Builders' Hardware: Catalog No. 21 [21 ed.]

Reading Hardware Co.'s 1931 hardware catalog.

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Builders' Hardware: Catalog No. 21 [21 ed.]

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RESEAR.CH O o n a 'I 'c o l

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B u t l e r

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Research Library ___________


A J . Hoffman

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CATALOG N o . 21










106 -110 L afay e tte S t.

9 N . S th St.

556 L ittle Building

1433-35 Holden Ave.

311W . L a k e S t.

604 Mission St.

January, 1931

C o p y r i g h t 1931 R e a d in g H a r d w a r e C o r p o r a tio n R e a d i n g , P a.






take pleasure in presenting our latest catalog

No. 21. In former issues we separated and described some of our lines in separate catalogs; this catalog describes and illustrates

Alpha­ betical Index

our complete lines. In compiling it, our desire has been to illustrate and describe items that conform with present day standardization practices. Special attention has been devoted to new designs to meet the modernistic trend in architecture; new locks in certified template standard sizes; Exit Devices; Door Closers; and Unilocks, of the latest designs are new items added since our last edition. In addition to our Building Hardware, we manufacture a complete line of Shelf Hardware and Lawn Mowers. Every item illustrated is manufactured in our own plant, assuring uniformity of finish and high quality. READING HARDW ARE CORP. REA D IN G , PENNA. J a n u a r y , 1931

Numer­ ical Index





ja O R ^ T l ON



READING Triule Mark G>pfrif{hte^" C on stru ctio n T y p e C, P age 6 Two, Nickel Steel, Class 179 T w enty-four R eversib le P1123Vi, W ro ugh t Bronze. Size x 1" B y key outside, knob inside. T u rn of knob in reverse position holds lock retrac te d in case O ne in a box w ith screws

0757, F la t K ey


0 7 5 7 1 /4 , 0 7 5 7 1 /2

C ase . . K n ob . . C ylin d er B o lt . . S trik e B a c k set . S p rin g K eys . . C h a n g es H and . . F or D oors O p eratio n P a c k in g .

07571 / 4 , 07571/2

2 } ^ " x 2 J ^ " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d Bronze Bronze C ast Iron P acked regular w ith Box S trike an d R everse Bevel Strike IH " C on stru ctio n T y p e U, P age 7 T hree, Class 610. Nickel Bronze E igh t an d H undred an d F ifty R eversib le 0757, 1" to I M " . 0 7 5 7 1 / 4 , IH " to I J i " . 0 7 5 7 1 / 2 , 1}^" to IM" B y key outside, knob inside. S to p holds la tch re tra c te d in case O ne in a box w ith screws

Specify Latch Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

READING Lock Section



740, 745 2 " X 3 ^ " . C ast Iro n Jap an n e d Steel P lated 740, C ast Iron, P lated. 745, C ast Bronze P acked regular w ith Box S trike an d Reverse Bevel S trik e lY i" C on stru ctio n T y p e C, P age 6 202. Bronze T hree, Nickel Bronze, Class 522 U nlim ited R eversib le K ey outside, knob inside, tu r n of knob in reverse direction, holds latch retrac te d in case t'acis.iiig ,. , , . P a ck in g . . One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key, class 522. T h is lock ca n n o t be m aster keyed w ith locks having key, class 622

C ase K nob . B o lt . . S tr ik e . B a c k set S p rin g C y lin d er K eys C h a n g es H and . O p er a tio n

740, 745

741, 751 2 i ^ " x 3 " . C ast Iro n Jap an n ed . P l a t e d F inishes to order Brass Bronze Bronze. 741, Cyl. 202. 751, Cyl. 201 P acked regular w ith Box S trike an d Reverse Bevel S trike

Case K n ob . B o lt . . C ylin d er S tr ik e . B a c k set S p rin g K eys

1^" C onstruction T y p e Y P age 7 741, small cylinder, three. Nickel Bronze. Class i l l 751, large cylinder, three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 U nlim ited C h an g es R eversib le H and . K ey outside, knob inside, stop holds latch retrac te d in case O p eration O ne in a box w ith screws P a c k in g . Can m aster key w ith locks having sam e key class

741, 751

748, 749 2 ^ " x 3 % " . C ast Iron Ja p an n e d , Steel P lated . 748, C ast Iron, P lated. 749, C ast Bronze . Bronze. 202 P acked regular w ith Box S trike an d Reverse Bevel S trike . 1V2" . C onstruction T y p e C, Page 6 . T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 522 . U nlim ited . R eversible K ey outside, knob inside. T u rn of knob in reverse direction holds latch retrac te d in case P a c k in g . . One in a box w ith screws Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having key, class 522

C ase K n ob . B o lt . . C ylin d er S tr ik e . B a c k set S p rin g K eys C h a n g es H and . O p eratio n

748, 749


757 Japanned, 1757 Cast Bronze C a se

I 757, J a p a n n ed 1757, C ast B ronze

. . . iy% ' " 757, C ast Iro n Jap an n ed 1757, C ast Bronze, Polished P lated Finishes to order K n o b . . . Bronze B o lt . . . . Bronze C y lin d e r . Bronze. 201 S tr i k e . . . Packed regular w ith Box S trike an d Reverse Bevel S trike S p r in g . . 757, C onstruction T y p e Y, Page 7 757V2> C onstruction T y p e U, Page 7 1757, C onstruction T y p e Y, P age 7 1757V^, C onstruction T y p e U, Page 7 B a c k s e t . . 757, 2?^". 1757, 2 ^ " Special backsets; 757Vz, Jap an ned, Backset 1 ^ " , Case 2 % " 17571 / 2 , Bronze, B ackset \ Case 2 % " K ey s . . . T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C h a n g e s . . U nlim ited H a n d . . . R e v e rsib le O p e r a t io n . K e y outside, knob inside, stop holds latch re tra c te d in case P a c k i n g . . One in a box w ith screws Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having key, class 622

Specify Latch Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section

756 W i t h L ev e r


C a se

. . . 2 ?^ " X 35^". C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d . P la te d finishes to order K nob . . : Bronze B o lt . . . Bronze S trik e . . . P acked regular w ith Box S trike B a c k s e t . . iy% ' C y lin d e r . Bronze. 201 S p r in g . . C o nstruction T y p e Y , P age 7 K ey s . . . T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C hanges . U nlim ited H and . . . N o t R e v e r s ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t io n . B y key outside, lever inside. S top holds latch re tra c te d in case P a c k i n g . . O ne in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key, class 622

758 C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d . P lated finishes to . . . 3" X order (P rojection from do or K n o b . . . Bronze, O val 2J^" x

C ase E x tr a H e a v y f o r G a r a g e D o o rs

3M ")


B o lt . . . Bronze S t r i k e . . . Packed regular w ith Box S trik e a n d R everse Bevel S trike B ackset . . 2 ^ " C y lin d e r Bronze. 201 S p r in g . . C o nstruction T y p e Y, P age 7 K ey s . . . T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C hanges U nlim ited H a n d . . . R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t io n . K ey outside, knob inside. S top holds la tch retrac te d in case P a c k i n g . . One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key, class 622

759 C a se W i t h A u x ilia ry L a t c h


. . . iy%" X 3 ^ " . C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d . P lated finishes to order K nob . . . Bronze B o lt . . . Bronze S t r i k e . . . P acked regular w ith Box S trike B ackset . .2% ” C y lin d e r . Bronze. 201 S p r in g . . C onstruction T y p e F, Page 6 K eys . . . T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C hanges . U nlim ited H and . . . N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t io n . K ey outside, knob inside. S to p holds la tch retrac te d in case. A u x ilia ry l a t c h d e a d lo c k s m a i n l a t c h b o l t w h e n d o o r is c lo s e d , p rev en ting th e latch from being forced b ack from outside P a c k i n g . . One in a box w ith screws C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having key, class 622

760 C a se

S c re w s C o n c e a le d


. . . 2 ^ " x 3 } ^ ' ' . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d . P lated finishes to order K n o b . . . Bronze B o lt . . . Bronze S t r i k e . . . P acked regular w ith Box S trike an d Reverse Bevel S trike B ackset . . 2 ^ " C y lin d e r . Bronze. 201 S p r in g . . C onstruction T y p e Y , Page 7 K ey s . . . T hree, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 C hanges . U nlim ited H a n d . . . R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t io n . K ey outside, knob inside. S to p holds la tch re tra c te d in case P a c k i n g . . One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key, class 622

Specify hatch Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section




1652 lyi" X C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 1" X 5 C ast Bronze or Brass C ast Bronze 1^"

C ase . . . Front . . B o lt . B a c k set S p a c in g S tr ik e . . C y lin d er . K eys . . . C h a n g es K nob Hub S p rin g . . T u r n K n ob H and . . . O p era tio n


K nob F o r Inside 1652

3 M " X


2 ^ " x l " . L ip to C en ter W ro u g h t Bronze Bronze, 102 T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 U nlim ited Bronze for ^ " Spindle C onstruction T y p e F, Page 6 C ast Bronze or Brass P1485, % " Spindle R ev ersib le K ey outside, tu r n knob inside, stop in fro n t holds latch retrac te d in case One in a box w ith screws

P a c k in g

1653 K— 2 t BACKSET

K nob F o r Inside


C ase . . . . Front . , B o lt . . . . B a c k set . S p a c in g . S tr ik e . . C y lin d er . K eys . . . . C h a n g es . K n ob H u b S p rin g . . T urn K nob H an d . . . . O p eratio n P a c k in g

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. .

3 J4 " x 3 " x C ast Iron Jap an n ed 1" X 5 C ast Bronze or Brass C ast Bronze 2M " IH " 2 ^ " X 1". L ip to C enter IJie". W ro u g h t Bronze Bronze, I J ^ " . 102 T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 U nlim ited Bronze for ^ " Spindle C onstruction T y p e E , Page 6 C ast Bronze or Brass P1485, ^ " Spindle R eversible K ey outside, tu rn knob inside, sto p in fro n t holds latch retrac te d in case One in a box w ith screws

1657, 1667 C ase . . Front B o lt . B a ck set S p a c in g S trik e K nob F o r Inside

1667, w ith rab b e ted front, sp e c ify h a n d B ackset 334", from long side. R abbet Case, 3 M " x 4 " x ? ^ "

C ylin der K eys . . C h a n g es K n ob H u b S pring T u rn K n ob H and . . O p eration P a ck in g

W ith A uxiliary B o lt F or C lo se t D oors B ACKSET!

K nob F o r Inside


3 X 33 ^ " X C ast Iron Jap an n e d 1" x 5 C ast Bronze or Brass C ast Bronze 1657, 2 H " 1667, 3}4" Long Side m " 2 % " X 1 ". Lip to C enter 1 ^ " . W ro u g h t Bronze or B rass Bronze, 102 T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 U nlim ited Bronze for Spindle C onstruction T y p e E, Page 6 C ast Bronze or Brass P1485, ^ " Spindle R eversible K ey outside, tu rn knob inside, sto p in front holds latch retrac te d in case One in a box w ith screws

1654 C ase . . . F ro n t . . B o lt . . . B a ck set S p a c in g S tr ik e . . C ylin der K eys . . . C h an g es K n ob H u b S p rin g . , T u r n K n ob H and . . , O p era tio n P a ck in g

Specify Latch Number and Finish.

4" X 3% " ^ C ast Bronze 2H "

C ast Iron Jap an n e d C ast Bronze or Brass

4 ^ " X 1}^". Lip to C enter 1 " . C ast Bronze o r Brass Bronze, 102 Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 U nlim ited Bronze for ^ " Spindle C onstruction T y p e E, Page 6 C ast Bronze or Brass P1485, Spindle N o t R eversib le, S p e cify H a n d K ey outside, tu rn knob inside, stop in fro n t holds latch retrac te d in case. A u x ilia ry -Bolt d ea d lo c k s m a in la t c h b o lt w h e n d o o r is c lo se d One in a box w ith screws

For Finishes, see page 1



Lock Section

RIM DEAD LOCKS 372 C ast Iro n Jap an n e d 2" X 3 " X M " x 2 " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 2" C ast Iro n One Iro n Nickeled. Class 33 T h ree R e v e rs ib le 11V4» W ro u g h t Steel Ja p an n e d , 1 % " x 1" K ey from eith er side O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

C ase . . B ox S t r i k e B ackset . B o lt . . T u m b le r K ey . . C hanges H and . , E sc u tc h e o n O p e r a t io n P a c k in g





2 J ^ " x 3 ‘' x % " . C a st Iron Ja p a n n e d X 2% ". C a st Iron Ja p an n e d 2" C ast Iron One Iro n Nickeled. Class 49 Six R e v e rs ib le 11M> W ro u g h t Steel Ja p an n e d , 1 ^ " x 1 " K ey from either side One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

C a se . . B ox S t r i k e B ackset . B o lt . . T u m b le r K ey . . C hanges H and . . E sc u tc h e o n O p e r a t io n P a c k in g

380, 400, 402, 403, 404 C a se . . . B ox S tr i k e B ackset . . H and . . . E sc u tc h e o n

2}/i" X 3% " X C a st Iron Ja p an n e d X 214"■ C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 2M " R e v e rs ib le l l j ^ , W ro u g h t Steel Ja p an n e d , I J ^ " x 1 tf B o lt

380, 400, 402, 403, 404

Nickeled Steel K ey

380 Iron 400 Iron 402 Iron 403 Brass 404 Brass O p e r a t io n . . P a c k in g . .

T u m b le rs

C hanges

K ey









251 252 256 252 256

3 48 K ey from either side One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

C lass

N ickeled N ickeled Nickeled Nickeled N ickeled

390, 412, 395, 417 C a se S tr i k e B ackset . B o lt . T u m b le rs C hanges BACKSET

390, 412 395, 417, 4 " Backset

K ey N ickeled Steel K ey

. .

H and . . E sc u tc h e o n O p e r a t io n P a c k in g

390, 412, 3 J ^ " x 5 ‘' x J ^ " . C ast Iron Ja p an n e d 395, 417, 4 " X 6" x J^". C ast Iron Jap an n e d Packed regular w ith Box S trike 390, 412, 3M" 395, 417, 4" C ast Iron 390, 395, One 412, 417, T h ree 390, 395, T w enty-four 412, 417, F o rty -eig ht 390, 395. Class 254. Nickeled Steel 412, 417. Class 256. N ickeled Steel R e v e rsib le 1 1 Wr ought Steel Japann ed , 1 % " x 1" K ey from either side O ne-quarter dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Lock Number

Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel

%R E A D I N G $r Lock Section

RIM DEAD LOCKS 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426 C a s e ...........................

I 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426

Folding K ey Steel N ickeled

420, 422, 4 " x 5" x 1 Cas t Iro n Ja p an n e d 423, 425, 4 " X 6" X 1 Cas t Iro n Ja p an n e d 424, 426, 4:%" x 7" x 1". C ast Iron Ja p an n e d S t r i k e ...................... Packed regular w ith Box S trike B a c k s e t ...................... 3 J^ " B o l t ...........................C ast Iron T u m b l e r s .................. 420, 423, 424, One 422, 425, 426, T hree C h a n g e s .................. 420, 423, 424, Tw elve 422, 425, 426, T hirty-six K e y s ........................... 420, 423, 424, Two. Class 581. Folding N ickeled Steel 422, 425, 426, Two. Class 583. Folding Nickeled Steel H a n d ...........................R eversible E s c u tc h e o n . . . . 13, W rought Steel Japanned, 2" x I J ^ " O p era tio n . . . . K ey from either side P a ck in g ..................O ne lock in a box w ith screws

427, 428

427, 428

Folding K ey Steel Nickeled

C a s e ...................................... X 214" X 1". C ast Iron Jap an n ed S trik e ............................Packed regular w ith Box Strike B a c k s e t ...................... 1 " B o l t ...........................C a st Iron T u m b l e r s .................. 427, One 428, T hree C h a n g e s .................. 427, Twelve 428, T hirty-six K e y s ........................... 427, Two. Class 581. Folding N ickeled Steel 428, Two. Class 583. Folding N ickeled Steel H a n d ...........................R e v e rsib le E sc u tc h e o n . . . . 13, W rought Steel Japann ed , 2" x 134'^ O p e r a t io n . . . . K ey from either side P a c k in g ..................O ne lock in a box w ith screws

431, 433, 434, 436

4 3 1 ,4 3 3 , 434, 436

Folding K ey Steel Nickeled

C a s e .......................... 5 " x 3 " X 1". C ast Iro n Jap an n ed S tr i k e ...................... P acked regular w ith Box S trike B a c k s e t ...................... 2" B o l t ........................... 431, 433. C ast Iron 434, 436. C ast Bronze T u m b l e r s .................. 431, 434, One 433, 436, T hree C h a n g e s .................. 4 3 1 ,4 3 4 , T w elve 433, 436, T h irty-six K e y s ........................... 431, 434, Two. Class 581. Folding Nickeled Steel 433, 436, Tw o. Class 583. Folding N ickeled Steel H a n d ...........................R e v e rsib le E sc u tc h e o n . . . . 13, W rou ght Steel Japann ed, 2" x 134" O p e r a t io n . . . . K ey from either side P a c k in g ..................One-half dozen locks in a box w ith screws

Specify Lock Number




Lock Section

0627, 0631 C ase


S tr ik e . . . . B ackset . . B o l t .................. K n o b .................. C y lin d e r . . . C hanges . . . K e y s .................. F or D o o rs . . . H a n d .................. O p er a tio n . . P a c k in g . . .


(i) 0627, 0631

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0627, 4 " X 23^" X 1". C a st Iro n Ja p a n n e d 0631, 5 " x 2 3 ^ " x l " . C a st Iro n Ja p a n n e d P lated F inishes to order. F u rn ish ed w ith Ja p a n n e d cases an d bronze cylinders, regular P acked regular w ith Box S trike iH " C a st Bronze C a st Brass Bronze, R im 201 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 K " to 2 J^ " th ick R ev ersib le K ey outside, knob inside One in a box w ith screws

NO TE— In a p p ly in g p la c e n o t c h in s p in d le h u b w it h arrow o n lo c k c a se C an m aster key w ith locks having key, class 622

627, 631 C ase \ ig ''. Lip to C enter W rou ght Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 2% " S p a c i n g ...................... 2 ^ " H u b ............................... Bronze, for ^ B" Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................F ou r C h a n g e s ..................F o ur H undred K e y ............................... N ickeled Forged Steel. Class 584 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e D , Page 6 H a n d ...........................R eversible O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob either side. D ead bolt by key eith er side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

1412 Lock 1412 Keying S ystem on Page 152

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e .............................................VL1144l^ C ast B r o n z e ......................................................VL1144-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

VL1244W VL1244-AR

i 76

READING Lock Section


For Narrow Stile French Doors

001122, 001123-FS 01122, B ackset 2" G u n . or F rench S prin g


X 5^". C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d C a s e ........................... 4 J ^ " X 2 B o l t s ........................... C a st Bronze F r o n t ........................... 1" X 6J^". C ast B rass o r Bronze S trik e ...................................... x I K " . L ip to C en ter 1% ". W ro u g h t Bronze B a c k s e t ....................... 001122, B ackset 1}^". Case 2 J^ " 01122, B ackset 2". Case 2 % " 001123-FS, F r e n c h S p r in g , B ackset I J i " . Case 2Y%" S p a c i n g .......................2 % " K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Spindle T u rn K nob H ub Bronze, for % " Spindle S p r i n g ....................... 001122, C onstruction T y p e F , Page 6 01122, C onstruction T y p e F , Page 6 001123-FS, F r e n c h S p r in g . C on stru ctio n T y p e H , Page 6 H and .......................R e v e rs ib le O p e ra tio n . . . . L atch bolt b y knob or lever from either side. D ead b olt b y tu rn knob from either side P a c k i n g ............................One-half dozen in a box w ith screws 001123-FS Sam e as 001122, b u t w ith F ren ch Spring. T h e F ren ch Spring holds lever handle up w ith o u t auxiliary springs

Compression S pring

Of L ock 001123-FS

Y2" R a b b et FH O M L O N G


002222, 002223-FS 02222, Backset 2" G u n . or F rench S prin g


Locks 001122 an d 01122 are usually furnished w ith lever handles b u t can also be furnished w ith knobs L ock 001123-FS is usually furnished w ith lever handles

002222, 02222, 002223-FS For Narrow Stile French Doors C a s e ........................... C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 002222, 4 M " x 2 i ^ ' ' x % " 02222, 4 M " x 2 M " x ^ " 002223-FS, 41 ^ " X 2 M " X B o l t s ........................... C ast Bronze F r o n t .............................................................C a st B rass or Bronze. R a b b et S trik e ...................... 6 5 ^ " x l J ^ " . L ip to C en ter IJ^ " . C ast Brass o r Bronze B a c k s e t ....................... 02222, L ong side 2", sh o rt side I J ^ " . Case 1 % ’ 002222, L ong side I J ^ " , sh ort side 1 '. C ase 23^* 002223-FS, F r e n c h S p r in g , L ong side I J i " , sh o rt side 1 '. Case 2 H " S p a c i n g .......................2% " K n o b H u b .................. Bronze, for Spindle ^ T u r n K n o b H u b . . Bronze, for %" Spindle S p r i n g ....................... 02222, C onstruction T y p e F, Page 6 002222, C onstru ctio n T y p e F , Page 6 002223-FS, F r e n c h S p r in g , C on stru ctio n T y p e H , P age 6 H a n d ........................... N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch b olt b y knob or lever from either side. D ead b o lt b y tu r n knob from either side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws 002223-FS, Sam e as 002222, b u t w ith F rench Spring. T h e F ren ch Spring holds lever handle up w ith o u t auxiliary springs

Compression S pring

Of L ock 002223-FS

Locks 002222 an d 02222 are usually furnished w ith lever handles b u t can also be furnished w ith knobs Lock 002223-FS is usually furnished w ith lever handles.

Specify Lock Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1

Sectional trim should be used

READING Lock Section



1211, 1212, 1431, 1432

" R abbet


F R O M LONE S I D E ! '

2 ’-^— >i BACKSET : FROM SHORT s i d e ;

Solid Bow

1211, 1212 Special B acksets 1431, 1432 L ock 1212 K eying S ystem on Page 152

■j : BACKSET !

00958, 00961 003160, 003161 Locks 00961, 003161 K eying S ystem on Page 152

X 5^". C a st Iro n Ja p a n n e d C a s e ........................... 3 ?^ " X 2 B o l t s ........................... 00958, 00961, Iro n P lated 003160, 003161, C a st Bronze F r o n t ........................... 00958, 00961, x 5J^ ". Iro n P lated . Yz" R a b b et 003160, 003161, y%' X C a st Bronze. R a b b et S trik e ...................... 00958, 00961, 5}^" x 1". L ip to C e n te r Iro n P lated 003160, 003161, 5 ^ " x 1". L ip to C en ter 1}^''. C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... L ong side I J ^ " , sh o rt side IJ^" S p a c i n g .......................2 M " K nob H ub . . . . Iron , for Spindle T u m b l e r s .................. 00958, One 00961, T h ree 003160, One 003161, T h ree C h a n g e s .................. 00958, T w enty-fo ur 00961, F o rty -eig h t 003160, T w enty-four 003161, F o rty -eig h t K e y s ...................... .... 00958, N ickeled Steel. Class 0225 00961, N ickeled Steel. Class 0227 003160, N ickeled Steel. Class 0225 003161, N ickeled Steel. Class 0227 S p r i n g ...................... C o nstruction T y p e V, P age 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch b o lt b y knob from eith er side. D ead b olt b y key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws F o r Locks in Sets, See P age 86

Suitable Escutcheons W ro u g h t S t e e l .............................................................................................. 518Vi W ro u g h t B r o n z e ...........................................................................................1518V4 C a st B r o n z e ....................................................................................................1518

00959, 00960, 002160, 002161 Vz" R a b b e t

00959, 00960 002160, 002161 Locks 00960, 002161 K eying S ystem on Page 152

C a s e ...........................3 ^ ' ' x 2 J ^ ‘' x 5 ^ " . C ast Iron Ja p an n e d B o l t s ........................... 00959, 00960, Iron P lated 002160, 002161, C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... 00959, 00960, x Sys"- Iro n P lated. R ab b et 002160, 002161, 1/s" x 5 } ^ ’. C ast Bronze. R ab b et ...................... 00959, 00960, 5 x 1". L ip to C en ter Iro n P lated S trik e 002160, 002161, 53 ^ " X 1". L ip to C en ter IJ^ " . C a st Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... Long side 1 ", sh o rt side 1 " S p a c i n g ...................... 2 J^ " K nob H ub . . . . Iron, for % " Spindle T u m b l e r s .................. 00959, One 00960, T h ree 002160, One 002161, T h ree C h a n g e s .................. 00959, T w enty-fou r 00960, F o rty -eig h t 002160, T w enty-four 002161, F o rty -eig h t K e y s ........................... 00959, N ickeled Steel. Class 0225 00960, N ickeled Steel. Class 0227 002160, N ickeled Steel. Class 0225 002161, Nickeled Steel. Class 0227 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e V, Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob from eith er side. D ead bolt b y key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Suitable Escutcheons W ro ugh t S t e e l ............................................................................................. 518Vi W ro u g h t B r o n z e ...........................................................................................1518Vi C ast B r o n z e ....................................................................................................1518

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

i Lock Section




1160, 1161 BACKSET;

1160, 1161 Lock 1161 K eying System on Page 152

C a s e ...........................3 % " X 3 J^ " X 5^". C ast Iro n Jap an n ed B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................K " X 5 ^ " . C ast Brass or Bronze S trik e ...................... x Lip to C enter 1". W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... lY i" S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H ub . . . Iron, for Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................1160, One 1161, T hree C h a n g e s ..................1160, T w enty-four 1161, F orty-eig ht K e y s ...........................1160, N ickeled Steel. Class 0225 1161, N ickeled Steel. Class 0227 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e A, Page 6 H a n d ...........................R eversib le O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob either side. D ead b o lt b y key either side P a c k i n g ...................... One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

2160, 2161, 02160, 02161 1/ 2

" R a b b et

-2i' i





C a s e ...........................x 3 J^ " x C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... X 5}{%". C ast Bronze. 3^" R abbet ...................... 5 Lip to C enter 1 ^ " . C ast Bronze S tr i k e B a c k s e t ...................... 2160, 2161, Long side 2}4", sh ort side 2" r»af*KCAf'


b a c k s e t




2160, 2161 Lock 2161 Keying S ystem on Page 152

02160, One T um bler. Long side 2 ", Case 2 % " 02161, T hree T um blers. Long side 2". Case 2 ^ " S p a c i n g ...................... 2 3^" K nob H ub . . . . Iron, for Spindle T u m b l e r s .................. 2160, 02160, One 2161, 02161, T hree C h a n g e s .................. 2160, 02160, T w enty-four 2161, 02161, F orty-eight K e y s .......................... 2160, 02160, Nickeled Steel. Class 0225 2161, 02161, Nickeled Steel. Class 0227 S p r i n g ...................... 2160, C onstruction T y p e A, P age 6 2161, C onstruction T y p e A, Page 6 02160, C onstruction T y p e V, P age 7 02161, C onstruction T y p e V, P age 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob from either side. D ead bolt b y key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

902 For Book Cases or Light French Doors BACKSET

C ase B o lt . F ro n t . S trik e B a ck set S p a c in g K n ob H u b

90 2

Keying System on Page 152

T u m b le rs C h a n g es K ey . . S pring H an d . . O p eration P a ck in g .

x iya" X lA". C ast Iro n Jap an n e d C ast Bronze % " x 5 ". C ast Brass or Bronze X M ". Lip to C enter W rought Bronze IM" 2H " Bronze, for Spindle U se S p in d le P036 for C a b in e ts T hree Forty-eig ht Nickeled Steel. Class 0227. C an be m aster keyed C onstruction T y p e F , Page 6 R ev ersib le L atch bolt b y knob from either side. D ead bolt b y key from either side One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Lock Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1



hock Section


F la t F ro n t

R a b b e te d F ro n t

Description of Parts L ocks T u m b le rs F ro n t B ackset F ro n t See P age 0 1 0 0 ............................................................... One . F la t 1" Iro n 88 0 1 1 0 1 ............................................................... One F la t 1" Bronze 88 B i l l ............................................................... O ne R a b b e te d ^ " 1" Iro n 88 1 1 1 1 ............................................................... O ne R ab b eted 1" Bronze 88 0 0 8 5 9 3 4 .......................................................... One F la t Steel 83 001160 ............................................................... One F la t Bronze 83 00116 1 ............................................................... T h ree F la t Bronze 83 00958 ...............................................................O ne R ab b eted Iro n 84 00959 ............................................................... One R ab b eted Iron 84 002160 ............................................................... One R ab b eted Bronze 84 002161 ............................................................... T h ree R ab b eted Bronze 84 003160 ............................................................... O ne R ab b eted Y%" Bronze 84 L e v e rs K nobs P420 ............................................. C ast Iron 1 % " P 6 0 5 V i......................................... W rought Steel 1 % ' P1420 ............................................. C ast Bronze Yy%" P 1 6 0 5 V 4 ......................................... W rought Bronze E sc u tc h e o n s P518Vi .............................................................................................. 4 3 ^ " x l 3 ^ " W ro u g h t Steel P15181/4 .............................................................................................. 4 3 ^ " x l 3 ^ " W rought Bronze 518Vi B e n t o n ...................................................................................... 5 ^ " x l Y " W rought Steel 1518V4 B e n t o n .......................................................................................5 ^ " x 1 ^ " W rought Bronze 518 B e n t o n ...................................................................................... 4 % " x C ast Iron 1518 B e n t o n ...................................................................................... 4 ^ " x C ast Bronze W R O U G H T STEEL Set Lock K nob P2703 ................................................................................. 0100 P60SM 2705 ................................................................................. 00859?^ P605J^ *2712 ................................................................................. 00958 P605M * P 2 7 1 3 ................................................................................. Bill P60SH *2715 ................................................................................. 00959 P605M C A S T IR O N Set Lock K nob 1703 ................................................................................. 0100 P605M 1705 ................................................................................. 00 8 5 9 Ji P605J^ * 1 7 1 3 ................................................................................. Bill P605M *1714 ................................................................................. 00958 P605K *1715 ................................................................................. 00959 P 6 0 5 Ji W R O U G H T BRONZE Set L ock K nob P3603 ................................................................................. 01101 P1605}^ 3605 ................................................................................. 001160 P1605M 3606 ................................................................................. 001161 P 1 6 0 5 JI *3612 ................................................................................. 003160 P 1 6 0 5 }| * P 3 6 1 3 ................................................................................. n il P1605J^ *3615 ................................................................................. 002160 P1605M *3616 ................................................................................. 002161 P1605M CAST BRONZE S et L ock K nob 4503 ................................................................................. 01101 P1605M 4505 ................................................................................. 001160 P1605^ 4506 ................................................................................. 001161 P1605J4 *4512 ................................................................................. 003160 P1605M * 4 5 1 3 ................................................................................. 1111 P1605M *4515 ................................................................................. 002160 P 1 6 0 5 Ji *4516 ................................................................................. 002161 P1605M *R abbeted Locks not reversible, specify hand of door Packed one set in a box w ith screws

L ever P420 P420 P420 P420 P420

E sc u tc h e o n P518M 5 1 8 ^ Benton S18M Benton P518M 518M Benton

L ever P420 P420 P420 P420 P420

E sc u tc h e o n 518 Benton 518 B enton 518 B enton 518 B enton 518 Benton

Lever P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420

E sc u tc h e o n P1518M 1 5 1 8 ^ B enton 1 5 1 8 ^ Benton 1518J^ Benton F151&H 1 5 1 8 ^ Benton 1518M B enton

Lever P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420 P1420

E scu tch e o n 1518 B enton 1518 B enton 1518 B enton 1518 B enton 1518 B enton 1518 B enton 1518 B enton

Specify Set Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Lock Section





Lock 002160, K nob lO l-O P, L ever 2561— H anford, E scutcheon P I 108}^, R a b b e te d F r o n t

Lock 001160, K nob lO l-O P, L ever 2561— H anford, E scutcheon P llO S J^ , F la t F r o n t

Description of Parts L ocks T u m b le rs * 0 0 8 5 9 3 /i ......................................................One * 00958 ................................................................One * 00959 *001160 .......................................................... One *002160 ............................................................... One *003160 ............................................................... One t001221 ..........................................................One t001222 .......................................................... T h ree f0 0 1 2 1 1 ............................................................... One +001212 ..................T hree *Size 3 M " X 2 M tSize 4 " x 2 "

F ro n t F la t R ab b eted One R ab beted F la t R ab b eted R abbeted F la t F la t R ab b eted R abbeted

^ Yi" Yi

Yi" Y" K n ob s


lO l-O P Glass W i" Rose 202 2561 H an ford 1V%"........................................ ................................ Rose 223 1031/4 Glass I M " ■ 2561% H anford V /i" .................................... ................................ Rose 202 2562 H anford 3 •............................... E s c u tc h e o n s 1518Vi-AR B e n to n 5 % " x P I I O 8 V4 2 " x l J i " W rought Bronze FLAT FR O N T —L ocks K nob Lever R ose L ock S et 103 2561% 223 001160 tl3 603 10 3Ji 2561% 223 00859^ tl360 3S lO l-O P 2561 202 001160 fl36 05 lO l-O P .... 202 001160 J13606 00101-0 001160 J13609 0 0 1 0 1 -0 x lO l-O P . . . . 202 001160 J13610 ♦R A B B E T E D FR O N T 103% 2561% 223 003160 113313 103% 2561% 223 00958 tl3 3 1 3 S lO l-O P 2561 202 003160 tl3 315 103% 2561% 223 002160 tl3 613 103% 2561% 223 00959 tl361 3S 101-OP 2561 202 002160 tl3 6 1 5 2561 202 003160 §13319 2561 202 002160 §13619 FLAT FR O N T — L ocks 4^4" 2562 202 001221 §8858 lO l-O P 2562 202 001221 t9858 2562 202 001222 §8859 lO l-O P 2562 202 001222 t9859 ♦R A B B E T E D FR O N T Set L ock §8868 001211

M a te ria l of F ro n t Steel Iron Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze

B ackset IM " IJ ^ " IK " 1 >^" IJ^ " 1 }^" IJ^" 1% "


See Page 83 84 84 83 84 84 73 73 77 77 Rose 202 Rose 223

W rought Bronze

E s c u tc h e o n P1108% P1108% P1108% P 1108% 1518% -A R B enton fP I 108% one side I 1518% -A R B enton one side P1108% P1108% P1108% P1108% P 1108% P1108% P1108% P 1108% P1108% P1108% P 1108% P1108%

EsK n o b Lever R ose c u tc h e o n

... 2562 202 P1108% t9868 001211 lO l-O P 2562202 P1108% §8869 001212 ... 2562 202 P1108% t9869 001212 lO l-O P 2562202 P 1108% fG lass K nob one side x L ever H andle one side JGlass K nob b o th sides §Lever H and le b o th sides ♦R a b b e te d Locks not Reversible, Specify H a n d of D oor Packed one set in a box w ith screws Lock 001221, K nob lO l-O P, L ever 2562— H anford, E scutcheon P I 108% F la t F ro n t

LOCKS 4 1 /4 IN.

L ock 001211, K nob lO l-O P, L ever 2562H anford, E scutcheon P I 108% R a b b e te d F r o n t

Specify Set Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



h ock Section

0100, 01101




0100 01101

C a s e ........................... 3 H " X 1}^" X 3^". C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t s ...........................0100, Iron P lated 01101, C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................0100, Iro n P lated 01101, ^ " x 4 ^ " . C ast Bronze L ip to C enter Iro n P lated S t r i k e ........................... 0100, 43^" x 01101, 4 J ^ " X y i" . Lip to C enter W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 1 " S p a c i n g ...................... K n ob H u b . . . Bronze, for Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................0100, One 01101, One C h a n g e s ..................0100, F o u r 01101, F o u r K e y ............................... N ickeled Steel. Class 206 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e C, Page 6 H a n d ...........................R eversible O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt b y knob from either side. D ead b o lt by key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws F o r suitable trim , see Levers an d P lates

1101, 1102, 1111, 1112, B ill



1101, 1102 W ith R a b b eted F ro n t 1111, 1112, B i l l

C a s e ...........................1101, 1102, x IJ^" x C ast Iron Ja p an n e d B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................^ " x 5 C ast Brass or Bronze W ith l i " R ab b eted F ro n t. 1111, 1112, B i l l . N o t R e v e rsib le . S p e c ify H a n d 1111, One T um bler. Backset, Long Side 1". Case 1112, T h ree T um blers. Backset, Long Side 1". Case I J ^ " B U I , One T um bler. Backset, Long Side 1 Cas e 1 C ast Iro n F ro n t, Brass Bolts S t r i k e ........................... 1101, 1102, 4 ) ^ " x M ". L ip to C enter W 'rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 1" S p a c i n g ...................... 2}4" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................1101, 1111, B i l l , One 1102, 1112, T hree C h a n g e s ..................1101, 1111, B i l l , Sixteen 1102, 1112, F orty-eig ht K e y ............................... 1101, n i l , B i l l , N ickeled Steel. Class 3 3 4 1102, 1112, N ickeled Steel. Class 33 6 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e F, Page 6 H a n d ...........................1101, 1102, R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob from either side. D ead bolt by key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws F o r suitable trim , see L evers and P lates

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Lock Section



1103, 1104, 1113, 1114


1103, 1104 W ith Yi" R ab b eted F ro n t 1113, 1114

C a s e ........................... 1103, 1104, 3 K " x 2" x C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... ^ " X 5 C ast Brass or Bronze W ith W R ab b eted F ro n t, 1113, 1114. N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H and 1113, O ne T um bler. Backset, Long Side Case 2" 1114, T hree Tum blers. Backset, Long Side I J ^ " . C ase 2" S tr i k e ...................... 1103, 1104, x L ip to C enter W ro ugh t Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... \y%" S p a c i n g ...................... l y i " K nob H ub , . Bronze, for " Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................1103, 1113, One 1104, 1114, T hree C h a n g e s ..................1103, 1113, Sixteen 1104, 1114, F orty-eight K e y s .......................... 1103, 1113, N ickeled Steel. Class 334 1104, 1114, N ickeled Steel. Class 336 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e F, Page 6 H a n d ........................... 1103, 1104, R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt by knob from either side. D ead bolt by key from either side P a c k i n g ......................O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws F o r suitable trim , see L evers an d P lates

1105, 1106, 1115, 1116


1103, 1106 Wi t h 3^" R ab b eted F ro n t 1115, 1116

C a s e ........................... 1105, 1106, 3}^" x 23^" x C ast Iron Jap an n e d B o l t s .......................... C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................................ X S}4"- C ast Brass or Bronze W ith R abbeted F ro n t, 1115, 1116. N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H and 1115, One T um bler. Backset, Long Side 2 ". Case 23^" 1116, T hree Tum blers. Backset, Long Side 2". Case 2J^" S t r i k e ........................... 1105, 1106, 4 J^ " x Lip to C enter J4"- W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 2 " S p a c i n g ...................... 2)4" K nob H ub . Bronze, for Spindle T u m b l e r s ..................1105, 1115, One 1106, 1116, T hree C h a n g e s ..................1105, 1115, Sixteen 1106, 1116, F orty-eigh t K e y s ................................ 1105, 1115, N ickeled Steel. Class 334 1106, 1116, N ickeled Steel. Class 336 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e F, Page 6 H a n d ........................... 1105, 1106, R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch b olt by knob from either side. D ead bolt by key from either side P a c k i n g ...................... One-half dozen in a box w ith screws F or suitable trim , see Levers an d P lates

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section


1308, 1208

0 -3. " _____

For Doors Opening Out



Solid Bow

C ase B o lts . Front . S tr ik e . B a c k se t S p a c in g K nob H ub T u m b le r s C hanges K ey . . . S p r in g H and . . O p er a tio n

1308 Locks 1308, 1208 K eying S ystem on Page 152 P a c k in g

X 3% " X C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d C a st Bronze 1308, I J ^ " X 7J^". 1208, \ y i " s. . C ast Brass o r Bronze 6 " x l J ^ " . L ip to C en ter 1J2'^- C ast Bronze 2M "

Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T h ree T h re e H un dred Solid Bow. Nickeled Steel. Class 227 C o nstruction T y p e L, P age 7 N o t R ev ersib le. S p e c ify H a n d A uxiliary latch can be held b ack in case b y tu rn in g key tow ard th e face of lock. W h en auxiliary latch is re tra c te d b y key, it can be op erated from eith er side. T o lock th e door th e auxiliary la tch is released, a n d w hen closed, a u to ­ m atically dead locks th e m ain la tch b y m aking th e outside knob sta tio n a ry . T o open th e door w hen locked, tu rn th e key tow ard face of lock, w hich releases outside knob. A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed, prevents th e m ain la tch from being forced b ack from th e outside In sid e k n o b o p e r a te s la t c h b o lt a t a ll t im e s One in a box w ith screws F o r list of m aster keyed locks, see page 152

Suitable Escutcheons, 1308, 1208 W ro u g h t B r o n z e .................. Inside, BV01369V4. C ast Bronze .......................Inside, B V 01369-AR .

O utside, V 01369l^ O utside, V 01369-AR

W e d e sig n e d lo c k s 1308 a n d 1208 t o w it h s t a n d t h e h a rd u s e t o w h ic h c la s s ­ r o o m lo c k s a re su b je c te d . S p e cia l care h a s b e e n t a k e n t o b u ild t h e lo c k in te r io r o f very h e a v y c o n s t r u c t io n . W e offer lo c k 1308 as t h e m o s t p r a c tic a l a n d s u b s t a n t ia l b it k ey ed lo c k m a n u fa c tu r e d fo r cla ssr o o m d oo rs

F r o n t o f L o ck 1208 L ock 1208 is sam e size as 1308, w ith o u t A uxiliary B olt a n d w ith Recessed F ro n t, an d F lang ed S trike. T h e L atch B olt does n o t p roject outside Lock F ro n t, a n d overcom es th e possibility of te arin g clothing w hen door is open W ith A u x ilia r y L a tc h

Solid Bow

1309, 01350 For Doors Opening Out C ase B o lts , F ront . S tr ik e . B a c k se t S p a c in g K nob H ub T u m b le r s C hanges K ey . . . S p r in g H and . . O p er a tio n

P a c k in g

4 " x 3 J^ " x 5^". C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze I j j 6 " x 6 " . C ast Brass or Bronze 3 " x 1 JiB". L ip to C en ter 1 y i C ast Bronze 2^" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T hree T hree H un dred Solid Bow. N ickeled Steel. Class 227 C on stru ctio n T y p e L, Page 7 N o t R ev ersib le. S p e cify H a n d K ey operates concealed sto p w ork in case, m aking outside knob sta tio n a ry . I n sid e k n o b o p e r a te s la t c h b o lt a t a ll t im e s . T h e auxiliary latch b olt au to m atically re tra c ts in case of lock w hen door is closed, dead locking m ain bolt so th a t it can not be forced b ack from outside One in a box w ith screws F o r list of m aster keyed locks, see Page 152

Suitable Escutcheons W ro ugh t Bronze, Inside, B01358Vi, B013591/4. C ast Bronze, Inside, B01358-A R , B01359-A R .

1309 (Patented)

O utside, 01358Vi. 01359Vi O utside, 01358-A R , 01359-A R

WITHOUT Auxiliary Bolt, Lock 01350

01350, See D escription L ock 1309 K eying S ystem on Page 152

F or D oors O p en in g IN . R ev ersib le W ro ugh t Bronze Strike, 2 % " X 1". Lip to C enter 1 Jie". F r o n t l " x 6 " . Otherw ise 01350 is sam e as 1309

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

B ackset 2

RE,A D I N G Lock Section



1409 For Doors Opening Out 5" X 3 M " X C a st Bronze

C ase B o lts F ro n t S tr ik e . B a c k set S p a c in g K nob H ub T u m b le r s C hanges K ey . S p r in g H and . O p era tio n

W ith A u x iliary L a tc h K e y h o le A bove K n o b



C ast Iro n Jap an n e d C ast Brass or Bronze L ip to C enter I M" - C ast Bronze

2 M"

m " Bronze, for Y%' Swivel Spindle F ou r T hree H und red Nickeled Forged Steel. Class 584 C onstruction T y p e L, Page 7 N o t R eversib le. S p e c ify H a n d A uxiliary latch can be held back in case b y tu rn in g key to w ard face of lock. W hen auxiliary latch is re tra c te d by key, th e knobs operate from either side. T o lock th e door th e auxiliary latch bolt is released, an d when closing a u to ­ m atically dead locks th e m ain latch by m aking th e outside knob sta tio n a ry . T o open door w hen locked, tu r n key to w ard face of lock, w hich releases th e outside knob. T h e auxiliary la tch b olt w hen door is locked p re­ v en ts th e m ain latch from being forced b ack frorn th e outside. In sid e k n o b o p era te s la t c h b o lt a t a ll t im e s One in a box w ith screws

P a ck in g 1409

F o r list of m aster keyed locks, see page 152

K eying S ystem on Page 152

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Bronze . . . Inside, BVL1459V4Outside, VL1459Vi C ast B r o n z e ....................... Inside, BVL1459-AR. O utside, V L1459-AR


Lock 1509 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify L ock 1509CT. See Page 158


For Doors Opening Out Cylinder Latch. Auxiliary bolt dead locks main bolt when door is closed C ase B o lts F ro n t . S trik e B a ck set S p a c in g K n ob H u b C ylin d er C h a n g es K eys . . S p rin g H an d . . O p era tio n

■I 1509

P a ck in g

, .

5Jje" x 3 % " x C ast Iro n Jap an n ed C ast Bronze IJjg* X 7 ^ " . C ast Brass or Bronze 6 " X 1M L i p t o C enter 1 C ast Bronze 2M " m " Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, IVi", 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 N o t R ev ersib le. S p e c ify H a n d Auxiliary latch can be held b ack in case b y tu rn in g key to w ard face of lock. W hen auxiliary latch is re tra c te d b y key, th e knobs operate from either side. T o lock th e door, th e auxiliary b olt is released an d w hen closed au to m atically , dead locks th e m ain latch b y m aking outside knob sta tio n a ry . T o open door w hen locked tu r n key to w ard face of lock, w hich releases outside knob. T h e auxiliary latch, w hen door is locked, p revents th e m ain latch from being forced back from th e outside. I n sid e k n o b o p era te s la t c h b o lt a t a ll t im e s One in a box w ith screws

C an m aster key w ith locks having key class 622

Suitable Escutcheons in Cast Bronze Inside, B1352-A R

O utside, 1352-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1



Lock Section

1717, For Doors Opening In 1917, For Lavatory Doors 5" X 4 " X C a st Bronze lJ€"x7^". 3 ^ " x 1% ". 3"

C ase B o lt F ront . S tr ik e . B ackset S p a c in g K nob H ub C y lin d er


C a st Iro n Jap an n e d C ast Brass o r Bronze L ip to C en ter 1% ". W rou ght Bronze

Bronze, for Swivel Spindle 1717, One. 1J4". 102 1917, Two. I J i " . 102 U nlim ited C h a n g es T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 K ey s . . C on stru ctio n T y p e N , P age 7 S p r in g N o t R ev ersib le. S p e c ify H a n d H and . . F ro m in s id e a t a ll t im e s b y k n o b . F ro m outside b y knob, O p er a tio n , 1717 unless concealed sto p is set, w hich m akes outside knob sta tio n a ry . T o set outside knob, give key o n e-quarter tu r n to w ard face of lock; to release sto p w ork an d m ake outside knob operative, tu r n key to w ard hinge side of door until releasing b a r is engaged. A slight add ition al tu r n will release outside knob P a c k in g , . One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

1917, For Lavatory Doors. Same as 1717 But With Two Cylinders O p er a tio n , 1917 . 1717 1917 for L a v a to ry D oors

T h e key th ro u g h th e inside cylinder dead locks th e outside knob. T o set th e concealed sto p w ork w ith th e key th ro u g h th e inside cylinder, m ake one-qu arter tu rn tow ard th e face of th e lock. T o release th e concealed sto p w ork th ro u g h th e inside cylinder an d m ake th e outside knob operate, tu r n th e key to w ard th e hinge side of door until releasing lever is engaged. T h e key thro ugh outside cylinder will op erate latch bolt when sto p is set w ith o u t d isturbing th e outside knob. F ro m in sid e a t a ll t im e s b y k n o b

Suitable Escutcheons for 1717 W rought Bronze, Inside, B1141Vi, B1241V4- O utside, 1395Vi C ast Bronze, Inside, B 1141-A R , B1241-A R . O utside, 1395-AR F o r 1917, E scutcheons 1395l^, 1395-AR, for b o th sides of door

1817, For Doors Opening Out

\i b a c k s e t



A u x ilia ry B o lt D ead L ock s M a in B o lt W h en D oor is C losed 5" X 4 " X C ast Iron Jap an n ed C ase C ast Bronze B o lts . 1}4:" X 7%". C ast Brass or Bronze F ront . S tr ik e . 7" X I M" - Lip to C enter 1 |^ " . C ast Bronze 3" B a c k se t S p a c in g 2>^" Bronze, for ; g" Swivel S pindle K n ob H u b Two. I J i " . 102 C ylin d ers U nlim ited C hanges T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 K ey s . . C onstructio n T y p e N , Page 7 S p rin g N o t R eversib le. S p e cify H an d H and . . F ro m in s id e a t a ll t im e s b y k n o b . O utside by knob O p era tio n unless concealed stop w ork is set, w hich m akes th e outside knob stationary. T o set concealed stop, tu rn key through th e inside cylinder tow ard th e face of th e lock. T o re­ lease concealed stop an d m ake outside knob operate, t ur n key tow ard hinge side of door until releasing b ar is en­ gaged. A slight additional t ur n of th e key will allow o u t­ side knob to operate latch bolt. T h e a u x ilia r y la t c h b o lt a u to m a tic a lly r e tr a c ts in lo c k ca se w h e n door is c lo sed , d ea d lo c k in g t h e m a in la t c h b o lt so t h a t it c a n n o t be forced b a ck fr o m t h e o u ts id e One in a box w ith screws P a c k in g C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Bronze, Inside and Outside, 1395Vi C ast Bronze, Inside an d Outside, 1395-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

i Lock Section





% Inch Latch Bolt Extra Heavy Mortise Auxiliary Latch for Fire Doors

!•*— 3 ®


C ast Iron Jap an n ed C a s e ...........................4}^" x 4 " x B o l t s ........................... C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... I ^ " x 6 % " . C ast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e ...................... S J ^ " x l ^ " . Lip to C enter C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 3" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Spindle S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R eversible. S p e cify H a n d O p era tio n . . . . L atch bolt b y knobs from either side, when used in connection w ith doors th a t are to be o perated o n ly fr o m o n e sid e. Use knob w ith Spindle 126 for S tan d a rd S h an k K nobs, an d Spindle 127 for T hreaded S hank Knobs. A uxiliary L atch Bolt, when door is closed, dead locks th e m ain latch bolt, so th a t it cannot be forced back from th e outside P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws




Extra Heavy Mortise Auxiliary Latch for Exit Doors in Theaters and Stair Fire Tower Doors Case B o lts . F ront . S trik e B a ck set S p rin g H an d . O p era tio n BACKSET


1156 P a ck in g

3 ^ " X 3" X C ast Iron Jap an n ed C ast Bronze l ^ " x 5 ) 4 " - C ast B rass,or Bronze 43^ " x 1 ^ " . Lip to C enter I M" . C ast Bronze, w ith R oller 2M " C onstruction T y p e R, Page 7 N o t R eversib le. S p e cify H an d T his latch can be Used 'with th e cross b ar exit bolt 11 or can be operated w ith grip handle an d th u m b piece. Pressure of th e b ar on th e inside releases th e latch. T h e auxiliary latch, when door is d osed, dead locks th e m ain latch so th a t it can not be forced back from th e outside One in a box w ith screws

T his L atch is of ex tra heavy construction an d can be used w ith our E xit Devices


Extra Heavy Mortise Auxiliary Latch for Exit Doors C ase . . B o lts . . F ro n t . . S tr ik e B a c k se t . S p a c in g . K n ob H u b S p rin g H and . . O p eration


P a ck in g

3 % ''x 3 Y i" x C ast Bronze 4 ^ " x IM ". 2«"

C ast Iron Jap an n e d C ast Brass or Bronze L ip to C enter I J ^ " . C ast Bronze, w i t h R o lle r

Bronze for % " Spindle C onstruction T y p e R, Page 7 N o t R eversib le. S p e c ify H an d T his latch can be used w ith cross b a r exit bolt 11, o r can be o p erated w ith grip handle an d th u m b piece. Pressure of th e b a r on th e inside releases th e latch. T h e auxiliary latch w hen door is closed, dead locks th e m ain la tch so th a t it ca n n o t be forced back from th e outside. T h e latch bolts can be held b ack in th e case in an unlatched position w ith t u r n knob th ro u g h h ub on th e inside One in a box w ith screws

T he construction of this L atch is very strong, an d recom m ended for exit doors of Schools an d Public Buildings

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



hock Section


L ock 01811 ca n be furnished to certi­ fied te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify L ock 0181IC T . See Page 158 L ock 0191 IC T , to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. See Page 158


1811 Special B ackset 01811

Lock 001905CT F or N arrow S tile D o o rs C a se . . . . B o lts . . Front . . S tr ik e . . . B ackset . . S p a c in g . K nob H ub

5"x2^"x% " C a st Bronze 1M ” X 8 ", C a st Bronze 5^"xlM " IM"

Bronze, ^ " o u t s i d e , inside, swivel C y lin d e rs . Tw o, I M " . 102 C hanges . U nlim ited K ey s . . T hree, nickel bronze, class 622 S p r in g . . F r e n c h S p r in g . C onstruction T y p e H , Page 6 H and . . N o tR e v e r sib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p er a tio n O u ts id e h u b a lw a y s s t a t i o n ­ ary. K ey th ro u g h inside cylinder will hold latch bolt a n d auxiliary latch retrac te d in case. A uxiliary latch a u to ­ m atically locks m ain latch b o lt w hen door is closed. K ey th roug h outside cylinder will operate latch b o lt when door is locked. Inside hub o p erates latch bolt a t all tim es E scutcheons, specify cut to fit

1811, 01811

Exit Door, Cylinder Lock. Extra Heavy Auxiliary Latch for Exit Doors Opening OUT C a s e ........................... 1811, 5 j ^ " x 4" x 1".C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t s ........................... C a st Bronze F ront ................................................... . C ast Brass o r Bronze S tr ik e ...................... 6" x IJ^". Lip to C enter C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 1811, 3" 01811, 2% ", C a s e 3 % " S p a c i n g .......................3" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r s ..................Tw o, IJ^". 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ........................... T hree. N ickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e N , P age 7 H a n d ........................... N o t R ev ersib le. S p e c ify H a n d O p er a tio n , 1811, 01811. K nob on b o th sides. T h e concealed stop w ork m aking th e outside knob sta tio n a ry is controlled b y th e key th ro u g h th e inside cylinder, an d w hen set w ith th e outside knob sta tio n a ry , en tran ce can be m ade w ith key through th e outside cylinder an d will n o t d istu rb th e position of th e concealed stops. T o set th e concealed stops thro ugh th e inside cylinder, tu r n th e key o n e-q u arter tu rn to w ard th e face of th e lock. T o release concealed stop an d perm it outside knob to operate, tu r n th e key to w ard hinge side of do or until releasing b a r is engaged. A slight add ition al tu r n will perm it th e outside knob to operate. T h e a u x ilia r y la t c h b o lt r e tr a c ts in th e ca s e w h e n d oo r is clo se d , d ea d lo c k in g t h e m a in la t c h so t h a t it c a n n o t b e fo rc ed b a ck fr o m t h e o u ts id e w h e n d o or is clo se d . F urnish ed regular w ith inside cylinder o p erated b y m aster o r g ran d m aster key. C hange keys op erate outside cylinder. T o operate b o th sides w ith change keys, so sp e c ify . I n sid e k n o b o p e r a te s a t a ll t im e s

Lock 01911CT For Exit Doors with One Cylinder. Outside hub stationary. Made to certified template size. See Page 158 O p er a tio n , 0191 IC T .

P a c k in g

. .

L atch Bolt b y K nob from inside a t all tim es. K ey from outside a t all tim es. N o stop s in fro nt. O utside hub is sta tio n a ry . A uxiliary latch dead locks th e latch bolt when door is closed so th a t latch ca n n o t be tam pered w ith from outside One in a box w ith screws

C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons. Specify Size F or L ock s 1811, 01811, 01811CT W ro u g h t B r o n z e ........................Inside, 1382ViC ast B r o n z e .................................Inside, 1382-AR.

O utside, 1382Vi O utside, 1382-AR

For L ock 0191 IC T W ro ugh t Bronze C ast Bronze . .

Specify Lock Number and Finish.

. . . ,

Inside, B13821/4. O utside, 1382V4 Inside, B 1382-A R. O utside, 1382-AR

For Finishes, see page 1

READING Lock Section



1568, 1569

For Doors Opening Out, Swinging Latch Bolt H a n d le O u ts id e . 1568, O n e C y lin d e r


1568, 1569

K n o b In s id e 1569, T w o C y lin d ers

C a s e ........................... 5 K * X 3 % " X 1". C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze. Swinging T y p e F r o n t ........................... 1 % " X C ast B rass o r Bronze S trik e ...................... 35, F o r Single Doors. 4 ^ ^" x • Lip to C enter 2Y%'. C a st Bronze 45, F o r P airs Doors. O p e n B a c k . 4 ? ^ " x 1% ". L ip to C en ter V/i". C ast Bronze. Specify D oor T hickness 55, W i t h R o lle r , F o r P airs Doors. O p e n B a c k . 4 ^ " X 1% ". L ip to C enter I J ^ " . C a st Bronze. Specify door thickness B a c k s e t ...................... 2% " S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H u b to C ylinder H ole 3}^" C ylinder H ole to T h u m b L atch 43^" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for %" Spindle 1568, One 103 C y l i n d e r .................. 1569, T w o IM " . 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ctio n T y p e R, Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e r s ib le . S p e c ify H a n d a n d th ic k n e s s of door O p e r a t io n , 1568 . . K ey outside sets outside th u m b piece b y op eratin g concealed sto p work. K e y o u t s i d e w ill h o ld l a t c h b o l t s b a c k i n t h e c a s e i n a n u n lo c k e d p o s it io n . Inside operates a t all tim es w ith half pair of knobs fitted w ith spindle 126 for sta n d a rd A sh an k knobs; an d spindle 127 for th rea d ed B sh an k knobs. A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed, dead locks m ain latch so th a t it canno t be forced b ack from th e outside w hen door is locked O p e r a t io n , 1569 . . K ey th ro u g h inside cylinder will set outside th u m b piece b y operating th e concealed stops. K e y w ill h o ld l a t c h b o lt s b a c k i n t h e c a s e i n a n u n ­ lo c k e d p o s it io n . K ey th ro u g h th e outside cylinder will operate latch b olt w hen th u m b piece outside is set, b u t will not d istu rb concealed stops w hen set th ro u g h th e inside cylinder. T h e inside operates a t all tim es b y half p air of knobs fitted w ith spindle 126 for sta n d a rd A sh an k knobs; an d w ith spindle 127 for th rea d ed B sh an k knobs. A uxiliary latch b o lt w hen door is closed dead locks m ain latch so th a t it ca n n o t be forced b ack from th e outside P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key F o r single doors, specify S trike 35 F o r pairs of doors, specify S trike 45, O pen box Specify thickness of door for S trikes 45 and 55 F o r strikes, see E xit Bolt Section

Suitable Escutcheons 1568 .................................................................... Inside, B 1462-A R 1569 .....................................................................Inside, 1462-A R

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section


For Doors Opening Out, Swinging Latch Bolt F or U se w it h E x it B ar I n sid e , a n d K n o b a n d E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e C ase B o lts F ront , S tr ik e

X 3 % " X 1". C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze. Swinging T y p e \Y%" X Tyi". C a st Brass or Bronze 35, F o r Single Doors, 4 % " x !% " • L ip to C enter l Y z ' . C a st Bronze 45, F o r P airs Doors, O p en B a c k , 4 % " x 1 ^ " . Lip to C en ter \ Y%". C a st Bronze Specify door thickness 55, W ith R o ller, F o r P airs Doors. O p en B ack . 4 ^ " X 13^ " . L ip to C en ter I J i " . C ast Bronze. Specify door thickness

B ackset . . S p a c in g . .


K nob H u b to C ylinder H ole 3 J^ " C ylinder H ole to T h u m b Piece 4 J^ " Bronze, for Spindle One, I J ^ " . 103 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C on stru ctio n T y p e R, P age 7 N o t R eversib le. S p e c ify H a n d a n d t h ic k n e s s o f d oor K ey outside sets outside knob b y o p eratin g concealed lever. T h e k ey o u ts id e w ill h o ld la t c h b o lts b a ck in t h e c a se in a n u n lo c k e d p o s itio n . In s id e o p e r a tin g a t a ll t im e s . T his lock is of ex tra heavy construction, su itab le for exit b ars or can be used w ith th u m b piece a n d grip handle on inside. A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed, dead locks th e m ain latch so th a t it ca n n o t be forced back from th e outside when door is locked One in a box w ith screws

K nob H ub C y lin d er C hanges K ey s . . , S p r in g . . H and . . . O p er a tio n .

P a c k in g

C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key F o r single doors, specify S trike 35 F o r pairs of doors, specify S trike 45.

Open box

Specify thickness of door for S trikes 45 an d 55 F o r strikes, see E xit Bolt Section S u it a b le E s c u tc h e o n O u tsid e , S p e cify 1462-AR


Specify Lock Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

READING Lock Section



1571, 1572

For Doors Opening Out F or U se w it h E xit Bar In sid e. T h u m b P ie c e a n d H a n d le O u ts id e S w in g in g L a tc h B o lt


1571, 1572

C ase . B o lts . F ront S tr ik e

5 " X 3% " X 1 Cas t Iron Ja p an n e d C a st Bronze. Swinging T y p e \y%" ■ C ast B rass or Bronze ^ 35, F o r Single Doors. 4 % " x L ip to C en ter 2Y% • C ast Bronze 45, F o r F airs Doors. O p en B a c k . 4 % " x • L ip to C en ter I K " . C ast Bronze 55, W IT H R O L L E R , F o r P airs D oors. O p en B a c k . 4 M " X IH"- Lip to C en ter l} i " - C ast Bronze Specifv T hickness of D oor

B a c k se t S p a c in g C y lin d er .

2M " ’ 4^" 1571, One. 13^". 103 1572, Two. IH"- 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e R, Page 7 N o t R e v e r sib le . S p e c ify H a n d a n d T h ic k n e s s o f D oor 1571, One C ylinder. K ey th ro u g h outside cylinder sets outside th u m b piece. K ey th r o u g h C y lin d er w ill h o ld la t c h b o lts b a ck in ca se. T h e inside exit b a r can be o perated a t all tim es. T h is lock can be used w ith th u m b piece an d handle, b o th sides, if desired. A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed, dead locks th e m ain latch so th a t it canno t be forced back when th e door is locked 1572, T w o Cylinders. K ey th ro u g h inside cylinder will set outside th u m b piece. W ill a lso h o ld la t c h b o lts b a ck in t h e ca se in a n u n lo c k e d p o s it io n . K ey th ro u g h th e outside cylinder will o perate latch bolts w hen th u m b piece outside is set, b u t will not distu rb th e concealed stops. In sid e o p e r a te s a t a ll t im e s . T his lock can be used w ith exit b a r inside, an d w ith th e cylinder inside if so ordered. A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed, dead locks th e m ain latch b o lt so th a t it ca n n o t be forced b ack w hen th e door is locked One in a box w ith screws

C hanges . K eys . . . S p r in g H an d O p era tio n

O p eratio n

P a ck in g

Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

F o r single doors, specify S trike 35 F o r pairs of doors, specify S trike 45.

Open box

Specify thickness of doors for Strikes 45 an d 55 F o r Strikes, see E x it Bolt Section

Specify Lock Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section


For Doors Opening Out F o r U se w i t h E x it B a r I n s id e . H a n d l e w i t h o u t T h u m b P ie c e O u ts id e . S w in g in g L a t c h B o lt




C a s e ...........................X 3 % " X 1". C ast Iron Ja p a n n e d B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze. Swinging T y p e F r o n t ...........................\ y % ' - x - i y i ”. C ast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e ........................... 35, F o r Single Doors. 4 % " x IM "- L ip to C enter C a st Bronze 45, F o r P airs Doors. O p e n B a c k . x 1% ". L ip to C en ter 1 % ". C a st Bronze 55, W IT H R O L L E R , F o r P airs D oors. O p e n B a c k . 4^" x1 L ip to C en ter 1 % C a st Bronze Specify thickness of door B a c k s e t ...................... 2% " S p a c i n g ...................... 4 J ^ " C y l i n d e r ..................One, I H " . 103 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C onstructio n T y p e R , Page 7 T h ic k n e s s o f D o o r H a n d ........................... N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d a n d O p e r a t i o n .................. K ey th ro u g h outside cylinder holds b o th b o lts b ack in case, a n d th e bolts can be released only th ro u g h th e outside cylinder. B y tu rn in g th e key to w ard th e face of th e lock th e la tch bolts are held re tra c te d in th e case and rem ain in th is position u ntil again released b y th e key th ro u g h th e cylinder. T o release th e latch bolts, th e key is tu rn e d to th e right. T h e in s i d e e x it b a r o p e r a te s a t a il t i m e s . A uxiliary latch bolt, w hen door is closed w ith bolts operating, dead locks th e m ain latch so th a t it ca n n o t be forced b ack w hen th e door is locked P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key F o r single doors, specify S trik e 35 F o r pairs of doors, specify S trike 45. Open Box Specify thickness of door for S trikes 45 an d 55 F o r Strikes, see E xit Bolt Section

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

i Lock Section




942, 943, 1342, 1343 Turn Knob Inside. Bit Key

Solid Bow

942, 943, 1342, 1343

C a s e ...........................5" X X C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t s ........................... 942, 943, Iro n P lated 1342, 1343, C ast Bronze " F r o n t ........................... 942, 943, C ast Iron, P lated, 1H x 1 3 4 ^ 1343, C ast Bronze, x 7" S t r i k e ...................... 4 ^ " x l " . L ip to C enter 1^" 942, 943, W rought Steel P lated 1342, 1343, W ro ugh t Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 25^" H ub, 1 % " S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K nob K nob H u b to K eyhole, 3 M " K nob H ub . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H ub . Bronze, for Spindle T u m b l e r s .................. 942, One 943, T hree 1342, One 1343, T hree C hanges F o rty -eig ht Three. Solid Bow. N ickeled Steel. Class 229 K ey s . . , C onstruction T y p e L, Page 7 S p r in g . , R e v e rs ib le H and . . L atch bolt b y knobs from eith er side. O utside knob can be set b y O p e r a t io n stop in front. K ey outside operates b o th bolts. D ead bolt from inside w ith tu rn knob. Inside knob op erates latch a t all tim es One in a box w ith screws P a c k in g

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Steel, Inside, T147Vi, T247V4. Outside, 0353Vi, 0354Vi W rought Bronze, Inside, T1147^^, T1247Vi- O utside, 01353V4, 01354Vi

980^, 1380

Handle Outside. Bit Key.

Solid Bow " t;;


9803^, 1380

Knob Inside

C ast Iron Jap an n ed C a s e ...........................5" X 3 J^ " x B o l t s ........................... 9803/4, Iron Plated 1380, C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... 9803^, W rought Steel, P lated. I " x 7 " 1380, C ast Bronze, 1 " x 7 " S t r i k e ...................... 4 % " x 1". L ip to C enter 1 ^ " 98034, W rought Steel, P lated 1380, W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 2 ^ " S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub, 2 J^ " T h u m b Piece to Keyhole, 2J4" K nob H ub . Bronze, for % " Spindle T u rn K nob H ub Bronze, for Spindle T u m b le rs . One C hanges F orty-eight K ey s . . , T hree. Solid Bow. N ickeled Steel. Class 229 S p r in g . C onstruction T y p e L, Page 7 H and . . R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t io n B oth bolts by key outside. S top in fron t sets outside th u m b piece. L atch b y knob from inside a t all tim es. D ead b o lt b y tu r n knob from inside P a c k i n g ....................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Trim W rought Bronze, Inside, E scutcheon T 1 157^4. C ast Bronze, Inside, E scutcheon T 1157-A R . Spindle 127 for T y p e B K nobs.

O utside, H an dle 2430^4 O utside, H an dle 2430

Spindle 126 for T y p e A K nobs

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


hock Section

09423/4, 094334, 01342, 01343 For Front Doors


09423^, 09433^, 01342, 01343

C a s e ........................ 5" X X Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ 09423/4, 0 9 4 3 3 ^ , Iron Plated 01342, 01343, Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 09423^, 09433^, Wrought Steel, Plated, 1" x 7" 01342, 01343, Cast Bronze, x 7" S t r i k e .................... Lip to Center 1 ^ 09423/4, 09433/4, Wrought Steel, Plated 01342, 01343, Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2 ^ " S p a c in g .................... 3 } 4 " H u b ........................ Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u m b le r s ................ 09423/4, One 09433/4, Three 01342, One 01343, Three C h a n g e s ................ Forty-eight K e y s ........................ Three. Solid Bow. Nickeled Steel. Class 229 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type L, Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O peration . . . . Latch bolt by knobs from either side. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Key outside operates both bolts. Dead bolt operated from inside by key. Inside knob operates latch at all times Packing ................ One in a box with screws

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Steel, Inside, 0147V4, 0247l^. Outside, 0353V4, 0354^4 Wrought Bronze, Inside, 01147l^, 01247V4- Outside, 01353V4, 01354V4

0947, 0948, 01347, 01348 For Vestibule Doors


Solid Bow

0947, 0948 01347, 01348

C a s e ........................ 4 3 ^ " x 3 X Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................ 0947, 0948, Iron Plated 01347, 01348, Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 0947, 0948, Iron Plated, x 01347, 01348, Cast Bronze, 1}^" x 6 } ^ " S t r i k e .................... 2 "x 1 Li p to Center 1 }4 " 0947, 0948, Wrought Steel, Plated 01347, 01348, Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2 ^ " S p a c in g .................... 2 ^ " K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u m b le rs ................ 0947, One 0948, Three 01347, One 01348, Three C h a n g e s ................ Forty-eight K e y s ........................ Two. Solid Bow. Nickeled Steel. Class 229 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type L, Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O peration . . . . Latch bolt by knob from either side. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Key outside operates bolt when stop is set. In ­ side knob operates at all times Packing ................ One in a box with screws

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Steel, Inside, B141V4» or Rose 22. Outside, 0358l^, 0359V4 Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141V4, or Rose 222. Outside, 01358^^, 01359V4

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

R EADING Lock Section



For Front Doors S uitable fo r Doors 1% " T h ic k




C a s e ........................ 4 ^ " x 3 % " x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 1" X 6 % Cast Brass or Bronze S trike .................... Lip to Center l^ij. Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... l Y i ' S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3 " K nob H u b ................ Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . PlOO Attachment for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, 102 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze, Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side.Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons. Specify Size Wrought Bronze . . . . Inside, T1383Vi> Cast B r o n z e .........................Inside, T1383-AR.

Outside, 1382*/i Outside, 1382-AR


For Vestibule Doors Suitable fo r Doors 1% " T h ic k



C a s e ......................................x 3% " x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................1" x 6J^". Cast Brass or Bronze Strike ....................2 J ^ " x l " . Lip to Center IJle- Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2J^" S p a c in g ....................2J^" K nob H u b ................Bronze, for y%" Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, IJ^", 102 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from outside when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141Vi, B1241V4. Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR.

Outside, 1385V4 Outside, 1385-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section

MORTISE KNOB LOCKS FOR FRONT DOORS 01602 Knob Outside and Inside Separate Hub for Turn Knob


C a s e ........................ S H " x 3 J ^ " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ............. Cast Bronze Cast Brass or Bronze F r o n t 1" X 7 % S t r i k e .................... 4 J ^ " x Lip to Center 1%". Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t................ 2 } 4 " S p a cin g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2 ^ " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3 ^ " K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b , , Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ...One, l U " , 102 C h a n g e s ....... Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ..............Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side.Both Bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set bystop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g .................... One in a box with screws Can be master keyed with locks having same class key


^ i

Suitable Escutcheons


Wrought B r o n z e ................ Inside, T1373V4. Cast B r o n z e ........................ Inside, T1373-AR.

Outside, 1372V4 Outside, 1372-AR

In Lock 01602, we have arranged the interior construction so that the Dead Bolt operates from the inside of the individual Hub, and is so constructed that the Dead Bolt, even though not fully retracted from the inside by the Turn Knob, can be operated from the outside with the Key. This Lock has a narrow front and can be used equally well on 1 ^ " Doors or 1 ^ " Doors

1600 Lock 1600 can be furnished to certified template size for hollow metal doors. Specify Lock 1600CT. See Page 158


Knob Outside and Inside Separate Hub for Turn Knob C a s e ........................ X 3 ^ " X Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 1 " X 7% Cast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e .................... 45^" x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center 1?^". Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2 % " S p a c in g ....................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3^^" Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for ^ " Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, 1J4", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can be master keyed with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................ Inside, T1373ViCast B r o n z e ........................ Inside, T1373-AR.

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Outside, 1372Vi Outside, 1372-AR

READING Lock Section



C a s e ........................ 5J^" X 3J^" X Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................X 7M ". Cast Brass or Bronze S trike ....................45^" x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center 1%". Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2J^" Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3 % " Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for % " Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, IJ^", 103 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws

i4— 2 i — ► BACKSET



I ’iMiilH’iiinii'iiO

:S '

'1 y i


Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................Inside, T1373% . Cast B r o n z e ........................Inside, T1373-AR.

Outside, 1372V4 Outside, 1372-AR

1610,01610 / " Rabbet

1 2







C a s e ........................5 J ^ " x 3 ^ " x ^ " . Cast Iron Japanned B o lt s ...Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................IM " X 75^". Cast Brass or Bronze. Rabbet S t r i k e ....................7 > i" x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center 1 ^ " . Cast Bronze B a c k s e t....................1610, Long Side 2 % " , Short Side 2J^" 01610, Long Side 2J^", Short Side 1 ^ " . Case 3J^" S p a cin g ....................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2 } 4 " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3% " Knob H u b . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn Knob H ub . . Bronze, for % " Spindle C y l i n d e r One, 103 C h a n g e s U nlimited K e y s Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key

Special Backset, 01610

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................Inside, T I 3 7 3 1 / 4 . Outside, 13721/4 Cast B ronze........................ . Inside, T1373-AR. Outside, 1372-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section

1605, 01605



Cast Iron Japanned C a s e ........................ x 3% " x B o l t ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ I j ^ " x 6 ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze S trike ....................3 5 ^ " x l % " . Lip to Center 15^". Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 1605, 2% " Backset. Case 01605, 234" Backset. Case S p a c in g .................... 2J^" K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for " Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, IJ^", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws

1605 Can master key with locks having same class key

Special Backset 01605

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B114^l^, B1241Vi- Outside, 1375Vi Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1375-AR

1705 5" X 4" X Cast Bronze X 35^" x l ^ " . 3"

Case B olt F ro n t . Strike Backset Spacing K nob H ub C ylinder Changes Keys . Spring H and . . O peration

Cast Brass or Bronze Lip to Center 1%". Wrought Bronze

Bronze, for % " Swivel Spindle One, IJ^", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type N , Page 7 Reversible Latch bolt by knob from either side and by key from outside when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times One in a box with screws



Cast Iron Japanned

Can master key with locks having same class key

^ ' Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B 114lVi, B12411/4. Outside, 1395Vi Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1395-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section



Japanned C a s e ........................ 6 ^ " X 4" X 5^". Cast Iron B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ Cast Brass or Bronze Strike ....................5 ^ " x 1%". Lip to Center 1% ''. Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 3" S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Y%" Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, 114", 103 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key 1700

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................ Inside, T1393ViCast B r o n z e ........................ Inside, T1393-AR.

Outside, 1392^/^ Outside, 1392-AR

01700 C a s e ........................ 6 % " x 3 H " x Cast Iron Japanned B o lt s .............Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................IM " X 9 }4 "- Cast Brass orBronze Strike ....................5% " x 1%". Lip to Center Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t............... 2 % " S p a c in g ....................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2 % " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4J^" Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn Knob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ...One, 103 C h a n g e s ....... Unlimited K e y s ...........Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d .............. Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................ Inside, T1393Vi. Cast B r o n z e ........................ Inside, T1393-AR.

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Outside, 1392^4 Outside, 1392-AR



Lock Section




1 BACKSET! I f r o m s h o r t s id e !

C a s e ........................ 5 J ^ " x 3 % " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ I ^ " x 7 % " . Cast Brass or Bronze. Rabbet S trik e ....................73^" x Lip to Center \.Y%"• Cast Bronze B a c k s e t....................Long Side 2 % Short Side 2 S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3% " K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for y%" Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, 1)^", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................ Inside, B I2 4 lV i. Cast B r o n z e ........................ Inside, B1241-AR.

Outside, 1372Vi Outside, 1372-AR

1613, 01613 / " R abbet

1 2

- 2 F -


- a i'— >



1613 Special Backset 01613

C a s e ........................ 1613, x 3% " x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ I ^ " x 6 ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze. 3^" Rabbet S trike ....................6 J ^ " x l % " . Lip to Center 1%". Cast Bronze B a c k s e t....................1613, Long Side 2 ^ " . Short Side l y i " 01613, Long Side 2 Short Side 1%". Case3j^" S p a c in g .................... 2 K " K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Y i ” Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, IJ^", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141Vi> B 124lVi. Outside, 1375V4 Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1375-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section


MORTISE KNOB LOCKS FOR FRONT DOORS 1900, 2900 Double Throw Bolts, Square Edge


1900, 2900

Deep Seated—J im m y Proof W hen th e Double T h ro w B o lt Seats Its e lf in th e Jam b 1", I t Is Im possible to Force th e B o lt Back C a s e ........................ 6 ^ " x 4" x Cast Iron Japanned 1" T h ro w Lock B olt B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze. F r o n t ............................. \ y ^ " yi 9Y%". Cast Brass or Bronze Strike ....................S%" x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center \ } i " . Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t....................2 ^ " S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 434" Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4J^" K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Y%" Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . PlOOVi Attachment for % " Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ 1900, One, 1}^", 1033^ 2900, Two, IJ i" , \Q2Y2 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................N ot Reversible. Specify Hand O p e ra tio n ................ 1900, Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. The lock bolt is thrown 1 " with the one revolution of the key in the cylinder. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Lock bolt by turn knob inside O p e ra tio n ................ 2900, W ith two cylinders. T h e inside cylinder operating w ith a key in place of tu rn knob, otherwise same as 1900 P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze . . . . Inside, T1392i/[Cast B r o n z e .........................Inside, T1392-AR.

Outside, 1392^4 Outside, 1392-AR

1903, 2903 Double Throw Bolts, Steel Rollers



P at. A p p l. fo r

1903, 2903

T w in R oller Double Throw B olt, Throws B olt One In c h J im m y Proof and Saw Proof T h e two hardened steel ro ller bolts w ork sim ultaneously and when they are double locked 1" in the ja m b i t is impossible to pry th em free fro m th e ir seating. I f an a tte m p t is m ade to saw the bolts, they revolve and allow no stationary surface fo r c u ttin g C a s e ........................6 ^ " x 4" x Cast Iron Japanned B o lt s ........................Hardened Steel. 1" R oller Th ro w Lock B o lt Cast Bronze Latch Bolt F r o n t ........................1 X 93^". Cast Brass or Bronze Strike ....................5 } i " x l 3 ^ " . Lip to Center Cast Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2 ^ " S p a cin g ....................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 4J^" Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4J^" Knob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn Knob H u b . . PlOOVz Attachment for " Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ 1903, One, 1 ^ " . 103 2903, Two, l U " , 102 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................ 1903, Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. The roller bolt is thrown 1 "vrlth the one revolution of the key in the cylinder. Out> side knob can be set by stop in front. Lock bolt by turn knob inside O p e ra tio n ................ 2903, W ith Tw o Cylinders. T h e inside cylinder operating w ith a key in place of tu rn knob, otherwise same as 1903 P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze . . . . Inside, T1392l^. Outside, 1392^4 Cast B r o n z e .................... Inside, T1392-AR . Outside, 1392-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

1 0 8

Lock Section


For Front Doors

" R abbet

3 'i








C a s e ........................ 6% " x 4" x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze X 9 3 ^".Cast Brass or Bronze.Rabbet F r o n t ........................ 1?^" Strike .................... 8 ^ " x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center 15^". Cast Bronze B a c k s e t.................... Long Side 3". Short Side 2 S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4 } 4 " K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn K nob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, 1 }4 ", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 Reversible. Specify H and H a n d ........................ N o t O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Bothbolts by key outside. Outside knob can beset by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze . . . . Inside, T1393V4. Cast B r o n z e ......................... Inside, T1393-AR.

Outside, 1392Vi Outside, 1392-AR


For Vestibule Doors / " R abbet

1 2



o ©


C a s e ........................ 5" X 4 ”’ X Cast Iron Japanned B o lt............................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ...................................................... Cast Brass or Bronze. 3^" Rabbet S trike .................... 6J4" x Lip to Center 1 ^ ' . Cast Bronze B a c k s e t.................... Long Side 3 Short Side S p a c in g ....................2J^" Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, 1)^ " , 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B114lV4> B1241V4. Outside, 1395^/4 Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1395-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section



01710 / " Rabbet

1 2



For Front Doors C a s e ........................6 ^ " x x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................l ^ " x 9 J ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze. Rabbet Strike ....................85^" x 1 ^ " . Lip to Center 1 ^ " . Cast Bronze B a c k s e t....................Long Side 2 % ". Short Side 2^^" S p a cin g ....................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4 } 4 " Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u rn Knob H ub Bronze, for % " Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, 1}4", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought B r o n z e ................Inside, T1393*/4* Cast B r o n z e ........................Inside, T1393-AR.

Outside, 1392^4 Outside, 1392-AR

01713 / " Rabbet

1 2




For Vestibule Doors C a s e ........................S" X 3 J/2 " x Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................1 ^ " X 7 ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze. } 4 " Rabbet Strike ....................6% " x 1 " . Lip to Center 1% Cast Bronze B ac ks et....................Long Side 2 % " . Short Side 2J^" S p acin g ....................23^" Knob H ub . .. Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, IJ^", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d ........................N o t Reversible. Specify Hand O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141Vi, B1241Vi. Outside, 1395% Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1395-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section


For Vestibule Doors ---2 16 BACKSET

C a s e ........................ S " x 3 J ^ " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t .............................Cast Bronze F r o n t ..................................... SLiy^''. Cast Brass or Bronze S trike .........................3 5 ^ " x l % " . Lip to Center 1^ W r o u g h t Bronze B a c k s e t.........................2% " S p a c in g .................... BLnob H u b . . . . Bronze, for "y%" Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r .....................One, IM " , 103 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ........................ Reversible O p e ra tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side and by keyfrom out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outsideknob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g .........................One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141l^, B1241Vi* Outside, 1395Vi Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1395-AR

French Spring


Narrow Backset Suitable for 2%" Stiles

For French Doors French Spring Lock C a s e .................... B o l t .................... F ro n t .................... S trike ................ Backset ................ S p a c in g ................

001800 G u n . or F rench S prin g

K nob H u b . . . T u rn Knob H u b . C ylinder . . . . Changes . . . . K e y s .................... S p r i n g ................ H a n d .................... O peration . . . .








Cast Iron Japanned

Cast Bronze lj ^ " x 9 3 ^ " . . .



1 ^ ".

Cast Brass or Bronze Lip to Center Wrought Bronze

IH "

Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4 J4" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle PlOO Attachment for % " Spindle One, 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction (French Spring) Type H , Page 6 N o t Reversible. Specify H and Latch bolt outside by lever handle, when stop is not set. Both bolts by key outside. Outside lever handle can be set with stop in front. Inside lever operates latch bolt at all times. The French Spring construction of this lock will hold the lever handle in a horizontal position without the use of any additional springs One in a box with screws

Can master key with locks having same class key C o m p r e s s io n S p r in g

French Spring used in Lock 001800

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section




For Front Doors with Narrow Stiles


" X 2^" X Cast Bronze

Case B olts . F ront . Strike Backset Spacing

134" X 9

5 >l 6 "x l %" .

K nob H ub . . Turn Knob Hub Cylinder Changes K eys . . Spring H and . . Operation




Cast Iron Japanned Cast Brass or Bronze Lip to Center lji6". Wrought Bronze

Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 4J^" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle PlOO Attachment for Spindle One, 11^", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type N , Page 7

Reversible Latch bolt by knob from either side. Both bolts by key out­ side. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


For Vestibule Doors with Narrow Stiles BACKSET


C a s e ........................5 " x 2 ^ " x % " . Cast Iron Japanfied B o l t ........................Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................1 " X 7 ^ Cast Brass or Bronze Strike ....................3 5 ^ " x l % " . Lip to Center 1 ^ " . Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t ..................... S p a c in g .....................2}^" K nob Hub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, IJ^", 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N, Page 7 H a n d .........................Reversible O p e r a tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side and by key from outside when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

■4 R E A D I N G 112


Lock Section


" R abbet

For Front Doors with Narrow Stiles

: BACKSET ; f r o m lo n g s id e 'B AC KSE T FROM SHORT SIQC

C a s e ..................... B o l t s ..................... Front ..................... Strike ................. B ackset ................. S p a c in g ................. Knob Hub . . . Turn Knob H ub . Cylinder . . . . . Changes . . . . K e y s ..................... S p r i n g ................. H a n d ..................... O peration . . . .

I 001710

P a c k in g .................

Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze 1 ^ " X 9J^".

Cast Brass or Bronze. Rabbet Lip to Center 1%". Cast Bronze Long Side 1% ". Short Side 1 " Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 43^" Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, Bronze, for % " Swivel Spindle PlOO Attachment for Spindle One, IJ^", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type N, Page 7 8 ^ " X 1 ^".

N ot Reversible.

Specify Hand

Latch by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside One in a box with screws

Can master key with locks having same class key

001713 y% R abbet 3”


For Vestibule Doors with Narrow Stiles





C a s e ........................ 5 " x 2 % " x J ^ " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ......................... \y % ' Cast Brass or Bronze. Rabbet Strike ..................... 6J^" x IJ^". Lip to Center 1 ^ '. Cast Bronze B a c k s e t .................... Long Side 1 " . Short Side 1M ’’ S p a c in g .................... 2 " Knob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ................ One, 1 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type N , Page 7 H a n d ......................... N ot Reversible. Specify Hand O p e r a tio n ................Latch bolt by knob from either side and by key from outside when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times P a c k in g .................... One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section.




For Front Doors Swinging L atch B olt C a s e 6 % " x 4 " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned B o lt s ........................ Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type F r o n t ........................ 1 ^ " X 8J^". Cast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e .................... Length 7"; width to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze Backset . . . . . . 3" Spacing ................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 43^" K nob H u b . . . . Bronze, for ^ " Swivel Spindle T u rn Knob H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r One, \ Y%", 103 C h a n g e s ... Unlimited K e y s Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g Construction Type K , Page 6 H a n d N o t Reversible. Specify H an d and Thickness of Door O peration . . . . Latch by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k i n g One in a box with screws . .


3^^------ ► BACKSET






Can master key with locks having key class 622

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze................Inside, T1393^^. Cast Bronze ....................Inside, T1393-AR.

Outside, 1392Vi Outside, 1392-AR


For Vestibule Doors Swinging L atch B olt ------- 3 "


Case . . B olt . F ro n t . . Strike Backset . Spacing Knob H ub C ylinder Changes Keys . . Spring H an d . . Operation



5 " X 4" X Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type l ^ " x 6 J ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze Length 6"; W idth to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze 3" IV i"

Bronze, for Y%' Swivel Spindle One, \ Y i", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type K , Page 6 N o t Reversible. Specify H and and Thickness of Door Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze, Inside, B1141l^. B1241Vi. Outside, 1395Vi Cast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR, B1241-AR. Outside, 1395-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

hock Section


For Front Doors S w in gin g L atch B olt Case . B olts . F ront . Strike B ackset Spacing K nob Hub . . T u rn K nob H ub Cylinder C hanges Keys . . Spring H and . , O peration

P acking

6% " X X Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type 1 ^ " X 8 H " . Cast Brass or Bronze Length 7"; width to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze 2M " Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, Bronze, for Y%' Swivel Spindle Bronze, for Spindle One, 13^", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type P, Page 7

N ot Reversible. Specify H and and T h ick n ess of Door

Latch by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside. Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside .....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze..................... Inside, *T1392V4. Cast B r o n z e ......................... Inside, *T1392-AR.

Outside, 1392Vi Outside, 1392-AR

*Specify For Lock 02700


For Vestibule Doors Sw inging L atch B olt Case . . . B o lt . F ront . . Strike . .

5 " x 3 J ^ " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type Cast Brass or Bronze Length 6"; W idth to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze

B ackset . . Spacing K nob Hub Cylinder C hanges K eys . . . Spring . . H and . . . O peration

2H " Bronze, for Y^" Swivel Spindle One, IM " . 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type K , Page 6

N o t Reversible. Specify H and and T h ick n ess of Door Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons Wrought Bronze........................ Inside, Cast B r o n z e ............................ Inside,

Specify Lock Number an d Finish,



For Finishes, see page 1

Outside, 1395Vi Outside, 1395-AR


Lock Section



002700 For Front Doors with Narrow Stiles Sw inging L atch B olt C a s e ......................... 6 ^ " x 2 5 ^ " x % " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type F r o n t ........................ Cast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e .................... Length 7"; width to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze

B a c k s e t ..................... Spacing ................ Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 4}^" Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole,


K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle Turn K nob Hub . . PlOO Attachment for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................. O ne, 1J4", 103 C h a n g e s ................ Unlimited K e y s ........................ Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .................... Construction Type P, Page 7 H a n d N ot Reversible. Specify H and and T h ick n ess of Door O peration . . . . Latch by knob from either side. Both bolts by key outside.



Outside knob can be set by stop in front. Dead bolt by turn knob inside P a c k i n g One in a box with screws Canmaster key with locks having same class key

Suitable Trim Lever Handles and Roses

002705 For Vestibule Doors Sw inging L atch B olt Case . . B olt . . Front . . Strike


B ackset . Spacing Knob Hub C ylinder Changes Keys . . Spring . Hand . . Operation



5" X X Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type l ^ " x 6 J ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze Length 6"; Width to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze 2V2"

Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, 13^", 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type P, Page 7

N ot Reversible. Specify H and and T h ick n ess o f Door Latch bolt by knob from either side, and by key from out­ side when stop is set. Stop in front sets outside knob. Inside knob operates at all times One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Trim Lever Handles and Roses

Specify Lock Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1

i 116



Lock Section



Case . . . . B olts . . F ront . . . Strike . Backset . . Spacing . K nob H ub Cylinders . C hanges . K eys . . . . Spring . . H and . . . . Operation .

. .

. . . . . .

. .

. . .

. .



X IJ^" X Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze I j ^ " x 9 3 ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze 5 3 ^ " x l ^ " . Lip to Center 1 J j j Wrought Bronze

1" 4 ^"

. . . . . . . . . .

Bronze, for Swivel Spindle Two, IH", 102 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type P, Page 7

. .

N o t Reversible. Specify H and


Latch bolt by knob from inside. Outside hub is stationary. Both bolts by key on both sides

Can fu rn ish w ith h u b operating la tc h b o th sides Packing . .




One in a box with screws

Can master key with locks having same class key 01719

Suitable Trim Lever Handles and Roses


For Front Doors H andle Outside. Case Bolts F ro n t . Strike Backset Spacing


Knob H ub

T u rn Knob H ub C ylinder Changes Keys . Spring H an d . . O peration 1584 Packing

Knob Inside

X 3" X Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze X 7J^". Cast Brass or Bronze 4 5 ^" X 1%". Lip to Center Wrought Bronze 2 Narrow Backset Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 1^/i" Thumb Piece to Cylinder Hole, Bronze, for Spindle Specify knobs with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs, and knobs with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs PlOO Attachment for % " Spindle One, 1 ^ " , 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type P, Page 7 Reversible Latch bolt by handle and thumb piece outside and by knob with split spindle on inside. Both bolts by key from outside. Lock bolt by turn knob from inside. Thumb piece outside can be set by stop in front One in a box with screws

Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Trim Outside, Any Sectional Handle for Cylinder Locks Inside, Wrought Bronze Escutcheon T13831/4, Cast Bronze Escutcheon T1383-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

REA DING Lock Section




K nob Inside.

Separate H ub for T urn K nob

G a s e ........................ 5 X 3 X 5^". Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................l " x 7 J ^ " . Cast Brass or Bronze S t r i k e ....................4 % " x l 3 ^ " . Lip to Center 1 ^ " . Wrought B a c k s e t .....................23^" Spacing ................Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, Ty%" Knob H ub

1594 (P a te n te d )

In Lock 1594 we have perfected an interior co n stru ction th a t overcom es th e possibility of being locked ou t. Frequently veith locks of th is type, due to sw elling of doors, th e Turn Knob inside does n o t fu lly throw th e B olt. In th is lock, even th ou g h th e B olt is n o t fu lly throw n it is possible w ith th e use of key on th e ou tsid e to retract th e bolt

T urn Knob Hub Cylinder C hanges Keys . . Spring H and . . Operation


Thumb Piece to Cylinder Hole, 4}^" Bronze, for Spindle Specify Knob with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs and Knobs with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs Bronze, for Spindle One, l i i " , 102 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type M , Page 7


Latch bolt by handle and thumb piece outside and by knob with split spindle on inside.Bothbolts bykey from outside. Lock bolt by turn knob from inside. Thumb piece outside can be set by stop in front P a c k i n g .....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Escutcheons for Inside Wrought Bronze, T1363V4.

Cast Bronze, T1363-AR

1 5 9 4 1 / 2

For Vestibule Doors H andle O utside. Case Bolt Front . Strike Backset Spacing Knob Hub Cylinder Changes Keys . . Spring Hand . . Operation 1 5 9 4 1 /2


Knob Inside

5M " X 3 3 ^" X J l". Cast Iron Japanned Cast Bronze 1" X 7 3 ^". Cast Brass or Bronze 2 ^ " X 1". Lip to Center 1}£". Wrought Bronze 2M " 4 3 ^" Bronze, for Jtj" Spindle Specify Knobs with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs, and Knobs with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs One, 1 3 4 ", 102 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type M , Page 7


. . .

Latch bolt by handle and thumb piece outside and by knob with split spindle on inside. Latch bolt by key outside. Stop in front will set outside thumb piece One in a box with screws

Can master key with locks having same class key

Escutcheons for Inside Wrought Bronze, B1363V4.

Cast Bronze B1363-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Lock Section


For Front Doors H andle O utside.


6" X 3 3 ^ " X Cast Bronze

Case . B olts , F ront . Strike Backset Spacing

13^ " m

T urn K nob Hub Cylinder C hanges K eys . . Spring H and . . O peration


Cast Iron Japanned Cast Brass or Bronze Lip to Center 1 ^ " . Wrought Bronze

Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2 ^ " Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 5 } £ " Bronze, for Spindle Specify Knobs with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs, and Knobs with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs Bronze, for Spindle One, IK " , 103 Unlimited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 Construction Type P, Page 7

K nob Hub


X 83^".

4^" X

K nob Inside


Latch bolt by handle and thumb piece outside and by knob with split spindle on inside. Both bolts by key from outside. Lock bolt by turn knob from inside. Thumb piece outside can be set by stop in frcnt One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Trim Outside, Any Sectional Handle for Cylinder Locks

Escutcheons for Inside Wrought Bronze, T1373Vi-

Cast Bronze, T1373-AR


For Vestibule Doors H andle O utside.


K nob Inside

C a s e ........................ 53^" X 3M " X Cast Iron Japanned B o l t ........................ Cast Bronze Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 134" X 7 1 ^". Wrought Bronze S t r i k e .........................3 ^ " x l % " . Lip to Center B a c k s e t.................... 2 % " Spacing ................ 43^" Spindle H u b ........................ Bronze, for Specify Knobs with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs, and knob with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs One, 1 3 ^", 103 C ylinder Unlimited C hanges Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 K eys . . Construction Type P, Page 7 Spring


H and . . O peration

Latch bolt by thumb piece outside, and by knob with spindles 126 or 127 from inside. Thumb piece outside can be set by stop in front. Latch bolt from outside by key P a c k i n g .....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Trim for Outside Any Sectional Handle for Cylinder Locks

Escutcheons for Inside Wrought Bronze, B II 4 IV4 , B1241Vi-

Specify Lock Number and Finish.

Cast Bronze, B1141-AR, B1241-AR

For Finishes, see page 1

i Lock Section




2580 For Front Doors H andle O utside. K nob In sid e. S w inging L atch B olt C a s e ......................... 5J^" X 3?^" X M " . Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze. Latch Bolt Swinging Type F r o n t ........................ I j ^ " x 7 ^ " . Cast Bronze Strike .................... Length 6%"; width to Door Thickness. Cast Bronze Protected Type


S p a c in g .................... Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Cylinder Hole to Thumb Piece, 4)^" Bronze, for Spindle Specify Knobs with Spindle 126 for A Shank Knobs, and Knob with Spindle 127 for B Shank Knobs Turn K nob H ub . . PlOO Attachment for Spindle C y l i n d e r ................One, IK " , 103 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type P, Page 7

K nob H ub

. . . .

H a n d ......................... N o t Reversible. Specify H and and T h ick n ess of Door O p e r a tio n ................ Latch bolt by thumb piece outside and by knob with spindles 126 or 127 from inside. Thumb piece outside can be set by stop in front. Both bolts by key from outside. Lock bolt by turn knob from inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws


Can master key with locks having same class key

Suitable Trim for Outside Any Sectional Handle for Cylinder Locks

Escutcheons for Inside Wrought Bronze, T1383Vi.

Cast Bronze, T1383-AR

2585 For Vestibule Doors

:Y%' x 1". B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze. F r o n t ........................I % " x 7 % " . Strike ....................Length 6

Cast Iron Japanned Latch Bolt Swinging Type Cast Bronze width to thickness of door.Protected Type. Cast Bronze

B a c k s e t ..................... 2 ^ " S p a c in g .....................43^" C y lin d e r s ................Two, 134". 102 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Four. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type U, Page 7 H a n d .........................N ot Reversible. Specify Hand and Door T hickness O p e r a tio n ................Latch bolt by thumb piece from either side. Lock bolt by key from either side

P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key 2545

Suitable Trim Any Store Door (Cylinder) Handle

2575 With Stop Works.


Swinging Latch Bolt

C a s e ........................534" x 35^" x B o l t s ........................Cast Bronze. F r o n t ......................... iY s " Strike ....................Length 6M ";

1". Cast Iron Japanned Latch Bolt Swinging Type Cast Bronze width to thickness of door. Protected Type. Cast Bronze


B a c k s e t ..................... 2%" S p a c in g ..................... 43^" C y lin d e r s ................Two, 134", 102 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Four. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type U, Page 7 H a n d .........................N ot Reversible. Specify H and and T hickness of Door O p e r a tio n ................Latch bolt by thumb piece from either side. Lockbolt by key from either side. Key outside operates both bolts when stop is set. Outside thumb piece can be set by stop in front P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having same class key


Suitable Trim Any Store Door (Cylinder) Handle

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Lock Section


1714, Inside and Outside Cylinders 01714, Turn Knob Inside. Cylinder Outside C a s e ......................... Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze CastBronze F r o n t ....................................... Strike ....................x IJ^". Lip to Center 1 ^ "Wrought Bronze B a c k s e t ..................... 2 % " S p a c in g .................... 1714, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3 " 01714, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 3" Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 2% " Knob H u b . . Bronze, for % " Spindle T u rn Knob H ub 01714, PlOO Attachment for Spindle Cylinders . . . 1714, Two, IM " , 102 01714, One, IM " , 102 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type E, Page 6

H a n d .........................Reversible O p e r a tio n ................1714, Latch bolt by knobs

from either side. Lock bolt by key from either side 01714, Latch bolt by knobs from either side. Lock bolt by key outside and turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having key class 622

1714, 01714

Suitable Escutcheons for 1714 Wrought B ro n ze......................... Inside, 1382ViOutside, 1382Vi Cast B ronze................................. Inside, 1382-AR. Outside, 1382-AR

Suitable Escutcheons for 01714 Wrought B r o n z e ..................... Inside, T1382ViCast B r o n z e ............................. Inside, T1382-AR. Specify Escutcheon Size

Outside, 1382Vi Outside, 1382-AR

1716, Inside and Outside Cylinders 01716, Turn Knob Inside. Cylinder Outside Locks 1716 and 01716 can be furnished to certified template size for hollow metal doors. Specify 1916CT (two cylinders) and 01916CT (one cylinder, turn knob inside). See Page 158

C a s e ........................X x 1". Cast Iron Japanned B o l t s ........................ Cast Bronze F r o n t ........................ 1 ^ " X 8". Cast Bronze S trike ....................5 % " x l ^ " . Lip to Center Cast Bronze B a c k s e t.................... 2 % " S p a cin g ....................1716, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, 01716, Knob Hub to Cylinder Hole, Knob Hub to Turn Knob Hub, 3J^’ Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, for Spindle T u rn Knob H ub . 01716, PlOO Attachment for Spindle C y lin d e rs ................1716, Two, 102 01716, One, IM " , 102 C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ....................Construction Type S, Page 7 H a n d ........................Reversible O p e ra tio n ................1716, Latch bolt by knobs from either side. Lock bolt by key from either side 01716, Latch bolt by knobs from either side. Lock bolt by key outside and turn knob inside P a c k in g ....................One in a box with screws Can master key with locks having key class 622

Suitable Escutcheons for 1716 1716, 01716

Wrought B ro n ze......................... Inside, 1333ViOutside, 1333^4 Cast Bronze................................. Inside, 1333-AR. Outside, 1333-AR

Suitable Escutcheons for 01716 Wrought B r o n z e ..................... Inside, T i333V iCast B r o n z e ............................. Inside, T1333-AR. Specify Escutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Outside, 1333V4 Outside, 1333-AR


Lock Section



MORTISE KNOB LOCKS FOR OFFICE DOORS 1816, Inside and Outside Cylinders 01816, Turn Knob Inside. Cylinder Vi" R abbet

Case B olts . F ront . Strike Backset Spacing



K nob H ub . . Turn Knob Hub Cylinders . . .


C hanges Keys . Spring H and . . Operation


53^" X 3 ^ " X 1". C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze 1?^" X . C ast Bronze. Yi" R a b b et 7 3^ " X 1 ^ L ip to C en ter 1Y% C ast Bronze Long Side 2 Shor t Side 2 ^ " 1816, K nob H u b to C ylinder Hole, 01816, K nob H u b to Cylinder Hole, \ Y%" K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub, 3 J^ " Bronze, for Spindle 01816, PlOO A tta ch m e n t for Spindle 1816, Two, \ \ i " , 102 01816, One, 1 ^ " , 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e S, Page 7

N ot Reversible. Specify Hand 1816, L atch bolt b y knobs from either side. Lock bolt by key from either side

01816, L atch bolt b y knob from either side. Lock bolt by Packing

key outside and tu r n knob inside One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons for 1816 W rought B r o n z e ............................ Inside, 1333Vi* C ast B r o n z e ..................................... Inside, 1333-AR.

1816, 01816

Outside, 1333V4 Outside, 1333-AR

Specify Escutcheon Size

Suitable Escutcheons for 01816 W rought B r o n z e ....................... Inside, T1333ViC ast B r o n z e ................................ Inside, T1333-AR.

Outside, 1333Vi Outside, 1333-AR

Specify E scutcheon Size




C a s e .......................... 6% " X 3 ^ " X C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................l Y " X C ast Bronze S tr i k e ...................... 6J4" x IM "- Lip to C enter 1 ^ " . C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 214" S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub, 2% " K nob H ub to Cylinder Hole, K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Spindle T u r n K n o b H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, 13^", 103 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e E, Page 6 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch bolt b y knobs from either side. L ock b olt b y key outside and tu rn knob inside P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons 1718

W rought B r o n z e ........................Inside, T1393Vi. C ast B r o n z e ................................ Inside, T 1393-A R . Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

O utside, 1392^4 O utside, 1392-AR


Lock Section


C ase 1720, x 4" x C ast Iro n Ja p a n n e d B o l t s ...............C a st Bronze F r o n t ......................... 1720, I J ^ " x 93^". C a st Bronze Strike ..................... 1720, 5)4" x 1^ ". Lip to C enter IM". W ro u g h t Bronze



S p a c in g ...................... K n ob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub , 2% " K nob H u b to C ylinder Hole, 4J^"

K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Spindle T urn Knob H ub . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ....One, XYi", 103 C h a n g e s ........ U nlim ited K e y s ......................... Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C o nstru ctio n T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ...............Reversible O p e r a tio n ..................L atch bolt b y knobs from either side. L ock bolt

by key

outside an d tu r n knob inside P a c k in g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Lock 1730. W ith Vz" R abbeted F ront. B ack set, Long Side 3". Backset, Short Side, IVz "• Case 4". Specify H and C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons


W rou ght B r o n z e ..................Inside, T1393V^. C ast B r o n z e ........................... Inside, T 1 39 3-A R .

O utside, 1392Vi O utside, 1392-AR

Specify E scutcheon Size

1704, 01704, 001704 L ock 01704 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify L ock 01704CT. See Page 158

C a s e ......................... 5 " X 4 " X C ast Iron Ja p an n e d B o l t ...........................C a st Bronze F r o n t ...........................1 % " X 7?^". C ast Bronze Strike .....................3 ^ " x l ^ " . L ip to C enter 1% ". W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 1704, B ackset 3" Special Backsets 01704, B ackset 2M ". Case 3?^" 001704, B ackset l Y i" . Case 33^"

S p a c in g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub, 2" K n ob H u b to C ylinder Hole, 3 " K nob Hub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T urn K nob Hub . . Bronze, for % " Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, i j i " , 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on stru ction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d .........................Reversible O p e r a tio n ..................L atch b olt b y knobs from either side, an d b y key outside. T urn knob in sid e dead locks th e la tc h b o lt so th a t lock c a n n o t be opened from o u tsid e by knob or key. T urn knob w ill also h old la tc h back in case. O utside knob can be set w ith sto p in, front ®

P a c k in g ............................One in a box w ith screws


Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

1704 Special B acksets 01704, 001704

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, T1384ViC ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, T 138 4-A R . Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

O utside, 1382Vi O utside, 1382-AR

READING Lock Section



C a s e ................. 5" X 4 " X C ast Iron Ja p an n e d B o l t .............. C ast Bronze F r o n t ........................... X 7 ^ " . C ast Bronze S tr i k e ...................... Lip to C enter 1 ^ " . W rou gh t Bronze B a c k s e t ....................3" S p a c i n g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H u b, 2 J^ " K nob H u b to Cylinder Hole, K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T u r n K n o b H u b . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ....One, 1}^" 102 C h a n g e s ........U nlim ited Bronze. Class 622 K e y s ............T hree. Nickel S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H and O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch b olt b y knobs from either side an d b y key outside. T u r n k n o b in s i d e d e a d lo c k s t h e l a t c h b o l t s o t h a t lo c k c a n n o t b e o p e n e d f r o m o u t s i d e b y k n o b o r k e y . T h e outside knob can be set b y sto p in fron t P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws


C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ....................Inside, T 13 9 6 l^. C ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, T 1396-A R . Specify Escutcheon Size

Outside, 1395Vi Outside, 1395-AR

1708, 01708 With Auxiliary Bolt Lock 1708 can be furnished to certified tem p late size for hollow m etal doors. Specify Lock 1708CT. See Page 158

Case Bolts . Front . Strike Backset

Spacing . Knob Hub Cylinder Changes Keys . . Spring Hand . . Operation

53^" C ast 134" 6" x


x 4 " x ^/i". C ast Iro n Jap an n ed Bronze X 7 ^ " . C ast Bronze 1M Lip to C enter 13^ ". C ast Bronze

1708, IVi" Special Backset 01708, Backset 23^". Case 3 ^ " 3" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, 13 4 ", 102 Unlim ited Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e N, Page 7

Reversible L atch bolt by knob from either side an d by key outside. Outside knob can be set by sto p in front. T h e au x­

iliary la tch dead locks th e la tc h b o lt and sto p s w hen door is closed so th a t la tch or stops c a n n o t be tam pered w ith from outside 1708 Special Backset 01708


One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, B1141Vi. Cast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, B1141-AR. Specify Escutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Outside, 1382V4 Outside, 1382-AR



Lock Section

MORTISE KNOB LOCKS FOR OFFICE DOORS 1709 With Auxiliary Bolt Case . B olts . F ront . Strike Backset . Spacing . K nob Hub Cylinder C hanges Keys . . Spring H and , Operation



X 4" X C a st Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze 1%" X 6 % ". C ast Bronze 5 % " x l 3 ^ " . L ip to C en ter 1% ". C a st Bronze 3" 2^" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, I K " , 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C on struction T y p e N , Page 7

N ot Reversible.

Specify Hand

L atch bolt b y knobs from eith er side an d b y key outside. O utside knob can be set b y sto p in front. T h e aux­

iliary la tc h dead locks th e la tc h b o lt and stops w hen door is closed so th a t la tc h or stops ca n n o t be tam pered w ith from o u tsid e Packing .

. .

One in a box w ith screws

C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, B1141V4. C ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, BI141-AR. Specify E scutcheon Size

O utside, 1395Vi O utside, 1395-AR

1715 With Friction Latch

, - 3 "— > BACKSET


Case Bolt F ront . Strike Backset Spacing K nob H ub Cylinder C hanges Keys Spring H and . . Operation P acking .

5" X 4 " X C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze 134" X 1%". C ast Bronze 35^" X 1% ". Lip to C enter 1 ^ " . W ro ug ht Bronze 3" 2M " Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, IM ". 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C on struction T y p e N, Page 7

N ot Reversible.

Specify Hand

L atch b o lt by knobs from either side an d b y key outside. O utside knob can be set by stop in front One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key


Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, B 1 1 4 n /(. C ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, B1141-AR. Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

O utside, 1395V4 O utside, 1395-AR





1711, 01711, 001711, 1711-TK With Auxiliary Bolt L ock 01711 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify L ock 01711CT. See Page 158

Case B olts . Front . Strike Backset

5 ^ " X 4" X C a st Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze IM'^ X 7 ^ " . C ast Bronze 6 " X 134 "• Lip to C enter 1 Cas t Bronze 1711, 1711-TK, B ackset 3". Case 4" 01711, B ackset 2 % ". Case 3 % " 001711, Backset 2 Case 33^" 3" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, \y i" , 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e N, Page 7

Spacing . Knob Hub Cylinder C hanges Keys . . Spring H and . Operation


N o t Reversible. Specify Hand 1711, 01711, 001711, L atch bolt b y knob from eith er side a n d b y key outside. O utside knob can be set by sto p in front

T he auxiliary la tc h dead locks th e la tc h bolt and sto p s w h en door is closed so th a t la tc h or stops c a n n o t be tam pered w ith from o u tsid e 1711-TK, W ith tu rn knob h u b in side, dead lock in g la tc h bolt again st key and knob on o u tsid e and arranged so th a t turn knob in sid e w ill h old la tch retracted in case


. . . .

Packing .

. . . . One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key


Suitable Escutcheons

Also Special Backsets

O utside for 1711, 01711, 001711, 1711-TK W rought Bronze, 1382Vi- C ast Bronze, 1382-AR Inside for 1711, 01711, 001711 W rought Bronze, B1141V4* C ast Bronze, B1141-AR Inside for 1711-TK W rought Bronze, T1386V4- C ast Bronze, T1386-AR Specify E scutcheon Size

1808 With Auxiliary Bolt. For Lavatory Doors Lock 1808 can be furnished to certified tem plate size for hollow m etal doors. Specify Lock 1808CT. See Page 158


C a s e ...........................X 4" x C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................1 " X 7^ C ast Bronze ...................... 6 " x 1 Lip to C enter 134 "• C ast Bronze S tr i k e B a c k s e t ...................... 2 %" S p a c i n g ...................... 3" Knob H ub . . . . Bronze, for y%" Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................Two, 1}^'^ 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s .......................... Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rsib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................F rom inside a t all tim es by knob. O utside b y knob, unless concealed stop w ork is set, which m akes outside knob stationary . T o set concealed stop, tu r n th e key th ro u g h th e inside cylinder one-q uarter tu r n to w ard th e face of th e lock. T o release concealed stop an d m ake outside knob operate, tu r n key to w ard hinge side of door until releasing lever is engaged. A slight ad ditional tu r n of th e key will p erm it outside knob to o p erate th e latch bolt A u x ilia r y l a t c h b o l t d e a d lo c k s t h e l a t c h b o l t w h e n d o o r is c lo se d , so t h a t l a t c h c a n n o t b e t a m p e r e d w i t h f r o m o u ts i d e P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ......................................... Inside an d O utside, 1382Vi C ast B r o n z e .................................................. Inside an d O utside, 1382-AR Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Lock Section

2707, 2707-EM Turn Knob Inside. Swinging Latch w ith Stops L ocks 2707, 2707-EM can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify 2707CT, 2707C T -E M . See Page 158

C ast Iro n Ja p a n n e d C a s e ........................... 53^" X 3 % " X B o l t s ...........................C ast Bronze. L atch Bolt Swinging T y p e F r o n t ...........................I j ^ " x 8 " . C ast Bronze C a st Bronze Strike ...................... 5 % " x l J 4 " . L ip to C en ter 13^". B a c k s e t ..................... S p a c in g ...................... K nob H u b to C ylinder Hole, K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub , 3 J^ "

K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Y%" Swivel Spindle T urn K nob H ub . . Bronze, for %," Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, i j ^ " , 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g .......................C on structio n T y p e N , P age 7 H a n d ......................... N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e r a tio n ................. 2707, L a tc h b olt b y knobs from eith er side a n d b y key outside. T urn kn ob in sid e dead locks th e la tch b o lt so th a t lock c a n n o t be opened from o utside by kn ob or key. T h e outside knob can be set by stop in front. T h e auxiliary la tc h dead locks th e la tc h bolt and sto p s w h en door is closed so th a t la tc h or sto p s c a n n o t be tam pered w ith from o u tsid e O p e r a tio n ................. 2707-EM, D escription a n d op eration sam e as 2707, b u t packed w ith a special em ergency key cylinder.


2707, 2707-EM

T h e em ergency key will o p erate th e la tch bo lt from th e outside w hen tu r n k no b is set on th e inside in a box w ith screws

P a c k in g ...................... One

C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W ro ug ht Bronze, Inside, T1452V4- O utside, 1452Vi C ast Bronze, Inside, T1452-AR. O utside, 1452-AR

2708 No Turn Knob. Lock 2708 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify 2708CT. See Page 158 ^ 2 |r BACKSET

Case B olts . F ront . Strike Backset Spacing K nob H ub Cylinder C hanges Keys . Spring H and . . Operation


Swinging Latch w ith Stops

5 J ^ " x 3 ^ ' ' x % " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d C a st Bronze. L atch B olt Swinging T y p e 134" X 8". C ast Bronze 5 ^ " x 1)4:"• L ip to C en ter I J ^ " . C ast Bronze 2%"

3V2" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, I M ", 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C on struction T y p e N , Page 7

N ot Reversible. Specify Hand K nob from b o th sides, except w hen sto p w ork in front is set, m aking outside knob sta tio n a ry . Inside knob o perates a t all tim es. W hen outside knob is set, key thro ug h th e outside cylinder re tra c ts th e latch bolt an d perm its th e door to be opened. T h e auxiliary latch bolt, when door is closed, re tra c ts in lock case an d dead locks th e la tch b olt an d stops, so th a t latch or stops canno t be forced back from th e outside One in a box w ith screws C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key


Suitable Escutcheons W rou ght Bronze, Inside, B1452Vi- O utside, 1452V4 C ast Bronze, Inside, B1452-AR. O utside, 1452-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

READING Lock Section



Lock 2709 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify 2709CT. See Page 158

Case Bolts . Front . Strike Backset Spacing K nob H ub Cylinders




Changes Keys . . Spring H and . . Operation

For Lavatory Doors

5H " X 3% " X C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze. L atch B olt Swinging T y p e 1M " X 8 C ast Bronze 5 ^ " x l 3 / i " . L ip to C enter 1 3 / ^ Cast Bronze 2M " 33^" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle Tw o, IM " , 102 T h e inside cylinder, unless otherw ise ordered, furnished w ith o u t change keys an d o perated by th e M a ste r or G ran d M a ster K ey as directed U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e N, Page 7

N o t Reversible.

Specify H and

L atch bolt inside by knob a t all tim es. T he outside knob is m ade sta tio n a ry b y setting th e concealed sto p w orks w ith th e m aster or th e gran d m aster key th ro ugh th e in­ side cylinder. T o set th e concealed sto p w ork th ro u g h th e inside cylinder, tu r n k ey to w ard face of lock. T o release concealed sto p an d perm it outside knob to operate, tu r n key th ro u g h inside cylinder tow ard hinge side of door. W hen o u tsid e knob is set, th e ch an ge key

w ill operate la tc h th ro u gh o u tsid e cylinder w ith ­ o u t disturbing th e locked p osition of th e o u tsid e knob. T h e auxiliary la tc h dead locks th e la tc h bolt w h en door is closed, so th a t latch ca n n o t be tam pered w ith from outsid e.



One in a box w ith screws C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, 1452Vi. C ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, 1452-AR.

Lock 1601 can be furnished to certified te m p la te size for hollow m etal doors. Specify 1601CT. See Page 158 - 2 F — >: BACKSET

Outside, 1452V4 Outside, 1452-AR

1601 With Stops C a s e ......................... 5 J^ " x 3J^" x C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ...........................C ast Bronze * F r o n t ............................I j ^ " x 7 % " . C ast Bronze S t r i k e .....................3 ^ " x 1%". L ip to C enter 1^ ". W rought Bronze B a c k s e t ................ 2%“ S p a c i n g ................ 3%" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y lin d e r ..................One, lH "t 103 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d .....................Reversible O peration . . . . L atch bolt by knobs from either side an d by key outside. O utside knob can be set b y stop in front

P a c k i n g ....................... One in a box w ith screws *F ront can be furnished, 1" wide.

Specify L ock 1601V^>

C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

1601 1601V2 . Special F ro n t

Suitable Escutcheons W rought B r o n z e ..................Inside, B1141^4O utside, 1372V4 C ast B r o n z e ...........................Inside, B1141-AR. O utside, 1372-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section

1805 Latch Bolt Has 3^" Throw


. C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C a s e ...........................S " x 4 " x M " B o l t ........................... C ast Bronze. W ith T h r o w f o r F ir e D o o rs F r o n t ........................... l M " x 7 8 ^ " . C a st Bronze L ip to C en ter 1% ". W rou gh t Bronze S trik e ...................... 3 ^ " x l M " . B a c k s e t ...................... 3 " S p a c i n g .......................2 3^" K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, 103 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on struction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ...........................N o t R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify H a n d O p e r a t i o n ..................L atch b o lt by knobs from either side an d b y key outside. O utside knob can be set b y stop in front P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key


Suitable Escutcheons W rou ght Bronze, Inside, B1141V4. C ast Bronze, Inside, B 1141-A R .

O utside, 1395Vi O utside, 1395-AR

Specify Escutcheon Size

1809 With Auxiliary Bolt Latch Bolt Has Throw


C a s e ...........................x 4" x C ast Iron Ja p an n ed B o l t ...........................C ast Bronze. W ith 3^" Throw for Fire Doors F r o n t ........................... I ^ " x 6 ^ " . C ast Bronze Strike ..................... 5 J 4 " x I J / g " . Lip to C enter 1^ ". C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ..................... 3" S p a c in g ..................... 2^" Knob Hub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ........................... T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C onstruction T y p e N , Page 7 H a n d ......................... N ot Reversible. Specify Hand O p e r a tio n ..................L atch bolt by knob from either side an d by key outside. O utside knob can be set by sto p in front. T he aux­ iliary la tch dead locks th e la tch bolt and stops w hen door is closed so th a t latch or stops ca n n o t be tam pered w ith from o utside P a c k in g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Bronze, Inside, B1141V4. Outside, 1395V4 C ast Bronze, Inside, B1141-AR. O utside, 1395-AR Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page



MORTISE KNOB LOCKS FOR OFFICE DOORS 2706 Swinging Latch Bolt C a s e ......................... 5 " X 4 " X C a st Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ...........................C ast Bronze. L atch Bolt Swinging F r o n t ......................... 1 ^ " X 6 J4 ’'. C a st Bronze Strike ...................... L eng th 6"; W id th to T hickness of

Type D oor. P ro tected T yp e.

C ast Bronze




S p a c in g ...................... K nob H u b to T u rn K n ob H ub, 2}/^" K nob H u b to C ylinder Hole, 2J^ "

K nob Hub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle T urn K nob H ub . . Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, 1}4", 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on struction T y p e K , Page 6 H a n d ......................... N ot Reversible. Specify Hand O p e r a tio n ..................L atch bolt b y knobs from either side an d b y key outside. T urn knob inside dead locks th e la tc h bolt so th a t lock ca n n o t be opened from o u tsid e by knob or key. T h e outside knob can be set b y sto p in front P a c k in g ...................... One in a box w ith screws Can m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Bronze, Inside, T 1 3 9 6 l^ . O utside, 1395V4 C ast Bronze, Inside, T1396-AR. O utside, 1395-AR Specify Escutcheon Size

02706 Swinging Latch Bolt Case . . . B olt . Front . . . Strike . . Backset . . Spacing . . Knob Hub Cylinder Changes Keys . Spring . . H and . . . O peration .


5" X 3}4" X C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze. L atch bolt Swinging T y p e 1 ^ " X 6 ii " . C ast Bronze L ength 6"; w id th to T hickness of D oor. C ast Bronze 2V2" K nob H u b to T u rn K nob H ub , 2}^" K nob H u b to Cylinder Hole, 23^" Bronze, for Swivel Spindle One, I J i " , 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 C onstruction T y p e K, Page 6

P rotected T y pe,

N ot Reversible. Specify Hand L atch bolt b y knobs from either side an d b y key outside

Turn knob inside dead locks th e la tc h bolt so th a t lock ca n n o t be opened from o u tsid e by kn ob or key. T h e outside knob can be set b y sto p in fro n t

One m a box w ith screws

C an m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Bronze, Inside, T1396V4. O utside, 1395^4 C ast Bronze, Inside, T12!96-AR. O utside, 1395-AR Specify E scutcheon Size

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page I


Lock Section


One Cylinder C a s e ........................... 5 " x 3 ) ^ " x l " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ........................... C a st Bronze. E x tra H eavy. T hrow F r o n t ........................... 1 % " X 73 ^ " . C ast Bronze Arranged w ith B ronze P late to p erm it screw h oles in lock fro n t to be covered after m o rtisin g iron ja m b Strike ...................... N o t furnished. L a tc h w orks in to B a c k s e t ..................... 23^" S p a c i n g ...................... 3 " K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, IM " , 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on struction T y p e U, Page 7 H a n d ......................... N o t Reversible. Specify H and O p e r a tio n ..................Inside knob operates a t all tim es. K ey th ro u g h cylinder outside w ith on e-qu arter tu r n tow ard face of lock, sets concealed stops an d m akes outside knob stationary'. W hen stop is set th e key will operate latch bolt from outside. T o release sto p w ork, tu r n key to w ard hinge side of door un til releasing b a r is engaged, an d a slight add itional tu r n will allow th e outside knob to operate.

1908 For L oft Doors to Fire Towers Insid e K nob operates a t all tim e s, p e r m ittin g h a sty exit

It is im possible to lock th e door ag a in st exit, as a swivel h u b perm its th e in side knob to retract th e la tc h bolt a t all tim es P a c k in g ............................One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks h aving sam e class key

Suitable Escutcheons. Cut to Fit W rou ght Bronze, Inside, B1241l^. C ast Bronze, Inside, B1241-AR.

O utside, 1462% O utside, 1462-AR

1909 Extra Heavy Construction Two Cylinders C a s e ...........................5 " x 3 3 ^ " x l " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ...........................C ast Bronze. E x tra H eavy. ^ " ThrowFront ......................... 1 % " X 73^ " . C ast Bronze Arranged w ith Bronze P late to perm it screw holes in lock front to be covered after m o rtisin g L atch works into iron ja m b Strike ...................... N o t furnished. B a c k s e t ..................... 2}^" S p a c in g ..................... 3 J^ " K nob H ub . . . . Bronze, for Swivel Spindle C y l in d e r s ..................Tw o, 102 C h a n g e s ..................U nlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 S p r i n g ...................... C on struction T y p e U, Page 7 H a n d ......................... N ot Reversible. Specify Hand O p e r a tio n ..................Inside knob operates a t all times. K ey th ro u g h th e inside cylinder sets th e concealed stop work, m aking outside knob statio n ary . W hen ou tside knob is set th e

ch ange key th ro u g h th e o utsid e cylinder will operate th e latch . T o release th e stop work through 1909 For Lavatory Doors or Exit E n­ trance Doors w here th e control of th e door is regulated by S u perin­ te n d e n t or C ustodian

th e inside cylinder, tu r n th e key tow ard hinge side of door until releasing b a r is engaged, an d a slight a d ­ ditional tu rn will perm it outside knob to operate latch bolt. T he inside cylinder is furnished w ith o u t

ch ange keys and set under th e m aster or grand m aster key, placing th e control o f th e door in th e han ds of th e su p erin ten d en t or cu stod ian of the building P a c k in g ............................One in a box w ith screws Can m aster key w ith locks having same class key

Suitable Escutcheons. Gut to Fit W rought Bronze, Inside an d O utside, 14621/4 Cast Bronze, Inside and O utside, 1462-AR

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

READING Lock Section



02843^ to 01292 *0 2 8 4 3 4 , F o r S in g le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , S te e l P l a t e d F r o n t *02883^, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , S te e l P l a t e d F r o n t *02923/4, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, A s tr a g a l F a c e , S te e l P l a t e d F r o n t 0 1 2 8 4 3 4 , F o r S in g le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , W r o u g h t B r o n z e F r o n t 0128834, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , W r o u g h t B r o n z e F r o n t 0 1 2 9 2 3 4 , F o r D o u b le D o o rs, A s tr a g a l F a c e , W r o u g h t B r o n z e F r o n t 01284, F o r S in g le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t 01288, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t 01292, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, A s tr a g a l F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t *Bolt an d Pull are Iron Plated



02843yi, 012843A, 02883^, 0128834, 01284, 01288

A s tr a g a l F r o n t 02923^, 012923^, 01292

C a s e ................................ 0 2 8 4 3 4 , 0 1 2 8 4 3 4 , 028834, 0128834, 5M " X 3 M " X 3^". C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 01284, 01288, 53 ^ " X 3 ^ " X C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 0 2 9 2 3 4 , 0129234, X 4 " X 3^". C ast Iron Ja p an n e d 01292, 53 ^ " X X 3^". C ast Iro n Jap an n ed F r o n t ................................ 0 2 8 4 3 4 , 0 1 2 8 4 3 4 , 028834, 0128834, 1" x 7 % " 01284, 01288, 1" x 73^" 029234, 0129234, 13^" x 7 % " 01292, 1 3 ^ " x 73^ " ■ 028434, 0128434, 028834, 0128834, 01284, 01288, B ackset B a c k s e t ...................... 0 2 9 2 3 4 , 0129234, 01292, Backset 2 % " Special backsets to order. F urn ish details K e y .....................................Bronze m etal Extension K ey. Class 540 K ey can be extended by loosening screw in bow of key H a n d ...........................R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................Bolt b y key from either side. T h e pull in front is used for pulling door o u t of pocket. Pressing th e b u tto n in lock fro n t projects th e pull, outside of lock face P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Escutcheons W rought Steel, 43214- W rought Bronze, 143214- C ast Bronze, 1432 D ouble doors require four escutcheons, half open Single doors require two escutcheons, open

1384, 1388, 1392 1384, F o r S in g le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t 1388, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, F l a t F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t 1392, F o r D o u b le D o o rs, A s tr a g a l F a c e , C a s t B r o n z e F r o n t


C a s e ...........................


1384, 1388


1384, 1388, 53^" x 3 ^ " x C ast Iro n Ja p an n ed 1392, 53^ " X x C ast Iron Ja p an n ed F r o n t ........................... 1384, 1388, 13^" x 7 ^ " 1392, l ^ " x 7 % " P u ll a n d B o lt . . . C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 1384, 1388, 2 ^ " Backset 1392, 33^ " Backset Special backsets to order. F urnish details K e y ............................... Bronze m etal extension K ey. Class 547 K ey can be extended b y loosening screw in bow of key T u m b l e r s ..................T hree C h a n g e s ..................F orty-eight H a n d ...........................R e v e rsib le O p e r a t i o n ..................Bolt b y key from either side. T h e pull in front is used for pulling door ou t of pocket. Pressing th e b u tto n in lock front, projects th e pull, outside of lock face. W hen bolt is th ro w n th e hook autom atically drops into striking plate, locking th e door P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Escutcheons A s tr a g a l F r o n t 1392

W rought Bronze, 1432Vi- C ast Bronze, 1432 D ouble doors require four escutcheons, half open Single doors require tw o escutcheons, open

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1




Lock Section

1684, 1688, 1692 1684, For S ingle Doors, F la t Face, C ast Bronze Front 1688, For D ouble Doors, F lat Face, C ast Bronze Front 1692, For D ouble Doors, Astragal Face, Cast B ronze Front is?l BACKSET I

C a s e ......................... F r o n t .........................


P ull and B olt . . . B a c k s e t .....................

1684, 1688, 5 ^ " x 3 % " x C a st Iron 1692, 5 H " x 4 " x % " . C ast Iron 1684, 1688, 1" X 7}^" 1692, C ast Bronze

1684, 1688, 2 J^ " B ackset 1692, IVs" Backset Special backsets to order.

F u rn ish details

C y l in d e r s .................. Tw o, 1 ^ ", 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ...........................T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 H a n d ......................... Reversible O p e r a tio n ..................Bolt b y key from either side. T h e pull in fro n t is used 1684, 1688 1692 A stragal F ro n t

for pulling door o u t of pocket. Pressing th e b u tto n in lock front, projects th e pull, outside of lock face. W hen b olt is th ro w n th e hook a u to ­ m atically seats in striking plate, locking th e d oor P a c k in g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Escutcheons A ny cup escutcheon blank can be used below cylinder. D ouble D oors require four escutcheons Single doors require tw o escutcheons

1085 Half Mortise Locks for Elevator Doors BACKSET


C a s e ...........................5 " X 3 " X ". C ast Bronze, Polished B o l t ...................... C ast Bronze F r o n t ...........................Angle L ength 5". C ast Bronze Strike ...................... 4 ^ " x 1". C ast Bronze B a c k s e t .....................15^ " C h a n g es ...................... F ou r K e y ............................... N ickeled Steel. Class 340 E scutch eon . . . P1100V4, W rought Bronze, x H a n d ......................... Reversible O p e r a tio n ................ Key outside. Flush pull inside. K eyhole a t to p a n d bo ttom for doors sliding to th e rig ht or left

P a c k in g ...................... Two in a box w ith screws

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

■4 R E A D I N G % Lock Section


MORTISE LOCKS FOR SLIDING DOORS 1729, 1739 Extra Heavy. With Hook Latch Case . . . Bolts . . . Front . .




. .

Backset Spacing H ub Cylinders C hanges . Keys . H and . . Operation




- ■ . . . .

. . .

W ith Recess F ro n t


. .

5" X 4 " X C ast Iron Ja p an n e d C ast Bronze 1729, 1}/^" x 8". C ast Bronze. Recessed 1739, 13^" x 8". C ast Bronze. F lat 1729, 8" x 13^". C ast Bronze 1739, 7" x XYi"■ C ast Bronze

syg" 3M " Bronze, for Spindle Two, IM " . 102 U nlim ited T hree. Nickel Bronze. Class 622

Reversible D rop handle an d key from either side. D rop handle will not o perate when locked w ith key One lock or one set in a box w ith screws

E scutcheons P1465 for 1729 P 1 4 6 5 ^ f o r 1739

Packed Regular W ith ou t Cup E scutcheon Can m aster key w ith locks having key class 622

Suitable Drop Handles P1465, C ast Bronze (See Illustration) Size, 8" x

x Recess,

If w anted in sets w ith one lock an d tw o cup escutcheons. Specify Set 17265, w ith L ock 1729. Recessed F ro n t Specify set 17365, w ith lock 1739. F la t F ro n t

1739 W ith F la t F ro n t

1327 j i SRt

For Stable Doors. With Hook Latch



C a s e ........................................X 4" X C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ...........................C ast Bronze F r o n t ............................................................ C ast Bronze. Recessed Strike ...................... 6 % " x IJ^ " . C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 3" H u b ............................... Bronze, for Spindle H a n d .........................Reversible O p e r a tio n ..................F lush drop handle from either side. P a c k in g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Drop Handles 1327

In C ast Bronze, P01455

Specify Lock Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1



Lock Section




C a st Iron Ja p a n n e d C a s e ........................... 5" X 4 " X B o l t ...........................C a st Bronze F r o n t ........................... 1}4" X 8". C a st Bronze, Recessed S trik e .......................8" x 1}4". C a st Bronze B a c k s e t .......................3 " S p a c i n g .......................3 % " H u b ...........................Bronze, for Spindle T u m b l e r s .................. T h ree C h a n g e s .................. Tw elve K ey ........................... Nickeled Steel, Class 383 H a n d ...........................R e v e rs ib le O p e ra tio n . . . . F lush drop handle from eith er side. D ro p handle will not o p erate when latch bolt is locked w ith key P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws

Suitable Drop Handles


C a st Iron, P455, P458.

C a st Bronze, P1455, P1458


1726 Extra Heavy BACKSET

C a s e ........................... 4)4" x 3 ^ " x 1 ^ " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d B o l t ........................... C a st Bronze F r o n t ...........................I % " x 7 " . C a st Bronze S trik e ...................... 7 " x l ^ " C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 2 ^ " S p a c i n g ...................... 2 ^ " H u b ...........................Bronze, for Spindle C y l i n d e r ..................One, IH " , 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 H a n d ...........................R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................K ey outside. F lush drop handle inside. P a c k i n g ...................... One in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key class 622


Suitable Drop Handles O utside . . . Inside . . . .

E scutcheon P1465. W ith o u t Ring. E scutcheon P01455

Specify L ock N um ber

1929 ® I:


Extra Heavy J i m m y P ro o f .

B o lt w i t h L o c k in g S id e s

C a s e ...........................5 " X 4r" X C ast Iron Jap an n ed B o l t ........................... H a r d e n e d T o o l S te e l, P la t e d F r o n t ...........................1 ^ ' ' X 8". C ast Bronze S trik e ...................... 8 " x l J ^ " . C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ...................... 3}^" C y l i n d e r s ..................Tw o, 1}^". 102 C h a n g e s ..................Unlim ited K e y s ...........................Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 H a n d ...........................R e v e rs ib le O p e r a t i o n ..................K ey from either side. W hen bolt is throw n th e autom atically lock in strike P a c k i n g ...................... O ne in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key class 622 1929 H ooks in Bolt P roject W hen Locked

Suitable Drop Handles P1465, C ast Bronze (W itho ut D ro p Ring)

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1 k

tool steel hooks






Cylinder Lock


C a s e ....7 ^ " x 4 } 4 " C ast Bronze, Polished B o l t ....C ast Bronze F r o n t ...................... C ast Bronze S t r i k e ....7 ^ " x 1 ^ " . C ast Bronze B a c k s e t ....... 2 J^ " C y l in d e r . . . , One, 1 ^ " , 102 C hanges . . . . U nlim ited K e y s ...................... Three. Nickel Bronze. Class 622 H a n d .... R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify T h i c k n e s s o f D o o r O p e r a t i o n . . . . K ey outside. F lush pull inside P a c k i n g O ne in a box w ith screws C an m aster key w ith locks having key class 622 1787

532 Bit Keyed Lock BACKSET



C ase . . . . B o lt . . F ro n t . . . S tr i k e . . . . B ackset . . . P u ll . . T u m b le r . . C hanges . . K e y .................. H and . . . O p e ra tio n . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

7 3 /^ " x 4 J^ " . C ast Iron Ja p an n e d Iron, Polished I " x 7 3 ^ " . C ast Iro n Ja p an n e d 75^" X IJis". M a lle a b le I r o n , Ja p an n e d Iron, Polished One F our N ickeled Steel. Class 163 R e v e rs ib le . S p e c ify T h i c k n e s s o f D o o r K ey outside. F lush pull inside

Escutcheon 032 S i z e .................. . . R e c e ss . . . . . P ack in g . . . . .


C ast Iron Ja p an n e d

M" One in a box w ith screws

For other types of locks for garage doors see Lock Sets 504 and 505 in General Hardware Section

Specify Lock Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1 4



Lock Section



Steel Steel

n ® *=i

136 C hanges

T um blers

For Locks 0280M, 01280, 01180 156, 156H, 855H , 857% 372 448, A448 442, 444, A442, 455, 457, A455, 0442, 0444, A0442, 562, 564, A562, 565, A565, 567, 0562, 0564, A0562 377, 452, 454, A452 C625, C2625 157, 157M, 858M, 856% , 1159, 1159% 354, 356, 454


3 4 4


49 0050 tl36 tl42

4 12

6 fB lan k Keys Prefix “ B ” to N um ber

B136, B142)

NICKELED STEEL—One-Piece Tapered Bit

For Locks Class C hanges T um blers 82, 84, 0100, 01101 206 4 86, 89, 1077 215 12 217 48 1079 0251% , 0252% 0223 12 0859% , 00859% , 00958, 00959, 24 0225 225

Q uo




Q T n rzi



~hi» i

2 2 7 1 /2

24 60






48 192


t if i

2 2 5 1 /2

Tapered B it


2 2 5 1 /2

2 2 7 1 /2


-im I





12 an d 48

1 an d 3

1160, 01160, 001160, 1167, 002160, 2160, 003160, 02160 01173, 01190, 1231, 01256 T apered B it for M a ster K eyed Locks having K ey Class 225 1190, 1201, 1203, 1221, 01221, 001221, 01211, 001211, 1211, 1223, 1256, 1421, 1431 0351% , 0352% , 00860% , 0860% , 902, 1161, 01161, 001161, 1168, 00960, 00961, 003161, 2161, 02161, 002161 01174, 01191, 1232, 01257 T apered Bit for M aster Keyed Locks having K ey Class 227 1090, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1188, 1189,1191, 1202, 1204, 1212, 01212, 001212, 1214, 1222, 01222,0 01 22 2,1 22 4,1227FS, 01227FS, 001227FS, 1228, 02212FS, 002212FS, 1257, 1422 1432 942% , ’9 4 3 % , 0942% , 0943% , 0947, 0948, 980% , 01342, 01343, 1342, 1343, 01347, 01348, 1380

B lank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N u m ber (B206, Etc.) W hen Ordering C ut Keys Specify C hange N u m b er and Key Class Two Dozen in a Box

M aster Keying Information and L ist of M aster Keyable Locks see pages 152, 153


Lock Section





OneP iece


T w o-P iece

O ne-Piece OnePiece





O eSE3

245 Class 245 251 252 254 256 271 273 323 334 336 340

C hanges



252, 254


O ne-P iece

For Locks

T um blers 570, 572, 610, 380 400, 403, 390 395 402^ 404, 535, 540


4 12

24 48 24 48


A570, 575, 577, 595, 597, 600, 602, 605, 607, A600, 612, A595 485, A485, 487, 490, 492, 515, 520 412, 417, 519, 524

1124, 1126, 1129, 1130 1101, 1103, 1105, B i l l , 1111, 1113, 1115 1102, 1104, 1106, 1112, 1114, 1116 1085

2 16 48 4

Blank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N um ber (B252, Etc.)

NICKELED STEEL Tw o-Piece Tw o-Piece

Tw o-Piece

O ne-Piece



383 Class 374 383 384 393 3941/2

395 399

C hanges

T um blers


5 3 4 3 3 4 4


300 5 5 5 5

Tw o-Piece

T w o-Piece



O ne-Piece

|"’T|"'I 1 '



For Locks 1226, 1236 1329 1259, 1261, 1324, 1334 M aster K ey for M aster K eyed Locks having K ey Class 2273^ G ran d M aster K ey for Locks having K ey Class 2273^ F o r M aster K eyed Locks having K ey Class 384 G rand M aster K ey for Locks having K ey Class 384

Blank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N um ber (B374, Etc.) W hen Ordering C ut Keys Specify Change N um ber and Key Class Two Dozen in a Box

Master Keying Information and List oj Master Keyable Locks see Pages 152, 153


Lock Section


584 Class 584 595





C hanges

T u m blers


4 4

1295, 119 4,1197,1262,1266,1272,1273, 1276,1312,1409,1412 M a ster K ey for Locks having K ey Class 584



D599 E599

4 4

G ran d M a ster K ey for Locks having K ey Class 584 an d M aster K ey 595 D isplay K ey for Locks 1272, 1273, 1276 E m ergency K ey for Locks 1262, 1266, 1272, 1273, 1276

12 Sets of 120 Different

For Locks

B lank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N u m ber (B584, Etc.) Brass Brass

Brass Bronze

F olding Steel Nickel Bronze


540, 547 Class 540 544 547 552 570 581 583 179 387 610

C hanges 1 12

48 18 12 12

36 24 80 850




T um blers

581, 583

387 For Locks

0284% , 0288% , 0292% , 01284% , 01284, 01288% , 01288, 01292% , 01292 469B 1384, 1388, 1392 C605, C2605 584 420, 423, 424, 427, 431, 434, 616, 626 422, 425, 426, 428, 433, 436, 618, 628 644, 645, 648, 649 1108, 1118, 0145, 0147, 01145, 01147 0757, 0757% , 0757J^

Blank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N um ber (B540, Etc.) W hen Ordering C ut Keys Specify C hange N um ber and Key Class Tw o Dozen in a Box

Master Keying Information and List of Master Keyable Locks see Pages 152, 153

READING Lock Section



Nickel Bronze


522 Class 522 621 631 622 632 642

704, 804

622, 632

621, 631 Pins


4 5 6 5 6 6

4000 U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited



U nlim ited

702 704 802 804 E804

6 6 7 7 7

702, 802

For Locks 740, 741, 745, 748, 749. (C ylinder 202) F o r all Cylinder Locks an d L atches except num bers m entioned above. F o r use in M a ster K eyed System s ordered w ith K ey Class 621 F o r all Cylinder Locks an d L atches except n um bers listed w ith K ey Class 522 F o r use in M a ster K eyed System s ordered w ith K ey Class 622 F o r all Cylinder Locks an d L atches except num bers listed w ith K ey Class 522. W ith panel for room num ber F o r use in M a ster K eyed System s t h a t require a v ery large num ber of changes. F o r Cylinder L ocks a n d L atch es listed in Lock Section w ith C ylinders 102, 103 M aster K ey for M aster K eyed System s having K ey Class 631 an d 632 G ran d M a ster K ey for M a ster System s having K ey Class 631 an d 632 M aster K ey for M a ster K eyed System s having K ey Class 652 G rand M a ster K ey for M a ster System s having K ey Class 652 E m ergency K ey for H otel Locks.

B lank Keys Prefix B to N um b er (B622, E tc.). W hen Ordering C ut Keys F urnish S am ple Key w ith Order


Nickel Bronze Large Bow


643 Class *643 *743 *843 t64I t651

P ins


6 6 6 6 6

U nlim ited Unlim ited U nlim ited Unlim ited U nlim ited

For Locks

F o r Cylinder Locks an d L atches listed w ith Cylinders 102,103,104,201 F o r Cylinder Locks and L atches listed w ith Cylinders 102,103,104,201 F o r Cylinder Locks an d L atches listed w ith C ylinders 102,103,104,201 F o r C ylinder Locks an d L atches listed w ith C ylinders 102,103,104,201 Illustration shows Special K eys th a t can be furnished w ith building nam e to A rch itect’s draw ing, or we will su bm it draw ings on request *M aster K eys 702 an d G ran d M a ster K ey 704 can be used in system w ith these class numbers. tC a n furnish in steel heavily nickel plated to order.

B lank Keys Prefix “ B ” to N um ber (B643, E tc.). W hen Ordering C ut Keys F urnish Sam ple Key w ith Order Two Dozen in a Box In m a ster and grand m a ster and grand m aster as th e ch an ge keys for on e under a single m aster and

m a ster keyed sy stem s w e can fu rn ish different groove key w ays and have th e keys pass th e different key w ays. T h is arrangem en t is very o fte n fou n d desirable key way w ill n o t en ter th e key ways of other locks, b u t th e sy ste m can be operated grand m aster key.

Specify Number



Lock Section


M ortise

M ortise M ortise



H , S teel.

1 2 , Bronze Lip to N u m b er Size C e n te r H , Steel 4 M " x 1" 1}^" 12, Bronze 4 M " x 1" IJ^ " L a tc h Hole 1 x ^/i" Bolt Hole 1% " X y ^ " S pace betw een hoies




i l

N um ber Size 7 1 / 2 , Bronze 4 J i " x L a tc h Hole 1" x % " B olt H ole I M " X S pace betw een holes


7Vz, Bronze

Lip to N um ber Size C enter 15, Bronze 5 K " x l M " W i" L a tc h H ole I M " x y ^ " B olt H ole Vya" -a y ^ " S pace betw een holes

M ortise

SV 2 , S teel.

L ip to C en ter IJ^"

9V4, Bronze Lip to N u m b er Size C en ter 8 V2 , Steel 3 K " X H " 1" 9 1 / 2 , Bronze 3 K " x 1" L a tc h H ole x B olt Hole I M " X % " S pace b etw een holes y i"

16, Bronze N u m b er Size 16, Bronze L a tc h H ole IM"" x

L ip to C en ter 1)^"


R im For M ortise Latches

For M ortise Locks

u 4V^, Iron N u m b er Iron ( J a p ’d) 5 1 / 2 . Iron ( J a p ’d)


4" X ‘

5Vz, Iron F o r Locks R im 4" U prigh t R im 4" U prig h t Reverse Bevel


30 F o r M o rtise L a tc h e s lOM, 12M. 1018%, O lO lS Ji, 1038, 01038, 001038, 1048, 01048, 001048, 1012, 1119

40 F o r 3 M " L ocks

50 For


C an F u rnish in W rought Brass an d Bronze to O rder Packed Tw o Dozen in a Box W ith o u t Screws

Safety Strike


For Inside Locks

For Inside Locks

For F ro n t Door Locks [M l

For Office Door Locks


Brass Case 4" x 2" x 1" Brass F ro n t 5 % " x F o r Locks 0I50S, 1605, 01605, 1705, 1S94K , 1585, 1601, 1578 F urnished in b rass finish only. T h e p u sh e r O opens do o r w hen lip in strik e is released b y push b u tto n from a p a rtm e n t

Box w ith C urved Lip T y p e 20 Specify H an d

Box T ype 21

P ro tected T y pe 2 2 W ith C ast Box Specify T y p e 2 3

P ro tected T y pe 2 4 W ith C a st Bok Specify T yp e 2 5

F urnish F ull Size D etail of Door Ja m b an d Thickness of D oor

specify Number

2 6 , W^rought Brass or Bronze S u itab le for Doors 1 ^ " a n d 1 ^ " th ick Specify lock n um ber an d finish S afety S trik e for all sizes of cylinder ty p e lock strikes. M a d e th e full leng th of th e strike an d used w ith reg ular strikes to p rev en t th e latch bo lt from being forced back from th e outside. F o r doors opening in

READING Lock Section



M o r tis e C y l in d e r

M o r tis e C y lin d e r B a ll B e a r in g

S e c t io n a l V iew of M o r tis e C y l in d e r

R i m C y lin d e r

li' -------^

1 01 t o


M ortise D iam eter C hanges U nlim ited K ey C lass 622 101, L en gth 1" 102, L en g th IM " 103, L en g th 13^'' 104, L ength 105, L en gth 2" 106, L eng th 2 ^ "

110 t o 115 M o rtise Ball Bearing D iam eter C hanges U nlim ited K ey Class 622 n o , L eng th 1" 113, L en g th 1 ^ " 111, L eng th 114, L en gth 2" 112, L en g th 13^" 115, L eng th 2 ^ "

Illu stra tio n Showing In terio r w ith P ins an d Springs

201, 202

R im C hanges Unlim ited 201, L en g th 1-^". K ey Class 622 202, L eng th 1 ", K ey Class 522

P acked One in a Box W ith One Ring “ A " an d One Ring " B ” C y l in d e r P in s

C y l in d e r D riv e r P in s

C y l in d e r S p r in g

Brass D river Pins for Cylinders F ou r L engths Assorted


C y l in d e r C a m


00 Nickel Bronze Cylinder Pins T en L engths Assorted

Sold b y t h e ounce, app rox im ately 95 to th e ounce

Spring for Cylinders, Brass Sold by th e ounce, a b o u t 750 to th e ounce.

Brass C am for Cylinders Six D ozen in a box.


S m a ll

W i t h S p r in g

D u m m y C y lin d e r F r o n t

W ro ug ht Bronze H eight D iam eter 1 % "

W ro u gh t Bronze H eight D iam eter 1 ^ "

W ro ug ht Bronze A djustab le w ith Spring H eight D iam eter 1 ^ "

C a st Bronze H eigh t D iam eter 1 W rou g ht Bronze R ing “ A ”


Loop C oil 'A

1, IV2


1, Lock Spring F la t Steel.

W idth l*/4. Lock Spring F la t Steel. W id th

Coil Lock Spring. Brass W id th 56" T h ree feet in a coil

3, Brass Loop Spring L en gth 1" T h ree dozen in a box

Specify Number. For Cylinders specify finish. For finishes, see page I



Lock Section

In the large line of locks that we illustrate, there are two types of locks; known as bitted key and cylinder key. Information as to the numbers of bitted key locks that can be master keyed will be found on page 152. The changes, all different, on bitted key locks are limited; and information as to the number of changes obtainable with the different types of locks will be found on page 153. Cylinder locks can be arranged in an unlimited number of changes, and also with many interchangeable systems.

Master Key System A quantity of locks having different keys, but subject to one key, known as master key.

Grand Master Key System A group of sets with numerous locks in each set, all different key changes, arranged in groups operated by master key and entire system of sets or groups operated by grand master key. For example; in hotel work, all the locks on one floor are different key changes and set under a master key. Each floor has a dif­ ferent master key, but one key, called grand master key, can be furnished to operate the locks on the dif­ ferent floors. -

Emergency Key System This refers generally to hotel work where the management desires a key that can be kept in their possession for entrance purposes when door is locked from the inside. This emergency key will operate the lock under any and all conditions, and gives the management of the hotel access to the rooms at all times. This key is furnished in connection with master and grand master keyed systems for hotel or apart­ ment house use. In addition to opening the door if locked on the inside, the emergency key can be used to lock the door on the outside against the other keys; namely the change key, master key, and grand master key— and no other keys will operate the lock until the door is opened by the emergency key.

Apartment System— Matson System This refers to a number of apartment entrance keys, all of different change, but all passing through the entrance to the building. This makes it possible for the tenant to carry one key for his apartment door and this same key will operate the entrance to the main hall on the first floor; and at the same time give him security to his own apartment.

Apartment Master Key System— Maison System In addition to the above apartment or Maison System, a master key can be furnished that will operate all the apartment entrance doors, and also the other cylinder locks at the entrances, etc. This key is only used by the owner, or someone in authority.

Lock Section



Great Grand Master System This system is generally used in public institutions—where special key arrangements are required, and where several buildings are in a group. For example, in one building there may be two or three different sections operated by their own individual master key, and under each master key there may be a number of different key changes. The several master systems in the one building can be arranged to operate with a Grand Master Key for that building; and if this is repeated in several buildings in the group, a great grand master key can be furnished to operate all locks in the several different buildings. The system is only adapt­ able to the cylinder type of construction.

FUNCTIO NS OF KEYS IN HOTEL SYSTEMS Change Key —Regular key packed with lock. Floor Master Key —Key operating a number of different locks on one floor. Building Master Key —Where key will operate a number of different locks in the building. Grand Master Key —Key operating a number of different groups of locks where each group has its own master key. Emergency Key —Key for unlocking or locking under any and all conditions. This key is generally used in hotels, and is usually in possession of the hotel management. Display Key—Where additional security is desired, for example on Sample Rooms in hotels, if the room is desired to be locked against the change key, the master key, and grand master key—in locking with display key no other keys, except the emergency key, will operate the lock until unlocked by the display key. We keep a record of all master and grand master keyed systems; and we suggest when requiring additional keys that the keys be m anufactured by us. It is n ot necessary to forward sample key, but on established systems of which we have a record, we can furnish keys by num ber if given the nam e of the building and number of the key. In furnishing keys by number, we only do so on written authority from the superintendent or party in charge of the building. CLOSET D O O R LOCKS FOR HOTEL USE It is possible to arrange closet door locks in rooms to be operated by the change key which is handed to the guest, but so arranged that the closet door cannot be operated by the master or grand master key. This assures the guest of security in locking closet door, but for the convenience of the management, the closet lock can be arranged to operate with the emergency key. This system is possible with bitted key locks, having the key class No. 584, but in order to furnish the system with bitted key locks, it is necessary to have the closet door hinged in conformity with the entrance door to the room. For example, if the entrance door to the room is right hand, the closet door must be right hand reverse bevel; and if the door to the room is left hand, the closet door must be left hand reverse bevel. With cylinder type of lock, it is not necessary to swing the doors in any special manner.

Lock Section


The Locks listed below are made with three, four and five tumblers. We do not suggest master keying one tumbler locks, as the proper security cannot be obtained with less than three tumblers.

Definitions: M A STER SYSTEM

A master keyed system consists of a number of locks with different key changes, and operated by a master key. GRAND M A STER SYSTEM

A grand master system consists of two or more master systems, each lock of a different key change, with a group of locks under a master key, and the system consisting of two or more master key systems, each master key different. Master and Grand Master systems must be arranged with the same type of change key. Different locks can be used in the systems provided the locks are operated with the same class key. For example: Mortise Knob Lock 1202 and Mortise Dead Lock 1092 have key class 227J^ when master and grand master keyed. In arranging the key changes listed with the different lock numbers, special attention has been given to security, and our experience with master keyed locks has proved that the number of changes listed can be manufactured without any possibility of duplication in key changes. We can on bitted key constructed locks, obtain as high as 900 different key changes, operated under one master key with a special construction that we have perfected exclusively for R e a d i n g locks. We solicit your master key problems and will offer suggestions to meet your individual requirements.

L o ck No.

0351M 0352M 0860M 00860M 902 00960 00961 1090 1092 1093 1094 1161 01161 001161 1168 01174 1188 1189 01191 1191 1192 1194 1197 1198 1202 1204 1208 1212 01212 001212 1214

R e g u la r Key Class

0227 0227 0227 0227 0227 0227 0227 228 228 228 228 0227 0227 0227 0227 227 228 228 227 228 2273^ 584 584 ■ 228 228 221 Y2 228 228 228 228

Key C h a n g e C lass F o r M a ste r Keyed L ocks

227K 227H m V i 2 2 7 1 4

227M 227}^ 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4

227M 227H 22734 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4

227J4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4

584 584 584 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4

227J4 2 2 7 1 4 2 2 7 1 4

227>^ 2 2 7 1 4

T u m b le rs

M a ste r Key Class

C h a n g es D if­ f e r e n t Passed By M a ste r Key

I n S ets All D ifferent

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 595 595 595 393 393 393 393 393 393 393

192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 300 300 300 192 192 192 192 192 192 192

5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 12 sets of 60 12 sets of 60 12 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60 5 sets of 60

I f G ra n d F o r Lock M a ste r K eyed D e sc rip tio n , See Page Key C lass

3 9 4 1 4

394J4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4

394 J4 394J4 3 9 4 1 4

394J4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4

394J4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4

394 34 3 9 4 3 4 3 9 4 1 4

599 599 599 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 1 4 3 9 4 3 4 3 9 4 3 4 3 9 4 1 4


70 70 83 83 85 84 84 23 23 23 24 85 83 83 70 78 34 33 35 35 35 36 36 36 72 78 90 77 77 77 79


^eftion L ock No.

1222 01222 001222 1224 1226 1227FS 01227FS 001227FS 1228 1232 1236 1252 1257 01257 1259 1261 1262 1266 1270 1272 1273 1276 1277 1295 1308 1309 1312 1324 1334 01350 1409 1412 1422 2161 002161 02212FS 002212FS 003161


BITTED MASTER KEYED \.OQ¥.%— Continued R e g u la r Key C lass

228 228 228 228 374 228 228 228 228 227 374 llW i

228 227 384 384 584 584 584 584 584 584 584 584 2273^ 2273^ 584 384 384 221 Y2 584 584 228 0227 0227 228 228 0227

Key C h a n g e C lass F o r M a ste r Keyed Locks

2271^ 227M 227^ 227^ 374M 2271^ 227}^ 221)4

227M 221 Y2 3741^ 221 Y2 227H 227H 384 384 584 584 584 584 584 584 584 584 2273^ 221 Y2 584 384 384 227H 584 584 2273^ 221 Y2 2 2 IY 2

221 Y2 221 Y2 221 Y2

T u m b le rs

M a ste r Key C lass

C h a n g es D if­ f e r e n t Passed By M a ste r Key

3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

393 393 393 393 398 393 393 393 393 393 398 393 393 393 300 300 595 595 595 595 595 595 595 595 393 393 595 300 300 393 595 595 393 393 393 393 393 393

192 192 192 192 300 192 192 192 192 192 300 192 192 192 395 395 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 192 192 300 395 395 192 300 300 192 192 192 192 192 192

Our new Type “F” Spindle, see Spindles in General Hardware Section

I n S ets All D ifferen t

5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 12 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 12 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 5 sets of 12 sets of 12 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of 5 sets of

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60


F o r L ock If G ra n d M a ste r Keyed D e sc rip tio n , See P ag e Key C lass

^ ^ 3 9 4 3 ^ 394^ 3 9 4 1 3 9 4 1

^ ^ 394^ 3 9 4 3 ^ 3943/^

3 9 4 1

3 9 4 3

3 9 4 3 3 9 4 3

^ ^

3941^ 399 399 599 599 599 599 599 599 599 599 394)^

3943^ 599 399 399 3 9 4 1


599 599 ^ 394>^ 3 9 4 3 ^ 3 9 4 3 ^ 3 9 4 1 ^ 3 9 4 1 ^

3 9 4 3

Our new line Open Wheel Lawn Mowers, see Mowers in General Hardware Section

72 73 73 79 80 74 74 74 79 78 80 40 71 71 37 37 38 39 39 41 41 42 42 24 90 90 75 80 80 90 91 75 72 85 84 75 75 84

hock Section

MASTER KEYING INFORMATION M aster K ey e d a n d G ra n d M aster K eyed

Locks having the same class of key can be arranged in master keyed and grand master keyed systems. See pages 152 and 153 for listing of locks and key information. T h e Locks m e n tio n e d below can be arranged under th e sam e M aster Key and Grand M aster Key. In m aster system s of 60 locks to a system all different, an d 5 system s of 300 different changes under a g ran d m aster key. Lock N um ber 0 3 5 1 M ......................................... 0 3 S 2 M .......................................... 0 8 6 0 ^ ......................................... 0 0 8 6 0 M ..................................... 902 .............................................. 00960 ......................................... 00961 ......................................... 1085 .............................................. 1090 .............................................. 1092 .............................................. 1093 .............................................. 1094 .............................................. 1 1 6 1 .............................................. 01161 ......................................... 001161 ......................................... 1 1 6 8 .............................................. 01174 ......................................... 1 1 8 8 .............................................. 1 1 8 9 .............................................. 01191 ......................................... 1 1 9 1 .............................................. 1 1 9 2 .............................................. 1202 .............................................. 1204 .............................................. 1208 ..............................................

See Page ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

70 70 83 83

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 140 ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

85 84 84 23 23 23 24 85 83 83 70 78 34 33 35 35 35 72 78 90

Lock Num ber 1 2 1 2 .............................................. 01212 ......................................... 001212 ......................................... 1 2 1 4 .............................................. 1222 .............................................. 01222 ......................................... 001222 ......................................... 1224 .............................................. 1227FS ..................................... 0 1 2 2 7 F S ..................................... 001227FS ................................ 1228 .............................................. 1232 .............................................. 1252 .............................................. 1257 .............................................. 01257 ......................................... 1308 .............................................. 1309 .............................................. 01350 ......................................... 1422 .............................................. 2 1 6 1 .............................................. 002161 ......................................... 0 2 2 1 2 F S ..................................... 002212FS ................................ 003161 .........................................

See Page ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

77 77 77 79 72 73 73 79 74 74 74 79 78 40 71 71 90 90 90 72 85 84

................................ ................................ ................................

75 75 84

T h e Locks m e n tio n e d below can be arranged under th e sa m e M aster Key and Grand M aster Key in sy stem s of 300 Locks to a sy ste m , all different, and 12 sy stem s of 720 different ch anges under a Grand M aster Key. Lock

See Page

Num ber

1 1 9 4 ............................................. 1 1 9 7 ............................................. *1262 ............................................. *1266 ............................................. *1270 ............................................. *1272 ............................................. *1273 .............................................

............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

36 36 38 39 39 41 41

Lock N um ber

*1276 ............................................. *1277 ............................................. 1295 ............................................. 1 3 1 2 ............................................. 1409 ............................................. 1 4 1 2 .............................................

See Page

............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

42 42 24 75 91 75

*HoteI Locks of 5 tu m blers can furnish in 12 m aste r system s, 120 different locks in a system , or a to ta l of 1440 different key changes. T h is q u a n tity can be stepped up to 4,000 changes b y using a special constructed key-w ay t h a t we hav e perfected exclusively for R e a d in g locks. F o r o th er inform ation on m aste r keyable locks. See pages 152 and 153. F or m aster and grand m aster keys. See pages 145 and 146.

Lock Section



special S trikes —Illustrations of strikes will be found on page 148.

Box Strike —A box arranged back that is mortised in the jamb and covers the mortised out part of the jamb. This type of strike can be used on wood constructed jambs; and should always be used on hollow metal jambs. D ust Proof Strike —Arranged with shutter covering the bolt holes that close automatically when the door is opened. This type of strike is usually used in hospital work, and prevents dust accumulating back of the striking plate. Protected Strike —Arranged with angle that mortises in to the door stop and on doors opening in, prevents picking the latch bolt from the outside. See Strikes 22, 24, and 26, page 148. Box Protected Strike —Arranged with angle as described for protected strike, and in addition has the box back covering the bolt hole mortise. Long Lip Strike —The lip of the strike, is the metal piece that extends outside the strike line on which the latch bolt rides when the door is closed to protect the wood work. Unless otherwise ordered, all locks have their standard size strikes, and distance from the outside to the center of the latch bolt is given with each lock. Where special conditions of trim require long lip strikes, cast striking plates are made special to the detail of the trim at additional cost. When ordering long lip strikes, a full size detail of the trim should be furnished, and also the hand of the door. Curved Lip Strike —A strike with the metal part of the strike, on which the latch bolt rides, curved around the trim to protect the wood against the latch bolt when the door is closed. Full size detail of the door jamb and trim, and also the hand of the door must be furnished for this type of strike. See Strike 20, page 148. Electric Strikes —Used in apartment house work, where the entrance door is controlled from a push button in the apartment. The electric strike is so arranged that it forces the latch bolt of the lock back in the case, and with a spring pusher on the door jamb, permits the door to be opened. This type of strike is only adaptable to locks having latch bolts; and is not practical for locks with dead bolts. See Strike 165 and Pusher 0, page 148. Indicator —A button arrangement that projects outside the escutcheon plate when the lock is bolted from the inside. Used in hotel work, and indicates on the outside of the door that the room is occupied. The illustration of our No. 10 Indicator, adaptable to all cast designs and plain wrought designs, will be found on page 34.

Our new line of Door Closers in General Hardware Section

Our new line of Exit Devices in General Hardware Section



Lock Section


Anti-Friction Latch and Auxiliary Latch


1 '

A u xiliary L a tc h A n t iF r ic tio n L a tc h —




Anti-Friction Latch —An additional latch used with the main latch, the anti­ friction part engaging the striking plate before the main latch. This type of construction permits the latch bolt to work more freely, and overcomes the friction of the latch and strike.


Auxiliary Latch ( Guard Latch) —This type of latch is sometimes called a Guard Latch. I t is an additional latch bolt separate from the main latch. When the door is closed, the auxiliary latch retracts in the case of the lock, dead locking the main latch, and locking the stops,’^so that it is impossible to force the latch bolt or stops back from the outside when the door is closed.

Beveled Front Locks (Standard Bevel Y%" on 2") Unless otherwise ordered, locks are furnished with flat fronts. On the higher grade locks, the front can be beveled to conform with the beveling of the door, so that the lock case can be mortised in the door straight. This type of front prevents the binding of knobs. When order­ ing beveled front locks, the hand of the door must be given.

R a b b eted F ro n t'

S w in g in g L a tc h B o lt ■

A. o C.


€ JO

Rabbeted Front Locks —This lock front is used on doors that are arranged in pairs; and where the meeting rail of the door is rabbeted, the lock face is made to con­ form with the rabbet. The standard rabbet is and unless otherwise ordered, rabbeted locks are furnished V2 ". Rabbeted locks can be furnished beveled as well as straight. The hand of the door must be given for this type of front. The backset of rabbeted locks is taken from the long side of the rabbet.

Swinging Latch Bolt —This latch is sometimes referred to as a hinge latch. I t is a swing latch construction, and instead of working directly back in the case, is usually pivoted from one side of the lock front or lock case. Several lock numbers in our line are furnished with this type of swingmg latch. See Locks 2700, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2709, 2580, 2585, 2545, 2575.

READING Lock Section



Rounded Front Locks —This front is furnished in connection with bitted key dead locks, and cylinder dead locks—and is for use on double swinging doors where the face of the door is rounded. Unless otherwise ordered, radius of the rounded front is on a nine-inch circle. / o / ^ O loC / o i

C ylin d er S e t Screw is Covered W ith M etal P la t e E x te n d ­ in g L e n g t h of L ock F ro n t

Armored Front Locks—The armored front lock refers to cylinder con­ structed locks only; and is a separate metal plate placed over the face plate of the lock for the purpose of covering the cylinder set screws, to prevent tampering with the cylinder screws. This front can be furnished with any of our cylinder locks or latches.


French Springs—Prevent Sagging Lever Handles —Illustrations of this con­ struction will be found on page 6, Type H, with our Locks 1027FS, 01027FS, 001027FS, 1227FS, 01227FS, 001227FS, 02212FS, 002212FS, 001123FS, 002223FS, 001800, and is a specially constructed spring that works directly on the hub of the lock to hold lever handles in a horizontal position without the use of additional springs.

Dum m y Cylinders—A small round disc having the appearance of a cylinder front fastened in cylinder hole of an escutcheon, push or pull plate, to trim inactive door of pairs to look the same as the active door when doors are closed.

Key Tags —Key tags can be furnished to fasten on keys, with room numbers and building names— or can be made of cast metal to Architect’s drawing. Num bering —Keys can be numbered with room numbers, or key change numbers, and the same numbers placed on concealed parts of the lock or trim for the convenience of replacing lost keys.



3i'Min-4i' m on V e rt/c a / i. o f L ock F ront S tr ik e P la te & D oor ^ e v e h f i n - 2 ’^

-Z ir D flT U M




/i’ HoJe fo r Connnnon Horizontal cylinder side to f fro n t s tS tr ik e

A to si/it trim ixlZ-24 THMS.

- / j - 4-

i-^ o le

thumbtmi side.

3 i



Var I.

/^’Aver Zt





fo r spind/e t/jri/c fo o r

to fM ^^ed flo o r line.

L ock F r o n t


5 ^ ’M ax.

LOCK OR La t c h

IN ACCORDANCE WITH SIMPLIFIED PRACTICE RECOMMENDATION No. 82 AND COMMERCIAL STANDARD No. 9 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Approved by A m erican I n stitu te o f A rchitects A ssociated Genera' Contractors H ollow M etal A ssociation


~| 95 J®

D N e w W ay

O ld W ay Illustratio n s showing th e varied dim ensions formerly used for different functions.

Illustration showing th e s ta n d a rd ­ ized tem p la te regardless of function. T h e lock case, front an d strik e are of th e sta n d ard size as illustrated in th e detail a t top.


STANDARDIZED TEMPLATE LOCKS FOR HOLLOW METAL DOORS To facilitate the construction of hollow metal doors and trim, the Standardized Lock dimensions as drawing have been adopted by us for the locks listed. This information is on file with the leading hollow metal door and trim manufacturers and overcomes the serious delays that have been experienced in the past in the fabrication of hollow metal doors and jambs. The hollow metal contractor usually is awarded his contract long before the finishing hardware contract is settled and it has been the experience that hollow metal manufacturers could not proceed with their work until hardware templates were furnished. In this program of standardization the hollow metal manufacturer has on file sufficient information to start manufacturing without any concern as to whom the hardware manufacturer is, and can ship the frames without delay. Locks




1600CT 1566CT 1601CT 01711CT 1708CT 2707CT 2707CT-EM 01704CT 01673CT 0 1673i^C T 01674CT 0 1 6 7 4 JiC T 01675CT 0167SM CT 01676CT 0 1 6 7 6 JiC T 01811CT *1725M CT 2708CT 2709CT 1916CT 1683CT 1682CT *1725CT 01916CT 1808CT 01911CT 1S09CT 1495CT 1495 H C T 1544CT 1S76CT

F ro n t Door F ro n t Door Office D oor Office Door Office Door Office Door Office Door Office Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door H otel Room Door Exit Door E xit Door Office Door Toilet Door C om m unicating Door Com m unicating Door Com m unicating Door Closet D oor T oilet Door T oilet Door E xit Door Class Room Door D ead Lock D ead Lock Store Door Store Door

One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One Two

Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

One Two Two No No One Two One One One Two Two Two

Turn Knob


Inside Inside

Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside Inside

One Side Both sides Inside

Yes Yes Yes Yes


For Descrip­ tion, See Page

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

102 126 135 133 131 134 134 130 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 94 10 134 135 128 33 33 9 128 133 94 91 28 28 122 123

*L atches only, no keys, 1 7 2 S ^ C T h as % " throw bolt for U nderw riter Doors.

The standardization template locks have a standard front 8" x x with machine screws, No. 12 /24. The striking plate is a standard size S ^ " x The height of the lip is 33^". The lip center of the strike is made to suit the trim conditions. The striking plate is countersunk for machine screws No. 12/24. The spacing from the center line of lock to the center of cylinder hole and to the center of the knob hub or turn knob hub may vary in the diflFerent kinds of locks listed. From time to time locks will be added to this list and the Hollow Metal Association will receive infor­ mation as to any changes or additions that are made. The Hollow Metal Door and Trim Manufacturers will receive drawings of any new locks that are added or changes made.

When Ordering Locks Above Described to the Standardized Size M ention “ Government Standard Tem plate”





G eneral H a rd w a re Section


P385, Plated , Friction Polished P3853/4, P lated, P olished 384, Copper Plated 3841/^, Galvanized

Cast Bronze P1385, H ighly P olished Sill Plates V i" Sash Plates M " x 2i/g" Bronze Rod Yt,"

Sill Plates J i" X 21^" Sash Plates ^ " x 1Y%" Steel Rod


Lengths 8" 10" 12" 14" One-half dozen in a box with screws

Illustration ofTurnKnob Used on Iron Numbers

Lengths 10"



One-half dozen in a box with screws

P385, P1385

Extra Heavy—Set Screw Cannot be Removed Rod With Holes to Seat Thum b Screw Cast Iron P485, P lated, F riction P olished P4853/4, P lated , P olished 485, Copper Plated 485Vi, G alvanized

Cast Bronze P1485, H ighly Polished

Sill Plates 1" X 27^" Sash Plates 1" x 23^" Steel Rod

Sill Plates 1" X 2%" Sash Plates 1" x 2 " Steel Rod




Lengths 10"






One-fourth dozen in a box with screws





One-fourth dozen in a box with screws

P485, P1485

Cast Iron

Cast Bronze

P0387, P lated, F riction P olished P387, P lated, Polished 387Vi. Galvanized

P1387, H igh ly Polished SECTIO NAL VIE W

Sill Plates 1%" X 8" Sash Plates "x Cast Iron Rod

Sill Plates l^g" X 8 M ' Sash Plates x IJ i" Cast Bronze Rod



Lengths 8





One-fourth dozen in a box with screws




One-fourth dozen in a box with screws

P387, PI 387

Cast Iron

Cast Bronze

P0390, p la ted . F riction P olished P390, Plated, Polished 390V^, Galvanized

PI 390, H ighly Polished




10" Sill Plates 1 ^ " X lOM" Sash Plates x \ y%' Cast Iron Rod lOJ^"

Sill Plates l ^ " x l O M " Sash Plates x IJ^" Cast Bronze Rod lOJ^"

P390, PI 390



Sill Plates 15^" X 1 2 ^ " Sash Plates " x 1% " Cast Iron Rod 12

Sill Plates l ^ " x 123^" Sash Plates ^ " x 1 " Cast Bronze Rod 12J^"

One-fourth dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number, Size a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rdw a re Section



Cast Iron

Cast Bronze

P395, P lated , F riction P olished P395%, P lated , P olished 394, Copper Plated 394V2, Galvanized

PI 395, H ighly P olished .


Sill P lates X IM " Sash P lates % " x Steel R od

Sill P lates Sash P lates Bronze Rod


Lengths 9"

xlH" " x 1^ "



13" O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

P395, P1395

Cast Iron

Cast Bronze

P360, Plated, F riction Polished P3603/4, Plated, Polished 350, Copper Plated 3 6 OV2 , Galvanized Sill Plates, W rou g ht Steel ]/s" x 9% '‘ Sash Plates, C ast Iron x 2% " Steel R od Vs"


Sill Plates, W ro ug h t Bronze % " x 9 ^ ’ Sash Plates, C ast Bronze x 2J^*' Bronze Rod



Lengths 8"


P1360, H ighly P olished






15" One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

O ne-half dozen in a box with screws

P360, P1360

Malleable Iron Cast Bronze

P380, Plated, Polished 380, Copper Plated 38Qi^, Galvanized

P1380, H ighly Polished Sill P lates Vs" x lV s " Sash P lates % " x 2 J^ " C ast Bronze R od M " x % "

Sill P lates Vs" x l Vs” Sash P lates % " x 2 " M alleable R od x %"


Lengths 10"





15" One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

P380, P1380

Cast Iron

Cast Bronze

P375, P lated, Friction Polished P3753y4, Plated, Polished 375, Copper Plated 375Vi, Galvanized

P1375, H igh ly P olished Sill P lates 1" X 1 % " Sash P lates 1}^" x IJ^" Bronze R od

Sill P lates 1" X I M " Sash P lates I H " x 1 ^ " Steel Rod

Lengths SE C T I O N A L V I E V .


Lengths 10"




15" One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

P375, P1375

Specify Number, Size and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 383



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


Cast Bronze

P386, P lated, P olished

P I 386, H ig h ly P o lis h e d



10 " Sill P lates X 12" Sash P lates ^ " x 1 % " C ast Iron Rod

10 " Sill Plates Sash P lates % " x IM " C ast Bronze Rod






Sill P lates I J ^ " X 14" Sash P lates M " x 1 % " C ast Iron Rod

Sill P lates l j ^ " x 1 4 ' Sash P lates % " x 1M " C a st Bronze Rod

16" Sill P lates 1}^" X 18" Sash P lates % " x 1 % " C ast Iro n Rod

16" Sill P lates 1 3 ^ " x 18" Sash P lates ^ " x 1 5 ^ ' C ast Bronze Rod

P386, P1386 O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

P1381, H ighly Polished

P1383, H ighly Polished

Sill P lates % " x i W Sash P lates

S quare Bronze R od

Sash P lates "x



" x 2"

S quare Bronze R od H *’ x

Lengths 10"

Sill P lates J ^ " x 2 3 ^ "


x IM "







P1381, P1383 O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws


PI 392

Cast Bronze P1392, H ighly Polished

Lengths 8" 10" 12" 15" 18" Sill Plates for 8", 10" an d 12" l^ " x 8 3 ^ " Sill P lates for 15" an d 18" lj^ " x llj^ " Sash P lates all sizes % " x 2 " C ast Bronze Square Rod 3^" O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws

Cast Bronze PI 3821/2, H ighly Polished

Lengths 10"



Sill P lates l i ^ " x I J ^ " Sash P lates

X 2 } ^ "

C ast Bronze Square Rod Y^" O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


I G eneral H ardw a re Section




Cast Iron P376, P lated, F riction P olished P376%, P lated, Polished 376 Copper Plated 3 7 6 V2 , G alvanized Sill P lates

X 2M "

Cast Bronze P1376, H igh ly Polished Sill P lates I M " X 2 M " Sash P lates 1M " x 13^ " S E C T ID M A L

Sash P lates 1 " x 1 "

Bronze Rod

Steel R od Vf."

Lengths 10"

Lengths 12"





P376, P1376 One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Cast Iron Cast Bronze

P377, P lated , F riction Polished P377%, Plated, Polished 377, Copper Plated 3 7 7 1 / 2 , Galvanized

P1377, H ighly Polished Sill P lates l " x I M " Sash P lates x 2"

Sill P lates 1" X 1% " Sash P lates x 2" Sill P late Pin high Steel Rod Vs"

Sill P late Pin 3^" high Bronze Rod



Lengths 10"






P377, PI 377 Sill Should be ^ - i n c h Below B ottom of Sash One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

P1389, H ighly Polished

P1391, H ighly P olished

Sill P lates X 2H " Sash P lates 1 " x

Sill P lates

C ast Bronze Rod M " x %"

C ast Bronze R od % " x

Projection from Sash I J ^ "

Projection from Sash 2 "

Sash P lates 1 ^ " x 9}^"

Lengths 10"


X 3"

Lengths 15"

10 "


P1389, P1391 Rod M ortises U nder Sash O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section


P1382, Cast Bronze Sill P la te M " X 3 '

Sash P la te % " x 2 "

C a st Bronze Square R od )/%' L e n g t h s ................................




Sill m u st be % inch below b o tto m of sash '111!

O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws


P1492, Cast Bronze Rod w ith holes to seat th u m b screw Sill P late: W id th I M " , L en g th S J i " (Overall), L en g th 1 ^ " (at Sill P a rt) Sash P late

x 2 i^ "

Projection from sash to center of ro d 1 % " C ast Bronze Square R od SECTIONAL

L e n g t h s ........................................ 8" R o d ..............................................t V i ”

10" 8M "

12' lO K '

15" 13H ’

18' 1 6 J^ '

O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws P1492

P1592, Cast Bronze Sill P la te

X 2"

Sash P late 1" x 13^" C a st Bronze Square R od


P rojection from Sash to center of rod SE CTIO N AL

L engths Rod






7 H " 9V2" nV z" UVz" I I H"

O ne-fourth dozen in a box w ith screws P1592

Friction Casement Adjuster For Sash Opening Out IHSIDE V>EW

E ith e r R igh t or L eft H an d C an also be used on T ran som Sash T h e friction is applied b y th e knurled n u t Vs " T u b in g Sash P late ^ " x 1 " Sill P la te P587, W r o u g h t S te e l, P l a t e d , F r i c t i o n P o lis h P1587, W r o u g h t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P587, P1587

. /E x te n d e d L engths jc io s e d

16 10'


' x 2^ "

20^" 12"

O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

26^* 15'

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section




Round Base



C a st Bronze S tan d ard s, Base V /i" W rou gh t Bronze T u b in g 1 ^ " P rojection 3J^, C learance

C a st Bronze S tan d a rd s Base 3 " W rought Bronze T u b in g \ y%" Projection 3 C learance

Scroll Base

Scroll Base and Round Base


2418 C ast Bronze S tan d ard s W ro ug ht Bronze T ub ing 1 ^ " Scroll E nd, H eight 3}^" R ound Base 3 ", Projection 3 " Clearance

C ast Bronze S tan d a rd s W rou gh t Bronze T u b in g \Y%" Scroll E nd s, H eig h t 3 ^ " P r o je c tio n s " Clearance I M ’’

Round Base Round Base 3415 C ast Bronze S tand ard s, Base 2 " W rought Bronze T u b in g Projection 2Y%" C learance V/%' C an furnish w ith one end offset, specify 3420

2510 C ast Bronze S tandards, Base 2 " W rought Bronze T ubing 1" Projection 3 " Clearance 1 "



iiiw Offset E n d


C a st Bronze S tandards, Base 2 " W rought Bronze T ubing Projection lY z ' Clearance 1% " Pull betw een bars 5 K ”. over all 9Y%"

C ast Bronze S tand ard s, Base 2", Offset One Side W rought Bronze T ub ing Yi" Projection 2Y%' Clearance 1% " Pull betw een b ars 5J^ ", over all 9 J^ "


Illustration R ight H an d

*5410 C ast Bronze, W idth a t W idest P a rt 2}£", Clearance

Projection 1)4,"

L en g th s 19", 21", 22M ", 24", 24M ", 25", 26", 27", 27M ", 28", 2 8 i^ ", 29", 2 9 ^ " , 30", 3 0 ^ " , 31", 3 1 ^ " , 32", 32J^", 3 2 % ", 34W ", 35", 36", 3 6 H " , 37", 38", 39> i", 40" ’ *N ot Reversible, Specify H an d Unless otherwise ordered, sizes specified will be understood from center to center of sta n d ard s On th e Scroll E n d B ars th e size will be from cen ter to center of m achine screws, which are cen tral on th e Scrolls

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


Flare Base



C a st Bronze S tan d a rd s Base 2 " W ro u g h t Bronze T u b in g 1" P rojection V /2" Clearance 1 ^ "

C ast Bronze S tan d a rd s Base 2 " W ro u g h t Bronze T u b in g 1" P rojection 2 J^ " C learance

Extra Heavy W ith Offset For Doors in Recess

W ill P erm it Door to Open 90°


Side View

C ast Bronze S tan d ard s, R o u nd Base 2J^", Offset Base 2J^", Clearance 13^", W rought Bronze T u b in g \ Ys" Projection, R o un d S tan d a rd 3", Offset S tan d a rd 3}^"

PUSH BARS FOR SCREEN DOORS W ith End Standards to F asten a t Side of S tiles

W ith Surface Standards

L ...... ^ — --------- .

aTi■riirnni1 . r-

r Illustratio n of 2214

Illustration of 2314

2212, 2213, 2214

2312, 2313, 2314

Solid W ro u g h t Bronze B ars ^ "

Solid W rought Bronze Bars Y2"

2212— Tw o Bars

2312— Tw o Bars

E n d S tan d ard s, C ast Bronze, 5 ^ " x ;

2213— T h ree B ars E n d S tand ard s, C a st Bronze 8 ^ " x ^

2214— F o u r Bars E n d S tandards, C ast Bronze


E n d S tandards, C ast Bronze 5 ^ " x Projection 2313— T h ree Bars E n d S tand ard s, C ast Bronze 8 ^ " x Projection 2314— F o u r Bars E n d S tan d ards, C a st Bronze 11?^" x %" Projection

Unless otherw ise ordered, sizes specified will be understood from center to cen ter of sta n d ard s 2212, 2213, 2214 th e size specified will be o v e ra ll

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rdw are Section



S q u a r e C a s t R o d s 1" x 1/2 "

C a st B ro n ze




O D E O N D E S IG N 6420, C ast Bronze Plates, C ast Bronze E n d S tan d ards, C ast Bronze Rods Plates 33 ^ "



S tan d a rd s x C learance 3^"

Projection IJ ^ " ,

Set consists of th ree b ars m o unted on tw o 3 J^ " x 15" plates 6420 If used on b o th sides of door, so specify w ith door thickness. C an be arranged w ith ou t screws for outside plates; fastened w ith brass m achine screws from th e inside of th e door entering lugs cast on th e outside plates. T h is arran g em en t is furnished to special order only a n d m ust be so specified Unless otherwise ordered packed w ith regular wood screws for plates, and m achine screws th ro u g h door

7421 O D E O N D E S IG N 7421, C ast Bronze Base Plates, C ast Bronze E n d S tandards, C ast Bronze Rod E n d Plates 2J^" x 2J^", Rod 1" x H " , Projection 1J4", Clearance 3^" W ood screws for base plates, an d machine screws throu g h door

Combined Pull and Push C a st B ro n ze

S q u a r e C a s t R o d s 1" x 1/ 2 " 6465 O D E O N D E S IG N

*6465, C ast Bronze Plates, C ast Bronze E n d S tandards, Cast Bronze Pull 6" betw een bars Plates

x 15",

S tan d a rd s x Clearance Yi"

Projection 1}^"

Set Consists of tw o bars an d pull m ounted on tw o plates

x 15" 6465 Illustration Right H an d

If w anted w ithout plates, specify num ber 7465 *Not Reversible, Specify H an d W ood screws for base plates, and m achine screws throu gh door Unless otherwise ordered, sizes specified will be understood from cen ter to center of plates

Specify Number, Size a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



t G eneral H a rd w a re Section



1, 3, 6 5, 7, 9, 10

1, Cast Iron Japanned 9

3, Cast Iron Japanned

O unces

5, Cast Iron Japanned 7, Cast Iron Japanned

11}^ Ounces

11}^ Ounces

6, Cast Iron Japanned

18 Ounces

9, Cast Iron Japanned 10, Cast Iron Japanned

18 Ounces

30 Ounces

1, 3, 5, One dozen in a box

3 Pounds

6, 7, 9, One-half dozen in a box

10, O ne-third dozen in a box



8, Cast Iron Japanned 24 Ounces One-half dozen in a box



533, 534, 535


533, 534, 535, Steel Pointed, Screw Top 525, Steel Pointed, Polished 63^ Ounces

E m ery polished, Finish FS31 533, 6 Ounces

534, 11}^ Ounces

One-half dozen in a box

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 385

535, 16 Ounces

G eneral H a rd w a re Section


6 8



%, 1683/4, W rought Steel

783^, 1783^, W rought Steel

68%, Japanned, Steel Bolt, 783^, Japanned, Steel Bolt, Brass Plated Knob Brass Plated Knob 1683/4, Plated, Friction Polish, 1783/4, Plated, Friction Polished Brass Plated Knob Brass Plated Knob Screw Holes For in Plate Screw Width and Strike Number 7 4 7 4 IVs" 7 5 iVs" 7 5 m " 9 6 m "

Length 2 V2" 3" 4" 5" 6"

P acking and Average W eights

Case Weight Lbs. 100 135 180 150 170

Dozen in a Case 50 50 50 25 25

Length 2K " 3" 4" 5" 6" vU / 4 j UHC

in d




168^/4, one dozen in a box w ith screws

Screw Holes For in Plate Screw LengthWidth and Strike Number 3" iVs" 7 5 4" 7 5 5" 1% " 7 6 6" 1 % ’' 9 7 8" IVs" 9 7

P acking and Average W eights Case Dozen in Weight a Case Lbs. 40 185 40 220 25 195 25 215 15 285 783/4, packed w itho ut screws 1783/4, packed w ith screws

Length 3" 4" 5"

78, C ast Iron

78, Cast Iron, Steel Bolt, Japanned, Brass Plated Knob Screw Holes For in Plate Screw LengthWidth and Strike Number 3" VA" 6 5 4" IK " 6 5 5" m " 6 6 6" IH " 6 6 8" IVs" 9 7

Packed 3 ", 4 ", 5 ", 6 ", one dozen in a box w ith o u t screws 8 ", one-half dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

P acking and Average W eights Dozen in a Case 24 24 24 24

Length 3" 4" 5" 6"


Packed 3", 4", 5", 6", one dozen in a box 8 ", one-half dozen in a box


568, 569, C ast Brass

578, 579, Cast Brass

568, Cast Brass, Iron Bolt, Brass Knob 569, Cast Brass, Brass Bolt, Brass Knob L en g th s W id th s

23^" IM "



5" W

P820, Plated Iron P1820, C ast Bronze

578, Cast Brass, Iron Bolt, Brass Knob 579, Cast Brass, Brass Bolt, Brass Knob L engths 3" W id th s IVs"

4" IVs"

5" W z"

6" IH "

P820, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1820, Cast Bronze, Polished L engths W id th s

3" 1^"

4" m "

5" 1^"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

TOWER BOLT 76, Cast Iron, Japanned Length

W id th

3 " ............................................................................ 4 " ............................................................................ 5 " ............................................................................

IK " i% " 1^"





Screw Holes in P la te and S trik e

6 6 6

5 5 6







Packed 3

For Screw N um ber

7 5

^ Cast Iron

", 4 ", 5 ", 6 ", one dozen in a box w ithout screws 8 ", one-half dozen in a box w ithout screws

Specify Number and Size, For Plated Finishes, see page I. For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section

CHAIN BOLTS Cast Iron Rim Strike Japanned

Cast Iron Mortise Lip Strike Japanned

Cast Iron Angle Strike Japanned

53, R egular Bevel

63, Reverse Bevel

063, Reverse Bevel

C h a i n B o lts 53, 63 a n d 063 a r e F u r n i s h e d i n F iv e L e n g t h s a s F o llo w s : L en g th 3 "

L eng th 4"

L eng th 6"

L eng th 8"

L en gth 10"

Case, \y%" W ide

Case I M " W ide

Case 1 % " W ide

C hain 22"

C hain 23"

Case I M " W ide C hain 23"

Case VA" W ide

C hain 22"

C hain 23 "

, 4 ", One dozen in a box w itho u t screws 6 ",

Cast Iron Rim Strike Japanned

56, R egular Bevel

10", One-half dozen in a box w ith ou t screws

Cast Iron Mortise Lip Strike Japanned

Cast Iron Angle Strike Japanned

66, Reverse Bevel

066, Reverse Bevel

C h a i n B o lts 56, 66 a n d 066 a r e F u r n i s h e d i n Six L e n g t h s a s ’F o llo w s: L en gth 3"

L eng th 5 "

L en g th 4"

Case 1 ^ " W ide

Case \ V2" W ide

C hain 22 "

C hain 22"

Case I W W ide C hain 22 "

L ength 6"

L eng th 8"

L eng th 10"

Case 15^" W ide

Case 2 " W ide

Case IVs" W ide

C hain 22 "

C hain 23 "

C hain 23 "

3 ", 4 ", One dozen in a box w itho u t screws 5", 6", 8", 10", One-half dozen in a box w ithout screws

Specify Bolt Number and Length. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rdw are Section



Cast Iron Rim Strike Japanned

Cast Iron Mortise Lip Strike Japanned

Cast Iron Angle Strike Japanned

65, Reverse Bevel

065, Reverse Bevel

Sfc 55, R egular Bevel

C h a i n B o lts 55, 65 a n d 065 a r e F u r n i s h e d i n Six L e n g t h s a s fo llo w s L eng th 3 "

L en gth 4"

L ength 5 "

L en gth 6"

L eng th 8"

L ength 10"

Case 15^ " W ide

Case I Vs’' W ide

Case 1 ^ " Wide

Case \y%" W ide

Case 2 " W ide

C hain 22"

C hain 22 "

C hain 22 "

C hain 23 "

Case VXe" W ide C hain 23 "

C hain 23 "

, 4 ", 5 ", One dozen in a box w itho u t screws 6 ",

", 10", One-half dozen in a box w ithout screws

Cast Iron Packed w ith Both Rim and Angle Strikes Brown Lacquer (10 Finish)

Cast Iron Rim Strike Japanned

Length 6"

Width of Case


W e" 2"

8" 9"

D692, Reversible Chain 22" 22"







O ne-half dozen in a box w ithout screws

Width of Case




2H "


One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Bolt Number and Length. For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section

CHAIN BOLTS Reversible Packed w ith Both Rim and Angle Strike

Reversible Packed w ith Both Rim and Angle Strike

Illu stratio n of Angle Strike Packed w ith Reversible Bolts

Illustration of G uide for C hain Bolts. F urnished Special a t E x tra Cost P560, P1560

P560, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished L engths P 692, P1692

W id th s

P692, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished



W 2" 1% " C hain 22"



1% "

IH "

L en gth s 4" 6" 8" W id th s \W ' 2" 4", 22 " C hain. 6 " an d 8 ", 23 " Chain

P1560, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1692, Cast Bronze, Polished

L engths





L eng th s 4" 6" 8" W id th s 154" 2" 4", 22 " C hain. 6 " an d 8 ", 23 " C hain

W id th s

IM "

1% "

1% "

IM "

C hain 22 "

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws


P 6 I I , P I 6 II

P 6 1 0 , P I 610

P610, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1610, Cast Bronze, Polished L ength 2" W idth C hain 22 " One dozen in a box w ith screws

P611, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1611, Cast Bronze, Polished L ength 2"

W id th 1J4" C hain 22"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Bolt Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section


CREMONE BOLTS FOR WINDOWS OR DOORS OPENING IN OR OUT Specify H eig h t o f W indow or Door and D istance from B o tto m to H andle O perated T op and B o tto m w ith T urn of H andle


W id th \

W id th 1 ^ "

P854, P01854, P1854


W id th I M "

W id th 1 ^ "



W id th 1 ^ "

P858, P1858 W id th \ y i ”

P1856 Unless otherwise ordered th e above bolts are furnished w ith th e strikes as illustrated F o r o th er Strikes to m eet special conditions, see Page 177


P854 P01854 P1854 P1853 P1835 *P1954 P858 tP1858 P1856

Rod ys" H alf Oval

Handle O val K nob

Rod Steel

MATERIAL Plates C a st Iron

Projection from Sash

Finish P lated , Polished

ys" H alf Oval ys" H alf Oval

Oval K nob


C ast Bronze

2% "


Oval K nob


C ast Bronze

m "


V2" H alf Oval

Oval K nob


C ast Bronze

2K "


Y2" H alf Oval

Oval K nob


C ast Bronze

m "


y^" H alf Oval



C ast Bronze


y^" H alf Ov&l

O val K nob


C a st Iron

m " 2Vi"

y^" H alf Oval

O val K nob


C a st Bronze

H alf Oval

O val K nob


C a st Bronze

*N ot Reversible, Specify H an d fC a n furnish w ith L ever H andle instead of K nob, specify P1958.

P lated , Polished Polished


Specify H and

One in a package w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


i 174

READING , G eneral H a rd w a re Section


F o r W indows or D oors Opening In or Out specify height of window or door an d distance from bo tto m to handle. O perated to p and b o tto m w ith tu r n of handle.





P 7531 / 4 , P1753V4

P 7541 / 4 , P1754V4

W ith S top to Lock Spindle W id th IJfe" P I 862

W id th 1 P2954

P756, P1756

CREM O NE BOLTS Unless otherwise ordered Crem one Bolts are furnished w ith th e Strikes as illustrated F o r o th er Strikes to m eet special conditions, see Page 177 MATERIAL Projection Rod Plates from Sash Finish Bronze C ast Bronze Polished Bronze C ast Bronze Polished *Combined bolt an d fastener w ith surface strike. Strike size 2 ^ " x 1 Door s m ust be flush a t m eeting rails

Number f P1862 *P2954

Rod H alf Oval H alf Oval

Handle L ever x K nob L ever

N o t R e v e r s ib le , S p e c ify H a n d One in a package w ith screws

Number P 7531/4 P I 7531/4 P 7541/4 P1754V4

Lengths 4", 6", 9", 12", 18” 4", 6", 9", 12", 18" 12", 18' 6 ", 6", 9", 12", 18"

Number P756 P I 756

Lengths ", 9", 12", 18" ", 9", 12" 18"

SURFA CE BOLTS Rod, Knob, Guides Rod and Strilces 3^" H alf Oval W rought Steel H alf Oval W rought Bronze H alf Oval W rought Steel H alf Oval W rought Bronze Rod H alf Oval H alf Oval

Rod Steel Bronze

Width m " m " m " IH "

Finish P lated, F rictio n Polish Polished P lated, F rictio n Polish Polished


Plates C ast Iron C ast Bronze

Width IM " IH "

Finish P lated, Polished Polished

Above Surface Bolts packed w ith Angle an d Universal Strikes One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385 *

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section


SURFACE EXTENSION BOLTS FOR WINDOWS OR DOORS OPENING IN OR OUT S p e c ify H e i g h t of W in d o w o r D o o r a n d D is ta n c e f r o m B o t t o m t o H a n d le O p e r a t e d T o p a n d B o t t o m w i t h T u r n o f H a n d le


W id th i.%'' P838

W id th 13 D838

W id th i M " P1836

Illustration R ight H and W id th 2 ^ " P929, P1929

W id th 2M " P829, P1829

Unless otherw ise ordered th e above bolts are furnished with th e Strikes as illustrated F or other Strikes to meet special conditions, see Page 177 MATERIAL Plates C ast Bronze

Projection from Sash


Number P1836

Bod Round

Handle T -H an dle

Rod Bronze


R ound

Oval Knob


C ast Iron


Vs”R ound

O val K nob


C ast Iron


%" R ound %" R ound



C ast Iron

m " 2M " 2H " 3"


C ast Bronze



R ound



C ast Iron


P lated

L ever


C ast Bronze



*P1929 P829 P1829

R ound

L ever

P929, P1929, Lever H andle is horizontal as shown in c u t when bolt is locked *Not Reversible, Specify H and One in a package w ith screws

specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 585

Polished Brown Lacquer P lated Plated



G eneral H a rd w a re Section

SURFACE EXTENSION BOLTS FOR WINDOWS OR DOORS OPENING IN OR OUT Specify H eigh t o f W indow or Door and D ista n ce from B o tto m to H andle Operated Top and B o tto m w ith T urn o f H andle

W id th VA"


W id th I H "

D888, NP888


D889, NP889

W id th 1V2''


D890, NP890

W id th 2 % "

W id th 2 W


P839, P1839

Unless otherwise ordered th e above bolts are furnished w ith th e Strikes as illustrated F o r other Strikes to m eet special conditions, see Page 177


Rod 888 ^ " H a l f Oval D888 H alf Oval NP888 Vi'' H alf Oval 889 Vs" H alf Oval D889 Ys" H alf Oval NP889 H alf Oval 890 Vs” H alf Oval D890 % " H alf Oval NP890 Ys" H alf Oval *D839 % " R ound *P839 % " R ound ♦P1839 % " R ound *T-H andle, C ast Bronze

Handle Oval K nob Oval K nob Oval K nob T -K n o b T -K n o b T -K n ob D ro p Ring D rop Ring D rop Ring T -H an d le T -H and le T -H and le

MATERIAL Rod Plates Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Steel C ast Iron Bronze C ast Bronze

Projection from Sash 2J^" 2^" 2V2" 2M " 2V2" 2V2" m " m " 2V2" 2V2" 2 J^ "

Finish Plain Iron Brown L acquer Nickel P lated, F riction Plain Iron Brow n L acquer Nickel P lated, F riction Plain Iron Brow n L acquer Nickel P lated, F riction Brow n L acquer P lated, Polished Polished

One in a package w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rdw are Section

% 177



Angle S trike


F o r W indow s opening out R a b b eted Sill an d Top

Reversible F la t S trike


F o r W indow s opening o u t an d in

Lip Strike


F o r W indow s opening in

F o r W indows opening in

F o r W indow s opening o u t an d in

See D etail Nos. 5, 6

W hen Bolt is placed on inch A stragal

See D etail Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

See D etail Nos. 2, 3, 4

See D etail No. 1

See D etail Nos. 5, 6




D etail No. 1

5, M o rtise S trike

Long Lip S trike

D etail No. 2

D etail No. 3


D etail No. 4

D etail No. 5

D etail No. 6

W indow opening in

W indow opening in

If Bolt is placed on inch A stragal, Strike No. 4 m ust be used

If B olt is placed on Y2 inch A stragal, S trike No. 4 m ust be used

W indow opening out

W indow opening out

W indow opening out

Recessed W indow opening in

R a b b eted Sill an d Top

Use S trike No. 2 for T o p an d B o tto m

R ab b eted Sill and Sash

Use Strike No. 2 for T o p an d B otto m

Use S trike No. 1 for T o p an d B o tto m



Use S trike No. 2 for T o p an d B ottom

For Surface Bolts P829-P1829-P929 and P1929—Page 175





^ 10 10


82, Cast Iron, Galvanized, Wrought Bolt ......................

. . . .


W i d t h ...........................

L en gth

. . . .

2 J^ "

S crew -h o les.................. Screw N o .......................

. . . .


. . . .




2 J^ " 10




P1221 P1222


S h u tte r Bolts are packed half-dozen in a box w ith o ut screws


Cast Bronze, Polished, Bronze Bolt Case

................................. % " x l H " ................................. W x l H " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Length and Bolt Number. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section







y P118, P1118 538

T h ree Strikes


538, Cast Brass, Flush Ring, Polished Brass Size 1^6" X 2 ^ " T w o dozen in a box w ith screws


P118, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished PI 118, Cast Bronze, Polished

517 R ig h t H an d

Size 2"

*517, Cast Brass, Polished

P ack e d w ith T h re e S trik e s

Size 2}^" P a c k e d w i t h T w o S t r i k e s *N ot Reversible, Specify H an d One Dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

525, Cast Brass, Polished Size 2 ^ " P a c k e d w i t h o n e S tr i k e T h ree dozen in a box w ith screws







506%, Wrought Brass, Polished

537, Cast Brass, Polished

Size 2 "

Sizes l M " x IJ ^ " , 2 " x 13^" Two dozen in a box w ith screws


P ack e d w ith o u t S trik e

593, Cast Brass, Polished

T h ree dozen in a box w ith screws

Sizes 2" 2V2" 3" O ne dozen in a box w ith screws


953^, 595%

963/4, 5963^

95^4, Wrought Steel, Japanned, Polished Bolt, Plate Staple 595%, Wrought Brass, Polished, Plate Staple

963/4, Wrought Steel, Japanned, Polished Bolt, Narrow Staple 5963^, Wrought Brass, Polished, Narrow Staple


2" 23^" 3" 4" One dozen in a box Jap an n ed , w ithout screws. Brass, with screws


2" 2 J^ " 3" 4" One dozen in a box Jap ann ed , w ith ou t screws. Brass, w ith screws


P780, P1780

P627, P1627

P790, P1790

P780, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P627, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P790, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1780, Cast Bronze, Polished P1627, Cast Bronze, Polished P1790, Cast Bronze, Polished Sizes 21^" 3" 4" W id th 1^" IM " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Sizes 3" 4" 6" 8" W id th IM " IH " 2" 3" an d 4 " One dozen in a box w ith screws 6 "a n d 8 " One-half doz. in a box w ith screws

S iz e 3 M " x lM " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section


all L '


iiiiiiii mill



P0886, P01886, P1886

P01885, P1885

P0886,GastIron,Plated,Polished P01885, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 6 J^ " X 11^" Bolt H ead R o d M " L e n g th s 9", 12", 18", 24"

P late 5" x Bolt H ead R od L e n g th s9 ", 12", 18", 24"

*P01886, Cast Bronze, Polished *P1885, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 6 M " X I M " Bolt H ead R o d M " L e n g th s9 " , 12", 1 8 ",2 4 "

P late 6 ^ " x 1" Bolt H ead y>" ^R od M " L engths ‘ 9 ", 12 ", 18 ", 24 "

P 887, P1887

P887, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P late 6 M " X I M " B olt H ead R od M " L engths 9 ", 12 ", 18 ", 24 "

*P1887, Cast Bronze, Polished P la te 6 ^ " X 1M " B olt H ead H " R od M " L e n g th s9 " , 12", 18", 24"

*P1886, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 6 M " X 13^ " B olt H ead % " Rod " L engths 9 ", 12 ", 18 ", 24 " *Can be furnished for roun d face doors.

P1888 Sunken Slide Recess IJ^ "

P1888, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 67^ " X !^ " Bolt H ead " R od fro nt to b ack of rod 1 ^ " L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

Unless otherwise ordered, rounded to a radius of a 9 " circle R abb eted

R ab b eted

P02886 R ight H and

P2886 R ig h t H an d

P02886, Cast Bronze, Polished N o t R eversible— Specify H and R a b b et Vi" P late 6 M " x 1M " Bolt H ead Rod 34" L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

P2886, Cast Bronze, Polished N o t R eversible— Specify H and R a b b et " P late 6 " X 1H " Bolt H ead 5^" Rod L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

B olt L engths measured from b o tto m of plate to to p of rod head when unbolted. T h e rod length w ith head is 4 " less th a n lengths P a c k i n g — 9", 12" an d 18", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws. 24", One-sixth dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section



P884, P1884

P1879, P01879

P884, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1879, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 57 ^ " X 1 ^ " Bolt H ead Yz" R od M " Lengths 9", 12", 18", 24"

P01879, Cast Bronze, Polished



P late 6" X I M " Bolt H ead %" R od Vi" L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

P875, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1881, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1884, Cast Bronze, Polished

P late 5 K " X I H " Bolt H ead Y2," Rod yi" L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

P late 6" X 1 % " Bolt H ead % " Rod L engths 9", 12", 18", 24"

P late 6" X 13^" Bolt H ead Rod M " Lengths 9", 12", 18", 24"

9", 12" an d 18", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws.

P late 63^" X I J ^ ' Bolt H ead Vi" Rod Lengths 9", 12", 18", 24"

24", One-sixth dozen in a box w ith screws

T-HANDLE BOLTS—EXTRA HEAVY Bronze Metal T-Handle Heavy Round Bolt Head, %"

Bronze Metal T-Handle Heavy Round Bolt Head,

P1832, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 5 " X 1M " Bolt H ead % " Rod M “ F ro n t to C enter of R od Y%" D ep th 1)^" L engths 12" 18" 24" 30"


P1842, Cast Bronze, Polished P late 7 " X 2 " Bolt H ead Y%" Rod Ys " F ro n t to C enter of Rod I J ^ " D epth 1% " Lengths 12" 18" 24" 30" One in a box with screws



Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


G eneral H a rd w a re Section



o 658, 659

P860, P861, P865, P1860, P1861, P1865

557, 558

Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

557, Cast Brass, Polished 558, Cast Brass, Polished

Bolt Width Lengths P860 . . . Vi" 4" 6" 8" P861 . . . 1" 6" 8" 10" P865 . . . XYz" 8" 12" 18" P 860, P 861, One dozen in a box w ith screws P 865, 8"— 12", One-half dozen in a box w ith screws P 865, 18", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws

Width 557 558

3" 4" 4"

Lengths 5" 6" 8" 5 " 6" 8"

658, Cast Brass, Polished 659, Cast Brass, Polished w id th 10" 10"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Cast Bronze, Polished Bolt Width Lengths P1860 . . M" 4" 6" 8 P1861 . . 1" 6" 8" 10 P1865 . . \y%'’ 8" 12" 18 P1860, P1861, One dozen-in a box w ith screws P1865, 8"— 12", One-half dozen in a box w ith screws P1865, 18", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws

658 659

4" 4"


6" 6"

Lengths 8" 10" 8" 10"


12", One-half dozen in a box w ith screws O th er sizes, one dozen in a box with screws



Illu stra tio n Shows R ig h t H an d Bolt

P960, P1960

5433^, 5443^

P960, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished 543-34, Wrought Brass, Polished P1960, Cast Bronze, Polished 544-3^, Wrought Brass, Polished P1844

P1844, Cast Bronze, Polished N o t R e v e r s ib le , S p e c ify H a n d Width Length Rabbet iM " m " O ne-sixth dozen in a box w ith screws


Lengths P960 ............................ w P1960 .................. M Angle I H



One dozen in a box w ith screws

5433^ 5443^


Lengths 2" 21^" 3 " 4 " 23^" 3 " 4 " 5 " 6"

P ack ed W ith o u t S trik in g P la te s One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section



P1647 sam e as P1648 w ith W ing E n d W ing E n d 13^" long x wide

iil P867, P1867

P867, C a st Iron P la te d , P o lish e d W id th \y%" L engths 6 ",8 ", 12", 18" Angle

P1646, P1648, P 8 6 6 , P1866, P1896 C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P 8 6 6 , W id th W i" , L engths 8", 12", 18", 24" Angle 1% " O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws C a st B ron ze, W id th In c h e s

Angle In c h e s

L e n g th s In c h e s

5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18 P1646 Vi 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24 *P1648 m 8, 12, 18, 24, 30, P1866 m ij^ 8, 12, 18, 24, 30, P1896 m ij ^ *W ith wing ends, see illustratio n P1647 P a ck in g P1646, One dozen in a box w ith screws 18", O ne-fourth dozen P1648, 6" to 12", One dozen in a box w ith screws in a box w ith screws 18" and 24", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws O th er sizes, one-half P1866, 8 " to 24 ", O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws 30", One-sixth dozen in a box w ith screws dozen in a box w ith P1896, One in a box w ith screws screws



P1895, C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d

P1897, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

Width I H " Angle 2" Lengths 12", 18", 24", 30"

W id th I J ^ "

One in a box w ith screws

Angle 2"

L engths 12", 18", 24", 30" One in a box w ith screws

P1867, C a st B r o n ze, P o lis h e d W id th Ws" L engths 6", 8 ",12 ",18" Angle,


P 634 V4, W ro u g h t S teel, P la te d ,

P o lish e d W idth L en gth 4}^" Angle I J ^ " P 1634 V i. W ro u g h t B ro nze, P olished

W idth H" L ength 4 ^ " Angle 1 J4 ” One dozen in a box w ith screws

S p r in g L a tc h B o lt


P635, P1635


PI 634, C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d

P635, C ast Iron , P la ted , P o lish e d W id th Angle K " L engths 6", 10"

P1639, C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d

W id th Vi" Angle I M " L engths 3", 4", 6", 10" One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1635, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d W id th %" Angle Ji" L engths 3", 4", 6", 10" One dozen in a box w ith screws

W id th 1"

L ength 3 ”

Angle 1" One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1636 P1636, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d W id th Y4," L en g th 3 K " Angle 1" One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section

11^ 'I|i ^i iL.j'jii.,,,' j:

F ro n t of P1847 P1837, B ro nze P1834, B r o n z e Hub-Diamond Bolt Heads Square Diameter of Steel Rods 34 '' Either Right or Left Hand Furnished flat face if n o t otherwise ordered. If rounded, beveled or rabbeted fronts are ordered special, furnish full size detail. Japanned Case— Height . . . . 3" Width . . . . 2H" Thickness . . . Cast Bronze Front— Length . . 4J^" Width . Front to Center of Hub . . . . 13^" Operated by Lever Handle from Both Sides Lever Handle, Cast Bronze, P2523, 3" Lever Plate, Cast Bronze, 23^" x 13^" Can be furnished with flange plates for top and bottom. When so ordered, furn­ ish detail of door.


See Below

H u b-D iam o nd Yz" Bolt H eads Square D iam eter of Steel Rods 34" E ith e r R ig ht o r L eft H and F urnished flat face if n o t otherw ise ordered. If rounded, beveled o r rabbeted fro nts are ordered special, furnish full size detail. Ja p an n e d Case— H eight . . . . 43^" W id th . . . . 2M " T hickness . . . Y%" C ast Bronze F ro n t— L ength . . 7J^" W id th . . \% " F ro n t to C enter of H u b . . . . O perated by K nob or L ever H andle from B oth Sides F urnish ed R egular W ith o u t T rim C an be furnished w ith flange plates for to p an d b ottom . W hen so ordered, fu rn ­ ish detail of door. Packing, See Below P1847 Sam e as P1837, W ith Stops in F ro n t to Lock H ub

W h e n O r d e r in g , S p e c ify 1— Bolt Number 2— Finish 3— Height of Door 4— Thickness of Door 5— Height of Lever Handle from Bottom 6— Width of Stile 7— Detail of Face of Door 8— Front, if Special 9— Flanges, if Wanted

1— Bolt N um ber 2— Finish 3— H eight of Door 4— Thickness of D oor 5— H eight of H u b from B ottom 6— W id th of Stile 7— D etail of F ace of D oor 8 — F ro n t, if Special. P1837 Only 9— Flanges, if W anted. P1837 Only

One bolt in box with screws Rods packed separate

One bolt in a box w ith screws R ods packed separate

W lie n O rd e rin g , Specify

P1843, B r o n z e B olt H eads Yi" Square D iam eter of Steel R ods " N o t Reversible— Specify H an d of D oor C ast Bronze— L e v e r ............................3 " P late . . 6 ^ " X 2M " D ep th of Bolt C a s e ........................... Y." F ro n t to C enter of R ods . . . . Yz" W h e n O r d e r in g , S p e c ify 1— Bolt N um ber 2— Finish 3— H an d of D oor 4— H eight of D oor 5— Thickness of D oor 6— H eight of L ever C enter from B ottom 7— W id th of Stile One bolt in box w ith screws R ods P acked S eparate

Specify Bolt Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


General Hardware



-r-< - r , - - - , - , - . - . - . - . - - . - r






Square Beveled Bolt Heads Diameter of Steel Rods Either Right or Left Hand Self Locking for Double Doors

Square Beveled Bolt H eads D iam eter of Steel R ods " E ith e r R ight or L eft H and F o r P late Escutcheons, see Page 222

Front to Center of R o d s ............................................ y%" Jap an n e d Case— H e i g h t .................................................4" W id th ............................................... 3 " Th ickn ess........................................ Cast Bronze Front— Len g th ............................................ 5M " W i d t h .............................................1 ^ " Operated by Spring Pull. When extracted from Case Retracts Rod Latches

F ro n t to C enter of R o d s ................................................. Jap an n ed Case— H e i g h t ...................................................... 3" W i d t h ...........................................................iY i" T h i c k n e s s ............................................ ^ " F ro n t to C enter of K e y h o l e ............................................ C ast Bronze F ro n t— L e n g t h ............................................ W i d t h .............................................

W h e n O rd e rin g , Specify

1— Bolt Number 2— Finish 3— Height of Door 4— Thickness of Door 5— Height from Bottom to Center of Pull 6— Width of Stile 7— Detail of Face of Door One bolt in a box with screws.

Rods packed separate

O perated by K ey from B oth Sides K ey Class 384— Steel Nickeled Tum blers— 3— of 250 Changes Can be m aster keyed w ith locks having K ey Class 384 W h en O rdering, S p ecify 1— Bolt N um ber 2— Finish 3— H eight of D oor 4— Thickness of D oor 5— H eight from B ottom to C enter of K eyhole 6—^Width of Stile 7— D etail of F ace of D oor One bolt in a box w ith screws. R ods packed separate

Specify Bolt Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



General Hardware Section




Iro n H u b Bronze Bolt

Iro n H u b Bronze Bolt -----|fl^ f] B A C K SE T j


p ( i ' 1:^ i Case, I M " X 2 % " X (Japanned) C ast Bronze F ro n t 2 J^ " x C ast Bronze S trike

P1473 C ast Bronze P late 2" X I K "

O p er a tio n — B y T u rn K nob from eith er side P acked w ith T u rn K nob P1473 One-half dozen in a box w ith screws


i a i

Case 1" X 334" X 3^" (Japanned) C a st Bronze F ro n t 234" x % " C ast Bronze S trike

P1473 C ast Bronze P la te 2 " X 13^"

O p er a tio n — B y T u rn K nob from either side P acked w ith T u rn K no b P1473 O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws



Iron H u b B ronze Bolt

Bronze H ub B ronze B olt BACKSET


Case X 3 ^ " X (Japanned) C a st Bronze F ro n t 3} ^" x W ro ugh t Bronze Strike

P1473 C ast Bronze P la te 2" X 1}^"

Case 2" x 3 J^ " x (Japanned) C ast Bronze F ro n t 4 J^ " x VYz" W ro ugh t Bronze Strike

P1485 C a st Bronze P late 2" X

O p er a tio n — B y T u rn K nob from either side P acked w ith T u r n K nob P1473 O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

O p er a tio n — B y T u rn K n ob from eith er side P acked w ith T u rn K nob P1485 One-half dozen in a box w ith screws


1039 Bronze H u b

L 0 N G 5 ID £

Bronze Bolt E x tra H eavy


" R ab b eted F ront Specify H and B ronze H ub


P acked w ithou t T u rn K nob S ee P a g e 312 fo r T u r n K n o b s Case 2 J^ " X 3" x


C ast Bronze F ro n t 4 J^ " x 13^" W ro ugh t Bronze Strike O p era tio n — By T u rn K nob from either side One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Case 2" X 3 J^ " X % " (Japanned) C ast Bronze F ro n t x IJ^" C ast Bronze Strike

P1485 C ast Bronze P late 2" x 1^8*

O p era tio n — By T u rn K nob from either side P acked w ith T u rn K nob P I 485 One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Bolt Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section





Iro n H ub Bronze B olt

Bronze H ub


Bronze Bolt Packed W ith o u t T u rn K nob S ee P a g e 312 f o r T u r n K n o b s Case


(Japanned) x

C ast Bronze Strike S p e c ia l B a c k s e t 1% ". C a se 2 % " O r d e r 1052

O p e r a t io n — By T u rn K nob from either side P acked w ith T u rn K nob P1460

O p e r a t io n — B y T u rn K nob from either side

One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws


1047 Bronze H ub %"


1 5 ^ "

C ast Bronze F ro n t

P1460 C ast Bronze Plate

Case 1}^" X X Jjg" (Japanned) C ast Bronze F ro n t x C ast Bronze S trike


Bronze H ub

Bronze Bolt

Bronze Bolt

P acked W ithou t T u rn K nob

P acked W ith o u t T u rn K nob

S ee P a g e 312 f o r T u r n K n o b s

S ee P a g e 312 f o r T u r n K n o b s

Case iy%" x 1 ^ "


JJie" (Japanned)

C ast Bronze F ro n t

Case lY i" X 2 % " x (Japanned) C ast Bronze F ro n t 4 J^ " x

x 1}^"

W rought Bronze Strike

W rought Bronze Strike

O p e r a t io n — By T u rn K nob from either side

O p e r a tio n — By T u rn K nob from either side

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

SET 947 FOR STALL DOORS Ring Handles 557

Bolt 94 Case 3 " x 4 ^ " X (Japanned)


C ast Brass

C ast Brass F ro n t 5 } ^ " x lH "

Size of P late 4^^" x 4J^" D iam eter of Ring 3 "

C ast Brass Strike

D ep th Vi"

O p e r a t io n — Slides from b o th sides

Packed w ith tw o Ring H andles 557.

Specify Bolt or Set Number and Finish.

One set in a box w ith screws

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385




P701 (Steel) P1701 (Bronze)

Oval Knob Corrugated Hub L ength 2 ^ "

Oval Knob

Round Knob L ength 2 ^ " F ro n t to T u rn 2''

L ength 2 % " F ro n t to T u rn 2 "

F ro n t to T u rn 1 ^ "

P late y& " x V A ''

P701, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d F r ic tio n P o lis h P1701, W r o u g h t B ro n z e P o lish e d

D iam eter

P1815, C a st B r o n z e, R o u n d S o c k e t S tr ik e , P o lish e d

Round Knob Corrugated Hub L en g th 2 J^ "

P la te V 8 " x lJ i"

D iam eter

D iam eter P late

P821 (Steel) P1821 (Bronze)

P1814 (Bronze)

P1815 (Bronze) R oun d Socket P1816 (Bronze) F la t S trike

General Hardware Section

F ro n t to T u rn 1 ^ "

P1814, C a st B r o n ze, P o lis h e d

D iam eter P late P821, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la ted F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1816, C ast B r o n z e, F la t S tr ik e , P o lish e d

P I 821, W r o u g h t B ron ze, P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box w ith screws S p e c ify N u m b e r a n d F in is h .

F or F in is h e s , S ee P a ge 1



120, Corner



14^, C enter

145, Corner 145, C a st Iron , B ro w n L a cq u er F o u r C orner B rackets an d Tw o C enter B rackets in a Set Corners 4 % " x 4 ^ " C enters


T hree sets in a box w ith screws

140, C enter

125, C orner 120, C a st Ir o n , B ro w n L a cq u er F o u r B rackets in a Set S iz e 3 M " x 3 M " Six sets in a box w ith screws 125, C a st Iron , B row n L acqu er F o u r B rackets in a Set S iz e 3 ^ " x 3 J ^ " Six sets in a box w ith screws

140, Corner 140, C a st Iron , B ro w n L acq u er F ou r Corner B rack ets an d Tw o C enter B rackets in a Set Corners 4

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 385

" x 43^ " C enters 5

" x 3% "

T hree sets in a box w ith screws


General Hardware Section




For Marble

P1762, P01762, P17621/2, P01762V2 P1762,

B ackset

2 V2 ",

C ast


B ronze,

P1759, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P o lis h e d , F o r W o o d

S iz e 3 M "x 2 } ^ "

Bolt Case l " x 3 M " x V2" F ro n t y%" X

In d icato r D ial 3J^ "

P01762, B a c k s e t 2", C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d , F o r W o o d Bolt Case 1 ^ " x F ro n t "!/%" X

F o u r in a box w ith screws S trike for P1762V2, P01762V2 62, S tr i k e f o r M a rb le


C ast Bronze, Size 1 ^ " x 2]/2" Packed w ith Bolts


ill J illiig

F o r P17621/2, P01762V2

Indicator D ial

One in a box w ith Bolts an d N u ts

*P17621/2, B a c k s e t 2V^", C a s t B r o n z e ,


Specify D oor an d M arble Thickness

P o lis h e d , F o r M a r b le

P1745, C a s t B ro n z e , P o lis h e d L ength 3 % "

Ind icator D ial

S trike


Tw o in a box w ith screws

Bolt Case 1" x 3 M " x 1^ " F ro n t ]/%" X 2]/i"

A n g le d


3 3 ^ "

*P01762V2 i B a c k s e t 2", C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d , F o r M a r b le Bolt Case l i ^ " x 2 M " x Vi" F ro n t

X 2}/2"

Indicator Dial 3J^" P761, P1761, P0761, P01761 P761, C a s t I r o n , P la t e d , P o lis h e d , W i t h I n d i c a t o r P1761, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d , W i th I n d i c a t o r P0761, C a s t I r o n , P la t e d , P o lis h e d , W i t h o u t I n d i c a t o r P 0 I7 6 I, C a s t B ro n z e , P o lis h e d , W i t h o u t I n d i c a t o r Case 23^" x 2 ^ " Ind icator 3)4," M ortise Strike for Wood F our in a Box w ith screws

*Packed w ith Strike 62. Specify D oor and M arble T hickness F our in a box w ith screws

GRAVITY RIM / Extra Heavy i

RIM Extra Heavy

RIM Extra Heavy s iiw S I

i li ii




P1750 P1750, C a s t B ro n z e , P o lis h e d L ength 4 "

f t

Il lS i '

P lates 2" x 2"

Tw o in a box w ith screws

P1751, C a s t B ro n z e , P o lis h e d L ength 4

Pl at es 2" x 2"

Two in a box w ith screws

P1752, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d L ength 3

Pl at es 2" x2"

Tw o in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page I. For Weights, see page 385


General H ardware Section

HAND RAIL BRACKETS iiitiiiiiiiiillB!!

D J60, P60, P65, P1060

D J70, P70, P75, P1070

PlOO, P llO , PllOO, P lllO


Cast in One Piece

Cast in One Piece

Rail Strap Separate

Rail Strap Separate

Base 2y%”

Base 2 J^ "

T o C enter of Rail 2"

T o C en ter of R ail 3 "

PlOO, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

D J60, C a st Ir o n , D u ll B la ck

DJ70, C a st Ir o n , D u ll B la ck

PllOO, C ast B r o n ze, P o lis h e d Base3"xlJ^"

P60, C a st Ir o n , P la te d ,

P70, C a st Ir o n , P la te d ,

F r ic tio n P o lis h

F r ic tio n P o lis h

P65, C a st Ir o n , C opper

P75, C a st Ir o n , C opper

P la te d

P la te d

P1060, C a st B r o n z e,

P1070, C a st B ron ze,

P o lis h e d

P o lish e d

One-half dozen in a box

O ne-half dozen in a box

w ith screws

w ith screws

P135, P1135

For Brick or Tile Wall R od T h re ad e d w ith Steel R od Base 3 "

N u t an d W asher x 19"

B ro w n L a cq u er Base 3 " x 1 ^ " T o C en ter of Rail 2 % "

T o C enter of Rail 2 ^ " P llO , C ast Iro n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

D llO , C a st Iron B ro w n L a cq u er

P lllO , C a st B r o n ze, P o lis h e d Base 3

B a s e 3 % " x 1% " T o C enter of Rail

" x 1^ "

T o C enter of Rail O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

O ne-half dozen in a box, w ith screws

P135V2, P I I 3 5 1 /2

P130 W all Base, D etachable, can be placed in wall d u rin g erection. Rail p a rt a tta c h e d to base w ith M achine Screws

W ith Lag Screw an d Shield for Brick Wall

A d justab le to Angle of Rail

P 135\^ , C a st Ir o n , D u ll B la ck

T o C enter of Rail 3 "

P135, C ast Ir o n , D u ll B la ck

DlOO, C a st Iron


Base 3"

T o C enter of Rail 3"

T o C enter of Rail 2 ^ " P1135Vi, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P I 135, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P130, C a st Ir o n , D u ll B lack

O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws

T w o in a box w ith screws

O ne-third dozen in a box w ith screws

Specijy Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section





P I 4031/4



P lain D esign C ast Bronze 2)4,'' D iam eter R ound

R ound P lain Design W rought Bronze l y i " D iam eter

R ound Plain D esign C ast Bronze 2 ^ " D iam eter

R ound Plain Design C ast Bronze 2 34" D iam eter

01403— B enton

01403— C linton

01403— C h ath am

01403— Pem broke

01403— Colden

Square C ast Bronze 2" X 2"

Beveled E dge R ound Corners C ast Bronze l^ " x 1^"

Shield C ast Bronze 1 ^ " X 2"

O ctagon C ast Bronze 2M"x2M"

Shield C ast Bronze 2M"x2}^"

01403— C ortland

01403— H anford

01403— F ordham

01403— E pirus

01403— R ockland

R ound, Concave C ast Bronze

Octagon C ast Bronze \Y z ' D iam eter

Raised C enter Recessed Panel C ast Bronze 2>i"x2J^"

R aised E dge Recessed C enter C ast Bronze

T%" D iam eter

R ound Ridged C ast Bronze 2" D iam eter

01404— Colonial

01403— Colonial

H 62— Rigby

T 72— W aldo

C ast Bronze

C ast Bronze A ntique W rought Iron Finish

C ast Bronze A ntique W roug ht Iron Finish

2M"x 3^"

2 " x 3H"

P01406 O ctagon P lain D esign C a st Bronze 2 34" D iam eter

2" X 2"

01403— Revere

Raised Lines Recessed C enter C ast Bronze

C ast Bronze



Push B u tto n s are packed one-half dozen in a box w ith screws See Design Section of th is catalog for push b u tto n s as p a rt of a design N um bers 01403 an d 01404, Specify Also th e Design. T hus, 01403 B enton, 01404 Colonial, etc.

Specify Button Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section


50, 51

50, Cast Iron, Japanned W ith o u t Screws

51, Cast Iron, Galvanized W ith Screws Sizes W i" I M " I M " 2" 21^" F o r Screw 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 \y%'' to l y i " , T w elve dozen in a box , Six dozen in a box



48, Cast Iron, Japanned

550%, Wrought Brass, Polished

W ith o u t Screws

1" 6

Sizes F o r Screw


IM " 7

IM "

IM "


Six dozen in a box w ith screws

Tw elve dozen in a box



60, Cast Iron, Japanned

62, Cast Iron, Japanned

W ith o u t Screws Sizes I H " I M " 2" 2)4" 2 3 ^ ” P late 1 % " I M " 13^" 23^" 2> ^” F o r Screw 6 6 7 7 7 13^ " to 2J^", Six Dozen in a box 2 H ", T h ree dozen in a box

560%, Wrought Brass, Polished

W ith o u t Screws Size 1 % "

P late 1 ^ "

Sizes P late

F o r Screw 6

Six dozen in a box

2" 2"

T h ree dozen in a box w ith screws

BUTTS Fast Pin

Fast Pin


Loose Pm

Fast Pin

iigi JQ _



.0 1 0

Cast Brass and Bronze, Fast Pin 614B, Cast Brass, Brass Pin, Wheel Finish


P1214, Cast Bronze, Steel Pin, Polished W ith Screws Fo r Screw N o.

1 x 1 4 2K x 2^ 8 IJ^ X 5 3 x 2 8 1% X 1% 6 3 X 3 8 6 2 X IH 31^x3 9 2 X 2 6 3^x3}^ 9 23^ X 2 7 4 x 3V2 10 21^x2^ 7 4 X 4 10 2}^x2 8 2 M " x 2 > ^ " an d sm aller sizes, tw elve pairs in iI box O ther sizes, six pairs in a box

P1267, Cast Bronze, Polished, Fast Pin

2416B, Cast Brass or Bronze, Fast Steel Pin G overnm ent S tan d ard

W ith o u t Screws

S ize, In ch e s


Cast Bronze, Ball Tips

614B, P1214

For Screw N o.




s iz e . In c h e s


Size, In ches

1}< X 2 lM x2^ 1/1x1 1 ^ X2 2 X 1V2 2 X 2 2 X 23^

W e ig h t per P a ir, O unces

3 334 234 33^ 4M 53€ 734 634 9^ 634

Size, In ch e s

W e ig h t p e r P a ir, Ounces

2^x234 23 ^ x 23 ^ 23^ X 3 3 X2 3 X 23^ 3 X 3 3 X 4 33^x2^ 33^x33^ 4 x4

9 11 12 11 133^ 16 21 20 253^ 36

PI272, Cast Bronze, Polished, Loose Pin

Sizes In c h e s

2 X2 2^x2 2 J ^ x 2I ^ 3 x 2V2 3 x3

W e ig h t per P a ir, Ounces

................................4 41^ ................................6 M .................................9 ...................................... 9}4

Twelve pairs in a box w ith screws

2}4x3 2Yi X 1 ^ 23 ^ X 2 8 M 23 ^ " x 23 ^ " and sm aller sizes, tw elve pairs in a box O ther sizes, six pairs in a box P acked w ith screws

Specify Number, Size a nd Finish

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section



Ball Tip


059V4, P®59Vi, 09Vi, J09V4, DJO 91/4

F ib re W ashers for O6 OI/4 an d P060V4

059^4, Planished and Plated, With Screws Sizes .................................... S c r e w -h o le s ...................... Screw N u m b er . . . . K n u c k l e s ........................... P airs in a Case . . . . W eight per Case, Pounds


Sizes .................................... S c r e w -h o le s ...................... Screw N u m b er . . . . K n u c k l e s ........................... P airs in a Case . . . . W eight per Case, Pounds

2" X2"

2 J ^ " x 2 >^"

4 6xH" 3 300 105

6 7x1" 3 300 170



3" x 3 "


3J^"x 3H"




3 300 105

7 x 1" 3 300 170

7x1" 5 100 100

9x1" 5 100 150



4"x4" 8 10x1" 5 100 200

4:V2"x 4:V2" 8 lOxlM" 5 50 125


5" 8 12 X I M " 5 50 150 X

6" x 6"

8 12x1^^' 5 50 200

P059Vi, Polished and Plated, With Screws

For For For For For

3"x3" 6 7x1" 5

3J^"x3i^" 6 9x1" 5

4" x 4 " 8 10 X 1 " 5

100 100


100 200


4>^"x4i^" 8 10 X I M " 5 50 125

5" X 5 " 8 12 X I M " 5 50 150

6" X 6" 8 12 X IVi 5 50 200

F ib re W asher B u tts, Planished an d Plated, Specify 060Vi F ib re W asher B utts, Polished an d Plated, Specify P060Vi Galvanized B u tts, Planished and Plated, Specify 059ViCG Galvanized B utts, Polished an d Plated, Specify P059V4CG T em p late B u tts Packed w ith M achine Screws, Prefix " M ” to N um ber, M059Vi 2" X 2", Six pairs in a box, 2}^" x 2}^" T hree pairs in a box, O ther sizes, one pair in a box w ith screws

J09Vi, Japanned, W ithout Screws. Sizes .................................... S c re w -h o le s ...................... F o r Screw N um ber . . . K n u c k l e s ........................... P airs in a C a se.................. W eight per Case, P ounds Pairs in a B o x ..................




4 6

3 300 100 6

2 H " x 2 M '' 6

7 3 300 160 6


09V^, Plain Steel, W ithout Screws 3H"x33^»





7 5

9 5

8 10

8 10

8 12


120 100 6


5 60 125

5 60 150







145 6

120 20 0 6




6" x 6 8 12

5 60

DJ09V4, Dull Black, With Screws 4"x4" 3" X 3" 33^"x3J^" 4 H " x 41^" S 'x S ' 6" x 6 Sizes .................................... 6 6 8 4 8 8 S c re w -h o le s ...................... 8 7 X 1" 9x1" 10 X 1 ' 7x1' lOx IJ i" 12 x I J i " Screw N um ber . . . . 6 x 1 2 x 1^ 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 K n u c k l e s ........................... S 100 300 100 100 300 50 50 Pairs in a Case . . . . 50 100 150 170 200 105 125 W eight per Case, Pounds 150 200 2 ' X 2", Six pairs in a box, 2 } ^ ' x 2 M ', T hree pairs in a box, O ther sizes, one pair in a box w ith screws 2"



2} ^ " x 2K " 6

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1.



General Hardware Section


Loose Pin IB 10 a



15l^, J I 51 / 4 , D J I 51 / 4 , 1 1 5 1 / 4 , 2 5 1 / 4 , 2 1 5 1 / 4 , P 2 1 5 1 / 4 15Vi, P lanished Steel, W ith o u t Screws J15V4, J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws D J15Vi, D u ll B la ck , W ith Screws 115Vi, G a lv a n iz ed , B rass P in , W ith Screws 2 5 1 ^ , G a lv a n iz e d , S te e l P in , W ith Screws 215V4, P la n ish e d a n d P la te d , W ith Screws P 215i^ , P o lis h e d a n d P la te d , W ith Screws

91/4, J 9 V4 , 591/4, P591/4, 191/4 1191/4 91/4, P la n ish e d S te e l, W ith o u t Screws J9V4, J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws 19Vi, G a lv a n iz ed , S te e l P in , W ith Screws 119Vi, G a lv a n iz ed , B rass P in , W ith Screws 5 9 1 ^ , P la n ish e d a n d P la te d , W ith Screws P 59i^ , P o lis h e d a n d P la te d , W ith Screws Sizes

S crew -holes

K n u c k les


3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5

2" X 2"

2 W ' X 2" 2 J ^ " x 23^ " 3" x 2 } 4 " 3"x3" 3^"x3K" 4" X 4" 4H"x4}^" 5" x 5" 6" x 6"


6 6 6

6 8 8 8

Light NarrowFast Joint

Screw N u m b e r

P a irs in a Box

P a irs in a Case


432 432 432 432 432 288 144 144 72 72

6x 7X 7X 7X 7X 9 X1 10x1' lOx IM" 12 X 11^" 12 X 11^"

Light NarrowLoose Pin

12 12

6 6 6 6


3 3

Heavy NarrowFast Joint 'iTi;!! >


W eig h t per Case, Lbs. 120

160 200 250 300 360 250 300 200 250

Light Narrow—Loose Pin, Ball Tips


I rlliiii: i : 853^, J8534, DJ853/4 1853/4, 2853/4


J 8 3 3 4 , DJ833/4 2833/4, P2833^

8034, J8034, DJ803/4 1803^, 2803^


P la n ish e d S te e l W ith o u t Screws

803^, P la n is h e d S te e l W ith o u t Screws J803/4, J a p a n n e d W ith o u t Screws DJ803^, D u ll B la ck W ith Screws 1803^, G a lv a n iz ed , B rass P in W ith Screws

DJ833/4, D u ll B la ck W ith Screws

J853/4, J a p a n n e d W ith o u t Screws DJ853/4, D u ll B la ck W ith Screws

2833/4, P la n ish e d , P la te d W ith Screws

1853/4, G a lv a n iz ed , B rass P in W ith Screws

2803/^, P la n ish e d , P la ted W ith Screws

P2833/4, P o lis h e d , P la te d W ith Screws

2853/4, P la n ish e d , P la te d W ith Screws


1" x l " i M " x 1 M" iy2"xiM " 2" xlM " 2 ^ " X We " 3" x2"

853/4, P la n ish e d S te e l W ith o u t Screws

J 8 3 3 4 , Japanned W ith o u t Screws

Screw -holes

Screw N u m b e r

4 4 4 4 6 6 6

4x1^" 4x 5xH" 6xM" 6 X M" 6xM '' 7xH"

Packed one dozen pairs in a box

Size, O pen 1 X

Screw N um ber

4 5x 4 5 x 1^ " 4 7x 4 7 x H" 4 8xH" 6 8 X 6 8 X 3^" 6 9 x 1 " x 2 J ^ " 6 9 " X 1 Packed one dozen pairs in box

l ^ " x I M" l ^ " x 1>^" l ^ " x 1 %" 2" xlM " 2M"x 1«" 2H " x l % " 2M"x2M" 3 "

Screw holes in E ach B u t t

O' 0833/4, J0833/4, DJ0833/4, 02833/4, P02833/4 0833/4, P la n ish e d S te el W ith o u t Screws J0833/4, J a p a n n e d W ith o u t Screws D J08334, D u ll B lack W ith Screws 02833/4, P la n ish e d an d P la te d , W ith Screws P02833/4, P o lis h e d an d P la te d , W ith Screws Size, O pen

Screw h o les in E ac h B u t t

iy2"xi]4" iH "xV A " 2" Xl%"

4 4 4 6 6 6

Screw N um ber

5x 5xH" 6xH" 6x 2V2'' x I %" 6x 3" X2" 7X P acked one-half dozen pairs in a box

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

General Hardware Section


BUTTS WROUGHT STEEL Light Loose Pin, Ball Tips

Light Loose Pin

Wrought Steel Wash Tray Hinges

Wrought Steel Back Flaps

0 ^

....... i iiiiynriiiiLi'iiiiyilllllH

f]_ g 721/ 4 , J721/4, DJ72V4

2721/4, P2721/4 72V4, P la n is h e d S te e l W ith o u t Screws

0721 / 4 , JO 721/ 4 , DJO 721/ 4 , 02721 / 4 , PO2721/4

J72V4, J a p a n n e d W ith o u t Screws

072l^, P la n ish e d S te e l W ith o u t Screws

DJ721/4, D u ll B la ck W ith Screws

J072Vi, J a p a n n e d W ith o u t Screws

2 7 2 P l a n i s h e d , P la te d W ith Screws

DJO7 2 1 / 4 , D u ll B la ck W ith Screws

P272Vi, P o lis h e d , P la te d W ith Screws

0272Vi, P la n ish e d , P la ted W ith Screws

One dozen pairs in a box

P0272Vi, P o lish e d , P la te d W ith Screws One-half dozen pairs in a box


S crew -holes

2" x2" 2J^"x2" 23^"x21^" 3" k 2}4" 3" x3"

4 6 6 6 6

Screw N u m b e r

7xM" 7x1" 7x1" 7x1" 7x1"

7 4 % , B right Steel 1743/4, Galvanized

177%, G alvanized 2773^, P lated

74%, P la n ish e d S te el W itho ut Screws

1773/4, G a lv a n ized , B rass P in W ith Screws

1743^, G alva n ized , B rass P in W ith Screws

2773/4, P la n ish e d , P la te d W ith Screws

Screw- Screw holes N u m b e r






6 X M" 6X



li/g"x3" lM "x3M " l^"x3% "


1 x%"


1 x%"

lM "x4"





8 x; 1"


Screw ho les



Screw N um ber

lJ^"x2M " lM"x33^"




6 X





One dozen pairs in a box w ith screws

2", One-half dozen pairs in a box O ther sizes, one dozen pairs in a box

CAST IRON, PLATED AND POLISHED Loose Pins Extra Heavy—5 Knuckles

FO R OFFICE BU IL D IN G S T his is a high grade cast iron B u tt accurately machined, w ith cast brass ball tip s and edges m achined true. E x tra heavy tapering leaves ■!

F o r P lated Finishes we suggest galvanizing an d p lating finish CG.

l l li'i.

Size, Inches . . 3 x 3 Average W eight Per Pair, Ounces


3^x33^ 16



4i^x4J^ 29


5x5 54J^

P0182 Same as P0181 w ith F ib re W ashers One pair in a box w ith screws

P0I81, C ast Iron, Polished P0182, C ast Iron (Fibre W ashers) Polished C a st Iron Leaves C a st B rass B all T ip s

F ibre W ashers of P0182

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385

5J^x 5 }^


65 ' 8 3



General Hardware Section


Extra Heavy



P069 P070 (F ib re W ashers) P071

5 E L nuckles— B a ll T ip s L o o s e P in s — D o u b le S te e l B u s h e d

5 K n u c k le s — B a ll T ip s

P069 Size

P070 as P 069, W ith F ib re W ashers " X2

D o u b le S te e l B u s h e d


20 4" x 4 " 4 J ^ " x 4 H " ................................ 34 5' x5" .................................... 53 6" x 6 " 2

L o o se P in s — S e lf - R e t a in i n g

W eight per Pair W ithout Screws Ounces

2 J ^ " x 2 K " ................................ 3 " X 3"

", T h ree pairs in a box w ith screws

P081 P 082 (Fibre W ashers)

P072 (F ibre W ashers)




W eight per Pair W ithout Screws

Ounces 26 Size 7 2^"x2H " . . . . 43 x 3 " l.S 3" . . . . 21 3^"x3^" . . . . 28 474 " x4" . . . . 39 4 H " x 4 1 ^ " ................................ 55 5" X 5" 5iA"x5iA" ....................... 64 82 6" x6" ..................

O th e r sizes, one p air in a box w ith screws

5 K n u c k le s — B a ll T ip s L o o se P in s — S e lf - R e t a in i n g D o u b le S te e l B u s h e d S e lf - L u b r i c a t i n g

P 072 as P071, W ith F ib re W ashers O ne pair in a box w ith screws

W eight per Pair W ith o ut Screws Ounces


3" x3" 3y2"x3y2" 4" x4" 4H"x4J^'' 5" x5" S Ji'xSH " 6" x6"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

17 25 40 50 80 84 96

P082 as P 081, W ith F ib re W ashers O ne p air in a box w ith screws

C an F u rn ish w ith B u tto n T ips instead of Ball T ips. Specify “ B u tto n T ip .” 2 J^ " x 2 H " . 3 " X 3", 3}4" X 3}4", N o t furnished Ball Bearing F o r T em p late B u tts packed w ith M achine Screws for Hollow M e tal C onstruction, Prefix “ M ” to N u m b er, M P071

Concealed Ball Bearing

Visible Ball Bearing

Ball Bearing, Prefix B B to N um bers P071 an d P081

J i

Illu stra tio n Showing F ibre W asher Used w ith Nos. P070, P 072, P082

Illu stra tio n Showing Ball Bearings Concealed in K nuckles of Bronze o r Brass N um bers P 071B B , P081B B


Illu stra tio n Showing Self-R etaining Pins U sed w ith Nos. P071, P072, P 081, P082

T h e C u t O pen view above of Ball Bearings shows th e Concealed Style. F o r Concealed Ball B earings specify nu m bers P 071B B , P 081B B . If w anted w ith Visible Ball Bearing W ashers as illustrated a t left, unless otherw ise ordered furnished w ith tw o washers. Specify num bers P071V B B , P081V B B. If w anted w ith four ball bearing w ashers, specify nu m bers P074V B B , P084V B B . Ball bearing B u tts are only furnished in C a st Bronze o r Brass.

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1.


General Hardware Section



Bolt and N u t Axle

Extra Heavy

Bolt^and N ut Axle


18— H eight 21— H eig ht 4 J^ " 18, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 3 " x 11^" P late 5 M " x 2 % " T ru c k 3} ^" from floor 21,

C ast Iro n , J a p a n n e d

W heel 4 " X I J ^ " P la te 5 J ^ " x 3 K " T ru c k 43 ^ " from floor

17— H eight ZV2" 20 — H eight 4 M " 22— H eigh t 4 J^ " 23— H eight

33— H eight 4 " 35— H eight 5Y%" 33, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d

17, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 23^" X 7^" Plate4J^"x2%" T ru c k 3} ^" from floor 20, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 3 3 4 " x l " P la te 5}^" x 31 ^ " T ru c k 43 ^ " from floor 22, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 4 " x 11^" P la te 5 M " x 3 % " T ru c k 4 J^ " from floor 23, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 43 ^ " X I M " P la te 5 J i ‘' x 3 % " T ru c k from floor

W heel 3 " X K " P late 4 ^ " x 2 % " T ru c k 4 " from floor

24— H eight 5" 24,

C ast Iro n , J a p a n n e d Wheel4J^"x2" P late 6 J i " x 4 M " T ru c k 5" from floor

35, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 4 3 ^ " x I M " P late 5" X 3 3 ^ " T ru c k h yi" from floor

F o u r C asters to a set, w ithout screws

SWIVEL Extra Heavy

Extra Heavy

Extra Heavy



I 27— H eight 5% " 30— H eight 7" 32— H eight 73 ^ " 27, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 2 % " x P late 23 ^ " X 23 ^ " T ru c k 4 " from floor 30, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d Wheel 3 % " x 1" P late 2 M " x 2 % " T ruck 53 ^ " from floor 32, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d Wheel 4 " x 13^ " P late 2 K " x 2 % " T ru c k from floor

-H eigh t 6" -H eigh t IVi" 43, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , R iv e te d P in W heel 3 " X K " P late 2 % " x 2 K " T ru c k 4 % " from floor 45, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , B o lt a n d N u t A xle

13— H eight 73^ " 14— H eight 8" 13, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d Wheel 4 " x I M " P late 2% " x 2% " T ru c k 53 ^ ' from floor 14, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 4} ^" X 2" P late 2 K " x 2 J ^ " T ru c k 63^" from floor

W heel 4 M " X 1 3 i" P late 33 ^ " X 3 T ru c k 514" from floor Packed in bulk, w ithout screws

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 385

16— H eigh t 8M " 16, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d W heel 4 ^ 1 ''X 13 ^ " P late 4 " x 4 " T ru c k 7" from floor


General Hardware Section


124, 1241 / 2 , P124

524, 624, P1400

W r o u g h t S te e l P l a t e a n d S t r i k e C a st Iro n C a tc h , J a p a n n e d

524, C a s t B r a s s , U n p o lis h e d W ith Screws P rojection I J ^ "

P rojection 1 "

Screw-holes 4 Screw N o. 6

124, J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws

P1402 P1402, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d W ith Screws

624, C a s t B r a s s , P o lis h e d , W ith Screws P rojection \y i"

124V^, J a p a n n e d , W ith Screws P I 24, P l a t e d , F r i c t i o n P o lis h W ith Screws

P1400, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d W ith Screws P rojection I J ^ "

T w o dozen in a box

Tw o dozen in a box

P la te 2 H ' x l " One dozen in a box

30 30, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws Base i y i " x \Y%'

P rojection 3 J^ "

29, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws Base 13^ " x 1 % "

P rojection 2"

Screw-holes, S trike 2, Screw N o. 6

Screw-holes 4, F o r Screw N o. 9

Screw-holes, Base 2, Screw No. 7

One dozen in a box

One dozen in a box



Illustratio n R ight H and Reverse Bevel

161, J16 1, P 161, 162, J162 P 162, 661, 662 161, C a s t I r o n , U n f in is h e d , W ith o u t Screws Size 1 % " X 1 % " S trike x J161 , C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws Size 1 % " x S trike 1 % " x P 161, C a s t I r o n , P l a t e d , F r i c t i o n P o lis h , W ith Screws S i z e X 1% " S trike 1 ^ " x 162, C a s t I r o n , U n f in is h e d , W ith o u t Screws SizelJi"x2i^" S trike l J ^ " x M " J1 6 2 , C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d , W ith o u t Screws Size 13^ " X 21^" S trike I K " x M " P 162, C a s t I r o n , P l a t e d , F r i c t i o n P o lis h , W ith Screws Size V A ” x 2Ys" S trike VA" x 661, C a s t B r a s s , P o lis h e d , W ith Screws Size X S trik e 1 % " x 662, C a s t B ra s s , P o lis h e d , W ith Screws Sizel%"x2}^" S trike l j ^ " x O ne-half dozen in a box

K ey Class 514 P1380 P1380, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d Case

x 1

St r i ke 13^" x % ”

S trike L ip to C enter % " Backset A "

E scutcheon 3 " x 1

K nob I M " X Bronze Spindle Spindle L ength 1 " N o t Reversible.

Specify H a n d

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section




P0366, P1366 P0368, P1368 P0370, P1370

P0368l^, P1368V4

P0368V4, Wrought Steel, Plated, Fiction Polish Size ly s" X 1 ^ "

S trike

P0366, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

x 1^"

Size 1% " X \ y i"

T w o D ozen in a box w ith screws

P1368i4» W rought Bronze, Polished Size 1 % " X IVi"

S trike %" x IH "

S trike Vi" x 1 % ’’

P0368, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size 2" x iy&"

S trike 1" x

P0370, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

O ne dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2)4," X 1 ^ "

S trike 1" x \Vs"

Tw o dozen in a box w ith screws


P1366, Cast Bronze, Polished Size l% " x I M "

S trike %" x I M "

P1368, Cast Bronze, Polished P1375


P1375, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 1" X 2 "

A ngle


S trike

S trike l " x l ^ "

P1370, Cast Bronze, Polished " x 2 '■

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2 M " X 1 ^ " S trike 1" x One dozen in a box w ith screws


PO4121 / 4 , P1412V4

P0398, P1398 P0412, P1412 P0425, P1425

P0398, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished S i z e \V 2 " X







1 ^ " x Vz"

P0412, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size \V 2" X 13^"

PO4121/ 4 , Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish Size l ^ " x

S trike 1 ^ " x 5^"

S trike I H " x Vz"

P0425, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1412Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished

Size I M " X 1 % " S trike 1 ^ " x Vz" T w o dozen in a box w ith screws

Size \y%" X 1}^"

P1398, Cast Bronze, Polished Size I H " X I M "

S trik e 1 ^ " x

Two dozen in a box w ith screws

S trik e W 2 " x K "

P1412, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 1}^" X 13^"

S trik e 13^ * X 1^ '

P1425, Cast Bronze, Polished Size I M " X 1 % “ S trik e W z" x T w o dozen in a box w ith screws

specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section




P4411/4, P14411/4 Slide on Case locks Spindle

R eversible PIO 371/ 4 , PIO 3 7 II /4 Slide inside locks Spindle

P3411/4, P1341V4 T u rn on Case locks Spindle

*‘P441V^i, Wrought Steel, Plated, P1037l^, Wrought Steel, Plated, Polished Friction Polish Size 2" X 2 ^ " K nob

P late L ever C ast Iron 1 "

F ro n t to H u b 1 ^ "

*P1441V4, Wrought Bronze, Polished Size 2" X 2 ^ " K n ob 1 ^ "

P late 4 M " X

L ever C ast Bronze

F ro n t to H u b 1 ^ " *If w an ted regular bevel, specify P 4 5 1 % a n d P14511/4 One in a box w ith screws

C atch 010, 1 ^ " X 1% ", Jap an n e d Steel Case, Steel F ro n t P la te 371 Vi, x 1}4", W rought Steel K nob, one-piece, W rought Steel L ever 1 ^ " , C ast Iron F ro n t to H u b I M "

P10371l^, Wrought Bronze, Polished C a tc h 1010, 1 ^ " X Ja p an n e d Steel Case, W roug ht Bronze F ro n t P late 13711 / 4 , 4 M " X 13^ " , W rought Bronze K nob, one-piece, IM " , W rought Bronze L ever 1 ^ " , C ast Bronze F ro n t to H u b 1}4" One in a box w ith screws

*P341Vi, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished C atch, C ast Iron. Lever, C a st Iron K n ob an d P late, W ro u g h t Steel Size2M"xl3^" P la te 43 ^ " X K nob 1 ^ " L ever 1 ^ " F ro n t to H u b 1J4"

*P1341V4, Wrought Bronze, Polished C atch, C a st Bronze. Lever, C ast Bronze K nob an d P late, W ro u g h t Bronze Size 2 M ' x I J i " P la te 4 M " X K n ob L ever F ro n t to H u b IM*' *If w an ted regular bevel, specify P342V4 an d P1342V4 O ne in a box w ith screws



Rim P 448, P1448 T u rn on Case locks Spindle

*P448, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished D448 T u rn on Case locks Spindle

*D448, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered

Size 2 M " X VA" K nob 1}4''

P late iV s" x I"

K nobs 1M " F ro n t to H u b 1K " *If w anted regular bevel, specify D458 One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

F ro n t to H ub

*P1448, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 2M " X I K "

Size 2 " x 1 % "

P la te 2 ^ " x 1"

K nob I J i "

P late 2 J^ " x 1" F ro n t to H ub

*If w anted regular bevel, specify P458 an d P1458 O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

D543 T u rn on Case locks Spindle

*D543, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered Size2M"x I K " P late 2 K " X 1 ' K nob 1M " F ro n t to H u b 1M " L ever 1 ^ " *If w anted regular bevel, specify D558 O ne-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section




T w o K eys No. 516

Tw o K eys No. 0228

P 6851/4

P6621/4, PI6621/4

P685Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished

P662Vi, Wrought Steel, Plated, Polished

L atch 1685, 3 " x 2J^", C a st Bronze F ro n t, Jap an n e d Case P lates 1363^^, x W rought Bronze K nob, one-piece, W roug ht Bronze L ever 1% ", C ast Bronze, F ro n t to H u b 1?^" O peration— K nob an d key outside, lever inside; knob locked by sto p in fro nt O ne set in a box w ith screws

L atch 680, 3" x 2}^", C ast Iron F ro n t, Ja p an n e d Case P late 3621^, 4 % " x 1}^", W rought Steel K nob, one-piece, I M^i W rought Steel Lever IM " . C ast Iron, F ro n t to H u b 13^"

P1662Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished L atch 1680, 3" x C ast Bronze F ro n t, Jap an n e d Case Plate 13621^, 4 % " x 13^", W rought Bronze K nob, one-piece, 1 ^ " , W rought Bronze Lever 1% ", C ast Bronze, F ro n t to H ub 1 } ^ ' O peration— K nob an d key outside, lever inside; slide knob inside locks spindle One set in a box w ith screws

PIO 951/ 4 , P10951V4

P1095Vi, Wrought Steel, Plated, Polished L atch 095, 2" x IM " , C ast Iron F ro n t, Jap an n ed Case P late 3811^, 4 % " x W ro ugh t Steel K nob, one-piece, W rought Steel Lever 1 ^ " , C ast Iron, F ro n t to H u b 1 ^ "

P10951Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished L a t c h 1095, 2" x 1% ", C ast Bronze F ro n t, Jap an n ed Case Plate 1381 Vi, x W rought Bronze Knob, one-piece, 1% ", W rou ght Bronze Lever C ast Bronze, F ro n t to H ub 1 ^ " O peration— K n ob outside, lever inside; tu rn knob inside operates bolt One set in a box w ith screws

T hree K eys No. 622 P695V4

P695V4, Wrought Bronze, Polished L atch 1695, 3 " x 2J^", C ast Bronze F ro n t, Ja p an n e d Case Pla,te 13651^, 4 % x 1 ^ " , W rought Bronze Knob, one-piece, 1 ^ " , W rought Bronze L ever 1 ^ " , C ast Bronze, F ro n t to H u b lf4'' O peration— K nob an d key outside, lever inside; knob locked by stop in front One set in a box w ith screws


P491V4» Wrought Steel, Plated, Polished

P4911/4, P I 4 9 1 V4

L atch P495, 3 Vs" x 2", C ast Iron, P lated, Polished P late 3 6 IV4 , 4M " X W rought Steel K nob, one-piece, IM " W rought Steel L ever P620, 2 ", C ast Iron

P3405, P13405

P3405, Wrought Steel, Plated, Polished L atch 341, 2" x 3 ^ " , C ast Iron, P lated, Polished P late B0518Vi> 4 ^ " x IJ^ " , W rought Steel K nob P005071/4? IH " W rought Steel Iron H ub Backset 2 ^ "

P13405, Wrought Bronze, Plated, Polished P1491l^, Wrought Bronze, Polished L atch P1495, 3 J^ " x 2", C ast Bronze, Polished P late 1361 x 1}^", W roug ht Bronze Knob, one-piece, 1 ^ " , W rought Bronze Lever P1620, 2", C ast Bronze O peration— K nob outside, lever an d slide bolt inside One set in a box w ith screws

L atch 1341, 2" x 3 ^ " , C ast Bronze, Polished P late BOI 5 I 8 I/4 . 4 M " X 114", W rought Bronze K nob P 0015071 / 4 , 1% " W rought Bronze Iron H ub Backset 2%" O peration— K nob both sides, tu rn on latch case locks spindle an d will hold latch bolt back in case One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section


Rim Strike

Rim Strike

Mortise Strike

Mortise Strike





D460, Cast Iron Brown Lacquered

D561, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered

D464, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered

D565, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered

Size2M"xlM " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2 M " X I M " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 3 " X 2 " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 3 " X 2 ”

Mortise Strike

Mortise Strike Long Lip

Rim Strike

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Mortise Strike

P575, PI 575 *P1675

P464, P1464

P464, Cast Iron, Plated, P575, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Polished Size 3 " X 2 "

Size 3" x 2"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

469, 4691/2

569, 5691/2

469, Cast Iron, Japanned

569, Cast Iron, Japanned

Size 3"



Size 3 "



One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

*P1675, Cast Bronze

469V^, Cast Iron, Galvanized

569Y2, Cast Iron, Galvanized

Size 2J^" X 1 ^ " G overnm ent T ype, 1100 One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size S' ' X 2"

Size 3 ' X 2"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1575, Cast Bronze, Size 3 "

P1464, Cast Bronze, Size 3 "



One dozen in a box w ith screws



W ith Reverse Bevel L atch an d Angfle Strike, Prefix “ R B ” to N u m ber

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

i General Hardware Section




Rim Strike

Mortise Strike

Mortise Strike

P460, P1460

P561, P1561

P561V4, P1561V4

P460, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P561, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P561Vi, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish

Size2K "xl^" One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size2}^"xl3^" One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2 H " X IH " One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1460, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1561, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size X One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size ly g " X lyg" One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1561V4, Wrought Bronze, Polished

Rim Strike

Rim Strike

Size 2J ^ " X I H ' One dozen in a box w ith screws

Mortise Strike




P01460, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 2 H " X I H " One dozen in a box w ith screws

Mortise Strike *Easy Spring

P01561, Cast Bronze, Polished

P4611/4, P14611/4

P461Vi» Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish Size 2ys"


Size 2ys" X I H ” One dozen in a box w ith screws

Rim Strike *Easy Spring


Tw o dozen in a box w ith screws

P1461Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished Size 2 H " X IVs" One dozen in a box w ith screws

P01466, P1466

P1468, P01468, P0468

P1468, Cast Bronze, Polished

P01466, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size 2 M " X 2" One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2" x IH "

P01468, Cast Bronze, Polished

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2" X IH " One dozen in a box w ith screws

P0468, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size 2" X I H " One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1466, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 2}4" X 2" One dozen in a box w ith screws

W ith Reverse Bevel L atch and Angle Strike, Prefix “ R B ” to N um ber *Easy S p rin g B o lt, t h e B o lt w o rk s in d e p e n d e n tly w h e n c lo sin g , w h ic h e n a b le s t h e R in g t o b e u sed in p u llin g t h e T r a n s o m o p e n o r p u s h in g it s h u t w it h a S a sh P ole H ook

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section


Mortise Strike Half Mortise, Mortise Strike




P1472, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1572, Cast Bronze, Polished



O ne dozen in a box w ith screws



P01463, P1463


P01463, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 3 " X 1 ^ " S trik e L ip 1 " to C enter

One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1463, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 3 ' X 2" S trik e L ip to C enter One dozen in a box w ith screws

Half Mortise Half Mortise Half Mortise

P462, P1462

P562, P I 562


Mortise Strike P462, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

Mortise Strike, Long Lip P1459, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size W z" X W i"

Mortise Strike P562, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

T w o dozen in a box w ith screws

Size 2" X 1}^"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

P1462, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1562, Cast Bronze, Polished

S izelM "xl^"


One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Size I M " X

W ith Reverse Bevel L atch an d Angle Strike, Prefix “ R B " to N um ber

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section

4— Open

Cast Iron—Japanned Size M X \y% ' S tem ^ " F o u r H oles for N o. 7 Screw E ighteen sets in a box w ith o u t screws

9— Closed




5— Open

8— Open

Cast Iron—Japanned

Cast Iron—Japanned

Size>i"x2i^" S te m ;^ " F o u r Holes for No. 7 Screw E ig hteen sets in a box w ith ou t screws

Size 1" X 234" Stem F o u r Holes for N o. 8 Screw E ighteen sets in a box w ith o u t screws


10— Open

Cast Iron—Japanned

Cast Iron—Japanned

Cast Iron—Japanned

Sizel"x2M " S te m ? ^ " F o u r Holes for N o. 8 Screw E ighteen sets in a box w ith o u t screws

Size l J ^ " x 2 H " StemM" F o u r Holes for N o. 8 Screw E ighteen sets in a box w ithou t screws

Size 13^" x 23^" Stem F o u r Holes for No. 8 Screw E ighteen sets in a box w ith o u t screws

15— Open

Cast Iron—Japanned SizerxS" Stem F o u r Holes for N o. 8 Screw E igh teen 'sets in a box w ith o u t screws

Cast Iron—Japanned

Cast Iron—Japanned

SizelM "x3M " StemlJj^" F iv e Holes for No. 11 Screw T w elve sets in a box w ith out screws

Size 134"^ X 3 ^ " Stem F o u r Holes for N o. 11 Screw Tw elve sets in a box w itho ut screws

P I 108— Open

P I 109— Closed

Cast Bronze—Polished

Cast Bronze—Polished

Size l " x 234"' Closed

Cast'Iron—J apanned Size Stem ^" E ight Holes for N o. 10 Screw Tw elve sets in a box w ith o u t screws




Specify Finish F o r Finishes, See Page 1 T w elve sets in a box w ith screws

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 585



Specify Finish F o r Finishes, See Page 1 T w elve sets in a box w ith screws


General Hardware Section


P1128, P1129

PI 128, Half Open, Cast Bronze, Polished Sizel^"x2% "


P1129, Half Open, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 1 ^ " X 3"

S tem % "

Six sets in a box w ith screws

P1130, Closed, Cast Bronze, Polished Size

x 4"

Stem %"

Six sets in a box w ith screws


22, 23

PI 111, Closed, Cast Bronze, Polished

22, Cast Iron, Plain Finish 23, Cast Iron, Japanned

Size \ \ i ” X 2 H "

S tem % "

Size 3 " X 1 "

Stem % "

T w elve sets in a box w ith o u t screws T w elve sets in a box w ith screws

C o un tersunk for Screw N o. 8

26, 27

25, 251/2

26, Cast Iron, Plain Finish 27, Cast Iron, Japanned

25, Cast Iron, Plain Finish 25V^, Cast Iron, Japanned

Size 31 ^ "




Size 3}/i" X 15^ "


Tw elve sets in a box w ith out screws

Tw elve sets in a box w ith o u t screws

C oun tersun k for Screw No. 8

C ountersunk for Screw No. 8

Specijy Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section



20, 21

Socket of

Pin an d P late of 020, 021



20, W ith Plate, Cast Iron, Plain Finish 21, W ith Plate, Cast Iron, Japanned 020, W ith Socket, Cast Iron, Plain Finish 021, W ith Socket, Cast Iron, Japanned Size 2 ^ " X 13^"


33 to 36, P33 to P36 P1133 to P1136

33, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws P33, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish PI 133, Cast Bronze, Polished

C o u n tersu n k for Screw No. 7 T w elve sets in a box w ith o u t screws



B ack of P late to C enter of S tem ^ "

34, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws

38, P1138

38, Cast Iron, Brown Lacquered P1138, Cast Bronze, Polished SizelM "xl?i"

Stem ^6"

P34, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish PI 134, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 27^" x l "

Stem K "

T w elve sets in a box w ith screws Back of P late to C enter of S tem % "

SURFACE 35, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws P35, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish P1135, Cast Bronze, Polished 31, 32, P31, P32 P1131, P1132

Size3^"xlM "

31, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws P31, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish P1131, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 15^" x M "

Stem J i "


Back of P late to C enter of S tem


36, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws

B ack of P late to C enter of Stem % "

P36, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

32, Cast Iron, Coppered, W ithout Screws P32, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish P1132, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1136, Cast Bronze, Polished Size4^"xl^"


Back of P late to C enter of S tem 1" Sizel>g"x%"


B ack of P late to C en ter of S tem % " T w elve sets in a box

35, P35, 36, P36, P1135, P1136, Six sets in a box O ther sizes, twelve sets in a box

Specz/y Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section

TRANSOM CENTERS RABBETED For Pivoted Sash Hung Vertical or Horizontal For Sash w ith H alf-Inch Rabbet

40, 41, 42, P43 F o r Sash 1}^" L en gth 3% " T hickness

1% "

2" 4^"

P01140 2 i^ " 5"

2 ^ " 3" 5% " 5 ^ " Stem

F o r Sash *1% " I H " L ength 4 " *Thickness

40, Cast Iron, Coppered 41, Cast Iron, Japanned 42, Cast Iron, Galvanized P43, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

IM "

IK "

2" 2 M " 2 ^ " S tem % " ", O th er sizes H "

P01140, Cast Bronze, Polished, Steel Bushed O ne set in a box w ith screws

Six sets in a box w ith screws

P I 140

P1140, Cast Bronze, Polished, Double Steel Bushed F o r Sash I J ^ " L ength ZVs" T hickness

1^" 4J^"

2" 4J^"


2% " 4 ^ " 5"

2 ^ " 3" SM " 5M " S tem % "

O ne set in a box w ith screws


P I 147

PI 127, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1147, Cast Bronze, Polished F o r Sash 1}^" Thickness

L ength 4 J^ " Stem

F o r Sash T hickness Ys"

L en gth 3J^*' Stem

Six sets in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section










P1003/4, PllOOS^

P1053^, P11053^

P 1 1 0 3 ^ P111034

PIOOS^, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish P11003/4, Wrought Bronze, Polished

P1053^, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish PIIO5 3 4 , Wrought Bronze, Polished

PllQYi, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish PIIIO3 4 , Wrought Bronze, Polished

L engths 10", 12", 15", 18" P lates I M " X 1"

L engths 10", 12", 15", 18" P lates 13^ " X

L engths 10", 12", 15", 18" P lates 1% " X 1"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

One dozen in a box w ith screws

P llO l

PllO l, Cast Bronze Plates, Polished L engths 10", 12", 15", 18" P lates 1 " x 1 " O ne dozen in a box w ith screws

M |iB |

P1153^, P11153^

P II 5 3 4 , Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish PI 1 1 5 3 4 , Wrought Bronze, Polished W ith S nap on O ne E n d L engths 10", 12", 15", 18" P lates 1 ^ " x 1" One dozen in a box w ith screws

P30034, P3013^ P3023^, P130234

P3003/4, Wrought Steel, Japanned P 3 OI3 4 , Wrought Steel, Galvanized P30234, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish P13023/4, Wrought Bronze, Polished L engths 12", 15", 18" Plates, L arge 8 " x 1M Small 15^ " x 1" One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

P2003^, P20134 P2023^, P120234

P2003^, Wrought Steel, Japanned P2013^, Wrought Steel, Galvanized P2023/4, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish P12023^, Wrought Bronze, Polished L engths 12", 15", 18" Plates, L arge 8" x 1 ^ " , Small 1 % " x 1 ' One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Length and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General H ardware Section


T o Screw on Surface

5, Jaws 91/^", Cast Iron P acked in Bulk, in a B arrel


W ith Screw C lam p A djustab le to A ny P osition

8, Jaws

91/ 2 ",

W ith Screw C lam p A djustab le to A ny Position

Cast Iron 10, Jaws 9Vi", Cast Iron

P acked in Bulk, 5 D ozen in a B arrel

P acked in Bulk, in a B arrel

D ozen

Ball an d Socket A d ju stm en t

19, Jaws 9", Cast Iron P acked in Bulk, 33^ Dozen in a B arrel






6, Cast Iron, Japanned P lain E nd, Opening 2J^"

9, Cast Iron, Japanned

11, Cast Iron, Japanned

12, Cast Iron, Japanned

P lain E nd, Opening 2}^" T w o dozen in a box

Plain E n d , O pening 23^" T w o dozen in a box

P lain E n d , O pening 33^"

18, Cast Iron, Japanned 6

P lain E n d , O pening 4" , 12, T w o dozen in a box. 18, One dozen in a box



16, Cast Iron, Japanned Swivel E nd, Opening 2"

22, Cast Iron, Japanned 21, Cast Iron, Japanned Swivel E n d , Opening T w o dozen in a box

Swivel E n d , O pening 2 % " 16, Tw o dozen in a box 22, One dozen in a box

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 385

23, Cast Iron, Japanned Plain E nd, O pening I J ^ " One dozen in a box

General Hardware Section



31, 41

32, 42

33, 43

Size iV z"

Size 6"

Size 8"

Two Screw-holes for Screw No. 6

Tw o Screw-holes for Screw No. 8

Tw o Screw-holes for Screw No. 11

31, Cast Iron, Japanned 41, Cast Iron, Galvanized

32, Cast Iron, Japanned 42, Cast Iron, Galvanized

33, Cast Iron, Japanned 43, Cast Iron, Galvanized

Tw o dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

5, 15

1, 11, 511

3, 13, 513

Size 2"

Size IVz"

Two Screw-holes for Screw No. 5

Tw o Screw-holes for Screw No. 5

1, Cast Iron, Japanned 11, Cast Iron, Galvanized 511, Cast Brass, Polished

3, Cast Iron, Japanned 13, Cast Iron, Galvanized 513, Cast Brass, Polished

Two dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

Size F o u r Screw-holes for Screw N o. 8

5, Cast Iron, Japanned 15, Cast Iron, Galvanized

Tw o dozen in a box w ithout screws

Specijy Number.

One dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

For Weights, see page 385

TOBACCO CUTTERS 10, Cast Iron J a p a n n e d , O r n a m e n te d in B ron ze T em p er ed S te e l, S lid in g K n ife W ith 6 -I n c h C u t tin g G a u g e S u ita b le for P lu g U p to 3V2-Inch Base 17" x 4" 10

Six in a case w ithou t screws. W eight 50 pounds

Specify Number



General Hardware Section



G uarantee— The Reading Closer is guaranteed against all imperfections in material or faulty workmanship. Every closer is thoroughly tested on operating doors before being packed. Special care should be used to see that the proper size closer is used for the door, taking into consideration whether there is any unusual draft condition. If the door is subject to any draft conditions, we suggest a size larger closer than listed.

SUGGESTED SIZES Cast Iron Regular Arm Arm Is Malleable Iron

Solid Bronze

Regular Arm

N um ber


For Screen or Light Inside Doors.


For Screen or Light Inside Doors.


For Inside Doors not exceeding 7' high x 2' 8" wide.


For Inside Doors not exceeding 7' high x 2' 8" wide.



For Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding V 6 " high x3' wide and Medium Outside Doors not exceeding T high x 2' 9 " wide.

For Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding 7' 6" high x 3 ' wide and Medium Outside Doors not exceeding 7' high X 2' 9" wide.

For Extra Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding V 6" high x wide or Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 7' 6" high x 3' 6 ' wide.


For Extra Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding 7' 6 ' high X 3' wide or Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 7' 6 ' high X 3' 6" wide.

For Extra Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 8' high x 4' wide.


For Extra Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 8' high X 4 ' wide.

For special conditions of Extra Heavy Doors, or doors subject to unusual draft conditions. We suggest sending us door size and conditions with order.


For Special conditions of Extra Heavy Doors, or doors subject to unusual draft conditions. We suggest sending us door size and conditions with order.

N um ber



5 6

Above specifications apply to doors operating under normal conditions. If doors are subject to unusual draft, we suggest using size larger closer. Closers finished in gold bronze unless otherwise ordered. Can Be P ainted or Plated to M a tc h Special Finishes a t S lig h t A d d itio n al Charge Finish for Prime Coating, Specify F in is h -P R , Aluminum Bronze, Specify F in ish -A L Specify N u m b er and H an d .

Packed One in a C arton

TO CHANGE HAND OF CLOSER Easy to Reverse Remove Top, Reverse Spring and Replace Top Reading Door Closers are very easy to re­ verse. Simply remove arm and ratchet, take off cap, take out coil spring, turn over and make sure that hooks engage at the back of case. Replace ratchet, cap, and arm on shaft. Engage hook end of spring with L e ft OHset for R ig h t H and doors, and with R ig h t Offset R ig h t H a n d

for L e ft H an d doors. See illustrations.

For weights, see Page 215

L e ft H a n d

i General Hardware Section




Reversible Tightening N ut Holds Door Open at Angle Desired

Advantages of Hold-Open Arm The friction in the Hold-Open Arm is obtained by loosening or tightening the N ut “A ” and Bolt "B .” This friction can be set to hold the door open in any position up to 90°. If the door is to open 180°, the Closer should be ordered with extra long arms. The Hold-Open Arm is positive and avoids the use of all floor stops or hooks to hold the door open. The arm is reversible and can be used on either right or left hand Closers.

With Hold-Open Arm 51 52 53 54 55 56

For Screen or Light Inside Doors. For Inside Doors not exceeding 7' high x 2' 8" wide. For Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding 7' 6" high x 3' wide and Medium Outside Doors not exceeding V high x 2' 9" wide. For Extra Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding V 6 " high x 3' wide or Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 7' 6 " high x 3' 6 " wide. For Extra Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 8' high x 4' wide. For special Extra Heavy Doors, or doors subject to unusual draft conditions.

FOR FIRE DOORS Closer w ith Fusible Link

FOR HOSPITAL DOORS Closer w ith Delayed Closing Arm

N o t Reversible— Specify H and

Two P o in t Check Feature N o t Reversible— Specify H and ‘S P R IN G S T O P


Door can be set in open position, and in case of fire, a temperature of 160° F . melts fusible link and door closes, thus protecting room from fire and water. 53-FL For Heavy Inside Doors not over 7' 6" high x 3' wide and Medium Outside Doors not over 7' high x 2' 9" wide. 54-F L For Extra Heavy Inside Doors not over 7' 6" high x 3' wide or Heavy Outside Doors not over V 6 " high x 3' 6"' wide.

Often preferred in hospitals and sanitariums. Door closes to within few inches and then stops. Can be closed remaining distance, if desired, by slight touch. Aids ventilation and quiet operation. 053 For Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding 7' 6" high x 3' wide and Medium Outside Doors not exceeding V high x 2' 9" wide. 054 For Extra Heavy Inside Doors not exceeding 7' 6 ' high X 3' wide or Heavy Outside Doors not exceeding 7'6" high X 3'6" wide.

Packing and W eights—-One in a C arton W ith Screws N um ber

1 2 3 4 5 6

W eig h t E ac h , P o u n d s


13 16V2

19H 221^

Q u a n tity in a C ase

C ase W eig ht, P o u n d s

N um ber

12 12 12 12 6 6

120 152 172 216 130 155

51 52 53 54 55 56

W eigh t E ach, P o u n d s

Q u a n tity in a C ase

C ase W eig h t, P o u n d s

12 12 12 12 6 6

125 160 185 240 140 170

10 12M 14M 1SV2

21 25

Specify Number and Hand. Packed One in a Carton





General Hardware Section


R ig h t H a n d C loser

C orner, 83

L e ft H a n d C loser

Applied to Regular Right Hand Door

Applied to Regular Left Hand Door

S offit, 84

S o f^ t B r a ck et 84

S o ffit B r a ck et 84

Mounted with Right Hand Closer on Left Hand Door

Mounted with Left Hand Closer on Right Hand Door

F lu s h , 85

For Circular Top Doors

A d ju sta b le ,


C orner B r a ck et 83

C orner B r a ck et 83

Mounted with Right Hand Closer on Left Hand Door

Mounted with Left Hand Closer on Right Hand Door

General Hardware Section









To Apply Spring Power for Right Hand Closer

To Apply Spring Power for Left Hand Closer

Illustration of Door Opening 90°

fL \* • 1 t >

Illustration of Door Opening 180°. Specify Closer with extra long arm Where possible we suggest using Soffit Bracket with Closer when door opens 180°, to avoid Closer cup striking wall.



General Hardware Section


When Ordering Parts for Reading Closer, Give the S ize N u m b e r (Cast on the Closer) and the P a rt N u m b e r as Listed Below

























R ep a irs— A description of parts is packed with each Closer, which can be furnished for repair purposes if needed. We suggest where practical to forward Closer to factory for repairs. A nominal charge is made for repairs in addition to the parts replaced. No breakage should occur in the Reading Closer as the Crank Shaft which is the main bearing extending down through the case is securely seated in the bottom of the case and is a drop forging. The spring is the very best obtainable and used under the proper conditions is practically unbreakable. Repairs are exceptional, as the Reading Door Closer is considered to outwear ordinary types of door closers and is of latest design.

DIRECTIONS FOR ATTACHING Use the template sheet packed with the Closer to de­ termine the distance of the case from the hinge side and also the distance of the arm bracket from the casing. I t is very important to get the screw-holes properly spaced to obtain the best results. The connecting arm rod can be adjusted by turning right or left to secure the proper angle of the main arm. T h e t e m p la t e s h e e t s h o u ld b e p la c e d o n t h e d oor so t h a t h in g e sid e a n d to p e d g e o f t h e c a s in g c o n fo r m w it h t h e lin e s o n t h e s h e e t. Screw t h e ca se in p la c e a s in d ic a te d o n t e m p la t e s h e e t, screw t h e a r m b r a c k e t t o t h e c a s in g , or h ea d o f o p e n in g , a s in d ic a te d o n t e m p la t e s h e e t, m a k in g su r e b efo re f a s te n in g screw s in a r m b ra ck et t h a t t h e screw a r m s t a n d s a t r ig h t a n g le to t h e ed g e o f t h e d o o r or ca sin g .

Arm Bracket Ratchet Connecting Rod Screw-arm M ain Arm Set Screw Case

O il— The high grade oil used in the Reading Door Closer is a special formula tested for non-freezing and will not gum. We advise ordering oil from factory when closers need refilling. This oil can be secured in pint and quart cans.

TO REGULATE SPEED OF DOOR When case and arm bracket are screwed in position on door and casing, with the door in closed position, apply wrench packed with Closer to ratchet and turn fo u r n o tc h e s to t h e le ft fo r r ig h t h a n d d oors and to the r ig h t fo r le f t h a n d d o ors. Open the door 90° and if action of Closer is not as desired, adjust by regulating set screw, turning to the right to make door close slower, and to the left to make door close faster. The latch bolt of the lock should enter the striking plate without any undue friction in order to have the Closer operate properly. F o u r n o tc h e s o f sp rin g p ow er is u s u a lly e n o u g h , and regulating should then be obtained by adjusting screw as noted. If, however, door is under severe draft conditions, apply another notch of spring power.

%R E A D I N G General Hardware Section





l y i " Diameter 2^ " Diameter



1200 2 " x 2 "





1200 J^"x2 H " Oakley



P1202 ^ " x 2 ^"


^ "x





H anford




2 V a ''x 2 y s ''

2 % "x 2 % "

C h ath am



1200 3"x3"

1200 2

J ^ " x 2 1 ^"

1200 2 V s ''x 2 y s "




3Ji6"x2M "

3 " x 3"


1200 25^"


1200 3"

2% "Diameter

Six in a box with screws If wanted with dummy cylinder front, prefix “ D ” to number

Specijy N um ber a nd Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 385


With Indicator

Cast Bronze Escutcheons 6" x 2 " Cast Bronze Knobs 2J^" x 2}4,"



LA TC H C a s e ........................ 3}4:'' x 3 ^ " x Japanned Cast Bronze F r o n t ..................... 4?^" x Backset ................ 2 % " S t r i k e ....................2 H ' ' x l " . Lip 1" to Center, Wrought Bronze B o l t ........................Cast Bronze Knob H u b . . . . Bronze, Inside; Outside C y l in d e r ................In Knob C h a n g e s ................Unlimited K e y s ........................Three, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 H a n d ........................Not Reversible, Specify Hand For use w ith Door Closer, see page 214

Operation: By key only outside and knob from inside at all times. Outside knob is always rigid. Occupant of booth cannot be disturbed, as entrance from outside is made only by key. Stop in front sets indicator on outside escutcheon. When booth is occupied, indicator shows white; when knob is turned on inside to leave booth, the indicator is automatically changed to red and remains red until door is opened by attendant with key from outside. After attendant inspects booth he sets indicator with stop in front to white to show that booth is ready for use One set in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

— ^R E A D I N G — 220

General Hardware Section


458, P458, P1458

455, P455, P1455

Size l y i " T i i y i " Spindle % " Steel

Recess ^ " Length 2 % "

P455, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size 7 1 ^ " X 3 Spindle Steel

Recess^" Length 2% "

458, Cast Iron, Japanned


455, Cast Iron, Japanned

P1444, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 6 " X 2 H " Spindle Steel

Recess Length


X Steel

Recess y%" Length 2 % "

P458, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size 1 } /i" x ?>yi" Spindle Steel

Recess Y i" Length 2

P1458, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1455, Cast Bronze, Polished Size Spindle

Size 1 } / i" -X. 314," Spindle Steel

Size7M"x3Ji" Spindle Steel

Recess^" Length 2 ^ "

Recess Length l y i "

Two in a box with screws

P I 4 9 3 V2

P1493V^, Cast Bronze Polished, P1465

For Inside of Lock 1700 Size S3^ " X 2 " Recess % " Spindle for Knob Hub Swivel, Bronze Spindle for Turn Knob Bronze Two in a box with screws

P1465, Cast Bronze, Polished Size8"x3?i" Recess^" Spindle ^ " Steel Length 2 % " Two in a box with screws


B032, PB032



B032, Cast Iron, Japanned P1428, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 2 H " X 3



Four in a box with screws


P01422, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 2 " X 4 "



Size 2 % " X 4 5 ^"


PB032, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

Size 23^" X 4 3 ^" _ Recess Four in a box with screws Specify Lock Number that Escutcheon is to be used with Four in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

■0 R E A D I N G General Hardware Section





P1437, Cast Bronze, Polished Size 3 " X 3 " Spindle

P1337, Cast Bronze, Polished

Recess % " Steel

Size 1M " X 1M "


Recess % "

Spindle ^ " Bronze Length 1 "

Two in a box with screws

Two in a box with screws

0455, P0455, P01455

0455, Cast Iron, Japanned Size 3 M " x 3 J i" Spindle Steel

Recess M " Length 2 % "

P0455, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size3M"x3i^" Spindle Steel

Recess Length 2%"

P01455, Cast Bronze, Polished Size3M"x3M" Spindle ^ " Steel

Recess Length 2%"

Two in a box with screws



P1452, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1435, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size 3 " Diameter Spindle Steel

Size 2% " Diameter Recess Spindle Bronze Length

Recess ^ " Length 2 % "

Two in a box with screws

Two in a box with screws

Specify Lock Number and Door Thickness

specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


k e y

p la t e


e s c u t c h e o n s

For Other Plate Escutcheons, See Design Section

I H i |g|

is P1002

P I 0 0 2 1 /2


C a st B r o n z e 2"x Keyhole for Cabinet Keys

Cast Bronze

l" x IM '

Cast Bronze K "x2 " Keyhole for Cabinet Keys




P1U33/4, PIII 3 V2

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

W rou g h t Bronze

W r o u g h t B r o n z e, S olid

W rou g h t Steel Japanned


Cast Bronze, Bevel Edge, specify P lllS V i

I P1128 Cast Bronze

PIIOOI/4 , P1104, P1105 PllOOVi, W rou g h t Bronze



P I 1 1 4 1 /4

Cast Brass

W rou g h t Bronze

Keyhole Length 1 " W idth at Key Post

Cast Brass 1 M ' x 2 H *' Keyhole Length ^ " W idth at Key Post % " W ith Keyhole for Lock C625, Specify P710

PIOO5 1 /4 W rou g h t Bronze % " x IJ^"

P I3 0 5 1 /4 W rought Bronze Diameter

PlOSi^, P IIO 8 I/ 4

P I 104, Cast Bronze lV 8 " ^ iV 8 "

*P1105, Cast Bronze lM "x 2 " * W ith four Screw-holes, specify P1205, Government Type 350A

P a ck in g Two dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

PlOSVi, W rought Steel, Plated lM 'x 2 ' PllO SVi, W rou g h t Bronze l M ' x 2 ''

For Weights, see page 385

^ R E A D IN G

General Hardware Section



______ ______ ______

KEY PLATE ESCUTCHEONS For Other Plate Escutcheons, See Design Section

B ev erly

B en to n

B erk ley

B e n to n




C a st B r o n z e 1 ^ " Diameter One dozen in a box with screws

C ast B ro n ze



C a st B r o n z e W ro u g h t B r o n z e l^ "x 2 " One dozen in a box with screws One dozen in a box with screws One dozen in a box with screws

B everly

R o ck la n d

L arello

R ound




P I 1061/4

C a st B r o n z e C ast B ron ze W rought Bronze C a st B r o n z e Diameter 2 " x 2 " 2 J ^ ''x 2 H " One dozen in a box with screws One dozen in a box with screws One dozen in a box with screws Two dozen in a box with screws

P ly m p to n

O val

C h a th a m

A lth e n a

P107V4, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d 1" X 2" PI107i^, W r o u g h t B r o n z e l" x 2 " Two dozen in a box with screws



C a st B ron ze 2" x V A "

W ro u g h t B ron ze

B erk ley

P u tn am

C o rtla n d


1105, 1106



C a st B r o n z e

C a st B ron ze 1105, l M " x 2 H " 1106, Two dozen in a box with screws

C a st B ro n ze l J ^ " x 2 M" Two dozen in a box with screws

B everly

1105 \.y%' Diameter

Two dozen in a box with screws

C a st B ro n ze

" x 2 J^"

One dozen'in a box with screws One dozen in a box with screws Two dozen in a box with screws


C ast B ron ze


Two dozen in a box with screws

C a st B r o n z e ^" Diameter


Two dozen in a box with screws

For accompanying trim of same design, see Design Section

Specijy Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




General H ardware Section

For Other Plate Escutcheons, See Design Section

C610 C a st B rass C612

P lllO


C a st B rass

C a st B r o n z e

C a st B ro n ze

2V s ' ' x 2V8''

W ith Keyhole for Lock C625 Specify C710

l" x



K " x 2 M"

B erk ley

P1127 P1117


C a st B r o n z e

C a st B r o n z e

M " x 23^"

M "x



C a st B ron ze


! ^ " x 2 JT6 " For Locks C625, C2625

C a st B r o n z e l % " x 2 }^"

B erk ley

B everly

C o rtla n d

C o rtla n d

n il



C a st B r o n z e

C a st B r o n z e

C a st B r o n z e

M a tte d

1 % " Diameter

1 ^ " Diameter

P ly m p t o n

P u tn a m


C a st B r o n z e « "x



E x eter

H an over





C a st B r o n z e

C ast B ron ze

C a st B r o n z e

C a st B r o n z e Diameter



"X2 "



Two dozen in a box with screws

Specify Design, Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page I. For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section

$r 225



I A u x il ia r y La tc h Re l e a s e s Ma in La t c h

w hen

Door Clo ses A ll exposed parts are made of cast bronze with heavy wrought 1 " tubing for cross bars and solid brass rods. The casting working in connection with the cross bar is made of malleable iron and will withstand the hardest of use. Pressure against the cross bar releases the latch and permits the doors to open. T h e la t c h b o lts o f D evice 2 2 r e m a in l u a r e tr a c te d p o s it io n w h e n d o o rs a re o p e n , a n d are n o t r e le a sed u n t i l t h e d o o r re a c h e s a clo sed p o s itio n




Top Case, 3 ^ " x l Y i "

O p e r a tio n : Pressure to any part of cross bar releases latches instantly. Latches operate whether cross bar is pushed up or down

Large Case 7 % " x 2 J/g" Small Case 33^" x 23^"

Ba r s Ca n Be S e t In U n lo c k e d Position W it h Ke y

B a r s Ca n B e Se t In Unlocked Position W it h K e y


Device 11 for Active Door

tHI Device 22 For Inactive Door

For Sets with Lock and Outside Trim , See Page 226

In fo r m a t io n R eq u ired

Bottom Case 3 % " x 2}/^"

Door Thickness Width of Stiles Hand of Door, Taken from Outside Width of Door, Taken Between Stops

C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36 " fr o m B o t t o m , U n less O th e rw ise O rdered

Height of Door, Taken Between Stops

Specify Number and Finish. See Information Required. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General H ardware Section


FOR ENTRANCE DOORS TO SCHOOLS OR PUBLIC BUILDINGS In Sets—Handle and Thum b Piece Outside W ith Bolts, 11 and 22 FO R F LA T


Set 1122, Cast Brass F O R D O U BL E D O O R S Butts and Door Closers not included S e t 1122 c o n s is t s o f M o r tise L ock 1571, w it h H a n d le B e n t o n 2444 fo r o u ts id e , a n d E xit B o lt 11 fo r in s id e o f a c t iv e d o o r. F o r t h e in a c t iv e d o o r. E x it B o lt 22. F or d e s c r ip tio n o f E x it B o lts 11 a n d 22, S ee P a g e 225



H" X 2 H" Cast Brass Handle For Outside of Active Door

lK "x IK "

Lock 1571 Case 5 K ' X 3 ?^" X Backset 2 ^ "



2444, Benton

Front l % " x 7 M " Spacing

Set 11122, Malleable Iron, Dull Black

For Further Lock Information, See Page 97

B o lt fo r A ctiv e D o or, 111

W ith Three Keys, Class 622 O p e r a tio n : Key outside through cylinder sets outside thumb piece. Key through outside cylinder will hold latch bolt back in case. T h e in s id e e x it b a r c a n b e o p era te d a t a ll t im e s . Auxiliary latch bolt when door is closed dead locks the main latch, so that it cannot be forced back from the outside when door is locked. For Lock Strikes, See Page 232

B o lt fo r I n a c tiv e D oo r, 122

T h is s e t is s a m e a s 1122 e x c e p t t h a t ca ses o f b o lts a re m a lle a b le ir o n , t h e cr o ss bars o f h e a v y s t e e l t u b in g , a n d t h e so lid ro d s o f s t e e l. F u r n ish e d i n D u ll B la ck fin ish o n ly . L ock fr o n t a n d o u ts id e h a n d le o f c a s t b rass

In fo r m a t io n R eq u ired Door Thickness W idth of Stiles Hand of Doors Height of Doors u

C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36 " fr o m B o t t o m , U n le ss O th e rw ise O rdered

O u ts id e

In sid e

For Doors 2 Feet and Under Tubing— 1 Inch

Cross Bars Can be Locked Down in Open Position if Desired

For Doors Over 2 Feet Tubing— 1 Inch, Heavy

Specify Number and Finish. See Information Required. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section



FOR ENTRANCE DOORS AND DOORS FROM CORRIDORS TO AUDITORIUMS OR LARGE MEETING ROOMS In Sets—Knob and Escutcheon Outside F O R FLA T F R O N T D O O R S With Bolts, 11 and 22 Set 2122, Cast Brass FO R D O U BL E D O O R S Butt and Door Closers not included S e t 2122 c o n s is t s o f M o r tise L o ck 1570, w it h K n ob P002146A S, a n d E s c u tc h e o n B e n t o n 1462-A R , S ize 1 0 3 ^" x 3" M ^ ' 4* ~ ^ s id e o f a c tiv 1.*^___ ___ o u ts id eA , na n d 'C E xit BDo lt 11 fo r Sin e d oor. F or t h e in a c t iv e d o o r. E xit B o lt 22. F or D e sc r ip tio n o f E x it B o lts 1 1 a n d 22, S ee P a g e 225

Cast Brass Knob Escutcheon Benton 1 0 ^ " X 3 " Outside


Specify Knob with Spindle 127Vi

Knob P002146-AS Escutcheon Benton 1462-AR

Lock 1570 Case5M "x3^"xl" Front 1 ?^" x 7Ji" Backset 2 % " Q • /Thum b Piece to Cylinder Hole 4J^" spacing Cylinder Hole 3M "

Set 12122, Malleable Iron, Dull Black

Three Keys, Class 622

T h is s e t is s a m e as 2122 e x c e p t t h a t c a se s o f b o lts a re m a lle a b le ir o n , t h e cro ss b ars o f h e a v y s t e e l tu b in g , a n d t h e so lid rod s o f s te e l. F u r n ish e d in d u ll b la c k fin ish o n ly . L ock fr o n t a n d o u ts id e k n o b a n d e s c u tc h e o n o f c a s t b rass

B o lt fo r A ctive D oor, 111

For Further Lock Information, See Page 96 O p er a tio n : Key outside sets outside knob. Key outside will also hold latch bolts back in case. T h e in s id e e x it bar c a n b e o p e r a te d a t a ll t im e s . Auxiliary latch bolt when door is closed, dead locks the main latch so that it cannot be forced back from the outside when door is locked. For Lock Strikes, See Page 232

B o lt fo r I n a c tiv e D oor, 122

I n fo r m a tio n R eq u ired Door Thickness Width of Stiles Hand of Doors Height of Doors C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36" fr o m B o t t o m , U n le ss O th e rw ise Ordered

O u ts id e For Doors 2 Feet and Under Tubing— 1 Inch For Doors Over 2 Feet Tubing— 1 Inch, Heavy

In sid e Cross Bars Can be Locked Down in Open Position

Specify Number and Finish. See Information Required. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 585



General H ardware Section


FOR ENTRANCE DOORS WHERE IT IS DESIRED TO HAVE DOORS OPEN DURING SCHOOL OR BUSINESS HOURS In Sets—Door Pull Outside F O R F LA T F R O N T D O ORS W ith Bolts, 11 and 22 Set 3122, Cast Brass F O R D O U BL E D O O R S Butts and Door Closers not included S e t 3122 c o n s is t s o f M o r tise L ock 1561, w it h P la t e a n d G rip 3165 B e n t o n fo r o u ts id e , a n d E x it B o lt 11 fo r in s id ^ o f a c tiv e d oo r. F o r t h e in a c t iv e d o o r, E xit B o lt 22. For d e s c r ip tio n o f E xit B o lts 11 a n d 22, S ee P a g e 225

BACK SE T Plate, Cast Brass 16" x 3 H " Grip, Cast Brass 7"

3165 Benton

Lock 1561 C a s e 5 M " x 3 M " x 1" Front l ^ " x 7 M " Backset 2 ^ " Spacing 43^" Three Keys, Class 622 For Further Information, See Page 98

Set 13122, Malleable Iron, Dull Black

O p e r a tio n : Key through outside cylinder holds both bolts back in case. The bolts can be released only through the outside cylinder. By turning key toward the face of the lock the latch bolts are held retracted in the case and remain in this position until again released by the key through the cylinder. To release the latch bolts the key is turned to the right. T h e in s id e e x it b ar o p e r a te s a t a ll t im e s . Auxil­ iary latch bolt when door is closed dead locks the main latch so that it cannot be forced back from the outside. For Lock Strike, See Page 232

T h is s e t is s a m e a s 3122 ex c e p t t h a t cases o f b o lts a re m a lle a b le ir o n , t h e cross bars o f h e a v y s t e e l t u b in g , a n d t h e so lid rod s of s te e l. F u r n ish e d i n d u ll b la c k fin ish o n ly . L o ck fr o n t a n d o u ts id e p la te a n d p u ll o f ca st b rass

B o lt fo r A ctiv e D oor, 111

B o lt fo r In a c tiv e D oor, 122

I n fo r m a t io n R eq u ired Door Thickness W idth of Stiles Hand of Doors Height of Doors C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36" fr o m B o t t o m , U n le ss O th e rw ise O rdered

O u ts id e For Doors 2 Feet and Under Tubing— 1 Inch For Doors Over 2 Feet Tubing— 1 Inch, Heavy

In sid e Cross Bars Can be Locked Down in Open Position

Specijy Number and Finish. See Information Required. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 585


General Hardware Section




Steel Rods W

Steel Tubing Top Case a If no Size is Specified When Ordering We W ill Furnish 8 Feet in Length, 3 Feet in Width. The Rods and Tubing can be Cut to Door Size.

For exit and entrance doors where a good, practical, reasonably priced bolt is desired. The cases and arms are made of malleable iron castings, working with heavy steel tubing for cross bar, and solid steel rods.

Plate 7M"x2^"

Side Case 1 ‘ A6 " x 2 ^ "

Top Strike 2 Y 2 "^m "

O p era tio n 132, 232, Gravity Vertical Rods for Inactive Door. Pressure on the horizontal bar raises the bolt which is automatically held in an extended position, releasing the gravity lever which leaves the bolt head free from the strike, allowing the door to open. The bolt is held in the open position until the door closes. The gravity lever, when door is closing, is released when it comes in contact with the strike, which action allows the bolt head to fall by gravity, locking the gravity lever in the strike. O p eratio n 131, 231, Side Latching For Active Door. The cross bar works in connection with Lock Lever which is equipped with an extra heavy spring to bring the bar back in position when pressure is released.

Center Case lX"x23^"

Side Case

Device 131 for Active Door Device 132 for Inactive Door For Sets with Lock and Outside Trim, See Page 230 I n fo r m a tio n R eq u ired Door Thickness Width of Stiles

If wanted with ^-inch brass tubing in cross bars, specify No. 231 for Active Door. No. 232 for Inactive Door.

Hand of Door, Taken from Outside W idth of Door, Taken Between Stops Height of Door, Taken Between Stops

C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36" fr o m B o t t o m , U n le ss O th e rw ise Ordered

F in ish e d , D u ll B la ck

Bottom Strike 3J^" x 1%"

Specify Number. See Information Required. For Weights, see page 585



General Hardware Section


SET 4122 GRAVITY FOR EXIT AND ENTRANCE DOORS IN SCHOOLS, THEATRES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Malleable Iron w ith Steel Rods Steel Tubing 3^" W ith Devices 131 and 132 for Pairs of Doors For Detail Description, See Page 229

Handle and Thum b Piece Outside If no Size is Specified When Ordering, We W ill Furnish 8 Feet in Length, 3 Feet in W idth, for Device 132, and 3 Feet in W idth for Device 131 Set 4122, Gravity F O R FLA T F R O N T D O O R S F O R D O U BL E D O O R S Butts and Door Closers not included S e t 4122 c o n s is ts o f M o r tise L ock 1571, w it h H a n d le B e n t o n 2442 fo r o u ts id e , a n d E xit B o lt 131 fo r in s id e o f a c t iv e d o or. For t h e in a c t iv e d oor, E xit B o lt 132. For d e s c r ip tio n o f E xit B o lts 131 a n d 132, S e e P a g e 229. F in ish e d D u ll B la ck L o ck F r o n t a n d O u ts id e H a n d le o f C a st B rass



J^"x2 ^ "

Cast Brass Handle for Outside of


Active Door

V A ” ^ V A ''

2442, Benton

Lock 1571 C a s e 5 M " x 3 M " x 1" Backset 2 % ”

Front 1 ^ " x 7i^" Spacing

Set 14122, Gravity

For Further Lock Information, See Page 97 W ith Three Keys, Class 622 O p e r a tio n : Key outside through cylinder sets outside thumb piece. Key through outside cylinder will hold latch bolt back in case. T h e in s id e e x it b ar c a n b e o p era te d a t a ll t im e s . Auxiliary latch bolt when door is closed dead locks the main latch, so that it cannot be forced back from the outside when door is locked. For Lock Strikes, See Page 232.

M a lle a b le Ir o n w it h S te e l R o d s a n d " Brass T u b in g in C ross Bars B o lt fo r A ctiv e B o lt fo r In a c tiv e D oor, 231 D oor, 232 T h is s e t is s a m e a s 4122 e x c e p t t h a t t h e tu b in g for cr o ss b ars is o f b rass. F u r n ish e d w it h d u ll b la ck c a se s a n d ro d s a n d p o lish e d b ra ss t u b in g . L ock fr o n t a n d o u ts id e h a n d le o f c a s t b rass.

I n fo r m a t io n R eq u ired Door Thickness W idth of Stiles Hand of Door, Taken from Outside W idth of Door, Taken Between Stops Height of Door, Taken Between Stops C ross B ars F u r n ish e d 36" fr o m B o t t o m , U n le ss O th e rw ise Ordered

s O u ts id e

Specify Number. See Information Required, For Weights, see page 385

In sid e


General Hardware Section

t 231


BACKSET Ba r s Ca n B e S e t In U n lo c k e d Position W it h Ke y


L a tc h 1356 For Sets 026, 226 and Sets 26, 126

(Dm l i f f l

Paddle and Case for 026, 226

Cross Bar for 26, 126


For Exit Doors R eversible B o lt 023, Cast Brass Cases, Guides and Paddle, Solid Brass Vs Rods Center Case 7M " x 2>^", Reversible Rods *BoIt 123, Malleable Iron Cases, Guides and Paddle, Solid Steel Center Case 7 ^ " x 2J^", Reversible *Furnished in dull black finish only S p ecify W id th o f S tile a n d H e ig h t o f D oor B e tw e e n S to p s. iJnless O th e r w ise O rdered, P a d d le W ill b e F u r n ish e d 36" fr o m B o t t o m

Pressure Against Paddle Releases Top and Bottom Latches For Standing Leaf of Double Doors

For Exit and Fire Tower Doors Where Entrance is Not Desired From Outside S e t 026. N o t R ev ersib le, S p e c ify H a n d Cast Brass Paddle and Case, Case 7% " x 2J^" M o r tise L a tc h 1356, Case ZVs" Front x 5 % '', Backset 2 ^ " O p era tio n : Latch bolts are held back in case with key entering plug in case on the inside, and are only released with key. This places the control of the door under the person carrying key. Auxiliary latch bolt when door is latched in a closed position, dead locks the main latch so that it cannot be forced back from the outside. For further information, See Page 93 S e t 226. Malleable Iron Case and Paddle, Case 7% " x 1Y%" Packed with Mortise Latch 1356 as described above S p e cify W id th o f S tile s , a n d H a n d o f D oor

For Exit and Fire Tower Doors, No Trim Outside, Cross Bar Inside S e t 26. N o t R ev ersib le, S p e c ify H an d Cast Brass Cases with Heavy 1" Wrought Brass Tubing Large Case l % " x 2 Y s ’', Small Case 3 K " x 2J^" M o r tise L a tc h 1356, Case 3?^" x 3% " x Front x 5 ^ " , Backset 2 ^ " O p er a tio n : Latch bolts are held back in case with key entering plug in case on the inside, and are only released with key. This places the control of the door under the person carrying key. Auxiliary latch bolt when door is latched in a closed position, dead locks the main latch so that it cannot be forced back from the outside. For further information, See Page 93 S e t 126. Malleable Iron Cases with Wrought Steel Tubing Large Case 7 M " x 2 H Small Case 3 " x 2H " Packed with Mortise Latch 1356 as described above S p e cify W id th o f S tile s, W id th o f D oor B e tw e e n S to p s, a n d H a n d o f D oor 023, 123

Specify Number and Finish. See Injormation Required. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section

STRIKES STRIKING PLATES For Locks Packed W ith Exit Devices Illu s tra te d on Pages 226, 227, 228

Locks 1561, 1570, 1571





■H i"





Open Strike 45 For Pairs of Doors

Closed Strike 35 For Single Doors

Open Strike 55 For Pairs of Doors This strike is made with a revolving roller upon which the back of the latch bolt rides when the door is opened

S trike 35, for Single Doors, Cast Bronze, Special Lips to Order S trik e 45, for Pairs of Doors, Cast Bronze, Special Lips to Order S trik e 55, for Pairs of Doors, Cast Bronze, Special Lips to Order

STRIKING PLATES For Exit Bolts 22, 122, 023, 123 ..31/4' ______ M 1 1

k 1

- -i^ 1


IV 2 " t




3'/8 I



Top Strike 135

Bottom Strike 136

S trik e 135, Top Strike for Bolts 22, 122, 023, 123. Cast Bronze S trik e 136, Bottom Strike for Bolts 22, 122, 023, 123. Cast Bronze

Specify Number and hip Center. Specify Finish, For Finishes, see page I


General Hardware Section






R im S tr ik e P524V4, P I 5 2 4 1 / 4

M o r tise S tr ik e P5251/4, P1525V4

Plate l V 8 " x IM "

B ii M ortise S trike P515V4, P1515V4

R im S tr ik e P514V4, P1514V4 Plate l j ^ " x

Plate iV s " X 1 % " Strike x 23^" Projection IJ i"

Plate 1 3 ^ " X I H " Strike % " X 214" Projection I M ”

Strike 1 % " x 1 ^ "

P524Vi, W rought Steel, P la ted , F riction P olish

P525V4j W rought Steel, P lated, F riction P olish

P514Vi. W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1524V4> W rought Bronze, P olish ed

P1525Vi, W rought Bronze, P olished

Strike l % " x

1 5




P 515l^, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1514Vi, W r o u g h t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d One dozen in a box with screws

P1515V4, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lish e d


R im S trik e P519V4, P1519V4

M ortise Strike P 6 I 91 / 4 , P I 6 I 9 1 /4

Plate IV s " X IV s " Strike 1}^" x 1 ^ " Projection

Plate 1 " x 15^ " Strike % " x 2 % Projection

P519V4, W rought Steel, P lated, F riction P olish P1519V4> W rought Bronze, P olished

P619Vi, W rought S teel, P lated, F riction P olish

S u r fa c e S tr ik e P518V4, P1518V4 P la te \y%” X 1%" Strike Projection 1}^"


P 518l^, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1518Vi> W rought Bronze, P olished

P1619Vi, W rought B ronze, P olished

One dozen in a box with screws




M o r tise S tr ik e P536, P1536 Plate

X 2K "

Strike % " x 2% " Projection

R im S tr ik e P537, P1537 Plate

x 2J^"

Strike 13^ " x 1 ^ " Projection IJ^"

P536, C a st Iro n , P o lis h e d

P537, C a st Ir o n , P o lish e d

P1536, C ast B ro n ze, P o lis h e d P1537, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

M o r tise S tr ik e P5361/4, P I 5 3 6 V4 Plate M " x 2 3 ^ " Strike ^ " x 2 M " Projection 134"

R im Strike P537V4, P I 5 3 7 1 / 4 ,

P536l^, W rought S teel, P lated , F riction P olish P1536Vi, W rought Bronze, P olished

Plate M " x 2 3 ^ " Strike 13^"x 1 3 ^" Projection

P537Vi, W rought S teel, P lated , F rictio n P olish P1537V4, W rought B ronze, Polished

One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

i 234



General H ardware Section


S u r fa c e S tr ik e P 532, P1532

R im S tr ik e P 533, P1533


1 ^ " Strike Projection \ Y%" P532, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1532, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Plate I K " X 1% " Strike x Projection \ P533, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1533, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

M o r tise S tr ik e P533V2, P1533V2 Plate IJ i" X Strike Projection P533Y2, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1533i/^, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

One dozen in a box with screws

H R'

S u r fa c e S tr ik e P632, P1632

R im S tr ik e P633, P1633

Plate 1M " X 1 ^ " Strike W x lY s " Projection P 632, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1632, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

M o r tise S tr ik e P633V2, P1633V2


Strike 11^" x l } ^ " Projection P633, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1633, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Plate 1V2'' x Strike % " x 25^' Projection P633V21 C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1633Vi, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box with screws


S u r fa c e S tr ik e P5321/4, P15321/4 Plate iV s " x lY s " Strike x 1^" Projection 13^" P 532l^ , W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P1532V4, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

R im S trik e P5331/4, P I 5 3 3 1 / 4 Plate 1 % " x 1^ " Strike 1 " x 1 Projection

R im S trik e P633V4, P1633V4 "

P533Vi» W rought S teel, P lated, F riction P olish P1533Vi> W rought Bronze, P olished

Plate 1 3^" X 15^" Strike l } ^ " x l H " Projection P633Y4, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P1633V4, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section




iiiiiaki,:■■■■: a r

S u r fa c e S tr ik e P0542, P542, P I 542

R im S tr ik e P0543, P543, P1543

'ilSi Plate 1H " X 2 "

Strike % " x 2 "


Plate 11^"

M o r tise S tr ik e P0541, P541, P1541

X 2" Strike l M " x 2 ' Projection 1%"

P0542, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

Plate 1 " x 2" Strike Projection 1 ^ "

x 2% "

P0543, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P542, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P0541, C a st Iro n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lish P541, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1541, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d One dozen in a box with screws

P543, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d

P1542, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P1543, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d



R im S tr ik e

S u r fa c e S trik e

P0583, P583, P1583

P0582, P582, P1582 Plate ^ " X 1M " Strike Projection 1 ^ "

" x 1% "

P0582, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P582, C ast Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1582, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

M o r tise S tr ik e P0581, P581, P1581

Plate J4" X 1%" Strike 1 ) 4 " x Projection 1 ^ "

Plate K " X 1% " Strike % " x 2 % " Projection 1 ^ "

P0583, C ast Ir o n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P0581, C a st Iro n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P581, C a st Iron , P la te d , P o lish e d P1581, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P583, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1583, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box with screws


SSKfSSi" R im S tr ik e P0543V4, P543V4, P1543V4

S u r fa c e S trik e

P05421/4, P5421/4, P15421/4

M ortise Strike

Wrought Plate 1 )4 " x 2 "

P05411/4, P5411/4, P1541V4

Strike Cast

" x 2"

Projection 1?^"

P0542Vi> W rought Steel, P lated, F riction P olish P542V4, W rought S teel, P lated , P olished P1542V4, W rought Bronze, P olished

Wrought Plate 1 )4 " ^ 2 " Strike Wrought 5^" x 2!^" Projection 1 ^ "

P0541V4) W rought S teel, P lated, Friction P olish P541V4) W rought S teel, P lated, Polished P1541l^, W rought B ronze, P olished

Wrought Plate 1 " x 2 " Strike Wrought 1%" x



Projection 1 ^ " P0543Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P543Vii W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , P o lis h e d

P1543Vi, W rought Bronze, P olish ed

One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General H ardware Section


S u r fa c e S tr ik e P550, P1550

M o r tise S tr ik e P544, P I 544

R im S tr ik e P545, P1545

P la te \y%" X V A " Strike 1 ^ " x V A " Projection 1 ^ " P550, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1550, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Plate I H " X 1%" Strike K " x 3 " Projection 1 ^ " P544, C a st Iron , P la te d , P o lis h e d P1544, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Plate l ^ " x I K " Strike 2" x 2 J ^ ‘ Projection \ P545, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1545, Cast Bronze, Polished

One-half dozen in a box with screws


Iw S u r fa c e S tr ik e P5501/4, P1550V4

M o r tise S trik e P544V4, P I 5 4 4 1 / 4

R im S tr ik e P5 4 5 1 / 4 , P I 5 4 5 1 / 4

Plate IM " X 2" Strike 1 % " x V A " Projection i % " PSSOVi. W rought S te e l, P lated,

Plate 1M " X 2 " Strike % " x 3 " Projection 1 ^ "

Plate 1M " X 2 " Strike 2 " x 23^" Projection P545Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P1545Vi, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

F riction P olish P1550V4> W rought B r o n z e, Polished

P544Vi, W rought S teel, P lated, Friction P olish P1544V4, W rought Bronze, P olished One-half dozen in a box with screws



a M o r tise S trik e P564, PI 564

R im S trik e P566, P1566

"X 2 " Strike % " x 3" Projection 1 ^ " P564, C ast Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d *P1564, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

Plate l M " x 2 J^" Strike l M " x 2 M " Projection P566, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lis h e d *P1566, C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

S u r fa c e S tr ik e P565, P1565 Plate l J i " x 2 3 ^ " Strike l M " x 2 J ^ " Projection P 565, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d *P1565, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d


One-half dozen in a box with screws *Can furnish with base plate

x iY s " , Prefix

to number” P1564% , P1565% , P15663/4

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 585


General Hardware Section


CASEMENT FASTENERS CAST BASE AND TURNS Reversible Fast and Pull Combined, Pull 6 Inches


ij .

S u rface S tr ik e

M o r tise S tr ik e

R im S tr ik e

P1556 Plate 11^" X 2" Strike X 2^e" Projection 1 ^ " Pull 6 "

P1555 Plate 13^" X 2" Strike l ^ " x 11^" Projection IM " Pull 6 "

P1554 Plate 13^" X 2" Strike I 3 ^ " x Projection Pull 6 "

P1553 Plate 13^" X 2" Strike ^ " x IDie" Projection Pull 6 "

P1555, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1554, Cast Bronze Polished

P1553, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1556, Cast Bronze, Polished

R im S trik e

One-half dozen in a box with screws


x IV i"

Extra Heavy

Extra Heavy

R im S trik e P549, P1549

M o r tise S trik e P547, P1547

Strike I H " x 2 ^ " Projection 1 }4 "




x 2% "

Projection 1}^"

P549, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1549, Cast Bronze, Polished

P547, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1547, Cast Bronze, Polished

One dozen in a box with screws O ..I

R im S tr ik e


M o r tise S tr ik e


S u r fa c e S trik e





Projection from Sash

Plate 13^" X 2" P1641, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d , M o r tise S tr ik e P1642, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d , S u r fa c e S tr ik e P1643, C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d , R im S tr ik e One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section

CASEMENT FASTENERS Cast Base and Cast Turns, Reversible

iP . Q M o r tise S tr ik e

S u r fa c e S tr ik e

T u r n fo r 90, 91

M o r tise S tr ik e P1586 Plate l % " x3 3 / g" Strike 2" x23/^" Projection \y% ' P1586, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Plate % " x 33^" Levers^" Mortise Strike 5^" x 2*}^" Surface Strike x 3}/i" 90, C a st B ra ss, P o lis h e d , S u r fa c e S tr ik e 91, C a st B rass, P o lis h e d , M o r tise S tr ik e

M o r tise S tr ik e P1546

R im S tr ik e P1548

T u r n P1546, P1548 Plate IM " X 3M " Strike Vs" x 3 ^ " Projection 1 ^ " Lever 5 ^ " P1546, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d Plate l J i " x 3 M " Strike 2 M " x 3 M " Projection I H " Lever P1548, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

One-half dozen in a box with screws



1097 01098 R ev ersib le R eversib le 1097, J a p a n n e d C ase 2% " x 1 ^ " x ]4" 01098, J a p a n n e d C ase x 1 x Front X 3J^", C ast B r o n z e F r o n t 1" x 43^" C a st B ro n ze H u b , B r o n z e, fo r % " S p in d le H u b , B ro n ze, fo r S p in d le O p er a tio n — By Turn from either side O p er a tio n — By Turn from either side

1098 R ev ersib le 1098, J a p a n n e d C ase Z" x 2" x F r o n t 1" x 5 ", C ast B ro n ze H u b , B ro n ze, fo r %" S p in d le O p er a tio n — By Turn from either side



1099, J a p a n n e d C ase 3J^" x 2J^" x

1099 R eversib le

1109, J a p a n n e d C ase

x 2J^" x

F r o n t 1" X 5J^", C a st B ro n ze

F r o n t i y s ' ' x Z } i " , R a b b et M", C a st B ron ze

H u b , B ro n ze, for % " S p in d le

H u b , B ron ze, fo r % " S p in d le

O p e r a tio n — By Turn from either side

O p era tio n — By Turn from either side

One-half dozen in a box with screws

Specijy Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

1109 N o t R eversib le, S p e cify H an d



General Hardware Section




PI I!!- •



P1341 Chain Chain

6 8

" "

P1340, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size IM " x 4 " Size X6 "

Chain 6 " Chain 8 "

S izelM "x6 "

P1341, Cast Bronze, Polished




P1332, Cast Bronze, Polished

One-half dozen in a box with screws


P333, P1333 Size 134" x




P343, P1343

P331V4, P 133lV i 8


Size l ^ " x 4 > ^ "




Size 1%" x 6 "




P333, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P331V^t, Wrought Steel, Plated, Friction Polish

P343, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1333, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1331Vi, Wrought Bronze, Polished

P1343, Cast Bronze, Polished

One-half dozen in a box with screws


P314, P316 Size 1 " x 4 "

P324, P326 Chain



P314, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size 1 " X 6 "




P316, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished





P324, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Sizel% "x6 "




P326, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

One dozen in a box with screws

Specijy Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section


Ijiiiaiiiiiiii P372, P373, P1372, P1373



P376, P1376

Raised Catch of P373, P1373

Size,6 i ^ " x 2 ^ "

P372, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Size5H"x

P1372, Cast Bronze, Polished

P376, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P373, W ith Raised Catch, Cast Iron, Plated, ' Polished

P1376, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1373, W ith Raised Catch, Cast Bronze, Polished One-half dozen in a box with screws



illH II 11


K in 1 1: 1 11 Irl iiiii1 Fasteners 166, I 6 6 V2 , P166

Sets 167, Fast 3J^".

1 6 7 1

/ 2 , P167

Butt, Planished Steel 23^" x 1%".

Hook and Eye, Steel

Set 167, Fast Japanned, Butt and Hook Bright Steel Set 167Vi, Fast Galvanized, Butt and Hook Bright Steel Set P167, Fast Brown Lacquer, Butt and Hook Bright Steel Set consists of one Fast, one pair of Butts, one Hook and Eye One set in a box with screws Fasteners 166,

Cast Iron, Japanned

166Vi, 3J^", Cast Iron, Galvanized

P166, 3J4", Cast Iron, Brown Lacquer

Two dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section




r f

P667, P 6 6 7 1 / 2 P1667, P01667 Case Vz” X 2Y&''

P 6 6 8 , P 6 6 8 V2 P1668, P01668 Strike

x 2^"


X 2Y2"

Strike % " x 2>^"

P667, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

P668, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 9 ounces

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 12 ounces

P667V2> Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P668V^, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 9 ounces

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 12 ounces

P1667, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1668, Cast Bronze, Polished

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 7 ounces

Weight per dozen, 3 pounds, 1 ounce

P01667, Cast Bronze, Friction Polish

P01668, Cast Bronze, Friction Polish

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 7 ounces One dozen in a box, with screws Sixty dozen in a case; weight. Iron 170 pounds. Bronze 160 pounds

Weight per dozen, 3 pounds, 1 ounce One dozen in a box with screws Sixty dozen in a case; weight. Iron IBS pounds. Bronze 205 pounds



P767, P767V2 P1767, P01767

P768, P768Vz, P1768 P01768, P798 C aselM"x2M" Strike M " x 2 % "

1 Case 1"

X 2 ^


Strike % " x 2 % "

P767, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

P768, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish Weight, 4 pounds, 6 ounces

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 10 ounces

P767V2) Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P768V^, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Weight, 4 pounds, 6 ounces

Weight per dozen, 2 pounds, 10 ounces

P1768, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1767, Cast Bronze, Polished Weight per dozen, 3 pounds, 9 ounces

P01767, Cast Bronze, Friction Polish

Weight, 4 pounds, 7 ounces

P01768, Cast Bronze, Friction Polish Weight, 4 pounds, 7 ounces

Weight per dozen, 3 pounds, 9 ounces

*P798, Malleable Iron, Plated, Friction Polish

One dozen in a box with screws

*Packed with machine screws, for Metal Sash One dozen in a box with screws Forty-eight dozen in a case; weight. Iron 230 pounds, Bronze 235 pounds

Forty-eight dozen in a case; weight. Iron 155 pounds. Bronze 185 pounds Case IM " X 3 1 ^ "

Strike 1 ^ " x 3M "

Extra Heavy

P868, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish Weight per dozen, 5 pounds, 8 ounces

P8681/2» Cast Iron, Plated, Polished Weight per dozen, 5 pounds, 8 ounces M o r tise S tr ik e

P I868, Cast Bronze, Polished

Furnished to Special Order

Weight per dozen, 6 pounds, 4 ounces

Specify Fast Number

One dozen in a box with screws

x Mortise Strike

Twenty-four dozen in a case; weight, Iron 160 pounds, Bronze 180 pounds

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


P868, P868V2, P1868


General H ardware Section


For High Up Sash

Car Window Fast

Right Hand P1054, P1055

Cast Bronze, Polished

For Sash Out of Reach

N o t Reversible.

Operated w ith Sash H ook

Three Strikes with each Fastener

P1748V^, Cast Bronze, Polished Base 1 " X 2 % "

. Lever 3}^"

Specify H an d

P1054, Case 1" x 2% ", Strike

Strike % " x


P1055, Case I H " x 214", Strike J i " x 1%"

One-half dozen in a box with screws

One dozen in a box with screws

For High Up Sash

For High Up Sash



P968, P968V2, P978, P1968

For Sash Out of Reach

Operated w ith Pole H ook to Fasten and U nfasten

For School Houses and Public Buildings

Operated w ith Sash Hook

C a s e l " x 2 ?^‘'

Strike 1" x Height Locked 1^ "

P1672, Cast Bronze, Polished

P968, Cast Iro n , F ric tio n Polish P968iy^, Cast Iro n , Polished

Phosphor Bronze Spring

P978, M alleable Iro n , F ric tio n Polish Case




^ '

P1968, Cast Bronze, Polished One dozen in a box with screws

One-half dozen in a box with screws

Weight, Iron 5 pounds, 10 ounces Weight, Bronze 7 pounds, 3 ounces Forty-eight dozen in a case Weight, Iron 250 pounds, Bronze 350 pounds

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section



Cast Iron

I f r

95, 195

L engths, L ever B o l t ...................

5" 3^"x6"



9" ^"x8"

12" [" x lO "

L engths, L ever B o l t ......................

5" 6" ^ " x 6 " 3^"x7^"

9" ^"x8"

12" M " x lO '

695, Cast Brass, Polished

95, Cast Iron, Japanned 195, Cast Iron, Galvanized

W ro ug ht Steel P lated Bolt

5 ", 6", P acked one-half dozen in a box w ith screws 9", 12", P acked one-third dozen in a box w ith screws


Card Enters at Top

Card Enters at Top

P487, P1487

P489, P1489

P490, P1490

Size 53 ^ " X 23^" F o r C ard 4 J ^ " x 2 "

S iz e 5 M " x 4 H " F o r C ard 5" x 3 J^ "

P489, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1489, Cast Bronze, Polished

P490, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1490, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size 3 ^ " X 2" For C a rd 2 J ^ " x

P487, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1487, Cast Bronze, Polished

T h ree dozen in a box w ith screws for wood

Card Enters at Top

Card Enters at Top

Card Enters at Top

1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiniiimiiii

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

1 >iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliililliliiiliiiilii

il il lli li ill ll ili l i i l l i l i l l i i i l l l i i l l l l l l l l i l l i l l i i

P476, P477, P1476, P1477

P481, P1481

P482, P1482

Size 2 " x IH " F o r C ard l ^ " x 1"

S iz e 3 J^ " x IJ^ "

S i z e 3 ^ " x 1% "

F o r C ard 2 % " x 1"

F o r C ard 3" x I J ^ '

P481, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1481, Cast Bronze, Polished

P482, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1482, Cast Bronze, Polished

P476, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1476, Cast Bronze, Polished S i z e 2 % " x l H ’' F o r C ard 2 J^ " x

P477, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1477, Cast Bronze, Polished T h ree dozen in a box w ith pins for wood

Specify Num ber a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



G en era l H a r d w a r e Section


Reversible 504, Cast Iron, Japanned


4 M ” x 1", Ja p an n e d


G rip, 8J^", Ja p an n e d Backset, 2 Y i“ Cylinder, Bronze 201


Changes, U nlim ited K eys, three, nickel bronze, class 622 Bolt, Bronze O p e r a t i o n — T h u m b la tch b o th sides, slide on case dead locks th u m b piece, key outside d ead locks th u m b piece One set in a box w ith screws 504



505, Bronze Front and Bolts, Handle Both Sides P a c k e d w i t h L o c k 1545 Case, S M " X 3 ^ " X 1", Ja p an n e d Backset, 2 % " F ro n t, \y%" X S trike,

, C ast Bronze

x 1 ^ " , L ip to C enter IJje"

Spacing, 4>^" 622

Cylinders, tw o. Bronze


Changes, U nlim ited K eys, F our, Nickel Bronze, class 622 C ylinder Plates, W rought steel, 2}/^" x 234" Grip, 8J^", C ast Iron


O p e r a t i o n — L atch bolt b y th u m b piece from either side. Lock bolt b y key from either side. Polished Bronze F ro n t Lock an d Cylinder; T rim , D ull Black One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Set Number.

For Weights, see page 385

G eneral H a rd w a re Section



IN ACCORDANCE WITH U. S. MASTER SPECIFICATION No. 336 Issued October 1, 1925 and Revision of January 30, 1930 (W hen re-issued will be know n as “ F F -H -1 0 1 ” ) O n ly a F e w I t e m s H a v e B e e n S e le c te d t o I l l u s t r a t e B e lo w . W e M a n u f a c t u r e a C o m p le t e L in e o f B u i ld e r s ’ H a r d w a r e t o C o n f o r m t o t h e A b ov e S p e c ific a tio n

P1401 U. S. T y p e 320

P1333-A R U. S. T y p e 300A

P T 1 33 3-A R U. S. T y p e 302A

P1244-A R U. S. T y p e 301A


m i I I III!!!!!!!

400, 401 U. S. T y p e 330A

i i ^




R ound P004722, P004726 U. S. T y p e 210

at 1 SCREW

Oval P004622, P004626 U. S. T y p e 210A

P2365 U. S. T y p e 450

P2376 U. S. T y p e 460 Special B earing Prefix G B to N u m b er W ith o u t Steel Sleeve Prefix R B

1^ I I


I '

G roove P21773;4

G roove P21903^



Com bination Groove for Chain or Cord

D ouble Groove for Chain

G overnm ent T yp es 1248 to 1250B

Ball B earing Prefix B B to N u m b er



13 to 17

13 15 17

G eneral H a rd w a re Section


P1733, P1735, P1737

C ast Iro n , J a p a n n e d Plate Bale For Screw 8 3" x lM " 3" 10 2,%" 11

C oppered, Prefix “ C ” to n um ber G alvanized, Prefix “ G L ” to num ber Six pairs in a box w ith o u t screws

21 to 24 C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d Plate Bale For Screw 21 3" x2^" 7 2M " 22 7 3 ^ " x2% " 23 8 4^" ^3% ” 3M " x 4 J i" 24 5" 10 3% ” C oppered, Prefix “ C ” to num ber G alvanized, Prefix “ G L ” to n um ber 21, 22, Six p airs in a box w ith o u t screws 23, 24, T h ree pairs in a box w ith o u t screws

C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d Plate



2 J i" x l% "

3M "

P I 735

3H "x13^"


35^" X


m " m "

T h re e pairs in a box w ith screws

s 35 to 38

F o r T ub s, C urved P lates, 14" R adius 39, 49, 59

C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d Plate Bale For Screw 2M "x2% " 35 3" 7 36 33^"x23^" 8 3Y2'' 37 3 i^ " x 3 } i" 10 3^" 38 4M "x4" 11 Coppered, Prefix “ C ” to n um ber G alvanized, Prefix “ G L ” to n um ber Six pairs in a box w ith o u t screws

C a s t I ro n , C u rv ed P late 35^" x 2 K " Bale 4 ^ " F o r Screw 12 C urved 1 4 ' R adiu s 39, Ja p an n e d 49, Coppered 59, G alvanized Six pairs in a box w itho ut screws


P1467 563, 564 563, C a s t B r a s s , P o lis h e d P la te 3 J^ "x 2 " Bale 2 564, C a s t B r a s s , P o lis h e d P la te 4 " x 2 Ji" Bale 2


P1467, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d P late 3 % " x 15^"

B a le 2 K ”

P1468, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d P late 3 M " x 13^" D ro p H andle 25^" M achine Screws an d N u ts from back

O ne dozen in a box w ith screws



11, R iveted H andle 11, C a s t I r o n , J a p a n n e d P lates 1 ^ " X H an d le Swings One W ay. F o r Screw 6 L engths 3" 3 J^ " 4" Bale 3" 33^" 3% One dozen pairs in a box w ith o u t screws

Specify N um ber a n d Size.

521, C a s t B r a s s , B r ig h t P lates l M " x 1" 2Vi" 2V2" 3" SVz" 2K " 21^" 2^" 314" One dozen pairs in a box w ith screws

Lengths Bale

For Weights, see page 3S5

4" 4'

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section



B everly

C o lo n ia l

C o lo n ia l


R ig ht H an d 002462

R ig ht H an d 002562

002562, Cast Bronze

002462, Cast Bronze

002562, Cast Bronze

L ength 3 ^ "

S pecify H a n d

Projection 25^"

S pecify H a n d

L ength 3 J^ " Projection IY 2 " Suitable Rose 209

Suitable Rose 205 C o rtla n d

L ength

Projection 2 % " S uitable Rose 209

H a n fo rd


2561 Rose 202— 1 ^ "


002562, Cast Bronze

P002482, Cast Bronze

2561, Cast Bronze

L ength 4 " P rojection 3" Suitable Rose 220

L ength 2]/%" P rojection 1 ^ " Rose 202, C ast Bronze 1 ^ "

L ength 3 " P rojection 3 ' S uitable Rose 202

H a n fo rd


P00582, P002582

002562, Cast Bronze L ength 3"

P rojection 3

L e n g th s"

S uitable Rose 200

All Levers on th is page w ith


P00582, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P002582, Cast Bronze P rojection 2% * S uitable Rose 202

straig h t spindles. If w anted w ith swivel spindles, specify handle n um b er w ith spind le num ber. F o r spindles, see Page 293 All num bers w ith ad ju sta b le ty p e “ B ” shanks One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


P 620, P1620

P00682, P002682


P620, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1620, Cast Bronze

P00682, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P002682, Cast Bronze

P002472, Cast Bronze

L en g th V

Projection S u itable Rose 202

L en g th

Projection 1% " Suitable Rose 202

L en g th 2 ^ " P rojection 1% " Suitable Rose 202

M iiia !

P2532 Rose 111— 1061

P2532, Cast Bronze P002542

L eng th 2 % "

P002542, Cast Bronze L e n g th 234"

P rojection IJ^ "

Rose lllV ^ , C ast Bronze


1061, Lever x Glass Knob Lever, C ast Bronze, L en g th 2J^ " P rojection

P rojection 1 % "

K nob, C ast Bronze Shank, T o p 1 % "

Suitable Rose 215

Roses, C ast Bronze, 202, 1 ^ " '


COURTRAY 2562, Cast Bronze L e n g th 4 J ^ "

P rojection 2 " Rose, C ast Bronze, 236, 2}^"

2562 Rose 236— 21^"

All L evers on th is page w ith

straig h t spindles. If w an ted w ith swivel spindles, specify handle n um ber w ith spindle n um ber F o r spindles, see Page 293

A ll n um bers except P 620, P1620 w ith ad ju sta b le ty p e “ B ” shanks. P620, P1620 w ith sta n d a rd shank for ty p e “A ” spindle One-half dozen in a box w ith screws, except 1061, one set in a box

Specify ISumber an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H ard w are Section



2, 8, Cast Iron, Japanned W ith o u t P late 2, L a tc h B ar L ength 3 % ". T h u m b Piece L eng th SM " 8, L a tc h B ar L ength 83^". T h u m b Piece L ength

3, Cast Iron, Japanned L atch B ar L ength 3J^". T h u m b Piece L ength P late l > | " x 8 "


4, Cast Iron, Japanned L atch B ar L ength 3 % ". T h u m b Piece L ength S)4:" P late VA"

5, Cast Iron, Japanned L atch B ar L ength 3J^".

T h u m b Piece L eng th

P late 2 H " x 6 J ^ "


7, Cast Iron, Japanned


L atch B ar L ength 7". T h u m b Piece L ength 5 % " L atch B ar L ength 6". T h u m b Piece L en gth 6" P late 2 " X 6 % " P late 23/^ " x 10" Above handles (except 14) packed one-quarter dozen in box w ith ou t screws. T w elve dozen in a case H andle 14 packed one-tw elfth dozen in a box w ith ou t screws. Six dozen in a case

Specify Handle Number.

For Weights, see page 385

i 250

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section


1 1

11 P1602


Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

H an dle 6% " L atch B ar L eng th 4 " T h u m b Piece L en gth 5 % "

H andle L a tc h B ar L en g th 4 " T h u m b Piece L en gth 4 J ^ "

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

P1602 a n d P1603 in Polished Brass, Specify Finish 31


D ijiiiii


P H 15% — Bronze— F la t F ro n t— Reversible P1116% — Bronze— R ab b eted F ro n t— Specify H an d P 1115% , Solid W ro ug ht Bronze P late 2 % " x P I 123^, P lated P1112% , Bronze

L atch B ar L ength 4" T h u m b Piece L eng th 6*' P late 2 ^ " X 9" P 112% , W rou ght Steel P late

O th er P a rts C ast Iron

C ast Bronze G rip 4 J^ " C ast Bronze T h u m b Piece, 4 " Long W ith L atch 1215 C ast Bronze F ro n t an d Bolt C a s e 2 ^ " x 3 M " x ^ " . F ro n t 1 " x 4 % " F ro n t to C enter of T h u m b Piece, 2" W ith Roller Strike 1}4" x 3M * Set consists of One L atch an d Tw o H an dles Com plete P1116% , Same H andles as P1115% W ith L atch 1225

P I 112% , W ro u g h t Bronze P late

O th er P a rts C a st Bronze Specify Finish

C ast Bronze F ro n t a n d Bolt R ab bet. Roller S trike 1 x 4* Otherw ise sam e as L atch 1215

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws Tw elve dozen in a case

Specijy Number an d Finish.

One set in a box com plete w ith screws

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section

t 251


EXPLANATION OF SET NUMBERS USED IN RESIDENCE HANDLE SETS ON FOLLOWING PAGES The third number in set number indicates the lock. For example, set numbers beginning with the numbers 152 are sets packed with the heavy lock 1582. Set numbers beginning with the numbers 151 indicate the lighter lock 1594. For sets packed with a metal knob on the inside, the letter “M ” is used after the set number. For sets packed with the glass knob on the inside, the letter “G” is used after the set number. The following pages illustrate the popular combinations of sets carried in stock by dealers. Owing to the large number of handles we manufacture, several of the styles are shown separate without trim. To simplify the ordering of complete sets with handles that are not regularly listed in set numbers, the above explanation can be followed. For example. Handle 2445 Kent is not shown under a set number. If this handle is wanted with Lock 1594 and with Glass Knob 2063^ with Rose 222 x Turn Knob P14783^ inside, the set should be ordered Set 15145G Kent, Finish — . Sets with elongated escutcheons on the inside in place of sectional trim as illustrated with set numbers should be designated as follows:

Combined Inside Trim —For Lock 1594 Symbol


Ml M3 G5 G6 07 08

f00262lV4 tP004422V4 t00149V4 J00206V4 J00306V4 t00506V4

tB ra ss K nob

JGlass K nob






127 127 127 127 127 127

*Specify Benton *Specify *Specify *Specify *Specify

T13631/4 T13631/4 T1363V4 T13631/4 T1363V4 T1363V4

Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify

*Specify design for inside escutcheon

For example, if Handle 2444 Benton on page 252 is wanted with Lock 1594, and inside trim with Glass Knob 00206)4 x Darby Design, the set should be ordered Benton 15144G6, specifying design Darby and finish number. N

o t e :— When

ordering broken combinations of sets that cannot be ordered under a set number,

special care should be used to specify the spindle number with the knob. All threaded adjustable shank knobs take Spindle 127 and standard shank knobs take Spindle 126.

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside B e n to n

B e n to n

B e n to n

B e n to n

B e n to n

wisaBg m

H an dle 2452 G rip 1452, IVz" O verall 23^" x 14% " B e n to n

H andle 2442 G rip P1182, 8" Overall 2 ^ " X 1 5 "



H andle 2450 G rip 1450, 7}4'' Overall 2 x 143^"

H andle 2440 G rip P1175, 7" Overall 2 x 1 3 ^

O verall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594 Cylinder Collars 2 3 ^ " x 2 3 ^ " T h u m b Piece P lates

2 3^ " x 2



H andle 2444 G rip P I 185, 8" Overall 23^" x 1 5 " Lower P lates IJ i" x IVs"


H a n d le

2452 2442 2450

S e t N u m b e r W ith L o c k 1582 M e ta l K n o b G lass K n o b In s id e In s id e

15252M 15242M 15250M

15252G 15242G 15250G

L o c k 1582, S ee P a g e 118 L o c k 1582, for 1 % " and T hicker D oors

S e t N u m b e r W ith L o ck 1594 M e ta l K n o b G lass K n o b In s id e In s id e

15152M 15142M 15150M

15152G 15142G 15150G

H a n d le

2440 2444

S et N u m b e r W ith L o c k 1582 M e ta l K n o b G lass K n o b In s id e In s id e

15240M 15244M

15240G 15244G

O p e r a t i o n o f L o c k s 1582 a n d 1594— L atch B olt by T h u m b Piece O utside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by K ey O utside; L ock Bolt b y T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ro nt.

S e t N u m b e r W ith L o ck 1594 M e ta l K n o b G lass K n o b In s id e In s id e

15140M 15144M

L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117 L o c k 1594, for 1%" or 1 % " Doors

Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d W i t h A b o v e S e ts

M etal K nob

T u rn K nob P I 478 1/4

P4422V4— 2M " Rose 222

Glass K nob 206V4— 2" Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 ^ " Adj ustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S e t C o n s is ts o f O n e L o c k , O u t s i d e H a n d l e a n d I n s id e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y [ S e t N u m b e r P acked one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

15140G 15144G

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. B e v erly



B e v erly

B e v erly

Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside C h a th a m

C h a th a m

C a rlto n

C a rlto n


H andle 2444 H andle 2444 H an dle 2439 H an dle 2449 H andle 2440 G rip P I 185, 8 “ G rip P1185, 8" G rip P1439, 6" G rip P1449, 6" G rip P1175, 7" Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall 3 " x l4 J^ " 2 M " x l4 j^ " 2 H " x l3 }£ " 2 H " x l3 }4 " 3 "x l3 J^ " Overall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594 Lower P lates 2}4" x 2 ^ " B e v e rly ......................................... Cylinder Collars 2 % " x 2 ^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 ^ " x 2 ^ " Lower P lates 1M " x 1 ^ " C a r l t o n ......................................... Cylinder Collars 2 x 2 T h u mb Piece Plates 2 x 2 C h a t h a m .....................................Cylinder Collars 2 ^ " x 2 ^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 ^ " x_25^" Lower P lates 2" x 1J4" H an dle 2440 G rip 1467, 6U " Overall 2 M " x 13"

H andle 2450 G rip 1450, IVz" Overall 2 M "x l4 3 ^ "



2440 2444 2439

Set Number W ith Set Number W ith Lock 1582 Lock 1594 M etal Knob Glass Knob M etal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside

15240M 15244M 15239M

15240G 15244G 15239G

L o c k 1582, S ee P a g e 118 L o c k 1582, for 1 % " and T hicker D oors

15140M 15144M 15139M

15140G 15144G 15139G


2449 2450

Set Number W ith Set Number W ith Lock 1594 Lock 1582 M etal Knob Glass Knob M etal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside

15249M 15250M

15249G 15250G

O p e r a t i o n o f L o ck s 1582 a n d 1594—L atch Bolt b y T h u m b Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. Both Bolts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by Stop in F ront.


Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d W i t h A bove S e ts

M etal K nob

T u rn Knob P14781/4

P44221/4— 2 M ’ Rose 222

15149M 15150M

15149G 15150G

L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117 L o c k 1594, for 1 ^ " or 1 % " D oors


Glass K nob 2061/4— 2" Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets


C o n s is ts o f O n e L o ck , O u ts id e H a n d le a n d I n s i d e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y S e t N u m b e r Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 385



HANDLES FOR RESIDENCE FRONT DOORS Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. C lin to n

C lin to n

G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside

C levelan d

G olden

C o ld en

fTjljllilll IIIR


H an dle 2440 G rip P1175, 7" O verall 2 ) ^ " x

H an d le 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall 2 ^ " x 15"

H an dle 2452 G rip 1452, 7 K " O verall 23^" x 1 4 ^ '

H andle 2450 G rip 1450, 7 ^ " O verall 2 % " x 14

H an dle 2452 G rip 1452, 7Vi" Overall 2 ^ " x 15”

Overall length spaced w ith L o ck 1594 C lin to n C ylinder Collars 23^" x 2 J^ " C l e v e l a n d .....................................C ylinder Collars 2 x 2 C o ld e n ..............................................C ylinder Collars 2 J^ " x 2 J^ "

T h u m b Piece P lates 2J^ " x 2 J^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 " x 2 " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 % '' x 3"

Lower P lates -x.1%" Lower P lates I J ^ " x I J ^ " Lower P lates 2J^* x 2 3 ^ '


Handle 2440 2444

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15240M 15244M

15240G 15244G

L o c k 1582, See Page 118 L o ck 1582, for 1 ^ " an d

T h ick er D oors

15140M 15144M

15140G 15I44G

Handle 2450 2452

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15250M 15252M

15250G 15252G

O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 a n d 1594— L atch Bolt b y T h u m b Piece O utside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth B olts b y K ey O utside; L ock B olt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ro n t.

Inside Trim K no b s an d T u r n K n o b P acked w ith Above Sets

M e tal K nob

T u rn K nob P14781/4

P4422V4— 23^* R ose 222

15150M 15152M

L o ck 1594, See Page';117 Lo ck 1594, for l^ " ^ o r

\ y i ” Doors


Glass K nob 2061/4— 2" Rose 222 Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 %" A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets


S et C onsists o f O ne L o ck , O u tsid e H a n d le an d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

P acked one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1,

15150G 15152G

For Weights, see page 383

READING G eneral H a rd w are Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates.

Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside C o rtla n d

C o rtla n d

C o lo n ia l

C o lo n ia l



C o ru n a

H andle 2466 H andle 2470 H and le 2472 G rip 1466, 7 " G rip 1470, 7" G rip 1472, 7" O verall 2}/^" x IS" Overall 3 " x 14J^" Overall 3 " x 14J^" Overall length spaced w ith Lo ck 1594 Lower C o l o n i a l , H andle C2440 . . Cylinder Collars 1 K " x 3 ^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 x 1 3 ^ ;; Lower C o l o n i a l , H andle C3440 . . Cylinder Collars 2" xS J/^" T h u m b Piece P ates 2 M x Lower C o r t la n d .................................. Cylinder Collars 3 " T h u m b Piece P lates 3 Lower Cylinder Collars 2}^" x 3% " T h u m b Piece P lates 2J4'^ x 3 % " C o ru n a H andle C2440 G rip 6M " Overall 2 % " x 17 "

H an dle C3440 G rip O verall 2 i ^ " x l 5 "


Handle C2440 C3440 2470

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Kjiob Glass Kaiob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15240M 15241M 15270M

15240G 15241G 15270G

L o ck 1582, See Page 118 Lo ck 1582, for I M " and

T h icker Doors


P lates P lates P lates P lates

2 |^ " x 13 2" x 3 " 2}/s" 2 J^ " x 2 % "

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside

15272G 15272M 15140G 2472 15140M 15266G 15266M 15141G 2466 15141M 15269G 15269M 15170G 2469 15170M O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 a n d 1594— L atch B olt by T h u m b

Piece O utside. K nob w ith S plit Spindle 127 Inside. B o th B olts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ro n t.

Inside Trim Knobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed W ith Above Sets

T u rn K nob P1478V4

M etal K nob P4422V4— 2} ^'

H an d le 2469 G rip 1469, 7J^" Overall 2 J ^ " x l5 % "

15172G 15166G 15169G

15172M 15166M 15169M

L o ck 1594, See Page 117 L o ck 1594, for 1?^" or

1%" Doors -2i-" BACKSET!

Glass K nob 2061/4— 2"

Rose 222

Rose 222

S pindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets


S et Consists o f O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le an d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section

HANDLES FOR RESIDENCE FRONT DOORS Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates.

E den

E n fie ld

E n fie ld

Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside E n fie ld

E p in a l

E p ir u s


H an dle 2445 G rip 2145, 7 M " O verall 23/^"x l4 J ^ "

H an dle 2466 H and le 2470 H andle 2440 G rip 5 % " G rip 1465, 5 M " G rip 1470, 7" O verall 3 " x 13 O verall 3 " x 1 4 ^ Overall 33^"xl63^" Overall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594 Lower T h u m b Piece P late 2J^ " x 33^" E d e n .................................................. Cylinder Collar l y i " Lower E n f i e l d ..............................................Cylinder Collars 2 % " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 ^ " Lower E p i n a l ..............................................C ylinder Collar 23^" x 33^" T h u m b Piece P la te 33^" x 6" Lower E p i r u s ..............................................C ylinder Collar 3" x 3" T h u m b Piece P late 3" x 3"

Handle 2445 2464 2466

H and le 2464 G rip P1183, 8" O verall 3" x 15

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside Handle 15245G 15245M 15145M 15145G 2470 15264M 15264G 15164M 15164G 2440 15266G 15266M 15166M 15166G 2444

L o c k 1582, S e e P a g e 118 L o ck 1582, for 1 ^ " and T hicker Doors

L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117 L o c k 1594, for 1 ^ " or 1 ^ " Doors 2^

Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d W i t h A bove S e ts

T u rn K nob P1478V4

P4422V4— 234"

P late V/%" P lates 2 " P late 2 3 ^ ' x 3 % " P late 23^" x 2 j i "

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15170G 15170M 15270G 15270M 15140G 15140M 15240G 15240M 15144G 15144M 15244G 15244M

O p e r a t i o n o f L o c k s 1582 a n d 1594— L atch B olt by T h u m b Piece O utside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ro n t.

M etal K nob

H an dle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall 3 " x IS J^ "


Glass K nob 206Vi— 2"

Rose 222

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S e t C o n s is ts o f O n e L o c k , O u t s i d e H a n d l e a n d I n s i d e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y S e t N u m b e r P acked one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. E rro l



Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside F o rd h a m

F o rd h a m

G onda


H andle 2445 G rip 2145, 7 " Overall 2 ? ^ " x 14

H andle 2444 G rip P I 185, 8" Overall 2 J ^ " x IS J^ "

H andle 2466 G rip 1466, 7" Overall 2 % " x 14"

H an dle 2470 G rip 1470, 7" Overall 2 J^ " x

H andle 2440 G rip 5M " Overall 3 ^ " x 1 6 ^ "

Overall length spaced w ith L o ck 1594 E rro l C ylinder Collar 2 % " x 2 ^ " F o r d h a m .........................................Cylinder Collars 2 ^ " G o n d a ............................................. Cylinder Collar 2 % " x ZY%"

Handle 2445 2444 2466

T h u m b Piece P late 2 ^ " x 2 ^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2" T h u m b Piece P late 3?^ " x

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside Handle 15245M 15245G 15145M 15145G 2470 15244M 15244G 15144M 15144G 2440 15266M 15266G 15166M 15166G

L o ck 1582, See Page 118 L o ck 1582, for 1 ^ " and

T hicker Doors

Lower P late 2 " x 2 " Lower P lates \y%' Lower P late 2 ^ " x 3 J^ "

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15170G 15170M 15270G 15270M 15140G 15140M 15240G 15240M

O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 an d 1594— L atch B olt by T h u m b Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by Stop in F ro nt.

L o ck 1594, See Page 117 Lo ck 1594, for 1 ^ " or

1 % " D oors

Inside Trim K nobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed W ith Above Sets

M etal K nob

T u rn K nob P1478V4

P4422V4— 2 J^ "

Glass K nob 2061/4— 2 "

R ose 222

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

Set C onsists of O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le an d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

P acked one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside H a n fo rd

H a n fo rd

H an d le 2450 G rip 1450, 7J^" O verall 2

L a re llo

H an d le 2454 G rip 1454, Overall 2 H " x l 2 i ^ "

H a n f o r d .......................... L a r e ll o .............................. M a d rid , H andle 2453 M a d rid , H andle 2455 . M a y w o o d , H andle 2473

Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

M a d rid

H andle 2470 H andle 2453 G rip 1470, 7" G rip 5 Overall 2 J ^ " x l5 M " Overall 2 } ^ " x l5 ^ " Overall length spaced w ith Lo ck 1594 Collars 2}/%" T h u m b Piece P lates Collar 2 ^ " x 3 % " T h u m b Piece P late Collar T h u m b Piece P late Collar 2 % " x 2 M " T h u m b Piece P late P late 9 M " x 3 i ^ " S P E C IF Y D E S IG N


Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside


H andle 2473 G rip 7" O verall 33^ " x l5 j^ "

H andle 2455 G rip 8" O verall 2 % " x l5 " 2 J^ " 2 " 2 " 2% "

x x x x

2% " 3 " 2M " 2% "

Lower Low er Low er Low er Lower

P lates P late P late P late P late

Key O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by Stop in F ront.

Inside Trim K nobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed w ith Above Sets

M etal K nob

T u rn K nob

Glass K nob

P4422V4—2M" Rose 222 Spindle 127


2061/4— 2" Rose 222




3 H “'

1%" Doors

2 11/

Spindle 127 Xi" A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets S et Consists o f O ne Lo ck, O u tsid e H a n d le an d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by Set N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

For Finishes, see page 1.



Spindle 127

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

1" 3 H ‘'

15153M 15153G 15155M 15155G 15173M 15173G L o ck 1594, See Page 117 L o ck 1594, for 1 ^ ' or

■ m

1 ^" x 1^" l j ^ " x 2 ^ '' V A ^ y iiy ^

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside

15250M 15250G 2450 15253G 15150M 15150G 2453 15253M 15254M 15254G 2454 15255G 15154M 15154G 2455 15255M 2470 15270M 15270G 15273G 15170M 15170G 2473 15273M L o ck 1582, See Page 118 O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 an d 1594— L atch Bolt by T h u m b L o ck 1582, for 1 ^ " and Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by

T hicker Doors

M ayw ood

M a d rid

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section



Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside M ilf o r d

M ilf o r d

O a k le y

O a k le y

O deon

H an dle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall 3" X 153^”

H andle 2445 H an dle 2468 H andle 2450 H andle 2444 G rip 1477, 11" G rip 2145, 7 " G rip 1450, 73^" G rip P1185, 8" O verall 3" x 1 8 ^ " Overall 2% " x 143^" Overall 2 ^ " x I S J ^ ” O verall 2 ^ " x 15J^" Overall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594 x 3" T h u m b Piece Plates 3 " x 3}^" Lower P lates 3 " x 3 " M i l f o r d ......................................... C ylinder Collars 3 " O a k l e y ..............................................Cylinder Collars 2% " -x. 3]/^" T h u m b Piece Plates 2 ^ " x 3 % " Lower P lates 1 ^ " x 2 % " O d e o n ..............................................Cylinder Collar 2 % " x 3 " T h u m b Piece P late 2 5 ^ " x 3 ^ " Lower P late 2 M " x 2 } ^ ''

Handle 2444 2468

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside Handle 15244M 15244G 15144M 15144G 2450 15268M 15268G 15168M 15168G 2445

L o c k 1582, S ee P a g e 118 L o c k 1582, for 1 ^ " an d T hicker D oors

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15250M 15250G 15150M 15150G 15245M 15245G 15145M 15145G

O p e r a t i o n o f L o c k s 1582 a n d 1594— L atch Bolt by T h u m b Piece O utside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ro n t.

L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117J j L o ck 1594, for 1 ^ " or 1 ^ " Doors

Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d W i t h A bove S e ts

M e tal K nob

T u rn K nob

Glass K nob

P44221/4— 2 M “ R ose 222


2 O6 V4— 2 "

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S e t C o n s is ts o f O n e L o c k , O u ts id e H a n d l e a n d I n s id e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y S e t N u m b e r Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page I.

For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside P em b ro k e

P em b ro k e

P la in

P la in

H andle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" Overall x 15M "

H an dle 2450 H andle P2441 H andle P2444 G rip 1450, lYz" G rip P1175, 7" G rip P1185, 8" Overall 33^" x 1 4 ^ " O verall x 13^ Overall 25^" x 14?^" O verall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594 P e m b r o k e .....................................Cylinder Collars 2 ^ " x 2 x 3 i^ " T h u m b Piece Plates P l a i n , H andle P2441 . . . C ylinder Collar 2" x 2" T h u m b Piece P late 2J^" x 2 ^ " P l a i n , H andle P2444 . . . Cylinder Collar 2M " T h u m b Piece P late 2 ^ " P l a i n , H andle P2450 . . . Cylinder Collar 2M " T h u m b Piece P late 2Y%' S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Handle Inside Inside Inside Inside Handle Inside Inside 2444 15244M 15244G 15144M 15144G P2444 P15244M P15244G 2450 15250M 15250G 15150M 15150G P2450 P15250M P15250G P2441 P15241M P15241G P15141M P15141G L o c k 1582, S ee P a g e 118 L o c k 1582, for an d T hicker Doors

O p e r a t i o n o f L o c k s 1582 a n d 1594— L atch Bolt by T h u m b Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. Both Bolts by K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by Stop in F ro n t.


P la in

H an d le P2450 G rip 1450, 7 K " O verall 2^^" x 1 4 ^ " L ow er Lower Lower Lower

P lates ’x .iy i " P late 2 " x 2 " P late 1Y%" P late 2 3^"

Set Number With Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside P15144M P15144G P15150M P15150G L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117 L o c k 1594, for 1 ^ " or 1 ^ '' Doors

Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d W i t h A bove S e ts

M etal Knob

T u rn Knob P1478V4

P44221/4— 2 K ”

Glass K nob 2061/4— 2"

Rose 222

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S e t C o n s is ts o f O n e L o ck , O u ts id e H a n d l e a n d I n s i d e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y S e t N u m b e r Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

REA DING G eneral H a rdw a re Section



Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside P la in

P la in

H andle P2440 G rip P1166, 6" O verall 2 5 ^ " x l2 J ^ “ P la in , H andle P2440 P la in , H andle P2442 P la in , H andle P2454 P la in , H andle P2462 P la in , H andle P2464 P ly m o u t h .................

P la in

H andle P2442 G rip P1182, 8" Overall 2 J^ "x l4 J ^ " Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

P la in

P la in

H and le P2454 H andle P2462 G rip P1185, 8" G rip P1183, 8" O verall 2 ^ " x l 4 M " Overall 2 % "x l4 3 ^ " Overall length spaced w ith L o ck 1594 Collar 1Y%" T h u m b Piece P late Collar 2J^" T h u m b Piece P late Collar 2 ^ " x 2 ^ " T h u m b Piece P late Collar T h u m b Piece P late Collar 2Y%'' T h u m b Piece P late Collar 1Y%" T h u m b Piece P late

P ly m o u th

H andle P2464 G rip P1183, 8" O verall 2 M "x l4 J^ '' ly i" iy%" 2^ " x 2% 2% " 2^" 1% "

H andle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall 2 % " x l4 < ^ ‘'

Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower

P late P la te P la te P la te P late P late

2% " 2 J^ " x 2 J ^ ' 2^" 2^" 2 J^ "



Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside


Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside

P2440 P15240M P15240G P15140M P15140G P2462 P15262M P15262G P2442 P15242M P15242G P15142M P15142G P2464 P15264M P15264G P2454 P15254M P15254G P15154M P15154G 2444 15244M 15244G L o ck 1582, See Page 118 O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 an d 1594— L atch Bolt by T h u m b Lock 1582, for 1% " and Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by

T hicker Doors

K ey O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ron t.

Inside Trim K nobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed W ith Above Sets

M etal K nob

T u rn K nob P1478V4

P4422Vi— 2 J i‘

P15162M P15162G P15164M P15164G 15144M 15I44G L o ck 1594, See Page 117 L o ck 1594, for 1 ^ " or

D oors 1M___ 2 llBACKSETi


G lass K nob 2061/4— 2"

Rose 222

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S et Consists of O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le a n d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specijy Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section

Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside R e v e re

R e v e re

H an dle 2444 G rip P I 185, 8" Overall 23^" x ISVs"

H andle 2466 G rip 1466, 7" O verall 2Ji" x U H "

R e v e re


2444 2466 2468

R e v e re

H andle 2468 H an dle 2469 G rip 1477, 11" G rip 1469, 7 H " Overall x 1S% " Overall x 18^" Overall length spaced w ith L o c k 1594

C ylinder Collars 2 } i" x 2J4"

T h u m b Piece P lates 2 % " x 3 "

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside Handle 15244M 15244G 15144M 15144G 2469 15266M 15266G 15166M 15166G 2470 15268M 15268G 15168M 15168G

L o c k 1582, S ee P a g e 118 L o ck 1582, for 1 ^ " an d T hicker Doors

R e v e re

R e v e re

H an dle 2470 G rip 1470, 7" Overall 2 J^ " x 1 4 ^ " L ow er P la te s 2 ^ " x 2 ^

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1582 Lock 1594 Metal Knob Glass I^ob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15269M 15269G 15169M 15169G 15270M 15270G 15170M 15170G

O p e r a t i o n o f L o c k s 1582 a n d 1594— L atch B olt b y T h u m b Piece Outside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by K ey O utside; L ock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by S top in F ron t..

L o c k 1594, S ee P a g e 117 L o c k 1594, for 1 % " or I M " Doors

Inside Trim K n o b s a n d T u r n K n o b P a c k e d w i t h A bove S e ts

M etal K nob

T u rn Knob P14781/4

P44221/4— 2M " Rose 222 Spindle 127

Glass K nob 2 O6 V4— 2 "

Rose 222 Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

S e t C o n s is ts o f O n e L o c k , O u ts id e H a n d l e a n d I n s i d e T r i m a s I n d i c a t e d b y S e t N u m b e r Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section



Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knobs Inside R o c k la n d

R o c k la n d

R o c k la n d

R o c k la n d

R o c k la n d

W e im a r

H an dle 2440 H andle 2470 H andle 2468 H andle 2469 G rip SVi" G ri p 1470, 7" G rip 1477, 11" G rip 1469, 7 H " O verall 2 J ^ " x l 8 ^ Overall 2 H " x l4 M " O verall 2 H " x l 4 ^ " Overall 3 % " x l6 5 ^ " Overall 23^"xl47^" O verall length spaced w ith Lock 1594 R o c k la n d .....................................Cylinder Collars 2}/2'' x 2 J^ " T h u m b Piece P lates 2 J^ " x 33^" Lower P lates 2" x 2" W e i m a r ......................................... Cylinder Collars 2]/^" x T h u m b Piece P late ’iy%" x t y i " Lower P late 2 J^ " x 3 J^ " H andle 2444

H andle 2466 G rip 1466, 7" O verall 2 K " x l4 "

G ri p P1185, 8"


Handle 2444 2466 2468

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15244M 15266M 15268M

15244G 15266G 15268G

Lock 1582, See Page 118 Lock 1582, for 1% " and

Thicker Doors

15144M 15166M 15168M

15144G 15166G 15168G

Handle 2469 2470 2440

Set Number With Set Number With Lock 1594 Lock 1582 Metal Knob Glass Knob Metal Knob Glass Knob Inside Inside Inside Inside 15269G 15270G 15240G

15269M 15270M 15240M

O p e ra tio n o f Locks 1582 an d 1594— L atch B olt b y T h u m b Piece O utside. K nob w ith Split Spindle 127 Inside. B oth Bolts by Key O utside; Lock Bolt by T u rn K nob from Inside; T h u m b Piece O utside can be set by Stop in F ront.

15169M 15170M 15140M

15169G 15170G 15140G

L o ck 1594, See Page 117 Lock 1594, for 1 ^ " or

1 % " Doors

Inside Trim


K nobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed W ith Above Sets


m M etal Knob

T u rn Knob P1478V4

P4422y4— 2J^"

Glass K nob 206V4— 2"

Rose 222

Rose 222

Spindle 127

Spindle 127 Spindle 127 A djustable F or H alf T rim Sets

Set Consists o f O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le and In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by Set N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


Cast Bronze Grips, Wrought Bronze Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knob Inside

H an dle 24701/4 G rip 1470, 7" O verall 2 M " x 14M" 24701/4 24701/4 P2470%

B e n to n O nslow Round R a n d a ll



R a n d a ll

H an dle P 2 4 7 0 l^ G rip 1470, 7 " Overall 2 M " x 13% "

H an dle 24731/4 G rip 1473, 7Vs" O verall 2 M " x 145^"

O nslow

B e n to n

H an d le 24701/4 G rip 1470, 7 " O verall 2 ^ " x C ylinder C ylinder Cylinder C ylinder

Collar Collar Collar Collar

23^" x 2 } ^ "

2 ^ " x 3% " 1M " 2 ^ " x 33^"

Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b

S et N u m b e r W ith Lo ck 1594.


24701/4 24701/4

B e n to n O nslow Round R a n d a ll


P la te P late P la te P late

23^" x 2 J^ " 1Y%" x 3>Y%' 2J^" 2 ^ " x 3 J^ "

Lower Lower Lower Lower

P late P late P late P late

1% " x 2 " 2 J^ " x 2 J^ " 1%" 2}4" x 2H "

S pecify D esign

Handle P24701/4

Piece Piece Piece Piece

Metal Knob Inside 151701 / 4 M 151701/4M P I 51701 / 4M 151731 / 4 M

Glass Knob Inside I 5 I 7 OI/4 G I 5 I 7 OI/4 G P I 5 I 7 OI/4 G I 5 I 7 3 I/4 G

Inside Trim K nobs an d T u r n K n o b Packed w ith Above Sets

O p e ra tio n — L atch bolt b y handle

an d th u m b piece outside, an d by knob w ith split half spindle from inside. B oth bolts b y key from outside. L ock bolt b y tu r n knob from inside. T h u m b piece outside can be set by stop in front.


T u rn K nob P1478V4

Glass K nob 206Vi Rose 222 • W ith Spindle 127

M etal K nob P44221/4 Rose 222 W ith Spindle 127

Spindle 127 % A djustable F o r H alf T rim Sets

Set C onsists o f O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le , a n d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

I G eneral H a rd w a re Section




Cast Bronze Grips, Wrought Bronze Plates. Cylinder Locks, Knob Inside A lth e n a

A lth e n a

B e n to n

B asil



H andle 2440V4 G rip P1175, 7" Overall 2 J ^ " x 14" 24401/4 24701/4 24701/4 24401/4

A lth e n a A lth e n a B asil B e n to n

H andle 24701/4 G rip 1470, 7" Overall 2}^" x 14}^" Cylinder Cylinder C ylinder Cylinder

Collar x Collar 2 " x Collar 3 " x Collar 2 J^ " x

3" 3" 3" 2 J^ "

Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b

S et N u m b e r W ith L o ck 1594.


H an dle 2440Vi G rip P I I 7 5 , 7" O verall 2 M " x 1 4 ^ "

H andle 24701/4 G rip 1470, 7" Overall 3 " x 14% " Piece Piece Piece Piece

P late P late P late P late

2 3^" 2 J^ " 3" 2 J^ "

x x x x

3^" 3^" 3" 2}^"

Low er Lower Lower Lower

P late P late P late P late

2" x 2" x 2^" x 1% " x

23^" 2^" 2^" 2"

S pecify Design

Metal Knob Inside


2 4 4 0 .......................................................................................... A lth e n a 2 4 7 0 V i .......................................................................................... A lth e n a 2 4 7 0 1 / 4 ..................................................................................... B asil 2440V i ..................................................................................... B en to n

Glass Knob Inside


15140 V iG

151701 / 4M 151701 / 4 M

I 5 I 7 OI/4 G I 5 I 7 OI/4 G

15140 V4M


Inside Trim K nobs an d T u r n K n o b P acked w ith Above Sets

ffij iB A C K S E T

O p e ra tio n — L atch bolt by handle

an d th u m b piece outside, an d by knob w ith split half spindle from inside. B oth bolts b y key from outside. Lock bolt by tu r n knob from inside. T h u m b piece o u t­ side can be set by stop in front.


T u rn K nob P1478V4

Glass K nob 206Vi Rose 222 W ith Spindle 127

M etal K nob P4422Vi Rose 222 W ith Spindle 127

Spindle 127 A d ju stab le F o r H alf T rim Sets

Set C onsists o f O ne L o ck, O u tsid e H a n d le , an d In s id e T r im as In d ic a te d by S et N u m b e r

Packed one set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rd w a re Section


Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates, Cylinder Locks, Handles Both Sides B e n to n

F o rd h a m

E rr o l

E p ir u s

C lin to n

© illH S S llff i

H an dle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall x 14

C ylinder C ylinder C ylinder Cylinder C ylinder

B e n to n . C lin to n . E p iru s E rro l . . F o rd h a m

Handle 2444, B e n t o n 2444, C l i n t o n . 2444, E p ir u s 2445, E r r o l . . 2466, F o r d h a m

H andle 2444 G rip P I 185, 8" Overall 3 " x 15}^"

H andle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" O verall 23^" x 143^" Collar Collar Collar Collar Collar

23^" 2}^" 3" 2^" 2% "

X 2M " ■X.2Y2" X3" X 2M"

Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b

H an dle 2445 G rip 2145, 7" Overall 2 % " x 14" Piece Piece Piece Piece Piece

P late P late P late P la te P late

2 "x 2M " 2 " x 2 " 3" x 3" 2 ^ " x 2%"

2 J^ "

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Lock 1544, Page 122 ....................................... 15644 ...................................... 15644 15644 ....................................... 15645 ....................................... 15666

H an d le 2466 G rip 1466, 7 " O verall 2 % " x 13% " Low er Low er Low er Low er Low er

Set Number With Lock 1545, Page 122 15444 15444 15444 15445 15466

P la te P la te P la te P la te P la te

1% " x x 23^" x 234" x 1% "

I J ^y 1 » 23^ 234'^

Set Number With Lock 1575, Page 123 15744 15744 15744 15745 15766

W i t h 4 K ey s, C la ss 622 -2 F -H BACKSET BACKSET



1575 F o r 13/4" D o o rs 1544 W i t h N i g h t W 'orks O p e r a t i o n — L atch Bolt by T h u m b O p e r a t io n — L atch Bolt by T h u m b Piece, O p e r a t i o n — L atch Bolt b y T h u m b Piece Piece from E ith e r Side, Lock Bolt by E ith e r Side, L ock B olt b y K ey, E ith e r Side. from E ith e r Side, Lock Bolt by K ey from K ey from E ith e r Side T h u m b Piece O utside, S et b y S to p in F ro n t E ith e r Side Set Consists of One Lock and Tw o H andles Com plete, One set in a box w ith screws

Specijy Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section

t 267


Cast Bronze Handles, Grips and Plates, Cylinder Locks, Handles Both Sides O deon

P em b ro k e

P ly m o u th

H an dle 2445 G rip 2145, 7" Overall 2 % " x IS J^ "

H an dle 2444 G rip P I 185, 8" Overall SYs" x IS"

H andle 2444 G rip P1185, 8" Overall 2 ^ " X 2 1 ^ "

O d e o n .................................................. C ylinder P e m b r o k e .........................................C ylinder P l y m o u t h ......................................... C ylinder R e v e r e ..............................................C ylinder R o c k l a n d ......................................... C ylinder

Handle 2445, O d e o n . . 2444, P e m b r o k e 2444, P l y m o u t h 2469, R e v ere 2466, R o c k la n d

Collar Collar Collar Collar Collar

2^" 2]/$" 2 ^ '' 2%" 23^"

x3" x 23^ "

Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b Thum b

x2K" x2K"

R o c k la n d

R e v e re

H andle 2469 G rip 1469, 7 }i" [O verall 2 ^ " x 1 5 H Piece Piece Piece Piece Piece

P late P late P late P late P late

2 J^ " x 3 J^ " x 33^" 2% " 2% " x 3 ^ " 2J^" x 3"

S P E C IF Y D E S IG N Set Number With Lock 1544, Page 122 .................................. 15645 .................................. 15644 ...................................... 15644 ...................................... 15669 ...................................... 15666


H andle 2466 G rip 1466, 7 " Overall 2 " x 1 4 Lower Lower Lower Low er Lower

Set Number With Lock 1545t Page 122 15445 15444 15444 15469 15466

P late P late P late P late P late


234" x 2 2 3^" x 2J2" 2J2" 2^" x 2% " 2" x 2"

Set Number With Lock 1575, Page 123 15745 15744 15744 15769 15766

W i t h 4 K ey s, C lass 622 r>3."


220,SizelJ^"x2^" 221,Sizel}^"x2Ji^" *227, Size 1 ^ " X 2H"

*With Auxiliary Springs


210, 229

209, Size 2Y%" 210, Size W i" *229, Size 2 " *With Auxiliary Springs

319 319, Size

One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 383


" x 3^"


General H ardw are Section




P299, P1299


P1240, C ast Bronze, Polished Size iy i" , Base Screw

P299, Cast Iron, P lated, Polished Size 1", Base } i" . Screw

P1245, C ast Bronze, P olished

One dozen in a box

P1299, Cast Bronze, P olished Size Base Screw

Size Base


IM " H" Screw

1%" IH "



One dozen in a box

Vs" P299, Three dozen in a box P1299, One dozen in a box





P1246, C ast Bronze, P olished

P1250, Cast Bronze, Polished

P I248, C ast Bronze, Polished

Oval, Size 1", Base

Screw 1 ^ "

One dozen in a box

Size Base


IH " % Screw

IH " IM"


Base 1", Screw IJ^" One dozen in a box

One dozen in a box


P1247 Long Shank


P1247, C ast Bronze, P olished

P1252, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1254, Cast B ronze, Polished


Size 1}^", Base

Oval, Size

Base 1", Screw

One dozen in a box

Specify Number and Finish.



Screw IJ^"

One dozen in a box

For Finishes, see page 1.


One dozen in a box

For Weights, see page 383



READING General Hardware Section




Pressed 12-OP, 14-OP

Pressed 12-RP, 14-RP

Pressed 12-BP, 14-BP

Cast Brass Shank, Glass Top Size Base 1" 12-OP, Shutter Screw 14-OP, Drawer Screw \

C ast Brass Sh an k, Glass Top Size 1 ", Base 1" 12-RP, Shutter Screw 14-RP, Drawer Screw 1}^"

Cast Brass Sh an k , G lass Top

O ctagon

O ctagon M ilk W hite


Pressed 55-OP, 57-OP

Pressed 62-OP, 64-OP

66, 68

Cast Brass Shank, G lass Top Size 134". Base 1" 55-OP, Shutter Screw 57-OP, Drawer Screw IJ^"

Cast Brass Shank, W hite Glass Top Size 1 " , Base 1 " 62-OP, Shutter Screw 64-OP, Drawer Screw

C ast Brass Sh ank , Glass Top Size \y i" . Base 1" 6 6 , Shutter Screw 6 8 , Drawer Screw

O ctagon

O ctagon


Cut 32-OP, 34-OP

Cut 22-OP, 24-OP

Cut 52-BP, 54-BP

Cast Brass Shan k, Glass Top Size 11^", Base 1" 32-OP, Shutter Screw 34-OP, Drawer Screw

Cast Brass Shank, G lass Top

Cast Brass Sh an k, G lass T op

O ctagon


Size IM". Base 1" 12-BP, Shutter Screw 14-BP, Drawer Screw


Size 1 ", Base 1" 22-OP, Shutter Screw % " 24-OP, Drawer Screw IJ^"

Size \ y i" . Base 1" 52-BP, Shutter Screw 54-BP, Drawer Screw

One dozen in a box

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385


General H ardw are Section


W rought Bronze

W rought Bronze

W rought Bronze

C ast Bronze



P I 4791/4

1460, Berkley

W rought Bronze, Polished

W rought Bronze, Polished

W rought Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Plate l M " x IM"

Plate IM" X 2"

Plate 1" X 2"

Plate J^"x IM"






P1479V4, M" Spindle


Spindle Back of Plate 1^ "

Spindle Back of Plate \y%"

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

1493, Berkley 1494, Berkley

P1473, P1474



Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

C ast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Spindle Back of Plate 1%"

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze


P1482, P1483

P1470, P1475

Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Plate 13^" Diameter

Plate l H " x IK"

P1486, % " Spindle


Plate l ^ " x 2 "

Plate l M " x 2H" Spindle Back of Plate Vy%' 1493, Berkley, Spindle 1494, Berkley, Spindle

Plate \y ^ "

Spindle Back of Plate

Spindle Back of Plate

Spindle Back of Plate 1 ^ "



x 2"




Bronze Spindle Back of



Plate IVs" Cast Bronze

Plate 1" X 1^ " P01480,


Spindle Back of Plate \ Yz"

Spindle Back of Plate 1^ "

Spindle Back of Plate 1









One dozen in a

Specify Number and Finish,

P1472, P1477


Cast Bronze, Polished Plate 1" X 3" Spindle Back of Plate 1 " P1472, Spindle P1477, Spindle

i with screws

For Finishes, see page I.

For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section C ast Bronze

1491, B en ton 1492, B en to n Cast Bronze, Polished Plate 1%" X V A " Spindle Back of Plate 1^ " 1491, Benton, Spindle 1492, Benton, Spindle


TU R N KNOBS Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

C ast Bronze

P1466, P1467

P1487, P1488

P1489, P1490

Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, P olished

Plate 1}^" Diameter Spindle Back of Plate P1466, X " Spindle P1467,





Spindle Back of Plate 1^" P1487, P1488,






Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

Cast Bronze

P1462, P1465

1499, P lym p ton 14991 / 2 , P ly m p to n

1495, Concord 1496, Concord

Cast Bronze, P olished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Cast Bronze, Polished

Plate IM" X 2"

Plate I H " X 2M"

Spindle Back of Plate

Spindle Back of Plate 1 ^ "

1^ "

Spindle Back of Plate 1^ "



1499, Plympton,


1495, Concord,




1499 1 ^ , Plympton, % "Spindle

1496, Concord,


Cast Bronze

Spindle Back of Plate 1 ^ "


Cast Bronze


Plate 1%" Diameter

P1476, P1479 Cast Bronze, Polished Plate 1" X 3 " Spindle Back of Plate P1476, Spindle P1479, Spindle

Cast Bronze

Applied in Cylinder Hole of Lock and fastened with Cylinder Set Screw PlOO, Turn Knob Disc 1497,

P1460 Cast Bronze, Polished Plate




Spindle Back of Plate 1 ^ '

1498, H am p ton

C ast Bronze, Polished Plate 13^" X 2"

Cast Bronze with Steel Turn Turn Knob Disc PlOO


Spindle Back of Plate 1%" 1497, Hampton, Spindle 1498, Hampton, Spindle One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385





General Hardware Section







Upper Plate 2M" x Lower Plate 2 " x 1H " Ba l e 4J ^"x 4M"

Upper Plate 1%" x 2^-4'' Lower Plate 13 ^ " X 2" Bale 4 1 ^" x 41 ^"

Upper Plate 23^" x 23^" Lower Plate 2 " x 2 " Bal e 43^"x4M"

Upper Plate 23^" x 23^" Lower Plate 1 " x 1 " Bal e 43^"x4M"





Upper Plate 3 " Lower Plate 2J^" Bale 4 1 ^" X 4% "

Upper Plate 2% " Lower Plate 2 " Bale 4 1 ^" X 43 ^"

Upper Plate 3 " x 3 " Lower Plate 2}4" x 2}4" Bale4>^"x4^"

Back Plate 3^^" x 4" Bale 21^" X 2 3 ^"


|N W

Back Plate 2 ^ " x Bale 334" X 3 1 ^"



Back Plate 33 ^" X 9 1 ^" Bal e 3J i " x4 3 ^"

Back Plate x8 Bale, iy%" X 53^"

Guest Room Size Back Plate x4" Bale 2 3 ^" x 1%"

Machine Screw and Washer used with all numbers except 1611

Packed with screws, One Knocker in a Box

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page




General H ardware Section


DOOR KNOCKERS Cast Brass Door Knockers Fashioned as Hammered Iron and Finished Antique as Old Black Or F inish ed as Desired



Upper Plate 2" x 3M"

Back Plate 3 M" x S M"

H6229 ■ Upper Plate 2 ^ " x 3 ^ " Lower Plate 1 ^ " x 1 ^ " Bale 3" x 4"

Lower Plate 1^ " x 1


Bale 3M" x 3 } i"

Bale 3" x 4"

Rigby, H6224

Waldo, T7224

Upper Plate 2}4"

Upper Plate 2%" x 3%"

Upper Plate 2" x 3H"

Lower Plate 2}/$"

Lower Plate 1 ^ " x 1^)4"

Lower Plate \ Y%" x 1%“

Bale 3" X 4"


Bale 41^" x 4J^"


Packed with screws, One Knocker in a Box

Specify Number.

For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware Section


Strike of 21

Strike of 23 219, 220, 221, 222 Cast Iron, Japanned Swings One Way Latch 2M", Strike 2" x IJ/g" 219, Back Plate 3 K " x M" 220, Back Plate 4J^" x 221, Back Plate 5" x Heavy

21, 23 Cast Iron, Japanned Riveted Latch Swings One Way 21, Latch 5J^" x 13^", Strike 23,



Swings Both Ways Latch x 1 >^", Strike


" x 4"

Swings One Way Latch 2K", Strike 2M" x IJ^" 222, Back Plate 5M" x

One dozen in a box without screws

One dozen in a box without screws

Twenty-four dozen in a case

Twenty-four dozen in a case



42, 47

Strike of 42

Strike of 47 37

Cast Iron, Japanned

Cast Iron, Japanned

Swings Both Ways 42, Latch 7^ ", Strike IM" x 3%" 47, Latch 7M", Strike 1" x 31^"

Swings Both Ways 37, Latch 5", Strike 2>|" x 3 ^ "

One-half dozen in a box without screws

One-half dozen in a box without screws

Twelve dozen in a case

Twelve dozen in a case



Cast Iron, Japanned

Cast Iron, Japanned

Swings Both Ways 49, Latch 6 M", Strike 1%" x 3>^"

Swings One Way 41, Latch 5M", Strike 3 ^ " x 2M"

One-half dozen in a box without screws

One-half dozen in a box without screws

Twelve dozen in a case

Twelve dozen in a case

Specify Number.

For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section



lllH lliiiliiiiiiiE j


33 Cast Iron, Japanned 33,

Latch 9", No Pull

One dozen in a box without screws Twenty-four dozen in a case

Cast Iron, Japanned 36, Latch 9", Grip 9 W Thumb Piece 5 } 4 "

Cast Iron, Japanned 44, Latch 11", Grip 7 % " Thumb Piece 45^"

One-half dozen in a box without screws Twelve dozen in a case

One-half dozen in a box without screws Six dozen in a case





6 , 6 V2 ,

60 to 64, 70 to 74

29, 39

Cast Iron, Japanned Latch 4M", Grip 6 ^ " Thumb Piece 3%" 29, Packed without screws 39, Packed with screws Cast Iron, Japanned Latch 3% ", Grip 5M" Thumb Piece 3}^" 6 , Packed without screws 6 Y2 , Packed with screws One dozen in a box 6 , 6 Vi,

Twenty-four dozen in a case

29, 39, Twelve dozen in a case


Cast Iron, Japanned L atch

G rip

Thum b Piece

4" 60 3^" 5M" 6" 3^" 4" 61 6 V2" 62 m " 3M" 621/2 3M" 5H " 4% " 63 4M" 64 W z" Above Numbers Packed Without Screws

70 71 72 721/2 73 74


G rip

4" 4" m " 5M" 4M" 4M"

5M" 6" V2 '' m "


C ast Iron Brown Lacquer O rnam ental 100, Latch 4 ^ " , Grip 7 ^ " Thumb Piece 3%" One dozen in a box with screws Twenty dozen in a case

Thum b Piece

3M" 3M" 4M" 4M"

Above numbers packed with screws One dozen in a box 60 to 62, 70 to 72, Twenty-four dozen in a case Other numbers, twelve dozen in a case

Specify Number.

For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section


P303, P503, P1303

P 02041/ 2, P 2041/2 Length 4", Ends Clearance

x 1^ "

Length 3 M", Ends % "x Clearance

Projection 1"

P 0204 V21 Cast Iron, P lated, F riction Polish Length 4 ^ " , Ends Clearance


Projection 1}4"

P303, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction P olish P503, Cast Iron, P lated, Polished

x IM"



P1303, Cast Bronze, Polished


P 204 V2. Cast Iron, Plated, F riction Polish

P 0304 I/2, P0504V2, P01304V2 Length 4 Clearance

Ends % "x 1" Projection 1 ^ "

P0304V^, Cast Iron, Plated, F riction Polish P01204V2 Length 4", Ends Clearance

P0504i/^, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P0I304Vi, Cast Bronze, Polished

x 1^ "

Projection 1"

P01204V2t Cast Bronze, Polished

P 3 0 4 I/2 , P504V2, P1304V2 Length 4J4", Ends ^ " x 1 ^ " Clearance


P304V2, Cast Iron, Plated, Friction Polish P504V^, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P I 2 0 4 V2 Length 4%", Ends Clearance

Length S", Ends M " x IM"

x IM"

Clearance J4", Projection 1}4"

Projection 1"

P1304Vi, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1204V2> Cast Bronze, Polished

One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

General H ardware Section



1304, Benton

P16041/2 Length

Length 5}4"t Ends 1" x Clearance J4", Projection 1 ^ "

", Ends


x 1^"

Clearance M", Projection

1304, B en to n , Cast Bronze, Polished

P1604V^, Cast Bronze, P olished

P304, P1304

P404V2, P4043^, P1404V2

Length 4 ^ " , Ends

Length 5H", Ends IJ^" x 1 ^ "

x 1^"

Clearance J4", Projection

Clearance M", Projection 1J£"

P304, C ast Iron, Plated, Polished

PiO iYz, C ast Iron, P lated, Friction P olish P4043^, C ast Iron, Plated, Polished

Length 4M", Ends

P1404Vi, Cast Bronze, Polished


x 1^"

Projection IJ^"

P1304, Cast Bronze, Polished

P305, P1305

1304, Bristol Length 5Vs", Ends Clearance

Length 4 ^ " , Ends

x IJ^'



x 1"


P305, C ast Iron, P lated, Polished

1304, Bristol, C ast Bronze, Polished

P1305, Cast Bronze, Polished

One dozen in a box with screws

specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 585


General H ardw are Section


P 318V4, P I3I8V 4

P 3183;4, P 13183^

Size lY s" X 33 ^", Projection Vs"

Size l % " x

, No Projection, Flush

P 318V4, W r o u g h t S t e e l , P l a t e d , F r i c t i o n P o l i s h

P 3183^ , W r o u g h t S t e e l , P l a t e d , F r ic t io n P o li s h

P I3 I8 I/4 , W r o u g h t B r o n z e , P o li s h e d

P l 3 i 8 %, W r o u g h t B r o n z e , P o li s h e d

Two dozen in a box with screws

Two dozen in a box with screws

Deep Cup

Lift and Lock

P3241/4, P1324V4 Size 1 ^ " X

P1478, P1479


C ast Bronze

With Extra Deep Cup

No Projection, Flush

P324V4. W rought Steel, P lated, Friction'P olish

P1478, Size IJ^"


3", Poiished

P i 3241/i, W rought Bronze, Polished

P1479, Size 2" X 33 ^", Polished

Two dozen in a box with screws

One dozen in a box with screws

P312, P313, P1312, P1313 P314, P1314 Size 1%" x 2%", No Projection, Flush P312, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

Size 1%" X 3", Projection

P1312, Cast Bronze, Polished Size

Narrow Bevel Edge

X 2J^", No Projection, Flush

P314, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P313, (Jast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1314, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1313, Cast Bronze, Polished

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385


General Hardware Section



P316, P1316

P318, P1318

Size 1 ^ " X 33 ^", Projection

Size 1%" X

Projection J/s"

Narrow Bevel Edge

Narrow Bevel Edge

P316, C ast Iron, P lated, Polished

P318, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P1316, Cast Bronze, P olished

P1318, Cast Bronze, Polished One dozen in a box with screws

_ P1320


13 ^"

P1321 Size 2"

X S yi", No Projection, Flush



No Projection, Flush

PI 321, Cast Bronze, Polished

P1320, Cast Bronze, Polished One dozen in a box with screws

P1309, P1319 P1379



X l Y i ' , Projection

PI 309, Cast Bronze, Polished

Size IJ/s" X 4", Projection P1379, C ast Bronze, Polished



Zy%", Projection

P1319, Cast Bronze, Polished One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385




General Hardware Section


P256, P1256

P258, P1258


Size l j ^ " x Yi" Projection

Size l % " x 1" Projection

Size l % " x 1" Projection 1"

P256, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P258, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished

P01268, Cast Bronze, Polished

PI256, C ast Bronze, Polished

P268, P1268 Size Projection P268, C ast Iron, Plated, P olished

P1258, C ast Bronze, Polished

P1268, C ast Bronze, P olished

P256, Six dozen in a box with screws P258, P268, Three dozen in a box with screws P1256, P1258, P01268, P1268, Two dozen in a box with screws

P258V4, P1258V4

P268V4, P1268V4

Size 1% " x 1}4" Projection

Beveled Edge Sizel^"xlJ^" Projection J4"

P258V4, W rought Steel, P lated , F riction P olish

P268Vi, W rought Steel, P lated, F riction P olish

P1258Vi> W rought B ronze, Polished

P1268Vi» W rought Bronze, P olished



Size l ^ " x Projection

Size l M " x Projection J4"

P1260, C ast Bronze, Polished

P1262, C ast Bronze, Polished

P258Vi, P268V4, P12581/4, P1260, P1262, Three dozen in a box with screws P1268Vi, Two dozen in a box with screws

Lift and Lock

Lift and Lock

P415, P1415


Size 1}^" X





P415, Cast Iron, P lated, Polished

P0418, Cast Iron, P lated, Polished

P1415, Cast Bronze, Polished

P0I418, Cast Bronze, Polished One dozen in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING General Hardware Section



C r o s s S e c t io n KAIL i


T he illu str a tio n a t left describes th e T ran som Sash in a closed p o sition and w h a t is m e a n t by th e term “ R each and R ecess” referred to w ith th e Lifter n u m b ers. T h e lin k o f our Lifters is threaded on b o th end s, and perm its of liberal a d ju stm e n t for red ucing or in crea s­ in g th e reach from th e bracket on th e sash to th e block on th e slide.


— J amb — Recess


R eading T ransom Lifters are reversible for sash op en in g in or o u t, h in ged a t th e top or b o tto m , or pivoted in th e center. It is n o t necessary to carry a varied lin e of special brackets, as R eading Lifters can be used on sash as illu stra ted below. In applying take careful n o te o f th e p osition of th e slide on th e door fram e.

Flush Transom Top Hung, Opening In

Recessed Transom Top Hung, Opening In

Flush Transom Top Hung, Opening Out

Recessed Transom Top Hung, Opening Out

Flush Transom Bottom Hung, Opening In

Recessed Transom Bottom Hung, Opening In

Recessed Transom Bottom Hung, Opening Out

Flush Transom Center Hung

Recessed Transom Center Hung

N ote P ositio n of Slide on Door Fram e Place th e Box as Close to th e T h u m b Piece as M ovem en t o f th e T ransom w ill Allow

T he lock in g arrangem ents in th e box on Lifters described w ith th e P a ten ted Concealed Grip is p ositive, and p erm its th e operation of th e tra n som w ith o n e h an d . P u llin g th e rod forward allow s th e tra n so m to be opened or closed. T he rod w ill a u to m a tic a lly return to a locked p osition in th e box w h en released, p e r m ittin g th e tra n so m sash to be h eld in any desired position . Each Lifter shipped assem bled ready to apply.



General Hardware Section


P atented C oncealed Grip B

P in ch Grip

P in ch Grip


Sl id e Li n



|o Link I ^ ^ E nds r

B lo c k


Gu i d e



Th u m b P i e c e —!►

With Safety Spring 34, 134, P134, P1134 44, 144, P144, P1144 24, 124, P124, P1124 54, 154, P154, P1154 35, 135, P135, P1135 45, 145, P145, P1145 25, 125, P125, P1125 55, 155, P155, P1155 All N um bers have W rought Slides, Cast Brackets, Cast Grip Boxes, W rought Links and Rods WITH 1/4 INCH ROD—For Light Transom s

WITH Yi6 i n c h r o d —For M ed iu m Transom s

*Lengths 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet S p e c ific a tio n s

S lid e s

L in k

B ra c l^e ts G u id e s

*Lengths 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet S p e c ific a tio n s

B oxes

24, 124, P124, PI 124, 44, 144, P144, PI 144, 34, 134,

Steel, Coppered, with Pinch Grip Steel Plated, with PinchGrip, Friction Polish Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Polished Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Polished Steel Coppered, with Patent Concealed Grip Steel Plated,with Patent Concealed Grip,Friction Polish Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished Bronze, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Friction Polish P134, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Polished P1134, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Polished 54, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring 154, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Friction Polish P154, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Polished PI 154, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Polished 3 and 4 feet, 100 in a case. 5 and 6 feet, 50 in a case. Weights: 3 85 pounds. Coppered, in bulk without screws.

S lid e s

L in k

B ra c k e ts G u id e s


2 5 t o P 1 1 4 5 11" 10" IM" ^V s” I' 35toP1155 10" IM" 4 ^ " 1^" 1" *The main rod is 10" shorter than listed lengths Brackets suitable for transoms not exceeding 2 J^" recess Links suitable for transoms not exceeding 2J/^" reach Reach and Recess Detail, See Illustration, Page 323

24toP1144 SVs" 8 " Sys" Vs" iVs" 34toP1154 lOM" 8 " 13^" 3H" Vs" IVs" *The main rod is 8 " shorter than listed lengths Brackets suitable for transoms not exceeding 2 " recess Links suitable for transoms not exceeding 2 ^ " reach Reach and Recess Detail, See Illustration, Page 323

25, 125, P125, PI 125, 45, 145,

Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Friction Polish Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Polished Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Polished Steel Coppered, with Patent Concealed Grip Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Friction Polish P145, Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished P1145, Bronze, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished 35, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide 135, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Friction Polish P135, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Polished PI 135, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, Polished 55, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring 155, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Friction Polish P155, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Polished P1155, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Rod Slide, with Safety Spring, Polished feet, 110 pounds; 4 feet, 130 pounds, 5 feet, 75 pounds; 6 feet. Other numbers, one-half dozen in a package

Specify Number, Size, and Fin ish.

For Finishes, see page 1.


General Hardware Section P in ch Grip


TRANSOM LIFTERS P atented Concealed Grip

Pinch Grip

P in ch Grip

Illustration of Heavy Cast Slide used with 26 28 46 48

26,126, P126, PI 126 28,128, P128, PI 128

to to to to

P1126 PI 128 PI 146 PI 148

46,146, P146, P1146 48,148, P148, P1148

WITH % INCH ROD—For Heavy T ransom s

*Lengths 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet Specifications: Slides 14", Link 12", Link Ends 2", Brackets 5}4", Guides 1J4" wide. Boxes 1" wide *The main rod is 1 foot shorter than listed lengths Brackets suitable for transoms not exceeding 3}^" recess Links suitable for transoms not exceeding 3}4" reach Reach and Recess Detail, See Illustration, Page 323 26, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip 126, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Friction Polish P126, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Polished PI 126, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Polished 46, Steel Coppered, with Patent Concealed Grip 146, Steel Plated,with PatentConcealedGrip,FrictionPolish P146, Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished PI 146, Bronze, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished Above Numbers have Heavy Cast Slide, Cast Brackets, Cast Grip Boxes, Wrought Links and Rods

36, 136 P136, P1136

With Safety Spring 56, 156, P156, P1156

WITH y-2, INCH ROD—For Extra Heavy T ransom s

*Lengths 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet Specifications: Slides 17J^", Link 15", Link Ends 3", Brackets 6 ", Guides l j | " wide, Boxes 1% " wide *The main rod is 15 inches shorter than listed lengths Brackets suitable for transoms not exceeding 314" recess. Links suitable for transoms not exceeding 4 ^ " reach Reach and Recess Detail, See Illustration, Page 323 28, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip 128, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Friction Polish P128, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Polished PI 128, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Polished 48, Steel Coppered, with Patent Concealed Grip 148, Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Friction Polish P148, Steel Plated, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished PI 148, Bronze, with Patent Concealed Grip, Polished Above Numbers have Heavy Cast Slide, Cast Brackets, Cast Grip Boxes, Wrought Links and Rods

WITH % INCH ROD —For Heavy Transom s P136, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Polished P1136, Bronze, with Pinch Grip, Polished Specifications: Slides 1 8 Li nk 12", Link Ends 2", 56, Steel Coppered, with Safety Spring, Pinch Grip Brackets 5}4", Guides IJ^" wide, Boxes 1" wide 156, Steel Plated, with Safety Spring, Pinch Grip, Friction *The main rod is 1 foot shorter than listed lengths Polish Brackets suitable for transoms not exceeding 33^" recess P156, Steel Plated, with Safety Spring, Pinch Grip, Polished Links suitable for transoms not exceeding 3}/%" reach P1156, Bronze, with Safety Spring, Pinch Grip, Polished Reach and Recess Detail, See Illustration, Page 323 36, Steel Coppered, with Pinch Grip These Numbers have Wrought Rod Slides, Cast Brackets 136, Steel Plated, with Pinch Grip, Friction Polish Cast Grip Boxes, Wrought Links and Rods ’

*Lengths 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet

4, 5, 6 , 7 feet, 50 in a case. 8 feet, 25 in a case Weights: 4 feet, 175 pounds; 5 feet, 190 pounds; 6 feet, 205 pounds; 7 feet, 220 pounds, 8 feet 235 pounds Coppered, in bulk without screws. Other numbers, one-half dozen in a package

Specify Number, Size and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.




General Hardware Section



Rocker Adjustm ent Used on All Reading Lawn Mowers T he above illustration shows the m ethod o f adjusting the revolving cutter to the stationary knife bar. Also see directions on page 3. I f the revolving knives are not com ing in proper contact with the stationary knife blade, loosen the inner screw on each side, turn both screws the same number o f turns, and tighten the tw o outer screws at each side o f the mower. I f the knives are too close together, causing the revolving blades to bind on the stationary knife blade, reverse the operation by first loosening the tw o outer screws and then tightening the two inner screws at each side o f the mower. T his m ethod should be continued until the adjusting o f the revolving cutter is equal the full distance o f the revolving knives. T he revolving knives should ju st barely touch the lower knife from end to end w ithout binding at any point. Be sure that all screws are tightened carefully after the mower is adjusted as described. B y this means the stationary or lower knife bar and blade which is bolted to the side plate is m oved to and from the revolving cutter. T his adjustm ent can be made with very little trouble. T he Hand of a Lawn Mower is D eterm ined as Illustration


BOLLEABEARINGS BaU Bearing C onstruction Ball Bearing Mowers have a steel container with eight balls at each end of revolving reel.



Illu stra tio n Show ing R igh t and Left Side

Roller Bearing C onstruction Roller Bearing Mowers have a set of seven rollers in a steel container at each end of revolving reel.

General H ardware Section



DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING , SH AR PENING A N D OILING E v ery mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving our factory, therefore no ad ju stm en t will be necessary for som e tim e, unless the mower has been thrown o u t o f adjustm ent. I f the revolving cutters lightly touch the stationary knife along its entire length the adjustm ent is correct.

T O ADJUST REVOLVING CUTTER BEARINGS FOR PARALLEL BEARING MOWERS T h e wear on the revolving cutter bearings is taken up by m eans o f the set screws and ja m nuts on the journal box. T o adjust the bearings, loosen the ja m nuts, then tighten the set screws w ith a wrench. D o not tighten the screws too hard or the mower will not run freely. W hen you have taken up the play in the bearings, re-tighten ja m nuts with wrench.

T O ADJUST ROLLER BEARINGS T h e rollers are contained in a split steel sleeve, and operate in each end o f the R evolvin g Cutter. In the housing o f the Side P late th at contains the ends o f the R evolvin g Cutter, will be found a set screw, and by turning this very sh ghtly it will adjust the Steel Sleeve over the Rollers. S pecial care should be used not to make this screw too tight, as the ends of the Revolving Cutter should he allowed to revolve fre ely over the Rollers. Very little adjustm ent o f the Rollers will be necessary; we have found by experim ent th at the quality o f the Shafting that we use, and the quality o f the Rollers, are such that there is practically no wear after years o f service.

T O ADJUST THE BALL BEARING REVOLVING CUTTER T he wear on the balls is taken up by adjusting one o f the cones. Loosen the set screw holding the cone, m ove it forward with the small spanner wrench until there is no play in the bearings, w ithout inter­ fering with the free action o f the revolving cutter. T hen carefully tighten the set screws holding the cone. This adjustm ent can be made from either the right or the left hand side o f the revolving cutter.

T O ADJUST THE LOWER OR STA T IO N A R Y KNIFE See Illustration R ocker Adjustraent After adjusting the revolving cutter adjust the lower or stationary knife. I f the knives are too far apart, loosen the two inner screws which bear on the lower knife bar, turning both screws alike, and tighten the two outer screws. I f the knives are too close together, causing them to bind, reverse the operation by first loosening the outer screws, and then tightening the inner ones. Continue this adjusting process until the lower knife barely touches the revolving knives from end to end w ithout binding at any point. Be sure that all screws are firmly tightened before using the mower.

T O ADJUST THE HEIGHT OF CUT T he height at which the grass is to be cut is regulated by m eans o f the hangers at the ends o f the wood roller. Should the mower cut the grass too short, loosen the hanger nuts and push the roller down. M ovin g the roller up shortens the cut. A bout one inch is the best height f o r most lawns. I f the surface o f the lawn be uneven, the knives m ust be set at a height to prevent them from striking the clods.

T O ATTACH THE HANDLE T o attach the handle irons, insert the end with the round hole over the lugs on side plates. For cu ttin g on flat lawns, use lugs near center. For cu ttin g terraces, use outer lugs.



READING General Hardware Section


LIGHT WEIGHT INDESTRUCTIBLE No. 44, Four Blades, Roller Bearing No. 34, Four Blades, Ball Bearing No. 45, Five Blades, Roller Bearing No. 35, Five Blades, Ball Bearing Driving Wheels 10" UNBREAKABLE

T h is m a c h in e is m a d e of Heavy stam ped steel m aterial and w ill sta n d th e hard est of u se w ith o u t bending or breaking. Every part used in th e m a n u fa c tu r in g is of th e h ig h e st grade obtain able and carries our u n co n d itio n a l guarantee.

C u ttin g Reels 16", 18", 2 0 "

Can be A djusted to Cut from V^" to 1%"

D e s ig n s a n d C o n s tr u c tio n P a te n ts P e n d in g

T h is M ower Like All “ R ead in g” M achines is M ade w ith th e Rocker A d ju stm en t on th e Upper Side of Each End of th e Station ary K nife Bar Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING No. 34, Four Blades, of Tempered Crucible Steel No. 35, Five Blades, of Tempered Crucible Steel 10 " W heels . . Machined True and Accurate, in Each P in io n s . . Wheel Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel Paw ls . . . Diameter, 6 " R eel . . . . R eel Sh aft . Vs", Rod Steel T ie Rod . . M", Rod Steel B all Bearings Eight, " in Each Side of Reel Shaft Flexible, Tempered Steel B o tto m K nife H andle . . Hard Maple of First Quality F in ish . . Light Gray Trimmed with Blue Blades

SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLER BEARING Blades No. 44, Four Blades, of Tempered Crucible Steel No. 45, Five Blades, of Tempered Crucible Steel W heels . . . 10" P in ions . . . Machined True and Accurate, in Each Wheel Pawls . . . . Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel R e e l ................. Diameter, 6 " Reel Shaft . . H", Rod Steel Tie Rod . . . ^/i", Rod Steel Roller Bearings Seven, x in Each Side of Reel Shaft B o tto m Knife Flexible, Tempered Steel H andle . . . Hard Maple of First Quality F inish . . . . Gray Trimmed with Gold


N o s. 35, 45

1 6 " ................................................................... 47 Pounds 1 8 " ................................................................... 49 2 0 " ................................................................... 51

48 Pounds 50 “ 52

One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leav'ing factory

Specify Number of Mower and Size.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327


General Hardware Section



W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings M alleable Iron Reel Braces

Drive W heels 8"

Cast Iron Roller H angers

Open W heels

S teel H andle Irons

C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16", 18"

Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from Vz" to 1%"

T his M achine Has a Low W heel and an Extra Large Gear Rack, A ccurately M achined Gears and P in ions, W ith th e F in est of Gray Iron C astings Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts

SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s ......................................................................................................................... Four, of Tempered Crucible Steel W h e e l s .................................................................................................................... 8 ", Open Type P i n i o n s ......................................................................................................................... Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each Wheel P a w l s ........................................................................................................................ Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel R e e l ........................................................................................................................ Diameter, 5" Reel S h a f t .......................................................................................................................... Rod Steel Tie R o d .............................................................................................................................. ", Rod Steel Ball B e a r i n g s ............................................................................................................. Eight, in Each Side of Reel Shaft B o ttom K n i f e ........................................................................................................Flexible, Tempered Steel H a n d l e .................................................................................................................... Hard Maple of First Quality F i n i s h .................................................................................................................... Aluminum Trimmed in Blue SHIPPING WEIGHTS 12"


1 4 " .................................................................. 1 6 " ................................................................... 1 8 " ..................................................................

38 Pounds 40 42 44

One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving factory

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327



General Hardware Section

SPARTAN Ball Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings S teel Reel Braces Drive W heels 9" Cast Iron Roller H angers

Open W heels

S teel H andle Irons

C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16", 18"

Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from Vz” to 1%"

T h is M achine is B u ilt as Strong and a t th e Sam e T im e as Light as it is Possible to Build a Lawn Mower T h e R eel Braces are of a Heavy G auge Stam ped Steel Oil

H oles for Lubricating All Movable Parts

SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s .................................................................................................................... Four, of Tempered Crucible Steel W h e e l s ....................................................................................................................9", Open Type P i n i o n s .................................................................................................................... Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each Wheel P a w l s ........................................................................................................................ Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel ........................................................................................................................ Diameter, 6" Reel S h a f t ......................................................................................................................... Rod Steel Tie Rod ................................................................................................................ ^ " , Rod Steel Ball B e a r i n g s ........................................................................................................Eight, in Each Side of Reel Shaft B o tto m K n i f e ........................................................................................................Flexible, Tempered Steel H a n d l e .................................................................................................................... Hard Maple, of First Quality F i n i s h .................................................................................................................... Gold Trimmed with Black SHIPPING WEIGHTS 1 2 " ............................................................................................ 41 Pounds 1 4 " ............................................................................................ 43 “ 16’ ............................................................................................ 45 “ 18’

................................................................................................................... 4 7

One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving factory

Specijy Name oj Mower, Size and Bearing,

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327


General H ardw are Section



W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings S teel Reel Braces

Drive W heels 9 "

Cast Iron Roller H angers

Open W heels

Steel H andle Irons

C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16", 18"

Five Blades Can be A djusted to Cut from to 1%"

T h is M achine has Five Blades, P erm ittin g a Close C ut, and W ith th e Large Gear Rack A llow ing th e Reel to Revolve 50 Per C ent Faster T han Sm aller Gear Rack Mowers Oil H oles for Lubricating All Movable Parts

SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s .................................................................................................................... F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W h e e l s .................................................................................................................... 9 " , O p e n T y p e P i n i o n s .................................................................................................................... C a s t, A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in P a w l s ........................................................................................................................ H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l R e e l ........................................................................................................................ D ia m e t e r , 6 " Reel S h a f t ..................................... .............................................................. 5 ^ " , R o d S te e l Tie R o d .................................................................................................................... 5 ^ " , R o d S te e l Ball B e a r i n g s ........................................................................................................ E i g h t , in E a c h S id e o f R e e l B otto m K n i f e ........................................................................................................ F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a n d l e .................................................................................................................... H a r d M a p l e , o f F i r s t Q u a l i t y F i n i s h .................................................................................................................... G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h R e d

SHIPPING WEIGHTS 1 2 " ................................................................................................................... 4 2 P o u n d s 1 4 " ................................................................................................................... 4 4 1 6 " ................................................................................................................... 4 6

1 8 " ................................................................................................................... 4 8

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a ra te

M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo re le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

Each W heel

S h a ft



General H ardw are Section


W heels, Side Plates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings Steel Reel Braces

Drive W heels 10"

C ast Iron Roller Hangers

Open W heels

Steel H andle Irons

C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16", 18", 20'

Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from 1/ 2 " to 1%"

T h is M achine has Three of th e M ost Essential Features in a Lawn Mower. T h e Large W heel and Large Gear Rack w ith Large Ball Bearings Yiq ’' in D iam eter C ontained in a Steel Holder at Each End of th e Reel Shaft Oil Holes for Lubricating All Movable Parts SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s .................................................................. ................................................. F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W h e e l s .................................................................................................................... 1 0 " , O p e n T y p e P i n i o n s .................................................................................................................... C a s t, A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in E a c h P a w l s ........................................................................................................................ H a r d e n e d S te e l, i n E a c h W h e e l R e e l ........................................................................................................................ D ia m e t e r , 6 " R eel S h a f t ............................................................................................................ 5 ^ " , R o d S te e l Tie R o d .................................................................................................................................. R o d S te e l Ball B e a r i n g s ........................................................................................................E ig h t , i n E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t B ottom K n i f e ....................................................................................................... F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a n d l e .................................................................................................................... H a r d M a p l e , o f F i r s t Q u a l i t y F i n i s h .................................................................................................................... G r e e n T r i m m e d w i t h B la c k SHIPPING WEIGHTS 12"

42 P ounds

1 4 " ................................................................................................................... 4 4 16"




2 0 " ................................................................................................................... 5 0

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a ra te M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo re le a v in g fa c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing,

For Adjusting Directions, see page 527

W heel

General Hardware Section



W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H igh est Grade C astings Steel R eel Braces

Drive W heels 10"

C ast Iron Roller Hangers

Open W heels C u ttin g R eels 12", 14", 16", 18", 20"

S teel H andle Irons Five Blades Can be A djusted to C ut From Vz" to 1%"

T h is M achine is a C om panion M ower to th e C hallenger Except T h a t It Has Five Blades, P erm ittin g a Close C ut if Desired Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts

SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s .................................................................................................................... F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W h e e l s .................................................................................................................... 1 0 " , O p e n T y p e Pinions ................................................................................................................ C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in E a c h

W heel

.......................................................................................................................................................H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l R e e l .......................................................................................................................................................D i a m e t e r , 6 "

Reel S h a f t ............................................................................................................ ^ R o d S te e l Tie R o d .....................................................................................................................5^". Rod S te e l Ball B e a r i n g s ........................................................................................................ E i g h t , in E a c h S id e o f B ottom K n i f e ........................................................................................................ F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a n d l e .................................................................................................................... H a r d M a p l e , o f F i r s t Q u a l i t y F i n i s h .................................................................................................................... G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h B lu e

R e e l S h a ft




.................................................................................... 4 5

43 Pounds


.................................................................................... 4 7


.................................................................................... 4 9


.....................................................................................5 1

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a ra te

M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo re le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327



gG eneral H ardw are Section

LAWN MOWERS NIPPER Ball Bearing and Plain Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H igh est Grade C astings M alleable Iron Reel Braces Drive W heels 8 " Steel Roller H angers C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16"

Steel H andle Irons Three Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from 1/ 2 " to 13/g"

T h is is th e W ell K now n Nipper Mower T h a t We Have M anufactured for a N um ber of Years, and is th e M ost Popular T hree-B lade Low W heel Mower Made Oil H oles for L ubricating All Movable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Blades . T h r e e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W heels . 8" P in ion s C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in


SPECIFICATIONS OF PLAIN BEARING Blades . T h r e e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W heels . 8" P inions C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in

Paw ls . . . Reel . . . . Reel S h a ft . Tie Rod . . Ball Bearings B o tto m K nife H andle . . F in ish . . .

H a r d e n e d S te e l, i n E a c h W h e e l D ia m e t e r , 6 " M " , R o d S te e l R o d S te e l E ig h t,


W heel

W heel

y i " in

E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t

Pawls . . Reel . . . Reel Sh aft T ie Rod Bearings .

F l e x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le , o f F irs t Q u a lity G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h G r e e n

B o tto m K nife H andle . . . F in ish . . . .

H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l D ia m e t e r , 6 " M " , R o d S te e l R o d S te e l P h o s p h o r B r o n z e B u s h in g s , 5 ^ " lo n g , in e a c h sid e p la t e f o r re e l s h a ft t o r e v o lv e o n . T h e s e b u s h in g s a r e s p lit a n d c a n b e a d ju s te d t o k e e p re e l r ig id F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le , o f F i r s t Q u a l i t y G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h G r e e n


36 Pounds

1 4 " ................................................................................................................... 3 8 16"

40 O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a r a te M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo re le a v in g fa c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327



^ General H ardw are Section

- - - - - - - - - 11 335

LAWN MOWERS KEYSTONE Ball Bearing and Plain Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H igh est Grade C astings M alleable Iron Reel Braces

Drive W heels 8"

Steel Roller H angers

C u ttin g Reels 12", 14", 16", 18"

Steel H andle Irons Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from I/2 " to 1%"

T h is is th e C om panion M ower to th e Nipper, W ith Four Blades T he M aterials Used in th is M achine are Exactly th e S am e as th e H igher Priced M owers in Our Line Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF PLAIN BEARING


F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l

8" C a s t,

A c c u r a t e ly

M a c h in e d ,



W heel

Pawls Reel . . Reel Sh aft Tie Rod Ball Bearings . B o tto m K nife H andle . . . F inish . . . .

H a r d e n e d S te e l, i n E a c h W h e e l D ia m e te r, 6 "

V2 ", Vs",

R o d S te e l R o d S te e l

E ig h t,

" in E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t

Blades . W heels . P in ion s

F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l

Pawls R eel . . R eel S h aft T ie Rod Bearings

H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l

B o tto m K nife H andle . . . F in ish . . . .

F l e x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le , o f F ir s t Q u a lity G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h G r e e n

8" C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly W heel

M a c h in e d ,


D ia m e t e r , 6 " 3 ^ ' , R o d S te e l 5 ^ " , R o d S te e l P h o s p h o r B r o n z e B e a r in g s , % " lo n g , in e a c h sid e p la t e f o r re e l s h a ft t o r e v o lv e o n . T h e s e b u s h in g s a r e s p lit a n d c a n b e a d ju s te d t o k e e p r e e l r ig id H a r d M a p le , o f F ir s t Q u a lity G o ld T r i m m e d w i t h G r e e n


38 Pounds






44 O n e i n a case, h a n d le s e p a r a te M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo r e le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.


For Adjusting Directions, see page 327




General H ardw are Section

QUALITY Ball Bearing and Roller Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings S teel Reel Braces Drive W heels 9 " S teel Roller Hangers C u ttin g Reels 14", 16", 18", 20"

Steel H andle Irons Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from Vz" to 1%"

Illu stration Show ing F inish of R oller Bearing T h is is a Very Popular N um ber for th e R esidential Lawn Oil H oles for Lubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Four, of Tempered Crucible Steel Blades . . . . 9" W heels . . . . Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each P in io n s . . . Wheel Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel Paw ls . . . . Diameter, 6" R e e l ................. Vi", Rod Steel R eel S h a ft . . Vi", Rod Steel T ie Rod . . . Eight, " in Each Side of Reel Shaft Ball Bearings . Flexible, Tempered Steel B o tto m K nife Hard Maple of First Quality H andle . . . Gold. Wheel Discs, Blue Trimmed with Finish . . . . Gold. Handle Irons Blue. Tie Rod Gold with Blue Ends. Blades Gold

SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLER BEARING B l a d e s ................. Four, of Tempered Crucible Steel W h e e ls ................ 9" P in ion s . . . . Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each Wheel P a w l s ................. Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel R e e l ..................... Diameter, 6" Reel Sh aft . . . ^ ", Rod Steel Tie Rod . . . . W , Rod Steel Roller Bearings . Seven, x in Each Side of Reel Shaft B o tto m K nife Flexible, Tempered Steel Grease Cups . . To Lubricate Rollers at Each End of Reel H andle . . . . Hard Maple of First Quality F i n i s h ................. Aluminum. Wheel Discs, Gold Trimmed with Red. Handle Irons Red. Tie Rod Red with Ends Trimmed in Gold. Blades Trimmed in Gold SHIPPING WEIGHTS 1 4 " .............................................. 43 Pounds 45 1 6 " .............................................. 47 1 8 " .............................................. 49 “ 20" .............................................. One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving factory

Specify Name oj Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

R EA DING General H ardw are Section


LAWN MOWERS RELIANCE Ball Bearing and Roller Bearing


W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings Steel Reel Braces

Drive W heels 9 "

Steel Roller H angers

C u ttin g Reels 14", 16", 18", 20"

Steel H andle Irons Five Blades Can be A djusted to Cut from V2 " to 1%"

Illu stration Show ing F inish of Roller Bearing For th e R esidential Lawn R equiring a Close C ut Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLER BEARING

SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Blades . W heels . Pinions Pawls Reel . . Reel Shaft Tie Rod Ball Bearings B ottom K nife H andle . . Finish . . .

F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l 9" C a s t, A c c u r a t e ly W heel

M a c h in e d ,



H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l D ia m e t e r , 6 "


R o d S te e l

^ " , R o d S te e l E ig h t ,

" i n E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t

F l e x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le o f F ir s t Q u a lity G o ld . W h e e l D is c s B lu e T r i m m e d w it h G o ld . H a n d le Ir o n s B lu e . T i e R o d G o ld w i t h E n d s B lu e . B la d e s G o ld

Blades . W heels . P in ion s

F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l 9" C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly W heel

M a c h in e d ,

Paw ls . . R eel . . . R eel S h aft T ie Rod . R oller Bearings

H a r d e n e d S te e l, i n E a c h W h e e l

B o tto m K nife Grease Cups .

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l

H andle . . . F in ish . . . .


R o d S te e l R o d S te e l

Seven, S h a ft



T o L u b r ic a t e Reel

in E a c h S id e o f R e e l

R o lle r s a t



H a r d M a p le o f F ir s t Q u a lity

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a r a te M o w e r is a d ju s t e d r e a d y f o r use b e fo r e le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.


A l u m i n u m . W h e e l D is c s G o ld T r i m m e d w ith R e d . H a n d l e Ir o n s R e d . T ie R o d R e d w i t h E n d s T r i m m e d in G o ld . B la d e s A l u m i n u m T r im m e d w i t h G o ld 44 Pounds 46 48 50



D ia m e te r, 6 "



For Adjusting Directions, see page 527



General H ardw are Section

LAWN MOWERS NATIONAL Ball Bearing and Roller Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings S teel Reel Braces Drive W heels 10 " Steel Roller H angers C u ttin g R eels 14 ", 16 ", 18", 20"

Steel H andle Irons Four Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from Vi" to 1%"

Illu stration Show ing F inish of R oller Bearing Extra Large Driving W heels and P in ion Gears A ccurately M achined Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Blades . . . . W heels . . . . P in io n s . . . Paw ls . . . . R e e l ................. R eel S h aft . . T ie Rod . . . Ball Bearings . B o tto m K nife H andle . . . F in ish . . . .

F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l

10" C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly W heel

M a c h in e d ,



D ia m e t e r , 6 " R o d S te e l R o d S te e l E ig h t,

" in


W heel

H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l


SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLER BEARING Blades ................. F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W h e e ls ................ 10" P in ion s . . . . C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , i n

E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t

Paw ls . . . . R e e l ................. Reel S h aft . . Tie Rod . . . Roller Bearings

H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l

B o tto m Knife Grease Cups . .

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le o f F irs t Q u a lity G o ld . R e d H a n d le Ir o n s . G o ld T i e R o d w ith R e d E n d s . W h e e l D is c s R e d . T r i m m e d w i t h G o ld . R e e l B la d e s G o ld

H andle . . . . F i n i s h .................

D ia m e t e r , 6 " R o d S te e l 5 ^ " , R o d S te e l Seven, S h a ft

T o L u b r ic a t e Reel

in E a c h S id e o f R e e l

R o lle rs a t



H a r d M a p le o f F irs t Q u a lity

44 Pounds 46 48



One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving factory

Specify Name of Mower, Size and Bearing,


Aluminum. Discs of Wheels Green. Handle Irons Green. Tie Rod Green. Blades, Discs and Tie Rod Ends Trimmed with Gold

SHIPPING WEIGHTS 1 4 " .............................................. 1 6 " .............................................. 1 8 " .............................................. ........................................................


For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

General H ardware Section


LAWN MOWERS REPUBLIC Ball Bearing and Roller Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings Steel R eel Braces Drive W heels 10" S teel Roller H angers C u ttin g R eels 14", 16", 18", 20"

Steel H andle Irons Five Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from 1/2 " to

Illu stra tion Show ing F inish o f Roller Bearing Specially C onstructed for Close C u ttin g Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLER BEARING

SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Blades . . . . W heels . . . . P inions . . .

F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l

Pawls . . . . R e e l ................. Reel Sh aft . . Tie Rod . . . Ball Bearings . B ottom Knife H andle . . . F inish . . . .

H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l

10" C a s t,

A c c u r a t e ly

M a c h in e d ,



W heel D ia m e te r,

V2 ", Vi",


R o d S te e l R o d S te e l

E ig h t,

F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l

P a w l s ................ R e e l ..................... R eel S h a ft . . . Tie Rod . . . , R oller Bearings

H a r d e n e d S te e l, i n E a c h W h e e l

B o tto m K nife Grease Cups .

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l

H andle . . . . F i n i s h ................

H a r d M a p le o f F ir s t Q u a lity

" in E a c h S id e o f R e e l S h a f t

F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a r d M a p le o f F ir s t Q u a lity G o ld .

Blades . W heels . P in io n s

H a n d le

Ir o n s

G o ld

w ith

R ed

T r im m e d

R ed

R ed.

Ends. w ith

T ie


W h e e l D is c s G o ld .

B la d e s

G o ld

10 " C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly W heel

M a c h in e d ,


D ia m e te r, 6 " R o d S te e l R o d S te e l Seven, S h a ft


T o L u b r ic a t e R eel

in E a c h S id e o f R e e l

R o lle rs a t E a c h



A lu m in u m . H a n d le Ir o n s G r e e n . T ie R o d G r e e n w i t h G o ld E n d s . W h e e l D is c s G r e e n T r i m m e d w i t h G o ld . B la d e s A lu m in u m T r im m e d w ith G o ld

SHIPPING WEIGHTS 1 4 " .................................................................................................................... 4 5 P o u n d s 1 6 " ....................................................................................................................4 7

1 8 " .................................................................................................................... 4 9 2 0 " .................................................................................................................... 51 O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a r a te M o w e r is a d ju s t e d r e a d y f o r use b e fo r e le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Name oj Mower, Size and Bearing.


For Adjusting Directions, see page 327



General H atdw are Section

LAWN MOWERS READING SPECIAL Ball Bearing and Roller Bearing

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings S teel Reel Braces

Drive W heels 10"

S teel Roller H angers

C u ttin g Reels 14", 16", 18", 20"

S teel H andle Irons Five Blades Can be A djusted to C ut from to 1%"

Illustration Show ing F inish of Roller Bearing For Large Lawns, Parks and Golf Courses. M ade L ight for Hard Use Oil H oles for L ubricating All M ovable Parts SPECIFICATIONS OF BALL BEARING Five, of Tempered Crucible Steel

B lades . W heels . P in ion s

Paw ls . . . R eel . . . . R eel S h aft . T ie Rod . . B all Bearings B o tto m K nife H andle . . F in ish . . .

10 "



Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each Wheel Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel Paw ls . . Diameter, 6" R eel . . . Rod Steel R eel S h aft T ie Rod M", Rod Steel Seven, x in Each Side of Reel R oller Bearings Shaft Lip Blade, Tempered Steel B o tto m K nife To Lubricate Rollers at Each End of Grease Cups . Reel Hard Maple of First Quality H andle . . . F i n i s h ......................White. Handle Irons Blue. Tie Rod Blue with Gold Ends. Discs Blue Trimmed with Gold. Blades and Roller Hanger Bolts Trimmed with Gold SHIPPING WEIGHTS 56 Founds 58 60 62

Cast, Accurately Machined, in Each Wheel Hardened Steel, in Each Wheel Diameter, 6" Ys", Rod Steel ^ " , Rod Steel Eight, in Each Side of Reel Shaft Lip Blade, Tempered Steel Hard Maple of First Quality White. Handle Irons Blue. Tie Rod Blue with Gold Ends. Discs Blue Trimmed with Gold. Blades and Roller Hanger Bolts Trimmed with Gold

14" 16" 18"


Blades . W heels . Pinions

One in a case, handle separate Mower is adjusted ready for use before leaving factory

Specify Name oj Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

General H ardware Section



CRESCENT Roller Bearing Extra Wide Rim Wheel for Sandy Soil

Crescent, Four Blades

Biscay, Five Blades

W heels, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings Drive W heels 10" 21 / 2 " Wide

Steel Reel Braces Steel Roller Hangers

C u ttin g R eels 14 ", 16", 18", 20 "

Steel H andle Irons Gan be A djusted to Cut from 1/ 2 " to 1%"

T h is M achine was B u ilt for Use on New Lawns W here th e Earth is Soft or Sandy T h e Extra W ide R im W heels Keep th e Mower a t th e Proper C u ttin g H eight Oil H oles for L ubricating All Movable Parts SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s ...................................................................Crescent, F o u r , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l Biscay, F i v e , o f T e m p e r e d C r u c ib le S te e l W h e e l s .................................................................. 1 0 " x 2 ^ " W id e P in io n s ...................................................................C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d , in E a c h W h e e l P a w ls

................................................................................... H a r d e n e d S te e l, in E a c h W h e e l

R e e l .........................................................................................D ia m e t e r , 6 "

Reel S h a f t ........................................................................ R o d S te e l Tie R o d ...............................................................% " , R o d S te e l Roller B e a r in g s .................................................. S e v e n , x in E a c h S id e o f R e e l B ottom Knife .................................................. F le x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l Grease C u p s ...................................................... T o L u b r ic a t e R o lle rs a t E a c h E n d o f H a n d le ................................................................... H a r d M a p l e , o f F i r s t Q u a l i t y ....................................................................................A lu m in u m .

H a n d le Ir o n s G r e e n .

S h a ft


W h e e l D is c s G r e e n T r i m m e d w i t h G o ld .

R o d G r e e n T r i m m e d w i t h G o ld E n d s .

B la d e s T r i m m e d w i t h G o ld












.................................................... 59




.................................................... 61




.................................................... 63


58 Pounds

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a ra te M o w e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y fo r use b e fo re le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specijy Name of Mower, Size and Bearing.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

T ie


General Hardware Section


No. 5, Five Blades Cuts W ithin 3^" of Wall

W heel, Side P lates and Bed Bar of H ighest Grade C astings M alleable Iron Reel Braces

Drive W heel



C u ttin g Reel 61/ 4 " Wide

S teel R oller Hangers S teel H andle Irons


Can be A djusted to C ut from V2 " to 1 %"

T h is T rim m er is th e Only Practical M eans of C u ttin g Around Trees and T rim m in g th e Edges Oil Holes for Lubricating all Movable Parts

SPECIFICATIONS B l a d e s .................................................................................................................N o . 4, F o u r ; N o . 5, F i v e ; o f T e m p e r e d W h e e l ................................................................................................................ 8" P i n i o n ................................................................................................................ C a s t , A c c u r a t e ly M a c h in e d P a w l .....................................................................................................................H a r d e n e d S te e l R e e l .....................................................................................................................D ia m e t e r , 6 " R eel S h a f t ........................................................................................................ Vi", R o d S te e l T ie Rod ............................................................................................................ Y%', R o d S te e l Ball B e a r in g s .................................................................................................... E ig h t , D ia m e t e r B o tto m K nife ................................................................................................ F l e x ib le , T e m p e r e d S te e l H a n d l e .................................................................................................................H a r d M a p le , o f F irs t Q u a lity F i n i s h .................................................................................................................G r e e n T r i m m e d in G o ld

SHIPPING WEIGHT N o . 4 , 20 Pounds

N o . 5 , 21 P o u n d s

O n e in a case, h a n d le s e p a r a te

T r i m m e r is a d ju s te d r e a d y f o r use b e fo re le a v in g f a c t o r y

Specify Number.

For Adjusting Directions, see page 327

C r u c ib le S te e l


General H ardw are Section


7 8 , A p p le P a r e r . F in e s t G r a y

Ir o n

H a n d le , L a c q u e r e d F in is h . h ig h - g r a d e sc re w .

c a rb o n

P a te n te d

C a s tin g s w i t h

s te e l

B la c k F i n is h e d W o o d

P a re s a n y s h a p e o f a p p le .

k n if e ,

e a s ily

d e ta c h a b le

W ith

w ith


C o m p le t e ly a s s e m b le d a n d r e a d y f o r use w h e n r e ­

m o v e d fro m bo x. O n e in a b o x .

T w e l v e in a case.

C a s e w e ig h t 7 0 p o u n d s


We m a n u fa ctu re th ree oth er sty les of Parers: A dvance, Baldw in and No. 72 Separate catalog se n t o n req u est


P1336, P1346

P1236, P1246

F la p O pens O u t

F la p O pens O u t



W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e



W i t h In s id e P la t e

S iz e 8 " X 2 1 ^ " O p e n in g


W i t h In s id e P la t e

S iz e 8 ^ " x 2 J ^ "


O p e n in g 6

In s id e P la t e 6 ^ " x

" x 1^"

In s id e P la t e 8 J ^ " x

T w o in a b o x w i t h screw s

Specify Number and Finish.

W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

T w o in a b o x w i t h screw s

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 385



t General H ardw are Section

LETTER BOX PLATES CAST BRONZE *Conforms w ith P ost Office R egu lation Order No. 291

P 1439, P1449

P 1437, P1447

F la p O pens In

F la p O pens In

* P 1 4 3 9 , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

* P 1 4 3 7 , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

* P 1 4 4 9 , W i t h In s id e P la t e

* P 1 4 4 7 , W i t h In s id e P la t e

S ize9M "x2i^"

S iz e 8 M " X 2 Y2 "

O p e n in g 7 " x

O p e n in g 7 " x I M "

In s id e P la t e 9 M " X 2 H "

In s id e P la t e 8 ^ " x

O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

Essex B enton

14 34, 1444

1434, 1444 F la p O pens In F la p O pens In

* 1 4 3 4 , E s s e x , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

* 1 4 3 4 , B e n to n , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

* 1 4 4 4 , E s s e x , W i t h In s id e P la t e

* 1 4 4 4 , B e n to n , W i t h In s id e P la t e

S ize8M "x2H " O p e n in g 7 " x 1 ^ "

S iz e 8 M " X 2 Y2 " O p e n in g 7 " x 13 ^ "

In s id e P la t e 8 % " x

In s id e P la t e 8 M " x 2 > ^ "

IY 2"

O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

O n e i n a b o x w i t h screw s



1434, 1444

13 36, 1346

F la p O pens In

F la p O pens O u t

* 1 4 3 4 , C o n c o r d , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

1 3 3 6 , C o n c o r d , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

* 1 4 4 4 , C o n c o r d , W i t h In s id e P la t e

1 3 4 6 , C o n c o r d , W i t h In s id e P la t e SizeSJ^"x2J4"

S iz e 8 M " X 2 } ^ "

O p e n in g 4 % " x 1 } ^ "

O p e n in g 7 " x In s id e P la t e 8 ^ " x 2 M "

In s id e P la t e 6 ^ " X 2 1 ^ "

O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

T w o in a b o x w i t h screw s

S iz e 8 ^ " X 2 M " F la p O pens In

O p e n in g 7 " x

* 1 4 3 4 , C lin t o n , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e

In s id e P la t e 8 ^ " x

IY 4,"

* 1 4 4 4 , C lin t o n , W i t h In s id e P la t e

C linton

O n e in a b o x w it h screw s

14 34, 1444

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1,

For Weights, see page 383


General H ardw are Section



P 1334, P1344

P334, P344 F la p O pens In

F la p O pens In

C a s t I r o n , P la t e d , P o lis h e d

C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P 3 3 4 , W i t h o u t In s id e P l a t e

P 3 4 4 , W i t h In s id e P la t e

P 1 3 3 4 , W i t h o u t In s id e P l a t e

S i z e 6 % " x 23^ " O p e n in g 4 ^ " x 1 "

S ize 6 ^ "x 2 K " O p e n in g 4 ^ " x 1 " In s id e P l a t e 4% " x 1 "

Size6J i " x 23^"

P 1 3 4 4 , W i t h In s id e P la t e


O p e n in g 4 ^ " x 1 "

O p e n in g 4 ^ " x 1 " In s id e P la t e 5 M " x I M '

O n e - t h ir d d o z e n in a b o x w i t h screw s

O n e -s ix th d o z e n in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

W ith Large O p en in g

W ith Large O p en ing

P 345, P 355, P 1345, P1355

13 45, 1355

B e n to n

F la p O pens In C a s t B ro n z e

F la p O pens In C a s t I r o n , P la t e d , P o lis h e d C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d P 3 4 5 , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e P 3 5 5 , W i t h In s id e P la t e S iz e 1 0 M " x 3 ^ " O p e n in g 7 % " x 1 In s id e P la t e 1 0 % " x 3 } ^ "

1 3 4 5 , B e n to n , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e 1 3 5 5 , B e n t o n , W i t h In s id e P la t e S iz e l l " x 3 M " O p e n in g 8 " x In s id e P la t e lO H " x 3 M "

P I 3 4 5 , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e P 1 3 5 5 , W i t h In s id e P la t e S iz e 1 0 M " x 3 3 ^ " O p e n in g 8 " x 1 % " In s id e P la t e 1 0 ^ " x 3}^''

O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

W ith Large O p en ing

F la p O p ens In C a s t Ir o n D 3 4 5 , W i t h o u t In s id e P la t e D 3 5 5 , W i t h In s id e P la t e 10,

S p e c ify F in is h B ro w n L a c q u e r 1 3 , G e n e v a B ro n ze d S izell"x3 M " O p e n in g 8 " x 1 % " In s id e P la t e 1 0 % " x 3

D 345, D 355


O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

METAL CHUTE FOR OFFICE B U IL D IN G S C o n f o r m in g w i t h P o s t O ffic e D e p a r t m e n t R e g u la t io n s O r d e r N o . 2 9 1 , S e p t e m b e r 15, 1930

A b o v e illu s t r a t io n sh o w s m e t a l c h u te p a s s in g th r o u g h d o o r a n d c o n n e c tin g w i t h In s id e P la t e . A n y o f o u r L e t t e r B o x P la te s c a n b e a r r a n g e d w i t h m e t a l c h u te s t o c o n fo r m w i t h t h e G o v e r n m e n t r e g u la tio n s , h a v in g t h e o u ts id e o p e n in g 1 i n c h e s w id e a n d 7 in c h e s in le n g t h . T h e m e t a l c h u te c a n b e a r r a n g e d t o p ass h o r i z o n t a lly th r o u g h t h e d o o r o r v e r t i c a l l y . T h e a n g le o f t h e c h u te co m e s w i t h i n t h e P o s t O ffic e D e p a r t m e n t r e g u la t io n p e r t a in in g t o M a i l D o o r S lo ts — f o r O ffic e B u ild in g s . T h i s a r r a n g e m e n t is a p p lic a b le t o th e f o llo w in g P la te s : P 1 4 3 7 , P 1 4 4 7 , 1 4 3 4 B e n t o n , 1 4 4 4 B e n t o n , 1 4 3 4 C o n c o r d , 1 4 4 4 C o n c o r d , P 1 4 3 9 , P 1 4 4 9 , 1 4 3 4 E sse x, 1 4 4 4 E s s e x , a ls o P la te s i llu s t r a t e d in D e s ig n S e c tio n as fo llo w s : B e n e c ia , C o r u n a , R e v e r e , R o c k la n d , B e n to n , E s s e x a n d C o n c o r d .

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

General H ardw are Section



Hoods in accordance w ith P ost Office D ep artm en t R egu lation s, Post Office Order No. 291, Septem ber 15, 1930


B en to n H1434

PH1437, C ast Bronze

H1434, B en ton , Cast Bronze

S ize8 % " x 2 i^ "

S iz e 8 J |" x 21^"

Opening 1)4,"

Opening 7J^"

One in a box with screws

One in a box with screws

Essex H1434

C linton H1436

H1434, Essex, Cast Bronze

H1436, C linton, Cast Bronze

Size 8%" x iVi"


Opening 7J^"

Opening 734"

One in a box with screws

One in a box with screws

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



General Hardware


Hoods in accordance w ith Post Office D ep artm en t R egu lation s, Post Office Order No. 291, Septem ber 15, 1930

PH1434 PH1438 P H 1438, Cast Bronze

PH1434, C ast Bronze

S iz e 8 J i " x 2 i ^ "

S iz e 8 % " X 2 J ^ "

O p e n in g

O p e n in g 7 J ^ "


O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s


Concord HI434

PH1436, Cast Bronze

H1434, Concord, C ast Bronze

S ize 8 K "x 2 ^ "

S iz e 8 K " x 2 J i "

O p e n in g

O p e n in g 7 J ^ "

O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

O n e in a b o x w i t h screw s

B en ton H1345 H1345, B en ton , C ast Bronze S iz e l l " x 3 M " O p e n in g 7 ^ " O n e in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385



General H ardw are Section



P27634, P227634 P27634, Steel P22763/4, Bronze S o lid W r o u g h t N a rro w B evel X X "X X X

P22783/4, Bronze

2276, 2277

2 7 6 l ^ , 47 6 1 /4 , W r o u g h t S te e l

C ast Bronze

B ro n ze


E x tr a W id e B e v e l

Specify Size

10^" 12" 12" 16" 16"

2761/4, 4761/4, 2276V4, 24761/4 2276l^, 2476V4, W r o u g h t

S o lid W r o u g h t N a rro w B evel

Specify Size 3" 3" 3J^ 3H" 4"



2761/4, 22761/4, 3 " x 1 2 " 4761/4, 24761/4, 3 }i" x WJfe" Specify D esign

3" X 101^" 3" X 12" 3 J ^ " X 12" X 16" 4" X 16"

3 J ^ " x 15" 4 " x 16"

Specify D esign

B en to n


C linton

2761/4,4761/4, 22761/4, 24761/4 276Vi, 476Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l 2276V4, 2476V4, W r o u g h t

2761/4, 4761/4, 22761/4, 24761/4

2761/i, 22761/4 276Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l 2276Vi, W r o u g h t B ro n z e

P2276 P2276, Cast Bronze

B ro n ze

B ro n ze

N a rro w Bevel

W id e B e v e l

R ounded Edge

Specify Size

2761/4, 22761/4, 3 " x 1 0 " 4761/4, 24761/4, 3H" x 14^^" Specify D esign

2761/4, 22761/4, 2%" x 9 ^ " 4761/4, 24761/4, 3 " x 12 " Specify D esign

2 7 61/4 , 4 7 6 1 /4 , W r o u g h t S te e l

22761/4, 24761/4,

W ro u g h t

2 ^ " X 9% " Specify Design S iz e

N a rro w B evel 3" x 12" 3 J ^ " x 16" 4" X 16"

W r o u g h t P la te s p a c k e d s ix in a b o x , C a s t P la te s p a c k e d t w o in a b o x , w i t h screw s

Specify Number, Size, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385


General H ardware Section



B en ton Errol

P2376 P2376, Cast Bronze N a rro w B evel

Specify Size 3"





2276, Cast Bronze

2376, Cast Bronze

2276, 2277 C ast Bronze 2276, 3 1 ^" X 15%" 2277, 4 " X 1 6 " E rro l Bevel

W id e B e v e l

W id e B e v e l

Specify Size

Specify Size

3 " X 1034" 3 " x l2 "

3i^ "xl6 " 4' x l 6 "

3" X 12" 3 } ^ " x 16"

3 J4" X 16"

Specify D esign

Specify D esign

Specify D esign





2276 2276, Cast Bronze

2376 2376, C ast Bronze

2276 2276, Cast Bronze

2376 2376, C ast Bronze

E x tr a W id e B eve l

E x tr a W id e B e v e l

Specify Size

E x tr a W id e B e v e l

Specify Size

E x tr a W id e B e v e l

Specify Size

Specify Size


X 12" X 14" 3 > ^ " X 16" 4" X 16"


Specify D esign


xl2" 3 1 ^ " X 14" 3 J ^ " X 16" X 16" 4"

Specify D esign

3" X 12" 33^ " x 1 6 " 4" x 16"


X 12"

31 ^ " X 1 6 " 4"

Specify D esign

X 16"

Specify D esign

P u s h P la te s o n th is p a g e a r e p a c k e d t w o in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specijy Number, Size, Design and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, s&e page 385



General H ardw are Section




S iz e

S iz e 1 "


X 3^ "


S iz e 3 " X 3 "

S iz e 3 " X 3 "

C ast Bronze, Polished P2257, P u sh

Cast Bronze, Polished P2259, P ull

Cast Bronze, Polished P2177, P u sh

C ast Bronze, Polished P2179, Pull

W ith N a rro w B evel

W ith N a rro w Bevel

W ith N a rro w B evel

W ith N a rro w B evel




S iz e 3 " X 3 "

S iz e 3 " X 3 "

C ast Bronze, Polished P3177, In, W i t h N a r r o w B e v e l

Cast Bronze, Polished P3179, O ut, W i t h N a r r o w B e v e l

O n e d o z e n in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

SASH PLATES For U se w ith S ash P u ll H ook, Page 284


P307V4, P1307V4 D ia m e te r




D ia m e te r 1"

F a s te n e d w i t h W o o d S c re w

F a s te n e d w i t h W o o d S c r e w

P307Vi, W rought Steel, P lated, F riction Polish P13071/4, W rought Bronze, Polished

P1307, C ast Bronze, Polished

S iz e l K " x

2 " , F o r S u r fa c e

P1323, Cast Bronze, Polished

P310, P1310 S iz e X


S iz e

X 3 M M F o r S u r fa c e

P322, Cast Iron, Plated, Polished P1322, Cast Bronze, Polished

P311, P1311

V /i" , M o r t is e P310, C ast Iron, P lated, Polished P1310, C ast Bronze, Polished S iz e

P322, P i 322

2% " X

1 % " , M o r t is e

B e v e le d E d g e , C lo s e d B a c k

P311, Cast Iron, P lated, Polished P1311, Cast Bronze, Polished

O n e d o z e n in a b o x w i t h screw s

O t h e r n u m b e r s , t w o d o z e n in a b o x w it h screw s

Specify Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385


General H ardw are Section





103, 107,

R o u n d G ro o v e

108, 118,

103, Cast Iron, P lain Iron F ro n t 6" X 1 ^ " , W heel 3" For

107, F ro n t





118, Cast Iron, P lain Iron

O n e d o z e n in a p a c k a g e , w it h o u t screw s


Cast Iron, Plain Iron

F r o n t 9 M " x 2 " , W heel 5"

Cast Iron, P lain Iron X 2)4,", W h e e l 4 " For



R o u n d G ro o ve S q u a re G ro o v e

O n e - t h ir d d o z e n in a p a c k a g e , w it h o u t sc rew s

F ro n t

X 2", W h eel 5" F o r 5 ^ " C h a in

O n e - t h ir d d o z e n i n a p a c k a g e , w it h o u t sc rew s

CEILING PULLEYS S izes F o r Rope F o r S crew Case

S izes F o r Rope F o r S crew C ase

88, 188

33, Cast Iron, Japanned

88, Cast Iron, Japanned IM " 2" 2 }4 ’' M "



x 2 ^ "




2 ^ " x 2 ^ "

2 ^ " x 3 i i

12 23^" X 4"

188, Cast Iron, Galvanized 2" 2 ^A"




2 "x23^"

21^" X 2 ^ "

R o u n d G ro o ve, F o r

A x le


IM "


C a s e 3 j ^ " x 6 } ^ " , W heel 4"





J i"


2 % " x 3 M

T e n d o z e n in a b a r r e l, b u lk

21^" X 4"

3 ", o n e -h a lf d o z e n in a b o x w i t h o u t sc rew s O t h e r sizes, o n e d o z e n in a b o x , w i t h o u t sc rew s

AW NING PULLEYS S in g le W h eel C ast Iron

D ou b le W h eel C ast Iron

250, 260

255, 265

250, C ast Iron, Japanned

255, C ast Iron, Japanned S o lid E y e

S o lid E y e S izes F o r Rope C ase

S izes F o r Rope C ase

2Y2" K"


2}^"x5M "

3 ''x 6 H "


%” 2"x4"

S izes F o r Rope Case

2" 2 " x 4 ^ "

2}^ "




2 H " x 5 M "

260, C ast Iron, G alvanized

265, Cast Iron, Galvanized

S o lid E y e

S o lid E y e

2" 2"x4"

2", one dozen in a box.

2H "


2 iA " x 5 H " 3"x6J^' Other sizes, one-half dozen in a box

Specify Number and Size,

S izes F o r Rope C ase


%" 2 " x 4 H "

2Y2" K" 2 V2 " x 5 1 4 "

O n e - h a lf d o z e n in a b o x

For Weights, see page 385

3 " x 6 3 ^ ’'


J i" 3"x6i/g"



General H ardw are Section



68 59,


W ith o u t Guard W ith Guard 58, C ast Iron, J ap an n ed W heel


F o r Rope


59, C ast Iron, J ap a n n ed y%"

C ase

W heel 2 "

F o r Rope


C ase 1^ " x 4 ^ "


69, C ast Iron, G alvanized

68, C ast Iron, G alvanized W heel F o r Rope

W heel 2 "

2" V2 "

F o r Rope


C ase 1 "

2^ "

C ase

2" X 4" O n e d o z e n in a b o x


74, 84

158, 168

Solid Eye

Swivel Eye W ith o u t Guard

74, C ast Iron, Jap an n ed

158, C ast Iron, J ap a n n ed W heel 2 "

Fo r Rope



W heel

C ase 1 M " x 3 M "

C ase



F o r Rope K "x33^"

l" x 3 ^

168, C ast Iron, G alvanized W heel 2 "

F o r Rope K "

C ase 1 "

84, C ast Iron, G alvanized

x 3% "

W heel


F o r Rope C ase

Vs" ^3 V s"

O n e d o ze n in a b o x

Specify Number and Size.

For Weights, see page 385

1" x 3^

x 4M "

I General H ardw are Section




76, 86

60, 70

Solid Eye H in ged o n P la te

Incased 76, C ast Iron, J a p a n n ed 2 Y2 "

W heel

60, C ast Iron , J ap a n n ed


W h eel 1"

F o r Rope

F o r S c re w 7

C ase

2 i^ "x3 H "

2H "

Fo r Rope C ase



3"x3M ''

86, C ast Iron, G alvanized W heel

Fo r Rope C ase

2M "x3}^"

70, C ast Iron, G alvanized


W heel 1"


F o r S crew 7

F o r Rope C ase

x 2J4"

3"x3? Tw o dozen in a box.

98 98, Cast Iron, Japanned

IJ i" %" 8

m " Vi" 10

IH " Vi" 8

1% ", 2", One dozen in a box, w ith o u t screws


99 Cast Iron, Japanned

For F a cto ry C o u n te r b a la n c e d W in d o w s Square Groove T u rn e d W heel G rooved for C hain Wheel 2" 2}4" For Screw 9 10

F or F a cto ry C o u n te r b a la n c e d W in d o w s R ound Groove T u rn e d W heel G rooved for Jfe" R ope W heel 3" F or Screw 11

One dozen in a box w ith ou t screws

One-half dozen in a box w ith ou t screws

Specify Number and Size. For Weights, see page 383

2" %" 10



G eneral H a rd w a re Section




Cast Brass Single W heel F o r R ope F o r Screw

V2" Vs” 5

597, Cast Brass Vs" H" 5

D ouble W heel F o r Rope F o r Screw

a box w ithout screws

V2" y% 5


One dozen in a box w ith o u t screws




506, Cast Brass

507, Cast Brass

Single W heel F o r Cord

y%" y%'’

D ouble W heel F o r Cord

T w o dozen in a box

One dozen in a box


91, 92

85, 95

Cast Iron, Swivel Eye

Cast Iron, Swivel Eye

91, Ja p an n e d W heel F o r Rope

92, G alvanized 2^"

One dozen in a box


85, Ja p an n e d W heel F o r Rope

95, G alvanized lY i"

One dozen in a box

Specify Number and Size. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section



W ith Screw Eye Cast Iron 313, J a p a n n e d , W ith B r ig h t W ire Screw E ye 323, G a lv a n iz ed , W ith B r ig h t W ire S crew Eye W heel F o r Rope


V2" 3^”

1^" M'

One dozen in a box

Solid Eye 313, 323

Cast Iron 220, J a p a n n e d , S o lid E ye, S in g le W h eel 230, G a lv a n iz ed , S o lid E ye, S in g le W h eel W heel F o r Rope

V2'' Vi" 1" 1^" iM " 2" Vs" H" M' M" M" Vs" Vs" ]/2 '' to 1 ^ " , One dozen in a box. 2", 2J^", One-half dozen in a box

23^ "

220, 230

Solid Eye Cast Iron 225, J a p a n n e d , S o lid E ye, D o u b le W h eel 235, G a lv a n iz ed , S o lid E ye, D o u b le W h eel Wheel F or Rope

%" V2"tO IS '

IM "

One dozen in a box.

IH " 2" %" y%'' 2", 2J^", O ne-half dozen in a box

2K "

Swivel Eye 225, 235

Cast Iron 320, J a p a n n e d , S w iv el E ye, S in g le W h eel 330, G a lv a n iz ed , S w ivel Eye, S in g le W h eel W heel F or R ope



to 1% ", One dozen in a box.



IK " 13^ " M" M" 2", One-half dozen in a box

320, 330

Swivel Eye Cast Iron 325, J a p a n n e d , S w ivel E ye, D o u b le W h eel 335, G a lv a n iz ed , S w iv el E ye, D o u b le W h eel Wheel F or Rope

V2" Vs" }4" to 1 %

IM " Vs" Vi" 1" IK " m " w X" M" K" H" ", One dozen in a box. 2 ", One-half dozen in a box



325, 335

W AGON BRAKE PULLEY Cast Iron, Japanned E x tra H eavy 333, Solid E ye, W heel 2 ^ " for % " Cord O ne-half dozen in a box


Specify Number and Size. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section

1, P lO l, PlOOl

15, P1015, P1020

457, P457, P1457

Size 2>Yz' X lY z" Recess 1, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d P lO l, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d PlOOi, C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

Size 4 % " X 3 " Recess 1" 15, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d P1015, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

Size 7 i ^ " x 3 M " Recess 457, C ast Ir o n , J a p a n n e d P457, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1457, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d 457, W ith o u t screws

S iz e 5 " x 3 % " Recess I M " P1020, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

1, 15, W ith o u t screws, one dozen in a box

One pair in a box

For Hospital Doors

For Screen Doors



Size 3}/i" s. 4 5 ^ " Recess % P901, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d One dozen in a box w ith screws

381/4, 1381/4

B e n to n Size, P late 2 M " x 7", G rip 4 % " W rought Bronze P late, C ast Bronze Grip 2138Vi> B e n to n , W ro u g h t B ro n ze, P o lish e d

S i z e 4 |i " 38V4, W r o u g h t S te e l, J a p a n n e d 138l^, W ro u g h t S te e l, P la ted , F r ic tio n P o lish 38Vi, W ith o u t screws

Tw o in a box w ith screws

T hree dozen in a box

6, 7 16

Size 6" 7, 6,

6, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d C a st Ir o n , B row n L a cq u er

W ith o u t screws.

One dozen in a box

Size 8 ", Oblique 8, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d

Size 6" 16, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d One dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

General H ardw are Section



P1138, P1139

P I 145


C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d P1138, L en gth 4 ^ " P1139, L ength 6"

PI 145, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d L ength 6 i^ "

P1157, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d L ength 5 ^ "




P1159, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d L ength

P1151, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d L ength 3 H "

P1169, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d L ength

P H 41

P155, P1155, P01155


P1141, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

Size 5 M " PI 55, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P I 155, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P1161, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

Size 5V2" P01155, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

W ith M achine Screws th ro u g h D oor

L ength 4 J^ "

L ength 5 ^ "

One-half dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section

P I 142

P I 166


P I 142, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 166, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 170, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

L ength 43/^"

L ength 6"

L ength 7"

P1172, P1167

P I 173

P I 175

C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 173, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 175, C a s t B ro n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 172, L ength P I 167, L ength 7"


L ength 7"

A b ove N u m b e r s P a c k e d w i t h M a c h in e S crew s 2V4" L o n g w i t h B r ig h t S te e l F l a t H e a d s W ith O val H ead Bronze M achine Screws an d W ashers, Specify Pull N um ber an d M achine Screw No. 1 F our in a box w ith screws

Specify Pull Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 585

General H ardw are Section



R ig h t H and

P1182 P1182, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d L ength 8"

P1178 G rip 11" C enters 9 " U pper P late 2 ^ " Low er P late 2 " x 1 % " P1178, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d



P1165, C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

P1183, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

L ength 9 J^ "

L en gth 8"

P itcher G rip

HOSPITAL DOOR PULLS T o perm it opening of hospital room doors w ith th e a rm when nurse is carryin g a tr a y



P1185, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P1176, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

L ength 8 J^ "

Base 4 " X 1?^"

P rojection 2 ^ "

P1177 P I 177, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d Base 3

" X 1^ "

P rojection 3 ^ "

P1182, P1165, P1183, P1185, P a ck ed w it h M a c h in e S crew s 2Vi" L o n g w it h B r ig h t S te e l F la t H ead s W ith Oval H ead Bronze M achine Screws an d W ashers, Specify Pull N u m b er an d M achine Screw N o. 1 P1165, P1178, T w o in a box.

O th e r num bers, four in a box w ith screws

Specify Pull Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page I. For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rdw are Section

DOOR PULLS B e n to n

B e n to n

F ordham

R o c k la n d





G rip 7", P lates 2"

G rip 7", P lates 2" x 2"

Gr i p 7"

P lates VA" x V A " 2166,

B enton

C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

G rip 7" P lates 2Y2" X 2 ^ " 2167, B enton


F o rd h am

C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d


R ockland

C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d F o u r in a box w ith screws

Pem broke

R o ck la n d

R evere

M ilfo rd





G rip 7" P lates 2% '' X 2)4" 2167, Pem broke C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

G rip 11" P lates 2J^ " X 2 H " 2168, Rockland C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

G rip 11" P lates 2 J ^ " x 2 K " 2168, Revere C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

T w o in a box w ith screws

Tw o in a box w ith screws

F o u r in a box w ith screws

G rip 11", P lates 3" X 3" 2168,

M ilford

C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d Tw o in a box w ith screws

Specify Pull Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section

t ) T U











PL1262 G rip ? "

L en gth 10"

L ength 10"

P1262, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P L 1262, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

C oun tersunk for W ood Screws

W ith Steel F la t H ead M achine Screws 2 )^ "

P lates 2 M " x 2 S p e c ify D e sig n


Errol, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

T w o in a box w ith screws

O d eon



P lates 2 " x 2 M " S p e cify D e sig n

L en gth ? J^ "

L en gth 7J^"

P1162, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

PL1162, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

O d eo n , C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

C o u n tersu n k for W ood Screws

W ith Steel F la t H ead M achine

G rip ? " 2167,


Screws 2J^" T w o in a box w ith screws

F o u r in a box w ith screws

Specify Pull Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


General H ardw are Section


F u rn ish ed separate, or can be fastened to S ectional P lates or P u sh P lates, to be used as D oor Pulls. If w an ted w ith m achine screws to pass th ro u g h door, so specify. If w an ted w ith finished oval head m achine screws an d washers, specify w ith “ M achine Screw No. 1.” T his G rip is Offset for N arrow Backset Lock


R ight H and 01440





L en g th 6"

L en gth Specify H and ®1440, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

L e n g th ? } ^ "

L e n g th s^ "

L ength 7 ", F lu ted

L ength 11 ", F lu ted

1452, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

F lu ted 1 4 5 5 , C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

1466, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

1477, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d



1474, 1476

L ength 7 "

L ength 7"

L ength 7 % "

1470, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

1472, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

1474, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

1440, C a st B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

F o u r in a box



L ength lY i"

L en gth 5 ^ "

1450, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

1454, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

L ength 1467, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

L ength 8 ^ " F ou r in a box

1476, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


G eneral H a rd w a re Section E rro l



2165, 2175

2165, 2175

C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

C a s t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d




S o lid W r o u g h t B ro n ze P la te

S o lid W r o u g h t B ro n ze P la te

C a s t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

C ast G rip 6 34"

C ast Bronze G rip

P2172, P la te 12" x ]3"

S p e c ify S ize P21653/i 101^" X 3"

P 2 1 7 0 3 ^ P late 12 " x 3 "

G rip 6 ^ "

G rip 7"

S p e c ify D e sig n

S p e c ify D e sig n

2 1 6 5 ,P la te lS M " x 3 i^ " G rip 6 % "

2165, P late 1 5 " x 3 } 4 " G rip 7 "

2175, P late 16" x 4" G rip 6 % "

2175, P late 16" x 4" G rip 7"


R igh t H and P2265




P2173, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

S p e c ify H a n d P2265, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d P late 16" X 4" G rip 7J^"

P2168, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P2368, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P2274, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P la te 12" X 3" G r ip 9 M "

P late 20" x 4" G rip 15"

P la te 16" X 4" G rip 8 M "

Plate G rip 101^"



12" 14" 16" 16"

x33^" x3^" x3H " x4"

Tw o in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



DOOR PULLS B e n to n

E ssex

E ssex

G eneral H a rd w a re Section S a le m


I 'i' 2165 C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d 2165, Benton P late 12" X 3", G rip 6 P late 1 6 " x 3 }4 " , G rip 7"

2165 C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d 2165, Essex P late 12" X 3", G rip P late 14" X 33/^", G rip 7" P late 1 6 " x 3 H " , G rip 7" P late 16" X 4", G rip 7"

2168 C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d 2168, Essex P late 1 6 " X3 1 ^ " .G rip lO J^"

2165 C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d 2165, Salem P late 12" X 3", G rip 6 ^ ' P late 1 6 " x 3 H " , G rip 7"

B e n to n

E ssex

S a le m

P la in

2365 C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d 2365, Benton P la te 12" X 3", G r ip 6 M " P late 1 6 " x 3 }4 " , G rip 7"

2365 C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d 2365, Essex P late 12 " X 3 ", G rip 6 " P late 14" X 3}^", G rip 7" P late 16" X 3}^", G rip 7" P late 16" X 4", G rip 7"

2365 C a st B ron ze, P o lish e d 2365, Salem P late 12" X 3", G r ip e M " P late 16" X 3J^", G rip 7"

P2365 C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d P2365, Plain P late 12" x 3", G r i p 6 M ‘' P la te 16" x 3}^", G rip 7"

Tw o in a box w ith screws

Specify Number, Size, Design and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



H ard w are

j ^



j ^




P447, P1447

P449, P1449


Size 4 % " X 1" F la t F ro n t P447, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1447, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

Size 4 ^ " X \ Y i' A stragal F ro n t P449, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P I 449, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

Case 4 " X 3 " X Y%" Ja p a n n e d F ro n t X 5 % " C ast Bronze 1080, Pull Recesses in Case W hen N o t in Use F o r F la t F ro n t D oors Tw o in a box w ith screws

O ne-half dozen in

box w ith screws


5, 7

9, 11

17, 19

W id th 25^" H eight 1" 5, C ast Ir o n , J a p a n n e d 7, C ast Iron , C oppered

W id th 4 " H eight, E n ds 1 " 9, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n ed 11, C a st Ir o n , C opp ered

W id th 3 Hei ght I M" 17, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d 19, C a st Iron , C opp ered

T h ree dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

Combined Pull and Frame

P184, P189, P194, P1184 P1189, P1194 C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P184 P189 P194

W id th

H eigh t

3M " 3% " 4"

1" 1" 1"

T hree dozen in a box w ith screws C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d W id th

P1184 P1189 P I 194

3H " 3M " 4>g"

H eigh t

1" 1" 1"

One dozen in a box w ith screws

P493, P503, P1493, P1503 Size 33^ "



F o r C ard 2)4," x

P498, P508, P1498, P1508 Size 3 1 4 " X I H "

F or C ard 2" x

P493, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P498, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d

P1493, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P1498, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

Size 4" X 2Yi"

F o r C ard 33^" x 1 "

Size 4 " X I H "

F o r C ard 2 % ’’ x %"

P503, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P508, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P I 503, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P1508, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P lated, th ree dozen in a box w ith screws Bronze, one dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Pull Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385


P112, P1112

W id th 2 ^ "


P114, P1114

E nds^ " X


W id th 4 "

Ends %" x H "

P112, C a s t I r o n , P l a t e d , P o lis h e d

P 114, C a s t I r o n , P l a t e d , P o lis h e d

P1112, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P1114, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box w ith screws an d w ashers

P1102 W id th 2

P I 103 E nds^

W id th 3 M "

P I 102, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P1302 E nd s H "

W id th 3 K "

P1103, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P1302, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P1103, Tw o dozen in a box w ith screws P I 102, P1302, T h ree dozen in a box w ith screws


W id th 3

P220, P1220

H eight

D220, C a s t I r o n , B r o w n L a c q u e r

W id th

E nds

3H "

H eight I J i '

P220, C a s t I r o n , P l a t e d , P o lis h e d P1220, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

Iro n N um bers, T hree dozen in a box w ith screws Bronze N um bers, One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rdw a re Section



P2063/i, P120634

P20534, P120534

W id th s"

W idth


3 1 ^"


P205%, W ro u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lish

P2063^, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1205% , W ro u g h t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

P1206% , W r o u g h t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

P 2 0 7 3 4 , P12073^

P10634, P11063^ P10734, PI 1 0 7 3 4



W idth

Height V / 2 ”

3 3 ^"

Beveled Edge

P 2 0 7 3 4 , W ro u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

PIO 6 3 4 , W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P12073^, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P11063/4, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d W idth 3

Hei ght I H *

Beveled Edge

PIO 7 3 4 , W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h P11073^, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P1963^, P19734, P11963^

P230, P235, P240, P1230,


P1235, P1240

Width 3 1 ^" Height IH " P1963^, W ro u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h Width 4" Height IM" P1973^, W ro u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h PI 197%, W ro u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

C ast Iron , P la ted , P o lis h e d P230 P235 P240

W id th

H e ig h t

3 “' 3M" 4"

m " IVs"

C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d W id th

P1230 P1235 P1240

Iron and Steel Numbers, Three dozen in a box with screws Bronze Numbers, One dozen in a box with screws

Specijy Number and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

3" 3^" 4"

H e ig h t

1' 1"

IV s’






I iiB i 0520 W id th L ength



P1025 W id th 1"

1^" 1^"

0520, C a st B ra ss, F r ic tio n P o lish

W id th 2"

L ength 1"

L ength 2M "

F la t Ring

R ound Ring, E x tra H eavy

P1025, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P1035, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

T w o dozen in a box w ith screws

ip g ftll

■ T ra p D oor Rings 31, 32



0530, R oun d R ing

530, F la t Ring

C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d C ountersu nk for Screw N o. 7

C a st B rass, F r ic tio n P o lish W id th L en gth

1" m "

IVs" 1^"

Width IJ^" m "

IX "

Length 3M" AH"

IV s" SVs"

31 32


%" Vs"

One dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

T w o dozen in a box w ith screws


10, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d Wheel Plate For Screw

M"xlM" Vs" 1"

IM" 1


1" x 23^ " l^"x2M"

", T h ree dozen in a box O ther sizes, six dozen in a box W ith o u t screws

s 5 7 8 8

510, C a st B rass, F r ic tio n P o lis h For Screw Wheel Plate 5 Vs" 6 ^"xl3^" w


1" x2H"

6 6

T w o dozen in a box w ithout screws

20, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d , E xtra H eavy Wheel Plate For Sc 5i"x2K " 6 Vi" 1" %"x23^" 7 1" X3" 8 m "


lJ^"x3M" l^"x3M"



9 9

Tw o dozen in a box

2 ", One dozen in a box O th er sizes, three dozen in a box W ith o u t screws

Specify Number, Size and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 383

READING G eneral H ardw are Section



A n ti-F rictio n 3 3,

26, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d

C ast Iron , J a p a n n e d

Wheel 3" 4" 5" 6"

*W heel 6 "


For Screw 8 9 10 lJi"x93^" 11

F ro n t 2 M " x 11M "

F o r Screw No. 13

One set in a box w ithou t screws


O ne-half set in a box w ith o u t screws

33, C ast Ir o n , J a p a n n e d

*T urned W heel

‘Wheel 3" 4" 5"

Front 1 3 ^ " x 5M " lM"x7" lM"x8"

For Screw 7 8 9

One set in a box, w ith o u t screws *T urned W heels

H atfield

H atfield




52, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d

052, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n ed

Front X



Wheel 23^" 3" 4" 5"


9" 11" IH" X 12M"



Run 33^' 42" 48" 56"

For Screw 6 6 9

Wheel 2^" 3" 4"

Front 1 M " X 8M "

iy s " x


One set in a box


1 %" X 10^"


Set consists of four sheaves

Specify Number and Size. For Weights, see page 385

Run 37" 42" 49"

For Screw 8 9 9






7, 8, 9

10, 12

7, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , Iron W h eel

10, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n e d , Iron W h eel

8, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel *9, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel

56, 57

56, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , Ir o n W h eel 12, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel 57, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel W h e e llM "

Front l " x

3 5 ^"

Wheel 1



"x 2

*A nti-Friction

F o r Screw 6

For Screw 7

W heel 1 M " F ro n t K " X 3 K " For Screw 5

Three sets in a box without screws

Six sets in a box without screws


Three sets in a box without screws



61, 62, 561

55, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel Wheel Vs"

Front % "

558, 559

Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , C a st B rass W h eel Wheel \ l i "

For Screw 5

Front % " x 2 ^ "

559, C a st B rass C ase, B rass W h eel Wheel 1"

For Screw 7

Six sets in a box without screws

558, C a st B rass C ase, Iron W h eel

62, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d , B rass W h eel W h e e llM "

Front ^ " x For Screw 7

3 1 ^"

Three sets in a box without screws

561, C a st B rass, F r ic tio n F in ish Wheel 1


Front M ' ' x 3 H " For Screw 7

Front % ’ %2%"

For Screw 7 Six sets in a box without screws

Set consists of four sheaves

Specify Number and Size. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H ardw are Section



135, 136 C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d

145, 146

T in Scoop

C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d

W eigh, P o u n d s

W ith W eig h ts

T in Scoop

oz. to 1 Lb. oz. to 2 Lbs.


135 136


F ram e 10}/$'' x

W eigh, P o u n d s

145 2 146 4 F ra m e 12" x 5 J^ "

Scoop 9J4" X

W ith W eights

oz. to 1 Lb. y i oz. to 2 Lbs. Scoop 1 2 ^ " x 6 % "

T h ree in a case N o te;—W e can furnish scale w eights as follows: 3^ oz., 1 oz., 2 oz., 4 oz., 8 oz., 1 lb., 2 lbs., 4 lbs., 8 lbs. In sets; oz. to 1 lb., oz. to 2 lbs., oz. to 4 lbs., H oz- to 8 lbs.


Steel Springs

Screw Socket

W ith P ocket to H old T ension Pin

T o F it


19, C a st Iron , J a p a n n e d 019, C ast Iron , C oppered P119, C a st Iron , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lish L engths W idth s F or Screw

9" W i" 9

10" IH " 9

11" IJI" 10

113, 115

12" \y i" 10

113, C ast Iron , B rass B o lt, F r ic tio n F in is h

P acked w ith Steel Rod for A pplying Tension 19,019, W ith o u t screws

115, C a st Ir o n , Iro n B o lt, C oppered

P119, W ith screws

Six dozen in a box

12", One-half dozen in a box O ther sizes, one dozen in a box

19, 019, P119

SIGNS B lo ck L e tte r Special Signs to O rder Special lettering an d pla tes m ade to o rder from draw ing Block T y p e L e tte rs a n d N um erals 1 inch an d 1 inch high

L etters

N u m e r a ls

LETTERS AND NUMERALS P o lis h e d , C a st B r o n z e, E d ges U n p o lish e d 100, 200, Sizes; Y i '1 1", A pplied w ith Pins.





O th er Sizes w ith W ood Screws

110, 210, Sizes l " a n d I J ^ " Specify Size an d Finish


Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1, For Weights, see page 385




G eneral H a rd w a re Section


PI 722 H eight 2J^"


P1724 Base 2"

W ith C o untersu nk Screw-holes in Base F or A ttach in g to W ood P1722, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

H eight 2

Base 2"

Screw lY i" , w ith E xpansion Bolt P1724, C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d

H eight 2 M " Base 2" W ith F a s t Screw in Base F or A ttach in g to W ood P1723, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

One-half dozen in a box

P625, P725, P1725 Projection 3 " Base \.Y%" F a st Screw i}/%" P625, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P725, C a st Iro n , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h PI 725, C a st B ron ze, P o lish e d

P620, P720, P621, P721 P1720, P1721 H eight 2 M " Base I M " F a st Screw 1" P620, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d P720, C ast Iron , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lish P1720, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d O ne-half dozen in a box H eight I M " B a se l} ^ " F a st Screw 1" P621, C ast Iro n , P la ted , P o lish e d P721, C a st Iron , P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h PI 721, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P1820 D ouble B um per Stop for Tw o Doors H eight 2 M "

Base 1}^*'

C an furnish Special Sizes as follows; P1825, C ast B ron ze P rojection 4" P1925, C ast B ro n ze Projection 5"

F a st Screw 1" PI 820, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

C an furnish w ith C ou ntersu nk Screwholes in Base for atta c h in g to wood, as follows.

One-half dozen in a box

PblSYz, C a st Iron , P la te d , P o lish e d Projection 3" P1725V2> C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d Projection 3 " One-half dozen in a box

One dozen in a box

BllUl P0625, P0725, P01725 Projection 1)4:" F a st Screw y%"

Base 1"

P0625, C a st Iron , P la te d , P o lish e d P0725, C ast Iro n , P la ted , F rictio n P o lish P01725, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d One-half dozen in a box

P17253^, W ith H ook R igh t H and Projection 3 " Base 13^" F a st Screw 1^4" H ook 2)4" PI 725%, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish ed Projection 3" Base \y%" W ith C ountersunk Screw-holes in Base F o r A ttaching to Wood H ook lY i" P1725% -W S, C ast B ron ze, P o lish e d

PI 737 H eight 2}^" Base3"x2H" W ith C ountersunk Base F o r A ttach in g to Wood PI 737, C ast B ron ze, P o lish ed O ne-sixth dozen in a box

One-half dozen in a box

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section


DOOR STOPS W ith Rubber Bumpers

R igh t H and P01728 Projection 3 ^ "

P1728, P1727, P1727V2 Base 1 ^ "

P rojection 3 ^ "

Base 1 ^ "

Screw 2}^", w ith E xpansion Bolt

Screw 2J^", w ith E xpansion Bolt

P01728, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P I 728, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d R ig h t H an d

Projection 3 ^ "

Base 1 % "

P rojection 3 ^ "

W ith C oun tersun k Screw-holes in Base F o r A ttach in g to W ood


Base 2}4"

Screw 2J^", w ith E xpansion Bolt P i 727, C a st B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

H eight 4 1 4 "

Base 31 ^ " X 2 % "

P1741, C ast B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P01728V2, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d P ro je c tio n s ^ "

Base 2

W ith C o un tersunk Screw-holes in Base F o r A ttach in g to W ood P1727i/^, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P01740 Projection 4 ^ "


Base 3 ^ " x 2 % "

P01740, C a st B ron ze, P o lish e d

H eight 4 J i "

Base 31 ^ "

X 2 ^ "

P01741, C ast B r o n z e, P o lis h e d R igh t H and PI 740 P rojection 4 ^ "


P1740, C ast B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

Tw o in a box w ith screws

Stops w ith P la te for Hook, th e P la te is 2" x 13^"

Specify Stop Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385



G eneral H a rdw are Section

DOOR STOPS With Rubber Bumpers

R igh t H and



H eight 3 Vs"

Base 2J^"

Base 21^"

Screw 2J^", w ith E xpansion Bolt

Screw 2 J^ ", w ith E xpansion Bolt

P01743, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

H eig ht 3 i/g"

P1743, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

R ig h t H and


P1742 H eight 3

H eight 3 Base 2 W ith C oun tersun k Screw-holes in Base F o r A ttach in g to W ood

B a s e 2 i^ "

W ith C ou n tersu n k Screw-holes in Base F o r A ttach in g to W ood

P01742, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d

P I 742, C a s t B r o n z e , P o lis h e d Stops w ith P late for H ook, th e P la te is 2 " x 1 "

Illustratio ns Showing H ands of H ooks

R igh t H an d

L eft H and

T w o in a box w ith Screws

Specify Stop Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1.

For Weights, see page 385

READING G eneral H a rd w a re Section


1, 51

2, 52

D iam eter of P in y i " L en gth of Pin ^ "

D iam ete r of P in Jie" L ength of P in

C a st Ir o n , C oppered D iam eter of Pin L ength of P in






C a st Ir o n , C opp ered D iam eter of P in L en gth of P in

C a st B rass, F r ic tio n F in is ii


C a st B rass, F r ic tio n F in is h

3, 53

4, 54

D iam eter of P in Y%" L en gth of P in

D iam eter of P in ]/i " L en g th of P in ^ "

3, C a st Ir o n , C oppered


D iam eter of Pin L en gth of Pin

C a st Ir o n , C opp ered D iam eter of P in % 2 " L ength of P in Jjg"

53, C a st B rass, F r ic tio n F in is h

54, C a st B ra ss, F r ic tio n F in is h

T h e dim ensions of pins are ta k e n from milled castings, b u t are not g u aran teed exact. W e can, a t a slight ad ditional charge, mill th e pins to gauge to insure accuracy T w elve dozen in a box


L eft H an d

L eft H a n d


F o r Brick

F o r W ood

F o r W ood

21, 31

23, 33

25, 35, 26, 36

Spike 4J^", S hank for Brick

P la te V A “ X

21, C a st Iro n , J a p a n n ed 31, C ast Iro n , G alv an ized

23, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d 33, C a st Iro n , G a lv a n iz ed

F o r W ood

S h an k x 11", F o r W ood H alf O val S hank 25, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d 35, C a st Iro n , G a lv a n iz ed

O ne dozen in a box w ith o u t screws

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 385

S h an k 5^" x 13", F o r W ood F la t S h an k 26, C a st Ir o n , J a p a n n e d 36, C a st Ir o n , G a lv a n iz ed



G eneral H a rd w a re Section



R O U N D H E A D S C R E W S 1 IN C H N o . 8

S te e l, w i t h S te e l S c re w s

W ith Cups

Number 20 .


21 . , . 22 . . . 24 . .


Number 3 0 ......................

. .

Brass P lated

3 1 ......................

Bronze P lated

3 2 ......................


. .

A ntique Copper

3 3 ......................

A n tique Copper

. .

Finisli Im ita tio n Barff Brass

D ull Brass

3 4 ......................

D ull Brass

. . .

Nickel P lated, Polished

3 5 ......................

Nickel P lated

. . . . .

D ull Brass, Sanded

3 6 ......................

D ull Brass, Sanded

27 . . .

G enuine Barff

3 7 ......................

D ull Black, Sanded

28 . . .

. . .

S ta tu a ry Bronze, D ark

3 8 ......................

S ta tu a ry Bronze, D ark

29 . . .

. . .

D ull Nickel

3 9 ......................

D ull Nickel

. . .

D ull Nickel, Sanded

4 0 ......................

D ull Nickel, Sanded

25 . . . 26 .

20 to 291/2 30 to 40

Finish . . . . .

23 . .

B r o n z e , w i t h B r o n z e S c re w s

2 9 1 /2



One dozen in a box. Tw elve boxes in a large box


in c h



S te e l, w it h S te e l Screw s

With Washers

1 2 0 to 128

130 to 138



1 3 0 ..................

Finish Im ita tio n Barff

Brass P lated

1 3 1 ..................


Num ber

120 . .

. . . .

B ron ze, w it h B r o n z e S crew s Num ber

121 . .

. . .

122 . .

. . .

Bronze P lated

1 3 2 ..................


123 . .

. . .

A ntiqu e Copper

1 3 3 ..................

A ntique Copper

124 . .

. . .

D ull Brass

1 3 4 ..................

D ull Brass

125 . .

Nickel P lated

1 3 5 ..................

1 2 5 1 /2

D ull N ickel, P lated

1 3 5 1 /2

D ull Brass, Sanded G enuine Barff

1 3 6 .................. 1 3 7 ..................

D ull Black, Sanded

S ta tu a ry Bronze, D ark

1 3 8 ..................

S ta tu a ry Bronze, D ark

. . . . . . . . . . . . 126 . . , . . 127 . . 128 . . . . . .

One dozen in a box.

. . . .

Nickel P lated D ull Nickel P lated, D ull Brass, Sanded

Tw elve boxes in a large box

Specify Number. For Weights, see page 585




P0417V4, P I 4 1 7 1 /4 P0417, P1417

PO4IOV4, PI4IOI/4, P0410, P1410 Case I M " X IVs"

S trik e

x ]4,"

Case l M " x I H "

Strike 1 ^ "


P0410Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

PO4 1 7 1 / 4 , W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1410V4. W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P1417V4> W ro u g h t B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P0410, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d

P0417, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lis h e d

P1410, C a st B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P1417, C a st B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P0419V4, P1419V4 P0419, P1419

PO42OV4, PI42OV4 S trike 1 ^ " x

Case I M " X 13^ " Case23^"xl^"

Strike 2 " x


" P0419V4, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P0420l^, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lish

P1419V4, W r o u g h t B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P1420Vi, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P0419, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d P1419, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P0429V4, P1429V4

P0422V4, P1422V4 Case 23^ " x l ^ "


Strike 23^ " X

2 3^

" X 1^ "

S trike


"x ^ "

P0422l^, W ro u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P0429Vi, W r o u g h t S te e l, P la te d , F r ic tio n P o lis h

P1422V4, W r o u g h t B r o n z e, P o lis h e d

P1429V4, W r o u g h t B ro n ze, P o lis h e d

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 383



— G eneral H a rd w a re Section


P0430, P1430 Case


P0445, P1445 S trike 2 J^ " x

Case 13^" X \V 2''

S trike 1 ^ " x Y^"

P0430, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P0445, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

P1430, C a st B r o n z e, P o lish e d

P1445, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

P0432, P1432


Case 2 li" x 1% "

Strike 2 ^ " x

Case 21^" x l ^ "

Strike 2


P0432, C a st Ir o n , P la te d , P o lish e d

Bronze P lated T u rn

P I 432, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

D0430, C ast Iro n , B row n L acq u er

P0439, P1439


Case 2 li" x 1 % "

S trike 2 ^ " x

Case 2 M " X 1 ^ "

S trike 2 M ".x

P0439, C a st Iro n , P la te d , P o lish e d

Bronze P lated T u rn

P1439, C ast B ro n ze, P o lish e d

D0439, C a st Iro n , B row n L a cq u er

One dozen in a box w ith screws

Specify Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1. For Weights, see page 385


NG mR E AaD Im

G eneral H a rd w a re Section





The weights listed on the following pages are given for the convenience of estimating transportation charges. The weight with the unit of packing includes the carton and wrapping, also screws if the article is packed with screws, but does not include shipping containers or cases. We have listed the weights as accurately as possible and slight variations may occur in the process of manufacturing. I f any items are wanted to template for appli­ cation to metal construction, we can furnish at an additional charge. Item A D JU S T E R S , C asem ent 384, 384V2, P385, P 38 53^ .................

P 1 3 8 5 ...........................

485, 4851/2, P485, P 4 8 5 3 ^ ....................

P 1 4 8 5 ...........................






387V2 , P387, P0387.


P 138 7...........................


3901 / 2 , P390, P0390.


P 13 90...........................


394, 3941 / 2 , P395, P3953/4....................


P 1 3 9 5 ...........................


360, 3601/2, P360, P 36 034 .................

P 13 60 ...........................



380, 3801/2, P 3 8 0 . .. .


P 138 0...........................


375, 3751 / 2 , P375, P 3 7 5 3 4 ................. P 137 5........................... P 3 8 6 ............................. P 1386........................... P 1381 ...........................

161 161 162 162 162



8" 10" 12" 14" 8" 10" 12" 14"

Y2 doz. “ ^ “ ^ “ ^ ^

10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 10" 12" 10" 12"

“ “ “

Weight Per Unit of Packing

41b. 1 oz. 4 U TV2 “ 4 a 15 “ 5 u 6M “ 4 u 13 “ 5 u 1^ “ a 5 9 “ 6 ii 3 % “ u u u tt u tl a u

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

4 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 7 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

9" 13" 9" 13"

“ “ “ “

4 u 5 S u 6 u

8" 10" 12" 15" 8" 10" 12" IS" 10" 12" 15" 10" 12" 15"

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

6 6 7 7 6 6 6 7 4 4 5 5 5 6

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

4 4 5 S 5 6 4 4 5 4 5

10" 12" 15" 10" 12" 15" 10" 12" 16" 10" 12" 16" 10" 12" 15"

M ^ M M M M ^ M M


^ ^ H M 3^ ^ ^ Vi. K ^ M M


“ “




it u u u

12 SV2 lO H 6 14 2 11 m 1 4Ji 6 13^ 2 6^ 15 4

« “ “




Weight Per Unit of Packing

A D JU S T E R S , C asem ent P 1 3 8 3 ...........................


10" 12" 15" 8" 10" 12" 15" 18" 10" 12" 15"

¥ doz. ii ¥ «

U a u a

3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 4 4 5

10" 12" 15" 10" 12" 15"

(( a u (C (( u

5 t( a 5 6 (I 6 u 6 t( 7 a

10" 12" 15" 10' 12" 15" 8" 10" 12" 15" 8" 10" 12" 15" 10" 12" 15" 8" 10" 12" 15" 18" 8" 10" 12" 15" 18" 10" 12" 15"

u a a (( u u a ¥ u ¥ u ¥ u V* K v^ U u ¥ u Va u ¥ u ¥ u ¥ u ¥ a ¥ it ¥ a ¥ a ¥ ^" 3" x3" M"x2M" 1" x2%" 13^"x3"

6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

lM "x4" 2" xAVs" M " x 2M" 1" x2Vs" l^ " x 3 " lM "x 3 M " I^"x3jf6" lM "x4" 2" xAVs" l^ " x 2 M " 13^"x 2M " lM "x 3 i^ "

2" *P0181, P0182

tP069, P 071, P 0 8 1 . .


3" x 2 ^ " 3" x3" 2" x2" 2i^"x2" 2 ^ "x 2 i^ " 3" x 2V2" 3" x3"

m ''x 3 V s '' 2" x4^" 2 7 7 3 ^ ...........................

x iV s ’'

u (( u ^ a “ 8^ u (( " 7 “

“ “

(( a



C A S T E R S, T r u c k 1 3 ................................... 1 4 ................................... 16. ........................... 1 7 .................................. 1 8 ..................................

20.................................. 21.................................. 22.................................. 23.................................. 2 4 .................................. 2 7 ..................................

30.............................. 32.................................. 3 3 .................................. 3 5 .................................. 43.............................. 45..............................

199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199

In Bulk

200 200 200 200 200 200

2 doz. 2 u 2 (C 1 {( 1 a 1 ({

3 5 6 1 3 2 4 3 3 5 1 2 3 2 3 2 5


“ 12 “ 4 « 1 “ 7 “ 1 " 9 “ 3V2 “ 2 “ 5 “ 7 “ 8 “ 13 “ 11 “ 3H “ 12 « 14 1 “

ii a u

10 11 8M 8 9

(( u a (1 ({ u

(( a {( u (( u (( t( i{ u (( » (1

CA TCH ES, E lbo w 1 2 4 ................................. 1241/ 2 , P 1 2 4 ...............

524, 624, P1400 P1402 3 0 .................................. 2 9 ..................................

1 1

1 1 7 “ 3 “

CATCH ES, R e frig e ra to r

{( 200 2 “ u 200 2 “ (1 200 3 “ (( 200 3 “ (C 200 2 “ u 200 3 “ *See Average W eights w ith D escription of B utts. fSee W eights of B u tts w ith D escription.

161, J 1 6 1 ..................... P 1 6 1 .............................. 162, J 1 6 2 ..................... P 1 6 2 .............................. 6 6 1 ................................. 6 6 2 ................................



l^ 2^ 3 6

u a a u






Weight Per Unit of Paclcing

200 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201

Yi 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

doz. “ « “ “ “ “ “ “ “

2 5 lb 2 “ 1 1 “ 3 J^ 2 “ 2 3 “ 4}^ 3 “ 13 H 4 “ 11 1 “ 14 2 “ 2 2 “ 7

CATCHES, F r e n c h W in d o w P0398 ......................... P 0 4 1 2 ........................... P 0 4 2 5 ........................... P I 398 P1412 P I 4 2 5 ........................... P0412V4....................... P I 4121/4 ....................

201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201

2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1

“ “ “ « “ “ “

CATCHES, S creen D oor P 4 4 1 V i......................... P I 4 4 II / 4 ....................... PIO 3 7 1 /4 ...................... PIO 3 7 II /4 P341V4......................... P I 3 4 II / 4 ...................... D 4 4 8 ............................. P 4 4 8 ............................. P 1 4 4 8 ........................... D 5 4 3 ............................. P 68 5 1 /4 ......................... P 66 2 1 /4 ......................... P1662 1/4 ...................... PIO 951 /4 ....................... PIO 9 5 1 1 /4 .................... P 6 9 5 1 /4 ......................... P4911/4......................... P I 4 9 II / 4 ....................... P 3 4 0 5 ........................... P 1 3 4 0 5 .........................

202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203

1 only 1 1 1 1 1 3^ doz. 1/ H 1/ « 1/ rt 1 set

CATCHES, T ra n so m D 4 6 0 ............................. D 5 6 1 ............................. D 4 6 4 ............................. D 5 6 5 ............................. P 4 6 4 ............................. P I 4 6 4 ........................... P 5 7 5 ............................. P 1 5 7 5 ........................... 4 6 9 ................................ 4691/2............................ 5 6 9 ................................ 5691/z............................ P 4 6 0 ............................. P I 4 6 0 ........................... P 5 6 1 ............................. P 1 5 6 1 ........................... P561V4......................... P1561V4....................... P 0 1 4 6 0 ......................... P4611/4......................... P I 4 6 IV 4 ....................... P 0 1 5 6 1 ......................... P 1 4 6 8 ........................... P 0 1 4 6 8 ......................... P 0 4 6 8 ........................... P 0 1 4 6 6 .........................

204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 205 20s 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205

1 doz.



CATCHES, C u p b o a rd P 1 3 8 0 ........................... P0368 1/4 ....................... P1368V4....................... P 1 3 7 5 ........................... P 0 3 6 6 ........................... P 0 3 6 8 ........................... P 0 3 7 0 ........................... P I 3 6 6 ........................... P I 3 6 8 ........................... P 1 3 7 0 ...........................



1 1 1


1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

“ “ « “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ « “ “ “ “

2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1

“ 9^ “ 1 “ 12 “ 9 “ 13 “ 3 “ 121^ “ IV2

nV2 12H 13 14 13 14 3 “ 12 3 “ 11 4 “ 3 “ 15 1 4 1 “ 3 1 3 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 V2 1 1 1 1 2

3 3 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 3

“ « “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ « “ “ “ " “

“ " “ “ “ “ “ “

6}^ 2 4 11 4 14 10 7 6 6 10 10 7 13 iV 2 6 WV2 14 3 13 13 13 H m 7 ^y2

oz. “ “ « “ “ “ “

“ " “ “ “ “

“ “ “ “ “ " “ “ “ “ “ “ “

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ " “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “


392 Ite m

CATCHES, T ra n so m P 1 4 6 6 ........................... P 1 4 7 2 ........................... P 1 5 7 2 ........................... P01463 ........... P 1 4 6 3 ........................... P 4 6 2 ............................. P 1 4 6 2 ........................... P562 ......................... P 1 5 6 2 ........................... P 1 4 5 9 ...........................



205 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206

207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 208 2 2 , 2 3 .................................. 2 6 , 2 7 .................................. 208 208 2 5 , 251/2 20, 2 1 ........................... 209 020, 0 2 1 ....................... 209 209 3 8 ............................................ 209 P I 138 209 31 . . . 209 P 3 1 ........................................ 209 P 1 1 3 1 ................................... 209 32 P 3 2 ................................ 209 P I 1 3 2 .................................. 209 209 3 3 ............................................ 209 P33 P I 1 3 3 ................................... 209 209 3 4 ............................................ 209 P34 209 P I 134 3 5 ................................... 209 209 P35 P I 1 3 5 ................................... 209 3 6 ................................. 209 P 3 6 ............................. 209 PI 1 3 6 ................................... 209 40, 41, 42, P 43 . . . . 210

1^" IM " 2" 2M " 2^" 2M " 3"

P I 140

P acking

W e ig h t P er U n it of P acking

1 H nz-

li U a u

S 1h

1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1


u u u


i( 6 (( 7 U U 5 2 u 5

S 4

u u

3 u

15 15 IV?. 2 11 1 7 13 ' 2 61^

oz. i" 4" 6" 2^" 3" 3M " 4" 6" 4" S" 6" 8" 4" S" 6" 8" 4" 6" 8" 12"

3 U 3 u 3 a 3 u 3 u 3 u 3 n 3 u 3 a 3 u 3 u 2 W ro u g h t Steel

E scutcheon 1141V4> W ro ug ht Brass

O ctagon Glass K nob

F lu te d Glass K nob

R oun d Glass K nob

F lare Glass K nob

W ro u g h t M etal K n o b

K nob 00149M , 2"

K nob 00206M, 2 "

K nob 00306M, 2 "

K nob 00506M, 2"

K nobs 00262IM , 2", B rass 0 0 6 2 1 ^ , 2", Steel

Rawdon Sets for Inside Doors Set



520 522 1522 3520

. . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

857M 855M 855M 1159

. . . . . , . . . .

226 227 1226 1227 3226

. . . . . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

857M 855^ 855M 0251M 1159

. . . ,

. . . .

. . . .

857^ 855% 855% 1159

320 322 1322 3320

. . . . . . .

620 622 1622 3620 1604 1605 2605 3628 5628

. . . .

. . . . . . . . .

Above lock sets

. . . . . . • . ■ ■ . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

68 69 69 69 68 69 69 70 69

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

68 69 69 69


. . . .

. . . .


F ro n t


. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Steel ......................... Steel ......................... Steel ....................... B r a s s .......................

0 0 1 4 9 } ^ ...................... 1411^ 0 0 1 4 9 K ...................... 141M 00149 ...................... 1141J^ 0 0 1 4 9 ...................... 1141J^

Steel Steel B rass Brass

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

Steel ......................... Steel ......................... Steel ....................... Steel ....................... B r a s s .......................

0 0 2 0 6 3 ^ ...................... 14134 0 0 2 0 6 H ...................... 141 00206 ...................... 1141}^ 00206 ...................... 1141J4 00206}^ ...................... 1141}^

Steel Steel Brass Brass Brass

. . . . Steel ......................... 0 0 3 0 6 ...................... 141 ^ Steel . . . . Steel ......................... 0 0 3 0 6 3 ^ ...................... 1 4 1 Steel ....................... 0 0 3 0 6 3 4 ...................... 1 1 4 1 i| B rass . . . . Steel . . . . B r a s s ....................... 0 0 3 0 6 3 4 ...................... 114134 B rass . . 857M . . . . . . 68 . . . . Steel ......................... 0 0 5 0 6 3 4 ...................... 141 Steel . . 855% . . . . . . 69 . . . . Steel ......................... 0 0 5 0 6 3 ^ ...................... 14134 Steel . . 855% . . . . . . 69 . . . . Steel ....................... 0 0 5 0 6 K ...................... 114134 Brass. . . 1159 . . . . . . 69 . . . . B r a s s ....................... 0 0 5 0 6 3 ^ ...................... 11413^ Brass . . 857% . . , . . . 68 . . . . Steel ......................... 0062134 ...................... 14134 Steel . . 855% . . . . 69 . . . . Steel ......................... 0 0 6 2 1 3 ^ ...................... 14134 Steel . . 855% , . . . . . 69 . . . . Steel ....................... 00262134 ...................... 1141J^ B rass . . 1159 . . . . . . 69 . . . . B r a s s ....................... 0 0 2 6 2 1 3 ^ ...................... 11413^ Brass . . 01256 . . . . . . 71 . . . . B r a s s ....................... 00262134 ...................... 11413^ Brass for closet doors w ith half pair knobs an d Closet Spindle P037G an d escutcheon one side, a d d C a f t e r s e t n u m b e r F ro n t an d Vestibule Sets to m atch. See page 411 Screws in above escutcheons clear lock cases. Glass knobs have sheet brass shank K nob shanks hav e core of rod steel One lock set in a box w ith screws. 60 sets in a case, 135 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS E scutcheon x 6^" L ever H andle O utside Set 2705 3605



F la t F ro n t Locks, Backset I J ^ " K nob Inside Lever


00859 J 4 ....................... 83 001160


. . . P620 .................. 00621 3 ^ i .................. 1413^ W ro ugh t Steel 83 . . . P1620 0 0 2 6 2 1 3 ^ i ........................11413^ W rou ght B rass S et 2705 has steel fro n t lock, iron p lated lever, steel knob an d escutcheon Set 3605 has brass fro n t lock, brass lever, brass knob an d escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, and escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

S s



Bit K ey F ro n t D oor

Cylinder V estibule

Cylinder F ro n t Door

Cylinder Front Door Set—Reversible W rought Brass One-Piece K nobs, 2 "

W rou ght Brass O utside an d Inside E scutcheons Escutcheons

Set 016632

Lock 01602

Page 102

Knob Spindle 0 0 2 625 ^^x 32

Outside 1372}4, x

Inside T 1373M , 6 ^ " x

If w anted w ith m etal knob outside, glass knob 00206M inside, specify Set 016632 M x G

Cylinder Vestibule Set—Reversible W rought Brass Shank, F lu te d Glass K nob, 2 "

E scutcheons W ro ugh t Brass Escutcheons

Set 015629

Lock 01505

Page 101

Knob Spindle 002063^x520

Outside 1 3 8 5 PJie" x 2 J^ "

Inside B1141J^, 6?/g" x I J ^ "

If w anted w ith m etal knob 002625}^ outside, an d glass knob 002063^ x Spindle 4-2 inside, specify Set N u m b er 015629 M x G If w anted w ith m etal knobs b o th sides, specify Set 015629 M x M

Bit Key Front Door Sets—Reversible Escutcheons Set T13622 T13622S TA9622 TA9522

Lock 1342 942 942 942

Page 99 99 99 99

Knob Spindle 002623M x 10 0026231^ X 10 00623 X 10 00523M X 51

Outside 01354}^, 9 J ^ ’' x 2 y s " 01354M, 9 } i " x 2 y 8 " 0354H, 9 V ^ ' ' x 2 H ’’

0354M, 9^16" X 2 ^ "

Inside T II4 7 1 4 , (,% "x T1147M, 6?^" X ly s " T147M, 6 ^ " x m " T147i^, 63^" X

Set T13622 has cast brass fro n t lock w ith w rought brass knob, w rought brass escutcheon outside an d inside Set T13622S has iron plated fro n t lock w ith trim sam e as Set T13622 Set TA9622 has iron plated fro n t lock w ith w rought steel knob, w rought steel escutcheon outside an d inside iSet TA9522 has iron plated fro n t lock w ith w rought steel knob an d th rea d ed ad ju sta b le T y p e “ B ” spindle, w rought steel escutcheons outside an d inside

One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Set Number an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

DARBY LOCK SETS FOR INSIDE DOORS Size of E scutcheon E scutcheon 141

O ctagon Glass K nob

Knob 00149



W rought Steel

E scutcheon 1141Vii W rought Brass

F lu te d Glass K nob

R ound Glass K nob

F lare Glass K nob

W rought M etal K nob

Knob 00206M, 2 "

Knob 003061^, 2"

Knob 00506%, 2"

Knobs 002621%, 2", Brass 00621%, 2", Steel

Darby Sets for Inside Doors Set 520 522 1522 3520 226 227 1226 1227 3226

.................. . . . ................ ..................

320 322 1322 3320 620 622 1622 3620


Lock 857M 855% 855% 1159

Page ....................68 ....................69 ....................69 ....................69

Front ...................... Steel ............................ ...................... Steel ...................... ...................... Steel ............................ ....................B r a s s .........................

Knob 00149% 00149% 00149% 00149%

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . ,

857% 855% 855% 0251% 1159

....................68 ....................69 ....................69 ....................70 ....................69

....................Steel ........................ ...................... Steel ............................ .................... Steel .................... ...................... Steel ...................... ....................B r a s s .........................

00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206%

. . , . .

. . . . .

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

141% 141% 1141% 1141%

857% 855% 855% 1159

....................68 .................... 69 ....................69 ....................69

...................... Steel .................... ...................... Steel ............................ ....................Steel ......................... ....................B r a s s .........................

00306% 00306% 00306% 00306%

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

Steel 141% Steel 1 1 4 1 % Brass 1 1 4 1 % Brass

857% 855% 855% 1159

....................68 ....................69 ....................69 ....................69

.................... .................... .................... ....................B

Steel .................... Steel .................... Steel .................... r a s s .........................

00506% 00506% 00506% 00506%

. . . .

. . . .

141% 141% 1141% 1141%

....................68 ....................69 ....................69 ....................69 .................... 7 1

.................... Steel .................... ....................Steel ......................... .................... Steel .................... ....................B r a s s ......................... ....................B r a s s .........................

00621% 00621% 002621% 002621% 002621%

, . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

857% 1604 855% 1605 855% 2605 1159 3628 ................ 01256 5628 ................ Above lock sets for closet doors

Escutcheon 141% Steel 141% Steel 1141% Brass 1141% Brass


Steel Steel Brass Brass Brass


Steel Steel Brass Brass

141% Steel 141% Steel 1141% Brass 1 1 4 1 % Brass 1141% Brass

w ith half pair knobs an d Closet Spindle P037G an d escutcheon one side, a d d C a f t e r s e t n u m b e r F ro n t and Vestibule Sets to m atch. See page 413 Screws in above escutcheons clear lock cases. Glass knobs have sheet brass shank K nob shanks have core of rod steel One lock set in a box with screws. 60 sets in a case, 135 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS Escutcheon x 6?^" F la t F ro n t Locks, Backset Lever H andle O utside K nob Inside Set Lock Page Lever Knob Escutcheon 2705 00859% 83 P620 00621}^ 1413^ W rought Steel 3605 001160 83 P1620 002621J^ 1 1 4 1 Wr ought Brass Set 2705 has steel front lock, iron plated lever, steel knob an d escutcheon Set 3605 has brass front lock, brass lever, brass knob an d escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, an d escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box w ith screws

Specijy Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

■3 R E A D I N G Design Section

n 413


B it K ey F ro n t D oor

C ylinder Vestibule

C ylinder F ro n t D oor

Cylinder Front Door Set—Reversible W rought Brass O ne-Piece K nobs, 2"

C ast Brass O utside an d W rought Brass E scutcheons Inside Escutcheons

Set 016632


Lock 01602


Knob Spindle 002625M X 32

Inside T 1 3 7 3 Ji, 6 ^ " X IVs"

Outside 1372, gVs" X IVs"

If w anted w ith m etal knob outside, glass knob 0 0 2 0 6 ^ inside, specify Set 016632 M x G

Cylinder Vestibule Set—Reversible W ro ugh t Brass Shank, F lu te d Glass K nob, 2 " Set 015629

Lock 01505



If w anted w ith m etal knob 002625

Knob Spindle 0 0 2 0 6 }i X 52G

E scutcheons W rought Brass Escutcheons

Outside 1385M, 6 ^ " X IVs"

Inside B1141M , 6 ^ " x V/s"

outside, an d glass knob 0020634 x Spindle 42 inside, specify Set N u m b er 015629 M x G

If w anted w ith m etal knobs b o th sides, specify Set 015629 M x M

Bit Key Front Door Sets—Reversible Set T13622 T13622S TA9622 TA9522

Lock 1342 942 942 942

Page 99 99 99 99

Knob 002623M 002623H 006231^ 00523M

Spindle X 10 X 10 X 10 X 51

Outside 01354, 91^" X 2 ^ " 01354, 9Vs'' X IVa" 0354, 91 ^ " X 2 ^ " 0354, 93^ " X 2 ^ "

Escutcheons Inside T 114 7i^, 6 % " x IVs" T IIA 7 H , 6 V s"x I K " T 147M , 6 ^ " x T 147M . 6 ^ " x iVs"

Set T13622 has cast brass fro n t lock w ith w rought brass knob, cast brass escutcheon outside, w rought brass escutcheon inside S et T13622S has iron p lated fro n t lock w ith trim sam e as Set T13622 Set TA9622 has iron plated front lock w ith w rought steel knob, cast iron escutcheon outside, w rought steel escutcheon inside Set TA9522 has iron plated fro nt lock w ith w rought steel knob an d th rea d ed a d ju sta b le T y p e “ B ” spindle, cast iron escutcheon outside, w rought steel escutcheons inside One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Set Num ber a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

BEMIS LOCK SETS FOR INSIDE DOORS Size of E scutcheon 1 % " x 6 J^ " E scutcheon

W ro u g h t Steel

E scutcheon 1141Vi) W ro ugh t Brass

O ctagon Glass K nob

F lu te d Glass K nob

R ound Glass K nob

F lare Glass K nob

W ro ugh t M etal K nob

K n ob 0 0 1 4 9 1 ^ , 2 "

K nob 00206M, 2"

K nob 00306K , 2"

K nob 00S06M, 2 "

K nobs 00262134, 2", B rass 0062134, 2", Steel

Bemis Sets for Inside Doors .................. .................. .................. ..................

226 227 1226 1227 3226

.................. .................. ..................

320 322 1322 3320

.................. .................. ..................


Lock 857M 85 5H 855M 1159

. . . .

857M 855 M 855 M 0 2 5 1 ^ 1159

............................68 ............................69 ............................69 ...................... 7 0 ................................. Steel 69

857M 855M 855^ 1159

520 622 1622 3620

857M 855 M 855% 1159

1604 1605 2605 3628 5628

857 M 855M 855 M 1159 01256

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Page 68 69 6 9 6 9

Front ...................... Steel ...................... Steel ...................... Steel ...................... Brass

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Knob 00149J4 00149J4 001493^ 00149J4 002063^ 002063^ 00206 00206 00206J4


Set 520 522 1522 3520


00306 00306M 00306M 003063^

69 69 69


00506M 005063^ 00506M 0050634 006213^ 0062134 002621 00262134 002621J4

69 69 69

68 69 69 69 71

Escutcheon .................. 14134 Steel .................. 1 413 4 Steel .................. 1 1 4 1 3 4 B rass . ..................114134 Brass .................. 14134 Steel .................. 1 4 1 3 4 Steel .................. 11 4 134 Brass 0 ..................114134 0206^ Brass . .................. 1141 3 4 Brass .................. 1 41 34 Steel .................. 14 134 Steel ..................114134 Brass . .................. 1 1 4 1 3 4 Brass .................. 14134 Steel .................. 14134 Steel .................. 11 41 3 4 B rass . ..................114134 Brass .................. 14134 Steel .................. 14134 Steel .................. 11 41 3 4 Brass .................. 114 134 Brass . .................. 1 1 41 34 Brass

A bove lock sets for closet doors w ith half pair knobs an d Closet Spindle P037G an d escutcheon one side, a d d C a f t e r s e t n u m b e r F ro n t an d Vestibule Sets to m atch. See page 415 Screws in above escutcheons clear lock cases. Glass knobs have sheet brass shank K nob shanks have core of rod steel One lock set in a box w ith screws. 60 sets in a case, 135 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS E scutcheon 1 % " x 614" Lever H andle O utside Set 2705 3605

Lock Page Lever 0 0 8 5 9 ? ^ .................... 8 3 .....................P620 001160 83 P1620

F la t F ro n t Locks, Backset I H " K nob Inside . . . . . . . .

Knob Escutcheon 0 0 6 2 1 J ^ ........................ 1 4 1 Wr ought Steel 0 0 2 6 2 1 3 4 ..................114134 W rought Brass

Set 2705 has steel fro n t lock, iron plated lever, steel knob and escutcheon Set 3605 has brass fro n t lock, brass lever, brass knob an d escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, and escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cylinder, F ro n t Door

B it K ey F ro n t D oor

Cylinder Vestibule

Cylinder Front Door Set—Reversible W rought Brass O ne-Piece K nobs, 2 "

C ast Brass O utside an d W rought Brass E scutcheons Inside Escutcheons Lock Page Knob Spindle Outside Inside 01602 102 0 0 2 6 2 5 M x 32 1372, 9 i^ " x 2 M " T1373M , 6 M " x If w anted w ith m etal knob outside, glass knob 00206M inside, specify Set 016632 M x G

Set 016632

Cylinder Vestibule Set—Reversible W rought Brass Shank, F lu te d Glass K nob, 2 " Set 015629

Lock 01505

Page 101

E scutcheons W rought Brass Escutcheons Outside Inside 1385M, 6 ^ " x 1% " B1141M , 6 M " x 1 % "

Knob Spindle 00206M x 52G

If w anted w ith m etal knob 002625J^ outside, a n d glass knob 00206J^ x Spindle 42 inside, specify Set N u m ber 015629 M x G If w an ted w ith m etal knobs b o th sides, specify Set 015629 M x M

Bit Key Front Door Sets—Reversible Set T13622 T13622S TA9622 TA9522

Page 99 99 99 99

Lock 1342 942 942 942


Outside 01354, 9 3 ^ " x 2 M " 01354, 9Ys" X 2W' 0354, 9Vi" X 2M" 0354, 9 3 ^ " x 2 M "

Knob Spindle 002623 X 10 002623 X 10 00623 X 10 00523 X 51

Inside T 11 47i^, 6 J ^ " x 1 % " T 11 47i^, 6 M " x l ^ e " T 147M , 6 M " x l % " T147M , 6 M " x l % "

Set T13622 has cast brass fro n t lock w ith w rought brass knob, cast brass escutcheon outside, w rought brass escutcheon inside Set T13622S has iron p lated fro nt lock w ith trim sam e as Set T13622 Set TA9622 has iron p lated fro n t lock w ith w rought steel knob, cast iron escutcheon outside, w rought steel escutcheon inside Set TA9522 has iron plated fro n t lock w ith w rought steel knob an d th rea d ed ad ju sta b le T y p e “ B ” spindle, cast iron escutcheon outside, w rought steel escutcheon inside O ne set in a box w ith screws



F or U se W it h B e m i s or D arb y D e sig n s C ast B r on z e Number 01411

Size 33^" x l ^ "


Six in a box w ith screws 01411

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Button P earl



t Design Section


B em is

D arb y

K nob 002063^, Glass K nob E scutcheon 1 % " x Bemis T U 2 ]4 , T 1142M

K nob 0026211^, 0 0 6 2 1 ^ E scutcheon 1 % " x 6)4," Bemis T 142M , T 1 1 4 2 i^

Knob 00206}^, Glass K nob E scutcheon x 6?^" D arb y T 142M , T 1 1 4 2 i^


D arb y

K nob 00262I J i , 0062 E scutcheon 1J4" x 6 ^ " D arb y T 142J^, T 1 1 4 2 i^

Half Trim Sets

H alf T rim Sets consist of Lock, H alf P air of Knobs, an d one E scutcheon w ith T u rn K nob Locks 0280% , 01280 packed w ith Plug K ey 10 Set Number ...................... 387 4387 0280 ...................... 7280

S p e cify D e sig n Lock 0280M 01280 0280M 01280

Page 31 31 31 31

*Steel K nob an d Steel E scutcheon

Knob Escutcheon J 0 0 2 0 6 M ......... *T14234 J 0 0 2 0 6 M ...............tT 1 1 4 2 i^ *00621}^ . . *T142M . . t 0 0 2 6 2 1 M ................................IT1142M fB rass K nob an d Brass E scutcheon

. ' ..................

Lock Front Steel Brass Steel Brass

JF lu ted Glass K nob

Full Trim Sets If outside trim is w anted for th e outside of door to m ake full trim sets, to simplify ordering we give below sym bols to be added to set num bers Symbol B2 B3 B4 B5


Knob ..............................................P002622J^ ............................................ P00622J^ ..............................................P004422J^ ............................................ P00422J^ ............................................ P00822J^ ........................................ 00149 ........................................ 00206J^ ........................................ 0 0 3 0 6 ........................................ 0 0 5 0 6 ........................................ 0 0 1 4 9 ........................................ 00206 ........................................ 00306^ ........................................ 0 0 5 0 6

Outside Trim, Escutcheon ........................................ B enton 1 1 4 ........................................ Benton 141)4 ........................................ Benton 1141J^ ........................................ Benton 141}^ ........................................ B enton 141J^ ........................................ *1141J^ ........................................ *1141}^ ........................................ *1141J^ ......................................... *11413^ ......................................... * 1 4 1 ........................................ *141)4 ........................................ * 1 4 1 .........................................* 1 4 1

Material 1 .............................................. W rought Bronze W rought Steel W rought Bronze W rought Steel W rought Steel W rought W rought W rought W rought ................................................... W rought Steel W rought Steel ................................................... W rought Steel ................................................... W rought Steel

*Specify design for escutcheon E x p la n a ti o n : If Set 387 Bemis is w anted with K nob 0 0 2 0 6 wi t h Escutcheon 1 4 1 Bemis, outside, specify Set 387B7S One set in a box w ith screws.

Sixty sets in a case

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Br Br Br Br


Design Section





B oncourt

R aw don

Knob 00262IM , 0062IM Escutcheon 2" x 6J^" Moreau T142M , T1142M

Knob 00206J^, Glass Knob Escutcheon x 6J^" Boncourt T142M , T1142M

Knob 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 6 2 I M Escutcheon 1 ^ " x 6 ^ " Rawdon T142J^, T1142J^

M oreau



Knob 00206 Glass Knob Escutcheon 2" x 6}^" Moreau T142J^^, T1142}^

Half Trim Sets Half Trim Sets consist of Lock, Half Pair of Knobs, and one Escutcheon with Turn Knob Locks 0280^, 01280 packed with Plug Key 10

Specify D esign

Set N um ber

387 4387 0280 7280



. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

0280% 01280 0280% 01280

................3 ................ 3 ................ ................ 3

*Steel Knob and Steel Escutcheon

K nob

E sc u tc h e o n

L ock F r o n t

1 ..........................t 0 0 2 0 6 M ......................... * T 1 4 2 ^ ................................ Steel 1 ......................... J 0 0 2 0 6 M ....................... t T 1 1 4 2 J i ......................................Brass 31 *0 0 6 2 1 1 ^ ......................... * T 1 4 2 } ^ .................................Steel 1 ........................t0 0 2 6 2 1 J ^ ....................... t T 1 1 4 2 J ^ ......................................Brass fBrass Knob and Brass Escutcheon

{Fluted Glass Knob

Full Trim Sets If outside trim is wanted for the outside of door to make full trim sets, to simplify ordering we give below symbols to be added to set numbers Sym bol

HI 32 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B6S B7S B8S B9S

K nob

O u tsid e T r im , E sc u tc h e o n

M a te ria l

........................................ P002622^

.................................... Benton 1141J^ .................................... Wrought Bronze P00622J4 ....... Benton 1 4 1 ......................................... Wrought Steel .........................................P004422M .................................... Benton 1141J^ .................................... Wrought Bronze ....................................... P00422}^ .................................... Benton 1 4 1 .........................................Wrought Steel ....................................... P00822^ .................................... Benton 1 4 1 ......................................... Wrought Steel ........................................ 00149}^ .................................... *1141J^ .................................... Wrought Bronze ........................................ 00206 ^............................ *1141^^ .................................... Wrought Bronze ........................................ 00306}^ .................................... *1141J^ .................................... Wrought Bronze ........................................ 00506^ .................................... *11413^ .................................... Wrought Bronze ........................................ 00149}^ .................................... * 1 4 1 .................................... Wrought Steel ........................................ 0020634 .................................... *141)4 .................................... Wrought Steel ........................................ 003063^ .................................... *1413^ .................................... Wrought Steel ......................................... 005063^ .................................... *1413^ .................................... Wrought Steel *Specify design for escutcheon

Explanation: If Set 387 Moreau is wanted with Knob 00206J^, with Escutcheon 1413^ Moreau outside, specify Set 387B7S One set in a box with screws. Sixty sets in a case

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

COLONIAL LOCK SETS FOR INSIDE DOORS Size of Escutcheon 1 ^ " x 6}^" Escutcheon 141V4» Wrought Steel Escutcheon 1141Vi, Wrought Brass Octagon Glass Knob

Wrought M etal Knob

Fluted Glass Knob

Knobs P00421%, 2 ^ Steel P00621%, 2", Steel P004421%, 2", Brass

Knob 00206%, 2"

Knob 00149K, 2"

Colonial Sets for Inside Doors Set

520 522 2522 1520 3520 226 227 2226 1226 1227 3226 1405 1605 3428

L ock


857% 855% .....................


855M .....................

1159 857%



, . , .

69 70 69 69


855% 0251%


855% ..................... .....................

0251% 1159


K nob

E sc u tc h e o n

Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass

00149% 00149% 00149% 00149% 00149%

141% Steel 141% Steel Steel 1141% Brass 1141% Brass

Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass

00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206%

F ro n t


69 70 69 70 69

. V ■ • • ■ . .

141% 141% 141% 1141% 1141% 1141%

Steel Steel Steel Brass Brass Brass

P00421% 141% Steel Steel P00621% 141% Steel Steel ..................... P004421% 1141% Brass Brass Above lock sets for closet doors with half pair knobs and closet spindle, P037G, and escutcheon one side, 855% 855% 1159

69 69 69

add C after set nu m b er (520C) Front and vestibule sets to match. See page 419 SCREWS ENTER DOOR ABOVE LOCK


Screws clear lock case

Glass knobs have sheet brass shanks

Full length of screws enter solid wood

Knob shanks have core of rod steel


One lock set in a box with screws. 60 Sets in a case, 125 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS Escutcheon 1%" x 6J^" Flat Front Locks, Backset \ Y i" Lever Handle Outside, Knob Inside Set

2705 3605

L ock



K n ob

E sc u tc h e o n

P 0 0 6 2 1 % .................... 141% Wrought Steel 0 0 8 5 9 % .................. 8 3 .................. P620 001160 83 .... P1620 ..................... P 0 0 2 6 2 1 % ..........................1141% Wrought Brass Set 2705 has steel front lock, iron plated lever, steel knob and escutcheon Set 3605 has brass front lock, brass lever, brass knob and escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, and escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box with screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page I







la f Z


Cylinder Front Door

Cylinder Vestibule

Bit Key Front Door

Cylinder Front Door Set—Reversible Wrought Brass One-Piece Knobs, 2", with Threaded Adjustable Type “ B” Spindle Outside Escutcheon Cast Brass, Inside Escutcheon Wrought Brass E sc u tc h e o n s S et

L ock

Pag e




K n ob

S p in d le

P004425Jix 52

If wanted with glass knob 00206

O u tsid e

In sid e

1382, 7 M " x 2 "

T1383M , 6J4" x 1%"

fluted 2", inside, specify Set Number 015432 M x G

Cylinder Vestibule Set—Reversible Wrought Brass Shank, Fluted Glass Knob, 2" Outside Escutcheon Cast Brass, Inside Escutcheon Wrought Brass E sc u tc h e o n s Set

L ock

Pag e




K nob

S p in d le


O u tsid e

In sid e

1385, 7 J4 "x 2"

B1141J4, 6i^" x IM "

If wanted with metal knob P004425K outside, and glass knob 00206^ x Spindle 52 inside, specify Set Number 015629 M x G If wanted with metal knob both sides, specify Set Number 015629 M x M

Bit Key Front Door Sets—Reversible E sc u tc h e o n s Set

T13422 T13622 T13622S

L ock

P ag e

1342 1342 942

99 99 99

K nob

S p in d le

O u tsid e

P004423i^ x 51 P00262334 x 10 P002623J^ x 10

01354, x 2" 01354, 7 M " x 2" 01354, 7 M " x 2"

In sid e

T1147J4, 6 ^ " x 1 ^ " T1147>i, 6J/^" x 1 ^ " T1147i^, 6J^" x 1 ^ "

Set T13422 has cast brass front lock with wrought brass knob, threaded adjustable Type “ B” spindle, cast brass escutcheon outside, wrought brass escutcheon inside Set X I3622 has cast brass front lock with wrought brass knob, standard spindle, Type “A ” with cast brass escutcheon outside and wrought brass escutcheon inside Set T13622S has iron plated front lock with trim same as Set T13622 One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

LINDEN LOCK SETS FOR INSIDE DOORS Size of Escutcheon 13^" x 5 ^ " Escutcheon 141 Vi, Wrought Steel Escutcheon 114lVi> Wrought Brass Octagon Glass Knob

Wrought M etal Knob

Fluted Glass Knob

Knobs P00421M, 2", Steel P00621i|, 2", Steel P004421M, 2", Brass

Knob 002061^, 2"

Knob 00149M, 2"

Linden Sets for Inside Doors S et

520 522 2522 1520 3520 226 227 2226 1226 1227 3226 1405 1605 3428

................. ................. .................

L ock


857 M 855% 0251M 855M 1159



68 .....................69 .....................70 69 70 69 69 69 69

855% 0251% 855% 0251% 1159

69 70 69 69

855% • 855% 1159 Above lock sets for closet doors with half pair knobs

E sc u tc h e o n

K nob

F ro n t

00149% 00149% 00149% 00149% 00149%

141% 141% 141% 1141% 1141%

Steel Steel Steel Brass Brass

00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206%

141% 141% 141% 1141% 1141% 1141%

Steel Steel Steel Brass Brass Brass

Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass

.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

Steel Steel Brass

........................ P00421% ........................ P00621% ...................... P004421%

141% Steel 141% Steel 1141% Brass

and closet spindle, P037G and escutcheon one side,

add C after set nu m b er (520C) SCREWS ENTEA DOOR ABOVE LOCK MORTICE

Screws clear lock case

Glass knobs have sheet brass shanks

Full length of screws enter solid wood

Knob shanks have core of rod steel


One lock set in a box with screws. 60 Sets in a case, 125 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS Escutcheon \ Y i ' x 1 % " Flat Front Locks, Backset \ Y%' Lever Handle Outside, Knob Inside S et

2705 3605

L ock



0 0 8 5 9 % .................. 8 3 .................. P620 001160 83 .... P1620

K n ob

E sc u tc h e o n

P 0 0 6 2 1 % .................... 141% Wrought Steel ..................... P 0 0 2 6 2 1 % ..........................1141% Wrought Brass

Set 2705 has steel front lock, iron plated lever, steel knob and escutcheon Set 3605 has brass front lock, brass lever, brass knob and escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, and escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box with screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section


CHESTER LOCK SETS FOR INSIDE DOORS Size of Escutcheon 1 " x 5 " Escutcheon 141%, Wrought Steel Escutcheon 1141Vi» Wrought Brass

Octagon Glass Knob

Fluted Glass Knob

Wrought Metal Knob

Knob 00149M, 2"

Knob 00206M, 2"

Knobs P00421i^, 2", Steel P00621Ji, 2", Steel P004421i|, 2", Brass

Chester Sets for Inside Doors S et



520 522 2522 1520 3520

855M 0251% 855% 1159

226 227 2226 1226 1227 3226

857% 855% 0251% 855% 0251% 1159

1405 1605 3428

855% 855% 1159


E s c u tc h e o n

F ro n t

K no b

68 69 70 69 69

Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass

00149% 00149% 00149% 00149% 00149%

141% 141% 141% 1141% 1141%

Steel Steel Steel Brass Brass

68 69 70 69 70 69

Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass

00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206% 00206%

141% 141% 141% 1141% 1141% 1141%

Steel Steel Steel Brass Brass Brass

Steel Steel Brass

P00421% P00621% P004421%

69 69 69

141% Steel 141% Steel 1141% Brass

Above lock sets for closet doors with half pair knobs and closet spindle, P037G and escutcheon one side, add C a fte r set n u m b er (520C) SCREWS ENTER DOOR A80VEL0CK MORTICE

Screws clear lock case

Glass knobs have sheet brass shanks

Full length of screws enter solid wood

Knob shanks have core of rod steel


One lock set in a box with screws.

60 sets in a case, 125 pounds

FRENCH WINDOW SETS Escutcheon 1 } ^ " x 5 H " Flat Front Locks, Backset IJ^" Lever Handle Outside, Knob Inside Set

2705 3605


P age

L ever

0 0 8 5 9 % .................. 8 3 .................. P620 001160 83 .....P1620

K n ob

E sc u tc h e o n

P 0 0 6 2 1 % ..................... 141% Wrought Steel .....................P 0 0 2 6 2 1 % .......................... 1141% Wrought Brass

Set 2705 has steel front lock, iron plated lever, steel knob and escutcheon Set 3605 has brass front lock, brass lever, brass knob and escutcheon Set consists of lock, lever for outside, knob for inside, and escutcheons for each side of door One set in a box with screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

ALTHENA Wrought Bronze

Symbol AL

Illustrations Reduced Size

1523M 002622M X 1S15M 1105W 1432M

002622 X 1241M

002626M 1 X 1372M

002624J^ X 01354M




A rticle Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 10 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, ^ " Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50J^ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 513^ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Key Plate Escutcheon, Bit Kei Escutcheon for 3% " Locks


N um ber *0026221/4 *0026241/4 *0026261/4 *0045221/4 *004524Vi *0045261/4 1 1 0 5 1 /4 1 2 4 1 1 /4 1 2 4 4 1 /4

Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon Escutcheon

for for for for for for for for for

Bit Key Front Door Locks, Inside . Bit Key Front Door Locks, Outside Bit Key Vestibule L o c k s ................ Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside ,

0 1 2 4 7 1 /4

0 1 3 5 9 1 /4 1 3 7 2 1 /4

13821/4 1 3 9 2 1 /4

fT1373i/4 tT1383i/4 tT1393V4 13851/4 1 3 9 5 1 /4 1 4 3 2 1 /4 1 5 1 5 1 /4

01411 Vi 13181/4 146814 227614 2 I 6 5 1 /4 1 2 0 5 1 /4 1 5 2 3 1 /4

*One-piece knob

fW ith turn knob,

. . . . , . • ■ . . . . . . ■ . . • • . . ■ . . . ■ . . . ■ ■ . . • ■

0 1 3 5 4 1 /4

1 3 7 5 1 /4

Escutcheon for Closet Doors


. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .

■ . ■ . . ■ .

. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .

. . • •

. . • .

■ ■

. . . .

. • • . • ■ . .

. . . . . . . .


x lV s " 7y2"x2}4"

7K"x21^Y " x 3 ]4 " 71A"x 2 H "

1 0

10" x3J^" 10" x 3 ^ " 10" x33^" 7J^" x 2 ^ " 7 } ^ " x 2}4"

7H"x2>^" 10" x 3 } i " 10" x3J^" 10" x3J^"

■ ■

3^ "x lJ i" 3?i"xl)^" 3?i"xlH " 3M"xl>^" 10" x33/g" 10" x 3 V s " 3M"xl3^"

• •

S W 'X U A "


For knobs with roses omit 00 in number and specify rose number

Sbecify Number, Design and Finish.

Size 2M " 21^" 2M " 2M " 2M " 2M "

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section



Wrought Bronze

Symbol AL

Illustrations Reduced Size

Wrought Bronze B it K ey F r o n t D oor S ets 0 0 2 6 2 4 Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, x 2J^", Swivel Spindle 01354V4, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 3}/s" 01247l^, Escutcheon Inside, 7J^" x 23^" Set N um ber

L ock

13621 ............................ *136218 ............................. tT13621 ............................

See Page



0 9 4 2 M ...................................100

1342 99 *W ith Steel Plated Front Lock fW ith Turn Knob inside, Inside Escutcheon T1247J^, 7J^" x 23^" W ith Threaded Shank Knob 004524}^, change third number in set to S (13521)

B it K ey V estib u le S ets 002624V4, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 } 4 " x 2 H " , Swivel Spindle 01359V4i Escutcheon Outside, 7J^"x23^" B01359%, Escutcheon Inside, 7J^"x2)^" S et N u m b e r


See Page


01347 W ith Threaded Shank Knob 004524J4, specify Set 13527

Bit Key Front Door Set


In sid e Lock S ets w ith 33^" Locks 002622\4> Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2}^" x 23^" 1 2 4 1 1 / 4 , Escutcheons, 73^" x 2}/^" S et N u m b e r


See Page

3628 4628 4629 5628 5629

1159 1167 1168 01256 01257

.............. .............. .............. .............. ..............

69 70 70 71 71

Inside Lock Sets with 4 ^4 " Locks 002622Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2}^" x 2J^" 1244Vi, Escutcheons, x 2J^" S et N u m b e r

Bit Key Vestibule Door Set

L ock

6628 6629 7628 7629

See Page









Inside Locksets with 004522^45 Set N um ber

3528 4528 4529 5528 5529


T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 1241 Vi, E s c u tc h e o n s , 7 J ^ " x 2Yi"

2}4" x 2}4"

L ock

See Page 1159 1167 1168

............................. .............................

69 70 70 71 71

01256 01257

Inside Lock Sets with 4Vi" Locks 004522V4> T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , 1244V4, E s c u tc h e o n s ,

Inside Lock Set

Set N u m b er

L ock

6528 6529 7528 7529

1201 1202 1221 1222

............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

O n e P ie c e , 2}/i" 73^" x 23^"



See Pag e 72 72 72 72

Closet Latch Sets 002622Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 23^" x 234" 1515Vi, Escutcheons, 3 ^ " x 13^", Both Sides Set N um ber

628 629 W ith Threaded Shank Knob

Closet Latch Set

L a tc h

See Page



1038 0 0 4 5 2 2 3^,


change first number to

One set in a box with screws

Specify Number, Design and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1


(5 2 8 )



Design Section

ALTHENA Wrought Steel

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol AL


00822M X 241M

00626M X 375M

00822 X 515K


00624Ji X 0354M 318M



W rought Steel A rticle N um ber Door Knobs, Plain Shank,^ " Spindle, 3 .................................. f00822Vi Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 3 .............................*00622 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 10 *00624% Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 32 *00626^4 Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50 ................ *00522Vi Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 51J ^ .*00524Vi Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 52 .........................*00526Vi Key Plate Escutcheon, Bit Key L o c k s ................................... 105Vi Escutcheon for 3% " L o c k s ....................................................... 241l^ Escutcheon for 4J^" Locks ^ ....................................................... 244V4 Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Inside . . . . 0247Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 0354Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Vestibule L o c k s ............................ 0359^4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................... 375Vi Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................... 385*/i Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................... 395Vi Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ........................................... 432Vi Escutcheon for Closet Doors....................................................... 515% Flush Sash L i f t s ........................................................................... 318% Drop Drawer H a n d le ................................................................... 468% Push P l a t e ................................................................................... 276% Door Pull, Grip 6 " ....................................................................... 165% Cabinet Pull P l a t e ....................................................................... 205% Cabinet Pull ............................................................................... 523% *One-piece knob

fTwo-piece knob

For knobs with roses omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Size 2H" 2H" 2W ' 2M"

2>C" 21^" 2M " 2" x l ^ " 7H"x2H" 7 M" x 2 > ^ " 7 ^ " X 2J4" 10 " x3i^" 7^"x2^" 10" x3}^'' 10" x 3 V s " 10 " x3)^" 7>^"x2H" 3 M " x 1^" 3M"xlJ4" 3^"xli^ " 10" x 3 V s " 10" x 3 V s " 3M "xli^"

Design Section



Wrought Steel

Symbol AL

Illustrations Reduced Size

Wrought Steel Bit Key Front Door Sets 00624Vi> Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 ^ " x 234", %>' Swivel Spindle 0354Vi, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 3J^" 0247V4> Escutcheon Inside, 7J^" x IY t ,” Set N um ber

L ock

A9602 ............................ TA9602 ........................

See Page

0 9 4 2 ^ ............................... 100 942 99

W ith Threaded Shank Knob 005243^, change second number to “ 5 " (A9502) Three dozen sets in a case. Case weight 145 pounds

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 006241/4, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234" x 2J^", Swivel Spindle 0359V4> Escutcheon Outside, 73^" x 23^" B0359V4, Escutcheon Inside, 73^" x 23^"

Bit Key Front Door Set

S et’N u m b e r

L ock

See Page





W ith Threaded Shank Knob 005243^, specify Set Number 9507

Inside Lock Sets with 33/^" Locks 008221/4, Plain Shank Knobs, Two Piece, 234" x 2}4" 2411/4, Escutcheons, 7 3^ " x 23^" Set N um ber

1804 1805 2804 3804 4804 4809 5804 5809 Bit Key Vestibule Door Set

L ock

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

See Page

857M 855 M .................................69 858 M .................................68 1159 0 2 5 2 ^ .................................70 0 3 5 2 ^ .................................70 01256 01257

68 69 71 71

Can furnish above sets with one-piece Knob 0062234. Change second number in set number to “ 6” (1604)

Inside Lock Sets w ith


00522l^, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 34" x 234" 241V4, Escutcheons, 73^" x 23^" Set N um ber

L ock

1505 2504 3504 4504 4509 5504 5509

855M 858 M 1159 025I M 0351M 01256 01257

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

See Page

69 .................................68 69 .................................70 .................................70 71 71

Five dozen sets in a case. Case weight 145 pounds Inside Lock Set

Closet Latch Sets 008221/4, Plain Shank Knobs, Two-Piece, 234" x 234" 515l^, Escutcheons, 3 ^ " x IJ^", Both Sides S et N u m b e r

L a tc h

804 809

1034 1234

See Page

8 8

Can furnish with one-piece Knob 00622 J4. Specify Sets 604 and 609 Can furnish with Threaded Shank Knob 0052234- Specify Sets 504 and 509 Closet Latch Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

ALTHENA Wrought Bronze and Steel

Illustrations Reduced Size Cylinder Front Door Sets, Wrought Bronze 0045261/i, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 13721/4, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 33^" Set N um ber

016531 16521

........................ ........................

x V /i"

T I 3 7 3 1 / 4 , Escutcheon Inside, l Y t ’ x L ock

See Page

01602 1600

102 102

Can be master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Bronze 0 0 4 5 2 6 Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2)^" x 2J^" 1375ly4, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x S et N u m b e r

015527 16527

B12411/4, Escutcheon Inside, L ock

............................ ............................

01505 1605

x 2J^"

See Page


101 104

Cylinder Front Door Set Can be master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Steel 00526Vi, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 2J^" 375Vi, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x Z y i " S et N u m b e r

015507 16507


B241Vi, Escutcheon Inside, 7Ji" x 2 ^ " Lock

See Page

01505 1605





Can be master keyed with locks having key class 622

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Bronze 1 4 3 2 1

Cylinder Vestibule Door Set

/ 4 , Escutcheons, 7J^" x 2J^"

Two Escutcheons with Single Sets Four Escutcheons with Double Sets, Two Cut with Keyhole S et N u m b e r


0 1 2 8 4 3 ^ ................S in g le .................... 0 1 2 8 8 3 /i................D o u b l e ................


See Page

0 1 2 8 4 ^ ..........................139 0 1 2 8 8 M ..........................139

M iiii

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Steel 4 3 2 1

/ 4 , Escutcheons,

x 2}/^"

Two Escutcheons with Single Sets Four Escutcheons with Double Sets, Two Cut with Keyhole S et N u m b e r


0 2 8 4 % ................S in g le .................... 02883/4 ................D o u b l e ................

liH liiii

Sliding Door Set


One set in a box with screws

Specify Design, Set Number and Finish.

See Page

0 2 8 4 ^ .....................139 0 2 8 8 % .....................139

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section




Wrought Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size


002622 1432 M

X 1241M 1205M



X 1372M

X 01354M


i3 m 4





Wrought Bronze Article

N um ber


Door Knobs, Plain Shank, ^ " Spindle, 3 .............................. *002622^4 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 10 ..................... *002624^4 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 32 ..................... *002626% Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 503 ^ ................ *004522^/4 Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 5 1 3 ^ ................ *004524^4 Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 52 .................... *004526l^ Key Plate Escutcheon, BitKey L o c k s .......................................1105l^ Escutcheon for 3% " L o c k s .................................................... 1241 Vi Escutcheon for 434" L o c k s .................................................... 1244^4 Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks,Inside . . . . 01247^4 Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks,Outside . 01354^4 Escutcheon for Bit Key VestibuleL o c k s ............................. 01359V4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside... 1372^4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside... 1382% Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside... 1392% Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . . tT1373% Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . . tT1383% Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . . fT1393% Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................. 1375% Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................. 1385% Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s ............................. 1395% Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ........................................ 1432% Escutcheon for Closet D oors....................................................1515% Push Button .................................................................................01411% Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................1318% Drop Drawer H a n d le .................................................................. 1468% Push P l a t e .................................................................................. 2276% Door Pull, Grip 6 " .........................................................................2165% Cabinet Pull P l a t e .................................................................... 1205% *One-piece knob

fW ith turn knob,

23i" 2H" 2H"

2M " 2M " 2M " 2" x l 3 ^ " 73^" x 2M" 7 ^ " x 2M" 7 3 ^" x2 i ^" 10" x 3 " V> ^" x2 M" 10" x 3" 10 " x 3" 10"


x 3"


x 3"




X 3"


x l^ " x lV s " X IV s" Xm "



For Finishes, see page I


4" 4"

For knobs with roses omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design and Finish.

x 3"

7^"x2M" 7>^"x2M" 7^"x234"









1 ^ "


Design Section


Wrought Bronze

Symbol BAS

Illustrations Reduced Size Bit Key Front Door Sets

002524Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234*' x 2 Swivel Spindle 013541/4, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 3" 01247V4, Escutcheon Inside, 714" x 2 W Set N um ber

L ock

See Page

13621 ............................ 01342 100 *136218 ........................ 0942M 100 IT13621 ........................ 1342 99 *W ith Steel Plated Front Lock fW ith Turn Knob Inside, Inside Escutcheon, T1247M ", 7J^" x 2J^" ,W ith Threaded Shank Knob 004S24J^, change third number in set to 5 (13521)

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 0 0 2 6 2 4 Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 234", Swivel Spindle 01359l^ Escutcheon Outside, 7>^"x2M" B013591/4, Escutcheon Inside, 7 } i " x 2 l i ’' Set N um ber



L ock

See Page



W ith Threaded Shank Knob 00452434, specify Set 13527 Bit Key Front Door Set

Inside Lock Sets with 3%" Locks 002622Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 } 4 " x 2J4“^ 1241V4, Escutcheons, 7}^" x 2 } 4 " S et N u m b e r

3628 4628 4629 5628 5629

L ock

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

See Page

1159 1167 1168 01256 01257

............................ ............................ ............................ ........................ ............................

69 70 70 71 71

Inside Lock Sets with 4^4" Locks 002622V4, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 1244Vi, Escutcheons, 73^" x 2}^" S et N u m b e r

6628 6629 7628 7629


............................ ............................

See Page

1201 1202 ................................ 1221 ............................ 1222 ................................

Inside Lock Sets with

Bit Key Vestibule Door Set

s. 2 }/i"

72 72 72 72


004522Vi, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 2} Escutcheon Inside, 73^" x

01602 1600

See Page

............................ ............................

102 102

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Bronze 004526l^, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2}4,'' x 2 } 4 " 1375V4) Escutcheon Outside, 9" x 3"

B124lVi> Escutcheon Inside, 7^2 " x 2 } 4 "

Set N um ber

L ock

See Page

015527 16527

............................ O IS O S ................................. ............................ 1605 ............................

101 104

Cylinder Front Door Set

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Steel 0 0 5 2 6 Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 375%, Escutcheon Outside, 9" x 3" Set N u m b er

015507 16507

x 2^4"

B 24lVi> Escutcheon Inside, 7J^" x 2 } ^ " L ock

............................ ............................

01505 1605

See Page


101 104

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Bronze 14321/4, Escutcheons, 9 " x 3 " Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets, two cut with keyhole Cylinder Vestibule Door Set

S et N u m b e r


0 1 2 8 4 % ................ S in g le ......................... 0 1 2 8 8 % ................D o u b l e .....................

L ock

See Page

0 1 2 8 4 ^ ^ ..................... 139 0 1 2 8 8 M ..................... 139

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Steel 4321/4, Escutcheons, 9 " x 3 " Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets, two cut with keyhole Set N um ber

D oors

0 2 8 4 3 4 ................ Single ................ 0 2 8 8 3 4 ................ D o u b l e ................

Sliding Door Set

L ock

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish.

See Page

0 2 8 4 % ..................... 139 0 2 8 8 * ^ ..................... 139

For Finishes, see page 1

■0 R E A D I N G 430


Design Section

BASIL Wrought Steel

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol BAS

|2''~rir' aWjlffiar

0 06 22 Mx 24 1M

00526Ji x 375i^

00624M X 0354Ji


468 M



Wrought Steel A rticle Door Knobs, Plain Shank, % " Spindle, 3 .................... Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 10 ................ Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 32 ................ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 503^ . . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 51J^ . . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 52 . . . . Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key Locks........................... Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s ........................................... Escutcheon for 43^ " L o c k s ............................................ Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Outside Escutcheon for Bit Key Vestibule L o c k s .................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s .................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s .................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule L o c k s .................... Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ................................ Escutcheon for Closet Locks............................................ Flush Sash L i f t ............................................................... Drop Drawer H a n d le ....................................................... Push P l a t e ....................................................................... Door Pull, Grip 6 " ........................................................... Cabinet Pull Plate .......................................................

. . . . . .

N um ber *006221/4 *006241/4 *006261/4 *005221/4 *005241/4 *005261/4



1 0 5 1 /4

2 4 4 1 /4 0 2 4 7 1 /4 0 3 5 4 1 /4 0 3 5 9 1 /4


3 7 5 1 /4

3851/4 3 9 5 1 /4


4 3 2 1 /4 5 1 5 1 /4

3181/4 4681/4 2761/4 I 6 5 1 /4 2 0 5 1 /4

. . . .

. ■ ■ . ■ ■ .■ ■ . • • ... . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*One-piece knob

For knobs with roses omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1

Size 2K" 2H"

21^" 2K" 2M " 2M " 2" xli^" 7^"x2M " 73^" x 2M" 7 ^ " x 2M" 10" x 3 " 71^" x 2J^" 9" x 3 " 9" x 3 " 9" x 3 " 9" x3" 4" x l ^ " 4" x l ^ " 4" x l ^ " 12" x 3 " 12" x 3 " 4" x l ^ "

Design Section


Wrought Steel

Symbol BAS

Illustrations Reduced Size Bit Key Front Door Sets

00624Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234" x 2}^", Swivel Spindle 0354Vi, Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 3" 0247Vi, Escutcheon Inside, 7 H " x 234" Set N um ber

A9602 TA9602

L ock

............................ ............................

See Pag e

0 9 4 2 % ................................. 100 942


W ith Threaded Shank Knob 0052434> change second number to 5 (A9502) Three dozen sets in a case. Case weight 145 pounds

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 00624Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 234". Swivel Spindle 0359Vi, Escutcheon Outside, 73^" x 2M " B0359Vi, Escutcheon Inside, 7}^" x 2J^" S et N u m b e r



See Page



W ith Threaded Shank Knob 00524J^, specify Set Number 9507

Bit Key Front Door Set

Inside Lock Sets with 3%" Locks 00622Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234" x 234" 241 Vi, Escutcheons, 73^" x 23^" S et N u m b e r

1604 1605 2604 3604 4604 4609 5604 5609


See Page




............................ ............................

855% 858% 1159 0 2 5 2 % ................................. 70 0 3 5 2 % ................................. 70 01256 01257

69 68 69

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Inside Lock Sets with

71 71


00522Vi, Threaded Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 3^" x 234" 2411/4, Escutcheons, 73^" x 234" S et N u m b e r

Bit Key Vestibule Door Set

1505 2504 3504 4504 4509 5504 5509


............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

See Page

855% 69 858% 68 1159 69 0 2 5 1 % ................................. 70 0 3 5 1 % ................................. 70 01256 71 01257 71

Five dozen sets in a case.

Case weight 145 pounds

Closet Latch Sets 00622Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234" x 234" 515V4, Escutcheons, 4" x 1%", both sides S et N u m b e r

604 609


. . .

W ith Threaded Shank Knob 00522%, change

Inside Lock Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish.

See Page

1 0 % ............................... 1234

For Finishes, see page 1

8 8

firstnumber to 5(504)



Design Section

BENTON Wrought Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol BE m m m m m m m s s fm m Bevel



P 0 0 2 6 2 6 i< C x l3 7 2 M

P 002624J^ x 013541^

A rticle


2 2 7 6 K , 24761^

N um ber


Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 3 .........................P002622\4 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 1 0 .........................P002624V4 Door Knobs, Plain Shank, Spindle, 3 2 .........................P002626V4 Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50}^ . . . . P004422Vi Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 51J^ . . . . P00442414 Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 5 2 ......................P004426l^ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50}^ . . . . *P0033223^ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 513^ . . . . *P003324% Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 6 2 .................... *P0033263/4 Escutcheon for 3% " Locks ............................................... 1141l^ Escutcheon for 4]^" Locks ............................................... 1144Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Inside . . . 01147V4 Escutcheon for Bathroom Locks, Spindle.................... T1141i^ Escutcheon for Bathroom Locks, Spindle.................... T1142l^ Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ " Spindle . . . T1144V4 Escutcheon for 3 % " Locks................................................... 1241^4 Escutcheon for 4 ^ " L ocks................................................... 1244Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 01353Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 01354Vi Escutcheon for Bit Key Vestibule L o cks......................... 01358l^ Escutcheon for Bit Key Vestibule L o cks.......................... 01359i/i Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1372\4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1382Vi Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1392 Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . T1373Vi Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . T1383V4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . T1393Vi Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ........................ 1375Vi Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ........................ 1385^4 Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ........................ 139514 Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s .................................... 1432Vi Push P la te ............................................................................... 2276V4 Push P la te ............................................................................... 2476V4 Door Pull, Grip 6 " ............................................................... 2165Vi ■ Door Pull, Grip 6 " ............................................................... 2175Vi

2H "

*Cast shank, wrought one-piece top For For For For For

2 1 6 5 J 4 , 2 1 7 5 JC

Knobs with roses omit "00” in number and specify rose number Blank Escutcheons prefix "B ” to number Dummy Cylinder Fronts prefix “ D ” to number Store Door Handles, see page 272 French Window Sets, see pages 86, 439

Specify Number, Design and Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1


2^" 2M " 2M " 2H ” 2H "

2H" 2H " 7" x2^A" 7" x2H" 7"

7'' 7" 7"

10 7


10 10 10 7 7 7

x2M" x2M" x2M" x2M" x2i^" x2>^" x2H" x3"


X2V2" x3" X 3" x 3"

x2i4" x2^" x2^" x2J^" x2^" x2H"


10 10 " 14%

x2^" x3"

x3K6" X




Design Section



Wrought Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol BE Bevel

s a fayi! 1^

II 1518M









Handle 2570J4

Handle 2430^

Wrought Bronze N um ber








l ^ " x

1 5 1 5 l^





4 "

15I 8V 4 I 3I 8V 4





5 3






l H


x l ^ "

^" "


l ^ "

x l ^ "






4 "

x l ^ "

1 4 I1 V 4





4 "

x 2 ^ "

4I I I /4 12051/4 15231/4





4 "

x l ^ "





4 "


l ^ "





4 "


l ^ "


Sectional Handles ©.... .

® '>"iiuiiiil!i

Wrought Bronze Plates

Cast Bronze Grips, 7 Inches

N um ber 2430V4, Key Hole Escutcheon

Thumb Piece Plate


Lower Plate

l^ " x 2 "


Key Hole Escutcheon 1%" x 2", Thumb Piece Plate

234" x 2J^",

Lower Plate

1 ^ " x 2"


Cylinder Collar

l% " x 2 " ,

234" x 23^",

2470Vi> Cylinder Collar 234'^ x


Thumb Piece Plate

23^" x 2J^",

Thumb Piece Plate 234" x


Lower Plate 1 ^ " x Lower Plate 1%"


x 2"

For Handles in Sets, see pages 264, 265, 268 For Store Door Handles, see page 272 For French Window Sets, see pages 86, 439

Handle 2440J4

Handle 2470M

Specify Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

BENTON Wrought Bronze

Symbol BE

Illustrations Reduced Size Bevel


Bit Key Front Door Set

Bit Key Vestibule Door Set

Inside Door Set

Wrought Bronze Bit Key Front Door Sets P002624V4, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 2}^", Swivel Spindle 01354V4» Escutcheon Outside, 10" x 3" 01147Vi, Escutcheon Inside, 7" x 2J^“ Set N um ber


See Page

13621 ............................ 1 3 6 2 1 S ............................

S et N u m b e r


See Page

01342 100 *T13621 ............................ 1342 0942 M 100 * T 1 3 6 2 1 S ........................942 *W ith Turn Knob inside. Inside Escutcheon T1147J^, 7" x 2J^" W ith Threaded Shank Knob P004424J^, change third number to “4” (13421) Three dozen sets in a case. Case weight 150 pounds

. . . .

99 99

Bit Key Vestibule Sets P002624Vi, Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 2J^", Swivel Spindle 01359l^, Escutcheon Outside, 8" x 2J^" B1141V4, Escutcheon Inside, 7" x 2J^" S et N u m b e r


See Page


01347 W ith Threaded Shank Knob P004424J^, Specify Set 13427

Inside Lock Sets with


P002622V4» Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J4" x 2M" S et N u m b e r


See Page

3628 4628 *4629


H41V4, Escutcheons, 7" x 2}

S w iv e l S p in d le

E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 6 " x


See Page




W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b P 0 0 4 4 2 4 J ^ , s p e c ify S e t 1 3 4 2 7

Office Door Sets, Wrought Bronze O u ts id e E s c u tc h e o n

7>^" x 2M


In s id e E s c u tc h e o n 6 " x 2 "


2 H " X 2 } i" ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside

Set Number


See Page

16348-AS 16448 017361-AS 017461

16 01



0 1 3 7 2 J i-A R





B 1141i< C




0 1 3 8 2 1 ^ -A R

B 1 1 4 1 M -A R





B 1141J^


B 1 1 4 1 J ^ -A R

* H a s a u x i l i a r y l a t c h d e a d lo c k in g m a in l a t c h a n d s to p s w h e n d o o r is clo s e d M a s t e r k e y e d w i t h a n y lo c k s h a v in g k e y class 6 2 2

C y lin d e r O ffic e S e t L o c k 16 01

Bathroom Door Sets

Half Trim

Wrought Bronze

W i t h T r i m f o r B a t h r o o m S id e o f D o o r O n l y


P l a i n S h a n k K n o b , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ "

Set Number


7280 8280




E s c u tc h e o n , 6 " x 2 "

See Page .....................................


31 31

W i t h T w o - P ie c e K n o b , P l a i n S h a n k , P 0 0 2 8 2 2 J ^ , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " , s p e c ify S e ts 7 1 8 0 a n d 8180. W i t h O n e -P ie c e K n o b , T h r e a d e d S h a n k , P 0 0 4 4 2 2 J ^ , 2 J ^ " x 2 M " , s p e c ify S e ts 7480 and 8480 F o r F ull T rim B a t h r o o m S e ts w i t h K n o b P 0 0 2 6 2 2 J ^ a n d E s c u tc h e o n 1141J^ C o n c o r d , 6 " x 2 " o u ts id e , s p e c ify S e t N u m b e r s 7280B1 a n d 8280B1. S p e c if y C o n c o r d D e s ig n F o r F ull T rim B a t h r o o m S e ts w i t h K n o b P 0 0 4 4 2 2 J 4 a n d E s c u tc h e o n 1 1 4 1 1 ^ C o n c o r d , 6 " x 2 " o u ts id e , s p e c ify S e t N u m b e r s 7480B3 a n d 8480B3. S p e c ify C o n c o r d D e s ig n F i v e d o z e n sets in a case.

H a l f t r i m sets C a s e w e ig h t 1 5 0 p o u n d s

Bathroom Set O n e set in a b o x w i t h screw s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

CONCORD Wrought Bronze

Symbol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size

Wrought Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets P 0 0 2 6 2 6 V i ) Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 234" 13721/4, Escutcheon Outside, 9%" x 2 ^ " T1373V4, Escutcheon Inside, 6" x 2''

Set Number






See Page

01602 1600




10 2

For Threaded Spindle Knob P004426}^, change third number to “4” (016431)

Cylinder Vestibule Sets 1375V4,

P 0 0 2 6 2 6 V 4 , Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2J^" x 2J^" Escutcheon Outside, 7}^" x 214^" B 1 1 4 1 V 4 , Escutcheon Inside, 6" x 2 ’

Set Number



01505 1605

Cylinder Front Door Set


See Page

................. .................





For Threaded Spindle Knob P004426J^, change third number to “4” (015427)

Inside Lock Sets with 3%" Locks P 0 0 2 6 2 2 V i,

Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 234" x 2

Set Number 3628

. . . .








. . .

*5 6 2 9

H41V4. Escutcheons, 6"x 2"


. . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

1159 1167 1168 01256 01257

See Page

. . . .................69 .................70 .................70 . . . .................71 . . . .................71

*Can Master Key with locks having same class key. For master key informa­ tion, see page 152. W i t h T w o - P ie c e K n o b , P la in S h a n k , P 0 0 2 8 2 2 K , n u m b e r in s e t n u m b e r t o

Cylinder Vestibule Set

x 2Ji",

c h a n g e second

“8” (3828).

With One-Piece Knob, Threaded Shank, P004422}^, 234" x 234", change second number in set number to “4” (3428).

Inside Lock Sets with 4Vi" Locks P 0 0 2 6 2 2 V i,

Plain Shank Knobs, One Piece, 2 3^"x2J^"

Set Number 6628 *6 6 2 9 7628 *7 6 2 9

1 1 4 4 V4,


1201 1202 1221 1222

Escutcheon, 6"x2"

See Page

............................. ............................. .............................

72 72 72 72

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key infor­ mation, see page 152. With One-Piece Knob, Threaded Shank, P004422}^, 234" x 2J^", change second number in set number to “4” (6428). Inside Door Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page I

READING Design Section



Wrought Bronze

Symbol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size Cylinder Classroom Locksets

O u ts id e E s c u tc h e o n 7 ) ^ " x

In s id e E s c u tc h e o n 7 3 ^ " x 2 J ^ " Knobs 2 M "

L o c k h a s a u x i l i a r y l a t c h b o l t d e a d lo c k in g m a in l a t c h w h e n d o o r is clo sed

Inside K nob Operates a t All T im es ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside

Set Number


15369-AS 15469




1 3 5 2 M -A R

B 1 3 S 2 M -A R






See Page


C a n b e m a s t e r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g k e y class 6 2 2 K n o b P 0 0 3 3 2 6 % h a s c a s t s h a n k , t h r e a d e d s p in d le a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e K n o b F 0 0 4 4 2 6 J 4 h a s t h r e a d e d s p in d le , w r o u g h t s h a n k a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e

C y lin d e r L o c k 1509

Classroom Locksets O u t s id e E s c u tc h e o n


x 2J^"

In s id e E s c u tc h e o n 7 ^ " x

ly i"

Knobs 2 M " L o c k s h a v e a u x i l i a r y l a t c h b o l t d e a d lo c k in g m a in l a t c h w h e n d o o r is clo sed

Inside K nob Operates a t All T im es F lat F ron t Locks Set Number Lock

13368 13468 14369 14469

See Page

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside





V 0 1 3 6 9 J i-A R








V L 1 4 5 9 J ^ -A R

B V L 1 4 5 9 3 ^ -A R



P003326M P004426Ji

V L 1 4 5 9 i^


C a n b e m a s t e r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g s a m e class k e y .

B V 0 1 3 6 9 M -A R

F o r m a s t e r k e y in f o r ­

m a t io n , see p a g e 152 K n o b P 0 0 3 3 2 6 % h a s c a s t s h a n k , t h r e a d e d s p in d le a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e F la t F ro n t Locks 1308, 1409

K n o b P 0 0 4 4 2 6 J ^ h a s t h r e a d e d s p in d le , w r o u g h t s h a n k a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e

Classroom Locksets O u t s id e E s c u tc h e o n 7 J ^ " x

In s id e E s c u tc h e o n 7 H ' x 2 1 ^ " Knobs 2 M "

L o c k h a s recessed f r o n t a n d l a t c h b o lt .

F u r n is h e d re v e r s e b e v e l o n ly

In sid e Knob O perates a t All T im es R ecessed F ront Lock Set Number Lock

12368 12468

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside

See Page





V 0 1 3 6 9 i^ -A R

B V 0 1 3 6 9 M -A R






C a n b e m a s t e r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g s a m e class k e y .

F o r m a s te r k e y in fo r ­

m a t io n , see p a g e 152 K n o b P 0 0 3 3 2 6 M h a s c a s t s h a n k , th r e a d e d s p in d le a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e R ecessed F r o n t L o c k 12 0 8

K n o b P 0 0 4 4 2 6 K h a s t h r e a d e d s p in d le , w r o u g h t s h a n k a n d w r o u g h t t o p , o n e p ie c e

O n e s e t in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


456 Wrought Steel ©

Design Section


Illustrations Reduced Size



P00622M X 141JI


P00626H X 375M

X 0353M

2761^ 4761^



165M 175M


I 5181^

■ i l S w a i l

,: '[!« f 515J^




468 M

Wrought Steel Article Shank, %

D o o r K n o b s , P la in " S p in d le , 3 D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , S p in d le , 10 D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , S p in d le , 32 D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , S p in d le , 3 D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , S p in d le , 1 0 . . . D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , S p in d le , 3 2 . . . D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S h an k, S p in d le , 5 0 3 ^ . D o o r K n o b s , T h r e a d e d S h a n k , % " S p in d le , 5 1 } ^ . D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S han k, S p in d le , 52 . . K e y P l a t e E s c u tc h e o n , B i t K e y L o c k s ........................ E s c u tc h e o n fo r 3 % " L o c k s .................................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r 4 L o c k s .................................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r 3 ^ " L o c k s .................................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r 4 J ^ " L o c k s .................................................... E s c u tc h e o n f o r C o m m u n ic a t in g L o c k s .......................... E s c u tc h e o n f o r B a t h r o o m L o c k s .......................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y V e s t ib u le L o c k s ..................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y V e s t ib u le L o c k s ..................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ..................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ..................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ..................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r O ffic e L o c k 1 6 0 1 .......................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r C lo s e t D o o r s .................................................... E s c u tc h e o n fo r F r e n c h W i n d o w L o c k s .......................... E s c u tc h e o n s fo r S lid in g D o o r s ............................................... F lu s h S ash L i f t .............................................................................. D r o p D r a w e r H a n d l e .................................................................... C a b in e t P u ll P l a t e ......................................................................... C a b in e t P u l l ........................................................................................ P u s h P l a t e ........................................................................................ P u s h P l a t e ........................................................................................ D o o r P u ll, G r i p 6 " ........................................................................ D o o r P u ll, G r i p 6 " ......................................................................... * T w o - p ie c e k n o b s .

N um ber . . .

. .

*F 0 0 8 2 2 V 4 * P 0 0 8 2 4 1 /4 *P 00826V 4 P00622V4 P00624V4 P00626V4 P 0 0 4 2 2 1 /4 P 0 0 4 2 4 1 /4 F00426V4

. .

• . . .

. . . .


2411/4 .



• . . . ■ .

. . . . . .

l M " x l M 6" x2" 6" x 2 " 71^ " X 2 ^ 7>^"x 2 H 6" x2" 6" x2"



1V2" x 2H 9H"x2H

03 581/4

6" . .

. .





. . .

. . .

2761/4 4761/4 1651/4







3951/4 03721/4 5151/4 5 I 8 I/4 4321/4 3 I 8 I /4 4681/4

2051/4 5231/4

21^"' 21^" 21^"



03591/4 3751/4

Size 2H"



2441/4 4 I I /4 421/4 03531/4 03541/4


2 J i" .

1441/4 .


^ . - . . . . . . ■ . ■ .

. . . .

. . . . . . ■ . . . . .

O t h e r n u m b e r s o n e -p ie c e k n o b s

F o r B l a n k E s c u tc h e o n s , p r e f ix “ B ” t o n u m b e r F o r K n o b s w i t h roses, o m i t “ 0 0 ” in n u m b e r a n d s p e c ify rose n u m b e r F o r D u m m y C y lin d e r F r o n t s , p r e f ix “ D ” t o n u m b e r

Specify Design, Number and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


7V2"^2H 7^"x21^ 71^ " X 2 ^ 71^ " X 214

7y2"x2H 3 K " x l ^ 4 H " x l H S H " x 2 H 3i/g"xl34 3 ^ " x lJ 4 3 ^ " x lJ ^ 3 ^ " x li^

9H"x2H 12" x3" 9 ^ " x 2 % 12" x3"

REA DING Design Section


CONCORD Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol CN

Wrought Steel

Bit Key Front Door Sets, Wrought Steel P00624V4,

P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , O3 5 4 V 41 E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 9 ^ " x 2 % "

Set N um ber

x 23^", S w iv e l S p in d le 0 1 4 7 V 4 i E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 6 " x 2 "

L ock

A9602 *TA9602


0942 M



See P age .................................................... 1 0 0


* W i t h T u r n K n o b In s id e , In s id e E s c u tc h e o n T 1 4 7 3 4 , 6 " x 2 " W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b P 0 0 4 2 4 J ^ , s p e c ify S e ts A 9 4 0 2 a n d T A 9 4 0 2

Bit Key Vestibule Sets, Wrought Steel P00624Vi, P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e 0359Vi> E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , lY i " x 2 3 4 " Set N um ber



P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " , S w iv e l S p in d le B14lVii E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 6" x 2 "

L ock

See P age



W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b P 0 0 4 2 4 3 4 , s p e c ify S e t A 9 4 0 7

Inside Lock Sets w ith 3%" Locks, Wrought Steel B it K e v F ro n t D o o r Set


P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , T w o P ie c e , 2 J 4 " x

1804 1805 2804 2805 3804 4804 *4 8 0 9 5804 *5 8 0 9



E s c u tc h e o n s , 6 " x 2 "


See Page


8S7M 855^



68 69 68 69 69 70 70 71 71

Set N um ber

856H . . . . . . . ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

1159 0 2 5 2 % ................................ 0 3 5 2 % ................................ ............................... 01256 01257 ................................

* C a n m a s te r k e y w i t h lo c k s h a v in g s a m e class k e y . m a t io n , see p a g e 152

F o r m a s te r k e y in f o r ­

Inside Lock Sets w ith i^/4 " Locks, Wrought Steel P 0 0 6 2 2 V 4 , P la in S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 % " x 2 % "

Set N um ber 1604 1605 2604 2605 3604 4604 *4 6 0 9 5604 *5 6 0 9

In s id e L o c k S e t


L ock

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ............................... ..................................... .....................................

E s c u tc h e o n s , 6 " x 2 "

See P age

857% 855% 858% 856% 1159 0 2 5 2 % ........................................... 70 0 3 5 2 % ........................................... 7 0 01256 01257

* C a n m a s te r k e y w i t h lo c k s h a v in g s a m e class k e y . m a t io n , see p a g e 15 2

68 69 68 69 69

71 71

F o r m a s te r k e y in f o r ­

W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b P 0 0 4 2 2 % , c h a n g e se con d n u m b e r t o “ 4 ” (1 4 0 4 ) F i v e d o z e n sets in a case.

Bathroom Door Sets

C a s e w e ig h t 1 4 0 p o u n d s

Half Trim

Wrought Steel

W i t h T r i m f o r B a t h r o o m S id e o f D o o r O n l y P 0 0 8 2 2 V i5 P l a i n S h a n k K n o b , T w o P ie c e , 2 % "

Set N um ber 0180


T 1 4 2 V i j E s c u tc h e o n , 6 " x 2 "

L ock

See Page

0 2 8 0 % ........................................... 31

F o r F u l l T t i m B a t h r o o m S e ts w i t h K n o b P 0 0 8 2 2 % a n d E s c u tc h e o n 1 4 1 % C o n ­ c o rd , 6 " x 2 " o u ts id e , s p e c ify S e t N u m b e r 0 1 8 0 B 5 . S p e c ify C o n c o r d D e s ig n .

Bathroom Door Sets

Half Trim

Wrought Steel

W i t h T r i m f o r B a t h r o o m S id e o f D o o r O n l y P 0 0 6 2 2 l ^ , P la in S h a n k K n o b , O n e P ie c e , 2 % "

S et N u m b e r 0280

Bathroom Door Set


T 1 4 2 V i » E s c u tc h e o n , 6 " x 2 "


See Page

0 2 8 0 % ........................................... 31

F o r F u l l T r i m B a t h r o o m S e ts w i t h K n o b P 0 0 6 2 2 % a n d E s c u tc h e o n 1 4 1 % C o n ­ c o rd , 6 " X 2 " o u ts id e , s p e c ify S e t N u m b e r 0 2 8 0 B 2 . S p e c ify C o n c o r d D e s ig n . F i v e d o z e n sets in a case.

C a s e w e ig h t 1 2 0 p o u n d s

O n e set in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

ELLICOTT Wrought Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol EL


002622M X 151SM

1432 K 002622K X 1241U


002624M X 01354^

O U llli X


1 3 7 2 J i







Wrought Bronze A r tic le D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k ,

Size 2H"

Num ber S p in d le , 3

........................................* 0 0 2 6 2 2 V i

D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , % " S p in d le , 10 ...................................* 0 0 2 6 2 4 V i D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k ,


D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S h an k,

2M "

2H" 2H" 2H ” 2W

S p in d le , 3 2 .................................. * 0 0 2 6 2 6 1 /4 S p in d le ,' ^ 5 0 } ^ .......................... * 0 0 4 5 2 2 V i

D o o r Knobs,

T h r e a d e d S h a n k , fje " S p in d le ,

5 1 J ^ ..* 0 0 4 5 2 4 V i

D o o r Knobs,

T h re a d e d S h an k,

5 2 ............* 0 0 4 5 2 6 %

S p in d le ,

K e y P l a t e E s c u tc h e o n , B i t K e y L o c k s ..........................................1 1 0 5 V 4

2Ji"x IK "

E s c u tc h e o n f o r 3 ? ^ " L o c k s ....................................................................1 2 4 1 ^ 4


x 2H"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r 4 J ^ " L o c k s ....................................................................

1244V i



E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e

. . . .

01247V i


x 2 H "




x2M "

E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y V e s t ib u le L o c k s ....................................



E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y lin d e r



x 2 H " x 3"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y

F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e


. . . .

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r

F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e


. .

1 3 8 2 V4


X 3"

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r

F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e


. .



x 3"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y l i n d e r

F ro n t D o o r Locks,

In s id e

. . . . fT 1 3 7 3 V i

x 2 ^ "

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y l i n d e r

F ro n t D o o r Locks,

In s id e

. . . . tT 1 3 8 3 V i


E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r

F ro n t D o o r Locks,

In s id e

. . . . |T 1 3 9 3 V i

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y lin d e r

V e s t ib u le L o c k s ......................................




E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r

V e s t ib u le L o c k s ......................................



E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r

V e s t ib u le L o c k s ......................................



x2M " x23^"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C lo s e t D o o r s ....................................................................1 5 1 5 V i


X 1J4"

E s c u tc h e o n f o r S lid in g D o o r L o c k s ....................................................

6Vs“ x 23^ "

Push B u tto n


...................................................................................................0 1 4 1 1 V i

x 2 H "


X IH "

F l u s h S ash L i f t ............................................................................................. 1 3 1 8 V i

3 ^ " x

D r o p D r a w e r H a n d l e ...................................................................................



P u s h P l a t e .............................................................................................................

2276V i





D o o r P u ll, G r i p 6 " ........................................................................................ 2 1 6 5 V i


x l H "

C a b in e t P u l l P l a t e ........................................................................................



x IJ ^ "

C a b in e t P u l l ........................................................................................................




* O n e - p ie c e k n o b

f W i t h t u r n k n o b , % " s p in d le

F o r K n o b s w i t h roses o m i t “ 0 0 ” in n u m b e r a n d s p e c ify rose n u m b e r

Specify Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section


Wrought Bronze


Symbol EL

Illustrations Reduced Size Bit Key Front Door Sets

0 0 2 6 2 4 V 4, P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " , O I 3 5 4 V 4 , E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 9 " x 2 ^ "

Set Number

S w iv e l S p in d le

0 1 2 4 7 V 4 , E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x 2 J ^ "


13621 *1 362 18 tT 1 3 6 2 1

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

See Page

01342 0 9 4 2 ^ ............................................1 0 0 1342

100 99

* W i t h S te e l P la t e d F r o n t L o c k . f W i t h T u r n K n o b in s id e , in s id e e s c u tc h e o n T 1 2 4 7 J ^ , 8 " x 2}4'' W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 4 5 2 4 J ^ , c h a n g e t h i r d n u m b e r in s e t t o “ 5 ” ( 1 3 5 2 1 )

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 0 0 2 6 2 4 Vi? P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " , 0 1 3 5 9 ^ 4 ) E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 8 " x 2 3 ^ "

Set Number

S w iv e l S p in d le

B 0 1 3 5 9 V i» E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x 2 J ^ "


See Page




W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 4 5 2 4 J ^ , s p e c ify S e t 1 3 5 2 7 B it K e y F ro n t D o o r Set

Inside Lock Sets w ith 33^" Locks 0 0 2 6 2 2 ^ 4 , P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ "

1 2 4 1 V4, E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x 2J/^"

Set Number


See Page

3628 4628 4629 5628 5629

1159 1167 1168 01256 01257

69 70 70 71 71

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4Vi" Locks 0 0 2 6 2 2 V i , P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x

B i t K e y V e s t ib u le D o o r S e t


1 2 4 4 V i . E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x 2 J ^ "

Set Number


See Page

6628 6629 7628 7629

1201 1202 1221 1222

72 72 72 72

Inside Lock Sets w ith 3%" Locks 0 0 4 5 2 2 ^ 4 ) T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ "

Set Number


3528 4528 4529 5528 5529

1159 1167 1168 01256 01257

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................


E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x 2 J ^ "

See Page ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

69 70 70 71 71

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4V4" Locks 0 0 4 5 2 2 V i , T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e ,


Set Number


6528 6529 7528 7529

1201 1202 1221 1222



1 2 4 4 ^ 4 , E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x 2 ^ "

See Page 72 72 72 72

Closet Latch Sets 0 0 2 6 2 2 Vi> P la in S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 3 4 " x 2 3 4 " 1 5 1 5 V i t E s c u tc h e o n s , 4 " x 1 3 ^ " , B o t h S id e s

Set Number 628 629



See Page

1 2 ^ 1038 .....................................8


W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 4 5 2 2 } ^ , c h a n g e fir s t n u m b e r t o “ 5 ” ( 5 2 8 )

Closet Latch Set

O n e s e t i n a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

ELLICOTT Wrought Steel

Symbol EL

Illustrations Reduced Size

I 00822M X 515M

00822Ji X 241 00624M X 0354V



00626M X 375Ji


468 M

Wrought Steel A r tic le D o o r K nobs,

Num ber

P la in S h a n k ,

D o o r Knobs,

P la in S h a n k ,

D o o r Knobs,

P la in S h a n k ,

D o o r Knobs,

P la in S h a n k ,


..................................... f 0 0 8 2 2 V i

2 }^ "

S p in d le , 3

..................................... * 0 0 6 2 2 V i


S p in d le , 10

............................... * 0 0 6 2 4 ^ ^

2M "

S p in d le , 3 2

............................... * 0 0 6 2 6 V i

S p in d le , 5 0 > ^ ..* 0 0 5 2 2 V i

D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S han k, D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S han k, D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S h an k,

S iz e

S p in d le , 3


S p in d le , 5


2 J i"

..* 0 0 5 2 4 V 4

S p in d le , 52 .......................... * 0 0 5 2 6 V i

K e y P la t e E s c u tc h e o n B i t K e y L o c k s .

.................................... 1 0 5 ^ 4

2M "

E s c u tc h e o n fo r 3 % " L o c k s ................................................................... 241

2i^"x IM " 8" X 2Y2"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r 4


L o c k s ...................................................................

E s c u tc h e o n f o r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , O u ts id e





0247V i


23^ "

0 3 5 4 V4


E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e . . . . .

E s c u tc h e o n fo r B i t K e y V e s t ib u le L o c k s ....................................


x2M " x2J^"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ....................................


x 2 ^ "

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s .................................... 3S 5V 4 E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ....................................

x2M " x 2 3 /i"


E s c u tc h e o n fo r C lo s e t D o o r s ................................................................... 5 1 5 V i E s c u tc h e o n fo r S lid in g D o o r L o c k s ....................................................


X 1^" 6%"x2>^"

F l u s h S as h L i f t ............................................................................................. 31SV 4

3M "x

D r o p D r a w e r H a n d l e ...................................................................................



P u s h P l a t e ........................................................................................................






D o o r P u ll, G r i p 6 " ........................................................................................ 16 5V 4 C a b in e t P u ll P l a t e ........................................................................................


C a b in e t P u l l ........................................................................................................


* O n e - p ie c e k n o b

f T w o - p ie c e k n o b

F o r K n o b s w i t h roses, o m it " 0 0 ” in n u m b e r a n d s p e c ify rose n u m b e r

Specify Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

4" 4"


x lH "

x l ^ "


Design Section


Wrought Steel


Symbol EL

Illustrations Reduced Size

Wrought Steel Bit Key Front Door Sets 0 0 6 2 4 V 4 , P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e ,

x 2J^",

0 3 5 4 V i , E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 9 " x 2 ^ "

Set Number

A9602 TA9602

S w iv e l S p in d le

0 2 4 7 ^ 4 , E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x



0942 M 942


V /i"

See Page ............................................1 0 0 99

W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 5 2 4 3 ^ , c h a n g e s e co n d n u m b e r t o “ 5 ” ( A 9 5 0 2 ) T h r e e D o z e n sets in a case.

C ase w e ig h t 145 po un ds

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 00624^4, P la in ShCank K n o b s , O n e 0359V4, E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 8 " x 2 J ^ " B it K e y F ro n t D o o r Set

Set Number

P ie c e ,

x 234",


S w iv e l S p in d le

E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x


lY i"

See Page




W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 5 2 4 J ^ , s p e c ify S e t 9 5 0 7

Inside Lock Sets w ith 33/4" Locks x 2 }4 ’'

0 0 8 2 2 l ^ , P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , T w o P ie c e ,

B i t K e y V e s t ib u le D o o r S e t

2 4 1 % , E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x

Set Number


1804 1805 2804 3804 4804 4809 5804 5809



See Page



........................................... 6 9




..................................... ..................................... .................................... ..................................... .....................................

1159 69 0252 M ........................................... 70 0 3 5 2 M ........................................... 70 01256 71 01257 71


C a n f u r n is h a b o v e sets w i t h o n e -p ie c e k n o b 0 0 6 2 2 3 4 . n u m b e r t o “6" (1 6 0 4 )

C h a n g e s e c o n d n u m b e r in set

Inside Lock Sets w ith 33/4" Locks 00522%,

T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e ,


Set Number


1505 2504 3504 4504 4509 5504 5509

855^ 858M 1159 025I M 035I M 01256 01257


............................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .....................................

F i v e d o z e n sets in a case.

2}4" 241%,


E s c u tc h e o n s , 8 " x 2 J ^ "

See Page 69 68 69 ........................................... 7 0 ........................................... 7 0 71 71

C a s e w e ig h t 14 5 p o u n d s

Closet Latch Sets 00822Va, P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , T w o P ie c e , 2}4" x 2}4" 515%, E s c u tc h e o n s , 4" x 1 3 ^ " , B o t h S id e s Set Number

804 809

............................. .............................


See Page

1 0 ^ .................................. 8 1 2 M .................................. 8

C a n f u r n is h w i t h O n e -P ie c e K n o b 0 0 6 2 2 3 4 -

S p e c ify S e ts 6 0 4 a n d 6 0 9

C a n f u r n is h w i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 5 2 2 } ^ .

Closet Latch Set

S p e c ify S e ts 5 0 4 a n d 5 0 9

O n e s e t in a b o x w i t h sc rew s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

ELLICOTT Wrought Bronze and Steel

Symbol EL

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cylinder Front Door Sets, Wrought Bronze 004526Vi, 1372V4,

T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x


E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 1 0 " x 3 "

E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x

Set Number


016531 16521








See Page

C a n b e m a s te r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g k e y class 6 2 2

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Bronze 004526^4, 1375^/4?

T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ "


E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 9 " x 2 ^ "

Set Number


015527 16527

C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e t

E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x 2 J ^ "

See Page









C a n b e m a s te r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g k e y class 6 2 2

Cylinder Vestibule Sets, Wrought Steel 00526^4* 375Vi,

T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ "

E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 9 " x

2% "


Set Number

015507 16507

E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 8 " x 2 H "


See Page









C a n b e m a s te r k e y e d w i t h lo c k s h a v in g k e y class 6 2 2

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Bronze 1 4 3 2 V 4 , E s c u tc h e o n s , 6 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " T w o E s c u tc h e o n s w i t h S in g le S e ts

C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le D o o r S e t

F o u r E s c u tc h e o n s w i t h D o u b le S ets , T w o c u t w i t h K e y h o le

Set Number


0 1 2 8 4 3 ^ ........................... S in g le


See Page


0 1 2 8 4 ^ ........................... 13 9

0 1 2 8 8 3 ^ ........................ D o u b l e ........................

0 1 2 8 8 M ........................... 13 9

Sliding Door Sets, Wrought Steel 4 3 2 V i , E s c u tc h e o n s ,

6% "

x 2J^"

T w o E s c u tc h e o n s f o r S in g le S e ts F o u r E s c u tc h e o n s fo r D o u b le S e ts , T w o c u t w i t h K e y h o le

Set Number


Doors ........................... S in g le

0 2 8 8 3 ^ ........................... D o u b le

Sliding Door Set

Lock .


. . .


0284M 0288%

O n e s e t in a b o x w i t h screw s

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

See Page .




READING Design Section



Wrought Bronze

Symbol EV

Illustrations Reduced Size

00262234 X I

002622M X 1241M

5 15 J4




1523 M

002624M X 01354M

0 0 4 5 2 6 J i X 13721^





Wrought Bronze Num ber


......................................... * 0 0 2 6 2 2 V i

2M "

A r tic le D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k ,

S p in d le , 3

D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k , D o o r K n o b s , P la in S h a n k ,

S p in d le , 10

Y%'S p in d le ,

................................* 0 0 2 6 2 4 ................................* 0 0 2 6 2 6 V i

2M "

D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S h an k,

S p in d le , 5 0 } ^ ...................... * 0 0 4 5 2 2 ^ 4

2 V4."

D o o r K n o b s, T h re a d e d S h an k,

S p in d le , 5 1 J ^ ...................... * 0 0 4 5 2 4 V i

2M "

D o o r K no bs, T h re a d e d S hank,



S p in d le , 5 2 ........* 0 0 4 5 2 6 V i


K e y P l a t e E s c u tc h e o n B i t K e y L o c k s ................................................. l l O S V i


E s c u tc h e o n f o r 3 M " L o c k s ....................................................................I 2 4 1 V i

7 M " x 2 ^ "

E s c u tc h e o n f o r 4

7 M " x 2 ^ "

L o c k s ....................................................................

E s c u tc h e o n f o r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e

. . . .

1244Vi 01247Vi

7^ " x 2 ^ "

. .



E s c u tc h e o n f o r B i t K e y V e s t ib u le L o c k s ......................................


E s c u tc h e o n f o r B i t K e y F r o n t D o o r L o c k s ,

O u ts id e


x li^ "


E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s ,

O u ts id e


. .


7 M " x 2 H " 12" x3"

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s ,

O u ts id e


. .



X 3"

E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s ,

O u ts id e


. .



X 3"

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e

. . . .

fT 1 3 7 3 V i

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e

. . . .

fT 1 3 8 3 V i


x 2 H " x2>^"

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r F r o n t D o o r L o c k s , In s id e

. . . .

fT 1 3 9 3 V i


x 2 ^ "

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s .....................................




E s c u tc h e o n f o r C y l i n d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s .....................................




E s c u tc h e o n fo r C y l i n d e r V e s t ib u le L o c k s ....................................



x 2 H "

E s c u tc h e o n f o r S lid in g D o o r L o c k s ....................................................



x 2 K "

E s c u tc h e o n f o r C lo s e t D o o r s .......................... Push B u tto n

.....................................1 5 1 5 V 4

..........................................................................................................0 1 4 1 1 V i

F l u s h S a s h L i f t .............................................................................................. 1 3 1 8 V i D r o p D r a w e r H a n d l e ....................................................................................


P u s h P l a t e ........................................................................................................


D o o r P u ll, G r i p 6 " ......................................................................................... 2 1 6 5 V i C a b in e t P u l l P l a t e .........................................................................................


C a b in e t P u l l .................................................... ....................................................


* O n e - p ie c e k n o b

fW ith tu rn kn ob,

3% 3^ 3 ?^ 3^

2V2'' 2V2''

X 1%" x l% " xlj^ " x l ^ "


X 3"


X 3"

3 ^ " x l % " 35^"x 1%"

S p in d le

F o r k n o b s w i t h roses o m i t “ 0 0 ” in n u m b e r a n d s p e c ify rose n u m b e r

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section

EVONA Wrought Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol EV

Wrought Bronze Bit Key Front Door Sets 0 0 2 6 2 4 V i , P l a i n S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 J ^ " x 2 J ^ " , 0 1 3 5 4 V i> E s c u tc h e o n O u ts id e , 1 0 " x 3 "

S w iv e l S p in d le

0 1 2 4 7 ^ 4 , E s c u tc h e o n In s id e , 7 ? ^ " x

Set Number


13621 *1 3 6 2 1 8 tT 1 3 6 2 1

..................................... .................................... .....................................

IY 2 "

See Page

01342 ..................... 0 9 4 2 ^ ..................... 1342 .....................

. .

100 100 99

* W i t h s te e l p la t e d f r o n t lo c k f W i t h t u r n k n o b in s id e . In s id e E s c u tc h e o n T 1 2 4 7 % , 7 % " x 2 } ^ " W i t h T h r e a d e d S h a n k K n o b 0 0 4 5 2 4 } ^ , c h a n g e t h i r d n u m b e r in s e t t o “ 5 ” (1 3 5 2 1 )

Bit Key Vestibule Sets 0 0 2 6 2 4 V i , P la in S h a n k K n o b s , O n e P ie c e , 2 } ^ " x 23i" 7J4"x2K2" llH "x3" 1 1 ^ " X 3" IIH" x3" 7}^''x2M" 7 M ' ' x 2 i ^ ‘' 7^"x2i^" 9" x2%" x 2 % ‘' 9" x 2 ^" 9" 5" X iVs" 7M" x 2 V2 " xlj^"

714 "

4" X IH" 7J^"x2J^" 7^"x 2 H " 714 " X 23^ " 8M "x2i^" 8M "x2i^" •iM ” yilVi" 5" x l^ " nys"x3" 16M"x3H" 18" x4" llH "x3"

1 6 > i" x 3 i^ " 18"



2 27 6 ,2 2 77 2278

mR E A DmI N G



Cast Bronze

Symbol BIA

Illustrations Reduced Size

C a st B ron ze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon l l j ^ " x 3"

Inside Escutcheon 7 } ^ " x Knobs I V z " X 2 H "

S et N u m b e r


016841-AS 1 585I-A S 17851-AS

01602 1600 1700

See P age

102 102 105

ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e

K nob

002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

1372-AR 1372-AR 1392-AR

T 1373-A R T 1373-A R T1393-A R

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Also Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2 % " Inside Escutcheon 7J^" x Knobs 21^" x 2 H " Cylinder Front Door Set

S et N u m b e r


See Page


015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

01505 1605 1601 01711

101 104 135 133

002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS

ESCUTCHEO NS In s id e O u ts id e

1385-AR 1375-AR 01372-AR 01382-AR

B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR

*W ith auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Inside Lock Sets w ith 33^" Locks Outside Escutcheon 7


Inside Escutcheon 7 M "


2 ^ "

Knobs 2 M " x 2 3 4 "

Cylinder Vestibule Set

S et N u m b e r


See Page

K nob

4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-A S

1167 1168 01256 01257

70 70 71 71

002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e

1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4Vi" Locks Outside Escutcheon 7J^" x l Y i "

Inside Escutcheon 734" x Knobs 2 M " x 2 M "

S et N u m b e r


6858-AS *6859-AS 7858-AS *7859-AS

1201 1202 1221 1222

See P age

72 72 72 72

K nob

002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e

1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

*Can master key w ith locks having same class key. For master key information. see page 152 Inside Lock Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section


Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

C ast B ron ze Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon

Inside Escutcheon 1} /i " x 23^" Knobs 2 ^ " X 2 M " . Locks have auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed


x 23^"

In s id e K n o b O perates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey F la t F r o n t Locks Set N u m b e r


13868 14869

1308 1409

See Page

ESCUTCHEO NS In s id e O u ts id e

K nob

90 91

002826-AS 002826-AS

V 01369-AR V L1459-A R

BV01369-AR BVL1459-A R

Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 Classroom Door Set Locks 1308, 1409

Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon

x 2 )^ "

Inside Escutcheon

x 23^"

Knobs 2 M " x 2 i ^ " Lock has recessed front and latch bolt. Furnished reverse bevel only In s id e K n o b O perates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey Recessed F r o n t L o ck ESCUTCHEONS O u ts id e In s id e

S et N u m b e r


See P age

K nob







Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2 ^ "

Inside Escutcheon 7}^" x Knobs 2 M " X 2}^"x2^"

m " Xm" lM ''x

1 1 ^ "


l^ " x 2 " 2" x lV s "

01518 1518-AR 1523

41^ " x l ^ " 4^ "x l^ " 4J^"x 1 1 ^ "

DOOR KNOBS Cast Bronze Shank, Adjustable Spindle Wrought Bronze Top D es c rip tio n N um ber Threaded Adjustable Shank, Spindle, 5 0 % ...................... P003322% Threaded Adjustable Shank, Spindle, 5 1 % ...................... P003324% Threaded Adjustable Shank, Spindle, 6 2 .......................... P0033263^

Size 2M"x2M" 2 M " x 2M" 2}^"x2M"

PUSH PLATES AND DOOR PULLS See Illustrations Page 483

Cast Bronze D es c rip tio n Num ber Push Plate, P la in ............................................................................ 2276 . . . . Push Plate, P la in ............................................................................ . . . . Push Plate, P la in ............................................................................ . . . . Push Plate, P la in ............................................................................ . . . . Push Plate, L e t t e r e d .................................................................... 2376 . . . . Push Plate, L e t t e r e d .................................................................... . . . . Door Pull, Grip 6 % " .................... • ............................................2165 . . . . Door Pull, Grip 7 " ........................................................................ . . . . Door Pull, Grip 6% ", L e tte re d ................................................... 2365 . . . . Door Pull, Grip 7", L e tte re d ....................................................... . . . . For Store Door Handles, see page 273. For French Window Sets, see page 86 For Sectional Handles, see page 252. For Letter Slot Plates and Hoods, see pages

Specify Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1

Size 3"

x 10% " 3" X 12" 31^" X 16" 4" X 16" 3" X 12" 314" X 16" 3" X 12" 3 } 4 " x 16" 3" xl2"

3J^"xl6" 344 and 346


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Symbol BE

Illustrations Reduced Size

C a st B ro n ze

B evel

Inside Lock Sets w ith


Keyhole Below Knob Outside Escutcheon 6" x 2"

Inside Escutcheon 6" x 2 ' Knobs 234" x 2 M "

Set N u m b e r


See P age

ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e


1758-AS 1159 69 P002122 1041-AR 1041-AR *1759-A S 01257 71 P002122 1041-AR 1041-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4^^" Locks Keyhole Below Knob Outside Escutcheon 6 " x 2 "

Inside Escutcheon 6" x 2" Knobs 2 M " x 2 i 4 "

Inside Lock Set

ESCUTCHEONS O u ts id e In s id e

S et N u m b e r


2758-AS *2759-AS 2768-AS *2769-AS *Can master see page 152

1201 72 P002122 ■ 1044-AR 1044-AR 1202 72 P002122 1044-AR 1044-AR 1221 72 P002122 1044-AR 1044-AR 1222 72 P002122 1044-AR 1044-AR key w ith locks having same class key. For master key information,

See P age

K nob

Inside Lock Sets w ith 33/4" Locks Outside Escutcheon 7 " x 234"

Inside Escutcheon 7" x 234" Knobs 2 M " x 2 J i " ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e

S et N u m b e r


4758-AS *4759-A S 5758-AS *5759-A S *Can master see page 152

1167 70 P002122 1141-AR 1141-AR 1168 70 P002122 1141-AR 1141-AR 01256 71 P002122 1141-AR 1141-AR 01257 71 P002122 1141-AR 1141-AR key with locks having same class key. For master key information,

See P age


Inside Lock Sets w ith 4^^" Locks


Keyhole Below Knob Outside Escutcheon 7 " x 2 3i 4H "xlK 3" x l" 3M "xlJi 4M"xlJ^

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

. ....

Letter Box Plates and Hoods


Cast Bronze A rtic le N um ber Letter BoxPlate, Opening 7" x 1 Wi t hout Inside Plate *1434 Letter Box Plate, Opening 7'' x 1J^’\ W ith Inside Plate . *1444 Letter Box Hood, Opening ........................................... *H1434 *Conforms w ith Post Office Regulation Order No. 291 For Store Door Handles, see page 273

Specijy Number, Design and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1

Size 8M"x2M" 8% "x2i^" 8%"x2J^"


Design Section

CONCORD Cast Bronze

Symbol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size

C a st B ro n ze Inside Lock Sets w ith 3%" Locks Inside Escutcheon 6 % " x 2 i i "

Outside Escutcheons 6 M " >c 2 V " Knobs 2 V " x 2 M " S et N u m b e r


3758-AS 4758-AS *4759-AS 5758-AS *5759-AS *Can master see page 152

ESCUTCHEO NS In s id e O u ts id e


See Page

1241-AR P002122 1241-AR 1159 69 1241-AR P002122 1241-AR 1167 70 1241-AR P002122 1241-AR 1168 70 1241-AR 1241-AR P002122 01256 71 P002122 1241-AR 1241-AR 01257 71 key with locks having same class key. For master key information,


Inside Lock Sets with

Inside Escutcheon 6 M " x 2 M "

Outside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x Knobs 2 l ^ " x 2 M " See Page

ESCUTCHEO NS In s id e O u ts id e

K nob

S et N u m b e r


6758-AS *6759-AS 7758-AS *7759-AS *Can master see page 152

1244-AR P002122 1244-AR 72 1244-AR 1244-AR P002122 72 1244-AR P002122 1244-AR 72 12 2 1 1244-AR P002122 1244-AR 1222 72 key w ith locks having same class key. For master key information, 1201


Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 8" x 2 ^ "

Inside Escutcheon 8" x 2 ^ ' Knobs 2 K " x 2 M " Locks have auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed In s id e K n o b O perates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey F la t F r o n t L o ck See P age


13768-AS 14769-AS

1308 90 P002126 V01369-AR 1409 91 P002126 V L1459-A R Can master key with locks having same class key

Classroom Door Set Locks 1308, 1409

K nob

ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e

Set N u m b e r

BV01369-AR BVL1459-A R

Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 8" x 2?^"

Inside Escutcheon 8" x 2 ^ " Knobs I M " X l y i " Lock has recessed front and latch bolt. Furnished reverse bevel only In s id e K n o b O perates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey Recessed F ro n t Lo ck

S et N u m b e r


See Page






ESCUTCHEO NS O u ts id e In s id e



Can master key with locks having same class key

Com m unicating Door Sets W ith Tu rn Knob Both Sides S et N u m b e r

8751-AS *8762-AS Communicating Door Set


1181 1183

Knobs 2J^" x 2J^"

See P age

32 33


P002122 P002122

E S C U T C H E O N S B O T H S ID E S E s c u tc h e o n S ize

T 1241-A R T 1244-A R

6^" x 6^"x2^"

* I f wanted with Tu rn Knob one side for use on P riv a te L av ato ry Doors, with Lock 1283, see page 33. W ith EscutcheonT1244-AR, 6% " x 2 inside, and Escutcheon B1244-AR, 6% " x V /i" outside, specify Set 8763-AS One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Symbol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size

C a st B ro n ze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 12" x 3"

Inside Escutcheon 6 % " x 2J^" Knobs 23^" x 2 i 4 "

Set N um ber

L ock

S ee P a g e

K nob

016741-AS 16751-AS 17751-AS

01602 1600 1700

102 102 105

P002146 P002146 P002146

ESC U TC H EO N S In sid e O u tsid e

1372-AR 1372-AR 1392-AR

T1373-A R T1373-A R T 1393-A R

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2 % "

Inside Escutcheon

x 2J4'

Knobs 2 M ' ' x 2 K ' '

Cylinder Front Door Set Set N um ber

L ock

S ee P a g e

K nob

015757-AS 16757-AS 17757-AS 15760-AS 017761-AS

01505 1605 1705 1601 *01711

101 104 104 135 133

P002126 P002126 P002126 P002126 P002126

ESCUTCHEON S O u ts id e In sid e

1385-AR 1375-AR 1395-AR 01372-AR 01382-AR

B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR

*Has auxiliary latch deadlocking latch bolt and stops when door is closed

Cylinder Classroom Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2 ^ "

Inside Escutcheon 6 % " x 2J^" Knobs 2 K " x 2 M "

Lock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed Cylinder Vestibule Set

In s id e K n o b O perates a t A ll T im e s Set N um ber


S ee P a g e

K nob





ESC U TC H EO N S O u tsid e In sid e



Can master key with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Exit Door Set Outside Escutcheon 9 " x 2 % "

Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2 % ’ Knobs 2 Y z ' x 234"

Two-cylinder lock, the inside cylinder controlling the setting of outside knob with key. Has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed.

Cylinder Classroom Door Set Lock 1509

Set N u m b er


S ee P a g e

K nob





ESCU TCH EO N S O u tsid e In sid e


Can master key with locks having key class 622 One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and finish. Bor Finishes, see page 1




Design Section

CONCORD Cast Bronze

Symbol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size

Unilocks and Unilatches


D o o r S tiles S ho u ld Be N o t Less T h a n 4^/4 In ch es W id e U n ilo cks an d U n ila tc h e s are shipped assem bled c o m p le te w ith th e K nobs a n d E scutcheons fasten ed to th e Lo ck Case. Each L o ck is co m p le te to slip in to th e c u t-a w a y in th e door s tile . A s lig h t a d ju s tm e n t can be m ad e to ta k e care o f a n y v a ria tio n in th e door th ickn ess. T h is a d ju s tm e n t is very s lig h t a n d f u ll th ickn ess of door m u s t be specified. Sets 520, 500, and 505 can be arranged without stops in the front and with a special constructed turn knob mounted on the inside knob to deadlock the outside knob. Add “ TS ” to set numbers. S pecify Sets 520-T S , 500-TS an d 505-TS .

Case . Bol t s . F ro n t S trik e H and

. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

W ith Escutcheons, Cast Brass or Bronze Cast Bronze Cast Brass or Bronze, Beveled in 2" Cast Brass or Bronze, Box Protected Type N ot Reversible, Specify Hand and Thick­ ness of Door

B ackset . . ■ *C y lin d e r . . *K eys . . . Escutcheons K nobs . . .

2^". Six Pins, Changes Unlimited Three, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 Cast Brass or Bronze, 8" x 2}^". flange 3 " high 2}^" X 2J^", Cast Brass or Bronze


*For Sets 500, 505, 520, 800 Can be master keyed with locks having key class 622

Illustration of Set 500

Cylinder Front Door Locks—Vertical Set 520 w ith D ead B o lt, L a tc h an d Stops O p e ra tio n ; Latch bolt by knob from either side; outer knob set by stop in face; when outer knob is set by stop, both bolts can be operated with key from outside; dead bolt by key from outside and thumb knob from inside.

Cylinder Office Door Locks—Vertical Set 500 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops O p e ra tio n : Latch bolt by knob from either side except when outside knob is set by stop in face, then by key from outside. Auxiliary latch automatically locks main latch bolt when door is closed and prevents forcing back of latch from outside. Auxiliary latch will also lock stops when door is closed and stops set, but does not prevent the use of key to open door from outside. Set 505 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops. T u r n K n o b In s id e O p e ra tio n : S am e as 500 w ith tu r n k n o b in side. The turn knob locks against the key on the outside. Inside knob can be used for exit when turn knob is locked and automatically throws the turn knob off when knob is turned to open door from inside. This avoids the turning of turn knob when leaving room. Set 800 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h . W ith o u t Stops O p e ra tio n : F o r L a v a to ry Doors. By knobs from either side and key at all times from outside. Inside cylinder is set under master or grand master key and outside knob is made stationary with key through inside cylinder. Key outside can be used for entrance and will not disturb the stationary position of outside knob. S et 510 w ith L a tc h O p e ra tio n ; By knobs from either side.

Closet Latches—^No Key—Vertical This latch has no locking features.

Com m unicating Lock Set—Vertical Set 705 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b B o th Sides O p e ra tio n : Latch bolt by knob from either side. Turn knob locks knobs from either side. When locked from one side with turn knob cannot be opened from opposite side. S et 705Y2 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b O ne Side O p e ra tio n : F o r P riv a te L a v a to ry Doors. Sam e as 705 w ith tu r n k n o b inside. When turn knob is thrown from inside cannot be opened from outside. Unless otherwise ordered, Unilocks are supplied suitable for single doors. If for double doors, so specify, giving door detail. Unilocks can be furnished for rabbeted doors or with dummy trim One set in a box complete with necessary screws

Specify Set Number, Hand, Finish and Design. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Smybol CN

Illustrations Reduced Size

Unilocks and Unilatches


D o o r S tiles S ho u ld Be N o t Less T h a n 5 In c h e s W id e U n ilo cks a n d U n ila tc h e s a re shipped assem bled c o m p le te w ith th e K nobs an d E scutcheons fa sten ed to th e Lock Case. E ach L o ck is c o m p le te to slip in t o th e c u t-a w a y in th e do or s tile . A s lig h t a d ju s tm e n t can be m a d e to ta k e care o f a n y v a ria tio n in th e d o or th ickn ess. T h is a d ju s tm e n t is very s lig h t an d f u l l th ickn ess o f d o o r m u s t be specified. Sets 420, 400, and 405 can be arranged without stops in the front and with a special constructed turn knob mounted on the inside knob to deadlock the outside knob. Add “ T S ” to set numbers. Specify Sets 4 20-T S , 400-T S an d 405-T S .

Case . Bol t s . F ro n t S trik e H and

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

W ith Escutcheons, Cast Brass or Bronze Cast Bronze Cast Brass or Bronze, Beveled " in 2" Cast Brass or Bronze, Box Protected Type N ot Reversible, Specify Hand and T h ick­ ness of Door

B ackset . . *C y lin d e r . . *K eys . . . E scutcheons K nobs . . .

Six Pins, Changes Unlimited Three, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 Cast Brass or Bronze, 3 x 4J^ " 2J^" X 2J^", Cast Brass or Bronze *For Sets 400, 405, 420, 700 Can be master keyed with locks having key class 622

Illustration of Set 400

Cylinder Front Door Locks—Horizontal Set 420 w ith D ead B o lt, L a tc h an d Stops O p eratio n : Latch bolt by knob from either side; outer knob set by stop in face; when outer knob is set by stop, both bolts can be operated with key from outside; dead bolt by key from outside and thumb knob from inside.

Cylinder Office Door Locks—Horizontal Set 400 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops O p era tio n : Latch bolt by knob from either side except when outside knob is set by stop in face, then by key from outside. Auxiliary latch automatically locks main latch bolt when door is closed and prevents forcing back of latch from outside. Auxiliary latch will also lock stops when door is closed and stops set, but does not prevent the use of key to open door from outside. Set 405 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops. T u r n K n o b In s id e O p eratio n : S am e as 400 w ith tu r n k n o b inside. The turn knob locks against the key on the outside. Inside knob can be used for exit when turn knob is locked and automatically throws the turn knob off when knob is turned to open door from inside. This avoids the turning of turn knob when leaving room. Set 700 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h . W ith o u t Stops O p e ratio n : F o r L a v a to ry Doors. By knobs from either side and key at all times from outside. Inside cylinder is set under master or grand master key and outside knob is made stationary with key through inside cylinder. K ey outside can be used for entrance and w ill not disturb the stationary position of outside knob. Set 410 w ith L a tc h

Closet Latches—No Key—Horizontal

O p e ra tio n : By knobs from either side.

This latch has no locking features.

Com m unicating Lock Set—Horizontal Set 605 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b B o th Sides O p e ratio n : Latch bolt by knob from either side. Tu rn knob locks knobs from either side. When locked from one side with turn knob cannot be opened from opposite side. Set 605Vi w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b O ne Side O p e ra tio n : F o r P riv a te L a v a to ry D oors. S am e as 605 w ith tu r n k n o b inside. When turn knob is thrown from inside, cannot be opened from outside. Unless otherwise ordered. Unilocks are supplied suitable for single doors.

If for double doors, so specify, giving door detail.

Unilocks can be furnished for rabbeted doors or with dummy trim

One set in a box complete with necessary screws

Specify Set Number, Hand, Finish and Design. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section

COLORADO Cast Bronze

Symbol COL

Illustrations Reduced Size

002 82 2-AS X 1241-AR

002826-AS X 1372-AR

C ast B ronze A rtic le Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 5 0 % . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, 5^" Spindle, 62 . . . . Escutcheon for 3 % " L o c k s ................................................... Escutcheon for 4J4" L o c k s ................................................... Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . ..................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ..................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ..................... Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s .................................. Push B u t t o n ............................................................................ Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................ Drop Drawer H a n d l e ........................................................... Outside Letter Plate, without Inside P l a t e ..................... Outside Letter Plate, W ith Inside P l a t e ......................... Push P la t e ................................................................................ Push P la t e ................................................................................ Door Pull W ith Heavy Bar G r i p ...................................... Door Pull W ith Heavy Bar G r i p ...................................... Cylinder Store Door Handle W ith Heavy Bar Grip . .


. . . . . .


N um ber 002822-AS 002826-AS 002846-AS 1241-AR 1244-AR *T 1 2 4 1 -A R *T 1 2 4 4 -A R 1372-AR 1382-AR 1392-AR *T 1373-A R *T 1383-A R *T 1393-A R 1375-AR 1385-AR 1395-AR 1432 1411 1318 1468 1334 1344 2276 2278 2168 2178 2343

Size . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

, . . .

. . . .

. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .


*W ith turn knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design and Finish, For Finishes, see page 1

2H " X l \ i 21^" x 2 M 2H" x 2 H 9" x2K 9" 9" 9"

13" 13" 13" 9" 9" 9"


2 V2

^2V2 x

2 V2

x3" X 3" X 3" x 23 ^ x2^ ^2V2

lOH" x 2 V s W H " ^2Vs

lO M " x 2 K 9"




5 ^ " X 1% 5 H " X 1% 9" x2J^ 9" X 2}/2

13" 24" 13" 24" 24"


3" 4" 3" 4" 4"


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol COL

C a st B ro n ze Cylinder Front Door Sets Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2)^ "

Outside Escutcheon 13" x 3" Knobs 21^" x 2 J i " Set N um ber


S ee P a g e

K nob

016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

01602 1600 1700

102 102 105

002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

ESCUTCHEON S In sid e O u tsid e

1372-AR 1372-AR 1392-AR

T 1373-A R T 1373-A R T 1393-A R

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Also Suitable for Office Doors Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2}/^" Outside Escutcheon 1 0 ^ " x 2J^" Knobs 21^" x 2 } 4 " Set N um ber

L ock

See P ag e

K nob

015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

01505 1605 1601 01711

101 104 135 133

002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS

ESCUTCHEON S In sid e O u tsid e

1385-AR 1375-AR 01372-AR 01382-AR

B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR

*W ith auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Inside Lock Sets w ith 3^^" Locks

Cylinder Front Door Set

Inside Escutcheon 9" x I Y t, ”

Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2J^" Knobs 2 J ^ " x 2 M " Set N um ber

L ock

S ee P a g e

K nob

4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-AS

1167 1168 01256 01257

70 70 71 71

002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

E SCU TCH EO N S O u tsid e In sid e

1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information. see page 152

Inside Lock Sets w ith Outside Escutcheon 9" x l Y i '

Locks Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2}^"

Knobs l \ i " X 2 M "

Inside Door Set

Set N um ber

L ock

S ee P a g e

K nob

6858-AS *6859-AS 7858-AS *7859-A S

1201 1202 1221 1222

72 72 72 72

002 82 2-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESC U TC H EO N S O u tsid e In sid e

1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design and Finish. For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section

C O R D IA C a st B ro n ze

S ym bol COD

I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e

1518 X Lever P1520

002822-AS X 1241-AR 002826-AS X 137S-AR


002826-AS 1372-AR

1334, 1344


Cast Bronze Article Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 62 . . . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Y%" Spindle, 62 . . . . Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key L o c k s ............................. Escutcheon for 3?^" L o c k s................................................. Escutcheon for 4J^" L o c k s.................................................. Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ..................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ..................... Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ..................... Escutcheon for Cabinets, Lever 2", Spindle . . . . Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ................................. Push B u t t o n ........................................................................... Flush Sash L i f t ...................................................................... Drop Drawer H a n d l e .......................................................... Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ..................... Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ......................... Push P la t e ............................................................................... Door Pull, Grip P1172 ......................................................


. . . . . . . .

N um ber 002822-AS . . . . 002826-AS . . . . 002846-AS . . . 1105 . . . 1241-AR . . . . 1244-AR . . . . *T1241-AR . . . *T1244-AR . . . 1372-AR . . . . 1382-AR . . . . 1392-AR . . *T1373-AR . *T1383-AR . . . *T1393-AR . . . . 1375-AR . . . . 1385-AR . . . . 1395-AR . . . 1518 X Lever P1520 1432 . . . . 01411 . . . . 1318 . . . . 1468 . . . . 1334 . . . . 1344 . . . . 2276 . . . . 2165 . . . .

*With turn knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Size X 234 2J4" x 2 M m ’ x 2M x lM SVs" x 2V2 m " x 2M m " x 2V2 m " x 2 J^ 12V2" X 1 2 J^" x 3 M n v z " X 3}£ m " X 2 J^ SVs" x 2 H SVs" x 2V2 lOVs’' x 3 " lOVs" x 3 " 1 0 ^ " X 3" 5V2" x l3 ^ 8V2" x 3 " 4" X ly s 5" X 2 " SVa" x l ^ 9V8" x 2 Ji 9Vs'' x 2 M n V z" x 3 M 12V2" x 3 H 2 M"


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Symbol COD



Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 12}/^'' x

Inside Escutcheon 8% " x 23^" Knobs 2>^"x2M "

Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 102 10 2


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Outside Escutcheon 10^ " x 3"

Inside Escutcheon

8 J^"

x 2J^"

Knobs 2J^"x2J^" Set Number 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

Lock 1605 1601 01711

See Page 104 135 133

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1375-AR B1241-AR 01372-AR B1241-AR 01382-AR B1241-AR

Knob 002826-AS 002826-AS 002846-AS

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622 Cylinder Front Door Set

Inside Lock Sets w ith Outside Escutcheon 8 J^" x

23 ^"

Locks Inside Escutcheon

8 %"

x 2 i^ '

Knobs 2 M " x 2 Ji" Set Number 4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-AS

Lock 1167 1168 01256 01257

See Page 70 70 71 71

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4^4" Locks Outside Escutcheon

8 %"

x 2}^"

Inside Escutcheon 8 %" x 23/^' K n o b s2 J i" x 2 M "

Inside Lock Set

Set Number 6858-AS *6859-AS 7858-AS ♦7859-AS

Lock 1201 1202 1221 1222

See Page 72 72 72 72

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 One set in a box with screws

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section

5 0 6

C O R U N A Cast Bronze

Symbol COR

Illustrations Reduced Size


P1520X 1518

002822-AS 1241-AR


002826-AS X 1372-AR

H1334, H1436

1334, 1344, 14343^

2165, 2175, 2185

Cast Bronze

Article Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Y%" Spindle, 62 . . . Knob Rose for Adjustable Shank Knobs . . . . . . Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key L o c k s ......................... Escutcheon for 3|^" L o c k s............................................. Escutcheon for 4J^" L o c k s............................................. Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ................................. Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ................................. Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ................................. Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ Escutcheon for C ab in ets................................................. Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ............................. Push B u t t o n ...................................................................... Push Button With D o m e ............................................. Flush Sash L i f t .................................................................. Drop Drawer H a n d l e ..................................................... Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ................ Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ................ Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ..................... Letter Slot H o o d .............................................................. Letter Slot H o o d .............................................................. Cabinet Plate and Lever, % " Spindle, Lever 2 " Push Plate ............................. . ............................. Push P la t e .......................................................................... Push Plate ...................................................................... Door Pull, Grip P1172 . . . Door Pull, Grip PI 167 ............................................. Door Pull, Grip PI 167 ..................................................

N um ber 002822-AS 002826-AS 002846-AS 219 1105 1241-AR 1244-AR *T1241-AR *T1244-AR 01359-AR V01369-AR VL1459-AR 1372-AR 1382-AR 1392-AR *T1373-AR *T1383-AR *T1393-AR 1375-AR 1385-AR 1395-AR 1518 1432 01411 1411 1318 1468 1334 tl434Vz 1344 H1334 tH1436 P1520xl518 2276 2277 2278 2165 2175 2185 *With turn knob fConforms with Post Ofifice Regulation Order For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number For Store Door Handles, see page 273

Specify Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Size 2 M " x 2 M" 2 J ^ " x 2 M" 2 M "x

IM" 7^"x23.^" 7 i^ " x 2 ^ " 7M"x2^" 7M"x2^" 7^"x2^" 7K"x2^" 7J4"x2^" 12J^"x3}^" 12M"x31^" 123 ^" X 3 ^ " 7M"x23^" 7 M" x 2 ^ " 9" x2%" 9" x2%" 9" x2%" 5" x l ^ " 3^"xlH " 55/^"x2i^" 4 %" x IM" 4 ^ " x 13^" 7%"x2^" 1 0 ^ " x 2 Ji" 7M"x2^" 7H''^2Vs" 1 0 ^ " x 2 %" 5" x l ^ " ny2"x3H '' 1 63^' x 3 H " 1 8M"x 3 M" 123^"x31^" 24" x 4 " x3J^" 24" x 4 " 24" x 4" 2M 2M 2M


Design Section

DACIA C a s t B ro n ze

I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e

S y m b o l DAG

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 15K" x

Inside Escutcheon 9%" x K nob s 2 i ^ " x 2 J|"

Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 10 2 102


ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1393-AR 1392-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Outside Escutcheon 15M" x 3)^"

Inside Escutcheon 9 % ’’ x 3)4,"'

Knobs 21^" x 2 M" Set Number 16860-AS

Lock 1601

See Page 135

Knob 002846-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR B1241-AR

Master keyed with locks having key class 622 Cylinder Front Door Set

Inside Lock Sets Outside Escutcheon 9%" x 3J^" Inside Escutcheon 9 ^ " x 3J^" , Knobs 2 M " x 2 M " See ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Page Knob Outside Inside 5858-AS 01256 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *5859-AS 01257 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 7858-AS 1 2 21 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR *7859-AS 1 2 2 2 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Sliding Door Locks 1432 Escutcheon 9 ^ " x 3}4," Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets. Two cut with keyhole Inside Lock Set

Set Number 01284 . 01288 .

Door Single Double

Lock 01284 01288

See Page 139 139

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Sliding Door Set

Design Section

E D E N S y m b o l ED

C a s t B ro n ze

I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e

m Q 2562 X 220

2821-ASx219 2822-ASx300


219, 300 220



1460, 1490 2166

i 01403

4415 04415, Without Base Plates Handle 2445 Cylinder Collar 1200

Cast Bronze Article N um ber Door Knobs, Round, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 5 0 ^ 002822-AS Door Knobs, Round, Threaded Shank, ^ " Spindle, 62 . 002826-AS Door Knobs, Round, Threaded Shank, M" Spindle, 5 0 ^ 002821-AS Door Knobs, Oval, Threaded Shank, ^ 5 " Spindle, 50% . 003722-AS Door Knobs, Oval, Threaded Shank, ^ j" Spindle, 62 . . 003726-AS Rose for Door Knobs, R o u n d ...................................... 219 Rose for Door Knobs, R o u n d ...................................... 300 Rose for Lever Handles, O v a l ...................................... 220 Key Plate Escutcheon, Bit Key L o c k s ..................... 1105 Lever Handle, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 50 . . 002562 Lever Handle, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . 002566 Turn Knob, Oval Plate, % " S p i n d le ......................... 1460 Turn Knob, Oval Plate, S p i n d l e ......................... 1490 Cylinder Collar, R o u n d .................................................. 1200 Push Button....................................................................... 01403 Door Pull Grip 7 ", Plates 2 ^ " ................................. 2166 Sectional Handle, Grip 7J^".......................................... 2445 Cylinder Collar V /^ ”, Thumb Piece Plate 3J^" x 23^8" Lower Handle Plate 1 " .............................................. Push Bar, Bronze Tubing 1", Projection 2}^", Clearance 1 ^ " 4410 Push Bar, Bronze Tubing 1", Flare Base Standard, Pro­ *4415 jection V / i ', Clearance 1 )^" Door Pull, as Standards and Tubing of Push Bar 04415, f2168 Center to Center 14", Clearance IJ^", Projection 2J^ Door Knocker, Upper Plate 2}^", Lower Plate 2" 1735 B a l e 4 H " x 4 H " ............................................................... *Can furnish without Round Base, specify number 04415

2M 2M

"x2K " x 2 Ji 2" X2 " 23^" X 1 ^ 23^" x l ^ 2" IV ," 2>^"xlH 2" X 3% " 3% " 2" X Vs 2" X % 2V2" 2 V 2 ''x iy 2 2M "x8% 2}^"x 15" 2" Base 2" Base IVs" Base iV 2 ''x 5 y s '‘

fCan be furnished special lengths, when so ordered

For knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

1735 Size

For Finishes, see page 1


EDEN Cast Bronze

Symbol ED

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Cylinder Collar 1200, 2J4" Round Turn Knob 1460, 2" x J4‘ Knobs 2826-AS Round, 2 ^ " x 2 ^ " : With Roses 300, 2 ^ " Set Number Lock See Page 0 1 6 8 4 0 - A S ................................. 01602 102 1 6 8 7 0 - A S ................................. 1600 10 2 1 7 8 7 0 - A S ................................. 1700 105 * 1 6 8 6 0 - A S ................................. 1601 135 *No turn knob inside. Cylinder vestibule latch without dead bolt Can master key with locks having key class 622 Sectional Handle, see Handle 2445, page 256

Cylinder Front Door Set

Inside Lock Sets with 3^/^" Locks Round Roses 219, 2"

Round Knobs 2821-AS, 2 " x 2" Oval Escutcheons 1105, 2" x

Set Number Lock 4 8 7 8 - A S ................................. 1167 *4879-A S .................................1168 5 8 7 8 - A S ................................. 01256 ♦ 5 8 7 9 - A S ................................. 01257

See Page ................................. 70 ................................. 70 ................................. 71 ................................. 71

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Inside Lock Sets with


Round Roses 219, 2"

Inside Lock Set

Round Knobs 2821-AS, 2" x 2' Oval Escutcheons 1105, 2" x J4" Set Number Lock See Page 6 8 7 8 - A S ................................. 1 2 0 1 ........................................... 72 *6879-A S ................................. 1202 72 7 8 7 8 - A S .................................1 2 2 1 ........................................... 72 *7879-A S ...................................... 1222 72

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol EG


iii 11


i!II i iitiiIi i P ■i

01411 III al l

P1520X 1518


;l il,l!


002822-AS X 1241-AR

itii aisil ISIa

I I liiiililili!:!!!'

» 002826-AS X 1372-AR


1334, 1344

2165, 2175

Cast Bronze Article Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 5 0 ^ . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 6 2 . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . Knob Rose for Adjustable Shank K n o b s ..................... Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key L o c k s ..................... Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s.......................................... Escutcheon for 4 " L o c k s.......................................... Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ " Spindle Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ............................. Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ............................. Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ............................. Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks . . . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks . . . . Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks . . . . Escutcheon for C a b in ets.............................................. Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ......................... Push B u t t o n ................................................................... Push Button With D o m e .......................................... Flush Sash Lift .......................................................... Drop Drawer H a n d l e .................................................. Outside Letter Plate Without Inside Plate . . . . Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ................. Letter Slot H o o d ........................................................... Cabinet Plate and Lever, Spindle, Lever 1% " Push P la t e ....................................................................... Push P la t e ....................................................................... Door Pull, Grip 1 4 6 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door Pull, Grip 1 4 7 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *With turn knob

N um ber 002822-AS 002826-AS 002846-AS 219 1105 1241-AR 1244-AR *T1241-AR *T1244-AR 01359-AR V01369-AR VL1459-AR 1372-AR 1382-AR 1392-AR *T1373-AR *T1383-AR *T1393-AR 1375-AR 1385-AR 1395-AR 1518 1432 01411 1411 1318 1468 1334 1344 H1334 P1520xl518 2276 2277 2165 2175

For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Size 2 J € " x 2 M"

2 M" 23^"x I M' 734" X 2 ^ " 7 J € " x 2 K" 7i^"x23^" 7^"x2>^" 7J4"x2^" 7 1 4 "X 2 ^" 7^"x2i^" 123 ^" X 3" 123 ^" x 3" 12Ys"^3" 734" x 2 H " 7M"x2^" 734”' x 23^" 9H"x2^" 9ys"x2% '' 9 V s''x 2H '' 5}^''xli4" 734" X 2 ^ " 3H"xl3^" 4)^"x2^" 4 1 4 " X IM" 4" X 13 ^" 734" X 23 ^" 734" X 23^" 8^"x2^" 5" x l 3 4 " 123 ^" x 3" 17^"x33^" 123 ^" x 3" I7^"x33^"

2276, 2277



Design Section

E G IN A Cast Bronze

Symbol EG

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze

Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 123^" x 3"

Inside Escutcheon 734" x Knobs 2H" X V-A"

Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 10 2 102


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Front Door Set

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Also Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 9J^" x 2J^'

Inside Escutcheon 73^" x 23^" Knobs 23^" x 2 M '

Set Number 015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

Lock 01505 1605 1601 01711

See Page 101

104 135 133

Knob 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside B1241-AR 1385-AR 1375-AR B1241-AR 01372-AR B1241-AR 01382-AR B1241-AR

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Set

Sliding Door Sets 1432 Escutcheon 73| " 101 ^" x 31^" 434" X 11^" 7H"x2%" 4 i ^ " x 1^" 4" x 2i ^" 4 1 ^" X I M " 4 M" x 1 ^" 7^"x2i^" 7>i"x2^" 7>^"x2^" 4}^"x 13^" 153^" x 3 M" 2 0 " x4" 15" x33^" 2 0 " x4"

2276, 2277


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol EP

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 123^" x

Inside Escutcheon 1]/%’' x 2}/^"' Kn o b s 2 } ^ " x 2 M"

Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 102 10 2


Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Front Door Set

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Also Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon lOJ^" x 3}^" Inside Escutcheon 7J^" x 2 }4'' Knobs 2 M"x2J^" ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 015857-AS 01505 101 002826-AS 1385-AR B1241-AR 16857-AS 1605 104 002826-AS 1375-AR B1241-AR 16860-AS 1601 135 002826-AS 01372-AR B1241-AR *017861-AS 01711 133 002826-AS 01382-AR B1241-AR *With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622 'il' ll!i

Cylinder Vestibule Set

Sliding Door Sets 1432 Escutcheon 7J^" x 2%" Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets. Two cut with keyhole Set Number Door Lock See Page 01284 .................Single ................. 01284 ...................... 139 01288 .................D o u b l e ...................... 01288 ................. 139

One set in a box with screws Sliding Door Set

Specify Set Num bei, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

E P IR U S Cast Bronze

Symbol EP

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Inside Lock Sets w ith 33^4" Locks Inside Escutcheon 73^" x 2J4"

Outside Escutcheon 7)^" x 2}^" Knobs

Inside Lock Set

Lock See Page Set Number 70 1167 4858-AS 1168 70 *4859-AS 71 01256 5858-AS 71 01257 *5859-AS *Can master key with locks having see page 152

ESCUTCHEONS Inside Knob Outside 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR same class key. For master key information,

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4l^" Locks Inside Escutcheon 73^" x 23^" Knobs 234 :" X 234" ESCUTCHEONS Inside Knob Outside Set Number Lock See Page 1244-AR 002822-AS 1244-AR 1201 72 6858-AS 1244-AR 1202 72 002822-AS 1244-AR *6859-AS 1244-AR 002822-AS 1244-AR 1221 72 7858-AS 1244-AR 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1222 *7859-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 Outside Escutcheon 73^" x: 2U"

Classroom Lock Sets Outside Escutcheon 7}^" x 2J^"

Classroom Lock Set, Locks 1308, 1409 I-tttt rn * --



Inside Escutcheon 7H" x 2J^" Knobs 2 M " x 2 M " Locks have auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed Inside Knob Operates a t All T im es B it Key F lat F ront Locks ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 13868 1308 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR 14869 1409 91 002826-AS VL1459-AR BVL1459-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Classroom Lock Sets Outside Escutcheon 7J^" x 234"

Inside Escutcheon 734" x 2 Knobs 23i "x23^" Lock has recessed front and latch bolt. F urnished reverse bevel only Inside Knob Operates at All T im es B it Key Recessed Front Lock ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 12868 1208 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 .

Classroom Lock Sets

Classroom Lock Set, Lock 1509 I

Outside Escutcheon 103^" x 33^" Inside Escutcheon 1Yi" x lY i" Knobs 23^" X 23^" Lock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking latch when door is closed Inside Knob Operates a t All T im es ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside Set Number 1509 91 002826-AS 1352-AR B1241-AR 15869-AS Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Com municating Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 73-2" x 234"

Inside Escutcheon "lYz" x 234" Knobs 23^" X 234" Turn Knob B oth Sides of Door ESCUTCHEONS Set NumberLock See Page Knob Outside Inside 8851-AS 1181 32 002822-AS T1241-AR T1241-AR 8863-AS 1183 33 002822-AS T1244-AR T1244-AR *8864-AS 1283 33 002822-AS B1241-AR T1244-AR *With solid dead bolt operating from one side, suitable for Private Lavatories One set in a box with screws

Communicating Lock Set, Lock 1183

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1



ERR O L Cast Bronze

M odernistic


Symbol ERR

Illustrations Reduced Size



01403 002822-AS X 1241-AR

002826-AS X 1372-AR

Cast Bronze Article Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% . . Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . . Escutcheon for L o c k s.............................................. Escutcheon for 434" L o c k s.............................................. Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ................. Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ..................... Push B u t t o n ....................................................................... Sectional Handle, Grip 7 " .............................................. Cylinder Collar 2%" x 2%", Thumb Piece Plate 2%" Store Door Plate and Handle, Grip 7 " ......................... Push P la t e ........................................................................... Push P la t e ........................................................................... Door Pull, Grip 7 " ........................................................... Door Pull, Grip 7 " ........................................................... Door Pull, Grip 7", Plates 2)4," ..................... Cylinder C ollar................................................................... Turn Knob, S p in d le .................................................. Turn Knob, S p in d le .................................................. Knob Rose .......................................................................

N um ber 002822-AS . 002826-AS . 1241-AR . 1244-AR . *T1241-AR . *T1244-AR . . . 1372-AR . . 1392-AR . . *T1373-AR *T1393-AR . . . tl434 . . . tl444 . . . 01403 . . . 2445 . x 2 % ", Lower Plate . . 2345 . . . 2276 . , . 2277 . . . 2165 . . 2175 . . 2167 . . . 1200 . . . 1460 . . . 1490 . .319 .


. . . . .

. . . . . . . . , . . . . 2 . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . "x . . . . . ■

. . . • . . . . . . ,

2 i ^ " x 2 M"

" x 2 M" 75^"x2>i" 7^"x2i^" 7^"x2>^" 7^"x2i^" 9M"x2J^" 9% ''x2Vs" 7 ^ " x 2>^" 75^" x 23^" 9M"x2^" 9M"x23^" 2 M " x 2 J^" 2M"xl43^ 2 M" 3^"xl5M lSM"x3>^" 16" x 4 " 15M"x3}^" 16" x 4 " 21^" X 9" 2 M " x 2 %" 2 J i " x 2 >4 " 2 J ^ " x 2 M" 2 M " x 2 M"

*With turn knob jConforms with Post Office Regulation No. 291 For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number For Sectional Residence Handles in sets, see page 257

Specify Number, Design an d Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1






Design Section

ERRO L Cast Bronze


Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol ERR

Cast Bronze Inside Lock Sets with 33/4" Locks Inside Escutcheon 1Y%' x 2J^"

Outside Escutcheon lY i" x 2}^" Knobs 2 K " x 2 M " Set Number 4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-AS


See Page 70 70 71 71

Lock 1167 1168 01256 01257

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key informationi see page 152 Inside Lock Set

Inside Lock Sets w ith

Locks Inside Escutcheon 7 ^ " x lY i

Outside Escutcheon 'IY%' x lY i" Knobs 2 M" x 21^" Set Number 6858-AS *6859-AS 7858-AS *7859-AS

Lock 1 2 01 1202 1 2 21 1222

See Page 72 72 72 72

ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Com municating Door Sets Inside Escutcheon 7^ '' x

Outside Escutcheon 1Y%' x l Y t ' Knobs 2J^"x 21^" Set Number 8851-AS 8863-AS *8864-AS Communicating Lock Set

Lock 1181 1183 1283

See Page 32 33 33

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside T1241-AR T1241-AR T1244-AR T1244-AR T1244-AR B1241-AR

*With Solid Dead Bolt operating from one side, suitable for Private Lavatories

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section


ERR O L Modernistic

Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol ERR


I Cylinder Front Door Set

Cylinder Sectional Set Handle 2445

Cylinder Store Door Set Handle 2345

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 9 ^ " x 1Y%" Set Number 0 1 6 8 4 1 - A S ................. 16851-AS ................. 17851-AS .................

Lock 01602 1600 1700

Knobs 2 M " x 2 M " See Page ................. 102 ................. ................. 102 ................. ................. 105 ................. Master keyed with locks

Knob 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS having key

. . . . . . . . . . . . class622

Inside Escutcheon 1'Y%' y.2 Y i" ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1 3 7 2 - A R ......................T1373-AR 1 3 7 2 - A R ......................T1373-AR 1 3 9 2 - A R ......................T1393-AR

Cylinder Vestibule Sets

Set Numbers 16860-AS *017861-AS

Also Suitable for Office Doors Knobs ly ^ '' X l y i "

Inside Escutcheon 7%" x lY i" ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 1601 . . 135 ................. 0 0 2 8 2 6 - A S ................. 1 3 7 2 - A R ......................B1241-AR 01711 ................. 133 ................. 0 0 2 8 2 6 - A S ................. 1 3 8 2 - A R ......................B1241-AR *With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Outside Escutcheon 95^" x 1Y%'

Cylinder Store Door Sets Handles Both Sides Plates3J^"x 1 5^" Grip 7" Set Number Lock See Page Handle 15345 ................. 1545 ................. 122 ................. 2345 15355 ................. 1544 ................. 122 ................. 2345 Set consists of lock with handle for outside and handle for inside. Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Sectional Sets Handles Both Sides Lower Plate lY ^" x 2 ' Cylinder Collar 2 ^ " X 2%" Grip 7" Thumb Piece Plate 2%" x Set Number Lock See Page Handle 15445 ................. 1545 ................. 122 ................. 2445 15745 ................. 1575 ................. 123 ................. 2445 Set consists of lock with handle for outside and handle for inside. Master keyed with locks having key class 622 One set in a box with screws

specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1






Design Section


ESSEX Cast Bronze

Symbol ES

Illustrations Reduced Size

1466, 1467 01411

1104, L1105

P002122 X 1141-AR

413, 414


P002126 X 1375-AR 1QQ2V2


P002126 1372-AR

Cast Bronze Article N um ber Size Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, ^ Spindle, 50% P002122 2 % " x 2 M" Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, ^ Spindle, 51% P002124 2 M " x 2 %" Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, 3^ Spindle, 62 P002126 2 % " x 2 M" Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, ^ Spindle, 62 P002146 2 > ^ " x 2 %" Key Plate Escutcheon for Cabinet Locks 1002 2" xlj/g" Key Plate Escutcheon for Drawer L o ck s..................... 10021/2 Key Plate Escutcheon for Bit Key L o c k s ................ 1104 2 " xli^" Key Plate Escutcheon for Bit Key L o c k s ................ L1105 Escutcheon for 3 % " L o c k s ............................................. 1141-AR 6 %»• x 2 %" Escutcheon for 4%" L o c k s............................................. 1144-AR 6 % ” x2%" Escutcheon for 3 % " L o c k s............................................. 1241-AR Escutcheon for 43^" L o c k s............................................. 1244-AR x 2 i^" Escutcheon for Bathroom Locks, Spindle . . . . *T1141-AR 6 %" x2%" Escutcheon for Bathroom Locks, %" Spindle . . . . *T1142-AR 6 %” x 2 ^ " Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle . *T1144-AR 6 %" x2%" Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle . T1244-AR x 2 H" Escutcheon for Bit Key Classroom L o c k s ............... 01358-AR 6 %" X 2 %" Escutcheon for Bit Key Classroom L o c k s ............... 01359-AR 8 " x2^" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . 1372-AR 12^" x 3" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside 1382-AR 123 ^" X 3" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . 1392-AR 12i/g"x3" Escutcheon for Cylinder Office L o c k s ......................... 01372-AR 9i ^ " x 2 %" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside *T1373-AR 6 % " x 2 %" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1383-AR 6 % " x 2 M" Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1393-AR 6 %" X 2 %" Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ 1375-AR 9i ^ " x 2 %" Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ 1385-AR 9 M" x 2 %" Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ................ 1395-AR 93^"x 2 %" Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ............................. 1432 1" ^iy% " Round Knob Rose fBr Adjustable Shank Knobs . . 413 2" Round Knob Rose for Adjustable Shank Knobs . . 414 Push B u t t o n ...................................................................... 01411 3%" x IH" Flush Sash L i f t .................................................................. 1318 3>^"x 1 %" Drop Drawer H a n d l e ...................................................... 1468 3%"xli^" Cylinder C ollar.................................................................. 1200 3 %" x 3 %" Cylinder C ollar.................................................................. 1201 2V2" Turn Knob, S p in d le................................................... 1466 2" Turn Knob, S p in d le ................................................... 1467 2" Sectional Handle, Plates 3%" x 3%", Grip 10%" . . 2468 18" x3%" *With turn Knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number For Blank Escutcheons, prefix “B” to Number For Dummy Cylinder Fronts, prefix “D ” to number For Store Door Handles, see page 274. For Door Pulls, see page 370 For Letter Slot Plates and Hoods, see pages 344, 346. For Push Plates, see page 349

Specify Number, Design and Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


“0 R E A D I N G Design Section



Cast Bronze



Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze C om m unicating Door Sets With Turn Knob Both Sides Set Number 8751-AS *8762-AS

Lock 1181 1183

See Page 32 33

Knobs Knob P002122 P002122

x 2J^"

ESCUTCHEONS BOTH SIDES Size Escutcheon T1141-AR 6% "x2H '' T1144-AR 6 ^ 'x 2 H "

*If wanted with turn knob one side for use on Private Lavatory Doors, with Lock 1283, see page 33, with Escutcheon T1144-AR, 6 %" x 2J^", inside, and Escutcheon B1144-AR, 6 ^^" x 2J^", outside, specify Set 8763-AS Communicating Door Set

Classroom Lock Sets Outside Escutcheon (>%" x 2]4,"

Inside Escutcheon


x 2)4,"

Knobs 2M"x2J^"

Set Number 13768-AS 12768-AS

Inside Knob O perates a t All T im es ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside *1308 90 P002126 V01369-AR BV01369-AR tl208 90 P002126 V01369-AR BV01369-AR

*With auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed fWith Recessed front and latch bolt. Furnished reverse bevel only Can master key with locks having same class key

Cylinder Classroom Lock Sets Classroom Door Set Lock 1308

Outside Escutcheon


" x 2}^"

Inside Escutcheon 8" x 2}4" Knobs 2 M " x 2 M "

Lock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed Inside Knob O perates a t All T im es Set Number 15769-AS

Lock 1509

See Page 91

Knob P002126

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1352-AR B1352-AR

Can master key with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Exit Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 12J^" x 3 "

Inside Escutcheon 123^" x 3 " Knobs 2 M " x 2 M "

Two-cylinder lock, the inside cylinder controlling the setting of outside knob with key. Has Auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 18761-AS 1811 94 P002146 1382-AR 1382-AR Can master key with locks having key class 622 Classroom Door Set Cylinder Lock 1509

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1





Design Section

ESSEX Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol ES

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 12}^" x 3" Set Number 016741-AS 16751-AS 17751-AS

Inside Escutcheon 6 ?^" x 2J^"

See Page

Lock 01602 1600 1700

102 102


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob P002146 P002146 P002146

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 93^" x 2 ^ "

Inside Escutcheon 6 %" x 2J^" Knobs 2 M" x 2M" ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside Knob Lock See Page Set Number 1375-AR B1141-AR P002126 104 16757-AS 1605 1395-AR B1141-AR P002126 104 17757-AS 1705 01382-AR B1141-AR P002126 *01711 133 017761-AS ’'Has auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed

Cylinder Front Door Set

Cylinder Office Door Sets Inside Escutcheon (y%“ x 2J^" Knobs 2 M" x 2M" ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside See Page Knob Lock B1141-AR 01385-AR P002126 101 01505 B1141-AR 01362-AR P002126 1601 135 Master keyed with any locks having key class 622

Outside Escutcheon Set Number 015757-AS 16760-AS


" x 2H "

Inside Lock Sets with Outside Escutcheon 6% " x

" Locks Inside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 234"

21 ^"

Knobs 214" X IM "

Cylinder Vestibule Set

ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside See Page Knob Set Number Lock 1141-AR 1141-AR P002122 1167 70 4758-AS 1141-AR P002122 1141-AR 1168 70 *4759-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR P002122 71 01256 5758-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR P002122 01257 71 *5759-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4V4" Locks Inside Escutcheon 6 %" x 2}^" Outside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 2 J4 " Knobs 2V" X IM " ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside Lock See Page Knob Set Number 1144-AR 1144-AR 72 P002122 12 01 6758-AS 1144-AR 72 P002122 1144-AR 1 20 2 *6759-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR 72 P002122 1 2 21 7758-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR 1222 72 P002122 *7759-AS VL1144-AR VL 1144-AR P002122 fl412 75 8779-AS V 1144-AR V1144-AR 72 P002122 tl233 9779-AS fKeyhole above Knob If wanted with escutcheon 8 " x 2 specify Set 6758A-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 Inside Lock Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Symbol GEN

Illustrations Reduced Size

003722-AS X 1241-AR

003746-AS X 1372-AR

Cast Bronze Article Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% ■ ■ Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 62 . . . Escutcheon for 3%" L o c k s.............................................. Escutcheon for L o c k s .............................................. Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Push P l a t e ........................................................................... Push P la t e ........................................................................... Push P l a t e ......................................................................... Door Pull, Grip PI 167 .................................................. Door Pull, Grip PI 167 ..................................................

N um ber 003722-AS 003746-AS 1241-AR 1244-AR *T1241-AR *T1244-AR 1372-AR . 1382-AR . 1392-AR . *T1373-AR *T1383-AR *T1393-AR 2276 2277 2278 2175 2185

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

, . . . . . .

. . . . . , . . . , . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .



*With turn knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1

Size 3" X V A 3" X IVs 12" X 3" 12" X 3" 12" X 3" 12" X 3" 17" X 4" 17" X 4" 17" X 4" 12" X 3" 1 2 " X 3" 12" X 3" 12" X 3" 17" X 4" 23%" X 4" 17" X 4" 23%" X 4"







Design Section

G E N O Cast Bronze

Symbol GEN

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze

Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 17" x 4"

Inside Escutcheon 12" x 3" Knobs 3" X IK"

Set Number 16691-AS 17691-AS



Lock 1600 1700

See Page 102 105

Knob 003 746-AS 003 746-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Outside Escutcheon 17" x 4"

Inside Escutcheon 12" x 3" Knobs 3" X V A "

Set Number 16690-AS *016661-AS Cylinder Front Door Set

Lock 1601 *01711

See Page 135 133

Knob 003746-AS 003746-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR B1241-AR 1382-AR B1241-AR

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Inside Lock Sets with 4V4" Locks Outside Escutcheon 12 " x 3 "

Inside Escutcheon 12" x 3" Knobs 3" X V A "

Set Number 6698-AS *6699-AS 7698-AS *7699-AS

Lock 12 01 1202 1 22 1 1222

See Page 72 72 72 72

Knob 003722-AS 003722-AS 003722-AS 003722-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key infor­ mation, see page 152

Inside Lock Set

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish,

For Finishes, see page I


Design Section



G ER B ER O Y Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol GER

Cast Bronze

P 1520x l


002822- AS 1241- A R


002826-A S X 1372- A R

2165 2185

1334, 1344

2276 2277 2278

Cast Bronze A rticle N um ber Door Knobs, Threaded Shank,Spindle, 5 0 ^ . . . . 002822-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank,Y%" Spindle, 62 ................... 002826-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank,Y%' Spindle, 62 ................... 002846-AS Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key L o c k s ...................... 1105 Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s ...................................................... 1241-AR Escutcheon for L o c k s ...................................................... 1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . . *T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ " Spindle . . . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1372-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1382-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside...1392-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside... *T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside... *T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside... *T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1395-AR Escutcheon for C a b in ets...........................................................1518 Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ..................................... 1432 Push B u t t o n ............................................................................... 01411 Push Button With D o m e ...................................................... 1411 Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................... 1318 Drop Drawer Handle .......................................................... 1468 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ......................... 1334 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ............................. 1344 Cabinet Plate and Lever, % " Spindle, Lever 1%" . . . P1520xl518 Cabinet Plate and Lever, Jfe" Spindle, Lever l Y " ■ ■ ■ P1510xl511 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2276 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2277 Push P la t e .................................................................................... 2278 Door Pull, Grip 6 } 4 " ...............................................................2165 Door Pull, Plain Grip PI 185, 8 " ..........................................2185 *With turn knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number For Store Door Handles, see page 274

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Si z e 2 M " x 2 M" 2 M " x 2 M" 2 i ^ " x 2 K" 2 M " x 1^ "

9)€"x2^" 9M''x2^" 9M"x2^"

13" 13" 13"

x 2ys"

x2%" x2%" 9M"x2^" 9^"x2^" 9H"x2^" 11" x 2^" 11" x25^" 11" x 2 ^"

9H " x 2ys" Sy8"xlH " 6 ^ " x 2 ^" 53^"x IM" 5ys"xliA" 9yg"x2H" 9ys"x2H" X 3" X 1 "

13" 18" 24" 13" 24"

x 2%" X3V2"

xsys" x 2ys" x 3^ "



R E A D IN G 5



G ER B ER O Y Cast Bronze


Symbol GER


Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Inside Lock Sets w ith i^/4 " Locks Outside Escutcheon 9J^"

Inside Escutcheon 934' x 2 ^

Knobs Set Number Lock See Page 4858-AS 1167 70 *4859-AS 1168 70 5858-AS 01256 71 *5859-AS 01257 71 *Can master key with locks having see page 152 Inside Lock Set

2Ji"x2M" ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside Knob 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS same class key. For master key information.

Inside Lock Sets w ith


Outside Escutcheon 9M"

Inside Escutcheon 9J^" x 2 ^ " Knobs 2 M" x 2M" ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Outside Inside See Page Knob 12 01 1244-AR 6858-AS 72 1244-AR 002822-AS 1 2 02 1244-AR *6859-AS 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 7858-AS 1 2 21 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR *7859-AS 1222 72 002822-AS 1244-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 13 " x

Inside Escutcheon 9J^" x 2 ^ " Knobs 2K" X 2M"

Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 01602 10 2 T1373-AR 002846-AS 1372-AR 1600 102 T1373-AR 002846-AS 1372-AR 1700 T1393-AR 105 002846-AS 1392-AR Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Outside Escutcheon 11" x 2 %" Cylinder Front Door Set

Inside Escutcheon 9J4" x 2%*' Knobs 2 M " x 2 M" ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside Set Number 01505 101 B 1241-AR 015857-AS 002826-AS 1385-AR 104 1605 002826-AS 1375-AR B 1241-AR 16857-AS 1601 B1241-AR 16860-AS 135 002826-AS 01372-AR 01711 133 002826-AS 01382-AR B1241-AR *017861-AS *With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Sliding Door Sets 1432, Escutcheon 9J^" x 2%" Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets. Two cut with keyhole Set Number Door Lock See Page ................. 01284 ...................... 139 01284 .................Single 01288 .................D o u b l e ..................... 01288 ................. 139


Sliding Door Set

One set in a box with screws Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Design Section



Cast Bronze

Symbol G T A



Illustrations Reduced Size

P 1605 X


P 1520X


002822- AS 1241- A R


002846- AS


1372- A R

P 1520x l


1334, 1344

2165, 2175, 2185 2276, 2277, 2278

Cast Bronze A rticle N um ber Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, " Spindle, 5 0 ^ . . . . 002822-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 ............... 002826-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 ............... 002846-AS Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s............................................................1241-AR Escutcheon for 4J^" L o c k s...................................................... 1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . . *T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . .. Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . .. Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . .. Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . *T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . *T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . . *T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1395-AR Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ......................................1432 Push Button With D o m e ...................................................... 1411 Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................... 1318 Drop Drawer H a n d l e .............................................................. 1468 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ......................... 1334 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ............................. 1344 Cabinet Plate and Knob, S p in d le ................................... P1605xl518 Cabinet Plate and Lever, Spindle, Lever 1 ^ " . . . P1520xl518 Cabinet Plate and Lever, Spindle, Lever l % " . . . P1520xl511 Push P la t e .................................................................................... 2276 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2277 Push P la t e .................................................................................... 2278 Door Pull, Grip 6 % " ...............................................................2165 Door Pull, Grip 7 ^ " ...............................................................2175 Door Pull, Grip 7 3 ^ " ...............................................................2185 Cylinder Store Door Plate and Handle (See page 530) . . 2342 *With turn knob

Size 2 H " x 2 M"

2M " 2M "

2M " 2M "

10" 10" 10" 10"

x x x x

2^" 2^" 2 ^" 2 ^"



33^ "

1372-AR 15H " x 3^ " 1382-AR W x iV s " 1392-AR 15H " x 3^ " 10" x 2 ^" 10" x 2 ^" 10" x25^" 12^" X 3^"

For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

x x

For Finishes, see page 1

1 2 M" x 3 M" 10" x 2 ^" 6 ^ " x 2 >^" 6"


lU "

5> ^ " x 1^ " 10M " x 2>^" 1034" x 2J ^ " 5M " x I M " 5M"xIM " 15V2''x3Vs" 18" x 4 " 2 1 M" x 3 M" 15^ " X 3 ^ " 18" x 4 " 21% " X 3 H " 2 1 K" x 3 3 4 "












vJW 1 r l A Cast Bronze

Symbol GTA

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets Outside Escutcheon 153^" x 3J^" Inside Knobs2^"x2M" See Set Number Lock Page Knob 016841-AS 01602 102 002846-AS 16851-AS 1600 102 002846-AS 17851-AS 1700 105 002846-AS

Escutcheon 10" x 2 %" ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Outside Escutcheon 153^" x 3%" Inside Escutcheon 10" x iy%” Knobs 2Y2" X 2 ^ " See ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Page Knob Outside Inside 16860-AS 1601 135 002846-AS B1241-AR 1372-AR Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Inside Lock Sets

Cylinder Front Door Set

Outside Escutcheon 10" x 2% " Inside Escutcheon 10" x iy% ' knobs 2 M "x 2 Ji" See ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Page Knob Outside Inside 5858-AS 01256 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *5859-AS 01257 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 1 2 21 7858-AS 72 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 1222 72 *7859-AS 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR

Handle 2342

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152.

Store Door Handle Set Plates 21^ " X 3M" Plates and Grips Both Sides Set Number 15342

Lock 1545

Grip 7 ^ "

See Page 122

Handles 2342

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Sliding Door Sets 1432 Escutcheon 10" x 1Y%" Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets. Two cut with keyhole Set Number Door Lock See Page ............. 01284 . . . . 139 01284 . . . . Single 01288 . . . . Double . . . . 01288 . . . . 139 Inside Lock Set

^" 1372-AR 11" X 3" 1392-AR 11" X 3" 7K" X x 2 ^" x 2 %" 8 ^ " x 2 J^" 5" x l i ^ " 8" x3" 4^"x2M"

For knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose, number

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

2 ^"

For Finishes, see page 1


X 1%"

l M " x 6 ^" 4J^" X 21 ^" 8 ^ " x 2 ^" 83 ^ " x 23 ^" 11" x3" 1 4 % " X 3" 11" x3" 14J^"x3"

HAMPTON C ast B ron ze

fz tn

Sym bol HAM P

I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 11" x 3"

Inside Escutcheon 73^" x Knobs 23^" x 2 M"

Set Number ' 016741-AS 16751-AS 17751-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 102 102


ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1393-AR 1392-AR

Knob P002146 P002146 P002146



C y lin d e r V e s t ib u le S e ts

Cylinder Front Door Set

Suitable for Office Doors Inside Escutcheon 6 }^" x 2J^" Outside Escutcheon 8 )^" x 2 K" Knobs 2} ^"x2J i " ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside Set Number Lock See Page Knob 1385-AR B1141-AR 101 P002126 015757-AS 01505 B1141-AR 1375-AR 16757-AS P002126 104 1605 B1141-AR 1395-AR P002126 17757-AS 104 1705 B1141-AR 01372-AR P002126 16760-AS 1601 135 B1141-AR 01382-AR P002126 *01711 133 017761-AS *Has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Can master key with locks having key class 622

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 33/4" L o c k s Outside Escutcheon

6 J^"

x 2J^"

Inside Escutcheon Knobs 2U" X 2U"

Set Number 4758-AS *4759-AS 5758-AS *5759-AS

Lock 1167 1168 01256 01257

See Page 70 70 71 71

Knob P002122 P002122 P002122 P002122


J^" x

ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR 1141-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information. see page 152

Inside Door Set

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 4V^i" L o c k s Inside Escutcheon 6 }^" x 2J/^" Outside Escutcheon 6}^" x 2}4'' Knobs 21^" x 2 V i " ESCUTCHEONS Inside Outside Knob See Page Lock Set Number 1144-AR 1144-AR P002122 72 12 01 6758-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR P002122 72 1202 *6759-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR P002122 72 1 2 21 7758-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR P002122 72 1222 *7759-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Design Section


C a st B ro n ze


I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e

Sym bol HA


01411 P1520



002822-AS X 1241-AR 1318




002826-AS X 1372-AR 1334, 1344

C ast B ron ze N um ber Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, 's" Spindle, 50M . . . . 002822-AS Spindle, 62 ................. 002826-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, 3 " Spindle, 62 ................. 002846-AS Key Plate Escutcheon Bit Key L o c k s ................................. 1105 Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s ........................................1241-AR Escutcheon for 4 1 4 " L o c k s .................................. 1244-AR . *T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle . 1372-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . 1382-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . 1392-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . *T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . *T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1395-AR Escutcheon for C a b in ets...........................................................1518 Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ......................................1432 Push B u t t o n ............................................................................... 01403 Push B u t t o n .................................................................................... 01411 Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................... 1318 Drop Drawer H a n d l e ...............................................................1468 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ......................... 1334 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ............................. 1344 Cabinet Plate and Lever, Spindle, Lever 1 %" . . . P1520xl518 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2276 Door Pull, Grip P1172 ........................................................... 2165

S ize

A rticle


2iA"x2M" 2) ^"x IM" 7M"x2i^" 7^"x2^" 7M"x2J^" 7M"x2>^" 11" x3A" x3y2" 11" 11" x3}4" 7M"x23^" 7M"x2J^" 7 1 4 " x 2 M" 9H"x3" 9H"x3" 9 H " X 3" 5K8"x1M" 5" x 3 " 3>^"x 13^" 4" x l ^ " 4 ^ " x 13^" 714"x2H" 734" X 2 1 4 " 5ys"xlH" x3K" 11" 11" x3>^"

*With turn knob For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

" x 2 M"

For Finishes, see page 1






D e s ig n S e c tio n

HANFORD C ast B ronze

Sym bol HA

I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 33/4" L o c k s Outside Escutcheon 7J^" x

Inside Escutcheon

x 2 J^"

Knobs 2 M" x 2M"

Inside Lock Set

ESCXrrCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 1241-AR 1241-AR 4858-AS 1167 70 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *4859-AS 1168 70 002822-AS 5858-AS 01256 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *5859-AS 01257 71 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

I n s id e L o ck S e ts w it h Outside Escutcheon 7J ^ “' 7^"x2^" 7 H " x 2V2" x 2 H" x 2 H" x 2 H" 11" X 3" 11" X 3" 1 1 " X 3" 7 ^ x 2 M" x 2 J^" m 7 M" x 234" 9" x2J^" 9" x2J^" 9" x 2 i^" 5" X IVs" 7 J 4 " x 2 H" 4 ^ " x 23^" 4" x l ^ " 4" ■x.lYs" 7 H"x21^" 7^"x2H" 5"■

xl^" 3" 16^" X 3 ^ " 11" x3" 16H"x3H" 11"


READING D e s ig n S e c tio n



C ast B ron ze

Sym bol ON

I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze

C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e t s Outside Escutcheon 11" x 3"

Inside Escutcheon 7J^" x 23/^" Knobs 23^" x 2 M "

Set Number

Lock 01602 1600 1700

016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

See Page 102 102


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

Cylinder Front Door Set C y lin d e r V e s tib u le S e ts Also Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 9" x 23^"

Inside Escutcheon 1% " x 2%" Knobs 2 } ^ " x 2 J i "

Set Number

Lock 01505 1605 1601 01711

015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS ‘017861-AS

See Page 101

104 135 133

Knob 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1385-AR B1241-AR 1375-AR B1241-AR 01372-AR B1241-AR 01382-AR B1241-AR

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622 Cylinder Vestibule Set

S lid in g D o o r S e ts 1432 Escutcheon 73^" x 2J4"

Two Escutcheons with single sets Four Escutcheons with double sets. Two cut with keyhole Set Number 01284 01288

Sliding Door Set

Door Lock See Page .................Single ................. 01284 ...................... 139 .................D o u b l e ...................... 01288 ................. 139

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1




D e s ig n S e c tio n

ONSLOW C ast B ron ze

Sym bol ON

I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 3% " L o c k s x Inside Escutcheon 734" x 2J^" Knobs 2 M" x 234" ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Outside Inside See Page Knob 4858-AS 1241-AR 1167 1241-AR 70 002822-AS *4859-AS 1241-AR 1168 70 1241-AR 002822-AS 5858-AS 1241-AR 01256 71 1241-AR 002822-AS *5859-AS 01257 1241-AR 1241-AR 71 002822-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 Outside Escutcheon

Inside Lock Set

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 4^4" L o c k s Outside Escutcheon 734" x 2 Inside Escutcheon 73€" x 23^" Knobs 2 M " x 2 M " ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock Outside Inside See Page Knob 6858-AS 1 2 01 72 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS *6859-AS 1202 72 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS 7858-AS 12 21 72 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS *7859-AS 1222 72 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la s s r o o m D o o r S e t s Outside Escutcheon 734" x 23^" Inside Escutcheon 734" x V /^ ' Knobs 2J4"x 234" Locks have auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed I n sid e K n o b O p erates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey F la t F r o n t L ocks

Classroom Door Set, Locks 1308, 1409

ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 13868 1308 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR 14869 1409 91 002826-AS VL1459-AR BVL1459-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la ssr o o m D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 734" x 2J^" Inside Escutcheon 734" x 23^" Knobs 234" x 2 M" Lock has recessed front and latch bolt. Furnished reverse bevel only I n s id e K n o b O p erates a t A ll T im e s B it K ey R ec esse d F ro n t L ock

ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 12868 1208 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la ssr o o m D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 9" x 23^" Inside Escutcheon 734" x 2J^" Knobs 234" x 2 M" Lock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed Classroom Door Set, Lock 1509

In sid e K n o b O p era tes a t A ll T im e s

Set Number 15869-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 1509 91 002826-AS 1352-AR B1241-AR Master keyed with locks having key class 622

C o m m u n ic a tin g D oor S e ts Outside Escutcheon 7}4" x 23^" Inside Escutcheon 734" x 23^" Knobs 23i "x23^" ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 8851-AS 1181 32 002822-AS T1241-AR T1241-AR 8863-AS 1183 33 002822-AS T1244-AR T1244-AR *8864-AS 1283 33 002822-AS B1241-AR T1244-AR *With Solid Dead Bolt operating from one side, suitable for Private Lavatories One set in a box with screws

Communicating Door Set, Lock 1183

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

READING D e s ig n S e c tio n

OSTEND C ast B ronze



I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

S y m b o l O ST



003722-AS X 1241-AR

1318 2276, 2277

003 726 -AS X 1372-AR 1334, 1344 C ast B ron ze A rticle

N um ber

Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% . . . . 003722-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, 5^" Spindle, 62 ................. 003726-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 ................. 003746-AS Escutcheon for 3%" L o c k s...................................................... 1241-AR Escutcheon for 4J^" L o c k s...................................................... 1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . . ’‘T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ " Spindle . . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside. . .1372-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside. . .1382-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside. . .1392-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Lcoks, Inside. . .*T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside. .*T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside. . .*T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks .............. 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks .............. 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks .............. 1395-AR Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ..................................... 1432 Push B u t t o n ............................................................................... 1411 Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................... 1318 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e ......................... 1334 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e ............................. 1344 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2276 Push P la t e .................................................................................... 2277 Door Pull, Grip PI 172 .......................................................... 2165 Door Pull, Grip P1167 ...........................................................2175 Store Door Plate, Grip 8 " PI 185 .......................................... 2364 *With turn knob

fSize of each knob

{Inside knob 2}^" x 1%"

For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specify Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

Size t 2 3 ^ " x l M" t2 ^ " x l M " J2 ^ " x IK" 9" 9" x 2 M" 9" x2%" 9" x2H" 12" x 3 M" 12" 12" xSVs" 9" x 2 M" 9" x 2 M" 9" x 2 %"

Wy2''x3Vs'' 10^"

X 3^" 10J^"x3i^" 8 J ^ " x 2 M"


4 ^ " x 1^ " x 2 M" 10" x 2 %" 10" 12" x33/s" 2 1 }^"X 4" 12" x3i ^ " 213^" X 4" 2 1 3 ^ " x 4 "



Design Section

OSTEND C a s t B ro n ze

Sym bol OST

I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e C ast B ron ze

C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 12" x Knobs, Outside 2 ^ " x 1 Set Number 016741-AS 16791-AS 17791-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 102 102 105

Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2%" Inside 2J^" x 1 %" ESCUTCHEONS Knob Outside Inside 003746-AS 1372-AR T1373-AR 003746-AS 1372-AR T1373-AR T1393-AR 003746-AS 1392-AR

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

C y lin d e r V e s tib u le S e ts Outside Escutcheon lOJ^" x 3 J^" fKnobs


Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2%" 2 >^"x


ESCUTCHEONS Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 01505 101 003726-AS 1385-AR B1241-AR 1605 104 003 726-AS 1375-AR B1241-AR 1601 135 003726-AS 01372-AR B1241-AR 01711 133 003726-AS 01382-AR B1241-AR *With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed

Set Number 015797-AS 16797-AS 16790-AS *017761-AS

Cylinder Front Door Set

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 33^" L o c k s Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2%"

Inside Escutcheon 9" x fKnobs 2J^"x IJi"

ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 4798-AS 1167 70 003722-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *4799-AS 1168 70 003722-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 5798-AS 01256 71 003722-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *5799-AS 01257 71 003722-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information. see page 152 In sid e L o ck S e ts w ith Outside Escutcheon 9" x 1^/i"

L ocks Inside Escutcheon 9" x 2%"

fKnobs 21^" x l M "

Inside Lock Set

ESCUTCHEONS Lock Set Number See Page Knob Outside Inside 1201 6798-AS 72 003722-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 1202 *6799-AS 72 003722-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 1 22 1 72 7798-AS 003722-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 1222 72 *7799-AS 003722-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 fSize of each knob One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page I

READING D e s ig n S e c tio n



C ast B ron ze




I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

Sym bol RAL



002822-AS X 1241-AR



002826-AS X 1372-AR


2165, 2175

2276, 2277

1334, 1344

C ast B ron ze A rticle

N um ber

002822-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, % " Spindle, 5 0 ^ . . , 002826-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . . 002846-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 . . . 1241-AR Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s .................................................. 1244-AR Escutcheon for 4J^" L o c k s.................................................. i^T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle . . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, % " Spindle . . 1372-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . . . 1382-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . 1392-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Outside . *T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . . 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ...................... 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ...................... 1395-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ...................... 1432 Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s .................................... 1411 Push B u t t o n ........................................................................... 1318 Flush Sash L i f t ............................................................................ 1304 Bar Sash Lift ............................................................................ 1334 Outside Letter Plate, Without Inside P la t e ...................... 1344 Outside Letter Plate, With Inside P l a t e ........................... 2276 Push P la t e ............................................................................... 2277 Push P la t e ............................................................................... 2165 Door Pull, Grip P1172 ...................................................... 2175 Door Pull, Grip PI 167 ...................................................... *With turn knob

S ize .

. .





. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . , . , . . . . .


. .




. . . . . . . . . . . .

For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number

Specijy Number, Design a n d Finish,

For Finishes, see page 1

2 M'


2 M' 2^'




2 Ji




2% 2Vs 2%

8" 8" 8" 8" 11" 11" 11" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8"


4^" 3K"


63^" (>%"



2V^ 2% 2% 2% 2H 2Vz 2% 2%


11" 185^" 11"

3" 3" 3"

iV s












t D e s ig n S e c tio n

RALEIGH C ast B ron ze

Sym b ol RAL

I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 11" x 3"

Inside Escutcheon


" x 2^^'

Knobs ly ^ " X Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 10 2 10 2


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622

C y lin d e r V e s tib u le S e ts


Outside Escutcheon Set Number 015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS

Cylinder Front Door Set

*017861-A S



Lock 01505 1605 1601 01711

Also Suitable for Office Doors Inside Escutcheon 8 " x 2 ^ " Knobs 2 W ' x 2 U " ESCUTCHEONS See Page Knob Inside Outside 101 002826-AS 1385-AR B1385-AR 104 002826-AS 1375-AR B 1375-AR 135 002826-AS 01372-AR B1375-AR 133 002826-AS 01382-AR B1375-AR

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622

In sid e L o ck S e ts w it h Outside Escutcheon


" x 2 M"

L ocks Inside Escutcheon

Knobs 2 M " x 2 M " Set Number 4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-AS

Lock 1167 1168 01256 01257

See Page 70 70 71 71


" x 25^"

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR 1241-AR

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 4 l^ " L o c k s Outside Escutcheon

Inside Lock Set


Set Number



1 2 01







"x 2 y "

Inside Escutcheon


" x 2?^"

Knobs 2M"x2J^"

See Page 72 72 72 72

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR 1244-AR

*Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152

One set in a box with screws Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

REVERE C ast B ro n ze

Sym bol REV

557 I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e

H1 43 4

002822-AS X 1241-AR 002826-AS X 1372-AR 01411

C ast B ron ze Article


Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 50% . . . . 002822-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 .................. 002826-AS Door Knobs, Threaded Shank, Spindle, 62 .................. 002846-AS Escutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s...................................................... 1141-AR Escutcheon for 4J/^" L o c k s ...................................................... 1144-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ "Spindle . . *T1141-AR Escutcheon for 3%" L o c k s...................................................... 1241-AR Escutcheon for 4:^4" L o c k s...................................................... 1244-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, Spindle . . “T1241-AR Escutcheon for Communicating Locks, ^ " Spindle . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ........................................... 01359-AR Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ...........................................V01369-AR Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s .......................... .... VL1459-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front DoorLocks, Outside . . . 1372-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front DoorLocks, Outside . . . 1382-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front DoorLocks, Outside . . . 1392-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1373-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside *T1383-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Front Door Locks, Inside . *T1393-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1375-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1385-AR Escutcheon for Cylinder Vestibule Locks ......................... 1395-AR Escutcheon for Sliding Door L o c k s ..................................... 1432 Push B u t t o n .....................................................................................01411 Flush Sash L i f t ........................................................................... 1318 Drop Drawer H a n d l e .............................................................. 1468 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e .............................. 1334 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e .................................. 1344 Outside Letter Plate Without Inside P l a t e .............................fl434 Outside Letter Plate With Inside P l a t e .................................tl444 Letter Slot H o o d ....................................................................... tH1434 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2276 Push P l a t e .................................................................................... 2277 Push P la t e .................................................................................... 2278 Door Pull, Grip P1172 .......................................................... 2165 Door Pull, Grip P1167 ............................. .............................2175 Door Pull, Grip P1167 .......................................................... 2185 *With turn knob fConforms with Post Office Regulation Order No. 291 For Knobs with roses, omit “00” in number and specify rose number For Store Door Handles, see page 275

Specify Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


2 M " x2M " 2 M " x2M " 2 ^ " x 2M" 6 M " x 2 i^ " 6 % " x 2 >^" 6 % ' ' x 2V2"

8H "x2M " 8 i ^ " x 2 :^"

8i/^"x23^" 8H"x234"

8^ " x 2 ^ "

SV2" X 2V2"

8H "x2H " 101^" x 2%" lO y s ''x 2 V s ''

\QVs"x2ys" 6 % " x 2V2" 6%''x2H'' 6 % ' ' x 2V2" 9" x2;^" 9" x2%" 9" X 2ys"

6 %"x 2 i ^ " 33/8" X 4"


6 M" X 2 V2 "


9 H ' ' x 2V2"

91/s" X 2V2" 9Vs"x2y2" mA"x2%" 171/


X 3 ^ "

20 "

x4" m /s ''x 2 ]4 "

\7Vi"x3ys" 20"



Design Section

REVERE C a st B ro n ze

S ym bol REV

I l l u s t r a t i o n s R e d u c e d S iz e

C ast B ron ze

C y lin d e r F r o n t D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 10}^" x 2J^"

Inside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 2}^"

Knobs 2)4" X 2 K " Set Number 016841-AS 16851-AS 17851-AS

Lock 01602 1600 1700

See Page 10 2 102


ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1372-AR T1373-AR 1372-AR T1373-AR 1392-AR T1393-AR

Knob 002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

Master keyed with locks having key class 622 Cylinder Front Door Set

C y lin d e r V e s tib u le S e ts Also Suitable for Office Doors Outside Escutcheon 9" x 2 J^"

Inside Escutcheon 6 %" x 23^" Knobs 2M"x2J^"

Set Number 015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

Lock 01505 1605 1601 01711

See Page 101

104 135 133

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside 1385-AR B1141-AR 1375-AR B1141-AR 01372-AR B1141-AR 01382-AR B1141-AR

Knob 002826-AS 002846-AS 002 82 6 -AS 002826-AS

*With auxiliary latch deadlocking main latch and stops when door is closed Master keyed with locks having key class 622 Cylinder Vestibule Set Lock 1605 C o m m u n ic a tin g D oor S e ts Outside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 2 ^ "

Inside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 23^" Knobs 2 } i" X 2M"

Turn Knob B oth Sides of Door Set Number 8851-AS 8863-AS *8864-AS

Lock 1181 1183 1283

See Page 32 33 33

Knob 002822-AS 002822-AS 002822-AS

ESCUTCHEONS Outside Inside T1141-AR T1141-AR T1144-AR T1144-AR B1141-AR T1144-AR

*With Solid Dead Bolt operating

Communicating Door Set Lock 1183

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

R E A D IN G D e s ig n S e c tio n

REVERE C ast B ron ze


Sym bol REV



I llu s t r a t io n s R e d u c e d S iz e C ast B ron ze I n s i d e L o c k S e t s w i t h 33^4" L o c k s

Outside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 2J^"

Inside Escutcheon 6 %" x Knobs 2 M " x 2M" ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 4858-AS 1167 70 002822-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR *4859-AS 1168 70 002822-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR 5858-AS 01256 71 002822-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR 5859-AS 01257 71 002822-AS 1141-AR 1141-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information. see page 152 I n sid e L o ck S e ts w it h Outside Escutcheon 6 ^ " x 2J^"

L ocks Inside Escutcheon 6 %" x

Knobs 2 M " x 2 K " „ ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 66858-AS 1201 72 002822-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR *7859-AS 1202 72 002822-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR *7858-AS 1221 72 002822-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR *859-AS . 1222 72 002822-AS 1144-AR 1144-AR *Can master key with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la ssr o o m D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 8 >^" x 2J^"

Inside Escutcheon 8 M" x 2J^" Knobs 2 M" x 2M" Locks have auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed Inside Knob Operates a t All T im es B it Key F la t Front Locks ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 13868 1308 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR 14869 1409 91 002826-AS VL1459-AR BVL14S9-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la ssr o o m D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 8 >^" x 23^"

Inside Escutcheon 8 J^" x 2J^" Knobs 2 ) i " x 2 M " Lock has recessed front and latch bolt. Furnished reverse bevel only Inside Kjiob Operates at All T im es B it Key R ecessed Front Lock ESCUTCHEONS Set Number Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 12868 1208 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR Master keyed with locks having same class key. For master key information, see page 152 C la ssr o o m D o o r S e ts Outside Escutcheon 9" x 1Y%“ Classroom Door Sets Locks 1308, 1409

Inside Escutcheon 6 M" x 21^" Knobs 2 M " x 2 J i " W ith Cylinder Lock Lock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking main latch when door is closed ESCUTCHEONS Set Number [Lock See Page Knob Outside Inside 15869-AS 1509 91 002826-AS 1352-AR B1141-AR Master keyed with locks having key class 622

One set in a box with screws

Specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page I



Design Section

REVERE Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol REV Unilocks and Unilatches


D o o r S tiles S h o u ld Be N o t Less T h a n 4 % In ch e s W id e U n ilo c ks an d U n ila tc h e s are shipped assem bled c o m p le te w ith th e K nobs a n d E scutcheons fasten ed to th e L o ck Case. E ach lo ck is c o m p le te to slip in to th e c u t-a w a y , in th e door s tile . A s lig h t a d ju s tm e n t can be m ad e to ta k e care o f a n y v a ria tio n in th e door th ickn ess. T h is a d ju s tm e n t is very s lig h t a n d f u ll th ickn ess o f door m u s t be specified.

S ets 520, 500 an d 505 can be arranged w ith ou t stops in th e fro n t and w ith a special co nstru cted tu r n knob m ounted on th e inside knob to deadlock th e outside knob. A dd “ T S ” to set num bers. S pecify Sets 520-T S , 500-TS and 505-TS .

Case . . . . B olts . . . F ro n t . . . . S trik e . . . . H and . . . . B ackset . . . *C y lin d e r. . . *K eys . . . . Escutcheons K nobs . . .

W ith Escutcheons, C ast Brass or Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Brass or Bronze, beveled in 2" C ast Brass or Bronze, Box P ro tected T y pe N o t Reversible, Specify H an d an d Thickness of D oor 2H" _ Six Pins, Changes U nlim ited Three, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 C ast Brass or Bronze, 9" x 2% ". A t F lange 3" High 2}^'' X 2}4", C ast Brass or Bronze *For Sets 500, 505, 520, 800

C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having key class 622

Illustration of Set 500

Cylinder Front Door Locks—Vertical Set 520 w ith D ead B o lt, L a tc h an d Stops O p e ra tio n : L atch bolt b y knob from eith er side; ou ter knob set b y stop in face; when ou ter knob is set b y stop, b o th bolts can

be op erated w ith key from outside; dead bolt by key from outside and th u m b knob from inside.

Cylinder Office Door Locks—Vertical Set 500 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops O p e ra tio n : L atch bolt b y knob from either side except when outside knob is set b y stop in face, th e n b y key from outside. Auxil­

ia ry la tch au tom atically locks m ain latch bolt when door is closed an d prevents forcing b ack of latch from outside. Auxiliary latch will also lock stops w hen door is closed and stops set, b u t does not prevent th e use of key to open door from outside. Set 505 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops. T u r n K n o b In s id e O p e ra tio n : S am e as 500 w ith tu r n k n ob inside. T he tu r n knob locks against th e key on th e outside. Inside knob can be used

for exit when tu r n knob is locked an d autom atically throw s th e tu r n knob off when knob is tu rn ed to open door from inside. T his avoids th e tu rn in g of tu r n knob when leaving room. S et 800 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h . W ith o u t Stops O p e ra tio n : F o r L a v a to ry Doors. B y knobs from either side and key a t all tim es from outside. Inside cylinder is set under

m aster or grand m aster key an d outside knob is m ade sta tio n a ry w ith key through inside cylinder. K ey outside can be used for entrance an d will not distu rb th e sta tio n a ry position of outside knob. Set 510 w ith L a tc h O p e ra tio n : B y knobs from either side.

Closet Latches—No Key—Vertical T his latch has no locking features.

Com municating Lock Set—Vertical S et 705 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b B o th Sides O p e ra tio n : L atch bolt b y knob from either side. T u rn knob locks knobs from either side. W hen locked from one side with

tu r n knob cannot be opened from opposite side. S et 7 0 5 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b One Side O p e ra tio n ; F o r P riv a te L a v a to ry Doors. S am e as 705 w ith tu r n kn o b in side.

W hen tu rn knob is throw n from inside,

ca n n o t be opened from outside. Unless otherw ise ordered. Unilocks are supplied suitable for single doors. If for double doors, so specify, giving door detail Unilocks can be furnished for rabb eted doors or w ith dum m y trim One set in a box com plete w ith necessary screws

Specify Set Number, Hand, Finish an d Design.

For Finishes, see page 1


la Z Cast Bronze


Symbol REV

Illustrations Reduced Size

Unilocks and Unilatches


D o o r S tiles S h o u ld Be N o t Less T h a n 5 In c h es W id e U nilo cks an d U n ila tc h e s a re shipped assem bled c o m p le te w ith th e K no b s a n d E scutcheons fas ten e d to th e Lock Case. E ach lo ck is co m p le te to slip in to th e c u t-a w a y in th e door s tile . A s lig h t a d ju s tm e n t can be m a d e to ta k e care of a n y v a ria tio n in th e door th ickn e ss . T h is a d ju s tm e n t is very s lig h t an d f u ll th ickn ess o f d o or m u s t be specified.

Sets 420, 400 an d 405 can be arranged w ith o u t stops in th e fron t an d w ith a special con structed tu r n knob m ounted on th e inside knob to deadlock th e outside knob. A dd “ T S ” to set num bers. S pecify Sets 4 20 -T S , 400-T S an d 4 05-T S . •rf .iMiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiigj

. ,,„mn»iiiii«itiinHiiiningi!H!i

C a s e ................. B olts . . . . F ro n t . . . . S trik e . . . . H and . . B ackset . . . *C y lin d e r. . . *K eys . . . . Escutcheons K nobs . . .

W ith E scutcheons, C ast Brass or Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Brass or Bronze, beveled " in 2 " C ast Brass or Bronze, Box P ro tected T yp e N o t Reversible, Specify H a n d an d T hickness of D oor 2% " _ Six Pins, Changes U nlim ited T hree, Nickel Bronze, Class 622 C ast Brass or Bronze, 4 J ^ " x 4 J ^ " 2 J ^ " X 2 J ^ " , C ast Brass or Bronze *For Sets 4 0 0 , 4 0 5 , 4 2 0 , 700

Illu stratio n of S et 400

C an be m aster keyed w ith locks having key class 622

Cylinder Front Door Locks—Horizontal Set 420 w ith D ead B o lt, L a tc h an d Stops O p eratio n ; L atch b olt b y kn ob from either side; outer knob set b y stop in face; when o u te r knob is set b y stop, b o th bolts can

be operated w ith key from outside; dead bo lt b y key from outside an d th u m b knob from inside.

Cylinder Office Door Locks—Horizontal S et 400 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h a n d Stops O p e ra tio n ; L atch b olt b y knob from e ith er side except w hen outside knob is set b y stop in face, th e n b y key from outside. Auxil­

iary latch au to m atically locks m ain la tch bolt w hen door is closed an d p revents forcing b ack of latch from outside. A uxiliary latch will also lock stops w hen door is closed an d stops set, b u t does not p rev en t th e use of key to open door from outside. Set 405 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h an d Stops. T u r n K n o b In s id e O p e ra tio n ; S am e as 400 w ith t u r n k n o b in sid e . T h e t u r n knob locks against th e key on th e outside. Inside knob can be used

for exit w hen tu r n knob is locked an d autom atically throw s th e tu r n knob off when knob is tu rn e d to open door from inside. T his avoids th e tu rn in g of tu r n knob w hen leaving room. Set 700 w ith L a tc h , A u x ilia ry L a tc h . W ith o u t Stops O p e ra tio n ; F o r L a v a to ry Doors. B y knobs from either side an d key a t all tim es from outside.

Inside cylinder is set u nd er m aster or grand m aster k ey an d outside knob is m ade sta tio n a ry w ith key th ro u g h inside cylinder. K ey outside can be used for en trance an d will not d istu rb th e sta tio n a ry position of outside knob.

Set 410 w ith L a tc h Closet Latches—No Key—Horizontal O p e ra tio n ; B y knobs from eith er side. T his la tch has no locking features.

Com m unicating Lock Set—Horizontal Set 605 w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b B o th Sides O p e ra tio n : L atch bo lt b y knob from either side. T u rn knob locks knobs from either side. W hen locked from one side w ith

tu rn knob can no t be opened from opposite side. S et 605V^ w ith L a tc h , T u r n K n o b O ne Side O p e ra tio n : F o r P riv a te L a v a to ry D oors. S am e as 605 w ith t u r n k n o b in s id e. W hen tu r n knob is th ro w n from inside,

cannot be opened from outside. Unless otherw ise ordered, Unilocks are supplied suitab le for single doors. If for double doors, so specify, giving door detail Unilocks can be furnished for rab b e ted doors or w ith d u m m y trim One set in a box com plete w ith necessary screws

Specify Set Number, Hand, Finish a n d Design.

For Finishes, see page 1



Design Section

RIGBY Cast Metal

Symbol RIG

Illustrations Reduced Size


H 50 to H69

1334, 1344

H6224 H6240


AS X 1241-AR


Cast Bronze Size A rtic le N um ber . W idth IVs" Sectional Residence H andle, G rip ............................... H6240 . . G rip an d Plates 1 0 ^ " x , Cylinder Collar 334" x 1Y%” H 50 . . . 12” xlVs" H inge P l a t e .................................................................................... . 16’ x 2 i^ " H 52 . . H inge P l a t e .................................................................................... H 60 . . . 18" x 2 i^ " Hinge P l a t e .................................................................................... . 22" x3" H 62 . . H inge P l a t e .................................................................................... H 65 . . . 241^" X 3" H inge P l a t e .................................................................................... H 67 . . . 27" x3" Hinge P l a t e .................................................................................... H 69 . . . 30" x3" H inge P l a t e .................................................................................... H6224 . . Door Knocker, Length 63^", W id th 2^^", Bale 4 J^ " x 4 ^ " . 6 J ^ " x 23^" 6" x2^" D oor Knocker, L ength 6", W id th 2J^", Bale 4 " x 3 J^ " . H6229 . . *1334 . . O utside L e tte r P late W ith o u t Inside P late ...................... . 93^"x3" *1344 . . 9^"x3" O utside L e tte r P late W ith Inside P l a t e ............................... D oor K nob, T h read ed Shank, Spindle, 50Y . . . . 002822-AS . . . lM "xlM " 1241-A R . 7" x2" E scutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s ..................................................... 1244-A R . . . 7" x2" Escutcheon for L o c k s ..................................................... 1372-AR . . E scutcheon for F ro n t D oor L o c k s ........................................ - 10" x2K" 2277 . . . 16" x 3 " P ush P l a t e ..................................................... ...................... H 62 . . Push B u tto n ................................................................................ . S U ’xlVs” *Opening 7" x IJ^ " , conforming w ith Post Office R egulation O rder No 291 S p e c ify N u m b e r , D e sig n a n d F i n is h

Sectional Cylinder Residence Front Door Sets H a n d le O u ts id e H 6240 S et N u m b e r


K n o b I n s id e O n e - P ie c e W r o u g h t B r o n z e See P age

1 5 1 4 0 M .................... 1594 1 5 2 4 0 M .................... 1582

H a n d le

117 118

K nob

T u rn K no b

........H6240 ..........................P4422J^ x Spindle 1 2 7 ..............................P M 7 8 H ........H 6240 ..........................P4422 x Spindle 1 2 7 ..............................P1478J4

Inside Lock Sets Outside Escutcheon 7" x 2"

K nobs 1 ^ " x 1% "

Inside Escutcheon 7" x 2" ESCUTCHEO N

S et N u m b e r


See P age

K nob

O u ts id e

In s id e


4858-A S ...................... 1167 70 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...........1 2 4 1 - A R .................................1241-AR ♦ 4 8 5 9 - A S ...................... 1168 70 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ........... 1 2 4 1 - A R ................................ 1241-AR 5 8 5 8 - A S ...................... 01256 71 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...........1 2 4 1 - A R .................................1241-AR ♦ 5 8 5 9 - A S ...................... 01257 71 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...........1 2 4 1 - A R ................................ 1241-AR 6 8 5 8 - A S ...................... 1201 72 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...... 1 2 4 4 - A R ............................ 1244-AR * 6 8 5 9 - A S ...................... 1202 72 002822-AS • 1 2 4 4 - A R ........................... 1244-AR 7 8 5 8 - A S ...................... 1221 72 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...... 1 2 4 4 - A R ............................ 1244-AR * 7 8 5 9 - A S ...................... 1222 72 0 0 2 8 2 2 - A S ...... 1 2 4 4 - A R ............................ 1244-AR *Can m aster key w ith locks having sam e class key. F o r m aster key inform ation, see page 152 One set in a box w ith screws

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section



Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol ROC 1

L Ill'll




|p : |


iiilii lilllls ili





1 1'






i:i| S|5

ill lii

P1520 X 1518


002822-AS X 1241-AR



l ___ i i lp 002826-AS X 1372-AR

2165, 2175 2185, 2195 1434, 1444


Cast Bronze A r tic le N um ber D oor K nobs, T h read ed Shank, ^ " Spindle, 50^^ . . . . 002822-AS D oor K nobs, T h read ed Shank, Spindle, 62 .................. 002826-AS . D oor K nobs, T h read ed S hank, Y%' Spindle, 62 .................. 002846-AS K nob Rose for A djustable Shank K n o b ............................... 217 K ey P late E scutcheon Bit K ey L o c k s ....................................1105 E scutcheon for 3 ^ " L o c k s .................................................. 1241-AR Escutcheon for 434" L o c k s ............................................... 1244-A R Escutcheon for C om m unicating Locks, Spindle . . . *T1241-AR Escutcheon for Com m unicating Locks, Spindle . . . *T1244-AR Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ............................................. 01359-AR Escutcheon for Classroom L o c k s .............................................V01369-AR , E scutcheon for Classroom L o c k s ................................. VL1459-AR E scutcheon for C ylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, O utside . . . 1372-AR E scutcheon for C ylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, O utside . . . 1382-AR E scutcheon for C ylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, O utside . . . 1392-AR E scutcheon for Cylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, Inside . . . *T1373-AR E scutcheon for C ylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, Inside . . . *T1383-AR E scutcheon for Cylinder F ro n t D oor Locks, Inside . *T1393-AR E scutcheon for C ylinder V estibule Locks ........................... 1375-AR E scutcheon for Cylinder V estibule Locks ........................... 1385-AR E scutcheon for Cylinder V estibule Locks ................ 1395-AR E scutcheon for C a b i n e t s .......................................................... 1518 E scutcheon for Sliding D oor L o c k s ....................................1432 P ush B u t t o n .....................................................................................01411 P ush B u tto n W ith D o m e .. 1411 F lush Sash L i f t .................................................................................1318 D ro p D raw er H a n d l e ................................................................... 1468 O utside L e tte r P late W ith o u t Inside P l a t e ...............................1334 O utside L e tte r P late W ith o u t Inside P l a t e .............................fl4 3 4 O utside L e tte r P late W ith Inside P l a t e ....................................1344 O utside L e tte r P late W ith Inside P l a t e ................................. tl4 4 4 L e tte r Slot H o o d ............................................................................ fH1436 C ab in et P late an d Lever, ^ " Spindle, L ever 2 " . . . . P1520xl518 P ush P l a t e .......................................................................................... 2276 P ush P l a t e ......................................................................................... 2277 P ush P late ..................................................................................... 2278 P ush P l a t e .......................................................................................... 2279 D oor Pull, G rip 1464 ................................................................. 2165 D oor Pull, G rip 1474 ................................................................. 2175 D oor Pull, G rip 1474 ................................................................. 2185 D oor Pull, G rip 1477 ................................................................. 2195 *W ith tu r n knob fC onform s w ith Post Office Regulation O rder No 291 F o r K nobs w ith roses, om it “ 00” in num ber an d specify rose num ber F o r Store D oor H andles, see page 275

Specify Number, D esign a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


2M"x2M" 2

M " x 2 M"

2>^"x2^" 2" x2" 2 ^ " x l ^ " 7J^"x23^"

71^"x2M "

7J4"x23^" 7^"x2^" 7M"x2>^"

7}^"x2M " 7M"x23^"

n H ''x 3 V s'' ll^ " x 3 i^ " 1134" X 33/s" 7^"x23^" 7M "x2^" 7^"x23^" 93^"x2^" 93^"x23^" 91^" X 2 ^ " 5" x l ^ " 734" x 2 % " 3 ^ " x 13 ^" 43^" x 2 ^ " 3 M " x 1 %" 4" X 13^" 73^"x2H"

9ys " x 2 V 2 '' 73^" X 2 ^ " 93^"x23^" 9" x 2 ^ " 5" x l ^ "

113^"x3H " 16^"x3H " 18" x4" 20" X 4" 1134" x 3 H " 163^" X 31/^" 18" x4" 20" x4"

2276, 2777, 2278, 2279


Design Section

ROCKLAND Cast Bronze

Symbol ROC

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Cylinder Front Door Sets O utside E scutcheon

x 3}4"

Inside E scutcheon 7)4" x 2 3^"

K nobs 21^" x 2 J i " ESCUTCHEONS O u tsid e In sid e

Set N um ber

L ock

See P age

K n ob

016841-AS 16851-A S 17851-AS

01602 1600 1700

102 102 105

002846-AS 002846-AS 002846-AS

1372-AR 1372-AR 1392-AR

T1373-AR T1373-AR T1393-AR

M a ster keyed w ith locks having key class 622

Cylinder F ro n t D oor Set

Cylinder Vestibule Sets Also Suitable for Office Doors O utside E scutcheon

x 2J4"

Inside E scutcheon

x 2J^"

K nobs 2 ^ " x 2 H " Set N um ber

L ock

See Page

K n ob

015857-AS 16857-AS 16860-AS *017861-AS

01505 1605 1601 01711

101 104 135 133

002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS 002826-AS

ESCUTCHEONS O u tsid e In sid e

1385-AR 1375-AR 01372-AR 01382-AR

B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR B1241-AR

*W ith auxiliary la tch deadlocking m ain latch a n d sto ps w hen door is closed


M aster keyed w ith locks having key class 622

Cylinder Vestibule Set

Sliding Door Sets 1432 E scutcheon 7}^" x 2^/i" Two Escutcheons w ith single sets F o ur E scutcheons w ith double sets. Tw o cu t w ith keyhole Set N um ber

01284 01288

Sliding Door Set

D oor

..................Single ..................Double


01284 01288

One set in a box w ith screws

specify Set Number, Design an d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1

See P age

. .

139 139


Design Section

ROCKLAND Cast Bronze

Symbol ROC

Illustrations Reduced Size

Cast Bronze Inside Lock Sets w ith 33^" Locks O utside E scutcheon 7 J^ " x lY i"

Inside E scu tcheo n 7 J^ " x l y i " K nobs 21^" x 2 } ^ "

Set N u m b er


See Pa&e

ESCUTC HEO NS O utside Inside


70 1167 70 1168 71 01256 71 01257 *Can m aster k ey w ith locks having see page 152

4858-AS *4859-AS 5858-AS *5859-AS

002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR 002822-AS 1241-AR 1241-AR sam e class key. F o r m aster key inform ation,

Inside Lock Sets w ith 4^^" Locks

Inside Lock Set

O utside E scutcheon 734" x 2 ^ "

Inside E scutcheon 7 J^ " x 2J^ K nobs2M "x2J4"

Set N u m b er


6858-AS *6859-AS 7858-AS *7859-AS

1201 1202

See Page

ESCUTCHEO NS O utside Inside


72 72 72 1221 72 1222 *Can m aster key w ith locks having see page 152

002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR 002822-AS 1244-AR 1244-AR sam e class key. F o r m aster key inform ation,

Classroom Door Sets O utside E scutcheon 7 J^ " x 23^"

Inside E scutcheon 7 J^ " x 23^" K nobs 2 j i " x 234" Locks h av e auxiliary latch b o lt deadlocking m ain la tch w hen door is closed

In sid e Knob Operates a t All T im es B it Key F la t F ront Locks Classroom D oor Set, Locks 1308, 1409

Set N u m b er


See Page


O utside


13868 14869

1308 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR 1409 91 002826-AS VL1459-A R BVL1459-AR M aster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key. F o r m aster k ey inform ation, see page 152

Classroom Door Sets O utside E scutcheon 1 ^ " x 23^"

Inside E scutcheon 73^" x 23^" K nobs 2 M " x 234" L ock has recessed fron t an d la tch bolt. F urnished reverse bevel only

Inside Knob Operates a t All T im es B it K ey R ecessed Front Lock Set N u m b er


See Page



O utside



1208 90 002826-AS V01369-AR BV01369-AR M a ster keyed w ith locks having sam e class key. F o r m aster key inform ation, see page 152

Classroom Door Sets O utside E scutcheon 934^^ x 2 J^ "

Inside E scutcheon 73^ x 23^ K nobs 2 i ^ " x 23^" L ock has auxiliary latch bolt deadlocking m ain la tch w hen door is closed

Inside K nob Operates a t All T im es Classroom D oor Set, L ock 1509

Set N u m b er



See Page

ESCUTC HEO NS O utside Inside


1509 91 002826-AS 1352-AR M a ster keyed w ith locks having key class 622


Com m unicating Door Sets O utside E scutcheon 73€" x 23^"

Inside E scutcheon 73€" x 23^" K nobs 23€" X 23^^"

Turn K nob B oth Sides of Door Set N u m b er


See Page

O utside



T1241-A R 002822-AS 32 1181 T1244-A R 002822-AS 33 1183 B1241-AR 002822-AS 1283 33 *W ith Solid D ead Bolt operating from one side, suitable for P riv a te

8851-AS 8863-AS *8864-AS

T 1241-A R T 1244-A R T1244-A R L av ato ries

One set in a box with screws Communicating Door Set, Lock 1183

Specify Set Number, Design a n d Finish.

For Finishes, see page 1


Design Section

ST. CLEMENT Cast Bronze

Illustrations Reduced Size

Symbol STC

'! !Iil'i!.!

