278 69 313MB
English Pages 650 Year 1937
T O U N L O C K BINDER— Pull o u t slide b a r on wing u n d e r t o p cover.
Top c over will then fall
back a n d ih e e ts can b e inserte d or rennoved.
TO REMOVE O R C H A N G E SHEETS — Turn to p a g e where c h a n g e is t o b e m a d e . Remove all sheets a b o v e this p a g e with th e b a r a tt a c h m e n t for holding t h e sheets. TO L OCK BINDER — Bring wing back over the posts — b e sure t h a t posts fit in t h e holes in wing — press down lightly on w in g — th en push in slide bar.
To increase c a p a c ity o f Binder turn u p screws in posts, until t h e de sired c a p a c ity is se c u red .
For M a n y D e c a d e s The T ra d e M ark
(SAGER) H a s Been Sym bolic of the Utmost in BEAUTY, DEPENDABILITY AND DURABILITY in
BUILDERS’ HARDWARE With this solid background of tradition os an inspiration for still greater accomplishments, we have pre pared, published and now present to the hardware trade this
CATALOG No. 3 7 A perusal of its pages will disclose that it is much more than a mere catalog of SAGER products. It constitutes a Handbook on Builders' Hardware containing a wealth of information which we trust will be useful to architects, builders, contractors, wholesalers, retailers and ■ builders' hardware specialists. Great care has been taken to include considerable information especially beneficial to those who are just beginning their careers in these fields of endeavor. It is our cherished hope that to the beginner, as well as to the expert, this catalog will prove to be a reference book yielding many valuable data.
Under the Common Law, the Sager Trade-Mark, when used in connection with Locks and Hard ware, is the .exclusive property of our Company and cannot lawfully be used by others. For nearly half a century it has been used to indicate products of our manufacture. The Sager Trade-Mark and Trade-Name have long been recognized and accepted as hallmarks of quality and dependability in Builders' Hardware.
Copyrighted 1937 by SAGER LOCK WORKS
U .S .A .
Table of C o n ten ts Closers, Door - 413 to 428 Design, Symbols a n d Periods 29A Details, Doors, W indows, etc. - 69A to 73A Doors, H and of 40A-41A Exit Devices 429 to 450 Forged Iron H ardw are 451 to 483 Finishes, C om parative 34A-35A Finishes, Durability of 44A Finishes—How Produced 44A-45A Finish Symbols 32A-33A G lossary 76A to 84A Index, A lphabetical 8A to lOA Index, Design 30A Index, Numerical llAto28A Keying Information 46A to 50A Lock Parts 60A Locks, How to M easure 59A Lock Spring Construction 51A Locks a n d Latches 1 to 97 Lock Security 36A Locksets, Cast Designs 309 to 412 Locksets, E ntrance H andle - 225 to 252 Locksets, W rought Designs 254 to 303 M etals Used in Builders' H ardw are 42A-43A M iscellaneous H ard w are - - 98 to 224 O rdering Instructions 38A-39A Sam ple Blocks a n d P anels 74A Scheduling a n d Specification W riting - 61At o68A Symbols a n d N um bering System _ - 75A Tem plates 56A-57A Fire Underwriters' Requirem ents 58A
i : l i i
(SAGERS— ----------------
CONDITIONS OF SALE TERMS OF PAYMENT (1% 10 days, 30 days net). All invoices, except those covering C. O. D. shipments, are due and payable, net cash, 30 days from date of invoice, in legal tender of the United States of America. Checks, money orders. New York or Chicago exchange, or other current funds will be accepted su b ject to collection and returns. Unless specifically otherwise stated in the invoice, a cash discount of 1% of the amount of the invoice will be allowed if payment is made within 10 days from date. ' We reserve the right to make shipments on a C. O. D. basis, at our discretion. To all accounts not paid when due will be added interest at the rate of 6% per annum from date of delinquency and will be subject to sight draft, without notice. The foregoing applies to all invoices whether covering partial or complete shipments made on either stock or contract orders. PRICES AND QUOTATIONS All prices quoted are f.o.b. shipping point, with no freight allowances, and are subject to withdrawal at any time without prior notice. Quotations on contracts are void after 30 days from date of quotation. Prices at which orders are accepted are guaranteed against our own price decline to date of shipment only. M INIM UM CHARGE -The extra expense involved in the handling of small orders makes necessary a minimum charge of 25c on any one invoice. SALES TAXES—Prices quoted are subject to sufficient additional increase to include any Federal or State sales taxes, ap plicable to our products, which are in effect at the time of sale or shipment. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS - We reserve the right to accept or reject any orders tendered, at our discretion. We reserve the right to cancel any orders previously accepted or to decline to make shipments, wholly or in part, or to make shipments on a C. O. D. basis, if credit ratings or other conditions should become unsatisfactory to our management O rders placed with sales representatives are subject to acceptance by our management. PARTIAL SHIPM ENTS—Complete or partial shipments will be made at our option, subject to available stock on hand. When partial shipments are made they will be followed by others as rapidly as possible until the order is completed. CLAIMS AND RESPONSIBILITY—O ur responsibility ceases upon delivery of merchandise to a public carrier and any claims for loss, damage, delay or non-delivery must be filed against the carrier by the consignee or purchaser. However we shall gladly assist our customers in every way to expedite the settlement of such claims. Claims for shortages, errors in packing or overcharges must be made to us within 10 days after receipt of shipment. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS—Strikes, accidents to machinery, fire, floods, windstorms, car famine, or contingencies beyond our control, shall during the existence of any of said causes excuse us from the performance of any contract and operate as a proportionate extension of the time of deliveries. RETURNED MERCHANDISE—Merchandise manufactured by us is carefully inspected and checked before being packed for shipment. If, however, any errors in packing should occur or any defective merchandise be received, for which we are responsible, we will gladly rectify the errors and replace the defective items as promptly as possible after the return of the merchandise to us. No credit will be allowed for or replacement made of any merchandise returned to us unless its return has been previously authorized by us. Hardware ordered for contracts but not used, or items made to special sizes or special details or that differs in any respect from our regular cataloged items, are not returnable and no credit will be allowed for such items if returned. Any merchandise returned without our express authorization will be held subject to shipper's instructions for its disposition. CANCELLATIONS—Orders for hardware made to special sizes or special details or that differs in any respect from our regular cataloged items, are not subject to cancellation if the items in guestion have been manufactured or are in process of manufacture, unless we are reimbursed for all costs incurred in connection therewith. SIZES—Measurements and dimensions indicated in this catalog are subject to minor discrepancies due to unavoidable slight variations incidental to the processes of manufacture. If exact dimensions are required on any items, the order must specify "To Template" For items manufactured "To Template" an additional charge will be made. W EIGHTS—Weiahts indicated in this catalog include wrapping and boxes and are subject to slight variations. These weights are not guaranteed and are given solely for the purpose of assisting the purchaser in estimating transportation charges, etc. TELEGRAMS AND TELEPHONE CALLS —For obvious reasons we cannot accept any "collect" messages, so please do not send us telegrams "collect" or reverse the charges on telephone calls. SERVICE—It is our desire to give very prompt service in the filling of orders, but in order to accomplish this complete detailed information must accompany orders. Please refer to "Instructions for Ordering" on Page No. 38A. AGREEMENT—The tendering of any order and its acceptance bv us will constitute an agreement on the part of the purchaser to be specifically bound by all the provisions set forth in the foregoing "Conditions of Sale".
Division of T he Y ale a n d T ow ne M an u fa c tu rin g C o m p a n y
North Chicago, Illinois
CSAGER) The bu ild in gs illustrated on th is and follow ing pages are equipped w ith SAGER locks and hardware. T hey are indicative of the m a n y types of buildings for w h ich SAGER hardware is p reem in en tly su itable.
R o y a l Y o r k A p a r t m e n t B u ild in g , P i t t s b u r g h , P e n n s y l v a n i a
C oo k C o u n t y H o s p i t a l , C h ic a g o , I llin o is
C h a m p a i g n J u n i o r H i g h S c h o o l, C h a m p a i g n , I l lin o is
S t. C lo u d H o s p i t a l , S t . C lo u d , M i n n e s o t a
R y a n R e sid e n c e , R o c k fo rd , I l lin o is
S k i r v i n H otel* O k l a h o m a C ity , O k la h o n n a
A l p h a P h i H o u ? e , U n i v e r s i t y of T e x a s, A u s t i n , T e x a s
L in d b e rg h R esid en ce, R o c k fo rd , Illin o is
S k ir v in T o w e r , O k l a h o m a C ity , O k l a h o m a
E a s t e r n H ills Y. M . C. A., C i n c i n n a t i , O h io
I llin o is W o m e n ’s A t h l e t i c C lu b , C h ic a g o , I l lin o is
S w e d i s h C o v e n a n t H o s p i t a l , C h ic a g o , I llin o is
R o c k W a ll A p a r t m e n t s , O k la h o n n a C ity , O k l a h o m a
T a y l o r A ld e r d ic e H i g h S c h o o l, P i t t s b u r g h , P e n n s y l v a n i a
Box Strikes....................... 110 Brackets, Door C lo ser... 426 Brackets, Hand Rail....... 218 Brandenburg Design 250-354 Bristol Design..........228, 284 Builders Hardware Sug 254gestions ........................ 61A Bumpers, or Strike, 377 322Lavatory....................... 153 Buttons, Push (See design section) Butts, Ball Bearing......... 223 Butts, Cast Bronze or Brass............................. 224 Butts, Cast Iron............... 224 Butts, Door....................... 223 Butts, Olive Knuckle. . . . 224 Butts, Shutter.................. 222 Butts, Transom................ 222
Connecting B ars............. 113 Connecting Screws........ 113 Construction, Lock......... 51A Conway Design............... 288 Co-ordinator..................... 445 Cornwall Design............. 233 Cortez Design........... 230-262 Coupon Booth Door Closer........................... 92 Coupon Booth Lock S e t. 92 Cremone Bolts................. 143 Cremone Bolt Strikes. . . 147 Cromart Design 231, 252-388 Cuesta Design.......... 246-374 Cupboard Catches......... 203 Cupboard Turns............. 203 Cup Drop H andles......... 134 Cup Escutcheons............ 134 Cup Handles................... 134 Cylinder Collars............. 136 Cylinder Night Latch. . . 89 Cylinder Pins.................. 113 Cylinder Plates............... 136 Cylinder Springs............ 113 Cylinder Cams................ 113 Cylinder, Description of. 97 Cylinder Discs................ 113 Cylinder Drivers............. 113 Cylinder Repairs............ 113 Cylinder Rings................ 112 Cylinder Set Screws. . . . 113 Cylinders, Dummy......... 111 Cylinders, Measure ment of......................... 111 Cylinders, Mortise Lock. 111 Cylinders, Rim Lock. . . . 111
Adjusters, Casem ent.. . . 192 Adjusters, Window Stop. 201 Adjustable Cylinder Ring 112 Akron Design. .244,245-278 Alford “ Alpine “ Amherst “ Announcement................ 1 Apartment House Lock.. 49 Application of Door Closers............................418 Argo Design.............. 226-227 Arm Door Pull................... 173 Armored Front Lock. .. 80-81 Astragal, Compensating. 442 Attachments, Pull and Push..............................160 Atwood De sign . 226-227-244-245-280 Austin Design....................260 Auxiliary Latch................... 7 Auxiliary Spring Attach ments, For Lever Handles........................ 114 Avon Design............ 227-261
B Backset, of Locks............ 59A Back Plates, Night Latch. 113 Baden Design 238-402 Bar Drawer Pulls.............213 Bar Sash Lifts, Design (See design section) Bar Sash Lifts, Plain. . . . 198 Barn Door Locks............. 85 Bars, Connecting.............. 113 Bars, G u a rd ....................... 162 Bars, Pull............................162 Bars, Push.......................... 161 Bars, Push and Pull 162 Bars, Window....................475 Base Knobs............... 148 Bath Room Door Locks. . 21 Bath Room Door Locksets 305 Bead Screws......................201 Bed Room Door Locks. .. 25 Bed Room Door Knockers 187 Belfast Design.........244, 245 Belmont “ 282 Better Service...................38A Bevel of Doors..................40A Bevel Front Locks 59A Bit Key Mortise Sectional Locks............................ 53 Blanks, Key. . .105, 106-107 Blocks, Sample................74A Boards, “ ................74 A Bolt Strikes, Fire Exit 450 Bolts, Cremone..................143 Bolts, D oor....................... 89 Bolts, Dutch Door 141 Bolts, Extension............... 138 Bolts, Fire Exit...................429 Bolts, Flush...................... 137 Bolts, Lavatory................ 152 Bolts, Mortise Door 86 Bolts, Nuts and Screws, Lavatory....................... 152 Bolts, Panic........................ 429 Bolts, Strike, Detail 110 Bolts, Surface.................. 142
c Cabin Door Hooks.......... 153 1 Cabinet Latches.............. Cabinet Latch Sets......... 205 Cabinet Locks................. 99 Cadiz Design................... 376 Cambridge Design......... 286 Cams................................. 113 Casement Adjusters. . . . 192 Casement Details............ 73A Casement Window Adjusters...................... 192 Casement Window Fasteners...................... 188 Castletown D esign.. .250-351 Cast Locksets................ 309 Catches, Cupboard. . . . 203 Catches, Elbow............. 205 Catches, Flush Ring. . . 214 Catches, Friction.......... 204 Catches, Lever.............. 203 Catches, Screen Door.. 210 Catches, Secret G a te . . 205 Catches, Transom........ 906 Catches, T urn............... 20,-^ Ceiling Hooks............... 917 Centers, Sash................ 209 Centers, Transom......... 209 Chain Door Fasteners. . 151 Chains, Padlock.......... 103 Chains, Transom.......... 208 Checks and Parts, Door 427 Checks, Door.............. 41.'^ Checks, Screen Door... 428 Chest Locks................... 102 Chutes, Letter H ole... 157 Closers, Coupon Booth. 92 Closers, Door................ 413 Closers, Repairs and Parts 42 7 Closers, Screen Door, . 428 Closers, Telephone Booth 428 Closet, Knob Spindles.. 114 Coat and Hat Hooks. . . 217 Collars, Cylinder........ l.-^R Colfax Design...........244-245 Communicating Door Locks...................... 21 Comparative Finishes. . 34A Comparative Lock Numbers.................. 59 A Compensating Astragal 442 Compression Springs ., 113 Condition of S a l e ........ 3 A
n Dartmoor D esign... .250-356 Dead Locks, Bit Key. . . . 74 Dead Locks, Mortise. . . . 74 Dead Locks, Rim............. 91 Desk Locks....................... 102 Details, Casement Window........................ 73A Details, Door.................... 69A Details, Meeting Rail.. . . 70A Details, Double Hung Windows...................... 71A Details, Push Bar............ 160 Details, Push and Pull Bar 160 Details, Bolt Strikes........ 146 Design Index................... 29A Designs by Periods . . . . 29A Designs by Illustration . . 30 A Designs by Symbol......... 29A Designs, Cast.................. 309 Designs, Cast Sectional.. 309 Designs, Emblematic.. 116 Designs, W rought.......... 254 Designs, Wrought Sectional.................. 254 Dijon Design.................. 408 Dimensions............ 59A Display Boards, Sample. 74A Devices, Fire Exit........ 429 Discs, Turn Knob............ 113 Door Bevels. . . . 40A Door Bolts, Extension. . . 128 Door Bolts, Flush............ 137 Door Bolts, Mortise........ 86 Door Butts........................ 223 Door Closers.................. 413
Door Closer Brackets. . . 426 Door Closer, Repairs and Parts........................ 427 Door Closers, Coupon Booth............................. 92 Door Closers, Fusible Link..................................422 Door Closers, Screen Door.................................428 Door Closers, Telephone Booth............................... 428 Door Details..................... 69A Door Fasteners, Chain. . 151 Door G rips..........................180 Door Holder and S to p ... 149 Door Hooks, C a b in 153 Door Knobs...................... 119 Door Knobs, Emblematic 116 Door Knobs, G lass 123 Door Knobs, Metal 118 Door Knobs, Monogram. 116 Door Knobs, Pottery. . . . 118 Door Knobs, Types of Mountings...................... 117 Door Knockers.................. 186 Door Pull, Hospital Arm. 173 Door Pulls, Design, (See design section) Door Pulls, P lain................173 Door Pulls, Flush Sliding 172 Door Q uadrants............... 141 Door Stops........................ 148 Door Stops and Holders. 149 Doors, Bevel of..................40A Doors, Hand of..................41A Double Hung Window Details............................. 71A Dorchester Design.............327 Drawer Knobs....................214 Drawer Knobs, G lass. . . 215 Drawer Knobs, Metal. . . 214 Drawer Locks................... 100 Drawer Pulls.......................212 Drivers, Cylinder............ 113 Drop Handles.....................214 Drop Handles, Flush. . . . 214 Drop Handle Escutcheons 214 Drop Handle, Flush Cups 134 Drop Key Escutcheons. . 131 Drop Ring Handles............134 Dummy Cylinders............. I l l Durham, Design................ 325 Dust Proof Strikes..............147 Dutch Door Bolts............. 141 Dutch Door Q u adran t. . . 141
E Eastwood Design.......270 Elbow Catches...........205 Electric Push Buttons, (See design section) Elevator L atch.......... 84 Elgin Design.......... 228-290 Elkhart Design.......230-264 Emblematic Door Knobs. 116 Emergency K ey.........106 Emergency Locks, Bit Key......................... 66 Emergency Locks, C ylinder................ 69 Empire Design...........288 Entrance Door Locks. .., 53
Entrance Handle Lock Sets.................................. 226 Entrance Plate Lock Sets 243 Escutcheons, C u p 134 Escutcheons, Cup and D rop.............................. 135 Escutcheons, Drop Handles......................... 135 Escutcheons, Key 131 Escutcheons, Sliding Door............................... 134 Essex Design. . .237-249-346 Estimating, Plans.............61A Exmoor Design.................. 266 Extension, Bolt................... 138 Extension Springs, Lock .1 1 3 Eyes, Transom................... 201
Factory Handle Lock Sets 243 Fairmont Design................ 294 Fasteners, S Blind 481 Fasteners, C asem ent. . . . 188 Fasteners, Chain D oor... 151 Fasteners, S ash ..................202 Figures.............................. 158 Finishes, Description 32A-44A Finishes, Comparative . . 34A Fire Exit Bolts.....................429 Fire Exit Bolt Strikes. . . . 450 Fire Exit Devices...............429 Fire Exit Locks...................447 Fire Underwriters Require ments ............................. 58A Flanders Design................ 401 Flush Bolts........................ 137 Flush Cup Drop Handles 135 Flush Cup Escutcheons.. 135 Flush Drop Handle Pulls .2 1 4 Flush Drop Handles 214 Flush Rings.........................214 Flush Sash Lifts, Design (See design section) Flush Sash Lifts, P lain ... 197 Flush Sliding Door Pulls. 172 Forged Iron Hardware. . 451 Franklin Design.244-245-292 French Door Locks 11 French Window Locks . . . 11 Friction Casement Adjusters....................... 194 Friction Catches................ 204 Friction Stays................... 194 Front Door Locks, Bit Key Mortise.................. 26 Front Door Locks, Cylin der Mortise................... 31 Fronts, Armored Lock.. . 80 Fusible Link Door Closers............................ 422
G arage Door Locks 93 G arage Door Lock S e t. . 93 Gate Latches, S e c re t.. . . 205 Genova Design 251-404 Glass Door Knobs 123 Glass Drawer Knobs. . . . 215 Glass Knob Lock Sets... 304 Glass, Mortise Bolt Knobs 215 Glossary........................... 76 A Granada Design. . . .251-397 Grips, P ull....................... 180
H Hamburg Design. . . 240-411 Hancock D esign.,,. 240-411 Hand, of Doors................41A Hand Rail Brackets 218 Handles, Cup and Drop. 134 Handles, Entrance Door. 226 Handles, Factory Door, . 243 Handles, Flush Cup. 134-135 Handles, Flush Drop. . . . 134 Handles, Lever................ 125 Hangers, Sash Pole 201 Hartford Design.............. 296 Haskell Design................ 238 Hat and Coat Hooks. . . . 217 Hazelhurst Design 239 Heller Design 240-411 Hilrose Design.................272 Hesper Design...................238 Hinges, H ........................... 478 Hinges, H and L................. 478 Hinge Plates, S trap 455 Holders, Casem ent 192 Holders, Chain D oor.. . . 151 Holders, Door.................. 150 Holders, Stop................... 149 Holders, Transom Friction......................... 194 Hoods, Letter Hole 154 Hooks, Sash Lifts.............. 197 Hooks, Cabin Door 153 Hooks, Ceiling...................217 Hooks, Coat and H a t.. . . 217 Hooks, Lavatory................ 217 Hooks, Pull Down 200 Hooks, Sash Pole...............200 Hospital Door Pull 173 Hotel Locks...................... 44
I Index, Alphabetical 8A Index, Design.................. 29A Index, Numeral..................IIA Index, Schools.................. 29A Index, Symbol.................. 29A Indicator Bolts................. 152 Information, Cylinder. . . 42A Information, Door Knob Mountings.................... 117 Information, Keys 46A Information, Lock 59A Information, Lock Strikes 110 Information, Master Key Systems.......................... 47A Information, for ordering 38A Instructions for odering, 38A Iron Forged Hardware. . 451 T Jet Knobs.......................... 118
K Key Blanks. . . . 105-106-107 Key, Escutcheons 131 Key Information................46A Key, Master System 47A Key Plates........................ 131 Key Tags.......................... 104 Keys and their Operation 46A Kick Plates..........................159 Knob Adjustment............ 117
Knob Lalches................... 1 Knob Locks, Rim 95 Knob Lock Sets, Rim. . . . 96 Knob, Mountings............ 117 Knob R o se s ..................... 129 Knob Screw s................... 114 Knob Spindles................. 115 Knob Spindles, C loset... 114 Knob Symbols....................117 Knob W ashers................. 114 Knobs, Base........................148 Knobs, Door..................... 118 Knobs, Door Emblematic 116 Knobs, Door, Glass 123 Knobs, Door, Metal 119 Knobs, Door, Monogram. 116 Knobs, Door, Pottery. . . . 118 Knobs, Door, Types of Mounting...................... 117 Knobs, Drawer, Glass. . . 215 Knobs, Drawer, M etal... 214 Knobs, Mortise Bolt 215 Knobs, Shutter...................214 Knobs, Turns on Plates.. 133 Knob Turns...................... 132 Knockers, Door...............186
Label Drawer Pulls 212 Langsdale Design 336 Latch, Auxiliary.............. 89 Latch, Construction 51A Latch, Easy S pring 51A Latch, Mortise Entrance Door.............................. 6 Latches, C abinet............. 1 Latches, Cylinder Night. 89 Latches, Elevator............ 84 Latches, Entrance Door H andle.......................... 6 Latches, Fire Exit 449 Latches, Fire Exit Bolt... 449 Latches, G ate.................... 205 1 Latches, Knob................. Latches, Lavatory 152 Latches, Mortise.............. 1 Latches, Night................. 89 Latches, Rim K nob 94 Latches, Screen Door. . . 210 Latches, Secret G a te .. . . 205 Latch Sets, Cabinet 205 Latch Sets, Coupon Booth 92 Latch Sets, Rim Knob. . . 96 Latch Sets, Screen Door .2 1 0 Latch Sets, Thumb 242 Lavatory B o lts ................ 152 Lavatory Door Hardware 152 Lavatory Hook and Bumper........................... 217 Lavatory Latches............. 152 Lavatory Strikes or Bumpers....................... 153 Lesbos Design....................364 Letters............................... 158 Letter Box Hoods 155 Letter Box Plates, Design (See design section) Letter Box Plates, P lain .. 154 Lever H andles................. 125 Liguria Design...................405 Linart Design..................... 230 Lincolnshire Design. . . . 234 Lino D esign................231-383
Lipari D e sig n ..................... 406 Lifters, Transom.................219 Lifts, Bar Sash, Design (See design section) Lifts, Bar Sash, P la in .. . . 198 Lifts, Flush Sash, Design (See design section) Lifts, Flush Sash, Plain. . 197 Lifts, Hook Sash................ 197 Liquid, Door Closer. . . . 427 Lock, Cylinders............... I l l Lock, Indicators.............. 114 Lock, Information.............59A Lock, Master Key Systems 47A Lock P a r ts .................60A-113 Lock Repairs.................... 113 Lock Strikes..................... 109 Lock Security.................... 36A Lock Springs...................... 113 Lock, Three Point........... 98 Locks, Apartment House 49 Locks, Armored F ro n t... 80 Locks, Backset o f .. 52A-59A Locks, Barn Door............ 85 Locks, Bath Room 21 Locks, Bed Room............ 25 Locks, Beveled F ront.. . . 59A Locks, Cabinet................ 99 Locks, Chest.................... 102 Locks, Class Room 66 Locks, Communicating.. 21 Locks, Construction 51A Locks, Comparative 52A Locks, Cupboard............. 99 Locks, Mortise D ead................................ 74 Locks, Rim D ead............. 91 Locks, Desk..................... 102 Locks, Draw er................. 100 Locks, G arage Sliding Door................................. 85 Locks, Emergency 66 Locks, Entrance Door . . . 54 Locks, Fire Exit............... 447 Locks, Fire Exit Bolt. . . . 450 Locks, French Door 11 Locks, Front Door 31 Locks, G a ra g e ................. 93 Locks, Hand of................ 41A Locks, Hotel..................... 44 Locks, Knob..................... 15 Locks, Locker.................. 101 Locks, Masterkeyed 46A Locks, Measurement o f .. 59A Locks, Mortise................. 15 Locks, Mortise D e a d . . . . 74 Locks, Narrow Front.......... Locks, Office Door 41 Locks, Recessed Front . . . 68 Locks, Rim D e a d ............. 94 Locks, Rim K nob............. 95 Locks, Roll Top D esk.. . . 102 Locks, Sash........................ 202 Locks, School H ou se.. . . 66 Locks, Sliding Door 83 Locks, Spacing of 59A Locks, Spring Con struction......................... 51A Locks, Store D oor 60 Locks, Standardized. . . . 56A Locks, Template................57A Locks, W ardrobe............ 97
Lock Sets, Bath Room. . . 305 Lock Sets, Bit Key, Front Door, (see design section) Lock Sets, C ast................. 309 Lock Sets, Coupon Booth 92 Lock Sets, Entrance Handle............................306 Lock Sets, Entrance Plate................................243 Lock Sets, Garage Rim.. 93 Lock Sets, Glass Knob. . 304 Lock Sets, Class Room. . 66 Lock Sets, Push and Pull 168 Lock Sets, Rim Knob. . . . 96 Lock Sets, School House. 306 Lock Sets, Sectional H andle............................226 Lock Sets, Split Finishes. 38A Lock Sets, W rought 254 Lock Sets, Wrought, Sectional........................ 254 Lock Sets, C ast................. 309 Lorca Design............. 240-367 Lowell Design 251-410
M Macon Design................... 298 Madison Design.................302 Master Keying Systems.. 47A Master Keys........................105 Maybrook Design 274 Mayfair Design 300-344 Measurement of Locks. . 59A Measuring, for Strikes... 110 Meeting Rail Details. . . . 70A Merchandisers.................. 74A Metals and Finishes 42 A Modisto Design 239-368 Mohawk Design.................276 Monogram Knobs 116 Mortise Bolts.................... 86 Mortise Bolt Knobs 215 Mortise Door Bolts 86 Mortise Extension Bolts.. 138 Mortise Casement Fastener....................... 188 Mortise Latches.............. 1 Mortise Locksets (See design section Mountings, Knob 117 Mounted Samples 74A Mullions............................. 444
N Name Plates..................... 159 Narrow Stile Locks, Bit K ey ............................... 11 Narrow Stile Locks, Cylinder....................... 28 Newcastle Design 315 Night Latch Back Plates. 112 Night Latch Display Board..............................74 A Night Latches, Rim 89 Nobart Design................... 381 Norwich Design.................227 Numbering System 75A Numerals.......................... 158 Numerical Index...............IIA Nuts, Spindle................... 114
Office Locks..................... 41 Oldham D esign................. 345 Olive Knuckle Butts . . . . 224 Ordering, Information . . 38A
P age
Repairs and Parts for C ylinders...................... 113 Repairs and Parts for Door Closers.................. 427 Rim Knob Locks.............. 94 Rim Night Latches 89 Residence Handle Lock S e ts .................................. 226 Residence Handle Locks. 53 Revere Design....................326 Rhodes Design. .235-247-362 Richmond Design 235-248-392 Rim Strikes....................... 108 Rings, C ylinders................ 112 Ring Handles, Drop 134 Rings, Flush........................214 Rionido Design 239-370 Rockwood Design. . .232-321 Roses, K nob..................... 129
Spacing, of Locks 59A Spindle Nuts..................... H 4 Spindles, C loset............... 114 Spindles, K nob................. 115 Spindles, Split Knob. . . . 114 Split Spindles, Knobs . . . 114 Spring Construction. . . . 51A Springs, Auxiliary 114 Springs, Compression, Lock................................ 113 Springs, C y lin d er 113 Springs, Door C lo se r.. . . 427 Springs, Extension, Lock 113 Springs, Lock................... 113 Stair Rail Brackets 218 Standard Finishes 32A Standardized Locks 56A Stays, Friction.....................194 Stays, Transom................ 194 Stockton D esign.................234 Stop Bead Screws and W a sh ers.......................... 201 Stops, Door....................... 148 Stops, Door and Holder. 149 Store Door H andles...........243 Store Door Locks............. 60 Strikes, Box, W ro u g h t... 109 .Strikes, Cremone B olt... 147 Strikes, Details, Bolt. . . . 147 Strikes, Fire Exit................450 Strikes, Lavatory Bolts. . 153 Strikes, M easurement of. 110 Strikes, Lock..................... 109 Strikes, Rim.........................108 Strikes, Surface Bolt. . . . 147 Suggestions, Master Keying.............................47A Surface Bolts....................142 Symbol Index.................... 29A
Padlocks..............................103 Parts and Repairs f or Door Closers.................. 427 Parts for Cylinders 113 Pelvoux Design..................235 Peru Design................247-372 Pilgrim Design................... 239 Pinebro Design . 231-252-386 Pins, Cylinder.................... 113 Pivots, Sash or Transom. 209 Plans, Estimating.............61A Plates, Cylinder............... 136 Plates, K ey....................... 131 Plates, Kick...................... 159 Plates, Letter Hole, De sign, (see design section) Sago D esign.. . .231-262-384 Plates, Letter Hole, Plain 154 Salerno Design.................. 407 Plates, Name.................... 159 Sample Boards and Plates, Push, Design, Blocks............................. 74A (See design section) Samos Design 251-361 Plates, Push, Plain 169 Sash C e n te rs......................209 Plates, S ash........................200 Sash Fasteners................... 202 Plymouth Design...............229 Sash Lifts.......................... 197 Pole Hooks......................... 200 Sash Lifts, Bar, Design, Poles, Hangers, Sash . . . 201 (See design section) Poles, S a sh ........................ 200 Sash Lifts, Bar, P la in .. . . 198 Pottery Knobs.................. 118 Sash Lifts, Flush, Design, Prescott Design 246-330 (See design section) Protected Strikes............... 110 Sash Lifts, Flush, Plain. . 197 Pull Down Hooks 200 Sash Lifts, Hook.............. 197 Pull and Push Bar Details 160 Sash Pivots..........................209 Pull and Push B ars 162 Sash Poles...........................200 Pull and Push Bar Lock Sash Pole H angers 201 Set................................. 168 Sash Pole Hooks................200 Pulls, Door, Design, Sash Sockets.......................200 (See design section) Schedules, Suggestions. 61A Pulls, Door, Hospital Arm 173 School House Lock Sets. 306 Pulls, Door, Plain 173 School House Locks. . . . 66 Pulls, Drawer, Design, Scrapers, Foot....................473 (See design section) Screen Door Catches. . . 210 Pulls, Drawer, Plain. . . . 213 Screen Door Closers. . . . 428 Pulls, Flush, Door 172 Screen Door Latch Sets. 210 Pulls, G rip ....................... 180 Screwless Spindle Knobs 115 Pulls, Sliding Door 172 Screwless Spindles 115 Push and Pull Bar Details 160 Screws, Connecting. . . . 113 Push Buttons, Screws, Cylinder S et. . . . 113 (See design section) Screws, Knob................... 114 Push and Pull Bars 162 Screws, Stop Bead 201 Push and Pull Bar Lock Secret Gate Latches . . . . 205 Sets............................... 168 Sectional Handle Lock Push B ars......................... 161 S et....................................226 Push Plates, Design, Sectional Wrought Lock (See design section) Sets.................................. 254 Push Plates, Plain............. 169 Security, Lock...................36A Putnam Design.................. 232 Set Screws, K nob 114 Pylon Design..................... 382 Sets, Cabinet Latch 205 Sheldon, Design 237-249-332 Shut Out Keys................. 51 Quadrants, Dutch Door.. 141 Shutter Butts.......................222 Shutter Knobs....................214 Side Knob Screws 114 R Sliding Door Escutcheons 134 Raleigh Design.................. 328 Sliding Door Locks 83 Raveneau Design 409 Sliding Door Pulls 172 Redfield Design. 236-248-390 Sockets, Sash P u ll 200
T Tags, K ey............................ 104 Tampico Design................. 232 Telephone Booth Door C loser.............................. 428 Template, Lock................. 56A Thresholds.......................... 443 Thumb Latches..................470 Transom Butts.................... 222 Transom, C atch es 206 Transom, C e n te rs 209 Transom, C h ain ................. 208 Transom Eyes..................... 201 Transom Lifttrs..................219 Transom Pivots...................209 Transom Stays................. 194 Turnbuckles or Case ment Fasteners 188 Turns, C upb oard 203 Turn Knobs....................... 132 Turn Knob Discs................113 Turn Knob Plates............ 133 Types of Strikes............... 110 Tyronne D esign................. 233
V Valencia D esign.................238 Van Dyke Design...............229 Vernon Design 234-348 Vertical Letter Hole Trim 157 Von Duprin Fire Exit Devices............................ 4 2 9 Victoria Design................. 237
P ago
w W arehouse Handles. , . . 243 W ardrobe Locks......... , . 99 Washers, K nob........... , . 114 Wenlock D esign......... . , 229 Window A djusters... . . 192 Window Casement Details 73 A
Window, Double Hung Details........................... VIA Window Fasteners.......... 188 Window Lifts................... 198 Window Locks................ 202 Window Stop Screws. . . 201 Windsor Design 235-249-334
Winlon Design................ Winthrop Design............ Wrought Escutcheon Lock sets........................ Wrought Sectional Locksets................................. Wyre Design...................
311 324 260 254 341
Y 256 Yancey Design 316 Yardley Design . . . . 318 Yarmouth Design, . 357 Yarnell Design. . . , 319 Yarrow Design. . . . 258 Yerkes Design. . . . Yorktown D esign.. . .233-320 317 Yorkville D esign. .
NUMERICAL INDEX A Knob Mounting . . . 117 A Emblem Knob 116 A Strike........................ 108 A Lavatory B o lt 152 AHA DoorC loser 425 APA “ “ 424 ARA *• “ 424 6 Knob M ounting. . . 117 B Emblem Knob 116 B Lavatory Bolt 152 B Strike........................ 108 BHA DoorC loser 425 BPA “ “ 424 BRA “ “ 424 BCB “ “ 92 BTB “ “ 428 C Knob Mounting. . . 117 C Emblem Knob 116 C Lavatory Bolt 152 CCB DoorC loser 92 CHA “ “ 425 CHS “ “ Arm . . 421 CPA “ “ 424 CRA “ “ 424 CSP “ “ Arm . . 421 D Emblem Knob 116 D Strike......................... 108 D Lavatory Bolt 152 DHA DoorC lo ser 425 DHS “ “ 421 DPA “ “ 424 DRA “ “ 424 DSP “ “ 421 E Emblem Knob. . . . 116 E Strike......................... 108 E Lavatory Bolt 152 EHA DoorC loser 425 EHS “ “ 421 EPA “ “ 424 ERA “ “ 424 ESP “ “ 421 F Lavatory Bolt 152 F Emblem Knob 116 F Strike......................... 108 FHA DoorC loser 425 FHS “ “ A rm .. 421 FPA “ “ 424 FRA “ “ 424 ESP “ “ A rm .. 421 G Lavatory Bolt 152 G Emblem Knob 116 G Strike......................... 109 H Emblem Knob 116 H Strike......................... 109 I Emblem Knob 116 J “ “ 116 K “ “ 116 L “ “ 116
P ag e
M Emblem Knob 116 A5 Strike........................ 108 RM N “ “ 116 5C Door Closer............... 422 SD 0 “ “ 116 H5 “ “ 109 SM P “ “ 116 5D Door Closer................ 422 WE P S trik e ..................... 110 W5 “ “ 109 WP R Emblem Knob 116 5E “ “ 422 WS S “ “ 116 5F “ “ 422 W 116 T “ 05UJR Bolt......................... 438 U “ “ 116 6 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 SS Knob Sleeve 117 W6 Strike Box................ 109 1 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 06UJR Bolt......................... 438 A 1 Strike........................ 108 7 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 B1 “ 108 W7 Strike Box................ 109 Cl “ 108 8 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 AR D1 “ 108 9 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 AR El “ 108 W9 Strike Box...................109 AW FI “ 109 10 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 AW 10 Escutcheons . . 279 BB G1 “ 109 AR 010 “ . . 279 BT HI “ 109 AR 10 “ . . 281 BT PI “ 110 AW 010 “ . . 281 CB W1 “ 109 AW 10 “ .. 355 CB OlUJRBolt......................... 438 BB 10 “ .. 283 CE 2 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 BM 010 “ .. 283 Cl A2 Strike........................ 108 BM 10 “ . . 285 CT B2 “ 108 BT CT “ . . 285 D2 “ 108 BT 010 10“ ..3 7 5 CW E2 “ 108 CE 10 “ . . 376 CW F2 “ 109 Cl 10 “ . . 353 DC G2 “ 109 CN 10 “ . . 289 DJ H2 “ 109 CW “ .. 289 DM P2 “ 110 CW 010 10 “ .. 327 EG W2 “ 109 DC 10 “ . . 357 EG 2UJR Bolt............................438 DM 10 “ . . 291 EX 3 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 EG 010 “ .. 291 FD A3 Strike........................ 108 EG 10 “ .. 347 FM B3 “ 108 EX 10 “ ., 293 FM D3 “ 108 FL 010 “ . . 293 HF E3 “ 108 FL 10 “ . . 295 HF F3 “ 109 FM 010 “ .. 295 LB G3 “ 109 EM 10 “ .. 397 LD H3 “ 109 GA 10 “ .. 364 LG W3 “ 109 LB 10 “ .. 336 LI 03UJRBolt..........................438 LD 10 “ .. 405 MF 3C Door C loser.................. 423 LG 10 “ .. 406 MF 3D “ “ 423 LI 10 “ .. 299 OH 3E “ “ 423 MC 3P “ “ 423 MC 010 “ .. 299 PC 10 “ .. 301 PR 4 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 MF 010 “ .. 301 RD 4 Door Closers..............428 MF 10 “ .. 303 RF 04 “ “ 428 MS 010 “ .. 303 RL A4 Strike........................ 108 MS 10 “ .. 345 RM F4 “ 109 OH SD 10 “ .. 331 G4 “ 109 PC 10 “ .. 373 SM H4 “ 109 PR 10 “ .. 363 WP W4 “ 109 RD 10 “ .. 326 WS 04UJR Bolt......................... 438 RE 10 “ .. 391 W 04>^UJR Bolt..................... 438 RF 10 “ .. 329 5 Cremone Bolt Strike 147 RL .
10 Escutcheons . 393 10 333 361 10 341 10 324 10 335 10 10 Strike Box. . . 109 l o w Wardrobe Lock........ 99 OlOW W ardrobe Lock........ 99 11 Cremone Bolt Strike.......... 147 11 Escutcheons . 279 279 O il 11 281 281 O il 11 355 11 285 O il 285 11 287 287 o il 11 375 11 376 11 262 o il 262 11 289 289 o il 11 327 11 408 11 357 11 291 o il 291 11 347 11 401 11 295 o il 295 11 297 o il 297 11 364 11 336 11 405 11 406 11 301 o il 301 11 345 11 331 11 373 11 363 11 391 11 329 11 393 11 333 11 361 11 324 11 335 11 Strike Box 109 11B2 Bolt. . . 435
INDEX, Cont. Page
435 435 435 101
147 435 109 99 99 279 279 220 220 220
331 373 220 109 99 99 435 279 279 260 260 261 261 281 281 435 220 355 403 403 283 283 285 285 220
389 287 287 375 376 353 262 262 289 289 327 325 408 357 291 291 264 264 266 266 268 268 270 270 347 401 293 293 295
014 Escutcheon. . 295 a 14 . 397 a 14 . 404 a 14 . 297 (( 014 . 297 u 14 . 272 u 014 . 272 u 14 . 364 u 14 . 336 u 14 . 405 a 14 . 406 u 14 . 383 a 14 . 274 n 014 . 274 u 14 . 299 u 014 . 299 u 14 . 301 u 014 . 301 a 14 . 276 a 014 . 276 a 14 . 369 u 014 . 369 u 14 . 303 a 014 . 303 u 14 . 345 014 Transom Lift. . 220 14 Escutcheon. . . 387 a 14 . 331 u 14 . 373 a 14 . 363 a 14 . 326 u 14 . 391 a 14 . 329 u 14 . 393 u 14 . 409 a 14 . 371 a 014 . 371 a 14 . 333 a 14 . 385 a 14 . 361 a 14 . 407 a 14 . 337 014 Transom Lift . 220 14 Box Strike. . . . 109 14 Escutcheon. . . 341 14 “ . 324 14 “ . 335 14;^B2 Bolt .. . . . 435 15 Transom Lift. . 220 15 Escutcheon. . . 355 a 15 . 403 015 403 015 Transom Lift. . 220 15 Escutcheon. . . 375 U 15 . 376 u 15 . 369 u 015 . 369 015 Transom Lift. . 220 15 Escutcheon. . . 393 a 15 . 409 u 15 . 371 a 015 . 371 015 Transom Lift. . 220 15 Strike Box. . . . 109 16 Escutcheon. . . 279 15B2 Bolt... 435 U 016 . 279 U 16 . 281 u 016 . 281 u 16 . 355 u 16 . 285 u 016 . 285 16B2 Bolt......... 435
16 Escutcheon. . 375 16 . 376 16 . 357 16 . 347 16 . 401 16 . 405 16 . 406 16 . 383 . 410 16 . 369 16 . 345 16 16 . 331 . 373 16 . 363 16 . 326 16 16 . 391 . 329 16 16 . 393 . 409 16 16 . 371 16 . 333 16 . 361 . 407 16 . 341 16 . 324 16 16 . 335 17 . 389 17 . 369 17 . 387 17 . 391 17 . 371 17 . 385 17 . 324 18 . 279 018 . 279 18 . 281 018 , 281 18 . 355 18 . 403 18 . 283 018 . 283 18 . 285 018 . 285 18 . 287 018 . 287 18 . 375 18 . 376 18 . 353 18 . 262 018 . 262 18 . 289 018 . 289 18 . 327 18 . 325 18 . 408 18 . 357 18 . 291 018 . 291 18 . 264 018 . 264 18 . 266 018 . 266 18 . 268 018 . 268 18 , 270 018 . 270 18 “ . 347 18 . 401 18 . 293 018 . 293 18 . 295 . 295 018 . 397 18
18 Escutcheon . . 404 297 18 297 018 272 18 272 018 364 18 336 18 405 18 406 18 382 18 274 18 “ • 018 274 18 299 018 299 18 301 018 301 18 276 18 369 18 303 018 303 18 345 18 331 18 373 18 363 18 326 18 391 18 329 18 393 18 409 371 18 18 333 18 385 18 361 407 18 18 337 341 18 324 18 18 335 19 Strike Box. . . 109 20L Locker Lock 101 mm “ “ 101 020 S pring........... 113 nm n “ 113 20 Strike Box. . . 109 21C Lock.......... 102 22 Lock............... 447 22^4 Lock........... 447 023L Locker Lock 101 23 Strike Box. . .. 109 24 Transom Lift. 220 024 “ “ . . 220 024 “ “ . 220 024 “ “ . 220 24 Lock............... 447 24 “ ............... 448 24-Vv Lock........... 447 24J4" “ ................ 448 025 S p rin g............. 113 25 “ ............. 113 25 Transom Lift. 220 025 220 025 220 025 220 26 “ “ . 220 026 “ “ . 220 026 “ “ . 220 026 220 27 220 027 220 027 220 027 220 28 220
INDEX, Cont. Pago
220 220 220 449 355 449 449 449 113 113 , 279 279 281 281 355 283 283 285 285 375 353 289 289 327 325 408 357 291 291 347 401 293 293 295 295 364 336 405 406 299 299 301 301 303 303 345 331 373 363 326 391 329 393 409 321 333 361 407 341 324 335 320 101
220 220 220 220 220
220 220 220
c p u B C P U B C P u B C P u
036 Transom Lift. . 220 . 220 036 ii 036 . 220 U . 220 37 u 037 . 220 a . 220 037 a . 220 037 a 38 . 220 u . 220 038 . 220 038 u 038 . 220 a . 220 39 u . 220 039 u 039 . 220 (( 039 . 220 41DK Desk Lock.. 102 50W Wardrobe TnrW 99 51W Wardrobe Tork 99 51WS Wardrobe ' Lock 99 55W Wardrobe Lock 99 59D Drawer Lock. 100 059D “ “ .1 0 0 61D “ “ , 100 61DS “ “ . 100 64C Chest Lock. . 102 71D Drawer Lock. 100 081 J^L Locker Lock 101 90DK Desk Lock.. 102 95D Drawer Lock. 100 095D “ “ .1 0 0 82B Padlock C hains. . . 103 82S Padlock Chains. . . 103 83B Padlock Chains. . . 103 83S Padlock C hains. . . 103 100 Latch............... 2 AF 1 0 1 ^ Knobs 254 AF 0101^ “ 254 AH 101 “ 322 AR 1 0 1 ^ “ 279 AR 0101J< “ 279 AW 1 0 1 ^ “ 281 AW 0101K “ 281 BB 101K “ 355 CE 101^ “ 375 EX 101^ “ 347 LB 101^ “ 364 LD 101 “ 336 LG 101K “ 405 NE 101^ “ ..122-315 OH 1 0 1 ^ “ 345 PC 101 “ 331 PR 1 0 1 “ 373 RD 101j< “ 363 RF 101^ “ 391 RL 101^ “ 329 RM 1 0 1 ^ “ 393 RW 1 0 1 ^ “ 321 SD 101X “ 333 SM 101^ “ 361 VT 101K “ 337 WP 1 0 1 ^ “ 324 YC 101X “ ..1 2 0 -2 5 6 YL 10l3/i “ 316
01 Knobs. . . . . 318 01^ “ . .122-319 013A “ . . . . . 122 OIK “ • . . . . 317 02 L atch .. . . 1 02R “ . . . . 1 02 Knobs. . . . . . . 254 02 “ . . . . . . . 254 02 “ . . . . . . . 322 02 “ . . . . . . . 260 02 “ . . . . . . . 260 02 “ . . . . . . . 261 02 “ . , . . . . . 261 02 K nobs. ___ 403 02 “ . . . . . 403 02 “ . . . . . 262 02 “ . . . . . 262 02 “ . . . . . 264 02 “ . . . . . 264 02 “ . . . . . 266 02 “ . . . . . 266 02 “ . . . . . 268 02 “ . . . . . 268 02 “ . . . . . 270 02 “ . . . . . 270 02 “ . , . . . 272 02 “ . . . . . 272 02 “ . . . . . 367 02 “ . ___ 274 02 “ . . . . . 274 02 “ . . . . . 276 02 “ . . . . . 276 02 “ . . . . . 369 02 “ . . . . . 369 02 “ . . . . . 381 02 “ . . 122-315 02 “ . ___ 371 02 “ . ___ 371 02 “ . . . . . 385 02 “ . . . . . 348 02 “ . . . . . 337 .120-256 02 02>^ “ . . . . . 122 02 “ . .120-258 02 “ . . 120 257 02 “ . .122-319 02 “ . . 122-317 02 “ . . . . . 317 02)4 “ • . . . . 254 02^ “ . . . . . 254 02>< “ . . . . . 322 . . . . 377 02% “ . . . . 279 02)4 “ . . . . 279 02)4 “ 02)4 “ • . . . . 281 02)4 “ . . . . . 281 02>< “ . . . . . 355 02J< “ . . . . . 283 02)4 “ • . . . . 283 ___ 285 02)4 “ ___ 285 024 “ . . . . 389 024 “ ___ 287 024 “ . . . . 287 024 “ . . . . 375 024 “ ___ 376 024 “ 024 “ ■ . . . . 353 . . . . 262 024 “ . . . . 262 024 “ . . . . 289 024 “ . . . . 289 024 “ . . . . 327 024 “ 024 “ . . . . . 325
DI 102 X Knobs..........408 DM 102>< “ 357 EG 1 02X “ 291 EG 0102}{ “ 291 EH 102X “ 264 EH 0102 j4 “ 264 EM 102)4 “ 266 EM 0 1 0 2 X “ 266 EX 102)4 “ 347 FD 102)4 “ 401 FL 10 2 X “ 293 FL 0102>< “ 293 FM 102^ “ 295 FM 0102)4 “ 295 GA 1 0 2 “ 397 GN 102X “ 404 HF 102)4 “ 297 HF 0102)4 “ 297 HR 102)4 “ 272 HR 0 1 0 2 X Knobs 272 LB 102)4 “ 364 LC 102)4 “ 367 LD 102)4 “ 336 LG 102X “ 405 LI 10 2 X “ 406 LN 102)4 “ 383 LW 10 2 X “ 410 MB 102)4 “ 274 MB 0102)4 “ 274 MF 1 02X “ 301 ME 0 1 0 2 “ 301 OH 102)4 “ 345 PB 102)4 “ 387 PC 10 2 X “ 331 PL 102)4 “ 382 PR 1 0 2 “ 373 RD 102)4 “ 363 RE 102)4 “ 326 RF 10 2 X “ 391 RL 102)4 “ 329 RM 102)4 “ 393 RN 102X “ 409 RW 102X “ 321 SD 102)4 “ 333 SM 1 02X “ 361 SN 102)4 “ 407 WE 102)4 “ 341 WP 10 2 K “ 324 WS 102)4 “ 335 WT 102)4 “ 311 YT 102)4 “ 320 BB 102>^ “ 355 CE 10 2 K “ 375 Cl 10 2 K “ 376 CN 10 2 K “ 353 DC 102>^ “ 327 DJ 10 2 K “ 408 DM 102K “ 357 EX 102)4 “ 347 FD 102>^ “ 401 GN 102)4 “ 404 LB 102K “ 364 LD 102)4 “ 336 LG 1 02K “ 405 LI 102>^ “ 406 LW 102>^ “ 410 OH 102^ “ 345 PC 102K “ 331 PR 102)4 “ 373 RD 102)4 “ 363 RE 102)4 “ 326 RF 102K “ 391 RL I02>^ “ 329
L INDEX, Cont.
■319 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 220 220 220
220 220 220
220 2 3 3 220 220
92 3 3 3 438 221
220 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 4 4 4 4 4 5 438 10
10 10
10 10 10 10 10 5 5 6
6 7 7 7 8
185 Locks.............. 8 187 “ 9 AR 0 2 0 2 ^ Knobs 279 AW 0202 X “ 281 BM 0202)4 “ 283 CB 0202K “ 287 C W 0202X “ 289 EG 0202)4 “ 291 FL 0202X “ 293 U C 202}4 “ 299 MC 0202>< “ 299 MF 0202 H “ 301 MS 2 0 2 }i “ 303 MS 0202 X “ 303 2 2 1 Locks. . 13 221 ^M K “ .. 13 221 KR “ •• 13 221 ^RMK “ .. 13 222 “ .. 14 222R “ . . 14 222 Key.................. 449 224C “ .................. 449 B 224 Transom Lift, , 220 “ “ .. 220 C 0224 P 0224 “ “ .. 220 U 0224 “ “ .. 220 225 Sex Bolts. . . . 449 225A “ “ . . . . 449 225C “ “ . . . . 449 B 225 „ „ .. . . 220 C 0225 “ “ . . . . 220 P 0225 “ “ . . . . 220 U 0225 “ “ . . . . 220 2 2 5 ^ R Lock . . . . 13 226J Strike 450 B 226 “ ...........220 C 0226 “ ...........220 P 0226 “ ...........220 U 0226 “ . . . 220 B 227 “ ...........220 C 0227 “ ...........220 P 0227 “ .......... 220 U 0227 “ ...........220 B228 Transom Lift.. 220 C 0228 “ “ 220 P 0228 “ “ , . 220 U 0228 “ “ .. 220 229RJ Strike 450 230 Lock............. 11 230R “ ............... 11 CBOL 230 Lockset. . . . 286 CWOL 230 “ . . . . 288 FMOL 230 “ ... 294 HFOL 230 “ . . . . 296 MFOL 230 “ . . . . 300 EGOL 230 “ ... 290 231X Bolt................ 441 0231X “ . . . 441 00231X “ ........ 441 00023IX “ .................441 232 Lock 14 232R “ ............... 14 232XB olt 441 233X “ 441 234X “ 441 234KX “ ..........; 441 235X “ 441 235R Lock 11 236X Bolt 441 237R Lock. . . 14 240 “ ... 12 240R “ . .. 12
P age
. 286 240 Lock . 288 240 . 294 240 . 296 240 . 300 240 . 290 240 . 370 240 . 370 240 320 240 311 240 12 240^ Lock. . 12 240K"MK “ 2 4 0 J^ A W 01470 K AF 1480 AH 1480 AP 1480 BB 1480 CA 1480 CE 1480 1480 Cl CN 1480 DC 1480 DH 1480 DJ 1480 DM 1480 EX 1480 FD 1480 GN 1480 LB 1480 LD 1480 LG 1480 1480 LI LN 1480 LW 1480 NA 1480 OH 1480 PB 1480 PC 1480 PL 1480 PR 1480
. . . 377 . . . 354 . . . 388 . . . 374 . . . 346 . . . 386 . . . 330 . . . 372 . . . 362 . . . 390 . . . 328 . . . 392 . . . 332 . . . 384 . . . 334 . . . 255 . . . 305 . . . 323 . . . 305 278-305 280-305 , 282 284 . . . . 286 . . . . 288 . . . . 290 . . . . 292 . . . . 294 . . . . 296 . . . . 300 . . . . 278 . . . . 280 . . .. 255 .278-305 .280-305 . . . . 282 . . . . 284 . . . . 286 . . . . 288 . . . . 290 . . . . 292 . . . . 294 . . . . 296 . . . . 300 . . . . 278 . . . . 280 . . . . 255 . . . . 323 . . . . 377 . . . . 354 . . . . 388 . . . . 374 . . . . 376 . . . . 351 . . . . 327 . . . . 325 . . . . 408 . . . . 356 . . . . 346 . . . . 401 . . . . 404 . . . . 364 . . . . 336 . . . . 405 . . . . 406 . . . . 383 . . . . 410 . . . . 381 . . . . 345 . . . . 386 . . . . 330 . . . . 382 . . . . 372
RD 1480 Locksel RE 1480 1480 RF RL 1480 RM 1480 RN 1480 RW 1480 SD 1480 SG 1480 SM 1480 SN 1480 WE 1480 WP 1480 WS 1480 WT 1480 YT 1480 AF 1482 AH 1482 AP 1482 AR 1482 AW 1482 BB 1482 BM 1482 BT 1482 CA 1482 CB 1482 CE 1482 1482 Cl CN 1482 CW 1482 DC 1482 DH 1482 DJ 1482 DM 1482 EG 1482 EX 1482 FD 1482 1482 FL FM 1482 GA 1482 GN 1482 HF 1482 LB 1482 LD 1482 LG 1482 LI 1482 LN 1482 LW 1482 MF 1482 NA 1482 OH 1482 PB 1482 PC 1482 1482 PL PR 1482 RD 1482 RE 1482 RF 1482 RL 1482 RM 1482 RN 1482 RW 1482 SD 1482 SG 1482 SM 1482 SN 1482 WE 1482 WP 1482 WS 1482 WT 1482 YT 1482 0I584HT 01584TP
62 26 90 28 92 09 21
32 84 61 07 41 24 334 311 320 255 323 377 278 280 354 282 284 388 286 374 376 351 288 327 325 408 356 290 346 401 292 294 397 404 296 364 336 405 406 383 410 300 381 345 386 330 382 372 362 326 390 328 392 409 321 332 384 361 407 341 324 334 311 320 469 465
01584WK “ ....457 AR 1600 “ . . . . 278 AW 1600 “ ....280 BM 1600 “ ....282 BT 1600 “ ....284 CB ]600 “ . . . . 286 CT 1600 “ ■ . . . . 263 CT 1600XJF “ . . . . 2 6 3 CW 1600 “ ,...288 EG 1600 “ ....290 EH 1600 “ . . . . 265 EH 1600XJF “ , . . . 2 6 5 EM 1600 “ .,..267 EM 1600XJF “ . . . . 2 6 7 FL 1600 “ . . . . 292 FM 1600 “ ....294 HF 1600 “ . . . . 296 HR 1600 “ ....273 HR 1600XJF “ ....273 MB 1600 “ ....275 MB 1600XJF “ ....275 MF 1600 “ ....300 AR 01610 “ . . . . 278 AW 01610 “ ....280 BM 01610 “ ....282 BT 01610 “ . . . . 284 CB 01610 “ . . . . 286 CT 01610 “ . . . . 263 CW 01610 “ ....288 EG 01610 “ ____290 EH 01610 “ . . . . 265 EM 01610 “ . . . . 267 FL 01610 “ ....292 FM 01610 “ ____ 294 HF 01610 “ ____ 296 HR 01610 “ . . . . 273 MB 01610 “ . . . . 275 MF 01610 “ . . . . 300 01630HT “ ....469 01630TP “ ....465 01680WK “ ....457 AF 1670 “ ..,.255 AF 1670V “ ....255 AH 1670 “ . . . . 323 AH 1670V “ .,,.323 AP 1670 “ .,..377 AP 1670V “ ,,..377 AR 1670 “ ....278 AR 1670V “ ____ 278 AR 1670VZ “ ....278 AW 1670 “ . . . . 280 AW 1670V “ ....280 AW 1670VZ “ ....280 BB 1670 “ . . . . 354 BB 1670V “ ....354 BM 1670 “ ....282 BM 1670V “ ,,.,282 BT 1670 “ ____ 284 BT 1670V “ .,,,284 BT 1670VZ “ ..,,284 CA 1670 “ ..,,388 CA 1670V “ ,,,.388 CB 1670 “ ....286 CB 1670V “ ....286 CE 1670 “ ....374 CE 1670V “ . . . . 374 CE 1670VZ “ . . . . 374 Cl 1670 “ ....376 Cl I670V “ . . , , 376 CN 1670 “ ,,,,351 CN 1670V “ ,, , , 351 CT 1670 “ .,,,263 CT 1670xJF “ ,,,,263
L INDEX,c 263 263 288 288 327 327 325 325 408 408 356 356 265 265 265 265 290 290 267 267 267 267 346 346 346 401 401 292 292 294 294 397 397 404 404 296 296 273 273 273 273 364 364 336 336 405 405 405 406 406 406 383 383 383 410 410 275 275 . 275 275 300 . 300 . 381 . 381 . 345 . 345 . 345 . 386 . 386 . 330 , 330 . 330
1670 Lockset. . . . 1670VZ “ .... 1670 1670V “ 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ ----1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ ... . 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ ___ 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .. . . 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670VZ “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 1670 “ .... 1670V “ .... 01680WK “ .... 1690 “ .... 1690V “ .... 1690 “ .... 1690V “ .... 1690 “ .... 1690V “ .... 1690 “ .... 1690V “ 1690 1690V “ 1690VZ “ 1690 1690V “ 1690 1690V “ 1690 1690V “ .... 1690VZ “ ... 1690 1690V “ .. 1690 “ . . 1690V “ 1690VZ “ 1690 1690 1690VZ “
382 382 372 372 372 362 362 362 326 326 390 390 390 328 328 328 392 392 392 409 409 321 321 332 332 332 384 384 361 361 361 407 407 341 341 341 324 324 334 334 334 311 311 320 320 457 323 323 377 377 354 354 388 388 374 374 374 351 351 356 356 346 346 346 386 386 330 330 330 372 372 372
P ag e
P age
1690 Lockset U 1690V 1690VZ U a 1690 (( 1690 1690VZ a (( 1690 u 1690V 1690VZ a u 1690 a 1690V 1690VZ a a 1690 u 1690V 1690VZ u u 1690 u 1690V u 1690 u 1690V 1690VZ a 1722B2 Bolts. . 1724B2 a 1724B2 “ 1730B2 “ 1741B2 “ 1781 Lockset 1790 1790 1781 1781 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790A Key T 1790B “ 1790BL “ 1790G “ 1790R “ 1791A “ 1791B “ 1791BL “ 1791G “ 1791R “ 1794 1794 1795A “ 1795A “ 1795B “ 1795B “ 1795BL “ 1795G “ 1795R “ 1796A “ 1796A “ 1796B “ 1796B “ 1796BL “ 1796G “ 1796R “
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
362 362 362 390 390 390 328 328 328 392 392 392 332 332 332 384 384 334 334 334 435 435 435 435 435 255 323 377 278 280 354 388 374 351 356 346 386 330 372 362 390 328 392 332 384 334 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 306 306 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 1 04
AW 1800 Lockset........... CE 1800 “ ........... 1800EV Key............ 1801AB “ ............ 1810JJA “ ............ AW 1810j^ Lockset. . . . CE 1 8 1 0 ^ “ ___ AW 1811 “ ___ __ “ CE 18113^ 1812VV K ey........ 1813A “ ........ 1814K “ ........ 1814M “ ........ 1814KM “ ........ 1816L “ ........ 1816LE “ ........ 1816LD “ ........ 1816LM “ ........ 1816LGM “ ........ 1817F “ ........ 1817FE “ ........ 1817FM “ ........ 1817FGM “ ........ 1819R “ ........ 1821F “ ........ AW 1840j^ Lockset. . . , CE 1840J< “ ___ AW 1841 “ ___ ___ CE 1 8 4 1 “ A W \QA2iA “ .... CE 184 2K “ ___ 1866 Key............ 1866M “ ............ 1877 “ ............ 1877M “ .......... 1888 “ ............ 1888M “ ............ 1899 “ ............ 1899M “ ............ 1899LM “ ............ 1901 C ylinder........ D 1901 “ ......... 1901C C a m ............. 1902 C ylinder........ D 1902 ........ “ 1902C C a m ............. 1902D B ar............... 1902E Connecting Screw 1903 Dummy C ylinder. 1903A “ 1903C “ 1904 C ylinder........ D 1904 “ ......... 1904C C a m ............. 1905 C ylinder........ 1906C Pins.............. 1906MKW afers.. . . 1906MD Discs......... 1907 Springs. . . 1908 Screw ....... 1909 Discs....... 1910 1911 Cylinder Ring 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916F “ 1916R “ 1917 1918 1919 1920 False Back. . .
306 306 106 106 106 307 307 307 307 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 307 307 307 307 307 307 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 111 111 113 111 111 113 113 113 111 111 111 111 111 113 111 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112
iL INDEX, Cont. rago 112
114 112 112
114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 322 377 403 376 369 381 381 315 387 382 ■371 321 333 385 317 311
1990 Cyl. PIdlea. 136- 319 1990D ■■ 319 136 1991 136 1991 1991 136 136 1991 136 1991 136 1991 1991 136 1991 369 136 1991 1991 136 1991 371 1991 385 1991 136 1991 136 1991 136 1991 136-348 1991 136-320 1992 136 2001 Rose. . . . . 129 02001 . . , . 129 200 IB . . . . 129 02001 B . . . . 129 2002 . .. . 129 02002 .. .. 129 2002B . . . . 129 02002B . .. . 129 2003 . . . , 129 02003 .. .. 129 2004B . . . . 129 02004B . . .. 129 02005 .. . . 129 2012 . . . . 129 2013 . . . . 129 2013H . . . . 129 2013K H . . . . 130 2014 . . . . 129 2015 . .. . 130 2017 . . . . 130 2018 . .. . 130 2019 . . . . 130 . . . . 130 2019K 2020 .. .. 130 2020F . . . . 130 2021 . . . . 130 202 IF . . . . 130 . . . . 254 AF 2090 AF02090 . . . . 254 AH 2090 . . . . 322 AP 2090 . . . . 377 . . . . 285 BT 2090 BT 02090 , . . . 285 . . . . 376 Cl 2090 CE 2090 , . . . 375 CN 2090 . . . . 353 DM 2090 “ 357 LC 2090 “ 367 MB 2090 “ 274 MB02090 “ .............274 MB 2090>^ “ ...............274 M B02090K “ ...............274 MF 2090 “ 301 MF02090 “ .............301 MD 2090 “ 369 MD 02090 “ 369 NA 2090 “ 381 NE 2090 “ 315 OH 2090 “ 345 PC 2090 “ 331 PL 2090 “ 382 373 I PR 2090 YR YR AD AG AV BT CT EH HP MD NW PN RO SG ST TR VC VN YT PN
RF 2090 Rose. . . RO 2090 “ ... R 002090 “ ... RW 2090 “ ... SD 2090 “ ... SG 2090 “ .... VN 2090 “ .... YV 2090 “ .... WT 2090 “ .... YC 2090 “ .... YE 2090 “ .... YL 2090 “ .... YM 2090 “ .... YN 2090 “ .... YR 2090 “ .... YT 2090 “ .... AF 2091 “ .... AF02091 “.... AH 2091 “ .... LC 2091 “ .... NE 2091 “ .... RW 2091 “ .... YV 2091 “ .... YR 2091 “ .... RW 2092 “ .... RW 2093 “ .... MC 2100 Lockset MS 2100 “ .... J 0 2 1 0 2 X K n o b s... J 02102X M “ . . . . M 0 2 10 2X “ ... M 02102XM “ ... P 0 2 1 0 2 “ . .. P 02102>^ “ ... 2161 “ ... 2162X “ ... 2162>^ “ ... 211H A “ .. 2112]/^ “ .. D
21 8 2 X 2201^
391 371 371 321 333 385 348 31 7 31 1 256 25R 316 318 257 319 320 254 254 322 367 315 321 317 319 321 321 298 302 118 118 118 118 118 118 278 280 282 286 288 290 292 298 300 302 119 119 119 1 19 119 119 1 19 119 119 119 119 119 1 18 118 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 120 123
2201 ^ L o c k se t........ a 2201 u 2201^ u 2201^ 11 2202 a 2202 u 2202 u 2202 u 2202 u 2202 u 2202 K u 2202)4 u 2202}^ u 2202)4 a 2202X a 2221^ u 2221H a 2221^ a 2 2 2 iy i a 222H A u 222H A u 2221H u 222I X a 2221^ a 2221^ u 2222 a 2222 u 2222 u 2222 (1 2222 a 2222X u 2222X u 2222X u 2222}4 u 2222X u 2222% u 22 2 2 yi a 22 2 2 yi a 22 2 2 yi 2243L Strike........ a 2244J a 2244>^J a 2244^1 u 2245J 2245 J^ “ .................. 477 YT 5590 “ 320 5605 Screen Door'Latch 210 05605 “ 210 210 5606 “ 05606 “ 210 210 5621 “ 210 05621 “ 5625 “ 210 05625 “ 210 5630 “ 211 05630 “ 211 211 5635 “ 211 05635 “ 211 5640 “ 254 AF 5670 Lockset 254 AF 5670V “ 322 AH 5670 “ 322 AH 5670V “ 337 “ VT 5670 337 VT 5670V “ , 316 YL 5670 , 316 YL 5670V “ , 318 YM 5670 “ 318 YM 5670V 5801 Drawer Pulls 212
05801 Drawer Pulls 212 212 5802 212 05802 5803 “ “ 212 212 05803 212 5805 212 5806 5807 212 05807 212 212 5808 212 05808 5811 213 5812 “ 213 213 5813 213 05813 5814 213 05814 “ 213 213 5816 213 05816 “ 5817 213 AR 5890 Drop P ull. . . 279 279 AR 05890 AW 5890 281 281 AW 05890 YT 5890 320 YT 5891 320 5901 Flush Drawer Pull 214 214 5902 “ 214 5903 “ “ 5904 “ “ “ 214 5905 “ “ “ 214 214 6001 Shutter Knob 6 0 0 ID Drawer “ 214 214 6002 Shutter “ 6002D Drawer “ 214 214 6003 Shutter “ 214 6003D Drawer “ 6004 Shutter “ 214 6004D Drawer “ 214 6005 Shutter “ 214 6005D Drawer “ 214 6006 Shutter “ 214 6006D Drawer “ 214 6007 Shutter 214 6007D Drawer 214 Cl 6090 K nobs... . 376 NE 6090 315 LC 6090 367 RW 6090 321 SM 6090 361 YL 6090 316 YM 6090 318 YR 6090 319 YT 6090 320 YV 6090 317 D 6201XD 215 EF 6201XD 215 6201XD G 215 H 216 6201 KD JF 6201XD 215 K 62013^ “ “ 476
2800 Butts............ 482 2802 “ ............... 482 2804HT “ ............ 482 2804TP “ ............ 482 2804V^K “ ............ 482 2806HT “ ............ 482 2806TP “ ............ 482 2806WK “ ............ 482 2810 Shutter Fasts 481 481 2811 481 2812 481 2813 481 2820 481 2821 481 2822 481 2823 481 2826 2900 Case Fasts. . . 474 2900WK “ “ . . . 474 2901 “ “ . . . 474 2901WK “ “ . . . 474 2902 “ “ . . . 474 2902WK “ “ . . . 474 2904 “ “ . . . 474 474 2905 “ “ 2906 Case Fast . . . 474 2907 “ “ . . . 474 2908 “ “ . . . 474 474 2909 “ “ 2930V/K Bolts.............. 475 9939WK “ 475 3000 Chimney Iron 483 483 3001 483 3002 3008WK Kick Plate Ends.......... 463 3009WK Kick Plate Ends.......... 463 3010 Foot Scraper 473 3011 “ “ 473 3015 Kick P late. . . 463 3016 “ “ . .. 463 4302HT Latch Set. . . . 470 4302TP “ “ . , . . 467 4302WK “ “. . . . 459 4304HT “ “ _ 470 4304TP “ “ . . .. 467 4304V\/K “ “ .. . . 459 4305WK “ “ .. . . 459 23122X Bolt........ 441 23123X “ ......... 441 23124X “ ......... 441 NL 23124X “ ......... 441 23127X “ ......... 441 23129X “ ......... 441 23129>^X “ ........ 441 23130X “ ......... 441 NL 23141X “ ......... 441 23722X “ ........ 441 23724X “ ......... 441 NL 23724X “ ......... 441 23730X “ ........ 441 NL 2 3 7 4 IX “ ........ 441 50584WK Lockset. . 457 50680WK “ 457 68584WK “ 457 68680WK “ 457 69584WK “ 457 69680WK “ 457 61122V Bolt........ 439 61123V “ ......... 439 61124V “ ......... 439 NL 61124V “ ......... 439
NUMERICAL INDEX, Cont. 61127V Bolt U 61129V 61129>^V U (C 61130V u NL 61141V u 61722V (( 61724V (I NL 61724V a 61730V u NL 61741V a 71122U a 71123U a 71124U u NL 71124U u 71127U a 71129U 71129KU u a 71130U a NL 71141U u 71172U a 71722U u 71724U ^
5 U ° 5 ° " '." “*5r3“ " ‘ ...........................................................................: ^
Locks, Bit Key for Knobs, for H otel Interior R oom Doors, Flat
............................ . 4 K x3 3 8x'%^ eyixiK
2K 2>^ 2>^ 2K 2>^
2K 2K IK 2K 2K 2J< 2K
1^x1 2^x2 2^x2> < IK
*2 *2X
Locks, B it Key By Turn Knob, for Knobs, for H otel B ath room Locks, Flat Front 5 56.................................................................................................................. 5 } ix 3 s sx^^Xe Locks, B it Key for Knobs, for H otel C o m m u n ic a tin g Doors, Flat Front 5Kx3:^sx'3^6' 7Kx1'-^ 557. Locks, Cylinder, for Knobs, for H otel Corridor Doors, Flat Front :„ _ ,, „ , 521 and 5 2 2 .................................................................................................. 5 n 5"SX3>2X-’4 : 7 3 4 X1 531, 532, 533, 535, 536 and 5 3 7 ...................................................... 6jsx3-’ sx"s 8 x l ^ 542, 543, 544 and 5 4 5 ......................................................................... Locks, Cylinder, for Knobs, for A p a rtm en t E n trance Doors,; F lat Front ' ’ , 525, 526, 527 and 52 8 ............................................................................... 1 5-8x3K x-'4 : i - ^ x l Locks, B it Key, for Knobs, for F ront Entrance Doors, F lat 1 Front I 600, 6 0 0 ^ , 610 and 610J^x'V[6 8 x l K 5 ^ x 2 y i i x ^ iy ix\V % 5 ^ x 3 ^ x j ^ 7|4^xl yi 6 x 3 j^ x i“/f6 8 x \ y i 5^x2 7f^xP.^6 1K x l
2 K x ”/i'e
IVfexl >^xK 1^ x 2 x % 2 x 2 K x '% 2 x2Kx"/i6
2yax^^X(, 3yxy 4 xpi 4 xUyfe
2)4x1 K’xVe 4 X ^
2 |4 x 3 K x K 1Kx3Kx°/l6
3 xy£ 3yxYi 4 xlWe 4 K x i Yi 8 xl K 8 xl
1 K x l^ x '/fe
1 K x2 x % 2 x2Kx"/i6 2 x2Kx"/i6 2 x 3 |4 x ^ 2K x3>ixJ
x3 yki} V16 6
xl K
x3>^x 13_^6
xl K
3^x3^x^ 6
5^ x 1 6K xi K x3^x^^/{e 8 x l K
3 ^x2 K x% 4>^ *2>^ 2^ 2yi
^ 2^^ 2>^ 2J
3|^x2> i 4 > < x 2 X x il4 6> ^
^ y ix y i
Locks, Cylinder, for Knobs, for Office Entrance Doors, Flat Front 781................ 5p^3^x^ iH x ly i 691, 692, 790, 792, 793, 9691, 9692, 9790, 9792 and 9793; 6 x3>^x^3/f6 8 x l X 760................................. 5 x3^x^ 7 x iy i Locks, Cylinder, for Knobs, for Office Entrance Doors, R ab beted Front 6 9 IR and 692R.....................................
2M'x2 X
2K 2>^ 2>^ 2J
2^x2 2^x2X
Type of Lock and List Number
6 x3>gxi3^6 8 x l K Locks, B it Key, for One E ntrance H andle and One Knob F lat Front ’ 620, 620 621 and 621 .......................................................... 4X x35^xJ< 6 K X P . 4 Locks Cylinder, Front, for One Entrance H andle and One Knob, F lat Front 630, 631, and 6 3 3 ........................................... 636, 637, and 6 3 9 ................................................... ................................... 5 J ^ 3 K x J < 7 ^ x 1 H ^Add 1 inch to Special Backsets for width of case................................ 5 p i x 3 } ^ x ^ l ^ x l 595 and 95 9 5 .................................
^x3K xf^ 6 x3j^x^3^
7 j< x ^ 8 x l^
Locks, Cj^inder, Front, for One Entrance H andle and One IVnob, Kabbeted Front 6 3 0R ..................... 595R............................................................................................................... 5 ^ x 3 8Kxl=/f6 *Add 1 inch to Special Backsets for width of c a s e ................................ 6 x3j4xi^^e 8 ^ x 1 3^
‘" oS.'iSlStetFSAt"**' 730V................... 630V................. 633V ....................... 595V and 9595V. . .
................................................................ 5 > ix 3 K x f^ ............................................................ 5 j4 x 3 y ix } ^ .................................................... 5 p i x 3 } ^ x ^ 6 x3Hx^3^e
ly ix ^ , l y ^ x l yk 7j< x l 8 x lK
Special Backset Inches
■^2-' ,x2>4'
2K 21^x2 2K 2K 2K 2rU^ 2K x2 2-’^x3^x|4^
Locks, Cylinder, Entrance, for Two Handles, Flat Front ....................................... 2->,-3-3i^-33 4-4 584 586 and 587 ............................... 585 ....................................... 590 591 592 593 9590 9591 9592 and 9 5 9 3 ................................ *Add 1 inch to Special Backsets for width of case. Locks, Cylinder, Entrance, for Two Handles, R abbeted Front .SR4P ................................... ............. 590R 5 9 IR 592R and 593R ................................... Locks, Cylinder, Vestibule, for Two Handles, Flat Front ............... 592V and 9592 V . ............................................................
5 ■x.3Y'f'Y^ 5^x3>^x^ 5 x 3 ^ x j^ 6 xS^^x'Ve
6>^xl Y
lY^xWxn, x lY x \Y 7 x lY 8 x lY 7 7
5 6
x3j!^x;^ 7^xl®/f6 x3>^x^3^6 8 J^xl
y.3Y«i}^/{(, 8 x lY
Locks, Cylinder, Vestibule, for Two Handles, Rabbeted Front : 592VR ........................................... 6
2Vt, 2Y^ 2Y 2Y
*2-2 *2-2 K
Locks, B it Key, Dead, Rabbeted Front 962R................................................................................................................ 3
2 J^xl Yi
2Y 2^ 2K
x3 Y ^ Y
Locks, B it Key, Dead, for Hotels, Flat Front 9 0 1 ^ .............................................................................................................
2 Y2
2Y 2Y 2 Y2
Locks, B it Key, Dead, Flat Front 9 6 2 .................................................................................................................. 961, 961 Y and 961 ^ M K ......................................................................... 963, 963 Y and 963|^MK......................................................................... 964, 9 6 4 ^ and 964^ M K ......................................................................... *Add J^-inch to Special Backsets for width of case.
*2 H -2Y -3-3H *2-23Y-3-3Y-4 *2-2 ^ -3 *1Y~ ^Y~ ^Y'2~2 Y
Locks, Cylinder, Dead, Flat Front 965, 965T and 9 6 5 ............................................................................... *Add ^-inch to Special Backsets for width of case. 9 7 2 ................................................................................................................ 966, 966T and 9 9 6 Y ................................................................... 967, 967T, 967>^, 968, 968T and 9 6 8 K .............................. *Add 1 inch to Special Backsets for width of case. 974, 974T and 9 7 4 ............................................................... 969, 969T and 969Y ................................................................... 971, 971T, 971 9971, 9971T and 9971 ......................... *Add 1 inches to Special Backsets for width of case.
S Y x iY 4>^xl Y
3;5^x2 Y ^ H 2 Y x 3 Y t^ H
3Y'^3Y2x Y% 5 Y ^ ^ Y 3Y&2>Yi-xY% S Y ^ ^ Y 4>^x3 YnxY% 6 Y ^ 1 Y 6 x3>^x '3^6 8 x l Y
4 ■**
N o. 9—S t a n d a r d i z e d S t r i k e B o lt O p e n i n g s C u t t o F i t B o lts o£ L o c k s S p e c ifie d
F ront
S ta n d a r d C ase
MORTISE CYLINDER LOCKS T he locks d e s c rib e d below a re S ta n d ard ize d M ortise C y lin d e r Locks w h ic h co n fo rm to th e U.S. S ta n d a rd s a d o p te d by th e Hollow M etal Association. All locks h a v e uniform c a se size, thickness, ba c k se t a n d strike, m aking it possible to provide one sta n d a rd m ortise for all locks listed below .
Case Front, flat Strike, flat 5 ^ " x l > < " x lip h e ig h t 3> ^"xl2-24 flat h e a d m a c h in e screw s. Mortise Knob Latches Number 9141 9184 9185
Description of Operation Latch Bolt By Knobs from both sid e s...................................... Latch Bolt By Knobs from both sides— inch throw . . . Latch Both By Knobs from both sides, Auxiliary Latch Bolt—
Page 5 8 8
inch throw
M ortise Cylinder Latch 9187
Latch Bolt By Key from outside. Auxiliary Latch Bolt—
inch throw
9971 997 IT 9971
Dead Bolt By Key, one side............................................................ Dead Bolt By Key, one side. Turn Knob other side............. Dead Bolt By Key from both sides...............................................
Mortise Dead Lock
oz PO 82
(SAGER)---- --------MORTISE CYLINDER LOCKS. Cont. M ortise E ntrance Door Locks for H andles Number 9590 9591 9592 9592V 9593 9595 9595V
Description of Operation
Handles, both sides, Latch Bolt and Dead Bolt By Key both sid e s......................................................................... Handles, both sides. Latch Bolt and Dead Boll By Key, both sides, hold back feature..................................... Handles, both sides, Latch Bolt and Dead Bolt By Key, both sides with stop works.......................................... Handle, both sides. Latch Bolt only. By Key outside................................................................................................ Handles, both sides. Latch Bolt and Dead Bolt By Key, out side Turn Knob inside.......................................... Handle outside. Knob inside. Latch Bolt and Dead Bolt by key............................................................................. Handle outside. Knob inside. Latch Bolt only, By Key outside...............................................................................
63 63 64 65 64 58 59
M ortise Locks w ith Dead Bolt and Latch B olt for Knobs 9690 9691 9692
Latch Bolt By Knobs both sides. Dead Bolt By Key and Knob, stopwork............................................................. Latch Bolt By Knobs both sides. Dead Bolt By Key and Turn Knob...................................................................... Latch Bolt By Knobs both sides. Dead Bolt By Key both sid e s...............................................................................
38 40 40
M ortise Locks w ith Latch B olt Only 9690V 9790 9792 9793 9796 9797
Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch
Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt
By By By By By By
Knobs both sides, stopworks in front.................................................................................................. Knobs both sides, stopworks in front. Auxiliary Latch Bolt............................................................ Knobs, both sides, stopworks in front, yi," throw ........................................................................... Knobs both sides, stopworks in front. Auxiliary Latch, throw................................................ Knobs, outer Knob set by inside cylinder Auxiliary Latch Bolt.................................................... Knobs, outer Knob set by inside cylinder Auxiliary Latch Bolt....................................................
39 42 43 43 71 71
M ortise Em ergency Lock 9794 9880 9881 9885 9886
Latch Bolt By Knobs both sides. Key outside, Stopworks By Inside C y lin d er.................................................... Latch Bolt By Handle outside. Knob inside at all tim es........................................................................................... Latch Bolt By Handle outside. Knob inside at all times, holdback feature.......................................................... Handles both sides........................................................................................................................................................... Handles both sides, holdback feature..........................................................................................................................
70 72 72 73 73
REGULAR LOCKS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS “TO TEMPLATE” Specify w h e n r e g u la r locks, latc h e s or m iscellaneous item s a re r e q u ir e d to b e m a d e "to te m p la te ." A b lu e p rin t sh o w in g e x a c t m ea su rem e n ts will b e fu rn ish ed co v e rin g th e p a rtic u la r re q u ire m e n ts . If p h y sic a l tem p late s a re r e q u ir e d th ey will b e fu rn ish ed u n finished a n d c h a rg e d for at one-half th e p ric e of th e re g u la r finished item. Locks a n d la tc h e s "to te m p la te " sh o u ld b e specified with box strikes to cover th e unfin ish ed a p p e a r a n c e of th e m etal jam b, unless m etal door m an u fa c tu re r has furn ish ed built in box.
T em plates, Strikes and M achine Screw Sym bols Use the following symbols, whenever possible, as a suffix to lockset numbers Symbol MS TMS CBS WBS TSMS TCBSMS TWBSMS
—Packed with machine screws, not made to template. —To template and with machine screws. —Cast box strike, only furnished when specified. —W rought box strike, only furnished when specified. —Template strike only, with machine screws. —Template cast box strike, with machine screws. — Template wrought box strike, with machine screws. —Template hardware packed with wood screws, use letter "W " in place of letter "M"
fSAGERj-------- ------------------------------
FIRE UNDERWRITERS’ REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDERWRITERS’ LABELED SWINGING HOLLOW METAL AND METAL CLAD PANELED KALAMEIN FIRE DOORS We have prepared for your convenience the following schedule and data which are subject to the approval of the authorities having jurisdiction. For Hardware that is listed for use on Labeled Doors, refer to the latest "U nderwriters' Laboratories List of Inspected Fire Protec tion Appliances" and "Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Protection of Openings in Walls and Partiiions against Fire." Hardware for Hollow M etal and K alam ein Fire Doors in C lass B, C, D, or E S itu a tio n s, n o t over 8 feet in height. D oors in P a irs
Sin gle D oors
BUTTS— . 134 ga. steel 4 K "— Full M ortise, H alf S u rfa c e o r Full S u rfa c e — s e e n o te 1. o r .1 8 0 ga. b ro n z e 4 ^ " — Full M o rtise— s e e n o te 1. *DOOR CLOSERS— Self-Closing o r H e a t A c tu a te d (F usible Link) T yp e — see n o te 2. LOCKS— S in g le p o in t L atch w ith th ro w ;— Nos. 1 8 4-9184, 185, 9 1 8 5 , 187, 9 1 8 7 , 7 9 2 , 9 7 9 2 , 7 93, 9 7 9 3 , 7 9 7 , 9 7 9 7 .
BUTTS— . 13 4 g a . stee l 4 K " — Full M ortise, H alf S u rfa c e orF u U S u rfa ce — s e e n o te 1. o r . 1 8 0 g a . b ro n z e 4 J 4 " — Full M ortise— s e e n o te 1. * D O O R C LO SE R S— S e lf-C lo sin g o r H e a t A c tu a te d (Fusible Link) Type — s e e n o te 2. A C TIV E D O O R — S in g le p o in t L a tc h w ith K " th ro w ;— (V O N DUPRIN No. 22%, 2 4 f< , N L 24J< a n d 2 4 3 0 K w h e n u s e d w ith T y p e s B^, V i, a n d X. IN A C TIV E D O O R — T o p a n d B ottom T h ro w o r Self-L atch in g B o l t s ; (V O N DUPRIN No. 1 1 2 7 K B 2 , 6 1 1 2 7 K V a n d 2 3 1 2 7 J < X .) C o -o rd in a to r o r I n te r f e r e n c e D e v ic e (VON DUPRIN No. 1 2 4 3 x 1244) s e e n o te 3.
C lassification
S in g le, F e e t S ituations Situations Situations S ituations Situations Situations
In C o rrid o r a n d Room P a rtitio n s .........................................
[ r
4 x 10
8 x 10
6 x 10
"B " "C " "D " "E " "D " ” E"
I n P a irs, F e e t
C lass C lass C lass C lass C lass C lass
K a lam ein D oors
H ollo w M etal D oors
L o cation of O p e n in g s
S in g le , F e e t
In Pairs, F eet
C an n o t b e a r Label 1 4x10 1 8x10
In E xterio r W a lls (M o d erate F ire E x p o s u re ).................. To Exterior F ire E scap es (S ev ere F ire E x p o s u re ). . . . To E xterior F ire E scap es (M o d erate F ire E xposure) . . 1
6 X 10
Notes referred to in above : 1.
SPA C IN G O F BUTTS— D oors no t e x c e e d in g 5 feet in h e ig h t a re to b e p ro v id e d w ith at le a st tw o butts. Doors o v er 5 feet in h e ig h t a re to b e p ro v id e d w ith o n e b u tt for e a c h '1% fe e t in h e ig h t o r fraction thereof. BRONZE BUTTS c a n b e u sed only w h e n jam b of th e fram e is p ro v id e d w ith a steel stud a n d re a r e d g e of d o o r w ith a steel socket or v ice v ersa. O n e stud a n d socket to b e p ro v id e d for e a c h butt.
D O O R CLOSERS It is essential to d e te rm in e from local au th o rities th e e x a c t ty p e of C losing M ech an ism w h ich is c o n s id e re d satisfactory for a p a rtic u la r installation.
C O -ORDINATORS or INTERFERENCE DEVICES a re not specifically m e n tio n e d in th e U n d erw riters' Listings, b u t a re c o n sid e re d as a p a r t of th e In activ e Door H a rd w are a n d d e e m e d n e c e s sa ry so as to a ss u re th e closing of th e in activ e d o o r first.
4. SU RFA CE APPLIED HARD W A RE is to b e s e c u r e d to K a lam ein Doors b y b o ltin g th r o u g h door; to H ollow M etal D oors w ith M a c h in e S c re w s into steel re in fo r c e m e n ts o n th e in s id e of d o o r stiles o r rails. ^ D O O R S EQ U IP PED W ITH ONLY PULLS AND PU S H PLATES (w ith o u t latch) a re n o t a p p r o v e d a n d w ill n o t b e a r U n d e rw rite rs ' L abel. C ertific a te m ay b e o b ta in e d s h o u ld d o o rs b e c o n s tr u c te d to Under* w riters' sp ecificatio n s. ft O V ERLA PPIN G A STRA G A LS a r e r e q u i r e d o n b o th sid es of d o o rs in p a irs in C lass A S itu atio n s a n d o n o n e sid e o n ly of d o o rs in p a irs in C lass B, C, D, o r E S itu atio n s. 7 THE ULTIMATE P U R PO SE of H a r d w a r e r e q u i r e d for U n d e rw rite rs L a b e le d F ire D oors is to a s s u r e th a t d o o rs w ill c lo s e a n d la tc h a n d re m a in so d u r in g F ire E x p o su re .
LOCK MEASUREMENTS *“ * '1 w T d t h o f FRONT
OU r
u o BACKSF.T ►
Bit Key Inside Locks Bit Key Front Door Locks Spacings of Bath and Com' municating Locks are meas" ured from centers of knob hub and turn knob hub.
Cyhnder Knob Front Door Locks. Inside spacing of Cylinder Knob Front Door Locks with turn knob discs is measured from center of knob hub to center of disc spindle hole.
Cylinder Entrance Locks with Handle outside and Knob Trim Inside. Inside spacing of Cylinder Entrance Locks with Turn Knob discs is measured from center of Knob Hub to center of disc spindle hole.
St 2
Cylinder Entrance Lock with two handles. The spacing of Bit Key Handle Entrance Locks is measured from center of round part of key hole to bottom of lift.
( S A G E R ) ------------------
,20 19
18 1. F r o n t . 2. C a se . * 3. L a t c h B o lt , t 4. D e a d B o lt. 5. T o p K n o b H u b , B o t t o m K n o b H ub. 6. K n o b H u b L e ve r. 7. L a t c h B o l t S p r i n g . 8. T u r n K n o b H u b S p r i n g . 9. K n o b H u b L e v e r S p r i n g . 10. T o p S t o p . 11. B o t t o m S t o p . 12. S t o p L i n k . 13. I n t e r i o r K n o b S t o p . 14. S t o p S p r i n g , *15. L a t c h B o lt T a i l P ie c e , S p e c ify P a r t 3. 16. D r a w B a c k . 17. T u r n K n o b H u b . 18. C y l i n d e r S e t S c r e w . 19. D r a w B a c k L e v e r. 20. D r a w B a c k L e v e r S p r i n g . 21. C a p — N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . 22. C y l i n d e r a n d K e y s —N o t i l l u s tra te d . 23. S t r i k e —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d .
1. F r o n t . 2. C ase. * 3. L a t c h B o lt, t 4. D e a d B o lt. 5. K n o b H u b . 6. K n o b H u b L ever. 7. S p e c ify P a r t 5. 8. L a t c h S p r in g . 9. T u m b l e r S p r i n g . 10. K n o b H u b L ev er S p r in g . 11. T u m b l e r . f l 2 . D e a d B o lt T a il P iece, S pecify N o , 3. *^13. L a t c h B o lt T a i l P ie c e , S p ecify N o. 3. 14. S p e c ify P a r t 12. 15. C a p —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . 16. B i t K ey —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . 17. S t r i k e —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d .
* P a r t s 3 a n d 15 a r e o n e p ie c e .
12 II 10 9 13
5 6
^ P a r t s 3 a n d 13 a r e o n e p iece. f P a r t s 4 a n d 12 a r e o n e piece.
-1 9 -7 -1 8
1. F r o n t . 2. C ase. * 3. L a t c h B o lt. I 4. D e a d B o lt. 5. K n o b H u b . 6. D r a w B a c k . 7. T u m b l e r . 8. D r a w B a c k S p r i n g , B a r a n d W asher. * 9. L a t c h B o l t S p r in g , S p e c ify N o . 3. 10. T u m b l e r S p r in g , t i l . D e a d B o lt T a i l P iece. 12. S p e c ify P a r t 6, O n e P iece. 13. C a p —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . 14. B it K ey—N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . 15. S t r i k e —N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . ♦ P a r t s 3 a n d 9 a r e o n e p iece. t P a r t s 4 a n d 11 a r e o n e p iece.
-6 5
1. 2. C a s e . * 3. L a t c h B o l ts . t 4. D e a d B o lt. S. T o p K n o b H u b . J 6. B o t t o m K n o b H u b . 7. 8. 9. T o p S t o p S p r i n g . 10. D r a w B a c k S p r i n g , B a r a n d W asher. 11. C y l i n d e r S e t S c r e w . 12. T u m b l e r S p r i n g . 13. 14. 15. T o p S t o p , O n e P ie c e . 16. S t o p L i n k . 17. B o t t o m S t o p . *18. L a t c h B o l t T a i l P ie c e . 19. T u m b l e r . 20. T u r n K n o b C a m . t21. D e a d B o lt T a i l P ie c e . 22. D r a w B a c k . J23. 24. 25. C y l i n d e r a n d K e y s — N o t i l l u s tra te d . 26. S t r i k e — N o t i l l u s t r a t e d . ^ P a r t s 3 a n d 18 a r e o n e p ie c e . f P a r t s 4 a n d 21 a r e o n e p ie c e . J P a r t s 6 a n d 23 a r e o n e p ie c e .
SUGGESTIONS REGARDING SCHEDULING AND SPECIFICATION WRITING T he selling of B uilders' H a rd w a re sh o u ld b e e n tru s te d to m en w ho a re tem p e ra m e n ta lly fitted for close, careful, p ain sta k in g , detail w ork a n d w ho tak e g re a t p rid e a n d interest in this h ig h ly sp e cia liz e d v o cation. T h e se m en, of course, sh o u ld h a v e at th eir disposal a ttrac tiv e displays of sam ples, lo ca te d if p ossible in w ell fu rn ish e d sa m p le rooms, su ita b le for th e p ro p e r rec e p tio n of a rc h ite c ts a n d th e ir clients as well as o th e r p ro sp e c tiv e custom ers. T he B uilders' H a rd w a re m a n sh o u ld h a v e a b ro a d k n o w le d g e of locks, trim, m isc e lla n eo u s items, a n d th eir p r o p e r ap p lic a tio n . Next h e sh o u ld know how to in te rp re t specifications a n d p la n s a n d b e a b le to s u g g e st th e ty p e of locks, d e s ig n a n d h a rd w a re trim suitable for a p a rtic u la r b u ild in g , as w ell as to m ak e u p a s c h e d u le c o v e rin g all h a rd w a re re g u ire d . For th e b e n e fit of th e B uilders' H a rd w a re m an w ho m ay h a v e a lim ited k n o w le d g e of p lan s a n d sp ecifi cations, w e offer th e following suggestions. First r e a d th e specifications carefully, e sp ecially those u n d e r the h e a d in g s of " H a rd w a re C a rp e n try " a n d "M etal C o n tra c to r" , b e c a u s e fre g u e n tly th e re a re p a ra g r a p h s in different p a rts of a specification w h ic h m ay affect th e h a rd w a re . Som e a rc h ite c ts specify th e h a rd w a re r e g u ir e d for different types of o p e n in g s b y a n item ized specificatio n u sin g a m a n u fa c tu re rs' n u m b e rs for co m p a ra tiv e pu rp o ses, or b y g iv in g a g e n e ra l d e s c rip tio n of th e class of h a rd w a re re g u ire d , or by stating a do llar v a lu e allo w a n c e for all h a rd w a re com plete. T h e last m eth o d is not satisfactory b e c a u s e v ery ra re ly is th e a llo w a n c e e n o u g h to p ro v id e for th e p u r c h a s e of th e class of h a rd w a re in k e e p in g w ith th e b u ild in g . T he p la n s a r e d ra w n sh o w in g " e le v a tio n s" (view of outside walls as th e b u ild in g will look w h e n c o m p le te or in sid e w alls sh o w in g all o p e n in g s a n d interior trim) a n d "floor p la n s " g iv in g layout of e a c h floor. D etailed d ra w in g s sh o w in g doors, cabinets, etc., a re usually in c lu d e d on th e original p la n s a n d w h e n th ey a re show n, ta k e p r e c e d e n c e over floor or elev atio n d raw in g s. If a full size d ra w in g is fu rn is h e d it takes p r e c e d e n c e ov er all o th e r d raw in g s. S h o u ld th e re b e a co n tra d ic tio n of an y c o n s e g u e n c e , th e a rc h ite c t sh o u ld b e c o n su lte d b e fo re p ro c e e d in g . Plans a re usually d ra w n to a scale o f ^ - i n c h e g u a llin g 1 foot or )4-mch. e g u a llin g 1 foot, w h ic h c a n b e sc a le d for size, b u t for h a rd w a re th a t is m a n u fa c tu re d to e x a c t size, su c h as kick plates, p u s h a n d pull b a rs a n d exit bolts, it is safer to c h e c k w ith th e arch itect, c ontractor, or to s e c u r e m ea su re m e n ts at th e b u ild in g w h e n possible. W h e n you b e g in to " ta k e off" h a rd w a re from plans, few er c h a n c e s for e rro rs will o c c u r if you establish a definite ro u tin e a n d follow it. For exam ple, start w ith th e floor p la n of b asem en t, listing exterior doors first; th e n follow a ro u n d th e b a s e m e n t listing all doors, ca b in e ts a n d w indow s. S tart n e x t w ith th e first floor, listing th e m a in e n tr a n c e door first, th e n follow a ro u n d listing e a c h door in m ain sechon, follow ed b y th e listing of all o th er doors. After doors a re listed start w ith c a b in e ts a n d follow w ith c a se m e n t w indow s a n d d o u b le -h u n g w indow s. U se this ro u tin e for all o ther floors, th e only ex c ep tio n b e in g th at w h e n " ta k in g off" a n a p a rtm e n t, hotel, etc., w h e re th e re is a typical a rra n g e m e n t e ith e r b y a p a rtm e n ts or floors, in w h ic h c a se g ro u p u n d e r o n e h e a d in g all o p e n in g s w h ic h a re alike. It is advisable, w h e n listing o p e n in g s , to in c lu d e th em all; a n d u n d e r o p e n in g s not in h a rd w a re c o n tra c t m ak e a note, "N ot in this c o n tra c t" ; th e n if a contro v ersy d e v e lo p s you a re p ro te c te d . W h e n listin g different o p e n in g s, fill in c o m p lete details if th ey a re show n a n d it will sav e c o n s id e ra b le tim e afterw ard s, e sp ec ia lly if d o o r closers or p u s h bars, etc., a re to b e o rd e re d . T he size a lre a d y w o u ld b e listed on th e s c h e d u le a n d w o u ld not h a v e to b e looked up, or if a d o o r size sh o u ld b e c h a n g e d w ith out y o u r k n o w le d g e a n d th e h a rd w a re fu rn ish e d w ould not fit, you c o u ld easily d e te rm in e from y o u r s c h e d u le th a t it w as not y o u r fault, entitling you to a n " e x tra " if a n y e x p e n se w as in c u rre d .
DOOR DETAILS C h e c k d o o rs for width, h eig h t, thickness, w idth of stile, h a n d ; a n d th e e d g e of th e lock stile for ty p e of lock front, w h e th e r flat, a n g le or bevel, rab b e t, astra g al or r o u n d e d e d g e . C h e c k w idth a n d thickness, to g e th e r w ith th e p ro je c tio n of th e door fram e trim a n d th e d e g r e e th e d o o r will o p e n . D e te rm in e th e size of b u tts r e g u ir e d . T he w idth of th e lock stile will d e te rm in e th e b a c k se t of th e lock, th e size of e s c u tc h e o n a n d knob, p u ll or lever, w h ic h m ust c le a r th e door fram e stop w h e n d o o r is o p e n e d a n d c losed. T h e c e n te r of th e keyhole, c y lin d e r h o le or k n o b h u b sh o u ld b e in th e c e n te r of th e lock stile. O th e r d e ta ils to c h e c k a re th e h eig h t, w h ic h d e te rm in e s th e le n g th of c re m o n e or flush bolts, sh o u ld they b e re q u ir e d ; th e thickness, w h ic h d e te rm in e s th e le n g th of c y lin d e r a n d s p in d le a n d w id th of lock front; a n d th e h a n d , w h ic h d e te rm in e s th e b e v e l r e q u ir e d on la tc h bolts. C h e c k d o o r trim to d e te rm in e le n g th of lip of strike so th at latc h bolt will not com e in co n ta c t w ith th e wood. To d e te rm in e th e p r o p e r len g th of lip, d ra w a lin e on th e door fram e r e b a te from w h e re th e c e n te r of e d g e of d o o r w o u ld b e w h e n
(SAGER) closed to a point half the d istan ce th at th e trim p ro je c ts from th e p la s te re d wall. Note if th e re a r e any operating transom s over doors. C h e c k slidinc^ d o o rs for le n g th of r u n of trackj also w h eth er sinc^le or double astragal, to d e term in e th e ty p e of lock front. C h e c k fire d o o rs to d ete rm in e if tin clad, k a la m e in or metal a n d if fire u n d e rw riters' h a rd w a re is r e q u ir e d .
WINDOW DETAILS Note m eeting rails w h e re sash faste n ers a r e a p p lie d a n d bo tto m rail a n d sill to se e if th e re is space enough for sta n d a rd h a rd w a re . If th e r e a r e in sid e s c re e n s , c h e c k s p a c e b e tw e e n bottom rail of sash a n d screen to determ in e type of sash lift r e q u ir e d .
FRENCH OR CASEMENT WINDOWS Note h a n d a n d w h e th e r sw ing is in or out; th e w idth a n d th ic k n e ss of th e v e rtic a l rails or m eeting rails or pairs of sash; also th e type of m e e tin g rail, if r a b b e te d , etc . C h e c k bottom rail a n d stool for casem ent adjusters. If c re m o n e bolts a re used, g iv e h e ig h t a n d d e ta il of sill a n d h e a d for strikes. Also check for h eig h t of o p e ra tin g k n o b or lever.
CABINETS Details should b e very carefully c h e c k e d for p ro je c tin g m o u ld in g s w h ic h a re often u se d for a d o rn m ent b u t necessitate la rg e r size butts. Note la tc h rails a n d e d g e of d o o rs to d e te rm in e type of latch; also if doors a re flush or offset a n d th e h a n d or sw in g of door. C h e c k d ra w e rs for thickness a n d b a n d moulds in case locks a re used, th e th ick n ess for le n g th of n o se a n d th e m o u ld s for d ro p of lock. C heck for m edicine cabinets, milk cabinets, se c re t doors a n d p a n e ls, p ip e shafts, h o se cabinets, sw itch boxes, plum bing cabinets, shoe cabinets, w indow seats, ra d ia to r e n c lo s u re s a n d clo th es chutes.
SHUTTERS C heck details of w indow casings for p ro p e r size h in g e s or b u tts to a s su re e n o u g h th ro w to allow shutters to lie against wall.
SKYLIGHTS C h e c k for o p e ra tin g skylights to d e te rm in e ty p e of o p e ra to r a n d h in g e s if a n y a re re q u ir e d .
TRANSOMS C h e c k details for inform ation c a lle d for on P a g e No. 2 1 9 in o r d e r to se le c t p r o p e r tran so m lifter, if to b e used.
SPECIFICATION WRITING ArchUecte ofte^^ ^ co m p lete specification for th e F inishing H a rd w a re a n d in o rd e r to p ro v id e IS n e JDuiiders H a rd w a re Expert is fre q u e n tly r e q u e s te d to re c o m m e n d th e h a r d w a r e b e st suited reqiX r^d consideration, a n d to p r e p a r e a c o m p lete sp e cific a tio n s h o w in g w h a t m ate ria l will followed a n d th e details c o n su lte d to m a k e s u re th a t th e h a rd w a re cost th ^ i t e m ^ details d raw n. W h e re th e details r e q u ir e sp e cia l m aterial, invo lv in g additional S l l b S i S X S e th i ^ c h a n g e in the fOT what^Durcx^e
h a r d _ ^ r e it is n e c e ssa ry th at inform ation b e o b ta in e d in d ic a tin g
room is £ u 5 l y d e t e t S o T f t e " d * o p im i? rIia y T e ® T llrt^ ^
SnTr“ ^ “
r a tX
‘u * ' i 't ^ f n a t i o n , the c o rre c t h a rd w a re r e g u i r e d for ev e ry type
;tafslSIc^1r&^^^^ e S
im S T ta d lJ c r ita lh e ta X ^ ^ ^ ^ finish a n d m aterial.
« ‘h e r a d e sc rip tiv e specificom plete w ritten detail, listing th e sizes, o p e ra tio n , d e sig n ,
In th e s c h e d u le type of specification, it is necessn rv to of opening, th e type of h a rd w a re r e q u ir e d by listina catalog n u m b ers. ^
i m e a c h o p e n in g , or e a c h c h a r a c te r m a n u fa c tu re r's c o m p a ra b le p ro d u cts, by
SUGGESTED METHOD OF COMPILING A HARDWARE SCHEDULE FROM PLANS (See P a g e N u m b ers 66A, 67 A a n d 68A for schedule) XCa I//I T £ 0
These plans are not typical, but arranged to show as many dif ferent types of openings as possible.
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SUGGESTED METHOD OF COMPILING A HARDWARE SCHEDULE FROM PLANS (See P a g e N um bers 66A, 67A a n d 68A for schedule) These plans are not typical, bu t arranged to show as many different types of openings as possible.
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