381 90 357MB
English Pages 574 Year 1939
Inri/c A.yn iJ.
E.R. B u t l e r
Research Library
TO UNLOCK BINDER — Pull out slide b a r on wing under to p cover.
Top cover will then fall
back and sheets can be inserted or removed.
TO REMOVE O R C H A N G E SHEETS — Turn to p a g e where change is to be made. Remove all sheets above this p a g e with th e bar attachm ent for holding the sheets. TO LOCK BINDER — Bring wing back over the posts— be sure th a t posts fit in the holes in wing — press down lightly on wing— then push in slide bar.
To increase capacity of Binder turn up screws in posts, until the desired capacity is secured.
Since 1890
( BARROW S) B U IL D E R S ’ HARDWARE has enjoyed a most enviable reputation for dependability, lasting durability, refinement and authenticity of design. Barrows manufactures a broad line of guality locks and building finishing hardware, ranging from moderately priced steel and iron goods to the finest cast bronze "jewelry" hardware. It is our constant aim to produce th e very b e st th at is m ad e in e a c h classification.
CATALOG No. 3 8 is not only cm illustrated, descriptive list of our products, but constitutes a val uable reference book containing a wealth of technical information useful to architects, draftsmen, contractors, distributors and builders' hardw are engineers.
( B A R R O W S ) MARE
U n d e r th e C o m m on L aw , th e B a rro w s T rade-M ark , w h e n u s e d in c o n n ec tio n w ith L ocks a n d H a r d w a r e , is th e e x c lu siv e p r o p e r ty of o u r C o m p a n y a n d c a n n o t la w fu lly b e u s e d b y o th ers. F or n e a r l y h a lf a c e n tu r y it h a s b e e n u s e d to in d ic a te p r o d u c ts of c u r m a n u fa c tu re . The B a rro w s T rad e-M ark a n d T ra d e -N a m e h a v e lo n g b e e n re c o g n iz e d a n d a c c e p te d a s h a llm a r k s of q u a lity a n d d e p e n d a b ility in B u ild e rs' H a r d w a r e .
Copyright 1939 by Barrows Lock Works
CB A R R O W ^ --------------
CONDITIONS OF SALE T E R M S OF P A Y M E N T (2% 10 days, 30 days net). All invoices, ex cept those covering C. O. D. shipments, are d u e and payable, n et cash, 30 days from d ate of invoice, in legal tend er of the United States of A merica. Checks, money orders, Nev/ York or C h icag o exchange, or other c u rre n t funds will b e a c ce p te d s u b j e c t to c o l le c t io n a n d r e tu r n s. Unless specifically otherw ise stated in the invoice, a cash discount of 2 % of the am ount of the invoice will b e allowed if paym ent is m ad e within 1 0 days from date. W e reserve the right to m ake shipm ents on a C. O. D.
basis, at o u r discretion.
To all accounts not paid w hen d u e will b e a d d e d interest at the rate of b e subject to sight draft, without notice.
% p e r annum from d ate of d e lin q u en c y an d will
The foregoing applies to all invoices w hether covering partial or com plete shipm ents m ade on either stock or contract orders. P R IC E S A N D Q U O T A T IO N S— All prices quoted a re f.o.b. shipping point, with no freight allowances, an d are subject to withdrawal at any time without prior notice. Quotations on contracts are void after 3 0 days from date of quotation. Prices at w hich orders are accep ted are g u a ra n te e d against our own price decline to date of shipm ent only. M IN IM U M C H A R G E— The extra expense involved in the h an dling of small orders m akes necessary a minimum ch a rg e of 2 5c on any one invoice. SALES T A X E S— Prices quo ted are subject to sufficient additional in crease to inclu d e any Federal or State sales taxes, app h ca b le to our products, w hich are in effect at the time of sale or shipment. ACCEPTANCE OF O R D E R S— W e reserve the right to accep t or reject any orders tendered, at our discretion. W e reserve the right to can cel any orders previously accep ted or to decline to m ake shipments, wholly or in part, or to m ake shipm ents on a C. O. D. basis, if credit ratings or other conditions should b ecom e unsatisfactory to our m anagem ent. O rd e rs p la ce d with sales representatives a re subject to ac ce p ta n ce by our m anagem ent. PA RT IA L S H IP M E N T S — Com plete or partial shipm ents will b e m ade at our option, subject to available stock on hand. W h en p artial shipm ents are m ade they will b e followed by others as rapidly as possible until the order is completed. C LA IM S A N D R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y — O u r responsibility ceases u po n delivery of m erch an d ise to a public carrier an d any claims for loss, dam age, delay or non-delivery m ust b e filed against the carrier by the consignee or p u rch aser. However we shall gladly assist our customers in every way to expedite the settlement of such claims. Claims for shortages, errors in p ack ing or o v ercharges m ust b e m ad e to us within 1 0 days after receipt of shipment. U N A V O ID A BL E D ELAY S— Strikes, accidents to m achinery, fire, floods, windstorms, car famine, or contingencies beyond our control, shall d u rin g the existence of any of said causes excuse us from the perform an ce of any contract a n d operate as a proportionate extension of the time of deliveries. R E T U R N E D M E R C H A N D ISE — M erchandise m anufactured by us is carefully inspected a n d che ck e d before bein g p ac k ed for shipment. If, however, any errors in pack in g should occu r or any defective m erchandise b e received, for w hich we a re responsible, we will gladly rectify the errors a n d rep lace the defective items as promptly as possible after the retu rn of the m erchan d ise to us. No cred it will b e allow ed for or replacem ent m ade of any m erch an dise retu rn ed to us unless its retu rn has b e e n previously authorized by us. H ardw are o rd ered for contracts b u t not used, or items m ad e to special sizes or special details or that differs in any respect from our reg u la r cataloged items, are not retu rn ab le a n d no credit will b e allow ed for su ch items if returned. Any m erch an dise re tu rn e d without our express authorization will b e h eld subject to shipper's instructions for its disposition. C A N C ELLA TIO NS— O rd e rs for h a rd w a re m ad e to special sizes or special details or that differs in any resp ect from our reg u lar cataloged items, are not subject to cancellation if the items in question h av e b e e n m anufactured or are in process of m anufacture, unless we are reim bursed for all costs in c u rred in connection therewith. SIZES— M easurem ents a n d dim ensions indicated in this catalog are subject to minor discrepancies d u e to unavoidable slight variations incidental to the processes of m anufacture. If exact dimensions are r e q u ire d on any items, the ord er must specify "To Tem plate". For items m an u factured "To Tem plate" an additional ch a rg e will b e m ade. W E IG H T S— W eights indicated in this catalog in clud e w rapping an d boxes a n d are subject to slight variations. These weights a re not g u ara n tee d an d are given solely for the pu rp o se of assisting the p u rch a ser in estimating transportation charges, etc. TELEG R AM S A N D TE LE PH O N E CALLS— For obvious reasons we cannot ac ce p t any "collect" messages, so please do not send us telegram s "collect" or reverse the ch a rg es on telephone calls. SER VICE— It is o ur desire to give very prom pt service in the filling of orders, b u t in order to accom plish this com plete detailed information m ust acco m p any orders. Please refer to "Instructions for O rd e rin g " on P ag e No. 40. A G R EE M EN T—-The te n d erin g of any o rd er a n d its a c ce p ta n ce by us will constitute an a g re em e n t on the p a rt of the p u rc h a se r to b e specifically b o u n d by all the provisions set forth in the foregoing "C onditions of S ale".
Division of The Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company
North Chicago, Illinois
p m
(B A R R O W S ) Morninglight Chapel, Portland, Oregon, constructed 1937-38, is an outstanding architectural contribution to mortuary design. Its durability of construction and refinement of every detail is exemplified by the installation of Barrows locks and finishing hardw are trim.
(B A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardware is designed.
(B A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardw are is designed.
(B A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardware is designed.
(B A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardw are is designed.
CB A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardware is designed.
(B A R R O W S ) These buildings are equipped with Barrows locks and finishing hardware. They illustrate a few of the many types of buildings for which Barrows hardw are is designed.
Table of C ontents 128 to 150 531 t o 546 - 33 57 to 60 42-43 547 t o 567 38-39 46 46-47 - 36-37 Glossary, H ardw are a n d A rchitectural Terms - 63 to 71 Index, A lphabetical 11 t o 13 Index, Design - 33 t o 35 Index, Numerical 14 t o 32 Keying Information 397 t o 402 Lock Parts 278 Locks, How to M easure 277 Lock Spring Construction . . 279 Locks a n d Latches . . 286 to 389 Lock Security 274-275 Locksets, Cast Designs 151 t o 243 Locksets, E ntrance H andle Sectional 245 to 259 Locksets, Entrance H andle Plate Escutcheon 260 to 273 Locksets, W rought Designs 73 to 122 M etals Used in Builders' H ardw are 44-45 M iscellaneous H ardw are 403 to 530 O rdering Instructions 40-41 Sam ple Block a n d Panels 61 Schedule a n d Specification W riting - 48 to 56 Symbols a n d N um bering System 62 Tem plates - 280-281 Fire U nderwriters' Requirem ents - 276 A rchitectural Period Plates Closers, Door Design, Symbols a n d Periods Details, Doors, W indows, etc. Doors, H and of Exit Devices Finishes, C om parative Finishes, Durability of Finishes—How Produced Finish Symbols -
■( B A R R O W ^ -
ALPHABETICAL INDEX Page Acmo D esig n .................... 253 Adjusters, C a s e m e n t. . . 502 Adjusters, W indow Stop. 497 Adjustable Cylinder Ring 407 Albion D esign.................. 250 A lstead D esig n ................ 116 A ltenburg Design. . . 158-256 A mesbury D esig n 163 A ngro D e sig n 246-247 A n n o u n c e m e n t................ 1 Apartment House L o c k .. 338 Application of Door C losers........................... 5 36 Architectural Period P la te s ............................. 128 A rden D e sig n .. . . 74-262-265 Arlington D e sig n 221 Arm Door P u ll................. 4 76 Astragal, C om pensating. 559 Auxiliary S pring A ttach ments, For Lever H a n d le s ......................... 412 Athens D esig n ................. 166 B Backset, of L o c k s.,. .277-282 Back Plates, Night Latch. 407 Bangor D e sig n ................ 219 Bar Drawer P u lls 516 Bar Sash Lifts, Design (See design section) Bar Sash Lifts, P la i n .. . . 492 Barn Door Locks 372 Bars, C o n n e c tin g 408 Bars, G u a r d ...................... 460 Bars, P u ll........................... 460 Bars, P u s h ......................... 460 Bars, Push an d P u ll. . . . 4 60 Base K n o b s....................... 449 Bath Room Door Locks.. 307 Bath Room Door Lockseis 125 Bayside D esig n 114-252 Bead S c re w s .................... 4 9 7 Bed Room Door Locks . . 310 Bed Room Door Knockers 491 Belview D esig n 210-250 Better S e rv ic e.................. 40 Bevel of Doors.................. 42 Bevel Front Locks 2 77 Bit Key Mortise Sectional L ocks.............................. 340 Blanks, K ey...................... 403 Blocks, S a m p le ................ 61 Boards, S am ple............... 61 Bolt Strikes, Fire Exit. . . 567 Bolts, C re m o n e ................ 4 4 6 Bolts, D oor........................ 373 Bolts, Dutch D oor 442 Bolts, Extension............... 4 3 8 Bolts, Fire Exit................. 547 Bolts, F lu sh ....................... 4 38 Bolts, Lavatory................. 526 Bolts, Mortise D oor 373 Bolts, Nuts an d Screws, Lavatory........................ 526 Bolts, P a n ic ...................... 547 Bolts, Strike, D etail 445 Bolts, S u rfa c e ................... 443 Bordeaux D esig n 226 Bourges D esign............... 178 Box S trik es....................... 411 Brackets, Door C l o s e r ... 544 Brackets, H and R a il. . . . 522 Builders H ardw are S u g gestions ......................... 48 Bumpers, or Strike, Lavatory........................ 527
Page Buttons, Push (See design section) Butts, Ball B e a rin g Butts, Cast Bronze or Brass............................... Butts, Cast Iro n ............... Butts, D oor........................ Butts, O live K n u ck le. . . Butts, S h u tte r................... Butts, T ra n so m .................
529 529 529 528 530 528 528
C abin Door H ooks 527 C ab in et Butts................... 528 C abinet L atch e s.............. 286 C abinet Latch S ets 509 C abinet L ocks.................. 391 C am bray D esig n 1 02 C am d en D esign ............... 8 8 Cams, C y lin d er............... 4 0 8 C an terb u ry Design. .238-272 C arleton D e sig n .............. 104 Carlisle D esig n 108-253 C asem ent A dju sters. . . . 502 C asem ent D etails 60 C asem ent W indow A d ju ste rs....................... 502 C asem ent Window F a ste n e rs....................... 4 9 8 Cast Locksets................... 152 Catches, C u p b o a rd 507 Catches, E lbow ................ 509 Catches, Flush Ring. . . . 520 Catches, Friction 509 Catches, L e v e r................ 507 Catches, S creen D oor. . . 514 Catches, Secret G a te .. . 509 Catches, T ransom 510 Catches, T u rn .................. 507 Ceiling H ooks.................. 521 Centers, S a s h .................. 513 Centers, T ransom 513 C hain Door F asteners. . . 452 Chains, P a d lo c k 395 Chains, T ransom 512 Charlton Design. 194-250-268 C hatham D esign............. 257 C hecks an d Parts, D oor. 545 Checks, D oor................... 531 Checks, S creen Door. . . 546 C helsea D esig n............... 252 Chest Locks...................... 394 C hester D esign ................ 228 Chutes, L etter.................. 453 Closers, Coupon Booth.. 380 Closers, D oor................... 531 Closers, Repairs an d Parts 545 Closers, S creen Door. . . 546 Closers, T elephone Booth 546 Closet, S p in d le s.............. 412 Coat a n d Hat H o o k s.. . . 521 Colchester D esign 237 Collars, C y lin d e r 434 Colonial Rim L ocks 387 C olumbus D esig n 248 Com m unicating Door L o ck s.............................. 307 Com parative Finishes. .. 38 Com parative Lock N um bers........................ 282 Com pensating A strag al. 559 Compression S p rin g s .. . 408 Condition of S a le 3 Concealed Transom O p e ra to rs ...................... 525 Connecting B ars 4 08 C onnecting S c re w s. . . . 408
Page Construction, Lock 279 C o-ordinator..................... 562 Coupon Booth Door C lo ser............................. 380 Coupon Booth Lock Set. 380 C rem one Bolts................. 446 C rem one Bolt Strikes. . . 444 Croydon D esig n .............. 240 C u p b o a rd C a tc h e s 507 C u pb o ard L ocks 391 C u pb o ard T u rn s.............. 507 C u p Drop H a n d le s 437 C u p E scu tcheo n s 4 36 C u p H an d le s.................... 436 Custer D esig n .................. 251 Cylinder C o llars............. 4 3 4 C ylinder Night Latch. . . 376 C ylinder P in s ................... 408 Cylinder P lates................ 434 Cylinder S p rin g s 408 Cylinder C a m s ................ 408 Cylinder, Descpt. of 64-274 C ylinder D iscs................. 408 Cylinder D rivers 408 Cylinder R epairs 408 Cylinder R in g s................ 4 0 7 Cylinder Set S c r e w s .. .. 408 Cylinders, D u m m y 406 Cylinders, M easure m ent of........................... 4 06 Cylinders, Lock............... 406 D Danville D esig n............... Dead Locks, Bit K e y .. . . D ead L.ocks, M o rtise .. . . D ead Locks, Mortise, C y lin d er........................ D ead Locks, Rim Desk Locks........................ Details, Bolt S trik e Details, Casem ent W in d o w ......................... Details, D o o r.................... Details, Double H ung W in d o w s....................... Details, M eeting R ail. . . Details, Push B a r Details, Push andPull Bar. Details, Rim L o ck Design In d e x .................... Designs by P erio d s Designs by Illustration.. Designs by Sym bol Designs, C a s t.................... Designs, Cast S ectional, Designs, Emblematic. . . Designs, W ro u g h t Designs, W rought S ectio n al....................... Dimensions of L o c k s.. . . Display Boards, S a m p le . Devices, Fire E xit Discs, Turn K n o b Door Bevels...................... Door Bolts, Extension. . . Door Bolts, F lu sh Door Bolts, M ortise Door B u tts......................... Door C lo se rs.................... Door Closer Brackets. . . Door Closer, Repairs and P a r ts ...................... Doer Closers, Coupon B ooth.............................. Door Closers, Fusible Link.................................
186 361 361 365 379 394 445 60 56 58 57 459 459 385 34 33 34 33 152 152 414 73 73 277 61 547 408 42 439 438 373 528 531 544 545 380 540
Page Door Closers, Screen D o o r............................... 546 Door Closers, Telephone Booth.............................. 546 Door D etails...................... 56 Door Fasteners, C hain. . 452 Door G rip s ........................ 4 84 Door H olders.................... 451 Door Hooks, C a b in 527 Door K n o b s...................... 4 1 6 Door Knobs, Emblematic 4 14 Door Knobs, G la s s 422 Door Knobs, M e ta l 417 Door Knobs, Monogram. 4 1 4 Door Knobs, P o tte ry .. . . 416 Door Knobs, Types of M o u nting s.................... 415 Door K n o ck ers................ 490 Door Pull, Hospital A rm . 476 Door Pulls, Design, (See design section) Door Pulls, P lain 476 Door Pulls, Flush Sliding 480 Door Q u a d r a n ts .............. 442 Door Stops......................... 449 Door Stops and H o ld ers. 4 5 0 Doors, Bevel o f ................ 42 Doors, H and o f ................ 42 Double H ung Window D etails............................ 58 Dover D esign..............211-251 Drawer Knobs, Glass. . . 518 Drawer Knobs, Metal. . . 520 Drawer L ocks.................. 392 Drawer P u lls.................... 516 Drivers, C y lin d e r 408 Drop H a n d le s.................. 437 Drop Handles, F lu sh . . . . 437 Drop H andle Escutcheons 4 37 Drop Handle, Flush Cups 437 Drop Key E scutcheons.. 429 Drop Ring H an d le s 428 Dummy C y lin d ers 406 D urado D esig n ................ 242 Dust Proof Strikes 444 Dutch Door Bolts 442 Dutch Door Q u a d r a n t. . 442 E Eastlake D esign 110-252 Elbow C a tc h e s ................. 509 Electric Push Buttons. . . 434 (Also, refer to design section) Elevator L atch.................. 371 Emblematic Door Knobs. 414 Emergency K ey............... 404 Emergency Locks, Bit K ey.................................. 354 Emergency Locks, C y lin d er........................ 356 Entrance Door L ocks. . . 312 Entrance H andle Sectional Lock S e ts . . 245 Entrance Plate Lock Sets 261 Escutcheons, C u p 436 Escutcheons, C u p and D ro p ............................... 437 Escutcheons, Drop H a n d le s......................... 4 37 Escutcheons, K e y 429 Escutcheons, Sliding D o o r................................ 4 3 6 Estimating P la n s .............. 48 Extension, Bolt................. 439 Extension Springs, Lock. 408 Eyes, T ransom .................. 4 9 7
(B A R R O W S )
ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cont. _ Page Jractory H andle Lock Sets 260 Fairfield D esig n 162 Fasteners, C a sem en t 498 Fasteners, C hain D oor. . 452 Fasteners, S a s h ................ 4 9 5 Fayville D esig n ................ 164 Fenwick D esign............... 98 F ig u re s............................... 4 5 7 Finishes, How Produced. 46 Finishes, D escrip tio n . . . 36 Finishes, Com parative . . 38 Fire Door Three Point L o ck ............................... 390 Fire Exit B olts.................. 547 Fire Exit Bolt Strikes. . . . 567 Fire Exit D evices 547 Fire Exit Locks................. 564 Fire Underwriters R equirem ents............... 276 Flush Bolts........................ 438 Flush C u p Drop Handles 436 Flush C u p E scutcheons. 436 Flush Drop H andle Pulls. 437 Flush Drop H a n d le s. . . . 437 Flush Rings....................... 520 Flush Sash Lifts, Design (See design section) Flush Sash Lifts, P la in . , 494 Flush Sliding Door P u lls. 480 Fountaine D esig n 174 Foxboro D esign............... 165 F ren ch Door Locks 298 French Window L o ck s.. 298 Friction C asem ent A d ju ste rs...................... 503 Friction C a tc h e s ............. 508 Friction Stays................... 504 Front Door L ocks 312 Fusible Link Door C losers........................... 540
G a ra g e Door Locks . . . . 381 G a ra g e Door Lock S e t . . 381 G ate Latches, S e c r e t. . . 509 Glass Door K nobs 422 Glass Draw er Knobs . . . 518 Glass Knob Lock Sets. . 124 Glass, Mortise Bolt Knobs 518 G lend ale D esig n .94-263-264 G lenville D e s ig n .. . . 160-258 G lossary ............................ 64 G rayton D esign 160-258 Grips, P u ll........................ 484 H H adley D esign................. Hampton D esign Hand, of D o ors................ H and Rail B rackets Handles, C up and Drop. Handles, Entrance D oor. Handles, Factory Door . . Handles, Flush C u p Handles, Flush D ro p .. . . Handles, L e v e r................ H angers, Sash P o le Hanley D esign................. Hat an d Coat Hooks . . . . Haverhill D esig n H inge P la te s ..................... Hingham D esign Hinsdale D e sig n ............. Holders, C a sem en t Holders, C hain D o o r. . . Holders, D o o r..................
92 270 43 522 428 245 261 437 437 424 497 222 521 259 152 259 259 502 452 451
Holders, S top................... Holders, Transom Friction.......................... Holliston D e sig n ............. Hoods, L etter.................... Hooks, Sash Lifts Hooks, C abin Door Hooks, C e ilin g ................. Hooks, Coat an d H a t . . . Hooks, L avatory.............. Hooks, Pull D ow n Hooks, Sash P o le Hospital Door P u ll Hotel L ocks......................
Page 450 504 259 454 494 527 521 521 521 496 496 476 331
I Imperial D esign 99-252 Index, A lp h ab e tic al. . . . 11 33 Index, D esig n .................. Index, N um eral............... 14 Index, Schools................. 33 33 Index, Symbol................. Indicator Bolts................. 526 Indicators, Hotel L ock . . 412 Information, C y lin d e r... 398 Information, Door Knob M ountings.................... 415 Information, K eys 398 Information, L ock 398 Information, Lock Strikes 411 Information, Master Key System s......................... 399 Information for ordering 40 Instructions for ordering 40 Ionian D esig n .................. 82 I Jet K nobs........................... 416 E Karlos D esig n .................. 249 Kent D esign.................190-266 Kenwood Design. 84-263-264 Key Blanks........................ 403 Key Escutcheons 429 Key Inform ation.............. 398 Key, Master S ystem . . . . 399 Key P la te s......................... 429 Key T a g s........................... 396 Keys an d their O peration 398 Kick P lates........................ 458 Knob A djustm ent 415 Knob L atch e s................... 286 Knob Locks, Rim 383 Knob Locks, Mortise . . . 297 Knob Lock Sets, R im . . . 384 Knob, M ountings 415 Knob R oses....................... 432 Knob S crew s.................... 412 Knob S pindles................. 412 Knob Spindles, C lo se t. . 412 Knob Symbols.................. 415 Knob W a sh e rs................. 412 Knobs, B ase...................... 449 Knobs, D oor..................... 416 Knobs, Door Emblematic 414 Knobs, Door, G la ss 422 Knobs, Door, M etal 417 Knobs, Door, M onogram 414 Knobs, Door, P ottery . . . 416 Knobs, Door, Types of M ounting...................... 415 Knobs, Drawer, G la s s . . 518 Knobs, Drawer, M e tal. . 520 Knobs, Mortise B olt. . . . 422 Knobs, S h u tte r................ 520
Page Knobs, Turns on P lates. 431 Knob T u rn s ................. 4 30-518 Knockers, D oor................ 4 9 0
Label Drawer P ulls 516 Larissa D esign................. 2 14 Latch, C onstruction. . . . 2 7 9 Latch, Easy S p rin g 2 79 Latch, Mortise E ntrance D o o r............................... 2 90 Latches, C a b in e t 28 6 Latches, Mortise C ylinder N ig h t 295 Latches, C ylinder Rim. . 376 Latches, Elevator 371 Latches, Fire E xit 547 Latches, Fire Exit B olt. . 5 4 7 Latches, G a t e .................. 509 Latches, K n ob .................. 2 86 Latches, L avatory 526 Latches, M ortise.............. 286 Latches, N ight.................. 376 Latches, Rim K n o b 382 Latches, S creen D o o r... 514 Latches, Secret G a t e . . . 509 Latch Sets, C a b in e t. . . . 509 Latch Sets, Coupon Booth 3 80 Latch Sets, Rim K nob. . . 3 84 Latch Sets, S creen Door. 514 Latch Sets, T h u m b 2 60 Lavatory Bolts.................. 526 Lavatory Door H ardw are 526 Lavatory Hook an d B um per.......................... 521 Lavatory L atches 526 Lavatory Strikes or B um pers........................ 5 27 Lenox D esign................... 80 Letters................................ 4 57 Letter Box H o o d s 454 Letter Box Plates, Design (See design section) Letter Box Plates, P la in . 453 Lever H an d le s................. 42 4 Locart D esign. . . 112-253-265 Lifters, T ran som .............. 523 Lifts, Bar Sash, Design (See design section) Lifts, Bar Sash, P la in . . . 492 Lifts, Flush Sash, Design (See design section) Lifts, Flush Sash, P la i n .. 4 9 4 Lifts, Hook S a s h 494 Liquid, Door Closer. . . . 545 Lock, C y lin ders............... 406 Lock, In d ica to rs 412 Lock, Inform ation 398 Lock, Master Key Systems 399 Lock P a r ts ......................... 278 Lock R ep airs.................... 408 Lock S p rin g s.................... 408 Lock Strikes...................... 409 Lock S ecu rity .................. 274 Lock S p rin g s.................... 408 Lock, Three P oint 390 Locker Locks.................... 393 Locks, A partm ent House 338 Locks, Backset of. . .277-282 Locks, Barn D o o r 372 Locks, Bath Room 307 Locks, Bed R oom 310 Locks, Beveled F ro n t.42-277 Locks, C a b in e t................ 391 Locks, C h e s t.................... 394 Locks, Class R oom 353 Locks, C om m unicating.. 307
Page Locks, C o n s tru c tio n .. . . 2 7 9 Locks, C o m p a ra tiv e . . . . 282 Locks, C u p b o a rd ............. 391 Locks, Colonial Rim. . . . 3 8 7 Locks, Mortise, D ea d . . . 361 Locks, Rim, D e a d 383 Locks, D esk ....................... 3 9 4 Locks, D ra w e r.................. 392 Locks, G a r a g e Sliding D o o r .......................... 370-381 Locks, E m e rg e n cy .......... 3 5 4 Locks, E ntrance D oor. . . 312 Locks, Fire Exit................ 5 6 4 Locks, Fire Exit B o lt.. . . 5 64 Locks, F ren ch D o o r. . . . 2 9 8 Locks, Front D o o r 312 Locks, G a r a g e ................. 381 Locks, H an d o f ................ 43 Locks, H o tel...................... 331 Locks, K n o b...................... 2 9 7 Locks, L o ck e r.................. 3 9 3 Locks, M a sterk e y ed . . . . 3 9 9 Locks, M easurem ent o f . . 2 7 7 Locks, M ortise.................. 2 9 7 Locks, Mortise D e a d . . . . 361 Locks, Office D o o r 327 Locks, Recessed F ro n t. . 353 Locks, Rim Colonial. . . . 3 8 7 Locks, Rim D e a d 37 9 Locks, Rim K n o b 382 Locks, Roll Top D e sk . . . 3 9 4 Locks, S a s h ....................... 4 9 5 Locks, School H o u s e . . . 3 5 4 Locks, Sectional H an d le 3 40 Locks, Sliding Door . . . . 3 7 0 Locks, S p acing o f 277 Locks, S pring C o n stru ctio n ......................... 2 7 9 Locks, Store D oo r 347 Locks, S ta n d a rd iz e d .. . . 2 8 0 Locks, T em p la te .............. 2 8 0 Locks, T hree P o in t 390 Locks, W a r d r o b e 391 Lock Sets, Bath R o o m ... 125 Lock Sets, Bit Key, Front D o o r................................ 312 (Also, refer to design section) Lock Sets, C a s t................ 152 Lock Sets, C oupon Booth 3 8 0 Lock Sets, Entrance Sectional H a n d le 245 Lock Sets, Entrance , P la te ............................... 261 Lock Sets, G a ra g e Rim. 381 Lock Sets, Glass K n o b .. 124 Lock Sets, Class R o o m .. 126 Lock Sets, Push an d Pull 4 70 Lock Sets, Rim K n o b . . . 3 8 4 Lock Sets, School House 126 Lock Sets, Sectional H a n d le ........................... 2 45 Lock Sets, Split Finishes. 40 Lock Sets, W r o u g h t. . . . 73 Lock Sets, W rought S ectio n al.................. 73 Lock Sets, C a s t 151 L uneburg Design. . 227
M M anchester , D fig n 198-254-269 Master Keying System s.................... 399-402 Master K eys................. 403 M easurem ent of L o c k s.. 277 M easuring for S trikes. . . 4 H
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cont. Page Meeting Rail Details. . . . 57 Mellville D e sig n .............. 106 Metals an d F in ish es. . . . 44 Millport D esign................ 2 34 Milton D e sig n 206-271 Monogram K nobs 4 14 Monroe D esig n ................ 93 Montrose D esig n 100 Mortise B olts.................... 373 Mortise Bolt K nobs 518 Mortise Door B olts 373 Mortise Extension B olts. 438 Mortise C asem ent F a ste n e r......................... 501 Mortise L atches............... 286 Mortise Looksets (See design section) Mountings, K n o b 415 M ounted S am ples 61 M ullions............................. 561 N Nancy D e sig n .................. 180 Name P lates...................... 458 Narrow Stile Locks, Bit K ey.................................. 2 98 Narrow Stile Locks, C y lin d er........................ 3 1 4 N avarre D esig n............... 184 N ewgate D e sig n .............. 121 Newport Design. .86-262-265 Newton D e sig n 218-267 Night Latch Back P lates. 4 0 7 Night Latches, Rim 376 Nilwood D esig n.230-253-273 Norwood D e s i g n .. . .208-272 Nuline D esig n .................. 2 2 9 N um bering S ystem 62 N u m era ls........................... 4 5 7 14 N umerical In d e x ............. Nuts, S p in d le.................... 412
Office L ocks..................... 327 Olive Knuckle Butts. . . . 530 Olym pia Design.200-255-268 O rdering, Information. . 40 O xford I)esign. . . 78-263-264
P adlocks............................. 395 Padlock C h a in s................ 395 Parwood D esig n .............. 248 Parston D e s ig n ................ 120 Parts an d Repairs for Door C lo se rs................ 545 Parts for C y lin d ers 4 08 Pelham D esig n ................ 119 Pendelton D esig n 118 Pins, C y lin d er.................. 4 0 8 Pittfield D esig n ................ 187 Pittwood D esig n . . . . 188-268 Pivots, Sash or Transom. 513 Plans, Estimating 48 Plates, C y lin d er............... 4 34 Plates, K ey........................ 429 Plates, K ick ....................... 4 5 8 Plates, Letter, Design, (See design section) Plates, Letter Hole, Plain 453 Plates, N a m e .................... 4 5 8 Plates, P e r io d ................... 130 Plates, Push, Design, (See design section) Plates, Push, P la i n 473 Plates, S a s h ....................... 4 9 6
Pole Hooks........................ Poles, H angers, S a s h . . . Poles, S a s h ........................ Pottery K n o b s.................. Protected S trikes Pull Down H ooks Pull an d Push Bar Details Pull an d Push B a rs Pull an d Push Bar Lock S e t................................... Pulls, Door, Design, (See design section) Pulls, Door, Hospital Arm Pulls, Door, P la in Pulls, Drawer, Design, (See design section) Pulls, Drawer, Plain. . . . Pulls, Flush, D o o r Pulls, G r i p ........................ Pulls, Sliding D o o r Push an d Pull Bar Details Push B uttons.................... (Also, refer to design section) Push a n d Pull B a rs Push an d Pull Bar Lock S ets................................. Push B a rs.......................... Push Plates, Design, (See design section) Push Plates, P la in Putnam D e sig n ................
Page 496 497 49 6 416 411 496 45 9 46 0 47 0 476 476 516 480 484 480 459 430 460 4 70 460 473 249
Q uadrants. D utch Door . 442 Q u in cy D esig n 204-270
Repairs an d Parts for C y lin d ers..................... 408 Repairs an d Parts for Door C lo sers.............. 545 Revere D esig n ................ 256 Rim Knob L o ck s............ 383 Rim Lock D etails............ 386 Rim Night L atches......... 376 Residence H andle Lock S ets................................ 245 Residence H andle Locks. 340 Rim Strikes...................... 409 Rings, C y lin d er.............. 4 0 7 Rings, D ro p ..................... 4 3 7 Rings, Handles, Drop. . . 4 2 8 Rings, F lu sh ..................... 520 Rockdale D esign ............ 256 Roses.................................. 432 Roswell D esig n . 232-253-273 Roxbury D esig n............. 25 6 Rumford D esig n 196-269 Rutland D e sig n .............. 257
Sales C onditions............. 1 Salem D e s ig n ... 192-249-266 Sample Boards and Blocks............................. 61 San A rdo D e s ig n .. . . 152-257 San A riego D esig n 256 San Bruno D e s ig n ... 154-257 San Carlos D e sig n 156 San Juan Design. . . . 161-258 Sash C e n te rs.................... 513 Sash F asten ers................. 495 Sash Lifts, Bar, Design, (See design section)
Page Sash Lifts, Bar, P la in . . . 492 Sash Lifts, Flush, Design, (See design section) Sash Lifts, Flush, P la in . . 494 Sash Lifts, H o o k 494 Sash Pivots........................ 513 Sash P o les......................... 4 96 Sash Pole H a n g e rs 4 97 Sash Pole H ooks............. 496 Sash Sockets.................... 49 6 Schedules, Suggestions. 48 School House Lock Sets. 126 School House Locks. . . . 354 S creen Door C atches. . . 514 S creen Door C losers. . . . 546 S creen Door Latch Sets . 514 Screwless Spindle Knobs 41 7 Screwless S pin d les 412 Screws, Connecting. 408 Screws, Cylinder Set 408 412 Screws, K n o b ............ Screws, Stop B e a d . . 4 97 Secret G ate Latches. 509 Sectional H andle Locks. 340 Sectional H andle Lock S e t................................... 245 Security, Lock.................. 274 Set Screws, K n o b 412 Sets, C abinet Latch . . . . 509 Shut O u t Keys................. 336 Shutter B utts.................... 528 Shutter K nobs.................. 520 Side Knob S crew s 412 Sliding Door Escutcheons 436 Sliding Door Locks 470 Sliding Door P u lls 480 Sockets, Sash P u ll 496 Specification W r itin g . . . 48 S p acing of L o ck s 277 Spindle N u ts..................... 412 Spindles, C lo se t.............. 412 Spindles, K n o b ................ 412 Spindles, Split K n o b. . . . 412 S pring C onstruction. . . . 279 Springs, A u x iliary 412 Springs, Comp. L o ck . . . 408 Springs, C y lin d er 408 Springs, Door Closer . . , 545 Springs, Extension, Lock 408 Springs, L o c k ................... 4 0 8 Stair Rail B rack ets 522 S tandard F inishes 36 S tandardized L ocks. . . . 280 Stays, Friction.................. 508 Stays, T ran som ................ 504 Stockbridge D e sig n 216-255-270 Stop Bead Screws and W a sh e rs........................ 297 Stops, D o o r....................... 44 9 Stops, Door an d Holder. 4 5 0 Store Door H andles . . . . 245 Store Door Locks 347 Stratford Design 76-246-247-262-265 Strikes, Box, W rou g ht. . 411 Strikes, C rem one B olt. . 444 Strikes, Details, B o lt.. . . 445 Strikes, Fire Exit............. 567 Strikes, Lavatory Bolts. . 5 2 7 Strikes, M easurem ent of. 277 Strikes, L o ck .................... 4 0 9 Strikes, R im ...................... 409 Strikes, Surface B o lt.. . . 4 44 Suggestions, Master K ey in g..................... 399-402 Superior Design. .90-246-247
Page 443 33
Surface B o lts.. Symbol I n d e x .
Tags, K ey.......................... 396 T elephone Booth Door 546 C lo ser..................... Telford D esign ................. 243 Tempelton D e s ig n ... 160-258 Template Locks............... 2 6 0 Theseus D esig n ............... 168 T hresholds......................... 560 Thumb L atches................ 260 Tours D esig n .............. 202-271 Transom Butts.................. 528 Transom, C a tc h e s 510 Transom, C e n te rs 513 Transom, C h a in ............... 512 Transom E y es................... 49 7 Transom Lifters................ 523 Transom O p e r a to r 526 Transom P ivots................ 513 Transom Stays.................. 504 Tunis D esign .................... 172 T urnbuckles or C ase m ent F a ste n e rs 501 Turns, C u p b o a rd 507 Turn K n o b s.................430-518 Turn Knob Discs 408 Turn Knob P la te s 431 Types of Strikes............... 2 7 7 u U nderw riters R eq u ire m e n ts ............................. 276
V enture D esign.......... 271 Verona D e sig n ........... 176 Versailles D esig n ...... 170 Vertical Lfetter C h u te s . . 453 Von Duprin Fire Exit D evices..................... 547 w W akefield Design. . .224-272 W alcott D esign........... 255 W arehouse H a n d le s .. . . 261 W ardrobe Locks........ 391 W a rre n D esig n ......96-247 W ashers, K n o b ........... 412 W estvale D esign........ 248 Window A d ju ste rs.... 502 W indow Casem ent 60 D etails...................... Window, Double H ung D etails...................... 58 V/indow F a ste n e rs 498 Window Lifts.................... 492 W indow L ocks................. 495 W indow Stop S c r e w s ... 4 9 7 W infield D esig n .............. 251 W ingate D e sig n .............. 220 W rought Escutcheon Looksets................... 73 W rought Sectional Locks e ts ............................ 73
York D esign ................ 212-250
Zurick D e sig n ..................
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A Knob E m blem........ 414 A Knob Mounting . . . 415 A Lavatory B olt..........526 AHA Door C lo se r 543 APA “ “ 542 ARA “ “ 542 B Knob Em blem ........ 414 B Knob M ounting. . . 415 B Lavatory Bolt..........526 BCB Door C lo s e r 380 BHA “ “ 543 BPA “ “ 542 BRA “ “ 542 BTB “ “ 546 C Knob E m b le m .. : . . 414 C Knob M ounting. . . 415 C Lavatory Bolt..........526 CCB Door C lo se r 380 CHA “ “ 543 CHS “ “ A r m . . 539 CPA “ “ 542 CRA “ “ 542 CSP “ “ A rm .. 539 D Knob Emblem.........414 D Lavatory S c re w . . . 526 DHA Door C lo se r...........543 DHS Arm. 539 DPA “ ......542 DRA “ ......542 E Knob Emblem 414 E Lavatory Mach. S c re w ....................526 EHA Door C lo ser..543 EHS A r m .. 539 EPA “ ......542 ERA “ “ 549 ESP “ A rm '.' 539 F Knob Emblem 414 F Lavatory W a s h e r .. 526 FHA Door C lo ser..............543 FHS “ Arm. . 539 FPA “ 542 “ “ 549 FRA FSP “ A rm '.' 539 G Knob Em blem .......... 414 G Lavatory W a s h e r .. 526 H Knob Emblem.......... 414 I 414 J 41 4 K 414 L 414 M 414 N 414 O 414 P 414 R 414 S 414 ss Knob M o unting. . . 415 T Knob Emblem 414 U 414 1 Knob W ash er. . . 412 1 Bolt Strike 444 IB Lock S trik e 411 01 Cylinder Ring. . . 407 0 1 UJR Exit Bolt.................. 555 2 Bolt Strike.............. 444 2 Knob S c re w . . . . 412 2PB Lock S trik e 411 02 Cylinder R ing. . . 407 02UJR Exit Bolt.................. 555 3 Bolt Strike.............. 444 3 C Door C loser 541 3D “ “ 541 3E “ “ 541 3F “ “ 541 3PB Lock S trik e 411
03 Cylinder R in g .. . 407 03UJR Exit Bolt............. . 555 4 Bolt S trike......... . 444 4 Door C loser. . . . . 546 4 Shutter K nob. . . . 520 4D Drawer K nob. . . . 520 04 Cylinder Ring. . . 407 04 Door C loser. . . . . 546 04UJR Exit Bolt.......... . 555 04K U JR “ “ ............ . 555 5 Bolt Strike......... . 444 5 Knob Screw . . . 412 5 C y lin d e r............ 406 A5 Lock S trik e. . . . 409 U (1 B 5 409 a u D5 409 u u E 5 409 u a F 5 409 (( u G5 410 U i( H5 410 5C Door C lo s e r... . 540 a u 5D 540 U (( 5E 540 C l u 5F 540 05 Cylinder Ring. . 407 05UJR Exit Bolt............. 555 6 C y lin d e r............ 406 6 Shutter K n o b ... 520 6 Bolt Strike......... 444 6D Drawer K nob... 520 06F Cylinder R in g .. 407 a u 06R 407 06UJR Exit Bolt............. 555 7 C y lin d er............ 406 7 Bolt Strike......... 444 7 Shutter K nob. . . 520 7D Drawer K n o b ... 520 07 Cylinder R ing. . . 407 8 C y lin d er.............. 4 06 U 8 444 8 Shutter K nob. . . . 520 8D Drawer K nob. . . . 520 08 Cylinder Ring. . . 407 9 C y lin d er.............. 406 9 Bolt Strike........... 444 U U 9 520 9D Drawer K n o b .. . . 520 09 Cylinder Ring. . . 4 0 7 10 C y lin d er............ 406 10 Bolt Strike......... 4 4 4 10 Shutter K nob. . . 520 lOE Drawer “ 520 10 W ard rob e Lock. 391 A 10 Lock S trik e. . . . 409 B 10 409 C 10 409 D 10 409 E 10 410 G 10 410 H 10 410 P 10 W ard ro b e Lock. 391 W 10 Strike B o x ......... 410 010 Cylinder Ring. . 407 11 Locker L o ck . . . 393 11 Bolt S trik e......... 4 44 11B Knob Rose......... 432 11B2 Exit Bolt........... 552 O il Knob Rose......... 432 u a O llB 432 0 1 1 B2 Exit Bolts......... 552 0 0 1 1B2 “ “ ......... 552 0 0 0 1 1B2 “ “ ......... 552 P O il Knob Rose......... 432 U U P O llB 432 12 W ard rob e Lock. 391 P 12 391
12 Bolt Strike. . , . 444 12 Shutter K nob.. 520 12B Knob Rose. . . . 432 12BH “ “ . . . . 432 12B2 Exit Bolt......... 552 12D Drawer K n o b .. 520 012 Knob R o s e . .. . 432 012B “ " . . . . 432 P 012 “ “ . . . . 432 P 012B “ “ . . . . 432 12 KB “ “ . . . . 433 13 W ard rob e Lock 391 P 13 391 13 Transom Lifter. 524 13B Knob R o s e .. . . 432 13B2 Exit Bolt........ 552 CP 13 Transom Lifter. 524 PP 13 “ “ . 524 UP 13 “ “ . 524 14 “ “ . 524 14B2 Exit Bolt........... 552 CP 14 Transom Lifter. 524 PP 14 524 “ “ UP 14 “ “ ., 524 1 4K B 2 Exit B o lt.. . . 552 15 C y lin d er............ 406 15A “ ............. 4 06 15B Knob Rose......... 433 15B2 Exit Bolt........... 552 16B2 “ “ ........... 552 016 Knob Rose......... 432 P 316 “ “ ......... 432 17B « “ ......... 433 17K B “ “ ......... 4 3 3 18B “ “ ......... 433 P 319 “ “ ......... 432 20 Night Latch R ep air............ 407 20 Locker L o ck . . . 393 A 2 0 Lock S trik e. . . . 409 B 20 “ “ ___ 409 D 20 “ “ ___ 4 09 E 20 “ “ ___ 4 09 F 20 “ “ . 4 10 G 20 “ “ . . . 4 10 H 20 “ “ ___ 4 1 0 P 20 Locker L o ck . . . 393 W 2 0 Strike B o x ......... 4 10 21 Chest L o c k . . . . 3 94 21 Night Latch R e p a ir............ 4 07 21 L etters................ 4 57 21K “ ................ 4 57 22 Night Latch R e p a ir............ 4 07 22 Turn K n o b ........ 4 30 22 L etters................ 4 57 22 Exit L ock........... 5 64 2 2 f ^ Exit L ock......... 5 64 23 Night Latch R e p a ir............ 4 07 23 Turn K n o b ........ 4 30 23B Knob Rose......... 433 23 Transom L ifter.. 524 CP 23 “ “ .. 524 PP 23 “ “ .. 524 UP 23 “ “ .. 524 P 23 Locker L o ck . . . 393 2 4 Exit L o ck ........... 564 24B Knob Rose......... 433 24 Transom L ifter.. 5 24 CP 24 “ “ .. 524 NL 2 4 Exit L ock........... 565 PP 2 4 Transom L ifter.. 524 UP 24 “ “ .. 524 2 4 K Exit Lock......... 564
, 565 NL Exit ______ Lock. 25 Knob P late ...........412 25 Turn K nob...........4 3 0 25B Knob Rose........... 4 33 25 Transom Lifter.. 5 ^ 4 « “ .. 524 CP 25 i< “ ,. 5 24 PP 25 “ “ . . 524 UP 25 26 Auxiliary Spring 412 430 26 Turn K nob 433 26F Knob Rose 26 Transom Lifter.. 5 2 4 “ “ . . 524 CP 2 6 « “ .. 5 2 4 PP 26 “ “ . . 524 UP 26 27 Spindle N u t.. . . 4 12 433 27F Knob Rose 27 Transom Lifter.. 5 2 4 “ “ .. 5 2 4 CP 2 7 “ .. 5 2 4 PP 27 “ “ 52 4 UP 27 430 28 Turn K n o b 4 33 28B Knob Rose 2 8 Transom L ifte r.. 5 2 4 “ 524 CP 28 “ 524 PP 28 “ “ .. 5 2 4 UP 28 566 29 Exit L a tc h “ “ 5 66 P 29 29B Knob Rose 433 2 9 S p in d le ................. 4 12 2 9 )4 “ 566 29B “ 412 29R Exit L a tc h 5 66 3 0 T urn K n o b 4 30 30F Knob Rose 433 A 3 0 Lock S trik e . . . . 4 0 9 U U B 30 . . 4 09 li « C 30 .. 4 0 9 u u D 30 .. 409 u u E 30 .. 409 u u F 30 .. 4 1 0 U (C G 30 .. 410 a u H 30 .. 410 P SOB S p in d le ................. 412 W 3 0 Strike B o x 410 31 N u m era l 457 31 Locker Lock. . . 3 9 3 31 Lever H a n d le . . 4 2 4 31 “ . . 4 24 31C “ . . 4 24 “ . . 4 24 31C 31F Knob R ose 433 3 I j ^ N u m e ra l 457 32 “ 457 32 L e v e r .....................4 24 32 “ 4 24 32B R o se....................... 433 3 3 Lever H a n d le . . 424 33 S p in d le ................. 412 33 “ 412 33 Lever H a n d le . . 4 2 4 33B S p in d le .................412 33B “ ... 412 33BS “ ::4 1 2 33BS “ 412 33S “ ____ ■ 412 33S “ 412 3 4 Lever H a n d le . . 425 3 4 Transom Lifter 524 CP 34 “ “ .. 52 4 PP 34 “ 52 4 UP 34 “ .. 524 35 Lever H a n d le . . 425 35 Transom L ifter.. 5 24 CP 35 “ .. 5 24
-(B A R R O W S ) -
524 524 425 524 524 524 524 424 524 524 524 524 425 524 524 524 524 425 524 524 524 524 424 424 409 410 410 4 10 4 10 394 412 412 4 24 426 4 57 4 26 426 4 57 426 426 4 26 427 516 516 426 516 516 404 425 516 516 . 391 4 27 516 4 09 410 516 4 10 405 516 426 391 404 391 516 427 4 04 4 27 516 4 04 404 516 425 404 404 404
55 Lever H a n d le .. 425 55 C upb o ard Lock 391 SSL K e y .................... 405 5SLE “ .................... 405 5SLM “ .................... 405 S5LGM “ .................... 40S 56 Lever H a n d le .. 425 57 “ “ .. 427 57Y K e y ...................... 404 58 Lever H a n d le .. 427 58R K e y .................... 404 SBRD “ .................... 4 04 58RE “ .................... 4 04 58RM “ .................... 4 04 58RGM “ .................... 404 59 Lever H a n d le .. 428 59 Drawer L o c k ... 392 P 59 “ “ . . . 392 591 K e y .......................404 60 Lever H a n d le .. 428 W 60 Strike Box 410 61 Lever H a n d le .. 428 61 Draw er L o c k ... 392 61S “ “ 392 62 Lever H a n d le .. 428 63R K e y .......................405 64 Chest Lock. . . . 394 67L K e y ...................... 405 70 In d icato r 412 71 Draw er L o c k ... 392 P 8 1 Locker L o c k ... 393 82 Padlock C hain. 395 P 82 “ “ . 395 83 “ “ . 395 P 83 “ “ 395 88 C&H Hook. . . . ’ 521 89 “ “ 521 89 Desk Lock 394 90 P ad lo c k 395 90MK “ 395 W 90 Strike Box 410 9 0 ^ P ad lo c k 395 90>^MK “ 395 91 Pull P la te 457 91 P adlo ck 395 91MK “ 395 9 1 ^ Push P late. . . . 4 5 7 9 1>^ P adlo ck 395 91KM K “ 395 92 Pull P la te 457 92 P adlo ck 395 92MK “ 395 9 2 ^ Push P la te 457 92 P ad lo ck 395 92>^MK “ 395 93 “ 395 93MK “ 395 93 “ 395 93>^MK “ 395 95 Draw er L o c k ... 392 P 95 “ “ . . . 392 95 Pull P la te 457 9 5 K Push “ 4 57 100 Door Knob. . . 423 100 S p in d le....... 413 100 G r i p .................. 487 P 100 “ 487 W 100 Strike B o x . . . 410 1 0 0 ^ Door Knob. . . 422 1003X “ “ . . . 423 101 S p in d le....... 413 1 0 1 ^ Door Knob. . . 422 1 01 K “ “ ...4 2 2 102 S p in d le....... 413 103 “ 413 109 “ 413
S p in d le .............. 413 W Strike Box . . . 4 10 G r i p ....................488 S p in d le 413 G r i p ....................488 1 1 2 Door Knob. . . 422 112j< “ “ ...4 2 2 113 Transom Lifter 524 CP 113 “ “ 524 PP 113 “ “ 524 UP 113 “ “ 524 114 “ “ 524 CP 114 “ “ 524 PP 114 “ “ 524 UP 114 “ “ 524 114 L o ck ................... 347 P 114 “ 347 114R “ 347 P 114R “ 347 1 Door Knob. . . 422 114J< “ “ ...4 2 2 116 G ate L atch . .. 509 P 116 “ “ . . . 509 118 “ “ ...5 0 9 P 118 “ “ ...5 0 9 120 G r i p ................... 484 120 S p in d le 413 120 Lock S p r in g .. 408 W 120 Strike Box. . . 410 120>^ Door Knob. . . 422 120^ “ “ . . . 422 121 G r i p ................... 484 121 Door Knob. . . 422 U l ^ “ “ ...4 2 2 122 G r i p ................... 484 122 Lock S p r in g .. 408 0122UJr Exit Bolt. . . . 555 0123UJr “ “ 555 0124UJr “ “ _____ 555 NL0124UJr “ “ . . . . 555 124 Door Knob. . . 422 124X “ “ . . . 422 1943/" “ “ 499 125 Lock S pring'.'. 408 127 G r i p ................... 488 0127UJr Exit Bolt. . . . 555 128 G r i p ................... 485 129 “ 485 0129UJr Exit Bolt. . . . 555 0129>^UJr “ “ . . . . 555 0130UJr “ “ . . . . 555 130 Lock S p r in g .. 408 130 S p in d le 413 130 G r i p ....................486 W 130 Strike Box. . . 410 131 G r i p ................... 486 132 Lock S p rin g .. 408 132 G r i p ................... 486 P 132 “ 486 133 “ 487 136 “ 485 137 “ 485 137K “ 485 138 “ 485 139 “ 485 140 S p in d le 413 W 140 Strike B o x. . . 410 140 G r i p ................... 484 P 140 “ 484 140^ “ 484 P 140>^ “ 484 141 L o ck ................... 346 P 141 “ 346 141 G r i p ................... 484 P 141 “ 484 141S p in d le 413
N L O U l U J r ......................... 555 141K G r i p .................. 4 84 142 S p in d le 413 142 G r i p .................484 142>^ “ 484 143 L o ck .................346 P 143 “ 346 143 G r i p .................484 144 “ 484 145 “ 484 W 150 Strike Box. . . 410 156 G r i p .................489 157 “ 489 158 “ 489 160 “ 4 86 P 160 “ 486 161 “ 486 P 161 “ 486 162 L o ck .................348 162R “ 348 163 “ 349 164 “ 349 165 G r i p ................ 488 167 “ 487 167 L o ck ................ 343 167N “ 343 167J^ “ 343 169 296 170 G r i p ................ 48 8 170J^ “ 488 171 “ 488 172 L o c k ................ 349 177 G r i p ................ 487 177 L o ck ................ 340 177N “ 340 177R “ 340 177V “ 341 177VN “ 341 177VR “ 341 “ 340 179 “ 342 179 V “ 342 181 G r i p ................ 489 182 “ 489 182>^ “ 489 183 “ 489 184 “ 486 185 “ 486 190 “ 489 190 “ 490 W 190 Strike B o x . . . 4 1 0 1 9 0 ) 4 K n o ck e r 491 191 G r i p ................ 489 191 K n o ck e r 490 191>^ “ 491 192 G r i p ................ 489 192 K n o ck e r 490 192^^ “ 491 193 G r i p .................489 193 K n o ck e r 490 193^^ “ 491 194}4 “ 491 195 “ 491 197 “ 4 90 198 “ 490 199 “ 4 90 2 00 L atch .................287 P 200 “ 287 W 2 00 Strike Box. . . 410 202 L atch ................. 286 202R “ 286 203 “ 286 P 203 “ 286 203 S p in d le 413 204 “ 413 207 L atch ................. 2 86
110 110 111 111 112
■C B A R R O W S >
287 288 288 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 288 413 566 288 288 524 524 524 524 525 524 524 524 524 566 566 566 566 524 524 524 524 567 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 567 413 289 289 410 558
Page 0 2 3 IX Exit Bolt . . . . 558 558 0 0 2 3 IX “ “ 558 0 0 0 2 3 IX “ “ 558 232X “ “ 558 233X “ “ 558 234X " “ 292 2 34 L atch . .. 558 2 3 4 ^ Exit Bolt 293 235 L a tc h . . . 558 235X Exit Bolt 558 236X “ “ 293 236 L a tc h ... 294 2 37 “ ... 413 2 40 S p ind le. 290 241 L a tc h ... 413 242 Spindle. 567 242L S trik e. . 567 245JA “ .. 567 245JA “ .. 245IA “ .. 567 567 245JA “ .. 567 2451 “ .. 567 247JA “ .. 567 247JA “ ., 567 247JA “ .. 567 247IA “ .. 567 247J “ .. 567 248L “ .. 413 251 Spindle. 567 2 5 IL S trik e.. 567 252L “ .. 413 260 Spindle. 306 261 L ock . . . 306 263 “ ... 267 “ ... 310 567 271U S trik e.. 271 “ .. 567 273 L a tc h ... 290 273R “ ... 290 567 273U S trik e. . 291 274 L a tc h ... 275 “ ... 291 280 “ ... 292 281 “ ... 292 297 287LHLock. . . 297 287RH “ . . . 334 Transom Lifter 524 U 524 CP 334 (( PP 334 524 (( 524 UP 334 (( 524 335 u 524 CP 335 a 524 PP 335 (C 524 UP 335 336 L atc h ... 295 3 36 Transom Lifter 524 u 524 CP 336 u 524 PP 336 u 524 UP 336 295 337 L atch . . . 337 Transom Lifter 524 {( 524 CP 337 u 524 PP 337 u 524 UP 337 295 338 L a tc h ... 338 Transom Lifter 524 u 524 CP 338 u 524 PP 338 a 524 UP 338 295 339 L atch . . . 339 Transom Lifter 524 n 524 CP 339 u 524 PP 339 (( 524 UP 339 320 340 L ock. . . 320 340N “
340R Lock 340V “ 340VN “ 340VR “ 3A 0}4 “ 340^^N “ 340>^N “ 342 342R “ 3 4 2 >^R “ 345 Latch 345R 346 346R 347 Lock 350 350N “
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 5 0 )4 “ 352 .. 378 .. 421 .. 421 .. 4 2 IR “ .. 4 2 IR “ ,. 4 2 IRS “ .. 4 2 IRS “ .. 423 .. 423MK “ ., 423R “ .. 423RMK" .. 427 .. 427 .. 427R “ .. 427R “ .. 427RS “ .. 427RS “ .. 445 .. 445R “ .. 445V “ .. 445VR “ .. 445 k :v “ .. 446 .. 446V “ .. 448 .. 448V “ .. 461 Lock .. 461 .. 461V “ .. 461V “ .. 463 .. 463 .. 463V “ .. 463V “ .. 471 .. 471 .. 471V “ .. 471V “ .. 473 .. 473 .. 473V “ .. 473V “ .. 482 Door P u ll. . . , (( 482 .. (( 485 .. U 485 .. u 486 .. u 486 .. a 488 .. 490 Lock .. 490R “ .. 491 .. 491R “ .. 492 .. 492R “ .. 492V “ .. 492VR “
Page 3 20 321 321 321 320 320 320 320 320 320 295 295 295 295 3 27 319 3 19 319 319 327 298 297 298 297 298 297 298 298 298 298 300 300 300 300 300 300 314 314 315 315 316 317 317 318 318 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312 313 313 313 313 313 313 313 313 480 480 480 480 480 4 80 480 352 352 352 352 350 350 351 351
P age
493 L o c k ..................3 50 493R “ ................ 3 5 0 495 “ ................ 3 4 4 495R “ ................ 3 4 4 495V “ ................ 345 495VR “ ................ 345 5 0 0 Door Knob, . . 422 0500X “ “ . . . 42 2 5 0 0 3 /i “ “ . . . 422 0 5 0 0 ^ “ “ . . . 422 510 “ “ ...4 2 2 0510 “ “ . . . 422 510>< “ “ . . . 422 0510X “ “ ...4 2 2 5 1 0 j< “ “ ...4 2 2 0510K" “ “ • • • 422 523 L o ck ..................2 99 523MK “ ................ 2 9 9 523R “ 299 523RMK“ 2 99 523RS “ 299 5 27 “ 3 00 527R “ 300 532 “ 3 70 0 53 2 “ 370 P 532 “ 370 533 “ 370 0 53 3 “ 370 P 533 “ 3 70 5 34 “ 370 5 40 “ 322 540V “ 323 5 40^^ “ 322 542 “ 322 544 “ 36 6 545 “ 366 5 46 “ 3 66 547 “ 366 554 “ 377 554N “ 377 555 “ 377 555N “ 377 564 “ 338 5 6 4 K “ ...................3 38 565 “ 3 38 565 K “ ...................3 38 574 “ 3 33 P 601 “ 301 605 K ey ..................40 3 605M “ 40 3 606 “ 403 606M “ 4 03 611V Exit Bolt 55 6 0611V “ “ ............55 6 0 0 6 1 IV “ “ ............5 56 000611V “ “ ............5 56 612V “ “ .. 5 5 6 613V “ “ ............5 56 614V “ “ ............5 56 614K V “ 556 615 K ey 403 615M “. . ' ■ ■ ■ 403 615V “. . ..............556 616 403 616M “ .............: : ; 4 0 3 616 Exit B o l t , , . . 556 617M Key, . 40^ 617M “ 403 P 621 L o c k .. 301 P 623 30 P 623MK “ ......... on I p 631 “ ; ; ; ......... P 633 “ ■ ■ ■ ■ qno P 633M “ in o 635 K e y .;; aqo 635M “ ........ : ; ; ;
--------------------( B A R R O W S ) ------------ ------
NUMERICAL INDEX, C o n t Page 636 K ey ................ . 403 636M “ ................ . 403 637 “ ................ . 403 P 637 L o ck .............. . 307 6 37 K ey ................ . 403 703 L ock.............. . 305 703M “ .............. . 305 71 lU Exit B o l t . . . . . 553 712U “ “ . . . . . 553 713U “ “ . . . . . 553 714U “ “ . . . . . 553 714K U “ “ . . . . . 553 715U “ “ . . . . . 553 716U “ “ . . . . . 553 0722U Jr “ “ . . . . . 555 0724UJr “ “ . . . . . 555 NL0724UJr “ “ . . . . . 555 0730U Jr “ “ . . . . . 555 NL0741UJr “ “ . . . . . 555 7 90 A Key T a g s . . . . 396 790B “ “ . . . . 396 790BL “ “ . . . . 396 790G “ “ . . . . 396 790R “ “ . . . . 396 791A “ “ . . . . 396 791B “ “ . . . . 396 791BL “ “ . . . . 396 791G “ “ . . . . 396 791R “ " . . . . 396 795A “ “ . . . . 396 795B “ “ . . . . 396 N 795A “ “ . . . . 396 N 795B “ “ . . . . 396 N 795BL “ “ . . . . 396 N 795G “ “ . . . . 396 N 795R “ “ . . . . 396 796A “ “ . . . 3 96 796B “ “ . . . 396 N 796A “ “ . . . 3 96 N 796B " “ . . . 396 N 796BL “ “ . . . 3 96 N 796G “ “ . . . 3 96 N 796R “ « ... 396 800 Thumb Latch 2 6 0 P 800 “ 260 801 L o ck .............. 301 803 “ .............. 301 803MK “ .............. 301 804MK “ .............. 362 8 10 Butt................ 528 8 1 1 W Exit B olt. . . . 5 57 812 Butt................ 528 8 1 2 W Exit B olt. . . . 557 813W “ “ . . . . 557 814 B utt.................. 52 8 814 L o ck ................ 332 8 1 4 W Exit B olt......... 5 57 8 1 4 ^ W “ “ ......... 557 815W “ “ ......... 5 5 7 8 1 6W “ “ ......... 557 8 20 Butt.................. 528 822 “ .................. 529 BB 822 “ .................. 5 29 824 “ .................. 529 BB 8 2 4 “ .................. 529 P 8 25 “ .................. 529 827 L o ck................ 3 0 7 831 “ ................ 302 8 3 IR “ ................ 302 832 Butt.................. 5 30 833 L o ck ................ 302 833MK “ ................ 302 833R “ ................ 302 833RMK“ ................ 302 834 B utt.................. 530 835 “ .................. 530
Page Page Page 943 Lock......... . . 354 1223B2x2670 83 7 L o ck ......... . . . 307 943MK t( . . 354 Exit Bolt, . . . 552 84 0 Butt........... . . . 530 a 944 .. 383 1124B2 “ “ . . . , 552 841 L o ck ......... . . . 306 ti 944RB . . 383 NL 1124B2 “ “ . , . . 552 843 “ ......... . . . 306 a 945 . . 383 1127B2 “ “ . . . . 552 843MK “ ......... . . . 306 945RB u . , 383 1129B2 “ “ . . . . 552 851 “ ......... . . . 303 950 Latch........ . . 382 1 1 2 9 > ^ B 2 “ “ . . . . 552 853 “ ......... . . . 303 (( 950RB . . 382 1130B2 “ “ . . . . 552 853MK “ ......... . . . 303 (( 952 . . 382 1131 L o ck ........... . 365 855 “ ......... . . . 3 3 4 a U 952RB . . 382 1132 . 365 855DK " ......... . . . 334 U 953 Lock......... . . 355 1133 . 365 855EK “ ......... . . . 334 U U 366 953H . . 355 1141 8 60 “ ......... . . . 358 a 953MK . . 355 NL 1141B2 Exit B o lt... . 552 8 60 Bolt........... . . . 446 953H M K “ ......... . . 355 L o ck ........... 366 1142 “ ........... . . . 446 P 8 60 (C U 9 54 366 . . 382 1143 8 6 0 K “ ........... . . . 4 4 6 11 U 955 . 364 . . 335 1150 P 8 6 0 } 4 “ ........... . . . 4 46 ^ . 492 u u 1524J^ . 492 u . 492 1524j< a u 1524j< u . 492 u u 1525 . 492 u u , 492 1525
P age
P age
p p
p p p
p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
p p p p p p p p
1525W Sash L ift... U 1525>^ u u 1526 u u 1526 1526x22 Turn Knob 0 1526x22 “ “ 1526x23 “ “ 01526x23 “ “ 1526x25 “ “ 01526x25 “ “ 1526x26 “ “ 0 15 26x26 “ “ 1527 Sash Lift. . . . » a 1527 U li 1528 u u 1528 (1 u 1529 1529 1530 Turn Knob. Escutcheon 01530 Sash Lift. . . . 1531 U U 1540 u u 1540 a u 1542 u a 1546 (( u 1546 u u 0 15 4 6 a a 01546 u 0 1546W u a 01546>^ u u u 1547 a u 1547 1550 H a n g e r......... U 1550 01551 Sash Lift. . . . U U 01551 (i (I 1553 u a .1553 1560 S ocket.......... a 1560 u 1563 u 1563 (I 1566 u 1566 u 1567 a 1567 1571 H ook........... (( 1571 (( 1572 U 1572 1601 Escutcheon « 1601B 1602 ti 1602B U 1603 (( 1603B 1603 B r a c k e t.. . . U 1603 1604 Escutcheon il 1604B 1604 B ra c k e t.. . . U 1604 U 1605 u 1605 u 1606 « 1606 a 1607 » 1608 u 1609 « 1610 a 1614 u 1614 u 1614^^
\Q IA } 4
1616 1616
S top ............ ii
492 492 492 492 431 431 431 431 431 431 431 431 492 492 4 93 493 493 493 431 4 29 493 4 94 494 494 4 94 494 494 494 494 494 494 494 4 97 4 97 494 494 494 494 4 96 496 4 96 496 4 96 4 96 4 96 4 96 496 496 496 496 436 436 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 36 522 522 436 4 36 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 522 449 449
1617 1617 le n y i
P P 5
4 49 4 49 449 4 49 449 449 449 449 P u ll............. 5 17 a 5 17 5 17 517 5 17 . 517 . 517 . 517 . 51 7 H ook ........... . 521 . 521 . 521 . 521 P u ll............. . 4 7 7 U . 477 . 477 H oo k ........... . 521 U . 521 P u ll.............. . 4 7 7 U . 477 u . 477 . 477 . 477 u . 477 u . 477 H ook........... . 521 it . 521 P u ll.............. . 4 7 7 H oo k........... . 521 a . 521 C a se Fast. . 4 9 8 a a . 498 a u . 498 u u . 498 u u . 498 ^ 1626>^ 1627 1644 1644 1645 1645 1647 1649 1649 1652 1652 1653 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1658 1658 1659 1659 1660 1685M 1685R 16853 1685M 1685R 1685S 1686 1687M 1687R 1687S 1687M 1687R 1687S 1688 1689 1689M 1689R 1689S 1689M 1689R 1689S 1691 1691M 1691R 1691S 1691M 1691R 1691S 1692 1693M 1693R 1693S 1693M 1693R 1693S 1694 a 1695 1695M C ase Fast,
. 499
< B A R R O W S )-
lUMERICAL INDEX. C on t. 499 499 4 99 4 99 499 437 437 499 4 99 4 99 499 499 499 437 520 4 95 495 520 495 495 520 495 495 , 495 , 495 . 495 , 495 . 520 . 520 . 495 , 495 . 508 . 508 . 508 , 508 . 508 . 508 , 508 , 552 . 552 . 552 . 552 . 552 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 500 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 513 . 513 . 513 . 513 . 513 . 513 . 513 . 513
P age
P age
511 511 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 503 503 503 503 503 505 506 506 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 504 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 3 84 3 84 3 84 384 384 384 384 518 518 519 2101}{ 519 2101K 518 2111X 518 2111^ 2112 519 519 2112^ 518 2113K 518 2113H Lockset. 261 2 11 4 2 1 1 4 ^ Draw er Knob 519 519 2114J< “ 518 2 1 1 5 )4 “ 518 2 1 1 5 3 /i “ 518 2116X “ 518 2116K “ 518 2120^ “ 518 2120K “ “ 519 2124}4 “ 519 2124K Lockset 261 2162 567 2243L S trik e “ 567 2244J 567 2 24 4 567 2244J ^ 26200 P 26200 RF 2 6 2 0 0 PRF26200 2 63 4 0 2 6340V 26421 P 26421 RF 26421 PRF26421 26461 P 26461 PRF26601 P 26637 PRF26637 26801 RF 26801 26831 RF 26831 26837 RF 2 6 8 3 7 27002 27002 27011 27012 27022 27023 27025 27103 27103^ S 27162 S 27177 27193 27200 RF 2 7 2 0 0 S 27340 S 2 73 4 0 V 27390 27507 27801 RF 27801 27831 RF 27831 27833 RF 2 7 8 3 3 27837 RF 2 7 8 3 7 28 00 2 P 2 80 0 2 2 80 0 2 K' P 28002X 2 80 0 5 P 2 80 0 5 2801 2 P 2801 2 28 0 2 2 P 28022 28 0 2 3 P 28 02 3
Door P u ll. . L o ck se t.. . . (( U U “
Door Knob. u
E scutcheon L e v e r .......... a
Escutcheon U (C
L atchset. . . “ ... 11 u
L o c k s e t.. . . a u u li u u u u ii 11 u (I ii a ii ii
Door Knob. U
R o s e ............ (i
T urn Knob. U
Cyl. P l a t e . . E scutcheon L o c k se t.. . . 11
K n o c k e r .. . L atchset. . . ii
L ockset. . . . a B u tto n........ Escutcheon L o c k se t.. . . (( (( a ii ii a
Door K n o b . « « « « « u E scutcheon Rose. . . T urn Knob “ a «
Page 97 97 96 96 96 96 96 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 252 252 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
--------------------(B A R R O W S ) --------------------
NUMERICAL INDEX, C ont. 28031 L e v e r......... U P 28031 28103 Escutcheon (( P 28 1 03 28200 Latchset. . . U P 28 2 0 0 (( RF 2 8 2 0 0 ii RF28P200 U PRF28200 28340 L o c k se t... . 28340xRF “ ,... a 28340V 28340VxRF “ 2 83 9 0 B uttons. . . . 28421 L o ck se t.. . . U L 28421 U L 28P421 u P 28421 (I PL 28421 u RF 28421 u RF28P421 11 PRFL28421 u 28471 28471xRF “ .... u P 28471 28507 Escutcheon P 28507 P 28601 L o ck se t.. . . (I PRF28601 U RF28P601 ^ u R F P 2 86 3 7 K a 28801 a RF 28801 u 28837 u RF 2 8 8 3 7 a 2 8 8 3 7^ ^ RF 28837>^ 2 9 0 0 2 ^ Door Knob. a u P 29 0 0 2 X U li PD 2 9 0 0 2 X 29 00 5 Escutcheon U P 29005 29031 L e v e rs. . . . a P 29031 29101 Escutcheon U P 29101 u 2 91 0 3 (( P 291 0 3 29200 Latchset. . . a P 29 2 0 0 a PD 2 9 2 0 0 29 34 0 L o ck se t... . i( 29340V a L 29421 i( PL 29421 2 94 4 7 Push P la t e . U U P 29 4 4 7 29461 Lockset. . . . (( P 29461 (( PD 29461 U P 29601 ^ 105 a RF30P637>^ 105 u 30801 105 u RF 30801 105 u 30837 105 11 RF 3 0 8 3 7 105 (( 30837>^ 105 u RF 30837>^ 105 31 00 2 Door Knob. 106 u a P 31 0 02 106 U Cl 106 31002X a u P 31002X 106 31 00 5 Escutcheon 106 U P 31005 106 31031 L e v e rs. . . . 106 a P 31031 106 31 1 0 3 Escutcheon 106 U P 31 1 0 3 106 (( 106 31103K Latchset. . . 107 31 2 0 0 (1 P 31200 107 U RF 3 1 2 0 0 107 (( RF31P200 107 li PRF31200 107 31340 L o c k se t.. . . 107 31340xRF “ . . . . 107 (I 31340V 107 31340VxRF “ . . . . 107 U 31421 107 U L 31421 107
103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 102
103 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 102
103 103 102 102 102 102 102
P age
RF 31421 Lockset . . . « P 31421 a PRF31421 (( RF31P421 u L 31P421 u PL 31421 11 31471 u P 31471 P 31471xRF “ .... u P 31601 u PRF31601 u RF31P601 u P 31637 u PRF31637 il RF31P637 u P 31637K u P R F 3 16 3 7 K u RF31P637K u 31801 u RF 31801 u 31 8 3 7 11 RF 3 1 8 3 7 n 31837>^ a RF 31 8 37 ^^ 32002 Door Knob. li li P 32002 l( C( 32002^ a u P 32002X 32 00 5 Escutcheon P 32 00 5 32025 Cyl. P l a t e . . 32031 L e v e r ......... U P 32031 li 32101 li P 32101 32103 Escutcheon U P 321 0 3 S 32162 L o ck se t... . 3 21 7 7 3 22 0 0 Latchset. . . « P 322 00 li RF 3 22 0 0 11 PRF32200 li RF32P200 3 23 4 0 L o ck se t,., . 32340xRF “ .... a 32340V 32340VxRF “ .... a 32421 i( L 32421 a P 32421 11 PL 32421 li RF 32421 (( PRF32421 li RF32P421 u L 32P421 a 32461 32461 xRF “ .... 11 P 32461 a P 32601 li PRF32601 li RF32P601 a P 32 6 3 7 u PRF 32 6 37 a RF32P637 li P 32637>^ u PRF32637>^ RF 32P637>^ “ .... u 32801 ii RF 32801 u 32837 u RF 3 2 8 3 7 li 32 83 7 ^^ (( RF 3 2 8 3 7 K
107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 434 108 108 108 108 108 108 253 253 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
33002 P 33002 33005 P 33005 33031 P 33031 33103 P 33103 S 33162 S 33177 33200 P 33200 RF 33200 PRF33200 RF33P200 33421 L 33421 L 33P421 P 33421 PL 33421 RF 33421 PRF33421 RF33P421 33340
Door K n o b . 110 a
L e v e r ......... n o
Escutcheon n o
L ockset. . . . 252
Latchset, . . 111 li (I U U
Lockset. . . .
Escutcheon n o
(( li il (I U U li a
a 33340V 33340VxRF “ u 33461 33461xRF “ 33461
.... ....
P 33461xRF “ . . . . li P 33601 u PRF33601 li RF33P601 u P 33637 a PRF33637 (1 RF33P637 (1 P 33637K u PRF33637i^ li RF33P637X li 33801 li RF 33801 11 33837 u RF 33837 Cl 33837K u RF 3 3 8 3 7 } ^ 34002 Door Knob. Cl il P 34002 34005 Escutcheon a P 34005 34025 Cyl. P l a t e . . 34031 L e v e r......... (( P 34031 34101;^ B a r .............. 34102K 34101 K D “ ............ 34103 Escutcheon 11 P 34103 34162 L o ck set. . . . {{ S 34162 U S 34177 34200 L atchset. . . ii P 34200 Cl TF 34200 cc PTF34200 li TF34P200 34340 L o c k se t.. . . 34340xTF “ . . . . Cl 34340V 34340VxTF “
34421 L 34421 P 34421 PL 34421 TF 34421 L 34421
Cl ii Ci a a li
111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 434 112 112 471 471 471 112 112 265 253 253 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113
113 113 113 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 112 112
113 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 114 114 252 252 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 117
36 2 0 0 362 0 0 362 0 0 3621 0 3 62 2 0 36 34 0 36340V 36 3 4 0 36340V 36340 36340V 363 7 8 36 50 7 P 36 50 7 PA 36601 PB 36601 PC 36601 PRF36601 PTF36601 PYF36601 PA 366 3 7 PB 366 3 7 PC 366 3 7 A 36801 B 36801 C 36801 J 36801 RF 36801 TF 36801 YF 36801 A 368 2 7 B 36827 C 36 82 7 A 36831 B 36831 C 3683 3 B 368 33 C 36831 A 36833 C 36835 A 3 68 3 7 B 36 8 3 7 C 36837 J 36837>^ S 36837>^ C 36853 C 36873 C 36 8 7 7 A 36 9 7 7 B 369 7 7 C 369 7 7 C 36 98 7 37001
L atch set. . . “ ... “ ... “ ...
117 117 117 117 117 L o ck se t.. 116 116 117 117 117 117 117 Escutcheon 116 U 116 L o ck se t.. . . 116 117 117 124 124 124 116 117 117 116 117 117 124 124 124 124 116 117 117 116 117 116 117 117 117 117 116 117 117 125 125 117 117 117 116 117 117 117 Door K nob.118- -418 Door 37002 Knob. 118- 4 1 8 37011 Rose ........... 118 37022 Turn Knob. 118 II U 37 02 3 118 3 70 2 5 Cyl. P ld te .. 118 37031 L e v e r......... 118 A 3 72 0 0 Latchset. . . 118 U B 37200 118 B 37340 L o ck se t.. . . 118 B 37340V 118 A 37421 118 B 37421 118 3 75 0 7 Escutcheon 118 A 37801 L o ck se t.. . . 118 B 37801 118 A 3 78 2 7 118 B 37827 118 B 37831 118 A 3 78 3 3 118 A 37 8 3 7 118 B 37 8 3 7 118
P age
37977 37977 3 80 0 2 38011 38012B 38012B 38 02 2 38023 38025 38031 38200 38340 38340V 38421 38507 38801 3 88 2 7 38831 3 88 3 7 3 89 7 7 39002 39011 39022 39023 39 02 5 39031 39200 39340 3 9340V 39421 39507 39801 39827 39831 39837 39977 4 0 0 0 1 )4
40010^ 40011 40022 4 00 2 3 40 02 5 40031 40200 40340 4 0340V 40421 40421 40507 40801 40831 4083 3 40837 41001K 41010^ 41011 41022 4 10 2 3 41 02 5 41031 41200 41340 41340V 41421 41421 41507 41801 41831 41833 41837
L o c k s e t.... 118
P aga
4 2 0 0 1 Door Knob. 4 1 8 “ . . . . 118 6 11 2 2 V Exit D evice 5 5 6 (I a Door 556 6 11 2 3 V K n o b . 119-418 61123V x2660 R o s e ............... 119 Exit Bolt 566 6 1 123V x2668 “ 432 “ 432 Exit Bolt 5 66 6 11 23V x2670 Turn Knob. 119 566 Exit Bol “ .1 1 9 a u 6 1 1 24 V 5 56 CyL P la te .. 119 u u NL 61 12 4 V 556 L e v e r............ 119 u u 61 12 7 V 556 L atch se t. . . 119 u u 6 11 2 9 V 556 L o c k se t.. . . 119 6 1 1 2 9 > ^ V ‘‘ 556 “ . . . . 119 U (( 5 56 61 13 0 V “ . . . . 119 u u NL 611 4 1V 556 Escutcheon 119 u u 6172 2 V 5 56 L o ck se t.. . . 119 u u 6172 4 V 556 “ . . . . 119 u a 556 “ . . . . 119 NL 61 72 4 V u a 6 17 3 0 V 556 “ . . . . 119 u u 556 “ . . . . 119 NL 61741V u a 7 11 2 2 U 553 K n o b . . 120-418 u u 7 1123U 5 53 R o se...............120 u u 71 12 4 U 553 Turn Knob. 120 u u 553 “ “ . 120 NL 71 1 2 4U u u 7 11 2 7 U 553 Cyl. P la te .. 120 u u 7 1129U 5 53 L e v e r ............ 120 71129W U “ 5 53 L a tc h s e t.. . 120 u u 71130U 553 L o c k s e t.... 120 « a 7117 2 U 5 53 u u “ . . . . 120 71722U 553 “ . . . . 120 u u 7 1724U 553 Escutcheon 120 u a NL 71724U 553 L o c k s e t.... 120 a i( 71730U 553 “ . . . . 120 NL 7 1 7 4 1 U a i( 5 53 “ . . . . 120 8 02 1 6 Latchset .. 3 8 0 “ . . . . 120 P 80 2 7 3 U .. 260 .. 120 8 1 1 2 2 W Exit Bolt 557 Door u 81123W u 557 Knob. 121- -418 u u 81124W 557 Drawer « NL 8 1 1 2 4 W u 557 K no b . . . . 121 U t{ 81127V / 557 R o se........... 121 81129W 557 Turn Knob. 121 81129K W 557 121 81130W 557 Cyl. P la t e . . 121 NL 8 1 1 4 1 W 557 L e v e r ......... 121 81722W 557 Latchset. . . 121 81724W 557 L o ck se t.. . . 121 NL 8 1 7 2 4 W 557 121 81730W 557 121 NL 8 1 7 4 1 W 557 121 91122U 554 Escutcheon 121 9 11 2 3 U 554 L o ck se t.. . . 121 9 11 2 4 U 554 121 NL 91124U 554 121 9 1127U 554 121 91129U 554 Door 91129K U 554 K n o b .12 2 -4 1 8 91130U 554 Drawer NL 911 4 1U 554 K n o b .. .. 122 9 11 7 2 U 5 54 R o se 122 91291 Lock. Turn Knob. 122 3 69 9 12 9 2 “ “ .122 369 91 29 3 Cyl. P la t e . . 122 369 91722U L ever. . . t Bolt 122 5 54 91724U Latchset. 122 554 L o ck se t.. 122 NL 91724U 554 91730U 122 5 54 NL 91741U 122 5 54 101002 122 Door Knob. 153 P 101002 Escutcheon 122 153 L o ck se t.. . . 122 101004 Escutchec 153 122 P 101004 153 122 101004K 153 122 101005 153
< B A R R O W S )-
I N P age
153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 257 2 57 153 152 152 152 152 152 153 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 153 153 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 434 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 2 57 257 155 154
P age
102421 L 102421 P 102421 P L 102421 102449 102450 102451 102507 p 102507 p 102601 p 102637 p 102801 102827 P 102827 102831 102977 103002 P 103002 103004 P 103004 103004K 103005 103011 P 103012 103022 P 103022 103023 P 103023 103025 103025K 103033K P 103033 103103 P 103103 103103 103118 1 0 3 1 18C 103124 1 03124C 103193 103200 P 103200 P 1 03 P 20 0 103340 103340V 103390 103421 L 103421 P 103421 P L 103421 103449 103450 103451 103507 P 103507 P 103601 P 103637 103801 103827 103827 103831 103977 104002 104002 104004 104005 104025 104033>^ 104033 104103 104103 104103K 104103 104118 1 0 4 1 18C 104124
L o c k se t...
a (I
(( Push Plate Letter Plate u
Escutcheon Lockset.
Door Knob U
Escutcheon U U
u R o s e ......... U
Turn Knob a u
a (I
Cyl. Plate. a
L ever. . . . E scutcheon H inge Plate “ ■ “ “ K no ck er. L atchset. L o c k se t.. U
B u tto n ... L o ck se t..
Push Plate . Letter Plate “ Escutcheon Lockset.
Door Knob U
Escutcheon Cyl. P l a t e . . L e v e r ......... “ Escutcheon “ H inge Plate “ “
154 154 154 154 155 155 155 155 155 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 156 156 156 156 156 157 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159
S S S s s s s s
o n t . P age
P age
H inge Plate 159 L o ck se t.. . . 2 56 2 56 K nocker. . . 159 L o ck se t... . 158 U 158 B u tto n ........ 159 Latchset. . . 158 a 158 iC 158 L o ck se t.. . . 158 U 158 u 158 11 158 Push P la t e . 159 Letter Plate 159 (( U 159 L o ck se t.. , . 158 U 158 a 158 11 158 u 158 a 158 a 158 L o ck se t.. . . 2 58 U 258 Button........ 160 L ockset. . . . 2 58 U 258 Button........ 160 L o ckset.. . . 258 a 258 B utton........ 160 K n o c k e r. . . 160 H inge Plate 160 a a 160 Knocker. . . 160 111002 Door Knob. 161 a a 161 111002 111010 W Drawer K n o b .. . . 161 111011 R o se............ 161 U 111012 161 111022 Turn Knob. 161 U U 111023 161 111033 W L e v e r ......... 161 111118 H inge Plate 161 U U 1 11118C 161 u u 111124 161 u a 1 11124C 161 L o ck se t.. . . 258 111162 11 111177 2 58 111193 K n o ck e r. . . 161 111390 B utton........ 161 111507 Escutcheon 161 112162 L o ck se t.. . . 2 57 « 112177 2 57 U 113162 248 u 113177 248 (( 114162 256 u 114177 256 u 115162 256 a 115177 256 116025 Cyl. P late'.'. 4 3 4 116162 L ockset. . . . 2 5 6 U 116177 256 U 117162 256 u 117177 256 u 118162 2 57 u 118177 2 57 u 130162 2 59 a 130177 2 59 131001 Door Knob. 4 2 0 131162 Lockset. . . . 259 u 131177 2 59 132162 2 59
S 132177 Lockset . . . 2 59 S 133162 “ . . . . 259 S 133177 “ . . . . 259 134001 V i Door K n o b .1 6 2 -4 2 0 1 34010W Drawer K n o b .. .. 162 134011 R o se............162 Turn Knob. 162 134022 « “ . 162 134023 134025 Cyl. P la t e . . 162 Latchset. . . 162 134220 Lockset. . . . 162 134340 “ . . . . 162 134340V 134507D Escutcheon 162 134827 L o c k s e t.... 162 134831 “ . . . . 162 “ . . . . 162 134833 134977 “ . . . . 162 135001 Door K n o b .1 6 3 -4 2 0 135010>^ Drawer K n o b .. .. 163 135011 R o se........... 163 135022 T urn Knob. 163 “ “ . 163 135023 CyL P la te .. 163 135025 L atch set. . . 163 135220 L ockset. . . . 163 135340 135340V “ . . . . 163 135507D Escutcheon 163 135827 L o c k s e t.... 163 135831 “ . . . . 163 “ . . . . 163 135833 “ . . . . 163 135977 1 3 6 0 0 2 Door Knob. 164 1 3 6 0 1 0 j^ Drawer K n o b . . . . 164 136011 R ose............164 T urn Knob. 164 136022 “ “ . 164 136023 136025 Cyl. P la t e .. 164 L atchset. . . 164 136220 Lockset___ 164 136340 “ . . . . 164 136340V 136507D Escutcheon 164 L o c k s e t.... 164 136827 “ . . . . 164 136831 136833 “ . . . . 164 “ . . . . 164 136977 137001 V i Door K n o b .1 6 5 -4 2 0 137002 Door K n o b .1 6 5 -4 2 0 137002 W Door K n o b .1 6 5 -4 2 0 137003 Door K n o b .1 6 5 -4 2 0 137010^^ Drawer Knob 165 137011 R ose............165 165 137013 137015 165 137022 T urn Knob. 165 137023 “ “ . 165 137025 Cyl. P la te .. 165 A 137220 L a tc h s e t.. . 165 B 137220 “ . . . 165 B 137340 L o c k s e t.... 165 B 137340V “ . . . . 165 137507 E scutcheon 165 A 137827 L o c k s e t.... 165 B 137827 “ . . . . 165 A 137831 “ . . . . 165 B 137831 “ . . . . 165 A 137833 “ . . . . 165
1 04124C S 104162 S 104177 104193 104340 104340V 104390 104200 P 104200 P 10 4 P 2 0 0 104421 L 104421 P 104421 P L l 04421 104449 104450 104451 P 104601 P 104637 P 104801 104827 P 104827 104831 104977 S 105162 S 105177 105390 S 106162 S 106177 106390 S 107162 S 107177 107390 108193 109118 109125 109193
-------------------- CB A R R O W S ) -------------------
B 137833 Lockset. . . . A 137977 (C B 137977 138002 W Door Knob. a a 138002K 138004 Escutcheon a 138005 138031 L e v e r......... 138101 Escutcheon 138102 a 138103 138210 Latchset. .. U 138220 (I 138230 138340 L ockset.. . . 138340V 138390 Button........ L 138421 Lockset. . . . Push P la te . 138447 U U 138453 138527 Sash L ift... 138532 L o ck set... . 138533 138546 Sash Lift. . . 138647 Door Pull. . (( U 138653 138827 Lockset. . . . (( 138831 U 138833 u 138853 (( 138873 u 138877 u 138890 u 138890V a 138973 (C 138977 u 138987 u 138990 1 3 9 0 0 2 X Door Knob. 1 3 9 0 0 2 “ “ . 139004 Escutcheon ii 139005 139031 L e v e r......... 139101 Escutcheon H 139102 11 139103 139210 Latchset. . . (( 139220 a 139230 139340 L o ck se t.. . . a 139340V 139390 B utton........ L 139421 L o ck se t... . Letter Plate 139452 Push P la te . 139453 U (( 139455 « a 139456 139527 Sash Lift. . . L o ck se t.. . . 139532 ii 139533 Sash L ift... 139546 139653 Door P u ll. . a ii 139655 ii a 139656 L o ck se t.. . . 139827 ii 139831 ii 139833 ii 139853 ii 139873 il 139877 ii 139890 ii 139890V il 139973 ii 139977 a 139987 ii 139990
165 165 165 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 166 167 166 167 167 167 166 166 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 168 168 168 168 168 169 168 169 169 169 169 169 168 168 169 169 169 169 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168
140002 54’ Door Knob. a u 140002 140005 Escutcheon 140031 L e v e r......... 140101 Escutcheon U 140102 u 140103 140210 Latchset. . . ii 140220 (I 140230 • 140340 L o ck se t... . 140340V 140390 B utton........ L 140421 L o ck se t.. . . 140449 Push P la te . 140532 L o ck se t.. . . ii 140533 140546 Sash L ift... 140649 Door Pull. . 140827 Lockset. . . . U 140831 U 140833 u 140853 u 140873 (I 140877 a 140890 u 140890V ii 140973 u 140977 u 140987 u 140990 141002 Door Knob. u u 141002 141004 Escutcheon ii 141005 141031 L e v e r......... 141101 Escutcheon « 141102 141103 “ 141103^^ “ 141210 Latchset. . . il 141220 il 141230 141340 L ock set., . . ii 141340V 141390 Button........ L 141421 Lockset. . . . 141450 Letter Plate u a 141451 ii i( 141452 141453 Push P la te . il ii 141454 141527 Sash L ift... 141532 L ock set... . (( 141533 141546 Sash L ift... 141653 Door Pull. . 11 ii 141654 141827 Lockset. . . . il 141831 U 141833 il 141853 ii 141873 il 141877 il 141890 11 141890V ii 141973 i( 141977 il 141987 ii 141990 142002 5^ Door Knob. il il 142002 142004 Escutcheon 142005 142031 L e v e r......... 142101 Escutcheon
171 171 171 171 171 171 171 170 170 170 170 170 171 170 171 170 170 171 171 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 172 172 172 172 172 173 172 173 173 173 173 173 173 172 172 173 173 173 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 175 175 175 175 175 175
P age
142102 142103 142210 142220 142230 142340 142340V 142390 142421 142450 142451 142452 142453 142456 142527 142532 142533 142546 142653 142656 142827 142831 142833 142853 142873 142877 142890 142890V 142973 142977 142987 142990 1430025^ 143002 143004 143005 143031 143101 143102 143103 143210 143220 143230 143340 143340V 143390 143421 143449 143450 143451 143452 143454 143532 143533 143527 143546 143649 143654 143827 143831 143833 143853 143873 143877 143890 143890V 143973 143977 143987 143990 144002X 144002 144004 144005 144031 144101
Escutcheon 175 ii 175 L a tc h s e t.. . 174 il 174 i( 174 L o ck se t.. . . 174 ii 174 B utton........ 175 L o ck se t.. . . 174 Letter Plate 175 ii ii 175 il i( 175 P ush P la te . 175 a it 175 Sash L ift... 175 L o ck se t.. . . 174 ii 174 Sash L ift... 175 Door P u ll.. 175 il ii 175 L o ck se t.. . . 174 ii 174 ii 174 ii 174 ii 174 il 174 il 174 il 174 il 174 il 174 il 174 il 174 Door Knob. 177 ii ii 177 Escutcheon 177 il 177 L e v e r......... 177 ii 177 ii 177 ii 177 Latchset. .. 176 ii 176 ii 176 L o ck se t.. . . 176 ii 176 B utton........ 177 Lockset. . . . 176 Push P la te . 177 Letter Plate 177 ii it 177 ii ii 177 Push P la te . 177 L o ck se t.. . . 176 ii 176 Sash L ift... 177 il il 177 Door P u ll. . 177 ii il 177 L o ck se t... . 176 il 176 ii 176 il 176 il 176 ii 176 il 176 ii 176 ii 176 ii 176 ii 176 il 176 Door Knob. 179 ii ii 179 Escutcheon 179 ii 179 L e v e r......... 179 Escutcheon 179
E scutcheon 144102 ii 144103 a 144103>^ L atchset. . . 144 21 0 il 144220 ei 144230 L o c k se t.. . . 144340 ii 144340V B utto n......... 144390 L o c k se t.. . . L 144421 P ush P l a t e . 144449 L etter P late 14445 0 « “ 144451 u « 144452 P u sh P l a te . 144453 S ash L ift... 14452 7 L o c k se t.. . . 144532 ii 144533 S ash L ift... 14454 6 144649 Door P ull. . ii it 144653 144 82 7 L o c k se t.. . . U 144831 ii 144833 ii 144853 ii 144873 ii 1448 77 il 144890 ii 144890V a 144973 a 1449 77 a 1 449 8 7 ii 144 990 1 4 5 0 0 2 Door Knob. it ii 1450021^ 14 50 0 4 E scutcheon il 145 00 5 145031 L e v e r......... 145101 E scutcheon ii 145102 ii 145103 14521 0 L atchset. . . H 1 4 52 20 ii 14523 0 145340 L o c k se t... . (( 145340V 145390 B u tto n ,. . . . L 145421 L o c k se t.. . . 145449 P u sh P la t e . U Cl 145454 145527 Sash L ift... 145532 L o c k se t.. . . (( 145533 145546 Sash Lift. . . 145649 Door P u ll. . 11 Ii 145654 145827 L o c k se t.. . . U 145831 U 145833 ii 145853 il 145873 il 145877 u 145890 145890V (( 145973 ii 145977 u 145987 il 145990 } 4 6 0 0 2 ^ Door Knob. 146002 ^ “ “ }4 6 0 0 4 Escutcheon 146005 “ 146031 L e v e r. . . . 146101 Escutcheon ii 146102 il 146103
179 179 179 178 178 178 178 178 179 178 178 179 179 179 179 179 178 178 179 179 179 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 180 180 180 180 180 181 180 181 181 181 180 180 181 181 181 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183
“( B A R R O W S ) -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . a . n . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
182 182 182 182 182 183 182 183 183 183 183 182 182 183 183 183 183 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 184 184 184 184 184 185 184 185 185 185 185 185 185 184 184 185 185 185 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184
5-420 5-420 . . . .
186 186 186 186
Escutcheon 189 189 R ose 189 Turn Knob. 189 « “ . 189 Lever 189 Escutcheon 189 189 189 189 189 Lockset. 268 26 8 26 8 L atch se t. 88
A 161649 3oor Pull . . 4 78 U U A 161649P 47 9 u a 161653 478 u u 161653P 479 U ({ A 161653 478 a i( A 161653P 47 9 U li 161654 478 u u 161654P 479 u u 161655 478 a u 161655P 479 u u 161656 478 u u 161656P 479 a u 161657 478 U li 161657P 479 u u 161658 478 a u 161658P 479 u u 161659 478 U li 161659P 479 161827 L ockset. . . . 188 a E 161827 188 a 161831 188 li E 161831 188 a 161833 188 n E 161833 188 a 161853 188 a E 161853 188 a 161873 188 a E 161873 188 u 161877 188 u E 161877 188 a 161890 188 n E 161890 188 a 161890V 188 li E 161890V 188 u 161973 188 u E 161973 188 u 161977 188 a E 161977 188 li 161987 188 u E 161987 188 a 161990 188 11 E 161990 188 1 6 2 0 0 1 H Door Knob. 191 H ii 162002 191 11 li E 162002 191 i( li 162002 191 162004 E scutcheon 191 162005 191 162012 R o se............ 191 Turn Knob. 191 162022 ii il 162023 191 162031 L e v e r......... 191 162100 Escutcheon 191 li 162101 191 11 162102 191 11 162103 191 a 191 162103>^ 162162 L o ck se t... . 266 a A 162162 26 6 li B 162162 266 162220 L atchset. . . 190 i( E 162220 190 L o c k se t... . 190 162340 (C E 162340 190 (( 162340V 190 ii E 162340V 190 162390 Button. i91--4 3 4 162421 L o c k se t.. . . 190 162447 Push Plate 191--4 7 4 162447P Push P la t e . 47 5 a u 162449 47 4 u u 162449P 475 a ic A 162449 474 a u A 162449P 475
148023 148025 A 148220 B 148220 B 148340 B 148340V 148507 A 148827 B 148827 A 148831 B 148831 A 148833 B 148833 A 148977 B 148977 149001 149002X 149002 149004 149004 149005 149031 149100 149101 149102 149103 149220 149340 149340V 149390 149421 L 149421 149447 149449 149453 149532 149533 149546 149647 149649 149653 149827 149831 149977 S 150162 SA 150162 S 150177 SA 150177 S 152162 S 152177 153025 S 153162 S 153177 S 154162 S 154177 s 155162 s 155177 s 156162 S A 156162 S 156177 SA 156177 157025 s 157162 s 157177 158025 s 158162 s 158177 158189 s 159162 s 159177 160002 160003 161001^ 161002 161002 161002K
Turn Knob Cyl. Plate. Latchset. . a L o c k se t...
186 186 186 186 186 186 Escutcheon 186 Lockset. 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 Door Knob 187 187 187 Escutcheon 187 187 187 Lever 187 Escutcheon 187 187 187 187 L atch set. 187 L o c k se t., 187 187 B u tto n .. 187 Lockset. 187 187 Push P late. 187 187 187 L o ck se t... 187 a 187 Sash L ift.. 187 Door Pull. 187 187 187 Lockset 187 187 187 Lockset 250 250 25 0 25 0 251 251 Cyl. P la t e .. 4 34 L o ck se t.. . . 249 . 249 . 249 . 249 . 251 . 251 . 255 . 255 . 255 255 Cyl. P la t e .. 4 34 L o ck se t.. . . 2 48 .. 2 4 8 Cyl. P la t e .. 4 34 L o ck se t.. . . 2 4 8 . 248 K nocker . 491 . 253 Lockset 253 Door Knob. 421 “ . 421 “ “ . 189 “ “ . 189 “ “ . 189 “ “ . 189
161004 161005 161012 161022 161023 161031 161100 161101 161102 161103 161103 161162 161162 161162 161220 161220 161340 161340 161340V 161340V 161390 161421 161447
161447P 161449 161449P A 161449 A 161449P 161450 161450L P 161450L 161450J< 161451 161451L P 161451L 161451>
^ 162450 162451 162451^^ 162451^ 162452 1 6 24 52K 162452 162453 162453P A 162453 A 162453P 162454 162454P 162455 162455P 162456 162456P 162457 162457P 162458 162450P 162459 162459P 162507 162532 162533 162546 162548 162551 162647
162647P 162649 162649P 162649 162649P 162653 162653P 163653 162653P 162654 162654P 162655 162655P 162656 162656P 162657 162657P 162658 162658P 162659 162659P 162827 162827 162831 116283 162833 162833 162853 162853 162873 162873 162877 162877 162890 162890 162890V 162890V
Letter Plate 1 9 1 -4 5 4 Letter Plate 455 Letter Plate 191 -45 5 Letter Plate 1 9 1 -4 5 4 Letter Plate 455 Letter Plate 191 -45 5 Letter Plate 1 9 1 -4 5 4 Letter Plate 455 Letter Plate 1q i-4 R S Push P la te . 47 4 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 Escutcheon 191 L o ck se t.. . . 190 “ . . . . 190 Sash L ift... 191 “ “ . . . 494 Letter Plate 453 Door Pull 1 9 1 -4 7 8 Door Pull. . 4 79 . . 4 78 . . 4 79 . . 4 78 . . 4 79 . . 478 . . 479 .. 478 . . 479 . . 478 . . 479 . . 47 8 . . 479 . . 47 8 . . 479 . . 478 . . 479 .. 478 . . 479 .. 478 .. 4 7 9 Lockset .. 190 . . 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190 .. 190
162973 162973 162977 162977 162987 162987 162990 162990 163001 1 6 30 02X 163002 163002 163004 163005 163012 163022 163023 163025 163031 163100 163101 163102 163103 163103 163162 163162 163162 163162 163177 163220 163220 163340 163340 163340V 163340V 163390 163421 163447 163447P 163449 163449P 163449 163449P 163450 163450f< 163451 163451J< 163452 163452K 163453 163453P 163453 163453P 163454 163454P 163455 163455P 163456 163456P 163457 163457P 163458 163458P 163459 163459P 163507 163532 163533 163546 163647 163647P 163649
L o ck se t..
190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 Door Knob 193 193 193 193 Escutcheon 193 “ 193 R ose. . 1 93 -4 3 3 Turn Knob. 193 “ “ 193 CyL Plate ' 1 9 3 -4 3 4 Lever 193 Escutcheon 193 193 193 193 193 Lockset 266 II 266 ii 266 (( 249 ii 249 Latchse 192 U 192 Lockset 192 192 192 192 B utton. 1 9 3 -4 3 4 Lockset .. 192 Push Plate 19 3 -4 7 4 Push P late. 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 Letter Plate 193 “ 193 “ 193 “ 193 “ 193 “ 193 Push P late. 4 7 4 “ . 475 “ “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ “ . 47 4 “ . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 “ . 474 " . 475 “ . 474 “ . 475 Escutcheon 193 L o c k s e t.... 192 « 192 Sash L i f t ' . 193 Door Pull 1 9 3 -4 7 8 “ . . 479 “ . . 4 78
163649P 163649 163649P 163653 163653P 163653 163653P 163654 163654P 163655 163655P 163656 163656P 163657 163657P 163658 163658P 163659 163659P 163827 163827 163831 163831 163833 163833 163853 163853 163860 163860 163873 163873 163877 163877 163890 163890 163890V 163890V 163943 163943 163953 163953 163953H 163953H 163963 163963 163963X 163963X 163973 163977 163977 163973 163987 163987 163990 163990 163994 163994 164001 164002X 164002 164004 164005 164022 164023 164031 164100 164101 164102 164103 164162 164162 164177 164340 164340V 164390 164210
479 4 78 4 79 4 78 4 79 4 78 479 478 479 478 47 9 478 479 478 479 478 479 478 479 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 126 126 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 126 126 195 195 195 195 195 Turn Knob. 195 “ , 195 L e v e r......... 195 Escutcheon 195 195 195 195 L o ck se t.. . . 268 “ . . . . 250 “ . . . . 250 “ . . . . 194 “ . . . . 194 B utton........ 195 L a tc h s e t.. . 194
L atch se t. . . 194 164220 . . . 194 164230 164421 L o c k s e t.... 194 16444 7 P ush P la te . 195 16444 9 “ “ .1 9 5 1 6 44 50 Letter Plate 195 164451 “ “ 195 164452 “ “ 195 164453 P ush P la te . 195 164458 “ “ .1 9 5 1 6 45 07 E scutcheon 195 1 6 4 5 2 7 Sash L ift... 195 L o c k s e t.... 194 164532 “ . . . . 194 164533 S ash L if t... 195 164 54 6 1 6 46 47 Door P u ll. . 195 195 164649 195 16465 3 “ “ 195 16465 8 194 1 6 48 27 Lockset. 194 164831 “ . 194 16483 3 “ . 194 164853 “ . 194 164 87 3 “ . 194 1 6 48 77 “ . 194 164 89 0 “ . 194 164890V “ . 194 164 973 “ . 194 1 6 49 7 7 “ . 194 1 6 49 8 7 “ . 194 164 990 “ . 1 6 5 0 0 l j < Door K nob. 197 165002 “ “ .1 9 7 165002*^ “ “ .1 9 7 165 00 4 E scutcheo n 197 16500 5 “ 197 165022 T u rn K nob. 197 165023 “ “ .1 9 7 165031 L ever 197 16510 0 E scu tcheo n 197 165101 “ 197 165102 “ 197 165103 “ 197 165103K “ 197 165162 L o c k s e t.... 2 6 9 A 165162 .2 6 9 B 165162 . 269 165 21 0 L atchset. . 196 165220 196 165230 196 165340 L o ck se t... 196 165340V “ 196 165 39 0 B u t to n ...! ! 197 165421 L ockset 196 165 44 7 Push P la te . 197 165 45 0 Letter C h u te 197 165450 197 165451 197 165451JC 197 165452 197 165452 197 165453 P ush P la te . 197 165456 “ “ 197 165 45 8 “ “ ! 197 165507 E scutcheon 197 65539 Sash L ift... 197 ib o b o 2 Lockset IQfi 165533 “ ]QR 165546 Sash L ift... 1 9 7 165647 Door P u ll.. 1 9 7 165653 165656 197 165658 . 197 165 82 7 L o c k s e t..,. 196 165831 .. 196 165833 196
Door P u ll. . “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ “ .. “ .. “ ., “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. “ .. L o c k se t.. . . “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... :.. “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... “ .... Door K no b. “ “ . “ “ . Escutcheon
CB A R R O W S )
INDEX, C o n t. P age
. . . . . . . . . i. . . 1 , . ). . . . n
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . I. . e
. . . n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 2 69 269 269 2 54 254 254 2 54 2 54 254 254 254 199 198 198 198 198 198 199 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198
s s
166977 16698 7 166990 167002^ 167002^ 167004 167004 167005 167022 167023 167031 167100 167101 167102 167103 167162 167162 167177 167200 167210 167230 167340 167340V 167390 167421 167449 167449 167450 167451 167452 167453 167455 167456 167458 167507 167527 167532 167533 167546 167649 167649 167653 167655 167656 167658 167827 167831 167833 167853 167873 167877 167890 167890V 167973 167977 167987 167990 168002K 168002 168004 168005 168022 168023 168031 168101 168102 168103 168162 168162 168210 168220 168230 168340 168340V 168390 168421
L o ck se t,. . . 198 198 U 198 Door Knob. 201 a u 201 Escutcheon 201 U 201 U 201 Turn Knob. 201 201 L e v e r......... 201 Escutcheon 201 « 201 U 201 u 201 L ockset. . . . 268 U 255 u 255 L atchset. . . 2 0 0 U 200 u 200 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 0 (( 20 0 B utton........ 2 0 0 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 0 Push P la te . 201 U U 201 Letter Plate 201 U U 201 (( u 201 Push Plate . 201 U U 201 u u 201 u u 201 Escutcheon 201 Sash L ift... 201 L o c k se t... . 2 0 0 U 200 Sash L ift... 201 Door P u ll. . 201 a « 201 u a 201 a u 201 u u 201 a u 201 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 0 a 200 (( 200 u 200 u 200 u 200 u 200 u 200 u 200 u 20 0 li 20 0 u 20 0 Door K n o b . 203 u u 203 Escutcheon 203 U 203 T urn Knob. 203 (( (( 203 L e v e r ......... 203 Escutcheon 203 U 203 u 203 L ockset. . . . 271 a 271 L atchset. . . 202 (( 202 U 202 L o c k se t.. . . 202 (( 202 B utton........ 203 Lockset. . . . 202
168447 Push P la t e . 168450 Letter P late U (I 168451 u u 168452 168456 Push P la te . u u 168458 168507 Escutcheon 168527 Sash L ift... 168532 L o c k se t.. . . U 168533 168546 Sash Lift. . . 168647 Door P u ll. . U (( 168656 u u 168658 168827 L o c k se t.. . . U 168831 u 168833 u 168853 a 168873 (C 168877 u 168890 u 168890V (( 168973 (( 168977 a 168990 169002 5^ Door Knob. u u 169002 169004 Escutcheon 169005 169012 R o se........... 169022 T urn Knob. a (( 169023 169025 Cyl. P la t e .. 169031 L e v e r......... 169101 Escutcheon (( 169102 (( 169103 169162 L o ck se t.. . . a A 169162 Latchset. . . 169210 U 169220 (( 169230 L o ck se t... . 169340 169340V 169390 B utton........ L 169421 L o ck se t.. . . 169447 Push P la te . 169450 Letter Plate IC U 169451 u u 169452 169456 Push P la te . a a 169458 169507 Escutcheon 169527 Sash L ift... 169532 L o ck se t.. . . 169533 Sash L ift... 169546 169647 Door Pull. . U (( 169656 il U 169658 169827 L ockset. . . . (C 169831 u 169833 u 169853 u 169873 a 169877 u 169890 a 169890V u 169973 u 169977 a 169987 (( 169990 1 7 0 0 0 2 Door Knob. (( i( 1700023^ 170004 Escutcheon U 170005
203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 202 202 203 203 203 203 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 2 70 270 204 204 204 204 204 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 2 04 204 204 205 205 205 205 2 04 204 204 204 20 4 204 204 20 4 204 204 204 204 207 207 207 207
170012 170022 170023 170025 170031 170101 170102 170103 170162 170162 170210 170220 170230 170340 170340V 170390 170421 170447 170450 170451 170452 170456 170458 170507 170527 170532 170533 170546 170647 170656 170658 170827 170831 170833 170853 170873 170877 170890 170890V 170973 170977 170987 170990 171002 ^ 171002 171005 171031 171101 171102 171103 171162 171162 171162 171177 171210 171220 171230 171340 171340V 171390 171421 171450 171451 171452 171453 171456 171458 171527 171532 171533 171546 171653 171656 171658 171831 171833
R o se ............ 2 07 T urn Knob. 20 7 U U 207 R o se........... 2 0 7 L e v e r ......... 2 0 7 Escutcheon 207 U 207 U 207 L ockset. . . . 271 271 Latchset. . . 2 06 U 206 u 206 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 6 a 206 B utton........ 2 0 7 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 6 P ush P la te . 2 07 Letter Plate 2 0 7 U U 207 u u 207 P ush P la te . 2 07 (I U 207 Escutcheon 2 0 7 Sash L ift... 2 0 7 L o ck se t.. . . 2 06 U 206 Sash Lift, . . 2 0 7 Door P u l l . . 2 0 7 (I 11 207 U U 207 L o c k se t.. . . 2 0 6 U 206 u 206 u 206 u 206 u 206 u 206 ^ Drawer K n ob . . . . 215 177022 Turn Knob. 215 (I U 177023 215 177100 Escutcheon 215 U 177101 215 (C 177102 215 u 177103 215 177210 Latchset. . . 214 U 177220 214 (I 177230 214 L o ck se t.. . . 214 177340 U 214 177340V 177390 B utton........ 215 L 177421 L o ck se t... . 214 177507 Escutcheon 215 177449 Push P la te . 215 U U 177454 215 u u 177458 215 u u 177459 215 177527 Sash L ift... 215 177532 L o ck se t.. . . 214 U 177533 214 177546 Sash Lift. . . 215 177649 Door Pull. . 215 u a 177654 215 u u 177658 215 u u 177659 215 177827 Lockset. . . . 214 U 177831 214 u 214 177833 u 177853 214 li 177873 214
210 210 210 , 210 . 210 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 L 210 . 251 . 251 . 251 . 251 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 L 210 210 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 . 210 , 210 . 210 , 210 . 210 . 211 211 . 211 211 211 . 211 211 . 211 211 211 251 251 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211
P age
177877 177890 177890V 177973 177977 177987 177990 178001J< 178002X 178002 178004 178005 178012 178022 178023 178025 178031 178100 178101 178102 178103 178162 A 178162 S 178162 SA178162 S 178177 SA178177 178210 178220 178230 178340 178340V 178390 178421 178447 178450 178450 178451 17845154' 178452 178452 178453 178456 178458 178507 178527 178532 178533 178546 178647 178653 178656 178658 178827 178831 178833 178853 178873 178877 178890 178890V 178973 178977 178987 178990 S 179162 S 179177 180002X 180002 180004 180005 180010>^ 180102 180103 180162
L o ck se t.. . . 2 1 4 . 2 14 . 2 14 . 2 14 . 214 . 214 . 2 14 Door Knob . 2 1 7 “ “ . 217 “ “ . 217 E scutcheon 2 1 7 217 R o se 217 T urn Knob. 2 1 7 “ . 217 CyL P la te .. 2 17 L ever 217 E scutcheon 2 1 7 217 217 21 7 L o ck se t.. . 27 0 , 270 . 255 . 255 . 255 . 255 Latchset. . 216 . 216 . 216 L o ck se t.. . 216 . 216 B u tto n ... . 2 1 7 L o ck se t.. . 216 P ush P la t e . 217 Letter Plate 217 “ 217 “ 2 17 “ 217 “ 2 17 “ 217 P ush P late. 217 “ . 217 “ . 217 Escutcheon 2 17 Sash L ift... 2 17 L o ck se t... . 216 . 216 Sash Lift. . 217 Door Pull . 217 . 217 . 2 17 . 217 Lockset . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 2 16 . 2 16 . 252 252 Door Knob . 2 1 8 “ “ . 218 Escutcheon 218 218 Drawer K n o b .. . . 218 Escutcheon 218 218 L o ck se t.. . . 267
P age
A 180162 180220 180340 180340V 180 39 0 180 447 180449 180 45 3 180455 180 52 7 1 8 05 46 1 8 06 47 18064 9 180653 18065 5 18082 7 180831 18089 0 180890V 180 99 0 181001K 181002 181010>^ 181011F 181012F 181022 181023 181025 18122 0 181340 181340V 181390 181507 181827 181831 181833 181977 182001 182002 182010K 182011F 182012F 182022 182023 182025 182220 182340 182340V 182390 182507 182827 182831 182833 182977 183001^ 183002 183002K 183003 183010K
18301 IF 183012F 183022 183023 183025 183025D 183220 183220 183340 183340V
L o c k se t.. . . 2 6 7 L atchset. . . 2 1 8 L ockset. . . . 2 1 8 “ . . . . 218 B u tto n 218 P ush P la t e . 2 1 8 “ . 218 “ “ . 218 “ . 218 S ash L ift... 2 1 8 “ . . . 218 Door Pull . . 2 1 8 “ . . 218 “ .. 218 “ .. 218 L o c k se t.. . . 2 1 8 “ . . . . 218 “ . . . . 218 “ . . . . 218 “ . . . . 21 8 Door K n o b . 2 1 9 “ . 219 D raw er K n o b .. .. 2 1 9 R ose 219 “ ............21 9 T u rn K nob. 2 1 9 “ “ 219 CyL P la t e .’. 2 1 9 L atchset. . . 2 1 9 L o c k se t.. . . 2 1 9 “ . . . . 219 Push Button 2 19 E scutcheon 2 19 L o c k se t.. . . 2 1 9 “ . . . . 219 “ . . . . 2 19 “ ___ 2 1 9 Door K nob. 2 2 0 “ . 220 D raw er K n o b .. . . 2 2 0 R ose 220 “ 220 T urn K nob. 2 2 0 “ . 220 Cyl. P l a t e . . 2 2 0 L atchset. . . 2 2 0 L o c k se t.. . . 2 2 0 “ . . . . 220 Push Button 2 2 0 E scutcheon 2 2 0 L o c k se t.. . . 2 2 0 “ . . . . 220 “ . . . . 220 “ . . . . 220 Door Knob 2 2 1 -4 2 1 Door Knob 2 2 1 -4 2 1 Door Knob 2 2 1 -4 2 1 Door Knob 2 2 1 -4 2 1 D raw er K n o b .. .. 221 R ose 221 221 Turn Knob. 221 “ “ .221 Cyl. P la te .. 221 “ “ ..221 Latchset. . . 221 “ • . . 221 L o c k se t... 221 “ . . . . 221
1 1 . . . . . . . .
221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221
2-420 >
2-420 ). 222 . . . I. . . . . . . a 1 . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 . 1. . 1
. . . . . . . . . e
. . . . 1 . . . . . . .
222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 272 272 2 24 224 2 24 2 24 2 24 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2 25 225 225 225 2 24 224 2 25 225 225 225
185658 185659 185827 185831 185883 185853 185873 185877 185890 185890V 185977 185987 185990 186002 ' 186010>^ 186012 186022 186023 186025 186220 186340 186340V 186390 186507 186827 186831 186833 18697 7 187002 187002X 187011 187022 187023 187025 187220 R F 187220 187340 187340V 187390 187507 187827 RF187827 187831 RF187831 187977 188002 P 188002 188012 P 188012 188022 P 188022 188023 P 188023 188025 P 188025 188200 P 188200 P188P200 188340 188340V 188507 P 188507 P 188601 P 1886 37 188801 P 188801 18882 7 P 188827 188831 188977 P 188977 189001J< 189002 190002 190002^
P age
P age
Door Pull. . 225 . 225 L o c k se t... . 2 2 4 . 224 . 2 24 . 2 24 . 2 24 . ,224 . 2 24 . 2 24 . 2 24 . 2 24 . 2 24 Door Knob. 2 26 D raw er K n o b .. .. 2 26 R o se 2 26 T urn Knob, 226 “ “ . 226 Cyl. P la te .. 2 26 Latchset. . . 2 2 6 L o c k se t.. . . 2 2 6 “ . . . . 2 26 B utto n 226 Escutcheon 226 L o c k se t.. . . 226 “ . . . . 226 “ . . . . 2 26 “ . . . . 226 Door Knob. 2 2 7 “ “ . 2 27 R o se 227 T urn Knob. 2 2 7 u u 227 Cyl. Plate.'. 2 2 7 L atchset. . . T il . . . 227 L o c k se t... . 2 27 “ . . . . 227 B utto n 2 27 Escutcheon 2 2 7 L o c k se t.. . . 2 2 7 “ . . . . 227 “ . . . . 2 27 “ . . . . 227 “ 227 Door Knob. 2 28 “ “ . 2 28 R ose 228 “ 2 28 T urn Knob. 228 “ “ . 228 “ “ . 228 “ “ . 228 Cyl. P l a t e . . 228 '■ . 228 Latchset. . . 2 28 .-2 2 8 . 2 28 Lockset. . 228 . 228 E scutcheon 228 228 L o c k se t.. . . 2 28 228 228 22 8 228 22 8 228 228 228 Door K n o b . 421 “ . 421 Door Knob. 2 29 “ “ . 229
229 K n o b .. 190009 190010>^ D raw er K n o b .. 22 9 190012>^ D raw er K n o b . . . . 229 190014>^ Drawer K n o b .... 229 R o se 2 29 190012 T urn Knob. 2 29 190022 “ “ 2 29 190023 Cyl. Plate.'. 2 2 9 190025 “ “ 229 190025D Latchset. . . 2 29 190220 L o c k se t... . 2 2 9 190340 “ . . . . 229 190340V 190378 “ . . . . 229 Push Button 229 190390 E scutcheon 2 2 9 190507 L o c k se t.. . . 2 29 190827 . 229 190801 . 229 190833 . 2 29 190890 . 229 190890V . 229 190977 . 229 190990 Door Knob. 231 191002 E scutcheon 231 191005 191101H Push B a r . . 4 6 8 “ “ . . 46 8 191102H “ . . 231 191103 “ “ . . 46 8 191110H L o c k se t.. . . 273 191162 K n o c k e r.. . 491 191189 Latchset. . . 23 0 191210 . . . 23 0 191220 191230 . . . 230 L o ck se t... 23 0 191340 23 0 191340V 191390 B utto n 231 P ush P late. 231 191447 191450I4" Letter Plate 231 “ “ 231 191451 “ “ 231 19 1 4 5 2 j< P ush P la t e . 231 191456 Door P ull. . 231 191647 . 231 S 191649 . 231 191649>^ . 231 S 191653 . 231 S 191653>^ . 231 191656 Lockset. . 2 3 0 191827 . 2 30 191831 . 230 191833 . 230 191853 . 230 191873 . 2 30 191877 . 230 191890 . 2 30 191890V . 2 30 191973 . 2 30 191977 . 2 30 191987 . 2 30 191990 Door Knob. 233 192002 E scutcheon 233 192005 R o se 233 192012 T urn Knob. 2 3 3 192022 “ “ 2 33 192023 Cyl. P la t e .’. 233 192025 Push Bar . . 4 6 6 192101 “ “ . . 4 66 192101D « « _ 4 66 192102 E scutcheon 233 192103 Push Bar . . 4 66 192110 “ “ . . 469 192112 “ “ . . 469 192114 L o c k se t.. . . 273 192162
L o ck se t.. . . S 192162 .. S 192177 192189 K n o c k e r.. L atch se t. 192210 192220 192230 “ 192 34 0 L ockset.. 192340V “ .. 192 39 0 B u tto n ... 192 44 7 Push P la t e . 1 9 2 4 5 0 ^ Letter P late 19245 I K “ “ 192452K “ “ 192456 Push P late. S 19 2491x102 Bar Lockset S 1 9 2 491 x1 10 Bar Lockset 192 64 7 Door P u ll.. . S 192649 . S 192649>^ . S 192653 . S 192653K . 192656 . S 192656 . 192827 Lockset . 192831 . 192833 . 192853 . 192873 . 192877 . 192890 . S 192890 . 192890V . S 192890V . 192973 . 192977 . 192987 . 192990 . S 192990 1 9 3 0 0 2 ^ Door Knob. Escutcheon 193005 R o se 193012 Turn Knob. 193022 II n 193023 CyL Plate.'. 193025 Pull Bar . . . 193101 “ . .. 193101D “ “ ... 193102 Escutcheon 193103 Pull B a r . . . 193110 Latchset. . . 193210 ... 193220 ... S 193220 ... 193230 L o c k se t.. . . 193340 “ .... S 193340 “ .... 193340V “ .... S 193340V B utto n. . 193390 193447 Push P la t e . 193450 Letter P late “ “ 193451 a « 193452 P ush P la t e . 193456 E scutcheon 193507 193647 Door P ull. . 193656 193827 Lockset. . . S 193827 . 193831 . S 193831 . 193833 . S 193833 193853 . 193873 .
253 253 491 232 232 232 232 232 23 3 23 3 233 233 233 233 470 470 233 233 233 233 233 233 481 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 235 235 235 235 235 235 465 465 465 235 465 2 34 234 234 234 234 23 4 235 23 5 235 235 23 5 235 235 235 235 235 23 5 234 2 34 2 34 234 234 234 234 234
------------------- ( B A R R O W S ) -------------------
193877 L o ck se t.. . . 234 U 234 193890 U 234 193890V u 193973 234 a 193977 234 u 193977 234 u 193987 234 u 193990 234 1940013^ Door Knob 236--421 194002 Door Knob 236--421 1 9 4 0 0 2 Door Knob. 236 1 9 4 0 0 2 ^ Door Knob 236--421 194003 Door Knob 236--421 194010W Drawer Knob. . . . 236 194011 R ose........... 236 11 194012 236 194022 Turn Knob. 236 194023 236 194025 Cyl. Pldte 236--434 194025D Cyl. Plate 236--434 194220 Latchset. . . 236 194220 236 194340 L o ck se t... . 236 (( 194340V 236 194390 B utton........ 236 194507 Escutcheon 236 194827 L o ck se t.. . . 236 (( 194827 236 U 194831 236 (i 194831 236 u 194833 236 u 194833 236 194870 Bolt............. 443 194977 L o ckset.. . . 236 194977 236 1 9 5 0 0 1 ^ Door Knob 2 3 7 -421 195011 R ose............ 237 195022 Turn Knob. 237 195023 23 7 195025 Cyl. P la t e .. 2 3 7 195220 Latchset. . . 23 7 L o ck se t.. . . 237 195340 a 195340V 23 7
195507 195801 195827 195831 195977 196002X 196002 196005 196013 196022 196023 196100 196102 196103 196162 196210 196220 196340 196340V 196390 196449 196458 196507 196527 196532 196533 196546 196649 196658 196827 196831 196833 196853 196873 196877 196890 196890V 196977 196987 196990 197001^ 197002 197002X E 197002X 197011 197012 197022 197023 197025 197025D A 197200
Escutcheon 2 3 7 L ockset. . . . 2 3 7 U 237 u 237 u 237 Door K n o b . 239 il U 239 E scutcheon 2 39 R o se............ 239 Turn Knob. 239 a u 239 Escutcheon 2 3 9 U 239 U 239 L ockset.. . . 272 L atchset. . . 238 U 238 L o c k se t,.. . 238 U 238 B utton........ 239 Push P la te . 239 a u 239 Escutcheon 239 a 239 Lockset - . . . 238 238 Sash L ift... 23 9 Door P u ll, . 239 U U 239 L o ck se t... . 238 U 238 a 238 u 23 8 u 238 u 238 u 238 u 238 a 238 li 238 u 238 Door Knob. 240 U U 240 U i( 240 U (I 240 R o se........... 240 U 240 Turn Knob. 240 U 11 240 Cyl. Plate. 2 4 0 tl u 434 Latchset. . . 240
P ag e
P age
197200 197200 197200 197210 197210 197220 197220 197340 197340V 197340 197340V 197340 197340V 197340 197340V 197507 A 197801 B 197801 J 197801 RF197801 T F 197801 YP1 9 7 8 0 I A 197827 B 197827 C 197827 E 197827 A 197831 B 197831 C 197831 E 197831 A 197833 B 197833 C 197833 E 197833 A 197837 B 197837 C 197837 E 197837 J 197837K S 197837K A 197853 B 197853 C 197853 E 197853 C 197873 E 197873 C 197877 E 197877 C 197890 E 197890 C 197890V
Latchset. . . 24 0 U 241 U 241 » 241 (( 241 u 241 a 241 L ockset. . . . 24 0 (( 24 0 U 24 0 a 24 0 u 241 u 241 (( 241 u 241 E scutcheon 24 0 L o ck se t.. . . 2 4 0 Cl 240 U 124 u 124 u 124 a 124 u 24 0 u 24 0 u 241 u 241 u 240 a 240 (( 241 a 241 u 240 a 240 u 241 u 241 u 240 u 24 0 u 241 u 241 u 125 u 125 a 240 a 24 0 u 241 u 241 H 241 U 241 U 241 U 241 a 241 u 241 u 241
197890V L o c k se t.. . . 241 “ . . . . 241 197973 “ ___ 241 197973 “ . . . . 241 197987 . . . 241 197987 “ . . . . 240 197 97 7 “ . . . . 240 1979 77 “ . . . . 241 197 977 “ . . . . 241 197 97 7 “ . . . . 241 197 99 0 “ . . . . 241 197 99 0 1 9 8 0 0 2 X Door K nob. 242 198012 R o se ............24 2 242 198013 T urn Knob. 242 198022 “ . 242 198023 198025 Cyl. P l a t e . . 242 L atchset. . . 242 198 21 0 . . . 242 1982 20 . . . 242 1 98 2 3 0 L o c k se t.. . . 242 198 34 0 “ . . . . 242 198340V E scutcheon 242 1 9 8 50 7 L o c k se t.. . . 242 198827 “ . . . . 2 42 198831 “ . . . . 242 198833 “ . . . . 242 198853 “ . . . . 2 42 198873 19887 7 “ . . . . 2 42 19889 0 “ . . . . 242 “ . . . . 242 198890V 198973 “ . . . . 242 198977 “ . . . . 242 198 98 7 “ . . . . 242 1989 90 “ . . . . 24 2 1 9 9 0 0 2 Door K nob. 2 43 199002 “ “ . 24 3 199005 E scu tcheo n 2 4 3 199 22 0 L a tc h s e t.. . 2 43 199 34 0 L o c k se t.. . . 2 4 3 199340V “ . . . . 2 43 199447 P ush P la t e . 2 43 199454 “ . 243 199455 “ . 2 43 199458 “ “ . 243 199647 Door P ull. . 2 43 199654 “ . . 2 43 199655 “ “ . . 2 43 199658 “ “ 243 199827 L o c k se t,. . , 2 4 3 199831 “ .. 243 199977 “ . . . . 2 43
-------------- ( B A R R O W S ) -------------
10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
N am e
A n g ro .................... ___ 246, 2 4 7 A r d e n .................... . . 74-262-265 Stratford. 7 6 -2 4 6 ,2 4 7 ,2 6 2 ,2 6 5 O x fo rd ................. . . 78-263-264 L e n o x ......................................... 80 I o n ia n .................... .................... 82 K enw o od ............. ..8 4 -2 6 3 -2 6 4 N ew p o rt.............. . .8 6 -2 62 -26 5 C a m d e n .................................... 88 S u p e rio r................ .90-246, 2 4 7 H a d le y .................. .................... 92 M o n ro e...................................... 93 G le n d a le .............. .9 4 -2 6 3 -2 6 4 W a r r e n ................. ...........96 -247 F e n w ic k ................ ....................98 Im p e ria l................ ...........99-252 M o n tro se.............. ................100 C a m b ra y .............. ................102 C a rle to n ................ ................104 M elville................. ................106 C arlisle.................. . . . . 1 0 8 - 2 5 3 E astlak e................ . . . .1 10 -25 2 L o ca rt.................... 112-253-265 B ayside.................. . . . .1 14 -2 52 A lste ad .................. ................116 P en d elto n ............. ................118 P e lh a m .................. ................119 P a rsto n .................. ................120 N ew g ate................ ................121 B irkshire............... ................122 S an A rd o .............. . . . .1 5 2 -2 5 7 San B ru n o ........... . . . .1 5 4 -2 5 7 San C a rlo s........... ................156 A lte n b u rg ............. . . . .1 5 8 -2 5 6 T em p elto n ............ , . . .1 6 0 -2 5 8 G ra y to n ................ .. . . 160-258 G le n v i lle ............. . . . .1 6 0 -2 5 8
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
N am e
San J u a n ............ ......... 161-258 C h a th a m ............ ................25 7 P ark w o o d ........... ................2 4 8 S an A rie g o ......... ..................2 5 6 R e v e re ................. ................2 5 6 R ox bury .............. ................2 5 6 R o c k d ale............ ................2 56 R utlan d ............... ................2 57 H av e rh ill............ ................259 H olliston............. ................259 H in sd ale............. ................259 H in g h a m ............ ................25 9 F airfield .............. ................162 A m e sb u ry .......... ................163 F ayville............... ................164 F ox b o ro .............. ................165 A th e n s ................ ................166 T h e se u s.............. ................168 V ersailles........... ................170 T u n is ................... ................172 F o u n tain e........... ................174 V e r o n a ................ ................176 B o u rg e s.............. ................178 N an c y .................. ................180 Z u rich .................. ................182 N av a rre................. ................184 D anville................ ................186 P it t f i e l d ................ ............. .1 8 7 A lb io n ................... ................2 50 C u s te r.................... ................251 P u tn a m .................. ................249 K arlos.................... ................249 W in field ................ ................251 W a lc o tt................. ................255 C o lu m b u s............. ................248 W estv ale............... ................248 A c m o ..................... ................253
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
P age
N am e
P ittw ood ......... ..............188-268 K e n t................ ..............190-266 S a le m .............. . . . 1 9 2 , 24 9-26 6 C h a rlto n ......... . . . 1 9 4 , 2 50 -26 8 R um ford......... ..............196-269 M a n c h e s te r. . . .19 8 -2 5 4 -2 6 9 O ly m p ia......... . . .20 0 -2 5 5 -2 6 8 T o u rs............... ..............202-271 Q u in c y ........... ..............204-270 M ilton............. ..............206-271 N orw ood......... ........... 208-272 B elview .......... ...........210, 25 0 D o v e r.............. ............211-251 Y o rk ................ ............212-251 V e n tu r a .......... .................... 271 H a m p t o n . . . . .................... 2 7 0 L arissa............ .................... 214 S to c k b rid g e . . . .21 6 -2 5 5 -2 7 0 C h e ls e a .......... .................... 252 N ew to n........... ............2 18-267 B a n g o r............ .................... 21 9 W in g a te ......... .................... 22 0 A rlin g to n . . . . .................... 221 H a n le y ............ .................... 222 W akefield. . . . ............ 224-272 Bo r d e a u x . . . . .................... 22 6 L u n e b u r g .. . . .................... 22 7 C h e s te r ............ .................... 2 2 8 N u lin e ............... .................... 2 2 9 N ilw ood.......... . .23 0-25 3-2 73 Roswell........... . .23 2-253-273 M illport............ .................... 23 4 B illing ham . . . . .................... 2 3 6 C o lc h e ste r. . . . .................... 2 3 7 C a n te rb u r y . . . ............238-272 C ro y d o n ........... .................. 24 0 D u ra d o .............. .................. 242 T elfo rd.............. .................. 243
135 183 181 172 194 164 188 195 197 148 173 134 136 137 184 193 170 149 169 178 182 174 191 190 192
N am e
C o lo n ia l A m e sb u ry ................... . . . . 163 A rlin g to n ...................... .. . , 221 B a n g o r............................ . . . 2 19 B e lv ie w ...................... .2 1 0 -2 5 0 B illin gham ..................... . . . 2 36 C h a rlto n ............... 194-250-268 C h e ste r.......................... . . . . 2 28 C o lc h e ste r.................... . . . . 2 3 7 C ro y d o n ........................., . . . 2 4 0 D an v ille......................... . . . . 186 D o v e r...............................211-251 F airfield ......................... . . . 162 F ayville.......................... . . . 164 F oxboro.......................... . . . 165 H a n le y ........................... . . . 222 M illport.......................... . . . 2 3 4 M ilton............................. .206-271 Pittfield ......................... . . . 187 Q u in c y ........................... 20 4-27 0 S to c k b rid g e ......... 2 1 6 -2 55 -27 0 W in g a te ......................... . . . 2 20 Y ork................................. 212-251 C o n tem p o r a ry N ilw ood.................230-253-273 N u lin e ............................. . . . 2 29 Rosw ell.................. 2 3 2-253-273
Sym bol
186 143
N am e
E m p ire B o rd e a u x ............................... 2 26 V e ro n a ................................... 176
G o th ic , E n g lis h C a n te rb u ry ..................... 238-2 72 G o th ic , T u d o r W a k efie ld ........................224-272 G o th ic N orw ood.......................... 208-272
138 177 167 139
G reek A th e n s ................................... 166 L arissa.................................... 21'4 O ly m p ia ..................2 00 -255-268 T h e se u s................................. 168
198 101 102 103 111
M issio n D u ra d o .................................. 242 S a n A r d o ......................... 152-257 San B ru n o ....................... 154-257 San C a rlo s............................ 156 San J u a n .......................... 161-258
165 166
N eo C lassic R um ford........................... 196-269 M a n c h e ste r 198-254-269
196 185
S ym bol
N am e
142 145 147 168
R e n a is s a n c e -—F re n c h F ountaine. . . . 174 N a n c y ............. 180 N a v a rre .......... 184 T o u rs........ . . . ..............202-271
104 187 146
R e n a is s a n c e —-G erm an A ltenburg. . . .............. 158-256 L uneb urg . . . . 227 Z u rich ............. 182
R e n a is s a n c e - —I ta lia n B o u rg e s................................
R e n a is s a n c e — L o u is X V V ersailles...............................
R om an esq u e T u n is .......................................
162 180 161 163 199
N o C la s s ific a tio n K e n t....................................190-266 N ew to n ..............................218 -2 6 7 P ittw o o d ........................... 188-268 S a le m ........................192-249-266 T elfo rd .................................... 2 4 3
(B A R R O W S )
S y m bol N am e Page
Sym bol N am e Page
11 A rden 74
23 M onroe 93
12 S tra tfo rd 76
24 G lendale 94
I o n ia n
Fen w ick
W arren
Im p e ria l
K enw ood
N ew po rt
S u p e rio r
C am d en
M ellville
M o ntro se
S ym bol N am e Page
33 E a stlak e
34 L ocart 112
P e n d e lto n 118
P e lh a m 119
39 P a r s to n
40 N ew gate
41 B irk s h ire
Sym bol N am e P eriod
S a n Ardo M ission
S an B ru n o M ission
103 S an Carlos M ission
104 A lte n b u rg G e rm a n R en aissance 158
111 San J u a n M ission
Fairfield C olonial
C olonial
136 F ayville C olonial
IQ l
Sym bol N am e Period Page
C olonial
138 A thens G reek
T h eseus G reek
Versailles L ouis XV
T u n is R om anesque
142 143 144 F o u n ta in e V eron a B ourges F re n c h E m p ire I ta lia n R e n a issa n ce R en a issa n c e 174 176 178
145 N ancy F re n c h R en a issa n c e 180
146 Z u ric h G erm an
Rena182 issance
CB A R R O W S )
S ym bol N am e P eriod P age
147 N avarre F re n c h R en a issa n ce 184
D anville C olonial
149 P ittfie ld C olonial
161 P ittw o o d
162 K ent
163 S ale m
164 165 C h a rlto n R u m fo rd C olo nial Neo Classic 194
166 M a n c h e s te r Neo C lassic 198
O lym pia G reek
Sym b ol N am e Period P age
S ym bol N am e Period
168 T o u rs F re n c h R en a issa n ce 202
181 B ang or C olonial
169 O uincy C olonial
170 M ilto n C olonial
171 Norwood G o th ic
172 Belview C olonial
173 Dover C olonial
174 Y ork C olonial
177 L arissa G reek
178 S to ck b rid g e C olo nial
180 N ew ton
182 W in g ate Colonial
185 W akefield Tudor G o th ic 224
183 A rlin g to n C olonial
S ym bol N am e P erio d Page
191 Nilw ood C o n te m p o ra ry
192 Roswell C o n te m p o ra ry
193 M illp o rt C olonial
B illin g h a m C o lo n ial 236
C o lc h ester C a n te r b u r y C olo nial E n g lish G o th ic 237 238
188 C h e s te r C olonial
C ro ydon C olo nial
190 N u lin e C o n te m p o ra ry
199 T elford
(B A R R O W S )
FINISHES Sym bol “ A” “D” “O”
L e tte r Prefixed to N u m b e r D e s ig n a t e s t h e f o llo w in g : ‘H ” H igh P arts Bright. (Highlights polished.) (Used on Bright Buffed (polished) Finish. em bossed designs of u n ev en surface.) Dull Finish. Burnished (friction polished). (Used on m iscella “ N L ” No L ac q u er Embossed. neous items only.) “ O R ” O il R ubbed. No L acquer. " C ” Course W heel Finish. (Course ship.) “ W X ” W axed. No L acq u er. t ’ Fine W heel Finish. (Fine ship.) t (g i i “E” E tched (Pompeian). A pplied on cast or w rought, Sanded. bron ze or b rass metal. “ W ” W rinkled. Sprayed. (Used on nigh t latches only.) M ISC ELLA N EOU S— S eries 1 to 20— A pplied on C ast Iron an d W ro u g h t Steel U. S. Base Barrows Symbol Metal D escription Surface Symbol A6 OA6 D6 OD6 07 010 ODIO WOlO Oil * 17 *017 t 19 1019 18 018
Bright Bright Dull Dull Bright Dull Dull Dull Dull Dull Dull S anded S anded
Z in c........................................................................................................... Z inc........................................................................................................... Z in c........................................................................................................... Z inc........................................................................................................... Copper Plated, Natural F inish.......................................................... Ja p an n e d ................................................................................................. Ja p a n n e d ............................................ ..................................................... Japanned, w rin k led .............................................................................. Amber-Bronzed..................................................................................... Bower-Barff, G enuine (rust-resisting)............................................. Bower-Barff, G en u in e (rust-resisting)............................................. Velvety Black Texture, Rust Resisting, on iron an d steel only. Velvety Black Texture, Rust Resisting, on iron an d steel only. Black L a c q u e r....................................................................................... Black L a c q u e r.......................................................................................
Polished B urnished Polished Burnished B urnished U SIB U SID P olished B urnished Polished B urnished Polished Burnished
*Bower-Barff, G enuine, gives best results on cast iron, b u t can b e applied to steel. Bower-Barff Finish is not reco m m en d ed for exterior application. This finish can b e preserved by wiping with a slightly oiled cloth. fV ery d u rab le and highly recom m ended for interior application. BRONZE METAL OR BRONZE PLATED—S eries 20—^Applied on Bronze Metal, Cast Iron or Steel Natural C o lo r..................................................................................... A20 Bright US9 Bright Natural C o lo r......................................................................................... OA20 N atural C o lo r................................................................................ Dull D20 USIO Natural C o lo r........................................................................................... OD20 Dull Burnished Natural C o lo r................................................................................ S20 Sanded Polished C20 W heeled Natural Color, coarse (ship finish), on bronze metal only. . W heeled F20 Natural Color, fine (ship finish), on bronze metal o n l y ................ Light-Oxidized and R elieved................................................... Dull D21 Polished USll Light-Oxidized an d R elieved........................................................ Sanded S21 Polished US12 Sanded Light-Oxidized an d Relieved................................................... OS21 B urnished Sanded HS21 Light-Oxidized and Relieved, with raised lines bright on ornate designs only. Polished US13 Light-Oxidized an d Relieved, Oil R u b b e d ............................. D23 Dull Polished Light-Oxidized and R elieved................................................. D24 Dull Polished D27 Dull Dark-Oxidized an d Relieved (Old English or a g e d bronze) on bronze metal o n ly . Polished Bright Natural Color with dark-oxidized background on ornate designs only . A28 Polished Statuary, Medium C o lo r................................................................. Dull D29 Polished US20 Statuary, Dark C o lo r..................................................................... Dull DD29 Polished U S20A Statuary, Medium C o lo r............................................................ Sanded S29 Polished BR A SS 1VIETAL OR BR A SS PLATED—S eries 30—A pplied on Brass Metal, Cast Iron or Steel Natural C o lo r.................................................................................... Bright A30 TTC;'5 Polished N atural C o lo r........................................................................................... OA30 Bright Burnished Natural C o lo r......................................................................................... D30 Dull TTQA Polished Natural C o l o r ......................................................................................... OD30 Dull Burnished Natural C o lo r................................................................................................ S30 Sanded Polished W heeled Natural Color, coarse (ship finish), on brass metal only.......................... C30 Polished N atural Color, fine (ship finish), on brass metal o n ly ........................... F30 W heeled Polished W rin k led ........................................................................................................ W30 Dull Burnished Light-Oxidized an d R elieved............................................................................ D31 Dull Polished UoO Light-Oxidized an d R elieved................................................................................ Dull OD31 Burnished Light-Oxidized an d R elieved............................................................................ S anded S31 Polished UoD Light-Oxidized and R e lie v e d ................................................................................ S anded OS31 Burnished S anded Light-Oxidized and Relieved, with raised lines bright, on ornate designs o n ly .. . Polished HS31 US7 Mottled, medium-oxidized........................................................................................ Bright A32 Polished Mottled, medium-oxidized......................................................................................... Bright OA32 Burnished Mottled, m edium -oxidized.......................................................................................... S anded S32 Polished Mottled, medium-oxidized.......................................................................................... S anded OS32 Burnished Bright Crystallized, on cast brass metal only......................................................................... A34 Polished Dark-Oxidized an d Relieved (Old English or aged brass) on b rass m etal o n ly ... Polished D37 Dull Bright Natural Color v/ith dark-oxidized b ackground on ornate designs o n ly ..................... Polished A38 For information on Locksets with different finishes on opposite sides, refer to Page No. 40. For information on metals an d finishes u sed in the m anufacture of Builders Hardw are, refer to P age Nos. 44 to 47.
( B A R R O W S ) -----
FINISHES, Cont. CO PPER PLA T E D —S e r ie s 40— A pplied on Bronze Metal, C ast Iro n or Steel Barrows Symbol A42 OA42 S42 OS42
Surface Bright Bright S an d ed S an ded
Oxidized Oxidized O xidized O xidized
an d an d an d an d
Relieved Relieved Relieved Relieved
(Antigue (Antigue (Antigue (Antigue
C o p p e r)........................................................................ C o p p e r)........................................................................ C o p p e r) ........................................................................ C o p p e r) ........................................................................
N IC K EL PLA TE D — S eries 50—A pplied on A50 OA50 D50 OD50 D51 OD51 S51 OS51 HS51 A58
Bright Bright Dull Dull Dull Dull S and ed S and ed S and ed Bright
Base Metal Polished Burnished Polished Burnished
U. S. Symbol US8
Bronze or Brass Metal, C ast Iron or Steel
N atural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. N atural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. N atural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. N atural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized an d R elieved................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized an d R e lie v ed ................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized a n d R elieved................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized and R elieved................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized a n d Relieved, with raised lines bright, on ornate designs o n ly . . N atural Color, dark-oxidized background, on ornate designs o n ly ..........................
Polished Burnished Polished B urnished Polished Burnished Polished B urnished Polished Polished
US14 US15
U S16 US17
SILV ER PLA TE D — S eries 60— A pplied on Bronze or Brass Metal O nly A60 D60 560 D61 561
Bright Dull S anded Dull Sanded
N atural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Light-Oxidized an d R eliev ed................................................................................................ Light-Oxidized an d R eliev ed ................................................................................................
Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished
GOLD PLA TE D —S eries 70—^Applied on Bronze or Brass Metal O nly A70 D70 S70 IA70
Bright Dull S and ed Bright
Natural Natural Natural Natural
C o lo r............................................................................................................................. C o lo r............................................................................................................................. C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Color, im itation..........................................................................................................
Polished Polished Polished Polished
VER D E A N T IQ U E —S eries 80—^Applied on Bronze or Brass Metal O nly S81 HS81
S anded S and ed
V erde A ntigue, m e d iu m ......................................................................................................... V erde A ntigue, medium , with raised lines b r ig h t.........................................................
Polished Polished
C A D M IU M PLATED—S eries 90—^Applied on Bronze or Brass Metal, C ast Iron or Steel A90 OA90 D90 OD90 S90 OS90
Bright Bright Dull Dull Sanded Sanded
Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. N atural C o lo r.............................................................................................................................
Polished Burnished Polished Burnished Polished Burnished
Dull Dull Dull
Half Polished Iron (Swedish) on Bronze or Iron M etal................................................ Half Polished Iron (Swedish) on Bronze or Iron M e tal................................................ Half Polished Iron (Swedish) on W hite Bronze Metal, o n ly .......................................
Polished Burnished Polished
Bright Dull Sanded
Bright Dull Bright Dull
Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Polished Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. Polished Natural C o lo r............................................................................................................................. 1 Polished
C H R O M IU M PLATED— S eries 110—A pplied on Bronze or Brass Metal O nly DUO
Alia D118
N atural Color, dark-oxidized background, on ornate designs o n ly .......................... N atural Color, dark-oxidized background, on ornate designs only..........................
Polished Polished Polished Polished
US26 US26D
A L U M IN U M METAL—S eries 120 A120 D120
Bright Dull
Natural C o lo r..............................................................................................................................
Polished Polished
For information on Locksets w ith different finishes on opposite sides, refer to P ag e No. 40. For information on metals u sed in th e m anufacture of Builders H ardw are, refer to P age Nos. 4 4 to 47.
------------- — ( B A R R O W S ) ---------------- -
Bureau Stand ards
Bommer Cham ChanEarle pion Barrovfs Spring trell Clinton P and F Hdw. Hinge Hdw. Hdw. & Lock Corbin Mfg. Lock Works Co. Tool Co. Co. Co. Co. Co.
2C 2G 2H 2S
US 3 US 4 US 5 US 6 US 7
Hager Griffin & Sons H. B. Ives Law Mfg. Hinge rence Co. Co. Iron Steel Bros.
Frantz Mfg. Co.
Japanned, Bright......... OlO Japanned, Dead Black. ODIO
A90 01 2
Galvanized, Electro. ..
Brass, Sanded, Oxi dized and Relieved.. Brass, Sanded, Oxi dized and Relieved, raised ornamentation
A30 Brass, Dull, Oxidized
30 37
2 12
Jap DBJap
EGalv HGalv
Cad ElGalv Galv
39?< 01
34 61
A20 D20
40 47
1 24
^-inch egualling 1 foot or ^ -in c h egualling 1 foot, which can be scaled for size, but for hardw are that is m anufactured to exact size, such as kick plates, push and pull bars and exit bolts, it is safer to check with the architect, contractor, or to secure measurements at the building when possible. W hen you begin to "take off" hardw are from plans, fewer chances for errors will occur if you establish a definite routine and follow it. For example, start with the floor plan of basement, listing exterior doors first; then follow around the basement listing all doors, cabinets and windows. Start next with the first floor, listing the main entrance door first, then follow around listing each door in main section, followed by the listing of all other doors. After doors are listed start with cabinets and follow with casem ent windows and double-hung windows. Use this routine for all other floors, the only exception being that when "taking off" an apartment, hotel, etc., w here there is a typical arrangem ent either by apartm ents or floors, group under one heading all openings which are alike. It is advisable, w hen listing open ings, to include them all; and under openings not in hardw are contract make a note, "Not in this con tract"; then if a controversy develops you are protected. W hen listing different openings, fill in complete details if they are shown and it will save considerable time afterwards, especially if door closers or push bars, etc., are to be ordered. The size already would be listed on the schedule and would not have to be looked up, or if a door size should b e changed with out your knowledge and the hardw are furnished would not fit, you could easily determ ine from your schedule that it was not your fault, entitling you to ah "extra" if any expense was incurred.
DOOR DETAILS Check doors for width, height, thickness, width of stile, hand; and the edge of the lock stile for type of lock front, whether flat, angle or bevel, rabbet, astragal or rounded edge. Check width and thickness together with the projection of the door frame trim and the degree the door will open. Determine the size of butts reguired. The width of the lock stile will determine the backset of the lock, the size of escutcheon and knob, pull or lever, which must clear the door frame stop w hen door is opened and closed. The center of the keyhole, cylinder hole or knob hub should be in the center of the lock stile O ther details to check are the height, which determines the length of cremone or flush bolts, should they be reguired; the thickness, which determines the length of cylinder and spindle and width of lock front; and the hand, which determines the bevel reguired on latch bolts. Check door trim to determ ine length of lip of strike so that latch bolt will not come in contact with the wood. To determine the proper length of lip, draw a line on the door frame rebate from w here the center of edge of door would be w hen
(B A R R O W S ) closed to a point half the distance that the trim projects from the plastered wall. Note if there are any operating transoms over doors. Check sliding doors for length of run of track; also w hether single or double astragal, to determine the type of lock front. Check fire doors to determine if tin clad, kalamein or metal and if fire underwriters' hardw are is reguired.
WINDOW DETAILS Note meeting rails w here sash fasteners are applied and bottom rail and sill to see if there is space enough for standard hardw are. If there are inside screens, check space betw een bottom rail of sash and screen to determine type of sash lift reguired. FRENCH OR CASEMENT WINDOWS Note hand and whether swing is in or out; the width and thickness of the vertical rails or m eeting rails or pairs of sash; also the type of meeting rail, if rabbeted, etc. Check bottom rail and stool for casement adjusters. If crem one bolts are used, give height and detail of sill and head for strikes. Also check for height of operating knob or lever. CABINETS Details should be very carefully checked for projecting mouldings which are often used for adorn ment but necessitate larger size butts. Note latch rails and edge of doors to determ ine type of latch; also if doors are flush or offset and the hand or swing of door. Check drawers for thickness and band moulds in case locks are used, the thickness for length of nose and the moulds for drop of lock. Check for medicine cabinets, milk cabinets, secret doors and panels, pipe shafts, hose cabinets, switch boxes, plumbing cabinets, shoe cabinets, window seats, radiator enclosures and clothes chutes. SHUTTERS Check details of window casings for proper size hinges or butts to assure enough throw to allow shutters to lie against wall. SKYLIGHTS Check for operating skylights to determine type of operator and hinges if any are reguired. TRANSOMS Check details for information called for on Page No. 523 in order to select proper transom lifter, if to be used. SPECIFICATION WRITING Architects often reguire a complete specification for the Finishing Hardware and in order to provide this the Builders' Hardware Expert is freguently requested to recommend the hardw are best suited for the work under consideration, and to prepare a complete specification showing what material will be required. The same process of scheduling is followed and the details consulted to make sure that the hardw are being specified will fit the details drawn. W here the details reguire special material, involving additional cost, this item should be referred to the Architect for a decision, as sometimes a slight change in the details will eliminate the extra cost. Before listing the openings reguiring hardw are it is necessary that information be obtained indicating for what purpose each room will b e used. This, in most cases, is shown on the plans, as the use of each room is usually determined on the preliminary drawing layout. After listing the openings and noting their designation, the correct hardw are reguired for each type of opening may be selected from builders' hardw are catalogs, as practically every builders' h ard ware manufacturer catalogs his product according to function of locks and architectural periods of design for ornamental surface trimmings. The details are then consulted so that any conditions requiring special hardw are will b e included in the list or schedule and to determine that the hardw are selected will fit all details. With this information noted and listed in order, it is then possible to prepare either a descriptive specifi cation or a schedule specification. A descriptive specification does not specify the required hardw are in terms of any m anufacturer's catalog list numbers, but describes the hardw are in complete written detail, listing the sizes, opera tion, design, finish and material. In the schedule type of specification, it is necessary to show under each opening, or each character of opening, the type of hardw are required, by listing some m anufacturer's comparable products, by catalog numbers.
■( B A R R O W S > Refer to illustrative
HARDW ARE SCHEDULE on pages 54, 55 and 56, compiled from this set of plans shown on pages 50, 51, 52 and 53. (This page, basement and first floor plans) ^ /tT £ :o
These p lans are not typical, b u t a rra n g e d to show as m any dif feren t types of o pening s as possible. l / i u r y D
/ ^ Y fU /Z /Y /IC Z .
X O O A f
/ / j I I
r o o / H
J /.Z .
tv//V £>O U fS
i//3farc Y7£>
3 ^ jZ A fr /y r
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f/^ 3 T
Fl o o ^
P l a n
t o
J Z o o M
•CB A R R O W S ) Refer to illustrative
HARDWARE SCHEDULE on pages 54, 55 and 56, compiled from this set of plans, shown on pages 50, 51, 52 and 53. (This page, front elevation and second floor plan) These plans are not typical, b u t arra n g e d to show as m any different types of openings as possible.
H //fc f£ O ^ S c /i£ £ /y S
^ J C ^ £ £ /Y £ D
'i j 'J
© o /f fO /tC //
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T l/0 //i6
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^ M s / . A ^ A £ /f c u />oo,e / / r
OUT^C^/ZYC/Zi^ CAS£Zf£/rT /A
!'£ff££K CoAJii.
OOO/e.3 (iC o vA .)
^ o a A / n 5 OUD 3 X /C A
D u T c - n P O O R . ; ; f g ^ i c K y £ r t e . r ^ u/ a l l o oox^ TO c u P A o A A i:}, B o o x - c a s e s ^ DouBl-E. S u > /r/S ///a S A K /i& C i>oCi£s S t. lO M 6 < }/IK A (rE e > 0 0 /i.
C A je M I^ r J / f / gje/cK
C im i-Jint/na cjseM ef/n w Ae/ce ui,t/.L P 0OTjui//ti//Yf CA}CI>t£/*T3 /// 0X/CA: V£/i£e/t o v r jiu / r ie / n i^
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^2□D D Q PD □ D D □ DD □D D □D D
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_y T o A / E
U J 4 /U .
/^ ^ o h r ^ £ i/:v /iT /o A /
(B A R R O W S )Refer to illustrative
HARDWARE SCHEDULE on pages 54, 55 and 56, compiled from this set of plans shown on pages 50, 51, 52 and 53. (This page, door and transom details) wj/aa 7 ./.ocK S T / I . B - , i r / j . £ O P f> ei/r^
DET4 /L 5 o r F iO A /r Z N T iA /yc z-
/^ £ c o /^ M £ /y D c r jL /r /D ^ ./t LO C A t3£.r, / > o o ^ / < ^ O C ^ £ ^ ,
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/A '
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O T J ifM A S
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300A ^C A JZS
Bo TTO/ii A t 4 //^ S
(B A R R O W S )-
HARDW ARE SCHEDULE The hardw are schedule compiled below and on the following two pages is a "take off" from the house plans shown on pages 50, 51, 52 and 53. These plans are not typical but are used to illustrate the proper method of tabulating openings and details of the requ ired hardw are. HAR DW A R E SCH ED ULE F or O w n er’s N a m e ...............T y p e C o n s t r u c t io n . S tr e e t A d d r e ss........................C i t y ................................. A r c h ite c t’s N a m e ............................................. A r c h ite c t’s A d d r e ss........................................
S uggest C oal C h u te for F u rn a ce Room. S uggest Basem ent Stancheons. S uggest Bell Traps.
IT EM 13— 1 M a in E n tr a n c e D oor, B , to E n try , R .H ., and T ransom 3'0"x7'0" x2 K " x5>^" S tile ! Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish KEYING INSTRUCTIONS O n ly “ “ C ylinder Lockset, Set "A ", Finish All Cylinder Locks to b e m aster keyed in one set; O nly “ “ Door Knocker, Finish Main E ntrance Door— Set " A " O n ly “ “ Push Button, Finish Service Entrance Door— Set "B" O nly “ “ Letter C hute, Finish G arag e E ntrance Doors— Set "C " O nly “ “ N umerals, Finish G ra d e Entrance Door— Set "D" O nly “ “ C hain Door Fastener, Finish Fruit Closet Door— Set "E" O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish Set " A " — Keys to act as m aster keys on Sets B,C, D an d E. Pr. “ “ Transom Butts or Centers, Finish Set ” B"— Keyed alike, b u t different from Sets A,C, D an d E. O nly “ “ Transom O p erato r or Lifter, Finish Set " C " — Different from Sets A, B, D an d E. IT EM 14— 1 Service E n tr a n c e D u t c h D oor, J, P o rc h to Set "D "— Different from Sets A, B, C an d E. K itc h e n , R .H . Set ” E"— Different from Sets A, B, C an d D. 3'0"x7'0"xl^"x5" S tile 3 Only, Cylinder Lock Master Keys. 2 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish All Bit Key Locks Master Keyed in O n e Set— Sets "F". 1 O nly “ “ C ylinder Lockset, Set "B ", Finish 3 Only, Bit Key Master Keys. 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ C h ain Door Fastener, Finish BASEMENT 1 O nly “ “ D utch Door Bolt ITEM 15— 1 R ear E n tr a n c e D oor, I, to G a ra g e, L .H . IT EM 1— 1 D oor, A, R ecrea tio n R o o m to H all, R.H . 3'0"x7'0"xlJi"x5" S tile 2'8"x7'0"xl^"x5" S tile 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ C ylinder Lockset, Finish, Set " C " 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish ITEM 16— 1 K a la m e in D oor, I, G a ra g e to G ra d e E n IT EM 2— 1 D oor, A, R ec re a tio n R o o m to S to ra g e, R .H . tr a n c e , L .H . 3'0"x7'0"xl^"x5" S tile 3'0"x7'0"xlM"x5" S tile 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ C ylinder Lockset, Finish, Set "D " ITEM 3— 1 D oor, A, H a ll to C lo set, R.H . 1 O nly “ “ Fusible Link Door Closer, Finish 2'6"x6'8"xlJ^"x5" S tile IT EM 17— 1 D oor, A, E n try fro m H a ll, R .H . R .B . 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 3'0"x7'0"xl^"x5" S tile 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish 1 ^ Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish ITEM 4— 1 D oor, A, H a ll t o L a u n d ry R o o m , R .H . I O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 2'6"x6'8"xl^"x5" S tile ITEM 18— 1 P a ir F r e n c h D oors, D , H a ll to L iv in g R o o m , R .H . 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish 2'6"x7'0"xlK"x3" S tile s 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 3 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish ITEM 5— 1 D oor, A, H a ll to F ru it C lo set, R .H . 1 O nly “ “ Top, Flush Bolt, Finish 2'6"x6'8"xl^"x5" S tile 1 O nly “ “ Bottom, Flush Bolt, Finish 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key— 1 J ^ " B S 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish Lockset, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Rim Cyl. Night Latch, Set "E", Finish 1 O nly “ “ Dummy Trim, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Floor Door Stop, Finish 2 O nly “ “ Base Door Stops, Finish ITEM 6— 1 D oor, A, H a ll to F u r n a c e R o o m , R .H . ITEM 19— 1 D oor, A, H a ll to L avatory, R .H . 2'6"x6'8"xl^"x5" S tile 2'4"x6'8"xl%:"x5" S tile 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Bit Key Lockset, Finish 1 O nly “ “ T urn Knob Lockset, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Door Closer, Finish IT EM 7— 1 D oor, A, L a u n d ry R o o m to T o ilet, L.H. ITEM 20— 1 S et, D o u b le S lid in g D oors, E, b e t w e e n 2'6"x6'8"xl^"x5" S tile L iv in g R o o m a n d D in in g R o o m 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 3'0"x7'0"xl^"x5" S tile 1 O nly “ “ Turn Knob Lockset, Finish 1 Set (Insert No.) Track an d H angers 1 O nly “ “ Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Double Sliding Door ITEM 8— 4 T op H in g e d S a sh in R ecrea tio n R o o m Lockset, Finish ITEM 9— 1 T op H in g e d S a sh in S to ra g e R o o m ITEM 21— 1 S e t, T w o F old D oors, H, D in in g R o o m to S u n P arlor ITEM 10—2 T op H in g e d S a sh in L a u n d ry R o o m 2'0"x6'8"xl S tile s ITEM 11—2 T op H in g e d S a sh in F u r n a c e R o o m 6 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 9 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 3 Only 9 O nly “ “ Sash Fasteners, Finish Top, Flush Bolts, Finish 3 O nly Bottom, Flush Bolts, Finish 9 O nly “ “ Hooks an d Eyes 1 O nly Bit Key Lockset, Finish IT EM 12— 1 T op H in g e d S a sh in T o ile t Dummy Trim, Finish 1 O nly 1 Pr. (Insert No.) Butts, Finish 1 O nly Base Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Sash Fastener, Finish 1 O nly Floor Door Stop, Finish 1 O nly “ “ Hook an d Eye
(B A R R O W S )
HARDW ARE SCHEDULE, Cont. (From plans on pages 50, 51, 52 and 53) IT E M 22— 1 D o u b le A c t in g D oor, F , b e t w e e n D in in g R o o m a n d B r e a k fa s t A lcove 2'8"x6'8"xlJOO^J
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