ............. ..C ast Bronze Sectional ..................... . 26................ .......... W rought Bronze an d Steel............................. 28.. . ................ ....... ............ W ro u g h t Bronze an d Steel...................................... . ............................ 45......... ..C ast B ronze.................................... 43................ C a st Bronze Sectional...................................... ..
58-59 98 98 .56-57 60-61 93 .101
. . .
F o n ta in e ______________ 1 6 .................. . ________ C a st Bronze......................................... F ra n k lin ..........................................................................32. ........ C a st B ronze S ectional ...... F u lto n . ..................................D 6............... . . ........... ....... W rought Bronze a n d Steel..................................... H a m p to n . .................... H u d so n ................................
38.......... ................... 30..................
Iow a................ Iow a w ith H exagon K n o b .................................
17_____ H17.
90-91 100 .74-75
.C ast Bronze Sectional.......................................— ........107-121 C a st Bronze------ ----109-120 .
L a F a y e tte
M aryland. ...... M an ch ester....................................
36 29............... .
_____ W ro u g h t Bronze an d Steel................................... W ro u g h t Bronze a n d Steel ____ ..W rought Bronze an d S te e l..
W ro u g h t B ronze _____ _________W ro u g h t Bronze................................
O lympic.......................................................................... 22.................. C a st B ronze.............. O xford....................... .. .31............................... .............C ast Bronze................... P ailto n ....... ...18.._________ ___ _______W rought P ly m o u th ................... .D 4............................................ W ro ugh t P ly m o u th w ith O val K n o b ............................. . J 4 . ................... ..................... W ro ugh t P lain.................................................... .. .......................1........ ........... ..................W ro ug ht P lain........................ ................................................ ........01.............................. ............. W ro ugh t W rou gh t P lain ........................ X I ............. .......
50-51 ...52-53
78-79 102 ...
.. .109-120
97 .109-120
Bronze an d S teel.................................... 66-67 Bronze an d S te e l.. . ...................... 72-73 Bronze an d Steel.......................... 70-71 Bronze an d Steel. 54-55 Bronze a n d Steel ................... 112 I ro n .................... 115
R andolph ............................ 11..... ............... .......................W ro ugh t Bronze an d Steel ....... 48-49 R a ndo lp h w ith H exagon K n o b ................... H l l ....................... ................ W ro u g h t Bronze a n d Steel............................. . 48-49 R evere......................................................... H15. .. .................................... W rought Bronze an d Steel................... ................. . 76-77 R ich m ond..................................... ............... ......... . ...41__________________ __ C a st Bronze S ectional......................................................106-122 Rugby .............. 20 . . . ........... .......................... C a st Bronze S ectional....................................................... 96 Salem ......... 39...... .................................W ro ugh t Bronze a n d Steel......................................................103 San M arco ........................................... 25...................... ............ W ro ugh t Bronze a n d Steel ................. .62-63 San M arco w ith H exagon K n o b ...................... H 25.......... ........................ ......W rought Bronze an d Steel.................... 64-65 S p a rta ......................... ...................... ..............21.. C a st Bronze................. 86-87 S helby ............................. ........ .............. .40........................................... .C ast Bronze Sectional.............................. 95 W ebster......................................................... 23................. ............ .......W ro ugh t Bronze an d Steel.............................................. ...68-69 W estm inster.,.. .................... ............... . ____33........ ............... ................ ..C ast B ronze......................................................... 92 Versailles.......................................................... V incennes........................ ..
1 0 ......... ................. .... .C ast Bronze.................................. J35.......... ....... ......................... C a st Bronze S ectional.......................
88-89 ...99
Finishes F o r convenience in pricing we have placed our finishes in four different groups, viz.:
1, 2, 3, an d 4.
G roup No. 1— G enuine bower barff. Group No. 2— N a tu ra l brass an d bronze, No. 3 finish, japanned. Group No. 3— D ull brass, dull bronze, an tiq u e copper, etc. Group No. 4— All sand blast an d nickel finishes, unless otherwise n oted below.
J 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 12^ 24 24^ 26 27 35 8 im 14 lA H UV2 UVs 16 16M 16^ 16% 19 21 22 8M 30
Price Group Description of F inishes Iv o ry J a p a n n e d ......................... ............ . ................................................. ............ ................ .. .......... ............. . 2 & 3 P lain bronze, n a tu ra l color............................ ......... ............................................................................ ......................_ .................. 2 &3 P lain brass, n a tu ra l color............ .............................................................................. ............... ......... ......................... _.................. 2 &3 Polished bronze surface, black background__________________________________________________ ___ .................. 2&3 A ntique brass, relieved d a rk ________________ _____________ ______ _______________________________ .................. 2 &3 A ntique copper, relieved d a rk .__________ ________________________ ___ ___________________________ .................. 2&3 2 &3 A ntique copper, relieved light.............. ............................. ......................... ........ .......... ............ . _________ ___ .................. 2 &3 A ntique brass, n o t shaded, lemon brass............................ -............................ .................. ....... ................................. .................. A ntique brass, shaded.................................................................. ............................ .......... ................................. ........ .................. 2 &3 A ntique bronze, n o t shaded, dull bronze_______________ __ ;........ ............................................ . ...... ......... .................. 2 & 3 A ntique bronze, shaded..... ................................................. .................................. ........ ........ ................................. ..... ........ 2 &3 2 &3 A ntique copper, high p a rts b rig h t................................................................................ ......... ....... ........ _....... _......... _ .. ......... A ntique copper, b rig h t center___________________ _____________________________________ __________ _________ 2 &3 4 Chocolate bronze........................................................................................... ........ ............................................................ .................. Nickel plated, polished............................................................................................. ...... ................... ................ ............. 4 Im ita tio n bower barff..................... .......................................................................................................... ........................ .................. 4 Sand blast, antique brass, shaded....................................... ............................................................... ........................ .................. 1 4 Sand Blast, antiq ue brass, light....... ...................................... ............................. -............ ....... .................. ................ .................. Sand blast, antique brass, shaded, high p arts polished_________ _________ ___________________ ______ .... ............ 4 Sand blast, antique brass, light, high p arts pohshed__ ______ ________________________________ ___ _ . 1 Sand blast, antique copper, shaded_______________________ __________________ _____________________ 4 Sand blast, antique copper, light________ _________________ ____ _______________________________ ___ .................. 1 Sand blast, antique copper, shaded, high p arts polished__ ________________ ___ _________ ___ ___ __ _________ 4 Sand blast, antique copper, light, high p arts polished........................... ................................................................. __ ______ 4 Genuine bower barff.............................. ....... .............................................. ......................................................... ......... _______ I C rystallized bronze................. ......... ......................................... .......................................... ............................................ ................. 4 plus 10% Crystallized brass................ — ...... .................................. ............................................................................................... ___ _____ 4 plus 10% Satin nickel (im itation silver)........... ................... ........ .............. ............................................. .......... ....... ............. .......... ....... 4 plus 10% Verdi an tiq u e............................................................... ................ ................ .................................................. ............... . ..................4 plus 2 0 %
EXPLANATION T he letter “ D ” prefixed to set num ber denotes tw o piece ro und knob. T he letter “J ” prefixed to set num ber denotes oval knob. T he le tte r “H ” prefixed to set num ber denotes hexagon knob.
Hand of Doors I n th is catalog it will be sta te d W h e th e r or n o t a Lock or L a tc h is R eversible; if n o t R eversible th e H a n d of th e D oor for w hich it is In te n d e d M u s t be G iven w hen O rdering.
Fig. 1 R ig h t H a n d
Fig. 2 L eft H an d
Fig. 3 R ig h t H a n d R everse Bevel
Fig. 4 L eft H a n d R everse Bevel
T h e H a n d of a D oor is d eterm in ed b y th e B u tt Side an d from a P osition O utside of th e E n tra n c e , viz.: T h e S tre et Side of a n O utside D oor, th e H all or C o rridor Side of a Room Roor, th e Room Side of a C loset D oor, an d in a C om m unicatin g D oor betw een Tw o Room s, th e Side from w hich th e B u tts are visible. If a D oor Swings In from th e O utside, to th e R igh t, it is R ig h t H an d e d ; if to th e Left, i t is L eft H an d e d . If a D oor Swings O u t to th e R ig h t it is R ig h t H an d , R everse Bevel; if O u t to th e Left, it is L eft H an d , R everse Bevel. H an d e d an d R everse Bevel Locks are U sed P rincipally on th e O u ter D oors of P ublic Buildings, C hurches an d Theaters^ an d on Screen an d C u p b o a rd D oors, Screen and C u p b o ard Locks an d L atches are R eg ularly M ad e R everse Bevel. W hen O rdering L ocks D escribed as n o t R eversible, Always S ta te H a n d w anted , as in th e Case of R a b b eted an d some C ylinder Locks, or w hen for D oors w ith R a b b e te d or Beveled Faces. W hen O rdering C y linder Locks alw ays Give T hickness of Door. D im en sio ns— In all Cases w here Sizes are Given, th e F irs t N u m b er In d icates th e U p rig h t M easurem ent, an d th e Second N u m b er R epresents th e H orizon tal M easurem ent. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
C ut? half size.
How to Measure Locks uAo E
I N S ID E D O O R LO CK Size of C ase— M easu rem en t is T a k e n Over All. F ro n t— T h e F ro n t or F ace of L ock is M easured F ull W id th and Length. B a ck set— D istan ce fro m F ro n t of Lock to C en te r of H u b or C e n te r of K e y Hole. T h e B ackset of a R a b b e te d L ock is T ak en from B o th Sides. Spacing— D istan ce from C en te r of H u b to C e n te r of K ey H ole P ost.
Size of C ase— M easu rem en t is T ak en Over All. F ro n t— T h e F ro n t or F ace of Lock is M easured Full W id th a n d Length. B a ck set— D istance from F ro n t of Lock to C enter of H u b or C en te r of K ey Hole. Spacing— D istance from C e n te r of H u b to C en te r of K e y Hole Post.
-C A SE -
i- ij
gx3^ in. lip. L atch B o lt:— E asy spring.
'(^ M
3 } ^ x 3 } { e x ^ in. 53 ^ x K in. in. 2 ^ in. Solid ^ in.
C u ts h alf size.
Mortise Knob Lock D E S C R IP T IO N C a se:— Ja p a n n e d , cast ir o n __________________3 ^ x 3 i ’e x } ^ F r o n t ________________________________________ 5 ^ x j 4 >«• B a c k s e t_____________________________________ 2 J4 in. S p a c in g ______________________________________2 t%- in. S p in d le ________________________________ Solid 1% in. K e y s :— O n e nickel p la ted steel No. 158. S trik e :— W r o t b r o n z e i n . lip. L a tc h B o lt:— E a sy spring.
O P E R A T IO N K n o b an d key from e ith er side. M A S T E R K E Y IN G Can be M a ste rk e y e d in g ro u p s of 240 o r less w ith one M a ste r K ey to p ass each g rou p, or d iffe ren t g ro u p s w ith d iffe ren t M a ste r K ey for each group. No. in case S doz.
N o. in box 6
N o. 4080 S eries 1 1
Ivist N o.
F ro n t
B olts
W e ig h t 90 lbs.
P ric e G roup s Hubs
T u m b le rs
C h an g es
D o zen 1
C ast B ro nze C ast B ro nze C ast 4080 « « « it it 4 O8O34 40803/^MK
Iro n 4 in. hp. L atch B olt:— E asy spring.
O PE R A T IO N Sam e as No. 4060 above.
M A ST E R K E Y IN G Sam e as No. 4060 above.
No. in box 3 No. R4060 S eries
W eight 150 lbs.
No. in case 10 doz.
N O T R E V ERSIB LE Price G roups
L ist No.
F ro n t
H ub s
T um blers
Changes 1
C a st Iron R4060 C ’s t B r ’ze R ab . C a st Bronze n a (( (I U (( U R 4060% a il H (( (< l< R 4060M M K R a b b e te d locks are n o t reversible, in ordering specify h a n d desired. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
1 3 3
2 &3
24 1200 1200 P acked w ith screws.
C u ts half size.
Mortise Knob Locks D E S C R IP T IO N Case:— Jap an n ed , cast iron .......................................................... in. F r o n t ........................................ 6x1 in. B ackset .............. - ....2 ^ in. S p a c in g ................................................................ 2 ^ in. S pindle.......................................... :.S olid ^ in. K eys:— One nickel p lated steel N o. 158. S trik e:— Brass 3 ^ x 1 J^x% in, lip. L atch B olt:— D ouble Com pression, easy spring. O PE R A T IO N By knobs and keys from eith er side. M A STER K EY IN G C an be M asterkeyed in groups of 2000 w ith one M aster K ey to pass each group or different groups w ith different M aster K eys an d w ith all b itte d key locks of this class. G ran d M a ster K ey to pass all. N o. in box 6
W eight 100 lbs.
No. in case 5 doz.
No. 4030 S eries
Price Groups List No.
F ro n t
H ubs
T um blers
D ozen. 1
4030 4030 3,^ 4030K M K
C a st Bronze U (( li u
C a st Bronze a (( - U ({
1 3 3
C ast Bronze (I {( U (C
2 & 3-
60 1500 2000----D E S C R IP T IO N
Case:— Japanned, cast iron........................................... 4J^x4x5^ in. F r o n t ........................................................... ........................ 6x1 in. B a c k s e t................. ................................................... ..........2 % an d 33^ in. S p a c in g .............. :....................... .................. .....................2 % in. S p in d le ..................... Sohd ^ in. K eys:— One nickel p lated steel No. 158. Strike:— C ast Bronze 6xl3 ^x % in. lip. L atch B olt:— D ouble compression, easy spring.
O PER ATION Same as No. 4030 above.
M A STERKEYIN G Same as No. 4030 above.
No. in case 10 doz.
No. in box 3 No. R4030 Series
W eight 170 lbs.
L ist No.
F ro n t
H ubs
Tum blers
Dozen 1
R4030 R4030M R 4030^M K
C ast Bronze a ((
C ast Bronze
C ast Bronze (( (I
R a b b eted locks are n o t reversible, in ordering, specify han d desired. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
1 3 3
2 &3
60 1500 2000 P acked w ith screws.
C u ts h alf size.
Mortise Knob Locks D E S C R IP T IO N C ase:— Ja p an n e d , east iron .................. 4 x 3 ^ x ^ in. F ro n t ...................................................... -............................................ in. B a c k s e t......................................... ...... ............... ....... — 2 fg in. S p a c in g .............................. '................................ - .......... in. Spindle ............................. — ........-...........Solid ^ in. K ey s:— One nickel p la ted steel No. 158; S trik e:— B rass in. lip. L atch B o lt:— D ouble com pression, easy spring. O PE R A TIO N K n o b an d key from e ith e r side. M A ST E R K E Y IN G C an be M asterkeyed in one group, 1200 changes, all passed by one M a ster K ey, or different groups w ith different M a ster K eys for each group an d w ith all b itte d key locks of th is class. G ran d M aster K ey to pass all groups. N o. in case 5 doz.
No. in box 6 No. 4020 S eries
W eight 136 lbs.
REVERSIBLE Price G roups
List No.
F ro n t
H ubs
T um blers
D ozen 1
4020 4020^ 4020 M M K
C a st Bronze U IC a
C a st Bronze a i( (( (1
C a st Bronze a u j T^iiT'T O '^ l.'
C u ts half 1
Mortise Knob Latches D E S C R IP T IO N Case:— Ja p an n e d , cast iron.............. ....... .....................1 / ^ x 3 in. F r o n t ............................................................. B a c k s e t............................................ in. S p in d le ........................................ .Solid % in. S trike:— Brass l^ x j^ g x 3 ^ in. lip. L atch B olt:— E asy spring. No. in box 1 doz. No. 3000
List No.
F ro n t
H ubs
Dozen 1
W eight 154 lbs.
No. in case 20 doz.
W rot Bronze
C ast Bronze
C ast Iron
D E SC R IPT IO N .. I ^ x 3 ^ x % in. Case:—Japanned, cast iron F r o n t .............. in. B a c k s e t...............................................................................23^ in. S p in d le .......................... .....Solid ^ in. S trike:— Steel in. lip. L atch B o lt:— E asy spring. No. in box 1 doz. No. 3001
No. in case 20 doz.
W eight 154 lbs.
REV ERSIB LE Price Groups
L ist No.
F ro n t
H ubs
Dozen 1
W ro t Steel
C a st Iron
C a st Iron
D E SC R IPT IO N C a se :— Jap an n ed , cast iron ______ F r o n t ................................................................... - - .....4x>^ in. B a c k s e t............................................................... 2 } i in. S p in d le ............................................................... Solid ^ in. S trik e:— Brass in. lip. L atch B o lt:— D ouble compression, easy spring.
No. in box 6
No. in case 10 doz.
W eight 136 lbs.
No. 3010
Price Groups L ist No.
F ro n t
H ubs
Dozen 1
C a st Bronze
F o r d escrip tion of finishes see p age 1.
C a st Bronze
2 &3
C a st Bronze P ack ed w ith screws.
■■■ ■■ W 1 M l.......... ...
C u ts h alf siz
Mortise Screen Door Latches
For D oors up to
in. T hick, O pening In or O ut. D E S C R IP T IO N C ase:— Ja p an n e d , cast i r o n .. ... F r o n t ........................................................... B ackset ......................................... K e y :— One nickel p la te d steel N o. 159. S trike:— C a st bronze l % x ^ i x % in. lip. S p in d le ...........................
................. 3 ^ x 2 } ^ in. in. in. Swivel ^ in.
O P E R A T IO N K n o b operates la tch b o lt from outside; lever han dle inside; by key from outside w hen sto p w w k in face is set.
No. 3050 S eries
W eight 186 lbs.
No. in case 20 doz.
No. in box 1 doz. R EV ERSIB LE
Price G roups L ist No.
F ro n t
H ubs
T umblers
Changes 1
3050 3051
C a st Bronze Steel
C a st Bronze C a st Iron
C a st Iron l( H
1 1
2 &3
36 36
D E S C R IP T IO N Case:— Ja p an n e d , cast iron................... .......................2x23^ in. F ro n t ..................................... ......................................... 3J^x5^ in. B ackset ................. ........................ ....................... 15^ in. S trik e:— Bronze in. lip. O PE R A T IO N L atch B olt o p erated b y kn o b from outside, lever handle inside. Slide on inside escutcheon controls kn o b an d lever handle. No. in box 1 doz. No. 3060 S eries
W eight 165 lbs.
No. in case 30 doz.
REV ERSIB LE Price G roups
List No.
F ro n t
H ubs
Dozen 1
4 '
3060 3061
W ro t Bronze Steel
C a st Bronze C a st Iron
C a st Iron (I
Rim Screen Door Latches D E S C R IP T IO N Case:— Cold rolled steel............... . . B a c k s e t ...................... ...................................... S trik e:— Angle or box as specified.
.21^ x 1 I M ill-
O P E R A T IO N L atch B olt op erated by k no b or lever handle from either side, except when sto p kn o b is set. Furnished only for doors opening o u t unless otherw ise specified. No. 3070 Series Price G roups List No.
H ubs
Dozen 1
3070 3071
W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel
F o r description of finishes see page 1.
C a st Bronze C a st Iron
2 &3
C a st Iron i
No. 11— 3050 11— 3051 N o. in case 10 doz. REV ERSIBLE
No. in box 1 set
K n ob L ist No.
11— 3050
11— 3051
N o.
11— 3060
11— 3061
N o.
No. 11—3060 11—3061 No. in case 10 doz. REV ERSIBLE
K nob Lock
N o.
P r i c e G rou
L ever H andles 1
2 & 3
W ro t Bronze C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze in. 1— 1014 I M in 11— 78 4 ^ x 1 3 ^ in. 42 W ro t Steel C ast Iro n W ro t Steel 1— 113^ 1 % in. 11— 79 4 ^ x 1 3 ^ in. 43 in
N o. in box 1 set
L ist No.
E scutcheons
W eight 125 lbs.
N o.
E scutcheons N o.
W ro t Bronze W ro t Bronze 1— lOJ^ 1% in 11— 78 4 ^ x 1 ^ in W ro t Steel W ro t Steel 1— 113^ IM in 11— 79 4 ^ x 1 ^ in
F o r description of finishes see page 1.
D ozen U
W eight 125 lbs. Lever H andles N o.
C a st Bronze 42 1 ]/g in C a st Iro n 43 l]/g in
P rice G rou 1
4 D ozen ((
P acked w ith screws.
-(^ntoTu C u t s half size.
R i m S c r e e n D o o r S ets
44 A
Reversible For
in. to 1 ^ in. D o o rs, O p e n in g I n o r O u t
N o. 11-3081. No. in box 1 set
L is t N o.
L o ck
K n ob No.
E sc u tc h e o n No.
L e v e r H a n d le
N o.
No. in case 12 doz.
. 1- 11^ IJ/g in. IV4 in. 11-79 4 j ^ x l ^ in. 43 W r o t Steeil W r o t Steel C ast Iro n
P ric e G ro u p s
L a tc h Case
W e ig h t 125 lbs.
D oz.
fro m
b o th
2 ^ 4 x 1 ^ in. C ast Iro n ' 1
O P E R A T I O N : — K n o b an d lever h and le fro m eith er side. T u rn k nob will dead lock la tch L a tc h b o lt n iav be held r e tra c te d in case w ith tu rn knob.
b o lt
N o. 1-3081. N o. in box 1 set K nob L is t N o. 1-3081
E s c u tc h e o n
L e v e r H a n d le
L o ck Size
N o.
1-1 l ^ i n . 1-61 2 ^ x 1^ C ast Iro n C ast Iro n
N o. in. 43
I J i in. 2 ^ x 1^ in. C ast Iro n C ast Iro n
W enght 115 lbs.
P ric e G ro u p s
L a tc h Case N o.
No. in case 12 doz.
D oz. 1
1 2
O P E R A T I O N : — S am e as set No. 11-3081 listed above. N O T E : — S et N o. 1-3081 can be fu rn ish e d w ith k n o b s on b o th sides, if desired, an d at no ad d itio n al cost.
i I
S e ts N os. 11-3081 a n d 1-3081 a re m a d e u n u su a lly stro n g , an d will w ith sta n d m a n y seaso n s of h a rd w ear. T h e iron u sed in th e ca stin g s is of a special m ix tu re , an d th e se la tch e s are g u a ra n te e d n o t to b re a k inu ler all o rd in a ry c o n d itio n s of use. F U R N IS H E D IN A L L S T A N D A R D F IN IS H E S . P a c k e d w ith screws
S?riilfe«S_asi^ ■filW’E*
( ^ M cn > C u ts half si size.
45 Mortise Screen Door Sets W rot Bronze an d W rot Steel S tan d ard F inishes No. 5— 12— 14J^
No. in box 1 set N o. 11— 3040 11—3041 L ist No.
11— 3040
11— 3041
E scutcheons
Page Size
W eight 125 lbs.
K n ob No.
No. in case 10 doz.
L ever H andles
Price Groups
T u rn Piece No.
Wrot Bronze W ro t Bronze l - l O K l ^ i n . 11-78 4 ^ x 1 M in 36 W ro t Steel W ro t Steel 1- 11}^ l ^ i n . 11-79 4 M x l? ^ in.
1 2& 0
C a st Bronze C ast B r’ze 42 \ y ^ in. M in. long C a st Iro n C a st Iro n 43 in M in. long
Doz. {(
Rim Screen Door Sets W rot Bronze and W rot Steel No. in box 1 set
No. in case 10 doz.
W eight 100 lbs.
No. 11— 3070 11— 3071 F o r doors opening o ut; furnished for doors opening in w hen ordered. Knob L ist No.
E scutcheon
No. 11— 3070
11— 3071
P rice G roups 1
2 &3
C a st Bronze 42 V A in. C a st Iro n 43 V A in.
No. 1—3073 No. in case 10 doz. K n ob
W ro t Bronze W ro t Bronze 1— 103^ in 11— 78 4 % x l ^ in. W ro t Steel W ro t Steel 1— 11}^ I M in. 11— 79 4 ^ x 1 % in.
N o. in box 1 set
L ist No.
L ever H andle
W eight 100 lbs.
E scutcheons
P rice G roups
Page No.
C a st Iron C a st Iro n 2 ^ x 1^ in. 1— 1 in 1— 61 36 3071 1— 3073 W h e n ordering E scutcheons only, specify lock w ith w hich th e y are to be used. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
2 &3
4 D ozen P ack ed w ith screws.
C u ts o n e-th ird size.
Screen Door or Bank Fixture Latch Set
S ta n d a rd F in ish e s No. 5— 12— 14}^
No. 9— 260
R E V E R SIB L E K no bs
List No.
Lock 260 260
Price G roups
E scu tcheons
Page No.
9— 260 1— 260
W eight 75 lbs.
N o, in case 5 doz.
No. in box 1 set
37 37
9— 2034 1^1034
M a teria l
1^ in. 1^ in.
C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze
N o.
M a teria l
9— 80 6 x 2 lA 1— 78 6x2
2 &3
D ozen
C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze
Mortise French Window Lock Sets C ast Bronze
■ No. 9—401034 S eries
No. H 9— 4010>^ H 9— 4010
No. in ease 12 doz.
No. in box 1 set
E scutcheons
K nob L ist No.
Lock 401034 4010 R401034 R4010 401034 4010
L ever H andles
Price C^roups
Page No.
9— 401034 9— 4010 R9— 401034 R9— 4010 H 9 — 401034 H 9 — 4010
W eight 175 lbs.
11 12 11 12 11 12
9— 2034 9— 2034 9— 20)^ 9— 2034 9— 3234 9— 323^
Size 1% 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^
in. in. in. in in. in.
No. 9— 78 9— 78 9— 78 9— 78 9— 78 9— 78
Size 4^x1 % 4^x1^ 4 % x l^ 4^x1 % 4^x1^ 4 ^ x 1 Vf,
in. in in. ui. in. in.
42 42 42 42 42 42
138 138 138 138 138 138
W h en ordering escutcheons only, specify lock w ith which th e y are to l)e used. F or description of finishes see page 1.
2 & 3
4 D ozen ‘‘ *‘ ‘‘
P acked w ith screws.
C u ts half size.
Mortise French Window Lock Sets W rot Bronze an d W rot Steel S tan d a rd F inish es No. 5— 12— 14)^ W rot Bronze
REV ERSIBLE E scutcheons
K nob L ist No.
No. 11—40103/^ 11—4010 R 1 1— 40103^ R 1 1—4010
40103^ 4010 R40103^ R4010
Price G roups
L ever H andles
Page 11 12 11 12
1— lOM y^/i in. 11— 78 i M x l ^ in. 11— 78 t ^ x l ^ 1— 103^ 1— 103^ 1% in. 11— 78 i ^ x l ^ 1— 103^ I J I in. 11— 78
in. in. in. in.
42 42 42 42
138 138 138 138
2 &3
D ozen
W rot Steel
_______________________________________ K n ob L ist No.
11— 40113^ 11— 4011 R 1 1— 40113^ R 1 1— 4011
E scutcheon
L ever H andles
Price G roups
Page No
40113^ ■ 11 12 4010 11 R 4 0 1 0 Ji 12 R4010
1- 111^ 1^ in. 11— 79 1— l l j ^ 1 % in. 11— 79 1- 11^ 1 % in. 11— 79 1— 113^ 1% in. 11— 79
Size 4^x1^ 4 % x l? ^ 4 % x l^ 4 % x l? ^
in. in. in. in.
42 42 42 42
138 138 138 138
W h en ordering escutcheons only, specify lock w ith which th e y are to be used. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
2 &3
4 Dozen (i (I
P acked w ith screws.
C u ts o n e-th ird siz
Randolph Design
W ro t Bronze an d W ro t S teel
11-154 11-155
11-82x11-10 11-83x11-11
11-132x11-10 11-133x11-11
11-330 11-331 11-356 11-357
11-64x11-10 11-65x11-11
11-238 11-239
11-380 11-381
11-82x11-8 11-83x11-9
11-186 11-187
Randolph Design W rot Bronze and W rot Steel S tand ard F inishes No. 5— 12— 14J^ W rot Bronze
D escription C ylinder F ro n t D oor Sets V estibule C ylinder F. D. Sets C ylind er Office Sets B it K ey F ro n t D oor Sets B it K ey F. D . Sets, 2 pc. kb. V estibule B it K ey F. D . Sets V ;s’b ’le B it K ’y F .D . S’ts 2 pc.kb B it K ey F ro n t D oor Sets M ortise Inside Sets M ortise Inside Sets 2 pc. kb. M ortise In sid e Sets M ortise Inside Sets 2 pc. kb. C om m unicating D oor Sets T h re e B olt Lock Sets M ortise L a tc h Sets M ortise L a tc h Sets 2 pc. kb. Single Sliding D oor Sets D ouble Sliding D oor Sets A stragal D ’ble Sliding D ” r Sets P u sh P lates 1 0 x 2 ^ in. P u sh P lates 14x3 in. P u ll P lates 1 0 x 2 ^ in. P u ll P lates 14x3 in. F lu sh Sash L ifts 3x13^ in. D ro p D raw er H andles 3x13^ in. P u sh B u tto n s 4x2 3^ in. C u p E scutcheons 7 x 2 ^ in. Tw o P iece K nob s 2J^ in. O ne P iece K n o b in. One Piece K n obs 234 in. Inside E scutcheons 7x2J^ in. O utside E scutcheons 10x2 ^ in. L a tc h E scutcheons 5x234^ in. C a b in e t D ’r L ’tc h S ’ts 3x134 in. L e tte r Box P lates 7x2J^ in. L ’t t ’r B ’x P l’tes w ith H ’ds 7x234^'
List No. 11— 7000 11— V7000 11— 7020 11— 1250 D l l — 1250 11— V1250 D l l —V1250 11— 1260 11— 1050 D l l —4050 11— 4060 D l l — 4060 11— 520 11— 400 11— 3000 D l l — 3000 11— S700 11— 700 11— A700 11— 182 11— 186 11— 238 11— 242 11— 330 11—356 11— 380 11— 154 11— 8 11— 10 11— 12 11— 82 11— 132 11— 64 11— 05020— 1 in. 11— 300 11— 300C
E jio b s
O ’tside Inside
O’t ’de Inside
Price G roups
Lock 7000 V7000 7020 1250 1250 V1250 V1250 1260 4050 4050 4060 4060 520 400 3000 3000 S700 700 A700
25 26 29 15 15 17 17 16 5 5 8 8 30 28 35 35 33 33 34
11— 132 11— 132 11— 132 11— 132 11— 132 11— 82 11— 82 11— 132 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 64 11— 64 11— 154 11— 154 11— 154
11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 82 11— 64 11— 64 11— 154 11— 154 11— 154
11— 12 11— 12 11— 12 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 10 11— 10 11— 8
11— 10 11— 10 11— 10 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 8 11— 10 11— 10 11— 10 11— 8
11— 83 11— 83 11— 83 11—83 11— 83 11—83 11— 83 11— 83 11— 83 11— 65 11— 65 11— 155 11— 155 11— 155
11— 11 11— 9 11— 11 11— 9 11— 11 11— 11 11— 9 11— 11 11— 9 11— 11 11— 9
11— 11 11— 9 1 1 -1 1 11— 9 11— 11 11— 11 11— 9 11— 1] 11— 9 1 1 -1 1 11— 9
2 &3
11. i
W ro t Steel B it K ey F ro n t D oor Sets B it K ey F. D. Sets 2 pc. kb. V estibule B it Kej'^ F . D . Sets V ’s’b ’le B it K ’y F .D . S’ts 2 pc.kb. B it K ey F ro n t D oor Sets M o rtise Inside Sets M ortise Inside Sets 2 pc. kb. M ortise Inside Sets M ortise Inside Sets 2 pc. kb. L a tc h Sets L a tc h Sets 2 pc. kb. Single Sliding D oor Sets D ouble Sliding D oor Sets A stragal D ’ble Sliding D ’r Sets P u sh P lates 10x2 M inP u sh P lates 14x3 in. P u ll P la te s 10x2 M inP u ll P la te s 14x3 in. F lu sh Sash L ifts lj^ x 3 m. D ro p D raw er H an dles 13^x3 m. P u sh B u tto n s 4x2 in. C up E scutcheons 7 x 2 ^ in. Tw o Piece K nobs 234 in. One Piece K nobs 234 in- . Inside E scutcheons 7x234 m. O utside E scutcheons 10x2% m. Thatch E scutcheons 5x2% in-
11— 1251 D l l — 1251 11— V1251 D l l — V1251 11— 1261 11—4051 D l l — 4051 11— 4081 D l l —4081 11— 3001 D l l —3001 11— S701 11— 701 11—A701 11— 183 11— 187 11—239 11— 243 11—331 11— 357 11—381 11— 155 11— 9 11— 11 11— 83 11— 133 11— 65
1251 1251 V1251 V1251 1261 4051 4051 4081 4081 3001 3001 S701 701 A701
14 14 14 14 16 5 5 7 7 35 35 33 33 34
11— 13S 11— 133 11— 83 11— 83 11— 133 11— 83 11— 83 11— 83 11— 83 11— 65 11— 65 11— 155 11— 155 11— 155
T his design can, also, be furnished w ith H exagon knob; if desired prefix le tte r “ H ” to Set N um ber. F o r S tore D o o r H andles to m a tch th is design see pages 113, 116, 118. W hen ordering escutcheons only, specify lock w ith w hich th e y are to be used. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
Doz. tc i
Outside. List No.
One-half P air H andles
11— C404 R and olph 11— C404 R andolph 23— C404 W ebster 23— C4C4 W ebster 17— C404 Iowa 17— C404 Iowa 12— C404 L a F a y e tte 12— C404 L a F a y e tte
F or description of finishes see page 1.
Inside Trim Price G roups
P ’ge
14x3 in. 14x3 in. 143/^x3J^ in. 143^x334 in. 14x31^ in. 14x33^ in. 14x3 in. 14x3 in.
404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404
126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
1 Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b
L atch L atch L atch L atch L atch L atch L atch L atch
C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
4 Ea. 8 m.
2 in. 23^ in. 23^ in.
Xi in. ^ in. M in.
5— 383^ 5— 383^ 5—3 8 ^
2 &3
4 Doz. P r. l( (C
Six pairs in a box Six pairs in a box Six pairs in a box
No. 52
List No.
L ength
Price G roups Projection
P acked 1
33^ in.
2M in.
^ in.
Six pairs in a box
2 &3
4 Doz. P r.
All th e above lever handles are furnished w ith round roses No. 5— 383^; can be furnished w ith hexagon, octagon, square or oval roses if desired, see pages 146 an d 147. spindle.
C an also be furnished w ith ^ in. spindle if desired.
C an be furnished w ith th rea d ed
W hen ordering specify if in pairs.
F or description of finishes see page 1.
P acked w ith screws.
C u ts one-half size.
Bar Drawer Pulls No. 5076
No. 5074
No. 5072
Price G roups List No.
M aterial
5072 5074 5076
314 in. 3 % in. 3M in.
C a st Bronze C a st Bronze C a st Bronze
P acked 1
2 &3
4 Doz. U
One dozen in a box One dozen in a box One dozen in a box
No.’ 5078
No. 5070 5071
Price G roups L ist No.
M aterial
1 5070 5071 5078
in. 43^ in. iV s in.
C a st Bronze C a st Iron C a st Bronze
4 Doz.
One dozen in a box One dozen in a box One dozen in a box
C u ts one-third size.
Drawer Knobs
No. 22-30
No. 43-30
No. 40-30
Price G roups Size
L ist No.
M aterial
1 in. 13^ in. in. l y i in. I M in.
40— 30— I J i 40— 30— I K 40— 30— IM 43— 30 22— 30
C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
One One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in
a a a a a
2 &3
4 Doz.
box box box box box
(( u
No. 20— 30
No. 27-30
Price G roups List No. 27— 30 20— 30— 1% 20— 30— 13/g
Size IM in. I 5I in. I M in.
F o r description of finishes see page 1.
M aterial C a st Bronze C a st Bronze C a st Bronze
P acked 1 One dozen in a box One dozen in a box One dozen in a box
2 &3
4 Doz.
—— —
C u ts one-half i ze.
Druggists Drawer Pulls and Label Holders
No. 5060 5061
No. 2216 2217
No. 50603^ 5061M
Price G roups List No.
P acked
M aterial
1 5060 5061 50601^ 5061K 2216 2217
in. in. 1 ^ x 3 % in. 1 ^ x 3 % in. 1 ^ x 3 % in. in.
C a st Bronze C a st Iron C a st Bronze C a st Iron C a st Bronze C a st Iron
One One One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in
a a a a a a
2 &3
4 Doz. a a
box box box box box box
11 11 11
Drawer Pulls
No. 5064 5065
L ist No.
No. 5082 5083 Price G roups Size
M aterial
Packed 1
5064 5065 5082 5083
lM x 3 J^ IJ^xBJ^ ?^x3}^ % x33^
in. in. in. in.
C a st Bronze C a st Iron C a st Bronze C a st Iron
One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in
a a a a
2 &3
box box box box
No. 5084 5085
Doz. U li 11
No. 5086 Series
Price G roups List No.
M aterial
P acked 1
5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089
1x25^ 1x2^ 1 ^ x 3 3/g lM x 3 H 1^x3% l / |x 3 J ^
in. in. in. inin. in.
F or description of finishes see page 1.
W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W rot Steel
One One One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in
a a a a a a
box box box box box box
2 &3
4 Doz. a ii
(( u u
Packed w ith screws.
---------------- --------------------------------------—
C u ts o n e-th ird size.
Bar Sash Lifts
No. 5080 5081
No. 5080}4 5081 P rice G roups
L ist No.
P acked
M aterial
1 5080 5081 5080 3.^ 5081
43^x1 4^x134^ 4^x13^ 4 ^ x 1 3^
C a st Bronze C a st Iron W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel
in. in. in. in.
One One O ne One
dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in
a a a a
2 &3
4 Doz. U {{ 8x2 % in. l% x 2 K in.
P acked
M aterial
2 &3
4 Doz. U
One dozen in a box C a st Bronze One dozen in a box C a st Iron CUPBOARD CATCHES
No. 5010 5011
No. 5020 5021
P rice Groups Size
List No. 5020 5021 5010 5011
x 1 ^'s in. 2x 1 in. 2 J ^ x l3>-^ in. 2 M x lJ ^ in. 2
M aterial C ast Bronze C a st Iron C a st Bronze C a st Iron
T hum b Piece TPl TPl TPl TPl
Packed 1 One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in
a a a a
2 &3
4 Doz.
box box box box
(( ({
i No. 5020}^ 5021}^ List No.
No. 5020M Price G roups
M aterial
Packed 1
2 } ^ x l ^ in. W rot Bronze 5020)^ 2 ^ x 1% in. W ro t Steel 50213^ 23^ x 1% in. W ro t Bronze 5020M 2 J ^ x l% in. W ro t Steel 5021M N ote:—All steel cupboard tu rn s have w rot bronze knob. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
One One One One
dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in
a a a a
box box box box
2 &3
4 Doz. (I l( ((
P acked w ith screws.
C u ts on e-th ird size.
Key Plates
% No. 20-26
1 lira
L ist No.
20— 26 6— 26 6— 27 42— 26 17— 26 17— 27 9— 26 11— 26 11— 26
1^x1^ 1/^ x lM IJ ix lM 2 }4 x l % 2 ^ x 13^ 214x 11^ 1^x1 1^x1
No. 17-26 17-27
No. 42-26
No. 6-26 6-27
M aterial in. inin. in. in. in. in. in. in.
Price G roups ---------4 2 &3 1
P acked
C ast Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel
Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two
No. 11 -2 6 11-2 7
No. 9--26
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in in in in
a a a a a a a a a
box box box box box box box box box
B No. 22-26
No. 14-26 14-27
No. 15-26 15-27
No. 27-26
No. 36-26 36-27 Price G roups
L ist No.
P acked
M aterial
1 22— 26 14— 26 14— 27 15— 26 15— 27 27— 26 36— 26 36— 27
in. 1 ^ x 1 ^ in. 15^ x 1% in. 15/^x1^ in. 1 ^ x 1 liB in. IM x l} ^ in. 1}/^ in. round in. round
C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel
Two Two Two Two Tw o Tw o Tw o Two
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in in in
a a a a a a a a
2 &3
box box box box box box box box
Doz. H
(( u
a (( (( (C
3 No. 32-26
L ist No.
No. 41-26 41-27
No. 34-26 34-27
No. 4-26 4-27
No. 3-26 3-27 Price G roups
M aterial
P acked 1
32— 26 41— 26 41— 27 34— 26 34— 27 4— 26 4— 27 3— 26 3— 27
1 in. round in. in. in. 1 ^ x 1 ^ in. 25-^x1^ in. 2 % x lf/s in. 2 ^ x 1 % in. 2>i6xl^i6 in.
F o r description of finishes see page 1.
C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel
Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in in in in
a a a a a a a a a
box box box box box box box box box
2 &3
4 Doz. a (( (I n
(( (( ii li
P ack ed w ith screws.
C u ts one-third siz
Key Plates s No. 40-26
No. 1-26 1-27
No. 12-26 12-27
No. 39-26 39-27
No. 01-27
No. 41-26D
No. 38-26
Price G roups List No.
M aterial
40— 26 39— 26 39— 27 12—26 12— 27 1— 26 1— 27 38— 26 41— 26D 01—27
13^xl3/g in. \ y 2 x\y% in. in. I J ^ x l in. 1^ x 1 in. 1^8x13^ in. 1^ x 1 in. 13^ x 13^ in. 1 ^ x 1 }^ in. 1 ^ x 1 3 ^ in.
C a st Bronze W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W rot Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel C ast Bronze C ast Bronze W ro t Steel
Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Tw o Tw o
dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in in in in in in in
a a a a a a a a a a
2 &3 Doz.
box box box box box box box box box box
Thumb Pieces
TP 1
List No.
TP 2
L ength
TP 3
TP 4
Price Groups
M aterial
P acked 1
TPl TP2 TP3 T P4
in. I H m. I M in. in.
J i in. 1 in. % in. in.
M in. in. M in. M in.
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
Two Two Two Two
dozen dozen dozen dozen
in in in in
a a a a
2 &3
box box box box
Doz. H H
No. T P l T h u m b Pieces can be used w ith an y key p late b y adding th e th u m b piece n um ber to th e key p late desired:
3 8 /2 6 x T P l. F o r description of finishes see page 1.
P acked w ith screws.
C u ts o n e-th ird size.
No. 1-103^ 1-113^
No. 1-10
No. 1-8 1-9
1-12 Price G roups
L ist No. 1— 8 1— 9 1— 10 1— 11 1— 103^ x— w Y i 1— 12
D iam eter
2M 2)4: 23^ \^/i 1% 2 Y2
in. in. inin. in. in. in.
1 Two-piece round Tw o-piece round One-piece ro u n d One-piece ro u n d One-piece ro u n d One-piece ro u n d One-piece ro u n d
D iam eter 2 3 i in. 23^ in. 2 J i in. 23^ in. 2 3 i in. 23^ in. 2 in.
No. 9-32 9-34 9-36
L ist No.
No. 9-20 9-22 9-20 H P rice G roup s
D escription Two-piece rou n d Two-piece ro u n d H exagon H exagon P lain round P lain rou n d P lain rou n d
(i ii ii
No. 2 2-20
Price G roups
D escription
F o r description ^
23^ in. H exagon 2 % m. H exagon 23^ in. H exagon 23^ in. O ctagon 23! in. Square ■efer to knobs onlv. if r DSftS fl.rp. rpnnirorl c-T^Qni’f-,r ^
4 Doz, P r. a
1 9— 32 9— 34 9— 36 27— 20 22— 20
2 &3
W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel C a st Bronze C a st Bronze C a st Bronze
No. 27-20
D iam eter
4 Doz. P r.
1 3— 8 3— 9 15— 34 15— 35 9— 20 9— 22 9— 203^
2 &3
W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Steel W ro t Bronze W ro t Sreel W ro t Bronze
No. 15-34 15-35
No. 3-8
List No.
D escription
C a st C a st C a st C a st C a st
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
2& 3
4 D oz. P r. ii
(( ii
C u ts one-third size.
Knob Roses
No. 5-383^
No. 34-38
No. 5-38
Price G roups List No.
M aterial
1 5—383^ 5—38 34— 38
\ y i in. round 1% in. round 23^ in. round
No. 40-38
C a st Bronze C a st Bronze C a st Bronze
No. 39-38 39-39
List No.
Size 23^ in. \ >J
• o
Ul*^' .■': Price G roups 2 &3
D ozen 4
FRICTION CATCHES No. 1535 Steel catch w ith
in. brass shell. Price G roups 2 &3
Dozen 4
ELBOW CATCHES No. 15653/^ Steel elbow catch.
P acked six dozen in a box w ith screws. Price G roups D ozen
2 &3
SECRET GATE LATCHES No. 1531 C a st Iro n g ate latoh. C an be used for either rig ht or left han d doors. No. 1530. Sam e as above b u t cast bronze. P rice Groups Dozen 1
2 &3
No. 5059 W ro t Steel, 4 in. b arrel bolts. P acked one dozen in a box w ith screws. No. 5058. Same as above b u t w roug ht brass. Price G roups
Dozen 1
2 &3
COAT AND HAT HOOKS No. 1719—4 in. C ast Iron coat and h a t hooks.
P acked one dozen in a box with
Price Groups Dozen 1
2 &3
WINDOW STOP SCREW AND WASHER No. W33 F lat, beveled edge steel washer, size 19/32 in. diam eter, w ith 134^x9 round head steel screw. No. W34. Same as above b u t in bronze. ■Price Groups 1
2 &3
- ■■
T he G. E. Bishop P rin tin g Co., Sterling, 111,
lllill iii iii
a ilits iiiii i I iiiii
i5 iy ^ a ? w fc ;/.
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